.................. THE HISTORY OF THE PITRITkNS, OR PROTESTANT NONCONFORMISTS; FROM THE REFORMATION IN 1517, TO THE REVOLUTION IN 1688, COMPRISING Zin rccount of their rtntciplIs; THEIR ATTEMPTS FOR A FARTHER REFORMATION IN THE CHURCH; THEIR SUFFERINGS; AND THE LIVES AND CHARACTERS OF THEIR MOST CONSIDERABLE DIVINES. BY DANIEL N-EAL, M.A. REPRINTED FROMI THE TEXT OF DR. TOULMIN' S EDITION: WITH HIS LIFE OF THE AUTHOR AND ACCOUNT OF HIS WRITINGS. REVISED, CORRECTED, AND ENLARGED, WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES BY JOHN O. CHOOULES, M.A. wifth wint Vortrat tt an Otter. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 185 5. Enteild., recording to Act of Congress. in the year 1843, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the CleF's Office of the Soiuthern District of New York P R E F A C E. A THOUGHTFUL man is not only convinced that God has created this world, he is as deeply persuaded that God has a Church in it; that he planted it here, and waters and nourishes it, and exerts In its favour a heavenly influence. In Revelation we are furnished with a lively emblem of the Church, "a bush burning with fire, and not consumed."-EExodus, iii., 2. The Church has not, however, sustained the conflict in her own strength, but because the Lord Jesus Christ, the angel of the covenant, has been in the bush, " either to slack the fire, or to strengthen the bush, and make it incombustible." The history of the Church is a record of suffering and affliction; she has ever had the cross in her experience; and all who have followed Christ and his apostles have received the Word in much affliction.- I Thessalonians, i., 4. The persecutions of God's people were great under the pagan emperors; but still the Church has suffered more from Rome papal than Rome pagan. That idolatrous and apostate communion may truly be said to be drunk with the blood of the saints. We talk, and write, and preach about the reformation from popery, and seem almost to imagine that the beast is destroyed; we forget too commonly the partial character of the Reformation, the imperfect views of the early champions for truth, and the grasp which popery retained in England through the unsanctified alliance of the Church and State. Very few are thoroughly informed as to the events connected with the struggles for truth in the reigns of the Tudor family. The reformation of Henry the Eighth and the Sixth Edward was certainly a glorious achievement, but can never be regarded as a complete triumph, a perfect work. It was effected by those who only saw men as trees walking, and who just felt that all around them were men still blinder than themselves. Satan, when he cannot destroy a good thing, is content to mar it. Elizabeth was a Protestant but in name; her religion was papistical; all her sympathies were with external pomp and showy ceremony; she regarded religion as a mere matter of state policy, and the Church as an affair to be governed by her will, expressed by parliamentary statutes. To Christ's sceptre she never bowed-the supremacy of his laws she never recognised-of Christ's headship in the government of the Church she never dreamed. A haughty princess and a proud and persecuting prelacy fashioned the Church as it suited their taste and purpose, and they have ha.nded it down to us with so many alterations and additions, that the fishermer of Galilee and the early disciples of Jesus would be unable to recognise it as the " kingdom not of this world." The power and excellence of the Gospel are never seen to greater advantage than in the days of persecution. It is true that God's children are like stars v1 PREFACE. that shine brightest in the darkest skies; like the chamomile, which, the more it is trodden down, the faster it spreads and grows. The glories of Christianity in England are to be traced in the sufferings of confessors and martyrs in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; and it was under the influence of Christian principles, imbibed at this very period, that the Mayflower brought over the band of Pilgrims to Plymouth. Afflictions and religious persecutions have for a long period been unknown to the happy citizens of these United States, and we have strangely forgotten the times that tried the souls of our fathers. There is a resurrection in the land at the present time of feelings and principles which were once generally prevalent, and which so eminently distinguished our English ancestry. Now, after a long period of carelessness and inattention to the history of Protestant Nonconformity, the descendants of the Pilgrims have been compelled to fall back upon the history and faith of their fathers, in consequence of the pressing impertinence with which the claims of popery, prelacy, and priestcraft have been urged upon them and their children. God has been building up Zion in all our borders for two hundred years, making our land the praise of the nations; he has granted the quickening influence of his Spirit to the ministrations of thousands of all religious names, who have published the deathless love of his adorable Son; and yet a comparative handful of our fellow-Christians gravely deny that our solemn gatherings make Christian churches; that our pastors and teachers have any authority to speak in His name who has so unequivocally blessed them in their labour; and as for Zion's chief and holiest feast, that they stigmatize as " the blasphemous mockery of a lay sacrament." We have again to fight the battle for all that we hold dear; but we enter the contest cheered by the undying renown of the names which illustrate the early history of the struggles for religious freedom. It is as fitting and proper for an American to forget or scorn the names of Lexington and Bunker Hill, Trenton and Princeton, Hancock and Adams, Washington and Jefferson, as for a New-Englander to be unaffected by the utterance of Smithfield, Lambeth Palace, and the ever-honoured names of Rogers and Ridley, Hooper, Lawrence, Latimer, and their fellow-martyrs. We should never forget that the prison, the scaffold, and the stake were stagers in the march of civil and religious liberty which our forefathers had to travel, in order that we might attain our present freedom. It is quite clear, that in the United States there is a general attention directed to the subject of Church History, partly arising from the almost total apathy which has so long existed, and in a considerable degree owing to the extraordinary movement in the Church of England by that party who regard their amputation from Rome as original sin and actual transgression. I have long wished to see Neal's admirable History of the Puritans in the hands not only of the ministry and students, but all private reading Christians, a growing class in this country; but its very expensive price has been an insuperable barrier to general circulation. Consultation with many of our most influential clergy of all denominations interested has induced me to prepare an edition which shall not only be so cheap as to admit of general use, but shall imbody the valuable information which has been garnered up by the writers of the last century. Since Neal finished his work we have had the writings of Towgood PREFACE. viV and Toulmin, Wilson and Palmer, Brooks and Conder, Fletcher and Orme, and especially the admirable contributions of Drs. Vaughan and Price. The works alluded to, and very many others, have been faithfully and laboriously consulted in order to enrich this edition. It may have some errors in typography which have escaped my notice, but I can assure the reader that it is the most perfect edition extant, and that I have made scores of corrections from the latest London edition. Not an iota has been altered in the original text of Neal, and every edition of the immortal work has been carefully collated and compared. To the Congregational, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist ministry of the land, I believe these volumes will be welcome, and if our pastors are faithful to their high trust, they will see that they are placed in the hands and houses of their people: should this be the case, we may defy the machinations of Rome, and laugh at the absurdity of apostolical succession. I anticipate the happiest results from the wide circulation of this History. It will create an interest in favour of the venerable sufferers in behalf of truth. We shall see that the persecuting party, who had also enjoyed a partial escape from anti-Christian despotism, secured their political ascendency only by accidental causes; and we shall see " that in these circumstances, the same convictions and feelings which had led all the friends of the Reformation to resist the papal tyranny of Rome, determined the consistent advocates of that reformation to oppose the Protestant tyranny of the Tudors and the Stuarts. They were anxious to attain a greater degree of simplicity and purity in the administration and ritual of the Reformed Church. When, at a subsequent period, an Alct of Uniformity was passed, it was not for the sake of vestments and forms that the successors of the Puritans withheld their acquiescence, but because in the principles which led to their adoption by legislative arrangements there was no recognition of personal and social rights; no accordance with the liberty of the Christian dispensation; no allowance for weak and tender con. sciences; no desire for a liberal and enlarged comprehension; but a system of arbitrary and capricious enactments, independent both of personal and representative consent, and supported by a usurpation of authority which directly impugned the great principles of the Reformation, and invaded the prerogative of Him who is our' only Master and Lord!' Not finding a sufficient code foi the regulation of their ecclesiastical system in the New Testament, they added an apocryphal book of Leviticus to its canon, and claimed for this appendage of human origin implicit faith and unresisting obedience." Thus originated Non conformity. Before our children remove their religious connexions, and, en amoured with a show of pomp and circumstance, embrace a religion which mal cause its professor to be greeted in the high places-before they leave the ole paths of God's Word, alone sufficient for man's faith, guidance, and sal vation-before they barter their birthright for a mess of pottage —let us place in their hands this chronicle of the glorious days of the suffering Churches, and let them know that they are the sons of the men " of whom the world was not wor. thy," and whose sufferings for conscience' sake are here monumentally recorded. JOHN OVERTON CHOULES. August 12, 1843. P R E F A C E TO VOLUME I. OF THE ORIGINAl. EDITION THE design of the following work is to preserve the memory of those great and good men among the Reformers who lost their preferments in the Church for attempting a farther reformation of its discipline and ceremonies, and to account for the rise and progress of that separation from the national establishment which subsists to this day. To set this in a proper light, it was necessary to look back upon the sad state of religion before the Reformation, and to consider the motives that induced King Henry VIII. to break with the pope, and to declare the Church of England an independent body, of which himself, under Christ, was the supreme head upon earth. This was a bold attempt, at a time when all the powers of the earth were against him, and could not have succeeded without an overruling direction of Divine Providence. But as for any real amendment of the doctrines or superstitions of popery, any farther than was necessary to secure his own supremacy, and those vast revenues of the Church which he had grasped into his hands, whatever his majesty might design, he had not the honour to accomplish. The Reformation made a quick progress in the short reign of King Edward VI., who had been educated under Protestant tutors, and was himself a prodigious genius for his age; he settled the doctrines of the Church,. and intended a reformation of its government and laws; but his noble designs were obstructed by some temporizing bishops, who, having complied with the impositions of King Henry VIII., were willing to bring others under the same yoke; and to keep up an alliance under the Church of Rome, lest they should lose the uninterrupted succession of their characters from the apostles. The controversy that gave rise to the separation began in this reign, on occasion of Bishop Hooper's refusing to be consecrated in the popish habits. This may seem an unreasonable scruple in the opinion of some people, but was certainly an affair of great consequence to the Reformation, when the habits were the known badges of popery; and when the administrations of the priests were thought to receive their validity from the consecrated vestments, as I am afraid many, both of the clergy and common people, are too inclinable to apprehend at this day. Hlad the Reformers fixed upon other decent garments, as badges of the episcopal or priestly office, which had no relation to the superstitions of popery, this controversy had been prevented. But the same regard to the old religion was had in revising the liturgy, and translating it into the English language; the Reformers, instead of framing a new one in the language of Holy Scripture, had recourse to the offices of the Church of Rome, leaving out such prayers and passages as were offensive, and adding certain responses to engage the attention of the common people, who, till this time, had no concern in the public devotions of the Church, as being uttered in an unknown tongue. This was thought a very considerable advance, and as much as the times would bear, but was not designed for the last standard of the English reformation; however, the immature death of young King Edward put an end to all farther progress. Upon the accession of Queen Mary, popery revived by the supremacy's being lodged in a single hand, and, within the compass of little more than a year, became a second tine the established religion of the Church of England; the statutes of Kirlg Edward were repealed, and the penal laws against, heretices were put in executionl against the Reformers; many of whom, after a long imprisonment, and cruel trials of nockings and scourgings, made a noble confession of their faith before many VOL. I.-B x PREFACE. witnesses, and sealed it with their blood. Great numbers fled into banishment, and were entertained by the reformed States of Germany, Switzerland, and Geneva, with great humanity; the magistrates enfranchising them, and appointing churches for their public worship. But here began the fatal division:* some of the exiles were for keeping to the liturgy of King Edward as the religion of their country, while others, considering that those laws were repealed, apprehended themselves at full liberty; and having no prospect of returning home, they resolved to shake off the remains of antichrist, and to copy after the purer forms of those churches among whom they lived. Accordingly, the congregation at Franklifort, by the desire of the magistrates, began upon the Geneva model, with an additional prayer for the afflicted state of the Church of England at that time; but when Dr. Cox, afterward Bishop of Ely, came with a new detachment from England, he interrupted the public service by answering aloud after the minister, which occasioned such a disturbance and division as could never be healed. Mr. Knox and Mr. Whittingham, with one halt of the congregation, being oblige4tor-reumrv to- Geneva, Dr. Cox and his friends kept possession of the church at Frankfort, till there arose such quarrels and contentions among themselves as made them a reproach to the strangers among whom they lived. Thus the separation began. When the exiles, upon the accession of Queen Elizabeth, returned to England, each party were for advancing the Reformation according to their own standard. The queen, with those that had weathered the storm at home, were only for restoring King Edward's liturgy; but the majority of the exiles were for the worship and discipline of the foreign churches, and refused to comply with the old establishment, declaiming loudly against the popish habits and ceremonies. The new bishops, most of whom had been their companions abroad, endeavoured to soften them for the present, declaring they would use all their interests at court to make them easy in a little time. The queen also connived at their nonconformity till her government was settled, but then declared roundly that she had fixed her standard, and would have all her subjects conform to it; upon which the bishops stiffened in their behaviour, explained away their promises, and became too severe against their dissenting brethren. In the year 1564, their lordships began to show their authority, by urging the clergy of their several dioceses to subscribe the liturgy, ceremonies, and discipline of the Church; when those that refused were first called Puritans, a name of reproach derived from the Cathari, or Puritani, of the third century after Christ, but proper enough to express their desires of a more pure form of worship and discipline in the Church. When the doctrines of Arminius took place in the latter end of the reign of James I., those that adhered to Calvin's explication of the five disputed points were called Doctrinal Puritans; and at length, says Mr. Fuller,t the name was improved to stigmatize all those who endeavoured in their devotions to accompany the minister with a pure heart, and who were remarkably holy in their conversations. A Puritan, therefore, was a man of severe morals, a Calvinist in doctrine, and a Nonconformist to the ceremonies and discipline of the Church, though they did not totally separate from it. The queen, having conceived a strong aversion to these people, pointed all her; artillery against them; for, besides the ordinary courts of the bishops, her majesty erected a new tribunal, called the Court of High Commission, which suspended and deprived men of their livings, not by the verdict —of twelve men upon oath, but by the sovereign determination of three commissioners of her majesty's own nomination, founded, not upon the statute laws of the realm, but upon the bottomless deep of the canon law; and instead of producing witnesses in open court to prove the charge, they assumed a power of administering an oath ex officio, whereby the prisoner was obliged tO answer all questions the court should put to him, though never so prejudicial to his own defence; if he refused to swear, he was imprisoned for contempt; and if he took the oath, he was convicted upon his own confession. * Fatal division; i. e., on account of the animosities it created, and the miseries in which it involved very many persons and families; but in another view, it was a happy division, for it hath been essentially serviceable to civil as well as religious liberty, and, hlike other evils, been productive of many important good effects; as the author himself points out, p. xi.-ED. t Church History, b. ix., p. 76, and b. x., p. 100. PRE FACE. xl The reader will meet with many examples of the high proceedings of this court in the course of this history; of their sending their pursuivants to bring ministers out of the country, and keeping them in town at excessive charges; of their interrogatories upon oath, which were almostequal to the Spanish Inquisition; of their examinations and long imprisonments of ministers without bail, or bringing them to a trial and all this not fobr insufficiency, or immorality, or neglect of their cures, but for not wearing a white surplice, for not baptizing with the sign of the cross, or not subscribing to certain articles that had no foundation in law. A fourth part of all- the.preachers in England were under suspension from one or other of these courts, at a time when not one beneficed clergyman in six was capable of composing a sermon. The edge of all those laws that were made against popish recusants, who were continually plotting against the queen, was turned against Protestant Nonconformists; nay, in many cases, they had not the benefit of the law, for, as Lord Clarendon* rightly observes, Queen Elizabeth carried her prerogative as high as in the worst times of King Charles I. "They who look' back upon the council-books of those times," says his lordship, " and upon the acts of the Star Chamber then, shall find as high instances of power and sovereignty upon the liberty and property of the subject as can be since given. But the art, order, and gravity of those proceedings (where short, severe, constant rules, were set, and smartly pursued, and the party felt only the weight of the judgment, not the passion of his judges) made them less taken notice of, and so less grievous to the public, though as intolerable to the person." These severities, instead of reconciling the Puritans to the Church, drove them farther from it; for men do not care to be beat from their principles by the artillery of canons, injunctions, and penal laws; nor can they be in love with a church that uses such methods of conversion. A great deal of ill blood was bred in the nation by these proceedings; the bishops lost their esteem with the people, and the number of Puritans was not really lessened, though they lay concealedl till in the next age they got the power into their hands and shook off the yoke. The reputation of the Church of England has been very much advanced of late years by the suspension of the penal laws, and the legal indulgence granted to Protestant dissenters. Long experience has taught us that uniformity in doctrine and worship enforced by penal laws is not the way to the Church's peace; that there may be a separation from a true church without schism, and schism within a church without separation; that the indulgence granted by law to Protestant Nonconformists, which has now subsisted above forty years, has not been prejudicial to Church or State, but rather advantageous to both; for the revenues of the Established Church have not been lessened; a number of poor have been maintained by the Dissenters, which must otherwise have come to the parish; the separation has kept up an emulation among the clergy, quickened them to their pastoral duty, and been a check upon their moral behaviour; and I will venture to say, whenever the separate assemblies of Protestant Nonconformists shall cease, and all men be obliged to worship at their parish churches, that ignorance and laziness will prevail among the clergy; and that the laity in many parts of the country will degenerate into superstition, profaneness, and downright atheism. With regard to the state, it ought to be remembered that the Protestant Dissenters have always stood by the laws and Constitution of their country; that they joined heartily in the glorious revolution of King William and Queen Mary, and suffered for their steady adherence to the Protestant succession in the illustrious house of his present majesty, when great numbers that called themselves churchmen were looking another way; for this, the Schism Bill and other hardships were put upon them, and not for their religious differences with the Church; for if they would have joined the administration at that time, it is. well known they might have made mnuch better terms for themselves; but as long as there is a Protestant Dissenter in England, there will be a friend of liberty and our present happy Constitution. Instead, therefore, of crushing them, or comprehending them within the Church, it must be the interest of all true lovers of their country, even upon political views, to ease their complaints, and to support and courtenance their Christian liberty. * Vol. i., p. 72, 8vo. uii PREFACE. For, though the Church of England is as free from persecuting principles as any es. tablishment in Europe, yet still there are some grievances remaining, which -wise and -good men of all parties wish:might be -reviewed; not to mention the subscriptions which affect the clergy, there is the act of the twenty-fifth of King Charles II. for preventing dangers arising from popish recusants, commonly called the Test Act, "which obliges, under very severe penalties, all persons [of the laity] bearing any office or place of trust or profit (besides taking the oath of allegiance and supremacy, and subscribing a declaration against transubstantiation) to receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the usage of the Church of England, in some parish church, on a Lord's Day, immediately after Divine service and sermon, and to deliver a certificate of having so received it, under the hands of the respective ministers and church-wardens, proved by two credible witnesses upon oath, to be recorded in court." It appears by the title of this act, and by the disposition of the Parliament at that time, that it was not designed against Protestant Nonconformists; but the Dissenters in the house generously-oame iato it, to save the nation from popery; for when the court, in order to throw out the bill, put them upon moving for a clause to except their friends, Mr. Love, who had already declared against the dispensing power, stood up, and desired that the nation might first be secured against popery, by passing the bill without any amendment, and that then, if the house pleased, some regard might be had to Protestant Dissenters; in which, says Mr. Echard, he was seconded by most of his party.* The bill was voted accordingly, and another brought in for the ease of his majesty's Protestant dissenting subjects, which passed the Commons, but before it could get through the Lords, the king came to the house and prorogued the Parliament. Thus the Protestant Nonconformists, out of their abundant zeal for the Protestant religion, shackled themselves, and were left upon a level with popish recusants. It was necessary to secure the nation against popery at that time, when the preaumptive heir of the crown was of that religion; but whether it ought not to have been done by a civil rather than by a religious test, I leave with the reader. The obliging all persons in places of civil trust to receive the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper, seems to be a hardship upon those gentlemen whose manner of life loudly declares their unfitness for so sacred a solemnity, and who would not run the hazard of eating and drinking unworthily, but that they satisfy themselves with throwing off the guilt upon the imposers. Great Britain must not expect an army of saints, nor is the time yet come when all ner officers shall be peace, and her exactors righteousness. It is no less a hardship upon a great body of his majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, who are qualified to serve their king and country in all offices of civil trust, and would perform their duty with all cheerfulness, did they not scruple to receive the sacrament after the usage of the Church of England, or to prostitute a sacred and religious institution as a qualification for a civil employment. I can see no inconvenience either to Church or State, if his majesty, as the common father of his people, should have the service of all his subjects who are willing to swear allegiance to his royal person and government; to renounce all foreign jurisdiction, and to give all reasonable security not to disturb the Church of England, or any of their fellow-subjects, in the peaceable enjoyment of their religious or civil rights and properties. Besides, the removing this grievance would do honour to the Church of England itself, by obviating the charge of imposition, and by relieving the clergy from a part of their work, which has given some of them very great uneasiness; but I am chiefly concerned for the honour of religion and public virtue, which are wounded hereby in the house of their friends. If, therefore, as some conceive, the sacramental test be a national blemish, I humbly conceive, with all due submission, the removal of it would be a public blessing. The Protestant Nonconformists observe with pleasure the right reverend fathers of the Church owning the cause of religious liberty, " that private judgment ought to be formed-upon examination, and that religion is a free and unforced thing." And we sincerely join with the Lord-bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, in the preface to his excellent Vindication of the Miracles of our Blessed Saviour,t "in congratulating * Echard's Church History, ad ann. 1672-3. t Pref., p. viii PREFACE xiii our country on the enjoyment of their civil and ecclesiastical liberties within their just and reasonable bounds, as the most valuable blessings," though we are not fully satisfied with the reasonableness of thosq bounds his lordship has fixed. God forbid that any among us should be patrons of open profaneness, irreligion, scurrility, or ill-manners to the established religion of the nation; much less that we should countenance any who blasphemously revile the founder of it, or who deride whatsoever is sacred! No; we have a fervent zeal for the honour of our Lord and Master, and are desirous to " contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints" with all sorts of spiritual weapons; but we do not yet see a necessity of stopping the mouths of the adversaries of our holy religion with fines and imprisonments, even though, to their own infamy and shame, they treat it with indecency: let scandal and ill-manners be punished as they deserve, but let not men be terrified from speaking out their doubts, or proposing their objections against the Gospel revelation, which we are sure will bear a thorough examination; and- though the late ungenerous attacks upon the miracles of our blessed Saviour may have had an ill influence., upon the giddy and unthinking youth of the age, they have given occasion to the. publishing such a number of incomparable defences of Christianity as have confirmed the faith of many, and must satisfy the mrinds of all reasonable inquirers after truth. Nor do we think it right to fix the boundaries of religious liberty upon the degrea of people's differing from the national establishment, because enthusiasts or Jews have an equal right with Christians to worship God in their own way; to defend their own peculiar doctrines, and to enjoy the public protection as long as they keep the peace, and maintain no principles manifestly inconsistent with the safety of the government they live under. But his lordship apprehends he has a chain of demonstrable propositions to maintain his boundaries: he observes,t " 1. That the true ends of government cannot subsist without religion, no reasonable man will dispute it. 2. That open impiety, or a public opposition made to, and an avowed contempt of the established religion, which is a considerable part of the Constitution, do greatly promote the disturbance of the public peace, and naturally tend to the subversion of the whole Constitution." It is here supposed that one particular religion must be incorporated into the Constitution, which is not necessary to the ends of government; for religion and civil government are distinct things, and stand upon a separate basis. Religion in general is the support of civil government, and it is the office of the civil magistrate to protect all his dutiful and loyal subjects in the free exercise of their religion; but to incorporate one particular religion into the Constitution, so as to make it part of the common law, and to conclude from thence that the Constitution, having a right to pre-: serve itself, may make laws for the punishment of those that publicly oppose any one branch of it, is to put an effectual stop to the progress of the Reformation thtoughout the whole Christian world: for by this reasoning our first reformers must be condemned; and if a subject of France, or the ecclesiastical states, should at this time write against the usurped power of the pope, or expose the absurdities of transub. stantiation, adoration of the host, worshipping of images, &c., it would be laudable for the legislative powers of those countries to send the writer to the galleys, or shut him up in a dungeon, as a disturber of the public peace, because popery is supported by law, and is a very considerable part of their constitution. But to support the government's right to enact penal laws against those that opposed the established religion, his lordship is pleased to refer us to the edicts of the first Christian emperors out of the Codex Theodosianus, composed in the fifth century, which acquaints us with the sentiments of that and the preceding age, but says nothing of the doctrine of Scripture, or of the practice of the Church for three hundred years before the empire became Christian. His lordship then subjoins sundry passages out of a sermon of Archbishop Tillotson, whom he justly tanks among the greatest of the moderns. But it ought to be remembered, that this sermon was preached at court in the year 1680, when the nation was in imminent danger from the Popish Plot. His lordship should also have acquainted his readers with the archbishop's cautious introduction, which is this: "I cannot think (till I be better in * Pref. p. ix., x. xiv PREFACE. formed, which I am always ready to be) that any pretence of conscience warrants any man that cannot work miracles to draw men off from the established religion of a nation, nor openly to make proselytes to his own religion, in contempt of the magistrate and the law, though he is never so sure he is in the right."* This proposition, though pointed at the popish missionaries in England at that time, is not only inconsistent with the Protestant Reformation (as I observed before), but must effectually prevent the propagating of Christianity among the idolatrous nations of the Eastern and Western Indies, without a new power of working miracles, which we have no ground to expect; and I may venture to assure his lordship and the world that the good archbishop lived to see his mistake, and could name the learned person to whom he frankly confessed it after some hours' conversation upon the subject.t But human authorities are of little weight in points of reason and speculation. It was from this mistaken principle that the government pressed so hard upon those Puritans whose history is now before the reader, in which he will observe how the transferring the.-'sopruimray —fon tFie- pope to the king united the Church and State into one body under one head, insomuch that writing against the Church was construed by the judges in Westminster Hall a seditious libelling the queen's government, and was punished with exorbitant fines, imprisonment, and death. He will observe, farther, the rise and progress of the penal laws; the extent of the regal supremacy in those times; the deplorable ignorance of the clergy; with the opposite principles of our church-reformers, and of the Puritans, which I have set in a true light, and have pursued the controversy as an historian in its several branches, to the end of the long reign of Queen Elizabeth; to all which I have added some short remarks of my own, which the reader will receive according to their evidence. And because the principles of the Scotch Reformers were much the same with those of the English Puritans, and the imposing a liturgy and bishops upon them gave rise to a confusion of the next age, I have inserted a short account of their religious establishment, and have enlivened the whole with the lives and characters of the principal Puritans of those times. A history of this kind was long expected from the late reverend and learned Dr. John Evans, who had for some years been collecting materials for this purpose, and had he lived to perfect his design, would have done it to much greater advantage; but I have seen none of his papers, and am informed that there is but a very small matter capable of being put in order for the press. Upon his decease, I found it necessary to undertake this province, to bring the history forward to those times when the Puritans had the power in their own hands; in examining into which, I have spent my leisure hours for some years; but the publishing those collections will depend, under God, upon the continuance of my health, and the acceptance this meets with in the world. I am not so vain as to expect to escape the censures of critics, nor the reproaches of angry men, who, while they do nothing themselves, take pleasure in exposing the labours of others in pamphlets and newspapers; but as I shall be always thankful to any that will convince me of my mistakes in a friendly manner, the others may be secure of enjoyingtthe satisfaction of their satirical remarks without any disturbance from me. I have endeavoured to acquaint myself thoroughly with the times of which I write; and as I have no expectations from any party of Christians, I am under no temptation to disguise their conduct. I have cited my authorities in the margin, and flatter * Abp. Tillotson's Works, vol. i., fol., p. 320, 321. t The learned person to whom Mr. Neal refers, I conceive, was Mr. Howe: the purport of the conver sation he had with the bishop, on the proposition contained in his sermon, was given to the public by Dr. Calamy, in his Memoirs of Mr. Howe, p. 75, 76. The fact was, that the bishop was sent for, out of his turn, to preach before the king, on account of the sickness of another gentleman, and had prepared his discourse in great haste, and impressed with the general fears of popery: the sentiment above quoted from it was the occasion of its being published from the press. For the king having slept most part of the time while the sermon was delivered, a certain nobleman, when it was over, said to him, "'Tis pity your majesty slept, for we have had the rarest piece of Hobbism that ever you heard in your life." "Odsfish, he shall print it, then," replied the king. When it came from the press, the author sent a copy, as a present, to Mr. Howe,..who freely expostulated with Dr. Tiliotson on this passage, first in a long letter, and then in a conversation which the doctor desired on the subject, at the end of which he fell to weeping freely, and said " that this was the most unhappy thing that had of a long time befallen him." PREFACE. xv myself that I have had the opportunity of bringing many things to light relating tc the sufferings of the Puritans, and the state of the Reformation in those times, which have hitherto been unknown to the world, chiefly by the assistance of a large manuscript collection of papers, faithfully transcribed from their originals in the University of Cambridge, by a person of character employed for that purpose, and generously communicated to me by my ingenious and learned friend, Dr. Benjamin Grosvenor; for which I take this opportunity of returning him my own and the thanks of the public. Among the ecclesiastical historians of these times, Mr. Fuller, Bishop Burnet, and Mr. Strype, are the chief; the last of whom has searched into the records of the English Reformation more than any man of the age; Dr. Heylin and Collyer are of more suspected authority, not so much for their party principles, as because the former never gives us his vouchers, and yet the latter follows him blindly in all things. Upon the whole, I have endeavoured to keep in view the honesty and gravity of an historian, and have said nothing with a design to exasperate or widen the differences among Christians; for, as I am a sincere admirer of the doctrines of the New Testament, I would have an equal regard to its most excellent precepts, of which these are some of the capital, that "; we love one another; that we forgive offences; that we bear one another's infirmities, and even bless them that curse us, and pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us." If this spirit and temper were more prevalent, the lives of Christians would throw a bright lustre upon the truth and excellence of their Divine faith, and convince the atheists and infidels of the age, more than all their arguments can do without it. I would earnestly recommend this temper to the Protestant Nonconformists of the present age, together with a holy emulation of each other in undissembled piety and sanctity of life, that while they are reading the heavy and grievous sufferings of their ancestors from ecclesiastical commissions, spiritual courts, and penal laws, for conscience' sake, they may be excited to an humble adoration of Divine Providence, which has delivered them so far from the yoke of oppression; to a detestation of all persecuting principles; and to a loyal and dutiful behaviour to the best of kings, under whose mild and just government they are secure of their civil and religious liberties. And may Protestants of all persuasions improve in the knowledge and love of the truth, and in sentiments of Christian charity and forbearance towards each other, that, being at peace among themselves, they may with greater success bend their united forces against the common enemy of Christianity! DANIEL NEAL. Loudon, Feb. 1st, 1731-2, ADVERTISEMENT TO VOLUME I. OF DR. TOULMIN'S EDITION. MXORE than half a century has elapsed since the work now again offered to the public made its first appearance. The author gave it a second edition in 4to. In 1755 it was printed at Dublin, on the plan of the first impression, in four volumes octavo. The English editions have for a number of years been scarce, and copies of the work, as it has been justly held in estimation by dissenters, have borne a high price. Foreigners also have referred to it as a book of authority, affording the most ample information on that part of the English-hi'story which it comprehends.* A republication of-i-,ti Off- 6accounts, it is supposed, be acceptable to the friends of reliri-ous liberty. Several circumstances concur to render it, at this time, peculiarly seasonable. The Protestant Dissenters, by their repeated applications to Parliament, have attracted notice and excited an inquiry into their principles and history. The odium and obloquy of which they have recently become the objects are a call upon them to appeal to both,in their owni justification. Their history, while it brings up to painful review scenes of spiritual tyranny and oppression, connects itself with the rise and progress of religious liberty, and necessarily brings forward many important and interesting transactions which are not to be met with in the general histories of our country, because not falling within the province of the authors to detail. The editor has been induced, by these considerations, to comply with a proposal to revise Mr. Neal's work. In doing this, he has taken nob other liberty with the original text than: t cast into notes some papers and lists of names, which appeared to him too much to interrupt the narrative. This alteration in the form of it promises to render it more pleasing to the eye, and more agreeable to the perusal. He has, where he could procure the works quoted, which he has been able to do in most instances, examined and corrected the references, and so ascertained the fairness and accuracy of the authorities. He has reviewed the animadversions of Bishops Maddox and Warburton, and Dr. Grey, and given the result of his scrutiny in notes; by which the credit of the author is eventually established. He has not suppressed strictures of his own, where he conceived there was occasion for them. It has been his aim, in conducting this work through the press, to support the character of the diligent, accurate, and impartial editor. How far he has done this he must leave to the candid to determine. Whatever inaccuracies or mistakes the eye of criticism may discover, he is confident that they cannot essentially affect the execution of the design, any more than the veracity of the author. The remark, which Mr. Neal advanced as a plea in his own defence, against the censure of Bishop Maddox, will apply with force, the editor conceives, to his own case, as in the first instance it had great weight. "The commission of errors in writing any history of times past," says the ingenious Mr. Wharton, in his letter to Mr. Strype, " being altogether unavoidable, ought not to detract from the credit of the history or the merits of the historian, unless it be accompanied with immoderate ostentation or unhandsome reflections on the errors of others."t The editor has only farther to solicit any communications which may tend to im prove this impression of Neal's History, or to furnish materials for the continuation of the History of the Protestant Dissenters from the Revolution, with which period Mr. Neal's design closes, to the present times, as he has it in contemplation, if Providence favour him with life and health, to prepare such a work for the press. Taunton, 13th June, 1793. * Mosheimn, Dictionnaire de Heresies, and Wendeborn. t Mr. Wharton discovered as many errors in Mr. Strype's single volume of Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer as filled three sheets; yet Mr. Strype's collections were justly entitled to the commendations of posterity, as a work of great utility and authority.-See Neal's Review, p. 6, 8vo. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF AIR. DANIEL NEAL, A.M.* MR. DANIEL NEAL was born in the city of London, on the 14th of December, 1678. When he was very young, his parents were removed by death, and left him, their only surviving child, in the hands of a maternal uncle, whose care of his health and education was faithful and affectionate, and was often mentioned by his nephew with gratitude. He received his classical education at Merchant Tailors' School, to which he was sent when he was seven or eight years of age, and where he stayed till he was head scholar. In this youthful period he gave a proof of the serious and conscientious principles by which he was governed; for, an exhibition to St. John's College in Oxford being offered to him, out of a foundation belonging to that school, he declined it, and chose an education for the ministry among the Protestant Dissenters. About the year 1696 or 1697 he removed from this seminary to a dissenting academy, under the direction of the Reverend Thomas Rowe, under whose tuition several eminent characters were, in part, formed.t To this gentleman Dr. Watts addressed his animated ode, called " Free Philosophy," which may, in this view, be considered as an honourable testimonial to the candid and liberal spirit with which Mr. Rowe conducted the studies of his, pupils. Mr. Neal's thirst after knowledge was not to be satisfied by the limited advantages of one seminary, but prompted him to seek farther improvement in foreign universities Having spent three years with Mr. Rowe, he removed to Holland, where he prosecuted his studies for two years, under the celebrated Professors D'Uries, Grwevius, and Burman, at Utrecht; and then one year at Leyden. About the middle or latter end of 1703 he returned to England, in company with Mr. Martin Tomkinst and Mr. (afterward the eminent Dr.) Lardner, and soon after appeared in the pulpit. * This narrative is drawn up chiefly from the memoir of Mr. Neal's life in the funeral sermon by Dr. Jennings, and a MS. account of him and his works by his son, Nathaniel Neal, Esq., communicated by his grandson, Daniel Lister, Esq., of Hackney. t Among others, Dr. Watts, Dr. Hort, afterward Archbishop of Tuam, Mr. Hughes the poet, Dr. John Evans, Mr. Grove, and Dr. Jeremiah Hunt. t This gentleman was settled with a dissenting congregation at Stoke Newington. In the year 1718, Mr. Asty, the pastor of a congregation in Ropemaker's Alley, Moorfields, on making an exchange with Mr. Tomkins for one Lord's day, thought fit to alarm his people with the danger of pernicious errors and damnable heresies creeping in among the Dissenters; and particularly referred t0drrors concerning the doctrine of Christ's deity. Mr. Tomkins, to counteract the ill tendency of this discourse, and of the'censures it conveyed, preached the succeeding Lord's day from John, xx., 21-23, on the power of Christ to settle the terms of salvation. The inference which he deduced from the discussion of his subject was, " that no man on earth, nor body of men, no, nor all the angels in heaven, have power to make anything necessary to salvation but what Christ hath made so." In the conclusion of his discourse, he applied this general principle as a test by which to decide on the importance of the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity, and of the deity of Christ. Here he entered into a particular survey of the various passages in the historical and epistolary books of the New Testament connected with this point, and gave at large his reasons why he did not apprehend the orthodox notion concerning the deity of Christ to be a fundamental doctrine of Christianity. This sermon, though the preacherneither denied nor intimated any doubt of the truth of the orthodox doctrine, gave much disgust, and made a great noise. The minds of his people were irritated, and every attempt which Mr. Tomkins used to calm them and restore harmony proving unsuccessful, he resigned his pastoral connexion, after ten years' services among them. Prejudice rose so high against him, thathe was afterward denied the communion of the church, in which he had been many years before; when, on being disengaged from stated ministerial functions, he desired to return to it. Mr. Tomkins did not again settle as the pastor of a congregation, but did not wholly lay aside the character, or drop the studies, of the Christian minister; for he occasionally preached, and published several valjable theological tracts. The first, about the year 1723, was " A Sober Appeal to a Turk or an Indian concerning the plain sense of Scripture, relatingto the Trinity: being an answer to Dr. I. Watts's late book, entitled' The Christian Doctrine of the Trinity; or, Father, Son, and Spirit, three Persons and one God, asserted and proved by plain evidence of Scripture, without the aid and encumbrance of human schemes."' This piece was drawn up in terms of decency and respect, and in the language of friendship towards that excellent and eminent person, to whose tract it was a reply; and the whole was written in an exemplary strain of moderation and candour. In the year 1748 it came to a second edition: to which were added, 1. Remarks on Dr. Watts's three citations relating to the doctrine of the Trinity, published in 1724. 2. A sobel VOL. I. —C xviii MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF It was not lonlg before his furniture and abilities attracted notice;.and, in the next year, he was chosen assistant to Dr. John Singleton,* in the service of an Independent congregation in Aldersgate-street; and, on the doctor's death, in 1706, he was elected their pastor. In this relation he continued for thirty-six years, till about five months before his decease. When he accepted the pastoral office, the church, though some persons of considerable fortune and character belonged to it, was very small as to numbers; but such acceptance did his ministry meet with, that the place of worship became, in a few years, too strait to accommodate the numbers that desired to attend on Mr. Neal's preaching, which obliged them to remove to a larger house, in Jewinstreet. He fulfilled the duties of his character with attention and diligence: statedly preaching twice every Lord's day, till the three or four last years of his life, and usually devoting two or three afternoons in a week to visiting his people. He pursued his studies with so close an application as to reserve little or no time for exercise; though he was assiduous in his preparations for the pulpit, he gave himself some scope in his literary pursuits, and particularly indulged in the study of history, to which his natural genius strongly led him. " He still," abserves Dr. Jennings," kept his character and profession in view as a Christia'n' di'vine and minister."t The first fruits of his literary labours appeared in 1720, under the title of" The History of New-England: being an impartial account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the country, with a new accurate map thereof: to which is added an appendix, containing their present charter, their ecclesiastical discipline, and their municipal laws," in two volumes 8vo. This work contains an entertaining and instructive narrative of the first planting of the Gospel in a foreign heathen land; and, besides exhibiting the rise of a new commonwealth, struggling in its infant state with a thousand difficulties, and triumphing over them all, it includes biographical memoirs of the principal persons in Church and State. It was well received in New-England; and the next year their university honoured the author with the degree of master of arts, the highest academical title they had power to confer. In the same year there came from Mr. Neal's pen, "A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Francis Hare, Dean of Worcester, occasioned by his reflections on the Dissenters, in his late visitation-sermon and postscript," 8vo.t In 1721, he published " The Christian's Duty and Interest in a time of public danger, from Ezekiel, ix., 4. A sermon preached at the Rev. Mr. Jennings's.meeting-place in Wapping, on Friday, October 27, being a time of solemn prayer on account of the plague."~ This discourse is preserved in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge.ll Appeal to all that have read the New Testament, whether the reputed orthodox are not more chargeable with preaching a new Gospel than reputed Arians? 3. A Reply to Dr. Waterland's Animadversions upon some passages in the " Sober Appeal." To neither of the editions of this treatise was the author's name affixed. In 1732. Mfr. Tomkins published, also without his name, a piece which gained him great reputation, entitled " Jesus Christ the Mediator between God and Man; an Advocate for us with the Father, and a Propitiation for the Sins of the World." A new edition of this work appeared in 1761. He published, in 1738, " A Calm Inquiry whether we have any warrant from Scripture for addressing ourselves, in a way of prayer or praise, directly to the Holy Spirit: humbly offered to the consideration of all Christians, par. ticularly of Protestant Dissenters." This iece has seriously impressed the minds of many, and has, undoubtedly, contributed very much to the disuse of the Trinitarian doxology among the Dissenters. Mr. Tomkins himself, so far back as the time when he was minister to the congregation at Stoke Newington, had forborne it, because he could find no instance of it in Scripture. All Mr. Tomkins's pieces are proofs of the candour of his spirits and of the clearness and strength of his judgment. Long since his death, there has appeated, in the Theological Repository, vol. iii., p. 257, "A Letter from him to Dr. Lardner, in reply to his letter mn the Logos, in defence of the Arian hypothesis." In this enumeration of his publications, it had almost escaped me to mention another, and that the first in order of time, viz., " The Case of Mr. Martin Tomkins, being an Account of the Proceedings of the Dissenting Congregation at Stoke Newington, upon occasion of a seiqhn preached by him July 13, 1718." This piece bears on it all the marks of being a fair and impartial, as it:isan instructive, narrative. The character of candour -and-piety which he supported, and with which his Zvi'ngs are impressed; the simplicity and integrity with which he bore his testimony to Scriptural worship, Christian moderation, and the Divine unity; and the weight and influence of:his publications in the Trinitarian controve'sy, have jtstly intitled Mr. Tomkins to this particular mention. * Dr. John Singleton was a student in the University of Oxford; from whence, after he had been there eight Years, he was turned out by the commissioners in 1660. He then went to Holland, and studied physic, but never practised it any farther than to give his advice to particular friends. His settlements -were various. Residing some time with Lady Scott in Herttordshire, he preached then to some Dissenters at Hertford. He was afterward pastor to a congregation in London. When the meetings were generally suppressed, he went into Warwickshire, and lived with his wife's brother, Dr. Timothy Gibbons, a physician. Upon King James giving liberty, he preached first at Stretton, a small hamlet, eight miles from Coventry, and then became pastor to the Independent congregation in that city. From whence he was again called to London, to succeed Mr. T. Cole.-Palmer's AVnconformists' Memorial, vol. i., p.1 170. There is a sermon of Dr. Singleton's in the Morning Exercises. t Funeral Sermon for Mr. Neal, p. 33. t The title of this sermon was "Church Authority Vindicated." This discourse also attracted the no tice of Bishop Hoadiey, who published an answer to it. ~ It then raged at Marseilles, in France, being brought thither from the Levant; and eighteen thousand died of it. II Cooke's Index to Sermons, vol. ii., page 241. article Neal. MR. DANIEL NEAL. Mr. Neal gave to the public, in 1722, " A Narrative of the method and success of in, oculating the smallpox in New-England, by Mr. Benjamin Colman; with a reply to the objections made against it from principles of conscience, in a letter from a minister at Boston. To which is now prefixed an historical introduction." On the appearance of this piece, her royal highness Caroline, princess of Wales, sent for him to wait on her, that she might receive from him farther satisfaction concerning the practice of inoculation. He was introduced by a physician of the royal family, and received by the princess in her closet, whom he found reading " Fox's Martyrology."' Her highness did him the honour of entering into a free conversation with him for near an hour on the subject of inoculation; and afterward on other subjects, particularly the state of the dissenting interest in England, and of religion in New-England. After some time the Prince of Wales, afterward George II., came into the room, and condescended to take a part in the conversation for above a quarter of an hour. Mr. Neal had the honour of kissing the hands of both the royal personages.* In 1722 he published, at request, a sermon preached to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at Salters' Hall, on Monday, June 25th. This discourse, grounded on Psalm xciv., 16, is to be met with in the library mentioned before. In the beginning of the next year the request of the managers of the charity-school in Gravel Lane, Southwark, procured from him the publication of a.sermon, preached January 1st, for the benefit of that institution, on Job, xxix., 12, 1:3, entitled "The Method of Education in the Charity-schools of Protestant Dissenters; with the Advantages that arise to the Public from them." After this nothing of Mr. Neal's appeared from the press for several years, till, in 1726, the death of the Rev. Matthew Clarke, a minister of considerable eminence among the Dissenters of that period, gave occasion for his publishing a funeral sermon for him, from Matt., xxv., 21. This discourse was next year reprinted, and annexed to a volume of sermons upon several occasions, by Mr. Clarke; of which Mr. Neal was the editor, and to which he prefixed some memoirs of the author.t At the beginning of this year he printed a sermon, entitled, " Of sorrowing for them who sleep in Jesus," occasioned by the death of Mrs. Anne Phillibrowne, who departed this life February 1st, 1726-7, in the forty-third year of her age. This discourse is also to be found in Queen's College library, Cambridge. In 1730, the united request of the ministers and the church prevailed with him to publish a sermon, entitled, " The Duty of Praying for Ministers and the Success of their Ministry," from 2 Thess., iii., 1; preached at the separation of the Rev. Mr. Richard Rawlin,T to the pastoral office in the church at Fetter Lane, June 24th. A passage in this discourse deserves to be quoted, to show the catholic and generous sentiments of Mr. Neal. Having referred to the persecutions of the Christians under the Roman emperors, and then to the prevalence of darkness and superstition for a thousand years after Rome became papal, he proceeds, " The light of the'Gospel broke out again at the Reformation; but, alas! what obstructions has it met with ever -since! how much blood has been spilled, and how many families ruined, and sent into banishment, for the profession of it! There is at this time a bloody inquisition in Spain; and the sword of the magistrate is drawn against the preaching of the Gospel in Italy, France, Poland, in several parts of Germany, and in other popish countries. I wish I could say * The MS. account of Mr. Neal. t Mr. Matthew Clarke, a gentleman of eminence among the dissenting ministers of that period, and the father to Dr. Clarke, a physician of extensive practice, who died not long since at Tottenham, in Middlesex, was descended from a genteel family in the county of Salop. He was the son of the Rev. Matthew Clarke, who was ejected from Harborough, in Leicestershire, and was born February 2d, 1663-4. His father, who had been an indefatigable student in Trinity College, Cambridge, led him through the learned languages. His academical studies were pursued under the learned Mr. Woodhouse, at Sherifhales, in Shropshire, a tutor of eminence in those times. Mr. Clarke, when he had finished his academical course, spent two years in London, for the benefit of conversing-with learned men, and forming himself on tlhe model of the most celebrated preachers. He began his ministry in 1684, with great acceptance: so that great additions were made to the church, which his father had formed, at Market Harborough; and he laid the foundation of several societies of Protestant Dissenters in those parts. Being engaged, when he was on a visit to London, in 1687, to supply the congregation at Sandwich, in Kent, for a few Lord's days, he was prevailed with to spend two years there, which he did with eminent success. In 1689, he was unanimously in:vited to become assistant to the aged Mr. Ford, the pastor of a congregation in lfiles's Lane, which was then reduced to a very low state; but the auditory in a few years became crowded, and seven or eight in a month were added to the communion. In 1697, Mr. Clarke was chosen dne of the lecturers a.t Pinners' Hall. He married, ha 1696, Mrs. Anne Frith, daughter of Mr. Robert Frith, of Windsor, who as repeatedly mayor of that corporation. His pulpit abilities were greatly admired, and his services uch sought; s6hat he usually preached twice or three times on a Lord's day, and several times in the eek. He died March 27, 1726, aged sixty-two years, much beloved and much lamented, and leaving beind him the character of having been among the best and most useful divines of his age.-Mr. Neal's Mfeeoirs of his Life. t Mr. lRawlin was a minister of reputation among the Independents, one of the six preachers of the Merchants' lecture at Pinners' Hall, and the author of a volume of sermohs on Justification, which met with great acceptance, and passed through more than one edition. XX MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF that all Protestant governments were willing the Gospel should have its free couise; but our fathers in this nation have drunk of the bitter cup of persecution; olr teachers have been driven into corners, and the mouths of thousands stopped in one day: bless-,ed be God that there is now a more open door! Let us pray that all penal laws for religion may be taken away, and that no civil discouragements may lie upon Christians of any denomination for the peaceable profession of their faith, but that the Gospel may have free course." In the year 1732 came out the first volume of Mr. Neal's great work, " The History of the Puritans." The following circumstances gave birth to this publication. Dr. Edmund Calamy, many years before, had, in his "Abridgment of the Life of Mr. Richard Baxter, and the continuation of it," laid before the public a view of the state of nonconformity, and of the characters and sufferings of the principal adherents to it, during the period that immediately succeeded to the Act of Uniformity in 1662. Dr. John Evans,* on this, formed a design of writing " A History of Nonconformity," from the beginning of the Reformation to 1640, when the civil wars began. Mr. Neal was requested, by several ministers and other persons of considerable figure among the Dissenters, to take up the history from the- yer I1640, and to carry it on to the Act of Uniformity. Dr. Evans proceeded a great way in the execution of his design, by collecting, for several years, with great industry and expense, proper materials from all quarters, and by filling several quires of paper with references, under each year, to the books he had read on the subject. He had gone so far as to have written out fairly about a third part of the two folios he intended to fill. But his constant employment as a minister, the multiplicity of public affairs which passed through his hands, ill health, and various disappointments and troubles in his own concerns, greatly interrupted his close application to the work; and his death, in the year 1730, put a final period to the design, which was left in an unfinished state. In the mean time, Mr. Neal had prosecuted his work with so much application and spirit, that he had completed his collections, and put them in order for the press, some length of time before the doctor's decease. This event obstructed his immediate progress, and opened to him a new field of study and investigation: for he now found it necessary to take up himself the long period of history from the Reformation to the commencement of the civil wars, that his own collections might be published with more acceptance, and appear with greater advantage, than he apprehended they could have done if the doctor's province had been entirely neglected.t The approbation which followed the publication of the first volume of " The History of the Puritans" encouraged him to prosecute his design, and the next year, 1733, produced a second volume of that work. Between the appearance of this and the subsequent parts of his history, we find Mr. Neal engaged with some of his respectable brethren in carrying on two courses of lectures: one at Berry-street, the other at Salters' Hall. The former was preached at the request and by the encouragement of William Cow. * Dr. John Evans, the author of two volumes of judicious and admired sermons on the Christian temper, and of many single sermons, was the son of Mr. John Evans, of Baliol College, Oxford, and ejected by the Act of Uniformity from Oswestry. He was born at Wrexham, in the year 1679. His mother was the daugh ter of the eminent Colonel Gerard, governor of Chester Castle. He received his education first under Mr. Thomas Rowe, of London; and afterward under Mr. Richard Frankland, at Rathmill, in Yorkshire. He enjoyed great advantages under both, and made a singular proficiency in all the parts of rational and polite literature. His first settlement was in the family of Mrs. Hunt, of Boreatton in Shropshirc, relict of Roland Hunt, Esq., and sister of Lord Paget, ambassador to the Ottoman court. In this retirement he read over entire Mr. Pole's Latin Synopsis, in five volumes folio, which laid the foundation of his great skill in Scripture criticism, and all the Christian writers of the first three centuries, under the direction of the learned Mr. James Owen. His first settlement as a minister was in the place of his nativity; from whence he removed to London,to be assistant to Dr. Daniel Williams, pastor of a congregation in Hand Alley, Bishopsgate-street; which asfterward removed to New Bond-street, Petty-Fronc5. Dr. Evans, after sev. eral years, was by Dr. Williams's desire made copastor with him, and succeeded him at his death. On taking the whole charge of the congregation, he gpent a week in solemn retirement and in extraordinary exercises of devotion. He was one of the six prea'chr~sseirthe Merchants' lecture at Salters' Hall, and for several years concerned in the Lord's day evening lecture in that place. Besides the sermons mentioned above, he published a small volume addressed to young persons, which has been reprinted within these few years, -and a tract or two on the " Importance of Scripture Consequences," drawn up in a masterly way, with great clearness and judgment, sobriety and decency. Both the universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen, without his knowledge and in a most honourable manner, conferred on him their highest academical honour. A complication of distempers broke down his constitution, and deprived the world of his abilities and labours, at so early a period as the fifty-first year of his age, May 23, 1730. He excelled in the several virtues of integrity, greatness and generosity of mind; in compassion and tenderness, in a catholic temper and a'public spirit, and in a steady, regular piety. His solidity of judgment united with. vivacity, his industry and prudence, were distinguishing^and superior to most others. Among the pertinent, devout, and excellent sentiments he dropped in the course of his illness, when he looked upon his body swollen with distemper, he would often say with pleasure, "This corruptible shall put on incorruption-Oh, glorious hope!"-Dr. lTarris's Funeral Sermonafor Dr. Evans, in his Funeral Discourses, p. 285-296. t Dr. Harris's Funeral Sermon for Dr. Evans, in his volume of Funeral Discourses, p. 289, 290; and the MS. Account of Mr. Neal. MR. DANIEL NEAL. xxi ard,' Esq., of Walthamstow. It consisted of fifty-four sermons on the principal heads of the Christian religion, entitled " Faith and Practice." Mr. Neal's associates in this service were Dr. Watts, Dr. J. Guise, Mr. Samuel Price, Mr. John Hubbard, and Dr. David Jennings.* The terms on which Mr. Neal complied with Mr. Coward's request,, made through a common friend, to take part in this service, are proofs of the independence and integrity of mind which he possessed, and was determined to maintain, His requisitions were, that he would draw up the dedication, write the preface, and choose his own subjects, in which Mr. Coward, though they were not very pleasing to a gentleman of his known humour and fondness for adulation and control, acquiesced, rather than the lecture should lose the advantage and reputation that it would derive from Mr. Neal's abilities and name.t The subjects handled by him were "The Divine authority and perfection of the Holy Scriptures," from 2 Tim., iii., 16. " Of God, as the Governor and Judge of the moral world, angels, and men," on Daniel, iv., 35. " The incarnation of Christ as the promised Messiah," the text Gal., iv., 4, 5. "Effectual calling, with its fruits, viz., regeneration and santification by the Holy Spirit," from 2 Tim., i., 9. "Confession of sin, repentance, and conversion to holiness" on Acts, iii., 19. "Of fearing God and trusting in him," Psalm xxxi., 19. " The sacrament of the Lord's Supper," on 1 Cor., xi., 23, 36. " The love of our neighbour," the text John, iii., 34, 35; and " The pleasure and advantage of vital religion," from Rom., vii., 22. These, with the discourses of the other preachers, were, after the course was finished, published in two vols. 8vo, in 1735, and have passed through several editions. Dr. Doddridge, when speaking of them, says, " I cannot recollect where I have seen a set of important thoughts on such various and weighty subjects more judiciously selected, more naturally digested, more closely compacted, more accurately expressed, or, in a few words, more powerfully enforced, than I have generally found in those sermons."t Without determining whether this encomium be exaggerated or not, it may certainly be pronounced, that the practical strain in which the discourses are drawn up, and the good temper with which the subjects of greatest controversy are here handled, without any censure or even illiberal insinuation against others mingling with the representation of their own views on the points discussed, do great honour to the heart and spirit of the authors. The other course of lectures, in which Mr. Neal was engaged, arose from an alarm concerning the increase of popery, which prevailed about the end of the year 1734. Some eminent dissenting ministers of the day, of the Presbyterian denomination, in conjunction with one of each of the other persuasions, agreed to preach a set of sermons on the main principles and errors, doctrines and practices, of the Church of Rome, to guard Protestants against the efforts of its emissaries. The gentlemen who engaged in this design were Mr. John Barker, Dr. Samuel Chandler, Mr. George Smith, Dr. Samuel Wright, Dr. William Harris, Dr. Obadiah Hughes, Dr. Jeremiah Hunt, Mr. Joshua Bayes, Mr. John Newman, Dr. Jabez Earle, Mr. Moses Lowman, Dr. Benjamin Grosvenor, Mr. Thomas Leavesly, Mr. Joseph Burroughs, a minister of the Antipaedobaptist persuasion,~ and Mr. Neal, who was an Independent. The subject which fell * It is needless to say anything here of the first name on this list, Dr. Watts, whose fame by his various writings has been so universally diffused. Mr. Samuel Price, the uncle of the late Dr. Richard Price, served forty-five years in the ministry of the Gospel, with Dr. Watts, as assistant or copastor. He was a man of exemplary probity and virtue, of sound and solid sense, a judicious and useful preacher, eminent for his gift in prayer, and for wisdom and prudence in the management of affairs. He was a native of Wales, received his academical learnihg under Mr. Timothy Jollie, at.Attercliffe, and died in 1756. Dr. John Guise was well known as a popular preacher, and as the author of a paraphrase on the New Testament, in three vols. quarto. Mr. Hubbard was minister of a congregation at Stepney, and about three years before his death was chosen tutor of a-seminary for educatingyoung men for the ministry. He filled both capacities with considerable reputation, and is said to have had so extensive and familiar an acquaintance with the Scriptures as to supersede the use of a concordance, which had no place in his library. Dr. David Jennings has left behind him "An Introduction to the Use of the Globes and Orrery," "An Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals," and " Jewish Antiquities," as monuments of his genius and learning. For many years he was at the head of the seminary endowed by Mr. Coward's munificence, and for forty-four years pastor of a congregation in Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. He was a pleasing and pathetic preacher, an early riser, very methodical and punctual in the arrangements of his studies and business, and, notwithstanding that he lived much in his study, his conversation was lively and instructive, and his address easy and affable. He published several sermons, and was the author of several other pieces besides the above. He died September 26, 1762, in his seventy-first year. t From private information.: Doddridge's Ten Sermons, 12roa Preface, p. ix. Q Mr. John Barker was for a number of years a preacher of popular talents and great eminence,' first at Hackney, and then at Salters' Hall. Many single sermons came from his pen, and he published a: volume of discourses in his lifetime, which was succeeded by a second volume after his death in 1763. - Dr. Samuel Chandler is well known as rising superior to most, either within the pale of the establishment or out of it, in learning and abilities. Mr. George Smith officiated to the society of the Gravel-pit meeting, Hackney, for thirty years, as a preacher excelled by none and equalled by few. He died May,' 1746, aged fifty-seven, looked upon byhis MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF to his lot to discuss was, " The supremacy of St. Peter, and the bishops of Rome, his m*dcessors." These discourses were separately printed immediately after each was preached,- and when the lecture was closed, were collected together, and formed two volumes 8vo.* own brethren as holding the first rank in merit among them; and not less honoured and valued by those of the establishment who knew him. Dr. Samuel Wright, the author of many single sermons and several valuable practical works, was distinguished by pulpit talents. He was thirty-eight years pastor of the congregation which originally met for religious worship in Blackfriars, and then, greatly increasing under his preaching, which was serious and judicious, solemn and striking, removed to Carter Lane. He died in his sixty-fourth year, 1746. Dr. William Harris, who was upward of. forty years pastor of a congregation in Crutched Friars, was a very acceptable preacher, and the author, besides many single sermons, of a volume of discourses on " The prncipal Representations of the Messiah throughout the Old Testament," and of another called "Funeral Discourses, in two Parts: containing, 1. Consolation on the Death of our Friends; and, 2. Preparation for our own Death." His compositions were laboured and finished. It was among the excellences of his character, that he was scarce ever seen to be angry, was a very great patron and friend of young ministers, and had a concern in many great and useful designs of a public nature. He died, high in reputation and usefulness, May 25, 1740, aged sixty-five. Dr. Obadiah Hughes " was ianyyeam minister of a congregation in Southwark, from which he removed to Westmnister. He was an acceptable preacher, and printed some occasional sermons."-Dr. Kippis's Life of Dr. Lardner. Dr. Jeremiah Hunt, of Pinners' Hall, was a most respectable character, a man of extensive learning and profound knowledge of the Scriptures; he published many occasional sermons, and " An Essay towards explaining the History of the Revelations of Scripture." He died 5th of September, 1744, aged sixty-seven. Mr. Joshua Bayes was pastor of the congregation in Hatton Garden. Mr. John Newman was for many years one of the most celebrated preachers in the city of London, who delivered, to crowded audiences, long and laboured sermons without any assistance of notes. He was first assistant to Mr. Nathaniel Taylor, and then copastor with Mr. William Tong, at Salters' Hall; appearing in the same place for five-and-forty years, with great credit and comfort, and died while he was esteemed and beloved, in full reputation and usefulness, much missed and lamented, in his sixty-fifth year, July 25, 1741 Dr. Jabez Earle, a classical scholar, remarkable for a vivacity and cheerfulness of temper, which nevei forsook him to the last, was for near seventy years a noted minister in London. He preached to the last Sunday in his life, and died in his chair without a groan or sigh, aged ninety-two. He was pastor of a congregation at Long-acre, and one of the Tuesday lecturers at Salters' Hall. He printed, besides several sermons, a little tract called Sacramental Exercises; and in the second edition of the " Biographia Britannica," under the article Amory, there is a small copy of verses which he sent to his friend Dr. Harris, on their both receiving diplomas from a Scotch university. Mr. Moses Lowman, more than forty years minister'of a congregation at Clapham, Surrey, to a great character for general literature added a thorough acquaintance with Jewish learning and antiquities. His treatise on the civil government of the Hebrews, another on the ritual of that people, and a commentary on the Revelations, have been held in high estimation. A small piece drawn up by him, in the mathematical form, to prove the unity and perfections of God d priori, was called by Dr. Chandler a truly golden treatise, and asserted to be a strict demonstration. After his decease there appeared from the press three tracts on the Shechinah and Logos, published from his MSS. by Dr. Chandler, Dr. Lardner, and Mr. Sandercock. He reached the age of seventy-two, and died May 3, 1752. Dr. Benjamin Grosvenor was a minister in London, of distinguished reputation, upward of fifty years. A singular acumen, lively imagination, and warm devotion of heart, characterized his discourses, which were delivered with a graceful utterance. He was born in London, 1st January, 1675; was chosen minister to the congregation in Crosby Square in 1704, which he soon raised into a flourishing church and crowded auditory; and in 1716 he was elected one of the six preachers at the Merchants' lecture at Salters' Hall. In 1749 he retired from all public services, and died August 27th, 1758, in the eighty-third year of his age. He published many single sermons; the most distinguished of which was one on "The Temper of Jesus towards his Enemies," which was reprinted at Cambridge so lately as the year 1758; it was a transcript of his own heart and life; " An Essay on Health," and an excellent treatise entitled "The Mourner," both of which have passed through several editions, and will continue to be memorials of his genius, learning, and spirit. Of the latter the following passage in his diary is ad amiable specimen: " I thank God," says he, "for that temper of mind and genius which has made it natural for me to have an aversion to bigotry. This has improved constantly with my knowledge; and the enlarging my mind towards those who differ from me has kept pace with my illumination and intellectual improvements.' Agree to differ' is a good motto. The reas6noand loveliness of suchl, friendly disposition would recommend it, and I am persuaded people would almost tale it of themselves, if it were not for the several arts used to prevent it." Mr. Thomas Leavesly was for some years minister of the Old Jewry in London. - Mr. Joseph Burroughs was a learned and judicious divine; of which, not only the sermon in the above collection, but a volume of sermons published in 1741, and "A View of Popery," taken from the creed of Pope Pius IV., afford ample proof. He wastalso the author of soeeral single sermons, and of " Two Discourses relating to Positive Institutions," which brought on a controversy between him and the worthy Dr. Caleb Fleming on the mode and subject of baptism, He was fifty-two years connected with the general Baptist congregation in Barbican, London, first as an assistant to the Rev. Richard Allen, and from the year 1717, as pastor, to November 23, 1761, when he died, in the seventy-seventh year of his age; having supported, through so long a life, the character of the steady friend to liberty and free inquiry, of a zealous advocate for the importance of the Christian revelation, and of the strenuous promoter of every scheme that tended to advance the common interests of religion, as well as those which were particularly calculated for the benefit of Baptist societies; while through the greatest part bf this period he had as a minister served the church with which he was united with the greatest fidelity, affection, and zeal. The length of this note might appear to require an apology, were not the names to whose memory it is devoted too eminent in their day to be passed over without some respectful notice. Several of the preceding gentlemen, vi.., the Drs. Grosvenor, Wright, and Evans, and Mr. Lowman, were engaged in the years i716, 1717, 1718, with Dr. Avery and Mr. Simon Brown, in a valuable publication, entitled, "The Occa. sional Paper," a work sacred to the cause of religious liberty, free inquiry, and charity. * It is proper to add, that this defence of Protestantism did not terminate with the delivery of the ser MR. D ANI:E L N EA. In the year 1736 came out the third volume- of the History of the Puritans; and Mr. Neal's design was completed by the publication of the fourth, in the year 1738, which brought down the history of Nonconformity to the Act of Toleration by King Wfilliam and Queen Mary, in the year 1689. This and Mr. Neal's other historical works spread his name through the learned world, and justly secured to him great and permanent reputation. Dr. Jennings, speaking of them, says, " I am satisfied that there is no judicious and unprejudiced person that has conversed with the volumes he wrote, but will acknowledge he had an excellent talent at writing history. His style is most easy and perspicuous; and the judicious remarks which he leads his readers to make upon facts as they go along, make his histories to be not only more entertaining, but to be more instructive and useful, than most books of that kind."* While this work was preparing for and going through the press, part of his time was occupied in drawing up and publishing an answer to Dr. Maddox, bishop of St. Asaph, who wrote a pretty long " Vindication of the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Church of England, established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the Injurious Reflections (as he was pleased to style them) of Mr.'Neal's first volume of the History of the Puritans." This answer was entitled, "A Review of the Principal Facts objected to the first volume of the History of the Puritans." It was reckoned to be written with great judgment, and to establish our historian's character for an impartial regard to truth. And it was reasonably concluded, from this specimen of his powers of defence, that, if his declining state of health had permitted him, he would have as thoroughly vindicated the other volumes from the animadversions afterward published against them by Dr. Zachary Grey. The pleasure Mr. Neal had in serving the cause of religious liberty had carried him through his undertaking with amazing alacrity. But he engaged in it at an advanced age, and when his health had begun to decline: this, joined with the close applicationJe gave to the prosecution of it, brought on a lingering illness, from which he never recovered. He had been all his life subject, in some degree, to a lowness of spirits, and to complaints of an indisposition in his head. His love of study, and an unremitting attention to the duties of his office, rendered him averse to the frequent use of any exercise that took him off from his books. In the end, repeated strokes of the palsey, first gentle and then more severe, which greatly enfeebled all his powers both of body and mind, baffled the best advice, the aids of medicine, and repeated use of the Bath mons from the pulpit at Salters' Hall. Dr. Chandler pursued his subject in "A second treatise on the notes of the Church," as a supplement to his sermon at that place on the same subject. And Dr. Harris followed up his sermon on transubstantiation with "A second discourse, in which the sixth chapter of St. John's Gospel is particularly considered: preached at the Merchants' lecture at Salters' Hall, April 22, 1735," which was reckoned to possess peculiar merit. Mr. Burroughs farther showed himself an able writer, in the cause for which the sermons were preached, by his " Review of Popery." The course of lectures had not gone on a month, when a gentleman or two being in company with a Romish priest at the Pope's-head tavern in Cornhill, they became the subject of conversation; and the latter objected, in particular, against some passages in Mr. Barker's sermon, as what could not be supported by proper vouchers. This brought on, by appointment, "Two conferences on the 7th and 13th of February, 1734-5, at the Bell tavern in Nicholas Lane, on the blasphemy of many popish writers in giving, and of popes in receiving, the title of Our Lord God the Pope; on the doctrines of substantiation; praying to saints and angels and of denying the use of the Scriptures to the laity." At the first of these conferences twenty wert present, and the dispute was supported by the Romish priest, Dr. Hunt, and a divine of the Church f England at the second the debate lay between the former Catholic gentleman, Mr. Morgan, accompanied by Mr. Vaughan, supposed to be a priest, and Dr, Hunt, Dr. Chandler, and Mr. John Eames, well known to the world for his integrity and learning: Dr. Talbot Smith was chosen chairman, and the whole company con. sisted of thirty. A statement of these disputations was soon published by an anonymous author, e ntited, "Two Conferences held," &c. The Catholic party also gave a representation of them to the public in a pamphlet entitled, "The two Conferences, &c., truly stated." This broughtoiout from the pen of Dr. Chandler, " An account of the Conference held in Nicholas Lane, February 13th, 1734-5, between two Romish priests and some Protestant divines, with some remarks on the ~pamphlet," &c.'The doctor's account is confined to the second conference, because he was not present at the first. Soon after these Salters' Hall sermons were published, there appeared a pamphlet in 1735, which 1736 ran to a third edition, entitled, "A Supplement to the Sermons lately preached at Salters' Hail against Popery: containing just and useful remarks on another great corruption therein omitted." The author of this tract was Mr. G. Killingworth, a respectable lay-gentleman of Norwich. The design of it was to show that the reasoning of the gentlemen who preached those sermons affected, not only the papists, but themselves, in rejecting the baptism of adult persons, and substituting in the room thereof the sprinkling of infants. The author, with this view, besides stating from the New Testament the evidence in favour of his own sentiments, shrewdly applied a great number of passages from the sermons, somewhat in the way of a parody, to establish his own conclusion; and to prove that, if those gentlemen practised or believed anything as a part of the religion of the Holy Jesus which could not be plainly and clearly proired from the New Testament (as he conceived that they did in the matter of sprinkling of infants), they must look upon themselves as self-condemned, their own arguments being a full confutation of them. Mr. Killingworth showed himself an able writer by other pieces in favour of the seatiments for which he was a strenuous advocate; and published also "An Answer" to the late very respectable Mr. Micajah Towgood's tract, entitled, " Infant Baptism a Reasonable Service," by way. of appendix to an exammntion of Dr. Forster's "Sermon on Catholic Communion." In one of his pieces, he likewise replied to the arguiaents of Mr. Emlyn's previous question. * Fureral Sermon, p. 32. Xxiv MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF waters, brought him to his grave, perfectlyworn out, in the sixty-fifth year of his age He died April.4th, 1743. During the declining state of his health, Mr. Neal applied to the excellent Dr. Doddridge to recommend some young minister as an assistant to him. A gentleman was pointed out, and appeared in his pulpit with this view; and a letter, which on this occasion he wrote to Dr. Doddridge, and which the doctor endorsed with this memorandum, " Some wise Hints," affords such an agreeable specimen of Mr. Neal's good sense candour, and prudence, as cannot fail, we think, to render it acceptable to our readers. "DEAR SIR, "Your letter, which I received yesterday, gave me a great deal of agreeable entertainment, and made me almost in love with a person that I never saw. His character is the very picture of what I should wish and pray for. There is no manner of exception that I can hear of, but that of his delivery, which many, with you, hope may be conquered, or very much amended. All express a very great respect and value for Mr. - and his ministry, and are highly pleased with his serious and affectionate manner. And I am apt to think, when we have heard him again, even the thickness of the pronunciation of some of his words will in a great measure vanish; it being owing, in a great measure (according to my son), to not making his under and upper lip meet together; but, be that as it will, this is all, and the very worst that I know of, to use your own expression. "I wish, as much as you, that the affair might be speedily issued; but you know that things of this nature, in which many, and those of a different temper, are concerned, must proceed with all tenderness and voluntary freedom, without the least shadow of violence or imaginary hurry. Men love to act for themselves, and with spontaneity; and, as I have sometimes observed, have come at length cheerfully and voluntarily into measures which they would have opposed if they had imagined they were to be driven into them. "I don't mention this as if it was the present case, for I can assure you it is not; but to put you in mind that it may possibly not always be for the best to do things too hastily; and therefore I hope you will excuse the digression. I am exceedingly tender of Mr.'s character and usefulness, and therefore shall leave it to your prudence to fix the day of his coming up; and you may depend upon my taking all the prudential steps in favour of this affair that I am master of. I hope the satisfaction will be general, but who can answer for it beforehand. It has a promising appearance; but, if it comes out otherwise, you shall have a faithful account. " I am pleased to hear that Mr. — is under so good an adviser as yourself, who cannot but be apprized of the great importance of this affair, both to your academy, to myself, and to the public interest of the Dissenters in this city; and I frankly declare I don't know any one place among us in London where he can sit more easy, and enjoy the universal love and affection of a good-natured people, which will give him all fitting encouragement. We are very thankful to you, sir, for the concern you- express for us, and the care you have taken for our supply. I hope you will hare a return from above of far greater blessings than this world can bestow, and you may expect from me all suitable acknowledgments. " Pray advise Mr. -, when you see him, to lay aside all undue concern from his mind, and to speak with freedom and ease. Let him endeavour, by an articulate pronunciation, to make the elder persons hear, and those that sit at a greater distance, and all will be well. He has already got a place in the affections of many of the people, and I believe will quickly captivate them all. Assure him that he has a candid audience, who will not make a man an offender for a word. Let him speak to the heart and touch the conscience, and show himself in earnest in his1 Work, and he will certainly approve himself a workman that needs not be ashamed. I beg pardon for these hints. Let not Mr. -- impress his mind too much with them. My best respects attend your lady and whole family; not forgetiing good Mr. -—, etc. I am, sir, in haste, your affectionate brother and very humble servant, " DANIEL NEAL.* "London, Saturday evening, May 12, 1739. "Brethren, pray for us!" Disease had, for many months before his death, rendered him almost entirely incapable of public service. This induced him to resign the pastoral office in the November preceding. The considerate, as well as generous manner in which he did it, will appear from the-following letter he sent to the church on that -occasion: * The above letter was very obligingly communicated by the Rev. Thomas Stedman, vicar of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury: MR. DANIEL NEAL. zxx " To the Church of Christ meeting in Jewin-street, London. "MY DEAR BRETHREN, AND BELOVED IN THE LORD, "God, in his all-wise providence, having seen meet for some time to disable me in a great measure from serving you in the Gospel of his Son, and therein to deprive me of one of the greatest satisfactions of my life, I have been waiting upon him in the use of means for a considerable time, as I thought it my duty to do. But, not having found such a restoration as might enable me to do stated service, it is my duty to acquiesce in his will; and, having looked up to him for direction, I think it best, for your sakes, to surrender my office of a pastor among you. " Upon this occasion it becomes me to make my humblest acknowledgments to the blessed God for that measure of usefulness he has honoured me with in the course of my labours among you; and I render you all my unfeigned thanks for the many affectionate instances of your regard towards me. " May the Spirit of God direct you in the choice of a wise and able pastor, who may have your spiritual and everlasting welfare at heart. And, for that end, beware of a spirit of division; be ready to condescend to each other's infirmities; keep together in the way of your duty, and in waiting upon God for his direction and blessing; remem, ber, this is the distinguishing mark of the disciples of Christ,' that they love one an. other.' Finally, my brethren, farewell! Be of good comfort, and of one mind; live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.'I am your affectionate well-wisher and obedient, humble servant, "' DANIEL NEA.L.)" From the first attack of his long illness, it appears he had serious apprehensions how it would terminate; and a letter written from Bath. in April, 1739, to a worthy friend,t shows the excellent state of his mind under those views. " My greatest concern," he says, " is to have rational and solid expectations of a future happiness. I would not be mistaken, nor build on the sand, but would impress my mind with a firm belief of the certainty of the future world, and live in a practical preparation for it. I rely very much on the rational notions we have of the moral perfections of God, not only as a just, but a benevolent and merciful Being, who knows our frame, and will make all reasonable allowances for our imperfections and follies in life; and not only so, but, upon repentance 4nd faith in Christ, will pardon our past sins, though never so many or great. " In aid of the imperfection of our rational notions, I am very thankful for the glorious truths of Gospel revelation, which are an additional superstructure on the-other: for, though we can believe nothing contrary to our reason, we have a great many excellent and comfortable discoveries built upon and superadded to it. *Upon this double foundation would I build all my expectations, with an humble and awful reverence of the majesty of the great Judge of all the earth, and a fiducial reliance on the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. In this frame of mind, I desire to fear God, and keep his commandments." In all his sensible intervals, during his last illness, he enjoyed an uncommon serenity of mind, and behaved becoming a Christian and a minister.t This peaceful state of mind and comfortable hope he possessed to the last. ~ About a month before his death, he appeared to his fellow-worshippers, at the Lord's Supper, with an air so extraordinarily serious and heavenly as made some present say, " He looked as if he were not long for this world." The preceding particulars and his writings will, in part, enable the reader to form for * From the MS. account. t This friend was Dr. Henry Miles, an eminent Dissenting minister at Tooting, in Surrey, and a respectable member of the Royal Society, who died February 10, 1763,in the sixty-fifth year of his age. He was a native of Stroud, in Gloucestershire. His knowledge in natural history, botany, and experimental philosophy, for which he had a remarkable taste, occasioned his being elected a member of the Royal Society in 1743, in the transactions of which appear several papers from his pen; and Dr. Birch, in the preface to his fine edition of Mr. Boyle's works, handsomely says, that the conduct and improvement of that edition were chiefly to be ascribed to the great labour, judgment, and sagacity of the learned Mr. Miles, and that to him the puplic owed considerable additions never before published. Besides this, he could never be prevailed upon to publish more than a single sermon, preached at the Old Jewry, on occasion of a public charity, in 1738. He was a hard student. His preparations for the pulpit cost him incessant labour; and, for a course of thirty years, he constantly rose, two days in the week, at two or three o'clock in the morning, to compose his sermons. He lived like an excellent Christian and minister: his behaviour was on all occasions that of a gentleman; the simplicity of his spirit and manners was very remarkable; his conversation instructive and entertaining; his countenance was always open, mild, and amiable; and his carriage so condescending and courteous, even to his inferiors, as plainly discovered a most humane and benevolent heart. He was the friend of Dr. Lardner and Dr. Doddridge; and, in the correspondence of the latter,'published by the Rev. Mr. Stedman, there are several of his letters. See also Dr. Furneaux's Funeral Sermon for Dr. Miles.: Letters to and from Dr. Doddridge, 1790, p. 358. ~ Dr. Jennings's Funeral Sermon, and the MS. account. VOL I.-D xvi IMEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF MR. DANIEL NEAL. himself a just opinion of Mr. Neal's character, and will certainly give credibility to what is reported concerning it. He filled the relations of domestic life with integrity and honour, and left a deep and fond regret in the hearts of his family.* In his public connexions, he was the prudent counsellor, and a faithful, steady friend. His labours in the pulpit, and his visits in families, while his health continued firm, were edifying and entertaining. He had an easy and agreeable manner, both in the style and in the delivery of his sermons, free from affectation. In conversation, he knew how to mix grave and prudent instruction or advice with a becoming cheerfulness, which made his company to be pleasing and profitable. He was honoured with the friendship of some in very high stations; and, in early life; contracted an acquaintance with several who afterward made a considerable figure in the learned world, both in the established Church and among the Dissenters. The repeated and frequent invitations he received to appear in the pulpit, on singular and public occasions, especially the share he had in the lectures at Salters' Hall, against popery, are honourable proofs of the respect and estimation in which his abilities and character were in general held, even by those who differed from him in their sentiments on many questions of doctrine and church government. His own doctrinal sentiments were supposed to come nearest to those of Calvin, which he looked upon as most agreeable to the sacred Scriptures, and most adapted to the great ends of religion. But neither were his charity nor his friendships confined to men of his own opinion. The Bible alone was his standard for religious truth, and he was willing and desirous that all others should be at perfect liberty to take and follow it as their own rule. The unchristian heats and unhappy differences which had arisen among Christians by the restraints that had been laid, more or less by all parties, when in power, on the faith or worship of their fellow-Christians, had fixed in him an utter aversion to imposition upon conscience in any shape, and to all such party distinctions as would naturally lead to it. Mr. Neal married Elizabeth, the only daughter of the Reverend Richard Lardner, many years pastor of a congregation at Deal,t and sister of the great and excellent Dr. Lardner. She survived Mr. Neal about five years, dying in 1748. They left a son and two daughters: one of these ladies married Mr. Joseph Jennings, of Fenchurchstreet, the eldest son of the Rev. Dr. David Jennings; the other the Rev. Mr. Lister, minister of the Dissenting congregatiorlat Ware. His son, Mr. Nathaniel Neal, was an eminent attorney, and secretary to the Million Bank. He wrote a pamphlet entitled "A Free and Serious Remonstrance to Protestant Dissenting Ministers, on occasion of the Decay of Religion," which was republished by the late Rev. Job Qrton, in 1775. Many admirable letters of this gentleman to Dr. Doddridge are given to the public in that instructive and entertaining collection of letters to and from the doctor, which we owe to the Rev. Thomas' Stedman, vicar of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury; and who, to the mention of Mr. Nathaniel Neal, adds from a correspondent, " whose character I never think of without the highest veneration and esteem, as few ever possessed more eminently the virtues of the heart, united with a very superior understanding and judgment."t * Of this we have a proof in the expressive and affecting manner in which his son wrote concerning his death to Dr. Doddridge. " The report which you had heard of my honoured father's death was too well founded, if it is becoming the filial gratitude I owe to his memory to seem to repine at my own loss, which I am satisfied is greatly his gain; especially when his nobler powers were so much obscured, even to the sight of his friends, as they have been for some time past, by the bodily decays he laboured under. But, notwithstanding all the admirable reliefs which reason and faith afford under the uneasiness which nature feels on the loss of so near and (who had been) so desirable a relation, and the many circumstances of weakness which seemed to make dissolution less formidable,, yet the parting season will be gloomy, the breathless corpse of a once dear and valuable friend will affect us, and the carrying out of our house, and leaving behind us, in a solitary tomb, all that was visible (when, at the same:time, it was so venerable) of a father, strikes a damp on the spirits which is not easily overcome or forgotten."-Letters to and from Dr. Doddridge, p. 355, etc. t The character of Mr. Lardner, drawn by his son-in-law Mr. Neal, forms the sixth number of the Appendix to Dr. Lardner's Life, prefixed to the new edition of his works, in 8vo.: Letters, and p. 353, note. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. Page P Editorial Preface. v CHAPTER II. Preface to Vol. I. of the Original Edition ix From the death of Archbishop Bancroft to the Advertisement to Vol. I. of Dr. Toulmin's Edi- death of King James I., A.D. 1610-1625. 256 tion.xvi Memoir of the Author.. vii CHAPTER III. From the death of King James I. to the disPART I. solution of the third Parliament of King Charles I. in the year 1628.. 278 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS FROM THE ACCESSION OF HENRY VIII. TO THE DEATH OF QUEEN ELIZ- CHAPTER IV. ABETH, A.D. 1509-1602. From the dissolution of the third Parliament of ICHAPTERI King Charles I. to the death of Archbishop CHAPTER I. Abbot, A.D. 1628-1633.. 297 Reign of Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1509-1547 29 CHAPTER V. CHAPTER II. From the death of Archbishop Abbot to the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, A.D. beginning of the commotions in Scotland in 1547-1553. 43 the year 1637. 310 CHAPTER III. CHAPTER VI. Reign of Queen Mary, A.D. 1553-1558 57 From the beginning of the commotions in Scotland to the Long Parliament in the year 1640 334 CHAPTER IV. From the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign CHAPTER VII. to the separation of the Protestant Noncon- The character of the Long Parliament.-Their formists, A.D. 1558-1566... 71 arguments against the late convocation and CHAPTER V. canons.-Impeachment of Dr. William Laud, CH. archbishop of Canterbury. —Votes of the From the separation of the Protestant Noncon- House of Commons against the promoters formists to the death of Archbishop Parker, of the late innovations.35( A.D. 1566-1575.. 106 CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER VI. The antiquity of liturgies, and of the episcoFrom the death of Archbishop Parker to the pal order, debated between Bishop Hall and death of Archbishop Grindal, A.D. 1575-1585 139 SMECTYMNUUS.-'Petitions for and against the hierarchy.-Root and branch petition.CHAPTER VII. The ministers' petition for reformation.From the death of Archbishop Grindal to the Speeches upon the petition.-Proceedings Spanish invasion in 1588. 156 against papists.. 363 CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER IX. From the Spanish invasion to the death of From the impeachment of the Earl of Strafford Queen Elizabeth, A.D. 1588-1602.. 188 to the recess of the Parliament upon the king's progress into Scotland, A.D. 1640-41 374 Preface to Vol. II. of the Original Edition. 219 CHAPTER X. Advertisement to Vol. II. of Dr. Toulmin's Edi- From the reassembling of the Parliament to tion..225 the king's leaving his palace of Whitehall, January 10, 1641-2. 395 PART II. CHAPTER XI. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS FROM THE DEATH OF From the kmg's leaving Whitehall to the beQUEEN ELIZABETH TO THE BEGINNING OF THE ginning of the civil war, A.D. 1642.. 409 CIVIL WAR IN THE YEAR 1642. CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER 1. The state of the Church of England.-ReliFrom the death of Queen Elizabeth to the gious character of both parties. —Summary death of Archbishop Bancroft, A.D. 1603-1610.227 of the ground of the civil war...3 xxviii C ON T E NT S. Page ge Preface to Vol. lLI. of the Original Edition. 433 CHAPTER IIl. The Oxford Parliament.- Progress of the war.-Visitation of the University of CamPART III. bridge by the Earl of Manchester.-Committees for plundered, sequestered, and scandaHISTORY OF THE PURITANS FROM THE BATTLE lous ministers.476 OF EDGE HILL TO THE DEATH OF KING CHARLES CHAPTER IV. I., A.D. 1643-1649. Of the several parties in the assembly of divines-Presby terians —Erastians —IndependCHAPTER I. ents. - Their proceedings about ordination, From the battle of Edge Hill to the calling of and the directory for Divine worship.-Rise, the assembly of divines at Westminster. 441 progress,.and sufferings of the English Antipaedobaptists.. 488 CHAPTER II CHAPTER V. From the calling of the assembly of divines at *Abstract of the trial of Archbishop Laud, and Westminster to the Oxford Parliament. 457 of the treaty of Uxbridge. 501 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E ri' y il71-,21 to 6utber cc0W Lc/: rart. bi 1[1 i " RI, {_" // /X/' / / I r f F /.".'.//,. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. CHAPTER I. England, or did receive or execute them, they were declared to be out of the king's protection, LPUIODAN OF HENRY VIII. and should forfeit their goods and chattels to the KING William the Conqueror, having got pos- king, and should be attached by their bodies, if session of the crown of England by the assist- they may be found, and brought before the king ance of the See of Rome, and-King John hav- and council to answer to the cases aforesaid; ing afterward sold it in his wars with the bar- or that process should be made against them, ons, the rights and privileges of the English by pramunire facias, in manner as it is ordained clergy were delivered up into the hands of the in other statutes of provisors; and other which pope, who taxed them at his pleasure, and in do sue in any other court in derogation of the process of time drained the kingdom of immense regality of the king."* From this time the archtreasures; for, besides all his other dues, arising bishops called no more convocations by their from annates, first-fruits, Peter-pence, &c., he sole authority, but by license from the king; extorted large sums of money from the clergy their synods being formed by writ or precept from for their preferments in the Church. He ad- the crown, directed to the archbishops, to asvanced foreigners to the richest bishoprics, who semble their clergy, in order to consult upon such never resided in their diocesses, nor so much affairs as his majesty should lay before them. as set foot upon English ground, but sent for all But still their canons were binding, though contheir profits to a foreign country; nay, so cov- firmed by no authority but their own, till the etous was his holiness, that, before livings be- act of submission of the clergy took place. came void, he sold them provisionally among About this time flourished the famous John his Italians, insomuch that neither the king nor Wickliffe, the morning-star of the Reformation. the clergy had anything to dispose of, but every- He was born at Wickliffe, near- Richmond, in thing was bargained for beforehand at Rome. Yorkshire,t about the year 1324, and was eduThis awakened the resentments of the Legislature, who, in the twenty-fifth year of Edward * Fuller's Church History, book iv., p. 145-148. III., passed an act, called the statute of provi- t See the very valuable Life of Wickliffe, publishsors, to establish "that the king and other ed by the Rev. Mr. Lewis, of Margate, which begins lords shall present unto benefices of their own, thu: " John de Wickliffe was born, very probably, about the year 1324, in the parish of Wickliffe, near or their ancestors' foundation, and not the Bishop Richmond, in Yorkshire, and was first admitted comof Rome." This act enacted " that all forestall- moner of Queen's College, Oxford, then newlyfounding of benefices to foreigners shall cease; and ed by Robert Egglesfield, S.T.B., but was soon after that the free elections, presentments, and colla- removed to Merton College, where he was first protions of benefices, shall stand in right of the bationer and afterward fellow. He was advanced to crown, or of any of his majesty's subjects, as the professor's chair, 1372. It appears by this ingethey had formery enjoyed them, notwithstand- nious writer, as well as by the Catalogus Testium, ing any provisions from Rome." - that Wickliffe was for'rejecting all human rites, and new shadows or traditions in religion; and with But still the power of the court of Rome ran regard to the identity of the order of bishops and priests very high, for they brought all the trials of titles in the apostolic age, he is very positive. Unum auto advowsons into their own courts beyond dacter assero, one thing I boldly assert, that in the sea; and though by the seventh of Richard II. primitive Church, or in the time of the Apostle Paul, the power of nomination to benefices, without two orders of clergy were thought sufficient, viz., the king's license, was taken from them, they priest and deacon; and I do also say, that in the time still claimed the benefit of confirmations of of Paul,fuit idem presbyter atque episcopus, a priest tran n of b s ad of e ni and a bishop were one and the same; for in those translations of bishops, and of excommunica- times the distinct orders of pope, cardinals, patriarchs, tions; the Archbishops of Canterbury and York archbishops,bishops, archdeacons, officials, and deans might still, by virtue of bulls from Rome, as- were not invented." semble the clergy of their several provinces, at Mr. Neal's review of the first volume of the Histowhat time and place they thought fit, without ry of the Puritans, subjoined to the quarto edition of leave obtained from the crown; and all the can- this history, vol. i., p. 890.-ED. ons and constitutions concluded upon in those To Mr. Neal's account of Wickliffe's sentiments, it may be added, that he advanced some tenets which synods were binding, without any farther ratifi- not only symbolize with, but directly led tenethe pwhichcation from the king; so that the power of the culiar opinions of those who, called Baptists, have in Church was independent of the civil govern- subsequent ages formed a large body of dissenters, ment. This being represented to the Parlia- viz., "that wise men leave that as impertinent which ment of the sixteenth of Richard II., they pass- is not plainly expressed in Scripture; that those are ed the statute commonly called presmunire, by fools and presumptuous which' affirm such infants which it was enacted, "that if any did purchase not to be saved which die without baptism; that baptranslations to benefices, processes, sentences tism doth not confer, but only signify grace, which translations to, benefices, proesses, sentences was given before. He also denied that all sins are of excommunication, bulls, or any other instru- abolished in baptism; and asserted that children may ments from the court of Rome, against the king be saved without baptism; and that the baptism of or his crown; or whoever brought them into water profiteth not, without the baptism of the Spir 30 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. cated in Queen's College, Oxford, where hewas vourable to Wickliffe, insomuch that he vendivinity professor, and afterward pastor of Lut- tured out of his retirement, and returned to his terworth in Leicestershire. He flourished in the parish at Lutterworth, where he quietly departlatterend ofthe reignofKingEdward III. and the ed this life, in the year 1384. This Wickliffe beginning of Richard II., about one hundred and was a wonderful man for the times in which he thirty years before the Reformation of Luther. lived, which were overspread with the thickest The University gave this testimonial of him af- darkness of anti-Christian idolatry; he was the ter his death: " That, from his youth to the time first that translated the New Testament into of his death, his conversation was so praisewor- English; but the art of printing not being then thy, that there was never any spot or suspicion found out, it hardly escaped the inquisition of noised of him; that in his reading and preach- the prelates; at least, it was very scarce when ing he behaved like a stout and valiant champion Tyndal translated it a second time in 1526. He of the faith; and that he had written in logic, preached and published the very same doctrines philosophy, divinity, morality, and the specula- for substance that afterward obtained at the Reftive arts, without an equal." While he was di-, ormation; he wrote near two hundred volumes, vinity professor at Oxford, he published certain all which were called in, condemned, and orderconclusions - against transubstantiation and ed to be burned, together with his bones, by the against the infallibility of the pope; that the Council of Constance, in the year 1425, fortyChurch of Rome was not the head of alln other one years after his death; but his doctrine rechurches; nor had St. Peter the power of the mained, and the number of his disciples, who keys any more than the rest of the apostles; were distinguished by the name of Lollards, inthat the New Testament, or Gospel, is a per- creased after his decease,* which gave occasion feet rule of life and manners, and ought to be to the making sundry other severe laws against read by the people.* He maintained, farther, heretics. most of those points by which the Puritans were The clergy made their advantage of the conafterward distinguished; as, that in the sacra- tentions between the houses of York and Lanmrent of orders there ought to be but two de- caster; both parties courting their assistance, grees, presbyters or bishops and deacons; that which they did not fail to make use of for the all human. traditions are superfluous and sinful; support of the Catholic faith, as they called it, that we must practise and teach only the laws and the advancement of their spiritual tyranny of Christ; that mystical and significant cere- over the consciences of men. In the primitive monies in religious worship are unlawful; and times there were no capital proceedings against that to restrain men to a prescribed form of heretics, the weapons of the Church being only prayer is contrary to the liberty granted them spiritual; but when it was found that ecclesiby God. These, with some other of Wickliffe's astical censures were not sufficient to keep men doctrines against the temporal grandeur of the in a blind subjection to the pope, a decree was prelates and their usurped authority, were sent obtained in the fourth Council of Lateran, A.D. to Rome and condemned by Pope Gregory XI., 1215, "that all heretics should be delivered in a consistory of twenty-three cardinals, in the over to the civil magistrate to be burned." year 1378. But the pope dying soon after, put Here was the spring of that anti-Christian tyra stop to the process. Urban, his successor, anny and oppression of the consciences of men wrote to young King Richard II. and to the which has since been attended with a sea of Archbishop of Canterbury, and the University Christian blood: the papists learned it from the of Oxford, to put a stop to the progress of heathen emperors, and the most zealous ProtWickliffism; accordingly, Wickliffe was cited estants of all nations have taken it up from before the Archbishop of Canterbury, and his them. Conscience cannot be convinced by brethren, the prelates, several times, but was fines and imprisonments, or by fire, and fagot; always dismissed, either by the interest of the all attempts of this kind serve only to make citizens of London, or the powerful interposi- men hypocrites, and are deservedly branded tion of some great lords at court, or some other with the name of persecution. There was no uncommon providence, which terrified the bish- occasion for putting these sanguinary laws in ops from passing a peremptory-sentence against execution among us till the latter end of the him for a considerable time; but at length his fourteenth century; but when the Lollards, or new doctrines, as they were called, were con- followers of Wickliffe, threatened the papal powdemned, in a convocation of bishops, doctors, er, the clergy brought this Italian drug from and bachelors, held at London by the command- Rome, and planted it in the Church of England. ment of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1382, and In the fifth year of Richard II., it was enacted he was deprived of his professorship, his books " that all that preached without license against and writings were ordered to be bur'ned and the Catholic'faith, or against the laws of the himself to be imprisoned; but he kept out of the land, should be arrested, and kept in prison till way, and in the time of his retirement wrote a they justified themselves according to the law confession of his faith to the pope, in which he and reason of Holy Church. Their commitment declares himself willing to maintain his opinions was to be by writ from the chancellor, who was at Rome, if God had not otherwise visited him to issue forth commissions to the sheriffs and with sickness and other infirmities: but it was other the king's ministers, after the bishops had well for this good man that there were two antipopes at this time at war with each other, one * Knighton, a canon of Leicester and a contempoat Rome, and the other at Avignon. In Eng- raryofWickliffe, tellsus that in the year 1382 "their land, also, there was a minority, which was fa- number very much increased, and that, starting like saplings from the root of a tree, they were multiplied, it."-Fuller's Church History, b. iv., p. 130. Trialo- and filled every place within the compass of the gus, lib. iv., cap. i-ED. land." —Dr. Vaughan's Life of Wicklfe, vol. ii., p 154 * Fox's Martyrol. Pierce's Vindicat., p. 4, 5. 2d edition-C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 31 returned the names of the delinquents into the ing to the genius of the popish religion, exer. Court of Chancery. cised numberless cruelties upon the people. If When Richard II. was deposed, and the any man denied them any degree of respect, or crown usurped by Henry IV., in order to gain any of those profits they pretended was their the good-will of the clergy, it was farther en- due, he was immediately suspected of heresy, acted, in the second year of his reign, "that if imprisoned, and, it may be, put to death; of any person were suspected of heresy, the ordi- which some hundreds of examples are upon nary might detain them in prison till they were record.* canonically purged, or did abjure their errors; Thus stood the laws with respect to religion, provided, always, that the proceedings against when King Henry VIII., second son of King them were publicly and judicially ended within Henry VII., came to the crown; he was born three months. If they were convicted, the dio- in the year 1491, and bred a scholar: he undercesan, or his commissary, might imprison and stood the purity of the Latin tongue, and was fine them at diosretion. Those that refused to well acquainted with school divinity. No sort abjure their error, or, after abjuration, relapsed, of flattery pleased him better than to have his were to be delivered over to the secular power, wisdom and learning commended. In the beand the mayors, sheriffs, or bailiffs, were to be ginning he was a most obedient son of the papresent, if required, when the bishop, or his pacy, and employed his talents in writing against commissary, passed sentence, and after sen- Luther in defence of the seven. sacraments of tence they were to receive them, and in some the Church. This book was magnified by the high place burn them to death before the peo- clergy as the most learned performance of the ple." By this law the king's subjects were put age; and upon presenting it to the pope, his from under his protection, and left to the mercy holiness conferred upon the King of England,. of the bishops in their spiritual courts, and and his successors, the glorious title of DEmight, upon suspicion of heresy, be imprisoned FENDER OF THE FAITH;t it was -voted in full and put to death, without presentment or trial consistory, and signed by twenty-seven cardiby jury, as is the practice in all other criminal nals, in the year 1521.1 cases. At the same time, Cardinal Wolsey, the king's In the beginning of the reign of Henry V., favourite, exercised a sovereign power over the who was a martial prince, a new law passed whole clergy and people of England in spiritual against the Lollards or Wickliffites,* " that they matters: he was made legate in the year 1519, should forfeit all the lands they had in fee-sim- and accepted of a bull from the pope, contrary to pie, and all their goods and chattels to the king. the statute of premunire, empowering him to suAll state officers, at their entrance into office, perintend and correct what he thought amiss in were sworn to use their best endeavours to dis- both the provinces of Canterbury and York, cover them, and to assist the ordinaries in and to appoint all officers in thespiritual prosecuting and convicting them." I find no mention, in any of these acts, of a writ or war- * Thus, in the reign of Edward IV., John Keyser rant from the king, de h&eretico comburendo; the was committed to jail, by Thomas, archbishop of sheriff might proceed to the burning of heretics Canterbury, on the suspicion of heresy, because, without it; but it proc eed tms the burning's learned having been excommunicated, he said "that, not withoun t it; but it seemso the king's learned withstanding the archbishop or his commissary had counsel advised him to issue out a writ of this excommunicated him, yet before God he was not kind to the sheriff, by which his majesty took excommunicated, for his corn yielded as well as his them, in some sort, under his protection again; neighbours."' Thus, also, in the reign of Henry VII. but it was not as yet necessary by law, nor are Hillary Warner was arrested on the charge of heresy there any of them to be found in the rolls before because he said " that he was not bound to pay tithe the reign of King Henry VIII. to the curate of the parish where he lived." By virtue of these statutes, the clergy, accord- 0~Coke's Institutes, 3 inst:, p. 42, quoted in a treatise on heresy as cognizable in the spiritual courts,.p. 22, * It marks the profaneness, as well as cruelty of 23.-ED. the act here quoted by Mr. Neal, that it was not di- t Mr. Fox observes, that though "this -book carrected merely against the avowed followers of Wick- ried the king's name in the title, it was another who liffe, as such, but against the perusal of the Scrip- ministered the notion and framed the style. But, tures in English: for it enacted, "that whatsoever whoever had the labour of the book, the king had they were that should read the Scriptures in the the thanks and the reward."-Acts and Monuments of mother tongue (which was then called Wicleue's Mllartyrs, vol. ii., p. 57. It has been said that the jester learning), they should forfeit land, catel, lif, and at the court, seeing Henry overcome with joy, asked godes, for theyr heyres forever, and so be condemp- the reason; and when told that it was because his ned for heretykes to God, enemies to the crowne, holiness had conferred upon him this new title, he and most arrant traitors to the lande." - Emlynvs replied, "My good Harry, let me and thee defend Complete Collection of State Trials, p. 48, as quoted iri each other, and let the faith alone to defend itself." Dr. Flemming's Palladium, p. 30, note. " If this was uttered as a serious joke," says a writer, So great an alarm did the doctrine of Wickliffe " the fool was, undoubtedly, the wisest man of the raise, and so high did the fear of its spread rise, that two."-C. by the statute of 5 Rich. II. and 2 Hen. IV., c. 15, it $ "The extravagant praises which he received for was enacted, as part of the sheriff's oath, "that he this performance," observes Dr. Warner, "meeting should seek to redress all errors and heresies, com- with so much pride and conceitedness in his nature, Inonly called Lollards." And it is a striking instance made him from this time impatient of all contradic of the permanent footing which error and absurdity, tions on religious subjects, and to set up himself fox and even iniquity gain, when once established by the standard of truth, by which his people were to law, that this clause was preserved in the oath long regulate their belief."-REclesiastical History, vol. ii., after the Reformation, even to the first of Charles I., p. 228. We are surprised, in the event, to see this when Sir Edward Coke, on being appointed sheriff prince, who was now " the pride of popery, become of the county of Buckingham, objected to it, and ever its scourge." Such are the fluctuations in human since it has been left out. —The Complete Sheriff, characters and affairs, and so unsearchable are the p. 17.-ED. ways of Providence!-ED. 32 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. courts.* The king also granted him a full pow- bulls for his legatine power, which for many erof disposing of all ecclesiastical benefices in years he had executed. The cardinal pleaded ~the gift of the crown; with a visitatorial power ignorance of the statute, and submitted to the over monasteries, colleges, and all his clergy, king's mercy; upon which he was declared to exempt or not exempt. By virtue of these be out of the king's protection, to have forfeited vast powers a new court ofjustce was erected, his goods and chattels, and that his person called the legate's court, the jurisdiction where- might be seized. The haughty cardinal, not of extended to all.actions relating to conscience, knowing how to bear his disgrace, soon after and numberless rapines and extortions were fell sick and died, declaring that if he had sercommitted by it under colour of reforming men's ved God as well as he had done his prince, he' manners; all which his majesty connived at, would not have given him over in his gray out of zeal to the Church. hairs. But at length, the king, being weary of his But the king, not satisfied with his resentQueen Katharine, after he had lived with her ments against the cardinal, rgsolved to be realmost twenty years, or being troubled in con- venged on the pope himself, and accordingly, science because he had married his brother's September 19th, a week before the cardinal's wife, and the legitimacy of his daughter had death, he published a proclamation forbidding been called in question by some foreign princes, all persons to purchase anything from Rome he first separated from her bed, and then mo- under the severest penalties, and resolved to ved the pope for a divorce; but the court of annex the ecclesiastical supremacy to his own Rome having held his majesty in suspense for crown for the future. It was easy to foresee two or three years for fear of offending the em- that the clergy would startle at the king's assuperor the queen's nephew, the impatient king, ming to himself the pope's supremacy; but his by the advice of Dr. Cranmer, appealed to the majesty had them at his mercy, for they having principal universities of Europe, and desired acknowledged Cardinal Wolsey's legatine powtheir opinions upon these two questions: er, and submitted to his jurisdiction, his majes1. " Whether it was agreeable to the law of ty caused an indictment to be preferred against God for a man to marry his brother's wife 1 them in Westminster Hall, and obtained judg2. "Whether the pope could dispense with ment upon the statute of prazmunire, whereby the law of God 1" the whole body of the clergy were declared to be All the universities, and most of the learned rout of the king's protection, and to have forfeitmen of Europe, both Lutherans and papists, ex- ed all their goods and chattels. cept those at Rome, declared for the negative In this condition they were glad to submit of the two questions., The king laid their de- upon the best terms they could get, but the terminations before the Parliament and convo- king would not pardon them but upon these cation,Aho agreed with the foreign universi- two conditions: (1.) That the two provinces of ties. lIthe convocation of English clergy, two Canterbury and York should pay into the exhundred and fifty-three were for the divorce, chequer ~118,840, a vast sum of money in those and but nineteen against it. Sundry learned times. (2.) That they should yield his majesty books were written for and against the lawful- the title of sole and supreme head of the Church ness of the marriage; one party being encour- of England, next and immediately under Christ. aged by the king, and the other by the pope and The former they readily complied with, and emperor.' The pope cited the king to Rome, promised for the future never to assemble in but his majesty ordered the Earl of Wiltshire convocation but by the king's writ; nor to to protest against the citation, as contrary to make or execute any canons or constitutions the prerogative of his crown; and sent a letter without his majesty's license; but to acknowlsigned by the cardinal,. the Archbishop of Can- edge a layman to be supreme head of an eccleterbury, four bishops, two dukes, two marquis- siastical body, was such an absurdity, in their es, thirteen earls, two viscounts, twenty-three opinion, and so inconsistent with their allebarons, twenty-two abbots, and eleven common- giance to the pope, that they could not yield to ers, exhorting his holiness to confirm the judg- it without'an additional clause, as far as is ment of the learned men, and of the universi- agreeable to the laws of Christ. The king ac. ties of Europe, by annulling his marriage, or cepted it with the clause for the present, but a else he should be obliged to take other meas- year or two after obtained the confirmation of ures. The pope in his answer, after having ac- it in Parliament and convocation without the knowledged his majesty's favours, told him that clause. thie queen's appeal and avocation of the cause The substance of the act of supremacy* is as to Rome must be granted. The king seeing follows: " Albeit the king's majesty justly and himself abused, and that the affair of his mar- rightfully is, and ought to be, supreme head of riage, which had been already determined by the Church of England, and is so recognised by the most learned men in Europe, and had been the clergy of this realm in their convocations; argued before the legates Campegio and Wol- yet, nevertheless, for confirmation and corrobosey, must commence again, began to suspect ration thereof, and for increase of virtue irn Wolsey's sincerity; upon which his majesty Christ's religion within this realm of England, sent for the seals from him, and soon after com- &c., be it enacted by the authority of this presmanded his attorney-general to put in an in- ent Parliament, that the king, our sovereign formation against him in the King's Bench, be- lord, his heirs and successors, kings of this cause that, notwithstanding the statute of Rich- realm, shall be taken, accepted, and reputed ard II. against procuring bulls from Rome un- the only supreme head on earth of the Church der the pains of a pramunire, he had received of England; and shall have and enjoy, annexed * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. i., p. 8. * 26 Henry VIII., cap. i. HISTORY OF THE PURITAN-S. 33 and united to the. imperial crown of this realm, by proxy, on the 20th of May, 1533, but her ma. as well as the title and style thereof, as all hon- jesty refused to appear, adhering to her appeal to ours,- dignities, immunities, profits, and corn- the court of Rome; upon which the archbishoP, modities, to the said dignity of supreme head of by advice of the court, declared her contmnax, the said Church belonging and appertaining; and on the 23d of the same month pronounced and that our sovereign lord, his heirs and suc- the king's marriage with her null and void, as cessors kings of this realm, shall have full being contrary to the laws of God. Soon after power and authority to visit, repress, redress,.which his majesty married Anne Bullen, and reform, order, correct, restrain, and amend all procured an act of Parliament for settling the such errors, heresies, abuses, contempts, and crown upon the heirs of her body, which all his enormities, whatsoever they be, which, by any subjects were obliged to swear to. manner of spiritual authority or jurisdiction, There was a remarkable appearance of Diought or may be lawfully reformed, repressed, vine Providence in this affair; for the French ordered, redressed, corrected, restrained, or king had prevailed with the King of England to amended, most to the pleasure of Almighty refer his cause once more to the court f Rome, God, and increase of virtue in Christ's religion, upon assurances given that the pope should deand for the conversation of peace, unity, and cide it in his majesty's favour within a limited tranquillity of this realm; any usage, custom, time; the pope consented, and fixed a time for foreign law, foreign authority, prescription, or the return of the king's answer, but the courier anything or things to the contrary notwith- not arriving upon the very day, the Imperialists, standing." who dreaded an alliance between the pope and Here was the rise of the Reformation. The the King of England, persuaded his holiness to whole power of reforming heresies and errors give sentence against him; and accordingly, in doctrine and worship was transferred from March 23d, the marriage was declared good, the pope to the king, without any regard to the and the king was required to take his wife again, rights of synods or councils of the clergy, and otherwise the censures of the Church were to without a reserve of liberty to such consciences be denounced against him.* Two days after as could not comply with the public standard. this the courier arrived from England with the This was undoubtedly a change for the better, king's submission under his hand in due form, but is far from being consonant to Scripture or but it was then too late, it being hardly decent reason. for the infallible chair to revoke its decrees in The Parliament had already forbid all appeals so short a time. Such was the crisis of the to the court of Rome, in causes testamentary, Reformation! matrimonial, and in all disputes concerning di- The pope having decided against the king, his vorces, tithes, oblations, &c., under penalty of majesty determined to take away all his profits a prcemunire,* and were now voting away an- and authority over the Church of England at nates and first-fruits; and providing "that, in once: accordingly, a bill was brought into the case the pope denied his bulls for electing or Parliament then sitting, and passed without any consecrating bishops, it should be done without protestation, by which it is enacted " that all them by the archbishop of the province; that payments made to the apostolic chamber, and an archbishop might be consecrated by any two all provisions, bulls, or dispensations, should bishops whom the king should appoint; and be- from thenceforth cease; and that all dispensaing so consecrated, should enjoy all the rights of tions or licenses, for things not contrary to the his see, any law or custom to the contrary not- law of God, should be granted within the kingwithstanding." All which acts passed both hous- dom, under the seals of the two archbishops in es without any considerable opposition. Thus, their several provinces. The pope was to have while the pope stood trifling about a contested no farther concern in the nomination or confirmmarriage, the king and Parliament took away ation of bishops, which were appointed to be all his profits, revenues, and authority in the chosen by conge d'elire from the crown, as at Church of England. present. Peter's-pence and all procurations from His majesty having now waited six years for Rome were abolished. Moreover, all religious a determination of his marriage from the court houses, exempt or not exempt, were to be subof Rome, and being now himself head of the ject to the archbishops' visitation, except some Church of England, commanded Dr. Cranmer, monasteries and abbeys which were to be sublately consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury,t ject to the king."tO Most of the bishops voted to call a court of canonists anddivines, and pro- against this bill, but all but one set their hands ceed to judgment. Accordingly, his grace sum- to it after it was passed, according to the cusmoned Queen Katharine to appear at Dunstable, tom of those times. Thus the Church of Eng. near the place where she resided, in person or land became independent of the pope, and all foreign jurisdiction. * 24 Henry VIII., cap. xii. Complaints being daily made of the severe t Cranmer's elevation took place in 1533. "He proceedings of the eclesiastical courts against appears to have accepted the distinction with reluc-proceedings of the ecclesiastical courts against tance, and the best friends of his reputation must re- heretics, the Parliament took this matter into gard his compliance with some degree of regret. He consideration, and repealed the act of the second was destitute of that fortitude and determination of of Henry IV., above mentioned, but left the statmind which so high a station required. He was timid utes of Richard II. and Henry V in full force, and vacillating; honest in his purposes, but irreso- with this qualification, that heretics should be lute in his conduct. In a private station, or in a proceeded against upon presentments by two calmer age, he would have maintained an irreproach- witnesses at least; that they should be brought able character; but at present he needs all the sym- to answer in open court; and if th-y were found pathy which his martyrdom inspires to retain for him a high place in the respect of impartial men." —Dr. a Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. i., p. 135. Price's History of Nonconformity, vol. i., p. 8.-C. t 25 Henry VIII., cap. xx., xxi. VOL. I. 34 -HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. guilty, and would not abjure, or were relapsed, ance to the king, and acknowledging him to be they should be adjudged to death, the king's.the head of the Church, they declared, upon writ de hretico comburendo being first obtained.* oath, "the lawfulness of his marriage with By this act the ecclesiastical courts were lim- Queen Anne, and that they would be true to ited, heretics being now to be tried according the issue begotten in it. That the Bishop of to the forms of law, as in- other cases. Rome had no more power than any other bishTowards the latter end of this session, the op in his own diocess; that they would submit clergy, assembled in convocation, sent up their to all the king's laws, notwithstanding the submission to the king to be passed in Parlia- pope's censures; that in their prayers they ment, which was done accordingly: the con- would pray first for the king as supreme head tents were, "that the clergy acknowledged all of the Church of England; then for the queen convocations ought to be assembled by the [Anne], then for the Archbishop of Canterbury, king's writ; and promised in verbo sacerdotii, and the other ranks of the clergy." Only Fishthat they would never make nor execute any er, bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, new calnons or constitutions without the royal lord-chancellor, refused to take the oath, for assent; and since many canons had been re- which they afterward lost their lives. ceived that were found prejudicial to the king's The separation of the Church of England prerogative, contrary to the laws of the land, from Rome contributed something towards the and heavy to the subjects, that, therefore, there reformation of its doctrines, though the body of should be a committee of thirty-two persons, the inferior clergy were as stiff for their old sixteen of the two houses of Parliament and as opinions as ever, being countenanced and supmany of the clergy, to be named by the king, ported by the Duke of Norfolk, by the Lordwho should have full power to revise the old chancellor More, by Gardiner, bishop of Wincanons, and to abrogate, confirm, or alter them, chester, and Fisher of Rochester; but some of.as they found expedient, the king's assent being the nobility and bishops were for a farther obtained." reformation: among these were the new queen, This submission was confirmed by Parlia- Lord Cromwell, afterward Earl of Essex, Dr. meat; and by the same act all appeals to Rome Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, Shaxton, were again condemned. If any parties found bishop of Salisbury, and Latimer of Worcester. themselves aggrieved in the archbishops' courts, As these were more or less in favour with the an appeal might be made to the king in the king, the reformation of religion went forward Court of Chancery, and the lord-chancellor was or backward throughout the whole course of his to grant a commission under the great seal for reign. a hearing before delegates, whose determination The progress of the Reformation in Germashould be final. All exempted abbots were also ny, by the preaching of Luther, Melancthon, to appeal to the king; and the act concluded and others, with the number of books that were with a proviso "that, till such correction of the published in those parts, some of which were canons was made, all those which were then translated into English, revived learning, and received should remain in force, except such as raised people's curiosity to look into the state were contrary to the laws and customs of the of religion here at home. One of the first books realm, or were to the damage or hurt of the that was published was the translation of the king's prerogative." Upon the proviso of this New Testament by Tyndal, printed at Antwerp, act all the proceedings of the commons and 1526.* The next was the Supplication of the other spiritual courts are founded; for the canons not being corrected to this day, the old ones * Of this edition, which consisted of fifteen hunare in force, with the exceptions above men- dred copies, only one is supposed to exist; that tioned; and this proviso is probably the reason copy is preserved in the library of the Baptist Coltioned; and-this proviso is probably the reason lege, Bristol, England. The scarceness of this ediwhy the canons were not corrected in the fol- tion is easily accounted for: "The book that had lowing reigns, for now it lies in the breast of the greatest authority and influence was Tindal's the judges to declare what canons are contrary translation of the New Testament, of which the to the laws or rights of the crown, which is bishops made great complaints, and said it was full more for the king's prerogative than to make a of errors. But Tonstal, then Bishop of London, becollection of ecclesiastical laws which should be ing a man of invincible moderation, would dc nofixed and immovable, body any hurt, yet endeavoured, as he could, to get Before the Parliamentbroke up they gave their books into his hands; so, being at Antwerp in Before the Parliamentebroke up they gave the year 1529, he sent for one Packington, an Engthe annates or first-fruits of benefices, and the lish merchant there, and desired him to see how yearly revenue of the tenth part of all livings, many New Testaments of'indal's translation he which had been taken from the pope last year, might have for money. Packington, who was a seto the king. This displeased the clergy, who cret favcurer of Tindal, told him what the bishop were in hopes of being freed from that burden; proposed. Tindal was very glad of it; for, being but they were mistaken, for by the thirty-second convinced of some faults in his work, he was designing a new and more correct edition; but he was..of Henry VIII., cap. xlv, a court of record is of'HenryVII., cap.xlv, acourtofrodispoor, and the former impression not being sold off, ordered to be erected, called the court of the he could not go about it; so he gave Packington all first-fruits and tenths, for the levying and gov- the copies-that lay in his hands, for which the bishop ernment of the said first-fruits forever. paid the price, and brought them over, and burned The session being ended, commissioners were them publicly in Cheapside. This had such a hatesent over the kingdom to administer the oath of ful appearance in it, being generally called a burning succession to all his majesty's subjects, accord- of the Word of God, that people from thence concluu ng to a late allct of Parliament, by which it jecded there must be a risible contrariety between that aei book and the doctrines of those who so handled it; appears that, besides renewing their allegi- by which both their prejudice against the clergy, and their desire of reading the New Testament, were in* 25 Henry VIII., cap. xiv. creased. So that next year, when the second edition HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 35 Beggars, by Simon Frith of Gray's Inn, 1529. into the king's hands; others, upon examination, It was levelled against the begging friars, and appeared guilty of the greatest frauds and imcomplains that the common poor were ready to positions on the simplicity of the people: many starve, because the alms of the people were in- of their pretended relics were exposed and de*tercepted by great companies of lusty, idle fri- stroyed, as the Virgin Mary's milk, showed in ars, who were able to work, and were a burden eight places; the coals that roasted St. Lawto the commonwealth. More and Fisher an- rence; and an angel with one wing that brought swered the book, endeavouring to move the over the head of the spear that pierced our Savpeople's passions by representing the supplica- iour's side; the rood of grace, which was so tions of the souls in purgatory which were re- contrived, that the eyes and lips might move lieved by the masses of these friars. But the upon occasion; with many others. The images strength of their arguments lay in the sword of of a great many pretended saints were taken the magistrate, which was now in their hands; down and burned, and all the rich offerings made for while these gentlemen were in power the at their shrines were seized for the crown, which clergy made sad havoc among those people who brought an immense treasure into the exchequer. were seeking after Christian knowledge; some Upon the report of the visiters, the Parliament were cited into the bishops' courts for teach- consented to the suppression of the lesser moning their children the Lord's Prayer in Eng- asteries under ~200 a year value, and gave lish; some for reading forbidden books; some them to the king to the number of three hundred for speaking against the vices of the clergy; and seventy-six. Their rents amounted to about some for not coming to confession and the sac- ~32,000 per annum: their plate, jewels, and rament; and some for not observing the furniture, to about ~100,000.* The churches Church fasts; most of whom, through fear of and cloisters were for the most part pulled down, death, did penance and were dismissed; but and the lead,-and bells, and other materials, sold. several of the clergy refusing to abjure, or after A new court, called the Court of Augmentations abjuration falling into a relapse, suffered death. of the King's Revenue,t was erected, to receive Among these were the Rev. Mr. Hitton, curate the rents and to dispose of the lands, and bring of Maidstone, burned in Smithfield, 1530; the the profits into the exchequer. Every religious Rev. Mr. Bilney, burned at Norwich, 1531; Mr. person that was turned out of his cell had 45s. Byfield, a monk of St. Edmondsbury; James given him in money, of which number there Bainham, Knt. of the Temple; besides two men were about ten thousand; and every governor and awoman, atYork. In theyear 1l533, Mr. John had a pension. But to ease the government of Frith,* an excellent scholar of the University of this charge, the monks and friars were put into Cambridge, was burned in Smithfield, with one benefices as fast as they became vacant; by Hewet, a poor apprentice, for denying the corpo- which means it came to pass that the body of real presence of Christ in the sacrament; but the inferior clergy were disguised papists and upon the rupture between the king and the pope, enemies to the Reformation. and the repeal of the act of King Henry IV. against The lesser religious houses being dissolved, heretics, the wings of the clergy were clipped, the rest followed in a few years: for in the years and a stop. put to their cruelties for a time. 1537 and 1539, the greater abbeys and monasNone were more adverse to the Reformation teries were broken up, or surrendered to the than the monks and friars: these spoke openly crown, to prevent an inquiry into their lives and against the king's proceedings, exciting the peo- manners. This raised a great clamour among pie to rebellion, and endeavouring to embroil the people, the monks and friars going up and his affairs with foreign princes; the king, there- down the country like beggars, clamouring at fore, resolved to humble them, and for this pur- the injustice of the suppression. The king, to pose appointed a general visitation of the mon- quiet them, gave back fifteen abbeys and sixasteries, the management of which was com- teen nunneries for perpetual alms; but several rmitted to the Lord Cromwell, with the title of of the abbots being convicted of plots and convisiter-general, who appointed other commis- spiracies against his government, his majesty sioners under him, and gave them injunctions resumed his grants after two years, and obtained and articles of inquiry. Upon this, several ab- an act of Parliament, whereby her was empowbots and priors, to prevent a scrutiny into their ered to erect sundry new cathedral churches and conduct, voluntarily surrendered their houses bishoprics, and to endow them out of the profwas finished, many were brought over, and Constan- its of the religious houses. The king intended, tine (a coadjutor of Tindal) being taken in England, ays Bishop Burnet, to convert ~18i00 a year the lord-chancellor, in a private examination, prom- into a revenue for eighteen bishoprics and caised him that no hurt should be done him if he would thedrals; but of them he only erected six, viz., reveal who encouraged and supported him at An- the bishoprics of Westminster, Chester, Petertwerp; which he accepted of, and told that the great- borough, Oxford, Gloucester, and Eristol. This est encouragement they had was from the Bishop of was the chief of what his majesty did for reliLondon, who had bought up half the impression. g This made all that heard of it laugh heartily, though mense sums that fell into his handsfor the more judicious persons discerned the great temper mense sums that fell into his hands: for the of that learned bishop in it."-Burnet's Reform., i., clear rents of all the suppressed houses were 260. —C. cast up at ~131,607 6s. 4d per annum, as they * Mr. Frith wrote a tract, published with his other were then rated, but were at least ten times as wolks, London, 1573, entitled " A Declaration of much in value. Most of the abbey lands were Baptism." given away among the courtiers, or sold at easy ir Jtiiies Bainham seemns, from his examination rates to the gentry, to engage them by interest before the BIishop of London, Dec. 15, 1531, to have been an opposer of infant baptism. —Crosby's Hist. of against the resumption of them to the Church. the EnglkAh Baptists, vol. i,, p. 31. e Burnet's Uist. Ref., vol. i., p. 223. Fox's Ma tyrs, vol. ii., p. 227, 241, 256, 445.-C. t 27 Henry VIII., cap. xxvii., xxviii. 36 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. In the year 1545, the Parliament gave the king The fall of Queen Anne Bullen, mother of the chantries, colleges, free chapels, hospitals, Queen Elizabeth, was a great prejudice to the fraternities, and guilds, with their manors and Reformation. She was a virtuous and pious estates. Seventy manors and parks were alien- lady, but airy and indiscreet in her behaviour: ated from the archbishopric of York, and twelve the popish party hated her for her religion; and from Canterbury, and confirmed to the crown. having awakened the king's jealousy, put him Hlow easily might this king, with his immense upon a nice observance of her carriage, by which revenues, have put an end to the being of Par- she quickly fell under his majesty's displeasure, liaments! who ordered her to be sent to the Tower, May The translation of the New Testament by 1. On the 15th of the same month she'was Tyndal, already mentioned, had a wonderful tried by her peers for incontinence, for a prespread among the people; though the bishops contract of marriage, and for conspiring the condemned it, and proceeded with the utmost king's death; and though there was little or no severity against those that read it. They com- evidence, the lords found her guilty, for fear ot plained of it to the king; upon which his majes- offending the king; and four days after she was ty called it in by proclamation in the month of beheaded within the Tower, protesting her innoJune, 1530, and promised that a more correct cence to the last. Soon after her execution the translation should be published: but it was im- king called a Parliament to set aside the succespossible to stop the curiosity of the people so sion of the Lady Elizabeth, her daughter, which long; for, though the bishops bought up and was done, and the king was empowered to nomiburned. all they could meet with, the Testament nate his successor by his last will and testament; was reprinted abroad, and sent over to mer- so that both his majesty's daughters were now chants at London, who dispersed the copies declared illegitimate; but the king having power privately among their acquaintance and friends. to settle the succession as he pleased, in case At length, it was moved in convocation that of failure of male heirs, they were still in hopes, the whole Bible should be translated into Eng- and quietly submitted to their father's pleasure. lish, and set up in churches; but most of the Complaint being sent to court of the diversity old clergy were against it They said this of doctrines delivered in pulpits, the king sent a would lay the foundation of innumerable here- circular letter to all the bishops, July 12 [1536], sies, as it had done in Germany; and that the forbidding all preaching till Michaelmas; by people were not proper judges of the sense of which time certain articles of religion, most Scripture: to which it was replied, that the catholic, should be set forth. The king himself Scriptures were written at first in the vulgar framed the articles, and sent them into convotongue; that our Saviour commanded his hear- cation, where they were agreed to by both housers to search the Scriptures; and that it was es. An abstract of them will show the state necessary people should do so now, that they of the Reformation at this time. might be satisfied that the alterations the king 1. " All preachers were to instruct the pqople had made in religion were not contrary to the to believe the whole Bible, and the three creds, Word of God. These arguments prevailed with viz., the Apostles', the Nicene, and Athanasian, the majority to consent that a petition should and to interpret all things according to them. be presented to the king, that his majesty would 2. " That baptism was a sacrament instituted please to give order about it. by Christ; that it was necessary to salvation; But the old bishops were too much disincli — that infants were to be baptized for the pardon ned to move in it. The Reformers, therefore, of original sin; and that the opinions of the were forced to have recourse to Mr. Tyndal's Anabaptists and Pelagians were detestable herBible, which had been printed at Hamburg, esies. [And that those of ripe age, who desired 1532, and reprinted three or four years after by baptism, must join with it repentance and conGrafton and Whitchurch. The translators were trition for their sins, with a firm belief of the Tyndal, assisted by Miles Coverdale, and Mr. articles of the faith.] John Rogers, the protomartyr: the Apocrypha 3. " That penance, that is, contrition, confeswas done by Rogers, and some marginal notes sion, and amendment of life, with works of charwere inserted to the whole, which gave offence, and occasioned that Bible to be prohibited. But infect them with heresy. I have bestowed never an Archbishop Cranmer, having now reviewed and hour upon my portion, nor ever will. And therecorrected it, left out the prologue and notes, fore my lord shall have this book again, for I will never be guilty of bringing the simple people into error.'* and added a preface of his own; and because So perverted were the views of the dignitaries of the Tyndal was now put to death for a heretic, his Church, and so determined the opposition which name was laid aside, and it was called Thomas Cranmer encountered in his labours for its reformaMatthew's Bible, and by some Cranmer's Bible; tion. His personal sense of the value of the Scripthough it was no more than Tyndal's transla- tures, and deep conviction of their importance, led tion corrected.* This Bible was allowed by au- him to persevere in his design, and secured his ultithority, and eagerly read by all sorts of people. mate success."-Dr. Price's Hist. of Nonconformity, vol. i., p. 49.-C. * "Cranmer began with the New Testament, an * When Cranmer expressed his surprise at the conduct of Stokesley, we are told that Mr. Thomas Lawney, who English copy of which he divided into eight or ten stood by, remarked, "I can tell your grace why my Lord parts, and sent to the most learned men of his day for of London will not bestow any labour or pains this way. their correction. These were returned to Lambeth Your grace knoweth well that his portion is a piece of the at the appointed time, with the exception of the Acts New Testament; but he, being persuaded that Christ had of the Apostles, which had been intrusted to Stokes- bequeathed him nothing in his Testament, thought it mere ley, bishop of London, who wrote to Cralmer,'I madness to bestow any labour or pains where no gain was marvel what my Lord of Canterbury meaneth, that to be gotten. And, besides this, it is the Acts of the Aposties, which were simple, poor fellows, and therefore my Lord he thus abuseth the people, in giving them liberty to of London disdained to 4ave to do withr any of them.'read the Scriptures, which doth nothing else but Strype's Cranmer, vol. i., p. 48, 49, 59, 82-C HISrORY OF ThlE PURITANS. 37 Ity, was necessary to salvation; to which must cient creeds are made the standards of faith be- added, faith in the mercy of God, that he without the tradition of the Church or decrees will justify and pardon us, not for the worthi- of the pope; the doctrine of justification by faith ness of any merit or work done by us, but for is well stated; four of the seven sacraments the only merits of the blood and passion of Jesus are passed over, and purgatory is left doubtful. Christ; nevertheless, that a confession to a But transubstantiation, auricular confession, the priest was necessary, if it mhght be had; and worshipping of images and saints, still remained. that the absolution of a priest was the same as The court of Rome were not idle spectators if it were spoken by God himself, according to of these proceedings; they threatened the king, our Saviour'swords. That auricular confession and spirited up the clergy to rebellion; and was of use for the comfort of men's consciences. when all hopes of accommodation were at an And though we are justified only by the satis- end, the pope pronounced sentence of excomfaction of Christ, yet the people were to be in- mnunication against the whole kingdom, depristructed in the necessity of good works. ving his majesty of his crown and dignity, for4. " That in the sacrament of the altar, under bidding his subjects to obey him, and all foreign the form of bread and wine, there was, truly princes to correspond with him; all his leagues and substantially, the same body of Christ that with them were dissolved, and his own clergy was born of the Virgin. were commanded to depart the kingdom, and 5. " That justification signified the remission his nobility to rise in arms against him The of sins, and a perfect renovation of nature in king, laying hold of this opportunity, called a Christ. Parliament, and obtained an act requiring all his 6. " Concerning images: that the use of them subjects, under the pains of treason, to swear was warranted in Scripture; that they served that the king was supreme head of the Church to stir up devotion; and that it was meet they of England; and to strike terror into the popish should stand in churches; but the people were party, three priors and a monk of the Carthuto be taught that, in kneeling or worshipping be- sian order were executed as traitors for refufore them, they were not to do it to the image, sing the oath, and for saying that the king was but to God. not supreme head under Christ of the Church of'7. "Concerning honouringof'saints, theywere England; but the two greatest sacrifices were to be instructed not to expect those favours from John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomthem which are to be obtained only from God, as More, late lord-chancellor of England, who but they were to honour them, to praise God for were both beheaded last year, within a fortnight them, and to imitate their virtues. of each other. This quieted the people for a 8. " -For praying to saints: that it was time, but soon after there was an insurrection good to pray to them to pray for us and with us. in Lincolnshire of twenty thousand men, head9. "Of ceremonies. The people were to be ed by a churchman and directed by a monk; taught that they were good and lawful, having but upon a proclamation of pardon, they dismystical significations in them; such were the persed themselves: the same year there was vestments in the worship of God, sprinkling holy another more formidable in the North, but after water to put us in mind of our baptism and the some time the rebels were defeated by the Duke blood of Christ; giving holy bread, in sign of of Norfolk, and the heads of them executed, our union to Christ; bearing candles on Can- among whom were divers abbots and priests. dlemas day, in remembrance of Christ, the spirit- These commotions incensed the king against ual light; giving ashes on Ash Wednesday, to the religious houses, as nurseries of sedition, put us in mind of penance and our mortality; and made him resolve to suppress them all. bearing palms on Palm Sunday, to show our In the mean time, his majesty went on boldly desire to receive Christ into our hearts as he against the Church of Rome, and published cerentered into Jerusalem; creeping to the cross tain injunctions by his own authority, to reguon Good Friday, and kissing it, in memory of late the behaviour of the clergy. This was the his death; with the setting up of the sepulchre first act of pure supremacy done by the king, on that day, the hallowing the font, and other for in all that went before he had the concurexorcisms and benedictions. rence of the convocation. The injunctions were Lastly. " As to purgatory, they were to de- to this purpose. dare it good and charitable to pray for souls de- 1. " That the clergy should twice every quarparted; but since the place they were in, and ter publish to the people that the Bishop of the pains they suffered, were uncertain by Scrip- Rome's usurped power had no foundation in ture, they ought to remit them to God's mercy. Scripture, but that the king's supremacy was Therefore, all abuses of this doctrine were to according to the laws of God. be put away, and the people disengaged from 2, 3. "They were to publish the late articles believing that the pope's pardons, or masses of faith set forth by the king, and likewise the said in certain places, or before certain images, king's proclamation for the abrogation of cercould deliver souls out of purgatory." tain holydays in harvest-time. These articles were signed by the Archbishop 4. " They were to dissuade the people from of Canterbury, seventeen bishops, forty abbots making pilgrimages to saints, and to exhort and priors, and fifty archdeacons and proctors them to stay at home and mind their families, of the lower house of convocation: they were and keep God's commandments. published by the king's authority, with a preface 5. " They were to exhort them to teach their in his name requiring all his subjects to accept children the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and Ten them, which would encourage him to take far- Commandments, in English.