'1 %.j 4 %%,,~w " STANDARD EDUCATIOArL WORKS. Siglar. English Grammar. I2mo. Boards......................... $o 70 Step. Plant Life. i2mo............................................... 25 bumner. Problems in Political Economy.................................. 2 Taine. English literature. Condensed for Schools. i2mo.............. 75 White. Classic Literature.... mo............................... 2 0o Witt. Classic Mythology. i2mo................................. 25 Yonge (Miss). landmarks of History. 1. Ancient. i2mo. 95c.: II. Mediaeval. i2mo, $i.oo; III. Iodern. 12ino, $1.30; Kings of England. 6no......................................... 95 Zeller. Greek Philosophy.........................I.............. 75 FR: N C H. ASsop. Fables in French. With a Dictionary. i8mo.............6....... $ 6 Aliot-Boymier. les Auteurs Contemporaine. With Notes, 12mo...... 1 50 Aubert. 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Maistre(Euvres Completes, $1i40. I'rchat-'Irois Mois sous la Neige. 83 cents. Pressense-Rosa. With Vocab., $1.25. Saint-GermainPour une Epingle. With Vocab., 95 cents. Sand-Petite Fadettc, $1.25. Segur-Contes, $I.oo. Sotvestre-PhilosopJhe sous les 'olts, 75 cents. Borel. Gramma;re Francaise. 2mo.................................. i 60 Buckingham's Eugene. French Grammar and Exercises.,2mo....... I 60 - Elementary French Lessons. 2mo........................... 75 Bulwer. Lady of Lyons. For translating into French. By B. Maurice. 12m o...................................................... I 00 Delille. Condensed French Instruction. i8mo....................... 50 Fisher. Easy French Reading. With Vocabulary. 16mo.............. 95 Fleury. Histoire de France. I2mo............................... 40 - Ancient History. Translated, with Notes. 12mo............ 85 Gasc. French-English Dictionary. 8vo............................. 375 do. do. 18mo. Pocket Edition, $t.40. 2 vols. i 60 - Translator. 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Boards........................ 35 - Introductory French Lessons. 2mo............................... 25 - Introductory French Reader. 12110........................... oo Parlez-vous Francais? or Do You Speak French? z8mo. Boards... 5 Plays. College Series of Mfodern iFrench Plays. With Engllsh Notes by Prof. B6cher. I2mo. Paper. I.a joie Fait Peur, 30 cents; La Bataille des Dames, 35 cents; La Maison dc Penarvan, 35 cents; I i $ I I WHITNEY'S GERMAN TEXTS. Masterpieces of German Literature, anno. tated by leading instructors, under the editor. ship of Professor W. D. WHITNEY. 1. Leasing's Minna von lBarnhelm. Annotated by W. D. WHITNEY, P rofessor in Yale College. II. Schiller's Wilhelm Tell. Annotated by Prof A. SACHTLEBEN, Of Charleston, S. C., and edited by Prof. W. D. WHITNEY. 1III. Goethe's Faust. Annotated by WILLIAM COOK, Instructor in Harvard University, and edited by IProf W. D. WHITNEY. IV. Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris. Annotated by FRANKLIN CARTER, Professor of the German Language and Literature in Yale College, and edited Prof. WV. D. WHITNEY. V. Schiller's Maria Stuart. Annotated by E. S. JOYNES, Professor in Vanderbilt Uiliversity, and edited by Prof. W. D). WHITNEY. VI. Leasing's Nathan der Weise. Annotated by H. C. G. BRANDT, Asso.. ciate Prof. in Johns Hopkins Univer.. rsity, and edited by W, ID. WHITNEY. WHITNEY'S GERMAN TEXTS. OI~n SdjaurptrI loon A4 ~. von ( 0 0oef 0 c WITH A NIN TR ODUCTI ON AND NO0TES rf y FRANKLIN CARTER, PH.D., P~rofessor of the German Lan~quage and Literature in Yale College. EDITED BY WINVILL IA1%.M D)W IGII-T 9 WI11I ITNEX T, vProfessor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology and Instructor in Modern Languages in Yale College. NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY F. W. CHRISTERN BoSTON: CARL SCHP3NROF. COPYraGHT, By HENRY! HOLT & CO. 1879. NOTE. A German Grammar, and a Reader, with a Vocabulary on a somewhat new plan, was prepared, a few years ago, by the editor of the present series, in the hope of contributing something toward the advancement of German studies in this country. In reply to numerous and repeated solicitations, a compendious dictionary, on the plan of the Vocabulary to the Reader, has also recently been prepared. It has seemed desirable to add a series of texts for class use, with brief but careful annotation and explanation. For this purpose, texts have been selected which are already approved by long and frequent use, and the series is begun with Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, Schiller's Wilhelm Tell and Maria Stuart, Goethe's Faust (first part), and Iphigenie auf Tauris. The notes and introductions to the several works are by different scholars, in various parts of the country; but all under the guidance and revision of the general editor. April, 1879. I e r f o et. 3 pi g e n i e. Z t) o a 3, 9bnig bcr Saurier. Dre ft. '3 I I a b e C. r f a tc. a cTa u p i a t: Main t or Z)ianenn -eiLcl. i 9 I I rfter tuf ug. 1 i e n i e (anleit). )eraun in eure cfatten, rege S3ipfef ZeO atten, Ieit'gen, bilctbelaubten fainc, G3ie in ber Obttin jtitles geitiigtttum, Zret' icd noc iett mit fcautbernbent efiillt,;[t wenn id) fie ^um erftenmat betrite, Unb ea geiwoint fic nict mein ~eift bieiter. So manct)e J.atr berDabrt mid tbier Derborgen 10 sin io oer Stille, ben id) mid ergebe; Zo4 imrmer bin id, tie im erften, fremb. Zenn act! mic trennt bas Mleer Don ben ~eliebten Unb an bem Ufer fte)' ic ftange Zage, Z)ax anb ber tried)en mit ber (eele fu4enb; Unb gegen meine 2eutf3er brinttt bie S3eIe 9ur bumpfe Sone braufeub mir I)eriiber. G3etb bem, ber fern Don @(tern ntb seid)fiftern (in einfam Seben fiitrt! Q.tm Acert ber ~ram ZaO nai)fte tiicf uor feinen Vippet egq. 20 3tm rfn)tirmen abrtirt~ imtmer bie (ebaltfen 9lad) feinet 3ater Satlen, moo bie (onne,3nerft ben )immet bor itin aufdl)to[, lo - 6 cidc 9?itgeborne fpiceenb fcft ltnb fefter WMit fanften 3anlben an eitanbcr fniipften. cId red)te mit ben (6ttern nidtt; afIein )er & ranen Suftanb ift beflagOnimert). 3nt tau ltb in beCtm riegc I)errtfdt ber tOlann, Ulnb in ber arembte tuei ecr fid) tIu elfen. 3()n frenet ber Scfitl.; itn fi'rnt ber tieg! ~in et)renuo(ter Tob ift itin bereitet. UBie enggcbutben ift beW Qeibc ~ItiidE; ~d)on einem raut)en Catten an gel)ord)cn, 10 3ft S3ficIdt lub Zroft; mie tefeb, vuenn fie gar (in feinblicd Sd)fidfat in bie crne trcibt! ~o t)jdt mid) Zt)oao bier, ein ebter M3ann, 3n ertften, )eit'gen t2fauenbanben feft. ) ruie befd)dnt geftel' icd, bai ict bit Vit ftitlem n iberroitten biene, fottin, Zir meinert etterin! NPein Meben follte 3it freierm Zieufte bir geiuibmet fettn. tud) I)acb' id ftet alf bid) getofft tnb t)offe 9od) iett auf bid, Viane, bie bu mid), 20 5eO groiiten 6ntigeo terftogne Zocfter, Jn beinen t)eit'gen, fanften 2trm geinommen. 3qa, Zocdter 3eun, iuenn bu ben t)ot)en T ann, ent bit, bie Zod)ter forbcrnb, ingftigteft, Senn bu ben gottergteiden I gamemnon, Zer bir fein liebfte 3unt S2tltare brad)te, 8on Sroja' intmgeranbten 3tXauern riiimtid) Iad) jeinem Satertanb turiudbegteitet, )ie 6attin itm, (tettren unb ben SoIn, Vie fctinen ~cadte, rvol) ertaltenl I)at:' 30 Co gib anuc mic) ben MJieine en nbid) luieber, Unb rette miCd, bie bnt uort ob errettet, Iucd tDon bent 2ebec t ier, benm ^veiten Zobe. - 7 Weifer ojufriff. 3 p f~ 9c ltic. 1 r f a fi. 2 r k a!$. cer oni ti feltbet micd Iier(cr ultb beut )er 3riefterin Ziallen6 Itrug nmb )eit. Sie~ ift ber tag, ba Sauri~ feiner t fittin Riir rounberbare neue Siege banEt. 3d) cite Dor bentm fiig unb bern )eer, 3u metben, ba6 er tommt unb ba~ ea nat)t. 3 p Ij i ~ n i e. 3ir jiub bereit, fie iiirbig u empfatgen, Unb unfre 6t5tilt jiett wittfommmnemn Dpfer 10 3out Ztoae )anb mit 5nabenblid entgegen. 2 r k a s. f fdnb' id) anl ben Mtid ber Sriefterin, cZr lvertjen, tietgeelrten, beinen 3tid, D Ieit'ge jungfrau, )etter, feld)tenber, U,, atfen ugte 3eid)en! tloct bebedt ser tramt geteitnnitoft bein 3nnerftet; QSergcbenw l)arten wvir tfcon 3alre Iang lt{f ein tertrautidc 3ort aum beiner 3rnuft. Co lang id) bid) an biefer ~taitte fenne, 3ft biep ber t3Mi, tor bemn ic) immer jdaubre; 20 Unb Wvie mit C(ifenbanben bteibt bie ~eete 3i J Stnnlrfte be~ 3utfent bir gcfdmicbet. 3 1p 1) ig e Ii e. 3ie'h ber Bertriebiten, ber 3eritaiften 3iemt.. r h a S. ~d)einft bit bir tier bertriebetn unb tertvaift? 3 p j) i g c n i r. anitn ntt dtm 3atertanb bie Rrembe rWerben? - 8 - 2 v kI a $. Utnb bir ift fremb ba8 3atertanb getuorben. 3 p I it g n te. Da ift'3, rarum mein btltenb erj nid)t Ieift. jit erfter juaenb, ba fic famnt bie (eele Wlt Sater, MJutter ntb 5efd)itifter banb, Zie nteuen ctdiifinge, gefefft unb liebtid, 3oiun Ru1 ber aIten Stdmnxe ~immetwdrt6 3u bringen ftrebten; leiber fafte ba (in frember tfud) mid an unb treunte mid) olon ben 5eliebten, ri~ bao fj)iile 3anb Stit cO'rner Rauft ent3uei. ~ie war ba)in, 10 3)er ljugenb befte 3reube, bao ~ebeittt )er erften aatre. Setbft gerettet, wvar qd) nur eitn ~fdatten mir, nub frifdje?uft Se~ 8eben bliitt in mir nid)t woieber auf. r fl a s. B3enn bt bid) To nnglifidic) nennen Iittft, (o barf icd bid) aud) twotE unbantbar nennei. 3 p 1) i B e IIi t. Zant flabt ifr ftetN. 21 r k a $. Zod) nid)t ben reinen Zanf, lnt bcffentvritten tman bie otfttf)at trnt; )en froeitn 3(icf, ber cin ufriebuoe Meben 20 ilub cin geieigtem Ser3 bcnm Birttfe c3eit. ff( bid) cint tief gcteiumiviotIte @d)idfat 3or fo uiet 3atren bicfem Zemnpct brad)te, am utI Zoa bir, aft citer 5ottgegebncte, M)it C0rfurcdt nnb mit 9ecigmng 3u bcgeguen, Unb biefce lifer ivarb bir l)otb nub freunbtic, ZSa jtcbln renibten fonft uolt ~rauafeln iwar, - - 'tci luiclualn b itlnfr 9ei d Dor bit betrat, ictr cnt Zianc ltj eit'geut tufcn u ldict, 9ad) alteIt 3Braud), cilt btutig ~pfcr, fiet. 3 p 1) i g e n i e. Srei attiuen ntact ba6 Veben nid)t aUlein. Belct) Meben ift', ba6 an ber I)eit'gei 2taitte, ~(eid) einem (2catten um fein eigefi ~rab, 3cJ nltr bertrauern mitu? Unb nenn' id) baW (in frbiiflic, felbftbewituteo Vebent, wenn Un6 jeber Zag, Dergebenu tiiugetriiumt, 3t ienen graulen Zageu borbercitet, 1C Zie an bem Ufer Vette'~, jetbfjtergeffenb, )ie Zrauerfcdaar ber lbgefcfiebnel feiert? Cin unniit 8ebei ift ein friiter Zob; Zie6 grauenfcdidfal ift tor atten mein&. 2 r ki a S. Zen eb/en StotW, bai bu bir fetbft tic)t g'niiqeft, S3ereit' i bi, o r i bi, o j i d) bebaure; (r raubet ben ~enul be Vebeni bir. Ztu Iaft iier nicdte getialt feit beiner nitunft? Qer Oat be Stfinig triibent iinn ert)eitert? 3eer tat ben atten graufamen ~ebrauCt, 20 SZa am %ttar )iauent jeber trembe 2ein Veben bruteub tiidt, ton jatr 31t.atr, Wlit fanfter Ueberrebung aufgetatten, unb bie (efangnen tom gelviffen Zob 3tn S3atertanb fo oft auriictgef)idt? $)at nid)t Ziane, ftatt er3iirnt 3u fetn, a~ fie ber be tut'gen alten Cpfcr nangett, Zeint fanft ~ebct in reidjem 3aa~ ert)Ort? Umfd)mebt mit frolem i fuge nicdt ber ~ieg ZaO Seer? unb cit er nidt fogar torauO? 30 -10 -- Unb fiifit nitt jeglider cin beffer fooW, Ceitbcmt ber imnig, ber un6 wveif' unb tapfer ~o -ang gefiitlret, nun fid) andu bcr sWilbe an beiner egeunwart erfrent unb iu6 Zea fdjlueigenben ~eT)orfam 1ftli.dt erleifctert? 5Za ncnuft bu unniti, wenn yon beinem SBefen Inuf Sauenbe terab ein.3atfam triufett? 26enn bn bent 3otte, bem ein ~ott bit) bradte, ZeO neuen (~iidfe6 ewl'ge Zuete'wirft, 11nb an bem unutirttbaren Z5obefufer 10 Zent aremben teit unb Suiidfetr unbereiteft? 3 p I)i t t t. ZaO Q3enige terftctoinbct Lei4t bem Stid, Zer tonrvirt fiet)t, iie biet nod) iibrig bteibt. 21 kt a s. 2od lobft bu ben, ber, troa er t1ut, nidct jfatit? 3 p i e n i e. )ltan tabett ben, ber feine Zt)aten wigt. l2 r lt a s. Itd) ben, ber varen Vertt) 3u ftof3 nicit ad)tet, a3ie ben, ber fatjf)en Qertft 3u eitel tebt. ~taub' mir nIb 1)r' auf eine~ Janne Gort, Zer treu unb reblid) bir ergeben ift: S3cnn I)ent ber gihtiq mit bit rebet, fo Srlteid)tr' iutm, ta6 er bir tn fagen bentt. 3 p I) i G e ni te. Znt diifteft mid) mit jebem guten Vorte; Oft mid) id) feinem.ntrag niit)fam anu. 21 r Ik a. $ebente, rDa bt tt)uft nnb roa bir niitt. eitbent ber igonig feinen ~olbn berloren, 93ertrant er itenigen ber Geinen metr, Unb biefen tltenigen nicdt metr oie fonft. - 1I - 9iYR iinftig fic*t Cr jcboe ffi cZofjtu Wtts fciucl c~ictd)OC Roitcr ati; cr fitRcf)tet (5 —i cintjam, bfliW te, a icfcd' rcnweggnun e {iriftalb itub friifybcit'gcu ~ ob. 2er (c2jtltfc fctlt iug 9icbcl fteinen Ql or us Wilt Ieuil3jtcii bcr RBuiq. CSr, bcr lnur Onvotpi~t ift 6 —t bcfcr)fcn 1111b 311 t~fi1t1 ~iclilt itid)t bie glnft, ou tl)ucitem cil 5'rcfpradj Tact jcincr Mbjidct lauqjam jciu iu lcnfc. G1Sridjc# r'd if)1 ni~it blurd) CiI riicf)dtcllb Qii 3cigeC, 10 Zutrcf) citnborfadticf) 9)?iipcrftcfjcu. 65clj' 05efdffig imrn ben Ijatbcu Qi3Cg cItCgCIn. 3 p 1)~ ir n Ci c. S-off ihi befct)feunigen, IaiW mid) bebrof t? 21 r ft a!. QIitfft bu rein QV3erben chine 2rot)unq neuen? E6 ift Mie jd~rcdt pe ton i fcn mir. 21 r It a!. OiNO iljm fuir feine )cigun3 uir ~3rtrauu. 3 1p 1) i A C U i C. UctiiI cr b.on Rurdjt erft micihe C~tCe Oiff. 21v It a S. Q33arunm bcr fjrcigft bit bCihc S,5crtunft itUni 1 2' p 1) i g C fli c. Qeif cincr $3rieftcrin 5Cf)eimttir3 3iemt. 21 r It a S. Zem Wittig folffe niefio. Olfecnmni~ fe~u- 20 tunb- ob cr'b qicid ri) it forbcrt, fii ~tt er'6 bocf, lrnb fiit)ft co tiCf in fcincr qroc cct e, -caIi bit forgfi(tiq Uidj or t)1m Crwaffrft. -12 - 3 p 1) i 4 e 11 i r. 92aif)rt er Serbruf unb Unlmutf) gegen midc? 2l r It a 5. ~o fcteint ea fart. 3wa i ctr id)cigt er aud) tont bir; Zocd Icaben bingeworfue B3orte nmid 3tcljert, ba~ feine (eele feft ben unfitd) C(rgriffen lat, bic~ ait bCfitecn. Vap, D iibertia in nicft fic fctbft! bamit 3tn feinem r itfen nicdt ber Untmutt reife 'Unb bir (ntfeten bringe, bu 31t fpdt ln meinen treuen 9?att mit lieue benfeft. 3 p 1) i g t i i C. Cie?.innt ber biinig, rOa tein ebter 1ann, 1C Zer feinen 9lamcn Iiebt unb bern 3eretrung Zer )immtifE)en ben Sinfen binbiget, 3e benten follte? (innt er tom lttar WSic in fein V3ette mit 6entaft 3u 3iefn? co ruf ic) alfe 65tter inb tor affen Zianen, bie entfd)clont e oittin, an, Zie itren ~c)ut bcr 13riefterin gelwif, Unb,uttngfran ciner tungfrau,gern geoidrt. cet rub)ig! (Sin getattfam nelue Stut Sreibt nid)t ben dSnig, fold)e iinngtingttjat 2C $ertuegen aut^3iiben. eie er finnt, 3efiirct' id) anbern I)arten ct1u tuon ijnt, Zcn tnanff)altbar er Moftenben wtirb; Zenn feie Zeet' ift feft inb ntbcevucgicf..Zrlm bitt' id) bitt, uertrat' it)m, fceJ inm bantbar, sienn bu it)m weiter nict)t geuidtren tannft. 3 p Ij i c n i c. faegr, imO bitr ieiter nocd betfatnt ift. - 13 -- I r li a s. Glrfal)r' Dont int). 3d) fct)' bcu iiOnig tommtn; ait cltrft it)n, nnb bict) Ileiit bcint citen )erq, 3tjll frennbtid) unb Dertrultidc) 31l bcgcgnne. (inh ebler 3antn u irb burd) ciat ute~ iSort Zer arauen wveit gcfiilrt. ( 3 plti eni (attein). 3,tar fel)' it) ntit, Vie ict) bern Tatb) beo Zreucl foltenl fott; Sod) fotg' id) gern ber i3ftid)t, becn Riiunige ~iir feine Bot)ltt)at quteM 'Vort ut geben, 1C llb lmiinft)e mir, ba itd bent 'aiicdtigen, Ua~ itm gefaiit, mit U3at)rt)eit fagen inige. 7riffer 3'uffriff 3 p ig ctic. Soa e. 9)?it inigliden (~iitern fcqne bid) Zic 5ottin! 2ie getcil)re ieg unb 9?tutm ltnb Rcid)ttum unb ba 23ot)t ber,einigen llb jcbc frommen nunfd)ae3 iille bir! a bi, ber bu iiber itiec forgeub f)crrfd)eft, In atuc) tor uiclcn felttci (5tiitd gceictecft. 2C Z 1) oa n. 3llfrieben Miar' id), ucenn mcin t3oIf mid) riit)mte: Wcta id) erlvarb, geliefcat acbre in)r fl(^ ict. Zer ift am gtiidtid)ften, er fetl Ein Sinig ober ein ~eringer, bent 3ln feinerm ~anfe otte t ereitet ift. - 1 -- lta natlmncft tbcif act incilcn ticfeln c d)mer3cn, 2t l mir ba ctti)lvcrt bcr 1'cilbe iltileueitn ott, Zelt tctctCl, beften, uon ber cEite rip. ~o tang Die bic9ate) nlcinen _eift bcfai, (Smipfalb id) nid) t bic ~cbe Itciner 3Botn)nung; Zoc^ et3t, ba icd) bcfricbigt wiicberfctre, t'r 9cic) erftiort, icilt ot)iut gerodcen ift, t3leibt mir 1t )aufje nild)t, ba6 micd ergbie. 2er frtl)lid)e (elI)orfalm, bell if) fonft 2tit cinclt icbcn itge b{C tidctn fat), 10,3ft nlltt on org tib UUnmutl) frtill ebaimpft. (Sin ieber jiiut, iLa t fiinfti3 iuerben itirb, lnb folgt benm Siiibcrfojrt, Iveit er mltt. YtlIt tnomnm' id) leut' in biefen Tempet, ben -3d) oft betrat, umt ieg 3u, bitten unb iir ~eicg 3t1 banten. (Siien alten Sunfuf Srag' icj inm 3fujcn, ber aucd bir tnid)t fremb, 9cod) nnerwartet iff: ic tI)offe, bid), 3uin egecn meine5 Qortt unub mir 3inm ecgcn, 3tI 2rauttt iliteince 3ot)ttnig cinitifiitrnct. 20 3 p Iji t e n i e. 2er Unbetfannten bieteft bit 3n Duiet, C ginig, an. @D ftett bie 5iticftige 3cjfd)aii t tor bir, bie nidc)t an biefem Ufcr 2{1 cld)u1t itnb 9utt)e futct)t, bie bt itr gabft. ~ I) oc n. aSn bn in ba ~cl)cinmtnif3 bcilcr Ultltmift Sor mir, luie Dor benm Vcten, ftct, bid) )iilecft, sdiir' untcr feinem 3ottfe 'rcd)t Unb gult. 'ie l Ufer cd)rect bie renmben: bad ~fetf ~cbietet'6 unb bie tNotl). tftein ton bir,.iie jebcb frommen 9ecd)t3 genieIt, ein irof)l 30 Zon Itn ecupfauguer ~aft, nad) cigncnt Sinn - 15 tlnb Q3iften iftre SZagqc fidj erfrent, 3on bir t)offt' ic) Z3ertranlt, bat bcr Sirtt niir feine Zreuc rot)to ernuartel barf. 3 p I) i tr n i e. 3crbarg ic meincr (ttern 9aimen unb M/teit.)au6, o ii'Onig, war'6 tcrfcgeTeOcit, 9licd* 9Jtiptratui. v cnn uicicleid)t, ad)! luiitcft tu, Scr Dor bir ftcl)t, unb Iueld) ucriuii fd)tcL.naupt 2i) nidlrft unib dfiittcft, cinl (Sntfetccn fate etin groc3 S$)er 3 iit feltncm cl)aner an, Unb ftatt bie (cite beineo Lt)rolnci mir 10 Sit bietet, triebcft bu mnicr tot ber 3eit Wnu beincm 9ei)e; tief;eft mnid) ietfeid)t, vt)' It ben 3Dleinen frotje Siitffel)r mir lnb meiner S tanb'rnnug nbe gngebad)t ift, Zem Gtenb au, bao jeben cd)tvcifelben, 3on feintem SauiO t ertriebunn iiberal TSit fatter, frember cdredendtatt b ertartet. Z I) o a s> SaO auc ber SRatt ber 65otter mit bir fei, lUnb oa6 fie beinelm au nutnb bit gebclfte; ~o fel)t eN bod), feitbem bnu tc nno uoD)nft 20 Unb einc frommcn ~aftce cRed)t geniceft, Stn ~egen nid)t, ber mir uon oben foutmt.,SJ mbdnte jfd)er tu iibcrrebcn fetl, Za~ ica an bit ein fd)ubtuo!l )atnpt lerd)fiite. 3 p 1) i c nii c. Zir bringt bie SBolftttlat Eegen, nid)t ber ~aft. l 1) oa S. GSa3 man S3errmtnten tl}tt, roirb tidt gefegnet. 3)rum enbige bein ~dlrieigeln nnb bein 3eigern! ~G forbcrt bie~ fein ungerecjter 3Jantn. )ie ~ottilt ibergab bid) meinea )ainben; - 16 ~3ebi '*j tjefigi rarff, jo wmirft bnt's mit. WLu~cf~j~ iljr 5$nt nod) ffiftig meiinI (3ejet~: Vbetuu bit had) )auje Rficttelr 1Goffen kumnft, eo jpred)' idj bid) bo11 aff et a3orb'nung Wo. Zodt ift ber 5V3eg auf ewviq bit Deriperrt, 1ub ift bein C~tamm tertieben ober bard) (Srin imyefeureo UuIbeif alt~1cfiijd)t, (2o bift bit meiii burd) mcf~r at~ (Sin (O5ejet. Sp~rid offen. uub, but Iwci~t, idf) t)afte QVort. Q3om aftet QVanbe fijet uim ern jid) 10 Zie 3ungte to' ciii fallperf~d)ixegeuc O5tcimhni~ cnbfidl 3tt entbefct; benn (Stitmat D~ertrant, uertd~t eO olne TEihtcfetr Zci3 tiefen ~Ct3Cll cfidtc Q7lobnnugu, jdjabct, 933ie e bie (54tter wtoffcu, ober uuitt. Q&enimum! ~ad) bin ano ZautafiW' ~cjdIfedt. Zun iptidfI' ciii gro~ea Qlort getaffen an& Temuft bit b en beinen WItnufcrru, ben bic e 9 ft W{f~ euuen etjmat ~SO#Ctegnabligten Zer 65itter Meint? 