A!.wOR.,1 i CLASSIFIED INDEX ()F SUBJECTS OF INVENTION ADOPTED IN THE U. S. PATENT OFFICE, MARCH 1, 1872. WAS H I N G TON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1872. INDEX OF CLASSES. No. i Class. Page. No. Class. Page. 1 Agration and Bottling.............. 15 77 Metal Working: 2. Boring and Drilling. 107 2 1Apparel..-..-............, — -...... 16 78 Metal Working: 3. Forging, Swaging, 3 Artificial Limbs ------------------- 18 and Riveting. —--—... —.. -......-. 108 4 Baths and Closets. —..-.-........... 19 79 Metal Working: 4 Punching, Cut5 Beds.-............................... 20 ting, and Shearing -... —-.-......... 109 6 Bee-hives... —-............. — -... 21 80 Metal Working: 5. Rolling -------- 110 7 Beer and Wine-.................... 22 81 Metal Working: 6. Tools.-.......... 111 8 Bleaching and Dyeing -—.. —.. —. —. 23 82 Metal Working: 7. Turning, Planing, 9 Boats —... —-.. ----—. -—... 24 and Milling. — -..................... 113 10 Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets..-........... 25 83 Mills..-.......-..............-..... 114 11 Book-binding ----------- - 26 84 Music............................... 115 12 Boots and Shoes ----—. —---------... 27 85 Nails ---------------- 116 13 Brakes and Gins..................... 29 86 Needles and Pins.. — —............ 117 14 Bridges. 30 87 Oils, Fats, and Glue.....-............ 118 15 Brushes and Brooms......-........... 31 88 Optics -—..-.............-... -- - -. 119 16 Builders' Hardware.-... —-—. —--—. 32 89 Ordnance ------------ - 120 17 Butchering. ——......-........., — - - 34 90 Ore 1 1 21 18 Caoutchouc........................... 35 91 Paint.............................. 122 19 Carding --------------- 36 92 Paper-making -. —.-.-............. 123 20 3Carpentry-37 93 Paper Manufactures................. 124 21 Carriages and Wagons —.............. 38 94 IPaving -..............125 22 Casting40 95 Photography —.. —...-..-..-....... 126 23 Chemical, Miscellaneous............ 41 96 Plating.............................. 127 24 Clasps and Buckles.....-............ 43 97 Plows -------------- - 128 25 Clay- -...................... 44 98 Pneumatics ------------ 129 26 Cloth..-..........-..-.............. 45 99 Preserving Food......-............. 130 27 Coffins --------------- 46 100 Presses............................... 131 28 Cordage........................... 47 101 Printing.-............... —........ 132 29 Crinoline and Corsets. —. —-..-...... 48 102 Projectiles....................... 134 30 Cutlery —......-...............,- -... 49 103 Pumps --------------- 136 31 Dairy -.......................... 50 104 Railways: 1. The "Way"............- 137 32 )ental.-....-. —............. - - 51 105 Railways: 2. Cars and Interior Fit33 Drafting ------------- - 52 tings.-..................-......_. 138 34 Dryers and Kilns.-................. 53 106 Railways: 3. Exterior Mountings and 35 Educational ----------- - 54 Fittings -------------—. ------- 139 36 Electricity........................... 55 107 Railways: 4. Track and Car Irons 37 Excavators --------------------------- 57 and Fittings, Manufacture of. —--- 140 38 Felting, and Hats -..- -............ 58 108 Roofing ------------- - 141 39 Fences -..-.......................... 59 109 Safes ---------------- 142 40 Files --------------- - 60 110 Saws --------------- - 143 41 Fine Arts ---------------------------- 61 111 Seeders and Planters................. 144 42 Fire-arms --------------------------- 62 112 Sewing-machines -—... —-.-...... 145 43 Fishing........................63 1 113 Sheet-metal -------------------------- 146 44 Fuel..-..-. — - - -..........-..... 64 114 Ships: 1. Construction -- -.-..... 147 45 Furniture -------------- 65 115 Ships: 2. Propulsion.-...-......... 149 46 Gamnes and Toys........... 67 116 Signals --------------- 150 47 Garden and Orchard ------—..... 68 11ii 117 Silk151 48 Gas ---- 70 118 Spinning -................. 152 49 Glass ------------- - 71 119 1 Stabling-..-.-.-................ 153 50 Governors...1-... — -- -.......... 72 20 Stationery -................... 154 51 Grinding and Polishing....-.......... 73 121 Steam: 1. Engines...-...-........... 156 52 Gunpowder ----------—.-. —..........74 122 Steam: 2. Boilers-.. —. —-—.....- -. 157 53 Hardware Manufacture —..-........ 75 123 Steam: 3. Locomotives -----------—. 159 54 Harness- --------—. —-. —----—.......78 124 Stills. ——...... ——. -. —.. -..... 160 55 i Harrows. —............... 80 125 Stone, Lime, and Cement............ 161 56 i Haresters.-... -................... 81 126 Stoves and Furnaces. —-...-...... 163 57 Hoisting ------------- - 83 127 Sugar --------------- 165 58 Horology —------------- 84 128 Surgery.............................. 166 59 Horse-shoes —-..-...............85 129 Tanning —------------- 168 60 Hose and Belting --------------------- 86 130 Thrashing..-................... 169 61 Hydraulic Engineering............... 87 131 Tobacco.-.-.-............... 170 62 Ice --------------- - 89 132 Toilet -------------- - 171 63 Jewelry ------------------- - 90 133 Trunks. —.-....................... 172 64 Journals and Bearings................ 91 134 Tubing and Wire..-...- -........... 173 65 Kitchen Utensils 92 135 Umbrellas and Faas -....-.......... 174 66 Knitting and Netting.-............ 94 136 Valves. ——. —................. 175 67 Lamps and Gas-fittings. —.-.-......... 95 137 Water Distribution —. —........... 176 68 Laundry........................... 96 138 Water-wheels....................... 177 69 Leather...................97 i 139 Weaving ——. —.................. 178 70 Locks and Latches................. 98 140 Wire-working. -........ 180 71 Manures ------------- - 99 ii 141 Wood-screws ------------ 181 72 Masonry...-........-.... —..-....... 100 142 Wood-working: 1. Lathes.-........ 182 73 Measuring Instruments...-..-....... 101 143 Wood-working: 2. General-work Ma74 Mechanical Powers................... 103 chinery..-..-...-.-............ 183 75 Metallurgy.......................... 104 144 Wood-working: 3. Special-work Ma76 Metal Working: 1. Bending and chinery ------------- - 184 Straightening..................... 106 145 Wood-working: 4. Tools.. -......... 187 CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 1 AJiRATION AND BOTTLING.. 15 2 i APPAREL............. 16 3 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS..........18 4 I BATHS AND CLOSETS..... 19 5 BEDS...................... 20 6 BEE-HIVES................... 21 7 BEER AND VWINE............ 22 8 BLEACHING AND DYEING..... 23 9 BOATS...........*......... 24 10 BOLTS, UTS, AND RIVETS.... 25 11 BOOK-BINDING..-...... - 26 12 BOOTS AND SHOES........... 27 13 BRAKES AND GINS........29 14 BRIDGES.................... 30 6; CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 15 BRUSHES AND BROOMS....... 31 16 BUILDERS' HARDWARE.. 32 17 BUTCHERING................ 34 18 CAOUTCHOUC........... 35 19 CARDING.............. 36 20 CARPENTRY....*I...... 37 21 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS... 38 22 CASTING..................... 40 23 CHEMICAL, MISCELLANEOUS.. 41 24 CLASPS AND BUCKLES....... 43 25 CLAY................. 44 26 CLOTH.............. 45 27 COFFINS.. 46 28 CORDAGE................... 47 29 CRINOLINE AND CORSETS.... 48 30 CUTLERY........... 49 CLASSES. 7 No. Class. Page. Examiner. 31 DAIRY.................... 50 32 DENTAL.51 33 DRAFTING.................. 52 34 DRYERS AND KILNS.53 35 EDUCATIONAL............... 54 36 ELECTRICITY.......... 55 37 EXCAVATORS................ 57 38 FELTING AND HATS.......... 58 39 FENCES..................... 59 40 FILES.................. 60 41 FINE ARTS. 61 42 FIRE-ARMS................. 62 43 FISHING.......... 63 44 FUEL.. *.............. 64 45 FURNITURE.65 46 GAMES AND TOYS............ 67 8 CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 47 IGARDEN AND ORCHARD...... 68 48 GAS.................. 70 __ ___ _ ___ ___ - -- i - - - --- - - 49 GLASS. 71 50 GOVERNORS................. 72 51 GRINDING AND POLISHING.... 73 52 GUN POWDER............. 74 53 HARDWARE MANUFACTURE. 75 54 HARNESS..................... 78 55 HARROWS............ 80 56 HARVESTERS............. 81 57 HOISTING.......... 83 58I HOROLOY................. 84 59 HORSE-SHOES.-.............. 85 60 HOSE AND BELTING.......... 86 60 — - --- - --- - -.6 _ _I ___ 61 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING... 87 62 ICE.................. 89 CLASSES. 9 No. I Class. Page. Examiner. 63 JEWELRY............. 90 64 JOURNALS AND BEARINGS.... 91 65 KITCHEN UTENSILS..... 92 66 KNITTING AND NETTING. 94 67 LAMPS AND GAS-FITTINGS.... 95 68 LAUNDRY......... 96 69 LEATHER............... 97 70 LOCKS AND LATCHES........ 98 71 MANURES..................99 72 5MASONRY.............. 100 73 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS. 101 74 MECHANICAL POWERS....... 103 75 METALLURGY.10. 4........04 76 METAL WORKING: 1. BEND- 106 ING AND STRAIGHTENING. 77 METAL WORKING: 2. BOR- I 107 ING AND DRILLING. 10 CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 78 METAL WORKING: 3. FORGING, 108 SWAGING, AND RIVETING. 79 METAL WORKING: 4. PUNCH- 109 ING, CUTTING, AND SHEARING. 80 METAL WORKING: 5. ROLL- 110 ING. 81 METAL WORKING: 6. TOOLS.. 111 82 METAL WORKING: 7. TURNING, 113 PLANING, AND MILLING. 83 MILLS..................... 114 84 MUSIC.. 115 85 NAILS....................... 116 86 NEEDLES AND PINS........ 117 87 OILS, FATS, AND GLUE..... 118 88 OPTICS.. 119 89 ORDNANCE........... 120 90 ORE................. 121 CLASSES. 11 No. Class. Page. Examiner. 91 PAINT............... 122 92 PAPER-MAKING............. 123 93 PAPER MANUFACTURES..124 94 PAVING.. 125 95 PHOTOGRAPHY............... 126 96 PLATING............. 127 7 PLOWS.............. 128 98 PNEUMATICS... 129 99 PRESERVING FOOD.......... 130 100 PRESSES.................... 131 101 PRINTING.......... 132 102 PROJECTILES........... 134 103 PUM UPS... 136... 136 12 CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 104 I-RAILWAYS: 1. THE " VAY".. 137 105 RAILWAYS: 2. CARS AND INTE- 138 I RIOR FITTINGS. 106 RIAILWAYS: 3. EXTERIOR 1391 MOUNTINGS AND FITTINGS. 107 RAILWAYS: 4. TRACK AND CAR 140 IRONS AND FITTINGS, MANIUFACTURE OF. 108 ROOFING.................. 141 109 SAFES........ 142 110 SAWS........... - 143 111 SEEDERS AND PLANTERS.. 144 112 SEWING-MACHINES........... 145 113 SHEET-METAL............... 146 114 SHIPS: 1. CONSTRUCTION.... 147 115 SHIPS: 2. PROPULSION....... 149 116 SIGNALS.................... 150 117 SILK.................... 151 1 CLASSES. 13 No. Class. Page. Examiler. 118 SPINNING —............. —.. 152 119 STABLING...1..3........ 153 120 STATIONERY......1.... 154 121 STEAM: 1. ENGINES.-......... 156 122 STEAM: 2. BOILERS —----- 157 123 STEAM: 3. LOCOMOTIVES..... 159 _...................... _..._.. 124 STILLS...................... 160 125 STONE, LIME, AND CEMENT.. 161. 126 STOVES AND FURNACES...... 163 127 SUGAR....................... 165 128 SURGERY................. —166 129 TANNING................... 168 130 THRASHING................. 169 131 TOBACCO.................... 170 1 14 CLASSES. No. Class. Page. Examiner. 132 TOILET...................... 171 133 TRUNKS. 172. 134 TUBING AND WIRE... —-173 135 UMBRELLAS AND FANS...... 174 136 VALVES.............-....- -175 137 WATER DISTRIBUTION...... 176 138 WATER-WHEELS........... 177 139 WEAVING................... 178 140 WIRE-WORKING.-.......- 180 141 WooD SCREWS......1...... I81 142 WOOD-WORKING: 1. LATHES.. 182 143 WOOD-WORKING: 2. GENE- 183 RAL-WORK MACHINERY. 144 WOOD-WORKING: 3. SPECIAL- 184 WORK MACHINERY. 145 WOOD-WORKING: 4. TOOLS...187 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 1. AERATION AND BOTTLING. Airated Liquor Apparatus and Processes, Soda-fountains and Fireannihilators, Barrel-filling and Bungs, Bottling and Bottle-stoppers. Aerated liquids. Bungs, Extractors for Aerated liquor apparatus. Bushings for barrels. Aerating dough, Apparatus for Collapsible casks for beer, &c. Barrel- cleaners. Corking- machines. Barrel-fillers. Cork-making machines. (See Class Barrel-lining. (See Class 91.) 142.) Barrel-pitching. (See Class 91.) Cork-presses. Barrel-rollers. Corks, Artificial Barrel-stands and skids. Effervescing preparations for bevBarrel-tilters. erages. Barrel-washers. Fire-annihilators, Gas-generating Bottle-cleaners. Fire-engines, Chemical Bottle envelopes. I Gazogenes. Bottle-fillers. Mineral-waters, Compositions for Bottle-racks. Siphon-bottles. Bottles, Boxes for transporting Sirup-gages. Bottle-stoppers. Sirup-tountains. Bottle-washers. I Soda-fountains. Bottling-imnplements. Soda-fountains, Apparatus for Bottling-machines. charging Bungs. Soda-water apparatus. Bungs, Bushes for Vents for barrels. 16 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 2. APPAREL. Clothing and Clothes-making, Work-table appliances, Patterns for Garments. [Excepting Boots and Shoes.-.....Class 12. Head-corerings........ Class 38. Hoop-skirts and Corsets -. Class 29. Knitting-machines....... Class 66. Paper-garments.-....... Class 93. Sewing-machines...Class 112.] Balmorals. Frames for measuring and fitting Belts, Body garments. Boas. Franes for talmbour-work and Bodkins. quilting. Body-conformators. Frilling. Bonnet-stands. Fur, Articles of Bosom-folders. Gages for cutting garments. Bosoms. Gaiterettes, (of cloth.) Boxes for spools and thread. Garments, (except of Paper, Class Braces. 93.) Capes. Garments, Gages for cutting Cloaks. Garments? Machines for cutting Cloth crimping machines. out Cloth-cutting machines. Garments, Patterns for Cloth-plaiting machines. Garments, Systems of measuring Clothes-pressing machines. and cutting Coats. Garters. Collars, (except of Paper, Class 93.) Glove-making. Cravat-holders. Gloves. Cravats. Glove-stretching machines. Crochet. Glove-turning machines. Cuffs. Hangers for clothing. Cuff-supporters. Hemnlmers, Hand Cushions for. pins, needles, and Hosiery. (See Class 66.) sewing-work. Hosiery-ironing machines. Cutting out garments. HIousewifes. Darning-lasts. Ironing-machines, Tailors' and Darning-machines. hosiery Diapers. Ladies' figure-stands. Drawers. i Mittens. Dress-protectors. M uffs. Dress-supporters. Neck-tie retainers. Dummies for displaying clothing. Neck-ties. Eyeleting-mnachines. (See Class Needle-boxes. 24.) Needle-cases. Feather dressers. Needle-guards. Finger-guards. Needles. Fitting garments. Needle-threaders. Fluting-machines. Needle-wrappers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECrS OF INVENTION. 17 Pantalets. Skirt-elevators. Pantaloon-protectors. Skirts, Binding for Pantaloons. Skirts, (except Crinoline, Class 29.) Pantaloon-straps. Skirt-supporters. Pantaloon-stretchers. Sleeves. Patterns for garments. Spool. cases. Pin-boxes. Spool-holders. Pin-cushions. Spool-stanlds. Pinking-nlachlines. Stockings, Toe and heel protectPlaiting-machines. ors for Pockets. Stocking-saupporters. Pockets, Safety Stocks, Neck Pressing garments. Suspenders. Quilting-frames. Tailoring. RlPpilpi g-tool. Tailors' ironin g-mnachines. Ruffles. Tattin g-shuttles. lRuffles, Machines for making Thimbles. Safety-guards for watches and Thread and spool boxes. pocket- books. Thread- cutters. Semring-birds. Thread-envelopes. Sewing-boxes. Threaders. Sewing-guards. i Tippets. Sewing-pins. Trimmings for garments. Sewingr-stands. Under-garments, (except Knitted, Sewing-work holders. Class 66.) Shawls. Under-sleeves. Shirt-bosoms. Veils. Shirts. Vests. Shoulder-braces. Work-baskets. Shoulder-straps. I Vork boxes, SewingShoulder-supporters. Work holders, SewingShuttles, Tatting Work-table, Appliances for the Skirt-covers. Wrappers. 2 18 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 3. ARTIFICIAL LIB S. Including all Proustlheic Pts, Splints, Fracture, and Orthopedic Appliances. [Except Artificial Teeth and -Dentures, Class 32.] Arms, Artificial Ear-trumpets. Artificial arms. Ear-tubes. Artificial ears. Eyes, Artificial Artificial eyes. Extension-apparatus for fractures. Artificial feet. Feet, Artificial Artificial hands. Fractures, Applaratus for reducing Artificial legs. Hands, Artificial Artificial palates. Legs, Artificial Auricles. Orthopedic apparatus. Club feet, Apparatus for Palates, Artificial Counter-extension applaratus. Spinal curvatures, Instruments Crutches. for treating Dislocation apparatus. Splints. Ears, Artificial CLASSIFICA'TION OF SUIJJECTS OF INVENTION. 19 CLASS 4. BATHS AND CLOSETS. Baths, Water and Eithll CIoasets, Trimls, i, \.Was h St t:m is and Basins, Sinks, tand Stenelh-traps. [Except Faucets, Class 136.] [For lMacnfaecture of I'atrc'-j)tipe Fittiigls and Faucets, see Class 53, Section K.] Air-traps for sinkls 1andt sewers. Fauocots. (See Class 1i36.) Bath-heaters. (See Class 1206.) K itchen-sin1ks. Bathing a)pparatus. Silnks. Bathing tabs. 1 Stechl-traps. Baths. T raps, Steniclh Baths, 1)onche Traps, WLater Baths, Medicated UrinllUs. Baths, Shower Uri1 als, Portalble Baths, Vapor VI alves, Vater-closet. (See Class Baths, Voltaic. (See Clieass 36(.) 136.) Bidets. i Wash-;basins. Chamber-pots. Wash-lstanlds. Coremmodes. Water-closets. )eodorizing Imaterials and pro- WVater-closets, Appliances o({ cesses. (See a:nr: res, Class 71.) W~ater-traps 1Earth closets. 20 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLiASS 5. BEDS. Bedsteads, Bedding, and Bed-furniture. Bed-bottomns. Clothes-clamps. Bed-clothes clasps. Couches. Bed-bugs, Traps for Cradles. Bedding. Cribs. Beds. Curled hair and its substituttes. Bedstead canopies. Hammocks. Bedstead-cord in g. Mattresses. Bedstead-fastenings.. Mattresses, Materials for Bedstead-keys. Mattresses, Machines for making Bedsteads. Mosquito-netting, Fraines for Bedsteads and other furniture Nursing couches. combined. Palliasses. Bedsteads, Invalid Pillows. Bedsteads, Sofa Sponge for stuffing, Preparing Bedsteads, Spring-slats for Springs for beds. Bedsteads, Valances for Stuffing for mattresses, pillows, Bedsteads, Ventilating &c. Bedsteads, Wardrobe Stuffing for upholstering purBed-wrenches. poses. Camp-beds. Upholstering, stuffing. Canopies for bedsteads. Valances. Camp-cots. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 21 CLASS. 6. BEE-HIVES. Apiaries and Bee-culture. Apiaries. Honey-boxes for bee-hives. Bee-culture. Moth-destroyers. Bee-feeders. Moth -traps. Bee-fumigators. S warm-indicators. '22 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 7. BEER AND WINE. Beer, Wine, Cider, and Vinegar. [Execlt Mills a1nd P resse., Class 100.] Ageing liquors. i Fermented liquors, Preserving Anti-ferrmentation processes ald Hop-backs. applications. Hop-extracts. Beer-coolers. (See Class 62.) Hops- Treatlmenllt of Beer-cooling vats. Malting. Beer-preservilng vessels. MNlalt liquors, Cooling Brewery apparatus. 31-alt liquorsr, Preservi-i Brewing. Mlash-tu bs. Cider-making, (except Press;es, Preserving fermented liquors. Class 100.)' Raclking wines. &c. Clarifying wines, &c. Vinegar apparatus. Cooling-wort. Vinegar processes. Fermenetation checks. Wine-agei ng. Fermnented liquors, Cooling Wine-making~ CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 23 CLASS 8. BLEACHING, DYEING, ETC. Bleachiing, Dyeing;, Sizing, anid PriTlti;ug Fabrics. Starch. Aniline dyes. Dye-vats. Bucking-kiers. vDyce-wood extracts. 3Bleaching materials. Glazed faibrics. Bleaclhinlo processes. Paste, Compositions for Calico-printing, Composition for Paste-n alukig'. Calico-lprintingl Processes for Printing fail-ries. Dextrine. I lesist printinm. I)yeingf apparatus. Size, PIrep)traftion of Dyeing materials.! Sizing fabrics. Dyeing processes. Starch, Manutficture of Dyes. 24 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 9. BOATS. Boats, lafts, ando Life-p)reservers. Animals across rivers, Floating Life-buckets. Boat-bridges. Life-preservers. Boat-buildin g. Life-rafts. Boat-detachling apparatus. Logs, Booming Boat-hoists. Logs, Rafting Boat-hooks. Lowering boats. Boats. Marine safes. Boats, Folding | Metallic boats. Boats, Life I Oar-locks. Boats, Metallic Oars. Boats, Sectional Oars, Feathering Boats, Surf Outriggers. Buoys. Ponton-bridges. Buoy-safes. Poutons. Davits. Rafting-dogs. Detaching boats from davits. Rafting logs. Ferry-boats. (See Class 114.) Rafts. Floating safes. Row-locks. Folding-boats. Sectional boats. Ice-boats. Surf-boats. Life-boats. Suspending ships' boats. CLASSIFICATION OF SUB.TECTS OF INVENTION. 25 CLASS 10. BOLTS, NUTS, AND RIVETS. Articles, Varieties, anad Machinles for 2Making. Taps, Screw-dies, and Lock-nuts. Bolt-headilg nmaehinles. Riveting-ni achines. Bolt-making machileies. Iivet alking. Bolts, Screw Etivets. Bolt-threading mnachiiies. Screw-bolts. Dies for cutting screws. Screw -nu ts. Die-stocks. SCreXw-taps. Locking-nuts. Stocks and dies. Nut-blanks, Making Taps. Nut-locks.' Washer-making machines, MeNut-making machines. tallic Nuts. Washers, Ietallic, Nut-threadillg macllines. 26 CLASSIFICATION OF1 SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 11. BOOK -BIND I G. Binding Books and Ruling Paper. Account-boolis, PBildinl of Book-sewiilng machines. Albnms, Bindilng of I Embossing-presses. Book-binders' presses. Indexin nl Book-bindlifg;materi a.ls, process- Plons, Book-binders' es, styles, tools, alld mllachines. Portfolios, Makiing Book-cover fasteiings. IRuling machi es. Iook-covers. Ruling-machlies, Pens for I:ook-( ovxers, facllinesfor imakhing Sw vig),-ress,es Boolks in the'round, Machlines for cutt;inlgi CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 27 CLASS 12. BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots, Shoes, their Parts, Varieties, and M-aterials, Tools;:-,t MNrachines for making. [For ll[anufacturme of S7toemajkers' H 1ardwawre, see Class 053) Sctionn G.] Anklets. Insoles. Awls, Shoemakers' JaIcks, Peggila Boot-chan!lleling machiles. Lacfill', LeathZer soe Boot-clallamps. Lap -shvlletvrs. Boot-cril~ p)s. L a:st-lholde: rs. Boot-grooving machines. Lasting- nahie(ls. Boot-hooks. Lasts. Boot-lining]'s. Lasts, TeC-p)iecCs for Boot-patterns. Leather pegs for shoes. Boots and shoes. Legging s. Boot-seal m rubbers.! occasilns. Boots, Metallic braces for Nailing lachines, BootBoots, Metallic slhanls fob Overshoes. Boots, Metallic soles for Peg-cutters. Boot-soles. Peggin g;j aclks Boot-stretcllers. Pegging-inaclhines. Boots, Wooden soles for Pegging soles. Boot-trees. Pegs, Leather Boot-uppers. Pegs, MItachines for arrlla ilg Boot-ventilators. Pegs, MAaclines for driviilg. Burnislhing machines, Boot- Pegs, Shoe Calks, Boot Pilchllers, Lastirng Chanlneling-machines. Pinchers, Shoemllakers' Counters. Ialltl-iaclhines. Criml)inig-machines and tools. lands. (Jutting-boards for leather. Rubber boots. Edge-planes for soles. Rubber sloes. Floats, Boot Rubber soles. Gaiters, Leather Salllals. Galoshes. Sewinlg-machlines fbr loots anlid Heel and toe cal)s, Materials for shoes. -(See Class 112.) Heel-caps Shank-cutters. Heel-fhstenings. Shank-la sterls. HBeel-irons. Shllank- arkers. Heel-plates. Shanks, Boot Heel-polishin g maclhines. Sh1anl-stiffe'ners. Heel-protectors. Slioe-binding. Heels. Shoe-clasps. Heel-shaves. Shoe-disteiiders. IHeels, Machines for cutting Shoe-fasteners. Heels, Machines for dressing Shoe-haminiers. fHeel-stiffiners. Shoe-holders. Heel-trimming machineso Shoe-hooks. Ice-creepers. Shoe-horns. Ice-sandlals. Shoe-lacing. 28 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shoe-lacing, MAachines for tagging Tags, AMachines for cutting shoe Shoe-lacing hooks. Tips, Shoe Shoe-linings. Toe-caps. Shoemakers' benches. Trees, Boot Shoemakers' tools. Uppers, Machines for cutting Shoe-patterns. Ventilators for boots. Shoes. Waxed-ends, Machines for twistShoe-soles. ing Shoe-stays. Waxing thread, Machines for Shoe-straps. Welts. Slippers. WVelts, Machines for forming Soles for boots and shoes. Weltsl Machines for trimming CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 29 CLASS 13. BRAKES AND GIINS. Treatment of Ratw Flax, Hemp, and Cotton, H- air and Oakun Pickers,.1and Husk-Splitters. Brakin g-lnachi n es. Hackling -maceines. Corn-llusk splitters. H a.;ir-pi)ickers. Cotton-gins. Hlenlp-brakes. Fabrics for re-use of fiber, Tear- Hemp-hackling. ing up Help-rotting, Fibers of plants, Separating I Husk-sp)littingl. Fl)ax-brakes. Oakunm-pickers. Flax rottillg. Riipplles for flax, broom-corn, &e. Flax-scutchers. Rottini, flax ati- 111 lhemp. Gins, Cotton. Seut{-lii g-nah('ines. IHackles. Separating( fibers of plants for use.Hacklinl corn-husks, in textile fabrics. 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 14. BRIDGES. 1Brides anlid Arcni es their Piei;'s and Abatntlellts Trassies -lnd Girders for Bridges, F'loors, and Roofs, Iron Trisses, Piers, and Columns. Abutments for arlches. Iron Lrnisses. Anchlors or sl8s)eCIsion-cables. P iers Brido-e and abutmtellit Arcles. Ilotonl bridges. (eec Claxss 9.)'Bascule brildges. Saddles for suspelnsio;l-bridges. BIoat-bridges. (aSee Class 9.) Stone bridges. 1Bow-string bridgcs. Suspecnsonil-riidge s. IBridges.. Suspension-cable antchors. Cables, Snspension-bridge. (See Suspen sioin-b igidge cables. (8'ee Class 140.) Class 1-40.) Centerinll for arches. Su1spen lion-ciable s( d(lies. Columns, iroin Suspensioll-able~ wvire-carriers. Draw-bruidges. Switng bridges. Ferry-boats. (See Cl(tas,' 1141.) Triiss brid-es. Floatming bridges. (See Class 114.) Trusses ftr bridges, floos, a1tnd Flyi1g bridlges. roofs. Gnirders for bridges, floors, roofs. Trusses of iron or wood. -Girders of iron or wood. Tubular bridges. Iron bridges. Viaducts. Iron columns. Waire cables. (Sec Class 140.) Iron girders. AVooden bridges. Iron piers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 31 CLASS 15. BRUISHES AND BRO0M3S. SA3t~t-l8i 01p 1uld I 1 ltroons, Bsiu~,?, A k~:[oc, I ~liuesfa r makilng. [Excepti(y# Machines for Wlro)d-l cort,lngy, Class 144.] Boot-cleanlers. Iorse-bruslis. Bottle-brusl es.! Husk broomiis. Bristle-assorti ll, ma lchinries. Knuckle-shields foir scrubbiing. Bristle-bunchinlg imachlinres. Mats, Car Bristle-cleanling achines. Mats, D)oor Bristle-walshintgi nimachi-nles. lMats fir cars, Wooden Broom.-haleldles. Matsi Slit Broon-heads. Mop-lhandles. Brooms. M Aiop-lheads. ]Brush backs. MAlops. Bruslhes, (all 1kinds e:cccpt Wie, i, Alop-wrinllgers. Class 140.) Nail-brushes. Brush-han (les. Paint-brushles. Brush-hlead(s. IRotary bruslhes. Brush-makilg;maclhines. Scrubbingi-brushes. Coir brooms. Scrubbin g-llna chines. Corn brooms. Scrubbiing-pails. Door-mnats. S!hoe-brushes. Flesh-b rushes. Sl1 t-mat 8s. Floor covering, Slatted Sl atted floor-covering. Hair-brooms. Splint broom s. qHair-brushies. Tooth-brushes. Hickory brooms. 32 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 16. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Metallic Trimmrings of Houses and Furniture. [Except Bells and Bell-hanging.. Class 116. Locks and Latches... Class 70. Nails............Class 85.] [For Mianufacture of Builders' HIardware, see Clas 53, Section B.] BaIrn-door lhangrers. Hat an(l coat hookls. Barn-door rollers. Heads for nails and screws. Bell-lhanging. (See Class 116.) Hlinges. Bell-pulls. Hilonges, Blind vBells. (See Class 116.) Hinges, I)qor Bells, Cow. (See Class 54.) -Hinges, Gate Bells, Sleigh. (See Class 54.) lihYges, Loose;joint Blind-adjusters., Hiinges, Self shutting Blind-fasteners. Hinges, Shutter Blind-hinges. Hinges, Slprings Blind-operators. Hooks, Coat and hat Bolts for doors, shutters, adll Hooks, I)oor blinds. H ooks, Furniture Bolts, Chain Hooks, Shlutter Bolts, Spring Pulleys, Sish Buffers for doors. Rollers, Barn-door Cabin-door hooks. Roller-sheaves f(r doors. Car-window fastenings. Rollers, Sash Casters, Furniture Rollers, Sliding-door Chocks, Door Sash-bolts. Coffin handles. Sash centers. Coffin hardware. Sashes, Fasteners for meeting I)oor-b)olts. rails of Door-buttons. Sash-faistenlers. Door-checks. Sash-llanlgings. Door-hangers. Sash-pulleys. Door-hin ges. Sash-rollers. Door-holders. Sash-spri il gs. Door-plates, Attaching Sa.sh-stol)s. Door- pulls. Sash-weighlts. Door-securers. Sllutter- bars. Door-sheaves. Shlutter-f.astenlers. Door- springs. Shll utter-hinges. Door-stops. Shutter-lif'ts. Drawer-pulls. Shutter operators. Furniture-casters. Slid inlg-door rollers. Furniture-hooks. Sprilng-bolts. Furniture-knobs. Spring-hinges. Gate hinges. Sprin gs, Door Hangings for doors, gates, and Stair-rod fastenings. sash. Stair-rods. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 33 Stops, D)oor WVindow-buttons. Supporters, Window WI indow-fasteners. Trunk-rollers. Win(low-operators. CWeights, Sash 1illdo(w-su ppjorters. 3 34 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 17. BUTCHERING. Catchinlg, Slaughtering, 1and Skinning Animallns, l)ressillg Carcasses, Cutting Meat, Sausage-Makinlg.' A nillal-catclhinig. Lard-squeezers. (See Class 101).) linle-tulbs. Meat-cutters. Blutcllelring alpplianlces. i,\leat-grinders. ('atclling animals for slaulghter- Mincing-in-aclilles. ilig. I Packinlg-lhoses. (See Class 99.) (Cle.aning ciarcasses. Sausage-cutters. Clutches, Animtal Sausage- stuffers. G(allows for suspending carcasses. Scalding-tubs anl(d appliances. (: alibrels. Singeing apparatus. Hlair-cleanin g. Skinning appliances. -log-elevators. Slaughterilng apparatus. -Ii o-sl iughteriig applaratus. i Steels. (See Class 51.) Knives, Butcher. (See Class 30.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 35 CLASS 18. CAOUTCHOUC. Preparation and Manufacture of Caoutchouc, Gutta-Percha, and Vulcanite. Caoutchlouc manufactures. Rubber, Vulcanizing Gutta-Percha manufactures. Rubber, White Hard rubber. Vulcanite. Itndia rubber. Vulcanizing furnaces. Molds for rubber goods. I Vulcanizing- processes. ~ Rubber, Hard White rubber. 1].ubber, India 36 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 19. CARDING. Preparation of Cotton and W'ool for Spinning. Alarms for stop-motions of card- Cotton-pickers, (Factory) ing-machines. Doffing apparatus. Batting-machines. Feeding apparatus for cardingBurrin g-machines. machi nes. Canls for slivers. Flat-strippers. Cards, Cleaning Lapping-imachines. Card-clothing. Pickers, VWool or Cotton, (FacCarding-machines. tory.) Carding-machines, Alarms for Slivers, Cans for Carding-machines, Cylinders for Stop-motions for carding-mnaCarding-machiines, Stop-motions chines. for Wadding. Cards, (Wool and Cotton) Wadding-machines. Card-strippers. ~Wool-burring machines. Coating or covering yarn. Wool-cleaniii machines. Combing-machines. Wool-oiling machines. Coiling or laying slivers. Wool-whashing machines. (See Cotton-gins. (,See Class 13.) Laundry, Class 68.) Cotton-cleaners. Yarn coating or covering. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 37 CLASS 20. CARPENTRY. Wood-work of Houses. [Except Trusses and Girders, Class 14.] Awnings. Lathing, Metallic Beamls of wood, Compound Joiners' work of buildings. Blind-operators. (SA'e Class 16.) Joints for timbers. Blinds. Joists. Blinds, Metallic Metallic blinds, doors, shutters, Brackets for staging. and gratings. (Cajrpenters' tools. (See Class 145.) Partitions of buildings, Wooden Carpenters' work of buildings. I'ortable houses. Ceilings. Rinks. Centering of arclhes. Roofs. (See Class 108.) I)oor-hangers. Safety-gtlards for liatch wavs. Door-operators. (See Class 16.) Safety-guards for windows. Doors. Sash. l)oors, Sliding Sash-frames. Elevating scaffoldls. Scaffolding. Extension ladders. Scarfing and other timber-joints. F'ire-escapes. Screens foi window. Fire-ladders. Sheds and stables, Portable Fire-proof shutters. Shutter-operators. (See Class 16.) FIrames of wood, (excepit Trusses Shutters. and Girders, Class 14.) Shutters, Fire-proof Floors. Siding of houses. Floors, Fire-proof Skylights, Operating. Floors, Woolen I Sliding hills. Girders. (See Class 14.) Skating-rinks. Gratings for windows. Splicing timbers. Guards for windows. Stairs. Hatch ways, Devices for operating Step-ladders. E1Hatchways, Safety-guards for Store-houses. Houses. Thresholds. Houses, Construction of I Trap doors. Houses, Portable Trusses for bridges, roofs, &c. Ladders. (See Class 14.) Ladders, Combination W Aeather-boarding. Ladders, Extension Weather-stripls. Ladders, Fire I Window-blinds. Ladders, Garden W indows. Ladders, Step j Window-screens. Lathling.,Window-shutters. Lathing-machines. Wood-work of buildings. 38 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 21. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Construction of Wheeled Vehicles, including Sleighs. Trucks, Basrrows, Litters, and Yokes. [Except Locomotives and Traction Engines.. Class 123. Railway Cars.................... Class 105.] [For ltlanufacture of Carriage and Wagon Hardware, see Class 53, Section C.] Ambulances. Dumping-carts. Anti-friction axle-bearings. Dumping-wagons. Axle-arms. Equalizing-bars. Axle-boxes, Compositions for Fellies. Axle-boxes for carriages. Fellies, Attaching Axles, Lubricators for carriage Fellies, Expanding Axle-trees. Felly-cla nps. Barrows. I Fifth-wheels. Biers. Hand-barrows. Bodies of vehicles. Hand-bearers. Boot-boxes of vehicles. Hand- trucks. Bow-irons of vehicles. Hanging carriage-blo(dies. Bows, W'agon Hay-loaders for wagons. Boxes of wheel-hubs. Hay-racks for wagons. Brakes, Carriage Hearses. Brakes, Wagon Hold-backs for vehicles. Calash-tops for carriages. Hose-carriages. Carriage-couplings. Hubs, Carriage Carriage-curtain fastenings. Ice-cars. Carriage hardware. Ice-chairs and carriages. Carriage-irons. Irons, Carriage Carriages. Irons, Carriage-top Carriages, Dress-guards for Irons, Setting carriage Carriage-seat fastenings. Linch-pins. Carriage-seats. Litters. Carriages, Fire-engine Loading wagons, Mlachinery for Carriage-springs. Lumuber-wagons. Carriage-step protectors. Neck-yokes. Carriage-steps. Night-carts. Carriages, Top-blocks for Omnibusses. Carriage-tops. Ox-yokes, bows, and pins. Carriage-trimmings. Perches, WVagon Carriage-window frames. Poles, Wagon Carts. i Racks, Hay-wagon Chairs, Locomotive. Rein-holders. Children's carriages. Running-gear of vehicles. Children's hand-cars. Safety-straps of vehicles. Couplings, Thill Sailing-carriages. Detaching horses from vehicles. Seats, Carriage Double-trees. Seats, Spring-wagon CLASSIFICATION (OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 39 Self-loadillg carts. Trucks. Single-trees. UllllI'blla-suplyltesl onl calrri.'es. Skeinsl of axles. Upl,settill(g-Inaellilles. (Sce C!t,(ls Sled-brakes.i S.) Sledt-rlu nirs. Velli(.lcs. Sleds.,elaoli p)edes. Sled-soles. W -bo lsters. Sleighlls. Wi'lagon s. Spokes. Wagonols, nlpUilig Spoke-sockets. iVa goilt-seats. Splrinlgsf C (lriragfe \Vag'olls, IUnloadi)iitg-.attarchnell t Stretctlhers. for Sulkies. agonll-t(o) g'lle sul)plorters. SulkyillS-setats. i CWhleelba rrow s. Tail-boards for x'tago)lls. Wh teels for vehicles. Tilill-coulllings. W lheel-splokes. rlliills. AWhiVlleels to axles, Securingl Thlill-tugs. Whleelwrighllts wood workingll I:Til'e-lnaking'. (S'ee C(lass 78.) chinltes. (Scc Class 144.) Tires, Securingl Wieelv'ights vood-w o r k in g Tires, Tighteningl' tools. (See Clas-s' 145.) Tirie-upsetting. (See (,Class 78.) AhVliffletrees. Tollgnes, Carriage l and wI aglon Whil )-So lekets. To)1)s, Cariage ols, Ne ckli Traces, Saftety-attachmlent of Yokes, ()Ox 40 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 22. CASTING. Applimances, Machil, s IModes, and 1Tools of the Foundry. Bec(ll-foilllding. I Facing mollds, Machines for [liack-washlilg molds, l))i'tlls Flaskl-clallps. for ]Flasks, Mlolders' rt ass-fo)undinlog. Foundlry, Applliances of the 13.1'it nllllia-\\ware s18till' s)1'(>('ls6'ss. Ils4l(-' t{)1' Inott'.i ilet8.l. Britmia-war XX re, Casting rose Ladles for molten metal. foir iMaLtch-plates. 1Bullet-c(astinl. Aloldlers' flaskis. Castill n metals, Apllilances ifor Molders' tables. COasting metals, Modes of Mol(l-facing.' (Casting metal on metal. Molding' pipe,, Machlines f or Castinng metal undler p)ressure. Molds for casting metals Castinllo soft metals. Pattern-lifters for molders. C.1astillg's, Tllllbling-b)oxes i' P'ewter-ware, Caastingo Iroeesses ir (hllills. P'rojectiles, Castingl Clamps for mlolds. Shotting malchiines. Cleaniing castiings. Shot makingl, Cast Comlpressio n-c(astin g, Spirue-paltt ernls. Core-boxes. Si)rues. Cores. Tables for Ilolders. Cores, VeIltilatillg Tumblers for small castillngs (lrucibles for metal. (See C.ass 25..) Tumbling-boxes.'Facing compositions. Ventilatingl-cores. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 41 CLASS 23. CHEMICAL MIISCELLANEOUS. Chemical Apparatus, Processes, and Compositions, not otiherwhlere specifically assigned, as noted below. Acids, Apparatus for maqking, (ex- Fire-proofitlg compounds. (See cept Stills, Class 124.) Class 91.) Acids, Processes for nakil g Fire-proofing processes. (See Class Air-proofing processes. (See Class 91.) 91.) Fire-proofilg wood, fabrics, &c. Analsthetic refrigerators. (See Fishl-oil, Treatment of. (See Class Class 62.) 87.) Anitmlal and vegetable fiber, Sepa- F-luids, \Writino rating Food, Preservation of. (See Clcs, Antiseptics. 99.) Atomizers. (See Class 6'2.) Foot-rot curaltives. Beer and Wine. (See Class 7.) l'Ilel. (See Class 44.) Beveraoges, (except Aerated, C(lass Furnaces, iBone-black. (See Ctlass 1; Fermented, Class 7.) 127.) 1Billiard Balls, Compositions for Furna, ces, Che;lmical Bitters, Tonic Gas. (See Class 48.) Blastiino compoulids. (See Class (lue (See Class 87.)'52.) Gunpo(le r. (See Class 52.) Bleachini. (See Class 8.)4 Hi Bread —r'aisinIg coml:pounds. 1 airi -riestora Itives. 3Brewingl. (See Class 7.) i Horn, Artificial. Calico prillting. (See (Class S.) Ice. (See Celass (i;.) Candles. (See Class 87.) Indlia rtubber. (See Class 18.) Caoutchoue. (See Class 1S.) IIk, Pr1intinr ( Sc I Class 91.) Capsules, Medlicinal Ink Writin g Carbureters. (See Class 48.) Insect:dlestrioyingi compounds. Chemical apparatus. Ivory, Artificial Chemical furnaces. Lamp wicks, Chemical treatlmenlt Chemicals,'Preparillo of Corpseelmbalming. Lardl Treatment of. (See Class 87.) Cosmetics. Liniments..)enttifrices. Malt liquors. (See Class 7.) I)eodorizers. tiManures. (See Class 71.) Depilatories. Madtcles. (See Class 52.) 1)etergents. IMedical col)UC(ouit(ls. 1)isinlectinl all)Prt)lltis, (except Medicines. Atomizers, Class 62.) Oils, flts, alld glue. (See Class 87.) D)istillatioll. (See Class 123.) O(ils, PRefillinJg. (See Class 124.) I)olls, Composition for Ointments. Drugs. P'ait. (See Class 91.) Dyeing. (See Class 8.) Pa'stilles. Embalming compositioiis. Perflilni ng ap)paratus. Embalming processes. I'lasters, Adhesive Fats, Treatment of. (See Class 87.) Poultices, Compositions for Fertilizers. (See Class 71.) Preserving food. (See Class 99.) Fire annihilators. (Nee Class 1.) Preserviilg timber. 42 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Pyroxylile. Tilnber, Preservation of Rectification of spirits. (See Class Tobacco, Flavoring 124.) Tooth-pIowder. Reftiing oils, &c. (See Class 124.) i ermiill destroying compo, unds. Retorts, (except Coal, Class 48.) Vinegair. (See Class 7.) Retort stands. Washing compounds. Salves. WVater-proofing compounds. (See Soap. (See. Class 87.) Class 91.) Stains, Composition for removing Wax. (See Class 87.) Starch. (See Class 8.) Wines, Treatment of. (See Class Stearirle. (See Class 87.) 7.) Stills. (See Class 124.) Wood, Artificial Sugar. (See Class 127.) WTood, PreserVation of Sulphuric acid, Recoverinlg. See Wool, Compositions for treating Class 124.) WVriting ink. Tallow. (See Class 87.) Yeast and its substitutes, Tanninlg. (See Class 129.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. A 43 CLASS 24. CLASPS AND BUCKLES. Small Metallic Attachlnents; Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, Eyelets, Hooks, Links, Rings, Studs, &c., anl Inmplements and Machines for Attaching and Closing. [For Manufacture of these Small lMetallic Attachments, &c., see (!h1(sr 53 in its several sections.] Band punches. Hooks. Belt-punches. If ooks, Mousing Brequet-chain hooks. Hooks, Snap Buckles. I-ooks, Swivel Button-hole punches. Key-rings. Button-hooks. Lacing-hooks. Button keys or fasteners. Lap-rings. Buttons of ally material, (except Leatlher-lpunches. Turning, Class 142.) Mousin llghoo ks. Buttons to cards, Securino'g Neck-tie clasps. Buttons to fiabrics, Eyeleting Open linls. Buttons to fabrics, Riveting Open rings. Clasps. Ornaments, Small metallic Clasps for garments. Pap)er-fasteners. Clasps for skirts. Paper-punches. Clinch-rings., Pinkirg-punches. Cock-eyes. I'ulches, Leather, paper. and Collar fastenings, Shirt ticket Conductors' punches. Rings. Cuff-buttons.; Self fastening buttons. Eyelet-punches. Shoe-buttoners. Eyeleting-machines. Skirts, Clasps for Eyeleting-stamlps. Sleeve-buttons. Eyelet-presses. Snap-hooks. Eyelets. Snap rings. Garment-fasteners. Split-rings. Glove-buttoners. Spring-punches. Glove-buttons.. Studs. Glove-fasteners. Swivel-hooks. Glove-fasteI) inlgs. Ticket-punches. HIook-buttons. W ad-punches. Hook-buttons, Implements for Washer-punches. setting 44 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 25. CLAY. Bricks, Clay-mills, Brick ani Tile Machines and Pre~sse, Ceramic Manufactures, Earthenware, Pottery, Crucibles, Glazes, Kilns. Adobes. Kaolin, Purifying 1Biscuit (clay) ovens. (S1ee Class Kilns for bricks and ceramics. 34. ) i (See Class 34.) Brick kilns. (See Class 34.) Malaxators. IBrick-machines. Mortar-machines. Brick-molds. I Mortar-mixers. Brick-presses. Mills, Clay Bricks. Mills, Pug Bricks, Fire Molds for bricks and ceramics. Cemltent-mlixinLg machines. Mosaic-tiles. Cemellt-pipe, Machines for lak- Ovens for biscuit, (Clay.) (See ing Class 34.) Cement-pipes. Ovens for enameling pottery, &c. Cement-pipes, Coating (See Class 34.) Ceramic-eniamels. Paving-tiles. Ceramic manufactures. Pipes, Clay Chimlnley-ppots. Pipes, Compositions for making Chin'a-ware. Pipes, Drainillg Clay-mills. Porcelain materials and manu.Clay-pipes. facture. Clay-pulverizers. Pottery materials an( manllufacClay-screening machines. taure. Crucible molds. Presses, Brick Cru cibles. Pug-mills. Draining-pipes. Roofilng-tiles. l)raining tiles. Salrcophagi, C(lay Earthenware. Stone-ware. EnIamelig culinary vessels. Terra cotta. Ellameling ]hardware. Tile-nmachines. Enuameling-ovens. (See Class 34.) Tiles, Drain Fire-back bricks. Tiles, F'ire Fire-bricks. Tiles, Floor Fire-tiles. Tiles, Gardein Flower-pots, ((Clay.) Tiles. AMos'aic (arden -pots. Tiles, llPaving (larden tiles. Tiles, lRoofing Glazes for plottery, bricks, &c. Tools for molding clay. Jlars, Earthen CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 45 CLASS 26. CLOTH. Dressing and Finishilng of Woven Fabrics. Beaming cloth. Finishing cloth. Calendering cloth. Gig-mills. Carpet-rag cutter. Hair cloth. Macllines for trimmin ll Cloth-cutting machines. Ironing cloth. Cloth-dressing. Measuring cloth,'Machines for Cloth-drying. Milling cloth. Cloth-finishing. MIills, Gig Cloth-folding. Napping-imlachines for cloth. Cloth gassing. Packaging fabrics. Cloth-ironing. P)ressing cloth. Cloth-measuring. Riag carpet, Cutting cloth for Cloth-napping. Scouring cloth. Cloth-pressing. (See Class 100.) Shearing cloth. Cloth-shearing. Singeing cloth. Cloth-sponging. Sponging cloth. Cloth-steaming.. Steaming cloth. Cloth-stretching. - Stretching cloth. Cloth-teazeling. Teazel grading machines. Cloth-tentering. rTeazelirlg cloth. Dressing cloth. Tenter-bars for cloth. Evening cloth. Whipping cloth. 46 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 27. COFFINS. Antiseptics. (See Class 23.) Coffinls, Conpositions for making Burial-cases, Colrlpositioiis for Coffin-screws. mi akin g Corpse-coolers. (See Class 62.) 1tuirial- caskets. Elibalmiing-compositions. (See Caskets, Burial Class 23.) Coffiln-handles. (See Class 1(6.) Emballning-processes. (See Class Coffin-hardware. (See Class 16.) 23.) Coffins. Sarcophagi clay. (See Class 25.) CoffinsI,, Compositions for covering CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 47 C LASS 28. CORDAGE. Braid, Clordl, lope, Thread, Twine, and Yarn. Assortinlg yarns and threads. Parcelingo rope. SBalling cord and twine. Piekin g rope. Balling yarns tand threads. Polishinlg y'arns, threalds, &c.,Banding-mnacllines. Quilling yarn. Bindings for carpet, &c. Quills, Yarn an(l silk Bobbins. Quill thread fastener. Braid. R teels for winding yarns alnd Braid-holders. thread. Braiding cor(ls. Rope coiling. Braiding-i-m achine carriers. R.ope-clakin machines. Braidin g- niac-hines. Scraping and dressing cord. Brailing tapes. Serving rope. JBraiding, whlips. Sizing yarnl threadl &C. Bun(lling-presses. (See Class 100.) Slashers. Cordage. Spoolinlg-ma.chines. Corded binding, Machine for Spools. making Tassels. Cords. Thread assorting, balling, dress. JDress cord. ing, gassing, Ineasuring, paclkDressig yarn, war), threlad, &c. aging, polishing, reeling, sizing, Drying yarn. spooling, tying, winding. Fishing-lines. T wine-machines. Folding or tying yarn, (except Tying yarn. Butndling Presses, Class 100.) Ulltwisting rope, -Machines for Fringe. W arp-dressinlg. Fringe-umaking machines. W Varping-machines. Frin ge-twisters. Welting cord. Fuse-makinlg machines. Winding-bobbins. Gassing yarns, threads, &c. Winding cord, cordage, fishingGimp-mnachines. lines, rope, thread, warp, yarn. Hawsers. Win ding-spools. Laying rope. Wire, Braided thread-covering Laying-top) for cordlage-nlachines. iWornling rope. Loop-banldinlg machines. Yarn assorting, balling, dressing, Measuring yarns, threads, &c. lrying, folding, gassing, nmeasOrnamental yarlns. uring, packaging, polishing, Packaging yarns, threads, etc., reeling, sizing, spooling, tying, (except Bundling Presses, Class winding. 100.) Yarn-hooks. Paper-twine machines. 48 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF' INVENTION. CLASS 29. CRINOLINE AND CORSETS. Bloop-skirts, Corsets. Bosom-explanders. HEoop)-skirt formers. Breast-pads. HIool-skirts. Busks. Hoop-skirts, Machines for making Bustles. Panniers. Corset-clasps. I Skirts and corsets combined. C(orset-fastenings. Skirts, Hoop Corsets. Skirts, Co-ered wire for l-oop Crinoline. Spangles to skirts, Attachiing Hoops for skirts. Tapes for skirts. Hloops for skirts, Coating or coy- Tournures. ering. Wire. for loops of skirts. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 49 CLASS 30. CUTLERY. Knives, Scissors, and Shears. [Except Machine Shears, Class 79.] [For Manufacture of Cutlery, see Class 53, Section A.] Bench-shears. Knives, Pocket Bill-hooks. Knives, Pruning Bistouries. Knives, Shoe Cane-knives. Lampwick scissors. Can-openers. Lancets. Corn-knives. Machetes. Forks, Culinary Pikes. Forks, Flesh Pruning-knives. Forks, Table Pruning-shears. Fruit-knives. Razors. Hay-knives. Scalpels. Knives. Scissors. Knives, Amputating Shears. Knives and forks combined. Shears, Bench Knives and spoons combined. Shears, Button-hole Knives, Attaching handles to Shears, Cattle-marking:Knives. Bread Shears, Clipping Knives, Budding Shears, Edging Knives, Butcher Shears, Garden Knives, Cane Shears, Grass-edging Knives, Carving Shears, Hair-clipping Knives, Corn Shears, Hand Knives, Curriers' Shears, Hedging Knives, Dirk Shears, Lopping Knives for cutting corn from the Shears, Pruning cob. Shears, Sheep Knives, Fruit Shears, Sheet-metal Knives, Grafting Shears, Tailors' Knives, Handles for Shears, Tinmen's Knives, Hay Sheep-shears. Knives, Hoof-paring Table-forks. Knives, Machete Table-knives. Knives, Meat Tinmen's Shears. Knives, Oyster Twine-cutters. 4 50 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 31. DAIRY. Machines and Appliances for Milking; Butter and Cheese Making. Butter-molds. Dairies. Butter-stampers. Dairy implements. Butter-workers, Milk-cans. Cheese-hoops. Milk-carriers. Cheese-making. Milk-closets. Cheese-presses. (See Class 100.) Milk-coolers. (See Class 62.) Cheese-shelves. Milkers, Cow Cheese-tables. Milk-houses. Cheese-turners. Milking-stools. Cheese-vats. Milk-pails. Churn- dashers. Milk-pans. Churns. Milk-safes. Cow-milkers. Milk-shelves. Cream-heaters. Milk-strainers. Cream-stands. Milk-testers, (except Lactometers, Cream-strainers. Class 73.) Curd-cutters. Strainers, Milk CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 51 CLASS 32. DENTAL. Dental Instruments, Supplies, and Processes. Artificial gums. Gold-leaf condensers. Artificial palates. Gums, Artificial Artificial teeth. Keys, Dental Articulators for fitting dentures. Mallets, Dental Casting dental plates. Molds, Dental Dental-compositions. Nitrous oxide, Apparatus for adDental-drills. ministering. (See Class 128.) Dental-fillings. Palates, Artificial Dental-forceps. Plates for artificial teeth. Dental-instruments. Saliva-removers. Dental-mallets. Springs for artificial teeth. Dental-plates. Swages, Dentists' Dental-plites, Casting Teeth, Artificial Dentures. Teeth, Artificial, Compositions for Dies for dentists. Vulcanizing-flasks for dentists' Drills, Dental uses. Forceps, Dental 52 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 33. DRAFTING. Drafting, Plotting, and Mathematical Instruments. Bow pencils and pens. Pantographs. Calipers. Parallel rulers. Compasses, Drafting Pens, Ruling Copying-instruments. Perspective apparatus. Dividers, Measuring Planning-instruments. Drafting-instruments. Plotting-instruments. Draftin g-scales. Protractors. Ellipsographs. Roulettes. Geometrical constructors. Rulers, Parallel Graduated rules. Ruling-pens. Map projectors. Scales, Drafting Mathematical instruments. Spirals, Instruments for drawing' Mathematical scales. Trammels. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 53 CLASS 34. DRYERS AND KILNS. Apparatus and Machines for Drying. [Except Clothes-dryers.. Class 68. Paper-dryers... Class 92.] Bagasse-dryers. Fuel-dryers. Barrel-dryers. Glue-dryers. Barrel-fumigators. Grain-dryers. Barrel-heaters. Hop-kilns. Biscuit (clay) ovens. Kilns, Brick Brick-kilns. Kilns, Charcoal Carbonizing wood, Furnaces and Kilns for drying grain, peat, &c. kilns for Kilns, Hop Card-board dryers. Kilns, Lime Charcoal-kilns. Kilns, Malt Cigar dryers. Kilns, Pottery Cloth-dryers. (See Class 26.) Lime-kilns. Coal-dryers. Lumber-dryers. Coke-ovens. Malt-kilns. Dessicating grain, food, farina, Meat-dryers. &c. Oasts. Drying apparatus, (except Clothes, Offal-dryers. Class 68; Paper, Class 92.) Ovens, Coke Drying-houses. Ovens for biscuit, (Clay) Drying-kilns. Ovens for enameling. Enameling-ovens. Ovens for pottery. Feather-renovators. Peat-dryers. Fertilizer-dryers. Smoke-houses. Fish-curing and drying. Smoking meat and fish. Fish-flakes. Tobacco-dryers. Flour-dryers. Wool-dryers. Fruit-dryers. 54 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 35. EDUCATIONAL. Devices for Teaching Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geography, Penmanship, &c. Alphabet-blocks. Maps, Dissected Astronomical charts. Maps, Outline Astronomical lanterns. Nu meral-fraines. Blackboard-rubbers. Object-teaching, Devices for Blackboards. Orreries. Blackboards, Compositions for Penmanship, Appliances for Blind, Writing apparatus for the teaching Chart-holders. Planetariums. Charts. Planispheres. Copy-books. School charts and maps. Dissected maps. Slate-cleaners. Educational devices. Slate-frames. Frames, Numeral Slate-pencils, Globes, Astronomical Slates. Globes, Geographical Slates, Artificial Map-holders, Tellurians. Maps. Writing apparatus for the blind. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 55 CLASS 36. ELECTRICITY. Batteries, Instruments; Applications of Electricity, Galvanism, and Malgnetism; Electric Telegraphs. Alarms, Electro-magnetic Electrophorus. Alarms, Telegraphic Electro-plating, Baths and batAnti-incrustators, Galvanic teries for Anti-incrustators, Magnetic Electrotyping, Baths and batteries Armatures. for Arresi ers. Engraving, Electric apparatus for Astatic needles. Escapements, Electrical Astronomical instruments, Elec- Fire-alarm telegraphs. tro-imagnetic F'ire-alarm telegraphs, SignalBaths, Electro-voltaic boxes for Batteries, Voltaic Galvanic appliances. Batteries, Thermo-electric Galvanic attachments. Buoys, Electrical Galvanometers. Cables, Submarine telegraph Galvanoscopes. Cables, Telegraph Gas-engines, Electrical apparCalendars, Electrical atus for Car-brakes, Electrical Heaters, Electrical Car-starters, Electrical Helices, Electrical Chronographs, Electro-magnetic Hones, Magnetic Chronoscopes, Electro-nmagnetic Hydro-electric mnachines. Circuit-breakers. Induction apparatus. C(ircuit-closers. Insulated wire. Clocks, Electrical Insulators. Commutators., Iron filings, Separators for Compasses, Mariners'. Key-boards, Telegraphic Compasses, Surveyors'. (See Class Keys, Telegraphic 88.) Lamps, Electric Condensers. Lights, Electric Conductors, Electro-telegraphic Lighting gas by electricity. Connectors for Voltaic batteries. Lightning-arresters. Currenrt-regulators. Lightning-protectors. Electrical apparatus. Lightning-rods. Electrical balances. Line-wires. Electrical machines. Line-wires, Covering Electric fuses. Line-wires, Insulating Electric lights. Line-wires, Protecting Electriziing blood, Instruments for Line-wires, Supporting Electrodes. Line-wires, Underground Electro-nuagnetic apparatus. Logs, Electrical Electro-magnetic engines. I Looms, Electrical Electro-mnagnetic machirles. Magnetic apparatus. Electro-magnetic meteorological Magnetic needles. instruments. Magneto-electric machines. Electro-magnets. Magnets. Electrometers. Magnets, Receiving Electronomes. Magnets, Sounding 56 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Manipulators Sorting apparatus, Electrical Mariners' compasses. Sounders. Medical-electric apparatus. Storm-signals, Electrical Meteorometers, Telegraphic Surveyors' compasses. (See Class Meters, Electrical 88.) Musical instruments, Electric at- Switch-boards. tachments to Switches, Electrical Pendulums, Electrical Telegraphic codes. Pens, Galvanic Telegraphic signals. Railway-signals, Electrical Telegraph instruments. Railway-switches, Electrical Telegraphs, Electric Railway-telegraphs, Electrical Telegraphs, Electro-chemical Reels, Telegraph Telegraphs, Electro-magnetic Registers, Telegraph Telegraphs, Magneto-electric Relays. Telegraphs, Printing. Repeaters. Telegraphs, Submarine Resistance-boxes. Telephones. Resistance-coils. Time-balls, Electrical Rheometers. Voltaic apparatus. Rheotomes. Voltaic baths. Rheotropes. Voltaic batteries. Rheostats. Voltaic instruments. Ruling-apparatus, Electrical Voltameters. Semaphores, Electrical Watch-clocks, Electrical Signal-boxes for electric tele- Weighing apparatus, Electrical graphs. Whaling apparatus, Electrical Signals, Electrical Whistles, Electrical CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 57 CLASS 37. EXCAVATING. Earth Excavating, Grading, and Boring. Artesian wells. Post hole borers. Augers for earth-boring. Railroad earthworks. Bog-cutters. Railroad excavating. Boring, Earth Road-making. Curbs for wells. Road-scrapers. Ditching machines. Sand-pumps. Dredging-machines. Scrapers, Earth Driven-wells. Scrapers, Grading Dlumping-buckets. Submarine excavators. Earth-boring. Trenches. Earth-removing machines. Well-boring, (except Rock, Class Earth-works. 125.) Excavators. Well-digging. Grading. Wells, Artesian Grading-scrapers. W{ells, Driven Inclined planes. Well-tubing. ~58 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 38. FELTING AND HATS. Materials, Apparatus, Machines, and Processes for Felting WTool and Hair; including the manufacture of Hats, Caps, and other Head-coverings. Bats, Forming Hat-bodies, Forming Blocks for hats and bonnets. Hat-bodies,-Hardening Blowing fur. Hat-bodies, Napping Bonnet caps. Hat-blocking machines. Bonnet clasps. Hat-blocks. Bonnet frames. Hat-brushing machines. Bonnet fronts. Hat-conformators. Bonnet-ironing machines. Hat-finishing. Bonnet-pi esses. Hat-frames. Bonnets. Hat-ironing machines. BIonnet-shaping machines. Hat-linin g. Caps. Hat-measures. Cloth, Felt Hat-napping. Conformlators. Hat-planking. Cork hats. Hat-pressing. Curling hat-brims. Hat-protectors. Cutting flock. Hats. Cutting fur. Hat-shaping machines. Dies for p)ressing hats. Hat-shrinking machines. Embossing hats. Hat-sizing machines. Felt. Hat-stiffening compositions. Felted fabrics. Hat-stiffening machines. Felt hats. Hat-stretching machines. Felting cloth. Hat supporters. Felting hats. Hatters' kettles. Felting, Materials for Hat tips. Felting yarn. Hat ventilators. Flock-grinding. Head coverings. Flocking fabrics. Head-dresses. Flocking hats. Hoods, Ladies' Forming bats. Horse-hair hats. Fulling. Jacks for hats, Rounding Fulling mills. Leather hats. Fur-blowing. Napping-machines, Hat Fur-cutting. Nets, Ladies' headFur from pelts, Cutting Nubias. Fur hats. Palm-leaf hats. Fur-picking. Paper hats. (See Class 93.) Fur, Treating Picking fur. Grinding flock. Planking hats. IHair from fur, Separating Pouncing hats. Hair from skins, Pulling Size-markers for hats. Hair from skins, Separating Spring-brim hats. Hardening-machines for hats. Sweat-leathers for hats. Hat-bodies. Ventilators, Hat CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 59 CLASS 39. FENCES. Fences, Gates, Posts, Post-hole Diggers. Fence-posts. Hop-pole extractors. Fences. Picket-fences. Fences, Flood Post-drivers. Fences, Portable Post-hole diggers and borers. Fences, MTire (See Class 37.) Flood-fences. Post-pullers. Gate-posts. Wire-fences. e:ates. Wiremstretchers for fences. (60 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 40. FILES. Files, Rasps, and Machines for making. File blanks. Files, Machines for making File chisels. Files, Redressing File cutters. Files, Sharpening File-cutting machines. Filing-machines. (See Class 51.) File hammers. Rasps. Files. Rasps, Machines for making CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 61 CLASS 41. FINE ARTS. Sculpture, Carving, Painting, Engraving, Lithography, and allied arts; Stenciling, Ornamentation, Decoration, Die-sinking, Artists' Appliances. Aquariums. lHerbariums. Artificial flowers. Inlaying. Artists' appliances (except Brushes, Japanning. (See Class 91.) Class 15.) Likenesses, Mounting Bank-notes. Lithographic printing. Bronzing-machines. Lithography. Buhl work. Marquetry. Canvas-stretchers. Medals. Card-mounts. Monumenlts. Casts, Instruments for obtaining Mosaic. Casts, Processes for obtaining Ornamentation. Copying figures. Painting, Decorative Crayons. Painting on glass. Decorative gilding. Paper-hanging appliances. Decorative painting. Parquetry. Die-sinking. Photographic card-mounts. Draftsman's tools and appliances. Picture-cases. (See Class 33.) Picture-frames. Drawing boards. Picture-mounting. Easels. Plate-engraving. Enameling on metal. Postage-stamps. Enchasing. Posting bills and placards. Engravers' clutches. IRevenue-stamps. Engravers' tools. Staining glass, wood, etc. Engravers' vises. Stamps, Postage Engraving, Copper-plate Stamps, Revenue Engraving-machines. Stencil-plates. Engraving pantographs. Stereoscopic picture-holders. Engraving processes. Stretchers for pictures. Engraving, Steel-plate Theatrical scenery and effects. Engraving, Wood Tombstones. Etching. Transfer, Methods of pictorial Flowers, Artificial Vitreography. Flowers, Preserving Wall-covering, Ornamental Frames, Picture Wall-paper hanging. Gilding, Leaf Wood-engraving. Graining-tools and appliances. Zincography. Gravers. 62 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 42. FIRE-AR M.S. [Excepting Ordnance and Projectiles of all kinds.] [For Manufacture of Arms, see Class 53, Section A.] Air-guns. (See Class 98.) Hammers, Safety-guards for gun Armor, Personal Locks for fire-arms. Ball-screws for fire-arms. Magazine small-arms. Barrels to stocks, Attaching Needle-guns. Bayonet attachments. Nipple-guards for fire-arms. Bayonets. Nipples of fire-arms. Breech-loading small-arms. Pistols. Cane-guns. Pistol-swords. Cartridge-loaders. Rammers for small arms. Cartridge-shell retractors. Ramrods. Coupling pistols to gun-stocks. Repeating fire-arms. Fire-arms. Revolving fire-arms. Fire-arms, Converting Rifles. Fire-arms, Safety-guards for Rifling small-arms. Guards for locks of fire-arms. Saber-bayonets. Guards for triggers of fire-arms. Safety-guards for gun-hammers. Gun-covers. Scrapers for fire-arms. Gun-haLmmers. Self-loading fire-arms. Gun-locks. Sights for small-arms. Gun-scrapers. Small-arms. Gun-stocks. Spade-bayonets. Gun-wipers. Stocks for fire-arms. Gun-worms. Worms for fire-arms. HIammers, Gun CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 63 CLASS 43. FISHING. Dredges, Oyster Fish-traps. Eel traps. Fishways. Fish-decoys. Harpoons. Fish-hooks. Nets, Fishing Fishing. Oyster cilture. Fishing-floats. Oyster-dredging Fishing-line reels. Oyster-rakes. Fishing-lines. (See Class 28.) Oyster-tongs. Fishing-line sinkers. Pisciculture. Fishing-line swivels. Rakes, Ovster Fishing-nets. Reels, Fishing-line Fishing-rods. Tongs, Oyster Fishing-seines. Traps, Fish Fish-spears. Trolling devices. 64 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 44. FUEL. Artificial Fuel; Treatment of Peat and Coal; Kindling Composts. Coal, Purification of Kindling materials. Composts for fuel. Kindling packages. Fire-kindling compounds. Peat-machines. Fuel, Artificial Peat for fuel, Treatment of Fuel assorter. Peat-presses. (See Class 100.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 65 CLASS 45. FURNITURE. Household Furniture, Upholstery, Window-shades, Mirrors. [Except Beds and Bedding.....-.. Class 5. Kitchen Utensils....... Class 65. Stoves and Stove-fittings.. Class 126.] [For Machines and Tools for Making Furniture, see Wood-working, Classes 142-145; for Manufacture of Furniture Hardware, see Class 53, Section D.] Baby-julpers. Desk-covers. Basin clamps. Desks. Blacking boxes. Drapery-fasteners. Blacking-box holders. Drawers for closets. Book-cases. I Drawers for furniture. Book-shelves. I Drawing-tables. Boot-jacks. Dust-pans. Boot-racks. Dust receI)tacles. Bracket-shelves. Fastenings, Upholstery Broom-hangers. Fenders, Furniture Brush-racks. Fire-screens. Bureaus. Fly-traps. Cabinets. Foot-stools. Camp-kits. Frames, Hanging picture Camp-stools. Furniture, Feet for legs of Carpet-cleaners. Furniture pads. Carpet-faste ners. Furn i ture srings. Carpet-stretchers. Hand-mirrors. Chair-bottoms. Hanging looking-glasses. Chairs. Hanging picture-frames. Chairs and seats, Head-rests for Hanging-shelves. Chairs, Barbers' Hat and coat racks. Chairs, Camp Head-rests. Chairs, Dentists' Insect-traps, Household Chairs, Enema Lainbrequins. Chairs, Folding Looking-glasses. Chairs, Invalid Looking-glasses, Hanging Chairs, Nursery Market-stalls. Chairs, Obstetrical Mirrors. Chairs, Operating Mirrors for windows. Chairs, Pew Music-stands. Cigar-racks. Nursery-gates. Cloak-stands. Oil-cloth cutters. Closets, Portable Ottomans. Closets, Revolving Packing furniture. Counters, Store and shop Pew fittings. Curtain-fixtures. Piano-mov~ers. Curtains. Piano-stools. Cuspadores. Picture-hangers. 5 66 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Pier-glasses. Stools, Cam p Portfolio-stands. Stools, Folding Racks, Boot, lhat, and brush Stools, Foot Railway-car spittoons. Stools, Piano Readin g-desks. Store shelving. Sample-frames. Table-covers. Seats, G<:rden Table-leaf supporters. Seats, School Tables. School fulrniture. Tables, Card Screens, Fire Tables, Drawing Settees. Tables, Extension Shelf-brackets. Tables, Ironing Shelves, Folding Tables, Operating Show-cases. Tables, Self-waiting Show-stands. Tables, Writing Shelving for stores, etc. Toilet-mirrors. Soap-holders. Towel-racks. Sofas. Towel-stands. Spittoon-envelopes. Traps, Household insect Spittoons, Railway-car Twine-holders. Spittoons. Upholstery. Springs for sofas, chairs, &c,. Wall-protectors. Stair-covers. Wall-shields. St-air-pails. Wardrobes. Staiir-plates. Win dow-blinds, Movable Stair-rods. XWindo w-mirrors. Stands, Hat and cloak Willdow shades. Standls, Towel VN'in(lov-washers. Stands, Umbrella Writing-tables. Stools. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 67 CLASS 46. GAMES AND TOYS. Games, Gymnastic and Exercising Apparatus, Traps, and Nets. Alphabet-blockls. Fishing. (See Class 43.) Animal-traps. Game boards. Archery. Game-bags. Automata. Games. Base-balls. Gymnnastic apparatus. Batons. Holbby-hlorses. Bats for balls. Mallets, Croquet Bells, Dumb Masks. Billiard-balls. iNets, Bird Billiard challk-cups. Pllilosoplhical toys. Billiard-cue tips. Playing-cards. Billiard-cues. Police batons. Billiard-markers. Pulleys, Calisthenic Billiard-table chalk-holders. Puzzles. Billiard-table pockets. Reading-cards. Billiard-tables. Rocking-horses. Cards, Playing Skate-thsteners. Cards, Reading Skates. Checker-boards. Skates, Parlor Chess. Skates; Roller Cllildren's toys. Stage properties. Clubs, Exercising. Stilts. Croquet. Swimming, Appliances for Croquet-mallets, etc. Swings. Dancing figures. Targets. Dice. Tops, Spinning Dice-throwers. Toy-blocks. I)olls. Toys. Dumb-bells. Traps, Animal Exercising devices. Traps, Bird 68 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 47. GARDEN AND ORCHARD. Tools (not machines) for Digging, Cultivating, and Preparing the Soil, Planting, Transplanting, Weeding, Protecting, Potting, and Forcing Plants; Orchard-culture, Destroying Insects, Gathering Fruit, Sorghum-strippers, and Maple-sap gathering. [Except Pruning Knives, Shears, etc.; see CUTLERY, (Class 30.] [For Manufacture of Husbandry Tools, see Class 81, Section B.J Bird-houses. Hay-forks. Bouquet-holders. Hay-rakes, Hand Boxes for plants. Hedge-benders. Budding knives. (See Class 80.) Hedge-fasteners. Cane-mills. (See Class 83.) Hedge-planters. Cranberry-gatherers. Hedge-setters. Curculio-traps. iHoes. Diggers, Hand Iop-franmes. Diggers, Thistle Hop-strippers. Digging forks. Hot-bed frames. Ditching spades and scoops. Hot-houses. Earth-worm traps. Insect-destroyers. Edging-irons. Insect-fumigators. Flower-boxes. Insect-lamlps. Flower-pots. Insect-traps. Flower-stands. Layering. Forcing-pits. Line reel, Gardeners' Forks, Digging Lopping-shears. (See Class 30.) Forks, Hand hay- Maple-sugar buckets. Forks, Manure Maple-sugar spiles. F'rames for plants. Manure-forks. Fruit-assorters. Manlure-hooks. Fruit-fram es. Mattocks. Fruit-gatherers. Osier-cutting. Fruit-ripeners. Picks. Fruit-separators. Pitclhforkls. Fumigators for insects. Plant-boxes. Gardeners' basket-supports. Plant-fraLmes. Garden-hoes. Plailtin g-tools. Gardenimplements, (except Shears, Potato-forks. Class 30.) Potato-hooks. Garden-forks. Potato-planters. Grafting-knives. (See Class 30.) Potato-scoops. Grafting-ma chines. IPo wder-blowers. Grape-trellises. Propagating-boxes. Grape-vine protectors. Prolpagating by cuttings. Grass-burners. Protectors, Plant and shrub Green-houses. Protectors, Tree Grubbing-hoes. Pruning knives and shears (See Hanging-baskets. Class 30.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 69 Pruning-saws. (See Class 110.) Traps, Curculio Rakes, G'arden Traps, Earth-worm Rakes, Hand hay Tree-boxes. Sap-bucket hooks. Tree-diggers. Sap-con ducters. Tree-dwarfers. Sap-spiles. Tree-planter. Sap-troughs. Tree-protectors. Scrapers, Tree Tree-training. Scuffle-hoes. Trellises. Shears for lopping and pruning. Trellises, Grape (See Class 30.) Trellises, Hop Shovels. Trowels, Garden Sorghum -strippers. Turf-cutters. Spades. Turnlip-toppers. Sprouting-beds for plants. Vegetable assorters. Spuds. Vine locks. Teazel-trim in ers. Vine-supports. Tobacco-curing. Vine trellises. Tran spla n ting-machines. Weeding-implements. Transplanting-tools. Weed-pullers. 70 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 48. GAS. Manufacture of Gas. Carburetors. Air-carburcting machines. Hydraulic mains. Carburetors for air or gas. Nitrous-oxide, Apparatus for Gas-carburetors. making Gases, Methods and processes for Oxygen, Processes and apparatus obtaining for obtaining Gas-making apparatus. Ozone, Apparatus for obtaining Gas manufacture. Purifiers, Gas Gas-purifiers. Retorts for gas-making. Gas-retorts. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 71 CLASS 49. GLASS. Compositions, Tools, and Appliances for Glass Manufacture, Modes of Manufacturing Articles of Glass. [For Manufacture of Glass-makers' Tools, see Class 81, Section B.] [Excepting Glass Cutting, Grinding, and Polishing, Class 51.] Annealing glass. Grinding glass. (See Class 51.) Artificial gems. Incrustation of glass. Beads, Glass Jewels, Cutting (See Class 51.) Blowing-apparatus for glass-mak- Kilns for glass. ing. (See Class 98.) Ladling glass. Bottle-holders for glass-making. Lapidary work. (See Class 51.) Bottle-making, Glass Leers. Button-making, Glass Lenses, Grinding (See Class 51.) Carboys. Lenses, Polishing (See Class 51.) Casting glass. Melting glass. Chairs for glass-makers. Molding glass. Crown glass. Molds for glass. Cutting glass. (See Class 51.) Molds, Composition for glassCutting jewels. (See Class 51.) Oriiainenting glass. Cylinder glass. Packing glass. Dia mon ds, Glaziers' Plate glass. Embossing glass. Platening glass. Enamels, Vitreous Polishing glass. (See Class 51.) Filigree glass. Ponltils. Fluxing sand for glass. Pots, Glass Frit. Pressing glass. Frit-furnaces. Puttying machines for sash. Frosting glass. (S'ee Class 51.) Retorts for glass. Furnaces, Glass Rods for gathering glass. Gems, Artificial Rolling glass. Glass-blowing. Roughening glass. (See Class 51.) Glass-cementing. Scalloping glass. Glass, Compositions for Scouring glass. (See Class 51.) Glass-cutting. (See Class 51.) Setting glaziers' diamonds. Glass furnaces. Sheet glass. Glass-house pots. Smelting glass. Glass houses. Spinning glass. Glass molding. Tables for glass-manufacture. Glass pots. Tempering glass. Glass pressing. Tools for glass-manufacture. Glaziers' diamonds. Vitreous enamels. Glaziers' diamonds, Setting Window glass. 72 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 50. O0VERNORS. Governors for Steam-engine and other Machinery. [Excepting Brakes for Alachinery, Class 74.] Cut-offs, Governor Governors. Governor cut-off motions. Stem-governors. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 73 CLASS 51. GRINDING AND POLISHING. Modes, Apparatus, Tools, Processes, and Appliances for glass, metal stone, and wood. [Excepting Clay and Mortar Mfachines.. Class 25. Fruit Grinding........... Class 100. Grinding Mills........... Class 83. Ore and Stone Mills..... Class 90.] Buffers. Lenses, Polishing Buffing-machines. i Marble-grinding. Burnishers. Marble-grinding, Compositions for Burnishing-machines. Marble-polishing. Card-grinding. Oil stones. Clamps for saw-filing, gumming, Polishing-compounds. anrd sharpening. Polishing glass. Cutting glass. Polishing-machines. Cutting jewels. Polishing marble. Emnery-paper. Polishing-materials. Emery-wheels. Polishing metals. Emery-wheels, Compositions for Polishing-slate. Filing-machines. Polishing-stone. Glass-cutting instruments. Razor-strops. Glass-cutting processes. Razor-strops, Compositions for Glass-grinding. Reaper-knife sharpeners. Glass-polishing. Rifles for whetting. Glass-roughening. Rougheening glass. Grinding glass. Sand-paper. Grinding-machines. Saw-filing. Grinding materials. Saw-grinding. Grindstones. Scissors-sharpeners. Grindstones, Artificial Scouring glass. Grindstones, Hanging Scouring stone. Hanging grindstones. Scythe-rifles. Harvesters, Grindi ng-apparatus Scythe-stones. for Skate-sharpeners. Hones. Steels. Jewels, Cutting Stone-polishing. Knife-sh arpeners. Stove polish. Lapidary tools. Strops. Lapidary wheels. Tool-grinding. Laps. Tool-holders for grindstones. Lenses, Grinding VWhetstones. 74 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 52. GUNPOWDER. Explosive Compounds, Compositions, and Manufactures, Pyrotechnics, Compositions for Matches. Ballistic pendulums. (See Class Gunpowder, Drying 73.) Gunpowder, Glazing Blasting compounds. Gunpowder, Graining Cartridges, Compositions for Gunpowder-mills. (See Class 83.) Cigars, Compositions for lighting Gunpowder-polishing. Corning gunpowder. Gunpowder-presses. (See Class Detonating compositions. 100.) Drying gunpowder. Incendiary compounds. Dynamite. Matches, Compositions for Eprouvettes. (See Class 73.) Matches, Machines for making Fulminates. and dipping (See Class 144.) Glazing gunpowder. Nitro-glycerine. Graining gunpowder. Powder-kegs. Gun-cotton, Manufacture of Pyrotechnic compounds. Gunpowder, C6mpositions for Pyrotechnics. Gunpowder, Corning Rockets. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 75 CLASS 53. HARDWARE MANUFACTURE. Manufacture of Hardware Fittings and Trimmings, Arms, Cutlery, and Jewelry. Under thefollowing heads:A.-Arlns and cutlery. B.-Builders' hardware. C.-Carriage hardware. D.-Furniture hardware. E.-Personal wear. F.-Saddle and harness hardware. G.- Shoemakers' hardlware. H. —Spinning and weaving hardware. 1.-Stationery and miscellaneous hardware. J.-Trunrk and carpet-bag hardware. K. —W~ater and gas fittings. [For Mlanufacture of Railuway-track and Car-irons and Fittings, see Railways 4, Class 107; see also METAL-WORKING, page 106.] A.-Armns and Cutlery. Bayonets, Manufacture of Knives, Manufacture of Bullets, Manufacture of Percussion-caps, Manufacture of Cartridge-shells, Manlufacture of Sabers, Manuffacture of Clipping-tools, Manufacture of Scissors, Manufacture of Cutlery, Manufacture of Shears, Manufacture of Dies for making articles of cutlery. Shot, Manufacture of Forks, Manufacture of Shot-sorting machines. Gun-locks, Manufacture of Swords, Manufacture of B.-Builders' Hardware. Alarm-bells, Manufacture of Hinges, Mauufacture of Bells, (household,) Manufacture of Keys, (door,) Manufacture of Blind-fittings, Manufacture of Knobs for doors and bell-pulls, Bolts, (household,) Manufacture of Manufacture of Buttons, (door,) Manufacture of Latches, Manufacture of Clock-bells, Manufacture of Locks, Manuf.acture of Cow-bells, Manufacture of Lock-trimrmings, Manufacture of Door-bells, Manufacture of Pulls, (bell,) Manufacture of Door-checks, Manufacture of Sash-holders, Manufnacture of Door-springs, Manufacture of Sash pulleys, Manufacture of Door-strips, Manufacture of Sash-weights, Manufacture of Elbow-levers for pulls, Manufac- Sheaves, Manufacture of ture of Shutter-fasteners, Manufacture of 76 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shutter-workers, Manufacture of Weatller-strips, (metallic,) Man. Sleigh-bells, Manufacture of ufacture of Table-bells, Manufacture of Window-sash, (metallic,) Manufacture of C.-Carriage and WVagon Hardware. Axle-boxes, (carriage,) manufac- Felly-plates, Manufacture of ture of Fifth-wheels, Mannfacture of Braces for carriages, Manufacture Hub-bands, Manufacture of of King-bolts, Manufacture of Carriage-bow joints, Manufacture Perch -plates, Malufacture of of Shaft-couplings, Mlanufacture of Carriage-door handles, Manufac- Sprinlg-heads, Manufacture of ture of Thill-couplings, Manlufacture of Carriage-springs, Manufacture of Wheels, (metallic,) Manufacture Carriage-steps, Manlufacture of of Carriage-top braces, Manufacture of D.-Furniture Hardware. Cabinet-hooks, Manufacture of Coffin-handles, Manufacture of Casters, Manufacture of Coffin hardware, Manufacture of Clothes-hooks, Manufacture of Stair-rods, Manufacture of Hat-hooks, Manufacture of E.-Personal Wear. Beads, (metallic,) Manufacture of Glove-buttons, Manufacture of Brooches, Manufacture of Hooks and eyes, Manufacture of Buckles, Manufacture of Jewelry, Manufacture of Button rings, Manufacture of Key-rings, Manufacture of Buttons, (metallic,) Manufacture Lockets, Manufacture of of Ornaments, (sinall metallic,) ManChains, (fob and watch,) Mann- ufacture of facture of Shirt and collar fastenings, ManClasps, Manufacture of ufacture of Clothes pins, Manufacture of Shoe-buttons, Manufacture of Collar-fastenings, Manufacture of Split-rings, Manufacture of Combs, (metallic,) Manufacture of WVatch and fob chains, ManufacCuff buttons, Manufacture of ture of Eyelets, Manufacture of Watches, Manufacture of Finger-rings, Manufacture of F.-Saddle and Harness Hardware. Buckles, (harness,) Manufacture Saddle-trees, Manufacture of of Snap-hooks, Manufacture of Collar shells, Manufacture of Stirrups, Manufacture of Hames, Manufacture of Swivel-hooks, Manufacture of Rivets, (harness,) Manufacture of Terrets, Manufacture of CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 77 G.-Shoernakers' Hardware. Boot-shanks, Manufacture of i Screw-nails, Manufacture of Clogs, (metallic,) Manufacture of Shoe-tips, Manufacture of.. —Spinaning and'Weaving Hardware. Cop-tubes, Manufactutre oft Shuttle-frames, Manufacture of Eyes for harness, Mauufacture of Shuttle-tips, Manufacture of Flyer-guides, Manuftcture of Speeder-flyers, Manufacture of Knitting-burrs, Manufacture of Spindle heads for flyers, ManuRing-travelers, Manufacture of facture of. —Stationery and Miscellaneous Hardware. Clock-pillars, Manufacture of Pens, Manufacture of Fish-hooks, Manufacture of Stationery, (metallic articles of,) Ferrules, Manufacture of Manufacture of Gold pens, Manufacture of Steel Pens, Manufacture of Paper-clasps, Manufacture of Umlbrella-trimmings, ManufacPen-holders, Manufacture of ture of 78 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 54. HARNESS. Tools, Machines, and Special Hardlware, Saddles, Harness, Muzzles, Pokes, Gags, and Wlhips. [Except Hooks, Snap-hooks, and Rings, Class 24.] [For Manufacture of Saddlery and Harness Hardware, see Class 53, Section F.] [For Manufacture of Leather-working Tools, see Class 81, Section, B.] Back-bands. Fetters. Bells, Cow Fly-nets. Bells, Sleigh Fly-nets, Machines for making Bell straps. leather Bits, Bridlle Foot-pads for horses. Bitting-rigging. Gage-kn ives. Blind-bridles. Gabg-runners. Blind-folding devices for animals. Gags for animals. Blinds for horses. Gig-trees. Bonnets for horses. Halters. Boots for horses. Hamne-clips. Breaking lorses, Apparatus for Hamle-fasteners. Breast bails. Halnes. Brea st-slides. Harness. Breast-straps. Harness-chains. Breast-strap slides. Harness, Detaching Breech- straps. Harness-hooks. Bridles. Harness-makers' tools. Bridle-winkers. Harness- no n tings.. Bull-rin gs. Harness-oiling mnachines. Cart-saddles. Harness pa(ls. Cattle-gags. Hlarniess-reins, Machines for Cattle-leaders. rounding Clheck-llooks. Harness-swivels. Checek-reins. Harness-wardrobes. Clamps for sewing harness. Head-protectors for horses. Clamps, Stit(hing Hog-rings. Collar-blocks. Hopples. Collars, Horse lHornll-knobs, Cattle Collars, Mlaclines for stuffing Horse- blankets. Collar straps, Horse Horse-protectors. Crilbbinzg, Devices to prevent Horse-talninlg. Crupper-loops. Horse-tra ilini g apparatus. Crupp)lers. Horse-yokes. Dog-collars. Housings for harness. Dog-in uzzles. Interfering, Devices to prevent Drtaw-gage cutters. KIllee-caps. I) umn jocketys. Kuee guards for horses. Fetters for animals. Lassoes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 79 Martingales. Saddle-trees. Muzzle-rings. Saddle trees, SideMuzzles. Shaft tugs. Nose-rings. Shields for horses. Nostril-pinchers. Sleiglh-bell attachments. Pack-saddles. Sleigh-bells. Pad-crimps. Snap-hooks. (See Class 24.) Pads. Snout-rings. Pad-trees.'Spurs. Pokes for animals. Stirrups. Rein-pulls. Stirrups, Safety Reins, Safety Stitching horses. Reins, Slides for Stuffers, Collar Rosettes for horses. Sun-shades for horses. Rounding machines, Rein- Surcingles. Shackles. Tail-sup)porters. Saddle-blankets. Tethers. Saddle-cloths. Throwing horses, Apparatus for Saddle-girths. Trace couplings. Saddle-pad machines. Traces. Saddles. Trees, Saddle Saddles, Cart Tug-carriers. Saddles, Harness Whip-hangers. Saddles, Pack Whip-racks. Saddles, Pad Whips. Saddles, Riding Whip-stocks. Saddles, Side Yokes for breechy animals. 80 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 55. HARROWS. Machines for Rolling and Pulverizing the Soil, and Preparing the Surface. [For Manufacture of Husbandry Hardware, see Class 81, Section B.j Brush-pullers. Roller and harrow, Combined Clod-crushers. Rollers, Flanged Corn-stalk choppers. Rollers, Land Cotton-stalk choppers. Rotary harrows. Grubbing-harrows. I Scarifiers. Grubbing-machines. Scufflers. Harrows. Stalk-choppers. Harrows, Rotary Stalk-pullers. Harrow-teeth. Stone-gatherers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 81 CLASS 56. HARVESTERS. M1achines and Implements (except Hand Hay Rakes and Forks) for Gathering and Securing Crops. [For the Mannufacture of Iron Parts of Harvesters, see Class 81, Section B. ] Bands for binding grain. Harvesters, Dumping-reels for Barley-forks. Harvesters, Fingers for Bean-harvesters. Harvesters, Gaveling-attachBinders for harvesters. ments for Cane-harvesters. Harvesters, Gearing for Clover-headers. hIarvesters, Grain Clover-seed harvesters. I arvesters, Grass Combined reapers and mowers. Harvesteis, Guard-fingers for Corn-cutting machines. Harvesters, Hemp Corn-harvesters. Harvesters, Pitmans for (See Corn-shocking machilles. Class 74.) Corn-shock tvers. Harvesters, Rakes for Cotton-pickers: Harvesters, Reels for Cotton toppers. Harvesters, Track-clearers for Cradles, Grain Hay-caps. Cut-offs for harvesters. Hay-forks, Horse Cutters, Harvester Hay rakers and cockers. Droppincg-platforms for harvest- Hay rakers and loaders. ers. Hay-rakes, Horse Dumtping-reels for harvesters. Hay-spreaders. Fingers, Harvester Hay-tedders. Flax-pullers. Heading-machines, Grain Forks, Horse hay Hedge-trimin inlg machines Forks, Grain Heinp-harvesters. Gaveling-attachments for har- Hemp pullers. vesters. Lawn-mowers. Gaveling-forks. Manure-dlrags. Gearing, Harvester Manure-loading rakes. Grain-binders. Mowing-machines. Grain-cradles. Pitmans for harvesters. (See Grain-forks. Class 74.) Grain-harvesters. Rakes for harvesters. Grain-rakes. Rakes, Horse hay Grass-harvesters. Reaper-knife sharpeners. (See Guard-fingers for harvesters. Class 51.) Harvesters, Bean Reaping-hooks. Harvesters, Binders for Reaping-machines. Harvesters, Cane Reels for harvesters. Harvesters, Clover-seed Seats for harvesters. Harvesters, Corn Scythe-fastenings. Harvesters, Cutters for Scythe-nibs. Harvesters, Dropping platforms Scythes. for Scythe-snaths. 6 82 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shock tyers. Sward-cutters. Sickles. Tedders, Hay Straw scatterers. Timothy-headers. Sugar-cane cutters. Track clearers for harvesters. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 83 CLASS 57. HOISTING. Blocks, Pulley. Jacks, Lifting Brakes for hoisting machinery. Jacks, Railway-car (See Class 74.) Jacks, Screw Buckets, Dumping Jacks, Wagon Buckets, Hoisting Lifting apparatus. Bush-extractors. Lifting-jacks. Capstans. Liftin g- screws. Capstans for mole-plows. Loading machinery for wagons, Car-jacks. vessels, and cars. Carriage-jacks. Logs, Implements for loading Clamps for raising buildings. Logs, Implements for piling Cranes. Logs, Implements for rolling Derricks. Lumber, Implements for loadDerricks, Floating ing and unloading Dumb waiters. Lumber, Implements for piling Dumping tubs and buckets. Masting-sheers. Elevators. Pulley-blocks. Elevators for bricks. Rail jacks. Elevators for grain. Sheers, Masting Elevators for houses. Ships' capstans. Elevators for mortar. Skids. Elevators for warehouses. Skips. Floating derricks. Speeders for capstans. Grain- convey ors. Stump-extractors. Grain-elevators. Tackle and blocks. Hay-elevators. Tackle-blocks. Hay-loading derricks. Tender-loaders. Hay-unloaders. Track-raisers, Railway Hod-unloaders. Unloading-machines. Hoisting apparatus. Vessels, Loading and unloading, HIoisting-buckets. Machinery for Ice-elevators. Winches. Ice-run? s. Windlasses. Jacks, Carriage 84 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 58. HOROLOGY. Clocks, Watches, Time-keepers, and Registers, and cases fo)r the sailme. [For Watchmakers' Tools, see Class 81, Section A.] Chronographs. Keys, WVatch Chronometers. Metronomes. Chronoscopes. Pendulums. Clepsydras. Registers. Time Clock-cases. Springs, Watch and Clock Clock-keys. Stem-winders. Clocks. Time-indicators, Automatic Dials. Time-registers. Dials, Time-piece. Time-reporters. Escapements. WVatch-cases. flands for clocks and watches. Watch-dials. ilorological-in struments. Watches. Hour-glasses. Watch-keys. Illuminated clocks. Watchman's time-registers. Indicators, Automatic time Watch-motions. Keys, Clock Watch-springs. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 85 CLASS 59. HORSE SHOES. Shoes and Machines for making. [For BVlacksmiths' Forges and Machines. see IMETAL-WORKING 3, Class 78; for Blacksmiths' Tools, see Class 81, Section A.] Horseshoe-bars. Horseshoe-machines. Horseshoe bars, Machines for Horseshoes. bending Horseshoes. Calks for Horseshoe bars, Machines for Horseshoes, Pads for shaping Oxshoes. Horseshoe b)lanks, Making 86 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. C LA SS 60. HOS.E AND BELTING. Hose and Belting, Compositions and Machinery for making, Couplings, and Fasteners. [For 1Manufactture of Leather-working Tools, see Class 81, Section B.] Band and cord fasteners. Couplings, Cord Band punches. (See Class 24.) Couplings, Hose Bands foFpulleys. Cuttingmachines, BeltBelt-clasps. Cutting machines, Belt-lacing Belt-couplings. Elastic tubing. Belt-cutting machines. Fasteners for bands, belts, and Belt-fasteners. cords. Belting, Compositions for Flexible gas tubing. Belting-Compound Hose. Belting, Modes of making Hose-bridges. Belting, Rubber Hose, Compositions for Belt lacers. Hose-couplings. Belt-lacing, Machines for cutting Hose, Leather Belt-punches. (See Class 24.) Hose, Modes of making Belts. Hose-protectors. Belt-shifters. (See Class 64.) Hose, Rubber Belt-splicing. Materials for bands, belts, and Belt-tighteners. (See Class 64.) hose. Compositions for belting. Rubber hose. Compositions for hose. Spanners for hose-couplings. Compositions for elastic tubing. Tubing, Coating of elastic Cord and belt fasteners. Tubing, Compositions for elastic Couplings, Band Tubing, Elastic Couplings, Belt Tubing, Lining of elastic CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 87 CLASS 61. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. Aqueducts, Canels, Dikes,*IHarbors, Breakwaters, Docks, Quays Sub-aqueous Explorations and Works, Piles, Improvement of Rivers. Aqueducts. Gates, Flood Armor, Submarine Gates, Sluice Booms for logs. Graving docks. Breakwaters. Harbor defenses. Cables, Laying submarine Harbor obstructions, Removing Caissons for piers, &c. Harbors. Camels. Harbors, Obstructing Canal hoists. Hydraulic r3ining. Canal lining. Inclined planes for canals. Canal locks. Iron tunnels. Canal-lock gates. Irrigating apparatus. Canal propulsion, apart from the Landing platforms. boat. Launching vessels. Canals. Laying submarine cables. Chutes for carrying logs. j Levees. Chutes for coal. Lining canals. Chutes for water courses. Locks, Canal Coal-chutes. Lock valves, Canal Coffer-dams. Marine railways. Cores for dikes. Marshes, Machines for filling Cradles for building vessels. Marshes, Reclaiming Cradles for launching vessels. Mill-dams. Cradles for raising vessels. Mud-machines. Current fenders. Obstructing rivers and harbors. Dams. Piers, Landing Dikes. Pile-cutters. Diving apparatus. Pile-drivers. Diving-bells. Piles. Docks, Dry Piles, Protection of Docks, Tidal Piles, Screw Docks, Wet Quays. Draining cellars, Automatic de- Raising sunken vessels. vices for Reservoirs, Canal Drain-tiles, Machines for, and Rivers bars, Removing modes of laying Rivers, Improving channels of Dredging-machines. (See Class Rivers, Protection against inun37.) dations of Dry-docks. Screw-piles. Embankments, Making and re- Shields for tunneling. pairing Slips, Marine Ferry-boat platforms. Sluice-gates. Fish-ways. Snags, Removing Flood-gates. Staging for boats. Flumes for logs. Staging for loading and unloadFlushing apparatus. ing vessels. Gates, Canal-lock Staiths. 88 CLASSIFICATION. OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Stopping crevasses. Tide-gates. Sub-aqueous foundations. Tide powers. Sub-aqueous railways. Trainways for ferry-boats. Sub-aqueous tunneling. Tunnels, Iron Sub-fiuvian tunnels. Tunnels, Sub-aqueous Submarine armor. Valves for draining tidal lands. Submarine cables, Laying WVvave-powers. Submarine excavating. WTeirs. Submarine hellnets. WVell-curbs. Submarine operators. Wet-docks. Tidal docks. Wharfs. Tidal valves. WVharfs, Floating (See Class 114.) Tide basins. Wire ferriage. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 89 CLASS 62. ICE. Refrigerative Processes and -Machinery, G-atherilg, Mallntfacturingl l Storing, and Applications of Ice. Air-cooling apparatus. Ice-cutters. Air-cooling processes. Ice-elevators. (See Class 57.) Anaesthetic refrigerators. lece-houses. Atomizers. Ice-levelers. Beer-coolers.l Ice-making machines. Boxes for transportation, Refiig. Ice manufacture. erating Ice-picks. Cars for trantsportation, Refrig- Ice-plows. erating Ice-safes. Cooling apparatus. Ice-shavers. Cooling mixtures. Ice-smoothers. Cooling processes. Mlilk-coolers. Corpse-coolers. Railway cars, Refriger.,tting Filter and cooler combined. Refrigerating-cars. Freezing-liquids. Refrigerating-cellars. Freezing-mixtures. Refrigerators. Ice-cream freezers. W ater-coolers. Ice-crushers. 90 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, CLASS 63. JEWELRY. Bracelets, Brooches, Dress-pins, Rings, and Ornaments. [For Mlanufacture of Jewzelry, see Class 53, Section E.] Bracelets. Locket-cases. Breast-pins. Lockets. Diaper-pins. Pins, Breast Dress-pins. Pins, Diaper Ear drops and rings. Pins, Di-ess Finger-rings. Pins, Scarf Fob-chains. Pins, Shawl Gems, Setting Precious stones, Setting Hooks for watch-chains. (See Scarf-pins. Class 24.) Setting gems. Jewelers' tools and appliances. Shawl-pins. (See Class 81, A.) Watch-chagins. Lapidaries' work and appliances. (See Class 51.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 91 CLASS 64. JOURNALS AND BEARINGS. Journals, Bearings, Shafting, Couplings, and Lubricators. Anti-friction compounds. Journal-bearings, Compositions Anti-friction metals. for Anti-frictiol rollers. Journal-boxes. Band pulleys. Journal-box lining. Bands. (See Class 60.) Journals. Band wheels. Lagging for drums. Bearings for machinery. Lubricants. Belt couplings. (See Class 60.) Lubricating compounds. Belts. (See Class 60.) Lubricators. Belt-shifters. Lubricators for spindles. Belt-tighteners. Lubricators, Mechanical Boxes, Journal Pulleys, Belt Clutches for shafting. Pulleys, Fast and loose Clutches, Friction Oil-cups. Coupling, Shaft Oilers. Drums, Belt Shaft-couplings. Friction-clutch es. Sh aft-h angers. Friction-couplings. Shafting. Grease cups Spindles, Lubricating Hangers for shafting. Universal joints. Journal-bearings. 92 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 65. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Miachines and Appliances for Preparing Bread, Meat, Fruit, and Vegetables for Cooking or for the Table; Table-ware, (except Cutlery,) Baskets, Boxes, and Crates for Packing and Transporting Provisions, (not including Stores and their appliances, Class 126.) Alln ond-peelers. Cheese-covers. Apple-corers. Cheese-cutters. Apple-parers. I Cheese-grinders. Apple-slicers. Cherry-stoners. Barrel-covers. Chimney-cleaners, Lamp Barrel-llhandles. Coffee-cups. Baskets. Confectionery-molds. Baskets for fruit, fish, grain, and Cork-pullers. provisions. Cork-screws. ~Batter-machines. Corn-ball molds. Belan-shellers. Corn-graters. Beer clips. Cracker-crushers. Beer-pitchers. Cracker-machines. Bins, Meal Crates for fruit, fish, vegetables, Biscuit-boards. &c. Biscuit-cutters. Cruet-stands. Bottle-holders. Cru mb-rernovers. Boxes, Egg-packing Culinary ladles. Boxes, Fish Cups. Boxes, Food Dinner-buckets. Boxes for provisions. Dinner-pails. Boxes for vegetables. Dippers. Boxes, Fruit Dish-cleaners. Boxes, Lunch Dishcloth-holders. Boxes, Paper. (See Class 93.) Dish-covers. Boxes, Pepper Dish-drainers. Boxes, Spice Dishes. Bread and pastry boards. Dish-fasteners. Bread-cutters. Dish-holders. Bread-machines. Dish-stands. Buckets. Dish-trays. Buckets, Folding Dish-washers. Buckets, Dinner Dough-kneaders. Butter-buckets. l)ough-machines. Butter-dishes. I)ough-raisers. Butter-tongs. Dough-rollers. Cake-cutters. Dredging-boxes, Flour Cake-turners. Drinking-cups. Camp-kits. Egg-beaters. Canisters. Egg-cups. Can-openers. Egg-pans. Canteens. Egg-testers. Caster-bottles. Epergnes. Caster-stands. |Fish-scalers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 93 Flour-chests. Pea-shellers. Flour-dredgers. Peach-parers. Flour-scoops. Peach-stoners. Fruit-baskets. Peeling almonds. Fruit-boxes. Pepper-boxes. Fruit-crates. Pie-crimpers. Fruit-mashers. Pie-trimmers. Fruit-panniers. Pitchers, Beer Fruit-peelers. Pitchers, Ice Fruit-strainers. Pitchers, Molasses Glass-cleaners. Plates. Graters, Corn Potato-mashers. Graters, Spice Potato-peelers. Hampers. Powder-mixers. Haversacks. Provision-safes. Kitchen-safes. Raisin-seeders. Knleading-machines. Rolling-pins. Knife-cleaners. Root-peelers. Knife-racks. Safes, Meat Knife-rests. Sauce-pans. Lamp-chimney cleaners. Scoops, Flour Lemon-squeezers. Sifters of all kinds. (See Class 140.) Liquor-pourers. Sinks, Kitchen. (See Class 4.) Lunch-boxes. Skimmers, Culinary Meal-bins. Slop-buckets. AMeafl-chests. Slop-j ars. Meat-cutters. (For lMIincers, see Spice-boxes. Class 17.) Stove-pipe shelves. Meat-holders. Table-cars. Meat-safes. Table-mats. MIeat-spits. Table-trays. Meat-tenderers.. Trays, Dish Mess-chests. Trays, Food Mess-kits. Trays, Fruit Napkin-holders. Trays, Tea Napkins. Tumbler-washers. Nut-crackers. Turnip-peelers. Nutmeg-graters. Urn-stands. Nut-pickers. Vegetable-peelers. Oyster-openers. Vegetable-washers. Pans, Kitchen and pantry. 94 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 66. KNITTING AND NETTING. Knitting, Netting, Lace, and Hosiery. [For Manufacture of Parts of Knitting-machines, see Class 53, Section H. Bobbinet-machines. Knitting-machines, Take-up deDarning-machines. vices for Dressing and finishing hosiery. Knitting-machines, Tension deFishing-nets, Making vices for Gimp. Knitting-machines, Transferring Hosiery. devices for Knitted goods. Lace'-machines. Knlitting-machines. Looped fabrics. Knitting-machines, Burrs for I Needles for knitting-machines. Knitting-machines, Needles for. Netting-nachines. Knitting-machines, Setting up de- Sinkers for knitting-machines. vices for Stocking and sock machines. Knitting-nachines, Sinkers for I Stop-motions for knitting-maKnitting-machines, Stop-motions I chines. for I Tattin g-m achin es. Twist lace machines. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 95 CLASS 67. LAMPS AND GAS-FITTINGS, Lamps, Lanterns, Lights, Gas-fittings, and Lighting devices. Alarms, Gas Lamp-chimneys. Boxes, Match Lamp-cones. Burners. Lamp-elevators. Calcium lights. Lamp-posts. Candle-holders. Lamp-reflectors. Candlesticks. Lamp-shade holders. Catoptric lights. (See Class 88.) Lamp-shades. Chandeliers. Lamp-stands. Chimney-cleaners, Lamp. (See Lamp-wick adjusters. Class 65.) Lamp-wick trimmers. Chimneys, Lamp Lamp-wicks. Cigar-lighters. Lamps. Clocks, Illuminated. (See Class Lamps, Miners' 58.) Lamps, Vapor Cressets. Lanterns. Dioptric lights. (See Class 88.) Lighting devices. Drop-lights. Lighting devices, Electric. (See Electric lights. (See Class 36.) Class 36.) Extinguishers. Locomotive head-lights. Flexible gas-tubing. (See Class Lusters. 60.) Magnesium-lights. Gasaliers. Match-boxes. Gas-brackets. Match-safes. Gas-burners. Mica lampchimnneys. Gas-fittings. Oxyhydrogen lights. Gas-lighters. Reflectors for lamps. Gas-lighting by electricity. (See Reflectors for windows. Class 36.) Safes, Match Gas-meters. (See Class 98.) Shades, Lamp Gas-regulators. Signs, Illuminated (See Class Gas-tubing, Flexible (See Class 120.) 60.) Smoke-bells. Hangers for lamps. Snuffers. Head-lights, Locomotive Tubing for gas, Flexible (See Illuminated clocks. (See Class Class 60.) 58.) Vapor-burners. Illuminatin g-reflectors. Vapor-lamps. Illuminated signs. (See Class Wicks, Compositions for treating 120.) Wick-trimmers. Lamp-chimney adjusters. Window-illuminators. Lamp-chimney cleaners. (See Window-reflectors. Class 65.) 96 CLASSIFICATION OF. SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 68. LAUNDRY. Washing, WVrinllgiig, and Dr)ing Machines, and the Appliances of the Laundry. Clamps for wringers. Line-reels. Clothes-driers. Miangles. Clothes-frames. Reels for clothes-lines. Clothes-horses. Rubber rolls for wringers. Clothes-line reels. Sad-irons. Clothes-lines. Sad-iron holders. Clothes-pins. Smoothing-irons. (lothes sprinklers. Sprinklers for clothes. Clotlles-sticks. ~ash-benches. Clothes-tongs. W'ash-boards. Clothes- washers. WNiash-boilers. Clotlles-wrirngers. W'iashing compounds. (See Class Flutinmg-irons. 23.) IroniIng aplparatus. Wishing-machines. Ironing -tables. i ool-washing machines. Italianl irmls. Wringers. I lulldr{Iies. iWringers, Clamps for:Li ie-fahstcnlers. V7ringers, Polls for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 97 CLASS 69. LEATHER. Machines for operating upon leather irrespective of its specific application or use. [For Applications of Leather, seeBoots and Shoes.- - - - Class 12. Harness and Saddlery.. Class 54. Hose and Belting...... Class 60. Trunks and Satchels.-. Class 133.] Boarding-machines, Leather (See I Leather-sorting machines. Class 129.) Leather-splitting machines. Corrugating machines, Leather- Leather straps. Creasing machines, Leather- Leather-stretching machines. Cutting machines, Leather- Leather-stripping machines. Embossing machines, Leather- Leather tubs, Machines for makGlueing machines, Leather- ing Hammering machines, Leather- Leather washers and wads, Tools Leather carpet. for cutting Leather-cutting machines. Leather whips, Machines for Leather-dressing inachines. (See making Class 129.) Pressing Inachines, LeatherLeather-embossing machines. Punching machines, LeatherLeather-glueing machines. Rings, Tools for cutting leather Leather-hammering machines. Rolling machines, LeatherLeathering tacks. Skiving machines, LeatherLeather-piercing machines. Sorting machines, LeatherLeather-pressing machines. Splitting machines, LeatherLeather-punching machines. Stretching machines, LeatherLeather-quilting machines. (See Tubs, Machines for making Class 112.) leather Leather rings, Tools for cutting' Wads, Machines for making Leather-rolling machines. leather Leather-rounding machines. I Washers, Machines for making Leather-scalloping machines. leather Leather-shaving machines. WVhips, Machines for making Leather-skiving machines. leather 7 98 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 70. LOCKS AND LATCHES. Locks, Latches, their Trimmings and Accessories. [For Milanusfacture of Locks, see Class 53, Section B.] Alarm-locks. Locks, Door Bag-locks. Locks, Drawer Bolt-locks. Locks, Hasp Car-door latches. Locks, Pad Car-door locks. Locks, Permrutation Car-seat arm -locks. Locks, Piano Chest-locks. Locks, Safe Cupboard-catches. Locks, Sash Door-fasteners. Locks, Seal Door-knobs. Locks, Shutter Door-locks. Locks, Time Drawer-locks. Locks, Trunk Gate-latches. Locks, Valise Hand-cuffs, Locks for Locks, Window Hasp-locks. Lock-trimmings. Keepers for door-locks. Night-latches. Key-fasteners. Pad-locks. Key-hole guards. Permutation-locks. Key-hole guides. Piano-locks. Keys. Register-locks. Knob-fasteners, Roses for door-knobs, Knob-latches. Satfe-locks. Knobs, Door Safety-guards to locks. Knobs to spindles, Attaching Scutcheons for key-holes. Latches. Seal-locks. Lock-bolt keepers. Shanks for door-knobs. Lock-bolts. Spindles for door-knobs. Locks. Timne-locks. Locks, Bag Trunk-locks. Locks, Car-door Valise-locks. Locks, Car-seat arm Window-locks. Locks, Chest CLASSIFICATION OF SUB.JECTS OF INVENTION. 99 CLASS 71. MANURES. Composition and Preparation of Fertilizers. Treatment of Guano, Sewage, Offal, Poudrette, Marl, Conmposts, etc. Composts, Fertilizing Alarl, Treatment of Deodorizing excrements. i Night-soil, Treatment of Deodorizing offal. OfIal, Deodorizing Deodorizing vaults. Oftal for fertilizers, Treatment of Fertilizers, Manufacture of' Phosphates for fertilizers, TreatFertilizer mixers. mlent of Fertilizers, Packaging Privies, Cleaning Fertilizers, Treating Poudrette, Treatment of Guano, Treatment of Sewage for fertilizers, TreatManure, Artificial ment of Mlanures, Conposition processes, Sewer cleaners. machinery. 100 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 72. MASONRY. JMasonry, Brick-work, Structures of Concrete, Plastering, Iron Houses. Arches. (See Class 14.' Girders, Piers, and Colunns, Basins for sewers. Class 14.) B6ton, Structures of Iron facing for houses. Brick-work of buildings. Iron fronts for houses. Cellar-floors. Iron houses. Centeringforarches. (See Class 20.) Iron houses, Portable. Cistern covers. Jails. Cisterns. Light-houses. Cistern tops. Man-holes for sewers. Columns, (except Iron, Class 14.) Masonry. Concrete, Structures of Molds for cornice. Coping. Mortar, Applications of Cornice, Metallic Pise-building, Implements and Culverts. modes for Domes. Plastering-macllines. Fire-proof building. Plastering-tools. Fire-proof floors. Portable houses, (metallic.) Fire-proof walls. Privies. Fire-proof walls, Portable Sewers. Floats, Plasterers' Stone facing for houses. Floors of stone or concrete. Stone fronts for houses. Fortifications, (except Earth works, Stone and slate tanks, ConstrucClass 37.) tion of Foundations of stone or concrete. Stone-work of buildings. Garbage-sinks. Tanks for storage, Excavated Harbor defenses. Trowels, Bricklayers' Hawks. Trowels, Plasterers' Hods. Trusses, Wood or iron. (See Class House-fronts, Iron 14.) House-fronts, Stone-facing Vaults. Houses, Iron, (except Trusses, Walls, (other than wooden.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 101 CLASS 73. MEASURING-IN STRUMENTS. Instruments of Precision, including Counting-machines and Registers, Meteorological Instruments, Measures and Measurers of Number, Distance, Weight, Capacity, Speed, Temperature, Moisture, &c. [ExceptingDrafting and Mathematical.. Class 33. Electrical.....-.... Class 36. Horological.-...Class 58. Optical and Surveying..... Class 88.] Adding-machines. Gages, Registering devices of Alcoholmeters. vacuum Alkalilneters. Gages, Registering devices of Anemometers. water Anemoscopes. Gaging-instruments. Arithmometers. Game-counters. Balances. Gas-meters, Registering devices of Ballistic pendulums. Goniometers. Barometers. Graduated glasses. Bilgewater-gages. Graduated measures. Bottles, Dropping Grain-tallies. Bottles, Graduated medicine Grain-weighers. Burettes. Hydrometers. Calculating-mnachines. Hydrostatic balances. Coin-assorters. Hygrometers. Coin-balances. Hypsometers. Coin-counting macllines. IInclinometers. Coin detecting, Counterfeit Indicators, Autonatic station Computing-tables. Indicators in cars, Automatic Counting-m achines. street Drop-meters. Indicators, Leak Droppingbottles. Indicators, Lee-way Dropping-tubes. Indicators, Registering devices of DyInamometers.! steam-pressure Eprouvaettes. Indicators, W7eather Eudiometers. Lactomneters. G-ages, Bilgewater I Lee-way indicators. Gages, Barrel-filling Letter-balances. (Gages, Meeasuring Logs, Ships' Gages, Registering devices of Lumber-tallies. pressure Measures, Board Gages, Rain Measures, Cloth Gages, Sliding Measures, I)ry Gages, Registering devices of Measures, Liquid steam Measures, Lumber Gages, Registering devices of Measures of capacity. steam-boiler Measures. Tailors' Measures, Tape 102 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Measures, Tire Registering devices of air. steam, Measuring devices of faucets. and water gages. -Measuring devices of funnels. Rules, Measuring Measuring devices of pumps. Saccharometers. Measuring-sticks. Salinometers. Medicine glasses, Graduated Scales, Sliding Meteorological instruments. Scales, Tailors' Meters. Scales, Weighing Meters, Current Ships' logs. AMeters, Drop Sliding-gages. Meters, fluid, Registering devices Sounding, Instruments for marine of Specific-gravity apparatus. Meters; gas, Registering devices Speed-indicators. of Spiroineters. Meters, liquid, Registering de- Squares. vices of Steaim-engine indicators. Meters, spirit, Registering de- Steam-gages, Registering devices vices of of Meters, Registering devices of Steam-pressure indicators, Regiswater tering devices of Odometers. Sphygmographs. Oleometers. Stethometers. Pedomneters. Sympiesometers. Perambulators. Tables, Arithmetical Photometers. Tables, Computing Pipettes. I Tallies for grain, lumber, &c. Planimeters. Thermometers. Plumbs. Thermostats. Pressure-indicators, Registering Urinometers. devices of steam Vanes. Pyromneters. Velocimeters. Reckoning-instruments. Verniers. Recording-instruments. Votes, Instruments for recordling Registers. Water-gages, Registering devices Registers, Billiard of Registers, Counting Water-gages for steam-boilers, Registers, Grain Registering devices of Registers, Measuring Water-meters, Registering deRegisters, Passenger vices of Registers, Printing-press Weather-guides. Registers, Steam-engine I Weighing-apparatus. Registers, Street-car Weighing-buckets. Registers, Weighing Weighing-scales. Registering devices of fluid-meters. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 103 CLASS 74. MECHANICAL POWERS. Hiorse-powers, Arraingements of Gearing, Brakes for Machinery, Cranks,:Pitmans, Treadles; Modes of Converting, Multiplying, and Transmitting Motion. [.For Excavating........... see Class 37. Hoisting.............see Class 57. Journals and Shafting.see Class 64. Mills -........ -..see Class 83. Presses...-......... see Class 100,] Animal powers. I Horse-powers, Endless chains for Bearings for machinery. (See Horse-powers, Links for Class 64.) Horse-powers, Treads for Brakes f'or horse-powers. Intermlittent-gearing. Brakes for machinery. Journals. (See Class 64.) Buildings, Moving Lever-powers. Cam-rods. Levers, Differential Cams, Variable Lubricators. (See Class 64.) Changing speed, Apparatus for Mechanical movements. Churn-powers. Mill-gearing. Claw-bars. Mills. (See Class 83.) Clutches, Rope Motion, Converting Cog-gearing. Motion, Multiplying Connecting-rods. Motion, Translitting Converting motion, Apparatus for Motors, lMechanical Crank-connections. PaWvs and ratchets. Crank-motions. Pendulum-powers. Crank, Overcoming the dead- | Pitman connections. points of Pitlnans. Crank-pins. Pitmlans for harvesters. Cranks. Pitmans for sewing-machines. Crank, Substitutes for the Presses. (See Class 100.) Crow-bars. I Reversing motion, Apparatus for Differential levers. Rope-clutches. Dog-powers. Shafting. (See Class 64.) Eccentrics. Starting engines off their centers. Fly-wheels. Tide-powrers. Gearing, Arrangements of Traction-wheels. Gibs for pitmans, etc. Transmitting motion, Apparatus Harvester-gearing. (See Class 56.) for Hoisting-machines. (See Class Treadle-machines. 57.) Treadles. Hooks for cam-rods. Wheels, Fly Horse-powers. 104 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 75. METALLURGY. Furnaces, Operations, Processes, and Machinery for the Reduction and Manufacture of Metals. Alloys. Manufacture of copper. Amnalgamators. (See Class 90.) Manufacture of iron. Annealing metals. Manufacture of lead. Assaying. Manufacture of magnesium. Blast furnaces. Manufacture of nickel. Carbonizing furnhces. MAanufacture of potassium. Case-hardening compounds. M Ianufacture of sodium. Case-hardeninog processes. Manufacture of steel. Cemneutation furnaces. Manufacture of tin. Coloring metals. Manufacture of zinc. Converting iron into steel. M etalluErgic furnaces. Copper furnaces. MAetallurgic processes. Cupola furnaces. I Metals, Furnaces for recducinl Decarbonizing iron. Metals, 3Manufacture of Desullphurizing coal. M etals, Purification of Desulphurizin g-furnaces. Ores, C alciningl Desulphurizing ores. Ores, Desulpl)hurizing Enameling furnaces for metals. Ores, Furnaces for reducing Files, Tempering Ores, Oxidizing Furnace-lining. Ores, Roastilg Furnaces, Boiling I Ores, Smelting Furnaces, Blast Puddling. Furnaces, Catalan Puddling furnaces. Furnaces, Copper l'uddling processes. Furnaces, Cupola Reducing furnaces, Metal Furnaces, Desullphurizing Reducing processes, MIet:l Furniaces for reducing mnetals. Refining furnaces. Furnaces for roasting ores. Roasting ores. Furnaces for treatlment of iron. Saws, Tempering Furnaces, Hot-blast Sheet iron, Furnaces for Furnaces, Iron Slneltin g furnaces. Furnaces, Lead Steel, Compositions in manufacFurnaces, Puddling turing Furnaces, Smelting Steel, Machinery in nianufacturFurnaces, Zinc ing Iron, Manufacture of Steel, Processes in mannfacturMalleable iron castings, Furnaces ing.for Temp)ering steel. Manufacture of aluminium. Telmpering tools. Manufacture of cobalt. Welding compounds. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 1 05 METAL-AVORKING. Under the following headc7s: Metal-working, 1.-Bending and Straightening.......Class 76. Metal-working, 2.-Boring and Drilling -....... Class 77. Metal-working. 3.-Forging, Swaging, ng, and Riveting. -Class 78. AMetal-working, 4.-Punching, Cutting, and Shearingot.Class 79. AMetal-working, 5. —Rolling -.............. Class 80. Metal-working, 6.-Tools..........-..-............. Class 81. MAetal-working, 7. —Tnrning, Planing, and Milling......Class 82. See alsoBolts, Nuts, and Rivets -.Class 10. Casting..... Class 22. Files and Rasps. -......Class 40. Grinding and Polishing.. -.Class 51. Hardware Manufiacturee. —- Class 53. [Tlthus ubdiridcd: A.-Arms aind Cutlery. B.-Builders' Hardware. C.-Carriage Hardware. D.-F Irnitre Har(lware. E.-Person al Wear. F.-Saddle and Harness HIardware. G.-Slhoenmakcrs' Hardware. H.-Spinning and \Weavinll Hardware. I.-Stationelry andil Miscellaneous Hardwarel. J!-Trmn!k and Carpet-ba Hllardlware.. K. —Water an(d Gas Fittings.] Horse-shoes...-..... —... Class 5)9. Locks and Latches -.. —-—.Class 70. Nails and Spikes -........... Clss 85. Needles and Pins.. —- -. Class S6. Plating ---- ----------- Class 96. Rail waay-track and Car-iron. Class 1(07. Safes.- -.....- -.. - -.Class 109. Saws. —- _, —--.. —__- -_ -Class 110. Sheet-metal. --...... —--- -Class 113. Tuling and Wire-laking - - - Class 134. Wire-working-. a...s..... Class 140. Wood Screws.-............ Class 141. 106 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 76. METAL-WO RKIN G, 1. Bendling and Straightening. MA:o(les, Apptaratus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as otherwise specifically classified,) illeludingAngle-iron, Benlding or straight- Plates, Straightening metallic ening I Rails, Bending or straightening Armor-plates, Bending or straight- Rods, Bending or straightening enilig Shafts, Bending or straightening Bars, Bending or straightening Straightening bars and p)lates. Bending bars and plates. Straightening gun-barrels. Bending rails. Straightening rails, Corrugating plates, Straightening rods and shafts. Plates, Bending metallic Twisting bars, rods, and lhgots. Plates, Corrugating rnetallic. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 107 CLASS 77. METAL-WORKING, 2. Boring and Drilling. MIodes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (exceptilng tllos otherwise specifically classified,) ineluding — Annular borinfg-bits fbr metal. Drilling metals. Boring cannon. Drill-rests, Metal Boring cylinders. Drills, Gages for Boring-machines, Metal Drills, Ratchet Bow-drills. Drill-stocks. Countersink-tools for metal. Drills, Twist Cylinders, Boring Drills, Wratchmalkers'.Drifts. Expanding drills for imetal. Drill-bits. Ratchet-drills. Drill-gages. Reanmers for metal. Drilling-jigs. Spiral stock-drills. Drilling nachiiles, Mletal Twist-drills. 108 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 78. METAL-WORKIN G, 3. Forging, Swa,ging, and Riveting. Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as otherwise specially classified,) includingAnchors, Manufacture of I Olivers. Anvils, MIanifacture of Ordnance-manufacturing. Axles, ManLufacture of carriage Pneum natic hammers. Blacksmiths' forges. Portable forges. Blacksmiths' tool-stands. Power-hammers. Boiler making, Steam Pressing metals, scrap, &c. Chaiiln-making. Riveting. Dies for swaging. Riveting-machines. Drop-hanlllers. Skelp and blank furnaces. Drop-p resses. Stamp ing- mills. Forges, Portable Staving metals. ForFging. Steaim-hamnmers. Furnaces for blanlks. Steam-hamniers, Engines of (See Furnaces for skells. Class 121.) Furnaces for tires. Tire coolers. Gold-beating. Swaging metals. G-un-carriages, Making of iron Tires, Bending and upsetting Hammers, Drop Tires, Making Hailmmers, Hydraulic Upsetting-machines, Tire laiiners, Pneumatic Upsetting metals. Hammers, Powver Vise-making, Machinists' Htain mmers, Steam Welding aplparatus. ITallllmrslers, Water CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 1 09 CLASS 79. METAL-WORKING, 4. Punching, Cutting, and Shearing. Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as otherwvise specifically classified,) includingBlanks from bars and plates, Cut- Punching-machines for bar or ting plate. Cutting blanks from bars or plates. Saw-gummers. Cutting planchets from bars or Saw-making. plates. Saw-sets. Gumming-saws. Saw-swages. Planchets from bars ancid plates, Shearinig-machines forbar or plate. Cutting Tube-sheets, Punching 110 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS SO. METAL-WORKING, 5. Rolling, Milacllines, MIodes, Tools, Apparatus, and Appliances, (except as otherwise specifically classified,) includingAngle-iron, Rolling Puddlers' balls, Rolling and Arlnor-plates, Rolling I squeezing Bars a nd rods, Rolling Railroad-railpieces, Piling Beanis, Rolling Railroad-rails, Capping Bundling scrap. Railroad-rails, Repairing Casting metal rules between roll- Railroad rails, Re-rolling ers. Railroad-rails, Rolling Casting sheet metal between roll- Rolling metals. ers. "'Russian" sheet-iron, Imitations of C(hemical processes in sheet mletal Scrap, Bundling and rolling making. I Sheet-iron, Chemical processes iii 1Die-rollin 1g. nmalnufacture of Fagots and piles for rolling, Sheet-iron, Rolling Girder-bar, Rolling Sheet-iron, Scraping and cleanllsing 10oop-ironl, Rolling Ieet-lead, Rolli Rolling Horseshoe-bar, Rolling Sheet-mletal making. Lighting-rods, Rolling Sheet-metal planishing. Piles anld fatgots for rolling' Spike-bar rolling Squeezers for puddlers' balls. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 11 I CLASS 81. METAL-WORKING, 6. Tools. Under the followilg lheads: A.-Metal-workillg tools. B. —Manufacture of metallic tools for purposes other thanl metal. working. A. —iMeta.l-.orking tools for hand use, (not elsewhere specially classified,) and their anaclogues, including the manfacteltre of the scame. Blacksmiths' tools. Monlkey-wrenclles. Boiler-makers' tools. Pipe-cutters. Bolt-cutters. Pipe-tongs. Clilch ers, Blacksmiths' Pipe-wrenches. Cutters, Bolt Plumbers' tools. Cutters, Pipe Ratchet- wrenches. Cutters, Rod Rod-cutters. Farriers' tools. Sheet-metal workers' tools. Foot-rests for holrses. Shoeing-tools, Blacksmliths' Gas-fitters' tools. Squares, Making Hand-lhammers. Tinners' tools. Iandl-vises. Tongs, Blacksmiths' Hoof-spreaders. Tongs, Pipe Jewelers' tools. Tube-expanders. Jeweling watches, Tools for _Vises, Machinists' Locksmiths' tools. Watchmakers? tools. Machinlists? tools. Wrenches, Monkey Metal-working tools. Wrenches, Pipe B.-Tool-Manaetullc lre. —lThe making of Mlletallic Tools, or parts of Tools, and Implements, for Wlorking in the Earth, in Wood, Stone, Clay, ilor-. tar, Leather, and Glass; the making of iron parts of Iiarvesters and other Agricultural Macahinery. Adzes, Manufceture of Cutlery, MIanufacture of (See Agricultural tools of metals Main- Class 53, Section A.) ufacture of Edge-tools, (n6t cutlery,) Manun Augers, Manluftacture of facture of Axes, Manufacture of Farm implements of metal, ManBricklayers' tools, Manufacture of ufacture of Cabinet-inlakers' tools of metal, Gardeners' inplements of metal, Manufacture of Manufacture of Carpenters' tools of metal, Manu- Glass-working tools, AIanlufacture facture of of Chisels, Mailufacture of Joiners' tools, Manufacture of Clay- working tools, Manlufaficture Leather-working tools, Manlufacof ture of Coopers' tools, Manllifacture &)f 112 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Lumberimen's tools, Manufacture Track-layers' tools, Manufacture of of MAiners' tools, Manufacture of Trowels, Manufacture of Shipwrights' tools, Manufacture Tuyeres, Manufacture of of Wheelwrights' tools of metal, MtanStone-working tools, Manufacture ufacture of of MWoodl-workers' tools of metal, AanufaJcture of CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 113 CLASS 82. METAL-WORKING, 7. Turning, Planing, Slotting, and Milling. (Except as otherwise specifically stated,) includingBurr-cutters. Planers. Centering-plates. Planing-mnachines, Metal Centering-tools. Rests for metal-lathes. Chucks for metal-lathes. Riflin g-mnachines. Cutter-stocks for metal-planers. Rose-engines. Cutting-tools for lathes and pla- Screw-cutting lathes. ners. Sha Iin g-machines, Metal Dogs for metal-lathes and planers. Slotting-machines, Metal Engine-lathes. Tool-holders for lathes. Gear-cutting machines. Tool-rests for lathes. Groove-cutting machines. Tools for metal-lathes, Turning Key-seat cutting-machines. Turning cainnon. Lathes for milling. Turning balls, bullets, and shells. Lathes for turning. Turning gun-barrels. Lathes for screw-cutting. Turning-lathes, Metal Lathes for watchmakers. Type-cutting machines. Manldrels.; Watchmakers' lathes. iMilling-1machines. 8 114 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 83. MILLS. Grindingc-Mills for Bark, Cane, Grain, Paint, Sugar; Flour-bolts, Smut and Hulling Mills. [Excepting Clay and M3ortar lMills...... Class 25. Fruit Mills itnd Presses...... Class 100. Ore-mills and Stone-crushers. Class 90.] Alarms, Grist Leveling millstones. Bag-fasteners. Millers' alarms. Baog-holders. Mill gearing. (See Class 74.) IBalance-rynds. Millstone-bricdges. Bark-m ills. Millston e-curbs. l9ting meal, &c. Millstone-dress. -1olts, Flour Millstone-eyes. Bran-dusters. Millstones. Burrs, Metallic Millstones, Balancing Cane-mills. Millstones, Dressing Cider-mills. (See Class 100.) Millstones, Elevating Coffee-cieaning machines. Millstones, Hanging Coffee-mills. Millstones, Leveling Coffee-polishers. Millstones, Regulating torn-mills. Millstones, SupIporting Drug-mills. Millstones, Tramming Exhaust for -millstones. Millstones, Ventilating Feed regulators for mills. Paint-mills. Flour-bolts. Paint-mullers. Fllour-coolers. Pea-nut cleaners. Flour-mills. Picks, Millstone (See Class 125.) Flour-packers. (See Class 100.) Powder-mills.,Grain-bagging. Pug-mills. (See Class 25.) Grain-bruisers. Regulators for millstones.,Grain cleaners for mills. Rice-cleaning machines. Grainl-conv-eyors. (See Class 57.) Rice-hullers.,Grain-dlam pen ers. Rice-polishers. Grain-distributors for mills. Sack fasteners. Grain-elevators. (See Class 57.) Scouring-machines..Grain-feeders. Shellers, Corn Graitn for grinding, Preparing Smut- i achines.,Grain-rnills. Smult-mills. Grain-spouts for mills. Sorghum-mills.,Grain tollers. Spice-mills. Grindinlg plates for mills. Spindles, Mill Grist alarms. Stone-breakers. (See Class 90.) Gunpowdezr-mlills. Sugar cane mills. Hominy-mnachines. Sugar-mills. Hlopper-boys. Tolling devices for grain-mills. Hopler-slloes for mills. Tramming millstones. Hulling-machlines. Tram-staffs for mills. Huskers, Corn Ventilating millstones. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 115 CLASS 84. MUSIC. Instruments, Attachments, and Accessories. Accordeons. Organs, Tremolo attachments to Banjos. Organ-swells. Cabinet-organs. Organ-tunling. Chiroplasts. Organ wind-chests. Clarinets. Piano-forte actions. Cornets. Piano-forte attachments. Cymbals. Piano-forte cases. Dampers for musical instruments. Piano-forte frames. Drumls. Piano-forte keys. D ulcimers. Piano-fortes. Eolians. Piano-fortes combined with reed Fifes. instruments. Flageolets. Piano-forte sounding-boards. Flutes. Piano-fortes, Scales for Guitars. Piano-fortes, Stringing Harmoniums. Piano-fortes, Swell-attachment to Harps. Pianlo-fortes, Tuning Key-boards for musical instru- Reed instruments. ments. Stringed instrumlents. Keys for musical instruments. Strings for musical instruments. Knee-swells for organs. Sounding-boards for musical inLeaf-turners for music-books. struments. Mlelodeons. Swells for musical instruments. MINusic. Tremolo-attachments for musical Musical instruments. instruments. Musical notation. Trumpets. M3usic-boxes. Tuning instruments. Organ actiollns. Violin-attachments. Organ-bellows. Violin-bows. Organ-couplers. Violins. Organ key-boards. Violinl-screws. Organ-pipes. Violin sound-boards. Organs. Violoncellos. Organ sound-boards. Wind-chests for organs. Organ-stops. Wind instruments. 116 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 85. NAILS. Nails, Spikes, Tacks, and Staples, and Machines for making. Blind-staples. Picture-knobs, Capping nails and screws. Picturelnails. Cut-nails. Railroad-spikes. Dies for making spikes and nails. Sheathing nails. Horseshoe-nails. Shoe-nails. Horseshoe-nails, Machines for m ak- Spikes. ing Spikes, Machines for making Leathering tacks. Spikes, Self-clenching Nail-plate feeders. Staples. Nails. Staples, Machines for making Nails, Cut Tacks. Nail-distributing machines. Taclks, Leathering Nails, Machines for making Tacks, Machines for making Nails, Wrought Wrought-nails. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 11 7 CLASS 86. NEEDLES AND PINS. The Manufacture and Preparation for market. Crochet-needles, Making Needles, Machines for papering Hair-pins, Making Pins, Machines for making Knitting-burs, Making Pins, Machines for papering Knitting-needles, Making Sewing-machlines needles, MakNeedles, Machines for making ing 118 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 87. OIL, FAT, AND GLUE, Including Glycerine, Paraffine, Soap, Wax, and Candles. Ash-leaches. Offal, Treating Blanching oils, fats, wax, &c. Oil extracting, Chemical modes of Candle machinery. Oil-filters. Candle-making. Oil-presses. (See Class 100.) Candle-molds. Oils and fats from fiber and Candle-molds, Compositions for meal, Removing Candles. Oils, Refining. (See Class 124.) Candles, Compositions for Oil-stills. (See Class 124.) Dubbing. Oleometers. (See Class 73.) Fats, Treatment of Pans for manufacturing glue. Fish-oil, Treatment of Paraffine. Gelatine. Presses for bils, stearine, fats, Glue-cutting machines. &c. (See Class 100.) Glue dryers. (See Class 34.) Rendering lard and tallow. Glue-making. Soap. Glue pots. (See Class 126.) Soap-cutting machines. Glycerine. Soap-making machines. Grease from slush, Separating Soap-malking processes. Horn, Artificial Starch. (See Class 8.) Isinglass. Stearine. Lard-coolers. Tallow, Treatment of Lard-oil presses. (See Class 100.) ashlling compositions. Lard-oil rendering-tanks. Wrax-cuttin g mn achiIles. Lard-presses. (See Class 100.) Wax, Treatment of Lard-renderers. Wool, Removing suint and grease Leaches, Ash from Lye-extracts, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 119 CLASS 88. OPTICS. Astronomical, Optical, and Surveying Instruments. Achromatic glasses. Lorgnettes. Altimeters. Magic-lanterns. Altitude instruments. Magnifyiting-glasses. Astronomical instruments. Meridian-finlders. Azimuth instruments. Micrometers. Cameras. M icroscopes. Cameras, Photographic Octants. Cameras, Solar Odometers. (See Class 73.) Catoptric lights. Opera-glasses. Chains, Surveyors' Optical instruments. Circumferentors. Pedometers. (See Class 73.) Collimators. Perambulattors. (See Class 73.) Compasses, Surveyors' Photographic cameras. Delineatorrof grades and routes. Plane-tables. I)eparture and distance instru- Polariscopes. nlents. Polarizing-apparatus. Diop)tric lights. Prisms. Eye-glasses. Profiling-apparatus. Heliometers. Quadrants. Heliostats. Reflecting-circles, Heliotropes. Sextants, Horizons, Artificial Solar cameras, Lanterns, Magic Spectacles. Latitude, Instruments for deter- Stereoscopes. mining Surveying instruments. Lenses. Surveyors' chains. Levels. Surveyors' marks. Level-staffs. Telescopes. Longitude, Instruments for deter- Theodolites. mining Transit instruments. Tripods, Surveyors' 120 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 89. ORDNANCE. [Except Projectiles, Class 102.3 Artillery, Mortars. Artillery-carriages. Mounting ordnance. Breech-loading cannon, Operating ordnance. Bushings for gun-vents. Ordnance. Cannons. Ordnance, Attaching trunnions to Cannon-sights. Ordnance, Instruuenets for disCarriages for artillery. abling Centrifugal guns. Ordnance, Mounting Chassis for guns. Ordnance, Operating Counterpoise gun-carriages, Quoins for ordnance. Disahling ordnance, Instruments Rainmers for ordnance. for Revolving breech-eannon. Gas-checks for breech-loading Rifled ordnance. ordnance. Sights for ordnance. Gun-carriages. Sponges for ordnance. Gun-carriages, Counterpoise Submarine ordnance, Gun-chassis, Toinpions. Gun-platforms, Traverses of guns. Locks for ordnance, Valves for submarine ordnance. Machine-guns. Vents of ordnance. Mantelets. Vent-stoppers. l!itrailleuses, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 121 CLASS 90. ORE. Apparatus, Machines, and Processes for crushing and grinding Ore, Stone, Coal, or Bone; for separating Ores of precious Lmetals, Inechanically or by amalgamation. Amalgamators. Ore-mills. Arrastras. Ore-separators. Bone mills. Ore-stamps. Coal-breakers. Ore- wasllers. Coal-washers. Plaster-mllills. Disintegrating ores. lQuartz-mills. Gold washers. Sand- washer. Ji ggers. Stam pin gm Inills. Marble-crushing machines. Stone-breakers. Ore-crushers. Stone-crushers. Ore-disintegrators, WVashers, Gold Ore-dressers. Washing tables.. 122 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 91. PAINT. Paints, Pigments, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Staining Compositions, and their Manufacture; Painted and Enameled Fabrics; Lining Barrels; Leaf-gilding. Air, Fire, and Water Proofing Fabrics aid Processes. Air-proofing processes. Metallic surfaces, Cooipositions Artificial leather. for coating Barrel lining. Oil-cloth. Barrels impervious to liquids, Paint-brushes. (See Class 15.) Rendering Paint-burners. (See Class 126.) Barrels, Pitching Painted fabrics. Brushes. (See Class 15.) Painters' tools, (except Brushes, Coating (tand lining barrels. Class 15.) Enameling of cloth. Painting-machines. Enameling of leather. Paint-imills. (See Class 83.) Fire-proofinlg coinl)ounds. Paint-pot hangers. Fire-proofing processes. Paints. Floor-cloth. Paints, Apparatus for compoundGas-tubing. ing Gilding, Leaf Paints, Apparatus for imixing Guml resins, Treatment of Pigments. Imitation leather. Pigments, Manufacture of Ink, Printers' Priming for paint. Japanning cloth. Sand-blowers. (See Class 98.) Japanling leather. Staining. Jal)aanning wood. Varnishes. Lacquers. Varnishing-inachines. Lampblack. WVater-proofing corupounds. Leather, Artificial Water-proofing processes. Leather-cloth. White-lead machinery. Leather, Eiamneling White-lead processes. Leather, Japallning Zinc, white, processes and machinery. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 123 CLASS 92. PAPER-MAKING. Manufacture of Paper, Card-board, &c., and of Articles direct from the pulp. Beater-engines. Paper-pulping machines. Be(-plates of Rag-engines. Paper-sizing. Binders' boards. Paper water-proofing. Boxes direct from pulp, Making Papier-mache. paper Paste-board. Card-board. Pulping-machines. Enameling paper. Pulp, Reducing materials to Flocking paper. Rag-engines. Glazing paper. Roofing-paper. Mill-board. Safety-guards in paper. Paper. Straw-boards. Paper, Calendering Straw for paper, Treating Paper, Drying Tobacco-paper. Paper, Enameling Yegetable parchment. Paper' Flocking Wall-paper. (See Class 101.) PapeIr-inakinig iachines. Water-marks in paper. Paper, Materials for Water-proofing paper. Paper, Processes of making Wood for paper, Treating Paper-pulp. 124 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 93. PAPER MANUFACTURES. Articles of Paper, Appliances, Machines, Processes, and Tools for manufacturing articles of Paper. Apparel, Paper Envelopes and letter sheets Bag machines, Paper combined. Book-folders. Feeders, Paper Box machines, Paper Floor-cloth, Paper Collars, Machines for boxing Label-machines, Paper paper Lace-paper machines. Collars, Machines for cutting out Newspaper-folders. paper Paper-apparel. Collars, Machines for embossing Paper-bag machines. paper Paper-bags. Collars, Machines for folding Paper-box machines. paper Paper-boxes. Collars, Machines for patching Paper-collars. button-holes of paper Paper-cuffs. Collars, Machines for planishing Paper-cutters. paper Paper-cutting machines. Collars, Machines for punching Paper-envelope machines. paper Paper-feeders. Collars, Machines for Shaping Paper floor-cloth. paper Paper-folders. Collars, Packing-envelopes for Paper-labels, Manufacture of paper Paper, Lace Collars, Paper Paper-manufactures. Cuffs, Paper Paper-perforating machines. Cutters, Paper Paper-tags, Manufacture of Envelope-making machines. Paper-twine. Envelopes. Tag-machines, Paper WTall-paper trimmers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 125 CLASS 94. PAVING. Materials, Compositions and Varieties, Streets and Sidewalks, Making, Repairing, and Sweeping. Asphalt and wood pavements Paving compositions. combined. Paving-tiles. (See Class 25.) Asphalt pavements. Raimners, Paviors' Cement floors. Road-paving. Cement paving. Road-rollers. Coal-hole covers. Roughening pavements. Coal-hole guards. Sidewalks. Coal-traps in pavements. Stone, Artificial. (See Class 125.) Concrete pavenment. Stonje, Mabnufatcture of paving. Concrete pavement, Devices for (See Class 125.) laying Street-levelers. Curbs, Pavement Street-paving. Floors, Cement Street rammers. Garbage-boxes in pavement. Street-scrapers. G(utter-clearers. Street-sw eepers. Gutters, Pavement Tiles. (See Class 25.) Inlets to sewers. Traps for gutters. Iron and wood pavements corn- Traps in pavements, Coal binied. Vault-covers. Iron pavements. Vault-lights. Laying plavements. Wood and asphalt pavements Pavements, Asphalt combined. Pavements, Composition Wood and iron pavements comPavements, Concrete bined. Pavements, Iron Wood and stone pavements comPavements, Stone bined. Pavements, Wooden Wooden pavements. Paviors' tools, machines, and processes. 126 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 95. PHOTOGRAPHY, Instruments and Processes. Albumenizing paper. Photographic plate-holders. Cameras, Photographic. (See Photographic printing. Class 88.) Photographic prints, Coloring Cameras, Solar. (See Class 88.) Photographic processes. Camera-stands. Photographic toning. Developintg, Photographic Photography. Head-rests, Photographic Photolithography. Heliot-ypes. Photo-sculpture. Photogalvanography. Picture-holders, Photographic Photographic apparatus. Printing-frames, Photographic Photographic cameras. (See Class Solar cameras. (See Class 88.) 88.) Stereoscopes. (See Class 88.) Photographic paper. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 127 CLASS 96. PLATING. Metals on Metals. Buttons. Gilding Lead-pipe lining by electro-platCoating metallic surfaces. ing process. Electro-plating. Metals with mnetals, Coating Electrotyping. Moire net:lllique. Galvanizing metals. Platinizing. Gilding. Silvering. Glass-gilding. Silver-plating. Glass-platinizing. Tinning. Glass-silvering. 128 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 97. PLOWS. Machines for Breakingcr Digrgingr, Trenching, and Paring the Soil, Cultivating Crops, and Digging Roots. [Mlanufacture of Agricultural Tools, etc., of Metal, see Class 81, Section B.] Bog-cutters. Plows, Draining Corll-coverers. Plows, Drain-tile Cotton-choppers. Plows, Expanding Cotton-scrapers. Plows, Gang Cotton-top)pers. Plows, Garden Cultivator-teeth. Plows, Hand Cultivators. Plowshares Cultivators, Frames for Plows, HIill-side Cultivators, Wheel Plows, Marking Cutters, Sod Plows, Mole I)iggers, Peanut Plowv-soles. Diggers, Potato Plows, Paring Diggers, Root Plows, Prairie I)i go,ig-n achines. Plows, Rotary Ditching-plows. Plows, Seedinig Double shovel-plows. Plows, Single-shovel Drain in g-plo ws. Plow-standards. Furrowing-machines. Plows, Steam. Gaing-plows. Plows, Subsoil.Gardeii-walks, Machines for Plows, Sulky scraping Plows, Tile-laying Handl-plows. Plows. -Wheel Hoeing-inmachines. Plow -wheel colters. Hoes, Horse Pota to-digginlg machines. Horse-hoes. Root-diggers. Land pa ritlg machines. Rotary spaders. MIold-boalrds for plows. Scrapers, Cane Mold-boards, Materials for Scrai lers, Cotton Mole-plovws. Sho\el-plows. Plow-beams. Sinlgle-shovel plows. Plow-cleaners. Sleds for furrowing ground. Plow clevises. Sod-cutters. Plow-colters. Spadi ng-machines. Plow-holderis. Stealn-cultivators. Plow-irons. Steamrn -plows. Plow-landsides. Steam spading-machines. Plow mold-boards. Subsoil plows. Plow-poillts. Sweet potato cultivators. Plow-regulators. Tile-laying machinles. Plows, I)itching Turf-cutting Imachines. Plows, I)ouble mold-board Vine cutter, PotatoPlows, Double-shovel CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 129 CLASS 98. PNEUMATICS. Mechanical Applications of Air and other Elastic Fluids; Ventilation. [Except Valres, Class 136.] [Fo-r Mlanunfacture of Pipe and Gas-fittings, see Class 53, Section K.] Aerial cars. Engines, Gunpowder Airostats. Engines, Vapor, (except steam.) Airo steam-engines. (See Class lExhaust-fLans. 121.) Fan-blowers. Air and gas meters. Flying-mnachines. Air-blast. Foot-bellows. Air chambnlers. Forge-bello ws. Air-compressing machines and Gas-comnp)ressing machines. allplialnces. G (as-enoines. Air-cushiolls. (Xa s-Rneters. Air-enlgines. Gas-pumps. Air-filters. Gunpo\wider-engines. Air-guns. Hot-air engines. Air-heating traps for air-engines. HI-ot-blast engines. Air-meters. Meters, Air Air-pulnps. MetCrs, Gas Ammnnonia engines. Meters, Registering devices of Atmospheric motors. (See Class 73.) Balloons. Piston-blowers. Bellows. Pneumatic dispatch-tubes. (See Bellow-nozzles. Class 104.) Blast-mlnalines. Pnleunmatic railways. (See Class Blast-regulators. 104.) Blowers. Railways, Pneumatic. (See Class Blowers for furnaces. 104.) Blowers for organs. Rock-(lrills, Air-engines for Blowers, Steam m IRotarv-blowers. Blowing apparatus for glass-mak- Sanld bilowers. ers. Tuyeres. Blow-pipes. Valves. (See Class 136.) Blowr-pipes for glass-workers. Vapor-engines, (except steam.) Caloric engines. Ventilatioin by heated air. Carbollic acid gas-engines, (mo- Ventilation by hot water. tors.) Ventilation by steain. Car-brakes, Pneumatic Ventilation of cars. Con pressed -air-engines. Ventilation of halls. Dust from cars, Excluding Ventilation of houses. Engines, Air Ventilation of mines. Engines, Air-compressing Ventilation of ships. Engines, Anmllonia I Ventilators. Engines, Blast Ventilators, Plenumn Engines, Caloric Ventilators, Vacuumn Engines, Carbonic acid Wid-indmills. Engines, Compressed air Wind wheels. EnIgines, Gas 9 130 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 99. PRESERVING FOOD. Preservative Processes and Herametical Packages. [Excepting Bottling. —..... —-. Class 1. Drying and Smoking - - Class 34. Refrigerating.-...... Class 62.] Acids, Air-tight packages for Ice-houses and refrigerators. (See Air-tight cans, jars, and pack- Class 62.) ages. Jars for fruit, meat, &c. Alkalies, Air-tight packages for Jars, Self sealing Bottle-stoppers. (See Class 1.) Meat cans and jars. Cans, Air-tight. Meat-curing. Cans for preserving provisions. Meat-packing..Can tops, caps, and stoppIers. Meats, Compositions for preservChemical preparation of food. ing Chemicals, Air-tight packages for'Meats, Processes for preserving Condensing milk. Milk, Air-tight packages for Curing meat and fish, (except Milk, Condensing S07oking and Prying, Class 34.) Oil-cans, Air-tight Drying fruit. (See Class 34.) Oil-tanks, Sealed Eggs, Preserving Oyster-cans. Fish, Cans for packing Packing houses, AMeat Fish-carrying boxes. Paint-cans, Air-tight Fish-flakes. (See Class 34.) Powder-cans, Air-tight Food, Cans, jars, and air-tight Preserving-cans. packages for Preserving-cars. Food, Chemical preparation of Preserving-houses. Food, Hermetically sealed pack- Preserving processes for food. ages for Provision cans, jars, &c, Air-tight Fruit-cans. Provision -cars. Fruit-cars. Refrigerating processes. (See Fruit-jars. Class 62.) Fruit cellars and houses. Refrigerators. (See Class 62.) Fruit-chambers. Sealing cans and jars. Fruits, Chemical preparation of Smoke-houses. (See Class 34.) Hermetically sealed packages for Smoking meat and fish. (See provisions. Class 34.) Vegetables, Preserving CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 131 CLASS 100. PRESSES. Except Printing land Hydraulic Presses. Automatic presses. Lard-presses. Bale-ties and hoops. AMlts for oil presses. Baling hay. MAeat-presses. Baling-presses. Oil-cake trimmers. Beater-presses. Oil-mills. Blubber-presses. Oil-lpresses. Box-packing presses. Packers for flour, fruit, sugar, Brooml-corn presses. salt, etc. Bundling-presses for yarns a(nd Packing-bands. threads. Peat-presses. Chain-testers. Portable presses. Cheese-lpresses. Press and strainer combined. Cider-mlills. Printing-presses. (See Class 101.) Cider-presses. Re-baling presses. Cloth-presses. Roping bales. Compressors for re-baling. Salt-packers. Cotton-bale ties. Screw-presses. Cotton-presses. Spring-testing presses. Dry-goods packers. Steam-finishing presses for cloth. Filtering-presses. Steami plates for cloth-presses. Fleece-tables and tyers. Stearine-presses. Flour-packers. S trainer-presses. Fruit-packers. Sugar-packers. ]Fruit-presses. Sutgar-presses. Grape-presses. Ties for bales. Gunpowder-presses. Tobacco-presses. Hlayp-resses. Whlleel-presses, (ot Hydraulic, Hoop-locks. Class 103.) Hoop-strainlers. W ine-presses. Hop-presses. Wool-packers. Hot-presses for fabrics and paper. WVool-presses. Hydraulic presses. (See Class W ool-tyers. 103.) Yarn-presses. Lard-oil presses. 132 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 101. PRINTING. Appliances and Supplies of the Printing Office, Type, Stereotype, and Electrotype. Addressing-machines. Presses. Cresses anceling Address-stamps. Presses, Copper-plate Black-leading machines for elec- Presses, Copying trotyping. Presses, Emlbossing Calico-printing machines. Presses for obtaining relief-printCaoutchouc-printin g. in g surfahces. Color-prinlting. Presses, Hand printing Cominposing-machines. Presses, Lithographic Colnposing-sticks. Presses, Printing Conlmpositors' appliances. Presses, Seal Compositors' cases. Printers' blankets. Copper-plate presses. Printers' blankets, Washing Copper-plate printing. Printers' boxes. Curved printing-surfltces, Making Printers' cases. Dalmping machines, Paper- Prilnters' furniture. Distribu tin g-machin es. Printers' laJpping. Electrotyping, Producing the ma- Printers' quoins. trix for Printers' rollers. Fabrics, Printing Printers' rules. Floor-cloth printing. Printers' spaces, Cutting and Flyers for printing-presses. mitering. (See Class 113, SecFurniture, Printers' tion A.) Gage-pins for tympanr-sheets. Printing cloth. Galley-rests. Printing floor-cloth. Galleys. Printing oil-cloth. Glass, Printing Printing-presses. ianid-stamp s. Prin tin g-processes. Hat-printing machines. Printing surfaces. Inking apparatus. Printillg surfaces, Presses for obInking-rollers, Compositions for tairlnng reliefLapping, Printers' Print riling wall-paper Lead-cutters. (See Class 113, Sec- Irilting- wheels. tion1 A.) Quoins, Printers' Lithograp)hic presses. Register-points for printingMechanical typographers. presses. Mitering printers' rules. (See Revenue-stapmp cancelers. Class 113, Section A.) P Rollers, Printers' Newspaper-folders. (See Class 93.) i Rubber type. Nuumbering-nmachines. Rule-cutters. (See Class 113, SeeOil cloth printing. tiont A.) Paging-machines, Rules, Printing Paper-dampers. Seals. Porcelain, Printing Skirts, Printing Post-office letter-stamping appa- Spaces for printers. ratus. Spool-priltinlg. Presses. Stalnp-cancelers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 133 Stamps, Address Type. Stamps, Branding Type, Casting Stamps, Hand Type, Composing Stamps, Post-office Type, Distributing Stamps, Seal Type, Flexible Stencil-printing machines. Type-finishing. Stereotype molds, Machines for Type-foundlling. producing Type-scouring. Stereotyping. Type-setting. Stereotyping, Compositions for Type-writing machines. Stereotyping, Processes for Typography. Tags, Printing Wall-paper printing. Turtles. 134 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 102. PROJECTILES. Balls, Bombs, Bullets, Cartridges, Fuses, Rockets, Shell, Shot, and Torpedoes; Blasting. Ammunition cases. Fuses, Firing Balls for cartridges. Fuses, Safety Balls for fire-armls. Fuses, Tape Balls for ordnance. Fuses, Time Blasting-cartridges. Grape-shot. Blasting-compouuds. (See Class Grenades. 52.) Gun-wads. Blasting-fuses. Hand-grenades. Blasting-plugs. Harpoons, Gun Blasting rock. Incendiary shells. Bomb-lances. Lances, Bomb Bullet-pressing m achines. (See Lubricators for projectiles. Class 53 A.) Oil-wells, Blasting Bullets. Oil-wells, Torpedoes for Bullets, Lubricating Ordnance-projectiles. Canister-shot. Packing projectiles. Cap-boxes, Percussion Percussion-cap-filling machines. Carcasses. Percussion-cap holders. Cartridge-filling machines. Percussion-cap-lining machines. Cartridge-hol ders Percussion-caps. Cartridge-linings. Percussion-cap shells. (See Class Cartridge-pouches. 53 A.) Cartridge-primling machines. Percussion-cartridges. Cartridges. Percussion-shells. Cartridges, Blasting. Powder-flask chargers. Cartridges, Compositionsfor. (See Powder-flasks. Class 52.) Primers. Cartridges for fire-arms. Primers. Friction Cartridges for ordnance. Projectiles, Casting. (See Class Cartridge-shells, Making. (See 22.) Class 53 A.) Projectiles, Compositions for coatCartridges, Metallic ing and packing Cartridges, Priming Projectiles for fire-arms. Cartridge-wrappers. Projectiles for ordnance. Compositions for coating projec- Rock-blasting. tiles. Rocket-harpoons. Compositions for packing projec- Rockets, War tiles. Sabots for projectiles. Concussion-fuses. Safety-fuses. Explosive balls. Shell-fuses. Explosive projectiles. Shells. Flasks, Powder Shells, Incendiary Friction-primers. Shot. Fuses, Blasting Shot-cartridges. Fuses, Concussion Shot-chargers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 135 Shot, Making. (Pressed. Class 53 Tape-primers. A.) Time-fuses. Shot, Making. ( Cast, Class 22.) Torpedoes. Shot-pouches. Torpedoes for oil-wells. Spherical-case shot. Torpedoes, Submarine Tape-fuses. Wad punches, (See Class 24.) 136 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 103. PUMPS. WVater-elevators, IHydraulic Engines, Jacks, Meters, Presses and Ralns; WYater and Spirit M-Aeters, Injectors, and Ejectors. [For Mlanufacture of Valves and Stop-cocks, see Class 136; for a1anicfactlre of Water-pipe Fittings, see Class 53, Section K.] Beer-fountains. Pulrips. Beer pumps. Pumps, Air. (See Class 98.) Cell~ars, Dlraining. I1Pumpsl)s Cattle Cistern-pumlps. Pumlps, Centrifugal Draining cellars. Pumps, Chain Drawing liquids. Pumps, Circular brake Ejectors, Liquid Pumps, Double-acting Elevators, Water Pumps, Feed Fire-engines, Hydraulic Pumps, Force Fountain-levers. PuI11 ps, Hydraulic-press Fountains, Beer Pumps, Lift Gas-meters. (See Class 98.) Pumps, Oil IHydraulic buftfers. Pumps, Oscillating Hydraulic elevators. Pumps, Packing for Hydraulic engines. Puinrps, Rotary Hydraulic jacks. Pumps, Ships' Hydraulic nleters. Pu mnps, Submuerged HTydraulic motors. Pumips, I Water HIydraulic presses. Pumps, Wind-propelled Hydraulic rams. Rams, Water I1jectors fobr steam-boilers. Registering devices for mlleters. Jacks, Hydraulic (See Class 73.) Liquid-meters. Spirit-meters. -Meters, Liquid Steam fire-engines. (For Engines, Meters, Registering devices for. see Class 121.) (See Class 73.) Steairr-pumps. (For Engines, see Meters, Spirit Class 121.) Meters, Water Stol-cocks. (See Class 136.) Presses, Hydraulic Syringes. Pump-brakes. Valves. (See Class 136.) Pump-motions. WVater-elevators. Pump piston-rods. Water-rams. Pump-pistons. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 137 CLASS 104. RAILWAYS.-1. THE "WAY." Elevated, Pneumatic, Portable, and Street Railways; Crossings, Frogs, Gates, Guards, Join'ts, Rails, Splices, Switches, &c. [For Mlianufacture of Railucay Tracks, irons, etc., see Class 107; Rolling Railway Rails, see Class 80.] Buinping-posts. Rafilway safety-guards. Car-replacers. Railways, Elevated Cattle-guards. Railway-sleepers. Chairs, Railway Railway splice-pieces. Crossings, Railway Rlailways, Pneumatic Elevated railways. Railway-'s, Portable Fish-bars, IRailway Railways, Street Froos, Railway Railways, Track-laying Gates, Railway Rail way-switches. Guards, Railway i Railwayv-ties. Joints, Railway Railway-track layers. Platforms, Railwal,y Railway-track platforms. Pneumlatic dispatch-tubes. Railxway turn-outs. Pneumatic rtailwavs. Railway turn-tables. Portable railways. I lope-ways. Rails, Railway Safety-guards for railway-tracks. Railway bulnping-posts. Sleepers, Railway Railway eattle-guards. Splice-pieces, Railway RBailway-chairs. Street railways. Railway-crossimigs. S witchles, Railwav Railway fisll-bars. Ties, Railway Railway-frogs. Track-laying railways. Rail way-gates. Track-raisers, Railway Railway-joints. Turn-out, Railway Railway-rails. Turin-tables, Iailway Railways. Wire-.ways. 138 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION CLASS 105. RAILWAYS, 2. Cars, their Varieties and Interior Fittings. [Mclaniufactutre of Railwcay-car Irons, see Class 107.] Adlhesion-cars. Car- windows. Baskets, Car Cattle-cars. Berths, Car Coal-cars. Box-cars. Couches for railway-cars. Car-couches. Durlnrmy-cars. Car-roofs. Duilping cars. Cars, Adhesion Frei glh t-cars. Cars, Box Grain-cars. Cars, Cattle Gravel cars. Cars, Coal Hand-cars. Cars, Dumnmy Mail-bag receiving and deliverillng Cars, I)Ulpingap a rl)paratus. Car-seats. Petroleul -cars. Cars, Freiglht Platform-cars. Cars, Gravel Revolving-cars. Cars, Hand Safety-cars. Cars, Petroleum Seats for railway-cars. Cars, Revolving Sleeping-cars. C(ars, Safety Stock cars. Cars, Sleeping Street-cars. Cars, Stock Tank-cars. Cars, Street XVindows for railway-cars. Ctars, Tank ~W recking-cars. Carss, Wrecking CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 139 CLASS 106. RAILWAYS, 3. Car-mouintings and Exterior Fittings. [LllanItfacture of Rh'ailwzay-car Irons, see Class 107.1 Axle-boxes for railway-cars. Car stake-holders. Axles, Car Car-staudards. Boxes, Railway-axle Car-starters. }Brakes, Car (Jar-truck frames. Buffers, Car Car-trucks. Bumpers, Car Car-trusses. Cabs for railway-cars. Car-wheels. Car-axle boxes. Couplinlgs, Car Car-axles. Cow-catchers. Car-brakes. IDraw-bars for rlailway-cars. Car-brakes, Automatic Platform-bridges for railway-cars. Car-brake shoes. Platforms for railway-cars. Car-brakes, Pneumatic. (See Class Plows, Snow 12t.)?Pnerumatic car-brakes. (See Class Car-brakes, Steam-actuated. (See 121.) Class 121.) Safety-guards for car-platforms. C{ar- buffers. Safety-guards on cars. Car-bumper springs. Slow-plows. Car-cabs. Springs, Car Car-couplings. Steam actuated c:lr-lbrakes. (See Car drLaw-bars. Class 121.) Car draw-headso Track-clearers, Car-pedestals. Trucks, Car Car-platfoirms. Wheels, Car Car-spriugs. 140 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 107. RAILWAY-IRONS. MANUFACTURE OF PRailway Track and Car-irons, Tires, Wheels, and Iron Fittings. Axle-boxes, Maliing railway-car Railway-crossing, Making Axles, Making railway-ccar Railway-friogs, Making Axle, 1Makino locomotive Railway metallic mountings, MakCar-wheels, Making wrought ing Chairs, Making railwhxy Railway-rails, Making Crossings for railways, Making lRailway splice-pieces, Making lFish-bars for railways, MIaking I Railway-whleels, Making Frogs for railways, Making Spikes, Railroad Locomotive-axles MIaking Spikes, Screw Locomotive-fiames, Making Splices for railways, Making Ra:ilway-car irons, Making Wr"lought-netal railway-wheels. Railway-ecllairs Making CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 141 CLASS 108. ROOFING. MaIterials Colmpositions, and Varieties. (Except Girders and Trusses, Class 14.) Brackets for eavt e-troughs. Rooting-tiles, Manufacture of. Brackets for roofs. (See Class 25.):Eave-troughs. IRoofs, (except trusses, Class 14.) Fenders for roofs. Roofs, Compositions and means Girders for roofs. (See Class 14.) for preserving Gravel-heaters. (See Class 126.) Slhingles, Compositions and means Gutters for roofs. for preserving Metallic roofing. Shingling brackets. Paper for roofs, MIachines for )re- Skyligllts, Devices for operating paring Slating. Roofing-complositions. Spouting for eaves. PRoofiltng processes. Tiling for roofs. Roofinlg-tiles. Trusses for roofs. (See Class 1-4.) Zinc roofilg. 142 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 109. SAFES. Burglar, Fire, and WXater-proof Safes and Vaults. Blurlar-proof safes. Safe-locks. (See Class 70.) Coin satfes. Safes. Filling for safes. Safes, Lining for Fire-proof safes. Steam fire-proof safes. Lining for safes. Vaults, Safe Portable safes. Water-proof safes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 143 CLASS 110. SAWS. Saws, Saw-mills, Sawintg-machines. [For Saw-filing and Grinding.. -.see Class 5I. Saw —GJummers, Sets, and Swyages..see Class 79. Saw-making.-.................. see Class 79. AnIular-saws. Sawing-machin es for splints. Band-saws. Sawing-lnachinles for staves. Cant-hooks. Sawing-machines for veneers. Chair-back-sawing machines. Saw jacks. Circular-saws. Saw-making. (See Class 79.) Clapboard-sawing machiness. Saw-mills. Cross-cut saws. Saw mills, Circular Cylindrical saws. Saw-mills, Dogs for Diamond-saws. (See Class 125.) Saw-mills, Feed for Dogs for saw-mills. Saw-mills, Gates for Drag-saws. Saw-mills, Head-blocks for Feed-devices for saw-mills. Saws. Felling trees, Machines for Saws, Amputation Gages for sawing-machines. Saws, Annular Gate-saws. Saws, Band Hand-saws. Saws, Bow Head-blocks for saw-mills. Saws, Circular Hoops, Machines for sawing Saws, Cross-cut Ice-saws. Saws, Cylindrical Insertable saw-teeth. Saws, Diamond. (See Class 125.) Meat-saws. Saws, Drag Miletal-saws. Saw-sets. (See Class 79.) ululey-saws. Saws, Gate Oars, Machines for sawing S;ws, Hande Pruning-staws. Saws, Hanging Rossing-machines. Saws, Ice Saw-bucks. Saws, Key-hole Saw-dust carriers. Saws, Meat Saw-filing inachines. (See Class 51.) Saws, Aetal Saw-frames. Saws, Pruning Saw-gages. Saws, Scroll Saw-gates. Saws, Stone. (See Class 125.) Saw-grinding machines. (See Saws, Straining Class 51.) Saws, Tenon Saw-gummers. (See Class 79.) Saws, Web Saw-horses. S'aws, Whip Sawing-machines for chair-backs. Saw-teeth. Sawing-machines for clapboards. Scroll-saws. Sawing-machines for combs. Spurs for saw-mills. Sawing-machines for hoops. Stone-saws. (See Class 125.) Sawing-machines for laths. Teeth, Insertable saw Sawinlg-machines for match- Tenon-saws. splints. Veneer-saws. Sawing-machines for oars. Web-saws. Sawing-machines for shingles. Whip-saws. 144 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 111. SEEDERS AND PLANTERS. Machines for Sowing and Planting Seeds and Distributing Fertilizers. [For Mlanucfactture of Agricultural Tools of Metal, see Class 81, Section B.] Broad-cast sowers. Manure drills, Liquid Cane Planters. Manure-screens. Cotton-seed for planting, Prepar- Mafnure-sowers, Broad-cast ing Manure- sprecaders. Dibblers, Hand Manuring, Green l)ibblinlg-machines. Markers for seeding-machines. Drag-bars for drill-teeth. Planters, Corn Drill-rollers. Planters, Cotton-seed Drills, Grain Planlters, Haind Drill-teeth. Planters, Seed Drtop-drills. Planters, Tobacco-seed Fertilizer-sowers. Seed-drills. Grain-drills. Seel-droppers. H5an(d-drills for grain. Seed for planting and sowinlg, Hand-planters. Preparing Laud-mn arkers. Seed-planters. Lime-spreaders. Sox ers. Broa(d-cast Manure carts, Distributing Sowers, Fertilizer Manure-drills. Son ers, Seed CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 145 CLASS 112. SEWING- MACHINES. Machines for Sewing, Stitching, Embroidery, Button-holing; Attachments and Appurtenances of Sewing-machines. Binders for sewing-nmachines. Plaiters for sewing-machines. Bobbins for sewing-machines. Presser-feet for sewing-machines. Bobbin-winders for sewing-ma- Rufflers for sewing-machines. chines. Sewing-machines. Box-plaiting attachments for sew- Sewing-machines for boots and( ing-machines. shoes. Braiders for sewing-mnachines. Sewing-machines for embroidery. Button-hole sewing-machines. Sewing-machines for making butClutch-pulleys for sewing-ma- ton-holes. chines. Sewing-lmachines for sewing straw Corders for sewing-machines. goods. Creasers for sewing-machines. Shuttle-drivers for sewing-maFeed-devices for sewin g-mnachiles. chines. Fellers for se-wing-machines. Shuttles for sewing-machines. Embroidery- attachments for sew- Stitches for se wing-inachines. ing-machines. Tape-trimming, Machines for makFringing attachments for sewing- ing machines. Tension-devices for sewing-mlaGaages for sewing-maschines. chines. Gatherers for sewing-machines. Thread-controllers for sewing-maGuides for sewing-machines. chines. Hemmers for sewing-machines. Thread-cutters for sewing-maLeather-quilting machines. chines. Markers for sewing-machines. Tl:recad-waxers for sewing-maNSeedle-setters for sewing-ma- chines. chines. Tuckers for sewing-machines. Needle threaders for sewing-ma- Wax-thread heaters for sewingchines. machines. NNeedles for sewing-machines. 10 146 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 113. SHEET-METAL. Modes, Machines, and Tools for the ManuftLctare of Shee t-metal Ware and other articles of Sheet-metal. A.-Tools, Alacthines, anld Processes. Bending sheet-metal. Seaming-machines, Sheet-mnetl Brazing. Sheet-mietal, Machines for working Crimping sheet-metal. Sheet-metal, Processes for workDies for sheet-metal ware. ing Double-seaming machines for Sheet-mnetal table- ware, Making sheet-metal. Sheet-metal, Tools for working Embossing sheet-metal. I Sheet-metal ware, Making Folding sheet-netal. Solder. Grooving sheet-mnetal. Soldering-furnaces. Lead-cutters for printers. i Soldering-implelents. A iterin g printers' rules. Soldering-processes. Ornamentls for sheet-metal ware, Soldering-tools. Die ~ Spinning sheet-metal ware. Printers' rules, Cutting and miter- Stamps for sheet-metal workilng. ing i Swaging sheet-metal. Punching sheet-metal. Tin-plate Jworkinjg. Roof-seanting machines. Tin-scrap, Utilizing Rule-cutters for printers. Tools for working sheet-metal. Screw forming, Sheet-metal- Wiring sheet-lnetal ware. B.-Products. Barrels, Making sheet-metal Sheet-metal boilers and cisterns, Boilers, Making sheet-metal do- N Making mestic Sheet-metal boxes and cans, MakBoxes, Making sheet-metal ing Britan nia- ware. Sheet-metal buckets and pans, Buckets, Making sheet-metal Making Builders' sheet-metal ware. Sheet-mletal capsules and rings, Cans, Making sheet-metal Matking Candlesticks, Making sheet-mletal Slleet-lnetal gutters arid spouting, Capsules for cans and bottles, Mak- Making ing Slheet-metal kitchen and table Cisterns, Making sheet-metal ware, Making Glaziers' points, Making Sheet-metal screw caps and rings, Gutters, Making shieet-metal Making Gutter-tubes, Making sheet-metal Spoons, Making Heaters for stoves and ranges, Spouting, Making Making sheet-metal Stove-pipes, Making Kitchein furniture, Making sheet- Stove-furniture, Making sheetmetal metal Screw-caps, Making sheet-metal Table-furniture, Makingo sheetScrew-rings, Making sheet-metal metal Sheet-metal barrels and casks, Tin cans and boxes, Making Making CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 147 CLASS 114. SHIPS, 1. Construction, Masting, Rigging, Fittings. Anchor-balls. Construction of vessels. Anchors. j Cringles. Anchors, Drift Dead-eyes. Anchor-shackles. Dead-eyes for canal-boats. Anchor-trippers. I Dead-lights. Architecture, Naval Deck-bridges. Armor-plating. Deck-covers. Ballasting. Deck-irons. Batteries, Floating Decks. Batteries, Submarine Decks, Fire-proof Bending sails. Decks, Water-proof Berths, Floating Docks, Floating Berths, Ships' Docks, Graving Bilge-boards. Draught of water, Ascertaining Bilge-water, Discharging Ferry-boat locks. Binnacles. Ferry-boats. Bitts, Riding and towing Fids. Blocks, Bushings for Fire-extinguishers on ships. Blocks, Snatch Floating-batteries. Blocks, Tackle Floating-berths. Boats, Canal Floating-bridges. Boats, Ferry Floating-cabins. Boats, Ice-breaking Floating-wharves. Boats, Steam Floating-docks. Boats, Torpedo Furling sails. Booms. Gaff-jaws. Bridges, Deck G affs. Bridges, Paddle-box Galleys, Ships' Bulkheads. Grain-levelers in vessels. Cabins, Floating Grapnels. Cable-grippers. Grapplin g-irons. Cable-hooks. Graving-docks. Cable-nippers. Gromimets. Cables for vessels. Hanks for sails. Cables, Links for Hawse-pipes. Cable-shackles. Hawser-clamps. Cables, Securing Ice-boats. Cable-stoppers. Ice-breakers. Calking. Iron blocks, Nautical Calking-machines. Iron-clad vessels, Camels. Iron frames, Ships' Canal-boats. Iron ribs, Ships' Cargo-ports. Iron vessels. Center-boards. Jaws for gaffs. Chimneys, Operating ships' Keels. Clasps, Rigging Keelsons. Cleats. Knee-formers. 148 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Knees. Shaping ships' timbers. Lazy-jacks for sails. Sheathing vessels. Leak-stoppers. Ships' armor. Lighters. Ships' berths. Lights, Deeck Ships' knees. Light-ships. Ships, Propulsion of Lights, Side Shot-hole stoppers. Lining for ships. Snag-boats. Locking apparatus for ferry-boats. Snubbers. Logs, Ships'. (See Class 73.) Sounding apparatus. (See Class Mast-hoops. 73.) Masts. Sparring steamboats. Monitors. Spars, Handlil)g and hoisting Monitor-turrets. Steering apparatus. Mud-boats. Submarine vessels. Naval architecture. Supporting vessels. Paddle-box bridges. Surge-relievers. Parrel-blocks. Tables, Ships' cabin Parrels. Tackle, Hoisting Paying-seams. Tackle, Safety Pilot-stands. Tlimlible-machines for vessels. Pipes, Chain-locker Thimbles, Nautical Port-hole closers. Tighteling stan(ling-rigging. Port-holes, Submarine Torpedo vessels. Propulsion of vessels. (See Class Tow-hooks. 115.) Tow-lines Protecting bulwarks. Tracking vessels. Protecting tiller-ropes. Train-ways for boats. (See Class Puttying-machines for vessel 71.) seams. Travelers for masts and booms. Railwavs, Marine Treenails. Rams, Naval Trimming vessels. Reefing apparatus. Trusses for vessels. Reefing sails. Truss-hoops. Ribs, Iron Vessels. Riding-bitts. Vessels, Armor for Rigging. V essels, Construction of Rigging-clasps. Vessels, Grain-levelers for Rigging, Running;essels, Iron Rigging, Setting up Vessels, Irol-clad Rigging, Standing ~ essels, Launclhing Rigging-stoppers. Vessels, Loading and unloadingl. Rudders. (See Class 57.) Rudders, Attachmlents for Vessels, Propulsion of. (See Class Rudders, Hanging 115.) Rudders, Protecting Vessels, Steam Sail-clutches. Vessels, Submarine Sail-hoops. Vessels, Torpedo Sails. Vessels, Trimming Sails, Furling WNarping-bitts. Sails, Makin g Warping-checks. Sails, Reefing Wharf-boats. Scuppers. Wharfs, Floating Securing cables and hawsers. Yards to masts, Attaching Securing hatches. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 149 CLASS 115. SHIPS, 2, Propulsion of Vessels, Canal-boats, Propulsion of Propelling in shoal water. Hydraulic-propellers. Screw-propellers. Paddle-wheels. Ships, Propulsion of Propellers. Vessels, Propulsion of Propellers, Screw J 150 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 116. SIGNALS. Audible and Visual Signals and Alarms, except Electrical. Bell-hanging and Telegraphs other than Electrical. Alarms, Bilgewater Fog-bells. Alarms, Burglar Gongs. Alarms, Fire Hotel-annunciators. Alarmns, Fog Lanterns, Signal Alarms, Household fire Leak-signals. Alarms, Leak Marine-signals. Alarms, Nautical jNautical-alarms. Alarms, Shoal Railroad-signals. Alarms, Temperature Shoal-alarms. Alarms, Till Signaling apparatus. Alarms, Window Signal-bells. Anun nnciators. Signal-codes. Beacons. Signal-lanterns. Beacons, Sonorific Signals, Fog Bell-hanging. Signals, Marine Bell-ringing. Signals, Pyrotecllhnic Bells. Signals, Railroad Bells, Clock Signals, Semaphoreic Bilgewater-alarms. Sign al-towers. Bridge-signals. Speaking-trumpets. Buglar-alarms. Speaking-tubes. Call-bells. Switch-indicators. Clock-bells. Switch-signals. Cross'ing-signals, Railway Telegraphs, Acoustic Door-alarms. Telegraphs, Optical Door-bells. Telegraphs, Pneumatic Draw-bridge signals. Telegraphs, Semaphoric Fire-alarms, Household Temperature-alarms, Fog-alarms. Wilndow-alarms. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 151 CLASS 117. SILK. Special appliances of Silk Filature and ~Working. Cleaning silk. Rollers for delivering silk. Clearing silk. Silk filature. Cocooneries. Silk manufacture. Cocoon-lodgnlents. Silk-worm frames. Cocoons, Unwinding Sizing silk. Doubling silk. Sorting silk. Gaging silk., Spiuning silk. Glossing silk. Stretching silk, iurdles for silk windlers, Throwing silk, Pressing silk, Twisting silk. Reeling silk. WI inding silk. 152 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 118. SPINNING. [For Manafccture of Apinning Hardware, see Class 53, Sectio n H.] Banding-spindles. Mules. Bobbin-winlders. Pasting cops. Bobbins. Presser-flyvers. Bolsters for spindles. Reels for spinning-imachilles. Cap-spinning machines. IRings for spinning. Cop-tubes. Rin g-travelers. Cop-tubes of paper, Machines for Rollers, Covering making Roving-frames. Covering rollers. Slubbinlg-frames. Doubling-machines. Spindles for spinning-machinles. Drawing and twisting heads and Spindles, Banding tubes. Speeders. Drawing-machines. Spindle-steps. Drawhing-rollers. Spinning-machinery. Drawing-rollers, Cleaners for Spinning-wheels. Flyers. Stop-motions for spinning-maFly-frames. chines. Footsteps for spindles. Swifts. Jack-spinning. Throstles. Mottled yarns. Wheel-heads, Mottled yarns, Machines for making. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 153 CLASS 119. STABLING. Care of Domestic Animals; Shelters, Stalls,' Preparation of Food, Feeding, Currying. Agricultural furnaces and boilers. Ho-lrse- washers. (See Class 126.) Incubators. Animals, Preparing food for Mangers. Cards, Currying Nests for fowls. Cattle-feeders.:Nicking-horses, Apparatus for Cattle pens. Pens, (attle and hog Cattle-stalls. Poultry-coops. Cattle-ties. Poultry-feeder, and houses. Chicken-coops. Poultry-houses. Chicken-houses. Poultry-nests. Chicken-nests. Racks, Hay-feeding Chicken-raising apparatus. Racks, Sheep Chicken-roosts Ration-packages for animals. Corn-huskers and shellers. (See Roosts for fowls. Class 130.) Root-cutters. Corn-mills. (See Class 83.) Root-washers. Currycombs. Sheep-holders. Currying-tools. Sheep-racks. Cutters, Feed Sheep-shearing imachines. Cutters, Root Sheep-shearing tables. Cutters, Straw, hay, &c. Sheep-shears. (See Class 30.). Egg-assorters. Sheep-shleds. Egg-carriers. Sheep-taggers. Egg-hatching apparatus. Sheep-troughs. Egg-packers. Silk-wormi culture. Feed-uixers. Singeing tools. Feed-racks. Stable-cleaners. Feed-troughs. Stables. Fleece-tyers. Stalls for horses and cattle. Food for animals, Preparing Stancllions. Foot-lifters for horses. Stock-feeders. Forage-rations. Stocks for refractory animals. Fowls, Coops, nests, and roosts for Stocks for shoeing aiimals. Grooming apparatus. Straw-cutters. Hay-racks for feeding. Troughs, Feed Hen's-niests. Vegetable-cutters. Hitching devices. Vegetable-slicers. Hitching-posts. Vegetable-washers. Hog-pens. Ventilating hay andl( grain. Hog-troughs. 154 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 120. STATIONE RY. Writing Materials and Appliances; Desk and Office Supplies. Address, Canceling, Numbering, and Seal Stamps. Cards, Checks, Labels, Seals, Tickets, Advertising Appliances and Signs. MAechlanical Memoranda and Non-automatic Indicators. [For the 3lln1facture of MIie-tallic Articles of Stationery, see Class 53, Section I.] Adhesive fastenings for paper, etc. Clips, Paper Advertising cards. CopyS-books. Advertising devices. Copy-holders. Advertising frames. Copying-books. Animal labels. Currency-holders. Baggage-checks. Desk paper-cutters. Ballot-boxes. I)istributing boxes, Mail Bill-holders. Door-indicators. Binders, Temporary Door-plates. Blotters, Book Envelope-openers. BIlotters. Envelope-fasteners. Blottin g-pads. Erasers. Book-binders, Temporary Fare-boxes. Book-clamps. Fasteners, Paper. (See Class 24.) Book-cover protectors. Filers, Paper.~:Book-holders. Frames, Advertising Book-holders, Portable Illuminated signs. Book-markers. Indelible pencils. Books, Copyilng Indicators, Door Books, MIa,nifold-writing Indicators, Station Book-supports. Indicators, Street Bottles Mlucilage Indicators, Time, (non-automatic.) Boxes, Ballot Inkstands. Boxes, Conduetor's check Label-fasteners. Boxes, Fare Label-holders. Boxes, Letter Labels. Boxes, Mail-distributing Labels, Adhesive Boxes, Ticket Letter-boxes. Bulletin-boards. Letter-clips. Bulletin-boards, Adjustable Letter-files. Calendars. Letter-openers. Card-calendars. Letter-receiving boxes. Card-cases. Mail-distributing boxes. Card-holders. MNTark-holders for bales. Card-racks. Mechanical memoranda. Cards. Memlloran du m-books. Checks, Baggage Mucilage-bottles. Checks, Conductors' Mucilage-holders. Conductors' check-boxes. Newspaper-clamps. CILASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 155 Newspaper-covers. Railway-ticket holders. Office tirme-indicators, (von-aluto- Record-books. imatic.) Register-books. Paper-clamps. Register books, Hotel Palper-clips. Ribbons for lhand-stanps. 1PiePaper-fasteners. (kee Class 24.) paring Paper-files. Roll-blotters. Pen-cases. Rubber erasers. Pencil-cases. Rulers, Desk Pencil-cleaners. Scrap-books. Pencil-mark erasers. Show-cards. Pencils. Signs. Pencils, Compositions for indelible Signs, Illnuminlatilng Pencil-sharpeners. Sponge cups. Pen-holders. Stamnp-holders. Pen makers, Quill Stationery, Articles of Pen-racks. Station-indicators, (,on-autom atic. ) Pens. Street-indicators. Pens, Fountain Tablets, Colmpositions for Pens, Rubber Tablets, Writing Pen-trays. Tag-holders. Photographic albumis. Tags. Pigeon-holes, Desk Temporary binders. Plan t-labels. Ticket-boxes. Pocket-book fastenings. Ticket-holders. Pocket-books. Ticket-racks. Porte-crayons. Tickets, Railway Portemonnaies. Ti me-indicators, (non —acutota tic.) Portfotlios. Time-tables. Postal cards. Trunk-labels. Postage-stamp holders. Visiting-cards. Post-office boxes. I Writing-cases. Quill-pen makers. 156 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 121. STEAM, 1. Engines, their Parts and Applications. [Except Valves, Class ] 36.] Aiero-steam engines. Pneumatic car-brakes. Air-brakes for car, Steam-actuated Pumps, Steam Cataracts for stealn-engines. Reciprocating steam-engines. Cocks. (See Class 13(6.) Reversing gear for steam-engines. Cross-hetads of steamn-engines. Rockldrills, Steam-engines tor Cut-off apparatus. Rotary steam-engiines. Cut-oft; Variable Stationary steam-enlgines. C-ylinders, Steam Steaml-actuated car-brakes. Engines for operating rock-drills. Steam chests of engines. Engines for operating steamr-ham- Steam-cylinder heads. mers. Steam-cylinders. Engines for operating steam- Steam-engines. pumps. Steam-engines for car-brakes. Engines, Marine steam Steam-engines for hammers. Engines, Oscillating Steam-engines for hoisting. Engines, Reciprocating Steam-engines for pumps. Engines, Rotary Steam-engines, Lubricators for Engines, Stationary Steamm-engi ines, Valve-gear for Engines, Steaml Steaml fire-engines. Engines, Steam fire Steam hammers. (See Class 78.) Elngines, Valve-gear for Steam-packing Expansion joints for steam-engines. Steam-piston packing. Fire-engines, Steanm Steam-pistons. Gaskets for steam-joints. Steatn-pumps. Hammers, Steamn-engines for Stetam-traps. Lubricators for pistons. Steuam-valves. (See Class 136.) Lubricators, Steam-operated Stop motionls for steaml-engines. Oscillating steam-enlgines. Stuffing-boxes. Packillg for pistons. Stuffing-box packing. Packing for steam-ljoints. Traps, Steam Piston-lpa,:kig. Trlunionls for steam-engines. Piston-rod paclkinlg. Valve-gear for steam-engoines. Pistonl-rods. VTalves. (See Class 136.) Pistons. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 157 CLASS 122. STEAM, 2. Steamn-Boilers, Super-hetaters, Boiler-Setting, and Furnaces. Exccept Registering Devices of WTciater, Vacutium and Steaml-pr^cssire Gages.] Boiler covering. F urnlace-grates for steaim-boiler Boiler-feeders. furnaces. Boiler-flue cleaners. Furnaces, Steam-boiler Boiler-flues. Fusible plugs for steam-boilers. Boiler-setting, Steam. G-age-cocks. (See Class 136.) Boilers, Furnacee-doors for Gages for steall-boilers, (except Boilers of steaml-heaters. recgisteri-lg devices.) Boilers, Furnaces for Generators, Steam i Boilers, Steam Grate-bars for stean-boilers. Boilers, Setting steam Hand-holes for boilers and tanks. Boiler-tile arrangements. Heaters, B.oilers of steaml Boiler-tubes, Devices for cleaning High pressure alarms for steamBoiler-tubes. Ferrules for boilers. Boiler-tubes, Tools for scaling Hydro-carbon furnaces for steamBridges, Steanm-furnace boilers. Cleadinl, tor boilers. Incrustation in steaml-boilers, PreCleadinlg for cylinders. venting Collapse of boilers, Preventing Incrustation in steam-boilers, ReCondensers, Jet 11moving Con densers of steamn-engines. Injectors for steam-boilers. Condensers, Packing-tubes for Low-water alarms for steaml-boilCondensers, Surface ers. Condensers, Tubular Low-water detectors for stealmCovering fior stean -boilers. boilers. Doors for steamL-boiler furnaces. Low-water indicators for steahiI)raft-re(gulators for steam-boiler boilers. furnaces. Manholes for boilers and tanks. Feeders, Steam-boiler Marine steam-boilers. Feed-twater apparatus. Mud-collectors for steaml-boilers. Feed-water heaters for steam- Pipes, Non-conducting covering boilers. for steam Feed-wattei regulators. Regulators, Steam Fire-bars. Safety-plugs for steaml-boilers. Fire-extinlg uishers for boilers. Safety-tubes for steam-boilers. Fire-reigulators for steaml-boilers. Scalinlg boilers, Tools for Floats for steam-boilers. Sediment collectors for steamFlue-boilers. boilers. Flue-cleanlers. Skimmers for steamn-boilers. Flue-scrapers. Smoke-pipes for boiler-furnaces. Flues, Boiler i Spark-arresters. Foam-collectors for steam boilers. Spark-consullers. Fuel, Apparatus for burning wet Steam-blast for furnaces. Fuel-feeders for steamn-boiler fur- Steam-boiler-covering. naces. Steamn-boiler furnaces. Furnace-doors for steam-boiler Stea mn-boilers. furnaces. Steaml-cocks. (See Class 136.) 158 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Steam-generators. Tube-cleaners for steam-boilers. Steam-heaters, Boilers of Tube-plugs for steam-boilers. Steam in. furnaces, Use of Tubes for steam-boilers. Steaming apparatus, Boilers of Tube-sheets. Steam-pipes. Tubular boilers. Steam-pipes, Non-conducting covy- Vacuum-gages for steam-enlgilnes. ing for Water-g,ges for steam-boilers. Steam-pressure gages. Water-heaters for steam-boilers. Steam-pressure regulators. Water-inldicators for steam-boilSteam-pressure. ers. Steam-regulators Water punmps, Feed Steam-whistles. Water-purifiers for steamr-boilers. Super-heaters for steami-boilers. Whistles for steam-boilers. Tools for scaling boilers. CLASSIFICATION oF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 159 CLASS 123. STEAM, 3. Locomlotives, Traction Engines, Portalble Engines, and their special parts. Agricultural engines. Locomotive-boilers. Ash-pans of locomotives. Locomotive- engines. Bl ast-nozzles for steaml-engines. Locomotive-furl naces. Boilers, Locomotive Locomlotive-pumlps. Cow catchers. Locomnotives. Dummies. Locomotives Fire boxes for Engines, Agricultural Locomotives, Furnace-doors for Enlgines, Dummnly Locomotive smoke-stacks. Engines, Locomotive Locomotives, Rerversing-gear for Engines, Portable Locomotive valve-gear. Engines, Steam-plow Nozzles, Variable exhaust Engines, Traction Portable-engines. Escape-pipes for steam-engiles. Regulators, Exhaust Exhaust mechanism for steam- Tanks for tenders. engines. Tenders. Exha ust-nozzles for steamn-en- Traction-engines. gines. Variable exhaust for steaml-enlECxhaust-pipes for steam-engines. gines. Furnaces, Locomotive Valve-nmotions for locomoti\ves. Link-motion for steam-engines. 160 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 124. STILLS. Distillation and Refining of Spirits; Oils and Acids; Burning-fluids. Acids, Distillation of Petroleum, Apparatus for treating Alcohol, Apparatus for ma king' Petroleum stills. Alcohol, Materials for making Rectifying liquors. Burning-fluids. Refining liquors. Coicdensers of stills. Refining oils. D)eodorizing benzole.;Revenue guards. Distillatio. Spiiits, Distillation of Fire tests for hydro-carbons. Spirits, Rectification of Grain for distillation, Preparing Stills. Hydro-carbons, Manufacture of Sulphuric acid, Recovering O(il-refining.r Tar, Extracting Oil-stills. Turpentine-stills. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 161 CLASS t25. STONE, LIME, AND CEMENT. Mining; Quarrying; Boring Rock; Stone, Marble, and Slate Working; Lime, Mortar, Concrete, and Cement. [Excepting 3Mortar and Concrete Mills and Mlixers..see Class 25. Miarble, Slate, and Stone Polishing....see Class 51. Kilns ---------... —-. —...see Class 34. Artificial larble. Lewis for lifting stone. Artificial. slate. Lilme-furnaces. Artificial stone, (except Grindstones, Line-killls. (See Class 24.) Class 51.) Malaxators. (See Class 25).) Be'ton. M arble, Artificial Blasting. (See Class 102.) Marble-polishing machines. (See Boring rock. Class 51.) Enrnin g lime. IMarble-working machines. Carvingl stone. Millstone bush-hamnmers. Cement, Fire-proof MIillstone-hallmmers. Cement floors and paving. (See M11Iillstone-picks. Class 94.) Millstones. Cement for lininig pipes. Millstone-scrapers. Cement, Indurating. Mining. Cernent-kiln s. Mortar. Ceml-ent, Plastic. Mortar-machines. (See Class 25.) Cements, Earthen Ornaments, Comnpositions for Channeling stone. plaster Coal-mining. Paving. (See Class 94.) Coal-mining buckets.. Pavin g-stonie, Preparation of Concretes. Picks, Millstone Cutting slate and stone. Pipe, Cement Di'amond-drills. Planing stone. DiamlLond-planers. Polishing slate and stone. (See Diamlond-saws. Class 51.) Dressing slate and stone. Quarrying. Drill-rod grabs. Quarrying-machines. I)rills, Diamondl Rock-drills. Drills, Expanding rock Sand-cleaning machines. Drills for wells. Sawing stone. Drills, Rock Saws, Diamond Drills, Stone Saws, Stone Facing slate and stone. Sc-agliola. Finishing stone. Scouring stone. (See Class 51.) Furrowing stone. Scrapers, Millstone Grabs, Drill-rod Slate, Artificial Grinding stone. (See Class 51.) Slate working machines. Grindstones. (See Class 51.) Splitting slate. Halmmers, Millstone Staininlg-conmpositions for marble Hewing stone. and stone. Hydraulic cement. Stone and cement, Indurating 11 162 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Stone, Artificial Stone-saws. Stone, Channeling Stone-staves for millers. Stone, Compositions for porous Stone-tools for working. Stone-dressing. Stone-working machines. Stone-drills. Tunneling, Rock Stone, Indurating Turning stone. Stone-polishing. (See Class 51.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 16 3 CLASS 126. STOVES AND FURNACES. Cookiing and hIeating Stoves, Furnaces andc Ranges, Coolkinga Utensils, and Stove Appliances. Agriclultural boilers. Digesters for bones, fats, etc. Agricultural fturlaces. Digesters for cooking. Andiron s. Dish-heaters. Ash-pans. 1)omestic furnaces. Ash-pit covers. Draunght-regulators. Bake-paus. Egg-boilers. Bakers' ovens. Fire-backs. Bakers' ovens, Portable Fire-dlogs. Base-burning fire-place heaters. Fire-fenders. BBase-burninr stoves. Fire-grates. 3Bath-heaters. Fire-irons. Boilers, Agricultural Fire-kindlers. Boilers, Doimestic Fire-lighters. Boilers for heaters. (See Class 122.) Fire-place heaters, Base-burning Broilers. Fire-places. Car-heaters. Fire-plates for stoves. Carriage-heaters. Fire-pokers. Casters, Stove-leg Fire-pots for stoves. Chafing-dishes. Fire-shovels. Charcoal-fiurnaces for-cooking. Fire-tongs. Clhim ney-capls. Flat-iron heaters. C!iin rley-cleaners. Flue-cleaners. Chimniey-cowls. Foot-stoves. Chimneys. Foot-warmers. Coal-boxes. Frying-pans. Coal-buckets. Furnacesf Bath Coal-hods. Furnaces, Charcoal Coal-scuttles. Furnaces, Domestic Coffee-percolators. Furnaces, Heating Coffee-pots. Furnaces, Hot-air Coffee-roasters. Furnaces, Portable Coffee-urns. Gas-heaters. Cooking by gas. Gas-stoves. Cooking by lamps. Glue pots. Cooking by lime. Grates for stoves. Cooking by steam. Grate-tippers. Coolking-ranges. Gravel-heaters. Ccoking-stoves. Griddles. Cooking-stoves, Base-burning Gridirons. Cooking-stove shields. Handles for tea and coffee pots. Corn-poppers. Heaters. Cowls. Heaters, Boilers of steam. (See Cressets. Class 122.) Crickets for stoves, Heating Heaters, Hot-water Dampers for furnaces. Heaters, Railway-car Dampers for stoves. Heaters, Steam 164 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION.'Heaters, Street-car Steam-cooking apparatus. Hea tin g-furniaces. Steam-heaters. HeatingT-irons. Steam-heating tables. Heating skates, boots, &c. Stove-aprons. Hea t-regul a tors. Stove-boilers. Hot-air furnaces. Stove-cover holders. Hot-air furnace-doors. Stove-covers. Hot closets for stoves. Stove-(loor handles. Hot-water heaters. Stove-door linings. Illluminators, Stove Stove-doors. Kindling arranlgemnents for stoves. Stove-drums. Kindling baskets. Stove-fasteners. Lard tanks for rendering. Stove-flues. Lid-lifters, Stove Stove-illunminators. Lifters for kettles, ovens, &c. Stove-irons. Lifters for stove-lids. Stove-leg casters. Linings for stoves. Stove-legs. Lunch-heaters. Stove-lid holders. Oils, Apparatus for boiling Stove-lids. Ovens, Bakers' Stove-linings. Ovens, Portable Stove-pipe cleaners. Ovens, Reel Stove-pipe drums. Ovens, Rotary Stove-pipe thimbles. Ovens, Stove Stove-pipes. Paint-burners. Stov e-plates. Paste-heating pots. Stoves. Pea-nut roasters. Stoves, Base-burning Petroleum-burners for stoves. Stoves, Camp Pitch-heaters. Stoves, Coal Pokers, Fire Stoves, Coal-oil Pot-covers. Stoves, Cooking Radiators. Stoves, Foot Railway-car heaters. Stoves, Gas Ranges. Stoves, Heating Regoisters, Hot-air Stoves, Lamp Regulators, Draught Stoves, Soapstone Regulators, Heat Stoves, Wood Rendering tanks. Stoves, Utensils Roasters. Stoves, nWindow Roller heaters. Street-car heaters. Sad-iron heaters. I Tea-kettles. Shovels and tongs. Tea-pots. Sk!illets. Toasters. Smoke-burners. TUrns for coffee, &c. Smoke-jacks. Urn stands and heaters. Spiders. Vegetable-boilers. Spits for roasting meat. W~affle-irons. Steam carving-tables. Water-backs for ranges and stoves. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 165 CLASS 127. SUGAR. Evaporation, Refining', and Chemical Processes; Salt Furnaces and Pans; Bone-black; Canidy. Animal-black. Mills, Sorghum. (See Class 83.) Beet-root sugar apparatus. Mills, Sugar. (See Class 83.) Black, Animal Molasses, Treatment of Black, Bone Pans for cooking in vacuo. Black, Ivory Pans for making vegetable exBone-black filters. tracts. Bone-black furnaces. Pans, Sugar Bone-black, Processes for reviving Pans, Vacuum Bone-black, Purifying Salt-furnaces. Candy-cutters. Sugar-furnaces. Candy-making machines. Sirup, Treatment of Cane-juice, Treatment of Skimmers for sugar-pans. Centrifugal filters. Sorghunm-evaporators. Confectionery. Sorghum manufacture. Confection-pans. Sugar-breakers. IDefecators for juices and sirnps. Sugar-crushers. Evaporators for saccharine juices. Sugar-filters. Evaporators for salines. Sugar from grain, Obtaining Evaporators for vegetable ex- Sugar-furnaces. tracts. Sugar-making processes. Furnaces, Bone-black Sugar-mills. (See Class 83.) Furnaces, Salt Sugar-mixing machine. Furnaces, Sugar Sugar-packers. (See Class 83.) Glucose, Manufacture of Sugar-pans. Grape-sugar, Manufacture of Sugar-pan skimmers. Grain, Manufacture of sugar from Sugar-strainers. Lozenge-making machines. Sugar-refining. Maple-sugar, Manufacture of Vacuum-pans. Mills, Cane. (See Class 83.) 166 CLASSIFICATlION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 128. SURGERY. Including Pharmacentical Apparatus, Appliances for the Compoundling and Administration of Medicine. [Except Artificial Limbs and other Prosthetic parts.. Class 3. Dental Appliances....-..-.......... Class 32. Surgical Cutlery............ Class 30.] Acoustic instruments. Ear, Instruments for treating the Acupuncturators. Ex-sections, Apparatus for Antesthesia, Instruments for pro- Eye, Apparatus for treating the ducing, (except Refrigerative, Eye-cups. Class 62.) Eye, Instruments for treating the Articulators. Eye-protectors. Atmospheric baths. Eye-shades. Bandages. Filters for medicinal preparations. Bandages, Catamenial Fissure-needles. Bandages, Suspensory Fomentationss, iodes of applying Bel-lans. Foot-stoppers for horses. Blister-spreaders. Forceps, Artery Blood, Instrulnents for infusing Forceps, Calculi Blood, Instruments for propelling Forceps, Obstetrical the Forceps, Polypus Bone-elevators. Globule-machines. Breast-cups. Hemorrhage, Instrutments for Breast-pumps. arresting CalculiInstruments for extracting Hernia, Instruments, for treating Canes, Physicians' Hypodermic syringes. Capsules, Machines for making Inhalers. Castrating-clamps. Injectors, Medical Catamenial sacks. Irrigators for nose, vagina, etc. Catarrhal-syringes. Leeches, Mechanical Catheters. Leucorrhea, Instruments for treatCauterizing-instrumlents. in ll Chest-protectors. Life, Instruments for stimulating Chiropodic-instrulnen ts. Ligatures. Compresses. Ligatures, Instruments for adjustCorns, Instruments for removing ing Cupping-instruments. Lithotriptic-instruments. Cups, Medicinal Lithotritors. Depurators. TMechanical leeches. D)erniopathic-instruments. MI edicators. Douche-instruments. MIedicinal powders, Instrumlents Drinking-tubes for invalids. for putting up Drug-crushers. Medicine-cases. Dockholders for horses. Medicines, Instruments for adDyspepsia, Instruments for treat- ministering ing Medicines, Instruments for comEar, Apparatus for treating the pounding Ear-explorers. Medicine-spoons. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 167 Menstruation, Instruments for Speculums, Vaginal arresting Spermatorrhea, Instruments for Milking-shields. treating Mortars, Pharmaceutists' Spoons, Medicinal Aovement-cure apparatus. Stethoscopes. N asal-douches. Stomach-pumps. Nasal-tubes. Strabismu-s-goggles. Needles, Surgeons' Supporters, Abdominal Nipples, Artificial Supporters, Menstrual Nipple-shields. Supporters, Obstetrical Nitrous-oxide gas, Instruments for Supporters, Pile administering Supporters, Uterine Nursery-bottles. Supporters, Vaginal Obstetric-apparatus. Suppositories. Ophthalmoscopes. Suspensory-bandages. Otoscopes. Suture-instruments. Pads for trusses. Syringes, Catarrhal Percolators for medicinal soln- Syringes, Elastic-bulb tions. Syringes, Enema Pessaries. Syringes, Eye Pharimaceutical apparatus. Syringes, Hemorrhoidal Piles, Instruments for treating Syringes, Penis Pills, Machines for making Syringes, Vaginal Plasters, Machines for spreading Tape-worm, Apparatus for removPorte-caustic. ing Powders, Appliances for putting Tenaculums. up Therapeutic applications of heat, Powder injectors. cold, air, vacuum. Probangs. Tonsils, Instruments for operating Probes. on the Prolapsus, Instruments for treat- Topical applications, Appliances ing for Plilmometers. Tourniquets. Pumps, Stomach Trephines. Respirators. Trusses. Respiring apparatus. Uterine-sounds. Rubbing apparatus for medical Uterine-suppositories. treatment. Vaccin ators. Scarificators. Vacuum-cups. Sounds. Vapor-inhalers. Speculums, Anal Varicose veins, Bandages for 168 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 129. TANNING. Treatment of Hides and Manufacture of Leather. [For Enlameling and Japanning of Leather, see Class 91.] Artificial leather. (See Class 91.) Leather, Compounds of waste Bark, Extracts of Leather-dressing Bark-leaches. Leather-enameling. (See Class 91.) Bark-mills. (See Class 83.) Leather-finishing. Bating hides. Leather-graining. Blacking leather, Compositions for Leather-japanning. (See Class 91.) Boarding leather. Leather, Manufacture of Currying-machines, Leather, Water-proofing Currying-tools. Parchment. Depilating hides. Skins, Treatment of Dressing leather. Tanning-machines. Finishing leather. Tanning-mlaterials. Graining leather. Tanning-processes. Hides, Dressing Tawing leather. Leather, Artificial. (See Class 91.) Vats, Tanning Leather-boarding. W~ater-proofing leather. Leather-cloth. (See Class 91.) Whitening leather. Leather, Compositions for treating CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 169 CLASS 130. THRASHING. Machines for Husking, Thrashing, Shelling, Winnowing, and Stacliing. Band-cutting machines for Grain-thrashers. thrashers. |Grain-winnowers. Clover-hullers. Granaries. Corn-cribs. Grain-seed separators. Corn-husking gloves. Hay stackers. Corn-husking machines. iHullers, Clover Corn-shellers. Huslers, Corn Fanning-mills. Husking-gloves. Flails. 1In iusking-pins. Fodder stands. Huskingg'stools. Grain-bins. Registers, Grain. (See Class 73.) Grain-conveyors. (See Class 57.) Stackers. Grain elevators. (See Class 57.) Straw-carriers. Grain registers. (See Class 7.3.) Straw-stackers. Grain-riddles. Thrashing-floors. Grain-screens. Thrashin g-machines. Grain-separators. W i lnnowing-inachines. 170 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 131. TOBACCO. Processes, Machinery, and Appliances for the Manufacture and Use. Cigar-cases. Tobacco-cartridges. Cigarette-fillers. Tobacco-curing, (Except Drying? CigaOlrettes. Class 34.) Cigar-holders. Tobacco-cutting. Cigar-mniaking. Tobacco flavoring. Cigar-niolds. Tobacco-granllating machines. Cigar-presses. Tobacco-hooks. Cigars. Tobacco packing. Flavoring tobacco. Tobacco-pipes, MIeerschaumns. Tobacco-pipe stems. Mouth-pieces for cigars and pipes. Tobacco-pouches. Pipes, Tobacco Tobacco preparing. Pouclhes, Tobacco Tobacco-presses. (See Class 100.) Smoking-pipes. Tobacco sheeting. Snuff-boxes. Tobacco stemming. Slutff-sifters. Tobacco-stoppers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 171 CLASS 132. TOILET. Articles and Applaiances for the Toilet and Hair-working. Barbers' appliances. i Hair-tweezers. Bobbins for weaving hair. Head-nets, Ladies' Braiding, Hair Jewel-boxes. Brushles. (See Class 15.) Mirrors. (See Class 45.) Chignons. Mustache-guard. Comb-cleanoers. Poinatuin-cases. Combs. Powder-boxes, Cosmetic Curling-irons. Puffs. Curls. Puffing-irons. Dressing-cases. Rats. Frames for weaving hair. R -azors. (See Class 30.) itair-erinmpers. Shlani pooin g-apiplianuces. Hair-curlers. Shavinlg-cases. Hair-cutting machines. Shears, Hair-cutting. (See Class Hair-nets. 30t.) Hair-parting instruments. Sxwitches, Hair Hair-pincers. Tooth-picks. Hair-pins. Waterfall head-dresses. Hair-rolls. WTeaving and working human hair. H1air-tongs. Wigs. Hair-trimmings. 172 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 133. TRUNKS. Traveling and )Military Accouterments, except Mliess-kits. [For M3anufacture of Metallic Portions of Trunks, see Class 53, Section J.] Acc(outerments, Military Military accouterments. Awnings.. ortmante-aus. Awvnings, Detachable Saddle-bags. Bags, Carpet Satchel-fastenings. Bags, Mail Satchels. Bags, Saddle Shlawl-straps. Bags, Traveling Slinging-accouterments. Bayonet-frogs. Tents. Bayonet-scabbards. Traveling-bags. Boxes, Cartridge Travelin g-flasks Boxes, Hat Trunk-corners. Braces for trunks. Trunk-frames. Ca rpet-ba gs. Trunlk-guard s. Carpet-bag frames. Trunlk-handles. Hat-boxes, Leather Trunk-lid guides. Holsters. Trunk-lid supporters. Knapsacks. Trunks. Kllapsack-slings. Trunks and traveling-bags, SpeMail-bag fasteners, (except Locks, cial tools for Class 70.) Trnulk-sta3ys. Mail-bags. Valises, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 173 CLASS 134. TUBING AND WIRE. Manlufacture of'Wrought-metal and Drawnl-metal Tubing and WAire. Barrels, Making gun Lead pipe. Brass tubes, Machines for 1nmaking Lead pipe lining. Coiling-)pipes. Lead pipe, Machines for making Coiling-tubes. Lining cylinders. Draw-benches. Linillg guii-barrels. Drawing-metals. Lining metallic pipes. Draw-plates for tubing. Lining tubes. Draw-rolls for tubing. Tubes. D)rawing-tubes. i Tubes, Bushing Ferrules. Tubes, Casing Expan ding-tubes. Tubes, Ornaamenting Gun-barrels, Making Tulbing. Ironl pipe makilg, Welded Welded(-pipe making,. 174 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 135. UMBRELLAS AND FANS. Canes, Fans, Parasols, and Umbrellas: [F or i-anu fn cture of the Metallic Parts of the above, see Class 53, Section 1.] Automatic fians. Umbrella and cane combined. Cane and seat combined. Umbrella-cases. Canes, Ferrules for walking Umbrella-covers. Canes, WTalking Umbrella-fasteners. Fan-folding machines. Urmbrella-ferr-ules. Fans, Automatic Umbrella-frames. Fans for chairs. mTiJmbrella;joints. Fans for sewing-machites. U imbrella ribs and stretchers. Hlandles for canes. jUmbrella-runners. Handles for umbrellas. I UTmbrella-supporters. Parasols. Umbrella-tips. Sun-shades. ITUmibrellas. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECiS OF INVENTION. 175 CLASS 136 VALVES. Coeks, Faucets, Taps, Valves for all Fluids. [For the Mallnu.facture of VWater and Gas Fittings, see Class 53, Section K.] Balanced valves. Stop-cocks. Ball-cocks. Stop-valves. Beer-taps. Taps for liquors. Bottle-faucets. Throttle-valves. Check-valves. Valve-gear, Steam-engine. (See Cocks. Class 121.) Cocks, Blow-off Valve-regulators. Cocks, Feed Valves, Arrangement of Cocks, Gage Valves, Automatic Cocks, Oil Valves, Back-pressure Cocks, Self-closing Valves, Balance Cocks, Steam Valves, Butterfly Cocks, Stop Valves, Check Cocks, Try Valves, Clack Cocks, Water Valves, Core Cut-off valves. Valves, Cut-off Escape-valves. Valves, Disk Faucet-filters. Valve-seats. Faucets. Valves, Escape Faucets, Basin Valves for gas-engines. Faucets, Boring Valves for syringes. Faucets, Hot-water Vailves, Globe Faucets, Molasses Valves, Governor Filter-faucets. Valves, Oscillating Gates, Molasses Valves, Piston Globe-valves. Valves, Pump Governor-valves. Valves, Puppet Hydrants, Cocks for Valves, Rotary Hydrant-valves. Valves, Safety Lock-up safety-valves. Valves, Slide Molasses-gates. Valves, Spring-balance Oscillating-valves. Valves, Steam Piston-valves. Valves, Stop Pump-valves. Valves, Throttle Puppet-valves. Valves, Trimmer Rotary-valves. Valves, Water-closet Safety-valves. Valve-tubes. Slide-valves. Water-closet valves. Steam-valves. W'ater-valves. 176 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 137. WATER-DISTRIBUTION. Including W~ell-tubing, Filters, Pipes, and Coupling. [For the Manufacture of Water and Gas Fittintgs, see Class 53, Section K.] Anti-coneussion devices for water- I Afains, Gas pipes. Mains, VWater Artesiall-well tubing. Nozzles for fire-engines. Ash leaches. Nozzles for hose. Bark leaches. Nozzles for oil-cups. Barrel washers. Packing for well-tubes. Couplings, Pipe I Pipe-couplings. Driven.-wNells. (See Class 37.) Pipe-protectors. Filters. Pipes, Water and gas Filters, Globe PRain-water cut-offs. Filters, Tube HRose-heads. Filters, WVrell-tube 1 Sampling tubes. Fire-plugs. Street-sprinkling carts. Fish tral)s for water-pipes. Street-washers. Fountains. Siphons. Funnels. Spouting. Hose-clamps. Tube-couplings. Hose couplings. Tube-filters. Hose-nozzles. Tube-wells. (See Class 37.) Hose-pipes. Tubing, Well. (See Class 37.) Hydrant-pipe stops. Velinches. Hydrants. WVater-tanks for railways, etc.:Hydrants, Filtering WVells, Artesian. (See Class 37.) Hydrants, Waste for Well-tubes. Irrigating-apl)aratus. 5Well-tubes, Filters for Irrigati ng-carts. Well-tubes, Packing for Leaches. Well-tubes, Strainers for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 177 CLASS 138. WATER-WHEELS. Chutes for water. Penstocks. Current-wheels. Tide-wheels. Forebays. Turbines. Gates for water-wheels. Water-wheels. 12 178 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 139. WEAVIN G. Looms, their Mechanisms, Parts, and Products. [IForlle i1ofactre of W:Veaving Hardwarac, see Class 53, Section 1H.] Bags, Woven. Hose, WTeavingO Basket-covering for bottles. Jacquard apparatus. Basket-making. Let-off motions for looms. Basket-making machines. Looms. Baskets, WVeaving Looms for cross-weaving. Belting, Woven Looms for curvilinear weaving. Binding, WV oven Looms for weaving bags. Blinds, Woven Looms for weaving baskets. Bobbins for shuttles. Looms for weaving belting. Bullion, Machines for malking Looms for weaving blinds. Carpet fabrics. j Looms for weaving cane. Carpeting. Looms for weaving caps. Carpet-lining machines. I Looms for weaving carpets. Carpet-rag looper. Looms for weaving cases for botChenille-mnachines. tles. Circular looms. Looms for weaving corded fabrics. C(oach-lace. Looms for weaving counterpanes. Corded fabrics. Looms for weaving crinoline. Crinoline, Weaving i Looms for weaving cut-piled fabCut-piled fabrics. rics. Double-piled fiabrics. Looms for weaving double-piled Druggets. fabrics. Fabrics, Carpet Looms for weaving elastic fabrics. Fabrics, Corded Looms for weaving figured fabFabrics, Cut-piled rics. Fabrics, Double-piled Looms for weaving fringes. Fabrics, Elastic Looms for weaving hats. Fabrics, Figured Looms for weaving horse-hair. Fabrics, Horse-hair Looms for weaving hose. Fabrics, Piled Looms for weaving ingrain carFabrics, Shaped P Pets. Fabrics, Straw I ooms for weaving matting. Fabrics, Terry Looms for weaving metallic tisFabrics, Tubular sues. Fabrics, Woven j Looms for weaving piled fabrics. Figured fabrics. Looms for weaving ribbons. Flannels. Looms for weaving satin. Fringes. Looms for weaving scarfs. Gauze. Looms for weaving shaped fabrics. Hair cloth, Machines for making Looms for weaving shawls. Harness for looms. Looms for weaving sieve-cloth. Harness, Machines for making Iooms for weaving silk. loom Looms for weaving slats. Hats, Weaving Looms for weaving straw fabrics. Heddles. Looms for weaving terry fabrics. horse-hair fabrics. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 179 Looms for weaving tubular fab- Reed setter. rics. Reeds for looms, Machines for Looms for weaving velvets. making Looms for weaving wire. Shedding-apparatus. Looms for weaving woolen cloth. Shuttle-boxes. Loopers for carpet-rags. Shuttle-boxes, Actuating Machines for making welt-bind- Shuttle-checks. ings. Shuttles. Matting. Shuttle-spindles. Pattern-cards. Sieve-cloth, Weaving Pattern-chains. Stop-mechanisms for looms. Pattern-cylinders. Take-up motions for looms. Picker-checks. Tape. Picker-motions. Temples, Loom Picker-staves. Warp-beams. Pickers. Weavers' harness, AMachines for Pile-wire actuating-mechanisms. making Pile-wires. Weaving baskets. Power-looms. WVeft-forks. Reeds for looms. Wire, Looms for weaving 180 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 140. WIRE-WORKING. Cables, Fences, Screens, and Sieves of Wire. Annealing wire. Twisting wire. Ash-sifters. Wire-annealing. Bending wire. Wire-bending. Bird-cages. Wire-brushes. Blinds, Woven-wire Wire-cables. Brushes, Wire Wire-cloth crimping, Machines Cables for sub-marine telegraphs. for Cables for suspension-bridges. Tire-coiling. Cables, Wire Wire-covering. Coal-screens. Wire dish-covers, Making Coal-sifters. WVire dish-stands, Making Coiling wire. Wire-drawing. Corrugating wire.. Wire fabrics. Covering of wire, wire ropes, and Wire-fences, Panels for cables. Wire-gauze. Draw-plates for wire. Wire heddles for weavers' harFlour-sieves. ness, Making Harness for looms, Making wire WTire-making. Panels of wire. Wire-pointing. Pliers, Wire-cutting Wire-rolling. Pointing wire. Wire ropes. Rolling wire. WVire screens. Rope, Wire Wire shoe-pegs. Safes, Wire-work for kitchen Wire sifters. Sand-screens. Wire springs, Making Screens of wire. WVire-straightening. Sieves of wire. Wire strainers. Sifters. Wire-twisting. Sifting-machines. Wire with wire for skirt-hoops, Skirt-hoops, Covering wire with &c., Covering wire for Wire-working for ornamental Suspension-bridge cables. fences. Tools for working wire. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 181 CLASS 141. WOOD SCREWS. The Article and its 3Manufacture. Capping screws. Screw-blanks, Threading Coffin-screws, Making Screws, Swaging Cutting wood screws. Wood screws. Screw-blanks, Cutting W ood screws, Machines for makScrew-blanks, Feeding ing Screw-blanks, Making 182 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 142. WOOD-WORKING, 1. Lathes and Wood-turning. Axe-handles, Machines for turning Lathes, Wood Axles, Machines for turning Oars, Machines for turning Bowls, Machines for turning Oval frames, Machines for turnin g Boxes, Machines for turning Pegs, Machines for turning wooden Pins, Machines for turning bedBungs, Machines for turning stead and clothes Buttons, Machines for turning Plow-handles, Maachines for turnCenters for wood-lathes. ing Chucks for wood-lathes. Plugs,,MAachines for turning Clothes-pins, Machines for turning Rests for wood-lathes. Corks, Machines for polishing Snaths, Machines for turning Corks, Machines for turning Spools, Machines for boring Dogs for wood-lathes. Spools, Machines for turning Dowels, Machines for turning Spokes, Machines for turning Fluting-lathes, Wood Tool-rests for wood-lathes. Frames, Machines for turning Tools for wood-lathes. round and oval Tree-nails, Machines for turning Gun-stocks, Machines for turning Turning irregular forms. Handles, Machines for turning Wooden boxes, Machines for turnHat-blocks, Machines for turning ing Hubs, Machines for turning Wooden pins, Machines for turnLasts, Machines for turning ing Lathe-dogs for wood-lathes. Wooden screws, Machines for Lathes for turning irregular forms. turning Lathes, Mandrels for wood Wood-lathes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF' INVENTION. 183 CLASS 143. WOOD-WORKING, 2. Mlachines for General Work. [Except Sawing-nmachines, Class 110.] Boring-machines, (wood.) I Planing-machines, (wood.) Carving-machines. I Polishing-machines, (wood.) Cutter-heads of planing-machines. RIabbeting-machines. Cutters of molding, and planing Sand-papering machines. machines. Sawing-machines. (See ClassllO.) Dovetailing machines. 1 Saw-mills. (See Class 110.) Dressing-machines, (wood.) Shaving-horses. Hewing-machines. Slitting timber, Machines for Molding-machines, (wood.) Slivering-machines. Mortising-ma chines. Tenonin g-machines. 184 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 144. WOOD-WORKING, 3. Ma.chines for Special mWork. Axle-setters. Cane-strippers. Axles, Machines for makliing Caning chairs, Instruments for wooden Carpenters' machines. Bark-cutting machines. Casks, Machines for making Bark, Machines for planing Chair-backs, Machines for dressBark, Machines for pressing inlg Barrel-heads. Chair-backs, Machines for roundBarrel-heads, Machines for mak- ing ing Chair-seats, Machines for boring Barrels, Machines for making Chair-seats, Machines for planing Baskets, Machines for making Chairs, Instruments for caning Basket-splints, Machines for mak- Chair-stuff, Machines for scraping ing Clap-boards, Machines for gaging Bending wood, AMachines for Clap-boards, Machines for planBlind-slats, Machines for planing ing Blind-slats, Machines for tenon- Clothes-pins, Machines for inaking ing Blind-slats, Machines for wiring Clothes-pins, Machines for slotBlinds,.Machines for making ting Blind-splints, Aachines fior mak- Cogs on wooden wheels, _Machines ing for cutting Blind-stiles:, Machines for mak- Cogs, Machines for making ing Comb-making machines. 3lind-stiles, MaIchines for inortis- Coopers' machines. ing Cutting d.yewood. Blind-stiles, Machines for pierc- Dipping-frames for matches. ing Doors, Machines for making Blind-stiles, Machines for spacing I)rums, (keg,) Machines for makBlocks, Machines for making nanu- ing tical D)yewood, Maachines for cutting Blocks, Machines for making Eavetroughs, Machines for makwooden. pavintg ing wooden Boxes, Machines for making "Excelsior," Miachines for mak-.wooden ing Broom-handles, MIachines for Fellies, Machines for bending making Fellies, Machines for boring Broom-splints, Machines for mak- Fellies, Machines for planing ing Fire-wood, Machines for bundBrush-backls, Machines for Inak- ling ing Fire-wood, Machines for splitting Brush-handles, Machines for Frames, Maclhines for making making saw Buckets, Machines for making Frames, Aachines for making Bundling firewood, Machines for slate Cane, Machines for polishing Gear, Aachines for cutting wooden Cane, Machines for splitting Girdling trees, Machines for Cane, Machines for stripping Groovilng lumber, Machines for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 185 Gutters, Machines for making Pins, Machines for slotting wooden clothes Handles, Machines for making Pipes, Wooden wooden Plane-stocks, Machines for makHoops, Machines for bending ing Hoops, Machines for cutting Plow-handles, Machines for bendHoops, Machines for dressing ing Hoops, Machines for splitting Plow-handles, Machines for dressHorn, Machines for working in ing Horn-molding. Plugs, Machines for cutting Hubs, Machines for boring wooden Hubs, Machines for centering Pointing rails, pickets, matches, Hubs, Machines for mortising &c. Hubs, Machines for setting boxes Post-borers. in Railway ties, Machines for dressIvory, Machines for working in ing Joists, Machines for dressing Rake-teeth, Machines for making Kegs, Machines for making Rattan, Machines for cutting Lasts, Machines for cutting Rattan, Machines for dressing Lasts, Machines for making Rattan, Machines for polishing Lasts, Machines for polishing Rattan, Machines for reducing Lath, Machines for cutting Rattan, Machines for slitting Lath, Machines for splitting Rattan, Machines for splitting Match-blocks, Machines for mak- Rattan, Machines for stripping ing Rings, Machines for cutting Matches, Dipping frames for wooden Matches, Machines for pointing Rossing bark. Matches, Machines for making Rossing dye-stuffs. Matches in frames, Machines for Sand-papering machines. putting Sash, AMachines for making Matches, Machines for rounding Sash, Machines for mortising Matches, Machines for splitting Sash, Machines for planing Match-splints, Framing Scale-board, Working Match-splints, Machines for mak- Sharpeners, Picket and pole ing Shingle binders. Nautical-blocks, Machines for Shingles, Machines for jointing making Shingles, Machine for planing Oars, Machines for dressing Shingles, Machines for riving Oars, Machines for planing Shoe-pegs, Machines for making Oars, Machines for riving Shoe-soles, Machines for making. Osier-peelers. wooden Palm-leaves, Machines for split- Shovel-handles, Machines for. ting making Panels, Rabbeting door Skewers, Macnines for making Paving-blocks, Machines for mak- Slate.-framles, Machines for making, ing Snaths, Machilies for bending Pencils, Machines for making Snaths, Machines for finislhing. Pegs, Machines for making Snaths, Machines for rounding Pegs, Maclhies for making shoe Splints for baskets, blinds, Pegs, Machines for pointing brooms, and matches. Pegs, Machines for splitting Splitting firewoodl, Machines for Picket-poinlters. Spokes, Machinles for driving Pickets, Machines for making Spokes, Maclines for planing Pins, Machines for cutting clothes Spokes, Machines for polishing 13 186 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Spokes, Machines for tenoning Veneers, Machines for pressing Spools, Machines for boring Veneers, Machines for straightenStaves, Machines for bilging ing Staves, Machines for crozing Wainscoting, Making Staves, Machines for dressing Washboards, Machines for makStaves, Machines for howeling ing Staves, Machines for jointing Wedges, Machines for making Staves, Machines for riving Whalebone, Machines for dressStumps, Machines for cutting ing Table-leaves, Jointing Whalebone, Machines for splitTire setters. ting Tire tighteners. Wheelwrights' machines. Tobacco-pipes, Machines for mak- Willow-peeling. ing wooden Willow-shaving machines. Tooth-picks, Machines for mak- Withes, Machines for twisting ing Wood-bending machines. Tortoise-shell, Machines for work- VWood-bundling machines. ing in Wooden bowls, Machines for Trays, Machines for making making wooden Wooden trays, Machines for Treenails, Machines for making making Troughs, Machines for making Wooden-ware, Machines for mak wooden ing Veneering. Wood-gear cutting. Veneers, Machines for cutting Wood-polishing machines. Veneers, Machines for planing Wood-splitting machines. Veneers, Machines for polishing CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 187 CLASS 145. WOOD-WORKING, 4. Tools. [For Manufacture of Wood-working Metallic Tools, see Class 81, Sec. tion B.] Adzes. See Class 81.) Annular bits. Countersink-bits. Augurs. (Wood.) Cutting-gages. Awls. (WTood.) Deck-scrapers. Ax-helves. Dogs, Bench Axes. Drawing-knives. Bands for handles. Edge-planes. (Wood.) Bench-ciarnps. Expan ding-bits. Bench-dogs. Extractors, Bolt, nail, spike, tack Benches for carpenters, joiners, Prows. &c. Gages, Cutting Bench-fittings. Gages, Scribing Bench-hooks. Gimlets. Bench-planes. Glue hoppers. Bench-strips. Glueing tables. Bench-vises. (Wood-working.) Gouges. Bits, Boring. (Wood.) Hammers, Claw Bit-stocks. Handles to tools, Attaching Bolt-extractors. Handles, Tool, (except turning.) Boring-bits. Hatchets. Box-scrapers. Hooks, Bench Bucks, Saw Horses, Saw Bung-cutters. Howeling-tools Cabinet-makers' tools. Joiners' benches. Cabinet-makers' tools, (Manufac- Joiners' clamps. ture of, See Class 81.) Joiners' tools. Carpenters' benches. Joiners' tools, (Manulfacture of, Carpenters' clamps. See Class 81.) Carpenters' gages. Knives, Drawing Carpenters' tools. Mallets. Carpenters' tools, (Manufacture Mast-scrapers. of, See Class 81.) Match-planes. Chalk-line holders. Miter-boxes. Chamfering-tools. Molding-planes. Chisels, Carpenters' Nail-extractors. Chisels, Grafting Plane-bits. Chisels, Joiners' Plane-making. Chisels, Pruning Planes, Carpenters? Clamps, Carpenters' Planes, Coopers' Clamps, Joiners' Planes, Joiners' Clamps, Shipwrights' Planes, Splint Claw-hiammers. Plane-stocks. Cooper's tools. Planking-clamps. Coopers' tools, (Manufacture of, Rasps, Wood 188 CLASSIFICATION OP SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Reaming-bits. (Wood.) Splint-planes. Riving splints, Tools for Spoke-shaves. Sand-paper holders. Stocks, Bit Saws. (See Class 110.) Tack-extractors. Scrapers, Box Tools for wood-working. Scrapers, Deck Tool-handles, (Except turning, Scrapers, Mast Class 142.) Screw-drivers. Tool-holders., Scribing-gages. Tool-stocks. Shipwrights' clamps. Tools to handles, Attaching Shipwrights' tools. Veneering-tools. Shipwrights' tools, (Mlanufacture Vises, Carpenters' of, See Class 81.) Wheelwrights' wood-working Spike-extractors, tools. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- J 0 SUBJECT. cain cation. o~ oc0 z z A. Abutments for arches..... Bridges.................. 14 21 Accordeons. —-—.. —~ -- Music............-........ 84 102 Account-books, Binding of- -............. Book-Binding1.1......... 15 Accouterments, Military............. Trunks.................. 133 162 Achromatic glasses.. —-. -------------- Optics......88 157 Acids, Air-tight packages for-._._ Preserving-....-.. 99 58 Acids, Apparatus for making, (except Stills, Class 124)-....-.. Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Acids, Processes for making..-.... Chemical Miscellaneous.. 23 35 Acids, Distillation of........... Stills..- ------------- 124 47 Acoustic instruments........... Surgery...........128 156 Acupuncturators. —------------—. —-- Surgery.. ---- ---—. —-—. 128 156 Adding-machines........ Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Addressing-machines................ Printing.................. 101 117 Address-stamps............. Printing._____...... 101/ 146 Adhesion-cars-......... Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Adhesive fastenings for paper, &c..-... Stationery................ 120 146 Adobes.. —--—.. —.. —------------—. Clay....... 25 20 Advertising-cards. —..........-... Stationery.. —-..1.. [ —- 20 54 Advertising-devices.-. —. —...-.. —.. -Stationery 1 —..20 54 Advertising-frames...... Stationery -...1 ——. —--- 120 54 Adzes................................ Wood-Working; 4...... 145 49 Adzes, Manufacture of..... Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 49 Arated liquids-....... Airation.................. 1 1 Aiirated liquor apparatus....... Ai~ration —-. —-—'- 1 1 Aifrating dough, Apparatus for......... Airation -.................. 1 6 Ai3rial cars.-.....-.. Pneumatics -------------- 98 143 Airostats..-....-. Pneumatics —---. —------- 98 143 Airo steam-engines.................... Pneumatics.-.............. 98 2 Ageing liquors --------------—. —- - - Beer and Wine-..-. 7 19 Agricultural boilers.- -...... Stoves --—.. —---—. --- 126 59 Agricultural engines................ Steam; 3 -....... 123 94 Agricultural furnaces......-.. Stoves.... —... 126 59 Agricultural tools of metal, Manufacture of.............................. Metal-Working; 6. -... SI 81B Air and gas meters................... Pneumatics -------- —... 98 64 Air-blast —- -- — Pneumatics.-.............. 98 12 Air-brakes for car, Steam-actuated..... Steam; 1........... 121 122 Air-carbureting machines. —........ Gas -..........48 27 Air-chambers -......Pumps. 103 118 Air-compressing machines and appliances. --—. —.. —-------- I-......- Pneumatics...... 98 12 Air-cooling apparatus..-...... —.-.. Ice....... 62 58 Air-cooling processes...............l..Ice....................... 62 58 Air-cushions........................ Pneumatics....... 98 62 Air-engines........................... Pneumatics............... 98 2 Air-filters............................. Pneumatics............... 98 166 Air-guns......... Pneumatics............... 98 12 Air-heating traps for air-engines....... Pneumatics......... 98 2 Air-meters...................... Pneumatics. —........... 98 64 Air-proofing processes................. Paint....... 91 35 Air-pumps...... Pneumatics............... 98 12 14 190 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- C cation. o. SUBJECT.cain 0z Z Air-tanks-......................... Pneumatics.... —.. 98 2 Air-tight cans, jars, and packages. ——. Preserving.. —.... 99 58 Air-traps for sinks and sewers.......... Baths and Closets-......... 4 8 Alarm-bells, Mannfacture of.-.......... Hardware Manufactures -- 53B 10 Alarm-locks.. —. —---—. ——. —---—. Locks ---—.... —------- 70 93 Alarms, Bilgewater....-.. Signals -------------—.- 116 137 Alarms, Burglar.-. —---.- - -—. —---- Signals.......... 116 24 Alarms, Electro-magnetic.-.... Electricity......-.. —--—. 36 50 Alarms, Fire.-.._ _ Signals. —-------—.. ——. 116 24 Alarms, Fog.-..-..................... Signals -------------- 116 138 Alarms for stop-motions of cardingmachines..................... —...... Carding. —. ——. ——. —-. 19 28 Alarms, Gas-..-. -.......Lamps.... —.... 67 64 Alarms, Grist....... —- Mills.... —.... 83 57 Alarms, Household fire. —------—.. —. Signals -------—. ——.. — 116 24 Alarms, Leak --—.. ——. —-. ——. —. — Signals ------—. —. —--—. 116 137 Alarms, Nautical......... —. ——. —--- Signals --- ----------- 116 138 Alarms, Shoal S.- —... -Signals -------------- 116 138 Alarms, Telegraphic........ —-. Electricity-...-... 36 50 Alarms, Temperature.. —- -... —. —---- Signals........ - ---------- 116 24 Alarms, Till -- -........... Signals -----------—.. —- 116 24 Alarms, Window.....................-. Signals.....- - 116 24 Alcohol, Apparatus for making........ Stills.... —..... 124 47 Alcohol, Materials for making, —-......- Stills... —..... 124 47 Alcoholmeters... —---------—.. —---- Measuring -Instruments.... 73 47 Albumenizing paper... —-.. Photography ---------—.. 95 111 Albums, Binding of.................. —. Book-Binding.-. 11 15 Alkalies, Air-tight packages for........ Preserving...- - 99 58 Alkalimeters......................... —. Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 35 Alloys.- -.... -.............. Metallurgy.. —--- ------- 75 99 Almond-peelers - -. -.................. Kitchen Utensils.- -.. 65 88 Alphabet-blocks --—... —. —.. — --- -.. Educational....- -.......... 35 54 Altimeters. —........................... Optics --—. —---------—. 88 157 Altitude-instruments. —................. Optics -----............. 88 157 Amalgamators- -........................ --- Ore..- -.... 90 99 Ambulances. —-.. — - ---—.-.. —---- Carriages.-................ 21 31 Ammonia-engines -. —--------------—. Pneumatics...... 98 2 Ammunition-cases....... --------- I.. Projectiles.-............... 102 162 Anaesthesia, Instruments for producing, (except Refrigerative, Class 62).-... Surgery --—.. —--------- 128 98 Anaesthctic refrigerators -.. —... Ice....-..-.... 62 98 Anchor-balls -.........................-. Ships; 1...-.... 114 138 Anchors.. ---------------- - ------. Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Anchors, Drift —........-. Ships; 1 -.. -.......... 114 138 Anchors for suspensidn-cables-.... - Bridges. —--- 14 21 Anchor-shackles ----------.. —----—. Ships; 1 --—.. —.. —-.. 114 138 Anchors, Manufacture of ---—. — ---- Metal-Working; 3.......-. 78 60 Anchor-trippers...................... —. Ships; 1................ 114 138 Andirons.- -......- Stoves ---—... —--------- 126 154 Anemometers.-..-... -... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Anemoscopes ------—.. —-.. — ------ Measuring-Instruments... 73 42 Angle-iron, Bending or straightening.. Metal-Working; 1... 76 125 Angle-iron, Rolling................... — -. Metal-Working; 5.... —.... 80 125 Aniline dyes.- —......................... Bleaching and Dyeing --- 8 11 Animals across rivers, Floating -—..... Boats. —-—. —------------ 9 13 Animal from vegetable fiber, Separating.................................. Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Animal-black -........Sugar —---- ------------- 127 155 Animal-catching...................... Butchering — 1.......... 17 25 Animal-labels -........ Stationery...... -120 144 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 191 cation. 4 o o o'~ z z Animal-powers..-........... Mechanical Powers........ 74 159 Animals, Preparing food for —.......... Stabling.-............... 119 59 Animal-traps. - —........-. Games and Toys —........... 46 143 Anklets..........-.................... Boots and Shoes-....- - -...... 12 6 Annealing glass-........... Glass... -.....4 68 Annealing metals. ——.... —--—. ——. Metallurgy...-.. 75 85 Annealing wire...-...-. Metallurgy -----—. —-—. 75 163 Annular bits....................... Wood-Working; 4 -. —-—. 145 29 Annular boring-bits for metal —..-.-.. Metal-Working; 2.....- - -... 77 100 Annular saws. -...........Saws. ——. -... —-- ----- 110 130 Annunciators ---- -- Signals --------------- 116 24 Anti-concussion devices for water-pipes. Water-Distribution ----- 137 167 Anti-fermentation processes and applications.-..-....... Beer and Wine.... —. 7. 19 Anti-friction axle-bearings ---—. ---—. Carriages -----—. —------- 21 31 Anti-friction compounds..............- Journals and Bearings.._. 64 87 Anti-friction metals- --- - -...- ---—. — -Journals and Bearings -.. 64 87 Anti-friction rollers.-.....-..... Journals and Bearings.... 64 87 Anti-incrustators, Galvanic............ Electricity. —-—. —-. —--- 36 14q Anti-incrustators, Magnetic. —.. —----- Electricity --------—.. —-- 36 148 Antiseptics ----------—. —------------ Chemical Miscellaneous --- 23 98 Anvils, Manufacture of............... —-- -Metal-Working; 3... - -. 78 60 Apiaries ---- ----- ------------------- Bee-Hives --—.... — ---—. 6 9 Apparel, Paper., —-----—. —----—. Paper Manufactures 93 109 Apple-corers. —. —------ ---------- Kitchen Utensils-.... 65 88 Apple-parers. —-.. —-------- ------- Kitchen Utensils.-.... 65 88 Apple-slicers. —. —----—. —-------—.- Kitchen Utensils 6..5.... 88 Aquariums Fine Arts -. -..... 41 54 Aqueducts --—.. —----—. —--—. —-- Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Archery. —------------.. —. ——. ——. Ganmes and Toys.-.. —--—. 46 143 Arches........-..................... Bridges-....... 14 21 Architecture, Naval..................- Ships; 1..................- 114 137 Arithmometers...................-.... Measuring-Instruments - -..- 73 42 Armatures --—.. —--... ——. ——. —-- Electricity................ 36 50 Armor, Personal...-Fire-Arms. —-.. —.. 42 55 Armor-plates, Bending or straightening. Metal-Working; 1 ---- -. — 76 125 Armor-plates, Rolling ----—... —----- Metal-Working; 5 -----—. 80 125 Armor-plating....................... Ships; 1.................. 14 137 Arn/or, Submarine. ——.. —----------- Hydraulic Engineering —.- 61 s Arms, Artificial —------ --------- Artificial Limbs3........... 5 Arrastras. —. ------------------ ----- Ore -— ca- ------------ 90 99 Arresters.......-.. Electricity —- ------------ 36 50 Artesian wells -—.-' Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Artesian-well tubing.................-. Water-Distribution........ 137 51 Articulators —..-.. —------—. —--- Surgery. —.. —--.. —--—. 128 156 Articulators for fitting dentures -—. —- Dental.- _....... 32 46 Artificial arms ------------------------ Artificial Limbs...-..3 5 Artificial ears-A.rt......... Aificial Limbs -----—. 3 5 Artificial eyes........................- Artificial Limbs-........ 3 5 Artificial feet.-........ Artificial Limbs-........... 3 5 Artificial flowers-Fine Arts................. 41 54 Artificial gems. —. —-—. —---—. ---- Glass ----------- 49 68 Artificial gums. —-.- -.-....... —-- Dental-....... 32 5 Artificial hands —....................- Artificial Limbs........... 3 5 Artificial leather-... Paint ------- - 91 56 Artificial legs......................... Artificial Limbs. —----—. 3 5 Artificial marble..._-....-,-.- Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Artificial palates..-.. Dental 32 46 Artificial slate.-..................... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Artificial stone, (except Grindstones, Class ~~~~51)-I~~~ I~~.~ ~~..Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 192 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00,-4 Name of class-official classifi-' SUBJECT. cation. cation. 0 ~ o"O z Z Artificial teeth —. —----------------—. Dental -....... 32 46 Artillery... —---—. —-—. —----------- Ordnance................. 9 105 Artillery-carriages Ordnance................. 89 105 Artists' appliances, (except Brushes, Class 15).................... —- Fine Arts. —----- -----. 41 54 Ash-leaches..-. Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Ash-pans. —---. —.-... —-. —-- Stoves. -.. 126 154 Ash-pans of locomotives.....- Steam; 3- -....123 94 Ash-pit covers........................ Stoves-......-. 126 154 Ash-sifters............................ Wire-Working............ 140 154 Asphalt and wood pavements combined Paving..................-.. 94 110 Asphalt paversents................... Paving................... 94 110 Assaying. —---—. —---------------—. Metallurgy............... 75 99 Assorting yarns and threads.......... Cordage.................. 28 17 Astatic needles...... Electricity................ 36 50 Astronomical charts Educational.............. 35 54 Astronomical instruments-... Optics.-... -.. 88 157 Astronomical instruments, Electromagnetic.-....... Electricity............... —. 36 50 Astronomical lanterns-..... Educational....-.......... 35 54 Atmospheric baths.-. —-. ——.. —--—. Surgery.................. 128 156 Atmospheric motors.. -....... Pneumatics............... 98 2 Atomizers -.. ——. —------- -------—. Ice.-...................... 62 98 Augers for earth-boring..... Excavators.. —-—. —-.-. — 37 51 Angers, Manufacture of -. —. —---—.. Metal-Working; 6.- -. 81B 29 Angers. (Wood). -....... Wood-Working; 4-... 145 29 Auricles.............................. Artificial Limbs-.... 3 5 Automata ---—.... —-.... —---- -. Games and Toys-. -... 46 143 Automatic fans ----—. —---. —----—.- Umbrellas and Fans. — 135 165 Automatic presses —... —-. —-—. ——. Presses. ——.. — --------- 100 Automatic valves..................... Valves-. -....... 136 152 Awls, Shoemakers'.................... Boots and Shoes..........-. 12 16 Awls. (Wood).....-.. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Awnings............................. Carpentry.-.. -.. 20 4 Axe-handles, Machines for turning-.... Wood-Working; 1...- -. 142 172 Axes................................. Wood-Working; 4.-... 145 49 Axes, Manufacture of................. Metal-Working; 6 —.- - S — 81B 49 Ax-helves... -......... Wood-Working; 4-........ 145 49 Axle-arms —--. ——.. —-- ----------- Carriages 21 31 Axle-boxes, (carriage,) Manufacture of. Hardware Manufactures.. 53C 31 Axle-boxes, Compositions for.......... Carriages................. 21 31 Axle-boxes for carriages- - - - - -- - - -- - - -. Carriages................. 21 31 Axle-boxes for railway-cars....-........ Railways; 3............... 106 122 Axle-boxes, Making railway-car....... Railways; 4..-.-........ 107 122 Axle, Making locomrnotive..- -..- -. Railways; 4.............. 107 122 Axles, Car.-.. ——.. —-. —-.. —----—. Railways; 3.-..... 106 122 Axle-setters -.........- II. Wood-Working; 3. —..... 144 31 Axles, Lubricators for carriage......-. Carriages-................. 21 31 Axles, Machines for making wooden -. - Wood-Working; 3........ 144 31 Axles, Machines for turning.-.......... Wood-Working; 1.-.-. 142 31 Axles, Making railway-car............ Railways; 4.............. 107 122 Axles, Manufacture of carriage.-..Metal-Working; 3........ 78 31 Axle-trees-........................... Carriages................. 21 31 Azimuth instruments -.............. Optics -............... 88 157 B. Baby-jumpers Furniture................ 45 62 Baby-walkers Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Back-bands............ Harness............ 54 72 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 193 L4 XI ~'d Name of class-official classifi- X'd Bagasse-dryers ~ Dryers and Kilns.......... 341 155 Bag-fasteners ---------—. —--—. —-—. Mills...............83 57 Baggage-checks ---- ---------------— Stationery..... 120 146 Bag-holders.......................... Mills 83 57 Bag-locks......................... Locks.7........ 70 93 Bag machines, Papers-...rD. y Paper Manufactures.Kl. 93 109 Bags, Carpet.....c... Trunks................. 133 162 Bags, Mail.re —.-. — -—. —--------- Trunks..-.-. 133 162 Bags, Saddle-. Trunks. -.-..... 133 162 Bags, Traveling -----—.- ----------—. Trunks -—.- - 133 162 Bags, Woven........................ Weaving.-....139 95 Bait.. —..... Fishing.-4. 43 143 Bake-pans.......................... -.. Stoves —- -- -.. —.. —-—. — 126 154 Bakers' ovens --.......Stoves-.................... 126 6 Bakers' ovens, Portable --—. —-—. —-- Stoves. —------------—. 126 6 Balanced valves...................... Valves....-..-. 136 152 Balance rynds......... —. Mills-..................... 83 57 Balances -----—. —-—. —-------—. -Measuring-Instruments.... 73 132 Bale-ties and hoops-................... Presses-................... 100 7 Baling hay —. —-—. —---------------- Presses. -....... 100 7 Baling-presses.-........................ Presses.- -.................. 100 7 Ballasting. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Ball-cocks....- -----. —-. —--—. ——. Valves —----... —---—. 136 167 Balling cord and twine -.-..... Cordage ----—. —2 —-. -- 28 17 Balling yarns and threads - -.... Cordage 2 —....... 8 17 Ballistic pendulums.-......-. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 71 Balloons -.-. -----------—. —-------- Pneumatics 98 143 Ballot-boxes ----------- ----------. Stationery -. — - -.. — -.. 120 146 Ball-screws for fire-arms-............... Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Balls for cartridges.. —-. --.. —-- - Projectiles. —.-.. —----- 102 332 Balls for fire-arms..................... Projectiles................ 102 32 Balls for ordnance.-......- Projectiles.-. -...........102 105 Balmuorals._ —.-,...~ Apparel.................. 2 38 Bandages ------ ------- - Surgery —- -.-........... 128 156 Bandages, Catamehial —----. —-. ——. Surgery ---..-.. —---—. 128 156 Bandages, Suspensory. -...............-. Surgery................. 128 156 Band and cord fasteners..-...... Hose and Belting. —- --- 60 81 Band-cutting machines for thrashers.. -Thrashing.-....130 159 Banding-machines. —.C..ag...e...... Cordage-.... 28 17 Banding-spindles..- -..... Spinning..-........ 118 142 Band-pulleys -..-..... Journals and Bearings 64 87 Baud-punches............-............ Clasps and Buckles ---- 2-. 24 81 Bands_. -. -.-...... Hose and Belting......... 60 81 Band-saws -—. —-----....... Saws a ------------------- 110 130 Bands for binding grain ----- -------—. Harvesters-.5.. 56 74 Bands for handles -..-...... Wood-Working; 4 —.....145 29 Bands for pulleys... Hose and Belting.-.....-. 60 81 Band-wheels Journals and Bearings... 64 7 Banjos. -............. Music -........84 102 Bank-notes__ —...... Fine Arts..... —.... 41 54 Barbers' appliances —....... Toilet.- -—. —--- —.-...132 161 Bark-cutting machines.....-... Wood-Working; 3 —..... 144 92 Bark, Extracts of -..... Tanning -—...-. —......... 129 92 Bark-leaches. -...... Water-Distribution1...37 167 Bark, Machines for planing... —------- Wood-Working; 3....... 144 92 Bark, Machines for pressing........... Wood-Working 3-.3.144 92 Bark-mills -. --,,,,,.,., Mills- -83 92 Barley-forks. —.. —-. -.......-........ Harvesters.-.-. —-- ----- 56 77 Barn-door hangers. —----- -—......... Builders' Hardware.- -...16 24 Barn-door rollers...-... Builders' Hardware —...... 16 24 194 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. a Name of class-official classifi- o SUBJECT. cation. cation. z z M 4-4 4Q.~ Barometers..-.. —-- -.... ——. ——. —- Measuring-Instruments. -—. 73 101 Barrel-cleaners. --—. ——. —--------- Airation - - --—..-.- 1 19 Barrel-covers......................... Kitchen Utensils. —------- 65 88 Barrel-dryers......................... Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 19 Barrel-fillers...... —... Airation.................. 1 167 Barrel-fumigators..-.-..... Dryers and Kilns. —------ 34 19 Barrel-handles ------—. —--—. —--—. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Barrel-heads. —-.. —-----------—.. Wood-Working; 3.-.. 144 40 Barrel-heads, Machines for making.... Wood-Working; 3.-. 144 40 Barrel-heaters ---—.. —-.. ——. —-—.- Dryers and Kilns -.... 34 19 Barrel-lining -........ —----—.. -.. —-. -Paint..................... 91 40 Barrel-pitching. -- -Paint....-.91 40 Barrel-rollers Aration. —-—. ——. ---—.. 9 Barrels -............................... - Wood-Working; 3 -.....144 40 Barrels ------—. —. —-- ------------ t5okng;3-,,- 14 4 Barrels impervious to liquids, Rendering Paint ----- - - - -. — 91 40 Barrels, Machines for making.......... Wood-Working; 3 -- 144 40 Barrels, Making gun...-.. Tubing and Wire ----- 134 163 Barrels, Making sheet-etal —-- - Sheet-Metal-..... 113 136 Barrels, Pitching..................... Paint.-.......91 40 Barrel-stands and skids -.-. —---- - A9ration..-..... 1 19 Barrels to stocks, Attaching -. —------- Fire-Arms -------------- 42 55 Barrel-tilters. --—.. ——.. —. ----- Aration ——. —---—.. —- 1 19 Barrel-washers.-........ Agration -. —.-.. —-—. —- 1 19 Barrows. —------—. —. —------------- Carriages. —-. ——.. ——. 21 31 Bars and rods, Rolling.- -..... Metal-Working; 5 — ------ 80 125 Bars, Bending or straightening. —. Metal-Working; 1-... 76 125 Bascule bridges ——. ——. —----------- Bridges. —.. —----—. —--- 14 21 Base-balls..- -.- --- ----------------- Games and Toys -—.- -..- 46 143 Base-burning fire-place heaters —. Stoves —.-.. 126 154 Base-burning stoves.. —..... Stoves.. -126 154 Basin-clamps... —.. —-—. —... — -—.- Furniture.....-........ 45 8 Basins for sewers..- -.... Masonry. —. —---------- 72 51 Basket-covering for bottles-... Weaving. —. —-.. —. —-. 139 169 Basket-making -.... -..... Weaving --—... ——. —.- 139 169 Basket-making machines -.-. Weaving 139 169 Baskets -....-.. Kitchen-Utensils..-..... — 65 169 Baskets, Car.. -—.-.... ——..-..- -. -Railways; 2. —-.......... 105 121 Baskets for fruit, fish, grain and provisions.-... - -.Kitchen Utensils... 65 169 Baskets, Machines for making-... Wood-Working; 3.-.. -. 144 169 Basket-splints, Machines for making.. Wood-Working; 2.- -... 143 174 Baskets, Weaving.......... Weaving ------—. —----- 139 169 Bath-heaters.-........................ Stoves.-. —-------------- 126 8 Bathing-apparatus. —---- -------—.. — Baths and Closets.-.. 4 8 Bathing-tubs......................... Baths and Closets-...- 4 8 Baths --—. —----—. ——. —----------- Baths and Closets......... 4 8 Baths, Douche-..... Baths and Closets.. —. — 4 Baths, Electro-voltaic.-.. —. - Electricity —----------- 36 50 Baths, Medicated.....-.- —...... —.- - Baths and Closets-.-....4 8 Baths, Shower.......... Baths and Closets-.....4 8 Baths, Vapor - - Baths and Closets -.. —--- 4 8 Baths, Voltaic -.........-.. Electricity-........ 36 52 Bating hides - -----------— Tanning. ——. ——. —--—. 129 92 Batons —.....................-.... Games and Toys..- ------ 46 143 Bats for balls..........................-. Games and Toys -. —----- 46 143 Bats, Forming..:. —-.. —--—. —--—. Felting and Hats.-... 38 28 Batteries, Floating-... -...............-.. Ships; 1. —-—. —-. —. -.. 114 137 Batteries, Submarine ----- --------—.. Ships; 1.-...... 114 137 Batteries, Thermo-electric -- --- - Electricity. —..-..36 50 ~~Batteries, Volt~~aic -- Electricity ~ — 36 50 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 195 ce Name of class-official classifi- 8 S'UBJECT. M= - cation. - L o Oc (Q.z z Batter-machines. -.... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Batting-machines- ----------—. —-—. Carding..-.. 19 28 Bayonet-attachments...Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Bayonet-frogs Trunks................... 133 162 Bayonet-scabbards.................... — Trunks —........ 133 162 Bayonets............................. Fire-Arms. —---------—. 42 52 Bayonets, Manufacture of-'. Hardware Manufactures-. 53A 53 Beacons. —-.-.. —.. Signals..-..-... 116 138 Beacons, Sonorific......-.............. Signals................... 116 138 Beads, Glass........ Glass. —---..-.. 49 68 Beads, (metallic,) Manufacture of.-... Hardware Manufactures. - 53F 86 Beaming cloth —... —---—. —-. —-—. Cloth. —-—. —.. —------- 26 37 Beams of wood, Compound............ Carpentry -------------—. 20 30 Beams, Rolling ---—.-.- -.-.. -.. —. - Metal-Working; 5 —.. —--- 80 125 Bean-harvesters....-..... Harvesters -.....- -.- -5 56 75 Bean-shellers --------- --—. —------- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Bearings for machinery-.... Journals and Bearings.... 64 87 Beater-engines... —.........-., — Paper-Making....- - 92 108 Beater-presses. —.- - -.- -........... Presses......... 100 7 Bed-bottoms. —-. —-------—.. —---—. Beds - -5 62 Bed-bugs, Traps for................... Beds -5......... 62 Bed-clothes clasps -........ Beds - -5....... 65 Bedding-..-,._,,,,.,,. Beds.....- -. 5 62 Bed-pans. —----- --—... —. —-. —-. -Surgery.................. 128 156 Bed-plates of rag-engines..... Paper-Making. —--- ---—. 92 108 Bed-quilts......................... Beds. —-.. —. —------—. 5 62 Beds. —. —.- —..-.... —---------- Beds....- 5 62 Bedstead-canopies --------- Beds -.5 62 Bedstead-cording -..-.............. Beds --.5.... 5 62 Bedstead-fastenings. —-----—.. —----- Beds 5 62 Bedstead keys -------- ------—. ——. Beds -—.. —--- ----—. ---- 5 62 Bedsteads -.. Beds -..................... 5 62 Bedsteads and other furniture combined.-............ Beds ---—.. ——. —------ 5 62 Bedsteads, Invalid.-...... Beds -—. ——.. —-.. —--- 5 62 Bedsteads, Sofa. —--.... Beds.....- -. 5 62 Bedsteads, Spring-slats for. —---------- Beds ----- --- - 5 62 Bedsteads, Valances for............... Beds -. —.. —------—.... 5 62 Bedsteads, Ventilating —--... —----—. Beds.- 5 62 Bedsteads, Wardrobe -....... Beds -............ —... 5 62 Bed-wrenches -.. —---------—.. ---- Beds.- -. —...... —... 5 62 Bee-culture ---------------—. —--- Bee-Hives. -.... 6 9 Bee-feeders —-.. —. —-. —----------- Bee-Hives -- -...... —-—.6. 9 Bee-fumigators Bee-Hives..-.6.... 9 Beer and wine -----—... Beer and Wine —-.- -.... 7 19 Beer-coolers -. —. —-. —-------—.. —-- Ice ----------. —-. —--- 62 19 Beer-cooling vats..-.... Beer and Wine............ 7 19 Beer-cups. -Kitchen Utensils. —......65 88 Beer-fountains. -......... Pumn-s 103 118 Beer-pitchers -K....... itchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Beer-preserving vessels --—. —-----—. Beer and Wine..-7...... 7 19 Beer-pumps -.Pumps................... 103 118 Beer-taps. —... —-—.- -....... Valves.-.....- 136 167 Beet-root sugar apparatus..-.. Sugar -----—.. —-----—. 127 155 Bell-founding-....... Casting 2..2......... 22 10 Bell-hanging- Signals............... 116 24 Bellows-nozzles...................... Pneumatics. —. ——.. —-. 98 12 Bellows.-...... —-- Pneumatics. —---------—. 98 12 Bell-pulls............................ Builders' IIardware....... 16 24 Bell-ringing.......................... Signals-................... 116 24 Bells................................ Signals................... 116 10 196 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~~SUBJECT. l ~Name of class-official classifi- cation. Oo~ d d o Bells, Clock -------------- Signals................... 116 10 Bells, Cow................... -Harness -..-.. - 54 72 Bells, Dumb-........ Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Bells. Manufacture of.-............. Hardware Manufactures.- - 53 B 10 Bells, Sleigh.-...-............... -Harness -................. 54 72 Bell-straps ---------------------- - Harness --- 54 72 Belt-clasps......-..... Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belt-couplings...-........ Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belt-cutting machines -—.-........ Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belt-fasteners..-.................. Hose and Belting......... 60 81 Belting, Compositions for.. —......... Hose and Belting -. —------ 60 81 Belting-Compound-...... Hose and Belting........-.. 60 81 Belting, Modes of making............ Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belting, Rubber.... -.... Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belting, Woven-........... Weaving -.... —. -—.... 139 95 Belt-lacers.................-........ Hose and Belting......... 60 81 Belt-lacing, Machines for cutting...... Hose and Belting —.. ——. 60 81 Belt-punches ------------------------- Clasps and Buckles -...- 24 81 Belts................................. Hose and Belting -- - -.. — 60 81 Belts, Body.. Apparel.................. 38 Belt-shifters -..................... Journals and Bearings-... 64 87 Belt-splicing -.................. Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Belt-tighteners -—... -................ Journals and Bearings..... 64 87 Bench-clamps -. —. —...-............. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bench-dogs ------ --- ---— Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Benches for carpenters, joiners, &c. —. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bench-fittings. —--.. —............. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bench-hooks. — -...... —-.. -.-... Wood-Working; 4 —--—.- 145 29 Bench-planes -.........Wood-Working; 4 -- - 145 29 Bench-shears..-......... Cutlery-....... 30 44 Bench-strips. ——... —-------- - Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bench-vises. (Wood-Working).-.-Wood-Working; 4.-1..-.. 45 29 Bending bars and plates.-............. Metal-Working; 1-........ 76 125 Bending rails -.................... Metal-Working; I -----—. 76 125 Bending sails-.-...-.-. Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Bending sheet-metal. — -..-... Sheet-Metal-113A 136 Bending wire -----—..- -- --- - Wire-Working -.140 170 Bending wood, Machines for.. Wood-Working; 3-144 176 Berths, Car ------—. —-..-.-......... Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Berths, Floating...................... Ships; 114 137 Berths, Ships' -..- -.................... Ships; 1... -..-..114 137 B~ton — —. ——. —---,-.-.Stone, Lime, and Cement.- 125 153 B6ton, Structures of -— M........... - Masonry —... —. —--—.- 72 4 Beverages, (except Agrated and Fermented)-.........Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 98 Beverages, A;rated_...-. A ration.-..... 1 1 Beverages, Fermented.....-. Beer and Wine............ 7 19 Bidets. - -................- - - Baths and Closets-.......... 4 Biers. —. ——. —.. ——.. —----—. —--- Carriages. —...... —- ---- 21 31 Bilge-boards. Ships; 1.................. 137 Bilgewater-alarms. -.. —-. —--- Signals-.116 137 Bilge-water, Discharging. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Bilgewater-gages, -----—. - - Measuring-Instruments..- 73 137 Bill-holders. —-. —-—.. —---------- Stationery --.. —. -------- 120 146 Bill-hooks -.. ——.- - ---—... ——.-.- Cutlery................... 30 44 Billiard-balls -......... Games and Toys -------—. 46 143 Billiard-balls, Compositions for.-. Chemical Miscellaueous.. -- 23 143 Billiard-chalk cups ---...... —-—. —-. Games and Toys.-. —----- 46 143 Billiard-cues-. Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Billiard-cue tips Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Billiard-markers...................... Games and Toys.......... 46 143 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 197 ce SUBJECT. N Name~~~~ of ls-ofiilclsii ~ z cation. f. C. CZO Billiard-table chalk-holders..........-. Games and Toys-.......... 46 143 Billiard-table pockets- -............. Gamines and Toys —. —-—. 46 143 Billiard-tables -....... —-—.-........ Games and Toys. —......... 46 143 Binders' boards ------—.- -----. Paper Making......... 92 15 Binders for harvesters................ Harvesters -..... 56 74 Binders for sewing-machines.-.. Sewing-Machines -----.... 112 134 Binders, Temporary. —---- —. —....... Stationery....-... 120 15 Bindings for carpet, &c-. Cordage. —---—..-.-... 28 17 Binding, Woven...................... Weaving -..- - -..... 139 95 Binnacles............................ Ships; 1...- -........... 114 137 Bins, Meal........................... Kitchen Utensils.........-. 65 88 Bird-cages............................ Wire-Working - -.......... 140 170 Bird-houses........................... Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Biscuit-boards........................ Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Biscuit (clay) ovens -...... Dryers and Kilns —... 34 115 Biscuit-cutters........................ Kitchen Utensils ---- --—. 65 88 Bistouries.-........................... Cutlery................... 30 156 Bits, Boring. (Wood)- -...-... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bits, Bridle —.................... Harness-... -.. 54 72 Bit-stocks-............................ Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bitters, Tonic...................... Chemical Miscellaneous 23 98 Bitting-rigging.......... Harness.-................. 54 144 Bitts, Riding and towing.- -.... Ships; 1. —--—.. —---—. 114 137 Black, Animal ------—.- --------. Sugar. —------ -------—.. 127 155 Blackboard-rubbers -- -............... Educational.............. 35 146 Blackboards....-. - - - - Educationtl.............. 35 146 Blackboards, Compositions for. —---—. Educational.............. 35 146 Black, Bone Sugar.................... 127 155 Blacking-boxes -...... —-...-..... - - Furniture............... 45 16 Blacking-box holders -.- -............. Furniture.- -........... 45 16 Blacking leather, Compositions for.... Tanning.................. 129 92 Black, Ivory-............ Sugar..-..... 127 155 Black-leadingimachinesforelectrotyping Printing................. 101 164 Blacksmiths' forges-....... Metal-Working; 3..... 78 60 Blacksmiths' tools --—....- -. —...... Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 60 Blacksmiths' tool-stands............. Metal-Working; 3... 78 60 Black-washing molds, Apparatus for... - - Casting-......... 22 33 Blanching oils, fats, wax, &c-.......... Oil, Fat, and Glue-...-. 87 26 Blanks from bars and plates, Cutting. Metal-Working; 4..7..... 79 119 Blast-furnaces... -Metallurgy — - -7..-.. 75 85 Blasting-cartridges ----—......... Projectiles. —.... —----- 102 124 Blasting-compounds -—.-.. —----—. Gunpowder.....- -. —-- 52 71 Blasting-fuses. —-. —-.. —.... Projectiles.-... 102 124 Blasting-plugs Projectiles................ 102 124 Blasting rock.... Projectiles................ 102 124 Blast-nozzles for steam-engines........ Steam; 3.-...... 123 94 Blasting-.-.......... Projectiles................ 102 124 Blast-machines-....................... Pneumatics............... 98 12 Blast-regulators. —-- -—.-..... -.... Pneumatics ----—.-......98 12 Bleaching-materials. —----- --------—. Bleaching, Dyeing, &c -... 8 11 Bleaching-processes. -........ Bleaching, Dyeing, &c.... 8 11 Bleaching —-....-..........- -. —-- Bleaching, Dyeing, &c.... 8 11 Blind-adjusters --------- — I ——.. Builders' Hardware.. 16 24 Blind-bridles -------—. ——.. -.-...... Harness -........ 54 72 Blind-fasteners....................... Builders' Hardware... 16 24 Blind-fittings, Manufacture of.......... Hardware Manufactures-. 53B 24 Blind-folding devices for animals. —--- Harness................. 4 72 Blind-hinges Builders' Hardware..... 16 24 Blind-operators....................... Builders' Hardware.....- 16 24 Blinds............................... Carpentry 20 30 Blinds for horses.......Harness.............. 54 72 198 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- % catioD. C SUBJECT. cation. Cd o o 0rQ Caa Blind-slats, Machines for planing...... Wood-WVorking; 3 —. ——. 144 30 Blind-slats, Machines for tenoning- -. Wood-Working; 3 -------- 144 30 Blind-slats, Machines for wiring-.. —. Wood-Working; 3.......-. 144 30 Blinds, Machines for making.......... Wood-Working; 3 __..-. 144 30 Blinds, Metallic..................... Masonry................. 72 4 Blind-splints, Machines for making I... Wood-Working; 2 - -.. 143 174 Blind-staples. ——. —- -- ------------ Nails-.-...-... 85 30 Blind-stiles, Machines for making...... Wood-Working; 3 -.-. —-- 144 30 Blind-stiles, Machines for mortising -. — Wood-Working; 3..-... 144 30 Blind-stiles, Machines for piercing -. Wood-Working; 3.... 144 30 Blind-stiles, Machines for spacing-. Wood-Working; 3. —---- 144 30 Blinds, Woven-...... Weaving.-.. -.... 139 95 Blinds, Woven-wire --—.. —-—. —---- Wire-Working.- -.. 140 170 Blind, Writing-apparatus for the.-. Educational --—.-.- 35 146 Blister-spreaders..... Surgery. —--—.. —-. —--- 128 156 Blocks, Bushings for. —. —..- --------. Hoisting.................. 57 79 Blocks for hats and bonnets........... Felting and Hats. —-. —-—. 38 76 Blocks, Machines for making nautical. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Blocks, Machines for making wooden paving. —-........ —------------—. Wood-Working; 3. —.... 144 174 Blocks, Pulley --------- -----------. Hoisting.- -- —. 57 79 Blocks, Snatch........................ Hoisting. -57 79 Blocks, Tackle.. —.- -.............. —. Hoisting ------—. —-—.-. 57 79 Blood, Instruments for infusing. -.-. _-Surgery -------- -------—. 128 156 Blood, Instruments for propelling the.. Surgery. —------ --------. 128 156 Blotters ----—. —------—. —-. —--—. Stationery -... —-.-....... 120 146 Blotters, Book.-....................... Stationery. —--- —.-.... 120 146 Blotting-pads......................... Stationery.-___...... 120 146 Blowers.............................. Pneumatics....... —-..... 98 12 Blowers for furnaces................... - Pneumatics............... 98 12 Blowers for organs.................... Pneumatics............... 98 12 Blowers, Steam....................-... Pneumatics............... 98 12 Blowing-apparatus for glass-makers - - Pneumatics..... 98 12 Blowing fur -------—. —------....... Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Blow-pipes-........................... Pneumatics........... 98 12 Blow-pipes for glass-workers. —....... Pneumatics............... 98 12 Blubber-presses -.......... Presses —---.-........... 100 26 Boarding leather. Tanning.................. 129 92 Boarding machines, Leather.-... Tanning. —---—. —------ 129 92 Boas................................. Apparel. —.-......... —2. 38 Boat-bridges -....................... Boats..-.-..-... 9 13 Boat-building. ------—.............- - Boats..................... 9 13 Boat-detaching apparatus............. Boats.-....-....-......... 9 13 Boat-hoists........................... Boats — 9..... 9 13 Boat-hooks. —--------- ------------—. Boats..................... 9 13 Boats —.......... —----—.... Boats --------—... —-- 9 13 Boats, Canal-.......................... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Boats, Ferry. —..-.-.-..... —----. Ships; 1 —.114 137 Boats, Folding-...... —. —-------—. Boats..................... 9 13 Boats, Ice-breaking.-.... Ships; 1. —----- ------—. 114 137 Boats, Life........................... Boats..................... 9 13 Boats; Metallic..-.-..... Boats........... —-—..... 9 13 Boats, Sectional- Boats-9...._. 13 Boats, Steam -...... Ships; 1 -.. 114 137 Boats, Surf............................ Boats-..................... 9 13 Boats, Torpedo....................... Ships; 1........-.......... 114 137 Bobbinet-machines...... Knitting.. 66 89 Bobbins.............................. Cordage.................. 28 17 Bobbins - Spinning................. 118 142 Bobbins for sewing-machines.-.. Sewing-Machines.-..-..- 112 134 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 199.0e0 Name of class-official classifi- - SUBJECT. cation eation.:~erl'ai 000 z z Bobbins for shuttles Weaving.................. 138 95 Bobbins for braiding hair Toilet.................... 132 161 Bobbin-winders ----------—..........- Spinning -----—........ - - 118 142 Bobbin-winders for sewing-machines-.. Sewing-Machines......... 112 134 Bodies of vehicles..................... Carriages................. 21 31 Bodkins.............................. Apparel.................. 2 38 Body-conformators ------------------- Apparel.................. 2 38 Bog-cutters..........................- Plows ------—.- ---------- 97 114 Boiler-covering. Steam; 2................. 122 149 Boiler-feeders ------------------------- Steam; 2................. 122 148 Boiler-flue cleaners.................... Steam 2................. 122 148 Boiler-flues --------------------------- Steam; 2 122 148 Boiler-makers' tools.. Metal-Working; 6......... 81A 148 Boiler-making, Steam................. Metal-Working; 3......... 78 148 Boilers, Agricultural ------------------ Stoves................... 126 59 Boilers, Domestic --------------------- Stoves ------—......... - - 126 154 Boiler-setting, Steam ------------------ Steam; 2................. 122 149 Boilers for heaters..................... Steam; 2 ------- -. —----- 126 147 Boilers, Furnace-doors for ------------- Steam; 2................. 122 149 Boilers, Furnaces for.................. Steam; 2................. 122 149 Boilers, Locomotive Steam; 3................. 123 94 Boilers, Making sheet-metal domestic-. Sheet-Metal............... 113B 136 Boilers of steam-heaters --------------- Steam; 2 - 122 147 Boilers, Setting steam -. —------------- Steam; 2 -.-. 122 149 Boilers, Steam. Steam; 2 —----- ---------- 122 148 Boiler-tile arrangements Steam; 2. 122 149 Boiler-tubes, Devices for cleaning -... Steam; 2- 122 148 Boiler-tubes, Ferrules for -------------- Steam; -2 - 122 148 Boiler-tubes, Tools for scaling ---------- Steam; 2................. 12 148 Bolsters for spindles -. —--------------- Spinning -118 142 Bolt-cutters -------------------------- Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100 Bolt-extractors ----------------------- Wood-Working; 4 145 29 Bolt-heading machines ---------------- Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... 10 14 Bolting meal, &c.. Mills --------------------- 83 57 Bolt-locks ---------------------------- Builders' Hardware....._ 16 24 Bolt-making machines................. Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets -.- 10 14 Bolts, Chain -------------------------- Builders' Hardware._-_.... 16 24 Bolts, Flour........................... Mills ---------- ----------- 83 57 Bolts for doors, shutters, and blinds.... Builders' Hardware- - -16 24 Bolts, (household,) Manufacture of-.... Hardware Manufactures... 53B 24 Bolts, Screw.......................... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets ---- 10 14 Bolts, Spring Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Bolt-threading machines.............. Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets.... 10 14 Bomb-lances.......................... Projectiles................ 102 143 Bone-black filters --------------------- Sugar --------- ----------- 127 155 Bone-black furnaces ------------------- Sugar.................... 127 155 Bone-black, Processes for reviving Sugar..................... 127 155 Bone-black, Purifying-. Sugar.................... 127 155 Bone-elevators........................ Surgery ----—..- --------- 1`28 156 Bone-mills. Ore....................... 90 3 Bonnet-caps.......................... Felting and Hats. -........ 38 38 Bonnet-clasps......................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnet-frames........................ Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnet-fronts......................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnet-ironing machines -------------- Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnet-presses....................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnets............................... Felting and Hats _.. ~.... - - 38 38 Bonnets for horses.................... Harness -------- ---------- 54 72 Bonnet-shaping machines............. Felting and Hats.......... 38 38 Bonnet-stands........................ Apparel. 2 38 200 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifil: C cation. C o0 14-. i,-4 z z Book-binders' presses.................. Presses.-................... 100 15 Book-binders, Temporary....-.. Stationery.. —--—. —--—. - 120 15 Book-binding materials, processes, styles, tools, and machines -—.. ——. Book-Binding -.-... —.- 11 15 Book-cases —... —-------------- -. Furniture.45 62 Book-clamps. —--- ------.-........- Stationery ----—. -------- 120 146 Book-cover fastenings...... Book-Binding.......... 11 15 Book-cover protectors..... Stationery. —. ——.. —-—. 120 15 Book-covers......... Book-Binding............ 11 15 Book-covers, Machines for making.... Book-Binding............. 11 15 Book-folding machines................ Paper Manufactures.. —-- 93 117 Book-holders.......... Stationery..... 120 146 Book-holders, Portable..-.............. Stationery....... 120 146 Book-markers........................ Stationery -.. —------- 120 146 Books, Copying -............... Stationery................. 120 146 Book-sewing machines................ Book-Binding............. 11 15 Book-shelves. --------------- - Furniture.... 45 62 Books in the round, Machines for cutting............................... Book-Binding............. 11 15 Books, Manifold-writing........... Stationery.............. 120 146 Book-supports —.-.-.-. — -......, -Furniture.e...... —-...:. 45 62 Booms -.-.......................... Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Booms for logs -...-................. - Boats..9.... 13 Boot-boxes of vehicles................ Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Boot-channeling machines............. Boots and Shoes...... 12 16 Boot-clamps..-... —-.- -......... -Boots and Shoes..1..... 12 16 Boot-cleaners.-......... - -...........Boots and Shoes-.... 15 16 Boot-crimps. —------------------- Boots and Shoes..... 12 16 Boot-grooving machines............... Boots and Shoes -..... 12 16 Boot-hooks -.. —--------------- -- Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Boot;jacks............................ Furniture-........... 45 16 Boot-linings................. ----— Boots and Shoes... -. -.... 12 16 Boot-patterns -.. — -. —...... Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Boot-racks.................... Furniture........ 45 62 Boots and shoes..............-... Boots and Shoes-... 12 16 Boot-seam rubbers........ Boots and Shoes.. -—...... 12 16 Boots for horses-............ Harness-...............- 54 144 Boot-shanks, Manufacture of metallic-. Hardware Manufactures - 53G 16 Boots, Metallic braces for. —- -Boots and Shoes...-..._. 12 16 Boots, Metallic shanks for -—. —------— Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Boots, Metallic soles for.Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Boot-soles -—. —---------------------- Boots and Shoes. —-.....12 16 Boot-stretchers. —--------— Boots and Shoes......1. [2 16 Boots, Wooden soles for-.__,,.~. Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Boot-trees.-......................... -Boots and Shoes.1.......-. 2 16 Boot-uppers........ -...- ---—. Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Boot-ventilators -.-o —.. —- -- Boots and Shoes........ - 2 16 Boring-bits.W.......................... ood-Working; 4....... 145 29 Boring cannon........................ Metal-Working; 2S........77 105 Boring cylinders.......... WMetal-Working; 2........ 7 100 Boring, Earth.........Excavators.......-... 1 37 51 Boring-machines, Metal............... Metal-Working; 2........ 77 100 Boring-machines, (wood) -..........- Wood-Working; 2. —----- 143 -29 Boring rock..........................Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 124 Bosom-expanders........... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 80 Bosom-folders........................ Apparel....2 38 Bosoms..................Apparel -—.-............ 2 38 Bottle-brushes......... Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Bottle-cleaners. —... —............ Airation and Bottling or 1 1 Bottle-envelopes.A......... ration and Bottling... 1 169 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 201 Cdde Name of class-official classifi- Ce SUBJECT. cation. o ~ cation ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~.~.C, z z Bottle-faucets.. Valves.................... 136 1 Bottle-fillers.-........... Airation and Bottling...- 1 Bottle-holders........................ Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Bottle-holders for glass-making........ Glass.-..........49 68 Bottle making, Glass............-... Glass.....-................ 49 68 Bottle-racks.......................... Airation and Bottling...- 1 1 Bottles, Boxes for transporting --—...- Airation and Bottling ---- 1 1 Bottles, Dropping —----------------—. Measuring-Instruments - -. 73 98 Bottles, Graduated medicine..-....... Measuring-Instruments. -- 73 98 Bottles, Mucilage..................... Stationery.... 120 146 Bottle-stoppers...- -.... Airation and Bottling__. 1 1 Bottle-washers._-... -.... Airation and Bottling.-._. 1 1 Bottling-implements.- -............. A~ration and Bottling-.... 1 1 Bottling-machines.-...-... Airation and Bottling... 1 1 Bouquet-holders..-.................... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Bow-drills --—.. —.. —--- --—. —----- Metal-Working; 2........ 77 100 Bow-irons of vehicles..- -.... Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Bowls, Machines for turning -—. —.... Wood-Working; 1. —----- 142 175 Bow-pencils and pens --—. —- -..-... Drafting --..-.. —......... 33 97 Bow-string bridges. —....... Bridges.................... 14 21 Bows, Wagon. —...-..... Carriages and Wagons -... 21 31 Box-cars............................. Railways; 2-.... 1. 105 121 Boxes, Ballot........................-. Stationery...... 120 42 Boxes, Cartridge -----—.- ----------—. Trunks -------- 133 162 Boxes, Conductors' check............. Stationery................ 120 42 Boxes direct from pulp, Making paper.. Paper-Making............ 92 108 Boxes, Egg-packing................... Kitchen Utensils —------- 65 116 Boxes, Fare.... —....... Stationery................ 120 42 Boxes, Fish -.-.-.... Kitchen Utensils.-...... _ 65 63 Boxes, Food.......................... Kitchen Utensils -. —----- 65 63 Boxes for plants...................... - Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Boxes for provisions.................. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 63 Boxes for spools and thread -...- Apparel ---—.. ——. —---- 2 38 Boxes for transportation, Refrigerating Ice. ——. ——. —-—. ——.- 62 58 Boxes for vegetables......... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 63 Boxes, Fruit.-.................. Kitchen Utensils-.... 65 63 Boxes, Hat.-.......................... Trunks-......... 133 162 Boxes. Journal.-...................... Journals and Bearings..... 64 87 Boxes, Letter-.........................- Stationery. —----. —--—. 120 146 Boxes, Lunch. —-.. —..- -............ -Kitchen Utensils-..... 65 63 Boxes, Machines for making wooden. Wood-Working; 3... 144 174 Boxes, Machines for turning wooden.. Wood-Working; 1 - 142. 172 Boxes, Mail-distributing. —-. ——.... -Stationery -...... 120 146 Boxes, Making sheet-metal. ---—.. —. - Sheet-Metal-....... 113 B 136 Boxes, Match. —---------------------- Lamps and Gas-Fittings. -. 67' 90 Boxes of wheel-hubs....- -. Carriages...-... 21 31 Boxes, Paper......................... Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Boxes, Pepper......................: Kitchen Utensils-...... 65 88 Boxes, Railway-axle - -....... Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Boxes, Spice................ —.......... Kitchen Utensils..........- 65 88 Boxes, Ticket. -.......... Stationery...-.. 120 146 Box machines, Paper-....-.. Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Box-packing presses-..-.... Presses.................... 100 7 Box-plaiting attachments for sewingmachines.-.......................... Sewing-Machines.-. 112 134 Box-scrapers-......................... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Bracelets............................. Jewelry.................. 63 86 Braces Apparel -................ 2 38 Braces for carriages, Manufacture of-.. Hardware Manufactures.. -. 53 C 31 Braces for trunks. Trunks................... 133 162 202 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ci Name of class-official classifii. C ~~~~~~SUBJECT. ccation. o.40 Brackets for eave-troughs..- -. Roofing.................. 108 126 Brackets for roofs -........ —----- Roofing -...... 108 126 Brackets for staging.-............-..... Carpentry................ 20 30 Bracket-shelves -----------—. ——. - Furniture................ 45 62 Braid -. - -... —...... —-. —- ----—. —. Cordage....-. 28 17 Braiders for sewing-machines.......... Sewing-Machines -....... 112 134 Braid-holders ------ -------- Cordage............ 28 17 Braiding cords --------- -------------- Cordage.................. 28 17 Braiding, Hair........................ Toilet.13.............. 2 161 Braiding-machine carriers. —-. —-—. Cordage1-..... 28 17 Braiding-machines.................... Cordage........ 28 17 Braiding tapes...................... Cordage.................. 28 17 Braiding whips-....................... Cordage.................. 8 72 Brakes, Car-.... -...... Railways; 3 -..-........ 106 122 Brakes, Carriage. —- --.............. Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Brakes for hoisting-machinery -... Mechanical Powers.. —--- 74 79 Brakes for horse-powers....... Mechanical Powers-...... 74 159 Brakes for machinery - -...-..,....-.. Mechanical Powers ----—. 74 79 Brakes, Wagon. —------- —........... Carriages and Wagons ---- 21 31 Braking-machines --—. —........... Brakes and Gins.-........ 13 78 Bran-dusters ----------—. —--------- Mills..................... 83 57 Brass-founding.-...-. Casting.......- 22 10 Brass tubes, Machines for making.-. Tubing and Wire.- -.. 134 163 Brazing.............................. Sheet-Metal...... 113 A 136 Bread and pastry boards. —- -------—. Kitchen Utensils -.-......65 88 Bread-cutters..-............. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Bread-machines. ——..- -........- --- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 6 Bread-raising compounds...... Chemical Miscellaneous 23. 23 6 Breaking horses, Apparatus for,, —. Harness.................. 54 144 Breakwaters.-...... Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Breast-bails.. —--------------------- Harness- --—. —---- 54 72 Breast-cups -----------—.-..-........ Surgery.-............. 128 156 Breast-pads ---------- ---------------. Crinoline and Corsets -.... 29 80 Breast-pins.. —.......... Jewelry. —-............ 63 86 Breast-pumps-........................ Surgery.................. 128 156 Breast-slides ---------- -—. —.. - -...... Harness. —............... 54 72 Beast-straps -- -- --- Harness.................. 54 72 Breast-strap slides -......... Harness ---------—...... 54 72 Breech-loading cannon.-...... Ordnance -................ 89 105 Breech-loading small-arms. ——.. —-- - Fire-Arms. -..... 42 18 Breech-straps —--..- -................ Harness.................. 54 72 Brequet-chain hooks ------ —. ------—. Clasps and Buckles........ 24 87 Brewery-apparatus -. —- ----------—. -Beer and Wine_7...... 19 Brewing. —....... Beer and Wine.-7-......... 19 Brick-kilfis-...............Dryers and Kilns. - -... 34 20 Bricklayers' tools, Manufacture of —.Metal-Working; 6 -..31 B 4 Brick-machines...................... Clay...25 20 Brick-molds.......................... Clay...................... 25 20 Brick-presses......................... Clay. —............... 25 20 Bricks............................... Clay -........... 25 20 Bricks, Fire —.. ——........... ——. Clay...................... 25 20 Brick-work of buildings.............. Masonry.................. 72 4 Bridges Bridges................. 14 21 Bridges, Deck........................ Ships; 1.................. 14 137 Bridges, Hose........................ Railway; 1-........... 104 81 Bridge-signals........................ Signals...... -..... 116 21 Bfidges, Paddle-box.................. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Bridges, Steam-furnace............... Steam; 2................. 122 149 Bridles Harness.................. 54 72 Bridle-winkers....................... Harness.................. 54 72 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 203 6 ~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- C.C cation. C: o QmQ z z Brine-tubs........................... Butchering. 17 25 Bristle-assorting machines...... Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Bristle-bunching machines............ Brushes and Brooms..... 15 22 Bristle-cleaning machines............. Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Bristle-washing machines............ Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Britannia-ware - -......... Sheet-Metal...-... 113 B 34 Britannia-ware, Casting-processes for.. Casting.-.............. 22 34 Broadcast sowers ------- --- Seeders and Planters -. - 111 133 Broilers. —........... Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Bronzing-machines -. -..-.......... Fine Arts. —-------------. 41 54 Brooches, Manufacture of Hardware Manufactures. -. 53 E 86 Broom-corn presses -.... Presses................... 100 22 Broom-handles --------—. —......... Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Broom-handles, Machines for making.. Wood-Working; 1........ 142 174 Broom-hangers ---------------------- Furniture-.-... 45 62 Broom-heads —....... Brushes and Brooms ---—.. 15 22 Brooms —............ -Brushes and Brooms. ——.- 15 22 Broom-splints, Machines for making -.- Wood-Working; 2........ 143 22 Brush-backs.... —.. Brushes and Brooms ------- 15 22 Brush-hacks, Machines for making.... Wood-Working; 3..-... 144 22 Brushes, (all kinds except Wire)- -....-. Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Brushes ------. —-----.............. Brushes and Brooms... 15 22 Brushes, Wire........................ Wire-Working...- 140 170 Brush-handles ------—. —----------—. Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Brush-handles, Machines for making- -. Wood-Working; 3 - 144 22 Brush-heads.......................... Brushes and Brooms.... 15 22 Brush-making machines ----- ------—. Brushes and Brooms...... 15 22 Brush-pullers..-.....-.. Hoisting......... 57 79 Brush-racks. ----- Furniture................ 45 62 Buckets- -..............Kitchen Utensils. —....... 65 88 Buckets, Dinner —...... —---------—. Kitchen Utensils ----- 65 63 Buckets, Dumping. —.... —-—...- -. -Hoisting....-............. 57 79 Buckets, Folding.-..... Kitchen Utensils.-....... 65 63 Buckets, Hoisting.....-.... Hoisting ------ --- 57 79 Buckets, Machines for making -...... Wood-WVorking; 3........ 144 40 Buckets, Making sheet-metal........-.. Sheet-Metal -.-.......... 113 B 136 Bucking-kiers. —... — - -.- -...... Bleaching, Dyeing, &c... 11 Buckles....-..-........Clasps and Buckles -.. 24 23 Buckles, (harness,) Manufacture of. -. Hardware Manufactures.. 53 E 23 Buckles, Manufacture of.............. Hardware Manufactures.. 53 23 Budding-knives. —------------ -. —. -Metal-Working; 5........ 80 63 Buffers. ——..-. —............... Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Buffers, Car ---------- ----------—.Railway; 3.-............ 106 122 Buffers for doors................-..... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Buffing-machines.-..-..... Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Buhl-work ---—. ——. —-----—. --— Fine Arts —--------------- 41 54 Builders' sheet-metal ware............ Sheet-Metal....113 B 136 Buildings, Moving.................. Mechanical Powers.....74 67 Bulkheads............ Ships; 1........ 114 137 Bullet-casting.. —-... —---—.. —. —-- Casting. —--------—. ——. 22 32 Bulletin-boards -... ------------— Stationery -—.....- --—. —. 120 146 Bulletin-boards, Adjustable.. —-------- Stationery....... 120 146 Bullet-pressing machines......Hardware Manufactures_-. 53 A 32 Bullets....... Projectiles..... 102 32 Bullets, Lubricating.. —............. Projectiles. -....102 32 Bullets, Manufacture of....... Hardware Manufactures.. - 53 A 32 Bullion, Machines for making...... Weaving...... 139 95 Bull-rings............................ Harness.................. 54 144 Bumpers, Car......................... Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Bumping-posts....... Railways; 1..... 104 120 204 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. c6 Cd'5* ~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. o'3 cation.!5 z z Bundling fire-wood, Machines for...... Wood-Working; 3. —-. —-. 144 174 Bundling-presses for yarns and threads Presses -........ 100 17 Bung-cutters. Wood-Working; 1-... 142 175 Bungs.-.. AFration — 1........... 40 Bungs, Bushes for. —----------------- Airation - -_..- -1..... 1 40 Bungs, Extractors for -........ Airation.. — -.......... 1 40 Bungs, Machines for turning.. ——... Wood-Working; 1 —.. 142 172 Buoys -. —--------—. —.-. -. —...... Boats. -.....-.. 9 138 Buoy-safes..... Boats.-.. —.. —--- -. —.. 9 128 Buoys, Electrical - Electricity -. —--- -...... 36 138 Burial-cases, Compositions for making. Coffins- ------- - 27 39 Burial-caskets-...-....-...-.. Coffins............. - 27 39 Burglar-alarms.-... -... Signals.. —........ 116 24 Bureaus.............................. Furniture................ 45 62 Burettes-.....-.... Measuring-Instruments.-. 73 98 Burglar-proof safes ------—.. —.. — Safes..................... 109 128 Burners-.-.......... Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 64 Burning-fluids-...- -............. Stills --------- -1 —.. -..... 124 47 Burning lime. —....-.. —........... Stone, Lime, and Cement_. 125 153 Burnishers -. —.....-... —...- —. Grinding and Polishing-. — 51 70 Burnishing-machines................. Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Burnishing machines, Boot............ Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Burr-cutters --—. —---—.....-....... Metal-Working; 7....- - 82 100 Burring-machines-..................... Carding. —---. —------—. 19 28 Burrs, Metallic....................... Mills —... 83 57 Bush-extractors...................... Hoisting.-..... 57 79 Bushings for barrels - -..- -....... Ai-ratiou 1.............._. I 40 Bushings for gun-vents..-.. Ordnance ------- —. —-—. 89 105 Busks -. —----------- -----------. Crinoline and Corsets. 29 8{ Bustles. —-. —. —-------—. —..... -Crinoline and Corsets..29 80 Butchering appliances. —..... Butchering 1........... 17 25 Butter-buckets- -...... Kitchen Utensils.... —---- 65 45 Butter-dishes..... —.... Kitchen Utensils. — ------- 65 88 Butter-molds.-........................ Dairy.............. 31 45 Butter-stampers.- Dairy. —... ——...... 31 45 Butter-tongs-........... Kitchen Utensils.-.-.-.... 65 45 Butter-workers....................... Dairy................. 31 45 Button-hole punches............ Clasps and Buckles....... - 24 38 Button-hole sewing-machines..... Sewing-Machines ------—. 112 134 Button-hooks................... —-—. Clasps and Buckles....... 24 38 Button-keys or fasteners ---- -------—. Clasps and Buckles 2...... 24 23 Button making, Glass ------ —.-. —---- Glass.......... 49 68 Button-rings, Manufacture of... —----- Hardware Manufactures -. 53 E 23 Buttons, (door,) Manufacture of....... Hardware Manufactures. - 53 B 24 Buttons, Gilding —.-..-.- -.-......... Plating. —....... —-----—. 96 113 Buttons, Machines for turning......... Wood-Working; 1........ 142 172 Buttons, (metallic,) Manufacture of.... Hardware Manufactures. 53 E 23 Buttons of any material, (except Turning, Class 142).......... -Clasps and Buckles-.... 24 23 Buttons to cards, Securing............ Claps and Buckles........ 24 23 Buttons to fabrics, Eyeleting. —-- ---- Clasps and Buckles... 24 23 Buttons to fabrics, Riveting....... —.... Clasps and Buckles....... 24 23 C. Cabin-door hooks..................... Builders' Hardware ------- 16 24 Cabinet-hooks, Manufacture of-.... Hardware Manufactures. 53 D 24 Cabinet-makers' tools.......... Wood-Working; 4.... 145 49 Cabinet-makers' tools of metal, Manufacture of...................... Metal-Working; 65.. 81 B 49 Cabinet-organs....................... Music........ 84 106 ALPHA'BETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 205 SUBJE C T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- d~ 0 0 Name of class — official classifi- ~~~~~SUBI~JECT. ~cation., "o a z z Cabinets.. —....-.................... Furniture................ 16 24 Cabins, Floating..................... Ships; 1 -....... —-......114 137 Cable-grippers -.. -.... Ships; 1 —.... 114 138 Cable-hooks.......................... Ships; 1 - -114 138 Cable-nippers........................ Ships; 1. —-.. ——. —---- 114 138 Cables for submarine telegraphs...... —. Wire-Working 140 170 Cables for suspension-bridges.. —-. Wire-Working.- -- —.....- 140 170 Cables for vessels — -.... Ships; 1 --.. —..- -......114 138 Cable-shackles.......... -Ships; 1. —... —.- -......114 138 Cables, Laying submarine.-...... Hydraulic Engineering - -. 61 82 Cables, Links for-..................... Ships; 1.-..-...........114 138 Cables, Securing --------—.