HEADLAND'S THERAPEUTICS. The Action of Medicines; or, the mode in which Therapeutic Agents introduced into the Stomach produce their peculiar Effects on the Animal Economy. Being the Prize Essay to which the Medical Society of London awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1852. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. "A text-book of the action of medicines. It is a well-timed publication."-Association Journal. "We can speak of this work in unqualified terms of approbation. The author has brought to his task a sound, logical mind, extensive knowledge of the literature of his subject, perfect acquaintance with the principles of modern science, and a large number of original observations." —Athenceum. " It is a full and clear exposition of the doctrines which have now begun to prevail in regard to the manner in which medicines produce their Physiological and Therapeutical effects. It is well and carefully written, and deserves to be carefully studied."-.Am. Journal of Pharmacy. "We recommend the work as replete with information; the practitioner cannot fail to obtain from it many valuable hints."-Ame. Med. Journal. " In our opinion, it is the ablest, the most philosophical and satisfactory treatise on the action of medicines, that has ever been issued."-St. Louis M. and S. Journal. A REVIEW OF MATERIA MEDICA FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS. By JOHN B. BIDDLE, M.D., late Professor of Materia Medica in the Franklin Medical College, Fellow of the College of Physicians, &c. In one volume, 12mo. Price $1 00. " This is an admirable summary of Materia Medica, and to the student will prove a very useful handbook. Valuable as are the United States Dispensatory and Pereira's Materia Medica, they are far too voluminous to be used profitably as text-books. Dr. Biddle's Review is just such a manual as the student wants to recall the chief points to which he has attained."- Western Journal of Med. & Surg. PEREIRA'S PRESCRIPTION BOOK. Containing Lists of Terms, Phrases, Contractions, and Abbreviations used in Prescriptions, with Explanatory Notes. Also, the Grammatical Constructions of Prescriptions, &c., to which is added a Key, containing the Prescriptions in an abbreviated form, with a literal translation, intended for the use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Students. By JONATHAN PEREIRA, M.D. Price 63 cts. in Cloth. 75 cts. in Tucks with pocket. WYTHES' DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOK. Containing the Doses and Uses of all the Principal Articles of the Materia Medica and Chief Officinal Preparations, etc. By JOSEPH H. WYTHES, M.D. Author of "The Microscope," " Curiosities of the Microscope," &c. &c. Price 63 cts. in cloth. 75 cts. in Tucks with pocket. BEASLEY'S PRESCRIPTION-BOOK. THE BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS: containing Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Prescriptions, collected from the Practice of the most Eminent Physicians and Surgeons. By HENRY BEASLEY, Author of "The Medical Formulary," "The Druggists' Receipt-Book," &c. &c. In one volume, duodecimo. Price, $1 50. The editor, carefully selecting from the mass of materials at his disposal, has compiled a volume, sufficiently comprehensive, and yet sufficiently portable, in which both physician and druggist, prescriber and compounder, may find, under the head of each remedy, the manner in which that remedy may be most effectively administered, or combined with other medicines in the treatment of various diseases. The alphabetical arrangement adopted renders this easy; and the value of the volume is still further enhanced by the short account given of each medicine, and the lists of doses of its several preparations. This is really a most useful and important publication, and, from the great aid which it is capable of affording in prescribing, it should be in the possession of every medical practitioner. Amongst other advantages is, that, by giving the prescriptions of some of the most able and successful practitioners of the day, it affords an insight into the methods of treatment pursued by them, and of the remedies which they chiefly employed in the treatment of different diseases. The volume is small, and its cost trifling.-lancet. BEASLEY'S FORMULARY. (NEW EDITION.) THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: comprising Standard and Approved Formulas for the Preparations and Compounds employed in Medical practice. By HENRY BEASLEY. Second American, from the Sixth London, Edition. In one volume. Price, $1 50. The fact that Mr. Beasley's Formulary has reached a sixth edition, is a sufficient proof of the estimation in which it is held by the medical and pharmaceutical public. It is, in fact, a very comprehensive work, containing a great mass of information in a very small compass. The arrangement is alphabetical, as being most convenient. It contains selections from the American, French, German, and other foreign Pharmacopoeias, in addition to the Formulae from the three British ones. The work, however, is so well known, that it is unnecessary to do more than announce the present edition, and to state that the doses of the various medicines have now been added.-Medical Times and Gazette. BEASLEY'S DRUGGISTS' RECEIPT-BOOK. (WITH UPWARDS OF 200 NEW FORMS, RECEIPTS) AND PROCESSES.) Containing Numerous Recipes for Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Druggists' Nostrums, &c., &c., Factitious Mineral Waters, and Powders for Preparing them. Also, Numerous Recipes for Perfumery, Cosmetics, Beverages, Dietetic Articles, and Condiments, Trade Chemicals, Miscellaneous Compounds, used in the Arts, Domestic Economy, &c.; with many other Useful Tables and Memoranda. Also, a Copious Veterinary Formulae and Materia Medica, &c. By HENRY BEASLEY. Second (Improved) Edition. In one volume. Price, $1 50. The "General Receipt-Book" is an extensive appendix to the'"Formulary." No Pharmaceutist who possesses the former should be without the latter, for the two form a complete counter-companion.-~Amtnal of Pharmacy. THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: COMPRISING STANDARD AND APPROVED FORMULAE FOR THE PREPARATIONS AND COMPOUNDS EMPLOYED IN MEDICAL PRACTICE. BY HENRY BEASLEY. WITH ADDITIONS FROM THE SIXTH LONDON EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. 1856. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SIXTH EDITION. THIS little work was originally intended as a counter companion to the Dispensing Chemist; and it was the compiler's aim to furnish, in the compass of one small volume, and under an alphabetical arrangement-as most convenient for reference-a comprehensive collection of formulae required in the compounding of prescriptions. In addition to the formulae and processes of the last editions of the three British Pharmacopoeias,-as well as many which have been successively rejected from previous ones, but which are still occasionally required, —it comprises a copious selection from the American, French, German, and other foreign pharmacopoeias; from the well-known Formularies of Magendie, Dunglison, Foy, Bouchardat, Swediaur, and others; from the pharmacopoeias of the principal hospitals of this and other countries; from the best systematic works on Medicine, Materia Medica, Surgery, and Pharmacy; from single treatises on particular remedies; and from the British and Foreign periodicals. Care has been taken to include the new remedies most recently introduced up to the date of publication. At the suggestion of medical friends, the doses of the several preparations are now generally annexed; and other additions have been made to meet the wishes and requirements of the medical practitioner and student. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS CONSULTED IN COMPILING THE POCKET FORMULARY AND SYNOPSIS OF THE PHARMACOPIEIAS. British Pharmacopoeias. LONDON: EDINBURGH: DUBLIN. Dispensatories. Edinburgh Dispensatory, edited by Dr. Rotheram; by Dr. A. Duncan; Supplement to ditto; Dr. Christison's Dispensatory; London Dispensatory, by Dr. A. T. Thomson; Conspectus, by the same; Complete English Dispensatory, by Quincy; General Dispensatory by Dr. R. Brooks; and Gaubius' Complete Extemporaneous Dispensatory. The Dispensatory of the United States of America, by Drs. Wood and Bache. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, edited by Salmon; Dr. Fuller's Pharmacopceia Extemporanea; Wilson's Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica; Pharmacopoeia /ledico- Chirurgica; Swediaur's Pharmacopoeia Medici Practici Universalis; Dr. Hugh Smith's Formulce Medicamentorum; Dr. R. Pearson's Thesaurus Medicaminum; Dr. Ryan's Formulary of Hospitals; Fox's Formulce Medicamentorum Selectee; Pharmacopoeia Augustana, by Zwelfer; Plenk's Pharmacologia, &c. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. Materia Medica. Cullen's, Lewis's, Alston's, Boerhaave's, and other works on; Dr. W. Ainslie's Materia Indica; Dr. Fleming's Catalogue of Indian Medicinal Plants and Drugs, Calcutta. 3Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Brande's Dictionary of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy; Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia; Professor Redwood's improved edition of the same work; Rennie's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia; Kane's Elements of Pharmacy; Davies' Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, from the French of Edwards and Vavassour. Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, by Dr. Pereira; Dr. Paris's Pharmacologia and Appendix; Dr. Royle's Manual of Materia Medica, &c.; Dr. Neligan's Medicines and their Uses. viii LIST OF WORKS CONSULTED. Phillips' (Mr. R.) Examination of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; and Translation of the Ph. Londin.; Dr. G. F. Collier's Translation of the Pharmacopoeia; and Companion to the same; Drs. Barker and Montgomery's Observations on the Dublin Pharmacopoeia. Hospital Pharmacopoeias, (British). Guy's; University College; Charing Cross; St. Bartholomew's; St. George's; Middlesex; Manchester; &c. The Bengal Dispensatory. Edited by Dr. O'Shaughnessy. Pharmacopoeia Suecica; Pharmacopoeia Borussica; Pharmacopoeia Batava, &c. Pharmacopee Universelle, ou Conspectus des Pharmacopees, &c. Par A. J. L. Jourdan. This work embraces the principal pharmacopoeias, dispensatories, formularies, &c., of all countries. Codex, Pharmacopee Frangaise. [A considerable portion of this work has been incorporated in the present volume.] Alibert's Nouveaux Elemnens de Mativee Medicale, 2 vols.; Virey's Traite de Pharmacie, &c., 2 vols.; Baume's Elements de Pharmacie; Lemery's Dictionnaire des Drogues. Dictionnaire Universel de Matiere Medical et de Therapeutique generale, by Merat and De Lens. 6 vols.; and Supplement. Soubeiran's Nouveau Traite de Pharmacie theorique et pratique. 2 vols. Henry and Guibourt's Pharnacopee Raisonnee, ou Traite de Pharmacie, &c. Dorvault's L' Officine ou Repertoire gene'ral de Pharmacie pratique. Magendie's Formulaire pour le preparation et l'emploi de plusieurs Nouveaux Mledicaments, with an Appendix by Dr. Marinus. Brussels. Richard's Formulaire de Poche; D'Etilly's Formulaire Eclectique; Foy's Formulaire de practiciens; Ratier's Formulaire pratique des Htopitaux; Edward's and Vavassour's -Vouveau Formulaire pratique des Hiopitaux, by Mialhe; Bouchardat's Nouveau Formulaire Magistral. Bouchardat's Annuaire de Therapeutique, &c. Mr. Braithwaite's Retrospect of Medicine. Dr. Ranking's IIalf-Yecarly Abstract of Medical Sciences. Transactions of the Medico-Botanical Society. LIST OF WORKS CONSULTED. ix Besides the above works, the editor has had occasion to consult the well-known chemical works of Berzelius, Brande, Graham, Kane, Turner, Ure, &c. The Dictionary of Practical Medicine, by Dr. Copland; the Library of Practical Medicine; the works of Sydenham, and other medical writers: also several works on Systematic and Medical Botany. Many separate treatises on particular remedies have also been referred to, as Fleming on Aconite; Turnbull on the Ranunculaceae; Manson on Iodine; Brandish on Caustic Alkali; Jongh de tribus Olei Jecoris Aselli Speciebus; Scudamore on Inhalation; Venables on Aerated Waters, &c., &c. Also the following periodicals:-The Pharmaceutical Journal; Lancet; Medical Gazette; Chemist; Pharmaceutical Times; Dublin Journal of Medical Sciences; Medico-Chirurgical Review; British and Foreign Medical Review; Chemical Gazette; Journal de Pharmacie; American Journal of Pharmacy. With respect to several of the above, both the recent numbers and the back volumes for several years have been carefully perused with a view to the present work. Many volumes of periodicals, now discontinued, in some cases the entire series, have also been looked through: Annals of Chemistry and Practical Pharmacy; London Medical Repository; Medical Review; Medical Essays; Duncan's Annals of Medicine; Medical Museum, &c., &c. SIGNS, ABBREVIATIONS, ETC.,,USED IN THE FORMULAE. C or Cong. Congius. Imperial Gallon. 0 Octarius. Pint, of 20 fluid ounces. It Libra. Apothecaries', or Troy Pound. 3 Uncia. Troy Ounce. f3 Fluiduncia. Fluid Ounce. 3 Drachma. Drachm, (60 grains.) f3 Fluidrachma. Fluid Drachm, (60 minims.) 9 Scrupulus. Scruple, (20 grains.) fry Minimum. Minim, (1-60th of f3j.) gr. Granum, or grana. Grain or grains. ss. Semis. A half. Sesqui. One and a half. q. p. Quantum placet. As much as you please. q. s. Quantum sufficiat. As much as is sufficient. p. eq. Partes equales. Equal parts. Aa, Ana, and Sing. Of each ingredient. M. Misce. Mix. S. A. Secundum Artem. According to art. 0. M. Old wine measure. Co. or Comp. Compound. Av. Avoirdupois weight. Imp. Imperial measure. Pulv. or p. Pulvis. Powder. Sp. Gr. Specific Gravity. REFERENCES. L. London Pharmacopoeia or College. E. Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia or College. D. Dublin Pharmacopoeia or College, U. S. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. P. The Paris Codex, or French Pharmacopoeia. AuST., BAT., PRUS., Rus., SPAN., PH., &c. The Austrian, Batavian, Prussian, Russian, Spanish Pharmacopoeias, &c. CH. Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica, and Ph. Medico Chirurgica. M. Magendie's Formulary. H. Hospital Formularies, as GUY'S H., St. B. H., Char. H., Mid. H., U. C. H., St. GEO. H., &c. Those of Guy's, St. Bartholomew's, Charing Cross, Middlesex, University College, and St. George's Hospitals. FR. H., IT. H., GERM. H. French, Italian, and German Hospitals. [These are chiefly taken from the latest edition of the "Nouveau Formulaire Pratique des Hopitaux," edited by Mialhe.] The Individual Names attached to the Formula are those of the Authors to whom they are commonly attributed, or from whose works they have been taken. THE POCKET FORMULARY. ACETAS CALCIS. See Calcis Acetas. [The Salts generally are placed under their respective bases; as Potassee Acetas; Plumbi Acetas; -Sode Acetas.] ACETICA. Medicated Vinegars. The solid ingredients, previously cut or bruised, are macerated with the vinegar, in glass vessels, for the time prescribed, shaking the mixture occasionally. The liquid should then be strained off, and the ingredients pressed) unless otherwise directed. If the liquor does not become clear by subsidence, filter it. ACETONE. See Naphtha. ACETUM. Vinegar is procured in this country from malt, by fermentation, &c. French vinegar (Acetum Gallicum, E., Acetum Vini, D.) is made from wine. ACETUM ALLII. Fresh garlic 3vj, distilled vinegar Oiij, proof spirit f giv. Macerate 3 days. ACETUM ANTIHYSTERICUM. Castor.ij, galbanum 3iv, rue gj, vinegar ibij. Macerate and strain. ACETUM ANTISEPTICUM. Four- Thieves' Vinegar. See Acidum aceticumn aromaticum. E. ACETUM AROMATICUM. P. Aromatic Spirit of Vinegar. Strong acetic acid Oj, camphor 5ij, oil of lavender gr. ix, oil of cloves 3ss, oil of cinnamon gr. xx. ACETUM CANTHARIDIS [Epispasticum]. L. Cantharides in powder 5ij, acetic acid f:xx. Macerate 8 days, and strain. E. Cantharides p. 3iij, acetic acid f 3v, pyroligneous acid f3xv, euphorbium 3ss. 7 days. [To promote prompt vesication. See also Tinctura Canthar. Acetica.] 14 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ACETUMI CAPSICI. Cap]sicum 2j, vinegar f xxiv. See Tinctura Capsici Acetici. ACETUM COLIHICI. L. E. & D. Fresh colchicum 3j, distilled vinegar f3xvj. Macerate for 3 days, and add f j of proof spirit to the clear liquid. [9viij of the dried cormus is considered equivalent to 5j of the fresh. Dose f 3ss to f 3jss.] ACETUM DESTILLATUM. L. From Oviij of vinegar, in a glass retort, distil Ovij, by the heat of a sand-bath. D. rejects the first 10th. E. & D. direct French vinegar. ACETUM LAVANDULE. P. Digest Sj of dried lavender flowers, with 3xij of vinegar for 8 days. ACETJM LOBELIJE. W. PROCTER. Lobelia seeds bruised 3iv, distilled vinegar f 2xxiv. Maccrate 24 hours, strain, and filter, adding more vinegar to make up f 3xxiv. ACETUM OPII. E. & D. Opium, sliced 3iv, distilled vinegar f3xvj. Triturate the opium with a little of the vinegar, add the rest, macerate 7 days, strain, press, and filter. [Dose, 6 drops to 24. 20 drops equal to 30 of tinct. opii.] ACETUM RosiE. P. From dried roses, as Acet. Lavandulae. ACETUM ROSMARIN.E. As Acet. Lavanclule. ACETUM RUBI IDEI. P. Raspberry Vitnear. Macerate 3 parts of the fruit with 2 parts of wine vinegar for 15 days, and strain without pressure. The vinegars of other fruits are prepared in the same manner. ACETUM RUTe. E. 1744. Rue Tj, vinegar Cj. Digest and strain. ACETUM SALVIA. P. Sage flowers 3j, vinegar Zxij. ACETUM SAMBUCI. E. 1744. Dried elder flowers Ifj, vinegar Cj. ACETUM SCILLm. L. Dried squill 3xv, distilled vinegar Ovj. Digest with a gentle heat 24 hours, strain, and add Oss of proof spirit. E. and D. nearly the same. Dose f gss to f jss. ACETUM SINAPIS. BERAL. Mustard gj, vinegar f3xij. Distil f Sviij. For outward use. AcIDUM ACETICUM. L. Acidum aceticum fortius. L. 1824. Strong Acetic Acid. Put tbij of acetate of soda into a glass retort; add Six of sulphuric acid previously mixed with f 2ix of water, and distil by the heat of a sand-bath. [A stronger acid may be obtained by carefully drying the acetate of soda, or by THIE POCKET FORMULARY. 15 the following processes:-E. Take of acetate of lead, dried at 320~ by an oil or metal bath (but Mr. Phillips says it may be sufficiently dried at 212~), 5vj, sulphuric acid f 3ixss. Distil to dryness at 320~. The product to be shaken with a little red oxide of lead and redistilled. D. directs it to be distilled from 52 parts of sulphuric acid, and 100 of acetate of potash. Acidum Acetosum, L. 1788, was made by distilling, by the heat of a sand-bath, crystallized verdigris, bruised and thoroughly dried; and redistilling the product. These stronger acids are chiefly used in preparing Aromatic Vinegar.] ACIDUM ACETICUM DILUTUM. L. 1824. (Acidum Aceticum. L. 1809.) Distilled Vinegar. See Acetum Destillatum. It is imitated by mixing 15 parts of strong acetic acid (Ac. Acet. L.) with 85 parts of distilled water; or so much that 100 grs. of the diluted acid may saturate 13 grs. of crys. subcarbonate of soda. _ACIDUMI ACETICUM AROMATICUM. E. 1839. Dried rosemary.j, lavender flowers 5ss, origanulm j, bruised cloves 3ss, acetic acid Oiss. Macerate 7 days, strain, express, and filter. This is substituted for the old Acetuni Antisepticum, or Four-Thieves' Vinegar, which contained, in addition, rue, garlic, &c. E. 1817 directed distilled vinegar, for which the strong acid was substituted in 1839; in 1841 the preparation was omitted. ACIDUM ACETICUM CAMPHORATUM. E. & D. Camphor (pulverized with spirit) 2ss, strong acetic acid f viss. [f vi, D.] AcIDUM ANTIMONICUM. [Ac. Stibicun, P.] Antimonic acid is precipitated when diluted sulphuric acid is added to the washings of Dicphoretic Antimony (Antimonium Calcinatum). AcIDUM ARSENIOSUM. See Arsenicum Album. ACIDUM ARSENICUM. BRANDE. White arsenic 8 parts, nitric acid 24 parts, muriatic acid 4 parts. Distil to dryness, and heat the residue to dull redness. AcIDUM BENZOICUM. L. & E. Flowers of Benzoin. Gradually heat Benzoin, in a proper [glass E.] vessel placed in sand, till the acid sublimes. Press this between blotting paper, and resublime. [The Benzoin may be mixed with clean sand, and put into a shallow iron vessel, covered with porous paper tightly pasted to the rim, and over this a cone or hat of stiff cartridge paper. The acid, passing through the former, will be deposited on the latter sufficiently pure for use. The vessel should be 16 THE POCKET FORMULARY. heated on an iron plate on which sand has been spread. Dose, gr. v to xv.] ACIDUM BORACICUM. M. WACKENRODER. Dissolve 40 parts of borax in 100 of boiling water, and add 25 of hydrochloric acid to the hot solution. Let the acid, which crystallizes on cooling, be collected on a filter, drained, washed with cold water, and lastly dried at 234~ F. It may be rendered more pure by recrystallizing. [It is usually precipitated by sulphuric acid, a portion of which it obstinately retains.] ACIDUM CARBONICUM. Mix fragments of marble, or chalk, with water, and add sulphuric acid previously diluted with an equal quantity of water. ACIDUM CITRICUM. L. To Oiv of lemon juice, made hot, add 2ivss of prepared chalk. Let it settle, pour off the liquid, and wash the sediment repeatedly with warm water. Then add to it f3xxvijss of diluted sulphuric acid, mixed with Oij of distilled water, and boil for a quarter of an hour. Strain through linen with strong pressure; evaporate the clear liquid, and set it aside that crystals may form. Purify them by resolution and recrystallization. E. and D. substantially the same. They direct 8 times as much dilute sulphuric acid as of chalk to be used. ACIDUM GALLICUM. Mix powdered nut-galls into a thin paste with water, and expose it to the air 4 or 5 weeks, adding water to keep it moist. Squeeze it dry, boil it in water, and filter whilst hot. Let the acid which is deposited on cooling be boiled with 8 parts of water, and one-fifth of animal charcoal, and the hot solution filtered and cooled. [Dose, as an astringent, gr. iij, to gr. x. Larger doses have been given to expel the tapeworm. Externally as a styptic.] ACIDUM HYDRIODICUM. Dr. BUCHANAN'S Medicinal Hydriodic Acid is made by dissolving separately 264 grs. of tartaric acid, and 330 grs. of iodide of potassium, each in f iss of distilled water. Mix the solutions, agitate; and when settled, decant the clear liquid, adding water to make up the measure f vjI. [f 3j contains gr. j of iodine. Dose f3j, gradually increased to f3iv, or more.] ACIDUM HYIDROCHLORICUM. L. JIuriatic or Hydrochloric Acid. Put into a glass retort 24 parts of dried chloride of sodium (common salt), and add 20 parts of sulphuric acid, previously mixed with 12 of water. Put 12 parts of distilled water into the receiver, and distil with a gradually increased heat, by means THE POCKET FORMULARY. 17 of a sand-bath. D. By a similar process from 87 parts of sulphuric acid, 100 of dried salt, and 124 of water. Sp. gr. of each, 1-160. ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM PURUM. [Ac. Muriaticum purum, E.] Take equal weights of pure muriate of soda (see Sodse Murias Purum) well dried, sulphuric acid, and water. Put the salt into a glass retort, and add the sulphuric acid, previously mixed with a third of the water, and cooled. Fit on a receiver containing the rest of the water. Distil with a gentle heat as long as any acid passes over, keeping the receiver constantly cool. Density, 1-170. [Commercial hydrochloric acid sometimes contains arsenic, from which it may be freed by redistilling it with pieces of bright copper.] ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM DILUTUM. L. Acidum muriaticum dilutum E. Hydrochloric acid f iv, distilled water f xij, mix. The D. acid is much stronger, fgx of acid to f xj of water. ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM DILUTUM. L. Diluted or nedicinal Prussic acid. Sulphuric acid'iss, water f iv; mix, and when cool, put them into a tubulated retort, and add ferro-cyanide of potassium ~ij dissolved in f x of water. Pour f viij of distilled water into the receiver; and having connected the retort (and adopter), distil f vj with a gentle heat, keeping the receiver constantly cool. To the product add f vj of distilled water, or q. s. that 12-7 grains of nitrate of silver, dissolved in water, may be accurately saturated by 100 grains of the diluted acid; indicating 2 per cent. of real hydrocyanic acid. Or it may be more quickly made from 48 grains of cyanide of silver, added to a mixture of 391- grains of hydrochloric acid and f 5j of distilled water, and shaken together in a stopped phial; decanting the clear liquid when the sediment has subsided. [Dose, from 2 to 5 m2.] ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM. E. Ferro-cyanide of potassium 5iij, sulphuric acid f ij, water f 3 xvj. Dissolve the salt in f xj of water, add the acid mixed with f v of water, and distil f xiv. Add distilled water to the product to make up the measure exactly f Ixvj. [Dose N j to iij.] AcIDuM PRusSIcuM. D. Cyanuret (bicyanide) of mercury 5j, muriatic acid f 3vij, water f3viij. From a glass retort, distil into a cooled receiver f viij; to be kept in a well-stopped bottle, in a cool, dark place. This last direction should be observed with all the varieties of this acid. The D. acid contains 2* 18 THE POCKET FORMULARY. 1'5 or 1-6 per cent. of real acid. (Dr. KANE.) SCHEELE'S Prussic acid is frequently prescribed; but this name indicates no certain strength. (See Appendix 3.) AcIDUM HYDROCYANICUM VEGETABILE. SCHRADER. Essential oil of bitter almonds 3j, rectified spirit 3ix, distilled water 5ix. [Dose, 2 to 3 drops, in sugared water.] ACIDUM HYDROSULPHURICUM AQUA SOLUTUM. P. Pass a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas (procured by acting on sulphuret of iron by diluted sulphuric acid) through cold distilled water, till it ceases to be absorbed. AcIDUM IODIcUM. M. BO RSON. Treat one part of iodine with four parts of strong nitric acid (sp. gr. 1'5) by the aid of a gentle heat. Evaporate to dryness, and leave the mass exposed to the air till it deliquesces. Then place it in a warm, dry place, till crystals form. AcIDum LACTICUM. To Ovj of milk add ~viij of bicarbonate of soda. Expose it to the air for some days, till it becomes sour, and saturate it with more soda. Repeat this as often as it becomes acid. Boil, filter, evaporate to the consistence of syrup, and digest with alcohol. Filter the solution, and add sulphuric acid as long as it occasions a precipitate. Again filter, and concentrate the clear solution by evaporation, till its density is about 1'215. AcIDUM MECONICUM. Meconic acid. Mix -j meconate of lime (formed in making muriate of morphia by the E. process) with Oj of boiling water, and add 3iij of muriatic acid; redissolve the crystals, which the liquor deposits in cooling, in the same quantity of water and acid, till they are freed from lime. ACIDUM MURIATICUM. D. and E. See Acidum Hydrochloricum. AcIDUM NITRICUM. L. Distilled from equal weights of dry nitre, and oil of vitriol. Sp. gr. 1-500. The commercial acid is usually from 1-38 to 1'40. ACIDUM NITRICUM PURUM. E. As the last; but the nitre is purified by two or more crystallizations, till its solution is no longer disturbed by nitrate of silver. The acid may be rendered colourless by gently heating it in a retort. The commercial acid may be concentrated by distilling it with an equal measure of oil of vitriol, until two-thirds of the nitric acid are brought over. Mr. REDWOOD. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 19 AcIDUM NITRICUM DILUTUM. L. Nitric acid fXj, distilled water f ix. E. 1841. Pure nitric acid f 3j (or commercial n. acid f j 3v), d. water f ix. [The D. and former E. pharm. direct f iij of acid to f iv of water.] ACIDUM NITROSUM. The red fuming nitric acid (nitric acid with nitrous acid gas) is so termed. ACIDUM NITROSUM DILUTUM. L. 1788. Equal weights of nitrous acid and water. [Aqua Fortis is made of various strengths for different purposes in the arts. Dr. Pereira states, that the aqua fortiis duplex of the shops has a sp. gr. of 1-36; aqua fortis simplex, of 1'22.] ACIDUM NITRICUM ALCOHOLISATUM. P. Nitric acid, commercial, one part; rectified spirits, 3 parts. Mix. [Dose, 3ss.] ACIDUI NITRO-MUvRIATICUM. D. Nitro-hydrochloric acid. Aqua Regia. Nitric acid f j, muriatic acid f ij. Mix, and keep it in a dark place. [Dose, -n iij to iv.] ACIDUM NITRO-MURIATICUM [NITRO-HYDROCHLORICUM] DILUTUM. Mid. H1. Muriatic acid f iij, nitric acid f ij, water fgv. [Dose,;i v to viij; but chiefly used for making the acid bath. See Balneum Acidum.] ACIDUM OXALICUM. Acid of Sugar. Put into a glass or earthen retort equal weights of bruised sugar and nitric acid (sp. gr. 1 286). Connect with an adopter, and a receiver furnished with a tube to convey the vapours into a chimney. Heat moderately, till the vapours cease. The next day, remove and drain the crystals, and concentrate the residual liquor for more. Purify them by crystallization. Potato starch is economically substituted for sugar. Poisonous. Antidote; chalk, whiting, or magnesia. AcIDUI PHosPHORICUM DILUTUM. L. Mix nitric acid f.iv, with distilled water f ax; put them into a glass retort placed in a sand-bath, add 3j of phosphorus, and apply heat till f 3viij have distilled. Return these into the retort, and again distil f viij, which are to be thrown away. Evaporate what remains in the retort in a platina capsule to f ij f3vj; and add to the acid, when cooled, sufficient distilled water to make up f xxviij. [It contains about 10 per cent. of real P. acid. Dose, from A x to f3ss, properly diluted.] ACIDUM Picis. Crude Pyroligneous Acid. AcIDUM PRUSSICUM, vel BORUSSICUM. See Acidum Hydrocyanicum. 20 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ACIDUM PYROLIGNEUM. E. An impure acetic acid procured by the destructive distillation of wood. Sp. gr. 1'034. 100 grains neutralize 53 of carb. soda. AcIDJM SACCHARICUM. Saccharic acid is obtained by accurately decomposing saccharate of barytes by sulphuric acid. ACIDUM SUCCINICUM. D. Acid, or Salt of Amber. Mix amber with its weight of sand, and distil. Press the crystals in bibulous paper, and resublime. Dose, 4 to 12 or 15 grains. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM PURUM. E. & D. The commercial acid purified by distillation in glass, rejecting the first 12th or 16th part. [No luting, or corks, should be used. A few strips of platinum in the retort will moderate the ebullition. "Sulphuric acid may be freed from nitrous acid, by heating f viij with 10 or 15 grs. of sugar." E. A little sulphuret of barium, in solution, will remove the metallic impurities.] ACIDUM SULPUHRICUM DILUTUM. L. Spirit of Vitriol. To f xivss of distilled water, add gradually f iss of sulphuric acid, and mix. E. directs f j of acid to f xiij of water. D. One part by weight of acid to 7 of water. Dose, l x to xxx, properly diluted. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM ALCOHOLISATUM. P. Eau de Rabel. Add gradually I part of sulphuric acid to 3 parts of rectified spirit, by weight. [From 5ss to 3j to Oij of water as an acidulous drink. Externally as an escharotic. It is sometimes coloured with cochineal.] ACIDUM SULPHURICUM AROMATICUM. E. Elixir of Vitriol. Sulphuric acid f 5iijss, rectified spirit Oiss, cinnamon bruised Hiss, ginger bruised 5j. Digest for 6 days and strain. L. 1746, directs liv, by weight, of sulphuric acid, to be added to f xvj of compound tincture of cinnamon. Dose, wAv to xv. ACIDUM SULPHYDRICUM (HYDROSULPHURICUM) AQUA SOLUTUM. P. Cold water fully saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, procured from sulphuret of iron, and dil. sulphuric acid. ACIDUM SULPHUROSUM AQUA SOLUTUM. P. Sulphurous acid gas (procured by gently heating 3 parts of sulphuric acid with 2 of quicksilver, in a glass matrass) is to be conveyed, first through a very little water to purify the gas, and then into the water to be charged, till the latter is fully saturated. A Woolfe's apparatus should be used, with a tube passing from the last bottle into a vessel of moistened chalk, to absorb the excess of gas. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 21 ACIDUM TANNICUM. U. S. Tannin or Tannic Acid. Cause washed sether to percolate through powdered nut-galls, in a glass adopter, closed at the lower end with carded cotton. The liquor obtained divides into two portions; pour off the upper layer, -and evaporate the denser liquid to obtain the acid. [Astringent. Dose, from I to 3 grains.] ACIDUM TARTARICUM. L. Bitartrate of potash Tbiv, boiling distilled water Ciiss, prepared chalk ~xxvl, diluted sulphuric acid Ovij f xvij, hydrochloric acid f 5xxviss, or q. s. Boil the bitartrate with Cij of water, and add gradually half the chalk; afterwards add the rest of the chalk previously dissolved in the hydrochloric acid, and the remaining water. When settled, pour away the clear liquid, and wash the precipitate with distilled water till it is tasteless; then pour on it the diluted sulphuric acid, boil for a quarter of an hour, strain, and evaporate the clear liquor, that crystals may form. Redissolve the crystals, filter, concentrate the solution, and set it aside to crystallize. Repeat this till the crystals become colourless. E. Substantially the same. D. directs 10 parts of the bitartrate, 4 of chalk, 7 of sulphuric acid, 120 of water, and q. s. water of muriate of lime. ACIDUM VALERIANICUM. PRINCE L. L. BONAPARTE. Distil not less than 401bs. of valerian root, with 8 times its weight of distilled or rain water; collect the oil in a separatory, continuing the distillation as long as the water is decidedly acid. Agitate the oil with milk of lime, which takes up the acid which it contains; nearly saturate the acid water by milk of lime (first adding that already used, and then fresh); and lastly, add lime water in excess. Concentrate the solution till a pellicle appears, and when cold decompose it by nitric acid in a long narrow flask with a ground stopper; decant the valerianic acid which floats on the surface of the liquid, and distil it with a gentle heat till the distilled liquid ceases to be oily. [Several methods of increasing the product of acid have been proposed: as boiling the root with carbonate of soda, and distilling the decoction with an excess of sulphuric acid; also by exposing the distilled water to the air; or treating it with chromic acid. See Zinci Valerianas. The addition of acids to the root in the still contaminates the product with formic and acetic acids.] ACONITINA. L. Take of monkshood root, dried and bruised Tbij; boil it in three successive gallons of rectified spirit for an hour, in a retort connected with a cooled receiver, pouring off the 22 THE POCKET FORMULARY. liquor, and adding with the fresh spirit, that which distils over. Mix the strained tinctures, distil off the spirit, and evaporate what remains to an extract. Dissolve this in water, filter, and evaporate the solution to the consistence of syrup. Add sufficient diluted sulphuric acid, mixed with distilled water, to dissolve the aconitine, and throw down the latter by solution of ammonia. Redissolve the precipitate by more acid and water, agitate the solution with animal charcoal, filter, and again precipitate with ammonia. Wash the precipitate and dry it. [Other authorities direct the expressed juice of the plant to be boiled, filtered, neutralized by carbonate of potash; the mixture agitated with Pether, and the setherial solution evaporated. It is an energetic poison, only used in outward applications.] ADEPS IYRISTICE. Oil of Mace. It is obtained from nutmegs by strong pressure. ADEPS PRAPARATUS. L. 1824. Cut the raw hog's fat into pieces, melt it over a slow fire, and strain through linen. L. 1836, directs the lard of the shops to be well washed with water. ADEPs OXYGENATUS. See Unguentum Acidi Nitrosi. [Another preparation of lard, intended to facilitate its combination with quicksilver, may here be described. The fat is melted and poured in a shower or fine stream into a large vessel filled with cold water; it is then placed on a hair or wicker sieve, in a cool dry cellar, for a few weeks or months.] ADEPS OVILLUS PRAIPARATUS. Mutton suet is prepared in the same way as lard. Other fats are similarly treated. EtRUGO PR^PARATA. Verdigris (diacetate of copper) prepared in the same manner as chalk. See Creta Prseparata. _ATHER ACETICUS. P. Rectified spirit 3xxx, strong acetic acid xx, sulphuric acid 3vj. Distil xl; agitate the product with dry carbonate of potash; and redistil, to obtain Jxxx. 2ETHER CHLORICUS. The so-called medicinal chloric mether is an alcoholic solution of chloroform, of variable strength. Mr. Guthrie obtained it by putting into a large glass retort fbiij of chloride of lime, and two wine-gallons of rectified spirit, and carefully distilling one gallon. Mr. Redwood states that what is sold in this country consists of one part of chloroform to six or eight of alcohol. Dose, 3ss in water, as an antispasmodic. aTHER MURIATICUS. Into a retort connected with a Woolfe's apparatus, put equal weights of alcohol and muriatic acid, and THE POCKET FORMULARY. 23 distil with a gentle heat. The first bottle should contain a little warm water, and the others be surrounded with ice. IETH-ER NITRICUS. Nitrous, or Ijyponitrous AEther. E. Rectified spirit f xv, pure nitric acid f ~vij. Put the spirit, with a little clean sand, into a quart matrass fitted with a cork, through which pass a safety tube, and another tube connected with a refrigeratory. The safety tube being filled with pure nitric acid, add through it gradually, f iijss of the acid; and when the action has subsided, add the rest by half ounces, at intervals, keeping the refrigeratory very cool. Agitate the distilled rether first with milk of lime, and afterwards with half its volume of strong solution of muriate of lime, and decant. [LIEBIG has proposed a more productive process (by the use of starch), but the product is contaminated with prussic acid. PEDRONI says it may be safely and readily made by adding to 11 parts of crystallized nitrate of ammonia in a glass retort, 8 parts of sulphuric acid previously mixed with 9 of alcohol, and distilling by a naked fire, into a cooled receiver.] ~ETHER SULPIHURICUS. L. IEther Rectificatus. L. 1824. -Ether, or Rectified zEther. Pour ibij of rectified spirit into a glass retort, add fiij of sulphuric acid, and mix; place it in sand, and heat quickly to boiling; let the liquor distil into a receiver, kept very cool, till a heavier portion passes over; to what remains in the retort, when sufficiently cooled, add lbj more spirit, and let the aether distil as before. Mix the distilled liquors, pour off the supernatant part, and add to it ~j of recently ignited carbonate of potash, and redistil. E. Rectified spirit Oijss, sulphuric acid f x. Pour f xij of the spirit gently over the acid, in an open vessel, and stir them well together. Transfer the mixture into a glass matrass connected by tubes with a refrigeratory, and with a raised reservoir containing the rest of the spirit. Raise the heat quickly to about 280~, and let the spirit flow into the matrass in a continuous stream in a quantity equal to that which distils over. When f xlij have passed over, and all the spirit has been added, the process may be stopped. Agitate the aether with f xvj of saturated solution of muriate of lime, to which 5ss of slaked lime has been added; decant the Pether, and redistil with a gentle heat, so long as the liquid which passes over has a density not above 735. D. directs liquor vethereus sulphuricus to be distilled from 3xxxij each of sulphuric acid and rectified spirit, and f 3xx drawn over. From this, with 3ij dried subcarbonate of potash, f xij of rather sulphuricus are to be distilled. 24 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ZETHER LOTUS. Commercial Eether generally contains a little alcohol, which may be removed by agitating it with twice its bulk of water, and decanting it. The mether retains a little water, which does not impair its fitness for inhalation, and which perhaps renders it more suitable for the preparation of tannic acid. If the,ether is acid, lime-water may be substituted for water, when intended for inhaling. AETHER SULPHURICUS CUM ALCOHOLE. See Spiritus IEtheris Sulphuricus. JETHER SULPHURICUS IODURETUS. M. Iodine 3ij, sulphuric rether f.iss. Dose, 4 to 10 drops. IETHER PHOSPHORATUS. P. Maccrate 1 part of phosphorus with 50 of ether, for a month, in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Decant the clear solution and keep it in a dark place. Dr. COPLAND directs 2 grains of pure phosphorus, and 3j of oil of peppermint, or oil of valerian, to be digested with 5j of rether. Dose, 5 to 10 drops, with some mucilaginous liquid. _ETHER TEREBINTHINATUS. DURANDE. ~Ether 3 parts, rectified oil of turpentine 1 part. From 20 to 40 drops in whey, as a solvent for biliary calculi. Other zEthereal preparations will be found among the Tinctures, Solutions, and Spirits. JETHIOPs ABSORBENS. Hydrargyrus cum Creta. TETHIOPS ANTIMONIALIS. PRUS. P. Quicksilver ~j, sesquisulphuret of antimony.ij, sulphur 5j. Triturate together till the quicksilver is no longer visible. Alterative. Dose, a few grains. Dr. PLUMMER'S ~Ethiops was prepared from equal parts of golden sulphur of antimony and calomel. PORT. PH. directs 3 parts of precipitated sulphuret of antimony, and 2 of purified mercury. ZETHIOPS GRAPHITICUS. Triturate 2 parts of plumbago with 1 of quicksilver. Dose, gr. viij. 2ETHIOPS MARTIALIS. Black oxide of iron. See Ferri Oxydum Nigrum. ~ETHIOPS MINERALIS. See Hydrargyri Sulphuretum cum Sulphure. EETHIOPS SACCHARATUS. SPAN. P. Quicksilver 1 part, white sugar 2 parts. Triturate together with a few drops of water, till the quicksilver is extinct. BAUME (sucre vermifuge mercuriel), 2Ethiops mineral 2 parts, quicksilver 3, sugar 7. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 25 LETHIOPS VEGETABILIS. Bladder-wrack (Fucus'Vesiculosus) dried, and burnt in a covered crucible, with a perforated lid, till the vapours cease. Dose, gr. x. to 3ij. ALCOHOL. Chloride of calcium (dried muriate of lime) lbj, rectified spirit Cj, mix and distil Ovij f.v. Sp. gr. 0-815. The E. process affords a stronger spirit. Rectified spirit Oj, fresh lime broken small, xviij. Put them into a glass matrass, and heat gently till the lime begins to slake; withdraw the heat till the slaking is finished, keeping the upper part of the matrass cool with damp cloths. Then attach a proper refrigeratory, and with a gradually increasing heat, distil f xvij. [Sp. gr. 0-796.] ALCOHOL AMMONIATUM. See Spiritus Ammonie. ALCOHOL DILUTIUS, and ALCOHOL FORTIUS. E. The former names of proof and rectified spirit. See Spiritus. ALCOHOL SULPHURICUM. P. See Acidum Sulphuricum Alcoholisatum. ALLOXANUM. Aloxane. To nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-45 to 1-5) in a porcelain vessel, gradually add half its weight of dry uric acid, mixing each portion very carefully, and waiting till the effervescence is over, and the liquid cool, before adding more. Put the mass on porous paper, or brick, for 24 hours, to dry; then dissolve it by heat in its own weight of water, filter, and set it aside in a warm place, that crystals may form. [LIEBIG suggests its use in some diseases of the liver. Its dose is undetermined, but it does not appear to be poisonous. It is diuretic.] ALOE COLATA. Aloes heated by steam in a tinned vessel, and strained, while warm, through a hair sieve. ALUMEN EXSICCATUM. L. E. & D. Dried or burnt alum. Melt alum in an earthen (or iron, E.) vessel, and increase the heat till it ceases to boil. [Reduce to powder, E. & D.] ALTUMEN SACCHARINUM. Alum vj, white lead 3vj, sulphate of zinc 5iij, white sugar ~iss. Mix the powder into a paste with vinegar and white of egg. Used in eye-waters and cosmetic washes. ALUMINA. Earth of Alum. Dissolve alum in water, and precipitate by carbonate of potash; wash the precipitate freely with distilled water; redissolve it in hydrochloric acid, precipitate by ammonia, and wash it as before. ALUMINE ACETAS. Dissolve fresh precipitated alumina in strong 3 26 THE POCKET FORMULARY. acetic acid; filter the solution, and evaporate it to a gelatinous consistence. AMMONIA AQUA. See Liquor Ammonis. AMMONIA ACETATIS AQUA. See Liquor Ammoniae Acetatis. AMMONIE ARSENIAS. Saturate solution of arsenic acid with ammonia (which should be in slight excess), and evaporate by a gentle heat, that crystals may form on cooling. See Liquor Ammonie Arseniatis. AMMONIAE BENZOAS. Mix benzoic acid with 8 parts of water, and add a slight excess of ammonia. Digest the solution with purified animal charcoal, filter, concentrate by evaporation at a gentle heat, and crystallize by refrigeration. AMMONIA BICARBONAS. D. Dissolve iv of sesquicarbonate of ammonia in f xv of water, and pass carbonic acid gas through it, till it is fully saturated. Set it aside, and let the crystals which form be dried without heat. Dose, gr. v to xx. AMMONIAE SESQUICARBONAS. L. Sesquicarbonate (formerly carbonate or subcarbonate) of ammonia. Volatile Salts. Mix Tbj of powdered sal ammoniac (ammonite hydrochloras) with bj ss of prepared chalk, and sublime with a gradually increased heat. Dose, gr. v to xv. AMMONIA HYDRIODAS. P. Ammonii Iodidum. Digest iodine with half its weight of clean iron-filings, in distilled water, till a colourless solution is obtained. Filter, and immediately add sesquicarbonate of ammonia in slight excess. Filter, concentrate by rapid evaporation, and crystallize by refrigeration. It it rather more active than iodide of potassium. AMMONIAE HYDROCHLORAS. Ammonlie 3urias. Sal Ammoniac. It is made by saturating ammoniacal gas liquor, or bone-spirit, with sulphuric acid; crystallizing the sulphate, mixing it with common salt, and subliming. The commercial sal ammoniac should be purified by crystallization for internal use. Dose, gr. v to xxv. AMMONIA HInYDROSUIPHURETUM. E. Pass sulphuretted hydrogen gas (from muriatic acid 5viij, water Ibijss, and sulphuret of iron iv) through f iv of solution of ammonia. D. directs 7 parts of sulphuric acid, 5 of sulphuret of iron, 32 of water, for 4 of water of ammonia. Poisonous. Dose, 4 to 8 drops, in water, diabetes. AMMONIm NITRAS. Saturate diluted nitric acid, with sesqui THE POCKET FORMULARY. 27 carbonate of ammonia; filter, and concentrate by evaporation at a gentle heat, that crystals may form on cooling. Dose, 9j, refrigerant and diuretic. AMMONIAm NITROSULPHAS. Pass nitric oxide gas through a solution of sulphite of ammonia in five or six volumes of water of ammonia; let the crystals which form be quickly washed with liquid ammonia, dried without heat, and preserved in closelystopped bottles. Dose, gr. xij in typhoid fevers. AMMONIA OXALAS. - E. Dissolve viij (probably 3 iv intended) of carbonate of ammonia in Oiv of water; add gradually iv of oxalic acid, concentrate by boiling, and set aside to crystallize. As a test for lime. AMMONILE PIIOSPHAS. Saturate dilute phosphoric acid with carbonate of ammonia, and evaporate, that crystals may form. AMMONIE PREPARATA. Ammonime Sesquicarbonas. AMMONIAE SUCCINAS IMPURUS. P. Spirit of hartshorn, neutralized with succinic acid (salt of amber), and filtered. Dose, a few drops, as an antispasmodic. AMMONIA SULPHAS. Saturate diluted sulphuric acid with sesquicarbonate of ammonia, and evaporate the solution, that crystals may form as it cools. AMYGDALINA. Boil well-pressed cake of bitter almonds twice in strong alcohol; strain through linen, and press the residue. Remove any oil that may appear, heat the liquid again, and filter. In a few days, part of the amygdaline crystallizes. Concentrate the residuary liquor to a sixth part, and add sether, which will throw down the amygdaline. Press it between blotting paper, wash it with sether, redissolve in boiling alcohol, and set aside to crystallize. [Seventeen grains with f jss of sweet almond emulsion form a substitute for (strong) Aqua Amygdalme Amare. This quantity is equivalent to one grain of real prussic acid, or 50 grains (55im) of Ac. Hydroc. dil. P. L.] AMYLI IODIDUM. Dr. BUCHANAN. Triturate 24 grains of iodine with a little water, and gradually add ~j of powdered white starch. Continue the trituration till the compound assumes a deep and uniform colour. Dose, from 3ss, gradually increased to 3iv or more. AMYLUM CUMiI CERA. Melt wax, and stir into it four times its weight of starch or arrow-root. Demulcent. ANTHRACOKALI. POYLA. Carbonate ofpotash, ~vj, lime, 3iijss, 28 THE POCKET FORMULARY. water Oiv. Proceed as in making liquor potassm; and concentrate the clear solution, by boiling in an iron vessel, till an oilylooking liquid remains; then stir in ~v of finely-powdered mineral coal; remove from the fire, and continue stirring till the whole is reduced to an uniform powder, which is to be immediately put into small dry bottles. Dose, 2 gr. twice or thrice a day, for skin diseases, scrofula, chronic rheumatism, &c. ANTHRACOKALI SULPHURATUM. As the last, adling, with the coal, 5iv of sulphur. Dose and uses the same. ANTIMONIUM CALCINATUM. L. 1788. -Diapchoretic A- ntimony. Calx of Antimony. Sesquisulphuret of antimony 5viij, powdered nitre ~xxiv. Mix and deflagrate by spoonfuls, in a crucible heated to redness. Burn for half an hour, and when cold, powder. [When washed with distilled water it forms Calx; Antimonii Lota. The washings yield Antimonic Acid by the addition of sulphuric acid.] ANTIMONII CALX SULPHTURATA. HUFELAND. Mix 10 parts of burnt oyster shells, 4 of sulphur, and 3 of crude antimony; and calcine them in a luted crucible for an hour. ANTIMONII CERUSSA. BATE. As Antimonium Calcinatum, substituting metallic antimony for the sulphuret. The Ant. Cerussc Solaris was made by igniting antimony by means of a lens. ANTIMONII CHLORIDUM. Sesquichloride, Muriate, or Butter of Antimony. Distilled from a mixture of 1 part of sesquisulphuret of antimony, and 2 of corrosive sublimate, (L. 1745,) or from 1 part of crocus of antimony, 2 of common salt, and I of sulphuric acid, (L. 1788.) But the liquid chloride is more usually obtained by dissolving the crude or roasted sulphuret in muriatic acid. (See Antimonii Oxychloridum.) P. directs the muriatic solution to be evaporated to one-third, and the remainder heated in a retort, so long as what passes over does not precipitate with water. Then change the receiver for a dry one, and preserve what passes over in long narrow vials. The chloride of the shops contains iron and free acid. ANTIMONII CINIS. Antimony Ash. The roasted sesquisulphuret. ANTIMONII CROCUS. L. 1788. Crocus, or Saffron of Antimony. Powdered sesquisulphuret of antimony Tbj, nitre lbj, common salt ~j. Mix and deflagrate by portions in a heated crucible. Pour out the fused mass, and separate it from the scoriae. When reduced to powder, boiled, and afterwards repeatedly washed with water, it forms Crocus Antimonii Lotus. This THE POCKET FORMULARY. 