3ft'~ jener ZantatuO, 20 'Pen -anpiter 3a, 9tat~j tub Zafet 3og W1i beffena afterfcffjneul, loieten Sinn Q3efitnupfcveubOcu jprd~ien 6Nitter fetbft, 3ieni ant Zratetfpriid~eu, jidj crgit~ten? 21 p lj i g C ii i C. GSr ift co; abet 65tter jotftean id~t MiJit 2,c1uidje, wiie mit it~re!,51clidjen, w~aubetu; ZaO ftcrbtidj ~5efd)ted)t iit mief pt id~l~utd),,In uugewolpitet S~,iite nid~t n jdjwiiubeta. Iunebet wuar er uid)t tub feun Tscrriitt~cr: Wf~ctieu 3u1n- pmed1)t 3n1 gro3, nulb, 1niu 1 oeeffcn 30 - 17 - zec grojcnlt 2onlt're3 ntlur cin 9ienfcIW. <o wlar tirCd) fcilt SergcIcn mcnitfdid); iitr Uerid)t V3?ar ftrcng, uuIb Zid)tcr fintgcn: ltcbcruitttl) Ullb Ulltrcnl' ftiiritcul il) ot So t Ql iS ifd) lt3r d)tmad) be6 alteitn atarutb I)inab. ld)! tub fcin 3I153 (Scdjd )tct trug il)rcn g)ai. Z I) o n s. rutg c0 bie cd)utb beg A)lnt)errn obcr eigne? 3p l) igenie t i. 3tacr bie gewatt'ge 3rutit unb ber Sitanen graftuotfct.9Jart war fciner tiitnu' unb (Snet citiffic3 (rbtt)cit; boc e td)miiebete 10 Zer ~ott num ilre (tirn ein ce)rn Sanb: 9tatl), 9)Aiiaiguntg nub aleit)eit unb 5ebutb cSerbarlg cr it)rem nd)cuen, biifternt 3fid; 3ur tsltt) wlarb iltnen icglidce 3egier, Unb tigrdl3cntto brang it)re Siutl) nulmer. d)oln 3ctop, ber c6eattiquolfenbe, cSC aintatt i geliebter olit, ervarb:-id) bircI) 93erratt) nib 9orb ba fdctjnfte Uct6, Clcnomtani &r3c;cte, )ippobanien. Cic bringt ben Siinfldcn bc ecma)Iat ^3wei iibune, 20 st)left unb Streln. 9Teibijfd) fct)el fie 5c6 2?ater Siebe ul bent erften ~ot)n, 9witS cintcm anbern ectte lnad)cenb, an. S;er cat Doerbinbet fie, tnb lleinluid) wuagt San $3aar imt rubermnorb bie erfte Ztat. Scr U3ater luiunet {ippobamtien,ie 9iObrbcrin, nub grimmig forbert er oton il)r ben o-l)it p3riicf, unb fie cntteibt cId) fclbft. - - 18 - 1) o a s. Zun fdi)rcigct?, atl5rc fort lt rcben, Vaf bcin S$ertraun bid) nid)t gertenn! ~pric)! 3 p l) i e i C. lolf) bem, ber feiner QSdtcr gern gcbentt, Zer frot) Uou iltrcn t)atcu, it(rer (ri13e Zen t idrer untertlidt, itnb ftilt fic ) freuenb fIfr Clube biefer fd)lcltn T9ei)ce ficf 6efld)offen fiebt! c cnn c erelugt nidjt gleid) (in 5altt ben cIatbgott Iocl) baW Uugeteuer; @rft cine 3iei e b3ijer ober Outer 3rintct enblidc ba (Sntfctfen, bringt bie jerenbe l Ser 3ett bertor. -- 9tad) ibre 93aterN lobe 5ebieten Wltreul unb Sl)eft ber t tabt, Oemeinfamt terrfcdenb. Sanle fonnte nid)t Zie Gintrad)t bauern. 3atb entefrt tt)ljcft Zec 23ruberO Vctte. 9tditenb treibet Wtreun,t9it aui bent 9teid)e. iicfifd) tatte fcton Ztp)eft, auf fd)pcere ft)aten finetnb, Lauge Zem 3rubcr cinen ~ot)n entutaubt uub t)eimtic) 3tt)n at ben ficinct fdmciccetlnb aufer3ogen. Zem fiittet er bie Srnt t mit Lntt) unb 9Sad)e 20 Unb fenbet itn 3utr tinigtftabt, baf er.S1m Dteim feinet eiqinen Sater morbe. Ze,.iiunoinug QBorfatI wirb entbcdt; ber Rinig Ctraft gralrfam ben gefanbten 9tbiirber, bilt)nenb, (r tbbte feineO 8rnberO ~ol)ut. it3 fpdt Srfdt)rt er, Irer Dor feinen trnlntnn wItuen 6cmartcrt ftirbt; nnb bie 3egqier ber 9?ade 3uhi feiner Qrltft lt tiljcn, finnt er ftilt Wiuf unertirte Xttat. r fcfeint gefaffen, 6tcid)qiittig unb uerfjniit, inb todt ben $ruber 30 2M3it feinen tleiben i l)ncn in bab 9teid) - I19 - St it kf, crt c;If t tCic, S' lm ISLC, fjlQt. 't tic, Uulb jct'~t ~ic cttc, fc&jautcalvilc ~2 —Cijc Zemi Q'-satcv bci bcilt dr'itc -JXatdc twr. HUlb tbt Zl)cft Lil jCiulctul t-ci~clc fid) Gr~ nad) bci RQinbcrn fragt, bcut Zritt, bie Sti'mme Zecr Sbtuabcn an Wc CZaatem Zt)ilre jcf~or 'it lIibrcu qtaubt, rnirft ~Atrcu~ griiujeub.3ftpu ~aupt imb a31iie ber Grjftfataicu fhin.Zu ~ludhbeit fd)auberhib bein. O1cficdjt, o Riiuig:0 10 CZo ivenbcte Mie 25oun' ifjr W{ntiti we Hlub itjrcn V3at3C Wu bent eiu'qei ffleife. Ziel~ fiub bie W1fjuijrrn beiner T3riefteviu;i HUb oict iujefiqe6 65efc)icf bcr O,)mieinr, Ts3ict ZIfjatca bo ocrivorrene Ciuuec bcctt Ziie Ntad~t mit fdpocrcere aittigen iub lint Uti6 n1tr in grauculloote Zdiimrn'ruug je1bn. Q frir ie fjcfuigenb anclj I S- je~j gemug 2cr 65rdiiuet! (2age nimu, burdj wvefd ci QiUunber QBon biefem wiutbeit Cc-tammie bit entiprangft. 20 3 p Ij i q r it i c. 2ea 2trcit ittfter CZo~ji w~ar Wpianemnon. C~r ift mciii Qatcr. Zodj idj barf c0 jageu,.,Ji i~nm tab' idi) jeit mehier erftcn S3eit C2Sin 9Jluftcr Wbe olffoumucn ~Mmui gefebu. 3Ijrnm bractte Stl~tdmuejtra ntict, ben Cyrftfinq 2acr Viebe, bann G-tettren. Ritutig Iyerrjctte 2Zcr Adnig, ntub co war bent )aufe ~Zanta{4 2Zie tang entbct~rtc 9tajt gerodt)rt. McUia (2lr unangette bein (O5fidc ber QGttera nodt imi 25of~u, ntub famnt rar bicjer 3unctj erfiUft, 30 2aj3 wrijctcu bcibea Zdpcf)tcjru ntun ZCreft, - 20 Zer viebtint, uudtcl)3, ait ncnte Ulebct lfdon Zei fictjerun aufe 3nbcrcitct luar. Zer 9ulf be i^ricgco ift ^n eltc) gBtommen, Zcr, mn ben 9?aub ber fd)Ilnften grau 31 rid)en, Zie galue )Zadt)t ber aiirrittn (_riecdenlanb6 IUn ~roicul 9tauetrit (agerte. Cb fie Zie ~tabt gelvonncn, il)rer ad)e 3iel (@rrcid)t, ternat)m id) nict. 3Oiein 3tatcr fiil)rte Zer fried)ten )eer. qn 3ulit ltarrten fie.luf giinft'gen ilub bcrgeben3: benn Ziane, 10 (r3iirut auf ibren groecn fiidrer, btiett Zie (ilenbelt uriicd unb forberte Zurd.atcd)ao litunb bc onIigO atdtfte Zodter. ie lodtten mit ber M1utter mid) inW Vager; (ie riffen mid) tor ben Mltar unb ucitdtec Zer bfttin biefei aupt. - ~ie uar terl~f)nt: ~ie mDoftte nid)t mein t3ut, unb IiitIte rcttelb.3n cine QBotte mnid; in bicem nt empce rftaltn' id) mid) 3ucrft uom t obe oicber. 3,j bin cO felbft, bin Ipl)igenie, 20 (~)e- 9ltreW (Sinfel, gamcmllcnolO 3od)ter, 2er ~ibttin QigentIunm, bie mit bir fprid)t. 1) o t S. Dte)r Q3orjtg unb 23ertrauen geb' id) nid)t Zer Pliigptod)ter, atl ber lUnbctannten..Id) mieberiote meinen erften tSntrag:,omm', fotge mir ulb tteite, ma icd tabe. 3 p 1) i g n ii eC. USie barf id foIcten Cd)ritt, o oinig, wafen? )at nid3t bie ~ittin, bie mict rettete, ltUein bao Red)t auf mein gcreit)te6 Veben? ~ie tat fiir mid) ben d)ultort anqgelud)t, 30 Utb fie beiuatrt mid) cincm S3ater, ben - 21 - iie btnrc ben cd)ein genug gctraft, tieUleid)t,3ur fd)olnftelt recube feinte Stttcr, bier. Q3ieleid)t ift mir bie frofle 9t'iitfc)r nat); lntb id), auf if)rcn Qeg uid)t ad)tcnb, tlatte 9NJid) iuiber ibrcn Siflelt )icr ecfcfcltt? (Sit 3cicld)c bat idc, Wcnni id) bleibcn joflte.:l) o a s. 5a- 3cicn ift, bai bit nod) l)icr tvcrmeitft. ullcl)' I.t1ftiud)t folcl)cr 9trt iild)t dnqfttid) auf. JTan jprid)t ucrgcbent oict, inm in tcrfacn; Scr anbre 1t)rt von atllnm nr bas 9Scin. 10 3 p 1) i q c n i r. 9icd)t S3orte finb e0, bie nur b[cnben foffcn;,3d) t)abe bir mein tiefftc $5er, cntbcdt. 11nb fagft bt bir nid)t fetbft, Iwie id) bcm S3ater, Zer 3Juttcr, ben ~efdcniftern micd entgegen t3it iingftfif en ~efititen fet)nen mnul? ZSan in ben atten attfen, wo bie Zraner iod) mancd)mat ftitle ineine inen lipaen ltet, Zie vreube, lTie nm cine T9eugeborne, IZen fct)inftcn gran3 Don.iIt ann idiuten jd)tinge. fcnbeteft bit mid) auf t dciffen t)in, 20 Stn igbeft mir unb affen neute Veben. Z 1 o a s. ~o MeT)r' 3ariitd! Z'bu, an e bcin SerS bid )eift, 1I:b l)bre nid)t bie (tilnme gnteg 9Tatbt lunb bcr 23ernlnft! cet) gang cin t cib unb gieb Zicd) [)in bernm riebe, ber bid) 3iigeltfo rgtreift unb bat)in ober bortt)in rei3t. Uenin i)neit cinc luft im S3iuen brennt, fiot tiot n 3crritl)er fie ein t)citig kanb, 2cr fie bcnm Qater obcr bem ~ematl lt (anllgbelutirtelt, trcutetn wrmen Todt; o - 22 - Iltnb fd)lcigqt in it)rcr 3rift bic rafll;c (tlutj, Co bringt auf fie vcr3gbclu trcei lnb miicftig Zer Ueberrebung gotlblc 3ulttge fo. 3 p ) i it Et i e. 6ebcnf', o g nig, beiute ebein 3orteO! QilIft btu nein 3utraunt o ermicbern? Zu @cd)ienft Dorbereitet, atfc 311 tDe rncI)nten. i) a. $. 9Iuff Unqef)offte wiar id) nicf)t bcreitct: Zod) fofIt' id)'a alc) crnartelt: \lt\t' idtl nic Za~ icd mit cincm a3eibe t)jabctn ging? 3 p 1) ei Ie n i e. c)itt nic)t, o giitig, unIcr arm ~efdjtec)t. 10 W9idjt T)errlid) wie bie etern, aber nid)t Unebet Jinb bie UBaffen eiuneO seibe. ~laub' e0, barin bin ic) bir tworu3ieln, Za~ ij bein @tiid mecr aft bt jetber fenne. Z)iu Da)lelft, uibetfaunt mit bir unb mir, (Sin ndier k3anb werb' unw jum 61iict uereinen. o3olt gllte 9Jlluthce, \ie uol gutcg aitlent, 2rinqt t itb itt mnid, ba id) mid) fiigen folt; Unb )ier bant' id) ben ~Bttcrn, baj fie mir Zie aeftigteit gegeben, biefe.3iinbni~ 20 Wid)t einttugecntt, ba fie uic't gebiffigt. t0 I) a a s. Q3 fpric1)t teiu 5ott; e..jpriclt bein eigen ter^ 3 p I) i g c l i c. ~ie reben nur burd) unjer )erl 311 unn. L l) O a $. Unb fab' icj, fie 1 ti)bren, nicft bao Recdt? 3 p b) i ae n ti e. (D iiberbrauft her turmin bie 3arte ~timme. -23 - Z )a a S. Zic $3riefteril ocrnitmut fie lvot)t affecin? Zp1) c~ e i e. Poor attcn tmbcvu tuere fie ber afirft.; ZL lj Oa S. Zein tyeifig 9nit iub bein gcerbtc. 9Ihcc)t Miu J~i XijdI) briiigt bitd) ten US56tterut iidf)er, Z$ p Ij i g ii c. J3ii~' itt) nun btt 93ertraxnu, bat~ bit crpocnagft. Z, fj a a s. 43ct) bin ciii 9Ueenfd); nulb bcffcr ift\3, wnir cuben. C,-o btcibe bcun mein Q3ort: $c 1ricfterin Zcr f5ttfiu, wlie fie bitt crtoreii tat; Zott) mir Dri~e~ef' Ziauc, bt~4 itt ir V3it~r, mit lUnrcett nub mit inucrmt ZQorrourf 2ie atten Zpfcr uorentt~afttn t)abe. Reini arember ual)ct gtifficfti unfermn Ufer; Q&o Wtftco t~er ift it)rn ber Zob gcwiui. Tur bit taft mitt) mit ciner Rremiblid)fcit, $Jn ber itt batb ber 3arttci Zoct)ter Viebe, QVatb ffiffe 9Nigunu ciucr QVraut 311 jct)i 9N)'di f)ief crfrcutc, viie muit 3aubcrbanben 65cfcfcfett ba1~ idt) meiner $3Tlittt iocrqal> Zsiu t)attcft mir bie CZ-hutmi ciunciuicqt; 'Xnu111 rnfcul fi-e bic ~ad~lnb oou1 1ucinc0 (2ot)nc0 ~jqfii);eit'gcmi obe haitter jiber muitt. Ilint behietuittcn tbatt' itt) dunger iet~t ZCie 9lflcnge, bie bao ~~pfer bringetib forbert. JIm mehiuetnitten t)ab' itt)'~ mie bcget)rt. 10 20 24 -QVfnt~icfig wdip)ut; cr bidjtct ioniic uur 'k-)ie cigcno qraufanicn -03cqicrbcut an. (Sut~og bic Ntthin niif~ uidjt fctbft bein $3riefter? 53fjr war rncin Zieiift witftoruuier aPW rnein Zob. Z ) 0 a 5 CS jicnut ficfy nicft fiir uuQw, bell Ijifigent 0l5cbr'aid) mit Iteidtbeivegtictcr Q~crminft TIMd) nijerrn 2(-ini 311 beuten nub 311 fenten. Zlju' beline j3fficft, id)~ werbe mecine tfnui.,3wci a-renmbe bie wit in be UfcM~ ~ditcnit1 Q3crftccft gefunben, unb bie meinern SVanbc 9idjtO M5tte bringen, fliub in meiner ~)anb. 2Qit biefcn net~me beine f5ttin lunieber $Jf)v crfteO, red~teO, fiang entbeIbrteO ~4fer!. ayd) jenbe fie tjierfer; bat vveijt ben Zienft. Z~ p1) i~ e l ~(altein). Znt Iaft V3otfen, gudbige N1etteriii, CSinptd)fiefn imfdjnfbig Q3erfotgte 1ub antf IUibcit bernt d)'rucin ($5cf~icf fie 20 Thto bent 2rinen iibcr baO Mcecr, Ileber ber &~be voeitefte C-trcotei, ih1b wof~in eo bir gut bi'nitt, lit tragcu. Uscife bift bit ntub fic~cft bao Rihinfige;, 9('ict)t tioriber ift bit ba Q0crganguc, Uub belin Qfihf rtuft fiber belt Zetinlet, 9133ie bei Vicbt, bao Veben berT 9i~ic~, ileber bet G-rbe ruije tnub Iwaftet. - 25 - enltt)altc boilm f{lt itcinc SnLbc! Siilnnlcr tringt c cgcn utnb 9tlt)c; UIb bie ~cftctt bed 3lfitlio g 'rllorbcten Uirb allf bc trnautriltltuilligctt )l2bberb3 SoICe tllubcl tfaloern nllb Cfd)rcC-n.?clii bie Uillterbtid)etn l icten ber 9)2enlfd)c ekcitucrtretctetgie g cdte cd)ftedtr, lnb fie frifte bab fliid)tige cebcn 6crne )cm Ctecrblid)en, wotlcn irnm gerne.3trc cigenen, etiugcn Yirnmctf 10 iS)itglcnic3enlbe friit)fid)e tlnfd)au'n 'inle l eite bniuen 1uib ttlaen. 3weiter wiubug. rger 'WRftritff. ereft. gloabe,. lre ft. ff ift ber Beg beo Zobeo, ben wir treten: 9Wit jebem cdjritt lnirb meinte eefe ftiler. t1 id) Ipotfen bat, baW graijide ~eteit ber tafegeifter Uon ber ~eite 132ir abunetmteen, jCtien er iitf' unb Tettung 3m 3empelt einer bielgetiebten ~ctl)efter, Zie uiber Zaurit jerrftct, mit b)offrtmtngreid)en, 10 5eluiffen ~6tterworten sit berfpreaten; Unb nun erfuiilet fict'), ba alte Totj 01it meinem Veben tofia enben foff. 3ie feidt roirb'8 mir, bem eine fittterfanb 'Z)ao.er3 ufammenbriict, ben Sinn betaiibt, Zem fctinen Vict ber tonne 3u entfagen. Unb follen.trenu (nlet in ber cttlact (in fiegbetriinteo (nbe nicdt gewtinnen; ~olf ict trie meine W.nen, wie mein $3ater WUW Dpferttier im Jammertobe btuten: 20 Ce fet) e)! I effer t)ier uor benm WItar, 26 - 27 - Wl ilt erluorfnuen Silttc, wio bie 9Tcte Zer la[)UeriDvabte 9)?eud)cflmurbcr ftctlt. Vaft mir fo [lautc 9t[f)', itr IUterirb'fd)cn, Sic vad) tLent -llut it)r, bad, tont meincllu rittct $Sernieber trdiufctnb, meincit 13fA bcicid)nct, lBie longclaine )lmbe fpiireub )ctt. Vaft illid)! id) toullme balb jlt cud) )inab; Za3 Vid)t be 9ag6 fotl cud) nid)t cE),t, nod) tii;d). Zer Srbe fctJncr, griincr ~eppic) otl Rein lt umutclpTat fiir Varen fcl)n. Zort utltelt 10 ucf)' id) eud) auf: bort bitnet atte bant (ilt gftid) 6ejd)id in et'ge matte Wad)t. N9ur bid), mieilt tflabea, bid), mneiner Cd)utb Unb acinegi.Qann ultnjf tlbigcnt Icnoffen, QS3ie ulgcrn ncl)m' it) bidi int jcn Z rauertanb riuit)citig mit! Zeint eben obcr Zob ~icbt mir aflein nod) S)offntung obcr urd)t P i t al t e..c3 bin nod) nid)t, Zrcft, lvie bi bereit, 3lit ienc (cattcnrei) 1)inab3ugcttn.,3Jd finne nod), burd) bie verruorrncn sfabc, 20 Zie nacd ber jd)uarsen 9Tad)t 31 fiit)ren fd)cia;e Un, ju bemt Sebeln wiebcr antfuiminbe,. 3d) benfe nid)t ben Zob; ic finn' unb t)orcde, Zb nid)t 311 irgenb einer froten ltudct Zie 65tter 9att) unb b3ege 3nbereifen. Zer Zob, qefiircdtet ober imgefiird)tet, oommt unauft)aftfam. Sienn bie 13riejterin clon, unfere odcen voeitenb ab3cfdt)nciben, Zie anbl ertebt, folt bein' nub mecine 9tettung Vlein einuiger 3ebante fclt). Grt)ebe 30 93on biefem lUnmutI beine ~eele: 3^cifetnb 3ejdfceunigeft bit bie eOfabr. polt - 28 - ~,ab mtl baW Qsort: ilm,Ccitiqtmntlm bcr CdJicfter c roft I ult b.'iif' nlu b O ciidfetr br bcreitct. 3cr 6otter Qsorte finb nidtt toppctflitlig, 2S)ie bcr (ebriidte ie im 1t Ul uttI) luii)nt. r c ft. c6?Cebcttu buitfte cfde brcitete 2'ie Tlittter cf)on mir nm ba^ 3^arte )autpt, Ullb fo wuvltd idf) fcraluf, cilt Sbcttbilb Zcg tatcr5, utb cfb wvar itciu ftumnlter 3tic iin bitttrr 3ortwurf itr unb il)rcln 3ultIcn. kie oft, IvcDtl ftitl lStetra, mncile cd)mecfter, 10 lmt 3entcr in bcr ticfen naltle jai, 23raiiqt' ict bcHoeftlten umid) cn itjreln coo0, RUb ftarrte, lrie fie bitter veintc, jie 9Stit grolcun 9tuOtn an. Zacnlt fate fie $on mtnjermn f)ocit 3ater uict: uie jct)r 9$.crTnngt' id) i()n it fet)nt bci i)m l1 t jcllt! MStid) uiinfd)t' id) batb tnad) roia, illt batb I)cr., a tam ber cag - P I l an b c $. I atn uon jeler 2tunbe cici $oite.ngeifter nidJtlici) nnltert)antell! 20 Ulht gebe bie Lrimi'runnn jd)Jler j3it 3lt frif)lcm t e)tbenlfalf enue Sraft. 'ie oittcr brldcen mancbent itcen Mann' 3,t ifjrcun ieluft anif bictcr wieitcu Erbe; Sie I)abeit nod) anf bid) e,iat)It; fie gaben idc) nid)t bent Q3atcr unm eletitc mit, Z)a er iunliltig nlacd) benll rctt qing,. e r e flt 0 ivar' icd, feiten amutnm crgreifenb, ilm 5efotgt! - 29 - P Iab e c So ljabeln bie, Wei bidj erIief tenl, Rirt micfj gejorgt: beiin mac idl) wiorben lviire, a-leuni bit nid~t lcbtcft, faim id)j mir nidt beiuten, Za id) mnit bit inib bhchuetivitlcn nutr Cce~it ineiner Riubtlcit teb' nub lebea mag. Grinit're inidj tiid~t jener Jcfbnen Zage, Za mir bein ~)aiiw bicx frcie (2tittte gab, 2Zcin ebler Tsatcr ftng iub ficbcootI!ZIe tIcitberftarrte jilnge QVtiitf)e p4fgte; Z'a bii, emi iminer maunteret 05cfcfe, 10 (3tict ciucut feidjten, biniten cuetrin lint chic buniffe QOfunmu, jebeit Zag Ilin mtict mit neneint S.?cben puanteftet, 9WIJr beine Vuft in nicine 2~cefe ipiefteft, Za id), megficub wicnter Totf), mit bit,sin raidjcr $ngcnib Ijiugeriffn fct~wdrinte.!! L I a b c S. Za rting mciii Vcben an, at~ id) bid)~ tiebte. z-aq': meine 91ot~j begann, nub bit ipritd~ft ivat~r. ZaO ift bao Wcngftlid)e toon netinem (~d)ictffat, Za~ 'icd), wici ciii u~rpcffeter ~3crttticbncr, 20 65clcimncn (2dpner3 nub Zob im ~3ufcn trage; Zap, woo 'id) bent gcfimbfteit ~~rt betrete, 0 ar bat b urn mid) bie btfiitenubc 65cfidjtct Z7en ~adpmnr~cmw3ig tangfamten Z1ob~3 bcrratfcu. Zcr 9Niddfte _wdir' idt), biejen Zob 311 fterbcn, Ol3enn je bein P~anris, ~Dreft, iergiftete. ~3iu id) uict)t mitmer no) Doff gJut1) nub Vaft? - 30 - Ullb 5Vlft ntb Vicbec finb bie iittige ju grojeln St)atelt. r eft. ~5rofe )latcnl? $3a, 3d) wrcif bie e3it, ba wnir fic vor tit falj)n 3cltln lwir ultjammclnt oft bcnit qifte nad) Zurcj) 3erg' lnb ZI)dier ranuten, utub bcrcinft it r3rultt nub aaf;t bent t)ot)et ilUnfIclrli glcic) ')lit culr' nub ~cd)tvcrt bem Ungetclecr fo, Zcm 9tiubcr auf ber r pltr j iaqe toffteu; ltnb bann wlir Abenba an bcr euitcn (eec 10 ItnL an cinanber lelunenb rutlig fanen, Zie 933etten bi 311 unfern it ien fpiettcn, Zie 3ett fo weit, Jo offen tor un [tag: Za fut)r lotIt ciner mandlttal nad) bc iltn Cdcrt, Utlb fiinft'ge blfaten branlge tl)ie bie ~tcrne WDinge unt utnu jer unaatl)ig an bcr?adc)t. 1 L I a Qb c S. lnenblici ift ba S3crt, ba ut uDoffiit)ren Zie Secee bringt. Vir mdInoten jebe Z[)at 2o groB gteid) tfli)l, a t e fie tie idft nmb wtirb, i3eCln 3ajre lang burc ialtnbcr nub ~cff)tcd)tcr 20 cr 32unb ber Sicdter fie uermenlrenb iwatt. ( tUingt fo fd)6n, lua unfrre 3dter tt)atct, 'S3entn e in ftitlen Ibcenbfd)attcn rut)enb:'er Sfiingtlig mnit bern otn bcr ~arfe fd)tiirft; Unb luai luir tfutt, ift, lDic eO il)unctn ar, Qotf TOniif)' nubt eitcrt tiificer!:o taufelt wir nadc beln, lva tor ltn ffier)t, Unb adcten nidct be Qegee, ben wir trcten, Unb feten neben unt betr Tlnl)errn Zritte Unb ijreN @rvbcebcn Spnurelt faum. 30 Qir eiten imner ilrem fd)attent nad, - 31 - Zct gditctr3tc'cf) itt chicr wuitca Rcrtre Zcr Verye ~)ault aulf gofbaciu QU3oftu trout. 3ld) f~aftc lnicl)t~~i 001 belit, bcr ooit fidj Mitft, '2lfciu, o ~jihiufiiu, baetute bit bcit (S~bttcrit, Za3 fie Jo frfill) burcd) bid) Jo ioict gct~ait. Q33eun fie bern 2g1eiljcllc frol~e zf)at becfjccrett, zct er Cutl Uttl)ei[ U011 bell c'-eiuct II0CttbCt, Z~a~ cr fein N1cidl) ucrinct)rt, bic 'OiSnrituc fidcrt, lhtb altc a-ciitbc fadieu obey ffictljn: 10 'Zauu mag cr baiuten; bcttn ifjum t,)ct cuil 6ott 2JMid) ljcbet jic purn C-clf)fid~tcr ctu~crforcit, &3urn 2}liirbr tuciuct bocfj tnrer)rtctt MUuttcr, flub, chte ~d)aiibtf)at jcfiiublid) riidjteub, niid) Zurd) itleit V3int pt N5rumb gertid)tct. ON3f a abe, flub idj, ber SVet~te, foUf nift d)t fbo iljo LY~d)t e~cl)rettuo crAell. Zic (I,5iittoc.r radyctt 20 Zcer Q3hier 9l~ifjjtt~at nid~t an bern (Eof)u; (5-iaz jegIid)er, gut ober b6fe, iiinimt Sid) feitteit 04 ~ino~ it fetitter Zfjcat biu"tcg. C(,Y erbt bet (Eftern &,-egen, nictt il)r afuid). Zo) wenligfteno ber tLoelld (Ybttcr V$ilc. Q'tel't1. Z-:o ift'~ ilbr Q3iffe benu, bet ut6 Daerbrbt. - 32 - P tl n b c s. f)n7', Iva ftie bir gebictc, unb ermtarte. 35ritgft bu bie dc)l)vcftcr i 9.