- - -—. —--- Ships; 1. —-. —--—.. —-- 114 138 Cables, Subnmarine telegraph. —-......... Electricity. —--- -—.-.... 36 170 Cables, Suspension-bridge............. Wire-Working - -........140 170 Cables, Telegraph.................... Electricity-.-.. —........36 170 Cable-stoppers —.................. Ships; 1 —..... 114 138 Cables, Wire -------.- - - Wire-Working............ 140 170 Cabs for railway-cars-................. Railways; 3....-.. 106 i 121 Caissons for piers, &c ---—. —--. Hydraulic Engineering... 61 82 Cake-cutters ------------- - ----------- Kitchen Utensils -65 88 Cake-turners-..... —....., -----. Kitchen Utensils 6. —. 6 5 154 Calash-tops for carriages-.... Carriages 21 31 Calcium lights ------------ - ---. Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Calculating-machines -...... Measuring-Instruments -. 73 42 Calculi, Instruments for extracting.... Surgery..-...... 128 156 Calendars. ——........ — -—.......... Stationery..... 120 146 Calendars, Electrical.................. Electricity........ 36 50 Calendering cloth -..... - ----—. Cloth-.... 26 37 Calico-printing, Composition for-.-. Bleaching and Dyeing..8 11 Calico-printing machines-. -... Printing. 101 11 Calico-printing, Processes for.......... Bleaching and Dyeing..... 8 11 Calipers -.-.- -..- -..- -........... Draughting............... 33 97 Calking -- -— Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Calking-machines. —---- - -- Ships; 1 ----- --- - 114 137 Calks, Boot. —...... —.- -..-...... Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Call-bells.-. -...... Signals.'..16..... -.... -. 124 Caloric-engines.-.. Pneumatics............... 98 2 Camels............................... Ships; 114 82 Cameras -. —-.-......... -Optics-.....88 111 Cameras, Photographic.....-. Photography..........95 111 Cameras, Solar.. -........ Photography.............. 88 111 Camera-stands....-... Photography.-.. -9..... 95 111 Camp-beds-............ Beds.-................... 5 62 Camp-cots............................ Beds.5........ 62 Camp-kits.-....-..-.... Kitchen Utensils -....... 65 88 Camp-stools........................... Furniture-...45 62 Cam-rods............................. Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Cams, Variable.-..... Mechanical Powers-...74 67 Canal-boats --------—.-. —-—.....Ships; 1 -.......114 137 Canal-boats, Propulsion of...-......... Ships; 2.................. 115 139 Canal-hoists.....-.. Hydraulic Engineering -.- 61 82 Canal-lining-............ Hydraulic Engineering.. 61 82 Canal-lock gates......... Hydraulic Engineering -- 61. 82 Canal-locks.-_...__ -.-.._ Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Canal-propulsion, apart from the boat. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Canals............Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Candle-holders -........... Lamps and Gas-Fitting..- 67 90 Candle-machinery-__..._.... Oil, Fat, and Glue ---- ---. 87 26 Candle-making................... Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 Candle-molds Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 Candle-molds, Compositions for........ Oil, Fat, and Glue-........- 87 26 15 206 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- cation. 0. Ca z z 0 H a W Candles- Oil, Fat, and Glue —-.. —-. 87 26 Candles, Compositions for ------------ Oil, Fat, and Glue -----—. 87 26 Candlesticks.-..._... Lamps and Gas-Fitting -. — 67 90 Candlesticks, Making sheet-metal.... Sheet-Metal-.......113 B 136 Candy-cutters-...... Sugar-127 155 Candy-making machines-...._.. Sugar --..... 127 155 Cane and seat combined. -.... Umbrellas and Fans-135 62 Cane-guns. ——,.-,,,,.Fire-Arms —------- 42 55 Cane-harvesters..-.........Harvesters ---------------- 56 75 Cane-juice, Treatment of...........Sugar. —----—. -......... 127 155 Cane-knives... -...... Cutlery-....... 30 44 Cane, Machines for polishing --—.... -Wood-Working; 3.-...... 144 169 Cane, Machines for splitting... —..... Wood-Working; 3.- - - _. 144 169 Cane, Machines for stripping.......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 169 Cane-mills...-..... Mills- — _........ 83 155 Cane-planters........................ Seeders and Planters l. il 133 Canes, Ferrules for walking........... Umbrellas and Fans-... 135 165 Canes, Physicians'....... Surgery...... 128 156 Cane-strippers..-........ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 155 Canes, Walking...................... Umbrellas and Fans....... 135 165 Caning chairs, Instruments for........ Wood-Working; 3....... 144 62 Canisters-........... Kitchen Utensils. —------ 65 88 Canister-shot...-... Projectiles.-......... 102 105 Cannons.. —...... Ordnance-....-....... 89 105 Cannon-sights. -..........Ordnance -—. —---------- 89 105 Can-openers ------------ Cutlery —---------------—. 30 88 Canopies for bedsteads................ Beds --—..... 5 62 Cans, Air-tight ---------- - Preserving... -......... 99 58 Cans for preserving provisions......... Preserving................ 99 28 Cans for slivers... —---............... Carding-..... 19 58 Cans, Making sheet-metal-...... Sheet-Metal —..........113 B 136 Canteens,~-___.,..,,,,,,Kitchen Utensils-65 88 Cant-hooks --—...................... Saws-1...10. 130 Can tops, caps, and stoppers -.......... Preserving —. —-. —......99 58 Canvas-stretchers...-... Fine Arts.-.... 41 54 Caoutchoneuc manufactures............. Caoutchouc-......... 18 84 Caoutchouc-printing -.....- -- Printing -—......... 101 117 Cap boxes, Percussion —--.- -.-....... Projectiles. —...........102 55 Capes -------------------------------- Apparel -.................2 38 Caponizing devices......-.. Surgery_....... 128 156 Capping nails ------------------ - Nails --------------------- 85 103 Capping screws....................... Nails --------- 85 103 Caps —................ Felting and Hats.-....... 38 38 Cap-spinning machines................ Spinning...... 118 142 Capstans ----------------------- - Hoisting -. —............ 57 79 Capstans for mole-plows ----—... —-- Hoisting. —-------------- 57 79 Capsules, Bottle...................... Airation................. 1 Capsules for cans and bottles, Making.. Sheet-Metal.-....... 113B 136 Capsules, Machines for making medicinal............................... Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 98 Capsules, Medicinal.. Chemical Miscellaneous. - - 23 98 Car-axle boxes -—... —------—. ——. Railways; 3 -—. ------ 106 122 Car-axles............................. Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Carbonic-acid-gas engines, (motors) --- Pneumatics -... —-.-...... 98 2 Carbonizing-furnaces.-. —---------—. Metallurgy -. —--—....... 75 99 Carbonizing wood, Furnaces and kilns for................................. Driers and Kilns.. —------ 34 61 Carboys........................ Glass......... 49 68 Car-brakes -..Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Car-brakes, Automatic................ Railways; 3.. 106 122 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 207 Name of class —official classifiSUBJECT. cawn.a cation. o.o z4 z Car-brakes, Electrical-....... Electricity-...-... 36 122 Car-brake shoes ------................ Railways; 3.-............ 106 122 Car-brakes, Pneumatic...... Steam; 1 —.-. —--- ---—. 121 122 Car-brakes, Steam-actuated —---. —--- Steam; 1.........1'21 122 Car-buffers --—...-........... ---- Railways; 3 -. —--------- 106 122 Car-bumper springs. —---------------- Railways 3 --------. 106 122 Carburetors for air or gas-..... Gas ---—..- -- —. —...... 48 27 Car-cabs... -.......... Railways; 3 -.-.......... 106 121 Carcasses -................ Projectiles.. —........ 102 105 Car-couches.......................... Railways; 2. -—...... —-- 105 121 Car-couplings. —.................... -Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Card-board ------ ------------------ -Paper-Making...... 92 108 Card-board driers-.................... Driers and Kilns ---------- 34 108 Card-calendars-............Stationery. —. —-—.. —-—. 120 146 Card-cases.-........................... Stationery --—. —----—. 120 146 Card-clothing........................ Carding.....-. 19 28 Card-grinding. —--------------------- Grinding and Polishing -... 51 28 Card-holders...... Stationery. —-. ——.- -.... 120 146 Carding-machines ---------- Carding.................. 19 28 Carding-machines, Alarms for —....... Carding —... —-.. —---—. 19 28 Carding-machines, Cylinders for-....... Carding --—. ——... ——. 19 28 Carding-machines, Stop-motions for -.-.- Carding.................. 19 28 Card-mounts......................... Fine Arts............ 41 146 Car-door latches..Locks and Latches.-...... 70 121 Car-door locks......................... Locks and Latches... 70. 121 Card-racks -. —----------—. - -— Stationery -....-120 146 Car draw-bars. —-.............. Railways; 3.-.......... 106 122 Car draw-heads...........-............ Railways; 3.-..- -........ 106 122 Cards.- --—........................ Stationery -.. ——.... —-. 120 146 Cards, Cleaning..Carding.................. 19 28 Cards, Currying. -Stabling -.-. —........ 119 144 Cards, Playing ---------------- - Games and Toys.-. —----- 46 143 Cards, Reading.-...... Games and Toys. —. —-—. 46 143 Card-strippers........................ Carding -.. —. —------ 19 28 Cards, (Wool and Cotton) ---- -.... Carding 19 28 Cargo-ports. —-..-............... Ships; 1.. —.. —--------- 114 137 Car-heaters —.- —.- -......... Stoves and Furnaces 1.. 26 154 Car-jacks-.-,.. -,,.-,.-............... -Hoisting........... 57 79 Car-pedestals -.-. - -.......... Railways; 6.... 106 122 Carpenters' benches................... Wood-Working; 4.-...... 145 29 Carpenters' clamps. ----....... Wood-Working; 4 -....... 145 29 Carpenters' gages-. —----------------- -Wood-Working; 4 -----—. 145 29 Carpenters' machines -------—.. ——. Wood-Working; 3.-..... 144 29 Carpenters' tools....-.. Wood-Working; 4......... 145 29 Carpenters' tools of metal, Manufacture of.-..-....-............. Metal-Working; 6 -—...- 81B 49 Carpenters' work of buildings.. —..... Carpentry -...... 20 30 Carpet-bag frames. —-............ Trunks.-1-..-..... 133 162 Carpet-bag frames, Manufacture of -—. Hardware Manufactures. 53J 162 Carpet-bags -—....-..- -......-.. - Trunks -—. — -.. —-- 133 162 Carpet-cleaners....................... Furniture-..... 45 62 Carpet fabrics. —...-..-............ Weaving -- -............. 139 56 Carpet-fasteners...................... Furniture................ 45 62 Carpet-lining....-..... Weaving.-...... 139 95 Carpet-lining machines............... Weaving.__...... 139 56 Carpet-rag cutter....................-. Cloth. ——.. —-.. —-------- 26 95 Carget-rag looper..................... Weaving. —...... 139 95 Carpet-stretchers..................... Furniture................ 45 62 Carpeting.......................... Weaving. -............ 139 95 Car-platforms............... Railways; 3............... 106 122 208 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. Cation. M. 0 ~ gO Carriage-bow joints, Manufacture of... Hardware Manufactures... 53C 31 Carriage-couplings......-............ Carriages. —-.-........... 21 31 Carriage-curtain fastenings. -..... Carriages................. 21 31 Carriage-door handles, Manufacture of. Hardware Manufactures.. 53C 31 Carriage-hardware. --—. —.. ——. —-- Carriages. —................ 21 31 Carriage-heaters. -. -..... Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Carriage-irons ----—.- —. Carriages... -21 31 Carriage-jacks.-.... Hoisting..... 51 79 Carriages. —--—.. —-—.. —-—. —-. — Carriages...... — -. 21 31 Carriages, Dress-guards for.-..... Carriages -. -..........-.. 22 31 Carriage-seat fastenings.. —-- -----—. Carriages.. -.... 21 31 Carriage-seats... —...... Carriages.-...... 21 31 Carriages, Fire-engine-.Carriages 21 31 Carriaoges for artillery ----—....... —- Ordnance. —------- - —. -- 89 105 Carriage-springs -------—.- --. Carriages - -- - —. 21 31 Carriage-springs, Manufacture of. —.. Hardware Manufactures _ 53C 31 Carriage-step protectors --—.- -.....- - Carriages..-..... 21 31 Carriaoe-steps --—.. ——. —-. —-. ——. Carriages -..-..... 21 31 Carriage-steps, Manufacture of. —----- Hardware Manufacture,.. 53C 31 Carriages, Top-blocks for -—. —-------- Carriages -. —------—. -. 21 31 Carriage-top braces, Manufacture of.... Hardware Manufactures.. 53C 31 Carriage-tops -----------------------— Carriages -21 31 Carriage(I-trimllnilgsi ~- — l yS — 21 31 Criage-trimmings................... Carriages - - -21 31 Carriage-window frames --—.. —--—. Carriages.. —-. —. ——.- 21 31 Car-replacers. --------—.. —-.. ——.- Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Car-roofs - ----------------—... --- Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Cars, Adhesion --—. —------—. -. —-. Railways; 2. —-. —-—. — 105 121 Cars, Box. —-.- -. —-.... —-........ Railways; 2 —-—. — - -.-.- 105 121 Cars, Cattle --...........Railways; 2 -----—.- - —. 105 121 Cars, Coal --------—.- ---------. Railways; 2 -.- —. 105 121 Cars, Dummy........................ Railways; 2 ------ -------- 105 121 Cars, Dumping -.... -..... Railways; 2. ——. —----—. 105 121 Car-seat arm-locks -- -—.- -.-..-.... Locks and Latches... 70 121 Car-seats_ --.......Railways; 2- -.............. 105 121 Cars for transportation, Refrigerating. Ice -- -.. —.-. ——.. ——.. 62 121 Cars, Freight......................... Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Cars, Gravel.-..-..... Railways; 2.-.-. —. — —.. 105 121 Cars, Hand --.... Railways; 2 --—.- —. 105 121 Cars, Petroleum. —----------—.. —. -. Railways; 2....... 105 121 Car-springs -----—.. —--------------- Railways 3.............. 106 122 Cars, Revolving -—. —-------------—. Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Cars, Safety....- -. Railways; 2.. —. —. —-—. 105 121 Cars, Sleeping -.....Railways; 2 -.- —. 105 121 Cars, Stock........................... Railways; 2.- -............. 105 121 Cars, Street -------------------------- Railways; 2 ---—.- ---—. 105 121 Car stake-holders-..................... Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Car-standards-........................ Railways; 3 ---------—.- 106 122 Cars, Tank.-...-. —.-.............. Railways; 2 --- ---- 105 121 Car-starters. —..-. —---......... Railways; 3.............. - 106 122 Car-starters, Electrical.-.. - Electricity................ 36 122 Cars, Wrecking.......Railways; 2.-............. 105 121 Cartridge-filling machines..-......... Projectiles. — -..-..... —-- 102 32 Cartridge-holders Projectiles................ 102 32 Cartridge-linings. Projectiles --... —-- ---- 102 32 Cartridge-loaders F...... Fire-Arms - -..... 42 32 Cartridge-pouches.. -........ Projectiles. —- —. —....... 102 162 Cartridge-priming machines-.... Projectiles...-............ 102 32 Cartridges....Projectiles....-...- 102 32 Cartridges, Blasting.......-. Projectiles................ 102 124 Cartridges Compositions for.......... Gunpowder....... 52 71 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 209 Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. O cation. cd =.~, 4 z 0z oc Cartridges for fire-arms --—. —-------. Projectiles ---------------- 102 32 Cartridges for ordnance —...... Projectiles.-..-....... 102 105 Cartridge-shell retractors............. Fire-Arms -...- -......... 42 18 Cartridge-shells, Manufacture of....... Hardware Manufactures... 53A 32 Cartridges, Metallic-.. -.... Projectiles. —------------- 102 32 Cartridges, Priming -..... —-------—. Projectiles. —-..... —----- 102 32 Cartridge-wrappers-.-................ -Projectiles -1-............ 102 32 Car-truck frames. —------ —........... Railways; 3.-.... 106 122 Car-trucks....-.........Railways; 3 —-. —----—.. 106 122 Car-trusses — Railways; 3. —---------- 106 122 Carts —.......................... Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Cart-saddles —......... Harness. -—. —--------- -54 72 Carving-machines.................... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 173 Carving stone........................ Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Car-wheels....-..... —-------------- Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Car-wheels, Making wrought.......... Railways; 4. —........... 107 122 Car-window fastenings................ Builders' Hardware -—. — 16 121 Car-windows Railways; 2.....- 105 121 Case-hardening compounds-. Metallurgy-............ 75 85 Case-hardening processes - Metallurgy. —--- ---- 75 85 Caskets, Burial --.......Coffins. 27 39 Casks, Machines for making-.... -. Wood-Working; 3.......... 144 40 Caster-bottles ---- -------- Kitchen Utensils. —-.... 65 88 Casters, Furniture.................... Builders' Hardar e -. 16 24 Casters, Manufacture of-............... Hardware Manufactures.. 53D 24 Casters, Stove-leg-.-.............. Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 154 Caster-stands. —-. ——.. —- -------- -- Kitchen Utensils....- -.. 65 88 Casting dental plates -. —.. —.......... Dental -..- -........... 32 46 Casting glass-.....-.-. —------—. Glass --------- - 49 68 Casting metal on metal -. -. —----- Casting. —................ 22 33 Casting metal rules between rollers ---- Metal-Working; 5........ s80 33 Casting metals, Appliances for... —.... Casting-...____.... 2-2 33 Casting metals, Modes of.............. Casting.-_ 22 33 Casting metal under pressure -........ Casting ---------- 22 33 Casting sheet-metal between rollers.... Metal-Working; 5 8 —---- 0 136 Casting soft metals -.-.- -.-........ Casting -------- 22 34 Castings, Tumbling-boxes for.......... Casting.................. 22 33 Castrating-clamps...Surgery ----....... 128 156 Casts, Instruments for obtaining —--—. Fine Arts......-41 54 Casts, Processes for obtaining —--— Fine Arts- -------- 41 54 Catamenial sacks -. —.... ——...-..... Surgery. — --------—.... 128 156 Cataracts for steam-engines -. —------- Steam; 1....... 121 69 Catarrhal syringes --- -- Surgery 128 156 Catching animals for slaughtering ----- Butchering -------------- 17 25 Catheters -. - Surgery --------- 128 156 Catoptriclights.-... -.. Optics --—............. 88 90 Cattle-cars ---—.- ------------ - Railways; 2. —. -....... 105 121 Cattle-feeders ----- -. —. —.......... Stabling-.................. 119 144 Cattle-gags. —--------- ------------—. Harness.................. 54 144 Cattle-guards ---------- ---------. Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Cattle-leaders —-.. ---—.. —-—. Harness ---—.. —..- -. - 54 72 Cattle-pens........................... Stabling-..... 119 144 Cattle-stalls.. —------- -----------—. Stabling -.... 119 144 Cattle-ties.-........ ——.-...... Stabling-...... 119 144 Cauterizing-instruments.............. Surgery-..... 128 156 Ceilings-.. —-. —-..-.... —---—..-... Carpentry..-....20 4 Cellar-floors-.....- Ma.... sonry72 4 Cellars, Draining ----- ----- - Pumps ----------- 103 20 Cementation-furnaces -- -M..... Metallurgy-.- 75 85 Cement, Fire-proof................... Stone, Lime, and Cement —. 125 153 210 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. EE j Name of class-official classifi- cation. ~ SUBJECT.caincct.0 cc 0 O p O C) do0 z z Cement floors-... ——. ---------—. Paving. — - -.... 94 153 Cement for lining pipes -------—. ——. Stone, Lime, and Cement -. 125 153 Cement, Indurating —..-..- -. --- Stone, Lime, and Cement. - 125 153 Cement-kilns.......... — Driers and Kilns....-.... 34 48 Cement-mixing machines - -- Clay ----------- ---- 25 153 Cement paving -... —--------—.. —--- Paving -. —------------ 94 110 Cement-pipe, Machines for making ---- Clay. —--- ----------—.. 25 20 Cement-pipes. ------------—. —---—. Clay-. —-.- ----—.. ——. 25 20 Cement-pipes, Coating --—.. -.. —---- Clay -.-. —.- -----—.. —-. 25 20 Cement, Plastic.-...................... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Cements, Earthen. —------—. —----—. Stone, Lime, and Cement. - 125 153 Center-boards ---- —. —-—. —. —.- Ships; 1. —............. 114 137 Centering for arches. ——. —-----—..- Bridges-.- -.. —-..- -.....14 21 Centering-plates -,.,. --- - Metal-Working; 7 -- ------ 82 100 Centering-tools. —-----—. —-----—. — Metal-Working; 7 -.-. —.. 82 100 Centers for wood-lathes - - - - - —...... Wood-Working; 1. —.... 142 172 Centrifugal filters ---- ----- - Sugar -------- - 127 155 Centrifugal guns. —. —--—. ——. —-. Ordnance................. 89 105 Ceramnic enamels --- ------- ------ -Clay - -.- --.... 25 115 Ceramic manufactures ----—. —------- Clay.......-.. 25 115 Chafing-dishes —..-. —--—.. —-----—. Stoves and Furnaces.. 126 154 Chain-making -M —---- -M —--. etal-Working; 3....... 78 60 Chains, (fob and watch,) Mannfacture of. Hardware Manufactures. - - 53E 86 Chains, Surveyors' -...-. —.. —----—. Optics. —-. ——. ——.-.... 88 157 Chain-testers -—. —--------—.-... Presses ---------—. —-—. 100 60 Chair-back sawing-machines.- - W.. ood-Working; 3.-..... 144 131 Chair-backs, Machines for dressing.- Wood-Working; 3 -..... 144 62 Chair-backs, Machines for rounding.-.. Wood-Working; 3 —...... 144 62 Chair-bottoms -...... —---—. Furniture ---—. —-------- 45 62 Chairs -. — --------------- Furniture.-..... 45 62 Chairs and seats, Head-rests for -...... Furniture -. —----------- 45 62 Chairs, Barbers'-...-...... Furniture...-.... 45 62 Chairs, Camp......: Furniture-__....... 45 62 Chairs, Dentists' ------------ Furniture.. —- -. —....... 45 46 Chair-seats, Machines for boring....... Wood-Working; 3.-... 144 62 Chair-seats, Machines for planing.. — — Wood-Working; 3 -.... - 144 62 Chairs, Enema. ----------—. —------- Fnrniture-....45... 156 Chairs, Folding.-.F..... urniture. —-—.... 45 62 ~~~~~~~uniture-1............... 5 6 Chairs for glass-makers - - —.... Glass ---------— 49 68 Chairs, Instruments for caning W — W. ood-Working; 3. —----- 144 62 Chairs, Invalid.................... — - Furniture --------------- 45 62 45 [2 Chairs, Locomotive-. —.- —.........- Carriages and Wagons 2.... 21 131 Chairs, Making railway...- -...-...... Railways; 4...... 107 121 Chairs, Nursery.- Furniture - 45 62 Chairs, Obstetrical. —-—.. -----—. —-- Furniture --- 45 156 Chairs, Operating --—.. —----—. —.. -Furniture__ —.-... 45 156 Chairs, Pew ------—.. —-—. —----—. -Furniture-...... 45 62 Chairs, Railway -. —-------—. —--- Railways; 1 ---—..... 104 121 Chair-stuff, Machines for scraping -—... Wood-Working; 3 -—. --- 144 62 Chalk-line holders. —-. —-------...... Wood-Working; 4 —.. — 145 29 Chamber-pots ---- ---—. —----------- Baths and Closets......... 4 8 Chamfering-tools, (Wood).- -............ Wood-Working; 4 -... 145 173 Chandeliers --......Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 64 Changing speed, Apparatus for ---— Mechanical Powers.... 74 67 Channeling-machines -.....-. Boots and Shoes --—.-... 12 16 Channeling stone-..................... Stone, Lime, and Cenient - - 125 153 Charcoal-furnaces for cooking ---—... Stoves and Furnaces -. —.- 126 154 Charcoal-kilns —. —------.. —--------- Driers and Kilns. —......34 61 Chart-holders. -,.,,.,, -. Educational.............. 35 146 Charts.............................. Educational.............. 35 146 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 211 Name of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. cation. 0; 0. 0 $ Chassis for guns --. —-.............. Ordnance.8..89...... 105 Checker-boards....................... Games and Toys. —......46 143 Check-hooks ---------------------- - Harness. —----------.... 54 72 Check-reins —... —.- --------—. — -... Harness -.- -..........54.. 72 Checks, Baggage ---------—. —---—. Stationery- -..-....... 120 146 Checks, Conductors'.................. Stationery -------------—. 120 146 Check-valves -------------------- - Valves -....... 136 152 Cheese-covers -- -............-.. Kitchen Utensils.-6..5 88 Cheese-cutters -----—......... — —.... Kitchen Utensils. —------- 65 88 Cheese-grinders......... Kitchen Utensils. —------ 65 88 Cheese-hoops......................... Dairy -- 31 45 Cheese-making --- Dairy___......... 31 45 Cheese-presses —. —.. —............ Presses --—..-........... 100 45 Cheese-shelves-........................ )airy-.-.............. 31 45 Cheese-tables-..... Dairy -. —............... - 31 45 Cheese-turners... -....... Dairy -..- -.. —........... 31 45 Cheese-vats ---- —................. Dairy 31 45 Chemical qpparatus —.............. Chemical Miscellaneous - - 23 35 Chemical furnaces. —----—. —-------- Chemical Miscellaneous - - 23 35 Chemical preparation of food.-..-.... Preserving. —.-.........,)99 58 Chemical processes in sheet-metal making -—.-. --- Metal-Working; 5.. —....- 80 35 Chemicals, Air-tight packages for... Preserving-...... 99 35 Chemicals, Preparing ----------------- Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Chenille-machines....-... -Weaving -....... 139 17 Cherry-stoners ------------------------ Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Chess -------------- - Games and Toys_.... 46 143 Chest-locks ------------------------—. Locks and Latches -.. 70 93 Chest-protectors —. - -.- -.......... Surgery.-..- -......... 128 156 Chicken-coops ------------------------ Stabling -..119 116 Chicken-houses..-................. Stabli-ng-..-. 119 116 Chicken-nests ---------- - Stabling - - 119 116 Chicken-raising apparatus............. Stabling 119 116 Chicken-roosts ---- -Stabling -......... 119 116 Chignons....................... Toilet1. 32............... 13 161 Children's carriages. —...-...... Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Children's hand-cars -. —-------------- Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Children's toys....................... GmesadTy..... 4 Children's toys-Games and Toys ----------- 46 143 Chills -.............. Casting.....-.............22 33 Chimney-caps ---------- - Stoves and Furnaces.....126 154 Chimney-cleaners -.. —.............. Stoves and Furnaces 126 154 Chimney cleaners, Lamp ----------—... Kitchen Utensils —......65 90 Chimney-cowls..-... Stoves and Furnaces. —-- 126 166 Chimney-pots..-.25...... Clay-........25 115 C-himneys ------------ - Stoves and Furnaces. 126 4 Chimneys, Lamp -.....-... —.-........ Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 90 Chimneys, Operating ships' -—.-...... -Ships; 1 -.- -..........114 138 China-ware. —. —. —-.- - -...... Clay —...-.............25 115 Chiroplasts. —-n...- -............... Music -...................84 102 Chiropodic instruments......- Surgery. —-.-...........128 156 Chisels, Carpenters' —-........... Wood-Working; 4 - 1.45 49 Chisels, Grafting -.................... Wood-Working; 4 -.. 145 63 Chisels, Joiners' ------- --- -- Wood-Working; 4- 145 49 Chisels, Manufacture of -.............. Metal-Working; 6.. 81B 49 Chisels, Pruning.. —------ ---—.....- Wood-Working; 4 -.145 63 Chocks, Door...... Builders' Hardware......16 24 Chronographs.Horology- 8 36 Chronographs, Electro-magnetic.-. Electricity- -..-........36 36 Chronometers -Horology -......58 36 Chronoscopes......................... Horology 8 36 212 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00~ I-' m SUBJECT. SUBJECT. ~~~Name of class —officia1 elassifi-.. cation. I. o oc Chronoscopes, Electro-magnetic...... Electricity................ 36 36 Chucks for nietal-lathes --------—. --— Metal-Workin g; 7 —. —-. - 8.. 100 Chucks for wood-lathes.............. Wood-Worki ng; I........ 1 172 Churn-dashers....................... Dairy —.31........ 45 Churn-powers --—. ——.. ——. —------ Mechanical Powers.....7... 45 Churns.. —-. —------—. —------------ Dairy -------------------- 31 45 Chutes for carrying logs.............. Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Chutes for coals. ——................. Hydraulic Engineering-.... 79 Chutes for water-courses.......... Hydraulic Engineering._... 1 82 Cider-making, (except Presses, Class 100). Beer and Wine. —---—. —. 7 19 Cider-mills........................... Presses-..........100.... 19 Cider-presses.............. Presses -.__....... 100 19 Cigar-cases. —-----—. —--.-. —. —--. Tobacco.131......... 160 Cigar-dryers... —. —-----—. —.. ——.. Dryers and Kilns........ 34 160 Cigarettes TEetobacco. —-agetc. Eletr y 131 160 Cigarette-fillers....-...........- -...... Tobacco ----- -..7 —-- - 131 160 Cigar-holders Tobacco.i3 1 60 Cigar-lighters.-M..ech... Lamps and Gas-Fittings.-. 67 90 Cigar-making —..-.-. —----. —-..... Tobacco -—.-..- - —....... 160 Cigar-molds.................. Tobacco.. —-. —---------- 131 160 Ciar-presses ---—. —. —-----—.........Tobacco............... 131 160 Ciar-racks... -Furniture y - -3 — - 45 160 Cigars. Tobacco fcrnlsyai ------ 131 160 Chutes for coals -- Hy~~~unpodralcengnern - 6 790 Cigars, Composition s for lishtinlg...... Gn52er -. 6 90 Circuit-bmreakners xce...Pess. Cla-s-100). BElectricityu. 36 50 Circuit-closers1...... Electricity............. 36 50 Cidrculr loomss -........ Weavings.-.-........ 109 95 Circular sa3ws.4 —--------.. —-. —--- Saws.........110 1031 Circgumfrentors. —- -..-.......... Opticsco.......31. 83 157 Cisgrten-covfers -...i. Masonry...72 516 Cistern-plumps-................... 103 18 Cisternis --------- ------------------- Masonry G-F-. ittings.. 67 51 Cister-s, Making sheet-metalcco... Sheet-Metal -... —--------- 113 136 Cistern-tops --—. ——.. —..b —-. —-—. Masonry1.31..... 72 51 Clamps, Carprenters'................... WTood-Working; 41... 29 Clarimps for m-olds - -—............... Castinitu --- -- -4- 2. 33 Clamps T cr raisinc1 buildings --- Hoisting0........... 57 79 CliamCls for saw-filing, gumming G and shaC eni g... Gritnding and Poliskhing-i 51- 70 ClamliS fbr sewing harness s —---- I —- arnesslec tr — city - -36 —-. 0. Clal;cs for wringers. —-.s-..... Latnwdrys....... 61 91 Clamps, Joiniers' - ------------------ Wood-8Vorki8n157; 3 144 9 Clamps, Shi pwrights' -............... IWood-Worki n; 4 ------—. 15 137 Clamps, Stitching. Hrness.. 54 72 Clapboard-sawin machines.pumpss Wood-Working; 3.. 144 131 Clapboards, Machines for gauging m —- S Wood-etorking; 3 M.- 144 B9 Clapboards, Machines for planing...... Wood-Working; 3 -..- 144 173 Clarifimp g wines, &c....... Beer and Wine old-.a.t.2 72 19 Clarinets. —-.. ——....r — b.. —-- - Hoi Music 84 102 Clasps. —-. —---- ---------- Clasps and Buckles...ing. 24 23 Clasps for garmentsi.. ——.. —-. —-.. Clasps and Buckles-.-... 24 23 Clasps for skirts _........ —. Clasps and Buckles.1. 24 23 Clasps, Manufacture of.s' -..-Wood-... Hardware Manufactures.io 53 E 23 Clasps, Ricgging --—..... —--—..... Ships; 1s 5 138 Claw-bars —. —-—.i ——.s ---—. —--- Mechanical Powers -kin; — 1.. 4 67 Clapw-harsmeras. f.g... a —--—.. —-- Wood-Working; 4......- -.. 145 60 Clay-mills......Mcisf —p...lanig —-- - Clay.-Working;3- - 14'25 20 Clay pipwes. ——. Clay & —.......a....e..- -7 21 20 Clay-pulverizers s-..............-..... Clay and —Buck -- -- 25 20 Clay-screening machines. Clay 2..................... 20 Clay-working tools, Manufacture of.... Metal-Working; 6........ 81 20 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 213 ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classification. -~ ~ o ~ Cleading for boilers................... Stea 2 122 Cleading for cylinders -— Steam-; 2-2.-........ 12 148 Clean ing carcasses..- -..Butchering-.....17 25 Cleaning castings. —.Casting-..22 33 Cleaning silk..-.. —--- -—.-...Silk 4......0.. 117 140 Clearing silk ---------- --------. Silk.... 117 140 Cleatsl —. - —.,.................. Ships; 1. —--------------- 114 138 Clepsydras.. —. Horology. -.58. 36 Clinchers, Blacksmiths' --—. —-. —-... Metal-Working; 6 -.. 81A 60 Clinch-rings ---------- -—.-. —........ Clasps and Buckles -....24 23 Clipping-tools —-. —Ct...- -... Cutlery-._..30 135 Clipping-tools, Manufacture of..... — Hardware Manufactures. - 53A 135 Clips, Paper....-.. Stationery.. -...12.. 0 146 Cloaks-............................... Apparel.................. 2 38 Cloak-stands ---—.....- --------. Furniture -............. 45 62 Clock-bells-....-..... Signals-................... 116 36 Clock-bells, Manufacture of........... Hardware Manufactures. 53B 36 Clock-cases. -...Horology-....... 58 36 Clock-keys. —----.- -..-............ -Horology................. 58 36 Clock-pillars, Manufacture of.......... Hardware Manufactures_ 531 36 Clocks.-.. ——. —-............. Horology- 58 36 Clocks, Electrical........ Electricity -------------—. 36 36 Clocks, Illuminated.. —..... Horology — - -........... 58 36 Clod-crushers-....-.. Harrows. —-............ 55 73 Clogs, (metallic,) Manufacture of ----- Hardware Manufactures — 53 16 Closets, Portable-.... Furniture................ 45 62 Closets, Revolving-.- -. —. —. Furniture -45.-..-..... 4' 62 Cloth-crimping machines-.... Apparel -2-............ 38 Cloth-cutting machines -—.- —.-...... Cloth...2..6............ 38 Cloth-dressing- -....Cloth-.26. 377 Cloth-dryers -...-........ Cloth -26.. —............ 26 37 Clothes-clamps- - Beds ----------- 5 91 Clothes-dryers.. —-...-. — -........... Laundry....... 68 91 Clothes-frames.......Laundry.. -....68 91 Clothes-hooks, Manufacture of.....-.... Hardware Manufactures.. 531) 23 Clothes-horses.-. —...-............Laundry ------ - 68 91 Clothes-line reels --.... Laundry_....... 68 91 Clothes-lines --—. —-------------- - Laundry- 68 91 Clothespins -..........Laundry..68 91 Clothes-pins, Machines for making..... Wood-Working; 3 -....... 144 175 Clothes-pins, Machines for slotting —.- Wood-Working; 3.... 144 175 Clothes-pins, Machines for turning-.-... Wood-Working; 3.... 144 175 Clothes-pins, Manufacture of metallic.. Hardware Manufactures. - 53E 24 Clothes-pressing machines -—.......... Apparel -2..-......... 2 38 Clothes-sprinklers ----—.- ----—. Laundry —-..68 91 Clothes-sticks ------—.- ---—. Laundry-..68 91 Clothes-tongs-.......................-. Laundry.................. 68 91 Clothes-washers --...- -............ Laundry.................. 68 91 Clothes-wringers. -...... Laundry -.-...- -.........68 91 Cloth, Felt. —.. —. —-—........... Felting and Hats-.. 38 76 Cloth-finishing.-....... —..-..- -. -Cloth.-.....26.. 37 Cloth-folding. —--- - ---------------- Cloth-...... 26 37 Cloth-gassing —-, — -— Cloth —-- -26 37 Cloth-ironing -Apparel.................. 37 Cloth-measuring -................ Apparel- 2................. 37 Cloth-napping Apparel —--- 2 —---------... 37 Cloth-plaiting machines... Apparel. —---- - 2 37 Cloth-pressesP...P.... resses....-.100 37 Cloth-shearing - Cloth 26 37 Cloth-sponging -..................... Cloth.....................:: 6 37 214 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 d ~ ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class —official classifi- SUBJECT. 0ain ~ F E cation. 0*~ z.jd~ Cloth-steaming......... Cloth. —-------- —........ 26 37 Cloth-stretching-.....'.. Cloth-..................... 26 37 Cloth-teaseling.. ——.. —-...-.... Cloth..-...- 26...- - -.... 6 37 Cloth-tentering......-................ Cloth.......-2-...... 26 37 Clover-headers Harvesters ----—.- --—. 56 75 Clover-hullers ------------—.. --- Thrashing-. —.-........ 130 159 Clover-seed harvesters................ Harvesters. -..... 56 75 Club feet, Apparatus for —....-...... Artificial Limbs —. —... —- 3 156 Clubs, Exercising..-......... — Games and Toys..... 46 143 Clutches, Animal -...... Butchering.-...... 17 25 Clutches for shafting —...- -............ Journals and Bearings.. 64 87 Clutches, Friction.................... Journals and Bearings.. 64 87 Clutches, Rope..M.... echanical Powers. —..... 74 87 Clutch-pulleys for sewing-machines... Sewing-Machines.-. 112 134 Coach-lace. —.. —................. Weaving................. 139 31 Coal-boxes -----—. —-—. —------ Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Coal-breakers. —..- -.............. Ore...................... 90 3 Coal-buckets.. -......... Stoves and Furnaces....26 154 Coal-cars-_ -...... Railways; 2 -—..1........ 105 121 Coal-chutes.......................... Hydraulic Engineering. —. 61 79 Coal-driers. —.- - - - -....... Driers and Kilns -------—. 34 48 Coal-hods. —-------- —.............. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Coal-hole covers. -.........Paving...-..... 94 110 Coal-hole guards..... Paving -—....- -....... 94 110 Coal-mining-...-.-....... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 124 Coal-mining buckets....-.. Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 124 Coal, Purification of. —--------------- Fuel..-.-............... 44 3 Coal-screens. —-------- - -... ---- Wire-Working.-........140 3 Coal-scuttles......................... Stoves and Furnaces...1.26 154 Coal-sifters —. ——.. —.......... Wire-Working.-...140 154 Coal-traps in pavements —..- -....... Paving....-... 94 110 Coal-washers.-................. Ore. ---—.- -...........- 90 3 Coating and lining barrels.. Paint..................... 91 107 Coating metallic surfaces...-... Plating ------.- -.-..... 96 113 Coating or covering yarn...-.. Carding --.......... 19 28 Coats —.-. — —.- -.-.......... Apparel2......... 38 Cock-eyes.-.......................... Clasps and Buckles --—. —- 24 23 Cocks Vle. ——.....Valves-.136 148 Cocks, Blow-off. —-..- -............ -Valves-..136..- -.. I..6 148 Cocks, Feed........ Valves —.... —..........136 148 Cocks, Gage -..........Valves. —.. ——....... 136 148 Cocks, Oil —---------------------- Valves.................... 136 148 Cocks, Oil _............................I Valves.,,...,.,,.,.......... 148 Cocks, Self-closing.-.-.....-.Valves.. 136 148 Cocks, Steam Valves -.. -.....136 148 Cocks, Stop_,,- _,,,,,_, Valves.-1-..-............. 136 148 Cocks, Try —. —................ Valves. —.-.............136 148 Cocks, Water -.. —--—......- - - -Valves.-1. —........... 136 148 Cocooneries........... —--- -.......- Silk. -. —--------......117 140 Cocoon-lodgments................... Silk- 117 140 Cocoons, Unwinding ------------------ Silk.. —.................. 117 140 Coffee-cleaning machines -...... Mills-.......... 83 57 Coffee-cups.-.K...-..-.. — -......... Kitchen Utensils. —----- 65 88 Coffee-mills. -. -.......... Mills --—.- —. —--—. 83 88 Coffee-percolators —--..-............. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 136 Coffee-polishers. —-............. Mills —............... 83 57 Coffee-pots. —.... — - -...... Stoves and Furnaces...126 136 Coffee-roasters........................ Stoves and Furnaces 126 154 Stoves and Furnaces...... 96G 154 Coffee-nrns. —. —................. Stoves and Furnaces... 126 136 Coffer-dams ------------- Hydraulic Engineering -. — 61 82 Coffin-handles.-.................... Builders' Hardware -...... 16 39 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 215 ~o Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. 1Wcao O cation. o o ~k"F z z d 0 0.0 Coffin-handles, Manufacture of -. —--- Hardware Manufactures.. 53D 39 Coffin-hardware.... Builders' Hardware...... 16 39 Coffin-hardware, Manufacture of....... Hardware Manufactures — 53D 39 Coffins -------------------------- Cofins. ——.. —-.. i.. 27 39 Coffins, Compositions for covering.- Coffins. —— 2 —------—. —-. 7 39 Coffins, Compositions for making.-... Coffins ---— 2 —---------—. 27 39 Coffin-scre-ws-...... Coffins.-2..... —-------—. 27 39 Coffin-screws, Making - ---- -—.. —-. Wood-Screws. —----—. — 141 39 Cog-gearing ------------- Mechanical Powers ----—. 74 67 Cogs, Machines for making —.. —. ——. Wood-Working; 3...... 44 174 Cogs on wooden wheels, Machines for cutting.....-...... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Coiling or laying slivers.....- -...Carding ----------------- 19 28 Coiling pipes -.... —--.. —- ---- Tubing and Wire — - 134 163 Coiling tubes ----. ——.. —-. —------- Tubing and Wire --- ---- 134 163 Coiling wire ------------- Wire-Working ---- - 140 163 Coin-assorters.....-... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Coin-balances ----- --------—.. —--— I Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 132 Coin-counting machines -.- -M...-. -. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Coin detecting, Counterfeit.-..........-. Measuring-Instruments. —- 73 132 Coin-safes.Safes —---—.. —----—....109 128 Coir brooms - Brushes and Brooms- - -. 15'22 Coke-ovens -..-..... —--------------- Driers and Kilns. —------- 34 61' Collapse of boilers, Preventing —-— Steam; 2-............- -- 122 149 Collapsible casks for beer, &c -—. —-.- Airation and Bottling 1 19 Collar-blocks -------------------. ——. Harness.-..- ---------—. 54 72 Collar-fastenings, Manufacture of -—.- Hardware Manufactures. 53E 72 Collar-fastenings, Shirt-Clasps and Buckles-..24 38 Collars, (except of Paper, Class 93). —.. Apparel -- -. ——..-2 —-. 2 38 Collar-shells, Manufacture of.......... Hardware Manufactures_.. 53' 72 Collars, Horse —.. —.. —-------—. —-- Harness...-54 72 Collars, Machines for boxing paper-. Paper Manufactures 93 109 Collars, Machines for cutting out paper. Paper Manufactures ------- 93 109 Collars, Machines for embossing paper-. Paper Manufactures.... 93 108 Collars, Machines for folding.paper -.... Paper Manufactures ---—. 93 109 Collars, Machines for patching buttonholes of paper. —-.. ——. ——. —-—. Paper Manufactures... 93 109 Collars, Machines for planishing paper Paper Manufactures. 93 108 Collars, Machines for punching paper-. Paper Manufactures -. ——. 93 109 Collars, Machines for shaping paper..-. Paper Manufactures.... 93 109 Collars, Machines for stuffing —-. —-- Harness 54 72 Collars, Packing-envelopes for paper. -. Paper Manufactures.... 93 109 Collars, Paper.-.. —--—. ——. —---- Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Collar-straps, Horse.-. Harness 54... 72 Collimators -......................... Optics. —.. —.. —.. ——.- 88 157 Collodiom - - -, --------------------— Chemical Miscellaneous-. 23 35 Coloring metals --—. —------—. —--- Metallargy............... 75 99 Color-printing -- --------- --- Printing. —.. -...... —-.- 1011 117 Columns, (except Iron, Class 14)........ Masonry -...72 4 Columns, Iron. —. ——.. —---------—. Bridges-.- -............. 14 21 Comb-cleaners —------------—, —----— Toilet ---—. —-—.... —-- 132 161 Combined reapers and mowers......... Harvesters -56 —---------- 5 74 Combing-machines --..............Carding. —-.- --. 19 28 Comb-making machines-............... Wood-Working; 3 -. —. 144 161 Combs --—. —------------—. _ Toilet --—... ——..1 — ---. 32 161 Combs, (metallic,) Manufacture of- Hardware Manufactures. 53E 161 Commodes ---- -----—. —------ ----- Baths and Closets.........-4 8 Commutators —.. —.. —-—. —- Electricity................ 36 50 Compasses, Draughting. Draughtiug-...... 33 97 Compasses, Mariners'.................. Electricity......3.......... 6 50 216 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS.'3 0 — 00 ~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi. - SUBJECT. u r3 cation. 0. 6. Compasses, Surveyors' ------—. —--—. Optics. —. ---—.-.. ——. 88 50 Composing-machines.. —-. ——.... —-- Printing -. --—...-.... -- 101 117 Composing-sticks -—.........- -— _ Printing. —-..-........ 101 117 Composite-tubing --—.. —..... - Clay -2...... 5 153 Compositions for belting -—. —. —----- Hose and Belting —. — ---- 60 81 Compositions for coating projectiles -. - Projectiles -------. -. --- 102 105 Compositions for elastic tubing. —--—. Hose and Belting ---- —. —. 60 81 Compositions for hose-........ Hose and Belting ------—. 60 81 Compositions for packingcr projectiles.. Projectiles................ 102 105 Compositors' appliances- Printing -.. -.. 101 117 Compositors' cases. Printing....- -. 101 117 Composts, Fertilizing -—... —....... Manures —. —---—. —-—. 71 96 Composts for fuel.-................... Fuel- -44 61 Compressed-air engines...-.. Pneumatics..-.... 98 2 Compresses..-Surgery.................. 128 156 Compression-casting.................. Casting-. 22 33 Compressors for rebaling —........ Presses 100 7 Computing-tables-........ Measuring-Instruments. -.. 73 42 Concrete pavement................... Paving. -....... 94 110 Concrete pavement, Devices for laying Paving —........ 94 110 Concretes............................ Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Concrete, Structures of Masonry -------—. —---—. 72 4 Concussion-fuses -------------------—. Projectiles ----—. —------. 102 105 Condensers --. —------------ -. Electricity-_. 36 50 Condensers, Jet-... Steam.; 2 —........ 122 150 Condensers of steam-engines.... —.. Steam; 2.......-.......... 12.2 150 Condensers of stills. —---------------- Stills............ 124 47 Condensers, Packing-tubes for......... Steam; 2 -... -.. 122 150 Condensers, Surface. —......... Steam; 2.... —-- 122 150 Condensers, Tubular ----............. Steam; 2 -.-. —.......... 122 150 Condensing milk..................... Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Conductors' check-boxes............. Stationery -.-... —-------- 120 146 Conductors, Electro-telegraphic.-...... Electricity -..-......-.... 36 50 Conductors' punches.................. Clasps and Buckles.... —-. 24 146 Confectionery........................ Sugar --.- -- - 127 155 Confectionery-molds.-.............. Kitchen Utensils........ 65 155 Confection-pans ---------------------- Sugar -------- -- - 127 155 Conformators —.. —.- -............ -Felting and Hats-. -.. 38 81 Connecting-rods. —-............. Mechanical Powers —. —-- 74 67 Connectors for Voltaic batteries....... Electricity - - - 36 50 Construction of vessels...-... Ships; 1 -------- —........ 114 137 Converting iron into steel-... Metallurgy7...... 75 85 Converting motion, Apparatus for -. Mechanical Powers... —--- 74 67 Cooking by gas..-....... Stoves and Furnaces -—.- 126 65 Cooking by lamps.-.................. Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 65 Cooking by lime...................... Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Cooking by steam. —............. Stoves and Furnaces... 126 154 Cooking-ranges....................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Cooking-stoves.. —.-.............. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Cooking-stoves, Base-burning --—.... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Cooking-stove shields -................ Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Cooling-apparatus Ice —. —-... ——. —----- 62 19 Cooling-mixtures..................... -Ice....................... 62 19 Cooling-processes..................... Ice -..........62 19 Cooling-wort.......................... Beer and Wine...... 7 19 Coopers' machines-....._...... Wood-Working; 3. ——.-. 144 40 Coopers' tools -. —--------------------- Wood-Working; 4. ——... 145 40 Coopers' tools, Manufacture of-M-...... Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 40 Coping............................... Masonry - -72 4 Copper-furnaces............M........ Metallurgy......-......... 75 99 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 217 Name of class- official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. cation. ze o Z z zrp Copper-plate presses. —--------------- Printing ------------------ 101 117 Copper-plate printing --—. —-----— Printing.................. 101 117 Cop-tubes............................ Spinning -—.. —........ 118 142 Cop-tubes, Manufacture of-...... Hardware Manufactures.. 53H 142 Cop-tubes of paper, Machines for making-....-...... Spinning. —-------------- 118 142 Copy-books........................... Educational —.......... 35 146 Copy-books........................... Educational.. -.....35 146 Copy-holders --------------—.-..... — Educational.............. 120 117 Copying-books........................ Educational -- ------—... 120 146 Copying figures --—... —------- --—. Fine Arts -—............41 54 Copying-instruments ----------------— Draughting............... 33 97 Cord and belt fasteners —----—.. ----—. Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 orda-e Cordage.................. 28 1i27 Corded binding, Machine for making.. Cordage................. —. 28 17 Corded fabrics -.................. Weaving -------------—. 139 ~5 Corders for sewing-machines........... Sewing-Machines-. - - - - - - 112 134 Cords ---------------------------- - Cordage ------ 28 127 Core-boxes --— Casting —---............ 22 133 Cores Casting- 22 133 Cores for dikes-........... Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Cores, Ventilating...............-.... Casting-22 33 Cork hats --—..- ---—.. —.. —-..- -.. Felting and Hats.......... 38 81 Corking-machines. —--..- -........... AIration and Bottling.. 1 1 Cork-making machines.-... Wood-Working; 1........ 142 176 Cork-presses —--..A. ——. —-—. —. —... Aration and Bottling -... 1 1 Cork-pullers.-.. ——. ——. ——. —--—. Kitchen Utensils. —-. —-- 65 88 Corks, Artificial. —. —-............. Airation and Bottling 1..... 1 Corkscrews --------------------- - Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Corks,Machinds for polishing.......... Wood-Working; 1-... 142 176 Corks, Machines for turning-.W... ood-Working; 1 —----—. 142 176 Corn-ball molds -----—. ——. --- ---- Kitchen Utensils.-.......65 88 Corn brooms-........ Brushes and Brooms 15 22 Corn-coverers....-...Plows -......... 97 114 Corn-cribs............................ Thrashing. —............. 130 59 Corn-cutting machines -........... Harvesters................ 56 75 Comrnets —. —- -----------. —------- Music.84 102 Corn-graters.. -....... Kitchen Utensils. ——... 65 88 Corn-harvesters......-..............- Harvesters................ 56 75 Corn huskers and shellers............. Thrashing................ 130 59 Corn-husking gloves -......... Thrashing......... 130 59 Corn-husking machines............... Thrashing. —............130 59 Corn-husk splitters................... Brakes and Gins -—......13 59 Cornice, Metallic......... Masonry. ——........... 72 4 Corning gunpowder --—.. —--—.. —-.- Gunpowder- -........... 52 71 Corn-knives. —.. —------------- ----- Cutlery. — -.......... 30 44 Corn-mills..... --...................... Mills -.................... 83 58 Corn-poppers.......................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Corn-shellers Thrashing................ 130 58 Corn-shocking machines.-...... Harvesters................-56 75 Corn-shock tyers - -.- -, I-,. Harvesters -.............. 56 75 Corns, Instruments for removing.- Surgery. —--- ------—. 128 156 Corn-stalk choppers.-............... Harrows.................. 55 75 Corpse-coolers.................... -Ice.. —-. 62 39 Corpse-embalming.................... Chemical Miscellaneous -. — 23 39 Corrugating machines, Leather......... Leather-..- -............ 69 92 Corrugating plates......-. Metal-Working; I........ 76 136 Corrugating wire.-.....Wire-Working............ 140 170 Corset-clasps......... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 38 Corset-fastenings...................... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 38 218 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 14~ ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. r.0 O cation. z z Corsets............. —.. Crinoline and Corsets. —. 29 38 Cosmetics-............................ Chemical Miscellaneous - -.23 98 Cotton-bale ties. —.-... Presses....-............... 100 8 Cotton-choppers...................... Plows.-.......97 43 Cotton-cleaners. —- -... - Carding................... 19 28 Cotton-gins -—. —-----------------—. Brakes and Gins. —--—. 13 41 Cotton-pickers- —.......... Harvesters..-..... 56 41 Cotton-pickers, (Factory).............. Carding —...............19 28 Cotton-presses..... Presses. —-------------- 100 7 Cotton-scrapers -..Plows ----------- 97 43 Cotton-seed for planting, Preparing -.- Seeders and Planters --—. 111 133 Cotton-stalk choppers-. Harrows.55...... 43 Cotton-toppers. —-------—...-...... Harvesters. —-.......-.56 43 Cotton-toppers. —-..- -..........,... - Plows -. —.-............97 43 Couches —---.-............Beds.-5-................. 5 62 Couches for railway-cars............-.. Railways; 2 - -.-..-.... 105 121 Counter-extension apparatus -. ——.... Artificial Limbs -...3 15 Counterpoise gun-carriages.-..... Ordhance --------------—. 89 105 Counters.-....-.... Boots and Shoes -12 —--—. 19 16 Countersink-bits. —----- —.-.-. —--—. Wood-Working; 4....... 145 173 Countersink-tools for metal. —..... Metal-Working; 2....... 77 100 Counters, Store and shop -.-..-....... Furniture. —-.... 45 62 Counting-mabachi nes ------- -M —--—. Measuring-Instruments -—. 73 42 Coupling pistols to gun-stocks-......... Fire-Arms. -------------- 42 55 Couplings, Band...................... Hose and Belting.-....... 60 87 Couplings, Belt ----------------- Hose and Belting.-.-..... 60 81 Couplings, Car -.. —--- —. —------—. Railways; 3 ------------- 106 122 Couplings, Cord Hose and Belting —. —---- 60 81 Coupling, Shaft................ - Journals and Bearings.... 64 87 Couplings, Pipe - -.-.... -Water Distribution -------- 137 167 Couplings, (pipe,) Manufacture of...... Hardware Manufactures... 53K 167 Couplings, Thill.. —----- —. —..-..-. -Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Covering for steam-boilers Steam; 2.-... 122 148 Covering of wire, wire ropes, and cables. Wire-Working-......... 140 170 Covering-rollers -----—.- -------. Spinning...-.... 118 142 Cow-bells, Manufacture of............ Hardware Manufactures... 53B 10 Cow-mnilkers ---------—.-.. —---- Dairy ---------—. 31 45 Cowls -----—.-....... —--------- Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 166 Cracker-crushers...................... Kitchen Utensils ------—.. 65 88 Cracker-machines-..... —. —-------—. Kitchen Utensils --------- 65 88 Cradles. —-----. -—. —---------- Beds. - I-.- --.-.. 5 62 Cradles for building vessels —........ Hydraulic Engineering - - - 61 137 Cradles for launching vessels. —....... Hydraulic Engineering -. — 61 137 Cradles for raising vessels- -..... Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 137 Cradles, Grain ------—. —----------—. Harvesters -------- 56 74 Cranberry-gatherers.................. Garden and Orchard ------ 47 63 Cranes- Hoisting.................. 57 79 Crank-connections. —------ ----------- Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Crank-motions —..........Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Crank, overcoming the dead-points of.. Mechanical Powers -..... 74 67 Crank-pins. -.. - Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Cranks -.......... —-.... - ---— Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Crank, Substitutes for the-.-... Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Crates for fruit, fish, vegetables, &c. -. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 63 Cravat-holders. —------- ----------—. Apparel-................ 2 38 Cravats -. —----- ------- - Apparel-.2 —.-............. 38 Crayons................... Fine Arts.-........ 41 54 Cream-heaters Dairy..................... 31 45 Cream-stands........................ Dairy.................... 31 45 Cream-strainers....................... Dairy-........... 31 45 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 219 SUJa CT.. Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. ~m - cation. 0 z z do Creasers for sewing-machines-.-.. Sewing-Machines.......... 112 134 Creasing machines, Leather..- -. Leather --—.. ——.. —-—. 69 92 Creels, Warping C — -. ordage. —-. —----—.. —- 28 17 Cressets —... —---—. —-. -—. —--—.- - Lamps and Gas-Fittings - -. 67 154 Cribbing, Devices to prevent.. —. - Harness.................. 54 72 Cribs. - -................................ Beds...................... 5 62 Crickets for stoves, Heating-.........-.. Stoves and Furnaces-...... 126 154 Crimping-machines and tools... —------ Boots and Shoes..-... 12 16 Crimping sheet-metal-................. Sheet-Metal-. 113A 136 Cringles —---. -. — -—..... —-------- Ships; 1-.................. 114 138 Crinoline...... -—........ —------—. Crinoline and Corsets. - - -. 29 38 Crinoline, Weaving.-.-..... —.. We;ving -.. —----- 139 38 Crochet. —----------—. —----------- Apparel- -- 2 38 Crochet-needles, Making —. ——. —--- Needles and Pins -........ 86 104 Croquet............- - - - Games and Toys -.... 46 143 Croquet-mallets, &c ——. —-. ——. —-- Games and Toys........... 46 143 Crosscut-saws ------—. —... Saws ---—. —-. —------- 110 131 Cross-heads of steam-engines.. —---- Steam; 1.-......- 121 150 Crossings for railways, Making -----—. Railways; 4............. --. 107 120 Crossings, Railway.. —-. —-—. —----- Railways; 1. —......... 104 120 Crossing signals, Railway -. —-.. —-—. Signals ---------------—. 116 120 Crow-bars............................ Mechanical Powers.-.. 74' 67 Crown-glass -—..... —-- -------..... Glass. --—.. ——... —---- 49 68 Crucibles, Making.................... Clay-... —------..-... —--- 25 115 Crucibles for metal -. —--—.. —---—. —. Clay.-.... —. —-. 25 99 Crucible-molds —-. ——.. —... —--- Clay........-.......... 25 115 Cruet-stands........... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Crumb-removers --—. —-------------- Kitchen Utensils -.... 65 88 Cruppers -. —. —----------—. —--—. Harness ----—. --—. ——. 54 72 Crupper-loops.. —. —.... —--------. - Harness -. —------------- 54 72 Crushers, Sugar-...-..... Mills. —-.......... -... — 83 155 Crutches............................. Artificial Limbs ----------- 3 156 Crutches -- ~~~~~Artificial Limbs......3. 156 Cuff-buttons. — ---—. —------—. — Clasps and Buckles.-..... 24 86 Cuff-buttons, Manufacture of.-. - Hardware Manufactures-.. 53E 86 Cuffs-..... -......... Apparel_ ---' —------ 2 38 Cuffs, Paper -------------- Paper Manufactures -...... 93 109 Cuff-supporters......... —. Apparel-.-......... —-... 2 138 Culinary ladles --—.. —-—. —. —---—. Kitchen Utensils. —. —-—. 65 88 Cultivators.......... Plows -—. —-. —--- -.-... 97 43 Cultivators, Frames for................ Plows -—.. ——.. —----—. 97 43 Cultivators, Wheel. —----—..-......- Plows.-........ 97 43 Cultivator-teeth...................... Plows... 97 43 Culverts -------------- ---------. Masonry. —---—... —----- 72 4 Cupboard-catches-..................... Locks and Latches —. —-- 70 93 Cupola-filrnaces ---- ------- Metallurgy ------ - 75 85 Cupping-instruments — -.............. Surgery ---- - 128 156 Cups.....-........................... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Cups, Medicinal...................... Surgery. —- - —.. —----- 128 156 Curbs for wells-....................... Excavators............... 37 51 Curbs, Pavement P..in............ —. Paving.-.-............ 94 110 Curculio-traps - -Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Curd-cutters-.......................... Dairy —... —-..-.. —---—.. 31 45 Curing meat and fish, (except Smoking and Drying, Class 34).......-... Preserving Food..-9-. 9 58 Curled hair and its substitutes........-. Beds -5 —-----.......... 5 62 Curling hat-brims. —............... Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Curling-irons........................-. Toilet................. 132 161 Curls................................ Toilet.................... 132 161 Currency-holders.....-................. Stationery —---—. —--—.. 120 146 Current-fenders............... Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 220 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi. SUBJECT. cto.d cation. 0 v.Q z Current-regulators.................... Electricity ---------------- 36 50 Current-wheels -. —------------------- Water-Wheels --—.........138 168 Curry-combs ---------—.-. —-.........Stabling ------------------ 119 144 Currying-machiues. Tanning..-............... 129 92 Currying-tools.. Tanning.................. 129 92 Currying-tools........................ Stabling.................. 119 144 Curtain-fixtures ---------------------- Furniture.................- 45 62 Curtains ---—.-. —------------—...... Furniture ------------ 45 62 Curved printing-surfaces, Making. Printing 101 117 Cushions for pins, needles, and sewingwork............................... Apparel 2 38 Cuspadores.. Furniture ----------------- 45 62 Cutlery, Manufacture of............... Hardware Manufactures-.. 53A 34 Cut nails............................. Nails --------------------- 85 104 Cut-off apparatus..................... Steam; 1 ----------------- 121 152 Cut-offs, Gover-nor.................... Governors --—.............50 69 Cut-offs for harvesters-....-............ Harvesters................ 56 74 Cut-off valves ------------------------ Valves -----—.............136 152 Cut-off, Variable ---------------------- Steam; 1 -. —------------- 121 152 Cut-piled fabrics ---------------------- Weaving -----—...........139 95 Cutter-heads of planing-machines ------ Wood-Working; 2 -...... 143 173 Cutters, Bblt — Metal-Working; 6 -------- 81A 14 Cutters, Feed.................... Stabling.................. 119 59 Cutters, Harvester -------------------- Harvesters.......... 56 74 Cutters of molding and planing machines ------------------------------ Wood-Working; 2........ 143 173 Cutters, Paper- Paper Manufactures.....93 110 Cutters, Pipe ------------------------- Metal-Working; 6 --— lA — 81A 100 Cutters, Rod - Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100 Cutters, Root......................... Stabling. —--------------- 119 59 Cutters, Sod Plows.................... 97 114 Cutters, Straw, hay, &c............... Stabling. 119 59 Cntter-stocks for metal-planers -------- Metal-Working; 7 -.-. —-- 82 100 Cutting blanks from bars or plates-..... Metal-Working; 4 79 119 Cutting-boards for leather ------------- Boots and Shoes 12 16 Cutting dye-wood Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Cutting flock ------------------------- Felting and Hats ---------- 38 76 Cutting fur ----------------- Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Cutting-gages ------------------------ Wood-Working; 4 —. —--- 145 173 Cutting glass Grinding and Polishing -. — 51 68 Cutting jewels........................ Grinding and Polishing....- 51 86 Cutting machines, Belt. Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Cutting-machines, Belt-lacing......... Hose and Belting.- 60 81 Cutting machines, Leather............ Leather 69 92 Cutting out garments. -. Apparel.................. 2 38 Cutting planchets from bars or plates.. Metal-Working; 4 -------- 79 119 Cutting slate and stone --------------- Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Cutting-tools for lathes and planers... -. Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100 Cutting wood-screws.................. Wood-Screws............. 141 175 Cylinder glass........................ Glass..................... 49 68 Cylinders, Boring.................. Metal-Working; 2 -------- 77 100 Cylinders, Steam Steam; 1................. 121 150 Cylindrical saws..-... Saws..................... 110 130 Cymbals............................. Music.................... 84 102 D. Dairies- Dairy ----—...............31 45 Dairy-implements. Dairy..................... 31 45 Dampers for furnaces Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 145 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 221 TName of clas —official classifica- Z SUBJECT. Nm tion. o 0- Zo Dampers for musical instruments...... Music —....... —--------- 84 102 Dampers for stoves.-.................. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Damping machines, Paper............. Printing. —-............ 101 117 Dams.- - -......-. Hydraulic Engineering -.- 61 82 Dancing figures.- -...................... Games and Toys-........... 46 143 Darning-lasts..-......... —--—.. -— Apparel. —--—... —----- 2 38 Darning-machines.................... Apparel.2... 89 Darning-machines.................... Knitting and Netting.... 66 89 Davits -.... —- Boats. —...... 9 13 Dead-eyes............................ Shpi......... 1 3 Dead-eyes -,,,,.,,,, ~ —,,,,,,,.,,..,,, ) Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Dead-eyes for canal-boats............. Ships; 1...... 114 138 Dead-lights. —---- -—..... —...... Ships; 1... 114 138 Decarbonizing iron................... Metallurgy................ 75 85 Deck-bridges..-.......... Ships; 1...... 114 137 Deck-covers Ships 1.................. 114 137 Deck-irons.- -.-...... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Decks...s...................... Ships; 1... 114 137 Deck-scrapers....................... Wood-Working; 4 --- --—. 145 137 Decks, Fire-proof..................... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Decks, Water-proof................... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Decorative gilding -. - Fine Arts -... -.. 41 107 Decorative painting.................. Fine Arts................. 41 107 Defecators for juices and sirups...... -_Sugar -................. 127 155 Daguerreotype........................ Photography. ——. —...... 95 111 Delineators of grades and routes -.. —.. Optics.................... 88 157 Dental-compositions.................. Dental. -....... 32 46 Dental-drills.......................... Dental.......... 32 46 Dental-fillings........................ Dental. -....... 32 46'Dental-forceps-. -.-..... Dental. —............... 32 46 Dental-instruments- -................... Dental.................... 32 46 Dental-mallets........................ Dental.................... 32 46 Dental-plates- Dental.................... 32 46 Dental-plates, Casting. —....- Dental.................... 32 46 Dentifrices-.- -...........Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 46 Dentures............................. Dental.................... 32 46 Deodorizers.......................... Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 98 Deodorizing benzole....- - -........ Stills -. -.-. —--------- 124 98 Deodorizing excrements... -...... Manures.................. 71 98 Deodorizing offal..................... Manures.................. 71 98 Deodorizing vaults.....-.-.. Manures.................. 71 98 Departure and distance instruments —. Optics.................... 88 157 Depilating hides -..Tanning -1 1i29 92 Depilatories - - -......Chemical Miscellaneous -.- 23 92 Depurators.-.......................... - Surgery1................ 128 156 Dermopathic-instruments......... —..-.. Surgery.................. 128 156 Derricks............................. Hoisting..... 57 79 Derricks, Floating..-.......... Hoisting. -.-..... 57 79 Desk-covers.......................... - - - Furniture................. 45 62 Desk paper-cutters................... - - - Stationery —..-.......... 120 146 Desks -..............................-.. Furniture..................45 62 Desiccating grain, food, farina, &c- —.... Dryers and Kilns..-...... 34 48 Desulphurizing coal - -...-....... Metallurgy 75 99 Desulphurizing-furnaces.............. Metallurgy. 75 99 Desulphurizing ores.- -. -............. Metallurgy 75 99 Detaching boats from davits —... Boats-..................... 9 13 Detaching horses from vehicles -....... Carriages and Wagons -.. -- 21 31 Detergents-.-.................... Chemical Miscellaneous - 23 98 Detonating compositions.............. Gunpowder............... 52 71 Developing, Photographic.- -............ Photography —...... 95 111 Dextrine............................. Bleaching, Dyeing, &c.... 8 11 16 222 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~SUBJECT. ] ~Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. ain. ~; cation. 4-o ce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z ~~~~~~~~~~~__ Dials.. ——.. —-—. ---—.- -—. —--—.. Horology --------------—. 58 36 58 8 Dials, Timepiece..................... Horology-58 36 Diamond-drills - - -.......Stone, Lime, and Cement- -. 125 124 Diamond-planers -—. —............ Stone, Lime, and Cement. -. 125 153 Diamond-saws - - -.......Stone, Lime, and Cement-. 125 153 Diamonds, Glaziers'................... Glass ------------.. _... 49 68 Diaper-pins.. —......... —--—..... Jewelry. —-.............. 63 86 Diapers. —.. —-..... Apparel -..2 38 Dibblers, Hand ------------ - -----. Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Dibbling-machines - -.... -... Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Dice-....-........ Gamines and Toys-.. 46 143 Dice-throwers. —......... Games and Toys...- 46 143 Die-rolling -.- -..... Metal-Working; 5........ 80 125 Dies for cutting screws ----- --------—. Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets ---- 10 14 Dies for dentists ----------—.-...-.... Dental. —----------------- 32 46 Dies for making articles of cutlery ----- Hardware Manufacture... 53A 44 Dies for making spikes and nails -.-. -— Nails8..5...... 103 Dies for pressing hats - F........ elting and Hats.. —- - 38 76 Dies for sheet-metal ware ----------—. Sheet-Metal....... 113A 136 Dies for swaging........... Metal-Working; 3....... 78 131 Die-sinking........................... Fine Arts -..-........... 41 143 Die-stocks. —. —-...... — ------—... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets _.. 10 14 Differential levers................... —. Mechanical Powers ------- 74 67 Digesters for bones, fats, &c........... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 26 Digesters for cooking...-.... Stoves and Fnrnaces —.... 126 154 Diggers, Hand........................ Garden and Orchard... 47 141 Diggers, Peanut --------—.- - --. Plows -97 141 Diggers, Potato.- -..-............... Plows. —........... 97 114 Diggers, Root. —. —... - - -—.-. —..... Plows. —.-.-......... 97 114 Diggers, Thistle ---------—. —-.-... — Garden and Orchard -.. ——.- 47 141 Digging-forks —--.-..-...-......... Garden and Orchard....... 47 141 Digging-machines ----—...- - --. Plows -.97 114 Dikes................................ Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Dinner-buckets -.-....-..... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 136 Dinner-pails..-.. -..... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 136 Dioptric lights....................... Optics...... 88 90 Dippers -. —-------------------- - Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 136 Dipping-frames for matches............ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 90 Disabling ordnance, Instruments for -. Ordnance -. —------------- 89 105 Dish-covers........-.................. Kitchen Utensils.-....... 65 88 Dish-cleaners......................... - -Kitchen Utensils —....... 65 88 Dish-cloth holders.-..-... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Dish-drainers-.-.......... Kitchen Utensils.-....... 65 88 Dishes. —----------- - - —.- -......... Kitchen Utensils 65 88 Dish-fasteners - - -........ Kitchen Utensils......... 65 88 Dish-heaters.......................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Dish-holders- - -...... Kitchen Utensils........ 65 88 Dish-stands -............ Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Dish-trays- - -_................ Kitchen Utensils. -..... 65 88 Dish-washers. —---------- - —. -—..... Kitchen Utensils -------—. 65 88 Disinfecting apparatus, (except Atontmizers-, Class 62)...................... Chemical Miscellaneous -. - 23 35 Disintegrating ores.- -....-.. Ore. —................... 90 3 Dislocation apparatus.............-.... Artificial Limbs-........ 3 156 Dissected maps....................... Educational.............. 35 146 Distillation..-. -.... Stills..................... 124 47 Distributing boxes, Mail.............. Stationery................ 120 146 Distributing-machines................ Printing.................. 101 117 Ditching-machines -Excavators...-. 37 114 Ditching-plows...-............... Plows.................. 97 114 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 223 FVF SUBJECT. Name of class-official classification. o o ono 4-, z z Ditching spades and scoops -.. Garden and Orchard.. 47 114 Dividers, Measuring. —-----------—. Drafting- 33 97 Divinig-apparatus......-. Hydraulic Engineering —. 61 8-2 Diving-bells.....-... Hydraulic Engineering... 61 82 Dock-holders for horses.-Surgery ----......... 128 156 Docks, Dry. -....... Hydraulic Engineering.-. 61 82 Docks, Floating...... Ships; 1 -------- --------. 114 82 Docks, Graying.... —---—...Hydraulic Engineering.. 61 82 Docks, Tidal-.__........ Hydraulic Engineering. - 61 82 Docks, Wet.. —-------—.. —-------—. Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Doffing apparatus. —---—...- -. - -- Carding.................. 19 28 Dog-collars.-......- ---. —-------—. Harness. —............-.. 54 72 Dog-muzzles-__._....... Harness —..-....-...... 54 72 Dog-powers -.. —------—. —------—. Mechanical Powers - -...... 74 159 Dogs, Bench. —— W —.. — —. —---—. Wood-Working; 4.- -. 145 174 Dogs for metal-lathes and planers..-. Metal-Working; 7.....-.. 82 100 IDogs for saw-mills.....-. Saws. —---—.....-. --- 110 130 Dogs for wood-lathes.......-. Wood-Working; 1 - -..- 142 172 Dolls- -------- Gamines and Toys. —... —-. 46 143 Dolls, Composition for................ Chemical Miscellaneous. 23 143 Domes -.Masonry -------- ---. 72 4 Domestic furnaces.................... Stoves and Furnaces. ——. 126 154 Door-alarms -- -..........- -------- Signals ---—...... —--—. 116 24 Door-bells.-. —-- ---—.. —--—. —.-. Signals.-....-. 116 24 Door-bells, Manufacture of. —..-..... Hardware Manufacture -.- 53B 24 Door-bolts.-............ Builders' Hardware -.. 16 24 Door-buttons ---------—... -. Builders' Hardware...- 16 24 Door-checks ---—.. —-—. —--—. —--- Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Door-checks, Manufacture of. —...... Hardware Manufacture.... 53B 24 Door-fasteners. —...... Locks and Latches- -........ 70 24 Door-hangers ------------ Carpentry --- --- - 20 24 Door-hangers -.... -Builders' Hardware --- 16 24 Door-hinges.....-. Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Door-holders ---------—.-............ Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Door-indicators.....-.. Stationery.-.....- 120 24 Door-knobs........................... Locks and Latches -... — 70 24 Door-locks — -..... Locks and Latches........ - - 70 93 Door-mats........................... Brushes and Brooms -.... - 15 22 Door-operators. ——. —-.- --------—. Builders' Hardware-........ 16 24 Door-plates-. ——.. —-—. —-------—.. Stationery......- - 120 24 Door-plates, Attaching. —- ----—.-. — Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Door-pulls.-.... —-----—.-.......... Builders' Hardware......-.. 16 24 Doors -----—....... Carpentry. —-. ——. ——.. 20 30 Door-securers.-....... Builders' Hardware........- 16 24 Doors for steam-boiler furnaces-... Steam; 2.-12..2.... 148 Door-sheaves -—. —... —--- Builders' Hardware —........ 16 24 Doors, Machines for making -.. -.. —.. Wood-Working; 2...-.-.. 143 173 Door-springs.......... Builders' Hardware. ——. 16 24 Door-springs, Manufacture of.-...... Hardware Manufacture --- 53 B 24 Doors, Sliding........................ Carpentry........... —.... 20 30 Door-stops_ —...-.... Builders' Hardware...... 16 24 Door-strips, Manufacture of... Hardware Manufacture_... 53 B 30 Double-piled fabrics. —---------. —--- Weaving.-...-.. 139 90 Double-seaming machines for sheetmetal.............................. Sheet-Metal. -.............. 113 A 136 Double shovel-plows. ——. ——. ——. — Plows.. —-.. —--------. 97 114 Double-trees ---—. —-—.. ------------- Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Doubling-machines.Spinning................. 118 142 Doubling silk.. Silk...................... 117 140 Douche-instruments.................. Surgery.................. 128 156 224 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. do~ A 00 ~~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifica- SUBJECT. Q tion. u -O0.~ 00 z z Dough-kneaders..-..... Kitchen Utensils. —--—.- 65 88 Dough-machines -....... Kitchen Utensils ------—. - 65 88 Dough-raisers. —-----------------—. Kitchen Utensils -—. —---- 65 88 Dough-rollers-....K.. Kitchen Utensils -------—. 65 88 Dovetailing-miachines ----—. -------- Wood-Working; 2 -----—. 143 30 Dowels, Machines for turning —---- Wood-Working; 1.-.. 142 175 Drafting-instruments ---------- Drafting-... 33 97 Drafting-scales ----—.. —----------—. Drafting.-........ 33 97 Draftsman's tools and appliances. ——. Drafting -........ 33 97 Draft-regulators for steam-boiler furnaces ------—.. —--------------- Steam; 2-.....122 148 Drag-bars for drill-teeth --— S ——. ——. Seeders and Planters. - - - 111i 133 Drag-saws --------------------------- Saws --------—. —------- 110 130 Draining cellars ---------—. ——. —..Pumps.-... —-... 103 118 Draining cellars, Automatic devices for Hydraulic Engineering... — - 61 82 Draining-pipes-..... Clay. —-...... 25 20 Draining-plows --- ---------------—. Plows.. —-—.. ——. —---- 97 114 Draining-tiles ------—. ----—.. —-—. Clay —--—. ——. —-... ——. 25 20 Drain-tiles, Machines for, and modes of laying......- ----—. Hydraulic Engineering. — 61 20 Drapery-fasteners —----—. —--—. —. Furniture-....45 62 Draught of water, Ascertaining......-. Ships; 1 —.. ——. —---—. 114 137 Draught-regulators ---—. —--—. —---- Stoves and Furnaces.. 126 154 Draw-bars for railway-cars.- Railways; 3. —------—.-. 106 122 Draw-benches —. —---------------—. Tubing and Wire.- -...... 134 163 Draw-bridges —------—.. ——. ——. —. Bridges-..._..... 14 21 Draw-bridge signals. —...-.......... Signals.......... 116 158 Draw-plates for tubing. Tubing and Wire -—.. —-- 134 163 Draw-plates for wire..... Tubing and Wire......... 134 163 Drawer-locks. —-. —. —-----. —------ Locks and Latches........-70 93 Drawer-pulls Builders' Hardware....... 16 93 Drawers -—. —----------- --- Apparel -............. 2 38 Drawers for closets Furniture- 45 62 Drawers for furniture -. —------—. —- Furniture-4..5. 4.. 62 Draw-gage cutters. —----------------- Harness...... 54 72 Drawing and twisting heads and tubes Spinning..... —. 118 142 Drawing-boards --—....- -........ Fine Arts.. -..... 41 54 Drawing-knives -W —-----—... —--- Wood-Working; 4........ 145 49 Drawing liquids.-...... Pumps 103 118 Drawing-machines.................... Spinning................. 118 142 Drawing metals...-.. Tubing and Wire -—..... — 134 163 Drawing-rollers --- - -Spinning --------- - 118 142 Drawing-rollers, Cleaners for.......... Spinning................. 118 142 Drawing-tables... -.......Furniture.45.... 62 Drawing-tubes --...................... Tubing and Wire..... 134 163 Drawing wire. —-..- - - - -......- Tubing and Wire -..-...... 134 163 Draw-rolls for tubing..-.... Tubing and Wire.-...... 134 163 Dredges, Oyster-....... Fishing-...... 43 143 Dredging boxes, Flour ---------------- Kitchen Utensils -------—. 65 88 Dredging-machines -. —--------------- Excavators' 37 82 Dress-cord...............- I I.-... -Cordage -------------—.- 28 17 Dressing and finishing hosiery.. —-—.- Knitting and Netting..... 66 89 Dressing-cases..-........ Toilet ------—. —------ 132 161 Dressing cloth --------------------—.. Cloth-..........26 37 Dressing leather. —. —. —........ —-.. Tanning.-.... 129 92 Dressing-machines, (wood)....... Wood-Working; 2 -------- 143 173 Dressing slate and stone -----— Stone, Lime, and Cement 125 153 Dressing yarn, warp, thread, &c.- Cordage -.................. 28 17 Dress-pins -..-...........-..-....... Jewelry.................. 63 86 Dress-protectors A.............. pparel.....2......2.. 38 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 225 a Name of class-official classifi-, SUBJEOT. Cu'3 cation. 0 C3 0 0O z z Dress-supporters. —......-............. Apparel —- ------ -2.. 80 Drifts —---- ------------------------ Metal-Working; 2 —. —-- 77 119 Drill-bits-........... Metal-Working; 2.. -.. 77 100 Drill-gages -------—.... ——. —-. ——. Metal-Working; 2 ------- 77 100 Drilling-jigs.......................... Metal-Working; 2 -—.. 77 100 Drilling machines, Metal.............. Metal-Working; 2 —. ——. 77 100 Drilling metals -......Metal-Working; 2 —. ——. 77 100 Drill-rests, Metal..................... Metal-Working; 2 —. —--- 77 100 Drill-rod grabs -......Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 124 Drill-rollers.......................... Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Drills, Dental......................... Dental —. —--- --. ------ 32 46 Drills, Diamond...................... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 124 Drills, Expanding rock -.....Stone, Lime, and Cement — 125 124 Drills for wells....................... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 51 Drills, Gages for —......... —.. -. Metal-Working; 2........ 77 100 Drills, Grain.......................... Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Drills, Ratchet. —... —-------—..-.-. Metal-Working; 2....... --- 77 100 Drills, Rock ---—..-.. ——. —--------- Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 124 Drills, Stone.......................... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 124 Drill-stocks —---—. ----- -.-. —------ Metal-Working; 2........ 77 100 Drills, Twist. —. —----—.... —- -----—. Metal-Working; 2..-.-.. 77 100 Drills, Watchmakers'.-..... Metal-Working; 2....77 36 Drill-teeth --—. —...... ——. —--- Seeders and Planters...... 11 133 Drinking-cups. —. —---------------- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Drinking-tubes for invalids -..... Surgery —..... —-------- 128 156 Driven-wells....-..... Water-Distribution - -. 137 167 Drop-hammers —.-... —-----. ——. — Metal-Working; 3........ 78 100 Drop-drills.-.- ---—..-. —---.-........ Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Dropping-bottles -------—. --—. —--- Measuring-Instruments.... 73 98 Dropping-platforms for harvesters.- Harvesters -...........-.... 56 74 Dropping-tubes ---------—.. —-. —---- Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 98 Drop-lights...... Lamps and Gas-Fittings-. 67 64 Drop-meters...-...... Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 98 Drop-presses ------ -------- Metal-Working; 3.- - -. - - 78 100 Drug-crushers........................ Surgery.................. 128 156 Druggets-....-........ Weaving ---------- 139 56 Drug-mills. —-................- Mills..................... 83 98 Drugs................................. Chemical Miscellaneous ---- 23 98 Drums ----------.. —. —--- --—. —---- Music -—......- I ---.. 84 102 Drums, Belt.-........ Journals and Bearings --- 64 87 Drums, (keg,) Machines for making.... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 40 Dry-docks -. —. —---- ------—. —---- Hydraulic Engineering -.... 61 82 Dry-goods packets -----—.. —--------- Presses 100 7 Drying apparatus, (except Clothes, Class 68; Paper, Class 92) -... —.......... Dryers and Kilns..... 34 48 Drying fruit-.... ----------—.-. —-. — Dryers and Kilns --- ---- 34 48 Drying gunpowder....-... Gunpowder.-.-... 52 71 Drying-houses........................ Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 48 Drying-kilns......................... Dryers and Kilns...-. 34 4~ Drying yarn -. ——.. —-—.. —.. ——.. Cordage. —..-...- 28 17 Dubbing ------------- - Oils, Fats, and Glue....... 87 26 Dulcimers............................ Music -....... 84 102 Dumb-bells........................... Games and Toys. —--—.-. 46 143 Dumb-jockeys........................ Harness -—..-......-... 54 72 Dumb-waiters - —........................ Hoisting. -...... 57 79 Dummies-....... Steam; 3.123 94 Dummies for displaying clothing...... Apparel -...-........... 2 38 Dummy-cars -—.. ——. ——. —. —--—. Railways; 2...-...- 105 121 Dumping-buckets.. -....... Excavators -....-. 37 79 Dumping-cars -...Railways; 2....-.... -105 121 226 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. C 3 CI C.) ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classificaSUBJECT. tion. -A8 4~0 d z z ~44 Damping-carts ---------- - Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Dumping-reels for harvesters —........ Harvesters. —------- -----. 56 74 Dumping-tubs and buckets.-. —...... Hoisting ------ -- - 57 79 Dumping-wagons-......... Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Dust from cars, Excluding.. -... Pneumatics.-..-... 98 121 Dust-pans ---—..... ——...... ——. Furniture................. 45 62 Dust-receptacles..-................ Furniture-4. —....... 45 62 Dyeing. -. —------------ Bleaching and Dyeing 8 11 Dyeing apparatus...-... Bleaching and Dyeing- 8. 11 Dyeing materials ------------------- Bleaching and Dyeing -. 8 11 Dyecing processes. ——. —-—.. —-—..- Bleaching and ID)yeing.. 8 11 Dyes —..-..-..-............. —. Bleaching and Dyeing. 8 11 Dye-vats.......-.. Bleaching and Dyeing.. 8 11 Dye-wood extracts —.. —--—. —--—. — Bleaching and Dyeing... 8 11 Dyewood, Machines for cutting........ Wood-Working; 3 144 176 Dynamite Gunpowder. 52 71 Dynamometers. —-----—. - -.... —- Measuring-Instruments.. 73 132 Dyspepsia, Instruments for treating ---- Surgery........... 128 156 E. Ear, Apparatus for treating the-.. Surgery --- 12..- -.. -. 128 156 Ear-drops and rings................... Jewelry.................. 63 86 Ear-explorers. —. —.......... _ — - - Surgery. — --- ---------- 128 156 Ear, Instruments for treating the. —.-. Surgery - - 128 156 Ears, Artificial........................ Artificial Limbs....... 3 5 Earth-boring......................... Excavators. -3. -7... 51 Earth-closets. —. —---—. —-------—. Baths and Closets -----—.4 8 Earthenware. —. —--------------- - Clay._.25 115 Earth-removing machines...- -... Excavators...... 37 79 Earth-works- ------------------------ Excavators... —.-. 37 51 Earth-worm traps..................... Garden and Orchard.. 47 63 Ear-trumpets.......-.. Artificial Limbs. —.......... 3 156 Ear-tubes....- Artificial Limbs-.-... 3 156 Easels................................ Fine Arts.....- —. 41 54 Eave-troughs. —-..-R —. —---..-...... Roofing.-..-... 108 126 Eave-troughs, Machines for making wooden............................ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 30 Eccentrics ---------- -—.-. —------- Mechanical Powers. —----- 74 87 Edge-planes for soles -...........-. Boots and Shoes. —--—..- 12 16 Edge-planes, (wood).-.-.. —......... -Wood-Working; 4.... 145 49 Edge-tools, (not cutlery,) Manufacture of —-— M —-. —-----—.............. Metal-Working; 6 ----- -- SIB 49 Edging-irons...-...... Garden and Orchard... 47 63 Educational devices --—.. ——.. —-—. Educational -.... 35 146 Eel-traps -----. —-—. —--------- Fishing.-..... —-—. 43 143 Effervescing preparations for beverages. Airation and Bottling... 1 1 Egg-assorters- -.................... Stabling. - -----........119 116 Egg-beaters —. —-. —------—. ——.- Kitchen Utensils --—.. —- 65 88 Egg-boilers........................... Stoves and Furnaces.-...... 126 154 Egg-carriers -------------------- - Stablin- -. 119 116 Egg-cups --------- —. —----—.. — Kitchen Utensils. —-. —--- 65 88 Egg-hatching apparatus Stabling......... 119 116 Egg-packers ----------------- - Stabling -. 119 116 Egg-pans -. -.. —-—......... —--- Kitchen Utensils -65 88 Eggs, rs Preserving-Preserving Food. —- —.... 99 116 Egg-testers -........................... Kitchen Utensils. —- -.- - 65. 116 Ejectors, Liquid -. —..-........... Pumps -103 118 Elbow-levers for pulls, Manufacture of. Hardware Manufacture.... 53 11 24 Electrical apparatus.................. Electricity................ 36 50 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 227.~O ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifica-' SUBJECT. otion.'- Cj O~ z z Electrical balances-........ ——.. ——. Electricity - - 36 50 Electrical machines...............-..-.. Electricity................ 36 50 Electric fuses —--. ——. —-.. —.. —-—. Electricity................ 36 50 Electric lights..........-.............. Electricity.. 36 90 Electrizing blood, Instruments for -..-. Electricity.- -- -- - 36 156 Electrodes ----- ------- - Electricity -36 50 Electro-magnetic apparatus. —...... Electricity -- -- 36 50 Electro-magnetic engines -...-.... Electricity --- -- - 36 50 Electro-magnetic machines - -....... Electricity................. 36 50 Electro-magnetic meteorological instruments --—.. —. —-----—....... Electricity. -..... 36 50 Electro-magnets -.. —.. —--- Electricity................ 36 50 Electrometers ----- ------ - Electricity. 36 50 Electronomes --- E..- -.... ——. —. —-- Electricity.-..-.......... 36 50 Electrophorus ----- ------— Electricity --- --- - 36 50 Electro-plating, Baths and batteries for_ Electricity -.... -.... 36 113 Electro-plating -...-.-...... —-—. —- Plating....... 96 113 Electrotyping — _- ------- Plating................ 96 164 Electrotyping, Baths and batteries for. Electricity ---- --- - 36 164 Electrotyping, Producing the matrix for-................................. Printing.................. 101 164 Elevated railways.................... Railways; 1.. ——. —---- 104 120 Elevating scaffolds -------- —. —--—. Carpentry.......2..... 20 79 Elevators.................. — Hoisting.................. 57 79 Elevators for bricks................... Hoisting 57 79 Elevators for grain-.-. —..........- Hoisting - 57 79 Elevators for houses -... —-------—. — Hoistiug. —.... —-—. ---- 57 79 Elevators for mortar -— Hoistin. -- -57 79 Elevators for warehouses -----. —-- -. Hoisting.- -- -- - 57 79 Elevators, Water - - Pumps.................. 103 118 Ellipsographs. —--—. —-. —-.. —--—.- Drafting.-....-. 33 97 Embalming compositions.... —.. —-. Chemical Miscellaneous. —. 23 39 Embalming processes —..... —------—. Chemical Miscellaneous.. -- 23 39 Embankments, Making and repairing. Hydraulic Engineering - -- 61 F2 Embossing glass.. Glass —...... —. —-—. 49 68 Embossing hats.-......... Felting and Hats. —....... 36 76 Embossing-machines —. —-—.-. ——. Fine Arts................. 41 54 Embossing machines, Leather......... Leather..-.... -—. —---- 69 92 Embossing-presses.- ---- ------—.... Book-Binding - ---. —. — 11- 15 Embossing sheet-metal...- -.... Sheet-Metal.............. 113A 136 Embroidery attachments for sewingmachines - —...................... Sewing-Machines..- -. 112 134 Emery-paper Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Emery-wheels.-......-.. Grinding and Polishing r_.. 51 70 Emery-wheels, Compositions for.- - Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Enameling culinary vessels- -............ Clay —-- --------- -.. ——. 25 68 Enameling-furnaces for metals --------- Metallurgy.-. -... 75 100 Enameling hardware-..- - Clay -—.. ——.. —----—.'25 68 Enameling of cloth --—... —-— _- Paint — 91 107 Enameling of leather —......- _... Paint-..................... 91 92 Enameling on metal. - -—. —--—. —-- Fine Arts -....... 41 68 Enameling-ovens -...... ——.......... Dryers and Kilns.. —...... 34 86 Enameling paper.-.-.... —----------- Paper-Making - 9.......-. 9'2 108 Enamels, Vitreous..... -..-....... Glass. —----—.... —---—. 49 68 Enchasing............................ Fine Arts................. -41 54 Engine-lathes —.. —-----—... —--—.- Metal-Working; 7... —-. 82 100 Engines, Agricultural -—. —---------- Steam; 3 -............... 