* ther pains for the honour of God and the wel- ~ " e i w * "And every incumbent was to explain these, fare of his people. One sees here the dawn of one article a day, until the people were instructed in the Reformation; the Scriptures and the an- them."-Maaddox' Vindic., p. 299.-ED. 38 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 6. " They were to take care that the sacra- ed, was this year printed and published. Cromments were reverently administered in their well procured the king's warrant for all his majparishes. esty's subjects to read it without control; and, 7. " That the clergy do not frequent taverns by his injunctions, commanded one to be set up and alehouses, nor sit long at games, but give publicly in all the churches in England, that the themselves to the study of the Scriptures and a people might read it. His majesty farther oengood life. joined the clergy to preach the necessity of 8. "Every beneficed person of ~20 a year that faith and repentance, and against trusting in did not reside, was to pay the fortieth part of his pilgrimages andl other men's works; to order benefice to the poor. such images as Had been abused to superstition 9. "Every incumbent of ~100 a year to main- to be taken down, and to tell the people that tain one scholar at the university; and so many praying to them was no less than idolatry; hundreds a year so many scholars. but still, transubstantiation, the seven sacra10. " The fifth part of the profits of livings ments, the communion in one kind only, pur-.to be given to the repair of the vicarage house, gatory, auricular confession, praying for the if it be in decay." dead, the celibacy of the clergy, sprinkling of Thus the very same opinions, for which the holy water, invocation of saints, some Images followers of Wickliffe and Luther had been in churches, with most of the superstitious rites burned a few years before, were enjoined by the and ceremonies of the popish church, were re king's authority. tained. This year a very remarkable book was print- Here his majesty made a stand; for after ed by Batchelor, the king's printer, cum privile- this the Reformation fluctuated, and, upon the gio, called "The Institution of a Christian Man." whole, went rather backward than forward; It was called the "' Bishop's Book," because it which was owing to several causes, as (1.) To was composed by sundry bishops, as Cranmer, the unhappy death of the queen in childbed, archbishop of Canterbury, Stokeley of London, who had possession of the king's heart, and Gardiner of Winchester, Sampson of Chiches- was a promoter of the Reformation. (2.) To ter, Reps of Norwich, Goodrick of Ely, Latimer the king's disagreement with the Protestant of Worcester, Shaxton of Salisbury, Fox of princes of Germany, who would not put him Hereford, Barlow of St. David's, and some at the head of their league, because he would other divines, It is divided into several chap- not abandon the doctrine of transubstantiation ters, and contains an explanation of the Lord's and permit the communion in both kinds. (3.' Prayer, the Creed, the Seven Sacraments, the To the king's displeasure against the archTen Commandments, the Ave Maria, Justifica- bishop and the other bishops of the new learntion, and Purgatory. " The book maintains the ing, because he could not prevail with them to local descent of Christ into hell, and that all ar- give consent in Parliament that the king should tides of faith are to be interpreted according to appropriate all the suppressed monasteries to Scripture and the first four general councils. his own use. (4.) To his majesty's unhappy marIt defends the seven sacraments, and under the riage with the Lady Anne of Cleves, a Protestsacrament of the altar, affirms that the body of ant; which was promoted by the Reformers, and Christ that suffered on the cross is substantial- proved the ruin of the Lord Cromwell, who was ly present under the form of bread and wine. at that time the bulwark of the Reformation. It maintains but two orders of the clergy, and (5.) To the artifice and abject submission of avers that no one bishop has authority over Gardiner, Bonner, and other popish bishops, another according to the Word of God. The who, by flattering the king's imperious temper, invocation of saints is restrained to interces- and complying with his dictates, prejudiced him sion, forasmuch as they have it not in their against the reformed. And, lastly, To his majown power to bestow any blessings upon us. esty's growing infirmities, which made him so It maintains that no church should be conse- peevish and positive that it was dangerous to crated to any being but God. It gives liberty advise to anything that was not known to be to work on saints' days, especially in harvest- agreeable to his sovereign will and pleasure. time. It maintains the doctrine of passive obe- The king began to discover his zeal against dience. In the article of justification, it says the Sacramentaries [and Anabaptists*] (as we are justified only by the merits and satisfac- those were called who denied the corporeal tion of Christ, and that no good works on our presence of Christ in the eucharist), by prohibpart can procure the Divine favour or prevail for iting the importing of all foreign books, or our justification."* This book was recommended and subscribed * In the articles of religion set forth in 1536, the by the two archbishops, nineteen bishops, and sect of Anabaptists is mentioned and condemned. the lower house of convocation, among whom Fourteen Hollanders, accused of holding their opinwere Gardiner, Bonner, and others, who put ions, were put to death in 1535, and ten saved themtheir brethren to death for these doctrines in selves by recantation. In 1428, there were in the diocess of Norwich one hundred and twenty who the reign of Queen Mary; but the reason of held that infants were sufficiently baptized if their their present compliance might be, because all parents were baptized before them; that Christian their hopes from the succession of the Prin- people be sufficiently baptized in the blood of Christ, cess Mary were now defeated, Queen Jane be- and need no water; and that the sacrament of baptism ing brought to bed of a son October the 12th, used in the Church by water is but a light matter, 1538, who was baptized Edward, and succeeded and of small effect. Three of these persons were his father. burned alive. Long before this, it was a charge The translation of the Bible, already mention- laid against the Lollards that they held these opin ions, and would not baptize their new-born children. St- p' — See Fox as quoted by Crosby, vol. i, p. 24, 40, 41' Strype's Me. of Cranmer, p. 51. -ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 39 fPintlng any portions of Scripture till they had benefit of clergy; and those who, either in word been examined by himself and council, or by or writing, declared against them, were to be the bishop of the diocess; by punishing all that prisoners during the king's pleasure, and to fordenied the old rites, and by forbidding all to feit their goods and chattels for the first offence, argue against the real presence of Christ in the and for the second to suffer death. All ecclesisacrament, on pain of death. For breaking this astical incumbents were to read this act in their last order, he condemned to the flames this churches once a quarter. very year that faithful witness to the truth, As soon as the six articles took place, ShaxJohn Lambert, who had been minister of the ton, bishop of Salisbury, and Latimer of WorEnglish congregation at Antwerp, and after- cester, resigned their bishoprics, and being preward taught school in London; but hearing sented for speaking against the act, they were Dr. Taylor preach concerning the real presence, imprisoned. Latimer continued a prisoner to he offered him a paper of reasons against it: the king's death, but Shaxton, being threatened Taylor carried the paper to Cranmer, who was with the fire, turned apostate, and proved a cruel then a Lutheran, and endeavoured to make him persecutor of the Protestants in Queen Mary's retract; but Lambert, unhappily, appealed to reign. Commissions were issued out to the the kiing, who, after a kind of mock trial in archbishops, bishops, and their commissaries, to Westminster Hall, in presence of the bishops, hold a sessions quarterly, or oftener, and to pronobility, and judges, passed sentence of death ceed upon presentments by a jury according to upon him, condemning him to be burned as an law; which they did most severely, insomuch incorrigible heretic. Cranmer was appointed that in a very little time five hundred persons to dispute against him, and Cromwell to read were put in prison, and involved in the guilt of the sentence. He was soon after executed the statute; but Cranmer and Cromwell obtainm Smithfield in a most barbarous manner; ed their pardon, which mortified the popish clernis last words in the flames were, " None but gy to such a degree, that they proceeded no farChrist! None but Christ!"* ther till Cromwell fell. The Parliament that met next spring disserv- Another very remarkable act of Parliament, ed the Reformation, and brought religion back passed this session, was concerning obedience to the standard in which it continued to the to the king's proclamations. It enacts, that the ting's death, by the act [31 Hen. VIII., cap. xiv.] king, with advice of his council, may set forth commonly known by the name of the bloody proclamations with pains and penalties, which statute, or the statute of the six articles: it was shall be obeyed as fully as an act of Parliament, entitled, An act for abolishing Diversity of Opin- provided they be not contrary to the laws and ions in certain Articles concerning Christian customs in being, and do not extend so far as Religion. The six articles were these:t - that the subject should suffer in estate, liberty, 1. " That in the sacrament of the altar, after or person. An act of attainder was also passed the consecration, there remains no substance of against sixteen persons, some for denying the bread and wine, but under these forms the nat- supremacy, and others without any particular ural body and blood of Christ are present. crime mentioned; none of them were brought 2. "That communion in both kinds is not ne- to a trial, nor is there any mention in the reccessary to salvation to all persons by the law of ords of any witnesses examined.* There never God, but that both the flesh and blood of Christ had been an example of such arbitrary proceedare together in each of the kinds. ings before in England; yet this precedent was 3. "That priests may not marry by the law of followed by several others in the course of this God. reign. By another statute, it was enacted that 4. "That vows of chastity ought to be observ- the councillors of the king's successor, if he were ed by the law of God. under age, might set forth proclamations in his 5. " That private masses ought to be contin- name, which were to be obeyed in the same ued, which, as it is agreeable to God's law, so manner with those set forth by the kcing himmen receive great benefit by them. self. I mention this, because upon this act was 6. "That auricular confession is expedient founded the validity of all the changes of reliand necessary, and ought to be retained in the gion in the minority of Edward VI.t Church." Next year [1540] happened the fall of Lord It was farther enacted, that if any did speak, Cromwell, one of the great pillars of the Reforpreach, or write against the first article, they mation. He had been lately constituted the should be judged heretics, and be burned with- king's vicegerent in ecclesiastical affairs, and out any abjuration, and forfeit their real and made a speech in Parliament, April 12th, under personal estate to the king. Those who preach- that character. On the 14th of April the king ed, or obstinately disputed against the other ar- created him Earl of Essex, and Knight of the ticles, were to suffer death as felons, without Garter; but within two months he was arrested at the council-table for high treason, and sent to * Lambert having heard Dr. Taylor preach on the the Tower, and on the 28th of July was beheadpresence of Christ in the sacrament, he sought an ed by virtue of a bill of attainder without being interview with him, and stated his objections to the received doctrine, which he afterward committed to * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. i., p. 263. writing. Taylor showed this paper to Dr. Barnes, a t In this year sixteen men and fifteen women were Lutheran, and they reported the matter to Cranmer, banished for opposing infant baptism. they went to who summoned Lambert into the archiepiscopal Delft, in Holland, and were there prosecuted and put court. It is deserving of notice that Cranmer, Tay- to death as Anabaptists; the men being beheaded, ior, and Barnes, the chief agents in Lambert's death, and the women drowned. Among other injunctions were themselves brought to the stake as heretics!- issued out in 1539, was one against those who emDr. Price's lHist. of Noncon., vol. i., p. 49, 50.-C. braced the opinions, or possessed books containing t Cranmer alone had the courage to oppose the the opinions, of Sacramentarians and Anabaptists.passing these articles.-W Crosby, b. i., p. 42.-ED. 40 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. brought to a trial, or once allowed to speak for terward read and approved cy the lords spnl tual himself. He was accused of executing certain and temporal, and the lower house of Parliaorders and directions, for which he had very ment. A great part of it was corrected by the probably the king's warrant, and, therefore, was king's own hand, and the whole was published not admitted to make answer. But the true by his order, with a preface in the name of King cause of his fall* was the share he had in the Henry VIII., dedicated to all his faithful subking's marriage with the Lady Anne of Cleves, jects. It was called the King's Book, and was whom his majesty took an aversion to as soon designed for a standard of Christian belief.* as he saw her, and was, therefore, determined The reader, therefore, will judge by the abstract to show his resentments ag*-ainst the promoters below, of the sentiments of our first Reformers of it; but his majesty soon after lamented the in sundry points of doctrine and discipline,t loss of his honest and faithful servant when it * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. i., p. 286. was too late. t It begins with a description of Faith, " of which Two days after the death of Cromwell there (says the book) there are two acceptations. (1.) It is was a very odd execution of Protestants and sometimes taken for'a belief or persuasion wrought papists at the same time and place. The Prot- by God in men's hearts, whereby they assent and estants were Dr. Barnes, Mr. Gerrard, and Mr. take for true all the words and sayings of God reJerome, all clergymen and L~utherans * they were vealed in Scripture.' This faith, if it proceeds no farther, is but a dead faith. (2.) Faith is sometimes sent to the Tower for offensive sermons preach- considered in conjunction with hope and charity, and ed at the Spittle in the Easter week, and were so it signifies-'a sure confidence and hope to obtain attainted of heresy by the Parliament without whatsoever God has promised for Christ's sake, and being brought to a hearing. Four papists, viz., is accompanied with a hearty love to God, and obeGregory Buttolph, Adam Damplin, Edmund dience to his commands.' This is a lively and effectBrindholme, and Clement Philpot, were by the ual faith, and is the perfect faith of a Christian. It same act attainted for denying the king's suprem- is by this faith that we are justified, as it is joined acy and adhering to the Bishop of Rome The with hope and charity, and includes an obedience acy, and adhering to the Bishop of Rome. The to the whole doctrine and religion of Christ. But Protestants were burned, and the papists hang- whether there be any special particular knowledge, ed: the former cleared themselves of heresy by whereby meni may be certain and assured that they rehearsing the articles of their faith at the stake, are among the predestinate, which shall to the end and died with great devotion and piety; and the persevere in their calling, we cannot find either in latter, though grieved to be drawn in the same the Scriptures or doctors; the promises of God being hurdle with them they accounted heretics, de- conditional, so that, though his promise stands, we dared their hearty forgiveness of all their ene-may fail of the blessing for want of fulfilling our obmies. After the chapter of Faith follows an excellent parAbout this time [1543] was published a very aphrase on the twelve articles of the Creed, the Lord's remarkable treaties, called A Necessary Erudi- Prayer, the Ave Maria, or the salutation of the angel tion for a Christian Man. It was drawn up by to the blessed Virgin, and the Ten Commandments; a committee of bishops and divines, and was af- and here the second commandment is shortened, the words' for I the Lord thy God,' &c., being left out, * Dr. Maddox remarks on this statement of the and only those that go before set down. Images are cause of Cromwell's fall, that it is expressly contra- said to be profitable to stir up the mind to emulation, dicted by Bishop Burnet, who, speaking of the king's though we may not give them godly honour; nevercreating him Earl of Essex, upon his marriage with theless, censing and kneeling before them is allowed. Anne of Cleves, adds, "This shows that the true Invocation of saints as intercessors is declared lawcauses of Cromwell's fall must be founded in some ful; and the fourth commandment only ceremonial, other thing than his making up the king's marriage, and obliging the Jews. who had never thus raised his title if he had intend- Then follows an article of Free-will, which is deed so soon to pull him down."-Hist. Ref., vol. i., scribed, "'A certain power of the will joined with p. 275. reason, whereby a reasonable creature, without conIn reply to this, Mr. Neal says, "Let the reader straint in things of reason, discerneth and willeth judge: his (i. e., Bishop Burnet's) words are these: good and evil; but it willeth not that that is accept-'An unfortunate marriage, to which he advised the able to God unless it be holpen with -race, but that king, not proving acceptable, and he being unwilling which is ill it willeth of itself.' Our wills were perto destroy what himself had brought about, was the fect in the state of innocence, but are much impaired occasion of his disgrace and destruction.'-Vol. iii., p. by the fall of Adam; the high powers of reason and 172. If his lordship has contradicted this in any other freedom of will being wounded and corrupted, and place (which I apprehend he has not), he must an- all men thereby brought into such blindness and inswer for it himself." firmity that they cannot avoid sin except they are It may be observed, that these two passages stand made free by special grace, that is, by the supernatin a very voluminous work, at a great distance from ural working of the Holy Ghost. The light of reaone another, so that the apparent inconsistency might son is unable to conceive the things that appertain to escape the bishop's notice; while his remark in the eternal life, though there remains a sufficient freedom first can have little force, when applied to the con- of will in things pertaining to the present life.' Withduct of a prince so capricious and fluctuating in his out me,' says the Scripture,'you can do nothing;' attachments as was Henry VIII., and who soon grew therefore, when men feel that, notwithstanding their disgusted with his queen. It is with no propriety that diligence, they are not able to do the which they deMr. Neal's accuracy and fidelity are, in this instance, sire, they ought with a steadfast faith and devotion impeached: it justifies his representation, that nearly to ask of him, who gave the beginning, that he would the same is given by Fuller in his Church History, vouchsafe to perform it. But preachers are to take b. v., p. 231. "Match-makers," says he, "betwixt pri- care so to moderate themselves, that they neither so vate persons seldom find great love for their pains; preach the grace of God as to take away free-will, betwixt princes, often fall into danger, as here it and make God the author of sin, nor so extol freeproved in the Lord Cromwell, the grand contriver of will as to injure the grace of God." the king's marriage with Anne of Cleves." In the article of Justification, it asserts, " that all The cause of Cromwell's disgrace is more fully and the posterity of Adam are born in original sin, and judiciously investigated by Dr. Warner, in his Eccle- are hereby guilty of everlasting death and damnation; siastical History, vol. ii., p. 197, 198.-ED. but that God sent his own Sonl, being naturally God, HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 41 which then constituted the established doctrine and ordained by the archbishops, bishops, and of the Church of England; for by the statute doctors, and shall be published with the king's of 32 Hen. VIII., cap. xxvi., it is enacted " that advice and confirmation, by his letters patent, all decrees and ordinances which shall be made in and upon the matters of Christian faith, and lawful rights and ceremonies, shall be in every to take our nature and redeem us, which he could point thereof believed, obeyed, and performed, not have done but by virtue of the union of his two to all intents and purposes, upon the pains therenatures." It then speaks of a twofold justification: in comprised; provided nothing be ordained conthe first is upon our believing, and is obtained by re- trary to the laws of the realm." How near the pentance and a lively faith in the passion and merits book above mentioned comes to the qualificaof our blessed Saviour, and joining therewith a full purpose to amend our lives for the future. The sec- of this statute, i obvious to the reader. ond, or final justification at death, or the last judg- It is no less evident that by the same act the ment, implies, farther, the exercise of all Christian king was in a manner invested with the infalligraces, and the following the motions of the Spirit of bility of the pope, and had the consciences and God in doing good works, which will be considered faith of his people at his absolute disposal. and recompensed in the day of judgment. When By this abstract of the erudition of a Christhe Scripture speaks of justification by faith without tian man,* it appears, farther, that our reformers mentioning any other grace, it must not be understood of a naked faith, but of a lively, operative faith, " Their office in the primitive Church was partly to as before described, and refers to our first justifica- minister meat and drink, and other necessaries, to the. tion: thus we are justified by free grace; and, what- poor, and partly to minister to the bishops and priests. ever share good works may have in our final justifi- Then follows this remarkable passage:' Of these cation, they cannot derogate from the grace of God, two orders only, that is to say, priests and deacons, because all our good works come of the free mercy Scripture maketh express mention, and how they and grace of God, and are done by his assistance; so were conferred of the apostles by prayer and imposithat all boasting is excluded." tion of hands; but the primitive Church afterward This leads to the article of Good Works, "which appointed inferior degrees, as sub-deacons, acolytes, are said to be absolutely necessary to salvation; but exorcists, &c.; but lest, peradventure, it might be they are not outward corporeal works, but inward thought by some that such authorities, powers, and spiritual works; as the love and fear of God, patience, jurisdictions, as patriarchs, primates, archbishops, and humility, &c. Nor are they superstitious works of metropolitans now have, or heretofore at any time men's invention; nor only moral works done by the'have had, justly and lawfully over other bishops, were power of reason, and the natural will of man, without given them by God in Holy Scripture, we think it faith in Christ; which, though they are good in kind, expedient and necessary that all men should be addo not merit everlasting life; but such outward and vertised and taught, that all such lawful power arid inward good works as are done by faith in Christ, out authority of any one bishop over another, werd and of love to God, and in obedience to his commands, and be given them by the consent, ordinances, and posiwhich cannot be performed by man's power without tive laws of ment only, and not by any ordinance of Divine assistance. Now these are of two sorts: God in Holy Scripture; and all such power and aun(1.) Such as are done by persons already justified; thority which any bishop has used over another, which and these, though imperfect, are accepted for Christ's have not been given him by such consent and ordisake, and are meritorious towards the attaining ever- nance of men, are in very deed no lauful power, but lasting life. (2.) Other works are of an inferior sort, plain usurpation and tyranny." as fasting, alms-deeds, and other fruits of penance, To the view which Mr. Neal has given of the doc which are of no avail without faith. But, after all, trinal sentiments contained in this piece, which was justification and remission of sins is the free gift of also called the bishop's book, it is proper to add the the grace of God; and it does not derogate from that idea it gave of the duty of subjects to their prince. grace to ascribe the dignity to good works above Its commentary on the fifth commandment runs thus: mentioned, because all pur good works come of the "Subjects be bound not to withdraw their fealty, grace of God." truth, love, and obedience towards their prince, for The chapter of Prayer for Souls Departed leaves any cause, whatsoever it be." In the exposition of the matter in suspense: " It is good and charitable the sixth commandment, the same principles of pasto do it; but because it is not known what condition sive obedience and nonresistance are inculcated, and departed souls are in, we ought only to recommend it is asserted "that God hath assigned no judges them to the mercy of God." over princes in this world, but will have the judgment In the chapter of the Sacraments, "all the seven of them reserved to himself."-ED. sacraments are maintained, and in particular the cor- Though the Institution of a Christian Man is a book poreal presence of Christ in the eucharist." now disused, the same sentiments, connected with the In the sacrament of Orders, the book maintains no idea of the jure divino of kings, still run through the, real distinction between bishops and priests; it says homilies, the articles, the canons, and the rubric of that "St. Paul consecrated and ordered bishops by the Church of England, and have been again and imposition of hands; but that there is no certain rule again sanctioned by the resolutions and orders of our prescribed in Scripture for the nomination, election, convocations. Bishop Blake, on his deathbed, solor presentation of them; this is left to the positive emnly professed "that the religion of the Church of laws of every country. That the office of the said England had taught him the doctrine of nonresistministers is to preach the word, to minister the sac- ance and passive obedience, and that he took it to raments, to bind and loose, to excommunicate those be the distinguishing character of that church." — that will not be reformed, and to pray for the univer- High-Church Politics, p. 75, 89, and the note in the sal Church; but that they may not execute their of- last page.-ED. fice without license from the civil magistrate. The It is not easy to say what sincere or complete allisacraments do not receive efficacy or strength from ance there can be between the Church and State, the ministration of the priest or bishop, but from God; when the dogmas of the former are in such glaring the said ministers being only officers, to administer repugnance to the constitution of the latter; when with theirhands those corporeal things by which God the former educates slaves, the latter freemen; when gives grace, agreeably to St. Ambrose, who writes the former sanctions the tyranny of kings, the latter thus:' The priest lays his hands upon us, but it is is founded in the rights of the people. In this reGod that gives grace; the priest lays on us his be- spect, surely, the Church needs a reform.-ED. seeching hands, but God blesseth us with his mighty * Dr. Warner observes, on this performance, that hand."' there were so many absurdities of the old religion Concerning the order of Deacons, the book says, still retained, so much metaphysical jargon about the VOL. I.-F 42 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. built pretty much upon the plan of St. Austin, Henry VIII., cap. i., which leads the people with relation to the doctrines of justification and back into the darkest parts of popery. It says grace. The sacraments and ceremonies are so " that recourse must be had to the Catholic and contrived as to be consistent with the six arti- apostolic Church for the decision of controvercles established by Parliament. But with re- sies; and therefore all books of the Old and gard to discipline, Cranmer and his brethren New Testament in English, being of Tyndal's were for being directed wholly by the civil false translation, or comprising any matter of magistrate, which has since been distinguish- Christian religion, articles of faith, or Holy ed by the name of Erastianism. Accordingly, Scripture, contrary to the doctrine set forth by they took out commissions to hold their bishop- the king [in the six articles], 1540, or to be set rics during the king's pleasure, and to exercise forth by the king, shall be abolished. No pertheirjurisdiction by his authority only. son shall sing or rhyme contrary to the said But notwithstanding this reformation of doc- doctrine. No person shall retain any English trinej the old popish forms of worship were books or writings against the holy and blessed continued till this year [1544], when a faint at- sacrament of the altar, or other books abolished tempt was made to reform them. A form of by the king's proclamation. There shall be no procession was published in English, by the annotations or preambles in Bibles or New Tesking's authority, entitled An Exhortation to taments in English. The Bible shall not be read Prayer, thought meet by His Majesty and his in English in any church. No woman, or artifClergy to be read to the People; also a Litany, icers, apprentices, journeymen, serving-men, with Suffrages to be said or sung in the Time husbandmen, or labourers, shall read the New of the Processions. In the litany they invocate Testament in English. Nothing shall be taught the blessed Virgin, the angels, archangels, and or maintained contrary to the king's instrucall holy orders of blessed spirits; all holy patri- tions. If any spiritual person shall be convicted archs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, of preaching or maintaining anything contrary virgins, and all the blessed company of heaven, to the king's instructions already made, or hereto pray for them. The rest of the litany is in a after to be made, he shall for the first offence manner the very same as now in use, only a recant, for the second bear a fagot, and for the few more collects were placed at the end, with third be burned. some psalms, and a paraphrase on the Lord's Here is popery and spiritual slavery in its full Prayer. The preface is an exhortation to the extent. Indeed, the pope is discharged of his duty of prayer, and says that it is convenient, jurisdiction and authority, but a like authority and very acceptable to God, to use private pray- is vested in the king. His majesty's instrucer in our mother-tongue, that, by understanding tions are as binding as the pope's canons, and what we ask,* we may more earnestly and fer- upon as severe penalties. He is absolute lord vently desire the same. The hand of Cranmer of the consciences of his subjects. No bishop was, no doubt, in this performance, but it was or spiritual person may preach any doctrine but little regarded, though a mandate was sent to what he approves, nor do any act of governBonner, bishop of London, to publish it.t ment in the Church but by his special commisBut Cranmer's power was now very much sion: This seems to have been given his maj.weakened; he strove against the stream, and esty by the act of supremacy, and is farther could accomplish nothing farther, except a small confirmed by one of the last statutes of his reign mitigation of the rigorous prosecution of the six [37 Henry VIII., cap. xvii], which declares that articles; for by the thirty-fifth of Henry VIII., "archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, and other cap. v., it is enacted "that persons shall not ecclesiastical persons, have no manner ofjurisbe convicted upon this statute but by the oaths diction ecclesiastical, but by, under, and from of twelve men; that the prosecution shall be his royal majesty; and that his majesty is the within a year; and that, if any one preaches only supreme head of the Church of England against the six articles, he shall be informed and Ireland; to whom, by Holy Scripture, all against within forty days." This rendered the authority and power is wholly given to hear and prosecution more difficult; and yet, after all, determine all manner of causes ecclesiastical, several were burned at this time for denying and to correct all manner of heresies, errors, the doctrine of transubstantiation, as Mrs. Anne vices, and sins whatsoever, and to all such Askew, Mr. Belenian, Adams, Lascels, and oth- persons as his majesty shall appoint thereers. The books of Tyndal, Frith, Joy, Barnes, unto." and other Protestants, were ordered to be burn- This was carrying the regal power to the uted; and the importation of all foreign books re- most length. Here is no reserve of privilege lating to religion was forbid, without special li- for convocations, councils, or colleges of bishcense from the king. ops; the king may ask their advice, or call them Upon the whole, the Reformation went very in to his aid and assistance, but his majesty has much backward the three or four last years of not only a negative voice upon their proceedthe king's life, as appears by the statute of 35 ings, but may himself, by his letters patent, publish injunctions in matters of religion, for cormerit of good works, about the essential parts and recting all errors in doctrine and worship. His consequences of faith, about free-will and grace, that proclamations have the force of a law, and all this book, instead of promoting the Reformation, visi- his subjects are obliged to.believe, obey, and bly put it back.-Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 205. profess according to them, under the highest This work was reprinted by Bishop Lloyd, in 1825, penalties.* under the title of Formularies of Faith put forth by au- _ ~ _. thority in the reign of Henry VIII.-C. * "When the religion of a people is made. to depend * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. i., p. 331, and the Rec- on the pleasure of their rulers, it is necessarily subords, b. iii., No. 28. jected to a thousand infusions foreign from its nature. + Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 164. The kingly or magisterial office is essentially politi HISTORY OF THE PURITANS, 4. Thus mt.tters stood when this great and ab- CHAPTER II. solute monarch died of an ulcer in his leg, being so corpulent that he was forced to be let up and down stairs with an engine. The humour THE sole right and authority of reforming the in his-leg made him so peevish, that scarce'any- Church of England were now vested in the body durst speak to him of the affairs of his crown; and, by the Act of Succession, in the kinsgdom or of another life. He signed his will king's council, if he were under age. This was December 30, 1546, and died January 28ti fol- preferable to a foreign jurisdiction; but it can lowing, in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, hardly be proved that either the king or his and the fifty-sixth of his age. He ought to be council have a right to judge for the whole naranked (says Bishop Burnet) among the ill prin- tion, and impose upon the people what religion ces but not among the worst. they think best, without their consent. The reformation of the Church of England was becal. Its power may be wielded by an irreligious, im- gun and carried on by the king, assisted by moral, or profane man; a despiser of Christianity, or Archbishop Cranmer and a few select divines. a blasphemer of God. What, therefore, can be more The clergy in convocation did not move in it monstrous than to attach to such an office a control- but as they were directed and overawed by ling power over the faith and worship of the Church; their superiors; nor did they consent till they to constitute its occupant the supreme head of that were modelled to the designs of the court. body, which is represented as a congregation of faith- Our learned historian, Bishop Burnet,* enful men? The Christian faith addresses men individually, soliciting an examination of its.character, and deavours to justify this conduct, by putting the demanding an intelligent and hearty obedience. But following question, " What must be done when where the pleasure of a king is permitted to regulate the major, part of a church is, according to the the faith of a nation, authority is substituted for rea- conscience of the supreme civil magistrate, in son, and the promptings of fear supplant the percep- an error, and the lesser part is in the right 1" tions of evidence, and the confiding attachment of an In answer to this question, his lordship obenlightened piety. This it the radical defect of the English Reformation. The people were prohibited serves, that "there is no promise in Scripture from proceeding farther than the king authorized. that the majority of pastors shall be in the They were to believe as he taught, and to worship as right; on the contrary, it is certain that truth, he enjoined. Suspending their own reason, extin- separate from interest, has few votaries. Now, guishing the light divine within them, they were to as it is not reasonable that the smaller part follow their monarch, licentious and bloodthirsty as should depart from their sentiments because he was, in all matters pertaining to the moral gov- opposed by the majority, whose interests led ernmnent and eternal welfare of their souls."-Dr. them to oppose the Reformation, therefore they Price's Hist. Nonconformity, vol. i., p. 63, 64.-C. * "The policy of the king continued to vacillate to might take sanctuary in the authority of the the close of his life, which happened on the 28th of prince and the law." But is there any promJanuary, 1547. Of his character little need be said. ise in Scripture that the king or prince shall In early life, his personal qualities were brilliant and be always in the right? or is it reasonable imposing, and the contrast he furnished to his pru- that the majority should depart from their sendent and parsimonious father attached an unwonted timents in religion because the prince, with degree of popularity to the commencement of his the minority, are of another mind. If we reign. But his temper grew capricious, and his dis- ask what authority Christian princes have to position cruel, as he advanced in years. Casting position cruel, as he advanced in years. Casting bind the consciences of their subjects, by penal aside the tenderness of his youth, he became ferocious and bloodthirsty, the indiscriminate persecu- laws, to worship God after their manner, his tor of all parties, according as his humour or policy lordship answers, This was practised in the might suggest. His claim to our attention is found- Jewish state. But it ought to be remembered ed on the religious revolution he effected. The part that the Jewish state was a theocracy; that he acted in this great change invested him with a God himself was their king, and their chief false glory, which has misled the judgment and per- magistrates only his vicegerents or deputies; verted the sympathies of his countrymen. His inti mate connexion with the first movements of ecclesi- that the laws of Moses were the laws of God; astical reform has obtained him credit for religious and the penalties annexed to them as much of principles of which he was wholly destitute. The Divine appointment as the laws themselves. It adulatory style in which he was addressed by the is therefore absurd to make the special comcontending religionists of his day has been mistaken mission of the Jewish magistrates a model for for the sober expressions of truth; and his name, in the rights-of Christian princes. But his lordconsequence, has passed current as a reformer of re- ship adds, "It is the first law in Justinian'( ligion, a purifier of the temple of God. A veil has code, made by the Emperor Theodosius, that thus been cast over the enormities of his life, which all should everywhere, under severe pain, follow has preserved him from the execration to which he is so justly obnoxious. The motives by which he that faith that was received by Damasius, bishwas actuated, in his separation from the papacy, were op of Rome, and Peter of Alexandria. And anythingbut religious. The divorce whichhe caused why might not the king and laws of England Cranmer to pronounce in 1533, as it was designed to give the like authority to the Archbishops of make way for his own gratification, so it precipitated Canterbury and York." I answer, Because him into a course of measures, from the spiritual Theodosius's law was an unreasonable usurbearings of which his heart was utterly estranged. pation upon the right of conscience. If the Apos. He sought only the satisfaction of his own evil passions. The man who could profane with blood the te Paul, who was an inspired person, had not sanctuary of domestic joys; who could win, with dominion over the faith of the churches, how flattering speech, the confiding attachment of the came the Roman emperor, or other Christian female heart, and then consign the beautiful form, in whose best affections he was enshrined, to the block; of the image of humanity, as to be infinitely removed who could raise talent from obscurity, avail himself from the spirit and temper of Christ."-Doct. Price. of its services, and then with brutal indifference, re- Hist. Nonconformity, vol. i., p. 60, 61.-C. ward them with a public execution, retained so little * Hist. Ref., vol. ii., in preface. 44 HIISTORY OF THE PURI-TANS. princes, by such a jurisdiction, which has no the Reformers had the ascendant, the young foundation in the law of nature or in the New king having been educated in their principles Testament " by his tutor, Dr. Cox, and the new protector, His lordship goes on, " It is not to be ima- his uncle, being on the same side. The majorgined how any changes in religion can be made ity of the bishops and inferior clergy were on by sovereign princes, unless an authority be the side of popery, but the government was in lodged with them of giving the sanction of a law the hands of the Reformers, who began immeto the sounder, though the lesser part, of a diately to relax the rigours of the late reign.* church; for as princes and lawgivers are not The persecution upon the six articles was stoptied to an implicit obedience to clergymen, but ped; the prison doors were set open; and sevare left to the freedom of their own discerning, eral who had been forced to quit the kingdom so they must have a power to choose what side for their religion, returned home, as, Miles to be of, where things are much inquired into." Coverdale, afterward Bishop of Exeter; John And why have not the clergy and the common Hooper, afterward Bishop of Gloucester; John people the same power. why must they be Rogers, theprotomartyr; and many others, who tied to an implicit faith in their princes and law- were preferred to considerable benefices in the givers. Is there any promise in the Word of Church. The reforming divines, being deliverGod that princes and lawgivers shall be infalli- ed from their too awful subjection to the late ble, and always judge right which is-the sound- king, began to open against the abuses of poer, though the lesser part of a church? "If," as pery. Dr. Ridley and others preached vehementhis lordship adds, " the major part of synods can- ly against images in churches, and inflamed the not be supposed to be in matters of faith so as- people, so that in many places they outrun the sisted from Heaven that the lesser part must law, and pulled them down without authority. necessarily acquiesce in their decrees, or that Some preached against the lawfulness of soulthe civil powers must always make laws accord- masses and obits; though the late king, by his ing to their votes, especially when interest does last will and testament; had left a large sum of visibly turn the scale," how can the prince or money to have them continued at Windsor, civil magistrate depend upon such assistance? where he was buried, and for a frequent distriCan we be sure that interest or prejudice will bution of alms for the repose of his soul, and its never turn the scale with him; or that he has deliverance out of purgatory; but this charity a better acquaintance with the truths of the was soon after converted to other uses. The Gospel than his clergy or people 1 It is highly popish clergy were alarmed at these things, and reasonable that the prince should choose for insisted strongly that till the king, their suhimself what side he will be of, when things are preme head, was of age, religion should continue much inquired into; but then let the clergy and in the state in which King Henry left it. But people have the same liberty, and neither the the Reformers averred that the king's authority major nor minor part impose upon the other, was the same while he was a minor as when as long as they entertain no principles incon- he was of age; and that they had heard the sistent with the safety of the government. late king declare his resolution to turn the mass " When the Christian belief had not the support into a communion if he had lived a little longer, of law, every bishop taught his own flock the upon which they thought it their duty to probest he could, and gave his neighbours such an ceed. account of his faith, at or soon after his conse- After the solemnity of the king's coronation, cration, as satisfied them; and so," says his the regents appointed a royal visitation, and lordship, "they maintained the unity of the commanded the clergy to preach nowhere but Church." And why might it not be so still? in their parish churches without license, till Is not this better, upon all accounts, than to the visitation was over. The kingdom was diforce people to profess what they cannot believe, vided into six circuits, two gentlemen, a civilor to propagate religion with the sword, as was ian, a divine, and a register, being appointed for too much the case with our Reformers? If the each. The divines were by their preaching to penal laws had been taken away, and the points instruct the people in the doctrines of the Refin controversy between Protestants and papists ormation, and to bring them off from their old had been left to a free and open debate, while superstitions. The visitation began in the month the civil magistrate had stood by and only kept of August; six of the gravest divines and most the peace, the Reformation would certainly have popular preachers attended it: their names were taken place in due time, and proceeded in a Dr. Ridley, Dr. Madew, Mr. Briggs, Cottisford, much more unexceptionable manner than it did. Joseph, and Farrar. A book of homilies,t or To return to the history. King Edward VI. sermons, upon the chief points of the Christian came to the crown at the age of nine years and faith,: drawn up chiefly by Archbishop Cranmer, four months; a prince for learning and piety, for acquaintance with the world, and applica- * The heads of the two parties were these: For the Reformation-King Edward, duke of Somerset, tion to business, the very wonder of his age. protector; Dr. Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury; His father, by his last will and testament, named Dr. Holgate, archbishop of York; Sir W. Paget, secsixteen persons executors of his will, and re- retary of state; Lord-viscount Lisle, lord-admiral; gents of the kingdom, till his son should be Dr. Holbeach, bishop of Lincoln; Dr. Goodrick, bisheighteen years of age: out of these, the Earl of op of Ely; Dr. Latimer, bishop of Worcester; Dr. Hertford, the king's uncle, was chosen protector Ridley, elect of Rochester. For the old religionof the king's realms, and governor ekf his per- Princess Mary; Wriothesley, earl of Southampton, son. Besides these, twelve were added as a lord-chancellor; Dr. Tonstal, bishop of Durham; Dr. Gardiner, bishop of Winchester; Dr. Bonner, bishop privy council, to' assisting to them. Among of London. the regents, some were for the old religion, and t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 27. others for the new; but it soon appeared that $ The book consisted of twelve discourses, on the HISTORY OF' THE PURITANS. 45 was printed, and ordered to be left with every cuse. They were o give orders to none but parish priest, to supply the defect of preaching, such as were able to preach, and to recall their which few of the clergy at that time were capa- licenses from others. The injunctions were to ble of performing. Cranmer communicated it be observed under the pains of excommunicato Gardiner, and would fain have gained his ap- tion, sequestration, or deprivation. probation of it; but he was so inflamed at being In bidding of their prayers, they were to releft out of the king's will, that he constantly op- member the king, their supreme head, the posed all innovation till the king should be of queen-dowager, the king's two sisters, the lordage. protector, and the council; the nobility, the With these homilies the visiters were to de- clergy, and the commons, of this realm. The liver sundry injunctions from the king, to the custom of bidding prayer, which is still in use number of thirty-six.* in the Church, is a relic of popery. Bishop BurThe bishops were enjoined to see the articles net* has preserved the form, as it was in use beput in execution, and to preach themselves four fore the Reformation, which was this: After the times a year, unless they had a reasonable ex- preacher had named and opened his text, he called on the people to go to their prayers, tellfollowing arguments: 1. Concerning the use of the ing them what they were to pray for. "Ye Scriptures. 2. Of the misery of mankind by sin. 3. shall pray," says he, " for the king, for the pope, Of their salvation by Christ. 4. Of a true and lively forthe HolyCatholic Church," &c. After which faith. 5. Of good works. 6. Of Christian love and tholic Church," &c. After which charity. 7. Against swearing and perjury. 8. Against all the people said their beads in a general siapostacy. 9. Against the fear of death. 10. An ex- lence, and the minister kneeled down likewise hortation to obedience. 11. Against whoredom and and said his: they were to say a Paternoster, adultery. 12. Against strife and contention about Ave Maria, Deus misereatur nostri, Domine matters of religion. These titles of the homilies are salvum fac regem, Gloria Patri, &c., and then taken verbatim from Bishop Burnet.-Neal's Review. the sermon proceeded. How sadly this bidding * The chief were, of prayer has been abused of late by some di1. "That all ecclesiastical persons observe the of prayer has been abused of late by some dilaws relThating all ecclesiastical persons observe the vines, to the entire omission of the duty itself, laws relating to the king's supremacy. is too well known to need a remark! 2. "That they preach once a quarter against pilgrimages and praying to images, and exhort to works Most of the bishops complied with the inof faith and charity. junctions, except Bonner of London, and Gar3. " That images abused with pilgrimages and of- diner of Winchester. Bonner offered a reserve, ferings be taken down; that no wax candles or ta- but that not being accepted, he made an absopers be burned before them; but only two lights upon lute submission; nevertheless, he was sent for the high altar before the sacrament shall remain still, some time to the Fleet for contempt. Gardiner to signify that Christ is the light of the world." The limitation in this article giving occasion to having protested against the injunctions and great heats among the people, some affirming their homilies as contrary to the law of God, was images had been so abused, and others not, the coun- sent also to the Fleet, where he continued till cil sent orders to see them all taken down. after the Parliament was over, and was then 4. " That when there is no sermon, the Paternos- released by a general act of grace. ter, the Creed, and Ten Commandments, shall be re- The Parliament that met November the 9th cited out of the pulpit to the parishioners. made several alterations in favour of the Refor5. "That within three months every church be provided with a Bible; and, within twelve months, thing treason but what was specified in the act with Erasmus's Paraphrase on the New Testament. thing treason but what was specified in the act 9. "That they examine such who come to confes- of 25 Edward III., and two of the statutes sion, whether they can recite the Paternoster, Creed,'against Lollardies. They repealed the statute and Ten Commandments in English, before they re- of the six articles, with the acts that followed ceive the sacrament of the altar, else they ought not in explanation of it; all laws in the late reign to come to God's board. declaring anything felony that was not so de21. "That in time of high mass the Epistle and ared before; together with the act that made Gospel shall be read in English; and that one chap- the king's proclamation of equal authority with ter in the New Testament be read at matins, and one in the Old at even-song. an act of Parliament. Besides the repeal of 23. " No processions shall be used. about churches these laws, sundry new ones were enacted,t as or churchyards; but immediately before high mass " that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper should the litany shll be said or sung in English; and all be administered in both kinds," agreeably to ringing of bells (save one) utterly forborne. Christ's first institution, and the practice of the 24. "That the holydays, at the first beginning god-Church for five hudred years: and that all ly instituted and ordained, be wholly given to God, in hearing the Word of God read and taught; in private private masses should be put down: an act and public prayers, in acknowledging their offences concerning the admission of bishops into their to God, and promising amendment; in reconciling sees; which sets forth that the manner of themselves to their neighbours, receiving the com- choosing bishops by a congi d'elire, being but munion, visiting the sick, &c. Only it shall be law- the shadow of an election all bishops, hereful in time of harvest to labour upon holy and festival after, shall be appointed by the king's letters days, in order to save that thing which God hath patent only, and shall continue the exercise sent; and that scrupulosity to abstain from working of their jurisdiction ding their atural life, on those days does grievously offend God. of their jurisdiction during their natural life, on those days does grievously offend God. 28. "That they take away allshrines, coverings of if they behave well. One of the first pashrines, tables, candlesticks, trindills, or rolls of wax, tents with this clause is that of Dr. Barlow, pictures, paintings, and other monuments of feigned bishop of Bath and Wells,$ bearing date Febmiracles, so that no memory of them remain in walls ruary 3, in the second year of the king's reign; or windows; exhorting the people to do the like in their several houses." * Hist. Ref., vol. ii, p. 30, and Collection of RecThe rest of the articles related to the advancement ords, b. i., No. 8.' of learning, to the encouragement of preaching, and t 1 Edw, VI., cap. i. J 1 Edw. VI., capii., correcting some very gross abuses. ~ Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 218. 46 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. but all the rest of the bishops afterward took processions, wakes, carrying of candles on Canout letters for their bishoprics with the same dlemas Day, and palms on Palm Sundays, &c., clause. In this the archbishop had a princi- while others looked upon them as heathenish pal hand, for it was his judgment that the ex- rites, absolutely inconsistent with the simpliciercise of all episcopal jurisdiction depended ty of the Gospel. This was so effectually repupon the prince; and that, as he gave it, he resented to the council by Cranmner, that a procmight restrain or take it away at his pleas- lamation was published, February 6, 1548, forure.* Cranmer thought the exercise of his bidding the continuance of them. And for putown episcopal authority ended with the late ting an end to all contests about images that kilg's life, and, therefore, would- not act as had been abused to superstition, an order was archbishop till he had a new commission from published February 11th, that all images whatKing Edward.t soever should be taken out of churches; and In the same statute it is declared "that, the bishops were commanded to execute it in since all jurisdiction, both spiritual and tempo- their several diocesses.* Thus the churches ral, was derived from the king, therefore, all were emptied of all those pictures and statues processes in the spiritual court should from which had for divers ages been the objects of henceforward be carried on in the king's name, the people's adoration. and be sealed with the king's sea], as in the The clergy were no less divided than the laiother courts of common law, except the Arch- ty, the pulpits clashing one against the another, bishop of Canterbury's courts, only in all facul- and tending to stir up sedition and rebellion: ties and dispensations; but all collations, pre- the king, therefore, after the example of his sentations, or letters of orders, were to pass un- father, and by advice of his council, issued out der the bishops' proper seals as formerly." By a proclamation, September 3d, in the second this law, causes concerning wills and marriages year of his reign, to prohibit all preaching were to be tried in the king's name; but this throughout all his dominions. The words are was repealed in the next reign. these: " The king's highness, minding shortly Lastly: The Parliament gave the king all the to have one uniform order throughout this realm, lands for maintenance of chantries not pos- and to put an end to all controversies in relisessed by his father; all legacies given for gion, so far as God shall give grace, doth at this obits, anniversaries, lamps in churches; to- present, and till such time as the said order gether with all guild lands, which any ffater- shall be set forth, inhibit all manner of persons nity enjoyed on the same account:t the mon- whatsoever to preach in open audience, in the ey was to be converted to the maintenance pulpit or otherwise; to the intent that the of grammar-schools, but the hungry courtiers whole clergy, in the mean space, may apply shared it among themselves. After this the themselves in prayer to Almighty God for the houses were prorogued from the 24th of Decem- better achieving the same most godly intent and ber to the 20th of'April following. purpose." The convocation that sat with the Parliament At the same time a committee of divines was did little; the majority being on the side of po- appointed to examine and reform the offices of pery, the archbishop was afraid of venturing the Church:t these were the Archbishops of anything of importance with them; nor are Canterbury and York; the Bishops of London, any of their proceedings upon record; but Mr. Durham, Worcester, Norwich, St. Asaph, SalStrype has collected, from the notes of a pri- isbury, Coventry and Lichfield, Carlisle, Brisvate member, that the lower house agreed to tol, St. David's, Ely, Lincoln, Chichester, Herethe communion in both kinds; and that, upon a ford, Westminster, and Rochester; with the division about the lawfulness of priests' mar- Doctors Cox, May, Taylor, Heins, Robertson, riages, fifty-three were for the affirmative, and and Redmayn. They began with the sacratwenty.two for the negative.d ment of the eucharist, in which they made but The Reformation in Germany lying under little alteration, leaving the office of the mass great discouragements by the victorious arms as it stood, only adding to it so much as chanof Charles V., who had this year taken the Duke ged it into a communion of both kinds. Auricuof Saxony prisoner, and dispossessed him of his lar confession was left indifferent. The priest, electorate, several of the foreign Reformers, who having received the sacrament himself, was to had taken sanctuary in those parts, were forced turn to the people and read the exhortation: to seek it elsewhere: Among these, Peter Mar- then followed a denunciation, requiring such as tyr, a Florentine, was invited by the archbish- had not repented to withdraw, leErt the devil op, in the king's name, into England, and had should enter into them as he did into Judas. the divinity-chair given him at Oxford; Bucer After a little pause, to see if any would withhad the same at Cambridge; Ochinus and Fa- draw, followed a confession of sins and absolugius, two other learned foreigners, had either tion, the same as now in use; after which the pensions or canonries, with a dispensation of sacrament was administered in both kinds, withresidence, and did good service in the universi- out elevation. This office was published, with ties; but Fagius soon after died. a proclamation declaring his majesty's intenThe common people were very much divided tions to proceed to a farther reformation, and in their opinions about religion, some being willing his subjects not to run before his dizealous for preserving the popish rites, and oth- rection, assuring them of his earnest zeal in ers no less averse to them. The country peo- this affair, and hoping they would quietly tarry ple were very tenacious of their old shows, as for it. In reforming the other offices, they examined ~ Strype's Mem.: of Crannler, p. 141. App., p. 53. t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 42. T Edw. VI., cap. 42. * Brnlet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 61, 64. 64 trype's Life of Cran., p. 156. t Id. ib. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 47 and eompared the Romish missals of Sarum, Bishop Burnet*) had their peculiar rites, with York, Hereford, Bangor, and Lincoln; and out the saints' days that belonged to their order, and of them composed the morning and evening services for them; but our Reformers thought service, almost in the same form as it stands at proper to insist upon an exact uniformity of present; only there was no confession nor ab- habits and ceremonies for all the clergy; though solution. It would have obviated many objec- they knew many of them were exceptionable, tions if the committee had thrown aside the having been abused to idolatry, and were a yoke mass-book, and composed a uniform service in which some of the most resolved Protestants the language of Scripture, without any regard could npt bear. Nay, so great a stress was laid to the Church of Rome; but this they were not upon the square cap and surplice, that, rather aware of, or the times would not bear it. From than dispense with the use of them to some tenthe same materials, they compiled a litany, con- der minds, the bishops were content to part with sisting of many short petitions, interrupted by their best friends, and hazard the Reformation suffrages; it is the same with that which is into the hands of the papists. If there must be now used, except the petition to be delivered habits and ceremonies for decency and order, from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome, and why did they not appoint new ones rather than all his detestable enormities; which, in the re- retain the old, which had been idolized by the view of the liturgy in Queen Elizabeth's time, papists to such a degree as to be thought to was struck out. have a magical virtue, or a sacramental effica. In the administration of baptism, a cross was cy. Or, if they meant this, why did they not to be made on the child's forehead and breast, speak out, and go on with the consecration of and the devil was exorcised to go out, and en- them? ter no more into him. The child was to be The council had it some time under considdipped three times in the font, on the right and eration whether those vestments in which the left side, and on the breast, if not weak. A priests used to officiate should be continued. It white vestment was to be put upon it, in token was objected against them, by those who had of innocence; and it was to be anointed on been confessors for the Protestant religion, and the head, with a short prayer for the unction others, that "the habits were a part of the train of the Holy Ghost. of the mass; that the people had such a superIn order to confirmation, those that came stitious opinion of them as to think they gave were to be catechised; then the bishop was to an efficacy to their prayers, and that Divine sersign them with the cross, and lay his hands vice said without this apparel was insignificant: upon them, in the name of the Father, Son, and whereas, at best, they were but inventions of Holy Ghost. popery, and ought to be destroyed with that idolIf sick persons desired to be anointed, the atrous religion."t But it was said, on the other priest might do it upon the forehead and breast, hand, by those divines that had stayed in Engonly making the sign of the cross, with a short land, and weathered the storm of King Henry's prayer for his recovery. tyranny by a politic compliance, and concealIn the office of burial, the soul of the depart- ment of their opinions, that " Church habits and ed person is recommended to the mercy of God; ceremonies were indifferent, and might be apand the minister is to pray that the sins which pointed by the magistrates; that white was the he committed in this world may be forgiven colour of the priests' garments in the Mosaical him, and that he may be admitted into heaven, dispensation; and that it was a natural expresand his body raised at the last day. sion of the'purity and decency that became This was the first service-book or liturgy of priests. That they ought to depart no firther King Edward VI. We have no certain account from the Church of Rome than she had departof the use of any liturgies in the first ages of the ed from the practice of the primitive Church.," Church, those of St. Mark, St. James, and that Besides, " clergy were then so poor that they of Alexandria, being manifestly spurious. It is could scarce afford to buy themselves decent not till the latter end of the fourth century that clothes." But did the priests buy their own they are first mentioned; and then it was left to garments 1 could not the parish provide a gown, the care of every bishop to draw up a form of or some other decent apparel, for the priest to prayer for his own church. In St. Austin's minister in sacred things, as well as a square time they began to consult about an agreement cap, a surplice, a cope, or a tippet were these of prayers, that none should be used without the habits of the primitive clergy before the rise common advice; but still there was no uniform- of papacy'I But upon these slender reasons the ity. Nay, in the darkest-times of popery, there garments were continued, which soon after diwas a vast variety of forms in different sees; vided the Reformers among themselves, and witness the offices secundum usum Sarum, Ban- gave rise to the two parties of Conformists and gor, York, &c. But our Reformers split upon Nonconformists; Archbishop Cranmer and Ridthis rock, sacrificing the peace of the Church to ley being at the head of the former, and Bishop a mistaken necessity of an exact uniformity of Hooper, Rogers, with the foreign divines, being doctrine and worship,.in which it was impossi- patrons of the latter. ble for all men to agree. Had they drawn up The Parliament, after several prorogations, divers forms, or left a discretionary latitude for met the 24th of November, 1548; and, on the tender consciences, as to some particular phra- 15th of January following, the act confirming ses, all men would have been easy, and the the new liturgy passed both houses, the Bish Church more firmly united than ever. ops of London, Durham, Norwich. Carlisle The like is to be observed as to rites and cere- Hereford, Worcester, Wvestminster,:an( Chi monies of an indifferent nature. Nothing is chester protecting. The preamble:sts earth more certain than that the Church of Rome in- * Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 72. dulged a variety. Every religious order (says t Fuller's Church History, b. vii., I *0 48 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. *"that the Archbishop of Canterbury, with other ing on in their old way, of wakes, processions, learned bishops and divines, having, by the aid church ales, holydays, censing of images, and of the Holy Ghost, with one uniform agree- other theatrical rites, which strike the -minds or ment, concluded upon an order of Divine wor- the vulgar: these, being encouraged by the old ship agreeably to Scripture and the primitive monks and friars, rose up in arms in several Church, the Parliament having considered the counties, but were soon dispersed. The most book, gave the king their most humble thanks, formidable insurrections were those of Devonand enacted, that from the feast of Whitsun- shire and Norfolk. In Devonshire they were day, 1549, all divia e offices should be perform.- ten thousand strong, and sent the following ared according to it; and that such of the clergy tides or demands to the king: as refused to do it, or officiated in any other 1. "That the six articles should be restored. manner, should, upon the first conviction, suf- 2 "That mass should be said in Latin. fer six months' imprisonment, and forfeit a 3. "That the host should be elevated and year's profits of his benefice; for the second of- adored. fence, forfeit all his Church preferments, and 4. " That the sacrament should be given but suffer a year's imprisonment; and for:the third in one kind. offence, imprisonment for life. Such as writ or 5. " That images should be set up in churches. printed against the book were to be fined ~10 6. "That the souls in purgatory should be for the first offence, ~20 for the second, and to prayed for. forfeit all their goods, andbe imprisoned for life 7. " That the Bible should be called in, and for the third." It ought to be observed, that prohibited. this service-book was not laid before the convo- 8. " That the new service-book should be laid cation, nor any representative body of the clergy; aside, and the old religion restored." and whereas it is said to be done by one univer- An answer was sent from court to these desal agreement, it is certain that four of the bish- mands; but nothing prevailed on the enraged ops employed in drawing it up protested against multitude, whom the priests inflamed with all it, viz., the Bishops of Norwich, Hereford, Chi- the artifice they could devise, carrying the host chester, and Westminster. But if the liturgy about the camp in a cart, that all might see and had been more perfect than it was, the penal- adore it. They besieged the city of Exeter, and ties by which it was imposed were severe and reduced it to the last extremity; but the inhabunchristian, contrary to Scripture and primitive itants defended it with uncommon bravery, till antiquity.* they were relieved by the Lord Russell, who As soon as the act took place, the council ap- with a very small force entered the town and pointed visiters to see that the new liturgy was dispersed the rebels. The insurrection in Norreceived all over England. Bonner, who re- folk was headed by one Ket, a tanner, who assolved to comply in everything, sent to the dean sumed to himself the power of judicature under and residentiary of St. Paul's to use it; and all an old oak, called from thence the Oak of Refthe clergy were so pliable, that the visiters re- ormation. He did not pretend much of religion, turned no complaints; only that the Lady Mary but to place new counsellors about the king, in continued to have mass said in her house, which, order to suppress the greatness of the gentry, upon the intercession of the emperor, was in- and advance the privileges of the commons. dulged her for a time.t Gardiner, bishop of The rebels were twenty thousand strong; but Winchester, continued still a prisoner in the the Earl of Warwick, with six thousand foot Tower, without'being brought to a trial, for refu- and fifteen hundred horse, quickly dispersed sing to submit to the council's supremacy while them. Several of the leaders of both rebellions the king was under age, and for some other were executed, and Ket was hanged in chains. complaints against him. His imprisonment was The hardships the Reformers underwent in certainly illegal: it was unjustifiable to keep a the late reign fiom the six articles, should have man in prison two years upon a bare complaint; made them tender of the lives of those who difand then, without producing any evidence in fered from the present standard. Cranmer himsupport of the charge, to sift him by articles self had been a papist, a Lutheran, and was now and interrogatories: this looked too much like a Sacramentary, and in every change guilty of an inquisition; but the king being in the pope's inexcusable severities; while he was a Lutherroom (says Bishop Burnett), there were some an, he consented to the burning of John Lambert things gathered from the canon law, and from and Anne Askew, for those very doctrines for thb proceedings ex officio, that rather excused which he himself afterward suffered. He bore than justified the hard measures he met with. hard upon the papists, stretching the law to When the council sent Secretary Petre to the keep their most active leaders in prison; and bishop, to know whether he would subscribe to this year he imbrued his hands in the blood of a the use of the service-book, he consented, with poor frantic woman, Joan Bocher, more fit for some exceptions, which, not being admitted, he Bedlam than a stake; which was owing, not to was threatened with deprivation. any cruelty in the archbishop's temper, but by But the new liturgy did not sit well upon the those miserable persecuting principles by which minds of the country people, who were for go- he was governed. 4 * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 93, 95. Among others that fled out of Germany into t The intercession of the Emperor Carolus was England, from the Rustic war, there were some supported by the requisition of the council, and urged that went by the name of Anabaptists [dissem. by the importance of preserving amity with him. But inating their errors, and making proselytes], the king, amiable as his temper appears to have been, who, besides the principle of adult baptism, held with tears opposed the advice of his council, and several wild opinions about the Trinity, the Virfinallydenied the empror's suit.-Fox,as quoted by gin Mary, and the person of Christ.* ComCrosby, b. i., p. 44.-E 52. It is to be wished that Mr. Neal had not charac $ Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 152. * It is to be wished that Mr. Neal had not charac HISTORY OF T.HE PURITANS. 49 plaint being made of them to the council, April Nor did his grace renounce his burning prin12th, a commission was ordered to the Arch- ciples as long as he was in power; for about bishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of Ely, Wor- two years after, he went through the.same eester [Westminster], Chichester, Lincoln, bloody work again. One.George Van Paris, a Rochester [Sir William Petre, SirThomas Smith, Dutchman, being convicted of saying that God Dr. Cox, Dr. May], and some others, any three the Father was only God, and that Christ was being a quorum, to examine and search after all not very God, was dealt with to abjure, but reAnabaptists, heretics, or contemners of the com- fusing, he was condemned in the same manner mon prayer, whom they were to endeavour to with Joan, of Kent, and on the 25th of April, reclaim, and after penance to give them absolu- 1552, was burned in Smithfield; he was a man tion; but if they continued obstinate, they were of a strict and virtuous life, and very devout; to excommunicate, imprison, and deliver them he suffered with great constancy 9f mind, kissto the secular arm. This was little better than ing the stake and fagots that were to burn him. a Protestant inquisition. People had generally No part of Archbishop Cranmer's life exposed thought that all the statutes for burning here- him more than this: it was now said by the tics had been repealed;. but it was rinw said papists that they saw men of harmless lives that heretics were to be burned by the common might be put to death for heresy by the confeslaw of England, and that the statutes were only sion of the Reformers themselves. In all the for directing the manner of conviction; so that books published in Queen Mary's days, justify. the repealing them did not take away that which was grounded upon a writ at common law. Sev- frantic woman, more fit for Bedlam than the stake, eral tradesmen that were brought before the com- and as obstinately maintaining her opinion, has not missioners abjured; but Joan Bocher, or Joan spoken so respectfully of her as her character and of Kent, obstinately maintained that "Christ the truth of the case required. The charge of obstinacy wants propriety and candour; for though an opinwas not truly incarnate of the Virgin, whose in the account of others may be a great and hurtflesh being sinful, he could not partake of it; but ful error, it cannot, without insincerity andi the viola. the Word, by the consent of the inward man in tion of conscience, be renounced by the person who the Virgin, took flesh of her." These were her has embraced it until his judgment is convinced of words: a scholastic nicety not capable of doing its falsehood. Arguments which produce conviction much mischief, and far from deserving so severe in one mind, do not carry the same degree of cleara punishment. The poor woman could not rec- ness and strength to other minds; and men are very oncile the spotless purity of Christ's human incompetent judges of the nature and force of evi~~~~~~~~oncile h solssprtydence necessary to leave on others the impressions nature with his receiving flesh from a sinful they themselvesfeel. The extraordinaryefforts used creature; and for this she is declared an obsti- to bring Joan Bocher to retract her opinion, show her nate heretic, and delivered over to the secular to have been a person of note, whose opinions carried power to be burned. When the compassionate more weight and respect than it can be supposed young king could not prevail with himself to would the chimeras of a frantic woman. The acsign the warrant for her execution, Cranmer count which Mr. Strype gives of her is truly honourwith his superior learning was employed to per- able. She was," he says, "a great disperser of -ihhsuprolanigw epratie o ter Tyndal's New Testament, translated by him into suade him; he argued from the practice of the English, and printed at Colen, and was a great reader Jewish Church in stoning blasphemers, which of Scripture herself. Which book, also, she dispersed rather silenced his highness than satisfied him: in the court, and so became known to certain women for when at last he yielded to the archbishop's of quality, and was more particularly acquainted with importunity, he told him, with tears in his eyes, Mrs. Anne Ascue. She used, for the more secresy, that if he did wrong, since it was fn submission to tie the books with strings under her apparel, and to his authority, he should answer for it to God.* so pass with them into the court."* By this it ap This struck the archbishop with surprise, but pears that she hazarded her life in dangerous times, This struck the archbishop with surprise, but to bring others to the knowledge of God's Word; and yet he suffered the sentence to be executed.t by Mr. Neal's own account, her sentiments, were they ever so erroneous, were taken up out of respect terized, in this style, the sentiments of these persons; to Christ, " for she could not reconcile the spotless but had contented himself, -without insinuating his purity of Christ's human nature with his receiving own judgment of their tenets, with giving his readers flesh from a sinful creature." —E. the words of Bishop Burnet; for calling their opin- When condemned to die, we are informed she said ions wzld notions will have a tendency with many to her judges, " It is a goodly matter to consider your to soften their resentment against the persecuting ignorance. It was not long ago since you burned measures which Mr. Neal justly condemns, and be Anne Ascue for a piece of bread, and yet came yourconsidered as furnishing an apology for them. Bishop selves soon after to believe and profess the same docBurnet says, " Upon Luther's first preaching in Ger- trine for which; you burned her. And now, forsooth, many, there arose many who, building on some of his you will needs burn me for a piece of flesh, and in principles, carried things much farther than he did. the end you will come to believe this also, when you The chief foundation he laid down was, that the have read the Scriptures and understand them." Scripture was to be the only rule of Christians." Where was Granmer's conscience, that this stateUpon this many argued that the mysteries of the ment did not arouse him? I scarcely know a more Trinity, and Christ's incarnation and sufferings, of painful and humiliating fact than the part he took in the fall of man, and the aids of grace, were indeed this criminal affair. It did not arise from cruelty of philosophical subtilties, and only pretended to be de- disposition, for his heart was humane and benevolent, duced from Scripture, as almost all opinions of reli- but from the perverted views he had early imbibed in gion were, and therefore they rejected them. Among an intolerant and unchristian sclaool. How bitter these the baptism of infants was one. They held must the recollection of it have been during his Own that to be no baptism, and so were rebaptized. But imprisonment at Oxford! —$trype's Mem., vol ii., i., from this, which was most taken notice of, as being a 335.-C.. visible thing, they carried all the general name of * Strype's Ecclesiaia Memorials, vol ii. p. 214 as knabaptists.-Burnet's Hist. Ref., voL ii., p. 110, &c. quoted in Lindsey's Apology, fourth edition, p. 43, and, in -ED. * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 112. his ]istorical V~iw of the Unitarian Doctrine of Worship, t Mr. Neal, representing Joan Bocher as a poor, p. 87. VOL. I.-G 0so HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ing hei severities against Protestants, these the title of Reformatio Legum Anglicarum, &Sc., -instances were always produced; and when and it was reprinted 1640. By this book CranCranmer himself was brought to the stake, they mer seems to have softened his burning princicalled it a just retaliation. But neither this, ples; for though, under the third title of judgnor any other arguments, could convince the ments for heresy, he lays a very heavy load upon divines of this age of the absurdity and wicked- the back of an obstinate heretic, as that "' he shall ness of putting men to death for conscience' be declared infamous, incapable of public trust, sake. or of being witness in any court, or of having Bonner, bishop of London, being accused of power to make a will, or of having the benefit remissness in not settling the new service-book of the law," yet there is no mention of capital throughout his diocess, and being suspected of proceedings. disaffection to the government, was enjoined Another remarkable act, passed this session,* to declare publicly, in a sermon at St. Paul's was for ordaining ministers; it appoints "that Cross, his belief of the king's authority while such forms of ordaining ministers as should be under age, and his approbation of the new ser- set forth by the advice of six prelates and six vice-book, with some other articles; which he divinez; to be named by the king, and authorinot performing to the council's satisfaction, zed under the great seal, should be used after was cited before the court of delegates, and af- April next, and no other." Here is no mention ter several hearings, in which he behaved with again of a convocation or synod of divines; nor great arrogance, sentence of deprivation was do the Parliament reserve to themselves a right pronounced against him, September 23d, by the of judgment, but intrust everything absolutely Archbishop of Canterbury, Ridley, Bishop of with the crown. The committee soon finished Rochester, Secretary Smith, and the Dean of their Ordinal, which is almost the same with'St. Paul's. It was thought hard to proceed to that now in use. They take no notice in their such extremities with a man for a mere omis- book of the lower orders in the Church of Rome, sion, for Bonner pleaded that he forgot the ar- as subdeacons, readers, acolytes, &c., but conticle of the king's authority in his sermon; and fine themselves to bishops, priests, and deait was yet harder to add imprisonment to depri- cons; and here it is observable that the form vation: but he.-lived to take a severe revenge of ordaining a priest and a bishop is the same upon his Judges in the next reign. The vacant we yet use, there being no express mention in:see was filled up with Dr. Ridley, who, on the the words of ordination whether it be for the.24th of February, 1549-50, was declared Bishop one or the other office:t this has been altered of London and Westminster, the two bishoprics of late years, since a distinction of the two oribeing united in him; but his consecration was ders has been so generally admitted; but that deferred to the next year. was not the received doctrine of these times.t The Parliament that met the 14th of Novem- The committee struck out most of the modern ber revived the act of the late king, empowering rites of the Church of Rome, and contented his majesty to reform the canon law, by naming themselves, says Bishop Burnet, with those thirty-two persons, viz., sixteen of the spiritual- mentioned in Scripture, viz., imposition of.ity, of whom four to be bishops; and sixteen hands, and prayer. The gloves, the sandals, of the temporality, of whom four to be common the mitre, the ring, and crosier, which had been lawyers, who within three years should compile used in consecrating bishops, were laid aside. a body of ecclesiastical laws, which, not being The anointing, -the giving consecrated vest-,contrary to the statute law, should be published ments, the delivering into the hands vessels for by the king's warrant under the great seal, and consecrating the eucharist, with a power to ofhave the force of laws in the ecclesiastical fer sacrifice for the dead and living, which had courts. This design was formed, and very far been the custom in the ordination of a priest, advanced in King Henry VIII.'s time, but the were also omitted. But when the bishop ortroubles that attended the last part of his reign dained, he was to lay one hand on the priest's *prevented the finishing it. It was now resu- head, and with his other hand to give him a Binmed, and in pursuance of this act a commission ble, with a chalice and bread in it. The chalice was first given to eight persons, viz., two bish- and bread are now omitted, as is the pastoral ops, two divines, two doctors of law, and two staff in the consecration of a bishop. By the common lawyers, who were to prepare materi- rule of this Ordinal, a deacon was not to be or-.als for the review of the thirty-two; but the dained before twenty-one, a priest before twenpreface to the printed book says that Cranmer ty-four, nor a bishop before he was thirty years did almost the whole hlimself.* It was not fin- of age. ished till the month of February, 1552-53, when The council went on with pressing the new another commission was granted to thirty-two liturgy upon the people, who were still inclined persons to revise it, of whom the former eight in many places to the old service; but, to put it were a part, viz., eight bishops, eight divines, out of their power to continue it, it was ordereight' civilians, and eight common lawyers; ed that all clergymen should deliver up, to such they divided themselves into four classes, and persons whom the king should appoint, all their the amendments of each class were communi- old antiphonals, missals, grails, processionals,.cated to the whole. Thus the work was finish- legends, pies, portuasses, &c., and. to see to the ed, being digested into fifty-one titles. It was observing one unifortn order in the Church; translated into Latin by Dr. Hadden and Sir John Cheek; but before it received the royal * 3 and 4 of Edward VI., cap. xii. confirmation the king died; nor was it ever re- t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. li., p. 144. Collyer's vived in the succeeding reigns. Archbishop Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 290. Parker first published it in the year 1571, under j For a full vindication of the above assertions, i________________, see Mr. Neal's Review, p. 860-864 of the first vol* Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 271. ume of the' quarto edition of his history. —ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. -51 which the Parliament confirmed, requiring, far- bishops refused to comply with the couneil's ther, all that had any images in their houses order; as Day, bishop of Chichester, and Heath that had belonged to any church, to deface of Worcester, insisting on the apostle's words them; and to dash out of their primers all pray- to the Hebrews, " We have an altar;" and, rders to the saints. ther than comply, they suffered themselves to 1550. Ridley, being now bishop of London, be deprived of their bishoprics for contumacy, resolved upon a visitation of his diocess. His October, 1551. Preachers were sent into the injunctions were, as usual, to inquire into the countries to rectify the people's prejudices, doctrines and manners of the clergy;* but the which had a very good effect; and if they had council sent him a letter in his majesty's name, taken the same methods with respect to the to see that all altars were taken down, and to habits, and other relics of popery, these would require the church-wardens of every parish to hardly have kept their ground, and the Reformers provide a table decently covered, and to place would have acted a more consistent and pruit in such part of the choir or chancel as should dent part. be most meet, so that the ministers and com- The sad consequences of retaining the popish muanicants should be separated from the rest of garments in the service of the Church began the people. The same injunctions were' given to appear this year: a debate, one would think, to the rest of the bishops, as appears by the col- of small consequence, but at this time apprelection of Bishop Sparrow. Ridley began with hended of great importance to the Refobrmahis own cathedral at St. Paul's, where he or- tion. The people, having been bred up in a sudered the wall on the back side of the altar to perstitious veneration for the priests' garments, be broken down, and a decent table to be placed were taught that they were sacred; that within its room; and this was done in most church- out them no administrations were valid; that es throughout the province of Canterbury. The there was a sort of virtue conveyed into them reasons for this alteration were these: by consecration; and, in a word, that they 1. "' Because our Saviour instituted the sac- were of the same importance to a Christian rament at a table, and not at an altar. clergyman as the priests' garments of old vtere 2. "Because Christ is not to be sacrificed in their ministrations; it was time, therefore, over again, but his body and blood to be spirit- to disabuse them. The debate began upon ocually eaten and drunk at the holy supper; for casion of Dr. Hooper's nomination to the bishwhich a table is more proper than an altar. opric of Gloucester, in the room of Dr. Wake3. " Because the Holy Ghost, speaking of the man, who died in December, 1549. Lord's Supper, calls it the Lord's table, 1 Cor., Dr. Hooper was a zealous, pious, and learned x., 21, but nowhere an altar. man: he went out of England in the latter end 4. " The canons of the Council of Nice, as well of King Henry's reign, and lived at Zurich at a as the fathers St. Chrysostom and St. Augustine, time when all Germany was in a flame on accall it the Lord's table; and though they some- count of the Interim, which was a form of wortimes call it an altar, it is to be understood ship contrived to keep up the exterior face of pofiguratively. pery, with the softenings of some other senses 5. "An altar has relation to a sacrifice; so put upon things. Upon this arose a great and that if we retain the one we must admit the important question among.the Germans conother; which would give great countenance to cerning the use of things indifferent.* It was mass-priests. said, " If things were indifferent in themselves, 6. "There are many passages in ancient they were lawful; and that it was the subject's writers that show that communion-tables were duty to obey when commanded." So the old of wood; that they were made like tables;t popish rites were kept up, on purpose to draw and that those who fled into churches for sanc- the people more easily back to popery. Out of tuary did hide themselves under them. this another question arose, " whether it was 7. "The most learned foreign divines have lawful to obey in things indifferent, when it declared against altars; as Bucer, CEcolampa- was certain they were enjoined with an ill dedius, Zuinglius, Bullinger, Calvin, P. Martyr, sign." To which it was replied, that the deJoannes Alasco, Hedio, Capito, &c., and have signs of legislators were not to be inquired into. removed them out of their several churches: This created a vast distraction in the country: only the Lutheran churches retain them.": some conformed to the Interim; but the major Ridley, Cranmer, Latimer, and the rest of part were firm to their principles, and were the English Reformers, were of opinion that the turned out of their livings for disobedience. retaining altars would serve only to nourish in Those who complied were for the most part people's minds the superstitious opinion of a Lutherans, and carried the name of Adiaphopropitiatory mass, and would minister an occa- frists, from the Greek word that signifies things sion of offence and division among the godly; indifferent. But the rest of the Reformed were and the next age will show they were not mis- for shaking off all the relics of popery, with -the taken in their conjectures. But some of the hazard of all that was dear to them in the world; particularly at Zurich, where Hooper + Among the other articles which he put to the was, they were zealous against any compliance inferior clergy, this was one: " Whether may Ana- with the Interim, or the use of:the old rites pre baptists or others, use private conventicles, with scribed by it. different opinions and forms from those established, With these principles Hooper came over to and with other questions about baptism and marri- England, and applied himself to preaching and ages."-Crosby, vol. i., p. 31 -ED. explaining the Scriptne's to the people; he was.t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 150. Strype's in the pulpit almoos every day in the week, and Am., vol. i., p. 160. t Strype's Ann,, vol. i., p. 162. Hist. Ref., vol. iii.. - p 158 Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 162. + Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 199. 52 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS..his sermons were so popular, that all the church- ter Martyr at Oxford, who gave their opinions es were crowded where lie preached.* His fame against the habits, as inventions of antichrist, soon reached the court, where Dr. Poynet and land wished them removed, as will appear more he were appointed to preach all the Lent ser- fully in the reign of Queen Elizabeth,* but were mons. He was- also sent to preach throughout of opinion, since the bishops were so resolute, the counties of Kent and Essex, in order to that he might acquiesce in the use of them for a reconcile the people to the Reformation. At time, till they were taken away by law; and the length, in the month of July, 1550, he was ap- rather, because the Reformation was in its infanpointed Bishop of Gloucester by letters patent cy, and it would give occasion of triumph to the from the king, but declined it, for two reasons: common enemy to see the Reformers at variance I. Because of the form of the oath, which he among themselves.'The divines of Switzerland calls foul and impious. And, and Geneva were of the same mind, being un2. By reason of the Aaronical habits. willing that a clergyman of so much learning By the oath is meant the oath of supremacy,t and piety, and so zealous for the Reformation which was in this form: " By God, by the saints, as Hooper was, should be silenced; they thereand by the Holy Ghost;" which Hooper thought fore advised him to comply for the present, that impious, because God only ought to be appealed he might be the more capable, by his authority to in an oath, forasmuch as he only knows the and influence in the Church, to get them laid thoughts of men. The young king, being con- aside. But these reasons not satisfying Hoopvinced of this, struck out the words with his er's conscience, he continued to refuse for above own pen.t nine months. But the scruple about the habits was not so ea- The governing prelates being provoked with sily got over. The king and council were inclined his stiffness, resolved not to suffer such a preto dispense with them; but Ridley and the rest of cedent of disobedience to the ecclesiastical laws the bishops that had worn the habits were of an- to go unpunished. Hooper must be a bishop, other mind, saying "the thing was indifferent, and must be consecrated in the manner others and, therefore, the lawought to be obeyed." This had been, and wear the habits the law appointhad such an influence upon the council, that all ed; and to force him to comply, he was served Hooper's objections were afterward heard with with an order of council, first to silence him, and great prejudice. It discovered but an ill spirit then to confine him to his house. The doctor in the Reformers not to suffer Hooper to decline thought this usage very severe: to miss his his bishopric, nor yet to dispense with those hab- promotion was no disappointment; but to be perits which he thought unlawful. Hooper was as secuted about clothes, by men of the same faith much for the clergy's wearing a decent and dis- with himself, and to lose his liberty because he tinct habit from the laity as Ridley, but- prayed would not be a bishop, and in the fashion, this, to be excused from the old symbolizing popish says Mr. Collyer, was possibly more than he well garments, understood. After some time, Hooper was com1. Because they had no countenance in Scrip- mitted to the custody of Cranmer, who, not beture or primitive antiquity. ing able to bring him to conformity, complained 2. Because they were the inventions of anti- to the council, who thereupon ordered him into christ, and were introduced into the Church in the Fleet, where he continued some months, to the corruptest ages of Christianity. the reproach of the Reformers. At length he 3. Because they had been abused to supersti- laid his case before the Earl of Warwick, who, tion and idolatry, particularly in the pompous by the king's own motion, wrote to the archcelebration of the mass; and, therefore, were bishop to dispense with the habit at his consenot indifferent. cration; but Cranmer alleged the danger of a 4. To continue the use of these garments prcemunire; upon which a letter was sent from was, in his opinion, to symbolize with antichrist, the king and council to the archbishop and other to mislead the people, and was inconsistent with bishops to be concerned in the consecration, the simplicity of the Christian religion. warranting them to dispense with the garments, Cranmer was inclined to yield to these rea- and discharging them ot all manner of dansons; but Ridley and Goodrick insisted strongly gers, penalties, and forfeitures they might incur on obedience to the laws, affirming that, " in any manner of way by omitting the same; but matters of rites and ceremonies, custom was a though this letter was dated August the 5th, yet good argument for the continuance of those that such was the reluctance of Cranmer and Ridley, had been long used." But this argument seem- that Hooper was not consecrated till March foled to go.too far, because it might be used for lowing; in which time, says Bishop Burnet,t the the retaining all those other rites and ceremo- matter was in some sort compromised, Hooper nies of popery which had been long used in the consenting to be robed in his habits at his con. Church, but were now abolished by these Re- secration, when he preached before the king, or formers themselves. in his cathedral, or in any public place, but to Hooper, not willing to rely upon his own judg- be dispensed with at other times. ment, wrote to Bucer at Cambridge, and to Pe- Accordingly,4 being appointed to preach be* Collyer's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 297. * HeKwas chaplain to the Duke of Somerset. t Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 166. Fuller says he was well skilled in Latin, Greek, and t Mr. Neal, in his Review, adds from Mr. Fox, Hebre%, —C. that "Bishop Hooper was constrained to appear t Mr. Fuller, when he wrote his Church History, once in public attired after the manner of other bishconceived that the oath Bishop Hooper refused- was ops, which, unless he had done, some think' there that of canonical obedience, but when'he pniblished was a contrivance to take away his life; for his serhis Worthies he was convinced of his mistake, and vant told me,' says Mr. Fox, " that the Duke of Suf corrected it.-Neal's Reivew.-ED. folk sent such word to Hooper, who was not himself t Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 203. ignorant of what was doing."-ED. HISTORY OF'TiE PURITANS. 53 tore the king, he came forth, says Mr. Fox, like and, as a mark of favour, three hundred and a-new player on the stage: his upper garment eighty of the congregation were made- denizens was a long scarlet chymere down to the foot, of England. The preamble to the patent sets and under that a white linen rochet that covered forth that the Qerman Church made profession all his shoulders. and a four-square cap on his of pure and uncorrupted religion, and was inhead; but he took it patiently, for the public structed in truly Christian and apostolical opinprofit of the Church.* After this, Hooper re- ions and rites.* In the patent which incorpotired to his diocess, and preached sometimes rates them there is the following clause: "Item. two or three times a day, to crowds of people We command, and peremptorily enjoin our lordthat hungered for the word of life: he was im- mayor, aldermen, and magistrates of the city partial and zealous in the faithful discharge of of London, and their successors, with all archevery branch of his episcopal character, even bishops, bishops, justices of the peace, and all beyond his strength, and was himself a pattern officers and ministers whatsoever, that they perof what he taught to others. mit the said superintendent and ministers to enIn the king's letter to the archbishop, Hooper joy and exercise their own proper rites and ceris said to be a divine of great knowledge, deep emonies, and their own proper and peculiar ecjudgment, and long study, both in the Scriptures clesiastical discipline, though differing from the and profane learning, as also a person of good rites and ceremonies used in our kingdom, withdiscretion, ready utterance, and of an honest out impediment, let, or disturbance; any law, life; but all these qualifications must be buried proclamation, or injunction heretofore published in silence and a prison, at a time when there to the contrary notwithstanding." was a famine of the Word, rather than the above- John a Lasco was a Polander of noble birth; mentioned uniformity in dress be dispensed with. and, according to the words of the patent, a Most of the reforming clergy were with Hoop- man very famous for learning, and for integrity er in this controversy; several that had submit- of life and manners. He was in high esteem ted to the habits in the late reign laid them aside with the great Erasmus, who says that he, in this, as the Bishops Latimer and Coverdale, though an old man, had profited much by his Dr. Taylor, Philpot, Bradford, and others, who conversation. And Peter Martyr calls him his laid down their lives for the Protestant faith.t most learned patron.t But he did not please In some ordinations, Cranmer and Ridley dis- the ruling prelates, because he took part with pensed with the habits; for Mr. Thomas Samp- Hooper, and wrote against the popish garments, son, parson of Bread-street, London, afterward and for the posture of sitting rather than kneelone of the heads of the Puritans, and success- ing at the Lord's Supper.4 ively Dean of Chichester and Christ Church, in 1551. Upon the translation of Ridley to the a letter to Secretary Cecil, writes, " That at his see of London, Dr. Poynet was declared Bishop ordination by Cranmer and Ridley, he excepted of Rochester, and Coverdale, coadjutor to Veyagainst the apparel, and was, nevertheless, per- sey, Bishop of Exeter. The see of Winchester mitted and admitted."t If they had not done had been two years as good as vacant by the so on some occasions, there would not have long imprisonment of Gardiner, who had been been clergymen to support the Reformation. confined all this time without being brought to Bishop Burnet says they saw their error, and a trial: the bishop complained of this to the designed to procure an act to abolish the po- council, who thereupon issued out a commission pish garments; but whether this were so or not, to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops it is certain that in the next reign they repented of London, Ely, and Lincoln, with Secretary their conduct; for when Ridley was in prison he Petre, Judge Hales, two civilians, and two Maswrote a letter to Hooper, in which he calls him ters in Chancery, to proceed against him for "his dear brother and fellow-elder in Christ," contempt. It was objected to him, that he reand desires a mutual forgiveness and reconcili- fused to preach concerning the king's power ation. And when he and Cranmer came to be while under age; that he had been negligent in degraded, they smiled at the ridiculous attire obeying the king's injunctions, and was so obwith which they were clothed, and declared they stinate that he would not ask the king mercy. had long since laid aside all regards to that pa- It was the declared opinion of the popish clergeantry. ~ gy at this time, that the king's laws were to be This behaviour of the bishops towards the obeyed, but not the orders of his council; and, king's natural-born subjects was the more ex- therefore, that all things should remain as the traordinary, because a latitude was allowed to late king left them, till the present king, now a foreign Protestants to worship God after the child, came of age. This the rebels in Devon manner-of their country, without any regard to pleaded, as well as the Lady Mary and others. the popish vestments; for this year a church of For the same opinion Gardiner was deprived of German refugees was established at St. Aus- his bishopic, April 18th,~ upon which he appealed tin's in London, and erected into a corporation to the king when at age; and so his process endunder the direction of John a Lasco, superin- ed, and he was sent back to the Tower, where tendent of all the foreign churches in London, he lay till Queen Mary discharged him. Nowith whom were joined four other ministers; thing can be said in vindication of this severity but this, that both he and Bonner had taken out * Fuller's Abel Redivivus, p. 173. t Pierce's Vind., p. 31-33. * Burnet's Hist. Ref., in Records, vol. ii., No. 51. t Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 192. t Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 239. ~ Bishop Maddox maintained that the habits put: About the end of December, 1550, after many on those Reformers were the popish habits, which cavils in the state, Bishop Burnet informs us that was the ground of their dislike. Mr. Neal, in his an act passed for the king's general pardon, wherein Review, controverts the truth, and exposes the futil- the Anabaptists were excepted.-Crosby, vol. i., p. 50 ity, of this distinction.-ED,. Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 191. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. commissions, with the rest of the bishops, to hold controverted clause of the twentieth article, that their bishopric only during the king's pleas- the Church has power to decree rites and cereure, which gave the regents a right to displace monies, and authority in controversies of faith, them whensoever they pleased. Dr. Poynet is not in King Edward's articles, nor does it was translated from Rochester t' Winchester; appear how it came into Queen Elizabeth's. It Dr. Story was made Bishop of Rochester; and is evident, by the title of the articles, that they Veysey resigning, Coverdale was made Bishop were designed as articles of truth, and not of of Exeter in his room; so that now the bench peace, as some have since imagined, who subof bishops had a majority for the Reformation. scribed them rather as a compromise, not to It was therefore resolved, in council, to re- teach any doctrine contrary to them, than as a form the doctrine of the Church. Archbishop declaration that they believed according to them. Cranmer and Bishop Ridley were appointed to This was a notion the imposers never thought of, this work, who framed forty-two articles upon nor does there appear any reason for this conceit. the chief points of the Christian faith; copies So that (says Bishop Burnet*) those who subof which were sent to the other bishops and scribed did either believe them to be true, or learned divines, for their corrections and amend- else they did grossly prevaricate. ments; after which, the archbishop reviewed With the book of articles was printed a short them a second time, and having given them his catechism, t with a preface prefixed in the king's last hand, presented them to the council, where name. It is supposed to be drawn up by Bishop they received the royal sanction.* This was Poynet, but revised by the rest of the bishops another high act of the supremacy; for the ar- and other learned men. It is dated May 7th, ticles were not brought into Parliament, nor about seven weeks before the king's death; agreed upon in convocation,t as they ought to [and in the first impression of the articles it have been, and as the title seems to express: was printed before them.t] when this was afterward objected to Cranmer 1552. The next work the Reformers were as a fraud in the next reign, he owned the employed in was a second correction of the charge, but said he was ignorant of the title, Common Prayer Book. Some things they addand complained of it to the council, who told ed, and others that had been retained through him the book was so entitled because it was the necessity of the times were struck out. published in the time of the convocation; which The most considerable amendments were these. was no better than a collusion. It is entitled, The daily service opened with a short confes" Articles agreed upon by the bishops and other sion of sins, and of absolution to such as should learned men in the convocation held at London, repent. The communion began with a rehearsal in the year 1552, for the avoiding diversity of of the Ten Commandments, the congregation opinions, and establishing consent touching true being on their knees; and a pause was made bereligion. Published by the king's authority." tween the rehearsal of every commandment, for These articles are for substance the same with the people's devotions. A rubric was also addthose now in use, being reduced to the number ed, concerning the posture of kneeling, which of thirty-nine in the beginning of the reign of declares that there was no adoration intended Queen Elizabeth, where the reader will meet thereby to the bread and wine, which was gross w.'a the corrections and alterations.4 The idolatry: nor did they think the very flesh and J i blood of Christ there present. This clause was * Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 210. struck out by Queen Elizabeth, to give a latit Bishop Maddox objected to this representation, tude to papists and Lutherans, but was insertand said it was confuted by Archbishop Wake, who ed again at the restoration of King Charles II., had examined the matter fully. Mr. Neal rests the at the request of the Puritans. Besides these vindication of his state of it on the authority of BishQp Burnet, supported by the remark of Mr. Collyer, amendments, sundry old rites and ceremonies who says, "'Tis pretty plain they were passed by which had been retained in the former book, some members of convocation only, delegated by were discontinued; as the use of oil in confirmboth houses, as appears by the very title, articles, ation and extreme unction; prayer for the dead &c., agreed upon in the synod of London, by the in the office of burial; and in the communion bishops and certain other learned men."-Eccles. service, auricular confession, the use of the Hist., vol ii., p. 325. Neal's RevieW.-ED. cross in the eucharist, and in confirmation. In An alteration in the twenty-eighth article is not short the whole liturgy was, in a manner, renoticed by Mr. Neal, in the place to which he refers.The last clause of the article was laid down in these duced to the form in which it appears at preswords: "The custom of the Church for baptizing ent, excepting some small variations that have young children is both to be commended, and by all since been made for the clearing some ambigumeans' to be retained in the Church." This clause ities. By this book of Common Prayer, says was left out of Queen Elizabeth's articles. It seems Mr. Strype,$ all copes and vestments were forby this, however, observes Crosby, " that the first Re- bidden throughout England; the prebendaries formers did not found the practice of infant baptism of St. Paul's left off their hoods, and the hishupon Scripture, but took it only as a commendable custom, that had been used in the Christian Church, ops their crosses, &c., as by act of Parliament and, therefore, ought to be retained."-Hist. Eng. is more at length set forth. Bapt., vol. i., p. 54, 55. But what shall we think of, When the Parliament met January 23d, the rather, how should we lament the bigotry and illib- new Common Prayer Book was brought into the erality of those times, when men were harassed and house, with an ordinal or form of ordaining bishput to death for declining a religious practice, which ops, priests, and deacons, both which passed the they who enjoined it did not preteud to enforce on the houses without any considerable opposition. authority of Scripture, but only as a custom of the churches: a plea which would have equUlly'justifled all those other religious ceremonies which they * Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 169. themselves, notwithstanding this sanction, rejected! t Ibid., vol. iii., p. 211, 214. t Neal's Review — ED. ~ Life of Cranmer, p. 290. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 5 The act requires " all persons, after the feast of tion of the riches of the kingdom was in the Alhallows next, to come to common prayer ev- hands of the Church, they should have made ams ery Sunday and holyday, under pain of the cen- ample provision for the maintenance of the sures of the Church. All archbishops and bish- clergy, and the endowment of smaller livings, ops are required to endeavour the due execution before they had enriched their friends and faroof this act; and whereas divers doubts had been ilies. raised about the service-book, it is said the king Nor were the lives of many who were zealand Parliament had now caused it to be perused, ous for the Reformation free from scandal,: the explained, and made more perfect." The new courtiers and great men indulged themselves in service-book was to take place in all churches a dissolute and licentious life, and the clergy after the feast of All Saints, under the same were not without their blemishes. Soine that penalties that had been enacted to the former embraced the Reformation were far from adornbook three years before.* ing their profession, but rather disposed the peoBy another act of this session, the marriages ple to return to their old superstitions: neverof the clergy, if performed according to the ser- theless, there were many great and shining lights vice-book, were declared good and valid, and among them, who preached and prayed ferventtheir children inheritable according to law; and ly against the corruptions of the times, and were by another, the bishopric of Westminster was an example to their flocks, by the strictness and suppressed, and reunited to the see of London. severity of their lives and manners, but their Dr. Heath, bishop of Worcester, and Day of Chi- numbers were small in comparison to the many chester, were both deprived this year [1553], that were otherwise, turning the doctrines of with Tonstal, bishop of Durham, whose bishop- grace into.laseiviousness.* ric was designed to be divided into two; but We have now seen the length of King Edthe act never took effect. ward's reformation. It was an adventurous unOne of the last things the king set his hand dertaking for a few bishops and privy-councilto was a royal visitation, in order to examine lors to change the religion of a nation- only by what plate, jewels, and other furniture were in the advantage of the supremacy of a minor, the churches. The visiters were to leave in without the consent of the people in Parliament every church one or two chalices of silver, with or convocation, and under the eye of a presump. linen for the communion-table and for surplices, tive heir, who was a declared enemy of all their" but to bring in the best of the church furni- proceedings, as was the case in the former part ture into the king's treasury, and to sell the lin- of this reign. We have taken notice of the misen copes, altar-cloths, &c., and give the money taken principles of the Reformers in making use to the poor. The pretence was, the calling in of the civil power to force men to conformity, the superfluous plate that lay in churches more and of their stretching the laws to reach at for pomp than use. Some have called this by those whom they could not fairly come at any no better name than sacrilege, or church theft, other way. But, notwithstanding these and and it really was no better. But it ought to be some other blemishes, they were great and good remembered, the young king was now languish- men, and valiant in the cause of truth, as aping under a consumption, and near his end. pears by their sealing it with their blood. They It must, however, be confessed, that in the made as quick advances, perhaps, in restoring. course of this as well as the last reign, there religion towards its primitive simplicity as thewas a very great alienation of church-lands: circumstances of the time would admit; and it the chantry-lands were sold -among the laity, is evident they designed to go farther, and not some of whom held five or six prebendaries or make this the last standard of the Reformation. canonries, while the clergy themselves were in Indeed, Queen Elizabeth thought her brother want. Bishop Latimer complains, in one of his had gone too far, by stripping religion of too sermons, "that the revenues of the Church many ornaments, and, therefore, when she came were seized by the rich laity, and that the in- to the crown, she was hardly persuaded to re-. cumbent was only a proprietor in title; that store it to the condition in which he left it. many benefices were let out to farm by secular King James I., King Charles I., Archbishop men, or given to their servants as a considera- Laud, and all their admirers, instead of remotion for keeping their hounds, hawks, and hor- ving farther from the superstitious pomps of the ses; and that the poor clergy were reduced to Church of Rome, have been for returning back such short allowance that they were forced to to them, and have appealed to the settlement go to service, to turn clerks of the kitchen, sur- of Queen Elizabeth as the purest statidard.t veyors, receivers," &c. And Camden corn- But the Reformers themselves were of an-. plains " that avarice and sacrilege had strange- other mind, as appears by the sermons of Lati:ly the ascendant at this time; that estates for- mer, Hooper, Bradford, and others; by the let-. merly settled for the support of religion and the ters of Peter Martyr, Martin Bucer, and John poor were ridiculed as superstitious endow- a Lasco,$ who, in his book De Ordinatione Ecments, first miscalled and then plundered." The clesiarum Peregrinarum in Anglia, dedicated to bishops were too easy in parting with the lands Sigismund, king of Poland, 1555, says "that and manors belonging to their bishoprics, and King Edward desired that the rites and cerethe courtiers were too eager in grasping at everything they could- lay their hands upon.t If * Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 290. the revenues of the Church had been abused to t It is evident to the careful student of history,superstition, they might have been converted to that the Reformation in England produce4 its happiother religious uses; or if too great a propor- est effects in the days of Edward; thbtte Church. of England has never been so pue a8 soon after it: transition from popery; and that its subsequent alta* Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 190. ations have ever been in favour of Roman.sm.,-0C t Hist. Ref. oLkiii.,, p. 218. t Voet., Eccl. Pol., lib. ii, cap. vi., part i, p. H41. 56 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS.' monies used under popery should be purged out their clergy often together,- and inspect them by degees; that it was his pleasure that stran- closely; and that a provincial synod should gersshould have churches to perform all things meet twice a year, when a secular man, in the according to apostolical observation only, that king's name, should be appointed to observe by this means the English; churches might be their proceedings. excited to embrace apostolical purity with the Cranmer:was of the same mind. He disliked unanimous consent of the states of the king- the present way of governing the Church by dom." He adds, ".that the king was at the head convocations as they are now formed, in which of this project, and that Cranmer promoted it, deans, archdeacons, and cathedrals have an inbut that some great persons stood in the way." terest far superior in number to those elected As a farther evidence of this, a passage was to represent the clergy. These, says Bishop left in the-preface of one of their service-books Burnet,* can in no sort pretend to be more thanR to this purpose:* "that they had gone as far as a part of our civil constitution. They have no they could in reforming the Church, considering foundation in Scripture, nor any warrant from the times they lived in, and hoped they that the first ages of the Church; but did arise from came after them would, as they might, do more." the model set forth by Charles the Great, and King Edward, in his Diary,t laments that he formed according to the feudal law, by which a could not restore the primitive discipline ac- right of giving subsidies was vested in all who cording to his heart's desire, because several of were possessed of such tenures as qualioed the bishops, some for -age, some for ignorance, them to contribute towards the support of thea some for their ill name, and some out of love state. Nor was Cranmer satisfied with the lit;o to popery, were unwilling to it. And the Church urgy, though it had been twice reformed, if we, herself, in one of her public offices, laments the may give credit to the learned Bullinger,t who want of a godly discipline to this day. told the exiles at Frankfort "that the archbishe Martin Bucer, a German divine, and profes- op had drawn up a book of prayers a hundred sor of divinity in Cambridge, a person in high times more perfect than that which was then esteem with the young king, drew up a plan in being; but the same could not take place, and presented it to his majesty, in which he for that he was matched with such a wicked writes largely of ecclesiastical discipline,; The clergy and convocation, and other enemies.": king having read it, set himself to write a gen- The king was of the same sentiments; but eral discourse about reformation, but did not his untimely death, which happened in the sixlive to finish it. Bucer proposedS that there teenth year of his age and seventh of his reign, might be a strict discipline, to exclude scanda- put an end to all his noble designs for perfectlous livers from the sacrament; that the old po- ing the Reformation. He was, indeed, an: inpish habits might be laid aside. He did not comparable prince, of most promising expectalike the half office of communion, or second tions, and, in the judgment of the most imparservice, to be said at the altar when there was tial persons, the very phcenix of his age. It no sacrament. He approved not of godfathers was more than whispered that he was poisoned. answering in the child's name so -well as in But it is very surprising that a Protestant ditheir own. He presses much the sanctification vine, Heylin, in his History of the Reformaof the Lord's Day, and that there might be tion,~ should say "that he was ill-principled; many fastings, but was against the observation that his reign was unfortunate; and that his of Lent. He would have the pastoral function death was not an infelicity to the Church," only restored to what it ought to be; that bishops, because he was apprehensive he would have throwing off all secular cares, should give them- reduced the hierarchy to a more primitive standselves to their spiritual employments. He ad- ard. With good King Edward died all farther vises that coadjutors might be given to some, advances of the Reformation; for the altera and a council of presbyters appointed for them tions that were made afterward by Queen Elizall. He would have rural bishops set over abeth hardly came up to his standard.ll twenty or thirty parishes, who should gather * Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 214. * The following quotation, Mr. Neal, in answer to t Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 266. Bennet's Bishop Maddox, observes, is transcribed from Mr. Mem., p. 52. Pierce's Vindication, p. 11, where it is to be found J The troubles at Frankfort, in the Phoenix, vol verbatim, with his authority; and in Bennett's Me- ii., p. 82, and Pierce's Vindic., p. 12, 13. Mr. Pierce morial of the Reformation, p. 50, Mr. Strype inti- remarks that this is reported, as is plain to him who mates that a farther reformation was intended (Life looks into the book itself, not on the testimony of of Cran., p. 299); and Bishop Burnet adds, that in Bullinger, as Strype represents it, but by one of Dr. many of the letters to foreign divines, it is asserted Cox's party on his own knowledge.-Review.-ED. that both Cranmer and Ridley intended to procure ~ Pref., p. 4, part vii., p. 141. an act for abolishing the habits.-ED. II " It is praise enough for young Edward," re t King Edward's Remains, num. 2. marks Sir James Mackintosh, " that his gentleness $ Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 156. as well as his docility, disposed him not to shed ~ Bucer died in 1551, and was consulted on the re- blood. The fact, however, that the blood of no Roview of the Common Prayer, 1550. But Mr. Neal man Catholic was spilt on account of religion in Edhas introduced his sentiments in this place, because ward's reign, is indisputable. The Protestant Church he was here giving a summary of the changes in of England did not strike the first blow. If this proKing Edward's reign. And in reply to Bishop Mad- ceeded from the virtue of the counsellors of Edward, dox, who, after Bishop Burnet, says that the most we must allow it to outweigh their faults; if it fol. material things to which Bucer excepted were cor- lowed from their fortune, they ought to have been rected afterward, Mr. Neal observes, that they who envied by their antagonists. Truth and justice re. will be at the pains to read over the abstract of his quire it to be positively pronounced, that Gardiner book, entitled "Of the Kingdom of Christ,". in Coll- and Bonner cannot plead the example of 1iranmer yer's Eccles. Hist.,.vol. ii., p. 296, &c., must be of and Latimer for the bloody persecution which involvanother mind.-Review.-ED. ed in its course the destruction of the Protestant prel HISTORY OF THE PURITANS 57 We may observe, from the history of this imer, in a sermon before the king, reported, on reign, the authority of a credible person, that there 1st. That in matters of faith the first Reform- were, in one town, five hundred Anabaptists.* ers followed the doctrine of St. Austin in the The Reformers, in thus proscribing inquiry and controverted points of' original sin, predestina- reformation beyond their own standard, were tion, justification by faith alone, effectual grace, not consistent with themselves; for they ac. and good works. knowledged that corruptions had been a thou. 2dly. That they were not satisfied with the sand years introducing, which could not be all present discipline of the Church, though they discovered and thrown out at once.t By this thought they might submit to it till it should be concession they justified the principle, while amended by the authority of the Legislature. they punished the conduct of those w'io, acting 3dly. That they believed but two orders ofchurch- upon it, endeavoured to discover and wvished to men in Holy Scripture, viz., bishops and deacons; reject more corruption.]-ED. and, consequently, that bishops and priests were but different ranks or degrees of the same order. 4thly. That they gave the right hand of fellowship to foreign churches, and ministers that CHAPTER III. had not been ordained by bishops; there being no dispute about reordination in order to any church preferment, till the latter end of Queen Eliza- IT will appear, in the course of this reign, beth's reign! that an absolute supremacy over the conscienIn all which points most of our modern church- ces of men, lodged with a single person, may as men have departed from them.* well be prejudicial as serviceable to true reli[To Mr. Neal's remarks on the reign of Ed- gion; for if King Henry VIII. and his son, King ward VI. it may be added, that the Reformation Edward VI., reformed some abuses by their was all along conducted in a manner inconsist- supremacy, against the inclinations of the maent with the principles on which it was found- jority of the people, we shall find Queen Mary ed. The principles on which the justification making use of the same power to turn things of it rested were, the right of private judgment, back into their old channel, till she had restored and the sufficiency of the Scriptures as a rule the grossest and most idolatrous part of popery. of faith. Yet the Reformation was limited to This was begun by proclamations and orders the conceptions and ideas of those who were in of council, till her majesty could procure a parpower. No liberty was granted to the con- liament that would repeal King Edward's laws sciences of dissidents; no discussion of points for religion, which she quickly found means tz on which they themselves had not doubts was accomplish. It is strange, indeed, that when permitted: such as held sentiments different there were but seven or eight peers that opfrom their model, and pursued their inquiries posed the laws made in favour of the Reformafarther, without consideration of their numbers tion under King Edward, the same House of or their characters, so far from being, allowed Lords should almost all turn papists in the reign to propose their opinions, or to hold separate of Queen Mary; but as to the Commons it is assemblies for religious worship, agreeably to less wonderful, because they are changeable, and their own views of things, were stigmatized as the court took care to new-model the magisheretics, and pursued unto death. Besides the trates in the cities and corporations before the instances Mr. Neal mentions, the Anabaptists elections came on, so that not one almost was were excepted out of the king's general pardon, left that was not a Roman Catholic. Bribery that came out in 1550;t they were also burned and menaces were made use of in all places; in divers towns in the kingdom, and met death and where they could not carry elections by' with singular intrepidity and cheerfulness.$ reason of the superiority of the reformed, the Thus inquiry was stifled; and the Reformation sheriffs made double returns.t It is sad when was really not the result of a comprehensive the religion of a nation is under such a direcview and calm investigation of all the doctrines tion! But so it will be when the management and practices which had been long established, of religion falls into the hands of a bigoted but the triumph of power in discarding a few prince and ministry. articles and practices which more particularly Queen Mary was a sad example of the truth of struck the minds of those who were in govern- this observation, whose reign was no better than ment. These persons gained, and have exclu- one continued scene of calamity. It is the genusively possessed, the honourable title of Reform- ine picture of popery, and should be remembered ers, without anyrespect to, nay, with a contempt- byaill true Protestants with abhorrence; the prinuous disregard of, those who saw farther, and, in ciples of that religion being such as no man can point of numbers, carried weight. Bishop Lat- receive, till he has abjured his senses, renounced es. Theanti-TrinitarianandtheAnabaptist,ifthey his understanding and reason, and put off all ates. The anti-Trinitarianathe tender compassions of human nature. had regained power, might, indeed, have urged such the tender compassion g of human nature. a mitigation; but the Roman Catholic had not even King Edward VI. being far gone in a conthe odious excuse of retaliation."-Hist. of England. sumption, from a concern for preserving the ii., 271. 319.-C. Reformation, was persuaded to set aside the * It is with pleasure that mention is made of the succession of his sisters Mary and Elizabeth, liberal and able essay of Archbishop Whately on the and of the Queen of Scots, the first and last beNature of Christ's Kingdom; this work takes essenti- ing papists, and Elizabeth's blood being tainted ally different ground from that held by the larger part by act of Parliament; and to settle the crown of the English and American Episcopalians.-C. t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 143. * Crosby'sHist., vol. i., p. 63. t Crosby's History of the English Baptists, vol. i., t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 190. p. 62.. Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii.* p. 252. VOL. —H 58'HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. by will upon Lady Jane Grey, eldest daughter ming upon their merits and the queens promise, of the Duke of Suffolk, a lady of extraordinary sent a deputation to court to represent their qualities, zealous for the Reformation, and next grievances; but the queen checked them for in blood after the princesses above mentioned. their insolence; and one of their number, hapOne may guess the sad apprehensions the coun- pening to mention her promise, was put in the cil were under for the Protestant religion, when pillory three days together, and had his ears they put the king, who was a minor, and not cut off for defamation. On the 22d of August, capable of making a will, upon this expedient, Bonner of London, Gardiner of Winchester, Tonand set their hands to the validity of it. The stal of Durham, Heath of Worcester, and Day of king being dead, Queen Jane was proclaimed Chichester, were restored'to their bishoprics. with the usual solemnities, and an army raised Some of the Reformers, continuing to preach af to support her title; but the Princess Mary, ter the inhibition, were sent for into custody, then at Norfolk, being informed of her brother's among whom were Hooper, bishop of Gloucesdeath, sent- a letter to the council, in which she ter, Coverdale of Exeter, Dr. Taylor of Hadley, claims the crown, and charges them, upon their Rogers the protomartyr, and several others. allegiance, to proclaim her in the city of London Hooper was committed to the Fleet, September and elsewhere. The council, in return, insisted 1, no regard being had to his active zeal in asupon her laying aside her claim, and submitting serting the queen's right in his sermon against as a good subject to her new sovereign. But the title of Lady Jane; but so sincerely did this Mary, by the encouragement of her friends in the good man follow the light of his conscience, North, resolved to maintain her right; and to when he could not but see what sad consequenmake her way more easy, she promised the ces it was like to have. Coverdale of Exeter, Suffolk men to make no alteration in religion. being a foreigner, was ordered to keep his house This gained her an army, with which she march- till farther order. Burnet* says he was a Dane, ed towards London; but before she came thith- and had afterward leave to retire. But, accorder, both the council and citizens of London de- ing to Fuller,t he was born in Yorkshire. Archclared for her; and on the 3d of August she made bishop Cranmer was so silent at Lambeth, thai her public entry, without the loss of a drop of it was thought he would have returned to the blood, four weeks after the death of her brother. old religion; but he was preparing a protestaUpon Queen Mary's entrance into the Tower tion against it, which taking air, he was examshe released Bonner, Gardiner, and others, ined, and confessing the fact, he was sent to whom she called her prisoners. - August 12, the Tower, with Bishop Latimer, about the 13th her majesty declared in council " that, though of September. The beginning of next month, her conscience was settled in matters of reli- Holgate, archbishop of York, was committed to gion, yet she was resolved not to compel others, the Tower, and Horn, dean of Durham, was but by the preaching of the Word." This was summoned before the council, but he fled bedifferent from her promise to the Suffolk men: yond sea. she assured them that " religion should be left The storm gathering so thick upon the Reupon the same foot she found it at the death of formers, above eight hundred of them retired King Edward, but now she insinuates that the into foreign parts; among whom were five bishold religion is to be restored, but without compul- ops, viz., Poynet of Winchester, who died in sion." Next'day there was a tumult at St. Paul's, exile; Barlow of Bate and Wells, who was suoccasioned by Dr. Bourne, one of the canons of perintendent of the congregation at Embden; that church, preaching against the late Reforma- Scory of Chichester; Coverdale of Exon; and tion; he spoke in commendation of Bonner, and Bale of Ossory; five deans, viz., Dr. Cox, Hadwas going on with severe reflections upon the don, Horn, Turner, and Sampson; four archlate King Edward, when the whole audience was deacons, and above fifty doctors of divinity and in an uproar; some called to pull down the preach- eminent preachers, among whom were Grindal, er, others throwing stones, and one a dagger, Jewel, Sandys, Reynolds, Pilkington, Whitewhich stuck in the timber of the pulpit. Mr. head, Lever, Nowel, Knox, Rough, Wittingham, Rogers and Bradford, two popular preachers for Fox, Parkhurst, and others, famous in the reign the Reformation, hazarded their lives to save'of Queen Elizabeth: besides, of noblemen, merthe doctor, and conveyed him in safety to a chants, tradesmen, artificers, and plebeians, neighbouring house; for which act of charity many hundreds. Some fled in disguise, or went they were soon after imprisoned, and then burned over as the servants of foreign Protestants, who, for heresy..having come hither for shelter in King Edward's To prevent the like tumults for the future, the time, were now required to leave the kingdom;t queen published an inhibition, August 18th, for- among these were Peter Martyr and John a bidding all preaching without special license; Lasco, with his congregation of Germans. But declaring, farther, that she would not compel her to prevent too many of the English embarking subjects to be of her religion till public order with them, an order of council was sent to all should be taken in it by common assent. Here the ports that none should be suffered to leave was another intimation of an approaching storm: the kingdom without proper passports. The Ro" the subjects were not to be compelled till pub- man Catholic party, out of their abundant zeal lic order should be taken for it." And, to pre- for their religion, outrun the laws, and celebravent farther tumults, a proclamation was pub- ted mass in divers churches before it was relished, for masters of families to oblige their stored by authority;~ while the people that faapprentices and servants to frequent their own voured the Reformation continued their public parish churches on Sundays and holydays, and keep them at home at other times. t Fuller's Worthies, b. iii., p. 198. The shutting up all the Protestant pulpits at T Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 314. once awakened the Suffolk men, who, presu- ~ Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 223. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 59 devotion with great seriousness and fervency, putation was managed according to the fashion as foreseeing what was coming upon them; but of the times, with reproaches and menaces on the rude multitude came into the churches, in- the stronger side, and the prolocutor ended it suited their ministers, and ridiculed their wor- with saying, "You have the word, but we have ship. The court not only winked at these things, the sword."* but fined Judge Hales (who alone refused to sign This year [1554] began with Wyat's rebelthe act which transferred the crown to Jane lion, occasioned by a general dislike to the Grey) a thousand pounds sterling, because in queen's marriage with Philip of Spain: it was his circuit he ordered the justices of Kent to a raw, unadvised attempt, and occasioned great conform themselves to the laws of King Edward, mischiefs to the Protestants, though religion had not yet repealed; upon which that gentleman no share in the conspiracy, Wyat himself being grew melancholy, and drowned himself. a papist: this gentleman got together four thouThe queen was crowned October 1, 1553, by sand men, with whom he marched directly to Gardiner, attended by ten other bishops, all in London; but coming into Southwark, February their mitres, copes, and crosiers; and a Parlia- 2, he found the bridge so well fortified that he ment was summoned to meet the 10th. What could not force it without cannon, so he marchmethods were used in the elections have been ed about, and having crossed the Thames at related. On the 31st of October a bill was sent Kingston, he cime by Charing Cross to Ludgate down to the Commons for repealing King Ed- next morning, in hopes the citizens would have. ward's laws about religion, which was argued opened their gates; but being disappointed, he six days, and at length carried. It repeals in yielded himself a prisoner at Temple Bar, and general all the late statutes relating to religion, was afterward executed, as were the Lady Jane and enacts, "that after the 20th of December Grey, Lord Guilford her husband, and others, next there should be no other form of Divine ser- the Lady Elizabeth herself hardly escaping. vice but what had been used in the last year of Wyat, upon his trial, accused her, in hopes of King Henry VIII." Severe punishments were saving his life; upon which she was ordered decreed against such as should interrupt the into custody; but when Wyat saw he must die, public service, as should abuse the holy sacra- he acquitted her on the scaffold; and upon the ment, or break down altars, crucifixes, or cross- queen's marriage this summer she obtained her es. It was made felony for any number of per- pardon. sons above twelve to assemble together with an As soon as the nation was a little settled, her intention to alter the religion established by law. majesty, by virtue of the supremacy, gave inNovember 3d, Archbishop Cranmer, the Lord structions to her bishops to visit the clergy. Guilford, Lady Jane, and two other sons of the The injunctions were drawn up by Gardiner, Duke of Northumberland, were brought to their and contain an angry recital of all the innovatrials for high treason, in levying war against tions introduced into the Church in the reign of the queen, and conspiring to set up another in King Edward; and a charge to the bishops her room. They all confessed their indictments, " to execute all the ecclesiastical laws that had but Cranmer appealed to his judges how unwil- been in force in King Henry VIII.'s reign, but lingly he had set his hand to the exclusion of not to proceed in their courts in the queen's the queen: these judgments were confirmed by name. She enjoins them not to enact the oathof Parliament; after which, the queen's intended supremacy any more, but to punish heretics and marriage with Philip of Spain being discovered, heresies, and to remove all married clergymen the Commons sent their speaker and twenty of from their wives; but for those that would retheir members humbly to entreat her majesty nounce their wives, they might put them into not to marry a stranger, with which she was so some other cures.t All the ceremonies, holydispleased, that upon the 6th of December she * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 267. dissolved the Parliament. Bishop Warburton, in his notes on Mr. Neal's HisThe convocation that sat with the Parliament tory (see a supplemental volume of his works, 8vo, was equally devoted to the court. Care had 1788, p. 455), with great anger, impeaches the truth been taken about their elections. Inthe collec- of this passage. " This is to lie," says his lordship, tion of public acts, there are found about a hun- "under the cover of truth. Can anybody in his dred and fifty presentations to livings before the senses believe that when the only contention bechoice of representatives, so that the lower tween the two parties was who had the word, that the house of convocation was of a piece with the more powerful would yield it up to their adversaries!? house of convocation was of a piece with the Without all doubt, some Protestant member,:in the upper, from whence almost all of the Protestant heat of dispute, said,'We have the word;' upon bishops were excluded by imprisonment, depri- which the prolocutor insultingly answers,' But we vation, or otherwise. Bonner presided as the have the sword,' without thinking any one would first bishop of the province of Canterbury. be so foolish as to join the two propositions into' Harpsfield, his chaplain, preached the sermon on one, and there give it to the prolocutor." In reply Acts, xx., 28, Feed the flock; and Weston, dean to these unhandsome reflections, it is sufficient to of Westminster, was chosen prolocutor. On the say, that Mr. Neal spoke on the authority of Bishop 20th of OWestminstober it was chosen proposed cutor. On the mem-Burnet, whom he truly quotes, and whom it Would 20th of October it was proposed to the mem- have been more consistent with candour and the love bers to subscribe to the doctrine of transub- of truth for Bishop Warburton to have consulted the stantiation, which all complied with but the authority before he insinuated his conjectures against following six divines, who by their places had a the statement of a fact, and, without authority, pointright to sit in convocation: Philpot, archdea- ed his charge of folly and falsehood; of which Mr con of Winchester; Philips, dean of Rochester; Neal, by quoting his author, stands perfectly clear; Haddon, dean of Exeter; Cheyney, -archdeacon and which, if well founded, must fall, not on him, but Haddon, dean of EAyleter, archdeacon of Stow; and Bishop Burnet, whose remark on the prolocutor's of Hereford; Aylmer, archdeacon of Stowh; and speech is, that "by it he truly pointed out wherein Young, chanter of St. David's: these disputed the strength of both causes lay."-ED. upon the argument f6r three days, but the dis- " Thf aramed clergy were observed to sufihe 60 HISTORY OF THE PURITAANS. days, and fasts used in King Henry's time complished, with this proviso, that the queen were to be revived. Those clergymen who alone should have the government of the kinghad been ordained by the late service-book dom; after which the houses were presently were to be reordained, or have the defects of dissolved. King Philip arrived in England* their ordination supplied; that is, the anoint- July 20th, and was married to the queen on the ing, the giving the priestly vestments, with 27th, at Winchester, he being then in the twenother rites of the Roman pontifical. And, last- ty-seventh year of his age, and the queen in her ly, it was declared that all people should be thirty-eighth. He brought with him a vast compelled to come to church."* The Archbish- mass of wealth: twenty-seven chests of bullop of York, the Bishops of St. David's, Chester, ion, every chest being above a yard long; and and Bristol, wvere deprived for being married; ninety-nine horse-loads and two cart-loads of and the Bishops of Lincoln, Gloucester, and coined silver and gold. Hereford, were deprived by the royal pleasure, The Reformers complaining of their usage in as holding their bishoprics by such a patent. It the late dispute held in convocation, the court was very arbitrary to turn out the married bish- resolved to give them a fresh mortification, by ops, while there was a law subsisting to legiti- appointing another at Oxford in presence of mate'their marriages; and to deprive the other the whole university; and because Archbishop bishops without any manner of process, merely Cranmer, Bishops Ridley and Latimer, were the fobr the royal pleasure. This was acting up to most celebrated divines of the Reformation, the height of the supremacy, which, though the they were by warrant from the queen.removed queen believed to be an unlawfiul power, yet she from the Tower to Oxford, to manage the disclaimed and used it for the service of the Ro- pute. The convocation sent their prolocutor mish Church. The vacant bishoprics were fill- and several of their members, who arriving on ed up the latter end of Marchi with men after the 13th of April, being Friday, sent for the the queen's heart, to the number of sixteen, in bishops on Saturday, and appointed them Monthe room of so many deprived or dead. day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, every one his The new bishops in their visitation, and par- day, to defend their doctrine. The questions ticularly Bishop Bonner, executed the queen's were upon transubstantiation and the propitiinjunctions with rigour. The mass was set up atory sacrifice of the mass. The particulars of in all places, and the old popish rites and cere- the dispute are in Mr. Fox's Book of Martyrs. monies revived. The carvers and makers of The bishops behaved with great modesty and statues had a quick trade for roods and other presence of mind; but their adversaries insultimages that were to be set up again in church- ed and triumphed in the most barbarous manner. es. Th6 most eminent preachers in London Bishop Ridley writes, "that there were perwere under confinement, and all the married petual shoutings, tauntings, reproaches, noise, clergy throughout the kingdom were deprived. and confusion." Cranmer and old Latimer Dr. Parker reckons that of sixteen thousand were hissed and laughed at;t and Ridley was clergymen, twelve thousand were turned out; borne down with noise and clamour: " In all which is not probable, for if we compute by the my life," says lie, " I never saw anything cardiocess of Norwich, which is almost an eighth ried more vainly and tumultuously; I could not part of England, and in which there were but have thought that there could have been found three hundred and thirty-five deprived, the whole any Englishman honoured with degrees in learnnumber will fall short of three thousand.t Some ing, that could allow of such thrasonical ostenwere turned out without conviction, upon com- tations, more fit for the stage than the schools." mon fame: some were never cited, and yet On the 28th of April they were summoned again turned out for not appearing. Those that quit- to St. Mary's, and required by Weston the proted their wives, and did penance, -were, never- locutor to subscribe, as having been vanquished theless, deprived; which was grounded on the in disputation; but they all refusing, were devow that (as was pretended) they had made. clared obstinate heretics, and no longer inemSuch was the deplorable condition of the re- bers of the Catholic Church. formed this summer, and such the cruelty of It was designed to expose the Reformers by their adversaries. another disputation at Cambridge; but the prisThe queen's second Parliament met April 2d. oners in London hearing of it, published a paThe court had taken care of the elections by per, declaring, " that they would not dispute large promises of money from Spain. Their but in writing, except it were before the queen design was to persuade the Parliament to ap- and council, or before either house of Parliaprove of the Spanish match;$ which they ac- ment, because of the misreports and unfair with most alacrity. They were bearing testimony should lose its liberties and be enslaved and ruined, to the validity and sanctity of their marriage against it will be by means of Parliament corrupted with the foul and unchristian aspersions of the Romish bribes and places."-Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii., p. persecutors; the honour of their wives and children 341.-ED. were at stake; the desire of leaving them an unsul- * The view of Philip, in this match, was undoubtedlied name and a virtuous example, combined with ly to make himself master of the kingdom. When afthe sense of religious duty; and thus the heart deri- terward Mary was supposed to be pregnant, he applied ved strength from the very ties which, in other cir- to Parliament to be appointed regent during the micumstances, might have weakened it."-Southey's nority of the child, and offered security to resign the Book of the Church, London ed., vol. ii., p. 151.-C. government on its coming of age. The motion was * Burnet's History of the Reformation, vol. ii., p. warmly debated in the House of Peers, and nearly 291, 274. Collection of Records, num. 15. carried; when the Lord Paget stood up and said, t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 226. " Pray, who shall sue the king's bond?" This lacont "This," observes Dr. Warner, " is the first in- ic speech had its intended effect, and the debate was stance to be met with in the English history of cor- soon concluded in the negative.- Granger's Biogr. rupting parliaments; but the precedent has been so History of England, vol. i., p. 161, note, 8vo edition. well followed ever since, that if ever this nation -ED. t Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 338. -HHIIS TOR-Y OF THE PURITANS. 61 usage they had everywhere met with." At the draw up a supplication to the king and queen, same time they printed a summary of their to intercede with the legate for a reconciliation, faith, for which they were ready to offer up with a promise to repeal all acts made against their lives to the halter or the fire, as God the pope's authority.* This being presented-by should appoint.* both houses on their knees to the king and And here they declared "that they believed queen, they made intercession with the cardithe Scriptures to be the true Word of God, and nal, who thereupon made a long speech in the the judge of all controversies in matters of re- house, at the close of which he enjoined them ligion; and that the Church is to be obeyed as for penance to repeal the laws above mentionlong as she followed this word. ed, and so, in the pope's name, he granted them "That they adhered to the Apostles' Creed, a full absolution, which they received on their and those creeds set out by the Councils of knees, and then absolved the realm from all Nice, Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon; censures. and by the first and fourth Councils of Toledo; The Act of Repeal was not ready till the beand the symbols of Athanasius, Irenaeus, Ter- ginning of January, when it passed both houses tullian, and Damasus. and received the royal assent. It enumerates "They believed justification by faith alone; and reverses all acts since the 20th of Henry which faith was not only an opinion, but a cer- VIII. against the Holy See; but then it contain persuasion wrought by the Holy Ghost, tains the following restrictions, which theypray, which did illuminate the mind, and supple the through the cardinal's intercession, may be esheart to submit itself unfeignedly to God. tablished by the pope's authority: " They acknowledged the necessity of an in- 1. " That all bishoprics, cathedrals, or col. herent righteousness, but that justification and leges, now established, may be confirmed for. pardon of' sins came only by Christ's righteous- ever. 2. That marriages within such degrees ness imputed to them. as are not contrary to the law of God, may.be "They affirmed that the worship of God confirmed, and their issue legitimated. 3. That ought to be performed in a tongue understood institutions into benefices may be confirmed. by the people. 4. That all judicial processes may be confirmed. "That Christ only, and not the saints, was 5. That all the settlements of the lands of any to be prayed to. bishoprics, monasteries, or other religious hous" That, immediately after death, departed es, may continue as they were, without any souls pass either into the state of the blessed trouble from the ecclesiastical courts." or of the damned, without any purgatory be- The cardinal admitted of these requests, but tween. ended with a heavy denunciation of the judg" That baptism and the Lord's Supper are ments of God upon those who had the goods ol the sacraments of Christ, which ought to be the Church in their hands, and did not restore administered according to his institutions; and, them. And to make the clergy more easy, the therefore, they condemned the denying the cup statutes of Mortmain were repealed for twenty to the people, transubstantiation, the adoration years to come. But, after all, the pope refulsed or sacrifice of the mass; and asserted the law- to confirm the restrictions, alleging that thele fulness of marriage to all ranks and orders of gate had exceeded his powers; so that the pos men." sessors of Church lands had but a precarious These truths they declared themselves ready title to their estates under this reign; for, eves to defend, as before; and, in conclusion, they before the reconciliation was fully concluded charged all people to enter into no rebellion the pope published a bull, by which he excom against the queen, but to obey her in all points, municates all those persons who were in pos except where her commands are contrary to the session of the goods of the Church or monaste law of God. This put an end to all farther tri- ries, and did not restore them.t This alarmed umphs of the popish party for the present, and the superstitious queen, who, apprehending hei was a noble testimony to the chief and distin- self near her time of child-birth, sent for her min guishing doctrines of the Protestant faith. But isters of state, and surrendered up all the land. since the Reformers were not to be run, down of the Church that remained in the crown, to be by noise and clamour, therefore their steadfast- disposed of as the pope or his legate should ness must undergo the fiery trial. think fit. But when a proposal of this kind: was The queen's third Parliament met November made to the Commons in Parliament, some of 11, 1554. In the writs of summons the title of them boldly laid their hands upon their-swords Supreme Head of the Church was omitted, and said " they well knew how to defend their though it was still by law vested in the crown. own properties." But the queen went on with The money brought from Spain had procured a acts of devotion to the Church; she repaired House of Commons devoted to the court. The several old monasteries, and erected new ones; first bill passed in the house was the repeal of she ordered a strict inquiry to be made after Cardinal Pole's attainder. It had the royal as- those who had pillaged the churches and monassent November 22d, and the cardinal himself teries, and had been employed in the visitations arrived in England two days after in quality of of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. She command. the pope's legate, with a commission to receive ed Bishop Bonner to rase out of the public rec. the kingdom of England into the bosom of the Catholic Church, under the pope as their su- * Here popery developed its genuine character, preme pastor. On the 27th, he made a speech and clearly demonstrated that it could not exist with in Parliament, inviting them to a reconciliation freedom of thought and the diffusion of populai with the apostolic see. Two days after, a com- knowledge. The Church of Rome has never pos Age' Jf5 sessed power i non, without calltg the peo mittee of Lords and Commons was appointed to sessed power - ay nation, withot calling the p * Hist. Ref, vol ii., p. 285. t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 30. 62 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ords all that had been done against the monks; asked whether they would abjure their heretical and particularly the accounts of the visitations opinions about the sacrament, and submit to the of monasteries; which has rendered the eccle- Church as then established; which they refusiastical history of this time defective. sing, were declared obstinate heretics, and deThe next act brought into the house was for livered over to the secular power. Mr. Rogers reviving the statutes of Richard II. and Henry was burned in Smithfield, February 4, a pardon IV. and V. for burning heretics; which passed being offered him at the stake, which he refused, both houses in six days, to the unspeakable joy though he had a wife* and ten small children of the popish clergy. The houses having been unprovided for. Bishop Hooper was burned at informed of some heretical preachers, who had Gloucester, February 9. He was not suffered prayed in their conventicles that God would to speak to the people; and was used so barbarturn the queen's heart from idolatry to the true ously in the fire, that his legs and thighs were faith, or else shorten her days, they passed an roasted, and one of his hands dropped off before act "that all that prayed after this manner he expired: his last words were, " Lord Jesus, should be adjudged traitors." After which, on receive my spirit."t While he was in prison he the 16th of January, 1555, the Parliament was wrote several excellent letters, full of devotion dissolved. and piety, to the foreign divines.t In one to The kingdom being now reconciled to the Bullinger, dated December 11, 1554, about two Church of Rome, and the penal laws against months before his martyrdom, are these expresheretics revived, a council was held about the sions: "With us the wound which antichrist manner of dealing with the reformed. It is had received is healed, and he is declared head said that Cardinal Pole was for the gentler of the Church, who is not a member of it. We methods of instruction and persuasion, which are still in the utmost peril, as we have been for is somewhat doubtful;* but Gardiner was cer- a year and a half. We are kept asunder in pristainly for rigour, imagining that a few examples on, and treated with all kinds of inhumanity and of severity upon the heads of the party would scorn. They threaten us every day with death, terrify the rest into a compliance. The queen which we do not value. We resolutely despise was of his mind, and commanded Gardiner, by fire and sword for the cause of Christ. We a commission to himself and some other bishops, know in whom we have believed, and are sure to make the experiment. He began with Mr. we have committed our souls to him by wellRogers,t Mr. Cardmaker, and Bishop Hooper, doing. In the mean time, help us with your who had been kept in prison eighteen months prayers, that he that has begun the good work without law. These, upon examination, were in us would perform it to the end. We are the * Strype's Memoirs of Cranmer, p. 347; and Life Lord's, let him do with us as seemeth good in of Whitgift, p. 6. Mr. Strype's words in the former his sight." place are as follows: "In these instructions (given About the same time, Mr. Saunders, another tothe clergy) there are several strictures that make minister, was burned at Coventry. When he it appear Pole was not so gentle towards the here- came to the stake he said, " Welcome the cross tics as was reported, but rather the contrary, and of Christ; welcome everlasting life." Dr. Taythat he went hand in hand with the bloody bishops lor, parson of Hadley, suffered next: Gardiner of these days; for it is plain that he put the bishops upon proceeding with them (the Protestants) accord- used him very roughly, and, after condemning ing to the sanguinary laws lately revived, and put in and degrading him, sent him to his own parsonfull force andvirtue. What an invention was that of age to be burned, which he underwent with his, a kind of inquisition by him set up, wherein the great courage, February 9, though he had barnames of all such were to be written, that in every barous usage in the fire, his brains being beat place and parish in England were reconciled; and out with one of the halberts.~ so, whosoever were not found in those books, might Gardiner, seeing himself disappointed, mcdbe known to be no friend to the pope, and so to be ed no farther, but committed the prosecution proceeded against. And, indeed, after Pole's crafty dled no farther, but committed the prosecution and zealous management of this reconciliation (with of the bloody work to Bonner, bishop of London. gome), all that good opinion that men had before of This clergyman behaved more like a cannibal nim vanished, and they found themselves much mistaken in him, insomuch that people spoke against * He requested to see his wife before his execuhim as bad as of the pope himself, or the worst of his tion, but this favour was brutally denied by Gardiner. cardinals. Indeed, he had frequent conferences with -Fox, vol. iii., p. 98.