(poulet I)int, llnb lvot)ItcI beibe bann tcrcint 31 z)elpt)i, 23erel)rt olt cincmlt 3olf, boa cbc beft; Co iuirb ftir biefe It)at baO t)obfe aar Zir naibiql fctn, fie iwerbctu aun bet anb 3Zer Ulnterirb'jfd) bid) errctten. Cd)on 3nt biefen l)ei1'gen ~Dail lvagt teine fid). ~ r 11. ~o tab' icd) veniftgften ger)I'gecn t Zob. /^ Li I ant c s. (3alt nniber bent' icf, lntb l ih idt nnlcdc)idt 1C )ab' id) bas id)on (~cfcft)'?c mrit berm iinft'gen t3erbNmbei b n b im b titlln auttgleqt. Sicfceict)t reift in bcr 6i3tter Natt) jdOon lange Za.qroj3e 2 crf. Zitane feft)et fid) o3on biefeit rattein llfer ber Varbarcn lnb if)ren btlit'gcn t TIcnftetopferrlt eg. U ir Ivaren l t ber jd)inctn Z)at bcftimmt, lti lvirb jie anfcrfcq3t, nnb jettfam fiub S3ir an bcr Tforte fd)on geltnnngen I)icr. r c ft. 3)0it fcltncr tmnnft ffid)ft bu bet ir tter 9att) 20 Unb beine S iinfdje tt ug itt inO 3uljammen. pJ t a b s. QcTa ift bNc 9a3encufd)cnt 'Lfeeit, eunn fie rnid)t Stlf jener 3i}Ien broben ad)tcnb laund)t? 3u eincr fd){ucrcet Ilat tlcruft cin t ott Zen ebein MO?ant, ber iet tDrbfrad), nnb feqt lam aouf, Iua nn unniioglid) fi)eint, 3it enben. (G fiegt ber tclb, nmb bitienb bienet er cZln Qottern nnb ber Uett, bie iftn tcrert. - 33 - Sin id) fieftinnnt (it t ecll ln t uib l f)abclln, ao lctnpt' ciiIt ott Doft Irlcilclr fdilvcrclt.-tirln ')eltn d~cl)w bct uIvc, bcr calf bcm rjfj)iiipfrigc, 2t)it 9g)uttcrfhut bcjprleutcu 3fabc fort )?icd);u bcn l obtcIn rcift, cr trodnfc qtidbig Zie Zucfcf, bie, Inir aun bet 9)ilttcr ktunbcn (sntgegen fprubcltb, eflig mict) bcfcdtt. p E l n tC e s. Crwrart' cn rultiger! 7Tlt merft bao lebel Ulhb hinimft ba SItmt bcr e uriten altf bid). Va~ mid) ntr jiumen, bicibe ftilt! 3utlett 10 Vebarf'a 3ur Zt)at ucrcinter Ardifte, bapm Shif' id) bidc auf, nib beibc jclreiten wiir Tiit iibertegter uiinlt)eit jur otfentbuntg. r r ft.,3d) t)or' Utft)fen rebcn. JP I a b c S. -potte nid)t. t i jegticder muj feinen c'tbct wiitdlc., cem er bie Usege nuin {lZ imp )irttaut ~idc) nadlarbcitet. Va ec mitd) gcftett, LtJir fd)cincn lift nnb fitqIgeit nid)t ben Jtuann 3t fd)iinben, ber fid) fiit)ncn Ztaten lDeit)t. 2c ~reft. 3d) )fcjite ben, ber tapfcr ift nnb g'rab. P3 l n b e s. Zrnm Ilab' id) feinen 9att) uon bi Derlattgt. Id)on ift cilt d)ritt cttf)all. -3on unfern lsik tern )ab' id) bi)er gar uiclc anltgefodt - 34 - c) nlreii, cin frembco, oiittcrgletd)e~ ceib ailt jcne, btlutie e ~cet ge fcietlt; 1in reinc6 ert nnmb B3eit)racd) unb 6ebet 3rin!t t lie ben Bittenr bar. V3lan rit)itct Ilod) tie 6_itige; man gtautbet, fie eintprinle 013oul tamnm ber 2tmaoionen, elt) geflo'lt, tnl cilleml groen Unleil 311 etgetin. ~r e ft. 6 f[deint, itr lid)te 9Reid) utrlor bie graft Zurc beE S3erbrcd)cr 9sit)e, ben ber Rlud) Qie einte breite 9cadjt ucrfolgt unb bedt. 10 Zie fromme f3litgicr loft ben alten raitd) 3ont feinen cjefjcn (o0, u n it buebcrben. Zer wuilbe (inn bee Sidnig tibtet unm; Oilu ieib iirb unw nid)t retten, uenn er 3iirnt. 2Botfl tnn, ba eO ein IBeib ift! betii ein MDann, Zer befte felbft, genii)net feinen ~keift 3Ln ~raufantmeit nmb macdt jidc audj) 3ueCtt Witb bern, mia er uerabtdleut, ein efet, 9Xirb aunt emrotnteit t)art lnb faft untennttid). Allein ein ieib bteibt f auf t (inem Sinn, 20 Zen fie gefajt. Zu redj)eft jiderer Wuf fie im ~nuten luie im 3iienl. - Zti(! ~ie tommt; taf unn aUtein. Sc) barf nidjt gteidc 3t)r ntlnre Tamen nennenn, unfer ~dC)icdfa; lidjt onle Riidtfatt ilr tertratn. Zn gel)ft, 11ub e' fie mit bir fprid)t, treff' id bid) nod. - 35 - U3of~er bit fc~jft nu1b fountilt, o R3Ycuibtiucj, jpi, iM'ir idycint C0, baf3 idl) c1)cr CIIicin (O5riedjcnt ~tf0 cinlcinl ~CJU-cut bidc, UcrglciJdyn1 fl. 65efd~jrficf ift bie arci~eit, Mie ILL) L3cbC Zie &5tter lucibca ab, itan ecadt bebroljt!t 1) L2 i t C s )jfii~e CZfitnmte!. QsietwitttortiuinterZo ZTcr Ut.iutteriprad)' iii ChiUci fre-utbeil Vanbc 1 0 ZOc ut~lcrfidct)l ~afeu6 Vaie Vecrge i~d) i 5cl 5fantgner uca wiltlouuuect wuicber Q0or mehicnt ~fitqci. Viaij bir biefe zyreube ~3T'fidycru, baj aund) id) cht O~ried)e bin!1 U\ie jecir id) befit bcbarf, iub tuinenci 63ecift Zer Lberrfid)ent (2r4d)cinmu3 pItgeivetubet. C) jcage, l1ueim bir eia 93crtdaiutii; vlijtt Z~ie ~)ippe fd)fiei~t, ait~ wv~eldyn ittfrcr S-tdmnte Znt beine g~ttergfeic~e ~)erttuift diif ft. 20 Zie T3riefterin, boi iljrcr 656ttin fellift 65ciuat)ct ntub gcf~eifiqt, fpridjt miitt bir. Za~ fa~ bit g'niieu; fage, weve bit jecjft Uulb rwetd) onei~atu c i 5d)ict Vlfit bent 65efdititjre bid) t)iett)cr gebrad)t. ~Vci~t ft an iclj btir crjif)fcn, weCft in Cute1CI5L. Mfit tofteubet O6ScjcUlctdcft ntt~ icrfofgt. C) Ldit~ i et ~)offtumg frtolmc Qtid -36 - Un~ Quff) Jo fcidjt bit RMttfI'cbc,cicDni~ren!t Wtu~ Areta, jiub Witr, (2dtptc bcN Abrcift:-acf) bill ber tifilgfteC, c~ptSIIv~.pljan~6eciut, Uuab cr SVaobawO., ber dttftcet ZCo SDaiue. 3riicf'j)Cn itO ftaiib raut) uub witb QiR Inittlcrer, itub trcuuitc id)Dou jut C-pi'ct Zer crften $Juigcub Ginigtcit nub Vutft. 65etafjcu foftjtcu wir bet Mi~utter V~orteu, C,-o tanq bcO Q3&0er RS'raft Uor Zroja itritt; Zoct at~ er beutercict) 3urufle fain 10 tUib fur3 baratuf ucridjicb, ba treunte batlb Zer Streit itm Neict inub Gs-rbc bie (55cj~piftcr. Zen V~3rubcr. Urin ber -Q~utjcf)ulb Wvitten treibt Zie jRurie gewuattig ibu umber. Zocf biefeut iitben Ufer jeubet unn Wp~otf, ber Z)ecAtfij~e, mit ~SDoffnuug iu. -Gm 5Zeutct jeliner (2~~cf~uter bictefCr uuto Z~er.Uiiffe jcgenuDotIe.~anb erwIarteu. 65efaugen jiulb Wit nub 1bierber gebraclt 20 Unb bir aiW Zpfer bargefteftt. Zu voci~t'&.?3iet Zroj'a? ~Z~jnrer Mtanu, uerjictr' ea mir. ) Li I a b e S. CD fiegt. 0 jfi~re bu, nuu Rettung 3u! Q&jefcfjfnutge bie ~)iitfe, bie cin 6OM!3erfpradj. (Erbarme uieiue QOrubero bicli 0 fag' itjm batb emn guteO, t~otbeo Qiort; Zoct j~oue jetiner, weun but mit ibmfpu ~rict~ft, Zao bitt' ict eifrig: beun eN wirb gar teic~tj Zurd) Rreub' nub Sdcuier nub bnrdj Lriiuuerung C-e-iu.3nerfteo eroriffen nub 3crruttet. 30 CSiu fiebcr1~aftcr QViatjjiun fd[Itt ifju au, - 37 tthb feine jcdbine, frcie ecce wiirb Zen Hnuricn jtin 9 1ube )inggccben. el 3 p 1i g c i i e. (o gro~ beilt llntiic ift, blccl)luvSr' id) bid), T2ergij e, bik bu ltir gtelug getf)an. P L Q t e C. Zie t)ole Stabt, bie 3eft)cn anuge atl)re Zeln galo3en Seer ber ~5ricjen wiibcrftanb, Vicqt nun im (c2iutte, fteigt nid)t wDieber auf. od) nmandie 6raiber unfrer e3eftcn beiEen llUi an ban l1fer ber barbaren bcntel. Wd)iil liegt bort mit jeinem fcttnen grcunlbec 10 3 p 1) i g e n i c. @o fetb ilr (Sitterbilber and) 3u tattub P p I a tb e s. ltcu) $alamerbe, Wjian etalmont, 2ie fat'n bco s3atcrlanbeO Zaq nid)t wiebcr. 3,p i j t H i c (futr fi,). tr [dJlueigt ton meinem t3ater, nennt it)n nict)t s2Jit ben (Srfdjtagcnient. a! er tebt mir nocd) 3cd) ucrb' itn fet)n. S t)offe, ticbe6 Sera! 1P 1 a bi e s.!od) fetig finb bie fZancnbc, hic {tarben Zen bitterfiitcn i ob ton eintbcol)aanb! enln owiifte ~d)recden itb ein traurig Gnbe 2C,at ben iictfetreenben ftatt beo Zrintmpb) (in feinbtict aufgebrad)ter ~ott bercitct. Sommt beni ber t3tenfdjen ~timme nid)t 1t eud)? o elcit fie rcid)t, trigt fie bet SRuf upnter Oon e uncrrtertc: SI)aten, bie gefjc)aj'nt. (o ijt ber 3acntitcr, ber 9)t)cenent aetafeu 9iit imnncr rnieberl)oftent Ceuifer fiift, Zir cin @ci)citt ni3? -- gL(tjtcini eftra tIat -- 38 - 9),it $iilf' 9(egiftt)cit bcit cma)tnl ) criidt, liit age feiner 9iiifct)r iOnl critcrbct! 3a, bit crcl)rct bicic 9tblii3j)aln! ad) tcl)' ca, beile S3ruft bcftlnipft ucrcgbcnt Zn, uncrivartct ungt)cllre I3ort. 3ift bit bie od)ter cinch Brceltbc6'r bift tlu uad)bartli in biejer 2tabt gcboren? e3crbirq ec nicit utb redflte mir'a nid)t 3u, Zaf3 ict ber crfte bieje 5riiuel nmelbe. 3 p 11 i g e 1it e. Sag' an, roie warb bie fduere Zt)at ofIbract? 10 1) Li I a b e S. Smnt age fciner (ntfunft, ba ber otinig, 93om 3ab erquidt unb rilig3, fein ~eiianb Slut ber ~entatlin tanb bertalgeub, ftieg, Sarf bie SerberbLicde eitt fattetreict Unb fiinfltli) fidct erwirrenbeN ~ewtebe 3t)m auf bie (iulttern, utm bat ebte Daupt; Ulub ba er wie ton einem 9lete jit Q3ergeben 3u entroidete ftrebte, fttnug legiftt) it)n, ber 3erriitt)er, unb berfiillt t~ig 3u ben Zobten bicfer grope 3iirft. 20 3p ) I) ig ni t. llnb ltelc)en oltn cr)ictt ber Dlitterfctoor'ne? i a bro. (in Reit) unb 3ctte, ba, fcton befaf. - 3 V l i 3 e It e. So trieb 3ur td)anbtlat eine bife?uft? P I t a bi C, Unb emter alten tac)e ticf ~efii)L. 3p I)i 3 c n i c. UInb iuie betcibi3te ber kOnig fie? - 39 - Q Ip a b es. IRit jfcterer Stat, bie, luenn,ntfculibignng S)cZ 3orbe wtdre, fie ettfd)lltbigqte. W9adc) Suli todt' er fie unb brad)te bort, A2t eine ~ottteit ic)h ber ericti)elt atrt Slit ungeftiimen V3inben wiberjctte, Zite nttfte Zoster, jptigenien, a3or ben fltar Zianenw, unb fie fie (in blutig Spfer fiir ber ~riecten )eit. Z)ie3, fagt man, bat iTr einen Qiberi.ffen ~o tief inW S)erl geprigt, baf fie benm 3erben 2cgifttjen~ fjid ergab imb ben ~ematb Sit 9leten bco Qerbeerben felbft umrjdcang. 3 p 1), e 1n i C (fit beriiffenb). L( ift genug. Zu tirft nmic) ieberjcn. P I 1t nb e S (anein). $3on bem eJd)icE bea ionigft)aunfeo fdcint cie tief geriibrt. S3er fie aucf) immer fet, bo tat fie fetbft ben Oiunig troo)t getannt, Unb ift, Su unferm ~tiid, aut t otem t aufe,ier)er terfauft. 9?tr ftitte, liebe1 )erq, Unb taf bem Stern ber )offnnng, ber tun blintt, Jit frotent 3lJutt ult ftufg entgegenfteuern. 10 20 Zrirfer 'wnffritq. Unqtiliffi~cr, id fiife beine V3aube 3U1U 3enf~cn eitics f~mcrqtid)crtu 65cfdictf. Zie areif~eit, bie bao ~cifigtfjium geivdjrt,,Jft, ivie ber fe~te licbte Vcben~btict Zoc fd)pver (&rranfttc, Zobebote. TMoc Raim icI eN mir nub barf eN mir nid?~t fagcti, Zaf~ itr Devforen jejb! Q3i U ti biunit,'dic) encfj IC MUit nhirberifctcr ~aub bein 'Tobe -c itilcn? Uib niemanb, wete e feoj, bcarf cuer ~aitpt, So tang jut $3rticterina Ziavcit~ bin, $3erfltrrit. - oct) uerweigr' ict~ jetie Sj3fidjt, Qitie jie bet aufgebradctjt RSJ,,iii forbert, So iudfjft er cine meiner $jungfrait'n wit 3utr aofgerin; nub idfj tecrinag al~baumt 291it 1)cil3Cm~ 5V33ttiifdff)Uein cCud) beipnftet~n. 0 ivertf~er Vanb~~miaut!. (25eUbt ber fct~te kned)t, Zer an bent S)'erb bet Q3atergiitter ftreifte,, 20 Lef uiiq in frembent Vanbe tfoct wifffommnen: 40 41 3ic foit i) cuct) gcutiH tirit rcub' unb cgctn (StilnancltCi, bie [iir mit bcl Q3itb bcr sclbte, TSic id}) vol lttcrn I)cr Ducr cl)lrcn tcritc, (:utitc!cntbrillct t ltib bn. ilnn're jpcr5; i'ett te[tcr, fcl)llcr,)offnlql ifdlicidlclinb atbct! O r etll. BeriUtrgft bu bciuen 9aamcu, beine Serftcrhft )jlit tlugenm Sorfat? ober barf id) luinfjn, 3er mir, gtcid) ciler )timmij[dcn, bcgegnct? 3 p I)i et n t C. Z3t fottft mic teitnen. jceo fai' mir an, QiaL id) nitr tfatb DOn bcilteii t3rbcr l)irte, 10 Z3as (Snbe berer, bie, ton lroja feltrenb, iln I)artet, unlerartctco (Mefd)icf 2t(f it)rcr Uoiinultn C.d)iefc frtntm cmpftig. luwar iuarb id) juing anut bieici Ltraiib gcfiit)rt; zod) IjoOt eri'ttr' if muid) bc6 fc cnucn 3lticN, Zcn id) mit tlutaneit mrit 3tait 3i0tfeit Alnf ic e ~ctben warf. tic aogCen ato, tB1l tdtte bcr lltmp jicd) alft3cttan lltb bie ~eftatten bcr crltauc!tcn 5iorvclt 3unm t d)re(d en 3:lion6 t)crtabcfenbct. 2C Unb WIgamemon ot ar Dor alietn lcrrlic! { fage mir! (Sr fie, feiln Statu betrteltb, Zunrd) feiner {ranen unb 92cgiftten 5Ziicde? ~ r t 1t,..t ~agOft'! 3 p i ge t e. I3et) bir, uulfctige 92yljccnt ~o Ijaben Zanta t'@ ntfct tud)c auf aftuj 3)it Dotten mirben iinben augefi't! lUnb gteicd betn Untraut, ltiifte )iupter fd)iittetnb lnb tau{fenbfiit'gen amrneut m fic ftrenenb, - 42,ell Riubcotiulbcri uafjocrivalnbt c -2xrber,3ur cwv'gcu a3cdtctlwutf) cr'cut.t! - (Sut~fiifte, Wao oowt ber Niebc bciuem 43ruberc jcluelt Z3ie 3iuiftceruii3 bo Cc1)rcdoel mit terbecte. Vsic ifit bo qro~oln S-tammo ct~tcr (2olpi, ZSa3 t)olfbe Sub, beftitimnt beW Z3ater %Eidjer acrciuft 311 fctn, tic ift Ocreft bent Zaqe Ze~ Q3Lutt entgatiren? Spat cia gtcict) (5efd)i 9JMit bo WtucriiW iJlen ie u imitlrdungen? aft er gerettet? Vebt er? Vebt (Rettra? 10 ~ie Lebeit. 3i p I) i 4 e iii t. 6olbne Sonne, teite mir Zie fcf~iinften Stratfeu, tege fie jnm Z anr Qor $3otiM 5Zron!i benm id) biWu attn unb jtummt, Q rC f. Qift bit gajtfrennbfidj biefenm fduigg)aitfe, Q3ift bit mit udIienn V3anben ifrnm verbunben, Uie beine hidfie orecbe mir tierrtlf, So banbige beint ~)cq unb tjaIt' eO feft! Zemin inertragtict) muf bern arOt1ttid~e u Sun jat~er ~Thiffalt in bie Sc1ier3dn fetjtt. 20 Zit wvei~t nur, merW icd), Wgamemnon6 lob. 3 p 1) i q Cit i C. S3ab' itt) an biejer 9'at)ric)t nidtt qenug? r eC. Zu f~aft beo f5riuef 6biiffte nut erfaljren. 3 p Iji i r It i c. o3as fiird~t' it noct? C)reft, (Rettra teben. (rcft. bnb fiirct~teft bu f fr jtditnumeftren nicl)tN? I to) Zf p1 Ij i g t u1 i C. Ccie rettet boeber S)'offmmtn, wvccr ~itrd)t. stud) jf)ieb fiec ttt~ bein Vaiiab bcr ~5offmuug ab. A2, p)I I C U1 i C. QTcrgjo f4ie reutig lui~tltnb cfebft i1~r QVut? Neitu bodj it~r ctigen V3ftt gab ijv ben Zob. C~pI i gcii r. C,-pricf) bcutlicfcr, bci~ id) ui~t ffiger jiune. Zie lingetli~3tcit t4Lidgt mir taujcnbfiiftig Zic buufrtul dc~vinlgeu Hill ba bauge ~aupt. C,-o t~abc midj bie 65itter aiw~rjef4'n 3mitm Qoten eiuer 5Ziat, bic ict fo gern aiN'~ tfcangWo buntpfe.Sbitctnreidt) ber 9Sactjt 1 Q3enbenqen w1~c)te? 5Vibern micieit Qtilleit 3iuoiigt mid) belin Ijofben 9JXumb; attein er barf Wttc~ cth-W (2f#teqllUdy6 forbern imnb ertjiitt'6. Win Zage, ba ber 5~3ater fict, tierbarg (Sfettra netteub iljneu QVribern; Ztrop~in~, ZWe Q3atero Cc-dplvdflr, nautii ilin noittig auf, (.qnog if)n neben jelinemn cigneit Coju,,vt 2 —ec, Vsl)tabCo getiatut, bic icljoifteti Q3avbe Ticr Rrennbfdf~aft umn ben SAntueonrnmulei fidipfte. Ihi1b luic fie Indjieu, uc in Ut)rcn Kaete 2 Zsie brentienbe $egier, be. S~luiq~ TOb 3~u rcic)ent. lliiterfetjeit, frcmb qetfeibet, C~rreidje fie TUI~ceu, aWb3 rd~telI fie Zie Zranerna#4tjrid t Zor~njten~ Zobc MDIi jeinen Wijcte. $obtf enipf$inget fie Zie Ridnigin; fie tretett in bao S~ait~. - 41. - Gfeftrcn gicbt Drcft fid) 311 ertnclln; ~ie biift ber 9tacd)e cncr in il)in auf, SaO uor bcr iuttcr tjcitger ~egenrwart $-n fic) 3uriidgebrannt luar. ftitte fiiurt ~ie itln gum ~rte, wIo fcin 3ater fiet, VBo chie ate tit e ite,pur bc3 frec sergooneltn 3futeg oft gexoajcfnen 3oben DJtit btaffen, amnungeotflen ttreifen fiirbte. TWit if)rer euer3iinge Jfdilberte ~ie jeben Umftanb bcr terrut)ten I:fat, 10 3Jr fted)tifd-etelnb burd)gcbrac)tec ~cben, 2len Uebermutt ber gtliicfticen 3terratecr, Unub bie ~efatren, bie nun ber ~efcftvifter 23on einer ftiefgeiorbnen 9n1tter wartteten.,ier brang fie jaene atten Zotl) imt auf, Zer fd)on in Zantaft anflie grimmig viittete, UnLb tdtaimneftra fiel burd) (ofneu )anb. 3 p I) i g e n i e, Unfterbticfe, bie itr ben reinen S'ag ltuf immer neuen 3oetten ret ig febet, S)abt iftr ntr barnm mid) jo mand)eO -3jatr 20 $3on 3JenfctE n abgefonbert, mid) fo nat) 3ei en) gfetalten, mir bie finblid)e 3efd)iiftigung, be I)eit'gen enter ~ltt)tt 3;1 nIaiiren, autfgetrageu, lctine ceele etr j3tanmIe gleid) ilt ciu'qcr, froml eter 'tlarlieit 3lt citern 3O)Itlllgetln inattufc3ogclt, 2at id) nnr mcinc S)aufett[ rdcriic t jpiitcr Unb tiefer fintfcn oUlte? - Cage mir 3ont Ungliiffel'gen! ~tprid) mir uon Zreft! nref e Kfinnte man uon Jeinem Zobe fpredenl 30 - 4, - sic qd)iircnib fticg anlt bcr Crtfctl)agnct l(ut Scr )uiltter 6ci ft Ul:ib ruft bcr Tlad)t trantcn t iicTitcrut 511:,,cait nicdt ben )lluttcrminrbcr cltftiel)! 5crfo! qt bcen 33crbrcd)cer! (!inct) it cr 3gcrwci)t!" Cie )ord)ent aiuf ce jctaut itr t)otlcr 3litd V9Jit bcr 3eCier bc3 2blerl unm ficd) t)er. 2 ie rii)ren fid) int itnren tdivar3en t)btolten, Ultb nau ben 3intetin fcl)leid)en iI)re ~cefairten, Zcr 3oecifet lnb bie 9tene, leif' I)crbci. 1 S3or it)iin fteipt cin Sam(pf tom 3td)eron; 3It feincnt Soltfenfreifen rtiitaet fid) sic cwiuie 3etradctung bc ~eid)enl)en 23eriuirrcub un be (cd)uttb'ycn ~aupt tumter. 1lub jie, bered)tigt utin 3erberbeit, treten acr qottbcjeten (Lrbe jd)oincn V3oben, T3on bent cin after tlutd fie ltnqgft berbantte. Zen ft iidtigctn erfolgt i)r fd)nelcr unt: iie ccbcn nitr, tum teu au fcrecden, 9aft. 3 p 11 it n t e. Ulh'felgcr, it bift in gfeitfem Raft, 20 Unb fitl)[ft, luai er, ber alne ufiidc)ting, teibet ) r t ft. Usa~ Fagft bu mir? 3Sa tDdtbnft bu gltcid)en aUl? 3 p 1) t geC i e. Zid) brfiit cin 3rutbernorb lvie jclcn; mir 3crtraute biet beit iiingfter truber cd)on, dcI) fann nicd)t Iciben, ba~ btu grofje ~cete Slit einem fatjclen QUort betrogcn Iverbcft Sint liiUgenaft (euebe ftifipf' eilt rcmbcr 2cm aremnben, finnreidl unb ber iift gcwot)nt, 3ur 1atte uor bie iije; navi~fen tunu — 46 - (2d) u~afjrf~eitt! {.d LIuNt Oreft! nu b bie~'e fdjufb'ge ~ampt C-eif mod) ber &5ubc aid nub judjt beit lob;jau jegfidf)er (Meftaft Jeto er wvitfoturnen T Q33r bit a cut) jfjt, Jo lviiljd' hi) Nettung bit Utub mejucux Rretmbe; mir wiiujd)' icd) fie nid~t. Znt fdyeift Ijicr iviber QliUen it ueinit crio;fn (E4inbet TEat) 3itt Rfudt nub fa~t mid) ibier. C,~ ifti~re metin entjeetter Velib mtoi Rc~ (5- raudje Mi jum TJJcer Ijiab niein Vitnt, 10 Ulub briuge ~twf) bern Ufet bet &3rbareu!1 65e)t 't*, babeiu im Jut fcl~ue 6riedynfutab (ShtincuNu~ Vebeit fteunbtidj annifangen. S-o fteigft bit benim, (Cfitf~tung, jcihiite Zociter ZOe gtr6itcn Q3'aterN, eulbid) 311 mir nieber!1 5U3ic ungelpiter ftei)t bcin QVilb tior mir * Raum teid~t meint QVict bir an bie S)dnbe, bie, Nit arud)t iub ~2egeudttdnyen angefiUtt, Zie S~dit~e beo Zmlnu6 niebetbtiugen. 20 Qlici man ben Rhig an bein Uebcrmaa~ Z~cr (Mabeit temit; - beimi Ofm mull weui n cjiq er 5ZI3a Zaufeubent fd~on NReic)t~juu ift - jo teitnt MJani end, iIr 065tter, anl gefiartell, faiig ilub weife 3ubereiteteit (Mfdjcufen. Uub fd)aut bet 3uhimft au~gcbctpitco NMic), Qseietx jebe W{beub~ ctern; ntub N)ebeffjIict 3i,4r mijetrttn baO urn V~eidfleuuignng 30 (Yit) fiubifdj bittet; abet etire S~anb QVridjt unueif nie bie gotbiien ~S-inme~frfid)te; - 4 Unb te be ben, ber, tngcbutbig fie (rtroenub, faure pcifc fidc) 3mtlt Zob 03enicIt. 0 [apt ba f[ang crvarttte, 9?oc taum gebad)te ~(fiif nidct, wie ben ~catten Zco abgefd)icebuen arciuube, eitet mir llnb breifac j fr)mer3tid)er toriibcrge)n! Q 1r C f (tritt tiieber su itr). Sufft bu bie oitter an fiir bic) ittb 3tlabe, co nenne nteinen T9amnen nidt t tmit euerm. Zit retteft ben Qecrbred)er Iid)t, 3u bent 10 Zu bid) gefeltt, unb tfeiteft 5tud) unb Tot). 3 p 1) g t n t en s..ein ~didfal ift an beinea feft gebunbcn. ( r ft. Jlit itidten! 8a af nein unb unbegteitet 3id) 3t1 ben tobtelt gejn. 3ertiittteft bu,In beinen cdtteier fetbft ben d)ulbigen, Ztu birgft it)n nid)t torm Litid ber Jmnmerttadcn, Unb beine 5egenttart, bit )immtifd)e, Zraiigt fie nur feitltiirtN unb berfd)eutt fie nict. Sie biirfen mit ben e'ttrnen frecen fiiten Zec I)eif'gen Satbe V5oben nid)t betreten; 20 Sod) tliir' id) au ber 3erne )ier unb ba JT)r gratidj)e (Oetacd)ter. iSlfe I)arren So utm ben 3aum, auf ben ein 9Reifenber ~id) rettete. Za branten rntlen fie 5claetert; tnb Dertaff' id) biefen vain, Zannt fteigen fie, bie cd)tangenl)diiuter fd)iittetnb, 23on atlen ~eiten ttaub errcgeub, auf Unb treiben it)re Qeute tor fid) Ier. 3 p 1) (e t n i t. Sannft bu, Dreft, ein freiunbtid) ort berneimen? - 48 -- e r c ft. spar' e fiir einen Rreinmb ber otter auf, 3 p 1) i ki e n i e. ~ie geben bir lit neter ~offnung sic)t. C r ft. Ziurd) SRalud ntb uaTm jel)' ic bel matten ~ein Zec Zobtenfuiffc mitr 3itr )'ioe fcud)ctct. 3 p l it g cen i e. Y5aft bu (tetftrcn, (Sine (luveftcr nur? V Cre P. Zie (ine fannt' id); bod) bie dttfte naftln.3r gut (e[dj)iCt, hba uHt fo fIrettlid) fd)ien, t3ei 3eitent ait bern (Stenb unlreo S)au[ca. C laf beiut ragen, unb gefeUe bicd 91idCt auc 31i ben (Srinnt)lc; fie brbafen Jlir fd)abenfrol) bie 3fd)e Don bcr ecete, Utb teiben lid)t, ba fili) bie lcteten ol)ften 3on utnjte )altife ~cd)redenb bratbe ftifl.3n mir vergtlinmen. olf bie (_futi) benn cuig, 93oraiitid) angefacdt, mit iOt(enfclI1cfet ~eniirt, mir auf ber t cele marterlb brenmtc? 