123 94 Engines Air....... Pneumatics -..-... 98 2 Engines, Air-compressing............. Pneumatics. -...... 98 12 Engines, Ammonia.................... Pneumatics............... 98 2 228 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifica- o ~SUBJECT. tion..o 6 i oz z Engines, Blast -------—.- -------. Pneumatics -. —. —--—. -- 98 12 Engines, Caloric.-. -..-.......... —. Pneumatics ---------—.- 98 2 Engines, Carbonic-acid................ Pneumatics —----------—. 98 2 Engines, Compressed-air -..... Pneumatics -------------- 98 2 Engines, Dummy...... —. Steam; 3. —. —-.. —--—. 123 94 Engines for operating rock-drills Steam; 1.-...... 121 150 Engines for operating steam-hammers.. Steam; 1 -- -- - --- 121 150 Engines for operating steam-pumps -.... Steam; 1................. - 121 150 Engines, Gas......................... Pneumatics.-...... 98 2 Engines, Gunpowder.- -.. -.. Pneumatics......-98 2 Engines, Locomotive —..-.. —- ------- Steam; 3. -..... 123 94 Engines, Marine steam -.. Steam; 1 1.21 150 Engines, Oscillating.................. Steam; 1 --- 121 150 Engines, Portable.................-.... Steam; 3.................. 123 94 Engines, Reciprocating.- -.............. Steam; 1..-...... 121 150 Engines, Rotary.. —.................... Steam; 1 -.. —----------- 121 150 Engines, Stationary. -...... Steam; 1................. 121 150 Engines, Steam —................... Steam; 1........ 121 150 Engines, Steam fire....- -.... Steam; 1. —... —-.. — ---- 121 118 Engines, Steam plow.................. Steam; 3................. 123 94 Engines, Traction. Steam....3........ 3 123 94 Engines, Valve-gear for............... Steam; 1........ 121 152 Engines, Vapor, (except steam)........ Pneumatics............... 98 2 Engravers' clutches —..... Fine Arts.-.... 41 54 Engravers' tools Fine Arts........ 41 54 Engravers' vises —......... Fine Arts.. -..... 41 54 Engraving, Copper-plate........... —... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Engraving, Electric apparatus for...... — Electricity - -....-.. 36 54 Engraving-machines.-....... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Engraving pantographs..-.... Fine Arts....... —. 41 97 Engraving-processes. —..-..... Fine Arts-....... 41 54 Engraving, Steel-plate................ Fine Arts.......-.... 41 54 Engraving, Wood-.,....... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Envelope-fasteners.. -Stationery................ 120 146 Envelope-making machines..........-.. Paper Manufacture.-.. —. 93 109 Envelope-openers-..................... Stationery. —-.. —...... 1.20 146 Envelopes ------ ------- - Paper Manufacture......-.. 93 146 Envelopes and letter-sheets combined. - Paper Manufacture ——. —. 93 146 Eolians. —........ -............... Music. -....... 84 102 Epaulets - -............................. Apparel. —--------—. —-. 2 38 Epergnes -..... —-.. ——.. —-... —-—. Kitchen Utensils --—. —-- 65 88 Eprouvettes --—.. ——.. --—....-M —.. Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 71 Equalizing-bars- -- - -. —--—.. —.. Carriages and Wagons- -- - 21 31 Erasers............-.................. Stationery..-........... 120 146 Escapements...Horology 58 36 Escapements, Electrical-..-.. Electricity. —---—.. —. —-- 36 50 Escape-pipes for steam-engines........ Steam; 3................. 123 150 Escape-valves.-.. -....... Valves.-. —-—. —------—. 136 152 Etching -.. —----------—. ——. —--—. Fine Arts.-.... 41 54 Eudiometers. —-.. —-.. —-—.. —.- —. Measuring-Instruments -.. 73 101 Evaporators for saccharine juices....-.. Sugar...... —. - 127 155 Evaparators for salines.. —-—.... —--- Sugar.-....... 127 129 Evaporators for vegetable extracts. —-- Sugar..........-.......... 127 155 Evening cloth. —----------—... ——. Cloth..-2........ 26 37 Excavators -.. ——. —--------—.. E.. Excavators.-.....-.- 37 51 "Excelsior," Machines for making W.... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 174 Exercising devices.................... Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Exhaust-fans. —-----—. ——. —-—. Pneumatics -. —----—. -- 98 12 Exhaust for millstones.. —-— M- ----- -.Mills.-8.... 3 57 Exhaust-mechanism for steam-engines- Steam; 3.- -... —...-...... 123 150 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 229.~~~~ Name of class-official classifi- 1 cation. z z Exhaust-nozzles for steam-engines.. Steam; 3...123 94 Exhaust-pipes for steam-engines -...... Steam; 3 -—................. 123 150 Expanding-bits....................... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 173 Expanding-drills for metal...... Metal-Working; 2........ 77 100 Expanding-tubes.-....-...... Metal-Working; 6 -... 81 163 Expansion-joints for steam-engines.... Steam; 1 121 150 Explosive balls....................... Projectiles................ 102 32 Explosive projectiles. —....-. Projectiles..-... 102 105 Ex-sections, Apparatus for............ Surgery. -.............. 128 156 Extension-apparatus for fractures-.... Artificial Limbs........... 3 156 Extension-ladders......... Carpentry. —----—. —--- 20 30 Extinguishers........................ Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Extractors, Bolt, nail, spike, tack..... Wood-Working; 4....... 145 29 Eye, Apparatus for treating the........ Surgery ----—. —-.- -.-.. 128 156 Eye-cups............................. Surgery. -.... 128 156 Eye-glasses... Optics.................... 88 157 Eye, Instruments for treating the...... Surgery. —..-..... 128 156 Eyeleting-machines................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Eyeleting-stamps.............-....... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Eyelet-presses Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Eyelet-punches....................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Eyelets -.........Clasps and Buckles-........ 24 23 Eyelets, Manufacture of........ Hardware Manufacture 5-. 53E 23 Eye-protectors....................... Surgery 128 156 Eyes, Artificial......................Artificial Limbs.. —.. 3 5 Eyes for harness, Manufacture of...... Hardware Manufacture... 53H 72 Eye-shades..... Surgery. -...... 128 156 F. Fabrics, Carpet. -.-....... Weaving —............. 139 56 Fabrics, Corded. -......... Weaving. -.... 139 95 Fabrics, Cut-piled..-...Weaving 139 95 Fabrics, Double-piled -............ Weaving 139 95 Fabrics, Elastic....................... Weaving....... 139 95 Fabrics, Figured.................... Weaving 139 95 Fabrics for re-use of fiber, Tearing up.. Brakes and Gins........... 13 78 Fabrics, Horse-hair................... Weaving 139 95 Fabrics, Piled........................ Weaving 139 95 Fabrics, Printing.................. Printing.................. 101 11 Fabrics, Shaped-......_.. Weaving................. 139 95 Fabrics, Straw........................ Weaving................. 139 95 Fabrics, Terry........................ Weaving. -.... 139 95 Fabrics, Tubular................... Weaving....... 139 95 Fabrics, Woven................... Weaving................. 139 95 Facing compositions.-...... Casting................... 22 33 Facing molds, Machines for............ Casting................... 22 33 Facing slate and stone....... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Fagots and piles for rolling............ Metal-Working; 5........ 80 125 Fan-blowers............. Pneumatics..-. 98 12 Fan-folding machines..-.... Umbrellas and Fans-...... 135 165 Fanning-mills........................ Thrashing................ 130 159 Fans, Automatic..................... Umbrellas and Fans.. - - 135 165 Fans for chairs —........ Umbrellas and Fans-..-.. 135 165 Fans for sewing-machines............. Umbrellas and Fans —.... 135 165 Fare-boxes........................... Stationery-................ 120 42 Farm implements of metal, Manufacture of- Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 49 Farriers' tools........................ Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 60 Fasteners for bands, belts, and cords. Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 230 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. m o ToA'M Q ~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. nW Wz cation. 0 0 6 o~ z z Fasteners, Paper. —-..-............. Clasps and Buckles....... 24 146 Fastenings, Upholstery............... Furniture —- 45 62 Fats, Treatment of.......... Oils, Fats, and Glue-..-.. 87 26 Faucet-filters —---.-.- -........... Valves.................... 136 167 Faucets.............................. Valves.................... 136 167 Faucets, Basin........................ Valves ---..-............. 136 167 Faucets, Boring...................... Valves..... —-—.-......... 136 167 Faucets, Hot-water. —----—. —....... Valves —-........ 136 167 Faucets, Manufacture of -.............. Hardware Manufacture.... 53J Faucets, Molasses. —......... Valves.-..............-.. 136 167 Feather-dressers..................... Apparel. ——..-. -........ 2 62 Feather-renovators.-.... Dryers and Kilns —....... 34 62 Feed-bags............................ Harness. —-—. —-----—.. 54 72 Feed-devices for saw-mills —. —----—. Saws..................... 110 130 Feed-devices for sewing-machines -. —-- Sewing-Machines -........ 112 134 Feeders, Paper -------—.- -------. Paper Manufacture.... 93 117 Feeders, Steam-boiler --- -—...-. - Steam; 2. —-----------—. 122 148 Feeding apparatus for carding-machines.............................. Carding —............. 19 28 Feed-mixers.......................... Stabling......... 119 59 Feed-racks-........................... Stabling.................. 119 144 Feed-regulators for mills.-.... Mills ------------------- 83 57 Feed-troughs......................... Stabling.................. 119 144 Feed-water apparatus —..... Steam; 2.-..... 122 148 Feed-water heaters for steamn-boilers.. Steam; 2....... 122 148 Feed-water regulators -. ——.. —--—.. -Steam; 2................. 122 148 Feet, Artificial........................ Artificial Limbs3 5 Fellers for sewing-machines-. -......Sew.ing-Machines -—.- 112 134 Fellies. —.......... —---—.-......... Carriages and Wagon's__.21 31 Fellies, Attaching. —---- —. —.-.... Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Fellies, Expanding...... Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Fellies, Machines for bending..... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Fellies, Machines for boring........... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 Fellies, Machines for planing -.. —. — Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 Felling trees, Machines for....-.. Saws... -...... 110 131 Felly-clamps......................... Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Felly-plates, Manufacture of —-..-...... Hardware Manufacture ---- 53C 31 Felt.................................. Felting and Hats. —....... 38 76 Felted fabrics ----- ------— Felting and Hats........-.. 38 76 Felt-hats.F.......... Felting and Hats.. - -.. - 38 76 Felting cloth. ——.. —-—..- -. —----- Felting and Hats. —------- 38 37 Felting hats...................... —. Felting and Hats --—. —--- 38 76 Felting, Materials for.................. Felting and Hats.- -. - -.. 38 76 Felting yarn...... —..... Felting and Hats.......... 38 17 Fence-posts...-..-..-.. Fences. —-----—.. —-- --- 39 52 ---- s-..Fences................. 39 52 Fences, Flood -Fences.................... 39 52 Fences, Portable...................... - -Fences.................... 39 52 Fences, Wire ---------- ----------—. Fences --- 39 52 Fenders for roofs...................... Roofing-..- -........... 108 30 Fenders, Furniture....... -Furniture. —...... 45 62 Fermentation-checks.-....- Beer and Wine.-.. -.. 7. 19 Fermentation-guards for barrels. —---- Airation and Bottling..... 1 19 Fermented liquors, Cooling.. —-------- Airation and Bottling... 7 19 Fermented liquors, Preserving -------- Aijration and Bottling.. 7 19 Ferrules.............................. Tubing and Wire.......... 134 163 Ferrules, Manufacture of.............. Hardware Manufacture.... 531 163 Ferry-boat locks..-..-......Ships; 1-...... 114 137 Ferry-boat platforms..........-.....-. Hydraulic Engineering —.- 61 137 Ferry-boats.......................... Ships; 1-.................. 114 137 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 231 0E 0 Name of class-official classifi- - SUBJECT. catin. 0 cation. c ~..0 4-9 z z Fertilizer-dryers...................... Dryers and Kilns- -.......... 34 96 Fertilizer-mixers.-Man................. Manures.7..... 71 96 Fertilizers. (See Class 71)............ 96 Fertilizers, Manufacture of ---------- Manures - -- -- - 71 96 Fertilizer-sowers —................... Seeders and Planters 111... 133 Fertilizers, Packaging.. Manures.................. 71 96 Fertilizers, Treating. -Manures -... ——.... 71 96 Fetters --------------- Harness. —-----—.-.....- 54 72 Fetters for animals...-.. Harness -----------.....- - 54 72 Fibers of plants, Separating- Brakes and Gins.... —.... 13 78 Fids —-. —. —.- -.. —..-.. Ships; 1. —.. —........... 114 138 Fifes M...... usic ---------- -.. ——. 84 102 Fifth-wheels -....-. Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Fifth-wheels, Manufacture of -. —------ Hardware Manufacture --- 53C 31 Figured fabrics._........... Weaving. -......... 139 95 File-blanks -... Files..................... 40 53 File-chisels. —-------------------- Files -.-... 40 53 File-cutters........................... Files..................... 40 53 File-cutting machines....... Fie-.. Files 40 53 File-hammers-.......... Files -..................... 40 53 Filers, Paper... ——.-............. Stationery....... 120 146 Files -..-,. -,,.-,.-,................. Files -................- -.. -40 53 Files, Machines for making............ Files..................... 40 53 Files, Redressing...................... Files..................... 40 53 Files, Sharpening.-..... Files.-.....-... 40 53 Files, Tempering...................... Metallurgy.- -..... 75 53 Filigree glass - - Glass...... —.-.......... 49 68 Filing-machines...................... Grinding and Polishing —.- 51 70 Filling for safes. —. —............... Safes.....-. 109 128 Filter and cooler combined -........ Ice. ——.... —.. — -. —---- 62 58 Filter-faucets......................... Valves 136 167 Filtering-presses...................... Presses - —. 100 19 Filters -W..... ater-Distribution....... 137 167 Filters for medicinal preparations..... Surgery.-.......-....... 128 156 Filters, Globe ------------------- - Water-Distribution --- --—. 137 167 Filters, Tube......................... Water-Distribution —. —--- 137 167 Filters, Well-tube..................... Water-Distribution.. —---- 137 167 Finger-guards........................ Apparel.................. 2 38 Finger-rings......... Jewelry. —-.. —-.-...... 63 86 Finger-rings, Manufacture of -......... Hardware Manufacture... 53E 86 Fingers, Harvester.... —..- -......... Harvesters................ 56 74 Finishing cloth-........ Cloth-. 26 37 Finishing leather..................... Tanning................ 129 92 Finishing stone... ——. —-...-........ Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Fire-alarms, Household.-............. Signals....- 116 158 Fire-alarm telegraphs...... Electricity. 36 50 Fire-alarm telegraphs, Signal-boxes for Electricity 36 50 Fire-annihilators, Gas-generating. —-—.. Airation and Bottling 1 35 Fire-arums.-...................... Fire-Arms ----—. —------- 42 55 Fire-arms, Converting -............ Fire-Arms.-.-.. 42 55 Fire-arms, Safety-guards for-....... Fire-Arms. -.... 42 55 Fire-back bricks ---------------------- Clay_..... —.. 25 20 Fire-backs. —-. ——................- Stoves and Furnaces.-. 126 154 Fire-bars............................. Steam; 2......... 122 149 Fire-bricks........................... Clay.-.. —--—. —-----—. 25 20 Fire-dogs.-...- -.. —- -..... Stoves and Furnaces..... 126 154 Fire-engines, Chemical.-..-..-..... A3ration and Bottling 1.. 1 35 Fire-engines, Hydraulic............... Pumps.................... 103 118 Fire-engines, Steam................... Steam; 1................. 121 118 Fire-escapes.......................... Carpentry.......... 20 30 232 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi-, SUBJECT. C.) Q cation. 0.'-o ono o d~ z z Fire-extinguishers for boilers -----—.- Steam; 2....- - -.. 122 149 Fire-extinguishers on ships - -....Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Fire-fenders -............Stoves and Furnaces.- - 126 15)4 Fire-grates........................... Stoves and Furnaces.126 154 Fire-irons............................ Stoves and Furnaces.12. 6 154 Fire-kindlers......................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Fire-kindling compounds.............- Fuel...................... 44 154 Fire-ladders.......................... Carpentry-................ 20 30 Fire-lighters --.....'.Stoves and Furnaces.1.... 126 154 Fire-place heaters, Base-burning..- Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Fire-places........................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Fire-plates for stoves ---- -...... —-.- Stoves and Furnaces. —--- 126 154 Fire-plugs............................ Water-Distribution..-.... 137 167 Fire-pokers........................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Fire-pots for stoves ---—..- -..- -.-... Stoves and Furnaces. —--- 126 154 Fire-proofing compounds.............. Paint 91 107 Fire-proofing processes. Paint-..................... 91 35 Fire-proofing wood, fabrics, &c....... Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Fire-proof building................... Masonry.................. 72 4 Fire-proof floors. Masonry.................. 724 Fire-proof safes-. —..- -.- - -......... Safes...-....... 109 128 Fire-proof shutters..................-. Masonry................. —. 72 4 Fire-proof walls...................... Masonry.. 72 4 Fire-proof walls, Portable.- -... Masonry.................. 72 4 Fire regulators for steam-boilers -.. Steam; 2................. 122 149 Fire-screens.......................... Furniture...............-. 45 62 Fire-shovels........ Stoves and Furnaces.12.6. 126 154 Fire-tests for hydrocarbons.- - Stills..................... 124 47 Fire-tiles Clay..................... 25 20 Fire-tongs.-..-..-... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Fire-wood, Machines for bundling - - Wood-Working; 3 -...... 144 176 Fire-wood, Machines for splitting. — Wood-Working; 3...... 144 174 Fish-bars for railways, Making........ Railways; 4........... 107 120 Fish-bars, Railway................... Railways; 1-.......-...... 104 120 Fish, Cans for packing................ Preserving Food......-.... 99 58 Fish-carrying boxes-................... Preserving Food.-......... 99 63 Fish-curing and drying -.. Dryers and Kilns - -... 34 58 Fish-decoys ----- -------- Fishing.. -43 143 Fish-flakes........................... Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 58 Fish-hooks. —....- -..- -........... Fishing. —-. ——. —----- 43 143 Fish-hooks, Manufacture of............ Hardware Manufacture -.- 531 104..... g Fishing................... 43 143 Fishing-floats —......Fishing —.. -..... 43 143 Fishing-line reels --- --- - Fishing................... 43 143 Fishing-lines - - - Cordage28................. 143 Fishing-line sinkers.. —-... —-.. —-—. Fishing................-.. 43 143 Fishing-line swivels....-..-.. Fishing.-................. 43 143 Fishing-nets.......................... Fishing - -................... 43 143 Fishing-nets, Making.-................ Knitting and Netting..... 66 89 Fishing-rods.......................... Fishing. —.. ——.. —-—. 43 143 Fishing-seines........................ Fishing..-.-......-. 43 143 Fish-spears -.......................... Fishing-........... -....... 43 143 Fish-oil, Treatment of.....- - Oils, Fats, and Glue...... 87 26 Fish-scalers.......................... Kitchen Utensils..........- - 65 88 Fish-traps for water-pipes.. —........... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Fish-traps.,Fishing................... 43 143 Fissure-needles................... Surgery.................. 128 156 Fitting garments-....................- Apparel.................. 2 38 Flageolets... Music.................... 84 102 Flags -.....Signals................... 116 158 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 233 00~ dc Name of class-official classifi- c SUBJECT. co cation. 0.o o 0 d3P Flails. ---—.. —. —.............. —. - Thrashing...1.... 30 159 Flannels —............ Weaving................. 139 95 Flask-clamps. -—. -... — ---—..-.... Casting.................. 22 33 Flasks, Molders' Casting................. 22 33 Flasks, Powder................... —.... Projectiles................ 102 55 Flat-iron heaters......................- Stoves and Furnaces.1.... 126 91 Flat-strippers ----......... Carding.................. 19 28 Flavoring tobacco.................... Tobacco 1...... 31 160 Flax-brakes.......................... Brakes and Gins. —--- 1 —. 13 78 Flax-pullers...................... Harvesters................ 56 75 Flax-rotting.......................... Brakes and Gins —. ——. 13 78 Flax-scutchers........................ Brakes and Gins.......... - 13 78 Fleece-tables and tyers -..-..... Presses................. -.. 100 135 Fleece-tyers......................... Stabling - - -119 135 Flesh-brushes ---- ------- - Brushes and Brooms-...... 15 22 Flexible gas-tubing..-..-.... Hose and Belting...-. 60 64 Float-valves. —-------- -----------—.. Valves.................... 136 152 Floating-batteries. —.... —.-.-..... Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Floating-berths-.-_. -.._..... Ships; 1 -................ 114 137 Floating-bridges Ships; 1 -...... 114 137 Floating-cabins. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Floating-derricks..................... Hoisting.................. 57 79 Floating-docks....................... Ships; 1 - - 114 82 Floatin -safes.. —----- --------- - Boats -... —- - 9 128 Floating-wharves..................... Ships; 1.................. 114 82 Floats, Boot ---------- -----------. Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Floats for steam-boilers............... Steam; 2122 148 Floats, Plasterers..................... Masonry............. 72 4 Flock-grinding ----- ----- - Felting and Hats.........- 38 78 Flocking fabrics -----—.- -------. Felting and Hats......... 38 37 Flocking hats.................. Felting and Hats -—. —-. 38 76 Flocking paper....................... Paper-Making - 92 108 Flood-fences.......................... Fences. —............. 39 52 Flood-gates --........ Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Floor-cloth. —----------- Paint — —...-............. 91 56 Floor cloth, Paper.P........ aper Manufacture........ 93 108 Floor-cloth printing - - Printing.-...... —-. —.... 101 56 Floor-covering, Slatted......... Brushes and Brooms.... 15 56 Floors —...__.-.-..-... Carpentry................ 20 30 Floors, Cement -......... Paving................... 94 110 Floors, Fire-proof..................... Masonry... 72 4 Floors of stone or concrete............ Masonry.. 72 110 Floors, Wooden.......... Carpentry..... 20 30 Flour-bolts......... Mills..- -.-. —. —-..- --. 83 57 Flour-chests. -..-...... Kitchen Utensils.- -.. 65 88 Flour-coolers......................... Mills. 83 57 Flour-dredgers.- -...K-...... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Flour-dryers. -........... Dryers and Kilns........ 34 48 Flour-mills.- -..- -................. -Mills -......... 83 57 Flour-packers........................ Presses 100 57 Flour-scoops.......................... Kitchen Utensils....... 65 88 Flour-sieves........... Wire-Working.. 140 88 Flower-boxes......................... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Flower-pots.......................... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Flower-pots, (clay)...............-.... Clay -. —-------- - 25 115 Flowers, Artificial -........ Fine Arts.............. 41 54 Flowers, Preserving.............. Fine Arts..... 41 54 Flower-stands - - —.. —.,-............. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Flue-boilers................. Steam; 2. 122 148 Flue-cleaners................Steam; 2................. 122 148 234 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. o r cation. 4-, d 7m 0.~ c0 l:.. Flues, Boiler. —-..- -........ Steam; 2......... 122 148 Flue-scrapers-....-.... Steam; 2.. ——. ——. —-. 122 148 Fluids, Writing..-..-...... Chemical Miscellaneous -. 23 146 Flumes for logs -....................-. Hydraulic Engineering-... 61 82 Flushing-apparatus. —--—.. —. ——.- Hydraulic Engineering 61 82 Flutes —--. ——...-...... —-—. —-----.Music.-...... 84 102 Fluting-irons ------ ----- - Laundry ------- - 68 91 Fluting-lathes, Wood.....- - Wood-Working; 1........ 142 172 Fluting-machines. —-... —-. —------- Apparel --------------—. 2 38 Fluxing-sand for glass.. — -.. —---.... Glass --—.. —.. —-—.. —.. 49 68 Flyer-guides, Manufacture of... —.. —- Hardware Manufacture.. 5311 142 Flyers.. ——. —---------—... —----—.. Spinning...-.. 118 142 Flyers for printing-presses.... —- -.. Printing —.. —--—. —---- 101 117 Fly-frames -- -Spinning...... 118 142 Flying-bridges. —.. —-... —--- ---—. Bridges. ——..... 14 21 Flying-machines.. —-..-... —-—. —.- - Pneumatics. ——. —--—. — 98 143 Fly-nets. —.. ——. —-—. ——. ——. ——. Harness. --------—. —--- 54 72 Fly-nets, Machines for making leather- Harness.................. 54 72 Fly-traps.-.-....-..... Furniture -— 45... —.. ——. 4 143 Fly-wheels ---------—.... —. —-. —-- Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Foam-collectors for steam-boilers. —-.. Steam; 2........ 122 148 Fob-chains....-...... Jewelry. —-. —--—.. ——. 63 86 Fodder-stands........... Thrashing................ 130 144 Fog-alarms ----- -------- Signals -------- - 116 138 Fog-bells. —-.. ——.-.. —--- -.. —. —-- Signals.....-.. 116 138 Folding boats ----- ------ - Boats 9 13 Folding or tying yarn -----—. —-—.-.. Cordage... —...... ——... 28 17 Folding sheet-metal.. —-. —-—. —.. — Sheet-Metal ----—.. ——. 113A 136 Fomentations, Modes of applying...-.. Surgery1.1... 28 156 Food, Cans, jars, and air-tight packages for --—. —--- Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Food, Chemical preparation of.......... Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Food for animals, Preparing.. —. —.... Stabling. —-—. -.. —-. —-- 119 59 Food, Hermetically sealed packages for Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Food, Preservation of. —.. —------—.- Preserving Food —. —--—. 99 58 Foot-bellows --—. —-. —. —. —-—. —-- Pneumatics —............. 98 12 Foot-lifters for horses...- -... Stabling —. —-.. —- ------ 119 144 Foot-pads for horses -.- -........... Harness 54 144 Foot-rests for horses -—..... —--—... Metal-Working; 6........ 1SA 60 Foot-rot curatives ---—.. —-. —---—.- Chemical Miscellaneous -.. 23 98 Footsteps for spindles -....- Spinning -. —. —.......... 118 142 Foot-stools ------—.. ——. —-------—. Furniture-..... 45 62 Foot-stoppers for horses-. -.Surgery. —..... 128 144 Foot-stoves- - - - - - - - - - - -.- - ---—.. Stoves and Furnaces -—... 126 154 Foot-warmers --..... —----—......... Stoves and Furnaces-... 1.. 126 154 Forage-rations._...- -.. Stabling. —..- - -—.-.. 119 59 Forceps, Artery -----—.. ——.. ——. Surgery 128 156 Forceps, Calculi Surgery 128 156 Forceps, Dental --—.. ——..... —-.... Dental 32 56 Forceps, Obstetrical.. -—. —--------—. Surgery —-—...... 128 156 Forceps, Polypus Surgery.................. 128 156 Forcing-pits -.......-.. Garden and Orchard ---—. 47 63 Forebays. —.-....... —.. ——.. —---—. Water-Wheels-.__... 138 168 Forge-bellows —.. —-. —... ——. --—. Pneumatics -.- -........ 98 12 Forges, Portable. -... —.... Metal-Working - 3........- 78 60 Forging.............................. Metal-Working; 3......... 78 60 Forks, Culinary....................... Cutlery....-.. 30 44 Forks, Digging --—...... —----------- Garden and Orchard...... 47 141 Forks, Flesh............. Cutlery................... 30 44 Forks, Grain...... Harvesters............... 56 77 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 235 Z7; Name of class-oflicial classifica- - SUBJECT. tio O. tion. z z Forks, Hand hay —..- —.-......... Garden and Orchard...... 47 77 Forks, Horse hay.....-.. Harvesters -----—.-... — 56 77 Forks, Manufacture of...- - Hardware Manufactures 53 A 44 Forks, Manure... -.......... Garden and Orchard. ——. 47 77 Forks, Table................ -- Cutlery -. —---.. —---—. 30 44 Forming bats. - -.... -. —........ Felting and Hats ---...... 38 76 Fortifications-......................... Masonry. 72 51 Foundations of stone or concrete. ——. Masonry ----- 72 4 Foundry, Appliances of the -—.- ----—. Casting. -........ 22 33 Fountain-levers -P..up...... sp......... 103 118 Fountains -.-...... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Fountains, Beer —. -.............. Pumps. —. —-.... —-—. — 103 118 Fowls, Coops, nests, and roosts for... Stabling —... —..-........ 119 116 Fractures, Apparatus for reducing -. Artificial Limbs-.. 3 156 Frames, Advertising -....... Stationery.-..... 120 54 Frames for measuring and fitting garments --—.... --.............. Apparel -----.. —. ——. — 2 38 Frames for plants... -...... Garden and Orchard ----- 47 63 Frames for tamnbour-work and quilting. Apparel ---—. ——.. ——. 2 38 Frames for weaving hair.............. Toilet.-. 132 161 Frames, Hanging picture. --------- Furniture —-------------—.45 62 Frames, Machines for making saw,...- Wood-Working; 3 -..-.... 144 131 Frames, Machines for making slate.-. Wood-Working; 3. ——. -- 144 174 Frames, Machines for turning round and oval.............. Wood-Working; 1........ 142 172 Frames, Numeral Educational.............. 35 42 Frames of wood....................... Carpentry.-...... 20 30 Frames, Picture --------- - Fine Arts ------- - 41 54 Freezing-liquids...................... Ice.-62 83 Freezing-mixtures -—. —.-........ Ice ---------—.-.... —--- 62 83 Freight-cars-......... Railways; 2-..... 105 121 Friction-clutches.-.-........... Journals and Bearings... 64 67 Friction-couplings. —..-............ Journals and Bearingos... 64 67 Friction-primers...................... Projectiles —.....-......102 105 Frilling. —...-. —........... Apparel 2..... 38 Fringe -------------- - Cordage 28 17 Fringe-making machines.-.... Cordage......... 28 17 Fringe-twisters ---------- - Cordage -.............. 28 17 Fringing attachments for sewing-machines -................ Sewing-Machines......... 112 134 Frit. —-...............................Glass.-...... 49 68 Frit-furnaces........................, Glass —-------- —... —-- 49 68 Frogs for railways, Making ------- Railways; 4 -............. 107 120 Frogs, Railway ---------- - Railways; I --- —. —- 104 120 Frosting glass.-. —-—.-............ Grinding and Polishing.... 51 68 Frows ---------------------------- - Wood-Working; 4 ----—. 145 40 Fruit-assorters -G —-----------------—. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Fruit-baskets..-..... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 63 Fruit-boxes-........ Kitchen Utensils.-.. 65 63 Fruit-cans-......... Preserving Food..-... 99 58 Fruit-cars...-........ —- Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Fruit cellars and houses...-.. Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Fruit-chambers....................... Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Fruit-crates......................... Kitchen Utensils..-.... 65 63 Fruit-dryers.......................... Dryers and Kilns -....- - 34 48 Fruit-frames -—......... ——. -.-... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Fruit-gatherers.....-... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Fruit-jars............................ Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Fruit-knives.......................... Cutlery................... 30 44 Fruit-mashers........................ Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 85 236 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. co cc ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifica- W tion. ~ 0- 0a — a z z Fruit-packers ------------ Presses.-.............- - -100 63 Fruit-panniers........................ Kitchen Utensils.... - -. 65 63 Fruit-peelers.-.................. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Fruit-presses -—......................... Presses................... 100 19 Fruit-ripeners...-.. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Fruits, Chemical preparation of.. Preserving Food -- -....... 99 58 Fruit-separators.. -..-............. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Fruit-strainers-...... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Frying-pans Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 154 Fuel, Apparatus for burning wet..- Steam; 2................. 122 149 Fuel, Artificial........................ Fuel...................... 44 61 Fuel................................. Fuel. 44 61 Fuel-dryers-..D........ Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 48 Fuel-feeders for steam-boiler furnaces - Steam; 2................. 122 149 Fulling............................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 37 Fulling-mills......................... Felting and Hats —--.. —-. 38 37 Fulminates........................... Gunpowder -------------- 52 71 Fumigators for insects...-.. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Funnels ------—.. ——. —-.. ——.... Water-Distribution.... -... 137 167 Fur, Articles of.... Apparel -2....... —.. 2 38 Fur-blowing......................... —. Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Fur-cutting ---—. —- -..- -..... —-.-. Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Fur from pelts, Cutting...-. Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Fur hats..-........ Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Furling sails. ——. ----—. —-...-.... Ships; 1-..... 114 138 Furnace-doors for steam-boilerfilrnaces. Steam; 2................. 122 149 Furnace-grates for steam-boiler fu:naces............................... Steam; 2. ——.. —------- 122 149 Furnace-lining.-...Metallurgy...... 75 99 Furnaces, Bath....................... Stoves and Furnaces-.. 126 154 Furnaces, Blast.................-..... Metallurgy.. -.... 75 85 Furnaces, Boiling Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Bone-black -........... Sugar.................... 127 155 Furnaces, Catalan.-... ——.. —--—. —. Metallurgy.......-...... 75 85 Furnaces, Charcoal.................... Stoves and Furnaces-...... 126 154 Furnaces, Chemical-......... Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Furnaces, Copper.-. Metallurgy............... 75 99 Furnaces, Cupola Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Desulphurizing. -..... Metallurgy -............ 75 95 Furnaces, Domestic................... Stoves and Furnaces -...... 126 154 Furnaces for blanks...-.. Metal-Working; 3........- 78 60 Furnaces for reducing metals....-. Metallurgy............... 75 99 Furnaces for roasting ores.-.... Metallurgy............... 75 99 Furnaces for skelps.................. Metal-Working; 3 -....-. 78 60 Furnaces for tires-.......... Metal-Working; 3........ 78 60 Furnaces for treatment of iron ------- Metallurgy...-... 75 85 Furnaces, Glass -----—.. —---—.. —-- Glass-........ 49 68 Furnaces, Heating.................... — Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Furnaces, Hot-air. —-—. ——. ——. ——. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Furnaces, Hot-blast....-.. Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Iron................... Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Lead.. —-.. —-—. —-------- Metallurgy -............ 75 99 Furnaces, Locomotive................. Steam; 3................. 123 94 Furnaces, Portable.................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Furnaces, Puddling-................ Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Salt..-..................... Sugar.................... 127 129 Furnaces, Smelting -.............. Metallurgy............... 75 85 Furnaces, Steam-boiler.........-....-..-. Steam; -2.... 122 149 Furnaces, Sugar...................... Sugar.................... 7 155 Furnaces, Zinc................. Metallurgy....... 75 99 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 237 SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- C ) cation... "o o~Q Ccc Furniture-casters --------—. —-. —---- Builders' Hardware... 16 24 Furniture, Feet for legs of ------------- Furniture-.-........... 45 62 Furniture-hooks -------—.-..... —-- Builders' Hardware........ 16 62 Furniture-knobs -................... Builders' Hardware-....... 16 62 Furniture-pads Furniture.-.... 45 62 Furniture, Printers'....-... Printing.......- 101 117 Furniture-springs..................... Furniture-.-_._.... 45 62 Fur-picking.. -......... Felting and Hats -. —------ 38 76 Furrowing-machines...-..... Plows 97 114 Furrowing-stone..... - - -Stone, Lime, and Cement 125 153 Fur, Treazting -—. —----------------— Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Fuse-making machines...... Cordage....... 28 17 Fuses, Blasting....-.... Projectiles -..- - -.... 102 105 Fuses, Concussion. Projectiles.-...... 102 105 Fuses, Firing. —. —------------ Projectiles.. 102 105 Fuses, Safety.-... ——.. ——. ——. —. Projectiles -- - 102 105 Fuses, Tape - - -..- -..-.............. Projectiles --—..-. —---- 102 105 Fuses, Time -—. ——.. ——.. ——. ---- Projectiles. —-.. —....... 102 105 Fusible plugs for steam-boilers —. —-- Steam; 2..... 122 148 G. Gaff-jaws-.-..-.-...... Ships; 1-...... 114 138 Gaffs --—.. ——.-.. —-..... —- ---—... Ships; 1.-........... 114 138 Gage-cocks Valves.......... 136 148 Gage-knives. —-.. ——. —-----—.. —-. Harness.................. 54 72 Gage-pins for tympan-sheets. ——. —-. Printing.-................ 101 117 Gages, Barrel-filling ------—.. —--—. Measuring-Instruments.. —-.. 73 167 Gages, Bilgewater.- -....... Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 137. Gages, Cutting --—.. ——. —-.. —---- Wood-Working; 4.-....145 29 Gages for cutting garments ---- - - - Apparel. —------- - 2 38 Gages for sawing-machines ----------- Saws. —.. —---. —..... 110 130 Gages for sewing-machines. —....... Sewing-Machines.-.. 112 134 Gages for steam-boilers-............... Measuring-Instruments —. 73 148 Gages, Measuring --------- - Measuring-Instruments. - -. 73 132 Gages, Pressure ------................ Measuring -Instruments.-. 73 148 Gages, Rain.Measu —-—.......- I.....Measuring-Instruments - - 73 101 Gages, Scribing —... —.. —--—. —-—.- Wood-Working; 4- -........ 145 29 Gages, Sliding....-... Measuring-Instruments. —. 73 132 Gages, Steam. —------—... —--------- Measuring-Instruments -... 73 148 Gages, Vacuum-......... Measuring-Instruments. —- 73 148 Gagting-instruments.. —-----------—. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 132 Gaging silk --------------— Silk........... 117 140 Gag-runners -—.. —... —-.. —------ Harness -------- -------—. 54 72 Gags for animals..... Harness —..-. — -. —-- 54 144 Gaiterettes, (of cloth).................. Apparel-2...-........... 2 38 Gaiters, Leather.-..................... Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Galley-rests ----—.. —-—.-.. —... —- Printing. —....... —---- 101 117 Galleys.. —.. ——.. ——.. —. —--—.- Printing.................. 101 117 Galleys, Ships'. ----------—.. —---.- Ships; 1. -...... 114 137 Gallows for suspending carcasses.. Butchering..-17 25 Galoshes. —-.. ——. —-—. —-. —---—. Boots and Shoes. —-- ----- 12 16 Galvanic appliances.................. Electricity....... ——...... 36 50 Galvanic attachments................. Electricity 36 50 Galvanizing metals --------------- - Plating -.- --. 96 113 Galvanometers....................... Electricity............... 36 50 Galvanoscopes....-................... Electricity.. -..... 36 50 Gambrels.................... --......... Butchering...-...- - - -17 25 Game-bags Games and Toys........... 46 143 Game-boards......................... Games and Toys.......... 46 143 17 238 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 -" Name of class-official classifi-.c SUBJECT. caton 0 cation. r3m I ccl Game-counters --—..-. ——. —--—.. — Measuring-Instruments.... 73 143 Games ------------------------------- Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Gang-plows -------------------------- Plows.. —--—. --—..- —.... 97 114 Garbage-boxes in pavement -. —... —-. Paving................ 94 110 Garbage-sinks....................... Masonry..... 72 110!Gardeners' basket-supports............ Garden and Orchard. ——. 47 63 Gardeners' implements of metal, Manufacture of......................... Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 141 Garden-forks.G....................... Garden and Orchard. ——.- 47 141 Garden-hoes.......................... Garden and Orchard...... 47 141,Garden-implements, (except Shears, Class 30.) Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 -Garden-pots.............. Clay —-......... 25 63 Garden-tiles.. —-----—... —---—.. —... Clay --------------------- 25 63 Garden-walks, Machines for scraping.. Plows. ——.. —. ——. ——. 97 114,Garment-fasteners --—. —-.. —-------- Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Garments, (except of Paper, Class 93)... Apparel.................. 2 38 Garments, Gages for cutting........... Apparel. —-—. ——.. —--- 2 38 Garments, Machines for cutting out.. Apparel.................. 2 38 Garmiertts, Systems of measuring and cutting ---------------------------- Apparel 2 38 Garments, Patterns for........... Apparel. —-------—. ——. 2 38 Garters............. Apparel ----—.. —-—. ——. 38'Gasaliers............................. Lamps and Gas-Fittincs-.. 67 64 Gas-brackets......................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 64 Gas-burners -----—... —----—. —------ Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 64 Gas-burners, Manufacture of.......... Hardware Manufactures.. 53J 64 Gas-carburetors ---------—. ——. —. —. Gas.. —--—.. —--—. —--.. 48 27 Gas-checks for breech-loading ordnance Ordnance.......... —.. —- 89 105 Gas-compressing machines --—.. ——.- Pneumatics. —-—. —. —--- 98 12 Gas-engines........................... Pneumatics. --—.......... 98 2 Gas-engines, Electrical apparatus for.. Electricity................ 36 2 Gases, Methods and processes for obtaining............,............... Gas...................... 48 66 Gas-fitters' tools...................... Metal-Working; 6 -—. —-- 81A 64 Gas-fittings........................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 64 Gas-heaters...................... Stoves and Furnaces -. —-- 126 65,Gaskets for steam-joints ------—. —--- Steam; 1 ____.......... 121 151 Gas-lighters................. Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 64 Gas-lighting by electricity. —----—... Electricity............ 36 64 Gas-making apparatus................ Gas.- -.. ——.. —--—. —.- 48 66 Gas manufacture................ Gas...................... 48 66 Gas-meters ---------------- ---- Pneumatics. --—. —--—.- 98 64 Gas-meters, Registering devices of. _.. Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 64 Gas-punips ---—. ——.. —----------—. Pneumatics. —------------ 98 12 Gas-purifiers...... Gas. ——.. —... —-- ------ 48 66 Gas-regulators,........ Lamps and Gas-Fittings. -. 67 64 Gas-retorts.... —............. —. —--- Gas. ——. —------—. —--- 48 66 Gassing yarns, threads, &c....... Cordage. ——.. ——.. ——. 28 17, Gas-stoves. —---------- ------—.... —- Stoves and Furnaces. ——. 126 65 Gas-tubing............................Paint 91 64,Gate-hinges.......................... Builders' Hardware ---—.- 16 24 Gate-la'tches.......................... Locks and Latches....... 70 93 Gate-posts............................ Fences. ——. —----—. —--- 39 52 Gates................................ - Fences --—. —----—... —-- 39 52 Gate-saws --------------------------—...Saws.............. 110 130 Gates, Canal-lock..................... Hydraulic Engineering-._ 61 82 Gates, Flood................Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Gates for water-wheels................ Water-Wheels............ 138 1 68 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 239 Name of class-official classifi- Cc SUBJECT. W cation. 0 0 b o z Z Gates, Molasses-..,,.~~. - Valves................... 136 167 Gates, Railway --....... —-------- Railways; 1. ——....... - 104 120 Gates, Sluice —...... —------—... —. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Gatherers for sewing-machines ------- Sewing-Machines.-.... 112 134 Gaveling-attachments for harvesters-.- Harvesters --— 56 —--- 74 Gaveling-forks....................... Harvesters...-. 56 74 Gauze.-W........ eaving -------- 139 95 Gazogenes..... —-........ —- Airation and Bottling.... 1 1 Gear-cutting machines... Metal-Working; 7.. —-. —.- 82 100 Gearing, Arrangements of-............Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Gearing, Harvester...-..... Harvesters -.............. 56 74 Gear, Machines for cutting wooden -... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Gelatine Oil, Fat, and Glue ----—. 87 26 Gems, Artificial.....................Glass...-.... 49 68 Gems; Setting -...........Jewelry.. —.. ——... —. — 63 86 Generators, Steam..-...... Steam; 2.......... 122 148 Geometrical constructors. ——... —. —.. Drafting —---... ——. —--- 33 97 Gibs for pitmen, &c....-.. Mechanical Powers. —----- 74 67 Gig-mills.-........... Cloth --—. —-—. —-- -..... 26 37 Gig-trees. —-.. -....-... Harness......... 54 72 Gilding. ——. —-—.. ——.. —-—.. —-.- Plating......... 96 113 Gilding, Leaf --—.. —-------—. —-—. Fine Arts.....-.. 41 54 Gimlets --------------- Wood-Working; 4-... 145 29 Gimp -------------- - Knitting and Netting --—. - 66 17 Gimp-machines..... Cordage.. ——. —.-....... 28 17 Gins, Cotton. ——.. ——. ——.. —-. ——. Brakes and Gins.......... 13 41 Girder-bar, Rolling................... Metal-Working; 5......... 80 125 Girders for bridges, floors, roofs-....... Bridges --—...-. —--. —-. 14 21 Girders of iron or wood.-. —---—. --- Bridges.-............-.... 14 21 Girdling trees, Machines for -. —......- Wood-Working; 3.... 144 29 Glass-blowing -...........Glass......-. 49 68 Glass-cementing...................... Glass.. — -................ 49 68 Glass-cleaners........................ Kitchen Utensils -—. —---- 65 88 Glass, Compositions for............... Glass. —........-. -.... 49 68 Glass-cutting machine................ Grinding and Polishing - - 51 68 Glass-cutting processes................ Grinding and Polishing.... 51 68 Glass furnaces -.......~.. Glass. -........49 68 Glass-gilding. --------—.. ——.. ——. Plating.. —.. —-------- 96 54 Glass-grinding..-..-...... Grinding and Polishing- -. 51 68 Glass-house pots...-. Glass. —-.... —-—... —-.. 49 68 Glass-houses.......................... Glass.. - 49 68 Glass-molding........................ Glass... -...... 49 68 Glass-platinizing. -........ Plating. —-----—.. —--—. 96 68 Glass-polishing....................... Grinding and Polishing..-.. 51 68 Glass pots-.......... Glass ---—.. ——. —---. — 49 68 Glass-pressing. —-—. —-—. —------- Glass... —-—. —-. —-—.. 49 68 Glass, Printing ------------------ Printing.................. 101 54 Glass-roughening -—...... —-. —--—. Grinding and Polishing —-- 51 68 Glass-silvering ----------- Plating -........96 68 Glass-working tools, Manufacture of.-, Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 68 Glazed fabrics ----------------- - Bleaching and Dyeing -—. 8 11 Glazes for pottery, bricks, &c ---- - Clay. —-.. ——... —.5 115 Glaziers' diamonds-.... —-. —. —---—. Glass -—. —----—.. —----- 49 68 Glaziers' diamonds, Setting............ Glass..... —--—.. —. —. — 49 68 Glaziers' diamonds, Substitutes for-.. Glass.-.....49 68 Glaziers' points, Making - -. —....... Sheet-Metal-....... 113B 68 Glazing gunpowder................ Gunpowder --—.. ——.- 52 71 Glazing paper........................ Paper-Making. —--—. —-- 92 108 Globes, Astronomical.............. Educational ------—:.... 35 146 Globes, Geographical...E.............. Educational.............. 35 146 240 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. C, Name of class-official classifi- SIUBJECT. c cation. ~ o Globe-valves. --—. -—..-. —------- Valves.. -..... 136 152 Globule-machines —---------. —. —--- Surgery ----—.......... 128 98 Glossing silk --—.- -.. ——... ---—.... Silk ----- ------ 117 140 Glove-buttoners --—.. ——.. —--—.. Clasps and Buckles2........ 4 38 Glove-buttons...-..... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 38 Glove-buttons, Manufacture of.... Hardware Manufactures 53E 23 Glove-fasteners...- -.......Clasps and Buckles - - -.. 24 38 Glove-fastenings... —....... Clasps and Buckles ------ 24 38 Glove-making ------—.- -------—. Apparel -...- 2 38 Gloves.-............. Apparel.-.. -.-.... —-. 2 38 Glove-stretching machines. —........ Apparel -- 2....- -......... 38 Glove-turning machines... Apparel-2 —. —.. —...... 38 Glucose, Manufacture of -------- Sugar. —-.. ——.. —----- 127 155 Glue-cutting machines................ Oil, Fat, and Glue -..-.... 87 26 Glue-dryers. —--—.. —-----... —--—. Dryers and Kilns —....... 34 26 Glue-hoppers --—. ——.... —-----—.- Wood-Working; 4 -.1.... 145 29 Glueing machines, Leather.-.... Leather —. —-............. 69 92 Glueing tables ------ ---- -- Wood-Working; 4 -1 —-—. 145 29 Glue-making-......................... Oil, Fat, and Glue - 87 26 Glue-pots. ——... —-. —-—.. ——. —.... Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 29 Glue. -----------—.. —---—.. —. -- Oil, Fat, and Glue.-...- 87 26 Glycerine.-. ——.. —.. —------—.-.- Oil, Fat, and Glue- --...87 26 Gold-beating-......................... Metal-Working; 3..... 78 136 Gold-leaf condensers....-............. Dental.- -..... —--------- 32 46 Gold pens, Manufacture of -.... Hardware Manufactures. - 531 136 Gold-washers.-.-...-. Ore. —. —----------------- 90 3 Gongs. —...-....... -—.-. —-—. —-—. -Signals --—. —-..1 —--—. 116 24 Goniometers.-. -.... Measuring-Instruments... 73 132 Gouges.-..-.-..... Wood-Working; 4. —---- 145 49 Governor cut-off motions...-. Governors. ——. —------- 50 69 Governors —.Governors --------------- 50 69 Governor-valves.-....-. Valves-1. 136 152 Grabs, Drill-rod --.....Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 124 Grading.-............................ Excavators... -.... 37 51 Grading-scrapers.... —.. —-----—. Excavators -..... --...... 37 51 Graduated glasses —.M........ --...- - Measuring-Instruments. —- 73 132 Graduated measures.................. Measuring-Instruments - -. 73 132 Graduated rules --—. —-—. —.. —--—. Drafting................. 33 97 Grafting-knives.-.. — ---—....... Cutlery. —......- -.- ---- 30 63 Grafting-machines -......... Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Grain-bagging. —- —.... —-.. —-. —... Mills...-.. 83 57 Grain-binders..,- -....Harvesters-.-. 56 74 Grain-bins-....................... Thrashing. —--—.... —- - 130 59 Grain-bruisers.................... —.... Mills..................... 83 57 Grain-cars --. —-—.. —-—.. —---—. -- Railways; 2 -.......... 105 121 Grain-cleaners for mills................ Mills.- - -.- 3 57 Grain-conveyors.-..................... Hoisting -—............. 57 79 Grain-cradles....-... Harvesters-. -. —. 56 49 Grain-dampeners..-.......... —M..... ills_........ 83 57 Grain-distributors for mills-. —------- Mills...................... 83 57 Grain-drills. ——.... ——. —-----—. --- Seeders and Planters. -- 111 133 Grain-dryers.....- - -. -. Dryers and Kilns.-..- -.... 34 48 Grain-elevators. - - Hoisting -------- 57 79 Grain-feeders-........ -. Mills -8 —--------------—. 83 57 Grain for distillation, Preparing... Stills - -- -- - 124 47 Grain for grinding, Preparing -—... Mills --—.- -83 57 Grain-forks-........ Harvesters ---—. —-------- 56 77 Grain-bags........................... Mills..................... 83 57 Grain-harvesters...................... Harvesters................ 56 74 Graining gunpowder.....-........... Gunpowder -.............. 52 71 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 241 n- c~ T'~ Name of class-official classifi- -M C. SUBJECT. cc = E cation. ~o 0.. Z Z Graining leather. —---—. ------- Tanning -—.. 129 92 Graining-tools and appliances. —. Fine Arts..-..... 41 107 Grain-levelers in vessels.. -............. Ships; 1. —........... 114 138 Grain, Manufacture of sugar from-.... - Sugar 1....... 127 155 Grain-mills -------------—. — - ---. Mills —.................. - 83 57 Grain-rakes..- -. —-—..- —.. —----- Harvesters.. —-. —-----—. 56 77 Grain-registers.... —---------- -.. Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 159 Grain-riddles —.......... — - ------—.. Thrashing c..... 130 159 Grain-screens ----------—. — - --. Thrashing.- 130 159 Grain-seed separators - -................. Thrashing. -......130 159 Grain-spouts for elevators........... ---- Hoisting ---------------—. 57 79 Grain-separators —..Thrashing. -............... 130 159 Grain-spouts for mills —...M-....... -. MilIs -8 —-------------—. 83 57 Grain-tallies -................... — - M..... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 159 Grain-thirashers.hs -..- -.. Thrashing......-. 130 159 Grain-tollers.-....- -- -M.. —.... Mills -—.................. 83 57 Grain-weighers - - —...... Measuring-Instruments.- - 73 132 Grain-winnowers.. —-------- ------ Thrashing.-.............. 130 159 Granaries ---------- - ---— Thrashing....-.. 130 59 Grape-presses......................... Presses.-1.............. 100 19 Grape-shot ----—...- - -—..P...-.. - - Projectiles........ 102 105 Grape-sugar, Manufacture of. —-.. Sugar.-. -...... 127 155 Grape-trellises. —... —. —-------- ----. Garden and Orchard... 47 63 Grape-vine protectors. —......-. Garden and Orchard-... 47 63 Grapnels -................. — - -. —---- Ships; I.................. 114 138 Grappling-irons -—......... —------- Ships; 1...-.. 114 138 Grass-burners -....-.... Garden and Orchard ------ 47 63 Grass-harvesters —.- -....... Harvesters --—.. ——.-... 56 75 Grate-bars fbr steamni-boilers..........-. Steam; 2....... -122 149 Graters, Corn -- --. —--- --- - Kitchen UJtensils..-.. 65 88 Graters, Spice. —....................... Kitchen Utensils -........ 65 88 Grates for stoves - -.. —------------- Stoves and Furnaces ---—. 126 154 Grate-tippers ----------—. — - --. Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 154 Gratings for windows... — —....- ---- Carpentry................ 20 4 Gravel-cars --—.................. Railways; 2 —... 105 121 Gravel-heaters --..-. —-... Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 126 Gravers. —--------------—... —---—. Fine Arts ---—. —-.- -.... 41 54 Graving-docks -........... —-—. —---- Hydraulic Engineering —. - 61 82 Grease-cups - -........... — - -------—. Journals and Bearings.. 64 87 Grease from slush, Separating --------- Oil, Fat, and Glue --- - 87 26 Green-houses. ——.. —. —-. —------- Garden and Orchard.- ---- 47 63 Grenades. —....... Projectiles. —------------- 102 105 Griddles -.................... —. —. -. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Gridirons.. —-.- -.. —..... — - --------- Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Grinding flock ---------—....- - - --. Felting and Hats -------—. 38 76 Grinding glass ----- ---- -- - Grinding and Polishing.-. 51 68 Grinding-machines ------—. —-—..-.. Grinding and Polishing. - - 51 70 Grinding-materials — Grinding and Polishing -—. 51 70 Grinding-plates for mills -------------- Mills --------------------- 83 57 Grinding stone ------------ - Grinding and Polishing.. 51 153 Grindstones - - - -...........Grinding and Polishing.. 51 70 Grindstones, Artificial —..... Grinding and Polishiiing.... 51 70 Grindstones, Hanging -.......... Grinding and Polishing -.. 51 70 Grist alarms - -.-....... Mills. —----------—.... - 83 57 Grommets............ — —.-..........- Ships; 1.-....... 114 138 Grooming apparatus. —...-.. Stabling-. 119 144 Groove-cutting minachines -. —-—. —-- Metal-Working; 7 -...... 82 100 Grooving lumber, Machines for.-.-. Wood-Working; 2........ 143 173 Grooving sheet-metal......-.... Sheet-Metal.............. 113 A 136 Grubbing-harrows..................... Harrows-............... 55 73 242 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~~~~~~~ Name of class-official classifi- ] a SUBJECT. cation cation. M Grubbing-hoes —-- --------- --------— Garden and Orchard -—. — 47 141 Grubbing-machines.-. —----------- Harrows. —------ —. —-- 55 73 Guano, Treatment of-.Manures..71 96 Guard-fingers for harvesters........... Harvesters................ 56 74 Guards for locks of fire-arms-.-...... Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Guards for triggers of fire-arms ----—. Fire-Arms -------—.- - ---- 42 55 Guards for windows................... Carpentry. —..........-.... 20 30 Guards, Railway-...... Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Guides for sewing-machines —. —--—. Sewing-Machines. —--- -- 112 134 Guitars ------------------------- — Music - - - --- ---------- 84 102 Gumming-saws....................... Metal-Working; 4........ 79 131 Gum resins, Treatment of...-... Paint..........91 107 Gums, Artificial..D.......... ental.-.-. 32 46 Gun-barrels, Making.Tubing and Wire..... —-. 134 163 Guni-cazrriages ------------------,.,.Ordnance.. —-. —......... 89 105 Gun-carriages, Counterpoise........... Ordnance -89 105 Gun-carriages, Making of iron......... Metal-Working; 3 -------- 78 105 Gun-chassis -._....... Ordnance-... —. 89 105 Gun-cotton, Manufacture of........... Gunpowder- -.... —-.-. —- 52 71 Gun-covers. ------------------------- Fire-Arms-................ -42 55 Gun-hammers. -Fire-Arms. —--—.. —----- 42 55 Gnn-locks —.......................... Fire-Arms ----—....- - ---. 42 55 Gun-locks, Manufacture of-..... Hardware Manufactures. 53A 55 Gun-platforms —Ordnance —-------— 89 105 Gunpowder, Compositions for -.- -.... Gunpowder............... 52 71 Gunpowder, Corning. —............... Gunpowder --------- ---—. 52 71 Gunpowder, Drying I. —--------------- Gunpowder -.. —-.. - -52 71 Gunpowder-engines.-................. Pneumatics -. —----------- 98 2 Gunpowder, Glazing.... Gunpowder. —---- - -—... 52 71 Gunpowder, Graining-.. ——........... Gunpowder' 52 71 Gunpowder-mills --------------------- Mills ------------- - ----—. 83 71 Gunpowder-polishing ----------------- Gnnpowder-.-.. -....... 52 71 Gunpowder-presses. —-.......... — - Presses - -- - --. 100 71 Gunpowder —----------— Gunpowder.. —.-.. 52 71 Gun-scrapers Fire-Arms ---—.- - --- 42 55 Gun-stocks.-.-.. —............. Fire-Arms........... 42 55 Gun-stocks, Machines for turning Wood-Working; 1-..-..142 172 G~~~~~~uu~~Wo-Working; 1..,.._.,,...t___ 14'217 Gun-wads ---------------------------- Projectiles --------- - ------ 102 105 Gun-wipers.-.................. Fire-Arms -... — --- 42 55 Gun-worms. —-.................... Fire-Arms ----—...- - —. — 42 55 Gutta-percha manufactures...-. Caoutchouc i1....8 84 Gutter-clearers Paving.....-.. —-. ——.-.- 94 110 Gutters, Pavement -. —---------- - Paving --- - —.... 94 110 Gutters for roofs --------- - Roofing ----- - -- - 108 126 Gutters, Machines for making wooden. - Wood-Working; 3. —--—. 144 173 Gutters, Making sheet-metal -.... - Sheet-Metal --------------- 113B 136 Gutter-tubes, Making sheet-metal...... Sheet-Metal ----- 113B 136 Gymnastic apparatus....-... Games and Toys. —... 46 143 H. Hackles ----........ —-—.-......... Brakes and Gins..-.. 13 78 Hackling corn-husks.................. Brakes and Gins. —....... 13 78 Hackling-machines.................. Brakes and Gins ---------- 13 78 Hair-brooms....- -Brushes and Brooms ------ 15 22 Hair-brushes......................... Brushes and Brooms...... 15 161 Hair-cleaning ----- ------- Butchering -—........... 17 22 Hair cloth, Machines for nmaking - Weaving................. 139 95 Hair cloth, Machines for trimmi ng —. Cloth —--------- 26 37 Hair-crimpers........................ Toilet.3................. 132 161 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 243 Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. 5 cation.' ~. T 4 o OWQO z z Hair-curlers.......................... Toilet -132 —------------- 1 161 Hair-cutting machines................ Toilet.-.. —-—. —------- 132 161 Hair-dyes............................ Chmc icllnos23 6 Hair-dyes-Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 161 Hair. from fur, Separating.............. Felting and HIats —. —--—. 38 76 Hair from skins, Pulling-.F..... elting and Hats-.... 38 76 Hair from skins, Separating....-..... Felting and Hats..........-38 76 Hair-nets............................. - -Toilet.................... 132 161 Hair-parting instruments- -........ Toilet.................... 132 161 Hair-pickers.-....................-.... Brakes and Gins.......... 13 78 Hair-pincers-....-.. Toilet-132. 161.......... 161 Hair-pins............................ Toilet.................... 132 104 Hair-pins, Making.-....... Needles and Pins -----—. ( 86 104 Hair-restoratives..................... Chemical Miscellaneous.. 23 161 Hair-rolls............................ Toilet. -......132 161 Hair-tongs.-.......................... Toilet.-. —. —-—. —--.- 132 161 Hair-trinmings....................... Toilet ------........... 1.. 32 161 Hair-tweezers........................ - - Toilet..-.1..... 32 161 Halters.............................. Harness 54 72 Hame-clips ------ -— Harness —... ——.. —. —- 54 72 Hame-fasteners-..-... Harness. —-. —... —-..... 54 72 Hames-.....-..........Harness. — -. —.......... 54 72 Hames, Manufacture of......-.......... Hardware Manufactures-_ 53F 72 Hammering machines, Leather..-..... Leather.......-............ 69 92 Hammers, Claw ---- ------- Wood-Working; 4.-.. 145 29 Hammers, Drop ---- ------- Metal-Working; 3-... 78 60 Hammers, Gun....................... Fire-Arms. —-- - -. —-—. 42 55 Hammers, Hydraulic -.................. Metal-Working; 3 —-. —-- 78 60 Hammers, Millstone -.-.-.- -.......... Stone, Lime, and Cement - 125 57 Hammers, Pneumatic.- -..... Metal-Working; 3....... 78 60 Hammers, Power -------- ---. Metal-Working; 3 - - 78 60 Hammers, Safety-guards for gun-.-. Fire-Arms.-............ 42 55 Hammers, Steam Metal-Working; 3-... 78 60 Hammers, Steam-engines for.......... Steam; 1.......- 121 150 Hammers, Water..................... Metal-Working; 3......... 78 60 Hammocks........................-Beds ---—.. —--. --—. — 5 62 Hampers -.......-.. Kitchen Utensils.-65.... 65 169 Hand-harrows.-.....-... Carriages and Wagons ---- 21 31 Hand-bearers-......................... Carriages and Wagons -—. 21 31 Hand-cars............................ Railways; 2............. —. 105 121 Hand-cuffs, Locks for. —----- -- Locks and Latches...-70 93 Hand-drills for grain.................. Seeders and Planters ---—. 111 133 Hand-grenades Projectiles-.1- --------—. 02 105 Hand-hammers.-.... Metal-Working; 6....-.... 81A 60 Hand-holes for boilers and tanks.-. Steam; 2 ----------------- 122 148 Handles for canes —-.-. ——. -,,'Umbrellas and Fans —---- 135 165 Handles for tea and coffee pots.. —-.. Stoves and Furnaces. —--- 126 136 Handles for umbrellas.- -............ Umbrellas and Fans.......-135 165 Handles, Machines for making wooden. Wood-Working; 3 144 174 Handles, Machines for turning -------- Wood-Working; I ------ 142 175 Handles, Tool, (except Turning)- Wood-Working; 4-... 145 29 Handles to tools, Attaching..-.-.. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Hand-mirrors-......................... Furniture -- 45 62 Hand-planters -Seeders and Planters -. I111 133 Hand-plows.......................... Plows.................... 97 114 Hands, Artificial... Artificial Limbs........... 3 5 Hand-saws.-....... —-. -- —.. ----- Saws-......110.. 131 Hands for clocks and watches.-....-. Horology -...... 58 36 Hand-stamps......................... Printing. 101 146 Hand-trucks --.......Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 Hand-vises.......................... Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 60 244 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Cie o~ ~o Name of class-official classifi- * CZ SUBJECT. U*Q C.)Co cation. q:4 ~'~'..z - Hangers for clothing —-. —-—. —----- Apparel -..-. —.-. —- 2 38 Hangers for lamps. —--------- - ------. Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 90 Hangers for shafting - —...____-...... Journals and Bearings..... 64 67 Hanging-baskets - -....-....... Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Hanging carriage-bodies -—. —--- -... Carriages and Wagons...21 31 Hanging grindstones.- —..... Grinding and Polishing —.- 51 70 Hanging looking-glasses ------------- Furniture. — - -------—.. 45 62 Hanging picture-frames.- - -.... Furniture.. 45 62 Hangings for doors, gates, and sash.. Builders' Hardware_... 16 24 Hanging-shelves -... Furniture.... 45 62 Hanks for sails -............ Ships; 1.. —......... 114 138 Harbor defenses.I..l... Hydraulic Engineering —.- 61 82 Harbor obstructions, Removing-........ Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Harbors --------- - ---- - Hydraulic Engineering... 61 82 Harbors, Obstructing ---------- Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Hardening-machines for hats - -. —--- Felting and Hats —. —---- 38 76 Hard rubber- - Caoutchouc. —--—.....- - 18 84 Harmoniulnis.-........... — ------—. Music. —-------- --------. 84 106 Harness ---—. —---- - -—. —-----—.. Harness -------- -—. —---. 54 72 Harness-chains --. —-.. —........ -Harness ------—........- - 54 72 Harness, Detaching. —..-. —--- ------ Harness.................. 54 72 Harness for looms......- - Weaving. 139 95 Harness for looms, Making wire.. —--- Wire-Working -...... 140 95 Harness-hooks- -. Harness -—..- -.......... 54 72 Harness, Machines for making loom.... Weaving1....... -....... 139 95 Harness-makers' tools................. Harness ------------------ 54 72 Harness-mountings....... -Harness.__-. -.-.. 54 72 Harness-oiling machines ---—. —-----. Harness. —------ —. —.... 54 72 Harness-pads.-.........-. Harness -------- -—. —-—. 54 72 Harness-reins, Machines for rounding. Harness..-..... 54 72 Harness-swivels ---------—. —-----—. -Harness -- -— 54 72 Harness-wardrobes.. —- -—. —-------- Harness --------- ---------. 54 72 Harpoons............................ Fishing. 43 143 Harpoons, Gun........................ Projectiles - - - 102 105 Harps —..-......................... -Music.8...... 4 102 Harrows - - Harrows --—.. ——. —---- 55 73 Harrows, Rotary. ——... -........... Harrows —-............. 55 73 Harrow-teeth. —------------ -—....... Harrows. —--------. —- 55 73 Harvester-gearing - -....... Harvesters —...... 56 74 Harvesters, Bean. —--------- - -. —---- Harvesters ----—. —_-.. -. 56 75 Harvesters, Binders for..- -... Harvesters. —---- ------—. 56 74 Harvesters, Cane -. —..... — ---------- Harvesters.-...... 56 75 Harvesters, Clover-seed ----—. ——.-. - Harvesters. —--—. --------- 56 75 Harvesters, Corn-...-.... Harvesters —..-........... 56 75 Harvesters, Cutters for-. —-----—... Harvesters -....... 56 74 Harvesters, Dropping-platforms for. —. Harvesters................ 56 74 Harvesters, Dumping-reels for......... Harvesters..-...... 56 74 Harvesters, Fingers for. —-..-... —----- Harvesters. —- ----- 56 74 Harvesters, Gaveling-attachments for.. Hv e - -56 74 Harvesters, Gearing for. —-............ Harvesters ------- —. —--- 56 74 Harvesters, Grain. —-.. —.-........... Harvesters.-. —----- —..-. 56 74 HarvestrsGrass ------ Harvesters-....... 56 75 Harvesters, Grinding-apparatus for.... Grinding and Polishing.. 51 74 Harvesters, Guard-fingers for.... —---- Harvesters ----... 56 74 Harvesters, Hemp....Harvesters..-..-5.. 6 75 Harvesters, Pitmen for.-.-.. Mechanical Powers.-..- 74 74 Harvesters, Rakes for-..Harvesters................ 56 74 Harvesters, Reels for. -- - Harvesters................ 56 74 Harvesters, Track-clearers for......... Harvesters. —-.-. —----- 56 74 Harvesting-bags.............. Harvesters..-.. -........ 56 74 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 245 SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi-;n cation. Z.:c nun om 4 Z Hasp-locks -.-. —--- —. —-..... —-. -Locks and Latches —...... 70 93 Hat and coat hooks................... Builders' Hardware-.. 16 24 Hat and coat racks -------------------- Furniture-......... 45 62 Hat-blocks, Machines for turning...... Wood-Working; 1... 142 175 Hat-bodies - Felting and Hats -.. —---- 38 76 Hat-bodies, Forming.................. Felting and Hats..-.-..... 38 76 Hat-bodies, Hardening................ Felting and Hats --------- 38 76 Hat-bodies, Napping........ Felting and Hats...-. 38 76 lHat-blocking machines................ Felting and Hats -.. 38 76 Hat-blocks --------—.- - -F —-—....-. Felting and Hats. —------ 38 76 Hat-boxes, Leather................... Trunks ------------------- 133 162 Hat-brushing machines................ Felting and Hats.........-. - 38 76 Hatchets. —. —--—....... Wood-Working; 4... 145 49 Hatchways, Devices for operating.-.. Carpentry. —------- 20 30 Hatchways, Safety-guards for —... Carpentry. —............. 20 30 Hat-conformators..................... Felting and Hats. ——. —-- 38 76 Hat-finishingF....... Felting and Hats. -------- 38 76 Hat-frames__ —...... Felting and Hats -. —----- 38 76 Hat-hooks, Manufacture of —. —------ Hardware Mannfactures.. 53D 24 Hat-ironing rnachines................. Felting and Hats-........... 38 76 Hat-lining.._...-..Felting and Hats -- - 38 76 Hat-measures. —------- -F —.......... Felting and Hats -- -...... 38 76 Hat-napping — F —..-................ Felting and Hats —--. —. 38 76 Hat-planking-.......... Felting'and Hats -38 76 Hat-pressing-F...- -............ Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Hat-printing machlines.-..... Printing —-............. 101 76 Hat-protectors-..................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Hats. Felting and Hats —-. ——. 38 76 Hat-shaping machines.........-...... Felting and Hats.-....... 38 76 Hat-shrinking machines -F..... elting and Hats-.... 38 76 Hat-sizing machines ------ ------------ Felting and Hats. —--—.- 38 76 Hat-stiffening compositions............ Felting and Hats..-..... 38 76 Hat-stiffening machines............... Felting and Hats -. —------ 38 76 Hat-stretching machines..-...... Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Hat supporters —....... F.. Felting and Hats. —...... 38 76 Hats, weaving.- —..... —...... Weaving. —--—.-... —-- 139 95 Hatters' kettles-.-...- -F......... -. Felting and Hats. —.. —--- 38 76 Hat-tips..-... Felting and Hats.-. —----- 38 76 Hat-ventilators — _. _ Felting and Hats --—..... 38 76 Haversacks -------—. —-.-...-.... Kitchen Utensils.-......... 65 162 Hay-caps............................. Harvesters 56 77 Hay-elevators........................ Hoisting -57 79 Hay-elevator hook. —-........ Hoisting. —............... 57 79 Hay-forks............................ Garden and Orchard...... 47 77 Hay-forks, Horse.-...... Harvesters —. —......... 56 77 Hay-knives-........................... Cutlery. —...-........... 30 49 Hay-loaders for wagons............... Carriages and Wagons... 21 79 Hay-loading derricks.................. Hoisting-................ 57 79 Hay-presses.-. —- -...-.-....... Presses.........-.......... 100 7 Hay-racks for feeding -Stabling................... 119 144 Hay-racks for wagons.-..... Carriages and Wagons..... 21 31 Hay rakers and cockers -..... Harvesters..........-. - 56 77 Hay rakers and loaders................ Harvesters. —........... 56 77 Hay-rakes, Hand........... Garden and Orchard. —--- 47 77 Hay-rakes, Horse -.....-. Harvesters —-... —------ 56 77 Hay-spreaders........................ Harvesters -.. -..... 56 77 Hay-stackers......................... Thrashing................ 130 77 Hay-tedders.......................... Harvesters-.. 56 77 Hay-unloaders......................... Hoisting.................. 57 79 Hawks............................... Masonry 72 4 246 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 SUBJECT. SUBJECT. ~~~Name of class —offici classifi- 2 cation. 0. 66 z z c Hawse-pipes. —.....-.. Ships; 1.-...-.. 114 137 Hawser-clamps.-...................... Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Hawsers —. —------- ------ --..Cordage -.. 28 17 Head-blocks for saw-mills. —-- —. Saws a — s. —- ------------ 110 130 Head-coverings.-... -..-. Felting and Hats —---—.- 38 76 Head-dresses ------------------------ Felting and Hfats-.......... 38 76 Heading-machines, Grain. —...... Harvesters -—..... —-—. 56 74 Head-lights, Locomotive -—. —-----—. Lamps and Gas-Fittings - -. 67 90 Head-nets, Ladies —' -Toilet.................... 132 161 Head-protectors for horses-..... Harness..-.............. 54 72 Head-rests......-..................... Furniture...... 45 62 Head-rests, Photographic Photography............. 95 111 Heads for nails and screws....... Builders' Hardware...... 16 24 Hearses.............................. Carriages and Wagons-.... 21 39 Heaters ------------------ Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Heaters, Boilers of steam.............. Steam; 2 - - -..... 122 148 Heaters, Electrical.................... Electricity 36 50 Heaters for stoves and ranges, Making sheet-metal -----------— Sheet-Metal-...-. 113 B 136 Heating-furnaces..............-...... Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 154 Heaters, Hot-water..................-. Stoves and Furnaces --—.- 126 147 Heaters, Railway-car --—. —........... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Heaters, Steam.. —----—. —--------. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 147 Heaters, Street-car. -........ Stoves and Furnaces...... — 126 154 Heating-irons..- —.. —........... Stoves and Furnaces ----- 126 154 Heating skates, boots, &c -..... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Heat-regulators-...... -.. Stoves and Furnaces ---—. 126 154 Heddles.. --—.- -.............. —-- Weaving.... —...... - -- -139 95 Hedge-benders.-...... Garden and Orchard....... 47 52 Hedge-fasteners -------- --—.-........ Garden and Orchard....... 47 52 Hedge-planters........ Garden and Orchard....... 47 52 Hedge-setters..-...-.............. Garden and Orchard....... 47 52 Hedge-trimming machines -...... Harvesters...............-. 56 52 Heel and toe caps, Materials for.-' Boots and Shoes -..-. 12 16 Heel-caps............................ Boots and Shoes..-1.... 2 16 Heel-fastenings.. —......Boots and Shoes —.... 12 16 Heel-irons —......... —----------—..- Boots and Shoes ---- --- 12 16 Heel-plates........................... Boots and Shoes.-.. —-.- 12 16 Heel-polishing machines ---- -------—. Boots and Shoes - -......... 12 16 IHeel-protectors.-..- -.......- - - - - - Boots and Shoes-........... 12 16 Heels-................................ Boots and Shoes.......... —. 12 16 Heel-shaves.........Boots and Shoes -......... 12 16 Heels, Machines for cutting........... Boots and Shoes..........-. 12 16 Heels, Machines for dressing........... Boots and Shoes.-... 12 16 Heel-stiffeners — -. — -. —- Boots and Shoes -........... 2 16 Heel-trimming machines.....- Boots and Shoes.- -.... 12 16 Helices, Electrical.................... Electricity. 36 50 Heliometers.......................... Optics................... 88 157 Heliostats. Optics.................... 88 157 Heliotropes —........ ——. —---------- Optics-.............-..-.. 88 157 Heliotypes. —--------- --------------. Photography-..-. 95 111 Hemmers for sewing-machines......... Sewing-Machines-.....-.... 112 134 Hemmers, Hand -... -...... Apparel..... —. 2 38 Hemorrhage, Instruments for arresting Surgery -.............. 128 156 Hemp-brakes......................... Brakes and Gins.........-. 13 78 Hemp-hackling....................... Brakes and Gins ---- -—. 13 78 Hemp-harvesters.................... Harvesters...........-..... 56 75 Hemp-pullers... -..... Harvesters................ 56 75 Hemp-rotting........................ Brakes and Gins --—..... 13 78 Hen's-nests.................... Stabling.................. 119 116 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 247 1A ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- m SUBJECT. cain.c cation. o 00. oc ~4 z ~~ Herbariums......................... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Hermetically sealed packages for provisions -—.-.-...... —. — —.. —-—. Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Hernia, Instruments for treating...... Surgery.................. 128 156 Hewing-machines. —-—. —----------- Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 Hewing stone.....-.. Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Hickory brooms -—...- -............. -Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Hides, Dressing Tanning - -............. 129 92 High-pressure alarms for steam-boilers. Steam; 2.....-........ 122 148 Hinges-........ Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Hinges, Blind........................ Builders' Hardware... —. 16 24 Hinges, Door........ Builders' Hardware. —---- 16 24 Hinges, Gate.....-... Builders' Hardware. ---- 16 24 Hinges, Loose-joint --------— Builders' Hardware -1.... 16 24 Hinges, Mannfacture of ------------— Hardware Manufactures.. 53 B 24 Hinges, Self-shutting. —.............. Builders' Hardware. -16 24 Hinges, Shutter -- -............. Builders' Hardware...-. 16 24 Hinges, Spring..................... Builders' Hardware ------- 16 24 Hitching-devices ------------------—. Stabling.................-. 119 144 Hitching-posts ------ —. Stabling.................. 119 144 Hobby-horses.-. —-—.- -........ - - Games and Toys -.... 46 143 Hods........................-........ Masonry. —............. 72 4 Hod-unloaders -.................. Hoisting......... 57 ~79 Hoeing-machines...................... Plows..-.- -. —...... 97 114 Hoes.....-.... Garden and Orchard.. 47 141 Hoes, Horse.-.- -................ Plows 97 114 Hog-elevators. —-B-...- -- -........ Butchering..........- 17 25 Hogs' nose-trimmers.................. Cutlery. 30 44 Hog-pens-.. —----—. —--- Stabling.................. 119 144 Hog-rings. —-. —.- —................ Harness ------—. —--. 54 144 Hog-slaughtering apparatus-......... Butchering.. -.... 17 25 Hog-troighs -.. —- -.-..... Stabling ----—.. —-.-... 119 144 Hoisting-apparatus................... Hoisting -.. — -.......... 57 79 Hoisting-buckets................ Hoisting................. 57 79 Hoisting-machines. -............... Hoisting.-..-..... 57 79 Hold-backs for vehicles............... Carriages --- 21 31 Holsters.............................. Trunks.-..- ------------- 133 162 Hominy-machines. —............. Mills..................... 83 57 Hones ---- -................... Grinding and Polishing.- 51 70 Hones, Magnetic...................... Electricity............... 36 70 Honey-boxes for bee-hives............. Bee-Hives.-............... 6 9 Hoods, Ladies' --—.-.................- Felting and Hats. —-. —-—. 38 38 Hoof-spreaders.-........-... Metal-Working; 6 -----—. 81A 60 Hook-buttons —----------------------- Clasps and Buckles... - - -. 24 23 Hook-buttons, Implements for setting. - Clasps and Buckles --- --—. 24 38 Hooks................................ Clasps and Buckles ----—. 24 23 Hooks afd eyes _-.......... Clasps and Buckles -... 24 104 Hooks and eyes, Manufacture of.- Hardware Manufactures. - - 53E 104 Hooks, Bench- Wood-Working; 4 145 29 Hooks, Coat and hat-............ Builders' Hardware.-1.... 16 24 Hooks, Door.......................... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Hooks for cam-rods................... Mechanical Powers........ 7-4 67 Hooks for watch-chains.............. Clasps and Buckles -.... - 24 23 Hooks, Furniture..................... Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Hooks, Mousing. —--—....-.-...- Clasps and Buckles... 24 23 Hooks, Shutter -- - -.-....... Builders' Hardware...... 16 24 Hooks, Snap..-....... Clasps and Buckles 2....4 23 Hooks, Swivel........................ Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Hoop-iron, Rolling.................... Metal-Working; 5........ 80 125 Hoop-locks........................... Presses................... 100 7 248 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. CeC z z Hoops for skirts --------—. —-—. —-. Crinoline and Corsets 29 80 Hoops for skirts, Coating or covering - - Crinoline and Corsets..... 29 80 Hoop-skirt forniers ------—.. —. —--—. Crinoline and Corsets..... 29 80 Hoop-skirts...................-..... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 80 Hoop-skirts, Machines for making..... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 80 Hoops. —-.- ----. —.. —.. —-—.... -Wood-Working; 3 -—. —-. 144 40 Hoops, Machines for bending.- -... Wood-Working; 3.-.. —-- 144 40 Hoops, Machines for cutting -..... Wood-Working; 3.. —. 144 40 Hoops, Machines for dressing.......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 40 Hoops, Machines for sawing -.......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 40 Hoops, Machines for splitting -. —---- Wood-Working; 3. —----- 144 40 Hoop-strainers.-.-.-.-.......... Presses -. 100 7 Hop-backs -...-..... —-. —-------- Beer and Wine.........-.. 7 19 Hop-extracts --------------- ---— Beer and Wine ----------- 7 19 Hop-frames........................... Garden and Orchard..... 47 63 Hop-kilns............................ Dryers and Kilns —-. —-—. 34 48 Hopper-boys........ Mills.-.. -.... - 83 57 Hopper-shoes for mills..M..... ills-.................... 83 57 Hop-pole extractors -.... Fences.................... 39 63 Hop-presses ------------ Presses..-...... 100 7 Hops, Treatment of -. —-.- -.......... Beer aihd Wine.. —. ——. 7 19 Hop-strippers.. —.- —.- -.- -.... Garden and Orchard-..- -. 47 63 Horizons, Artificial.................... Optics -88 ----------—.- 157 Horn, Artificial -------------—.. Chemical Miscellaneous - - - 23 35 Horn-knobs, Cattle ------—.. —------ Harness -.............. 54 144 Horn, Machines for working in........ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Horn-molding ---- - Wood-Working; 3 -- - 144 176 Horological instruments.............. Horology...-.... 58 36 Horse-blankets............-.......... Harness.....-.. 54 144 Horse-brushes........................ Brushes and Brooms.. 15. 22 Horse-hair fabrics.................... Weaving ----—. —-----—. 139 95 Horse-hair hats Felting and Hats.. - - -38.. - 38 76 HIorse-hoes........................... Plows.................... 97 114 Horse-powers —..- -—................. Mechanical Powers. —----- 74 159 Horse-powers, Endless chains for ----- Mechanical Powers. —--—. 74 159 Horse-powers, Links for............... Mechanical Powers —-. —-. 74 159 Horse-powers, Treads for.............. Mechanical Powers. —--—. 74 159 Horse-protectors. —-. —.. —........... Harness -.-. ------------- 54 144 Horseshoe-bar, Rolling....-. Metal-Working; 5 —----- 0 125 Horseshoe-bars ---—...........-.. Horseshoes --------—. — 59 60 Horseshoe bars, Machines for bending.. Horseshoes.... —. 59 60 Horseshoe bars, Machines for shaping.- Horseshoes -............-. 59 6.0 Horseshoe blanks, Making. —--—. —- Horseshoes... 59 60 Horseshoe-machines.................. Horseshoes. —-. —----- —. 59 60 Horseshoe-nails.. -....... Nails —-.8..... 5 104 Horseshoe-nails, Machines for making. Nails........... 85 104 Horseshoes........-........ Horseshoes - —.. -—.. 59 60 Horseshoes, Calks for -—. —. —-------- Horseshoes..-. 59 60 Horseshoes, Pads for...-. - I.......... Horseslioes --.. —------- 59 60 Horses, Saw.......................... Wood-Working; 4.........-145 131 Horse-tamin g —---------- Harness. —. —-. —--—. — 54 144 Horse-training apparatus............... Harness.................. 54 144 Horse-washers.-.................. Stabling.................. 119 144 Horse-yokes.-...................... Harness.................. 54 144 Hose................ Hose and Belting -.'... 60 81 Hose-carriages........ -...Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 Hose-bridges -..........Railways; 1.............. 121 81 Hose-clamps.......................... Water-Distribution......- 137 81 Hose, Compositions for................ Hose and Belting —-.... —- 60 81 Hose-couplings......... Water-Distribution........ 137 81 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 249 Name of class-official classifi- C. SUBJECT. cation. cation. on * 1.00 Hose, Leather........................ Hose and Belting —-------- 60 81 Hose, Modes of making.- -.... Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Hose-nozzles -------—.- --------- - Water Distribution -------- 137 81 Hose-pipes-.W........ ater Distribution -------- 137 81 Hose-protectors-.-......... Hose and Belting.. -. 60 81 Hose, Rubber --.......Hose and Belting... 60 81 Hose, Weaving ------—.- --------- - Weaving. —-------------- 139 95 Hosiery —Ku........................... Knitting and Netting...... 66 89 Hosiery-ironing machines............. Apparel-................ 2 89 Hot-air engines....................... Pneumatics -......... 98 2 Hot-blast engines-..................... Pneumatics..-. 98 12 Hot-air furnaces............Stoves and Furnaces... 126 154 Hot-air furnace-doors -..-. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Hot-bed frames. —------ ------------. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Hot-closets for stoves- - - - - -.- —..- —. Stoves and Furnaces. 126 154 Hotel-annunciators ---------------—. Signals. —............ 116 24 Hot-houses -—. —-—. —-----—. Garden and Orchard...... — 47 63 Hot-presses for fabrics and paper.- -.. Presses-... 100 37 Hot-water heaters ------—.-. —--—. Stoves and Furnaces 1..... 126 147 Hour-glasses.......................... Horology....... 58 36 House-fronts, Iron -. —-. Masonry-..-. 72 4 House-fronts, Stone-facing. —.... Masonry -7.......... 72 4 Houses. —- --------- -—.. ——...... Carpentry.-..-........ 20 30 Houses, Construction of............... Carpentry -............... 20 30 Houses, Iron, (except Trusses) -....... Masonry —.............. 72 4 Houses, Portable ---- ----- - Carpentry -...- -........ 20 30 Housewives.......................... Apparel - - 2 38 Housings for harness.................. Harness...-..... 54 72 Howeling-tools-......-....Wood-Working; 3........ 144 40 Hub-bands, Manufacture of. —......... Hardware Manufactures 53 C 31 Hubs, Carriage —..... —---—........- Carriages and Wragons. 21 31 Hubs, Machines for boring.-.. - - Wood-Working; 3........ 144 31 Hubs, Machines for centering.......... Wood-W1orking; 3 -... 144 31 Hubs, Machines for mortising... W... ood-Working; 3........ 144 31 Hubs, Machines for setting boxes in -.. Wood-Working; 3 ---- 144:3 Hubs, Machines for turning -.-W —--—. Wood-Working; 1... -. 142 172 Hullers, Clover ------—. —-.-......... Thrashing. —-.-.......... 130 159 Hulling-machines -.M..... ills 83 57 Hurdles for silk-winders -.............. Silk.-................... 117 140 Husk-brooms — B................... Brushes and Brooms..1... 15 22 Huskers, Corn ------ ---------- Thrashing................ 130 59 Husking-gloves —..........Thr;ashing........ 130 59 Husking-pins ---------- --—. —----—.. Thrashing -------- 130 59 Husking-stools. —----—. —-----—...- - Thrashing............... 130 59 Husk-splitting....................... Brakes and Gins. -...... 13 78 Hydrant-pipe stops — a............... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Hydrants -..-.......... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Hydrants, Cocks for-................... Valves ----—..-.......... 136 167 Hydrants, Filtering.-..-........... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Hydrants, Waste for.-....... Water-Distribution -------- 137 167 Hydrant-valves-. —- -.- -........ Valves.-..- -. —. 136 167 Hydraulic buffers —----—... —...-. -Pumps......... 103 118 Hydraulic cement.................... Stone, Lime, and Cement_. 125 153 Hydraulic elevators.-.... Pumps -—..- -—.-..... 103 79 Hydraulic engines-....... Pumps-.................. 103 118 Hydraulic jacks...................... Pumps 103 79 Hydraulic mains...................... Gas-... 48 66 Hydraulic meters.-.-... —...... Pumps... 103 118 Hydraulic mining Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Hydraulic motors.................. Pumps................... 103 118 250 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classification. C 0. z z~ Hydraulic presses..................... Pumps................... 103 118 Hydraulic propellers ------------------ Ships; 2.................. 115 139 Hydraulic rams Pumps................... 103 118 Hydro-carbon furnaces for s t e a m - boilers Steam; 2................. 122 149 Hydro-carbons, Manufacture of -..... Stills --------------------- 124 47 Hydro-electric machines Electricity ---------------- 36 50 Hydrometers- Measuring-Instruments.... 73 132 Hydrostatic balances................. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 132 Hygrometers.. - Measuring-Instruments. 73 101 Hypodermic syringes -.................Surgery.................. 128 156 Hlypsometers......................... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 101 I. Ice-boats.. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Ice-breakers......................... Ships; 1 -------- ---------- 114 137 Ice-cars. Carriages and Wagons ---- 21 121 Ice-chairs and carriages ----- ---------- Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Ice-cream freezers.................... Ice ----------- ------------ 62 58 Ice-creepers. Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Ice-crushers.......................... Ice ----------- ------------ 62 58 Ice-cutters ----------- --------------- Ice -62 58 jee-elevators......................... Hoisting.................. 57 79 Ice-houses............................ Ice62 58 Ice-levelers. Ice....................... 62 83 Ice-making machines................. Ice- 62 83 Ice manufacture -------- -------------- Ice ------ - 62 83 Ice-picks.;... Ice —.............. 62 58 Ice-plows ---------------------------- Ice. 62 58 Ice-runs ------------- ----------------- Hoisting.................. 57 79 Ice-safes.............................. Ice ----------- ------------ 62 58 Ice-sandals........................... Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Ice-saws Saws..................... 110 58 Ice-shavers.......................... Ice ----------- ------------ 62 58 Ice-smoothers - -..Ice -. 62 83 Illuminated clocks-...-...... Horology..........-8.... 