-C. the Protestants about justification by faith alone, t When engaged in prayer at the stake, a box was &c., and would often wish the true doctrine might laid before him, containing his pardon if he would reprevail; but now the mask was taken off, and he cant; but he exclaimed, "If you love my soul, away showed himself what he was." with it."-C. In the place answering to the latter reference, I Hist. Ref., vol. iii., in Records, numb. 38. Strype says, "He wholly Italianized, and returned ~ Fox tells us the jailer had strict charge not to into England endued with a nature foreign and fierce, permit any one to speak to him. His wife was, conand was the very butcher and scourge of the English sequently, refused admission; but the keeper, himChurch."-4uthor's Review, p. 896. self probably a father, took the babe from her arms Dr. Warner, whose character of Cardinal Pole is and carried it to Saunders. He was delighted with a panegyric, yet says " that he was very inconsistent the sight of his child, exclaiming, " What man, fearin one particular; which was, that at the same time ing God, would not lose this life present, rather than, he was exclaiming against the persecution of the re- by prolonging it here, he should judge this boy to be formed, and would not himself take any part in that a bastard, his wife a whore, and himself a whoreslaophter, he was giving commissions to others to monger? Yea, if there were no rother cause for proceet. in it, and returned a certificate irto the Court which a man of my estate should lose his life,. yet of Chancery of several who had been convicted of who would not give it to avouch this child to be leheresy before the commissaries of his appointing." gitimate. and his marriage to be lawful and holy?" — Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii., p. 402. He likewise was offered a pardon at the stake, but t A prebend of St. Pal's. He was a very learned steadfastly.reftised it, and died exclaiming, "Welcome man and usefil nreacher.- C. the cross of Christ; welcome everlasting life " —-C HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 63 than aChristian; he condemned without mercy were, " Strait is the gate and narrow is the way all that came before, him, ordering them to be that leadeth unto eternal life, and few there be kept in the most cruel durance till they were that find it." From Smithfield the persecution delivered over to the civil magistrate. He tore spread all over the country; in the months of off the beard of Tomkins, a weaver in Shore- June and July eight men and one woman were ditch, and held his hand in the flame of a candle burned in several parts of Kent; and in the till the sinews and veins shrunk and burst, and months of August and September, twenty-five the blood spirted out in-Harpsfield's face, who more in Suffolk, Essex, and Surrey. was standing by. He put others in dungeons, But the greatest sacrifice to popish cruelty was and in the stocks, and fed them with bread and yet to come, for on the 16th of October the water; and when they were brought before him, Bishops Ridley and Latimer were burned at one insulted over their misery in a most brutish stake, in Oxford. Latimer died presently, but manner. Ridley was a long time in exquisite torments, In the month of March were burned Bishop his lower parts being burned before the fire Ferrar, at St. David's; Mr. Lawrence, a priest, reached his body. His last words to his fellowat Colchester: Mr. Tomkins, a weaver, in Smith- sufferer were, "Be of good heart, brother, for field; Mr. Hunter, an apprentice of nineteen God will either assuage the fury of the flame or years of age, at Brentwood; Mr. Causton and enable us to abide it." Latimer replied, " Be Mr. Higden, gentlemen of good estates, in Es- of good comfort, for we shall this day light such sex; Mr. William Pigot, at Braintree; Mr. Ste- a candle in England as, I trust, by God's grace, phen Knight, at Maiden; Mr. Rawlings White, shall never be put out." The very same day a poor fisherman, at Cardiffe. In the next Gardiner, their great persecutor, was struck month, Mr. March, a priest, at Chester, and one with the illness of which he died; it was a supFlower, a young man, in St. Margaret's church- pression of urine, which held him in great agoyard, Westminster. nies till the 12th of November, when he expired. These burnings were disliked by the nation, He would not sit down to dinner till he had rewhich began to be astonished at the courage ceived the news from Oxford of the burning of and constancy of the martyrs, and to be start- the two bishops, which was not till four of the led at the unrelenting severity of the bishops, clock in the afternoon, and while he was at dinwho, being reproached with their cruelties, threw ner he was seized with the distemper which put the odium upon the king and queen. At the an end to his life.* When Bishop Day spoke to same time, a petition was printed by the exiles him of justification through the blood of Christ, beyond sea, and addressed to the queen, put- he said, " If you open that gap to the people, then ting her in mind " that the Turks tolerated farewell all again." He confessed he had sinChristians, and Christians in the most places ned with Peter, but had not repented with him. tolerated Jews; that no papist had been put On the 18th of December, Mr. Archdeacon to death for religion in King Edward's time. Philpott was burned, and behaved at the stake And then they beseech the nobility and common with the courage and resolution of the primitive people to intercede with her majesty to put a martyrs. stop to this issue of blood, and at least grant her On the 21st of March following, Archbishop subjects the same liberty she allowed strangers, of transporting themselves into foreign parts." * This is said on the authority of Fox, after whom But it had no effect. King Philip, being inform- most historians repeat it. Dr. Warner, however, ed of the artifices of the bishops, caused his gives no credit to the story. He observes "that the confessor, Alphonsus, to preach against these bishops were burned on the 16th of October; on the severities, which he did in the face of the whole 21st the Parliament was opened by a speech from the court: Bonner himself pretended to be sick of lord-chancellor, and on the 23d he appeared again in the House of Lords; and had he been seized with a them, but after some little recess he went on. retention of urine on the 16th, he would scarcely have And though Philip pretended to be for milder been able to come abroad on those days; neither measures, yet on the 24th of May he and the would he probably have held out till the 12th of Noqueen signed a letter to Bonner, to quicken him vember following, which was the day he died. And to his pastoral duty;* whereupon he. redoubled Bishop Godwin, who takes no notice of this report, his fury, and in the month of June condemned says he died of a dropsy.'-Warner's Ecclesiastical nine Protestants at once to the stake in Essex, History, vol. ii., p. 382.-Eu. and the council wrote to the sheriffss to gather t It is not pleasing to dwell on the failings of good and the gecouncil wrote to the sheriffs to gather men, especially of those to whose zeal and integrity the gentry together to countenance the burning the cause of religion and truth is, in a great degree, with their presence. indebted; yet the impartiality of an historian, and In the month of July, Mr. John Bradford, late the instruction and warning of future times, require prebendary of St. Paul's, and a most celebrated some notice of them. Mr. Neal, in this view, would preacher in King Edward's days, suffered mar- not have done amiss, had he informed his readers tyrdom. He was a most pious Christian, and is that this eminent Protestant divine and martyr insaid to have done as much service to the Refor- curred the blame of his friends, and discovered a very illiberal and intolerant spirit, by a highly insultmation by his letters from prison as by his ing and passionate behaviour towards some of his preaching in the pulpit. Endeavours were used fellow-prisoners, who denied the doctrine of the Trinto turn him, but to no purpose. He was brought ity and of the deity of Christ. It gave, even in those to the stake with one John Lease, an apprentice times, so much offence, that he judged it proper to of nineteen years old; he kissed the stake and attempt a vindication of himself in a little tract, enthe fagots, but being forbid to speak to the peo- titled, "An apology of John Philpot, written for spitple, he only prayed with his fellow-sufferer, and ting upon an Arian, with an invective against the Arians, the verie natural children of Antichrist; with quietly submitted to the fire. His last words,,an admonition to all that be faithful in Christ to beware of them, and of other late sprung hereaie.,'as * Rapin, p. 184, 188. of the most enemies of the Gospell." —ED. 64 HISTOGRY OF THE PURITANS. Cranmer suffered. He had been degraded by It is not within the compass of my design to the Bishops Thirlby and Bonner on February write a martyrology of these times, nor to fol14th. Bonner insulted him in an indecent low Bishop Bonner and his brethren through manner, but Thirlby melted into tears. After the rivers of Protestant blood which they spilt. this, by much persuasion, and in hopes of life, The whole year 1556 was one continued persehe set his hand to a paper, in which he renoun- cution, in which popery triumphed in all its ced the errors of Luther and Zuinglius, and ac- false and bloody colours. Bonner, not content knowledged his belief of the corporeal presence, to burn heretics singly, sent them by companies the pope's supremacy, purgatory, and invoca- to the flames. Such as were suspected of hertion of saints, -&c. This was quickly published esy were examined upon the articles of the corto the world, with great triumph among the pa- poreal presence of Christ in the sacrament, aupists, and grief to the Reformers. But the un- ricular confession, and the mass; and if they merciful queen was still resolved to have his did not make satisfactory answers, they were, life, and accordingly sent down a writ for his without any farther proofs, condemned to the execution: she could never forgive the share fire. Women were not spared, nor infants in he had in her mother's divorce, and in driving the womb. In the Isle of Guernsey, a woman the pope's authority out of England. Cranmer, with child being ordered to the fire, was deliv suspecting the design, prepared a true confes- ered in the flames, and the infant being taken sion of his faith, and carried it in his bosom to from her, was ordered by the magistrates to be St. Mary's Church on the day of his martyrdom, thrown back into the fire. At length the butchwhere he was raised on an eminence, that he erly work growing too much for the hbands that might be seen by the people and hear his own were employed in it, the queen erected an exfuneral sermon. Never was a more awful and traordinary tribunal for trying of heresy, like melancholy spectacle; an archbishop, once the the Spanish Inquisition, consisting of thirty-one second man in the kingdom, now clothed in commissioners, most of them laymen; and in rags, and a gazing-stock to the world! Cole, the month of June, 1555, she issued out a procthe preacher, magnified his conversion as the lamation that such as received heretical books immediate hand of God, and assured him of a. should be immediately put to death by martial great many masses to be said for his soul. Af- law. She forbid prayers to be made for the ter sermon he desired Cranmer to declare his sufferers, or even to say God bless them: so own faith, which he did with tears, declaring far did her fiery zeal transport her.* Upon the his belief in the Holy Scriptures and the Apos- whole, the number of them that suffered death tles' Creed, and then came to that which he for the Reformed religion in this reign were no said troubled his conscience more than anything less than two hundred and seventy-seven perhe had done in his life, and that was his sub- sons,t of whom were five bishops, twenty-one scribing the above-mentioned paper, out of fear clergymen, eight gentlemen, eighty-four tradesof death and love of life; and, therefore, when men, one hundred husbandmen, labourers, and he came to the fire, he was resolved that hand servants, fifty-five women, and four children. that signed it should burn first. The assembly Besides these, there were fifty-four more under was all in confusion at this disappointment; prosecution, seven of whom were whipped, and and the broken-hearted archbishop, shedding sixteen perished in prison: the rest, who were abundance of tears, was led immediately to the making themselves ready for the fire, were destake, and, being tied to it, he stretched out his livered by the merciful interposure of Divine right hand to the flame, never moving it, but Providence in the queen's death. once to wipe his face, till it dropped off. He In a book corrected, if not written, by Lord often cried out, "That unworthy hand!"* which Burleigh in Queen Elizabeth's time, entitled the was consumed before the fire reached his body. Executions for Treason, it is said four hundred His last words were, " Lord Jesus, receive my persons suffered publicly in Queen Mary's reign, spirit." He died in the sixty-seventh year of besides those who were secretly murdered in his age and twenty-third of his archbishopric, prison; of these, twenty were bishops and digand was succeeded by Cardinal Pole. nified clergymen; sixty were women, of whom some were big with child; and one was deliv* "The language of Cranmer," remarks one of ered of a child in the fire, which was burned; the most philosophical and candid of historians, and above forty men-children.t I might add, ", speaks his sincerity, and demonstrates that the these merciless papists carried theirfury against love of truth still prevailed in his inmost heart. It the reformed beyond the grave; for they caused,gashed forth at the sight of death, full of healing the reformed beyond the grave; for they caused power, which engendered a purifying and ennobling the bones of Fagius and Bucer to be dug out of penitence, and restored the mind to its own esteem their graves, and having ridiculously cited them after a departure from the onward path of sincerity. by their commissioners to appear, and give an acCourage survived a public avowal of dishonour, the count of their faith, they caused them to be burnhardest test to which that virtue can be exposed; ed for nonappearance. Is it possible, after such and if he once fatally failed in fortitude, he in his last moments atoned for his failure by a magnanimity * Clarke's Martyr., p. 506. equal to his transgression. Let those who require t Bishop Maddox observes, that Bishop Burnet unbending virtue in the most tempestuous times reckons the number of sufferers to be two hundred condemn the amiable and faulty primate; others, and eighty-four. But Mr. Strype has preserved (Mewho are not so certain of their own steadiness, will morials, vol. iii., p. 291, Appendix) an exact catalogue consider his fate as, perhaps, the most memorable of the nuhnbers, the places, and the times of execuexample in history of a soul which, though debased, tion. The general sums are as follows: is not depraved. by an act of weakness, and preserv- 1555-71 Total, two hundred and eightyed a heroic courage after the forfeiture of honour, its Anno 1556-89 eight, besides those that dyed natural spur, and, in general, its inseparable com- 1557-88( of famyne in sondry prisons. panion."-Mackintosh's England, vol. ii., p. 327, Lon- t1558-40) -Vindication, p. 313.-ED. don litiaon.-C. t Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 264. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 65 d relation of things, for any Protestant to be in of which was for predestination, and against love with high commissions, with oaths ex officio, free-will. This confession he sent to the Protand laws to deprive men of their lives, liberties, estant prisoners in Newgate, whereunto -they and estates, for matters of mere conscience? generally subscribed, and particularly twelve.that And yet these very Reformers, when the power were under sentence of condemnation to be returned into their hands, were too much incli- burned. Hart, having got a copy of Careless's ned to these engines of cruelty. Iconfession, wrote his own in opposition to it The controversy about predestination* and on the back-side; and would have persuaded free-will appeared first among the Reformers at the prisoners in Newgate to subscribe it, but this time. Some that were in the King's Bench could not prevail. I do not find any of these prison for the profession of the Gospel, denied free-willers at the stake (says my author), or if the doctrines of absolute predestination and ori- any of them suffered, they made no mention of ginal sin. They were men of strict and holy their distinguishing opinions when they came to lives, but warm for their opinions, and unquiet die. But these unhappy divisions among men in their behaviour. Mr. Bradford had frequent that were under the cross gave great advantage conferences with them, and gained over some to the papists, who took occasion from hence to to his own persuasion. The names of their scoff at the professors of the Gospel, as disagreeteachers were, Harry Hart, Trew, and Abing- ing among themselves. They blazed abroad don; they ran their notions as high as the mod- their infirmities, and said they were suffering for ern Arminians, or as Pelagius himself, despising theyknew not what. Dr. Martin, a great papist, learning, and utterly rejecting the authorities of exposed their weaknesses: but when Martin the fathers. Bradford was apprehensive that came to visit the prisoners, Careless took the they would do a great deal of mischief in the opportunity to protest openly against Hart's Church, and therefore, in concert with Bishop doctrines, saying " he had deceived many simFerrar, Taylor, and Philpot, he wrote to Cran- ple souls with his Pelagian opinions." mer, Ridley, and Latimer, at Oxford, to take Besides these free-willers, it seems there were some cognizance of the matter, and consult to- some few in prison for the Gospel that were Arigether about remedying it. Upon this occasion ans, and disbelieved the divinity of Jesus Christ. Ridley wrote back a letter of God's election and Two of them lay in the King's Bench, and raispredestination, and Bradford wrote another upon ed such unseemly and quarrelsome disputes, the same subject. But the free-willers treated that the marshal was forced to separate the prishim rudely: "They told him he was a great oners from one another; and in the year 1556 slander to the Word of God in respect of his doc- the noise of their contentions reached the eais trine, because he believed and affirmed the sal- of the council, who sent Dr. Martin to the King's vation of God's people to be so certain, that they Bench to examine into the affair.* should assuredly enjoy the same. They said I mention these disputes to show the frailty it hanged partly upon our perseverance to the and corruption of human nature ever under end; but Bradford said it hanged upon God's the cross, and to point the reader to the first begrace in Christ, and not upon our perseverance ginnings of those debates which afterward ocin any point, otherwise grace was no grace." casioned unspeakable mischiefs to the Church; When this holy martyr saw he could not con- for though the Pelagian doctrine was espoused vince them, he desired they might pray one for but by a very few of the English Reformers, and another. "I love you," says he, "my dear hearts, was buried in that prison where it began for although you have taken it otherwise without most fifty years, it revived in the latter end of cause: I am going before you to my God and Queen Elizabeth, under the name of Arminianyour God; to my Father and your Father; to ism, and within the compass of a few years supmy Christ and your Christ; to my home and planted the received doctrine of the Reformation. your home." Many of the clergy that were zealous proMr. Careless, another eminent martyr, had fessors of the Gospel under King Edward VI., much conference with these men in the King's through fear of death recanted and subscribed; Bench prison, of whose contentiousness he com- some out of weakness, who, as soon as they plained in a letter to Philpot. In answer to were out of danger, revoked their subscriptions, which Philpot writes, "that he was sorry to hear and openly confessed their fall; of this sort of the contentions that these schismatics raised, were Scory and Barlow, bishops, the famous but that he should not cease to do his endeav- Mr. Jewel, and others. Among the common ours in defence of the truth against these arro- people, some went to mass to preserve their gant, self-willed, and blinded scatterers; that lives, andyet frequented the assemblies of the these sects were necessary for the trial of our Gospellers, holding it not unlawful to be presfaith.' He advised Mr. Careless to be modest ent with their bodies at the service of the mass and humble, that others, seeing his grave con- as long as their spirits did not consent.t Bradversation among those contentious babblers, ford and others wrote with great warmth against might glorify God in the truth. He then be- these temporizers, and advised their brethren seeches the brethern in the bowels of Christ to not to trust or consort with them. They also keep the bond of peace, and not to let any root published a treatise upon this argument, entiof bitterness spring up among them. tied the Mischief and Hurt of the Mass; and But this contention could not be laid asleep recommended the reading it to all that had defor some time, notwithstanding their common filed themselves with that idolatrous service. sufferings for the cause of religion. They wrote But though many complied with the times, one against another in prison, and dispersed and some concealed themselves in friends' their writings abroad in the world. Mr. Care- houses, shifting from one place to another, oth. less wrote a confession of his faith, one article Strype's Life of Cranmer, 352. * Strype's Life of Cranmer, p 352. * Cranmer's Mem., p. 351-353. Appendix p. 83. t Strype's Life of Craumer, p. 362, 363. VOL. I-I '66 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS.. ers resolved, with the hazard of their lives, to them their cities; so that they found little hos. join together'and worship God according to the pitality in Saxony and other places of Germany service-book of King Edward. There were where Lutheranism was professed. Philip Meseveral of these congregations up and down the lancthon interceded with the Senate on their country, which met together in the night, and behalf, but the clergy were so zealous for their -in'secret places,'to cover themselves from the consubstantiation, that they irritated the magisnotice of their persecutors. Great numbers in trates everywhere against them. The number Suffolk, arid Essex constantly frequented the of the refugees is computed at above eight hunprivate assemblies of the Gospellers, and came dred; the most considerable of whom have been not at all to the public service; but- the most mentioned, as the Bishops of Winchester, Bath, considerable congregation was in and about and Wells, Chichester, Exeter, and Ossory; London. It was formed soon after Queen the Deans of Christ Church, Exeter, Durham, Mary's accession, and consisted of above two Wells, and Chichester; the Archdeacons of hundred members. They had divers preachers, Canterbury, Stowe, and Lincoln; with a great as Mr. Scambler, afterward Bishop of Peter- many other very learned divines.* The Iaity borough; Mr. Fowler; Mr. Rough, a Scotsman, of distinction were, the Duchess of Suffolk with who was' burned; Mr. Bernher, and Mr. Ben- her husband, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Richard tham, who survived the persecution, and, in the Morrison, Sir Anthony Cook, Sir John Cheeke, beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign, was made and others. Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry; Mr. Cuth- The exiles were most numerous at Frankfort, bert Simpson was- deacon of the church, and where that contest and division began which kept a book with names of all that belonged to gave rise to the Puritans, and to that separation it': they met sometimes about Aldgate, some- from the Church of England which continues to times in Blackfriars, sometimes in Thames- this day. It will, therefore, be necessary to street, and sometimes on board of ships, when trace it from its original. On the 27th of June, they had a master, for their purpose: sometimes 1554, Mr. Whittingham, Williams, Sutton, and they assembled in the villages about London, to Wood, with their families and friends, came to cover themselves from the bishops' officers and settle at the city of Frankfort; and, upon applispies; and especially at Islington; but here, by cation to the magistrates, were admitted to a the treachery of a false brother, the congrega- partnership in the French Church for a place of tion was at length discovered and broke up: worship, the two congregations being to meet at XIr. Rough their minister, and Mr. Simpson their different hours, as they should agree among deacon, were apprehended and burned, with themselves, but with this proviso, that before many others. Indeed, the whole church was they entered they should subscribe the French in the utmost danger; for whereas Simpson confession of faith, and not quarrel about cerethe deacon used to carry the book wherein the monies, to which the English agreed; and afnames of the congregation were contained to ter consultation among themselves, they con-:their private assemblies, he happened that day, eluded, by universal consent of all present, not.through the good providence of God, to leave it to answer aloud after the minister, nor to use with Mrs. Rough, the minister's wife. When the litany and surplice, but that the public ser-:h'he was in the Tower the recorder of London vice should begin with a general confession of examined him strictly, and because he would sins, then the people to sing a psalm in metre,.neither discover the book nor the names, he was in a plain tune; after which, the minister to put upon the rack three times in one day.* He pray for the assistance of God's Holy Spirit, and was then sent to Bonner, who said to the spec- so proceed to the sermon; after sermon, a gentators, "'You see what a personable man this eral prayer for all estates, and particularly for is; and for his patience, if he was not a here- England, at the end of which was joined the tic, I should much commend him, for he has Lord's Prayer, and a rehearsal of the articles of been thrice racked in one day, and in my house belief; then the people were to sing another has endured some sorrow, and yet I never saw psalm, and the minister to dismiss them with a his patience moved." But notwithstanding this, blessing. They took possession of their church Bonner condemned him, and ordered him first July 29th, 1554, and having chosen a minister into the stocks in his Coal-house, and from and deacons to serve for the present, they sent thence to Smithfield, where, with Mr. Fox and to their brethren that were dispersed to invite -Davenish, two others of the church taken at them to come to Frankfort, where they might *Islington, he ended his life in the flames. hear God's Word truly preached, the sacraments Many escaped the fury of the persecution by rightly ministered, and Scripture discipline used, withdrawing from the storm and flying into for- which in their own country could not be obeign countries. Some went into France and tained. Flanders, some to Geneva, and others into those The more learned clergymen, and some youngparts of Germany and Switzerland where the er divines, settled at Strasburgh, Zurich, and Reformation had taken place; as Basil, Frank- Basil, for the benefit of the libraries of those plafort, JZmbden, Strasburgh, Doesburgh, Arrow, ces, and of the learned conversation of the proand *Zurich, where the magistrates received fessors, as well as in hopes of some little emthem with great humanity, and allowed them ployment in the way of printing.t The congreplaces for public worship. But the uncharitable- gation at Frankfort sent letters to these places ness of the Lutherans on this occasion was on the 2d of August, 1554, beseeching the Engvery remarkable: they hated the exiles because lish divines to send some of their number, whom they were Sacramnentarians, and when any Eng- they might choose, to take the oversight - of lish *,ame among them for shelter, they expelled them. In their letter they commend their new * Strype's Life of Cranmer, p. 354,'&c. * Clarke's Martyr., p. 497. t Hist. of the Troubles of Frankfort, printed 1575. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. a se3ttement, as nearer the policy and order of able weaknesses in it, which, becauseat t rst Scripture than the service-book of King Ed- they could not be amended, were to be suffered, ward. The Strasburgh divines demurring upon but that it behooved the learned, grave, and godthe affair, the congregation at Frankfort sent ly ministers of Christ to enterprise.farther, and for Mr. Knox from Geneva, Mr. Haddon from to set up something more filed from rust, and Strasburgh, and Mr. Lever from Zurich, whom purer. If religion (says he) had flourished.-till they elected for their ministers. At length the this day in England, many of these things should students at Zurich sent them word that, unless have been corrected. But, since -the Reformathey might be assured that they would use the tion is overthrown, and a church is to beset up same order of service concerning religion as in another place, where you are at liberty -to eswas set forth by King Edward, they would not tablish what order is most for edification, I cancome to them, for they were fully determined not tell what they mean who are so fond of the to admit and use no other. To this the Frank- leavings of popish dregs." Upon this letter the fort congregation replied, that they would use Frankfort congregation agreed not to submit to the service-book as far as God's Word com- the Strasburgh divines, but to make use of so manded it, but as for the unprofitable ceremo- much of the service-book as they had done, till.nies, though some of them were tolerable, yet,. the end of April, 1555; and if any new contenbeing in a strange country, they could not be tion arose among them in the mean time, the suffered to use them; and, indeed, they thought matter was to be referred to Calvin, Musculus, it better that they should never be practised. Martyr, Bullinger, and Vyret. "If any," say they, "think that the not using But upon the 13th of March, Dr. Cox, who the book in all points should weaken our godly had been tutor to King.Edward VI., a man of a fathers' and brethren's hands, or be a disgrace. high spirit, but of great credit with his countryto the worthy laws of King Edward, let them men, coming to Frankfort with some of hiks consider that they themselves have, upon con- friends, broke through the agreement. and insideration and circumstances, altered many terrupted the public service by answering aloud things in it heretofore; and if God had not in after the minister; and the Sunday following, these wicked days otherwise determined, would one of his company, without the consent of the hereafter have altered more; and in our case congregation, ascended the pulpit, and read the we doubt not but they would have done as we whole litany. Upon this, Mr. Knox, their'mindo." So they made use of the book, but omit-: ister, taxed the authors of this disorder'in his ted the litany and responses. sermon with a breach of their agreement; and But this not giving satisfaction, Mr. Cham- farther affirmed, that some things in the serbers and Mr. Grindal came with a letter from vice-book were superstitious and impure. The the learned men of Strasburgh, subscribed with zealous Dr. Cox reproved him for his censorisixteen hands, in which they exhort them, in ousness; and being admitted with his company the most pressing language, to a full conformi- to vote in the congregation, got the majority to ty. They say they make no question but the forbid Mr. Knox to preach any more. But Knox's magistrates of Frankfort will consent to the use friends applied to the magistrate, who commandof the English service, and, therefore, they can- ed them to unite with the French Churcb, botk not doubt of the congregation's good-will and in discipline and ceremonies, according to their ready endeavours to reduce their church to the first agreement. Dr. Coxiand his friends, findexact pattern of King Edward's book, as far as ing Knox's interest among the magistrates too possible can be obtained: " should they deviate strong, had recourse to an unchristian method from it at this time, they apprehend they should to get rid of him. This divine, some years seem to condemn those who were now sealing before he was in England, had published an it with their blood, and give occasion to their English book, called An Admonition to Chrisadversaries to charge them with inconstancy." tians, in which he had said that the emperor The Frankfort congregation, in their letter of was no less an enemy to Christ than Nero. For December 3d, reply, that "they had omitted as which, and some other expressions inthe book, few ceremonies as possible, so that there was these gentlemen accused him of high treason no danger of their being charged with incon- against the emperor. The Senate being tender stancy. They apprehended that the martyrs in of the emperor's honour, and not willing to 0mEngland were not dying in defence of ceremo- broil themselves in a controversy of this nature, nies, which they allow may be altered; and as desired Mr. Knox, in a respectful -manner, to for doctrine, there is no difference; therefore, if depart the city, which he did accordingly, March the learned divines of Strasburgh should come 25, 1555. to Frankfort with no other views but to reduce After this, Cox's party, being strengthened by the congregation to King Edward's form, and to the addition of several English divines from establish the popish ceremonies, they give them other places, sixteen of them, viz., three docto understand that they had better stay away." tors of divinity and thirteen bachelors, petitionThis was signed by John Knox, now come from ed the magistrates for the free use of King EdGeneva, John Bale, John Fox the martyrolo- ward's service-book, which they were pleased gist, and fourteen more. to grant. Thus the old congregation was broke Things being in this uncertain posture at up by Dr. Cox and his friends, whQ now carried Frankfort, King Edward's book being used in all before them. They chose new church-offipart, but not wholly, and there being no pros- cers, taking no notice of the old ones, and set pect of an accommodation with their brethren up the service-book of King Edward, without at Strasburgh, they resolved to ask the advice interruption. Knox's friends would have left of the famous Mr. Calvin, pastor of the church the matter to the arbitration of divines, which at Geneva, who, having perused the English lit- the others refused, but wrote to Mr. Calvin to urgy, took notice I, that there were many toler- I countenance their proceedings, which that great 68 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. divine could not do; but after a modest excuse later ages. For which, and other reasons, they for intermeddling in their affairs, told them that, have thought fit to lay aside these human in"in his opinion, they were too much addicted ventions, which have done so much mischief to the English ceremonies; nor could he see to and have contented themselves with that wis what purpose it was to burden the Church with dom that is contained in God's book; which di such hurtful and offensive things, when there rects them to preach the Word of God purely, was liberty to have a simple and more pure to minister the sacraments sincerely, and use order. He blamed their conduct to Mr. Knox, prayers and other orders thereby approved, to which he said was neither godly nor brotherly; the edification of the Church, and increase of and concludes with beseeching them to prevent God's glory." divisions among themselves." This pacific let- The reader has now seen the first breach or ter having no effect, the old congregation left schism between the English exiles, on account their countrymen in possession of their church, of the service-book of King Edward, which made and departed the city. Mr. Fox, the martyrol- way for the distinction, by which the two parties ogist, with a few more, went to Basil; and the were afterward known, of Puritans and Conformrest to Geneva, where they were received with ists. It is evident that Dr. Cox and his friends great humanity, and having a church appointed were the aggressors, by breaking in upon the them, they chose Mr. Knox and Goodman their agreement of the congregation of Frankfort, pastors. Here they set up the Geneva disci- which was in peace, and had consented to go pline, which they published in English, under on in their way of worship for a limited time, the title of The Service, Discipline, and Form of which time was not then expired. He artfully Common Prayers and Administration of Sacra- ejected Mr. Knox from his ministry among them, ments used in the English Church of Geneva, and brought in the service-book with a high with a dedication to their brethren in' England hand; by which those who had been in possesand elsewhere. Dated from Geneva, February sion of the church about nine months* were 10th, 1556. The liturgy is too long to be insert- obliged to depart the city, and set up their wored in this place, but is agreeable to that of the ship in another place. The doctor and his French churches. In their dedication, they say friends discovered an ill spirit in this affair. " that their discipline is limited within the com- They might have used their own forms without pass of God's Word, which is sufficient to gov- imposing them upon others, and breaking a ern all our actions. That the dilatory proceed- congregation to pieces that had settled upon a ings of the bishops in reforming church disci- different foundation with the leave of the govpline and removing offensive ceremonies is one ernment under which they lived. But they incause of the heavy judgments of God upon the sisted that, because the congregation of Frankland. That the late service-book of King Ed- fort was made up of Englishmen, they ought to ward being now set aside by Parliament accord- have the form of an English church; that ing to law, it was in no sense the established many of them had subscribed to the use of the worship of the Church of England, and, conse- service-book; and that the departing from it at quently, they were under no obligation to use this time was pouring contempt on the martyrs it, any farther than it was consonant to the who were sealing it with their blood. But the Word of God. Being, therefore, at liberty, and others replied, that the laws of their country rein a strange land, they had set up such an order lating to the service-book were repealed; and as, in the judgment of Mr. Calvin and other as for their subscription, it could not bind them learned divines, was most agreeable to Scrip- from making nearer approaches to the purity ture, and the best Reformed Churches." Their and simplicity of the Christian worship, esreasons for laying aside the late rites and cere- pecially when there was no established Protmonies were these: "because, being invented estant Church of England, and they were in a by men, though upon a good occasion, yet they strange country, where the vestments and cerehad since been abused to superstition, and made monies gave offence. Besides, it was allowed a necessary part of Divine worship. Thus Hez- on all hands that the book itself was imperfect; ekiah'was commended for breaking in pieces and it was credibly reported that the Archbishop the brazen serpent, after it had been erected of Canterbury had drawn up a form of common eight hundred years, and the high places that prayer much more perfect, but that he could had been abused to idolatry were commanded not make it take place, because of the corrupto be destroyed. In the New Testament, the tion of the clergy. As for discipline, it was out washing the disciples' feet, which was prac- of the question that it was imperfect, for the tised in the primitive Church, was for wise rea- service-book itself laments the want of it; and, sons laid aside, as well as their love-feasts. Be- therefore, they apprehend that, if the martyrs sides, these rites and ceremonies have occasion- themselves were in their circumstances, they ed great contentions in the Church in every would practise with the same latitude, and reage. The Galatian Christians objected to St. form those imperfections in the English servicePaul, that he did not observe the Jewish cere- book which they attempted, but could not obmonies as the other apostles did; and yet he tain, in their own country. observed them while there was any hope of * Mr. Neal has said, " almost two years;" here, gaining over weak brethren; for this reason he by consulting his authority, "the troubles at Frankcircumclsea Ilmothy; but fWhen he perceived fort," it appears that he is properly corrected by that men would retain them as necessary things Bishop Maddox. In other respects, his lordship's in the Church, he called that, which before he animadversions on this part of Mr. Neal's History made indifferent, wicked and impious, saying, are not just or accurate, if Mr. Neal's authority, to which he has faithfully adhered, deserves credit. that:' whosoever was circumcised, Christ could This piece, when it ws become scarceserves reprint nothing profit him.''The like contentions have ed in the "Phoenix," vol. ii., 1708. Mr. Strype re been between the Greek and Latin Church in fers to it as, giving authentic information. —ED. HISTORY OF liAE PURITANS. 69 To return to Dr. Cox's congregation at Frank- burned all, the English Bibles, and such heretifort. The doctor having settled Mr. Horn in cal books as they could find. They took up the the pastoral office, in the room of Mr. White- body of Peter Martyr's wife out of one of the head, who resigned, after some time left the churches, and buried it in a dunghill, because, place. But within six months a new division having been once a nun, she broke her vow; happened among them, occasioned by a private but her body was afterward taken up again in dispute between Mr. Horn, the minister, and Queen Elizabeth's time, and mixed with the Mr. Ashby, one of the principal members. Mr. bones of St. Fridiswide, that they might never Horn summoned Ashby to appear at the vestry more be disturbed by papists. The persecution before the elders and officers of the Church; of the Reformed was carried on with all imaAshby appealed from them, as parties, to the ginable fury; and a design was set on foot to whole Church, who appointed the cause to be introduce the Inquisition, by giving, commisbrought before them; but Mr. Horn and the sions to certain laymen to search for persons officers protested against it, and chose rather suspected of heresy, and present them to their to lay down their ministry and service in the ordinaries, as has been related. Cardinal Pole Church, than submit to a popular decision. The being thought too favourable to heretics, becongregation being assembled on this occasion, cause he had released several that were brought gave it as their opinion that, in all controversies before him upon their giving ambiguous anamong themselves, and especially in cases of swers, had his legatine power taken from appeals, the dernier resort should be in the him, and was recalled; but upon his submisChurch. It is hardly credible what heats and sion he was forgiven, and continued here till divisions, factions and parties, these personal his death, but had little influence afterward eiquarrels occasioned among a handfil of stran- ther in the courts of Rome or England, being gers, to the scandal of religion, and their own a clergyman of too much temper for the times reproach with the people among whom they he lived in. lived. At length the magistrate interposed, Princess Elizabeth was in constant danger and advised them to bury all past offences in of her life throughout the whole course of this oblivion, and to choose new church officers in reign. Upon the breaking out of Wyat's conthe room of those that had laid down; and spiracy she was sent to the Tower, and led in since their discipline was defective as to the by the Traitors' gate; her own servants being points of controversy that had been before put from her, and no person allowed to have them, they commanded them to appoint certain access to her: the governor used her hardly, persons of their number to draw up a new form not suffering her to walk in the gallery or upon of discipline, or correct and amend the old one; the leads. Wyat and his confederates were and to do this before they chose their ecclesias- examined about her, and some of them put to tical officers, that, being all private persons, the rack; but they all cleared her except Wyat, they might agree upon that which was most who once accused her, in hopes to save his life, reasonable in itself, without respect of persons but declared upon the scaffold to all the people or parties. This precept was delivered in wri- that he only did it with that view. After some ting, March 1st, 1557, and signed by Mr. John time she was sent to Woodstock in custody of Glauburge. Hereupon fifteen persons were ap- Sir Henry Benefield, who used her so ill that pointed to the work, which, after some time, she apprehended they designed to put her priwas finished; and having been subscribed by vately to death. Here she was under close the Church to the number of fifty-seven, was confinement, being seldom allowed to walk. in confirmed by the magistrate; and on the 21st the gardens. The politic Bishop Gardiner often of December, twenty-eight more were added to moved the queen to think of putting her out the Church and subscribed; but Mr. Horn and of the way, saying it was to no purpose to lop his party, to the number of twelve, dissented, off the branches while the tree was left standand appealed to the magistrates, who had the ing. But King Philip was her friend, who sent patience to hear their objections, and the others' for her to court, where she fell upon her knees reply. But Mr. Horn and his friends not pre- before the queen, and protested her innocence vailing, left the congregation to their new disci- as to all conspiracies and treasons against her pline, and departed the city, from which time majesty; but the queen still hated her: howthey continued in peace till the death of Queen ever, after that, her guards were discharged, Mary. and she was suffered to retire into the country, During these troubles died Dr. Poynet, late where she gave herself wholly to study, med bishop of Winchester, born in Kent, and edu- dling in no sort of business, for she was always cated in Queen's College, Oxon, a very learned apprehensive of spies about her. The princess and pious divine, who was in such favour with complied outwardly with her sister's religion, King Edward for his practical preaching that avoiding as much as she could all discourses he preferred him first to the bishopric of Ro- with the bishops, who suspected her of an inchester, andthen toWinchester.* Uponthe ac- clination to heresy from her education. The cession of Queen Mary he fled to Strasburgh, queen herself was apprehensive of the danger where he died, August 2, 1556, before he was of the popish religion if she died without issue; full forty years old, and was buried with great and was often urged by her clergy, especially lamentations of his countrymen. when her health was visibly declining, to seTo return to England. Both the universities cure the Roman Catholic religion by delivering were visited this year. At Cambridge they the kingdom from such a presumptive heir. burned the bodies of Bucer and Fagius, with Her majesty had no scruple of conscience about their books and heretical writings. At Oxford spilling human blood-in the cause of religion;* the visiters went through all the colleges, and * "In a book entitled'The Executions for Trea* Fuller's Worthies, b. ii., p. 72. son,' written by Lord Burleigh, in Queen Elizabeth w70 X~I 131 HISTORY. OF THE PUR;ITANS. tihe preservatiou- of the princess was, therefore,' concerned to support it, for they began to think little less than a miracle of Divine Providence, that Heaven itself was against it. and was owing, under God, to'the protection Indeed, there were strange and unusual acof King Philip. who, despairing of issue from cidents in the heavens.* Great mischief was the queen, was not without expectations from done in many places by thunder and lightning, the princess. by deluges, by excessive rains, and by stormy Biut the hand of God was against Queen Mary winds. There was a contagious distemper like and her government, which was hardly attended the plague, that swept away great numbers of with one prosperous event; for instead of hav- people, so that in many places there were not ing issue by her marriage, she had only a false priests to bury the dead, nor men enough to conception, so that there were little or no hopes reap the harvest. Many bishops died, which afterward of a child. This increased the sour- made way for the Protestant ones in the next ness of her temper; and her husband, being reign. The Parliament was dissatisfied with much younger than herself, grew weary of her, King Philip's demand for men and money for slighted her company, and then left her to look the recovery of Calais; and the queen herself to his hereditary dominions, after he had lived grew melancholy upon the loss of that place, with her about fifteen months. There being a and the other misfortunes of the year. She had war between Spain and France, the queen was been declining in health ever since her pretendobliged to take part with her husband; this ex- ed miscarriage, which was vastly increased by hausted the treasure of the -nation, and was the the absence of her husband, her despair of issue, occasion of the loss of all the English dominions and the cross accidents that attended her govupon the Continent. In the beginning of this ernment. Her spirits were now decayed, and a year the strong town of Calais was taken, after dropsy coming violently upon her, put an end to it had been in the possession of the English two her unhappy life and reign, November 17, 1558, hundred and ten years: afterward the French in the forty-third year of her age and sixth of took Guines and the rest of that territory, no- her reign; Cardinal Pole, archbishop of Canterthing being left but the isles of Jersey and bury, dying the same day.t Guernsey. The English, says a learned writer, Queen Mary was a princess of severe princihad lost their hearts; the government at home ples, constant at her prayers, and very little givbeing so unacceptable that they were not much en to diversions. She did not mind any branch of government so much as the Church, being time, he says,'Four hundred persons suffered pub- entirely at the disposal of her clergy, and forlicly in Queen Mary's days, besides those who were ward to give a sanction to al their cruelties. secretly murdered in prison: of these, twenty were She had deep resentments of her own ill-usage bishops and dignified clergymen; sixty were women; in her father's and brother's reigns, which easily children, more than forty; some women big with induced her to take revenge, though she colourchild; one bore a child in the fire, and the child was ed it over with a zeal against heresy. She was burned.' This is probably the nearest approach we perfectly blind in matters of religion, her concan make to the facts of the case, and it exhibits a science being absolutely directed by the pope sufficiently fearful and horrifying spectacle. Religious persecution had not been unknown to our fa- her confessor, who encouraged her in all the thers, but the instances of capital puishment for her- cruelties that were exercised against the Protesy were few, and the interval between them had estants, assuring her that she was doing God been great. They had not, however, been sufficiently and his Church good service. There is but one numerous to impair the humanity of the nation, much instance of a pardon of any condemned for herless so to pervert its sympathies as to induce any esy during her whole reign. Her natural temcomplacency in these horrible exhibitions. The per was melancholy; and her infirmities, toslaughter of Gardiner and Bonner was therefore re- gether with the misfortunes of her government, garded with indignation and abhorrence. w Theirtunes of her government, names became hateful, hand their memory has been made her so peevish, that her death was lament. loaded with the reproach of many generations.'It ed by none but her popish clergy. Her reign was an unusual and an ungrateful thing,' says'Bur- was in every respect calamitous to the nation, net,'to the English nation, that is apt to compas- and "ought to be transmitted down to posterity sionate all in misery, to see four, five, six, seven, and in characters of blood." once thirteen, burning in one fire; and the sparing neither sex nor age, nor blind nor lame, but making havoc of all equally, and, above all, the barbarity of Guernsey, raised that horror in the whole nation, that thete seems, ever since that time, such an abhorrence FROM THE BEGINNING OF QUEEN ELIZABETH'S to that religion, to be derived down from father to REIGN TO THE SEPARATION OF THE PROTESTANT son, that it is no wonder an aversion so deeply root- NONCONFORMISTS. ed, and raised upon such grounds, does, upon every new provocation, or jealousy of returning to it, break QUEEN Elizabeth'sl accession to the crown out in most violent and convulsive symptoms.' While some approach to truth can be obtained, in * Burnet's Hist. Ref, vol. ii., p. 366. calculating the numbers that were burned, it is im- t During his residence in Italy, on the demise of possible to form any adequate conception of the mass Paul III., Cardinal Pole had been elected pope, at of misery which was involved in the persecutions of midnight, by the conclave, and sent for to come and this penriod. A speedy death, though by fire, was be admitted. He desired that this, as it was not a merciful and kind, compared with the treatment work of darkness, might be postponed to the mornwhich some experienced. New methods of torment ing. Upon this message, the cardinals, without any were devised by a perverted ingenuity, which might farther ceremony, proceeded to another election, and inflict the pain, without bringing the relief, of death. chose the Cardinal de Monte, who, before he left the Bigotry put on its fiercest and most rancorous form, conclave, bestowed a hat upon a servant who looked and revelled in scenes of wo which might have after his monkey.-Granger's Biogr. istr', 8vo, vol. touched the hardest heart."-Dr. Price's Bzst. Non- i., p. 158, note.-ED. con., vol. i., p. 120-122.-C. t Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 251, 175. HISTORY OF THE PURITAN-S. 7 gave new life to the Reformation: as soon as with them in preaching God's word, and in enit was known beyond sea most of the exiles re- deavouring to obtain such a form of worship as turned home, and those who had hid themselves they had seen practised in the best Reformed in the houses of their friends began to appear; Churches. The others replied that it would not but the public religion continued for a time in be in their power to appoint what ceremonies the same posture the queen found it; the popish should be observed; but they were, determinedpriests kept their livings, and went on celebra- to submit in things indifferent, and hoped those ting mass. None of the Protestant clergy who of Geneva would do so too; however, they had been ejected in the last reign were restored, would join with them in petitioning the queen and orders were given against all innovations that nothing burdensome might be imposed. without public authority. Though the queen Both parties congratulated her majesty's acceshad complied with the changes in her sister's sion, in poems, addresses, and dedications of reign, it was well known she was a favourer of books; but they were reduced to the utmost the Reformation; but her majesty proceeded poverty and distress. They came threadbare with great caution, for fear of raising disturb- home, bringing nothing with them (says Mr. ances in her infant government. No prince Strype*) but much experience, as well as learnever came to the crown under greater disadvan- ing. Those who could comply with the queen's tages. The pope had pronounced her illegiti- establishment were quickly preferred; but the. mate, upon which the Queen of Scots put in rest were neglected, and' though suffered to her claim to the crown. All the bishops and preach in the churches for some time, they were clergy of the present establishment were her afterward suspended, and reduced to as great declared enemies. The nation was at war with poverty as before. France, and the treasury exhausted; the queen, It had been happy if the sufferings of the therefore, by the advice of her privy council, re- exiles had taught them a little more charity solved to make peace with her neighbours as and mutual forbearance; or that they had folsoon as possible, that she might be more at lei- lowed the advice of their learned friends and sure to proceed in her intended alterations of re- patrons beyond sea, who advised them to go ligion, which, though very considerable, were through with the Reformation, -and clear the not so entire as the best and most learned Prot- Church of all the relics of popery and superstiestants of these times desired. The queen in- tion at once. This was the advice of Gualter, herited the spirit of her father, and affected a one of the chief divines of Zurich, who, in his great deal of magnificence in her devotions, as letter to Dr. Masters, the queen's physician, well as in her court. She was fond of many of January 16, 1558-9 wishes "that the Reformthe old rites and ceremonies in which she had ers among us would not hearken to the counbeen educated. She thought her brother had sels of those men who, when they saw that stripped religion too. much of its ornaments, popery could not be honestly defended nor enand made the doctrines of the Church too nar- tirely retained, would use all artifices to have row in some points. It was therefore with diffi- the outward face of religion to remain mixed, culty that she was prevailed on to go the length uncertain, and doubtful; so that while:an evanof King Edward's reformation.* gelical reformation is pretended, those things The only thing her majesty did before the should be obtruded on the Church which will meeting of the Parliament was to prevent pul- make the returning back to popery, superstition, pit disputes, for some of the reformed that had and idolatry, very easy. We have had the exbeen preachers in King Edward's time, began perience of this (says he) for some years in Gerto make use of his service-book without author- many, and know what influence such persons ity or license from their superiors; this alarmed may have: their counsels seem to a carnal the popish clergy, and gave occasion to a proc- judgment to be full of modesty, and well fitted lamation, dated December 27, 1558.t By which for carrying on a universal agreement; and we all preaching of ministers or others was pro- may well believe the common enemy of our salhibited; and the people were charged to hear vation will find out proper instruments, by whose no other doctrine or preaching but the Epistle means the seeds of popery may still remain and Gospel for the day, and the Ten Command- among you. I apprehend that ir the first bements in English, without any exposition or ginnings, while men may study to avoid the paraphrase whatsoever. The proclamation ad- giving some small offence, many things may be mits of the litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the suffered under this colour, that they will be concreed, in English; but no public prayers were tinued but for a little while, and yet afterward to be read in the Church but such as were ap- it will scarce be possible, by all the endeavours pointed by law, till the meeting of the Parlia- that can be used, to get them removed, at least ment, which was to be upon the 23d of Janua- not without great strugglings."t The letter ry.4 seems to be written wlth a prophetic spirit; While~ the exiles were preparing to return Masters laid it before the queen, who read it all home, conciliatory letters passed between them; over, though without effect. Letters of the those of Geneva desired a mutual forgiveness, same strain were written by the learned upllinand prayed their brethren of Arrow, Basil, ger, Peter Martyr, and Weidner, to the Earl of Frankfort, Strasburgh, and Worms, to unite Redford, who had been some time at Zurich; * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., 376. and to Jewel, Sandye, Horn, Cox, Grindal, and t This proclamation was directed against the pa- the rest of the late exiles, pressing ther.eehepists as well as the reformed: " for both," says Strype, mently t act with zeal and courage, and to," took their occasions to speak freely their minds in take care in the first binnings 1t:have all the pulpits." —trype's Annals, vo. i., Appendix, p. things settled upon sunganid sound'bfundatioi. 3. Camden's Eliz., p. 6. t Burnet's History of the Reform., vol. ii., p. 376- * Annals, vol. i., p. 129. 378. Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 103-105. t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 276 72 HISTO RY OF THE PURITANS. The exl'es, in their answers, seem resolved to and as it revives King Edward's laws, it repeals follow their advices, and make a bold stand for a severe act made in the late reign for punisha thorough reformation; and if they had done ing heresy,* and three other old statutes menso, they might have obtained it. Jewel, in his tioned in the said act. "Moreover, all persons letter of May 22, 1559, thanks Bullinger for in any public employs, whether civil or ecclesiquickening their zeal and courage; and adds, astical, are obliged to take an oath in recogni"they were doing what they could, and that tion of the queen's right to the crown, and of all things'were coming into a better state." In her supremacy in all causes ecclesiastical and another, of April 10, " he laments the want of civil, on penalty of forfeiting all their promotions zeal and industry in promoting the Reformation; in the Church, and of being declared incapable and that things were managed in so slow and of holding any public office." In short, by this cautious a manner, as if the Word of God was single act of the supremacy, all that had been not to be received on his own authority." In done by Queen Mary was in a manner annulled, another, of November 16, " he complains of the and the external policy of the Church restored queen's keeping a crucifix in her chapel, with to the same foot as it stood at the death of King lighted candles; that there was worldly policy Edward VI. in this, which he did not like; that all things Farther: "The act forbids all writing, print. were so loose and uncertain with them, that he ing, teaching, or preaching, and all other deeds did not know whether he should not be obliged or acts whereby any foreign jurisdiction over to return back to Zurich. He complains of the these realms is defended, upon pain that they popish vestments, which he calls the relics of and their abettors, being thereof convicted, shall the Amorites, and wishes they were extirpated for the first offence forfeit their goods and chatto the deepest roots." The like complaints tels; and if they are not worth twenty pounds, were made by Cox, Grindal, Horn, Pilkington, suffer a year's imprisonment; spiritual perand others, but they had not the resolution to sons shall lose their benefices, and all ecclesipersevere: had they united counsels, and stood astical preferments; for the second offence they by one another, they might at this juncture have shall incur the penalties of a praemunire; and obtained the removal of those grievances which the third offence shall be deemed high treaafterward occasioned the separation. son." To return to the Parliament.-: The court took There is a remarkable clause in this act, such measures about elections as seldom fail which gave rise to a new court, called the Court of success; the' magistrates of the counties and of High Commission.t The words are these: corporations were changed, and the people, who "I The queen and her successors shall have powwere weary of the late persecutions, were as- er, by their letters patent under the great seal, sisted, and encouraged to exert themselves in to assign, name, and authorize, as often as they favour of such representatives as might make shall think meet, and for as long time as they them easy; so that when the houses met, the shall please, persons, being natural-born submajority were on the side of the Reformation. jects, to use, occupy, and exercise, under her The temper of the house was first tried by a bill and them, all manner of jurisdiction, privileges, to restore to the crown the first-fruits and tenths, and pre-eminences, touching any spiritual or which Queen Mary had returned to the Church. ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the realms of It passed the Commons without much opposi- England and Ireland, &c., to visit, reform, retion' February 4th, but in the House of Lords dress, order, correct, and amend all errors, herall the bishops voted against it.* By another esies, schisms, abuses, contempts, offences, and act they repealed some of the penal laws, and enormities whatsoever. Provided that they enacted that no person should be punished for have no power to determine anything to be hereXercising the religion used in the last year of esy but what has been adjudged to be so by the King Edward. They appointed the public ser- authority of the canonical Scripture; or by the vice to be performed in the vulgar tongue. They first four general councils, or any of them; or empowered the queen to nominate bishops to by any other general council, wherein the same the vacant bishoprics by conga d'elire, as at was declared heresy by the express and plain present. They suppressed the religious houses words of canonical Scripture; or such as shall founded by Queen Mary, and annexed them to hereafter be declared to be heresy by the high the crown; but the two principal acts passed court of Parliament, with the assent of the clerthis session were the acts of supremacy, and gy in convocation."$ of, uniformity of common prayer. The former is entitled an act for restoring to * The repeal of this act, it may not be improper to the crown the ancient jurisdiction over the state observe, operated in favour of those only who denied ecclesiastical and spiritual, and for abolishing the essential and disseminating tenets of popery. It foreign power. It is the same for substance was a necessary step, when government was about with the twenty-fifth of Henry VIII., already to establish a reformation which would subvert the mentioned, but the Commons incorporated sev- reception of those tenets. But it did not proceed eral other bills into it; for, besides the title of from any just notions of the rights of conscience; a o sinto ao, asides thees aticl and, as it appears in the course of this reign, still left supreme governor in all causes ecclesiastical those who went beyond the limits fixed by the new and temporal, which is restored to the queen, establishment exposed to the heaviest penalties.the act revives those laws of King Henry VIII. ED. t Strype, p. 69. Rapin, p. 237. and King Edward VI. whichi had been repealed $ On this statute Mr. Justice Blackstone remarks, in the late rei'gil,n It forbids all appeals to Rome, that 1" a man continued still liable to be burned for and exonerates the subjects from all exactions what, perhaps, he did not understand to be heresy, and imPositions heretofore paid to that 6ourt; till the ecclesiastical judge so interpreted the words of the canonical Scriptures." To this a late writer justly adds: " And even at this day, whoever, of the i Strype, p. 67. sectaries not tolerated, shall dare to interpret the HISTO01Y OF THE PURITANS 73 Upon the authority of this clause the queen in spirituals that King Henry did, who, by the appointed a certain number of commissioners act of the thirty-first of his reign, was made abfor ecclesiastical causes, who exercised the solute lord over the consciences of his subjects, same power that had been lodged in the hands it being therein enacted that " whatsoever his of one vicegerent in the reign of King Henry majesty should enjoin in matters of religion VIII. And how sadly they abused their power should be obeyed by all his subjects." in this and the two next reigns will appear in It is very certain that the kings and queens the sequel of this history.* They did not trouble of England never pretended to the character of. themselves much with the express words of spiritual persons, or to exercise any part of the Scripture, or the first four general councils, but ecclesiastical function in their own persons t entangled their prisoners with oaths ex officio, they neither preached nor administered the sacand the inextricable mazes of the popish canon raments, nor pronounced or inflicted the cen., law; and though all ecclesiastical courts ought sures of the Church; nor did they ever conse-, to be subject to a prohibition from the courts crate to the episcopal office, though the right of of Westminster, this privilege was seldom al- nomination is in them: these things were done lowed by the commissioners. The act makes by spiritual persons, or by proper officers in the no mention of an arbitrary jurisdiction of fining, spiritual courts, deriving their powers from the imprisoning, or inflicting corporeal punishments crown. When the adversaries of the supremaon the subjects, and therefore can be construed cy objected the absurdity of a lay person being to extend no farther than to suspension or dep- head of a spiritual body, the queen endeavoure( rivation; but notwithstanding this, these com- to remove the difficulty by declaring, in her inmissioners sported themselves in all the wanton junctions to her visiters, "that she did not, nor acts of tyranny and oppression, till their very would she ever, challenge authority and power name became odious to the whole nation; in- to minister Divine service in the Church; nor somuch that their proceedings were condemned would she ever challenge any other authority by the united voice of the people, and the court than her predecessors King Henry VIII. and dissolved by act of Parliament, with a clause Edward VI. used." that no such jurisdiction should be received for But, abating this point, it appears very probathe future in any court whatsoever. ble that all the jurisdiction and authority claimBishop Burnet sayst that the supremacy ed by the pope, as head of the Church, in the granted by this act is short of the authority that times preceding the Reformation, was transKing Henry had; nor is it the whole that the ferred to the king by the act of supremacy, and queen claimed, who sometimes stretched her annexed to the imperial crown of these realms, prerogative beyond it. But since it was the as far as was consistent with the laws of the basis of the Reformation, and the spring of all land then in being; though since it has underits future movements, it will be proper to in- gone some abatements. The words of the quire what powers were thought to be yielded learned Mr. Hooker* are very express: " If the the crown by this act of supremacy, and some whole ecclesiastical state should stand in need others made in support of it. King Henry VIII., of being visited and reformed; or when any in his letter to the convocation of York, assures part of the Church is infested with errors, them that "he claimed nothing more by the su- schisms, heresies, &c., whatsoever spiritual premacy than what Christian princes in the powers the legates had from the see of Rome, primitive times assumed to themselves in their and exercised in right of the pope for remedyown dominions."t But it is capable of demon- ing of evils, without violating the laws of God stration, that the first Christian emperors did or nature; as much in every degree have our not claim all that jurisdiction over the Church laws fully granted to the king forever, whether he thinks fit to do it by ecclesiastical synods, or Holy Scriptures for himself, may be punished by ec- otherwise according to law." clesiastical censures, if an ecclesiastical judge should otherwse acof this remarkrding to aw." decree such interpretation to be erroneous." —High The truth of this remark will appear by con Church Politics, p. 66.-ED. sidering thepowers claimed by the' crown in * In addition to our author's remark may be sub- this and the following reigns. joined the reflections of a modern writer: "On this 1. The kings and queens of England claimed foundation," says he, " was erected, in a subsequent authority in matters of faith, and to be the ultipart of her reign, that court of ecclesiastical commis- mate judges of what is agreeable or repugnant sion, which, in the sequel, was the source of the most to the Word of God. The act of supremacy-says arbitrary proceedings, and of the most shameful tyr- expressly, "that the king has power to redress anny, oppression, and persecution. The powers we have mentioned, as granted to Elizabeth, will appear and amend all errors and heresies; he might to many, in the present enlightened and liberal age, enjoin what doctrines he would to be preached, to have been unreasonable and enormous, and con- not repugnant to the laws of the land; and if trary to the just ends of political government. But any should preach contrary, he was for the third the conferring of such powers accorded with the idea offence to be judged a heretic, and suffer death: of the times, which had no conception of introducing his majesty claimed a right to forbid all preachreligious changes by the mere operation of reason ing for a time, as King Henry VIII., King Edand argument, and which had not learned to ascer-ing for a time, as King Henry VIII., King Edtain the true nature, objects, boundaries, and dis- ward VI., Queen Mary, and Elizabeth did; or tinctions of civil and ecclesiastical authority."-His- to limit the clergy's preaching to certain of the tory of Knowledge in the New Annual Register for 1789, thirty-nine articles established by law, as King V. 6.-ED. Charles I. did." All the forementioned kings t Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol. ii., p. 386. and queens published instructions or injunctions t The primitive times, as they are called, did not concerning matters of faith, without consent of commence till:the beginning of the fourth century, the clergy in convocation assembled; and enunder Constantine the Great, who was the first prince that employed the powers of the state in the forced them upon the clergy under the penalties hffairs of the Church.-EDn. * Eccles. Pol., b. viii., ~ 8 L. I.-K 74 HISTORY OF THE PURI:TANS. of a promunire, which made it a little difficult press words of several statutes,* that all juristo understand that clause of the twentieth arti- diction, ecclesiastical as well as civil, was vestcle-of the Church which says the Church has ed in the king, and taken away from the bishauthority in matters of faith. ops, except by delegation from him. The king 2. With regard to discipline, the kings of was chief in the determination of all causes in England seem to have had the keys at their gir- the Church; he had authority to make laws, die: for, though the old canon law be in force, ceremonies, and constitutions, and without him as far as is consistent with the laws of the land no such laws, ceremonies, or constitutions are, and the prerogative of the crown, yet the king or- ought to be, of force. And, lastly, all apis the supreme. and' ultimate judge in the spirit- peals, which before had been made to Rome, ual courts by his delegates, as he is in the are forever, hereafter, to. be made to his majes. courts of common law by his judges. His maj- ty's chancery, to be ended and determined, as esty might appoint a single person of the laity the manner now is, by delegates.t to be his vicar-general in all causes ecclesiasti- I am sensible that the constitution of the cal to reform what was amiss, as King Henry Church has been altered in some things since VIII. and Charles I. did, which very much re- that time; but let the reader judge, by what sembled the pope's legate in the times before has been recited from acts of Parliament, of the the Reformation. By authority of Parliament, high powers that were then intrusted with the the crown was empowered to appoint thirty-two crown, and how far they were agreeable with commissioners, some of the laity and some of the natural or religious rights of mankind. the clergy, to reform the canons or ecclesiasti- The whole body of the papists refused the oath cal laws; and though the design was not exe- of supremacy, as inconsistent with their allegicuted, the power was certainly in the king, who ance to the pope; but the Puritans took it unmight have ratified the new canons, and given der all these disadvantages, with the queen's them the force of a law, without the consent of explication in her injunctions; that is, that no the clergy in convocation, or of the Parliament; more was intended than " that her majesty, un-. and, therefore, at the coronationof King Charles der God, had the sovereignty and rule over all I., the bishop was directed to pray " that God persons born in her realms, either ecclesiastical would give the king Peter's key of discipline, or temporal, so as no foreign power had or ought and Paul's doctrine." to have authority over them." They appre3. As to rights-and ceremonies, the act of hended this to be the natural right of all soveruniformity* says expressly, "that the queen's eign princes in their dominions, though there majesty, by advice of her ecclesiastical com- has been no statute law for it;. but, as they did missioners, or of her metropolitan, may ordain not admit the government of the Church to be and publish such ceremonies or rites as may be monarchical, they were of opinion that no sinmost for the advancement of God's glory and gle person, whether layman or ecclesiastic, the edifying of the Church." Accordingly, her ought to assume the title of supreme head of the majesty published her injunctions, without send- Church on earth, in the sense of the acts above ing them into convocation or Parliament, and mentioned. This appears from the writings of erected a court of high commission for ecclesi- the famous Mr. Cartwright, in his admonition astical causes, consisting of commissioners of to the Parliament. her own nomination, to see them put in execu- "The Christian sovereign," says he,t "ought tion., Nay, so jealous was Queen Elizabeth of not to be called head, under Christ, of the parthis branch of her prerogative, that she would ticular and visible churches within his dotainnot suffer her high court of Parliament to pass ions: it is a title not fit for any mortal man; any bill for the amendment or alteration of the for when the apostle says Christ is iceoaj, the ceremonies of the Church, it being, as she said, head, it is as much as if he had said Christ, an invasion of her prerogative. and no other, is head of the Church. No civil 4. The kings of England claimed the sole magistrate, in councils or assemblies for Church power of the nomination of bishops; and the matters, can either be chief moderator, overdeans and chapters were obliged to choose those ruler, judge, or determiner; nor has he such whom their majesties named, under penalty of authority as that, without his consent, it should a premuriire; and after they were chosen and not be lawful for ecclesiastical persons to make consecrated,they might not act but by commis- any Church orders or ceremonies. Church mat sion from the crown. They held their very ters ought, ordinarily, to be handled by church bishoprics for some time durante bene placito; officers. The principal direction of them is, by and by the statute of the fifth and sixth of Ed- God's ordinance, committed to'the ministers of ward VI., chap. i., it was enacted "that arch- the Church and to the ecclesiastical governors: bishops and bishops shall punish by censures of as these meddle not with the making civil laws, the Church all persons that offend," &e., whith so the civil magistrate ought not to ordain plainly implies that without such a license or ceremonies or determine controversies in the authority they might not do it. Church, so long as they do not intrench upon,5. No convocation or synods of the clergy * 37 Hen. VIII., cap. xvii., can assemble but by a writ or precept from the * 37 Hen. VIII., cap. xvii., Eliz., cap i. anassemble but by a writ or precept from the Thus the power, which had been for ages exercrown; -and when assembled, they can do no cised by the pope, was transferre the ttemporal business without the king's letters patent, ap- monarch. The acquisition of this power was highly pointing them the particular subjects they are flattering to the love of authority in princes, eape. to debate upon;t and, after all, their canons cially as they had been so long under subjection- to are of no force without the roy- al 6 eAen)ti. the pope. To a woman of Queen Elizabeth's spirit Upon the whyol it-is evident, by the etx it was, independently of every religious consicdera. —: i._.............................~ tion, a powerful inducement to support the Reforma. * 1 liz., cap. 1. tion.-ED. t Stat. 25 Hen. VIII., aid stat. praemun. $ Admonition to Parliament, li. ii;, p. 4, 11. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 6 his temporal authority. Nevertheless, our mean- mation, there would have been no room for the ing is not to seclude. the magistrate from our disturbance of any whose religious principles Church assemblies; he may call a council of were not inconsistent with the safety of the his clergy, and appoint both time and place; government.* Truth and charity would have he may be there by himself or his deputy, but prevailed; the civil powers would have protectnot as moderator, determiner, or judge; he may ed the Church in her spiritual rights; and the have his voice in the assembly, but the orders Church, by instructing the people in their duty and decrees of councils are not made by his to their superiors, would have supported the authority; for in ancient times the canons of state. But the Reformers, as well Puritans as the councils were not called the decrees of the others, had different notions. They were for emperors, but of the bishops. It is the prince's one religion, one uniform mode of worship, one province to protect and defend the councils of form of discipline or Church government for his clergy, to keep the peace, to see their decrees the whole nation, with which all must comply executed, and to punish the contemners of them, outwardly, whatever were their inward sentibut to exercise no spiritual jurisdiction." ments; it was therefore resolved to have an We shall meet with a fuller declaration of act of Parliament to establish a uniformity of the Puritans upon this head hereafter;. in the public worship, without any indulgence to tenmean time, it may be observed, that the just der consciences; neither party having the wis. boundaries of the civil and ecclesiastical pow- dom or courage to oppose such a law, but both ers were not well understood and stated in endeavouring to be included in it. this age. To make' way for this, the papists who were The powers of the civil magistrates seem in possession of the churches were first to be chiefly to regard the civil welfare of his sub- vanquished; the queen, therefore, appointed a jects: he is to protect them in their properties, public disputation in Westminster Abbey, beand in the peaceable enjoyment of their civil fore her privy council and both houses of Parand religious rights; but there is no passage in liament, March 31st, 1559, between nine of the the New Testament that gives him a commis- bishops and the like number of Protestant dision to be lord of the consciences of his sub- vines, upon these three points: jects, or to have dominion over their faith. 1st. Whether it was not against Scripture and Nor is this agreeable to reason, because religion the custom of the ancient Church to use a ought to be the effect of a free and deliberate tongue unknown to the people in the common choice. Why must we believe as the king be- prayers and sacraments 2dly. Whether every lieves, any more than as the clergy or pope church had not authority to appoint, change, If every man could believe as he would; or if and take away ceremonies and ecclesiastical all men's understandings were exactly of a rites, so the same were done to edifying? 3dly. size; or if God would accept of a mere outward Whether it could be proved by the Word of God profession when commanded by law, then it that in the mass there was a propitiatory sacriwould be reasonable there should be but one fice for the dead and living, religion, and one uniform manner of worship: The disputation was to be in writing; but but to make ecclesiastical laws, obliging men's the papists, finding the populace against' them, practice under severe penalties, without or broke it off after the first day, under pretence against the light of their consciences, looks like that the Catholic cause ought not to be submitan invasion of the kingly office of Christ, and ted to such an arbitration, though they had not must be subversive of all sincerity and virtue. these scruples in the reign of Queen Mary, when On the other hand, the jurisdiction of the it was known the issue of the conference would Church is purely spiritual. No man ought to be in their favour. The Bishops of Winchester be compelled by rewards or punishments to be- and Lincoln said the doctrine of the Catholic come a member of any Christian society, or to Church was already established, and that it continue of it any longer than he apprehends it was too great, an encouragement to heretics to to be his duty. All the ordinances of the Church admit them to'discourse against the faith before are spiritual, and so are her weapons and cen- an unlearned multitude. They added, that the sures. The weapons of the Church are Scrip- queen had deserved to be excommunicated; ture and reason, accompanied with prayers and and talked of thundering out their anathemas tears. These are her pillars, and the walls -of against the privy council, for which they were her defence. The censures of the Church are both sent to the Tower. The reformed had a admonitions, reproofs, or declarations of per- great advantage by their adversaries quitting sons' unfitness for her communion, commonly the field in this manner, it being concluded from called excommunications, which are of a:spirit-..... ual nature, and ought not to affect men's lives, * It would have been more consistent with our anuliberties, or estates. No man ought to be cut thor's reasoning if, instead of' religious principles, off from the rights and privileges of a subject he had substituted actions. If religious principles are merely because he is disqualified for Christian to be the grounds of toleration or protection, accordmerely because he is disqualified for Christian ing to theirsupposedconsistency or inconsistencywith communion. Nor has any church upon earth the safety of the civil government, there is not only authority from Christ to inflict corporeal punish- room for endless disputes concerning this consistency; ments upon those whom she may justly expel but men of the best views and characters will be liaher society; these are the weapons of civil ble to suffer through the imputation of consequences magistrates, who may punish the breakers of arising from their principles, which they themselyes the laws of their countries with corporeal pains disavow and abhor. Besides, the pernicious t6hdency of some principles is couriteracted by thethfluence and penalties,,as guardians of the civil rights of of oth ers, and the good is csitions of the ifto hol d their subjects; but Christ's kingdom. is not of them. Overt acts alone: afford a clear, definite rule, this world. by which to judge f' moral or political charactse If these principles had obtained at the Refor- -ED. HI-STOR-Y OF THE PURITANS. hence that their cause would not bear the light, all the garments were laid aside except the sur Which prepared the people for farther changes. plice, the queen now returned to King Edward's The papists being vanquished, the next point first book, where copes and other garments were.Was to unite the reformed among themselves, ordered to be used. and get such, an establishment as might make The title of the act is, an act for the uniformthem all easy; for though the troubles at Frank- ity of common prayer and service in the Church, fort were hushed, and letters of forgiveness had and administration of the sacraments. It was passed between the contending parties, and brought into the House of Commons April 18, though-all the Reformers were of one faith, yet and was read a third time April 20. It passed they were far froma'greeing about discipline and the House of Lords April 28, and took place ceremonies, each party being for settling the from the 24th of June, 1559. Heath, archbishop Church according to their own model. Some of York,* made an elegant speech against it, in were for the late service and discipline of the which, among other things, he observes, very English at Geneva; others were for the service- justly, that an act of this consequence ought to book of King Edward VI., and for withdrawing have had the consent of the clergy in convocano farther from the Church of Rome than was tion before it passed into a law. " Not only the necessary to recover purity of faith, and the in- orthodox, but even the Arian emperors," says dependence of the Church upon a foreign power. he, " ordered that points of faith should be exRites and ceremonies were, in their opinion, in- amined in councils; and Gallio, by the light of different; and those of the Ghutch of Rome pref- nature, knew that a civil judge ought not to erable to others. because they were venerable meddle with matters of religion." But he was and pompous, and because the people had been overruled, the act of supremacy, which pa.sed used to them: these were the sentiments of the the house the very next day, having vested this queen, who therefore appointed a committee of power in the crown.t This statute lying open divines to review King Edward's liturgy, and to to common view at the beginning of the Comsee if in any particular it was fit to be changed; mon Prayer Book, it is not worth while to transtheir names were Dr. Parker, Grindal, Cox, cribe it in this place. I shall only take notice Pilkington, May, Bill, Whitehead, and Sir Thom- of one clause, by which all ecclesiastical jurisas Smith, doctor of the civil law. Their in- diction was again delivered up to the crown: structions were to strike out all offensive pas- " The queen is hereby empowered, with the adsages against the pope, and to make people easy vice of her commissioners or metropolitan, to about the belief of the corporeal presence of ordain and publish such farther ceremonies and Christ in the sacrament; but not a word in fa- rites as may be for the advancement of God's vour of the stricter Protestants. glory and edifying his Church, and the revHer majesty was afraid of reforming too far; erence of Christ's holy mysteries and sacrashe was desirous to retain images in churches, ments." And had it not been for this clause of crucifixes and crosses, vocal and instrumental a reserve of power to make what alterations music, with all the old popish garments; it is her majesty thought fit, she told Archbishop Parnot, therefore, to be wondered that, in reviewing ker that she would not have passed the act. the liturgy of King Edward, no alterations were Upon this fatal rock of uniformity in things made in favour of those who now began to be merely indifferent, in the opinion of the impocalled Puritans, from their attempting a purer sers, was the peace of the Church of England form of worship and discipline than had yet been split. The pretence was decency and order; established. The queen was more concerned but it seems a little odd that uniformity should for the papists, and, therefore, in thelitany this be necessary to the decent worship of.God, passage was struck out, " From the tyranny of when in most other things there is a greater the Bishop of Rome, and all his detestable enor- beauty in variety. It is not necessary to a demities, good Lord, deliver us." The rubric that cent dress that men's clothes should be always declared, that by kneeling at the,sacrament no of the same colour and fashion; nor would adoration was intended to any corporeal presence there be any indecorum or disorder if in one of Christ, was expunged. The committee of congregation the sacrament should be adminisdivines left it at the people's liberty to receive tered kneeling, in another sitting, and in a third the sacrament kneeling or standing, but the standing; or if in one and the same congregaqueen and Parliament restrained it to kneeling; tion the minister were at liberty to read prayers so that the enforcing this ceremony was purely either in a black gown or a surplice, supposing an act of the state. The old festivals, with their the garments to be indifferent, which the maeves, and the popish habits, were continued, as kers of this law admitted, though the Puritans they were in the second year of King Edward VI., denied. The rigorous pressing of this act was till the queen should please to take them away; the occasion of all the mischiefs that befell the for the words of the statute are, "They shall Church. for above eighty years. What good be retained till other order shall be therein taken end could it answer to press men's bodies into by authority of the queen's majesty, with the the public service without convincing their advice of the commissioners authorized under minds? If there' must be one established form the great seal of England, for causes ecclesiastical." Some of the collects were a little alter- * Mr. Strype says there is so much learning, and ad; and thus the book was presented to the such strokes therein, that we need not doubt but that vwo houses and passed into a law,* being hardly it is his.-Ann. Ref., vol. i., p. 73. The speech itself equal to thfiat which was set out by King Ed- is in his appendix to vol. i., No. 6. This prelate was yard, and confirmed by Parliament in the fifth always honourably esteemed by the queen, and sometear of his reign., _For whereas in that liturgy times had the honour of a visit from her. He lived discreetly in his own house, till by veryage he de. * Burnet's Hist. Re., vol. ii., p. 390. Strype's parted this life.-Annals, vol. i., p. 143. —En. Ann., p. 83. t D'Ew's Journal, p. 39. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 77 of worship, there should certainly have been an Sad were the consequences-of these two laws indulgence for tenrder consciences. When there both to the papists and Puritans. The papists, was a difference in the Church of the Romans in convocation, made a stand for the oid reliabout eating flesh and observing festivals, the gion; and, in their sixth session, agreed upon apostle did not pinch them with an act of uni- the following articles, to be presented to the formity, but allowed a latitude, Rom., xiv., 5: Parliament for disburdening their conisciences. ",Let not him that eateth judge him that eateth 1. " That in the sacrament of the altar the not: but let every man be fully persuaded in natural body of Christ is really present, by virhis own mind. Why dost thou judge thy broth- tue of the words of consecration pronounced by er 1 or, why dost thou set at naught thy broth- the priest. er. For we must all stand before the judg- 2. "That after the consecration there rement-seat of Christ." Had our Reformers fol- mains not the substance of bread and wine, nor lowed this apostolical precedent, the Church any other substance but God-man. of England would have made a more glorious 3. " That in the mass the true body of Christ figure in the Protestant world than it did by is offered as a propitiatory sacrifice for the livthis compulsive act of uniformity.*: ing and the dead. "The Actiot Unifrmity lik its indre stattes, 4. "That the supreme power of feeding and The Act of Uniformity,like its kindred statutes, ruling the Church is in St. Peter and his.sucwas fenced round with penalties. He who ventured cessors. to address his Maker in other language than that of the Book of Common Prayer, was liable to the loss 5. " That the authority of determining matof goods and chattels for the first offence, to twelve ters of faith and discipline belongs only to the months' imprisonment for the second, and to confine- pastors of the Church, and not to laymen." ment during life for the third. How strange it is These articles or resolutions were presented that men bearing the Christian name should be so to the lord-keeper by their prolocutor Dr. Harpsimpious as to prescribe to the Deity the only form of field, but his lordship gave them no answer; supplication he shall receive! This is one of those nor did the convocation move any farther in species of infatuation, the folly of which would amuse, matters of religion, it being apparent that they if its impiety did not prohibit the indulgence of levi-s of religion, it being apparent that they ty. The statute in question affected both the Protest- were against the Reformation. ants and Catholics, and was peculiarly offensive to As soon as the session was ended, the oath such of the former as had imbibed an attachment to of supremacy was tendered to the bishops, who a simpler ritual, and a purer form of polity, than was all refused it, except Dr. Kitchen, bishop of established in England. It prohibited the slightest Landaff, to the number of fourteen; the rest of deviation from the prescribed order of public worship, the sees being vacant. Of the deprived bishops and obviously assumed a principle which would go three retired beyond sea, viz., Dr. Pate, bishop far to discredit and condemn the Reformation itself. If Elizabeth, by virtue of her office as queen, pos- of Worcester, Scot of Chester, and Goldwell of sessed the right of determining the form of public St. Asaph; Heath, archbishop of, York, Was worship, that right belonged equally to her sister suffered to live at his own house, where the Mary, and the fathers of the English Church were, queen went sometimes to visit him; Tonstal consequently, wrong in refusing her obedience. But and Thirleby, bishops of Durham and Ely, resiif it be alleged that the right of the former so to legis- ded at Lambeth, in the house of Archbishop late was founded on the correctness of her creed, by Parker, with freedom and ease; the rest wera whom, it may be asked, was this correctness to be suffered to go at large upn their parole; only determined? By Elizabeth herself, or by her sub- suffered to go at large upon their parole; only jects? If the former, why is not the same admission Bonner, bishop of London, White of Winchester, to be made in favour of Mary? and if the latter, and Watson of Lincoln, whose hands had been where is the justice of visiting with punishment such deeply stained with the blood of the Protestants as deemed her creed unscriptural, and her laws per-'in the late reign, were made close prisoners; nicious? Among the innumerable follies to which but they had a sufficient maintenance from the men have been addicted, none is more egregious or queen. Most of the monks returned to a secuabsurd than is exhibited in the end which this statute contemplated. Were it attainable, it would be unworthy of pursuit, for it is wholly apart from reli- all others who had a mind to live where they gion; and, if compassed, it might exist with the might have a free exercise of their religion. greatest security where the spirit of religion is not Several of the reformed exiles were offered found. To whatever extent it has been accomplish- bishoprics, but refused them, on account of the ed by human legislation, it has involved the corrup- habits and ceremonies, &c., as Mr. Whitehead, tion of Christianity, and a most unnatural and perni- Mr. Bernard Gilpin, old father Miles Coverdale, cious imprisonment of the human mind. What con- Mr. Knox, Mr. Thomas Sampson, and others. ceivable benefit would flow from the-same mode of anywho accepted did it with trembling, from worship being enforced in every Christian assembly throughout England? But the folly of the attempt the necessity of the times, and in hopes by their to secure uniformity of religious worship is apparent in its hopelessness. It has not, it will not, it cannot Christendom which does not furnish- confirmiation of succeed. So long as religious principle endures, or these remarks; and we shall frequently have occathe human mind retains the power of thought and sion to observe the evidence of their truth which the the faculty of research, all enactments of this kind history of our own hierarchy supplies.' The artificial must be futile. They constitute an unnatural coer- religion of creeds and rituals withers and dies in the cion of man's intellect; and if they appear to succeed hands of the most artful priests, and the most abso. for a season, their ultimate defeat is thereby ren- lute and prosperous monarchs;- while the artless dered more signal. Uniformity in the modes of reli- practice of piety and virtue, lives with the poor gion has usually been sought at the expense of its through successive generations. Penal statutes to living spirit. They have been mistaken for religion suppress it resemble penal-statutes to cleanse the itself; and the energy and zeal which ought to have world of violets; fashion may banish them from the been expended on; the conversion of an apostate burgomaster's garden,: but the heavens will unite to world have, consequently,been employed in the-eStab- novrish them under the shade of the nettle or atthe lishment of rites with which religion has but little if foot of an oak.' "-Robinson's Eccl. Resear=c!e, p..186. connexion. There is not an established sect in Dr. Price, vol. i., p. 140.-C. HrS'TDRY' OF THE PURITANS. interest withthe queen to obtain an amendment restored, and the Church of England settled on in-he constitution of the Church; among these its present basis. The new bishops being poor, were Grindal, Parkhurst, Sandys, Pilkington, made but a mean figure in comparison of their and others. predecessors: they were unacquainted w.ith Tlhe sees were left vacant for some time, to, courts and equipages, and numerous attendsee: if any of:the old bishops would conform; ants; but as they grew rich, they quickly rose but neither. time nor anything else could move in their deportment, and assumed a lordly suthem; at length, after. twelve months, Dr. Mat- periority over their brethren. thew -Parker was consecrated Archbishop of The hierarchy being now at its standard, it Canterbury at Lambeth, by some of the bishops may not be improper to set before the reader in that had been deprived in the late reign, for not one view the principles upon which it stands;.one of thepresent bishops would officiate. This, with the different sentiments of the Puritans, with some other accidents, gave rise to the by which he will discover the reasons why the story of his being consecrated at the Nag's Reformation proceeded no farther: Head tavern in Cheapside, a fable that has 1. The court-reformers apprehendedthat every been sufficiently confuted by our church histo- prince had authority to correct all abuses of rians;* the persons concerned in the conse- doctrine and worship within his own territories. oration were Barlow and Scory, bishops:elect From this principle, the Parliament submitted of Chichester and Hereford; Miles Coverdale, the consciences and religion of the whole nathe deprived Wbishop -of Exeter, and Hodgkins, tion to the disposal of the king; and in case of suffragan of Bedford; the two former appeared a minority, to his council; so that the king was in their chimere and surplice, but the two latter sole reformer, and might, by commissioners of wore long gowns open at the arms, with a fall- his own appointment, declare and remove all ing cape on the shouplders.; the ceremony was manner of errors, heresies, &c., and model the performed in a plain manner, without gloves or doctrine and discipline of the Church as he sandals, ring or slippers, mitre or pall, or even pleased, provided his injunctions did not exwithout any of the Aaronical garments, only by pressly contradict the statute law of the land. imposition of hands and prayer. Strange! that Thus the Reformation took place in sundry the archbishop should be: satisfied with -this in material points in the reigns of King Edward his own case, and yet be so zealous to impose VI. and Queen Elizabeth, before it had the the popish garments upon his brethren. sanction of Parliament or convocation; and But still it has been doubted whether Par- though Queen Mary disallowed of the supremaker's consecration was perfectly canonical. y, she made use of it to restore the old reli1.st. Because the persons engaged in it had gion, before the laws for abolishing it were rebeen legally deprived in the late reign, and were pealed. Hence, also, they indulged the foreign not yet restored. To which it was answered, Protestants with the liberty of their separate that having been once consecrated, the episcopal discipline, which they denied to their own councharacter remained in them, and therefore they trymen. might convey it; though Coverdale and Hodg- The Puritans disowned all foreign authority kins never exercised it after this time. and jurisdiction over the Church as much as 2dly. Because the consecration ought by law their brethren, but could not admit of that exto have been directed according to the statute tensive power which-the crown claimed by the of the twenty-fifth of Henry VIII, -and not ac- supremacy, apprehending it unreasonable that cording to the form of King Edward's Ordinal the religion of a whole nation should be at the for ordaining and consecrating bishops, inas- disposal of a single lay person; for let the aposmuch as that book had been set aside in the tle's rule, " that all things be done decently and late reign, and was not yet restored by Parlia- in order," mean what it will, it was not directment. ed to the prince or civil magistrate. However, These objections being frequently thrown in theytook the oath, with the queen's explication the way of the new bishops by the papists, made in her injunctions, as only restoring her majesthem uneasy; they began to doubt of the valid- ty to the ancient and natural rights of sovereign ity of their consecrations, or at least of their le- princes over their subjects. gal title to their bishoprics. The affair was at 2. It was admitted by the court-reformers length brought before Parliament,sand to silence that the Church of Rome was a true church, all future clamours, Parker's consecration, and though corrupt in some points of doctrine and those of his brethren, were confirmed by the government; that all her ministrations were two houses, about seven years after they had valid, and that the pope was a true Bishop of filled their chairs. Rome, though not-of the universal Church. It The archbishop was installed December 17, was thought necessary to maintain this, for the 1569, soon after which he consecrated several support of the character of our bishops, who of his brethren, whom the queen had appointed could not otherwise derive their succession to the vacant sees, as Grindal to the bishopric fifom the apostles. of London, Horn to Winchester, and Pilkington j But the Puritans affirmed the pope to be anto Durham, &c. Thus the Reformation was Ftichrist, the Church of Rome to be no true' ~ _ church, and all her ministrations to be super* Life of Parker, p. 38, 60, 61. Voltaire, though stitious and idolatrous; they renounced her he knew, or, as a liberal writer observes, should have communion, and durst not risk the validity of known, that this ~tory was refuted eten by the Purl- their ordinations upon an uninterrupted line tams themselves, has yet related it as a fact. It was a calumny, to which the custom of the new-ordained of succession from the apostles through their bishops furnishing a gran dinner or entertainment hands. gave Wnris d'sr' Vw is oaf.England, vo.L ii., p. 3. It was agreed by all that the Holy Scrip300 -ED. tures were a perfect rule of faith;Lbut the bish. HISTO-RY OF THE PURITA.N-S. 79 ops and courtsreformers did not allow them a whenever they could grasp the power in)to their standard of discipline or church government, hands. The standard of uniformity, according but affirmed that our Saviour and his apostles to the bishops, was the queen's supremacy and left it to the discretion of the civil magistrate, the laws of the land; according to the Puritans, in those places where Christianity should ob- the decrees of provincial and national synods tain, to accommodate the government of the allowed and enforced by the civil magistrate; Church to the policy of the state. but neither party were for admitting that liberty But the Puritans apprehended the Holy Scrip- of conscience and freedom of profession wiech tures to be a standard. of church discipline, as is every man's right, as far as is consistent well as doctrine; at least, that nothing should with the -peace of the civil government he lives be imposed as necessary but what was express- under. ly contained in, or derived from them by neces- The principle upon which the bishops justisary consequence. And if it should be proved flied their severities against the Puritans, in this that all things necessary to the well govern- and the following reigns, was the subjects' ob. ment of the Church could not be deduced from ligation to obey the laws of their country in all Holy Scripture, they maintained that the dis- things indifferent, which are neither commandcretionary power was not Vesated -in the civil ed nor forbidden by the laws of God. And the magistrate, but in the spiritual officers of the excellent Archbishop Tillotson, in one of.his Church. sermons, represents the dissenters as a humnor4. The court-reformers maintained that the ous and perverse set of people, in not complying practice of the primitive Church for the first with the service and ceremonies of the Church, four or five centuries was a proper standard of for no other reason, says he, but because. their church government and discipline, and in some superiors require them. But if this were. true, respects better than that of the apostles, which, it is a justifiable reason for their dissent, supaccording to them, was only accommodated to posing the magistrate requires that which is the infant state of the Church while it was un- not within the bounds of his commission. der persecution, whereas theirs was suited to the Christ, say the Nonconformists, is the sole lawgrandeur of a national establishment. There- giver of his Church, and has enjoined all things fore they only pared off the later corruptions of necessary to be observed in it to the end of the papacy, from the time the pope usurped the the world; therefore, where he has indulged a title of universal bishop, and left those standing liberty to his followers, it is as much their duty which they could trace a little higher, such as to maintain it as to observe any other of his archbishops, metropolitans, archdeacons, suf- precepts. If the civil magistrate should, by, a fragans, rural deans, &c., which were not known stretch of the prerogative, dispense with the in the apostolic age, or those immediately fol- laws of his country, or enjoin new ones, a, lowing. cording to his arbitrary will and pleasure, with-..Whereas the Puritans were for keeping out consent of Parliament, would it deserve close to the Scriptures in the main principles the brand of humour or perverseness to refuse of' church government, and for admitting no obedience, if it were for'no other reason, but bechurch officers or ordinances but such as are cause we will not submit to an arbitrary di-. appointed therein. They apprehended that the pensing power? Besides, if the magistrate has form of government ordained by the apostles a power to impose things indifferent, and make was aristocratical, according to the constitution them necessary in the service of God, he ma5 of the Jewish sanhedrim, and was designed as dress up religion in any shape, and, instead of a pattern for the churches in after ages, not to one ceremony, may load it with a hundred. be departed from in any of its main principles; To return to the history. The Reformation and, therefore, they paid no regard to the cus- being thus settled, the queen gave out commistoms of the papacy, or the practices of the ear- sions for a general visitation, and published a lier ages of Christianity, any farther than they body of injunctions, consisting of fifty-three corresponded with the Scriptures. articles, commanding her loving subjects obe5. Our Reformers maintained that things in- diently to receive, and truly to observe and different in their own nature, which are neither keep them, according to their. offices, degrees, commanded nor forbidden in the Holy-Scrip- and states. They are almost the same with tures, such as rites, ceremonies, habits, &c., those of King Edward. I shall, therefore, only might be settled, determined, and made neces- give the reader an abstract of such as we may sary by the command of the civil magistrate; have occasion -to refer to hereafter. and that in such cases it was the indispensable Article 1. "'All ecclesiastical persons shall see duty of all subjects to observe them. that-the act of supremacy be duly observed, and But the Puritans insisted that those things shall preach four times a year against yielding which Christ had left indifferent ought not to obedience to any foreign jurisdiction. 2. They be made necessary by any human laws, but shall not set forth or extol the dignity of any *.hat we are to stand fast in the liberty where- images, relics, of miracles, but shall declare the with Christ has made us free; and farther, that abuses of the same, and that all grace is from such rites and ceremonies as had been abused God. 3. Parsons shall preach once every month to idolaitry, and ranianistly tended to lead men upon works of faith, mercy, and charity, cornback to popery and superstition, were no longer manded by God; and shall inform the people indifferenv, but to be rejected as unlawful. that works of maa's devising, such as pilgrim6. Both I'arties agreed too well in asserting ages, setting up of candles, praying upon beads, the necessity of a unitbormity of public worship, &c., are offensive to God. 4. Parsons having and of using thke sword of the magistrate for the -cure of souls shall preach in person once a support and defeerce of their respective -princi- quarter at least,';o else read one Of the homilies pies, which they made an'ill-use of in their turns prescribed by the queen to be read every Sun 80 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Mdy in the churches where there is no sermon. or child shall be otherwise busied in time of,6. Every hiolyday, when there is no sermon, Divine service, but shall give due attendance to they shall recite from the pulpit;the Paternos- what is read and preached. 40. No person ter, Creed, and Ten Commandments 6. With- shall teach school but such as are allowed by in three months every parish shall provide a the ordinary. 41. Schoolmasters shall exhort Bible, and within twelve months Erasmus's their children to love and reverence the true Paraphrase upon the Gospels in English, and religion now allowed by authority. 42. They set them up in their several churches. 7. The shall teach their scholars certain sentences of clergy shall not haunt ale-houses or taverns, or Scripture tending to godliness. 43. None shall spend their time idly at dice, cards, tables, or be admitted to any spiritual cure that are utany other unlawful game. 8. None shall be terly unlearned. 44. The parson or curate of admitted to preach in churches without license the parish shall instruct the children of his from the queen or her visiters, or from the parish for half an hour before evening prayer archbishop or bishop of the diocess. 16. All on every holyday and second Sunday in the parsons under the degree of M.A. shall buy year, in the catechism, and shall teach them for their own use the New Testament in Latin the Lord's Prayer, Creed, and Ten Commandand English, with paraphrases, within three ments. 45. All the ordinaries shall exhibit to months after this visitation. 17. They shall the visiters a copy of the book containing the learn out of the Scriptures some comfortable causes why any have been imprisoned, famishsentences for the sick. 18. There shall be no ed, or put to death for religion in the late reign. popish processions; nor shall any persons walk 46. Overseers in every parish shall see that all about the church, or depart out of it, while the the parishioners duly resort to church, and shall priest is reading the Scriptures. 19. Never- present defaulters to the ordinary. 47. Churchtheless, the perambulation of parishes or pro- wardens shall deliver to the queen's visiters an cessions with the curates shall continue, who inventory of all their church furniture, as vestshall make a suitable exhortation. 20. Holy- ments, copes, plate, books, and especially of days shall be strictly observed, except in har- grayles, couchers, legends, processionals, manvest-time, after Divine service. 21. Curates uals, hymnals, portuesses, and such like, appermay not admit to the holy communion persons taining to the Church. 48. The litany and praythat live openly in sin without repentance, or ers shall be read weekly, on Wednesdays and that are at variance with their neighbours, till Fridays. 49. Singing-men shall be continued they are reconciled. 22. Curates, &c., shall and maintained in collegiate churches, and teach the people not obstinately to violate the there shall be a modest and distinct song so laudable ceremonies of the Church. 23. Also, used in all parts of the common prayers in the they shall take away, utterly extinguish, and Church, that the same may be as plainly underdestroy all shrines, coverings of shrines; all stood as if it were read without singing; and tables, candlesticks, trindals, and rolls of wax, yet, nevertheless, for the comforting such as pictures, paintings, and all other monuments of delight in music, it may be permitted that, in reigned miracles, pilgrimages, idolatry, and su- the beginning or end of the common prayer, perstition, so that there remain no memory of there may be sung a hymn, or such-like song, the same in walls, glass windows, or else- in the best sort of melody and music that may where, within their churches and houses; pre- be conveniently devised, having respect that serving, nevertheless, or repairing, both the the sentences of the hymn may be understood walls and glass windows; and they shall ex- and perceived. 50. There shall be no vain and hort all their parishioners to do the like in their contentious disputes in matters of religion; several houses. 28. Due reverence shall be nor the use of opprobrious words, as papist, papaid to the ministers of the Gospel. 29. No pistical, heretic, schismatic, or sacramentary. priest or deacon shall marry without allowance Offenders to be remitted to the ordinary. 51. of the bishop of his diocess, and two justices of.No book or pamphlet shall be printed or made the peace; nor without consent of the parents public without license from the queen, or six of of the woman (if she have any), or others that her privy council, or her ecclesiastical commisare nearest of kin, upon penalty of being inca- sioners, or from the Archbishops of Canterbury pable of holding any ecclesiastical promotion, and York, the Bishop of London, the chancelor ministering in the Word and sacraments. lors of both universities, the bishop being orNor shall bishops marry without allowance of dinary, and the archdeacon also of the place, their metropolitan, and such commissioners as where any such book shall be printed, or two she queen shall appoint. 30. All archbishops of them, whereof the ordinary to be always one: and bishops, and all that preach and administer the names of the licensers to be printed at the the sacraments, or that shall be admitted into end. Ancient and profane authors are exceptany ecclesiastical vocation, or into either of the ed. 52. In time of reading the litany, and all universities, shall wear such garments and other collects and common prayer, all the peosquare caps as were worn in the latter end of ple shall devoutly kneel; and when the natue the reign of King Edward VI. 33. No person of Jesus shall be in any lesson, sermorp;- or shall absent from his parish church, and resort otherways pronounced in the church, du: revto another, but upon an extraordinary occasion. erence shall be made of all persons wath low34. No innholders or public-houses shall sell ness of courtesy, and uncovering the1,heads of meat or drink in the time of Divine service. the men, as has been heretofore accustomed." 35. None shall keep in their houses any abused These injunctions were to be,/read in the images, tables, pictures, paintings, and monu- churches once every quarter ofa/year. ments of feigned miracles. 36. No man shall An appendix was added, containing one form disturb the minister in his sermon, nor mock of bidding prayer; and an otrer relating to taor make a jest of him. 37. No man, woman, bles in churches, which etajoins " that no altar _IH iS oTsRY o aY TH ER P U-RITA N-S. be. taien downj but by oversight of the curate con of London to see that the CathedralChurch and churoh-wrdwaens or one of them at least of St. Paul's be purged and freed from:all awherin no riotoui or disorderly-manner shall singular images, idols, and altars; and in the beused; and that the holy tablein every church place of the altars, to provide a decent table for t-o decently rade, and set in the place where the ordinary celebration of the Lord's Supper; the altar stood, and there to stand, covered, sa- and, accordingly, the roods anid high altar -were ving when the sacrament -is to be administered; taken away.* at which time it shall be so placed within the The populace was on the side of the -Refrchancel, as thereby the:minister may, be more mation,t having been provoked with the cruelconveniently heard of the communicants, and ties of the late times: great numbers attended the-communicants also more conveniently, and the commissioners, and brought into Che'apside, in more numbers, communicate with the said Paul's Churchyard, and Smithfield, the roods minister; and after the. communion done, the and crucifixes that were taken down,. and in holy table shall be placed where it stood before." some places the vestments of the priests, copes, The penalties for. disobeying these injunc- surplices, alter-cloths, books, banners5 sepultions:were, suspension, deprivations, sequestra- chres, and burned them to ashes, as it were to tion of fruits and beneaices, excommunication, make atonement for- the blood of the martyrs and such other corrections as to those: who have'which had been shed there,, Nay, they went ecclesiastical jurisdiction under her majesty farther, and in their furious zeal broke the pit should seem meet. ed glass windows, rased out some ancient inThe major part of the visiters were laymen, scriptions, and spoiled those monuments-of the any two of whom -were empowered to examine dead that had any ensigns of popery upon them. into the true state of all churches; to suspend "The divines of this time," says Mr. Strype, or deprive such clergymen as were unworthy, "could have been content to have been- without and to put others in their places;* to proceed all relics and ceremonies of the Romish Church, against the obstinate by imprisonment, church that there might not be the least compliance8 censures, or any other legal methods. They with popish devotions." And it:had not been were to reserve pensions for such as quitted the worse for the Church of England if their; their benefices by resignation; to examine into successors had been of the same mind. the condition of all that were imprisoned on the But the queen disliked these proceedings:t account of religion, and to discharge them; and she had a crucifix, with the blessed Virgin and to restore all such to their benefices who had St. John, still in her chapel; and when Sandys, been unlawfully deprived in the late times. bishop of Worcester, spoke to her against it, This was the first high commission, which she threatened to deprive him. The crucifixwas issued about midsummer, 1559. It gave was after some time removed, but replaced ill offence to many, that the queen should give 1570. To put some stop to these proceedings, lay-visiters authority to proceed by ecclesiasti- her majesty issued out a proclamation, dated cat censures; but this was no, more than is fre- September 19th, in the -second year of her reign, quently done by lay-chancellors in the ecclesi- prohibiting "the defacing or breaking any parastical courts.t It was much more unjustifia- eel of any monument, tomb, or grave, or other ble for the commissioners to go beyond the cen- inscription, in memory of any per#son deceased, sures of the Church, by finesei imprisonments, or breaking any images of kings, princes, or noand inquisitory oaths, to the ruin of some hun- bles, &c., set up only in memory of them to dreds of families, without the authority of that posterity, and not for any religious honour; or statute which gave them being, or any other. the defacing or breaking any images in. glass: Mr. Strype assures us that the visiters took windows in any churches, without consent of effectual care to have all the instruments and the ordinary." It was with great difficulty, and utensils of idolatry and superstition demolished not without a sort of protestation from the;bishand destroyed out of the churchs where God's ops, that her majesty consented to have; so pure service was to be performed; such as roods, many monuments of idolatry as are mertioned i. e., images of Christ upon thecross,with Mary and John standing by; also images of tutelary * Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 175. saints of the churches that were dedicated to t The following anecdotes mark the strong dispo'l them, popish books, altars, and the like. Butition of the people towards a reformation, ad are it,~ does not appear -thatslt either the second or pleasing specimens of the skill and ingenuity:with which Queen Elizabeth knew how to suit:h~iself to, twenty-third article of injunctions empowered wih n ethknewhowtouitherself to them asolutly toremovea I11Ima dtheir wishes. On -her releasing the prisoners, conthem absolutely to remove all:images out of fined in the former reign on account of religion, one churches; the queen herself was as -yet-unde- Rainsford told the queen that he had a petition to termined in that matter.+ Bishop Jewel, in his present to her, in behalf of other prisoners, calledletter to Peter Martyr, February 4th, 1560, says Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. She readily retthere was to be a conference about the lawful- plied that she must first conslt the prisoners theness of images in churches the day following, be- selves, and learn of them whether they desire tat tween Parker and Cox, who were for them, and, -liberty which he had: asked: for them, At the time of her coronation, from one of the principal- arches himself and Grindal, who were against them; through which:sheowas conducted, a boypersonating and if they prevail, says he, I will beno longera. Truth was let down, and presented herwith a Bible. bishop.. However, it is certain that. the visit- She received it -on her knees,'-kis.so it, and placing ers commanded.the prebendaries and archdea- it.in her bosom, said, " she prefrred:that above all... other presents that were con; thatday made her,. — * Hist. Ref, vol. ii., p. 400. History of Knowledge,in.,t4 iVs: Annual, Reifisterfoi' t This, Dr. Warner observes, was jutifying one 1789, p. 4; and Burn Iito!y of the?Reformat'o. albse by another. —En. abridged, 8v,. 34p.~~ t Hist. Ref., vol. iii,, p.~-290,.:Hiitst-ki- p.-291. Life of Parkelpp4S~". Pierce's Vind.; p. 38.i. — 310.S, -tBy iinala,: voL i., p. -1754176.- - Von. I. —L 82 HISTORY OF THE- PURITANS. in her twenty-third injunction removed out of queen had died, and the old religion had been churches; but she would not part with her altar, restored, they would have turned again; but the or her crucifix, nor with lighted candles, out of bishops and some of the dignified clergy having' her own eiapel. The gentlemen and singing sworn to the supremacy under King Henry, and children appeared there in their surplices, and renounced it again under Queen Mary, they the priests in their copes: the altar was fur- thought it might reflect a dishonour upon their nished with rich plate, and two gilt candlesticks, character to change again, and therefore they with lighted candles, and a massy crucifix of resolved to hold together, and by their weight silver ifi the midst: the service was sung, not endeavour to distress the Reformation. Upon only with the sound of organs, but with the ar- so great an alteration of religion the number of tificial music of coronets, sackbuts, &c., on sol- recusants out of nine thousand four hundred emn festivals. The ceremonies observed by the parochial benefices was inconsiderable; and yet knights of the garter in their adoration towards it was impossible to find Protestants of a tolerthe altar, which had been abolished by King Ed- able capacity to supply the vacancies, because ward, and revived by Queen Mary, were retain- many of the stricter sort, who had been exiles ed. In short, the service performed in the for religion, could not come up to the terms of queen's chapel, and in sundry cathedrals, was conformity and the queen's injunctions.* so splendid and showy, that foreigners could It may seem strange that, amid all this connot distinguish it from the Roman, except that cern for the new form of worship, no notice it was performed in the English tongue. By should be taken of the doctrinal articles which this method, most of the popish laity were de- King Edward had published for avoiding diversiceived into conformity, and came regularly to ties of opinions, though her majesty might have Church for nine or ten years, till the pope, being enjoined them, by virtue of her supremacy unout of all hopes of an accommodation, forbid der the great seal, as well as her brother; but them, by excommunicating the queen, and lay- the bishops durst not. venture them into convoing the whole kingdom under an interdict. cation, because the majority were for the old When the visiters had gone through the king- religion, and the queen was not very fond of her dom, and made their report of the obedience brother's doctrines. To supply this defect for given her majesty's laws and injunctions, it ap- the present, the bishops drew up a declaration peared that not above two hundred and forty- of their faith,t which all churchmen were obliged three clergymen had quitted their livings, viz., to read publicly at their entrance upon their fourteen bishops, and three bishops elect; one cures. abbot, four priors, one abbess, twelve deans, These were the terms of ministerial conformfourteen archdeacons, sixty canons or preben- ity at this time: the oath of supremacy, comdaries, one hundred beneficed clergy, fifteen pliance with the act of uniformity, and this decheads of colleges in Oxford and Cambridge; to laration of faith. There was no dispute among which may be added about twenty doctors in the Reformers about the first and last of these several faculties. In one of the volumes in the qualifications, but they differed upon the second; Cotton library, the number is one hundred and many of the learned exiles and others refusing ninety-two; D'Ew's Journal mentions but one to accept of livings in the Church according to hundred and seventy-seven; Bishop Burnet one the act of uniformity and the queen's injunchundred and ninety-nine; but Camden and Car- tions. If the popish habits and ceremonies had dinal Allen reckon as above. Most of the infe- been left indifferent, or other decent ones aprior beneficed clergy kept their places, as they pointed in their room, the seeds of division had had done through all the changes of the three been prevented; but as the case stood, it was last reigns,* and, without all question, if the next to a miracle that the Reformation had not fallen back into the hands of the papists; and * "The number of clergy who lost their preferments if some of the Puritans had not complied for the by refusing ths oath wasypegives the fosmallower than might present, in hopes of the removal of these grievhave been expected. Strype gives the following list, ibid., 106.' ances in more settled times, this would have Bishops. 14 been the sad consequence, for it was impossiDeans.. 13 ble, with all the assistance they could get from Archdeacons..14 both universities, to fill up the parochial vacanHeads of colleges..15 cies with men of learning and character. Many Prebendaries..50 churches were disfurnished for a considerable Rectors of churches. 80 time, and not a few mechanics, altogether as Abbots, Priors, and:Abbesses,. 6 unlearned as the most remarkable of those that In all, 192 were ejected, were preferred to dignities and Burnet makes the number of deans 12, and of arch- livings, who, being disregarded by the people, deaconS the same. In the other items of this list he brought great discredit on the Reformation, agrees with Strype.-Burnet's Reform., vol. ii., 620. while others of the first rank for learning, piety, Collier makes the whole number to be about 250.- and usefulness in their functions, were laid by Bccles. Hist., vol. ii., 431. The compliance of the in silence. There was little or no preaching Catholic clergy on this occasion shows the futility of tests, however cautiously worded, as a means of securing uniformity of doctrine. They may drive the senters' Relief Bill, in 1779, I am not afraid of those,conscientious from the service of the sanctuary, but tender and scrupulous consciences who are over caunwill never eject the formalist and hypocrite. How tious of professing and believing too much; if they much more noble and Christian-like was the conduct are sincerely in the wrong, I forgive their errors, and of the Nonconformists under Charfes'the Second, respect their integrity. The men I am afraid of ar two-thousand of heom resigned their livings rather the men who believe everything, who subscribe ever - than burden tneir conscience by an unprincipled sub- thing, and who vote for everything.' " —Pa. Histor, scription! It was remnrked with equal truth and -C. * Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 72, 73. wisdom by Bishop Shipley, in the debate on the Dis- t See this declaration, Appendix. No. 1. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 83 all over the country; the Bishop of Bangor out of the smoke are said to be heretics, false writes that " he had but two preachers in all his teachers, worldly, subtle prelates, with monks, diocess."* It was enough if the parson could friars, cardinals, patriarchs, archbishops, bish. read the service, and sometimes a homily. The ops, doctors, bachelors, and masters. But not. bishops were sensible of the calamity; but in- withstanding these and some other exceptionastead of opening the door a little wider, to let in ble passages in the notes, the Geneva Bible was some of the more conscientious and zealous reprinted in the years 1576 and 1579, and was Reformers, they admitted the meanest and most in such repute that some, who had been curious illiterate who would come up to the terms of the to search into the number of its editions, say laws, and published a second book of homilies that by the queen's own printers it was printed for their farther assistance. above thirty times. However, for a present supIt is hard to say, at this distance of time, how ply, Tyndal and Coverdale's translation, printed far the bishops were to blame for their servile in the reign of King Henry VIII., wag revised and and abject compliance with the queen; yet one published for the use of the Church of England is ready to think that those who had drunk so till the bishops should publish a more correct deep of the cup of persecution, and had seen one, which they had now undertaken. the dreadful effects of it in the fiery trial of their Together with the exiles, the Dutch and Gerbrethren the martyrs, should have insisted as man Protestants, who, in the reign of King Edone man upon a latitude for their conscientious ward VI., had the church in Austin Friars asbrethren in points of indifference; whereas signed them for a place of worship, returned to their zeal ran in a quite different channel; for England with John a Lasco, a Polonian, their when the spiritual sword was put into their superintendent. They petitioned the queen to hands, they were too forward in brandishing it restore them to their church and privileges, over the heads of others, and even to outrun the which her majesty declined for some time, belaws, by suspending, depriving, fining, and im- cause she would not admit of a stranger to be prisoning men of true learning and piety, popu- superintendent of a church within her nishop's lar preachers declared enemies of popery and diocess. To take off this objection, Alasco resuperstition, and of the same faith with them- signed, and the people chose Grindal, bishop of selves, who were fearful of a sinful compliance London, their superintendent; and then the with things that had been abused to idolatry. queen confirmed their charter, which they still All the exiles were now come home, except a enjoy, though they never chose another- sulew of the Puritan stamp that stayed at Geneva perintendent after him. The French Protestto finish their translation of the Bible, begun in ants were also restored to their church in the late reign. The persons concerned in it were Threadneedle-street, which they yet enjoy. Miles Coverdale, Christ. Goodman, John Knox, The Reformation took place this year in Ant. Gibbs, Thomas Sampson, William Cole, of Scotland, by the preaching of Mr. John Knox, Corpus Christi College, Oxon, and William Whit- a bold and courageous Scotch divine, who shuntingham: they compared Tyndal's old English ned no danger, nor feared the face of any man Bible first with the Hebrew, and then with the in the cause of religion. He had been a preachbest modern translations; they divided the chap- er in England in King Edward's time, then an ters into verses, which the former translators exile at Frankfort, and at last one of the minishad not done; they added some figures, maps, ters of the English congregation at Geneva, and tables, and published the whole in 1560, at from whence he arrived at Edinburgh, May 2d, Geneva, in quarto, printed by Rowland Harle, 1559, being forty-five years of age, and settled with a dedication to the queen, and an epistle to at Perth, but was a sort of evangelist over the the reader, dated April 10th, which are left out whole kingdom. He maintained this position, in the later editions, because they touched some- that if kings and princes refused to reform reliwhat severely upon certain ceremonies retained gion, inferior magistrates and the people)-being in the Church of England, which they excited directed and instructed in the truth:by-their her majesty to remove, as having a popish as- preachers, may lawfully reform within their pect; and because the translators had published own bounds themselves; and if all, or the far marginal notes, some of which were thought to greater part, be enlightened by the truth, they affect the queen's prerogative, and to allow the may make a public reformation. Upon this subject to resist wicked and tyrannical kings; principle the Scots Reformers humbly petitiontherefore, when the proprietors petitioned the ed the queen-dowager, regent for het daughter secretary of state for reprinting it in England [Mary], now in France, for liberty to assemble for public use, in the year 1565, it was refused, publicly or privately for prayer, for reading and and the impression stopped, till after the death explaining the Holy Scriptures, and administer. of the archbishop, in the year 1576.t The au- ing the sacraments of baptism and the Lotd's thor of the Troubles at Frankfort, published in Supper in the vulgar tongue; and the latter in the year 1575, complains that "if the Geneva both kinds, according to Christ's institution. Bible be such as no enemy of God can justly This reasonable petition not being admitted, find fault with, then may men marvel that such certain noblemen and barons formed an associa work, being so profitable, should find so small ation, resolving to venture their lives and forfavour as not to be printed again."T The ex- tunes in this cause; and they encouraged as ceptionable notes were on Exodus, xv., 19, where many of the curates of the parishes within their disobedience to kings is allowed; 2 Chron., xix.. districts as were willing to read the prayers 16, where Asa is censured for stopping short at and lessons in English, but not to expound thie the deposing of his mother, and not executing Scriptures till God sh6uld dispose the queen to her; Rev., ix., 3, where the locusts that come grant them liberty. This being executed at Perth and,tl:ineighbouring parts without dieHickman.,.86. t Life of Parker, p. 2. turbance, the association spread, and was sign-: Hickman a-,-inst Heylin, p. 179. 84 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ed by great numbers, even in the capital city of 1 lace being warmed, pulled down altars and imEdinburgh. -Upon this they presented another ages, plundered the monasteries, and dismantled petition, representing to the regent the unsea- the churches of their superstitious ornaments. sonableness of her rigour against the:Protest- The regent marched against them at the head ants, considering their numbers; but she was of two thousand French, and two thousand deaf to all moderate councils. At the meeting Scots in French pay; but being afraid to venof the Parliament the congregation, or heads of ture a battle, she retreated to Dunbar, and the the association, presented the regent with sun- confederates made themselves masters of Perth, dry articles relating to liberty of conscience, to Scone, Stirling, and Lithgow.'At length a truce lay before the house, which she suppressed, and was concluded, by which the ministers of the would not suffer to be debated; whereupon congregation had liberty to preach in the pulpits they drew up the following protestation, and of Edinburgh for the present; but the regent, desired it might be recorded:," That since they having soon after received large recruits from could not procure a reformation, agreeable to France, repossessed herself of Leith, and orderthe Word of God, from the government, that it ed it to be fortified and stored with all necessamight be lawful for them to follow the dictates ry provisions; the confederates desired her to of their consciences. That none that joined demolish the works, alleging it'to be a violawith them in the profession of the true faith tion of the truce; but she commanded them should be liable to any civil penalties, or incur upon their allegiance to be quiet and lay down any damages for so doing. They protest that their arms; and marching directly to Edinburgh, if any tumults arise on the score of religion, the she obliged them to desert the city and retire imputation ought not to lie upon them who now to Stirling, whither the French troops followed humbly entreat for a regular remedy; and that them, and dispersed them into the mountains. in all other things they will be most loyal sub- In this low condition they published a proclajects." The regent acquainted the court of, mation, discharging the regent of her authority; France with the situation of affairs, and receiv- and threatening to treat as enemies all that' ed an order to suffer no other religion but the obeyed her orders; but not being able' to stand Roman Catholic to be professed, with a promise their ground, they threw themselves into the of large supplies of forces to support her. Upon arms of Queen Elizabeth, who, being sensible this' she summoned the magistrates of Perth, of the danger of the Protestant religion, and of and the Reformed ministers, to' appear before her own crown, if Scotland should become enher at Stirling, with a design to have them ban- tirely popish, under the government of a queen ished by' a solemn decree. The ministers ap- of France, who claimed the crown of England, peared accordingly, being attended by vast entered into an alliance to support the confedcrowds of people armed and prepared to defend erate Protestants in their religion and civil libthem, agreeably to the custom of Scotland, erties, and signed the treaty at Berwick, Febwhich allowed criminals to come to their trials ruary 27, 1560. attended with their relations and friends. The Among other articles of this treaty, it was regent, astonished at the sight, prayed John stipulated that the queen'should send forces into Areskin to persuade the multitude to retire, and Scotland, to continue there till Scotland was regave her parole that nothing should be decreed stored to its liberties and privileges,- and the against the ministers; but they were no sooner French driven out of the kingdom.' Accordinggone quietly home than she condemned them ly, her majesty sent an army of seven thousand for non-appearance. -' foot and twelve'hundred horse, which joined This news being brought to Perth, the burgh- the confederate army of like force.* This army ers,'enouraged by great numbers of the nobil- was afterward re-enforced by a large detachment ity and neighbouring gentry, formed an army of from the northern marches, under the command seven thousand men, under the command of the of the Duke of Norfolk; after which they took Earl of Glencairne, for the defence of their min- the city of Leith, and obliged the queen-regent isters against the regent, who was marching to shut herself up in the castle of Edinburgh, with'an army of French and Scots to drive where she died June 10th. The French offered them out of their country; but being informed to restore Calais, if the queen would recall her of the preparation of the burghers, she consented forces from'Scotland; but she refused. At to a treaty,: by which it was agreed that she length, the troubles of France requiring all their should be: received. with honour into the city, forces at home, plenipotentiaries were sent into and be suffered to lodge in it some days, provi- Scotland to treat with Elizabeth about withded'she would promise to make no alteration in drawing the French forces out of that kingdom, religion,- but refer all to the Parliament; the and restoring the Scots to their parliamentary Scots forces on both sides to be dismissed; but government. The treaty was concluded the bethe reformed'had no sooner disbanded their ginning of August, whereby a general amnesty army, and opened their gates to the regent, than was granted; the English and French forces she broke all the articles, set up the mass, and were to withdraw in two months, and a parlia left a garrison of French in the town, resolving ment to be called with all convenient speed, to to make it a place of arms. Upon this notori- settle the affairs of religion and the kingdom; ous'breach of treaty, as -well as the regent's but Francis and Mary refused to-ratify it. declaration that promises were not to be kept Before the Parliament met'Francis died, and with heretics, the congregations of Fife, Perth, left Mary Queen of Scots a young widow. The Dundee, An>us, Mearns, and Montrose raised late treaty not being ratified, the Parliament had a little army, and signed an:engageinet* to as- no direct authority fromt the crown, but-;iassemsist'eaeh ther in'naiantaining the Reformation bled by virtue of the late treaty, and received with theit lives andt ftunes. Mr. Knox en-.... couraged them by his serinsis; and the popu — * Rapin, voL viii., p. 271. HISTORY OF TI'El PURITANS. 85 the following petitions from the barons and gen- the Reformers expected.. But after the recess tlemen concerning religion: of the Parliament, several noblemen. barons, 1. 1" That the doctrines of the Roman Church and chief gentlemen of the nation met together, should be suppressed by act of Parliament, in at the instance of Mr. Knox, and signed it, rethose exceptionable points therein mentioned. solving to abide by the new discipline tilltit 2. "That the discipline of the ancient Church should be confirmed or altered by Parliament. be revived. From this time the old hierarchical government 3. " That the pope's usurped authority be dis- was disused, and the kirk was governed by gencharged." eral, provincial, and classical assemblies, with All which was voted, and the ministers were superintendents, though there was no law for it desired to draw up a confession of faith, which till some years after. they expressed in twenty-five articles, agreeable To return to England. The popish bishops to the sentiments of Calvin and the foreign Re- behaved rudely towards the queen and her new formers. The confession, being read in Parlia- bishops: they admonished her majesty by letter ment, was carried but with three dissenting voi- to return to the religion of her ancestors,. and ces, the popish prelates offering nothing in de- threatened her with the censures of the Church5 fence of their religion. in case she refused. This not prevailing, Pope By another act the pope's authority was abol- Pius IV. himself exhorted her by letter, dated ished, and reading mass was made punishable, May 5, 1570, to reject evil counsellors, and obey for the first offence, with loss of goods; for the his fatherly admonitions, assuring her that, if second, banishment; and for the third, death. she would return to the bosom of the: Church, This was carrying matters too far; for to judge he would receive her with the like affectionate men to death for matters of mere conscience love as the father in the Gospel received his that do not affect the government, is not to be son. Parpalio, the nuncio that was sent with justified. "To affirm that we are in the right this letter, offered, in the pope's name, to conand others in the wrong," says Mr. Collyer,* firm the English liturgy, to allow of the sacra"is foreign to the point; for every one that suf- ment in both kinds, and to disannul the senfers for religion thinks himself in the right, and tence against her mother's marriage; but the therefore ought not to be destroyed for his sin- queen would not part with her supremacy.* cerity, for the prejudices of education, or the Another nuncio, the Abbot Martmegues, was want of a better understanding, unless his opin- sent this summer with other proposals, but was ions have mutiny and treason in them, and shake stopped in Flanders, and forbid to set foot in the fbundations of' civil society." the realm. The emperor, and other Roman Upon the breaking up of the Parliament a Catholic princes, interceded with the queen to commission was directed to Mr. Knox, Willock, grant her subjects of their religion churches to Spotiswood, and some other divines, to draw up officiate in after their own manner, and to keep a sche me of discipline for the Church, which up a separate communion; but her majesty was they did pretty much upon the Geneva plan, too politic to trust them, upon which they enonly admitting superintendents in the room of tered upon more desperate measures, as will be bishops, and rejecting imposition of hands in seen hereafter.t the ordination of ministers, because that mira- Archbishop Parker visited his diocess this cles were ceased, which they apprehended to ac- summer, and found it in a deplorable condition, company that ceremony. Their words are the major part of the beneficed clergy being these:t "Other ceremonies than the public ap- either mechanics or mass-priests in disguise; probation of the people, and declaration of the many churches were shut up, and in those that chief minister, that the person there presented were open, not a sermon was to be heard. in is appointed to serve the Church, we cannot ap- some counties within the compass of twenty prove; for albeit the apostles used imposition of miles; the people perished' for lack of knowlhands, yet, seeing the miracle is ceased, the using edge, while men who were capable of -instructof the ceremony we judge notnecessary." They ing them were kept out of the Church, or, at also appointed ten or twelve superintendents to least, denied all preferment.in it. But -the plant and erect kirks, and to appoint ministers queen wasiot so much concerned for this as in such counties as should be committed to their for maintaining her supremacy; his, grace, care, where there were none already. But then therefore, by her order, drew up a form of subthey add, these men must not live like idle bish- scription to be made by all that held any ecops, but must preach themselves twice or thrice clesiastical preferment,$ wherein they acknowla week, and visit their districts every three or edge and confess " that the restoring the sufour months, to inspect the lives and behaviour premacy to the crown, and the abolishing all of the parochial ministers, to redress grievan- foreign power, as well as the administration of ces, or bring them before an assembly of the the sacraments according to the Book of Comkirk. The superintendents were to be chosen mon Prayer and the queen's injunctions, is by the ministers and elders of the several prov- agreeable to the Word of God and the.practice inces, and to be deprived by them for misbeha- of the primitive Church." Which most that viour. The assemblies of the kirk were divided favoured the Reformation, as:well.as great into classical, provincial, and national, in which numbers of time-serving priests, complied with; last the dernier resort of all kirk-jurisdiction was but some refused, and were deprived. lodged. When this. plan of discipline was laid before * Foxes and Firebrand part iii., p. 15, 18. the estates, it was referred to farther consider- "Elizabeth," as p arer expresses it, " was ation, and had not a parliamentary sanction, as not to be won with either threats or. entreaties to....... part with her 8upremacy, of which she was as fond * Collyer's Ecel. Hist., p. 468. as the king- her father."-ED. t First Book of Discipline, p. 31. t Strype's Ann., p. 408. -4 Life of Parker, p. 77 86 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. The next thing the archbishop undertook end of this Common Prayer Book, printea t was settling the calendar, and the order of lea- Jug and Cawood, 1560, were certain prayers for sons to be read throughout the year, which his private and family use, which in the lt'a;r edigrace, as one of the ecclesiastical commission- tions are either shortened or left out. Mr. St:ype ers, procured letters under the great seal to re- cannot account for this conduct, but says it was form.* Before this time it was left to the dis- great pity that the people were disfurnished of cretion of the minister to change the chapters those assistances they so much wanted; but to be read in course for some others that were the design seems to have been to confine all demore for edification; and even after this new votion to the Church, and to give no liberty to regulation the bishops recommended it; for in clergy or laity, even in their closets or families, the preface to the second book of homilies, pub- to vary from the public forms. An admonition lished in the year 1564, there is a serious ad- was published at the same time, and set up in monition to all ministers ecclesiastical to be all churches, forbidding all parsons under the diligent and faithful in their high functions, in degree of master of arts to preach or expound which, among others, is this remarkable instruc- the Scriptures, or to innovate or alter anything, tion to the curates or ministers.t "If one or or use any other rite but only what is set forth,other chapter of the Old Testament falls in or- by authority; these were only to read the homder to be read on Sundays or holydays, it shall ilies.* And whereas, by reason of the scarcity be well done to spend your time to consider of ministers, the bishops had admitted into the well of some other chapter in the New Testa- ministry sundry artificers and others, not brought ment of more edification, for which it may be up to learning, and some that were of base occhanged. By this your prudence and diligence cupation, it was now desired that no more in your office will appear, so that your people tradesmen should be ordained till the convocamay have cause to glorify God for you, and-be tion met and took some better order in this the readier to embrace your labours." If this affair. indulgence had been continued, one consider- But it was impossible to comply with this adable difficulty to the Puritans had been remo- monition; for so many churches in country ved, viz., their obligation to read the Apocrypha towns and. villages were vacant, that in some lessons; and surely there could be no great places there was no preaching, noi so much as danger in this, when the minister was confined reading a homily, for many months together. within the canon of Scripture. In sundry parishes it was hard to find persons But this liberty was not long permitted, to baptize, or bury the dead; the bishops, therethough, the admonition being never legally re- fore, were obliged to admit of pluralists, nonversed, Archbishop Abbot was of opinion that residents, civilians, and to ordain such as offerit was in force in his time, and ought to have ed themselves, how meanly soever they were been allowed the clergy throughout the course qualified, while others, who had some scruples of this reign.t His words are these, in his book about conformity, stood by unprovided for; the entitled "Hill's Reasons Unmasked," p. 317: learned and industrious Mr. John Fox, the mar " It is not only permitted to the minister, but tyrologist, was of this number, for in a letter recommended to him, if wisely and quietly he to his friend Dr. Humphreys, lately chosen do read canonical Scripture where the Apocry- President of Magdalen College, Oxon, he writes pha, upon good judgment, seemeth not so fit; thus: "I still wear the same clothes, and re or any chapter of the canonical may be con- main in the same sordid condition that England ceived not to have in it so much edification be- received me in when I first came home out of fore the simple as some other parts of the same Germany, nor do I change my degree or ordel canonical Scriptures may be thought to have." which is that of the Mendicants; or, if you will But the governing bishops were of another of the friars-preachers." Thus pleasantly did mind: they would trust nothing to the discretion this grave and learned divine reproach the inof the minister, nor vary a tittle from the act of gratitude of the times. The Puritans complaineti uniformity. of these hardships to the queen, but there was Hitherto there were few or no peculiar les- no remedy. sons for holydays and particular Sundays, but The two universities could give little or no the chapters of the Old and Ne*aTestaments assistance to the Reformers; for the professors were read in course, without any interruption and tutors, being of the popish religion, had trainor variation; so it is in the Common Prayer ed up the youth in their own principles for the Book of 1549, fol.~ In the second edition of last six or seven years. Some of the heads of that book, under King Edward VI., there were colleges were displaced this summer, and Protproper lessons for some few holydays, but none estants put in their room; but it was a long for Sundays; but now there was a table of time before they could supply the necessities ot proper lessons for the whole year, thus entitled, the Church. There were only three Protestant "Proper lessons to be read for the first lesson, preachers in the University of Oxford in the both at morning and evening prayer, on the year 1563, and they were all Puritans, viz., Dr. Sundays throughout the year; and for some Humphreys, Mr. Kingsmill, and Mr. Sampson; also the second lessons." It begins with the and though by the next year the clergy were so Sundays of Advent, and appoints Isa., i., for mat- modelled that the bishops procured a convocains, and Isa., ii., for even-song. There is anoth- tion that favoured the Reformation, yet they er table for proper lessons on holydays, begin- were such poor scholars that many of them could ning with St. Andrew; and a third table for hardly write their names. proper psalms,on certain days, as Christmas, Indeed, the Reformation went heavily on. Easter, Ascension Whitsunday, &c. At the The queen could scarcely be persuaded to part * M.S.penes me, p 88. t Life of Parker p. 84. with images, nor consent to the marriage of the Z Strype's Ann., p. 117. 6 Life of Parker, p. 83. * Life of Parker, p. 90. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 87 clergy; for she commanded that no head or It has been warmly disputed whether the member of any collegiate or cathedral church first clause of the twentieth article, " The should bring a wife or any other woman within Church has power to decree rites and ceremothe precincts of it, to abide in the same, on pain nies, and authority in controversies of faith," of forfeiture of all ecclesiastical promotions:* was a part of the article which passed the synand her majesty would have absolutely forbid od, and was afterward confirmed by Parliament the marriage of all her clergy, if Secretary Ce- in the year 1571. It is certain that it is -not cil had not briskly interposed. She repented among King Edward's articles; nor is it, in that she had made any married men bishops, that original manuscript of the articles suband told the archbishop, in anger, that she in- scribed by both houses of convocation with tended to publish other injunctions, which his their own hands, still preserved in Bene't Colgrace understood to be in favour of popery; lege library among the rest of Archbishop Parupon which the archbishop wrote to the secre- ker's papers. The records of this convocation tary that he was sorry the queen's mind was so were burned in the fire of London, so that there turned, but in such a case he should think it his is no appealing to them; but Archbishop Laud duty to obey God rather than man. Upon the says that he sent to the public records in his whole, the queen was so far from improving her office, and the notary returned him the twentibrother's reformation, that she often repented eth article with the clause; and that afterward she had gone so far.t he found the book of articles subscribed by the Her majesty's second Parliament met the lower house of convocation in 1571, with the 12th of January, 1562, in which a remarkable clause. Heylin says that he consulted the recact was passed, for assurance of the queen's ords of convocation, and that the contested royal power over all states and subjects within clause was in the book; and yet Fuller, a much her dominions. It was a confirmation of the fairer writer, who had the liberty of perusing act of supremacy. "All persons that by wri- the same records, declares that he could not ting, printing, preaching, or teaching, maintain- decide the controversy.* The fact is this: ed the pope's authority within this realm, incur- the statute of 1571 expressly confirms English red a premunire for the first offence, and the sec- articles comprised in an imprinted book, entiond was high treason. The oath of supremacy tied " Articles, whereupon it was agreed by the was to be taken by all in holy orders, by all archbishops and bishops of both provinces, and graduates in the universities, lawyers, school- the whole clergy in the convocation holden at masters, and all other officers of any court London in the year 1562, according to the comwhatsoever; and by all knights, citizens, and putation of the Church of England; for the burgesses, in Parliament."$ But the archbish- avoiding diversity of opinions, and for the esop, by the queen's order, wrote to the bishops tablishing of consent touching true religion: not to tender the oath but in case of necessity, put forth by the queen's authority.". Now there and never to press it a second time without his were only two editions of the articles in Engspecial direction; so that none of the popish lish before this time, both which have the same bishops or divines were burdened with it except numerical title with that transcribed in the Bonner and one or two more. statute, and both, says my author, want the The convocation was opened at St. Paul's the clause of the Church's power. But Mr. Strype, day after the meeting of the Parliament. Mr. in his life of Archbishop Parker, says that the Day, provost of Eton, preached the sermon, clause is to be found in two printed copies of and Alexander Nowel, dean of St. Paul's, was 1563, which I believe very few have seen.t chosen prolocutor. Her majesty having direct- However, till the original MS. above mentioned ed letters of license to review the doctrine and can be set aside, which is carefully marked as discipline of the Church, they began with the doctrine, and reduced the forty-two articles of imputing to the Anabaptists as the Pelagians, the King Edward VI. to the number of thirty-nine, opinion that original sin consisted in following of Adam: in this revisal of the articles the part of the as at present, the following articles being omit- clause charging theAnabaptists icesth that opinion ted: Article 39. The resurrection of the dead was left out. That article concerning baptism stated is not passed already. Art. 40. The souls of also the grounds of administering that rite to infants men deceased do neither perish with their bod- in this manner: "The custom of the Church for ies nor sleep idly. Art. 41. Of the Millenarians. baptizing young children is both to be commended, Art. 42. All men not to be saved at last. Some and by all means to be retained in the Church." It of the other articles underwent~ a new division, seems, by this, that the first Reformers, did not found two being joined into one, and in other parts the practice of infant baptism upon Scripture; but took it only as a commendable custom that had been one is divided into two; but there is no remark- used in the Christian Church, and, therefore, ought able variation in the doctrine.~ to be retained.-Crosby's History of the English Bap tists, vol. i., p. 54.-ED. Life of Parker, p. 107, 109. * Church History, b. ix., p. 74. t Of this Dr. Warner gives the following instances: t The celebrated Mr. Anthony Collins discussed When the Dean of St. Paul's, in a sermon at court, the question concerning the genuineness of this spoke with some dislike of the sign of the cross, her clause, in several publications; and professed to demajesty called aloud to him from her closet, com- monstrate that it was not a part of the articles agreed manding him to desist from that ungodly digression, on by the convocations of 1562 and 1571. His first and to return to his text. At another time, when one pamphlet was entitled, Priestcraft in Perfection. Its of her chaplains preached a sermon on Good Friday appearance gave a general alarm to the clergy; and in defence of the real presence, which, without guess- a variety of pamphlets, sermons, and larger works, ing at her sentiments, he would scarce-have ventured in reply to it, issued forth from the press. The two on, she openly gave him thanks for his pains and pi- principal of which Mr. Collins answered in 1724, in ety.-Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii., p. 427.-ED. " An Historical: and Critical Essay on the Thirty? t Life of P;'er, p. 126.- nine Articles of the Church of England." —See Brit-' The eigl article of Edward VI. had a clause ith Biography, vol. ix., p. 275, 278, &c.-ED. -88 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. to the number of pages, and the number of lines "That the psalms MTay be sung distinctly and articles in each:page, it seems more proba- by the whole congregation, and that Organs ble that the clause was some way or other sur- may be laid aside. That none may baptize but'eptitiously inserted-by those who were friends ministers, and that they mary leave off the sign of the Church's power, than struck out by the of the cross. That at the ministration of the Puritans, as Laud and his followers have pub- communion the posture of kneeling may be left lished to the world; for it is hard to suppose indifferent. That the use of copes and surplices that a foul copy, as this is pretended to be, may be taken away; so that all ministers in should be so carefully marked and subscribed their ministry use a grave, comely, and sad gar by every member of the synod with their own ment, as they commonly do in preaching. That hands, and yet not be perfect; but it:is not im- ministers be not compelled to wear such gowns probable that the notary or registrar, who tran- and caps as the enemies of Christ's Gospel have scribed the articles into the convocation-book, chosen to be the special array of their priestwith the names of them that subscribed, might, hood. That the words in the thirty-third artiby direction of his superiors, privately insert it; cle, concerning the punishment of those who do and so it might appear in the records of 1571, not in all things conform to the public order though it was not in the original draught. about ceremonies, may be mitigated. That all The controversy is of no great moment to the saints' days, festivals, and holydays, bearthe present clergy, because it is certain the ing the name of a creature, may be abrogated; clause was a part of the article confirmed by or at least a commemoration only of them reParliament at the restoration of King Charles served by sermons, homilies, or common prayer, II., 1862; though how far it was consistent for the better instructing the people in history; with the act of supremacy, which lodged the and that after service men may go to work." ultimate power of determining matters of faith I have subjoined the names of the subscribers and discipline in the crown, I must leave with to this paper, that the reader may take notice the reader. The synod itself seemed to be ap- what considerable persons they were for learnprehensive of the danger of a praemunire, and, ing and ability, as well as numbers, that desired therefore, after their names these words were a farther reformation in the Church.* cautiously added: "Ista subscriptio facta est This paper not being approved, another was ab omnibus sub hac protestatione, quod nihil brought into the lower house February 13, constatuunt in prwejudicium cujusquam senatus taining the following articles to be approved or consulti, sed tantum supplicem libellum. peti- rejected.t tiones suas continentem humiliter offerunt: i. e, " That all Sundays in the year, and principal " This subscription is made by all, with this pro- feasts of Christ, be kept holydays, and that all testation, that they determine nothing in preju- other holydays be abrogated. That in all parish dice of any act of Parliament, but only offer this churches the minister, in the common prayer, little book to the queen or Parliament, contain- turn his face towards the people, and there read ing their requests and petitions." distinctly the service appointed, that the people The articles were concluded, and the sub- pmay hear and be edified. That in baptism the scription finished, in the chapter-house of St. &oss may be omitted, as tending to superstiPaul's, January 31, 1562, in the ninth session tion. Forasmuch as divers communicants are of convocation.* All the bishops subscribed except Gloucester and Rochester, who, I believe, * Alexander Nowel, dean of St. Paul's and prolowere absent. Of the lower house there were cutor. upward of a hundred hands; but, whatever their Sampson, dean of Christ Church, Oxon. learning was, many of them wrote so ill that it Lawrence Nowel, dean of Litchfield. was hard to read their names. Among the Ellis, dean of Hereford. subscribers are several of the learned exiles, Dodds, dean of Exon. who were dissatisfied with the constitution; as Mullins, archdeacon of London. the Reverend Mr. Beseley, Watts, Cole, Mul- Pullan, archdeacon of Colchester. lyns, Sampson, Pullan, Spencer, Wisdom, Now- Lever, archdeacon of Coventry. el, Heton, Beaumont, Pqdder, Lever, Pownal, Bemont, archdeacon of Huntingdon. Wilson, Croley, and others. But the articles Spencer, archdeacon of Chichester. did not pass into a law, and become a part of Croley, archdeacon of Hereford. the establishment, till nine years after, though Rogers, archdeacon of St. Asaph. some of the more rigid bishops of the ecclesias- Kemp, archdeacon of St. Alban's. tical commission insisted upon subscription from Prat, archdeacon of St. David's. this time. Longland, archdeacon of Bucks. The next considerable affair that came under Watts, archdeacon of Middlesex. debate was the rites and ceremonies of the Calfhil, Church of Oxon. Church; and here, first, Bishop Sandys brought Walker, Clergy of Suffolk. in a paper of advice to move her majesty, Saul, Dean and chapter of Gloucester "That private baptism, and baptism by wom- Wiburne, Churchof Rochester. en, may be taken out of the Common Prayer Savage, A Clergy of Gloucester. W. Bonner, 4 Church of Somerset. Book. That the cross in baptism may be dis- Avys, ) Church of Wigorn. allowed, as needless and superstitious. That Wilson, t Church of Wigorn, Worcester. commissioners may be appointed to reform the Nevynson, 0 Clergy of Canterbury. ecclesiastical laws." Tremayne, 2 Clergy of Exeter. Another paper was presented to the house Renyger,' Dean and chapter of Winton. with the following requests, signed by thirty- Roberts, Clergy of Norwich. three names. Reeve, 1 Dean and chapter of Westminster -hree n ames'~............... _ ~Hills, IClergy of Oxon. Strype's Annals, p. 329. f Strype's Annals, p. 337. HISTORY O-F THE PURITANS. 89 not able to kneel for age and sickness at the was determined to make no alteration in the sacrament, and others kneel and knock super- ceremonies, nor any abatement of the present stitiously, that therefore the order of kneeling establishment.* may be left to the discretion of the ordinary. I mention these names, not to detract from That it be sufficient for the minister, in time of the merit of those who appeared for the present saying Divine service and ministering of the establishment, for many of them would have sacraments (once), to wear a surplice; and that voted for the alterations, had they not been no minister say service or minister the sacra- awed by their superiors, or afraid of a premuments but in a comely garment or habit. That nire; whereas, if the contrary vote had prevailthe use of organs be removed." ed, it was only to address the queen or Parlia. These propositions were the subject of warm ment to alter the service-book in those particyldebates; some approving and others rejecting lars; but I mention them to show that the them. In conclusion, the house being divided, voice of half the clergy in convocation, and ot it appeared, upon the scrutiny, that the majority no less numbers out of it, were for amendments, of those present were for approving them, forty- or, at least, a latitude in the observation of the three against thirty-five; but when the proxies rites and ceremonies of the Church. Indeed, were counted, the scale was turned; those who it was very unkind that, when such considerwere for the propositions being fifty-eight, and able abatements had been made in favour of those against them fifty-nine; so that by the the Roman Catholics, nothing should be in majority of one single voice, and that not a per- dulged to those of the same faith, and who hafi son present to hear the debates but a proxy,* it suffered in the same cause with themselves, especially when the controversy was about * "The authenticityof the first part ofthetwentieth points which one party apprehended to be sinarticle, which affirms that' the Church hath power to ful, and the other acknowledged to be inrifferdecree rites or ceremonies, and authority in controver- ent. Sundry other papers and petitions were sies of faith,' has been impugned ongrounds which, to say the least, are entitled to respect. The charge of interpolation was first advanced by Burton, during favour of a farther reformation, but nothing the reign of Charles the First. In a letter to the tem- passed into a law. poral lords of the privy council, he says,' The prelates, to justify their proceedings, have forged a new Strype and Collier maintain the opposite.-Fuller's article of religion, brought from Rome,(which gives Ch. Hist., vol. ix., 73. Neal's Puritans, vol. i., 147. them full power to alter the doctrine and discipline Strype's Parker, vol. ii., 54. Collier's Eccl. Hist., voL of our Church at a blow), and have foistbed it into the i., 486."-C. twentieth article of our Church. And this is in the last * The names of the forty-three that approved the edition of the Articles, 1628, in affront of his majes- above articles were, ty's declaration before them. The clause forged is Dean Nowel, prolocutor, St. Paul's. this: The Church (that is, the bishops, as they ex- Mr. Archdeacon Lever, Coventry. pound it) hath power to decree, &c. This clause is Dean Pedder, Wigorniensis. a forgery, fit to be examined and deeply censured in Mr. Archdeacon Watts, Middlesex. the Star Chamber. For it is not to be found in the Dean Nowel, of Litchfield. Latin or English Articles of Edward the Sixth, or Mr. Archdeacon Spencer, Cicestrensis. of Queen Elizabeth, ratified by Parliament. And if Mr. Besely, proct. cler., Cant. to forge a will or writing be censurable in the Star Mr. Nevynson, proct. cler., Cant. Chamber, which is but a wrong to a private man, how Mr. Bower, proct. cler., Somers. much more the forgery of an article of religion, to Mr. Ebden, proct. cler., Wint. wrong the whole Church, and overturn religion, which Mr. Archdeacon Longland, Bucks. concerns all our souls?' Laud denied the charge, al- Mr. Lancaster, thesaurar., Sarum. leging that the Puritans had been guilty of publishing Mr. Archdeacan Weston, Lewensis. mutilated editions of the Articles, in which the con- Mr. Archdeacon Wisdom, Eliensis. tested clause was omitted.' I do openly here,' he Mr. Saul, proct. dec. cap., Glouc. said in his speech in the Star Chamber,' charge upon Mr. Walker, proct., Suffolk. that pure sect this foul corruption of falsifying the Mr. Becon. Articles of the Church of England. Let them take Mr. Proctor, proct. cler., Sussex. it off as they can.' This controversy was revived, in Mr. Cocerel, proct. cler., Surrey. the beginning of the last century, by Mr. Anthony Mr. Archdeacon Tod, Bedf. Collins, in a publication entitled Priestcraft in Per- Mr. Archdeacon Croley, Hereford. fection. He attacked the authenticity of the con- Mr. Soreby, proct. cler., Cicest. tested clause with much ingenuity and force of evi- Mr. Bradbridge, cancellar., Cicest. dence. Several answers appeared, the principal of Mr. Hills, proct. cler., Oxon. which were, A Vindication of the Church of England Mr. Savage, proct. cler., Glouc. from the Assertions of Priestcraft in Perfectinn, &c., Mr. Archdeacon Pullan, Colchest. published in 1710; and, An Essay on the Thirty-ninte Mr. Wilson, proct., Wigorn. Articles, by Dr. Bennet, in 1715. Collins replied to Mr. Burton. these, as well as to Collier and others, in An Histori- Mr. Archdeacon Bemont, Huntingd cal and Critical Essay on the Thirty-nine Articles of Mr. Wiburne, proct. eccl., Roff. the Church of England, published in 1724: wherein Mr. Day, prov., Eton. he undertakes to demonstrate that the clause, The Mr. Reeve, proc. dec. cap., Westm. Church has power, &c., is not a part of the Articles, Mr. Roberts, proct. cler., Norw. as they were established by act of Parliament in the Mr. Calfhil, proct. cler., Lond. and Oror thirteenth of Elizabeth, or agreed on by the convo- Mr. Godwin, proct. cler., Linc. cations of 1562 and 1571. It is not easy to form a Mr. Archdeacon Prat, St. David's. decided opinion on the question. Fuller, with his Mr. Tremayn, proct. cler., Exon. usual honesty, acknowledges the difficulty, and ab- Mr. Archdeacon Heton, Glouc. stains from giving judgment.' Whether,' he says, Mr. Archdeacon Kemp, St. Alban's.' the bishops were faulty in their addition, or their Mr. Avys, proct. ece., Wigorn. opposites in their subtraction, I leave to more cunning Mr. Renyger, proct. dec. cap., Wint. state arithmeticians to decide.' Neal inclines to the Mr. Dean Elis,. Hereford. viewy of Collins, but speaks with hesitation; while Mr. Dean Sampson, Oxon. VOL. I. -M 90 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. The Church having carried their point* that suffered for religion in the reigns of King against the Puritans in convocation, we are Henry VIII. and Queen Mary; all which he now to see what use they made of their victory. published, first in Latin for the benefit of forThe plague being in London and several parts eigners, and then in English for the service of of the country this summer, put a little stop to his own country, in the year 1561. No book their zeal for uniformity at present; some were ever gave such a mortal wound to popery as indulged, but none preferred that scrupled the this; it was dedicated to the queen, and was in habits. In proof of this, we may produce the such high reputation, that it was ordered to be examples of two of the worthiest and most set up in the churches, where it raised in the learned divines of the age: one was Father people an invincible horror and detestation of Miles Coverdale, formerly bishop of Exeter, that religion which had shed so much innocent who, with' Tyndal and Rogers, first trans- blood. Queen Elizabeth had a particular eslated the Bible into English after Wickliffe. teem for Mr. Fox, but this excellent and laboThis prelate was born in Yorkshire, bred at rious divine, though reduced to very great povCambridge, and proceeded doctor in divinity in erty and want, had no preferment in the Church the University of Tubing. Returning to Eng- because he scrupled the habits, till at length, land in the reign of King Edward, he was made by the intercession of some great friend, he obBishop of Exeter, 1551.t Upon the accession tained a prebend in the Church of Sarum, which of Queen Mary he was imprisoned, and narrow- he made a shift to hold till his death, though ly escaped the fire; but by the intercession of not without some disturbance from the bishops.* the King of Denmark was sent over into that The parochial clergy, both in city and councountry, and coming back at her death, assisted try, had an aversion to the habits; they wore at the consecration of Queen Elizabeth's first them sometimes in obedience to the law, but Archbishop of Canterbury; yet, because he more frequently administered without them; for could not comply with the ceremonies and hab- which some were cited into the spiritual courts, its, he was neglected, and had no preferment. and admonished, the bishops not having yet asThis reverend man, says Mr. Strype,t being sumed the courage of proceeding to suspension now old and poor, Grindal, bishop of London, and deprivation. At length the matter was laid gave him the small living of St. Magnus, at the before the queen, as appears by a paper found Bridge Foot, where he preached quietly about among Secretary Cecil's MSS., dated February two years; but not coming up to the conformity 24, 1564, which acquaints her majesty, that required, he was persecuted thence, and obliged " some perform Divine service and prayers in the to relinquish his parish a little before his death, chancel, others in the body of the Church; some which happened May 20, 1567, at the age of in a seat made in the church; some in a pulpit cighty-one.~ He was a celebrated preacher, with their faces to the people; some keep preadmired and followed by all the Puritans; but cisely to the order of the book, some intermix the Act of Uniformity brought down his rever- psalms in metre; some say with a slrplice, and end hairs with sorrow to the grave. He was others without one. buried in St. Bartholomew's, behind the Ex- " The table stands in the body of the church change, and was attended to his grave with in some places, in others it stands in the chanvast crowds of people. eel; in some places the table stands altarwise, The other was that venerable man, Mr. John distant from the wall a yard; in others in the Fox, the martyrologist, a grave, learned, and middle of the chancel, north and south; in some painful divine, and exile for religion, who em- places the table is joined, in others it stands upon ployed his time abroad in writing the acts and tressels; in some the table has a carpet, in others monuments of that Church which would hardly none. receive him into her bosom, and in collecting "Some administer the communion with surmaterials relating to the martyrdom of those plice and cap; some with surplice alone;t others with none; some with chalice, others with a * "I conceive," says one of the most accurate and impartial of historians, " the Church of England par- communion-cup, others with a common cup; ty, that is, the party adverse to any species of ecclesias- some with unleavened bread, and some with tical change, to have been the least numerous of the leavened. three. (Catholic, Church of England, Puritan) during " Some receive kneeling, others standing, oththis reign; still excepting, as I have said, the neu- ers sitting; some baptize in a font, some in a trals, who commonly make a numerical majority, basin; some sign with the sign of the cross, and are counted along with the dominant rel others sign not; some minister in a surplice, The Puritans, or, at least, those who rather favoured some with a s them, had a majority among the Protestant gentry in others without; some with a square cap, some the queen's days. It is agreed on all hands, and is with a round cap, some with a button-cap, some quite manifest, that they predominated in the House with a hat; some in scholars' clothes, some in of Commons. But that house was composed, as it others." has ever been, of the principal landed proprietors, Her majesty was highly displeased with this and as much represented the general wish of the report, and especially that her laws were so litcommunity, when it demanded a farther reform in tle regarded; she therefore directed a letter to religious matters, as on any other subjects One the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, dated would imagine, by the manner in which some express themselves, that the discontented were a small January 25th, "to confer with the bishops of thea faction, who, by some unaccountable means, in de- ecclesiastical commission, and to inquire what spite of the government and the nation, formed a majority of all parliaments under Elizabeth and her + Strype's Annals, vol. i., p. 130. Bishop Wartwo successors."-Hallam's Const. Hist, i.,257. Such burton says that he was also installed in the third is the representation of Bishop Maddox in his ani- prebend of Durham, October 14, 1572, but held it not madversions on Neal, p. 37, &c.-C. long; Bellamy succeeding to the same stall Octot Fuller's Worthies, b. iii., p. 198. ber 31, 1573.-Supplement to Warburton's Works, p.: Ann., p. 405. ~ Life of Parker, p. 149. 1456.-ED. t Life of Parker, p. 149. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 91 diversities there were among the.clergy in doc- we have enjoyed." Other letters were written trine, rites, and ceremonies, and to take effectual to the same purpose, and all made what friends methods that an exact order and uniformity be they could among the courtiers. maintained in all external rites and ceremonies, The nobility were divided; and the queen heras by law and good usages are provided for; and self seemed to be at a stand, but the archbishop that none hereafter be admitted to any ecclesi- spirited her forward; and having received her astical preferment but who is well disposed to majesty's letter, authorizing him to proceed, he common order, and shall formally promise to entered upon the unpleasing work with vigour comply with it."* To give countenance to this and resolution. The Bishops Jewel and Horn severity, it was reported that some of the warm- preached at Paul's Cross to reconcile the people er Puritans had turned the habits into ridicule, to the habits. Jewel said he did not come to and given unhandsome language to those that defend them, but to show that they were indif. wore them, which, according to Mr. Strype, ferent, and might be complied with. Horn went was the occasion of their being pressed after- a little farther, and wished those cut off from ward with so much rigour; but whatever gave the Church that troubled it about white or black occasion to the persecution that followed, or garments, round or square caps. The Puritans whoever was at the head of it, supposing the in- were not allowed to preach against the habits, sinuation to be just, it was very hard that so but they expostulated with the bishops, and told great a number of useful ministers, who neither them that, in their opinions, those ought rather censured their brethren, nor abused their indul- to be cut off which stopped the course of the gence by an unmannerly behaviour, should be Gospel, and that grieved and offended their weak turned out of their benefices for the indiscretion brethren, by urging the remnants of antichrist of a few. The bishops, in their letters to the more than God's commandments, and by punforeign divines, had promised not to urge their ishing the refusers of them more extremely than brethren in these things, and, when opportunity the breakers of God's laws. served, to seek reformation of them; but now The archbishop, with the Bishops of London, they took themselves to be released from their Ely, Winchester, and Lincoln, framed sundry promises, and set at liberty by the queen's ex- articles to enforce the habits, which were afterpress command to the contrary; their meaning ward published under the title ofAdvertisements. being, that they would not do it with their own But when his grace brought them to court, the accord, without direction from above. queen refused to give them her sanction. The The Puritans and their friends, foreseeing the archbishop, chafed at the disappointment, said storm, did what they could to avert it. Pilking- that the court had put him upon framing the ton, bishop of Durham, wrote to the Earl of Lei- Advertisements, and if they would not go on, cester, October 25th, to use his interest with they had better never have done anything; nay, the queen in their behalf. He said " that com- if the council would not lend their helping hand pulsion should not be used in things of liberty. against the Nonconformists, as they had done He prayed the earl to consider how all reformed heretofore in Hooper's days, they should only countries had cast away popish apparel, with be laughed at for all they had done.* But still the pope, and yet we contend to keep it as a holy the queen was so cold, that, when the Bishop of relic.t That many ministers would rather leave London came to court, she spoke not a word to their livings than comply; and the realm had a him about the redressing the neglect of congreat scarcity of teachers, many places being formity in the city of London, where it was most destitute of any. That it would give incurable disregarded. Upon which the archbishop apoffence to foreign Protestants; and since we plied to the secretary, desiring another letter have forsaken popery as wicked, I do not see," from the queen to back their endeavours for says the bishop, "how their apparel can become conformity, adding, in some heat, " If you remsaints and professors of the Gospel." Whitting- edy it not by letter, I will no more strive against ham, dean of Durham, wrote to the same pur- the stream, fume or chide who will." pose. He dreaded the consequence of imposing But the wearing of popish garments being one that as necessary which at best was only indif- of the grand principles of nonconformity, it will ferent, and, in the opinion of many wise and be proper to set before the reader the sentilearned men, superstitious. "If the apparel ments of some learned performers upon this which the clergy wear at present," says he, controversy, which employed the pens of some "seems not so modest and grave as their vo- of the most judicious divines of the age. cation requires, or does not sufficiently distin- We have related the unfriendly behaviour guish them from men of other callings, they re- of the Bishops Cranmer and Ridley towards fuse not to wear that which shall be thought, Hooper, and that those very prelates who once by godly magistrates, most decent for these threatened his life for refusing the habits, if we uses, provided they may keep themselves ever may credit Mr. Fox's Latin edition of the Book pure from the defiled robe of antichrist. Many of Martyrs, lived to see their mistakes and repapists," says he, " enjoy their livings and lib- pent;t for when Brooks, bishop of Gloucester, erty who have not sworn obedience, nor do any came to Oxford to degrade Bishop Ridley, he part of their duty to their miserable flock.: refused to put on the surplice, and while they Alas! my lord, that such compulsion should be were putting it on him whether he would or no, used towards us, and such great lenity towards he vehemently inveighed against the apparel, the papists. Oh! noble earl, be our patron and calling it " foolish, abominable, and too fond for stay in this behalf, that we may not lose that a vice in a play." liberty that hitherto, by the queen's benignity, Bishop Latimer also derided the garments; * Life of Parker, p. 154. * Life of Parker,:p. 159. t Life of Parker, p. 155, and Appendix, p. 40. f Fox's Book of Martyrs, vol. iii., p. 500. Strype's T Life of Parker, p. 157, and Appendix, p. 43. Ann., vol. ii., p. 555. 92 HISTORY OF THE PURITAN-S. and when they pulled off his surplice at his deg- that he was not fond of the cap, the surplice. radation, "Now," says he, "I can make no and the wafer-bread, and such like injunctions, more holy water." and would have been pleased with a toleration; In the articles against Bishop Farrar, in King that he gloried in having been consecrated withEdward's reign, it was objected, article forty- out the Aaronical garments; but that his connine, that he had vowed never to wear the cap, cern for his prince's honour made him resolute but that he came into his cathedral with a longo that her royal will might take place. gown and hat, which he did not deny, alleging Dr. Horn, bishop of Winchester, in his letter he did it to avoid superstition, and without any to Gaulter, says "that the act of Parliament offence to the people. which enjoined the vestments was made before When the popish vestments were put upon they were in office, so that they had no hand in Dr. Taylor, the martyr, in order to his degrada- making it;* but they had obeyed the law, thinktion, he walked about with his hands by his ing the matter to be of indifferent nature; and sides, saying, " How say you, my lord, am I not they had reason to apprehend that, if they had a goodly fool? If I were in Cheapside, would deserted their stations on that account, their ennot the boys laugh at these foolish toys and emies might have come into their places;t but apish trumpery?" And when the surplice was he hoped to procure an alteration of the act pulled off, "Now," says he, "I am rid of a fool's in the next Parliament, though he believed coat." it wouild meet with great opposition from the When they were pulling the same off from papists." Yet this very bishop, a little after, Archbishop Cranmer, he meekly replied, "All wished them cut off from the Church that troubthis needed not: I myself had done with this led it about white or black garments. gear long ago." Bishop Jewel calls the vestments " the habits Dr. Heylin testifies that John Rogers, the pro- of the stage, the relics of the Amorites, and tomartyr, peremptorily refused to wear the hab- wishes they may be extirpated to the roots, that its unless the popish priests were enjoined to all the remnants of former errors, with all the wear upon their sleeves, by way of distinction, rubbish, and even the dust that yet remained, a chalice with a host. The same he asserts con- might be taken away." But, he adds, the queen cerning Philpot, a very eminent martyr; and is fixed; and so was his lordship soon after, concerning one Tyms, a deacon, who was like- when he refused the learned Dr. Humphreys a wise martyred in Queen Mary's reign. benefice within his diocess on this account, and The holy martyr John-Bradford, as well as called the Nonconformists men of squeamish Mr. Sampson and some others, excepted against stomachs.t the habits at their entrance into holy orders, and Bishop Pilkington complains " that the diswere ordained without them. putes which began about the vestments were Bucer and Peter Martyr, professors of our two now carried farther, even to the whole constifamous universities, were both against the hab- tution; that pious persons lamented this, atheits, and refused to wear them. Bucer being ists laughed, and the papists blew the coals; asked why he did not wear the square cap, an- and that the blame of all was cast upon the swered, Because his head was not square.* And bishops. He urged that it might be considered Martyr, in one of his letters after his return that all Reformed Churches had cast away pohome, says, " When I was at Oxford I would pish apparel with the pope; that many ministers never use those white garments in the choir, would rather leave their livings than wear them; though I was a canon in the Church; and I am and he was well satisfied that it was not an apsatisfied in my own reasons for what I did."t In parel becoming those that profess godliness. I the same letter, Bucer says he would be content confess," says he, "we suffer many things against to suffer some great pain in his body upon condi- our hearts, groaning under them; but we cantion that these things were utterly taken away.t not take them away, though we were ever so And, in such case as we are now [1550], he much set upon it. We were under authority, willeth that in no case they should be received. and can innovate nothing without the queen; He adds, in his letter from Cambridge to a friend nor can we alter the laws; the only thing left beyond sea, dated 12th January, 1550, that no to our choice is, whether we will bear these foreigner was consulted about the purity of cer- things or break the peace of the Church."~ emonies, "De puritate rituum scito hic neminem Bishop Grindal was a considerable time in extraneum de his rebus rogari." And though suspense whether he should accept a bishopric both he and Peter Martyr thought they might with the popish vestments. He consulted Pebe borne with for a season,, yet, in our case, he ter Martyr on this head, and says that all the would not have them suffered to remain. bishops that had been beyond the sea had dealt These were the sentiments of our first Re- with the queen to let the habits fall; but she formers in the reign of King Edward VI. and was inflexible. This made them submit to the Queen Mary. laws, and wait for a fit opportunity to reverse Upon restoring the Protestant religion, un- them. Upon this principle he conformed, and der Queen Elizabeth, the same sentiments con- was consecrated; and in one of his, letters he cerning the habits prevailed among all the Re- calls God to witness that it did not lie at their formers at first, though they disagreed upon the (the bishops') door that the habits were not grand question whether they should desert their quite taken away. ministry rather ttan comply. Dr. Sandys, bishop of Worcester, and ParkMr. Strype, in his Life of Archbishop Parker, hurst of Norwich, inveigh severely against the a most cruel persecutor of the Puritans, says habits, and they, with the rest of the bishops, * Life of Parker, Appendix, p. 41. * Pierce's Vindication, p. 44.. t Hist. Ref., p,;65. t Hist. Relf, vol. iii., p. 289, 294. Life of Parker, T Ann. Ref., vol. ii., p. 554, 555. p. 154. t MS., p. 873. ~ Hist. AIef., vol. iii., p. 316 HISTORY OF T.HE PURITANS. 93 threaten to declaim against them " till they are apprehended that if they did not reject them at sent to hell, from whence they came."*'San- first, they should never obtain their removal af dys, in one of his letters to Parker, says, "I terward. hope we shall not be forced' to use the vest- Dr. Humphreys and Sampson, two heads of ments, but that the meaning of the law is, that the Nonconformists, wrote to Zurich the followothers, in the mean time, shll not take them ing reasons against the lawfulness of wearing away, but that they shall remain for the queen." the habits: "That they did not think the prescriDr. Guest, bishop of Rochester, wrote against bing habits to the clergy merely a civil thing; the ceremonies to Secretary Cecil, and gave it nor that the habits now prescribed were decent; as his opinion "that, having been evil used, and for how can that habit be decent that serves once taken away, they ought not to be used only to dress up the theatrical pomp of popery again, because the Galatians were commanded The papists glory in this, that these habits were to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ had brought in by them, for which they vouch Otho's made them free, and because we are to abstain Constitutions and the Roman Pontifical. They from all appearance of evil. The Gospel teaches add, that in King Edward's time the surplice us to put away needless ceremonies, and to wor- was not universally used nor pressed, whereas ship God in spirit and truth; whereas these cer- the copes then taken away are now to be restoemonies were no better than the devices of men, red. This is not to extirpate popery, but to plant and had been abused to idolatry. He declares it again, and instead of going forward in Reforopenly against the cross, against images in mation, to go backward. We do not place rechurches, and against a variety of garments in ligion in habits," say they, "but we oppose them the service of God. If a surplice bethought prop- that do [the papists]. Besides, it gives some er for one," says his lordship, " it should serve authority to servitude, to depart from our liberfor all Divine offices.' The bishop is for the peo- ty. We hate contention, nor do we desert our ple's receiving the sacrament into their hands, churches, and leave them exposed to wolves, according to the example of Christ' and the but we are driven from them. We leave our primitive Church, and' not for putting it into the brethren to stand and fall to their own master, people's mouths; and as for the posture, that it and desire the same favourable forbearance-from should be rather standing than kneeling; but them. All that is pretended is, that the habits that this should be left to every one's choice."t are not unlawful; not that they are good and Not one of the first set of bishops after the Ref- expedient; but forasmuch as the habits of the ormation approved of the habits, or argued for their clergy are visible marks of their profession, they continuance from Scripture, antiquity, or decency, ought not to be taken from their enemies. The but submitted to them'out of necessity, and to ancient fathers had their habits, but not peculiar keep the Church in the queen's favour.4 How to bishops, nor distinct from the laity. The inmuch are the times altered! our first Reformers stances of St. John and Cyprian are singular. never ascribed any holiness or virtue to the In Tertullian's time the pallium was the comvestments, but wished and prayed for their re- mon habit of old Christians. Chrysostom speaks moval;~ whereas several modern conformists of white garments, but with no approbation: he have made them essential to their ministrations, rather finds fault with them; nor do we condemn and have represented religion as naked and de- things indifferent as unlawful; but we wish fective without them. there might be a free synod to settle this matBut the question that'divided the Reformers ter, in which things may not be carried accordwas the lawfulness of wearing habits that had ing to the minds of one or two persons. The been consecrated to idolatrous and superstitious doctrine of our Church is now pure, and why uses, and were the very marks and badges of should there be any defect in our worship l why that religion they had renounced.'Upon this should we borrow anything from popery 2 why they consulted the foreign divines, who all should we not agree in rites, as well as in docagreed in the reasonableness of abolishing the trine, with the other Reformed Churches l we habits, but were divided in their sentiments have a good opinion of our bishops, and bear about the lawfulness of wearing them in the with their state and pomp; we once bore the mean time: some were afraid of the return of same cross with them, and preached the same Lutheranism or popery, if the ministers should Christ with them; why, then, are we now turned desert their stations in the Church; and others out of our benefices, and some put in prison,' only for habits, and publicly defamed?* * Bishop Burnet quotes this as concerning the cor-ispute is not only ruptions of the spiritual courts, vol. iii.- T, T. t MS., p. 891. Strype's Annals,vol.p38 Ap-surplice; there are other grievances which pendix, No. 14. o Strype's Annals, vol. i., p. 177. ought to be redressed or dispensed with; as, 1.' ~ Bishop Warburton asks here, " Who ascribes any Music and organs in Divine worship. 2. The holiness or virtue to them now, I pray?" In reply, it sponsors in baptism, answering in the child's is sufficient to observe that Mr. Neal refers to the name. 3. The cross in baptism. 4. Kneeling, time when he wrote, about thirty-six years before the at the sacrament, and the use of unleavened bishop's strictures appear to have been penned, and bread. 5. There is also a want of discipline in not many years after Dr. Nichols, in his defence of the Church. 6he marage f theclergy is the Church of England, had called ministers' ordina- Church. 6. The marriage of the cergy is ry habit profane; and when Dr. Grey (System of Ec- not' legitimated, but their children are looked:: clesiastical Law, p. 55) had carried the notion of de- upon by some as bastards. 7. Marriage is not' cency, in this respect, very high, representing " the to be performed without a ring. 8. Women are Church, as by a prescript form of decent and comely not to be churched without'the veil. 9. The apparel, providing to have its ministers known to the court of faculties, pluralities, licenses for nonpeople, aud thereby to receive the honour and esti- residence, for eatiltg:lsh in Lent, &c., are inmation due to the special messengers and ministers..... of Alnighty God." Thisrepresentation approximates sufferable grievabies. 10. Minister have not very much to the idea of ho'lAess and virtue.-ED. Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 31L.. 94 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. a free liberty to preach without subscribing to ings, than study to aggravate them. They pray the use and approbation of all the ceremonies.* his lordship to intercede with the queen and noAnd, lastly, the article which explained the man- bility for their brethren that were then under ner of Christ's presence in the sacrament is ta- sufferings, who deserved a very great regard, ken away." forasmuch as it had appeared what true zeal The bishops alleged, in vindication of their they had for religion, since the only thing they compliance with these things, the necessity of desired was, that the Church should be purged the time, the queen's peremptoriness, the in- from all the dregs of popery. This cause, say different nature of the things required, and their they, in general is such, that those who promote fears of the loss of the whole Reformation if it are worthy of the highest dignity. They do, they should desert their stations in the Church; therefore, earnestly pray his lordship at this promising not to urge them upon their brethren time to exert himself, and employ all the interwho were dissatisfied, but to endeavour their est he has in the queen and nobility, that the removal in a proper season. Church of England, so happily reformed to the The learned foreigners gave their opinions admiration of the whole world, may not be deupon this nice question with caution and reserve. filed with the remnants of popery. To retain Peter Martyr, in his letter to Grindalt, writes these things will look like giddiness," say these thus: " As to the habits to be used in holy divines; ";t will offend the weak, and give great things, since they carry an appearance of the scandal to their neighbours in France and Scotmass, and are merely remainders of popery, it land, who are yet under the cross; and the is," says he, " the opinion of the learned Bullin- very papists will justify their tyrannical impoger, the chief minister of Zurich, that they are sitions by such proceedings."* to be refrained from, lest by your example a thing The divines of Geneva were more peremptothat is scandalous should be confirmed; but," he ry in their advices; for in their letter of Octoadds, "though I have been always against the her 24th, 1564, signed by Theodore Beza, and use of such ornaments, yet I see the present seventeen of his brethren, they say, "If the danger, lest you should be put from the office of case were theirs, they would not receive the preaching. There may also be some hopes, that ministry upon these conditions if it were profas images and altars are taken away, so also fered, much less would they sue for it. As for those appearances of the mass may be removed, those who have hitherto complied, if they are if you and others, who have taken upon you epis- obliged not only to wink at manifest abuses, but copacy, labour in it. I am therefore more back- to approve of those things which ought to be ward to advise you rather to refuse the bishop- redressed, what thing else can we advise them ric than to submit to the-use of those vestures; to, but that they should retire to a private life? and yet, because I am sensible scandals of this As for the popish habits, those men that are aukind are to be avoided, I am more willing to thors of their being imposed, do deserve most vield to Bullinger's opinion aforesaid." But, af- evil of the Church, and shall verily answer it at ter all, he advises him to do nothing against his the dreadful bar of Christ's judgment." Then conscience. they argue very strongly against the habits; Bullinger and Gualter, ministers of Zurich, in and having advised the ministers not to lay their letters to Horn and Grindal, "lament the down their ministry presently, for fear of the unhappy breach in the Church of England, and return of popery, they conclude thus: " Neverapprove of the zeal of those divines who wish theless, if ministers are commanded not only to to have the house of God purged from all the tolerate these things, but by their subscriptions dregs of popery. They are not pleased with to allow them as lawful, what else can we advise them who first made the laws about habits, nor them to, but that, having witnessed their innowith those who zealously maintain them. They cence, and tried all other means in the fear of the declare that they acted unwisely, if they were of Lord, they should give over their functions to the reformed side; but if they were disguised open wrong." They then declare their opinenemies, that they had been laying snares with ill ions against the cross in baptism; the validity designs. They are therefore absolutely against of baptism by midwives; the power of the keys the imposition of these, and other grievances; being in the hands of lay-chancellors and bishbut they think many things of this sort should ops' courts; and conclude with an exhortation be submitted to, rather than men should forsake and prayer for unity, and a more perfect reforthe ministry at this juncture, lest the whole Ref- mation in the English Church. ormation should be lost; but that they should Though the Reformation in Scotland was not press the queen and the nobility to go on and fully established, yet the superintendent miniscomplete the Reformation, so gloriously be- ters and commissioners of charges within that gun."t realm directed a letter the very first opportunity These divines wrote also to the Earl of Bed- to their brethren the bishops, and pastors of ford, and acquainted him "that they were sorry England, who have renounced the Roman antito hear that not only the vestments, but many christ, and do profess with them the Lord Je. other things were retained in the Church, which sus Christ in sincerity. It was dated from Edsavoured plainly of popery. They complain of ifiburgh, December 28th, 1566, and signed by the bishops printing their letter, and that their John Spotswood, and nine of his brethren, private opinion about the lawfulness of wearing preachers of Christ Jesus. The letter does not the habits for the present should be made use enter into the debate whether the habits are of to cast reproaches on persons, for whom they simply indifferent or not, but pleads in a most should rather have compassion in their suffer- earnest and pathetic manner for toleration and * Hist. Ref., in Records, p. 335. forbearance, and that the deprived ministers t Strype's Life of Grindal, p. 29, 30. Ann., vol. i., may be restored. "If surplice, corner-cap, and p. 173. $ Hist. Ref., vol. iii., p. 508. MS., p. 889. * Hist. Ref., vcl. ii., p. 313. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 9b: tippet," say they, " have been badges of idola- We have already mentioned the queen's lettry, what have the preachers of Christian liber- ter of January 25th; in obedience to which, ty, and the open rebukers of all superstition, to Archbishop Parker wrote to his brethren of the do with the dregs of the Roman beast 1 Our ecclesiastical commission, and in particular to brethren, that of conscience refuse that unprofit- Grindal, bishop of London (there being in that able apparel, do neither damn yours, nor molest city the greatest number of clergy, and of the you that use such vain trifles. If ye shall do best learning, that refused the apparel), to conthe like by them, we doubt not but you will sult proper methods to reduce them to an exact therein please God, and comfort the hearts of uniformity.* After some debate, the commismany.' But the whole letter breathes such an sioners agreed upon certain advertisements (as excellent spirit, that I cannot forbear recom- they were called), partly for due order in preachmending it to the reader's perusal in the Ap- ing and administering the sacraments, and partpendix. ly for the apparel of persons ecclesiastical. t It is evident, upon the whole, that it was the unanimous opinion of the foreign divines that allegation, and thus endeavours to vindicate the bishthe habits ought to be laid aside by authority, ops from a charge of falsehood and tyranny. A preand that, ill the mean time, they should not be text for persecution has never been wanting, when urged upon those that scrupled them; but they the governors of the Church or the State have deterof mined on it. Wyatt's insurrection was thus employwere not so well agreed in the lawfulness ed in Mary's time; and the insolence and disloyalty of wearing them till they were taken away; though the Puritans were reiterated at subsequent periods, their fears of the return of popery, if the minis- in vindication of the coercive measures which were ters should desert their stations; their compas- adopted. The indiscretions and violence of the Pusion to the souls of the people, who were per- ritans towards the Protestant Church are not to be ishing for lack of knowledge; and their hopes compared with those of the Reformers towards the that the queen would quickly be prevailed with Church of Rome; yet it is customary, with a certain class of writers, to magnify the former and to gloss to remove them, made most of then apprehend over and extenuate the latter. The one class of ofthey might be dispensed with for the present. fences is represented as justifying the'severest measThe English laity were more averse to the ures of a vindictive hierarchy; the other, as the inhabits than the clergy; as their hatred of po- evitable attendants on the earliest movements of repery increased, so did their aversion to the gar- ligious zeal. Such a procedure betrays more of parments. There was a strong party in the very ty-spirit than of the calm decision of an impartial court against them, among whom was the great judgment. The same principle holds in both cases, Earl of Leicester, Sir Francis Knollys, vice- and must be fairly applied. Both the Reformers and chamberlain; Burleigh, lord- treasurer; Sir the Puritans frequently mistook an intemperate and contentious spirit for that of the Gospel. The vio. Francis Walsingham, secretary of state; the lence and fierceness of human passion were permitEarls of Bedford, Warwick, and others. But ted, in some cases, to mingle with and debase their the Protestant populace throughout the nation religious zeal. To deny this fact is to contradict the were so inflamed that nothing but an awful sub- page of history. To regret the Reformation on this jection to authority could have kept them with- account is to display an ignorance of human nature, in bounds. Great numbers refused to frequent and an utter disregard of the welfare of the Church. those places of worship where service was in t instances of such misconduct did occur among those places of worship where service was min- the Puritans, may be freely admitted; but that they istered in that dress; they would not salute were so numerous as to call for or to justify the such ministers in the streets, nor keep them measureswhichtheirenemiesadopted3neitlherSt.iype company; nay, if we may believe Dr. Whitgiit, nor Maddox has succeeded in proving. The fact is, in his defence against Cartwright, "they spit that Elizabeth's bishops yielded somewhat to the in their faces, reviled them as they went along, corrupting influences of their station, and were, and showed such-like rude behaviour,"* be- therefore, indisposed to fulfil their early promises. cause they took them for papists in disguise, When writing to Bullinger, they had pleaded thatt the obnoxious ceremonies were enjoined by Parlis: -or t;..e...rvers, are hmal-l ra e rot3;tart i t~~t ment before their entrance into it.' But that, after would be content with the return of that reli- it was passed, they, being chosen to be bishops, must gion whose badge they wore.t There was, in- either content themselves to take their places as deed, a warm spirit in the people against every- things were, or else leave them to papists or Luther thing which came from that pretended church, ans. But, in the mean space, they promised not to whose garments had been so lately dyed with urge their brethren in those things, and, when oppor the blood of their friends and relations. Upon tunity should serve, to seek reformation of them.'-. the whole, I leave the reader to determine how Parker, i., 307. How far they fulfilled this promise. let the records of history tell. Some of them were far the wisdom and moderation of the queen honestly concerned to do so, but Parker was too incan be vindicated in imposing these habits on tolerant to permit it."-Dr. Price's Hist. of lVonconthe clergy; or the bishops be excused for im- formity, vol. i., p. 168.-C. * Life of Parker, p. 161 prisoning, suspending, and depriving some of t The articles for preaching declare, " that all the most useful preachers in the kingdom, on licenses granted before March 1st, 1564, shall be void account of things which, in their own opinion, and of none effect; and that all that shall be thought were but barely tolerable, but in the judgment meet for the office of preaching shall be admitted er b tren wer abslbut int again, paying no more than fourpence for the writing, of their brethren were absolutely sinful.$ parchment, and wax; and that those who were not * Strype's Annals, vol. i., p. 178, 460, 602. Mem. approved as preachers, might read the homilies. Cranmer, p. 363. Life of Parker, p. 77. "In the ministration of the communion in ca t The grounds on which such a suspicion might thedrals and collegiate churches, the principal min. rest may be seen in Mr. Neal's Review, in the quar- isters shall wear a cope with gospeller and epistolei to edition of his History, vol. i., p. 881, 882. agreeably; but at all other prayers to be said at the "4$ Strype attributes the rigorous measures hence- communion-table, they shall wear no copes, but sur. forth adopted to the disturbances and insolent beha- plices only; deans and prebendaries shall wear a surviour of some of the Puritans. Bishop Maddox, in plice with a silk hood in the choir, and when they his animadversions on Neal, lays great stress on this preach, a hood 96 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. By the first of these articles, all preachers of Magdalen College, Oxon, men of high renown throughout the nation were disqualified at once, throughout the nation for learning, piety, and and by the last, they subscribed, and promised zeal for the Reformation, and exiles for religion not to preach or expound the Scriptures with- in Queen Mary's reign. Upon their appearance, out a license from the bishop, which was not to the archbishop urged them with the opinions of be obtained without a promise under the hand Bucer and Peter Martyr; but the authority of of an absolute conformity to the ceremonies. these divines not being sufficient to remove Here the commissioners surely broke through their scruples, they were ordered not to depart the act of submission, by which they were obli- the city without leave. After long attendance, ged never to make or execute any canons or and many checks from some of the council foi constitutions without the royal assent. But their refractoriness, they framed a supplicatory the bishops presumed upon their interest with letter in a very elegant but submissive style, her majesty; they knew her mind, though she and sent it to the archbishop, and the rest of the refused, for political reasons, to ratify their ad- ecclesiastical commissioners, March 20th, " in vertisements, telling them that the oath of ca- which they protest before God, what a bitter nonical obedience was sufficient to bind the in- grief it was to them that there should be such ferior clergy to their duty, without the interpo- dissensions about a cap and surplice among sition of the crown. persons of the same faith. They allege the auParker therefore went on, and having cited thorities of St. Austin, Socrates, and Theodothe Puritan clergy to Lambeth, he admonished ret, to show that in their times there was a vasome, and threatened others;* but Grindal with- riety of rites and observances, which break not drew, being naturally averse to methods of se- unity and concord. They beseech the bishops, verity, and afraid of a praemunire. His grace therefore, if there was any fellowship in Christ, took a great deal of pains to gain him over, and that they would follow the direction of St. Paul by his arguments, says Strype, brought him to a about things in their own nature indifferent, good resolution. He also applied to the council' that every one should be persuaded in his own for the queen's and their assistance; and to the mind.' Conscience (say they) is a tender thing, secretary of state, beseeching him to spirit up and all men cannot look upon the same things as the Bishop of London to his duty, which was indifferent; if, therefore, these habits seem so done accordingly. What pains will some men to vrin, you are not to be condemned by us; on take to draw their brethren into a snare, and the other hand, if they do not appear so to us, force them to be partners in oppression and cru- we ought not to be vexed by you. They then elty! appeal to antiquity, to the practice of other Re.Among those that the archbishop cited before formed Churches, and to the consciences of the him were the Reverend Mr. Thomas Sampson, bishops themselves, and conclude thus:' Wheredean of Christ Church, and Dr. Lawrence Hum- fore we most humbly pray that a thing which phreys (regius professor of divinity), president is the care and pleasure of papists, and which you [the bishops] have no great value for your. " Every minister saying the public prayers, or ad- selves, and which we refuse, not from any conministering the sacraments, &c., shall wear a sur- te of authority, but fom anaversion t th plice with sleeves; and the parish shall provide a de-y, cent table standing on a frame for the communion- common enemy, may not be our snare nor our table; and the Ten Commandments shall be set on crime. the east wall, over the said table. - In one of their examinations the archbishop put " All dignitaries in cathedral churches, doctors, nine questions to them, to which they gave the folbachelors of divinity and law, having ecclesiastical lowing answers: livings, shall wear in their common apparel a broad Quest. 1. " Is the surplice a thing evil and wicked, side-gown with sleeves, straight at the hands, with- or is it indifferent? out any cuffs or falling capes, and tippets of sarse- Answ. "Though the surplice in substance be innet, and a square cap, but no hats, except in their different, yet in the present circumstance it is not, journeying. The inferior clergy are to wear long being of the same nature with the vestis peregrina, or gowns and caps of the same fashion, except in case the apparel of idolatry, for which God by the prophet of poverty, when they may wear short gowns." threatens to visit. To these advertisements certain protestations were Quest. 2. " If it be not indifferent, for what cause? annexed, to be made, promised, and subscribed by Answ. "Because things that have been consecrated such as shall hereafter be admitted to any office or to idolatry are not indifferent. cure in the Church. "And here every clergyman Quest. 3. "Whether the ordinary [or bishop] desubscribed, and promised not to preach or expound testing papistry, may enjoin the surplice to be worn, the Scriptures without special license of the bishop and enforce his injunction? under his seal, but only to read the homilies; and Answ. "It may be said to such a one, in Tertullikewise to observe, keep, and maintain such order lian's words,' Si tu diaboli pompain oderis, quicquid and uniformity in all external polity, rites, and cere- ex ea attigeris, id scias esse idolatriam.' That is, monies of the Church, as by laws, good usages, and' If thou hatest the pomp and pageantry of the devil, orders are already well provided and established." whatsoever of it thou meddlest with is idolatry.' These advertisements were enjoined the clergy by Which if he believes, he will not enforce the inthe Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of Lon- junction. don and Rochester (commissioners in causes eccle- Quest. 4. "Whether the cope be a thing indiffersiastical), and by the Bishops of Winchester, Ely, ent, being prescribed by law for decency and reverand some others. The preface says, " that they do ence, and not in respect of superstition or holiness? not prescribe these rules as equivalent with the Word Answ. " Decency is not promoted by a cope, which of God, or as of necessity to bind the consciences of was devised to deface the sacrament. St. Jerome the queen's subjects, in their own nature considered; says that the gold ordained by God, for reverence or as adding any efficacy or holiness to public prayer, and decency of the Jewish temple, is not to be ador to the sacraments; but as temporal orders merely mitted to beautify the Church of Christ; and if so, ecclesiastical, without any vain superstition, and as much less copes brought in by papists, and continrules of decency,'distinction, and order for the time." ued in their service as proper ornaments of their * Life of Parker, p. 161, 216. religion. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 97 The ecclesiastical commissioners were very wafer-bread, or else they should part with their much divided in their opinions how to proceed preferment. To which our divines replied that with these men. Some were for answering their consciences could not comply with these the reasons given blelow, and for enforcing the injunctions, be the event what it might.* Upon habits, with a protestation that theywished them this they were both put under confinement; taken away. Others were for connivance, and but the storm fell chiefly upon Sampson, who others for a compromise; accordingly, a pacific was detained in prison a considerable time, as proposition was drawn up, which Humphreys a terror to others, and, by special order from and Sampson were willing to subscribe with the queen, was deprived of his deanery; nor the reserve of the apostle, "All things are law- could he ever obtain, after this, any higher preful, but all things edify not." But the arch- ferment in the Church than the government of bishop, who was at the head of the commission, a poor hospital. t would abate nothing, for on the 29th of April, Hulnphrey's place was' not at the queen's dis1561, he told them peremptorily, in open court, posal; however, he durst not return to Oxford, that they should conform to the habits; that is, even after he had obtained his release out of to wear the square cap, and no hats, in their prison, but retired to one Mrs. Warcup's, in long gowns; to wear the surplice with non- Berkshire, a most devout woman, who had run regents' hoods in the choirs, according to an- all hazards for harbouring the persecuted Protcient custom; and to communicate kneeling in estants in the late times: from hence he wrote a most excellent letter to the queen, in which Quest. 5. "Whether anything that is indifferent he "beseeches her majesty's favour about the may be enjoined as godly to the use of common prayer habits, forasmitch as she well knew that the and sacraments? controversy was about things in their own naAnsw. "If it be merely indifferent, as time, place, ture indifferent, and in which liberty of conand such necessary circumstances of Divine worship,, science ought not to be restrained. He protests for the which there may be brought a ground out of his own and his brethren's loalty, and then xScripture, we think it may. his own and his brethren's loyalty, and then exScripture, we think it may. Quest. 6. "Whether the civil magistrate may con- postulates with her majesty why her mercy stitute by law an abstinence from meats on certain should be shut against them, when it was open days? to all others. Did she say she would not yield Answ. "Because of abstinence a manifest com- to subjects Yet she might spare miserable modity ariseth to the commonwealth in policy, if it men. Would she not rescind a public act? Yet be sufficiently guarded against superstition, he may she might relax and suspend. Would she not appoint it, due regard being had to persons and times. take away a law? Yet she might grant a tolQuest. 7. " Whether a law may be made for the eration. Was it not fit to indulge some inen's difference of ministers' apparel from laymen? Answ. "Whether such prescription to a minister affections? Yet it was most fit and equal not of the Gospel of Christ be lawful may be doubted, to force the minds of men. He therefore earbecause no such thing is decreed in the New Testa- nestly beseeched her to consider the majesty of ment; nor did the primitive Church appoint any such the glorious Gospel, the equity of the cause, the thing, but would rather that ministers should be dis- fewness of the labourers, the greatness of the tinguished from the laity doctrine, non veste, by their harvest, the multitude of the tares, and the heavidoctrine, not by their garments. ness of the punishment." Humphreys made so Quest. 8. " Whether ministers going in such apparel as the papists used ought to be condemned of many friends at court, that at length he obtainany preacher for so doing? ed a toleration, but had no preferment in the Answ. " We judge no man; to his own master he Church till ten or twelve years after, when he stands or falls. was persuaded to wear the habits. For alQuest. 9. "Whether such preachers ought to be though the Bishop of Winchester presented him reformed, or restrained, or no? to a small living within the diocess of Salisbury, Answ. "Irenaeus will not have brethren restrained Jewel refused to admit him, and said he was from brotherly communion for diversity in cere- determined to abide by his resolution till he had monies, provided there be unity of faith and charity; and it is to be wished that there may be the like char- good assurance of his conformity. The Oxford itable permission among us." historian0 says Dr. Humphreys was a moderate, To these answers our divines subjoined some conscientious Nonconformist, a great and genother arguments against wearing and enforcing the eral scholar, an able linguist, a deep divine; habits; as, (I.) Apparel ought to be worn as meat and that for his excellence of style, exactness ought to be eaten; but, according to St. Paul, meat of method, and substance of matter in his wrioffered to idols ought not to be eaten; therefore, po- tings, he went beyond most of our theologists.-l pish apparel ought not to be worn. (2.) We ought not to give offence in matters of mere indifference; * Life of Parker, p. 185. therefore, the bishops who are of this opinion ought t Mr. Neal appears not to have known that Mr. not to enforce the habits. (3.) Popish garments Sampson was also appointed a prebendary in St. have many superstitious mystical significations, for Paul's Cathedral, and was permitted by the queen to which purpose they were consecrated by the papists; be a theological lecturer in Whittingdon College, we ought, therefore, to consecrate them also, or lay in London. And in justice to Archbishop Parker it them wholly aside. (4.) Our ministrations are sup- should be added, that some favour, though it does posed by some not to be valid, or acceptable to God, not appear what, was, on his application, granted to unless performed in popish apparel; and this being a Mr. Sampson by the chapter of Christ Church, prevailing opinion, we apprehend it highly necessary and he also strongly solicited the secretary "that, to disabuse the people. (5.) Things indifferent ought as the queen's pleasure had been executed upon him not to be made necessary, because then they change for example to the terror of others, it might yet be their' nature, and we lose our Christian liberty. mollified to the commendation of her clemency."(6.) If we are bound to wear popish apparel when British Biography, vol, iii., p. 20, note, and p. 22. commanded, we may be obliged to have shaven Warner's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii. p. 433.-ED. crowns, and to make use of oil, spittle, cream, -and $ MS. p. 873. Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 451. all the rest of the papistical additions to the ordi- Life of Parker, p. 185. Q Athen. Ox., p. 242. nances of Christ.-Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 459. [1 "That Dr. Humphreys's want of preferment, lil7 VOL. I-N 98 HITORY OF THE PURITANS. As Sampson was thus deprived, so were oth- scribe, he took his Greek Testament out of his ers who would not enter into bonds to wear the pocket, and said, "To this I will subscribe.' square cap.* Of this number was George With- And when they offered him the canons he reers, a man of good learning, preacher of Bury fused, saying, "I have nothing in the Church St. Edmonds, in Suffolk; but at the pressing in- but a prebend in Salisbury, and much good may stances of the people, he sent a letter to the it do you if you take it from me."* But the archbishop to let him know he would rather commissioners had not courage enough to destrain his conscience a little than discourage prive a divine of so much merit, who held up the godly, or let the wicked have their mind. the ashes of Smithfield before their eyes.t He afterward preached at Cambridge, and press- The 26th of March being the day appointed ed the university to destroy the superstitious for the appearance of the London clergy, the paintings in the glass windows, which occa- archbishop desired the secretary of state, with sioned some disorder; upon which, not long af- some of the nobility and queen's council, to ter, he travelled to Geneva, Zurich, and other countenance the proceedings of the commisplaces, and after some years returned and be- sioners with their presence, but they refused to came parish minister of Danbury, in Essex, sub- be concerned in such disagreeable work. When mitting to the rites for peace' sake, though he the ministers appeared in court, Mr. Thomas did not approve of them, which was the case of Cole, a clergyman, being placed by the side of many others. the commissioners in priestly apparel, the bishWhile the case of the Oxford divines was un- op's chancellor, from the bench, addressed them der consideration, his grace was consulted how in these words: "My masters, and ye ministo reduce the London Puritans — he was afraid ters of London, the council's pleasure is that to press them with the advertisements, because strictly ye keel) the unity of apparel, like this the queen could not be prevailed with to put the man who stands here canonically habited with a seal to them; he therefore sent them again to square cap, a scholar's gown priestlike, a tipthe secretary, with a letter' to the queen, pray- pet, and, in the church, a linen surplice. Ye ing " that if not all, yet at least those articles that will subscribe, write Volo;: those that will that related to the apparel might be returned not subscribe, write Nolo; be brief, make no with some authority."t But the queen was words." When some of the clergy offered to firm to her former resolution: she would give speak, he interrupted them, and cried, "Peace, no authority to the advertisements; but, to sup- peace. Apparitor, call over the churches, and port her commissioners, issued a proclamation, ye masters answer presently, sub panha contenzpperemptorily requiring uniformity in the habits, tus."t Great was the anguish and distress of upon pain of prohibition from preaching and those ministers, who cried out for compassion deprivation. to themselves and families, saying, "We shall Hereupon the archbishop consulted with men be killed in our souls for this pollution of ours." learned in the civil law what method to proceed After much persuasion and many threatenings, in; and then concluded, with the consent of the sixty-one out of a hundred were prevailed with rest of the commissioners, to summonsthe whole to subscribe, and thirty-seven absolutely rebody of pastors and curates within the city of London to appear at Lambeth, and to examine * cc Fuller, vol. ix., 76. Heylin's Reform., 164. The every one of them upon this question, Whether remark of the latter writer on Fox's reply is characevery one of them upon this question, Whether teristic.'This refractory answer,' he says,'for it they would promise conformity to the apparel was no better, might well have moved the bishop to established by law, and testify the same by sub- proceed against him, as he did against some others scription of their hands? Those who demurred who had stood on the same refusal; but kissing goes were immediately to be suspended, and, after by kindness, as the saying is, and so much kindness three months, deprived of their livings. To pre- was shown to him, that he both kept his resolution pare the way for this general citation, it was and his-place together; which, whether it might not thought proper first to summon the Reverend do more hurt to the Church than that preferment in Mr. John Fox, the martyrologisttht thate terepu-the Church did advantage him, I think no wise man Mr. John Fox, the martyrologist, that the repu- will make a question; for, commonly, the exemption tation of his great piety might give the greater or indemnity of some few particulars confirms the countenance to -the proceedings of the commis- obstinacy of the rest, in hope of being privileged with sioners; but when they called upon him to sub- the like indemnity.' "-C. t " When Dr. Humphreys was chosen President of 1576, was owing to his Puritanical principles, is evi- Magdalen College, in 1561, Fox wrote him a congratdent," says Mr. Neal in his Review, "from the tes- ulatory letter, couched in a facetious style.' Why timony of Lord Burleigh and Mr. Strype, whose do I trifle thus,' said this estimable man,' and begin words are these:' In the latter end of the year 1576, he to congratulate you your preferment, who should (Lord Burleigh) did Humphreys the honour to write much rather expostulate the case with you? Foi to him, hinting that his nonconformity seemed to be come, sir, tell me, why have you thus left us and our the chief impediment of his preferment, the queen, and flock and order, and gone away? Fugitive, runaway some other honourable persons at court, considering as you are, be you not ashamed? You ought to have him as forgetful of his duty in disobeying her injunc- taken example of greater constancy by me, who still tions. This impediment being surmounted, to what- wear the same clothes, and remain in the same sorever considerations or influence it was owing, he was did condition as England received me in when I first made Dean of Gloucester, and afterward Dean of came home out of Germany. Nor do I change my Winchester. This last dignity and his professorship, deree nor order, which is that of the mendicant, or, notwithstanding his non-subscribing, Fuller says, he if you will, of the friars preachers. And in this order held as long as he lived. But then it appears, by you yourself were, and was like enough to continue Strype, that the lord-treasurer was his particular an honest companion with us. But now you have friend, and had prevailed with him to wear the hab- forsaken this our order and classes, and mounted I its.'" —Maddox's Vindication, p. 324, 325; and Neal's know not whither; fortunate success, as the proverb Review, p. 898.-ED. is, waiting on you.' "-Strype's Parker, vol. i., p. 223, * Life of Parker, p. 187, 192, 199. 224.-C. t Ibid., p. 212, 214.: Life of Grindal, p. 98. Strype's Annals, p. 463. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 99 fused; of which last number, as the archbishop To their declaration, and everything else that acknowledged, were the best, and some preach- was offered, from the danger of the Reformaers. * These were immediately suspended, and L put from all manner of ministry, with significa- and Belial:' by the example of Daniel, chap. vi., tion that if they did not conform within three who, making his prayer to God contrary to the comtion that if they did not conform within three mandment of the king, set open his window towards months they were to be deprived. The arch- Jerusalem, lest he might seem to deny his profesbishop imagined that their behaviour would sion, or consent to the wicked: by the example of St. have been rough and clamorous, but, contrary Paul, who rebuked Peter sharply because he did, by to. his expectations, it was reasonable, quiet, his dissimulation, discourage the godly that from and modest. among the heathen were converted to Christ, and The ministers gave in a paper of reasons [see f encourage the superstitious Jews; and again, by his Thbelow]in for r efusing the apparelrOfreasons[ doctrine, 2 Cor., xiii., where he teacheth that mmisters have power to edify, but not to destroy. It is * Life of Parker, p. 215. farther evident from the examples of the patriarchs t "Reasons, grounded upon the Scriptures; where- and prophets, who, in worshipping God, would not by we are persuaded not to admit the use of the out- use the rites and ceremonies of the idolatrous; and, ward apparel and ministering garments of the pope's to conclude, from the doctrine and example of Peter church. and John, Acts, iv., who, refusing to obey the com" 1st. Our Saviour saith,' Take heed that you con- mandment of the rulers, in ceasing to preach Christ, temn not one of these little ones; for he that of- said,' Whether it be right in the sight of God to obey fendeth one of these little ones that believeth in me, you rather than God, be you yourselves judges.' it were good for him that a millstone were hanged "3dly. For a farther proof we may bring the testiabout his neck, and that he were drowned in the mony and practice of the ancient fathers: depth of the sea.' To offend the little ones in Christ, "Tertullian, in his book De Corona Militis, coinis to speak or do anything whereby the simple Chris- pares those men to dumb idols who wear anything tians may take occasioneitherto like that which is evil, like the decking of the idols. Again, he saith,' Si or to mislike that which is good. Now for us to admit in idolio recumbere alienum est a fide, quid in idoli the use* of these things may occasion this mischief; habitu videri?''If it be a matter of infide~Iy to sit at therefore, in consenting to them, we should offend the idol's feast, what is it to be seen in the habit or many of these little ones. apparel of the idol?' " Farther, St. Paul saith,' If any man that is in- "St. Austin, in his eighty-sixth epistle to Casulafirm shall see thee that hast knowledge sitting at nus, warneth him not to fast on the same day, lest meat at the idol's table, will not his conscience be thereby he might seem to consent with the wicked stirred up to eat that which is offered to idols? and Manichees. so the weak brother, for whom Christ died, shall "The fourth Council of Toletane [Toledo], canon perish in thy knowledge; and in sinning after this fifth, to avoid consent with heretics, decreed that in sort against the brethren, and wounding their weak baptism the body of the baptized should be but once consciences, ye do sin against Christ.'-1 Cor., viii., dipped. 10-12. This place proveth, that whatsoever is done "The great clerk Origen, as Epiphanius writeth, by him that has knowledge, or seems to have it, in tom. i., b. ii., haeres. 64, because he delivered palm such sort that he may seem to allow that as good to those that offered to the image of Serapis, although which in itself cannot be other than evil, is an occa- he openly said,' Venite accipite non frondes simulasion for the weak to allow and approve of the thing chri sed frondes Christi,''Come and receive the that is evil, and to mislike that that is good, though boughs, not of the image, but of Christ:' yet was the doing of it be indifferent of itself to him that has he for this, and such like doings, excommunicated knowledge. To sit at the idol's table, or to eat and cast out of the Church, by those martyrs and things offered to idols, is in him that has knowledge confessors that were at Athens. a thing indifferent, for he knows that the idol is "In the Tripartite History, b. vi., chap. xxx., it is nothing, and that every creature of God is good, and said that the Christian soldiers who, by the subtlety to be received with thanksgiving, without asking of Julian, were brought to offer incense to the idol, any questions for conscience' sake. But to do this when they perceived their fault, ran forth into the in presence of him that thinks that none can do so streets, professing the religion of Christ, testifying but he must be partaker of idolatry, is to encour- themselves to be Christians, and confessing that-their age him to like idolatry, and to mislike the true hands had offended unadvisedly, but that now they service of God; for none can like both. Now the were ready to give their whole bodies to the most case of eating and drinking, and of wearing apparel, cruel torments and pains for Christ. is in this point the same; for though to wear the "Farther, to prove that wearing the ministering outward and ministering garments of the pope's garments of the pope's church is to confirm the opinchurch is in itself indifferent, yet to wear them in ion of the necessity and holiness of the same, and to presence of the infirm and weak brethren, who do show consent to idolatry, let it be- remembered that not understand the indifference of them, may occa- the first devisers of them have taught that of necession them to like the pomp of the pope's ministra- sity they must be had; and have made laws to puntion, which of itself is evil, and to mislike the simple ish and deprive those that had them not, as appears ministration of Christ, which in itself is good. in the pontifical De Clerico faciendo, that is, of the "2dly. We may not use anything that is repug- ordering of a clerk, where the surplice is termed the nant to Christian liberty, nor maintain an opinion of habit or garment of the holy religion. And Duranholiness where none is; nor consent to idolatry, nor dus, in his third book, entitled Rationale Divinor, deny the truth, nor discourage the godly, and en- calls it the linen garment, which those men that are courage the wicked; nor destroy the Church of God, occupied in any manner at the service of the altar and which we are bound to edify; nor show disobedience holy things must wear over their common apparel. where God commanded us to obey; all which we "Lindwood, also, in his constitutions for the provshould do, if we should consent to wear the outward ince of England, De Habitu Clericali, affirms the neand ministering garments of the pope's church, as cessity of this habit; so does Ottobonus and others, appear by the following passages of Scripture: by appointing grievous punishments for those that reSt. Paul's exhortation, Gal., v., 1,' Stand fast in the fuse to wear them; yea, and the pontifical teaches liberty wherewith Christ has made you free:' by the that when a clerk has, by murder or otherwise, deexample of Christ, Matth., xv., 2, 3, who would not served to die, he must be degraded, by plucking viohave his disciples maintain an opinion of holiness lently from him those garments, with these words, which the Pharisees had in washing hands: by the' Authoritate Dei Omnipotentis, Patris, Filii, et Spirdoctrine of St. Paul, 2 Cor., vi., 15, where he teach- itus Sancti,' &c.' By the authority of Almighty Ath that there' can be no agreement between Christ God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and by our au 100 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. tion, and the ruin of so many poor families, the The Nonconformists had juster thoughts of commissioners replied it was not their business him; he was at the head of all their sufferings, to argue and debate, but to execute the queen's and pushed them forward with unrelenting viginjunctions. Archbishop Parker seemed pleased our. The queen might have been softened; the with the resolution of his chancellor, and said secretary of state and courtiers declared they i" that he did not doubt, when the ministers had could not keep pace with him; Grindal relented, felt the smart of poverty and want, they would and the Bishop of Durham declared he would comply, for the wood," says he," is yet green."* rather lay down his bishopric than suffer such He declared, farther, that he was fully bent to proceedings in his diocess. But Parker was go through with the work he had begun; and above these reproaches, and instead of relaxing, the rather, because the queen would have him framed such injunctions for the London clergy try with his own authority what he could do as had never been heard of in a Protestant kingfor order. This raised his ambition, and put dom or a free government. The commissioners him upon soliciting the secretary of state by obliged every clergyman that had cure of souls letter for his countenance; in one of which he to swear obedience, 1. To all the queen's intells him that "if he was not better backed junctions and letters patent; 2. To all letters there would be fewer Winchesters, as is de- from the lords of the privy council; 3. To the sired," referring to Stephen Gardiner, the bloody articles and injunctions of their metropolitan;* persecuting Bishop of Winchester in Queen 4. To the articles and mandates of their bishop, Mary's reign; "but for my part," says he, " so archdeacon, chancellors, somners, receivers, that my prince may win honour, I will be very &c., and in a word, to be subject to the control gladly the rock of offence; since'the Lord is of all their superiors with patience.t To gird my helper, I will not fear what man can do to these injunctions close upon the Puritans, there me;' nor will I be amused or daunted; fremat was appointed in every parish four or eight cenmundus, ruat coelum."t These were the weap- sors, spies, or jurats, to take cognizance of all ons, and this the language, of one whom Mr. offences given or taken. These were under Strype calls the mild and gentle archbishop! oath enjoined to take particular notice of the thority, we take from thee the habit of the clergy, conformity of the clergy and of the parishioners, and we make the naked and bare of the ornaments and to give in their presentments when requiof religion; and we do depose, degrade, spoil, and red; so that it was impossible for an honest Pustrip thee of thy clergy order, benefice, and privi- ritan to escape the high commission. lege; and as one that is unworthy of the profession By these methods of severity, religion and of a clerk, we bring thee back again into the servi- virtue were discountenanced for the sake of tude and shame of the secular habit.' their pretended ornaments; the consciences of ItThese things being thus weighed, with the warn- tir doa the nie ing that St. Paul giveth, 1 Thess., chap. v., where good men were entangled, and the Reformation he commands us to abstain from all appearance of exposed to the utmost hazard.t 1: Many churchevil, we cannot but think that in using of these things es were shut up in the city of London for want we should beat back those that are coming from su- of ministers, to the grief of all good men and -perstition, and confirm those that are grown in su- the inexpressible pleasure of the papists, who perstition, and, consequently, overthrow that which rejoiced to see the Reformers weakening their we have been labouring to build, and incur the dan- own hands, by silencing such numbers of the ger of that horrible curse that our Saviour has pro- most useful and popular preachers, while the nounced,' Wo to the world because of offences.' hem.r Bish"Knowing, therefore, how horrible a thing it is to country was in distress for want ofth fall into the hands of the living God, by doing that op Sandys, in one of his sermons before the which our consciences (grounded upon the truth of queen some years after, tells her majesty " that God's Word, and the example and doctrine of an- many of her people, especially in the northern cient fathers) do tell us were evil done, and to the parts, perished for want of saving food. Many great discrediting of the truth whereof we profess to there are," says he, "that hear not a sermon in be teachers, we have thought good to yield our- ears I might a a selves into the hands of men, to suffer whatsoever seven y afely say in seventeen: God hath appointed us to suffer, for the preferring of their blood will be required at somebody's the commandments of God and a clear conscience, hands." before the commandments of men; in complying But, to make thorough work with the refusers with which we cannot escape the condemnation of of the habits, the archbishop called in all licenour consciences; keeping always in memory that ses, according to the advertisements, and ap horrible saying of John in his First Epistle,' If our pointed all preachers throughout his whole provconscience condemn us, God is greater than our con- ince to take out new ones; this was to reach science;' and not forgetting the saying of the Psalm- those who were neither incumbents nor curates ist, I It is good to trust in the Lord, and not to trust those who were neither incu mbe nts or c urates in man,' Psal. cxviii.'It is good to trust in the in parishes, but lecturers or occasional preachLord, and not to trust in princes.' And again, Psal. ers. All parsons and curates were forbid to cxlvi.,' Trust not in princes, nor in the children of suffer any to preach in their churches upon any men, in whom there is no health, whose spirit shall former licenses given by the archbishop; and depart out of them, and they shall return to the earth such as took out new licenses bound themselves from whence they came, and in that day all their de- for the future not to disturb the public estabvices shall come to naught.' vices shall come to naught.' lishment, or vary from it. And because some, " Not despising men, therefore, but trusting in God only, we seek to serve him with a clear conscience so long as we shall live here, assuring ourselves that * Strype's Ann., p. 463. those things that we shall suffer for doing so shall t Dr. Warner calls this an oath of a most extraorbe a testimony to the world that great reward is laid dinary nature under a free government, and adds, up for us in heaven, where we doubt not but to rest "with this unrelenting rigour did the archbishop forever, with them that have before our days suffered carry on the severity against the Puritans, and al for the like."-M S. penes me, p. 57, &c. most he alone."-Ecclesiastical Ilistory, vol. ii., p. * Life of Parker, p. 215. 435.-En. t Life of Parker, p. 224. t Life of Parker, p. 219, 220, &c. ~ Life of Parker, p. 198. H.S' 3RY OF Ti W PURITANS. 101 when they had been discharged from their min- In the queen's progress this year [1565], her istry in one diocess for nonconformity, got a majesty visited the University of Cambridge, settlement in another, it was now appointed and continued there five days, being entertained that' such curates as came out of other diocess- by the scholars with speeches and disputations. es should not be allowed to preach without let- On the 3d day of her being there [August 7th], ters testimonial from the ordinary where they a philosophy act was kept by Thomas Byng, of last served. But those Puritans who could not Peter-house, on these two questions: 1. Whethwith a good conscience take out new licenses er monarchy be not the best form of government! kept their old ones, and made the best use of 2. Whether frequent alterations of the laws are them they could.* "They travelled up and dangerous? The opponents were Mr. Thomas down the countries, from church to church, Cartwright, fellow of Trinity College; Mr. Chadpreaching where they could get leave, as if derton, of Queen's; Mr. Preston and Mr. Clark, they were apostles," says Bishop Jewel; and so of King's College; who performed their parts to they were with regard to their poverty, for sil- the satisfaction of the queen and the whole au. ver and gold they had none; but his lordship dience; but it seems Preston pleased her majadds, " And they take money for their labours." esty best, and was made her scholar, with the An unpardonable crime! that honest men of a settlement of a salary. The divinity questions liberal education, that had parted with their liv- were, 1. Whether the authority of the Scripture ings in the Church for a good conscience, should is greater than that of the Church? 2. Whethendeavour, after a very poor manner, to live by er the civil magistrate has authority in ecclesithe Gospel. astical affairs. These were the tests of the There was still one door of entrance in the times. At the close of the disputation the ministry left open to the Puritans, which the queen made a short and elegant oration in Latarchbishop used all his interest to shut, but could in, encouraging the scholars to pursue their not prevail. It was a privilege granted the Uni- studies, with a promise of her countenance and versity of Cambridge, by Pope Alexander VI., protection. to license twelve ministers yearly to preach any- But this learned body was soon after thrown where throughout England without obtaining li- into conflusion by the controversy of the habits, censes from any of the bishops. The bull says especially of the surplice. Dr. Longworth, masthat " the chancellor of the university (who was ter of St. John's, being absent from his college, then Fisher, bishop of Rochester) and his suc- the students of that house came to chapel on a cessors, shall license twelve preachers yearly, festival day without their hoods and surplices,* under the common seal of the university, who to the number of three hundred, and continued shall have liberty to preach, &c., durante vita to do so for some time, the master at his return naturali." The archbishop sent to Secretary making no complaint, nor attempting to recover Cecil, their chancellor, praying him to set aside them to uniformity. In Trinity College allt this practice: 1. Because the present licenses except three declared against the surplice, and varied from the original bull, being given out by many in other colleges were ready to follow the vice-chancellor, whereas they ought to be in their example. The news of this being sent to the name of the chancellor only. 2. Because it court, it was easy to foresee an impending was unreasonable to give licenses durante vita storm: several members of the university wrote naturali, i. e., for life; whereas they ought to be to the secretary, humbly beseeching his interonly quam diu nobis placuerint, and dum lauda- cession with the queen, that they might not be biliter gesserint, i. e., during our pleasure, or forced to revive a popish ceremony, which they as long as they behave well.t 3. But that had laid aside; assuring him, before God, that which troubled the archbishop most was the nothing but reason, and the quiet enjoyment of clause which infringed his own and his breth- their consciences, had induced them to do as ren's jurisdiction, that they might preach with- they had done. But Cecil sent them an angry out a license from any of the bishops. And yet answer, admonishing them to return quietly to this clause is in the letters patent of Queen Elizabeth, granted to the university for this pur- couragers of popery. The bishop's reflections are pose; the words are, "Licentia ordinariorum also pointed against our historian for mentioning locorum super hoc minime requisita." This this conduct without a censure. To which Mr. Neal was thought insufferable; the vice-chancellor, replies that this grant from Pope Alexander VI., the therefore, was sent for to town to defend the advantage of which the Puritans enjoyed, had been privilege of the university, which he did to the confirmed to the university by letters patent from satisfaction of the chancellor; but the archbish- Queen Elizabeth herself; a copy of which may be seen in the Appendix to Strype's Life of Archbishop op was so angry that he declared he would not Parker, p. 69. Mr. Neal also properly asks, " Would admit any of their licenses without the chancel- the Protestants in France have shut up their churchlor's name; nor could he imagine that the vice- es if the antichristian powers would have given them chancellor, by his pretended experience and a license to preach? Nay, would they not have skill in the civil law, could inform his honour of preached without any license at all if they had not anything that he was not capable of answering. been dragooned out of the country 1" He asserts But here his grace met with a disappointment, for himself, "If he were a missionary, and could for the university retained their privilege, an spread the Christian faith by virtue of a license from for the university retained their privilege, and the pope, or the grand seignor, or the Emperor of made use of it to the relief of the Puritans.+ China, in their dominions, he would not scruple to accept it, but be thankful to the Divine Providence + Life of Grindal, p. 99. Pierce, p. 52. that had opened such a door."-Appendix to the Ret Life of Parker, p. 193. view.-ED.: Bishop Maddox inveighs against them for avail- * However, they had worn them before.-Bishop ing themselves of a bull granted by the pope, whom.M3addox. they affirm to be antichrist, and when they loaded the t By the instigation of T. Cartwright.-Ib., from queen and bishops with heavy accusations as en- Strype. 102 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. the habits, as they had used them before. He whatsoever. He wrote divers learned books, also wrote to the vice-chancellor, requiring him and died a Nonconformist, in the year 1588, and to call together the heads of the colleges, and was buried in the Church of Cripplegate. Among let them know that, as they tendered the honour the deprived ministers, some betook themselves of God, the preservation of Christian unity, the to the study of physic, and others to secular emreputation of the university, the favour of the ployments; some went into Scotland, or beyond queen, and his own good-will to them, they sea; others got to be chaplains in gentlemen's should continue the use of the habits. families; but many who had large families were The heads of the colleges being sensible of reduced to beggary. Many churches were now the risk the university would run of being dis- shut up, and the people ready to mutiny for want furnished of students if the habits were pressed, of ministers. Six hundred persons came to a applied again to their Chancellor Cecil to inter- church in London to receive the communion on cede with the queen for a dispensation: one of Palm Sunday, but the doors were shut, there their letters was signed by the master of Trini- being none to officiate. The cries of the people ty College, Dr. Beaumont, who had been an ex- reached the court; the secretary wrote to the ile; John Whitgift, afterward Archbishop of archbishop to supply the churches, and release Canterbury; Roger Kelk, master of Magdalen the prisoners; but his grace was inexorable, and College; Richard Longworth, master of St. had rather the people should have no sermons John's; Matthew Hutton, master of Pembroke or sacraments than have them without the surHall, afterward Archbishop of York, and many plice and cap. He acquainted the secretary in others. In their letter they acquaint his honour a letter, "that when the queen put him upon " that a great many persons in the university, what he had done, he told her that these precise of piety and learning, were fully persuaded of folks would offer their goods and bodies to pristhe unlawfulness of the habits; and, therefore, on rather than relent; and her highness then if conformity were urged, they would be forced willed him to imprison them.* He confessed to desert their stations, and thus the university that there were many parishes unserved; that would be stripped of its ornaments; they there- he underwent many hard speeches, and much fore give it as their humble opinion that indul- resistance from the people, but nothing more gence in this matter would be attended with no than was to be expected. That he had sent his inconveniences; but, on the other hand, they chaplains into the city to serve in some of the were afraid religion and learning would suffer great parishes, but they could not administer very much by rigour and imposition."* This the sacrament, because the officers of the parish letter was resented at court, and especially by had provided neither surplice nor wafer-bread. the ecclesiastical commission; Longworth, mas- That on Palm Sunday, one of his chaplains tor of St. John's, was sent for before the com- desinging to administer the sacrament to some missioners, and obliged to sign a recantation, that desired it, the table was made ready, but and read it publicly in the Church; the rest while he was reading the chapter of the passion, made their peace by letters of submission: all one of the parishioners drew from the table the heads of colleges were commanded to assist both the cup and ti]e wafer-bread, because the the vice-chancellor in bringing the scholars to a bread was not common; and so the people uniformity in the habits, which, nevertheless, were disappointed, and his chaplain derided. they could not accomplish formanyyears. Whit- That divers church-wardens would provide neigift, seeing which way the tide of preferment ther surplice nor wafer-bread. He acquainted ran, drew his pen in defence of the hierarchy in the secretary, farther, that he had talked with all its branches, and became a most potent ad- several of the new preachers, who were movers vocate for the habits. But the University of of sedition and disorder, that he had commandCambridge was still a sanctuary for the Puri- ed them silence, and had put some into prison. tans. That on Maunday-Thursday he had many of the To return to the Puritan clergy: April 2d, Bishop of London's parishioners, church-warMr. Crowley, the suspended minister of Cripple- dens, and others, before him; but that he was gate, seeing a corpse coming to be buried at his fully tired, for some ministers would not obey church, attended with clerks in their surplices their suspensions, but preached in defiance of singing before it, threatened to shut the church them. Some church-wardens would not provide doors against them; but the singing-men resist- the church furniture, and others opposed and ed, resolving to go through with their work, till disturbed those that were sent to officiate in the alderman's deputy threatened to lay them the prescribed apparel. He then calls upon the by the heels for breaking the peace; upon which secretary to spirit up [Grindal], bishop of Lonthey shrunk away, but complained to the arch- don, to his duty; and assures him that he had bishop, who, sending for Crowley, deprived him spoken to him to no purpose; that he was of his living, and confined him to his house, for younger, and nearer the city, and had vacant saying he would not suffer the wolf to come to priests in his church, who might supply the his flock. He also bound the deputy in ~100 to places of the deprived ministers; he therefore be ready when he shall be called for.t This bewailed that he should be put upon the overMr. Crowley was a learned man, and had been sight of the parishes of London, which was anan exile in Queen Mary's days, at Frankfort; other man's charge; and that the burden should he was very diligent in disputing against certain be laid on his neck when other men drew priests in the Tower, and took a great deal of back."* The truth is, Grindal was weary of pains to bring them over to their allegiance to the unpleasant work, and having a real concern the queen, upon the principle of the unlawful- to promote the preaching of the Word of God, ness of deposing princes upon any pretence he could not act against the ministers otherwise than as he was pushed forward; and * Life of Parker, p. 194. Ipp., p. 69. life of Parker, p. 218, 219. ~ Life of Parker, p. 228. t Ibid., p, 229 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 103 when the eyes of his superiors were turned into the Jewish Church; ant that Pope Sylvesanother way, he would relax again. When the ter, about the year 320, was the first that apsecretary and archbishop sent to him to provide pointed the sacrament to be administered in a for his charge and fill up the vacant pulpits, he white linen garment; giving this reason for it, told them it was impossible, there being no because the body of Christ was buried in a preachers; all he could do was to supply the white linen cloth. They represent how all these churches by turns, which was far from stop- garments had been abused to idolatry, sorcery, ping the murmurs of the people. and all kinds of conjurations; for, say they, the This was the sad condition of the city of Lon- popish priests can perform none of their predon, the very bread of life being taken from tended consecrations of holy water, transubthe people, for the sake of a few trifling cere- stantiation of the body of Christ, conjurations monies;* and if it was thus in the city, how of the devil out of places or persons possessed, much worse must it be in those distant coun- without a surplice, or an albe, or some hallowed ties where her majesty's injunctions were ri- stole. They argue against the habits as an ofgidly executed. And yet, with all this rigour, fence to weak Christians, an encouragement to it was not in the power of the queen and her ignorant and obstinate papists, and as an affecbishops to reconcile the clergy and common tion to return to their communion. That at people to the habits. The queen herself was in best they were but human appointments, and earnest, and her archbishop went into the most came within the apostle's reproof, Col., ii., 20, servile measures to fulfil the commands of his 22:' Why as though living in the world are ye royal mistress; the high-commission was furi- subject to ordinances, after the commandments ous, but the council were backward to counte- and doctrines of men? which all are to perish nance their proceedings. with the using. Touch not, taste not, handle All applications to the queen and her com- not.' That, supposing the garments were indifmissioners being ineffectual, the suspended min- ferent (which they did not grant), yet they ought isters thought it their duty to lay their case be- not to be imposed, because it was an infringefore the world; accordingly, they published a ment of the liberty wherewith Christ had made small treatise in this year [1566], in vindication them free. Lastly, they call in the suffrages of their conduct, entitled "A Declaration of the of foreign divines, who all condemned the habDoings of those Ministers of God's Word and its, though they were not willing to hazard the Sacraments in the City of London which have Reformation in its infancy for them. Even refused to wear the upper Apparel and minis- Bishop Ridley, who contended so zealously for tering Garments of the Pope's Church." In the habits, when Dr. Brooks, at his degradation, this book they show " that neither the prophets would have persuaded him to put on the surin the Old Testament, nor the apostles in the plice with the rest of the massing garments, ab. New, were distinguished by their garments; solutely refused, saying,' If you put the surplice that the linen garment was peculiar to the upon me, it shall be against my will.' And priesthood of Aaron, and had a signification of when they forced it upon him, he inveighed something to be fulfilled in Christ and his against the apparel, as foolish and abominable." Church. That a distinction of garments in the At the end of the book is a prayer, in which Christian Church did not generally obtain till are these words: "Are not the relics of Romish long after the rising of antichrist; for the whole idolatry stoutly retained 3 Are we not bereavclergy of Ravenna, writing to the Emperor Car- ed of some of our pastors, who by word and olus Calvus, in the year of our Lord 876, say, example sought to free thy flock from these ofWe are distinguished from the laity not by our fences 1 Ah, good Lord! these are now by powclothes, but by our doctrines; not by our habits, er put down from pastoral care; they are forbid but our conversation. That the surplice, or to feed us; their voice we cannot hear. This white linen garment, came from the Egyptians is our great discomfort; this is the joy and tri" The fact that so large a proportion of the first umph of antichrist; and, which is more heavy, Reformers, and those confessedly among the most the increase of this misery is of some threatenlearned, zealous, and devout of their day, were at- ed, of the wicked hoped for, and of us feared, tached to the peculiarities of the Puritans, should as thy judgments against us for our sins." At shame the intemperate and ignorant partisans who the conclusion is the Lord's Prayer and Creed, refer to them in anger and contempt. In libelling after this manner: "In thy name, O0 Christ our the Puritans, they asperse the men who exerted Captain, we ask these things, and pray unto themselves most diligently in laying the foundations of their church, and lwerentl g the fo endureation thee, 0 Heavenly Father, saying, Our Father," the loss of liberty and life on behalf of a common &c. After this, "0 Lord, increase our faith, Protestantism. The most eminent churchmen of whereof we make confession, I believe in God the day were favourable to the alterations proposed the Father Almighty," &c. And in the end is by the Puritans, and were only prevented from seek- this sentence: "Arise, O Lord, and let thine ing their introduction into the offices of the Church enemies be confounded."* by the opposition and threats of the queen. Had it Other pamphlets of the same kind were pubnot been for her influence, Puritanism would have lished in defence of the suspended ministers, triumphed in the Church, and a purer reformation which the. bishops appointed their chaplains to than was consonant with her views have been, in which the bishops appointed their chaplains to consequence, effected.' This arbitrary monarch had answer. Mr. Strype is of opinion that the archa leaning towards Rome in almost everything but bishop himself published an answer to their decthe doctrine of papal supremacy. To the real pres- laration; but whoever be the author, he is a man ence she was understood to have no objection; the of a bad spirit and abusive language:t the mincelibacy of the clergy she decidedly approved; the isters printed a reply, entitled " An Answer for gorgeous rites of the ancient form of worship she ad- the time to the examination pit in print with the mired, and in her own chapel retained.' "-Dr. Price's Hist. Nonconformity, vol. i., p. 163; also London Quar- * Strype's Annals, p. 555. Pierce, p. 61. terly, June, 1827, p. 31.-C. t Pierce's Vindication, p. 62. 104 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. author's name, pretending to maintain the ap- The Puritans being thus foreclosed, and shut parel prescribed, against the declaration of the out of the Church by sequestrations, imprisministers of London:" it answers the adversary onments, the taking away of their licenses to paragraph by paragraph, with good temper and preach, and the restraint of the press, most of judgment. But the bishops printed some new them were at a loss how to behave, being untestimoi ies of foreign divines, without. their willing to separate from the Church where the consent with a collection of tracts of obedience Word and sacraments were truly administered, to the magistrate, and Melancthon's exposition though defiled with some popish superstitions; of Rom., xiii., 1., " Let every soul be subject to of the number were Dr. Humphreys, Sampson, the higherpowers:" from whence they conclude Fox the martyrologist, Lever, Whittingham, that, because things are barely tolerable, though Johnson, and others, who continued preaching offensive, dangerous, and, in their own opinions, up and down, as they had opportunity and could tc be removed out of the Church as soon as an be dispensed with for the habits, though they opportunity shall offer, yet, in the mean time, were excluded all parochial preferment. they may be imposed under the penalties of sus- But there were great numbers of the common pension, deprivation, and imprisonment, from a people who abhorred the habits as much as the mistaken interpretation of the apostle's words, ministers, and would not frequent the churches " Let every soul be subject to the higher pow- where they were used, thinking it as uniawers." ful to countenance such superstitions with their The Puritans replied to all these attempts of presence as if they themselves were to put on their adversaries; their tracts were eagerly the garments. These were distressed where to sought after, and had a wide spread among the hear; some stayed without the church till serpeople; upon which the commissioners had re- vice was over, and the minister was entering course to their last remedy, which was the far- upon his prayer before sermon; others flocked ther restraint of the press. They complained after Father Coverdale, who preached without to the council that, notwithstanding the queen's the habits; but, being turned out of his church at injunctions, the differences in the Church were St. Magnus, London Bridge, they were obliged kept open by the printing and publishing sedi- to send to his house on Saturdays to know tious libels; and hereupon procured the follow- where they might hear him the next day: the ing decree of the Star Chamber, viz: government took umbrage at this, insomuch 1. "That no person shall print or publish any that the good old man was obliged to tell his book against the queen's injunctions, ordinan- friends that he durst not inform them any more ces, or letters patent, set forth or to be set of his preaching, for fear of offending his superiforth, or against the meaning of them.* ors. At length, after having waited about eight 2. " That such offenders should forfeit all weeks to see if the queen would have compastheir books and copies, and suffer three months' sion on them, several of the deprived ministers imprisonment, and never practise the art of had a solemn consultation with their friends, in printing any more. which, after prayer, and a serious debate about 3. " That no person shall sell, bind, or stitch the lawfulness and necessity of separating from such books, upon pain of twenty shillings for the established Church, they came to this every book. agreement: that, since they could not have the 4. " That all forfeited books should be brought Word of God preached, nor the sacraments adto Stationers' Hall, and half the money forfeited ministered without idolatrous gear (as they to be reserved for the queen, the rest for the in- called it), and since there had been a separate former, and the books to be destroyed or made congregation in London, and another at Genewaste-paper. va, in Queen Mary's time, which used a book 5. " That the wardens of the company may, and order of preaching, administration of sacrafrom time to time, search all suspected places, ments, and discipline, that the great Mr. Calvin and open all packs, dry fats, &c., wherein paper had approved of, and which was free from the or foreign books may be contained; and enter superstitions of the English service; that, thereall warehouses where they have reasonable sus- fore, it was their duty, in their present circumpicion, and seize all books and pamphlets against stances, to break off from the public churches, the queen's ordinances, and bring the offender and to assemble, as they had opportunity, in before the ecclesiastical commissioners. private houses, or elsewhere, to worship God in 6. " All stationers, booksellers, and merchants a manner that might not offend against the light trading in books shall enter into recognisances of their consciences.* i Had the use of habits of reasonable sums of money to observe the and a few ceremonies been left discretionary, premises, or pay the forfeitures." both ministers and people had been easy; but This was signed by eight of the privy council, it was the compelling these things by law, as and by the Bishops of Canterbury and London, they told the archbishop, that made them sepwith five more of the ecclesiastical commission. arate. and published June 29th, 1566, in the eighth It was debated among them whether they year of the queen's reign.t should use as much of the common prayer and * Life of Parker, p. 221. f Ibid., p. 222. service of the Church as was not offensive, or It is a just remark of a modern writer here, that, resolve at once, since they were cut off from without entering into the controversy between the the Church of England, to set up the purest bishops and the Puritans, we may at least venture to and best form of worship most consonant to affirm that the former did no credit to their cause by the Holy Scriptures and to the practice of the this arbitrary restraint of the press. This is an expe- foreign Reformers; the latter of these was condient utterly incompatible with the very notion of a free state, and, therefore, ever to be detested by the ever it may to error, superstition, and tyranny.friends of liberty. And it is an expedient which can British Biography, vol. iii., p. 25.-C. never be of any service tao the cause of truth, what- * Life of Parker, p. 241. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 105 eluded upon, and, accordingly, they laid aside providence, to soften the queen's heart in their the English liturgy, and made use of the Gene- favour. va service-book. In Scotland all things were in confusion. Here was the era or date of the separation, The young queen, Mary, after the death of her a most unhappy event, says Mr. Strype, where- husband, Francis II., returned into her own by "people of the same country, of the same country, August 21st, 1561, upon ill ternms religion,; and of the same judgment in doctrine, with Queen Elizabeth, who could not brook her parted communions; one part being obliged to assuming the arms of England, and putting in go aside into secret houses and chambers, to her claim to the crown, on the pretence of her serve God by themselves, which begat strange- bastardy, which most of the popish powersi ness between neighbours, Christians, and Prot- maintained, because she was born during the estants." And not only strangeness, but un- life of Queen Katharine, whose marriage had speakable mischiefs to the nation in this and the been declared valid by the pope. Elizabeth offollowing reigns. The breach might easily have fered her a safe conduct if she would ratify the been made up at first,'but it widened by de- treaty of Edinburgh, but she chose rather to grees; the passions of the contending parties run all risks than submit. Mary was a bigoted increased, till the fire, which for some years papist, and her juvenile amours and follies soon was burning under ground, broke out into a entangled her government and lost her crown. civil war, and, with unspeakable fury, destroyed As soon as she arrived in Scotland, she had the. the constitution both of Church and State. mortification to see the whole nation turnei I leave the reader to judge at whose door Protestant, and the Reformation established by the beginnings of these sorrows are to be laid, laws so secure and strict, that only herself was each party casting the blame on the other. The allowed the liberty of mass in her own chapel, Conformists charged the deprived ministers and that without pomp or ostentation. The with disobedience to the queen, and obstinacy, Protestants of Scotland, by the preaching of preciseness, and with breaking the peace of the Mr. Knox and others, having imbibed the strongChurch for matters of no consequence to salva- est aversion to popery, were for removing at tion. The ministers, on the other hand, thought the greatest distance from its superstitions. it cruel usage to be turned out of the Church The General Assembly petitioned her majesty for things which their adversaries acknowledged to ratify the acts of Parliament for abolishing to be of mere indifference; whereas they took the mass, and for obliging all her subjects to it upon their consciences, and were ready to frequent the reformed worship. But she replied aver, in the most solemn manner, that they that she saw no impiety in the mass, and was deemed them unlawful. They complied as far determined not to quit the' religion in which she as they could with the establishment while they was educated, being satisfied it was founded on were within it, by using as much of the liturgy the Word of God. To which the General Asas was not offensive, and by taking the oath of sembly answered a little coarsely, that Turkism supremacy; they were as dutiful subjects to stood upon as good ground as popery; and the queen as the bishops, and declared them- then required her, in the name of the eternal selves ready to obey their sovereign in all things God, to inform herself better, by frequenting lawful; and when they could not obey, patient- sermons and conferring with learned men; but ly to suffer her displeasure. After all this, to her majesty gave no heed to their counsels. impute the behaviour of the Nonconformists to In the year 1564, the queen married Henry obstinacy and peevishness was very unchari- Stuart, Lord Darnley, who was joined with her table.* What could move them to part with in the government. By him she was brought their livings, or support them under the loss, to bed of a son, June the 15th, 1566, afterward but the testimony of a good conscience? when James I., king of England; and while she was they could not but be sensible their noncon- with child of him she received a fright by her formity would be followed with poverty and husband's coming into her chamber with his disgrace, with the loss of their characters and servants and putting to death her favourite, Dausefulness in the Church; and with numberless vid Rizzio, an Italian musician, who was sitting unforeseen calamities to themselves and fam- with her at table. This was thought to have ilies, unless it should please God, in his all-wise such an influence upon the prince that was born " Schism, in fact, is a thing bad in itself, bad in of her, that he never loved the sight of a sword. its very nature; separation may be good or bad, ac- after this the king himself was found cording to circumstances. A schismatic is an epi- murdered in a garden, the house in which the thet of criminality; it indicates the personal charac- murder was committed being blown up with ter of the individual, and it describes that character gunpowder to prevent the discovery. Upon the as bad. A separatist is merely a nalne of circum- king's death the Earl of Bothwell became the stance: in itself it is neither bad nor good; it indi- queen's favourite, and, as soon as he had obcates nothing as to the personal character of the in- ed a divorce from his legal wife, she too dividual, it merely describes his position in relation him into her marriage-bed, to her very great to others. Schism can exist, as we have seen, where there is no separation, and separation itself is not infamy, and the regret of the whole Scots nanecessarily schism; not necessarily so, for while tion, who took up arms to revenge the late it may be occasioned by crime, it may be occa- king's murder, and dissolve the present incessioned by virtue; it may result, in those who depart tuous marriage. When the two a-mies were from intolerance attempted, or intolerance sustained, ready to engage, Bothwell fled to Dunbar, and from the pride of faction, or the predominance of the queen, being apprehensive her soldiers would principle; attachment to party or attachment to not fight in such an infamous cause, surre truth. A schismatic, in short, must be a sinner, on not fight n such an infamous cause, surrenderwhichever side he stands; a separatist maybe' more ed herself to the confederates, who shut her up sinned against than sinning.' "-Dissent not Schism. in the castle of Loch Levin, and obliged her to By the Rev. Thomas Binney.-C. resign the crown to her young son, under the VoL. I.-0 100 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. regency of the Earl of Murray. From hence poral dignities and baronies annexed to their ofshe made her escape into England in the year fice, and their engaging in secular employments 1568, where she was detained prisoner by Queen and trusts, as tending to exalt them too much Elizabeth almost eighteen years, and then put to above their brethren, and not so agreeable to death. Bothwell turned pirate, and being taken their characters as ministers of Christ, nor conby the Danes, was shut up for ten years in a sistent with the due discharge of their spiritual noisome prison in Denmark, till he lost his function. senses and died mad.* Secondly. They excepted to the titles and of- The Earl of Murray being regent of Scotland, fices of archdeacons, deans, chapters, and othconvened a parliament and assembly at Edin- er officials belonging to cathedrals, as having no burgh, in which the pope's authority was again foundation in Scripture or primitive antiquity, discharged, and the act of Parliament of the but intrenching upon the privileges of the presyear 1560, for renouncing the jurisdiction of the byters of the several diocesses. court of Rome, was confirmed, and all acts pass- Thirdly. They complained of the exorbitant ed in former reigns for the support of popish power and jurisdiction of the bishops and their idolatry were annulled. The new confession of chancellors in their spiritual courts, as derived faith was ratified, and the Protestant ministers, firom the canon law of the pope, and not from and those of their communion, declared to be the Word of God or the statute law of the land. the true and only kirk within that realm. The They complained of their fining, imprisoning, deexamination and admission of ministers is de- priving, and putting men to excessive charges dared to be only in the power and disposition for small offences; and that the highest cenof the Church, with a saving clause for lay-pa- sures, such as excommunication and absolution, trons. By another act, the kings at their coro- were in the hands of laymen, and not in the nation, for the future, are to take an oath to spiritual officers of the Church. maintain the reformed religion then professed Fourthly. They lamented the want of a godand by another, none but such as profess the re- ly discipline, and were uneasy at the promiscuformed religion are capable of being judges or ous and general access of all persons to the proctors, or of practising in any of the courts of Lord's table. The Church being described in justice, except those who held offices heredita- her articles as a congregation of faithful persons, ry, or for life. they thought it necessary that a power should The General Assembly declared their approba- be lodged somewhere, to inquire into the qualition of the discipline of the Reformed Churches fications of such as desired to be of her comof Geneva and Switzerland; and for a parity munion. among ministers, in opposition to the claim of Fifthly. Though they did not dispute the lawthe bishops, as a superior order. All Church fulness of set forms of prayer, provided a due affairs were managed by provincial, classical, liberty was allowed for prayers of their own and national assemblies; but these acts of the composure before and after sermon, yet they General Assembly not being confirmed by Parlia- disliked some things in the public liturgy estabment, episcopal government was not legally abol- lished by law; as the frequent repetition of the ished, but tacitly suspended till the king came of Lord's Prayer; the interruption of the prayers age. However, the General Assembly showed by the frequent responses of the people, which their power of the keys at this time, by deposing in some places seem to be little better than vain the Bishop of Orkney for marrying the queen to repetitions, and are practised in no other ProtBothwell, who was supposed to have murdered estant Church in the world. They excepted to the late king, and by making the Countess of some passages in the offices of marriage and Argyle do penance for assisting at the ceremony. burial, &c., which they very unwillingly complied with; as, in the office of marriage, "With my body I thee worship;" and in the office of burial, "In sure and certain hope of the resurrecCHAPTER V. tion to eternal life," to be pronounced over the worst of men, unless in a very few excepted caFROM THE SEPARATION OF THE PROTESTANT NON- ses. CONFORMISTS TO THE DEATH OF ARCH5ISHOP Sixthly. They disliked the reading of the apocryphal books in the Church, while some parts of THOUGH all the Puritans of these times would canonical Scripture were omitted; and though have remained within the Church, might they theydid not disapprove the homilies, they thought have been indulged in the habits and a few cer- that no man ought to be ordained a minister emonies, yet they were far from being satisfied in the Church who was incapable of preaching with the hierarchy. They had other objections and expounding the Scriptures. One of their besides those for which they were deprived, great complaints, therefore, throughout the which they laboured incessantly throughout the course of this reign was, that there were so whole course of this reign to remove. I will many dumb ministers, pluralists, and nonresiset them before the reader in one view, that he dents; and that presentations to benefices were may form a complete judgment of the whole in the hands of the queeni, bishops, or lay-pacontroversy. trons, when they ought to arise from the election First. They complained of the bishops affect- of the people. ing to be thought a superior order to presby- Seventhly. They diapproved of the observaters, and claiming the sole right of ordination, tion of sundry of the Church festivals or holyand the use of the keys, or the sole exercise of days, as having no foundation in Scripture or ecclesiastical discipline. They disliked the tem- primitive antiquity. We have no example, say they, in the Old or New Testament, of any days * Rapin, p. 357. appointed in commemoration of saints; to ob HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 107 serve the fast in Lent of Friday and Saturday, tion in antiquity for many hundred years after &c.. is unlawful and superstitious, as also buy- Christ; and having since been grossly abused ing and selliafg on the Lord's Day. by the papists to idolatry, in their worshipping Eighthly. They disallowed of the Cathedral the host, it ought, say they, to be laid aside; raode of worship; of singing their prayers, and and if it should be allowed that the posture of the antiphone, or chanting the psalms by was indifferent, yet it ought not to be imposed turns, which the ecclesiastical commissioners and made a necessary term as communion; in King Edward VI.'s time advised the laying nor did they approve of either of the sacraments aside. Nor did they approve of musical instru- being administered in private; no, not in cases ments, as trumpets, organs, &c., which were of danger. not in use in the Church for above twelve hun- 5. To bowing at the name of Jesus, grounded dred years after Christ. i upon a false interpretation of that passage of Ninthly. They scrupled conformity to cer- Scripture, "At the name of Jesus every knee tain rites and ceremonies which were enjoined shall bow;? as if greater external reverence by the rubric, or the queen's injunctions; as, was required to that name than to the person 1. To the sign of the cross in baptism, which of our blessed Saviour, under the titles of Lord, is no part of the institution as recorded in Scrip- Saviour, Christ, Immanuel, &c., and yet upon ture; and though it was usual for Christians, in this mistake was founded the injunction of the the earlier ages, to cross themselves, or make a queen and the eighteenth canon, which says, cross in the air upon some occasions, yet there "When, in time of Divine service, the name of is no express mention of its being used in bap- Jesus shall be mentioned, due and lowly revertism till about the fifth century. Besides, it hav- ence shall be done by all persons present." But ing been abused to superstition by the Church the Puritans maintained that all the names of of Rome, and been had in such reverence by God and Christ were to be had in equal reversome Protestants, that baptism itself has been ence, and therefore it was beside all reason to thought imperfect without it, they apprehend it bow the knee, or uncover the head, only at the ought to be laid aside. They also disallowed name of Jesus. of baptism by midwives, or other women, in 6. To the ring in marriage. This they somecases of sickness; and of the manner of church- times complied with, but wished it altered. It ing women, which looked to them too much like is derived from the papists, who make marriage the Jewish purification. a sacrament, and the ring a sort of sacred sign 2. They excepted to the use of godfathers or symbol. The words in the liturgy are, " Then and godmothers, to the exclusion of parents shall they again loose their hands, and the man from being sureties for the education of their shall give unto the woman a ring, laying the own children. If parents were dead, or in a dis- same upon the book; and the priest, taking the tant country, they were as much for sponsors to ring, shall deliver it to the man, to put it on the undertake for the education of the child as fourth finger of the woman's left hand; and the their adversaries; but when the education of man holding the ring there, and taught by the children is by the laws of God and nature in- priest, shall say,' With this ring I thee wed, trusted to parents, who are bound to form them with my body I thee worship, and with all my to virtue and piety, they apprehended it very worldly goods I thee endow,' in the name of unjustifiable to release them totally from that the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy promise, and deliver up the child to a stranger, Ghost." They also disallowed the forbidding as was then the constant practice, and is since of marriage at certain times of the year, and enjoined by the twenty-ninth canon, which says, then licensing it for money, say they, is more " No parent shall be urged to be present, nor be intolerable. Nor is it lawful to grant licenses admitted to answer as godfather to his own that some may marry without the knowledge of child." In giving names to children, it was the congregation, who ought to be acquainted their opinion that heathenish names should be with it, lest there should be any secret lets or avoided, as not so fit for Christians; and also hinderances. the names of God and Christ, and angels, and 7. To the wearing of the surplice, and other the peculiar offices of the Mediator. They also ceremonies to be used in Divine service; condisliked the godfathers answering in the name cerning which the Church says, in the- preface of the child, and not in their own. to her Liturgy, that though they were devised 3. They disapprdved the custom of confirming by men, yet they are reserved for decency, orchildren as soon as they could repeat the Lord's der, and edification. And, again, they are apt Prayer and their Catechism, by which they to stir up the dull mind of man to the rememhad a right to come to the sacrament, without brance of his duty to God by some notable and any other qualification; this might be done by special signification, whereby he might be edifichildren of five or six years old. They were ed. But the Puritans saw no decency in the also dissatisfied with that part of the office vestments; nay, they thought them a disgrace where the bishop, laying-his hand upon the chil- to the Reformation, and, in the present circumdren, prays that God would by this sign certify stances, absolutely unlawful, because they had them of his favour and goodness, which seems been defiled with superstition and idolatry, and to impute a sacramental efficacy to the imposi- because many pretended Protestants placed a tion of his hands. kind of holiness in them. Besides, the wearing 4. They excepted against the injunction of them gave countenance to popery, and looked kneeling at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, as if we were fond of being thought a branch of which they apprehended not so agreeable to the that communion which we had so justly renounexample of Christ and his apostles, who gave it ced. But, suppose them to be indifferent, they to his disciples rather in a posture of feasting gave great offence to weak minds, and therethan of adoration. Besides, it has no founda- fore ought not to be imposed, when there was 108 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. no foundation for the use of them in Scripture cording to Mr. Fuller, were the Reverend Mr..or primitive antiquity. Colman, Mr. Button, Mr. Halingham, Mr. BenThese things, say they, every one should en- son, Mr. White, Mr. Rowland, and Mr. Hawkdeavour to reform in his place: ministers by the ins, all beneficed within the diocess of London. Word, magistrates by their authority, according These had their followers of the laity, who forto the Word of God, and the people by prayer. sook their parish churches, and assembled with There was no difference in points of doctrine the deprived ministers in woods and private between the Puritans and Conformists:* so that houses, to worship God without the habits and if we add but one article more, we have the ceremonies of the Church. chief head of controversy between the Church The queen, being informed of their pioceedof England and the Protestant Dissenters at ings, sent to her commissioners to take effectthat day; and this is the natural right that ev- ual measures to keep the laity to their parish ery man has to judge for himself, and make pro- churches, and to let them know that, if they frefession of that religion he apprehends most quented any separate conventicles, or broke agreeable to truth, as far as it does not affect through the ecclesiastical laws, they should for the peace and safety of the government he lives the first offence be deprived of their freedom of under, without being determined by the preju- the city of London, and, after that, abide what dices of education, the laws of the civil magis- farther punishment she should direct. This was trate, or the decrees of councils, churches, or a vast stretch of the prerogative,* there being synods.t This principle would effectually put no law, as yet, to disfranchise any man for not an end to all impositions; and unless it be al- coming to church. lowed, I am afraid our separation from the But, notwithstanding this threatening mesChurch of Rome can hardly be justified. "The sage, they went on with their assemblies, and Bible," says Mr. Chillingworth, " and that only, on the 19th of June, 1567, agreed to have a seris the religion of Protestants; and every one, mon and a communion at Plumbers' Hall, which by making use of the helps and assistances that they hired for that day, under pretence of a wedGod has put into his hands, must learn and un- ding; but here the sheriffs of London detected derstand it for himself as well as he can." and broke them up, when they were assembled it will appear hereafter what sort of discipline to the number of about one hundred; most of the Puritans would have introduced; but these them were taken into custody, and some sent to were the objections that hindered their compli- the Compter, and next day seven or eight of the ance with the present establishment, and for chief were brought before the Bishop of London, which they were content to suffer the loss of all Dean Goodman, Mr. Archdeacon Watts, and Sir things. Those who remained within the Church Roger Martin, lord-mayor of London. t The became. itinerant preachers, lecturers, or chap- bishop charged them with absenting from their lains. The chief leaders of the separation, ac- parish churches, and with setting up separate assemblies for prayer and preaching, and minis* This was, undoubtedly, true with respect to the tering the sacrament. He told them that by majority; but this history has furnished different in- these proceedings they condemned the Church stances of objections in point of doctrine. The es- of England, which was well reformed according tablished sentiments concerning the Trinity and the to the Word of God, and those martyrs w according person of Christ, though they did not form the to the Word of God, and those martyrs who had grounds of that separation of which our author shed their blood for it. To which one of them writes, were yet called in question, and, as we have replied, in the name of the rest, that they conseen in the note, p. 61, were by no means universally demned them not, but only stood for the truth received. But it would not have been surprising if, of God's Word. Then the bishop asked the in that early period of the Reformation, there had been ancientest of them, Mr. John Smith, what he a perfect acquiescence in every doctrinal principle could answer; who replied " that they thanked that did not appear to have been peculiar to the sys- God for the Reforation; thrat as long as they tern of popery; for the progress of the mind and of could hear the Word of God preached without inquiry is necessarily gradual. The gross corruptions of popery were at first sufficient to occupy and fill idolatrous gear about it, they never assembled the thoughts of the generality. A kind of sacred awe in private houses; but when it came to this spread itself over questions connected with the char- point, that all their preachers were displaced acter and nature of God and his Christ, which would who would not subscribe to the apparel, so that deter many from a close and free examination of they could hear none of them in the church, for them. And ceremonies and habits, being more ob- the space of seven or eight weeks, except Favious to the senses, continually coming into use and ther Coverdale, they began to consult what to practice, and being enforced with severity, the questions relative to them more easily engaged attention, do; and remembering there had been a congre were more level to the decision of common under- gation of Protestants in the city of London in standings, and became immediately interesting. In Queen Mary's days, and another of English exthis state of things there was little room and less in- iles at Geneva, that used a book framed by them clination to push inquiries on matters of speculation. there, they resolved to meet privately together -ED. and use the said book."' And, finally, Mr. Smith t Bishop Warburton is displeased with Mr. Neal offered., in the name of the rest, to yield and do for speaking of the natural right every man has to judge for himself as one of the heads of controversy between the Puritans and Conformists, when, his the commissioners with him, could reprove that lordship adds, "his whole history shows that this book, or anything else that they held, by the was a truth unknown to either party." It is true Word of God. that neither party had clear, full, and extensive views The bishop told him they could not reprove on this point, nor were disposed to grant the conse- the book, but that was no sufficient answer for quences arising from it. But each in a degree admitted it, and acted upon it. And the Puritans, it ap- * Which, adds Dr. Warner, " plainly showed Elizpears, by p. 109 of this edition, rested their vindica- abeth to be the true daughter of Henry." tion, in part, upon this principle. —E. t Life of Grindal, p. 242. Life of Parker, p. 342. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 109 his not going to church *' o which Mr. Smith prisoners said, that "before they compelled the replied, that "he would as soon go to mass as ceremonies, so that none might officiate withto some churches, and particularly to his own out them, all was quiet." Another (viz., Mr. parish church, for the minister that officiated Hawkins) produced a passage out of Melancthon, there was a very papist." Others said the that "when the opinion of holiness or necessisame of other parish priests. The bishop asked ty is put unto things indifferent, they darken the if they accused any of them by name; upon light of the Gospel." The bishop replied "that which one of them presently named Mr. Bedel, the ceremonies and habits were not commanded who was there present, but the bishop would of necessity." To which Hawkins rejoined that not inquire into the accusation. they had made them matters of necessity, as The Dean of Westminster, who was one of many a poor man had felt to his cost, who had the ecclesiastical commission, charged them been discharged of his living for nonconformity. with derogating from the queen's authority of When the bishop had occasionally observed that appointing indifferent things in God's worship. he had formerly said mass, but was sorry for it, To which one of them answered, that " it lay one of them answered, he went still in the habit not in the authority of a prince, nor the liberty of a mass-priest. To which he replied, that he of a Christian man, to use and defend that had rather minister without a cope and surplice, which appertained to papistry, idolatry, and the but for order's sake and obedience to the queen. pope's canon law." Another said that "'these When some of the commissioners urged them things were preferred before the Word, of God with the Reformation of King Edward, one said and the ordinances of Christ." The bishop that " they never went so far in his time as to asked them what was preferred: one of them make a law that none should preach or minister answered boldly, " that which was upon the bish- without the garments." Sundry other expresop's head,.and upon his back; their copes and sions of warmth passed on both sides; at length surplices, and canon laws." Another said " that one of them delivered to Justice Harris their book he thought both prince and people ought to obey of order [the Geneva book], and challenged any the Word of God." To which the bishop yield- of the commissioners to disprove it by the Word ed, except in things that were indifferent, which of God, and they would give over. The bishop God had neither commanded nor forbidden; in said they reproved it not, but they liked not these he asserted that princes had authority to or- their separate assemblies to trouble the common der and command. Whereupon several of them quiet of the realm against the queen's will. But cried out, "Prove that; where find you that 1" the others insisted on their superior regards to But the bishop would not enter into the debate, the Word of God. In conclusion, the prisoners, alleging the judgment of the learned Bullinger; not yielding to the bishop, were sent to Brideto which Mr. Smith replied, that perhaps they well, where they, with their brethren and suncould show Bullinger against Bullinger in the dry women, were kept in durance above a year: affair of the habits. at length, their patience and constancy having. The bishop asked them whether they would been sufficiently tried, an order was sent from be determined by the Church of Geneva. Mr. the lords of the council to release them,x with Smith replied, "that they reverenced the learn- an admonition to behave themselves better for ed in Geneva, and in other places, but did not the future.t Accordingly, twenty-four men and build their faith and religion upon them." The seven women were discharged.1 Whether these bishop produced the following passage out of severities were justifiable by the laws of God or one of Beza's letters against them: " that against the land, I leave with the reader. the bishops and princes' will they should exer- There was a spirit of uncommon zeal in these cise their office, they [the ministers of Geneva] people to suffer all extremities for the cause in did much the more tremble at it." "Mark," which they were engaged. In one of their letsays the bishop, " how the learned Beza trem- ters, directed to all the brethren that believed bles at your case." Whereupon one of them in Christ, the writer, who was but a layman, said they knew the letter well enough, and that says, " The reason why we will not hear our it made nothing against them, but rather against parish ministers is, because they will not stand the prince and the bishops. Beza and his learn- forth and defend the Gospel against the leavings ed brethren trembled at their case in proceeding of popery, for fear of loss of goods, or punishto such extremities with men as to drive them, ment of body, or danger of imprisonment, or against their wills, to that which they did not else for fear of men more than God." He then care to mention. Their words are these: " We calls up their courage: "Awake, 0 ye cold and hope that her royal majesty, and so many men lukewarm preachers, out of sleep; gird up yourof dignity and goodness, will endeavour that selves with the truth; come forth and put your care may rather be taken of so many pious and necks [to the yoke], and think with Peter that learned brethren, that so great an evil should persecution is no strange thing; for which of happen, to wit, that the pastors should be forced, the prophets were not persecuted as well as against their consciences, to do that which is Christ and his apostles; not for evil doing, but evil, and so to involve themselves in other men's sins, or to give over; for we more dread B This was done at th e motion and counsel of that third thing, viz., to exercise their ministry T The names of the men were John Smith, John contrary to the will of her majesty and the bish- Roper, Robert Tod, Robert Hawkins, Jlames Ireland, ops, for causes which, though we hold our peace, William Nickson, Walter Hynkesman, Thomas Rowmay well enough be understood."t How the land, George Waddy, William Turner, John Nashe, bishop could think this was levelled against the James Adderton, William Wight, Thomas Lydfbrd, Nonconformists is hard to understand. Richard Langton, Alexander Lacy, John Leonard, To go on with the examination. One of the Roger Hawksworth, Robert Sparrow, Richard King, Christopher Colman, John Benson, John Bolton, RobPierce, p. 42. t Life of Grindal, Records, No. 16 ert Gates. 110 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. for preaching God's Word, and for rebuking the was first a persecutor, and after was persecuted world of sin, and for their faith in Jesus Christ. for the truth, that ever fell to persecuting again This is the ordinance of God, and this is the and repented. I desire you, in the bowels of highway to heaven, by corporeal death to eternal Christ, to consider your own case, who, by your life, as Christ saith, John, v.: Let us never fear own confession, was once a persecutor, and death, that is killed [conquered] by Christ, but have since been persecuted, whether displacing, believe in him and live forever.' There is no banishing, and imprisoning God's children more condemnation to them that are in Christ.'' 0 straitly than felons, heretics, or traitors, be perdeath! where is thy sting l thanks be to God secuting again or no. They that make the that has given us the victory.' Let us not, then, best of it say you buffet your brethren, which, dissemble, as some do, to save their pigs, but if the master of the house find you so doing, you be valiant for the truth. I doubt not but all know your reward. I desire you, therefore, in they who believe the truth, and will obey it, will the bowels of Christ, not to restrain us of the consider the cause;* and the Lord, for his liberty of our consciences, but be a means to Christ's sake, make Fphraim and Manasses to enlarge our liberty in the truth and sincerity of agree, that we may all with one heart and mind the Gospel; and use your interest that- all the unfeignedly seek God's glory, and the edification remnants of antichrist may be abolished, with of his people, that we may live in all godly peace, every plant that our heavenly Father has not unity, and concord! This grant, 0 Lord, for planted. Signed, Yours in the Lord to comChrist Jesus' sake, to whom, with thee and the mand, William White, who joineth with you in Holy Ghost, be all praise, glory, and honour, every speck of truth, but utterly detesteth whole forever and ever." antichrist, head, body, and tail, never to join Another, in a letter to Bishop Grindal, occa- with you, or any, in the least joint thereof; nor sioned by his lordship's discourse to the prison- in any ordinance of man, contrary to the Word er at his examination before him, December 19, of God, by his grace unto the Church." begins thus: " Pleaseth your wisdom, my duty But neither the arguments nor sufferings of remembered, &c., being grieved at certain words the Puritans, nor their great and undissembled spoken by you, and at your extreme dealing piety, had an influence upon the commissioners, with us of late, I am bold to utter my grief who had their spies in all suspected places to in this manner. You said, if discipline did not prevent their religious assemblies; and gave out tend to peace and unity, it were better refused; strict orders that no clergyman should be perwhereas our Saviour Christ commandeth dis- mitted to preach in any of the pulpits of London cipline as one part of the Gospel, most necessa- without a license from the Archbishop of Canry for the Church's peace and order; the apos- terbury or the Bishop of London. ties practised it, and Mr. Calvin and other learn- The persecution of the Protestants in France ed men call it the sinews of the Church that and the Low Countries was hot and terrible keep the members together; and Beza says, about this time. The King of France broke where discipline is wanting, there will be a li- through all his edicts for the free exercise of centious life and a school of wickedness. Sec- the reformed religion; he banished their minisondly, you seemed to be offended with a late ters, and much blood was spilt in their religious exercise of prayer and fasting, saying that you wars. In the Netherlands, the Duke d'Alva had not heard of any exercise of this kind with- breathed out nothing but blood and slaughter, out public authority; to which the example of putting multitudes to death for religion. This the Ninevites plainly answers, who proclaimed occasioned great numbers to fly into England, a fast before they acquainted the king with it; which multiplied the Dutch churches in Nornor did the king blame his subjects for going wich, Colchester, Sandwich, Canterbury, Maidbefore him in well-doing, but approved it by do- stone, Southampton, London, Southwark, and ing the like. Thirdly, you said you would nev- elsewhere. The queen, for their encouragement, er ask God mercy fbr using the apparel,t and allowed them the liberty of their own mode of should appear before him with a better con- worship, and as they brought their manufactures science than we; whereas you said in a sermon, over with them, they proved very beneficial to as many can witness, that you was sorry, for the trade and commerce of the nation. that you knew you should offend many godly Even in England the hearts of all good men consciences by wearing this apparel; requiring were ready to fail, for fear of the return of poyour auditory to have patience for a time, for pish idolatry; the queen being suddenly seized that you did but use them fo)r a time, to the end with a severe fit of sickness this summer [1568], you might the sooner abolish them; and now which brought her to the very point of death, you displace, banish, persecute, and imprison and the presumptive heir, Mary, late Queen of such as will not wear nor consent thereunto, $cots, being a bigoted papist. The queen, toand, at the same time, say you fear not to ap- gether with her bodily distemper, was under pear before God for so doing. But if the Co- great terror of mind for her sins, and for not rinthians, for eating meat to the offence of their discharging the duty of her high station as she brethren, are said to sin against Christ, how ought: she said she had forgotten her God! to much more do you, who not only retain the whom she had made many vows, and been unremnants of antichrist, but compel others to do thankful to him. Prayers were composed, and the same 1 Better were it for you to leave your publicly read in all churches for her msjesty's lordly dignity, not given you by Christ, and to recovery, in which they petitioned that God suffer affliction for the truth of the Gospel, than, would heal her soul, and cure her mind as well by enjoying thereof, to become a persecutor of as her body. The papists were never more sanyour breti.ren. Consider, I pray you, if through- guine in their expectations, nor the Reformation out the whole Scriptures you can find one that in greater danger, than now; and yet Bride* MS., p. 42.- t MS., p. 22. i"well and other prisons were full of Puritans, as ~MS., p. 42. I MS., p. 22. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 111 appears by a manuscript letter of Mr. Thomas the second time the queen had supported them Lever, now before me, dated December 5, 1568, in their religious wars against their natural in which he endeavours to comfort the prison- kings. The foreign popish princes reproached ers, and declares that, though the popish gar- her for it, and her majesty's ministers had ments and ceremonies were not unclean in much ado to reconcile it to the court doctrines themselves,* yet he was determined for himself, of passive obedience and non-resistance. by God's grace, never to wear the square cap At home the papists were in motion, having and surplice, because they tended neither to de- vast expectations, from certain prophecies, that cency nor edification, but to offence, dissension, the queen should not reign above twelve years: and division in the Church of Christ; nor would their numbers were formidable; and such was he kneel at the communion, because it was a their latitude, that it was not easy to bring them symbolizing with popery, and looked too much within the verge of the laws. In Lancashire like the adoration of the host. But at length it the Common Prayer Book was laid aside, churchpleased Almighty God to dissipate for the pres- es were shut up, and the mass celebrated openent the clouds that hung over the Reformation, ly. The queen sent down commissioners of inby the queen's recovery. quiry, but all they could do was to bind some This yeart was published the Bible in folio, of the principal gentlemen to their good behavcalled the Bishops' Bible, with a preface by iour in recognisances of one hundred marks.* Archbishop Parker. It was only Cranmer's Two of the colleges of Oxford, viz., New Coltranslation revised and corrected by several lege and Corpus Christi, were so overrun with bishops and learned men, whose names may be papists that the Bishop of Winchester, their visseen in the Records of Bishop Burnet's History iter, was forced to break open the gates of the of the Reformation. The design was to set college, and send for the ecclesiastical commisaside the Geneva translation, which had given sion to reduce them to order.t Great numbers offence. In the beginning, before the Book of of papists harboured in the inns of court, and in Genesis, is a map of the land of Canaan; before several other places of public resort, expecting, the New Testament is inserted a map of the with impatience, the death of the queen, and the places mentioned in the four evangelists, and succession of the presumptive heir, Mary, late the journeys of Christ and his apostles. There queen of Scotland. are various cuts dispersed through the book, Towards the latter end of the year, the Earls and several genealogical and chronological ta- of Northumberland and Westmoreland, with bles with the arms of divers noblemen, partic- their friends, to the number of four -thousand, ularly those of Cranmer and Parker. There are broke out into open rebellion; their pretence also some references and marginal notes for was, to restore the popish religion, and deliver the explication of difficult passages.4 This was the Queen of Scots. In the city of Durham they the Bible that was read in the churches till the tore the Bible and Common Prayer Book to pielast translation of King James I. took place. ces, and restored the mass in all places wherevBut there was another storm gathering abroad, er they came; but hearing of the advance of which threatened the Reformation all over Eu- the queen's army, under the Earl of Suffolk, rope, most of the popish princes having enter- they fled northward, and mouldered away, withed into a league to extirpate it out of the world: out standing a battle; the Earl of Northumberthe principal confederates were, the pope, the land was taken in Scotland, and executed at emperor, the Kings of Spain, France, and Por- York, with many of his confederates; but the tugal, with the Duke of Savoy, and some lesser Earl of Westmoreland escaped into Flanders, princes: their agreement was, to endeavour, by and died in poverty. No sooner was this rebelforce of arms, to depose all Protestant kings or lion over, but the Lord Dacres excited another potentates, and to place Catholics in their room; on the borders of Scotland; but after a small and to displace, banish, and condemn to death skirmish with the Governor of Berwick, he was all well-wishers and assistants of the clergy of defeated, and fled, and the rabble were pardonLuther and Calvin, while the pope was to thun- ed. There was a general commotion among der out his anathemas against the Queen of the papists in all parts of the kingdom, who England, to interdict the kingdom, and to ab- would have united their forces if the northern solve her subjects from their allegiance. In rebels had maintained their ground. prosecution of this league, war was already be- To give new life to the Catholic cause, the gun in France, Holland, and in several parts of pope published a bull, excommunicating the Germany, with unheard-of cruelties against the queen, and absolving her subjects from their alreformed. Under these difficulties, the Protest- legiance. In this bull he calls her majesty a ant princes of Germany entered into a league usurper, and a vassal of iniquity; and having for their common defence, and invited the given some instances of her aversion to the Queen of England to accede to it. Her majesty Catholic religion, he declares " her a heretic, sent Sir Henry Killigrew over to the elector and an encourager of heretics, and anathematipalatine with a handsome excuse, and, at the zes all that adhere to her. He deprives her of same time, ordered her ambassador in France her royal crown and dignity, and absolves all to offer her mediation between that king and her subjects from all obligations of fidelity and his Protestant subjects; but the confederacy obedience.J He involves all those in the same was not to be broken by treaties; upon which sentence of excommunication who presume to her majesty, by way of self-defence, and to obey her orders, commands, or laws for the fuward off the storm from her own kingdom, as- ture, and excites all foreign potentates to take sisted the confederate Protestants of France up arms against her." This alarmed the adanl Holland with men and money. This was ministration, and put them upon their guard; * MS., p. 18. t Strype's Ann, vol. i., p. 623. * Strype's Ann., p. 541. t Grindal's Life p. 133. J Strype's Ann., p 216.: Collyer, p. 523. 