3 p I) i e n i e. d)j bringe fitie SRauctuert in bie jfaminc. C fla ben reinen auct) ber tiebe bir sie ~lutl) beo iutcent leife le)etnb tfiil)ten! D)reft, mein I)eutrer, faittitt bit nid)t Dete)ttnen? 20 gat ba 5eteit ber dc)redenict gbtter fo Sa6 3tfut in beinen Abern attfetrodnet? cd)(ticd)t, luie uom gaupt ber grdglid)eln Oorpo.e, Q3erfteinernb bir ein 3alber bltrd) bie (Iiebcr? e wIenn Dergonten lt ntterbhttetc Stimtme 3ur )iil' t)itab mit bnmpfen VIanen ruft, Nr- 49 - Soff mcf~t ber rejucit Z4)tncftcr;ccneu)ortt 'uiflfvcictc 056tter Domn ~'hmpup tuf en? 0 r ft C,~ tuft! eN tuft! So ruiffft bit mciii 23erbctbcut 5,3erbirgt in bir fid) chic Nadjc~ttlin? Ve3r bift bit, berens 2timme iuir ctentfci~fd Zo~ $Inncrfte in fei'nci Ziefcn rocubet? 2% p lj i g e ni Le (j eigt fid) bit jut ticfftcn S)crjcit an:, ZCrcft, hi) bin'#!Sie4j ap~)igenticn!,1,qf~ (ebe!1 0' r r ZUt V)Jein QVrubcr!I vaf.! Vinteg! $c)rat!~c bit, bcriitbrc nicl)t bic MocenI! QiUic twit1 gtcufaO VQraittfleib 3fiibct jic~ (Sit imautthfd)licI) Reite t)O1 flit fort. via~ umid)! U3ie ~)CrcutcM wilt id) umviirb'ger Zeu Zob twitt CS~md~lt), in midt) terfd)offeu, fterbett. 2% p 1) i %3 r it i C. Zu WDtrft nicft uittertcclj! 1. bafi id) nut (Ein rutjig Uort uon bit wcucfpu Wtten *ntc Z Uijc utcite S3ieifet, faj~ bcN 65tiicte, 20 Ze~ (aug erffet)tcu, mid) and) fider Iwerben. C(Y rodt~et fid) emi NZab twit Rreub' uub (Sdpmerj Zitrd) mineie Sete. Z)on bent fremtbeit M)annc (intfernet mid) cia Sd~auer; bod) c rei~t VJ~ein jnnerftcO geivattlig mid) aunt QZrubcr. - 50 - r r ft. 3ft bIier t)aien SZempet? uub crgrcift Unbanbig beit'ge Sutf) bie $3riefteri? 3 p l) i g en i e. C Ilire mid)! 0 jict mid) all, uie mir 9ad)i einer langen Scit bao!)er fid) iiffnet,,er 2etigfeit, benm iebftcu, vam3 bie 33clt 9od) fiir mid) tragen tann, ba3 Scaupt git fiiffen, 3Jit meinen rrmcnti, bie bcn eeretn ltbinben Tur autgebrcitet oarcit, bid) plt faffen. ) la~ midc! fa mict! bcnrt cO quittet tCffer 91id)t uom $arnai bie env'ge CueUle fpribetlb Ic 3on g-etl p1t c1 i inm gotbne tZat l)inab, Sie Creube miir iom *)cr3en 3 uaUtelb ffiejt, 11nb toie ein jelig O)leer mid) ringi umutfiigt. Creft! C)reft! )lein Viruber! ~ re l. ctoiine 9t1mp4te, 3) tratte bir ntb beinem d)nmeiteftn nidt. Ziaine forbert ftrenge Zienerinnen lunb riidet baW entweitte ieiligttum. Gntfente beinen Wrm uon nteiner truft! llnb tenn bu einen uiinglit g rettenb tiebet, 2c Za fcd[ ne ~liid ibm aartlit) bieten irillft, eo tvenbe ntmeiiem reunbe bein f5cmiitt, Sem Iuiirb'gern Sanne, 31. (r irrt umier Wuif jenem etfecnpfabe; fudc' itn auf, Seij' irtn 3urecdt unb fd)one meiner. 3 pll i n i e. Raffe ZS)id. truber, unb erfenne bie ~eflubne! ecditt einer d)nlefter reine gi)immelr renbe lid)t unbefoiaene, ftrafbare tlift. - 51 - ~ ct)mt ben s3af)t im bont bent ftarrttn Wuge, Za~ uitn ber S ctgcnblid ber l)bd)ften areubc 'Tid)t brcifad) clclb made! ie if t l)ier, Sie Idinift uerfor'le ~d)nlcmtcr. 2om lnt tar iij3 mid) bie Sbittin iucg nlb rcttete A)icrcr nlitl) ilt il)r cigcIll 3 ciligtit)lltm. (cefanclt bift bit, bargeftclt 3utlln Cpfer, lhub finbeit in bct j3ricfterin bic cd)lueftcr. 0 r c 1t. Unfeflic! (o man bie ionite betn Zie letten Srdiiuct!infre.nautfe jefn! 10.3ft nid)t (teftra I)ic? bamlit and) fie 39tit tnb 31 ~6runtbe qc)e, nid)t il)r Mebcn 3u fd)clererelm ~efd)ifc nnb eibet frifte. ~ut, $rieftcrin! 3d) fotge unm fltar:.Zer frntbermorb ift )ergebrad)te 2itte ZcO atten ~tamntie;,ntb id) banfe, oatter, Za~ itr mid) otne Siinbcr auo3urottcet 3ejd)cloten t)abt. Ulnb tat bir ratten, Iabe 3ie Conne nitdt 3it Iieb nub nidt bie ~terte; omm', fotge mir in bnfite ReiCd) tinab! 20 Elie fidct ont rd)e felpfutt er3eugte )ra)en, etfinpfenb bie uerwtanbte 3rnlt, terdfc)ingen, 3erftOrt fid) felbft bao liitbenbe ~ejd)led)t;,omtm' finberlot nub fd)nll bto mIit linab! Z)u fietit mid) mit (Srbarmen an? Va atb! 9TJit oltd)eln liden f nd)te /tb)timneftra ~icd) einen t eg nad) iftreO -otnce S:cr;en; 2od) fein geid)nnngnler trnm traf itre 3ruift. Zie )uttter fiet! t- ritt auf, Inuit'ger ~eiftJ 3mlt greiA gcfd)(ioffet tretet an, itr nltriel, 30 lUb iuo)tnct bcm wiillltoulmntet cantfipiet bei, ecnt Ictecn, qriidtid)ftcn, ba, ir bcrcitet! - 52 9?icfjt ~cai tnub 9tad)c rci)iicrfn if)rren iof~c; Tic lidbecoottc (d)wucftcr wirb Ptr ZItjct 6CO-it mivrigc erften nidat! Ztn fjab' iid) jt icij 65cliebt, Ivie id) bid) tiebeit tharlte, CZ-dpoefter. 2a, jdfd~inye beiciten Sta t, vcrfdjoue nidct,,3errcii e bicien 3itfen, tnub crbffne Zenit Ctrrneu, bie f)icr ficbcu, cinen 5U3eg. (Zir finut in (rntuattung.) Z J ) lI q C l it ~. Mtnein lit traqcn biefeo (55ii nunb ltreub i 5T3eriuag icfj nidjt. - 2o bift bi, 13ejabc? G3o finb' itt) beine ~iifife, ttpcnrer Vann?l (Sie entfu~nt fi~ fu~enb.) ~weter41 '~Cffrift. (auq feiner Z3etiitbung erwaomnb nub fio aufriotenb). 9oto) (inen! reicd)e mir anu ~etje'6 att1ten Zen fetaten!iiettn Q3ed)er ber G-rquictung n QVafb ift ber trampf beW ~eben~ a1tW bem V3nett,itinweggefpfilt; balb gicijt itiff mein Ocift, Zer ~Zuetfe bNE Q3ergefjenw I)u1gegeben, 3u end), iOr (c)atteit, in bie evu'gen Tebef. 03efditiq lafjt 'in curer 9ntle rid) Zen tngetriebn cn 2oftn ber Crbe faben! - Gefc) ein 5c~ispet Itdr' id) in ben 3uweigen, Qctd ein Ciii erdut aQtt jener ZCI dmiC a utnn!tn ridieln? Cie toommen jd)on, ben neuen 05aft iu feptj! User ift bie C,-aar, bie tjerrticd) mit cinanber Qiie ciii uerfainrett a-iirfteutbai rid) frent? - 53 s-ie gef~en fricbftict), waft itub 3jtnge, MaUnner ~Zie roanbehiuic (Yetitaten. 3ja, fie jiiib'~, Zie 2{~fjernt m ei chi $aucuie& - V1)it Ztpjeftcu 63elt Wtrten~ in ibertvaittidjen (*eprdd)en; Zie ftnabcn fctjMpfen fct)er~enb umi fie f~er..3ft Neine &einbfdjaft I~iet mcf~t uiter eid)? 5Qerfoid) bie 9?ad~e uie bQo Vid)t bet (2onne? Cc-o bint auctj id) ipifffonntmeu, unb 4d bartf,I3n enlernl feicrtidyen 3uig maidj lmifdeu. 1 QVilffommen, QMtert! end grfiit ~)teft, 5B3ou cuerm Cctammie ber ftete Ma1Qun; UM a~ ifjt gefidt, tjat er yeerntet: NDit ~34nd) befaben, ftieg ert ferab. TZodj teid)tet triigt lid) tjiet jebe QViirbe:.?e!)mt if~n, o ve~mt it~n inl enernt krei~ - Zid), W1treul~, c~t' itt, audj bid) ~zfpjeften:QUir finb t~iet alte bet?'einbfd~aft Wo. - ~3eigt mit ben -rater, bcn id) nur C~inmat,ni Meen fat)j! - V3ift bmN' meiii 93ater? 2C Uub fifjvrft bie U))ntter Dertrant writ bitP Zartf fftl~tdmueftra bie ~)anb bit teidweit, C —o barf ~reft and) pn it~r treten lim bcarf ifr fagent: (25ie1 beinen C —o fjn - Witf Cstbeu wvar in imfetin ~Daufe Z~ertu6rn bco 2Tiotbe genoiffe ~Vofung, Ulmb bao (55ed)ted~t be6 aften zaultatO ~)at jeine Rreuben jenfcit~ bet 9kd#t. -a~,r tuft:- Uffitommen! nuib vetimt mid) autf! s0 ~ ffii)tt 3uni %ften, pim 2~tfjucern mitt)! GIlo ift bet Attte? ba~ 'id) i~n jet~e, -54 - ZaO etiere ~aot bao ~icfocrcbjrte, ZaO iit ben 65tttern 311 Natbe faf~.,q f r Jdcint 311 3attbern, ctut) wgi) p~lenben? QEaW ift eN? Veibet ber 03ttergfeidyj?,33et zuir! c o fcaben bie Ulebermiidjt'gcn Z~cr.)cfbeubruft graitfame Zitateu M2hit et)'rlcl en tteit feft atifycdiniebet. T~riffer "'inffritf. #rf.3pI~igenic. I~t~fabe#, Orr# f. Se~jb ifir ciu4 fcf)on fjerabgefornincn? 10 QSVo~jL,Sdflefter, bir! 9i octb fetjft t2Etettra!I CtYin giit'gcr 65ott feub' un~ bie tGine TUlit jauften 'j3feiten and)~ fd)neff fjercib. Zid), arumer jarunub, mun~ id) bebautern!.Qommr' tuit!. tomin' mit, 311 $3tto~ Zfron, WNtic nee (~dfte ben V~irttj 311 grfiifen!1 3 p Ij i A e n, i e. Oc5fdjoifter, bie itbr an bent lveiten.iinmref Zo fdjiie Vid~t bei Zag unb 9?ad~t terauf Z~en 90Jlenfden bringet, nub ben Wtbgefdliebcue 9lidjt teiud~ten biirfet, rettet nuu 65efdjwifter! 20' Z7u fiebft,Ziane, beinen. totben. QVriber Q&r alfem, lvad Mie Crb' nub ~timmet bietet, Uub ~ivenbeft bein juugfriintic ftqj ~ueidt 91ad~ feinemn ein'gen, Vid~tc feljuenb ftill. ~ laf~ ben Lin3'geu, (25ptgefunhben inir 91id~t in ber R3infternii~ be6 QUaftjfiin rafen!. Uub ift beint QVifie, ba bit blier mid) bargft, - 55 - unntmctr botlenbet, luiftft bu mir burd) iU)n ltnb itlnt burd) mid) bie fet'ge )iitfe geben; ~To t;f' itln vot ben 83anben jeneN lcnd., Zal nid)t bie tteure 3eit ber t ettlllg fcdriinbe. 1) i l n ab t $. rtfennft bu ltttn unb biefetn jeit'gen taitt Uinb biejfe Vic)t, ba nif)t ben Zobten leudtet? -iittft bu beln lrm bc?recunb ntt b ber (cftdvefter, Zie bicd nod) feft, noC tebenb tatten? aff' Un friftig an! oitr finb nicdt tecre (d)atten. Sert' auf mein U3ort! 3ernimm ea!. affe bic 10o,nfammen! 3Jeber utngenbtid ift teuer, Unb unfre fiicttetr tdingt an 3arten jdaben, Zie, fdjeint c, eine giinft'ge 3arje fpinljt. (! r t ft ((5u $t igenicn). afi mfi^;um erftenmal mit freieem S)ergcn,n bcinen t rmen reine arenbe (faben!,3t^r ~bitter, bie mit flammenber (~eoalt 3Jr cfdn)ere sotfen auf3auetren Ivanbett, Unb gnabig erft ben tang erffetten 9tegen lit Zonnerftimmen unb mit ainbebraufen 0 20 an witben -trimen auf bie (rbe ftiittet, Zod) batb bcr 3nencfd)e graunenbeO (r uarten,n eegen auflift unb bao bange (tannen 3n arcebebtict unb tanten Zanft bcrlrabett, Vcnn in bent oropfct frifd) erquicrter 3titttcr Sie neue Conne tanfenbfac) fid) fpiegett, Unb 3riH freunbtid) bunt mit leid)ter ganb Zen granen ftor ber lcteten aoften trennt ) lait mid) and) an tmeiner ed)cuefter trmcn, Wn meinee areunbeo truft, toa it)r mir ginnt, 30 Sit tollem Zant genicfcn unb bcbatten. S libfet fid) ber ltf), mir fagt'~ baW erq. - 56 Z~ie Gnitcitibeit jic~u, id) I~ibre fie,,3un Zartari t i db ajcII 1) Ilintcr ficd) Zie ctj'ricut,Zt)orc fcruabb iniuc ub Sit. Zic ~2rbe baupft crquictcubca Ocruct) liib tcabct ticd) auf ircun Rldd)cn cihi, (ad) Vebcofrcub' inub grojcr Zt)at 3U jagcet. 3 Li I ab e % 3errjdumt biec 3cit uicljt, bic gerneffen iftt! Zer V3iub, ber ituure 2eget fcd)wuetft, er bringe Grit unfre bolte areube jam hjpmp. So-omint! i C bebarf tIicr jdjuetlen Wcatt) unb Sd)ftut. 10 Bierter Inf3sng. rffer u tffriff. Z ) i e n i e (aii ). Zcnfcn bie ~imntliid)en (Sitcml bcr (rbgebor'nen 'iete Seririrrnngcn iu, Unb bereitcn fie i1m 53on ber areube tu @(cmeren ttUb uon cd)merien 3ur Rreube Zief crjc)iitternbenl Uebergang: 10 Zann erniel)en fie il)m jq\ ber Wdiie ber Ctabt, Sber am fcrnen 2ecftabe, Za~ in ltunbcu bcr T9otf Iund) bie uiiffe Icrcit fet, C(inen rultigen ~rcunb. 0 fegnet, oitter, unfern 13tltabe, ltnb =6a er immer uuternet)men mag! (r ift ber Wrm beN tiingfin.g in ber c~Iadt, Ze3 5rcifei Itcudjtcnb 2tug' in ber erfanmmtllIng: 20 Zenln ecine ctd' ift ftille; fie beval)rt Zcr Rnut)e iteit'geo, lmerfd)opfte ~aitt, Unb ben Umtergetricbnen reid)et er 57 -- 58 lntl iR)clt Ziefic 9tatnl) 1m!b Siilfc. 97)i3) iFi er oll 11 nibcr 1 o' 10; bCn ftillllt' id) Ian HUnb itlmcr luicbcr anll, tunl3 ftouinte i ir Sao ~liid nlicd)t ciyen l dt lla)en, lic it)i Iid)t lu6 mcilctiu ll trltcnu t[o, n11b fiit)tc nid)t )ie )(iat)e ber COcfat)r, bic nIi lIt3Uicbt. 3el~t gcItn fie, i41rcnl Stjd)lg auujfiit)rcn, Zer ~ee ut, O ba 2 ~d)iff Illit beln ~efdil)tcn, jii einer -3td)t tcrftccrt, autf- 3cictcli laucrt, Uub t)abel ftllugc 3ort ir in ben Shub b 10 icgeben, mid) gelctert, wnIz id) bent Sbig ltituvorte, riUen er fenbet unb baW OP fcr JXir bringenber gebietct. 1Id)! id) fct)e uolt)t, -cd) ll1u mllid) Icitcn tlaljn toie ein tinb.,3d) Qabe nidct geternt 311 )interlt)atctn, 9tod) jemanbb etwcaO ab3uliften. c)! 0 iwet) bcr Eiige! fie bcfreict nid)t, Qie icbel anbre liatrgefproctl)e isort, Zie llruft, fie inad)t uml ntid)t getroft, fie ant0tet Z)n, bcr fie [)emlidt) fd)iicbet, unb fie fel)rt, 20 ilit ltogebriictcr {3fcil, oon eiincm (otte (ervcnbct ntb uerfagetnb, idc) 3urifi Inb trifft bent ct)iielt. Sorag autf orge fd)lcantt MWir burd) bie rntft. (5 grcift bic Rurie iclltcid)t ben Qnrubcr auf bcitm oobtcn licber e tl unlclueit)tcil Utcr glril1liql lut. (nutbcctt lman fie uictcid)t? 9Jlid) biittt, id) l)ore 0(lewufflnctc fidl) lncelt'! - ticr! -?cr S8ote 'omlt tt ton bcm S onige mit fd)nettcllent dritt. n fcjd)(tt mein g)er3, cO triibt fid) mcile ~ecle, 30 Za idf bc6 9aanneg lngefid)t erblide, Zem id) mit fat[jem 3ort begegnen oil. - 59 - Qveiddfeuuile bo ~pfer, 1'lILieftcriti!. 2Zcr Wifigi ~iartct nub ci-o ljarr-t baS QZolf. 'act)~ fo~fge n11icir '$3fid)t im1b bejlluen iit Q l3enu munu1'ntIct 1iiidt Ciii ~)inbcrnlii 21 i It a S U33a ift'~, ba4 ben &8fefjf b0~ Rh~ip 1)iubCrt? Z% p lj i ~eiie Zier ~3ufnI1f, beffc-4 noir vidjt VI11ifter ftub. 71 V Ii al -. ~Zcmt et befd)(o~ bei fiCI) ber QVeibcei rob. ZIec 6)itter ljabcu if~u nod) uict)t bJcf4)(fcne. Zcr MN~t biefer MV~inner triiqt bie (2djutb zcei 11n())ucrwanbteII QVNt, baO er ucrqoj~. ~Zie?~itricu terfofgen feinen SJfab, $.3a, in beni imnerit Zcmpel afji~te ftbft 2aO Uebe( ifyi, itub jeine (55egciniart C(sit' icl) mit mehie (it jncfraitt, an bemn 9-J~eerc Zer 06~Xttin Mitb mit frifdter Vic3efe utetu~b, 2 Ncjecimni~3boffc U~eitfe pn begel~u. ftdrc lnicnwtnb nnlieril ffiffel '3n1g 21, rt a sl ad melbe bicieN nene ~inberni~ Zein ginige gc~jciuib; 1begiinue but Zie~ ift aftchi bet S13ricit'ria iibertajett. Sofct jettuen Ratt joff andj bet R26uiq wniffemi z p Ii i S.eii ~ft %Dirb ber Jldcttige 3um (2djciu gefragt. Z p Ij i q3 C U1 i C. 21 r It a S. Z p 1) i kj t U i C.,qd) gebe nadty, menu but iidyt jIdumen woiffft. 21 r It a S CZ-#eff bin itf mit ber N1adyricdyt in benm 2ager, Uub j#ctyel mit4 jeinen 9.iOrteU I~r ~Ur~idc. Z) Minlt' I'd) itymi nody erne Q3otjid)at britigmn, 10 Zenit but Iaft uid)t be Zrtenu 9Ratty geadytet. 3 p f) i 4 t Ii i C. QV3a id)tyicernodjte, tyab' itd) gern getijan. 21 r It a S. T1od) iiuberft bu ben Sinn Aur rec~ttn,3eit. 3 p Ij i g e n1i C. ZaO jtetyt imu emmat nictyt in unfrer 9Ra)Jcft. 21 r Ii a S. Zu tydftft nuniigticty, wOa bit' UDfitye Toftet. 3 p ty i g C n1 i C. Urit deint eO miigfict, Wci[ bet QUiunjcty bicty triigt. - 61 - t r i a, SiUitft bn bent atlc6 Jo gelaffen taglen? 3 p 3 i g c n t e. 3d) t)ab' e in ber bt otter $aatb gctcgt. a lr Ik a s ~ie pffegen 9entjd)en menfd)lic) t1 errettet. 3 p 1 i ig e ni t. 9uf i)ren Ringer3eig tommnt allet an. 3 r i a s. 3ct) fage bir, ea liegt in beiner )anb. ZeO ibtigq anffgebrad)tcr ~inn allein 3ereitct biefelt aremben bittern lob. Zan!)eer enttrobinte ltingft toin tarten Spfer nttb uont bent bnt'en Zienlfte fcin ~emiitt. -3a, mander, ben ein Iuibrigc cefc)id 10 9lt fremnbeN Ufer trun, etpfanb cS felbft, 93ie gqttergfeid) bem arment jrrcnbet, lIlttergetriebet an bcr fremrbcn ran(ie, Stii frenublic) i eufd)eaqnanefjidt begegnet. 0, iuenbe nitd)t uon itnn, iua bit Denrmagft ZSi enbeft teic)t, nva b b e bonnen Ilaft: i)enn nirgenbg baut bie 9Jtiibe, bie I)erab ni menfd)licer 6eftalt tom $tinmmef tomntt, Sin 9teid) ficd fjnefcr, aIt rto triib' unb lvilb @in nencO T3olf, voltt eben, )thtt) nnb graft, 20?ict felbft unb banger g fetnung ilbertaffen, ZeO 9Jtcnfd)enteben fd)nrt ere 3iirben tragt. 3 p Ij i g C ei e. Srfdc)iitt're r iene mei e ec id)t, bie bt Sad bcinem i3itten nid)t bewegen tannft. al r It a s. co tang ea 3eit ift, fdont man t eber 9S3ille, 9od eineO guten S3orteo iSieberlofung. - 62 - 3 p I) I q c n i c. Zu muadft bir MMiif)' imb mir crtiegt bit (ldmcrmcntu ~3.rgebciw bcibeo; barunt faj, mid) itim. 211' k a S. Z c'ic riub', bic id) IIt Sflfc rnufe; Zeint oc jhib areimbe, 5utoa rattIcit fie. 3 p 1) i C, C 11 i C. C-ic faijen umeiue Zcete mit (~ ceaft, 2ocf0 tifgen jie bent QViberwitcl nici)t. 3 It a s. R-iiOtt eiue jdt6ne Cecfe Uiliberwitcu ~iir chic QlobftUat, bie ber 3ble rcidjt? ZI p 1) i. 4 1l C.,3a, ivenn ber Gbfe, wocl fid) iicljt ge~icmt, Ctatt mcinco Z~anteO mid) crverben wiiif. 10 23 r IIa. Q3er teine 91cigititi fii1ft, bent mauneft cO {it eincin, 5Uorte ber Cst-tfcdjb'git g nie. Zacut?iirften faq' id) an, wvaa ijier gejdjet'n. S, tuicbcr1~oftcft bit in beiner Secee, U3ie cbe( cr jidc) gcgen bid) betrug, &u3ou beiner Wnutmft bi6 an biefen Zag ~ritter ~iuffritf. pJ 1) i q C n j C (affein). Q&on bicfcr Vffantneo Tiebe fiijfr' ictd mir,uB uruqdcqucu 3eit baO ~CE3 ru ~3ur en 20 Wtif ciumat umqgetenbct. 3jcf) ercEirecte! Zenn wie bie atutt~, mit fdpucffen 2triimen wvcndf cb, Zie aetfen iiberifiift, bie it bern Sanb Wlm lfer fiegen, fo bebedte ganu - 63 --- (in rcunbenftront mciltn 3tnerftc'. 3d) l)iett 3n incinten 9trmen ban Ullnmilide. 6 fdl)iecn jid) cine QSoffe ricbcr fanft U11 midi) 5t1 Icgen, Uon bcr &rtbe micd) (ltmporlltt)cben uIb in jenlien ct)itnmmer S9)id) cinlutiient, en, be ie gitte oiittin UIll mecine Sd)iidfe fcgte, ba idr Slrm 99)id) rcttcnb fate. - 9)einen 3rutber (rqriff ba. ter3 mit einpiger ~emiatt: cd) t)ord)te nur auf feinem areuubei Watt; Ic S9ur fie 3u retten braug bie eeete Doruiirtn. Unb iuie beln tlippet einer wuiiten 3\nfeT Zer Cd)iffer gern ben thiceten uebet, Jo tVg 'anurit tinter mir. Lhm 1)at bie ~timme tez trenen 2)?anin mic) tiicbcr anfgelvcdt, Zai ict) aut) 2lenfct)en I)ier terfaffe, mit 6rinnert. Zoppett iiirb mir ber Q3ctrng 53erl)at t. ~ bleibe rnutig, meine Icle!! e3eginnft bu nutn 1u fd)wianfent unb Sit ouDcifettn? 2eit fefteat e oibet beiter einfamtteit 20 3)utt[t bu Dertaffen! 3iebcr ciiugefctifft Grgreifen bid) bie Qeetcn fd)autclnb, triib' Unb bang uertenneft btu bie cU ctt unb bid. 2ierfer uWfftriff. 3p igenic. 9t)I abc0 p I ttb s. Q3o ift fie? ba icf ilr mit fd)netten V3orten tie frol)e 3otfd)aft unfrer 9ettnng bringe! - 64 z p j i q C t i ". Ziu ficf~It midj Ijier uoff iuorciit uitb (s-riartung Zco jidcrit ZroftcN, bcni bit uir ocrpridpft. 1 j2t a b S. Zeiu Q ruber ift gcf)cift! Zecl Rceffcubobet x ZOe tuqgcweiftcin UferN imbb bent c2aab QVetraten wir Wit frtf~fidjcit 65cpriid)cn; Zer faiu blieb ijiutcr uim, wir uitfitet'c ni'it. Uib terrfidjcvr unb imrner [rrtficd)er Umlobcrte ber S3ugcub fcd)d11e Rfamtme Sein fodig Daupt; fcin uo[c1 0(Wtge gfiiljte -olo Jiut 1ft uitnb DofPiung, ntub fein freica Derq 10 (Ergab jic gani ber Rreube, gaul ber ~?uft, Z1id), jeine NRetteriul, unb rnid) lit retteu. Z3 p Ij i c4 C iti C. Oefegiiet jejft bit, itnb eo idge nie 3oi hbeiner Vippe, bie fo 6uteo fprac, Zer Zoit beN Veiben nitb ber Q[aqe tuenu! ~ ~ La b e i3. 3dj briuge mefjr atW b0a; beitm jcfijd beg4eitet, 65feid) ciucin aiirften, pftegt baW Oiic lit uatju. WfItct) bie 5efiidrten tacIbeu Iuir Qefnurbeu.,lit cijer a-cfenbudct )erbargcu fie Zsa6 (5diff uitb fafieu tra-Hrig nub eriuartecb. 