58 36 Illuminating-reflectors —. —..- -. —-- Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Illuminated signs -. —---------------. Stationery ----—.. —----—. 120 54 Illuibinators, Stove. Stoves and Furnaces - - 126 154 Imitation leather... Paint - -—.-.....-... 91 107 Inclined planes for canfals.. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Inclinometers. —. —-. —. —----------- Measuring-Instruments.... 73 157 Incrustation in steam-boilers, Prevent-I ing ---... ——. —-—... ——. ----—. Steam; 2-.................. 22 1148 Incrustation in steam-boilers, Removing -Steam; 2 122 148 Incubators........................... Stabling.................. 119 116 Indelible pencils... —. —--—. —-- Stationery................ 120 146 Indexing............................. Book-Binding............ 11 15 India rubber -Caoutchouc............... 18 84 Indicators, Automatic station —.......-. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 120 Indicators, Automatic time -..-........ Horology- - 58 36 Indicators, Door-...................... Stationery...1...2. 12 146 Indicators in cars, Automatic street.... Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 42 Indicators, Leak...................... Measuring-Instruments -... 73 137 Indicators, Lee-way.. -..... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 137 Indicators, Registering devices of steampressure-............................ Measuring-Instruments... 73 148 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 251 Ia Name of class-official classifi- /w SUBJECT. cation. C cation. Ce. 0 CH -4 4 ze Indicators, Station.................-... Stationery.-....-. 120 146 Indicators, Street... —-. —... — -—. —. Stationery...-.. 120 146 Indicators, Time, (non-automatic)....... Stationery.-...-... —-- 120 36 Indicators, Weather. —-- -..M....- -- Measuring-Instruments.... 73 101 Induction-apparatus.................. Electricity —....... 36 50 Incendiary compounds................ Gunpowder- 52 71 Incendiary shells..................... Projectiles.. 102 105 Inclined planes....................... Excavators...... 37 51 Incrustation of glass......- -............ Glass..................... 49 68 Inhalers............................. Surgery.................. 128 156 Injectors for steam-boilers —... —------ Steam; 2....... 122 148 Injectors, Medical............. Surgery.................. 128 156 Inking-apparatus. Printing. —-......-.... 101 117 Inking-rollers, Compositions for. -. Printing.....-......... 101 117 Ink, Printers'-......................... Paint..................... 91 117 Inkstands -.......-..... Stationery. —........... 120 146 Ink, Writing - - Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 146 Inlaying —..-....... —. —............. Fine Arts -............-.. 41 54 Inlets to sewers —i................... Paving 94 110 Insect-destroyers...-...... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Insect-destroying compounds..- Chemical Miscellaneous —. 23 63 Iusect-fumigators. —--—.- ----------. Garden and Orchard.. 47 63 Insect-lamps-........................ Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Insect-traps ----- -------— Garden and Orchard... 47 63 Insect-traps, Household-.- -.-.-....... Furniture................. 45 63 Insertable saw-teeth.....-.. Saws-.-....... 110 131 Insoles-..-...........Boots and Shoes.....- - 12 16 Insulated wire Electricity.. —.... 36 50 Insulators............ —---------- Electricity. —..... 36 50 Interfering; Devices to prevent.-..... Harness -.-.-.. 54 144 Intermittent gearing -...... Mechanical Powers.. -. 74 67 Iron and wood pavements combined —. Paving 94 110 Iron blocks, Nautical- --—.. —------- Ships; 1.................-. 114 137 Iron bridges —.-. —. —.- -.......... Bridges 14 21 Iron-clad vessels.-Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Iron columns.-....... ——..-......... Bridges.. -..-... 14 21 Iron facing for houses.................. Masonry- 72 4 Iron filings, Separators for...........-. Electricity..... 36 50 Iron frames, Ships' ------ -_.._.. _.. Ships; 1 --— _-. —-------. 114 137 Iron fronts for houses.-................ Masonry.......... 72 4 Iron girders —........- ------. Bridges 14 21 Iron houses -------------- - Masonry 72 4 Iron houses, Portable.-...... Masonry_..-..... 72 4 Ironing-apparatus ---—........ H..... Hydraulic Engineering -..61 91 Ironing cloth_....A.....parel -2 37 Ironing-machines, Tailors' and hosiery. Apparel 2.-. -2.. 38 Ironing-tables --—..- -..-.......... Laundry- 68 91 Iron, Manufacture of.... Metallurgy............... 75 85 Iron pavements-......- Paving -..... 94 110 Iron piers....Brid....s.......... Brid-es 14 21 Iron pipe making, Welded.- -... Tubing and Wire-...... 134 163 Iron posts —....-....... —-..... Bridges —._.__......14 21 Iron ribs, Ships'. —-----—. —-........ Ships; 1 -..... 114 137 Irons, Carriage — Carriages................. 21 31 Irons, Carriage-top - -- -. Carriages................. 21 31 Irons, Setting carriage................ Carriages -- - 21 31 Iron trusses........................... Bridges.-.........14 21 Iron tunnels. —..- -..-..-............. Hydraulic Engineering -..- 61 82 Iron vessels.Ships; 1114 137 Irrigating-apparatus........Water-Distribution..137 82 252 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. m In Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cation.' *.IM0 z z o ~.~. Irrigating-apparatus... Hydraulic Engineering -.. 61 82 Irrigating-carts.-......... VVWater-Distribution -.. 137 31 Irrigators for nose, vagina, &c........ Surgery. -.... 128 156 Isinglass Oil, Fat, and Glue. 87 26 Italian irons. —- ------- ---—. —. —- Laundry....... - 68 91 Ivory, Artificial...-. Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 35 Ivory, Machines for working in........ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 J. Jacks, Carriage.-......Hoisting. —-. —-.... —-.- 57 79 Jacks for hats, Rounding..-.. Felting and Hats.-..38 76 Jacks, Hydraulic...................... Pumps.-._...... 103 118 Jacks, Lifting..-.........,-.......... Hoisting-....... 57 79 Jacks, Pegging-B —................... Boots and Shoes.-.. 12 16 Jack-spinning................. I -Spinning -.. 118 142 Jacks, Railway-car.. —.......... Hoisting. 57 79 Jacks, Screw ------------ Hoisting..-............ 57 79 Jacks, Wagon -—.. —.- - -- -...... Hoisting...-. 57 79 Jacquard apparatus. Weaving -............ 139 95 Jails....Masonry-.-.-.. 72 4 Japanning cloth....-................. Paint -............... 91 107 Japanning leather.-... —---- --—.-.. -. Paint.-.- -..... 91 107 Japanning wood.-...-.. —. —....... Paint -------------------- 91 107 Japanning....... Paint..................... 91 107 Jars, Earthen. —--—.. —. — -.. -. -Clay --—. -.. —.... ——.. 25 115 Jars for fruit, meat, &c........ Preserving Food -......... 99 58 Jars, Self-sealing. —..-............. Preserving Food ---—. —.- 99 58 Jaws for gaffs........................ Ships; 1.-...... —.. ——. 114 138 Jewel-boxes. —..-.............. Toilet i32 86 Jewelers' tools-........... Metal-Working; 6 ---- ---- 81A 86 Jeweling watches, Tools for Metal-Working; 6.-..... 81A 36 Jewelry, Manufacture of.............. Hardware Manufactures... 53E 86 Jewels, Cutting-. ——. —-------- Grinding and Polishing.... 51 86 Jiggers............................... Ore.. ——.. —-—.. —---—. 90 3 Joiners' benches ---------- Wood-Working; 4 - 145 29 Joiners' clamps. —-. — -.-.......... Wood-Working; 4....... 145 29 Joiners' tools......................... Wood-Working; 4.-...... 145 29 Joiners' tools, Manufacture of -. —.....- Metal-Working; 6 -—..-. - S1B 29 Joiners' work of buildings.- —.. —--- Carpentry...-.. 20 30 Joints for timbers....-.. Carpentry................ 20 30 Joints, Railway —. —--- Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Joists ---------— Carpentry.-..2.......... 20 30 Joists, Machines for dressing. —...... Wood-Working; 2 ----—. 143 173 Journal-bearings, Compositions for.... Journals and Bearings... 64 87 Journal-bearings.......... Journals and Bearings.-. 64 87 Journal-boxes - -.................. Journals and Bearings.... 64 87 Journal-box lining. -...... Journals and Bearings... 64 87 Journals --—. —....-............... Journals and Bearings.. 64 87 K. Kaolin, Purifying.................... Clay -....... 25 115 Keels................................ Ships; 1-..... 114 137 Keelsons Ships; 1...-....... 114 137 Keepers for door-locks............... Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Kegs, Machines for making............ Wood-Working; 3.......... 144 40 Key-boards for musical instruments..-.. Music.................... 84 112 Key-boards, Telegraphic.............. Electricity................ 36 50 Key-fasteners —..-................... Locks and Latches -...... 70 93 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 253 SUBJECT. SUBJECT. ~~~~N'ame of class —official classifi- u'U cation. M. "o O;2Q "' Zcd Key-hole guards - - -.....Locks and Latches....... 70 93 Key-hole guides-.....-.......-. Locks and Latches........ tO70 93 Key-rings............................ Clasps and Buckles -.-....24 93 Key-rings, Manufacture of............. Hardware Manufactures.-. 53E 93 Keys ---- ---— I..Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Keys, Clock - - -H................. Horology. —.............. 58 36 Keys, Dental......................... Dental................... 32 46 Keys, (door,) Manufacture of.......... -hardware Manufactures -- 53B 93 Key-seat cutting-machines........... Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100 Keys for musical instruments.......... Music................... 84 112 Keys, Telegraphic Electricity................ 36 50 Keys, Watch......................... Horology................ 58 36 Kilns, Brick ---.- - -- -..Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 20 Kilns, Charcoal.-'-. - - I —---—.. —. — Dryers and Kilns........ 34 48 Kilns for drying grain, peat, &c......-. Dryers and Kiltis.......... 34 48 Kilns for glass ------ ---- -- Glass'.................... 49 68 Kilns, Hop -..-............-.......... Dryers and Kilns. — -... 34 i 19 Kilns, Lime.......................... Dryers and Kilns-.... 34 153 Kilns, Malt-_ Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 19 Kilns, Pottery. —------ - -... —. ---—. Dryers and Kilns. —--—.. - 34 115 Kindling arrangements for stoves.. Stoves and Furnaces...126 154 Kindling-baskets -... —-- - —. —- Stoves and Furnaces. —--- 126 154 Kindling-materials ------ - -.. -. -.... Fuel -................... - 44 154 Kindling-packages -- —...-.... —---—. Fuel -. —- -. —--------- 44 154 King-bolts, Manufacture of —-...... Hardware Manufactures_. 53C 31 Kitchen furniture, Making sheet-metal. Sheet-Metal. -.... 113B 136 Kitchen-safes......................... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Kitchen-sinks........................ Baths and Closets-......... 4 8 Knapsacks........................... Trunks -133 162 Knapsack-slings...................... Trunks1........33 162 Kneading-machines.. —— K —-. —---—. Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Knee-caps............................ Harness ------- - 54 72 Knee-formers - -.............Ships; 1. ------ -- 114 137 Knee-guards for horses...Harness................... 54 72 Knees__...................... -Ships; 1 ----—.- -----—.-1 114 137 Knee-swells for organs. Music.................... 84 106 Knife-cleaners ----- --— K..-.. —---—. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Knife-racks-..K........ Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Knife-rests........................... Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Knife-sharpeners- -.....-.. Grinding and Polishing -.. 51 44 Knitted goods - — Knitting and Netting... 89 Knitting-burrs, Manufacture of........ Hardware Manufactures.. - 53 89 Knitting-burrs, Makin-g...... Needles and Pins.......... 6 89 Knitting-machines. —. —--- -------—.. Knitting and Netting.... 66 89 Knitting-machines, Burrs for.- - -.... Knitting and Netting - 66 89 Knitting-machines, Needles for -------- Kniitting and Netting... 66 $9 Knitting-machines, Setting-up devices for ------- Knitting and Netting...... 66 89 Knitting-macbinles, Sinkers for --—. —- Knitting and Netting...... 66 89 Knitting-machines, Stop-motions for.- Knitting and Netting..... 66 89 Knitting-machines, Take-up devices for. Knitting and Nettin..... 66 89 Knitting-miachines, Tension-devices for. Knitting and Netting.... 66 Knitting-machines, Transferring devices for..-.- -—.. —---. —----- Knitting and Netting r... 66 89 Knitting-needles, Making -Needles and Pins. —...... 86 89 Knives —..... —--...-.-.-. —------ Cutlery. -...j.... 30 44 Knives, Amputating-..... Cutlery-.... 30 156 Knives and forks combined.-.......... Cutlery................... 30 44 Knives and spoons combined. ——. —-. Cutlery................. 30 44 Knives, Attaching handles to.-......... Cutlery................... 30 44 18 254 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classif-i- SUBJECT. cation. c.e_ Knives, Bread...................... Cutlery-.......... 30 44 Knives, Budding ---------------------- Cutlery ------------------- 30 63 Knives, Butcher ---------------------- Cutlery-..................... 30 44 Knives, Cane......................... Cutlery.:30 44 Knives, Carving ---------------------- Cutlery ------------------- 30 44 Knives, Corn............. Cutlery ----------------—.. 30 44 Knives, Curriers'...................... Cutlery- 30 44 Kinives, Dirk ------------------------- Cutlery ------------------- 30 44 Knives?-Drawilng............Wood-Working; 4........ 145 49 Knives for cutting corn from the cob.. Cutlery ------------------- 30 44 Knives, Fruit....: —................... Cutlery ------------------- 30 44 Kni~ves, Grafting ---------------------- Cutlery-............ 30 63 Knives, Handles for-.......... Cutlery-. —..-. —....... 30 44 Knives, Hay.......................... Cutlery ------------—..... 30 49 Knives, Hloof-paring ------------------ Cutlery........... 30 60 Knives, Machete ---------------------- Cutlery ------------------- 3~0 44 _Knives, Manufacture of........Hardware Manufactures... 53A 44 Knives, Meat ------------------------- Cutlery................... 30' 44 Knives, Oyster........................ Cutlery ------------------- 30 44 -Knives, Pocket.................. Cutlery-. —. 30 44 Knives, Pruning ---------------------- Cutlery ------------------- 30 63 Knives, Shoe -------------------------- Cutlery........... 30 16 Knob-fasteners........................ Locks and Latches...... 70 93 Knob-latches.............Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Knobs, Door-............. Locks and Latches --------- 70 93 Knobs for doors and bell-pulls, Manufacture of' --------—.. —--—......... Hardware Manufactures...B 93 Knobs to spindles, Attaching ---------- Lo5 n ace ---- 7 301 Lo~~~~~~~cks an Ltce.S..... 9 Knuckle-shields for scrubbing.......Brushes and Brooms...... 25'2 L. Label-fasten ers............ Stationery 12............... 20 146 Label- holders......................... Stationery... —.......... -. 120 146 Label machines Paper................ Paper Manufactures - - 93 117 Labels ------------------------------- Stationery --—. ——.- -. —. 120 146 Labels Adhesive.............. Stationery —. ——.. —-...- - 120 146 Lading glass --------—...... --— G. ——. 49 68 Lace-miachines -.-..... —-. ——. —--.. - — Kmtti and Netting.-..-. 66 89 Lace-paper machines.... Paper Manufactures...... 93 108 Lacinlg-h'ooks......................... Clasps and Buckles -------- 24 23 Lacing, Leather shoe.................. Boots and Shoes ----------- 12 16 Lactometers ------------— Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 45 Lacquers.. ——. —-—. —-- Paint --—. ——... —.. ——.. 91 10 7 Ladders ------—.-. —-------------—....Carpentry ---------------- 20 30 00 6 Ladders, Combination -.-... ——. —. —. Carpentry.......... 20 30 Ladd~ei-s, Extension ------------------- Carpentry -. -------- 20 30 LaddKnives, Firea-. Carpentry.-. —... —- 3-. 20 430 LaddKnives, G arden...................... Carpentlery --------- - -3-. 20 30 Knives, Butcher-Cutlery - - - 30.~~-. ~ 44 Knives, Canatr f..,,,, _ adaeMae-Cutlery - - -:i 30 44 LaddKnives, Stepa ----------------- - Carpentlry -. ——. 30 3044 LadKnives' figure-stands.-.. —.. ——. —- Apparel ey ------ -- -30 4438 LadlKnives for molten metal e.ry-.... Castin g_ —'. 30 4422 33 Lagfging for drums........... Journals and Bearings ----- 64 87 Lambrequins, -----—...-............ Furniture 45....... 62 LampblacKnives, F --— C. —--—. —---—. Paint lr.. ——.. —-- -. — 9130 107 KnLamp-imhey adjusters.... Lamps and Gas-Fittings..- 67 903 KLanip-chimney cleaners.d ——......... Ki tchen Utensls forCutery.- 65 90 Lamp-chlimneys............Lamps and Gas-Fittingcs.. 67 90 KnLamp-cones -—.. —------. —-. —-—. Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 KnLamp-elevators...................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings 67 90 Kniv~les Manfatr of-,,,,,,,,,,, Ha~rdwatre Manufatctures-, 53A 44 Knivest M~ndeat-Cutin,,.,-., lery - - -3aces,__,0 44 Knives, Oysteers -Cu —-— ~.- - tltery-. —3-.~- ~10 144 Knives, P;ckilet-Cutl —,.-,.., I aery - — atra.~,~ 30 44 Knivels, Pruin-CuI —....~ —-.. tltery —. — --- 310 163 Knives, Sihoe-Cu,,..- -,,,., tltoery ----- - -3-. 1 0 146 Kalnob-fastees-Locks. —.. —,- Gand Lachs-7 93 Knob-nlatchnes - - --—,,,..,. nLocks and Latches. — 70, 93 facptuere ahns-... —, — of-alrdaeManufactures. 53B,~ 93 0 Kacn-lobs tospnde,__..,. _ Attaching - Lckas and Latches -0 93 Knuckle-shielsfr scrubbing-Brush-.-, ~ eas aind Bsroomes 15 22 Laboel-atenrs -. --- -Stationery —12 1 3 46 Label ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fan mahns Paer- Ppe Manufactures —. 93 117 Labdels -- Stbiation- —, —~-.Crenry. —- -1~ —/ 20 146 Labdels, Adhensive -,,-St,,,., atioenry. —~-~ — - 120 146 Ladliuglss ie-.~:..~- —. — - GlCass-ty -— 49 —. — 68 Lacepaers marchies,- -Pa-.. -.-~~ penry Manufactures- -- - 93 1 05 Lacinghoos e. — -. —... —.. Clasps nd ucls 24 23 Lacing, Leather sho -Bosand.~.~-~.-. Apte Shoes~~~.~ —1/2 16 Lactoe f Ioters-a~ -. —~... Measuring_. -Instruments 73 45 Lacquers -- P~~~Iaint. —. —- -—.~ 91 107 Ladder-cilh alntr -Carpentry - - 206' 30 LaddersCombination - - Calrnpe ntr -2 30-itig — Ladd-l imers Fire -nrs-, —--- -~ iCaren try -ls. -20,-,i 30 Ladp-l lneys for molten meta-.- Ca-.IL-s ting- 2 33SFti~.. I C7i~ Lamup-chies he adjusters - -,,,,,., Lamps andi Gas-Fittings>~. 67 90 Lamp-elevators — L.,..,.,...(Iamp~s and Gas-Fittingrs. l 67 90 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 255 Name of class-official classification. &r o a Lamp-fillers...................... Journals and Bearings..... 64 90 Lamp-posts.-.........-. Lamps and Gas-Fittings-.. 67 90 Lamp-reflectors - -Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Lamps.-... -........- ---------—.. —. Lamps and Gas-Fittings 67 90 Lamps, Electric........Electricity. 36 i 90 Lamp-shade holders -. —-... —----—. Lamps and Gas-Fittings 67 90 Lamp-shades ---- - Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Lamps, Miners' - Lamps and Gas-Fittings - 67 62 Lamp-stands —.........-..- - -....... Lamps and Gas-Fittings - 67 90 Lamps, Submarine —......... Lamps and Gas-Fittings —. 67 90 Lamps, Vapor ------—. —-.-.- -....... Lamps and Gas-Fittings —. 67 90 Lamp-wick adjusters.- -........... Lamps and Gas-Fittings -. 67 90 Lamp-wick trimmers ---—. —-. ——. — Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Lamp-wicks ---------------------. Lamps and Gas-Fittings -. 67 90 Lamp-wicks, Chemical treatment of-.. Chenmical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Lamp-wick scissors —. ——. —--------- Cutlery-. 30 I 44 Lances, Bomb ------—.- -----------—. Projectiles --.- ------ 102 105 Lancets --—. —-- —.- -. —..... Cutlery-... 30 156 Landing-platforms.-.. —..-......... Carpentry 61 79 Land-markers -------------------—... Seeders and Planters.111. 133 Land-paring machines.-.-..... Plows.................... 97 114 Lanterns. —--------- -......-.- -- - Lamps and Gas-Fittings -. 67 90 Lanterns, Magic...................... Optics -------------------- 88 157 Lanterns, Signal.................... Signals. —-............... 116 120 Lapidary tools........................ Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Lapidary wheels....- -..... Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Lapidary work- -..... Grinding and Polishing.. - - 51 70 Lapping-machines -........ Carding.................. 19 28 Lapping, Printers' ----. ——...... Printing ---------------—. 101 117 Lap-rings -------—. —...-...- - - - - Clasps and Buckles...... 24 23 Laps - -........ Grinding and Polishing... 51 1 70 Lap-shavers. ——. —-- -...-. --- — Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Lard-coolers. —-.-.. —--------—. Oil, Fat, and Glue - -.. 87 26 Lard-oil presses ------—.- ------. Presses... -100 26 Lard-oil rendering-tanks. —-. —----—. Oil, Fat, and Glue.-.. 87 47 Lard-presses —--..-. —-- ----—..- - Presses.....-... 100 26 Lard-renderers-........ —---.....-... Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 Lard-squeezers. —....... ——........... Presses................ —- 100 26 Lard-tanks for rendering.............. Stoves and Furnaces.-. 126 26 Lard, Treatment of. —--------—. ---— Oil, Fat, and Glue -..... 87 26 Lassoes —-. —------—.- -.. —---------- Harness- --—. —--------- 54 72 Last-holders —...... —. —------------ Boots and Shoes. ——. —-- 12 16 Lasting-machines -—.-...........-Boots and Shoes.......... 12 16 Lasts ----------—. ——. —. —----- Boots and Shoes.-. —.... 12 16 Lasts, Machines for cutting --- ------—. Wood-Working; 1.... 142 172 Lasts, Machines for making.... —------- Wood-Working; 1 -—. -- 142 172 Lasts, Machines for polishing... ——.... Wood-Working; 1 -------- 142 70 Lasts, Machines for turniig..... —---- Wood-Working; 1........ 14.2 172 Lasts, Toe-pieces for..-....... Boots and Shoes - -.-.. 12 16 Latches Locks and Latches ------ 70 93 Latches, Manufacture of-............... Hardware Manufactures 53B 93 Lathe-dogs for wood-lathes............ IWood-Working; 1..- 142 1 173 Lathes for milling............. Metal-Working; 7.-..... 82 100 Lathes for screw-cutting -..... Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100 Lathes for turning M......... Metal-Working; 7.-. 82 100 Lathes for turning irregular forlns -. Wood-Working; 1.. 142 172 Lathes for watclhmakers M.........etal-Working; 7 8..2..... 76 Lathes, Mandrels for wood. ——... -- Wood-WVorking; 1 142 172 Lathes, Wood Wood-Working; 1....... 142 172 ILathing -...............Carpentry 20 30 256 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. SUBJECT. ~~~~Name of class —official classifi - La cation. Lathing-nmachines. Carpentry................ 20 29 Lathing, Metallic --------------------- Masonry- 72 4 Lath, Machines for cutting............ Wood-Working; 3 -. 144 174 Lath, Machines for splitting...-... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Latitude, Instruments for determining- Optics-. 88 157 Launching vessels Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Laundries.-....................... Laundry: -68 91 Lawn-mowers................ Harvesters. 56 75 Layering -.. -Garden and Orchard-. 47 63 Laying pavements -------------------- Paving 94 110 Laying rope --------—.-. ——..........Cordage ------------------ 28 127 Laying submarine cables -------------- Hydraulic Engineering... 61 82 Laying-top for cordage-machines Cordage.................. 28 127 Lazy-jacks for sails................... Ships; 1.114 138 Leaches -W —------------------------- Water-Distribution --- ----- 137 167 Leaches, Ash Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 Lead-cutters for printers.......... Sheet-Metal_ 113A 117 Leaders for spouting - Roofing -------- ---- 108-j 126 Lead pipe ---------------------------- Tubing and Wire -134 163 Lead-pipe lining -- -— Tubing and Wire......... 134 163 Lead-pipe lining by electro-plating process -------------------------------- Plating.- 96 163 Lead pipe, Machines for making -..... Tubing and Wire, 134 163 Leaf-turners for music-books ---------- Music -84 102 Leak-signals- Signals -- -116 137 Leak-stoppers. Ships; 1 -------- ---------- 114 137 Leather, Artificial-.Paint -----—.- -- - 91 92 Leather-boarding.....................-Tanning.. -- 1-29 92 Leather carpet ------------------------ Leather.................. 69 56 Leather cloth -------------------------- Paint_ ---- 91 56 Leather, Compositions for treating... Tanning.................. 129 92 Leather, Compounds of waste --------- Tanning -- 129 92 Leather-cutting machines -..... Leather —--. -------—... 69 92 Leather-dressing-.......... Tanning.. —---—.. ——. 129 92 Leather-embossing machines -....Leather................... -69 92 Leather, Enaimeling-, ---------------- Paint —. —-----—.. —-.- 91 92 Leather-finishing- ------ Tanning - 2.... 19 92 Leatler-gilneing machines -..... -.. -.. — - Leather —... —--- ------ 69 92 Leather-graining........ Tanning......... —------- 129 92 Leather-hammering machines Leather.. 69 92 Leather hats --—... Felting and Hats —. —------ 38 76 Leathering tacks -. —-------- N ails - 8) 103 Leather, J apanning.-.. Paint --—........ - 91 i 107 Leather Manufacture of - Tanning. 1929 9'2 Leather pegs for shoesBoots.......Btand Shoes 12..... 16 Leather-piercing machines --—..... ----—. Leather-. -... 69 16 Leather-pressing machines Leather.______ 69 16 Leather-punches. Clasps and Buckles -....'24 92 Leather-punching machines Clasps and Buckles -------- 24 92 Leather-quilting maclines.-.... —-—.. Sewing-Machines..-...... 112 114 Leather rings, Tools for cutting -.Leather- -- -..-.....-... 69 92 Leather-rolling machines --- Leather..-..-.. 69) 9Leather-rounding machines...-......... Leather -. - 69 92 Leather-scalloping machines -......... Leather --—. —- - 69 92 Leather-slaving machines-.... Leather --------- 69 923 Leather-skiving machines............. Leather --. —-. 69 92 Leather-sorting machines -...-.......... Leather ------—.- -. —--- 69 92 Leather-splitting machines............ Leather-.9 i 92 Leather straps.. -......... Leather............ 69 92 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 257 Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. ca tin cation. o ~ z / X Leather-stretch ing machines. —.. Leather.................... 69 92 Leather-stripping machines..-... Leather.... 69 92 Leather tubs, Machines for making. Leather ----- -- - 69 92 Leather washers and wads, Tools for cutting. —.............. Leather. —...... ——...... 69 92 Leather, WVater-proofing.. —.... Tanning -----—.- -—. —-- 129 92 Leather whips, Machines for making.. Leather -69 72 Leather-working tools, Manufacture of. Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 92 Leeches, Mechanical --- ------ Surgery. —..-....... 128 156 Leers............ Glass ---------- --------- 59 68 Lee-way indicators. —- M-.... —---—. Measuring-Instruments.. 73 137 Leggings.-... -..... Boots and Shoes.-.... 12 16 Legs, Artificial —---............- Artificial Limbs -—. —-...:3 5 Lemon-squeezers --—.. —... —-.... —. Kitchen Utensils......... —. 65 88 Lenses ------ ----------- Optics 88 157 Lenses, Grinding... -...... Grinding and Polishing.. 51 157 Lenses, Polishing.-......-.. Grinding and Polishing 51 157 Let-oftf motions for looms.-...-. —. Weaving -139 95 Letter-balances ------ -Measuring-Instruments. 73 132 Letter-boxes —--. —............. -Stationery. 120 1 146 Letter-clips —- -..-..-.-..... —---—. Stationery................ 120 146 Letter-files. —.......... Stationery ----—. —-.. —-- 120 146 Letter-openers. -.... —-......... -. Stationery ----—. ——.-... 120 146 Letter-receiving boxes - -................ Stationery -... 120 146 Lencorrhea, Instruments for treating-.. Surgery 128 156 Levees -------- ---- - Hydraulic Engineering. - 61 82 Leveling millstones --—. —---------—. Mills —......... -83 57 Levels ------------- -.-... Optics.................... 88 157 Level-staffs-. —-. -................ Optics. —--------------- 88 157 Lever-powers ---------- -------—.. Mechanical Powers-........ 74 79 Levers, Differential...-................ Mechanical Powers-...-. 74 79 Lewis for lifting stone - -.... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 79 Lid lifters, Stove —-.-.-...... —..... Stoves and Furnaces... 126 154 Life-boats............................ ~Boats-_. 9 13 Life-boats -- ~~~Boats -- 9 1:3 Life-buckets. --—. —-.. —. —--... Boats --------- ----------. 9 138 Life, Instruments for stimulating.-. —- Surgery. —-.............. 128 156 Life-preservers -..-.B........ _ Boats --. —--- -—. —. —.. 9 13S Life-rafts. —.-.-... -Boats —..... —---------- 9 13 Lifters for kettles, ovens, &c. —....... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Lifters for stove-lids ------ ------------ Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Lifting-apparatus - Hoisting 57 79 Lifting-jacks ----- ------ - Hoisting.-... 57 79 Lifting-screws........................ Hoisting..... 57 79 Ligatures --.............Surgery....... 128 156 Liatutres, Instruments for adjusting... Surgery ---- ----- 128 156 Lighters --... Ships; 1 -.. 114 13 Lilht-houses -....Masonry -...... —---—. 72 4 Lighting-devices - Lamnps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Lilghting gas by electricity.-.... Electricity... —.....:.... 36 64 Lihlitning-arresters -..Electricity................ 36 50 Lightning-protectors. —--- —.. —-..... Electricity -----—.- ------- 36 50 Lightning-rods -Electricity ------- --------- 36 50 Lightning-rods, Rolling-............... Metal-Working; 5 -—.. —. 80 125 Lights, Deck........ Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Lights, Electric_ _ Electricity -..-............. 36 50 Light-ships........................... Ships; 11 14 137 Lights, Side -...................... Ships; 1.-....... 114 137 Likenesses, Mounting.-......Fine Arts... 41 54 Lime-furnaces........................ Stone, Limnie, and Cement.. 125 153 Lime-kilns -.... Dryers and Kilns -—.- ---- 34 153 258 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. co ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- cation. ) 0 no zd Lime-spreaders....................... Seeders and Planters... 111 133 Linchpins -................... Carriages and Wagons.._. 21 31 Line-fasteners........................ Laundry.-................ 68 91 Line-reel, Gardeners' ----- ----------—. Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Line-reels................ —-------- Laundry...-.... 68 91 Line-wires............................ Electricity................ 36 50 Line-wires, Covering.................. Electricity - 36 50 Line-wires, Insulating. —--—.. —------ Electricity —--- 36 50 Line-wires, Protecting................ Electricity ---------------- 36 50 Line-wires, Supporting................ Electricity - 36 50 Line-wires, Underground - -....__._.. Electricity —......... 36 50 Liniments. —--- -..-.- -.......... Chemical Miscellaneous ---- 23 98 Lining canals........ —H —............ Hydraulic Engineering. 61 82 Lining cylinders..-........ —-........ Tubing and Wire.. -. 134 163 Lining for safes__ -...... Safes.-...-.....109 128 Lining for ships....... Ships; 1 ------- - 114 137 Lining gun-barrels — -- -----— Tubing and Wire........ 134 163 Lining metallic pipes................. Tubing and Wire --------- 134 163 Linings for stoves..................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Lining tubes.-. —-.................... Tubing and Wire -- -- 134 154 Link motion for steam-engines -....Steam; 3 ---- --- - 123- 150 Liquid-meters ------------ Pumps- -.-.. —..-...... 103 118 Liquor-pourers....................... Kitchen Utensils. —-.-. —- 65 88 Lithographic presses -. —............ Printing -....... —. —--- 101 117 Lithographic printing................. Fine Arts-...............- 41 54 Lithography ------- ----- Fine Arts ------- - 41 54 Lithotriptic instruments.............. Surgery 128 156 Lithotritors. -..... Surgery..-............. 128 156 Litters............................... Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Loading machinery for wagons, vessels, and cars........................... Hoisting - - -.......57 79 Lock-bolt keepers.................... Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Lock-bolts........................... Locks and Latches -...... 70 93 Locket-cases Jewelry. ——. ——. —----- 63 86 Lockets.. Jewelry.................. 63 86 Lockets, Manufacture of.. —.-........ Hardware Manufactures.. 53E 86 Locking apparatus for ferry-boats -.. Ships; 1.-.... 114 79 Locking-nuts......................... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets -.. 10 14 Locks_...........Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Locks, Bag.- -.... -...... Locks and Latches -—... 70 93 Loks, Canal -.................. -- Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 89 Locks, Car-door........ - Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Locks, Car-seat arm................... Locks and Latches --—.. 70 93 Locks, Chest ------- - ----— Locks and Latches....70 93 Locks, Door......-........... Locks and Latches -. 70 93 Locks, Drawer. —-------- - -—. ——... Locks and Latches -------- 70 93 Locks for fire-arms.................... Fire-Arms --— 42 55 Locks for ordnance --------—. ——. -—. Ordnance --------—... 89 105 Locks, Hasp........ — -—.. —..... Locks and Latches-:::.' 70 93 Locks, Manufacture of. —..- -........ Hardware Manufactures 53B 93 Locksmiths' tools..................... Metal-Working; 6 -7 81A 93 Locks, Pad -------- - ---- - Locks and Latches.-.. 70 93 Locks, Permutation - -.... Locks tnd Latches. —---- 70 93 Locks, Piano —------ - ----- Locks and Latches.-...-. 70 93 Locks, Safe, -.... Locks and Latches -.....70 93 Locks, Sash.' — _ Locks and Latches-7 —- 0 93 Locks, Seal - - -......Locks and Latches 7.0 93 Locks, Shutter -.................. Locks and Latches -... 70 93 Locks, Time -Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Locks, Trunk............... Locks and Latches....... 70 93 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 259 i0 0 SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi-,. cation. cc Locks, Valise ---------- ----- Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Locks, Window....... - Builders' Hardware... 16 24 Lock-trimmings -----—.- --------. Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Lock-trimmings, Manufacture of —. — Hardware Manufactures... 53B 93 Lock-up safety-valves...-. alves.................... 136 i 152 Lock valves, Canal... —....... Hydraulic Engineering - - - 61 82: ---------- -- c ---- -- ----- Locomotive-axles, Making.... Railways; 4.............. 107 94 Locomotive-boilers ----—. —-------—. Steam; 3........ 123 94 Locomotive-engines..Steam; 3.. 123 94 Locomotive-frames, Making.-.....-... Railways; 4.............. 107 94 Locomotive-furnaces. —-- -—.-.... Steam; 3 123j 94 Locomotive head-lights..-...... Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Locomotive-pumps...- -........... Steam; 3. —......... 123 118 Locomotives —..................... Steam; 3-................ 123 94 Locomotives, Fire-boxes for........... Steam 3................. 123 94 Locomotives, Furnace-doors for........ Steanm; 3. —...-......... 123 94 Locomotive smoke-stacks. - Steam..............123 94 Locomotives, Reversing-gear for.... Steam; 3 --..-........... 123 94 Locomotive valve-gear....... Steam; 3 —------ 123 94 Logs; Booming Boats ------— 9 — 82 Ib") YV-Y —-------— ~ --------------— 8 Logs, Electrical. —.-.............. Electricity.. —. 36 50 Logs, Implements for loading...... Hoisting —........ 57.79 Logs, Implements for piling... Hoisting.. 57 79 Logs, Implements for rolling..........Hoisting...... 57 79 Logs, Rafting -—................. Boats..-.,.9I 1.3 Logs, Ships' Measuring-Instruments'3 137 Longitude, Instruments for determining.. —---.................. Optics -..5 —----- 8 157 Looking-glasses..... Furniture.....- -........ 45 62 Looking-glasses, Hanging. Furniture......... 45 62 Looms, Electrical —............ -..... Electricity......... 36 95 Looms Weaving —....... 139 95 Looms for cross-weaving...... Weaving --—.... 139 95 Looms for curvilinear weaving... Weaving................. 139 95 Looms for weaving bags.............. Weaving......-139- 95 Looms for weaving baskets............ Weaving..139 95 Looms for weaving belting............ Weaving ------- - 139 95 Looms for weaving blinds......... Weaving - -- --- 139 95 Looms for weaving cane............... Weaving.......... 139 95 Looms for weaving caps............... Weaving......... 139 95 Looms for weaving carpets. Weaving................. 139 95 Looms for weaving cases for bottles.... Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving corded fabrics... Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving counterpanes...... Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving crinoline..... Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving cut-piled fabrics... Weaving -------- 139 95 Looms for weaving double-piled fabrics. Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving elastic fabrics... Weaving................. 139 95 Looms for weaving figured fabrics.- Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving fringes..W... eaving................. 139 95 Looms for weavingr batsj. —-..,. Weaving 139k 9 5 Looms for weaving horse-hair......... Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaving hose- hair.... Weaving........... 139 95 Looms for weaving ingrain carpets.... Weaving.. 139 95 Looms for weaving matting........... Weaving.-.... 139 95 Looms for weaving metallic tissues.... Weaving -. -..-...... 139 i 95 Looms for weaving piled fabrics... Weaving....... 139 95 Looms for weaving ribbons............ Weaving......... 139 95 Looms for weaving satin.............. Weaving..........139 95 Looms for weaving scarfs............. Weaving. 139 95 260 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~SUB~~JECT. ~ Name of class —official classifica- ~SUBJECT.tion. u' 0 0 00 z Looms for weaving shaped fabrics -... Weaving................. 139 95 Looms for weaving shawls. —- —. VWeaving 139 95 Looms for weaving sieve-cloth........ Weaving..139 95 Looms for weaving silk. —-. —........ Weaving....-... 139 140 Looms for weaving slats W.... eaving -....... 139 95 Looms for weaving straw fabrics. —---- Weaving --- ----- 139 95 Looms for weaving terry fabrics-. Weaving 139 95 Looms for weaviDng tubular fabrics Weaving... 139 95 Looms for weaving velvets...-...... Weaving —. —............ 139 95 Looms for weaving wire.........W... Weaving........ 139 170 Looms for weaving woolen cloth-....... Weaving - 139. 95 Loop-banding machines..Codg........... Corda-e -28 127 Looped fabrics ----------- Knitting and Netting. 66 89 Loopers for carpet-rngs..-..- -..... Weavin.-. 139 95 Lopping-shears Cutlery 30 6:3 Lorgnettes ------------ - Optics.-88-.-.............. 157 Lowering boats.. —---- Boa..... ts -—. —-—. —-. 9 13 Low-water alarms for steam-boilers... Steam; 2 —-- ----- 122 148 Low-water detectors for steam-boilers.. Steam; 2 ---- --- - 122 148 Low-water indicators for steam-boilers_ - Steam;....2.... 122 148 Lozenge-making machines --------- --— I Sugatr. — - - -.-.- -. —- 127 155 Lubricants — Journals and Bearings..... 64 87 Lubricating compounds..-... Journals and Bearings- -. 64 87 Lubricators -. — ---------- Journals and Bearings. -- 64 87 Lubricators for pistons................1 Journals and Bearings 64 87 Lubricators for projectiles. -... Projectiles —. 10'2 105 Lubricators for spindles -.. —.......... Journals and Bearings..... 64 87 Lubricators, Mechanical..-........... Journals and Bearings-.... 64 $87 Lubricators, Steam-operated Journals and Bearings.. 64 87 Lumber-dryers ---------—.-.........Dryers and Kilns..... 34 48 Lumber, Implements for loading and unloading.......................... Hoisting.................. 57 79 Lumber, Implements for piling --- - Hoisting..... 57 79 Lumbermen's tools, Manufhcture of. - Metal-Working; 6 -........ 81B 49 Lumber-tallies.M................... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 42 Lumber-wagons ----------- Carriages and Wagons ----- 21 31 Lunch-boxes. —.-.. —................. Kitchen Utensils........ 65 8 Lunch-heaters........................ Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Lusters. Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 90 Lye-extracts.-.................... Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 M. Machetes- --- -------— Cutlery.-... —--- ---- 30 44 Machine-guns ------------ Ordnance -----—.- -----—. 89 105 Machines for making welt-bindings W... eaving ----- --. -...-. 139 95 Machinists' tools...................... Metal-Working; 6 —-.-. — 81A 100 Magazine small-arms.................. Fire-Arms. —-—. —-4.... 42 55 Magic-lanterns ------------- Optics_ 88 157 Magnesium-lights......... Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 91 Magnetic apparatus —----—. Electricity3.3... 6 50 Magnetic needles -.............. Electricity. —..-......... 36 50 Magneto-electric machines.......-... Electricity- -- -—. 36 50 Magnets ------------------------------ Electricity- -...... 36 50 Magnets, Receiving -------- - Electricity -... —-...-... 36 50 Magnets, Sounding.. —- Electricity. -6 50 Magnifying-glasses.................... Optics --—............. —. 8S 157 Mail-bag fasteners, (exclept Locks, Class 70).............-.. Trunks................... 133 162 Mail-bag receiving andt delivering apparatus............................ ilways; 2..-........ - - 105 i 121 ALPHIABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 261 1 Name of class-official classifi-. SUBJECT. catioD. cation. c~F: o..~ o 0 Mail-bagss Trunks 133 162 Mail-distributing boxes-........-...... Stationery -. —-.. —---- 120 146 Mains, Gas........- -. Water-Distribution —. —--- 137 64 Mains, Water —-- -----------— W —-—. Water-Distribution.... —. 137 167 Malaxators -—. —----------------- Clay ------- ---- 25 115 Malaxators, (see Class 25).-... - ---—. Stone, Lime, and Cement 125 115 Malleable iron castings, Furnaces for... Metallnrgy-1 -. 75 99 Mallets-.-............ Wood-Working; 4... 145 174 Mallets, Croquet. —....-........... Games and Toys ---- -----. 46 143 Mallets, Dental....................... Dental - -- -- - 32 46 Malting.............................. Beer and Wine. —--------- 7 19 Malt-kilns........................... —. Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 19 Malt liquors, Coolin g -—'- - Beer and Wine. 7 19 Malt liquors, Preserving -Beer and Wine - -- 7 19 Malt liquors.......................... Beer and Wine.- -....... 7 19 Mandrels............................. -Metal-Working; 7.-. 82 100 Mangers.............................. Stabli-n.................. 119 144 Mangles --—. —----—.. -.. —.... ——. Laundry ---- ----- 68 91 Man-holes for boilers and tanks-.. Steam; 2................. 12 148 Man-holes for sewers --.M —-......- Masonry -. 72 4 Manipulators......................... Electricity- - -...... 36 50 Mantelets..-.................. Ordnance. -............. 89 105 Manufacture of aluminium - Metallurgy. —--—.- ----—. 75 99 Manufacture of cobalt....- Metallurgy —- -...-.. 75. 99 Manufacture of copper................ Metallurgy............... 75 99 Manufacture of iron.................. Metallurgy............... 85 Manufacture of lead - —........... Metallurgy..9....9....... 99 Manufacture of magnesium.. —-- -. —-- Metallurgy_.- -... 75 99 Manufacture of nickeJ..:M...... etallurgy.-...........- - 75 99 Manufacture of potassium -...... —-—. Metallurgy-............... 75 99 Manufacture of sodium -................ Metallurgy. —- -..-... 75 99 Manufacture of steel....... -Metallurgy. 7 85 Manufacture of tin —.... M....Metallurgyrv. —---—....- - 75 99 Manufacture of zinc..-. -....'. Metallurgy.......-........ - 75 99 Manure, Artificial. Manures__........71 96 Manure-carts, Distributing............ Seeders and Planters.l 111 133 Manure-drags ------—.- ---—. Harvesters -. 56 77 Manure-drills-....-.... Seeders and Planters ------ 111 133 Manure-dril.ls, Liquid - -.... Seeders and Planters --—.- 111 13:3 Manure-forks --- Garden and Orchard....... 47 77 Manure-hooks........................ Garden and Orchard... 47 77 Maunre-loading rakes --------—.-..... Harvesters —...... 56 77 Manures, Composition, processes, machinery ------- ------ - Manures ---- --- - 71 96 Manure-screens -. — ----- -—. —------- Seeders and Planters...... 11 133 Manure-spreaders..................... Seeders and Planters...... 111 77 Manure-sowers, Broadcast............ Seeders and Planters...... 111 7 Manuring, Green..-.................... Seeders and Planters.. 111 77 Map-holders —...- -................. Educational..-. -.... 35 146 Maple-sugar buckets -. —-- --—.. —... Garden and Orchard..... 47 63 Maple-sugar, Manufacture of.......... Sugar ------- --- 1-27 155 Maple-sugar spiles.................... Garden and Orchard... 47 63 Map projectors........................ Drafting- 33 97 Maps -------------- ------------ - Educational -—. —. ——. 146 Maps, Dissected..-.. -...... Educational. —-------... 35 146 Maps, Outline....................... Educational -... —.. —---- 35 146 Marble, Artificial ---- ------ Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Marble-crushing machines............. Ore....................... -90 3 Marble-grinding............. Grinding and Polishingi.. 51 3 262 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. cation. ce'. o:d z ~ cg gmC Marble-grinding, Compositions for.-. Grinding and Polishing..-. 51 3 Marble-polishing.-. —---------------- Grinding and Polishing.... 51 153 Marble-working machines............. Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Marine railways....-... Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Mariners' compasses.................. Electricity................. 36 50 Marine safes.......................... Boats..................... 9 13 Marine signals —... —... —-.. —. — Signals -....116 158 Marine steam-boilers —-... —-----—. Steam; 2.. - -..-... 122 i 148 Markers for seeding-machines......... Seeders and Planters... 111 133 Markers for sewing-machines.........- Sewing-Machines.-... 112 134 Market-stalls —..... - ----------—... Furniture........-.... 45 62 Mark-holders for bales. —-............ Stationery —. —-—... —.... 120 146 Marl, Treatment of. -............. Manures. ——. —. —-------- 71 96 Marquetry --......................... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Marshes, Machines for filling..... Hydraulic Engineering -.- 61 82 Marshes, Reclaiming.-. --------------- Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Martingales..-. Harness.................. 54 72 Martin-houses -G —-----------------—. Garden and Orchard 47 143 Mash-tubs -.-B —---—...-... —- - Beer and Wine............ 7 19 Masks. —..... - - -............- Games and Toys 4(i 143 Masonry. —--- -—.- -............ -Masonry.................. 72 4 Mast-hoops -—................. Ships; 1-...... 114 138 Masting-sheer.s --. —.- -........... Hoisting 57 79 Masts.-Ships; 1 -.-..... 114 138 Mast-scrapers. —---------------------- Wood-Working; 4 ---- 145 138 Metallic blinds, doors, floors, gratings, and shutters —. —. —- -—.- Masonry. —------- 72 4 Match-blocks, Machines for making.... Wood-Working; 3 -.-.. 144 174 Match-boxes —-. —,-. — -. —------ Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Matches, Compositions for............. Gunpowder....... 52 71 Matches, Dipping frames for -....-.... Wood-Working; 3. —.. 144 71 Matches in frames, Machines for putting Wood-Working; 3. -.. 144 71 Matches, Machines for pointing........ Wood-Working; 3..... 144 71 Matches, Machines for making........ Wood-WoTking; 3 -....... 144 71 Matches, Machines for rounding... Wood-Working; 3 144 174 Matches, Machines for splitting........ Wood-Working; 3 144 174 Match-planes. —--------------------- Wood-Working; 4.-... 145 29 Match-plates......................... Casting ---------. —---—.- 22 33 Match-safes.. -........ Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 90 Match-splints, Framing............... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Match-splints, Machines for making —.- Wood-Working; 3 -.- -- 144 174 Mathematical instrumentsDrafting............. 33 97 Mathematical scales. —..- -........ Drafting.................. 33 132 Materials for bands, belts, and hose.... Hose and Belting.......... 60 81 Mats, Car ------------ - Brushes and Brooms-...i 15 22 Mats, Door........................... Brushes and Brooms. 15 22 Mats for cars, Wooden................ Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Mats for oil-presses................... Presses................... 100 7 Mats, Slat.. ——................. Brushes and Brooms --—. — 15 22 ~Matting-Weaving.................. 139 56 Mattocks ----------------------------- Garden and Orchard....... 47 141 Mattresses -B —-. —-..............eds.-5 —----------—. 62 Mattresses, Machines for making.-.... Beds.. -.... i 5 62 Mattresses, Materials for.............. Beds..................... 5 62 Meal-bins ------------- Kitchen Utensils.-.. 65 88 Meal-chests........................... Kitchen Utensils -6.. 65 88 Measures, Board..................... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 42 Measures, Cloth ---------- - Measuring-Instruments -.-. 73 37 Measures, Dry........................ Measuring-Instruments —....- 73 136 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 263 c C Name of class —official classifi- WC; SUBJECT. c cation. ~ o'- ca 0o, * a4 o a Measures, Liquid Measuring-Instruments... 73 132 Measures, Lumber. —-.. ——.. —... —. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Measures of capacity....-........ Measuring-Instruments.. —. 73 132 Measures, Tailors'..................... Measuring-Instruments... 73 97 Measures, Tape...-M....... easuring-Instruments.... 73 97 Measures, Tire........................ Measuring-Instruments. —. 73 97 Measuring cloth, Machines for.... Cloth..- - 26 37 Measuring devices of faucets -—. —-—. Measuring-Instruments.- —. 73 132 Measuring devices of funnels -......... Measuring-Instruments..-, 73 132 Measuring devices of pumps.......... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 132 Measuring-sticks..............-...... Measuring-Instruments -- 73 97 Measuring yarns, threads, &c.......... Cordage.................. 28 97 Meat cans and jars --—... —-----—..- Preserving Food. —.. —--- 99 58 Meat-curing --------------- - Preserving Food -- --- 99 58 Meat-cutters, (for Mincers see Class 17) Kitchen Utensils...-.-... 65 88 Meat-dryers. —..... —. —------ —... Dryers and Kilns......... 34 58 Meat-grinders........................ Butchering --- -- 17 25 Meat-holders... —---------------------- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Meat-packing --—..- -.... —-—. —-—. Preserving Food. —. —-—. 99 58 Meat-presses.......................... Presses --------------—. 100 7 Meat-safes........................... Kitchen Utensils. —— 65 88 Meat-saws.. —--—.. ——. - -.. —.... Saws.-......-.. 110'25 Meats, Compositions for preserving -.. Preserving Food. —-. —-. 99 58 Meat-spits........-.-...... Kitchen Utensils -- --- 65 88 Meats, Processes for preserving..-. Preserving Food. —....... 99 58 Meat-tenderers....................... Kitchen Ultensils..65I 88 Mechanical leeches. —--—... —----—.. Surgery —. —.. —-. ——. — 18 156 Mechanical memoranda..-.......... Stationery. —-—.-........ 120 146 Mechanical movements-................- Mechanical Powers —------ 74 67 Mechanical typographers............. —. Printing. —-—... -..... 101 117 Medals. —-.-. —-----—... —-........ Fine Arts —.- - 41 54 Medical compounds-...-. Chemical Miscellaneous --- 23 98 Medical-electric apparatus ------—.. Electricity.. --.-. —-.-.- 36 50 Medicators................ Surgery.................. 128 98 Medicinal powders, Instruments for putting up —.. ——.... Surgery.................. 128 98 Medicine-cases-.. Surgery.................. 128 156 Medicine-glasses, Graduated.- -...Measuring-Instruments... 73 98 Medicines —.-..... —-. —------- Chemical Miscellaneous - - 23 98 Medicines, Instruments for administering...- Surgery.-....... ——.-. 1928 98 Medicines, Instruments for compounding....... —....... Surgery.. —-... —. —. —-- 1'28 98 Medicine-spoons...................... Surgery - - 128 I 98 Meerschaums. —. —-—................ Tobacco-...... 131 160 Melodeons —......... —------------—. Music -. — ----- --------- 84 106 Melting glass-......................... Glass..................... 49 68 Memorandum-books —. —..-........ Stationery ------- -—. —-- 120 146 Menstruation, Instruments for arresting Surgery. —............. 128 156 Meridian-finders...................... Optics.................... 88 157 Mess-chests --—.. —. —-------------—. Kitchen Utensils.- -6..5 88 Mess-kits — -....... ——. —---------- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Metallic blinds, doors, shutters, and gratings - -........ Carpentry.. —.. —-. —---- 20 4 Metallic boats ---------- -—........... Boats —_9 13 Metallic roofing --------- ---- Roofing....-.......-. 108 126 Metallic surfaces, Compositions for coating-. Paint. —.. —----------- -. 91 107 Metallurgic furnaces............. Metallurgy.-. —-......... 75 99 Metallurgic processes..-.... Metallurgy..-..... 75 99 264 ALPIHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. o Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cation. cation. "c: U C z Metal-sawsSaws..................... S - 110 130 Metals, Furnaces for reducing -.... Metallurgy..... 75 99 Metals, Manufacture of... —. —-. —.... Metallurgy- -........ 75 99 Metals, Purification of................ Metallurgy. —----.. —--- 5 7 99 Metals with metals, Coating..- Plating. 96 113 Metal-working tools..........Metal-Working; 6 -... ——. 81A 100 Meteorological instruments............ Measuring-Instruments -... 73 101 Meteorometers, Telegraphic. -... Electricity....-... 36 1 50 Meters............................... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 132 Meters, Air........................... Pneumatics............... 98 64 Meters, Current...................... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 82 Meters, Drop......................... easuring-Instruments.... 73 98 Meters, Electrical -.-. —.... ——....... Electricity...... 36 50 Meters, fluid, Registering devices of... Measuring-Instruments... 1 167 Meters, Ga....,;31-1 Meters, Gas. —----------—. —. —-—.- Pneumatics............... 8 64 Meters, gas, Registering devices of.... Measuriung-Instruments.... 73 64 Meters, Liquid.-. —.............. Pumps............... 1013 167 Meters, liquid, Registering devices of.. Measuring-Instrunents.... 73 167 Meters, Registering devices for -....... Measuring-Instruments... 73 167 Meters, Registering devices of water. -. Measuring-Instruments —.. 73 167 Meters, Spirit... —-----............... Pumps........... 103 167 Meters, spirit, Registering devices of.. - Measuring-Instruments... 73 167 Meters, Water. —-.-.....-........... Pumps 103 167 Metronomes.......................... Horology. 58 36 Mica lamp-chimneys....-.......... Latmps and Gas-Fittings.. 6'7 90 Micrometers -------------------—. —-- Optics.................... 88 157 Microscopes...................... Optics —.............-. 88 1 57 Military accouterments - - Trunks................... 133 162 Milk, Air-tight packages for....... Preserving Food...-....... 99 58 Milk-cans. —-..-............... Dairy.................... 31 45 Milk-carriers.. Dairy- -................... 31 4 Milk-closets... Dairy.................... 31 45 Milk, Condensing..................... Preserving Food. -..... 99 58 Milk-coolers -—. —.............. Ice -... —-.-. ——. —------- 62 45 Milkers, Cow........Dairy................. 31 45 Milk-houses...Dairy.. —. 31 45 Milking-shields ----------------------- Surgery -..... 1-8 45 Milking-stools —..- -. —............ Dairy-.-...;... 31 62 Milk-pails ---------------------------- Dairy -------—.- -------—. 31 45 Milk-pans ---------------------------- Dairy.. —----------- 31 45 Milk-safes D -.. D..... airy.-. —-.............. - 31 45 Milk-shelves ------—................ Dairy.. 3 45 Milk-strainers........ Dairy..................... 31 45 Milk-testers, (except Lactoactcrs, Class 73.)............ Dairy —............... 31 45 Mill-board...................... Paper-Making.... 92 108 Mill-dams....................... Hydraulic Engineering. 61 i 82 Millers' alarms....................... Mills.....................- 83 57 Milling-cloth -------------------- - Cloth -..26 —-.-.........- 96 37 Milling-machines.... —..-. —......... Metal-Working; 7 8 — - 2 100 Mill-gearing --------—.- -------------- Mechanical Powers -... 74 67 Mills................................. Mills 83 57 MUlls, Cane........................... Mills 8..........83 155 Mills, Clay....-... —........ Clay.2.........- 5 20 Mills, Gig Cloth..... 26 37 Mills, Pug -.-..... -................. Clay...................... 25 20 Mills, Sorghum..................... Mills...................... 83 155 Mills, Sugar........................ Mills 83 155 Millstonebridges.................... Mills.......... 83 57 Millstone bush-hammers. Stone, Lime, and Cement- 1'25 57 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 265 Name of class —official classifi- SUBJECT. N o catio n.c o 0a d Millstone-curbs - -Mills ---------- 83 57 Millstone-dress. —-. —---------------- Mills..................... -83 57 Millstone-eyes ---- -------- Mills -------—. —----—... 83 57 Millstone-hammers. —----- --------- Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 57 Millstone-picks ------ ---------- Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 57 Millstones.Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 57 -M~illstones -—. ——. —------------------ Stone, Lie n Cmn- 57 Millstones —---—..- --------------- Mills -8 5 Millstones, Balancing. Mills -.3.,......-... - - - 83 57 Millstone-scrapers -.................. Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 57 Millstones, Dressing.-.....-.. —. Mills - -83 5 Millstones Elevatin, Mills8..................... 83 57 Millstones, Hanging..-............... Mills..................... 83 57 Millsf ones, Leveling...-............ Mills 8:3 57 Millstones, Regulating................ Mills..................... 83 57 Millstones, Supporting..-.. —---. ——. Mills 83 57 Millstones, Tramming........... Mills.................... 83 57 Millstones, Ventilating............. Mills.................... 83 57 Mincing-machines -------- - Butchering -............... 17 25 Mineral-waters, Compositions for -. Aration and Bottling... I 1 Miners' tools, Manufacture of.......... Metal-Working; 6-SB... 81B 121 Mining. —.. —-......... —-—. --- Stone, Lime, and Cement 125 124 Mirrors............................... Furniture............... 4 62 Mirrors for windows..-...Furnitnre - 62 Miter-boxesW ----—.. —-------- - ood-Working; 4 -. —-- 145 29 Mitering printers' rules ----...... —-. Sheet-Metal.....- - 113A 117 Mitrailleuses,. -..... Ordnance.-.....-......-.... 89 10 Mittens.. —--------------—. —------- Apparel..-............... 2 38 Moccasins --—...... ——. —---------- Boots and Shoes. —-—. —- 12 16 Moire metallique...- Plating 96 113 Molasses-gates........................ Valves-.................... 136 167 Molasses, Treatment of --—..- --—. —- Sugar ---- -- - 1-27 155 Mold-boards for plows -P.............. Plows.-................... 97 114 Mold-boards, Materials for............. Plows 97 114 Molders' flasks Casting. -------------- -22'2 33 Molders' tables —-—.... ——.. — ------- Casting-. 22 33 Molding glass -..... —-...-..... —. —-- Glass...... —... 49 68 Molding-mnachines, (wood).-W-..-..... Wood-Working; 2 -..-.... 143 173 Molding pipe, Machines for.......-.. -Castin-...2. 9- 33 Molding-planes -. Wood-Working; 4-1 145. 173 Mold-facing ------------- Castin-g. —----------—. — 22 33 Molds, Composition for glass. —- - Glass......... —. 49 6S Molds, Dental -..Dental -.32 46 Molds for bricks and ceramics -.- - I Clay. —-....-..-........ 25 20 Molds for casting mnetals Cati.............. sting- -22 33 Molds for cornice. Masonry ------- - 72 4 Molds for glass.-G —-----------—.. -.. - Glass....-...- 49 68 Molds for rubber goods......... Caoutchonc -— 84..-. —.8 4 Mole-plows ---------------------------- Plows ------------—.9 — 7 114 Monitors ----------------------------- Ships; 1 ------. 114 137 Monitor-turrets. —. —................ Ships; 1-......... 114 137 Monkey-wrenh es... —- -—. —........ Metal-Working; 6 —.... 81lA 100 Monuments —.. —.-.-. —---- Fine Arts-... 41 54 Mop-handles........... Brushes and Brooms.... 15 2-2 Mop-heads -Br................ Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Mops-.........................Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Mop-wringers..........Brushes and Brooms... 15 22 Mortar-............................. Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 15 153 Mortar, Applications of -...-... Masonry.-..............-.. 2 153 Mortar-machines.-........ Clay-.. —-—......... —-.- 25 153 Mortar-mixers........................ Clay -2....... 5 153 266G ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. -aa3 iE Name of class-official classifi- e SUBJECT. c a cation.'U 46 0C z ~ Mortars -—..... —-—. —...... Ordnance ------- --------. 89 105 Mortars, Pharinaceutists' -.. -....Surgery —....-......... 128 98 Mortising-machines................... Wood-Working; 2 -------- 143 1 173 Mosaic. —---- ------ - Fine Arts 41 i 54 Mosaic tiles -...Clay....................... 25 20 Mosquito-netting, Frames for.........-. Beds.-.......... 5 62 Moth-destroyers -.-.-...- --......... Bee-Hives. -..... 6 9 Moth-traps — I —-.-.-........... Bee-Hives —--------- 6i 9 Motion, Converting -.- --------- —.-.. Mechanical Powers-7...... 74 67 Motion, Multiplying. —.. —..-.... —- Mechanical Powers - -..... 74 67 Motion, Transmitting...-...-........ Mechanical Powers --- - 7 —-- 4 67 Motors, Mechanical -....-.. Mechanical Powers......... 74 67 Mottled yarns -—.. —. —-........... Spinning —--. —. —...- - 118 17 Mottled yarns, Machines for making - Spinning - -------- 118 142 Mounting ordnance.-....-. Ordnance ------- -89 105 Mousing-hooks.-...-... Clasps and Buckles_.... 24 223 Mouth-pieces for cigars and pipes...... Tobacco.-.. -.... 131 160 Movement-cure apparatus- -............. Surgery -----—... —-. 128 156 Mowing-machines ---- ------ Harvesters........-..-.. 56 74 Mucilage-bottles. —---- —.-. —----—. Stationery -. —-... —. -i 120 146 Mucilage-holders..................... Stationery --—. —-------- 120 146 Mud-boats. ——.. —-.. —. —. —-------- Ships; 1 ---- ----- 114 14 Mud-collectors for steam-boilers..-..- Steam; 2-.... 122 148 Mud-machines-........................ Hydraulic Engineriug..61 82 Muffs ------—.. — -Apparel ----—... —------- 2 38 Mules --...-.. - -. —- Spinning -..-. 118 142 Muley-saws --------—.- ------------—. Saws -—...... —--------- 110 130 Music --------------—. —------------ Music -....... —-—....... 84 102 Musical instruments -----............ Music. —...... —-------- 84 102 Musical instruments, Electric attachments to........................... Electricity ----- - 36 102 Musical notation... —.... Music -. ——...... 84 102 Music-boxes ---------—. —---------—. Music. —....... 84 102 Music-stands —.. —---—.- -..... Furniture ----------------- 45 62 Mustache-guard -.. —-- ---- -- -- Toilet 132 161 Muzzle-rings.......... I. - -........ Harness ------ --- 54 72 Muzzles.-..... —. --------—.. —----- Harness -------- -—. —---. 54 72 N. Nail-brushes —. —-—. —--------------- Brushes and Brooms.... 15 161 Nail-distributing machines ------------ Nails --... 85 103 Nail-extractors. —-. —----—. —-—. -.. Wood-Working; 4 ------- 145 29 Nailing-machines, Boot............... Boots and Shoes -... —---- 12 16 Nail-plate feeders ---------- Nails..................... 85 103 --- s- Nails -—...... —-. —--- e5 103 Nails, Cut.. -....... Nails - -.-.... 85 103 Nails, Machines for snaking.-..... - Nails ----- ---- - 85 103 Nails, Wrought Nails -. —.......... 185 103 Napkin-holders..-...-................ Kitchen Utensils-.. —.-... 65 88 Napkins. —. —....... ——..-...... - I. Kitchen Utensils.... —-.... 65 88 Napping-machines for cloth.- -.-... Cloth._ 26:;7 Napping-machines, Hat -—.. —-—. —- Felting and Hats. —.... 38 76 Nasal douches ------ - Surgery-.. 128 156 Nasal tubes Surgery-128 156 Nautical alarms. Signals ----- - -- - 116 137 Nautical blocks, Machines for making. Wood-Workin; 3 144 174 Naval architecture-................... Ships; 1.i-. —........ — 144 1374 Neck-tie clasps.p-.-............... Clasps and Buckles...-.. 24 38 Neck-tie retainers............. Apparel-............... 2 38 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 267 Name of clacvs-official: classifi- " SUBJECT. ci cation. n O.z'z' e~cI - Neck-ties Apparel --— ~- ---- 2 38 Neck-yokes ----------------- Carriages 21 31 Needle-boxes —. -....... -Apparel --------- --------- 2 38 Needle-cases -------------------------- Apparel --------- --------- 2 38 Needle-guards.-.........-.... -....... Apparel.......-.. 2 38 Needle-guns - Fire-Arms --- --- 42 18 Needles. —..- -... —-. —... Apparel................ 2 104 Needle-setters for sewing-machines. —-- Sewing-Machines...... -112 134 Needles for knitting-machines ---— Knitting and Netting.66 89 Needles for sewing-machines —........ Sewing-Machines ---—.... 112 104 Needles, Machines for making —- -- Needles and Pins-..-. 88 104 Needles, Machines for papering ---- Needles and Pins -....... —. 8 104 Needles, Surgeons'.-S —...-..-. - - - Surgery —.- -12..-.-...... 12 156 Needle-threaders -.-. —........... Apparel... -. 2 38 Needle-threaders for sewing-machines.. Sewing-Machines... —-.. - 112 134 Needle-wrappers. —.-.. —-------- Apparel - -2 104 Nests for fowls. —--—............... -Stabling ---- ----- 119 116 Nests, Bird ---------. Games and Toys 46 143 Nets Fishing ------------ Fishing - -- - 43 143 Nets, Ladies' head F............... elting and Hats. —.......38 160 Netting-machines Knitting and Netting....... 66 89 Newspaper-clamps ------------------- Stationery 120 146 Newspaper-covers..................... Stationery. -..... 120 146 Newspaper-folders................. — Paper Manufactures.......- 93 117 Nicking horses, Apparatus for -----—. Stabling --------- 119 144 Night-carts -......... —-—. —......... Carriages and Wagons..... 21 31 Night-latches ----- -— Locks and Latches.. —- --- 70 93 Night-soil, Treatment of............... Manures.. —..-..... —--- 71 96 Nipple-guards for fire-arms....... Fire-Arms ------—. —---- - 42 55 Nipples, Artificial..................... Surgery-. -............ 128 156 Nipple-shields. Surgery.................. 128 156 Nipples of fire-arms................... Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Nitro-glycerine-........ Gunpowder. —----—...... 52 71 Nitrous oxide, Apparatus for making - Gas. —................. 48 46 Nitrous oxide gas, Instruments for administering -. —............... -Surgery —..-.. —...... 128 46 Nose-bags.......................... Harness ------------------ 54 72 Nose-rings.-... —-........ Harness. —..-..-... 54 144 Nostril-pinchers -------- Harness ------ ---- 54 144 Nozzles for fire-engines -----— Water-Distribution....... 137 167 Nozzles for hose...................... Water-Distribution.-. —-- 137 167 Nozzles for oil-cups.-.................. Water-Distribution.-. 137 87 Nozzles, Manufacture of.....- Hardware Manufactures.. 53J 136 Nozzles, Variable exhaust -..-.. Steam; 3 -. 123 94 Nubias -— F —.......-...- -........ Felting and hats-. 38 38 Numbering machines... —------- Printing.................. 101 15 Numeral-frames ----------- Educational.............. 35 146 Nursery-bottles-.......... Surgery ---- ----- 128 156 Nursery-gates ------------ Furniture.-.... 45 62 Nursing couches Beds. ——...-........... 5 62 Nut-blanks, Making - Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets —. - 10 14 Nut-crackers......... Kitchen Utensils ---- -----. 65 88 Nut-locks -------------— Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets ---.i 10 14 Nut-making-niachines ------- - Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets -.10 14 Nutmeg-graters- Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Nut-pickers —.-...- -............ Kitchen Utensils.-.. —. 65 88 Nuts -..-...................-........ Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets.-.- 10 14 Nut-threading machines............... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets..-.. 10 14 268 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. I-.. Namne'of class-official classifi- - SUBJECT. cation. a.n O. 144 1 0. Oarkum-pickers -....... —- B rakes and Gins........ 13. 7 Oar-locks................ —.........Boats-..9......... 13 Oars Boats...................... 13 Oars, Featherineog -n............. Boats9..................... 1 13 Oars, Machines for dressing -.... Wood-Working; 3....... 144 13 Oars, Machines for planing - -....... Wood-Working; 3..... 144 13 Oars, Machines for riving -........W..... Wood-Working; 3..-. -. 144 13 Oars, Machines for sawing -. Saws1.0................ 13 Oars. Machines for turning.. W........ ood-Working; 1.-... 142 13 Oasts —. —.- -...-............... Dryers and Kilns -. —.....34 19 Object-teaching, Devices for.-.-..-.... Educational.35... 146 Obstetric apparatus - -.. —--------- Surgery................128 156 Obstructing rivers and harbors ------—. Hydraulic Engineering -. 61. 82 Octants ------ ---— Optics — 88 157 Odometers -.... -. Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 42 Offal, Deodorizing. --— M..... Manures.................. 71 96 Offal-dryers -—. —-- -------.... —-- - Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 48 Offal for fertilizers, Treatment of. ——. Manures................... 71 96 Offal, Treati —--— ng - -...........Oil, Fat, and Glue......... 87 26 Office time-indicators, (non-automatic).. Stationery................ 20 146 Oil-cake trimmers ----—. ——. —------ Presses................... 100 26 Oil-cans, Air-tight- Preserving Food -9 —---—. 99 58 Oil-cloth............................. Paint..................... 91 56 Oil-cloth cutters ------.-..-... Furniture-.. 45 44 Oil-cloth printingPrinting -101 56 Oil-cups...............................Journals and Bearings -... 64 87 Oilers. —...-.-......... —-..... Journals and Bearings..... 64 87 Oil extracting, Chemical modes of.. -—. Oil, Fat, and Glue-..2.6.. 87 26 Oil-filters --—. —-..-.. —---........... Oil, Fat, and Glue. -..-... 87 26 Oil-mills............................. Presses..-.................. 100 26 Oil-presses........................... Presses.................... 100 26 Oil-refininir - Stills-.......... 124 47't,' - from —- --------------- Oils and fats from fiber and meal, Removin g - Oil, Fat, and Glue - ----- - 87 26 Oils, Apparatus for boiling --- -- - Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 26 Oils, fats, and glue.................... Oil, Fat, and Glue 87 263 Oil-stills. —-.- ---—.-. —------—. Stills-. —........... -124 47 Oil-stones --------—.- ----------—. —- Grinding and Polishing.. 51 70 Oil-tanks, Sealed-...................... Preserving Food -...... 99 58 Oil-wells, Blasting Projectiles.............. 102 124 Oil-wells, Torpedoes for ---- —. —.... -. -Projectiles................ 102 124 Ointments ---------------------------- Chemical Miscellaneous - 23 98 Oleometers -. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 47 Olivers- --—.. —---—.......... Metal-Working; 3..... 78 60 Omnibuses. —----------—.. —---- Carriages and Wagons..... 21 31 Open links ----—.. ——...-.. Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Open rings.........-... Clasps and Buckles....... 24 23 Opera-glasses. —.................. Optics.................... 88 157 Operating ordnance - -......... Ordnance --—...-........ 89 105 Ophthialmoscopes -—. —-.- -- -.... Surgery.-12..... 18 157 Optical instruments ------- --.... —--- Optics.................... 88 157 Ordnance —............ Ordnance.... -.... 89 105 Ordnance, Attaching trunnions to. -—. Ordnance.-.-..- -........ 89 105 Ordnance, Instruments for disabling-.. Ordnance................. 89 105 Ordnance-manufacturing. —-—. —.... Metal-Working; 3....-. 78 105 Ordnance, Mounting.................. Ordnance - 89 105 rdnance, Operating.................. Ordnance................. 89 105 Ordnance-projectiles - Projectiles................ 102 105 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 269 Name of class-official classifi- 4 SUBJECT. cio W cation. z cation. ~' Ore-crushers.......................... Ore. 90 32 Ore-disintegrators -------------------- Ore ----------- ------------ 90 3: Ore-dressers -------------------------- Ore_. _ _ 90 3 Ore-mills Ore. — -90 3 Ores, Calcining ----------------------- Metallurgy -........ 75 99 Ores, Desulphurizing. Metallurgy- 75 99 Ore-separators.. —.. ——.. —-... —-—.- Ore —..-...... 90.% Ores Furnaces for reducing.... Metallurgy -—... —- —.... 5 99 Ores, Oxidizing -.......... Metallurgy ---—.. —... -75 9ff9 Ores, Roasting-........................ Metallurgy -........ 75 99Ores, Smelting........................ Metallurgy............... 75 99 Ore-stamps — Ore - -. ---------------- 90 3 Ore-washers O-. re ---------—. Ore - - ---- 90'3 Organ-actions. —--------—... -Music ---—. —-. 84 106 Organ-bellows... -Music -------—..... — -8.-.. 106 Organ-couplers-.Music ------—......... —8 84 106 Organ key-boards-.Music —..-.. —............84 106 Organ-pipes --—..i —-.. ——.-. —------ Music. ——. —-—. —....- 84 106 Organs - -Music -.... —-.. — -.. ——. 84 106 Organ sound-boardsM us..i.....-.. ------ -------- 84 106 Organ-stops ------------ - Music ------- -84 106 Organs, Tremolo attachments to.Music --------- -84 106 Organ-swells.... —------—.......... Music -------- ------- 84 106 Organ-tuning.........-..... Music ----—.. —---------- 84 106 Organ wind-chests.................... Music -..... —.... —- - -84 106. Ornamental yarns -.............. Cordage-. --—. 28 17 Ornamentation -.. —----------------- Fine Arts. —---- --------- 41 S4' Ornamenting glass —----------------- Glass.-. ——. —----------- 49 54' Ornaments, Compositions for plaster —. Stone, Lime, and Cement__ 125 153; Ornaments for sheet-metal ware, Die —. Sheet-Metal- -........- - -... 113A 136 Ornaments, Small metallic.-... Clasps and Buckles ---- 24 23 Ornaments, (small metallic,) Manufacture of -—........... —-. —-- Hardware Manufactures -- 53E 23 Orreries -................ Educational. —.. 35 146 Orthopedic apparatus....-......- Artificial Limbs..-... 3 156 Oscillating steam-engines -.......... Steam; 1 —. —-----—.. — 121 150 Oscillating-valves -.. —--—.. —--—. Valves.-... —----------—. 136 152 Osier-cutting —-.-...-..... —-.. —--- Garden and Orchard....... 47 i 63 Osier-peelers....... Wood-Working; 3 --—.-. 144 169 Otoscopes -..............Surgery -.........128 156 Ottomans. —... —. —-—... —---- Furniture. ——.. —-------- 45 62 Outriggers -— B.. —--—..- -......... Boats —--------—. —--—.- 9 13 Oval frames, Machines for turning Wood-Working; 1... 142 175 Ovens, Bakers' —. ——. —-----—...... - Stoves and Furnaces --—. 126 6 Ovens, Coke -. —........... — Dryers and Kilns.-....... 34 48 Ovens for biscuit, (Clay).. —-.. —--—.. Dryers and Kilns. —----- 34 6 Ovens for enanmeling.-......... Dryers and Kilns -...... 34 115. Ovens for pottery..-........ Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 115, Ovens, Portable. —-----—... Stoves and Furnaces. —-. 126 154 Ovens, Reel. ——. —-. —-.. —--------- Stoves and Furnaces ---—. 126 154 Ovens, Rotary.-..........Stoves and Furnaces 1 —--- 126 154 Ovens, Stove —. —............... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Overshoes......... Boots and Shoes. —--- -. —- 12 16. Oxshoes -----------.. —------------—. Horseshoes-..' 59 60 Oxygen, Processes and apparatus for obtaining. —-G..........- --. - - - Gas.- -... — —.. —--—. 48 64: Oxhydrogen lights.-......... —...... Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Ox-yokes, bows, and pins.-........... Carriages and Wagons.-... 21 31 Oyster-cans-.. Preserving Food - -- 99 58 Oyster-culture........................I Fishing -... —..... 43 14319 270 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. N1ame of class —official classifi- C SUBJECT. cio cation.!!E 0.. 3 Qu z Cd'Oyster-dredging............... Fishing ------------------- 43 143 rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Oyster-openers........................ Kitchen Utensils 65 88 Oyster-rakes.......................... Fishing. --------- 43 143 Oyster-tongs -................... Fishing................... 43 143,Ozone, Apparatus for obtaining........ Gas —.... — -... —----- 48 64 P. Packaging fabrics.................... Cloth -.................... 26 37 PackaginYg yarns, threads, &c., (except Bundling Presses, Class 100) —... —--- Cordage..-....... 28 17 Packers for flour, fruit, sugar, salt, &c. Presses..I.....i 100 57 Packing-bands........................ Presses................ 100 7 Packing for pistons ---—. —-----—... - Steam; 1. —-----— 2 —---- 121 151 Packing for steam-joints.............. Steam; 1 —------- 121 151 Packing for well-tubes -----—. —--—. Water-Distribution..... - 137 167 Packing furniture-...... Furniture................. 45 62 Packing glass ---------—... —.- -...... Glass ----- -- -- 49 68 Packing houses, Meat -. —...- -.. —-- Preserving Food-.......... 99 58 Packing projectiles -----—.. —. —.. Projectiles 102 105 Pack-saddles......................... Harness 54 72 Pad-crimpsH......................... Harness.............-. 54 72 Paddle-box bridges —............... -Ships; 1.-......114 139 P1addle-wheels -. —------- ----------—. Ships; 2..-.. —--.-.. 115 139 Pad-locks..... —......Locks and Latches........ 93 Pads -' Harness -—. —.......... 54 72 Pads for trusses-...............-........ Surgery. —------ -. ——. 128S 156 Pad-trees-............................ Iharness. —-............. - 54 72 raging-machines --...Printing 101 15 Paint-brushes -....... —-----—.. -— Brushes and Brooms....... 15 22 Paint-burners.-....................... Stoves and Furnaces.12..6 154 Paint-cans, Air-tight.- -........... Preserving Food ---------- 99 107 Painted fabrics —..... —.. —----—. Paint...-..- —...... 91 56 Painters' tools, (except Brushes, Class 15). Paint..................... 91 107 Painting, Decorative.................. Fine Arts............... —.. 41 54 Painting on glass............... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Painting-machines. —-.. —......... Paint..................... 91 107 Paint-mills ----- - ----- - Mills --—.........-.... 83 107 Paint-mullers......................... Mills... 83 107 Paint-pot hangers..................... Paint -------------------- 91 107 _Paints. --—....... Paint --------- -- 91 107 Paints, Apparatus for compounding. - - Paint-......91 107 Paints, Apparatus for mixing.- -P.. aint- ng...... 91 107 Palates, Artificial........ —. —--------- Artificial Limbs.-........ 3 5 Palates, Artificial..................... Dental ——..3 —-.. 32 5 Palliasses —----. —........... Beds........ —..... 5 62 Palm-leaf hatsF..... Felting and Hats —..........- 38 76 Palm-leaves, Machines for splitting -—. Wood-Working; 3... 144 165 -Panels of wire........................ Wire-Working....- --- 140 170 Panels, Rabbeting door -.............. Wood-Workinfg; 2........ 143 173 Panniers -—.. —. —-—. ——. I Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 38 Pans for cooking in vacuo.............. Sugar -------------------- 127 155 Pans for making vegetable extracts.... Sugar ----------- 127 155 Pans for manufacturing glue -....... Oil, Fat, and Glue....-.. - 87 26 Pans, Kitchen and pantry...- -...... Kitchen Utensils. —..... 65 136 Pans, Sugar- -Sugar 127 155 Pans, Vacuum....................... Sugar ---------- 127 155 Pantalets - - Apparel............... 38 Pantaloon-protectors....p.......... Apparel.-............. 2 38 Yantaloons.......................... Apparel.................. 2 38 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 271 Cd~ o o~ Name of class-official classifi- - SUBIJ~~~BJECT. ~cation. ct = 0noI 4. 0'5c0 z z Pantaloon-straps...................... Apparel2.................. 38 Pantaloon-stretchers.................. Apparel -2...... 38 Pantographs. Drafting.................. 33 97 Paper -.................................Paper-Making............ 92 108 Paper apparel -Paper Manufactures.... 93 109 Paper-bag machines... —. ---—. Paper Manufactures. 93 109 Paper bags........................... Paper Manufactures.-.. 93 109 Paper-box machines.-................. Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Paper boxes.-......-. Paper Manufactures...... 93 109 Paper, Calendering................... Paper-Making --- 92 108 Paper-clamps.. —-—... Stationery.. —----—..... 120 146 Paper-clasps, Manufacture of... —--—. -Hardware Manufactures -. 53 I 146 Paper-clips........................... Stationery............ —..-.. 120 146 Paper collars ------- --—. —-----—. —- Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Paper cuffs........................... Paper Manufactures.-... 93 109 Paper-cutters..-.-... Paper Manufactures.-... 93 109 Paper-cutting maclhines.-...-. Paper Manufactures.-.. 93 109 Paper-dampers........................ Printing -- —.. —.......... 101 117 Paper, Drying-....................... Paper-Making............ 92 108 Paper, Enameling................... Paper-Making... — -.T. 92 108 Paper-envelope machines-. -... Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Paper-fasteners....................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 146 Paper-feeders......................... Paper Manufactures..... 93 117 Paper-files........................... Stationery-.........-.... 120 146 Paper, Flocking...................... Paper-Making............ 92 108 Paper floor-cloth...................-... Paper Manufactures... 93 109 Paper-folders........ —... Paper Manufactures....... 93 146 Paper for roofs, Machines for preparing_- Roofing...... —--- 108 109 Paper-hanging appliances - -..... Fine Arts ---- -... —----.- 41 107 Paper hats-. —--—. —---—.-......- -. -Paper Manufactures ------- 93 76 Paper labels, Manufacture of. —----—. Paper Manufactures.. -... 93 109 Paper, Lace........................-.. Paper Manufactures....... 93 109 Paper-making machines.............. —. Paper-NMaking.......... 92 108 Paper manufactures -..-........... Paper Manufactures...... 93 108 Paper, Materials for. — - Paper-Making............ 92 108 Paper-perforating machines..-... -... Paper Manufactures -...... 93 108 Paper, Processes of making............ Paper-Making...... 92 108 Paper-pulp -------- ------ - Paper-Making o..... 92 108 Paper-pulping machines......... —...... Paper-Making.. 92 108 Paper-punches. —..-.. —..-......... Clasps and Buckles. —. —-. 24 146 Paper-sizing.......................... Paper-Making............ 92 108 Paper tags, Manufacture of-.. Paper Manufactures -....- 93 109 Paper twine.-..-........ Paper Manufactures 9...... 93 109 Paper-twine machines -—. —-—. —.... Cordage. —----—.28 ——. 28 109 Paper water-proofing.................. Paper-Making...........-. 92 109 Paper-weights....................-.... Stationery -. -..... - 120 146 Papier-mach6-.........................- Stationery................ 92 108 Paraffine............................. Oil, Fat, and Glue-......... - 87 26 Parallel rulers. —----- -------------- Drafting................... 33 97 Parasols -. —-..-. —-—. Umbrellas and Fans -...- 135 165 Parceling-rope...................... Cordage.................. 28 127 Parchment.-.......................... Tanning —---- - --- 129 92 Parquetry............................ Fine Arts - -............-... 41 54 Parrels. —----------- ----------------. Ships; 1.............. —.... 114 138 Partitions of buildings, Wooden -. Carpentry - - -.-. 20 30 Paste-board.......................... Paper-Making............ 92 109 Paste, Compositions for............... Bleaching and Dyeing,.... 8 11 Paste-heating pots.................... Stoves and Furnaces 1.... 126 154 Paste-making........................ Bleaching and Dyeing..... 8 11 Pastilles.............................. Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 98 272 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cation. cation. cd o~ r3 ~~ I z z 2 So Pasting cops. —.. —--—.... —... —---- Spinning - -.i.t. 118 142 Pattern-cards. ——.. —--------- --- Weaving. 139 95 Pattern-chains ------—..W —----------- Weaving - 139 95 Pattern-cylinders -- - - -- Weaving - - - - - - - -. - - 139 95 Pattern-lifters for molders - - -. Casting-.... 22 33 Patterns for garments-A ppar..l -.......-2 38 Pavements, Asphalt-......... Paving. --—. —-.- -- -... 94 110 Pavements, Composition.............. Paving................... 94 110 Pavements, Concrete.-........ Paving —... —..... - -..... 94 110 Pavements, Iron...................... Paving................... 94 110 Pavements, Stone..-....... Paving --—.... —--—.. 94 110 Pavements, Wooden.-.... Paving. —.. —... —-- --- 94 110 Paving-blocks, Machines for making_. Saws —.. —---—. ——..... 110 174 Paving compositions ---—. —----—.- Paving --- - 94 110 Paving.. Paving —. —----------—. 94 110 Paving-stone, Preparation of -... —-.. Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Paving-tiles ------- Clay ---------------- 25 20 Paviors' tools, machines, and processes. Paving --------- ------—. 94 110 Pawis and ratchets Mechanical Powers.......-. 74 67 Paying seams..............- ------—. Ships; 1 —-------—. —--- 114 138 Peach-parers Kitchen Utensils. ——.-..- 65 88 Peach-stoners-.. —.. —.. —-... Kitchen Utensils..-........ 865 8 Pea-nut cleaners -Mills - - 83 58 Pea-nut roasters ---—. ——. —--------- Stoves aid Furnaces.1. 96 154 Pea-shellers ------------- Kitchen Utensils.. —. 65 88 Peat-dryers —-....-.-................ Dryers and Kilns -.... 34 1 48 Peat for fuel, Treatment of.. -...... Fuel n ----- ---- - 44 61 Peat-machines........................ Fuel.- —.. —......-......... 44 61 Peatt-presses -—. —-................... Presses ----—.. —-—. —-.- 100 7 Pedometers...............................asrin -Instruments ---- 73 42 Pedometers-~~~~Measurin g-Instrnments.. 73 4 Peeling almonds -—.... — ---—. —----- Kitchen Utensils --—. —--- 65 Peg-cutters...c —...Boots and Shoes.-.. —-—. - 12 16 Pegging -jacks —---- ---- Boots and Shoes...-. 12 16 Pegging-machines.-................... Boots and Shoes-........... 12 16 Peggingso-mhes................... Boots and Shoes... —. 12 16 Pegs, Leather -.. —..-............... Boots and Shoes..-.. ——. 12 16 Pegs, Machines for arranging -.... Boots and Shoes.. —. 2 16 Pegs, Machines for driving. ——.. — -. Boots and Shoes..- -1..2 16 Pegs, Machines for making --—. — —.- Wood-Working; 3... 144 175 Pegs, Machines for making shoe-..-... Wood-Workino; 3... 144 16 Pegs, Machines for pointing.-.......... Wood-Worki'ng;~ 3 -- - 144 175 Pegs, Machines for splitting........ Wood-Workin; 3..144 175 Pegs, Machines for turning..gW..... ood-Working; 1 142.. 175 Pegs, Shoe.B............ oots and Shoes. —... 12 16 Pen-cases. --—.. —-.......... ——.Stationery - -- --- 120 146 Pencil-cases ----------- - Stationery.- -...-.......120 146 Pencil-cleaners ---------- - Stationery.-...............-120 146 Pencil-mark erasers................ Stationery...-... 120 146 Pencils-......... Stationery................-120 146 Pencils, Compositions for indelible-... Stationery.-........ 120 146 Pencil-sharpeners -.................... Stationery....- -—.......120 146 Pencils, Machines for making --—.W. —. I Vood-Working; 3.-...-... 144 146 Pendulum-powers..................... Mechanical Powers -... 74 36 Pendulnms.......-................... Horology 58 36 Pendulums, Electrical...-... Electricity -.... — --- 36 36 Pen-holders --------------------- - Stationery ------- —.... - 120 146 Pen-holders, Manufacture of.......-.... Hardware Manufactures. 53 1 146 Pen-inakers, Quill..................... Stationery -...... 120 146 Penmanship, Appliances for teaching.. Educational........ 35 146 Pen-racks.-.......... Stationery................ 1-20 146 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 273 ~SUBJECT.~ Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. u o cation. 0 z z Od Pens................................. Stationery....... 120 146 Pens, Cattle and hog................... Stabling. 119 144 Pens, Fountain. -................... -- Stationery —............. 120 146 Pens, Galvanic......................... Electricity. -..... 36 146 Pens, Manufaicture of......-.. Hardware Manufactures.. 53 1 136 Pens, Rubber -........Stationery...-120 146 Pens, Ruling.......................... Drafting-. 33 15 Penstocks....... -Water-Wheels...... 138 167 Pen-trays. --- S....... tationery -....... 120 146 Pepper-boxes......................... Kitchen Utensils.... 65 88 Perambulators...-..... Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Perches, Wagon 2..-.............. Carriages. 21 31 Perch-plates, Manufacture of. —----- Hardware Manufactures... 53C 31 Percolators for medicinal solutions.-. Surgery..- 128 98 Percussion-cap-filling machines. —-.... Projectiles..-....-..... 10'2 55 Percussion-cap holders...... Projectiles 102 55 Percussion-cap-lining machines.... ——. Projectiles................ 102 55 Percussion-caps-. Projectiles.-........... 102 55 Percussion-caps, Manufacture of-... Hardware Manufactures - 53A 55 Percussion-cartridges. —- --—.........- Projectiles -----—.-. —-- 102 32 Percussion-shells -..- -.. Projectiles................ 102 105 Perfuming-apparatus --- ------ Chemical Miscellaneous. — 23 86 Permutation-locks —............ — —.. Locks and Latches..., 70 93 Perspective apparatus-...........- Drafting.-...3.... 3 97 Pessaries Surgery 1-28 156 Petroleum, Apparatus for treating Stills —-............... 124 47 Petroleum-burners for stoves --.. Stoves and Furnaces.. 126 154 Petroleum-cars -- Railways; 2 ----- - 105 121 Petroleum-stills --------- —. ---------- Stills 124 47 Pew-fittings.Furniture..-.............. 45 62 Pewter-ware, Casting processes for ---- Casting.- -.2.... 2 33 Pharmaceutical apparatus.- -....Surgery... 128 156 Philosophical toys. —---- ---- - Games and Toys.-....... 46 143 Phosphates for fertilizers, Treatment of. Manures.- -..... 71 96 Photogalvanography ---—.. —..-. Photography-..-... 95 111 Photographic albums...... ——.-...... -Stationery................ 120 146 Photographic apparatus....... —.. Photography... —........ 95 111 Photographic cameras.-_..- -..-. Photography-...-........ 95 111 Photographic card-mounts -- --—. Fine Arts.-........ 41 54 Photographic paper-..-.... Photography............. 