112 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. but it quickly appeared that the pope's thunder- conspiracies of the Roman Catholics should bolts had lost their terror, for the Roman Cath- have alienated the queen's heart from them, olic princes not being forward to encourage the and prevailed with her majesty to yield someCourt of Rome's pretended power of excommu- thing for the sake of a firmer union among her nicating princes, continued their correspondence Protestant subjects; but instead of this, the with the queen; and her own Roman Catholic edge of the laws that were made against popish subjects remained pretty quiet,'though from recusants was turned against Protestant Nonthis time they separated openly from the Church. conformists, which, instead of bringing them But the queen took hold of the opportunity to into the Church, like all other methods of severrequire all justices of peace, and other officers ity, drove them farther from it. in commission, throughout all the counties in This year [1570] died Mr. Andrew Kingsmill, England, to subscribe their names to an instru- born in Hampshire, and educated in All-Souls ment, professing-their conformity and obedience College, Oxon, of which he was elected fellow to the act of uniformity in religion, and for due in 1558. He had such a strong memory, that resorting to their parish churches to hear com- he could readily rehearse in the Greek language mon prayer. This affected Puritans as well as all St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans and Galapapists. The gentlemen of the Inns of Court tians, and other portions of Scripture, memoriter. were also cited before the ecclesiastical com- He was a most pious and religious person, un mission, and examined about their resorting to dervaluing all worldly profit in comparison of church and receiving the sacrament, of which the assurance of his salvation. In the year most of them were very negligent. This raised 1563, there were only three preachers in the a clamour, as if the queen intended to ransack university, of whoIn Kingsmill was one; but afinto men's consciences; in answer to which she ter some time, when conformity was pressed, and published a declaration that she had no such Sampson deprived of his deanery, he withdrew intention; "that she did not inquire into the from the kingdom, resolving to live in one of sentiments of people's mind, but only required the best reformed churches for doctrine and disan external conformity to the laws; and that cipline, the better to prepare himself for the serall that came to the Church and observed her vice of the Church;* accordingly, he lived three injunctions, should be deemed good subjects." years at Geneva; from thence he removed to So that if men would be hypocrites, her majes- Lausanne, where he died this year, in the prime ty would leave them to God; but if they would of his days, leaving behind him an excellent not conform, they must suffer the law. pattern of piety, devotion, and all manner of When the next Parliament met, they passed virtue. a law making it high treason to declare the The rigorous execution of the penal laws queen to be a heretic, schismatic, tyrant, infidel, made business for the civilians: many were cior usurper; to publish or put in use the pope's ted into the spiritual courts, and after long atbulls; to be reconciled to the Church of Rome, tendance, and great charges, were suspended or to receive absolution by them:* the conceal- or deprived; the pursuivant, or messenger of ing or not discovering offenders against this the court, was paid by the mile; the fees were act is misprision of treason. A protestation exorbitant, which the prisoner must satisfy bewas likewise drawn up, to be taken by all repu- fore he is discharged; the method of proceedted papists, in these words: "I do profess and ing was dilatory and vexatious, though they confess before God that Queen Elizabeth, my seldom called any witnesses to support the sovereign lady, now reigning in England, is charge, but usually tendered the defendant an rightfully, and ought to be and continue, queen, oath, to answer the interrogatories of the court; and lawfully beareth the imperial crown of these and if he refused the oath, they examined him realms, notwithstanding any act or sentence without it, and convicted him upon his own that any pope or bishop has done or given, or confession; if the prisoner was dismissed, he can do or give, and that if any pope or other was almost ruined with the costs, and bound in say or judge to the contrary, whether he say it a recognisance to appear again whensoever the as pope, or howsoever, he erreth and affirmeth, court should require him. We shall meet with holdeth and teacheth, error." And that the Pu- many sad examples of such proceedings in the ritans might not escape without some note of latter part of this reign. The honest Puritans disloyalty, another protestation was drawn up made conscience of not denying anything they for them;t in which they profess before God were charged with if it was true, though they that "they believe in their consciences that might certainly have put the accusers on proof Queen Elizabeth is and ought to be the lawful of the charge: nay, most of them thought themqueen of England, notwithstanding any act or selves bound to confess the truth, and bear a sentence that any church, synod, consistory, or public testimony to it before the civil magisecclesiastical assembly hath done or given, or trate, though it was made use of to their disadcan give; and that if any say or judge the con- vantage.t trary, in what respect soever he saith it, he er- Wood's Athen Ox, vol, reth and affirmeth, holdeth and teacheth, error t I have an example of this now before me. The and falsehood." t I have an example of this now before me. The Reverend Mr. Axton, minister of Morton Corbet in There was no manner of occasion for this Leicestershire, was cited into the bishop's court three last protestation; for in the midst of these com- several times this year, and examined upon the reamotions the Puritans continued the queen's sons of his refusing the apparel, the cross in baptism, faithful and dutiful subjects, and served her and kneeling at the sacrament, which he debated majesty as chaplains in her armies and navy, with the bishop and his officers with a decent freethough they were not admitted into the church- dom and courage. At the close of the debate the es. One would have thought the formidable bishop said, _ Bish. Now, Mr. Axton, I would know of you what * Eliz., cap. i. t Life of Parker, p. 224. you think of the calling of the bishops of England? HISTORY -OF THE PURITANS. -113 The controversy with the Church, which had the cross in baptism, and kneeling at the Lord'8 hitherto been chiefly confined to the habits, to Supper, began now to open into several more Axton. I may fall into danger by answering this and not as pastors and ministers. How were you qltestion. chosen pastor? Bish. I may compel you to answer upon your oath. Axt. By the free election of the people and leave Axt. But I may choose whether I will answer upon of the patron: after I had preached about six weeks oath or not. I am not bound to bring myself into by way of probation, I was chosen by one consent of danger; but because I am persuaded it will redound them all, a sermon being preached by one of my to God's glory, I will speak, be the consequence what brethren, setting forth the mutual duties of pastor it will; and 1 trust in the Holy Spirit that I shall be and:people. willing to die in defence of the truth. Bish. May the bishops of England ordain minisBish. Well, what do you think of my calling? ters? Axt. You are not lawfully called to be a bishop, Axt. You ought not to do it in the matter ye do; according to the Word of God. that is, without the consent of the eldership, without Bish. I thought so; but why? sufficient proof of their qualifications, and without Axt. For three causes: 1. Because you were not ordaining them to a particular congregation. ordained by the consent of the eldership. Bish. Well, Mr. Axton, you must yield somewhat Bish. But I had the hands of three or four bishops. to me, and I will yield somewhat to you; I will not Axt. But that is not the eldership St. Paul speaks trouble you for the cross in baptism; and if you will of,'Tim., iv., 14. wear the surplice but sometimes, it shall suffice. Bish. By what eldership were you ordained? Was Axt. I can't consent to wear the surplice: it is it by a bishop? against my conscience; I trust, by the help of God,'I Axt. I had, indeed, the laying on of the hands of shall never put on that sleeve, which is a mark of the one of the bishops of England, but that was the beast. least part of my calling. Bish. Will you leave your flock for the surplice? Bish. What calling had you more? Axt. Nay, will you persecute me from my flock Axt. I having exercised and expounded the Word for a surplice? I love my flock in Jesus Christ, and several times in all ordinary assembly of ten minis-_ had rather have my right arm cut off than be remoters; they joined in prayer, and, being required to ved from them. speak their consciences in the presence of God, de- Bish. Well, I will not deprive you this time. cdared, upon the trial they had of me, that they were Axt. I beseech you consider what you do in repersuaded I might become a profitable labourer in moving me from my flock, seeing I am not come in the house of God; after which I received the laying at the window, or by simony, but according to the on of the hands of the bishop. institution of Jesus Christ. Bish. But you had not the laying on of the hands On the 22d of November following Mr. Axton ap of those preachers. peared again, and was examined touching organs, Axt. No; I had the substance, but I wanted the music in churches, and obedience to the queen's accident, wherein I beseech the Lord to be merciful laws, &c. to me; for the laying on of hands, as it is the Word, Bish. You, in refusing the surplice, are disloyal to so it is agreeable with the mighty action of ordaining the queen, and show a contempt of her laws. the ministers of God. Axt. You do me great injury in charging me with Bish. Well, then, your ordination is imperfect as disloyalty; and especially when you call me and my well as mine. What is your second reason? brethren traitors, and say that we are more troubleAxt. Because you are not ordained bishop over some subjects than the papists. any one flock; nay, you are not a pastor over any Bish. I say still the papists are afraid to stir, but one congregation, contrary to 1 Pet., v., 2, " Feed the you are presumptuous, and disquiet the state more flock;" and to Acts, xiv., 23, from whence it is man- than they. ifest that there should be bishops and elders through Axt. If I, or any that fear God, speak the truth, every congregation. doth this disquiet the state? The papists have for Bish. What is a congregation? twelve years been plotting treason against the queen Axt. Not a whole diocess, but such a number of and the Gospel, and yet this doth not grieve you. people as ordinarily assemble in one place to hear But I protest in the presence of God, and of you' all, the Word of God. that I am a true and faithful subject to her majesty; Bish. What if you had a parish six or seven miles also I do pray daily both publicly and privately for long, where many could not come to hear once in a her majesty's safety, and for her long and prosperous quarter of a year? reign, and for the overthrow of all her enemies, and Axt. I would not be pastor over such a flock. especially the papists. I do profess myself an enemy Bish. What is your third reason? to her enemies, and a friend to her friends; therefore, Axt. Because you are not chosen by the people; if you have any conscience, cease to charge me with Acts, xiv., 23: "And they ordained elders by elec- disloyalty to my prince. tion in every church," XeiporovuavrYes, "by the lifting Bish. Inasmuch as you refuse to wear'the surup of hands." plice, which she has commanded, you do, in effect, B.'s Chanc. How come you to be parson of Mor- deny her to be supreme governess in all causes, ecton Corbet? clesiastical and temporal. Axt. I am no parson. Axt. I admit her majesty's supremacy so far as, if Chanc. Are you, then, vicar? there be any error in the governors of the Church, Axt. No; I am no vicar. I abhor those -names she has power to reform it; but I do not admit her as antichristian; I am pastor of the congregation to be an ecclesiastical elder, or church governor. there. Bish. Yes; but she is, and hath full power and auChanc. Are you neither parson nor vicar? How thority all manner of ways; indeed, shle doth not adhold you your living? minister the sacraments and preach, but leaveth Axt. I receive these temporal things of the people, those things to us. But if she were a man, as she is because I, being their pastor, do minister to them a woman, why might she not preach the Word of God spiritual things. as well as we? Chanc. If you are neither parson nor vicar, you Axt. May she, if she were a man, preach the Word must reap no profit.'of God'? Then'she may also administor the:sacraAxt.'Do you mean good faith in that you say? ments. Chanc. Yea, if you will be neither parson nor vicar. Bish. This does not follow, for you know Paul there is good cause why another should. preached, and yet did not baptize. Bish. You must understand that all livings in the Axt. Paul confesses that he did baptize, though he Church are given to ministers as parsons and vicars, was sent especially to preach. VOL. I.-P 114 - HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. considerable branches, by the lectures of the private debate by writing, which the other de Reverend Mr. Thomas Cartwright, B.D., fellow clined, as answering no valuable purpose. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Lady Mar- Other dangerous and seditious propositions garet's professor, a Courageous man, a popular as they were called, were collected out of Cartpreacher, a profound scholar, and master of an wright's lectures, and sent to court by Dr. Whitelegant Latin style; he was in high esteem in gift, to incense the queen and chancellor against the university, his lectures being frequented by him; as, vast crowds of scholars; and when he preach- 1. " In reforming the Church, it is necessary ed at St. Mary's, they were forced to take down to reduce all things to the apostolical institution. the windows. Beza says of him, that he thought 2. "No man ought to be admitted into the there was not a more learned man under the ministry but who is capable of preaching. sun. This divine, in his lectures, disputed 3. "None but such a minister of the Word against certain blemishes of the English hierar- ought to pray publicly in the Church, or adminchy, and particularly against these six, which ister the sacraments. he subscribed with his own hand.* 4. "Popish ordinations are not valid. "The names and functions of archbishops and 5. "Only canonical Scripture ought to be archdeacons ought to be abolished, as having no read publicly in the Church. foundation in Scripture. The offices of the law- 6. "The public liturgy should be so framed ful ministers of the Church, viz., bishops and that there be no private praying or reading in deacons, ought to be reduced to the apostolical the Church, but that all the people attend to the institution; the bishops to preach the Word of prayers of the minister. God and pray, and deacons to take care of the 7. " The care of burying the dead does not poor. The government of the Church ought belong more to the ministerial office than to the not to be intrusted with bishops' chancellors, or rest of the Church. the officials of archdeacons; but every church 8. " Equal reverence is due to all canonical should be governed by its own minister and Scripture, and to all the names of God; there presbyters. Ministers ought not to be at large, is, therefore, no reason why the people should but every one should have the charge of a cer- stand at the reading of the Gospel, or bow at tain flock. Nobody should ask, or stand as a the name of Jesus. candidate, for the ministry. Bishops should not 9. " It is as lawful to sit at the Lord's table be created by civil authority, but ought to be as to kneel or stand. fairly chosen by the Church." 10. "The Lord's Supper ought not to be adThese propositions are said to be untrue, dan- ministered in private; nor should baptism be gerous, and tending to the ruin of learning and administered by women or lay-persons. religion; they were, therefore, sent to Secreta- 11. "The sign of the cross in baptism is sury Cecil, chancellor of the university, who ad- perstitious. vised the vice-chancellor to silence the author, 12. " It is reasonable and proper that the paor oblige him to recant. Cartwright challenged rent should offer his own child to baptism, maDr. Whitgift, who preached against him, to a king a confession of that faith he intends to edpublic disputation, which he refused unless he ucate it in, without being obliged to answer in had the queen's license; and Whitgift offered a the child's name, I will, I will not, I believe, &c.; nor ought it to be allowed that women, or Bish. Did not Moses teach the people? and yet he persons under age, should be sponsors. was their civil governor. 13. " In giving names to children, it is conveAxt. Moses's calling was extraordinary. Remem- nient to avoid paganism, as well as the names her the King of Judah, how he would have sacrificed and offices of Christ, angels, &c. in the temple of God. Take heed how you confound 14. "It is papistical to forbid marriages at those ofIfices which God ha~s distinguished. certain times of the year; and to give licenses Bish. You see how he runneth. Bickley. You speak very confidently and rashly. Bish. This is his arrogant spirit. —MS., p. 55, 56. 15. "Private marriages, that is, such as are Thus the dispute broke off, and the good man, not- not published before the congregation, are highwithstanding all his supplications, was deprived of ly inconvenient. his living, and: driven to seek his bread in another 16. " The observation of Lent, and fasting on country, though the bishop owned he was a divine Fridays and Saturdays, is superstitious. of good learning, a ready memory, and well qualified. "The observation of festivals is unlawful. One sees here the difficulties the Puritans labour- Trading, or keeping markets on the ed under in their ordinations; they apprehended the Lord's Day, is unlawful. election of the people, and the examination of presby- 19. "In ordaining of the ministers, the protsrs, with the imposition of their hands, necessary to nouncing those words,' Receive thou the Holy the call of a minister; but this, if it were done in Eng- Ghost,' is both ridiculous and wicked. land without a bishop, would hardly entitle them to 20. " Kings and bishops should not be anointpreach in the Church, or give them a legal title to ed." -the profits of their livings; therefore, after they had These were Cartwright's dangerous doctrines, passed the former trials, they applied to the bishop which he touched occasionally in his lectures, for the imposition of his hands; but others, being dis-:satisfied with the ordination of a single person not but with no design to create discord, as appears rightly called, as they thought, to the office of a bish- by a testimonial sent to the secretary.-f state op, went beyond sea, and were ordained by the pres- in his favour, signed by fifteen corn idlerable byteties of foreign churches; for though the English names in the university, in which they declare Puritans had their synods and presbyteries, yet it is that they had heard his lectures, and that " he ~remarkable that they never ordained a single person never touched upon the controversy of the hab~ to the ministry. its; and, though he had advanced some propo* Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 628, 629. Life of Parker, p. 312. sitions with regard to the ministry, according HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. l11 to which he wished things might be regulated, Strickland, an ancient gentleman, offered a bill he did it with all imaginable caution.. and mod- for a farther reformation in the Church, April 6, esty."* Other letters were written in his fa- and introduced it with a speech, proving that your, signed by twenty names or upward, of the Common Prayer Book, with some superstiw~hom some were afterward bishops, but it was tious remains of popery in the Church, might resolved to make him an example. Cartwright easily be altered without any danger to religion. himself sent an elegant Latin letter to the see- He enforced it witl, a second speech, April 13, retary, in which he declares that he waived all upon which the treasurer of the queen's houseoccasions of speaking concerning the habits, but hold stood up, and said, " All matters of cereowns he had taught that our ministry declined monies were to be referred to the queen, and for from the ministry of the apostolical Church in them to meddle with the royal prerogative was some points, according to which he wished it not convenient." Her majesty was so displeasmight be modelled; however, that he did this ed with Mr. Strickland's motion, that she sent with all imaginable caution, as almost the whole for him before the council, and forbade him the university would witness, if they might be allow- Parliament House, which alarmed the members, ed. He prayed the secretary to hear and judge and occasioned so many warm speeches, that the cause himself, which was so far from novelty, she thought fit to restore him on the 20th of that it was as venerable for its antiquity as the April. This was a bold stroke at the freedom apostolic age; but, though the secretary was of parliaments, and carrying the prerogative to convincedt that his behaviour was free from ar- its utmost length. But Mr. Strickland moved, rogancy, or an intention to cause trouble, and farther, that a confession of faith should be pubthat only as a public reader in the university he lished and confirmed by Parliament, as it was in had given notes of the difference between the other Protestant countries; and that a commitministry in the times of the apostles and the tee might be appointed to confer with the bishpresent ministry of the Church of England, yet ops on his head. The committee drew up cerhe left him to the mercy of his enemies, who tain articles, according to those whicn passed poured upon him all the infamy and disgrace the convocation of 1562, but left out others. their power would admit. They first denied The archbishop asked them why they left out him his degree of doctor in divinity, then forbade the article for homilies, and for the consecrating his reading public lectures, and at last deprived of bishops, and some others relating to the hiehim of his fellowship, and expelled him the uni- rarchy. Mr. Peter Wentworth replied, because versity. A short and compendious way of con- they had not yet examined how far they-were futing an adversary! agreeable to the Word of God, having confined Mr. Cartwright being now out of all employ- themselves chiefly to doctrines. The archbishment, travelled beyond sea, and settled a corre- op replied, Surely you will refer yourselves wholspondence with the most celebrated divines in ly to us the bishops in these things? To which the Protestant universities of Europe. While Mr. Wentworth replied, warmly, "No, by the he was abroad he was chosen minister to the faith I bear to God, we will pass nothing before English merchants at Antwerp, and afterward we understand what it is, for that were but to at Middleburgh, where he continued two years make you popes. Make you popes who list, for with little or no profit to himself; and then re- we will make you none." So the articles relaturning to England, being earnestly solicited ting to discipline were waived, and an act was thereunto by letters from Mr. Deering, Fulk, passed confirming all the doctrinal articles Wiburne, Fox, and Lever, we shall hear more agreed upon in the synod of 1562. of the sufferings of this eminent divine for his, The act is entitled, "For reformation of disnonconformity.T orders in the ministers of the Church,"* "and This year [1570] Grindal, bishop of London, enjoins all that havetany ecclesiastical livings to being translated to York, Sandys, bishop of declare their assent before the bishop of the dioWorcester, was removed to London; in his pri- cess to all the articles of religion, which only mary visitation, January 10, he charged his cler- concern the confession of the true faith, and the gy, 1. To keep strictly to the Book of Common doctrine of the sacraments, comprised in the Prayer. 2. Not to preach without a license. book imprinted and entitled'Articles, where3. To wear the apparel, that is, the square cap upon it was agreed by the archbishops and bishand scholar's gown, and in Divine service, the ops, &c., and the whole clergy, in the convocasurplice. 4. Not to admit any of other parishes tion of 1562, for avoiding diversity of opinions, to their communion. He also ordered all clerks' and for the establishing of consent touching true tolerations to be called in; by which it appears religion,' and to subscribe them; which was to that some few of the Nonconformists had been be testified by the bishop of the diocess, under tolerated, or dispensed with hitherto, but now his seal; which testimonial he was to read pubthis was at an end.~ However, the Puritans licly with the said articles, as the confession of encouraged one another, by conversation and let- his faith, in his church on Sunday, in the time ters, to steadfastness in opposition to the cor- of Divine service. or else to be deprived. If any ruptions of the Church, and not to fear the re- clergyman maintained any doctrine repugnant sentments of their adversaries. to the said articles, the bishop might deprive There was a spirit in the Parliament. which him. None were to be admitted to any benefice was convened April 2, 1571, to attempt sornee- with cure except he was a deacon of the age thing in favour of the Puritans, upon whom the of twenty-three years, and would subscribe and bishops bore harder every day than other, Mr. declare his unfeigned assent to the articles above mentioned. Nor might any administer the sacStrPierce's Anndials, vol ii, p 2. raments under twenty-fiur years of age." X Clarke's Life of (C:artwright,. 18. It appears from the words of this statute, that Clarype's Life of Cartwright, p. 18. 6 Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 29. * 13 Eliz., cap. x fi. e116'HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. those articles of the Church which relate to its articles of the Church only has been reckoned discipline were not designed to be the terms of a very great grievance by many pious and learnministerial conformity; and if the queen and ed divines, both in Church and out of it; for it the bishops had governed themselves according- is next to impossible to frame thirty-six propoly, the separation had been stifled in its infancy, sitions in any human words, to which ten thoufor there was hardly a Puritan in England that sand clergymen can give their hearty assent and refiused subscription to the doctrinal articles: if consent. Some that agree to the doctrine itself all the thirty-nine articles had been established, may dissent from the words and phrases by there had been no need of the following clause, which it is expressed; and others that agree to "Which only concern the confession of the true the capital doctrines of Christianity, may have Christian faith, and the doctrine of the sacra- some doubts about the deeper and more abstruse merits." And yet, notwithstanding this act, points of speculation. It would be hard to demany that held benefices and ecclesiastical pre- prive a man of his living, and shut him out from ferments, and that offered to conform to the all usefulness in the Church, because he doubts statute, were -deprived in the following part of, of the local descent of Christ into hell; or wheththis reign; which was owing to the bishops' ser- er the best actions' of men before their convile compliance with the prerogative, and press- version have the nature of sins;* or that everying subscription to more than the law required.* thing in the three creeds, commonly called the It deserves farther to be taken notice of, that Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian, may by a clause in this act, the Parliament admits be proved by most certain warrants of Holy of ordination by presbyters without a bishop; Scripture, and are therefore to be believed and which was afterward disallowed by the bishops received.t Wise and good men may have difin this reign, as well as at the restoration of ferent sentiments upon the doctrine of the deKing Charles II., when the Church was depri- crees, which are a depth which no man can ved of great numbers of learned and useful fathom. These, and some other things, have preachers, who scrupled the matter of reordina- galled the consciences of the clergy, and driven tion,'as they would at this time, if it had been them to evasions destructive to morality and insisted on. Many of the present clergy had the peace of their own minds. Some have subbeen exiles for -religion, and had been ordained scribed them as articles of peace, contrary to abroad, according to the custom of foreign the very title, which says they 1" are for avoidchurches, but would not be ordained, any more ing the diversity of opinions." Others have than those of the popish communion; therefore, tortured the words to a meaning contrary to to put an end to all disputes, the statute.in- the known sense of the compilers. Some subeludes both; the words are these: "That every scribe them with a secret reserve, as far as they person under the degree of a bishop that doth are agreeable to the Word of God; and so they or shall pretend to be a priest or minister of may subscribe the Council of Trent, or even -God's Word and sacraments, by reason of any Mohammed's Alcoran. Others subscribe them, form of institution, consecration, or ordering, not as doctrines which they believe, but as docthan the form set forth in Parliament in the trines that they will not openly contradict and time of the late King Edward VI., or now used oppose; and others, I am informed, put no sense in the reign of our most sovereign lady Queen upon the articles at all, but only subscribed'Elizabeth, shall, before Christmas next, declare them as a test of their obedience to their supehis assent, and subscribe the articles aforesaid." riors, who require this of them as the legal way The meaning of which clause, says Mr. Strype, to preferment in the Church. How hard must is undoubtedly to comprehend papists, and like- it be for men of learning and probity to submit wise such as received their orders in some of to these shifts! when no kinds of subscriptions the foreign Reformed Churches, when they were can be a barrier against ignorant or dishonest in exile under Queen Mary.t minds. Of what advantage is uniformity of It is probable that the controverted clause of profession without an agreement in principles? the twentieth article, "The Church has power If the fundamental articles of our faith were to decree rites and ceremonies, and authority drawn up in the language of Holy Scripture; or'in controversies of faith," was not among the if those who were appointed to examine into the articles of 1562, as has been shown under that learning and other qualifications of ministers year; though it might be (according to Laud were to be judges of their orthodox confessions and Heylin) inserted in the convocation-book of faith, it would answer a better purpose than of 1571; but what has this to do with the act of subscription to human creeds and articles.:Parliament, which refers to a book printed nine Though the Commons were forbid to concern,years before. Besides, it is absurd t6 charge themselves with the discipline of the Church, the Puritans with striking out the clause as they ventured to present an address to the'Archbishop Laud has done, they having no queen,t complaining "that, for lack of true dis-'share in the-government of the Church at this cipline in the Church, great numbers are adtime,' nor interest to obtain the least abatement mitted ministers that are infamous in their lives in their favour; nor does it appear that they and conversations; and among those that are disapprovedthe clause under proper regulations: of ability, their gifts in many places are use one might rather suppose that the queen should less, by reason of pluralities and non-residency, take umbrage at it as an invasion of her prerog- whereby infinite numbers of your majesty's sub-:ative, and that, therefore, some zealous church- jects are like to perish for lack of knowledge. man, finding the articles defective upon the head By means of this, together with the common:of the Church's authority, might insert it pri- blaspheming of the Lord's name, the most wickvately, to avoid the danger of a prem-unire. ed licentiousness of life, the abuse of excommuBut, -after all, subscription to the doctrinal nication, the commutation of penance, the great * Strype's Ann., vol. ii.,'p. 72. t Ibid., p. 71. * Art. 13. t Art. 8.: MS., p. 92. HISTORY OF Ti.ii[ PURITANS. 117 numbers of atheists, schismatics daily springing of England in their behalf, beseeching her maj, up, and the increase of papists, the Protestant esty not to insist upon subscriptions, or upon religion is in imminent danger; wherefore, in wearing the habits, which gave such offence to regard first and principally to the glory of God, great numbers of the clergy, and was like to and next in discharge of our bounden duty to make a schism in the Church.* The letter was your majesty, besides being moved with pity enclosed to Bishop Grindal, who, when he had towards so many thousands of your majesty's read it, would not so much as deliver it to the subjects, daily in danger of being lost for want queen, for fear of disobliging her majesty, whose of the food of the Word, and true discipline, resolution was to put an end to all distinctions we, the commons in this present Parliament in the Church, by pressing the Act of Uniformassembled, are humbly bold to open the griefs, ity. Instead, therefore, of relaxing to the Puriand to seek the salving of the sores of our coun- tans, orders were sent to all church-wardens try, and to beseech your majesty, seeing the "not to suffer any to read, pray, preach, or same is of so great importance, if the Parlia- minister the sacraments, in any churches, chapment at this time may not be so long continued els, or private places, without a new license as that, by good and godly laws, provision may from the queen, or the archbishop, or bishop of be made for supply and reformation of these the diocess, to be dated since May, 1571." The great and grievous wants and abuses, that yet, by more resolved Purit ans were therefore reduced such other means as to your majesty's wisdom to the necessity of assembling in private, or of shall seem meet, a perfect redress of the same laying down their ministry. may be had; by which the number of your Though all the bishops were obliged to go majesty's faithful subjects will be increased, into these measures of the court, yet some popery will be destroyed, the glory of God will were so sensible of the want of discipline and be promoted, and your majesty's renown will of preaching the Word, that they permitted be recommended to all posterity." But the their clergy to enter into associations for the queen broke up the Parliament without taking promoting of both. The ministers of the town any notice of the supplication. of Northampton, with the consent and approbaThe convocation which sat with this Parlia- tion of Dr. Scambler, their bishop, the mayor of ment assembled April 3d, 1571, when the Rev- the town, and the justices of the county, erend Mr. Gilbert Alcock presented a supplica- agreed upon the following regulations for wortion to them in behalf of the deprived ministers, ship and discipline:t praying their interest with the queen for a re- "That singing and playing of organs in the dress of their grievances:* "If a godly minis- choir shall be put down, and common prayer ter," says he, " omit but the least ceremony for read in the body of the church, with a psalm conscience' sake, he is immediately indicted, before and after sermon. That every'Tuesdeprived, cast into prison, and his goods wasted day and Thursday there shall be a lecture from and destroyed; he is kept from his wife and chil- nine to ten in the morning, in the chief church dren, and at last excommunicated. We there- of the town, beginning with the confession in fore beseech your fatherhoods to pity our case, the Book of Common Prayer, and ending with and take from us these stumbling-blocks." But prayer and a confession of faith. Every Sunday the convocation were of another spirit, and, in- and holyday shall be a sermon after morning stead of removing their burdens, increased them prayer, with a psalm before and after. Service by framing certain new canons of discipline shall be ended in every parish church by nine against the Puritans; as, that the bishops in the' morning every Sunday and holydays, to should call in all their licenses for preaching, the end that people may resort to the sermon and give out new ones to those who were best in the chief church, except they have a sermon qualified;t and among the qualifications, they in their own. None shall walk abroad, or sit insist, not only upon subscription to the doe- idly in the streets, in time of Divine service. trines of the Church enjoined by Parliament, The youth shall every Sunday evening be exbut upon subscription to the Common Prayer arnmined in a portion of Calvin's Catechism, Book and ordinal for the consecration of arch- which the reader shall expound for an hour. bishops, bishops, priests, and deacons, as con- There shall be a general communion once a taining nothing contrary to the Word of God. quarter in every parish, with a sermon. A fortAnd they declare that all such preachers as do night before each communion, the minister, with not subscribe, or that disturb people's minds the church-wardens, shall go from house to with contrary doctrine, shall be excommuni- house, to take the names of the communicants cated. But as these canons never had the and examine into their lives; and the party sanction of the broad seal, surely the enforcing that is not in charity with his neighbour shall them upon the Puritans was a stretch of power be put from the communion. After the comhardly to be justified. Bishop Grindal confess- munion, the minister shall visit every house, to ed they had not the force of a law, and might understand who have not received the commupossibly involve them in a praemunire; and yet nion, and why. Every communion-day each the bishops urged them upon the clergy of their parish shall have two communions, one beginseveral diocesses. They cancelled all the licen- ning at five in the morning, with a sermon of an ses of preachers, and insisted peremptorily on hour, and ending at eight, for servants; the the subscription above mentioned. other, from nine to twelve, for masters and The complaints of the ministers, under these dames. The manner of the communion shall hardships, reached the ears of the Elector Pal- be according to the order of the queen's book, atine of the Rhine, who was pleased to order saving that the people, being in their confesthe learned Zanchy, professor of divinity in the sion upon their knees, shall rise up from their University of Heidelberg, to write to the Queen pews, and so pass to the communion-table, * MS., p. 92. t Sparrow, p. 223. * Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 97. t Ibid. a'118 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. where they shall receive the sacrament in cornm- to be read and known by all people; and that the panies, and then return to their pews, the min- authority of it exceeds all authority, not of the ister reading in the pulpit. The communion- pope only, but of the Church also, and of countable shall stand in the body of the church, ac- cils, fathers, men, and angels. cording to the book, at the upper end of the "They condemn, as a tyrannous yoke, whatmiddle aisle, having three ministers, one in the soever men have set up of their own invention middle to deliver the bread, the other two at to make articles of faith, and the binding men's each end for the cup, the ministers often calling consciences by their laws and institutes; in upon the people to remember the poor. The sum, all those manners and fashions of serving communion to end with a psalm. Excessive God which men have brought in without the auringing of bells on the Lord's Day is prohibited; thority of the Word for the warrant thereof, and carrying of the bell before corpses in the though recommended by custom, by unwritten streets, and bidding prayers for the dead, which traditions, or any other names whatsoever; of was used till within these two years, is re- which sort are the pope's supremacy, purgatory, strained." transubstantiation, man's merits, free-will, justiHere was a sort of association, or voluntary fication by works, praying in an unknown tongue, discipline, introduced, independent of the queen's and distinction of meats, apparel, and days, and, injunctions or canons of the Church; this was briefly, all the ceremonies and whole order of pawhat the Puritans were contending for, and pistry, which they call the hierarchy, which are would gladly have acquiesced in, if it might a devilish confusion, established, as it were, in have been established by a law. spite of God, and to the reproach of religion. Besides these attempts for discipline, the cler- " And we content ourselves," say they, " with gy, with leave of their bishop, encouraged reli- the simplicity of this pure Word of God, and gious exercises among themselves, for the in- doctrine thereof, a summary of which is in the terpretation of some texts of Scripture, one Apostles' Creed; resolving to try and examine, speaking to it orderly after another; these were and also to judge all other doctrines whatsoevcalled prophesyings from the apostolical direc- er by this pure Word, as by a certain rule and tion, 1 Cor., xiv., 31, "Ye may all prophesy one perfect touchstone. And to this Word of God by one, that all may'learn, and all be comfort- we humbly submit ourselves and all our doings, ed." They also conferred among themselves willing and ready to be judged, reformed, or fartouching sound doctrine and good life and man- ther instructed thereby,'in all points of religion." ners. Mr. Strype calls this a well-minded and reliThe regulations or orders for these exercises giously-disposed combination of both bishop, ill Northampton were these: magistrates, and people. It was designed to " That every minister, at his first allowance stir up an emulation in the clergy to study the to be of this exercise, shall by subscription de- Scriptures, that they may be more capable of dare his consent in Christ's true religion with instructing the people in Christian knowledge; his brethren, and submit to the discipline and and though men of loose principles censured it, order of the same. The names of all the mem- yet the ecclesiastical commissioners, who had bers shall be written in a table, three of whom a special letter from the queen to inquire into shall be concerned at each exercise: the first, novelties, and were acquainted with the scheme beginning and ending with prayer, shall explain above mentioned, gave them, as yet, neither his text, and confute foolish interpretations, and check nor disturbance; but when her majesty then make a practical reflection, but not dilate was informed that they were nurseries of Purito a commonplace. Those that speak after tanism, and tended to promote alterations in the may add anything they think the other has government of the Church, she quickly supomitted tending to explain the text; but may pressed them, as will be seen in its proper place. not repeat what has been said, nor oppose their This year [1571] put a period to the life of predecessor, unless he has spoken contrary to the eminent John Jewel, bishop of Salisbury, the Scriptures. The exercise to continue from author of the famous Apology for the Church of nine to eleven; the first speaker to end in three England. He was born in Devonshire, 1522, quarters of an hour, the second and third not to and educated in Christ Church College, Oxon, exceed each one quarter of an hour; one of the where he proceeded M.A. 1544. In King Edmoderators always to conclude. After the ex- ward's reign he was a zealous promoter of the ercise is over, and the auditors dismissed, the Reformation; but, not having the courage of a president shall call the learned brethren to him martyr, he yielded to some things against his to give him their judgment of the performances, conscience in the reign of Queen Mary, for when it shall be lawful for any of the brethren which he asked pardon of God and the Church to oppose their objections against them in wri- among the exiles in Germany, where he continting, which shall be answered before the next ued a confessor of the Gospel till Queen Elizaexercise. If any break orders, the president beth's accession, when he returned home, and shall command him, in the name of the eternal was preferred to the Bishopric of Salisbury in God, to be silent; and after the exercise, he 1559. He was one of the most learned men shall be reprimanded. When the exercise is among the Reformers, a Calvinist in doctrine, finished, the next speaker shall be appointed, but for absolute obedience to his sovereign in and his text given him." all things of an indifferent nature, which led The confession of faith which the members him not only to comply with all the queen's inof these prophesyings signed at their admission junctions about the habits when he did not apwas to the following purpose: prove them, but to bear hard upon the conscien" That they believed the Word of God, con- ces of his brethren who were not satisfied to tained in the Old and New Testament, to be a comply. He published several treatises in his perfect rule of faith and manners; that it ought lifetime, and others were printed after his death; HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 119 but that which gained him greatest reputation prince, and put her laws in execution; that was his Apology, which was translated into the Grindal was too timorous, there being no danforeign languages, and ordered to be chained ger of a prcemunire; that the queen was content in all the churches in England.* He was a the late book of articles (though it had not the truly pious man, and died in a comfortable frame broad seal) should be prosecuted; and in case of mind: Sore of his last words were, " I have it should hereafter be repealed, there was no not so lived that I am ashamed to die; neither -fear of a priemunire, but only of a fine at her am I afraid to die, for we have a gracious Lord. pleasure, which he was persuaded her majesty, There is laid up for me a crown of righteous- out of love to the Church, would not levy: but ness. Christ is my righteousness. Lord, let Grindal being now at York, wisely declined the thy servant depart in peace;" which he did at affair."* Monkton Farley, September 23, 1571, in the fif- In the month of June the archbishop cited tieth year of his age, and lies buried in the mid- the chief Puritans about London to Lambeth,t die of the choir of the Cathedral of Salisbury. viz., Messrs. Goodman, Lever, Sampson, WalkIn the same year died the Rev. Mr. David er, Wyburn, Goff, Percival, Deering, Field, Whitehead, a great scholar, and a most excel- Browne, Johnson, and others. These divines, lent professor of divinity. He was educated at being willing to live peaceably, offered to subOxford, and was chaplain to Queen Anne Bul- scribe the articles of religion as far as concernlen, and one of the four divines nominated by ed the doctrine and sacraments only, and the Archbishop Cranmer to bishoprics in Ireland. Book of Common Prayer as far as it tended to In the beginning of Queen Mary's reign he went edification, it being acknowledged on all hands into voluntary exile, and resided at Frankfort, that there were some imperfections in it; but where he answered the objections of Dr. Horn they prayed, with respect to the apparel, that concerningChurch discipline andworship. Upon neither party might condemn the other, but that his return into England he was chosen one of those that wore them, and those that did not, the disputants against the popish bishops, and might live in unity and concord. How reasonshowed himself so profound a divine, that the able soever this was, the archbishop told them queen, out of her high esteem for him, offered peremptorily that they must come up to the him the archbishopric of Canterbury; but he queen's injunctions or be deprived.t Goodman refused it from Puritanical principles, and would was also required to renounce a book that he accept of no preferment in the Church as it then had written many years ago, when he was an stood: he excused himself to the queen by say- exile, against the government of women, which ing he could live plentifully on the Gospel with- he refused, and was therefore suspended. Mr. out any preferment; and, accordingly, did so: Strype says that he was at length brought to a he went up and down like an apostle, preaching revocation of it, and signed a protestation bethe Word where it was wanted; and spent his fore the commissioners at Lambeth, April 23, life in celibacy, which gained him the higher es- 1571, concerning his dutiful obedience to the teem with the queen, who had no great affec- queen's majesty's person and her lawfill governtion for married priests. He died this year, in ment.- Lever quietly resigned his prebend in a good old age,t but in what church or chapel the Church of Durham. Browne being domeshe was buried I know not. tic chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk, his patron Our archbishop was very busy this summer, undertook to screen him; but the archbishop with the Bishops of Winchester and Ely, in har- sent him woid that no place within her majesassing the Puritans; for which purpose he sum- ty's dominions was exempt from the jurisdicmoned before him the principal clergy of both tion of the commissioners, and, therefore, if his provinces who were disaffected to the uniform- grace did not forthwith send up his chaplain, ity established by law, and acquainted them they should be forced to use other methods. that, if they intended to continue their ministry, This was that Robert Browne who afterward they imust take out new licenses, and subscribe gave name to that denomination of dissenters the articles, framed according to a new act of called Brownists; but his family and relations Parliament, for reforming certain disorders in covered him for the present. Johnson was doministers; otherwise they might resign quietly mestic chaplain to the Lord-keeper Bacon, at or be deprived. He took in the bishops above Gorambury, where he used to preach and admentioned to countenance his proceedings, but minister the sacrament in his family: he had Grindal declared hewould not be concerned if his also some place at St. Alban's, and was fellow grace proceeded to suspension and deprivation: of King's College, Cambridge. He appeared beupon which Parker wrote back that " he thought fore the commissioners in July, but, refusing to it high time to set about it; and, however the subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer as world may judge, he would serve God and his agreeable to the Word of God, he was suspended, though he assured them he used the book, * This book was originally written in Latin, but, and thought, for charity's sake, it might be suffor the use of the generality of the people, it was fered till God should grant a time of more pertranslated into English, with remarkable accuracy, feet reformation; that he would wear the apby Anne, Lady Bacon, the second of the four learned parel, though he judged it neither expedient nor daughters of Sir Anthony Coke. Such was the es- pare though he udged it neither expedient nor teem in which it was held, that there was a design for edification; and that he was willing to subof its being joined to the thirty-nine articles, and of scribe all the doctrinal articles of the Church, causing it to be deposited not only in all cathedrals according to the late act of Parliament; but the and collegiate churches, but alsoin private houses. It commissioners insisting peremptorily upon an promoted the Reformation from popery more than any absolute subscription, as above, he was susother publication of that period.-The New Annual pended, and resigned his prebend in the Church Register for 1789, History of Knowledge, p. 19. —ED. t At4h Ox., vol. i., p. 135, 136. Pierce's Vindic., p. * Life of Grindal, p. 166. t MS., p. 117. 45, 46 t Life of Parker, p. 326,327. An. Ref, vol. il., p. 95. 120 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. of Norwich; but about two years after he fell high strain of the prerogative, and a. blow. at the into farther troubles, which cost him his life. very root of the freedom of Parliament. But The learned Beza [in 1572] wrote to the bish- the Commons sent her majesty the bills, with: a ops not to be the instruments of such severities; servile request that she would not conceive an and being informed that a Parliament was short- ill opinion of the house if she should not approve ly to be called, in which a consultation was to them.* Her majesty sent them word, within a be had concerning the establishing of religion, day or two, that she utterly disliked the bills, he excited the lord-treasurer to endeavour some and never returned them. This awakened a reformation of discipline: " For I will not dis- brave spirit of liberty among some of the memsemble," says he, "'that not a few complain of bers; many free speeches were made upon this divers things wanting in the Church; and when -occasion, and among others, Peter Wentworth, I say not a few, I do not mean that worst sort Esq., stood up and said,t "that it grieved him whom nothing pleases but what is perfect and to see how many ways the liberty of free speech absolute in all respects; but I understand godly in Parliament had been infringed. Two things," men, learned men, and some that are best af- says he, "do great hurt among us: one is a rufected to God's Church, and lovers of their na- mour that ran about the house when the bill tion. I look upon the reformation of discipline about the rights of the Church was depending: as of great importance to the peace and welfare' Take heed what you do; the queen liketh not of the nation, and the strengthening of the Ref- such a matter; she will be offended with. them ormation; and therefore there is nothing the that prosecute it.' The other is, that some time queen's majesty and her council should sooner a message was brought to the house, either comthink of than this, however great and difficult manding or inhibiting our proceedings." He the work might be, especially since the English added, "that it was dangerous always to folnation affords so many divines of prudence, low a prince's mind, because the prince might learning, and judgment in these affairs; if they, favour a cause prejudicial to the honour of God together with the bishops, to whom, indeed, espe- and the good of the state. Her majesty has forcially, but not alone, this care belongs, would de- bid us to deal in any matter of religion, unless liberate hereupon, I doubt not but such things we first receive it from the bishops. This was would follow whence other nations would take a doleful message; there is, then, little hope of example." reformation. I have heard from old Parliament Thus did this learned divine intercede for the. men, that the banishment of the pope, and the recovery of discipline and the ease of tender reforming true religion, had its beginning from and scrupulous consciences. But this was more this house, but not from the bishops: few laws than our archbishop thanked him for, says Mr. for religion had their foundation from them; Strype, after -he had taken so much pains in and I do surely think (before God I speak it) pressing the Act of Uniformity.* that the bishops were the cause of that doleful The Parliament met May 8, 1572; the lord- message." But for this speech, and another of keeper opened it with a speech, in which he like nature, Wentworth was sent to the Tower recommended to the houses, in the queen's name, "to see that the laws relating to the erly persuasion omitted towards them; and most of discipline and ceremonies of the Church were them as yet kept their livings, though one or two put in due execution; and that, i~f any farther were displaced." In this connexion he quotes, also, laws werewanting, they should consder ofthem; "exalting her in his praises for her regard and graand so, says his lordship, gladius gladium jUva- cious answer to a petition of certain divines concernbit, the civil sword will support the ecclesiasti- ing the habits."-Vindication, p. 173. This letter, cal, as beforetirne has been used."t But the Mr. Neal observes, was written in 1564, several years Parliament, seeing the ill use the queen and before that part of her reign wherein she thought fit bishops made of their spiritual power, instead to inflict severe punishments upon the Dissenters. of framing new laws to enforce the ceremonies, Besides, whatever weight is due to Mr. Fox's praises, of faignwlwtoeocthcee or to Mr. Strype's representation, though the Puriordered two bills to be brought in to regulate tans had some intervals of ease, some tokens of royal them; in one of which the hardships that the indulgence and favour, her reign, and their situation Puritans complained of were redressed.4 The under it, are not surely to be characterized by a few bills passed smoothly through the Commons, intervals of ease, and by partial indulgences; but by and were referred to a select committee of both the spirit of the laws framed against them, and by the houses, which alarmed the bishops, and gave the great leading measures and the general tenour of her queen such offence, that two days after she government. The firstChristiansaregenerallyundersent to acquaint the Commons, by their speaker, I stood to have suffered ten severe persecutions under sent to acquaint the Commons, by their speaker, the Roman emperors: "but it is not to be supposed that it was her pleasure that no bills concerning that persecution was always violent and uninterruptreligion should henceforth be received, unless ed; there might be some abatements of those troubles, the same should be first considered and appro- and some seasons of rest and peace. In the reigns ved by the bishops or clergy in convocation; of Adrian and Titus Antoninus, there were some and farther, her majesty commanded them to edicts, or rescripts, which were favourable to them, deliver up the two bills last read in the house, though during those very reigns many Christians still touching rights -and ceremonies. This was a suffered in almost every part of the empire."-Lardner's Works, vol. viii., p. 341, 342, 8vo. So as to the * Life of Parker, p. 344. period before us, the question is, Did the Puritans t Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 125. D'Ew's Journal, enjoy liberty and security under the reign of Queen p. 207. $ Life of Parker, p. 394. Elizabeth; or was their situation the reverse of en0 In the face of this full and positive evidence of joying these blessings? If it were the: latter (and the temper and measures of the queen, Bishop Mad- the particulars of this long detail will show what was dox talks of the great favour and indulgence shown the case), then the leading features of her governto the Puritans in the year 1572; and refers us to ment were intolerance and persecution. —Ea. Strype, in his life of Whitgift, saying "that they * Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 127, 128. were as gently treated as might be; no kind of broths t Ibid., p. 12. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 121 In the mean time, the late act of the thirteenth with a petition to the houses that a discipline of Elizabeth for subscribing the articles was more consonant to the Word of God, and agreeput in execution all over England, together with ing with the foreign Reformed churches, may be the queen's injunctions; and according to Mr. established by law. The authors themselves, Strype's computation, one hundred clergymen viz., the Reverend Mr. Field and Wilcox, prewere deprived this year for refusing to sub- sented it to the house, for which they were sentl scribe.* The University of Cambridge was a for into custody, and by the influence of the bishnest of Puritans; many of the graduates were ops comnmitted to Newgate, October 2, 1572.* disaffected to the discipline of the Church, as Upon this, the book already printed was suffered particularly Mr. Browning, Mr. Brown, of Trin- to go abroad, and had three or four editionr: ity College, Mr. Millain, of Christ's, Mr. Charke, within the compass of two years, notwithstandof Peterhouse, Mr. Deering, of Christ's College, ing all the endeavours of the bishops to find out and several in St. John's College, who, being the press.t men of learning, had a great number of follow- The imprisonment of the two ministers ocers; but Dr. Whitgift, the vice-chancellor, watch- casioned the drawing up a Second Admonition, ed them narrowly, and kept them under. The by Mr. Cartwright,$ lately returned from beReverend Mr. Charke, in one of his sermons at yond sea, with an humble petition to the two St. Mary's, had said that " there ought to be a houses for relief against the subscription requiparity among the ministers in the Church; and red by the ecclesiastical commissioners, which that the hierarchical orders of archbishops, pa- they represent had no foundation in law, bu' triarchs, metropolitans, &c., were introduced was an act of sovereignty in the crown, anu into the Church by Satan." For which he was was against the peace of their consciences, summoned before the vice-chancellor and heads many having lost their places and livings for of colleges, and refusing to recant, was expell- not complying; they therefore beseech their ed the university. Charke wrote a handsome honours to take a view of the causes of their Latin apology to Lord Burleigh, their present non-subscribing, that it might appear they were chancellor, in which he confesses that it was not disobedient to the Church of God, or to his opinion that the Church of England might their sovereign; and they most humbly entreat be brought nearer to the apostolic character or for the removal and abolishing of such corruplikeness; but that this must not be said either tions and abuses in the Church as withheld in the pulpit or desk, under the severest penal- their compliance. "The matters," say they, ties. The chancellor, knowing him to be a good " contained in the Admonition, how true soever scholar, and in consideration that he had been they be, have found small favour; the persons hardly dealt with, interceded for him, but to no that are thought to have made it are laid up in purpose. Mr. Browning, Mr. Deering, and oth- no worse prison than Newgate; the men that ers, met with the like usage. Mr. Deering was set upon them are no worse than bishops; the a man of good learning, and made a chief figure name that goeth of them is no better than rebin the university; he was also reader at St. els; and great words there are that their danPaul's, London, and a most popular preacher; ger will yet prove greater. Well, whatsoever but being an enemy to the superior order of is said or done against them, that is not the bishops, he fell into the hands of the commis- matter; but the equity of the cause, that is the sioners, and was silenced. matter; and yet this we will say, that the state The Puritans finding it in vain to hope for a showeth not itself upright if it suffers them to reformation from the queen or bishops, resolved be molested for that which was spoken only by for the future to apply to Parliament, and stand way of admonition to the Parliament, which by the Constitution; for this purpose they made was to consider of it and receive or reject it, interest among the members, and compiled a without farther matter to the authors, except treatise, setting forth their chief grievances in it contained some willul maintenance of treason one view; it was drawn up by the Reverend or rebellion, which it cannot be proved to do."I Mr. Field, minister of Aldermary, London, as- Two other pamphlets were published on this sisted by Mr. Wilcox, and was revised by sev- occasion, one entitled " An Exhortation to the eral of the brethren, It was entitled, An Ad- Bishops to deal brotherly with their Brethren." monition to the Parliament; with Beza's letter The other, "An Exhortation to the Bishops to the Earl of Leicester, and Gualter's to Bish- and Clergy to answer a little Book that was op Parkhurst for reformation of church disci- published last Parliament; and an Exhortation pline, annexed. It contains the platform of a to other Brethren to judge of it by God's Word, church; the manner of electing ministers; their till they saw it answered." several duties, and their equality in government. The prisoners themselves drew up an elegant It then exposes the corruptions of the hierarchy, Latin apology to the lord-treasurer, Burleigh, and the proceedings of the bishops, with some in which they confess their writing the Admoseverity of language. When Mr. Pearson, the nition, but that th'ey attempted not to correct archbishop's chaplain, taxed the authors with or change anything in the hierarchy of themthis in prison, Mr. Field replied, "This con- selves, but referred all to the Parliament, hoping cerns me; the Scriptures of the Old and New by this means that all differences might be comTestament use such vehemency; we have used posed in a legal way, and the corruptions which gentle words too long, which have done no good; the wound grows desperate, and wants * MS., p. 119, 135. t Life of Parker, p. 347. a corrosive; it is no time to blanch or sew pil-: He was at the head (observes Mr. Neal in his lars under men's elbows, but God knoweth we Review) of a new generation of Puritans, of warmer meant to touch no man's person, but their pla- spirits, who opened the controversy with the Church ces and abuses." The ad~monition concludes into other branches, and struck at some of the main principles of the hierarchy.-ED. * Strype's Annals, p. 187. { Pierce's Vindication, p. 85. VOL. I.-Q 122 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. the most learned foreign divines con. plained of both of themselves and their fautors, and is might be removed, to the preventing a.ly schism subscribed Joha:ines Fieldus.t or separation in the Church.* However, the treasurer had not courage to intermeddle with * I have the whois before me, but shall only tran scribe a few passages relating to the present controan affair which might embroil him w:th the y. queen, or, at least, with her ecclesiastical cornm- We hold and believe that we ought to keep invi. missioners, though it was well enough known olably that kind of government that is left us in the he had a good will to the cause. But the com- Gospel. That the office of a pastor is to preach the Inissioners, not content with the severity of the Word and administer the sacraments, and, therefore, law, sported themselves in an arbitrary man- that bare readers, or single sayers, are no more fit for ner with the miseries of their fellow-creatures * pastors than women or children that can read well; detained them in prison beyond the time limited yet we deny not the reading of the Scriptures in all congregations, but this is not a part of the minister's by the statute, as appears by their humble sup- office plication to the Earl of Leicester, representing "We think it unlawful to withdraw from the "that they had been condemned, according to Church where the Word is truly preached, the sacthe Act of Uniformity, to a year's imprisonment, rament sincerely ministered, and true ecclesiastical which they had now suffered patiently in the discipline exercised. We are not for an unspotted common jail of Newgate, besides four months' Church on earth, and, therefore, though the Church close imprisonment before their conviction, of England has many faults, we would not willingly which they apprehended to be contrary to law; withdraw from it; and yet we believe that God's chilwhich they apprehended to be contrary to law; dren, when they are threatened with persecution dren, when they are threatened with persecution, that by this means they and their poor wives and the church doors are shut against them, may and children were utterly impoverished; their draw themselves into private assemblies, separating health very much impaired by the unwholesome from cursed idolatry and pestilent popery, though savour of the place and the cold weather; and the laws of princes are against it; and whosoever that they were likely to suffer yet greater ex- refuseth to be subject to these congregations septremities: they therefore humbly beseech his arating themselves, resisteth the ordinances of God. lordship, for the tender mercies of God, and in or We affirm that the Church of God is a company or congregation of the faithful, called and gathered consideration of their poor wives and children, out of the world by the preaching of the Gospel, unito be a means to the most honourable privy ted in the true faith, and resolving to form their lives, council, that they may be enlarged; or, if that government, order, and ceremonies according to the could not be obtained, that they might be con- Word of God. fined in a more wholesome prison." Theypre- "We hold that there ought to be joined to the ferred another petition of the same nature to pastors of the Church, elders and deacons, for the the lords of the council;* and a third was sent bridling of vices and providing for the poor; that no in the names of their wives and children. They pastor ought to usurp dominion over another, nor any church exercise lordship or rule over another. also wrote a confession of their faith, dated o"We believe that the pastor should be chosen by from Newgate, December 4, 1572, with a pref- the congregation, and being chosen, should be conace, in which they complain of the reproaches firmed in his vocation by the elders, with public and calumnies of their adversaries: because prayer and imposition of hands. (say they) we would have bishops unlorded, ac- "Concerning ceremonies, we hold that they ought cording to God's Word, therefore it is said we to be few, and such as have no show of evil, but seek the overthrow of civil magistrates; be manifestly tend to decency and good order. We re- ject, therefore, all the popish ceremonies and apparel. cause we say all bishops and ministers are We hold that churches may differ in order and cereequal, and, therefore, may not exercise their monies, and yet keep the unity of the faith; and, sovereignty over one another, therefore they therefore, we condemn not other Churches that have say, when they have brought this in among the ceremonies different from ours. Concerning public bishops, we shall be for levelling the nobility of worship, we hold that there ought to be places apthe land. Because we find fault with the regi- pointed for this purpose, and that there may be a premen of the Church as drawn from the pope, script form of prayer and service in the known tongue, because all have not the gift of prayer, but we would therefore they say we design the ruin of the nothave it patched out of the pope's portuises; but state. Because we say the ministry must not be the form of prayer never so good, we affirm that be a bare reading ministry, but that every min- ministers may not think themselves discharged ister must be learned, able to preach, to refute when they have said it over, for they are not sent to gainsayers, to comfort, to rebuke, and to do all say service, but to preach deliverance through Christ: the duties of a shepherd, a watchman, and a preaching, therefore, mu not be thrust out of doors steward, therefore they bear the world in hand for reading. Neither cug the minister so to be tied that we condemn the reading of the Holy to a prescript form that at all times he must be bound of necessity to use it; for who can draw a Scriptures in churches. Because we are afraid form of prayer necessary for all ti f draw all of joining with the Church in all her rites congregations? We deny not but it is well that and ceremonies, therefore.we are branded there be various manners of prayers, but we must with the odious names of Donatists, Anabap- take heed that they be not long and tedious; wheretists,,Erians, Arians, Hinckfeldians, Puritans," fore preaching, as it is the chief part of a minister's &c.t- office, so all other things must give place to it. The confessioni itself is orthodox, according " Concerning singing of psalms, we allow of the people's joining with one voice in a plain tune, but to the doctrinal articles of the Church of Eng- t not of tossing the psalms from one side to the other, land, and must give a general satisfaction to with the intermingling of organs. them who read it; it is written by the authors Touching holydavs, we say that religion is tied of the first admonition to the Parliament, to to no time, nor is one day more holy than another; testify their persuasion in the faith, against the but because time must be had to hear the Word of uncharitable surmises of Dr. Whitgift, uttered God, and to administer the holy sacraments, therein his answer to their Admonition, in defence fore we keep the Lord's Day as we are commanded, but without all Jewish superstition. We think that * Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 186. t MS., p. 120. those feast-days of Christ, as of his birth, circum. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 123 The authors of this confession lay in prison XVII. Of seniors, or government by elders. a considerable time, for though the inhabitants XVIII. Of certain matters concerning dis of Aldermary, London, presented two suppli- cipline of the Church. cations for the enlargement of their valuable XIX. Of deacons and widows. pastor, and learned and faithful preacher, as XX. Of the authority of the civil magistrate they called Mr. Field, and though some great in ecclesiastical matters. friends interceded for them, they could not ob- XXI. Of subscribing the communion-book. tain their release. The archbishop sent his XXII. Of cathedral churches. chaplain to confer with them in prison after XXIII. Of civil officers in ecclesiastical per they had been there three months, for which sons. they were thankful. The conference began These were the chief heads of complaint; with a suitable prayer, which Mr. Field made, which the Puritans having laid before the world, and was carried on with such decency as moved the bishops thought themselves obliged to anthe chaplain's compassion; but nothing would swer. Dr. John Whitgift, master of Trinity prevail with the inexorable commissioners to College and vice-chancellor of Cambridge, was release them till they had suffered the extremity appointed to this work, which he performed with of the law, and paid their fees, though the keep- great labour and study, and dedicated it to the er gave it under his hand that they were so Church of England. His method was unexpoor as not to have money to pay for their ceptionable, the whole text of the Admonition lodgings or victuals. being set down in paragraphs, and under each To return to the Admonition, which consisted paragraph the doctor's answer.* Before it was of twenty-three chapters, under the following printed, it was revised and corrected by Archtitles: bishop Parker, Dr. Cooper, bishop of Lincoln, Chap. I. Whether Christ forbiddeth rule or su- and Pern, bishop of Ely; so that in this book, periority to ministers. - says Mr. Strype, may be seen all the arguments II. Of the authority of the Church in for and against the hierarchy, drawn to the best things indifferent. advantage. III. Of the election of ministers. Dr. Whitgift's book was answered by Mr. IV. Ofministers havingno pastoralcharge; Cartwright, whose performance was called a and of ceremonies used in ordering master-piece in its kind, and had the approbation ministers. of great numbers in the University of CamV. Of the residence of the pastors. bridge, as well as foreign divines. Whitgift reVI. Of ministers that cannot preach, and plied again to Cartwright, and had the thanks of of licenses to preach. the bishops and the queen, who, as a reward for VII. Of the apparel of ministers. his excellent and learned pains, made him Dean VIII. Of archbishops, metropolitans, bish- of Lincoln; while Cartwright, to avoid the rigops, archdeacons, &c. our of the commissioners, was forced to abscond IX. Of the communion-book. in friends' houses, and at length retire into banX. Of holydays. ishment. XI. What kind of preaching is most effect- But it was impossible for these divines to setual. tie the controversy, because they were not agreed XII. Of preaching before the administra- upon one and the same standard or rule of judgtion of the sacraments. ment. Mr. Cartwright maintained that "the XIII. Of reading the Scriptures. Holy Scriptures were not only a standard of XIV. Of ministering and preaching by dea- doctrine, but of discipline and government; and con's. that the Church of Christ, in all ages, was to XV. Of matters touching the communion. be regulated by them." He was, therefore, for XVI. Of matters touching baptism. consulting his Bible only, and for reducing all cision, passover, resurrection, and ascension, &c., things as near as possible to the apostolical may by Christian liberty be kept, because they are standard. Dr. Whitgift went upon a different only devoted to Christ, to whom all days and times principle, and maintained " that, though the belong. But days dedicated to saints, with fasts on Holy Scriptures were a perfect rule of faith, their eves, we utterly dislike, though we approve of they were not designed as a standard of church the reverend memory of the saints, as examples to discipline or government; but that this was -be propounded to the people in sermons; and of pub- changeable, and might be accommodated to the lic and private fasts, as the circumstances of nations civil government we live under; that the aposor private persons require." tcivil government we live under; that the aposThe confession concludes with an article concern- tolical government was adapted to the Church ing the office of the civil magistrate: "We hold in its infancy, and under persecution, but was that Christians may bear offices; that magistrates to be enlarged and altered as the Church grew may put offenders to death lawfully; that they may to maturity, and had the civil magistrate on its wage war, and require a lawful oath of the subject; side." The doctor, therefore, instead of reduthat subjects are bound to obey all their just and cing the external policy of the Church to Scriplawful commands; to pray for them, to give them all ture, takes into his standard the first four cenhonour; to call them by their lawful titles; and to tues af Crist; and those customs that he be ready with their bodies and goods, lives, and all turies after Christ; and those customs that he that they have, to serve them with bodily service; can trace up thither, he thinks proper to be reyea, all these things we must do, though they be tained, because the Church was then in its mature infidels, and obtain their dominion either by inherit- state, and not yet under the power of antichrist. ance, by election, by conquest, or otherwise. On the The reader will judge of these principles for other hand, it is the magistrates' duty to provide for himself. One is ready to think that the nearer the public peace and quiet of their subjects; and to we can come to the apostolical practice the betset forth Christ's pure religion, by advancing the ter, and the less our religion is encumbered with preaching of the Gospel, and rooting out all supertition and idolatry."-MS, p. 131. * Life of Whitgift, p. 42. 124 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. rites and ceremonies of later invention, the more were unsold. This Mr. Stroud was the suspendit must resemble the simplicity that is in Christ. ed minister of Cranbrook, an excellent preacher, If our blessed Saviour had designed that his and universally beloved; but being reduced to worship should be set off with pomp and gran- poverty, he was forced to condescend to the deur, and a multitude of ceremonies, he would low offices of correcting the press, and of pubhave told us so, and, it may be, have settled lishing books for a livelihood.* When he apthem, as was done for the Church of the Jews; peared before the Bishop of London upon this but nothing of this appearing, his followers occasion, his lordship reproached him forlaying should be cautious of inserting human comrn- down the ministry, though Parker had actually mandments or traditions into the religion of deprived him, and forbid him to preach six years Christ, lest they cast a reflection upon his kingly before. office. The bishops were no less careful to crush the The dispute between Whitgift and Cartwright favourers of the Admonition; for when Mr. was managed with some sharpness; the latter Wake, of Christ Church, had declared in favour thought he had reason to complain of the hard- of it, in a sermon at St. Paul's Cross, the Bishop ships himself and his brethren suffered; and of London sent for him next morning into custoWhitgift having the government on his side, dy; but he made his escape. Mr. Crick, chapthought he stood upon higher ground, and might lain to the Bishop of Norwich, having also cornassume a superior air. When Cartwright and mended the book in a sermon at the same place, his friends pleaded for indulgence because they the archbishop sent a special messenger to apwere brethren, the doctor replies, " What signi- prehend him; and though he escaped for the fies their being brethren Anabaptists, Arians, present, he afterward fell into the hands of the and other heretics, would be accounted brethren; commissioners, and was deprived.t The like their haughty spirits will not suffer them to see misfortune befell Dr. Aldrich, an eminent divine their error; they deserve as great punishment and dignitary of the Church, with many others; as papists, because both conspire against the notwithstanding which, Dr. Sandys, bishop of Church. If they are shut up in Newgate, it is London, in his letter to the treasurer, calls for a meet reward for their disorderly doings; for farther help: "The city," says he, "-will never ignorance may not excuse libels against a pri- be quiet till these authors of sedition, who are vate man, much less when they slander the whole now esteemed as gods, as Field, Wilcox, CartChurch." How would the doctor have liked wright, and others, be far removed from the this language in the mouth of a papist sixteen city; the people resort to them, as in popery they years before? But this has been the method were wont to run on pilgrimages; if these idols, of warm and zealous disputants; the knots who are honoured as saints, were removed from they cannot untie with their fingers, they would hence, their honour would fall into the dust, and fain cut asunder with the sword. they would be taken for blocks, as they are. A Thus Dr. Whitgift routed his adversary; he sharp letter from her majesty would cut the had alreadydeprived him of his professor's chair, courage of these men. Good my lords, for the and of his degree of D.D.; and being now Vice- love you bear to the Church of Christ, resist the chancellor of Cambridge, he got him expelled tumultuous enterprises of these new-fangled from the University upon the following pretence: fellows." These were the weapons with which Mr. Cartwright, being senior fellow of his col- the doctor's answer to the Admonition were enlege, was only in deacon's orders; the doctor forced; so that we may fairly conclude, with being informed of this, and that the statute re- Fuller the historian, " that if Cartwright had the quiring such to take upon them the order of better of his adversary in learning, Whitgift had priesthood might be interpreted to priests' or- more power to back his arguments; and by this ders, concluded he was perjured;* upon which he not only kept the field, but gained the victory." he summoned the heads of the colleges together, On the other hand, it is certain vast numbers and declared that Mr. Cartwright had broken of the clergy, both in London and the two unihis oath, and, without any farther admonition, versities, had a high opinion of Cartwright's pushed his interest among the masters, to rid writings; he had many admirers, and, if we may the college of a man whose popularity was too believe his adversaries, wanted not for presents great for his ambition, insomuch that he declared and gratuities: many hands were procured in he would not establish order in the University approbation and commendation of his reply to while a person of his principles was among Whitgift, and some said they would defend it them. After this, he wrote to the archbishop, to death.T In short, though Whitgift's writings September 21, 1572, and begged his grace to might be of use to confirm those who had already watch at court, that Cartwright might get no conformed, they made no converts among the advantage against him, for (says he) he is flatly Puritans, but rather confirmed them in their perjured, and it is God's just judgment that he former sentiments. should be so punished, for not being a full min- To pursue this controversy to the end: in ister. A very mean and pitiful triumph! the year 1573, Dr. Whitgift published his deThe queen, also, and her commissioners, fence against Cartwright's reply,~ in which he brandished their swords against Cartwright and states the difference between them thus: "' The his followers. Her majesty, by proclamation, question is not whether many things mentioned called in the Admonition, commanding all her in your platform of discipline were fitly used in subjects who had any in their possession to the apostles' time, or may now be well used in bring them to the bishop of the diocess, and sundry Reformed Churches; this -is not denied; not to sell them, upon pain of imprisonment; upon which Mr. Stroud, the publisher, brought * MS., p. 195. in thirty-four, and his wife burned the rest that t Life of Whitgift, p. 53. Life of Parker, p. 428. t Life of Parker, p. 427. L~ ife of Whitgift, n. 46. d Whitgift's Life, p. 56. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS 15 but whether, when there is a settled order in i leged some of the fathers of the fourth and doctrine and government established by law, it fifth century on his side, Cartwright replied, may stand with godly and Christian wisdom to " that forasmuch as the father's have erred, and attempt so great alteration as this platform must that corruptions crept early into the Church, needs bring in, with disobedience to the prince therefore they-ought to have no farther credit and laws, and unquietness of the Church, and than their authority is warranted by the Word offence of many consciences." If this were of God and good reason; to press their bare the whole question, surely it might stand with authority without relation to this, is to bring an the wisdom of the Legislature in settled times intolerable tyranny into the Church of God." to make some concessions in favour of pious The second part of Cartwright's reply was and devout men; nor can it be inconsistent not published till two years forward, when he with godly and Christian wisdom for subjects to was fled out of the kingdom; it is entitled attempt it by lawful and peaceable methods. "The Rest of the Second Reply of Thomas CartTwo years after [1575] Mr. Cartwright pub- wrightegainst Master Doctor Whitgift's Answer lished a second reply to Whitgift's defence; it touching the Church Discipline, imprinted 1577," consisted of two parts; the first was entitled in which he shows that church government by "' The Second Reply of T. C. against Dr. Whit- an eldership is by Divine appointment, and of gift's Second Answer touching the Church Dis- perpetual obligation. He then considers the decipline;" with these two sentences of Scripture fects of the Church of England, and treats of in the title-page: "For Zion's sake I will not the power of the civil magistrate in ecclesiashold my tongue; for Jerusalem's sake I will not tical matters, of ecclesiastical persons bearing rest, till the righteousness thereof break forth civil offices, and of the habits. He apologizes as the light," &c.; " Ye are the Lord's remem- for going through with the controversyv at such brancers: keep not silence," Isa., lxii., 6, 7. It a distance of time, but he thought it of imporis dedicated to the Church of England, and all tance, and that it need not be ashamed of the that love the truth in it. In his preface he an- light. Speaking of his own poverty, disgrace, swers divers personal matters between the doc- and banishment for appearing in this cause, he tor and himself: he remembers him of his ille- says, " It were an intolerable delicacy if he could gal depriving him of his fellowship, and pro- not give up a little ease and commodity for that nouncing him perjured. He says he never open- whereunto his life was due if it had been asked; ed his lips for the divinity chair, as he had falsely or that he would grudge to dwell in another corcharged him; that he had never desired the de- ner of the world for that cause for which he gree of a doctor, but by the advice of more than ought to be ready altogether to depart out of a dozen learned ministers, who, considering his it." But he was sensible he strove against the office of divinity reader, thought he ought to as- stream, and that his work might be thought unsume the title. He added, that he never refused seasonable, his adversary being now advanced a private conference with him [Whitgift], but so much above him; for this year Whitgift was that he offered it, and the other refused it, saying made a bishop, when poor Cartwright was little he was incorrigible; indeed, he did refuse pri- better than a wandering beggar.t vate conference by writing, having had expe- Thus ended the controversy between these rience of his adversary's unfaithfulness, and be- two champions: so that Fuller, Heylin, and cause he thought that the doctrine he had taught Collyer must be mistaken when they say Whitopenly should be defended openly. Whitgift gift kept the field and carried off a complete charged him that, after he was expelled the col- victory, when Cartwright had certainly the last lege, he went up and down doing no good, but word. But, whoever had the better of the arliving at other men's tables.* How ungenerous gument, Whitgift got the most by it, and, when was this, after the doctor had taken away his he was advanced to the pinnacle of church preadversary's bread, and stopped his mouth that ferment, acted an ungenerous part towards his he might not preach, to reproach him with doing adversary, for many years prosecuting him with no good, and being beholden to his friends for a continual vexations and:imprisonments, and dinner! Cartwright owned that he was poor; pointing all his church-artillery against him, not that he had no wife nor house of his own; and suffering him so much as to defend the common that it was with small delight that he lived upon cause of Christianity against the papists, when his friends, but that he still did what little good he was called to it; however, at length, being he could in instructing their children. Whitgift wearied out with the importunities of great men, charged his adversary fartherwith want of learn- or growing more temperate in his old age, he ing, though he had filled the divinity chair with suffered him to govern a small hospital in Warvast reputation, and had been styled by Beza Sol, wick, given him by the Earl of Leicester, where the very sun of England; he taxed him with ma- this great and good man's hairs came down king extracts of other men's notes, and that he with sorrow to the grave. had scarce read one of the ancient authors he had quoted. To which Cartwright modestly * Strype's Ann. t Ibid. replied, that as to great reading, he would let it t' Sir George Paule, the panegyrist rather than the biographer of Whitgift, has attempted to discredit pass; for if Whitgift had read ~all the fathers'Cartwright by impugning his motives. In the year and( he scarce one, it would easily appear to the 1564, on the occasion of Elizabeth's visit to the unilearned world by their writings; but that it versity, Cartwright, as one of the most learned of that was sufficiently known that he had hunted him body, was chosen, with others, to dispute before her. with more hounds than one. Paule represents him as mortified by the neglect with The strength of his reply lies in reducing the which the queen treated him, and as proceeding impolicy of the Church as near as possible to the mediately to Geneva,'that he might the better feed his humour.'' Mr. Cartwright,' he says, Iimmedistandard of Scripture, for when Dr. Whitgift al- his humour.''Mr. Cartwright' he says, immediately after her majesty's neglect of him, began to * Whitgift's Life, p. 64. wade into diverse opinions, as that of the discipline, 26 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. To return: Notwithstanding all this opposi- private way; for this purpose they erected a t.on from the queen and her commissioners, the presbytery in Wandsworth, a village five miles?aritans gained ground; and, though the press from the city, conveniently situated for the Lonwas restrained, they galled their adversaries don brethren, as standing on the banks of the with pamphlets, which were privately dispersed River Thames. The heads of the association both in city and country. Parker employed all were Mr. Field, lecturer of Wandsworth, Mr. his emissaries to discover their printing press- Smith of Mitcham, Mr. Crane of Roehampton, es, but to no purpose; whereupon he complain- Messrs. Wilcox, Standen, Jackson, Bonham, ed to the treasurer in these words: " I under- Saintloe, and Edmonds, to whom afterward stand throughout all the realm," says he, " how were joined Messrs. Travers, Chake, Barber, the matter is taken; the Puritans are justified, Gardiner, Crook, Egerton, and a number of very and we judged to be extreme persecutors; I considerable laymen. On the 20th of Novemhave observed this for seven years; if the sin- ber eleven elders were chosen, and their offices cerity of the Gospel should end in such judg- described in a register entitled "The Orders of ments, I fear the council will be overthrown. Wandsworth." This was the first Presbyterian The Puritans slander us with books and libels, Church in England. All imaginable care was. lying they care not how deep, and yet the more taken to keep their proceedings secret, but the they write the more they are applauded and bishop's eye was upon them, who gave immedicomforted.": The scholars of Cambridge were ate intelligence to the high commission, upon generally with the Puritans, but the masters which the queen issued out a proclamation for and heads of colleges were against them; so putting the Act of Uniformity in execution; but, that many who ventured to preach for the dis- though the commissioners knew of the presbycipline were deprived of their fellowships and tery, they could not discover the members of it, expelled the university, or obliged to a public nor prevent others being erected in neighbourretraction. ing counties. There being no farther prospect of a public While the queen and bishops were defending reformation by the Legislature, some of the the outworks of the Church against the Purileading Puritans agreed to attempt it in a more tans, and bracing up the building with articles, canons, injunctions, and penal laws, enforced and to kick against her ecclesiastical government.' — by the sword of the civil magistrate, the papists Life of Whitgift, 10. Heyiin, Hist. of Reformation, were sapping the very foundation; for upon 164, and Collier, Ecclesiastical Hist., ii., 492, have publishing the pope's bull of excommunication retailed this slander, in which unworthy conduct against the queen, great numbers deserted the they have been followed by several modern writers. Fuller mentions the charge with evident marks of public worship, and resorted to private convendistrust.' We find one great scholar,' he remarks, tides to hear mass, while others who kept their'much discontented, if my author may be believed, stations in the Church were secretly underminamely, Mr. Thomas Cartwright. He and Thomas ning it. "There were at this time," says a Preston were appointed two of the four disputants in learned writer,* " certain ministers of the the Philosophy Act before the queen. Cartwright Church that were papists, who subscribed and had dealt most with the muses, Preston with the observed the orders of the Church, wore a sidegraces, adorning his learning with comely carriage, graceful gesture, and pleasing pronunciation. Cartwright disputed like a great, Preston like a genteel, would run into corners, and say to the people scholar, being a handsome man; and the queen, upon Believe not this new doctrine; it is naught, it parity of deserts, always preferred properness of per- will not long endure; although I use order son in conferring her favours.' And he adds,' Mr. among them outwardly, my heart is not with Cartwright's followers credit not the relation. Ad- them, but with the mother-church of Rome. ding, moreover, that the queen did highly commend, No, no, we do not preach, nor yet teach openly; though not reward him.'-Hist. of the University of though we read their ne-devised homilies for Cambridge, 139. Cartwright's general character is a colour to satisfy the time for a season Info sufficient to discredit this account. But its inaccuracy is rendered more apparent by the fact that his Yorkshire they went openly to mass, and were visit to Geneva, which Paule represents as the con- so numerous that the Protestants stood in awe sequence of his disgust at the queen's neglect, and as of them. In London there was a great resort the source of those opinions for which he was depri- to the Portugal ambassador's chapel; and when ved of his professorship, did not take place till after the sheriff, by order of the Bishop of London, his expulsion from the university. Strype exoner- sent his officers to take some of them into cusates Cartwright, alleging that,'by the relation of the queen's reception at Cambridge (now in the hands of tody, the queen was displeased, and ordered a learned member of that university), there appears them immediately to be released. no clear ground for any such discontent. For the Sad was the state of religion, says Mr. Strype, queen is said there to have approved them all; only at this time: " the substantials being lost in that Preston pleased her most, and was made her contending for externals; the churchmen heapscholar, with the settlement of a yearly honorary sal- ed up many benefices upon themselves, and reary on him.'-Annals, i., ii., 107. His elevation to sided upon none, neglecting their cures.t'Many the divinity chair, in 1569, is ample evidence of the of them alienated their lands, made unreasonaestimation in which he was held by the university, ble leases and waste of woods, and granted reand would have sufficed to calm his spirit had it been perturbed by such emotions as his enemies were for- versions and advowsons to their wives and ward in attributing to him. It was due to the mem- children. Among the laity there was little deory of this eminent man to vindicate him from so votion; the Lord's Day greatly profaned, and foul an aspersion. But what must we think of those little observed; the common prayers not fremodern libellers who, passing over the admission of quented; some lived without any service of Strype, and the mistrust of Fuller, retail the venom God at all; many were mere heathens and f Paue, eylin, and Collier"-Clare's Lives of atheists; the queen's own court a harbour for Thirty-two Divines, p 17. Dr. Price's Hist. Noncon., vol. i., p. 215.-C. * Life of Parker, p. 389. * Strype's Ann., p. 98. t Life of Parker, p. 395. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 127 epicures and atheists, and a kind of lawless enteenth chapter of St. John, and 1 Cor., xv., place, because it stood in no parish; which both which he ordered to be frequently read to things make good men fear some sad judgments him: his body was attended to the grave with impending over the nation." The governors of great solemnity and honour. the Church expressed no concern for suppress- The queen being incensed against the Puriing of vice and encouraging virtue; there were tans for their late applications to Parliament, no citations into the Commons for immoralities; reprimanded the bishops for not suppressing but the bishops were every day shutting the them, resolving to bend all the powers of the Mnouths of the most pious, useful, and industri- crown that way. Accordingly, commissioners ous preachers in the nation, at a time when the were appointed under the great seal,* in every queen was sick of the smallpox and troubled shire, to put in execution the penal laws by with fainting fits, and the whole Refobrmation way of oyer and terminer, and the queen pubdepended upon the single thread of her life. lished a proclamation in the month of October, This precarious state of religion was the declaring her royal pleasure that all offenders more terrible because of the Parisian massacre, against the Act of Uniformity should be severely which happened this very summer [1572], on punished. Letters were also sent from the the 24th of August, being Bartholomew Day, lords of the council to the bishops, dated Nowhen great numbers of Protestants having been vember 7th, 1573, to enforce her majesty's procinvited to Paris, on pretence of doing honour to lamation,t in which, after having reproached the King of Navarre's marriage to the king's sis- them with holding their courts only to get monter, ten thousand were massacred in one night, ey, or for such like purposes, they now require and twenty thousand more in other parts of the them in her majesty's name, either by themkingdom, within the compass of a few weeks, selves, which is most fit, or by their archdeaby his majesty's commission; no distinction cons, personally to visit and see that the habits, being made between lords, gentlemen, justices, with all the queen's injunctions, be exactly and lawyers, scholars, physicians, and the meanest uniformly observed in every church of their diof the people;* they spared neither women, ocess, and to punish all refusers according to maids, children in the cradle, nor infants in the ecclesiastical laws. The lord-treasurer, their mother's womb. Many who escaped fled also, made a long speech before the commisto Geneva and Switzerland, and great numbers sioners in the Star Chamber,: in which, by the into England, to save their lives. The Protest- queen's order, "he charged the bishops with ant princes of Germany were awakened with neglect, in not enforcing her majesty's proclathis butchery; and the queen put the coasts mation: he said the queen could not satisfy her into a posture of defence, but made no conces- conscience without crushing the Puritans; for sions for uniting her Protestant subjects among she thought none of her subjects worthy of her themselves.t protection that favoured innovations, or that diThis year died the reverend and learned Mr. rectly or indirectly countenanced the alteration John Knox, the apostle and chief Reformer of of anything established in the Church; that by the Kirk of Scotland. This divine came into too much lenity some might be apt to think the England in the reign of King Edward VI., and exceptions of these novelists against the cerewas appointed one of the itinerant preachers monies were reasonable and well founded, or for the year 1552; he was afterward offered a but trifling matters of disputation; but the parochial living in London, but refused it; upon queen was resolved that her orders and injuncKing Edward's death he retired beyond sea, tions should not be contemned; that the public and becamle preacher to the English exiles at rule should be inviolably observed; and that Frankfort, till he was artfully spirited away by there should be an absolute obedience, because the contrivance of Mr. Cox, now bishop of Ely, the safety of her government depended upon it." for not reading the English service. He after- The treasurer, therefore, as some other memward preached to the English at Geneva; and ber, proposed in council that all ministers upon the breaking up of that congregation in throughout the kingdom should be bound in a the year 1559, he returned to Scotland, and was bond of ~200 to conform in all things to the Act a great instrument in the hand of Providence of Uniformity, and in case of default, their names for the reformation of that kirk. He was a son to be returned into the exchequer by the bishop, of thunder, and feared not the face of any man and the bond to be sued.~ If this project had in the cause of religion, which betrayed him taken place, it would have ruined half the clersometimes into too coarse treatment of his su- gy of the kingdom. periors.4 However, he had the respect of all Another occasion of these extraordinary prothe Protestant nobility and gentry of his coun- Life of Parker, p. 447, 479. Strype's Annals, vol. try; and after a life of great service and labour, ii., 260. t Life of Parker, App., vol. ii., 454. he died comfortably in the midst of his friends, $ Life of Parker, p. 456, 458. in the sixty-seventh year of his age,~ being The letter from the lords of the council, and the greatly supported in his last hours from the sev- speech of the lord-treasurer, are alleged by Bishop Maddox-as convincing proofs of the mild conduct of * Strype's Ann., p. 160. the bishops. How far his conclusion is justly drawn; t Edinburgh Review, No. 87. whether it prove anything more than that the zeal: It has been justly observed, "that though the and activity of the bishops did not keep pace with praise of sincerity and piety cannot be denied him, it the wishes of the court, the reader will judge from is to be regretted that those virtues were accompani- the facts Mr. Neal's History has exhibited. But, ed with a narrow and bigoted turn of mind. In the however this evidence may exculpate the bishops, it time of John Knox, the having suffered persecution certainly impeaches the lenity of the queen and is a did not hinder men from exercising persecution when direct proof of the severity, the unyielding severity it was in their power."-The New Annual Register of her government.-ED. for 1189. History of IKnowledge, p. 31. ~ Strype's Ann., p. 260; vol. ii., p. 288. Life of ~ Life of Parker, p. 366. Grindal, p. 185. 128 HI-STORY OF THE PURITANS. ceedings of the court is said to arise from the and other ecclesiastical officers, to give it in accidental madness of one Peter Birchet, of the charge to their clergy and questmen to present Middle Temple, who had the name of a Puritan, the names and surnames of all Nonconformists hut was disordered in his senses; this man in their several parishes, before the first week came out of the Temple in his gown, October in Lent.* A letterof this sort was sent, among 14, 1573, about eleven in the morning, and see- others, by the old Bishop of Norwich to his ing Mr. Fitzgerald, lieutenant of the pensioners, chancellor, dated from Ludham, January 30, Sir William Winter, and Mr. Hawkins, officers 1-573. This was very unacceptable work to a of the queen's navy, riding through the Strand, man who was dropping into his grave;t but he with their servants on foot, came up to them, gave orders as he was commanded; and many and suddenly struck Hawkins with a dagger ministers of his diocess being returned unconthrough the right arm into the body, about the formable, were suspended from reading comarm hole, and immediately ran into the Bell Inn, mon prayer and administering the sacraments, where he was taken, and, upon examination, but allowed still to catechise youth;$ several being asked whether he knew Mr. Hawkins, he of whom offered to preach to some congregaanswered he took him for Mr. Hatton, captain tions as the bishops should appoint, of which of the guards, and one of the privy chamber, his lordship wrote to the archbishop, but his whom he was moved to kill by the Spirit of' grace refused to set them on work, and continue God, by which he shouldl do God and his coun- their parts in the public exercises or prophesytry acceptable service, because he was an ene- ings, for which the bishop was severely reprimy of God's Word, and a maintainer of papistry. manded, and threatened by the commissioners In which opinion he persevered, without any with the queen's high displeasure; whereupon signs of repentance, till, for fear of being burned he allowed his chancellor to silence them totalfor heresy, he recanted before Dr. Sandys, bish- ly, though it was against his judgment;;:for, in op of London, and the rest of the commission- his letter to a gentleman on this occasion, he ers. The queen asked her two chief-justices writes: " —I was obliged to restrain themr, unand attorney-general what corporeal punish- less I would willingly procure my own danger. ment the villain might undergo for his offence; Therefore, let not this matter seem strange to it was proposed to put him to death as a felon, you, for the matter was of importance, and because a premeditated attempt with an inten- touched me so near, that I could do no less if 1 tion of killing had been so punished by King would avoid extreme danger."~ But, after -all, Edward II., though the party wounded did not his lordship being suspected of remissness, Pardie; but the judges did not apprehend this to ker directed a special commission to commisbe law. It was then moved that the queen, by saries of his own appointing, to visit his diocess virtue of her prerogative, should put him to death parochially; which they did, and reported that by martial law; and, accordingly, a warrant was some ministers were absent, and so could not made out under the great seal for his execution, be examined; other churches had no surplices, though the fact was committed in time of peace. but the ministers said they would wear them This made some of the council hesitate, appre- when provided; but that there were about three hending it might prove a very bad precedent. hundred Nonconformists whom they had susAt length the poor creature put an end to the pended, one of whom, as the good old bishop dispute himself, for on the 10th of November, wrote, was godly and learned, and had done in the afternoon, he killed his keeper Longworth much good.l with one blow, striking him with a billet on the The heads of the Puritans, being debarred hinder part of the head, as he was looking upon the liberty of preaching and printing, challenged a book in the prison window of the Tower; for their adversaries to a public disputation; this this crime he was next day indicted and arraign- had been allowed the Protestants in Queen Maed at the King's Bench, where he confessed the ry's reign, and the papists at the accession of fact, saying that Longworth, in his imagination, Queen Elizabeth; but the queen and council was Hatton: there he received judgment for would not now admit that what was establishmurder, and the next day, November 12, had ed by law should be exposed to question, and his right hand first cut off at the place in the referred to the hazard of a dispute. Instead, Strand where he struck Hawkins, and was then therefore, of a conference, they took a shorter immediately hanged on a gibbet erected purpose- way, by summoning the disputants before the ly between eight and nine of the clock in the ecclesiastical commission, to answer to sundry morning, and continued hanging there for three articles exhibited against them, and, among othdiays. The poor man talked very wildly, and ers, to this, Whether the Common Prayer Book was by fits downright mad, so that if he had is every part of it grounded upon Holy Scripbeen shut up in Bedlam after his first attempt, ture? an honour hardly to be allowed to any as he ought to have been, all farther mischief human composure; and for not answering to the had been prevented.* However, it was very satisfaction of the commissioners, Mr. Wyburn, unreasonable to lay this to the charge of the Johnson, Brown, Field, Wilcox, Sparrow, and Puritans, and to take occasion from hence to King were deprived, and the last four commitspread a general persecution over the whole ted to Newgate,~ from whence two of them had kingdom; but the queen was for laying hold of been but lately released. They were told, farall opportunities to suppress a number of conecientious men whom, she would often say, she * Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p..261. hated more than the -papists.t t Life of Parker, p. 159, 246, 251, 252, 449. The commissioners, being thus pushed for- t Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 261,262. Life of Parward from above, sent letters to the bishops, ker, p. 336. exhorting them to command their archdeacons, ~ Life of Parker, p. 246, 259, 449, 451, 452, 479. _ _ a, Strype's Annals, vol. i., p. 109, 261-263, 343. * MS., p. 870. t Life of Parker, p. 454. 11 Life of Parker, p. 336. ~ Ibid., p. 413. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 129 ther, that if they did not comply in a short time, as it were, before an inquisition, as he thought they should be banished, though there was no himself not bound to be his own accuser, so he law for inflicting such punishment. prayed their honours that what he had said Mr. Cartwright was summoned among the might not be interpreted to his prejudlice; yet rest, but wisely got out of the way, upon which the commissioners ungenerously took advantage the commissioners issued out the following or- of his answers, and deprived him of his lecture der: "To all mayors, bailiffs, sheriffs,. consta- Mr. Deering appealed from the commissionbles, headboroughs, and all others the queen's ers to the council, who were pleased to: restore officers, to be aiding and assisting to the bearer him, which galled the archbishop, as appears by [.their messenger] with the best means they can his letter to one of the commissioners, dated devise, to apprehend one Thomas Cartwright, July 6th, 1573, in which are these words: "We student in divinity, wheresoever he be within have sent you certain articles taken out of thte realm, and to bring him up to London with Cartwright's book, by the council propounded a sufficient guard,.to appear-before us, her maj- to Mr. Deering, with his answers to the same; esty's commissioners in causes ecclesiastical, and also a copy of the council's letter to Mr. for his misdemeanors in matters of religion:* Deering, to restore him to his former reading December 15th, 1573. Signed by John; Rivers, and preaching, notwithstanding our advices mayor; Edwin, bishop of London;, Alex. Now- never required thereunto. These proceedings ell,.dean of St. Paul's; Gabriel Goodman, dean puff them up with pride, make the- people hate of Westminster; together with the attorney- us,. and magnify them with great triumphing, general, recorder, master of the rolls, and mas- that her majesty and. her privy council have. ter of the requests." But Mr. Cartwright lay good liking of this new building; but we are concealed among his friends till an opportunity persuaded that her majesty has no liking thereoffered of leaving the kingdom. of, howsoever the matter be favoured by others." The Reverend Mr. Deering, reader of St. Mr. Deering. was a learned, pious, and peacePaul's, was also suspended for some trifling able Nonconformist; his printed sermons are words spoken against the hierarchy in conver- polite and nervous. In his letter to the Lordsation; and in order to his restoration, was obli- treasurer Burleigh, on this occasion, he offered ged to subscribe four articles, viz., to the su- to show, before any body of learned men, the premacy; to the thirty-nine articles; to the difference between the bishops of the.primitive Book of Common Prayer; and that the Word Church and those of the present Church of and sacraments are rightly administered in.the England, in the following particulars: Bishops Church of England; which he did, with some and ministers then were in one degree; now few exceptions. The commissioners then ex- they are divers. There were then many bishamined him upon fifteen or twenty articles more,:ops in one town; now there is but one in a of which these were some: whole country. No bishop's authority was more s" Whether we be tied by God's Word to the than in one city, but now it is in many shires. order and use of the apostles, and of the primi- Bishops then used no bodily- punishments; now tive Church, in all things? Whether nothing they imprison, fine, &c. The primitive bishops may be in the Church concerning ceremonies or could not excommunicate or absolve merely by regimen but only that which Christ himself has their own authority; now they may. Then, commanded in his word 1 Whether every par- without consent of presbyters, they could make ticular parish church, of necessity and by order no ministers; now they do. They could confirm of God's Word, ought to have their pastors, el- no children in other parishes; they do now in ders, and deacons' chosen by the people, and they manyshires. Theyhad then but one living; now only to have the whole government of the Church they have divers. They had neither officials, in ecclesiastical matters 1 Whether there should commissaries, nor chancellors. They dealt in be an equality among the ministers of this realm, no civil government by any established authoras well concerning government and discipline ity.* They had no right to alienate any paras the ministration of the Word and sacraments? sonage, or let it in lease. Then they had a Whether the patrimony of the Church, as glebe- church where they served the cure, as, those lands and tithes, &c., ought to be taken from we call parish priests, though they were metrothem? Whether the present ministers of the politans or archbishops; so that Ambrose, St.. Church of England are true ministers, and their Austin, and others, who lived as late as the: administrations effectual I Whether it be more fourth or fifth century, and were called bishops, agreeable to God's Word, and more for the profit had very little agreement with ours. But for of the Church, to use a form of common prayer; this our archbishop never left him till he was or that every minister pray publicly, as his own silenced again and deprived. spirit shall direct him? Whether the-children On the 29th of January, 1573, the Reverend of papists ought to be rebaptized? Whetheran Mr. Arthur Wake, parson of Great-Willing, ecclesiastical person may have more livings value ~100 a year; Eusebius Paget, parson ot than oneI Whether a minister of Christ may Owld, ~100 a year; Thurston Mosely, parson exercise a civil function?"t of Hardingston, ~40 a. year; George Gilderd, The test of the articles, making in all above parson of Collingtrowge, and William Dawson, twenty, were about the obligation of the judi- parson of Weston-Favel, one hundred marks cial law of Moses, and the power of the civil (all in the diocess of Peterborough, of which Dr. magistrate in matters of religion. To all which Scambler was Bishop, and James Ellis, LLD., Mr. Deering gave wise and modest answers, chancellor), were first suspended for three yieldingas much as his principles and the na- weeks, and then deprived of their livings.: They ture of things would admit; but being called, were all preachers; four of them were licensed *by the university as learned and religious dit Pierce's Vindication, p. 80, 81. * Collyer's Church History, p. 543. VOL. I.-R 130 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. vines, and three of them had been moderators ing short, he sent for more, but did not consein the exercises. The reasons of their depri- crate it afresh, accounting the former consecravation were not for errors in doctrine or de- tion sufficient for what was to be applied to the pravity of life, but for not subscribing two forms same use; but nothing of this kind appears in of the commissioners' devising, one called for- his two indictments which are now before me, ma promissionis, the other forma objurationis. with the names of all the witnesses; but for the In the forma promissionis they swear and sub- other offences, viz., for omitting these words in scribe "to use the service and Common Prayer the office of baptism, " I receive this child into Book, and the public form of administration of the congregation of Christ's flock, and do sign sacraments, and no other; that they will serve him with the sign of the cross, in token," &c., in their cures according to the rites, orders, and for omitting these words in the marrying of forms, and ceremonies prescribed; and that Leonard Morris and Agnes Miles, "With this they will not hereafter preach or speak any- ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, thing tending to the derogation of the said book, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow, in or any part thereof, remaining authorized by the name of the Father," &c., and for refusing the laws and statutes of this realm." In the to subscribe, he was shut up in close prison for forma objurationis they subscribe and protest seven weeks, till he died in great poverty and upon oath "that the book of consecration of want. archbishops and bishops, and of the ordering of The forms of subscription varied in the sevdeacons, set forth in the time of King Edward eral diocesses, though the usual subscription VI., and confirmed by authority of Parliament, and protestation. for such clergymen as were doth contain in it all things necessary for such cited before the commissioners for Nonconformconsecration and ordering, having in it nothing ity* was this: "I promise unfeignedly by these that is either superstitious or ungodly, accord- presents, and subscribe with my hand, that I ing to their judgment; and, therefore, that they will teach the Word of God soberly, sincerely, which be consecrated and ordered according to and truly, according to the doctrine established the same book be duly, orderly, and lawfully by law, without moving unnecessary contenordained and consecrated, and that they do ac- tions; and that I will never suffer any person to knowledge their duty and obedience to their or- use my license of preaching, by rasing out the dinary and diocesan as to a lawful magistrate name or abusing the seal; and that I will deunder the queen's majesty, so set forth as the liver up my license, being so required by that laws and statutes do require-; which obedience authority from whence I had it. they do promise, according as the laws shall " I acknowledge the book of articles agreed bind them to perform. In testimony whereof on in the synod of 1563, and confirmed by the they do hereunto subscribe their names."* queen, to be sound and agreeable to the Word The ministers offered to use the Book of of God.' That the queen's majesty is supreme Common Prayer, and no other, and not to governor of the Church of England next under preach against the same before the meeting of Christ, as well in ecclesiastical as in civil causthe next Parliament;; but apprehending the es. That in the Book of Common Prayer there oath and subscription to be contrary to the laws is nothing evil, or repugnant to the Word of of God and the realm, they appealed to the God, and that it may be well used in this our Archbishop of Canterbury, who denied their Christian Church of England. That as the pubappeal.t Hereupon they presented a supplica- lic preaching of the Word in the Church of Engtion to the queen, and another to the Parlia- land is sound and sincere, so the public order of ment, but could not be heard, though their case administration of sacraments is consonant to was most compassionate, for they had wives the Word of God. And whereas I have in pub-'and large families of children, which were now lie prayer and administration of sacraments,reduced to poverty and want, so that (as they neglected and omitted the order by public au-:say in their supplication), if God in his provi- thority set down, following my own fancy in al-,dence does not help, they must beg. tering, adding, or omitting of the same, not using In the room of the deprived ministers, cer- such rites as by law and order are appointed, I tain outlandish men succeeded who could hardly acknowledge my fault therein, and am sorry for read so as to be understood; the people were it, and humbly pray pardon for that disorder. left untaught; instead of having two sermons And here I do submit myself to the order and *every Lord's Day, there was now but one in a rites set down; and I do promise that I will,quarter of a year, and for the most part not that. from henceforth, in public prayer and adminis-'The parishioners signed petitions to the bishop tration of the sacraments, use and observe the for their former preachers, but to no purpose; same. The which I do presently and willingly they must swear and subscribe, or be buried in testify with the subscription of mine own hand." silence. But this not reaching the laity, many of whom On the 20th of September, 1573, the Rev. Mr. deserted their own parish churches and went Robert Johnson, already mentioned, some time to hear the Nonconformists, the commissioners domestic chaplain to the Lord-keeper Bacon, now framed the following subscription for such of parson of St. Clement's, near Temple Bar, was them as should be presented as defaulters: tried at Westminster Hall for Nonconformity;$ "I acknowledge the queen's majesty to be it was alleged against him that he married with- chief governor of the Church of England under out the ring, and that he had baptized without Christ. That in the Book of Common Prayer the cross. Mr. Pierced says he was also ac- there is nothing repugnant to the Word of God. cused of a misdemeanor, because, when once he That as the public preaching in this Church of was administering the sacrament, the wine fall- England is sound, so the public administration * MS., p. 198. f MS., p. 202. ~~ ~ —of the sacraments is consonant to the %Word o, MS., p. 19. Vdat, p 83 * MS., p. 202.: MS., p. 199. Vindic.at., p. 83. M * MS., p. 200. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 131 God. And whereas I have absented myself Notwithstanding the dangers already menfrom my parish ch irch, and have refused to join tioned, " people resorted to the suffering Puriwith the congregation in public prayer, and in receiving the sacrament, according to the pub- Mr. Ger. Will you, then, come to prayers when there is no sermon? lie order set down, and my duty in that behalf, White. I would avoid those things that are an ofI am right sorry for it, and pray that this my fence to me and others, and disturb the peace of the fault may be pardoned; and do promise that Church; however, I crave the liberty of a subject, from henceforth I will frequent my parish and if I do not publicly frequent both preaching, praychurch, and join with the congregation there, er, and the sacraments, deal with me accordingly. as well in prayer as in the administration of the Dean of West. What fault find you in the common sacraments, according to such order as by pub- prayer? White. Let them answer to whom it appertains; lie authority is set down and established; and for being in prison almost a year about these matters, to witness this my promise, I do hereunto will- I was, upon a statute relating to that book, indicted, ingly subscribe my name."* and before I came to liberty almost outlawed, as your The officers of the spiritual courts planted their worship, Mr. Gerard, knows. spies in all suspected parishes to make obser- Mast. Req. What Scripture have you to ground vation of those who came not to church, and your conscience against these garments? caused them to be summoned into the commons, White. The whole Scriptures are for destroying where they iwere punished at pleasure. The idolatry, and everything that belongs to it. Mast. Req. These things never served to idolatry. keepers were charged to take notice of such as White. Shugh they are thng e same which heretocame to visit the prisoners or bring them relief; fore were used to that purpose. and, upon notice given, spies were set upon Mast. Req. Where is the place where these are forthem to bring them into trouble. Complaints bidden? have been made of their rude language to the White. In Deuteronomy, and other places, the Isbishops and the rest of the commissioners; and raelites are commanded, not only to destroy the altars, it is possible that their lordly behaviour and ar- groves, and images, with all thereto belonging, but bitrary proceedings might sometimes make their also to abolish the very names; and God by Isaiah Oppression will make a commandeth not to pollute ourselves with the garpassions overflow. Oppression will make a ments of the image, but to cast it away as a menstruwise man mad." But I have the examinations ous clout. of several before me, in which nothing of this Mast. Rolls. These are no part of idolatry, but are kind appears. On the other hand, it is certain commanded by the prince for civil order; and if you the conduct of the commissioners was high and will not be ordered, you show yourself disobedient to imperious; their under officers were ravenous, the laws. and greedy of gai the fees of the court were White. I would not willingly disobey any law, only and greedy of gain; the fees of the court were I would avoid those things that are not warranted by exorbitant,t so that if an honest Puritan fell the Word o God.are warranted into their hands, he was sure to be half ruined Mast. Req. These things are commanded by act of before he got out, though he was cleared of the Parliament, and in disobeying the laws of your counaccusation.t try you disobey God. White. I do it not of contempt, but of conscience; * MS., p. 201. t MS., p. 176. in all other things I am an obedient subject.: The commissioners treated those that came be- L. C. J. Thou art a contemptuous fellow, and wilt fore them neither like men nor Christians, as will ap- obey no laws. pear, among many others, by the following examina- White. Not so, my lord: I do and will obey laws; tion of Mr. White, a substantial citizen of London, and therefore refusing but a ceremony out of conJanuary 1.8, 1573, who had been fined, and tossed science, and not refusing the penalty for the same, I from one prison to another, contrary to law and jus- rest still a true subject. tice, only for not-frequenting his parish church. His L. C. J. The queen's majesty was overseen not to examiners were, the lord-chief-justice, the master of make you of her council, to make laws and orders for the rolls, the master of the requests, Mr. Gerard, the religion. dean of Westminster, the sheriff of London, and the White. Not so, my lord; I am to obey laws warclerk of the peace. After sundry others had been de- ranted by God's Word. spatched, Mr. White was brought before them, whom L. C. J. Do the queen's laws command anything his lordship accosted after this manner: against God's Word? L. C. J. Who is this? White. I do not so say, my lord. White. White, an't please your honour. L. C. J. Yes, marry do you, and there I will hold L. C. J. White, as black as the devil. you. White. Not so, my lord; one of God's children. White. Only God and his laws are absolutely perL. C. J. Why will you not come to your parish fect; all men and their laws may err. church? L. C. J. This is one of Shaw's darlings; I tell thee White. My lord, I did use to frequent my parish what, I will not say anything of affection, for I know church before my troubles, and procured several godly thee not, saving by this occasion; thou art the wickmen to preach there, as well as in other places of edest and most contemptuous person that has come preaching and prayer; and since my troubles I have before me since I sat in this commission. not frequented any private assemblies, but, as I have White. Not so, my lord; my conscience witnesseth had leave and liberty, have gone to my parish church; otherwise. and therefore those that presented me, have done it Mast. Req. What if the queen should command to out of malice; for if any of these things can be pro- wear a gray frieze gown, would you come to church red against me simply, or that I hold all things in com- then? mon, your lordship may dismiss me from hence to the White. That were mnore tolerable than that God's gallows. ministers should wear the habit of his enemies. Mr. Ger. You have not usually frequented your L. C. J. How if she should command to wear a own parish church. fool's coat and a cock's comb? White. I allow I have more used other places, White. That were very unseemly, my lord, for where I was better edified. God's ministers. Mr. Ger. Then your presentment is in part true? Dean of West. You will not, then, be obedient to White. N ot, al l't please you, for I am presented for the queen's commands? ot coming at all to my parish church. White. I would only avoid those things that have 132~ HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. tans in prison, as in popery they were wont to don's words). Some aldermen and several run on pilgrimage (they are the Bishop of Lon- wealthy citizens gave them great and stout countenances, and, persuaded others to do the no warrant in the Word of God, that are neither de- like." cent nor edifying, but flatly the contrary, and are con- Separate communions were established,where demned by the foreign Reformed Churches. the sacrament of the- Lord's Supper was ad-' L. C. J. You would have no laws. ministered privately, after the manner of the White. If there were no laws, I would live a Chris- foreign Reformed Churches; and those who tian and do no wrong; if I received any, so it were. joined with them, according to Archbishop ParL. C. J. Thou art a rebel. re, joined with them, according to Archbishop ParL. C. J. Thou art a rebel. White. Not so, my lord: a true subject. ker, signed the following protestation: L. C. J. Yea, I swear by God, thou art a very reb- "Being thoroughly persuaded in my con el; for thou wouldst draw thy sword, and lift up thy science, by the working and by the Word of the hand against thy prince, if time served. Almighty, that these relics of antichrist are White. My lord, I thank God my heart standeth abominable before the Lord our God; and, also, right towards God and my prince; and God will not for that by the power, mercy, strength, and condemn, though your honour hath so judged. goodness of the Lord our God only I am escaL. C. J. Take him away. White. I would speak a word which I am sure will ped from the filthiness and pollutionof these deoffend, and yet I must speak it; I heard the name of testable traditions, through the knowledge of God taken in vain; if I'had done it, it had been a our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and, last of greater offence than that which I stand here for. all, inasmuch as by the working also of the Lord Mr. Ger. White, White, you don't behave yourself Jesus his Holy Spirit, I have joined in prayer well. and hearing God's Word with those that have White. I pray your worship show me wherein, and not yielded to this idolatrous trash, notwithI will beg pardon and amend it. L. C. J. I may swear in a matter of charity, standing the danger for not coming to my parWhite. There is no such occasion; but because it ish church, &c. Therefore I come not back is bruited that at my last being before you I denied again to the preaching of them that have rethe supremacy of my prince, I desire your honours ceived the marks of the Romish beast. and worships, with all that be present, to bear wit- "Because of God's commandment to go forness that I acknowledge her majesty the chief gov- ward to perfection.-Heb., vi., 1; 2:Cor., vii., 1; ernor, next under Christ, over all persons and causes Psalm lxxxiv., 1; Ephes., iv., 15. Also to avoid within her dominions, and to this Iwill subscribe. I them Ro., xvi. 17; Ephes. v. 11; 1 Thess. acknowledge the book of articles, and the Book of Common Prayer, as far as they agree with the Word v., 22. of God. I acknowledge the substance of the doctrine "Because they are an abomination before the and- sacraments of the Church to be sound and sin- Lord our God.-Deut., xxvii., 25, 26, and xiii., cere; and so I do of rites and orders, as far as they 17; Ezek., xiv., 6. agree with the Word of God. "I will not beautify with my presence those Dean of West. You will not, then, allow that all filthy rags, which bring the heavenly Word of things in the Book of Common Prayer are taken out the Eternal our Lord God into bondage, subjecof the Word of God? White. Though they should be so, yet, being done ton,"Because I ould not communicate withslavery. by man, I cannot give them the same warrant as to the writings of the Holy Ghost. other men's sins.-John, ii., 9-11; 1 Cor., vi., L. C. J. Take him away. 17. Touch no unclean thing, &c.-Sirach, White. I would to the Lord Jesus that my two xiii., 1. years' imprisonment might be a means of having these "They give offence both to preacher and matters fairly decided by the Word of God, and the hearers.-Rom., xvi., 17 Luke, xvii., 1. judgment of other Reformed Churches. " They glad and strengthen the papists in L. C. J. You shall be committed, I warrant you. a their errors, and grieve the godly. —Ezek., xiii., White. Pray, my lord, let me have just-ice; I am unjustly committed; I desire a copy of my present- 21, 22. [Note this 21st verse.] ment. "They do persecute our Saviour Jesus Christ L. C. J. You shall have your head from your shoul- in his members. —Acts, ix., 4, 5; 2 Cor;, i., 5. ders; have him to the Gatehouse. Also they reject and despise our Lord and SayWhite. I pray you to commit me to some prison in iour Jesus Christ.-Luke, x., 16. Moreover, London, that I may be near my house. those labourers who, at the prayer of the faithL. C. J No, sir, you shall go thither. ful, the Lord hath sent forth into his harvest, White. I have paid fines and fees in other prisons;, e d send me not where I shall pay them over again. they refuse, and also reject.-Matt., ix., 38. L. C. J. Yes, marry shall.you: this is your glory. "These popish garments are now become White. I desire no such glory. very idols indeed, because they are exalted L. C. J. It will cost you twenty pounds, I warrant above the Word of the Almighty. you, before you come out. " I come not to them because they should be White. God's will be done. ashamed, and so leave their idolatrous garThese severities against zealous Protestants of pi- ments, &c.-2 Thess., iii., 14. If any manobey ous and sober lives raised the compassion of the ot our saings, note him common people, and brought them over to their inter- not our sayings, note him. ests. " It was a great grief to the archbishop," says "Moreover, I have now joined myself to the Mr. Strype, "and to other good bishops, to see per- Church of Christ, wherein I have yielded mysons going off from the first establishment of the self subject to the discipline of God's Word, as Protestant religion among us, making as if the ser- I promised at my baptism, which, if I should vice-book was unlawful, and the ecclesiastical state now again forsake, and join myself with their anti-Christian; and labouring to set up another gov-traditions, I should forsake the union wherein I eminent and discipline —" But who drove them to am knit to the body of Christ, and join myself these extremities? Why were not a few amendments to the discipline of antichrist, and join myself in the liturgy yielded to at first, whereby. conscientious men might have been made easy; or liberty of the traditionaries there is no other discipline given them to worship.God in their own way? than that which has been maintainedhby the an HISTORY OF Ti1iE PURITANS. 133 ti-Christian Pope of Rome, whereby the Church should separate themselves from the customs of God has always been afflicted, and is until of their own country.x this day, for the which cause I refuse them. Gualter, Bullinger, and other foreign divines? "God give us grace still to strive in suffering again this year addressed the bishops their corunder the cross, that the blessed Word of our God respondents for moderation, but nothing could may only rule and have the highest place, to be obtained; only Parkhurst, bishop of Norwich, cast down strongholds, to destroy or overthrow lamented the case, and wished to God that all policy or imaginations, and every high thing the English people would -follow the Church of that is exalted against the knowledge of God, Zurich, as the most absolute pattern. "The and to bring into captivity or subjection every papists," says he, " lift up their crests, while thought to the obedience of Christ.-2 Cor., x., Protestants walk about the streets dejected and 4, 5. That the Name and Word of the Eternal sorrowful; for at this time there are not a few our Lord God may be exalted, and magnified preachers that have laiddowntheir cures of souls, above all things.-Psalm viii., 2. Finis."* and left them to fools and idiots, and that for To this protestation the congregation did this reason, because they would not use the severally swear, and then resolved the com- linen garment called a surplice. New arnid semunion for the ratification of their assent, if vere edicts are lately published here against we may believe the relation of Archbishop Par- such as refuse to observe our ceremonies: pray ker, who -wrote this last paragraph with his God give a good issue, and have mercy upon all own hand; though his grace had not always the the churches of Christ." best information, nor was sufficiently careful to The prophesyings of the clergy, begun in the distinguish between subscribing and swearing. year 1571, had by this time [1574] spread into Sundry Nonconformists, who were willing to the diocesses of York, Chester, Durham, and be at ease, and avoid the hazard of persecution, Ely; the Bishop of London set them up in sevtook shelter in the French and Dutch churches, eral parts of his diocess, as did most of the and joined themselves to their communion: other bishops. The clergy were divided into there were not many of this sort, because they classes, or associations, under a moderator apunderstood not their language. But the queen pointed by the bishop; their meetings were and council had their eye upon them, arid r,, once a fortnight; the people were present at solved to drive them from this shelter; for this the sermon; and after they were dismissed, purpose a letter was written from the council- the members of the association, whose names board to the ministers and elders of the Dutch were subscribed in a book, censured the perChurch in London, bearing date April, 1573, in formance. These exercises were of great serwhich they say " that they were not ignorant, vice to expose the errors of popery, and spread that from the beginning of the Christian reli- the knowledge of the Scriptures among the gion various churches had various and divers people. rites and ceremonies; that in their service and But the queen was told by the archbishop devotions some stood, some kneeled, and others that they were no better than seminaries of lay prostrate, and yet the piety and religion was Puritanism;t that the more averse the people the same, if they directed their prayers to the were to popery, the more they were in danger true God, without impiety and superstition. of nonconformity; that these exercises tended They added, farther, that they contemned not to popularity, and made the people so inquisitive'their rites; nay, that they approved their cere- that they would not submit to the orders of their monies as fit and convenient for them, and that superiors, as they ought. It was said farther, state whence they sprang. They expected, that some of the ministers disused the habits, therefore, that their congregation should not and discoursed on church discipline; and that despise the customs of the English Church, nor others were too forward to show their abilities, do anything that might create a suspicion of to the discouragement of honest men of lower disturbing its peace; and, in particular, that capacities; and that all this was notorious in they should not receive into their communion the diocess of' Norwich. Hereupon the queen any of this realm that offered to join with them, gave the archbishop private orders to put them and leave the customs and practice of their na- down everywhere, and to begin with Norwich; tive country, lest the queen should be moved to his grace, accordingly, wrote to Matchet, one banish them out of the kingdomn."t of the chaplains in that diocess, requiring him Endeavours had been used to bring these to repair to his ordinary, and show him how the churches under the jurisdiction or superintend- queen had willed him to suppress those vain ence of the bishop of the diocess for the time prophesyings; and that thereupon he should rebeing; but they pleaded their charter, and that quire the said ordinary, in her majesty's name, Grindal, while Bishop of London, was their su- immediately to discharge them from any farther perintenden't only by their own consent; how- such doings. ever, a quarrel happening some time after in This was very unacceptable news to the good the Dutch Church at Norwich, the queen's com- old bishop, who, taking hold of the word vain, missioners interposed; and because the elders wrote to the archbishop, desiring to be resolved refused to own their jurisdiction, they banished whether he meant thereby the abuse, or some all their three ministers; which struck such a vain speeches used in some of these conferenterror into those of London, that when they re- ces; or, in general, the whole order of those exceived the council's letter they were perfectly ercises; of which he freely declared his own submissive, and after returning thanks for their approbation, saying " that they had, and still own liberties, they promised to expel all such did bring, singular benefit to the Church of out of their church, and for the future not to God, as well in the clergy as in the laity, and receive any English who from such principles * Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 284. Ilife of Parker, p. 435. t Ibid., p. 364. t Life of Parker, p. 461. 134 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. were right necessary exercises to be continued, pain of her majesty's high displeasure; and al so the same were not abused, as, indeed, they vised him not to be led by fantastical folk, not had not been, unless in one or two places at take such young men into his counsels, who, the most; whereof after he had knowledge he when they had brought him into danger, could wrote an earnest letter to his chancellor, that not bring him out of it. Of my care I have for such persons as were over-busy speakers should you and the diocess (says the archbishop) I write be put to silence, unless they would subscribe thus much.* to the articles of conformity in religion, or else Upon this the good old bishop submitted, and promise not to intermeddle with any matter es- wrote to his chancellor from Ludham, June the tablished and commanded by her majesty; 7th, " Whereas, by the receipt of my Loid of which was performed accordingly, since which Canterbury's letter, I am commanded by him, time he had not heard but all things had suc- in the queen her majesty's name, that the prophceeded quietly without offence to any." esyings throughout my diocess should be supThe archbishop was vexed at this letter, and pressed, these are therefore to will you that, as wrote back to his chaplain " that it was one of conveniently as you may, you give notice to his old griefs, that this bishop had shown his every of my commissaries that they in their letter to his friends, who had eluded its true several circuits may suppress the same. And meaning, by standing upon the word vain. It so I leave you to God." Thus were these reliis pity, says he, that we should show any vani- gious exercises suppressed in one diocess, which ty in our obedience." In the mean time, the was but the prologue to their downfall over the Bishop of Norwich applied to the privy council, whole kingdom. who knew nothing of this affair; but were sur- But his lordship did not long survive this disprised at the archbishop's order, and gave his tinguishing mark of the archbishop's displeaslordship instruction to uphold the prophesyings. ure, for towards the latter end of the year he Their letter was as follows: departed this life, to the great loss of his dio" Salutem in Chlristo. Whereas, we under- cess, and of the whole Church of England. stand that there are certain good exercises of John Parkhurst, bishop of Norwich, was born prophesyings and expounding of Scriptures in at Guildford, in Surrey, 1511, and educated in Norfolk, as, namely, at Holt-town and other pla- Merton College, Oxon. He had been domestic ces, whereby both speakers and hearers do profit chaplain to Queen Katharine Parr, tutor to Bishmuch in the knowledge of the Word of God. op Jewel, and rector of the rich parsonage of And whereas, some not well minded toWards Clive; all which he forsook in the reign of Queen true religion, and the knowledge of God, speak Mary, and was an exile at Zurich, ir Switzerevil and slanderously ofthese exercises, as com- land, where he was so delighted with the order monly theyused to do against the sincere preach- and discipline of that church, that he would ing of God's holy Word; these are to require often wish the Church of England were modelyour lordship, that so long as the truth is godly led according to it. He was an open favourer and reverently uttered in their prophesying~s, of the Puritans, and never entered willingly into and that no seditious, heretical, or schismatical any methods of severity against them. "I find,' doctrine, tending to the disturbance of the peace says he, in one of his letters to Archbishop Parof the Church, can be proved to be taught or ker, "that rough and severe methods do the maintained in the same; that so good a help least good, and that the contrary has won over and means to further true religion may not be divers; and therefore I choose to go in this way, hindered and stayed, but may proceed and go rather than with others to overrule by rigour forward to God's glory, and the edifying of the and extremity."t He would willingly have alpeople. Thus, not doubting of your forward- lowed a liberty of officiating in the Church to ness herein, your office and calling dutifully re- such as could not conform to the ceremonies, quiring the same at your hands, we bid your but by command from above he was forced somelordship right heartily farewell.* times to obey his superiors, contrary to his judg"Your lordship's loving friends, ment. The bishop was a zealous Protestant, " T. SMITH, EDWIN, bp. London, and a great enemy to popery; a learned divine, " WA. MILDMAY, FRAN. KNOLLYS. a faithful pastor, a diligent and constant preach"From London, this 6th of May, 1574." er, and an example to his flock in righteousness, he archbishop was surprised to see his or in faith, in love, in peace, in word, and in purity. The archbishop was surprised to see his or- He was exceeding hospitable, and kept a table ders countermanded by the privy council; but for the poor- and was universally beloved, honhis grace took no notice of it to them, only ac- oured, an d esteemed by his whole diocess. This quain ting the queen with it; by whose direc- character is given him, says Mr. Strype, by one tion he wrote again to the bishop, that whereas that knew him well, Thomas Becon, a native of he understood he had received letters from the Norfolk, and of known eminence days. council to continue the prophesyings, contrary He was made Bishop of Norwich, 1560, and died to the queen's express command, he desired to of the stone this year [1574], in the sixty-third know what warrant they had given him for their year of his age. proceedings; upon this the Bishop of Norwich Sundry well-disposed people in the parishes wrote back to the Bishop of London, who was of Balsham in Cambridgeshire, and of Strethall one of those who had signed the letter, for ad- in Essex, met together on holydays, and at other vice; but his lordship and the council were times, after they had done work, to read the afraid to meddle any farther. Scriptures, and to confirm one another in the, Parker, being thus supported by the queen, Christian faith and practice; but as soon as the wrote again to Norwich, commanding the bishop commissioners were informed of these assemperemptorily to obey the queen's orders, upon * Life of Parker, p. 462. Strype's Annals, vol. ii., * Life of Parker, p. 460, 461. p. 323. t Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 343. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 135 blies, the parsons of the parishes were sent for, men in the streets, his gentlemen-ushers going and ordered to suppress them; though the hon- before him with bare heads, and his family full est people declared themselves conformable to of idle serving-men, looked very lordly." He the orders of the Church, and that they met to- adds, " that his own and his brethren's revenues gether after dinner, or after supper, upon holy- should not be laid out in maintaining a parcel days only, for their own and their families' in- of lazy, idle servants, but rather upon these, struction, for the reformation of vice, and for a who were labourers in the harvest of the Lord farther acquaintance with the Word of God. Jesus. That whereas the archbishop had called The occasion of their assemblies we have in them Puritans, it was a name unjustly imposed their own words: " For that heretofore," say on brethren with whose doctrine and life none they, " we have at divers times spent and con- could find fault; if by Puritans such were meant sumed our holydays vainly, in drinking at the as, following Novatus, dissembled themselves alehouse, and playing at cards, tables, dice, and to be teachers, and wished the ceremonies other vain pastimes, not meet for us and such might be observed, while they hated the cusof our calling and degree, for the which we have toms of the ancient Church,. then might a numbeen often blamed of our parson: we thought ber of churchmen be called Puritans; and he it better to bestow the time in soberly and godly prayed God to purge them and make them more reading the Scriptures, only for the purposes pure." And whereas the archbishop in his aforesaid, and no other. We do not favour or letter had pitied his complaints of poverty and maintain any of the opinions of the Anabaptists, lameness, he said " he complained of nothing; Puritans, papists, or libertines, but would be if he should complain of the former, it would be glad to learn our duty towards God, our prince, before he had need; but when he had need he and magistrates, towards our neighbours and would complain to those to whom he might our families, in such sort as becomes good, and complain. Concerning his lameness, he was faithful, and obedient subjects; and it is our so far from complaining of that, that he humbly greatest and only desire to live, follow, and per- thanked God for it; and these chains he would form the same accordingly, as God shall give us choose to carry before the clogs and cares of a grace." But our archbishop had rather these bishopric."-* Such was the plain dealing of this poor people should be drinking and gaming at confessor to one of the highest dignitaries in an alehouse than engaged in a religious assem- the Church. bly not appointed by public authority.* Parker's zeal against the Puritans betrayed The Rev. Mr. Sampson, late dean of Christ him sometimes into great inconveniences; like Church, Oxon, was this year struck with the a true inquisitor, he listened to every idle story dead palsy on one side, which made him resign of his scouts, and sent it presently to the queen his lecture in the church at Whittington Col- or council; and the older he grew the more did lege, which he had held to this time, and for his jealousies prevail. In the month ofJune, one which he had ~10 a year: it was in the gift of of his servants acquainted him that there was a the cloth-workers' company, to whom he rec- design of the Puritans against the life of the lordommended Mr. Deering for his successor; but treasurer and his own; and that the chief conDeering being silenced for nonconformity, the spirator was one Undertree, encouraged, by the archbishop utterly refused him, which Sampson great Earl of Leicester: the old archbishop was complained of in a letter to the treasurer, say- almost frighted out of his wits at the news, as ing, "that though my Lord of Canterbury liked appears by the following passage in his letter not to take pains in the congregation himself, to the treasurer: "This horrible conspiracy," yet should he not forbid others who were both says he, "has so astonished me, that my will able and willing; that he could find no fault and memory are quite gone; I would I were with Mr. Deering's doctrine or manner of life; dead before I see with my corporeal eyes that and that this was no great promotion."t He which is now brought to a fill ripeness." le therefore humbly desired, that if the cloth-work- then prays that the detector of this conspiracy ers chose him, that his lordship would use his may be protected and honourably considered, interest with the archbishop not to refuse him; and the conspirators punished with the utmost but his grace was inflexible, and so the business severity, otherwise the end would be worse than miscarried. the beginning. And, that he might not seem to This Mr. Sampson was a most exact man in express all his concern for his own safety, he his principles and morals; and, having suffered tells the treasurer that it was for his sake and the loss of all things for a good conscience, he the queen's that he was so jealous, " for he took the liberty to write freely to his superiors feared that when rogues attempted to destroy upon proper occasions; and, among others, to those that were so near her majesty's person, Grindal, archbishop of York, who had been his they would at last make the same attempt upon companion in exile, though now advanced to her too; and that even some that lay in her bothe dignity of a lord-archbishop. Sampson, in som [Leicester], when opportunity served, would one of his letters, put him in mind of his former sting her." The archbishop sent out his scouts low condition, and cautioned him against being to apprehend the conspirators that his steward too much exalted with his high title. Grindal had named, who pretended a secret correspondtold him he did not value the title of a lord, but ence with Undertree; and among others who that his great care was to discharge his func- were taken into custody were the Rev. Mr. tion faithfully until the great day of the Lord. Bonham, Brown, and Stonden, divines of great Sampson replied, "that if he, whom worldly name among the Puritans: Stonden had been policy had made a lord, kept the humility of an one of the preachers to the queen's army, when humble brother and minister of the Gospel, he the Earl of Warwick was sent against the was a phoenix; but his port, his train-of waiting- northern rebels. Many persons of honour were *,ife of Parker, p. 47.. t Ibid. p, 478 * Life of Parker, p. 469. t Ibid., p. 466. 136 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. also accused, as the Earls of Bedford, Leicester, churches. This was so great a concern to -tne and others. But when Undertree came to be inhabitants that they sent up their complaints examined before the council, the whole appear- to the Earl of Leicester, who made such a reed to be a sham between Undertree and the port to the queen of the archbishop's proceedarchbishop's steward, to disgrace the Puritans, ings that her majesty immediately gave order and punish them as enemies to the State as well that things should return to their former chanas the Church. So early was the vile practice nel;* and when his grace came to court after of fathering sham plots upon the Puritans be- his visitation, her majesty received him coldly, gun, which was repeated so often in the next and declared her displeasure against his unseaage! Undertree had forged letters in the names sonable severities. The Bishop of Winchester of Bonham, Stonden, and others; as appeared also complained that the clergy of his diocess to a demonstration when they were produced had been sifted in an unmerciful manner; all before the council, for they were all written which, instead of softening this prelate, drew with one hand. When he was examined about from him the following angry letter to the lordhis accomplices he would accuse nobody, but treasurer, wherein he complains " of the strong took the whole upon himself; so that their hon- interest the Puritans had at court, and of the ours wrote immediately to the archbishop to inconstancy of some of the bishops; that sevdischarge his prisoners.* But, which is a lit- eral of that order lay by and did little, while tie unaccountable, neither Undertree nor the others endeavoured to undermine him. That archbishop's steward received any punishment. the queen was almost the only person that His grace's reputation suffered by this plot; stood firm to the Church; but if the Precisians all impartial men cried out against him for had the advantage, her majesty would be unshutting up men of character and reputation in done. That he was not so much concerned for prison upon such idle reports. The Puritans the cap, tippet, surplice, wafer-bread, and such and their friends reflected upon his honour and like ceremonies, as for the authority of the honesty; and in particular the Bishop of Lon- laws that enjoined them. The queen, indeed, don and Dr. Chatterton, master of Queen's Col- had told him that he had the supreme governlege, Cambridge, whom in his wrath he called ment ecclesiastical, but, upon experiment, he a chatterer, and in his letter to Grindal, arch- found it very much hampered and embarrassed. bishop of York, said " that he cared not three Before God," says he, " I fear that her highchips for aught that could be proved as to his ness's authority is not regarded; and if public allegiance, he doing it so secretly, faithfully, laws are once disregarded, the government must and prudently, as he did, and would do the sink at once."t same again if he knew no more than he did at There was but one corner of the British dothat time." The Earl of Leicester could not minions that our archbishop's arm could not but resent his ill-usage of him, which he had an reach, viz., the isles of Guernsey and Jersey; opportunity to repay had he been so minded, these had been a receptacle for the French refthe archbishop having executed an act of justice ugees from the Parisian massacre, and, lying [as he- called it] upon a person in the late plot upon the coasts of France, the inhabitants were after he had received a letter from court forbid- chiefly of that nation, and were allowed the ding him to do it, which was not very consist- use of the Geneva or French discipline by the ent with his allegiance.. But the archbishop lords of the council. An order of the states of braved out his conduct against everybody, after France had been formerly obtained to separate his own brethren the bishops, and all the world, them from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Conhad abandoned him. He told the lord-treasurer stance in Normandy, but no form of discipline "that he cared not for Leicester, though he having been settled by law since the Reformawas informed he took council with the Pre- tion, Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Snape were incisians to undo him; that though he had writ- vited to assist the ministers in framing a proper ten to the earl, and to another Puritan courtier, discipline for their churches; this fell out hapit was not in way of submission, as some of pily for Cartwright, who, being forced to abanthe crew reported and took it.t That the earl don his native country, made this the place of had peaceably written again to him, dissembling his retreat. The two divines being arrived, one his malice like a right courtier; but he, not- was made titular pastor of Mount Orgueil, in withstanding, knew what was purposed against the isle of Jersey; and the other of Castle Corhim, and for religion's sake he took it." This net, in Guernsey. The representatives of the was the spirit and language of our archbishop! several churches being assembled at St. PeOne of the last public acts in which his grace ter's Port, in Guernsey, they communicated to was employed was visiting the diocess of Win- them a draught of discipline, which was debachester, and, in particular, the Isle of Wight, in ted and accommodated to the use of those 1575; -and here he made use of such methods islands, and finally settled the year following, of severity, says Mr. Strype, as made him talk- as appears by the title of it, which is this: ed against all over the country. This island "The ecclesiastical discipline observed and was a place of resort for foreign Protestants practised by the churches of Jersey and Guernand seafaring men of all countries, which occa- sey, after the reformation of the same, by the sioned the habits and ceremonies not to be so ministers, elders, and deacons of the isles of strictly observed as in other places, their trade Guernsey and Jersey, Sark and Aldelney, conand commerce requiring a. latitude: when the firmed by the authority, and in the presence, of archbishop came thither with his retinue, he the governors of the same isles, in a synod gave himself no trouble about the welfare of holden in Guernsey, June 28, 1576; and afterthe island, but turned out all those ministers ward received by the said ministers and elders, who refused the habits, and shut up their Life of Parer, p. 421. * Life of Parker, p. 421. ~ Life of Parker, p. 466. t Ibid., p. 477. t I \ppendix, No, 99. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 137 and confirmed by the said governors in a synod The number of students educated in these holden in Jersey the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, colleges may be collected from hence; that and 17th days of October, 1577." The book whereas, according to Saunders, an eminent poconsists of twenty chapters, and each chapter pish writer,* there were but thirty old priests of several articles, which were constantly ob- remaining in England this year [1575], the two served in these islands till the latter end of the colleges of Douay and Rome alone, in a very reign of King James I., when the liturgy of the few years, sent over three hundred; and it is Church of England supplanted it.* not to be doubted but there was a like proportion Though the papists were the queen's most from the rest. dangerous enemies, her majesty had a peculiar About this time began to appear the fna.'is, tenderness for them;t she frequently released of love, which derived its pedigree from one them out of prison, and connived at their reli- Henry Nicholas, a Dutchman.t By their congious assemblies, of which there were above five fession of faith published this year, it appears hundred in England at this time: many of the that they were high enthusiasts; that they alqueen's subjects resorted to the Portugal am- legorized the doctrines of revelation, and, under bassador's house in Charter House yard, where a pretence of attaining to spiritual perfection, mass was publicly celebrated; and because the adopted some od.d and whimsical opinions, while sheriffs and recorder of London disturbed them, they grew too lax in their morals, being in their they were committed to the Fleet by the queen's principles something akin to the Quietists of express command. At the same time, they the Church of Rome, and the Quakers amonwere practising against the queen's life; and ourselves. They had their private assemblies that their religion might not die with the pres- for devotion, for which they tasted of the severent age, seminaries were erected and endowed, ities of the government. in several parts of Europe, for the education of But the weight of the penal laws fell heaviest English youth, and for providing a succession upon some of the German Anabaptists, who reof missionaries to be sent into England for the fused to join with the Dutch or English churchpropagation of their faith. The first of these es. There were two sorts of Anabaptists that was erected when the kingdom was excommu- sprung up with the Reformation in Germany; nicated; after which many others were found- one was of those who differed only about the ed, to the unspeakable prejudice of the Protest- subject and mode of baptism, whether it should ant religion. To set them before the reader in be administered to infants, or in any other one view: colleges were erected at the follow- manner than by dipping the whole body under ing places: water. But others who bore that name were The 1st at Douay, 1569, by Philip, king of mere enthusiasts, men of fierce and harbarcbvu Spain. tempers, who broke out into a general revolt, 2d at Rome, 1579, by Pope Gregory XIII. and raised the war called the Rustic war. They 3d at Valladolid, 1589, by the King of had an unintelligible way of talking of religion, Spain. which they usually turned into allegory; and 4th at Seville, 1593, by the same. these being joined in the common name of An5th at St. Omer's, 1596, by the same. abaptists, brought the others under an ill charac6th at Madrid, 1606, by Joseph Creswel, ter. Twenty-seven of them were apprehended Jesuit. in a private house without Aldersgate-bars, on 7th at Louvain, 1606, by Philip III. of Easter Day, 1575, where they were assembled Spain. for worship: of these, four recanted the follow8th at Liege, 1616, by the archbishop of ing errors: (1.) That Christ took not flesh of the that country. substance of the Virgin. (2.) That infants 9th at Ghent, 1624, by Philip IV. born of faithful parents ought to be rebaptized. The popish nobility and gentry sent over their (3.) That no Christian man ought to be a machildren to these colleges for education;. and gistrate. (4.) That it is not lawful for a Chrisit is incredible what a mass of money was col- tian man to take an oath. But others refusing lected in England for their maintenance, by to abjure, eleven of them, all Dutchmen, were their provincials, sub-provincials, assistants, condemned in the consistory of St. Paul's to be agents, coadjutors, familiars,.&c., out of the burned, nine of whom were banished, and two estates of such Catholics as were possessed of suffered the extremity of the fire in Smithfield, abbey-lands: the pope dispensing with their J.uly 22, 1575, viz., John Wielmacker and Henholding them on these considerations. The drick Ter Woort. Thus the writ de hceretico oath taken by every student at his admission Do Schismat. Aug., p. 365. t- This is an error: the foZ.under of the Familists "Having resolved to offer myself wholly up was David George, of Delft. He fled from Holland, to Divine service, as much as I may, to fulfil the and settled at Basil, and took the name of John of end for which this our college was founded, I Bridges; he affirmed that he was the true David, promise and swear, in the presence of Almighty sent from God, who should restore the kingdom again God, that I am prepared from mine heart, with to Israel. He was the author of several works; his the assistance of Divine grace, in due time to chief production is entitled " The Wonder Book." receive holy orders, and to return into England, His history was written by his son-in-law, Nicholas Blesdcyke, and was published at Daventry, 1633. I-His to convert the souls of my countrymen and kin- doctrines are set down in 30 articles. He died Audred, when and as often as it shall seem good gust 16, 1556. He had proinised his disciples that to the Szuperior of this college." he should not die, or, if he did, he should rise again. Henry Nicholas, or, as lihe is often called, Henry Heylin's Aerius Redivivus, p. 276. of Amsterdam, then maintained the same doctrines. t Strype's Annals, p. 329, 410, 622. Life of Par- For very curious particulars respecting this delui ker, p. 352-354. Ai.pendix, p. 47 sion the reader is referred to Ephraihm Pagitt's Here: Fuller, b. ix., p 92 si-raphy, I646.-C. VOL. I.-S 138 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. comburendo, which had hung up only in terrorerm A little before the burning of these heretics, for seventeen years, was taken down, and put Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, dein execution upon these unhappy men. The parted this life: he was born at Norwich, 1504, Dutch congregation interceded earnestly for and educated in Bene't College, Cambridge. In their lives; as did Mr. Fox, the martyrologist, the reign of King Edward VI.* he married, and in an elegant Latin letter to the queen,' but she was, therefore, obliged to live privately under was immovable; so distant was her majesty Queen Mary. Upon Queen Elizabeth'saccession, from the tender spirit of her brother, King Ed- he was advanced to the archbishopric of Canward.t terbury; and how he managed in that high station may be collected from the foregoing history. "To roast thle living hodies of unhappy ~men,"He wrote a book entitled Antiquitates Britanhe says, "who err rather through blindness of judg- ni which shows him to have had some sritan ment than perverseness of will, in fire and flames, n ich shows him to have had skill raging with pitch and brimstone, is a hard-hearted in ecclesiastical antiquity; but he was a severe thing, and more agreeable to the practice of the Ro- churchman, of a rough and uncourtly temper, manists than the custom of the Gospellers. I do and of high and arbitrary principles, both in not speak these things because I am pleased with church and state; a slave to the prerogative their wickedness, or favour thus the errors of any and the supremacy, and a bitter enemy to the men; but, seeing I myself am a man, I must favour Puritans, whom he persecuted to the length of the life of man; not that he should err, but that he his power, and beyond the limits of the law. might repent. Wherefore, if I may be so bold, I hum- His religion consisted in a servile obedience to bly beg of your royal highness, for the sake of Christ, who was consecrated to suffer for the lives of many, the queen's injunctions, and in regulating the this favour at my request, which even the Divine public service of the church; but his grace had clemency would engage you to, that if it may be too little regard for public virtue,t his entertain(and what cannot your authority do in such cases?), ments and feastings being chiefly on the Lord's these unhappy men may be spared. There are ex- day: nor do we read, among his episcopal qualcommunications and imprisonments; there are bonds; ities, of his diligent preaching or pious example.