20 (ie faneit bcidueu Vrber, iub eo iegten Cicdj afle jaudj;eub, umb fie batet briugenb, Zer 2[bfajfrt i~ftibe 311 beid)teeunigen. CE fcfouct jebe Rattft jict) nad) bein RNber, Utib fctbft cin Uh3inb ert~ob toin Vanbe fiipefinb, QToit atien gfcid) bemertt, bie tbolben Cctwingen. Zrilm fa6 1111~ cifetf, ffi~re ulid) 1111 empet, Vaf3 mid) bad Deifigttfumn bctreteut, faf Mid ttnufrer 3iVifmfd~e 3ief beretrenb fajjen. - 65,3d) bin alfein geCnul, bcr 6ottin 3itb 2{lf lvoftgeiibten cd)unttcrlt lueg;utragct; 3iie fctin' id) nid) nad) bcr crniinlfd)tcn Vaft (cr gcit gcfln bent Scmict Itntcr ten Icltcn Sortcn, cOne 1u tenmerten, taf 3iigednie nidlt jolgt; cnblid fcTlit cr fid) urn.) nlt ftej)ft nltb auberft! - age mir! -- Znt fd)rci0ft! Zlt fd)einft crwuorren! QBibcrfetet fric Sint nete Utlnlcit uncerm (Miic? 'ag' an! g)aft bit bern A5nige bao ttuge 28ort 2Sermelben la[ien, ban mir abgerebet? 10 3 1) i, en t c e.,3 tlabe, tteurer lann; bod) wvirft btt dt)etten. (in id)tneigenbet er Snuei waur mir bein ttnbfid! Zea gitig6 3ote fam, unb miie bu ec Sir in ben sii)h9mb geclt, fo fagt' ic') it)m. (it id)ien 31l ftallten, lnb uerlangte bringenb, Zie fettne ~eicr ert bem Rbnige 3u mcben, feinen 3Biffen itn ebrnelmen; llnb nun ertart' ictd eine Sieberfetr. P1 I a b c s. Se!) nnt! (rneuert fc1tDebt ntun bie (~efalr Unt tnrc (e d)cldtfe! arutm )aft but nicdt 20 \n'\ 3riefterred)t bid) ireitlifi) cingebiilt? 3 p I jt i t n i e. WIN eine Dii[Te I)ab' id)'S nie gcbrauC t. P L Il a b r s. ~o trirft bit, reine eeele, bid) unb utn,3t ~runbe rictten. 33arum baft' id) nict 2luf biefen aall toraitu, unb terte bict, Wtud) biejcr aorb'nlr g aulr^teid)en! 3 p 1) i 3 f e n i t. 9ur *-id)! Zic Sdjtb ift mein, it) fuiirf' eO wotof; - 66. ZodI) founit' id?) anctii6 iiidjt bein V)ann icye~gneii, ILer init Q3ermunft itub, (Srut uni mir oertiangte, Uo3a iibut mein S)erj af~ NXedft gcfteftjeu mitI~tc. 1) Li t a b c e5 65cfdif)rficf)er 3i'ef)t jictj'~ naiini;bd audf f Vailum ntid i)t 3agen, jober imbefounen Uub, ibereilt itm~ felbit I~erratf)en. RYut)ig Csr~warte btx bie Vicberfauft beo Voten, hub bamit ftelj' feft, er Fringe, wOa er wift,Nit~e jotcter al33i~tmuh Reier anpiorbiteit (Met)irt ber $3riefterin nmb ni'd)t bent Rliiuig. 10 Uub forbert er, ben frernben MJann 311e~u Ter uou bein Q3atjnJinn jctrner bet aftut iftt eo tetbu' e ab, at~ t~iefttet bit mn~ beibe.3iu Xemp~etl notf bern-oaf)rt. S-o jct)afj' mnW Vaft, 2af~ wiv auf6 eitiq. te, bent t)eiI2'gcn S4ia4 Zern rant) umfWiib'e Q8oft entnoenbcnb, fftefitj. Vie beftett 3eict)eu eimbet im~ Wtpott, hlub ci' wir bie V3ebiiugung fronim arfilfete, lGrffittt cr gottlict) fein T3cripred~mjenf)ou. 5reft ift freci, get)eitt! - VJit benm 0~efreiteni2 2 ffiitret uu~ tjiinjiber, giiuft'g Qi-3iube, ~3nr ~lfjenitifef, bie ber 65ott bewoijut 2Zann naet) ~V~tcce, bca~ e lebeubig iverbe, Zaj~ uou ber Wfdje beo tertofidpien ~)eerbeo Zie Q3atcrgbtter frf[iitc) jic) erijebent, hub fctjhO aeuer itjre LA~o~jmmgen Uniteuci)te 1.Z~cine ~anb jolt itjuicit Q33iljraudj ~3icrft ant6 gotbuei ~ctjafen ftreiten. Zu Vnringft fiber jette Scdjwette S~'eit -nub SVeben wieber, CSntjiifilpift ben Rfhtt) nub ij ifct~mieft lieu bie Zcineul 30 M)~it friidlcn Vebei~btiittjeu tjcrtdja - 67 23 p lj i q3 C ii I C. QZevuet~m' itt) bitt), Jo i-uenbet jitt, o Zitceurer, QU3ie jit bie ~3tume nad) ber Q-~Ollme iVenbet, Ci 1~eccte, Dont beiti ',trta1)te beincr Uiortc 6)euoiffe Niebe, beren ~iinnicld~rtft Zeim fangq am reift, i~erfttfojfeu 'it bein QNfufe, 65ebattu' it)m imb C.Thtf~tt~n bie (f5eneiuart Zea Viebenbent eutwifdette fie teit~t,.1 1)L I a 't)4 C ~. VWb wo~tjI Zie a-rcnitbe nvitt itt) nun qcejttiiuinb QVerul)ieni, bie tcjnlidt) wartenb t)arrea. Z13uUai fommn'idt fttieft jnrfidimtnb faujtte t)ier Gin1 Rc~ecelbnltf uerft~ctt calf beinlen U3inlf.Vailt finueft bit? Aunf cinmat Uciioetjcbt (,~iu ftitter Zranter~lt bie freie (2tiric. 2% p lj i g C iii C. QTerjei)'! Q1 3ie teitt)te 2lMitofi uctr ter sonlner CZo 3iet~t mir tior ber Secte teitt)te C-orge Iunb c3agigtgeit tiorfiber. Li tj I b C s. Nitrttte uidttft! 20 Q~ti~ fiz) jlof3 bie Rinrttt init ber O5efat~r L(Hii enueO QVinbni~; beibe fiub 05efeffen. Zie S~orge ueuni itt) ebet, bie rnitt ruarnit, ~Zen Rldnig, -bet einci poeiter 913ater boarb, I)p a b C S. Zer beineni Q3ruber jtt~tltt)tet, bern entftiet)ft bu. - 68 - 3 p 1) i i e. 3~ ift berfetbe, ber mir ~mi te~ tiat. P l) I a b t s. ZaO ift nid)t Unbant, wvoa bie 9Not) gebeut. 3 p Ij t i nI t e. & bteibt votl Unbanf; nIr bie 9Sotj entfcl)ubigt'&. 13i Il a e s. $3or (iottern unb bor 3)enjfdcn bid) gemii. 3 p jt i. cr n i e. tllein mtein eigen ger ift nid)t befriebigt. 4J L I a b c S. 3u ftrenge Rorb'rung ift terborgner 2tot3. 3 p 1) i kt e 1 i t. 3)t unterfude nidt, it) fiitt)e nur. J i It ta b es. fiilft bi bid) redt, fo nmtn t bi bid) beretren. 3 p Ij i A e n i e. @ant unbefedt genieft fid) ntur ba.icr3. p t I at b c 5. Co jaft but bid) im Zempclt wotI tbewat)rt: 10 Za?ebe6en et)rt un, tueniger mit un6 Utb atnbern ftrenge fet)n; bit Icrft e attdc. Co inimberbar ift bic~ eftd)Ied)t gebitbet, ~o vietfad) ift' bterfd)ftngcn iub uertfitipft, Za~ feiner in id) felbft, nod) mit ben anbern aid) rein ntb itlterDorren t)atten fann. Iltd) finb rir nid)t befteft, unlt etbft -it ricrten; 3u rIanbet nunb auf feinen QBeg itu fetin, 3ft eine 3s enf)ent erfte, iiad)fte 93ffid)t: Zent fetten fd)iitt er red)t, lIa cr getlan, 20 llnb wam cr ttlnt, oei~ er faft nlid)t 3it Jdciiien. 3 p 1 Ii g t ni t. naft iiberreb'ft bit mid) lit bciler ffcittnlng. - 69 - J1) t i e $. tracCtt' UIteberrebung, no bie abclt ert'fct ift? ZCln n3rnber, bid), unb einen trecutb 3t rettent, Sft nltlr (int 3cg; fragt fid)', ob wir ilt gct)cn? 3 p 1) t C n i c. D, [Ia mind caubern! benn bit taiiteft febft iint fotd)e Unred)t feinenm Jiann gelaffet, Zem bu fiir 3o)ltUtat bid berptlid)tet tielteft. 1P t Ia b e s. Setmn trir 3u ~rnnbe gebell, tartet bein @in iirtrer Oorllurf, ber h er 3weifltng -tragt. 2tan fieltt, bu bift nid)t an t3er*i:ft gerolnt, Za bu, bem nrotent Ucbet au eutgctctt, 10 Sil faltfjeO Vort nicdt eiunma opfern ititfft. 3 p 1) i t C t i C. ~, triig' id) bo) ein mihaltic) cr; ilt mir! Zna, roenn eb eintet titi)next 23orfat t cgt, 3or ieber anbern Stimme fid) terfcjtieit. pil a Ctes. Ztu neigerft bid unmfonft; bie el'rne,anb Zer 9totj gebietet, unb ilr ernftcr iint 3ft oberfte ~ecfci, bem 6iitter fetbft eid) unternerfcnt mitffen. dctd)eigneb I)errfd)t ZeO eni'gen Cd)icdfatI unberatt)ne cd)wcfter. 3BaG fie bir anfcrfegt, bat trace; tt', 2o $3a3 fie gebclt. Ta t anbre iveift bit. 3atb,omm' ict) 3riic, aun beiner itcil'gen )anib Zer Netting f&iineO iieget ut empfangen. - 70 5iiinffere u rffrift 3 p 1) i Cl I i (aufein). 3d)cf l m itm foIgel; beln bie SOciliienu 'el)' icd in bringenber ~efat)r. SZod) act ) 9Wteiu eigen ~d)idfal nmad)t mir bang unb bdngero c, folf id) nictt bie ftitte Yoffnmmil rcttet, Zie in ber tiituafntcit id ftcibn genuart? Coft biefer (tcd) bent ctiig iwalten? ~off 9Tie bie ~(efd)fed)t mit:iienm neten.egecn ~id) uieber tIeben? - 9immt boct atlle ab! 10 Zao befte (liid, bc Seben6 fditnfte Sraft (rmattet enbtlid! wuarum nicdt ber 3cId)? Co offt' id) belnn bergebenO, lier enruatrt, Q3on meineo )aujfem cidfTfa abgefticbett, Zerreift mnit reiner aanb unb reinem rerten )ie cfdt)uer beftlete Sot)uunqg 3 cntfiitnen. gaum tirb in micinen rtmen mir iit 3rubter Soom grimm'gen Uebetl iunbcrtotI tnb ftnetl 6cteitt; faun nact ein fang erffelteO ~d)iff, SMtid! in ben tort ber Saterrttet 3u leiten: 20 Co left bie taube Totb ein boppett Safter 3)?it et'rner )anb mir auf: ba6 bcitige, sJJir anertraltte, uiefterelrte ittb 3nt ranben nnb ben tannt 3t lt)iutcrqgen, Iemt id) mein ieben nnb meiln cd)idfat banfe. 0, ba~ in meinem ufTen nid)t 3utett Sin a3ibenDitfe feime! ber Sitanen, Ser atten i5otter, tiefetr Ya auf cucd, Oltjmpier, nid)t and) bie 3arte runft VDit ~eierttaune faffe! icttct mid), 30 Ulb rettet ueer 3itb iin meinetr eccte! -~ 71 - Z2or uieiuen Zt~rei t~ut ba afte ~?icbZ~ergdeffe tatt' ict)'6 nub Dcrgatf eo gernt Za~ Vieb ber Vlarjen, bc fie grauleub jaugcn, WW[ ZantatuO Dom qotbuen Stutjtc fict. Sie titten wit bent ebetut aretiube; grirnrniq V3ar itbre QVruft, nub f urdtbar it)r 65elauq,.an unirer jugeub jaug'~ bie Wirnme uiir funb ben @5ef~viftcra Dor;- ict ntertt' ea vobtf. G4 fiirdte bie (355tter Z~az 9lc~njd)eugejd)tdjt! ic Sie ~altcte bie ~)errdj~at,an ewvigel.Sadabeu, flub Mamaue fie brand~eu,. Z~er fiirtcte fie boppett, Zeit je fie erleben! Wnf Rdipenu nub Qiotfen urn gotbene Zict)e. C~rtjebet emn Swift firb;- 20 O5ejmd~udt ntub geicdudbet, funb tjarrca Dergeben6, $Jrn ainftern qebunben, ~5eredten 5rdt. eie aber, fie bteiben $3n ewDigen aeften ftn gotbecAte Zij~ctt. -72 ~3it 5V3cgen tjiuiiibcr:, MWu Zc~f~lnbcn bcr TZicfe (&ftifter Zitancii, O1feid) Cpfery~cbiden, (~ rociben bie ~S)' rrjcder fIbr fce3nenbo AIuge Q3on gaiicu 65ejd)fctc)trn, 1, Uutb ineibcu, jut (ucte Zie e~1jrcd qetiebiteu, etiff rebeuben S3ig~e Ze6 wbllbuerr 3U jefju. eo fatigen blie '$1ar3en; & iborcIt ber Q0crbatiute,I nddtcju~lf Zer W1fte, bie Vieber, Zenft t inber imb Gntef, Uub jdjutteft ba~ ~aupt. 20 ifnftter Witu f ug. 4roer g( ffriff. ~boa. 2I r f a. r t ae. 3erwirrt mlu itcd eftetn, ba~ ict nidct Wei, Bot)in id) meinen Wrgwot)n ridten jotl. 5inb'h bie ~efangnel, bie alf it)re atluct 2erftotlen finnen? 3ft'4 bie Jriefterin, zie it)nettn ilft? (S mnet)rt fid bao @criid)t, Z)a~ Wd)iff, ba biefe beiben tergebradtt, Se irgenb nod) in einer 3itdt uerftedt. 10 Unb ienea 3mannmee attjaninn, bicfe Qcitle, Ser l)eit'ge 3orrtanb biefer 3ig'rung rnifen Zen rlwoton t lauter unb bie 93orfid)t auf. ~ I) oa $. (@ ftomme fdtneft bite riefterin lterbei! Zann gett, burttfnutt baW Ufer fdtarf nmb ftlneIl 3om 3orgebirge biW 3um S)ain ber O~ttin. 23erid)onet feine f)eif'gen Sicfcn, efgt ebiicdt'gen Sintert)att unb greift fie an; Go itr jie finbet, faft fie, mie it)r ptlegt. - 7.1 - 3weiter?(nuffritf. [ I) tl n $ (affcin). intfct(fid) lrvedet t mit ber ~ritnunl imt ll3uen, &rft geten ie, bie id) fo t)eitig t)iett, anutn gcgen mid), ber id) fie 3dnm11 erratt) )iird) 91ad)id)t unb burdc) Oiite bilbcte. 3,ur Lffauerei gewbitnt ber 3lentfct fic glt, IUnb lernct [eid)t getorcdcn, aelut man iltn SZr Rreci)eit gan3 beraubt. Ja, ii)dre fie qn meiner tIbnberrn rotle S)anb gcfatlcn, 10 Unb 11t)tte fie ber t eil'ge ~rimmn Derfcont: ~ie diire frol) gevejen, fid) attein 3u retten, t)atte banlbar it(r ~efd)ifc rfanunt unb frembea Qlut uor bernt [tar Q3ergofcen, I)atte s3flid)t genannt, USao 9iottl war. Stlut loft meine ~iite an irecr t3ruft Dcrivegncn Simunjd) tcrauf. TSergeben tlofft' idf, fie mir jut uerbinten; (ie jintt fictl) nut cin eigent Cd)iCfat aug. ulrd) d)meid)clci geianml fie mir ba t er3: 20 9lutn wibcrfte)' id) ber: fo jud)t fie fid) ZSelt ecg burd) Vift tub Zrug, unb meine ~iite ~d)eint ijr ein attuerjiiartc^ (Sigentltun. rifter ' nufltif. Spigcnic. nboai. 3 p I) i cl e i e f. Zu forberft mitiI r a bringt biC) 3a un I eer? t I) a a as ~Zu fd)iebft baW Zpfcr auf; jag' an, vartun? - T5h 3 p Ij i tj C 1 tI t. $%c) tjab' ant WLrfa atfco tlar cr~dt~tt. LjiC a 5. QZon bit mb~dt' ic1 eO i-citer nod clj twrefnuct. 3 plj i 4 en1 i t. Lie 0I6ittin gicbt btit dvift 3ut Ueberfepiug. (aic f~cliat bir jebft ytefae, biffe drift. 3 p Ij i ~4 C 'ii C. 9Getin bir ba Drri jumU gtaujrnen (,YttJc)(u5 ~3ettliirtet ift:, Jo joiftfit bit Iuid)t toininen! (.~it 9-ditig, ber Uitmertfd~fidj toetfaigt, Rinb't Zieuer g'nng, bi'.e gegeu 65nab' unb 2o4it Zen ctjaben alucty ber Z~at begierig fafjen; Zocfj feine 65egenuart WMib unbeffedt. 10 Lr finnt bent Zob int eiuer jd~ivrete QUolfr li10 feine QVotert bringen fctamineubea 523etberben auf beo 5Wrnen Sctupt t~iu'ab; C~t abet fwcfebt burci ejueh Yiibjen ruItigr Lin uuetteid~ter O5ott, jum (etume fott. Z tj a (I. Zie 1~eit'ge $Vippe tut emn twilbe Vieb. 3 p Ij i r' C i1i e. 9hid)t Sl3tieftetin, tntr 91gatenmuou'~ Zod~ter. Ze)r Itubdatanuten U3ort iocreitrteft bit; Ze-)r a-iirftiit.loillft bit taidt) gebicteu?. WJein! T.~ou $aigetnb auf ijatb' id) geetrut qelotdyeu, 20 (5-tft nieienci (Sttertn nub bauni einet 0Softttit, hlub folgfarn ffii~Lt id) iinier nieine (eecte Wmtu fd)iiuften ftei; altein bent batette. Vbotte, Zent rtunteu Wtu~fprudj einea Tmauue mid 3~u ffigen, fetut' id) vueber bott no4 tjiet. - 76 - 1) a fn. Sin aft efjet, nic)t ic, gebietet bir. 3 p lf i j ni e. sir faffen cin ~efet begicrig an, ZaO nunrcr Vcibenid)aft rur Qaaffe bient. (Sin anbre fprid)t ju mir, ein attere3, 93iid) bir tu wtiberfeten, ba 6ebot, scnt jeber erembe teilig ift. Ij) a s. (53 fcteinen bie ~efangnen bir fetr nat tIm )erqen; benn bor Wtntteit unb 3erlegung 23ergiffeft bu ber S tugleit crfte 33ort, Za~ man ben aiid)tigen nid)t reijen fot. 10 3p Ij i t i e. Teb' ober jdieig' it, immer fanuft bit wiffen, 3a0 mir im er3en ift tnb inmer bteibt. Vbt bie (Srinnernng beb gleicten Scidfalt Yictt ein Derfd)to3ne )erq utm Jt 9itteib auf? Q3ie inetr betn mleinl! $\n i)nen jet' ic) mit). -S3) tabe uorm Stttare felbft geaittert, Uub feierfid) umgab ber friite Zob Zie Rnieenbe; ba 9)efifer udfte jc)ou, Zen tebentoteen unfen 3u burctbotren; Sein unnerftte3 e:ltfette nrirbeftb fid), 20 1ein nLuge bract, unb - id) fanb mid) gerettet. Cinb nir, wao oiitter gqnbi3g nt gqclva)rt, 1Utntiiiielicen tid)t:t erftattcn fd)it)bi? )1i lueilt ec, tenift midc, nub bu luillft nid) 3^ingeln I - 1) oa a. ~ct)ord)e bcinem Zicltfte, nid)t bcmnttt rrn, 3 p 1) i g e 1 i t. a~t ab! edeftcinige nicdt bie ~ewatt, Zie jid) ber djt)adt)teit eineo Q2eibe[ freut. - 77 --- IN) bill Jo fvci geborcit aQf ciii MO~ail. (tiiub' 2gamcumconui 1-oIu bir q cyiniber, liib bi uerfaugteit, wvai fi:A) uicd)t qcbiit)vt: (o 1bat aucf) Cr ciii -d)1vpct lutb cicii ~(rutn, Zie Cicd)te jCiuCl Q3ufcu1 du lcrtjcibS'gel.,cfd tlabe uidjta aWS USorte, inb co 3icult ZLuI cbett VJault, ber ifraucn 3ort 3f acljtei.. I a aS'. 3c3, ad~t' og metyr afa chto V~rubco 25lpoert. Z p Ij i g e iii r. Zab3 Voo6 ber Q3affen vedCjelt t)iii nub Ier; Qtiei ffuger Ctrcitcr Drift bent aciab geriug. 10 W(cUd) oljiie ~ife gegeC 5Zrutt nub $adrte S)at bie 91atur bcn (cfacf)C~ n midjt getafCUt. Cie gab 3ur Vift itin a3reubc, fellrt' ilpt diuifte; Q&af weidjt er auo, t)crfpidtet nub ninydt.,la, ber Oeivattige t'rbient, bat3 man fie Obt. 2ic Q3orfidjt teffCt bet Vift fid) fug Cutgegetl. 3 p f i 4 C 1m i C. Uub CiCte reinte See braucft fie nidjt. Z tj a a s. Spricj unbef)utfam nid~t bein cigeu Urtijeif. Zg p lj i g3 C U i C. S-) fdtleft bit, wzie meine 25cele tdi-apft, (-iu biSM 65efd)icf, bao jic ergtcifcn wiff, 20 $m erften ifufalf mutIttig abp3treibeiu!I eo fitd)' id) bcim I)icr wvetltroW gegen bid)? 2Zic jdjoue.?ittc, ben amuuutt)'gci 3iucig, jSit citer araucu ~)aub gcvltigcr (Itf ~2ct)lert unb Qafje, ftJf3C bit pnriid: 00aa bteibt mit nun, inein 3uum'reN 3iu Dertteib'gett? - 78 - ~Thi' id)~ bic 65tfin mit chm QUunber anl?,aft tchic g~raft in mcincv (accfe Zicf en? GS-3 jct)cilt, ber beiben aremnbcn (C-d)ictfat nad~jt Ulnlifmidg bid) beforgt. QE3cr fiab fie, jprid), Z$ p Ij i q e ii i r. S-ie fiub - fie fdjeineu - ffur (05ricc1n )cuaft' id) fie,, a~ a) Li l ~?aub~Leute jiub W.? nub fie f~abct ivobtj Zecr 9Uidfctter fc~inc~ Q3itb in bir erucut? 3 nI i C (nao einigcm Stiftjweigeit). Spat beun ptir nuert~drteit Ztat ber MXfann 10 211ci bo Ne~d)tP Zrfidft beim Uumdglid)eo 9iur er acm bie gerwcdt'ge ~~efbeubruft? QV3a nemnut man gro~? QiOa tjebt bie Seele fcfutberub ZLcn immner wicberbcrfenben (Crqd1)cr, 92AW r)Q mit nnu~aIlrrfdwiutid)ein (rfofg Zcr ~Mut~igfte begannP 'Z)C in ber 91ad)t Mdfin baW ~ecr bc Reinbo~ iierfdfcid#t Viie mlhlt)rjct~eu eiue Mfamme ront1enlb Z~ie (ditafenben, (Srwuad~nbCn ergrelift, ~3itet~t, gebrdui~t uou ben L1~rinnntertea, 20 2tuf a3xiubeN $4ferbcit, boct) wit 23ente fe~rt, Qliirb ber at~cin yCpriefen? ber affein, Zer, chicue ficfjrit 5U3g ucrad)tcub, tiit~n 6wl irg' nub 5QdIiber burdljiuftrcifett g1t, 2Za13 Cr wto TJidubcrn cine ftcyub fdub'rc? 3yft unw iidjtW fibrig? wluf3 Cit 3artcn Qcib OR id) i1)rco anigcbor'uctt 91cdetO cntutiicru, Q —3ilb gegcn Qif3ibe felpt, ivie WmUajouca, Zoa ~I(ed)t bc SdjncrtO cidj raIubett imb muit QUute Zie UntctbriictHugc rdidyn? P. uf nub bab3 - 79 - Cteit in ber rlltft eiin fiitlte UnterItelnc en: 3c) iverbe gro3ecr 3orrurf lict)t cntgqeln, 9Tod) fcd)ilercnt Uebe, tclnit ec mir mtifjingt; Sllcin euct) leg' ict)' auf bie 'nice i sUenn 3itr lat)rtlaft fctb, Ivie if)r gepriefcn iDerbct: Co Seigt'3 burd) cuern 3eiftanb ltub terl)errticft Zurct mid) bic iatb)rl)eit! - 3a, ternimm, o ionig, (56 wvirb ein leinlidjcer 3etrug gecd)rmiebet; Q3ergebena fragft bu ben e5fagnuen nad; (ie finub )inuwce unb finden itlre arcunbe, 10 Zie mit bern Sctiff am Ufer warten, auf. )er aitjte, ben ba Uebet ier errgriffen Unb nun Dertajfen Iat - eN ift Creft, Mcin u rubcr, nbt ber anbre feitn e3rtrauter, ein yugenbfreunb, mit r amen 13tIabe0. dpolt f)cidt fie Don Zetlpi biefem Ufer M9it g6ttlit)en Vefel)ten 3u, bao Vilb Liantenu rtegVurauben unb ^u inm Zie dcblvefter binpubringen, unb bafiir S3erfprict er bem ton Rurien Derfolgten, 20 Z5e VSutterblute cd)uilbigen 8efreiuig. Uln beibe tab' icd nmn, bie Ueberbliebnen Z3on Zantat Sg)aOu, in beine )anb gelegt: Serbirb un - itenn bu barfft! C Ij o n S. ZSl gtaubft, e toire Ser roie Scjtfte, ber Sarbar, bie ~timmne Zer 2a{)rt)eit imb ber 93Jenfd)lidfteit, bie Streun, )er ~rieCte, nidt ternatm? 3 p I1 i g c ni e. (6 tirt fie jeber, ~eboren unter iebem )immel, bern 30 ZS)e ~eben Ziluefe burd) ben S3Buen rein - 80 - lub ungcl)inbcrt ffictt. - Uas jfilflt bu mir, 0 ibnig, jd)tlcigenb iit bcr ticfelt Kcce? 3ft e 3erberbcrn?jo tobte mid) tterft! eenun nut cmpfinb' id), ba uIt tcine RTettung 3tcl)r iibrig bleibt, bie grdai idjce cfaT)r, Sorcin id) bie e~ciebten iibcrcit Zortiitlicd) tiir3te. Vet)! id) rocrbe fie 65ebunbcnt or mir Tettp!.)i2it uvtdclt ti lictcn Sanlt id) Don metinemt truber tbjfd)icb nctmelt, Zen id) ermnorbc? 9timmet tannt id) it)m C 9ett)r in bie ticlgeliebten SMltgen dt)at'n! T 1) a (t s So tabcn bie Setriiger, fiinftlid) bid)tenb, Zer lang 3erfcd)lo3elen, it)re iilnfct)e leid)t Unb villtig taulenbenbe, ein fold) 5efjpintjt Untm Taupt gerorfen! 3 p 1) i q c ni te. 9ein! o.bnig, ttcin! Sc) fonnte tintergangen wterben; bieje Sinb treu unb watjr. Uirft bu fie anbero finben, ~o ta~ fie falten unb terftot e tic), $3erbanne mid) jur Strafe meinter 2IT)orIeit 20 Wn einer Mtippeninfet traurig Ufcr. aft aber biefer 9tann ber tang erfflcte, ~5eliebte 3ruber, Jo euttlaf unl, fct ltcd) ben 5cfid)wiftern rie ber ld)lvefter freunbli)! 9Jtein 3ater fief burcd feiner 3rauen ctultb, Unb fie burd) ilren ~ojn. Zie lette )offnung Qon. ttreuw Stamme runtt auf itm natein. Qa~ mini mit reinem jerqen, reiler aanb ~)inlubergetn unb unfer taul entfiit~nen. Zu tiltft mir Qort! - Genmt 1t ben t9einen je 30 2Iir Siiudfecr ubereitet mrare, fd)iunrft - 81 Zlu mtid) d t afife: unb fic ift cN mmt. (iut iOnig fagt nid)t, luie gcnmncic Scnjfe)n, 3crlcgent it, bat cr ben 3ittenbce S(ff einen STtgcnbtid cutfcrne; 11od) 23crfprid)t er auf ben gatt, ben cr nid)t 1offt: Z3ann fiit)t cr crft bie YSol)e eincr 23iirb3e eunlt cr ben f)arrenbeu begtiiden tfann. Z 1) o0 s. UmItuiig, twie fid) eucr gcqen saffcr,j11 gampfe itctrt unb gifd)cnb fcincn l einb Su titgcn fud)t, Jo weTcrct fid) ber Sorn 1a,3n nteinem 3ufen gegen beine 3Iorte. 3 p 1) t l e i e. C, lat bie ~nabe, tUie baO l)cit'ge Qid)t Zer ftien tt Dpferflamme, mir, lumfrinit SOon obgefaulg unb Zanlt nib areube, lobern. t 1 o a s Sie oft befinftigte micf biefe -tilnme! 