95 111 Photographic-plate holders.. —-... —- Photography.............. 95 111 Photographic printing Photography. -. 95 111 Photographic prints, Coloring........ Photography.-............ 95 111 Photographic processes ----------- Photography.............. 95 111 Photographic toning Photography.-. 95 111 Photography. Photography........ 95 111 Photolithography. -............... Photography -...... 95 54 Photometers -....-....... —----- Measuring-Instruments.. 73 157 Photo-sculpture --....,... Photography...95 54 Piano-forte actions. Music.................... 4 112 Piano-forte attachments-............... Music ---------—. --—.. 84 112 Piano-forte cases. —.. — -—. —. —.... i Music ----—..... — ---- 84 112 Piano-forte frames. —----- -M —-----—. Music --— 8 —----------—. 84 112 Piano-forte keys Music -8-.............. 84 112 Piano-fortes ---------- ---------------- Music ---. —- —.-....... 84 112 Piano-fortes combined with reed instru- Music.-................... 84 112 ments............... Piano-forte sounding-boards-...... Music.-................. -84 112 Piano-fortes, Scales for............... Music —................ 84 112 Piano-fortes, Stringing................ Music........... 84 112 274 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. I6-. ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class —official classifi- SUBJECT. m, "o cation.' 014. Piano-fortes, Swell-attachment to...... Music.................... 84 112 Piano-fortes, Tuning......... Music............... 84 112 Piano-locks-........................... Locks and Latches -------- 70 93 Piano-movers-......................... Furniture. —............. 45 62 Piano-stools.......................... Furniture.-.-......... 45 62 Picker-checks........................ Weavingff.................. 139 95 Picker-motions Weaving. 139 95 Pickers............................... Weaving -... 139 95 Picker-staves -..-..................... Weaving. 139 95 Pickers, Wool or Cotton, (Factory) —.. Carding.... -..... 19 28 Picket-fences........................-. Fences.................... 39 52 Picket-pointers -...........Wood-Working; 3 -.... 144 174 Pickets, Machines for making —.......... Wood-Working; 3...... 144 174 Picking fur........................... Felting and Hats.......... 38 76 Picking rope -. C-.orag......... — Cordage.-.. 28 127 Picks................................ Garden and Orchard'. - - 47 49 Picks, Millstone - -------------------— Stone, Lime, and Cement - 125 57 Picture-cases -......................... Fine Arts ----------------- 41 54 Picture-frames. -....................... Fine Arts-................. 41 54 Picture-hangers- Furniture................ 45 62 Picture-holders, Photographic-... Photography.............. 5 111 Picture-knobs........................ Nails..................... 85 103 Picture-mounting- -........ Fine Arts- 41...... 4 54 Picture-nails.-.......................-Nails.85 103 Pie-crimpers............ Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Pier-glasses-....... Furniture-4...... 45 62 Piers, Bridge and abutment...........- Bridges —................ 14 21 Piers, Landing........................ Hydraulic Engineering -.. - 61 82 Pie-trimmers....................... Kitchen Utensils ---------- 65 88 Pigeon-holes, Desk.................... - Stationery.. —..- -........ 120 146 Pigments-....-...-..... Paint......... 91 107 Pigments, Manufacture of............. Paint 91 107 Pikes................................ Cutlery.-3-............. 30 44 Pile-cutters........................... Hydraulic Engineering..-. — 61 82 Pile-drivers........................... Hydraulic Engineering... 61 82 Piles................................. Hydraulic En gineering.. 61 82 Piles and fagots for rolling. -... Metal-Working; 5 -.... 80 125 Piles, Instruments for treating......... Surgery.-_ -.....128 156 Piles, Protection of —.,.,... Hydraulic Engineering -. 61 82 Piles, Screw. —-. —.. —.. —-.. —---—. Hydraulic Engineering.. 61 82 Pile-wire actuating-mechanisms...... Weaving............. 139 96 Pile-wires —--------- --------------— Weaving........ 139 96 Pills, Machines for making. — -....... Surgery...-... 128 98 Pillows --—.. —---—.-.. —------—. Beds-.5 —..-,. 5 62 Pilot-stands.......................... Ships; 1.. —.... —- --—. — 114 138 Pin-boxes -.- -....- -.. -............ Apparel................... 2 38 Pinchers............................. Metal-Working; 6 8........ 1 100 Pinchers, Lasting..................... Boots and Shoes......-..... 12 16 Pinchers, Shoemakers' Boots and Shoes...........-12 16 Pin-cushions-..... Apparel-... 2 38 Pinking-machines-. —-..-....... Apparel ---------- 2 38 Pinking-punches.-....... ——......... Clasps and Buckles...... -24 38 Pins, Breast..........'... Jewelry —. —............ 686 Pins, Diaper........-.. Jewelry....-.. 63 104 Pins, Dress.-.. - Jewelry.-6-..-...-.....3 104 Pins, Machines for cutting clothes -. Wood-Workin; 3144 175 Pins, Machines for making............ Needles and Pins......... 16 104 Pins, Machines for papering....... Needles and Pins-.......... 86 104 Pins, Machines for slotting clothes.. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 175 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 27 5 SUBJECT.~Name of class-official classifi-.cation. <> SUBJECT.cain Pins, Machines for turning bedstead and clothes-......................... Wood-Working; I........ 142 175 Pins, Scarf-.. —.....-. —.-... -Jewelry............... 63 86 Pins, Shawl........................ Jewelry -.................. 63 85 Pipe, Cement- Clay...................... 25 20, Pipe-couplings......................... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Pipe-cutters..,....................... Metal-Working; 6.-.... 81A 100' Pipe-protectors....................... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Pipes, Chain-locker..-.. Ships; 1.................. 114 138: Pipes, Clay........................... Clay..................... 25 20, Pipes, Compositions for making... lay..... 25 20' Pipes, Draining....................... Clay 25 21} Pipes, Non-conducting covering for steam.............................. Steam; 2................. 122 148: Pipes, Tobacco Tobacco.-............... 131 160, Pipes, Water and gas...W.... Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Pipes, Wooden....................... Wood-Working; 1...-. 142 173: Pipe-tongs -—...... Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100' Pipettes -............. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 156. Pipe-wrenches........................ Metal-Working; 6.-.. 81A 100, Pisciculture.......................... Fishing-.,.......... 43 143; Pis6-building, Implements and modes for................................. Masonry 72 4 Pistols............................... Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Pistol-swords-..... Fire-Arms................ 42 55. Piston-blowers........................ Pneumatics............... 98 12. Piston-packing -Steam; 1....... 121 151 Piston-rod packing........ Steam; 1...... 121 151Piston-rods........................... Steam;................. 121 151 Pistons............................... Steam; -................. 121 151 Piston-valves......................... Valves....... 139 155 Pitchforks.-.......... Garden and Orchard...... 47 141 Pitch-heaters...... -..-.-.. Stoves and Furnaces - - - -. 126 126. Pitchers, Beer -..................... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Pitchers Ice.......................... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Pitchers, Molasses..................... Kitchen Utensils.......-... 65 86Pitman connections................... Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Pitmen.............................. Mechanical Powers........ 74 67 Pitmen for harvesters.-....... Mechanical Powers........ 74 74 Pitmen for sewing-machines —- ----—. -Mechanical Powers -----—. 74 134 Plaiters for sewing-machines.......... Sewing-Machines..-...... 112 134 Plaiting-machines- --- ----— Apparel.................. 2 38 Planchets from bars and plates, Cutting. Metal-Working; 4..- -.. 79 119. Plane-bits............................ Wood-Working; 4-....... 145 29' Plane-making.-.....X............... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 2t9 Planers.............................. Metal-Working; 7........ 82 1009 Planes, Carpenters'-......... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29' Planes, Coopers'....-............ W.... Wood-Working; 4 -........ 145 40, Planes, Joiners'....................... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 291 Planes, Splint........................ Wood-Working; 2 143 29 Plane-stocks- - - Wood-Working; 2 - -..... 145 29 Plane-stocks, Machines for making -. Wood-Working; 3 - 144 29, Plane-tables.......................... Optics-..................... 88 157 Planetariums......................... Educational...... 35 157' Planimeters.......................... Measuring-Instrumen ts -—. 73 97 Planing machines, Metal.............. Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100( Planing-machines, (wood).-..... Wood-Working; 2.... 143 173 Planing stone........................ Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Planisheres.............. Educational...... 35 157 Planking-claips -..................... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 276 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS, ct Name of class-official classifi- cation. SUBJECT. ain ot ~ Planking hats -..- --...... —------—. Felting and Hats. —--..-. 38 76 Planning-instruments.-. —. —------—. Drafting.............. 33 97 Plant-boxes.....................-.... Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Planters, Corn.... —..-. Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Planters, Cotton-seed-.. — - Seeders and Planters...... l 133 Planters, Hand. —. — ---—... -- Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Planters, Seed.....-...... Seeders and Planters...... 11 133 Planters, Tobacco-seed- -............. Seeders and Planters.... 1_ 1 133 Plant-frames - —....... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Planting-tools........................ Garden and Orchard...47 63 Plant-labels.......................... Stationery................ 120 63'Plastering-machines. —----------—.. -Masonry.-..............72 4 Plastering-tools.-......... Masonry.......72 4'Plaster-mills.-...................... Ore. — -- -—. -. 90 3 Pla~ters, Adhesive -....... - -,._,Chemical Miscellaneous -. 23 98 Plasters, Machines for spreading. —-. Surgery -.....128 98 Plate-engraving - - - Fine Arts................. 41 54 Plate-glass - - - Glass ------------- - 49 68 Platening glass. —.. —------------—. Glass-.4............. 49 68'Plates - K,,.,,,,,................... Kitchen Utensils.-..-.. o... 65 88 Plates, Bending metallic... —-. Metal-Working; 1 -... — 76 125 Plates, Corrugating metallic —-........... Metal-Working; 1 -—. — 76 125 Plates for artificial teeth ----------—. Dental --—. —---—. ——.- 32 46 Plates, Straightening metallic -........ Metal-Working; 1 -7.... 76 125 Platform-bridges for railway-cars ------ Railways; 3.............. 106 121'Platform-cars- --.-..... — --------—. Railways; 2.-...-...... 105 121 Platforms for railway-cars —. Railways; 3 -—.. ——. — 106 121 Platforms, Railway ---------- - -—. —- Railways; 1 -—. —----—.104 120:Platinizing..-......Plating_.. 96 113 Playing-cards -......Games and Toys. —----—. - 46 143,Pliers --- Wire-Working - 140 170 Pliers, Wire-cuttingWire-Workino............ 140 170 Plotting-instruments ---------- —. —. Drafting..3....... 33 97 Plow-beams -Plows.-9............... 7 114 Plow-cleaners - -Plows.................... 97 114 Plow-clevises -Plows. —---—.-...... —- 97 114 Plow-colters - - -.......... Plows.-...............97 114 Plow-handles, Machines for bending.. Wood-Working; 3...... 144 176 Plow-handles, Machines for dressing_.. Wood-Working; 2........ 143 173 Plow-handles, Machines for turning -—. Wood-Working; 1 ------- 142 172 Plow-holders-......................... Plows -.-......97 114 Plow-irons -------------- - ---------—. Plows.................... 97 114 Plow-landsides -............ ——.... Plows ------- - 97 114 Plow mold-boards-..................... Plows.-................... 97 114 Plow-points.......................... Plows 97 114 Plow-regulators..................... Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Book-binders'. —........ Book-Binding........ i 15 Plows, Ditching....................... Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Double mold-board Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Double-shovel.................. Plows -................ 97 114 Plows, Draining...................... Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Drain-tile - - -.....Plows -.9............. 7 114 Plows, Expanding - - Plows-97 114 Plows, Gang —------------ - -- -Plows —97 114 Plows, Garden.................... Plows.. -......97 114 Plows, Hand... — -_.. Plows.................... 114 Plowshares Plows.....................97 114 Plows, Hill-side. Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Marking....................... Plows 97 114 Plows, Mole....................... Plows.-................... 9 7 114 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 277 Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. cation. o~ Plow-soles. —-. —-.. —---- ---—. —-- Plows -.-....-... 97 114 Plows, Paring-......Plows..-........ 97 114 Plows, Prairie-. Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Rotary........ -...... Plows - -.... 97 114 Plows, Seeding-..-....... Plows...-..... 97 114 Plows, Single-shovel.................. Plows ---------—.. —-.... 97 114 Plows, Snow -------------------. Railways; 3 -.106 122 Plow-standards....................... Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Steam —--—.... —-—..-..... - Plows..................- - 97 114 Plows, Subsoil......-.. Plows.................... 97 114 Plows, Sulky..................... Plows... -- — 97 114 Plows, Tile-laying ----------- - Plows9... 7 114 Plows, Wheel-.. Plows ----------—.- - 97 114 Plow-wheel colters-......... Plows.9................... 7 114 Pluggers ------------------ Dental --- - ---- - 32 46 Plugs, Machines for cutting wooden. Wood-Working; 1 - - 142 174 Plugs, Machines for turning. —........ Wood-Working; 1........ 142 172 Plumbers' hooks, manufacture of. -. Hardware Manufactures... 53J 136 Plumbers' tools..-........ Metal-Workingo; 6 ---- - 81A 136 Plumbs ------------------------ - Measuring-Instruments.. 73 157 Pneumatic car-brakes...-... Steam; 1.. —-------—... 121 122 Pneumatic dispatch-tubes............. Railways; 1.. —-----—.. 104 120 Pneumatic hammers-M..............-.. Metal-Working; 3........ 78 60 Pneumatic railways................... Railways; 1 ------ ------- 104 120 locket-book fastenings —--- -Stationery1.-2......... - 10 146 Pocket-books -.., —.,.- Stationery.-........ 120 146 Pockets ---—.A —------—... —--- Apparel. —-—. --—. —-—. 2 38 Pockets, Safety -. —----—... — - -- Apparel. —----—. ——..- 2 38 Pointing rails, pickets, matches, &c Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Pointing'wire ------------------------ Wire-Working -----—..... 140 170 Pokers, Fire.........Stoves and Furnaces.12... 126 154 Pokes for animals. -........ Harness ------------------ 54 144 Polariscopes....-. Optics....................-88 157 Polarizing-apparatus. —............... Optics.....- -8... 8 157 Poles, Wagon -.......Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Police batons --—. —-. —-.-.. —-—. Games and Toys. —-. ——. 46 143 Polishing-compounds..-...... Grinding and Polishing.-. 51 70 Polishing glass.................. Grinding and Polishing..- 51 68 Polishing-machines ------------------- Grinding and Polishing.- - 51 70 Polishing-machines, (wood).-.... Wood-Working; 2.- - 3 143 173 Polishing marble -..... Grinding and Polishing -.- 51 153 Polishing-materials.-..... Grinding and Polishing —.- 51 70 Polishing metals. —----—.-. —. —--- Grinding and Polishing —.- 51 70 Polishing slate. _. -- - - —.-....:.. -- Grinding and Polishing - 51 153 Polishing stone —-------------------- Grinding and Polishing... 51 153 Polishing yarns, threads, &c-.. Cordage —.-. —--- ------ 28 17 Pomrnatum-cases....................... Toilet.... —..132 161 Pontils........................... Glass. -----—.. —------ 49 68 Ponton-bridges Boats..................... 9 13 Pontons............................. Boats.. —-. —------------ 9 13 Porcelain materials and manufacture. - Clay..._-... —.. 25 115 Porcelain, Printing.................... Printing-.................. 101 54 Portable engines...................... Steam; 3 -... —------—... 123 94 Portable forges. —.................... Metal-Working; 3........ 78 60 Portable houses........-............. Carpentry...-... 20 30 portable houses, (metallic)............ Masonry - -.................. 72 4 Portable presses...................... Presses -. -..-..... —-—. 100 Portable railways -........-..... Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Portable safes......Safes - -..................... - 109 128 Porte-caustic-.............Surgery.................. 128 156 278 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. o Name of class-official classifi- o SUBJECT. c cation. Cso Porte-crayons........................ Stationery -............. 120 146 Portemonnaies........................ Stationery.. -..... 120 146 Portfolios.. —.-. —---—. —-..-. ——.- Stationery-... 120 146 Portfolios, Making.................... Book-Binding -.. — -.-.... 11 146 Portfolio-stands-.. Furniture-.............. 45 62 Port-hole closers. —.. —.. —-------—. Ships; 1-.................. 114 137 Port-holes, Submarine................. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Portmanteaus........................ Trunks - 133 162 Postage-stamp holders................ Stationery --------- 120 146 Postage-stamps -........... Fine Arts................. 41 54 Postal cards.......................... Stationery....... 120 146 Post-borers........................... Wood-Working; 3.... —.... 144 52 Post-drivers.......................... Fenes................... 39 52 Post-hole borers....................... Excavators..-.... 37 52 Posting bills and placards............. Fine Arts.-....... 41 54 Post-office boxes...... -.. — -.... Stationery.............-. 120 146 Post-office letter-stamping apparatus- -. - Printing..............-..-.. 101 146 Post-drivers. —---—.. —-—. —-. —--—. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 52 Post-pullers.......................... Fences...-.. 39 52 Potato-digging machines.............. Plows.................... 97 114 Potato-forks.......................... Garden and Orchard. 47 141 Potato-hooks......................... Garden and Orchard.. — -.. 47 141 Potato-mashers. ——. —-. —--------—. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Potato-peelers.-....................... Kitchen Utensils........-. 65 88 Potato-planters....................... Garden and Orchard....... 47 133 Potato-scoops......................... Garden and Orchard-.-.. 47 133 Pot-covers- Stoves and Furnaces-.. 126 154 Pots, Glass -.................... Glass..................... 49 68 Pottery materials and manufacture....- Clay-. -........... 25 115 Pouches, Tobacco-.................. Tobacco..........-....... 131 160 Poudrette, Treatment of............... Manures....-.. 71 96 Poultices, Compositions for............ Chemical Miscellaneous'.. 23 98 Poultry-coops......................... Stabling.................. 119 116 Poultry-feeder and houses............. Stabling.................. 119 116 Poultry-houses....................... Stabling.................. 119 11(; Poultry-nests......................... Stabling......-.. 119 116 Pouncing hats........................ Felting and Hats -.... 38 76 Powder-blowers Garden and Orchard.. 47 63 Powder boxes, Cosmetic-....... Toilet..........-..... 132 161 Powder-'cans, Air-tight................ Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Powder-flask chargers................. Projectiles -.............. 102 55 Powder-flasks........................ Projectiles --—.. ——. —... 102 55 Powder-injectors -.............. Surgery...... -............ 128 156 Powder-kegs........................... Gunpowder.-......... 52 58 Powder-mills......................... Mills 83 71 Powder-mixers -.........Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Powders, Appliances for putting up... Surgery-........-.......... 128 98 Power-hammers...................... Metal-Working; 3......... 78 60 Power-looms......................... Weaving................. 139 95 Precious stones, Setting -.............. Jewelry. —----- -------—. 63 86 Preserving-cans.................... Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Preserving-cars..-........ Preserving Food..-........ 99 121 Preserving fermented liquors...-...... Beer and Wine.-7.. -... 7 19 Preserving food-.................... Preserving Food.. 99 58 Preserving-houses.................... Preserving Food........-. 99 58 Preserving-processes for food..........- - Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Preserving timber.................... Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Press and strainer combined........... Presses..-...... 100 7 Presser-feet for sewing-machines...... Sewing-Machi nes. —---- 112 134Presser-flyers......................... Spinning......-.......... 118 1429 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 279;~ d ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- n - cation. z.z Presses, Brick........................ Clay...................... 5 20 Presses, Canceling.-................... Printing101 146 Presses, Copper-plate....... Printing..-..... 101 117 Presses, Copying.-.......... Printing................. 101 146 Presses, Embossing -................ Fine Arts................. 41 54 Presses for obtaining relief-printing surfaces............................. Fine Arts................. 41 54 Presses for oils, stearine, fats, &c...... Presses.-............. 100 26 Presses, Hand-printing................ Printing.................. 101 117 Presses, Hydraulic -................... Pumps._-......._.. 103 118 Presses, Lithographic................. Printing....-.. 101 117 Presses, Printing...................... Printing................. 101 117 Presses, Seal......................... Printing.................. 101 146 Pressing garments.................... Apparel.................. 2 38 Pressing glass.............-.......... Glass..................... 49 68 Pressing machines, Leather............- Leather.-.. —--- -—. —-. 69 92 Pressing metals, scrap, &c-.. —.. Metal-Working; 3... —---- 78 60 Pressing silk........-.. -Silk..-............. 117 140 Pressure-indicators, Registering devices of steam.-..................... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 148 Primers.............................. Projectiles....-.. 102 105 Primers, Friction..................... s102 105 Priming for paint..................... t91 107 Printers' blankets..................... Printing.................. 101 117 Printers' blankets, Washing.. -....... Printing.................. 101 117 Printers' boxes....................... Printing................. 101 117 Printers' cases........................ Printing.................. 101 117 Printers' furniture.................... Printing 101 117 Printers' lapping...................... Printing.................. 101 117 Printers' quoins.. -................. Printing.....- 101 117 Printing.................. 10 117 Printers' rolles....................... Printing.................. 101 117 Printers' rules-.............Prin~ting-101........ 117 Printers' rules, Cutting and mitering... Sheet-Metal-...... 113A 117 Printing cloth h-Metalu................Printin101 11 Printing fabrics-............... Printing.....-............. 101 11 Printing floor-cloth................... Printing.................. 101 56 Printing-frames, Photographic -...... Photography.............. 95 111 Printing oil-cloth Printing.................. 101 56 Printing-presses-............... Printing1........... 01 117 Printing-processes.. -...... Printing.. -.......101 117 Printing surfaces.-......Printing-......... 101 117 Printing surfaces, Presses for obtaining relief........................... Printing.................. 101 54 Printing wall-paper.......n.............101 109 Printing-wheels...................... Printing-. 101 117 Prisms............................... Optics -................... 88 157 Privies —-- Masonry.......-.......... 72 51 Privies, Cleaning..................... Manures................... 71 96 Probangs............................. Surgery.................. 128 156 Probes...............-............... Surgery.-................. 128 156 Profiling apparatus -................... Optics -...... 88 157 Projectiles, Casting..-..... Casting.. 22 105 Projectiles, Compositions for coating and packing.-.. —- -P...... Projectiles............... 102 105 Projectiles for fire-arms...-..... Projectiles -...........102 32 Projectiles for ordnance..-,. Projectiles..- 102 105 Prolapsus, Instruments for treating.... Surgery -.. —. —.. ——.- 128 156 Propagating-boxes...... Garden and Orchard... 47 63 Propagating by cuttings.............. Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Propellers..-.................. Ships; 2.-1..........15 139 280 ALPHIABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. M C ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classification. ~ 0 z z Propellers, Screw -------- -------. Ships; 2 --- --—. 115 139 Propelling in shoal water............. Ships; 2. -..... 115 139 Propulsion of vessels.................. - Ships; 2. -..............- 115 139 Protecting bulwarks.................. - - Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Protecting tiller-ropes - -................ Ships; 1.................. 114 127 Protectors, Plant and shrub............ Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Protectors, Tree - -....................... Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Protractors.-.-...- -D. —----—. I rafting.....-.. 33 97 Provision cans, jars, &c., Air-tight.... Preserving Food........ —-. 99 58 Provision-cars....................... Preserving Food.......... 99 58 Provision-safes....................... Kitchen Utensils -------—. 65 58 Pruning-knives Cutlery................... 30 63 Pruning-saws.........-.. Saws.... 1 0LO 63 Pruning-shears-....................... Cutlery................... 30 63 Puddlers' balls, Rolling and squeezing. Metal-Working; 5 -........ 80 85 Puddling............................. Metallurgy. -.....75 85 Puddling-furnaces.................... Metallurgy.-............. 75 85 Puddling-processes. —-. —. -. —--—. -Metallurgy............... 75 85 Puffing-irons......................... Toilet.................... 132 161 Puffs................................. Toilet.................... 132 161 Pug-mills ----------—... —------- Clay ----------- - 25 20 Pulley-blocks —- - - -----------— Hoisting............... 57 79 Pulleys, Belt. ——.. —.-..-..... - Journals and Bearings..... 64 67 Pulleys, Calisthenic.. —------ -........ Games and Toys.-........ 46 143 Pulleys, Fast and loose.. —---—.... -. -Journals and Bearings-.... 64 67 Pulleys, Sash............-..-...... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Pulls, (bell,) Manufacture of........... Hardware Manufactures.. 53B 24 Pulmometers.......... Mechanical Powers.-..... 73 67 Pulping-machines -..-.....Paper-Making..-.......... 92 108 Pulp, Reducing materials to........... Paper-Making............ 92 108 Pump-brakes......................... Pumps.................... 103 118 Pump-motions -Pumps —---------—.103 118 Pumps. —-—.-. ——....... 103 118 Pump-piston rods-..................... Pumps.........-........ 103 118 Pump-pistons —,,.,,,,. __,,.IPumps-,,.,,,,,,, 103 118 Pumpis-. Pumps-...............-... -103 118 Pumps, Air ---------------- -------- - - Pumps -98................. 98 12 Pumps; Cattle --------- --------------- Pumps....-.......... 103 118 Pumps, Centrifugal-.......... Pumps.........-.......... 103 118 Pumps, Chain......................... Pumps................... 103 118 Pumps, Circular brake. —. — ----------- Pumps.........-.......... 103 118 Pumps, Double-acting -.............. Pumps................... 103 118 Pumps, Feed......................... Pumps....-........... 103 118 P-umps, Forcube ---------- -----—... Pumps................... 103 118 Pumps, Hydraulic-press- -...... Pumps -............... 103 118 Pumps, Lift -.............. Pumps................... 103 118 Pumps, Oil -.............Pumps......-........ 103 118 Pumps, ydOscillatingc —-.- - -- Pumps....... -. 103 118 Pumps, Packing for. —-.. - ---- -...-.. Pumps............... 103 151 Punmps, Rotary..ums............... Pumps -—.-............. 103 118 Pumps, Ships'-........-.. Pumps................... 103 118 Pumps, (steam,) Engines of -...... Steam; 10 —---- - 121 118 Pumps, Stomach...................... Surgery............... 128 156 Pumps, Submerged -.-.. -.- -....... Pumps................. 103 118 Pumps, Water-........................ Pumps 103 118 Pumps,.Wind-propelled - -........ Pumps................... 103 118 Pump-valves......................... Valves.................... 136 118 Punches, Leather, paper, and ticket-.. Clasps and Buckles........ 24 72 Punching-machines for bar or plate -... Metal-Working; 4......... 79 119 Punching machines, Leather.......... Leather 69 72 Punching sheet-metal...... Sheet-Metal...... 113A 136 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 281 Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. ai 0 cation. i' ~' Q"I2 eneC z _= P4 0 Puppet-valves.. —...-.............. Valves -................... 136 152 Purifiers, Gas —. —----—. —----....- iGas -........ 48 66 Puttying-machines for sash -...... Glass -......... 49 68 Puttying-machines for vessel-seams.... Ships; 1114 137 Puzzles...... Games and Toys.......... 46 143 Pyrometers Measuring-Instruments - -.. 73 101 Pyrotechnic compounds............. Gunpowder 5......2 71 Pyrotechnics......................... Gunpowder.. 52 71 Pyroxyline.-Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 71 Q. Quadrants............................ Optics.................... -88 157 Quarrying-.....-.-...... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 153 124 Quarrying-machines -. —... —. —----- Stone, Lime, and Cemient - 153 1!24 Quartz-mills.......................... Ore --—. —---—.. ---—. 90 - Quays................................ Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 8$2 Quilling yarn -.......... —-- Cordage.................. 28 17 Quill-pen makers.................... Stationery..-....-..... 120 146 Quills, Yarn and silk.................. Cordage.. —j —-. —----- 28 17 Quill thread fastener.................. Cordage...............-... 28 17 Quilting-frames -Apparel ---- ----- 2 38 Quoins for ordnance.................. Ordnance ---- - ---------- I 89 105 Quoins, Printers'....................... - - Printing. —........ 1- -- 1 t 117 R. Rabbeting-machines- -- --. —.......I Wood-Working; -2.... 143 178 Rackin wiunes, &c............... Beer and Wine -7......... 7 19 Racks, Boot, hat, and brush..... Furniture -..45........... 45 62 Racks Hay-feeding..S......... tabling —............... 119 144 Racks, Hay-wagon —........... ——.- Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Racks, Sheep ------------------------- Stabling -------- ------—. 119 135 Radiators --—....................... Stoves and Furnacs.... 1-26 154 Rafter-hooks......................... Hoisting -......... 57- 7191 Raftinr logs..-..- -...... ——..-. —-- Boats.. -—. —------------- 9 13 Rafts Boats_.. 9 13 Rag carpet, Cutting cloth for.......... Cloth ------- ---- - 26 95 Rag-engines ------------ - 1aper-Malking 92 108 Rail-jacks -------— _ —-. Hoisting 57 79 Railroad earth-works ----------------- Excavators -- 7 51 Railroad excavating................. Excavators.. 37 51 Railroad-rail pieces, Piling...... Metal-Working; -.... 80 1N5 Railroad-rails, Cappinc g M........ Metal-Working; 5 -- - 80 125 Railroad-rails, Repairing.. Metal-Workinig,; 5 80 125 Railroad-rails Re-rolling.... Metal- orkigiio; 5........ 80 1-25 Railroad-rails, Rolling Metal-Working' 5 -. —--- - 80 125 RailroId-signals.i Signals ------------------- 116 120 Railroad-spikes- ------------- Nails --------------------- 85 120} Rails, Bending- or striaightenin g. Metal-Working; 1. 6 1`25 Rails, Railway....................... Railws;s, 1...........- - 104 1'20 Railway bunping-posts. Railways' 1 ------ -------- 104 120 Railway-car heaters Stoves and1 Furnaces 126 134 ---------— ~ —--- h Railway-car irons, Making............ Railways; 4..............1- 10 121 Railway-car spittoons........... Furnitnie -.. —------------- 4 1'21 Railway cars, Refrigerating..... Ie ------ 1`21 Railway cattle-gunards ----------------- Railwayi s 1104 120 Riail ailw R i s,; 1 -............. 104 120 Railway-clirs Making.... —-.- -- Railw-ay-s; 4- Ral..- - 104 120 R Z.01way-cha~iro~s,'_\lkin2, -......... 4.........___,,......1 107" I 2~ 282 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Co LaF ~~~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cain cation..5 ~ 0+-a C6 z' z 4. C; Railway- crossings-.....Railh.y s;y 1-.............. 104 120 Railway-crossing, MakingR'.... ailways; 4 -. ——.. —-.. 107 120 Railway fish-bars..................... Railways; 1..-...... 104 120 Railway frogs........................ Railways; 1.... -........ 104 120 Railway-frogs, Making-........ Railways; 4 ---------. 107 120 ailway-gates ------—.- ------—. Railways; s.- - -.- -.. 104 120 Railway-joints ---------- ---------. Railways; 1 --- 104 120 Railway metallic melountings, Making.. Railways 4 --- - 107 121 Railway-rails, Making --—. —--------- Railways; 4.............. 107 120 Railway-rails......................... Railways; 1 -- 104 120 Railways. -...-............ Railways; 1 -—. —-. —---- 104 120 Railway safety-guardsR. —............ Railways; 1. —-. —-. —--- 104 120 Railways, Elevated -.............. Railways; 1 ------------- 104 120 Railway-sionals, Electrical -. Electricity —. ---- --. 36 120 Railx;ay-sleepers..-.. -....R..... Railways; 1. -—.-.. ——.- 104 120 Railways, Marine-............ Hydraulic Engineering.61 82 Railways, Pneumatic.-................ Railways; 1 ---------—..- 104 120 Railway-splice pieces ---—.- ---- -..Railways; 1 --- 104 120 Railway-splice pieces, Making-... Railways; 4. -..... 107 120 Railways, PortableRailways; 1 ----- - 104 120 Railways, Street...................... Railways; 1. —-..... -. - 104 120 Railways, Track-laying-..R..... Railways; 1 --------— 104 120 Railway-switches..R........ ailways; 1 ----- - 101 120 IRailway-switches, Electrical -. —------ Electricity.-.. -:.. 36 120 Railway-telegraphs, Electrical. —----' Electricity..-....-:...... 36 120 Railwav-ticket holders ------ -- -....... Stationery. - - 190 121 Railwa'-ties - -..-.-........-........ Railways; 1 ---—. —----- 104 120 Railway-ties, Machines for dressing. AWood-Working; 2 ---- 143 173 Railway-track layers. ----- Railways; 1.. —--------- 104 120 Railway-track platforms........ Raiays; 1.............. 104 120 Railway turn-outs.. —-- -R...-.-.... Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Railway turn-tables... —..........-... Railways; 1.............. 104 120 Raihwa y-wheels, Making.............. Railways; 4 -........ 1 122 Rain-water cut-offs -...................n 17 1260 Raising sunken vessels................ Ships; 1.................. 114 8 Raisin-seeders Kitchen Utensils -- -- 65 88 Rakes for harvesters.................. Harvesters............ 56 74 Rakes, Garden......... -Garden and Orchard.... 47 141 Rakes, Wand hay. —.... —. —---- Garden and Orchard.... 47 141 Rakes, horse hay —..- -..h.......... Iarvesters.. --—. —. —---- 5,C 74 Rakes, Oyster ------—.- -----------—. Fishing-....... 43 1 143 Rake-teeth, Mlachines for making-orking..-; 1 14-2 175 Rammers for ordnance.- -............. Ordnance- - -............-. - 89 103 Rammers for simall-arms -—. —-------- Fire-Arms -...... —------ 42 55 Ranimers, Paiors'.................... Paving....9 —.... 4 110 Ramrods. —................... —-—.. Fire-Armss. —-. —---—... 42 55 Rams, NavalS.___........ Ships;;1 —-..... —-—. —. 114 137 Ranis, Water -....... —- Pumps.................... 103 11l1 Rand-machines. Boots and S'hoes1...2. ----- 12 16 Rands. —..- -..B ——..-........... Boots and Shoes 12 16 Ranges —-------------- - Stoves and Furnaces-... - 126 154 Rasps. —......... —F-.-.............. Files.. — 4.............. 40 5: Rasps, Machines for making. Files ---------------------- 40 53 Rasps, Wood.......................... Wood-Working; 4 145 53 Ratchet-drills ---------------------- - M etal-Working; 2 -------- 77 100 Ratchet-wrenches..................... etal-Wl orking -; 6 ------ 81A 100 Ration-packages for animals ----—..- -. Stabling ----- ---- 119 59 Rats -. —........ ——.-.-. —........... Toilet.................... -132 161 I Rattan, Machines for cutting.......... Wood-Working; 3 144 169 Rattaiin, Machines for dressing......... - Wood-Working; 3 144 169 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OI INVENTIONS. 283 EName of claes —official classifi- C SUBJECT. cation. 4C C7 r Cd. od a Rattan, Machines for polishing W. —---- Wood-WVorking; 3 144 169 Rattan, Machines for reducing........ Wood-Working; 3...... 144 169 Rattan, Machines for slitting. WVood-WVorking; 3........ 144 169 Rattan, Machines for splitting........ Wood-WVorking; 3... 144 169 Rattan, Machines for strippinog W.ood-orking; 3. 144 169 Razors. —.-.-................ Cntlery...0...0.... 44 Razor-strops........ -............... Grindin- anti Polishino 51 70 Razor-strops, Compositions for.... Grindin and Polishin. 51 70 Reading-cards.....-... Games and Toys........ 46 143 Reading-desks........................ Furniture 4 —--—...-... 45 62 Reamers for metal-........ Metal-dWorkin; 2 77.... 100 Reaming-bits, (Wood)................ Wood-Working; 4. —.... 145 29 Reaper-knife sharpeners............... Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Reaping-hooks- --------------------- HIarrvesters................ 5'.i 74 Reaping-machines.. —................ Harvesters........ -7 56 74 Rebaling-presses ----------- Presses. —------- 100 7 Reciprocating steam-engines. —.-..... Steam; 1................. 121 150 Reckoning-instruments.-M...... easuring-Instruments ---- 73 42 Record-books —-. ——.............. Stationery. — 120.. —..-. I2- 146 Recording-instruments.-. —-—...-. - Measuring-Instruments -. 7 3 42 Rectification of spirits..... Stills ----------- 124 47 Rectifying liquors...........-... Stills --................. 124 47 Reducing furnaces, Metal -... Metallurgy-.... 99 Reducing processes, Metal............. Metallurgy -------- 99 Reed instruments..................... Music --— 1..........6.... 84 1 06 Reed-setter-.. Weavingo.-......139 95 Reeds for looms-.... Weavingl-q139 95 Reeds for looms, Machines for making. - Weaving -....... 139 95 Reefing-apparatus. — Ships; 1................ 114 138 Reefing sails.-........................ Ships; 1. —-............... 114 38 Reeling silk Silk- 1 140 Reels, Fishing-line.......... Fishing-....4.. —------—. 4, 143 Reels for clothes-lines- Laundry —..... —........ 6- 91 Reels for harvesters............. hfarvesters......... 6 74 Reels for spinning-machines I...... Spinning..........1 142 Reels for winding yarns and thread - Cordage ------- - 2S 17 Reels, Telegraph.............. I Electricity — 5..-. —-----; 6 0 Refining-furnaces..................... Metallurgy ---- 99 Refining liquors --------- - Stills ---------- 124 47 Refining oils. —. —.-............... Stills.................... l-4 47 Reflecting-circles ---------- Optics —..e —.-........... L 157 Reflectors for lamps.... Lamps and Gas-Fittins 67 90 Reflectors for windows ----........... Lanips and Gas-Fittings... 6 90 Refrigerating-cars........Ice62 5................. — 62 58 Refrigerating-cellars - ---.................. Ice. 62 5 S Refrigerating processcs............I Ice. —----— 6-2 5. Refrigerators. Ice -6 —------------------- C;2 58 Register-books ------------------------ Stationery................-.120 146 Register books, hIotel...... —........ Stationery..-............ 120 146 Registering-devices for meters-. —. - Measurin' Instruments.... 66 Registering-devices of air, steam, -and water gages MeasurinI-I nstuments... 73 167 Registering devices of iluid-meters - \Measuning-Instrimenits... 3 1;7 Register-locks ------- -Locks and Latchles........ 9 Register-points for printing-presses -... I'rinting............101 117... Registers- MA.......... easuring- Instruinents 3 42 Registers, Billiard Measuring-In istrnue nts.... 3 143 Registers, Counting -Measuring- Instrument s.... 42 Registers, Grain.M................... Measuring- Instruments.. 3 132 Registers, Hot-air..................... Stoves and Furnaces 12.... 126 154 284 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. T'. Name of class-official classifica- C SUBJECT. tion. I lion. ~ F'U'ur ~ Registers, Measuring ------ ------------ Measuring-Instruments... - 3 132 Registers, Passenger ------ ------------ Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 4'2 Registers, Printing- press -Measuring-Instruments 73 117 Registers, Steam-engine............... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 150 Registers, Street-car..-............... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 4!2 Registers, Telegraph.................. Electricity................ 36 50 Registers, Time --------- -------------- Horology --------—.. 58 36 Registers, Weighing- Measuring-Instruments. 73 132 Regulators, Draft.................... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Regulators, Exhaust.................. Steam; 3................. 123 150 Regulators for millstones ----- --------- Mills..................... 83 57 Regulators, Heat..................... Stoves and Furnaces ------- 126 154 Regulators, Steam ------- ------------- Steam; 2 ---------- 122 148 Rein-holders -------------------—. Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Rein-pulls ------------ -------------- Harness --—...............54 72 Reins, Safety ---------- --------------- Harness ----—.............54 72 Reins, Slides for...................... Harness ------------------ 54 72 Relays ------------- ---------------- Electricity................ 36 50 Relief valves - - Valves 136 152 Rendering' lard and tallow- Oil, Fat, and Glue --------- 87 26 Rendering-tanks --------- ------------- Stoves and Furnaces ----- 12(6 154 Repeaters ----------- ----------------- Electricity- --------------- 36 50 Repeatiigr fire-arms ------- ----------— 1 Fire-Arms ----— 42 55 Reservoirs, Canal --—.- ilys.iyraulic Engineering..- 61 82 hesistance-boxes -------- ------...... Electricity --------------- 36 50 Resistacnce-coils --------- -------------- Electricity, 36 50 hesist printing -B. Bleaching and Dyeing 8 11 Respirators ----------- ---------------- Surgery ----—............. 128 156 Respiring-apparatus ------ ---------- Surgery ------------------ 128 156 Rests for nietal-lathes- - Metal-Wor-ing; 7 ---- 82 100 Rests for wood-lathes 8ood-Working; I -------- 142 170 Retorts, (except Coal, Class 4) -Chemnical Miscellaneous ---- 23 35 Retorts for gas-making. Gas ---------------- 48 66 Retorts for glass --........Glass -.........49 8 Retort-stands n ----— s — --------------- Chemical Miscellaneous....'23 95 Revenue guards......................- Stils 124 47 Revenme-stamp cancelers -. Printing-................101 146 Revenue-staIs imps ---- ------ Fine Arts-. 41 146 Reversin i -ear for steam-enogines...Steam; 1-121. 67 Registers,~~ ~ ~ ~ Steam-n; 1e.,.,.,,._.,............ntrmetsr3 heversii nmotion, Apparatus for —....M. echanical Powers -. 74 67 Revolvini-breech cannon Ordsnance -89 1(5 Revolx sing cars ----------------------- Railways; - 105 121 lRevolving lire-arms - - - Fire-Arns ----------------- 4'2 123 heo"isters..............s-.... Electricity....... 36 50 Rheotomes, - - -E.l'......ectricity- -..- - -..... 36 50 Rheostats. —---------- - --- - Ele tricit y -------- 36 50 Riheotropes --------------- - — 1 —------ Electricity. 36 50 Ribbons for liand-stamcips, Preparin, g St ationery................ 120 117 Ribs, Iron - — hip; —... — -......... Shp.... 114 13/7 Rice-cleanitnog machines Mil -s. -8:3 57 Rice-hnulers. —------—..... —-M.. -....ills. —-......b.......... 83 57 Rice-polishers -. —------—. ——....... Mills... 3 5a7 hisling -bitts ------ -------------- Ships; 1114 138 nRifled ordnancee - - -..u,,,...,................Ordnance. L 89 105 Rifles —--- --.....-.... - -..- -......... Fire-Ars i42 55 Rifles for whetting.-... —.... Grinsing ansl Polishing....- 51 70 Rifling-maclimes...... —.-M....... etal-Working; 7 2....... 100 Rfling small-arms-............. Fire-Arnits -.......... —. 42 55 Rigging... —(. -.-.. Ships; I1... 114 138 Rigging-clasps ---- ------ ------— Ships';. i114 i 138 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 285 00 ~-r Name of class-official classifi- cation. 0 4 wwF z z Rigging, Running.................... Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Rigging, Setting up................... Ships; 1-. 114 138 Rigging, Standing Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Rigging-stoppers...................... Ships; 1 —-. —........... 114 138 Rings Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Rings for spinning.................... Spinning................. 118 142 Rings, Machines for cutting wooden... Wood-Working; 1 -- - 142 175 Rings, Tools for cutting leather........ Leather.................. 69 72 Ring-travelers........................ Spinning................. 118 142 Ring-travelers, Manufacture of........ Hardware Manufactures. - 53H 142 R{inks................................ Capnr53........ 20 30 Rimks -- Carpentry.....20 30 Ripping-tool -Apparel.................. 2 38 Ripples for flax, broom-corn, &c....... Brakes and Gins -3....... 13 78, River-bars, Removing................ Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82: Rivers, Improving channels of......... Hydraulic Engineering.-.. 61 82 Rivers, Protection against inundations of.-. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82. Riveting............................. Metal-Working; 3........ 78 100 Riveting-machines......... Metal-Working; 3........ 78 100.4 Rivet-making..-.................... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets.... 10 14 Rivets............................... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... 10 14 Rivets, (harness,) Manufacture of...... Hardware Manufacture.... 53F 14 Riving splints, Tools for.-............ Wood-Working; 2.... 143 174 Road-making......................... Excavators.-............. 37 51 Road-paving.......................... Paving................... 94 110 Road-rollers.......................... Paving 94 110, Road-scrapers........................ Excavators......- 37 51 Roasters... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Roasting ores......................... Metallurgy............... 75 99 Rock-blasting Projectiles................ 102 124 Rock-drills... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 124 Rock-drills, Air-engines for............ Pneumatics..... 98 2 Rock-drills, Steam-engines for......... Steam; 1.. 121 150 Rocket-harpoons.................... Projectiles............... 102 143 Rockets............................. Gunpowder............... 52 71 Rockets, War....... Projectiles 102 71 Rocking-horses....................... Games and Toys......... 46 143 Rod-cutters.......................... Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100 R1ods, Bending or straightening........ Metal-Working; 1.76 119 Rods for gathering glass........ Glass............ 49 68 Roll-blotters-.......................... Stationery................ 120 146Roller and harrow, Combined.......... Harrows.......-.... 55 73 Roller-heaters........................ Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Rollers, Barn-door.................... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Rollers, Covering..................... Spinning.......... 118 142. Rollers, Flanged..................... Harrows.. -..... 55 73Rollers for delivering silk-.......... Silk...................... 117 140, Roller-sheaves for doors.- -..... Builders' Hardware 16 24 Rollers, Land......................... Harrows55 73 Harows..............55 1: 73 Rollers, Printers' - Printing.................. 101 117 Rollers, Sash..... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24Rollers, Sliding-door.................. Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Rolling glass......................... Glass..._....... 49 68 Rolling machines, Leather.-............ Leather -. —---—.....- 69 92 Rolling metals........................ Metal-Working; 5........ 80 100 Rolling pins —..-,.-.................. -Kitchen Utensils..-..... 65 88 Rolling wire.......................... Tubing and Wire........ 134 163 Roofing-compositions................. Roofing-.108 126 Roofing-paper........................ PprMkn....... 92 126{ Roofing-paper -- Paper-Making 92 126 Roofing-processes Roofing-....... 108 126 20 286 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. "~ [r,a~ a' Name of class-official classifi- ae SUBJECT. cation. 0 cation. 14 ~otdn z ~.~ Roofing-tiles ----------- ---- Roofing................... 108 20 Roofing-tiles. Manufacture of.......... Clay -.25 20 Roofs, Compositions and means for preserving. - -,....... Roofing................... 108 126 Roof-seaming machines............... Sheet-Metal............... 113A 126 Roofs, (except Trusses, Class 14) -..... Roofing-... -... 108 126 Roofs................................ Roofing. —-.. —-.-....... - 108 126 Roosts for fowls...................... Stabling.-.-...... 119 116 Root-cutters.-..................... Stabling. —----- 119 59 Root-diggers.......................... Plows.................... 97 114 Root-peelers.....-... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Root-washers. —-------—. —.. —..... Stabling................ 119 59 Rope-clutches.............-... Mechanical Powers --—. — 74 138 Rope coiling.-.......... Cordage.......- -. 28 127 -Rope-making machines................ Cordage. —...... 28 127 Rope-ways........................... Railways; 1.............. 104 120 rRope, Wire........ Wire-Working............ 140 170 Roping bales - - - -.-...- -.......... Presses. —....... 100 7 Rose-engines.... Metal-Working; 7.......-. 82 100 Rose-heads ------------— Water-Distribution........ 137 167 Roses for door-knobs...-... Locks and Latches —. ——. 70 93 Rosettes for horses --—.... —-------- Harness -------- ---------. 54 23 Rossing bark....- -- t................ Wood-Working; 3 ------ 144 130 Rossiug dye-stuffs.-... —...... - - Wood-Working; 3 —. —--- 144 176 Rossing-machines..................... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 130.Rotary blowers Pneumatics —..... 98 12 Rotary brushes —. —.. —............ Brushes and Brooms... 15 22 Rotary harrows-. —....... Harrows. —...... 55 73 Rotary spaders......-... Plows.................... 97 114 Rotary steam-engines................. Steam; 1................. 121 150 Rotary valves........................ Valves. —------- -------—. 136 152 Rotting flax and hemp................ Brakes and Gins.-.......... 13 78 Roughening glass..................... Grinding and Polishing.-.. 51 68 Roughening pavements -.- -—..... Paving................... 94 110 Roulettes -. -..................... Drafting -......-... 33 97 Rounding machines, Rein.... Harness —............. 54 72 Roving-frames........................ Spinning.- - 118 142 Row-locks --—. ——.-........... Boats-... 9 13 Rubber boots ------------------------ Boots and Shoes. — -.... 12 16 Rubber erasers...-.. Stationery. —-..- -....... 120 146 Rubber, Hard........................ Caoutchouc.............. 18 84 Rubber hose.......................... Hose and Belting --—. —- 60 81 Rubber, India Caoutchouc. -.. —.. 18 84 Rubber rolls for wringers. —.-..- Laundry.......... - 68 91 Rubber shoes -...... Boots and Shoes-..-.. 12 16 Rubber soles-........ Boots and Shoes --------—. 12 16 Rubber type.. —-..-...-............. Printing -------- --------. 101 117 Rubber, Vulcanizing-................. Caoutchouc.............. 18 84 Rubber, White.-........Caoutchouc............... 18 84 )Rubbing-apparatus for medical treatment............................... Surgery. —--—.. —----- 128 156 Rudders.............................. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Rudders, Attachments for............. Ships; 1.......... 114 137 Rudders, Hanging.................... Ships; 1..............-.... 114 137. Rudders, Protecting.-.. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Rufflers for sewing-machines.......... Sewing-Machines......... 112 134 Ruffles. —-................. Apparel --—..... —---- 2 38 Ruffles, Machines for making.......... Apparel.-....... 2 38 Rule-cutters for printers.............. Sheet-Metal......113A 117 Rulers, Desk.......................... Stationery.............. 20 146 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 287 Name of clas —official classifi- SUBJECT ~; cation. Ca o 0-4 z z Rulers, Parallel....................... Drafting..,.... 33 97 Rules, Measuring.. -....... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 97 Rules, Printing Printing.................. 101 117 Ruling-apparatus, Electrical.-....... -Electricity.....-.. 36 50 Ruling-machines-...................... Book-Binding............. 11 15 Ruling-machines, Pens for............. Book-Binding 11 15 Ruling-pens -—.-............... Drafting. -33 97 Running-gear of vehicles ---- -------- Carriages...-..... 21 31' Russian" sheet-iron, Imitations of... Metal-Working; 5..... 80 136 S. Saber-bayonets....................... Fire-Arms 42 55 Sabers, Manufacture of.. -......Hardware Ma.ufactures. 53A 44 Sabots for projectiles -—. —-.. —---—. Projectiles. —-. —--------- 102 105 Saccharometers -. —.- -.............. -. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 155 Sack-fasteners........................ Mills..-..-.. 83 57 Saddle-bags........-. Trunks- 133 162 Saddle-blankets...... —................ Harness..........-....... 4 72 Saddle-cloths Harness — -- — 54 72 Saddle-girths.-. —-----—. —-. —..... Harness.- -..............-... 54 72 Saddle-pad machines....... Harness.- -.-.... 54 72 Saddles....-.. -.......Harness. — -............ 54 72 Saddles, Cart......................... Harness -. -..... 54 72 Saddles for suspension-bridges......... Bridges.-.......... 14 21 Saddles, Harness........ ——......... Harness.................. 54 72 Saddles, Pack.. —--.- —.. -.. —-- Harness.................. 54 72 Saddles, Pad —.......................... Harness................. 54 72 Saddles, Riding-....................... Harness.- —..... 54 72 Saddles, Side. —-------—. - -.. -....... Harness.. —..... 54 72 Saddle-trees, Manufacture of........... Hardware Manufacture... 53F 72 Saddle-trees -....-.... Harness -----—....- - -—. 54 72 Saddle trees, Side —--- --- -. -Harness. —----—. -. ——. 54 72 Sad-iron heaters...................... Stoves and Furnaces.. 1... 126 91 Sad-iron holders.-...-.... Laundry-.................. 68 91 Sad-irons. —---------- -. —------ - Laundry -.- ---.- - 68 91 Safe-locks -.-.-........ Locks and Latches —. ——. 70 93 Safes. - -................................ Safes. -....... —- —.......109 128 Safes, Lining for. —... —-- ---------- Safes.-.. —...... — -...109 128 Safes, Match............ -- Lamps and Gas-Fittings. 67 90 Safes, Meat.. —--—.-........ —...... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 58 Safes, Wire-work for kitchen.......... Wire-Working-.......... 140 88 Safety-cars-........................... Railways; 2.- -... 105 121 Safety-fuses. —-—.. —--—........ Projectiles ------ -----... 102 105 Safety-guards for car-platforms.-.... Railways; 3.-..... 106 121 Safety-guards for gun-hammers........ Fire-Arms.. —..... 42 55 Safety-guards for hatchways-..-....... Carpentry.-..............-. 20 29 Safety-guards for railway-tracks......-. Railways; 1.....-.......-. 104 120 Safety-guards for watches and pocketbooks.........................-..... Apparel...... —............. 2 38 Safety-guards for windows............ Carpentry --. —---- -.-.- 20 29 Safety-guards in paper................ Paper-Making............ 92 108 Safety-guards on cars.- -..... Railways; 3 ----—. —. —-- 106 121 Safety-guards to locks................. Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Safety-plugs for steam-boilers-.......... Steam; 2..- - -—..122 148 Safety-straps of vehicles.............. Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Safety-tubes for steam-boilers -..- -... Steam; 2................. 122. 148 Safety-valves........................ Valves. —................-.. 136 152 Sail-clutches -.. Ships; 1 -114 138 Sail-hoops Ships; 1......-....... 114 138 288 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. 0~ cation. i 0 "o'~ ~ o"Q z 1Z Sailing-carriages...................... -Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 Sails --...........Ships; 1. —---—. --—.... 114 138 Sails, Furling......................... Ships; 1.. —-.-.- -...... 114 138 Sails, Making......................... Ships; 1.....-... 114 138 Sails, Reefing......................... Ships; 1..-............... 114 138 Salinometers......................... Measuring-Instruments -.... 73 129 Saliva-removers...................... Dental.................... 32 46 Salt-furnaces......................... Sugar.................... 127 129 Salt-packers.......................... Presses................... 100 129 Salves-. —----—..- —. —-.. -...- -. Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 98 Sample-frames........................ Furniture................ 45 62 Sampling-tubes..... -........ Water-Distribution....... 137 47 Sandals --—. —---..... —-------—. Boots and Shoes....... 12 16. Sand-blowers....Pneumatics....... 98 12 Sand-cleaning machines..-............. Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Sand-paper -...G........... Grinding and Polishing.... — 51 70 Sand-paper holders.........-....... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 172 Sand-papering machines............... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 70 Sand-papering machines..............-. Wood-Working; 3.... 144 70 Sand-pumps........................... Excavators 37 51 Sand-screens-....... Wire-Working........... - - -. 140 153 Sand-washer ---------- -------------—. Ore...-.. 90 153 Sap-bucket hooks........... Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Sap-conductors.. -..................... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Sap-spiles............................ Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Sap-troughs. —.........Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Sarcophagi, Clay.-.....-.. Clay...... --.............. 25 153 Sash................................. Carpentry................ 20 30 Sash-bolts.-.......................-.... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Sash-centers.......................... Builders' Hardware.-__ 16 24 Sashes, Fasteners for meeting rails of.. Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Sash-fasteners...................... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Sash-frames - - Carpentry................ 20 30 Sash-hangings.- -....................... Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Sash-holders, Manufacture of.......... Hardware Manufactures... 53B 24 Sash-locks..... —..... Builders' Hardware.16 24 Sash, Machines for making............ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 Sash, Machines for mortising. ——..... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 173 Sash, Machines for planing........ Wood-Working; 3.-..... 144 173 Sash-pulleys..... -... Builders' Hardware-. _. 16 24 Sash-pulleys, Manufacture of-....... Hardware Manufactures -.. 53B 24 Sash-rollers........................... Builders' Hardware...._ 16 24 Sash-springs - Builders' Hardware...-... 16 24 Sash-stops -.................-........ Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Sash-weights......................... Builders' Hardware. —-... 16 24 Sash-weights, Manufacture of... —.-.... Hardware Manufactures —. 53B 24 Satchel-fastenings.. —-—. —-------- Trunks................... 133 162 Satchels.............................. -Trunks................... 133 162 Sauce-pans..........-.-.-.. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 136 Sausage-cutters-...............-........ Butchering. -..... 17 2! Sausage-stuffers ----- ----- - Butchering............... 17 25 Saw-bore............................. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 131 Saw-bucks.-....... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 131 Saw-dust carriers..................... Wood-Working; 4...... 110 130 Saw-filing........................... Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Saw-filing machines................... Grinding and Polishing.... 51 131 Saw-frames........................... Grinding and Polishing.... 110 I 131 Saw-gages-............................ Grinding and Polishing.... 110 131 Saw-gates ------ ------- - Grinding and Polishing.- 110 131 Saw-grinding —.................. Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 289 EName of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. t-, 0 cation.'_ Is d.Q W.n' ~ z2('E~ Csds Saw-grinding machines -... Grinding and Polishing.-. 51 131 Saw-gummers........................ Metal-Working; 4.... 79 131 Saw-horses Saws -.......110 131 Saw-jacks......... Wood-Working; 4........ -145 131 Sawing-machines. —....... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 131 Sawing-machines for chair-backs-... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 130 Sawing-machines for clapboards.....-. Wood-Working; 3 144 130 Sawing-machines for combs.. —. —--- Wood-Working; 3 —.1-. 144 161 Sawing-machines for hoops. -..-..... Wood-Working; 3........-110 40 Sawing-machines for laths.... —........-. Wood-Working; 3.-.. 44 174 Sawing-machines for match-splints..._ Wood-Working; 3 -..... 144 174. Sawing-machines for oars -.-.-......... Saws.-1.... 10 Sawing-machines for shingles.......... Saws........... 110 174 Sawing-machines for splints —. Wood-Working 2 43 174 Sawing-machines for staves.- -.. Wood-Working; 3 144. 40 Sawing-machines for veneers.......... Wood-Working; 3 144 176 Sawing stone ---------- —. --—... - -.. - Stone, Lime, and Cement-. 125 153 Saw-jacks............................. Saws. —-—. —-—. —. —-- 110 131 Saw-making.......................... Metal-Working; 4... 79 131 Saw-mills.Saws.- ---....110.. 130 Saw mills, Circular ----—.- --------. Saws. —--- -1 ——.......- - 10 130 Saw-mills, Dogs for..............-..... Saws -. ——. —. —------- 110 130 Saw-mills, Feed for —-- -....... -.-.... Saws 110 130 Saw-mills, Gates for.-.- -.. —---—.- Saws 110...... 130 Saw-mills, Head-blocks for..-S.. - - Saws-.. -1.... 10 I: I) Saws- ------------ — Saws.. -..... S w 110 131 Saws, Amputation.- -..................S. Saws — - 110 15i Saws, Annular --------- --------------- Saws-.. 110 40 Saws, Saws-... 110 13 Saws, Bow — Saws...................... 110 1 Saws, Cirlar........................ Saws -.. —-.. —... —-- -- 110 130 Saws, Cross-cut....................... Saws -.-.. —----------- 110 131 Saws, Cylindrical..................... Saws --—. —-.... —-. —.. 110 40 Saws, Diamondss. —u -....- -.... Stone, Lime, and Cem.ent - 125 153 ~~~~aSaws, Drag —---- -------— Saws —--------—. —---- 110 130 Saw-sets - Metal-Working; 4....... 79 131 Saws, Gate l....................... Saws.....................-110 130 Saws, Hand ----------------------- Saws.-110 131 Saws, Handg......................... Saws110 130 Saws, Iage........................... Saws-.. —.....1 ——. —--- 110 130 Saws, Key-hole....................... Saws. —-...... —... —-- 110 131 Saws, Meat -- Saws —--------— 110 131 Saws, Metal -...............-.... Saws.-1.. —..-....... —. 110 131 Saws, Pruning - -Saws —.-. —........- - 110 130 Saws, Scroll.......................... Saws 110 130 Saws, Stone Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Saws, Ky.Straining -...... Saws.. -...... 110 131 Saws, Tempering -- Metallurgy ----- ------ 75 131 Saws, Tenon........................... Saws.. 110 131 Saw-swages Metal-Working; 4........-79 131 Saws, Web........................ Saws-1-........ ——. —.- 110 131 Saws, Whip.- Saws ------------------- 110 131 Saw-teel.....th --...... Saws.-..110 131 Scaffolding........................... Carpentry — ---—. —-- 20 290 Scagliola.,,.,.. - - - - - - - Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Scalding-tubs and appliances.- -.. Butchering -................- - 17 25 Scale-board, Working..oo....d..... Wood-Working;.....1-... 142 173 Scales, Drafting -Datn.g3............... Dr9ftil -- - - - 33 70 Scales, Sliding........................ easuring-Instruments..... 73 97 290 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~ Name of class-official classifi-. SUBJECT. Ceco Q cation. a, o. 4.c 0 z Scales, Tailors'........................ Measuring-Instruments.-. 73 38 Scales, Weighing. ——... —.. —..... —- Measuring-Instruments.... — 73 132 Scaling boilers, Tools for. - -- Steam; 2.2..... 122 150 Scaling fish.....- -. Butchering ------ --. 17 25 Scalloping glass...- -................ Glass...-..-.. 49 68 Scalpels. ——.......... —.- -.-......-. Cutlery.. -...... 30 156 Scarfing and other timber-joints -.. Carpentry ----—. ——.-... 20 173 Scarf-pins Jewelry.................. 63 86 Scarificators ---------- ---------. Surgery -.............. 128 156 Scarifiers ------------ —..-........... Harrows.......... 55 73 School-charts and maps --------------- Educational...-.. 35 146 School-furniture.....................-. Furniture................ 45 62 Scissors.-.-........ Cutlery --------- --------- 30 44 Scissors, Manufacture of.......... rdware Manufactures -- 53A 44 Scissors-sharpeners........ Grinding and Polishing. —- 51 70 Scoops, Flour........................ Kitchen Utensils. 65 88 Scouring cloth.. -.-..-..... Cloth. - -.-.... 26 37 Scouring glass - - -.- - -....-.... - - Grinding and Polishing —. 51 70 Scouring-machines. —----- —.-........ Mills. -. -.... 83 57 Scouring stone. —------—. —..- -...... Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Scrap-books........................... Stationery-... —..... 120 146 Scrap, Bundling and rolling.... —-...... Metal-Working; 5........ 80 125 Scrapers, Box -------- —. Wood-Working; 4 -. —-. 145 29 Scrapers, Cane......................... Plows. —....... 97 43 Scrapers, Cotton. —- -...- -.......... Plows --—.. —-.. —-—. — 97 43 Scrapers, Deck ---- -— Wood-Working; 4.-.. —- 145 137 Scrapers, Earth ------—.- ------. Excavators.-..-.-. 37 51 Scrapers for fire-arims..... Fire-Arms.-. —----- —. --. 42 55 Scrapers, Grading —-. -............... Excavators -37 51 Scrapers, Mast............. - Wood-Working; 4.-. ——. 145 138 Scrapers, Millstone -----—.- ---. Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Scrapers, Tree. —-------—.-.. -... —... Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Scraping and dressing cord...... - -—. Cordage -------—. —---- 28 127 Screens, Fire... -- Furniture -.... 45 62 Screens for window ----- — Carpentry —-. —... —-- 20 62 Screens of wire..... Wire-Working...... 140 170 Screw-blanks, Cutting....... - -— W... ood-Screws -- --- -- 141 175 Screw-blanks, Feeding. —..- -.....- - - - Wood-Screws....- -. -141 175 Screw-blanks, Making ---—. ——. —---- Wood-Screws-.-.... 141 175 Screw-blanks, Threading ----- —.-. —. Wood-Screws... —- ------ 141 175 Screw-bolts --------—.- ----------- Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets-... 10 14 Screw-caps, Making sheet-metal —...... Sheet-Metal --—..... —— 113B 136 Screw-cutting lathes.................. Metal-Working; 7.. —2..- 100 Screw-drivers -----— _ —--—. — Wood-Working; 4 —... 145 29 Screw-forming, Sheet-metal....Sheet-Metal.- -113A 136 Screw-nails, Manufacture of...... Hardware Manufactures.3G 103 Screw-nuts —---- -Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets.... 10' 14 Screw-piles --------—.- --------------- Hydraulic Engineering -. — 61 82 Screw-presses - -—................... Presses...... —. 100 7 Screw-propellers -----—.- -------. Ships; 2........-. 115 139 Screw-rings, Making sheet-metal —.. —- Sheet-Metal.-. —.- - --- 113B 136 Screws, Swaging —-- -. —-—......... Wood-Screws.....- - 141 175 Screw-taps-,,,,,,,,,.. Bolts, Nuts. and Rivets.... 10 14 Scribing-gages. Wood-Working; 4 - 145 29 Scroll-saws -......... —--—........... Saws. —------—. —------ 110 130 Scrubbing-brushes. —.-.-. —-- ---- Brushes and Brooms.-.. 15 22 Scrubbing-machines................. Brushes and Brooms... 15 22 Scrubbing-pails --...... Brushes and Brooms-.. 15 40 Scuffle-hoes-............ ----------- Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Scufflers.............................. Harrows.................. 55 73 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 291 Name of class —official classifi- - Q SUBJECT. cio cation. -. o.3.2 z z Scuppers -------—.. —---. ——. ——.. Ships; 1. ——. —.-. - --- -. 114 137 Scutcheons for key-holes..- -....Locks and Latches.. —-... 70 93 Scutching-machines - - - - - - -..- - - -.. - -. Brakes and Gins.. -- ---- 13 78 Scythe-fastenings..-.. —-. —-. —--—. Harvesters................ -- -56 49 Scythe-nibs —..... —----------------- Harvesters-...-... 56 49 Scythe-rifles.-......................... Grinding and Polishing. —. 51 70 Scythes. ——. ——. —--—... ——..-.... Harvesters...............-. 56 49 Scythe-snaths........................ Harvesters —-.. —--------- 56 49 Scythe-stones.-......-. Grinding and Polishing - -.... 51 70 Sealing cans and jars.................. Preserving Food. —-. ---- 99 58 Seal-locks............................ Locks and Latches- -.. 70 93 Seals.-........- Printing_.......... 101 117 Seaming-machines, Sheet-metal -—.. —- Sheet-Metal..-...-. 113A 136 Seats, Carriage Carriages-.................-. 21 31 Seats for harvesters...... —. Harvesters... —... 56 74 Seats for railway-cars. —-.. ——.. —----- Railways; 2 -. —... —-. —-- 105 121 Seats, Garden....... Furniture................-. 45 62 Seats, School-.......................... Furniture.................- 45 62 Seats, Spring-wagon-...-.. Carriages.-.................-21 31 Sectional boats ------------—. --- Boats - -..9 13 Securing cables and hawsers-........... Ships; 1..-................ 114 137 Securing hatches --.. —..- -S-. S hips; 1........ 114 137 Sediment-collectors for steam-boilers... Steam; 2.-... —-. —-.. —- 122 148 Seed-drills —---...................-.. Seeders and Planters. ——. 111 133 Seed-droppers........................ Seeders and Planters. —--- 111 133 Seedfor planting and sowing,Preparing- Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Seed-planters -.-.... -..... Seeders and Planters...... 111 133 Seeding-bags and pouches --... —.. —. Seeders and Planters. —--- 111 133 Self-fastening buttons....- -. Clasps and Buckles...... —.. 24 23 Self-loading carts....... Carriages and Wagons -—. 21 31 Self-loading fire-arms..-.... Fire-Arms.-.............-.. 42 55 Semaphores, Electrical — ----—. ——.- Electricity.-............... 36 50 Separagting fibers of plants for use in textile fabrics -.....- -----...- -- Brakes and Gins. —-------- 13 78 Serving rope......................... Cordage....-.............- 28 127 Settees -—. ——. —--—. ——. —-. — ---- Furniture. -................ 45 62 Setting gems. ——... —-.. ——........ Jewelry. —-. —--—.. —--- 63 86 Setting glaziers' diamonds. ——.. —-—. Glass ----—.. —--—. —-—. 49 68 Sewage for fertilizers, Treatment of... Manures --—.. ——.. —---- 71 96 Sewer-cleaners. —-—..- ------—. -- Manures. —.. —------- 71 96 Sewers. —.. —-—. —----—. ——. Masonry__.72 51 Sewing-birds —,-, —---- - ---------— Apparel.-................. 2 38 Sewing-boxes - -Apparel 2..... — 2 38 Sewing-guards.............-............ Apparel. —-.. —-.. —---- 2 38 Sewing-machines. --—. —-----—..-.. Sewing-Machines.- -.. 112 134 Sewing-machines for boots and shoes. Sewing-Machines ------—. 112 16 Sewing-niachines for embroidery...... —-- Sewing-Machines. —--—. 112 134 Sewing-machines for making buttonholes ------------- ------------- - Sewing-Machines.........-. 112 134 Sewing-machines for sewing straw goods —----- -------— Sewing-Machines —----—. 112 134 Sewing-machine needles, Making.._.. Needles and Pins. —------ 86 104 Sewing-pins.A — A......... pparel —----. ——. —-- 2 38 Sewing-presses ----- ----- - Book-Binding-............. 11 15 ewing-stands ----------- --- Apparel-. —.... —------- 2 38 Rewing-work holders. ——... ——. ——.- Apparel.- -................. 2 38 Sextants.-.......-.... Optics. —----------- -8.... 8 157 Shackles -------------------- -- Harness.-................. 54 72 Shades, Lamp -------------- Lamps and Gas-Fittings.-. 67 90 haft-couplings, Manufacture of. —. Hardware Manufactures.. 53C 87 292 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS..6 t~ 0 0 Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cation. s z z Shaft-couplings-... —... —-... — -—. Journals and Bearings..-.. 64 87 Shaft-hangers.-...-.... Journals and Bearings-... 64 87 Shafting............................ Journals and Bearings-... - 64 87 Shafts, Bending or straightening.... —.. Metal-Working; 1........ 76 119 Shaft-tugs -. —-. ——... — -------—. Harness.-...............-. 54 72 Shampooing appliances..- -............. Toilet.................... 132 161 Shank-cutters........................ -Boots and Shoes -—. — ---- 12 16 Shank-lasters-......................... Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shank-markers -.........Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shanks, Boot —.......-....... Boots and Shoes...........- 12 16 Shanks for door-knobs...-...... Locks and Latches.-.._... 70 93 Shank-stiffeners --......Boots and Shoes...........-12 16 Shaping machines, Metal..............- Metal-Working - 7 100 Shaping ships' timbers................ Ships; 1.-...,... 114 137 Sharpeners, Picket and pole-...-....-. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Shaving-cases.......................-. Toilet - -132 161 Shaving-horses....................... Wood-Working; 3- -... 144 173 Shawl-pins........................... Jewelry.................. 63 86 Shawls-.... Apparel.................. 2 38 Shawl-straps -................. Trunks................... 133 162 Shearing cloth —...-.......... Cloth.-...... 26 37 Shearing-machines for bar or plate —.. Metal-Working; 4.- -. 79 119 Shears..-..Cutlery................... 30 44 Shears, Bench.-....................... Cutlery................... 30 44 Shears, Button-hole.- -.................. Cutlery-..............-.... 30 44 Shears, Cattle-marking..- - -..... Cutlery................... 30 135 Shears, Clipping...................... Cutlery................... 30 135 Shears, Edging -....................... Cutlery.- -... 30 63 Shears, Garden......................-. Cutlery................... 30 63 Shears, Grass-edging-.................. Cutlery................... 30 63 Shears, Hair-clipping..- -............... Cutlery.- -..... 30 161 Shears, Hair cutting.................. Cutlery —.. ——. —-----—. 30 44 Shears, Hand-..-............... Cutlery................... 30 44 Shears, Hedging.. —....... Cutlery.........-......... 30 63 Shears, Lopping................-..... Cutlery.. —...... -. —---- 30 63 Shears, Manufacture of...........-..... Hardware Manufactures... 53A 44 Shears, Pruning.................... —.. Cutlery................... 30 63 Shears, Sheep. —----—. —--—.- --—.- Cutlery-...........- - -- 30 135 Shears, Sheet-metal-..-.... Cutlery................... 30 136 Shears, Tailors'....................... Cutlery - -................... 30 38 Shears, Tinmen's -...................... Cutlery. —-.. ——.. —---- 30 136 Sheathing-nails. —-...................... Nails..................... 85 103 Sheathing vessels..................... Ships; 1. —. ——.. ——. 114 137 Sheaves, Manufacture of.- -.... Hardware Manufactures-.- 53B 24 Shedding-apparatus. -- Weaving..- -..... 139 95 Sheds and stables, Portable- -............ Carpentry.-....-20 144 Sheep-holders.-.......... Stabling -- 11...9...... 119 135 Sheep-racks —.......................... Stabling...............119 135 Sheep-shearing machines -...-..- Stabling -......- 119 135 Sheep-shearing tables................. - -Stabling --—... —..- --—. 119 135:Sheep-shears....................-...... Cutlery -..3............ 30 135 Sheep-shears......................... Cutlery - -................... 30 135 Sheep-sheds. —... -..... Stabling.. — 1......... 119 135 Sheep-taggers..-..........-........... Stabling....... 119 135 Sheep-troughs -.. —.................. Stabling —--. —--------- 119 135 Sheers, Masting...................... Hoisting.................. 57 138 Sheet-glass........................ Glass............49 68 Sheet-iron, Chemical processes in manufacture of......................... Metal-Working; 5......-. 80 136 Sheet-iron, Furnaces for............... Metallurgy....... — - - - 75 136 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 293 0 SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- cation. ~ 0H ~ 0 4 z z Sheet-iron, Rolling............. Metal-Working; 5 80 125 Sheet-iron, Scraping and cleansing.... Metal-Working; 5........ 80 136 Sheet-lead, Rolling.................... Metal-Working; 5 80 125 Sheet-metal barrels and casks, Making. Sheet-Metal... 113B 136 Sheet-metal boilers and cisterns, Making -Sheet-Metal... 113B 136 Sheet-metal boxes and cans, Making.. Sheet-Metal............... 113B 136 Sheet-metal buckets and pans, Making- Sheet-Metal ----—. 113B 136 Sheet-metal capsules and rings, Making Sheet-Metal............... 113B3 136 Sheet-metal gutters and spouting, Mak Sheet-Metal............... 113B 136 ing................................ Sheet-metal kitchen and table ware, Sheet-Metal.... 113B 136 Making............................ Sheet-metal, Machines for working.... Sheet-Metal -.113B 136 Sheet-metal making.................. Metal-Working; 5........ 80 136 Sheet-metal planishing................ Metal-Working; 5........ 80 136 Sheet-metal, Processes for working.... Sheet-Metal-.._ _ 113A 136 Sheet-metal screw caps and rings, Making Sheet-Metal-........... 113A 136 Sheet-metal table-ware, Making-....... Sheet-Metal --.. 113A 136 Sheet-metal, Tools for working........ Sheet-Metal-.113A 136 Sheet-metal ware, Making............. Sheet-Metal............... 113A 136 Sheet-metal workers' tools............ Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 136 Shelf-brackets........................ Furniture................. 45 62 Shellers, Corn........................ Mills..................... 83 59 Shell-fuses.................... Projectiles................ 102 105 Shells.-............................... Projectiles................ 102 105 Shells, Incendiary..................... Projectiles. —--- - 102 105 Shelves, Folding...................... Furniture -------- 45 62 Shelving for stores, &c................ Furniture................. 45 62 Shields for horses -......... Harnes- --------- 54 72 Shields for tunneling.-.. Hydraulic Engineering -... 61 82 Shingle-binders....................... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Shingles, Compositions and means for preserving.......................... Roofing ------—. 108 126 Shingles, Machines for jointing........ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Shingles, Machine for planing........ Wood-Working; 3..-. 144 174 Shingles, Machines for riving..........Wood-Working; 3 -- - 144 174 Shingling-brackets.................... Carpentry ---------- 20 29 Ships' armor..-........................ Ships; 1 114 137 Ships' berths Ships; 1. 114 137 Ships' capstans....................... Hoisting..-...... 57 79 Ships' knees -Ships; 1 -------- 114 137 Ships' logs... -Measuring-Instruments. 73 138 Ships, Propulsion of................... Ships; 1.................. 114 139 Ships, Propulsion of................... Ships; 2.................. 115 139 Shipwrights' clamps.................. Wood-Working; 4 145 137 Shipwrights' tools. Wood-Working; 4........ 145 137 Shipwrights' tools, Manufacture of. — Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 137 Shirt and collar fastenings, Manufacture of..-..-..... Hardware Manufactures... 53E 23 Shirt-bosoms.-........................ Apparel....-............ 2 38 Shirts................................ Apparel.................. 2 38 Shoal-alarms......................... Sinl2.......... 16 13 Shoal-alarms -- Signals 116 138 Shock-tyers.......................... Harvesters................ 56 77 Shoe-binding......................... Boots and Shoes -...... 12 16 Shoe-brushes Brushes and Brooms..... 15 16 Shoe-buttoners Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Shoe-buttons, Manufacture of-. Hardware Manufacture.... — 53E 23 Shoe-clasps......................... Boots and Shoes....... 12 23 294 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~'F~ 0 0 c ~SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. o cation. 0 m ca 000 4-( CC Oa addm 0 ~4 z z Shoe-distenders-....................... Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-fasteners-. -...................... Boots and Shoes-........... 12 16 Shoe-hammniers........................ -Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-holders.......................... Boots and Shoes.. —...... 12 16 Shoe-hooks..........................-. Boots and Shoes.-... 12 16 Shoe-horns. —-- -------—. —-------- Boots and Shoes -...... 12 16 Shoeing-tools, Blacksmiths'.- -......... Metal-Working; 6. —.. —- 81A 60 Shoe-lacing-........................... Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-lacing, Machines for tagging -. Boots and Shoes -.... 12 16 Shoe-lacing hooks.-..................-. Boots and Shoes. —-- ----- 12 23 Shoe-linings ---------- -----------. Boots and Shoes- - —.. -._ 12 16 Shoemakers' benches-........... ——.- Boots and Shoes.. 12 16 Shoemakers' tools....................-. Boots and Shoes... -12 16 Shoe-nails............................ Nails..................... 85 103 Shoe-patterns.... -- --- ------- Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-pegs, Machines for making....... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 16 Shoes ---... —-. —--—. —----------—. Boots and Shoes -12 —----- 1 16 Shoes for car-brakes. — -- -----— Railways; 3............. 106 122 Shoe-soles. —-..-...... —---------- Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-soles, Machines for making wooden Wood-Working; 3.... 144 16 Shoe-stays.-. — -.. —-—......... Boots and Shoes-...... 12 16 Shoe-straps. —------------------ - ---- Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Shoe-tips, Manufacture of ---- —. —--- Hardware Manufactures._ 53G 16 Short-hand reporting................. Educational.............. 35 54 Shot............. —. Projectiles.-.............. 102 35 Shot-cartridges-....... —-------—,... Projectiles. —.-... 102 32 Shot-chargers -- -- ------— Projectiles.-.............. 102 55 Shot-hole stoppers. —----—. —-----—. Ships;...... 114 137 Shot making, Cast —. -... Casting-.. 22 32 Shot, Making, (Pressed) -. —... ----.. Hardware Manufactures. 53A'32 Shot, Manufacture of -...-.-.... —... Hardware Manufactures-.. 53A 32 Shot-pouches —-. —. —-—......... Projectiles. —............. 102 55 Shot-sorting machines ----- --------. Hardware Manufactures.- 53A 32 Shotting-machines.................... Casting -..... 22 32 Shoulder-braces -....................... Apparel. —-------------- 2 38 Shoulder-straps-....................... Apparel.2.2... 38 Shoulder-supporters —.-. —......... Apparel.2....... 2 38 Shovel-handles, Machines for making - - Wood-Working; 3 ------- 144 141 Shovel-plows -—. —------------------ Plows 97 114 Shovels —. —- - —. —......- Garden and Orchard...... 47 141 Shovels and tongs-.-.-..-. —------- Stoves and Furnaces -—. — 126 154 Show-cards ----------- —. ——..-...... Stationery...-... 120 146 Show-cases- F-.. F.. urniture................. 45 54 Show-stands -------------------------- Furniture -.......45 54 Shutter-bars.-...- Builders' Hardware 16 24 Shutter-fasteners —......- -.......... Builders' Hardware.. —--- 16 24 Shutter-fasteners, Manufacture of...... Hardware Manufactures.-. 53B 24 Shutter-hinges....................... Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Shutter-lifts.......................... Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Shutter-locks ---------- ------------—. Builders' Hardware ----—. 16 24 Shutter-operators --- -- - --- Builders' Hardware....... 16 24 Shutters —.. — -.- -..-............ Carpentry -----— 20 30 Shutters, Fire-proof.-....... —- --- Masonry7.........2 792 4 Shutter-workers, Manufacture of.. —.. Hardware Manufacture _.. 53B 24 Shuttle-boxes ----—....- - Weaving. 139 95 Shuttle-boxes, Actuating — --- -—.-... Weaving.-....... 139 95 Shuttle-checks....... - Weaving................. 139 95 Shuttle-drivers for sewing-machines.-. Sewing-Machines.-. —----. 112 134 Shuttle-frames, Manufacture of.. —.... Hardware Manufactures - 53H 95 Shuttles for sewing-machines.......... Sewing-Machines........ 112 134 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 295 j.~ Ca ~SUBJECT.~ ~ Name of class-official classifi- 5 cation. eg C 0 z ~ Shuttles.............................. Weaving... —. —. 139 95 Shuttle-spindles. -.........Weaving -................ 139 95 Shuttles, Tatting. ——........... Apparel.2..... 38 Shuttle-tips, Manufacture of........... Hardware Manufactures-.. 53H 95 Sickles............................... Harvesters................ 56 49 Sidewalks -..Paving.-... —-..-...... 94 110 Siding of houses......-.. Carpentry............. 20 30 Sieve-cloth, Weaving.......... Weaving.-......... 139 95 Sieves of wire........................ Wire-Working. —-------- 140 170 Sifters. —....... -.............. Wire-Working ----------- 140 170 Sifting-machines - -.............. Wire-Working............ 140 170 Sights for ordnance -.-............. -. - Ordnance 89 105 Sights for small-arms -............. Fire-Arms. —........ 42 105 Signal-bells ------— Signals................... 116 24 Signal-boxes for electric telegraphs ---- Electricity................ 36 50 Signal-codes ----------—..-.....- Signals -.-............... 116 50 Signaling-apparatus.. ——... —...-. -Signals ------- 116 158 Signal-lanterns....................... Signals........ 116 158 Signals, Electrical.................... Electricity................ 36 50 Signals, Fog-Signals. -.-..... 116 138 Signals, marine -.......Signals................... 116 138 Signals, Pyrotechnic..-... Signals ---------- 116 158 Signals, Railroad...................... Signals................... 116 120 Signals, Semaphoric. —.. —.......... Signals -. —--------------- 116 158 Signal-towers.-. —.- -........... Signals 116 158 Signs ---------------— Stationery................ 120 146 Signs, Illuminating -..- -........... Stationery..- 120 54 Silk filature. —-. —-......... ------- Silk.-........ 117 140 Silk manufacture -----—...... —-. Silk...................... 117 140 Silk-worm culture.. —---- - Stabling....-. 119 140 Silk-worm frames. —-............... Silk... -..... 117 140 Silvering.. —.. —.................. Plating -....... 96 113 Silver-plating.................. Plating.-....... 96 113 Singeing-apparatus......-.. Butchering.-.. 17 25 Singeing cloth........................ Cloth 26 37 Singeing-tools -...... Stabling.................. 119 144 Single-shovel plows................... Plows - 97 114. Single-trees -.................. —-.... Carriages and Wagons..... 21 31 Sinkers for knitting-machines......... Knitting and Netting --- 66 89 Sinks Baths and Closets-.-.. 4 8 Sinks, Kitchen. —-.-... —......... Baths and Closets ------- 4 8 Siphon-bottles....-.................. Airation and Bottling -. 1- 1 Siphons -------.......... Water-Distribution —.... 137 1 Sirup-fonutains ----------------------- Airation and Bottling.. 1 1 Sirup-gages.-. —-—............. Aiiration and Bottling__. 1 1 Sirup, Treatment of-............. Sugar —. —.............. 127 155 Size-markers for hats....... Felting and Hats. 38 76 Size, Preparation of.......-. Bleaching and Dyeing...8. 11 Sizing Fabrics ------ Bleaching and Dyeing 8 11 Sizing silk....-. —..- -............. Silk. —............117... 140 Sizing yarn, thread, &c --—..... —-. Cordage-... 28 17 Skate-fasteners. —------------------ Games and Toys.....-..... 46 143 Skates -..........Games and Toys-....... 46 143 Skate-sharpeners. —.............. Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Skates, Parlor -...................... Games and Toys -.. 46 143 Skates, Roller....... Games and Toys -... 46 143 Skating-rinks....... Carpentry -,...... 20 30 Skeins of axles...~ -.................. Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Skelp and blank furnaces ----- - Metal-Working; 3 -.- 78 125 Skewers, Machines for making....... Wood-Working; 3....... 144 175 296 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- c SUBJECT. ci c 9 cation. W o 4-4 cZ O a,.Cd iZ Skids................................ Hoisting - 57 79 Skillets.............................. Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Skimmers, Culinary................... Kitchen Utensils. - -.. -. 65 88 Skimmers for steam-boilers............ Steam; 2................. 122 148 Skimmers for sugar-pans.............. Sugar12 1............ 127 155 Skinning appliances.................. Butchering... -....... 17 25 Skins, Treatment of.................. Tanning.................. 129 92 Skips -Hoisting.................. 57 79 Skirt-covers.......................... Apparel.-2........... 2 38 Skirt-elevators. —--- — I —- Apparel._....-.... 2 38 Skirt-hoops, Covering wire with wire for................................ Wire-Working............ 140 170 Skirts and corsets combined....-.. Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 38 Skirts, Binding for.................... Apparel................. 2 38 Skirts, Clasps for..................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Skirts, Covered wire for hoop.......... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 80 Skirts, Hoop......................... Crinoline and Corsets...... 