$ there is perpetual banishment; burning of the hand, whipping, or even slavery. This one thing I most Countries, quoted in Mr. Lindsey's Second Address earnestly beg, that the piles and flames of Smith- to the Youth of the Two Universities, p. 230, &c., field, so long ago extinguished by your happy gov- or La Roche's Abridgment of Brandt, p. 168.-ED. ernment, may not be revived. But, if I may not ob- * In this reign he was initiated into the exercise tain this, I pray with the greatest earnestness, that of power and measures of persecution; for in the out of your great pity, you would grant us a month year 1551 he was put into a commission, with thirty or two, in which we may try whether the Lord will other persons, for correcting and punishing Anabap grant that they may turn from their dangerous er- tists.-British Biography, vol. iii., p. 4.-ED. rors, lest, with the destruction of their bodies, their t Life of Parker, p. 524. souls be in danger of eternal ruin.": "As primate of the Church of England, he comrn " All his topics," says Sir James Mackintosh, re- mitted a capital error in not availing himself of the ferring to this letter, "are not, indeed, consistent influence of his station to heal the divisions which with the true principles of religious liberty. But early ensued. It was in his power greatly to have they were more likely to soften the antipathy of his diminished, if not entirely to have prevented them. contemporaries, and to win the assent of his sover- But the rigidity of Parker's temper aggravated the eign, than bolder propositions; they form a wide step wound he should have healed, and thus entailed on towards liberty of conscience. Had the excellent his successors the necessity of measures whose cruwriter possessed the power of showing mercy, and elty has stamped them with indelible infamy. Misonce tasted the sweetness of exercising it towards trusting the stability of his church, he was perpetudeluded fanatics, he must doubtless have been at- ally alarmed for its safety, and unscrupulously emtracted to the practice of unbounded toleration."- ployed in its support every means which force or Hist. of Eng., iii., 170. Dr. Price's Hist. of Noncon- fraud could supply. The least deviation fiomn the fiornity, vol. i., p. 295.-C. ordinary routine of religious services awakened his t The remarks of that valuable historian, Gerard suspicions and fears. The simplest and most fervent Brandt, on these cruel proceedings, are so just and piety failed to secure his complacency, unless it were liberal that they deserve to be laid before the reader. clothed in the habiliments which authority had sane-' This severity," says he, " which was not the first tioned, and expressed itself in language borrowed that had been practised in England since the Ref- from the offices of his church. That men were adormation, appeared to many Protestants, who were vancing in conformity to God, and in benevolence still under the cross in Flanders and Brabant, both towards their species, failed to interest his mind, if strange and incredible. They lamented that those the slightest taint of Puritanism were suspected, or who not long before had been persecuted themselves the least irregularity in religious services were known. were now harassing others for the sake of their reli- "Placed in a station of commanding influence, he gion, and offering violence, with fire and sword, to the prostituted his power to the support of the queen's consciences of other men, though they had before prerogative and the maintenance of ecclesiastical taught, and that with great truth,' that it did not be- uniformity. To this he sacrificed the higher purposes long to any mortal man to lord it over the conscien- of his vocation, and set an example of servility in ces of others. That faith was the gift of God, and the state, and of despotism in the Church, which not to be implanted in the minds of men by any ex- Whitgift, Bancroft, and Laud fatally imitated. He ternal force, but by the Word of God, and illumina- had refused submission to the pope, yet he claimed tion of the Holy Spirit; that heresy was not a carnal, it from others, and enforced the demand with a hardbut spiritual crime, and to be punished by God alone; heartedness which penury and weeping innocence that error and falsehood were not to be overcome could not move. Nor can it be justly pleaded in with violence, but truth; that the obligation which his defence that his course was shaped by the comthe children of God lie under is not to put others to mands of the queen and her council. In a few in death for the faith, but to die themselves in bearing stances this might have been the case, but in gen. witness to the truth. Lastly, that the shedding of eral it was otherwise. He was Elizabeth's princiblood for the sake of religion is a mark of antichrist, pal adviser in ecclesiastical affairs. She relied on who thereby sets himself in the judgment-seat of his churchmanship, and found him ever ready to exGod, assuming to himself the dominion over con- ecute her severest edicts. He rarely, if ever, mani-,cience, which belongs to none but God only."' See fested sorrow when employed as the minister of her Brandt's History of the Reformation in the Low wrath; though his joy knew no bounds when he HISTORY OF qTHE PURITANS. 139 Fuller calls him a Parker indeed, careful to keep declaims against the wealth and splendour of the fences and shut the gates of discipline against the bishops, and speaks with vehemence against all such night-stealers as would invade the same; their lordly dignities and civil authority. In and, indeed, this was his chief excellence. He the convocation of 156i2, when the question was a considerable benefactor to Bene't Col- about the habits was debated, he withdrew, and lege, the place of his education, where he or- would not be concerned in the affair; but, upon dered his MS. papers to be deposited, which his advancement to the episcopal order, he behave been of considerable service to the writers came a new convert, and a cruel persecutor of of the English Reformation.* He died of the the Puritans. He was a little man, of a quick stone on the 17th of May, 1575, in the seventy- spirit, and of no extraordinary character. second year of his age, and was interred in The Parliament being now sitting, a bill was Lambeth Chapel the 6th' of June following, brought into the House of Lords to mulct such where his body rested till the end of the civil as did not come to church and receive the wars; when Colonel Scot, having purchased sacrament, with the payment of certain sums that palace for a mansion-house, took down the of money, but it was thought proper to drop it monument, and buried the bones, says Mr. for the present. Strype,t in a stinking dunghill, where they re- The convocation was busy in framing articles mained till some years after the Restoration, touching the admitting able and fit persons to when they were decently reposed near the place the ministry, and establishing good order in the where the monument had stood, which was now Church.* Thirteen of them ~were published again erected to his memory.J with the queen's license, though hecy had not the broad seal; but the other two, fir marrying at all times of the year, and for private baptism by a lawful minister, in cases of necessity, her CHAPTER VI. majesty would not countenance. One of the articles makes void all licenses for preaching, FROM THE DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP PARKER TO THEINDAL dated before the 8th of February, 1575, but provides that such as should be thought meet for that DR. EDMUND GRINDAL, archbishop of York, office should be readmitted without difficulty or succeeded Parker in the see of Canterbury, and charge. This had been practised once and was confirmed February 15, 1575-6. He was a again in Parker's time, and was now renewed, divine of moderate principles, and moved no that by disqualifying the whole body of the faster in courses of severity against the Puritans clergy, they might clear the Church of all the than his superiors obliged him, being a friend to Nonconformists at once; and if all the bishops their preachings and prophesyings. Sandys was had been equally severe in renewing their litranslated from London to York, and Aylmer censes, the Church would have been destitute was advanced to the see of London. This last of all preaching, for the body of the conforming was one of the exiles, and had been a favourer clergy were so ignorant and illiterate that many of Puritanism; for in his book against Knox, who had cure of souls were incapable of preachentitled "An Harbour of Faithful Subjects," he ing, or.even of reading to the edification of the hearers; being obliged by law only to read the was sanctioned by her authority to execute the per- hearers; being obliged by law only to read the secuting code which he had mainly contributed to erce and administer the sacrament in person form.' On the review of his whole behaviour,' says once in half a year, on forfeiture of five pounds Mr. Hallam,'he must be reckoned, and always has to the poor. been reckoned, the most severe disciplinarian of Eliz- The Nonconformist ministers, under the abeth's first hierarchy, though more violent men character of curates or lecturers, supplied the came afterward.' Yet it is due to the memory of defects of these idle drones for a small recomParker to observe, that the errors of his administra- pense from the incumbent and the voluntary tion, serious and criminal as they were, sprung natu- contribution of the parish, and by their warm rally out of the system he represented. The Reformed Church of England was unsound at heart. and affectionate preaching gained the hearts ol It had its origin infoice; it was shaped and moulded the people; they resided upon their curacies, by human laws, and could only be maintained by the and went from house to house visiting their exercise of an authority unsanctioned by the Word parishioners and instructing their children; of God. It was based on principles subversive of they also inspected their lives and manners, human rights, and could not fail its supporters in and according to the apostolical direction remeasures which reason condemns, and which revelation represents as destructive of those graces with proved, rebuked, and exhorted them with all which God seeks to embellish the human soul. His long-suffering and doctrine, as long as they name will be handed down to the latest posterity as could keep their licenses. Thus most of the a persecutor of the saints of God."-Dr. Price's Hist. Puritan ministers remained as yet within the Nonconf., vol. i., p. 291-3.-C. Church, and their followers attended upon the * It should be added, that literature was indebted Word and sacraments in such places where to him for editions of our best ancient historians: there were sober and orthodox preachers. Matthew of Westminster, Matthew Paris, Thomas But still they continued their associations Walsingham, and Asser's Life of King Alfred. It should also, says Mr. Granger, be remembered, to and private assemblies for recovering the dishis honour, that he was the first founder of the So- cipline of the Church to a more primitive standciety of Antiquaries in England.-ED. ard; this was a grievance to the queen and t Life of Parker, p. 499. court bishops, who were determined against all $ As a balance to this, the bodies of nineteen or innovations of this kind. Strange, that men twenty Puritan divines were dug up in Westminster should confess in their public service every Abbey, and thrown into a pit in the yard: Dr. Trap, first day of Lent, " that there was a godly disMr. Marshall, Mr. Strong, &c. See, in Strype, cipline in the primitive Church; that this diswhat a pompous funeral Parker had ordered for himself. —ED. Strype's ife of Grindal, p. 194. 140 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. cipline is not exercised at present in the Church Concerning Church-wardens. of England, but that it is much to be wished "It seems that church-wardens and collectors that it were restored," and yet never attempt for the poor may:be thus turned into elders and to restore it, but set themselves with violence deacons. and oppression to crush all endeavours that "' Let the Church have warning of the time way! For the reader will observe that this of election, and of the ordinanceof the realm, fifwas one chief occasion of the sufferings of the teen days beforehand; but especially of Christ's Puritans in the following part of this reign. ordinance, touching appointing of watchmen and Some of the ministers of Northampton and overseers in his Church, who are to take care Warwickshire, in one of their associated meet- that no offence or scandal arise in the Church; ings, agreed upon certain rules of discipline in and if any such happen, that it be duly aboltheir several parishes, but, as soon as they be- ished. gan to practice them, the court took the alarm, and sent letters to the new archbishop to sup- Of Collectors for the Poor, or Deacons. press them.* His grace accordingly sent to "Touching deacons of both sorts, viz., men the bishops of these diocesses to see things andwomen, the Church shall beadmonished reduced to their former channel, and, if need what is required by the apostle; and that they were, to send for assistance from himself or are not to choose men of custom or course, or the ecclesiastical commissioners; accordingly, for their riches, but for their faith, zeal, and inMr. Paget and Mr. Oxenbridge, the two heads tegrity; and that the Church is to pray, in the of the association, were taken into custody and mean time, to be so directed that they may sent up to London. choose them that are meet. Some time after there was another assembly "Let the names of those that are thus chosen at Mr. Knewstub's church, at Cockfield in Suf- be published by the next Lord's Day, and after folk, where sixty clergymen of Norfolk, Suffolk, that their duties to the Church and the Church's and Canmbridgeshire met together to confer of duty towards them; then let them be received the Common Prayer Book, and come to some into their office with the general prayers of the agreement as to what might be tolerated and whole Church what was necessary to be refused. They consulted also about apparel, holydays, fastings, Of Classes. injunctions, &c.t From thence they adjourned ":The brethren are to be requested to ordain to Cambridge, at the time of the next com- a distribution of all the churches, according to mencement, and from thence to London, where the rules set down in the synodical discipline, they hoped to be concealed by the general re- touching classical, provincial, comitial, and assort of the people to Parliament; in these as- semblies for the whole kingdom. semblies they came to the following conclu- "The classes are to be required to keep acts sions, which were drawn up in an elegant Latin of memorable matters, and to- deliver them to style by Mr. Cartwright and Travers, and given the cornitial assembly, and from thence to the to the ministers for their direction in their sev- provincial assembly. eral parishes. "They are to deal earnestly with patrons, to present fit men whensoever any Church falls void in their classis. "Let no man, though he be a university "The comitial assemblies are to be admonman, offer himself to the ministry; nor let any ished to make collections for the relief of the man take upon him an uncertain and vague poor, and of scholars, but especially for the reministry, though it be offered unto him. lief of such ministers as are deprived for not " But such as are called by some church, let subscribing the articles tendered by the bishops; him impart it to the classis or conference of also for the relief of Scots ministers, and others; which they are members, or to some greater and for other profitable and necessary uses. church assemblies; and if the called be ap- " Provincial synods must continually foresee proved, let them be commended by letters to in due time to appoint the keeping of their next the bishop, that they may be ordained ministers provincial synods; and for the sending of chosen by him. persons with certain instructions to the national "Those ceremonies in the Book of Common synod, to be holden whensoever the Parliament Prayer which, being taken from popery, are in for the kingdom shall be called, at some certain controversy, ought to be omitted, if it may be time every year." done without danger of being put from the min- The design of these conclusions was to introistry; but if there be imminent danger of being duce a reformation into the Church without a deprived, then let the matter be communicated separation. The chief debate in their assemto the classis in which that church is, to be de- blies was, how far this or the other conclusion termined by them. might consist with the peace of the Church, " If subscription to the articles and Book of and be moulded into a consistency with episcoCommon Prayer shall be again urged, it is pacy. They ordainednoministers; and, though thought that the book of articles may be sub- they maintained the choice of the people to be scribed, according to the stat. 13 Eliz., that is, the essential call to the pastoral charge, yet'to such only as contain the sum of the Chris- most of them admitted of ordination and inductian faith and the doctrine of the sacraments.' tion by the bishop only, as the officer appointed But neither the Common Prayer Book nor the by law, that the minister might be enabled to rest of the articles may be allowed; no, though demand his legal dues from the parish. a man should be deprived of his ministry for re- In the room of that pacific prelate, Parkhurst, fusing it. bishop of Norwich, the queen nominated Dr. * Life of Grindal, p. 215. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 135. Freke, a divine of a quite different spirit, who, HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 141 n- his primary visitation made, sad havoc among and commanded to leave the country; but the the Puritan ministers. Among others that were good man was so universally beloved that: the suspended in that diocess were Mr. John More, whole county of Kent almost signed petitions Mr. RichardCrick, Mr. George Leeds,.Mr. Thom- to the archbishop for his continuance among as Roberts, and Mr. Richard Dowe, all minis- them. ters in or near the city of Norwich; they ad- "We know, most reverend father,' say they, dressed the queen. and council for relief, but "that Mr. Stroud has been several times beaten were told that her majesty was fully bent to re- and whipped with the untrue reports of slandermove all those that would not be persuaded to ous tongues, and accused of crimes whereof he conform to established orders. The Reverend has most clearly acquitted himself to the satisMr. Gawton, minister of Goring in the same faction of others.'Every one of us,: for the diocess, being charged with not wearing the most part, most gracious lord, hath heard him surplice, nor observing the order of the queen's preach Christ truly, and rebuke sin boldly, and book, he confessed the former, but said that in hath seen him hitherto apply to his calling faithother things he was conformable, though he did fully, and live among us peaceably; so that not not keep exactly to the rubric.* When the only by his diligent doctrine our youth has been bishop charged him with holding divers errors, informed, and ourselves confirmed in true relihe answered, "We are here not above half a gion and learning, but also by his honest condozen unconfbrmable ministers in this city [Nor- versation and example we are daily allured to wich]; and if you will confer with us by learn- a Christian life, and the exercises of charity; ing, we will yield up our very lives if we are and no one of us, reverend father, hath hitherto not able to prove the doctrines we hold to be heard from his own mouth, or by credible relaconsonant to the Word of God." After his sus- tion from others, that he has publicly in his pension he sent his lordship a: bold letter, in sermons, or privately in conversation, taught which he maintained that Christ was the o;ly unsound doctrine, or opposed the discipline, lawgiver in his Church. "If any king or prince about which great controversy, alas! is now in the world ordain or allow other officers than maintained; yea, he has given faithful promise Christ has allowed, we will," says he, "rather to forbear the handling any questions concernlay down our necks on the block than consent ing the policy of the Church, and we think in thereunto; wherefore do- not object to us so our consciences he has hitherto performed it. In often the name of our prince, for you use it as consideration whereof, and that our country a cloak to cover your cursed enterprises. Have may not be deprived of so diligent a labourer in you not thrust out those who preached the lvely the Lord's harvest; nor that the enemies of Word faithfully and sincerely? Have you not God's truth, the papists, may find matter of joy plucked out those preachers where God set and comfort; nor the man himself, in receiving them in? And do you think that this plea will a kind of condemnation without examination, excuse you before the high Judge,'I did but be thus wounded at the heart and discouraged: execute the law!'" we most- humbly beseech your grace, for the Mr. Harvey, another minister of the same poor man's sake, for your own sake, and the city, was cited before the bishop, May 13th, for Lord's sake, either to take judicial knowledge preaching against the hierarchy of bishops and of his cause, to the end he may be confronted their ecclesiastical officers; and at a court held with his adversaries; or else, of your great at St. George's Church he was suspended from wisdom and goodness, to restore him to his libhis ministry, with Mr. Vincent Goodwin and erty, of preaching the Gospel among us. And John Mapes. we, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c." Mr. Rockrey, B.D. of Queen's College, Cam- This petition was signed by nineteen or twenbridge, a person of great learning and merit, ty hands; another was signed by twenty-four was expelled the university for nonconformity ministers; and a third by George Ely, vicar of to the habits.t Lord Burleigh, the chancellor, Tenderden, andtwenty-oneparishioners; Thomgot him restored and dispensed with for a year, as Bathurst, Sen., minister of Staplehurst, and at the end of which the master of his. college nine parishioners; William Walter, of Frittenadmonished him three times to conform him- den, and fourteen of his parishioners; Antony self to the custom of the university in the hab- Francis, minister of Lamberhurst, and four paits, which he refusing, was finally discharged, rishioners; Alexander Love, minister of Rolenas an example to keep others to their duty. den, and eighteen parishioners; Christopher About the same time, Mr. Richard Greenham, Vinebrook, minister of Helcorne, and nine paminister of Drayton, was suspended,4: a man of rishioners; William Vicar, of Tysherst, and ten a most: excellent spirit, who, though he would parishioners; Matthew Wolton, curate of Bennot subscribe or conform to the habits, avoided eden, and eleven parishioners; William Cocks, speaking of them, that he might not give offence; minister of Marden, and thirteen parishioners; and whoever reads his letter to Cox, bishop of William Hopkinson, minister of Saleherst, and Ely, will wonder what sort of men they must eight parishioners,* be who could bear hard on so peaceable a di- Such a reputation had this good man among vine. all who had any taste for true piety and zeal Some time before the death of Archbishop for the Protestant religion! He was a peaceaParker, Mr. Stroud, the suspended minister of ble divine, and by the threatening of Aylmer,, Cranbrook, returned to his: parish church; but bishop of London, had been prevailed with to being represented to the present archbishop as subscribe with some reserve, for the support of a disturber of the peace, he was forbid to con- a starving family; and yet he was continually tinue his accustomed exercises in the Church, molested and vexed in the spiritual courts. * MS., p. 253. Strype's Annals, p. 448. Two eminent divines of Puritan principles f MS., p. 285.: Pierce's Vindication, p. 97. * MS., p. 196. 142 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. died this year: one was James Pilkington, B.D., Ante omnia, that no lay-person be admitted to and Bishop of Durham; he was descended from speak publicly in the exercises. a considerable family near Bolton in Lanca- That if any man glance at affairs of state, shire, and was educated in St. John's College, the moderator shall immediately silence him, Cambridge, of which he was master. In the and give notice to the bishop. reign of Queen Mary he was an exile, and con- If any man inveighs against the laws confessor for the Gospel; upon the accession of cerning rites and ceremonies, and discipline esQueen Elizabeth he was nominated to the See tablished, he shall immediately be silenced, and of Durham, being esteemed a learned man and not be admitted to speak any more till he has a profound divine; but could hardly be prevail- given satisfaction to the auditory, and obtained ed with to accept it on account of the habits, to a new admission and approbation of the bishop. which he expressed a very great dislike; he And was always a very great friend and favourer of No suspended or deprived ministers shall be the Nonconformists, as appears by his letters, suffered to be speakers, except they shall first and a truly pious and Christian bishop.* He conform to the public order and discipline of died in peace at his house, Bishop's Auckland, the Church, by subscription and daily practice. January 23, 1575-6, in the sixty-fifth year of But the queen was resolved to suppress them; his age; Dr. Humphreys, and Mr. Fox the and having sent for the archbishop, told him she martyrologist, adorning his tomb with their fu- was informed that the rites and ceremonies of neral verses. the Church were not duly observed in these The other was Mr. Edward Deering, a Non- prophesyings; that persons not lawfully called conformist divine, of whom mention has been to be ministers exercised in them; that the asmade already; he was born of an ancient and semblies themselves were illegal, not being alworthy family in Kent, and bred fellow of lowed by public authority; that the laity negChrist's College, Cambridge; a pious and pain- lected their secular affairs by repairing to these ful preacher, says Fuller,t but disaffected to meetings, which filled their heads with notions, bishops and ceremonies; he was a learned man and might occasion disputes and seditions in and a fine orator, but in one of his sermons be- the state; that it was good for the Church to fore the queen he took the liberty to say, that have but few preachers, three or four in a county when her majesty was under persecution her being sufficient.* She farther declared her dismotto was Twanquam ovzs; but now it might be, like of the number of these exercises, and thereTanquam indonmita juvenca, as an untamed heif- fore commanded him peremptorily to put them er.$ For which he was forbid preaching at down. Letters of this tenour were sent to all court for the future, and lost all his preferments the bishops in England.t in the Church.Q Archbishop Grindal had endeavoured to regu- MS., p. 203. late the prophesyings, and cover them from the t The copy of her majesty's letter to the Bishop objections of the court, by enjoining the minis- of London, with his lordship's order thereupon, being ters to observe decency and order, by for- before me, I shall impartit to the reader. bidding them to meddle with politics and church'4 Salutem it Christo. governgtent, and by prohibiting all Noncon- "Having received from the queen's majesty letters formist ministers and laymen from being speak- of strait commandment touching the reformation of formist ministers and laymen from being speak- certain disorders and innovations within my diocese, ers. The other bishops, also, in their several the tenour whereof I have inserted, as followeth: diocesses, published [in 1577] the following "'ELIZABETH. regulations: "'Right Reverend Father in God, That the exercises should be only in such "' We greet you well. We hear, to our great churches as the bishop, under his hand and seal, grief, that in sundry parts of our realm there are no should appoint. small number of persons presuming to be preachers That the archdeacon, or some other grave and teachers in the Church, though neither lawfully That the archdeacon, or some other grave thereunto called, nor yet meet for the same; who, divine appointed and allowed by the bishop, contrary to our laws established for the public Dishould be moderator. vine service of Almighty God, and the administration That a list of the names of those that are of his holy sacraments within this Church of Engthought fit to be speakers in course be made land, do daily devise, imagine, propound, and put and allowed of by the bishop; and the bishop to in execution, sundry new rites and forms in the appoint sluchl part of Scripture they shall treat of. Church, as well by the inordinate preaching, reading, and ministering the sacraments, as by unlawfully proospeak publicly be assigned some other task curing of assemblies, and great numbers of our peo. to speak publicly be assigned some other task ple, out of their ordinary parishes, and from places by the moderator, for the increase of their learn- far distant; and that also of some of our subjects of ing' good. callings (though therein not well advised), to be hearers of their disputations and new-devised opin- Ath. Ox., i., 590. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 109. ions upon points of divinity, far unmeet for vulgar t Life of Parker, p. 380. people; which manner of ministrations they in some ~ Strype, in his Life of Parker, says that Deering places termn prophesyings, and in some other places was disliked of the bishops, because he would tell exercises; by means of which assemblies, great numthem of their swearing and covetousness, yet, he bers of our people, especially of the vulgar sort (meet adds, that he was given to tell lies. This looks like to be otherwise occupied with somne honest labour for slander. their living), are brought to idleness, seduced, and in Dr. Sampson, who knew him well, gives him an manners schismatically divided among themselves exalted character as a man and a Christian, and into variety of dangerous opinions, not only in towns Granger, in his Biographical History, vol. i., p. 215, and parishes, but even some families are manifestly observes, "' The happy death of this truly religious thereby encouraged to the violation of our laws, and man was suitable to the purity and integrity of his to the breach of common orders, and not smally to life." —See Brook's Lives of the Puritans, vol: i., p. the offence of all our quiet subjects, that desire to 193-211. Strype's Parker, p. 381-429.-C. live and serve God according to the uniform orders HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 143 Most of the bishops complied readily with the exercise till it shall please God we may eithel queen's letter, and put down the prophesyings; by earnest prayer or humble petition obtain the but some did it with reluctance, and purely in full use thereof, with her good pleasure and full obedience to the royal command, as appears by authority; and, in the mean time, so to use the the following letter of the Bishop of Litchfield heavenly and most comfortable gift of preachand Coventry to his archdeacon: ing, that you may seek and set forth Jesus " Salutem in Christo. Christ and his kingdom without contempt and "Whereas the queen has been informed of controlment of the state and laws, under which some matters handled and abused in the exer- we ought to live in unity and peace; which I cise at Coventry, and thereupon hath written to beseech God grant unto you and me, and all me a strait charge to inhibit the said exercise; that look for the coming of our Saviour Christ, these are therefore to will and require you, and, to whose direction I commit you, this 18th of nevertheless, in her majesty's name to charge June, 1577.* you, to forbear and stay yourselves from that " Your loving friend and brother in Christ, "THOMAS Coyv. and LITCHF. established in the Church, whereby these [exercises] "To my very loving friend and brother in cannot but be dangerous to be suffered. Wherefore, Christ Thomas Lever, archdeacon of Co. considering it should be the duty of bishops, being the principal ordinary officers in the Church of God or, in his absence, to the censors of the ex(as you are one), to see these disorders against the ercise there." honour of God and the quietness of the Church re- But our archbishop could not go this length; formed, and that by the increase of these, through he who had complied with all the queen's insufferance, great danger may arise, even to the decrease of Christian faith, whereof we are by God ap-unctons, and with the seve pointed the defender; besides the other inconvenien- siastical commissioners against the Puritans ces, to the disturbance of our peaceable government. hitherto, is now distressed in conscience, and'We, therefore, according to the authority which constrained to disobey the commands of his wehave,do charge and commandyou, as bishop of that royal mistress in an affair of much less consediocess, with all manner of diligence to take order quence than others he had formerly complied throughout your diocess, as well in all places exempt with. Instead, therefore, of giving directions or otherwise, that no manner of public or Divine ser- to his archdeacons to execute the queen's comvice, nor other form of ministration of the holy sacraments, or any other rites and ceremonies, be in any sort mands, he writes a long and earnest letter to used in the Church, but directly according to the order her majesty, dated December 10, 1576, to inform established by our laws: neither that any manner of her of the necessity and usefulness of preachperson be suffered in your diocess to teach, preach, ing, and of the subserviency of the exercises to read, or exercise, any function in the Church but this purpose: such as shall be lawfully approved and licensed, as " With regard to preaching, nothing is more persons able by their knowledge, and conformable to evident from Scripture," says his grace, " than the ministrations in the rites and ceremonies of thiss a great blessing to have the Gospel Church of England. And where there shall not be sufficient able persons for learning in any cure to preached, and to have plenty of labourers sent preach and instruct their cures as are requisite, then into the Lord's harvest. That this was the orshall you limit the curates to read the public homi- dinary means of salvation, and that hereby lies, according to the injunctions heretofore by us men were taught their duty to God and their given for like cause. civil governors. That, though reading the hom"'And furthermore, considering the great abuses ilies was good, yet it was not comparable to that have been in sundry places of our realm, by rea- preaching, which might be suited to the diverson of the aforesaid assemblies called exercises; and for that these are not, nor have been appointed or sity of times, places, and hearers, and be de. warranted by us or our laws, we will and straightly livered with more efficacy and affection. That charge you that you do cause the same forthwith to homilies were devised only to supply the want cease, and not to be used; but if any shall attempt of preachers, and were, by the statute of King to continue or renew the same, we will you not only Edward VI., to give place to sermons whensoto commit them to prison, as maintainers of disor- ever they might be had. He hoped, therefore, ders, but also to advertise us or our council of the her majesty would not discountenance an ordinames and qualities of them, and of their maintain- nance so useful, and of Divine appointment. era and abettors; that thereupon, for better ey ample, "For the second point, concerning the exertheir punishment may be made more sharp, for their reformation. And in these things we charge you to cises, he apprehended them profitable to the be so careful and vigilant, as by your negligence (if Church; and it was not his judgment only, but we shall hear of any persoi attempting to offend in that of most of the bishops, as London, Winton, the premises without your correction or information Bath and Wells, Litchfield, Gloucester, Lincoln, to us), we be not forced to make some example in Chichester, Exon, and St. David's, who had reforming of you according to your deserts. Given signified to him by letter, that by means of these refortninb o~fY~, t~urdanor~~fGlenwcl, te thsignified to him by letter, that by means of these under our signet, at our manor of Greenwich, the 7th exercises the clergy were now better versed in of May, 1577, andin the nineteenth year of our reign." teScies the cl ere now b etter versed in ~~-J~MS., p. 283. ~the Scripture than heretofore; that they had -M/S., p. 283. "Therefore I will and straightly charge you, in made them studious and diligent; and that noher majesty's name, that, immediately upon the re- thing had beat down popery like them. He af. ceipt hereof, you do diligently and carefully put in firms that they are legal, forasmuch as, by the execution, in every point, all such things as therein canons and constitutions of the Church now in be contained, throughout and in every place within force, every bishop has authority to appoint your whole archdeaconry; so that at my visitation, such exercises, for inferior ministers to increase which, God willing, shall be shortly, sufficient account may be given of that your doin, and diligence their knowledge in the Scriptures, as to him in that behalf accordingly. Fail you not so to do,as shall seem most expedient."t Towards the you will answer the contrary, at your peril. close of this letter his grace declares himself "Your loving brother, " JOHN LONDON." * MS., p. 284. t Ibid.. p. 245. 144 HISTO-RY OF THE PURITANS. willing to resign his province, if it should be her Church, but could not accept it upon the terms majesty's pleasure, and then makes these two of subscription and wearing the habits; he was requests: " (1.) That your majesty would refer therefore suspended by the ecclesiastical comecclesiastical matters to the bishops and divines missioners; till his great name and singular of the realm, according to the practice of the merit, reflecting an odium upon, those who had first Christian emperors. And (2.) That when deprived the Church of his labours, and exposed your majesty deals in matters of faith and reli- him a second time to poverty and want after his gion, you would not pronounce so peremptorily exile, he was at length dispensed with, and as you may do in civil matters; but remember made Archdeacon of Coe, and master of Sherthat in God's cause, his will, and not the will burne Hospital, near Durham, where he spent of any earthly creature, is to take place. It is the remainder of his days in great reputation the antichristian voice of the pope,' Sic volo and usefulness. He was a resolute Nonconformsic jubeo, stet pro ratione voluntas.'" He then ist, and wrote letters to encourage the deprived puts her in mind that, though she was a great ministers to stand by their principles, and wait and mighty princess, she was nevertheless a patiently for a farther reformation. He was mortal creature, and accountable to God; and buried in the chapel of his own hospital, hav-, concludes with a declaration, that whereas be- ing this plain inscription on a flat marble stone fore there were not three able preachers, now over his grave: "Thomas Lever, preacher to there were thirty fit to preach at Paul's Cross, King Edward VI." Had he lived a little longer forty or fifty besides able to instruct their own he had been persecuted by the new bishop, as cures. That therefore he could not, without his brother Whittingham was; but God took offence of the majesty of God, send out injunc- him away from the evil to come. He dlied in tions for suppressing the exercises. July, 1577, and was succeeded in the hospital The queen was so inflamed with this letter, by his brother Ralph Lever.* that she determined to make an example of the Mr. Cartwright, upon his return from the Isle honest archbishop, as a terror to the whole of Guernsey, was chosen preacher to one of the bench: she would not suffer her commands to English factories at Antwerp: these factories be disputed by the primate of all England, but submitted to the discipline of the Dutch Churchby an order from the Star Chamber confined him es among whom they lived, and their ministers immediately to his house, and sequestered him became members of their consistories. While from his archiepiscopal function for six morths. Cartwright was here, many of the English, who This was a high display of the supremacy, when were not satisfied with the terms of conformity, the head of the Church, being a woman, with- or the English manner of giving orders, went out consulting the bishops or any of the clergy over thither, and were ordained by the presby in convocation assembled, shall pronounce so ters of those churches; nay, some who had re peremptorily in a matter purely respecting reli- ceived deacons' orders in the Church of Enggion; and for noncompliance tie up the hands land chose to be made full ministers by the forof her archbishop, who is the first mover under eign consistories; among. these were Mr. Cartthe prince in all ecclesiastical affairs. wright, Fenner, Ashton, and Travers.t TravBefore the expiration of the six months, which ers was bachelor of divinity in the University was in December, Grindal was advised to make of Cambridge before he left England, and was his submission, which he did so far as to ac- ordained at Antwerp, May 14,1578. The copy knowledge the queen's mildness and gentleness of his testimonials4 is to this effect: in his restraint, and to promise obedience for "Forasmuch as it is just and reasonable that the future; but he could not be persuaded to such as are received into the number of the retract his opinion, and confess his sorrow for ministers of God's Word should have a testimowhat was past; there was, therefore, some talk nial of their vocation, we declare that, having of depriving him, which being thought too se- called together a synod of twelve ministers of vere, his sequestration was still continued till God's Word, and almost the same number of about a year before his death; however, his elders, at Antwerp, on May 8th, 1578, our very grace never recovered the queen's favour. Thus learned, pious, and excellent brother, the Rev. ended the prophesyings, or religious exercises Dr. GualterTravers was, by the unanimous votes of the clergy, a useful institution for promoting and ardent desires of all present, received and Christian knowledge and piety, at a time when instituted into the ministry of God's Holy Word, both were at a very low ebb in the nation. The and confirmed according to our accustomed queen put them down for no other reason but manner, with prayer and imposition of hands; Chiefly because they enlightened the people's and the next day after the Sabbath having minds in the Scriptures, and encouraged their preached before a full congregation of English, inquiries after truth; her majesty being always at the request of the ministers, he was acknowlof opinion that knowledge and learning in the laity would only endanger their peaceable sub- * Fuller says that "whatever preferments in the mission to her absolute will and pleasure. Church he pleased courted his acceptance."-Wor This year put an end to the life of that emi- thies, part ii., p. 284. Strype denominates him "a nen t divine, Mr eT homas Lever, a gretat favour- man of distinguished eminence for piety, learning, nent divine, Mr.Thomas Lever, a great faour- and preaching the Gospel." —Strype's Parker, p. 211. ite of Queen Elizabeth till he refused the habits. He was the intimate friend of Bernard Gilpin. His He was Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, spirit as a genuine Reformer rested upon his posterin the reign of King Edward VI., and was reck- ity, and l find Henry Lever, his grandson, and Roboned one of the most eloquent preachers in those ert Lever, his great-grandson, were among the ejected times. He had a true zeal for the Protestant ministers in 1662. His writings are very valuable, religion, and was an exile for it all the reign of but exceedingly scarce. They are chiefly sermons,. Queen Mary. Upon Queen Elizabeth's accession and a commentary on the Lord's Prayer.-C: he might have had the highest preferment in the $ Fuller, b. ix., p. 214. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 214. .1~~~~~ ei) 7:-L QSl um - HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 4 15 edged and received most affectionately by the rose up and said that he could not, in conwhole Church. That Almighty God would pros- science, agree to deprive him for that cause per the ministry of this our reverend brother only; for (says he) it will be ill taken by all the among the English, and attend it with great sue- godly and learned, both at home and abroad, cess. is our most earnest prayer, through Jesus that we should allow of the popish massing priests Christ. Amen. in our ministry, and disallow of ministers made in "Given at Antwerp, May 14, 1578, and signed a Reformed Church; whereupon the commission "JOANNES TAFFINus, V.D.M., was adjourned sine die. These proceedings of the " LOGELERIUS VILERIUS, V.D.M., archbishop against. the dean were invidious, and "JOANNES HoCHELEUS, V.D.M." lost him his esteem both in city and country. Pilkington, late bishop of Durham, was sue- The calling his ordination in question was exceeded by Dr. Barnes, bishop of Carlisle, a prel- pressly contrary to the statute 13 Eliz., by which, ate of severer principles than his predecessor says Mr. Strype, the ordination of foreign Rewho, having in vain attempted to reduce the formed Churches was declared valid; and those clergy of his diocess to an absolute conformity, that had no other orders were made of like cacomplained to his metropolitan of the lax gov- pacity with others, to enjoy any place of minisernminent of his predecessor, and of the numbers try within England. of Nonconformists whom he could not reduce to But the death of Mr. Whittingham, which the established orders of the Church. Upon this, happened about six months after, put an end to Sandys, the new archbishop of York, resolved to this and all his other troubles. He was born in visit his whole province, and to begin with Dur- the city of Chester, 1524, and educated in Braham, where Dean Whittingham was the principal zennose College, Oxon; he was afterward man under the bishop; he was a divine of great translated to Christ Church, when it was foundlearning, and of long standing in the Church, but ed by King Henry VIII., being reckoned one of not ordained according to the form of the Eng- the best scholars in the university; in the lish service-book. The accusation against him year 1550 he travelled into France, Germany, was branched out into thirty-five articles and and Italy, and returned about the latter end of forty-nine interrogatories, the chief whereof was King Edward VI. In the reign of Queen Mary his Geneva ordination.* The dean, instead of he was with the exiles at Frankfort, and upon answering the charge, stood by the rights of the the division there, went with part of the congreChurch of Durham, and denied the archbishop's gation to Geneva, and became their minister. power of visitation, upon which his grace was He had a great share in translating the Geneva pleased to excommunicate him; but Whitting- Bible, and the Psalms in metre, as appears by ham appealed to the queen, who directed a the first letter of his name [W] over many of commission to the archbishop, to the lord-presi- them. Upon his return home he was preferred dent of the council in the north, and to the to the deanery of Durham, 1563 by the interest Dean of York, to hear and determine the valid- of the Earl of Leicester, where he spent the reity of his ordination, and to inquire into the mainder of his life. He d(lid good service, says other misdemeanors contained in the articles, the Oxford historian,* against the popish rebels The president of the north was a favourer of the in the north, and in repelling the Archbishop of Puritans, and Dr. Hutton, dean of York, was of York from visiting the Church of Durhan but Whittingham's principles, and boldly averred he was at best but a lukewarm Conformist, an "that the dean was ordained -in a better sort enemy to the habits, and a promoter of the Gethan even the archbishop himself;" so that the neva doctrine and discipline. However, he commission came to nothing. But Sandys, vex- was a truly pious and religious man, an exceled at the disappointment, and at the calling in lent preacher, and an ornament to religion. He question his right of visitation, obtained another died while the cause of his deprivation, for not commission directed to himself, the Bishop of being ordained according to the rites of the Durham, the lord-president, the chancellor of English Church, was depending, June 10, 1579, the diocess, and some others whom he could in the sixty-fifth year of his age.t depend upon, to visit the Church of Durham. We have mentioned the Bishop of Norwich's The chief design was to deprive Whittingham severity in his primary visitation; his lordship as a layman; when the dean appeared before went on still in the same method, not without the commissioners, he produced a certificate un-some marks of unfair designs; for the incumder the hands of eight persons, for the manner bent of Sprowton being suspected to be of the of his ordination, in these words: "It pleased Family of Love, his lordship deprived him, and God, by the suffrages of the whole congregation immediately begged the living for his son-in[at Geneva], orderly to choose Mr. W. Whit- law, Mr. Maplesdon, who was already arclideatingham unto the office of preaching the Word con of Suffolk.Q He showed no mercy.o his of G-od and ministering the sacraments; and suspended clergy, though they offered to subhe was admitted minister, and so published, scribe as far as the laws of the realm required. with such other ceremonies as here are used At length they petitioned their metropolitan, and accustomed."t It was objected, that here Grindal, who, though in disgrace, licensed them was no mention of a bishop or superintendent, to preach throughout the whole diocess of Nornor of any external solemnities, nor so much as wich, durante bene placito, provided they did not of imposition of hands. The dean replied, there preach against the established orders of the was mention in general of the ceremonies of that church, and he was able to prove his vo- * Ath. Ox., vol. i., p. 154. cation to be the same that all the ministers of t Some of his versions are still used in the Church. Geneva had; upon which the lord-president Those which are from his pen have W. W. annexed The 119th Psalm is one of them. -Woods Athena, vol. i., p. 62, 36, 153.-C. * Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 481. t Ibid., p. 523. 4 Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 284. { MS., p. 286. VOn. I.-T. 146 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Church, nor move contentions about ceremonies; ministers, whereof there be no small number. but still they were deprived of their livings. There are in this city a great number of churches, The Reverend Mr. Lawrence, an admired but the one half of them at the least are utterpreacher, and incumbent of a parish in Suffolk, ly unfurnished of preaching ministers, and are was suspended by the same bishop for not com- pestered with candlesticks not of gold, but of plying with the rites and ceremonies of the clay, unworthy to have the Lord's light set in Church.* Mr. Calthorp, a gentleman of quality them, with watchmen that have no eyes, and in the county, applied to the lord-treasurer in clouds that have no water; in the other half, his behalf; and the treasurer wrote to the bish- partly by means of non-residents, which are op requesting him to take off his sequestration; very many, partly through the poverty of many but his lordship replied, that what he had done meanly qualified, there is scarcely the tenth man was by virtue of the queen's letter to him, re- that makes conscience to wait upon his charge, quiring him to allow of no ministers but such whereby the Lord's Sabbath is ofttimes wholly as were perfectly conformable. Mr. Calthorp neglected, and for the most part miserably replied, and urged the great want the Church mangled; ignorance increaseth, andwickedness had of such good men as Mr. Lawrence, for comes upon us like an armed man. As sheep, whose fitness for this work he would undertake therefore, going astray, we humbly, on our knees, the chief gentlemen of credit in the county beseech this honourable assembly, in the bowels should certify; but his sequestration was still and blood of Jesus Christ, to become humble continued. The like severities were used in suiters to her majesty, that we may have guides; most other diocesses. as hungry men bound to abide by our empty The Bishop of Londont came not behind the rackstaves, we do beg of you to be means that chief of his brethren the bishops, in his perse- the bread of life may be brought home to us; cuting zeal against the Puritans; he gave out that the sower may come into the fallow ground; orders for apparitors and other officers to go that the pipes of water may be brought into our from church to church, in time of Divine ser- assemblies; that there may be food and refreshvice, to observe the conformity of the minister, ing for us, our poor wives, and forlorn children: and to make report to her majesty's commis- so shall the Lord have his due honour; you sioners. As this prelate had no compassion in shall discharge good duty to her majesty; many his nature, he had little or no regard to the languishing souls shall be comtbrted; atheism laws of his country, or the cries of the people and heresy banished; her majesty have more after the Word of God.: faithful subjects, and you more hearty prayers Great was the scarcity of preachers about for your prosperity in this life, and full happiness England at this time; in the large and populous in the life to come, through Jesus Christ our town of Northampton there was not one, nor alone Saviour. Amen."* had been for a considerable time, though the In the supplication of the people of Cornwall, people applied to the bishop of the diocess by it is said,t "We are above the number of fourmost humble supplication for the bread of life. score and ten thousand souls, which, for the In the county of Cornwall there were one hun- want of the Word of God, are in extreme misdred and forty clergymen, not one of which was ery and ready to perish, and this neither for capable of preaching a sermon, and most of want of maintenance nor place; for besides them were pluralists and non-residents. Even the impropriations in our shire, we allow yearly the city of London was in a lamentable case, as above ~9200, and have one hundred and sixty appears by their petition to the Parliament which churches, the greatest part of which are supmet this winter, in which are these words: plied by men who are guilty of the grossest "May it please you, therefore, for the tender sins; some fornicators, some adulterers, some mercies of God, to understand the woful estate felons, bearing the marks in their hands for of many thousands of souls dwelling in deep the said offence; some drunkards, gamesters.darkness, and in the shadow of death, in this on the Sabbath-day, &c. We have many nonfamous and populous city of London; a place, residents who preach but once a quarter, so -in respect to others, accounted as the morning that, between meal and meal, the silly sheep star, or, rather, as the sun in its brightness, be- may starve. We have some ministers who cause of the Gospel, supposed to shine gloriously labour painfully and faithfully in the Lord's husand abundantly in the same; but being near bandry; but these men are not suffered to atlooked into, will be found sorely eclipsed and tend their callings, because the mouths of padarkened through the dim cloud of unlearned pists, infidels, and filthy livers are open against them, and the ears of those who are called lords * Strype's Ann., p. 285. over them, are sooner open to their accusations, t Phis Bishop Warburton censures as " an unfair though it be but for ceremonies, than to the charge which runs through the History. The ex- others' answers. Nor is it safe for us to go and acting conformity of the ministry of any church by hear them; for, though our own fountains are the go; ernors of that church is no persecution." dried up, yet, if we seek for the waters of life This is t strange- sentiment to come from the pen of elsewhere, we are cited into the spiritual courts, a Protestant prelate. There was no persecution, reviled, and threatened with excommunication. then, in ti e reign of Queen Mary. It was no persecutiol wh, n the Jewish sanhedrim agreed " that, if Therefore, from far we come, beseeching this any man di i confess that Jesus was the Christ, he honourable house to dispossess these dumb should be pt t out of the synagogue." It was no per- dogs and ravenous wolves, and appoint us faithsecution whtn the Parliament imposed the Scots fill ministers, who may peaceably preach the Covenant.-E. Word of God, and not be disquieted by every -puns He declar that he would surely and severely apparitor, registrar, official, commissioner, chanpunish those wi o would nriot comply with the Act of cellor & light occasion-" Uniformity, or" I will lie," said he, " in the dust for, &., upon every it."-Strype. —ED * MS., p. 302. t MS., p. 300. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS 147 The ground of this scarcity was no other than imember (says Camden, being present) that, as the severity of the high-commission, and the soon as Stubbs's right hand was cut off, he narrow terms of conformity. Most of the old pulled off his hat with his left, and said with a incumbents, says Dr. Keltridge,* are disguised loud voice, God save the queen, to the amazepapists, fitter to sport with the timbrel and pipe ment of the spectators, who stood silent, either than to take into their hands the book of the out of horror of the punishment, or pity to the Lord; and yet there was a rising generation of man, or hatred to the match. Mr. Stubbs provaluable preachers ready for the ministry, if ved afterward a faithful subject to her majesthey might have been encouraged; for in a sup- ty, and a valiant commander in the wars of Ireplication of some of the students at Cambridge land. to the Parliament about this time, they acknowl- At the beginning of the next session of Paredge that there were plenty of able and well- liamnent, which was January 10, 1580, the Comnfurnished men among them, but that they could mons voted " that as many of their members as not get into places upon equal conditions; but conveniently could, should, on the Sunday fortunlearned men, nay, the scum of the people, night, assemble and meet together in the Temple were preferred before them, so that, in this Church, there to have preaching, and to join togreat want of labourers, we (say they) stand gether in prayer, with humiliation and fasting, idle in the market-place all the day, being urged for the assistance of God's Spirit in all their with subscriptions before the bishops to approve consultations during this Parliament; and for the Romish hierarchy, and all the effects of that the preservation of the queen's majesty, and her government to be agreeable to the Word of realms."* The house was so cautious as not God, which with- no safety of conscience we to name their preachers, for fear they might be can accord unto. They then offer a conference thought Puritanical, but referred it to such of or disputation, as the queen and Parliament her majesty's privy council as were members shall agree, to put an amicable end to these dif- of the house. There was nothing in this vote ferences, that the Church may recover some contrary to law or unbecoming the wiZdom of discipline, that simony and perjury may be ban- Parliament; but the queen was no sooner acished, and that all that are willing to promote quainted with it, than she sent word by Sir Christhe salvation of souls may be employed; but topher Hatton, her vice-chamberlain, that " she the queen and bishops were against it. did much admire at so great a rashness in All the public conversation at this time ran that house as to put in execution such an innoupon the queen's marriage with the Duke of vation, without her privity and pleasure first Anjou, a French papist, which was thought to made known to them." Upon which it was be as good as concluded; the Protestant part moved by the courtiers that "the house should of the nation were displeased with it, and some acknowledge their offence and contempt, and warm divines expressed their dark apprehen- humbly crave forgiveness, with a full purpose sions in the pulpit. The Puritans in general to forbear committing the like for the future;" made a loud protest against the match, as dread- which was voted accordingly. A mean and abing the consequences of a Protestant body being ject spirit in the representative body of the naunder a popish head. Mr. John Stubbs, a stu- tion! dent of Lincoln's Inn, whose sister Mr. Cart- Her majesty having forbid her Parliament to wright had married, a gentleman of excellent appoint times for fasting and prayer, took hold parts, published a treatise this summer, entitled of the opportunity, and gave the like injunctions "The Gaping Gulf, wherein England will be to her clergy; some of whom, after the putting swallowed up with the French Marriage;" down of the prophesyings, had ventured to agree wherewith the queen was so incensed that she upon days of private fasting and'prayer for the immediately issued out a proclamation to sup- queen and Church, and for exhorting the people press the book, and to apprehend the author and to repentance and reformation of life, at such printer. At the same time, the lords of the times and places where they could obtain a council wrote circular letters to the clergy to pulpit. All the Puritans, and the more devout remove all surmises about the danger of the part of the conforming clergy, fell in with these'Reformation in case the match should take appointments: sometimes there was one at Leiplace, assuring them the queen would suffer no cester; sometimes at Coventryand at Stamford, alterations in religion by any treaty with the and in other places, where six or seven neighduke, and forbidding them in their sermons or bouring ministers joined together in these exerdiscourses to meddle with such high matters. cises; but as soon as the queen was acquainted Mr. Stubbs, the author, Singleton, the printer, with them, she sent a warm message to the and Page, the disperser, of the above-mentioned archbishop to suppress them, as being set up by book, were apprehended, and sentenced to have private persons, without authority, in defiance their right hands cut off, by virtue of a law made of the laws, and of her prerogative.t in Queen Mary's reign against the authors and Mr. Prowd, the Puritan minister of Burton dispersers of seditious writings: the printer was upon Dunmore, complains, in a melancholy letpardoned but Mr. Stubbs and Page were brought ter to Lord Burleigh, of the sad state of religion, to a scaffold erected in the market-place at by suppressing the exercises; and by forbidding Westminster, where, with a terrible formality, the meeting of a few ministers and Christians, their right hands were cut off, by driving a cleav- to pray for the preservation of the Protestant er through the wrist with a mallet;t but I re- religion, in this dangerous crisis of the queen's marrying with a papist. He doubted whether "This," says BishopWarburton, "was infinite- his lordship dealt so plainly with her majesty t "This," says BisopWarhurton, " was infinite- as his knowledge of these things required, and ly more cruel than all the years under Charles I., whether we consider "he punishment, the crime, or * Heylin, p. 287. the man." —ED. t Heylin's Aerius Redivivus, p. 286. 148 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. begs him to interpose. But the queen was de- majesty being informed of, procured a statute termined against all prayers except what her- this very Parliament* [1580], by which it is enself should appoint. acted, that "if any person or persons, forty days We have already taken notice of the petitions after the end of this season, shall devise, or and supplications to Parliament from London, write, or print, or set forth, any manner of book, Cornwall, and some other places, for redress of rhyme, ballad, letter, or writing, containing any grievances; but the house was so intimidated false, seditious, or slanderous matter to the defby the queen's spirited behaviour, that they durst amation of the queen's majesty, or to the ennot interpose, any farther than, in conjunction couraging, stirring, or moving of any insurrecwith some of the bishops, to petition her majesty, tion or rebellion within this realm, or any of the as head of the Church, to redress them. The dominions to the same belonging; or if any perqueen promised to take order about it, with all son or persons shall procure such books, rhymes, convenient speed; putting them in mind, at the or ballads to be written, printed, or published same time, that all motions for reformation in (the said offence not being within the compass religion ought to arise from none but herself. of treason, by virtue of any former statute), that But her majesty's sentiments differed from then the said offenders, upon sufficient proof the Parliament's; her greatest grief was the in- by two witnesses, shall suffer death and loss of crease of Puritans and Nonconformists, and goods, as in case of felony." This statute was therefore, instead of easing them, she girt the to continue in force only during the life of the laws closer about them, in order to bring them present queen; but within that compass of time, to an exact conformity. Information being giv- sundry of the Puritans'were put to death by viren that some who had livings in the Church, tue of it. and preached weekly, did not administer the sac- In the same session of Parliament, another rament to their parishioners in their own persons, severe law was made, which, like a two-edged her majesty commanded her bishops, in their vis- sword, cut down both papists and Puritans; it itations, to inquire after such half-conformists was entitled An Act to retain the Queen's Subas disjoined one part of their function from the jects in their due Obedience:t " by which it is other, and to compel them by ecclesiastical cen- made'treason for any priest or Jesuit to seduce sures to perform the whole at least twice a year. any of the queen's subjects from the established The Puritan ministers being dissatisfied with to the Romish religion. If any shall reconcile the promiscuous access of all persons to the themselves to that religion, they shall be guilty communion, and with several passages in the of treason; and to harbour such above twenty office for the Lord's Supper, some of themn used days, is misprision of treason. If any one shall to provide a qualified clergyman to administer say mass, he shall forfeit two hundred marks, thee ordinance in their room; but this was now and suffer a year's imprisonment; and they that made a handle for their ejectment: inquisition are present at hearing mass shall forfeit one hunwas made, and those who, after admonition, dred marks, and a year's imprisonment." But wouldunot conform to the queen's pleasure, were that the act might be more extensive, and conisent for before the commissioners, and deprived. prehend Protestant Nonconformists as well as Though the springs of discipline moved but papists, it is farther enacted " that all persons slowly in the diocess of Canterbury, because the that do not come to church or chapel, or other metropolitan, who is the first mover in ecclesi- place where common prayer is said, according astical causes under the queen, was suspended to the Act of Uniformity, shall forfeit twenty and in disgrace, yet the sufferings of the Puri- pounds per month to the queen, being thereof tans were not lessened; the other bishops, who lawfully convicted, and suffer imprisonment till were in the high commission, doubled their dil- paid. Those that are absent for twelve months igence; the Rev. Mr. Nash was in the Mar- shall, upon certificate made thereof into the shalsea, Mr. Drewet in Newgate, and several King's Bench, besides their former fine, be bound others were shut up in the prisons in and about with two sufficient sureties, in a bond of two London. Those thatwere at libertyhad nothing hundred pounds, for their good behaviour. Evto do, for they might not preach in public with- ery schoolmaster that does not come to common out full conformity; nor assemble in private to prayer shall forfeit ten pounds a month, be dismourn over their own and the nation's sins, with- abled from teaching school, and suffer a year's out the danger of a prison. imprisonment." This was making merchandise This exasperated their spirits, and put them of the souls of men, says a reverend author;$ upon writing satirical pamphlets* against their for it is a sad case to sell men a license to do adversaries; in some of which there are severe that which the receivers of their money conceive expressions against the unpreaching clergy, call- to be unlawful. Besides, the fine was unmerciing them (in the language of Scripture) dumb ful; by the Act of Uniformity, it was twelve pence dogs, because they took no pains for the instruc- a Sunday for not coming to church, but now ~20 tion of their parishioners; the authors glanced a month; so that the meaner people had nothing at the severity of the laws, at the pride and am- to expect but to rot in jails, which made the ofbition of the bishops, at the illegal proceedings ficers unwilling to apprehend them. Thus the of the high commission, and at the unjustifiable queen and her parliament tacked the Puritans to rigours of the queen's government; which her the papists, and subjected them to the same penal laws, as if they had been equal enemies to * Bishop Warburton censures Mr. Neal for not her person and government, and to the Protestspeaking in much severer terms of these. pamphlets. ant religion. A precedent followed by several But he should have adverted to our author's grave parliaments in the succeeding reigns. censure of them in chap. viii., and have recollected The convocation did nothing but present an that "the writers on the Church-side-came not behind their adversaries- in buffoonery and ridicule." * 23 Eliz., cap. ii. t 23 Eliz., cap. i. These were the weapons of the age. —ED. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 131. HISTORY OF T:;>E; PURITANS. 149 humble petition to the queen to take off the arch- their Charge, because they will tarry till the bishop's sequestration, which her majesty was Magistrate command and compel them." For not pleased to grant. this he was sent for again into custody, and This summer, Aylmer, bishop of London, held upon examination confessed himself the author, a visitation of his clergy, at the convocation but denied that he was acquainted with the house of St. Paul's, and obliged them to sub- publication, of "the book; whereupon he was scribe the following articles: 1. Exactly to dismissed a second time, at the intercession of keep to the Book of Common Prayer and sac- the lord-treasurer, and sent home to his father, raments. 2. To wear the surplice in all their with whom he continued four years; after ministrations. 3. Not add or diminish anything which he travelled up and down the countries in reading Divine service. He then made the in company with his assistant, Richard Harrifollowing inquiries: 1. Whether all that had son, preaching against bishops, ceremonies, eccure of souls administered the sacraments in clesiastical courts, ordaining of ministers, &c., person 1 2. Whether they observed the cere- for which, as he afterward boasted, he had been monies to be used in baptism and marriageS committed to thirty-two prisons, in some of 3. Whether the youth were catechised 4. which he could not see his hand at noonday. Whether their ministers read the homilies. At length he gathered a separate congregation 5.'Whether any of them called others that did of his own principles; but the queen and her not preach by ill names, as dumb dogs 1 Those bishops watching them narrowly, they were who did not subscribe, and answer the interrog- quickly,forced to leave the kingdom. Several atories to his lordship's satisfaction, were im- of his friends embarked with their effects for mediately suspended and silenced. Holland; and having obtained leave of the maBut these violent measures, instead of recon- gistrate to worship God in their own way, setciling the Puritans to the Church, drove them tiled at Middleburgh, in Zealand. Here Mr. farther from it. Men who act upon principles* Brown formed a church according to his own will not easily be beaten from them with the model: but when this handful of people were artillery of canons, injunctions, subscriptions, delivered from the bishops their oppressors, fines, imprisonments, &c., much less will they they crumbled into parties among themselves, esteem a church that fights with such weapons. insomuch that Brown, being weary of his office, Multitudes were by these methods carried off returned to England in the year 1589, and havto a total separation, and so far prejudiced as ing renounced his principles of separation, benot to allow the Church of England to be a true came rector of a church in Northamptonshire: church, nor her ministers true ministers; they here he lived an idle and dissolute life, accordrenounced all communion with her, not only in ing to Fuller,* far from that Sabbatarian strictthe prayers and ceremonies, but in hearing the ness that his followers aspired after. He had a Word and the sacraments. These were the peo- wife, with whom he did not live for many years, ple called Brownists,t from one Robert Brown, a and a church in which he never preached; at preacher in the diocess of Norwich, descended length, being poor and proud, and very passionof an ancient and honourable family in Rutland- ate, he struck the constable of his parish for deshire, and nearly related to the Lord-treasurer manding a rate of him; and being beloved by Cecil; he was educated in Corpus Christi Col- nobody, the officer summoned him before Sir lege, Cambridge, and preached sometimes in Roland St. John, a neighbouring justice of Bene't Church, where the vehemence of his de- peace, who committed him to Northampton jail; livery gained him reputation with the people. the decrepit old man, not being able to walk, He was first a schoolmaster, then a lecturer at was carried thither upon a feather-bed in a cart, Islington; but being a fiery, hotheaded young where he fell sick and died, in the year 1630, man, he went about the countries inveighing and in the eighty-first year of his age. against the discipline and ceremonies of the The revolt of Mr. Brown broke up his conChurch, and exhorting the people by no means gregation at Middleburgh, but was far from deto comply with them.' He was first taken no- stroying the seeds of separation that he had tice of by the Bishop of Norwich, who com- sown in several parts of England; his followers mitted him to the custody of the sheriff of the increased, and made a considerable figure tocounty in the year 1580, but, upon acknowledg- wards the latter end of this reign; and because ment of his offence, he was released. In the some of his principles were adopted and imyear 1582, he published a book called " The Life proved by a considerable body of Puritans in and Manners of true Christians; to which is the next age, I shall here give an account of prefixed a Treatise of Reformation without tar- them. rying for any; and of the Wickedness of those The Brownists did not differ from the Church Preachers who will not reform themselves and of England in any articles of faith, but were very rigid and narrow in points of discipline. To do so is highly virtuous and praiseworthy. They denied the Church of England to be a It is the support of integrity, and constitutes excellence of character: yet, in this instance, Bishop War- true hurch, and her min isters to be rightly orburton could allow himself to degrade and make a dained. They maintained the discipline of the jest of it. " It is just the same," says he, " with men Church of England to be popish and antichriswho act upon passion and prejudice, for the poet says tian, and all her ordinances and sacraments in- v truly, valid. Hence they forbade their people to join "'Obstinacy's ne'er so stiff with them in prayer, in hearing, or in any part As when'tis in a wrong belief.' "-ED. of public worship; nay, they not only renount With them commenced the third period of Pu- ced communion with the Church of England, ritanism. The increasing severity of the bishops in- but with all other Reformed churches, except flamed, instead of subduing, the spirits of the Non- such as should be of their own model. conformists, and drove them to a greater distance B. x., p. 263. frsm the establishment.-En. * B. x., p. 263. 150 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. They apprehended, according to Scripture, not believe the Church of England to be a true that every church ought to be confined within one. They apprehend, farther, that the constithe limits of a single congregation, and that tution of the hierarchy was too bad to be mended, the government should be democratical. When that the very pillars of it were rotten, and that a church was to be gathered, such as desired the structure must be begun, anew. Since, to be members made a confession of their faith therefore, all Christians are obliged to preserve in presence of each other, and signed a cove- the ordinances of Christ pure and undefiled, nant obliging themselves to walk together in the they resolved to lay a new foundation, and keep order of the Gospel, according to certain rules as near as they could to the primitive pattern, and agreements therein contained. though it were with the hazard of all that was The whole power of admitting and excluding dear to them in the world. members, with the deciding of all controversies, This scheme of the Brownists seems to be was in the brotherhood. Their church officers, formed upon the practice of the apostolical for preaching the Word and taking care of the churches before the gifts of inspiration and poor, were chosen from among themselves, and prophecy were ceased, and is therefore hardly separated to their several offices by fasting and practicable in these latter ages, wherein the inprayer and imposition of the hands of some of firmities and passions of private persons too the brethren. They did not allow the priest- often take the place of their gifts and graces. hood to be a distinct order, or to give a man an Accordingly, they were involved in frequent indelible character; but, as the vote of the quarrels and divisions; but their chief crime brotherhood made him an officer, and gave him was their uncharitableness, in unchurching the authority to preach and administer the sacra- whole Christian world, and breaking of all manments among them, so the same power could ner of communion in hearing the Word, in pubdischarge him from office, and reduce him to lic prayer, and in the administration of the sacthe state of a private member. raments, not only with the Church of England, When the number of communicants was but with all foreign Reformed churches, which, larger than could meet in one place, the church though less pure, ought certainly to be owned divided, and chose new officers from among as churches of Christ. themselves as before, living together as sister The heads of the Brownists were, Mr. Brown churches, and giving each other the right hand himself, and his companion Mr. Harrison, toof fellowship, or the privilege of communion gether with Mr. Tyler, Copping, Thacker, and with either. One church might not exercise others, who were now in prison for spreadiurisdiction and authority over another, but ing his books; the last two being afterward each might give the other counsel, advice, or put to death for it. The Bishop of Norwich admonition, if they walked disorderly, or aban- used them cruelly, and was highly displeased doned the capital truths of religion; and if the with those that showed them any countenance. offending church did not receive the admonition, When the prisoner above mentioned, with Mr. the others were to withdraw, and publicly dis- Handson and some others, complained to the own them as a Church of Christ. The powers justices, at their quarter-sessions, of their long of their church officers were confined within and illegal imprisonment, their worships were the narrow limits of their own society; the pleased to move the bishops in their favour, pastor of one church might not administer the with which his lordship was so dissatisfied that sacrament of baptism or the Lord's Supper to he drew up twelve articles of impeachment any but those of his own communion and their against the justices themselves, and caused immediate children. They declared against all them to be summoned before the queen and prescribed forms of prayer. Any lay-brother council to answer for their misdemeanors.: had the liberty of prophesying, or giving a word In the articles they are charged with counteof exhortation, in their church assemblies; and nancing Copping, Tyler, and other disorderly it was usual, after sermon, for some of the clergymen. They are accused of contempt of members to ask questions, and confer with each his lordship's jurisdiction, in refusing to admit other upon the doctrines that had been deliver- divers ministers whom he had ordained, beed; but as for church censures, they were for cause they were ignorant, and could only read; an entire separation of the ecclesiastical and and for removing one Wood from his living on civil sword. In short, every church or society the same account. Sir Robert Jermin and Sir of Christians meeting in one place was, accord- John Higham, knights, and Robert Ashfield and'ng to the Brownists, a body corporate, having Thomas Badley, esquires, gentlemen of Suffolk full power within itself to admit and exclude and Norfolk, and of the number of the aforesaid members, to choose and ordain officers, and, justices, gave in their answer to the bishop's when the good of the society required it, to articles in the name of the rest, in which, after depose them, without being accountable to asserting their own conformity to the rites and classes, convocations, synods, councils, or any ceremonies of the Church, they very justly tax jurisdiction whatsoever. his lordship with cruelty in keeping men so'Some of their reasons for withdrawing from many years in prison without bringing them to the Church are not easily answered; they al- trial, according to law; and are ashamed that leged that the laws of the realm and the a bishop of the Church of England should be a queen's injunctions had made several unwar- patron of ignorance and an enemy to the preachrantable additions to the institutions of Christ. ing the Word of God. Upon this the justices That there were several gross errors in the were dismissed. But though the lord-treasurer, Church service. That these additions and er- Lord North, Sir Robert Jermin, and others, ors wdre imposed and made necessary to com- wrote to the bishop that Mr. Handson, who munion. That if persecution for conscience' sake was the mark of a false church, they could * Strype's Annals, vol. iii., p. 20. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 151 was a learned and useful preacher, might have estant religion was always subordinate to he) a license granted him, the angry prelate de- private interest. dared peremptorily that he never should have About this time [1582] the queen granted a one, unless he would acknowledge his fault, and commission of concealments to some of her enter into bonds for his good behaviour for the hungry courtiers, by which they were empowfuture. ered to inquire into the titles of Church lands While the bishops were driving the Puritans and livings; all forfeitures, concealments, or out of the pulpits, the nobility and gentry receiv- lands for which the parish could not produce a ed them into their houses as chaplains and tu- legal title, were given to them: the articles ol tors to their children, not merely out of com- inquiry seemed to be levelled against the Puri passion, but from a sense of their real worth tans, but, through their sides, they must have and usefulness; for they were men of undis- made sad havoc with the patrimony of the sembled piety and devotion; mighty in the Scrip- Church.* They were such as these: What right tures; zealous for the Protestant religion; of have you to your parsonage? How came you exemplary lives; far remote from the liberties into it. Who ordained you? and at what age and fashionable vices of the times; and inde- were- you ordained. Have you a license? fatigably diligent in instructing those committed Were you married under the hands of two justo their care. Here they were covered from tices of the peace. Do you read the whole sertheir oppressors; they preached in the family, vice? Do you use all the rites, ceremonies, and and catechised the children; which, without ornaments appointed by the queen's injunctions 1 all question, had a considerable influence upon Have you publicly read the articles, and subthe next generation. scribed them? The church-wardens of every The papists were now very active all over the parish had also twenty-four interrogatories adcountry: swarms of Jesuits came over from the ministered to them upon oath concerning their seminaries abroad, in defiance of the law,* and parson and their church lands; all with a despread their books of devotion and controversy sign to sequester them into the hands of the among the common people; they had their pri- queen's gentlemen-pensioners. This awakened vate conventicles almost in every market-town. the bishops, who fell upon their knees before the in England; inthe northern counties they were queen, and entreated her majesty, if she had more numerous than the Protestants. This put any regard for the Church, to supersede the the government upon inquiring after the priests; commission; which she did, though, it is well many of whom were apprehended, and three enough known, the queen had no scruple of were executed, viz., Edmund Champion, a learn- conscience about plundering the Church of its ed and subtle Jesuit, educated in Cambridge, revenues. where he continued till the year 1569, when he To return to the Puritans. The Rev. Robert travelled to Rome and entered himself into the Wright, domestic chaplain to the late Lord society of Jesus, 1573. Some years after he Rich, of Rochford, in Essex, fell into the hands came into England, and travelled the countries of. the Bishop of London last yeart [1581]; he to propagate the Catholic faith. Being appre- was a learned man, and had lived fourteen years hended, he was put on the rack to discover the in the University of Cambridge; but being disgentlemen who harboured him, and afterward satisfied with episcopal ordination, went over to was hanged, drawn, and quartered, when he was Antwerp, and was ordained by the laying on of but forty-one years of age. The other two that the hands of the presbytery of that place. Upon suffered with him were Ralph Sherwin and his return home, Lord Rich took him into his Alexander Bryant. These were executed for family at Rochford, in the hundreds of Essex, an example, but the rest were spared, because where he preached constantly in his lordship's the queen's match with the Duke of Anjou was chapel, and nowhere else, because he could still depending. However, the Protestants in obtain no license from the bishop. He was an the Netherlands being in distress, the queen as- admired preacher, and universally beloved by sisted them with men and money, for which the clergy of the county for his great seriousthey delivered into her majesty's hands the most ness and piety. While his lordship was alive important fortresses of their country, which she he protected him from danger, but his noble pagarrisoned with English. She also sent relief tron was no sooner dead than the Bishop of Lonto the French Protestants who were at war with don laid hands on him, and confined him in the their natural prince, and ordered a collection Gatehouse, for saying that to keep the queen's all over England for the relief of the city of birthday as a holyday was to make her an idol. Geneva, besieged by the Duke of Savoy: mincas- When the good man had been shut up from his ures which were hardly consistent with her family and friends several months, he petitioned own principles of government; but, as Rapin the bishop to be brought to his trial, or admitted observes,t Queen Elizabeth's zeal for the Prot- to bail. But all the answer his lordship returned was, that "he deserved to lie in prison seven * Bishop Warburton asks here, "Were the es- years." This usage, together with Mr. Wright's Bishop Warburton asks here, "Were the Jes- open and undisguised honesty and piety, moved uits more faulty in acting in defiance of the laws than the ompassion of his keeper, insomuch that, his the Puritans?" and replies, " I think not. They had the compassion of his keeper, insomuch that, his both the same plea, conscience, and both the same poor wife being in childbed and distress, he provocation, persecution." This is candid and perti- gave him leave, with the private allowance of nent, as far as it applies to the religious principles of the secretary of state, to make her a visit at each: but certainly the spirit and views of these Rochford upon his parole; but it happened that parties were very different; the former was engaged, Dr. Ford, the civilian, meeting him upon the once and again, in plots against the life and govern- road, acquainted the bishop with his escape, ment of the queen; the loyalty of the other was, notwithstanding all their sufferings, unimpeached.-ED. * Strype's Annals, vol. iii., p. 114. f Vol. viii., p. 475. t d. ibid., p 123. 152 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. who thereupon fell into a violent passion, and nounced him a layman, and incapable of holding sending immediately for the keeper, demanded any living in the Church. to see his prisoner. The keeper pleaded the The Lord Rich, and divers honourable knights great compassion of the case; but the bishop and gentlemen in Essex, had petitioned the threatened to complain of him to the queen, and Bishop of London for a license, that Mr. Wright have him turned out. Mr. Wright being in- might preach publicly in any place within his formed of the keeper's danger, returned imme- diocess; but his lordship always refused it, bediately to his prison, and wrote to the lord- cause he was no minister, that is, had only been treasurer on his behalf. "Oh! my lord," says ordained among the foreign churches. But this he, "I most humbly crave your lordship's fa- was certainly contrary to law; for the statute vour, that I may be delivered from such unpiti- 13 Eliz., cap. xii., admits the ministration of ful minds; and especially that your lordship will those who had only been ordained according to stand a good lord to my keeper, that he may not the manner of the Scots, or other foreign churchbe discouraged from favouring those that pro- es; there were some scores, if not hundreds of fess true religion." Upon this the keeper was them, now in the Church; and the Archbishop pardoned. of Canterbury at this very time commanded Dr. But the bishop resolved to take full satisfac- Aubrey, his vicar-general, to license Mr. John tion of the prisoner: accordingly, he sent for Morrison, a Scots divine, who had had no other him before the commissioners, and examined ordination than what he received from a Scots him upon articles concerning the Book of Com- presbytery, to preach over his whole province. mon Prayer; concerning rites and ceremonies; The words of the license are as follows: " Since concerning prayer for the queen and the Church; you, the aforesaid John Morrison, about five and concerning the established form of ordain- years past, in the town of Garret, in the county ing ministers. He was charged with preaching of Lothian, of the kingdom of Scotland, were without a license, and with being no better than admitted and ordained to sacried orders and the a mere layman. To which he made the follow- holy ministry, by the imposition of hands, acing answers: " That he thought the Book of cording to the laudable form and rite of the ReCommon Prayer, in the main, good and godly, formed Church of Scotland; and since the conbut could not answer for every particular. That gregation of that county of Lothian is conformas to rites and ceremonies, he thought his re- able to the orthodox faith, and sincere religion sorting to churches where they were used was now received in this realm of England, and esa sufficient proof that he allowed them. That tablished by public authority: we, therefore, as he prayed for the queen, and for all ministers much as lies in us, and as by right we may, apof God's Word, and, consequently, for archbish- proving and ratifying the form of your ordinaops and bishops, &c. That he was but a pri- tion and preferment done in such, manner aforevate chaplain, and knew no law that required said, grant unto you a license and faculty, with a license for such a place." But he could not the consent and express command of the most yield himself to be a mere layman, having reverend father in Christ, the Lord Edmund, by preached seven years in the university with li- the Divine Providence Archbishop of Canterbucense; and since that time having been regu- ry, to us signified, that in such orders by you larly ordained, by the laying on of the hands of taken, you may and have power in any convethe presbyters at Antwerp. The bishop having nient places in and throughout the whole prov charged him with saying that the election of ince of Canterbury, to celebrate Divine offices, ministers ought to be by their flocks, he owned to minister the sacraments, &c., as much as in it, and supposed it not to be an error; and ad- us lies; and we may de jure, and as far as the ded, farther, that in his opinion every minister laws of the kingdom do allow." This license was a bishop, though not a lord-bishop; and was dated April 6, 1582, and is as full a testithat his lordship of London must be of the same monial to the validity of presbyterial ordination opinion, because, when he rebuked Mr. White as can be desired. But the other notion was for striking one of his parishioners, he alleged growing into fashion; all orders of men are for that text that a " bishop must be no' striker:" assuming some peculiar characters and powers which had been impertinent, if Mr. White, be- to themselves; the bishop will be a distinct and ing only a minister, had not been a bishop. superior order to presbyters; and no man must When his lordship charged him with saying be a minister of Christ but on whom they lay there were no lawful ministers in the Church their hands.* of England, he replied,* " I will be content to The behaviour of the Bishop of London tobe condemned, if I bring not two hundred wit- wards the Puritans moved the compassion of nesses for my discharge of this accusation. I some of the conforming clergy; the Rev. Mr. do as certainly believe that there are lawful Wilkin, rector of Danbury, in Essex, in a letter ministers in England as that there is a sun in to the lord-treasurer, writes thus: "As sotme the sky. In Essex, I can bring twenty godly might be thought over-earnest about trifles, so, ministers, all preachers, who will testify that they love me, and have cause to think that I * Here Bishop Warburton remarks, "Tlie Puritans were even with them; and to the jus divinum love and reverence them... eac~hof episcopacy, opposed the jus divinum of presbytery, years in the University of Cambridge with ap- which was the making each other antichristian." probation, and have a testimonial to produce His lordship goes into this conclusion too hastily, under the hands and seals Of the master and and applies it without, nay, against authority-, to the fellows of Christ College, being all ministers at Puritans: they never required such as had been that time, of my good behaviour." However, episcopally ordained to be reordained; but, in the all he could say was to no purpose: the bishop height of their power, declared,' We hold ordination would not allow his orders, and therefore pro- by a bishop to be for substance valid, and not to be disclaimed by any that have received it."-Sebe our * Strype's Ann,, vol. iii, Appendix, No. 23, 24. author, vol. iii.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 153 on the other hand, there had been too severe "And yet we are christened with the odiouq and sharp punishment for the same. Though I name of Puritans; a term compounded of the myself think reverently of the Book of Common heresies above mentioned, which we disclaim. Prayer, yet surely it is a reverence due only to The papists pretend to be pure and immaculate; the sacred writings of Holy Scripture to say the Family of Love connot sin, they being deithe authors of them erred in nothing, and to fled (as they say) in God. But we groan under none other books of men, of what learning so- the burden of our sins, and confess them to ever. I have seen the letters of the bishops to God, and, at the same time, we labour to keep Bullinger and Gualter, when I was at Zurich in ourselves and our profession unblameable; this the year 1567, in which they declare that they is our Puritanism; a name given to such magic,had no hand in passing the book, and had no trates, and ministers, and others, that have a other choice but to leave their places to papists strict eye upon their juggling. or accept them as they were; but they profess- "We think ourselves bound in duty to unfold ed and promised never to urge their brethren these matters to your lordships; and if you to those things; and also, when opportunity shall please to call us to the truth of them, it is should serve, to seek reformation." How dif- the thing we most desire." ferent was the practice of these prelates from This supplication produced a letter from the their former professions! council to the judges of the assize, commandBut not only the clergy, but the whole coun- ing them not to give ear to malicious informers try also, exclaimed against the bishops for their against peaceful and faithfill ministers, nor t: high proceedings; the justices of peace of the match them at the bar with rogues, felons, or county of Suffolk were so moved, that, notwith- papists, but to put a difference in the face of the standing his lordship's late citation of them be- world between those of another faith and they fore the council, they wrote again to their hon- who differ only about ceremonies, and yet diliours, praying them to interpose in behalf of the gently and soundly preach true religion. The injuries that were offered to divers godly min- judges were struck with this letter, and the isters. The words of their supplication are Bishop of London, with his attendants, returned worth remembering, because they discover the from his visitation full of discontent. Indeed, cruelty of the commissioners, who made no dis- his lordship had made himself so many enemies tinction between the vilest of criminals and con- that he grew weary of his bishopric, and petiscientious ministers: "The painful ministers of tioned the queen to exchange it for that of Ely, the Word," say they,' are marshalled with the that he might retire and be out of the way; but malefactors, presented, indicted, arraigned, and her majesty refused his request. condemned for matters, as we presume, of very Notwithstanding these slight appearances in slender moment: some for leaving the holydays favour of the Puritans two ministers of the unbidden; some for singing the psalm Nunc Brownist persuasion were condemned and put Dimittis in the morning; some for turning the to death this summer for nonconformity, viz., questions in baptism concerning faith from the Mr. Elias Thacker, hanged at St. Edmund'sinfants to the godfathers, which is but you for bury, June 4th, and Mr. John Copping two days thou; some for leaving out the cross in baptism; after, June 6th, 1583. Their indictments were some for leaving out the ring in marriage. A for spreading certain books seditiously penned most pitiful thing it is to see the back of the by Robert Brown against the Book of Common law turned to the adversary [the papists], and Prayer established by the laws of this realm. the edge with all sharpness laid upon the sound The sedition charged upon Brown's book was, and true-hearted subject.* that it subverted the constitution of the Church, " We grant order to be the rule of the Spirit and acknowledged her majesty's supremacy of God, and desire uniformity in all the duties civilly, but not otherwise,- as appears by the of the Church, according to the proportion of report which the judges sent to court, viz., faith; but if these weak ceremonies are so in- That the prisoners, instead of acknowledging different as to be left to the discretion of minis- her majesty's supremacy in all causes, would ters, we think it (under correction) very hard allow it only in civil.* This the judgesbtook to have them go under so hard handling, to the hold of to aggravate their offence to the queen, utter discredit of their whole ministry and the after they had passed sentence upon them on profession of truth." the late statute of the 23d Eliz. against spread" We serve her majesty and the country [as ing seditious libels, and for refusing the oath of magistrates and justices of the peace] according supremacy. Mr. Copping had suffered a long to law; we reverence the law and lawmaker; and illegal imprisonment from the bishop of his when the law speaks, we keep silence; when it diocess; his wife being brought to bed while he commandeth, we obey. By law we proceed was under confinement, he was charged with against all offenders; we touch none that the not suffering his child to be baptized; to which law spareth, and spare none that the law touch- he answered, that his conscience could not adeth; we allow not of papists; of the Family of mit it to be done with godfathers and godLove; of Anabaptists, or Brownists. No, we mothers, and he could get no preacher to do it punish all these.t without. He was accused, farther, with saying the queen was perjured, because she had sworn * Strype's Annals, vol. iii., p. 183, 184. to set forth God's glory directly as by the t Bishop Maddox observes the expressions in Scriptures are appointed, and did not; but these Strype a,'e stronger.,, We allow not of the papists, were only circumstances to support the grand their subtleties and hypocrisies: we allow not of the Family of Love, an egg of the same nest: we allow ish all these." This, we must own with his lord not of the Anabaptists and their communion: we al- ship, was not the language of real and consisten low not of Brown, the overthrower of Church and friends to liberty of conscience.-ElD. commonwealth: we abhor all these; no, (we) pun- * Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 186. VOL. I.-U 154 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. charge of sedition in spreading Brown's book. He continued a papist all the reign of King However, it seemed a little hard* to hang men Henry VIII., but was converted by the lectures for spreading a seditious book, at a time when of Peter Martyr, in the beginning of the reign the author of that very book [Brown] was par- of Edward VI.* He was remarkably honest doned and set at liberty. Both the prisoners and open to conviction, but did not separate died by their principles; for though Dr. Still, from the Romish communion till he was perthe archbishop's chaplain, and others, travelled suaded the pope was antichrist. Cuthbert Tonand conferred with them, yet at the very hour stal, bishop of Durham, was his uncle by the of their death they remained immovable; they mother's side, by whose encouragement he were both sound in the doctrinal articles of the travelled to Paris, Louvaine, and other parts, Church of England, and of unblemished lives.t being still for the real presence of Christ in the One Wilsford, a layman, should have suffered sacrament, though not for transubstantiation. with them, but upon conference with Secretary Returning home in the days of Queen Mary, his Wilson, who told him the queen's supremacy uncle placed him first in the rectory of Essing-, might be understood only of her majesty's civil ton, and afterward at Houghton, a large parish power over ecclesiastical persons, he took the containing fourteen villages; here he laboured oath and was discharged. in the work of the ministry, and was often While the bishops were thus harassing hon- exposed to danger, but constantly preserved est and conscientious ministers for scrupling by his uncle, Bishop Tonstal, who was averse the ceremonies of the Church, practical religion to burning men for religion. Miserable and was at a very low ebb; the fashionable vices of heathenish was the condition of these northern the times were, profane swearing, drunkenness, counties at this time with respect to religion! revelling, gaming, and profanation of the Lord's Mr. Gilpin beheld it with tears of compassion, Day; yet there was no discipline for these of- and resolved, at his own expense, to visit the fenders, nor do I find any such cited into the desolate churches of Northumberland and the spiritual courts, or shut up in prisons. If men parts adjoining, called Riddesdale and Tindale, came to their parish churches, and approved of once every year, to preach the Gospel and disthe habits and ceremonies, other offences were tribute to the necessities of the poor, which he overlooked, and the court was easy. At Paris continued till his death; this gained him the Gardens, in Southwark, there were public sports veneration of all ranks of people in those'parts; on the Lord's Day for the entertainment of but though he had such a powerful screen as great numbers of people who resorted thither; Bishop Tonstal, yet the fame of his doctrine, but on the 13th of January, being Sunday, it which was Lutheran, reaching the ears of Bonhappened that one of the scaffolds, being crowd- ner, he sent for him to London; the reverend ed with people, fell down, by which accident man ordered his servant to prepare him a long some were killed and a great many wounded. shirt, expecting to be burned, but before he came This was thought to be a judgment from heav- to London Queen Mary died. Upon the accesen; for the lord-mayor, in the account he gives sion of Queen Elizabeth, Mr. Gilpin, having a of' it to the treasurer, says "that it gives great fair estate of his own, erected a grammaroccasion to acknowledge the hand of God for school, and allowed maintenance for a master such abuse of the Sabbath day, and moveth me and usher; himself choosing out of the school in conscience to give order for redress of such such as he liked best for his own private incontempt of God's service; adding, that for struction. Many learned men, who afterward this purpose he had treated with some justices adorned the Church by their labours and upof peace in Surrey, who expressed a very good rightness of life, were educated by him in his zeal, but alleged want of commission, which he domestic academy. Many gentlemen's sons referred to the consideration of his lordship."' resorted to him, some of whom were boarded But the court paid no regard to such remon- in the town, and others in his own house; bestrances, and the queen had her ends in en- sides, he took many poor men's sons under his couraging the sports, pastimes, and revellings care, giving them meat, drink, clothes, and of the people on Sundays and holydays. education. This year died the famous northern apostle, In the year 1560 he was offered the bishopric Mr. Bernard Gilpin, minister of Houghton, in of Carlisle, and was urged to accept it by the the bishopric of Durham. He was born at Earl of Bedford, Bishop Sandys, and others, Kentmire, in Westmoreland, 1517, of an an- with the most powerful motives; but he desicient and honourable family, and was entered red to be excused, and in that resolution reinto Queen's College, Oxford, in the year 1533. mained immovable; his reasons were taken * Bishop Warburton imputes it to party and preju- from the largeness of the diocesses, which were dice in Mr. Neal that he doth not point out the dif- too great for the inspection of one person; for ference in this case, which his lordship states to be he was so strongly possessed of the duty of the same as between A" the dispensers of poison bishops, and of the charge of souls that was hanged for going on obstinately in mischief, and of committed to them, that he could never be perhim who compounded the poison, but was, on his suaded to keep two livings, over both of which repentance, pardoned." But no such distinction ex- isted, and his lordship lost sight of the real state of * In 1552 Gilpin was appointed to preach before the case. Brown did not renounce his principles King Fdward, at Greenwich, andin his discourse he till seven years after he was committed to prison for censured the avarice of the clergy and the corruppublishing his book, and was dismissed, not on his tions of the Church with great freedom. His adrepentance, but at the intercession of the lord-treas- dress to the king, the clergy, and magistrates, is one urer. So far from repenting, he went up and down of the boldest and most honest remonstrances in beinveighing against bishops, &c., and gathered a sep- half of truth to be found in the annals of the English arate congregation on his own principles.-See our hierarchy. This sermon, the only one he ever pub. author, p. 268.-ED. lished, is to be found in Carleton and Gilpin's " Life t Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 532, 533.: Id. ibid. of Bernard Gilpin." —C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 155 he could not have a personal inspection, and pious, devout, and open-hearted divine; a con. perform all the offices of a pastor; he added, scientious Nonconformist, but against separafarther, that he had so many friends and rela, tion. He was accounted a saint by his very tives in those parts to gratify or connive at, enemies, if he had any such, being full of faith that he could not continue an honest man and and good works; and was at last put into his be their bishop. But though Mr. Gilpin would grave as a shock of corn fully ripe.xnot be a bishop, he supplied the place of one, by The same year died Edmund Grindal, archpreaching, by hospitality, by erecting schools, bishop of Canterbury, born at Copland, in the by taking care of the poor, and providing for county of Cumberland, in the year 1519, and destitute churches; in all which he was coun. educated in Cambridge. He was a famous tenanced and encouraged by the learned and preacher in King Edward's days, and was nomreverend James Pilkington, then bishop of inated by him to a bishopric when he was only Durham, by whom he was excused from sub- thirty-three years of age; but that king dying scriptions, habits, and a strict observance of soon after, he went into exile, and imbibed the ceremonies, it being his fixed opinion that no hu- principles of a farther reformation than had as man invention should take place in the Church, yet obtained in England. Upon Queen Elizainstead of a Divine institution. After Bishop beth's accession he returned to England, and Pilkington's death, Dr. Barnes was chosen his was advanced, first to the See of London, and successor, who was disgusted at Mr. Gilpin's then to York and Canterbury, though he could popularity, and gave him trouble: once, when hardly persuade himself for some time to wear he was setting out upon his annual visitation to the habits and.comply with the ceremonies of Riddesdale and Tindale, the bishop summoned the Church; nor did he ever heartily approve him to preach before him, which he excused in them, yet thought it better to support the Refthe handsomest manner he could, and went his ormation on that foot than hazard it back into progress; but upon his return he found himself the hands of the papists.t He was of a mild suspended, for contempt, from all ecclesiastical and moderate temper, easy of access, and affaemployments. The bishop afterward sent for ble even in his highest exaltation. He is blamed him again on a sudden, and commanded him to by some for his gentle usage of the Puritans, preach, but then he pleaded his suspension, and though he used them worse than he would have his not being provided; the bishop immediately done if he had been left to himself. About a took off his suspension, and would not excuse year or two after his promotion to the See of his preaching, upon which he went into the pul- Canterbury, he lost the queen's favour on the pit, and discoursed upon the high charge of a account of the prophesyings, and was suspended Christian bishop; and having exposed the cor- for some years, during which time many Puriruptions of the clergy, he boldly addressed him- tan ministers took shelter in the counties of self to his lordship in these words: " Let not Kent and Surrey, &c., which made more work your lordship say, These crimes have been for his successor. The good old archbishop becommitted without my knowledge, for whatso- ing blind and broken-hearted, the queen took off ever you yourself do in person, or suffer through his sequestration about a year before his death, your connivance to be done by others, it is and sent to acquaint him that if he would resign wholly your own; therefore, in the presence of he should have her favour and an honourable God, angels, and men, I pronounce your father- pension, which he promised to accept within hood to be the author of all these evils; and I six months; but Whitgift, who was designed for and this whole congregation will be a witness in his successor, refusing to enter upon the see the day ofjudgment, that these things have come while Grindal lived, he made a shift to hold it to your ears." All men thought the bishop till his death, which happened July 6th, 1583, in would have deprived Mr. Gilpin for his freedom the sixty-third year of his age. Camden calls as soon as he came out of the pulpit, but, by the him a religious and grave divine. Hollingshead good providence of God, it had quite a different says he was so studious that his book was his effect; the bishop thanked him for his faithful bride, and his study his bridechamber, in which reproof, and after this suffered him to go on he spent his eyesight, his strength, and his with his annual progress, giving him no farther health. He was certainly a learned and venerdisturbance. At length, his lean body being able prelate, and had a high esteem for the name quite worn out with labour and travail, and and doctrines of Calvin, with whom, and with feeling the approaches of death, he commanded the German divines, he held a constant correthe poor to be called-together, and took a sol- spondence. His high stations did not make him emn leave of them; afterward he did the like proud; but if we may believe his successor in by his relatives and friends; then giving him- the See of York, Archbishop Sandys, he must self up to God, he took his bed about the end be tainted with avarice (as most of the queen's of February, and died March 4, 1583, in the bishops were), because, within two months after sixty-sixth year of his age. He was a heaven- he was translated to Canterbury, he gave to his ly man, endued with a large and generous soul, kinsmen and servants, and sold for round sums of a tall stature of body, with a Roman nose: of money to himself, six score leases and pathis clothes were neat and plain, for he was ents, even then when they were thought not frugal in his own dress, though very bountiful to be good in law.t But, upon the whole, he to others. His doors were always open for the was one of the best of Queen Elizabeth's bishentertainment of strangers. He boarded in his own house twenty-four scholars, most of whom * "The worth and labours of this excellent man," were upon charity. He kept a table for the it was observed in the New Annual Register for were pon charity. He kept a table for the 1789," have been amply displayed in the present poor every Lord's Day, from Michaelmas to century, by the elegant pen of one of his own name Easter, and expended ~500 for a free school and family."-ED. t Grindal's Life, p. 295. for their children. Upon the whole, he was a - Strype's Annals, vol. ult., Suppl., p. 21. 156 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ops. He lies buried in the chancel of the Church ed by Parliament."* And with what severity at Croydon, where his effigy is to be seen at his grace enforced these articles will be seen length in his doctor's robes, and in a praying presently. posture.* It is easy to observe that they were all levelled at the Puritans; but the most disinterested civil lawyers of these times were of opinion that his grace had no legal authority to impose those, CHAPTER VII. or any other articles, upon the clergy, without the broad seal; and that all his proceedings FROM THE DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP GRINDAL TO THE pon them were an abuse of the royal preroga-'SPANISH INVASION IN 1588. upon them were an abuse of the royal prerogaSPANISH INVASION IN 1588. tive, contrary to the laws of the land, and, conUPON the death of Grindal, Dr. John Whit- sequently, so many acts of oppression upon the gift, bishop of Worcester, was translated to the subject. Their reasons were, See of Canterbury, and confirmed September 1. Because the statute of the twenty-fifth 23d, 1583. He had distinguished himself in the Henry VIII., chap. 20, expressly prohibits " the controversy against the Puritans,t and was whole body of the clergy, or any one of them, to therefore thought the most proper person to re- put in use any constitutions or canons already duce their numbers. Upon his advancement, made, or hereafter to be made, except they be the queen charged him "to restore the disci- made in convocation assembled by the king's pline of the Church, and the uniformity estab- writ, his royal assent being also had thereunto, lished by law, which (says her majesty), through on pain of fine and imprisonment." the connivance of some prelates, the obstinacy 2. Because, by the statute of the 1st of Eliz., of the Puritans, and the power of some noble- chap. iii., " all such jurisdictions, privileges, sumen, is run out of square." Accordingly, the periorities, pre-eminences, spiritual or ecclesivery first week his grace published the following astical power and authority, which hath heretoarticles, and sent them to the bishops of his fore been, or may lawfully be, executed or used province, for their direction in the government for the visitation of the ecclesiastical state and of their several diocesses: persons, and for reformation of the same, and of "That all preaching, catechising, and pray- all manner of errors, heresies, schisms, abuses, ing, in any private family, where any are pres- contempts, and enormities, are forever united to ent besides the family, be utterly extinguished.$ the imperial crown of these realms." Whence That none do preach or catechise, except also he it follows that all power is taken from the bishwill read the whole service, and administer the ops except that of governing their diocesses acsacraments four times ayear. That all preach- cording to the laws of the land, or according to ers, and others in ecclesiastical orders, do at all any farther injunctions they may receive from times wear the habits prescribed. That none be the crown under the broad seal. admitted to preach unless he be ordained accord- 3. Because some of the archbishop's articles ing to the manner of the Church of England. That were directly contrary to the statute laws of the none be admitted to preach, or execute any part realm, which the queen herself has not power of the ecclesiastical function, unless he subscribe to alter or dispense with. By the 13th Eliz., the three following articles: 1st, To the queen's chap. xii., the subscription of the clergy is limsupremacy over all persons, and in all causes ited to those articles of the Church which reecclesiastical and civil within her majesty's do- late to the doctrines of faith and administration -minions. 2dly, To the Book of Common Prayer, of the sacraments only; whereas the bishop and of the ordination of priests and deacons, enjoined them to subscribe the whole thirtyas containing nothing contrary to the Word of nine. And, by the preamble of the same statGod; and that they will use it in all their public ute, all ordinations in the times of popery, or ministrations, and no other. 3dly, To the thirty- after the manner of foreign Reformed Churchnine articles of the Church of England, agreed es, are admitted to be valid, so that such upon in the synod of 1562, and afterward confirm- may enjoy any ecclesiastical preferment in the Church; but the archbishop says [art. 4th] This prelate is the Algrind of Spencer, which is " that none shall be admitted to preach unless the anagram of his name. The French Protestants he be ordained according to the manner of the were very much indebted to his influence and activi- Church of England." Upon these accounts, if ty in obtaining for them a settlement in England, in the queen had fallen out with him, he might their own method of worship. This was the begin- hae incur ning of the Walloon Church, situated in Threadnee- red the guilt of a praeminire. die-street, London, which has ever since been ap- To these arguments it was replied by his propriated to the use of the French nation.-British grace's lawyers, Biography, vol. iii., p. 161. Granger's Biographical 1. That, by the canon law, the archbishop I-lzstory, vol. ii., p. 204, note, 8vo.-ED. has power to make laws for the well-governt " It is seldom good policy," says Mr. Hallam, when ment of the Church, so far as they do not enreferring to WBitgift's elevation, " to confer such em- counter the peace of the Church and quietness inent stations in the Church on the gladiators of the- of the realm. To which it was answered, this ological controversy; who, from vanity and resentment, as well as the course of their studies, will al- might be true in times of popery, but the case ways be prone to exaggerate the importance of the was very much altered since the Reformation, disputes wherein they have been engaged, and to because now the archbishops' and bishops' auturn whatever authority the laws or the influence of thority is derived from the person of the queen their place may give them against their adversaries. only; for the late Queen Mary having surrenThis was fully illustrated by the conduct of Arch- dered back all ecclesiastical jurisdiction into bishop Whitgift, whose elevation the wisest of Eliz- no abeth's counsellors had ample reason to regret."-the hands of the pope, the present queen, upon Hallam's Constitutional Hist., vol. i., p. 269.-C. her accession, had no jurisdiction resident in t Life of Whitgift, p. 118. * MS., p. 429. HI.STORY OF THE PURITANS.,57 ner person till the statute of recognisance, 1st All whose names are now before me; besides of Eliz., by which the archbishops and bish- great numbers in the diocess of Peterborough, ops of this realm, being exempted from the in the city of London, and proportionable in jurisdiction of the pope, are made subject to other counties; some of whom were dignitaries the queen, to govern her people in ecclesias- in the Church, and most of them graduates in the tical causes, as her other subjects govern the university; of these some were allowed time, same (according to their places) in civil caus- but forty-nine were absolutely deprived at once.* es;* so that the clergy are no more to be called Among the suspended ministers his grace the archbishops' or bishops' children, but the showed some particular favour to those of Susqueen's liege people, and are to be governed by sex, at the intercession of some great persons; them according to the laws, which laws are for after a long dispute and many arguments such canons, constitutions, and synodals pro- before himself at Lambeth, he accepted of the vincial, as were in force before the twenty-fifth subscription of six or seven, with their own exof Henry VIII., and are not contrary nor repug- plication of the rubrics, and with declaration nant to the laws and customs of the realm, nor that their subscription was not to be underderogatory to her majesty's prerogative royal; stood in any other sense than as far as the and, therefore, all canons made before the twen- books were agreeable to the Word of God, and ty-fifth of Henry VIII., giving to the archbish- to the substance of religion established in the ops or bishops an unlimited power over the Church of England, and. to the analogy of faith; clergy, as derived from the See of Rome, are ut- and that it did not extend to anything not exterly void, such canons being directly against pressed in the said books.t Of all which the the laws and customs of the realm, which do archbishop allowed them an authentic copy in not admit of any subject executing a law but by writing, dated December 6th, 1583, and ordered authority from the prince; and they are derog- his chancellor to send letters to Chichester that atory to her majesty's prerogative royal, be- the rest of the suspended ministers in that cause hereby some of her subjects might claim county might be indulged the same favour. an unlimited power over her other subjects, in- Many good and pious men strained their condependent of the crown, and, by their private sciences on this occasion; some subscribed the authority, command or forbid what they please. articles with this. protestation in open court, Since, then, the archbishop's articles were " as far as they are agreeable to the Word of framed by his own private authority, they can- God;" and others dempto sec undo, that is, tanot be justified by any of the canons now in king away the second. Many, upon better conforce. And as for the peace of the Church and sideration, repented their subscribing in this quiet of the realm, they were so far from pro- manner, and would have rased out their names, moting them, that they were like to throw both but it was not permitted. Some, who were alinto confusion. lured to subscribe with the promises of favoul 2. It was said that the queen, as head of the and better preferment, were neglected and for. Church, had power to publish articles and in- gotten, and troubled in the commissaries' court junctions for reducing the clergy to uniformity, as much as before.t The court took no notice and that the archbishop had the queen's license of their protestations or reserves; they wanted and consent for what he did. But the queen nothing but their hands, and when they had got herself had no authority to publish articles and them, they were all listed under the same colinjunctions in opposition to the laws; and as ours, and published to the world as absolute for her majesty's permission and consent, it subscribers. could be no warrant to the archbishop except it The body of the inferior clergy wished and had been under the great seal. And if the arch- prayed for some amendments in the servicebishop had no legal authority to command, the book, to make their brethren easy. "I am clergy were not obliged to obey; the oath of sure," says a learned divine of these times, canonical obedience does not bind in this case, "that this good would come of it. (1.) It would because it is limited to licitis et honestis, things please Almighty God. (2.) The learned minislawful and honest; whereas the present arti- ters would be more firmly united against the cles being against law, they were enforced by papists. (3.) The good ministers and good no legal authority, and were such as the minis- subjects, whereof many are now at Weepingters could not honestly consent to. cross, would be cheered; and many able stuNotwithstanding these objections, the arch- dents encouraged to take upon them the minisbishop, in his primary metropolitical visitation, try. And (4.) Hereby the papists, and more insisted, peremptorily, that all who enjoyed any careless sort of professors, would be more eaoffice or benefice in the Church should subscribe sily won to religion. If any object that excelthe three articles above mentioned; the second lent men were publishers of the Book of Prayer, of which he knew the Puritans would refuse: and that it would be some disgrace to the accordingly, there were suspended for not sub- Church to alter it, I answer, 1st, That though scribing — worthy men are to be accounted of, yet their In the county of Norfolk, 64 ministers. oversights in matters of religion are not to be " ISuffolk, 60 " honoured by subscriptions. 2dly, The reforma"r " Sussex, -about 30 *tion of the service-book can be no disgrace to "''L Essex, 38 "i nus nor them, for men's second thoughts are " " Kent, 19 or 20 wiser than their first; and the papists, in the " (" Lincolnshire, 21 4 late times of Pius V., reformed our Lady's Psal ter. To conclude, if amendments to the book In all, 233 * MS., p. 436. t MS., p. 323, 405. Life of Whitgift, p. 129. * MS., p. 661. T Fenner's Answer to Dr. Bridges, p. 119, 120. 158 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. be inconvenient, it must be either in regard of Loud were the cries of these poor sufferers Protestants or papists; it cannot be in regard and their distressed families to Heaven for of Protestants, for very great numbers of them mercy, as well as to their superiors on earth! pray heartily to God for it. And if it be in re- Their temptations were strong; for as men, gard of the papists, we are not to mind them; they were moved with compassion for their fbr they, whose captains say that we have nei- wives and little ones, and as faithful ministers ther church, nor sacraments, nor ministers, nor of Christ, they were desirous to be useful, and queen in England, are not greatly to be regard- to preserve the testimony of a good conscience. ed of us.-"* Some, through fiailty, were overcome and subBut Whitgift was to be influenced by no such mitted, but most of them cast themselves and arguments; he was against all alterations in families upon the providence of God, having the Liturgy, for this general reason, lest the written to the queen, to the archbishop, and to Church should be thought to have maintained the lords of the council, and, after some time, an error: which is surprising to come from the to the Parliament, for a friendly conference or mouth of a Protestant bishop, who had so lately a public disputation, when, and where, and beseparated from the infallible Church of Rome. fore whom they pleased, though without sucHis grace's arguments for subscription to his cess.* articles are no less remarkable. 1st, If you do The supplication of the Norfolk ministers to not subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer, the lords of the council, signed with twenty you do in effect say, there is no true service of hands;t the supplication of the Lincolnshire God, nor administration of sacraments, in the ministers, with twenty-one hands; the suppliland. 2dly, If you do not subscribe the Book cation of the Essex ministers, with twenty-seven of Ordination of Priests, &c., then our calling hands; the supplication of the Oxfordshire minmust be unlawful, and we have no true minis- isters, with - hands; the supplication of the try nor church in England. 3dlv, If you do not ministers of Kent, with seventeen hands, are subscribe the Book of the Thirty-nine Articles, now before me; besides the supplication of the you deny true doctrine to be established among London ministers, and of those of the diocess us, which is the main note of a true church.t of Ely and Cambridgeshire, representing in Could an honest man, and a great scholar, be most moving language their unhappy circumin earnest with this reasoning? Might not the stances: " VWe commend," they say, "to your Puritans dislike some things in the service- honours' compassion our poor families, but book, without invalidating the whole? Did not much more do we commend our doubtful, fearhis grace know that they offered to subscribe ful, and distressed consciences, together with to the use of the service-book, as far as they the cries of our poor people, who are hungering could apprehend it consonant to truth, though after the Word, and are now as sheep having they could not give it under their hands that no shepherd. We have applied to the archthere was nothing in it contrary to the Word bishop, but can get no relief; we therefore of God, nor promise to use the whole, with- humbly beg it at your honours' hands."$ They out the least variation, in their public minis- declare their readiness to subscribe the doctritry? But, according to the archbishop's logic, nal articles of the Church, according to the stat. the Church must be infallible or no church 13 Eliz., cap. xii., and to the other articles, as at all. The Liturgy must be perfect in every far as they are not repugnant to the Word of phrase and sentence, or it is no true service of * In the year 1583 one John Lewis, for denying God; and every article of the Church must be the deity of Christ, was burned at Norwich. Many agreeable to Scripture, or they contain no true of the popish persuasion, under the charge of treadoctrine at all. He told the ministers that all son, were executed in different places, But, notwho did not subscribe his articles were schis- withstanding these severities, "her majesty," says matics; that they had separated themselves Fuller," was most merciful unto many popish malefrom the Church; and declared peremptorily factors whose lives stood forfeited to the law in the thatfrom the Chu rch; and declared peremptrily rigour thereof. Seventy, who had been condemned, Thisat they should be turned out of it. exposedby one act of grace were pardoned and sent beyond This conduct of the archbishop was exposed sea." —Church History, b. ix., p. 169, 170.-ED. in a pamphlet entitled, " The Practice of Prel-' " We dare not yield to these ceremonies," say ates,"t which says that none ever used good several of the Norfolk ministers, in a supplication ministers so severely since the Reformation as which they presented to the council, "because, he; that his severe proceedings were against so far from edifying and building up the Church, the judgment of many of his brethren the bish- they have rent it asunder, and torn it in pieces, to its ops, and that the devil, the common enemy of great misery and ruin, as God knoweth; although mpsankind, thad certainli than in. eny who her majesty be incensed against us, as if we would maain~d, hadt certainly a hand in it. F or vwhlo obey no laws, we take the Lord of heaven and earth of the ministers, says this writer, have been to witness that we acknowledge, from the bottom of tumultuous or unpeaceable 1 Have they not our hearts, her majesty to be our lawful queen, striven for peace in their ministry, in their wri- placed over us by God for our good; and we give tings, and by their example; and sought for God our most humble and hearty thanks for her their discipline only by lawful and dutiful happy government, and, both in public and private, means 1 Why, then, should the archbishop tyr- we constantly pray for her prosperity. We renounce all foreign power, and acknowledge her majesty's annise over his fellow-ministers, and starve all foremacy to be laful and just. We detest alt ermany thousand souls, by depriving all who re- ror and heresy. Yet we desire that her majesty will fuse subscription? Why should he lay such not think us disobedient, seeing we suffer ourselves stress upon popish opinions, and upon a hierar- to be displaced rather than yield to some things rechy that never obtained till the approach of quired. Our bodies, and goods, and all we have, antichrist 1 are in her majesty's hands; only our souls we reserve to our God, who alone is able to save us or " MS., p. 156. t Life of Whitgift, p. 125. condemn us." —MS., p. 253. t Life of Whitgift, p. 122. t MS., p. 328, 330, &c. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 159 God. And they promise farther, if they may and twenty, signed a petition to the lordbe dispensed with as to subscription, that they mayor and court of aldermen for his release, will nlake no disturbance in the Church, nor but that court could not obtain it.* March 4, separate from it. 1584, the learned Mr. Field and Mr. Egerton The Kentish ministers, in their supplication were suspended. Mr. Field had been often in to the lords of the council, professed their rev- bonds for nonconformity; he was minister of erence for the established Church,* and their Aldermary, and had admitted an assembly of esteem for the Book of Common Prayer, so ministers at his house, among whom were some far as that they saw no necessity of separating Scots divines, who, being disaffected to the hiefrom the unity of the Church on that account: rarchy, the assembly was declared an unlawful that they believed the Word preached, and the conventicle, and Mr. Field was suspended from sacraments administered according to author- his ministry for entertaining them; but the rest ity, touching the substance, to be lawful. They were deprived for not subscribing. promised to show themselves obedient to the Many gentlemen of reputation both in city queen in all causes ecclesiastical and civil; and country appeared for the suspended minisbut then they added, that there were many ters, as well out of regard to their poor families things that needed reformation, which there- as for the sake of religion, it being impossible fore they could not honestly set their hands to supply so many vacancies as were made in to.t They conclude with praying for indul- the Church upon this occasion. The gentlegence, and subscribe themselves their honours' men of Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Kent indaily and faithful orators, the ministers of Kent terceded with the archbishop, alleging that it suspended from the execution of their ministry. was very hard to deal with men so severely for The London ministers applied to the convo- a few rites and ceremonies, when they were cation, and fifteen of them offered to subscribe neither heretics nor schismatics, and when the to the queen's supremacy, to the use of the country wanted their useful preaching. The Common Prayer Book, and to the doctrinal ar- parishioners of the several places from whence ticles of the Church, if they might be restored; the ministers were ejected signed petitions to but then add, "We dare not say there is nothing the lord-treasurer, and others of the queen's in the three books repugnant to the Word of council, beseeching them, in the bowels of Jesus God, till we are otherwise enlightened; and Christ, that their ministers, being of an upright therefore humbly pray our brethren in convo- and holy conversation, and diligent preachers cation to be a means to the queen and Parlia- of the Word of God, might be restored, or otherment that we may not be pressed to an abso- wise (their livings being only of small value) lute subscription, but be suffered to go on in the their souls would be in danger of perishing for quiet discharge of the duties of our calling, as lack of knowledge.t we have done heretofore, to the honour of Al- The inhabitants of Malden in Essex sent up mighty God, and the edification of his Church. a complaint to the council, "that since their We protest, before God and our Saviour Jesus ministers had been taken from them, for not Christ, that if by any means, by doing that subscribing to certain articles neither confirmed which is not wicked, we might continue still by the law of God nor of the land, they had our labours in the Gospel, we would gladly and none left but such as they could prove unfit for willingly do anything that might procure that that office, being altogether ignorant, having blessing, esteeming it more than all the riches been either popish priests or shiftless men, in the world; but if we cannot be suffered to thrust in upon the ministry when they knew not continue in our places and callings, we beseech else how to live; men of occupation, servingthe Lord to show greater mercy to those by men, and the basest of all sorts; and which is whom this affliction shall be brought upon us, most lamentable, as they are men of no gifts, so and upon the people committed to our charge, they are of no common honesty, but rioters, for whom we will not cease to pray, that the dicers, drunkards, &c., and of offensive lives. good work which the Lord has begun by our la- These are the men," say they, "that are supportbours may still be advanced, to that day when ed, whose reports and suggestions against others the Lord shall give them and us comfort one in are readily received and admitted; by reason another, and in his presence everlasting happi- of which, multitudes of papists, heretics, and ness and eternal glory."$ This petition was other enemies to God and the queen, are inpresented to the convocation, in the first sessions creased, and we ourselves in danger of being inof the next Parliament, in the name of the min- sulted. We therefore hlumbly beseech your isters of London that had refused to subscribe honours, in the bowels of Jesus Christ, to be a the articles lately enforced upon them; with an means of restoring our godly and faithful minishumble request to have their doubts satisfied by ters; so shall we and many thousands of her conference, or any other way. majesty's subjects continue our daily supplicaAmong the suspended ministers of London tions to Almighty God," &c. was the learned and virtuous Mr. Barber, who The petition of the inhabitants of Norwich, preached four times a week at Bow Church: signed with one hundred and seventy-six hands, his parishioners, to the number of one hundred and manyletters and supplications fiom the most * This has been considered, by Bishop Warbur- populous towns in England, to the same purpose, ton, as inconsistent with calling the "established are now before me. But these appeals of the Church an hierarchy, that never obtained till the ap-. Puritans and their friends did them no service; proach of antichrist." But the charge of inconsist- for the watchful archbishop, whose eyes were ency does not lie against the Kentish ministers who about him, wrote to the council to put them in speak above, unless it be proved that they were the mind, "that the cause of the Puritans did not authors of the pamphlet entitled "The Practice of lie before them; that he wondered at theprePrelates," which contains the other sentiments.-E. lie before them; that he wondered at the pre t MS., p. 326.: MS., p. 595, 632. * MS., p. 460, 568, &c. t Ibid., p. 457. 160 HI STORY OF THE PURITANS. sumption of the ministers, to bring his doings in The Court of High Commission was so call-question before their lordships; and at their ed, because it claimed a larger jurisdiction and proud spirit, to dare to offer to dispute before so great a body against the religion established by this, in most of which the powers of the commissionlaw, and against a book so painfully penned, and ers had been enlarged; but forasmuch as the court confirmed by the highest authority." He then was now almost at its height, I will give the reader adds, " that it was not for him to sit in his place, an abstract of their commission from an attested if every curate in his diocess must dispute with copy, under the hand and seal of Abraham Hartwell, him; nor could he do his duty to the queen, if a notary public, at the special request and command he might not proceed without interruption; but of the archbishop himself, dated January 7th, 1583-4. if they would help him, he should soon bring The preamble recites the act of the first of the queen, commonly called the act for "restoring to the them to comply." As to the gentlemen wh crown the ancient jurisdiction of trle state eccieslaspetitioned for their ministerst, he told them to tical and civil, and the abolishing all foreign power their faces that he would not suffer their fac- repugnant to the same;" and another of the same tious ministers, unless they would subscribe; year, " for uniformity of common prayer and service that no church ought to suffer its laudable rites of the Church and administration of the sacrament;" to be neglected; that though the ministers nd a third of the fifth of the queen, entitled "An Act were not heretics, they were schismatics, be- of Assurance of the Queen's Powers over all States," &c.; and a fourth of the thirteenth Eliz., entitled cause they raised a contention in the Chrch, An Act for reforming certain Disorders touching about things not necessary to salvation. And Ministers of the Church," as the foundation of her as for lack of preaching, if the gentlemen or ecclesiastical jurisdiction and power. Her majesty parishioners would let him dispose of their liv- then names forty-four commissioners, whereof twelve ings, he would take care to provide them with were bishops; some were privy-councillors, lawyers, able men. Thus this great prelate, who had and officers of state, as Sir Francis Knollys, treasucoimplied with the popish religion4, and kept rer of the household, Sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state, Sir Walter Mildmay, chancellor of his place in the university through all the reign tary of state, Sir Walph Sadlier, chancellor of of Queen Mary, was resolved to bear down all Duchy of Lancaster, Sir Gilbert Gerard, master of opposition, and to display his sovereign power the rolls, Sir Robert Manhood, lord-chief-baron of against those whose consciences were not as the exchequer, Sir Owen Hopton, lieutehnant of the flexible as his own. Tower of London, John Popham, Esq., attorney-genBut not content with his episcopal jurisdic- eral, Thomas Egerton, Esq., solicitor-general; the tion, his grace solicited the queen for a new ec- rest were deans, archdeacons, and civilians. Her clesiastical commission, and gave her majesty majesty then proceeds: "We, earnestly minding to have the above-menthese weighty reasons for it, among others. tioned eaws put in execution, and putting special Because the Puritans continue the ecclesiasti- trust and confidence in your wisdoms and discretions, cal censures. Because the commission may have authorized and appointed you to be our comorder a search for seditious books, and examine missioners; and do give full power and authority to the writers or publishers upon oath, which a you, or any three of you, whereof the Archbishop of bishop cannot. Because the ecclesiastical com- Canterbury, or one of the bishops mentioned in the misskio can punish by fines, which are very commission, or Sir Francis Walsingham, Sir Gilbert commodious to the government * or by imp Gerard, or some of the civilians, to be one, to inquire fiom time to time during our pleasure, as well by the onment, which will strike more terror into the oaths of twelve good and lawful men, as also by witPuritans. Because a notorious fault cannot be nesses, and all other means and ways you can denotoriously punished but by the commission. vise; of all offences, contempts, misdemeanors, &c., Because the whole ecclesiastical law is but a done and committed contrary to the tenour of the carcass without a soul, unless it be quickened said several acts and statutes; and also to inquire of by the commission.mc all heretical opinions, seditious books, contempts, The queen, who was already disposed to conspiracies, false rumours or talkls, slanderous words and sayings, &c., contrary to the aforesaid laws, or any others, ordained for the maintenance of religion archbishop's arguments, and ordered a new high in this realm, together with their abettors, counselcommission to be prepared, which she put the lors, or coadjutors. great seal to, in the month of December, 1583, "And farther, we do give full power to you, or any and the twenty-sixth year of her reign.ll three of you, whereof the Archbishop of Canterbury, or one of the bishops mentioned in the commission, * Life of Whitgift, p. 127. to be one, to hear and determine concerning the t Strype's Life of Whitgift, p. 4. premises, and to order, correct, reform, and punish all t Bishop Maddox here censures Mr. Neal, and says persons dwellingo in places exempt or not exempt, that the reverse was true. The fact, from all his bi- that wilfully and obstinately absent from church, or ographers, appears to be, that on the expectation of a Divine service established by law, by the censures visitation of the university, in Queen Mary's reign, to of the Church, or any other lawful ways and means, suppress heresy, and to oblige such as were qualified by the Act of Uniformity, or any laws ecclesiastical to take the first tonsure, Whitgift, foreseeing his dan- of this realm limited and appointed; and to take orger, and fearing not only an expulsion, but for his life, der of your discretions, that the penalties and forfeit particularly because he could not comply with this ures limited by the said Act of Uniformity against requisition, would have gone abroad; but Dr. Pearn'the offenders in that behalf may be duly levied, acencouraged and persuaded him to stay, bidding him cording to the forms prescribed in the said act, to the to keep his own counsel, and not utter his opinion, use of us and the poor, upon the goods, lands, and and engaging to conceal him without incurring any tenements of such offenders, by way of distress, acdanger to his conscience in this visitation. He con- cording to the true meaning and limitation of the tinued, therefore, in the college throughout this reign. statute. But it is not to be conceived but that he must have "And we do farther empower you, or any three preserved an outward conformnity to the public and of you, during our pleasure, to visit and reform all usual services of the Church.-ED. errors, heresies, schisms, &c., which may lawfully ~ Life of Whitgift, p. 134. be reforumed or restrained by censures ecclesiastical, 11 There had been five high commissions before deprivation, or otherwise, according to the power HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 161 higher powers than the ordinary courts of the court was erected upon the authority of the acts bishops; its jurisdiction extended over the whole mentioned in the preamble, and therefore its kingdom, and was the same, in a manner, with powers must be limited by those statutes; but that which had been vested in the single person the counsel for Mr. Cawdrey, whose case was of Lord Cromwell, vicar-general to King Henry argued before all the judges in Trinity term, VIII., though now put into commission. The 1591, questioned whether the court had any foundation at all in law; it being doubtful and authority limited and appointed by the laws, or- whether the queen could delegate her ecclesiasdinances, and statutes of this realm. tical authority, or the commissaries act by vir" And we do hereby farther empower you, or any tue of such delegation. three of you, to call before you such persons as have the court to be legal, it will apecclesiastical livings, and to deprive such of them as But admitting the court to be legal, it wil ap~wilfully and advisedly maintain any doctrine contra- pear that both the queen and her commissionry to such articles of religion of the synod of 1562 ers exceeded the powers granted them by law; which only concern the confession of the true faith for it was not the intendment of the act of suand doctrine of the sacraments, and will not revoke premacy to vest any new powers in the crown, the same. but only to restore those which were supposed " And we do farther empower you, or any three of to be its ancient and natural right. Nor do the you, to punish all incests, adulteries, fornications, acts above recited authorize the queen to disoutrages, misbehaviours, and disorders in marriage; and all grievous offences punishable by the ecclesias- pense with the laws of the realm, or act contratical laws, according to the tenour of the laws in that ry to them; or to set aside the ordinary legal behalf, and according to your wisdoms, consciences, courts of proceeding in other courts of judicaand discretions, commanding you, or any three of ture, by indictments, witnesses, and a jury of you, to devise all such lawful ways and means for twelve men; nor do they empower her to levy the searching out the premises as by you shall be fines, and inflict what corporeal punishments thought necessary; and upon due proof thereof had, she pleases upon offenders; but in all criminal by confession of the party, or lawful witnesses, or by cases, where the precise punishment is not deany other due means, to order and award such punishnient, by fine, imprisonment, censures of the termined by the statute, her commissioners Church, or by all or any of the said ways, as to your were to be directed and governed by the comwisdom and discretions shall appear most meet and mon law of the land. convenient. Yet, contrary to the proceedings in other " And farther we do empower you, or any three of courts, and to the essential freedom of the Engyou, to call before you all persons suspected of any lish Constitution, the queen empowered her comof.the premises, and to proceed against them, as the missioners to " inquire into all misdemeanors quality of the offence and suspicion shall require, to examine them on their corporeal oaths, for the better not only by the oaths of twelve men, and wittrial and opening of the truth; and if any persons nesses, but by all other means and ways they are obstinate and disobedient, either in not appearing could devise;" that is, by inquisition, by the at your command, or not obeying your orders and rack, by torture, or by any ways and means decrees, then to punish them by excommunication, that forty-four sovereign judges should devise. or other censures ecclesiastical, or by fine, accord- Surely this should have been limited to ways and ing to your discretions; or to commit the said of- means warranted by the laws and customs of fenders to ward, there to remain till he or they shall the realm. be by you, or three of you, enlarged or delivered; and shall pay such costs and expenses of suit as the Farther, her majesty empowers her " commiscause shall require, and you, in justice, shall think sioners to examine such persons as they susreasonable. pected upon their corporeal oaths, for the better " And farther, we give full power and authority trial and opening of the truth, and to punish those to you, or three of you as aforesaid, to command that refused the oath by fine, or imprisonment, all our sheriffs, justices, and other officers by your according to their discretion." This refers to letters, to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the oath ex ofcio mere, and was not in the first such persons as you shall think meet to be convened before you; and to take such bond as you shall think f ive commissions. fit for their personal appearance; and in case of re- t was said in behalf of this oath, by Dr. Aufusal, to commit them to safe custody, till you shall brey,* that though it was not warrantable by the give order for their enlargement; and, farther, to letter of the statute of the I st of Elizabeth, yet take such securities for their performance of your the canon law being in force before the making decrees as you shall think reasonable. And, farther, of that statute, and the commission warranting you shall keep a register of your decrees, and of the commissioners to proceed according to the your fines, and appoint receivers, messengers, and law ecclesiastical, they might lawfully adminisother officers, with such salaries as you shall think To which fit; the receiver to certify into the exchequer, every er it according to ancient custom.t To which Easter and Michaelmas term, an account of the fines it was answered, "that such an oath was never taxed and received, under the hands of three of the allowed by any canon of the Church, or general commissioners. council, for a thousand years after Christ; that " And we do farther empower you, or any six of when it was used against the primitive Chrisyou, whereof some to be bishops, to examine, alter, tians, the pagan emperors countermanded it; review, and amend the statutes of colleges, cathe- that it was against the pope's law in the decredrals, grammar-schools, and other public foundations, tals, which admitsf such an inqisition only and to present them to us to be confirmed. and to present them to us to be confirmed. tals, which admits of such an inquisition only "And we do farther empower you to tender the in cases of heresy; nor was it ever used in Engoath of supremacy to all ministers, and others com- land till the reign of King Henry IV., and then pellable by act of Parliament, and to certify the names it was enforced as law only by a haughty archof such as refuse it into the King's Bench. bishop, without consent of the commons of Eng"And, lastly, we do appoint a seal for your office, land, till the 25th of Henry VIII., when it was having a crown and a rose over it, and the letter E before and R after the same; and round about the * And nine others, learned civilians; and most ot seal these words,'Sigil. commiss. regie maj. ad them, Strype says, judges in the civil and ecclesias causas ecclesiasticas.'" tical courts.-En. t Life of Whitgift, p. 340 VOL. I. —X 6 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. utterly abrogated. This pretended law was lawfully be reformed, according to the power again revived by Queen Mary, but repealed again and authority limited and appointed by the laws by the Ist of Queen Elizabeth, and so remain- and statutes of the realm. But there never was ed.* Besides, as this purging men by oath has a clause in any of the commissions empowering no foundation in the law of the land, it is un- them to enforce subscription to articles of their doubtedly contrary to the law of nature and na- own devising.* Therefore, their doing this tions, where this is a received maxim, Nemo te- without a special ratification under the great netur seipsum accusare: No man is bound to ac- seal was no doubt a usurpation of the supremcuse himself. The queen, therefore, had no pow- acy, and brought them within the compass of a er to authorize her commissioners to set up an proemunire, according to the statutes of 25 Heninquisition, and administer an oath to the sus- ry VIII., cap xx., and 1 Eliz., cap. iii. pected person, to answer all questions the court Lastly: Though all spiritual courts (and, conshould put to him, and to convict him upon those sequently, high commission) are and ought to be answers; or, if they could confront his declara- subject to prohibitions from the supreme courts tions, to punish him as perjured. of law, yet the commissioners would seldom or If any persons disobeyed the orders and de- never admit them, and at length terrified the crees of the court, by not appearing at their sum- judges from granting them: so that, upon the mons, &c., the commissioners were empowered whole, their proceedings were for the most part to punish them by fine or imprisonment, at their contrary to the act of submission of the clergy, discretions. This also was contrary to law, for contrary to the statute laws of the realm, and the body of a subject is to be dealt with, secun- no better than a spiritual inquisition.t dum legem terrae, according to the law of the land, If a clergyman omitted any of the ceremonies as Magna Charta and the law saith. The clerk of the Church in his public ministrations, or felon in the bishop's prison is the king's prison- if a parishioner bore an ill-will to his minister, er, and not the bishop's, and therefore by the 1st he might inform the commissioners by letter of Henry VII., cap. iv., "the bishop of the dio- that he was a suspected person; upon which a cess is empowered to imprison such priests, or pursuivant or messenger was sent to his house other religious persons within his jurisdiction, with a citation. as shall by examination, and other lawful proofs The pursuivant wh6 brought them up had requisite by the law of the Church, be convicted thirty-three shillings and fourpence for forty-one of fornication, incest, or any fleshly incontinen- miles, being about nine or ten pence a mile. Upon cy, and there to detain them for such time as their appearing before the commissioners, they shall be thought by their discretions convenient, were committed prisoners to the Clink Prison according to the quality of the offence; and that seven weeks before they were called to their none of the said archbishops or bishops shall be trial. When the prisoners were brought to the chargeable with an action of false imprisonmen't bar, the court immediately tendered them the for so doing.t Which plainly implies, that a oath to answer all questions to the best of their bishop cannot by law commit a man to prison, knowledge, by which they were obliged not except in the cases above mentioned; and that only to accuse. themselves, but frequently to in all others, the law remains in force as before. * If, then, the queen, by her ecclesiastical commisr MS., p. 573. If;, then, the queen, by her ecclesiastical commis- t In this view it was considered by the Lord-treas7 sion, could not dispense with the laws of the t this view it was consideredbytheLod-treas sind, cln di spidens wi.the theg laws ofbithey urer Burleigh. "According to my simple judgment," landl, it is evident that the long and arbitry says he, ina letter to the archbishop, "this kind of imprisonments of the Puritan clergy, before they proceeding is too much savouring the Romish inqui had been legally convicted, and all their confine- sition, and is rather a device to seek for offenders ments afterward, beyond the time limited by the than reform any."-Fuller's Church History, b. ix., p. statutes, were so many acts of oppression; and 155. Mr. Hume stigmatizes this court not only as a -every acting bishop or commissioner was liable real inquisition, but attended with all the iniquities to be sued in an action of false imprisonment. as well as cruelties, inseparable from that horrid tri The law says no man ~shall be finedl ult~ra te-1: The citation was to the following effect: azcmenlum, beyond his estate or ability. But the 4" We will and command you, and every of you, in fines raised by this court, in the two next reigns, her majesty's name, by virtue of her high commission were so exorbitant, that no man was secure in for causes ecclesiastical, to us and others directed. his property or estate; though, according to Lord that you, and every of you, do make your personal Clarendon, their power of levying fines at all appearance before us, or others her majesty's corn was ver.y doubtful. Some for speaking an un- nmissioners in that behalf appointed, in the consistory within the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, London mannerly word, or writing what the court was w emannerly wor, or waitingb what the court was [or at Lambeth], the seventh day next after the sight pleasedl to construe a libel, were fined from hereof, if we or other our colleagues shall then hap ~500 to ~10,000, and perpetual imprisonment; pen to sit in commission, or else at our next sitting some had their ears cut off, and their noses slit, there, then next immediately following; and that af. after they had been exposed several days in the ter your appearance there made, you, and every of pillory; and many families were driven into ban- you, shall attend, and not depart without our special ishment; till, in process of time, the court be- license; willing ani comfnanding you, to whom these came such a general nuisance, that it was dis- our letters shall first be delivered, to show the same solved by Parliament, with a clause that no such and oive intimation and knowledge lhereof, to the others nominated upon the endorsement hereof, as:court should be erected for the future. you, and every of you, will answer to the contrary at Farther, the commission gives no authority to your perils. Given at London, the 16th of May, 1584. the court to frame articles and oblige the clergy John Cant. to subscribe them. It empowers them to reform Gabriel Goodman. John London. all errors, heresies, and schisms which may Endorsed, To Ezekias Morley, * Life of Whitgift, p. 393, 394. Robert Parnnet, and of Ridgwell in Essex." t Life of Aylmer, p. 145. William Bigge, HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 163 bring their relations and friends into trouble. When the Lord-treasurer Burleigh had read The party to be examined was not to be ac- them over, and seen the execution they had quainted with the interrogatories beforehand, nor to have a copy of his answers, which were 6. Item. " Obj., That in the said statute her majlodged with the secretary of the court, against esty, the lords temporal, and all the commons, in that the day of his trial. If the commissioners could Parliament assembled, do in God's name earnestly not convict him upon his own confession, then charge and require all the archbishops, bishops, and they examined their witnesses, but never clear- other ordinaries, that they shall endeavour themed him upon his own oath. If they could not selves, to the uttermost of their knowledge, that the reach the prisoner by their ordinary jurisdiction due and true execution of the said act might be had as bishops, they would then sit as ecclesiastical hroughout their diocess and charge, as they would as bishops, they w oul d t hen sit as ecclesiastical answer it before Almighty God. Et obj. ut supra. commissioners. If they could not convict him 7. Item. "Obj. ponimus, &c. That you deem and upon any statute, then they had recourse to judge the said whole book to be a godly and a virtutheir old obsolete law ecclesiastical; so that the ous book, agreeable, or at least not repugnant, to the prisoner seldom knew by what law he was to Word of God;'if not, we require and command you be tried, or how to prepare for his defence. to declare wherein, and in what points.' Et objiciSometimes men were obliged to a long attend- mus ut supra. ance, and at other times condemned in haste, 8. Item. " Obj., That for the space of these three years, two years, one year, half a year; three, two, ~without any trial. The Rev. IM~r. Brayne, a or one monthlast past, you have at the time of comCambridge minister, being sent for to Lambeth, munion, and at all or some other times in your minmade his appearance before the archbishop and istration, used and worn only your ordinary apparel, two other commissioners, on Saturday, in the and not the surplice, as is required.'Declare how afternoon, and being commanded to answer the long, how often, and for what cause, consideration, interrogatories of the court upon oath, he re- or intent you have so done, or refused so to do.' Et fused, unless he migfht first see them, and write obj. ut supra. fusedown hi s he m ight first see theand which his 9. Item. " Obj., That within the time aforn-said you down his answers with his own hand, which his have baptized divers, or at least one infant, and have grace refusing, immediately gave him his ca- not used the sign of the cross in the forehead, with nonical admonitions, once, twice, and thrice, the words prescribed to be used in the said Book of and caused him to be registered for contempt, Common Prayer.' Declare how many you have so and suspended.