3 p 1) it c n i c. D reie mir bie canb lum e riebcnieu ciden. ZI a s. Zu forberft bief Ui ciner ftur3cn cit. 3 p 1) i A c n i r. Urm ~ut't iu tlunt, braud)t' tfeiner Uebcrtegung. l1) o a s. ~et)r tiet! benn aucn bemn unten fotgt ba UebeeL 3 p 1) i g e n i e. erer Boeifel ift, ber ~utc biife mad)t. 20 B3ebenfe id)t; getoii)re, wie bnt fiit)lft! - 82 'Jierfcr '~tnff ritl. Orft Seroaffnet. Z i 2v r i g n. QC r ft (nacf~ ber scene gerer)rt). &3rbop4cft eitrc Sgrifte!. Dattet fie Zer Menge uidt, uu11 bectt ben 5U33g 3utm Sct)iffe ~Mir unb ber S4nucftcr!1 (3u -3pfigenien, ofine ben ft~uig 311 fe~eu.) Rommi'! iwir jiub Dcrratfjen. 65eringer ~Raim bteibt im~ 3ur ~-ucfjt. 65cid)pDub!1 10 (C~r er1btict ben 96inig.) Ij 0 1 (n4c bem G rerte greifeub).,I3 mt neuer 05egeuroart ffi~jt uun3eftraft R~ein Mflann bm3 nacte Scf)ert. 3- P I ig~e ii. (Yntjeifiget Zer 05iittin, Qlioljnuuq luidjt burcj Q3utfy nub VJerb. O5ebietet euernm Zotte (2tififtaub, 1jdcet Ziie $Jriefterin, bie S4dwefter!. QLr t~ ft. Sage umir!. QVer i'ft eN, ber unu broljet? 20 3% p 1j i q e ii i e. O3ercjr' iu i~m Zen 96nig, ber nieuu gnwetter 5Bater warb! 5&r,7eiW mir, 58rnber!. bocfj meini fiubtic) S~er3 ~)at nufer gcui Ofcdjicf in jeine S~anb O3eteqt. ( 5tftaubcu t)aib' ict enern Wtv4d)tfa g, Uub uteine (Seele owi 93erratt) gerettet. Q, rc ft. Gaift er bie 9Riidfe1~r fricbtict) mit, qcroifjrco? - 83 Zcin btinftnb (c2cf~crt ocrbictct tnir bic WUnttwort. r t e f 'ter baB cd~vcrt cinftcdt). Co 0jridt! Z., jicljft, iJ) t;oVLL)C bciuen 5&3ortcn. ~iinf~er AluftriUt. c Z v~$ r i q c it. T t) I a b c ix, blalb nailc) itpit '.1 r f ar 6beibe mtit bloteitn Li I a b c 5gertiocifet uidft! Zie ctItca Sfriifte raffteln 2Ae Ulnirigent Aufammen; iocidjeub ruerbeu C-ie ilad) bcr (Zce fntgjautm 3uticfincbrditqt. Qcfd) ciii OSciprdd) ber aiirftcu finib' id) 1~icr! 10 Zie 6 ift bo qbuigo erc~-tor i ~aupt. 65cfaffcn, ruie cm bir, o Aunig, iienit, Cteift bit bei a3einbeu geqenfiber. 6MMidj $Jft bie 93erweqeutleit beftraft; ea riicid;t Ilab fdflt itr Mliitpau, umb iltr.5d)iff ift mufer. (in iort voo bir, Jo jtcl)t's in afamrnei. o I)a s. 65ebicte Stilfftauib uciucin ~13offe! Reiner LBcfd)dbige bmu Reinb, Jo tang wuir reben. (91rfctO a.) 20!jcd) unf)In' cO an. 65cfj', fcmiutfe, treuler 3rcettb, Zjeni 9?eft beN 9olfec: 1)arrCt ftitt, iuctcd (lube Cic M5bttcr utre1ru Zfjateu 3utberciteii. - 84 - ~' ed5fer '~uff rift. 3 p lj i eiiie fi3efveit toul ~5ovge tti j ti31ce~ QVcgiirnut,.j4i bcfiirctvt bbi~ci 3mift, QVeiut bit, o Wiutig, uidjt ber ~!3illigftc (5etinbe C,-timmue 4bireft; bit, iucia. Q0ruber, Z)cr rard~ci 3,utqeub nicljt gcbicten wti~tft..34) tfafte meilen Born, roic eN bent Wetetern 65e3icrnt, pirnfd. Wntituorte mir!. U3omnit ZVe~eugft bit, ba~ bit WgtaeiuoennOt (2ot~t 10 Unb b Iejef r &3uber bift? b~icr ift ba (Sd#vert, M9it bemn er Zroja'~ tap~frc Vd)imuer jt)futg. Zic~ valpuict i feinern 9idrser at,, unib bat Zie ~im~uinfije, ben M)uttj ntub W1rat, ba OfUid ZeO groj~ea g6igc~ tuir 3u uerfeitlrt, Uab ctiue cit jd~ ru Zob mir tE fcafreu QG31)f euien ato beit ybefui. behiNe.S)ee Uub ftefc-le ir bell QVfteii geyeuiiber.,Ift tejuern a3remnbfitx bic3 65cfud)j er~iveigert. Z' a)L a S. Zief~ QOorred~t t~at bie atte (aittc ice Zein a-remben fjier vgeftattet. 0 r Cft. Cc-o beqiuue Zi e uen Sitte berm uon bir nuab mir y! 85 - 9?aa)n)mcnb I)ciligct cin gang3b 3oft )ie ebie f)at bcr )cerfd)cr unm Jcfct. Unb Lfa mid) nid)t altcit fiir luufre arcilceit, sac mict, bent recmbcn, fiir bie rentben tiimpfen. Raftf id), fo ift il)r Urtt)eil mit bem meinen 5eiproden; aber gBnnet mir ba6 ~iiic u iitberloinben, fo betrete nie (in V2Jann biet Ufer, bem ber fd)nette tlic uiiffrei(er Vicbe nid)t begcquet, nnb etroiftet fcteibe jegticer ttinreg! 1o a s. 91icft itniertt) Jdeineft bt, o 3iingting, mir Zer bnltberrn, beren bu bid) riiOmft, ft fc)n. ~rof ift bie S3aft ber ebenlt tapfern 9;2anner, Zie midC befeciten; boct id) itet)e fetbft,n meinen 3atren nod) bent eciiibe, bin 3ereit, mit, it b er laffen 0ooB ^11 ivagen. 3 p Ij i c tn i r. 3it nicten! Siefeo bfttigen V3etreife 8ebarf ec nic)t, o konig! Vat bie S)anb 3om Sclt4erte! Zentt an mid) ntb mnein ccfd)id. etr rafd)e Rampf ueremtigt einen Vlann: 20 (r fatte gteidc, Jo preifet iljt ba~ Vieb. Wffein bie Z)riinen, bie nnenblid)en, Zer iiberbliebnen, ber terlagnen aran 3iatft teine 9ladroett, unb ber Zidjter fd)jceiqt Q3on tanuenb bunrcgeleintetn ag- l nb 9Tiid)tel, 3So eine ftilfe Zeele ben ucrtor'neu, 9afdc abgefctiebnen Treunb oergebenu fid) 3nriid^3rutfen bangt unb fid) tei3elrt. 3Wid) felbft tat etine orge gteid) geDwarnt, Zaf ber 3etrug vnicdt cineu Ldnibcr~ mid) 0o 86 53om ficernt fcf)nltort rcie, nmid) her nned)tjfdaft 3erratf)e. ~tciit3 t)ab' id) fie bcfraqt, 9?ad) iebem Umittanb micd crltnbigt, 3eid)en (5eforbert, unb getuif ilt ntin mein ger3. iiet) I)icr an feiner red)ten i)anb ba 3)?at Qie on brei ~ternen, hba am 2age fcd)on, 3a cr gcboren awarb, fic) ci3te, baN Wlnf fd)n)cte St)at, nit biiecr a-auft tu Jibe.t, Zer S3riefter beutete. Sann iibcrrcugt )tid) bopptiet biec Kd)ramnTe, hie il)m I)ier 10 ZSie 2igcnbranne jpaltet. tt( cit 6iiub Vict it)n tefttra, raid) unb nIttuoijid)tig 9Nad) itrer Wrt, aun it)rcn Irmicn ftiirecn. fir ftltug auf cinen Zreifut anf. - (-r ift'eolt id) bir nod) bie Wetituid)teit bc3 3ater6, Colf ic) baW inn're.aud);cn mcilci Scr3enG Zir aucf atl 3eugen ber 3erfici'rung nennen? l 1) o a s. lUnb Iii[c beine 9Rebe jeben 3wueife 1nb bdiibi6t' id) ben 3orn in mcinetr ruft: ~o iniirbenll bo ie 3affen 3vifd)en 1nni 20 (ntfd)cibcn mufiifen: {riebet ftcl)' idCi) nit. Sie finb getommen, bit bcfenteft fjebft, ZaO ticil'ge 8ilb ber Obttint mir 31 rauben. ~taltut itr, id) fcl)e bief getaffcn an? Zer ~ricd)e Ivenbet oft jein tiiftcrn Wlige; en fernen l d)dicn ber.arbarelt lit, Zem golbncn Uelle, $ferben, fd)bctiilen d)tern; ~Zod) fiitrte fie ~entalt nub Vift uid)t irmner ~3lit ben ertangten ~iitcrit gfiidfid) teim. O re f. ZaO 3itb, o So'nig, jolt nt t Itic)t c:'t';ecn! 30 - 87 --.$3'cIt feunlenl w1it bell 3tttf~luiii, benl Ciii ($5ott Ta er bcu Qlseg ljierljcr uuW uianberit Iic~. lin T-attb uub urn V~efreimig bait hij iIpt,B3ou beill (Metit bet Rurielu; et jptact.:,,QVriuft bit bie (~cbivcjtct, bie aii ZantiW Ufer 9iad) 65tiecljuftunb, Jo bicet Jidj betrMuW U~iri fcgtcn'6 tou W(polfcil~dj~efter a~ hub et gebad~tc b i cI! Zie ftrengen 5~3aube 10 hinb nuin *ift; bn blift ben Zeiiuen tuieber, Zu ~eifigc, god~eutt. 5Qno bit betfiifjt, V~iar id) getjeift; in beinen %trnien faf~te Za~ llebet micfo mit acifen fehien glauen 23unt fet~tenmatf, nub jf~ttefte bao 9,.Rarf Gutfe~ictfid mir 3fautnmeu barnn entffotj'~ Q3ie eiue Sdjtavge 311 bet Tif~e a Ye 65euief' I'd) nun bntd~ bi~ ba wteite Vidt Z~e6 Za ~ Ct —dn nub )ertrticf jeigt ficj mit r~er 065ttin s1iattj. ~MeM) eiuem tbeit'gen ~3ibe, 20 Z~aran bet 2tabt uuivanibelbar 65ejd~i Zutd?) emn gebeimea 06tterwort gebauut ift, NXatm fie bidj lueg, bidj C,-djitetiiu beo ~ctnfeO QVewaI)tte bid) in ejuet fyeif'geu C —tiffe 3mun S-qen beiue Orubero unb bet Zeinev. Zia atle Nlettunq ciuf bet tueiten L~rbc 9.3crtoren id)ieut, giebft bit nn atfeo rvieber. Vaf beive Seete fid) 3ltn Rr~ieben wieuben, 0 Sdinig!? S~'inbre uid#t ba~ fie bie Q33eitje ZOue rtiedpid )e aufeo nun voUbrinlge, 30 V79id) bet entjfiinteit S)affe ruiebergebe,.9M)ir auf bao ~aupt bie aite grone brficflde 5~3etgilt ben Segen, ben fie bit gebrad1~t, - 88 - 110b fat bca iffoCrit NEcd)tc f ntel) gcmtiicfcn! cwraft itnub Vift, bcr Viiimcr jiicblftcr ~ihIdlin Vb~irb bunvd) be Vsat)rlytct biclCe it)oCIIl I1CCit; O3ejfdiimt, uiib rcinac, fiublidjc~ Zcertraucn ~3u cineni ebcn e OuaiMme wiub bcto~itt. Z p I) i I CIII e. Zetit' an bein QViort, unb Ltia burd) bie6 9ticbe Stuf ejuent 3'rabcit, tre9tt ifluu.Wibe bid) O3emcged! Siec nu116 an! znu t)aft itidAt oft 3it Joldycr ebelit Z1tat 5ftegeicf)it. )3evfageu tantnft buX3 niclt; gecidt)r' ea balb. 10 ~o gel~t! 3 p 1) i ra n i r. 9licft Jo, mein biui$3! I )ne ~2cgct, 3an Q3iberwiten, Jdeib' ictj nid)t von bir. 93erbann' inm nid)t! (iin frcimtblidj) faftrcct tuafte j3on bir 3un w: Jo jiub wur iicidt aur eivig 6Xtrent itnub abqejd)iebm Uii erttb unb tt~ener Qie uiir miein Q. ater war, jo bift bn'N mir, Uub biefer Oinubrnc btcibt 'it meiner -ecte. 3riigt bet 5erintfte bei*e~ rottci le 'Zeu Zon ber Stimme it ir~ ~ii3 Atuii4e, 20 Tenl id) an endtc gelvoliut 311 lt)renl binl, 110t jelf id) an bem Wtermften cure Zradft: Cnupfauttcit ivittL id. ibu w~ic chiien Oott,,.3Id wit1 it)t jctbft cia Vagcr puberciten, I(itf cduen (-htu1)t itjn an ba Reiter taben, iUb nwtr uad) bir nub beinent Sdjifat fragct. Z, geben bit bie 65iitter beiner Ztlaten Unb beiner 9Jilbe vototfcrbienten ~potixI VWeb' ivott! 2 wenbe bid) 3u W unub gieb 89 -CSiu 'ijolbcl 5Qort bc qltbCf)tcb6 utir 3uuft.! Zaui f4dwctut bcr 33iub biie Cegcf fatnfter an, llhub ~rdiuei iceitcu tinbcrnbcr toui W(uge AE, CdOcibeiben. Veb' VWvoof! nub rcidje wir Stiut 1j3faub ber altcn arcunbcijaft beie 4cdf~te. o I) a s. Vebt rvotj11 I IPHIGENIE AUF TAURIS. it r o b u tt in. According to a post-Homeric legend, the Greeks when about to sail for Troy were detained at Aulis by unfavorable winds. Agamemnon, their chief, had offended Diana, and through Calchas, the seer, she now demanded the sacrifice to herself of Agamemnon's daughter, Iphigenia, as a condition precedent to permitting their departure. Accordingly Iphigenia was brought to Aulis and was conducted to the altar, when Diana substituted for her a hind and transported her in a cloul to Tauris. 'Iphigenia in Tauris' is the title of. one of Euripides' dramas, relating to this legend, and his treatment has been rather closely followed by Goethe in the piece before us. In both plays the fate of Iphigenia is bound up with that of her family, or more exactly with that of her brother Orestes, who is pursued by the furies for the murder of his mother Clytemncstra. In both plays Apollo's promise to diliver Orestes from the furies if he will rescue his sister Diana from the rude S -ythians is the apparent motive, and the promise is fulfilled in both: but in Goethe this promise is with fine respect both for the amliguity of Greek oracles and for a more inward, modern f iling made to mean at last the rescue and return homewar I of Iphigenia, and not the obtaining of the statue of Diana as in Euripides. Gocthe's pl;Ay was frst finished in prose in 1779, but, as was the case in regard to the 'Faust,' 'The Bride of Corinth,' and other of Goethe's productions, the legend had been fur years a subject of his thought. Goethe was not satisfied with the piece in the prose form, and rewrote it in a sort of metre for the representation given in the following year. Even after this the 92 INTRODUCTION. mantscript accompanied him on his journeys, and was for him and his friends the subject of constant discussion and criticism. In 1781 the play was again revised, and in this revision there was a return to the earlier or prose form. In 1786, when Goethe had in view the publication of a collected edition of his works, this piece was again refashioned and again received a more rhythmical form. In this shape it was read anew to the Duke Carl August, arnd we learn from one of Goethe's tters that now 'divided into verses' it gave him (Goethe) more pleasure. When Goethe this same year on the eve of his departure for Italy spoke to Herder mysteriously of an excursion, and consulted him as to publishing the Iphigenia in the form which it then had, he received the advice to take the manuscript with him and give the piece more perfection. He followed this advice, and appears to have worked upon the piece at various points in his journey southward. On the 10th of January, 1787, this 'Schmerzenskind,' as Goethe's letter names it, was sent off in its present form from lome to WVeimar. It did not meet the expectations of Herder and other friends. It had been greatly changed, and they probably missed in it the earlier affinity with Goethe's 'Goetz von Berlichingen,' which had become to a certain degree their standard of literary excellence for a play. Goethe in the few months since his departure had made immense stridesin art. To say nothing of the solemn, ennobling influence of the Greek statues visible in so many lines of the play, Carl Philipp Moritz, whose acquaintance he had made in Rome, had given him a new insight into the principles of rhythm. But though the German readers of that day were disappointed, the piece is now recognized as one of Goethe's great productions. Friedrich Vischer in his discussion cf ' Faust' calls it ' n its sublime purity a masterpiece of the ideal style,' and this is substantially the modern verdict. Herman Grimm's account of the various threads in Goethe's life woven into this piece is ingenious:nd interesting. lie conjectures, and gives partial proof for the conjecture, that the piece was commenced in 177G as the text of a cantata, in consequence of a request from Gluck, the composer, to Wieland to write such a text in memory of a beloved niece. To this text Gluck was to write the music. Wieland declined, but applied INTRODUCTION. 93 to Goethe, who seems from Wieland's correspondence to have consented and actually to have begun the piece. This purpose, however, was in the perplexities of his oficial life abandoned, and the work was neglected for three years, and when Goethe resumed it, probably Frau von Stein was constantly in his thought connected with the words assigned to Ip'ligenia. In the final composition he seems to have risen to a more purely ideal region; for in the Iphigenia of our play little, if any, trace of Gocthe's admiration for this gifted woman can be dctccted. It is, however, highly probable,,s Grinlm suggests, that in the portended separation between Tho:.s and Iphigenia a reference to Goethe's own desire to escape from the vexations and rcstr:ctions of court life, and even a prophecy of the beginning by the Italian journey of fulfillment for that desire, can be read between the lines. Thoas in that view represents KarlAugust, and N ithout doubt more of Goethe's own emotion finds expression in the words of Iphigenia than in those of all the other characters combined. Thus, besides Gocthe's desire noted in Iphigenia's utterances to Thoas with regard to her return home, does not the opening scene, where Iphigenia longs for the land of the Greeks, gain fervor from Goethe's longing for Italy? In the beautiful lines in the first scene of the third act, beginning go ftci~ft ltu tcnn, (rffIIunil, one may read an expression of Goethe's own joy at being in Italy, surrounded by specimens of the best Greek art. That this Iphigenia was called Greek in its presentation of the legend is not surprising. No less a person than Wieland so called it, and many critics of that age hell the same opinion. But Schiller pronounced it 'astonishingly un-Grcek and modern,' and to the adoption of this view a careful analys's cf the play will certainly lead. Iphigenia, as Goethe pictures her, is a pure, spotless soul, altogether above deceit (though she acquiesces until the time of action in ryladcs' artful plan for the dcliverance of her broth, r), and to her character much more influence is assigned than the Greek drama allows even to it; noblest women. Certainly the Iphigenia in Taurls of Euripides is much below the Iphigenia of our play, both in charact r and influence. Further, the whole drama is so plainly an unfolding of character, an exhibition of sLntiments and feelings, and the 94 INTRODUCTION. Greek idea of external force or fate is so overshadowed by the doctrine that man's happiness or unhappiness flows from his own conduct, that one is justified in regarding the philosophy of the play is altogether Christiin. The play shows the influence of the Greek statues and tragedy, dec.ls with a Greek legend in what at first glance seems a pagan way, and is slw in its movement. But it is Christian and ideal in its essence and substance, and wonderful as is the combination (f the antique inform with the modern in spirit, some whose t:aste insists on one organic style do not concede to this union of Greek and Gothic elements the great beauty which many German admirers have celebrated. But whatever may be denied to the Iphigenia as a drama, no one can deny the most perfect love anl piety to the (haracter, Iphigcnia, or that her prayers and enmotional utter nces are among the finest illustrations of the power of Gocthe over language that his works afford. Sonme of thes) passages are very finished; and well they may be, f(cr probably ten years had elapsed since Goethe first began to work pon the play. In March 1787 he writes of the 'infini'e ex rtions' he had spent upon the piece, but, what is surpri. ing, a f w months later he excuses its imperfections no'ed l1y friends: on the ground that it was hastily written. It is 1 crlaps true that during these years of composition Goethe elaborated favorite passages, instead of aiming at an equal thoroughnm ss of the work as a whole. The importance of the piece in Goethe's development, if it be proper to apply this word to Goethe (Bernays objects to th; application), is se(n in the fact that it signaliz s the epoch made in his life by the Italian journey. As the Iphigenia was the first important work finished after he had recovered froml the wondering jy of his first sight-seeing and had begun to reap the ripe harvest about him, it surpassed in serenity ann repose his earlier productions. Goethe was at 1 st in conditions favorable to literary effort, and itis piece st l:ds,:s Gervinl.; says, 'as a symbol in which tha p 1; t, who had attained clearness and repose, sings his own reconciliation with himself in th3 reconciliation of the h roic family with the gods.' From this point of view it is also wo rth c.1reful study. ]Ea:h reader may p-rhaps be left to ascertain for himself the INTRODUJCTION. 95 exact meaning of the play. Critics have widely differed ats to that, but two of the lines which Goethe once wrote on tho flyleaf of a copy given to an actor who was to reopresent Orestcs (that part which Goethe originally played) deserve to be recorded as containing one thought which the author held to he embodied in the piece-,,~ee mcniiftidie t1Oebrecf~en No,=.-As this play may be read by pupils 'Immediately after leaving the German reader, It was thought well to make ia tre -no'es occasloual references, to the grammar (Whitney'sI. And as it will he most interresunig to classical scholars, a few explanatioas of classical allusions have baeu introduced: but it is believed that the notles are stll1 s3 briecf as b rem'11iro of the student a good deal of thought for the comprehension of the dirams as literature. NOTES. 3 3. 6. ZianenS, one form of the gen. of Vianct. FIRST ACT. 5 First Scene. 5. 4. S5`'erauq, separable prefix, and belongs with Zrct'. - 8. fie refers to C- d~dttcn, andI i 4 obj ect of t'ctratc; Iletra tc, subj., Or. 332. '"b. -9. tdcrf~cr, ' hither, or to th il place,' as if 0crovfnt were verb of motion. - 10. Fc i,)rt, present where Enxglish requircs perfect: Gr. 324. 