29 80 Skirts, (except Crinoline, Class 29)....... Apparel.-.- -............ 2 38 Skirts, Printing....................... Printing.................. 101 117 Skirt-supporters...................... Apparel.-.............. 2 38 Skiving machines, Leather............ Leather.................. 69 92 Skylights Carpentry................ 20 30 Skylights, Operating-.........Carpentry............-... 20 29 Slashers.............................. Cordage.................. 28 127 Slate, Artificial....................... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Slate-cleaners Educational.............. 35 146 Slate-frames.......................... Educational.3............. 146 Slate-frames, Machines for making..... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 146 Slate-pencils......................... Educational.............. 35 146 Slates................................ Edctoa........ 3 4 Slates. --,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,Educational -.......... -35 146 Slates, Artificial...................... Educational. —... 35 146 Slate-working machines............... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Slating............................... Roofing................... 108 126 Slat-mats......... rushes and Brooms..1. 15 56 Slatted floor-covering................. Brushes and Brooms....... 15 56 Slaughtering-apparatus....... Butchering........ 17 25 Sled-brakes........................... Carriages and Wagons -- - 21 31 Sled-runners.......................... Carriages and Wagons-.... 21 31 Sleds -------------—. Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 Sleds for furrowing ground. Plows... -...... 97 114 Sled-soles-. Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Sleepers, Railway.................-.... Railways; I 104 120 Sleeping-cars Railways; 2. —-—. -- --- 105 121 Sleeve-buttons........................ Clasps and Buckles........-24 23 Sleeves............................... Apparel -.-... —.. —-- - 2 38 Sleigh-bell attachments Harness...........-.. 54 72 Sleigh-bells........................... Harness...... 54 72 Sleigh-bells, Manufacture of..-.... Hardware Manufactures... 53B 10 Sleighs.............................. Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Slide-valves.......................... Valves.................... 136 152 Sliding-door rollers...-.. Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Sliding hills.......................... Carpentry................ 20 29 Sliding-gages......................... Measuring-Instruments.... 73 97 Slinging-accouterments............... Trunks................... 133 162 Slippers.............................. Boots and Shoes........... 12 16 Slips, Marine... -.. Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Slitting timber, Machines for ----- Wood-Working; 3..- -... 144 173 Slivering-machines.................... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 174 Slivers, Cans for...................... Carding.. 19 28 Slop-buckets..................... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 297 { SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- cation. 5 ot ~ o oWno z z Slop-jars.-..... Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Slotting machines, Metal............... Metal-Working;?. 82 100 Slubbing-frames...................... Spinning................. 118 142 Sluice-gates -Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Small-arms........................... Fire-Arms................ 42 55 Smelting-furnaces. Metallurgy............... 75 88 Smelting glass... Glass 49 68 Smoke-bells.......................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings..- 67 90 Smoke-burners...-...... Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Smoke-houses......................... Dryers and Kilns -....... 34 48 Smoke-jacks.-........ Stoves and Furnaces.... - - 126 154 Smoke-pipes for boiler-furnaces........ Steam; 2................. 122 149 Smoking meat and fish................ Dryers and Kilns.......... 34 58 Smoking-pipes....................... Tobacco.................. 131 160 Smoothing-irons...-... Laundry.................. 68 91 Smut-machines....................... Mills 83 159 Smut-millsMills..................... 83 159 Snag-boats Hydraulic Engineering -... 61 82 Snags, Removing..................... Hydraulic Engineering.. 61 82 Snap-hooks........................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Snap-hooks, Manufacture of........... Hardware Manufactures.. 53F 23 Snap-rings........................... Clasps and Buckles........ 24 23 Snathls, Machines for bending.......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 175 Snaths, Machines for finishing......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 175 Snaths, Machines for rounding.-.. Wood-Working; 1 -- - 142 175 Snaths, Machines for turning. Wood-Working; 1........ 142 175 Snout-rings.......................... Harness...-.... 54 144 Snow-plows.......................... Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Snubbe rs -........Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Snuff-boxes........................... Tobacco.................. 131 160 Snuffers............................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings... 67 90 Snuff-sifters.......................... Tobacco.................. 131 160 Soap................................. Oil, Fat, and Glue - 87 26 Soap-cutting machines Oil, Fat, and Glue - 87 26 Soap-holders. Furniture................. 45 26 Soap-making machines................ Oil, Fat, and Glue.-.... 87 26 Soap-making processes... Oil, Fat, and Glue....... 87 26 Soda-fountains-Mir-. —--- -- Aration and Bottling..... 1 1 Soda-fountains, Apparatus for charging. Auration and Bottling..... 1 1 Soda-water apparatus. Aiiration and Bottling 1 1 Sod-cutters. —----------- Plows ------------ 97 114 Sofas -............................. Furniture................. 45 62 Solar cameras.-........ Optics 88 111 Solder................................ Sheet-Metal............... 113A 136 Soldering-furnaces Sheet-Metal.............-.. 113A 136 Soldering-implements. -... Sheet-Metal............... 113A 136 Soldering-processes................... Sheet-Metal-.. 113A 136 Soldering-tools - Sheet-Metal............... 113A 136 Soles for boots and shoes ]Boots and Shoes...........-12 16 Sounds........ Surgery......-............ 128 156 Sorghum-evaporators................. Sugar127 155 Sorghum manufacture Sugar.................... 127 155 Sorghum-mills........................ ills83 155 Sorghum-strippers Garden and Orchard...... 47 155 Sorting-apparatus, Electrical.......... Electricity. 36 50 Sorting machines, Leather............ Leather.................. 69 92 Sorting silk Silk...................... 117 140 Sounders. Electricity................ 36 50 Sounding-apparatus.................. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 137 298 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. le a IName of class-official classifi- uW 0~ SUBJECT. cain a Sounding-boards for musical instruments.-....-.- -.-.. Music Sounding, Instruments for marine.-.. Measuring-Instruments 73 137 Sowers, Broad-cast.................... Seeders and Planters. 133 Sowers, Fertilizer..................... Seeders and Planters.. 133 Sowers, Seed -........-.......-..... Seeders and Planters. -. 133 Spaces for printers.................... Printing101 117 Spade-bayonets..... Fire-Arms42 55 Spades...-.-a......n.. G and Orcharde 47 141 Spading-machines.................... Plows97 114 Spangles to skirts, Attaching.......... Crinoline and Corsets. 29 38 Spanners for hose-couplings. —---. Hose and Belting60 81 Spark-arresters....................... Steam94 Spark-consumers..................... Steam -122 94 Sparring steamboats.- -................. Ships; -114 138 Spars, Handling and hoisting.......... Ships; 1114 138 Spaying device - -Surgery -- --- - 128 156 Speaking-trumpets....................- - Signals-116 158 Speaking-tubes....... —---—. Signal - - - - 116 158 Specific-gravity apparatus.... Measuring-Instruments --- 73 132 Spectacles............................ Optics88 157 Speculums, Anal...................... Surgery128 156 Speculums, Vaginal... Surgery-128 156 Speeder-flyers, Manufacture of. —- - Hardware Manufactures 53H 142 Speeders.. —-.-.-. ——.-Spinning-118 142 Speeders for capstans...........Hoisting ---------- 57 79 Speed-indicators —--- ------— Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 42 Spermatorrhea, Instruments for treatiug —................Surgery ---------- 128 156 Spherical-case shot -- Projectiles --------— 102 105 Spliygmographs -Measuring-Instruments --- 73 156 Spice-boxes ------ -------— Kitchen Utensils-...... 65 88 Spice-mills -- Mills —---------- 83 88 Spiders-_.....Stoves and Ranges-..... 126 154 Spike-bar rolling —...........Metal-Working; 5 80 125 Spike-extractors —...........Wood-Working; 4 - 145 29 Spikes —------ --------— Nails —---------- 85 103 Spikes, Machines for making- -......Nails-........... 85 103 Spikes, Railroad.- Railways; 4 -.107 120 Spikes, Screw., -- Railways; 4 -.107 120 Spikes, Self-cle-nching. - - Nails ------------ 85 103 Spinal curvatures, Instruments for treating -- Artificial Limbs -3 156 Spindle-heads for flyers, Manufacture of. Hardware Manufactures -- 53H 142 Spindles, Banding —--- ------— Spinning - - --------------- 118 142 Spindles for door-knobs-. - — Locks and Latches ----- - 70 93 Spindles for spinning-machines- -Spinning ---------- 118 142 Spindles, Lubricating-..-.. — -.Journals and Bearings -.-. 64 87 Spindles, Mill —---- -------— Mills ------------- -83 57 Spindle-steps. --- Spinning —-------- 118 142 Spinning glass - -----------— Glass-_. _ _.. 49 68 Spinning-machinery --- ------— Spinning -_. _ -- -- - ---- 118 142 Spinning sheet-metal ware. - Sheet-Metal -........ 113A 136 Spinning silk..............Silk-117 140 Spinning-wheels -- Spinning- 118 142 Spiral stock-drills —--- -M-Aletal-Working; 2 ----- 77 100 Spirals, Instruments for drawing- -Drafting.......... 33 97 Spirit-meters..............Pumps-103 167 Spirits, Distillation of............Stills.............. 124 47 Spirits, Rectification of - -........Stills-........... 124 47 ALPHABTICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 299 Name of class-official classifi- Cd SUBJECT. cation cation. [, z ~~~Spirometers-Measuring-Instruments... 73 156 Spits for roasting ma.Stoves and Ranges-.. 126 154 Spittoon-envelopes — Furniture................ 45 62 Spittoons, Railway-car - - Furniture.......... 45 121 Spittoons-.... Furniture...... 45 62 Splice pieces, Railway-Railways; 1. —--- - 104 120 Splices for railways, Making-Railways; 4..- 107 120.Splicing timbers-Carpentry................ 20 30 Splint-brooms-...... Brushes and Brooms.... 15 22 Splint-planes-..... Wood-Working; 2 _.....-. 143 29 ~~~Splints -~~. -Artificial Limbs........... 3 156 Splints for baskets, blinds, brooms, and matches-...........Wood-Working; 2........ 143 174 Split-rings —-------- Clasps and Buckles ---- 24 23 Split-rings, Manufacture of-Hardware Manufactures 53E 23 Splittin fire-wood, Machines for Wood-Working; 3 144 174 Splitting machines, Leather- -.................. 69 92 Splitting slate —---— Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 153 Spoke-shaves-..... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 31 Spokes, Machines for drivinWood-Working; 3 144 31 Spokes, Machines for planing Wood-Working; 3........ 144 31 Spokes, Machines for polishing Wood-Working; 3... 144 31 Spokes, Machines for tenoningWood-Working; 3.... 144 31 Spokes, Machines for turning-Wood-Working; 1........ 142 31 Spokes-.....................- Carriages and Wagons 21 31' Spoke-sockets -----------— Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Sponge-cups ------------— Stationery. - 120 146 Sponge for stufing, Preparing - Beds-5 62 Sponges forordnance_.-...Ordnance-.89 105 Sponging cloth —---------— Cloth-26 37 Spool-cases-Apparel-.......... 2 38 Spool-holders-.............Apparel-.......... 2 38 Spooling-machines ---------— Cordage-28 17 Spool-printing ------------— Printing-101 117 Spools-.................Cordage-28 17 Spools, Machines for boring-.......Wood-Working; 1 - 142 173 Spools, Machines for turning. —---— Wood-Working; 1 - 142 172 Spool-stands-..............Apparel-........... 2- 38 Spoons —-------------— Kitchen Utensils-...... 65 88 Spoons, Making. ------........Sheet-Metal —-----— 113B 136 Spoons, Medicinal —--------— Surgery-......... 128 156 Spouting ---------— _ —-Water-Distribution - 137 167 Spouting for eaves ---------— Roofing —--------- 108 126 Spouting, Making-...........Sheet-Metal —-----— 113B 136 Spring-bolts ------------— Builders' Hardware.. 16 24 Springr-brim, hats-............Felting, and Hats..38 76 Spring-heads, Manufacture of ----— Hardware Manufactures 53C 24 Spring-h)inges..-..........Builders' Hardware..16 24 Spring-punchies- Clasps and Buckles-_.24 72 Springs, Car. - Railways; 3 -........ 106 122 Springs, Carriage-Carriages —-------- 21 31 Springs, Door. - Builders' Hardware. 16 24 Springs for artificial teeth-.......Dental ------------ -32 46 Spring;s for beds —---------- Beds ------------ 5 62 Springs for sofas, chairs, &c - Furniture. —-------- 45 62 Springs, Watch and clock ------— Horology - 58 36 Spring-testing presses. - Presses-.......... 100 7 Sprinklers for clothes............Laundry ---------- 68 91 Sprouting-beds for plants..Garden and Orchard -. —- 47 63 Sprue-patterns... -.Castings.. -........ 22 33 300 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name~~~~~~~~~~~W C SUBJECT. Name of class-official classification. z z Sprues........................ Castings-22 33 Spuds.......-. Garden and Orchard... 47 63 SpursHarness. —-. — 5arn4 72 Spurs for saw-mills.. Saws110 130 Squares Measuring-Instruments ---- 73 97 Squeezers for puddlers' balls............ Metal-Workig 5 85 Stable-cleaners......... Stabling119 144 Stables............................... Stablling.119 144 Stackers.................... Thrashing130 159 Stage-properties.-..... F.it.. Fine A143 Staging for boatsHydraulic Engineering............. - 61' 82Hydr Staging for loading and unloading vessels.Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82Hd StaiigPining.t............ Paint107 Staining-compositions for marble and stone.S.t.one,.Lime,.and.Cemen. Stone153 Staining glass, wood, &c...Fine Arts.41 54 Stains, Composition for removing...... ChemicalMiscellaneos 23 35 Stair-covers.......................... Furniture45 62 Stair-pads..... Furniture 45 62 Stair-plates................ Furniture 45 62 Stair-rod fastenings.... Builders'Hardware.16 24 Stair-rods............................ Builders'Hardware16 24 Stair-rods............................ Furniture..45 62 Stair-rods, Manufacture of.. Hardware Manufactures 53D 24 Stairs.................Carpentry. —---- -- 20.30 Staiths.Hydraulic Engineering. ---- 61 8 Stalk-choppers. Harrows.... ---- ----- 55'73 Stalk-pullers. —---- -----— Harrows...55 73 Stalls for horsess and cattle.. —---- Stabling. —-------- 119 144 Stamp-cancelers -----------— Printing ------------- 101 146 Stamp-holders. —---------— Stationery......... 120 146 Stamping fabrics. Apparel ------------ 2 37 Stamping-mills ------------— Ore. 90 3 Stamps, Address. —--------— Printing. —-------- 101 117 Stamps, Branding............Printing.......... 101 117 Stamps for sheet-metal working..-..Sheet-Metal.113A 136 Stamps, Hand. —---------— Printing.101 146 Stamips, Postage.Fine Arts.......... 41 146 Stamps, Post-office ---------— Printing.101 146 Stamps, Revenue. —--------— Fine Arts.......... 41 146 Stamps, Seal. —----------- Printing.......... 101 146 Stanchions.Stabling. 119 144 Stands, lint and cloak. Furniture. —---- -- 45 62 Stands, Towel.. Furniture......... 45 6-2 Stands, Umibrella.. —.. Furniture. —- ----- 45 62 Staples.Nails ------------ 85 103 Staples, Machines for making. Nails.85 103 Starch, Manufacture of. --. —---— Bleaching and Dyebig 8 11 Starting engines off their centers.....Mechanical Powers. 74 67 Statiounary steam-engrinc3. —---— Steam; 1.121 150 Stationery, Articles of... Stationery___120 146 Stationery, (metallic articles of;) Manufacture ofHardware Manufactures 531 124 Station-indicators, (non-automatic). Stationery.......... 120 146 Staves, Macbi-',-s for bilging. —---— Wood-Working; 3. —--- 144 40 Staves, Macb s for crozing. Wood-Working; 3 -..... 144 40 Staves, Machines for dressing......Wood-Working; 3 144 40 Staves, Machines for howeling.o.....Wood-Workino; 3 144 40 Staves, Machines for jointing......Wood-Working: 3...... 144 4 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 301 Name of class-official classifi- cation. l Cc S~~~~~ I o,>' o._ z z Staves, Machines for riving-Wood-Working; 3.1....... 144 40 Stavi ng metals.-Metal-Working; 3.-. 78 100 ~~~~~~Steam-actuated car-brakes.............Steam -121 122 Steam-boiler coveringSteam; 2................. 122 149 ~~~~~~~Steam-boiler 2........... 122.... 149 ~~~~~~Steam 2-boilers................. Steam 2 122 148 Steam-blast for furn aces - -........Steam- 2 - 122 12 Steam carving-tables - - Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Stea-chests of enginesSteam; 1 1..... 121 150 Steam-cocks —...Valves........ 136 148 Steam-cooking apparatus -Stoves and Furnaces....... -- 126 154 Steam-cultivators -- Plows -.....,97 114 Steam-cylinderheads -Steam; 1................. 121 150 Steam-cylinders -Steam; 1........... 121 150 Steam-engines- -- -Steam 1.... 121 150 ~~~~~~Steam-e;gies for car-brakes..........Steam 1 121 150 ~~~~~~~Steam-e gines1................. 121 150 ~~~~Steam-engies for hoisting ---- Steam 1 121 150 ~~~~~~~Steam-engines; 1.. u........ 121 150 Stea-enine indicators - ---- Measuring-Instruments.- 73 148 Steam-engines, Lubricators forJournals and Bearings. 64 87 Steam-engines, Valve-gear for --—.......St...eam 1 121 150 Steam-finishing presses for cloth Presses................... 100 37 Steam fire-engines -Pumps ------ - — 103 118 Steam fire-engines, (Engines of) ---— Steam- 1 --------- 121 118 Steam fire-proofups................... 1039 118 ~~~eSteam-gagesM; I.................73 118 Steam-generators -Steam; 2 --------- 122 148 Steam-governors —...........Governors.-~ —-- - ---- 50 69 Steam-hammers -- Metal-Working; 3- - -78 100 Steam-hammers, Engines of- - Steam - 121 150 Steam-beaters ----- -------— Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 147 Steam-heaters, Boilers of —- ----— Steam;- 2 122 147 Steam-heating, tables. -Stoves and Furnaces 126 147 Steam in furnaces, Use of - -.......Steam; 2 —......... 122 149 Steaming-apparatus, Boilers of- -....Steam; -2 — -122 148 Steaming cloth —............Cloth.............- -.. 26 37 Steam-packing -- Steam-i 121 151 Steam-pipes -.. — --------— Steam; 2. ------- ----- 122 149 Steam-pipesNon conducting coveringfor Steam - 2 122 149 Steam-piston packing.. -Steam. - 1 --------- 121 151 Steam-pistons -- Steam - 1 -121 151 Steam-plates for cloth-presses- -.....Presses - -100 7 Steam-plows -- Plows - -97 114 Steami-pressure gages - - Measuring-Instruments - 73 148 Steam-pressure indicators - - Measuring-Instrumients.. 73 148 Steami-pressure regulators -- -Steam; 2- ---------------- 122 148 Steam-pumps —.............Pumps ---------- - 103 118 Steam-punmps, Engines of - -......Steam;- 122 118 Steam-regfulators.............Steam; 2 —......... 122 148 Steam spading-machines - - Plows - —.......... 97 114 Steayn-traps -- Steam;- 121 150 Steam vacuum-pumps - - Steam; 1 —- -121 150 Steam-valves -- Valves - —.......... 136 152 Steam-whistles -- Steam; 2 ---- ~-.I.... 122 148 Stearine -- Oil, Fat, and Glue- —.... 87 26 Stearilne-presses -- Presses............ 100 26 Steel, Compositions in manufacturing.. Metallurgy - -75 85 Steel, Machinery in umanufacturing — Metallurgy —------- - 75 85 Steel pens, Manufactnre of- - Hardware Manufactures.. 531 136 21 302 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. N-~~~~~~Ca SUBJECT. Name of ~~~class-official classifiSUBJECT. Name cation..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.C z Steel, Processes in manufacturing...... Metallurgy- -75 5 Steels................................ Grinding and Polishing.. 51 70 Steering-apparatus......... Ships; 1- -114 137 Stem-winders...............-Horology.... 58 36orol Stench-traps.................. Baths and Closets- -4 8 Stencil-platesFine................. 41Fine 54 Stencil-printing machines............. Printing101 54 Step-ladders.................. Carpentry20 30 Stereoscopes... Optics - 8 1i1 Stereoscopic-picture holders... —- FieAt Fine Stereotype-molds, Machines for producing... —......Printing —101 164 Stereotyping........... Printing - -101 164 Stereotyping, Compositions for........ — Printig101 164 Stereotyping, Processes for.. — -—. Printing101 164 Stethometers......................... Measu. 73 156 Stethoscopes......................... Surgery128 156 Stills................... Stills.124 47 Stilts.Games andToys........... 143Game Stirrups-...H.. arness54 72 Stirrups, Manufacture of....Hardware Manufactures 53F 72 Stirrups, Safety-..........7.2..... Ha54e Stitches for sewing-machines.......... Sewing-Machines- - 112 134 Stitching horses...........Harness54 72 Stock-cars-. Railways; 2 - - 105 121 Stock-feede-rs -- Stabling -- 119 144 Stockingr and sock machines- -......Knitting and Netting ---- 66 89 Stocking-supporters -- Apparel ----- ------ 2 38 Stockings, Toe and heel protectors for.. Apparel ----- ------ 2 38 Stocks and dies ----- ------— Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets....- 10 14 Stocks, Bit -- Wood-Working; 4- -.... 1 45 29 Stocks for fire-arms -- Fire-Arns —........ 42 55 Stocks for refractory animals- -Stabling -........... 119 144 Stocks for shoeing animals- -......Stabling..- 119 60 Stocks, Neck..- Apparel —---- ------ 2 38 Stomach-pumps ---— Surgery —-------- - 128 118 Stone and cement, Indurating- -.....Stone, Lime, and Cement -. - 125 153 Stone and slate tanks, Construction of- Masonry —--- ------ 72 51 Stone, Artificial —............Stone, Lime, and Cement -.. 125 153 Stone-breakers —---- ------— Ore ------ ------- 90 3 Stone bridges -- Bridges —.14 21 Stone, Channeling ---- Stone, Lime, and Cement. - 125 153 Stone, Compositions for porous —--— Stone, Lime, and Cement.-.. 125 153 Stone'erushers —............Ore —........... 90 3 Stone-dressingr —---- ------— Stone, Lime, anid Cement_ 125 153 Stone-drills ------ -------— Stone, Lime, and CemeuLt 125 153 Stone facing for houses —-- ----— Masonry —--- ------ 72 4 Stone fronts for houses —------- Masonry —......... 72 4 Stone-gatherers —---------- Harrows —---------- 55'73 Stone, Indurating —--- ------— Stone, Lime, and Cemeut-L - 125 153 Stone, Manufacture of paving- -....Stone, Lime, and Cement... 125 110 Stone-polishing -- Grinding and Polishing- --- 51 153 StonDe-saws —----- -------— Stone, Linme, and Cement_ 125 153 Stone-staves for millers - — Stone, Lime, and Cement —. 125 153 Stone, Tools for working - -.......Stone, Lime, and Cement.- - -1 25 153 Stone-ware - -------— Clay-............-~ 25 115 Stone-working machines - -.......Stone, Lime, and Cement. - 125 153 Stone-working tools, Manufacture of..- Metal-Working; 6 -- ---- 81B 153 Stone-work of buildings-..Masonry —--- ------ 72 4 Stools —................Furniture — 45 62 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 303 S.Name of class-official classifi-'e SUBJECT. NaeoCctia cation. Z~ 0 0.0 o oQ z z Stools, Camp Furniture................. 45 62 Stools, Folding Furniture................. 45 62 Stools, Foot -------------------------- Furniture- 45 62 Stools, Piano-Furniture -45 62 Stop-cocks ---------------------------- Valves........... —....... 136 152 Stop-mechanisms for looms. Weaving................. 139 95 Stop-motions for carding-machines ----- Carding -------- ---- 19 28 Stop-motions for knitting-machines... Knitting and Netting 66 89 Stop-motions for spinning-machines.... Spinning - -118 142 Stop-motions for steam-engines. Steam; i 1 —---- ---------- 121 150 Stopping crevasses.. Hydraulic Engineering ---- 61 82 Stops, Door-. ---- Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Stop-valves ----------—.-. —-.........Valves.................... 136 152 Store-houses. Carpentry................ 20 30 Store shelving Furniture. 45 62 Storm-signals, Electrical Electricity................ 36 50 Stove-aprons ------------------------- Stoves and Furnaces-.... 126 154 Stove-boilers Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stove-cover holders- -............... Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stove-covers -------------------------- Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Stove-door handles.. Stoves and Furnaces.... 126 154 Stove-door linings Stoves and Furnaces - -. 126 154 Stove-doors........................... Stoves and Furnaces - -. 126 154 Stove-drums. Stoves and Furnaces-..- 126 154 Stove-fasteners ----------------------- Stoves and Furnaces.. 126 154 Stove-flues Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Stove-furniture, Making sheet-metal... Sheet-Metal............... 113B 136 Stove-illuminators -------------------- Stoves and Furnaces-..-... 126 154 Stove-irons Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Stove-leg casters ---------------------- Stoves and Furnaces - -I 126 154 Stove-leg~s-Stoves and Furnaces - -126 154 Stove-lid holders...................... Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stove-lids........... Stoves and Furnaces. 126 154 Stove-linings Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 154 Stove-pipe cleaners Stoves and Furnaces.. 126 154 Stove-pipe drums -Stoves and Furnaces. 126 154 Stove-pipe shelves Kitchen Utensils —... 65 154 Stove-pipes........................... Stoves and Furnaces ------- 1`26 154 Stove-pipes, Making ------------------- Sheet-Metal ------ --------- 113B 136 Stove-pipe thimbles Stoves and Furnaces-..-... 126 136 Stove-plates. Stoves and Furnaces-..-... 126 154 Stove-polish Grinding and Polishing.... 51 70 Stoves ---------- Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stoves, Base-burning. Stoves and Furnaces- 126 154 Stoves. Camnip Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stoves, Coal -------------------------- Stoves and Furnaces ------- 126 154 Stoves, Coal-oil ----------------------- Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stoves, Cooking Stoves and Furnaces- 126 154 Stoves, Foot..........................-Stoves and Furnaces ---- 126 154 Stoves, Gas --------------------------- Stoves and Furnaces ------ 126 65 Stoves, Heating- Stoves and Furnaces —---- 126 154 Stoves, Lamp- ------------------------ Stoves and Furnaces - 126 154 Stoves, Soapstone-Stoves and Furnaces ---- 126 65 Stoves, tenils....................... Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Stoves; Window —------------ Stoves and Furnaces- -.... 126 154 Stoves, Wood-...................... Stoves and Furnaces....... 126 154 Strabisnius-goggles-Surgery -- 128 156 Strao Uitenling bars and plates Metal-Working; 1 76 125 Straighitening gnu-barrels-.......Metal-Workinor; 1 76..163 Straiglitensiig..................... Metal-Working; 1 7....... 1 96 125 304 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classif- SUBJECT.,Cd Straightening rods and shafts.-..... Metal-Working; 76 125 Strainer-presses....................... Presses100 Strainers.....-............. — Wire -140 170 Strainers, Milk................. Dairy31 45 Straw-boards......................... Paper-Making.92 108 Straw-carriers-....-.................. Thrashing130 159 Straw-cutters -.-..-............. Stabling119 59 Straw for paper, Treating............. Paper-Making92 108 Straw-scatterers....................... Harvesters56 77 Straw-stackers............ 1............ Thras59 Street-car heaters..................... Stoves and Furnaces-126 154 Street-cars............................ Railways2 105 121 Street-indicators...................... Stationery120 146 Street-levelers.........-....... —. Paving94 11 Street-paving..- -..................... Paving94 110 Street-railways...- -................ Railways; 1104 120 Street-rammers..............Paving94 110 Street-scrapers.-........-. Pavin-94 110 Street-sprinkling carts.W............b Water167 Street-sweepers...................... Pavin110 Street-washers........................ Water-Distribution-137 167 Stretchers............................ Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 Stretchers for pictures. Fine Arts -41 54 Stretching cloth............... Cloth.26 37 Stretching machines, Leather - Leather 69 92 Stretching silk — Silk-............ 117 140, Stringed instrumients —-- -----— Music ----------- 84 102 Stringas for musical instruments - Music-........... 84 102 Strops -- ~~~~~~~~~Grinding and Polishing..-.. 51 70 Studs —------ --------— Clasps and Buckles.- ----- 24 23Stuffers, Collar ----- ------— Harness-.......... 54 72 Stuffiug-boxes ----- -------— Steam; 1-121 151 Stuffing-box packing - Steam; 1 - 121 151 Stuffing for niattresses, pillows, &c -.... Beds-............ 5 62. Stuffing for upholstering purposes - -Beds-........... 5 62 Stump-extractors —...........Hoisting- 57 79 Stumps, Machines for cutting —- ----- Wood-Working; 3 -..... 144 175 Sub-aqueous foundations - - Hydraulic Engineering-~ (i 82 Sub-aqueous railways —-- -----— Hydraulic Engineering c- 61 82? Sub-aqueous tunneling —-- ----— Hydraulic Engin eering - - 61 82 Sub-fluvian tunnels -- Hydraulic Engineering -- 61 82 Submarine armor —--- ------— Hydraulic Engineering. - - 61 82 Submiarine cables, Laying - Hydraulic Engineering_. 61 82 Submarine excavating - -........Hydraulic Engrineering 0 61 82. Submiarine excavators-.- Excavators —------- 37 82 Submiarine heluets ---- -H —--— 11ydra-ulic En gineering. - -., 61 2 Submarine lam~ps —...........Lamps and Gas-Fittingrs__ 67 9-2 Submarine operators..............Hydraulic Engineering~. 61 85 Submarinie ordnance- ----------------- Ordnance —-------- 89 107 Submarine vessels -- Ships; 1 ---------- 114 1:34 Subsoil-plo ws — -Plows ----------- 97 115 Sugar-breakers -- Su ga r-1-2........ 7 155 Sug-ar ---------- --------— Sugar ----------- 127 155 Sugar-cane cutters. -Harvesters --------- 56 75 Sugoar-canie mills ----- ---- Mills -83 155 Sugar-crushers —...........Mills -------------------— 83 155 Sugtar-filters —-Stn gar-127 155 Sug ar from grain, Obtaining - — Sugar-127 155 Sug-ar-furnaces -. — -Sugar-127 155 Sugar-furnaces.............Sugar -1-27 155 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 305 Name of class-official classifi- cation. CSugar-making processesSugar..... 127 155 Sugar-mills —...Mills. —------—. 83 155 Sugar-mixing machineSugar.................... 127 157 Sugar-packers —..Presses.-............ 100 5 Sugar-pans —- -- -S —- r........... 127 155 ~~~~~~~Sugar-pan...................a. 127 157 Sugar-presses —..Presses.-.......... 100 5 -Sugar —fig..Sugar. —------- 127 155 Sugar-strainers -Sugar.-........I.. 127 151 Sulkies —........Carriages....... 21 31 Sulky-seats —...Carriages - - - - - 21 31 Sulphuric acid, Recovering- - Stills..................... 124 47 ~~~Sun-shades -- Umbrellas and Fans. 135 165 Sun-shades for horsesHarness..... i.. -54 72 Super-heaters for steam-boilersSteam; 2.-........ 122 149 Supporters, AbdominalSurgery...... 128 156 Supporters, MenstrualSurgery.-.......... 128 156 Supporters, ObstetricalSurgery...-......... 128 156 Supporters, Pile —.Surgery -. —-— | —- 128 156 SSupporters, Uterie -Surgery.................. 128 156 Supporters, Vaginal -- Surgery.-.-......... 128 156 Supporters, Window -Builders' Hardware.... 16 24 Supporting vessels -- Ships; 1.................. 114 82 Suppositories —..Surgery 1...... 128 156 Sureinges —--------- --— Harness. 54 72 Suirf-boats —..............Boats 9 —--------- 13 Surge-relievers ----- ------— Ships; 1 --------- 114 138 Surveying-instruments - -........Optics ----------- 88 157 Surveyors' chains -- Optics ----------- 88 157 Surveyors' compasses —-- -Optics —. 15 Surveyors' marks —...........Optics - 88 157 Suspenders ------ -------— Apparel ----------- -2 38 Suspending ships' boats --- ----— Boats................ 9 ~ 13 Suspension-bridge cbe -.Wire-Working - -- 140 170 Suspension-bridges —..........Bridges. 14f 21 Suspension-cable anchors --- ----— Bridges-.......... 14 138 Suspension-cable saddles - -.......Bridges.______ 14 21 Suspension-cable wire-carriers- -.....Bridges ---------- 14 21 Suspensory bandages - -.........Surgery -........... 12-8 156 Suture-instruments ---- -----— Surgery- 1 128 156 Swag-ing metals -- Metal-Working-; 3 78 100 Swaghig sheet-metal - -........Sheet-Metal — 113A 136 Swarm-indicators —...........Bee-Hives --------- 6 9 Sward-cutters ----- -------— Harvesters ----------- - 56 75 Sweat-leathers for hats. - - Feltingr and Hats-......1 38 76 Sweet-potato cultivators - ------— Plows ---------- 97 114 Swells for musical instruments - -Music ----------- 84 106 Swifts..- Spinning 118 142 Swimminu, Appliances for - -.......Games and Toy.46 143 Swingr-bridges - -------- -----— Bridge.14 21 Swings............Gaumes and Toys -...... 46 143 Switch-boards --------------- Electricity-......... 36 50 Switches, Electrical ---- -----— Electricity. -36 50 Switches, Hair....Toilet-........... 132 161 Switches, Railway —--- -----— Railways; 1 -........ 104 120 Sic-indicators___Signals -116......120.. Switch-sgas- Sgas116 120 Swivel-hooks —---- -------— Clasps and Buckles. - 24 23 Swivel-hooks, Manufacture of- -.....Hardware Manufactures- 53F 23 Swords, Manufacture of --- ---- Hardware Maunfiactures... 53A 44 306 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ae Name of class-official classifi- C SUBJECT. SUBJECT. ~~~~~~~~cation. C. Sympiesometers...................... Measuring-Instrumets. 73 101 Syringes.-..-.......... —. —- ------ Pumps103 118 Syringes, Catarrhal.... Surgery-128 156 Syringes, Elastic-bulb................. Surgery128 156 Syringes, Enema.. —-------- Surgery128 156 Syringes, Eye.................-. Surgery128 156 Syringes, Hemorrhoidal..-... S. r Surge156 Syringes, Penis.........-............. Surgery128 156 Syringes, Vaginal.-.................... Surgery-128 156 T. Table-bells, Manufacture of..-...... Hardware Manufactures- 53B 24 Table-cars........................... Kitchen Utensils65 62 Table-covers...... Furniture - -45 62 Table-forks.-............... Cutlery30 44 Table-furniture, Makingr sheet-metal. Sheet-Metal113B 136 Table-knives..-............ Cutlery-30 44 Table-leaf supporters..-........ Furniture45 62 Table-leaves, Jointing.-. Woo-Wrkng;1 Wood-62 Table-mats.Ut......-. Kitche ls- -65 88 Tables................ —- Furniture45 62 Tables, Arithmetical.-......... Measuring-strumets -- 73 146 Tables, Card.................-....... Furniture-45 62 Tables, ComputinMeasuring-Instruments 73 146 Tables, Drawing- Furniture ---------- 45 62 Tables, Extension-Furn iture -------- - 45 62 Tables for glass-manufacture ----— Glass —---- ------- 49 68 Tables for molders ---------— Casting —-- ------- 22 33 Tables, Ironing —---------— Furniture ---- ------ 45 91 Tables, Operating —--------— Furniture ---- ------ 45 62 Tables, Self-waiting —-------— Furniture ---- ------ 45 62 Table, Sewing-machine -------— Sewingo-Machines.- --. — 45' 134 Tables, Ships' cabin —-------— Ships;P 1 —--- ------ 114 137 Tables, Writing —---------— Furniture ---- ------ 45 62 Table-trays —-----------— Kitchen Utensils --- ---- 65 88 Tablets, Compositions for - Stationery ---- ------ 120 146 Tablets, Writing-.Stationery ---- ------ 120 146. Tack-extractors-Wood-Working; 4 ------ 145 29 Tackle and blocks ---------— Hoisting ----- ------ 57 79 Tackle-blocks —----------— Hoisting-__ _.-__ 57 79 Tackle, Hoisting- Ships; 1 —--- ------ 114 79 Tackle, Safety -----------— Ships; 1. —-------- 114 79 Tacks ---------------— Nails —---- ------- 85 103 Tacks, Leathering -. —------— Nails —---- ------- 85 103 Tacks, Machines for making —---— Nails —---- ------- 85 103 Tag-holdlers ------------— Stationery ---- ------ 120 146 Tag-machines, Paper ----------- - Paper Manufacture- -.... 93 108 Tags: —--------------— Stationery ---- ------ 120 146 Tags, Machines for cutting shoe —-— Boots and Shoes --- ---- 12 16 Tagfs, Printing ------------- Printing ---------- 101 117 Tail-boaids for wagons —-- ----— Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Tailoring —------------— Apparel -.......... 2 38 Tailors' ironing-machines -------------- Apparel ----- ------ 2 38 Tail-supporters -------- ---— Harness ---------- 54 72, Take-up motions for looms -----— Weaving —. 1.39 95 Tallies for grain, lumber, &c ----- Measuring-Instruments.... 73 42 Tallow-Oil, Fat, and Glue- -..... 87 26 Tallow, Treatment of - Oil, Fat, and Glue._ -.-. 87 26 Tank-cars - - Railways; 2 -------- 105 121. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 307 1.C 1~ ~~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- cation. m o.o o iz z Tanks for storage, ExcavatedMasonry.................. 72 51 Tanks for tenders-Steam; 3......... 123 94 ~~~~~Ta~nningTanning.................. 129 92 Tannngmahne —----------- sg............n...... n129 92 Tanning-materiais-Tanning.................. 129 92 Tanning-processes-Tanning.................. 129 92 Tape-............Weaving................. 139 17 ~Tape-fnu~ses-Projectiles............... 102 105 Tape-primers-....Projectiles................ 102 105 Tapes for skirts —— Crinoline and Corsets..... 29 80 Tape-trimming, Machines for makig. - Sewing-Machines.......... 112 17 Tape-worm, Apparatus for removing.. Surgery... 128 156 ~~~~~~Taps- Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets --- 10 14 Tapsfor liquors —Valves................... 136 167 STar, Extracting —Stills..................... 124 47 Targets —-------— Qalnes and Toys.......... 46 143 Tassels-.........Cordage.. 28 127 Tatting-achines —-— Knitting and Netting. 66 89 Tatting-shuttles-Apparel.................. 2 38 Tawing leather-..Tanning.................. 129 92 Tea-kettles —-----— Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 136 Tea-pots —--------— Stoves and Furnaces...... 126 154 Teazel-grading machines ------— Cloth —---------- 26 37 Teazeling cloth-.Cloth..................... 26 37 Teazel-trimmersot. Garden and Orchar.................. 47 63 Tedders, Hay-.............Harvesters-......... 56 77 Teeth, Artificial —---------— Dental —--------- 32 46 Teeth, artificial, Compositions for --— Dental —--------- 32 46 Teeth, Inlsertable saw ---------------— Saws ----------- 110 136 Telegraphic codes —--------— Electricity --------- 36 50 Telegraphic signals-Electricity..36 50 Telegraph-instruments - Electricity —------ 36 50 Telegraphs, Acoustic -Signals —--------- 116 50 Telegraphs, Electric.. Electricity..........- 36 50 Telegraphs, Electro-chemical-......Electricity --------- 36 50 Telegraphs, Eleetro-magnetie -.. Electricity-......... 36 50 Telegraphs, Magneto-electric-......Electricity --------- 36 50 Telegraphs, Optical-Signals —--------- 116 158 Telegraphs, Pneumatic -------— Signals-.......... 116 158 Telegraph-posts-Fences-.......... 39 52 Telegraphs, Printing --------— Electricity. -36 50 Telegraphs, Semaphoric —-----— Signals-..116 158 Telegraphs, Submarine-.........Electricity-......... 36 50 Telephones.-Electricity-......... 36 50 Telescopes-...............Optics-........... 8i 157 Tellurians ---------------- -Educational -------- 35 146 Temperature-alarm s-Sign als - - - 116 101 Tempering glass-............Glass-........... 49 68 TemperingI steel-............Metallurgy-75 85 Tempering tools-............Metallurgy —------- 75 85 Temples, Looum-WeavingI.. -....... 139 96 Temporary binders.-Stationery-......... 120 15 Tenaculuins ------------— Surgery ----------------— 128 156 Tender-loaders.-Hoisting-......... 57 79 Tenders-................Steam; 3. —-------- 123 173 Tenoning-machines-Wood-Working; 2 ----- 143 173 Tenon-saws —Saws-........... 110 131 Tension-devices for sewing-mnachines -- Sewing-Machines- -..... 112 134 Tenter-bars for cloth.. -Cloth ------------ 26 a Tents-.................Trunks-.......... 133 162 308 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. came o~~~~~~~ Name of claps-official classifi- Ce SUBJECT. ca Terra cotta -..Clay-........... 25 1Cay Terrets, Manufacture of Hardware Manufactures, 53F 24 Tethers.............................. Harness54 72 Theatrical scenery and effectsFine......... A41 54 Theodolites................... Optics88 157 Therapeutic applications of heat, cold, air, vacuum........................ Surgery128 156 Thermometers........................ Measu 73 101 Thermostats......Measuring-Instruments.... 73 101Meas Thill-couplingsCarriages and Wagons.......... Carr Thill-couplings, Manufacture of........ Hardware Manufactures 53C 31 Thills................................. Carria21 31 Thill-tugs............................ Carriaes and Wagons 21 31 Thimble-machines for vessels. Ships 114 138 Thimbles, Nautical. Ships; 114 138 Thimbles.....-.................. Apparel2 38 Thrashing-floors...................... Thrashing130 159 Thrashing-machines.................. Thrashing130 159 Thread and spool boxes.-Appa. 3Apparel Thread assorting, balling, dressing, gassing, measuring, packaging, polishing, reeling, sizing, spooling, tying, winding..-...... Cordage28 17 Thread-controllers for sewing-machines Sewing-Machines112 134 Thread-cutters for sewing-machines....-Sewing-Machines-112 134 Thread-cutters —---------— Apparel ---------- 2 38 Thread-envelopes —--------— Apparel ---------- 2 38 Threaders-......: —----— Apparel ---------- 2 38 Thread-waxers for sewing-machines — Sewing-Machines-...... 112 134 Thresholds-.Carpentry-20 30 Throstles-Spinning-.......... 118 142 Throttle-valves-............Valves-........... 136 152 Throwing horses, Apparatus for-.....Harness-.......... 54 72 Throwing silk-............Silk-............ 117 141 Ticket-boxes-.............Stationery - -------- 120 146 Ticket-holders-.Stationery- -120 146 Ticket-punches-............Clasps and Buckles - 24 146 Ticket-rack.s..............Stationery --------- 120 146 Tickets, Railway,..-Stationery --------- 1120 146 Tidal docks —-----------— Hydraulic Eng(ineeringr - --- 61 82) Tidal valves ------------— Hydraulic Engineering - 61 82 Tide-bam;ins ---------------- -Hydraulic Engineering -.... 61 82 Tide-gates. -Hydraulic Engineering --- 61 82 Tide-powers —------— Hydraulic Engineering --- 61 82 Tide-powers - Mechanical Powers- - 74 82 Tide-wheels ------------— Water-W~heels - 138 167 Ties for bales - - Presses-.......... 100 7 Ties, Railway-Railways; 1 -104 120 Tightening standing rigging -......Ships; I-.......... 114 138'file-laying plows-............Plows -.............. 97 114 Tile-machines-Clay-..........25 20 Tiles, Drain ------------— Clay —_..._ 25 ~ 20 Tiles, Fire -------------— Clay- -— 25 20 Tiles, Floor-.............Clay- -— 25 20~ Tiles, Gardeu —----------— Clay_ —......... 250 20 Tiles, Mosaic-Clay-25 20 Tiles, Paving —----------— Clay_-25'20 Tiles, Roofing —-----------— Clay-.25 20 Tiling for roofs.-..........Roofing-,r108 126 Timber, Preservation of-........Chemnical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 309 e cci SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifiSUB~JECT. Name of cation. e' 4.~ 0 _ z..Time-balls, Electrical Electricity...-... 36 50 Time-indicators, Automatic... Horology...... 58 36 Time-indicators, (nonautomatic)....... Stationery................ 120 146 Time-fuses-............ Projectiles.......102 102 Time-locks-..................... Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Time-reist................ Horology................ 58 36..Time-reporters ——....... -. Horology.-....... -58 36 Time-tables................ Stationery.. 120 146.Timothy-head. drHarvesters.......... 56 75 Tin cans and boxes, Making........... Sheet-Metal.. 113B 136 Tinmen's s.hears. Cutlery................... 30 44 Tinn.ers' tools-. —... Metal-Working; 6. 8 1A 36 Tinning-................... Plating. 96 113....Tin-plate working....... Sheet-Metal.......... 113A 136.Tin-scrap, Utilizing............... Sheet-Metal.. 113A 136..Tippets-..... Apparel 2 38.................. Tips, Shoe...-............. Boots and Shoes........... 2 162 Tire-coolers-.......... Metal-Working; 3........ 78 60 Tire-makin-............. Metal-Working; 3........ 78 60 Tires, Bending and psetting.......... Metal-Working; 3 78 60......Tire-setters..... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 60.Tires, Making..-.M.. Metal-Working; 3. 78 60 Tires,................. Carriages and Wagons..... 21 31 ~~~~~..Tires, Tightening Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Tire-tighteners-................. Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Tire-npsetting -----------— Metal Working; 3 - 78 60 Toasters-................Stoves and Fnrnaces - 126 154 Tobacco-cartridges-...........Tobacco-.......... 131 160 Tobacco-cnrin~g-Garden and Orchard 47 160 Tobacco-cnring, (except Drying, Class 34)-~~~~~~~~~~~Tobacco-.131 160 Tobacco-cntting-............Tobacco -131 160 Tobacco-dryers-Dryers and Kilns........ 34 48 Tobacco-flavoring- Tobacco ---------- 131 160 Tobacco, Flavoring-..........Chemical Miscellaneous. — 23 160 Tobacco-granulating machines -.....Tobacco-.......... 131 160 Tobacco-hooks-Tobacco-131 160 Tobacco packing-............Tobacco ---------- 131 160 Tobacco-paper-.............Paper-Making -....... 9'2 108 Tobacco-pipes-.............Tobacco-........131 160 Tobacco-pipes, Machines for making wooden --------------— Wood-Working;- 1 ----- 142 175 Tobatco-pipe stems-..........Tobacco-131 160 Tobncco-ponches. —- Tobacco —-------- 131 160 Tobacco-preparing-Tobacco-131 160 Tobacco-presses- Presses-.......... 1007 Tobacco-sheeting.- Tobacco-.......... 131 160 Tobacco-stemmning ---------— Tobacco ---------- 131 160 Tobacco-stoppers ----------- Tobacco-.......... 131 160 Toe-caps — Boots and Shoes-...... 12 16 Toilet-mirrors -----------— Furniture-......... 45 62 Tolling devices for grain-mills-.....Mills —---------- 83 57 Tombstones-..............Fine Arts-41.54 Tompions-Ordnance. -89 105 Tongues, Carriage and wagon - Carriages --------- 21 31 Tongs, Blacksmiths' —-------— Metal-Working -; 6...... 8A 60 Tongs, Oyster -----------— Fishing..-. _-...- 43 143 Tongs, Pipe__Metal-XWorking; 6 —----- 8A 100 Tonsils,lInstruments for operating on the-................. Surgery-128 i 156 310 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 00 C Name of class-official classifi- cc SUBJECT. ci Tool-grinding........................ Grinding and Polishing. 51 70 Tool-handles, (except Turning, Class 142). Wood-Working; 4- - 145 175 Tool-holders.-........................ Wood-Working; 4145 172 Tool-holders for grindstones........... Grinding and Polishing... 51 70 Tool-holders for lathes................ Metal-Working; 782 100 Tool-rests for lathes................... Metal-Working; 7 82 100 Tool-rests for wood-lathes.............14 Wood172 Tools for glass manufacture. —--- Glass49 68 Tools for metal-lathes, Turning.... Metal-Working; 7 2 100 Tools for molding clay................ Clay.25 115 Tools for scaling boilers............... Steam; 122 149 Tools for wood-lathesWood-Wo................. Wood172 Tools for wood-working.- Wood-Working;........ Woo145 174 Tools for working sheet-metal......... Sheet-Metal.113A 136 Tools for working wire................ Wire-Working140 170 Tool-stocks.-...................*... Wood-Working; 4145 17 Tools to handles, AttachingW...... Wood-Working; 4145 175 Tooth-brushes.........a.n..d..... Brooms 15 161 Tooth-picks.-............ Toilet132 161 Tooth-picks, Machines for making Wood-Workig; 3144 174 Tooth-powder.M..........i.s..e Chem- 23 161 Topical applications, Appliances for._. Surgery - -128 156 Tops, Carriage........................ Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Tops, Spinning.- Games and.......... 46 143 Torpedoes - --- Projectiles-102 105 Torpedoes for oil-wells ---------- Projectiles-......... 102 105 Torpedoes, Submarine -------- Projectiles - --------- - 102 10 5 Torpedo-vessels ----------- Ships; 1 ---------- 114 137 Tortoise-shell, Machines for workingoiu Wood-Working; ----— 34 7 Tourniurets —----------— Surgery ---------- 128 156 Tounurs.._..__.___ Crinoline and Corsets ---- 29 80 Tow-hooks ------ -------— Ships; 1 —--- ------ 114 137 Tow-lines ------ --------— Ships; 1 —-------- 114 127 Towel-racks --.............Furniture - --------- 45 6-~2 Towel-stands —.............Furniture -- 45 62 Toy-blocks ------ -------— Games and Toys —- ---- 46 143 Toys —------ ---------— Games and Toys —- ---- 46 143 Trace-couplings —--- -- ----— Harness —--------- 54 72 Traces -- Harness —--- ------ 54 7-2 Traces, Safety-attachment of —---— Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Tracing-table —-----------— Fine Arts -- 41. 54 Track-clearers ----- -------— Railways; 3 -......1_. 106 1-20 Track-clearers for narvesters - Harvesters ---- ------ 56 74 Tracking vessels- Ships; 1.. —--- ------ 114 137 Track-layers' tools, Manufacture of - --- Metal-Working; 6 ---- - SIB 100 Track-laying railways-. —.- -. -. Railways; 1 -104 120 Track raisers, Railway - -........Railways; 1 -104 120 Track raisers, Railway - - Hoisting -- 57 120 Traction-engines —--- ------— Steam; 3 -- 1-23 94 Traction-wheels —...........Carriages and Wagons 21 67 Trainways for ferry-boats —- ----— Hydraulic Engineering - --- 61 82 Trammels -- Drafting -- 33 97 Tramming millstones - -.........Mills ------ ------- 83 57 Tram-staffs for mills —-- -----— Mills -- 83 57 Transfer, Methods of pictorial- -.....Fine Arts —--- ------ 41 54 Trausit-instruments - -........ —Optics -- 88 157 Transmitting motion, Appiaratus for — Mechanical Powers —- --- 74 67 Transplanting-machines.- Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Transplanting-tools —-------- - Garden and Orchard.. 47 63 Trap-doors —..............ICarpentry —........ 20 30 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 311 Name of class-official classifiSUBJECT. cation. Cd~ Traps, Animal........................ Games and Toys ---- ------ 46 143 Traps, Bird.-................... Games and Toys ---- ------ 46 143 Traps, Curculio ----------------------- Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Traps, Earth-worn-............... _-Garden and Orchard......- 47 63 Traps, Fish -Fishing.................. 43 143 Traps for gutters -Paving -94 110 Traps, Household insect ----—.........Furniture -------- --------- 45 143 Traps in pavements, Coal - Paving -- 94 110 Traps, Steam ------------------------- Steam; 1 -121 150 Traps, Stench........................ Baths and Closets4 8 Traps, Water ------------------------- Baths and Closets.. 4 8 Travelers for masts and booms -........ Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Traveling-bags -. —------------------— Trunks................... 133 162 Traveling-flasks....................... Trunks -------- ----------- 133 162 Traverses of guns-Ordnance................. 89 105 Trays, Dish --------------------------- Kitchen Utensils ---- ------ 65 88 Trays, Food Kitchen Utensils -......... 65 88 Trays, Fruit -------------------------- Kitchen Utensils ---- ------ 65 88 Trays, Machines for making wooden... Wood-Working; 3 -------- 144 174 Trays, Tea ---------------------------- Kitchen Utensils ---- ----- 65 88 Treadle-machines..................... Mechanical Powers - - 74 67 Treadles.............................. Mechanical Powers --- ----- 74 67 Tree-boxes........................... Garden and Orchard 47 63 Tree-diggers - Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Tree-dwarfers Garden and Orchard ------- 47 63 Treenails............................ Ships; 1.................. 114 138 Treenails, Machines for making........ Wood-Working; 1 142 174 Treenails, Machines for turning........ Wood-Working; 1 -- ------ 142 172 Tree-planter -------------------------- Garden and Orchard ------- 47 63 Tree-protectors....................... Garden and Orchard 47 63 Trees, Boot --------------------------- Boots and Shoes -12 16 Trees, Saddle ------------------------- Harness -54 72 Tree-training ------------------------- Garden and Orchard ------- 47 63 Trellises.............................. Garden and Orchard.. 47 63 Trellises, Grape....................... Garden and Orchard-. 47 63 Trellises, Hop. Garden and Orchard 47 63 Tremolo-attachments for musical instruments -------------------------- Music -84 106 Trenches............................. Excavators -37 51 Trephines-........................ Surgery —.. 128 156 Trimmings for garments -------------- Apparel -2 38 Trimming vessels..................... Ships; 1 -114 138 Tripods, Surveyors'................... Optics88 157 Trolling-devices...................... Fishing -------- --------—. 43 143 Troughs, Feed ------------------------ Stabling. -- -119 144 Troughs, Machines for making wooden Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Trowels, Bricklayers'.................. Masonry- _____ 72 4 Trowels, Garden --- -— _ —------------ Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Trowels, Manufacture of............... Metal-Working; 6........ 8B 100 Trowels, Plasterers' ------------------- Masonry -------- ---------- 72 4 Trucks ----- -------------------------- Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Trucks, Car........................... Railways; 3..........-_ 106 121 Trumpets ----—.-. —----------—...... Music.................... 84 102 Trunk-corners Trunks -------- ----------- 133 162 Trunk-frames Trunks................... 133 162 Trunk-guards ------------------------ Trunks................... 133 162 Trunk-handles........................ Trunks. 133 16'2 Trunk-labels......................... Stationery ------- -------—. 120 146 Trunk-lid guides...................... Trunks ---------- --------- 133 162 Trunk-lid supporters ------------------ Trunks -133 162 312 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ~SUBJECT. ~ Name of class-official classifi- cation. 0. 755? z z OhOO Trunk-locks -. —------------- Locks and Latches........ 70 93 Trunk-rivets, Manufacture of... —. Hardware Manufactures... 53J 24 Trunk-rollers..-..... Trunk-Rollers -.. 16 162 Trunks —-------------— Trunks -..... 133 162 Trunks and traveling-bags, Special tools for ------------------------------—. Trunks ------------------- 133 162 Trunk-stays......................... Trunks. —-............ 133 162 Trunnions for steam-engines.-........ Steam; 1................. 121 150 Truss-bridges......................... Bridges...... - 14 21 Trusses............................... Surgery —-.- -........ 128 156 Trusses for bridges, floors, and roofs... Bridges................... 14 21 Trusses for vessels -. —............. Ships; 1... -.... 114 137 Trusses of iron or wood............... Bridges. 14 21 Truss-hoops.-........................ Ships; 1... -.... 114 40 Tube-cleaners for steam-boilers -------- Steam; 2.-............. 122 149 Tube-couplings....................... Water-Distribution. —. 137 167 Tube-expanders.,,., -..,, - Metal-Working; 6 -l... 81A 100 Tube-filters-.......................... Water-Distribution..-.... 137 167 Tube-plugs for steam-boilers. -... Steam; 2.- - -............. 122 149 Tubes.-......-...... Tubing and Wire ------—. 134 163 Tubes, Bushing. —..- -............ Tubing and Wire......... 134 163 Tubes, Casing........................ Tubing and Wire.-....... 134 163 Tubes for steam-boilers........ Steam; 2..-.. 122 149 Tube-sheets ---------------------- Steam; 2 —12-....... 2 —-125 Tube-sheets, Punching —..- -......... Metal-Working; 4 ------ 79 119 Tubes, Ornamenting ----------------— Tubing and Wire - 13..... 134 163 Tube-wells -- -—.- -.......... Excavators -—........... 37 51 Tubing -................. Tubing and Wire-. -....... 134 51 Tubing,.Coatingof elastic-..... Hose and Belting. —------ 60 64 Tubing, Compositions for elastic-...... Hose and Belting-..-. 60 464 Tubing, Elastic....................... Hose and Belting. -. 60 364 Tubing for gas, Flexible............. Hose and Belting. -... 60 64 Tubing, Lining of elastic- Hose and Belting......... 60 464 Tubing, Well. —-. —.................. Excavators............... 37 51 Tubs, Machines for making leather..'._ Leather....-.. 69 92 Tubular boilers-.......... Steam; 2................. 122 149 Tubular bridges. —................... Bridges -- --.- -........... 14 21 Tuckers for sewing-machines. -... Sewing-Machines.... 112 134 Tug-carriers -.- - -.............. Harness -—.............54. 72 Tumblers for small castings..-..... - - Casting 22 33 Tumbler-washers. -.........Kitchen Utensils. —.. 65 88 Tumbling-boxes....... Casting...-....22 33 Tuning instruments.... Music.-.....84. 102 Tunneling, Rock. —-—...-..- -.. - Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Tunnels, Iron..........- Hydraulic Engineering -. 61 82 Tunnels, Sub-aqueous. —------------- Hydraulic Engineering -- 61 82 Turbines Water-Wheels ----------.138 167 Turf-cutters.......................... Garden and Orchard..... 47 114 Turf-cutting machines -....... Plows. —-..............97 114 Turning cannon....................... Metal-Working; 7.-.....82 100 Turning balls, bullets, and shells -... -- Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100 Turninggun-barrels ----------------—. Metal-Working; 7........ 82 100 Turning irregular forms.............. Wood-Working; 1..142 172 Turning lathes, Metal................. Metal-Working; 7... 82 100 Turning stone.-.......... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 125 153 Turnip-peelers....... Kitchen Utensils.-..... 65 88 Turnip-toppers...... Garden and Orchard. 47. 63 Turn-out, Railway ------------........ Railways; 1...-104 120 Turn-tables, RailwayRaayilways; 1 104 120 Turpentine-stills...................... Stills..................... 124 47 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 313 d.~ Name of class-official classifi- SUBJECT. cation. cation.o 0.3 0d 0 Turrets-....... Ordnance-.................-89 105 Turtles............................... Printing.................. 101 117 Tuyeres.............................. Pneumatics -......... —-. 98 12 Tuyeres, Manufacture of............... Metal-Working; 6 ---—.- 81B 12 Twine-cutters....-..... Cutlery................... 30 44 Twine-holders -Furniture................. 45 24 Twine-machines...................... Cordage —-.. —...-......28 127 Twist-drills.........Metal-Working; 2. -... 77 100 Twisting bars, rods, and fagots........ Metal-Working; 1.-7...- 7 125 Twisting silk.......Silk -...117 140 Twisting wire......................... - - - Wire-Working.-........... 140 170 Twist-lace machines................... Knitting and Netting- -.-. 66 89 Tying yarn..........................-. Cordage.................. — - 28 17 Type —-------------—. ——.. —-. —---- Printing-. -.................-101 117 Type, Casting ------ —. Printing.................. 101 164 Type, Composing...................... Printing-..................- -101 117 Type-cutting machines................ Metal-Working; 7...82 164 Type, Distributing. —-.. —. —-—. —--- Printing- -..-....101 117 Type-finishing......- -. -Printing. —--—......-.. 101 164 Type, Flexible - Printing.................. 101 164 Type, Founding -.............. Printing. — -... —- -.. —-- 101 164 Type-scouring........................ Printing..... - - -- - 101 164 Type-setting. —..-.-. —.-. —.-........ Printing -101 117 Type-writing machines - -.. Printing-. -................. 101 117 Typography -.....Printing ---—.- - —. 101 117 U. Umbrella and cane combined.... Umbrellas and Fans-.-. 135 165 Umbrella-cases. -......... Umbrellas and Fans. ——. 135 165 Umbrella-covers...................... Umbrellas and Fans. —--- 135 165 Umbrella-fasteners...... -. —... Umbrellas and Fans ------ 135 165 Umbrella-ferrules -Umbrellas and Fans ---—. 135 165 Umbrella-frames....... Umbrellas and Fans. —--- 135 165 Umbrella-joints -......Umbrellas and Fans -.-.. 135 165 Umbrella ribs and stretchers...... ---- Umbrellas and Fans —....... 135 165 Umbrella-runners....... —.. Umbrellas and Fans. —. 135 165 Umbrellas -.......... Umbrellas and Fans —.. 135 165 Umbrella-supporters.-......... -- Umbrellas and Fans -.-. 135 165 Umbrella-supporters on carriages.-.. —. Carriages and Wagons._ — 21 31 Umbrella-tips. —.-......... —.... Umbrellas and Fans ---—. 135 165 Umbrella-trimmings, Manufacture of.. Hardware Manufactures —. 531 165 Under-garments, (except Knitted, Class 66)................................. Apparel - 2 38 Under-sleeves................... Apparel............. —..2 38 Universal joints ----------------- - Mechanical Powers.-. ——. 74 67 Unloading-machines..-.... Hoisting --—.. —--. ——.- 57 79 Untwisting rope, Machines for-... Cordage. —--—. —.. —-. 28 127 Upholstering-stuffing..-... Beds..................... 5 62 Upholstery -------- - - -Furniture -............... 45 62 Uppers, Machines for cutting-...... Boots and Shoes —------- 12 16 Upsetting machines, Tire.............. Metal-Working; 3. -... 78 60 Upsetting metals. Metal-Working; 3....... 78 60 Urinals.-............................. Baths and Closets ——.. —- 4 8 Urinals, Portable.......-.. Baths and Closets. —. ——. 4 8 Urinometers-_.... Measuring-Instruments. -. 73 156 Urn-stands........................... Kitchen Utensils-.......... 65 88 Urn-stands and heaters. ——. —-----—.- Stoves and Furnaces... 126 154 Urns for coglee, &c.-..... Stoves and Furnaces.-.... 126 154 314 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Q~ ~ Name of class-official classifi- C -d SUBJECT. cain z z Uterine sounds....................... Surgery.. 128 156 Uterine suppositories -----—...........Surgery ----—............ 128 156 V. Vaccinators................. Surgery ----—.- -- - 128 156 Vacuum-cups......................... Surgery. -....... 128 156 Vacuum-gauges for steam-engines. Measuring-Instruments --. 73 150 Vacuum-pans.....-.. Sugar --------- ----------- 127 155 Vacuum-pumps....................... Pumps.......... 103 118 Valances............................. Beds -.. -. 5 62 Valise-locks.......................... Locks alnd Latches.-. 70 162 Valise-s --—. Trunks................... 133 162 Valve-gear for steam-engines --------- Steam; 1....'-.... 121 152 Valve-motions for locomotives......... Steam; 3....-. 123 152 Valve-regulators.....-... Valves -............... 136 152 Valves, Arrangement of-....... Valves -------- --------—. 136 152 Valves, Automatic-..... Valves -...-. 136 152 Valves, Back-pressure......... Valves................... 136 152 Valves, Balance......... Valves -----—.- ---. 136 152 Valves, Butterfly —-—..-. —-—...... -Valves - —...i..- -..... 136 152 Valves, Check. —.................... Valves................... - -136 152 Valves, Clack- —.. —------------------ Valves -—.. —- -..-... 136 152 Valves, Core... Valves -......... ----- - 136 152 Valves, Cut-off-........ Valves -------- --—.-..... 1:36 152 Valves, Disk -. —. —.-.-..-............ Valves.. ——.... —-..-. - - 136 152 Valve-seats............. —-........... - Valves. —...-. 136 152 Valves, Escape. —.. —---- -.. —. —---- Valves -....-.... 136 152 Valves for draining tidallands.. H.. tydraulic Engineering. 61 8'2 Valves for gas-engines -------- Valves.. —-...- -..... 136 2 Valves for submarine ordnance-... Ordnance.- -.... 89 105 Valves for syringes.. -....... Valves. —-. —-........... 136 118 Valves, Globe-...... Valves ---------- 136 152 Valves, Governor............ Valves........- -........ 136 152 Valves, Oscillating...-. Valves...... -... 136 152 Valves, Piston....... Valves -136 152 Valves, Pump.... Valves.......-, -. 136 118 Valves, Pup ppet........................Valves --....136 15'2 Valves, Relief.... —..... —........... Valves 136 152 Valves, Rotary --...-.-.-.......... Valves.. —.. 136 152 Valves, Safety -.-................. Valves ---------------- 136 152 Valves, Slide........................... Valves -—.. ——.. —----- 136 152 Valves, Spring-balance........ Valves. ——. ——... —-—. 136 152 Valves, Steam....... Valves ---—. ——. —--—. 136 152 Valves, Stop.......................... Valves --------—.. ——.- 136 152 Valves, Throttle., —........ Valves ---—. —-—... —-- 136 152 Valves,'Trimmer...................... Valves ----------—. —-- 136 152 Valves, Water-closet....- Valves ---------—. —---- 136 8 Valve-tubes -V-....................... Valves ---------—. —--- 136 152 Vanes ----—.. ——...................- Measuring-Instruments —.- 73 118 Vapor-burners -------------------—.. - Lamps anid Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Vapor-engines, (except steam)..-.... Pneumatics............... - -98 2 Vapor-inhalers........................ Surgery... —. —-—.. ——. 128 156 Vapor-lamps -......... Lamps and Gas-Fittings.. 67 90 Variable exhaust for steam-engines... - Steam; 3 --—.. ——.-.... 123 150 Varicose veins, Bandages for —-..- -.. Surgery ---.-... —---—. 128 156 Varnishes Paint. -.......-. — 91 107 Varnishing-machines Paint-.-..9.. -— 91 107 Vats, Tanning-.................. Tanning.-... 129 92 Vanlt-covers-........................ Paving ----- --- - 94 110 Vault-lights.......................... Paving 94 110 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 315 L'3 SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- cation. 0.~ 6 z z Vaults -...............Masonry.................. 72 4 Vaults, Safe -. ——.................... Safes..................... 109 128 Vegetable-assorters. —............. Garden and Orchard.... 47 59 Vegetable-boilers --—............ Stoves and Furnaces... 126 154 Vegetable-cutters..................... Stabling.................. 119 59 Vegetable parchment -—............. Paper-Making............ 92 108 Vegetable-peelers —----------------—. Kitchen Utensils.......... 65 88 Vegetable-slicers -.- -............ Stabling _..... 119 59 Vegetables, Preserving -............ Preserving Food..... —--- 99 58 Vegetable-washers.................... Stabling... 119 59 Vegetable-wasbers.................... Kitchen Utensils....- - 65 88 Vehicles -...-..-..- -.............. Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Veils. —--.-.. —-. —............. Apparel.................. 2 38 Velinches —..................... Water-Distribution —. 137 167 Velocimeters -........................ Measuring-Instruments... 73 42 Velocipedes.............:.......... Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Veneering -—..........-.-.-.... - Wood-Working; 3....... 144 176 Veneering-tools. — -...-.............. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Veneer-saws.......................... Saws..110 130 Veneers, Machines for cutting....... - Wood-Working; 3 --.. 144 176 Veneers, Machines for planing.......... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Veneers, Machines for polishing........ Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Veneers, Machines for pressing.. -...... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 176 Veneers, Machines for straightening. Wood-Working; 3 ---- 144 176 Ventilating-cores -....... Casting............ -22 33 Ventilating hay and grain-............. ng119 144 Ventilating millstones -.-.......... Mills —................- 83 57 Ventilation by heated air.. — - -........ Pneumatics............... 98 166 Ventilation by hot water.-......... Pneumatics....... 98 166 Ventilation by steam -,... Pneumatics ------... 98 166 Ventilation of cars.................... Pneumatics........... 98 166 Ventilation of grain................... Pneumatics 98 166 Ventilation of halls................... Pneumatics 98 166 Ventilation of houses................. Pneumatics.-...-....... 98 166 Ventilation of mines.................. Pneumatics - - 98 166 Ventilation of ships.......... Pneumatics - 98 166 Ventilators............. Pneumatics............... 98 166 Ventilators for boots -... —..B-........ Boots and Shoes —.-.-.... 12 16 Ventilators, Hat --------—.. —-. —-.. Felting and Hats -- --- 38 76 Ventilators, Plenum -....-......... Pneumatics... —-—. —- 98 166 Ventilators, Vacuum.................. Pneumatics............ 98 166 Vents for barrels.-.. —............... Airation and Bottling - 1 40 Vents of ordnance.......-.. Ordnance - -...-........ — 89 105 Vent-stoppers............ Ordnance.-... - 89 105 Vermin-destroying compounds......... Chemical Miscellaneous.. 23 98 Verniers.............................. Measuring-Instruments.... 73 97 Vessels............................... Ships; 1....... ——. —.... 114 137 Vessels, Armor for..-.-........... Ships; 1. 114 137 Vessels, Construction of.... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Vessels, Grain-levelers for.... Ships; I - -- -- 114 137 Vessels, Iron - -........... Ships; 1..............- 114 137 Vessels, Iron-clad -------— Ships; 1.-....... —....... 114 137 Vessels, Launching.................... Hydraulic Engineering -__... 61 137 Vessels, Loading and unloading, Machinery for ----—..-........... Hoisting... 57 79 Vessels, Propulsion of.- Ships; 2115 139 Vessels, Steam. Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Vessels, Submarine.................... Ships; 1.................. 114 137 Vessels, Torpedo...................... Ships; I.................. 114 137 Vessels, Triming. -.........Ships; 1.................. 114 137 316 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. Name of class-official classifi- W:1 SUBJECT. e C4 cation. 00 z" z C;; Vests..... —-.. —-----—. —------—.. Apparel...2:38 Vifaducts --------------------------— Bridges................ 14 21 Vine cutter, Potato................... Plows....97........ 97 114 Vinegar-apparatus ----—. —----------— Beer and Wine............ 7 19 Vinegar processes...... Beer and Wine...-. 7 19 Vine-locks. Garden and Orchard....... 47 63 Vine-supports Garden and Orchard.... 47 63 Vine-trellises ---—. —-—. ——. —----- Garden and Orchard -...47 63 Violin-attachments -.M...... usic --—. —---------—. 84 102 Violin-bows... ——... —-----------—. Music.................... 84 102 Violins.............................. Music.................... 84 102 Violin-screws. —---—.. —----------—. Music.................... 84 102 Violin sound-boards —--- --—. —------- Music.................... 84 102 Violoncellos ---—. —--------------- Music 84. 102 Vise-making, Machinists'. —........ —. Metal-Working; 3........ 78 100 Vises, Carpenters'....... Wood-Working; 4........ 145 29 Vises, Machinists'................... Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100 Visiting-cards........Stationery....... -.. —-. 120 146 Vitreography-....... Fine Arts....... 41 54 Vitreous enamels...-...... Glass.-.. 49 68 Voltaic apparatus.................... Electricity....... 36 50 Voltaic baths.. ——. ——.. ——.. —--—. Electricity..- -.. 36 50 Voltaic batteries. —. —--------------—. Electricity.............. 36 50 Voltaic instruments..-..... Electricity —.. —.. —------ 36 50 Voltameters --—.. —-—.. —-.. —---—. Electricity...- 36 50 Votes, Instruments for recording.. ——. Measuring-Instruments -... 73 12: Vulcanite --—. —-. —-—. --------—. Caoutchouc-.. 18 84 Vulcanizing-flasks for dentists' uses ---- Caoutchouc ------------- 18 84 Vulcanizing-furnaces Caoutchouc- 18 84 Vulcanizing-processes................ Caoutchouc -.-... ——.. —- 18 84 W. Wadding.... -......... Carding. —.. —---—... —. 19 28 Wadding-machines.-....... Carding.28......... 19 28 Wad-punches..... -........ Clasps and Buckles... 24 23 Wads, Machines for making leather -. — Leather -._........ 69 72 Waffle-irons ------------- Stoves and Furnaces --—. 126 154 Wagon-bolsters-....................... Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Wagons-.-.-... Carriages and Wagons. 21 31 ~agons.. —-.. ----- --—. —----------. t5 znn ~ar~B —. 2 Wagons, Dumping -.................. Carriages and Wagons --- 21 31 WVagon-seats.. —................ Carriages and Wagon's. 21 31 Wagons, Unloading-attachment for.... Carriages and Wagons.. 21 31 Wagon-tongue supporters... —------—. Carriages and Wagons....'21 31 Wainscoting, Making................. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 30 Wall-covering, Ornamental. —-------—. Fine Arts.-...... 41 54 Wall-paper hanging................... Fine Arts.-...... 41 107 Wall-paper printing -.. --............ Printing....-. 101 117 Wall-paper trimmers —-..... —-—. —... Paper Manufacture........ 93 107 Wall-protectors.. —.. —.. —---—... —-. Furniture.........-...... 45 62 Wall-shields.......................... Furniture.-......45 62 Walls, (other than wooden) -. —...... Masonry.-........ 72 4 Wardrobes --—.. ——. —-. ——. —--—. Furniture..-.. 45 62 WVarp-beams. --------- ---- Weaving. ——..-.. —------ 139 96 Warp-dressing —... —-.. —-—... —- -.. Cordage -------- ---- 28 127 Warping-hitts.-.... —-—.... —.. ——. Ships; 1.-....... 114 137 Warping-checks ----------------- - Ships; 1.. 114 137 Warping-machines..................... Cordage.-... --—. —. 28 127 Wash-basillns. -.... Baths and Closets......... 4 8 WaVsh-benches Laundry............... La....- 68 90 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 317 SUBJECT. KName of class-official classifi- z cation. -a-.. z z X.~ Wash-boards. —--- -------- ---- Laundry........- - 68 90 Wash-boards, Machines for making.... Wood-Working; 2........ 143 174 Wash-boilers......................... Laundry...............-... 68 136 Washer-making machines, Metallic-... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets-... 10 14 Washer-punches...................... Clasps and Buckles. ----—. 24 23 Washers, Gold........................ Ore............ 90 3 Washers, Machines for making leather. Leather. —.... —-. - - - 69 72 Washers, Metallic- -Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets —-. 10 14 Washing-compositions........-........ Oil, Fat, and Glue- -... 87 26 Washing-compounds........-..... Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 91 Washing-machines.................... Laundry.6......... 8 91 Washing-tables....................... Ore..-..-........ 90 91 Wash-stands......................... Baths and Closets..- - -- - 4 8 Watch and fob chains, Manufacture of.. Hardware Manufactnres... 53E 86 W~~T~atch-casees-., —.Horology........ 58 *36 Watch-chains......................... Jewelry ---------- 63 86 Watch-clocks, Electrical. — Electricity................ 36 36 Watch-dials Horology ---—..-.-.. —-. 58 36 Watches, Manufacture of........ Hardware Manufactures... 53E 36 Watches...................... Horology-....-.58 36 Watch-keys.- - -..................... Horologv-..-...... 58 36 Watchmakers' lathes. —..-..... Metal-Working; 7........ 82 36 Watchmakers' tools................... Metal-Working; 6....... 81A 36 Watchman's time-registers............ Horology...-. -.... 58 36 WYatch-motions..Horology................. 58 36 Watch-springs -...................... y58 36 Water-backs for ranges and stoves -... Stoves and Furnaces.. - - - 126 154 Water-closets ---—.. —-------------—. Baths and Closets-......- 4. 8 Water-closets, Appliances of........... Baths and Closets-... 4 8 Water-closet valves ------------------ Valves.... —... 136 8 Water-coolers.-I —-------------------- lce e.....- -. 62 56 Water-elevators --—... —..... —.. —. Pumps 103 118 Waterfall head-dresses-................ Toilet.... —..... 132 161 Water-gauges for steam-boilers- -... -- Steam; 2...... 122 148 Water-gauges for steam-boilers, Registering-devices of ----—. —. —------- Measuring-Instruments. - 73 148 Water-gauges, Registering-devices of... Measuring-Instruments.. 73 148 Water-heaters for steam-boilers........ Steam; 2.-..-... 122 147 Water-indicators for steam-boilers-... Steam; 2 --------- 122 148 Water-marks in paper... —--—..... —-- Paper-Making.-...... 92 108 Water-meters, Registering-devices of... Measuring-Instruments - -. 73 167 Water-pressure regulating-valves --—. Valves —. —-- -—. —----- 136 167 Water-proofing compounds-.'.-. Paint ----—. —-. —-—. —-- 91 107 Water-proofing leather................ Tanning.................. 129 92 Water-proofing paper-....... Paper-Making.-.... 92 108 Water-proofing processes.... Paint..- - -..... 91 107 Water-proof safes ------------- Safes._.....- -. 109 128 Water pumps, Feed - --—.. —--------- Steam; 2......... 122 118 Water-purifiers for steam-boilers....... Steam; 2 ----—.. ——... 122 148 Water-rams ------------- Pumps....-... 103 118 Water-tanks for railways, &c - -..- -. - Water-Distribution..3... 137 118 Water-traps --—. —------------------ Baths and Closets.- -....- 4 8 Water-valves -------------—.. —---—. Valves-.........-......... 136 167 Water-wheels. —-..-. —--------—. ——. Water-Wheels -.... —---- 138 167 Wave-powers............. Hydraulic Engineering.-. 61 82 Wax-cutting machines —.. —.. —---—. Oil, Fat, and Glue -... —. 87 26 Waxed-ends, Machines for twisting.- Boots and Shoes-.... -. - 12 16 Waxing thread, Machines for..-..... Boots and Shoes...... —..... 12 16 Wax..Oil, Fat and Glue...... 87 26 22 318 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS, Name of clas —official classifiSU BJEC T. cation. 0. zU z Wax-thread heaters for sewing-machines.............................. Sewing-Machines.- -.. 112 134 Wax, Treatment of.................... Oil, Fat, and Glue —-8 ——. 87 26 Weather-boarding -....Carpentry —............ 20 30 Weather-guides................... Measuring-Instruments. -... 73 101 Weather-strips........... Carpentry ---- -... —----- 20 30 Weather-strips, (metallic,) Manufacture of.....-.................,,., ~,,,, Hardware Manufactures.. 53B 136 Weavers' hairness, Machines for making- Weaving 139 72 Weaving and working human hair..... Toilet.......... 132 161 Weaving baskets —. -_ —....- Weaving.-. -..-.. 139 169 Web-saws............................ Saws. —-----—. —-------. 110 131 Wedges, Machines for making-..-. Wood-Working; 3 --..... 144 174 Weeding-implements. -...... Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Weed-pullers......-........ Garden and Orchard...... 47 63 Weft-forks.....-... Weaving ----—. —--—.-.. 139 96 Weighing-apparatns...-.....Measuring-Instruments --- 73 132 Weighing-apparatus, Electrical-._.... Electricity ----- -----—. 36 132 Weighing-buckets -M...... easuring-Instruments -. — 73 132 Weighing-scales....... Measuring-Instruments —. 73 132 Weights,. Sash......-.. Builders' Hardware........ 16 24 Weirs -..........Hydraulic Engineering.... 61 82 Welded-pipe making.................. Tubing and Wire.-... 134 163 Welding-apparatus.-.... Metal-Working; 3- -.. 78 60 Welding-compounds...-... Metallurgy 75 100 Well-boring, (except Rock, Class 125)... Stone, Lime, and Cement. 125 51 Well-curbs...-. Water-Distribution... 137 118 Well-digging. -.......... Excavators -..-... 37 51 Wells, Artesian Stone, Lime and Cement 1. 25 124 Wells, Driven........................ Water-Distribution - -3. l 7 51 Well-tubes..-... Water-Distribution - -. 137 51 Well-tubes, Filters for..-.. W. Water-Distribution... 137 51 Well-tubes, Packing for....-. Water-Distribution -.. 137 51 Well-tubes, Strainers for.... Water-Distribution... 137 51 Well-tubing...... Water-Distribution... 137 51 Welting cord-...... Cordage -..-..... 28 127 Welts -...............Boots and Shoes-...... 12 16 Welts, Machines for forming -.... Boots and Shoes - -...... 12 16 Welts, Machines for trimming. Boots and Shoes -... —... 12 16 Wet-docks -............ Hydraulic Engineering 61 82 Whalebone, Machines for dressing... Wood-Working; 3 -... 144 176 Whalebone, Machines for splitting. Wood-Working; 3..... 144 176 Whaling-apparatus, Electrical -. Electricity_ —...... 36 50 Wharf-boats Ships; 1- - 114 137 Wharfs.....-..... Hydraulic Engineering -. 61 82 Wharfs, Floating-...-...... Ships; 1.. 114 137 Wheelbarrows...-... Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Wheel-heads....-. Spinning..- -.... 118 142 Wheel-presses, (not Hydraulic, Class 103) Presses —........ 100 Wheels, Car.-.......... Railways; 3.............. 106 122 Wheels, Fly.......................... Mechanical Powers..-... 74 67 Wheels for vehicles................... Carriages and Wagons..-. 21 31 Wheels, (metallic,) Manufacture of.... Hardware Manufactures_. 53C 33 Wheel-spokes........................ Carriagas and Wagons... 21 31 Wheels to axles, Securing............. Carriages and Wagons.... 21 31 Wheelwrights' machines.............. Wood-Working; 3 - -. 144 175 Wheelwrights' tools of metal, Manufacture of -...... Metal-Working; 6........ 81B 100 Wheelwrights' wood-working tools —....- Wood-Working; 4.... 145 100 Whetstones................Grinding and Polishing..... 51 70 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 319 -I~ Name of class-official classifi- -: SUBJECT. cation. 0. C;u o ~ z z Od~ Whiffletrees. ——.. ——.. ——.. —-.-.. Carriages and Wagons... 21 31 Whip-hangers..-..-.... Harness -........... ——. 54 72 Whipping cloth. —..-.... Cloth -------—.. —---—.- 26:37 Whip-racks-...........-...... Harness.-..- 5......... 4 72 Whips........................- -- -.. Harness-.................. 4 72 Whip-saws................-.......... Saws.-....................-110 131 Whips, Machines for making leather- - Leather —. —. —-—. ——.- 69 72 Whip-sockets.......................... Carriages and Wagons -.. 21 31 Whip-stocks..........- -. Harness......5..........4 72 Whistles, Electrical.- -.................. Electricity-....... 36 50 Vhistles for steam-boilers.. —........ Steam; 2.-...-.. 122 149 White-lead machinery.. —.............. Paint.. —....... ——.. —-. 91 107 White-lead processes. —-—. ——.. —. — Paint-.....-....91 107 Whitening leather. —.. ——... —. ——. Tanning.-..-... —-—..- - 129 92 White rubber-. -—.......... Caoutchouc.- - —. -. —-. 18 84 Wicks, Compositions for treating.. —- Lamps and Gas-Fittings-. 67 90 Wick-trimmers....................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings. -. 67 90 Wigs................................. -Toilet.- -.132 161 Willow-peeling.. ---—. —-—.... —-—. Wood-Working; 3........ 144 169 Willow-shaving machines............. Wood-Working; 3......-.. 144 169 Winches --------—, -—..... —-. Hoisting - -.................. 7 79 Wind-chests for organs. ——........... -Music......-...84 106 Winding-bobbins....................-. Cordage:.. —.. 28 17 Winding cord, cordage, fishing-line~, rope, thread, warp, yarn..- -... Cordage --—. ----—. —-. 28 17 Winding silk -..-...... Silk.-......... 117 140 Winding-spools-.....-... Cordage......- -.. 28 17 Wind-instruments -- --------.-... Music -... —--------—...- 84 106 Windlasses -... — -..-... —----—..... Hoisting —..-. -.......... 57 79 Wind-mills ---—. —-------------—. Pneumatics...- -... 98 118 Window-alarms. —-—. —------------ Signals ----------—. —--- 116 24 Window-blinds -—. —---- -----—.... Carpentry.-...........-.. 20 30 Window-blinds, Movable.......... —.... Furniture —............ 45 62 Window-buttons —- -.............. Builders' Hardware... 16 24 Window-fasteners B...... —. Builders' Hardware... 16 24 Window-glass........................ Glass. —..-....... --—... 49 68 Window-illuminators -................. Lamps and Gas-Fittings - 67 90 Window-locks —.....Builders' Hardware....... 16 93 Window-mirrors....................... Furniture. - -. -.-... - 45 62 Window-operators.................... Builders' Hardware.... 16 24 Window-reflectors.................... Lamps and Gas-Fittings -. 67 90 Windows —---. ——.. —-—. —-... —-.. Carpentry....-. 20 30 Window-sash, (metallic,) Manufacture of —........... Hardware Manufactures.. 53B 4 Window-screens --—.. —-.. —-.. —-—. Carpentry... —-...- -.- - 20 30 Windows for railway-cars-............ Railways; 2-.............. 105 30 Window-shades. Furniture................. 45 62 Window-shutters --—.... —.. —...... Carpentry. ——........-.. 20 i 30 Window-supporters -. -............... Builders' Hardware ------- 16 24 Window-washers..- -................... Furniture-...<..... 45 62 WVind-wheels........................-. Pneumatics 98 I 118 Wine-ageing —. —-. —----—...... —-- Beer and Wine 7..... 19 Wine-making-. -........ Beer and Wine --—. —-.. 7 19 Wine-presses. —-.. —... —--—. —-—. -Presses -..... —--. -..... 100 19 Wines, Treatment of.................. Beer and Wine........ 19 Winnowing-machines............ —.... Thrashing - 130 i 159 Wire-annealing ----—..... —-----—. Metallurgy... —... 75 i 163 Wire-bending. —------—. —-------—. Wire-Working...- -... 140 170 Wire, Braided thread-covering-.... —.. Cordage..... -............ 28 127 Wire brushes --...........Wire-Working. 140 170 3020 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. ci, =..= 0 I ~SUBJECT. ~Name of class —oficial classifi- cation. z' X Wire cables.. —... —..W.. — —.... —- - Wire-Working. -.. -.. 140 170 Wire-cloth crimping, Machines for.....Wire-Worki.. 140 170 Wire coiling.......................... Wire-Working - 140 163 Wire covering Wire-Working ---—. —--- 1140 16:3 Wire dish-covers, Making -...... Wire-Working...-. 140 163 Wire dish-stands, Making..... Wire-Working.-. —. -.. 140 170 Wire-drawing......... Wire-Working.-..... 140 163 Wire fabrics —........... Wire-Working............ 140 170 Wire fences -----------— Fences --- 39 52 Wire fences, Panels for.............. Wire-Working.- --------- 140 52 Wire ferriage-..... H.. Hydraulic Engineering -.. 61 82 Wire for hoops of skirts............... Crinoline and Corsets... 29 80 Wire gauze Wire-Working....-... 140 170 Wire heddles for weavers' harness, MakingD-.......................... Wire-Working.-.......... 140 170 Wire, Looms for wa... ng Weaving... 139 170 WVire-making -............... Tubing and Wire 134 163 Wire-pointing. —..................... Wire-Working............ 140 163 Wire-rolling.......................... Tubing and Wire.......... 134 163 Wire ropes..........- Wire-Working. —-------- 140 163 Wire screens - Wire-Working... -. 140 170 Wire sifters.......................... Wire-Working -.. —-. —. 140 170 Wire springs, Making Wire-Working —- --- 140 170 Wire-7Working.,,........ 14( 170 Wire-straightening -------- - Wire-Working....140.. 163 Wire strainers ---------------------— Wire-Workin-140 170 Wire strainers.-,..,-,................. 140) 17 Wire-stretchers for fences Fences —. —-.- -.......39 52 ir-twistilng'...3........9.)ok n...... CWire-twistinWire-Workig..... 140 163 Wire-ways........................... Railways; 1.-....-...... 104 120 Wire with wire for skirt-hoops, &c., Covering-........Wire-Working-g..140 80 Wire-working for ornamental fences - Wire-Working 140 52 Wiring sheet-metal ware.............. Sheet-Metal- 1.... 13A 136 Withes, Machines for twisting -... - Wood-Working; 3...-.. 144 174 Wood and asphalt pavements combined Paving. —...........94 110 Wood and iron pavements combined -.. Paving —------- 94 110 Wood and stone pavements combined. Paving................... 94 110 Wood, Artificial-,.,,,,_., Chemical Miscellaneous.. 23 35 Wood-bending machines. -........ Wood-Working; 3 -.... 144 176 Wood-bundling machines ----------—. Wood-Working; 3.-. 144 174 Wooden bowls, Machines for making.. Wood-Working; 3. - 144 172 Wooden boxes, Machines for tnrning. Wood-Working- 1 -- 142 172 Wooden bridges Bridges................... 14 21 Wood-engraving......-..... Fine Arts -... —........... 41 54 Wooden pavements -.-..-......... Paving................... 94 110 Wooden pins, Machines for turning - -.- Wood-Working; 1 - 142 172 Wooden screws, Machines for turning. Wood-Working; 1... 142 172 Wooden trays, Machines for making -.. Wood-Working; 3.... 144 172 Wooden ware, Machines for making.. Wood-Working; 3..-... 144 172 Wood for paper, Treating-...... Paper-Making 92 108 Wood-gear cutting.......-.. Wood-Working; 3.-...144 172 Wood-lathes —--— Wood-Working;.1. —. 142 17 Wood-polishing machines...-.. Wood-Working; 3.-.. 144 173 Wood, Preservation of --------------— Chemical Miscellaneous - 23 35 Wood-screws-........................ Wo6d-Screws.-... 141 171 Wood-screws, Machines for making -... Wood-Screws....- 141 171 Wood-splitting machines. —-. —-...... Wood-Working; 3........ 144 174 Wood-work of buildings............... Carpentry................ 20 30 Wool-burring machines.....- Carding................. 19 28 Wool-cleaning machines.............. Carding.................. 19 23 Wool, Compositions for treating -..... -Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 35 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 321 SUBJECT. SUBJECT. Name of class-official classifi- |') cation. cd euPd:.0~ Z Z Wool-dryers Dryers and Kilns........... 34 48 Wool-oiling machines. Carding.................. 19 28 WVool-packers........................ Presses............. 100 7 WVool-presses.-..................... Presses................... 100 7 Wool, Removing suint and grease from Oil, Fat, and Glue.- -.... 87 26 Wool-tyers........................... Presses..........-........ 100 135 Wool-washing machines............... Laundry.................. 68 135 Work-baskets...................- Apparel................... 2 38 Work boxes, Sewing.................. Apparel 2 38 Work holders, Sewing................ Apparel.................. 2 38 Work-table, Appliances for the. Apparel......- - -.,,.,,.. 2 38 Worming rope........................ Cordage.................. 28 127 Worms for fire-arms................... Fire-Arms......2 55 Wrappers Apparel.......... -..... 2 38 Wrecking-cars..........-.... Railways; 2.............. 105 121 Wrenches, Monkey.................... Metal-Working; 6 81A 100 Wrenches, Pipe............Metal-Working; 6........ 81A 100 Wringers.............................. Laundry............... 68 91 Wringers, Clamps for...... Laundry................ 68 91 Wringers, Rolls for................... Laundry*................. 68 91 Writing-apparatus for the blind....... Educational.... 35 146 Writing-cases........................ Stationery 120 146 WVriting-ink Chemical Miscellaneous... 23 146 Writing-tables................. urniture45 62 Wrought-metal railway-wheels... Railways; 4 107 122 Wrought nails......................... Nails..,,,.............. 85 103 Yarn assorting, balling, dressing, drying, folding, gassing, measuring, packaging, polishing, reeling, sizing, spooling, tying, winding............ Cordage 28 17 Yarn coating or covering.............. Carding- 19 28 Yarn-hooks........................... Cordage.,,,, 28 17 Yarn-presses........-............... Presses................... 100 17 Yards to masts, Attaching. Ships; 1 114 138 Yeast and its substitutes.............. Chemical Miscellaneous.... 23 35 Yokes for breechy animals............. Harness 54 72 Yokes, Neck.......................... Carriages and Wagons 21 31 Yokes, Ox............................ Carriages and Wagons; 21 31 Z. Zincography.......................... Fine Arts......-..-. -.... 41 54 Zinc roofing.......-.......... Roofing.......... 108 126 Zinc, white, processes and machinery- Paint-.. —... -.-.-.-. 91 107.