* baptized, and for what cause, consideration, and inLet the reader carefully peruse the twenty- tent.' Et obj. ut supra. four articles themselves, which the archbishop 10. Item. "Obj., &c., That within the time aforeframed for the service of the court, and then said you have been sent unto, and required divers times, or at least once, to baptize children, or some judge whether it were possible for an honest one child being weak, and have refused, neglected, man to answer them upon oath without expo- or at least so long deferred the same, till the child or sing himself to the mercy of his adversaries.t children died without the sacrament of baptism.' Declare whose child, when, and for what considera* Life of Whitgift, p. 163. tion.' Et obj. ut supra. t The articles were these that follow: 11. Item. "Obj., &c., That within the time afore1. Imprimis. " Objicimus, ponimus, et articulamur, said you have celebrated matrimony otherwise than e., We object, put, and article to you, that you are the book prescribes, and without a ring, and have re-a deacon or minister, and priest admitted; declare fused at such times to call for the ring, and to use oy whom and what time you were ordered; and such words in that behalf as the book appoints, and likewise, that your ordering was according to the book particularly those words,' that by matrimony is sig in that behalf by the law of this land provided. Et nified the spriritual marriage and unity between objicimus conjunctim de omni et divisim de quolibet, Christ and his Church.''Declare the circumstani. e.,' And we object to you the whole of this article ces of time, person, and place, and for what cause, taken together, and every branch of it separately.' intent, and consideration.' Et obj. ut supra. 2. Item. " Objicimus, ponimus, et articulamur, 12. Item. " Obj., &c., That you have within the That you deem and judge such your ordering, admis- time aforesaid neglected, or refused to use, the form sion, and calling into your ministry, to be lawful, and of thanksgiving for women, or some one woman afnot repugnant to the Word of God. Et objicimus ut ter childbirth, according to the said book.'Declare the supra, i. e.,' And we object as before.' like circumstances thereof, and for what intent, cause, 3. Item. " Objicimus, ponimus, &c. That you have or consideration you have so done, or refused so to sworn, as well at the time of your ordering as insti- do.' Et obj. ut supra. tution, duty and allegiance to the queen's majesty, 13. Item. " Objicimus, &c., That you within the and canonical obedience to your ordinary and his suc- time aforesaid baptized divers infants, or at the least cessors, and to the metropolitan and his successors, one, otherwise and in other manner than the said or to some of them. Et objicimus ut supra. book prescribeth, and not used the interrogatories to 4. Item. " Onjicimus, &c. That by a statute or the godfathers and godmothers in the name of the act of Parliament made in the first year of the infant, as the said book requireth.'Declare the like queen's majesty that now is, one virtuous and godly circumstances thereof, or for what cause, intent, or book, entitled The Book of Common Prayer and Ad- consideration you have so done, or refused so to do.' ministration of Sacraments, &c., was authorized and Et objicimus ut supra. established to stand and be from and after the feast 14. Item. " We do object, that you have within the of the Nativity of St. John Baptist then next ensuing, time aforesaid used any other form of litany, in divers in full force and effect, according to the said statute, or some points, from the said book; or that you have and so yet remaineth. Et obj. ut supra. often, or once, wholly refused to use the said litany. 5. Item. " Obj., That by the said statute all minis-' Declare the like circumstances thereof, or for what ters within her majesty's dominions, ever since the cause, intent, or consideration you have so done, or said feast, have been, and are bound to say and use, refused so to do.' a certain-form of morning and evening prayer called 15. Item. " We do object, &c., That you have in the act matins, even-song, celebration of the Lord's within the time aforesaid refused and omitted to Supper, and administration of each of the sacraments; read divers lessons prescribed by the said book, and and all other common and open prayer in such order have divers times either not read any lessons at all, and form as is mentioned in the same book, and none or read others in their places.' Declare the like cirther, nor otherwise. Et obj. ut supra. cumstance thereof, and for what intent, cause, or 164 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. done upon the clergy, he wrote his grace the "It may please your grace, following letter: "I am sorry to trouble you so oft as I do, but consideration you have so done or refused.' Et obj. I am more troubled myself, not only with many "t supra. iprivate petitions of sundry ministers, recom16. Item. Objicimus, That within the time aire- mended for persons of credit and peaceable in said you have either not used at all, or else used an- their ministry, who are greatly troubled by your other manner of common prayer or service at burial, grace, and your colleagues in commission; but from that which the said book prescribeth, and have I am also daily charged by counsellors and pubrefused there to use these words, We commit earth lie persons with neglect of my duty, in not stayto earth, in sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life.' Declare the like circumstances there- ing your grace's vehement proceedings against of, and for what intent, cause, or consideration you ministers, whereby papists are greatly encourhave so done or refused so to do.' Et obj. ut supra. aged, and the queen's safety endangered.* I 17. Item. "Objicimus, &c., That within the time have read over your twenty-four articles, found aforesaid you have advisedly, and of set purpose, in a Romish style, of great length and curiosity, not only omitted and refused to use the aforesaid to examine all manner of ministers in this time, parts, or some of them, of the said book, but also without distinction of persons, to be executed some other parts of the said Book of Common Pray-ind them so curiously er, as being persuaded that in such points it is repug- penned, so ll of branches and circumstances, nant to the Word of God.'Declare what other, ofull of branches and circumstances parts of the said book you have refused to use, for that I think the Inquisition of Spain used not so what intent, cause, or consideration.' Et objic. ut many questions to comprehend and to trap their supra. priests. I know your canonists can defend 18. Item. "Objic., &c., That within thetime afore- these with all their particles; but surely, under said you have at the communion, and in other parts of correction, this judicial and canonical sifting your ministration, advisedly added unto, diminished, poor inisters is not to edify or reform. And and taken from, altered, and transposed, manifoldlynot to at your own pleasure, sundry parts of the said Book of Common Prayer.'Declare the circumstances of these nice points, except they were notorious time and place, and for what intent, cause, and con- papists or heretics. I write with the testimony sideration.' Et obj. ut supra. of a good conscience. I desire the peace and 19. Item. "Objic., That within the tinme aforesaid unity of the Church. I favour no sensual and you have advisedly, and of set purpose, preached, wilful recusant; but I conclude, according to taught, declared, set down, or published by writing, my simple judgment, this kind of proceeding is public or private speech, matter against the said Book too much savouring of the Romish Inquisition of Common Prayer, or of something therein contain- and is a device rather to seek for offenders than ed, as being repugnant to the Word of God, or not and is a device rather to seek for offenders than convenient to be used in the Church; or something to reform any. It is not charitable to send poor have Written or uttered tending to the depraving, de- ministers to your common registrar, to answer spising, or defacing of some things contained in the upon so many articles at one instant, without a said book.' Declare what, and the like circumstan- copy of the articles or their answers. I pray ces thereof, and for what cause or consideration you your grace bear with this one (perchance) fault, have so done.' Et objic. ut supra. that I have willed the ministers not to answer 20. Item. " Objicimus, &c., That you at this pres- these art ent do continue all or some of your former opinions fer them.s except their consciences may sufagainst the said book, and have a settled purpose to continue hereafter such additions, diminutions, alter- "July 15, 1584. W. CECIL." ations, and transpositions, or some of them, as you This excellent letter was so far from softenheretofore unlawfully have used in your public min- ing the archbishop, that, two days after, he reistration; and that you have used private conferen- turned his lordship a long answer, vindicating ces, and assembled, or been present, at conventicles, his interrogatories, from the practice of the for the maintenance of their doings herein, and for the animating and encouraging of others to continue in ops, priests, and deacons, containeth in it nothing the like disposition in this behalf that you are of. contrary to the Word of God, and that the same may' Declare the like circumstances, and for what intent, be lawfully used; and that you who do subscribe will cause, and consideration.' Et objic. ut supra. use the form in the said book prescribed, in public 21. Item. " Objicimus, &c., That you have been prayer and administration of the sacraments, and heretofore noted, defamed, presented, or detected none other. (3.) That you allow the book of articles publicly, to have been faulty in all and singular the of religion, agreed upon by the archbishops and bishpremises, and of every or some of them; and that ops of both provinces, and the whole clergy in the you have been divers and sundry times, or once convocation holden at London in the year of our at the least, admonished by your ordinary, or other Lord God 1562, and set forth by her majesty's au ecclesiastical magistrate, to reform the same, and to thority; and do believe all the articles therein conobserve the form and order of the Book of Common tained to be agreeable to the Word of God.' DePrayer, which you have refused, or defer to do. dare by whom, and how often, which hitherto you' Declare the like circumstances thereof.' Et objic. have advisedly refused to perform, and so yet do per ut supra. sist.' Et objic. ut slpra. 22. Item. "That for the testification hereafter of 23. Item. "That you have taken upon you to your unity with the Church of England, and your preach, read, or expound the Scriptures, as well in conformity to laws established, you have been re- public places as in private houses, not being licensed quired simply and absolutely to subscribe with your by your ordinary, nor any other magistrate having au hand, (1.) That her majesty, under God, hath, and thority by the laws of this land so to license you.. ought to have, the sovereignty and rule over all'Declare the like circumstances hereof.' Et objic manner of persons born within her realm, dominions, ut supra. and countries, of what estate either ecclesiastical or 24. Item. " Quod pramissa omnia et singula, &c., temporal soever they be; and that none other foreign i. e.,' That all and singular the premises,."' &c power, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought have, Could the wit of man invent anything more like any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or an inquisition! Here are interrogatories enough to authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within her maj- entangle all the honest men in the kingdom, and esty's said realms, dominions, or countries. (2.) That bring them into danger. the Book of Common Prayer, and of ordering bish- * Life of Whitgift, b. iv., Rec. No. 4. HISTORY OF TVi]E PURITANS. 165 Star Chamber, the Court of Marches, and other after reading his grace's iong answer, he was places.* The treasurer found it was to no pur- not satisfied in the point of seeking by examipose to contend, and therefore repliedin ashort nation to have ministers accuse themselves, but smart letter, in which he tells him " that and then punish them for their own confession; * Whitgift replied to the lord-treasurer, alleging., that he would not call his proceedings captious, that he had uniformly acquainted him with his pro- but they were scarcely charitable; his grace ceedings, and had acted on his advice.'Touching might therefore deal with his friend Mr. Brayne the twenty-four articles,' he says,' which your lord- as he thought fit, but when, by examining him, ship seemeth so much to dislike, as written in a Roe- it was meant only to sift him with twenty-four mish style, smelling of the Romish Inquisition, &c., I articles, he had cause to pity the poor man."* cannot but greatly marvel at your lordship's vehe- The archbishop, being desirous to give satisment speeches against them (I hope without cause), to seeing it is the ordinary course in other courts likewise; as in the Star Chamber, the Court of the of reasons, one to justify the articles, and the Marches, and other places. And (without offence other the manner of proceeding ex mero offcio. be it spoken) I think these articles to be more toler- In the former he says, that by the ecclesiastical able, and better agreeing with the rule of justice and or canon laws, articles of inquiry may be adcharity, and less captious, than those in other courts. ministered, and have been ever since the Ref-..... For my own part,' he adds,'I neither do omination and that they ought not to be comnor have done anything in this matter, which I do pared with the Inquisition, because the nqusnot think myself in duty and conscience bound to doed with; which her majesty hath not with earnest charge com- tion punished with death, whereas they only mitted unto me; and the which I am well able to punished obstinate offenders with deprivation. justify, to be most requisite for this State and In the latter his lordship gives the following reaChurch; whereof, next to her majesty, though most sons, among others, for proceeding ex mero ofiunworthy, or, at the least, most unhappy, the chief cio: If we proceed only by presentment and care is committed to Iie; which I may not neglect, witnesses, theu papists, Brownists, and family whatsoever come upon me therefor. I never es- men wouldexpect the like measure- It is hard teem the honour of the place (which is to me gravis- to get witnesses against the Puritans, because simunz onus), nor the largeness of the revenues (for the which l am not yet one penny the richer), nor most of the parishioners favour them, and any other worldly thing, I thank God, in the respect therefore will not present them, nor appear of the doing of my duty. Neither do I fear the dis- against, them. There is great trouble and pleasure of man, nor regard the wicked tongues of charge in examining witnesses, and sending the uncharitable, which call me tyrant, pope, papist, for them from distant parts. If archbishops knave, and lay to my charge things which I never and bishops should be driven to use proofs by did, nor thought upon.' "The archbishop expresses his deep concern at witnesses only, the execution of the law would "The archbishop expresses his deep concern at the lord-treasurer's dissatisfaction with his proceed- be partial; their charges in procuring and proings.' God knoweth,' he said,'howdesirous I have ducing witnesses would be intolerable; and been, from time to time, to satisfy your lordship in they should not be able to make quick despatch all things, and to have my doings approved by you. enough with the sectaries. These were the For which cause, since my coming to this place, I arguments of a Protestant archbishop! I do did nothing of importance without your advice. I not wonder that they gave no satisfaction to have risen up early and sat up late, to write unto you th wise treasurer; for surely, all wh have such objections and answers as are used on either side. I have not donle the like to any man. And any regard for the laws of their country, or the shall I now say that I have lost mylabour? Or shall civil and religious rights of mankind, must be my just dealing with two of the most disordered min- ashamed of them. isters in a whole diocess (the obstinacy and contempt The treasurer having given up the archbishof whom, especially of one of them, yourself would op, the lords of the council took the cause in not bear in any subjected to your authority) cause hand, and wrote to his grace and the Bishop of you so to think and speak of my doings and of my- London, in favour of the deprived ministers, self? No man living should have made me believe In their letter they tell their it. My lord, an old friend is better than a new. And September 2 th.a I trust your lordship will not so lightly cast off your lorships "that they had heard of sundry conold friends for any of these new-fangled and factious plaints out of divers counties, of proceedings sectaries; whose endeavour is to make division where- against a great number of ecclesiastical persons, soever they come, and separate old and assured some parsons, some vicars, some curates, but friends...... Your lordship seemeth to burden all preachers; some deprived, and some susme with wilfulness, &c. I think you are not so per- pended by their lordships' officers, chancellors, suaded of me; I appeal therein to your own conscience., but that they had taken no notice of these There is a difference betwixt wilfulness and constan- thee o cy. I have taken upon me the defence bf the religion things, hoping their lordships would have stayand rites of this church; the execution of the laws ed their hasty proceedings, especially against concerning the same; the appeasing of the sect nd such as did earnestly instruct the people against schisms therein; the reducing the ministers tfereof popery. But now of late, hearing of great numto uniformity and due obedience. Herein I intend bers of zealous and learned preachers suspendto be constant; which also my place, my person, my ed from their cures in the county of Essex, and duty, the laws, her majesty, and the goodness of there is no preaching prayers or sacracause requireth of me; and wherein your lordship ments in most of the vacant places; that in and others (all things considered) ought, as I take it, to assist and help me. It is more than strange some few of them persons neither of learning that a man in my place, dealing by so good warran- nor good name are appointed; and that in other ty as I do, should be so hardly used, and for not places of the country great numbers of persons yielding be counted wilful. But Vincit qui patitur, that occupy cures are notoriously unfit; most overcomes. And if my friends herein forsake me, I for lack of learning; many chargeable with trust God will not, nor her majesty, who have laid great and enormous faults as drunkenness, the charge on me, and are able to protect me; upon whom only I will depend.' "-Dr. Price's Hist. Non- * Life of Whitgift, p. 160. t Ibid. conformity, vol. i., 341-2.-C. $ Ibid., p. 166. 166 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. filthiness of life, gaming at cards, hauntingsof seem best to his good lordship; and now I per alehouses, &c., against whom they C[the coun- ceive," said he, "you are the men, of whom one oil] heard of no proceedings, but that they were I never saw or knew before [Dr. Sparke]; the quietly suffered." To fix this charge home on other I know well. Let us hear what things in the bishops, they sent with their letter a cata- the Book of Common Prayer you think ought logue of names; one column of learned minis- to be mended: you appear not now judicially ters deprived; a second of unlearned and vi- before me, nor as called in question by authorcious persons continued: "A matter very la- ity for these things, but by way of conference; mentable," say they; "for this time!" and a for which cause it shall be free for you (speakthird of pluralists and nonresidents; "Against ing in duty) to charge the book with such matthese latter we [the council] have heard of no ters as you suppose to be blameworthy in it." inquisition; but of great diligence, and extreme Dr. Sparke replied, " We give most humble usage against those that were known to be dil- and hearty thanks to Almighty God, and to this igent preachers; we, therefore, pray your lord- honourable presence, that after so many years, ships to have some charitable consideration of wherein our cause could never be admitted to their causes, that people may not be deprived an indifferent hearing, it hath pleased God of of their diligent, learned, and zealous pastors, his gracious goodness so to dispose things, that for a few points ceremonial, which entangled we have now that equity and favour showed their consciences." This letter was dated from us, that before such honourable personages, as Oatlands, September 20th, 1584, and signed by may be a worthy means to her most excellent Lord Burleigh, the Earls of Warwick, Shrews- majesty for reformation of such things as are bury, and Leicester; the Lord Charles Howard, to be redressed, it is now lawful for us to deSir James Crofts, Sir Christopher Hatton; and dare with freedom what points ought to be reSir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state. viewed and reformed which our endeavour is, But this excellent remonstrance had no man- because it concerns the service of God, and the ner of influence upon our archbishop.* After satisfaction of such as are in authority; and for this, Mr. Beale, clerk of the queen's council, a that the good issue depends on the favour of man of great learning and piety, drew up a trea- God, I desire, that before we enter any farther, tise, showing the injustice and unlawfulness of we may first seek for the gracious direction and the bishop's proceedings; and delivered it in man- blessing of God by prayer." At which words, uscript into the archbishop's own hands, which, framing himself to begin to pray, the archbishtogether with some freedom of speech, inflamed op interrupted him, saying he should make no his grace to that degree, that he complained of prayers there, nor turn that place into a convenhim to the queen and council, and used all his ticle. interest to have him tried in the Star Chamber, Mr. Travers joined with Dr. Sparke, and deand turned out of his place.t Among his mis- sired that it might be lawful for them to pray demeanors, drawn up by the archbishop, were before they proceeded any farther; but the these: that he had printed a book against eccle- archbishop not yielding thereunto, terming it a siastical oaths; that in the House of Commons conventicle if any such prayer should be offered he had spoke of ecclesiastical matters, contrary to be made, my Lord of Leicester and Sir Franto the queen's command; that he had defended cis Walsingham desired Dr. Sparke to content his book against the practice of the ecclesiasti- himself, seeing they doubted not but that he cal courts; that he had disputed against the had prayed already before his coming thither. queen's having authority, by virtue of the stat- Dr. Sparke, therefore, omitting to use such prayute of the 1st of Elizabeth, to grant power to er as he had proposed, made a short address to her ecclesiastical commissioners to imprison God in very few words, though the archbishop whom they please, to impose fines upon offend- continued to interrupt him all the while. ers, and to administer the oath ex officio, say- The heads that the ministers insisted upon ing they are within the statute of premunire; were, Ist. Putting the apocryphal writings (in that he had condemned racking for grievous of- which were several errors and false doctrines) fenders, as contrary to law and the liberty of upon a level with the Holy Scriptures, by readthe subject; and advised those in the marches ing them publicly in the Church, while several of Wales that execute torture by virtue of in- parts of the canon were utterly omitted. This structions under her majesty's hands to look to they said had been forbidden by councils, and it that their doings are well warranted: but particularly that of Laodicea. The archbishop the court would not prosecute upon this charge. denied any errors to be found in the Apocrypha; All that the Puritans could obtain was a kind which led the ministers into a long detail of of conference between the Archbishop of Can- particulars, to the satisfaction (says my author) terbury and the Bishop of Winchester on the of the noblemen. 2dly. The second head was one part, and Dr. Sparke and Mr. Travers on upon baptism; and here they objected against the other, in presence of the right honourable its being done in private. Against its being the Earl of Leicester, the Lord Grey, and Sir done by laymen or women. And against the Francis Walsingham. The conference was at doctrine from whence this practice arises, viz., Lambeth, concerning things needful to be re- that children not baptized are in danger of damformed in the Book of Common Prayer. nation; and that the outward baptism of water The archbishop opened it with declaring, saveth the child that is baptized. Against the "that my Lord of Leicester, having requested interrogatories in the name of the child, which for his satisfaction to hear what the ministers Mr. Travers charged with arising fiom a false could reprove, and how their objections were principle, viz., that faith was necessary in all to be answered, he had granted my lord to pro- persons to be baptized; lie added, that the incure such to come for that purpose as might terrogatories crept into the Church but lately, * Life of Whitgift, p. 143. t Ibid., p. 212. and took their rise from the baptism of those HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 167 that were of age; from whence, very ignorantly, Mr. Carew, of Hatfield-Peveril, was a zeal they were transferred to infants. Against the ous promoter of the welfare of souls, and mourncross, as a mlystical rite and ceremony, and an ed over the want of a learned and preaching addition to the sacrament of human invention: ministry; he was ordained by the Bishop of here they argued, that though the foreign di- Worcester, and licensed by Archbishop Grindal vines did not condemn the use of the cross, yet and the Bishop of London himself, who comall agreed it ought to be abolished; and Beza mended his preaching; but being too forward gives counsel to the ministers, rather to forego in acquainting his diocesan by letter, that in their ministry, than subscribe to the allowance Essex, within the compass of sixteen miles, of it. After many words upon this head, my there were twenty-two non-residents, thirty inLord of Leicester said it was a pitiful thing that sufficient ministers, and, at the same time, so many of the best ministers, and painful in nineteen preachers silenced for not subscribing; their preaching, should be deprived for these his lordship, instead of being pleased with the things. 3dly. They objected to private com- information, sent for Carew before the commismunion. 4thly. To the apparel; and here they sioners, and charged him falsely, without the produced the judgment of Bishop Ridley at his least evidence, with setting up a presbytery, degradation, as reported by Mr. Fox, who said and with contemning ecclesiastical censures. it was too bad to be put upon a fool in a play. It was alleged against him farther, that he was 5thly. They objected to the bishop's allowing chosen by the people; that he had defaced the of an insufficient ministry, non-residence, and Book of Common Prayer, and had put several pluralities.* from the communion, when there was more The conference continued two days, at the need to allure them to it, &c. But to make close of which, neither party being satisfied, the short work, the bishop tendered him the oath noblemen requested some favour for the minis- ex officio, which Carew refusing, he was comters. Mr. Strype sayst the ministers were mitted to the Fleet, and another clergyman sent convinced and confirmed; but it is evident he down to supply his place. Mr. Allen, the paknew not the disputants, nor had seen the de- tron, in whom the right of presentation was by bate, a copy of which is before me. Travers inheritance, refusing to admit the bishop's readwas a Nonconformist to his death, and Sparke er, was summoned before his lordship, and comappeared at their head, at the Hampton Court mitted to prison; because (as the warrant exconference, the beginning of the next reign. presses it) he behaved seditiously in withstandNor was the archbishop softened, but rather ing the authority of the court: nay, the very sexconfirmed in his former resolution. ton was reprimanded, and ordered not to meddle Ayllner, bishop of London, came not behind with the Church any more; and because he his metropolitan in acts of severity. Mr. Strype asked his lordship simply whether his meaning says he was the chief mover in the ecclesiasti- was that he should not come to church any cal commission, and had as high a spirit as the more, he committed him for ridiculous behagreatest lord-in the land. During Grindal's dis- viour. Both Allen and Carew offered bail, grace, he harassed the London clergy with new which was refused, unless they would admit interrogatories and articles, three or four times his lordship's clergyman.* After eight weeks' a year. He advised the heads of the Universi- imprisonment, they appealed to the privy county of Cambridge (with whom he had nothing to cil and were released; with which his lordship do) to call in all their licenses, and expel every was so displeased that he sent the council a man who would not wear the apparel, saying very angry letter, calling the prisoners knaves, " that the folly that is bound up in the heart of rebels, rascals, fools, petty gentlemen, precisa child is to be expelled with the rod of disci- ians, &c., and told their honours that if such pline."t men were countenanced, he must yield up his * MS., p. 562, &c. t Life of Whitgift, p. 170. authority; and the bishop never left him till he 4 Life of Aylmer, p. 84, 94. In his visitation this had hunted him out of the diocess. summer [1584], he suspended the following clergy- Mr. Knight suffered six months' imprisonmen in Essex, &c. Mr. Whiteing, of Panfield, ment for not wearing the apparel, and was Messrs. Wyresdale and Gifford, of Malden, Mr. fined one hundred marks. Mr. Negus was susHawkdon, vicar of Fryan, Mr. Carre, of Rain, Mr. pended on the same account: twenty-eight of Tonstal, of Much-Tottam, Mr. Huckle, of Atrop- his parishioners, who subscribed themselves his Rooding, Mr. Piggot, of Tilly, Mr. Cornwal, of Mark hungry sheep that had no shepherd, signed a stay, Mr. NegusWard, of Writtleigh, Mr. Dyke, afterward of St.field, letter, beseeching him to conform; but he proAlban's, Mr. Rogers, of Weathersfield, Mr. Northey, tested he could not do it with a good conscience, of Colchester, Mr. Newman, of Coxall, Mr. Taye, and so was deprived. of Peldon, Mr. Parker, of Dedham, Mr. Morley, of The Rev. Mr. Gifford, of Malden, was a Ridswell, Mr. Nix (or Knight), of Hampstead, Mr. modest man, irreprovable in his life, a great and Winkfield, of Wicks, Mr. Wilton, of Aldham, Mr. diligent preacher, says Mr. Strype, and esteemDent, of South Souberry, Mr. Pain, of Tolberry, Mr. ed by many of good rank. He had written learnLarking, of Little-Waltham, Mr. Camillus Rusticus, pastor of Tange, Mr. Seredge, of East-Havingfield, edly against the Brownsts and by his diligence Mr. Howel, of Pagelsam, Mr. Chadwick, of Danbu- had wrought a wonderful reformation in the ry, Mr. Ferrar, of Langham, Mr. Serls, of Lexdon, town; but being informed against for preaching Mr. Lewis, of St. Peter's, Colchester, Mr. Cock, of up a limited obedience to the magistrate, he was St. Giles's, Colchester, Mr. Beaumont, of East- suspended and imprisoned.t After some time Thorp, Mr. Redridge, of Hutton, Mr. Chaplain, of he was brought to his trial, and his accuser failHempsted, Mr. Culverwell, of Felsted, Mr. D. Chapman, preacher at l)edham, and Mr. Knevit, of Mile- plice, saying, We shall be white with him, or he will End, Colchester; in all, about thirty-eight. These, be black with us.-MS., p. 584, 741. says my author, ale the painful ministers of Essex, * Life of Aylmer, p. 122. MS., p, 662, 658. whom the bishop threatens to deprive for the sur- t MS., p. 410, 420. 168 HISTORY OF THE PURITANo. ing in his evidence, he was released. But the sovereign, and their neighbours;* but that of Bishop of London setting his spies upon him, late it had pleased the Lord to visit them with lie was imprisoned again for nonconformity.* the means of salvation, the ordinary ministry of Upon this he applied to the lord-treasurer, who the Word, in the person of Mr. Dyke, an authorapplied to the archbishop in his favour; but his ized. minister, who, according to his function, grace having consulted his brother of London, had been painful and profitable, and both in life told his lordship that he was a ringleader of the and doctrine had carried himself peaceably and Nonconformists; that he himself had received dutifully among them, so as no man could justly complaints against him, and was determined to find fault with him, except of malice. There bring him before the high commission. The were some, indeed, that could not abide to hear parishioners of Malden presented a petition in their faults reproved, but through his preaching behalf of their minister, signed with fifty-two many had been brought from their ignorance hands, whereof two were bailiffs of the town, and evil ways to a better life, to be frequent two justices of the peace, four aldermen, fifteen hearers of God's Word, and their servants were head burgesses, and the vicar; but to put an end in better order than heretofore. to all farther application, the archbishop wrote " They then give his lordship to understand to the treasurer, " that he had rather die, or live that their minister was suspended, and that they in prison all the days of his life, than relax the were as sheep without a shepherd, exposed to rigour of his proceedings, by showing favour to manifold dangers, even to return to their former one, which might give occasion to others to ex- ignorance and cursed vanities, h1at the Lord pect the same, and undo all that he had been had spoken it, and therefore it must be true, that doing;t he therefore beseeches his lordship not where there is no vision the people perish. They to animate this forward people by writing in therefore pray his lordship, in the bowels of his their favour." Sir Francis Knollys, the queen's compassion, to pity them in their present misery, kinsman, and treasurer of her chamber, second- and become a means that they may enjoy their ed the treasurer, beseeching his grace to open preacher again." the mouths of zealous preachers, who were Upon this letter, Lord Burleigh wrote to the sound in doctrine, though they refused to sub- bishop to restore him, promising that if he troubscribe to any traditions of men, not compellable led the congregation with innovations any more, by law; but all was to no purpose; for as Ful- he would join with the bishop against him; but ler observes,: "This was the constant custom his lordship excused himself, insinuating that he of Whitgift: if any lord or lady sued for favour was charged with incontinence; this occasionto any Nonconformist, he would profess how ed a farther inquiry into Dyke's character, which glad he was to serve them, and gratify their de- was cleared up by the woman herself that acsires, assuring them, for his part, that all possi- cused him, who confessed her wicked contrible kindness should be indulged to them, but at vance, and openly asked him forgiveness. His the same time he would remit nothing of his rig- lordship, therefore, insisted upon his being restoour. Thus he never denied any man's desire, red, forasmuch as the best clergymen in the world and yet never granted it; pleasing them for the might be thus slandered; besides, the people of present with general promises, but still kept to St. Alban's had no teaching, having no curate his own resolution; whereupon the nobility, in but an insufficient doting old man. For this faa little time, ceased making farther applications your (says the treasurer) I shall thank your lordto him, as knowing them to be ineffectual." ship, and will not solicit you any more, if hereafSome of the ministers were indicted at the as- ter he should give just cause of public offence sizes,~ for omitting the cross in baptism, and against the orders of the church established. for not wearing the surplice once every month, But all that the treasurer could say was ineffectand at every communion. Most of them were ual; the Bishop of London was as inexorable deprived, or, to avoid it, forced to quit their liv- as his grace of Canterbury. ings and depart the country. The inhabitants of Essex had a vast esteem Among these was the excellent Mr. Dyke, for their ministers; they could not part from preacher first at Coggeshall in Essex, and after- them without tears; when they could not preward at St. Alban's in Hertfordshire, whose vail with the bishop, they applied to the Parliacharacter was without blemish, and whose prac- ment, and to the lords of the privy council. I tical writings discover him to be a divine of con- have before me two or three petitions from the siderable learning and piety; he was suspend- hundreds of Essex, and one from the county, ed, and at last deprived, because he continued signed by Francis Barrington, Esq., at the head a deacon, and did not enter into priest's orders, of above two hundred gentlemen and tradesmen, which (as the bishop supposed) he accounted housekeepers, complaining, in the strongest popish. He also refused to wear the surplice, terms, that the greatest number of their presand troubled his auditory with notions that ent ministers were unlearned, idle, or otherwise thwarted the established religion. The parish- of scandalous lives; and that those few from loners, being concerned for the loss of their min-. whom they reaped knowledge and comfort were ister, petitioned the Lord Burleigh to intercede molested, threatened, and put to silence, for far them, setting forth "that they had lived small matters in the common prayer, though without any ordinary preaching till within these they were men of godly lives and conversations. four or five years, by the want of which they The bishop was equally severe in other parts were unacquainted with their duty to God, their of his diocess. The Rev. Mr. Barnaby Benison, a city divine of good learning. had been * Life of Aylmer, p. 111. suspended and kept in prison several years, on t Fuller, b. ix., p. 162. $ Fuller, b. ix., p. 218 pretence of some irregularity in his marriage:, M. Beaumont of East-Thorp, Mr. Wilton of Ald ham Mr. Hawkdon of Fryan, M. Seredge of East- the bishop charged him with being married in Havingfield. * Life of Aylmer, p. 303. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 169 an afternoon, and in presence of two or three After some time the bishop returned this anhundred people, by Mr. Field, a Nonconformist; swer: for this he was committed to the Gate-house, where he had lain ever since the year 1579. At "r beseech your lordships to consider, that it length he applied to the queen and council, and is a rare example thus to press a bishop for his in the state of his case he declares that he had zealous service to the queen and the peace of invited only forty persons to the ceremony, and the Church, especially the man being found worthat of them there were only twenty present; thy to be committed for nonconformity, to say that he was married in a morning, and accord- nothing of his contemptuous using of me; neving to law; that when the bishop sent for him ertheless, since it pleaseth your lordships to reand charged him with sedition, he cleared him- quire some reasonable sum of money, I pray you self to his satisfaction; but that after he was to consider my poor estate and great charges gone home he gave private order under his own otherwise, together with the great vaunt the hand for his being apprehended and sent to the man will make of his conquest over a bishop. Gate-house; that he was shut up there in a dun- I hope, therefore, your lordships will be fovourageon eight days, without knowing the cause of ble to me, and refer it to myself, either to bestow his imprisornment, though Dr. Hammond, and upon him some small benefice, or otherwise to his faithful father Fox, who were both at the help him as opportunity offers. Or if this shall wedding, and saw the whole proceeding, went not satisfy the man, or content your lordships, to the bishop and assured him that he was with- leave him to the trial of the law, which I hope out wickedness or fault in that way he went will not be so plain with him as he taketh it. about to charge him; but his lordship would Surely, my lords, this and the like must greatly not release him without such bonds for his good discourage me in this poor service of mine in behaviour and appearance as the prisoner could the commission.' not procure. " Thus I continue," says Mr. Ben- What recompense the poor man had for his ison, " separated from my wife before I had been long imprisonment I cannot find. But he was married to her two weeks, to the great trouble too wise to go to law with a bishop of the court of her friends and relations, and to the stagger- of high commission, who had but little coning of the patient obedience of my wife; for since science or honour, and who, notwithstanding my imprisonment his lordship has been endeav- his "poor estate and great charges," left behind ouring to separate us, whom God has joined him about ~16,000 in money, an immense sun together in the open presence of his people. for those times i Wherefore I most humbly beseech your godly His lordship complained that he was hated honours, for the everlasting love of God, and like a dog and commonly styled the oppressor for the pity you take upon God's true Protest- of the children of God * that he was in danger ants and his poor people, to be a means that my of being mobbed in his progress at Maiden, and pitiful cry may be heard, and my just cause with other places; which is not strange, considering some credit be cleared, to God's honour and her his mean appearance, being a very little man majesty's, whose favour I esteem more than all and his high and insulting behaviour towards the bishop's blessings or bitter cursings; and those that were examined by him, attended with that, I now being half dead, may recover again ill language and a cruel spirit. This appears in to get a poor living with the little learning that numberless instances. When Mr. Merbary, one God has sent me, to his glory, to the discharging of the ministers of Northampton, was brought some part of my duty, and to the profit of the before him, he spake thus: land." B. Thou speakest of making ministers; the The council were so moved with Benison's Bishop of Peterborough was never more overcase, that they sent his lordship the following seen in his life than when he admitted thee to letter: be a preacher in Northampton. Merbury. I,ike enough so (in some sense)- 1 "Whereas Barnaby Benison, minister, has pray God these scales may fall from his eyes given us to understand the great hinderance he p ray Go d these scales may fall from his eyes. B. Thou art a very ass; thou art mad; thou has received by your hard dealing with him, and courageous! Nay, thou art impudent; by my his long imprisonment, for which if he should troth, I think he is nad he careth for nobody. bring his action of false imprisonment he should M. Sir, I take exception at swearing judges recover damages, which would touch your lord- I praise God I am not mad, but sorry to see you ship's credit; we therefore have thought fit to so out of temper. require your lordship to use some consideration B. Did you ever hear one more impudent. towards him, in giving him some sum of money M. It is not, I trust, impudence to answer for to repay the wrong you have done him, and in myself. respect of the hinderance he hath incurred by B. Nay, I know thou art courageous; thou your hard dealing towards him. Therefore, art foolhardy. praying your lordship to deal with the poor man, M. Though I fear not you, I fear the Lord. that he may have occasion to turn his complaint of London. Is he learned 1 into giving to us a good report of your charita- B. He hath an arrogant spirit: he can scarce ble dealing, we bid you heartily farewell. Hamp-construe Cato, I think. ton Court, November 14th, 1584. Signed, M. Sir, you do not punish me because I am Ambrose Warwick, Fr. Bedford, unlearned; howbeit, I understand both the Greek Fr. Knollys, Rob. Leicester, and Latin tongues; assay me to prove your VWalter Mildmay, Charles Howard, disgrace. Fr. Walsinghanl, James Crofts, B. Thou takest upon thee to be a preacher, Wmin. Burghley, Chr. Hatton." _}__ Bromley, chan. * Life of Aylmer, p. 96. VOL. I.-Y .70 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. but there is nothing in thee; thou art a very Among these, the case of the Rev. Mr. Euass, an idiot, and a fool. sebius Paget, minister of the parish church M. I humbly beseech you, sir, have patience; of Kilkhampton, in the diocess of Exon, was give this people better example; I am that I very moving; this divine, at the time of his am through the Lord; I submit the trial of my presentation, acquainted his patron and ordinasufficiency to the judgment of the learned; but rythat he could not with quietness of conscience this wandering speech is not logical. use some rites, ceremonies, and orders appointThere is a great deal more of the same lan- ed in the service-book; who promised, that if guage in this examination; one thing is remark- he would take the charge of the said cure, he able, that he insults poor Merbury, because he should not be urged to the precise observation was for having a minister in every parish. At of them; upon which condition he accepted the parting he gave him the salutation of an " over- charge, and was admitted and regularly inductthwart, proud, Puritan knave;" and sent him ed.* Mr. Paget was a lame man, but, in the to the Marshalsea, though he had been twice opinion of Mr. Strype, a learned, peaceable, and in prison before.* quiet divine, who had complied with the cusHow different was this from the apostolic toms and devotion of the Church, and was incharacter of a bishop I "A bishop," saith St. defatigable in his work, travelling up and down Paul, "should be blameless, of good behaviour, the neighbouring country, to preach the plain no brawler, nor striker, nor greedy of filthy lu- principles of religion; but Mr. Farmer, curate cre. The servant of the Lord must not strive, of Barnstaple, envying his popularity, complainbut be gentle to all men, patient, in meekness ed of him to the high commission, because he instructing those that oppose themselves, that did not mention in his prayers the queen's suthey may recover them out of the snare of the premacy over both estates; because he had said devil." Nay, how different was this bishop that the sacraments were but dumb elements, from himself before he put on lawn-sleeves! For and did not avail without the Word preached; in his book entitled " The Harbour for Faithful because he had preached that Christ did not deSubjects," published soon after the queen's ac- scend into hell both body and soul; that the cession, are these words: " Come off, ye bishops, pope might set up the feast of jubilee, as well away with your superfluities, yield up your as the feasts of Easter and Pentecost; that holy thousands; be content with hundreds, as they days and fasting days were but the traditions be in other Reformed churches, where be as of men, which we were not obliged to follow; great learned men as you are. Let your portion that he disallowed the use of organs in Divine be priestlike, and not princelike; let the queen service; that he called ministers that do not have the rest of your temporalities and other preach dumb dogs, and those that have two lands, to maintain these wars which you pro- benefices knaves; that he preached that the cured, and your mistress left her; and with the late Queen Mary was a detestable woman and rest to build and found schools throughout the a wicked Jezebel. realm; that every parish may have his preacher, But when Mr. Paget appeared before the comevery city his superintendent, to live honestly, missioners, January 11th, 1584, he was only arand not pompously; which will never be, unless ticled according to the common form, for not your lands be dispersed and bestowod upon many, observing the Book of Common Prayer, and the which now feedeth and fatteth but one; re- rites and ceremonies of the Church. Towhich member that Abimelech, when David in his he made the following answer: banishment would have dined with him, kept such hospitality that he had no bread in his "I do acknowledge that, by the statute of the house to give him but the shew bread. Where 1st of Eliz., I am bound to use the said Common was all his superfluity to keep your pretended Prayer Book in such a manner and form as is hospitality I For that is the cause you pretend prescribed, or else to abide such pains as by law why you must have thousands, as though you are imposed upon me. were commanded to keep hospitality rather with " I have not refused to use the said common a thousand than with a hundred. I would our prayer, or to minister the sacraments in such countryman Wickliffe's book, De Ecclesia, were order as the book appoints, though I have not in print; there should you see that your wrinch- used all the rites, ceremonies, and orders set es and cavillations be nothing worth."t When forth in the said book: 1. Partly because to my the bishop was put in mind of this passage, he knowledge there is no common prayer book in made no other reply than that of St. Paul, "When the Church. 2. Because I am informed that you I was a child I spake as a child, I thought as a before whom I stand, and mine ordinary, and child." the most part of the other bishops and minisThe case of those clergymen who were sent ters, do use greater liberty in omitting and alfor up to Lambeth from the remotest parts of tering the said rites, ceremonies, and orders. 3. the kingdom was yet harder. Mr. Elliston, And especially for that I am not fully resolved vicar of Preston, made seven journeys to Pe- in conscience, I may use divers of them. 4. terborough, which was thirty-six miles from his Because, when I took the charge of that church, house, and ten to London, within the compass I was promised by my ordinary that I should of two years, besides several to Leicester and not be urged to such ceremonies, which I am Northampton, at his own cost and charge; and, informed he might do by law. after all, was deprived for not subscribing. To " In these things which I have omitted I have whom might be added, Mr. Stephen Turner, Mr. done nothing obstinately; neither have I used William Fleming of Beccles, Mr. Holden of any other rite, ceremony, order, form, or man Biddlestone, and others. ner of administration of the sacraments, or open prayers, than is mentioned in the said book; al* Part of a register, p. 382. Pierce's Vindic., p. 97. prayers, than is mentioned in the said book; al - Life of Aylmer, p. 269. + MS., p. 582. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 171 though there be some things which I doubt out a license, they tendered him the articles to whether I may use or practise. subscribe, which he refusing, they shut up his "' Wherefore I humbly pray that I may have school and sent him a begging. Let us hear the liberty allowed by the said book, to have in his own relation of his case in a letter that he some convenient time a favourable conference sent to that great sea-officer Sir John Hawkins, either with mine ordinary, or with some other who had a high esteem for this good man. "I by you to be assigned; which I seek not for any was never present at any separate assembly desire I have to keep the said living, but only from the Church," says he, "but abhorred them. for the better resolution and satisfaction of my I always resorted to my parish church, and was own conscience, as God knoweth. Subscribed present at service and preaching; and received thus-by me, the sacrament according to the book. I thought "Lame Eusebius Paget, minister." it my duty not to forsake a church because of some blemishes in it; but while I have endeavThis answer not proving satisfactory, he oured to live in peace, others have prepared was immediately suspended; and venturing to themselves for war. I am turned out of my livpreach after his suspension, was deprived; the ing by commandment. I afterward preached principal causes of his deprivation were these without living or a penny stipend;, and when I two: was forbid, I ceased. I then taught a few 1. Omission of part of the public prayers, the children, to get a little bread for myself and cross in baptism, and the surplice. mine to eat; some disliked this, and wished me 2. Irregularities incurred by dealing in the to forbear, which I have done, and am now to ministry after suspension. go as an idle rogue and vagabond from door to But in the opinion of the civilians neither of door to beg my bread, though I am alle in a these things could warrant the proceedings of lawful calling to get it."*. Thus this learned the court:* 1. Because Mr. Paget had not time, and useful divine was silenced till the death of nor a conference, as he craved, and as the stat- Whitgift, after which he was instituted to the ute in doubtful matters warrenteth. 2. Because living of St. Anne within Aldersgate. he had not three several admonitions, nor so The Rev. Mr. Walter Travers, B.D., some much as one, to do that in time which the law time fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, al.. requires. If this had been done, and upon such ready mentioned, came into trouble this year. respite and admonition he had not conformed, He had been ordained at Antwerp, and being an then the law would have deemed him a recu- admired preacher, a fine gentleman, and of great sant, but not otherwise. 3. If this course had learning, he became domestic chaplain to Secbeen taken, yet Mr. Paget's omissions had so retary Cecil, and lecturer at the Temple. Dr. many favourable circumstances (as the'parish's Alvey the master dying about this time, Travers not having provided a book, and his ordinary's was recommended to succeed him by the doctor promising not to urge him with the precise ob- on his deathbed, and by the benchers of the servance of all the ceremonies), that it was house, in a petition to the treasurer on his behardly consistent with the prudent consideration half; but the archbishop interposed, and deand charity of a judge to deprive him at once. dlared, peremptorily, that unless he would be As to his irregularity, by exercising the minis- reordained according to the usage of the Church try after suspension, the suspension was thought of England, and subscribe to his articles, he to be void, because it was founded upon a meth- would not admit him. Upon which he was set od not within the cognizance of those who gave aside, and Mr. Hooker preferred. Travers consentence; for the ground was, refusing to sub- tinued lecturer about two years longer, and was scribe to articles tendered by the ecclesiastical then deprived of his lectureship, and deposed commissioners, who had no warrant to offer any from the ministry. The treasurer, and others of such articles at all; for their authority reaches Travers's friends, advised him for peace' sake no farther than to reform and correct facts done to be reordained; but he replied in a letter to contrary to certain statutes expressed in their his lordship, that this would be to invalidate his commission, and contrary to other ecclesiastical former orders; and not only so, but as far as in laws; and there was never yet any clause in him lay, to invalidate the ordinations of all fortheir commission to offer subscription to articles eign churches. " As for myself," says he, " I of their own devising. But suppose the suspen- had a sufficient title to the ministerial office, sion was good, the irregularity was taken away having been ordained according to God's holy by the queen's pardon long before his depriva- Word, with prayers and impositions of hands, tion. Besides, Mr. Paget did not exercise his and according to the order of a church of the ministry after suspension, till he had obtained same faith and profession with the Church of from the Archbishop of Canterbury a release England, as appears by my testimonials." He from that suspension, which, if it was not suffi- prayed his lordship to consider, farther, whethei cient, it was apprehended by him to be so, the his subscribing the articles of religion, which archbishop being chief in the commission; and only concern the profession of the Christian all the canonists allow that simplicity, and ig- faith and doctrine of the sacraments, as agreed norant mistaking of things, being void of wilful upon in the convocation of 1562, which most contempt, is a lawful excuse to discharge irreg- willingly and with all his heart he assented to ularity. But the commissioners avowed their according to the statute, did not qualify him for own act, and the patron disposed of the living a minister in the Church, as much as if he had to another. been ordained according to the English form. Mr. Paget, having a numerous family, set up a But the archbishop was determined to have a little school, but the arms of the commissioners strict eye upon the inns of court, and to bring reached hinm there; for, being required to take them to the public standard; and the rather, in* MS., p. 572. * Life of Whitgift, p. 377. 172 HISTORY OF THE PURITA1NS. asmuch as some of them pretended to be ex- their oppressors, because of their great names empted from his jurisdiction; for though in all or religious characters. other places the sacrament was received in the The affairs of the Church were in this ferposture of kneeling, the templers received it to ment when the Parliament met November 23d, this very time sitting. Travers would have in- 1584, in which the Puritans, despairing of all troduced the posture of standing at the side of other relief, resolved to make their utmost efthe table, but the benchers insisted upon their forts for a farther reformation of church disciprivilege, and would receive it in no other pos- pline. Fuller says* their agents were soliciting ture than sitting.* The archbishop, in order to at the door of the House of Commons all day, put an end to this practice, would admit none and making interest in the evening at the chambut a high Conformist, that they might be obli- bers of Parliament men; and if the queen would ged to receive it kneeling, or not at all. have taken the advice of her two houses, they The harder the Church pressed upon the Pu- had been made easy. December 14th, three ritans, the more were they disaffected to the petitions were offered to the House: one touchnational establishment, and the more resolute ing liberty for godly preachers; a second to exin their attempts for a reformation of discipline. ercise and continue their ministry; and a third There was a book in high esteem among them for a speedy supply of able men for destitute at this time, entitled Disciplina ecclesia sacra ex places.t The first was brought in by Sir ThomDei verbo descripta; that is, "6 The Holy Disci- as Lucy, the second by Sir Edward Dymock, pline of the Church described in the WVord of and the third by Mr. Gates. Soon after this Dr. God." It was drawn up in Latin by Mr. Trav- Turner stood up, and put the House in rememers, and printed at Geneva about the year 1574, brance of a bill and book which he had heretobut since that time had been diligently reviewed, fore offered to the House; the bill was entitled corrected, and perfected by Mr. Cartwright, and " An Act concerning the Subscription of Minisother learned ministers, at their synods. It was ters," and proposes " that no other subscription translated into English this year, with a preface but what is enjoined by the 13th of Queen Elizby Mr. Cartwright, and designed to be published abeth be required of any minister or preacher for more general use; but as it was printing at in the Church of England; and that the refusing Cambridge it was seized at the press; the arch- to subscribe any other articles shall not be any bishop advised that all the copies should be cause for the archbishops or bishops, or any burned as factious and seditious, but one was other persons having ecclesiastical jurisdiction, found in Mr. Cartwright's study after his death, to refuse any of the said ministers to any eccleand reprinted in the year 1654, under this new siastical office, function, or dignity; but that title, "A Directory of Government anciently the said archbishops, bishops, &c., shall insticontended for, and as far as the time would suf- tute, induct, admit, and invest, or cause to be fer, practised by the Nonconformists in the instituted, &c., such persons as shall be presentDays of Queen Elizabeth, found in the Study of ed by the lawful patrons, notwithstanding their the most accomplished Divine, Mr. Thomas refusal to subscribe any other articles not set Cartwright, after his decease, and reserved to down in the statute 13th Eliz. And that no be published for such a time as this. Published minister for the future shall be suspended, deby authority." It contains the substance of prived, or otherwise molested in body or goods, those alterations in discipline which the Puri- by virtue of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction, but tans of these times contended for, and was sub- only in the cases of obstinately and wilfully described by the brethren hereafter named, as fending any heresies condemned by the express argeeable to the Word of God, and to be pro- Word of God, or their dissolute lives, which shall moted by all lawful means, that it may be es- be proved by two credible witnesses, or by their tablished by the authority of the magistrate and own voluntary confession." The book consistof the Church; and in the mean time to be ob- ed of thirty-four articles of complaint, but by served, as far as lawfully they may, consistently advice of the House, the substance of the petiwith the laws of the land and peace of the tions was reduced by the ministers in sixteen arChurch. I have therefore given it a place in titles, which he desired might be imparted to the the Appendix, to which I refer the reader.t House of Lords, and they be requested to join Another treatise, dispersed privately about with the Commons in exhibiting them, by way of this time, against the discipline of the Church, humble suit, to the queen. The first five were was entitled "' An Abstract-of certain Acts of Par- against insufficient ministers; then followed, liament, and of certain of her Majesty's Injunc- 6. That all pastors to he admitted to cures tions and Canons, &c., printed by H. Denham, might be tried and allowed by the parishes. 1584." The author's designs was to show that 7. That no oath or subscription might be tenthe bishops in their ecclesiastical courts had ex- dered to any at their entrance into the ministry ceeded their power, and broke through the laws but such as is expressly prescribed by the statand statutes of the realm; which was so noto- utes of this realm, except the oath against corrious, that the answerer, instead of confuting rupt entering.: the abstracter, blames him for exposing their 8. That ministers may not be troubled for father's nakedness, to the thrusting through of omission of some rites or portions prescribed in religion, by the sides of the bishops. But who the Book of Common Prayer. was in fault? Shall the liberties and properties 9. That they may not be called and urged to of mankind be trampled upon by a despotic answer before the officials and commissaries, power, and the poor sufferers not be allowed to but before -the bishops themselves. hold up the laws and statutes of the land to 10. That such as had been suspended or de* Strype's Annals, p. 244. t Appendix, No. 4. * B. ix., p. 173. t Life of Whitgift, p. 176, 177.. X Stiype's Annals, vol. iii., p. 233, 283. J MS., p 466. Fuller, b. ix., p. 189, 190. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 173 prived for no other offence, but only for not sub- &c., and confirmation of the rites and ceremoscribing, might be restored. nies of the Church. 11. That. the bishops would forbear their ex- The ninth desires a dispensation from the jucommunication ex officio mero of godly and learn- risdiction of our ecclesiastical courts, as chaned preachers, not detected for open offence of cellors, officials, &c., which will in the end sublife, or apparent error in doctrine; and that they vert all episcopal authority. To the tenth they might not be called before the High Commission, say, that the ministers who have been suspendor out of the diocess where they lived, except ed are heady, rash, and contentious; and it is for some notable offence. a perilous example to have sentences revoked 12. That it might be permitted to them in ev- that have been given according to law, except ery archdeaconry to have some common exer- they would yield. The eleventh petition cutteth cises and conferences among themselves, to be off another considerable branch of ecclesiastical limited and prescribed by the ordinaries. jurisdiction, viz., the oath ex officio, which is 13. That the high censure of excommunica- very necessary in some cases, where the parishtion may not be denounced or executed for small ioners are so perverse that, though the minister matters. varies the service of the Church as by law ap14. Nor by lay-chancellors, commissaries, or pointed, they will not complain, much less be officials, but by the bishops themselves, with the witnesses against him. assistance of grave persons. The exercises mentioned in the twelfth article 15, 16. That nonresidence and pluralities may are by the queen's majesty suppressed. be quite removed out of the Church, or at least To the thirteenth and fourteenth they answer, that, according to the queen's injunctions (arti- that they are willing to petition the queen that cle 44), no nonresident having already a license the sentence of excommunication may be proor faculty may enjoy it, unless he depute an nounced by the bishop, with such assistance as able curate, who may weekly preach and cat- he shall call in, or by some ecclesiastical person echise, as is required in her majesty's injunc- commissioned by him. tions. To the fifteenth and sixteenth articles they This petition was attended with a moving sup- answer, that the small value of many ecclesiasplication to the queen and Parliament, in the tical livings made pluralities and nonresidence name of thousands of the poor untaught people in a manner necessary.* of England, drawn up by Mr. Sampson, in which The debates upon this last head running very they complain, that in many of their congrega- high, a bill was ordered to be brought in immetions they had none to break the bread of life, diately against pluralities and nonresidences, nor the comfortable preaching of God's Holy and for appeals from ecclesiastical courts. It Word;* that the bishops in their ordinations was said in favour of the bill, that nonresiden-. had no regard to such as were qualified to ces and pluralities were mala in se, evil in their preach, provided they could only read, and did own nature; that they answered no valuable but conform to the ceremonies; that they de- purpose, but hindered the industry of the clergy, prived such as were capable of preaching on ac- and were a means to keep the country in ignocount of ceremonies which do not edify, but are rance, at a time when there were only three rather unprofitable burdens to the Church; and thousand preachers to supply nine thousand parthat they molest the people that go from their ishes. The archbishop drew up his reasons own parish churches to seek the bread of life, against the bill, and prevailed with the convocawhen they have no preaching at home. They tion to present them in an address to the queen, complain that there are thousands of parishes wherein they style themselves her majesty's destitute of the necessary means of salvation, poor distressed supplicants, now in danger from and therefore pray the queen and Parliament to the bill depending in the House of Commons provide a remedy. against pluralities and nonresidences; " which," In answer to the petition last mentioned, the say they, "impeacheth your majesty's prerogaBishop of Winchester, in the name of his breth- tive; lesseneth the revenues of the crown; ren, drew up the following reply: overthrows the study of divinity in both univerThe first five petitions tend to one thing, that sities; will deprive men of the livings they lawis, the reformation of an unlearned and insuffi- fully possess; will beggar the clergy; will bring cient ministry: to which we answer, that though in a base and unlearned ministry; lessen the hosthere are many such in the Church, yet that pitality of cathedrals; be an encouragement to there was never less reason to complain of them students to go over to foreign seminaries, where than at present, and that things are mending they may be better provided for; and, in a word, every day. will make way for anarchy and confusion."t To the sixth article they answered, that it sa- And to give some satisfaction to the public, voured of popular elections long since abroga- they presented six articles to the queen, as the ted; that it would breed divisions in parishes, sum of all that needed arnendment.t The first and prejudice the patron's right. was, that none should be admitted into holy orTo the seventh and four following articles ders under twenty-four years of age; that they they reply, that if they are granted, the whole should have presentation to a cure; that they hierarchy will be unbraced; for the seventh ar- should bring testimonials of their good life; and tide shakes the ground of all ecclesiastical gov- that the bishop might refuse whom he thought ernment,- by subverting the oath of canonical fit, without the danger of a quare impedzt. The obedience to the bishop in " omnibus licitis et second was to restrain the commutation of penhonestis."t The eighth article requires a dis- ance, except upon great consideration, of which pensation from the civil magistrate, to the sub- the bishop to be judge. The third was, to reverting the Act of Uniformity of common prayer, * Life of Whitgift, p. 190. t Ibid., p. 193. * Strype's Ann., p. 223. t Life of Whitgift, p. 189.: Ibid., p. 209. 174 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. strain licenses to marry without bans. The albeit also, according to your majesty's good li. fourth, to moderate some excesses about excom- king, we have sent down order for the admitting munication. The fifth, for restraining plurali- of meet men in the ministry hereafter; yet have ties of benefices. The sixth, concerning fees to they passed a bill in that house yesterday touchecclesiastical officers and their servants. But ing that matter; which, besides other inconvenieven these articles lay by till the year 1597, ences (as, namely, the trial of the minister's sufwhen they were confirmed in convocation, and ficiency by twelve laymen, and such like), hath afterward incorporated among the canons. this also, that if it pass by Parliament it cannot In the mean time, the bill against pluralities hereafter but in Parliament be altered, what nepassed the House of Commons, and was sent cessity soever shall urge thereunto: which I up to the Lords, where the Archbishops of Can- am persuaded in a short time will appear, conterbury and York, and Bishop' of Winchester, sidering the multitudes of livings, not fit for men made long speeches, showing that neither the so qualified, by reason of the smallness thereof; cathedrals nor professors in the universities whereas, if it be but as a canon from us, or by could subsist without them. To prove this, they your majesty's authority, it may be observed or produced a list of the small value of many ec- altered at pleasure. clesiastical livings, according to the queen's "They have also passed a bill giving liberty books. To which it was replied, that there to marry at all times of the year without rewere many suspended preachers would be glad straint, contrary to the old canons continually of the smallest of those livings, if they might observed among us, and containing matter have them without molestation; however, that which tendeth to the slander of this Church, as it was more proper to go upon ways and means having hitherto maintained an error. for the augmentation of smaller livings than to " There is likewise now in hand in the same suffer the poor people to perish for lack of knowl- house a bill concerning ecclesiastical courts, edge, while the incumbents were indulged in idle- and visitation by bishops; which may reach to ness and sloth; but the weight of the bench of the overthrow of ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, and bishops, with the court interest, threw out the bill. study of the civil laws. The pretence of the This exasperated the Commons to that de- bill is against excessive fees and exactions in gree, that after the holydays they resumed the ecclesiastical courts; which fees are none other debate of the Bill of Petitions, and ordered sev- than have been of long time accustomed to be eral other bills to be brought in to clip the wings taken; the law already established providing a of the bishops, and lessen the power of the spir- sharp and severe punishment for such as shall itual courts. One was for swearing bishops in exact the same; besides an order also which the courts of Chancery and King's Bench, that we have at this time for the better performance they should act nothing against the common law thereof. of the land; another, to reduce their fees; a third, " I therefore most humbly beseech your majfor liberty to marry at all times of the year; a esty to continue your gracious goodness tofourth, for the qualification of ministers; and a wards us, who with all humility submit ourfifth, for restoring of discipline. The act for selves to your highness, and cease not daily to qualifying ministers annuls all popish ordina- pray for your happy state, and long and prostions, and disqualifies such as were not capable perous reign over us. From Lambeth, the 24th of preaching, as well as those who were con- of March, 1584. victed of profaneness, or any kind of immorali- "Your majesty's chaplain, ty; but obliges the successor to allow the de- "And daily orator most bound, prived minister a sufficient maintenance, at the " JO. CANTUAR." discretion of the justices of the quarter sessions; The queen was pleased with the archbishop's and if the living be not sufficient, it is to be done advice of making alterations by canon, and not by a parish rate. It insists upon a careful ex- by statute, that she might reserve the power in amination and trial of the qualifications of can- her own hands; and immediately sent a mesdidates for the ministry by the bishop, assisted sage to the Commons by the lord-treasurer, to by twelve of the laity; and, makes the election, reprimand them " for encroaching upon her suor consent of the people, necessary to his in- premacy, and for attempting what she had forduction to the pastoral charge. The bill for bidden, with which she was highly offended; discipline is for abolishing the canon law and and to command the speaker, in her majesty's all the spiritual courts,* and for bringing the name, to see that no bills touching reformation probates of testaments, and all civil business, in causes ecclesiastical should be exhibited; and into the courts of Westminster Hall; it appoints if any such were exhibited, she commands him a presbytery or eldership in each parish, which, upon his allegiance not to read them." The together with the minister, shall determine the Commons now saw their mistake in vesting the spiritual business of the parish, with an appeal whole power of reforming the policy of the to higher judicatories in cases of complaint. Church in the single person of the queen, who Mr. Strype sayst the bill for the qualification knew how to act the sovereign ant display her of the ministers passed the Commons, which prerogative as well as her father. Had it been put the archbishop into such a fright, that the reserved to the whole Legislature, queen, lords, very next day he wrote the following letter to and Commons, with advice of the representathe queen; tive body of the clergy, it had been more equi"May it please your majesty to be advertised, table; but now, if the whole nation were dissat"That notwithstanding the charge of late isfied, not an insignificant rite or ceremony must given by your highness to the lower house of be changed, or a bill brought into either house Parliament for dealing in causes of the Church; of Parliament, without an infringement of the prerogative: no lay-person in the kingdom must * MS., p. 208, 213. t Life of Whitgift, p. 198. meddle with religion except the queen; the HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 175 lnands of Lords and Commons are tied up, her ry to law and the liberty of the subject; that majesty is absolute in the affairs of the Church, those ministers who have been of late suspendand no motion for reformation must arise from ed may he restored, upon giving a bond and seany but herself. curity not to preach against the dignities of The archbishop's reasons against the bill for archbishops, bishops, &c., nor to disturb the ormarrying at any time of the year are very ex- ders of the Church, but to maintain it as far as traordinary; it is contrary (says his grace) to they can, and soberly to teach Jesus Christ the old canons. But many of these are contrary crucified;* that ministers may not be exposed to the canon of Scripture; and they who framed to the malicious prosecution of their enemies, this seem a little to resemble the character which upon their omission of any tittle in the servicethe apostle gives of an apostate from the faith, book; that they may not be obliged to read the 1 Tim., iv., 3, "Forbidding to marry, and com- Apochrypha, seeing in the first book printed in manding to abstain from meats." He adds, "It her majesty's reign the same was left out, and tendeth to the slander of the Church, as having was afterward inserted without warrant of law, hitherto maintained an error." Is it, then, a and contrary to the statute, which allows but slander to the Church of England, or to any three alterations; that the cross in baptism may Protestant church, to say she is fallible, and not be enforced, seeing in King Edward's second may have maintained an error? Have not fa- book there was a note which left that and some thers and councils erred? Nay, in the very other rites indifferent; which note ought to have Church of Rome, which alone lays claim to in- been in the queen's book, it not being among fallibility, have we not read of one pope and the alterations appointed by statute: they farcouncil reversing the decrees of another? The ther desire, that in baptism the godfathers may twenty-first article of the Church of England answer in their own names, and not in the says that "general councils may err, and some- child's; that midwives and women may not times have erred, even in things pertaining to baptize; that the words upon delivery of the God." And if a general council may err, even ring in marriage may be left indifferent; that in things of importance to salvation, surely it his grace would not urge the precise wearing of can be no slander to say a convocation, a par- the gown, cap, tippet, and surplice, but only that liament, or a single person, may mistake in ministers be obliged to wear apparel meet and commanding to abstain from meats, and forbid- decent for their callings; that lecturers who ding to marry at certain times of the year. have not cure of souls, but are licensed to While the Puritans were attending the Par- preach, behaving themselves well, be not enliament they did not neglect the convocation: forced to minister the sacraments unless they a petition was presented to them in the name be content so to do. of the ministers who refused to subscribe the But the archbishop would abate nothing, nor archbishop's three articles, wherein they desire admit of the least latitude from the national esto be satisfied in their scruples, which the law tablishment. He framed an answer to the proadmits, but had not hitherto been attempted.* posals, in which he insists upon a full conformThe convocation rejecting their petition, the ity, telling the petitioners that it was none of ministers printed their " Apology to the Church his business to alter the ecclesiastical laws or and humble Suit to the High Court of Parlia- dispense with them: which was all they were ment," in which they mention several things in to expect from him. What could wise and good the public service as repugnat to the Word of men do more in a peaceable way for the liberty God: as, requiring faith in an infant to be bap- of their consciences, or a farther reformation in tized; confounding baptism and regeneration; the Church? They petitioned the queen, appliadding to the pure and perfect institutions of ed to both houses of Parliament, and addressed Christ the cross in baptism, and the ring in mar- the convocation and bishops; they moved no riage; advancing the writings of the Apochry- seditions nor riots, but fasted and prayed for the pha to a level with Holy Scripture, by reading queen and Church as long as they were allowed; them in the Church; with many others. They and when they could serve them no longer, they conclude with an earnest supplication to their patiently submitted to suspensions and deprivasuperiors to be continued in their callings, con- tions, fines and imprisonments, till it should sidering their being set apart to the ministry, please God, of his infinite mercy, to open a door and the obligations they were under to God and for their farther usefulness. their people; they protest they will do anything The papists made their advantages of these they can without sin, and the rather, because divisions: a plot was discovered this very year they are apprehensive that the " shepherds being [1585] against the queen's life, for which Lord stricken, their flocks will be scattered." Pagett and others fled their country; and one The Puritans' last resort was to the arch- Parry was executed, who was to have killed bishop, who had a prevailing interest in the her majesty as she was riding abroad; to which queen; a paper was therefore published, enti- (it is saidS) the pope encouraged him, by tied" Means how to settle a Godly and Charita- granting him his blessing, and a plenary indulble Quietness in the Church," humbly address- gence and remission of all his sins; assuring ed to the archbishop, and containing the follow- To this proposal the archbishop answered, "I do ing proposals: not mislike of the bond; but he that shall enter into That it would please his grace not to press it, and yet refuse to subscribe, in my opinion is a mere such subscription as had been of late required, hypocrite, or a very wilful fellow; for this condition seeing in the Parliament that established the containeth more than doth the subscription."-nMadarticles the subscription was misliked, and put dox's Vindication, p. 348.-ED. out;t that he would not oblige men to accuse t See Bishop Carleton's thankful Remembrance themselves by the oath ex oficio, it being contra- of God's Mercy, 1627: a very curious volume, with remarkably tine illustrations. —C. 3 MS., p. 595. f Life of Whitgift, p. 196. 4 Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 249. 176 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. him that, besides the merit of the action in voured of Puritanism, as against nonresidents, heaven, his holiness would make himself his for making a more strict inquiry into the qualidebtor in the best manner he could, and there- fications of ministers, and for restraining unfore exhorted him to put his "most holy and worthy communicants.* He also erected a kind honourable- purposes" in execution; this was of judicatory,t consisting of four learned divines written from Rome, January the 30th, 1584, and with himself, to examine such as should be presigned by the Cardinal of Como. Mary, queen sented for ordination. When the archbishop of Scots, was big with expectation of the crown had read them over, he called them the wellof England at this time, from the preparations of spring of a pernicious platform, and represented foreign popish princes, who were determined to them to the queen as contrary to law, and the make the strongest efforts to set her upon the settled state of the Church; the bishop wrote a throne, and to restore the Catholic religion in defence of his articles to the archbishop, showEngland; but they could not get ready before ing their consistency with law, and the great her head was laid down upon the block. advantage which might arise from them; but The Parliament, which met again in Novem- Whitgift would hear of nothing that looked like der, being sensible of the importance of the a Puritanical reformation.S queen's life, entered into a voluntary association The Lord's Day was now very much profaned to revenge her death, if that should happen by the encouragement of plays and sports in the through any violence:* they also made a severe evening, and sometimes in' the afternoon. The statute against Jesuits and seminary priests, or Rev. Mr. Smith, M.A., in his sermon before the others who engaged in plots by virtue of the University of Cambridge, the first Sunday in bull of excommunication of Pope Pius V., and Lent, maintained the unlawfulness of these against any subject of England that should go plays; for which he was summoned before the abroad for education in any of the popish sem- vice-chancellor, and upon examination offered inaries. Yet none of these things could move to prove that the Christian Sabbath ought to be the queen or bishops to take any steps towards observed by an abstinence from all worldly buuniting Protestants among themselves. siness, and spent in works of piety and charity; But to put an effectual stop to the pens of the though he did not apprehend we were bound to Church's adversaries, his grace applied to the the strictness of the Jewish precepts.~ The queen for a farther restraint of the press, which Parliament had taken this matter into considerhe obtained and published by authority of the ation,il and passed a bill for the better and more Star Chamber (says Mr. Strypet), June 23d, 28 reverent observation of the Sabbath, which the Elhz. It was framed by the archbishop's head, speaker recommended to the queen in an elewho prefixed a preface to it: the decree was to gant speech; but her majesty refused to pass this purpose, "that there should be no printing- it, under pretence of not suffering the Parliapresses in private places, nor anywhere but in ment to meddle with matters of religion, which London and the two universities. No new was her prerogative. However, the thing appresses were to be set up but by license from peared so reasonable, that, without the sanction the Archbishop and Bishop of London, for the of a law, the religious observation of the Sabtime being; they to signify the same to the war- bath grew in esteem with all sober persons, and dens of the. Stationers' Company, who should after a few years became the distinguishing present such as they chose to be masters of mark of a Puritan. printing-presses before the ecclesiastical com- This summer Mr. Cartwright returned from missioners for their approbation. No person to abroad, having spent five years in preaching to print any book unless first allowed according to the English congregation at Antwerp; he had the queen's injunctions, and to be seen and pe- been seized with an ague, which ended in a hecrused by the Archbishop or Bishop of London, tic, for which the physicians advised him to his or their chaplain. No book to be printed against native air. Upon this he wrote to the Earl of any of the laws in being, nor any of the queen's Leicester and the lord-treasurer for leave to injunctions. Persons that should sell or bind come home; these noblemen made an honourup such books to suffer three months' imprison- able mention of him in Parliament, but he could ment., And it shall be lawful for the wardens not obtain their mediation with the queen for of the Stationers' Company to make search after his pardon, so that as soon as it was known he -them, and seize them to her majesty's use; and was landed, though in a weak and languishing the printers shall be disabled from exercising condition, he was apprehended and thrown into their trade for the future, and suffer six months' prison; when he appeared before the archbishop imprisonment, and their presses be broken." he behaved with that modesty and respect as Notwithstanding this edict, the archbishop was far from enjoying a peaceable triumph, the Pu- * Strype's Ann., vol. iii., p. 328. ritans finding ways and means from abroad to t Here Mr. Neal is censured by Bishop Warburpropagate their writings, and expose the sever- ton, as partial, for reckoning the Bishop of Litchity of their adversaries. field's conduct to be agreeable to law, because infaSome faint attempts were made this summer voeyr of the Puritans; and for representing before, p. for reviving the exercises called prophesyings, 348, the archbishop's publishing articles without the great seal as illegal, because against the Puritans. in the diocess of Chester, where the clergy were Not to say that the articles in one case are very difvery ignorant: Bishop Chadderton drew up ferent from the object of the judicatory in the other, proper regulations, in imitation of those already Mr. Neal, it will appear on examining, doth not dementioned, but the design proved abortive. cide on the legality of the measure in either case, but, The Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry also pub- as an historian, states what was offered on this head lished some articles for his visitation which sa- by the parties; and this he does with respect to the archbishop very fully pro and con.-ED. * Strype's Ann., vol. ii., p. 293. ~ MS., p. 55. ~ Strype's Ann., p. 341 t Life of Whitgift, p. 223. 11 Ibid., vol. iii., p. 296. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 177 softened the heart of his great adversary, who, without any warning; for, as he was going up upon promise of his peaceable and quiet beha- into the pulpit to preach on the Lord's Day afviour, suffered him to go at large; for which ternoon, the officer served him with a prohibithe Earl of Leicester and Mr. Cartwright return- tion upon the pulpit stairs; upon which, instead ed his grace thanks; but all their interest could of a sermon, he acquainted the congregation not procure him a license to preach. "Mr. with his suspension, and dismissed them.* The Cartwright," says the archbishop to the earl, reasons given for it were, 1. That he was not "shall be welcome to me at all times, but to grant ordained according to the rites of the Church him a license to preach till I am better satisfied of England. 2. That he had broken the orders of his conformity, is not consistent with my duty of the 7th of the queen, " That disputes should or conscience." However, the earl made him not be brought into the pulpit." governor of an hospital in Warwick, where he Mr. Travers, in his own vindication, drew up was connived at for a time, and preached with- a petition or supplication to the council, in which out a license: his salary was a house, and ~100 he complains of being judged and condemned per annum. before he was heard, and then goes on to anMr. Fenner and Wood, two other suspended swer the objections alleged against him in the ministers, were released after twelve months' prohibition. imprisonment, upon a general subscription to First, it is said "that I am not lawfully the articles, as far as the law required, and a called to exercise the office of a minister, nor promise to use the Book of Common Prayer, allowed to preach, according to the laws of the and no other; but such was the clamour on all Church of England." hands, by reason of the three articles to be sub- To which I answer, that my call was by such scribed by all who had livings already, as well methods as are appointed in the national synods as those that should hereafter take orders, that of the foreign Reformed churches; testimonials Secretary Walsingham went over to Lambeth, of which I have shown to my Lord Archbishop and told his grace that it would stop, in a great of Canterbury; so that, if any man be lawfully measure, the complaints which were brought to called to the ministry in those countries, I am. -court, if he would require subscription only of But " I am not qualified to be a minister in such as were hereafter to enter into holy orders, England, because I am not ordained according and suffer those already in places to proceed in to the laws of this country." the discharge of their duty, upon condition of I beseech your lordships to weigh my answer: their giving bond to read the common prayer Such is the communion of saints, as that, what according to the usages and laws prescribing solemn acts are done in one true church of the same; which the archbishop promised to Christ, according to his Word, are held lawful in comply with.* all others: the constituting or making of a minBut the nonsubscribing divines, who were un- ister being once lawfully done, ought not to be preferred, might not so much as teach school repealed: pastors and teachers in the New for a livelihood, for the archbishop would grant Testament hold the same manner of calling as no license without subscribing; and from this I had: the repeating ordination makes void the time his licenses to teach grammar, and even former ordination, and, consequently, all such reading and writing, were granted only from acts as were done by virtue of it, as baptism, year to year: the schoolmasters were to be full confirmation, marriage, &c. By the same rule, conformists;t they were limited to a particular people ought to be rebaptized and married over diocess, and were not authorized to teach else- again, when they come into this country from where; they were to instruct their scholars in' a foreign.t nothing but what was agreeable to the laws Besides, by the statute 13 Elizabeth, those and statutes of the realm; and all this only du- who have been ordained in foreign Protestant ring the bishop's pleasure. Such was the rig- churches, upon their subscribing the articles our of these times! therein mentioned, are qualified to enjoy any Mr. Travers had been lecturer at the Temple benefice in the kingdom, equally with them who with Mr. Hooker, the new master, about two are ordained according to the laws now in beyears, but with very little harmony or agree- ing; which, comprehending all that are priests ment, one being a strict Calvinist, the other a according to the order of the Church of Rome, person of larger principles; the sermon in the morning was very often confuted in the after- a Many who approved of the silencing of Travers noon, and vindicated again the next Lord's Day. were indignant at the way in which it was done. The writer of Hooker's lifet reports that the Fuller gives the following account of it. "All the congregation, on a Sabbath in the afternoon, were morning sermon spoke the language of Canter- assembled together, their attention prepared, the bury, the afternoon that of Geneva. Hooker cloth (as I may say) and napkins were laid, yea, the complaining of this usage, the archbishop took guests set, and their knives drawn for their spiritual the opportunity to suspend Mr. Travers at once, repast; when suddenly, as Mr. Travers was going tup into the pulpit, a sorry fellow served him with a letter prohibiting him to preach any more. In obe* Life of Whitgift, p. 226, 227. t Ibid., p. 246. dience to authority, Mr. Travers calmly signified the: Bishop Warburton deems it disingenuous in Mr. same to the congregation, and requested them quietNeal to quote the language of this biographer. as he ly to depart to their chambers. knew that, so quoted, it would be understood to re-' Thus was our good Zecharias struck dumb in the flect upon Mr. Hooker as only a tool or creature of Temple, but not for infidelity. Meantime, his audithe archbishop. But is not Bishop Warburton here tory, sent sermonless home, manifested in their vaunnecessarily captious? To me it appears that the riety of passion, some grieving, some frowning, some opposition lying between Canterbury and Geneva is murmuring, and the wisest sort, who held their sufficient to screen Mr. Neal's use of the biogra- tongues, shook their heads as disliking the managing phlier's words from the imputation of such a meaning. of the matter."-Chu.rch History, ch. ix., p. 217.-C. -El). t Whitgift's Life, p. 251. VOL. I.-Z 178 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. must certainly be as favourable to ministers or- But let all be granted that he would have, says dained among foreign Protestants. In conse- Mr. Hooker, what will it advantage him 1 He quence of this law many Scots divines are now ought to have complained to the high commisin possession of benefices in the Church, as was sioners, and not have confuted me in the pulpit; Mr. Whittingham, though he was the first who for schisms and disturbances will arise in the was called in question in this case. Church, if all men may be tolerated to think as But it is said, "I preached without presenta- they please, and publicly speak what they. think. tion or license." Therefore, by a decree agreed upon by the To which I answer, that the place where I bishops, and confirmed by her majesty, it was exercised my ministry required no presentation, ordered that, if erroneous doctrine should be nor had I a title, or reaped any benefit by law, taught publicly, it should not be publicly refubut only received a voluntary contribution, and ted, but complained of to such persons as her was employed in preaching only; and as to a majesty' should appoint to hear and determine license, I was recommended to be a minister of such causes; for breach of which order he is that place by two several letters of the Bishop charged with want of duty; and all the faults of London to the gentlemen of the Inner Tem- he alleges against me can signify nothing in his ple, without which letters that society. would own defence. Mr. Hooker concludes with his not have permitted me to officiate. unfeigned desires that both Mr. Travers's and Secondly, "I am charged with indiscretion his papers may be burned, and all animosities'and want of duty to Mr. Hooker, master of the buried in oblivion, and that there be no strife Temple; and with breaking the order of the 7th among them but this, who shall pursue peace, of the queen, about bringing disputes into the unity, and piety with the greatest vigour and pulpit." diligence. As to " want of duty," I answer, though some But the council interfered not in the affair. have suspected my want of good-will to Mr. Travers was left to the mercy of the archbishop, Hooker, because he succeeded Dr. Alvey in the who could never be prevailed with to take off -lace I desired for myself; this is a mistake, his suspension or license him to preach in any for I declined'the place because I could not part of' England; upon which he accepted an subscribe to my Lord of Canterbury's late arti- invitation into Ireland, and became Provost of cles, which I would not do for the mastership Trinity College in the University of Dublin; of the Temple, or any other place in the Church. here he was tutor to the famous Dr. Usher, afI was glad the place was given Mr. Hooker, as terward Archbishop of Armagh, who always well for the sake of old acquaintance as to some had him in high esteem; but being driven from kind of affinity there is between us, hoping we thence by the wars, he returned after some should live peaceably and amicably together, as years into England, and spent the remainder of becomes brethren; but when I heard him preach his days in silence, obscurity, and great poveragainst the doctrine of assurance, and for sal- ty; he was a learned man, a polite preacher, vation in the Church of Rome, with all their er- an admirable orator, and one of the worthiest rors and idolatry, I thought myself obliged to divines of his age. But all these qualifications oppose him; yet, when I found it occasioned a put together could not atone for the single crime pulpit war, I declared publicly that I would con- of nonconformity. cern myself no farther in that manner, though Mr. Cartwright being forbid preaching, had Mr. Hooker went on with the dispute. been encouraged by the Earl of Leicester and But it is said, " I should then have complain- Secretary Walsingham to answer the Rhemist,ed of him to the high commission." translation of the New Testament, published To which I answer, It was not out of con- with annotations in favour of popery; divers doctempt or neglect of lawful authority, but because tors and heads of houses of the University of I was against all methods of severity, and had Cambridge solicited him to the same work, as declared my resolution to trouble the pulpit with appears by their epistle prefixed to the book: those debates no more. the like encouragement he received from sundry Upon the whole, I hope it will appear to your ministers in London and Suffolk, none being lordships that my behaviour has not deserved thought so equal to the task as himself; and:so severe a punishment as has been inflicted because Cartwright was poor, the secretary of upon me.; and therefore I humbly pray that your state sent him ~100, with assurance of such farlordships would please to restore me to my min- ther assistance as should be necessary.* This istry, by such means as your wisdoms shall was about the year 1583. Cartwright accordthink fit; which will lay me under farther obli- ingly applied himself to the work, but the arch-.gations to pray for your temporal and eternal bishop, by his sovereign authority, forbade him happiness. But if your lordships cannot pro- to proceed, being afraid that his writings would cure me this favour, I recommend myself to your do the hierarchy more damage than they would lordships' protection, under her majesty, in a do service to the Protestant cause: the book,.private life, and the Church to Almighty God, therefore, was left unfinished, and not published -who in justice will punish the wicked, and in till the year 1618, to the great regret of the,mercy reward the righteous with a happy im- learned world, and reproach of the archbishop, mortality. The sufferings of Mr. Gardiner, the deprived Mr. Hooker wrote an answer to Mr. Trav- minister of Malden, in Essex, would have moved ers's supplication, in a letter to his patron, the compassion in any except the Bishop of London. Archbishop of Canterbury, in which he takes I will represent them in his own words, as they no notice of Travers's ordination, but confines were'sent to him in form of a supplication, dated himself to his objections against his doctrines; September 7th, 1586.t some of which he undertakes to refute, and in other places complains of misrepresentation. * Life of Whitgift, p. 253. t MS., p. 752. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 179 * o the right reverend father in God, the Lord- they are encumbered with civil affairs, not only bishop of London: in their own ecclesiastical courts, in causes tes" }y duty in humble wise remembered, my lord, tamentary, &c., but as lord-barons, justices of "I am cast into prison by your lordship for a peace, members of the Star Chamber, Councilmatter which about seven years past was slan- table, and Ecclesiastical Commission; all which derously raised up against me; I was by course is contrary to the words of Christ, who says of law cleared, and the Lord God which search- his kingdom is not of this world; and contrary eth the hearts, before whom both you and I to the practice of all other Reformed churches. shall shortly appear, doth know, and him I call And whereas the Scriptures say that ministers to witness, that I was and am falsely accused. of the Gospel should be such as are able to teach I have been extremely sick in prison; I thank sound doctrine and convince gainsayers, yet the God I am amended, but yet so that the physi- bishops have made priests of the basest of the cians say my infection from the prison will be people, not only for their occupations and trades very dangerous. I have a poor wife and five whence they have taken them, as shoemakers, children, which are in lamentable case; I had barbers, tailors, water-bearers, shepherds, and six children at the beginning of my imprison- horse-keepers, but also for their'want of good ment; but by reason of my sickness in prison, learning and honesty. How true this our commy wife being constrained to attend upon me, plaint is, may appear by the survey of some one of my children, for want of somebody to shires and counties hereunto annexed, even oversee them, was drowned in a tub of wort, some of the best, whereby the rest may be esbeing two years and half old. If your lordship timated. have no compassion on me, yet take pity upon "We do acknowledge that there are a numthe widow and fatherless (for in that state are ber of men within the ministry who have good now my wife and poor infants), whose tears are and acceptable gifts, and are able to preach the before the Lord. I crave no more but this, to be Word of God to edification; of which number bailed; and if I am found guilty of any breach of there are two sorts: there are a great number law, let me have extremity without any favour. that live not upon the place where they are ben" Your lordship's to command in Christ, eficed, but abandon their flocks, directly contrary " JOHN GARDINER." to the charge of Christ to Peter, saying,' Feed Mr. Giles Wiggington, M.A., minister of Sed- my sheep;' and of the apostle Paul to the elders burgh, having been deprived at Lambeth for of Ephesus,'Take heed to yourselves, and the nonconformity, and another inducted into his flock over which the Holy Ghost has made you living, went home, and being denied entrance overseers, to feed the Church of God.' Of this into the Church, preached a kind of farewell sort are sundry bishops, who have benefices in sermon to his parishioners in the churchyard, commendam; university men, and chaplains at and administered the sacrament, having no court; others get two or three benefices into peace in his mind till he had done it, though his their hands, to serve them for winter and sumbrethren in the ministry would have dissuaded mer houses; which pluralities and nonresidenhim; after this he retired with his wife and chil- ces are the more grievous because they are toldren to Burrough-bridge, but was arrested in his erated by law. There are, indeed, several that journey by a pursuivant from the Archbishop of reside upon their benefices, but content themYork, and sent to Lancaster jail, fifty miles dis- selves with just satisfying the law; that is, to tant from the place where he was arrested, in have Divine service read, and four sermons a a hard and cold winter; there he was shut up year. among felons and condemned prisoners, and "But great numbers of the best qualified for worse used than they, or than the recusant pa- preaching, and of the greatest industry and appist. From hence he sent up his case to Sir plication to their spiritual functions, are not sufWalter Mildmay, one of the privy council, but fered quietly to discharge their duties, but are with little success; for he was a warm noncon- followed with innumerable vexations, notwithformist, and a bold preacher against the lordly standing they are neither heretics nor schismatproceedings of the bishops, for which, and for ics, but keep within the pale of the Church, and refusing the oath ex officio, he suffered a long persuade others to do so, who would otherwise imprisonment.* He was afterward apprehend- have departed from it. They fast and pray for ed again, upon suspicion of his being one of the the queen and the Church, though they have authors of Martin Mar-Prelate, which he denied; been rebuked for it, and diversely punished by but confessing he did not dislike the book, he officers both civil and ecclesiastical. They are was therefore confined in the Compter and the suspended and deprived of their ministry, and Gate-house, till, I believe, he consented to leave the fruits of their livings are sequestered for the the realm. payment of such a chaplain as their superiors In the Parliament that met this year, Octo- think fit to employ; this has continued for many ber 29th, 1586, and 28 Eliz., the Puritan minis- months and years, notwithstanding the interces ters made another effort for parliamentary re- sion of their people, of their friends, and somelief, for which purpose they presented an hum- times of great personages, for their release. ble supplication to the House of Commons; in Last of all, many of them are committed to which they say, "It pierces our hearts with prison, whereof some have been chained with grief to hear the cries of the country people for irons, and continued in hard durance for a long the Word of God. The bishops either preach time. not at all, or very seldom; neither can they for *"To bring about these severities, they [the their manifold business, their diocesses being bishops] tender to the suspected persons an oath too large for their personal inspection; besides, ex oiczo, to answer all interrogatories that shall be put to them, though it be to accuse them* MS., 764, 843, &c. selves; and when they have gotten a confew 180 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. sion, they proceed upon it to punish them with commissioners according to their own discreall rigour, contrary to the laws of God and of tions, without regard to law: 3. The small numthis land, and of all nations in Christendom, ex- hber of commissioners, viz., three, who may decide cept it be in Spain by the Inquisition. Those the most weighty causes: 4. The not allowing who have refused the oath have bean cast into an appeal to any other court: 5. The double prison, and commanded there to lie without bail character of the bishops, who sit on the bench till they yield to it. both as bishops and as commissioners: 6. The i" The grounds of these troubles are, not im- oath ex officio, in which this is always one of piety, immorality, want of learning or diligence their interrogatories, " Do you wholly keep, obin their ministerial work, but for not being sat- serve, and read in your church, all the parts of isfied in the use of certain ceremonies and or- the Book of Common Prayer, and wear the ders of the Church of Rome, and for not being habits 1" able to declare that everything in the Common The survey mentioned in the supplication, by Prayer Book is agreeable to the Word of God. which the miserable state of the Church for Alas! that for these things good preachers want of an able and efficient ministry appears, should be so molested, and the people deprived is too large to be inserted; it was taken in the of the food of their souls, and that by fathers of years 1585 and 1586, by some persons employed the same faith with ourselves. for that purpose against the meeting of the Par" We therefore most humbly, and for the liament;* it is divided into eight columns: Lord's sake, crave of this high and honourable The first contains the name of the benefice. court of Parliament that it may please you to The second, the yearly value. hear and read this our supplication, and take The third, the number of souls. such order for it as to your godly wisdom shall The fourth, the name of the incumbent, and be thought necessary.* whether a preacher or not. November, 1586." The fifth, what other benefices he has, and The grievances annexed to this supplication what curates do serve him. were these: The sixth, his character and conversation. 1. The absolute power of the bishop to give The seventh, who made him minister. And, and take away licenses to preach at his pleas- The eighth, the patron of the living; accordure: 2. The proceedings of' the ecclesiastical ing to the following plan: _ 0, -.ou paCUp9 00 -4 - to l |'0 - Cs'. 0TIM JO V a Q Q if O.. r A' 0i::. V to EC vapeaU nq q ) t o bO At b OC ~ ~.0^.0.m SI< 0441'. I'oO414C 4 — - - - - -4 ~< sdos o cd o< ^ o oo a o'soqal an mo,, 2 2 2 ia W od 4.0"-.CQ 0.0 a -5d 04.4d ).0 0 0 0 0 0) 0.0o 0 0.4 0 8 _Uauoqoajqnouj 0 E-1 sI0 Cd - o 0 0'sap.0n3 C.4 -0 VS., p. 672. MS., p. 684. HISTORY OF TAhi PURITANS. 181It must be uncommon diligence and appli- mons for a farther reformation; wherein, after cation, as well as a very great expense, to col- a recital of their grievances, they pray that the fect so many names and characters of men; books hereunto annexed, entitled " A Book of the exact valuation of so many livings; the the Form of Common Prayer, &c., and everynumber of nonresident ministers; of such as thing therein contained, may be from hencehad been mass-priests; and of mechanics and forth authorized and put in use and practice, tradesmen: but such was the zeal of these pi- throughout all her majesty's dominions, any ous men! The survey of Lincolnshire was former law, custom, or statute to the contrary, signed by the justices of the peace of that coun- in any wise notwithstanding." The book conty, and the others are attested by some of the tained prayers before and after sermon, but left principal clergymen of those parts, and are so a liberty for variation, if it was thought proper.* particular in all circumstances, as leave little The minister was to pray and give thanks in room to doubt of their truth in general, though the words there prescribed, or such like. In there may be some few mistakes in characters the Creed it leaves the article of Christ's deand numbers: upon the whole, the survey takes scent into hell more at large. It omits three of *notice that, after twenty-eight years' establish- the thirty-nine articles,, viz., the thirty-fourth, ment of the Church of England, there were thirty-fifth, and thirty-sixth. It takes the jurisonly two thousand preachers to serve near ten diction of the Church out of the hands of the thousand parish churches, so that there were spiritual courts, and places it in an assembly of almost eight thousand parishes without preach- ministers and elders in every shire, who shall ing ministers.* To this account agrees that of have power to examine, approve, and present Mr. Fenner, who lived in these times, and says ministers to the several parishes for their electhat a third part of the ministers of England tion, and even to depose them, with the conwere covered with a cloud of suspensions;t sent of the bishop, upon their misbehaviour. that if persons would hear a sermon, they At the same time a pamphlet was dispersed must go in some places five, seven, twelve, without doors, entitled " A Request of all true yea, in some counties twenty miles, and at the Christians to the Honourable House of Parliasame time be find 12d. a Sabbath for being ab- ment." It prays " that every parish church sent from their own parish church, though it be may have its preacher, and every city its superproved they were hearing a sermon elsewhere, intendent, to live honestly, but not pompously." because they had none at home. -Nor is it at all And to provide for this it prays "' that all cathestrange it should be thus in the country, when dral churches may be put down, where the serthe Bishop of London enjoined his clergy in his vice of God is grievously abused by piping with visitation this very year, 1. That every person organs, singing, ringing, and trowling of psalms should have a Bible in Latin and English. 2. from one side of the choir to another, with the That they should have Bullinger's Decads. 3. squeaking of chanting choristers, disguised (as That they should have a paper book, and write in are all the rest) in white surplices; some in it the quantity of a sermon every week. 4. That corner caps and filthy copes, imitating the fashsuch as could not preach themselves, should be ion and manner of antichrist the pope, that man taxed at four purchased sermons a year.$ of sin and child of perdition, with his other What a miserable state of things was this! rabble of miscreants and shavelings. These when many hundreds of pious and conscientious unprofitable drones, or, rather, caterpillars of preachers were excluded the Church, and starv- the world, consume yearly, some ~2500, some ing with their families for want of employment. ~3000, some more, some less, whereof no profit With the supplication and survey above men- cometh to the Church of God. They are the tioned, a billy was offered to the House of Comn- dens of idle, loitering lubbards; the harbours of time-serving hypocrites, whose prebends and MS., p. 206. t Answer to Dr. Bridges, p. 48. livings belong, some to gentlemen, some to: Life of Aylmer, p. 148. h ~ Bishop Warburton condemns " the offering of boys, and some to serving-men and others. If this bill to the house as such a mutinous action in the revenues of these houses were applied to the Puritan ministers," that he wonders a writer of augment the maintenance of poor, diligent, Mr. Neal's " good sense could mention them without preaching parish ministers, or erecting schools, censure, much more that he should do it with com- religion would then flourish in the land."t mendation." It is not easy to see where his lordship found Mr. Neal's commendation of this bill; the edi- view these transactions at this distance of time, and tor can discern a bare statement of the proceedings many years after a toleration act has passed, from only. And by what law, or by what principle of the what those had whose minds, in the infancy of a constitution, is the offering of a bill and a represent- separation from the Church, felt all the attachments ation of grievances to the house an act of mutiny? to it produced by education and habit, and were natThe bill of the Puritans undoubtedly went to new urally averse to a total and final secession from it. model the establishment, but only by enlarging the He considers' the House of Commons in a temper terms of communion; not by substituting new cere- to have passed a bill for toleration." But he forgets monies in the room of those which were burdensome that the success of such a bill, or of any bill, did not to themselves. It went, it is true, to introduce a new depend on the temper of the house, but on the pleasdiscipline, but not to abolish episcopacy. And was ure of the queen. Besides, for the first twelve or not the spiritual jurisdiction then exercised oppres- fourteen years of her majesty's reign the prayer of sive? Were not the proceedings of the bishops the petitions presented by the Puritans was, if not arbitrary? If so, how was it "insufferable inso- for a toleration in a separation from the Church, yet lence" to seek a parliamentary reform? It would only for a dispensation for the use of the habits and have been, as his lordship grants, just and reasonable three or four ceremonies, and a redress of a few noif the Puritans had moved for toleration only. This torious abuses. As the queen and bishops continued would have been more consistent in those who unyielding, and grew more vigorous, new questions sought only their own liberty. But his lordship did were started, and now burdens were felt, and new not allow for the very different ideas we may have demands arose.-See Mr. Neale's Review.-ED. on the measures that should have been pursued, who * Life of Whitgift, p. 258. t MS., p. 814. 182 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Some bold speeches were made in Parliament writings against Cartwright, and his injunctions against the arbitrary proceedings of the bishops, set forth in her majesty's name. That if any by Mr. Wentworth and others, for which those men among the Protestants lived virtuously, members were sent to the Tower; at which they were the Puritans, who renounced their the house was so intimidated that they would ceremonies, and would not be corrupted with not suffer the bill to be read. Besides, the pluralities. That unlearned and reading minisqueen sent both for the bill and petition out of ters were rather a furtherance than a hinderance the house, and ordered the speaker to acquaint to the Catholic cause. That though the bishops them " that she was already settled in her reli- owned her majesty to be supreme governor in gion, and would not begin again; that changes causes ecclesiastical, yet they did not keep their in religion were dangerous; that it was not courts in her majesty's name; and that, though reasonable for them to call in question the es- the names and authority of archbishops and bishtablished religion, while others were endeav- ops, &c., were in use in the primitive Church, ouring to overthrow it; that she had consider- they forgot that they were then lords or magised the objections, and looked upon them as trates of order only, made by the prince, and not frivolous; and that the platform itself was most lords of absolute power, ruling without appeal." prejudicial to her crown, and to the peace of This was written by Mr. Treasurer himself, Ocher government."* Nay, so incensed was the tober 15th, 1586, upon which Sir Francis adviqueen with these attempts of the Puritans, that sed in council "' that special care should be tain drawing up a general pardon to be passed in ken of popish recusants; and that the absolute Parliament, she ordered an exception to be authority of private bishops, without -appeal. made of such as committed any offence against should be restrained; that they might not conthe Act of Uniformity, or were publishers of demn zealous preachers against the pope's suseditious books or pamphlets.t premacy for refusing to subscribe unlawful artiThe convocation, contrary to all custom and cles, nor without the assembly of a synodical usage, continued sitting after the Parliament, council of preachers, forasmuch as the absolute and gave the queen a subsidy or benevolence. authority of the bishops, and their ambition and This precedent Archbishop Laud made us of in covetousness, had a tendency to lead people the year 1640 to prove the lawfulness of a con- back to popery." But how much truth soever vocation sitting without a Parliament. All they there was in these observations, the queen and did farther was to address the queen with an archbishop were not to be convinced. offer to maintain by disputation that the plat- The Puritans being wearied out with repeated form of the Puritans was absurd in divinity, and applications to their superiors for relief, began dangerous to the state; which the Nonconform- to despair, and in one of their assemblies came ists would willingly have debated, but the others to this conclusion: that since the magistrate knew the queen and council would not admit it. could not be induced to reform the discipline of The press was in the hands of the archbish- the Church, by so many petitions and supplicaop, who took all possible care to stifle the wri- tions (which we all confess in the liturgy is to tings of the Puritans, while he gave license$ to be wished), that therefore, after so many years' Ascanio, an Italian merchant, and bookseller in waiting, it was lawful to act without him, and London, to import what popish books he thought introduce a reformation in the best manner they fit, upon this very odd pretence, that the adver- could. We have mentioned their private classes saries' arguments being better known by learn- in Essex, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, and ed men, might be more easily confuted.~ But other parts, in which their book, entitled " The was it not a shorter way to confute them in the Holy Discipline of the Church, described in the high commission. Ormight not the same rea- Word of God," being revised, was subscribed son have served for licensing the books of the by the several members in these words, accordPuritans? But hist grace seems to have been ing to Mr. Strype, which are something different in no fear of popery, though this very year from the form at the end of the book in the Apanother assassination-plot was discovered, for pendix: "We acknowledge and confess the which Ballard, a priest, and about twelve or same, agreeable to God's most holy Word, so fourteen more, were executed.ll Remarkable far as we are able to judge or discern of it, exare the words of this Ballard, who declared, upon cepting some few points [which they sent to examination, to Sir Francis Knollys, treasurer their reverend brethren in some assembly of of the queen's household, and a privy counsellor, them, for their farther resolution], and we affirm "that he would desire no better books to prove it to be the same which we desire to be estabhis doctrine of popery than the archbishop's lished in this Church, by daily prayer to God, which we profess (as God shall offer opportunity, * Life of Whitgift, p. 259. t Heyl. Aer., p. 269. and gives us to discern it so expedient) by hum$ This license was not absolute and unlimited, but ble suit to her majesty's most honourable privy restrained the importation to a few copies of every council and Parliament, and by all other lawful such sort of books, and on this condition only, that any means to farther and advance, so far as the law of them be not showed or dispersed abroad; but adelivery of them was to be made to one of the privy and peace of the present state of our Church council, or to such only as they or some one of them should judge meet to have the perusal of them. As-'We promise to guide ourselves according to it, canio was obliged to enter into strict bonds to per. and follow the directions set down in the chapform these conditions. This method of licensing ter' Of the Office of the Ministers of the Word.' popish books was not so inconsistent with the re- We promise to frequent our appointed assemstraint laid on the liberty of the press, and on the cir- blies, that is, every six weeks classical conferculation of the books of the Puritans, as our aithore represents it, and appears to have conceived of it.- ences, every half year provincial assemblies, and Maddox's Vindication, p. 350.-ED. general assemblies every year."* ~ Life of Whitgift, p. 268. II Ibid., p. 265. * Among those that subscribed or declared their HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 183 Besides the Puritans already mentioned as cally into hell, and that Calvin and Beza were suffering this year, the learned Dr. John Wal- of his mind, which put the archbishop into ward, divinity professor at Oxford, was enjoin- such a passion that he called him ass, dolt, fool. ed a public recantation, and suspended till he Mr. Settle said he ought not to rail at him, behad done it, for teaching that the order of the ing a minister of the Gospel. What, said the Jewish synagogue and eldership was adopted archbishop, dost thou think much to be called by Christ and his apostles into the Christian ass and dolt? I have called many of thy betChurch, and designed as a perpetual church ters so. True, said Mr. Settle, but the question government.* He was also hound in a recog- is, How lawfully you have done so? Then said nizance of ~100 for his good behaviour. Mr. the archbishop, Thou shalt preach no more in Harsnet, of Pembroke Hall, was imprisoned at my diocess. Mr. Settle answered, I am called the same time for not wearing the surplice. Mr. to preach the Gospel, and I will not cease to do Edward Gillibrand, fellow of Magdalen College, it. The archbishop replied, with a stern counCambridge, was forbid preaching, and bound in tenance, Neither you nor any one in England a recognizance of ~100 to revoke his errors in shall preach without my leave. He then charsuch words as the commissioners should ap- ged Mr. Settle with not observing the order of point. His crime was speaking against the hie- the service-book; with not using the cross in rarchy, and against the swelling titles of arch- baptism; with disallowing the baptism of midbishops and bishops, for which Whitgift told him wives; and not using the words in marriage, he deserved not only to be imprisoned and sus- "With this ring I thee wed." The Dean of pended, but to be banished the university. Mr. Winchester asked him if he had subscribed. Farrar, minister of Langham in Essex, was Settle answered, Yes, as far as the law requicharged with rebellion against the ecclesiastical red, that is, to the doctrines of faith and the saclaws, and suspended for not wearing the habits. raments, but as touching other rites and cereBishop Aylmer told himt that except he and his monies he neither could nor would. Then said companions would be conformable, in good faith, the archbishop, Thou shalt be subject to the he and his brethren the bishops would, in one ecclesiastical authority. Mr. Settle replied, I quarter of a year, turn them all out of the Church. thank God you can use no violence but upon my September 11th, Mr. Udall, of Kingston-upon- poor body. So his grace committed him to the Thames, was suspended and imprisoned for Gate-house, there to be kept close prisoner.* keeping a private fast in his parish. In the Sandys, archbishop of York, was no less acmonth of January, Mr. Wilson, Mr. More, and tive in his province; I have many of his examtwo other ministers were imprisoned, and obli- inations before me; he was a severe governor, ged to give bond for their good behaviour. hasty and passionate; but it was said in exIn the month of May the Rev. Mr. Settle was cuse for him and some others, that the civilians summoned before the Archbishop of Lambeth, by their emissaries and spies turned informers, and charged with denying the article, " Of the and then pushed the bishops forward, to bring descent of our Saviour's soul into hell," or the business into the spiritual courts. place of the damned. Mr. Settle confessed it About this time Dr. Bridges, afterward bishop was his opinion that Christ did not descend lo- of Oxford, wrote against the Puritans, and mainapprobation of the Book of Discipline, were the Rev. tained that they were not grievously afflicted, ~Messrs. Cartwright, Travers, Dr. Knewstubs, Messrs. unless it were caused by their own deserts. Charke, Edgerton, Reynolds, Gardiner, Gifford, Bar- The doctor was answered by Mr. Fenner, who ber, Spicer, Greenham, Payne, Fenner, Field, Snape, appealed to the world in these words: " Is it no Johnson, Nichols, Dr. Sparkes, Messrs. Ward, Stone, grievous affliction by suspension to be hung up Warkton, Larke, Fletcher, Lord, Farmer, Rushbrook, between hope and despair for a year or two, and, Littleton, Oxenbridge, Seyntclere, Standen, Wilcox, in the mean time, to see the wages of our labourDr. Whitaker, Messrs. Chadderton, Perkins, Allen, ers eaten up by loiterers Nay, our righteous Edmunds, Gillibrand, Bradshaw, Harrison, Massie, ers eaten up by loiterers Nay, our righteous H-idersham, Dod, Brightman, Cawdrey, Rogers, Udall, souls are vexed with seeing and hearing the igDyke, Wight, Paget, and others to the number of norance, the profane speeches, and evil examabove five hundred, all beneficed in the Church of ples of those thrust upon our charges, while we England, useful preachers, of unspotted lives and ourselves are defamed, reproached, scoffed at, characters, and many of them of the University of and called seditious and rebellious; cited, acCambridge, where they had a strong and powerful cused, and indicted, and yet no redress to be interest, found. All this we have patiently bore, though Bishop Maddox triumphs in the representation of we come daily to the congregations to prayers, Mr. Neal, that five hundred who subscribed the holy discipline were all beneficed in the Church, as a proof to baptisms, and to the sacrament, and by our of the lenity of government. Mr. Neal, in his reply, examples and admonitions have kept away many adds, " that there were more than twice five hundred from excesses whereunto rashness of zeal have clergymen who made a shift to keep their places in carried them. And though to such as you, who the Church." But when, at the same time, they swarm with deaneries, with double benefices, were continually exposed to suffer from the rigour of pensions, advowsons, reversions, &c., these mogovernment; when, as Dr. Bridges declared, a third lestations seem light, yet surely, upon every part of the ministers of England were covered with a cloud ofsuspensions; whenmanysmartedseverely irreligious man's complaint in such things as for attempting a reformation, for which they all wish- many times are incredible, to be sent for by pured and prayed; when Cartwright, Travers, Field, suivants, to pay twopence for every mile, to find Johnson, Cawdery, Udall, and other leaders of the messengers, to defray our own charges, and this Puritans, were suspended, imprisoned, and frequently by such as can hardly, with what they have, in trouble, not to say dying under the hand of power, clothe and feed themselves and their families, it the reader will judge with what propriety his lord- is not only grievous, but, as far as well can be, ship exults over our author.-See Mr. Neal's Review, a very heart-burning. It is grievous to a freep. 872, 873. —ED MS., p. 798 f Ibid., p. 800, 805. MS, p 798 184 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. man, and to a free minister, for a light cause- Double-beneficed men without... as, for an humble supplication to her majesty Simple preachers (as the survey calls and the whole Parliament, and to the fathers of them).. 10 the Church-to be shut in close prison, or, upon Dumb, or unpreaching ministers.. 17 every trifling complaint, to be brought into a sla- Resident preachers, abiding in London vish subjection to a commissary, so as at his only........ 19 pleasure to be summoned into the spiritual With the survey they offered divers reasons courts, and coming thither, to be sent home to prevail with the court to appear for them; again at least with unnecessary expenses, mas- as, Because the laws of the realm have provided terlike answers, yea, and sometimes with open very well for a learned preaching ministry; revilings. We will not justify ourselves," says whereas by the account above, it appears that Mr. Fenner,* " in all things, but acknowledge, many are pluralists and nonresidents, others ilthat when coming by dozens and scores before literate, being brought up to trades, and not to the bishop, after half a day's disorderly reason- learning, and others of no very good character ing, some not being heard to the full, some rail- in life: because divers of the principal preached on and iniscalled, none with lenity satisfied, ers of this land have of late been put to silence: but all suspended from our office because we because of the prevailing ignorance and impiety would not subscribe his last two articles, there that is among the common people for want of might pass from us some infirmities afterward; better instruction; and because we now pay this and many other things we are willing to im- our money and dues to them that do little or pute to ourselves." But, after all, it may be ques- nothing for it: but the aldermen were afraid to tioned whether the history of former ages can interpose.* furnish an example of so many severities against Such was the scarcity of preachers, and the divines of one and the same faith, for a few tri- thirst of the people after knowledge, that the fling ceremonies, or of a more peaceable and suspended ministers of Essex petitioned the Christian behaviour under sufferings. Parliament, March 8th, 1587, for some remedy. Camden, indeed, complains of their disper- " Such," -ay they, " is the cry of the people to sing pamphlets against the Church and prelates, us day ana night for the bread of life, that our in a time of common danger, when the nation bowels yearn within us; and remembering the was in arms against the Spanish invasion; but solemn denunciation of the apostle,' Wo be to these pamphlets were only to show that the us if we preach not the Gospel,' we begin to danger of the return of popery (which all men think it our duty to preach to our people as we were now apprehensive of) arose from stopping have opportunity, notwithstanding our suspenthe mouths of those ministers who were most sion, and to commit our lives and whole estates zealous against it. It had been easy at this to Almighty God, as to a faithful Creator; and time to have distressed the government and the under God to the gracious clemency of the hierarchy, for the cry of the people was against queen, and of this honourable house." Many the bishops; but the Puritans both here and in suspended preachers came out of the countries, Scotland were more afraid of the return of po- and took shelter in the city. But to prevent as pery than their adversaries: those in Scotland much as possible their getting into any of the entered into an association to assemble in arms pulpits of London, the following commission at what time and place their king should require, was sent to all the ministers and church-wardto assist the Queen of England against the ens of the city. Spaniards; and their brethren in London took "Whereas sundry preachers have lately come the opportunity to petition the queen for the into the city of London, and suburbs of the liberty of their preachers.t " That the people same; some of them not being ministers, others might be better instructed in the duties of obe- such as have no sufficient warrant for their dience to their civil governors, and not be left a calling, and others such as have been detected prey to priests and Jesuits, who were no better in other countries, and have, notwithstanding, than traitors to her majesty and the kingdom. in the city taken upon them to preach publicly, They assure her majesty that the people will to the infamy of their calling; others have in give their ministers a good maintenance; that their preaching rather stirred up the people to they [the people] will always pray for her maj- innovation than sought the peace of the Church. esty's safety, and be ready to part with their These are, therefore, in her majesty's name, by goods, and pour out their blood like water for virtue of her high commission for causes eccleher preservation, if they may but have the Gos- siastical to us and others directed, straitly to pel." But the queen gave them no answer; enjoin, command, and charge all persons, victhe whole Reformation must be hazarded rath- ars, curates, and church-wardens of all churcher than the Puritans relieved. es in the city of London, and the suburbs thereAfter this, they applied to the lord-mayor and of, as well in places exempt as not exempt, that court of aldermen, beseeching them to address they nor any of them do suffer any to preach in the queen, to make some better provision for their churches, or to read any lectures, they not the city; and to enforce their petition, they laid being in their own cures, but only such whose before them a new survey of the ministry of licenses they shall first have seen and read, and London, taken this very year, with the names whom they shall find to be licensed thereto, of every parish-priest and curate set down either by the queen's majesty, or by one of the against his living and curacy, which is now be- universities of Cambridge or Oxford, or by the fore me;$ and it appears at the foot of the ac- Lord-archbishop of Canterbury, or the Bishop count that there were, of London for the time being, under seal. Double-beneficed men within the city. 18 "And that this may be published and take the Answer to Dr. Bridges, p. 45, 46. better effect, we will that a true copy thereot Mnswer to Dr. Bridges, p. 45, 46.p. 839. -MS., p. 838.: Ibid., P. 482. MS., P. 839. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 185 shall be taken and delivered to every curate and because he refused to subscribe his suspension church-warden of every of the churches afore- was continued, and himself treated by the cisaid. The 16th day of August, 1587.* vilians with great inhumanity. (Subscribed) "JOHN CANTERBURY, Mr. Arthur Hildersham, whom Mr. Fullei "JOHN LONDON, represents as a heavenly divine, being at this " VAL. DALE, time fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, was "EDWARD STANHOPE, suspended by the commissioners for preaching "RICH. COZIN." occasionally before he had taken orders, and Under all these discouragements the Puri- obliged to sign the following recantation:* " I tans kept close together, hoping one time or confess that I have rashly and.indiscreetly ta other that Providence would make way for their ken upon me to preach, not being licensed nor relief. They maintained their classes and as- admitted into holy orders, contrary to the orders sociations, wherein they agreed upon certain of the Church of England, contrary to the exgeneral rules for their behaviour: one was, that ample of all antiquity, and contrary to the dithey should endeavour in their preaching and rection of the apostle in the Acts; whereby I conversation to wipe off the calumny of schism, have given great and just offence to many; and forasmuch as the brethren communicated with the more, because I have uttered in my sermons the Church in the Word and sacraments, and in certain impertinent and very unfit speeches for all other things, except their corruptions; and the auditory, as moving their minds to disconthat they assumed not authority to themselvest tent with the state, rather than tending to god. of compelling others to observe their decrees. ly edification; for which my presumption and In their provincial synod, held at Warwick, indiscretion I am very heartily sorry, and deJune 4th, 1588, it was agreed that it was not sire you to bear wV.itness of this my confession, lawful to baptize in private; nor sufficient for and acknowledging my said offences." This rea minister to read homilies in churches; nor cantation was, by the archbishop's appointment, lawfil to use the cross in baptism. They agreed, to be uttered in Trinity Hall Chapel, before farther, that they were not obliged to rest in Easter. In the mean while, he was suspended the bishop's deprivation, nor to appear in their from the profits of' his fellowship, and stood courts, without a protestation of their unlawful- bound to appear before the commissioners the ness. In another synod it was determined that first court day of Easter term, if he did not beno man should take upon him a vague or wan- fore that time recant. Whether Mr. Hildersham dering ministry; that they who take upon them recanted I am not certain, but September 14, a cure of souls should be called by the church 1587, he left the university, and settled at Ashwhom they are to serve, and be approved by by-de-la-Zouch, in Leicestershire, where he conthe classes or some greater assembly; and if by tinued a deep sufferer for nonconformity fortythem they are found meet, they are to be rec- three years, having been suspended and put to ommended to the bishop for ordination, if it silence by the High Commission no less than might be obtained without subscribing the Book four times, and continued under that hardship of Common Prayer.1 It was farther agreed almost twenty years. how mnuch of the common prayer might be law- This year put an end to the life of the famous fully read for the preserving their ministry, and martyrologist, John Fox, a person of indefatigahow far they might exercise their discipline ble labour and industry, and an exile for reliwithout the civil magistrate. In another pro- gion in Queen Mary's days; he spent all his vincial synod about Michaelmas, it was agreed time abroad in compiling the acts and monuthat the oppressions offered to others, and es- ments of the Church of England, which were pecially to the ministers, by the hishops and published first in Latin, and afterward, when he their officials in their spiritual courts, should be returned to his native country, in English, with collected and registered: if this had been pre- enlargements; vast were the pains he took in served entire, more of the sufferings of these searching records and collecting materials for great and good men would have appeared, and this work; and such was its esteem, that it many works of darkness, oppression, and cru- was ordered to be set up in all the parish churchelty would have been brought to light, which es in England. Mr. Fox was born at Boston, in now must be concealed till the day of judg- Lincolnshire, 1517, educated in Brazen-nose ment. College, Oxon, where he proceeded M.A. in the The danger with which the nation was year 1543. He was afterward tutor to the Duke threatened from a foreign invasion gave a little of Norfolk's children, who, in the days of Queen check to the zeal of the bishops against the Pu- Mary, conveyed him privately out of the kingritans for the present; however, this year Mr. dom. He was a most learned, pious, and judiCawdrey, minister of South Luffingham, was cious divine, of a catholic spirit, and against all suspended, imprisoned, and deprived by the methods of severity in religion. But he was Bishop of London;~ he had a wife and seven shamefully neglected for some years, because children, which were cast upon Providence; he was a Nonconformist, and refused to subbut this divine gave his lordship some farther scribe the canons and ceremonies; nor did he trouble, as will be seen hereafter. Mr. Wilson, get any higher preferment in the Church than who had been suspended some time before, a prebend of Salisbury, though the queen used moved for a release in the bishop's court; but to call him father, and professed a high veneration for him, as, indeed, he deserved. He died * MS., p. 835. in London in the seventieth,;ar of his age, t There was, as Bishop Warburton hints, an im- and lies buried in Cripplegat\e Church, where propriety in disclaiming the use of authority, when, his monument is still to be seen, against the being a small and oppressed party, no authority from the state was invested in them.-Ed. t Life of Whitgift, p. 192. 5 MS., p. 825. * Fuller, b. ix., p. 642. VOL I —A A 186 HISTORY OF THEPTJRITANS. south wall of the chancel, with a flat marble al council of the Church; that Martin and nls stone over his remains.* companions had maintained the same opinion; It has been observed, that our Reformers ad- but that St. Jerome and Calvin had confessed rnitted only two orders of church officers to be that bishops have had superiority over presbysf Divine appointment, viz., bishops and dea- ters ever since the times of St. Mark the evaneons, a presbyter and bishop, according to them, gelist. This was new and strange doctrine to seing two names for the same office; but Dr. the churchmen of these times. It had been alBancroft, the archbishop's chaplain, in a ser- ways said that the superiority of the order of mon at Paul's Cross, January 12, 1588, main- bishops above presbyters had been a politic human tained that the bishops of England were a dis- appointment, for the more orderly government tinct order from priests, and had superiority of the Church, begun about the third or fourth over them jure divino, and directly from God. century; but Bancroft was one of the first who, He affirmed this to be God's own appointment, by the archbishop's directions, advanced it into though not by express words, yet by necessary a Divine right.* His sermon gave offence to consequence, and that the denial of it was many of the clergy and to all the friends of the heresy. The doctor confessed that Aerius had Puritans about the court, who would have maintained there was no difference between a brought the preacher into a praemunire for say priest and a bishop; but that Epiphanius had ing that any subject of this realm hath superipronounced his assertion full of folly, and that ority over the persons of the clergy, otherwise it had been condemned as heresy by the gener- than from and by her majesty's authority. But the doctor retorted this argument upon the dis* Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Martyrs have ciplinarians, and added, that it was no better long been, still remain, and will ever continue, sub- than a sophism, because the prince's authority stantial pillars of the Protestant Church; of more force than volumes of bare arguments, to withstand may, and very often does, confirm and corrobthe tide of popery; and, like a Pharos, should be kept orate that which is primarily from the laws of kindled in every age, as a warning to all posterity. God. Sir Francis Knollys, who had this affair Strype pronounces the following encomium on this at heart, told the archbishop that Bancroft's aswork: "Mr. Fox,' says he, " hath done such ex- sertion was contrary to the command of Christ, quisite service to the Protestant cause, in showing,. who condemned all superiority among the aposfrom abundance of ancient books, records, registers, ties. " I do not deny," says he, " that bishops and choice manuscripts, the encroachments of popes may have lordly authority and dignity, provided and papalins, and the stout oppositions that were lordly authority and dignity, provided made in all ages and countries by learned and good they claim it not from a higher authority than men against them, especially under King Henry and her majesty's grant. If the bishops are not unQueen Mary in England. He hath preserved the me- der-governors to her majesty of the clergy, but moirs of those holymen and women, those bishops and superior governors over their brethren by God's divines, together with their histories, acts, sufferings, ordinance [i. e., jure divinol, it will then follow and death, willingly undergone for the sake of Christ that her majesty is not supreme governor over and his Gospel, and for refusing to comply with the her clergy." The same gentleman, not relying popish doctrines and superstitions; and, as he hath been found most diligent, so most strictly true and upon his own judgment, wrote to the learned faithful in his descriptions."-Strype's Annals, vol. i., Dr. Reynolds, of Oxford, for his opinion of Banp. 239-241. Mr. Fox enjoyed the friendship of Grin- croft's doctrine, which he gave him in a letter dal, Parkhurst, Pilkington, Sir Francis Walsingham, now before me.t Sir Thomas Gresham, and Queen Elizabeth, and by them could have received any preferment, but he * Life of Whitgift, p. 292. The first English Rewould not subscribe nor conform to the ceremonies. formers acknowledged only two orders of church ofFuller says, "1 How learnedly he wrote, how con- ficers, bishops and deacons, to be of Divine appointstantly he preached, how piously he lived, how ment.-C cheerfully he died, may be fetched from his life at t The letter is to this effect: large, prefaced before his book. One page therein Though Epiphanius says that Aerius's asomitted we must here insert, having received it sertion is full of folly, he does not disprove his reafrom witnesses beyond exception: In the year 88, sons from Scripture; nay, his arguments are so weak, when the Spanish half mooe did hope to rule all the that even Bellarmine confesses they are not agreeamotion in our seas, Master Fox was privately in his ble to the text. As for the general consent of the chamber at prayers, battering heaven with his impor- Church, which, the doctor says, condemned Aerius's tunity in behalf of this sinful nation. And we may opinion for heresy, what proof does he bring for it? justly presume that his devotion was as actually in- It appears (he says) in Epiphanius; but I say it does strumental to the victory as the wisdom of our ad- not; and the contrary appears by St. Jerome, and miral, valour of his soldiers, skill and industry of his sundry others who lived about the same time. I seamen. On a sudden, coming down to his parish, grant that St. Austin, in his book of heresies, ascribes he cried out, They are gene, they are gone! which, in- this to Aerius for one; that he said there ought to be deed, happened in the same instant, as, by exact no difference between a priest and a bishop, because computation, did afterward appear."-Abel Redivivus, this was to condemn the Church's order, and to make p. 381-2. a schism therein. But it is a quite different thing to His epitaph still remains on his tombstone. say that, by the Word of God, there is a difference In memory of John Fox, between them, and to say that it is by the order and the most faithful martyrologist of our English Church, custom of the Church; which is all that St. Austin a most diligent searcher into historical antiquity, maintains. When Harding the papist alleged these a most strong bulwark very witnesses to prove the opinion of bishops and and fighter for evangelical truth; priests being of the same order to be heresy, our who hath revised the Marian martyrs learned Bishop Jewel cited to the contrary Chrysosas so many Phoenixes. tom, Jerome, Ambrose, and St. Austin himself, and from the dust of oblivion, concluded his answer with these words: All these, is this monument erected, and other more holy fathers, together with the Aposin grief and affliction, tle Paul, for thus saying, by Harding's advice, must by his eldest son, Samuel Fox. be held for heretics. Michael Medina, a man of great lie died April 18, A.D. 1588.-C. account in the Council of Trent, adds to the foremen HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 187 We shall meet with this controversy again doctrine at this time. Most of the clergy who hereafter. Whitgift said the doctor's sermon approved the superiority of the episcopal order had done much good, though he himself rather were against the Divine right; but the bishops wished than believed it to be true: it was new in the next age revived the debate, and carried their pretensions so high as to subvert the very tioned testimonies, Theodorus, Primarius, Sedulius, foundations upon which they built. Theophylact, with whom agree (Ecumenius the The queen having suffered Mary, queen of Greek scholiast, Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, Scots, to be beheaded at Fotheringay Castle, Gregory, and Gratian; and after them, how many? February, 1587-8, all the Roman Catholic prinit being once enrolled in the canon law for Catholic ces were alarmed, and threatened revenge; doctrine, and thereupon taught by learned men. among others, the Spaniards hasted their invin"Besides, all that have laboured in reforming the cible armada, to reduce Englandto the Catholic Church for five hundred years have taught that all e armada, to reduce England to the Catholic pastors, be they entitled bishops or priests, have equal faith, which had been three years preparing at a authority and power by God's Word; as, first, the Wal- prodigious expense: the fleet was well manned, denses, next Marsilius Patavinus, then Wickliffe and and furnished with strange instruments of torhis scholars, afterward Husse and the Hussites; and ture for the English heretics; they came through last of all, Luther, Calvin, Brentius, Bullinger, and the Channel like so many floating castles, being Musculus. Among ourselves we have bishops, the to take in a land army from the Low Countries; queen's professors of divinity in our universities, and other learned men consenting herein, as Bradford, but partly by storms, and partly by the valour Lambert, Jewel, Pilkington, Humphreys, Fulke, &c. and wise conduct of the queen's admirals and But what doI speak of particular persons? It is the sea captains, the whole fleet was burned and common judgment of the Reformed churches of Helvetia, destroyed, so that not a Spaniard set foot upon Savoy, France, Scotland, Germany, Hungary, Po- English ground; nor was there a ship left ent;re land, the Low Countries, and our own. I hope Dr. to carry the news back to Spain. The quetn Bancroft will not say that all these have approved ordered the coasts to be well guarded, and raised that for sound doctrine which was condemned by the a land army, which she animated by appearing general consent of the whole Church for heresy, in at the head of them. A terror was spread a most flourishing time: I hope he will acknowledge at the head of them. A terror was spread that he was overseen when he avouched the superi- through the whole nation by reports of the enority which bishops have among us over the clergy gines of cruelty that were aboard the fleet; their to be God's own ordinance. barbarous usage of the poor Protestants in the "As for the doctor's saying that St. Jerome, and Low Countries under the Duke d'Alva was reCalvin from him, confessed that bishops have had membered, as well as their bloody massacres the same superiority ever since the time of St. Mark of the poor Indians in America; but the storm the evangelist, I think him mistaken, because neither blew over, and, by the blessing of God upon the Jerome says it, nor does Calvin seem to confess it on blew over, and, by the blessing of God upon t his report; for bishops among us may do sundry oth- queen's arms, the nation was soon restored to er things besides ordaining and laying on of hands, its former tranquillity. which inferior ministers or priests may not; where- The following winter the queen summoned a as, St. Jerome says, What does a bishop except or- Parliament to meet [February 4th, 1588], in ordination which a priest does not? meaning, that in der to defray the extraordinary expenses of the his time, bishops had only that power above priests; year, and make some new laws against the pawhich Chrysostom also witnesses in Homily xi., on pists. The Puritans having expressed their zeal 1 Timothy. Nor had they this privilege alone in all places, for in the Council of Carthage it is said for the queen and the Protestant religion by that the priests laid their hands together with the listing in her army and navy, thought it advisabishops on those who were ordained. And St. Je- ble once more to address the houses for some rome having proved by Scripture that, in the apos- favour in point of subscription. Upon the detle's time, bishops and priests were all one, yet grant- livery-of the petition, one of the members stood eth that afterward bishops had that peculiar to them- up and moved that an inquiry might be made selves somewhere, but nothing else; so that St. Je- how far the bishops had exceeded the laws in rome does not say, concerning the superiority in the prosecution of her majesty's Protestant subquestion, that bishops have had it ever since St. jects. Another m oved for reviving the bill Mark's time. jects. Another moved for reviving the bill " Nor does Calvin confess it; he says that, in old against pluralities and nonresidents, which was time, ministers chose one out of their company in brought in, and having passed the Commons, was every city, to whom they gave the title of bishop; sent up to the Lords. This alarmed the convoyet the bishop was not above them in honour and cation, who addressed the queen to protect the dignity, but, as consuls in the Senate, propose mat- Church; and having flattered her with the title ters, ask their opinions, direct others by giving ad- of a goddess, " dea certe " they tell her, " that vice, by admonishing, by exhorting, and so guide the whole action, and by their authority see that per- the passing of the bill will be attended with the formed which was agreed on by common consent; decay of learning, and the spoiling of their livthe same charge had the bishop in the assembly of ings; that it will take away the set forms of ministers; and having showed from St. Jerome that prayer in the Church, and bring in confusion this was brought in by consent of men, he adds, that and barbarism. They put her in mind how danit was an ancient order of the Church, even from gerous innovations are in a settled state; and St. Mark; from whence it is apparent that the order add that all the Reformed churches in Europe of the Church he mentions has relation to that above t described, in which he affirms,' that the bishop was lcannot comparned ministers. England in the number of not so above the rest in honour as to have rule over them.' It follows, therefore, that Calvin does not so " not as directors, but as humble remembranmuch as seem to confess of St. Jerome's report, that, cers, beseech your highness's favourable beholdever since St. Mark's time, bishops have had a ru- ing of our present state, and not to suffer the ling superiority over the clergy." bill against pluralities to pass."* Hereupon the Dr. Reynolds, on account of his uncommon skill in queen forbade the House of Lords to proceed, Greek and Hebrew, was appointed by James, in 1604, and sent for those members of the House of one of the translators of the Bible. His name is often found in history spelled Rainolds.-C. Life of Whitgift, p. 280. 188 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS.. Commons into custody who had dared to break or was denied preferment for his Puritanical through her orders, of not meddling with affairs principles. of religion without her special allowance; which To these we may add the venerable Edwin put an end to all expectations of relief for the Sandys, archbishop of York, an excellent and present. frequent preacher in his younger days, and an This year died the reverend and learned Mr. exile for religion in Queen Mary's reign. He Thomas Sampson, of whom mention has been was afterward successively Bishop of Worcesmade already; he was born about the year 1517, ter, London, and York, and a zealous defender and educated at Oxford; he afterward studied of the laws against Nonconformists of all sorts; at the Temple, and was a means of converting when arguments failed, he would earnestly imthe famous martyr John Bradford to the Prot- plore the secular arm; though he had no great estant religion; he took orders from Archbishop opinion of the discipline or ceremonies of the Cranmer and Ridley in the year 1549 (who dis- Church, as appears by his last will and testapensed with the habits at his request), and be- ment, in which are these remarkable exprescarne Rector of Allhallows, Bread-street: he sions: "I am persuaded that the rites and cerwas a famous preacher in the reign of King Ed- emonies, by political institution appointed in the ward; but upon the accession of Queen Mary Church, are not ungodly nor unlawful, but may he fled to Strasburgh,* and was highly esteem- for order and obedience' sake be used by a good ed by the learned Tremelius. When Queen Christian; but I am now, and ever have been, Elizabeth came to the crown, she offered him persuaded that some of these rites and ceremothe Bishopric of Norwich, which he refused, for nies are not expedient for this church now; but no other reason but because he could not con- that in the Church reformed, and in all this time form to the habits and ceremonies. In the year of the Gospel, they may better be disused by little 1561, he was installed Dean of Christ Church, and little, than more and more urged."* Such a Oxon; but soon after, in the year 1564, was testimony, from the dying lips of one who had deprived by sentence of Archbishop Parker for been a severe persecutort of honest men, for nonconformity. He afterward contented him- things which he always thought had better be self with the mastership of an hospital in Lei- disused than urged, deserves to be remembered. cester, where he spent the remainder of his He diedS in the month of July, 1588, in the sixdays in peace. He was seized with the dead ty-ninth year of his age, and was buried in the palsy on one side many years before he died; collegiate church of Southwell, where there is but continued preaching and writing to the last, a monument erected to his memory, with his and was in high esteem over all England for his own effigies on the top, and a great number of learning, piety, and zeal for the Protestant reli- his children kneeling round the sides of it. gion. He died at his hospital, with great tranquillity and comfort in his nonconformity, the latter end of March or the beginning of April, CHAPTER VIII. 1588-9, in the seventy-seconid year of his age.t FROM THE SPANISH INVASION TO TE DEATH OF Soon after him died the very learned Dr. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Lawrence Humphreys, a great friend and companion of Sampson's; he was born at Newport- WHILE there were any hopes of compromi Pagnel, in Buckingharnshire, and educated in sing matters between the Church and Puritans Magdalen College, Oxon, of which he was per- the controversy was carried on with some depetual fellow. In the reign of Queen Mary he cency; but when all hopes of accommodation obtained leave to travel, and continued at Zu- were at an end, the contending parties loaded rich till Queen Elizabeth's accession, when he each other with the heaviest reproaches. The was made queen's professor in divinity; he was public printing-presses being shut against the afterward President of Magdalen College, and Puritans, some of them purchased a private one, Dean of Gloucester, which was the highest pre- and carried it from one country to another to ferment he could obtain, because he was a Non- prevent discovery: it was first set up at Moulconformist fom the ceremonies of the Church. sey in Surrey, near Kingston-on-Thames; from conform ist from t he eremonies of the Church. thence it was conveyed to Fawsley in NorthThe Oxford historian says he was a moderate amptonshire; from thence to Norton, from and conscientious Nonconformist, and stocked thence to Coventry, from Coventry to Woolston his college with a generation of that sort of men t hence to Coventry, from thentry to Woolston that could not be rooted out in many years: he ter in W arwicshire, and frhe ne ito a ncheswas certainly a strict Calvinist, and a bitter ter in Lancashire, where it was discovered. was certainly a strict Calvinist, and a bitter Sundry satirical pamphlets were printed by this enemy of the papists; he was a great and gen-ress, and dispersed all over the kingdom; as, eral scholar, an able linguist, and a deeper di- ess, an dispersed all over the kingdom; as, vine than most of his age: he published many * Life of Whitgift, p. 287. learned works, and at length died in his college, i Life of Parker, p. 428, 438. Pierce's Vindicain the sixty-third year of his age, 1589, having tion, p. 89. had the honour to see many of his pupils bish- t Bishop Sandys was one of the translators of the ops,t while he who was every way their superi- Bible in this reign, and the author of a volume of sermons esteemed superior to any of his contemporaries. The words of his last will, quoted above, * The particular cause of his leaving the kingdom agree with his former declaration to Bishop Parker, was a discovery that he was concerned with Richard produced by our author, p. 160. But his treatment Chambers, a zealous Protestant, in collecting money of the Puritans was a contradiction to both, and is in the city of London for the use of poor scholars in one proof, among the several instances furnished by the universities who had imbibed the reformed doc- these times, of the influence of preferment and prostrines.-British Biography, vol. iii., p. 20, the note. perity in corrupting the human mind or blinding the -En. judgment. For, in the same will, he entered his set Wood's Ath. Ox., vol. i., p. 192. rious protest against the platforms offered by the Pu T Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 472; vol. ii., p. 451. ritans.-See Maddox's Vindication, p. 352.