3. - 12. im crtcn, ' at first.' - 13. This and the two following lines contain the motive for Iphigenia's coming out into the grove and upon the shore. Dromesickne!~s impels her to look towards ' the land of the Greeks.' Compare Catullus' Picture of Ariadne, C4, 60. and foblowing lines. These lines in the final revision of the piece wNcre written by Lake Garda, in September, 1780, when Goethe was on his -way to Italy. - 17. bump~fc, ' hollow,' 'ecmpty,' not responsive. - 19. eninam, for cinjatno: Gr. 126. - 21. ' downwards,' because Iphigenia is. represented. as ait Tauris, above Greece. Her case is generalized. 6 6. 1. TJitgeborne, ' brothers end sisters.' - 3. retcie, dispute' or ' quarrel.' - 9. Gie enggelunbcn, 'within what narrow limits.' - 10. Sfd~on, ' indeed,' may be here rendered ' at best.'- 11. elenb, ' miserable,' is 0. HI. G. elilenti, comapounded of ell, ali, like Latin alius, and lenti from lent, literally ' of another country.' — fie refers to 8 eibcS: Or. 154. 1, s~econd part of rule. - 14. t~i'cbecause in the service of Diana. - 17. Je11te, ' ought': Gr. 257. - 18. S3u freiemt Ticnfte Hir, ' freely' or 'gladly to thy service;' fretenm is opposed to miit BIliberwi'iin. -22. WIm, accusative after in, as motion is indicated. - goenm: Men, Tytft is understood as auxiliary, because tu is repeated line 20 after the relative: Gr. 321. 2. - 23. 3cu8, gen. after Zoddtcr; in prose it would beboan 3cu& -- 31. conclusion of condition be N OTIES. ACT L.9 97 ginning at line 23. - 33. tncm 2cfbea t)iev in prose 'would be bcet 7, 3. Fout, poetical for fietet. - 8. e~ refers to Leccr.10. Z~ifcr, dative after efcujje~n:- Gr. 374. - 12. f~inb', subjunctive, ac-cording to Gr. 331. 2. - 14. ~cflcr, sort of factitiva ace.: Gr. 2217. 3c. -15. Un~ aflen, dative with 3cid)cn: Gr. 225. 1. - 23. %~crtricbrtcn... T3crwaiftlon, 'exiled,' in that the" godless has removed her from her friends, and ' orphianod ' by this so-parat~on. At this time she does not know that both hcr fiather.. and1 mother are dead. S. 2. Zas), irN', ' That is the reason.' - 8. frcmbcr, 'of othiers,' of Atreus, her grandfather, and Tantalus, the 8 progenitor of the- family. - 13. wieilt ' art determined.' - 17. the c in ftt8 -is long though before two consonants. It was originally a. - 21. V3irtfbc, ' the host' or benefactor. Thoas had r_,ceivcd Iphigenia hospitably.-26. wacrb, aoristic form, ' became' suddenly. 9, 3. Trkiucf) for 01braudi. - 4. grcit ctf~men, infinitive subject of mact~t. - 7. twirtrucrnr ' Ipass in sorrow.' - 9 12. Zie Zrctucrjctjaar, ' the mournful company;' fcicrt, ' inactive spend.' - 14. tbor affen, I pre~iminently.' - 27. ZCpfr, gen. after mangcft. - 30., uab ejlt yr utid)t fojcar borau~? '.1and does not victory actually hlastlen in advance' of the army? i. e. does not the enemy sometimes retreat on simply hearing that our army is coming? 10, 1. J~-tfiidcr, poetical and old for jeldcr. - 3. 2J-ite, 'benignity;' gen. after erfreut. - 4. unS, dative after cr- 1 0 Jeictbtcrt. - 7. This figure is old in German. Compare Wolfram von Eschenibachi —Parzival — Sec. 42.7, 11. 16, 17. - 10. urnwirtf)-, bacemi, I'unhospitable,' ' unfriendly.'- 13. Zer 1bcflvaits fief~t, pregnant expression, ' that looking forward sees.' Niemeyer in hi 4~ notes to ' Nathan the Wise' compares with the Templar's selfdepreciating words 2nd act, 5th scene, 1. 1209, the four lI nes on this page beginning with 1. 15. - 23. madfjam, ' with difficulty.' ]iit 5. ' The Scythian puts no value on fine speaking.' -8. lennt nidjt, ' is not a master of.' - 9. kmaiactm f ein,11 'slowly and with subtlety.' - 18. ~ertunf t, descent. - 21. et 98,I p f) i g e it i e a it f TZ a it r i . 12. 3. t)inllciorfcuc Pliorte, ' dropped,' or ' occasional 1 2 words.' - 6. fiA,', dative. - 7. reife, subjunctive of purpose after bcurit: Gr. 332. 5b. - 9. -nicf~t is to be brought kiteu this line from line 7. -- 11. 1.Cm1, dative dependent on bcn ~1ufcn llanbiwct: Gr. 222. III. a. - 14. Octte for 9ett. — 18. ~juu~frau appositional with relative tc 13. 2. fyfl~, here transitive, ' bids' or 'commands.' - 1L 3 4. ffia cblci' M0ann etc., 'A. noble man is greatly influenced by a kindly word from a woman.' -8. f off, ' am to.' - 12. 9)?5, subj. of wish. - 15. fc~jil, subjunctive imperative. - 23. clet ~facfficfftcn, predicate superlative: Gr. 140. 2b. - 21. ciii Osicrhii ger, 'an obscure person.' 14 14, 7. ~crocf~cu, old form of participle from r~ictfc for ~craidtt. -- 8. crj65tc, subj. of possibility after a negative, 'which can delight me.' - 25. Ztif5 bu. y... iflcft, subject of Ware. - 27. wodre, subjunctive of conclusion, with condition involved in unter fejacam Zllote. - 30. cia uwof)[ bon uaS cmpfcaniecr for cia oon uuO wvofj u~ct~a in prose the pronouns always come, early in the sentence. 15 1 5, 4. FS3crbarqi, imd. because expressing reality, I'If I 15 ave concealed.' - 8. fki~te.. cen, subj. of conclusion. - 10. bie (:itc, ' the side,' 'the half.' - 15. Su belongs with icc. 18. fc~: Gr. 332. 5a. 1 6. 2. 2I inf, 'nod,' here ' wish.'. — 15. 'does harm or 1 6 docs injury, just as the gods choose it (to be the case).' - 16. The announcement that she is from the race of Tantalius produces in the drama no astonishment. Thoas replies with dignity. This has belen severely condemned by some critics. - 22. ' in whose discourses, rich in experience, pregnant with t11ought.' - 26. it~rcS 0 fti~cbn, ' their equals,' ' their like.' The ex~preecsion is like bcetidca Though the pronoun is singular, probably from an original singular use, its import i.i often plural. 17, 1. nur cia Thcnid), opposed to -t ~ro5i, and mneaniagZ 1 7 ' too humble.'- 4. SoiS Lat. gen. a'd5opted as German. - 6. the preteirit true, though hlar-e used where we should use a perfect, is in German more emph atic, implies ofti.n more feeling NOTES. ACT LI.9 on the part of the speaker, than if the perfect were used. 9. (~iufc[ from the same root as %0ii, 0. HI. G. one, d-nd wonlimean a little grandfather, or the grandfathier downwards.12j. The podt means that thcse quahties wvere not in them.22. Chrysippus, son of Pelops by Axioche or Danais. is. 3. bcm, dativet-fteriie!$t: Gr. 225. 2. - 7. CcT~~u 'linlked.' ~fi~for Wf~cicf). - 14. Thyost-s dislhonor- bis 1 8 brother's bed by seducing his wvife, Aeropo. - 18. MmPeithenes. - 22. T'torbe, subj. of purpose: Gr. 3132. 5b. 19. C. ftiiucrr, Thyostes' own eons, Tantalus. and Pleisthenes. - 11. S1efnlfi~, poetical and noble word for 6Oicdt)t 19 orftujcficf~t. The Got1hic is ondlavleizp, meaning, 'a 1 -)oking against or forward.' Sanders quotes Herder on this word:,~rPc~l otlen traigt kciu S'au~t cufrcfj~, blber 1ba~t er ci:1 loti~ Its use in the text is fine. -- 16. aitti6, used in elevated rtyle for ~f~f 24. Notic3 the use of the articles. We should say in Engk~sh,the rattern of a.' 29). 6. fiqerte, ' caused to encamp': not a common sense of th-s -verb. - 13. -3cr followed by the ace. beeaus', 2 0 after a verb cf motion. - 21. Qrafcf, more commonly ' grandson,' here 'crandehild 'or 'granddaughter,' for wh'ich a f minine form Qnfein1 is in1 Use. - 25. The student should learn the difference. between wic1'bcr()*1en and Vi~dotu 21. 1. ecbcin, the apparent, as Iphigenia hopes, but not real loss of his daughter. - 4. 1;jttte 6ccffeUjl, subjunctive 2 1 of conelusion, the condition being involved in line 3. 'If return. were to come, ' should I have fastened myself?' meaning 'should I have done well in fi-steoning myself?'- 11. bulrn, 'are intc-ndcd to.' - 14. 63cid;,swiftcrn, here 'brother and sistecr, Orestes and Electra. - 20. imbu dete% subj. of condition. -27. _Ifi nc... bnZtuicu, ' in their breast.' ~30nen refers to 2IleiF, a woman standing for the class, women. 212, 1. ~Iv 'and,' mny be translated here I'but,' to mark th —e con'rast. - 4 and 5 refer to lines 2 and 3, p. 13. -- 22 7. TMSf lbckefftc, for suchl an I'uncapected r-nswcr' or 'iselbsure. 'Tho nunt two linee, ml-an that the k:'ng ought to hae x —ected somle sulchi answer, because, os a woman, Ipliigcnia wo-,li ho sure to make such a one. -11. Iclinot a pu-n on Sdcrr, b-t con 100,1pfiiqeie aitf Zaitria, taining the original idea of 0. H. G. Wer, from the comparative of which.~crr i.s derived. It may b3 translat(ed 'noble,' as ' unctct' is opposed to it. - 16. Bcrc lcrTincn, fut. subj. of indirect discourse. 23. 2. SerFc, impv. snbj.: 'The prince ought to mark.' 23 -3. 6ccrbtc8 9tccdt, a slur at hbr descent Irom Tantalus, sharpened by calling himself in line 5 cincn crbtcbcrrncin S:iltcn. - 8. 3c! fin cin TRcnfd) means ' You must expect me to show hum n weakness.' - 21. cinfgcuicgt, ' rocked to sleep.' 24. 1. Euripides in his play makes Iphigenia say 24 much the sam3 thing. 'These people, who themselves have a will joy in shedding human bl od, their savage guilt charge on the goddess, for this truth I hold: none of the gods is evil or doc'h wrong.' Earip. Iph. in Tauris: Potter's translation, 11. 451-4. -- 2. tichtct..ce, 'imputes.' — 18. N, te the change of metre from iambs to troche s and dactyls in this prayer to Diana. - 20. 6cjf)idf, dat. instead of gen. with l[rmcn. 25. 3. uufaiS.i Cnrmortbtcn, ' one murdered accidentally' 25 even, without purpose.- 5. lbucrn auf, 'lie in wait for.' — 10. $immcll, gen. after %nft)au'n.- 11. Infd)au'n, obj. ace. of q6nncn and Iaflcn. SECOND ACT. 26. 7. acebcifeiitcr for Taci)cgttinnen, 'furies.'-17. Qn. 2 6 f, 'descendents.' 27. 1. The reference is probably to the murder < f his 27 father Agamemnon by gEgistheus and Clytemnestra. -- 2. ' ncta)^clanbtc: ' M-gistheus was the cousin of Agamemnon.6. tc)t, 2nd person: Gr. 321. 2.- 12. matte, 'weak' in respect to the sight, -pale.' - 15. jinc, 'yon.' - 23...' bcnfe nicf)t ten zob,,,if) ftcife i[)t niclt aI g~cecntvartfi t1or: i) Icffc aluf 9?cttuul:" Sanders. - 30. Qrlebec, 'lift up.' - 31. S3cifclnb etc. compare p. 67, 11. 20 and 21. 28. 5 and 6. )c. 2cbecn bcutne fe Ce trcitete, a poetical 28 expression for the thought that his mother made his life sad when he was very young. - 9. ir, dat. after luar, - 11 tiecen,.,.'.. NOTES. ACT II. 101 'far reaching.'- 25. nocf) actf icdi, 'on farther service from thee.' - 28. ear' GcfclIt, suLj. expressing wish. 29. 1. cric!tcn, ' prLserved.' -2. irrcltn, thongh here an independent vcrb, yet as in the passive auxiliary 29 used without the prefix ge. - 3. tmir bactnt, 'imagine.' - 5. mal, 'like': Gr. 255. 2. - 7. According to the story, Orestes was carried by the slave who attended him to the house of Strophius, the father of Pylacdes, at the time of Agamemnon's murder. The plan was to murder Orcstes also. 11, 12. The student will notice tLe figure of the butterfly. The Gcrm:ns use this figure without any of the idea of frivolity which we often attach to the b;tterfly. - 1G. fcjtarmte, 'exulted.'- 17. [itte, 'began to love.'- 24. (ct)mer3en53ug, 'the painful trace.' - 25. Zob, cognate accusative. 30. 1. tcm t)ofcn %bnfrerrn. Perhaps Perseus, the Argive hero and founder of Mycenae, is intended, though 30 he was not strictly an ancestor cf Orestes. - 10. ibcnt, indefinite gen. of time. ' We should like to do every dood as great immediately as what it grows and becomes': i. e. make it seem in the doing as great as after memory and tradition make it appear. — 25. cS equivalent to.aS fie tatcn. - 30. with the passage from line 16 through 30 comparing heroic work and its results and later reputation, the real and the ideal, may be com- ' pared the following lines from Schiller's ' Gunst des Augenblicks':,,tanfam in tcm 2t auf tcr Sorcn fiucgi tct) tcr etcta aum etcin: ed)ncri ruie c5 t:r Ocriit,e^orcn!TSil bha 8,r1 cmpfunbct Jcin." 31. 3, 4. i. e. 'Who has as high an opinion of himself as people may perhaps come to have of him.' — 10. notice 3 1 change of subject. It may be read ' and he causes old foes.' - 11. ima;t, 'may,' *has reason to.' - 14. tol), i. c. notwithstanding what I had to do to her. - 17. gcrtitct es c.uf, ' doomed.'- 22. gut *accr 0j(e, really a predicate, and therefore in the stem form. 32. 8. cfinc, feminine agreein- with 9Tadcttin or gurie, implied in Unttc:rbitdtcn. - 9. flcu;r;igcn far rul)iqcn. 32 - 16. tuca, as often, adverb for some such infinitive as teten. - 17. bcr fd)6hcnn Zat, her deliverance. - 19. gcaunacn is cm 102 102 p~ i g eitie ait f 2 an ri ~. phatic. -23. loner, gen. after Me~ftn: jcncr broer, ' of those above.' -27. bf~rb atoning for the wrong involved in I'ber ~iej ioelrtradb,' 1. 23. 33 33. 10. 2ci~ micj nur finhac implies that by subtle con33trivance a successful plan of esoape may be devised. This idea of subtlety awakens (I. 14.) in Orestes' mind thoughts of Ulysses, the famons contriver. - 17. Sum. Zl1ni~ ft-nciuf, the allusion is hero to Hercules. - 21. o'rab, 'straightforward.' 34. 2. jenc8 63cfct: that they know of the law for the 34 Bacrifice of foreigners appeared in the opening of the act' in Orestes' -words: see p. 26. That they are alrcady fettered appears from the direction for the actress 1. 6, p. 33. - C. Wtemcz: 3cncn. The proximity of thecou-ntry of the Amazons, which was in Pontus on the southern shore of the Euxine, whilethoc Taurian peninsula was in the northern part of the sea, would mnake this a',natural story. - 8. lic[tcW, ' bright.' - 17. fic!i, dative. - 22. 'In good as in evil doing a woman is more steadfast,' ' reliable.' 35 35. 3. In Euripides' play lphigenia addresses both, 35 and Orestes replies. Icqi unb reminnf (for fomine5t) subjunctive of possibility or uncertainty. - 8. cuff) instead of tir, because she includes the other captive in her wish. - 16. tein, gen. - 17. CSrrcf~cinunq, the vision which words in his native tongue had called up. - 18. SJenn ein 58cdf~nonif tmict etc., probably motived. by Pylades' own reluctance to disclose the family of Orestes, because of the curse resting on it. At th.6 same time the poet proba~bly had also in mind lphigenia's uinwillingness to reveal her descent to Thoas. - 20. g~ttergfeidje, refers to her beauty. - 25. ~ebrad~t, ~a4e understood. 36. 2. For this invented story of their origin and 36 Orestes' suffering Gottfried Hlermann saw no' reason; and Lewes, Life of Goethe, vol. ii, chap. 11, did. not I detect the purpose.' Philipp Mayer gives thrE~e reasons, which taken together amply justify and explain the matter. First, the invention delays, the scene of recognition and increases the dramatic interest. Second, the sympathy of the good priestess will be more surely secured by softening the matricide for which Orestes suffers to a fratricide. Third, tLe Greek element and more especially the character of Pylades is by the story more NOTES. ACT IT.10 103 clearly defined.- 7. ftiuicit tint ~10ti, hendiadlys, ' harmonious pleasure.' - 9. 2SC1 TctCTr, $1Vaft, Homneric, expression, but also contrasted to tcr Ttuttcr Bo~rten. - 12. (Scf ~chere 'bIrothers.' - 22. vcrTic'r' - bic ~1M~nun Fcftdtiqng:' Diiritzer. - 23. Ci3 licMt, I It; i in ruiins.' 37, 4. T~i ht mir ~enuq yetf~an, ' until thou hast satis — fi.ed m e,' I'hast given nme full explanations.' - 10. 2(d1ift, 37 naturally first mentioned as a foremost leader of the(, Greeks. Pylades also spe~aks of IPatroclus, Achilles' friend., Ihin'king of his own friendship for Orestcs. The allusion to Achilles incr-a'ses the dramatic interest also, becauc~e it was with the premise of being married to Achilles tha"t Ipbigeniawas brought to Aulis to be sacrifleedl. In E uri-,'ides lphigcaiia inqulires first in re,-ard to Helen, whoso infidelity, to ber husbanrd brought on the war, Calchas, who declared her sacrifice ncccssary Ulysses, wh-1,o w.ent to Mycenme and induced Clytemnestra Ito send Iphigcnia, to Anuls, an I Achilles. In regard to these she shows at Spirit ef r. -vcnge. Nothing of th: t a ppears in Goethe's Iphigen `,. Fhe is calrnA end loving. -- 121. 9tijl Z'famon,_3 6fter the Greek, for Z denioll Tk. ~ Qacrte~c2Zac is also at Grecism. - 15. rneincmn Ttcir: in Euripides sh e asks,' ' What knowest thou of tho chief men call the blest?' Orestes replies, 'Who? Of the blest wvas not the chief I knew.' 38. 6. ~rrcunbcll~, 'of a friend' of Agamemnen. - - 7.'Wstthn or nar his house in that cIity?' (My-1 38 c-nm.) - 8. First 63, reierring to the last two li';es, mean-s the cauise of thiy agitation. Second c'S is explained in the next li'ie. - 13. jtieq for f1iCraU6fiCq. -- 19. ioertfiflt refers to the envelopment by the we b. - 25. fie, Clytemnestra. 2. cat iutcit prot. subj. - 20. liCUe DCT3, iMI- 9 tation of Homeric expression. 3 THIRD ACT. 40. 5. J4bincr3{it:1cmi, 'miore painful' than thy present caiptivity. -7. Diintzer quote s from Romeo, ' a lightning 4 before death.'-10. ifmr, plural because again.including the twvo. -19. Uibftmenn, 'fellow-countryman,' but 02crntmnan is simp'y 101,, ti1) i 3 C I I IC I I Ii Z a II r t countryman, farmer - 20. 'who has touched in passing tha hearth ot oa: r.neestral gods.'-The family home i: put here for the native country. 41. 5. oLffnunu, of deliverance and return, excited 1,y 41 seeing Greeks. - 11. ~crcr, for tcrcn, 1,ecause ' a l]im:ting addition,' a relativo elcuse, f llov-s: Gr 1r4. 2, sccond paragiaplh ir fine print -23. raiucn. old forml of g, n. sing: Gr. 95. 42. 2. Ucdieituj), 'interchange (f rage.' —14. Tfirwn, 42 ac. -- 15. (taitfrcuntm icd, by tics cf 'o<-pitality.' —24. _aS fuirc)t id,) rod)? for 2Sad Ia)le idc) nlo) 3at ffirditcn? 43. 1 wecber....i. eer, for the more modern tcbcr.... 43 rocd) - 4 itT cicn i, lut, for 'her son.' Ail iguous like answers occurring in the dialngue of the Greek tragedies.- 10. in with the ace., as if t'crt(crll were a ve:b of motion. -13. C d, cras l:d)'d This part of the story is to Or.'stos extremely i aiFful. crI;alftt' Iun is the subject, 1 y a s!'rt of zeugma. - 16. 'dcf'mi)cr, ordinarily father-in-law; here for Ccd'taIacr, 1 rother-in-law. - 22 ant following. This is in general Sophocles' account ia the Electra. 44. 1.tClectren, dat. —7 tcr bt longing to:.,cen omittcd. -_4 -11 ht, Electra s -13 tc )cjd cwiftier, gen. after u.:tctctn. 14 fhcftitctorbc, a compoun'i fo-med by Goethe, to denote that the coldncss and aversion ot a f t( pmother was shown by Clytemnestr. to Electra. — 15. The d;lgger with which several bloody deeds had alrcady beae performed, as the murder by Atreus ot Thycslcs chillrcn. -- 20. baxumn explained 1l y sentence beginninr w th t'f. line ~7 --- 22. ftntl-c), childiike, wh:le fhn ilcb 1s childish. -- 28. iofitc subj. ot purpose. 5 4 4 5 There are only four feet in these lines Tiint4 z. r!)otcs ir. t!clm 'one storlmy anapest.' - 7. UlcrO, in the first cdi;ton ONtcrt: 'vulturc's.' It was changed doubtl ss n account oi tihe, smilar sound in 3c&ier. - 13. gcttbcid'tcn, appointed by the gods to produce fruits. -- 17. The furies are sometimes represented in the Greek tragedies as hsaving been banished ly Zecus and the new gods to the lower world. wta3 oblcct annd 3citi: obj. predicate with wa&)nft. - 23. 'A ir..tricide oppresscs thee as Lo is oppressed.' The sulject of the verb of NOTES. ACT III.10 I G 5 -which Pecac is the obj ect, is 611 T~u4ttmnorbt innderstood. -26. bftro~cu woreR~c, subj. as a hind of negative wish; or it may be referred to Gr. 332. 