29 crocus is also formed in the first part of the L. process for Antim. p.-tartras. ANTIMONIUM DIAPHORETIC UM ABLUTUM. See Antimonium Calcinatum. The PRus. Ph. directs 4 parts of nitre, to 1 of sesquisulphuret of antimony. ANTIMONII OXYCHLORIDUM. Antimonii Oxydum Nitro-Muriaticum. D. Algaroth's Powder. Prepared sulphuret of antimony 20 parts, muriatic acid 100 parts, nitric acid 1 part. Digest the sulphuret with the mixed acids in a glass vessel, (avoiding the fumes,) with a gradually increased heat. Boil for an hour, and pour the cooled and filtered liquid into a gallon of water. Wash the precipitate with plenty of water till the latter no longer reddens litmus paper, and dry the oxide on bibulous paper. ANTIMONII OXYDUM. E. Sesquioxide of Antimony. Powdered sesquisulphuret of antimony ~iv, muriatic acid Oj. Dissolve as in the last; and having poured the solution into Ov of water, collect the precipitate in a calico bag, wash it well with cold water, then with a weak solution of carbonate of soda, and again with water. Dry over a vapour-bath. [L. 1809 directs subcarbonate of potash. P. Bicarbonate of potash with heat. M. TYSON recommends sesquicarbonate of ammonia.] Dose, gr. i to 1. ANTIMONII OXYDUM. L. 1815. Dissolve separately 3j of tartarized antimony, and 3ij of sesquicarbonate of ammonia in water. Boil the mixed solutions, collect and wash the precipitate, and dry it. [These oxides are much more active than the calx of antimony. A crystallized oxide is obtained by heating metallic antimony, and condensing the vapours in a suitable apparatus.] ANTIMONIUM OXYSULPHURETUM. L. Oxysulphuret, or Precipitated Sulphuret of Antimony. Take of sesquisulphuret of antimony, in powder, Svij, solution of potash Oiv, distilled water Cij. Mix, and boil them over a slow fire for two hours, stirring frequently, and adding more water as it wastes. Filter the solution through linen, and add gradually diluted sulphuric acid q. s. to throw down the oxysulphuret, avoiding the poisonous fumes. Wash the preceipitate with water, and dry it with a gentle heat. [If the solution be allowed to cool slowly, before adding the acid, Kermnes mineral is deposited, and the acid afterwards added throws down golden sulphur of antimony. Each of them requires to be washed with distilled water, pressed, and dried. In the P. and other foreign Ph., soda is directed 3-* 30 THE POCKET FORMULARY. instead of potash, and is said to yield a finer Kermes. See Kermes Minerale.] ANTIMONII POTASSIO-TARTRAS. L. Emetic Tartar. Take of powdered s. sulphuret of antimony Ibij, nitre Ibij, hydrochloric acid f iv. Mix accurately, ignite the mixture on an iron plate, reduce the residue when cold to a fine powder, and wash it with boiling water till tasteless. Mix with it 3xiv of bitartrate of potash, and boil for half an hour in a gallon of distilled water. Filter the liquor whilst hot, and set it aside to crystallize. Let the remaining liquid be evaporated for more crystals. E. directs ~iij of the oxide (Antim. oxydum, E.), Hiv~ of bitartrate of potash, to be boiled for an hour with f.xxvij of water. D. 4 parts of the oxychloride, 5 of bit. potash, and 34 of water. P. 200 parts of glass of antimony, 300 of bit. of potash, and 2000 of water. ANTIMONII PULVIS COMPOSITUS. See Pulvis Antimonii Comp. ANTIMONII REGULUS. Metallic Antimony is obtained by heating the susquisulphuret with half its weight of clean iron-filings, in a covered crucible; or by heating the oxide or oxychloride with twice its weight of cream of tartar, to dull redness. ANTIMONII SULPHURETUM AUREUM. E. Nearly as Antim. Oxysulphuretum. L. ANTIMONII SUBHYDROSULPHAS. See Kermes Minerale. ANTIMONII SULPHURETUM PRECIPITATUM. L. 1824. As Antimonii Oxysulphuretum. L. 1836. ANTIMONII SESQUISULPHURETUM. L. Black or crude antimony is obtained from the native ore by heating it in a proper furnace, and separating the fused sulphuret from the less fusible earthy matter with which it is combined. ANT1MONIUM PR2EPARATUM. The sesquisulphuret prepared as Creta Prweparata. ANTIMONIUM VITRIFACTUM. Glass of Antimony. L. 1788. Burn powdered (sesquisulphuret of) antimony in a shallow earthen vessel till the sulphurous vapours cease. Put it into a crucible, of which it will occupy two-thirds, and, having fitted a cover, apply a gradually increased heat till the matter fuses; and pour it on to an iron plate. ANTIMONII VITRUM CERATUM. L. 1746 and Dr. YOUNG. Melt 3j of yellow wax in an iron ladle, and add ~j of glass of antimony in fine powder. Keep it over a gentle tre, free from THE POCKET FORMULARY. 31 flame, for about half an hour, or till it becomes nearly the colour of snuff. Pour it out on white paper, and when cold reduce it to powder. Dose, from 4 to 9 or 10 grains in dysentery. APOZEMA ANTISCORBUTICUM. P. Roots of burdock, patience, and horseradish, fresh leaves of scurvy-grass, buck-bean, and water-cress, each ss, boiling water Oiijss. Infuse for 2 hours, strain, and press; let the sediment subside, and decant. APOZEMA ANTICOLICUM. DEGLAND'S mixture for Lead Colic. Senna.ij, sulphate of soda 5j, syrup of buckthorn 5ij, water 3xvj. APOZEMA CONTRASTIMULANS. LAENNEC. See Mistura Antimonialis. APOZEMA DIURETICUM. The 5 roots (species diureticse) j, boiling water,xvj. Infuse half an hour, strain, and add nitre 9j, syrup of the 5 roots 3j. APOZEMA EiMETO-CATHARTICUM. Emetic tartar gr. j, sulphate of soda 3iv, veal broth f xvj. By glassfuls, and repeat till it operates. The Eau de Trevez (Fr. H.) consists of sulphate of magnesia 5j, emetic tartar gr. ss, water Oij. APOZEMA FEBRIFUGUM. Decoctum Cinchone. APOZEMA DICTUM DE FELTZ. Decocttu Sarzwe cwum Ichthyocolld. APOZEMA PURGANS. See Mistura Purgans. P. APOZEMA DICTUM PTISANA REGALIS. P. Senna 5iv, sulphate of soda 5iv, aniseed 3j, cinnamon 3j, fresh chervil 3iv, cold water Oj4, one lemon, sliced. Macerate for 24 hours, stirring occasionally; strain, press, and-filter. APOZEMA SUDORIFICUM. Decoctum Guaiaci Compositum. APOZEMA VERMIFUGUM. Decoctum Granati Vermifugum. AQU)E DESTILLATE. Simple Distilled Waters. The plants, &c., are put into the still with twice as much water as is intended to be drawn off. Some recommend a previous maceration, but this is not directed by the British Colleges. L. directs f 3vij of proof spirit, and E. f iij of rectified spirit, to be added in the still, for each gallon of product, but the utility of this addition is very questionable. The waters should be kept in a cool place. The L. & E. colleges allow to be substituted for most of the distilled waters, mixtures of the essential oils and water. L. directs f3ij of the essential oil to be rubbed with 3ij of car 32 THE POCKET FORMULARY. bonate of magnesia, and a gallon of distilled water gradually added. When the sediment has subsided, filter the liquid. [A better method is to rub the oil with ij of precipitated chalk (Calcis Carbonas Precipitatum) and f ij of rectified spirit, and afterwards by degrees, the water. In a few minutes it may be filtered. But Mr. Warrington objects both to magnesia and chalk, as being to some extent soluble; and prefers fine porcelain clay, or calcined flints; he finds the waters keep better without the addition of spirit.] AQUtE SPIRITUOSm. The distilled spirits were formerly so called. See Spiritus. AQUE MEDICATME. Besides the distilled waters, the following list contains imitations of the principal mineral waters (Aquve Minerales Factitiae); and a few saline solutions, &c., to which the name Aqua is commonly applied, though the L. college now restricts the term to Distilled Waters. AQUA ABSINTHII. Wormwood tops ibij, water q. s. Distil tbiv. AQUA FLORUM ACACIA. As Aq. Rose, from fresh flowers of Robinia pseudo-acacia. It contains prussic acid. ZELLER. AQUA ACETATIS AMMONIE. E. See Liquor Ammoniae Acetatis. AQUA ACIDI CARBONICI. U. S. Aqua Aerata. Water charged by pressure with 5 times its volume of carbonic acid gas. AQUA ACIDULA ALKAIINA. See Liquor Potasse Effervescens; and Liq. Sodae Effervescens. AQUA AERE ORBATA. Water deprived of air by boiling, and cooled in close vessels. It should always be used in preparing sulphuretted and chalybeate waters; and is preferable for those containing carbonic acid gas. AQUA IETHEREA. Eauz Ethere'e. P. Mix 1 part of aether with 8 of water; agitate frequently in a bottle with a ground stopper; let it rest 24 hours, separate the supernatant tether, and keep the water for use. AQUA ETHIEREA CAMPHORATA. Camphor 3ij, tether 3vj, distilled water f ~xv. Dissolve the camphor in the aether, and add the water. Shake the mixture occasionally, and in 24 hours decant, or draw off the water as required. AQUA ALBUMINOSA. White of 2 eggs, water Ibij. Beat up the whites with a little of the water, and add the rest. Strain through a sieve. As an antidote for corrosive sublimate. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 33 AQUA ALEXITERIA SIMPLEX. L. 1746. Fresh mint lbj, tops of sea wormwood Ibj, angelica leaves lbj, water q. s. Distil Cong. j s. AQUA ALEXITERIA SPIRITUOSA. See Spiritus Alexiterius. AQUA ALUMINOSA BATEANA. Liquor Aluninis (Compostium. AQUA AMMONIA. See Liquor Ammonime. AQUA AMYGDALmE AMARE. P. Mix Ibij of fresh cake of bitter almonds (from which the oil has been expressed) with enough water to form a thin pap. In 24 hours distil Ibiv, by means of steam conducted to the bottom of the still by a tube connected with a boiler. Filter the distilled water through wet paper. Another method is to add the above thin pap (after 24 hours' maceration) to water already boiling in the still, which is to be immediately luted. The Prus. and Hamb. pharmacopoeias (Aqua Amygd. am. Concentrata) direct tbij of the water to be drawn from Ibij of bruised bitter almonds, ~ij of spirit, and Ibij of water. It is estimated to contain, when fresh, about one grain of real Prussic acid (equivalent to 50 grains or 551 of Ac. Hydrocyan. dil. L.) in 5j. There are many other formulae for this water in the foreign pharmacopoeias, differing widely in strength, but most of them very powerful. M. HEBNLE proposes to mix 3ss of essential oil of bitter almonds, and 3x of diluted hydrocyanic acid (L.) with ~xij of distilled water. The mixture to be well shaken, and then filtered. For another substitute see Emulsio Amygdalse cum Amygdalina. Dose, from 10 to 40 drops. A concentrated water, obtained in distilling the essential oil, is sometimes used to flavour confectionary, and as an external application: but for internal use it is scarcely ever prescribed in this country, not often in France, but more frequently in Germany, in the above doses. An overdose proves rapidly fatal. A very dilute almond water is sometimes sold for Aqua Cerasi Nigri. AQUA ANETHI. L. & E. Bruised dill seed lbjss, proof spirit f vij, [rect. spt. f iij, E.] water Cij, distil Cj. It may also be made with the oil without distillation. See Aquae Destillatae, above. AQUA ANGELICA. P. Angelica seeds tfiij, water q. s. Distil Cj. [Guibourt directs the root.] AQUA ANTHEMIDIS. Dried chamomile flowers lbviij, water Iblxxij. Distil Ibxlviij. 34 THE POCKET FORMULARY. AQUA ANTIMONIATA. M. Lenthois' remedy for consumption, consists of one grain of emetic tartar in from 6 to 12 pints of water: to be taken as a common beverage. AQUA ANISI. From aniseeds, as Aqua Anethi. P. As Aqua Angelice. AQUA ANISI STELLATI. From star-anise or badian seeds; as Aqua Anisi. AQUA ARMORACILE. P. Horse-radish root Ibij, water q. s. distil Ibiv. AQUA AROMATICA. Prus. Ph. Sage 5viij, rosemary 5iv, peppermint ~iv, lavender flowers giv, fennel seeds 3ij, cinnamon Jij, rectified spirit Ibiv, water Ibxx. Macerate 24 hours, and draw off fbxij. AQUA FLORUM AURANTII. L. Orange flowers -bx, proof spirit.vij, water Cij. Distil Cj. AQUA CORTICIS AURANTII. L. 1746. Rind of oranges ~v, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA BARYTl MURIATIS. See Liquor Barii Chloridi. AQUA BENEDICTA. The old name of Liquor Calcis. But Eau benite of H. de la Charite is a solution of gr. v. emetic tartar in Oj of water. Eau b6eite de Ruland is Vinum Antimonii. AQUA BENZOATA AERATA. Benzoate of potash, borax, of each gr. xv; bicarbonate of potash 3ss, water f ~xvj. Charge with carbonic acid gas. AQUA BERGAMII. From bergamot peel; as Aqua Corticis Aurantii. AQUA BINELLI. A styptic nostrum, supposed to contain creasote. AQUA BONNENSIS. Aqua sodii sulphureti serves as a substitute for the waters of Bonnes, Cauterets, St. Sauveur, &c. AQUA BROMINII. See Solutio Brominii. AQUA BORAGINIS. P. From fresh Borage; as Aqua Lactucae. AQUA BRYONIE. See Spiritus Bryoniae. AQUA CALCIS. E. & D. See Liquor Calcis. AQUA CALCIS COMPOSITA. D. 1807. (Aqua Benedicta Clomposita.) Rasped guiacum wood,vj, liquorice root 5j, sassafras bark ass, coriander seeds 3iij, fresh lime-water Ov. Macerate 2 days in a close vessel, and strain. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 35 AQUA CALCIS CARBONATIS. Carara Water. Contains carbonate of lime held in solution by carbonic acid gas. Antilithic. AQUA CALCIS MURIATIS. See Liquor Calcii Chloridi. AQUA CAMPHORtE. Camphor Mixture. See Mistura Camphorre. AQUA CAMPHORATA BATEANA. See Aqua Cupri Sulphatis Camphorata. AQUA CARMELITANA. See Spiritus Melissse Compositus. AQUA CARUI. L. From caraway seeds, or the oil, as Aqua Anethi. AQUA CARYOPHYLLI. P. Cloves fbij, water q. s. Macerate for 12 hours, and distil lbviij. AQUA CASCARILL.. P. ascarilla bark lbiij, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA CASSIE. E. Cassia bark ibjss, rectified spirit f iij, water q. s. Distil Cj. [Guy's H. substitutes ~xv of cassia buds.] AQUA CASTOREI. L. 1746. Castor.j, water q. s. Distil Ibij. AQUA CERASI NIGRI. Prus. P. Black cherries (crushed in the hands, and the stones broken in a mortar) lbx, water q. s. Distil Ibxx. [It contains prussic acid. A very dilute water of bitter almonds is often substituted for it. It should never be administered unless its exact strength is known.] AQUA CHALYBEATA AERATA. SOUBEIRAN. Water freed from air Oj, sulphate of iron gr. ss. Charge with 5 volumes of carbonic acid gas. Or, sulphate of iron, gr. j, carbonate of soda, gr. iv; water, freed from air and charged with 5 volumes of gas, Oj. [BEWLEY's Aquac Chalybeata is a solution of citrate of iron in aerated water flavoured with orange peel.] AQUA CHENOPODII VULVARIZE. Stinking goose-foot lbj, water lbvj. Distil fbiij. AQUA CHLORINII. D. Aqua Oxyemuriatica. Pass chlorine gas (see Chlorinium) through cold water till it ceases to be absorbed. AQUA CHLORINEI, E. is prepared by triturating 3j of muriate of soda, and 350 grains of red oxide of lead; putting them into a stoppered bottle with f ~viij of water, and adding f 3ij of sulphuric acid. After shaking the mixture, leave it to settle and decant. Dose f3ss to f3ij diluted. AQUA CINNAMOMI. L. Bruised cinnamon tbjss (or oil of cinnamon 5ij), proof spirit f vij, water Cij. Distil Cj. It may also be made without distillation. 36 THE POCKET FORMULARY. AQUA COCHLEARIA. P. Fresh scurvy-grass Ibij, water q. s. Distil Ibij. AQUA COLONIENSIS. EaU cde Cologne. P. Oil of bergamot ~iij, oil of lemon 3iij, oil of rosemary ~jss, oil of neroli 5jss, oil of lavender 5jss, oil of cinnamon 3vj, rectified spirit Oxxiv, compound spirit of balm Oiij, spirit of rosemary Oij. Mix, and after 8 days distil Oxxiv. AQUA COPAIB}E. Dr. CATTELL. Oil of copaiba 5ij, water Cong. vss. Distil 3 or 4 gallons. AQUA CORIANDRI. GUIBOURT. From coriander seeds, as Aqua Angelicae. AQUA CREAsoTI. Creasote 3j, distilled water ~x. Shake together, and filter. AQUA CUBEBEm. From oil of cubebs, as Aqua Copaibke. [Both are used as injections.] AQUA CUPRI SULPHATIS CAMPHORATA. BATES' Catmp)horted Lotion. Sulphate of copper gr. xv, bole gr. xv, powdered camphor gr. iv, boiling water f iv. When cold, filter. [As a collyrium this requires dilution. Mr. Ware directs the above quantity to be diluted with Oiv of distilled water.] AQUA DESTILLATA. L. From 10 gallons of water, distil 8, rejecting the first 2. E. directs the first 20th to be rejected and the next half preserved. AQUA FABARUM. From bean-flowers: as Aqua Sambuci. AQUA FCENICULI. L. & E. From sweet fennel seeds: as Aqua Anethi. AQUA FORMICARUM. BRUNS. P. Red ants q. v., water q. s. Distil three-fourths, express the residue, and distil the liquor nearly to dryness. AQUA FORTIS. See Acidum Nitrosum Dilutum. AQUA FRAGARIL. SAX. P. Strawberries Ibij, water q. s. Distil lbiij. AQUA GOULARDI. See Liquor Plumbi Diacetatis Dilutus. AQUA HORDEATA. See Decoctum Hordei. AQUA HUNGARICA. Queen of Hungar-y's Water. See Spiritus Rosmarini. AQUA HYDROCYANICA VEGETABILIS. SCHRADER. Essential THE POCKET FORMULARY. 37 oil of bitter almonds, 3j, rectified spirit j ss, distilled water xvj. Mix well, and filter through wet filtering paper. [Intended as a substitute for Aqua Lauro-Cerasi.] AQUA HYDROGENII. Water charged by pressure with hydrogen gas. AQUA HYDROSULPHURATA. See Aciduml Hydrosulphuricum Aqua Solutum. AQUA HYSSOPI. P. From fresh hyssop: as Aqua Melissae. AQUA HYSTERICA. As Spiritus Bryonike Comp., omitting the Bryony. AQUA IODURETM. LUGoL's original ioduretted waters consisted respectively of ~, 4, and 1 grain of iodine, dissolved in alcohol, 3xvj of water, and ~ij of sea salt. For the present form see Solutiones Iodinii. AQUA JAVELLI. Eau de Javelle. See Liquor Potassae Chlorinatee. AQUA JUNIPERI. P. Bruised juniper berries lbiij, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA LACTUCM. P. Fresh lettuces bruised lbx, water Tbxx. Distil Ibx. AQUA-LAURO CERASI. E. and D. Fresh leaves of cherry-laurel chopped small Tbj, water Oijss. Distil Oj, agitate the distilled liquor well, filter it through wet paper, and add compound spirit of lavender 3j. [Dr. NELIGAN says the spirit of lavender is generally omitted. The dose is from <,x to xx. It is more frequently prescribed in this kingdom than Aq. Amygd. Amarae, but is liable to the objection that the quantity of prussic acid it contains is variable. M. HINLE proposes to substitute the following:-Mix xij of distilled water with 3ss of essential oil of cherry-laurel, and 3vj of diluted hydrocyanic acid, and filter.] AQUA LAVANDUL.. P. Flowering tops of lavender Tbij, water q. s. Distil by steam Ibiv. [The simple and perfumed spirit of lavender are also termed lavender water. See Spiritus Lavandule.] AQUA LILI()RUM CONVALLIUM. BRUNS. Ph. Flowers of the lily of the valley tbj, water lbiv. Distil tbij. AQUA LIMONIS. E. 1817. Fresh lemon-peel ibij, water q. s. Distil rbx. 4 38 THE POCKET FORMULARY. AQUA LITHARGYRI ACETATI. See Liquor Plumbi Diacetatis. AQUA MAGNESIA: CARBONATIS. See Liquor Magnesim Carbonatis. AQUA MARINA FACTITIA. Sea Vater. Common salt xvj, sulphate of soda 3vij, muriate of lime 5jss, muriate of magnesia ~vj, iodide of potassium 3j, bromide of potassium )ss, water 4 gallons. The salts are to be in crystals. A simpler substitute is used as a bath; lbj of salt to lbxxx of water. AQUA MATRICARI.E. From feverfew: as Aqua Menthve. AQUA MELILOTI. P. Dried flowers of melilot Ibij, water q. s. Distil lbvij. AQUA MELISSa. P. Fresh tops of balm Tbxij, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA MENTHIA PIPERITa. L. and E. Dried peppermint Ibij (or Ibiv of the fresh herb; or 3ij of the essential oil), water Cij, proof spirit f vij, [rectified spirit f iij, E.,] distil Cj. It may also be made from the oil by trituration. See Aque Destillatam. AQUAi MENTHAI VIRIDIS (vulgaris, 1745; sative, 1788). L. and E. From common mint, as Aqua Mentha3 Piperitie. AQUA MENTHZE PULEGII. L. and E. From pennyroyal herb or oil, as Aqua Menthae Piperite. AQUA MYRTI. GRAY. Myrtle flowers fbiij, water q. s. Draw a gallon. AQUA NAPHE. Aqua Florum Aurantii. AQUA NIGRA. GERM. H. See Lotio Hydr. Chloridi. AQUA NITROGENII PROTOXIDI. See Aqua Oxygenii. AQUA OPII. GUIBOURT. Opium in small pieces Tlj, water lbvj. Macerate for 48 hours, and distil 1bj. Some authorities direct Ibiij to be distilled. Dose 5ij or more. AQUA: OPHTHALMICOM. Eye Waters. See Collyria. AQUA OXYGENII. Water charged by pressure with oxygen gas. But what is sold as oxygenous water, is stated by Dr. PEREIRA to be an aqueous solution of protoxide of nitrogen (laughing gas); each bottle containing about a quart of the gas. AQUA OXYMURIATICA. See Aqua Chlorinii. AQUA ORIGANI. P. As Aqua Meliloti, from wild marjoram flowers. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 39 AQUA PERSICE.. P. Fresh peach-leaves cut small Ibij, water fbiv. Distil gently Ibij. AQUA PETROSELINI. P. From parsley-seed: as Aqua Angelica. AQUA PHAGEDEBNICA. See Lotio Hydrargyri flava. AQUA PICIS. D. and Bp. BERKELEY. Mix a quart of wood tar with Cj of cold water; stir together for a quarter of an hour, and filter. Keep it in a closed vessel. Taken, in various chronic disorders, to the amount of a pint or more daily. AQUA PLANTAGINIS. P. From fresh plantain-leaves: as Aqua Lactuce. AQUA PIMENT:. L. Bruised pimento lbj (or 3ij of the oil), proof spirit f vij, water Cij. Distil Cj. AQUA PIMENTA DILUTA. GUY'S H. Pimento water lvj, water 5x. Other waters, similarly diluted, are directed in Hospital Formularies. AQUA POTASSE. See Liquor Potassae. AQUA POTASSB SULPHURETI. See Aq. Sulph. Potassae. AQUA PULEGII. From dried or fresh pennyroyal, or the oil: as Aqua Menthae Piperitae. AQUA PULLNA ARTIFICIALIS. Sulphate of soda iiv, sulphate of magnesia v; muriate of lime 3j, muriate of magnesia 5iv, muriate of soda 5ij; water Cj, carbonic acid gas Cv. AQUA RABELII. See Acidum Sulphuricum Alcoholisatum. AQUA RAPHANI. See Aqua Armoracize. AQUA REGIA. The former name of nitro-muriatic acid. AQUA RHODII. GUIBOURT. Rhodium wood I part, water 8. Macerate, and distil 4 parts. AQUA RosE. L. and E. Hundred-leaved roses Itx, water Cij, proof spirit f vij, [rectified spirit iij, E.] Distil a gallon. [Fresh petals should be preferred: but those which have been preserved by beating them with twice their weight of salt, are allowed by E.] AQUA ROSMARINI. AQUA ANTHOS. Rosemary in flower lbj, water q. s. Infuse 24 hours, and distil a gallon. AQUA RUBI IDAEI. Fresh raspberries lbvj, water q. s. Distil Cj. PRUss. P. directs 1bx of the cake left after expressing the juice, 3ij of carbonate of potash, Tbxxx of water. Distil tbxx. 40 THE POCKET FORMULARY. AQUA RUTrE. Fresh rue 1 part, water q. s. Macerate 24 hours, and distil 10 parts. AQUA SALVIa. P. As Aqua Lavandulae. AQUA SAMBUCI. L. From fresh elder flowers: as Aqua Rosae. [This water cannot be prepared from the oil. The flowers preserved by salt are sometimes used when the fresh flowers cannot be obtained.] AQUA SANTALI. From yellow saunders: as Aqua Rhodii. AQUA SAPPIIRINA. Liquor Cupri Ammoniati. AQUA SASSAFRAS. P. Sliced sassafras Tbiij, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA SEDLITZENSIS. P. Crys. sulphate of magnesia 3ij, water Oj, dissolve, and charge the solution with 3 volumes of carbonic acid gas. AQUA SELTERANA. Selters, or Seltzer VWater. P. Chloride of sodium 3j, cr. carbonate of soda gr. xv, cr. phosphate of soda gr. jss, water Ax. Dissolve also muriate of lime gr. v, muriate of magnesia, gr. iv, in water 3x. Mix the solution, and aerate with 5 volumes of carbonic acid gas. AQUA SERPYLLI. P. From mother of thyme: as Aqua Meliloti. AQUA SINAPIS NIGRAE. GUIBOURT. Mix one part of ground black mustard-seed with 8 of water; macerate for 12 hours, and distil 4 parts, by means of steam conducted by a tube from a boiler to the bottom of the still. Filter through moistened paper to separate the oil. Used externally as a rubefacient. AQUA SODE EFFERVESCENS. See Liquor Sodam Effervescens. AQUA SODII SULPHURETI. Eau Stlfuree. Bareges Waters. Crys. sulphuret of sodium 3j, cr. carbonate of soda Dj, muriate of soda 9j, water freed from air Cj. A stronger solution is prepared for baths; see Solutio ad Balneum Baretginense. AQUA SPADANA. Spa Water. Carbonate of soda 3ss, carbonate of lime gr. ij, carbonate of magnesia gr. ijss, protochloride of iron gr. v, aerated water Cj. AQUA SPIRITUOSEM. Many of the distilled spirits were formerly termed waters. See Spiritus. AQUA SULPHURATA. L. 1745. Water lbij, sulphur thss. Burn the sulphur in successive portions, in an iron spoon, over the water in a closed vessel, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 41 AQUA SULPHURETI AMMONIA. See Ammoniae Hydrosulphureturn. AQUA SULPHURETI POTASSE. D. Sulphur 1 part, solution of potash 11 parts. Boil for 10 minutes, and filter. Dose nx to xl. P. directs a solution of the liver of sulphur in cold water, of the density of 1 261. It contains one-third its weight of the sulphuret. AQUA TANACETI. P. Flowering tops of tansy lbvj, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA TillJ:. P. From lime-tree flowers: as Aqua Meliloti. AQUA ULMARIAI. From the fresh flowers of Meadow sweet: as Aqua Sambuci. It is said to contain prussic acid. AQUA VALERIANS. P. Valerian root lbiij, water q. s. Distil Cj. AQUA VANILLEA. NIEMANN. Vanilla flj, water lbxij. Macerate 24 hours, and distil lbvj. AQUA VICENSIS. Eau de Vichy. Carbonate of soda 3ij, muriate of soda gr. ij, muriate of lime gr. viij, sulphate of soda gr. viij, sulphate of iron gr. 3, sulphate of magnesia gr. iij, water Oj. Charge with 3- volumes of carbonic acid gas. AQUA VIOLARUM. Violets 1 part, water 4. After 6 hours, distil 2 parts. AQUA VITRIOLICA CAIPHORATA. L. 1788. Sulphate of zinc 3 ss, water f. xxxij, spirit of camphor 3 ss. Mix and filter. AQUA VULNERARIA. From the same herbs as Spiritus Vulnerarius, but with water only. ARGENTI AMMONIO-CHLORIDUM. SERRE. Saturate boiling liquor ammonime with fresh-precipitated and carefully-washed chloride of silver: filter whilst boiling hot and let the cystals, which form on cooling, be dried between blotting paper, and immediately put into well-stopped bottles. Dose from Ilth of a grain. ARGENTI CHLORIDUM. Precipitate solution of nitrate of silver by an excess of muriate of soda; wash the precipitate thoroughly with distilled water, dry it quickly, and keep it from the light. Dose, 5 gr. to 3 gr., or morei as a tonic and antispasmodic. It is the Calx Lunce of BATE, &C., who extended the dose to gr. x. ARGENTI CYANIDUM. L. Dissolve 3xviij of nitrate of silver in 4* 42 THE POCKET FORMULARY. Oj of distilled water. Add Oj of diluted hydrocyanic acid, collect the precipitate, wash, and dry it. Dose,',th to 8th of a grain. ARGENTI IODIDUM. Dr. PATTERSON. Dissolve separately, in distilled water, equal weights of iodide of potassium and nitrate of silver. Mix the solutions, wash the precipitate with distilled water, and dry it with a gentle heat. Dose, ]th to ith of a grain in stomach affections; gradually increased to Y or 1 gr. in epilepsy. ARGENTI NITRAS. L. Lunar Caustic. Dissolve Jjss of pure silver in f.j of nitric acid mixed with f ~ij of distilled water. Evaporate the solution to dryness, fuse, and pour into greased moulds. E. the same. D. 3.7 parts of silver, and 60 nitrous acid. [It may be procured in crystals by concentrating the solution so that crystals may form in cooling. More may be obtained by evaporating the residual liquid. Let the crystals drain in a funnel, and wash them with a few drops of cold distilled water. If impure silver is used, the copper may be removed by washing the sa'lt with pure nitric acid, or heating it in an iron spoon, and again dissolving and crystallizing.] Dose, gr. 6th to gr. iij. Tonic. ARGENTI OXYDUM. Mr. LAXNE. To a solution of 3iv nitrate of silver, add solution of 3ij of hydrate of potash; wash the precipitate well, and dry it in the shade, with a moderate heat. Dose, gr. to gr. j, in cases of gastralgia, pyrosis, nervous affections, &c., twice or thrice a day. ARGENTI PULVIS. Heat the oxide to dull redness in a porcelain crucible; when cold, triturate it in an agate mortar, and pass it through a sieve. ARSENICI IODIDUM. M. BIETT. Mix 16 parts of metallic arsenic with 100 of iodine, and heat them in a glass retort till the iodide sublimes. Or digest them with water till combined, and evaporate the filtered solution to dryness at a very gentle heat. See Liquor Arsenici Periodidi. ARSENICUM ALBUM SUBLIMATUM. Arsenious Acid. Commercial arsenic powdered and resublimed. ARSENICUM ANTIMONIATUM. JUSTAMOND'S Caustic. Mix gij of black sulphuret of antimony with 5j of white arsenic, and melt together, avoiding the fumes. ASPARAGINUM. Asparagine or Althein. From asparagus juice; THE POCKET FORMULARY. 43 but more conveniently from marsh-mallow root. Slice the root, maccrate it twice in cold water, evaporate the mixed liquor to half, strain repeatedly through flannel, and evaporate to the consistence of syrup. Expose it to the air for some days; wash the crystals which form with a little water, and purify by recrystallization. The juice of the climbing vetch is said to yield it abundantly. AURI PULVIS. P. Triturate leaf-gold with 10 or 12 times its weight of sulphate of potash, and wash out the latter with. boiling water. Dose, gr. - th to 1 grain; or applied in frictions to the tongue. ATRI [TER]-CHLORIDUM. P. Dissolve gold in 3 parts nitromuriatic acid; evaporate till vapours of chlorine begin to appear, and set aside to crystallize. Dose, -th to Ilth of a grain. AURO-CHLORIDUM SODII. P. Soda-muriate of Gold. Dissolve 85 parts chloride of gold, and 16 chloride of sodium, in a little water; concentrate by evaporation, that crystals may form as it cools. Dose, as the last. Both require to be very cautiously administered. AURI CYANIDUM. DEFOSSES. Boil fresh precipitated oxide of gold (washed, but not dried) with diluted hydrocyanic acid, till the liquid assumes a beautiful yellow tint; and evaporate the clear solution to dryness at a gentle heat. Dose, -th to -T'th of a grain. AURI IODIDUM. P. To a solution of chloride of gold add a solution of iodide of potassium as long as it occasions a precipitate. Wash this with alcohol, and dry it with a gentle heat. M. MEILLET substitutes hydriodate of ammonia for iodide of potassium. Dose, as the last. AURI OXYDUM. P. Teroxide of Gold, or Auric Acid. To a solution of 1 part of chloride of gold in 40 of distilled water, add 4 parts of fresh calcined magnesia. Boil together, and wash the sediment with distilled water, then with pure nitric acid diluted with 20 parts of water, and again with water. Dry it in the shade. Dose, from ilth to iths of a grain. ATURUM MUSIVUM. See Stanni Persulphuretumn. AuRUM STANNO-PARATUM. P. Purple of Cassius. Dissolve 1 part of chloride of gold in 200 parts of distilled water. Dissolve also I part of pure tin in 3 of nitro-muriatic acid, without heat, and dilute with 100 parts of distilled water. Add the 44 THE POCKET FORMULARY. solution of tin very gradually to the solution of gold so long as it causes a precipitate. Wash this by decantation, and dry it by a gentle heat. BALNEE MEDICAT.E. Baths of cold or heated water, vapour, and heated air, are used medicinally. The following are the temperatures at which they are usually applied. WATER. Cold, 50~ to 75~ F. Temperate, 75 to 85. Tepid, 85 to 92. WTarm, 92 to 98. Hot, 98 to 112. VAPOUR. If breathed-Tepid. 90 to 100. Warm, 100 to 110. Hot, 110 to 130. If not breathed — Tepid, 96 to 106. Trarm, 106 to 120. Hot, 120 to 160. HOT AIR. As a Sudorific, 85 to 100. As a Stimvulant, 100 to 130. Water (usually warm), vapour, and heated air, are often medicated by being charged with the active principles of various herbs and other drugs. The principal kinds in use are mentioned below. There are various contrivances for applying them either to particular parts, or to the whole surface, except that of the head. Dr. LYNCH has suggested one which combines a vapour and hot air bath. In the absence of suitable apparatus, Dr. SERRES suggests a simple plan of applying hot vapour,-a lump of quick lime, wrapped in a wet cloth, and covered with a dry one, is placed on each side of the patient in bed, and allowed to remain until perspiration is established. Probably the vapour might be medicated by placing the required ingredients between the two cloths. BALNEUM ACIDUM. Dr. SCOTT'S Nitro-muriatic Bath. Muriatic acid f.iij, nitric acid f ij, water f v. Mix. As a knee or foot bath, or for sponging, f iij of this diluted acid are mixed with each gallon of water. In winter it should be warmed. Time of application 20 or 30 minutes daily, for 2 or 3 weeks; afterwards every 2d or 3d day. As a general bath, it should be weaker. SOUTBEIRAN prescribes from 4 to 16 ounces of nitromuriatic acid to 60 gallons of water; the same quantity of muriatic acid is sometimes used. BALNEUM ALKALINUM. F. H. Washing soda 5viij to ~xvj, warm water 60 gallons, or q. s. As a foot-bath ^ij of subcarbonate of potash to q. s. of water. BALNEUM AMMONIA HYDROCHLORATIS. tbiv of sal ammoniac to a bath, for an adult. BALNEUM ANTIMONIALE. SOUBEIRAN. Emetic tartar 3j to 3ij, water 64 gallons, or q. s. In lumbago, and some diseases of the skin. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 45 BALNEUM AROMATICUM. F. H. Aromatic herbs (Species Aromat.ice) 5xxxij, water q. s. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and add soap liniment ~iv, sal ammoniac Hij. The aromatic vapour bath is made by causing steam to pass through the same herbs. BALNEUJ ASTRINGENS. MOST. Dissolve Mbiv of alum in cold water, and add 6 or 8 pailfuls of whey. In extensive burns. BALNEJUM BARETGINENSE. Add f x of concentrated Bareges water (solutio ad balneum baretginense) to a bath of 60 or 70 gallons. BALNEUM BENZOICUM. Benzoin is sometimes used in the same way as camphor. See next article. BALNEUM CAMPHORIS. About ~ss of camphor is placed upon a heated plate within, or communicating with, the chamber of the bath. BALNEUM CARBONICUM. Carbonic acid gas (procured by the action of diluted sulphuric acid on chalk or marble) is applied to the body (except the head), or to particular parts, by means of a suitable apparatus. BALNEUM CHLORINII. 3. Chlorine gas (procured by gently heating in a glass retort 3iv to 3viij of black oxide of manganese, %jss of common salt, and ~j of sulphuric acid previously mixed with.j of water) is applied in the same way as carbonic acid (see B. Carbonicum), at the temperature of 104~ to 115~ F. [Mr. WALLACE says 150~] for half an hour. The quantity of materials may be gradually increased to triple this quantity. Care must be taken to confine the gas securely, so that the patient shall not breathe it. BALNEUM CONII. It. H. A decoction of fresh or dried hemlock is added to an ordinary bath. The quantity is not accurately indicated. [8 or 10 pinches of the herb. FANTONETTI. ] BALNEJUM ELECTRICUM. The patient, insulated on a glass-legged seat, is put in contact with the prime conductor of an electrical machine. BALNEUM FERRI IODIDI. PIERQUIN. Iodide of iron ~j, water q. s. for a bath. BALNEUM FURFURIS. Boil tbiv of bran with Cj of water and add it to the bath, which should be used at 90~. BALNEUM GELATINOSUJM. F. H. Flanders glue Ibijss, water Cij. Dissolve by heat, and add it to a warm bath. 46 THE POCKET FORMULABY. BALNEUMI HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. F.H. Bains antisyphilitiques. From 5 to 10 grains of corrosive sublimate in water q. s. for a bath. Rarely used. Some authorities prescribe 3ij of sublimate. BALNEM IODURETE. LUGOL. For Adlults, 5ij of iodine to 5iv of iodide of potassium to be dissolved in Oj of water and added to a warm bath of 50 to 70 gallons. For Children, from f iij to f iv of the same solution may be used for a bath of 9 to 30 gallons. Wooden vessels must be used. BALNEUM MARIS FACTITIUM. See Aqua Marina. Or dissolve I part of common salt in 30 of water. As a pediluvium, add a handful of salt to a pail of water; to which a little mustard is sometimes added. BALNEAE PNEUMATICSe. Air of different temperatures, and variously impregnated with volatile remedies, is applied locally or generally to the body. Lately, compressed air has been applied locally; and M. TABARIE has caused patients to breathe compressed air for 2 or 3 hours daily, in some cases of aphonia. On the other hand, the removal of the pressure of the atmosphere, by dry cupping or an exhausting syringe, is employed as a revulsive. BALNEUM RESOLVENS. F. H. Common salt.ij, sulphuret of potassium.j, subcarbonate of soda ss, decoction of sage q. s. Dissolve, and add warm water for a bath. BALNEUM SALINUM. See Balneum Maris. BALNEUM SALINUM GELATINOSUJM. Common salt lbj, Flanders glue lbij. Dissolve separately in water by heat, and add water q. s. for a bath. BALNEUM SAPONIS. F. H. Soap lbijss, dissolve in hot water q. s. and add to the bath. BALNEUM SINAPIS. Flour of mustard miv, mix it with a little water, and add it to the warm bath. BALNEUM SODE CHLORINATZE...H. Liquid chlorinated soda lbjss, water q. s. for a bath. But the French solution is weaker than that of our pharmacopoeia. BALNEUM SULPHUROSUM. The fumes of burning sulphur, with hot air or vapour, are employed in the cure of itch, &c. About Iss of sulphur is used at once. Care must be taken to prevent the patient breathing the fumes. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 47 BALNEUM SULPHURATUM. F. H. Liver of sulphur (sulphuret of potassium) ljss to 3iv (or liquid sulphuret of potash 5v) warm water C 25 to 50. Sulphuret of soda is sometimes used. G. H. employ sulphuret of lime 5ij to a bath; adding at the time of using 30 or 40 drops of sulphuric acid. The Bareges water (see Balneum Baretginense) is less disagreeable. BALNEUM- SULPHURATUM GELATINOSUM. DUPUYTREN. Add to the Balneum Sulphuratum, tbij of Flanders glue, dissolved in hot water. BALNEUM VAPORIS. See BALNELE. BALSAMUM ACETICUM CAMPHORATUM. M. PELLETIER. Curd soap 3v, camphor 5v, oil of thyme 3ij, acetic aether 5v. Digest the soap in the rsther till dissolved, and add the rest. [Dr. Sanchez' gout balsam is similar.] BALSAMUM ACOUSTICUM. Dr. HUGH SMITH. Ox-gall 5iij, balsam of Peru 3j. Mix. In foetid discharges from the ear. BALSAMUM ACOUSTICUM CUM CREASOTO. BOUCHARDAT. Comp. spirit of balm 3ijss, almond oil 3v, ox-gall 3x, creasote 10 drops. BALSAMUM ANODYNUM. BATE. See Linimentum Opii. BALSAMUM AD APOPLECTICOS. E. 1744. Expressed oil of nutmeg gj; liquefy, and add oil of cloves, of lavender, and of rosemary, each 3ss, oil of amber,; x, balsam of Peru 3j. BALSAMUM FIORAVENTI. P. Venice turpentine 5xvj, elemi, tacamahaca, amber, styrax, galbanum, and myrrh, each 3iij, aloes.j, bayberries 3iv, galangal, zedoary, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmegs, each 5jss, dittany of Crete jj, rectified spirit lbviij (Ovil). Macerate six days, and distil lbvij. BALSAMUM GUAIACINUM. L. 1745. Guaiac Ibj, balsam of Peru 3iij, rectified spirit Oij. BALSAMUM HYDRIODATUM. See Linimentum loduretum Gelatinosulu. BALSAMUM LOCATELLI. E. 1744. Melt Tbj of yellow wax with f3xxiv of olive oil, and add Venice turpentine ibjss. Remove from the fire, and add balsam of Peru ~ij, powdered dragon's blood ~j, and stir till cold. L. 1746 directed olive oil 5xvj, Venice turpentine lbss, yellow wax lbss, red saunders 3vj. BALSAMUM NERVINUM. Baume Nerval. P. Expressed oil of nutmegs (oil of mace) ~iv, beef marrow 5iv; melt, and add oil of 48 THE POCKET FORMULARY. rosemary 3ij, oil of cloves 3j, balsam of Tolu 3ij, camphor 3j, dissolved in alcohol 3iv. BALSAMUM ODONTALGICUI. Opium 3j, rectified oil of turpentine 3jss, oil of cloves 3ss, oil of cajeput 3ss, balsam of Peru 3ij. BALSAMUM OPODELDOCH. P. Curd soap ~j, camphor 3vj, water of ammonia 3ij, oil of rosemary 3jss, oil of thyme 3ss, rectified spirit ~viij. In imitation of Steer's Opodeldoc. BALSAMUM AD PERNIONES. LEJEUNE. Camphor 3j, tincture of benzoin 3v, iodide of potassium 3v, diacetate of lead 3x, rectified spirit, reduced to proof with rosewater, 3xx. Mix, and add a warm solution of curd soap 3x, in spirit (as above) 3xx. BALSAMUM PICEUM. E. H. Tar liv, rectified spirit f xvj. Digest 3 days, and decant. BALSAMUM POLYCHRESTUMA. L. 1721. Rectified spirit Ibijss (Oij), guaiacum ~xvj, balsam of Peru iss. Digest, and strain. See Elixir Polychrestum, E. BALSAMUM SAPONACEUM. Linimentum Saponis. BALSAMUM SATUJRNINUIM. BATE. Acetate of lead.iv, oil of turpentine Xxij. Digest for some days. BALSAMUM SUCCINI. BATE. Digest powdered amber with twice its weight of turpentine. The residue in redistilling oil of amber is also so termed. BALSAMUM SULPIHURI. See Oleum Sulphuratum. BALSAMUM SULPHURIS ANISATUM. Originally made by digesting I part of sulphur with 4 of oil of aniseed. But a mixture of oil of aniseed with balsam of sulphur is usually sold for it. BALSAMUM SULPHURIS TEREBINTHINATUM. Digest 1 part of sulphur with 4 of oil of turpentine till dissolved. [Similar compounds were formerly made with sulphur and Barbadoes tar; and with the empyreumatic oils of amber, benzoin, &c.] BALSAMUM TEREBINTHINATUM. Olive oil ~vj, oil of turpentine Fij, yellow wax jj, balsam of Peru 3ij, camphor 3jss. BALSAMJUM TRANQUILLANS. P. Fresh leaves of belladonna, henbane, black nightshade, tobacco, poppies, and stramonium, of each iiv; dried tops of wormword, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, round-leaved mint, costmary, St. John's wort, rue, and sage, of each,j; dried flowers of elder and rosemary, each ~j; olive THE POCKET FORMULARY. 49 oil Ovj. Bruise the fresh plants, heat them with the oil until their moisture is dissipated, and leave them to digest for 2 hours: strain with pressure, pour the hot oil on the tops and dried flowers; macerate for a month, strain, press, and keep the oil in close bottles in a cool, dark place. Banume Tranquille de Chonel is made by boiling Ibj each of the henbane, houndstongue, and tobacco in 3 pints white wine to 2 pints; and boiling the strained liquor with as much olive oil. BALSAMUM TRAUJMATICUM. Tinctura Benzoes Composita. BALsAMUM VIRIDE. E. 1744. Linseed oil lbj, oil of turpentine Tbj, powdered verdigris 3iij. Boil, and stir till cold. BALSAMUM VITAE. Several aloetic compounds, represented by Tinctura Rhei et Aloes, and Decoctum Aloes comp., are sometimes named Baume, or Elixir de Vie. But Hoffmann's Balsamum Vitae is-oil of cinnamon, lemon, cloves, lavender, nutmegs, of each 3j; ambergris, oil of rue and of amber, of each 9ss; balsam of Peru 3j; rectified spirit 5x. That of Gaubius is similar. Baume de Vie externe de Plenk consists of soap Fij, oil of turpentine liv, solution of carbonate of potash 3iij. Or, according to Swediaur, soap 3iij, oil of turpentine 3iij, spirit of thyme 3iij, liquid ammonia 3j to 3iv. BARII BOMIDJUM. M. Boil a solution of bromide of iron (see Solutio Ferri Bromidi. MonH) with fresh precipitated carbonate of barytes; filter, and evaporate to dryness. BARII CHLORIDUM.' L. Baryte Mlurias. E. Dissolve ix of carbonate of barytes in f Ix of muriatic acid diluted with Oij of water, and evaporate that crystals may form. BARII IODIDUM. M. Heat a fresh solution of iodide of iron with excess of carbonate of barytes; filter, and evaporate to dryness. Redissolve, and crystallize. BARII SULPHURETUM. Mix native sulphate of barytes, finely powdered, with an equal quantity of flour (or s. barytes Ibij, charcoal Rv, powdered black resin 3j); and calcine the mixture in a covered crucible, at a white heat, for an hour or two. By treating the mass with hot water, the sulphuret is dissolved out, and may be obtained in crystals from the filtered solution. BARYTEB CARBONAS. Carbonate of barytes is found native; but is also procured, for pharmaceutical purposes, by precipitating the nitrate or muriate, by a carbonated alkali. BARYTIE MURIAS. See Barii Chloridum. 5 50 THE POCKET FORMULARY. BARYTm NITRAS. Dissolve carbonate of barytes in nitric acid, and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve it in water, filter, and evaporate the solution that crystals may form. BEBEERINA. From the fruit and bark of the Bebeeru, or Greenheart tree, similar in its uses and properties to quina. Dr. RODIE. The bark is exhausted with water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and ammonia added as long as it occasions a precipitate. To purify it, Dr. MACLAGAN directs the impure alkali to be washed and mixed with an equal weight of moist oxide of lead (Plumbi oxydum hydratum), the mass dried and exhausted with alcohol. The clear solution decanted and evaporated, leaves the alkaloid, which may be further purified by dissolving it in pure wether. Tonic and antiperiodic. Dose, from 2 to 12 grains. BEBEERINIE SULPHAS. By dissolving bebeerine in diluted sulphuric acid, till the acid is neutralized, and evaporating the solution. BERBERINA. Treat a watery extract of barberry root with rectified spirit as long as the latter acquires a bitter taste. Distil off the spirit, and let the residue cool. Let the crystals which form be recrystallized, first from rectified spirit, and then from water. Dose, 8 to 10 grains. Tonic. BISMUTHUM PURIFICATUM. P. Pulverize bismuth, and mix it with v~th of its weight of nitre. Heat the mixture to redness in a crucible, and let it cool. Repeat the operation if required. BISMUTHI TRISNITRAS. L. Bismuthum Album. E. Trisnitrate, subnitrate, or nagistery of bismuth. Dissolve lj of pure bismuth in f ~jss of nitric acid mixed with,j of water. Mix the solution with Oiij of water; collect and wash the precipitate, and dry it with a gentle heat, [in a dark place, E.] D. nearly the same. Dose, gr. v to xv, as a tonic and antispasmodic, particularly in pyrosis and gastrodynia. BISMUTHI VALERIANAS. RIGHINI. Dissolve bismuth in nitric acid, as directed for the trisnitrate, and decompose it with a solution of valerianate of soda, to which a little valerianic acid has been added. Wash the precipitate, and dry it carefully. BOLI. Boluses, are extemporaneous compounds, which may be regarded as single doses of electuaries, or as large pills. They may be conveniently taken wrapped in moistened wafer paper. BOLUS ANTIPERIODICUS. See Bolus ad Quartanum. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 51 BOLUS ASTRINGENS. F. H. Cubebs ~ss, balsam of copaiba 3ij, sulphate of iron 3j, powdered resin 3iij. In boluses of gr. viij each. Ger. H. Copaiva 3ij, p. gum Arabic 3ij, orange flower water 3ij; triturate and add powdered cubebs 3ij. For 6 boluses, one 3 times a day. BoLUS CAM1BOGIJE. GUY'S H. Powdered gamboge gr. x, bitartrate of potash 3j, ginger gr. ij, syrup q. s. BOLUS CAMPHORI. GUY's H. Camphor (pulverized by spirit) gr. iij, conserve of roses gr. vj. BoLUS CAMPHORa CUM NITRO. Nitre gr. v, camphor gr. v, conserve of roses q. s. BoLus CASTOREI. E. H. Castor 3j, carbonate of ammonia gr. v, syrup q. s. BOLUS CATECHU. U. C. H. Extract of catechu gr. x, aromatic confection gr. vj, syrup q. s. BoLus CATECHU OPIATUS. GUY'S H. Catechu 3j, powder for confection of opium gr. vj, syrup q. s. BOLUS CATHARTICUS. U. C. H. Jalap gr. xv, supertartrate of potash 3j, syrup q. s. BoLus COPAIB2E. Mr. EVANS. Mix pure copaiva with T-th its weight of recently calcined magnesia, till thoroughly incorporated. Set it aside for a few days to become solid, form it into oval boluses of 3ss each, on a hot slab, and wrap each in wafer paper. Place them in water for a minute before taking them. RIGHINI prescribes 3v of copaiba, 3jss of extract of rhatany, gr. xv oil of sassafras, with magnesia q. s. For 80 boluses, 4 or 5 daily. See also Bolus Astringens, and Bolus Cubebse. BoLus CUBEBE. VELPEAU. Powdered cubebs 3vj, balsam of copaiva 3ij, calcined magnesia q. s. For 36 boluses, to be taken in 2 days. See also Electuarium Cubebse. BOLUS FEBRIFUGUS. F. H. Cinchona 3v, rhubarb 3ss, muriate of ammonia 3ss, syrup of peach leaves q. s. For 10 doses. See also Bolus ad Quartanum. BOLUS FERRI ET M3YRRHdE. U. C. H. Carbonate of iron gr. xij, myrrh gr. vj, aromatic confection q. s. BOLUS GUAIACI. HOME, in Quinsy. Guaiacum resin 3ss, elder rob q. s. BoLUs GUAIACI COMPOSITUS. GUY's H. Guaiacum 3jss, ipe 52 THE POCKET FORMULARY. cacuanha gr. vj, opium gr. vj, confection of hips q. s. Divide into 6 boluses. One, once or twice a day, in rheumatism, &c. BOLUS KINO COMPOSITUM. GUY'S H. Kino gr. x, compound chalk powder with opium gr. xv, syrup of poppies q. s. BOLUS AD QUARTANUM. F. H. Cinchona ~j, carbonate of potash 3j, tartarized antimony gr. xv, syrup q. s. To be divided into 60 boluses; to be taken in 24 hours, during the intermission. BOLus RHEI OPIATUS. GUY's H. Rhubarb gr. xv, co. powder of chalk with opium, gr. x, syrup of ginger q. s. BOLUS SCILLIE ET HYDRARGYRI. Dr. GOWER, in CYhronic JTyclrocephalus. Quicksilver 3j, manna 3ij, fresh squill 3ss. Triturate till the quicksilver disappears, and add liquorice powder q. s. For 6 doses; one 3 times a day. BoLus VERMIFUGUS. Dr. CAMPBELL. Basilic powder 3j, conserve of wormwood q. s. In 1 bolus. FoY. Powdered pomegranate root 5j, assafoetida 3ss, croton oil 3 or 4 drops, syrup q. s. Divide into 15 boluses; 5 daily for tape-worm. F. H. Wormseed.j, calomel gr. v, camphor gr. xv, syrup q. s. For 3 doses; 1, 2, or 3 in the day. BRODIUM. See Jusculum. BROMINIUM. From bittern; or from the mother-lye of certain brine springs. To a gallon of the mother-liquor, in a retort, add ~j of binoxide of mangtnese, and v or vj of hydrochloric acid, and distil by the heat of a sand-bath into a cooled receiver. See Solutio Brominii. CALAMINA PRaPARATA. L. Burn the calamine, grind it, and prepare it in the same manner as chalk. See Creta Prseparata. [A large proportion of what is sold as Lapis Calaminaris contains little or none of this mineral. It should dissolve in sulphuric acid.] CALCII BROMIDUM. M. Precipitate a solution of bromide of iron with an excess of slaked lime; evaporate to dryness; redissolve in water, and evaporate the filtered liquid. CALCII CHLORIDUM. L. Chloride of calcium. Dried 1iMuriate of Lime. Chalk ~ v, muriatic acid f x, water f x. Dissolve, filter, evaporate to dryness, and fuse. Keep it from the air. CALCII IODIDUM. From iodide of iron and slaked lime: as Calcii Broniidum. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 53 CALCII OXYDUM. Quick Lime. See Calx. CALCIS ACETAS. Acid prepared chalk to acetic (or purified pyroligneous) acid till fully saturated; filter and evaporate, that crystals may form. CALCIS CARBONAS PRECIPITATUM. D. To 5 parts of solution of muriate of lime, (Aq. Calcis Muriatis. D.,) add a solution of 3 parts of carbonate of soda in 4 parts of water. Wash, collect, and dry the precipitate. The solutions should be cold. CALCIS HIYDRAS. L. Slaked Lime. Fresh lime, sprinkled with water, till it falls into powder. CALCIS HYPOCHLORIS. See Calx Chlorinata. CALCIS LACTAS. HENRY. Evaporate sour whey to a syrup, treat the residue with alcohol, saturate the alcoholic solution with chalk or milk of lime; distil off the spirit, dissolve the residue in a little water, and crystallize. CALCIS MURIAS. See Calcii Chloridum. D. directs it to be made by evaporating to dryness the residual liquor left in preparing liquor ammoniae. CALCIS PHOSPHAS PRECIPITATUM. D. Digest Ipart of calcined and powdered bones with 2 of diluted muriatic acid and 2 of water for 12 hours, and filter the liquor. Add q. s. of water of ammonia; wash the precipitate, and dry it. Dose 3ss in rickets, &c. An excellent basis for tooth-powders. CALCIS SULPHUTRETUM. P. Sulphur gx, slaked lime ~xxx, water Oijss. Boil together till a portion dropped on a cold surface becomes solid; pour it on a marble slab, and when solidified, break it up and keep it in well-closed vessels. Or by strongly calcining in a covered crucible, 100 parts of calcined gypsum with 15 of lampblack. CALX ANTIMONII. See Antimonium Calcinatum. CALX. L. Calx Viva. Quick Lime. Burn fragments of chalk for an hour in a very strong fire. E. orders pieces of marble to be burnt for three hours. CALX E TESTIS. L. 1824. From oyster-shells, as from chalk. CALX CHLORINATA. L. Chloride (Hypochlorite) of lime. Pass chlorine gas (see Chlorinium) into a vessel, or chamber, in which slaked lime is thinly spread, till the latter is fully saturated with chlorine. 5* 54 THE POCKET FORMULARY. CALOMELAS. See Hydrargyri Chloridum. CALOMELAS PRECIPITATUM. D. Purified mercury 17 parts, diluted nitric acid [D.] 15 parts; digest at a gentle heat in a glass vessel for 6 hours, shaking frequently; boil for a short time, [it is better to keep the heat below the boiling point, Mr. PHILLIPS,] decant the clear solution, and mix it with 7 parts of muriate of soda, dissolved in 400 parts of boiling water. Wash the precipitate with warm distilled water as long as the washings are affected by water of potash (Liquor Potassms), and dry it. CALUMBINA. Exhaust powdered columbo root with rectified rether, and leave the [ethereal tinctur'e to evaporate spontaneously. GANNABINUM. See Resina Cannabis Indicae. CANTHARIDINA. P. Exhaust powdered cantharides with strong alcohol by percolation; distil off the spirit from the filtered tincture, and leave the residue to deposit crystals, which may be purified by dissolving them in boiling alcohol, digesting with animal charcoal, filtering the hot solution, and crystallizing by refrigeration. CARBO ANIMALIS. Bone-black (called ivory-black) is obtained by burning bones [or flesh, L.] in close vessels. CARBO ANIMALIS PURIFICATUS. L. and E. Hydrochloric acid ~xij, water f xij; mix and pour it gradually on bone-black ibj; digest for 2 days with a gentle heat, stirring frequently. Set aside, pour off the liquor, wash the charcoal frequently with water till no longer acid, [till the liquid scarcely precipitates with carbonate of soda, E.,] and dry it. CARBONIS BISULPHURETUM. Suilpltuet, or Bisulp'huqet of Carbon. Heat iron pyrites with one-fifth its weight of dry charcoal in a stone retort, furnished with a glass tube dipping in water. Separate the sulphuret which collects at the bottom of the water, and carefully re-distil it from muriate of lime. Or pass the vapour of sulphur over charcoal heated to redness in a porcelain tube. Dose, as a sudorific in rheumatism, 2 or 3 drops gradually increased to 5 or more. Externally, in liniments for rheumatic pains, &c. It is also dropped (40 or 50 drops) on the part to promote the reduction of strangulated hernia, (KRIMER.) CARBONIS TER-CHLORIDUM. What is sold under the name of ter-chloride of carbon appears to be an alcoholic solution of chloroform, and to be identical with the so-called chloricrether. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 55 See 2Ether Chloricus and Chloroformum. Mr. TUSON prescribes from I to 4 drops in water 2 or 3 times a day in cancer, &c. Externally 3j to 3ij to Oj water. It is not chloroform which he employs, but the precise quantity contained in the solution he employs is not stated. CARYOCOSTINUM. Confectio Scammonii. But the old preparation contained less scammony. CASCARILLINA. M. DUVAL. Exhaust cascarilla by percolation with cold water; add acetate of lead to the liquid, and filter. Remove excess of lead from the filtrate by sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and evaporate the filtered liquid to two-thirds; add a little animal charcoal, and again filter. Evaporate at a low temperature till a pellicle appear, and allow it to cool. To purify the product, moisten the powder with a little cold, weak spirit, and after a few hours, wrap it in linen, express strongly, and dry the residue. It may be further purified by redissolving it in boiling alcohol, and leaving the clear solution to spontaneous evaporation. CATAPLASMA SIMPLEX. Simple Poultice. D. Oatmeal 2 parts, linseed meal 1 part, mixed with boiling water q. s. GuY's H. Linseed meal 1 part, ground bran 2. The simple linseed poultice and bread poultice are also so named. [In some hospitals, poultices are nearly exploded, simple water being preferred. A new material, called spongio-piline, has been introduced as a medium of applying water, or medicated liquids.] CATAPLASMA ACETI. Vinegar Poultice. Oatmeal, or bread crumbs, with vinegar. Applied cold, for sprains, &c. [Verjuice is sometimes preferred.] CATAPLASMA ACIDI PYROLIGNOSI. Dr. REECE. Bran lbj, linseed meal ~j, impure pyroligneous acid q. s. [To scrofulous ulcers, occasionally 2 xxx tinct. ferri muriatis, and 5iij extract or powder of hemlock are added.] CATAPLASMA ALUMINIS. D. Alum 3j, white of 2 eggs. Agitate together till a coagulum is formed. Applied between fine linen, to inflamed eyes, and also to chilblains. CATAPLASMA ANODYNUM. P. Poppy-heads ~j, dried henbane ~ij, water ~xxiv. Boil, strain, and add to the liquor q. s. of emollient meals (see Farinae Emollientes) to form a poultice. E. H. Simple poultice 5xvj, wine of opium 3j. CATAPLASMA ANTISEPTICUM. F. H. Barley flour vj, powdered 56 THE POCKET FORMULARY. Peruvian bark jj, water q. s. Boil, and when cool enough, add camphor in powder 3j. REUSS. Powdered bark 3j, bruised rue ~j, powdered camphor 3ss, simple poultice Tbj. Mr. ALLARD prescribed under this name-Two bottles of porter, half a pint of yeast, 3j of treacle; mix and stir in linseed meal and oatmeal q. s., and set it near the fire to ferment. See also Cat. Tonicum. CATAPLASMA AROMATICUM. Similar to Cataplasma Cumini. CATAPLASMA ASTRINGENS. FOY. Catechu lj, powdered oak bark and barley meal each Jj, cold water q. s. CATAPLASMA BELLADONNXE. Dr. REECE. Extract of belladonna made in vacuo 3j, oatmeal lss, boiling water q. s. CATAPLASMA BYNES. GUY's H. Ground malt, with yeast q. s. to form a poultice; to be applied warm. CATAPLASMA CALCIS. Slaked lime ~ij, oatmeal ~ij, lard xiv. Formerly used at Bath Hospital. CATAPLASMA CALCIS SULPHATIS. Sir W. BLIZARD. Paris plaster, mixed with water to a soft paste, and applied before it hardens. Formerly applied to ulcers to form an artificial scab; now occasionally used to afford mechanical support in some surgical cases. CATAPLASMA CANTHARIDIS. IT. H. Powdered Cantharides.j, dough jss, vinegar of squills to form a paste. See also Epithema Vesicatorium. CATAPLASMA CARBONIS. D. Charcoal powder and simple poultice q. s. CATAPLASMA CEREVISI. GUY's H. Ale-grounds, thickened with oatmeal; to be applied cold, twice or thrice in the day. CATAPLASMA CONII. L. Extract of hemlock lij, water Oj, ground linseed q. s. GUY'S H. directs a decoction of the leaves (jss of dried leaves in Ojss of water to Oj) to be thickened with the powder for cataplasms; others with bread-crumb. D. directs the same decoction to be thickened with powdered hemlock. CATAPLASMA AD CONTUSIONES ET LIVOREM FACEI. ZWELFER. Solomon's seal ~ss, orris, resin, olibanum, of each 3jss, camphor 3ss, bread-crumb ~jss, mucilage of tragacanth q. s. CATAPLASMA CUMINI. L. 1788. Cumin seeds tbj, bayberries, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 57 scordium leaves, serpentaria root, of each Iiij, cloves Aj; to be powdered together and mixed with thrice their weight of honey. GuY's H. Cumin seeds lbj, bayberries 5iij, wormwood gvj, pimento gj, treacle q. s. CATAPLASMA DAUCI. D. Carrots, boiled till soft, and bruised. CATAPLASMA DIGITALIS. Mr. ALLARD. A strong decoction of fox-glove, with bread-crumb, or linseed meal q. s. CATAPLASMA DISCUTIENS. E. H. Barley meal 5vj, fresh hemlock.ij, vinegar q. s. Boil, and add sal ammoniac gss. F. H. the same, with acetate of lead 3ij. CATAPLASMA EFFERVESCENS. Fresh wort, thickened with oatmeal, and a spoonful of yeast added. CATAPLASMA EMETICUM. Bruised groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) applied over the stomach, produces vomiting. CATAPLASMA EMOLLIENS. P. Emollient meals (Farinae Emollientes) iiv, cold water q. s. Mix, and boil together to a due consistence, stirring constantly. CATAPLASMA FARING COMPOSITUM. Dr... SMITH. Rye flour Ibj, old yeast.iv, salt ~ij, hot water q. s. CATAPLASMA FmECUL.M. P. Potato starch Sij; mix with a little cold water, add it to f xvj of boiling water, and boil for an instant. CATAPLASMA FERMENTI. L. Flour ffj, yeast Oss; mix, and apply a gentle heat till it begins to rise. CATAPLASMI FcECULIB CEREVISIE. See C. Cerevisite. CATAPLASMA Fuci. Dr. RUSSELL. Fresh bladder fucus (sea wrack) bruised. Applied to glandular tumours, &c. CATAPLASMI FURFURIuS. Fine bran with one-tenth of linseed meal, with boiling water q. s. Mr. PAYNE recommends, as a cheap hospital poultice, 31I pecks of pollard, 141b linseed meal, and ilb lard. CATAPLASMA G-ALBANI. Lily roots Siv, figs 9j; boil till soft, and bruise them with ~jss of onions, and ~ss of galbanum triturated with yolk of egg, and linseed meal q. s. See C. Maturans. CATAPLASMA GOULARDI. See Cataplasma Plumbi. CATAPLASMA HUMULI. Dr. TROTTER. Hops, softened with hot water. To foul ulcers. 58 THE POCKET FORMULARY. CATAPLASMA IODURETUM. LUGOL. To a common poultice add rubefacient solution of iodine (See Solutiones Iodinii) q. p. CATAPLASMA JUGLANDIS. Mr. PERFECT. The fresh leaves of walnut, bruised, and mixed with honey. Applied over the abdomen as a vermifuge. CATAPLASMA LITII. The bulb of the white lily, boiled, and bruised. CATAPLASMA LINI. L. Ground linseed, mixed with boiling water q. s. E. & D. direct the linseed meal to be made from the cake left after the oil has been expressed from the seeds. CATAPLASMA MALI. The soft pulp of roasted apple. Applied to inflamed eyes: other ingredients are sometimes added. CATAPLASMA MARCHANTIE. Two handfuls of the fresh plant (Marchantia tIemispherica) to be boiled till soft, and beaten to a pulp, with linseed meal q. s. Applied over the abdomen in ascites. CATAPLASMA MATURANS. L. 1745. Pulp of figs giv, resin ointment gj, strained galbanum,ss. Cataplasme Maturatif. P. Resolvent meals (Faringe Resolventes) ~iv, decoction of mallows q. s. Mix, and while hot add resin ointment jj, softened with a little oil. CATAPLASMA OXALIS. Mr. SANDFORD. Bruised sorrel leaves, mixed with oatmeal and beer. CATAPLASMA PANIS. Pour boiling water on bread-crumb, cover it up till soaked, pour off the water, press gently, and beat it up with a spoon. A little oil may be added. Milk is frequently used, but is apt to become sour. Linseed meal renders it more adhesive. CATAPLASMA PAPAVERIS. CH. Decoction'of poppy-heads, thickened with bread-crumb. CATAPLASMA PLUMBI. Goulard water Ilj, bread-crumb q. s. CATAPLASMA PLUMBAGINIS. Bengal Dispensatory. The powdered bark of Plumbago Rosea, with flour and water q. s. Applied for half an hour it blisters. CATAPLASMA POTASSA ACETATIS. Cataplcasmac Neutrale. Acetate of potash 9j, water Oj, crumb of bread q. s. To ill-conditioned sores. CATAPLASMA QUERcUS MARINAE. See Cataplasma Fuci. CATAPLASMA RAPI. Guy's H. Peel turnips, boil them till soft, beat them to a pulp, and apply it warm. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 59 CATAPLASMA RESOLVENS. F. H. Resolvent meals (Farine Resolventes. P.) vviij, emollient decoction q. s., liquid diacetate of lead 3ij. See also Cataplasma Saponis. CATAPLASMA RosI. CIH. Powdered alum 3ss, confection of roses ~ij. Mix. CATAPLASMA RUBEFACIENS. P. Barley meal lightly roasted giv, strong vinegar ~j, whites of 3 eggs, water q. s. to form a cataplasm; spread it on linen, and sprinkle it over with ~ss each of powdered fennel seed and black pepper. CATAPLASMA SAPONIS. E. H. White soap 3j, milk Oj, crumb of bread.viij. Boil slightly. F.H. Almond soap Ziv, barley flour ~viij, water q. s. CATAPLASMA SIMPLEX. See above. Bread poultice is also so termed. CATAPLASMA SINAPIS. L. Ground linseed Ibss, flour of black mustard Ibss, hot vinegar q. s. [P. directs warm water.] CATAPLASMA SOD]E CARBONATIS. CH. Carbonate of soda 3iv, muriate of soda 3iv, linseed meal gj, oatmeal 5v, hot water q. s. 2 strumous enlargements. CATAPLASMA SODA CHLORINATE. St. B. 1-. Linseed meal, made into a poultice, with equal parts of water and liquor sodae chlorinatae. CATAPLASMA SODIE SULPHATIS. Dr. KIRKLAND. Sulphate of soda ~j, boiling water Ibss, crumb of bread q. s. In Xerophthalmia. CATAPLASMA SOLANI TUBEROSI. Raw potatoes, scraped, grated, or pounded in a mortar. To be used cold. See also Cataplasma Faeculke. CATAPLASMA STIMULANS. Dr. HUGH SMITH. Rye flour lbj, old yeast ~ iv, common salt ij. CATAPLASMA STOMACHICEUM. E. H. Aromatic cataplasm ~j, oil of mace (expressed oil of nutmegs) 3ij, anodyne balsam q. s. CATAPLASMA SUPPURANS. E. 1774. To an emollient cataplasm add bruised onions ~jss, basilicon ointment Zj. CATAPLASMA TEREBINTHINL. Dr. REECE. Oil of turpentine 3ij, olive oil 3j, linseed meal ~j, oatmeal liv, boiling water q. s. To indolent ulcers; and, with more turpentine, to deep burns or scalds, and chilblains. 60 THE POCKET FORMULARY. CATAPLASMA TONICUM. GERM. H. Powdered bark ~j, charcoal ~j, camphor 3jss, oil of turpentine q. s. CATAPLASMA ULMI. The powdered bark of the slippery elm (Ulmus Fulva) mixed with hot water q. s. CATHARTINA. Cathartine is obtained from senna, but is not suited for medicinal use. CAUSTICUM AMMONIACALE. GONDRET. See Unguentum Ammoniacale. CAUSTICUM ANTIMONIALE. See Antimonii Chloridum. CAUSTICUM ANTICANCROSUM. PLUNKETT'S Caustic for Cancers. Upright crow-foot, lesser spear-wort, of each 5j, levigated white arsenic 3j, sulphur 9v; beat together to form a uniform paste, which is made into balls, and dried in the sun. The powdered paste is mixed, when required for use, with yolk of egg, and applied on bladder. CAUSTICUM AUREUM. RECAMIER. Chloride of gold gr. v, nitromuriatic acid lj. CAUSTICUM COMMUNE FORTIUS. L. 1746. See Potasse cum Calce. CAUSTICUM COMMUNE MITIUS. L. 1746. Soft soap and quicklime in equal parts; to be mixed at the time of using. CAUSTICUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS. See Hydrargyri Deutonitras Liquidus. CAUSTICUM LUNARE. Argenti Nitras. CAUSTICUM OPIATUM. Mr. ELSE. Potash with lime 3iij, opium 3ss, soft soap q. s. Opium is occasionally added to other caustics. CAUSTICUM ZINCI. Dr. CANQUOIN'S Caustics, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Mix 1 part of chloride of zinc with two, three, and four parts of wheat flour, and sufficient water to form a paste. The powdered chloride and flour being quickly and carefully mixed, add the water to half the quantity, to form a soft paste, and mix with this as much of the remaining powder as will render it stiff. Form it into cakes, or wafers, of from half a line to 4 lines in thickness, according to circumstances. It is to remain on 24 hours or more, then to be gently removed, and the part covered with a poultice. Dr. RANKIN says it should not be thicker than 1 or 2 lines, nor left on longer than from 6 to 10 hours. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 61 This will produce an eschar of quarter inch depth. In Cancers, Lupus, Ncemv, &c. Dr. URE substitutes Paris plaster for flour. CAUSTIcuM ZINCI ANTIMONIALE. Dr. CANQUOIN'S Caustic, No. 4. Chloride of zinc I part, chloride of antimony I part, flour 2~ parts. To be mixed as before, but formed into crayon-shaped rolls, of a consistence to be moulded to any required form. In nodulated Cancerous Tumours. CAUSTICUM ZINCI OPIATUM. Powdered opium may be mixed with either of the preceding, to mitigate the pain. CERA PURIFICATA. D. Melt bees-wax with a gentle heat; and after allowing it to settle, carefully decant the wax from the sediment. CERATUM. L. Ceratum Simplex. L. 1824. Yellow wax giv, olive oil f iv. Melt the wax with a gentle heat, add the oil, and mix. CERATUM JERUGINIS. DEN. Ph. Wax 12 parts, resin 6, Venice turpentine 5, verdigris 1. CERATUM ALBUM. L. 1745. See Ceratum Cetacei. CERATUM AMMONIACALE. RECHOUX. Carbonate of ammonia 3j, simple cerate ~j. CERATUM ARSENICI. U. S. White arsenic Dj, cerate 3j. Mix. CERATUM BELLADONNE. Extract of belladonna 1 part, soap cerate 2 or 3 parts. CERATUM CALAMINiE. L. Ceratum Epuloticum. Turner's Cerate. Yellow wax lbss: melt, add olive oil f xvj, and stir in prepared calamine Ibss. CERATUM CALAMINAE CUM HYDRARGYRO. CH. Calamine cerate Ibss, nitric oxide of mercury ss. Mix. CERATUM CALMANS. ROUX. Cerate 5j, cherry-laurel water 5ss. Mix. Or, oil of almonds 4, white wax 1, cherry-laurel water 3. CERATUM CALOMELANOS. Calomel 3j, spermaceti cerate 3iv. CERATUM CALOMELANOS COMPOSITUM. Calomel 5j, calamine cerate 3iv. CERATUM CAMPHORATUM. Pommade Cdu freie Cosme. Olive oil xvj, yellow wax viij; melt together, and add camphor j; 6 62 THE POCKET FORMULARY. stir till it begins to thicken. F. M. H. one part of camphor to 10 of Ceratum Galeni. CERATUM CANTHARIDIS. L. Spermaceti cerate gvj, powdered cantharides 3j. Mix. F.H. Cantharides ~j, water ~xij; boil for half an hour, filter, evaporate to ~v: add lard ~vj, olive oil 5iv, white wax 5iv. Evaporate the water, and when cool, add powdered camphor 3ij. CERATUM CETACEI. L. Sparmaceti ~ij, white wax ~viij, olive oil Oj; melt together, and stir till cool. CERATUM CINCHONE. Extract of bark 3j, simple cerate ass. Mix. CERATUM CINNABARIS. ALIBERT'S Antiherpetic Cerate. Vermilion 3j, camphor 3j, cerate 3j. CERATUM CITRINUM. L. 1746. Ceratum Resine. CERATUM CONII. St. B. H. Ointment of hemlock lbj, spermaceti.ij, white wax 5iij. CERATUJM COPAIBA. Dr. HOULTON. White wax 5j, balsam of copaiva 5ij. Add the balsam to the wax, previously melted, and stir till cool. CERATUM COSMETICUM. Pommade en Creeme. Oil of almonds oiv, white wax 3iij, spermaceti 3iij, rose water 3iij, tincture of balsam of Mecca 3ij. Mix. VAN MONS. White wax 1 part, oil of almonds 4, butter of cacao 1. CERATUM CRETAm ACETATIS. See Ceratum Neutrale, and Unguentum Plumbi Compositum. CERATUM CROTONIS. nI. CAVENTOU. Melt 2- parts of lard with half a part of wax, and when nearly cold, mix with it one part of croton oil. [One part of croton oil with 4 of soap cerate may be advantageously substituted. These applications are more convenient than liniments for producing counter-irritation.] CERATUM CUPRI. SWEDIAUR. Solution of ammoniated copper 3j, cerate ~j. Mix. CERATUM DIAPIPEROS GALENI. ZWELFER. Litharge lbj, white lead Tbj, olive oil Tbij, wax vj, turpentine 5iij, frankincense 5ss, alum 5vj, pepper 3iij. A stimulant application to indolent ulcers. CERATUM FUSCUM. See Emplastrum Fuscum. CERATUM GALENI. P. Cold Cream. White wax iv, oil of THE POCKET FORMULARY. 63 almonds 3xvj: melt, and gradually add in 3xij of rose water, stirring till cold. CERATUM DE GRAT12E DEI NICOLAI. Resin 1bj, wax Siv, mastic ~j: melt together, and boil with a decoction of one handful of vervain, bettony, and pimpernel in wine, till incorporated; then remove from the fire, and add tbss of common turpentine. CERATUM GOULARDI. See Ceratum Plumbi Compositum. CERATUM HYDRARGYRI COMPOSITUM. L. Mercurial ointment (strong) 5iv, soap cerate 5iv, camphor ~j. Mix. CERATUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS. St. B. H. Ointment of nitrate of quicksilver 5j, spermaceti cerate j. Mix. CERATUM LIMACUM. White wax 3 parts, spermaceti 3, oil of almonds 32, mucilage of snails 24, otto of roses q. s. CERATUM LITHARGYRI. CH. Lead plaster tbss, lard Ibss, wax 2j; melt them together, and gradually add Goulard's extract (liquor plumbi diac.) 5iv. Stir till cold. CERATUM LITHARGYRI ACETATIS. See Ceratum Plumbi Compositum. CERATUMI MELLIS. CH. Olive oil lIss, wax 2iv, lead plaster Siv; melt together, and add tbss of honey. Galbanum plaster is sometimes substituted for simple lead plaster. CERATUM MELLIS CUM TEREBINTHINA. PARACELSUS. Common turpentine lsj, the yolks of 20 eggs, honey lej. Beat together the honey and yolks, and add the turpentine, softened by heat. CERATUM MERCURIALE. L. 1746. Strong mercurial ointment 2vj, lard Siij, yellow wax Svj. Mix. CERATUM METOPII. Dr. BARHAM. Hog-gum (gum of Rhus Metopium) 2iv, lard Siv, white wax sij, powdered root of sweet aristolochia (a. odoratissima) pij, yellow resin 3j. It rheumatic pains. CERATUM [MEZEREI. Exhaust fresh mezereon bark, by repeated digestion with rectified spirit. Mix the liquors, add milk ot lime, (1 part of lime and 3 of water for 3 parts of mezereon,) and digest till the colour becomes of a yellowish green. Distil off most of the spirit, add water to the residue, and collect the soft green substance which separates. Mix 1 part of this with 4 of yellow wax, and 8 of olive oil. 64 THE POCKET FORMULARY. CERATUM NEUTRAJE. KIRKLAND. Cer. Orete Acetatis. Lead plaster gviij, olive oil Siv, chalk 3iv, distilled vinegar 3iv, Goulard's extract of lead 3ss. Melt together the plaster and oil, add the chalk, and lastly, the diacetate of lead, mixed with the vinegar. CERATUM OPIATUM. GIBERT. Cerate gj, wine of opium 3j. LAGNEAU. Opium 3ss, yolk of 1 egg; mix, and add cerate 5j. CERATUM PLUMBI ACETATIS. L. Acetate of lead finely powdered 3ij, white wax 5ij, olive oil f viij. Melt the wax with f ~vij of the oil, and add the acetate of lead, previously triturated with f,j of the oil. CERATUM PLUMBI COMPOSITUM. L. Yellow wax giv, olive oil f viij; melt together, remove from the fire, and when it begins to thicken, gradually add liquor of diacetate of lead f Siij; stir till cool, and lastly, add camphor 3ss, dissolved in olive oil f3ij. CERATUM QUINE. Sulphate of quinine gr. vj, cerate 3j. Used endlermicadly. CERATUM RESINM. L. Yellow resin bj, wax Tbj; melt together, add olive oil f 3xvj, and strain while warm through linen. CERATUM ROSATUM.. P. Lip Salve. Oil of almonds 5ij, white wax Jj, alkanet root 3j; melt, and digest till coloured sufficiently, then strain, and add 6 drops of otto of roses. CERATUM RuBRUM. CH. Yellow wax, and lard, of each ibss, resin 3ss,; red sulphuret of mercury gr. xvj. Mix. As a common dressing. CERATUM SABINA. L. Fresh savine jIj, wax ltss, lard lbij. Melt together the lard and wax, add the bruised savine, and strain by pressure through linen. D. and E. direct the savine to be boiled in the lard, (and wax, E.;) but a heat below boiling is sufficient. CERATUM SAPONIS. L. Common vinegar Cj, powdered litharge xv; boil till they combine, add Castile soap x; boil till the moisture is evaporated, and mix with it yellow wax 3xijss, previously melted with olive oil Oj. [The Ceratum Saponis of U. S. is white. Solution of diacetate of lead f 3xxxij, soap jvj, white wax Sx, olive oil f3xvj. Boil gently the diacetate with the soap to the consistence of honey, heat in a water-bath until the moisture is dissipated, then add the wax melted with the oil, and mix.] THE POCKET FORMULARY. 65 CERATUM SAPONIS DURUM. The soap cerate may be rendered harder and more adhesive than it usually is by thoroughly evaporating the moisture. Some add diachylon plaster. See Emplastrum Cerati Saponis. CERATUM SIMPLEX. E. Spermaceti 1 part, white wax 3, olive oil 6 parts. CERATUM SULPHURATUM. P. Washed sulphur 5j, cold cream (Ceratum Galeni) Viijss, oil of almonds 5ss. CERATUM TABACI. GER. H. Tobacco juice Niij, wax Niij, resin;ss, olive oil q. s. CERATUM ZINCI COMPOSITUM.. H. Equal parts of zinc ointment, and compound lead ointment. CERATUM ZINCI CUM LYCOPODIO. HUFELAND. Cerate gss, oxide of zinc gr. xv, lycopodium gr. xv. Miix. CEREI vel CEREOLI. Bougies are made by dipping strips of soft linen cloth, rather wider at one end than the other, into certain emplastic or elastic compositions, folding them up firmly, and rolling them on a smooth slab. For elastic bougies, pieces of catgut, bundles of thread or cotton, or strips of fine open silk, are sometimes used. The following are some of the compositions which have been held in most repute:1. BELL'S. Lead plaster Ziv, yellow wax 3jss, olive oil 3iij. 2. HUNTER'S. Olive oil fbiij, yellow wax lbj, red lead ibjss. Boil together over a slow fire till combined. 3. SWEDIAUR'S white. White wax lbj, spermaceti 3iij, sugar of lead from 3ij to 5j. Boil together slowly. 4. ST. B. H. Red. Wax 1jj, Chio turpentine 3iv; melt together and add vermilion 5j. It must be well stirred. 5. PIDERIT'S Wax. Yellow wax 6 parts, olive oil 1 part. 6. GOULARD'S. Yellow wax, melted and mixed by stirring with from one 24th to one 3d of extract of lead. PRUS. PH. 3ij Goulard's extract to 5vj yellow wax. 7. FALK'S Mercurial. Mercurial plaster 5j, turpentine 3ss, powdered shell-lac gr. xv, calomel 3j, red oxide of mercury 9j. 8. DARAN'S. Olive oil (in which hemlock, tobacco, flowers of sweet trefoil, and St. John's wort, have been infused) 50 parts, lard 15, wax 10, litharge 20. DARAN'S Emollient. White wax Siv, spermaceti ljss, rose ointment 3j, ceruss plaster P. Zj. 9. SHARP'S. Lead plaster 3ij, Burgundy pitch Dij, prepared antimony 3ss; mix, and add quicksilver gj triturated with oil of sulphur q. s. 6* 66 THE POCKET FORMULARY. 10. Elastic. Boiled linseed oil (drying oil) Sxij, amber Ziv, oil of turpentine giv, caoutchouc 3v. This varnish is repeatedly applied to, the web. 11. Dr. REECE. Lead plaster, tar, and powdered belladonna, on linen. CEREVISIA ABIETINA. Spruce Beer. Dr. WOOD. Essence of spruce Oss, pimento and ginger, bruised, each vv, hops 3v, water Ciij. Boil for 5 or 10 minutes, strain, add Cxj of warm water, yeast Oj, molasses Ovj. Let it ferment for 24 hours. CEREVISIA ANTISCORBUTICA. P. Sapinette. Fresh scurvygrass $j, horseradish root 3ij, buds of spruce fir gj, new beer Oiijss. Macerate for 4 days, strain, press, and filter for use. CEREVISIA ARMORACIE.. HUFELAND. Scraped horseradish 3v, new beer Oij: digest in a close vessel for 24 hours; strain, and add 3j of syrup. A cupful twice a day. CEREVISIA CANNABIS. BUCHAN, in Jcaundice. Boil ~ij of hemp seed in Oiv of ale; sweeten with sugar. CEREVISIA CATHARTICA. Senna 3ij, centaury 3jss, wormwood jss, aloes 3ij, ale 3 or 4 gallons. CEREVISIA CINCHONa. Bruised bark 3j, rectified spirit 5j; mix, macerate for 2 days in Ojss of new beer, and filter. MUTIs directs 1 part of bark, 8 of sugar, and 80 of water, to be mixed, and allowed to ferment for 4 or 5 days. CEREVISIA DIURETICA. E. H. Whole mustard seed 3viij, juniper berries iviij, wild carrot seed 3iij, wormwood 3ij, new small ale Cx. CEREVISIA PICIS. DUHAMEL. Tar Beer. Bran Oij, tar Oj, honey Oss, water Ovj. Mix them in an earthen pipkin, and let the mixture simmer over a slow fire for 3 hours. When cool, add Oss of yeast, and let it work for 36 hours, then strain. Dose, a wineglassful before every meal. In bronchial diseases, incipient consumption, &c. CEREVISIA ZINGIBERIS. DONOVAN. Infuse Sijss bruised ginger in Civ of boiling water. When cold, strain, and add lbiv of loaf sugar, Oss of solid yeast, and 5ij of cream of tartar. Ferment in a warm situation. When the fermentation subsides, rack off the clear liquor, and return it into the cooler, previously cleaned. In a day or two, bottle it. CEREVISIASTOMACHICA. QUINCY. Centaury tops, Roman wormwood, of each 4 handfuls; gentian root 3ij, thin peels of 6 Seville oranges, Spanish angelica root, and Winter's bark, bruised, of each Sj, new ale Cvj. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 67 CETRARINA. Digest bruised Iceland moss in rectified spirit, express, distil off most of the spirit, and filter the solution whilst hot. Purify the cetrarin which is deposited, by again dissolving it in spirit. Febrifuge; dose, gr. ij to v, every 3 hours. CHARTA ANTIRHEUMATICA. M. BERG. Euphorbium 30, cantharides 15, alcohol 150 parts. Digest 8 days, filter, and add black resin 60, turpentine 50 parts. Thin paper to be brushed over 2 or 3 times with this varnish. The following is said to resemble Poor-man's plaster. Black resin 3 parts, tar 2, yellow wax 1. CHARTA EPISPASTICA CUM CANTHARIDIBUS. For keeping blisters open. White wax 5j, spermaceti 3iij, olive oil 3iv, turpentine 3j, cantharides (for No. 1) 3j, (for No. 2) Div, water 3x. Boil slowly in a tinned vessel for 2 hours, constantly stirring, and filter through flannel. Dip slips of paper into the melted mixture, and draw them between two wooden rules. Or the paper may be spread on one side only by the usual method. [WISLIN'S plan of spreading paper with emplastic compositions is this:-Cut white printing paper in strips; melt the composition in a plate over boiling water; take one extremity of the paper in the left hand, and raise the other end with the right, so as to form the arc of a circle; draw the under side of the paper over the surface of the composition, gradually lowering the right hand.] CHARTA EPISPASTICA CUM MEZEREO. GUIBOURT. The ingredients are the same as the last, substituting for the cantharides 3ss or 9ij of ethereal extract of mezereon dissolved in a little alcohol. The whole should be melted by a gentle heat, and stirred constantly till the alcohol is evaporated, and then strain through linen, and spread as above. CHARTA PRO FONTICULIS. SOUBEIRAN. Issue Paper. White wax 10 parts, spermaceti 5, elemi 5, turpentine 6. Melt over a slow fire, and strain. To be spread on paper by a proper machine. CHARTA VESICATORIA. See Tela Vesicatoria, and Sparadrapum Vesicans. CHLORINIUM. Chlorine gas may be procured by gently heating muriatic acid with half its weight of black oxide of manganese, in a flask or retort. CHLORINEI AQUA. E. See Aqua Chlorinii. CHLOROFORMUM. Chloroform is obtained from I part of chloride 68 THE POCKET FORMULARY. of lime, 3 of water, and 3 of alcohol. These are put into a capacious retort, and distilled by a gentle heat into a receiver kept very cool. The heavy oily fluid (chloroform) is separated from the water, and may be rectified by redistilling it with oil of vitriol. CHOCOLATA. The nuts are picked, slightly roasted to loosen the envelopes, broken, winnowed, and cleansed from the skins, &c., again heated, and ground in a mill. The powder is then beaten to a paste in a warm iron mortar, and mixed with sugar. CHOCOLATA SIMPLEX VEL'SALUTIS. Chocolat de Sante. P. 96 pounds each of the richer and inferior kind of cacao (Cacao Caraque and Maraignan), treated as above, with 160 pounds of sugar, and 1 ounce of cinnamon. CHOCOLATA LICHENIS. P. Chocolate (as above) 32 parts, powdered sugar 29 parts, dried jelly of Iceland moss 11 parts. [Another form directs-sugar lbvij, cacao lbvij, cinnamon ~j, dry extract of lichen (freed from bitter) 3xiij, jelly of lichen Fj; to be finely ground with a muller on a warm slab.] CHOCOLATA MARTIS. TROUSSEAU. Spanish chocolate 3xvj, subcarbonate of iron Zss. Triturate, on a warm slab, and divide into cakes of Sj each. Others direct levigated filings of iron. CHOCOLATA IODIDI FERRI. PIERQUIN. Iodide of iron 3ij, chocolate Sxvj. CHOCOLATA PAULLINIAE. Guarana 2j, simple chocolate Sxvj. CHOCOLATA PURGANS. Calomel 3ij, jalap 3iij, chocolate 3xxxj. Divide into 3j cakes. CHOCOLATA CUM SALEP. P. To 3xvj of prepared chocolate add 5ss of powdered salep. Arrow-root, and tapioca, are mixed with chocolate in the same proportion. CHOCOLATA GUM VANILLA. P. To 3xvj of chocolate add 3ss of vanilla powdered with a portion of the sugar. CIGARRAE ARSENICALES. TROUSSEAU. Dip white paper in a solution of I part arseniate of soda in 30 of water; make it into cigars the length of the finger. 4 or 5 inspirations twice or thrice daily, in phthisis. CIGARRAE BELLADONNAE OPIATJE. Extract of opium gr. j, belladonna leaves 3j. Dissolve the extract in water, and moisten the leaves with the solution. Dry them, and form into cigars. CIGARRAB CAMPHORLE. M. RASPAIL. These are used cold. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 69 Pieces of camphor may be included in a quill, straw, or other tube, confined by blotting paper, and the air drawn through it. CIGARRA MERCURIALES. M. BERNARD proposes to steep tobacco leaves (previously deprived of narcotine by repeated washing) in a weak solution of corrosive sublimate and opium (~ gr. of the former and -i gr. of the latter to 3ss of tobacco), and to smoke it in paper, as a mercurial inhalation. CIGARRAE STRAMONII. Stramonium leaves, rolled into the form of cigars. Smoked for the relief of asthma, but often without benefit. Henbane and belladonna are also used in this form. CIGARRE TABACI. Tobacco leaves are formed into cigars for smoking. Dr. APJOHN attributes to this practice " the pallid, emaciated visages, debilitated frames, and deranged digestion of the young men of the present day." CINCHONIA. Cinchonine is prepared from the disulphate, in the same manner as quina. The acetate, arseniate, hydrochlorate, nitrate, and other salts of cinchonia are obtained in the same way as those of quina. CINCHONIJE DISULPHAS. Boil coarsely powdered pale (gray) bark with 8 or 10 parts of water acidulated with 2 parts of muriatic acid. Let the decoction cool, filter; add powdered lime till the liquor is alkaline, wash the precipitate with a little water and dry it. Boil it in alcohol, mix the solution with water, distil off the spirit, neutralize the residue with diluted sulphuric acid, evaporate, and crystallize. Uses and doses as disulphate of quina. CINGULUM ANTIRHEUMATICUM. MARJORLIN. Camphor 3ss, benzoin 3j, euphorbium 3j, muriate of ammonia 3ij. Powder them finely and sprinkle on wadding, which is to be slightly quilted between two folds of flannel, to form a belt, to be applied over the seat of rheumatic pains. CINGULUTM MERCURIALE. Agitate 3iij of quicksilver with gij of lemon juice: pour off the liquid, and mix the quicksilver with the white of an egg and Dj of tragacanth. Spread on the belt of flannel. A popular remedy for the Itch. CODEIA. This is left in solution when ammonia is added to ordinary muriate of morphia, and is obtained by evaporating the residual liquor, crystallizing, treating the salt by liquor potassoe, dissolving the precipitate in tether, and evaporating. MAGENDIE says it is half the strength of morphia. 70 THE POCKET PORMULARY. COLCHICINA. Digest colchicum seeds in boiling alcohol, precipitate by magnesia, treat the precipitate with boiling alcohol, and evaporate the filtered solution. Very poisonous; dose, undetermined. COLLUTORIA. Mouth washes; usually of a thicker consistence than gargles. They are altogether extemporaneous. COLILUTORIUM ACIDUM. Muriatic acid 3j, honey of roses 5iij. COLLUTORIUM ACIDI OXALICI. M. NARDO. Oxalic acid 3j, barley water 3xv. COLLUTORIUM ANTISEPTICUM. WENDT. Extract of bark 3j, rue water 3ij, muriatic rather 3ij, honey of roses 5j. COLLUTORIUM ASTRINGENS. NEUHOF. Alum 3j, honey of roses 3ij, tincture of myrrh 5ss. KOEKER prescribes tincture of catechu 3ij, clarified honey 3ij, infusion of sage ~vss. COLLUTORIUM BORACIS. SWEDIAUR. Borax 3ij, water 3j, tincture of myrrh 5j, honey of roses iij. BAHI. Mucilage of quince seeds f viij, borax 3iij, honey of roses 5ij. COLLUTORIUM DETERGENS. PRINGLE. Infusion of roses 3jss, borax 3iij, honey of roses ~ij. COLLUTORIUM HYDRIODATUM. RIGHINI. Dissolve 3j of iodide of potassium in ~iv of water, and 3ij of rose water, and add 10 drops of tincture' of iodine, and f 3iv of simple syrup. In mercurial salivation. COLLUTORIUM MYRRIHE. CiH. Lime water 3jss, tincture of myrrh 3ij, honey of roses 3ij. COLLUTORIUM PYRETHRI. U. S. D. Pellitory root 3iv, vinegar 3vj, extract of opium gr. iij. Infuse for an hour. See also Gargarisma. COLLYRIA. Eye Waters. Aquve Ophthalmicae. COLLYRIUM ACETI. SCARPA. Vinegar f j, brandy f j, rose water f 3viij. WARE. Vinegar f 3iv, spirit of rosemary f 3iij, elder water f 3vij. COLLYRIUM ACIDUM. KRIMER. Miuriatic acid xx, mucilage 3j, rose water.ij. For removing particles of iron from the eye. COLLYRIUM ALOETICUM. C(ollyre de Brun. Aloes 3j, rose water 3jss. COLLYRIUM ALUMINIS. GUY's H. Alum 9j, distilled (or rose) water vj. MID. H. Burnt alum gr. iv, water f j. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 71 COLLYRIUM AMMONIA ACETATIS. CH. Liquid acetate of ammonia f j, rose water f vij. WARE. Liquid acetate of ammonia f 3vj, elder water f vij. WARDROP. Liquid acetate of ammonia f ~ij, camphor mixture ~vj. BEER adds gr. x of soft extract of opium. COLLYRIUM ANODYNUM. F. H. Saffron 3j, decoction of linseed ~iv, wine of opium 3j. COLLYRIUM ANTIMONIALE. PEREIRA. Potash-tartrate of antimony gr. j, distilled water f ^ij. In chronic ophthalmia, and spots on the cornea. COLLYRIJUM ARGENTI NITRATIS. MACKENZIE. Nitrate of silver gr. ij to iv, distilled water f j. A stronger solution is used in some cases. COLLYRIUM BATEANUM. BATE'S camphorated water (Aqua cupri sulphatis camphorata) f3ij, distilled water f iv. GUTHRIE. Sulphate of copper gr. viij, bole gr. viij, camphor gr. ij, hot water f viij. Mix and filter. COLLYRIUJM BORACIS. RICHARD. Borax 5ss, white sugar 3j, rose water f.ij. COLLYRIUM CADMII. ROSENBAUM. Sulphate of cadmium gr. j to ij, rose water f j. COLLYRIUM CALCIS CHLORIDI. VARLEZ. Chloride of lime 9j, water.j; dissolve and filter. COLLYRIUM CAPSICI. CI. Capsicum gr. viij, distilled water gviij. Infuse without heat for 3 hours, and filter. In Amaurosis, 2 or 3 drops to be used daily. COLLYRIUM CUPRI ACETATIS. Verdigris gr. viij, rose water f ~viij, sedative solution of opium 3ij. COLLYRIUM CUPRI AMMONIATI. CH. Verdigris gr. iv, lime water f.viij, muriate of ammonia 3ss. Digest 24 hours, and decant. COLLYRIUM CUPRI SULPHATIS. See Col. Bateanum. COLLYRIUIM DIVINUM. Dissolve 3j of the compound called Lapis Divinus (P.) in f gxxxvj of water, and filter. COLLYRIUM EMOLLIENS. F. I. Marsh-mallow root 3j, boil in water q. s. to obtain 3iv of decoction. CRUVEILHIER. White of egg gjss, emulsion of the cold seeds 5iij, sugar-candy 3j. COLLYRIUM HYDRARGYRO IODO-CYANIDI POTASSII. Cyanhydrargyrate of iodide of potassium gr. iv, water f iv. 72 THE POCKET FORMULARY. COLLYRIUM HYDRARGYRI SUBMURIATIS. Mr. WARE. Calomel 3ss, water ass. Agitate the bottle when used, and drop 3 drops into the eye, in scrofulous ophthalmia. COLLYRIUM HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. TRAVERS. Sublimate gr. ij to iv, distilled water f ~viij. GERM. H. Sublimate gr. ss, rose water iiij, mucilage of quince seeds 3j, cherry-laurel water 3ss. MACKENZIE. Sublimate gr. j, water f ~viij. COLLYRIUM HYDRARGYRI ET PLUMBI ACETATIS. Dr. REECE. Acetate of mercury gr. ij, acetate of lead gr. v, distilled vinegar f 3ss, distilled water f ~vj. Mix. [3ss of opium is occasionally added.] COLLYRIUM IODINII. M. Iodine gr. i to ij, iodide of potassium 9j, rose water lvj. Dr. LOHSSE prescribes a stronger solution for dropping into the eye in opacity of the cornea. Iodine gr. j, iodide of potassium gr. ij, water f vj. A similar solution has been proposed for removing particles of iron from the eye. COLLYRIUM JUGLANDIS. M. NEGRIER. Decoction of walnut leaves f 5viij, extract of belladonna Dj, wine of opium n xiv. In Scrofulous Ophthalmia. COLLYRIUM LITHARGYRI ACETATIS. See Col. Plumbi. COLLYRIUM MORPHim. Dr. C. LEE. Sulphate of morphia gr. ij, distilled water f ~j. COLLYRITUM OPIATUM. P. Extract of opium gr. iv, rose water liv. LAWRENCE. Soft extract of opium gr. x, camphor gr. vj, hot water f xij. See Col. Anodynum. COLLYRIUM OPII COMPOSITUM. GuY's H. Liquor of acetate of ammonia f ~iij, wine of opium f j. COLLYRIuM PAPAVERIS. BEER. Decoction of poppy-heads f 5iv, rose water f ~ij, camphor mixture f ~ij. COLLYRIUM PLUMBI. CHI. Solution of diacetate of lead 10 drops, distilled water (or rose, or elder-flower water) f giv. [ixx of wine of opium, or of spirit of camphor, are occasionally added.] COLLYRIUM PLUMBI ACETATIS. MID. H. Acetate of lead gr. ij, d. water 5j. COLLYRIUM PLUMBI CARBONATIS. Mr. CAM. Compound ceruss powder 3j, rose water f viij. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 73 COLLYRIUM RESOLVENS. ALIBERT. Melilot flowers 3j, boiling water f.xij. Infuse, strain, add acetate of lead 3ss. U. C. H. Distilled water f x, mturiate of ammonia gr. xij, liquor of diacetate of lead f 3ss. COLLYRIUM SEDATIVUM. U. C. H. Distilled water f 3viij, opium 3j, ferro-prussiate of potash 3j. Mix, and filter. COLLYRIUM SICCUM. DUPUYTREN. White sugar 3j, red oxide of mercury 3ss, oxide of zinc 3j. Or, sugar-candy, calomel, and oxide of zinc, equal parts. RECAMIER prescribes equal parts of oxide of zinc and sugar-candy. LAGNEAU, sugar-candy and nitre. VELPEAU, trisnitrate of bismuth and candy, e. p. These powders should be triturated till perfectly impalpable, and a small pinch blown into the eye through a quill. [For Collyrium Siccum Ammoniacale, P., see Pulvis Ammoniatus Aromaticus.] COLLYRIUM SODAB MURIATIS. Dr. J. HAYS, in GranuClar O2hthalmia. A saturated solution of common salt. TAVIGNOT prescribes from 3iv to 5x of salt to ~iv of water. COLLYRIUM SODE CHLORINATIE. Dr. HERZBERG. Labarraque's solution gr. xv, distilled water liv. COLLYRIUM STRYCHNImA. HENDERSON. Strychnia gr. ij, distilled vinegar f j, water f j. Mix, and filter. In Amaurosis. COLLYRIUM TABACI. Dr. VETCH. Tobacco 3j, boiling water f iviij. Infuse, and strain. COLLYRIUM TANNINI. M. CAVARRA. Tannin gr. ij to iij, water f.j. COLLYRIUM ZINCI ACETATIS. WARE. Acetate of zinc gr. xv to 3ss, distilled water f xij. COLLYRIUM ZINCI CYANIDI. KOCH. Cyanide of zinc gr. viij, wine of opium nR xxiv, powdered gum acacia 3ij, cherry-laurel water 3vj, black cherry water ~iij. COLLYRIUM ZINCI IODIDI. MANNOIR. Iodide of zinc gr. iv, distilled water lvj. COLLYRIUM ZINCI OXYDI. DE HAEN. Oxide of zinc 3j, elder flower water f ij. H. DES ENFANS. Gr. j of oxide, to 5j of plantain water. COLLYRIUM ZINCI SULPIATIS. Various authorities direct from 7 74 THE POCKET FORMULARY. gr. ss to iv of the sulphate to each f Zj of distilled water, rose water, or elder water. Extract or wine of opium is frequently added. COLLYRIUM ZINCI CAMPHORATUM. GUY'S H. Sulphate of zinc 3j, tincture of camphor f j, distilled water f viij; mix, and filter. COLLYRIUM ZINCI COMPOSITUM. GUY'S H. Sulphate of zinc gr. xij, water f vj, wine of opium f jij. COLOCYNTHINUM. Colocy/nthin is obtained by digesting watery extract of colocynth in alcohol, evaporating the clear tincture to dryness, washing the residue with cold water, and again drying it. CONFECTIO AMYGDAE. L. L [Conserva Amygdala. E.] Sweet almonds, blanched by maceration and peeling Sviij, powdered gum acacia 5j, white sugar iv. Beat them together to a uniform mass. The confection keeps longer if the ingredients, powdered separately, are merely mixed, and only beaten into a mass at the time of using. CONFECTIO ALKERMES. L. 1745. Strained juice of kermes Ibiij, rose water f vj, white sugar lbj, oil of cinnamon 3ss. CONFECTIO ALUMINIS. ST. B. I. Powdered alum. ss, confection of roses ~iij. Dose, 3j three times a day. FoY directs 3j alum to 5j of confection. CONFECTIO AROMATICA. L. Cinnamon,ij, nutmegs 5ij, cloves ~j, cardamom-seeds ass, saffron ~ij, prepared chalk 3xvj, white sugar ibij. The ingredients, finely powdered and uniformly mixed, are to be kept in a close vessel; and a portion of the powder mixed with water q. s. when required for use. E. Aromatic powder [E.] 1 part, syrup of orange-peel 2 parts. Mix. CONFECTIO AURANTII. L. Fresh bitter orange-peel rasped tbj, white sugar Ibiij; beat together in a marble mortar with a wooden pestle. CONFECTIO CASSIAE. L. Cassia pulp tbss, manna 5ij, tamarind pulp jj, syrup of roses f 5viij. Dissolve the bruised manna in the syrup, add the pulps, and evaporate to a due consistence. CONFECTIO CINCHONA. St. B. H. Powdered bark (yellow) 3vj, ginger 3ss, treacle 5iijss. Dose, 3j-ij. CONFECTIO CONII. Dr. OSBORNE. Fresh hemlock-leaves, beaten THE POCKET FORMULARY. 75 up with an equal weight of treacle. Dr. O. proposes to preserve other narcotic plants in the same manner. Dr. M. HALL had previously recommended the use of sugar for the same purpose. CONFECTIO CYNOSBATI. See Confectio Rosa Caninae. CONFECTIO DAMOCRATIS. Mithridate. L. 1745. It consisted of 45 ingredients, and contained I grain of opium in 5ss. CONFECTIO FERRI SUBCARBONATIS. St. B. H. Subcarbonate (sesquioxide) of iron ss, treacle q. s. Dose 3ss. See Electuariu'm Ferri Subcarb. CONFECTIO FERRI TARTARIZATI. St. B. H. Bitartrate of potash 5jss, tartarized iron 3ij, powdered ginger 3j, treacle Sijss. Dose 3ij, 3 times a day. CONFECTIO HAMECH (purgative), and CONFECTIO DE HYACINTHO (astringent), are obsolete. CONFECTIO HYDRARGYRI. Dr. D. DAVIES. Quicksilver rubbed to extinction, with an equal weight of treacle or manna. CONFECTIO JALAPAr COMPOSITA. St. B. H. Powdered jalap 3ij, cream of tartar 5jss, ginger 3j, treacle 5ijss. Dose 3ij. CONFECTIO OPII. L. Opium 3vj, long pepper,j, ginger 5ij, caraway seeds,iij, tragacanth 3ij. Mix the ingredients, finely powdered, with f.xvj of hot syrup. The powder should be kept in a close vessel, and the syrup added when it is required for use. The proportion will be f ~j of syrup to 3iijss of the powder. CONFECTIO PAULINA. L. 1745. Zedoary, cinnamon, long pepper, black pepper, styrax, galbanum, castor, opium, of each.ij; thick syrup lhiv. Mix. CONFECTIO PIPERIS NIGRI. L. cWardc's Paste. Black pepper Ibj, elecampane lbj, fennel seed Ibiij, white sugar Ibij. Reduce them to a very fine powder, and keep it in a close vessel. When required for use, mix it with lbij of honey, [or 3vij of the powder with gij of honey.] CONFECTIO POTASSwE NITRATIS. St. B. H. Nitrate of potash 3iv, confection of roses 3iij. Mix. Dose 3j, 3 times a day. CONFECTIO POTASS2E BITARTRATIS. St. B. H. Bitartrate of potash giij, ginger 3ss, syrup jiij. CONFECTIO RESINEB. Dr. WATSON. Pulverized resin 5j, clari 76 THE POCKET FORMULARY. fied honey gv. Mix. Dose 3ij to 3iij. If the stomach will bear it, Iss balsam copaiva may be added. In hemorrhoids with constipation. CONFECTIO Rosa CANINE. L. Confection (or Conserve) of Hips. Pulp of fruit of dog-rose lbj, white sugar gxx. Heat the pulp gently in an earthen vessel, gradually add the sugar, and rub together till they are incorporated. E. To 1 part of hips, deprived of carpels, and beaten to a pulp, gradually add 3 parts of sugar. CONIECTIO [CONSERVA, E. and D.] Ross GALLICXB. L. Red roses (the unblown flowers deprived of their heels) tbj, pure sugar lhiij. Beat the roses in a marble mortar, add the sugar, and beat them together. [D. the same. E. lbij sugar.] CONFECTIO RUTr. L. Rue dried, caraway seed, bay berries, of each jss, sagapoenulm ss, black pepper 3ij. Powder them finely, and mix with honey 3xvj. CONrECTIO SCAMMONII L. [Electuarium Caryocostinum. L. 1720.] Scammony 3jss, cloves 3vj, ginger 3vj; powder finely, and add syrup of roses q. s.; rub together with oil of caraway f 3ss. The powders are directed to be kept mixed, and the syrup and oil added when required for use. CONFECTIO SENNES. L. Electuarium Senne, E. Lenitive Electuary. Figs 1tj, liquorice root 3iij, water Oiij; boil to half, press, and strain. Reduce by evaporation by water-bath to f?xxiv, and add white sugar tbijss to form a syrup; to which add pulp of tamarinds, cassia, and prunes, of each lbss, powdered senna 3viij, and powdered coriander seeds 3iv. E. directs tbj pulp of prunes, and omits the tamarind and cassia, adding 4 pint more water. Mix. [See Electuarium Sennse, D.] CONFECTIO SENNE COMPOSITA. St. B. H. Confection of senna 3ij, jalap powder 3j, supertartrate of potash 3ij, ginger 3jss, syrup q. s. Dose 3j. CONFECTIO SPONGII. St. B. H. Burnt sponge gj, syrup of orange-peel q. s. Dose 3j, 3 times a day. CONFECTIO STANNI. St. B. H. Powdered tin 3j, confection of dog-rose 2ij. Mix. Dose Sss every morning. CONFECTIO SULPHURIS COMPOSITA. St. B. H. Precipitated sulphur Ess, supertartrate of potash 3j, clarified honey 5j. Mix. For other Confections, see Conserva and Electuarium. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 77 CONIA. GEIGER. Ooneine is obtained by distilling soft alcoholic extract of hemlock-seeds (fruit) with its weight of water and a little caustic potash. The salts of conia are obtained by neutralizing it with the diluted acids. CONSERVA ABSINTIII MARITIMI. L. 1788. Beat the fresh leaves of sea-wormwood in a marble mortar, with a wooden pestle, first alone, and then with thrice their weight of refined sugar, till they are incorporated. [The other conserves are prepared in the same way unless otherwise directed. Dr. BLEY preserves the narcotic plants by beating one part of the fresh plant with two of sugar.] CONSERVA ARI. Fresh root of spotted arum ibss, sugar lejss. Beat together. CONSERVA AURANTII. See Confectio Aurantii. CONSERVA COCHLEARIEM. L. 1788. From fresh scurvy-grass; as Cons. Absinthii. CONSERVA LAVANDULA. From 1 part of fresh flowers, and 3 of sugar. CONSERVA LUJULE. Leaves of wood-sorrel 1 part, sugar 3 parts. CONSERVA MALVME. Mallow flowers 1 part, sugar 3 parts. CONSERVA MENTHE. L. 1745. As Conserva Absinthii. [Many other conserves are directed in Foreign Pharmacopoeias from the leaves and flowers of plants, with twice or thrice their weight of sugar.] CONSERVA PRUNI SYLVESTRIS. L. 1788. Put sloes into water over the fire, taking care they do not break; then press them through a hair sieve, and form the pulp into a conserve, with thrice its weight of sugar. Astringent. CONSERVA RosBE. E. & D. See Confectio Rosae. CONSERVA RosaE ACIDA. G. H. Confection of red rose lbj, sulphuric acid 3j. Mix. CONSERVA RUTJE. D. See Confectio Rutae. CONSERVA SCILLE. Fresh squill 5j, sugar 5v. Beat together. CONSERVA TAMARINDI. P. Pulp of tamarinds 5iv, powdered sugar Svj. Evaporate in a water-bath to the consistence of honey. 7* 78 THE POCKET FORMULARY. CORALLIA PRaPARATA. Corals are prepared as chalk. See Creta Preparata. CORNU USTUM. L. Burn pieces of stag's horn in an open vessel till they are perfectly white; then powder and prepare them as chalk. CORTEX AURANTIORUM CONDITUS. L. 1746. Steep fresh peels of Seville oranges in repeated waters till they lose their bitterness; then boil them in syrup till tender and transparent. Lemon and citron peels are candied in the same manner. CREASOTON. P. Distil wood-tar in a wrought-iron retort till white vapours appear; collect the heavy oily matter which forms the lower layer of the product, and wash it with water slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid. Then distil it in a glass retort (rejecting the first portions, which are chiefly ep7ione), and treat the product with solution of potassa at 1-12 sp. gr., shaking the mixed liquids strongly. When it is settled, pour off the layer of eupione from the surface, and expose the combined potash and creasote to the air till it becomes black. Then saturate with diluted sulphuric acid, pour away the watery liquid, and distil the product in glass. Repeat the treatment by exposure, potash, sulphuric acid, and distillation three times or oftener, until the combination of creasote and potash ceases to become coloured by the action of the air; then saturate it with concentrated phosphoric acid, and distil the creasote, rejecting the first portions. CREMOR LITHARGYRI ACETATI. Dr. KIRKLAND. Solution of diacetate of lead 3j, cream,j. Mix. CREMOR TARAXACI. Dr. COLLIER. Wash fresh dandelion roots, cut them in slices, and sprinkle them with spirit of juniper; then express the juice by means of an iron press. The creamy juice will keep for a considerable time. Dose, a tablespoonful twice or thrice a day. CRETA PR2EPARATA. L. Rub chalk very fine with a little water, stir this into a large quantity of water, and when the coarser particles have subsided pour off the supernatant milky water into another vessel, and let it settle. Pour off the water and dry the sediment. CRETA PRECIPITATA. See Calcis Carbonas Precipitatum. CRYSTALLI FERRI IODIDI SACCHARATI. See Saccharum. Ferri Iodidi. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 79 CUPRUM ALUMINATUM. See Lapis Divinus. P. CUPRUM AMMONIATUM. E. & D. Cupri Ammonio-sulphas. L. Sulphate of copper ~j, sesquicarbonate of ammonia ~jss; rub together till no more carbonic acid gas escapes, wrap the mass in blotting paper, and dry in the air. Keep it in well-closed bottles. CUPRI ACETAS ET DIACETAS. The diacetate of copper (C. Subacetas, D.) or common verdigris, is prepared by the action of fermenting nmarc of grapes, or of vinegar, on copper plates. The acetate, by dissolving the diacetate in acetic acid, and crystallizing. Cupri subacetas preparatum (D.) is prepared in the same way as chalk. CUPRI DINIODIDUM. To a solution of I proto-sulphate of copper, and 21 proto-sulp. of iron, add solution of iodide of potassium; wash the white precipitate, and dry it. CUPRI SULPHAS. It may be made by evaporating a solution of copper in diluted sulphuric acid, and crystallizing; but is generally obtained from copper pyrites, by the action of air, heat, and moisture; and also as a product in the refining of silver. DECOCTA. Decoctions. The roots, barks, woods, and other solid ingredients require to be sliced or bruised. Distilled water is generally ordered by the L. college, and is always preferable when it can be obtained; otherwise the purest and softest water should be selected for the purpose. When sufficiently boiled, the liquid should be immediately strained; and again decanted before it is cold, from any sediment which may have subsided. DECOCTUM ACANTHI. Bear's-breech.j, water Oj; boil for a quarter of an hour and strain. IDECOCTUM ADSTRINGENS. SWEDIAUR. Oak bark, pomegranate peel, tormentil root, of each 3ij, water ibj, milk Ibj; boil for a quarter of an hour; adding towards the end 3ij of cinnamon, and strain. DECOCTUI ALOES COMPOSITUM. L. Extract of liquorice 3vij, carbonate (subc.) of potash 3j, aloes, myrrh, saffron, of each 3jss, water Ojss; boil to Oj, strain, and add compound tincture of cardamom f 3vij. E. and D. Aloes, myrrh, saffron, of each 3j, extract of liquorice ss, carbonate of potash 9ij, water f xvj. Boil to f gxij, filter, and add comp. tincture of carda 80 THE POCKET FORMULARY. mom f ~iv. [The foreign extract of liquorice is not suitable for this purpose, as it deposits much sediment. A purified extract obtained from it by the action of cold water is sometimes substituted for the extract of the Pharmacopoeia; but the latter is preferable, especially that of the Ed. Ph.] DECOCTUM ALBUM SYDENHAMI. See Mistura Cornu Cervi. DECOcTUM ALCONORCO. NIEMANN. American Alconorque bark iss, water 5xvj; boil to 5viij, and strain. Dose f j. In Phthisis. DECOCTUM ALNI. Bark of common alder.j, water Oj; boil to f xvj. DECOCTUM ALTHZEA. See Mistura Althaeoe. E. DEocGTUM AMARUtM. Bitter herbs (species Aromaticee, P.) gj, water Ojss; boil to Oj. DECocTUAr AMYLI. L. [Mucilago Amyli, E. and D.] Pure starch 3iv, (3iij, D.,) water Oj. Triturate the starch with a little of the water, add the rest, and boil slightly. DECOCTUMi ANTHEMIDIS. See Decoctum Chamemeli Compositum. D. DECOcTUM ANTICOLICUMI DEGLANDI. See Apozema Anticolicum. DECOCTUM APOCYNI. Dr. GRISCOM. Root of Apocynum Cannabinunm j, juniper berries ~j, water Oiij; boil to Oij. [The Apocynum Cannabinum is sometimes called Indian hemp, but is altogether different from the Cannabis Indica. It is chiefly used in dropsies.] DECOCTUM ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. DUNGLISON. Mugwort-root Sj, water f xxiv; boil for half an hour. Dose f jss or f ij every 2 hours. In Epilepsy. DECOCTUM ASCLEPIADIS TUBEROSAE. Pleurisy-root Sj, water Oij; boil to Oj. Dose, a teacupful every 3 or 4 hours, warm. For children, in dentition, 3ij of the root in f 5xviij of milk, boiled to f xij. Dose f j. Diaphoretic. DECOCTUM ASPARAGI. Roots of asparagus.j, water fbij; boil for 10 or 15 minutes. DECOCTUM ASTRAGALI. CRICHTON. Root of astragalus exscapus (hairy-podded milk vetch) 3x, water Oiij; boil to Oij. A wineglassful 3 or 4 times a day. In syphilis. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 81 DECOCTUM ASTRINGENS. SWEDIAIUR. Oak bark, pomegranate peel, and tormentil root, of each 3ij, water lbj, milk lbj. Boil for 4 of an hour, adding towards the end 3ij of cinnamon, and strain. DECOCTUM AVENUE. Gruel. GUY's H. Oatmeal ~j, cold water f 3iv; mix them, and add it to Oiij of boiling water; boil for an hour, and strain through a hair sieve. Dr. CUGLLEN directs it to boil 4 hours. Dr. A. T. THOMSON recommends Siv of washed groats to be boiled with Oiv of water till reduced to Oij. DECOCTUM AZEDERACH. Fresh root-bark of poison-berry tree (Melia Azederach) giv, water Oij; boil to Oj. Anthelmintic. Dose, f ss every 2 or 3 hours until it produces sickness or purging. DECOCTUM BALLOTSE LANATE. BRERA. Siberian or woolly ballota 3j, water Oj; boil to f ~xij. Dose, from f gvj to f Sxij in the day. In rheumatic, gouty, and dropsical affections. DECOCTUM BARDANIE. LEWIS. Dried roots of burdock Sijss, water Oiij; boil to Oij, and strain. A pint daily. DECOCTUM BECCABUNGE. COPLAND. Fresh brooklime 5iij, water Oj; boil for 15 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM BIGNONIE CATALPAE. Dr. GRANVILLE. Pods of catalpa 3ss; boil in water q. s. to strain f 3viij. AUTOMARCHI directs the seeds and diaphragms of 3 or 4 pods to be boiled with,xv of water till reduced to Svj, and this quantity to be taken daily, in asthmatic affections, &c. DEcOCTUM BISTORTE. Bistort root 3ij, water Ojss. Boil 15 or 20 minutes, and strain. Astringent. Dose, f 3j to f ^ij. DECOCTUM BoRAGINIs. F. H. A handful of borage to Oj of water. DECOCTUM CAINCG. F. H. Cahinca root (chiococca racemosa) Sij, water Ojss. Boil slightly. Purgative, emetic, and diaphoretic. DECOCTUM CHINEE. SWEDIAUR. China root ~j, grocer's currants 3j, water Oiv; boil to Ojss. DECOcTUM COLUMBUS CoMPOSITUM. U. S. Calumba, quassia, of each 3ij, orange peel 3j, rhubarb 3j, subcarbonate of potash 3ss, water gxx. Boil to gxvj, strain, and add compound tincture of lavender ~ss. 82 THE POCKET FORMULARY. DECOCTUM CEDRELAM. Bark of CYedrela febrifutga (deprived of its epidermis) ss, water Oj; boil to Oss. To be taken in 24 hours. In intermittents. DECOCTUM CENTAURII. F. H. Lesser centaury 3ij, water Oij, boil for a few minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM CETRARIE. L. Decoctum Lichenis. Iceland moss 3v, water Ojss; boil to Oj and strain. Dose, f ij frequently. In phthisis, &c. DECOCTUM CETRARIEM [cum Lacte]. GuUY's I. Decoction of Iceland moss Oj, new milk Oj, sugar ~jss. Boil a little, and strain. The bitterness is sometimes removed by first infusing the moss in Oj of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, rejecting the water. Taken as the last. DECOCTUM CIHAMAMELI COMPOSITUM. D. Chamomile flowers 5ss, fennel seed 3ij, water Oj; boil and strain, In fomentations and clysters. DECOcTUM CHENOPODII. Dr. WooD. Fresh leaves of American wormseed (COhenopocium anthelminticum) 3j, milk Oj; boil. Dose, a wineglassful, with some aromatic. DECOCTUM CHIMAPHILLE. L. Dried pyrola (winter green) 3j, water Ojss; boil to Oj and strain. D. (Dec. Pyrole) Pyrola umbellata.j, water f xxxij; macerate 6 hours, bruise the root, and boil to f ~xvj. Dose, f 5j-ij. In dropsies. DECOCTUM CHIRAYTME. Dried chiretta 3iv, water Oj; boil for 15 minutes. There is no authorized form; but this is sometimes used. DECOCTUM CHONDRI. Macerate 3ss of carrageen (Irish moss) for 10 minutes in cold water, take out the moss, and having shaken off the water, boil it in Oiij of milk, or water, for 15 minutes, and strain. It may be flavoured and sweetened to the taste. Ad libittm. DEcocTUM CIMICIFUGA. Black snake root (Cimicifitga racemosa) 3j, water f xvj; boil for 10 minutes. Dose, 3j to 3ij. In rheumatic and dropsical affections. DECOCTUM CINCHONA. Peruvian bark bruised 5x, water Oj; boil for 10 minutes and strain. L. directs the pale, yellow, or red cinchona to be used; E. the crown, gray, yellow, or red; D. the pale. Tonic and antiperiodic. Dose,.ij. DECOCTUM CINCHONA ACIDULATUM. SIR J. WYLIE. Cinchona THE POCKET FORMULARY. 83 bark 5j, water f 3xvj, diluted sulphuric acid 3j; boil for 10 minutes, and strain while hot. DECOCTUM CINCHONA CUM SERPENTARIA. SIR J. PRINGLE. Peruvian bark 3iij, water Oj; boil to Oss, and infuse in the hot decoction 3iij of serpentaria root. DECOCTUM COLOCYNTHIDIS. BAT. PH. Colocynth pulp 3j, water,viij; boil for 10 minutes, strain, and when cool, add syrup of orange peel lj, aether 3j. Dose, ass, 3 times a day. In dropsies, &c. DECOCTUM COMMUNE. Decoctum Malvse Compositum. DECOCTUM CORNU CERVI. See Mistura Cornu Cervi. DECOCTUM CORNUS FLORIDA. U. S. Bark of Jamaica dogwood ~j, water f xvj; boil 10 minutes, and strain. As a substitute for Cinchona, but is more astringent. Other species of Cornel are also employed. DECOCTUM CYDONIM. L. Quince seeds 3ij, water Oj; boil for 10 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM DIGITALIS. D. 1807. Dried fox-glove 3j, water q. s. to produce f viij of strained decoction. Set it on a slow fire, and when it begins to boil, remove it, let it digest 15 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM DULCAMARBE. L., E., & D. Bitter-sweet stalks 5x, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. DECOCTUM DULCAMARA COMPOSITUM. AUGUSTIN. Dulcamara 5iv, burdock root, liquorice root, sassafras, guaiacum wood, of each 3ij, water lbij. Boil to 5xvj. FoY directs 3ij dulcamara. A wineglassful frequently. DECOCTUM PRO ENEMATE. L. 1788. Decoctum Malvae Compositum. DECOCTUM ERGOTE. PEREIRA. Ergot of rye 3j; water f vj; boil for 10 minutes, and strain. For 3 doses. DECOCTUM EUPATORII CANNABINI. Hemp-agrimony j, water Oj; boil, and strain. DECOCTUM EUPHORBIAM [pilose, or palustris]. KREBEL. Boil 5j of the root in Oj of water to f ~xvj. To prevent hydrophobia, let the wound be washed with it, and a wineglassful taken daily for 3 or 4 days. [Thlse species of spurge are not found in England.] 84 THE POCKET FORMULARY. DECOCTUM FILICIS. Dried fern root 3v, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. DECOCTUM F(ENUGRECI. TADDEI. Foenugrec seeds 5j, water Oj; boil and strain. Ailucilaginous, chiefly used in fonwentations. DECOCTUM PRO FOMENTO. L. 1788. Dried southernwood, wormwood tops, and chamomile flowers, of each 5j, dried bay leaves, Iss, water Ov; boil slightly, and strain. DECOCTUM FUCI AMYLACEI. Ceylon moss 5v, water Oij; boil for 20 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM FULIGINIS. M. BLAUD. Wood-soot two handfuls, water.xvj; boil for half an hour, and strain. Dr. NELIGAN. Wood-soot liv, water Ojss; boil to Oj. As a lotion to chronic skin diseases, ulcers, &c., and as an enema in ascarides. Dr. HEWSON. DECOCTUM FULIGINIS CUM CAFFIA. M. TROUSSEAU. Woodsoot 3ij, roasted coffee 3j; boil in water q. s., strain, and sweeten. As a vermvfyge for children. DECOCTUmI FURFURIS. Bran Hiv, water Oj; boil, and strain. DECOCTUM GALLEt. Galls iss, water Ojss; boil to Oj. DECOCTUM GEI. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. Avens root.j, water Oj; boil for 15 minutes, and strain. Astringent and febrifuge. Dose gss to ~j. DEcocTUM GEOFFRMFE. E. 1817. Powdered cabbage-tree bark vj, water ibij; boil to tbj, and strain. D. Bruised bark ~j, water f xxxij; boil to f xvj, strain, and add syrup of orange peel ij. Vermifiuge but requires caution. Dose for an adult ~ss to j; for children, from f3ss to f3jss, promoting its operation with warm water and a dose of castor oil. DECOCTUM GERANII. Dried root of spotted crane's bill ~j, water f xxiv; boil to f xvj. Dose f j to ~ij. Astringent. Dr. CHAPMAN says the root boiled in milk is an excellent remedy for the cholera of infants. DECOCTUM GLYCYRRHIZ-E. D. Liquorice root ljss, water f xvj; boil for 10 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM GOSSYPII. Dr. BOUCHELLE. Inner bark of the root of the cotton plant iv, water Oij; boil to Oj. Dose, f ij, every 20 or 30 minutes. As a parturifacient. THE POCKET FORMULARY.:85 DECOCTUM GRAMINIS. Tisane de Chiendent. Dog-grass root 3j, water Oij; boil for half an hour, and infuse in it 3ij of liquorice root for an hour. DECOCTUM GRAMINIS IODURETUM. M. Decoction of dog-grass 3xxxij, iodide of potassium 5ss, syrup of peppermint 2ij. DECOCTUM GRANATI. L. Pomegranate peel Sij, water Ojss; boil to Oj. DECOCTUM GRANATI VERMIFUGUM. Apozeme Vermifuge. P. Dried bark of the pomegranate root jij, water 3xxiv; boil slowly to 3xvj, and strain. [The form used in India is Sviij of the fresh root bark, boiled with Oiij of water to Oij. Dose, a wine-glassful, repeated every half-hour, or as the patient can bear it. Dr. FLEMING. Dr. ROYLE says, Sij fresh bark to be macerated 12 hours in Ojss water, then boiled to Oj; dose ~ij-iv, in the morning fasting, and repeated every 2 hours for 3 times.] DECOCTUJM GUAIACI [Compositum. D.] E. Decoctum Lignorum. Guaiac turnings Siij, raisins 5ij, water Oviij; boil to Ov, adding towards the end, liquorice root jj, sassafras gj; strain. DECOCTUM HIAMATOXYLI. E. Logwood gj, cinnamon 3j, water Oj; boil to Oss. D. Logwood 5jss, cinnamon 3j, water f xxxij; boil to f xvj. Dose gj-ij. DECOCTUM HELENII. ROYLE. Elecampane root 3ss, water Oj; boil. NIEMANN directs f vj of decoction to be made from Sss of the root. The former is given by wine-glassfuls, the latter by spoonfuls. PECOCTUM HELENII COMPOSITUM. F. H. Elecampane root gj, iyssop 5ij, ground ivy 3ij, water ~xxxij; boil, strain, and add syrup of honey, gij. DECOCTUM HELLEBORI NIGRI. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. Black hellebore root 3ij, water Oj; boil a quarter of an hour. Dose f j, every 4 hours. DECOCTUM HELMINTHOCORTI. Corsican moss 3v, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. Dose, a wine-glassful. Vermifuge. DECOCTUM HEMEDESMI. PEREIRA. Root of Indian sarsaparilla (Hemedesmus Indicus) Sij, water Ojss; boil to Oj. By wineglassfuls. DECOCTUM HIIPPOCASTANEI. NIEMANN. Horse-chestnut bark 8 86 THE POCKET FORMULARY. 5jss, water Ojss; boil to 2x, adding towards the end 5j of liquorice root, and strain. DECOCTUM HORDEI. L. Barley Water. Pearl barley 3ijss, wash it with cold water, boil it a few minutes with Oss of water, throw this away, and boil the barley with Oiv of water to Oij, and strain. [D. nearly the same.] DECOCTUM IHORDEI COMPOSITTUM. L. Decoction of barley Oij, figs 3ijss, raisins 5ijss, liquorice root 3v, water Oj; boil to Oij. DECOCTUM HORDEI ACIDULATUM. Decoction of barley lbiij, lemons sliced No. 2; boil to Ibj, strain, and add sugar 3iij. GUY'S H. Decoction of barley Oj, syrup of lemon frj; or dilute sulphuric acid f~j, syrup 2j. Other usual additions to barley water are gum arabic I ss, nitre 3j; or cream of tartar 3j, to each Oj. DECOCTUM HYDRARGYRI. Quicksilver boiled with twice its weight of water for half an hour. Dose, f 2ss to f5ij. As a vermifuge. A portion of the metal is said to be taken up by the water. DECOCTUM ILLICIS. FoY. Holly leaves 3iv, water 2xvj; boil to 2xij. For 3 doses. In Intermittents. DECOCTUM INULIE. See Dec. Helenii. DECOCTUM JUGLANDIS. GENEVA PH. Peels of green walnuts ~j, water Oss; boil for a quarter of an hour. DECOCTUM JUGLANDIS [foliorur.] M. NEGRIER. Fresh walnut leaves one handful, water Oij; boil for 15 minutes. DECOCTUM JUJUBARUM. Boil ~ij of jujubes (stoned) for an hour, in water q. s. to produce Oij of decoction. DECOCTUM JUNIPERI COMPOSITUM. St. B. H. Juniper berries ~ij, cream of tartar 3iij, water Oiv; boil to Oij, strain, and add compound spirit of juniper f ij. DECOCTUM LAPPxE. See Decoctum Bardanae. DECOCTUM LAURO-CERASI CORTICIS. Dr. KASTNER. Cherrylaurel bark ~ij, water Oj; boil. To be taken in 24 hours. In Amenorrhoa. DECOCTUM LEPIDII. Narrow-leaved pepperwort: ss, water f xvj; boil to f viij, and strain. In Intermittents; ~j every 2 hours. DECOCTUM LICHENIS. See Decoctum Cetrarie. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 87 DECOCTUM LIGNORUM. Decoctum Guaiaci Comp. DECOCTUM LIMCAUM. M. MONCHOU. Flesh of vine or garden snails (cleansed from shell and intestines) ~v, water Oij, simmer gently for 2 hours, adding towards the end maiden hair lij, and strain. DECOCTUM LIMONUM.. MINSYCHT. Lemons sliced No. 52 water Oiijss; boil to Oij, and add sugar giv. DECOCTUM LINI. Guy's H. Linseed slightly bruised ijss, water Oiij; boil gently for 10 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM LOBELIA SYPHILITIC2E. SWEDIAUR. Boil v of the dried root of blue cardinal flower with tbxij of water to lbviij. Alterative and diuretic. Dose, f viij to Ojss daily. This plant must not be confounded with lobelia inflata. DECOCTUM LUSITANICUM. Lisbon Diet Drink. The Dec. Sarze Comp. is now substituted for it. The original form is said to be-sarsaparilla ~j, china root ~j, dried peels of walnuts No. 20, black antimony ~ij, pumice-stone powder ~j, water Oviij: boil to Oiv. M. PEARSON used sarsaparilla giv, walnut peels iv, guaiacum shavings ~jss, black antimony sss, water Oiv; boil to Oiij. The antimony and pumice to be tied up in rag. The black sulphuret of antimony sometimes contains sulphuret of arsenic, which in boiling becomes white arsenic. Its use therefore requires caution. DECOCTUM MALTI. SWEDIAUR. Ground malt 5vj, water lbv; boil to Ibiv, and strain. ~ij of syrup of lemons may be added. Others direct 3j or 3ij of liquorice root to be added towards the end of the boiling. DECOCTUM MALVAE COMPOSITUM. L. Dried mallows.j, chamomiles ass, water Oj; boil for 15 minutes. DEOOCTUM MARCHANTIE. Marchantia conica jj, water Ojss; boil to Oj. By glassfuls, in dropsies and gravel. DECOCTUM MATICONIS. Dr. JEFFREYS. Matico leaves Zj, water Oj; boil for 10 or 15 minutes, and strain. Dose, f j, 3 times a day. Astringent. DECOCTUM MENYANTHIS. Buckbean ~j, water Ojss; boil to Oj. DECOCTUM MEZEREI. E. Root-bark of mezereon 3ij, liquorice root 5ss, water Oij; boil gently to Ojss, and strain. St. B. H. Mezereon bark ~j, water Oxij; boil to Cj, adding towards the end liquorice root 5j. 88 THE POCKET FORMULARY. DECOCTUM NARCOTICUM. F. H. Dried black nightshade 3j, poppy-heads 2, water xvj; boil and strain. As a fomentation. DECOCTUM NITROSUM. E. 1745. Nitre ~ss, white sugar 3ij, cochineal 3j, water Oij; boil to Ojss, and when cold, decant. U. C. H. (Decoctum Nitratum.) Barley water Oj, nitre 3iv. DEcoCTUM ORYZA. See Ptisana Oryzae. DECOCTUM PAPAVERIS. L. Poppy-heads (without the seeds) ~iv, water Oiv; boil 15 minutes, and strain. [E. Oiij of water; D. f xxxij.] DECOCTUM PAREIRM. GuT's H. Pareira brava root.j, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. BRODIE prescribes 3iv of the root; GEOrFROY 3iij. Dose f Jj to f ~ij, 3 times a day. BRODIE'S from f viij-xij in the day. DECOCTUM PARIETARIMB. RATIER. Wall pellitory 2j, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. DECOCTUM PATIENTIE. See Decoctum Rumicis. DECOCTUM PRUNI PADI. M. BROERLAND. Fresh bark of birdcherry Sviij, (or dried bark jvj,) water lbviij; boil to Ibiv. Dose f iv, 4 times a day. DECOCTUM PYROLE. D. See Decoctum Chimaphilke. DECOCTUM PYRETHRI. GUY's H. Pellitory root ~j, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. Dose f j to f ij. DECOCTUM QUERCUS. L. Oak bark 3x, water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain. DECOCTUM RHAMNI FRANGULIE. Black alder bark.j, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. Dose, a wine-glassful twice a day as a purgative and alterative. The fresh bark is said to vomit; the dry to purge. DECOCTUM RHODODENDRI. Leaves of rhododendron chrysanthemum 3iv, water Oss; boil, and strain. DECOCTUM RIBIS NIGRI. M. COLOMBAT. Boil a handful of black currant root in Oij of water, and strain. A cupful occasionally as an astringent. DECOCTUM Ross VINOSUM. F. H. Red roses ~ij, red wine lbij. Heated in a covered vessel to near boiling, and let it stand near the fire for half an hour. For outward use. DECOCTUM RuBI. Dr. WooD. Smaller roots (or bark of larger THE POCKET FORMULARY. 89 roots) of American blackberry gj, water f xxiv; boil to f 3xvj. Astringent. Dose f ~ij, 3 or 4 times in 24 hours. Our common bramble also possesses astringent properties. DECOCTUM RUMIcIS AQUATICI. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. Waterdock root 5j dried, or Sij fresh, water Oj; boil for 15 minutes, and strain. R. obtusifolius and other species of dock are also used. In chronic skin-diseases, &c. DECOCTUM SALICARIE. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. Spiked loosestrife (fresh) 3x, water Oj; boil 15 minutes, and strain. DECOCTUM SAIICIS. WILKINSON. Broad-leaved willow bark gjss, bruise, and macerate in water Ibij for 6 hours, boil for 15 minutes, and strain. Or, it may be made as Dec. Cinchonae. DECOCTUM SAMBUCI. SYDENHAM. Inner bark of elder 5j, water Oj, milk Oj; boil to Oj. DECOCTUJM SANTONICI. Worm seed (semen-contra) gss, water Ojss; boil, and strain. DECOOTrUM SAPONARIL. SWEDIAUR. Soap wort ~ij, water ibiv; boil to Ibij, and strain. Taken as Dec. Sarzae. DECOCTUM SARZAm. L. and E. Sarsaparilla 5v, boiling water Oiv; macerate for 4 [E. 2] hours near the fire, take out and bruise the root, return it to the liquor, and again macerate for 2 hours; boil down to Oij, and strain. DECOCTUM SARZA COMPOSITUM. L. and E. Boiling decoction of sarsaparilla Oiv, sassafras, guaiacum wood, liquorice root, each 3x, mezereon root-bark 5iij [E. 3iv]; boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. DECOCTUM SARZZE CUM ICTHYOCO:LLA. Tisane de Feltz. Sarsaparilla giij, isinglass 5ss, sulphuret of antimony (tied up in rag) 3iij, water Ov; boil to Oijss and strain. DECOCTUM SARZIE CUM SENNA. Tisane de Vinache. CADET. Sarsaparilla j ss, china root j ss, guaiacum wood j ss, sulphuret of antimony (in rag) ~ij, water Ov; boil to Oiij, and add sassafras 3iv, senna 3iv, infuse for an hour, and strain. DECOCTUM SCILL.M COMPOSITUM. Dried squill 3iij, juniper berries giv, senega giij, water Oiv; boil to Oij, strain, and add spirit of nitric aether 5iv. DECOCTUM SCOPARII COMPOSITUM. L. Broom-tops, juniper berries, dandelion root, of each 3iv, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and 8* 90 THE POCKET FORMULARY. strain. E. omits the dandelion, and adds bitartrate of potash 3iij. Dose, a wine-glassful 3 times a day. DECOCTUM SECALIS CORNUTI. See Decoctum Ergotae. DECOCTUM SENEGA. L. Senega root 3x, water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain. GuY'S I. adds liquorice root Ess. The infusion is a better preparation. Dose f j —iij. DECOCTUM SEVI. Artificial Goat's Milk. Tie a piece of mutton suet in muslin, and let it boil gently in new milk. DECOCTUM SIMAROUBA. Dr. WRIGHT. Simaruba bark 3ij, water f.xxiv; boil to f ~xij, and strain. DECOCTUM SPIGELILE. India pink 3v, water Oj; boil for a few minutes and strain. Senna Sv, may be infused in the boiling decoction. DECOCTUM SPONGILE. HUFELAND. Burnt sponge ~j, water tbj; boil, digest for 12 hours, strain, and add cinnamon water f ~ij. Dose, f 5j. DECOCTUM STAPHISAGRIAE. Stavesacre seeds.j, water Oij; boil for a few minutes, and strain. For external use. DECOCTUM SUBERIS. PIERQUIN. Rasped cork 3ij, water Oiij; boil to Ojss. Astringent. DECOCTUM SUDORIFICUM. The Dec. Guaiaci Compositum, and Dec. Sarzae Comp. are so termed. DECOCTUM SYMPHYTI. NIEMANN. Comfrey root ass, water 3xvj; boil to viij. DECOCTUM TARAXACI. D. & E. Fresh dandelion.v, [E. 5viij,] water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain. DECOCTUM TORMENTILLME. L. Tormentil root ~ij, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. Astringent. DECOCTUM TUSSILAGINIS. Fresh coltsfoot leaves sij, (or flowers 5j,) water Oij; boil to Oj and strain. DECOCTUM ULMI. L. Fresh elm bark ijss, water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain. In scaly skin diseases. DECOCTUM ULMI COMPOSITUM. JEFFREYS. Decoction of elm Oviij, sassafras 5j, guaiacum wood 5j, mezereon 3iij, liquorice root 3j; boil for an hour, and strain. DECOCTUM UV2E URSI. L. Bearberry leaves jj, water Ojss; boil to Oj, and strain. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 91 DECOCTUM VERATRI. L. White hellebore root 3x, water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain, and add rectified spirit f 2iij, [f 3ijss, D.] For external use. DECOCTUM VERBASCI. Dr. HOME. Leaves of great mullein gij, water Oij; boil for 20 minutes, and strain. Dose, f iv. In diarrhoeas. Also as a fomentation. DECOCTUM ViscI. NIEMANN. Misletoe 9j, water Oij; boil to Oj. In epilepsy; by wine-glassfuls, frequently. DECOCTUM XANTHOXYLI. Dr. WOOD. Bark of prickly ash 3j, water f ~xlviij; boil to f.xxxij, and strain. Stimulant and diaphoretic, from f xij to f ~xvj, in 24 hours. DELPHINIA. Delphine. Treat alcoholic extract of stavesacre seeds with water acidulated with sulphuric acid as long as anything is dissolved; add ammonia to the filtered solution, collect and dry the precipitate, and redissolve it in rectified spirit; filter through charcoal, and evaporate it carefully to dryness. Its salts are made by saturating the diluted acids with delphine, and evaporating to dryness. Dose, gr. ss; also used outwardly as veratria. DIASCORDIUM. This is replaced by the Electuariumn Catechu. E. DIGITALINA. Digitaline. HENRY. Exhaust powdered digitalis by percolation or digestion, with spirit of'860 sp. gr. Filter, distil off the spirit, dissolve the residue in water acidulated with acetic acid, precipitate with infusion of nutgall, collect the precipitate, mix it with powdered litharge and a little spirit, dry the paste, digest it at a very gentle heat with rectified spirit, distil off the spirit, and agitate the residue with ether. What remains is digitaline. It is said to be 100 times as strong as powdered foxglove. ELEOSACCHARUM ANISI. P. Essential oil of aniseed, 1 drop, refined sugar 3j; triturate in a mortar till perfectly mixed. [Other authorities direct 2 drops of the oil.] Elseosacchara of the other essential oils are prepared in the same manner, except the following:ELiEOSACCHARUM LIMONIS. Rub the outer rind of a lemon with 3ij of refined sugar, in lumps, and triturate the product in a mortar. In the same manner prepare the eleosacchara of citrons, oranges, and bergamots. ELATERINUM. Dr. MORRIES. Elaterine is obtained by evaporating tincture of elaterium, made with rectified spirit, to the 92 THE POCKET FORMULARY. consistence of thin oil, and throwing it into boiling distilled water. When cold, collect the crystalline precipitate, and dry it with a gentle heat. Dose, to commence, one-sixteenth of a grain. ELECTUARIA. Electuaries consist of powders mixed up to a soft paste, with syrup, honey, or other thick article. They are included by the L. college, together with Conserves, under the term Confections. For other Electuaries see Confectio and Linctus. ELECTUARIUM ANTICACHECTICUM. Bath Electuary. Select the heaviest and bluest clinkers from a blacksmith's forge, powder them finely, and mix with enough treacle to form a stiff paste. To 5viij of this add carbonate of magnesia, and powdered ginger, each ss. Give a teaspoonful twice a day for 3 days, then omit it for 3 days, and repeat this as long as is considered necessary. [This is sometimes termed Elect. Ferri Compositum.] ELECTUARIUM AROMATICUM. E. Aromatic powder [E.] one part, syrup of orange peel two parts. Mix. For L* & D., see Confectio Aromatica. ELECTUARIUM ANTIMONII. CH. Electuary of senna jj, guaiacum resin, sethiops mineral, prepared sulphuret of antimony, each ass, syrup q. s. Dose, 3j to 3ij, twice a day. ELECTUARIUM ANTIEPILEPTICUM. Dr. MEAD. Peruvian bark 3j, valerian Hss, tin 2ss; mix the powders with syrup q. s. to form an electuary. ELECTUARIUM ANTIDYSENTERICUM. E. 1745. Electuary of catechu 3ij, balsam of Locatellus 5j. Mix. ELECTUJARIUJ ANTICHOLERICUM. A compound of equal parts of lard, charcoal, and maple sugar, is said to have been used with success in the treatment of cholera. ELECTUARIUM ANTIRHEUMATICUM. Chelsea Pensioner. Guaiacum resin 3j, rhubarb 3j, bitartrate of potash gj, sulphur ~ij, one nutmeg; mix the powders with sufficient honey, or treacle. ELECTUARIUMM ARABICUM. Sarsaparilla ~v, parched nutshells ~j, China root ~j; cloves No. iv. Reduce to a fine powder, and form an electuary with honey, q. s. [This forms part of the traitment Arabique, for the cure of obstinate skin diseases. A pill (see Pil. Arabice) is given every night and morning, followed by a glass of decoction of sarsaparilla, and an hour THE POCKET FORMULARY. 93 after a dose of this electuary.] The diet for 25 to 40 days to be purely vegetable (as dried fruits, &c.), and the only drink allowed decoction of sarsaparilla. [There is a want of agreement in the published formulae and doses.] ELECTUARIUM E BACCIS LAURI. See Confectio Rut3e. ELECTUARIUM CARBONIS. Prepared charcoal 5ij, carbonate of soda, 3ij, confection of senna 3ij. ELECTUARIUM CATECHU. E. [Comp. D.] Confectio Japonica. Catechu ~iv, kino liv, cinnamon ~j, nutmeg 5j [5ij, D.] opium 3jss; diffuse the opium in a little sherry, powder the rest finely, and mix the whole with syrup of red roses, [of ginger, D.] (boiled to the consistence of honey) Ojss, [tbijss D.] ELECTUARIUM CEPHALICU3I. E. H. Valerian ^j, misletoe of the oak.j, syrup q. s. ELECTUARIUM CINCHON CE COMPOSITUM. COPLAND. Yellow bark.j, confection of roses ass, diluted sulphuric acid 5j, syrup of ginger jss. Dose, 3j or 3ij, 3 or 4 times a day. QUARIN'S Electuary consists of powdered red bark ~j, gentian 3j, ammoniated iron jj, oxymel of squills, and syrup of five roots (species diureticae) q. s. P. Gray bark 3xviij, muriate of ammonia 3j, honey ~ij, syrup of wormwood jij. ELECTUARIUM COPAIB2E. CASPAR. Blanched almonds 3vj, marsh-mallow powder 3j, catechu 3ss, balsam of copaiva, 3iij. ELECTUARIUM CUBEBE ET COPAIB2E. BOIUCHARDAT. Copaiva'j, cubebs in fine powder gjss, oil of peppermint 8 drops, spirit of nitric sether 15 drops, powdered sugar q. s.; to form a paste. To be taken in 4 days, wrapped in wafer paper. ELECTUARIUM DENTIFRICIUM. P. Prepared coral 5iv, sepiabone 5j, bitartrate of potash 5ij, cochineal 5j, alum 3ss, Narbonne honey 5x. Mix, and add any suitable essential oil. ELECTUARIUM DEOBSTRUENS. COPLAND. Bitartrate of potash lj, borax 3iij, precipitated sulphur 3vj, confection of senna ~jss, syrup of ginger 3vj, syrup of poppies 3ij. Mix. Dose, 3j every night. ELECTUARIUM DOLICHOS. See Elect. Mucune. ELECTUARIUM FEBRIFUGUM. E. H. Peruvian bark gj, muriate of ammonia 3j, syrup of lemons q. s. See also Elect. Cinchonse Comp. P. ELECTUARIUM FERRI SUBCARBONATIS. COPLAND. Subcarbo 94 THE POCKET FORMULARY. nate of iron 3ss, syrup of ginger ass, conserve of orange peel 5ij; mix. Dose, the size of a nutmeg, twice or thrice a day. Mid. H. Sesquioxide of iron -j, treacle ~j, boiling water f 3ij. See also Confectio Ferri. EIECTUARIUM GUAIACI CoMPosITUM. MID. H. Guaiacum resin 3ij, rhubarb 3j, sulphur 3ij, nitre 3ij, syrup of poppies q. s. Mix. Dose, 3ss to 3j. ELECTUARIIUM KERMETIS MINERALIS. M1armelade de Zanetti. Manna 5ij, syrup of marsh-mallow jjss, pulp of cassia ~j, oil of almonds 3j, butter of cacao 3ij, orange-flower water f3iv, Kermes mineral gr. iv. Mix. ELECTUARIUM HBMMORRHOIDA.E. U. C. H. Manna ~ij, sulphate of potash, nitre, precipitated sulphur, each 3ij, syrup q. s. E. H. Confection of senna 5ij, sulphur 3ss. Dr. COPLAND. Nitrate of potash 5ij, confection of senna 5jss, syrup of ginger gjss, elder rob gj. Mix. Dr. GRAVES. Confection of senna.j, sulphur gj, jalap 5j, balsam of copaiva 3ss, ginger 3SS, bitartrate of potash sss, syrup q. s. ELECTUARIUM LENITIVUM. See Confectio Sennse. ELEOTUARIUM MUCUNJE. CHAMBERLAIN'S. Dip the dolichos pods in treacle, and scrape off the hairs, repeating fresh pods till it becomes sufficiently thick. GuY's H. Dolichos hairs ~ss, treacle q. s. to form a soft electuary. Dose, a dessertspoonful every morning. ELECTUARIUM NIGRUM. TROUSSEAU'S Black Tonic. Perchloride of iron 3iv, tannin 5j, confection of roses 5ij, syrup of orange peel 5j. Mix. ELECTUARIUM OLIBANI. CH. Olibanum 3ss, balsam copaiva 5ss, conserve of hips ij, syrup q. s. Dose, 3ij twice a day, for gleets, &c. ELEOTUARIUM OPII. E. Aromatic powder gvj, senega 5iij, opium diffused in a little sherry Iss, syrup of ginger fbj. Mix. See Confectio Opii. ELECTUARIUM PHYLLANTHI. Dr. ROXBURGH states that the leaves, fruit and flowers of phy. simplex, with their weight of sugar, form an electuary used by the natives of India for the cure of gonorrhoea. Dose, 3j. ELEOTUARIUM PIGMENTI INDICI. Indigo ass, water q. s. Rub together to form a smooth paste, and add aromatic powder 3ss, syrup j. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 95 ELECTUARIUM PECTORALE. E. 1744. Conserve of roses gij, compound powder of tragacanth ~ss, flowers of benzoin 3j, syrup of balsam of Tolu q. s. ELECTUARIUM POTASSB NITRATIS. GuY's H. Nitre 3jss, confection of roses 5j. ELECTUARIUM PRUNORUM. ZWELFER. Pulp of prunes, boiled to a due consistence, Ibij; pure sugar tbj. ELECTUARIUM SCILL]E COMPOSITUM. GUY's H. Oxymel of squills f ~ij, bitartrate of potash ~iij. Dose, f 3ij. ELECTUARIUM E SCORDIO. Diascorcliumn. Replaced by Electuarium Catechu. ELECTUARIUM SENNaE. D. Senna giv, pulp of prunes lbj, pulp of tamarinds 5ij, molasses f gxxiv, oil of caraway 3ij. Mix, s. a. See Confectio Sennme for L. & E. A cheaper form for hospital use is thus prepared. MID. H. Powdered senna, coriander, jalap, bitartrate of potash, ginger, liquorice root, of each 3ij; treacle ~xlviij. Dose, 3j to 3ij. ELECTUARIUM SENNB COMPOSITUM. U. C. H. Senna 3iv, supertartrate of potash 3iv, jalap 3ij, syrup of ginger f gjss. ELECTUARIUM SINAPIS. GUY'S H. Mustard seed lightly bruised 5j, sulphur 3ij, syrup of orange peel f j. Dose, 3j 3 or 4 times a day. ELECTUARIUM STANNI ET FERRI. Dr. CHESTON. Pure tin filings or powder ~iv, carbonate of iron jj, conserve of wormwood 5iij. ELECTUARIUM SULPHURIS COMPOSITUM. GUY's H. Sulphur ~j, bitartrate of potash 5ss, treacle ~iij. Mix. MID H. Sulphur ass, cream of tartar 5ss, electuary of senna ~ij, treacle q. s. ELECTUARIUM TEREBINTHINAM. St. B. H. Common turpentine gj, honey 5ij. Mix. ELECTUARIUM OLEI TEREBINTHINE. Dr. COPLAND. Oil of turpentine 5j, clarified honey 5ij, liquorice powder q. s. to form an electuary. ELECTUARIUM VERMIFUGUM. BRESMER. Worm-seed ~ss, tansy seed ~ss, valerian 3ij, jalap 3jss, sulphate of potash with sulphur 3jss, oxymel of squills q. s. See also Electuarium Stanni. For other Electuaries see Confectio, Conserva, and Linctus. ELIXIR. This name is applied to certain compound tinctures, and other solutions of the active principles of drugs. 96 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ELIXIR ACIDUM HALLERI. Equal weights of sulphuric acid and rectified spirit, very gradually mixed. It is stronger than Eau de Rabel. See Acidum Sulphuricum Alcoholisatum. DIPPEL'S Acid Elixir consists of 1 part of sulphuric acid, 5 of spirit, and 2 of kermes and saffron. VOGLER'S, of equal weights of sulphuric acid and nitrous zether. ELIXIR ALOES COMPOSITUM. COPLAND. Acetate of potash, aloes, inspissated ox-gall, myrrh, each 2 parts, saffron 1 part, brandy 24 parts. Macerate, and strain. ELIXIR ANTICATARRHALE. HUFELAND. Extract of blessed thistle 3j, extract of dulcamara 3j, fennel water ~j, cherrylaurel water 3j. Mix. Dose, 3j 4 times a day. ELIXIR ANTISCROFULOSUM. P. Tinctura Gentianse Ammoniata. ELIXIR ANTIVENEREUM. QUINCY. Jesuit's Drops. Copaivi lj, guaiacum 3ij, oil of sassafras 5j, subcarbonate of potash 3ss, rectified spirit f 5v. Digest 3 days. ELIXIR DICTUM de Garus. P. Aloes.j, myrrh ~ss, saffron.j, cinnamon 5ss, cloves ~ss, nutmeg ass, proof spirit Oxij, orange-flower water f xvj. Macerate for 2 days, and distil Ovj; add syrup of capillaire Ovijss, and colour with a little saffron. ELIXIR LONGA VITAE. Tinctura Rhei et Aloes. ELIXIR MYRRHM. Tinctura Sabiner Composita. ELIXIR PAREGORICUM. Tinctura Camphorse Compcsita. ELIXIR PAREGORICUM SCOTICUM. T. Opii Ammoniata. ELIXIR PECTORALE. E. 1745. Balsam of Tolu.ij, benzoin 3jss, saffron 3 ss, rectified spirit f 3 xxxij. Digest in a sand heat for 4 days, and strain. ELIXIR POLYCHRESTON. E. 1745. Guaiacum 3vj, balsam of Peru ss, rectified spirit f xxxij. Digest in a sand heat for 4 days, strain, and add oil of sassafras 3ij. ELIXIR PROPRIETATIS. Tinctura Aloes Composita. ELIXIR SACRUM. Tinctura Rhei et Aloes. ELIXIR SALUTIS. Tinctura Senn6e Composita. ELIXIR STOMACHICUM. Tinctura Gentianw Composita. ELIXIR VISCERALE HOFFMANNI. Vinum Centauri. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 97 ELIXIR VITRIOLI ACIDUM. Acidum Suilhuricum Aromaticum. ELIXIR VITRIOLI DULCE. Spiritus Etheris Aromaticus. For other Elixirs,. see Tincturse. EMBROCATIONES. Embrocations do not differ materially from Lotions. See Lotio. EMBROCATIO ACONITINA. Dr. TURNBULL. Aconitina gr. viij, rectified spirit f ij. EMBROCATIO ALUMINIS. CH. Alum 3ij, vinegar f ~viij, weak spirit f. viij. For chilblains, &c. EMBROCATIO AMMONIA ACETATIS. Embrocatio Communis. GUY's HI. Sesquicarbonate of ammonia ~iv, vinegar Ov, or q. s. to saturate. Mix, and add proof spirit Oijss. EMBROCATIO AMMONIE ACETATIS CUM SAPONE. Equal parts of solution of acetate of ammonia, and soap liniment. EMBROCATIO CONTRA ALOPECIAM. E. WILSON. Eau de Cologne f ij, tincture of cantharides f ij, oil of rosemary Nrx, oil of lavender w x. To promote the growth of the hair. EMBROCATIO CANTHARIDIS. Dr. STRUVE, in Pertussis. Tartarized antimony 3j, water f.ij, tincture of cantharides f ss. To be rubbed over the region of the stomach, covering the part afterwards with flannel. EMBROCATIO CANTHARIDIS CUM CAMPHORA. Ci. Equal parts of tincture of cantharides and spirit of camphor. EMBROCATIO DELPHINI^I. Dr. TURNBULL. Delphinia 9j, rectified spirit f ij. EMBROCATIO QUINS. Dr. GUSTAMACCHIA. Disulphate of quinine gr. viij to xij, rectified spirit.j. Rubbed over the spine, in intermittents. EMBROCATIO VERATRIMA. Dr. TURNBULL. Veratria 9j to 3j, rectified spirit 3ij. For other Embrocations see Lotio and Linimentum. EMETINA MEDICINALIS. P. Prepare an extract of ipecacuanha with spirit at 0-824; dissolve it in 4 parts of cold water, filter, evaporate to the consistence of syrup, spread it thinly with a brush on plates, and let it dry in a stove. EMETINA PURA. P. Dissolve one part of alcoholic extract of ipecacuanha in 10 of cold water, filter, add 1 part of calcined 9 98 THE POCKET FORMULARY. magnesia, evaporate to dryness with a gentle heat; wash the product on a filter with 4 or 5 parts of very cold water, dry it again and treat it with boiling alcohol. Evaporate the filtered tincture, redissolve the residue in a little water acidulated with sulphuric acid, decolorize with animal charcoal, filter, precipitate with ammonia, and dry the precipitate with a gentle heat. For the mode of administering Emetine, see Mistura Emetinse, and Syrupus Emetinae. EMPLASTRA. Plasters should be of such a consistence as to retain their form at the temperature of the body; merely becoming soft and adhesive without melting. The resins, gum-resins, &c., should be previously strained; and in melting them, no greater heat should be employed than is necessary. EMPLASTRUM ADIIHRENS. See Emp. Saponis GYompositum. EMPLASTRUM ADHIESIVUM. See Emp. Resine, and Elmp. Saponis Comp. D. Mr. BAYNTON'S adhesive plaster, for bad legs, consisted of 5vj of resin, with lbj of lead plaster, spread on calico. EMPLASTRUM ADHAESIVUM CALCAREUM. Soap of lime, 200 parts, boiled turpentine 100 parts, suet 25 parts. EMPLASTRUM ZERUGINIS. P. Corn Plaster. Yellow wax 5iv, Burgundy pitch ~ij, Venice turpentine yj; melt together, add prepared verdigris ~j, and stir till nearly cold. EMPLASTRUM AMMONIE. Dr. KIRKLAND'S Volatile Plaster. Scraped soap 3ij, lead plaster ass; melt together, and when nearly cold, add finely powdered sal ammoniac 3ss. It should be renewed every 24 hours. EMPLASTRUM AMMONIACI. L. Strained ammoniacum Xv, distilled vinegar f viij [ix E.]; dissolve and evaporate to a due consistence, stirring constantly. D. Ammoniacum rv, vinegar of squills f 5viij. EMPLASTRUmI AMMONIACI CUM CICUTA. E. 1744. Ammoniacum 5viij, vinegar of squills q. s., juice of hemlock ~iv. Boil to a plaster. CH. Strained ammoniacum ~iij, extract of hemlock 3ij; melt, and add liquid diacetate of lead 5j. EMPLASTRUM AMMONIACI CUM HYDRARGYRO. L. Triturate quicksilver iiij with sulphurated oil f j, till the globules of quicksilver are no longer visible, and mix them with strained ammoniacum, melted with a gentle heat, Tbj. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 99 EMPLASTRUM AMMONIACI CUM SCILLA. Guy's H. Strained ammoniacum 3vij, vinegar of squills f3ij. Mix, and' spread immediately on leather. EMPLASTRUM SANCTI ANDREA A CRUCE. P. Emp. Glutiinans. P. White pitch ~viij, elemi ~ij, Venice turpentine jj, oil of bays, jj. Melt, and strain through linen. EMPLASTRUM ANODYNUM. Emplastrum Opii. EMPLASTRUJM ANTIMONII TARTARIZATI. U. C. H. Sprinkle finely powdered tartar emetic lightly on the surface of a compound pitch plaster. EMPLASTRUM ANTICANCROSUM. RIGHTER. Extract of hemlock.j, extract of henbane 3iv, powdered belladonna 3j, acetate of ammonia q. s. EMPLASTRUM ANTIHYSTERICUM. See Emplastrum Assafoetidme. EMPLASTRUM AROMATICUM. D. Strained resin of spruce fir, (Thus) ~iij, yellow wax ~ss; melt together, and when nearly cool, add powdered cinnamon 3vj, oil of pimento 3ij, oil of lemon 3ij. EMPLASTRUM ASSAECTIDAi. E. Lead plaster 3ij, assafoetida.ij, galbanum jj, yellow wax sj. Melt and mix. EMPLASTRUM ATTRAIHENS. See Emplastrum Cerae. EMPLASTRUM BELLADONNAE. L. & E. Resin plaster liij, extract of belladonna.jss; add the extract to the plaster, previously melted with a gentle heat, and agitate briskly. D. directs Emnp. Saponis 5ij, ext. of belladonna lj. EMPLASTRUM BRYONIE. BOERHAAVE. Strained galbanum Siv, wax plaster Hix, olive oil 3j; melt together, and add powdered briony root Fij, flowers of sulphur 3j, tEthiop's mineral 3ij; stir till cold. EMPLASTRUM CALEFACIENS. D. Blistering plaster 1 part, Burgundy pitch 7 parts. Melt together with a moderate heat, and mix. [Dr. Thomson truly observes that the quantity of blistering plaster is too great.] EMPLASTRUM CAMPHORATUM. Camphor is best applied by sprinkling the powder on the warm surface of a spread adhesive, or other plaster. Blisters are treated in this way to prevent strangury. EMPLASTRUM CANTHARIDIS. L. Blistering Plaster. Wax plas 100 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ter fljss, lard tbss; melt together, and when they begin to cool, sprinkle in powdered cantharides lbj, and mix. [Or, lard 61, yellow wax 7', prepared suet 7~, resin 21. Melt together, strain if necessary, and stir in powdered flies 12 parts. Keep the ointment melted by a water-bath for some hours; then stir till cool.] E. directs equal weights of cantharides (in fine powder), resin, beeswax, and suet. D. Cantharides in fine powder, tbj, wax Tbj, resin Siv, suet flss, lard lbss. EMPLASTRUM OLEI.CANTHARIDIS. Mr. J. SMITH. Digest the powdered flies for 14 days with twice their weight of olive oil, and to hiv of the strained oil add wax giijss, resin ass. EMPLASTRUM CANTHARIDIDIS ILUTUM. Dr. PEREIRA. Blistering plaster 1 part, soap cerate 3 parts. For Children. EMPLASTRUM CANTHARIDIS COMPOSITUM. E. Venice turpentine 18 parts, Burgundy pitch 12, powdered cantharides 12, wax 4, verdigris 2, flour of mustard 1, black pepper 1. Melt the pitch and wax, add the turpentine, sprinkle into the mixture the powders, and stir till cool. EMPLASTRUM CEPHALICUM. See Emp. Ladani Compositum. EMPLASTRUM CERE. L. Emp. Attrahens. Yellow wax fbiij, suet fliij, resin -bj; melt together and strain. EMPLASTRUM CERATI SAPONIS. Soap cerate rendered hard by boiling, till the whole of the vinegar is expelled; or by the addition of a portion of lead plaster; or by varying the proportion of the ingredients. EMPLASTRUM CERONEUM.. P. Burgundy pitch gxij, black pitch ~iij, yellow wax 5iij 3vj, suet 3x, bole 5iij 3ij, myrrh 3v, olibanum 3v, finely powdered red lead 3v. EMPLASTRUM CERUSSE. P. Carbonate of lead 5xvj, olive'oil 3xxxij; mix them thoroughly in a large basin, add Ojss of water, and boil till they combine. Make it into rolls as Emp. Plumbi. Remelt it and add ~iij of white wax. EMPLASTRUM GICUTTE. See Empl. Ammoniaci cum Cicuta, and Emp. Conii. EMPLASTRUM COMMUNE. Diachylon. See Emplastrum Plumbi. EMPLASTRUM CONII. SWED. PH. Wax Ibss, olive oil 5iv, ammoniacum rss; mnelt, and add powdered hemlock lbss. BAT. P. Lead plaster lbj, yellow wax lbj, olive oil ~vj, powdered hemlock lbj. See also Emp. Ammoniaci cum Cicuta. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 101 EMPLIASTRUM CROTONIS. M. BOUCHARDAT. Melt 4 parts of lead plaster, and when nearly cold, mix with it I part of croton oil. EMPLASTRUM CUMINI. L. 1788. Cumin seed, caraway, bayberries, of each iiij, Burgundy pitch Ibiij, yellow wax ~iij; melt the pitch with the wax, and add the powdered seeds. EMPLASTRUM DIACHYLON. See Emplastrum Plumbi. EMPLASTRUM DIAPALMA. P. Lead plaster 32 parts, yellow wax 2; melt together, and add sulphate of zinc 1, dissolved in a little water, and keep the mixture over a slow fire, constantly stirring, till the water is evaporated. E. 1744. Litharge lbiij, olive oil lbiij, lard lbij. EMPLASTRUM DIASULPHURIS RULANDI. Balsam of sulphur ~iij, yellow wax ass, resin 3iij; melt together. EMPLASTRUM EPHIORBII. GUY's H. Burgundy pitch plaster.iv, powdered euphorbium 3ss; melt together, and mix. EMPLASTRUM FERRI. E. Litharge plaster ~iij, resin 3vj, olive oil 3iijss, bees-wax 3iij, red oxide of iron ~j. Rub the oxide with the oil, and add to the rest, melted together. EMPLASTRUM FLOS UNGUENTORUM" DICTUM. L. 1720. Resin lbss, frankincense Ibss, wax tlss, suet Tbss, olibanum Siv, common turpentine ~ijss, myrrh 3j, camphor 3ij, white wine f Sviij. Boil together to form a plaster. EMPLASTRUM FUSCUM. P. Olive oil Tbij, lard Tbj, butter ibj, suet ibj, wax sbj; heat together in a copper pan till they begin to smoke; add gradually finely powdered litharge tbj, stir constantly till the mixture assumes a deep brown colour, and add black pitch melted and strained lbi. EMPLASTRUM GALBANI. L. Diachylon with the Gums. Galbanum ~viij, common turpentine 3x; melt together, and add powdered resin of spruce fir ~iij, and lastly, add plaster (melted with a gentle heat) Ibiij. D. Litharge plaster lbij, galbanum flss, wax iv. EMPLASTRUM GLUTINANS. Empldtre d'Andre de la Croix. P. White pitch ~ viij, elemi ~ij, Venice turpentine ~j, oil of bays 5j. Melt and strain. EMPLASTRUM GUMMOSUM. E. Litharge plaster ~iv, ammoniacum, galbanum, bees-wax, of each 3ss. Melt and mix. EMPLASTRUM HYDRARGYRI. L. Quicksilver ~iij, sulphurated 9-* 102 THE POCKET FORMULARY. oil f3j; triturate till the globules disappear, add gradually Ibj of melted lead plaster, and mix. E. Mercury ~iij, olive oil f3ix, resin 3j, litharge plaster ~vj. EMPLASTRUM HYOSCIAMI. SWED. PH. As Emplastrum Conii. EMPLASTRUM ICTHYOCOLLE. Court Plaster is made by repeatedly brushing over stretched sarcenet with a solution of I part of isinglass in 8 of water mixed with 8 parts of proof spirit, and finishing with a coat of tincture of benzoin, or of balsam of Peru. The transparent isinglass plaster is made by brushing over oiled silk with a similar solution. An improved method of making Mr. Liston's plaster is by brushing over one surface of the peritoneal membrane of the cecum of the ox, (prepared in the same manner as gold-beater's skin,) with solution of isinglass, and the other with drying oil. EMPLASTRUM IODINII. Lead plaster 3vj, resin plaster 3ij; melt together, and add iodine 3j rubbed with olive oil 3ss. RODERBURG prescribes 3ss of iodine (or 3j of iodide of potassium), rubbed with a few drops of spirit and olive oil, and incorporated with.j of simple plaster previously melted. EMPLASTRUMr IODINII COMPOSITUM. St. GEO. H. Iodine 3ij, iodide of potassium 3iij, lead plaster lbj, opium plaster 5ij. Melt the plasters, and add the iodine and iodide in a fine powder, and mix. EMPLASTRUM IODINII CUM BELLADONNA. Iodine ~ss to 5ij, Venice turpentine 3ij, olive oil 3j, belladonna plaster bj; mix, and spread with a cool iron. In these plasters an iodide of lead is formed. EMPLASTRUM LADANI COMPOSITUM. L. 1788. Ladanum giij, frankincense gj; melt, and add powdered cinnamon ~ss, expressed oil of mace (nutmegs) hss, oil of mint 3j. Mix. EMPLASTRUM LITHARGYRI. Litharge, or Lead Plaster. The D. and E. name for Emplastrum Plumbi. EMPLASTRUM LITHARGYRI BURGUNDICUM. CHESELDEN'S Sticking plaster. Lead plaster flj, Burgundy pitch ass. Melt and mix. EMPLASTRUM LITHARGYRI CUM GUMIII. Empl. Galbani. EMPLASTRUM LITHARGYRI CUM HYDRARGYRO. See Empl. Hydrargyri. EMPLASTRUM LITTARGYRI CUM IRESINA. ). Empl. Resinse. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 103 EMPLASTRUM LYTTME. Empi21. Cantharidis. EMPLASTRUM MELILOTI. E. 1744. Fresh melilot bruised lbvj, suet 1biij; boil till the herb is almost crisp, strain with pressure, and add white resin RIviij, yellow wax Thiv. Boil to make a plaster. EMPLASTRUM E MINIO. L. 1746. Olive oil lbiv, finely powdered red lead Ibijss. As Empl. Plumbi; but requires more water and greater care to preserve the colour. When discoloured by heat, it forms Emp. de linio fuscum. With a fifth part of soap, it forms Emp. e Minio cumi Sapone, E. 1744. EMPLASTRUM E MUCILAGINIBUS. L. 1746. Yellow wax 40 parts, oil of mucilages 8, ammoniacum 6, common turpentine 2. To the ammoniacum melted with the turpentine, add the wax melted with the oil, and mix. EMPLASTRIM NIGRUJM. Mr. SHARP's black plaster was formed by boiling together olive oil ~xiij, wax ~ijss, carbonate of lead.x. EMPLASTRUM OPII. L. Lead plaster Ibj, melt, and add powdered opium ass, powdered resin of spruce fir 5iij, water f ~viij; boil to a proper consistence. E. & D. Burgundy pitch ~iij, litharge plaster 5xij; melt, and add powder of opium iss. G-UY's H. Spread wax plaster, and cover the surface with extract of opium, softened with water. EMPLASTRUiM OPII ET CAMPHORa. Dr. PARIS. Opium and camphor, each 3ss, lead plaster, q. s. Mix. EMPLASTRUM OXYCROCEUM. E. 1744. Wax Tbj, black pitch lbss, galbanum tbss; melt, and add Venice turpentine, myrrh, olibanum, of each 5iij, powdered saffron ~ij; mix. The saffron is often omitted. EMPLASTRUJM PARACELSI. Olive oil Avj, wax 5jss, litharge ~ivss, ammoniacum r ss, bdellium ss, galbanum 5vj, opoponax, oil of bays, calamine, both the birthworts, myrrh, frankincense, of each 3ij, turpentine gj. Mix into a plaster s. a. EMPLASTRUM PICIS. [Compositum, 1824.] L. Burgundy pitch tbij, resin of spruce fir ibj, resin ~iv, wax liv, expressed oil of nutmegs ~j, olive oil f ~ij, water f ~ij. Melt together the pitch, resin, and wax, add the rest, and boil to a proper consistence. EMPLASTRUM PICIS [ABIETINNE ET NIGREM.] GUY's H. Burgundy pitch [or black pitch] ~vj, wax 3ss, common turpentine 3j. Melt, and mix. 104 THE POCKET FORMULARY. EMPLASTRUIM PLUMBI. L. (Empl. Lithargyri D. and E.) Lead or Litharge plaster; common plaster, or Diachlylon. Powdered litharge lbvj, olive oil Cj, water Oij. Boil together over a slow fire, constantly stirring, till they unite; adding a little boiling water, if the water first used should be nearly evaporated. When sufficiently cooled, the plaster must be worked in the hands, to separate any uncombined water, and formed into rolls. E. and D. nearly the same. EMPLASTRUM QUINM. VOISIN. Sulphate of quinine 5ij, mercurial plaster 5iv. In enlargement of the spleen, after intermittent fevers. EMPLASTRUM RESINE. L. Resin tbss, lead plaster biij; to the melted plaster, add the powdered resin, and mix. E. ~j of resin to ~v of lead plaster; D. Tbss to fiiijss. See Empl. Adhmesivum. EMPLASTRUM RESINS CUM CANTHARIDE. GUY'S IH. Resin plaster 5vj, cantharides plaster 5j; liquefy, and mix. EMPLASTRUM RESOLVENS. Empl. ex mnixtis quatuor. P. Equal parts of hemlock plaster, galbanum plaster, mercurial plaster, and soap plaster. Melt, and mix by stirring. EMPLASTRUM ROBORANS. See Empl. Thuris, and Empl. Ferri. EMPLASTRUM SAPONIS. L. and D. Soap cut small lbss, lead plaster 1biij; melt the plaster, add the soap, and boil to a proper consistence. E. Lead plaster liv, galbanum plaster 3ij, Castile soap in shavings 5j. EMPLASTRUM SAPONIS COMPOSITUM. D. Empni. Adhi rents. Soap plaster ~ij, resin plaster 5iij. Melt, and mix. [St. B. H. Soap cerate 5j, lead plaster Mv. Melt, and mix.] EMPLASTRUM SCILLB COMPOSITUM. CIR. Galbanum ass, soap iss, litharge plaster 5ij; melt together, and add opium 3j, ammoniacum rss, vinegar of squills 5iij, mixed together; keep them over the fire, constantly stirred, till they are incorporated. EMPLASTRUM SIMPLEX. E. Wax Plaster. (Wax ~iij, suet ~ij, resin,ij.) But Empl. Simplex, P. is simple Lead Plaster. EMPLASTRUM STOIACHICUM. Emvplastru, Laclani, or Empl. Arontaticum,. D. EMPLASTRUM TIURIS. L. 1788. Frankincense tbss, dragon's blood ~iij, lead plaster tIij; melt the plaster, add the rest finely powdered, and mix. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 105 EMPLASTRUM VERMIFUGUM. RYAN. Aloes 3j, essential oil of chamomile i viij, common turpentine q. s. Applied over the belly. EMPLASTRUM VESICATORIUM. Emp. Meloes Vesicatorii. E. Former names of Empl. Cantharidis. EMPLASTRUM VIGONIS. P. Lead plaster 3xl, wax Xij, resin iij, ammoniacum, bdellium, olibanum, myrrh, each 3v, saffron 3iij, quicksilver 3xij, common turpentine 5ij, liquid styrax,vj, oil of lavender 3ij. Make a plaster. EMPLASTRUM ViSCI QUERCINI. HARDY. TO two parts of nelted bees-wax, add gradually one part of juice of true oak misletoe, and form a plaster. In neuralgic pains. EMULsIoNES. The Emulsions of the British Pharmacopoeias are now termed JMixtures (see Misturse). But the old names of Mistura Acacie, and Mistura Camphorse, of the new E. Pharmacopoeia, are here retained, to distinguish them from the very different preparations to which these names are applied by the London College. EMULsIo ACACIE. Mistiura Acaciw. E. 1839. Blanched almonds 3x, sugar 3v; beat them together with mucilage f ~iij; gradually add Oij of water, constantly stirring, and strain through linen or calico. EMuLsIO ARABICA. D. Powdered gum acacia 3ij, blanched almonds.ss, sugar gss, water f xvj. EMULSIO AMYGDALE. See Mistura Amygdale. EMULSIO AMYGDAIA CUM AMYGDALINA. WOERLER. Form lj of emulsion with 3ij of sweet almonds, and dissolve in it gr. xvij of amygdaline. It is intended as a substitute for Aqua Ansygdalw Amarw. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. EMULSIO BALSAMI PERUVIANI. Balsam of Peru 3iv, oil of almonds 3vj, powdered gum arabic ~j; triturate, and add rose water giv. Dose, Iss. EMULSIO CAMPHORAE. Mistura Camphors. E. 1839. Camphor 9j, pure sugar Xss; rub together, and add blanched almonds.iss; beat the whole into a smooth pulp, and gradually add water Oj, constantly stirring; then strain. EMULSIO CANNABIS. P. Hemp-seed ~j, sugar ~j, water Ibij. Form, an Emulsion. EMULSIO CANNABIS INDICTE. Mr. BROMFIELD. Rub 3j of ex 106 THE POCKET FORMULARY. tract of Indian hemp in a warm mortar, with f 3j of olive oil; then add gradually, still triturating the mixture, f 3iv mucilage of acacia, and f5vijss of distilled water. EMULSIO CERA. GUIBOURT. White wax ~j, powdered gum acacia gjss, water Sxxiv, syrup giv. Mix the syrup and water, put 5iij with the wax in a mortar, heat to melt the wax, add the gum, and triturate briskly with a warm pestle, gradually adding the rest of the liquid, and stirring constantly while it cools. EMULSIO CETACEI. Spermaceti 3ij, yolk of one egg, or q. s.; beat together, and gradually add water f 5vijss, syrup of Tolu f 5ss, spirit of nutmeg 3ij. EMULSIO COPAIBA. Copaiva.ij, syrup 5j, mucilage 5j, water 5xij. Triturate the balsam with the mucilage and syrup, and gradually add the water. EMULSIO CUBEB.M. DUBLANC. Essence of cubebs 5iv, mucilage ~iv. Mix. Dose, 3j, three or four times a day. [Mr. PROCTER (of America) directs 3ij of his oleo-resinous extract of cubebs to be formed into an emulsion with;ss of p. acacia, 3j of sugar, and f iijss of water. Dose, a tablespoonful.] EMruLSIO OLEOSA. BRANDE. Powdered gum 5ss, water f ss; mix, and add, gradually, oil of almonds f 3iij, rose water f ~jss, distilled water f 5iij, syrup f 3iij. EMULSIO APAAVERIS. Poppy seeds 3ij, water gviij. Make an emulsion, and strain. EMULSIO PURGANS CUM RESINA JALAPr. P. Jalap-resin gr. x, white sugar gj, orange-flower water 3ij, water 5iv. Triturate the resin with a little of the sugar, add gradually half the yolk of an egg, triturate for a long time, then add gradually the rest of the sugar and the water. EMULSIO PURGANS CUM OLEO RICINI. P. Castor oil 5j, yolk of an egg, peppermint water ~ss, water 5ij, syrup 5j. Mix the yolk with a little of the water, and add the oil, gradually rubbing them briskly in the mortar, then add very gradually the rest of the water and the syrup. EMULSIO PURGANS CUM SCAMMONIO. P. Aleppo scammony 9ss, milk 5iv, sugar 5ss, cherry-laurel water 3ij. The large proportion of cherry-laurel water in this mixture renders it unsafe to give a full dose. PLANCHE directs, scammony gr. vij, sugar 3ij; triturate, and add gradually, new milk 5iij, cherry THE POCKET FORMULARY. 107 laurel water 3 or 4 drops, for one dose. See also Mistura Scammonii. E. EMULSIO SEMINUM FRIGIDORUM. The 4 cold seeds 3j, sugar 3j, cold water ~xxxij. EMuLSIO SIMPLEX. P. Blanched almonds ~j, sugar ij, cold water xxxij. EMULSIO VERMIFUGA. SAUNDERS. Peach kernels 3ij, bitter almonds 3ij, scammony Dss, wormwood water giij. Other emulsions will be found among the Mixtures [Misturae]. ENEMA ACETI. BRANDE. Vinegar f ~ij, infusion of chamomile f v. ENEMA ALOES. L. Aloes Bij, carbonate of potash gr. xv, decoction of barley Oss. Mix. ENEMA AMYLI. F. H. Decoction of starch v, linseed oil gj. ENEMA ANODYNUM. See Enema Opii, and En. Papaveris. ENEMA ARGENTI NITRATIS. BOUDIN. Nitrate of silver, gr. j to iij, distilled water f rv. ENEMA ASSAFCETIDM. St. B. H. AssafOetida 3ij, yolk of egg q. s., decoction of barley Oss. ENEMA ASTRINGENS. F. I. Extract of rhatany, softened with spirit, 5jss, water liv. The decoction of galls, bistort, pomegranate, &c., are also used. ENEMA BELLADONNE. RATIER. Belladonna 3ss, boiling water f vj. Infuse. ENEMA CARMINATIVUM. BUCHAN. Chamomiles 3j, aniseeds 5ss, water Ojss; boil to Oj. ENEMA CATHARTICUM. E. Senna ~ss, boiling water f xvj. Infuse, strain, add sulphate of magnesia 5ss, sugar 5j, olive oil,j. D. Manna ~j, comp. decoction of chamomile f x, olive oil ~j, sulphate of magnesia 3ss. ENEMA CEVADILLM. SOUBEIRAN. Cevadilla 3ij, water ~x; boil to 3vij, strain, and add milk 3viij. To destroy Ascarices. ENEMA CHLORIDI CALCIS. Dr. REID. Add gr. x of chloride of lime to a common enema. ENEMA CINCHONAE. As Decoctum Cinchona. ENEMA COLOCYNTHIDIS. L. Compound extract of colocynth 3ij, soft soap ~j, water Oj. Mix. 108 THE POCKET FORMULARY. ENEMA COLOCYNTHIDIS COMPOSITUM. GUY'S H. Colocynth pulp 3j, water f xij. Boil and strain, then add common salt ~ss, syrup of buckthorn f ass. MID. H. Comp. extract of colocynth 3jss, boiling water Oj. ENEMA COMMUNE. GUY'S H. Warm gruel f ~xij, salt 5j. Mix. U. C. H. Gruel ~viij, salt jj, linseed oil f ij. Mix. ENEMA COPAIBA. Copaiva 3iij, yolk of 2 eggs, gruel or warm water Ojss. For 4 or 6 injections. ENEMA CREASOTI. Dr. WILMOT. Creasote 3j, decoction of starch 3xij. In epidemic cdysentery. ENEMA CROTONIS. SUNDELIN. Croton oil 2 to 4 drops, linseed oil ij, gruel iv. ENEMA CUBEBE F.F. H. Decoction of mallow ivj, powdered cubebs 3vj. ENEMA DOMESTICUM. E. II. Milk Oss, sugar jj, olive oil 5j. See also Enema Commune. ENEMA EMOLLIENS. Decoction of linseed, starch, or oatmeal, Oj, linseed or olive oil ~j. Or Decoction of Emollient herbs, (species Emollientes,) P. ENEMA ERGOTSE. BOUDIN. Infuse 3j of ergot in ~viij of hot water, and strain. ENEMA FELLIS. Dr. CLAY. To soften indurated feces. Fresh ox-gall f ~ij, warm water f iv. Dr. ALLNATT prescribes oxgall ~ ij, thin gruel f viij. ENEMA FERRI TARTARIZATI. GER. H. Infusion of yarrow 3xij, potassio-tartrate of iron 3jss, honey of roses 5j. ENEMA FILICIS. FR. H. Male fern root 3j, water lbj; boil, and strain. ENEMA F(ETIDUM. E. To Enema Catharticum add tincture of assafotida f 3ij. See also Enema Assafoetidse. ENEMA FULIGINIS. As Decoctum Fuliginis. ENEMA GALILM ET OPII. Dr. RYAN. Decoction of galls 5viij, tincture of opium 3ss. ENEMA IPECACUANHI.. U.C. H. Ipecac root bruised 3j, boiling water f viij. Macerate for an hour and strain. ENEMA LAXATIVUM vel PURGATIVUM. FR. H. Senna 3ij to THE POCKET FORMULARY. 109 3iv, decoction of linseed (or of emollient herbs) Oj. Infuse, strain, and add sulphate of soda 3ij to 3iv. ENEMA MORPHIE. BRERA. Morphia gr. jss, oil of almonds 5j; triturate, and add infusion or decoction of linseed q. s. ENEMA NUTRIENS. Strong beef tea, thickened with arrowroot. ENEMA OLEI RICINI. GUY'S H. Castor oil f 5j, honey 5j; mix, and gradually add boiling gruel Oss. Use it tepid. ENEMA OLEOSA. MID. H. Olive oil f giv, decoction of barley f Xvj. ENEMA OPII. L. Decoction of starch f giv, tincture of opium f3ss. Mix. E. Starch 3ss, water f ij, tincture of opium f 5ss to f 3j. D. Opium gr. j, tepid water f gvj. ENEMA PAPAVERIS. Poppy-heads without seeds 3v (for children from 3j to 3iij), boiling water gxvj; infuse, and add starch.~ss. ENEMA QUINM. Sulphate of quinine gr. v to xv, decoction of starch f vj. ENEMA RHATANIE. TROUSSEAU. See Enema'Astringens. For fissures of the anus. ENEMA RUTEn. Confection of rue 3j to 3j, thin gruel f 5vj to f. viij. ENEMA SAPONIS. St. B. H. Soft soap 3vj, hot water Oj. ENEMA SODE CHLORINATJE. Labarraque's solution 24 drops, decoction of mallows f xvj. ENEMA SODII CHLORIDI. MID. H. Common salt.j, barley water Oss, olive oil jj. ENEMA TABACI. L. Tobacco leaves 5j, boiling water Oj. Macerate for an hour and strain. [Not more than a half or a third of this should be thrown up at once. Dr. PEREIRA.] E. Tobacco gr. xv to xxx, boiling water f 5viij. ENEMA TABACI ET CROTONIS. MOLL. Tobacco 5j, boiling water ~vj, croton oil 3 drops, gum acacia 3ij. In desperate cases of ileus. ENEMA TEREBINTHINxA. L. and E. Oil of turpentine f j, yolk of egg q. s., decoction of barley f ~xix. GUY's H. half the quantity. D. orders common turpentine ss, I yolk of egg, tepid water f x. ENEMA VERMIFUGUM. Several of the above are useful in dislodging ascarides; particularly Enema Aloes, Cevadille, Tere10 110 THE POCKET FORMULARY. binthine, Fuliginis, and those containing salt. Decoctions of wormwood, tansy, and wormseed are also used, and tincture of muriate of iron. Dr. NELIGAN recommends oil of turpentine f ss, syrup of garlic f j, barley water f vij. To be followed by a cathartic enema. For children, use half, or a fourth of the above. ENEMA VINOSUM. In suspended animation. Warm water f gvj, brandy ~ss to iiv, white wine ~vj. EPITHEMA ASTRINGENS. BRERA. Bole,j, p. rhatany 3j, rose vinegar q. s. to form a paste; to be placed on the forehead to stop bleeding at the nose. EPITHEMA LITHARGYRI. See Cremor Lithargyri. EPITHEMA ROS]. CH. Conserve of roses gij, alum ~ss. EPITHEMA TEREBINTHINME. Common turpentine 7j, honey and flour q. s. EPITHEMA VERMIFUGUM. IHOFFMANN. Wormwood and centaury, beaten up with aloes and colocynth, and applied over the belly. EPITHEMA VESICATORIUM. L. 1746. Cantharides in fine powder, and wheat flour, of each equal weights; make them into a paste with vinegar. ALIBERT directs rye and barley meal to be made into a paste with vinegar, and 3ss or Dij of finely powdered cantharides sprinkled over the surface. [Lately revived under the name of the magistral blister of M. Valleix.] EPITHEMA VOLATILE. L. 1746. Common turpentine Aj, water of ammonia 5j. Mix. Epithem is a general name for local applications. See Cataplasma, Embrocatio, &c. ERGOTINA. This name has been applied to different principles, or mixed products, obtained from ergot of rye. For BONJEAN'S Ergotine, see Extractum Ergotse Aquosum. ESSENTIE. -Essences. This name is applied to certain strong alcoholic tinctures, to some essential oils, to solutions of these in alcohol, and, with less propriety, to fluid extracts, or concentrated infusions and decoctions; some of which will be noticed elsewhere. [See Liquor.] ESSENTIA ABSINTHII. VAN MONS. Tincture of wormwood Oj, salt of wormwood 3v, extract of wormwood 3j. ESSENTIA AMARA. Tinctura Absinthii Composita. ESSENTIA AMYGDALI AMARAZ. Dr, PEREIRA. Essential oil of TIE POCKET FORMULARY. 111 bitter almonds f jj, rectified spirit f vij. A stronger preparation (f Sj to f liij, Professor Redwood) is also employed. ESSENTIA ANODYNA. GERM. H. Extract of opium ~j, spirit of cinnamon six. ESSENTIA ANTIHYSTERICA. P. Similar to Spiritus Ammonive Foetidus. ESSENTIA CAPSICI. See Tinctura Capsici Concentrata. ESSENTIA CEPHALICA. Dr. WARD'S Essence for t7e Headache. Spirit of camphor lbij, strong water of ammonia liv, essence of lemon ss. ESSENTIA CUBEB.^. DUBLANC. Oleo-resinous extract of cubebs,j, brandy Siij. Dose, 3j. A concentrated tincture of cubebs is sold under this name. See Tinct. Cubebie. ESSENTIA ERGOTS. See Ess. Secalis Cornuti. ESSENTIA LEVISTICI. WTURT. PH. Lovage root ~ij, lovage seeds j, rectified spirit ~x. Digest, express, and filter. Dose, 60 to 80 drops, in dropsical affections. ESSENTIA MENTHIE PIPERITiE. Tinctura JXenthw, p. U. S. Oil of peppermint f ~ij, rectified spirit f ~xvj. Dose, from 10 to 20 drops. Mr. Redwood directs I part of oil to 3 of spirit. A common form is I part to 7. It is sometimes coloured with spinage leaves. ESSENTIA MENTIHJ VIRIDIS, and Ess. Menthae Pulegii, may be made in the same way as the last. ESSENTIA REGALIS. SOUBEIRAN. Ambergris Bij, musk Dj, civet 9ss, oil of cinnamon gr. vj, oil of rhodium gr. iv, attar of rose gr. iv, subcarbonate of potash 3ss, rectified spirit ~iij. Digest and filter. ESSENTIA SAPONIS. P. White soap ~iij, subcarbonate of potash 3j, proof spirit ~xij. Macerate till dissolved, and filter. ESSENTIA SARSAPARILLE. GUIBOURT. Alcoholic extract of sarsaparilla jj, good white wine liij. Dissolve, and filter. One part of the essence represents 2 parts of the root, or 16 of the decoction. ESSENTIA SARSAPARILLE COMPOSITA. Compound extract of sarsaparilla ~ij, white wine 3xiv, oil of sassafras 2 or 3 drops. ESSENTIA SECALIS CORNUTI. Bruised ergot, j, boiling water 112 THE POCKET FORMULARY. f 5ij. Infuse 24 hours, and add rectified spirit f 5jss. Digest 10 days, and filter. [Lancet, 1827-8, p. 435.] ESSENTIA SECALIS CORNTJTI IETHEREA. Mr. LEVER. POWdered ergot 5iv, sulphuric sether f iv. Digest 7 days, strain, and let the tincture evaporate spontaneously. Dissolve the residue in f ij of atther. Dose < xv to xxx, on sugar. M. BONJEAN states that water is the proper solvent for the hnemostatic principle of ergot, and that rether takes up chiefly the poisonous narcotic principle. See Extractum Ergotoe. ESSENTIA ZINGIBERIS. Unbleached Jamaica ginger in coarse powder ~iv, rectified spirit f xvj. Prepare by digestion or percolation. There is no standard formula, but this is of about the usual strength. ETHER. See 2Ether. EXTRACTA. Extracts are made by evaporating the expressed juices of plants, or their decoctions, infusions, or tinctures, by a gentle heat. They are usually of a pilular consistence; but are sometimes prepared in a semi-fluid state (fluid extracts), and others in a dry state. In some instances, sether, wine, and vinegar are used as solvents of the vegetable principles. A few extracts are procured from animal substances. The juices or solutions are to be evaporated by the heat of a warm bath (L.) or vapour bath, (E. and D.,) and constantly stirred towards the end of the process. But " most of them may be obtained of a greatly superior quality by the process of evaporation in vacuo. And the extracts of expressed juices cannot, perhaps, be better prepared than by spontaneous evaporation in shallow vessels exposed to a current of air." E. "The softer extracts should be sprinkled with a little rectified spirit." L. Extracts of expressed juices (Succi Spissati) are made by bruising the fresh plants, after they have begun to flower, sprinkled with water, in a marble mortar, and expressing the juice. L. & D. direct the expressed juices to be evaporated as directed above, without being filtered or otherwise clarified. E. directs them to be filtered cold. P. directs them to be heated till the albumen coagulates, and the coagulum to be removed by straining; some of the extracts to be also made from the unclarified juice (Extracta curm Eeculd) evaporated in shallow dishes in a stove heated to 95~ or 104~ F. RIGHINI recommends a tincture of the green coagulum to be added to the defsecated juice. Watery Extracts (Extracta Aquosa. Ext. Simnpliciora. D.) THE POCKET FORMULARY. 113 are made by boiling the drug (after 12 hours' infusion, D.) with 8 (D.) or 10 times its weight of water, till reduced to onehalf; the decoction is then strained, allowed to settle, decanted, and evaporated as above. Some watery extracts are preferably made by maceration in hot or cold water; or by percolation, as directed under Extractum Kramerive, E. Spirituous Extracts (Extracta Alcoholica) are made from tinctures prepared with rectified or diluted spirit. They are usually more active than the corresponding watery extracts, and should therefore not be used except when specially directed. The spirit distilled from the tinctures should be reserved for future operations. MoHR describes another mode of preparing alcoholic extracts of great activity, which is noticed under Ext. Belladonnea Alcoholicum. EXTRACTUM ABSINTHII. D. From a decoction of wormwood tops, as directed above for watery extracts. [A better extract is obtained by spirit.] EXTRACTUM ACONITI. By evaporating the expressed juice of monkshood, without previous clarification (L. & D.), or after being clarified by heat (P.) E. directs the expressed juice to be mixed with a tincture prepared from the pressed residuum by percolation with rectified spirit; the mixture filtered, the spirit distilled off, and the residuum evaporated in a vapourbath. P. (Ext. Aconiti cumn ]Fecula) directs the juice to be strained through linen, and exposed in shallow dishes to the heat of a stove, at a temperature of 95~ to 104~ F. until it becomes dry. Dose, gr. ss-ij, gradually increased, if necessary. EXTRACTUM ACONITI AILCOHOLICUM. U. S. & P. Coarsely powdered aconite lbj, proof spirit Oiij, (tbiijss, P.) Moisten the powder with half its weight of the spirit, and in 24 hours lixiviate it, packed in an apparatus of displacement (between two diaphragms in a tin cylinder, P.) with the rest of the spirit. When all the spirit has penetrated the powder, keep this covered with distilled water till the liquid begins to cause a precipitate on falling into that which had previously passed. Distil off the spirit from the tinctures, and evaporate the extract to a proper consistence. [Dr. FLEMING directs it to be made by evaporating a tincture of the root. (See Tinctura Radicis Aconiti.) The dose is from one-sixth to one-third of a grain. Dr. TURNBULL'S is made in the same way. The addition of 10 drops of liquor ammonia to each 3j of the extract, forms his Ext. Aconiti Ammoniatum.] 10* 114 THE POCKET FORMULARY. EXTRACTUM AGARICI. P. Macerate white agaric with 4 parts of cold water 24 hours, express lightly, and macerate again with 3 parts of water, express strongly; mix, filter the liquor, and evaporate by a water-bath. EXTRACTUM AGRIMONII. As Ext. Absinthii. EXTRACTUM ALKAKENGI. As Extractum Bac. Sambuci. EXTRACTUM ALOES PURIFICATUM. L. Digest bruised aloes in 10 parts of water for 3 days, with a gentle heat strain, let it settle, decant and evaporate the clear liquid. [D. directs it to be made from hepatic aloes, according to the general directions for watery extracts.] EXTRACTUM ANEMONIS. P. From the juice of the pasque flower, or from the powder, by percolation with water or proof spirit. EXTRACTUM ANTHEMIDIS. L. 1824. From a decoction of chamomile flowers, as Ext. Gentianhe. EXTRACTJU ANGELIC^. PRUS. PH. Angelica root, 2 parts, rectified spirit 2 parts, water 9 parts; digest, strain; and evaporate. EXTRACTUM ARNICA. From the flowers, (P.) or the root, (BADEN PH.) as Ext. Aconiti Alcoholicum. EXTRACTUM ASPARAGI. The juice inspissated, as Ext. Aconiti cum Frecula. EXTRACTUM BALSAMIN]E. The inspissated juice of the balsam apple. Dose gr. v to xv. In dropsy. EXTRACTUM BARDANAE. From the expressed juice, or decoction, or infusion, or by percolation, as Ext. Kramerice. (P.) EXTRACTUM BELLADONNA. L. and D. By inspissating, by the heat of water-bath, the expressed juice of deadly nightshade, [after filtration, E.] P. directs it to be prepared both with and without fsecula; and also by percolation of the powdered.leaves with water. Dose from i gr., cautiously increased as required. Its strength is variable. [DEBREYNE makes it by boiling the flowering herb for half an hour in water q. s., and evaporating the strained decoction.] EXTRACTUM BELLADONNA ALCOHOLICUM. U. S. and P. As Ext. Aconiti Alcoholicum. Dose from i grain to 2 grains. [Another method is that of MOHR, or PELLETAN. The juice THE POCKET FORMULARY. 115 of the plant is coagulated by heat, strained, and rapidly evaporated by water bath to the consistence of syrup; an equal measure of absolute alcohol is added, and the clear portion of the liquid evaporated. This forms a quadrltple extract, chiefly employed in outward applications.] EXTRACTUM BACCARUM BELLADONNAE. P. Evaporate the expressed juice of the berries (without previous fermentation) to the consistence of thick honey. Dose, gr. ij to v. EXTRACTUM BISTORTAE. P. From the dried root, as Ext. Kramerise. [It is also made by decoction. SPAN. PH.] Dose 9j to 9ij. Astringent. EXTRACTUM BORAGINIS. P. From dried borage (P.), and also from the clarified juice of the fresh plant (PORT. PH.), or by decoction, (SP.- P.) Dose 3j to 3j. EXTRACTUM BuxI. P. From the bark of the root of box, with proof spirit, as Ext. Ipecacuanhe. EXTRACTUM CAINCE. From dried cahinca root, as Ext. Ipecacuanhbe. Dose, gr. x to xx, in dropsies; repeated so as to keep up its diuretic and cathartic effect. EXTRACTUM CALUMBS. P. As Ext. Ipecacuanhse. Dose, gr. v to xv. EXTRACTUM CANNABIS INDICE. BENGAL DISPENSATORY. Boil the dried tops of Indian hemp (Gunjah) in rectified spirit (about lbj to Cj); distil off the spirit, and evaporate the extract by a gentle heat. In India and Persia it is also collected by mechanical means from the surface of the plant. Dose, in India, from gr. ss to gr. j, in painful and spasmodic affections; but in this country it is generally necessary to increase the dose. [For Messrs. Smith's (ccnnabine, see Resina Cannabis.] EXTRACTUM CANTHARIDIS. P. From the powdered flies, as Ext. Ipecac. A stronger extract (Extractum Oleosum) is obtained by evaporating a tincture made by percolation or digestion, with sulphuric sether. EXTRACTUM CANTHARIDIS ACETICUM. Cantharides in coarse powder 4 parts, pyroligneous acid 1 part, rectified spirit 16 parts. Digest by the heat of a water-bath, press, filter, and evaporate to a buttery consistence. See Tela Vesicatoria. EXTRACTUM CARDUI BENEDICTI. As Ext. Absinthii. EXTRACTUM CASCARILLE. L. 1788. As Ext. Jalaps, L. BoUL 116 THE POCKET FORMULARY. DUC says, Cascarilla yields to spirit all its active parts, the extract amounting to five-eighths of the bark." EXTRACTUM CASSIA. L. The pulp, washed out of the pods by boiling water, strained through a hair sieve, and evaporated. P. directs cold water, and the solution to be strained through flannel. EXTRACTUM CATECHU. P. Bruised catechu fjj, boiling water lbvj. Infuse for 24 hours, stirring the mixture occasionally; decant, and evaporate by water-bath. EXTRACTUM CATHARTICUM. Ext. Colocynthidis Comp. EXTRACTUM CENTAURII. Froml common, lesser, and American centaury, as Ext. Absinthii; or by percolation. EXTRACTUM CERATONIB. SPAN. P. By evaporating an infusion of Carob bean pods. EXTRACTUM CHELIDONII. The inspissated juice of greater celandine, (Chelidonium Majus.) Some Pharm. direct it to be made with rectified spirit; others, by decoction. Dose, gr. iij to x, in scrofula, visceral obstructions, &c. EXTRACTUM CHENOPODII. The inspissated juice of stinking goose-foot, (Ch. olicdum.) Mr. HOULTON prefers it prepared by spontaneous evaporation. Dose, gr. v to xv, as an emmenagogue. [The officinal chenopodium of the U. S. is a different species, C. anthelminticuum.] EXTRACTUM CHIIMAPHILJ. From the decoction. Dose, gr. x to XV. [PEREIRA.] Dr. Wood says 3j to 3ss. EXTRACTUM CHICOREYM. P. From the clarified juice. EXTRACTUM CINCHONAE. L. Bruised yellow bark (or pale, or red, as prescribed) Ixv, water Cj. Boil to Ovj, strain while warm. Boil the bark again with the same quantity of water 4 times; mix the strained liquids, and evaporate to a proper consistence. D. nearly the same, frompale bark. E. and U. S., and P. direct an alcoholic extract. "- Coarsely powdered cinchona (the red or yellow varieties in preference) ~iv, proof spirit f ~xxiv. Percolate, distil off the spirit, and evaporate what remains to an extract." (E.) P. as Ext. Ipecac. EXTRACTUM CINCHON2E SICCUM. P. Lagaraye's Essential Salt of Bark. Moisten crown bark, ground to a moderately fine powder, with half its weight of cold distilled water, and after 12 or 15 hours, pack it closely between two pierced diaphragms THE POCKET FORMULARY. 117 in a tin cylinder, and lixiviate it with distilled water, below 77~ F., as long as the liquid is strongly charged with the bark. Evaporate the liquors to the consistence of thick syrup, and spread it thinly and uniformly on earthen dishes, dry it in a stove, chip it off with a blunt-pointed knife, and preserve it in close bottles. PRUS. PH. directs 3 Ibs of powdered yellow bark to be macerated in 36 lbs of cold water for 48 hours; the strained liquor evaporated to 2 Ibs, then filtered, and evaporated to dryness. EXTRAOTUM CINCHONIE CUM RESINA. L. 1788. As Ext. Jalapue. EXTRACTUM CINCHONmE RESINOSUM. L. 1809. Bark lbj, rectified spirit Oiij; macerate, strain, and evaporate. EXTRACTUM CINCHONi FLUIDiUM. Dr. NELIGAN directs it to be made by exhausting yellow bark by percolation with proof spirit, and afterwards with water, and concentrating the mixed liquors by cautious evaporation. See Liquor Cinchonve. EXTRACTUM CoccuGLI. VAN MONS. By evaporating the clarified decoction. EXTRACTUM COCIHLEARTM. P. From the clarified juice of scurvygrass. EXTRACTUM COLCIHICI. L. Bruise the fresh bulbs, (cormi,) sprinkled with water, in a marble mortar, express the juice, and evaporate to an extract. Dose, gr. j, or from gr. ss to gr. ij. The bulbs should be gathered in July or August. EXTRACTUM COLCHICl ACETICUM. L. Bruise lbj of the fresh cormi, sprinkled with f ~iij of acetic acid, express, and evaporate the juice. But Sir C. SCUDAMORE prefers an extract made by digesting the dried colchicumn in distilled vinegar, and evaporating the liquid. Dose, as the last. EXTRACTUM COLOCYNTHIDIS. L. Colocynth pulp lbj, distilled water Cij. Boil slowly for six hours, supplying the waste of water; strain whilst hot, and evaporate to a proper consistence. E. & D. nearly the same. The latter directs the decoction to be reduced to half, and filtered. P. directs it to be made as Ext. Scillse. The dose is from gr. iv to xx, generally in combination. Of the alcoholic extract, gr. ij to viij. EXTRACTUM COLOCYNTIIDIS COMPOSITUM. L. & D. Pulp of colocynth vj, proof spirit Cj. Macerate with a gentle heat for 4 days; strain the tincture, and add to it purified aloes [hepatic aloes, D.] ~xij, scammony siv, soap ~iij, (both in 118 THE POCKET FORMULARY. powder.) Evaporate to an extract, adding towards the end finely-powdered cardamom seed Sj. [L. 1809, directed water instead of spirit; the spirit was restored in 1815. Soap was introduced into the formula in 1809, omitted in 1815, and restored in 1824.] Dose, from 5 to 20 grains. EXTRACTUM CONII. L. By evaporating the expressed juice of fresh hemlock by means of a water-bath. E. directs the juice to be filtered, and evaporated to a very firm extract either by the aid of heat in vacuo, or spontaneously, in shallow dishes, placed in a current of dry air, and protected by gauze screens. D. (Succues Spissatus Conii.) From the juice, defoecated by six hours' repose, and evaporated by a gentle heat. P. From the juice, both with and without the faecula. EXTRACTUM CONII ALCOHOLICUM. P. & U. S. By percolation with proof spirit. EXTRACTUM COPAIBA. Mr. THORN. By carefully distilling balsam copaiba, the resin (amounting to 5-16ths of the whole) remains behind. Dose, gr. x to xv. EXTRACTUM CORNUS. From the bark of Cornus florida, and also of Cornus sericea, and Cornus circinatus, and other species of cog-wood. As Extr. Ipecacuanhae. EXTRACTUM CROCI. P. As Extractum Scillae. EXTRACTUM CUBEBAr. Mr. TOLLER. Exhaust cubebs by rectified spirit, distil off most of the spirit, and evaporate the residue over a water-bath at a low temperature to a pilular consistence, adding a little powdered soap. Dose, gr. xv twice a day. [Mr. Judd.] EXTRACTUTM CUBEB1E FLUIDUM. By evaporating, with a very gentle heat, a tincture prepared by digestion or percolation with rectified spirit. PUCHE directs the cubebs to be treated by percolation with proof spirit, so as to obtain a liquid equal in weight with the cubebs. EXTRACTUM CUBEBAE OLEO-RESINOSUM. M. DUBLANC. Put lbvj of fresh-ground cubebs into a still with Oxij of water, and let Ovj distil. Separate the oil, and return the distilled water into the still with Ibvj more cubebs, and again distil and separate the oil. Express the mare strongly, and exhaust it by rectified spirit. Distil the filtered tincture, evaporate the extract to the consistence of honey, and incorporate with it the essential oil. One part of this extract is equal to eight of the THE POCKET FORMULARY, 119 powder. Mr. PROCTER exhausts the powdered cubebs with wther, in a displacement apparatus, and distils the tincture in a water-bath. The oleo-resinous extract which remains, represents (according to Mr. P.) eight times its weight of cubebs; but, according to Mr. BELL, about six times its weight. EXTRACTUM CUSPARIAE. As Extractum Ipecacuanhme. EXTRACTUM CYNARzE. Mr. COPEMAN. The inspissated juice of the fresh leaves of artichoke. Dose, gr. ij or iij three times a day, in rheumatism. Dr. BADELEY gives gr. v, with f3j of the tincture. EXTRACTUM DIGITALIS. L. From the unfiltered juice. E. As Ext. Conii. P. From the dried leaves, by percolation with proof spirit, and also with water. EXTRACTUM DULCAMAR2E. From the stalks, by decoction; or percolation, U. S. EXTRACTUM ELATERII. L. E. & D. Slice the fruit of the wild cucumber, (ripe, L. & D.; before it is quite ripe, E.,) and press very lightly, and strain the juice through a fine hair sieve. Set it aside, and when the thicker part has subsided, reject the supernatant liquid, and dry the faeculence (laid upon a linen cloth, and covered with another, D.) with a gentle heat. Dose, if of the best quality, from i-gth to ith of a grain; otherwise, from th to 1 grain. Dr. THOMSON gives gr. -lUth with gr. j calomel, every six hours, until it begins to operate. EXTRACTUM ERGOTJE AQUOSUiM. The Ergotine-of M. BONJEAN. Exhaust powdered ergot by displacement with cold water; heat the solution in a water-bath, and filter; evaporate the filtered liquor to the consistence of syrup, and add rectified spirit to throw down the gummy matter; when settled, decant the clear liquid, and evaporate by water-bath. One ounce of ergot yields about 70 grains. M. BONJEAN says it possesses the hemostatic without the toxic properties of ergot. The liquid must be evaporated without delay, as it rapidly decomposes. EXTRACTUM ERGOTtB iETHEREUM. WRIGHT. Exhaust the powdered ergot by percolation with tether, and let the solution evaporate spontaneously. M. BONJEAN states that the undissolved residue, after all the oil and resin have been removed by ether, is more efficient as an obstetric remedy. EXTRACTUM FELLIS BOVINI. P. Strain fresh ox-gall through flannel, and evaporate it by means of a water-bath to a proper 120 THE POCKET FORMULARY. consistence. Dose, gr. iv to x. Dr. H. LANE recommends the evaporation to be continued until the extract is sufficiently dry to be reduced to powder, and to be kept, in close bottles, in that state. EXTRACTUm FILICIS. See Oleum Filicis. EXTRACTUM FULIGINIS. Boil wood soot in 8 parts of water for half an hour, strain, and evaporate to an extract. Dose, gr. iv to xvj daily. EXTRACTUM FULIGINIS ACETICUM. As the last, using equal parts of vinegar and water. EXTRACTUM FUMARIE. From the clarified juice of fumitory, or from a decoction of the dried plant. EXTRACTUM GALLARUM. As Extractum Kramerire; or by decoction, as Ext. Gentian.e. EXTRACTUM GENIST2E. L. 1788. From decoction of broom tops, (Spartium scoparium,) as Ext. Gentianre. Dose, gr. x to 3ss. EXTRAcTUM GENTIAN-E. L. Gentian sliced ibijss, boiling distilled water Cij. Macerate for 24 hours, then boil to Cj; strain while hot, and evaporate to a proper consistence. D. directs 8 parts of water to 1 of gentian. EXTRACTUM GENTIANE [per aquam frigidum.] E., U. S. & P. As Extractum Krameria. EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZA. L. As Ext. Gentianre. But a finer extract is prepared (E. & U. S.) by percolation with cold water, as Ext. Krameriae. [The foreign commercial extract, or juice, may be purified by the following process:-cut it into small pieces, and place it on a diaphragm in a tin vessel. Add enough cold distilled water to cover it, and when sufficiently divided, withdraw the liquid, strain it through flannel, and evaporate it to a firm extract. P.] EXTRACTUM GRAMINIS. P. From the dried roots of dog's-grass, as Ext. Kramerire. Also by decoction as Ext. Gentiane3, (HAMB.1 PH.) Others direct the inspissated juice. The fluid extract (Mellago Graminis) is prepared by evaporating the liquid to the consistence of syrup. EXTRACTUM GRANATI CORTICIS. P. From the root-bark of pomegranate, as Ext. Ipecacuanhm. EXTRACTUM GRATIOLIE. BADEN PH. directs a spirituous ex THE POCKET FORMULARY. 121 tract. GEOFFROY a vinous extract. Others direct it to be made by infusion, decoction, or the inspissation of the depurated juice. Dose, gr. ij to iv. EXTRACTUM GUAIACI. P. & L. 1746. Boil rasped guaiacum wood repeatedly in water, concentrate the clear decoction, and when it becomes thick add a little rectified spirit, and evaporate to dryness. EXTRACTUM GUARANIE. See Ext. Paulliniae. EXTRACTUM HliMATOXYLI. L. As Ext. Gentiane. EXTRACTUM HIMOSTATICUM. See Ext. Ergotva Aquosum. EXTRACTUM HELLEBORI NIGRI L. 1788. As Ext. Gentianne. U. S. & P. With proof spirit, as Ext. Ipecacuanhe. Dose, gr. iv. to viij. EXTRACTUM HELLEBORI ALKALINUM BACHERI. Black hellebore root bruised lbj, subcarbonate of potash 5iij, proof spirit Oiij. Digest for 12 hours, and strain. Digest the root with white wine Oiij for 24 hours, make it boil, and strain. Evaporate the mixed liquids to a firm extract. Dose, gr. ij to vj. EXTRACTUM HUMULI. See Ext. Lupuli. EXTRACTUM HYOSCYAMI. L. E. D. U. S. & P. By the same processes as respectively directed for Ext. Conii, and Ext. Conii Alcoholicum. Dose of the. inspissated juice, gr. ij to viij: of the alcoholic extract gr. 4 to gr. ij. [In India the juice is evaporated by exposure to the heat of the sun, yielding an extract which produces decided effects in doses of 3 grains.] EXTRACTUM SEMINUM HYOSCYAMI. P. Digest Ibj of the ground seeds with fbiij of proof spirit with a gentle heat, strain; digest them with lbiij more spirit, and again strain and press. Evaporate the filtered liquors to an extract, dissolve this in cold water, filter, and again evaporate. Dose, g gr. to 2 grains. EXTRACTUM INULIE. L. 1746. Trom the decoction of elecampane root. P. by percolation. EXTRACTUMI IPECACUANHM. P. Ipecacuanha root in moderately fine powder Ibij, proof spirit lbvij. Moisten the powder with lbj of the spirit, and pack it between two diaphragms in a tin cylinder; after 12 hours lixiviate it with the rest of the spirit. When the last portions of spirit have been absorbed by the powder, keep the latter covered with distilled water till the liquid produces a precipitate on falling into that which had pre11 122 THE POCKET FORMULARY. viously passed. Distil off the spirit and evaporate the residue to an extract. EXTRACTUM JACOBMEE. Inspissated juice of ragwort (Senecio Jacobsea). Dose, gr. x or xv, in Gonorrhoea. EXTRACTUJM JALAPLE. L. & D. Powdered jalap lbijss, rectified spirit Cj. Macerate 4 days, decant, boil the residue in 2 gallons of water to half a gallon. Strain the tincture and decoction separately, and boil the latter, and distil the former, till they each become thick. Mix them, and evaporate [by means of steam, D.] to a proper consistence. This extract should be kept both in a soft and dry state. Dose, gr. viij to xx. EXTRACTUM JALAPAB ALKALINUM. E. 1744. As the last, adding to the water.j, or q. s. of subcarbonate of potash. EXTRACTUM sive RESINA JALAPE. E. Moisten powdered jalap with rectified spirit, and after 12 hours exhaust it with rectified spirit, in a percolator. Distil off the greater part of the spirit, and concentrate the residuum over a vapour bath to a due consistence. Dose, gr. iij to vj. EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS IMMATURAM. The inspissated juice of the green walnut. An extract is also made by boiling the green shells with water, as Ext. Gentianse. Dose, 9ss to 3ss. EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS FOLIORUM. M. NEGRIER. From the dried leaves by decoction; or preferably by percolation. Dose, gr. iij, 2 or 3 times a day, in Scrofula. EXTRACTUM JUGLANDIS CINEREE. U. S. From the inner bark of the root of the butternut, as Ext. Kramerie. Dose 3j to 3ss, as a purgative, or less as a laxative. EXTRACTUM JUNIPERI. P. Juniper berries lightly bruised lbj, distilled water Ulbiij. Macerate at 77~ to 86~ F. for 24 hours, strain with gentle pressure, add more water to the berries, and let it stand 12 hours. Filter, and evaporate the mixed liquid to a soft extract. EXTRACTUM KALDANM. BENGAL DISPENSATORY. An alcoholic extract of the berries of the Pharbitis Cerulea. Purgative, dose gr. x. EXTRACTUM KRAMERIL. E. Reduce dried rhatany root to a moderately fine powder; mix it with half its weight of distilled water; in 12 hours put it into a percolator, and exhaust it by percolation with temperate distilled water; concentrate the THE POCKET FORMULARY. 123 liquid, filter before it becomes too thick, and evaporate it in a vapour-bath to a due consistence. EXTRACTUM LACTUCE. L. By inspissating the unfiltered juice of garden lettuce. See also Lactucarium. Thridace is directed (P.) to be made by inspissating the juice of the stalks of the flowering plant, as Ext. Aconiti cum fiecula. EXTRACTUM LACTUCJE CONCENTRATUM. PROBART. From the external parts only of the stalks, and the old leaves, after the plants have flowered; by maceration and decoction; evaporating first by heat, and then drying in shallow dishes. About half the strength of Lactucarium. EXTRACTUM LACTUCOE VIROSI. P. The inspissated juice of wild lettuce. EXTRACTUM LOBELIE INFLATE. Dried lobelia 5iv, proof spirit Oiv, strong acetic acid f ~j. Macerate for 48 hours, filter, and evaporate by water-bath. EXTRACTUM LUPULI L. L From dried hops, as Ext. Gentianse, L. EXTRACTUM MARRUBII. From the expressed juice, or the decoction; or thus (PORT. PH.): White horehound 1 part, rectified spirit I part, water 8 parts. Digest for 3 days, express, and evaporate. EXTRACTUM MARTIS POMATUM sive CYDONIATUM. Digest lbj of iron filings in Ibij of sour apple or quince juice for some days; strain through cloth, and evaporate with a gentle heat. EXTRACTUM MARTIs. P. By evaporating Tinctura Martis Tartarizata. EXTRACTUM MENYANTHIS. P. Inspissated juice of buck-bean. EXTRACTUM MEZEREI. The alcoholic extract is made by digesting mezereon bark in a water-bath with rectified spirit, and evaporating the tincture. The wethereal extract is best made from the alcoholic, evaporated only to the consistence of syrup. Let this be digested with ether in a stoppered bottle, the aethereal tincture decanted, and carefully evaporated. EXTRACTUM MONESIE. From the Burhanem bark as Ext. Kramerira. The imported extract may be purified as Ext. Catechu. Dose, gr. iv to viij. EXTRACTUM MYRRHEI AQUOSUM. Digest bruised myrrh in hot 124 THE POCKET FORMULARY. water, set it aside, and when cool, strain, and evaporate to an extract. Some authorities direct it to be boiled. EXTRACTUM MYIRRHn [Alcoholicum]. P. As Extractum Scille. EXTRACTUM NARCISSI. From dried flowers of daffodil, by percolation with proof spirit; or with water. Dose, gr. ss to gr. jss, in hooping cough. EXTRACTUM NICOTIANM. See Ext. Tabaci. EXTRACTUM NUCIS VOMIcO. E. Exhaust nux vomica (which has been softened by steam, sliced, dried, and ground in a coffee-mill) by percolation, or boiling, with rectified spirit. Distil off the greater part of the spirit, and evaporate what remains to a proper consistence in a vapour-bath. D. directs proof spirit. P. a medium spirit, -863. Dose, d a grain, cautiously increased to 2 or 3 grains. EXTRACTUM OPII PURIFICATUM. L. Opium sliced 5xx, distilled water Cj; soften the opium by maceration with a little of the water for 12 hours; then, the rest of the water being gradually added, triturate them together till perfectly mixed, and set aside till the dregs have subsided. Then filter the liquor, and evaporate to a proper consistence. E. directs repeated maceration and strong expression: and the extract to be again taken up by maceration with successive portions of cold water, and the filtered liquor evaporated. EXTRACTUM OPII ABSQUE NARCOTINA. P. The extract, softened with cold water, is agitated and macerated with successive portions of tether as long as anything is taken up. The wether being poured off, the extract is evaporated to a pilular consistence. [Another process has been devised by M. LimouzinLamothe. Four parts of extract of opium are beaten in a mortar with one of resin, and triturated with enough water to form a liquid mass. This is boiled with 16 parts of water till reduced to half, then removed from the fire, and as much cold water added as has been boiled away. The resin is then removed, and the extract evaporated.] EXTRACTUM OPII PER FERMENTATIONEM. DEYEUX. TO an unstrained mixture of 1 part of opium in 8 of water, add yeast q. s., and leave it for a week at a temperature between 68~ and 70~ F. Then filter the liquor and evaporate it. M. LANGELOT dissolves the opium in juice of quinces, and ferments for a month. GUIBOURT prefers digesting opium and water at the above temperature without the yeast. EXTRACTUM OPII TORREFACTI. GUIBOURT. Heat powdered THE POCKET FORMULARY. 125 opium in a flat dish over a moderate fire, with constant stirring, till vapours cease to be disengaged. Treat it twice with six times its weight of cold water, and evaporate the filtered solution. [These last three extracts are supposed to contain the full proportion of morphine, without the irritating and virous principles of opium.] EXTRACTUM OPII VINO PARATUM. P. Macerate lbj of choice opium in lbiv of white wine for 24 hours, stirring occasionally; strain and press, diffuse the residuum through lbij more wine, and after some hours express the liquid. Evaporate the strained liquors to an extract. [Other extracts are obtained from opium by digesting it with vinegar, lemon-juice, quince-juice, alcohol, &e.] EXTRACTUM PAPAVERIS. L. Poppy-heads without the seeds 3xv, boiling water Cj; macerate for 24 hours, boil to Oiv, filter whilst hot, and evaporate by water-bath to a proper consistence. EXTRACTUM PAREIREM. L. By decoction, as Extr. Gentiana; or by percolation (P.), as Extr. Krameriae. EXTRACTUM PATIENTIzE. P. From the root of patience dock, as Extractum Kramerise. EXTRACTUM PAULLINIE. Dr. GAVRELLE. From the ground seeds of Paullinia sorbilis (Guarana), by boiling with proof spirit. Tonic. Dose, gr. viij to x in the day. EXTRACTUM PETROSELINI. P. From parsley root, as Extractum Kramerire. M. PERAIRE prescribes the inspissated juice of the leaves as a substitute for quinine. Dose, gr. viij to xv in 24 hours. EXTRACTUM PHARBITIS. See Ext. Kaldanse. EXTRACTUM PIMPINELLA. Root of burnet saxifrage 2 parts, rectified spirit 3 parts, water 9 parts. Digest, strain, and evaporate. It is also made by boiling the root with six times its weight of water, and evaporating the decoction. Dose, 9j. EXTRACTUM PODOPHYLLI. U. S. From the root (rhizome) of May-apple, as Ext. Jalapae. Purgative. Dose, gr. v. to xv. EXTRACTUM PYROLiE. See Extractum Chimaphilam. EXTRACTUM QUASSIE. E. From rasped quassia, by percolation, as Ext. Krameriae. EXTRACTUM QUERCus. D. As Extractum Haematoxyli. 11* 126 THE POCKET FORMULARYo EXTRACTUM RHAMNI BACCARUM. By inspissating the juice of buckthorn berries, after it has undergone a slight fermentation. Dose, Dj to 5jss. EXTRACTUM RHATANIA2. See Extractum Krameriae. EXTRACTUM RHEI. L. & D. Rhubarb in powder 5xv, proof spirit Oj, distilled water Ovij. Macerate for 4 days in a gentle heat; then strain, and set the solution aside to settle. Decant, and evaporate the clear liquid to a proper consistence. E. directs it to be prepared by maceration in successive portions of cold water, and the expressed and filtered liquids evaporated in a vapour-bath, or preferably in vacuo, to a proper consistence. EXTRACTUM RHEI COMPOSITUM. PRUS. PH. Extractumn Panchymagogum. Extract of rhubarb 3iij, purified aloes 3j, soap of jalap 3j. Dissolve them in a little spirit, and evaporate to a proper consistence. EXTRACTUM RHOIS TOXICODENDRI ET RADICANTIS. P. The inspissated juice of the leaves of the poison oak. An alcoholic extract of the dried leaves is probably more active. EXTRACTUM RUBIJ. HAMB. PH. By evaporating a tincture made with two parts of ground madder, three of rectified spirit, and nine of water. EXTRACTUM RUDII. See Pilulae Rudii. EXTRACTUM RUTAE. L. 1788 as Extr. Absinthii. P. as Extr. Aconiti Alcoholicum. EXTRACTUM SABADILLA. Dr. TURNBUL.L. By evaporating the concentrated tincture of cevadilla seeds. Dose, 1th of a grain; as a substitute for veratria. EXTRACTUM SABIN^. L. 1788. By evaporating a decoction of dry savine. P. by percolation with proof spirit. EXTRACTUM SALICIS. P. From powdered willow-bark, as Ext. Krameriae. EXTRACTUM SAMBUCI. Elder Rob. 1788. Evaporate the expressed and defecated juice of elder-berries in a salt-water bath. E. directs the addition of Ibss of sugar to Oiv of juice. EXTRACTUM SAPONARIE. P. From the dried roots of soapwort, as Ext. Krameriae. Other Pharm. direct the expressed juice of the plant to be inspissated. Dose, Dj to 3ij. EXTRACTUM SARZ^. L. Ext. Sarsaparille, D. Sliced sarsaparilla lbijss, boiling distilled water Cij. Macerate for 24 hours, boil to Cj, strain while hot, and evaporate to a proper consistence. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 127 EXTRACTUM SARZA_ FLUIDUM. E. Digest -lj of sarza in chips, with Ovj of boiling water for 2 hours, take out the root, bruise, and replace it; boil for 2 hours, filter, and squeeze out the liquid. Boil the sarza in Oij of water, filter, and squeeze; evaporate the mixed liquors to the consistence of thin syrup, add when cool, rectified spirit q. s. to make up f 5xvj, and filter. It may be aromatized at will with various volatile oils or warm aromatics. D. directs lbj of sarsaparilla to be twice boiled with cong. j of water, the decanted decoctions reduced to f ~xxx, and f ~ij of rectified spirit added. [f.j of the fluid extract E., or f.ij D. represent f 5vj of the decoction. A better preparation is made by macerating the root in temperate or tepid water. See Liquor Sarzme.] EXTRACTUM CORTICIS SARZE. By macerating or percolating the root-bark with temperate water, and evaporating the liquid to a solid or fluid extract. EXTRACTUM SARZAE ALCOIOLICUM. P. & U. S. As Extr. Ipecac. It yields one-eighth of its weight of extract, which is superior to the watery. EXTRACTUM SARZAE COMPOSITUM. PEREIRA. By mixing with extract of sarsaparilla an extract prepared by evaporating a decoction of a corresponding proportion of the other ingredients of the compound decoction, adding a small quantity of oil of sassafras. As commonly sold, it contains too much liquorice. GuIBOURT recommends it to be made by percolation with proof spirit. Mr. Hodgson (America) gives the following form.Sarza xvj, liquorice root, guaiacum wood, sassafras bark, each.ij, mezereon 3vj, proof spirit Oviij o. m. (Ovjss, Impl.) Digest 14 days, express, filter, evaporate to f xij, then add.viij of white sugar, and remove from the fire as soon as it is dissolved. EXTRACTUM SATURNI. See Liquor Plumbi Diacetatis. EXTRACTUM sive RESINA SCAMMONII. E. Boil scammony in fine powder, in successive portions of proof spirit, till the spirit ceases to dissolve anything; filter, distil the liquid till little but water passes over. Then pour away the watery solution from the resin, wash the latter with boiling water, and dry it at a temperature not exceeding 2400. EXTRACTUM SCILLrE. P. Dried squill lhj, proof spirit lbiv. Macerate for some days, strain, press, and filter; digest the squill with fbij more spirit, and after 2 or 3 days, strain and 128 THE POCKET FORMULARY. press again. Distil off the spirit from the mixed tincture, and evaporate the residuum to an extract. Dose, gr. j to iij. EXTRACTUM SCOPARII. See Ext. Genistae. EXTRACTUM SENEGAE. P. As Ext. Ipecacuanhe. EXTRACTCUM SENEGAIi ET SCILLrm. Mr. ECKY. Macerate lbij each of senega and squills in proof spirit q. s. to cover them: transfer the whole to a displacement funnel, and pass proof spirit through it till it passes nearly tasteless. Strain, distil off most of the spirit, and reduce to Ibiv. EXTRACTUM SENNE. P. By percolation with temperate water, as Ext. Krameriie. Mr. HUSBAND says proof spirit yields a more active extract. EXTRACTUM SENNmE FLUIDUM. Mr. DUNCAN. Senna 15lbs, av. (ibxviij-), boiling water 4 times its weight, or q.s. Exhaust the senna by displacement, concentrate the liquor to 10Ibs. av. (tbxij); dissolve in it Gbs av. (lbvij ~iijss.) of treacle, previously concentrated over a vapour-bath, till it becomes nearly dry on cooling. Add f 5xxiv rectified spirit, and water q. s. to make up 15 pints, o. m. (Oxij imp.) Dose 3ij. Each f 5j corresponds with 1 oz. av. of senna. EXTRACTUM SOLANI TcBEROSI. Dr. LATHAM. From the stalks and leaves of potato, as Ext. Conii. Dose, gr. iij. EXTRACTUM STRAMONII [SEMINUM]. L. & D. Stramonium seeds 3xv, boiling water Cj. Macerate near the fire for 4 hours, bruise and return the seeds, boil down to Ov, strain while hot, and evaporate to a proper consistence. E. directs the seeds to be ground, mixed with proof spirit into a thick pulp, placed in a percolator, and exhausted by proof spirit. The spirit is to be distilled off, and what remains evaporated in a vapour-bath. EXTRAOTUM STRAMONII [FOLIORUM]. P. directs the inspissated juice of the leaves, both with and without the fiecula, also a watery extract from the powdered leaves by percolation; and an alcoholic extract by percolation with proof spirit, as Ext. Aconiti. EXTRACTUM STYRACIS. E. Boil powdered storax in successive portions of rectified spirit till exhausted, filter the spirituous solution, distil off the spirit, and evaporate to an extract. EXTRACTUM TABACI. Mr. CHIPPENDALE. Shag tobacco liv, distilled water Oij; boil, and let them simmer for 2 or 3 hours; THE POCKET FORMULARY. 129 then strain, wash the tobacco with more boiling water, and evaporate the strained liquors to the consistence of an extract. For external use in neuralgia. See Unguentum Tabaci. EXTRACTUM TARAXACI. L. & E. From a decoction of the fresh roots (herbs and roots D.) as Extractum Gentiane. P. From the expressed juice clarified by heat. Mr. HOULTON allows the expressed juice of the roots (taken up in August or September) to evaporate spontaneously in shallow vessels. The evaporation may be facilitated by various contrivances for increasing the current of dry air, and promoting the absorption of the moisture. EXTRACTUM TARAXACI FLUIDUM. Usually made by evaporating the expressed juice or the decoction to the consistence of syrup, and adding a little spirit. For a better method, see Liquor Taraxaci. EXTRACTUM TAXI. LODER. The inspissated juice of yew-leaves. Dose, from gr. j to viij, in Epilepsy, &c. EXTRACTUM TORMENTILL.E. AS Ext. Gentianae. EXTRACTUM URTICE. P. The juice of nettles inspissated without clarification. EXTRACTUM Uv-E URSI L. From the dried leaves, by decoction, as Ext. Gentiana3. EXTRACTUM VALERIANE. D. As Ext. Gentianae. P. by percolation with proof spirit, as Ext. Ipecac. EXTRACTA NARCOTICA CUM SACCHARO. GAUGER. Dissolve gvj of alcoholic extract of the plant in 3xiv or ~ij of strong alcohol by trituration in a porcelain mortar, and mix with it gxxx of powdered white sugar gradually added with constant stirring. Set the mixture in a warm situation till dry. Add sugar q. s. to make up gxxxvj. These preparations are less liable to lose their efficacy than the simple extracts. Six grains represent one of the extract. FIECULA. The facula of Arum, Briony, Chestnuts, &c., is obtained by rasping them, pressing the pulp, mixed with an equal weight of water, in a hair bag, straining the liquid, and after allowing it to settle, collecting, washing, and drying the sediment which subsides. Potatoes are rasped, the pulp diffused in water, and the facula obtained from the strained liquor as above. The green fbecula of narcotic and other plants, obtained by filtering or heating the expressed juice, is of a different nature, 130 THE POCKET FORMULARY. and retains a small and uncertain portion of the active principles of the plants. FARINA EMOLLIENTES. See Species Emollientes. FEL BOVINUM SPISSATUM, ET DESICCATUM. See Ext. Fellis. FERRI ACETAS. D. Peracetate of 2Ion. Carbonate (sesquioxide) of iron 1 part, acetic acid 6 parts; digest for 3 days, and filter. [The acetic acid of the Dub. Ph. is much stronger than that of L.] Dose v vj to xxiv. FERRI ACETATIS TINCTURA. See Tinctura Ferri Ac. FERRI AMMONIO-CHLORIDUM. L. Sesquioxide of iron 3iij, hydrochloric acid f Xx; digest in a proper vessel in a sand-bath for 12 hours. Add hydrochlorate of ammonia lbijss, previously dissolved in Oiij of distilled water; filter, evaporate to dryness, and reduce to powder. FERRI AMMONIO-CITRAS. BERAL. Citric acid 5xxiv, distilled water Oiij, water of ammonia (Liquor ammoniw, L.) f gxiss; heat to boiling, and gradually add moist hydrated oxide of iron (see Ferrugo) till a portion remains undissolved. About 3liv or lv will be required. [Mr. PROCTER states that the temperature should be kept below boiling.] The filtered solution is evaporated to the consistence of treacle, and then spread thinly on dishes, or plates of glass, and gradually dried in a drying closet (not by heat applied to the bottom of the dishes) till it can be chipped off in scales. Mr. HEMINGWAY directs a known quantity of citric acid to be neutralized with ammonia, and a similar quantity of the acid added to the solution. To this, add the hydrated oxide gradually, till a portion remains undissolved. Evaporate the filtered solution as directed above. Sodacitrate and potash-citrate of iron are made in a similar way. Dose gr. iv to viij. FERRI AMMONIO-TARTRAS. AIKIN. Dissolve I part of tartaric acid in q. s. of boiling water, add 2 or 3 parts of iron wire, or turnings, and digest in a warm place for 2 or 3 days. Add caustic ammonia in slight excess, mix by trituration, and pour off the solution, set it aside, decant the clear liquid, and evaporate it to dryness. Redissolve in distilled water, add a little, more ammonia, filter, and evaporate the solution in shallow, porcelain dishes, by a gentle heat till it becomes brittle. Then chip it off with a blunt-pointed knife. [Mr. PROCTER, jun., of Philadelphia, gives a different process. Dissolve 50 drachms of tartaric acid in a gallon (o. m.) of water, saturate with carbonate of ammonia, and add 50 drachms THE POCKET FORMULARY. 131 more of acid. Heat the solution in a water-bath, and add moist hydrated oxide of iron, (derived from 53~ drachms of sesquioxide dissolved in muriatic acid q. s., and precipitated by ammonia.) Digest till the oxide is dissolved, filter, and finish as directed above.] Dose, gr. iv to vj. FERRI ARSENIAS. Obtained by mixing solutions of arseniate of soda, and proto-sulphate of iron, and collecting, washing, and drying the precipitate. Dose, Toth of a grain, in herpetic and cancerous affections. (BIETT.) Also used externally, with 4 times its weight of phosphate of iron, by CARMICHAEL; and in the form of ointment. FERRI BROMIDUM. MOHR. Mix I part of iron filings with 3 parts of water in a stopped vial; add I part of bromine; close the bottle, and set it aside, shaking it occasionally. When the solution has assumed a greenish colour, filter, and evaporate to dryness. Dose, gr. ij to vj. FERRI CARBONAS. F. Sub-carbonas. When a solution of carbonate of soda is added to one of sulphate of iron, carbonate of iron is precipitated; but in drying, most of it becomes a sesquioxide. (See Ferri Sesqui-oxydum.) This, however, is in a great measure prevented by adding sugar to the washed and moist precipitate, as in FERRI CARBONAS SACCHARATUM. E. Sulphate of iron ~iv, carbonate (sube.) of soda vv; dissolve each in Oij of water, and mix the solutions; collect the precipitate on a cloth filter, wash it with cold water, squeeze out as much water as possible, and without delay triturate the pulp with ~ij of pure sugar in fine powder. Dry it at a heat not much above 120~. [The water used for washing should have been recently boiled, to expel the air, and cooled in a close vessel. Mr. R. PHILLIPS, jun., advises to add the sugar, previously made into a thick syrup, to the washed precipitate without its being squeezed, and evaporating to dryness.] Dose, gr. v to viij. FERRI CI-ILORIDUM. P. The proto-chloride is made by adding clean iron turnings to muriatic acid, as long as any is dissolved, boiling the solution on excess of iron, decanting the solution as soon as it has settled, and evaporating quickly to dryness. The perchloride is made by evaporating to dryness a solution of redoxide of iron in muriatic acid. FERRI CITRAS. BERAL. Citric acid I iv, water iv; heat together in a platinum capsule, and gradually add moist peroxide 132 THE POCKET FORMULARY. of iron (see Ferrugo) as long as any is dissolved. Proceed as directed for Ferri Ammonio-citras. About ax of pure sulphate of iron will be required to furnish sufficient oxide. The more gradually the citrate is dried, the larger the scales. Dose, gr. iv to viij. FERRI ET QUINCE CITRAS. BERAL. Dissolve 4 parts of citrate of iron, and 1 of citrate of quinine, in distilled water, and evaporate the solution to dryness, as directed for Ferri Ammoniocitras. FERRI FERRO-CYANURETUM [per cyanidum, L.] U. S. Pure Prussian Blue. Make a solution of persulphate of iron, as directed for Ferrugo; and gradually add to it ivss of ferrocyanide of potassium, stirring after each addition; then pour the whole on a filter, wash till tasteless, dry, and pulverize. Dose, gr. iij to vj, in Intermittents, Epilepsy, &c. FERRI IODIDUM. L. Iodine 5vj, distilled water Oiv; mix, and add iron filings gij; heat in a sand-bath, and when the solution assumes a greenish colour, pour it off, and wash what remains with Oss of hot water. Evaporate the filtered liquors to dryness, at a heat not above 212~, in an iron vessel. Keep it from the air and light. E. directs to proceed as in making Solutio Ferri Iodidi, but to evaporate to Ith in contact with iron before filtering; and to evaporate the solution in a close vessel, in a basin surrounded with quick-lime. [It is difficult to prepare this in a perfect state, and almost impossible to preserve it so. It is therefore more frequently prescribed in the form of solution, syrup, or pills; which see.] FERRI IODIDUM SACCHARATUM. See Saccharum Ferri Iodidi. FERRI LACTAS. Dissolve ~j of lactate of lime in ~iv of boiling water; precipitate the lime by oxalic acid, avoiding excess, and filter. Heat the liquid with excess of iron filings for 6 or 8 hours, filter, set aside, wash the crystalline powder which is deposited with a little alcohol, and dry it. M. LEPAGE dissolves 100 parts of lactate of lime in 500 of boiling water; and 68 of crys. sulphate of iron in 500 parts of cold water. Mix the filtered solutions, add a little lactic acid, and heat the mixture with constant stirring, until decomposition is complete. Filter, and set aside to crystallize. On further evaporation, more crystals are obtained; wash them with a little alcohol, and dry on blotting paper. Dose, gr. j or ij. FERRI LIMATURA PRaPARATA. Care should be taken to procure THE POCKET FORMULARY. 133 iron filings free from other metals, as these cannot be effectually removed by the method formerly used for their purification,drawing them through a hair sieve with a magnet. P. directs them to be beaten in an iron mortar, the oxide and dust to be removed by a fine sieve, and the grosser parts by a coarse hair sieve. FERRI LIMATURA L2EVIGATA. P. Ferrum Pulveratum. Prepared iron filings ground by means of a slab and muller of porphyry to a fine powder, without moisture. See Ferrum Reductum. FERRI MALAS IMPURUM. See Extractum Martis Pomatum. FERRI MURIATIS TINCTURA. See Tinctura F. M. FERRI OXYDUM NIGRUM. Black Oxide of Iron, or Martial Ethiops. D. directs the scales from the smith's anvil to be prepared as chalk. See Creta Premp. P. by exposing moistened iron filings to the air for 2 or 3 days, stirring occasionally. But it is more elegantly prepared by precipitation. E. Dissolve Jiij of sulphate of iron in Ojss of boiling water; add sulphuric acid f 3ij m) xl; boil and add by degrees pure nitric acid f 3ivss, boiling the liquid after each addition briskly for a few minutes. Dissolve oiij more of the sulphate in another Ojss of boiling water, mix thoroughly the two solutions, and immediately add f ivss of strong liquid ammonia in a full stream, stirring briskly. Collect the powder on a calico filter, wash it with water till the water is no longer precipitated by nitrate of barytes, and dry it at a temperature not exceeding 180~. Dose, gr. v to xx. FERRI OXYDUM MAGNETICUM. Dr. JEPHSON'S formula being much in use, is here inserted. It does not appear to differ essentially from the last. Crystallized sulphate of iron bruised.xxjss, water Oij, strong nitric acid f iv, or q. s. Heat in an earthen vessel at 180~, stirring frequently, and adding the nitric acid gradually, till the solution no longer yields a blue precipitate with the red or per-prussiate of iron. When quite cool, add suddenley to this a solution of ~x' of sulphate of iron in Oiij of water. Dissolve by heat, in a large iron pan, 3xl of cryst. subcarbonate of soda in Oiij of water; add to this, gradually, the mixed solution of iron, stirring them well together. Boil briskly for half an hour; remove, settle, pour off the liquid, add Ovj of water, boil for half an hour, decant the liquid, wash the precipitate repeatedly, drain in muslin, and dry carefully at a moderate temperature. 12 134 THE POCKET FORMULARY. FERRI SESQUIOXYDUM. L. (Formerly Ferri Carbonas, and Subcarbonas.) Dissolve separately sulphate of iron lbiv, carbonate of soda (cryst. subc.) Ibiv ~ij, each in cong. iij of boiling water. Mix the liquors, set them aside, and when the powder has subsided, pour off the liquid, wash the precipitate with water, and dry it. FERRI OXYDIU RUBR-UM. D. Colcot7har. Roast dried sulphate of iron with a strong fire as long as it gives off acid vapours. Wash the product thoroughly, and dry it. E. nearly as Ferri Sesquioxydum, L. The latter is not a perfect peroxide. Mr. R. PHILLIPS, jun., proposes to form a definite peroxide by adding to a boiling mixture of solutions of 1168 parts of sulphate of iron, and 1728 of cr. carbonate of soda, 124 (rather 130) parts of chlorate of potash. The washed precipitate to be dried at 212~. Whether this can be substituted for the FERRUGO, E. as an antidote for arsenic remains to be ascertained. FERRI PEROYANIDUM. See Ferri Ferro-cyanuretum. FERRI PERNITRAS vel SESQUI-NITRAS. Mr. KERR. To iron wire 5jss add nitric acid f iij diluted with f 3xv of water, set them aside till the action has ceased, decant, add muriatic acid 3j, and water to make up f xxx. Dose, 6 or 8 drops, sometimes increased to 15. FERRI PHOSPHAS. U. S. Dissolve separately pure sulphate of iron.v, and phosphate of soda 3vj, in Oiv of water: mix, and when the phosphate has subsided, pour off the supernatant liquid, wash the precipitate with hot water, and dry it with a gentle heat. Dose, gr. v to x. FERRI OXYPHOSPHAS. CARMICHAEL. To a solution of perchloride of iron add one of phosphate of soda, as long as a precipitate falls. Wash this, and dry it. Dose, 3j. FERRI POTASSIO-TARTRAS. L. (Ferrum Tartarizatum. E. Tartarum Ferri, D.) Digest 3iij of sesquioxide of iron in f 3x of muriatic acid for 2 hours in a sand-bath; add Cij of distilled water, set it aside for an hour, then pour off the supernatant liquid. Add Oivss of solution of potash (liquor potasset), wash the precipitate frequently with water, and boil it while still moist with sxjss of bitartrate of potash, previously mixed with Cj of water. If acid, neutralize with sesquicarbonate of ammonia. Lastly filter, and evaporate to dryness by a gentle heat. E. directs the moist oxide (prepared as directed under Ferrugo) from ~v of sulphate of iron to be mixed with Oiv of water, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 135 and v 3j of bitartrate of potash, and boiled till the oxide is dissolved. When the solution is cold, pour off the clear liquid, add carbonate of ammonia so long as it occasions effervescence, and evaporate so that the residuum may be solid when cold. U. S. directs the moist oxide and supertartrate of potash to be digested for 30 hours at 140~, and the solution evaporated. FERRI PROTO-MURIAS. BHydratedpcroto-chloride of iron. Digest sulphuret of iron in excess, with diluted muriatic acid; filter, and evaporate, that crystals may form. Keep them from the air. FERRI PROTO-SULPHAS. See Ferri Sulphas. FERRI PROTO-TARTRAS. Dr. URE. Digest gj of iron turnings, 3ss of tartaric acid, and hot water q. s. till the action has ceased; diffuse the tartrate through the liquid, pour it off from the iron, collect the powder, wash, and dry it. Or dissolve separately in water 132 parts of crys. tartrate of potash, and 139 of pure sulphate of iron; wash the precipitate with boiling water, squeeze it strongly in a cloth, and dry it on a salt-water bath. SOUBEIRAN. FERRI PROTO-SULPHURETUM HYDRATUM. Add a solution of bihydrosulphuret of soda to one of proto-sulphate of iron; wash the precipitate quickly on a cloth filter, squeeze out most of the water, and keep the paste from the air. In this state, it is used as an antidote for poisoning by corrosive sublimate. It may be safely taken in considerable doses. [For the anhydrous proto-sulphuret, see Ferri Sulphuretum, below.] FERRI PER-SULPHURETUM HYDRATUM. Into a dilute solution of liver of sulphur, drop very gradcually a neutral solution of persulphate of iron, prepared as directed under Ferrugo. Collect and preserve the precipitate as the last. M. BOUCHARDAT prefers it to the proto-sulphuret as an antidote for sublimate, white arsenic, and the salts of lead and copper. FERRI RUBIGO. See Ferrugo. FERRI SULPHAS. L. Sulphuric acid 3xiv, water Oiv; mix, add iron filings ~viij, apply heat, and when the action has ceased, filter, and set aside, that crystals may form. More may be obtained by evaporating the remaining liquid. Let them all be dried. E. directs the commercial sulphate to be dissolved in its weight of boiling water with a little sulphuric acid, and the filtered solution set aside to crystallize. 136 THE POCKET FORMULARY. FFRRI PROTO-SULPHAS PRSCIPITATUM. BERTHEMOT. TO ~xvijss of water, kept boiling, gradually add xvj of pure sulphate of iron, and 8ss of clean iron turnings; filter the boiling solution into a vessel containing gxij of rectified spirit, mixed with 3ij of sulphuric acid. Drain the crystalline powder, and dry it between blotting paper. FERRI SULPHAS EXSICCATUM. E. Dry sulphate of iron with a moderate heat, in a porcelain or earthenware vessel not glazed with lead, till it becomes a grayish-white mass, and reduce it to powder. FERRI PERSULPHAS. This is formed in the process for Ferrugo (below). By evaporating the filtered solution to dryness at a moderate temperature, the salt is obtained. FERRI ET AMMONITE SULPHO-TARTRAS. AIKIN. Dissolve sulphate of iron with half its weight of tartaric acid in a little cold water; add ammonia to saturation, filter, and evaporate to dryness. Redissolve, add a little more ammonia, filter, and again evaporate to dryness. Twelve grains equal to 10 of the sulphate. It is not precipitated by alkalies. FERRI SULPHURETUM. D. & E. Rub a rod of iron heated to full whiteness, on a roll of sulphur; let the melted sulphuret fall into a vessel of water. Separate it from portions of melted sulphur, and dry it. An inferior kind is made by heating in a crucible a mixture of 1 part of sulphur with 3 of iron filings, removing the crucible as soon as the mixture begins to glow, and covering it till the action has ceased. FERRI SULPHOCYANIDUM. Sulphocyanide of iron is formed by mixing a solution of sulphocyanide of potassium with a neutral solution of a persalt of iron. FERRI TANNAS. BENEDETTI. To a boiling solution of 90 parts of pure tannic acid add gradually 440 parts of subcarbonate (sesquioxide) of iron which has been prepared from pure sulphate of iron and carbonate of soda, and dried at a moderate heat. Agitate the solution till the effervescence ceases. Evaporate the mixture at 176~ F. in a porcelain vessel, until it becomes thick; then spread it on glass or porcelain to dry, in a stove at 95~. In Chlorosis 2 or 3 grains three times a day, increasing the dose as required. FERRI VALERIANAS. RUSPINI. To clean iron filings, in a Wedgwood mortar, add by little and little an equal weight of valerianic acid, and stir continually. In an hour add distilled water, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 137 gently warm the whole in a flask, and filter. The surface in contact with the air becomes covered with a crystalline layer of valerianate of peroxide of iron. Collect this in a filter, and again expose the liquid to the air; pass it through the filter, and repeat this as long as it yields crystals. Dose, gr. j to ij. FERRUGO. E. Rubigo Ferri. Hydrated Sesquioxide of Iron. Dissolve 5iv of sulphate of iron in Oij of water, add f 3iijss of oil of vitriol, and boil the solution; add f 3ix or q. s. of nitric acid (1-380) in small portions, boiling the liquid for a minute or two after each addition, until it acquires a yellowish-brown colour, and yields a precipitate of the same colour with ammonia. Filter and allow the liquid to cool; then add in a full stream f giijss of strong ammonia, stirring briskly. Collect the precipitate on a calico filter, wash it thoroughly with water till the washings cease to precipitate with nitrate of barytes, then squeeze it strongly, and dry it at a heat not above 180~. When it is intended as an antidote for poisoning with arsenic, it is preferable to preserve it in a moist state, after being simply squeezed. [It is used in the same state for making the citrate, ammonio-citrate, potash-tartrate, and some other salts of iron.] [As its efficacy is impaired by long keeping, even in the moist state, it would perhaps be better to keep the solution, prepared as in the first part of the process, in readiness; and add the ammonia when required for use.] FERRUJM REDUCTUM. Iron reduced by hydrogen. Spread oxide of iron in a tube, heat the tube, and cause a stream of hydrogen gas to pass through it till the iron is reduced. FLORES SAMBUCI SALITI. Fresh elder-flowers are strewed in a cask or jar with alternate layers of dry salt. For distilling the water at any period of the year. FOLIA BELLADONNAM OPIATA. M. CRUVEILHIER. Steep gij of belladonna leaves in a solution of 3j of opium in gij of water, and dry them in the shade. For smoking in phthisis. FOMENTUM(vel Fotus) ACETI. P. White vinegar gviij, cold water Sxxxij. FOMENTUM AMMONIA MURIATIS. CH. Decoction of mallow Ojss, muriate of ammonia gj; dissolve, and add spirit of camphor &ij. U. C. H. muriate of ammonia 3j, water f 5xij, proof spirit f 5ij, liquid subacetate of lead f 3ij. Mix. 12* 138 THE POCKET FORMULARY. FOMENTUM ANTHEMIDIS. Chamomile flowers 5ij, water lbiv; boil, and strain. 2 or 3 poppy-heads are sometimes added. FOMENTUM ARNICA. GRAEFE. Flowers of Arnica 3ij, rue lj; infuse in sufficient boiling water to strain off f 5xij. For black eyes, and other extravasations. See Lotio Arnice. FOMENTUM CONII COMPOSITUM. GuY's H. Dried hemlock 3ij, dried chamomiles gss, boiling water Ojss; macerate for 2 hours, strain, and press. FOMENTUM DIGITALIS. Dried foxglove 3j, boiling water Ojss; infuse and strain. FOTus ANODYNUJM. E. H. Poppies ~j, elder flowers ass, water Oijss; boil to Ojss. FOTUS ANTINEURALGICUM. MIALHE. Acetate of morphia gr. ij, acetic acid gutt. ij, eau de cologne 3ij. In facial neuralgia. FOTus ABOMATICUS. E. H. Cloves.j, mace 5j, red wine lbj; boil a little and strain. F. H. wormwood, bay-leaves, rosemary, each.j; water Oiv; boil and strain. FoTus ASTRINGENS. Decoction of oak bark, or of pomegranate Ojss, alum 3iij. FOTUS CALMANS. F. H. Mallows 3j, henbane jj, poppy heads.j, water Ibiv; boil to biij. FOTUS COMMUNE. L. 1744. Dried southernwood, sea wormwood, chamomiles, of each 5j, dried bay-leaves ass, water Ov; boil slightly, and strain. FOTUs EMOLLIENS. P. Emollient herbs (species emollientes) jj, boiling water Ojss. Infuse for an hour, and strain. FOTUS NARCOTICUS. P. Narcotic herbs (species narcotics) j j, boiling water Ojss. Infuse for an hour, and strain. FOTUS GALL.E. CH. Bruised galls sss, boiling water Fbij; macerate for an hour, and strain. In prolapsus and haemorrhoids. FOTUS PAPAVERIS. AS Decoctum Papaveris. FOTUs RESOLVENS. Infusion of elder flowers Sviij, Goulard's extract 3ss. FOTUS SAMBUCI. P. Infusion of elder flowers. FOTUS TANNINI. RICORD. Tannin 3ij, aromatic wine 3viij. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 139 FOTUS VINOSUS. P. Red wine Oij, honey givss. See Lotio and Embrocatio. FULIGOKALI. DESCIAMPS. Caustic potash 20 parts, powdered wood soot 100 parts, distilled water q. s.; dissolve the potash in a little water, and add the soot; boil for an hour, then add more water, and filter. Evaporate the clear solution to dryness, constantly stirring; and put the powder into dry bottles. FULIGOKALI SULPHURATUMa. Caustic potash 14 parts, sulphur 4 parts; heat them together with a little water till dissolved, add fuligokali 60 parts, and evaporate to dryness. FUMIGATIO AROMATICA. Olibanum, amber, mastic, of each 3iij; styrax 3ij, benzoin, and labdanum, each 3j; throw the mixed powders on red-hot cinders. See the next. FUMIGATIO BALSAMICA. Benzoin is burnt alone, or with styrax as a remedy for Hooping Cough, 3j or 3ss of each being thrown on hot cinders or a heated iron in the patient's room. Dr. DOHRN prescribes olibanum lhij, benzoin lbss, styrax Ifss, dried roses 3vj, lavender flowers gvj. FUMIGATIO BELLADONNA. M. SCHROEDER. About 3ij of the dried leaves are thrown.on a pan of coals; to relieve hemoptysis, and allay cough. FUMIGATIO CHLORINII. Suffumigatio Guytotiana. P. Put into an earthen vessel 3 parts of common salt, 1 of oxide of manganese, and 2 of water; add 2 parts of sulphuric acid. Stir it with a glass rod, or tobacco pipe. This is fbr unoccupied rooms only. FUMIGATIO IODINI ET SULPHURIS. SELLERS. Sulphur 3iij, cinnabar 3ij, iodine gr. x; in six powders. One to be thrown on to a heated iron at the bottom of a large jar, of sufficient size to receive the limb. In lepra, psoriasis, and tubercular eruptions; 20 minutes, 3 times a day. FUMIGATIO MERCURIALIS. ABERNETHY directs the patient to be placed in a vapour-bath, in his under garments, and his neck secured by a towel; and exposed for 15 or 20 minutes to the vapour from 5ij of black oxide of quicksilver put on to a heated iron. F. H. use 3ss to 3iij of red sulphuret of mercury, either alone or mixed with 5ij of olibanum. The sulphuret is also used by placing 3ss on a hot shovel covered with a funnel (or in an apparatus sold for the purpose) and the fumes inhaled to produce salivation. Mr. COLLES recommends the oxide or sul 140 THE POCKET FORMULARY. phuret to be mixed with melted wax, and formed into tapers; which are to be burned on a plate, covered with a curved funnel raised about an inch above the plate; and the vapour inhaled, or directed to any part. FUMIGATIO ACIDI NITRICI. Suffumigatio cum Acido Nitrico. P. Put into a porcelain cup equal measures of sulphuric acid and water, and add to it from time to time powdered nitre. FUMIGATIO NITROSA. Soak porous paper in a solution of nitre; roll it up, place it in a candlestick, and set it on fire. In Asthma. (American Journal.) FUMIGATIO PICEA. Sir A. CRICHTON. Mix Norway tar with a little carbonate of potash (~ss to lbj) to neutralize the acid, and keep it heated by means of a spirit lamp. GARGARISMA. St. B. H. [G. Simplex, GuY's H.; Commune U. C. H1.] Vinegar fSijss, decoction of barley Oj, honey, or honey of roses f Sjss. Mix. GARGARISMA ACIDI MURIATICI. CH. Muriatic acid gutt. xxx, honey of roses f ij, decoction of barley f vj. St. B. H. Red roses 3ij, boiling water Oj, muriatic acid 3jss. Macerate for an hour, and strain. F. H. Infusion of bark iv, syrup of honey 3j, muriatic acid 18 drops. GARGARISMA E1RUGINIS. G-UY's H. Liniment of verdigris (oxynel zEruginis) f ss, honey of roses f 3ij, decoction of linseed f iijss. MID. H. Liniment of verdigris f j, mucilage f.5ij, water f ~ix. Mix. GARGARISMA ALUMINIS. SAUNDERS. Alum 3j, infusion of roses gvij, honey of roses 3j. U. C. H. Alum 3j, decoction of bark f x, honey q. s. MID. II. Alum 3ij, water f xij. ZOBEL'S Specific consisted of alum giij, nitre ~iij, cream tartar ~iv, vinegar lbiv, evaporated to dryness. 3iv of this to be dissolved in.viij of plantain water. In Quinsy. GARGARISMA ANTISCORBUTICUM. P. Bitter species (species amaras) 3j, boiling water viij; infuse for an hour, strain, and add syrup of honey Fij, antiscorbutic tincture 5j. G-GAGARISMA ANTISEPTICUM. F. H. Muriate of ammonia Dss, camphor Dj, decoction of bark 3vj. GARGARISMA ASTRINGENS. A. T. THOMSON. Infusion of roses f vij, diluted sulphuric acid f3j, tincture of catechu f vj, tincture of opium f3jss. JANNART. Tannin 3ss, honey of TIHE POCKET FORMULARY. 141 roses Sij, water nviij, rose water Sij. Dr. NELIGAN. Decoction of pomegranate f Nvij, honey of borax gj. Iz Aphthous Ulcerations. GARGARISMA BORACIS. U. C. H. Borax 3ij, water f vj, honey 5j. MID. H. Borax 3ij, oxymel f ss, water f3xj. GARGARISMA CAPSICI. U. C. H. Tincture of capsicum f 3j, water f ~vj, vinegar f ~j. MID. H. Tincture of capsicum f 3ij, water f xij. GARGARISMA CINCHONE. BRANDE. Decoction of bark f ~iijss, infusion of roses f giijss, tincture of myrrh f ij, muriatic acid nyx. GARGARISMA CHLORINII. MID. H. Chlorine water f gij, water f x. F. H. Chlorine water ss, water iv, syrup ass, gum tragacanth gr. x. GARGARISMA CALCIS CHLORINATAE. Chloride of lime 3ij, water Oj; triturate, filter, and add clarified honey ~j. GARGARISMA DETERGENS. P. Honey of roses 3ij, alcoholized sulphuric acid 3ss, decoction of barley ~viij. GARGARISMA EMOLLIENS. BUCHAN. Althaea root.j, figs 2ij, water Oij; boil to Oj, and strain. F. H. Decoction of althaea 3vij, syrup of honey 5j. GARGARISMA HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. CII. Corrosive sublimate gr. ij, decoction of barley Oj, honey of roses,ij. GARGARISMA HYDRARGYRI CYANURETI. PARENT. Cyanide of mercury gr. x, decoction of althxa, or of linseed Oj. GARGARISMA IODINII. Dr. Ross. Tincture of iodine 3j to 3ij, tincture of opium 3j, water f vj. In ulceration of the tonsils. GARGARISMA MANGANESII OXYDI. PEREIRA. Black oxide of manganese 3ij to 3iij, decoction of barley f ~vj. GARGARISMA MYRRHI. CH. Tincture of myrrh ass, honey of roses ~jss, lime water 3vj. GARGARISMA NITRI. BRANDE. Nitre 3ij, simple oxymel f gj, barley water f vij. GAGARGARISMA PLUMBI. RATIER. Liquid diacetate of lead 3ss, barley water lbj, syrup ~j. GARGARISMA POTASSE CHLORATIS. Chlorate of potash 3j, water ~vij, honey of roses 5j. 142 THE POCKET FORMULARY. GARGARISMA PYRETHRI. SWEDIAUR. Infusion of pellitory Oj, muriate of ammonia 3ij, vinegar liij. GARGARISMA RHOIS GLABRI. An infusion of the inner bark of the root of smooth Sumach is used as a gargle in mercurial salivation. GARGARISMA ROSuE. KENRICK. Conserve of roses 5iij, boiling water f gxvj; infuse for an hour, add diluted sulphuric acid f 3ij, and strain. GARGARISMA SOD.E CHLORINATAE. GUY'S H. Solution of chloride of soda f3xij, water f xij. Dr. COPLAND. Solution f 3xij, honey gss, water f vj. St. B. H. f3ij of the solution to fiiv of water. GARGARISMA SPIRITUS VINI. Dr. WATSON. Brandy 1 part, water 5 parts. In Salivation. GARGARISMA STIMULANS. Dr. COPLAND. Infusion of roses f rvjss, diluted muriatic acid In xl, tincture of capsicum f 3jss, honey 3iij. GARGARISMA SULPHURIS COMPOSITA. MID. H. Sulphur 3j, acetate of lead Dj, distilled water f3xij. GARGARISMA TANNINI. JANNART. Tannin (acidrum tannicutn) 5ss, honey of roses 5ij, water jviij, rose water iij. GARGARISMA TEREBINTHINATUM. GEDDINGS. Oil of turpentine 3ij, mucilage Sviij. In Salivation. GARGARISMA ZINCI. Dr. COPLAND. Sulphate of zinc 3j, rose water f vij, simple oxymel f j. GELATINA. Patent Gelatine is made by macerating cuttings of calves' skins with caustic soda, washing, exposing to fumes of sulphur, dissolving, drying the jelly, cutting it, washing it thoroughly, and again dissolving and drying it. [The process, which is secured by a patent, need not be more particularly described. In France, pure gelatine is termed grenetine.] GELATINA BERBERORUM. E. 1744. Picked barberries lbj, white Sugar I1j; boil gently to a due consistence, and strain through flannel. GELATINA CORNU CERVI. P. Hartshorn shavings Sviij, water Oiij, white sugar,iv, and 1 lemon. Wash the hartshorn, boil it in the water gently till reduced to half; strain and press, add the sugar and lemon juice, and the white of an egg beaten ~^- VV ~^-~~- V vv —ud THE POCKET FORMULARY, 143 up with water; clarify by heat, and reduce to a gelatinizing consistence. Add the lemon-peel, strain, and set it in a cool place. G-ELATINA CHONDRI. Soak 3j of Irish moss in cold water, drain, boil in Oij of water to a proper consistence, adding lemon &c. to the taste. MouCHoN directs 3j of carragheen to be boiled for half an hour with f xvj of water, and 5ijss of sugar, in lumps, to be added to the strained liquor, which is evaporated to 5viij, and aromatized with a few drops of tincture of orange or lemon-peel. It is also made with milk. BERAL directs moss 9iv, milk gxxiv, sugar 3ss, cinnamon 3j. DAN. PII. Soak 5ij of the moss in cold water, and boil it with 3xij of milk. GELATINA COPAIBE. M. CAILLOT. Isinglass 4, water 26; dissolve in water-bath, pour the clear liquid jelly into a warm mortar, and add copaiba 30; triturate, and pour in a vessel to jelly. In the same way prepare jelly of cod-liver oil, castor oil, &c. GELATINA CYDONIORUM. E. 1744. Juice of quinces tIiij, sugar lbj; boil to a jelly. GELATINA Fuel. Dr. RUSSEL. Bladder-wrack ( Fucus vesiculosus) Ibij, sea-water Thij; macerate for 15 days. Applied to glandular tunmours. GELATINA FUCI AMYLACEI. Dr. SIGMOND. Boil ss of prepared Ceylon moss in Oij of water for 25 minutes, (or till a spoonful taken out jellies in two or three minutes.) Flavour with wine, lemon, &c., and strain. GELATINA HELMTNTHOCORTI. P. Boil 3j of Corsican moss for an hour in water q. s., to yield 5viij. Add 3j of isinglass, first soaked in a little water, ~ij refined sugar, and 5ij white wine. Boil and strain. GELATINA ICTHYOCOLLE. Soak the isinglass in cold water, then boil in water to a gelatinizing consistence. 3jss makes Oj of strong jelly; to which may be added wine, sugar, &c. SOUBEIRAN directs, isinglass 5vj, water lxxiv, sugar 3xij, citric acid 3ss, tincture of fresh lemon or orange-peel 3iij. GELATINA IODURETA. Gelee pour le Goitre. See Linimentum Ioduretum Gelatinosum. GELATINA LICHENIS. P. Iceland moss 3ij, white sugar iv, isinglass 3j. Wash the moss, and boil it for an hour in enough 144 THE POCKET FORMULARY. water to yield a strong solution. Strain, leave it to settle, decant; heat again with the isinglass (first steeped in water) and the sugar, and stir continually till it boils. Keep it gently boiling till sufficiently concentrated; remove the skin from the surface, put it into pots, and set it to cool. The moss is sometimes deprived of its bitterness, by macerating it in cold water (changed every six hours) for 3 days. GELATINA LICHENIS CUM CINCHONA. P. Add to the last, while warm, jvj of syrup of bark. [Sulphate of quinine is sometimes substituted for syrup of bark in the proportion of ~ grain to each ~j.] GELATINA LICHENIS SICCATA. P. Iceland moss deprived of its bitterness Ibj; boil it in sufficient water for an hour, strain, and press; add sugar lbj, and evaporate in a flat vessel to a firm consistence, stirring it constantly. Then spread it on plates, dry it in a stove, and reduce it to powder. GELATINA MARANTr. Boil xvj of water with a little sugar, and add to it.j of arrow-root previously rubbed to a smooth paste with a little cold water; let it boil for an instant, and pour it out. Jelly of potato arrow-root and of tous les mois is prepared in the same way. Sago and Tapioca require to be first soaked in cold water, then boiled with fresh water to a proper consistence; adding sugar, &c. to the taste. One ounce will be sufficient for a pint of jelly. GELATINA SALEP. Ground salep 3iv, sugar 5iv, water q. s. Boil to f exvj, and flavour to the taste. GENTIANINA. M. Gentictnine. Macerate powdered gentian in cold ether, concentrate the filtered tincture, and treat the crystalline residue with alcohol. Evaporate the solution, and set it aside to crystallize. Many subsequent steps are necessary to obtain the principle quite pure; but perhaps without any advantage to its medicinal efficacy. It appears to consist of two distinct principles, Gentisic Acid, and Gentianite. Dose, gr. ss to gr. 1. GLOBULI CONTRAYERVA. These only differ from Pulvis Contrayervae Comp. in form. GLOBULI GASCOIGNII. Gascoign's Balls. The compound powder of crab's claws formed into balls with mucilage. The original balls contained pearls, and oriental bezoar; and were imitated by the following: crab's claw's gvij, calcined hartshorn and THE POCKET FORMULARY. 145 amber, each ~j, powdered seeds of the amomum Plinii 3ij, mucilage q. s. GLOBULI MARTIALES. P. They consist of tartarized iron with aromatics. They are not used in this country. GLYCERINUM. Glycerine, or the sweet principle of oil, is obtained in making Emplastrum plumbi, from the water employed. Pass a current of sulphuretted hydrogen through the water until all the lead is thrown down; filter, and evaporate, in vacuo or over sulphuric acid, till the sp. gr. is 1-27. Used externally in skin diseases, diluted with water, or added to poultices. GUMMI RESINiE. See Vegetabilium Preparatio. GUTTIE ACONITI CUM ANTIMONIO. RICHTER. Extract of aconite 3j, antimonial wine 5j. GUTT]E ACOUSTICGE. Oil of almonds 3iv, oil of turpentine 3ss, tincture of opium 3ss. See also Balsamum Acousticum. GUTTIE iETHEIREI TEREBINTHINATZE. M. DURANDE. Sulphuric sether 3vj, rectified oil of turpentine 3ij. In Gallstones. Dose, xl to f 3j. GUTTLE ANODYNE. See Liquor Morphiae Acetatis. GUTTE ANTACIDE. U. C. H. Solution of potash f iij, solution of ammonia f j, myrrh 3j. Triturate together, and filter. GUTTzE ANTHELMINTICAE. SCHWARTZ. Petroleum 3iv, tincture of assafoetida 3vj; dose, 40 drops. See also Oleum Anthelminticum. GUTT2E ANTIPERTUSSICGE. Dr. GRAVES, or Dr. BEATTY. Tincture of cantharides, and comp. tincture of camphor, of each f ~ss; comp. tincture of bark f v. A teaspoonful 3 times a day, in Hooping Cough. GUTTIE ANTISCROFULOSAE. AUGUSTIN. Muriate of iron 3ss, muriate of barytes 3ss, distilled water Zj. Dose, from 20 drops. GUTTE EMMENAGOGE. BRANDE. Compound tincture of aloes f j, tincture of valerian f 2j, tincture of sesquichloride of iron f ss. Dose, a teaspoonful in chamomile tea. GUTTIE GODDARDIAN2E. This once famous remedy, for which King Charles II. gave 1500 pounds, was merely oleum animale, procured from human bones. 13 146 THE POCKET FORMULARY. GUTT2 HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. Sir A. COOPER. Bichloride of quicksilver gr. j, tincture of cinchona bark f ij. Dose, f3j. GUTTIE NIGRA:. Dr. ARMSTRONG. Lancaster Black Drop. Opium lbss, verjuice Oiij, bruised nutmegs 5jss, saffron Iss. Boil to a proper thickness, then add 2 spoonfuls of yeast, and let it stand in a warm place for 6 or 8 weeks, then in the open air till it is of the consistence of syrup. Then decant, filter, and bottle, adding a little sugar to each bottle. U. S. (Acetum Opii.) Take of opium in coarse powder 3viij, nutmeg 3ss, saffron.ss, distilled vinegar, or diluted acetic acid, f xxiv: digest on a sand-bath for 48 hours. Digest the residue in the same quantity of vinegar. Then put the whole into a displacement apparatus, pouring distilled vinegar on the materials so as to obtain f 348. Dose, 7 to 10 drops. Similar to Rousseau's Drops. See Vinum Opii Fermentatione Paratum. GUTTAE ODONTALGICE. Tooth-ache Drops. Dr. COPLAND. Opium gr. x, camphor gr. x, rectified spirit q. s., oil of cloves 3j, oil of cajeput 3j. Dr. RIGHINI. Rectified spirit 3iv, creasote 3vj, tincture of cochineal 3ij, oil of peppermint 12 drops. Dr. BLAKE. Alum finely powdered 5j, spirit of nitric rether 3vij. M. COTTEREAU. Saturate ether (cold) with camphor, and add a few drops of ammonia. HAUSTUS. Draughts are single doses of liquid medicines, and are almost exclusively extemporaneous. A selection of useful formulae is here given. See also Misturse. HAUSTUS ACIDI NITRICI CUM OPIO. Dr. COPLAND. Dilute nitric acid f 3j, tincture of opium f3ss, infusion of calumba f.xss. HAUSTUS ACIDI HYDROCYANICI. MID. H. Dilute hydrocyanic acid niv, sesquicarb. soda gr. x, water f 3jss. HAUSTUS ZETHEREUS. Dr. NELIGAN. Sulphuric aether f 3j, spermaceti gr. ij: rub together, and add peppermint water f 3x. HAUSTUS AMMONIA. BRANDE. Solution of ammonia nixv to xx, comp. tincture of cardamoms f 3ss, tincture of gentian f 3ss, camphor mixture f 5jss. HAUSTUS AMMONITE ACETATIS. Dr. PARIS. Camphor mixture f jss, solution of acetate of ammonia f3iv, antimonial wine wN xx. To this may sometimes be added, tincture of opium v x. HAUSTUS AMMONIiE CITRATIS. BRANDE. Carbonate of ammo THE POCKET FORMULARY. 147 nia 3j, water f ijss, citric acid gr. xxiv, syrup of Tolu f 3ss, spirit of nutmeg f 3ss. GUY'S I. (Effervescing.) Sesquicarbonate of ammonia 3j, water f j; mix, and add lemonjuice f 3ss. HAUSTUS AMMONIE TARTRATIS. MID. H. Sesquicar. of ammonia gr. xv, tartaric acid Dj, water f,jss. HAuSTTus ANODYNUS. Dr. COPLAND. Camphor mixture six, nitrate of potash gr. vj, compound spirit of sether f 3j, tincture of opium N x to xij, syrup of poppies f 3ij. To be taken at bedtime. HAUSTUs ANTACIDUS. Carbonate of soda gr. xv, infusion of gentian (or calumba) f vj, water f 3vj, tincture of hops f3j. See Haustus Calcis Comp. HAUSTUs ANTI-ARTHRITICUS. Sir H. HALFORD'S Gout Preventive. Infusion of gentian f jss, bicarbonate of potash gr. xv, tincture of rhubarb f 3j. HAUSTUS ANTI-EMETICUS RIVERII. P. Bicarbonate of potash 3ss, lemon-juice 3iv, syrup of lemon 5j, water.iij. HAUSTUS ANTILITHICUS. Dr. VENABLES. Borax gr. viij, bicarbonate of soda gr. x, aerated water f ^viij. In Red Gravel. [Dr. PARIS. Subcarbonate of soda gr. x, infusion of quassia f gj, tincture of calumba 3j.] HAUSTUS ANTISPASMODICUS. Dr. GREGORY. Foetid spirit of ammonia f 3j, camphor mixture f 3x, syrup of saffron f 3j. HAUSTUs APERIENS. Dr. PARIS. Infusion of senna f jj, tincture of senna f 3j, tincture of jalap f 3j, tartrate of potash 3j, syrup of senna f 3j. Mix. Dr. RYAN. Sulphate of magnesia f 3iv, infusion of senna f 3jss, tincture of senna f 3jss, syrup of ginger f 3j, aromatic spirit of ammonia N xx. See also Haustus Sennse Comp.; H. Jalapa; H. Scammonii; and Mistura Aperiens. HAUSTUS APERIENS EFFERVESCENS. Dr. YOUNG. Subcarbonate of soda 3ijss, water f viij, supertartrate of potash 3iij. Cork securely in a strong bottle. Dr. BARKER. Bisulphate of potash gr. 73, or carbonate of soda 72; water q. s. Dissolve separately, and mix. HAUSTUS APERIENS SEDLITZENSIS. Bicarbonate of soda Dijss, potash-tartrate of soda 3ij, water f 3vj, or q. s. Dissolve, and add tartaric acid 3ij. Dr. PARIS prescribes, tartarized soda 3ij, 148 THE POCKET FORMULARY. bicarbonate of soda 9j; to be dissolved in water, and a table spoonful of lemon-juice added. HAUSTUS AROMATICUS CUM RIEO. ST. B. HT. Aromatic confection 3j, infusion of rhubarb f3vj, cinnamon water f 3vj. HAUsTUS ASSAF(ETIDE CUM AMMONIA. Dr. PARIS. Carbonate of ammonia gr. v, assafoetida gr. iv, compound spirit of lavender f 3ij, decoction of aloes f 5x. HAUSTUS ASTRINGENS. Dr. PARIS. Chalk mixture 5jss, tincture of opium ir xv, tincture of catechu f 3j. HAUSTUS BALSAMI PERUVIANI. St. B. H. Balsam of Peru f 3ss, mucilage of acacia f3iv, water f 3v, pimento water f 3iij. HAsUTUs BALSAMI TOLUTANI. As the last. IHAUSTUS BISMUTHI. Dr. PARIS. Tris-nitrate of bismuth gr. viij, mucilage 3ij, almond mixture f j. Twenty drops of tincture of henbane, or of solution of muriate of morphia; or rTxv of aromatic spirit of ammonia, are occasionally added. HAUSTUS CAJAPUTI. Dr. PARIS. Oil of cajeput Niij, white sugar gr. x, infusion of calumba f 3ix, tincture of calumba f 3j. HAUSTUS CALCIS COMPOSITA. MID. H. Carb. magnesia gr. v, aromatic sp. of ammonia f 3ss, lime water f ~jss. HAUSTUs CAMPHORMB. GUY's H. Camphor gr. vj, spirit q. s., white sugar 3j, mucilage f 3iij, water f 5jss. HIAUSTUS CHLORINII. Dr. COPLAND. Chlorine water f3ss, water f.jss, syrup of poppies f 3ss. Every 6 hours. HAUSTUS CINCHONAX. Dr. JoY. Decoction of bark f 5jss, extract of bark gr. xv, tincture of bark f3j, aromatic spirit of ammonia sxxx. BRANDE. Infusion of bark f3xj, disulphate of quinine gr. j, comp. tincture of bark f3ss, syrup of poppies f 3ss. MID. H. Decoction of yellow bark f3vj, infusion of roses f 3vj, diluted sulphuric acid rnv. HAUSTUS COLCHICI. Sir C. SCUDAMORE. Magnesia gr. xv to xx, sulphate of magnesia 3j to ij, vinegar of colchicum f 3j to f 3ij, cinnamon or other water f 3ix, syrup 3j. BRANDE. Wine of colchicum f3ss, carbonate of magnesia gr. xv, cinnamon water f 3iv, water f j. WESTM. H. Colchicum wine f 3ss, solution of sulphate of magnesia 3iij, carb. of magnesia 9j, peppermint water f 5j. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 149 HAUSTUS CONII ET HYOSOYAMI. Dr. PARIS. Extract of hemlock gr. v, extract of henbane gr. v, mucilage f 3ij, solution of acetate of ammonia f 3iv, water f ~j, syrup of red poppies f 3j. HAuSTUS COPAIBAE. St. B. H. As H. Balsami Peruviani. HAUsTUS CRETA ET FERRI. Dr. PARIS. Chalk mixture f 3vij, compound mixture'of iron f 3iij, sesquicarbonate of ammonia gr. v. In Diarrhoea. HAUSTUS CRETEA CUM RHEO. MID. H. Comp. powder of chalk with opium gr. x, rhubarb gr. xv, comp. tincture of cardamom f 3ss, caraway water f ljss. HAUSTUs DIURETICUS. COPLAND. Acetate of potash 3ss, infusion of quassia f 3vj, cinnamon water f 3vj, vinegar of squills f 3ss, spirit of nitric sether f 5ss. IAUSTUs EFFERVESCENS. Sesquicarbonate of soda 3ss, water q. s., dissolve and add f 3ij of any syrup; then gr. xxv of citric or tartaric acid. See also Haustus Potassse Citratis. HAUSTUS EMETIUS. MID. H. Tartar emetic gr. j, ipecacuanha 3j, water f gjss. GUY's H. Antimonial wine f 3ij, ipecacuanha wine f 3vj. HAUSTUS EMETICUS STIMULANS. SPRAGUE. Carbonate of ammonia 9j, ipecacuanha 3ss, peppermint water fliij, tincture of capsicum f3ij. Dr. COPLAND prescribes only vn xx of tinct. of capsicum, and adds oil of chamomile 10 drops. In Poisoning by Narcotics. HAUSTUS EMETICO-CATHARTICUS. Dr. PICKFORD. Sulphate of zinc 9j, sulphate of magnesia 3iv, water q. s. HAUSTUS FERRI EFFERVESCENS. Dr. MACMICHAEL. Bicarbonate of soda 5j, water f 5iv; dissolve, and add tinct. of chloride of iron f 3j. iHAUSTUS FERRI AERATUS. Dr. VENABLES. Sulphate of iron gr. v, bicarbonate of potash gr. xij, aerated water f viij. HAUSTUS FERRI CUM MAGNESIA. Sir J. MURRAY. Fluid carbonate of magnesia f gjss, tincture of muriate of iron: x to xxx. HAUSTUS FERRI IODIDI. A. T. THOMSON. Iodide of iron gr. ij to iv, water f 3xj, tincture of orange-peel f 3j. Twice or 3 times a day. [Dr. THOMSON has recently recommended the following form:-Syrup of iodide of iron (Thomson's) f 3j 13* 150 THE POCKET FORMULARY. nitric acid niij, tincture of roses (Squire's) f3j, infusion of orange-peel f.jss.] HAUSTUS FERRI PROTOXYDI. DONOVAN. Calcined magnesia Dij, distilled water f vj; triturate together, and add pure sulphate of iron in fine powder 3iv, and tincture of quassia f 3ij. Put it immediately into 3j bottles, and secure them from the air. Each draught contains about 9ss of protoxide of iron. HAusTus GENTIANIE ET FERRI. GuY's H. Comp. infusion of gentian f 3x, tincture of sesquichloride of iron v x. HAUSTUS GUAIACI COMPOSITUS. MID. H. Comp. tincture of guaiacum f 3j, mucilage f 3ij, camphor mixture f 3ix. HAUSTUS HYDRIODATIS ARSENICI ET HYDRARGYRI. DONOVAN. Solution of hydriodate of arsenic and mercury (Liquor yclbdriodatis Arsenici et Hyclrargyri) f3ij, distilled water f iijss, syrup of ginger f ~ss. Mix, and divide into 4 draughts. One night and morning. HAUSTUS HYDROCYANICUS. DONOVAN. Cyanide of potassium gr. j, distilled water f iijss, syrup of lemons f ass. Mix, and divide into 8 equal draughts; 1 for a dose. HAUSTUS HYoscYAMI CUM SCILLA. Dr. BREE. Extract of henbane gr. iij, tincture of squill i x, dilute nitric acid r vj, water f.jss. HAUSTUS IPECACUANHA- CUM SCILLA. St. B. H. Ipecac. wine, oxymel of squills, and weak pimento water, each f ~ss. Mix. HAUSTUS IPECACUANHAB OPIATUS. St. B. H. Ipecacuanha gr. ij, confection of opium 3j, water f 5j, pimento water f 5ss. HAUSTUS JALAPAE ET SCILLAB. COPLAND. Tincture of jalap f3ij, vinegar of squill f 3j, mint water f 5jss. HAUSTUS LAXANS TONICUS. BRANDE. Sulphate of magnesia 3ss, infusion of roses f3vj, infusion of gentian f vj, diluted sulphuric acid n x, syrup of ginger, f 3j. Daily. HAUSTUs LAXANS CUM TARAXACO. COPLAND. Infusion of senna f 3vj, infusion of gentian (or calumbo) f 3vj, sulphate of potash 3ss, extract of dandelion 3ss, comp. tincture of cardamoms f 3jss. HAUSTUS MAGNESIAE EFFERVESCENS. Solution of bicarbonate of magnesia f ~jss, syrup of orange-peel f 3j, lemon-juice f3iij. HAUSTUS MAGNESI2E CITRATIS. BRANDE. Carbonate of magne THE POCKET FORMULARY. 151 sise 3j, water f 3ix, syrup of balsam of Tolu f 3j, spirit of nutmeg f 3ss, lemon-juice f 3iij. HiAUSTUS MAGNESIAM SULPHATIS. St. B. I. Sulphate of magnesia 3vj, manna 3iv, mint water f ij. HAUSTUS MAGNESIE SULPHATIS ACIDUS. Sulphate of magnesia 3iij, peppermint water f ~ij, tincture of jalap f j, diluted nitric acid N xx. HAUsTus NARCOTINA. Mr. JESTON. Narcotine gr. ij, diluted sulphuric acid n xx, infusion of roses f ~jss. Every 2 hours in the intermissions of Neuralgia. HAUSTUS NIGER. Black Draught. See Haustus Aperiens, Haustus Senne, Mistura Senne, and Mistura Aperiens. HAUSTUS NITRATIS POTASSB. Nitre gr. xv, gum arabic gr. x, almond mixture f 3jss. HAUSTus Nucis VOMICE. Dr. Joy. Powdered nux vomica gr. iij, powdered gum acacia 3ij, cinnamon water f jss, comp. tincture of cardamoms f 3j. IlAUSTUS OLEI RICINI. GUY's H. Castor oil 3iv, yolk of egg q. s., syrup f 3j, cassia or other distilled water f ~j. HAUSTUS OPIATUS. St. B. H. Tincture of opium Nxij, water f.j, pimento water 3iij, syrup of red poppies f 3j. HIAUSTUS OPITI UM ANTIMONIO. Add to the last, antimonial wine N xx. HAUSTUS POTASSzE AETATIS. MID. I-I. Acetate of potash 3ss, bicarbonate of potash 9j, peppermint water f 2jss. HAUSTUS POTASSA CITRATIS. St. B. H. Carbonate of potash 3j, water f Ojss; dissolve, and add at the time of taking, citric acid gr. xvij. GUY's H. Carbonate of potash 3j, mint water gjss, lemon juice f3iv. HAUSTUS POTASSE TARTRATIS. MID. H. Bicarbonate of potash 3j, tartaric acid gr. xv, sugar gr. vj, water f 2j. HAUSTUS QUASSIA ET FERRI. Dr. PARIS. Infusion of quassia f 3x, tincture of muriate of iron lr x, tincture of calumbo f 3j. IAUSTUS QUINm. St. GEO. H. Disulphate of quinine gr. ij, dil. sulphuric acid r iv, water f 3xj, tincture of orange-peel f 3j. IHAUSTUS QUINE ACIDUS. Sulphate of quinine gr. ij. dilute sulphuric acid f3ss, water f 3ixss, comp. tincture of cardamoms f 3j, syrup fSj. 152 THE POCKET FORMULARY. HAUSTUS QUINAM ET ZINCI. COPLAND. Sulphate of zinc gr. i to j, sulphate of quinine gr. ij, infusion of roses f 3x, tincture and syrup of orange-peel each f3j. HAUSTUS SCAMMONII. Dr. PARIS. Pure scammony gr. ij, sulphate of potash gr. x, mucilage f 3ij, almond mixture f.j, spirit of nutmegs f3ss. See also Mistura Scammonii, E., and Emulsio Purgans cum Scammonio, P. IHAUSTUS SCOPARII COMPOSITUS. St. B. H. Decoction of broomtops f 3xj, spirit of juniper f 3j, tartrate of potash 3j. HAUSTUS SENNA. St. B. H. Infusion of senna 5xj, sulphate of magnesia 5jss, oil of peppermint 4 of a drop. HAUSTUS SENN2E COMPOSITUS. GUY's H. Black Draught. Senna 3x, mint 3x, boiling water Oij. Macerate for an hour, strain, and add sulphate of magnesia Sviij. Dose, f ij to f iv. HAUSTUS TEREBINTHIN-E. As Haustus Balsami Tolutani. HAUSTUS ToNIcUS. Disulphate of quinine gr. ij, diluted sulphuric acid -nv, infusion of cascarilla, or of gentian f 3x, compound tincture of cardamoms f 3jss, syrup of orange-peel f 3j. HEDERINUM. Hederine. By boiling the seeds of ivy (I-edera helix) in water with a little slaked lime, treating the dried precipitate with alcohol, and evaporating the filtered solution. Febrifuge. HYDRARGYRI ACETAS. P. Dissolve protonitrate of mercury in 3 or 4 times its weight of water, slightly acidulated with nitric acid; and add to it gradually a solution of acetate of soda in slight excess. Wash the precipitate with cold water, and dry it in the shade. D. directs the acetate of potash. Dose, %th of a gr. to 1 gr. HYDRARGYRI AMMONIO-CHLORIDUM. L. and E. White Precipitate. Bichloride of mercury,vj, distilled water Ovj; dissolve by heat, and when cold add solution of ammonia f 2viij, stirring occasionally. Wash the precipitate with cold water till tasteless, and dry it. [D. directs water of ammonia to be added to the liquor poured off from precipitated calomel. See Calomelas Precipitatum.] HYDRARGYRI ET AMMONI2E MURIAS. P. Sal Alembroth. Equal parts of bichloride of quicksilver and muriate of ammonia levigated together. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 15.3 HYDRARGYRI BICYANIDUM. L. (Hydrargyri Cyanuretum, D.) Boil 5viij of Prussian blue with Sx binoxide of mercury in Oiv of distilled water for half an hour, and filter; evaporate and crystallize, wash what remains frequently with boiling distilled water, and evaporate the mixed liquors for more crystals. [It may also be made by adding red oxide of mercury to hydrocyanic acid. D. directs 6 parts of Prussian blue, 5 of nitric oxide of mercury, and 40 of distilled water.] HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDUM. L. (Sublimatus Corrosivus, E. Hydrargyri Murias Corrosivum, D.) Corrosive Sublimate. Quicksilver Tbij, sulphuric acid Ibiij, boil to dryness, and when cooled, rub the mass with chloride of sodium lbjss in an earthenware mortar; then sublime by a gradually increased heat. E. by a similar process from mercury.iv, sulphuric acid f ij f 3iij, pure nitric acid f ss, muriate of soda 2iij. D. from 5 parts of persulphate of mercury, and 2 of dried muriate of soda. Dr. A. T. THOMSON'S patent method of making this salt is by burning quicksilver in chlorine gas. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDIM. L. (Calomelas, E.; C. Sublimatum, D. Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite, U. S.) Calomel. Quicksilver ltij, sulphuric acid lsiij; boil to dryness, and when cooled, rub the bipersulphate of mercury with Ifij of quicksilver so as to mix them perfectly, and add chloride of sodium lbjss, and rub them together till the globules disappear; then sublime. Rub the sublimate into a very fine powder, and wash it thoroughly with boiling distilled water, and dry it. E. by a similar process from ~viij of mercury, f ~ij f 5iij of sulphuric acid, f ~ss pure nitric acid, f Eiij of muriate of soda. D. from 25 parts of persulphate of mercury, 17 parts of pure quicksilver, and 10 of dried muriate of soda. U. S. as L., but directs the washings to be tested with ammonia. [When sublimed into a vessel containing steam, it forms the hydro-sublimed calomel.] HYDRARGYRI CHLORO-IODIDTUM. M. CAVENTOU. Dissolve bichloride of mercury in alcohol, and add an equal weight of biniodide of mercury; then carefully evaporate the mixed solutions to dryness. It is said to be more active than either of its constituents. HYDRARGYRI IODIDUM. L. Quicksilver jj, iodine 3v; rub together, with a few drops of alcohol, till they combine; dry in the dark by a gentle heat, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. [MIALHE states that protoiodide of mercury, prepared by trituration, always contains a portion of biniodide, which should be removed by alcohol.] 154 THE POCKET FORMULARY. HYDRARGYRI BINIODIDUM. L. Mercury gj, iodine 3x, alcohol q. s., proceed as in the last. E. directs it to be dissolved by boiling in Oiv of strong solution of salt, from which it is deposited in crystals. [A brighter product is obtained by precipitation. P. dissolve separately 100 parts of iodide of potassium, and 80 parts of bichloride of mercury in a large quantity of distilled water; add the latter solution to the former so long as a precipitate is produced, avoiding excess, (or rather leaving a slight excess of iodide of potassium, which is essential to obtaining a very bright-coloured product.) Wash with distilled water, and dry in the shade, by a very gentle heat.] HYDRARGYRI NITRAS. See Hydr. Proto-nitras, and Deuto-nitras, below. HYDRARGYRI PROTO-NITRAS. P. Put into a large flat-bottomed glass matrass equal parts of pure quicksilver, and nitric acid at 1'321 density; leave them in a cool place for 24 hours, remove the crystals, place them in a glass funnel, wash them with a little nitric acid, drain them, and keep them in closelystopped bottles. HYDRARGYRI DEUTO-NITRAS LIQIIDUS. P. (Acid nitrate of mercury.) Dissolve 1 part of quicksilver in 2 parts of nitric acid at 1-321 density; and evaporate the solution to three-fourths of its original weight. [Used as a caustic applied with a camelhair brush.] HYDRARGYRI SUBNITRAS. Dr. DUNCAN. Dissolve mercury in excess of nitric acid by heat; pour the solution into water, collect the precipitate, and dry it. A darker coloured precipitate is obtained by boiling this in water. [Both are used for making extemporaneous Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis; Bij of the powder being mixed with ~j of simple or spermaceti cerate. But the ointment so made is not identical with that of the Pharmacopoeia.] HYDRARGYRI ET POTASSII IODO-CYANIDUM. Hydrargyro-iodocyanide of potassium. To a concentrated solution of bicyanide of mercury, add a solution of iodide of potassium, collect the crystalline precipitate, and dry it by a gentle heat. As a test for foreign acids in prussic acid. HYDRARGYRI ET POTASSII IODIDUM. Iodohydrargyrate of iodide of potassium. M. BOULLAY. Iodide of potassium 10 parts, biniodide of mercury 25 parts, distilled water 10 parts. Boil together in a glass matrass till the biniodide of mercury is dis THE POCKET FORMULARY. 155 solved; let the solution cool, pour off the clear liquid, and crystallize by evaporation and refrigeration. See Solutio Iodohydrargyratis Potassii. HYDRARGYRI OXYDUM. L. Calomel ~j, lime water Cj; mix, agitate together, set it aside, decant, wash the powder with distilled water, and dry it in the air wrapped in bibulous paper. D. (Hyd. ox. nigrum.) Calomel 1 part, warm solution of caustic potash 4 parts. Wash the precipitate, and dry it with a medium heat. [Mr. TYSON says the oxide is most effectually obtained by treating calomel first with solution of potash, and then with ammonia.] HYDRARGYRI BINOXYDUM. L. Formerly made by keeping mercury in a tall glass heated to 600~ till converted into red scales. Now precipitated from a solution of ~iv of bichloride of mercury in Ovj of distilled water, by f xxviij of solution of potash. The precipitate to be carefully washed, and dried. HYDRARGYRI OXYDUM RUBRUM. E. Mercury ~viij, dilute nitric acid (sp. gr. 1280,) f vv; dissolve half the mercury in the acid with heat, and evaporate to dryness, triturate the rest of the mercury with the dry salt, and heat the powder in porcelain, with constant stirring, until acid fumes cease to be discharged. D. Expose purified mercury in an open glass vessel, with a narrow mouth and broader bottom, to a heat of 600~ until converted into red scales. HYDRARGYRI NITRICO-OXYDUM. L. Quicksilver tbiij, nitric acid ibjss, water Oij; heat gently till the quicksilver is dissolved; boil to dryness, powder the residue, and heat it in a shallow vessel till the red vapours cease. D. (Hydr. oxydum nitricum) nearly the same. HYDRARGYRI OXYDUM SULPHURICUM. D. See Hydrargyri Subsulphas Flavus. HYDRARGYRI PRECIPITATUM ALBUM. E. As Hydr. Ammoniochloridum, L. HYDRARGYRI PRECIPITATUM NIGRUM. HAHNEMANN'S Soluble Mercury. Dissolve proto-nitrate of mercury by triturating it with distilled water slightly acidulated with nitric acid; and add to the filtered solution, by small quantities, solution of ammonia diluted with 15 or 20 times its weight of water, so long as the precipitate formed is nearly black, stirring with a glass rod. Wash the powder, and dry it in the shade. Dose i to 1 grain. 156 THE POCKET FORMULARY. HYDRARGYRI PHOSPHIAS. PRus. PII. To a solution of nitrate of mercury, add solution of phosphate of soda acidulated with a little nitric acid. Wash and dry the precipitate. HYDRARGYRI ET QUINE C(HLORIDUM. Double Chlorice of Mercury and Quinine. M'DERMOTT. Dissolve 1 part of bichloride of mercury, and 3 parts of hydrochlorate of quina, separately, in the smallest quantity of water, and mix the solutions. Collect the salt which separates, and dry it with a gentle heat. See Pil. Hydr. et Quinse Chloridi. HYDRARGYRI SUBMURIAS. See Hydrargyri Chloridum. HYDRARGYRI SUBMURIAS AMMONIATUM. D. See Hydr. Ammonio-chloridum. HYDRARGYRI PER-SULPHAS. Bipersulphate of Mercury. D. Quicksilver 6 parts, sulphuric acid 6 parts, nitric acid 1 part. Heat them in a glass vessel, till a dry white mass be obtained. [It is also formed in the L. process for making calomel.] HYDRARGYRI SUB-SULPHAS FLAVUS. Hydr. Oxydum Sulphuricum. D. Turrpeth Mlineral. Triturate 1 part of persulphate of mercury with 20 parts of warm water, and pour off the supernatant liquor; wash the yellow powder with warm distilled water till the decanted fluid yields no precipitate with solution of potash, and dry it. HYDRARGYRI SULPHURETUM CUM SULPHURE. L. (Hydrargyri Sulphuretum nigrum. D.) zEthiops Mineral. Rub together equal parts of quicksilver and sulphur till the globules are no longer visible. Dose from 5 to 30 grains as an alterative. HYDRARGYRI BISULPHURETUM. L. Vermilion, or factitious Cinnabar. Quicksilver lbij, sulphur v; mix the quicksilver with the sulphur liquefied over the fire, and as soon as the mass swells up, remove the vessel from the fire, and cover it firmly lest it inflame; then rub it into powder and sublime. Dose, as the last. Also used in mercurial fumigation, D. (Hydr. Sulphuretum rubrun) by the same process, from 19 parts of purified mercury, and 3 of sublimed sulphur. HYDRARGYRI TARTRAS. P. Proto-tartrate of Mercury is made by adding a solution of proto-nitrate of mercury in water slightly acidulated with nitric acid, to a solution of tartrate of potash as long as a precipitate forms. Wash it with distilled water, dry it in the shade, and keep it in bottles covered with black paper. Dose, 1 to 2 grains. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 157 HYDRARGYRI POTASSIO-TARTRAS. A double salt (or a variable mixture of tartrate of mercury, tartrate of potash, and cream of tartar, SOUBEIRAN) was formerly used. Its solution formed Liqueur de Pressavin; but its effects were found uncertain. HYDRARGYRI ET AMMONiE NITRAS. WARD. Nitric acid 5xvj, add gradually sesquicarbonate of ammonia ~viij; afterwards digest in a sand-bath with 5iv of quicksilver, and when that quantity is dissolved, add more quicksilver by small quantities till the fluid ceases to act on it. Then evaporate the solution, and crystallize by refrigeration. IIYDRARGYRUM PURIFCATUM. P. Distil quicksilver from an iron or earthen retort, to which is fixed a flexible tube formed of folded linen, moistened, and dipping into water. Dry the distilled metal, and pass it through chamois leather. [Quicksilver may also be purified by heating it to 104~ F., agitating it with a little strong solution of nitrate of mercury, and straining.] HYDRARGYRUM CUM CRETA. L. & E. Quicksilver 5iij, prepared chalk.v, rub together till the globules are no longer visible. D., as Hyd. cunl Magnesia, substituting precipitated carbonate of lime for carb. magnesia. Dose, from 5 to 20 grains. A little water is said to aid the extinction of the mercury.. [Mr. TYSON substitutes a mixture of one part of his black protoxide of mercury with 2 of prepared chalk, but this should not be used except when expressly ordered.] HYDRARGYRUM CUM MAGNESIA. D. Quicksilver 2 parts, manna 2 parts, carbonate of magnesia 1 part. Rub the quicksilver and manna together, with enough water to give them the consistence of syrup, till the globules disappear; then add, still triturating, i part of the magnesia, and after the whole is well mixed, add 16 parts of hot water, and agitate the mixture. When it has settled, decant the fluid, and repeat the washing a second and third time. Then add the rest of the magnesia, and dry the powder on bibulous paper. [This contains nearly twice as much quicksilver as Hyd. cum Creta.] HYDROLATA. Distilled waters. See Aquve Destillatoe. HYDROGENIUM. Hydrogen is readily procured by adding dilute sulphuric acid to fragments of zinc. Cacburetted Hydrogen, in the form of coal gas, is sometimes employed as a palliative in consumption. Dr. R. CLANNY recommends it to be passed through water, then agitated with fresh precipitated carbonate of lead, and mixed in the gasometer with an equal quantity of 14 158 THE POCKET FORMULARY. common air. 12 cubic inches of the mixed gas to be inspired 3 or 4 times a day, and the quantity gradually increased to 20 C. I. For Sulphuretted Hydrogen, see Acidum Hydrosulphuricum. HYDROMEL. P. Fine honey 6ij, boiling water ~xxxij. Dissolve, and filter. INFUSA. Infusions. The ingredients, divided by bruising or cutting, being put into a warm vessel, boiling distilled water is to be poured on them, and the vessel covered. Having macerated the time prescribed, the liquor is to be strained off, through linen or calico. For infusions containing acids, vessels of glass, or of earthenware not glazed with lead, should be used. In a few instances, cold water is used, but unless so directed, boiling water is to be understood. Many substances might be advantageously treated by displacement to obtain infusions of any desired strength. The usual dose of infusions is from f 5j to f ij, or a wineglassful. The principal exceptions will be noticed. INFUSUM ABSINTHII. BRANDE. Fresh wormwood ~ij, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 hours, and strain. Others direct from Iss to 5j of the dry herb to Oj of water. INFUSUM ABROTANI. TADDEI. Southernwood ~j, boiling water Oj. Infuse 2 hours, and strain. INFUSUM ACORI CALAMI. Dr. PARIS. Calamus root 3vj, boiling water f 3xij. Macerate 2 hours. Dr. COPLAND, 3iij to Oss. INFUSUM ALLII. Mr. WHITE. Garlic lbss, water Tbj; let them digest in an oven for some hours, and strain. Two spoonfuls before and after every meal, in epilepsy. INFUSUM ALKALINUJM. Hickory ash Oj, wood soot 01, boiling water cong. ~. Let them stand 24 hours, and decant. A wineglassful 3 or 4 times a day. A popular remedy in America for dyspepsia. INFUSUM ALOES COMPOSITUM. Dr. FOTHERGILL. Aloes 3j, rhubarb 3iv, calumbo 3iv, lime water f viij, spirit of horseradish f 3iv. Infuse 12 hours in a close vessel, and strain. INFUSUM AMARUM PURGANS. L. 1746. Similar to Mist. Gentianae Co. INFusJU ANGELICE. Angelica root from 3iv to ~j, boiling water Oj. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 159 INFUSUM ANISI. Dr. PROUT. Aniseed 3iv, warm water (at 120~ F.) Oss. Infuse till cold. TNFUSUM ANTHEMIDIS. L. & E. Chamomile flowers 3v, boiling water Oj. Macerate for 10 minutes, (20 minutes, E.) and strain. D., 3ij in f ~viij, 24 hours. INFUSUM ANTISCORBUTICUM. E. H. Marsh-trefoil ~ij, orangepeel Iss, boiling water Oiij; infuse for a night, and add compound spirit of horse-radish liv. INFUSUM ARMORACIE COMP. L. & D. Horse-radish root.j, black mustard-seed Sj, boiling water Oj (f Sxvj, D.); macerate for 2 hours, (6 hours, D.) strain, and add comp. spirit of horse-radish f gj. [This infusion is more pungent if made in a cold jug, or with water below the boiling point. Mr. GREENISHI.] INFUSUM ARNICA MONTANAE. PEREIRA. Arnica flowers ss, boiling water Oj, macerate 2 hours, and strain. A. T. THOMSON. Leaves or flowers 3jss, or Dij of the root, to f xij of water. INFUSUM AURANTII COMPOSITUM. L. & D. (Inf. Aurantii, E.) Dried bitter orange-peel iss, fresh lemon-peel 3ij, cloves 5j, boiling water Oj; macerate for 15 minutes, and strain. INFUSUM AYE-PANM COMPOSITUM. Dr. CAMERA'S Sudorific Infusion. Leaves of Brazilian ayapana 5ij, aniseed 3j, boiling water Ibij. INFUSUM BERBERIS. COPLAND. Barberry bark ~j, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours. In jaundice, &c. INFUSUM BELLADONNA. Dr. PARIS. Dried belladonna gr. iv, boiling water f Jij. Infuse, for one dose. Dr. SAUNDERS prescribes 3ss of dried leaves to f 5xij of water, adding to f vij of the strained infusion f ~j of comp. tincture of cardamoms. INIFUSUM BUCHU. E. & D. See Inf. Diosmse. INFUSU-M CAFFEI. Dr. MACBRIDE. Macerate 30 unroasted coffee berries in Oij of cold water. Dose, Oss every morning in calculous disorders. M. HONORE gives daily an infusion of 3vj roasted coffee in Oss of water, in albuminurica. BOUCHARDAT prescribes a strong infusion, by percolation, with the addition of a little brandy, in poisoning by opium, after emetics and ioduretted water. 160 THE POCKET FORMULARY. INFUSUM CALUMBIE. L. & D). Calumba root 3v, boiling water Oj; infuse for 2 hours. INFUSUM CALUMBa [cum Aqua Frigida]. E. Calumba in coarse powder 3iv, triturate it with a little cold water so as to moisten it thoroughly, put it into a percolator, and transmit cold water through it till f xvj of infusion be obtained. INFUSUM CAPSICI. PEREIRA. Powdered capsicum 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Dose, f 3iv. [A weaker infusion, gr. viij to f 3viij of water, has been dropped in the eye in Amnaurosis.] INFUSUM CAPSICI COMPOSITUM. STEPHEN'S Pepper Medicine. Two table-spoonfuls of red pepper, 2 teaspoonsful of salt, boiling water Oss; when cold, strain, and add Oss of vinegar. INFUSUM CARDtI BENEDICTI. NIEMANN. Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) 3vj, boiling water lbj. A. T. THOMSON directs 3vj of the herb to f,xvj of cold water. The warm infusion promotes vomiting and perspiration; the cold is tonic and stomachic. INFUSUM CARYOPIYLLI. L. & E. Cloves 3iij, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours and strain. D., 3j of cloves to f ~viij of water. INFUSUM CASCARILLrm. L. & E. Cascarilla.jss, boiling water Oj; macerate 2 hours. D. nearly the same. INFUSUM CASSI.E. Eau de Casse. SOUBEIRAN. Cassia pods, bruised, 3iv, boiling water Ojss. Infuse 6 hours, and strain. See Mistura Cassise. INFUSUM CATEHCU. E. Catechu 3vj, cinnamon 3j, boiling water f.xvij; infuse for 2 hours, strain, and add syrup f ~iij. INFUSUM CATECHU COMPOSITUM. L. & D. Catechu 3vj, cinnamon 3j, boiling water Oj; macerate an hour. INFUSUM CENTAUREAB. See Inf. Cardui Benedicti. INFUSUM CENTAURII. Common centaury (Erythrea centaurium) 3iv, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM CEPHALICUM. E. H. Valerian root 5ij, rosemary 3iv, boiling water Oiij; infuse for 12 hours, strain, and add aromatic water 3iv. INFUSUM GCHIRETT E. E. Chiretta 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate 2 hours, and strain. [Dr. ROYLE states that water of not more than 180~ is preferable.] TtE POCKET FORMULARYo 161 INFUSUM CIMICIFUGBE RACEMOSm. Black snake root 5j, boiling water Oj, macerate for 2 hours. In Rheumatism, Dropsies, affections of the Lungs, &c. INFUSUM CINCIONA. L. & E. Peruvian bark (pale, L., of any species prescribed, E.) jj, boiling water Oj; macerate 6 (4, E.) hours, and strain. INFUSUM CINCHONM [sine calore]. D. powdered bark (pale) 5j, cold water f xij; rub the bark with a little of the water, add the rest, macerate 24 hours, and filter. GuY's H. directs f xij of tincture of bark to be added after straining; and the yellow bark to be used. INFUSUM CINCHONtE CUM AQUA CALCIS. U. S. Powdered bark gj, lime water fxvj; macerate 12 hours in a covered vessel. INFUSUM CINCHONA CUM MAGNESIA. U. S. Powdered bark jj, calcined magnesia 3j, water f ~xij; boil, digest for an hour, and strain. [The last 2 are now rejected.] INFUSUM CINCHONE COMP. ST. B. H. Bark.j, orange-peel 3ij, red rose 3iij, boiling water Oj, macerate for 2 hours, strain, and add diluted sulphuric acid 3jss. U. S. Powdered bark gj, aromatic sulphuric acid f 3j, water f gxvj; macerate for 12 hours, stirring occasionally, and strain. INFUSUIM CONII. GuY'S H. Dried hemlock 3ij, coriander seed 3ij, boiling water f gviij. Infuse and strain. (Now rejected.) INFUSUM CORNus CIRCINAT. Dr. r.IVE. Coarsely powdered bark of the round-leaved dogwood ~j, boiling water f xvj. Dose, f j to ~ij. INFUSUM CUSPARIE. L. Cusparia bark 3v, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and strain. INFUSUM DAucI. WooDVILLE. 3 spoonfuls of carrot seed (5j SPRAGUE) in Oj of water. Diuretic. INrFUsu DIGITALIS. L. Dried fox-glove leaves 3j, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 hours, strain, and add spirit of cinnamon f ~j. Dose, from f 3ij to f gj or f gjss, carefully watching its effects. Diuretic and Sedative. N.B. This is less than half the strength directed in L. 1824. D. directs 3j of leaves to f ~viij of water, with f gss sp. of cinnamon. E. 3ij of leaves to f ~xviij of water, adding f ij of sp. of cinnamon. U. S. 3j to f ~viij of water, with f j of tincture of cinnamon. 14' 162 THE POCKET FORMULARY. INFUSUIM DIOSMIA. L. (Inf. Buchu, E. & D.) Buchu leaves ~j, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 (2, E.) hours, and strain. D. 3iv to f viij. Dose, ~jss. INFUSUM ERGOTSE. PEREIRA. Bruised ergot 3j, boiling water f.iv; macerate till cold. For three doses. INFUSUM ERIGERONIS CANADENSIS. Canadian fleabane jj, boiling water f xvj. Diuretic ancd astringent. INFUSUM EUPATORIT. U. S. Dried thoroughwort (Eupatorium perfoliatum) 5j, boiling water f 3xvj macerate for two hours, and strain. Dose, as a tonic, a wine-glassful three or four times a day. As a diaphoretic and emetic, larger doses of the warm infusion. Dr. PEEBLES gives f jss, warm, every half hour until perspiration and nausea, or vomiting are induced, in Influenza. INFUsUM FCENICULI. GUY'S H. Fennel seeds 3vj, boiling water f xij; macerate half an hour. INFUSUT GALLTE. AUSTR. PH. Nutgalls 5ij, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM GENTIANM COMPOSITUM. L. Infusumr Amarum. Gentian root 3ij, dried orange-peel 3ij, fresh lemon-peel 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate for an hour, and strain. E. (Inf. Gentianse.) Gentian 3iv, orange-peel 3j, coriander seed 3j, proof spirit f iv; pour the spirit upon the solids, in three hours add f xvj of cold water; and in twelve hours strain through linen or calico. D. Dried orange-peel, gentian, fresh lemon-peel, of each 3j, boiling water f ~xij. INFUSUM GINSENG. CHINESE form. Ginseng root 9ij, ginger 3j, water lvj. Digest in a water-bath for 2 hours, add 9j of cinnamon, and when cold, strain. INFUSUM GLYCYRRHTZ.. ST. B. H. Fresh liquorice-root jj, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and strain. INFUSUM GRATIOLE. A. T. THOMSON. Dried hedge hyssop 3ij, boiling water f viij; macerate, and strain. Dose, f ss. Diuretic, cathartic, and emetic. INFUSUM HELLEBORI F(ETIDI. WOODVILLE. Fresh stinking hellebore 3ij, (or 3ss of dry,) boiling water f.viij; macerate for an hour, and strain. Dose, f ~j. Vermifuge. INFUSUM HELMINTHOCORTI. FARR. Corsican moss 3iv, boiling water f xvj. Digest 10 or 12 hours, and strain. By glassfuls, in Cancer, &c. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 163 INFUSUM HEMEDESMI. Dr. ASHBURNER. Root of hemedesmus indicus Jij, lime water Oj; infuse in a close vessel for 12 hours. INFUSUM IHERNARLI. Rupture-wort 3ij, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM ITUMULI. See Infusum Lupuli. INFUSUM HISPANICUM. BUCHAN. Foreign extract of liquorice (Spanish juice) 3j, subcarbonate of potash 3iij, boiling water Oij; infuse for a night, decant, and add syrup of poppies ss. INFUSUM HYssopi. RATIER. Hyssop leaves 3ijss, liquorice 3ij, boiling water Oij. In catarrThal complaints. INrUSUM INUL. Elecampane root 3v, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM JAPONTCUM. See Infusum Catechu. INFUSUM JUGLANDIS. M. NEGRIER. Fresh walnut leaves ~j, boiling water f %xij; infuse till cold, and strain. Dose, f 5iv, two or three times a day. INFUSUM JUNIPERI. PEREIRA. Juniper berries ~j, boiling water Oj; macerate for an hour. INFUSUM JUNIPERI [COMPOSITUM]. GJY's H. Juniper berries,ijss, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and strain; then add compound spirit of juniper f 3x, and occasionally, bitartrate of potash 3j. Dose, f ij three times a day. INFUSUM JUSTICI.E. Root of panicled justicia 3ij, boiling water Oj. A powerful bitter. INFUSUM KRAMERIME. L. Rhatany root gj, boiling water Oj macerate for 4 hours, and strain. Astringent. INFUSUM LACMI. Litmus 3j, boiling distilled water f iij. INFUSUM LAURI NOBILIS. Dr. NELIGAN. Bay leaves or berries,jss, boiling water- ffxij; macerate, and strain. Dose, f ss to f ~jss. Stimulant. INFUSUM LAURO-CERASI. Dr. CHESTON. Fresh leaves of the cherry-laurel ~iv, boiling water f xxxij; infuse for an hour, strain, and add clarified honey ~iv. For outward cpplication to malignant ulcers. INFUSUM LINI COMPosITUM. L. and E. Linseed (bruised, L., unbruised, E.) 5vj, liquorice root 3ij, boiling water Oj; macerate near the fire for 4 hours, and strain. D. and U. S. bruised linseed jj, liquorice ass, boiling water f ~xxxij. 164 THE POCKET FORMULARY. INFUSUMV LINI CATHARTICI. A. T. THOMSON. Dried purging flax 5ij, boiling water Oj; infuse for an hour. Dose, f ij? LEWIS directs a handful of the fresh plant to be infused in whey, for a dose. INFUSUM LIRIODENDRI. Dr. WOOD. Bark of liriodendron tulipifera.j, boiling water f xvj. Dose, f ~j-ij. Tonic, stirulatnt, and ciacphoretic. INFUSUM LUPULI. L. Dried hops 5vj, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 hours, and strain. INFUSUIM MALAMBO. URE. Malambo bark 3ij, boiling water Oj. An aromnatic tonic. Dose, f ^j-ij, 3 times a day. INFUSUM MATTICONIS. Dr. H. LANE. Leaves of matico lj, boiling water Oj. Macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Astringent. Dose, %ss to f 3jss. It is also used as an injection. INFUSUM MATTICONIS ET SENN2E. Dr. WATMOUGH. Matico 3ij, senna 5ij, boiling water Oj. Dose, f3jss repeatedly. INFUSUM MELISS_. PLENCK. Fresh balm 3v, boiling water Oj; infuse for - of an hour. INFUSUJM MENTHIE SIMPLEX. D. Dried mint 3ij, boiling water q. s. to produce f vj of strained infusion. Digest for half an hour, and strain. INFUSUM MENTH ( COMPOSITUM. D. Add to the last, when strained and cold, white sugar 3ij, oil of spearmint 3 drops, dissolved in comp. tincture of cardamom f 5ss. INFUSUM MENTHIL COMPOSITUM. [Acidum.] GUY's H. Dried mint 5ij, red roses 3iv, boiling water Oj, diluted sulphuric acid f3ij, macerate for i- an hour, strain, and add sugar ~jss. INFUSUM MENYANTHIS. Dried buckbean 3v, boiling water Oj. Tonic, alterative, and cathartic. Dose, f j to f jss. INFUSUM MILLEFOLII. Dried yarrow 3x, boiling water Oj. In hemorrhoidal affections, nervous debility, &c. Externally as a vulnerary. INFUSUM NARCISSI. DUFRESNOY. Daffodil flowers from 3 to 16, boiling water Oj. In HIooping Cough. INFUSUM NUCIS VOMICGM. MANCHESTER H. Bruised nux vomica 3j, boiling water Oj; infuse. Dose, Iss. INFUSUM PAREIR.B. L. and E. Pareira brava root 3vj, boiling THE POCKET FORMUTLARY. 165 water Oj, macerate for 2 hours, and strain. Dose, f j-ij. Sir B. BRODIE prefers the decoction. INFUSUM PERSICEB. PEREIRA. Dried peach leaves Iss, boiling water Oj. Laxative and vermifuge. Dose, f3iv, 3 times a day. INFUSUM PHELLANDRII. BIRD. Seeds of water-fennel 3v, boiling water Oj. Dose, f ss, to check excessive expectoration. INFUSUJM PICIS. See Aqua Picis Liquidre. INFUSUM PIMPINELLIE. Root of burnet-saxifrage ij, boiling water f I xvj. INFUSUM PRUNI VIRGINIANBE. U. S. Wild cherry bark ass, cold water f. xvj. Infuse for 24 hours; or it may be made by percolation. Tonic and calmative. Dose, f ij. INFUsUM QUASSIM. L. E. D. Quassia 3ij [3j E., 3ijss D.], boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours. U. S. 3ij of quassia to f xvj of cold water-12 hours. INFUSTJM QUASSIM CUM ZINCI SULPHATE, Quassia 3j, sulphate of zinc gr. viij, cold water f viij. INFUSUM ERIEI. L. and D. Rhubarb 3iij (D. 3ijss), boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours. E. Rhubarb jj, boiling water f xviij; infuse for 12 hours, strain, and add spirit of cinnamon f ij. INFUSUM RHEI ALKALINUM. Dr. COPLAND. Rhubarb 3ij, subcarbonate of potash 3j, boiling water Oss, macerate for 4 hours, strain, and add tincture of cinnamon ass. INFUSUM RHODODENDRI. KOELPIN. Leaves of golden-flowered rhododendron 3ij, boiling water Oss. A wine-glassful night and morning, in gout. INFUSUM RIiOIS TOXICODENDRT. SOBERNHEIM. Dried leaves of poison-oak (rhus toxicodendrum, or r. radicans) Dss to 3j, boiling water f vj. Dose, f ss. INFUSUM ROSYE COMPOSITUM. L. (Inf. Rosie, E.) Red rose petals dried 3iij, boiling water Oj, diluted sulphuric acid f 3jss; macerate in a glass vessel for 6 hours, strain, and add sugar 3vj. E. directs the roses to be infused for 4 hours, and the acid and sugar to be added to the strained liquor. INFuSUM Rosi ACIDUM. D. Dried rose petals jss, boiling water 166 THE POCKET FORMULARY. f xlviij, dil. sulphuric acid f 3iij. Digest in a glass vessel for half an hour, strain, and add purified sugar 9jss. INFUSUM RUTE. PEREIRA. Fresh rue gj, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM SABINIe. Dr. PEREIRA. Fresh savine 3j, boiling water f viij; infuse for ~ an hour. HORN prescribes savine 5j, camphor gr. vj, boiling water f iv. Dose, f 3ss. INFUUJM SALVIM. A. T. THOMSON. Dried sage leaves gj, boiling water Oj; macerate for i an hour. INFUSUM SAMBUCI. Elder flowers 3j to 3iv, boiling water Ojss. Infuse and strain. INFUSUJM SANGUINARI^. Blood-root ass, boiling water f ~xvj. Dose, f ss to f j. Emetic. INFIUSUM SARSAPARILLE. U. S. Sarsaparilla 1j, boiling water f ixvj; macerate for 2 hours. INFUSUM SARSAPARILLAE COMPosIT'UM. D. Sarsap. gj, lime water f,xvj; imaccrate in a close vessel for 12 hours, and strain. Dr. O'BEIRNE prescribes gij of sarsaparilla, 3ij of liquorice root, to Oj of lime water; to maccrate 24 hours. INFUSUM SARZx ALKALINUJM. St. GEO. H. Sarsaparilla ~xij, liquorice root ~jss, solution of potash (liq. potassoe) f ~jss, boiling water Ovss. Macerate for 24 hours, and strain. Dose, from f viij to f xvj daily. INFUSUM SASSAFRAS. NIEMANN. Sassafras gss, boiling water Oj; macerate for 6 hours. INFUSUM SCOPARII. L. Broom tops 5j, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 hours. INFUSUM SCUTELLARIE. A strong infusion of scutellaria lateriflora is employed as a preventive of hydrophobia; taken 3 times a day, for 3 or 4 months. INFUSUM SECALIS CORNUTI. See Infusum Ergots. INFUSUM SENEGIZ. E. Senega 3x, boiling water Oj; infuse for 4 hours, and strain. INFUSUM SENNM. E. Infusum Sennse Compositum, L. Senna 3xij (E.) or 3xv (L.), ginger 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate for an hour, and strain. INFUSUM SENNEG COMPOSITUM. E. (Infusum Sennas cum Tamarindis, D.) Senna 3j (or sometimes 3ij or 3iij), tamarinds jj, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 167 coriander seed 3j, muscovado sugar ~ss, boiling water f 3viij. Infuse for 4 hours in a covered vessel not glazed with lead, and strain. INFUSUM SENNE TARTARIZATUM. L. 1788. Senna 2jss, coriander seed ass, cream of tartar 3ij, boiling water f 1xvj. Macerate for an hour. INFUSUM SENN2E LIMONIATUM. L. 1746. Senna Sjss, fresh lemon-peel 5j, lemon-juice 3j, boiling water f3xvj. INFUSUM SERPENTARIM. L. Virginian snake-root 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate for 4 hours, and strain. INFUSUJM SERPENTARI_3 COMPOSITUM. GUY's H. Serpentaria 3v, contrayerva root 3v, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and add tincture of serpentaria f ij. INFUSUM SESAMI. Dr. WOOD. Two fresh leaves of sesamum (benne) infused in f viij of cold water form a mucilaginous demulcent drink. Dried leaves require hot water. INFUSUM SlMARUBBE. L. Simaruba bark 3iij, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours, and strain. INFUSUM SPIGELIrE. U. S. Indian pink 3iv, boiling water f.xvj j macerate for 2 hours. INFUSUM SPIGELIL CUM SENNA. As the last, with 3iv of senna. Vermifuge. Dose for a child of 3 years old, from f, ss to f ~j; for an adult, from f iv to f viij. INFUSUM SOLIDAGINIS. Golden rod dried gj, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM TABACI. D. Tobacco leaves 3j, boiling water f xvj; macerate for an hour. [FOWLER'S Inf. Tabaci is replaced by Vinum Tabaci, E.] INFUSUM TAMARINDI CUM SENNA. See Inf. Sennse. Comp. INFUSUM TANACETI. PEREIRA. Fresh tansy 8ij [~j NIEMANN], boiling water Oj. Infuse, and strain. INFUSUM THALICTRI FLAVI. Infuse 5ij of meadow-rue in boiling water q. s. to strain f xvj. (For.Biydrophobia; to be taken in 24 hours.) INFUSUM TILIE. See Ptisana Tilie. INrUSUM ULMI FULV. U. TS. Inner bark of slippery elm gj, boiling water f 3xvj; macerate for 2 hours. Demulcent, ad libitum. 168 THE POCKET FORMULARY. INFUSUM URTICE (SEMINUM). GARBE. Nettle-seed 3ijss, boiling water f.xviij; infuse for 3 hours, strain, and add syrup f'ij. INFUSUM VALERIANS. L. Valerian root 3iv, boiling water Oj; macerate for 2 hours. D. 3ij to f viij; infuse half an hour. Dose f Sj-ij. INFUSUM VANILLA. Vanilla 3j, boiling water Oj. INFUSUM VINC I MINORIS. Mr. WEATHERS. Lesser periwinkle Sss, boiling water Oj. Dose, f j 3 times a day, in passive hwimorrhages. INFUSUM ZINGIBERIS. Dr. WooD.'Ginger ass, boiling water f xvj; macerate for 2 hours. INJECTIONES. Urethral and vaginal injections are here intended, except where otherwise stated. For intestinal injections, see Enemata. INJECTIO ACIDI MURIATICI. Mr. WYATT. Muriatic acid 8 drops, water f iv. INJECTIO AcOUSTICA. ALIBERT. Balsam of Peru 3ij, tincture of musk 4 drops, otto of roses 1 drop, decoction of St. John's wort Oj. In Discharges fromn the Ear. See also Balsamum Acousticum, and Guttae Acousticae. INJECTIO ALOES. BORIES. Aloes 3ss, muriate of ammonia gr. iv, honey of roses ^j, fennel water 5vj. INJECTIO ALUMINIS. CH. Alum gr. iv, rose water xiv. BRANDE. Compound solution of alum f3vj, water f vjss, mucilage 5ss. INJECTIO ALUMINE ACETATIS. Dr. REECE. Alum 3j, acetate of lead 3jss; triturate with f vj of boiling water, and in an hour filter. INJECTIO AMMONIE. LAVAGNA. Water of ammonia 8 to 12 drops, milk iij. NISATO. Water of ammonia 40 drops, barley water f ~viij, mucilage Fss. For 4 injections. Dr. ASHWELL. Water of ammonia f 3j, milk Oj. In Amenorrhlea. INJECTIO AMMONIZE ACETATIS. CH. Liquid acetate of ammonia f 5j, water f iij. INJECTIO ARGENTI NITRATIS. The proportion of nitrate of silver, prescribed by different surgeons in injections, varies from gr. ith to gr. xxx to each f j of distilled water. Mr. ACTON uses gr. ij of nitrate in f Jviij of distilled water; and injects half a THE POCKET FORMULARY. 169 syringe-full every 4 hours for 12 times. Dr. ARNOTT uses gr. xij to f 5j of water, and injects f 3ij, compressing the urethra 2 inches from the orifice; it should be retained half a minute. Mr. LucAs employs from gr. x to xx to f ~j of water. RICORD gr. viij. Dr. JEWEL (in Leucorrhoea) gr. iij to f j of water. Glass syringes should be used. INJECTIO ASTRINGENS. Dr. ASHWELL. Infusion of oak bark f ~iv, powdered nutgall 3ss, tincture of catechu f 3ij. INJECTIO CALOMELANOS. St. B. H. Calomel 3ij, mucilage f jss, water Oj. INJECTIO CERRUSSE. CH. Compound powder of carbonate of lead (p. cerusse comp. L. 1788,) 9j, sulphate of zinc gr. vj, rose water giv. INJECTIO CHLORINATA. F. H. One part of liquid chlorinated soda to 12 or 16 of water. Dr. COPLAND. One fluid ounce of liquid chloride to ~vij of camphor mixture. INJECTIO CHLORIDI CALCIS. ROUSSE. Chloride of lime 9j, water f. vij, wine of opium ~j. INJECTIO COPAIBAE. CH. Copaiba balsam 3ij, mucilage ss, lime water xiv. RICORD prescribes copaiva 3vj-vij, decoction of poppies ~iij. Yolk of an egg. Mix. INJECTIO CREASOTI. Dr. ALLNATT. Creasote 7Nxx, solution of potash 3ij, white sugar 3ij; rub together, and add water f viij. In Leucorrhocea. INJECTIO CUBEBME. CHEVALLIER. Ground cubebs 5j, extract of belladonna 3j, boiling water f xvj. Infuse. INJECTIO CUPRI ACETATIS [OLEOSA]. CH. Prepared verdigris gr. x, oil of almonds 3iv. Dissolve by trituration, or gentle heat. INJECTIO CUPRI AMMONIATI. Mr. FOOT. Solution of almmoniated copper 20 drops, rose water ~iv. INJECTIO CUPRI SULPHATIS. HUNTER. Sulphate of copper gr. iij, water f iv. INJECTIO CUPRI ET PLUMBI ACETATIS. Dr. R. REECE. Acetate of lead gr. x, acetate of copper gr. x, acetic acid nv, water f 3 viij. INJECTIO ERGOTSA. BOUDIN. Ergot 3j, boiling water viij. Infuse. 15 170 THE POCKET FORMULARY. INJECTIO FERRI IODIDI. RICORD. Iodide of iron 5ss, water f viij. INJECTIO FULIGINIS. M. ROGNETTA. Decoction of wood soot ~ xvj, alum 5 ss, water vj. In Leucorrhioa. INJECTIO GALLAE. Tincture of nutgalls 5j, water 3x. Or a weak infusion. INJECTIO HYDRARGYRI. CH. Quicksilver 3j, mucilage 5jss; rub together till combined, and add gradually, water f ~jss. INJECTIO HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDI. See Inj. Calomel. INJECTIO HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. F. H. Bichloride of mercury gr. j to iv; water, or barley water, f xvj. 3j of tincture of myrrh is sometimes added; others add wine of opium. INJECTIO IODINII. VELPEAU, iqn Hyclrocele. One part of tincture of iodine, to 3 parts of water; or from 3ij to 3iij of tincture to.j of water, and inject ass. Mr. B. COOPER says the compournd tincture should be used. Mr. WALNE mixes from f 3j to f 3ij of the tincture with f 3x of tepid water, and injects f j, letting it remain about 4 minutes. In Hydarthrosis M. BONNET injects a solution of 1 part of iodine, 2 of iodide of potassium, and 8 of water, taking care not to introduce more liquid than is withdrawn from the joint. INJECTIO MORPHIAE. BRERA. Morphia gr. ij, oil of almonds.j; triturate together. INJECTIO OLEOSA. CH. Oil of almonds.iv, liquid diacetate of lead 8 drops. INJECTIO OPIATA. CH. Tincture of opium tXxl, water Iiv, F. H. Wine of opium 3j, emollient decoction Oj. INJECTIO PLATINO-CHLORIDI SODII. HOEFER. Decoction of poppy ~viij, chloride of platinum and sodium 3ss. INJECTIO PLUMBI. Goulard water (Liq. Plumbi diac. dil.), or acetate of lead 3j, water f 5viij. INJECTIO PLUMBI OPIATA. WENDT. Extract of opium gr. jss, distilled water f ij, mucilage 3ij, liquid diacetate of lead 4 drops. INJECTIO QUERCUS. Powdered oak bark jj, boiling water ~xvj. Infuse. INJECTIO TANNINI. RICHARD. Tannin Dj, water iviij. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 171 INJECTIO TEREBINTHINtE. St. B. H. Oil of turpentine f jss, olive oil f ~xij. INJECTIO THEN. CiH. Green tea 5ss, boiling water Siv. Infuse. INJECTIO VESICALIS. Dr. HOSKIN. For dissolving 9phos7hatic Calculi in the bladller. Nitro-saecharate of lead gr. j, moistened with 5 drops of saccharic acid, and dissolved in f3j of distilled water. Dr. I. has since adopted the acetate of lead. M. CHEVALLIER prescribes in lithic calculi, carbonate of soda 3j, soap 3ij, water f3xij. INJECTIO VINI. EARLE, in Hlydrocele. Red wine 2 parts, water I part. To remain in about 5 minutes. INJECTIO ZINCI ACETATIS. Sulphate of zinc 3j, acetate of lead Div, water Ojss. INJECTIO ZINCI CHLORIDI. M. GAUDRIOT. Liquid chloride of zinc 24 drops, water f ~iv. Mix, and filter. INJECTIO ZINCI SULPHATIS. Sulphate of zinc gr. viij to xx, distilled or rose water f 3viij. [Several of the compounds under LOTIO are used as injections, properly diluted.] IODINIUM. (Iodineum, E.) Iodine. Lixiviate kelp, remove the crystallizable salts by successive evaporations, dry the mother liquor, and heat the residuum with one-tenth its weight of powdered oxide of manganese, in an iron pot, stirring constantly. Dissolve it in water to obtain a solution of 1-334 sp. gr. Pass through it a current of chlorine, avoiding excess. Wash the deposit with a little water, and distil it in a glass retort. P. [For another method see Dr. PEREIRA'S " Elements."] IODIDUI AMYLI. See Amyli Iodidum. IODOEORMUJM D R. IODOOM. M. CLARY. Distilled water f 2x, rectified spirit f jss, iodine Sj, bicarbonate of soda jj. Heat gently in a flask, by water-bath, for 2 hours; or until yellow scales of iodoform are deposited. Collect the iodoform on a filter and wash it with a little cold water. More iodine is added to the liquid so long as it becomes decolorized by the process. Dose, about 1 grain. JALAPINA. Jalapine. Mr. REDWOOD (in GRAY's Supplement) gives the following process, which was referred to in the former edition as that of BUCHNER. It may be questioned whether all the makers who supply it follow exactly the same process: — 172 THE POCKET FORMULARY. Dissolve resin of jalap in rectified spirit, and add to it an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, as long as a precipitate is formed. Filter, add a few drops of diluted sulphuric acid to throw down any excess of lead; filter again, and mix the clear solution with 4 or 5 times its volume of distilled water. Collect the precipitate, and dry it over a water-bath. JUILAPIUM (vel JULEPUM) ACIDUM. Water rendered gratefully acid by the addition of various acids, and sweetened with sugar or syrup. GUY's H. has the following:Hydrochloric acid f 3j, water Oj, sugar.ss. Nitric acid N 75, water Oij, sugar.jss. Nitro-hydrochloric acid t2 70, water Ojss, sugar ~j. JULEPUM ANODYNUM. See Mistura Anodyna. JULEPUM AMMONIA. GUY's H. Sesquicarbonate of ammonia 9ij, treacle f3iv, compound tincture of lavender f3iv, mint julep (jul. menthae, GUY's H.) f xj. JULEPUM AMMONIA ACETATIS. GUY's H. Solution of acetate of ammonia, and mint water, equal parts. JULAPIUM ANTIHYSTERICUM. F. H. Pennyroyal water giv, hysteric water 5iji tincture of castor 3ij, foetid spirit of ammonia 3ij, sugar 3vj. JULEPUM GUMMOSUM. P. Gum arabic 3ij, syrup of marshmallows 5j, orange-flower water 5iv, water 1iv. JULEPUM HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI COMPOSITUM. GUY's H. Tincture of cinchona bark f j, tincture of rhubarb f3iv, liquor of bichloride of mercury fOij, distilled water f 3iv. Dose, f3j to f3iv, twice or thrice a day. JULEPUM IODINII COMPOSITUM. GuY's H. Iodine gr. ij, iodide of potassium gr. xlviij, comp. tincture of lavender f3vj, water f xj 3ij. Mix. Dose, f j, twice or thrice daily. JULEPUM LIMONIS. GUY's H. Lemon juice and mint water, equal parts. See Limonadum. JULEPUM MENTHIL. GUY's H. Peppermint water Oj, water Oss. U. C. H. adds spirit of nitric aether f3vj, syrup of senna f ij. JULEPUM OXYMELLIS COMPOSITUM. GUY's H. Oxymel f iij, nitre 3iij, water f ix. Dose, f j. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 173 JULEPUM POTASSIE CARBONATIS. GUY'S H. Solution of carbonate of potash 1 part, mint water 11 parts. JULEPUM POTASSIE CITRATIS, vulgo JULEPUM SALINUM. GUY'S H. Julep of carbonate of potash 2 parts, lemon juice 1 part. Dose; f jss. See Mistura Salina. JULEPUM POTASSE NITRATIS. GUY'S H. Nitre 3iij, mint julep f 3xss, spirit of nitric Tether f3iij, syrup of lemons f 2j. JULEPUM RHEI COMPOSITUM; Julepum Rosae Comp.; and J. Sodse Sulphatis. See Mistura. Other juleps will also be found under Mistura, Potio, Ptisana, &c. JUSCULUM CUM CARNE BoVIS. Dr. SEYMOUR. Beef Tea. Lean beef fbijss (avoird. wt.?), water Oiij; simmer, without boiling, till reduced to Ojss, and strain carefully. JUCSULUM CUM CARNE VITULI. P. Lean veal.iv, river water f Sxxxvj; digest with a gentle heat for 2 hours; strain when cold. In the same manner prepare bouillons of calves' lights, pullet, crayfish, tortoise, and frogs. JUSCULUM CUM LIMACIBUS. P. Vine snails, deprived of their shells and intestines, washed in warm water, and cut in pieces, iiv, water lbij; simmer for 2 hours, add 3ij of Canada maidenhair; infuse for I of an hour, and strain. JUScULUM SARZAM. Dr. EGAN. Decoction of sarsaparilla Ojss, beef lbss; reduce to half. To be taken daily. JUSCULUM VIPERINUM. L. 1746. Prepared from a middle-sized viper (freed from head, skin, and entrails,) a chicken, and 1bij of water, S. A. Restorative. KALI. See Potassa. KERMES MINERALE. (See Antimonii Oxysulphuretum.) P. Cryst. carbonate of soda 21 parts, water 210 parts; boil in an iron vessel, and add 1 part of black sulphuret of antimony in fine powder; keep it boiling for an hour, filter whilst boiling into earthen vessels containing a very little hot water; let it cool very slowly, collect, wash, and press the precipitate, dry it with a moderate heat, pass through a silk sieve, and keep it secure from air -and light. An inferior kind is prepared in the dry way, from black sulphuret of antimony lxvj, carbonate of potash Sxxxij, washed sulphur 5j. Mlix accurately, and fuse in a Hessian crucible. When cold, reduce it to powder; boil it with 2 gallons of water, and proceed as above. The residue to be boiled with more water, till it yields no more kermes. 15* 174 THE POCKET FORMU{LARY. LAC AMYGDALZE. See Mistura Amygdale. LAC ASININUM FACTITIUM. Artificial Asses' Milk. IANN. PH. Snails 6, hartshorn shavings, pearl barley, eryngo root, each iij, water Ibij; boil to lbj, and add syrup of maidenhair 5j. The snails are omitted in this country. LAC FERRATUM. Cow's milk in which red-hot iron has been repeatedly quenched. LAc SAGO. Dr. A. T. THOMSON. Soak 5j of sago in Oj of cold water for an hour; pour off the water, and boil the sago slowly with Ojss of milk till dissolved. LAC CUM SEVO. Guy's H. Suet cut small ~j, water f iv; boil on a slow fire for 10 minutes, and express through linen; then add new milk 3xvj, bruised cinnamon 3j, sugar 3j; boil for 10 minutes, and strain. Dose, f ij to f iv, twice a day or oftener. See also Decoctum Sevi. LAC SULPHURIS. See Sulphur Prsecipitatum. LACTUCARIUM. The milky juice which flows from incisions in the stem of flowering lettuce, collected, and dried in the air. E. directs it to be prepared both from the Lactucc virosa and Lactuca scctiva. LAPIS DIVINUS. P. Sulphate of copper 5iij, nitre ~iij, alum.iij; fuse them together, stir in 3j of powdered camphor, and pour it out on an oiled slab. Used in lotions, eye-waters, &c. PUTEGNAT recommends the following in recent contusions:Alum 3ij; sal ammoniac, verdigris, and sulphate of zinc, of each 3j. Mix, and melt with a gentle heat. A piece of the size of a nut to be dissolved in a quart of water. The Lapis Vulnerarius of some formularies is nearly the same. LAPIS MEDICAMENTOSUS. L. 1746. Alum, litharge and red bole, of each Ibss; colcothar giij, vinegar liv. Mix, and dry. LAUDANUM SYDENHAMI. Vinum Opii. LAUDANUM CYDONIATUM. See Liquor Opiatus. LILACINE. M. MEILLET. Boil the leaves, or green seed vessels of lilac in water q. s. till reduced to half, add diacetate of lead, concentrate to a thin syrup, and add calcined magnesia in excess. Evaporate to dryness, pulverize, digest the powder repeatedly in warm water (96~ to 104~), and afterwards treat it with highly rectified spirit. Filter, decolorize the solution with animal charcoal, filter, evaporate to half, and set aside that crystals may form. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 175 LIMATURA FERRI. See Ferri Limatura. LIMATURA STANNI. Tin is sometimes divided by a file; but more usually by agitating the melted metal. See Stanni Pulvis. LIMONADUM. Cut 2 lemons in slices, pour on them Ojss of boiling water, infuse for an hour in a covered vessel, then add.ij of sugar, and strain. Or citric acid 3j, sugar.ij, water Ojss, spirit of lemon 3j. Tartaric acid is sometimes substituted for citric. LIMONAIDU AERATUM. Put f ~j of syrup of lemons into each bottle and fill up with a6rated water. LIMONADUM ANTIMONIATUM. IT. H. Potassio-tartrate of antimony gr. ij, sugar ass, lemonade Oij. A glassful every half hour. LIMONADUM LACTICUM. M. Lactic acid from 3j to Siv, water Ojss, syrup ~ij. LIMONADUM MAGNESIzE LAXATIVUM. MIALHE. Calcined magnesia 3ij, or citric acid 3vjss, water f x. Heat to boiling, and filter while hot into a pint bottle containing ~ij of syrup of lemon-peel, and fill up with water. Contains about 3xj citrate of magnesia, equal in effect to ~j of the sulphate. LIMONADUM OXALICUM. Oxalic acid gr. x, water Oj, sugar q. s. Half this quantity in 24 hours, as a refrigerant. LIMONADTUM SICCUM. Citric acid 3j, sugar 5iv, essence of lemon 8 drops. Or, white sugar lbiv, tartaric acid 3j, cream of tartar 3iv, essence of lemon 3ij. LIMONADUM SULPHURIU UM. F. H. Sulphuric acid gr. xxx, syrup of barberries 5ij, water Oiijss. A stronger mixture is used in painters' colic. M. GENDRIN. Sulphuric acid 40 drops, water Oj. LINCTUS. Comlzmont L'nctus. St. B. H. Confection of hips gij, p. tragacanth 3ijss, syrup of poppies f3vj, water gij, diluted sulphuric acid f 3ss, vinegar of squills f3iij. Mix. LINCTUs ACIDUS. Dr. COPLAND. Honey of roses 3x, muriatic acid nxx, syrup of red poppies 3ij. LINCTus ANTIMONII SULPHIURETI. U. C. H. Oxymel f j, oxymel of squills f.j, precipitated sulphuret of antimony 3j. 176 THE POCKET FORMULARY. LINCTUS BORACIS. U. C. H. Borax 3iij, honey 5j; melt and stir together, then add syrup ij. Dr. COPLAND prescribes spermaceti 3ijss, cor. powder of tragacanth 3iij, syrup of Tolu 1j, borax 3ijss, confection of roses 3v, syrup of marsh mallows q. s. LINCTUS CACAO. Creme de Tronchin. Butter of cacao ~ij, white sugar.j, syrup of capillaire ~j, syrup of Tolu ~j. LINCTUS IPECACUANHIE. Dr. COPLAND. Oil of almonds f gj, syrup of lemon f 5j, ipecacuanha gr. vj, confection of hips ~j, comp. powder of tragacanth 5iij. LINCTUS MYRRHIE ET IPECACUANHAE. Dr. COPLAND. Myrrh 3j, ipecacuanha gr. vj, mucilage, syrup of marsh mallows, and oxymel of squill, each 3vj. LINCTUS OLEOSUS. U. C. H. Oil of almonds f j, syrup of poppies f ~j, tragacanth powder 3iij. LINCTUS OPIATUS. GUY'S H. Tincture of opium f 3ij, diluted sulphuric acid f3ijss, treacle f viij, water f giij. Dose, a teaspoonful occasionally. LINCTUS PECTORALIS. Dr. RYAN. Oxymel of squill, mucilage of acacia, and simple syrup, in equal quantities. LINCTUS POTASSME NITRATIS. GUY's H. Nitre 3jss, honey of roses f j, oxymel f ass. A teaspoonful occasionally. LINCTUs ROSA. Confection of roses gij, diluted sulphuric acid f 3j, compound tincture of camphor f 3xij. LINcTUS SCILLE. Oil of almonds.ij, oxymel of squills 5j. LINCTUS TEREBINTHINA. RECAMIER. Oil of turpentine 3ij, honey of roses iv. [For other similar compounds see LoHOCH.] LINIMENTUM ACIDI SULPHURICI COMPOSITUM. GUY'S & St. GEO. H. Sulphuric acid f 3j, oil of turpentine f 5iij, olive oil f iij. Sir B. BRODIE. Olive oil ~jss, sulphuric acid 3ss. Mix, and add oil of turpentine ss. LINIMENTUM ACIDUM. Sir W. FORDYCE, in malignant ulcerations of the throat. Honey of roses,j, muriatic acid 20 drops. LINIMENTUM ACETICUM COMPOSITUM. MID. H. Acetic acid f jj, purified oil of turpentine f gjss, yolk of egg q. s., distilled water f v. Mix. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 177 LINIMENTUM /ERUGINIS. L. OxyJmel EJruginis. Verdigris ~j, vinegar f vij; dissolve, strain through linen, add honey Sxiv, and boil to a proper thickness. D. (Oxymel Gupri Suabacetatis) the same. LINIMENTUM ALBUM. For chapped hancds. Rectified oil of turpentine ~ij, solution of ammonia gij, soap liniment ~iij, spirit of rosemary 5j; mix in the above order, and gradually add, with continual agitation, distilled vinegar 5viij. LINIMENTUM ALBUMINIS. Dr. CHRISTISON. Equal parts of white of egg and rectified spirit agitated together. In excoriation from pressure. LINIMENTUM AMMONIA. L. & E. (Lin. Ammoniae fortius, L. 1824.) Volatile Liniment. Solution of ammonia f j, olive oil f gij. Mix. D. directs only f 3ij of ammonia. LINIMENTUM AMMONIE SESQUICARBONATIS. L. (Lin. Ammonie, L. 1788.) Solution of sesquicarbonate of ammonia f ij, olive oil f ~iij. LINIMENTUM AMMONIm COMPOSITUM. E. Dr. GRANVILLE'S Counter-irritants. Strong water of ammonia (density 880) f gv, tincture of camphor f ij, spirit of rosemary f j. Mix. A weaker liniment may be made with f 5iij tincture of camphor, f.ij of spirit of rosemary, and f ~v of strong ammonia. [Dr. GRANVILLE directs for the milder lotion, 3iv of ammonia at ~872, 3iij of spirit of rosemary distilled from the herb, and 3j of spirit of camphor. For the stronger, 3v of the same ammonia, 3ij of spirit of rosemary, 3j of spirit of camphor. The milder is sufficient to produce vesication in a few minutes. The stronger is only employed in apoplexy, and to produce cauterization. To be applied on folded linen covered with a thick towel.] LINIMENTUM AMMONIE CAMPHORATUM. CRUIKSHANK. Camphor 3ij, olive oil 2j, water of ammonia ~iij. LINIMENTUM AMMONIE CUJM TEREBINTHINA. Dr. COPLAND. Liniment of ammonia f ~jss, oil of turpentine f 5ss. LINIMENTUM ANTHELMINTICUM. BORIES. Colocynth 5ss, oxgall 3iv, oil of wormwood 5j. LINIIENTUM ANODYNUM. D. Linimentum Opii. LINIMENTUM ARCEI. See Unguentum Elemi. LINIMENTUM BITUMINIS AMMONIATUM. Dr. KIRKLAND. Barbadoes tar 5jss, water of ammonia ass. 178 THE POCKET FORMULARY. LINIMENTUM BELLADONNA. BIETT. Extract of belladonna 3ij, lime water ~viij, oil of almonds liv. In eczeanc, &c. RANQUE. Extract of belladonna 9ij, cherry-laurel water, ~ij, sulphuric ether ~j. LINIMENTUM BELLADONNAE COMPOSITUM. GUY'S H. Extract of belladonna gj, soap liniment f ~viij. LINIMENTUM BORACIS. SWEDIAUR. Borax 3ij, tincture of myrrh gj, distilled water 3j, honey of roses 3ij. LINIMENTUM BORACIS COMPOSITUM. HARLESS. Borax 3j, balsam of Peru 3jss, oil of almonds.j, yolk of egg 3ij, white of egg 3ij. Mix. LINIMENTUM CAJAPUTI iETHEREUM. TORTUEL. Camphor 3j, oil of cajaput 3ij, tather 5j. LINIMENTUM CAJAPUTI STIMULANS. Dr. COPLAND. Compound camphor liniment f ~jss, soap liniment f 5jss, oil of cajaput f ~j. Dr. WILLIAMS prescribes castor oil f 3j, olive oil f 3ivss, cajaput oil f3ss. To be rubbed on the chest twice a day. LINIMENTUM CALCIS. E. Mix equal quantities of lime water, and linseed oil. LINIMENTUM CALCIS COMPOSITUM. St. B. H. Lime water f viij, olive oil f5viij, rectified spirit f.j. LINIMENTUM CALCIS OPIATUM. GERM. IH. Lime water 3iij, oil of almonds 3iij, extract of opium gr. j. For sore nipples. LINIMENTUM CAMPHORA. L. E. and D. Oleusm camphoratnm. Camphor ~j, olive oil f ~iv. Dissolve. LINIMENTUM CAMPHORAE COMPOSITUM. L. Water of ammonia f vijss, spirit of lavender Oj; distil Oj, and dissolve in it camphor.ijss. D. the same. LINIMENTUM CAMPHORAE CUM TEREBINTHINA. GUY'S H. Camphor liniment f 3x, oil of turpentine f 5ij. LINIMENTUM CAMPHORE ~fTHEREUM. WARE. Camphor 3j, sether 3j, oil of vipers 3ij. LINIMENTUM CAMPIHORA ACETICUM. BRANDE. Tincture of camphor f 5iij, acetic acid gj. Mix. LINIMENTUM CAMPHORA CUM HYDRARGYRO. MANCH. H. Strong mercurial ointment ij, camphor liniment Oj. Mix. LINIMENTUM CANTHARIDIS. U. S. Powdered cantharides jj, THE POCKET FORMULARY. 179 oil of turpentine f viij; digest for three hours in a water-bath, and strain. LINIMENTUM CAPSICI. Dr. COPLAND. Compound. camphor liniment f j, volatile liniment f ~j, tincture of capsicum f 3iij. LINIMENTUM CHLORINATUM. KOPP. Solution of chloride of lime 3vj, olive oil gjss. In inveterate itch, ringwornm, &c. LINIMENTUM COSMETICUM. QUINCY. Magistery of bismuth 5j, oil of almonds "ij, spermaceti 3iij, oil of rhodium 6 drops. LINIMENTUM CRINISCUM. QUINCY. Labdanum 3vj, bears' grease.ij, honey 5ss, powdered southernwood 5iij, oil of nutmeg 5j, balsam of Peru 3ij. To restore the hair. LINIMENTUM CROTONIS. PEREIRA. One part of croton oil to 5 of olive oil. Dr. CORRIGAN employs f3j of croton oil with f j of oil of turpentine, or comp. camphor liniment. LINIMENTUM DIGITALIS. Dr. ROYLE. Infusion of digitalis f Zij, water of ammonia f3ij, oil of poppy seed f 5iv. To be rubbed on the abdomen 2 or 3 times a day. See also Lin. Diureticum. LINIMENTUM DIURETICUM. BRERA. Squill in powder 3j, gastric juice of a calf ~ij. To be rubbed on the loins in dropsy. Dr. GUIBERT prescribes tincture of squills, of digitalis, and of colchicum, each ass, camphorated oil ~j, water of ammonia ass. LINIMENTUM HELLEBORI. DORNBLUETH. Soft soap giv, hellebore powder ~ij, hot water q. s. LINIMENTUM HYDRARGYRI COMPOSITUM. L. Camphor 5j, rectified spirit f3j; rub together, and add strong mercurial ointment 5iv, lard.iv, solution of ammonia f iv. Mix. LINIMENTUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS. Sir H. HALFORD. Equal quantities of ointment of nitrated quicksilver, and oil of almonds, triturated till perfectly smooth in a glass mortar. LINIMENTUM HUNGARICUM. SOUBEIRAN. Rectified spirit Sxij, strong vinegar ~vj, camphor 3iv, mustard flour 3iv, black pepper 3iv, powdered cantharides 3j, bruised garlic 3j; macerate for some days, and filter. LINIMENTUM IODINII. Dr. MANSON. Liniment of opium f j, tincture of iodine f 3j. LINIMENTUM IODURETUM, SAPONACEUM. GUIBOURT. White soap 3x, oil of almonds 5x, iodide of potassium 3j, water 3j. 180 THE POCKET FORMULARY. Dissolve the iodide in the water, and add to it the soap and oil previously melted together. Mix. See the next. LINIMENTUM IODURETUM GELATINOSUM. Mr. BEESLEY, of Banbury. Gelee pour le Goitre. Dissolve by a gentle heat 3vj or 3vij of white soap in f ij of proof spirit, and add to it while yet warm, 3iv of iodide of potassium dissolved in the same quantity of spirit, and allow it to cool slowly in wide-mouthed vials, well corked. FoY. (Baume Hydriodate.) Iodide of potassium 5iv, proof spirit 5ij; dissolve. Dissolve also 3vj of curd soap in 5ij of proof spirit. Mix while still warm, and aromatize with rose or neroli, and let the mixture cool in widemouthed bottles, which must be kept well corked. LINIMENTUM IPECACUANHEA. Dr. NELIGAN. Ipecac. in fine powder 3iv, lard 3ij, olive oil f ~jss. It is sometimes mixed with an equal quantity of Volatile Liniment. See Unguentum Ipecac. LINIMENTUM JUNIPERI. Dr. SULLY. Oil of juniper 5jss, lard iij, oil of anise 6 drops. In scalled heads, &c. LINIMENTUM MURIATICUM. F. H. Muriatic acid 3ij, balsam of Peru 3j, water 3vj, white wax 3ij, olive oil 3ij. LINIMENTUM NARCOTICUM. P. Anodyne oil (balsamum tranquillans) 5ij, wine of opium 5j. Mix. LINIMENTUM NUCIS VOMIcm. M. Tincture of nux vomica.j, strong ammonia 3ij. Mix. LINIMENTUM OLEI ASELLI. Dr. BRACH. Cod-liver oil 3j, water of ammonia 5ss. Dr. BREFELD. (To scrofulous ulcers.) Codliver oil 3iv, Goulard's extract of lead 3ij, yolk of egg 3iij. LINIMENTUM OLEI ERGOTE. Oil of ergot 3j, oil of almonds, or sulphuric sether 3iij. LINIMENTUM OPII. L. Soap liniment f vj, tincture of opium f ij. D. 4 parts of soap liniment to 3 of tincture of opium. E. Soap ~vj, opium ~jss, camphor ~iij, oil of rosemary 3vj, rectified spirit Oij. LINIMENTUM PHOSPHORATUM. HAMB. PH. Phosphorus gr. vj, oil of almonds 5j; digest, and add camphor gr. x, solution of ammonia 10 drops. LINIMENTUM PLUMBI. Mr. GAOZEY. Acetate of lead 3ij, soft water ]bj, olive oil lbss. LINIMENTUM PLUMBI OPIATUM. GUY's II. Liquid diacetate of THE POCKET FORMULARY. 181 lead, tincture of opium, honey of roses, each f3ij, confection of roses 5j. LINIMENTUM POTASSII IODIDI. See Lin. Ioduretum Gelatinosum; and Lin. Ioduretum Saponaceum. LINIMENTUM SAPONACEUM. U. C. H. Soft soap 5iv, oil of turpentine f j, proof spirit fivj. Liniment Savonneux, P. consists of tincture of soap jj, olive oil 3j, spirit of wine (sp. gr. 863) gj. LINIMENTUM SAPONIS COMPOSITUM. Soap Liniment, or 02odeldoc. L. and D. Hard soap 3iij, camphor 3j, spirit of rosemary f xvj. Dissolve the camphor in the spirit, add the soap, and digest with a gentle heat, till dissolved. E. Castile soap.v, camphor 5ijss, oil of rosemary f3vj, rectified spirit Oij. [U. S.] (In imitation of Steers' Opodeldoc.) Soap Siij, camphor 3j, oil of rosemary f3j, oil of origanum f3j, rectified spirit f xvj. [As this liniment is solid when Castile soap and rectified spirit are used, it is a common practice either to substitute soft soap for hard, or to use a weaker spirit. Mr. FISHER states that ith of water is sufficient to preserve it liquid.] LINIMENTUM SAPONIS AROMATICUM. GUY's H. Soft soap xij, camphor liv, oil of origanum f j, rectified spirit Oiij f iv. Digest till dissolved. To this is occasionally added a fourth part of tincture of opium, a fifth of tincture of cantharides, or an eighth of water of ammonia. LINIMENTUM SAPONIS CUM OPIO. D. See Linim. Opii. LINIMENTUM SAPONIS CUM PLUMBO. CH. Soap liniment f ij, liquid diacetate of lead f 3j. LINIMENTUM SIMPLEX. E. Olive oil f.iv, white wax 3j; melt together. LINIMENTUM SINAPIS. Dr. LEWIN. Bruised mustard-seed Ibss, oil of turpentine lbj; digest, strain, and add camphor Siv. In imitation of Whiteheacl's Essence of Mustard. LINIMENTUM OLEI VOLATILIS SINAPIS. Dr. MEYER. Volatile oil of black mustard-seed, from 12 to 24 drops, rectified spirit 3j. Or, 5 or 6 drops of the oil to 3j of oil of almonds. M. directs, as a vesicant, equal weights of the oil and strong alcohol. LINIMENTUM STRYCHNINE. Dr. NELIGAN. Strychnia 3ss, olive 16 182 THE POCKET FORMULARY. oil 3jss. Ten drops to be rubbed over the temples in Awaurosis. LINIMENTUM SUCCINI. Oil of amber ~ss, oil of cloves gss, oil of olives ~j. The sTpposed form for Roche's Embrocation. LINIMENTUM SUCCINI OPIATUM. Rectified oil of amber 3ij, tincture of opium ~ij, lard 5j. A once celebrated remedy for cramp, &c. BRANDE. Spirit of camphor, tincture of opium, and oil of amber, of each ass. LINIMENTUM SULPHURIS CUUM SAPONE. LUGOL. Soap ~iij, water Svj; dissolve by a gentle heat, and add sulphur 3iij. LINIMENTUM SULPHURO-SAPONACEUM. JADELOT. Sulphuret of potassium iij, soap (softened with 3j of water) xvj, olive oil.xvj, oil of thyme 3j. Mix. [P. omits the oil of thyme, and substitutes ~ xxij of oil of poppies for the olive oil.] LINIMENTUM SULPIIUETI CARBONIS. GERM. H. Sulphuret of carbon 3j, oil of almonds, or camphorated oil 3j. LINIMENTUM SULPHiRIS IODIDI. E. WILSON. Iodide of sulphur 3ss, olive oil ~j; triturate together. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINi. L. Soft soap ~ij, camphor,j, oil of turpentine f xvj. See the next. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINATUM. E. Resin cerate ~iv, oil of turpentine f 3v, camphor in powder ass; mix. L; 1824. (Lin. Terebinthinae,) and U. S. Resin cerate lbj, oil of turpentine f.viij. GuY's H. Resin cerate 3iij, oil of turpentine f 3jss. Mr. KENTISH'S application to burns. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINFE COMPOSITUM. U. C. 1H. Equal parts of oil of turpentine, and castor oil. GuY'S H. Oil of turpentine Oj, bruised mustard gijss, soft soap x, boiling water Oj. Macerate the seeds in the boiling water for 2 hours in a water-bath, strain, and add the turpentine and soap. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINmE ACETICUM. Dr. STOKES. Oil of turpentine 3iij, acetic acid 3v, rose water lijss, essence of lemons Div, yolk of one egg. This is said to resemble Mr. ST. JOHN LONG'S celebrated liniment. In Phthisis. See Linimentum Aceticum Compositum. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINE AMMONIATUM. DEBREYNE. Oil of turpentine 3j, liquid ammonia 3j, camphorated spirit 3iv, lard 3iv. In -Sciatica, &c. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINE VITRIOLICUM. See Lin. Acidi Sulphurici. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 183 LINIMENTUM TRIPHARMACUM. L. 1746. Lead plaster 3iv, olive oil 5iv, vinegar 5j; heat gently, and stir them till they combine. LINIMENTUM VESICANS. Dr. MONTGOMERY, for Chilclden. Compound camphor liniment f 3iv, rectified oil of turpentine f Sij. LINIMENTUM VERATRIIE. BRANDE. Veratria gr. viij, alcohol f 5iv, soap liniment f 5iv. LINIMENTUM VIRIDE. Dr. CAMPBELL. Camphor 5j, oil of olives 5vj, water of ammonia gvj, extract of hemlock 5j, spirit of ammonia 5ij. [Some ointments have also been termed liniments. See Unguenta.] LIQUOR ACIDI CITRICI. Artificial Lemon Juice. St. B. H. Citric acid 5x, water Oj. PEREIRA. Citric acid 3viijss, essence of lemons a few drops, water f xvj. LIQUOR JETHEREUS OLEOSUS. D. See Oleum ~Ethereum. LIQUOR ETHIEREUS SULPHURICUS. D. Unrectified sulphuric mther. LIQUOR ALUMINIS COMPOSITUS. L. Alum 5j, sulphate of zinc oj, boiling water Oiij. Dissolve, and filter. LIQUOR AMMONIE. L. Solution or Water of Ammonia. Hydrochlorate of ammonia ~x, lime 3viij, water Oij. Slake the lime, put it into a retort, add the coarsely powdered hydrochlorate, then the rest of the water; and let f ixv distil. It may also be made by mixing 1 part of the stronger solution of ammonia with 2 parts (E. 21) of distilled water. Sp. gr. of L. & E. 0-960, D. 0-950. LIQUOR AMMONIE FORTIOR. It is made by passing gaseous ammonia, from slaked lime and sal ammoniac, into water kept very cold, till the specific gravity of the solution is'882. E. directs it to be prepared from 5xiij of muriate of ammonia, Sxiij of quick-lime, slaked with f ~vijss of water. The retort to be connected with a receiver, and this with a 5viij bottle half filled with water, and communicating with another bottle containing f viij of water. The apparatus to be furnished with safety tubes, and the receiver and bottles kept very cool. The smaller bottle contains the stronger solution, the larger the weaker, which is to be brought to'960 by adding water, or the stronger solution, as may be required. LIQUOR AMMONIA ACETATIS. Spirit of MindbCererus. L. (Am 184 THE POCKET FORMULARY. monia Acetatis Aqua, E. & D.) To Oiv of distilled vinegar add livss of sesquicarbonate of ammonia, or q. s. to saturate it. E. directs 5j of carbonate of ammonia and f 5xxiv of distilled French vinegar; or so much as will remove any bitterness. D. orders one part of the carbonate to about 30 of distilled vinegar, or q. s. to saturate it, as ascertained by litmus. Dose, f 3iij to f 3xij. LIQUOR AMMONIA ANISATUS. See Spiritus Am. Anis. LIQUOR AMMONIE SESQUICARBONATIS. L. (Aqua Ammonia Carbonatis, E.) Sesquicarbonate (formerly carbonate or subcarbonate) of ammonia xiv, distilled water Oj. Dissolve, and filter. E. the same. D. 4 parts of the carbonate to 15 of water. LIQUOR AMiMONIm HYDROSULPHURETUM. See Ammonie Hydrosulphuratum. LIQiOR ANODYNUS HOFFMANNI. See Spiritus IEtheris Compositus. LIQUOR ANTIMONII TARTARIZATI. See Vinum Antimonii Potassio-tartratis, and Liquor Tartari Emetici. LIQUOR ANTIPSORICUS. VAN MONS. Sulphuret of sodium 3j, muriate of ammonia 3ijss. Dissolve each separately in 5vj of water, filter, and mix. LIQUOR ARGENTI ACETATIS. HANN. PH. Acetate of silver 1 part, distilled water 19 parts. LIQUOR ARGENTI AMMONIO-CHLORIDI. NIEMANN. Dissolve 9ss of nitrate of silver in iij of distilled water, and precipitate by solution of common salt q. s. Wash the precipitate, dissolve it in 3jss of liquor ammoniae, and add 3iij of hydrochloric acid. Add water to make up the weight ~ijss. Dose, 10 drops, in epilepsy, &c. LIQUOR ARGENTI NITRATIS. L. Nitrate of silver 3j, distilled water f 5j; dissolve, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle in a dark place. This is chiefly intended as a test liquor. (See also Solutio Argenti Nit. E.) St. B. H. has under this name nitrate of silver gr. viij, rose water f 5j. LIQUOR ARSENICALIS. E. and U. S. As Liq. Potassa Arsenitis, L. LIQUOR AMMONIA ARSENIATIS. BIETT. Arseniate of ammonia gr. iv, distilled water f iv, spirit of angelica f 3ij. Dose, as the THE POCKET FORMULARY, 185 next. There are 3 other formula- for this solution, differing in strength from the above. LIQUOR ARSENIATIS SODA. PEARSON'S Arsenical Solution. Arseniate of soda gr. iv, distilled water f Xiv. Dose, from ixiij to u xxx in the day. LIQUOR ARSENICI PERIODIDI. WAOKENRODER. Metallic arsenic in powder gr. j, iodine gr. vj, water 3xij: digest at a gentle heat till dissolved. Evaporate the filtered solution to dryness at a moderate temperature, taking care not to raise it above 86~ F. after it begins to solidify. Dissolve the salt in gvj of distilled water. Each 3j contains gr. ~th of periodide of arsenic. LIQUOR ARSENICI ET HYDRARGYRI HYDRIODATIS. See Liq. Hydriodatis Arsenici et Hydrargyri. LIQUOR BARII CHLORIDI. L. Solutio Bctryte lMuriatis. E. Chloride of barium 3j, distilled water f j. Dissolve. D. directs I part of muriate of barytes to 3 of water. Dose, (L.) N v, carefully increased to xv or xx. LIQUOR BORACIS COMPOSITUS. Dr. COPLAND. Borax 3vj, bitartrate of potash 5ss, water Oj. LIQUOR BROMINII. M. POURCHE. Bromine 1 part, distilled water 40 parts. Dose, 5 or 6 drops, 3 times a day. A stronger solution (1 part to 10) is sometimes used externally. LIQUOR CALCIS. L. Aquac Calcis, or Lime Water. Quick-lime ibss, water Oxij. Add the lime, previously slaked, to the water; stir, and immediately cover the vessel, and set aside for 3 hours. -Keep the mixture in stopped glass vessels, and when it is to be used take from the clear solution, [replacing what is taken out with more water, E.] D. directs the lime to be slaked with hot water, which expedites the process. LIQUOR CALCIS CoMPOSITUs. See Aqua Calcis Composita. LIQUOR CALCIS MURIATIS. L. 1824. See Liquor Calcii Chloridi. LIQUOR CALCII CHLORIDIL.L. Calcis iliriatis Soi-utio (E.) Aqua (D.) Chloride of calcium (dry muriate of lime) 5iv, [crystals gviij, E.] distilled water f 5xij. Mix. D. 2 parts of the dry salt to 7 of distilled water. Dose, from nTxv to f j. LIQUOR CALOIS CIILORINAT. P. Chloride [hypochlorite] of lime 1 part, water 45 parts. Triturate the chloride with sucR 16, 186 THE POCKET FORMULARY. cessive small quantities of water, decanting and adding more till the whole is used. Mix the liquors, clear by repose or filtration, and keep it in well-stopped vessels. Each volume of the solution should contain 2 of chlorine. [A more concentrated solution, for which there is no authorized form, is usually sold in this country. Solutions of various strengths are also made for different purposes. See Gargarisma, Lotio, and Enema Calcis Chloridi.] LIQUOR CALUMBAE. Concentrated Infusion of Calumba. Calumba cut small.v, cold distilled water Oj; macerate for 12 hours, and press strongly. Macerate again with enough water to make up the whole Oj; filter, heat to 180~ F. and again filter; and lastly, add f ~ij of rectified spirit. Other concentrated infusions may be made by a similar process, using 8 times the quantity of ingredients ordered in the Pharmacopoeia for each Oj of water. But these preparations are not authorized by any Pharmacopoeia. f 3j with f 3vij of water forms the infusion. LIQUOR CAMPHORS. Camphor 5j, alcohol Ax; 20 drops to f5j of water. Mr. FORDRED recommends, tincture of camphor f3xiij, tincture of myrrh (bleached by animal charcoal) f3ss, rectified spirit f gij 3ijss. For camphor mixture, add f 5iv of this liquor to f xvj of water. But neither of these will form an exact imitation of Mistura Camphoree. SWEDIAUR directs 3ij of powdered camphor to be dissolved in f gxxiv of water saturated with carbonic acid gas. One part of this solution with 3 of water will be about the strength of Mistura Camphorae, L. LIQUOR CHLORINII. See Aqua Chlorinii. Chlore Liquide, P., is made by saturating cold water with chlorine gas. LIQUOR CINCHONA. Macerate ~xvj of bruised yellow bark with Cj of distilled water for 24 hours. Evaporate the strained infusion at a heat not exceeding 130~ till reduced to 5iijss, then filter, and add rectified spirit 3ss. The infusion may also be made by percolation. The following has been published as Mr. BATTLEY'S form. Macerate coarsely powdered yellow bark with twice its weight of cold distilled water, for 4 or 6 hours, and press. Repeat this twice or three times. Evaporate the mixed and filtered liquors in a warm-bath to 1 200 sp. gr.; let it settle, decant, and add proof spirit q. s. to reduce the sp. gr. of the liquid to 1-100. 281b of good bark yield 51b or 6tb of the liquor at 1-200, containing 102 grains of quinine. LIQUOR CUPRI AMMONIO-SULPHATIS. L.. Cupri Ammoniati THE POCKET FORMULARY. 187 Solutio. E. Ammonio-sulphate of copper 3j, distilled water Oj; dissolve and filter. D. 1 part of the salt to 100 of water. LIQUOR CUPRI SULPHATIS COMPOSITUS. L. 1746. Aqua Styptica. Sulphate of copper.iij, alum Fij, sulphuric acid 5ij, water f xxiv. LIQUOR CUPRI CUM CAMPHORA. See Aqua Camphorata Bateana. LIQUOR DISINFECTANS. Liq. Sode Chlorinatm, and Liq. Calcis Chloridi, are so called. The name has also been applied to Sir W. BURNETT'S patent solution of chloride of zinc, and to a solution of nitrate of lead. These, as do sulphate of iron and several other metallic salts, absorb sulphuretted hydrogen. LIQUOR FERRI ALKALINI. L. 1824. Iron filings, or wire 3ijss, nitric acid f.ij, distilled water f 5vj, solution of subcarbonate of potash f vj. Pour the mixed acid and water on the iron, and when the effervescence has ceased decant the clear solution. Add this gradually and at intervals, to the solution of potash, frequently stirring till the action has ceased. Set it by for 6 hours, and pour off the clear liquor. Dose, n xx to f 5j. LIQUOR FERRI CITRATIS. BERAL. Proceed as directed for Ferri Citras, adding distilled water to the solution to make it up f gxvj. LIQUOR FERRI OXYSULPHATIS. See Solutio FerriOxysulphatis. LIQUOR FERRI PER-NITRATIS. See Ferri Per-nitras. LIQUOR FERRI POTASSIO-CITRATIS. Dr. J. TODD. Citric acid 3xviij, carbonate of potash 3vij, water f xxiv, sesquioxide of iron Sj. Digest with a gentle heat for 24 hours, and neutralize with aromatic spirit of ammonia. f3j contains gr. v of potashcitrate of iron. LIQUOR FERRI IODIDI. U. S. Mix 5ij of iodine with Oss of water, and add ij of iron filings; stir frequently, and heat the mixture gently till it assumes a greenish colour; then add f 5v of prepared honey, continue the heat for a short time, and filter. Lastly, pour distilled water in the filter till enough has passed to make up the whole f 5xx. See also Solutio Ferri Iodidi, and Syrupus Ferri Iodidi. E. LIQUOR FERRI TARTARIZATI. PHILLIPS. Bitartrate of potash 64 parts, soft iron filings 15 parts, water q. s. to form a soft 188 THE POCKET FORMULARY. paste. Expose to the air, stirring frequently, and adding water to keep it moist, till the action ceases; then add 7 times its weight of water, and filter. See also Solutio Ferri and Tinctura Ferri Tartarizati. LIQUOR FOWLERI. Liq. Potassae Arsenitis. LIQUOR FUMANS BOYLII. Mix 4 parts of slaked lime with 2 of sal ammoniac and 1 of sulphur, and distil into a cool receiver. LIQUOR HIIYDRIODATIS ARSENICI ET HYDRARGYRI. Mr. DONOVAN. Triturate 6-08 grains of metallic arsenic, 15-38 grains of quicksilver, and 50 grains of iodine, with f3j of alcohol till dry; mix the powder with f viij of distilled water, put them into a flask with 3ss of hydriodic acid, (prepared by the acidification of 2 gr. of iodine,) and boil for a few minutes. When cold add water to make up the measure exactly f viij. Dose, ixx to xxx. Mr. WILSON gives from 10 to 25 drops 3 times a day with meals, in Lepra. [M. SOUBEIRAN proposes to make the solution with 1 part of the red iodide of arsenic, 1 of red iodide (biniodide) of mercury, and 98 of water. To make f viij on this principle, triturate 35 gr. of red iodide of arsenic, and 35 gr. of biniodide of mercury, with a little water, add f vij of boiling water, filter the solution, and add water to make up exactly f 5viij.] LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI. L. Van Swieten's Liquor. Bichloride of mercury 9ss, hydrochlorate of ammonia 9ss, distilled water Oj; dissolve. It contains gr. j of sublimate in f ij, or 876 gr. Dose, f 3ss to f 3ij. LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI BICHLORIDI COMPOSITUS. Liqueur Ifercurielle Nor'nale. MIALHE. Distilled water.xvj, muriate of soda gr. xvj, muriate of ammonia gr. xvj, white of 1 egg, bichloride of mercury gr. iv. Beat the white of egg with the water, filter, dissolve the salts in the liquid, and filter again. LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI BICYANIDI. PARENT. Bicyanide of mercury gr. viij, distilled water Sxvj. Dose, f 3ss to f 3ij. LIQUOR HYDRARGYRO-CYANIDI IODIDI POTASSII. M. CASTLENAU. Cyanhydrargyrate of iodide of potassium gr. iv, distilled water 3iv. Dose, ss twice a day. For outward use the quantity of the salt is from 4 to 20 grains to giv of water. LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI ET AMMONIA NITRATIS. WARD'S White Drop. Nitrate of quicksilver and ammonia in crystals I part, rose-water 3 parts; digest till dissolved. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 189 LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI DEUTO-NITRATIS. P. Quicksilver Jj, nitric acid (1320) ~ij; dissolve, and evaporate to 3xviij. (All by weight.) A powerful caustic, giving rise to a white eschar, which does not fall off for 5 or 6 days. LIQUOR IODINEI COMPOSITUS. E. 1841. Iodine 3ij, iodide of potassium.j, distilled water f xvj. Dissolve with gentle heat and agitation. [This is 30 times as strong as Liquor Potassii Iodidi Comp. L. A still stronger solution is directed in U. S.-viz., iodine 3vj, iodide of potassium jjss, water f xvj.] The dose of the E. may be nAv to xv in sugared water; of U. S. not above nvj. LIQUOR MAGNESIE CARBONATIS. Eau Magnesienne. P. Crystallized sulphate of magnesia 3vij, crystallized carbonate (subc.) of soda 3ix; dissolve them separately in water, mix the solutions, boil as long as any gas is disengaged, let it rest, pour off the liquid, and carefully wash the precipitate; drain it, diffuse it in Oj of distilled water, charge it with 6 volumes of carbonic acid gas, and agitate the mixture frequently for 24 hours. [This solution contains about 6 gr. of carbonate of magnesia in f j. To make a stronger solution, as MURRAY's, or DINNEFORD'S, the precipitate from 3 times the above quantity of salts must be used for each Oj of water, and a larger quantity of gas. By powerful pressure and agitation for some hours a solution may be procured containing 17 or 18 gr. of carbonate of magnesia in each f ~j. The dry heavy carb. of magnesia may be substituted for the moist, but is less readily dissolved.] LIQUOR MAGNESIA CARBONATUS AERATUS. Eae Magnesienne Gazeuse. P. This is made as the last, but with only half the quantity of the salts; or gr. iij of carbonate of magnesia to each ounce. LIQUOR MAGNESII CHLORIDI. Dr. LEBERT. Dissolve crystallized muriate of magnesia (chloride of magnesium) in its weight of water. Dose, jj, diluted: to a child (from 10 to 14) 3iv, (by weight.) LIQUOR MAGNESIIE CITRATIS. Heavy carbonate of magnesia 9v, citric acid 3ijss, syrup of orange-peel 5j, water Oss. By corking it in a strong bottle before all the gas is escaped, an aerated laxative draught is formed. LIQUOR MAGNESIA SULPHATIS. Dr. HENRY, of Dublin. Saturate cold water with sulphate of magnesia, and to 5vij of the solution add 3j of diluted sulphuric acid. See Solutio. 190 THE POCKET FORMULAR~Y LIQUOR MAGNESIA SULPHATr I AERATUS. See Aqua Sedlitzensis. LIQUOR MAG3NESIAi SULLPHATIS CUM ANTIMONIO. CH. Sulphate of magnesia giv, tartarized antimony gr. ij, hot water f xvj. LIQUOR MATICONIS. Bruised matico leaves 5viij, distilled water Oj, rectifiel spirit f ijss. As Liquor Calumba. Dose, f 3j to f 3ij. LIQUOR MORPHIAE. Except Solutio Muriatis Morphiae, E., there are no authorized or universally recognised standard solutions of the salts of. morphia in this country, although frequently ordered in prescriptions. Several formulae are in use, differing considerably in strength; some of them founded on those of Magendie, others intended to be of the same strength as Tinctura Opii. (See Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 1, pages 170 and 287.) See Liq. Morphie Acetatis; Solutio Morphiae Muriatis; Solutio Morphim Bimeconatis. LIQUOR MIORPHIAE ACETATIS. M. Acetate of morphia xvj French (equivalent to xiij English) grains, distilled water 5j, rectified spirit 3j, acetic acid a few drops, to render the solution complete. It is sometimes made, and the formula has been repeatedly so published, with gr. xvj of the acetate. Mr. HADEN'S form (adopted at MID. H.) is acetate of morphia gr. xvj, distilled water 3vj, distilled vinegar 3ij. But a weaker solution is frequently adopted. Some respectable establishments prepare it with gr. xij of the acetate in 5j of liquid, which is almost exactly Magendie's strength; many put only gr. viij; and some only gr. iv or ivss, to 3j. The latter strength is about that of laudanum. MANCH H. Morphia gr. iv, distilled vinegar f3ij, distilled water f v, rectified spirit f3j. Dose, n xx. In dispensing prescriptions, care must be taken to ascertain which of these various forms is intended. LIQUOR MORPHIt E CITRATIS. M. Pure morphise gr. xij (xvj French grains), citric acid gr. viij, distilled water 3j, tincture of cochineal 3ij. For Dr. PORTER'S Solution, see Liquor Opii Citricus. LIQUOR MORPHIAM HYDROCHLORATIS. MID. H. Hydrochlorate (muriate) of morphia gr. xvj, rect. spirit f3j, distilled water f vij. This solution is 3- times the strength of the ED. solution. See Solutio Morphia M3uriatis, E. LIQUOR MORPHIA SULPIATIS. M. As Liq. Morphias Acetatis, THE POCKET FORMUL ARYT 191 substituting sulphate for acetate of morphia, and diluted sulphuric for acetic acid. U. S. Sulphate of morphia gr. viij, distilled water f viij. Dose of this last, f 3ss to f3ij. Dr. COPLAND'S solution (of the strength of tincture of opium) consists of sulphate of morphia gr. iv, distilled water ~j. LIQUOR OPIATUS. GUY'S H. Boil gently 3viij of powdered opium with Oij of fresh juice of crab-apples for half an hour, pour off the liquor and boil the remaining opium with Oj more juice for a quarter of an hour, strain, and press; then add to the mixed liquors bruised nutmeg jj, saffron sss, yeast f ss. Ferment for some days, macerate for 14 days, filter, and evaporate by water-bath to the consistence of thin syrup. Dose, mij to x. LIQUOR OPII ACETICUS. Mr. HOuLTON. Turkey opium dried 5ijss, diluted acetic acid lxxxij. Digest for 6 days with a gentle heat, and filter. Evaporate to an extract, macerate it in f v of rectified spirit and f xxxv of distilled water for 8 days, and filter. Of the same strength as Tinctura Opii. LIQUOR OPII CITRICUS. Dr. PORTER's Liq. Morphise Citratis. Opium ~iv, citric acid Fij; triturate, and add boiling water f xvj. Digest for 24 hours, and filter. LIQUOR OPII TARTARICUS. As the last, substituting tartaric acid. LIQUOR OPII SEDATIVUS. Mr. BATTLEY'S excellent preparation is made (according to Dr. SIGMOND) by macerating opium in distilled water for a long time at the temperature of the laboratory, and adding a little spirit to the filtered solution. Dr. CHRISTISON states that 1 xx of the solution is equal to i xxx of laudanum. Mir. COOLEY says it may be exactly imitated by dissolving ^iij of hard extract of opium (prepared by percolation with temperate water) in 3xxx of boiling distilled water, and adding to the cold and filtered solution ~vj of rectified spirit, and water to make up exactly Oij. Other formula have been published; but when BATTLEY's preparation is prescribed, his alone should be employed. LIQUOR OPII CONCENTRATUS. Messrs. SMITH, of Edinburgh. Prepare, from vivof opium, a watery extract freed from narcotine by Pether (see Extr. Opii absque Narcotina); dissolve it in alcohol, evaporate the clear solution, redissolve the extract in water, and reduce the filtered solution to gxij. To this is added rectified spirit 5xxij, and distilled water q. s. to make up 5xvj. Dose, three to five drops. 192 THE POCKET FORMULARY. LIQUOR PICIS. See Aqua Picis. LIQUOR PLUMBI DIACETATIS. L. (Plumbi Diacetatis Solutio. E.) Goulard's Extract of Lead. Acetate of lead ~xxvij, litharge Sxvj, water Ovj; boil for half an hour, occasionally stirring, and when the liquor has cooled, add distilled water q. s. to make up Ovj, and strain it. E. The same, but onefourth the quantity. D. (Plumbi Subacetatis Liquor.) One part of litharge boiled with twelve of distilled vinegar to eleven parts. LIQUOR PLUMBI DIACETATIS DILUTUS. L. [Compositus, D.] Goularcd Water. Solution of diacetate of lead f 3jss, distilled water Oj, proof spirit f3ij. [GUY's H. directs fSij of tincture of opium, or f 3ij of spirit of camphor, to be sometimes added.] LIQUOR POTASSm. L. Solution of Potassa. (Aqua Potassa, E. Aqua Potasss CYaustica, D.) Take of carbonate of potash gxv, lime Sviij, boiling distilled water Cj. Dissolve the carbonate (subc.) of potash in Oiv of the water. Slake the lime in an earthen vessel with a little of the water, and add the rest. Mix the liquors in a close vessel, and shake them frequently till they are cold. When the carbonate of lime has subsided, decant the clear solution into well-stopped green-glass bottles. E. directs giv carbonate of potassa to be dissolved in f338 of water, and Iij of quicklime, slaked with f vij of water, added in eight successive portions to the boiling solution. After standing twenty-four hours in a narrow glass vessel, draw off f 35 at least of clear liquid. D. directs it to be prepared from two parts of lime, two of carbonate of potash, and fifteen of water. Dose, i1rx to xxx, sometimes more, freely diluted. LIQUOR POTASSE BRANDISHII. BRANDISH'S Caustic Alkali. American pearl ashes tbvj, quicklime Tbij, wood ashes prepared by burning the branches of the ash Ibij, boiling water six old gallons (five imp.), slake the lime, add the rest of the water and the pearl ashes, and lastly stir in the wood ashes; let it stand in a covered vessel for 24 hours, and decant. To each pint add one drop of true oil of juniper berries. Keep it in stoppered bottles of green glass. Dose, r) x to f 3j or more in beer. LIQUOR POTASSSE ACETATIS. GUY's I-. Carbonate of potash ~viij, strong acetic acid Oj, or q. s. to neutralize; then add water q. s. to make up exactly f xx. Dose, f3j to f3ij in infusion of juniper berries, &c. THE POCKET FORMULARY. 193 LIQUOR POTASSE ARSENITIS. L. Liquor Arsenicalis, E. & D. Fowler's Arsenical Solution. Arsenious acid (white arsenic) in small fragments Div, carbonate of potash?iv, distilled water f x; boil together in a glass vessel till dissolved. To the cold solution add, compound tincture of lavender f 3v, and enough distilled water to make up exactly f xx. "Dose, l v three times a day. It should be given on a full stomach, and the dose reduced as soon as the conjunctiva is affected."-Mr. HUNT. [For PEARSON'S Arsenical Solution see Liq. Sodae Arseniatis. Liqueur Arsenicale, P., contains one grain each of arsenious acid and carbonate of potash in 100 grains. DEVERGIE s, one of each in 5000 grains. DE VALLENGER'S Mineral Solution, Mr. REDWOOD states, consists of two grains of arsenious acid, f3ss of hydrochloric acid, and f jj of water.] LIQUOR POTASSME CARBONATIS. L. (Liq. Pot. Subcarb., L. 1824. Oleum Tartari.) Carbonate of potash 5xx, distilled water Oj; dissolve and filter. D. (Aqua Pot. Carb.) One part of carbonate to two parts of water. LIQUOR POTASS'E CHLORINATE. EaCu de Javelle. Dissolve one part of subcarbonate of potash in eight or ten parts of water, and pass chlorine gas through it till fully saturated. LIQUOR POTASSE CITRATIS. U. S. Neutral ffixture. Fresh lemon-juice f.viij, carbonate of potash q. s. to neutralize the acid. Or, citric acid ass, oil of lemon N ij, water f viij, carbonate of potash q. s. See Mistura Salina. ELLIs's Neutral Solution contains in addition gr. j of potash-tartrate of antimony in f ivss. LIQUOR POTASSzE EFFERVESCENS. L. Aerated Potash Water. Dissolve 3j of bicarbonate of potash in Oj of distilled water, and supersaturate it by pressure with carbonic acid gas. LIQUOR POTASSE SILICATIS. Liquamen Silicum. BATE. Liquor or Oil of Flints. Mix one part of powdered quartz with two of carbonate of potash; [or 70 parts of subcarbonate of potash, 54 of dry carbonate of soda, and 152 of fine quartzose sand;] and fuse in a Hessian crucible. Let the compound deliquesce in a damp place. Dose, from 10 to 30 drops. "It resolves the stone, and opens obstructions."-BATE. LIQUOR POTASSII CYANIDI. LAMING. Cyanide of potassium gr. xxij, proof spirit f ix. This is of the strength of his hydrocyanic acid, which contains gr. j of real acid in f 3j. MAGENDIE'S medicinal hydrocyanate of potash consists of cyanide of potassium dissolved in eight times its weight of distilled water. 17 194 THE POCKET FORMULARY. LIQUOR POTASSII IODIDI. GUY's H. Iodide of potassium iiv, distilled water f 3vij: i x contain gr. v of iodide of potassium. LIQUOR POTASSII IODIDI COMPOSITUS. L. Iodide of potassium 9ss, iodine gr. v, distilled water Oj. Dose, f 3ij to f 3vj. [See Liquor Iodinei Compositus for E. & U. S. See also Solutio Iodinii. BOUCHARDATS' Eau Iodcsee, as an antidote for poisoning by vegetable alkaloids, consists of gr. iij of iodine, gr. vj of iodide of potassium, and f ^xvj of water. To be taken by glassfuls, after the stomach has been emptied.] LIQUOR POTASSII SULPHURETI. See Aqua Sulphureti Potassse. D. LIQUOR QUINJm ACETATIS, SULPHATIS, &c. These solutions are prepared by Mr. BULLOCK from amorphous quinine, and contain gr. xij of these salts in f 3j. LIQUOR QUINO-ARSENICALIS. M. BOUDIN. Arsenious acid gr. j, water 4000 grains; boil, and add Dj of sulphate of quinine, and one drop of sulphuric acid. LIQUOR RHEI. Rhubarb cut small Jiij, cold distilled water Oj; macerate for 12 hours, strain, and press. Macerate the rhubarb again with as much water as will make up Oj with the former, and press strongly. Filter the mixed liquors, and add f ij of rectified spirit: f3j with f3vij of water forms Infusum Rhei. LIQUOR SARZAE. Mr. HERRING. Macerate ~x of Jamaica sarsaparilla in Ovj of distilled water at a temperature not above 120~ F., for six hours, and strain. Macerate with Ovj more water, as before. Evaporate the strained liquors in porcelain vessels, at 160~. [If reduced to f Hx (or to f 5ix, and f 5j of spirit added), f 3j mixed with f 3vij of water forms the decoction of the usual strength. If reduced to f 5v, f 3j will represent f ij of the decoction; if to f^ijss, f 5iv. Mr. BATTLEY'S Liquor is still stronger, f 3j representing Oss of the decoction.] See also Extractum Sarzme Fluidum. LIQUOR SENNAE. To make a concentrated infusion, f 3j of which shall represent f j of the infusion, take Sxv of small senna, 3xss of bruised ginger; macerate them for 12 hours with Oij of cold distilled water; press strongly, and again macerate the senna &c. with enough water to make up f ~xviij with the former infusion. Press strongly, filter the mixed liquids, heat them (in a loosely-corked vessel placed in water) to 180~ F., and again filter. When cool, add rectified spirit f ijss. To THE POCKET FORMULARY. 195 make a preparation one part of which requires three parts of water to reduce it to the strength of the infusion, take gvijss of senna, 3v 3j of ginger, and Oj of water. Proceed as above. LIQUOR SODE CAUSTIC-E. Soap Lees. P. directs caustic soda (see Soda Pura) to be dissolved in water, so as to form a solution of 1-334 density; which indicates about 31 parts of soda pura to 68 of water. LIQUOR SODS CHLORINAT]E. L. LABARRAQUE'S Disinfecting Solution. Liquid Chloride, or Hypochlorite of Soda. Dissolve iej of carbonate of soda in Oij of water. Put into a retort chloride of sodium.iv, and binoxide of manganese Viij, then add sulphuric acid liv, previously mixed with f iij of water, and cooled. Heat, and pass the chlorine gas first through f ~v of water, and afterwards into the solution of carbonate of soda. [P. Diffuse lbj of chloride of lime in lbxx of water, and decant. Dissolve also Ibij of carbonate of soda, in crystals, in lbxv of water. Mix the clear solutions, and filter. It should contain twice its volume of chlorine.] Dose,