5d. 46. 3. fcnft: one might suspect that fefnit, ' longs,' is the word. wh-ich Goet~he here, used, though jmnft is poetic.43 -8. Crfin~ct, subjo-t changed from tu to it~r, as he includes in his thought Py'aies. - 15. These beautiful lines seem t') have been written wh en Goethe w,%as peculiarly under the influence of the Greek fstatlues, and show in a m-rked degree the inspiration that came t him from tha Italian journey. - 15. G-r'z fS~un6. fulfifl'ment,' raised to at divinity. - 17. Uaigf 'cuer, ' ma-. jestic.' - 18, 19. Fulfillment has here some of the emblems of Fortuna. - 24. She naturally passes to adflress the go,'s ts a class. - 26. fromnmen, M. II. G. vrurnen, 'be of advantage.' - 29. Un0, i. e. E~tcrbfidwn. 47. 2. Crtrobenb, ' defiantly,' that is 'prematurely obtanig. fib dt 6 mcrjlic4cr, comp.: to have this 4 a,,,pcarance of Orestes turn out a mockery would be thre. fold raoro painful than to see the empty shade of a departed fr iend pass. Perhaps, as lDintzer suggests, 11. XXIII. 99 if. came into Crkoe —he's miind: the appearance for burial of Patroclus',6hada before Achilles. - 15. (afuteicr, part of her dress as priestess, referred to on p. 39, 1. 13. - 16. 2mmerwtocf~en, 'E1verwakefula,' i. e. fuaries. - 19. H5rfcr, they ' dare not,' ' are, not Permitted.' cli~cra, ' brazen,' = —never-wearied, or perhaps inevitable fer him to whom they are sent. - 23. W(uf ben.... rcttete, -up which a traveller climbed fe;r safety.' 48. 4. ZobtenftufjcS, Acheron: see p. 435, 1. 11. - 8. QTdi ~citen, 'loetimes.' - 9. ~cjcfte W~cf0 nicf~t. By these ques- 48 cions you, Lke the furies-, excite in me most painful feelings. - i4. Deqrfit1immc, sulIj. - ~3. Geirgene, Medusa. 49. 5. Suspecting her too to be a fuery, he asks who she is whose words have such power over him. Goethe here makes the kin apparent by his art. -- 14. ftrcuja'h,, Creilsa r Cilauce, daughter of (Creon, supplanted Medeia in the affectLions of Jason. In revenge Medeja sent her a poisoned gar:mec:1t that consumed her. Such a, g ~rment was also sent to Ilercul s, by Deianel'ra, and thius Hercules comes into Orestes' miind and. 106 I 0 f) t!I C it i C a it j Z a it V i s_ is mcntion',,d by him. - 16. Unwftrlbi~cr, because, guilty (If the murder of his mother. - 17. 23oft (acfimuf, not a hcr~ic death, nc r -was that of ercules. in micf) icr~ctloff en, I'wrappcd up in myself,' 'involving no0 other.' So Hercules retired from meon t) Mount Octa and ascended his funeral pyre. - 24. ecbau-C and its clause explains ~C-dmer; rci~t 3unt l3ruibcr explains ~rcutc. 50 50, 1. V2aen~, gen. Lyilos is a term for Bacchus, fronl Greek AtVkW, the freer, deliverer. lie mistakes his sister's' earnestness for the fury of a Bacchante. - 5. Zcr Scfi~fcit, dAt. after fidi 6ffnct; Vicbftcn, dat. after bci~ -~aupt Mifefn. - 7. Lerna Z2iibn~c, on the sea-shore looking homeward. - 10. -~ucffle Castalia, which is spoken of here as if rising in the summqt of Parnassus, instead of several thousand feet lower. - 11. foarc, for [twrrlict~e. - 16. Orestes doubts her purity. - 25. 5% ij' if)ii attrCdfit, guide him aright: that is, help him in h.s plans. mciner, gen. of pers. pronoun. - 28, 29. answer to 17, 18. 51. 1. a prayer to the gods. - 3. Sie, she turns to~ 5 1 Orestes again, and explains her living. - 9. at last convinced that she is his sister, he sees in the fact the most awful fulfillment of the fate of his house. - 15. f)crqcbraed~t, ' long established.' -- 21. ficf), reflexive ace. after iocrictjtnjen. - 25. he intimnates that suchi loolks mean nothing in their family: their destiny miust be fulfilled. 29. univiffi~er 6ieift, addressed to the spirit of hisi mother. 31. wuof~nct bei, ' attend.' 52. 1. i~)ren, refers to S4fncfler, by anticipation froni 5 2 the next line; the 'antithesis is between $e unb Ric[dw andl li~bcnUc. - 16. eineui, agrees with QTedcr to be supplie 1. 2 13. uinuctricllrci, 'driven about,' 'tempest-tossed.' After thlis line wve must understand that he relapses into silence, and after a lit'.le iaiagines thlat hie hears the whispering and rustlirng ef an app~roaciiing thron~g. 5 3,. iipetidl, 'reiembling' one another. - 7. He ad5 3 dresses the, throng. - 10. min i1tin: this word seems to havo been chiosen with reference to the incorporeal character of their forms. - 18. to,3, with the genitive. It often governs an accusative. - 27. Ror0 gen. after 2oiuuo. - 29. jenfeit, beyond, the other side, as one would say when auf (grbcn. - 31. W4114crrij, Tantalus. NO{TES. ACT Ill.10 107 54, 6..~efbeut=u5. dat. after auJqe~dmtcbet.- 10. Orestes,5 though now calm, supposes thatL Pylades and Iphigenia 5 have descended to him in the spirit-world, l~ke himself are dead. - 13. lDMt Ictnften T3feillcn refers to the Homeric idea that those who died easily and quickly in full strength, without apparent cause or manifestation of violence, were sla-in by the gentle arrows of Apollo and. Diana. -15. Romm' mit, fomm'zinut: Diintzer supposes one of these imperatives addressed to Py. lades and the other to lphigenia. - 17. Ocidpriftey, Apollo andc Diana. -27. bcin S161Le, ba, is equivalent to ' the purpose which thou hadst, when.' 55. 5. Pylades appeals to Orestes' senses to convince him hat e ad thy sill live. - 12. jarten aliben, ' delicate threads, that may be broken if we are not prompt and resolute. - 15. Orestes is convinced and freed from his madness, and breaks out in a beautiful comparison of himself to those whose horror at a. tempest is succeeded by joy and thankfulness inspired by the returning sun and its effects. 56. 3. fernabbonnernb, ' with thunder dying away in the distance.'-5, auf ifyccn alfdccn belongs properly with 5 6'I Jagen, but is by the position of en -united to Icibet. - 7. oemcff on, measured out to us. - 8. We will not spend time in thankfuk joy until once well under way. FOURTH ACT. 57. 4. Zen' ett, condition. - 16. ffinen rulgien areunb, 7 -object of er3ielyu, made emphatic by its position. - I' 21. jflme, same idea as ru~igen in line 16. - 23. 11mlT~getriebmgn herself and Orestes. 58, 1. I1~xen refers to Seele. - 16. jcmnutb, dat. after ct3ufig'en: Gr. 222, I. 3. - 17. 2iije ge.5r 20.I thisline Iphigenia's pure soul begins to feel and express dis.! tress that she must deceive the king. - 26. unqewieil~tcn, as distinguished from the sacred grove. - 27. mict bilntt, I'methinks'root and meaning same as in English. -32. foil, ' am to.' 59, 8. Zefetl~f, p. 24, L. 13. - 11. Bei fic~, ' in his own mind,' I as far as he is concerned.' - 12.inrerst 59 Zob.-22. Buq, I processioa.' From this it is clear that the lie 108 108PT)!Z it znie allf ZaitrIO. of p. 58, 1. 17, is the story here told in order to carrying off the image. Consequently Iphigenia has agreed to assist in fulfilling the oracle mentioned p. 32, 1. 2, and 14 ff. - 25. et)', Lit 'before, until' for 'before that.' 60. 1. Sic6. The beginning of the purification. - 60 7. Iphigenia falters at the slightest remonstrance.12. be Sreucn Watf. The counsel of Arkas himself in regard to accepting Thoas' suit. The same expression is applied to it p. 13, 1. 7. - 15. Iphigenia answers interpreting the words ben;inn dnbern in a different way from Arkas' use of them. 6 1.. alte refers to the reestablishment of the law, 61 and the consequent necessary death of the captives at Iphigenia's hand. -3. mcnIfdclic, 'by means of men.'- 10. man: d)er, 'many a one' belonging to the army. - 13. umf)crgetric6cn, literally 'wandering about.' - 17. bie Stibe, 'benignity,' represented as an incarnate divinity, with allusion perhaps to Iphigenia herself. - 21. tanfler 9nunq, 'gloomy foreboding' of the future. Probably in these lines Goethe means that human sacrifices are instituted by untaught races from a sense of guilt and fear, but the very qualities that lead them to take so deep and serious a view of human life prepare them to accept a milder faith by which these sacrifices are condemned. 62. 14. wiebert)ojteft, optative subj., a condition being 62 omitted: Gr. 331. 2. 3 63. 2. bad Unmigtic)e, her return home. - 3. wiebcr, 63 again as when I was rescued: p. 24, 1. 18. - 7. c>d)Iafe, 'temples.' - 9. eitniger, 'single,' 'all its power.' - 16. cud)?ncudende t)ier: Tauris has not been eine tuAfte jnfec to me; kindness has been shown to me even here. - 20. )cn fctcn T3obcn etc. As long as she was here alone she had sure ground beneath her feet. Leaving the island, coming into relations with her kindred and the world again, she knows not how to act. 64. 6. merften'd. The eO refers to the fact of having left the sacred grove behind them. -14. S3on bciner Vigpe..... tonen. A Grecism. - 20. traurig unb ernartenb, a hendiadys: 'in mournful expect rtion.'-26. tie I)olbcn RctI)infen, 'its gracious NOTES. ACT IV 109 pinions.' The wind is personified. - 29. 3ict, the image of the goddess. 6.1. attcin qcnu~, DtarE being implied. -- 10. bermeftbcii laffen: Gr..343. I. c. - 11. t[~cur cr 9aen, same expres- 6 5 sion p). 52, 1. 12. - 24. betd~t' icI) auf....borau, 'anticipate.' 66. 2. %ernunft, 'reason -or 'gVood canse.'- -4 f. the e~3, as often, representing the situation. -- 16G. ftictyri, 6 6 subj. of purpose. - 18. Zcbi-aunuu, p. 32, 1. 2. - 22. acljcniujct, not Dclos, but Delphi, p. 32, 1. 3, was the place of dest-ination f~r the image. It is singular that Goethe calls it an- island, Hie evidently thinks of Delos. -- 29. iene eGd~mcic, ' yen threshold,' the threshold of your ancestral home. 6;7, 2. Mie QVtume, not any particular flower, but flowers iii general.- 10. entwidetctt, subj. of conclusion.-21. Fear 6 7 and danger are personified and represented as companions. The lines mean, ' if you fear you will be in peril.' 68. 2. ~ietnut, for qcbietet. - 4. bid), objeci of cutlctuutbi~t -- 8, This line signifies that hc~r own worth i3 too 6 8 great to bc sacrifieed by hesitation and consequent continuance in subjection, to the Scythiarn king. - 13. bic~l for unjct. 69, 3. Brciqt fit',impersonal: Gr. 288. 2. if)n, cognate accusative. -- 5. cia ~eldc1~c Unrccbt: as I am hero iin danger 6 9 of' doing. - 6. f~ieftcff, subj.: it is really the condition. -- 7. MeIT, gem. of personal pronoun after weertct. -12. same cone~ption. of the difference between man and woman as in lines 16 if., p. 341. - 19. Sd~icjeter. Necessity is here meant.- 23. eleget, the image, not actually. only figuratively from her hand. 70, 5. 9and nub b&nqc-r, for H&ager unb b&nqer. - 6. bie S~vf iunn~, 'the hope' that she would. with purity (1. 15) 70 and joy return and purify her home. - 10. Inversion for emphasis:- Gr. 431q, - 21. teutbe, 'inexorable,' that hears no prayer. - 22. cb) rncr, I brazen,' ' irresistible.' - 26. Hitherto she has had faith and love for the gods. Now she fears to lose her piety. - 27. Zitaneai, gen. after tiefer Sa~ The Titans hated the Olympian divinities, as they had been overthrown and banished by them to the lower world. - 30. fcaff, same a-s tenne 1. 27, subj. of purpose. 110 3P)igcilie (111f zaitri. 71, 1. The song of the nurse corresponds with 7'1 Iphigenia's present tendency to despair. - 4. Tantalus was a descendant of the Titans. His mother was the daug-hter of lironos. -5. Goethe represents the fates as suffering with Tantalus. - 6. QTru~t, ' breast ' for arnger. Goethe puts here the se~at of the passion for the, passion Itself, as dlo many of the classic writers. - 9. fftrd~te, suhj. impv. - 11. Wtttf.Ktipm unlb Botteu: on the cliffs among the clouds, referring to Olympus. - 23. ~ineict~et3, gen. after t~arrcn. O5erccf~ten, Gr. 121. 3. 71,91 5. erjtidtcr: the Titans are sometimes represented 72 as buried beneath volcanic maountain's. - 14. Jef)cn, the object of mciten. - 18. 2icbcr, nec., directly dependent on 1jord~t, which commonly takes dat. or ace. with auf. - 19. 9-iabor unb t50net~gen. after benft. FIFTH ACT. 73, 11. lenc~ 9JanncS 3ef~nffina etc. mentioned to Ark-as 73by lphigenia, p. 59, 1. 15 ff. S&cify, ' purification.' 74 t74, 14. ertctnnt, recognized, ' accepted.'- 21. ber refers to ecf~mewbelci. - 23. atteerjd[frtcS, ' prescriptive.' 75, 4. bir felbft, opposed to tir-in line.-10. Zed) is 75 hardly wcakened to but' in this line (Gir. 3S5. 5c.)' but by poetical license the order is not inverted. -- 11. fiotnt 'plans,' not ofte~n as here transiti've,. It isco.mmnonly connected by auf with thes substantive. - 15'. A king is here represented as if a god bn Olympus. -- 17. Trictecria may be regairded as predicate af ter lit-t idf) to be supplied. But thie meaning is, 'IIdo not speakc as priestess.' - 22. fetif~jai, a~greeing with ~C-etc, stands for a condition-al clause, I'wh. n it was obedient.' 70J, 2. The same idea as here expressed is conveyed 76 by the first three lines on p. 24. -- 5. baS OSiebot, appos. to cfia enbercS (Mcj-) - 6. Zzq dlat. after lding. -- 11. Tnc' rber Jctbci~' id), ' whether I rspeakl or am silent,' thine own heart should teach thee what I teet. -- 14. locrfctioffene6, ' sealed.'17. f eirttil, ' solemnly '- 24. Note the difference between ivtfiat and fctnimc. After uno, bod) is implied. N~OTES. ACT V.11 77. 2. (2tanbe, old form of pret. subj. for fthnbe - 4. fytt., change of mood and tense for emphasis. -- 12. iiid~t 7 7 properly qualifie.3 otpie.~filfe. - 15'. fie hcre refers to Stftn~lc. -- 17. fie here refers to Vif. -- 23. 3~i.Those asking a favor of the gods were accustomed to carry in the hand an olive or Laurel branch, wound with wool. -- 24. arauen, older gen. again, as p. 41, 1. 23. - 25. ~t6fceg, subj. of conclusion, a condition being implied. 78, 2. The ftraft she refers to is more clearly brought out later. It is the power of the truth, 2Baf~tfjcit. - 78 6. Iphigenia's fear to disclose their relation to her and her confusion are noted by the broken character of this line. - 8. tiilb ' image, ' ' hope.' - 10. This long and rather subtle speech (it is a little in contrast to her assertion to Arkas, p. 68: 3db untcrfud~e 'nicI~t, ict~ f abfe nut) is intended to exalt her own ' deed' of put.. tUng confidence in the king and in his honor for truth by revealing, all to him, both what she has at stake and tie artifice by which it was to be secured. - 16. Zct, relative, has bet in line 22 for its antecedent. - 21. fcfjtt, for 3urfidcffett. - 28. W(maonen, called by Herodotus ' men murderesses,' as Dhlntzer notes.26. un~ = Sfeibrnt. - 29. eud) =-?Dannern. 79. 1. Eifalme Untctnef~men: the project of confiding. 4. leg~' id)'S nuf tie Rnice, in imitation of Homer. Benn 79 Z ~t watirt~if t Jcib, ' if you are truthful,' 'if you love truth.' - 19. bcaifar, ' in return for that.' - 22. Ulcfeftbiicbnc, in her excitement she forgets Electra. - 27. Goethe makes Thoas here refer to Atreus because in Iphigenia's story of her ancestors Thoas was most deeply affected by his deceit and inhumanity: see p. 19, 1. 4 and following. -- 31. Te eeben~ ~tueffe etc., ' the fountain of life,' I'purc natural feeling' when acting normally. 80. 12. Tetrtger, the king, moved, but unreconciled to the idea of losing her, suggests that the two captives 8 0 have deceived her. - 13. if-re refers to Iphigenia: easily believing her own wishes. - 17. fUnnte, subj. of conclusion, a condition bt ing omitted. - 21. The rocky islands of the MZ-ean were used by the Romans particularly as places of banishment. - 28, 29. nearly the same words as p. 70, 11. 15, 16. 112 112 eX~jiteie au f Zauri~. 81, 1. c8 refers to 3u0crcitct. - 4. 9luf cittenulcn~r5~hf, 8 for a moment,' ' for a l ittle while,' that he may gain a respite; ent crnef subj. of purpose. - 14. She would crown this favor from him, as she did the sacrificial flame, with songs of praise and thanks and joy. 05, nis to besupplied with Zcinf unb arcube from Vob~ejang. -- 15. bcfdnffi~!e, imperf. where w9 should use perfect. - 21. Ivic bu'~ ffdtIft, 'as thou art inclined.'L 82 82. 15. entfyifi~et, imperative, and has if~r understood 82for its subject, including both the king and Orestes. - 20. unS, dat. - 25. eucra, plural = your,' meaning of both Orestes and Pylades. 83, 10. (FiuneIfrac~, 'interview,' 'meeting': ber?~ftr~cn, 83 the king Thoas and Orestes. - 22 and 23. Orestes has confidence now that the gods will deliver them. 84. 4. S3nwf from,3wei. - 17. einca fd~neren TZob, than * 84 was Agamemnnon's. - 20. The custom here asserted is apparentl y based on sporadic instances. It was no general custom among ancient peoples. 85, 4. This line and the whole speech are noted by 8 5 Diintzer as showing Orestes' nobility of character, and affording proof of his claim of descent from Agamnemnon. - 12. beren, rel. pron., gen. after -rfifmi~. au ~eint depends on fc~cinejt. - 15. bern '?cinbe, dat. after jlef~en, in the sense of 'stand against.' - 21. er fatle qteicf), sam3 as weant er gleicl) faflm, 'even if he fall.' - 253. Za_ for T~i~eu, dat. tormInation -.eU to be supplied froin Td&ctten. - 27. berjleben~ Efi. 3urumtT3urufcn ban~t, 'with anxious fears calls back in vain;' fidj, dat. after 3urfiitruf ma. 86. 5. Rictf- In Iphigenia's interviews with Orestes 86 in our play no inquiries after proofs are made. In Euripides such inquiries are made. - 9. Tier I13fiefter: on the day when Orestes was consecrated to the gods, though the appearance of the priest on thaat occasion is -Goethe's -addition. -10. Ziele C-d)rammnre, this proof is taken from the Electra of Euripides. - 18. f~ftbc, subj. of cond. - 22. bu befennelt felbt p. 79, 1. 17. - 27. ~Zlcm gotbenca acfge, the golden fleece for which the Argonauts sailed. 113fetben: probably reference is here made to the horses-of Laomedon promised by him to Hercules NOTES. ACT V. 113 If he would save his daughter Hesione, but afterwards withheld. Hercules sailed for Troy, slew Laomedon and secured them. fIcdncn Sdic)tern; Diintzer supposes a reference to Europa, but the expression is probably general. 87. 10. unb er gcbad)te bid), 'and he meant thee.' This solution of the oracle is very Greek and very happy. - 87 14. [raucen, referring to the furies, as on p. 47,1. 19.-18. ba ucite?icd)t bc SaZcac3, not the dark gloom of the lower world, to which he had been sure that he was destined. - 21. <aran for luor.n. There is an allusion in this and the following line to the Palladium at Troy, on the preservation of which the safety of the city was dependent. —22. tqccime, ' secret,' known and understood only by the initiated, the favored few. - 24. i: ciner Icifigcn StiUe, in the grove and sanctuary. - 32. bie aite Srenc. To wear a crown was not an early Greek custom. Goethe here simply adopts modern language. 88. 2, 3, if. In these lines we have probably a part of the doctrine of the piece. —12. 9?id)t fo: that is, not when 88 you thus abruptly and coldly send me off: explained by oI)ne Seecn etc. - 20. Stimme, 'voice' for 'language.' - 22. Zracdt, costume. - 25. another Homeric expression. 89. 2. ancfter, (more softly': i. e. than if they should not part in full friendship. - 6. 2ebt Io()[ I This is far more 89 friendly than the Eo gt)t, 1. 11, p.88. Judging from 1.5 on p. 11 we may say that it briefly expresses perfect cordiality. I I