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 189 " Martin Mar-Prelate," written, as is suppo- "Epitome of the First Book of Dr. John Bridges sed, by a club of separatists, for the authors against the Puritans," with this expression in were never discovered: it is a violent satire the title-page,." Oh! read over Dr. John Bridgagainst the hierarchy and all its supporters; it es, for it is a worthy work. Printed over sea calls the lord-bishops petty antichrists, petty in Europe, within two furlongs of a bouncing popes, proud prelates, enemies to the Gospel, priest, at the cost and charges of Martin Marand most covetous, wretched priests. It says Prelate, gent., in quarto." "that the Lord has given many of our bishops " The Cobbler's Book,"' which denies the over to a reprobate sense, because they wilfully Church of England to be a true church, and oppose and persecute the truth; and supposes charges her with maintaining idolatry under the them to have committed the unpardonable sin, name of decency, in the habits, fonts, baptism because they have manifested in their public by women, gang-days, saints' eves, bishoping writings, &c., most blasphemous and damnable of children, organs, wafer-cakes, &c. doctrines." The author then addresses him- "Ha' ye any more work for the Cooper."* In self to the clergy who had subscribed, and who printing of which the press was discovered and were for pressing subscription upon others, in seized, with several pamphlets unfinished; as, such punning language as this: "Right puissant Episto [Episco] Mastix, Paradoxes, Dialogues, and terrible priests, my clergy masters of the Miscellanea, Varive Lectiones, Martin's Dream, confocation or conspiration house, whetherfickers The Lives and Doings of English Popes, Itine(vicars], paltripolitans, or others of the holy rarium or Visitations, Lambethisms. league of subscription. Right poisoned, perse- The last two of these were imperfect; but to cuting, and terrible priests; my horned masters, complete the Itinerarium, the author threatens your government is antichristian, your cause is to survey all the clergy of England, and note desperate, your grounds are ridiculous; Martin their intolerable pranks; and for his Lambethunderstands all your knavery; you are intoler- isms he would have a Martin at Lambeth. Othable withstanders of reformation, enemies of er books were published of the same nature; the Gospel, and most covetous, wretched, and as, "A Demonstration of Discipline," "The popish priests," &c.* There are a great many Counter-poison," &c. sad truths in the book, but delivered in rude The writers on the Church side came not beand unbecoming language, and with a bitter, an- hind their adversaries in buffoonery and ridigry spirit. cule, as appears by the following pamphlets The titles of the rest were, printed at this time: "Theses Martinianae; i. e., certain demon- " Pappe with an hatchet, alias, A fig for my strative conclusions set down and collected by godson; or, Crack me this nut, that is, a sound Martin Mar-Prelate the Great, serving as a box of the ear for the idiot Martin to hold his manifest and sufficient confutation of all that peace. Written by one that dares call a dog a ever the college of cater-caps, with their whole dog. Imprinted by John Anoke, and are to be band of clergy-priests, have or can bring for the sold at the sign of the Crab Tree Cudgel, in defence of their ambitious and antichristian prel- Thwack-Coat-Lane."t acy. Published by Martin, Junior, 1589, in oc- " Pasquil's Apology. In the first part whereof tavo, and dedicated to John Kankerbury" [i. e., he renders a reason of his long silence, and galCanterbury]. The author of this tells the bish- lops the field with the treatise of Reformation. ops that he would plant young Martins in every Printed where I was, and where I shall be ready, diocess and parish, who should watch the beha- by the help of God and my muse, to send you a viour of the clergy, that when anything was May-game of Martinism. Anno 1593." Quarto. done amiss it might be made public. "An Almond for a Parrot; or, An Alms for " Protestation of Martin Mar-Prelate; where- Martin Mar-Prelate, &c. By Cuthbert Curryin, notwithstanding the surprising of the print- Knave." Quarto. er, he maketh it known to the world that he " The return of the renowned Cavaliero Pasfeareth neither proud priest, antichristian pope, quil to England, and his meeting with Marforius tyrannous prelate, nor godless cater-cap, &c. at London, upon the Royal Exchange, London, Printed 1589." Octavo. 1589, against Martin and Martinism." "His appellation to the High Court of Parlia- "A Counter-cuff given to Martin, Junior, by ment from the bad and injurious dealing of the the Pasquil ofEngland, Cavaliero. 1589." 8vo. Archbishop of Canterbury, and other his col- It is sad when a controversy about serious leagues of the High Commission, &c.t Printed matters runs these dregs: ridicule and personal 1589." Octavo. reflection may expose an adversary and make "Dialogue, wherein is plainly laid open the him ashamed, but will never convince or recontyrannical dealings of the lords-bishops against cile; it carries with it a contempt which sticks God's children. Printed 1589." Quarto. in the heart, and is hardly ever to be removed, "A Treatise, wherein is manifestly proved nor do I remember any cause that has been that Reformation, and those that sincerely fa- served by such methods. Dr. Bridges answervour the same, are unjustly charged to be ene- ed Martin in a ludicrous style; but. Cooper, mies to her majesty and'the state. Printed bishop of Winchester, did more service by his 1590." Quarto. grave and sober reply, with the assistance of "Ha' ye any work for the Cooper!" This the Archbishop of Canterbury, who, being miswas written against Dr. Thomas Cooper, bishop erably aspersed, furnished the bishop with reof Winchester, and is said to be printed in Eu- plies to the particular charges brought against rope, not far from some of the bouncing priests, him. The book is entitled " An Advertisement 1590. to the People of England," wherein the slan * Life of Whitgift, p. 290. * Life of Whitgift, p. 296. t Ibid., p. 288. Ath. Oxon., vol., i., p., 259. $ Ath. Ox., vi., 280. 190 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ders of Martin Mar-Prelate the libeller are dis- with others calculated to dissolve all friendship tinctly answered. But, after all, it was impos- in country towns, and set a whole diocess in a sible for the bishops to wipe off from them- flame. When Sir Francis Knollys had read the selves the charge of persecution and violation articles, he sent them to the treasurer, calling of the laws. them by their proper name, " articles of inquiTo put a stop to these pamphlets, the queen sition, highly prejudicial to the royal prerogasent a letter to the archbishop, commanding him tive;" but there was no stopping his grace's to make diligent inquiry after the printing-press, career.* and issued out her royal proclamation, dated Among the divines that suffered deatht for February 13th, 1589, " for the bringing in all sedi- the libels above mentioned were the Rev. Mr. tious and schismatical books, whether printed Udal, whose case being peculiarly hard, I shall or written, to the ordinary, or to one of the give the reader an abstract of it. He had been privy council, as tending to bring in a monstrous minister of Kingston-upon-Thames, where, and dangerous innovation of all manner of ec- having been silenced by the official, Dr. Hone, clesiastical government now in use, and with a he lay by for half a year, having no farther prosrash and malicious purpose to dissolve the state pect of usefulness in the Chruch. At length, of the prelacy, being one of the three ancient the people of Newcastle-upon-Tyne wanting a estates of this realm under her highness, where- minister, prevailed with the Earl of Huntingdon of her majesty mindeth to have a reverend re- to send him to them; when he had been there gard; she therefore prohibits any of her sub- about a year he was sent for up to London by jects from keeping any books in their custody the Lord Hunsdon and the lord-chamberlain, in against the order of the Church, or the rites and the name of the whole privy council. Mr. Udal ceremonies of it, her majesty being minded to set out December 29, 1589, and on the 13th of have the laws severely executed against the January, 1590, appeared at Lord Cobham's authors and abetters of them, as soon as they house before the commissioners, Lord Cobham, shall be apprehended."* Lord Buckhurst, Lord-chief-justice Anderson, As soon as the printing-press was discovered, Dr. John Young, bishop of Rochester, Mr. Forhis grace wrote to the treasurer to prosecute tescue, Mr. Egerton, the queen's solicitor, Dr. the persons with whom it was found; but, like Aubrey, and Dr. Lewin. The bishop began the an able politician, wishes it might be done by examination in this manner: Bishop. Have you the lords of the council rather than by the ec- the allowance of the bishop of the diocess to clesiastical commissioners, because they had preach at Newcastle? Udal. There was neither already suffered for supporting the government, bishop of the diocess nor Archbishop of York at which was wounded through their sides.t Ac- that time. Fortescue. By what law, then, did cordingly, Sir Richard Knightly, Sir - Wig- you preach at Newcastle, being silenced at ston, who had entertained the press, together Kingston 1 Udal. I know no law against; it, with the printer, and Humphrey Newman, the seeing I was silenced only by the official, whose disperser, were deeply fined in the Star Cham- authority reaches not beyond his archdeaconry. ber, and others were put to death.T L. C. J. Anderson. You are called to answer The archbishop, being now in his visitation, concerning certain books thought to be of your had framed twenty-two articles of inquiry, upon writing. Udal. If it be any of Martin's books, which the church-wardens of every parish were I have disowned them a year and a half ago at to be examined upon oath. By these articles Lambeth. L. C. J. Anderson. Who was the they were to swear that their minister was ex- author of the Demonstration, or the Dialogue. actly conformable to the orders of the Church, Udal. I shall not answer. Anderson. Why will or else to impeach him; and to declare, farther, you clear yourself of Martin, and not of these? whether they knew any of their neighbours or Udal. Because I would not be thought to handle fellow-parishioners that were " common swear- the cause of discipline as Martin did; but I ers, drunkards, usurers, witches, conjurers, think otherwise of the other books, and care heretics; any man that had two wives, or not though they should be fathered upon me; I woman that had two husbands; whether they think the author did well, and, therefore, would knew any that went to conventicles or meet- not discover him if I knew him, but would hinings for saying prayers in private houses; der it all I could. L. C. J. Anderson. Why any that were of age, and did not receive the dare you not confess if you be the author? sacrament at church three times a year;" Udal. I have said I liked of the books, and the t Life of Whitgift, in Rec., b. iii., no. 41. matter handled in them; but whether I made t Ibid., p. 314. Fuller, b. ix., p. 194. them or no I will not answer, for by the law I T Fuller adds, Archbishop Whitgift improved his interest with the queen till, though she was at first * Pierce's Vindic., p. 129. angry with his solicitations, they were delivered out t Bishop Warburton is very severe in his censure of prison and eased of their fines. Bishop Maddox of Mr. Neal for using this language; "which," he censures Mr. Neal for passing this over in silence; says, " in common English, means dying by the hand but he himself omits the construction put on this of the executioner;" whereas Mr. Udal died in prisapparently kind conduct of the prelate, "'which, on. But when he died quite heart-broken with sorwhile some highly commended, so others," says Ful- row and grief through imprisonment and the severe ler, "imputed it to the declining of envy, gaining of treatment he met with on account of the libels, his applause, and remorse of conscience for over-rigor- death was as much the consequence of the prosecution ous proceedings; it being no charity to cure the commenced against him as if it had been inflicted by the wound he had caused, and solicit the remitting those executioner. At most there was only an inaccuracy fines which he had procured to be imposed." Our in the expression, which it was very unworthy the author proceeds: "Thus impossible is it to please bishop to censure as "unworthy a candid historian froward spirits, and to make them like the best deed or an honest man."-ED. There is nb attempt at who dislike the doer."-ED. deception in Neal, for he goes on and minutely rsQ Life of Whitgift, p. 309, 311. lates his dying daily in the prison.-C HISTORY OF THE PURITANS 191 am not obliged to it. Anderson. That is true, he affirmed was not to be found in the Word if it concerned the loss of your life. [And yet of God. To whom Udal replied, This being a the judges tried and condemned him for his controversy among learned divines, he thought life.] Udal. I pray your lordship, does not the Mr. Daulton might have suspended his judg. law say, No man shall be put to answer with- ment, since he had formerly showed some liout presentment before justices on matters of king to the cause. Upon which the judge said, record, or by due proofs and writ original, &c.? Sirrah! sirrah! answer to the matter. Mr. (A. 42 Edw. III., cap. iii.). Anderson. That is Daulton, go on to the proof of the points in the law if it be not repealed. Bishop of Rochester. indictment, which were these three: Pray let me ask you a question concerning your 1. That Udal was the author of the book. book. But Udal was upon his guard, and said, 2. That he had a malicious intent in making it. It is not yet proved to be mine. Mr. Solicitor. 3. That the matters in the indictment were I am sorry, Mr. Udal, you will not answer nor felony by the statute 23 Eliz., cap. ii. take an oath, which by law you ought to do; The first point was to prove Udal to be the but he did not say by what law. Udal. Sir, if I author of the book; and here it is observable, have a liberty by law, there is no reason why I that the witnesses were not brought into court, should not challenge it; show me by what law but only their examinations, which the. registrar I am obliged to accuse myself. Dr. Lewin. swore to. And, first, Stephen Chatfield's artiYou have taken the oath heretofore, why should cles were produced, which contained a report you not take it now? Udal. I then voluntarily of certain papers he had seen in Udal's study. confessed certain things concerningmy preach- Upon seeing them, he asked whose writings ing of the points of discipline, which could never they were. Udal answered, A friend's. Chathave been proved, and when my friends labour- field then desired him to rid his hands of them, ed to have me restored to my ministry, the for he doubted they concerned the state. He archbishop answered there was sufficient mat- added, that Udal told him another time, that if ter against me, by my own confession, why I they put him to silence, he would give the bish.. should not be restored; whereupon I covenant- ops such a blow as they had never had. Chated with my own heart never to be my own ac- field was called to witness these things, but apcuser again. peared not. Daulton said he went out of the At length the bishop told him his sentence way on purpose. The judge said, Mr. Udal, for that time was to be sent to the Gate-house; you are glad of that. Mr. Udal answered, My take it in his own words. " I was carried to lord, I wish heartily he were here; for as I am the Gate-house by a messenger, who delivered sure he could never say anything against me to me with a warrant to be kept close prisoner, prove this point, so I am able to prove it to be and not to be suffered to have pen, ink, or pa- true that he is very sorry that he ever made per, or anybody to speak with me. Thus I re- any complaint against me, confessing he did it mained half a year, in all which time my wife in anger when Martin came first out, and by their could not get leave to come to me, saving only suggestions, whom he had proved since to be very that in the hearing of the keeper she might bad men. Mr. Uda added, that the book was speak to me, and I to her, of such things as she published before this conversation with Chatfield. should think meet. All which time my chamin- The examination of Nicholas Tomkins beber-fellows were seminary priests, traitors, and fore the commissioners was next produced. professed papists. At the end of the half year This Tomkins was now beyond sea, but the I was removed to the White Lion, in South- paper said that Udal had told him he was the wark, and so carried to the assizes at Croy- author. But Tomkins himself sent word that don." he would not for a ~1000 affirm any more than On the 23d of July, Mr. Udal was brought to'that he had heard Udal say, that he would not Croydon with fetters on his legs, and indicted doubt but set his name to the book if he had upon the statute 23 Eliz., cap. ii., before Baron indifferent judges. And when Udal offered to Clarke and Mr. Sergeant Puckering, for wri- produce his witnesses, the judge said, that beting a wicked, scandalous, and seditious libel, cause the witnesses were against the queen's called " A Demonstration of Discipline," dedi- majesty, they could not be heard. cated to the supposed governors of the Church The confession of Henry Sharp, of Northof England,* in which is this passage: " Who ampton, was then read, who, upon oath before can, without blushing, deny you [the bishops] the lord-chancellor, had declared that he heard to be the cause of all ungodliness. forasmuch Mr. Penry say that Mr. Udal was the author of as your government gives liberty for a man to be the Demonstration. anything but a sound Christian; it is more free This was the whole evidence of the fact upon in these days to be a papist or a wicked man which he was convicted, not a single living witthan what we should be; I could live twenty ness being produced in court; so that the prisyears as such in England, and it may be in a oner had no opportunity to ask any questions, bishop's house, and not be molested: so true is or refute the evidence. And what methods it that you care for nothing but the mainte- were used to extort these confessions may nance of your dignities, be it to damnation of easily be imagined from the confessors flying your souls, and infinite millions more." These their country, and then testifying their sorrow are the words of the indictment. To which for what they had said. Mr. Udal pleaded not guilty, and put himself To prove the sedition, and bring it within the upon the trial of his country. In opening the statute, the counsel insisted upon his threatencause, Mr. Daulton, the queen's counsel, made a ing the bishops, who being the queen's officers, long invective against the new discipline, which it was constructed a threatening of the queen herself. The prisoner desired liberty to explain ILife of Whitgift, p. 343 the passage, and his counsel insisted that an 192 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. offence against the bishops was not sedition Whereof the trial of the law imputing to me all against the queen; but the judge gave it for such defaults as are in that book, and laying the law, that " they who spake against the queen's punishment of the same in the most grievous government in causes ecclesiastical, or her laws, manner upon me; as my most humble suit to proceedings, and ecclesiastical officers, defamed her most excellent majesty is, that her mercy the queen herself." Upon this the jury were and gracious pardon may free me from the guilt directed to find him guilty of the fact, and the and offence which the said trial of the law hath judges took upon them the point of law, and cast upon me, and farther of her great clemencondemned him as a felon. Mr. Fuller confess- cy to restore me to the comfort of my life and es* that the proof against him was not preg- liberty, so do I promise, in all humble submisnant, for it was generally believed he wrote not sion to God and her majesty, to carry myself in the book, but only the preface. They might as the whole course of my life in such humble and well have condemned him without the form of dutiful obedience as shall befit a minister of a trial, for the statute was undoubtedly strained the Gospel and dutiful subject, fervently and beyond the intent of it, to reach his life. He continually praying for a good preservation of behaved modestly and discreetly at the bar; her highness's precious life and happy governand having said as much for himself as must ment, to the honour of God, and comfort of have satisfied any equitable persons, he submit- her loyal and dutiful subjects. February 19, ted to the judgment of the court. 1590-1." Mr. Udal was convicted in the summer assi- Mr. Udal had often, and with great earnestzes, 1590, but did not receive sentence till the ness, petitioned his judges for their mediation Lent assizes; in the mean time, he was offered with the queen: in his letter of November 1 th, his pardon if he would sign the following sub- he says, "I pray you call to mind my tedious mission:t state of imprisonment, whereby myself, my wife, "I, John Udal, have been heretofore, by due and children are reduced to beggary; pray call course of law, convicted of felony, for penning to mind by what course this misery is brought or setting forth a certain book called' The Dem- upon me, and if you find, by due consideration, onstration of Discipline,' wherein false, slan- that I am worthy to receive the punishment from derous, and seditious matters are contained the sentence of upright justice, I pray you to against her majesty's prerogative royal, her hasten the execution of the same, for it were crown and dignity, and against the laws and better for me to die than to live in this case; government ecclesiastical and temporal by law but if it appear to your consciences (as I hope established under her highness, and tending to it will) that no malice against her majesty can the erecting a new form of government contrary possibly be in me, then do I humbly and heartily to her said laws; all which points I do now per- desire you to be a means that I may be releasceive, by the grace of God, to be very danger- ed; then I shall not only forget that hard opinous to the peace of this realm and church, se- ion conceived of your courses against me, but ditious in the commonwealth, and infinitely of- pray heartily to God to bury the same, with the fensive to the queen's most excellent majesty; rest of your sins, in the grave of his Son Jesus so as thereby I, now seeing the grievousness of Christ." Mr. Udal wrote again, November 18 my offence, do most humbly on my knees, be- and 25, in most humble and dutiful language, fore and in this presence, submit myself to the but the court would do nothing till he had signmercy of her highness, being most sorry that I ed their submission. have so deeply and worthily incurred her majes- At the close of the Lent assizes, being called ty's indignation against me: promising, if it to the bar with the rest of the felons, and asked shall please God to move her royal heart to have what he had to say why judgment should not compassion on me, a most sorrowful, convicted be given against him according to the verdict, person, that I will forever hereafter forsake all he gave in a paper consisting of nine reasons, such undutiful and dangerous courses, and de- of which these are the principal: mean myself dutifully and peaceably; for I do 1. "Because the jury were directed only to acknowledge her laws to be both lawful and find the fact whether I was author of the book; godly, and to be obeyed by every subject. Feb- and were expressly fireed by your lordship from ruary, 1590-1." inquiring into the intent, without which there is No arguments or threatenings of the judges no felony. could prevail with Udal to sign this submission; 2. " The jury were not left to their own conbat the day before sentence was to be passed sciences, but were wrought upon partly by he offered the following, drawn up by himself: promises, assuring them it should be no farther "Concerning the book whereof I was by due danger to me, but tend to my good; and partly course of law convicted, by referring myself to by fear, as appears, in that it has been a grief the trial of the law, and for that by the verdict to some of them ever since. of twelve men I aml found to be the author of 3. " The statute, in the true meaning of it, is it, for which cause an humble submission is thought not to reach my case, there being noworthily required and offered of me: although thing in the book spoken of her majesty's perI cannot disavow the cause and substance of son but in duty and honour; I beseech you, the doctrine debated in it, which I must needs therefore, to consider whether the drawing of acknowledge to be holy, and (so far as I con- it from her royal person to the bishops, as being ceive it) agreeable to the Word of God, yet I part of her body politic, be not a violent depraconfess the manner of writing it is such in some ving and wresting of the statute. part as may worthily be blamed, and might pro- 4. " But if the statute be taken as it is urged, voke her majesty's just indignation therein. the felony must consist in the malicious intent; wherein I appeal first to God, and then to all * B. ix., p. 223. t Strype's Ann., vol. ult., p. 26. men who have known the course of my life, HIS'TORY OF TiiE PURITANS. 193 and to your lordships' own consciences, wheth- ecclesiastical and civil. And if the prince comer you can find me guilty of any act in all my mands anything contrary to the Word of God, life that savoured of any malice or malicious it is not lawfill for subjects to rebel or resist, intent against her majesty; of which, if your but with patience and humility to bear the punconsciences must clear me before God, I hope ishment laid upon them: I believe the Church, you will not proceed to judgment. rightly reformed, ought to be governed ecclesi5. "'By the laws of God, and I trust also by the astically by ministers, assisted by elders, as in laws of the land, the witnesses ought to be pro- the foreign Reformed churches: I believe the duced face to face against me; but I have none censures of the Church ought merely to consuch, nor any other things, but papers and re- cern the soul, and may not impeach any subports of depositions taken by ecclesiastical corn- ject, much less any prince, in liberty of body, missioners and others. This kind of evidence goods, dominion, or any earthly privilege; nor is not allowed in case of lands, and therefore do I believe that a Christian prince ought othmuch less ought it to be allowed in case of life. erwise to be subject to the Church censures 6. " None of the depositions prove me. direct- than our gracious queen professes herself to be ly to be the author of the book in question; and to the preaching of the Word and the administhe author of the chief testimony is so grieved, tration of the sacraments."* that he is ashamed to come where he is known. |With this declaration of his faith he sent an 7. ".Supposing me to be the author of the humble request, that if her majesty would not book, let it be considered that the said book for graciously be pleased to pardon him, she would substance contains nothing but what is taught change his sentence into banishment, that the and believed by the best Reformed churches in land might not be charged with his blood.t Europe, so that in condemning me you condemn King James of Scotland wrote to the queen, reall such nations and churches as hold the same questing most earnestly that, for the sake of his doctrine. If the punishment be for the manner intercession, Udal might be relieved of hi~spresof writing, this may be thought by some worthy ent strait, promising to do the like for heir miajof an admonition, or fine, or some short impris- esty in any matter she should recommend to onment;* but death for an error of such a kind, him. The Turkey merchants also offered to as terms and words not altogether dutiful of send him as chaplain to one of their factories certain bishops, cannot but be extreme cruelty abroad if he might have his life and liberty; against one that has endeavoured to show him- which Udal consented to, as appears by his letself a dutiful subject and faithful minister of ter to the lord-treasurer, in which he says, the Gospel.' Lamentable is my case, having been three "If all this prevail not, yet my Redeemer years in durance, which makes me humbly deliveth, to whom I commend myself, and say as sire your lordship's favour, that I may be resometime Jeremiah said in a case not much un- leased firom my imprisonment, the Turkey merlike,' Behold, I am in your hands to do with me chants having my consent to go into Syria or whatsoever seemeth good unto you; but know Guinea, there to remain two years with their you this, that if you put me to death, you shall factors, if my liberty may be obtained." The bring innocent blood upon your own heads, and writer of Archbishop Whitgift's life says the upon the land.' As the blood of Abel, so the archbishop yielded to this petition; that the blood of Udal will cry to God with a loud voice, lord-keeper promised to farther it; and that the and the righteous Judge of the land will require Earl of Essex had a draught of a pardon ready it at the hands of all that shall be guilty of it." prepared, with this condition annexed, that he But nothing would avail unless he would should neverretnrn without the queen's license; sign the submission the court had drawn up for but her majesty never signed it, and the Turhim; which his conscience not suffering him to key ships going away without him, poor unhapdo, sentence of death was passed upon him Feb- py Udal died a few months after in the Marruary 20th, and execution openly awarded; but shalsea prison, quite heart-broken with sorrow next morning the judges, by direction from and grief, about the end of the year 1592. Mr. court, gave private orders to respite it till her Fullerl says he was a learned man, and of a majesty's pleasure was farther known. The blameless life, powerful in prayer, and no less Dean of St. Paul's and Dr. Andrews were sent profitable than painful in preaching. He was to persuade him to sign the submission, which decently interred in the churchyard of St. he peremptorily refilsed. But because the queen George, Southwark, not far firom the grave of had been misinformed of his belief, he sent her Bishop Bonner, being honoured with the attendmajesty a short confession of his faith in these ance of great numbers of the London ministers, words: who visited him in prison, and now wept over " I believe, and have often preached, that the the remains of a man who, after a long and seChurch of England is a part of the true visible vere trial of his faith and patience, died for the Church, the Word and sacraments being truly testimony of a good conscience, and stands dispensed; for which reason I have communi- upon record as a monument of the oppression cated with it several years at Kingston, and a and cruelty of the government under which he year at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and do still desire suffered. to be a preacher in the same church; therefore Though the moderate Puritans publicly disI utterly renounce the schism and separation of owned the libels above mentioned, and conthe Brownists: I do allow the articles of reli- demned the spirit with which they were writgion as far as they contain the doctrine of faith ten, they were nevertheless brought into trouband sacraments according to law: I believe the le for their associations. Among others, the queen's majesty hath, and ought to have, su- Rev. Mr. Cartwright, the father of the Pupreme aqthority over all persons, in all causes * Life of Whitgift, p. 376. * Strype's Ann., vol. iv., p. 23. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 203. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 222. VOL. I.-B 194 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ritans, and master of the new hospital at War- committed to divers prisons. But the archbishwick, was suspended by his diocesan, and sum- op, by advice of the treasurer, was not present moned before the high commissioners, who at the commitment of his old adversary. committed him to the Fleet, with his brethren, On the 13th of May, 1591, they were brought Mr. Egerton, Fen, Wright, Farmer, Lord, before the Star Chamber,* which was a court Snape, King, Rushbrooke, Wiggins, Littleton, made up of certain noblemen, bishops, judges, Field, Royde, Payne, Proudlove, and Jewel. At and counsellors of the queen's nomination, to their first appearance, the commissioners asked the number of twenty or thirty, with her mjilthem where they held their associations or as- esty at their head, who is the sole judge when semblies, and how often; who were present, present, the other members being only to give and what matters were treated of; who cor- their opinion to their sovereign by way of adrected or set forth the book of Discipline, and vice, which he [or she] disallows at their pleaswho had subscribed or submitted to it; wheth- ure; but in the absence of the sovereign, the er in a Christian monarchy the king is supreme determination is by a majority, the lord-changovernor of the Church, or whether he is un- cellor or keeper having a casting vote. The der the government of pastors, doctors, and determinations of this court, says Mr. Rushsuch like; whether it be lawful for a foreign worth, were not by the verdict of a jury, nor acprince to ordain ceremonies, and make orders cording to any statute-law of the land, but acfor the Church; whether the ecclesiastical gov- cording to the king's [or queen's] royal will and ernment established in England be lawful, and pleasure, and yet they were made as binding to allowed by the Word of God; whether the sac- the subject as an act of Parliament. In the raments ministered according to the Book of reign of King Henry VII., the practice of that Common Prayer, are godly and rightly minis- court was thought to intrench upon the comtered, &c. mon law, though it seldom did any business; Mr. Cartwright's answer to these interroga- but in the latter end of this, and during the tories was said by the civilians to be sufficient; two next reigns, the court sat constantly, and upon which they exhibited thirty-one articles was so unmerciful in its censures and punishagainst him, September 1, 1590, and required ments, that the whole nation cried aloud against him to answer them upon oath.* it as a mark of the vilest slavery. Lord ClarThe first twenty-four articles charge him endon says,t " There were very few persons of with renouncing his episcopal orders, by being quality in those times that had not suffered or reordained beyond sea, with interrupting the been perplexed by the weight and fear of its peace, and breaking the orders of the Church censure and judgments; for having extended since he came home, and with knowing the their jurisdiction from riots, perjuries, and the authors or printers of Martin Mar-Prelate. most notorious misdemeanors, to an asserting Art. 25. Charges him with penning, or pro- of all proclamations and orders of state, to the curing to be penned, the book of Discipline, vindicating illegal commissioners and grants of and with recommending the practice of it. monopolies, no man could hope to be any longer Art. 26. Charges him with being present at free from the inquisition of that court; than he sundry pretended synods, classes, or conferen- resolved to submit to those and the like exces of ministers in divers countries. traordinary courses." Art. 27. That at such synods they subscribed When Mr. Cartwright and his brethren apthe book of Discipline, and promised to govern peared before the court, Mr. Attorney-general themselves by it as far as they could. inveighed bitterly against them for refusing the Art. 28. Charges him with setting up partic- oath; and when Mr. Fuller, counsel for the pris-,ular conferences in several shires, which were oners, stood up to answer, he was commanded'to receive the determinations of the General silence, and told that far less crimes than theirs Assembly, and put them in practice. had been punished with the galleys or perpetual Art. 29, 30, and 31. Mention some rules and banishment, which latter he thought proper for.orders of their synods; as, that the members them, provided it was in some remote place should bring testimonials from their several from whence they might not return.$ From classes; that they should subscribe the book of the Star Chamber they were remitted back to Discipline; that no books should be printed but the High Commission, where Bancroft had a long by consent; that they should be subject to the argument with Cartwright about the oath; from censures of the brethren both for doctrine and thence they were returned again to the Star life; and that if any should be sent abroad upon Chamber, and a bill was exhibited against them,public service at the meeting of Parliament, with twenty articles; in answer to which they their charges should be borne, &c. maintain that their associations were very use-.Mr. Cartwright offered to clear himself of ful, and not forbidden by any law of the realm; some of these articles upon oath, and to give that they exercised no jurisdiction, nor moved his reasons for not answering the rest; but if any sedition, nor transacted any affairs in them, this would not satisfy, he was determined to but with a due regard to their duty to their.submit to the punishment the commissioners prince, and to the peace of the Church; that:should award* [which was imprisonment in the they had agreed upon some regulations to renFleet], praying the lord-treasurer to make some der their ministry more edifying, but all was provision for the poor people of Warwick, who voluntary, and in breach of no law; and as for had no minister. The rest of Cartwright's the oath, they refused it, not in contempt of the brethren refusing the oath for the same rea- court, but as contrary to the laws of God and *sons, viz., because they would not accuse them- nature. selves, nor bring their friends into trouble, were * Life of Whigift, p. 361. t Hist. of Gr. Rebellion, vol. i., 8vo, p. 68, &c. * Life of Whitgift, p. 373. f Ibid., p. 338. $ Life of Whitgift, p. 360. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. X But this answer not being satisfactory, they quiet and peaceable behaviour, and restored to were remanded to prison, where they continued his hospital in Warwick, where he continued two years without any farther process, or being without farther disturbance the rest of his days; admitted to bail; in the mean time, King James but many of his brethren continued under susof Scotland interceded for them, in a letter to pension while their families were starving, as the the queen, dated June 12, 1591, in which he re- Rev. Mr. Fenner, of Cranbrook, suspended sevquests her majesty to show favour to Mr. Cart- en years; Mr. Leverwood, of Manchelsea, seven wright and his brethren, because of their great years; Mr. Percival Wyburne, of Rochester, five learning and faithful travels in the Gospel.* years; Mr. Rockeray, prebendary of Rochester, Cartwright himself petitioned for his liberty,t four years; Mr. Barber, of Bow Church, London, as being afflicted with excessive pains of the two years six months; Mr. Field, of Aldermary, gout and sciatica, which were much increased London; Mr. Smith, lecturer of St. Clement's, by lying in a cold prison; he wrote a most hum- whose printed sermons were a family book all ble and pious letter to the Lady Russel, and over England for many years;* Mr. Travers, another to the lord-treasurer, beseeching them of the Temple; Mr. Colset, of Easton-on-theto procure his enlargement with the queen, Hill; Mr. Settle, of Buxstead, Suffolk; Mr. Gelthough it were upon bond, expressing a very librand, Dyke, Flemming; Mr. Kendal; Mr. great concern that her majesty should be so Hubbock, of Oxford; with many others whose highly offended with him, since he had printed names are before me. Mr. Hubbock was an no books for thirteen years past that could give excellent divine, and was called before the the least uneasiness; since he had declared his commission for saying that a great nobleman dislike of Martin Mar-Prelate; and that he never (meaning the archbishop) had kneeled down to had a finger in any of the books under the name, her majesty for staying and hindering her intent nor in any other satirical pamphlets; and far- to reform religion. But his grace not being willther, that in the course of his ministry for five ing to insist upon this, commanded him to subyears past at Warwick, he had avoided all con- scribe, and in case of refusal, to enter into bonds troversy. Dr. Goad, Dr. Whitaker, and two not to preach any more, nor to come within others of the university, wrote an excellent let- ten miles of Oxford; which Mr. Hubbock detert to the treasurer in favour of the prisoners, dlined, saying " he had rather go to prison than beseeching his lordship that they might not be consent to be silent from preaching, unless he more hardly dealt with than papists; but this was convinced that he had taught false doctrine, not prevailing, after six months they petitioned or committed any fault worthy of bonds."t Sir the lords of the council [December 4, 1591] to Francis Knollys and the treasurer interceded for be enlarged upon bail, and wrote to the treasu- him, but to no purpose; upon which Sir Francis rer to second it, assuring his lordship of their wrote back to the treasurer in these words: loyalty to the queen, and peaceable behaviour " You know how greatly, yea, and tyrannously, in the Church. "We doubt not," say they, the archbishop hath urged subscription to his "but your lordship is sensible that a year's im- own articles without law; and that he has claimprisonment and more, which we have suffered, ed, in the right of all the bishops, a superiority must strike deeper into our healths, considering over the inferior clergy from God's own ordiour education, than a number of years to men nance, in prejudice to her majesty's supreme of a different occupation. Your lordship knows government, though at present he says he does that many papists who deny the queen's suprem- not claim it: therefore, in my opinion, he ought acy have been enlarged, whereas we have all openly to retract it." sworn to it, and, if the government require, are These high proceedings of the commissioners ready to take the oath again." This was signed brought their powers under examination: most by were of opinion that they exceeded the law, but THo. CARTWRIGHT, EDWARD LORD, some thought the very court itself was illegal, HUMP. FEN, EDMUND SNAPE, imagining the queen could not delegate her suANDREW KING, WM. PROUDLOVE, premacy to others. Mr. Cawdery, late minister DAN. WRIGHT, MELANCTHON JEWEL. of Luffingham, in Suffolk, had been suspended JOHN PAYNE, by the Bishop of London for refusing the oath They also applied to the archbishop, who re- ex officio; but not acquiescing in his lordship's fused to consent to their enlargement, unless sentence, the bishop summoned him before the they would under their hands declare the Church high commissioners, who deprived him for nonof England to be a true church, and the whole conformity and lack of learning, and gave away order of public prayers, &c., consonant to the his living to another, though Mr. Cawdery was Word of God, and renounce for the future all one of the most learned clergymen and best their assemblies, classes, and synods, which preachers in the country, and ofered to give they declined. These applications proving in- proof of his learning before his judges. When effectual, they resolved at last to address the this would. not be accepted, he pleaded with queen herself for which purpose they drew up tears his wife and eight poor children that had.queen hersef, fo whic purose tey drw upno maintenance; but the hearts of the coma declaration, containing a full answer to the m aintenanceot b the he arts of the comseveral charges brought against them.~ missioners not being mollified, Mr. Cawdery was several charges brought against them.9 It was not till some time after this that Mr. at Trinity College, and had a respect for his abilities, Cartwright was releasedII upon promise of his and it was also said, " feared the success in so tough a conflict."-Fuller's Church History, b. ix., p. 204. * Life of Aylmer, p. 321. t Fuller, b. ix., p. 203. "' Putting all the circumstances together," remarks $ Life of Whitgift, p. 370. Mr. Hanbury, "' and weighing them deliberately, no Q See the Appendix, No. 5. fair inference can be deduced that Cartwright was l] It should be observed here, that Mr. Cartwright indebted for any voluntary favour from Whitgift."was indebted for his liberty to the services of Arch- Life of Cartwright, p. 200.-C. bishop Whitgift, who had been his old acquaintance * MS., p. 584. t Life of Whitgift, p. 341, 342, 19t HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. advised to appeal to the Court of Exchequer, prayer; and that their usual debates were, how and proceed against the chaplain that had pos- far they might comply with the establishment session of his living; on this occasion the juris- rather than forego their ministry; here they rediction of the court was argued before all the vised their Book of Discipline, and consulted of judges in Hilary term, 1591.* Dr. Aubrey, the peaceable methods in subordination to the laws civilian, confessed that their proceedings were for promoting a reformation in the Church, and not warrantable by the letter of the statute 1st how far they might exercise their own platform Eliz., but were built upon the old canon law still in the mean time: but the worst part of their in force; though it has been shown that their pro- confession was their discovering the names of ceeding, by way of inquisition, was warranted the brethren that were present, which brought.by no law at all; but the judges confirmed the them into trouble. The reasons they gave for proceedings of the court, and left Mr. Cawdery, taking the oath were, Because it was adminiswith his large family, to starve as a layman. tered bya lawful magistrate: because the maThe suit cost Mr. Cawdery's friends a round gistrate had a right to search out the truth in sum of money, besides two-and-twenty journeys matters relating to the public safety: because which he made to London. But it was a brave it was impossible to keep things any longer sestand for the rights of the subject, and stagger- cret, many letters of the brethren having been ed the archbishop so much, that he declined intercepted: because there was nothing crimithe business of the commission afterward, and nal in their assemblies, and the magistrate might sent most of his prisoners to the Star Chamber. suspect worse things of them than were true; While these causes were depending, sundry and though their confessions might bring some books were written for and against the oath ex into trouble, they might deliver others who were.oficio; among others, Mr. Morrice, attorney of suspected. How far these reasons will justify the Court of Wards, and member of Parliament, the confessors, I leave with the reader; but it published a learned treatise, to prove that no is certain they purchased their own liberties at prelates or ecclesiastical judges have authority the expense of their brethren's; for they had to compel any subject of the land to an oath, the favour to be dismissed, and lived without except in causes testamentary or matrimonial; disturbance afterward. and he gives these reasons for it: Because it is To render the Puritans odious to the public, against the Word of God: it was never allowed all enthusiasts, without distinction, were ranked by any general council for a thousand years after among them; even Hacket and his two prophChrist: it was forbidden by the pagan emperors ets, Arthington and Coppinger.* Hacket was against the Christians: it is against the pope's a blasphemous, ignorant wretch, who could not decretals, except in cases of heresy, and where so much as read; he pretended to be King Jethere is danger to the accuser, and not other- sus, and to set up his empire in the room of the -wise: it is against the laws of the realm; and, queen's, who, he said, was no longer to be Queen Because it is against the queen's prerogative.t of England. He defaced her majesty's arms, Morrice's book was answered by Dr. Cosins, a and stabbed her picture through with his dagcivilian, in his "' Apology for the Ecclesiastical ger, in the house where he lodged. Being apProceedings;" to which Morrice had prepared prehended and put upon the rack, he confessed a reply, but the archbishop hearing of it, sent everything they would have him, and upon his for him, and forbade the publication. The at- trial pleaded guilty, declaring he was moved torney complained of this usage to the treasurer thereunto by the Spirit; he was hanged July in these words: " Cosins may write at his pleas- 18, arid died raving like a madman. Coppinger ure of ecclesiastical courts without check or con- starved himself in prison, but Arthington lived trolment, though never so erroneously; but I, to recover his senses, and was pardoned. Dr. poor man, such is my ill-hap, may not maintain Nichols says, that by the solicitation of these the right cause of justice without some blot or men the Puritans stirred up the people to rebellblemish." But this was his grace's shortest ion, their design being communicated to Cartway of ending controversies. wright, Egerton, and Wiggington;t whereas Though Mr. Cartwright and his brethren there was not a single Puritan concerned with above mentioned had the resolution to lie in jail them. Fuller,t the historian, speaks candidly for two years rather than take the oath ex officio, of the matter: " This business of Hacket," says others out of weakness, or some other principle, he, " happened unseasonably for the Presbyteriyielded to it, and discovered their classes, with ans; true it is, they as cordially detested his the names of those that were present at them:T blasphemies as any of the episcopal partyy; and among these were Mr. Stone, rector of Wark- such of them as loved Hacket the Nonconformton, in Northamptonshire; Mr. Henry Alvey, ist abhorred Hacket the heretic, after he had fellow of St. John's, Cambridge; Mr. Thomas mounted to so high a pitch of impiety." HowevEdmunds, Mr. William Perkins, Mr. Littleton, er, Mr. Cartwright wrote an apology for himself Johnson, Barber, Cleaveley, and Nutter. These and his brethren against the aspersions of Dr. divines confessed, upon examination, that they Sutcliff, in which he declares he had never seen had several meetings with their brethren in Hacket nor Arthington, nor ever had any conLondon, at the houses of Mr. Travers, Eger- ference with them by letter or message.~ Had ton, Gardner, and Barber; that there had been assemblies of ministers in Cambridge, North- * Strype's Ann., vol. ult., p. 71. amptonshire, and Warwickshire; that at these t Pierce's Vindic., p. 140. $ B. ix., p. 206. meetings there were usually between twelve Q No legal steps were taken against Cartwright and twenty ministers present; that they had a for his justification, which affords a practical admismoderator; that they began and ended with sion of the innocence of the Puritans. " True it is," *Heyl., _. _says the candid Fuller, " they as cordially detested Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 318. his blasphemies as any of the episcopal party" t Life of Whitgift, p. 340. ] Ibid., p. 371. Church History, ix., 206.-C. HISTORY OF Th, PURITANS. 197,here been any ground for this vile charge, we under the king as they had under the pope, he should no doubt have found it among their arti- answered, that there was a clause in the act cles of impeachment. which restrains them from offending against the At the opening of the new Parliament, Feb- king's prerogative and the laws and customs of ruary 19, the queen signified her pleasure to the the realm; and, according to the laws and cushouse, that they might redress such popular toms of the realm, no subject can hold a court grievances as were complained of in their sev- but by special warrant from the crown." Mr. eral counties, but should leave all matters of Beal spoke upon the same side, and added, state to herself and the council; and all mat- " that the bishops had incurred a prTemunire, ters relating to the Church, to herself and the because the statute of 13 Eliz. requires subscripbishops. What an insignificant thing is a repre- tion to articles of faith only; that this limitation sentative body of the nation, that must not med- was made by the Lords after the bill had passed die with matters of Church or State! But her the Commons; and that no councils nor canons majesty was resolved to let them see she would gave authority to the bishops to frame articles be obeyed, forwhen Mr. Wentworth and Bromley and require subscription at their pleasure." For moved the house to address the queen to name which speech the queen forbade him the court, her successor, she sent for them, together with and commanded him to absent himself from Mr. Welsh and Stevens, and committed them Parliament. to prison, where Wentworth remained many These debates awakened the civilians in the years.* When it was moved in the house to house, and particularly Mr. Daulton, who opaddress the queen for the release of their mem- posed the reading of the bill, because the queen bers, it was answered by those privy council- had often forbid them to meddle with the reflors that were of the house, " that her majesty ormation of the Church; which Sir Robert had committed them for causes best known to Cecil, one of her majesty's secretaries, conherself; that the house must not call the queen firmed. to account for what she did of her royal author- As soon as the queen was acquainted with ity; that the causes of their restraint might be the proceedings of the house, she sent for the high and dangerous; that her majesty did not speaker, Coke,* and commanded him to tell like such questions, nor did it become the house the house " that it was wholly in her power to to deal in such matters." call, to determine, to assent or dissent, to anyAfter this it was a bold adventure of Mr. At- thing done in Parliament; that the calling of torney Morrice,t and for which he paid very this was only that such as neglected the serdear, to move the house to inquire into the pro- vice of the Church might be compelled to it ceedings of the bishops in their spiritual courts,: with some sharp laws; and that the safety of and how far they could justify their inquisition; her majesty's person and the realm might be their subscriptions; their binding the queen's provided for; that it was not meant that they subjects to their good behaviour contrary to the should meddle with matters of state or causes laws of God and of the realm; their compelling ecclesiastical; that she wondered they should men to take oaths to accuse themselves, and, attempt a thing so contrary to her commandupon their refusal, to degrade, deprive, and im- ment; that she was highly offended at it; and prison them at pleasure, and not to release them that it was her royal pleasure that no bill, till they had complied. At the same time he touching any matters of state and causes ecoffered two bills to the house: one against the clesiastical, should there be exhibited."t At the oath ex ofiycio, and the other against their illegal same time, Mr. Attorney Morrice was seized on imprisonments, which last he prayed might be in the house by a sergeant-at-arms, discharged read presently. Sir Francis Knollys seconded from his office in the court of the duchy of Lanthe attorney, and said, "that in his opinion caster, disabled from any practice in his profesthese abuses ought to be reformed; and that if sion as a barrister-at-law, and kept for some the prelates had acted against law, they were in years prisoner in Tutbury Castle. a prwemunire.~ He added, that after the refor- If there had been a just spirit of English libmation of King Henry VIII., no bishop practised erty in the House of Commons, they would not superiority over his brethren; that in King Ed- have submitted so tamely to the insults of an ward VI.'s time a statute was made that bish- arbitrary court, which arrested- their members ops should keep their courts in the king's name; for liberty of speech, and committed them to and that though this statute was repealed by prison; which forbade their redressing the Queen Mary, and not since revived, yet it was grievances of Church or State, and sent for doubtful what authority bishops had to keep their bills out of the house and cancelled them. courts in their own name, because it was nani- These were such acts of sovereign power as festly against the prerogative that any subject none of her majesty's predecessors had dared should hold a court without express warrant to assume, and which cost one of her successors from the crown. If it was said they kept their his crown and life. courts by prescription, or by the statute of King But this Parliament, instead of asserting Henry VIII., which gives bishops the same rule their own and the people's liberties, stands * Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 319. upon record for one of the severest acts of opt This step of Mr. Attorney Morrice is described pression and cruelty that ever was passed by in more proper and happy language by Dr. Warner, the representatives of a Protestant nation and who calls it " a noble attempt in favour of religious liberty." His situation was in the gift of the crown, * Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 320. which exhibits his conduct in a remarkably honoura- t This, says Dr. Warner, " was the message of a ble. light. Morrice was the legal adviser of Cawdery, queen to the House of Commons, whose reign affords and was author of a treatise, against the oath ex oJfi- such subjects of panegyric to those who would be cio —C. thought patriots and patrons of liberty in the present t Life of Whitgift, p. 386, 387. Q Ibid., p. 388. age."'-Ecclesiastical History, vol. iii., p. 464. —ED b19 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. a free people. It is entitled "An act for the infinite mischiefs upon the kingdom; many punishment of persons obstinately refusing to families being forced into banishment; some come to church, and persuading others to im- put to death, as in cases of treason; and others pugn the queen's authority in ecclesiastical as the authors of seditious pamphlets.* causes." It is therein enacted "that if any The moderate Puritans made a shift to evade person above the age, of sixteen shall obstinate- the force of this law by coming to church when ly refuse to repair to.some church, chapel, or common prayer was almost over, and by reusual place of common prayer, to hear Divine ceiving the sacrament in some churches where service, for the space of one month, without it was administered with some latitude; but lawful cause; or shall at any time, forty days the weight of it fell upon the separatists, who after the end of this session, by printing, wri- renounced all communion with the Church in ting, or express words, go about to persuade the Word and sacraments as well as in the any of her majesty's subjects to deny, with- common prayer and ceremonies; these were stand, or impugn her majesty's power or au- called Brownists or Barrowists, from one Barthority in causes ecclesiastical; or shall dis- row, a gentleman of the Temple, who was now suade them from coming to church to hear Di- at their head. We have given an account of vine service, or receive the communion accord- their distinguishing principles in the year 1580, ing as the law directs; or shall be present at since which time their numbers were prodiany unlawful assembly, conventicle, or meeting, giously increased, though the bishops pursued under colour or pretence of any exercise of re- them, and shut them up in prison without bail ligion; that every person so offending, and law- or troubling themselves to bring them to a trial. fully convicted, shall be committed to prison Sir Walter Raleigh declared in the Parliament without bail, till they shall conform and yield house that they were not less than twenty thouthemselves to come to church, and make the sand, divided into several congregations in Norfollowing declaration of their conformity: folk, in Essex, and in the parts about London: "'I, A B, do humbly confess and acknowl- there were several considerable men now at edge that I have grievously offended God in their head, as the Reverend Mr. Smith, Mr. Jacontemning her majesty's godly and lawful cob, the learned Mr. Ainsworth, the rabbi of government and authority, by absenting myself his age. and others. from church and from hearing Divine service, The congregation about London, being pretty contrary to the godly laws and statutes of the numerous, formed themselves into a church, realm, and in frequenting disorderly and un- Mr. Francis Johnson being chosen pastor by the lawful conventicles, under pretence and colour suffrage of the brotherhood, Mr. Greenhood docof exercise of religion; and I am heartily sorry tor [or teacher], Mr. Bowman and Lee deacons, for the same, and do acknowledge and testify Mr. Studley and Kinaston elders, all in one day, in my conscience that no other person has, or at the house of Mr. Fox in Nicholas Lane, in ought to have, any power or authority over her the year 1592;t seven persons were baptized at majesty. And I do promise and protest, with- the same time without godfathers or godmothout any dissimulation or colour of dispensation, ers, Mr. Johnson only washing their faces with that from henceforth I will obey her majesty's water, and pronouncing the form, I baptize thee statutes and laws in repairing to church and in the name, &c. The Lord's Supper was also hearing Divine service; and to my utmost en- administered in this manner: five white loaves deavour will maintain and defend the same.' being set upon the table, the pastor blessed " But in case the offenders against this Stat- them by prayer; after which, having broken the ute, being lawfully convicted, shall not submit bread, he delivered it to some, and the deacons and sign the declaration within three months, to the rest, some standing and others sitting then they shall abjure the realm, and go into about the table, using the words of the apostle, perpetual banishment.* And if they do not 1 Cor., xi., 24, "Take, eat, this is the body of depart within the time limited by the quarter the Lord Jesus, which was broken for you: this sessions or justices of peace, or if they return do in remembrance of him." In like -manner at any time afterward without the queen's li- he gave the cup, using the like words of the cense, they shall suffer death without benefit of apostle, "This cup is the New Testament in clergy." So that, as Lord-chancellor King observed at the trial of Dr. Sacheverel, the case to take them at any time during the prosecution, he of the Nonconformists by this act was worse applied to the magistrates of the county, at their than that of felons at common law, for these quarter sessions, who illegally refused to administer were allowed the benefit of clergy, but the them; the consequence was, that he was excommuwere allowed the benefit of clergy, but the nicated. Upon a representation of the committee in others were not. This statute was levelled London for taking care of the civil concerns of the against the laity as well as the clergy, and the Dissenters, the chairman of the sessions acknowlsevere execution of it with that of the 23d of edged the error of the justices, and the man took the Eliz., in this and the following reigns,t brought oaths at the ensuing sessions, but it was then too late."-High Church Politics, p. 59.-ED. * It is remarkable that there is a proviso in this * Dr. Warner remarks on this statute, " that thus statute that no popish recusant shall be compelled in some measure were renewed the days of Henry or bound to abjure by virtue of this act. Such was VIII., when it was a crime against the state to de her majesty's tenderness for the papists while she part ever so little from the religion of the sovereign was crushing Protestant dissenters.-Neal's Review. but in some part of this act she exceeded her father's -ED. tyranny. For, absolute as he was, he contented t "These laws are still put in execution, and himself with punishing such as opposed the estababout three years ago, in Cornwall, a poor fellow, a lished religion by some overt act. But by this new Dissenter, was libelled in the spiritual court for not statute, the subjects were obliged to make an open attending Divine worship at his parish church on profession by a constant attendance on the establishSunday. He had not taken the oaths required by ed service."-Eccles. History, vol. ii., p. 465.-ED. the Toleration Act; but it being a sufficient defence t Strype's Annals, vol. iv., p. 174. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 199 his Hflood; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in tion, being afraid to move in an affair that lay remembrance of him." In the close they sung more immediately before the High Commission. a hymn, and made a collection for the poor. Mr. Smith, one of their ministers, after he When any person came first into the church, had been in prison twelve months, was called he made this protestation or promise: that "he before the commissioners, and being asked would walk with them so long as they did walk whether he would go to church, answered, that in the way of the Lord, and as far as might be he should dissemble and play the hypocrite if warranted by the Word of God." he should do it to avoid trouble, for he thought The congregation being obliged to meet in it utterly unlawful; to which one of the comdifferent places to conceal themselves from the missioners answered, "Come to church and bishop's officers, was at length discovered on a bishLord's Dayofficers, was at Islington, in th discvered on a their pleasure our poor bodies, without any trial, reLord's Day at Islington, in the very same place lease, or bail; and hitherto without any cause either where the Protestant congregation met in Queen for error or crime directly objected. Some of us Mary's reign; about fifty-six were taken pris- they have kept in close prison four or five years with oners, and sent two by two to the jails about miserable usage, as Henry Burrowe and John GreenLondon, where several of their friends had been wood, now in the Fleet; others they have cast into confined for a considerable time. Newgate, and laden with as many irons as they could At their examination, they confessed that for bear; others into dangerous and loathsome jails, some years they had met in the fields in the among the most facinorous and vile persons, where it is lamentable to relate how many of these innosummer-time at five o'clock in the morning of cents have perished within these five years: aged the Lord's Day, and in the winter at private widows, aged men, and young maidens, &c., where, houses;* that they continued all day in prayer so many as the infection hath spared, lie in woful and expounding the Scriptures; that they dined distress, like to follow their fellows, if speedy redress together, and after dinner made a collection for be not had; others of us have been grievously beaten their diet, and sent the remainder of the money with cudgels in Bridewell, and cast into a place to their brethren in prison; that they did not called Little Ease, for refusing to come to their -theiLrds beren pri he di not tchapel service; in which prison several have ended use the Lord's Prayer, apprehending it not to their lives; but upon none of our companions thus be intended by our blessed Saviour to be used committed by them, and dying in their prison, is any as a form after the sending down of the Spirit search or inquest suffered to pass, as by law in like at Pentecost. Their adversaries charged them case is provided. with several extravagances about baptism, mar- " Their manner of pursuing and apprehending us riage, lay-preaching, &c., from which they vin- is with no less violence and outrage; their pursuidicated themselves in a very solid and judicious vants, with their assistants, break into our houses at reply, showing how far they disowned, and all times of the night, where they break open, ranwithwhatlimitatis they anowlged, t sack, and rifle at their pleasure, under pretence of with what limitations they acknowledged, the searching for seditious, unlawful books. The huscharge. f bands in the dead of the night they have plucked out But the bishops observing no measures with of their beds from their wives, and haled them to this people, they ventured to lay their case be- prison. Some time since their pursuivants, late in fore the lords of the council in an humble peti- the night, entered in the queen's name into an honest tion.1 But the privy council dropped the peti- citizen's house upon Ludgate Hill, where, after they had at their pleasure searched and ransacked all pla* Strype's Annals, vol. iii., p. 579. ces, chests, &c., of the house, they apprehended t MS., p. 850. two of our ministers, Mr. Francis Johnson and John $ In this petition they say, that " upon a careful Greenwood, without any warrant at all, both whom, examination of the Holy Scriptures, we find the between one and two of the clock after midnight, English hierarchy to be dissonant from Christ's in- they with bills and staves led to the counter of Woodstitution, and to be derived from antichrist, being the street, taking assurance of Mr. Boys, the master of same the pope left in this land, to which we dare not the house, to be prisoner in his house till next day; subject ourselves. We farther find that God has at which time the archbishop, with certain doctors commanded all that believe the Gospel to walk in his associates, committed them to close prison, two that holy faith and order which he has appointed in to the Clink, and the third to the Fleet, where they his Church; wherefore, in the reverend fear of his now remain in distress. Since this they have cast name, we have joined ourselves together, and sub- into prison Thomas Settle, Daniel Studley, and jected our souls and bodies to those laws and ordi- Nicholas Lane, taken upon a Lord's Day in our asnances; and have chosen to ourselves such a minis- sembly, and shut them up in the Gate-house; others try of pastor, teacher, elders, and deacons as Christ of our friends they are in continual pursuit of; so has given to his Church on earth to the world's end, that there is no safety for them in any one place. hoping for the promised assistance of his grace in " We therefore humbly pray, in the name of God our attendance upon him; notwithstanding any pro- and our sovereign the queen, that we may have the hibition of men, or what by men can be done unto benefit of the laws, and of the public charter of the us. We are ready to prove our church order to be land, namely, that we may be received to bail till we warranted by the Word of God, allowable by her maj- be by order of law convicted of some crime deservesty's laws, and noways prejudicial to her sovereign ing bonds. We plight unto your honours our faith power; and to disprove the public hierarchy, wor- unto God, and our allegiance to her majesty, that we ship, and government, by such evidence of Scripture will not commit anything unworthy the Gospel of as our adversaries shall not be able to withstand; Christ, or to the disturbance of the common peace protesting, if we fail herein, not only willingly to and good order of the land, and that we will be forthsustain such deserved punishment as shall be inflict- coming at such reasonable warning as your lordships ed upon us, but to become conformable for the fi- shall command. Oh! let us not perish before trial ture; if we overthrow not our adversaries, we will and judgment, especially imploring and crying out to not say if our adversaries overcome us. you for the same. However, we here take the Lord "But the prelates of this land have for a long of heaven and earth, and his angels, together with time dealt most injuriously, unlawfully, and outrage- your own consciences, and all persons in all ages, to ously with us, by the great power and high authori- whom this our supplication may come, to witness ty they have gotten in their hands, and usurped above that we have here truly advertised your honours of all the public courts, judges, laws, and charters of our case and usage, and have in all humility offered this land, persecuting, imprisoning, and detaining at our cause to Christian trial," 200 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. obey the queen's laws, and be a dissembler, be Among the names subscribed to this petition a hypocrite, or a devil, if thou wilt."* Upon is Mr. Henry Barrowe, an ingenious and learnhis refusal he was remanded to the Clink, and his brethren to the Fleet, where, by order of "The Almighty God, that hath preserved your Mr. Justice Young, one of the commissioners, lordship unto these honourable years in so high serthey were shut up in close rooms, not being al- vice to our sovereign prince, and to the unspeakable lowed the liberty of the prison;* here they died comfort of this whole land, give your honourable heart so tender compassion and careful consideralike rotten sheep, some of the disease of the tion in equity, of the poor afflicted servants of Christ, prison, some for want, and others of infectious and that (before the Lord plead against this land for distempers. " These bloody men [the ecclesi- Abel's innocent blood that is shed in the several astical commissioners]," says Mr. Barrowe, in prisons) your honour may open your mouth for the his supplication, " will allow us neither meat, dumb in the cause of the children of [devoted todrink, fire, lodging, nor suffer any whose hearts destruction, [that] you may open your mouth and the Lord would stir up for our relief to have an judge righteously, and judge the cause of the afflicted; as the people of Israel, when they went to war, first made peace with God, and removed all occasion teen have perished in the noisome jails within whereby his wrath might be incensed, lest he should these six years;t some of us had not one penny fight against them in battle. For if this suppression about us when we were sent to prison, nor any- of the truth and oppression of Christ in his members, thing to procure a maintenance for ourselves and contrary to all law and justice, be, without restraint, families but our handy labour and trades, by. prosecuted by the enemy in the land, then not only which means not only we ourselves, but our faim- the persecuted shall daily cry from under the altar ilies and children, are undone and starved. Their for redress, but God's wrath be so kindled for the ilies and children, are undone and starved. Their shedding the innocent blood of men, even the blood unbridled slander, their lawless privy searches, of his own servants (of whom he has said,'Touch their violent breaking open houses, their taking not mine anointed'), that, if Noah, Daniel, and Job away whatever they think meet, and their bar- should pray for this people, yet should they not de barous usage of women, children, &c., we are liver them. forced to omit, lest we be tedious. That which "Pleaseth it, then, your lordship to understand, we crave for us all is the liberty to die openly, that we, her majesty's loyal, dutiful, and true-heartor live openly in the land of olur nativity;* if we ed subjects, to the number of threescore persons and deserve death, let us not be closely murdered, upward, have, contrary to all law and equity, been im prisoned, separated from our trades, wives, children, yea, starved to death with hunger and cold, and and families; yea, shut up close prisoners from all stifled in loathsome dungeons." Among those comfort, many of us for the space of two years and a who perished in prison was one Mr. Roger Rip- half, upon the bishop's sole commandment, in great pen, who, dying in Newgate, his fellow-prison- penury and noisomeness of the prisons; many ending ers put this inscription upon his coffin: their lives, never called to trial; some haled forth to (" This is the corpse of Roger Rippon, a ser- the sessions; some cast in irons and dungeons; some vant of Christ, and her majesty's faithful sub- in hunger and famine; all of us debarred from any ject; who is the last of sixteen or seventeen lawful audience before our honourable governors and magistrates, and from all benefit and help of the which that great enemy of God, the Archbishop laws; daily defamed and falsely accused by publishof Canterbury, with his high commissioners, ed pamphlets, by private suggestions, open preachhave murdered in Newgate within these five ing, slanders, and accusations of heresy, sedition, years, manifestly for the testimony of Jesus schism, and what not. And, above all, which most Christ; his soul is now with the Lord, and his utterly toucheth our salvation, they keep us from all blood cried for speedy vengeance against that spiritual comfort and edifying by doctrine, prayer, or great enemy of the saints, and against Mr. Rich- mutual conference, &c. "And seeing for our conscience only we are deard Young [a justice of peace in London], who prived of all comfort, we most humbly beseech your in this, and many the like points, hath abused good lordship that some more mitigate and peaceahis power for the upholding of the Romish an- ble course might be taken therein, that some free tichrist, prelacy, and priesthood. He died A.D. and Christian conference, publicly or privately, beL592."t fore your honour, or before whom it would please Many copies of this inscription were dispersed you, where our adversaries may not be our judges among friends, for which some were apprehend- [might be had]; that our case, with the reason and ed and confined, proof on both sides, might be recorded by indifferent notaries and faithful witnesses; and if anything be The privy council taking no notice of the found inus worthy of death or bonds, let us be made above-mentioned supplications, the prisoners in an example to all posterity; if not, we entreat for the several jails about London joined in the some compassion to be shown in equity according to petition given below to the Lord-treasurer Bur- law for our relief; [and] that, in the mean time. we leigh, to which they subscribed their names.s may be bailed to do her majesty service, walk in our callings, to provide things needful for ourselves, our * Strype's Ann., vol. ult., p. 134. poor wives, disconsolate children, and families, lying t Ibid., vol. ult., p. 133. Ibid., vol. Iut., p. 91. upon us, or else that we might be prisoners together in Bridewell, or any other convenient place at your imprisoned by the bisops in sundry p~risons in and honour's appointment, where we might provide such about Lprisonedon byto the bishops in rd-treasundry prisons in relief by our diligence and labours as might preserve We hunmbly beseech your honour either to grant life, to the comfort both of our souls and bodies." Signed by your supplicants in the following pris us a speedy trial together, or some free Christian Signed by your supplicants in the followg pris conference, or else, in the mean while, that we may be bailed according to law, or else put into Bride- In the Gate-house. William Dodshowe, well, or some other convenient place where we may John Gaulter, Father Debnam, be together for our mutual help and comfort; or, if John Nicolas, Edmund Thompson, your honour will not yourself alone grant this our re- John Barnes, Thomas Freeman. quest, that then it may please you to be a mean for John Crawford, In the Fleet. our speedy relief, unto the rest of her majesty's most Thomas Conadyne, honourable privy council. Thomas Reeve, Henry Barrowe. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 201 ed man, but of too warm a spirit, as appears by tion, against whom their exceptions extend:* his book, entitled "A Brief Discovery of False the Church of England has submitted to dispuChurches," printed 1590, and reprinted 1707. tation three times in King Edward's, Queen This gentleman having been several years in Mary's, and Queen Elizabeth's time: these men's prison, sent another supplication to the attorney- errors have been condemned by the writings of general and privy council for a conference with learned men: it is not reasonable that a religion the bishops, or that their ministers might be con- established by Parliament should be examined ferred with in their hearing, without taunts or by an inferior authority: it is not reasonable to railings, for searching out the truth in love. " If condemn those foreign churches that have acit be objected," says Barrowe, " that none of knowledged ours for a true church: their prinour side are worthy to be thus disputed with, cipal errors have been confiuted by St. Austin: we think we should prove the contrary, for there this will strengthen the hands of the papists: are three or four of them in the city of London, it has been the manner of heretics to require and more elsewhere, who have been zealous dlisputations with clamour and importunity: the preachers in the parish assemblies, and are not ig- cause has been already decided by written books, norant of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues, which they may consult: they will not stand to nor otherwise unlearned, and generally confess- the judgment of the civil magistrate: if the ed to be of honest conversation. If this motion Church should satisfy every sect that riseth, takes effect, the controversy will soon end with there would be no end of disputations." Thus most of us, for by this means we poor wretches these pious and conscientious persons, after:: shall perceive whether, as simple souls, we are long and illegal imprisonment, were abandoned lead aside, or whether, as the dear children of to the severity of an unrighteous law; some of God, we are first trusted with the view of, and them being publicly executed as felons, and othstanding up for, the cause of holiness and righte- ers proscribed and sent into banishment. ousness. But let us not perish secretly in prison, Among the former were Mr. Barrowe, gent., or openly by execution, for want of that help of Gray's Inn, Mr. Greenwood and Penry, minthat lies in your power to afford; when we pro- isters; the first two had been in prison some test, in the sight of God, we do not separate years, and several times before the commissionfrom the establishment out of pride or obstinacy, ers; their examinations, written by themselves, but from the constraints of conscience." are now before me. Barrowe was apprehended But all these petitions were rejected by the. at the Clink prison in Southwark, where he went bishops and privy council, for the following rea- to visit his brother Greenwood; he was carried sons, if they deserve that name: " Because a immediately to Lambeth, where the archbishop disputation had been denied to papists: to call would have examined him upon the oath ex offithe ministry of the Church of England into cio, but he refused to take it, or to swear at all question, is to call all other churches into ques- upon the Bible; but, says he, by God's grace I will answer nothing but the truth. So the arch John Greenwood, In the White Lion. bishop took a paper of interrogatories into his Daniel Studley, Thomas Legat, hand, and asked him, 1. " Whether the Lord's Robert Badkyne, Edmund Marsh, Prayer might be used in the Church?" He anWalter Lane. Antony Johnes, swered, that in his opinion it was rather a sumIn Newgate, - Cook, mary than a form, and not finding it used by the William Deptford, Auger. apostles, he thought it should not be constantly Widow Borrough, Wood-street Compter. used by us. 2. Whether forms of prayer may Roger Waterer. George Snells, be used in the Church! He answered, that In Bridewell. Christopher Bowman, none such ought to be imposed. 3. Whethei William Broomal, Robert Jackson, the common prayer be idolatrous or superstiJames Forrester, Rowlet Skipwith. tious? He answered, that in his opinion it was Antony Claxton, Poultry Compter. so. 4. Whether the sacraments of the Church Nicholas Lee, George Kingston, are true sacraments and seals of the favour of Jonh Francis, Thomas Ey William Forrester, Thomas Eyneworth, God? He answered, he thought, as they were John Clarke, Richard Hayward, publicly administered, they were not. 5. WhethJohn Fisher, John Lancaster. er the laws of the Church are good? He anJohn Bucer, In all, fifty-nine. swered, that many of them were unlawful and Roger Rippon, Prisoners deceased: antichristian. 6. Whether the Church of EngRobert Andrews, Outf othe Poultry Compter. land is a true church? He answered, that, as Richard Skarlet, it was now formed, it was not; yet there are Luke Hayes, John Chandler. many excellent good Christians of it. 7. WhethRichard Maltusse, Outof Wood-street Compter. er the queen be supreme governor of the Church, Richard Umberfield, George Dinghtie. and may make laws for it He answered, that William Fowler, William Burt, Out of the Clink. the queen was supreme governor of the Church, William Hutton. Henry Thompson, but might not make laws other than Christ hadi In the Clink. Jerome Studley. left in his Word. 8. Whether a private person Geo:ge Collier, Out of Newgate.. may reform if the prince neglects it? He anJohn Sparrow, Richard Jackson, swered, that no private persons might reform Edmund Nicholson, Widow Mainard, the state, but they are to abstain from any unChristopher Browne, Widow Row, lawful thing commanded by the prince. 9. Thomas Mitchel, Nicholas Crane, Whether every particular church ought to have Andrew Smith, Thomas Stephens. a presbytery? He answered in the affirmative. William Blackborrow, Out of Bridewell. After this examination he was remanded to a Thomas Lemare, Christopher Raper, Joln Pardy. Quintin Smith. In all, ten. * Strype's Annals, vol. ult., p. 172. VoL. T.-C c -202 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. close prison, and denied a copy of his answers, ops and the hierarchy of the Church; which though he earnestly desired it. was apparent enough. However, the jury His next examination was before the arch- brought them all in guilty.* Bellot desired a bishop, the lord-chancellor, lord-treasurer, Lord conference, and with tears confessing his sorBuckhurst, and the Bishop of London, at White- row for what he had done, was pardoned. hall, where he found twelve of his brethren in Bowlle and Studley being looked upon only as the same circumstances with himself, but was accessories, though they continued firm, declanot admitted to speak to them. Being called ring their unshaken loyalty to the queen, and reinto another room, and kneeling down at the fusing to ask for mercy, were reprieved and sent end of the table, the lord-treasurer spoke to back to prison; but Barrowe and Greenwood him thus: Treasurer. Why are you in prison I were to be made examples. Sentence of death Barrowe. Upon the statute against recusants. being passed upon them March 23, sundry diTreasurer. Why will you not go to church? vines were appointed to persuade them to reBarrowe. Because I think the Church of Eng- cant; who not succeeding, they were brought land as established bylaw not a church of Christ, in a cart to Tyburn on the last of March, and nor their manner of worship lawful. After a exposed under the gallows for some time to the long debate on this head the treasurer said, You people, to see if the terrors of death would afcomplain of injustice, where have you wrong? fright them; but remaining constant, they were Barrowe. In being kept in prison without due brought back to Newgate, and on the 6th of trial; and in the misery we suffer by a close im- April, 1593, carried a second time to Tyburn prisonment contrary to law. The archbishop and executed. At the place of execution they said he had matter to call him before him for a gave such testimonies of their unfeigned piety heretic. Barrowe replied, That you shall never towards God and loyalty to the queen, praying do; I may err, but heretic, by the grace of God, so earnestly for her long and prosperous reign, I will never be. It being observed that he did that when Dr. Reynolds, who attended them, not pay such reverence to the Archbishop and reported their behaviour to her majesty, she reBishop of London as to the temporal lords, the pented that she had yielded to their death. chancellor asked him if he did not know those They had been in close prison ever since the two men, pointing to the bishops. To which year 1590, exposed to all the severities of cold, he answered, that he had cause to know them, hunger, and nakedness, which Mr. Barrowe repbut did not own them for lord bishops. Being resented in a supplication to the queen, already then asked by what name he would call the arch- mentioned, concluding with an earniest desire of bishop, he replied that he was a monster, a deliverance from the present miseries, though it persecutor, a compound of he knew not what, were by death; but the archbishop interceptneither ecclesiastical nor civil, like the second ed the paper, and endeavoured to prevent the beast spoken of in the Revelations: upon which knowledge of their condition from coming to the the archbishop rose out of his place, and with a queen's ear: upon this, Mr. Barrowe exposed severe countenance said, My lords, will you suf- his grace's behaviour towards miserable men, fer him. So he was plucked off his knees, and in a letter to one Mr. Fisher, wherein he charcarried away. ges him with " abusing the queen's clemency Mr. Greenwood the minister was examined by false informations and suggestions, and with after the same manner before the Archbishop of artful disingenuity, in committing so many inCanterbury, the Bishops of London and Win- nocent men to Bridewell, the Compter, Newgate, chester, the lords-chief-justices, the lord-chief- the White Lion, and the Fleet, and then postbaron, and the master of the rolls: he had in- ing them to the civil magistrate to take off the terrogatories put to him as Barrowe had, but re- clamour of the people from himself. He says fused to swear, and made much the same an- that he had destined himself and his brother swer with the other. At length, on March 21, Greenwood to death, and others to be kept in 1592, they, together with Saxio Bellot, gent., close prison; their poor wives and children to Daniel Studley, girdler, and Robert Bowlle, fish- be cast out of the city, and their goods to be monger, were indicted at the sessions-house in confiscated. Is not this a Christian bishop? " the Old Bailey, upon the statute of 23 Eliz., for says he. "Are these the virtues of him who writing and publishing sundry seditious books takes upon him the care and government of all and pamphlets, tending to the slander of the the churches of the land, to tear and devour queen and government, when they had only God's poor sheep, and to rend off the flesh and written against the Church; but this was the break their bones, and chop them in pieces as archbishop's artful contrivance to throw off the flesh to the caldron?t Will he thus instruct odium of their death from himself to the civil and convince gainsayers 1 Surely he will permagistrate; for, as the reverend and learned suade but few that fear God to his religion by Mr. Hugh Broughton observes, "though Mr. his dealing and evil. Does he consult his own Barrowe and Greenwood were condemned for credit, or the honour of his prince, by this tyrdisturbance of the state, yet this would have annous havoc I For our parts, our lives are not been pardoned, and their lives spared, if they dear to us, so that we may finish our testimony would have promised to come to church."* with joy: we are always ready, through God's Upon their trial they behaved with constancy grace, to be offered up upon the testimony of and resolution, showing no token of recognition, the faith that we have made." says the attorney, nor prayer for mercy: they Thus fell these two unhappy gentlemen a sacprotested their inviolable loyalty to the queen, rifice to the resentments of an angry prelate. and obedience to her government; that they About six weeks after this, the Rev. Mr. John never wrote, nor so much as intended anything, Penry, or Ap-Henry, a Welsh divine, was exeagainst her highness, but only against the bish-* Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 323 * Broughton's Works, p. 731 t Life of Whitgift, p. 416. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 203 cuted for the same crime, in a cruel and inhu- an address to the queen, to show her majesty man manner. He was a pious and learned man, the true state of religion, and how ignorant she well disposed to religion, says Mr. Strype, but was of many abuses in the Church of England, mistaken in his principles and hot in his tem- especially in the management of ecclesiastical per; a zealous platformer, and a declared ene- matters; and likewise to intercede for so muchl my of the archbishop. He was born in the favour that he might, by her authority, have libcounty of Brecknock, and educated first at Cain- erty to go into Wales, his native country, to bridge, and afterward in St. Alban's Hall, Ox- preach the Gospel.* With this petition he came ford, where he became M.A., 1586, and entered into holy orders, being well acquainted with arts then in London, under the burden, and elsewhere in and languages. He preached in both universi- exile, more flourishing churches than any now tolerated by your authority. ties with applause, and afterward travelling into a" Now, whereas we should have your help both Wales, was the first, as he said, that preached to join ourselves with the true Church and reject the Gospel publicly to the Welsh, and sowed the the false, and all the ordinances thereof, we are in good seed among his countrymen. In the year your kingdom permitted to do nothing, but account1518 he published a' "View of such Public Wants ed seditious if we affirm either the one or the other and Disorders as are in her Majesty's Country of the former points; and, therefore, madam, you are of Wales, with an humble Petition to the High not so much an adversary to us poor men as unto Christ Jesus and the wealth of his kingdom. Court of Parliament for their Redress:" where- Christ Jesus and the wealth of his kingd "If we cannot have your favour but by omitting in is showed not only the necessity of reforming our duty to God, we are unworthy of it, and, by God's the state of religion among that people, but also grace, we mean not to purchase it so dear. the only way in regard of substance to bring "But, madam, thus much we must needs say, that reformation to pass. He also published that in all likelihood, if the days of your sister Queen "An Exhortation to the Governors and People Mary and her persecution had continued unto this of her Majesty's Country of Wales, to labour day, that the Church of God in England had been earnestly to have the preaching of the Gospel far more flourishing than at this day it is; for then, earnestly to have the preaching of the Gospel t) madam, the Church of God within this land, and planted among them." Printed in 1588. elsewhere, being strangers, enjoyed the ordinances When Martin Mar-Prelate and the other sa- of God's holy Word as far as then they saw. tirical pamphlets against the bishops were pub- "But since your majesty came unto vour crown, we lished, a special warrant was issued from the have had whole Christ Jesus, God and man; but we privy council, 1590, under several of their hands, must serve him only in heart. whereof the archbishop's was one, to seize and "And if those days had continued to this time, apprehend Mr. Penry as an enemy of the state, and those lights risen therein, which, by the mercy of God, have since shined in England, it is not to be and that all the queen's good subjects should doubted but the Church of England, even in England, take him so to be. To avoid being taken, he reti- had far surpassed all the Reformed churches in the red into Scotland, where he continued till the year world. 1593. Here he made many observations ofthings "Then, madam, any of our brethren durst not relating to religion, for his own private use, and have been seen within the tents of antichrist; now at length prepared the heads of a petition,* or they are ready to defend them to be the Lord's, and that he has no other tabernacle upon earth but them. * The heads of the petition, taken upon him, were Our brethren then durst not temporize in the cause as follow: " The last days of your reign are turned of God, because the Lord himself ruled in his Church, rather against Jesus Christ and his Gospel than to by his own laws, in a good measure; but now, bethe maintenance of the same. hold! they may do what they will, for any sword " I have great cause and complaint, madam; nay, that the Church has to draw against them, if they the Lord and his Church have cause to complain contain themselves within your laws. of your government, because we your subjects, this "This peace, under these conditions, we cannot day, are not permitted to serve our God under your enjoy, and therefore, for anything I can see, Queen government according to his Word, but are sold Mary's days will be set up again, or we must needs to be bond-slaves, not only to our affections, to do temporize. The whole truth we must not speak; what we will, so that we keep ourselves within the the whole truth we must not profess. Your state compass of established civil laws, but also to be ser- must have a stroke above the truth of God. vants to the man of sin [the pope] and his ordinances. "Now, madam, your majesty may consider what " It is not the force that we seem to fear that will good the Church of God hath taken at your hands, come upon us (for the Lord may destroy both you for even outward peace with the absence of Jesus denying, and us for slack seeking, of his will) by Christ in his ordinance; otherwise as great troubles strangers: I come unto you with it: if you will hear are likely to come as ever were in the days of your it, our cause may be eased; if not, that posterity may sister. know that you have been dealt with, and that this "As for the council and clergy, if we bring any such age may know that there is no expectation [hope] to suit unto them, we have no other answer but that be looked for at your hands. which Pharaoh gives to the Lord's messengers "Among the rest of the princes under the Gospel, touching the state of the Church under his governthat have been drawn to oppose it, you must think ment. yourself to be one; for until you see this, madam, "For when any are called for this cause before you see not yourself, and they are but sycophants and your council, or the judges of the land, they must flatterers whoever tell you otherwise: your standing take this for granted, once for all, that the uprightis and has been by the Gospel. It is little beholden ness of their cause will profit them nothing if the to you for anything that appears. The practice of law of the land be against them; for your council your government shows that if you could have ruled and judges have so well profited in religion, that they without the Gospel, it would have been doubtful will not stick to say that they come not to consult whether the Gospel should be established or not: whether the matter be with or against the Word or for now that you are established in your throne by not, but their purpose is to take the penalty of the the Gospel, you suffer it to reach no farther than the transgressions against your laws. end of your sceptre limiteth unto it. "If your council were wise, they would not kindle "If we had had Queen Mary's days, I think that your wrath against us; but, madam, if you give eai we should have had as flourishing a church this to their words, no marvail though you have not bet day as ever any, for it is well known that there was ter counsellors." * Life of Whitgift, -. 409. 204 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. from Scotland, resolving to finish and deliver it "Though my innocence may stand me in no with his own hand, as he should find opportu- stead before an earthly tribunal, yet I know that nity; but upon his arrival he was seized with I shall have the reward thereof before the judghis papers at Stepney parish, by the information ment-seat of the Great King; and the merciful of the vicar, in the month of May, and arraign- Lord, who relieves the widow and fatherless, ed, condemned, and executed, hastily, the very will reward my desolate orphans and friendless same month. widow that I leave behind me, and even hear It appears by this petition, as well as by his their cry, for he is merciful. letter sent to the congregation of Separatists " Being like to trouble your lordship with no in London, that Mr. Penry was a Brownist. more letters, I do with thankfulness acknowlHis Book of Observations was also seized, out edge your honour's favour in receiving the wri of which were drawn articles of accusation tings I have presumed to send to you from time against him. He was indicted upon the statute to time; and in this my last, I protest I have of the 23d of Eliz., cap. ii., for seditious words written nothing but the truth from time to time. and rumours uttered against the queen's most "Thus preparing myself, not so much for an excellent majesty, tending to the stirring up of unjust verdict, and an undeserved doorn- in this rebellion among her subjects, and was convict- life, as unto that blessed crown of glory which, ed of felony, May 21, in the King's Bench, be- of the great mercy of my God, is ready for me fore the Lord-chief-justice Popham. He re- in heaven, I humbly betake your lordship unto ceived sentence of death May 25, and was exe- the hands of the just Lord. May 22, 1593. Your cuted on the 29th of the same month. It was lordship's most. humble in the Lord, designed to indict him for the books published " JOHN PENRY." in his name, but by the advice of council, Mr. In the protestation enclosed in this letter he Penry drew up a paper entitled "Mr. Penry's declared that he wrote his observations in ScotDeclaration, May 16, 1593, that he is not in land; that they were the sum of certain objecdanger of the law for the books published in his tions made by people in those parts against her name." Here he observes that the statute was majesty and her government, which he intendnot intended against such as wrote only against ed to examine, but had not so much as looked the hierarchy of the Church, for then it must into them for fourteen or fifteen months past; condemn most of the most learned Protestants that even in these writings, so imperfect, unfinboth at home and abroad; but relates to such ished, and enclosed within his private study, he as defame her majesty's royal person, whereas had shown his dutifulness to the queen, nor had he had always written most dutifully of her he ever a secret wandering thought of the least person and government, having never encour- disloyalty to her majesty: " I thank the Lord," aged sedition or insurrection against her maj- says he, "I remember not that that day has esty, but the contrary; nor had he ever been passed over my head, since under her governat any assembly or conventicle where any, un- ment I came to the knowledge of the truth, der or above the number of twelve, were as- wherein I have not commended her estate unto sembled with force of arms, or otherwise, to God. Well, I may be indicted and condemned, alter anything established by law; nor was it and end my days as a felon or a traitor against his opinion that private persons should of their my natural sovereign, but heaven and earth own authority attempt any such thing, for he shall not be able to convict me thereof. Whenhad always written and spoken to the contrary. soever an end of my days comes (as I look not But, however, if all this had been true, he to live this week to an end), I shall die Queen ought to have been accused within one month Elizabeth's most faithful subject, even in the of the crime, upon the oath of two witnesses, consciences of mine enemies, if they will be beand have been indicted within one year, other- holders thereof.* wise the statute itself clears him in express "I never took myself for a rebuker, much less words. for a reformer of states and kingdoms; far was The court, apprehending this declaration that from me; yet in the discharge of my conmight occasion an argument at law, set aside science, all the world must bear with me if I his printed books, and convicted him upon the prefer my testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ petition and private observations above men- before the favour of any creature. An enemy tioned, which was still harder, as he represent- to good order and policy either in this Church ed it himself in the following letter to the lord- or commonwealth was I never. I never did treasurer, with a protestation enclosed, imme- anything in this cause (Lord! thou art witness) diately after his condemnation. "Vouchsafe, for contention, vainglory, or to draw disciples I beseech your lordship (right honourable), to after me. Great things in this life I never read the enclosed writing. My days, I see, are sought for; sufficiency I have had, with great drawing to an end, and I thank God an unde- outward trouble, but most content I was with my served end, except the Lord stir up your honour lot; and content I am and shall be with my tinto acquaint her majesty with my guiltless state. timely death, though I leave behind me a friend";The cause is most lamentable that the pri- less widow and four infants, the eldest of which vate observations of any student, being in a is not above four years old. I do from my heart foreign land and wishing well to his prince and forgive all that seek my life; and if my death country, should bring his life with blood to a can procure any quietness to the Church of God violent end, especially seeing they are most or the State, I shall rejoice. May my prince private, and so imperfect as they have no-cohe- have many such subjects, but may none of them rence at all in them, and in most place carry no meet with such a reward! My earnest request true English. is that her majesty may be acquainted with " Life of Whitg'ft, p. 412. * Life of Whitgift, in Rec., p. 176. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 205 these things before my death, or at least after dangerous rebellions in the north, there were my departure. only twelve priests executed, and most of them "Subscribed with the heart and hand that for matters against the state. In the ten folnever devised or wrote anything to the discredit lowing years, when swarms of priests and Jesor defamation of my sovereign Queen Elizabeth: uits came over from foreign seminaries to inI take it on my death, as I hope to have a life vite the Catholics to join with the Spaniards, after this. By me, JOHN PENRY." the laws were: girt closer upon them, fifty priests It was never known before this time that a being executed, and fifty-five banished; but as minister and a scholar was condemned to death soon as the danger was over, the laws were refor private papers found in his study; nor do I laxed, and by reason of the ignorance and laziremember more than once since that time, in neSS of the beneficed clergy, the missionaries whose case it was given for law, that scribere gained over, such numbers of proselytes in the est agere, that to write has been construed an latter end of this reign, as endangered the overt act; but Penry must die, right or wrong; whole government and Reformation in the bethe archbishop was the first man who signed ginning of the next. the warrant for his execution, and after him The last and finishing hand was put to the Puckering and Popham. The warrant was sent Presbyterian discipline in Scotland this year immediately to the sheriff, who the very same [1554]. That kingdom had been governed by day erected a gallows at St. Thomas Water- different factions during the minority of King ings; and while the prisoner was at dinner, sent James, which prevented a full settlement of rehis officers to bid him make ready, for he must ligion. The General Assembly in the year die that afternoon; accordingly, he was carried 1566 had approved of the Geneva discipline; in a cart to the place of execution; when he but the Parliament did not confirm the votes of came thither the sheriff would not suffer him to the assembly, nor formally deprive the bishops speak to the people, nor make any profession of of their power, though all church affairs from his faith towards God, or his loyalty to the that time were managed by presbyteries and queen, but ordered him to be turned off in a generalassemblies. In the year 1574 they vohurry about five of the clock in the evening, ted the bishops to be only pastors of one parMay 29, 1593, in the thirty-fourth year of his ish; and to show their power, they deposed the age. Bishop of Dunkeld, and delated the Bishop of The court being struck with this behaviour Glasgow. In the year 1577 they ordained that of the Brownists, began to be ashamed of hang- all bishops be called by their own names, and ing men for sedition against the state, who died the next year voted the very name of a bishop with such strong professions of loyalty to the a grievance. In the year 1580, the General queen and government, and therefore could suf- Assebly, with one voice, declared diocesan fer only for the cause of religion. This raised episcopacy to be unscriptural and unlawful an odium against the bishops and the high com- The same year, King James with his family, missioners, who, all men knew, were at the and the whole nation, subscribed a confession bottom of these w roceedings. It is said the of faith, with a solemn league and covenant anqueen herself was displeased with them when nexed, obliging themselves to maintain and deshe heard of the devotion and loyalty of the fend the Protestant doctrine and the Presbytesufferers. It was therefore resolved to proceed ian government. After this, in the year 1584, for the future on the late statute of the 31st the bishops were restored by Parliament to Eliz., to retain the queen's subjects in their some parts of their ancient dignity and it obedience, and instead of putting the Brown- was made treason for any man to procure the ists to death, to send them into banishment. innovation or diminution of the power and auUpon this statute, Mr. Johnson, pastor of the thority of any of the three estates; but when Brownist Church, was convicted, and all the this act was proclaimed, the ministers protested jails were cleared for the present; though the against it, as not having been agreed to by the commissioners took care within the compass Kirk. In the year 1587, things took another of another year to fill them again. turn, and his majesty being at the full age of The papists were distressed by this statute, twenty-one, consented to an act to take away and that of 23d Eliz., as much as the Brown- bishops' lands, and annex them to the crown. ists, though they met with much more favour In the year 1593, it was ordained by the Generfrom the ecclesiastical courts; the queen either al Assembly that all that bore office in the Kirk, loved or feared them, and would often say she or should hereafter do so, should subscribe to would never ransack their consciences if they the Book of Discipline. In the year 1592, all would be quiet; but they were always libelling acts of Parliament whatsoever, made by the her majesty, and in continual plots against her king's highness or any of his predecessors, in government. While the Queen of Scots was favour of popery or episcopacy, were annulled; alive, they supported her pretensions to the and in particular, the act of May 22, 1584, "for crown, and after her death they maintained in granting commissions to bishops, or oth.er ecprint the title of the Infanta of Spain: they clesiastical judges, to receive presentations to were concerned with the Spaniards in the inva- benefices, and give collation thereupon;" and sion of 1588, which obliged the queen to con- it was ordained that for the future " all-presentfine some of their chiefs in Wisbeach Castle, ations to benefices shall be directed to the parand other places of safety, but she was tender ticular presbyteries, with full power to give colof their lives. In the first eleven years of her lation thereupon; and to order all matters and reign, not one Roman Catholic was prosecuted causes ecclesiastical within their boundsaccordcapitally for religion; in the next ten years, ing to the discipline of the Kirk.t when the pope had excommunicated the queen and the whole kingdom, and there had been * Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 231. t Id. ibid., p. 294 206 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. "Farther, the act ratifies and confirms all begun his work while master of the Temple, but former acts of Parliament in favour of kirk dis- meeting with some trouble, and many interrupcipline, and declares that it shall be lawful for tions in that place, the archbishop, at his rethe Kirk and ministers to hold general assem- quest, removed him to Boscum, in the diocess blies once a year, or oftener if necessity require, of Salisbury, and gave him a minor prebend in the king's commissioner being present if his that church; here he finished his first four majesty pleases. It ratifies and approves of books; from thence he was removed to the parprovincial and synodal assemblies twice a year sonage of Bishopsborn, in Kent, about three within every province; and of presbyteries and miles from Canterbury, where he finished his particular sessions appointed by the Kirk, with work and his life in the year 1660, and in the the whole discipline and jurisdiction of the forty-seventh year of his age.* same. Provincial assemblies have power to The chief principles upon which this learned redress all things omitted or done amiss in the author proceeds are, particular assemblies, to depose the office-bear- "That though the Holy Scriptures are a perer of the province, and generally they have the feet standard of doctrine, they are not a rule of power of the particular elderships whereof they discipline or government: nor is the practice of are collected. the apostles an invariable rule or law to the " The power of presbyteries is declared to Church in succeeding ages, because they acted consist in keeping the kirks within their bounds according to the circumstances of the Church in good order; to inquire after and endeavour in its infant and persecuted state: neither are to reform vicious persons. It belongs to the the Scriptures a rule of human actions, so far elderships to see that the Word of God be duly as that whatsoever we do in matters of religion preached, and the sacraments rightly adminis- without their express direction or warrant is tered, and discipline entertained; they are to sin, but many things are left indifferent: the cause the ordinances made by the Provincial, Church is a society like others, invested with National, and General Assemblies, to be put in powers to make what laws she apprehends reaexecution; to make or abolish constitutions sonable, decent, or necessary for herwell-being which concern decent order in their kirks, pro- and government, provided they do not interfere vided they alter no rules made by the superior with or contradict the laws and commandments assemblies; and communicate their constitu- of Holy Scripture: where the Scripture is sitions to the Provincial Assembly; they have lent, human authority may interpose; we must power to excommunicate the obstinate after then have recourse to the reason of things and due process. Concerning particular kirks, if the rights of society: it follows from hence that they are lawfully ruled by sufficient ministers the Church is at liberty to appoint ceremonies, and session, they have power and jurisdiction and establish order within the limits above in their own congregation in matters ecclesias- mentioned; and her authority ought to detertical." mine what is fit and convenient: all who are born This act, for the greater solemnity, was con- within the confines of an established church, firmed again in the year 1593, and again this and are baptized into it, are bound to submit to present year 1594, so that from this time to the its ecclesiastical laws; they may not disgrace, year 1612 presbytery was undoubtedly the legal establishment of the Kirk of Scotland, as it scrutinizing inquiry into the nature of man and the constitution of human society can effect, is here achad been, in fact, ever since the Reformation. complished on behalf of the hierarchy. If, therefore, To return to England. Several champions such a work fails to sustain its positions; if many of appeared about this time for the cause of epis- its principles are unsound, and its course of argucopacy; as, Dr. Bilson, Bancroft, Bridges, Cos- mentation is precisely similar to that which popery ins, Soam, and Dr. Adrian Sararia, a Spaniard, employs; if large sections of the work are as conclubut beneficed in the Church of England: this sive against the Protestant faith as against that form last was answered by Beza; Bridges was an- of it to which Hooker was opposed, a strong presumption must be awakened that there was a radical swered by Fenner, Cosins by Morrice, and Bilunsoundness in the cause he advocated, which no Bon by Bradshaw, though the press was shut genius could remedy or diligence correct. That against the Puritans. such defects do attach to this celebrated performance But the most celebrated performance, and of has been extensively acknowledged, and will be ingreatest note, was Mr. Hooker's Ecclesiastical creasingly felt, as the true spirit of Protestantism Polity, in eight books; the first four of which prevails among its professed disciples." "The better were published this year; the fifth in the year parts of the Ecclesiastical Polity," remarks Mr. Hal1597, and last three not till many years after lam, "bear a resemblance to the philosophical writings of antiquity, in their defects as well as their his death; for which reason some have suspect- excellences. Hooker is often too vague in the use ed them to be interpolated, though they were of general terms; too inconsiderate in the admission deposited in the hands of Archbishop Abbot, of principles; too apt to acquiesce in the scholastic from whose copy they were printed, about the pseudo-philosophy; and, indeed, in all received tenbeginning of the civil wars.* This is esteemed ets. He is comprehensive rather than sagacious, the most learned defence of the Church of Eng- and more fitted to sift the truth from the stores of land, cwtherein all that woiuld be acquainted with accumulated learning than to seize it by an original impulse of his own mind. Nor would it be difficult its constitution, says a learned prelate, may see impuiset outhis oseveral other sujects, such as religious upon what foundation it is built.t Mr. Hooker toleration, as to which he did not emancipate himself from the trammels of prejudice."-Con.stitutieonal Life of Whitgift, p. 421. HIistory, vol. i., p. 295.-(C. t The Ecclesiastical Polity is deeply interesting to k Hooker's production grew out of his dispute with the Protestant Nonconformist, because it exhibits the Travers, and his object was to recover the junior utmost that can be advanced in support of the church members of the Temple from the influence of Travsystem to which he is opposed. "All," says Dr. ers's ministry.-See Walton's Life of Hooker,i,,295. Price, "that human genius, or the most patient and -C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 207 revile, or reject them at pleasure: the Church is governed by the laws and precepts of the is their mother, and has more than a maternal New Testament, so far is it a Church of Christ; power over them: the positive laws of the but when it sets up its own by-laws as terms Church not being of a moral nature, are muta- of communion, or works the policy of the civil ble, and may be changed or reversed by the magistrate into its constitution, it is so far a same powers that made them; but while they creature of the state. are in force they are to be submitted to, under Mr. Hooker's last two propositions are inconsuch penalties as the Church in her wisdom sistent with the first principles of the Reformashall direct." tion, viz., that all men that are born within the The fourth and fifth propositions are the main confines of an established church, and are bappillars of Mr. Hooker's fabric, and the founda- tized into it, are bound to submit to its ecclesition of all human establishments, viz., " that the astical laws under such penalties as the Church Church, like other societies, is invested with in her wisdom shall direct. Must I, then, be of power to make laws for its well-being; and that the religion of the country where I am born? where the Scripture is silent, human authority that is, at Rome a papist, in Saxony a Lutheran, may interpose." All men allow that human in Scotland a Presbyterian, and in England a societies may form themselves after any model, diocesan prelatist, and this under such penalties and make what laws they please for their well- as the Church in her wisdom shall think fit q being; and that the Christian Church has some Must I believe as the Church believes, and subthings in common with all societies as such, as mit to her laws right or wrong Have I no the appointing time and place, and the order of right, as a man and a Christian, to judge and public worship, &c.; but it must be remembered act for myself, as long as I continue a loyal and that the Christian Church is not a mere volun- faithful subject to my prince? Surely religious tary society, but a community formed and con- principles and Church communion should be the stituted by Christ, the sole king and lawgiver of effect of examination and a deliberate choice, it, who has made sufficient provision for its or they lose their name, and degenerate into well-being to the end of the world. It does not hypocrisy or atheism. appear in the New Testament that the Church From general principles Mr. Hooker proceeds is empowered to mend or alter the constitution to vindicate the particular rites and ceremonies of Christ, by creating new offices, or making of the Church, and to clear them from the exnew laws, though the Christian world has ven- ceptions of the Puritans; which may easily be tured upon it. Christ gave his church, proph- done when he has proved that the Church has ets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the a discretionary power to appoint what cereperfecting the saints, and edifying his body; but monies and establish what order she thinks fit; the successors of the apostles in the government he may then vindicate not only the ceremonies of the Church, apprehending these not sufficient, of the Church of England, but all those of have added patriarchs, cardinals, deans, arch- Rome, for no doubt that church alleges all deacons, canons, and other officials. The Church their ceremonies conducive to her well-being, is represented in Scripture as a spiritual body, and not inconsistent with the laws of Christ.* her ordinances, privileges, and censures being This year died Dr. John Aylmer, bishop of purely such; but later ages have wrought the London, whose character has been sufficiently civil powers into her constitution, and kept men drawn in this history; he was born in Norfolk, within her pale by all the terrors of this world, educated in Cambridge, and in Queen Mary's as fines, imprisonments, banishments, fire, and reign an exile for religion; he was such a little sword. It is the peculiar excellence of the Gos- man, that Fullert says, when the searchers were pel worship to be plain and simple, free from clearing the ship in which he made his escape, the yoke of Jewish ceremonies; but the anti- the merchant put him into a great wine-butt that christian powers, thinking this a defect, have had a partition in the middle, so that Mr. Aylloaded it with numberless ceremonies of their mer sat enclosed in the hinder part while the own invention; and though there are laws in searchers drank of the wine which they saw Scripture sufficient for the direction of the drawn out of the head on the other part; he Church, as constituted by Christ and his apos- was of an active, busy spirit, quick in his lanties, they have thought fit to add so many vol- guage, and, after his advancement, of a stout and nimes of ecclesiastical laws, canons, and injunc- To Mr. Neal's remarks on the principles of the tions, as have confounded, if not subverted, the Ecclesiastical Polity, it may be added, that how just laws of Christ. and conclusive soever those principles are in themWhereas, if men considered the Church as a selves, they do not, they cannot applyto the vindicaspiritual body, constituted by Christ its sole tion of our religious establishment, till it be proved lawgiver for spiritual purposes, they would then that its ceremonies and laws were fixed by the see that it had no concern with their civil rights, Church. In whatever sense the word church is used, this is not the fact. Whether you understand properties, and estates, nor any power to force men to be of its communion, by the pains and by it "a congregation of faithful men," or " all ecclemen to be of iths comlunion, by the pains and siastical persons," or " an order of men who are set penalties of this world. The laws of the New apart by Christianity, and dedicated to this very purTestament would appear sufficient for the well- pose of public instruction," in neither sense were the being of such a society; and in cases where forms and opinions of our established religion settled there are no particular rules or injunctions, that by the Church. They originated with royal pleasit is the will of Christ and his apostles there ure; they have changed as the will of our princes should be liberty and mutual forbearance; there hath changed; they have been settled by acts of would then be no occasion for Christian courts, Parliaments, formed illegally, corrupted by pensions, and overawed by prerogative, and they constitute as they are called, nor for the interposition of part of the statute law of the land. —,ee my Letters human authority, any father than to keep the to the Rev. Dr. Sturges, 1782, p. 15-28. -ED. peace. Upon the whole, as far as any church t Fuller's Worthies, b. ii., p. 548. :208 HI-STORY OF THE PURITANS. imperious behaviour: in his younger days he spirit as was thought to hasten his death, which was inclined to Puritanism, but when he was happened the next year, as he was sitting in his made a bishop he became a resolute champion chair smoking a pipe of tobacco. The year folof the hierarchy, and a bitter persecutor of his lowing he was succeeded by Dr. Bancroft, the former friends. In his latter days he was very great adversary of the Puritans. covetous, and a little too lax in his morals; he These violent proceedings of the bishops drove usually played at bowls on Sundays in the after- great numbers of the Brownists into Holland, noons, and used such language at his game as where their leaders, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Smith, justly exposed his character to reproach; but Mr. Ainsworth, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Jacob, and with all these blemishes, the writer of his life, others, were gone beforehand, and, with the Mr. Strype, will have him a learned, pious, leave of the States, were erecting churches after and humble bishop. He died at Fulham, June their own model at Amsterdam, Arnheim, Mid3, 1594, in the seventy-fourth year of his age.* dleburgh, Leyden, and other places. The church Aylmer was succeeded by Dr. Fletcher, bish- at Amsterdam had like to have been torn in pieop of Worcester, who, in his primary visitation, ces at first by intestine divisions, but it aftergave out twenty-seven articles of inquiry to the ward flourished under a succession of pastors church-wardens concerning their preachers; for ahove a hundred years. Mr. Robinson, pasas, whether they prayed for the queen as su- tor of the church at Leyden, first struck out the preme head over all persons and causes within Congregational or Independent form of church her dominions, ecclesiastical and temporal; government, and at length part of this church, whether they were learned, or frequented con- transplanting themselves into America, laid the venticles, or taught innovations, or commended foundation of the noble colony of New-England, the new discipline, or spoke in derogation of as will be seen hereafter. any part of the common prayer, or did not ad- Hitherto the controversy between the Church minister the sacrament in their own persons at and Puritans had been chiefly about habits, and certain times of the year, &c. By these, and ceremonies, and church discipline, but now it such like inquiries, the prisons, which had been began to open upon points of doctrine; for this lately cleared, were filled again; for by an ac- year Dr. Bound published his treatise of the count sent to the queen from the ecclesiastical Sabbath, wherein he maintains the morality of commissioners towards the close of this year, a seventh part of time for the worship of God; it appears that in the Marshalsea, Newgate, the that Christians are bound to rest on the Lord's Gate-house, Bridewell, the Fleet, the Compters, Day as much as the Jews on the Mosaical Sabthe White Lion, and the King's Bench, there bath, the commandment of rest being moral and were eighty-nine prisoners for religion; some perpetual; that, therefore, it was not lawful to of them were popish recusants, and the rest follow our studies or worldly business on that Protestant Nonconformists, of whom twenty- day, nor to use such recreations and pleasures four had been committed by the ecclesiastical as were lawful on other days, as shooting, fen. commission, and the rest by the council and cing, bowling, &c. This book had a wonderful the bishops' courts. But his lordship's pro- spread among the people, and wrought a mighty ceedings were quickly interrupted by his falling reformation, so that the Lord's Day, which used under her majesty's displeasure, a' few months to be profaned by interludes, May-games, morafter his translation, for marrying a second rice-dances, and other sports and recreations, wife, which the queen looked upon as indecent began to be kept more precisely, especially in in an elderly clergyman; for this she banished corporations. All the Puritans fell in with this him the court, and commanded the archbishop doctrine, and distinguished themselves by spendto suspend him from his bishopric; but after six ing that part of sacred time in public, family, months, her majesty being a little pacified, or- and private acts of devotion.* But the governdered his suspension to be taken off, though ing clergy exclaimed against it as a restraint of she would never admit him into her presence, Christian liberty, as putting an unequal lustre which had such an influence upon his great on the Sunday, and tending to eclipse the authority of the Church in appointing other festi* This prelate had been preceptor to Lady Jane vals. Mr. Rogers, author of a commentary on Grey. During his.residence in Switzerland he as- the Thirty-nine Articles, writes in his preface sisted John Fox in translating his Martyrology into," that it was the comfort of his soul, and would Latin. It was usual with him, when he observed be to his dying day, that he had been the man bis audience to be inattentive, to take a Hebrew Bi- and the means that the Sabbatarian errors were ble out of his pocket and read them a-few verses, brought to and then resume his discourse. It is related, as an the light and knowledge of the state." instance of his courage, that he had a tooth drawn But I should have thought this clergyman might to encourage the queen to submit to the like opera- have had as much comfort upon a dying bed if tion. But it is more to the honour of his judgment he had spent his zeal in recommending the reliand patriotism that, notwithstanding his rigour and gious observation of that sacred day. Dr. Bound cruelty in ecclesiastical matters, he had and avowed might carry his doctrine too high if he advanjEst sentiments concerning the constitution of the ced it to a level with the Jewish rigours; but English government and the, power of Parliaments, it was certainly unworth the character of diof whom he said, that "if they used their privileges, the king can do nothing without them; if he do, it is vines to encourage men in shooting, fencing, his fault in usurping it, and their folly in permitting and other diversions on the Lord's Day, which it. Wherefore, in my judgment, those that in King they are forward enough to give way to withHenry's days would not grant him that proclamation out the countenance and example of their spirshould have the force of a statute, were good fathers itual guides. Archbishop Whitgift called in all of the country, and worthy of commendation in de- the copies of Dr. Bound's book by his letters fending their liberty." —Strype, as quoted in British and officers at synods and visitations, and forBiography, vol. iii., p. 240, 241, and Granger's Biogr. lHistory, vol. i., p. 208, 209. * Fuller, b. ix., p. 227. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 209 bade it to be reprinted; and the Lord-chief-jus- to encourage such a bold, corrupt, and unlearned tice Popham did the same, both of them decla- young fellow, and insisted on the rights and ring that the Sabbath doctrine agreed neither prerogatives of the University. At length Mr. with the doctrine of our Church nor with the Barret was sent for to Lambeth, and having laws and orders of this kingdom;* that it dis- been examined before the archbishop and some turbed the peace of the commonwealth and other divines, they agreed that he had mainChurch, and tended to schism in the one and tained some errors, and enjoined him in an sedition in the other; but, notwithstanding all humble manner to confess his ignorance and this caution, the book was read privately more mistake, and not to teach tne like doctrines for than ever. " The more liberty people were of- the future; but he chose rather to quit the Unifered," says Mr. Fuller, "the less they used; versity.* This Barret was a conceited youth, refusing to take the freedom authority tendered who did not treat his superiors with decency: them, as being jealous of a design to blow up in one of his letters he calls the grave and learntheir civil liberties." The archbishop's head ed Mr. Perkins, homuncio quidam, a little conwas no sooner laid but Dr. Bound prepared his temptible fellow: but at last he turned papist. book for the press a second time, and published The fire was no sooner kindled than it was obit, with large additions, in 1606; and such was served that Barret and his friends were counits reputation, that scarce any comment or cate- tenanced by the high Conformists and Roman chism was published by the stricter divines for Catholics, and that his adversaries took part many years in which the morality of the Sab- with the Puritans, which was like to produce a bath was not strongly recommended and urged,; new division in the Church.t but this controversy will return again in the To put an end to these disputes, the heads of next reign. the University sent Dr. Whitaker and Dr. TynAll the Protestant divines in the Church, dal to Lambeth, to consult with the archbishop, whether Puritans or others, seemed of one mind and some other learned divines, upon these hitherto about the doctrines of faith; but now points; who at length, November 20, concluded there arose a party, which were first for soften- upon the following nine propositions, commonly ing, and then for overthrowing, the received opin- called the Lambeth Articles, which the scholars ions about predestination, perseverance, free- in the University were strictly enjoined to conwill, effectual grace, and the extent of our Sa- form their judgments unto, and not to vary from. viour's redemption. The articles of the Church The articles were as follows: of England were thought by all men hitherto to "That God from eternity has predestinated favour the explication of Calvin; but these di- some persons to life and reprobated others to vines would make them stand neuter, and leave death: the moving or efficient cause of predesa latitude for the subscriber to take either side tination to life is not foreseen faith, or good of the question. All the Puritans, to a man, works, or any other commendable quality in the maintained the articles of the Church to be Cal- persons predestinated, but the good-will and vinistical, and inconsistent with any other in- pleasure of God: the number of the predestinate terpretation, and so did far the greatest number is fixed, and cannot be lessened or increased: of the conforming clergy; but as the new expli- they who are not predestinated to salvation cations of Arminius grew into repute, the Cal- shall be necessarily condemned for their sins: vinists were reckoned oldfashioned divines,f a true, lively, and justifying faith, and the sancand at length branded with the character of tifying influence of the Spirit, is not extinguishDoctrinal Puritans. ed, nor does it fail, or go off either finally or The debate began in the University of Cam- totally: a justified person has ia full assurance bridge, where one Mr. Barret, fellow of Gon- and certainty of the remission of his sins, and ville and Caius College, in his sermon ad clerum, his everlasting salvation by Christ: saving grace declared himself against Calvin's doctrine about is not communicated to all men; neither have predestination and falling from grace, reflecting all men such a measure of Divine assistance, with some sharpness upon that great divine, that they may be saved if they will: no person and advising his hearers not to read him. For can come to Christ unless it; be given him, and this he was summoned before the vice-chancel- unless the Father draw him; and all men are lor and heads of colleges, and obliged to retract not drawn by the Father that they may come in St. Mary's Church, according to a form pre- to Christ: it is not in every one's will and power scribed by his superiors, which he read after a to be saved." manner that showed he did it only to save his These high propositions were drawn up and place in the University. This was so offensive consented to by Archbishop Whitgift, Dr. Fletchto the scholars, that forty or fifty graduates of er, bishop of London, Dr. Vaughan, elect of Banthe several colleges signed a petition, dated May gor, and some others; they were sent to Dr. 26,1595, desiring some farther course might be Hutton, archbishop of York, and Dr. Young, of taken with him, that the great names which he Rochester, who subscribed them, only wishing had reproached, as P. Martyr, Calvin, Beza, that the word necessarily, in the fourth article, Zanchius, &c., might receive some reparation. and those words in the seventh article, if they Both parties appealed to the archbishop, who will, might be omitted. The archbishop, in his blamed the University for their too-hasty pro- letter which he sent to the University with the. ceedings, and seemed to take part with Barret; articles, says they are to look upon them not as but the heads of colleges, in a second letter, vin- new laws and decrees, but only as an explica dicated their proceedings, desiring his grace not tion of certain points which they apprehend to be true, and corresponding to the doctrine pro* Life of Whitgift, p. 531. fessed in the Church of England, and already t While they, in return, looked on the others as little better than novelists.-Warner.-ED. * Heyl., Hist. Pres., p. 343. t Life of Whitgift, p. 437. t Hickman's Quinq. Hist. against Heylin, p. 210. VOL. I.-D D 210 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. established by the laws of the land. But, foras- about twenty-five years.* He left a large fam. much as they had not the queen's sanction, he ily behind him, and was buried in St. Olave'a, desires they may not become a public act, but Hart-street, his pall being supported by six docused privately and with discretion.* He adds, tors of divinity, by order from the Bishop of that her majesty was fully persuaded of the truth London. The chancellor, in his letter to the of them; which is strange, when she commanded University, was very angry because they sifted Sir Robert Cecil to signify to the archbishop Baro with interrogatories, "as if," says he, "he by letter " that she misliked much that any al- was a thief; this seems done of stomach among lowance had been given by his grace and his you."t How sad, then, was the case of the rethren for any such points to be disputed, be- Puritans! ing a matter tender and dangerous to weak, ig- The divines of Oxford, and, indeed, all the first norant minds; and thereupon commanded him Reformers, were in the same sentiments with to suspend the urging them publicly, or suffer- those of Cambridge about the disputed points; ing them to be debated in the pulpit." Calvin's Institutions being read publicly in the The queen's design was to stifle the contro- schools by appointment of the convocation, versy in its birth; for if she was dissatisfied though perhaps they might not go the full length with the archbishop's private determinations, she of the Lambeth Articles, nor express themselves was downright angry with Dr. Baro, a French- with the exactness of those who lived afterward, man, and one of the divinity professors at Cam- when those doctrines were publicly opposed by bridge, for continuing the debate. She said Arminius and his followers. that, being an alien, and humanely harboured The article of our Saviour's local descent into and enfranchised, both himself and family, he hell began to be questioned at this time. It had ought to have carried himself more quietly and been the received doctrine of the Church of peaceably. His case was this: in his sermon England, that the soul of Christ, being separabefore the University, preached January 12, he ted from his body, descended locally into hell, asserted "that God created all men according that he might there triumph over Satan, as beto his own likeness in Adam, and consequently fore he had over death and sin.: But the learnto eternal life, from which he rejects no man ed Mr. Hugh Broughton, the rabbi of his age, but on the account of his sins: that Christ died whom King James would have courted into for all mankind, and was a propitiation for the Scotland, convinced the world that the word sins of the whole world, original and actual; hades, used by the Greek fathers for the place the remedy provided by him being as extensive into which Christ went after his crucifixion, did as the ruins of the fall: that the promises of not mean hell, or the place of the damned, but eternal life made to us in Christ are to be gen- only the state of the dead, or the invisible world.,erally and universally taken and understood, be- It was farther debated whether Christ under-ing made as much to Judas as to Peter." For went in his soul the wrath of God and the pains:these propositions he was summoned before the of hell, and finished all his sufferings upon the vice-chancellor and heads of colleges, who ex- cross before he died.~ This was Calvin's senamined him by several interrogatories, and com- timent, and with him agreed all the Puritan di-marnded him peremptorily to abstain from those vines, who preached it in their sermons, and incontroversies in his lectures and sermons for serted it in their catechisms. On the other the future. hand, Bishop Bilson, in his sermons at Paul's They acquainted Secretary Cecil by letter with Cross, maintained that no text of Scripture astheir proceedings, in which they call all doc- serted the death of Christ's soul, or the pains trines popish, and say that for fourteen or fif- of the damned, to be requisite in the person of teen years he has taught in his lectures, and Christ before he could be our ransomer, and the preached in his sermons, divers points of doc- Saviour of the world. II But still he maintained trine contrary to those which have been taught the local descent of Christ into hell, or the terand read -over since her majesty's reign, and ritory of the damned; and that, by the course agreeable to the errors of popery, by which of the creed, the article must refer, not to Christ means they fear the whole body of that religion living upon the cross, but to Christ dead; and will break in upon them; they therefore pray that he went thither, not to suffer, but to wrest his lordship's assistance for the suppressing the keys of hell and death out of the hands of them. Cambridge, March 8th, 1595.t the devil.19 When these sermons were printed, On the other hand, Baro wrote to the archbish- Hence," remarks an able writer, lop to keep hin in his place, promising obedience *t, " I-Ience," remarks an able writer, "it appears op to keep him in his place, promising obedience what little latitude was then allowed to the freedom to his grace's commands, and to keep the peace of thinking and debate, on subjects the most innocent, of the University by dropping the controversy in and with regard to doctrines, the truth of which is -silence.$ He also wrote to Secretary Cecil to now generally maintained by the clergy, and especiput a stop to the proceedings of the vice-chan- ally by those of them who stand the highest in dig-cellor, which he, together with the archbishop, nity, reputation, and learning. We must be sensible:accomplished; but the University not being sat- how narrow was the spirit, and how confined the,isfied with him, he was obliged next year to true theological knowledge of the times, when the quit his professorship and retire to London, Idogmas of Calvinism were maintained with such perwhere he died two or three years after tinacity by the governoris of the Church, and to call *heren he died two or three years after, having them in question was looked upon as a criane."been Lady Margaret's professor at Cambridge History of Knowledge in the New Annual Register for 1789, p. 9. t Life of Whitgift, p. 473. * Life of Whitgift, p. 462, 463. 1 Heyl., Hist. Presb.. p 349.'t Signed by Roger Goad, pro can., R. Some, Tho. Q Life of Whitgift, p. 482. Legge, John Jegon, Tho. Nevyle, Tho. Preston, II Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 350. Hump. Tyndal, James Montague, Edm. Barrel, Lawr. ~T This controversy gave a celebrity, beyond his Chadderton. own time, to the name of Bishop Bilson he was an t Strype's Annals, vol. nilt., p. 230 eminent divine, and the author of some doctrinal and HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 211 they were presently answered by Mr. Henry Ja- had dissembled and counterfeited all he did. cob, a learned Brownist. Bilson, by the queen's Upon this he was carried before the commiscommand, defended his sermons in a treatise sion, where at first he owned himself a counterentitled " A Survey of Christ's Sufferings," feit, and then presently denied it again; but which did not appear in the world till 1604. The being thoroughly frightened, he fell into fits becontroversy was warmly debated in both uni- fore the commissioners, which put an end to versities; but when the learned combatants had his examination for the present. After some spent their artillery, it dropped in silence, with- time, being still in custody, he returned to his out any determination from authority, though it confessing, and charged Mr. Darrel with trainwas one of the articles usually objected to the ing him up in the art for four years. Upon this, Puritans, for which they were suspended their Mr. Darrel was summoned before the commisministry. [And the rational sentiment, that the sioners, and brought witnesses with him to prove word hades signifies only the state of the dead, that Somers had declared, in a very solemn or the invisible world, silently and universally manner, that he had not dissembled; upon which took place.] he was dismissed, and the commission dissolvAmong other reproaches cast upon their cler- ed; but, the affair making a great noise in the gy, was one, that they deluded the people by country, Mr. Darrel was sent for to Lambeth, claiming a power to exorcise the devil. " Some and after a long hearing before the archbishop, of their ministers," says Mr. Strype, " pretend- and others of the High Commission, he was depoed to cast out devils, that so the amazed multi- sed from his ministry, and committed close pristude, having a great veneration for these exor- oner to the Gate-house, for being accessory to a cisers of devils, by the power of their prayers vile imposture, where he continued many years. and fastings, might the more readily and awful- While Mr. Darrel was in the prison, he wrote ly submit to their opinions and ways; a prac- an apology to show that people in these latter tice borrowed from the then papists to make days may be possessed with devils, and that their priests revered, and to confirm the laity in by prayer and fasting the unclean spirit may be their superstitions." One would think here was cast out. In the end of which he makes this a plot of some cunning, designing men, to con- protestation: " If what I am accused of be true jure the people into the belief of discipline; but (viz., that I have been accessory to a vile imall vanishes in the peculiar principles of a weak posture, with a design to impose on mankind), and (as Mr. Strype confesses) honest man, whose let me be registered to my perpetual infamy, name was Darrel, a bachelor of arts and minis- not only for a notorious deceiver, but such a ter of Nottingham. This divine was of opinion, hypocrite as never trod on the earth before; that by the power of prayer the devil might be yea, Lord! for to thee I convert my speech, who cast out of persons possessed;* and having tried knowest all things, if' I have confederated more the experiment upon one Darling of Burton, a or less with Somers, Darling, or any of the rest; boy of about fourteen years old, with supposed if ever I set eye on them before they were possuccess, and upon some others, he was impor- sessed, then let me not only be made a laughtuned by one of the ministers, and several in- ing-stock and a by-word to all men, but rase my habitants of the town of Nottingham, to visit name also out of the Book of I,ife, and let me one William Somers, a boy that had such con- have my portion with hypocrites." elusive agonies as were thought to be preter- It has been observed that the bishops had natural, inasmuch that when Mr. Darrel had now wisely transferred the prosecution of the seen them, he concluded, with the rest of the Puritansfrom themselvesto the temporal courts, spectators, that he was possessed, and advised so that, instead of being summoned before the his friends to desire the help of godly and learn- High Commission, they were indicted at the ased ministers to endeavour his recovery, but ex- sizes, and tried at common law; this being cused himself from being concerned, lest, if the thought more advisable, to take off the odium devil should be dispossessed, the common peo- from the Church. Judge Anderson discovered pie should attribute to him some special gift of his zeal against them this summer in an extracasting out devils;'but upon a second request ordinary manner, for in his charge to the jury from the mayor of Nottingham, he agreed with at Lincoln, he told them that the country was Mr. Aldridge and two other ministers, with about infested with Brownists, with disciplinarians and one hundred and fifty neighbouring Christians, erectors of presbyteries, which he spoke with so to set apart a day for fasting and prayer, to en- much wrath, with so many oaths, and such retreat the Lord to cast out Satan, and deliver the viling language, as offended the gentlemen upon young man fiom his torments; and after some the bench. He called the preachers knaves,time, the Lord, they say, was entreated, and they saying that they would start up into the pulpit blessed God for the same: this was November, and speak against everybody.* He was for 1597. A few days after, the mayor and some extending the statute of recusancy to such who of the aldermen began to suspect that Somers went at any time to hear sermons from their was a cheat; and to make him confess, they own parish churches, though they usually attook him from his parents, and committed him tended in their places, and heard divine service to the custody of two men, who with threaten- dutifully. When Lord Clinton, and the deputy ings prevailed with him to acknowledge that he lieutenants and justices of those parts, obtained the bishop's allowance for a day of fasting practical works, as well as some Latin poems and and prayer at Lowth, upon an extraordinary ocorations never published. In the reign of James I. casion, his lrdship urged the jury to find a bill he was one of the two final correctors of the English against them, upon the statute of conventicles. translation of the Bible, for which office his easy and Mr. Allen, minister of that parish, being inharnonious style particularly qualified him.-History dicted by means of a revengeful justice of peace of Knowledge in the New Annual Register for 1789, p. 17. —ED. * Life of Whitgift, p. 492, 494, 495. k Strype's Ann., vol. ult., p. 264. 212 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. for not reading all the prayers at once (he using or dispense with at pleasure. The convocation sometimes to omit part of them for the sermon), d-rew up some regulations upon these and other was obliged to hold up his hand at the bar, when heads, relating to ecclesiastical courts, which Judge Anderson standing up, spoke to him with the queen confirmed by her letters patent, Jana fierce countenance, and having insinuated uary 18, in the fortieth year of her reign. They some grievous faults against the man (though were printed the same year by her authority, lie named none), called him oftentimes knave, and may be seen in Bishop Sparrow's collection rebellious knave, with more such opprobrious of articles, injunctions, &c. language, though it was known all over the But still the ecclesiastical courts were an incountry that Mr. Allen was a good preacher; sufferable grievance: the oppressions which that he had subscribed; was esteemed by the people underwent from the bottomless deep of bishop; was conformable in his affections; and the canon law put them upon removing their behaved upon this occasion with all humility causes into Westminster Hall, by getting prohiand submission. But his lordship had said in bitions to stay proceedings in the bishops' courts, his charge that he would hunt all the Puritans or in the High Commission. This awakened the out of his circuit. One thing was remarkable archbishop, who, in order to support the civilin Mr. Allen's arraignment, that when, upon ians, drew up certain.queries to be considered some point wherein judgment in divinity was by the lords and judges of the land touching required, Mr. Allen referred himself to the bish- prohibitions; of which this was the principal, op (his ordinary then sitting upon the bench), "that, seeing ecclesiastical authority is as truly the judge took him up with marvellous indigna- vested in the crown as temporal, whether the tion, and said he was both his ordinary and queen's temporal authority should any more rebishop in that place.* strain her ecclesiastical, than her ecclesiastical Thus the Puritan clergy were put upon a lev- should her temporal. And seeing so many and el with rogues and felons, and made to hold up so great personages, with some others, are trusttheir hands at the bar among the vilest crimi- ed to do her majesty service in her ecclesiastinals; there was hardly an assize in any county cal commission, whether it be convenient that in England, but one or more ministers, through an offender, ready to be censured, should obtain, thJ resentments of some of their parishioners, and publicly throw into court, a prohibition, to appeared in this condition, to the disgrace of the delay of justice, and to the disgrace and distheir order, and the loss of their reputation and paragement of those who serve freely, without usefulness, besides being exposed to the insults all fee therein." The archbishop caused a list of the rude multitude. "But I would to God," to be made of divers cases, wherein the Chrissays my author, " that they which judge in re- tian court, as he called it, had been interrupted ligious causes, though in the name of civil af- by the temporal jurisdiction; and of many causes fairs, would either get some more knowledge in that had been taken out of the hands of the bishreligion and God's Word than my Lord Ander- ops' courts, the High Commission, and the court son hath, or call in the assistance of those that of delegates; the former authorized by immedihave."t ate commission from the queen, and the latter Archbishop Whitgift was busy this summer by a special commission upon an appeal to her about elections for the ensuing Parliament, court of chancery.* But, notwithstanding all which was to meet Oct. 24, 1597. Mr. Strype these efforts of Whitgift and his successor Bansays, his grace took what care he could to pre- croft, the number of prohibitions increased every vent such as were disaffected to the constitution year; the nobility, gentry, and judges being too of the Church, that is, all Puritans, from com- wise to subject their estates and liberties to a ing into the House; but some thought it a little number of artful civilians, versed in a codex or out of character for an archbishop to appear so body of laws of most uncertain authority, and publicly in the choice of the people's represent- strangers to the common and statute law, withatives.t The House being thus modelled, did out the check of a prohibition, when it was nonot meddle with the foundations of discipline, torious that the canon law had been always, or form of public worship; but several bills were since the Reformation, controlled by the laws brought in to regulate abuses in spiritual courts, and statutes of the realm. Thus the civilians as against licenses to marry without bans, sunk in their business under the two next archagainst excessive fees, frivolous citations ex offi- bishops, till Laud governed the Church, who, tercio, and excommunications for little matters, as rifying the judges from granting prohibitions, twopence or threepence. These and all other the spiritual courts, Star Chamber, council-tabills of this nature were, according to custom, ble, and high commissioners rode triumphant, quashed by a message from the queen, forbid- fining, imprisoning, and banishing men at their ding them to touch her prerogative, and assu- pleasure, till they became as terrible as the Spanring them that she would take the aforesaid ish Inquisition, and brought upon the nation all grievances into her princely consideration. Ac- the confusions and desolations of a civil war. cordingly, her majesty referred these matters to From this time to the queen's death there the convocation; it being her steady maxim, was a kind of cessation of arms between the not to proceed in matters of the Church by stat- Church and Puritans; the combatants were out utes, which the Parliament alone could repeal, of breath, or willing to wait for better times. but rather by canons, which she could confirm Some apprehended that the Puritans were vanquished, and their numbers lessened by the se* Strype's Ann., vol. ult., p. 267. vere execution of the penal laws; whereas it t These are not the words of Mr. Strype himself, will appear, by a survey in the beginning of the as they may appear by the manner of quotation, but next reign, that the nonconforming clergy were are part of a letter " from a person unknown of the about fifteen hundred. But the true reason was clergy to a person of quality" on Judge Anderson's.. proceedings. —ED. $ Life of Whitgift, p. 508. * Life of Whitgift, p. 537. HISTORY OF Thii PURITANS. 213 this: the queen was advanced in years, and years, and receive an exhortation from the archcould not live long in a course of nature, and bishop to observe the canons passed in the last the next heir to the crown being a Presbyterian, convocation. They met October the 18th, and the bishops were cautious of acting against a were dissolved, with-the Parliament, December party for whom his majesty had declared, not. the 19th following. knowing what revenge he might take when he This year [1602] died the reverend and learnwas fixed on the throne; and the Puritans were ed Mr. William Perkins, born at Marston, in quiet, in hopes of great matters to be done for Warwickshire, in the first year of Queen Elizathem upon the expected change. beth, and educated in Christ's College, CamNotwithstanding all former repulses from bridge, of which he was fellow: he was one of court, the queen's last Parliament, which sat in the most famous practical writers and preachthe year 1601, renewed their attacks upon the ec- ers of his age;'and being a strict Calvinist, he clesiastical courts, a bill being brought in to ex- published several treatises in favour of those amine into bishops' leases, and to disable them doctrines, which involved him in a controversy from taking fines, another against pluralities with Arminius, then professor of divinity at and nonresidents, and another against corn- Leyden, that continued to his death. He was missaries and archdeacons' courts. Multitudes a Puritan Nonconformist, and a favourer of the of complaints came to the House against the discipline, for which he was once or twice proceedings of tlie ordinaries ex mero officio, with- brought before the High Commission, but his out due presentments preceding, and against peaceable behaviour, and great fame in the the frequent keeping their courts, so that the learned world, procured him a dispensation from church-wardens were sometimes cited to two the persecutions of his brethren. Mr. Perkins or three spiritual courts at once;* complaint was a little man, and wrote with his left hand, was made of their charging the country with being lame of his right. His works, which quarterly bills; of the great number of appari- were printed in three volumes folio, show him tors and petty summoners, who seized upon to have been a most pious, holy, and industripeople for trifling offences; of the admission of ous divine, considering he lived only forty-four curates by officials and commissaries, without years.* the bishop's knowledge, and without testimo- To sum up the state of religion throughout nials of their conversation; of scandalous com- this long reign. It is evident that the Parliamutations of penance, and divers abuses of the ment, the people, and great numbers of the inlike kind; but the queen would not suffer the ferior clergy were for carrying the ReformaHouse to debate them, referring them to the tion farther than the present establishment. archbishop, who wrote to his brethren the bish- The first bishops came into it with this view; ops to endeavour, as much as possible, to reform they declared against the Popish habits and the above-mentioned grievances, which, says ceremonies, and promised to use all their inhe,t have produced multitudes of complaints in terest with the queen for their removal; but Parliament; and had they not been prevented how soon they forgot themselves, when they by great circumspection, and promise of care- were warm in their chairs, the foregoing histoful reformation, there might perhaps have ensu- ry has discovered.t Most of the first Reformed the taking away of the whole, or most of ers were of Erastian principles, looking upon those courts. " So prudently diligent was the the Church as a mere creature of the state; archbishop," says Mr. Strype, "to keepup theju- they gave up everything to the crown, and risdiction of the bishops' courts, and the wealthy yielded to the supreme magistrate the absolute estate of the clergy, by preserving nonresidences direction of the consciences, or, at least, the reto them." ligious profession, of all his subjects. They acThere was another bill brought into the House knowledged only two orders of Divine instituto punish voluntary absence from church; the tion, viz., bishops or priests, and deacons. They forfeiture was to be twelvepence each Sunday, admitted the ordination of foreign churches by to be levied by distress, by a warrant from a mere presbyters till towards the middle of this justice of peace; but the bill was opposed be- reign, when their validity began to be disputed cause there was a severe law already against and denied. Whitgift was the first who derecusants of ~20 per month, and because, if fended'the hierarchy from the practice of the this bill should pass, a justice of peace's house third, fourth, and fifth centuries, when the Rowould, like a quarter sessions, be crowded with man Empire became Christian; but Bancroft a multitude of informers; it was likewise divided off the bishops from the priesthood, and against Magna Charta, which entitles every advanced them into a superior order by Divine man to be tried by his peers, whereas by this act two witnesses before a justice of peace E Many of his works were translated into Dutch, were sufficient.t The bill, however, was en- Spanish, French, and Italian, and are still in estigrossed, and being put to the question, the noes mation in Germany. Mr. Orton, who by his mother's carried it by a single voice, upon which the side descended in a direct line from Mr. Perkins's yeas said the speaker was with them, which elder brother, speaks of him as an excellent writer, made the number even. The question was then clear and judicious, and recommends his works to all ministers, especiallyyoung ones, as affording large.put.hethr tmaterials for composition.-Orton's Letters to a Young ing carried in the negative, the bill miscar- Clergyman, p. 39, 40.-EnD. ried. t Bishop Warburton informs us, from Selden, de The convocation did nothing but give the Synedriis, that Erastus's famous book, De Excomqueen four subsidies, to be collected in four municatione, was purchased byWhitgift of Erastus's widow, in Germany, and put by him to the press in * Life of Whitgift, p. 546, 547. London, under fictitious names of the place and t Ibid., p. 547, 549. printer.-Supplemental Volume to Warburton's Works, t Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 667. p. 473.-ED. 214 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. right, with the sole power of ordination and the of mankind were narrow and confused, and dekeys of discipline; so that from this time there rived too much from the theocracy of the Jews, were reckoned three orders of clergy in the which was now at an end. Their behaviour English hierarchy, viz., bishops, priests, and was severe and rigid, far removed from the deacons. Thus the Church advanced in her fashionable freedoms and vices of the age: and claims, and removed by degrees to a greater possibly they might be too censorious, in not distance from the foreign Protestants. making those distinctions between youth and The controversy with the Puritans had only age, grandeur and mere decency, as the nature a small beginning, viz., the imposing of the po- and circumstances of things would admit; but pish habits and a few indifferent ceremonies; with all their faults, they were the most pious but it opened by degrees into a reformation of and devout people in the land; men of prayer, discipline, which all confessed was wanting; both in secret and public, as well as in their and at last the doctrinal articles were debated. families; their manner of devotion was fervent The queen and the later bishops would not part and solemn, depending on the assistance of the with a pin out of the hierarchy, nor leave a lat- Divine Spirit, not only to teach them how to itude in the most trifling ceremonies, but insist- pray, but what to pray for as they ought. They ed upon an exact uniformity both in doctrine had a profound reverence for the holy name of and ceremonies, that all might unite in the pub- God, and were great enemies not only to prolie standard. The Puritans, in their writings fane swearing, but to " foolish talking and jestand conferences, attempted to show the defects ing, which are not convenient;" they were of the establishment from Scripture, and from strict observers of the Christian Sabbath or the earliest ages of the Church; and what they Lord's Day, spending the whole of it in acts of suffered for it has been ih part related, the sus- public and private devotion and charity. It was pensions and deprivations of this long reign the distinguishing mark of a Puritan in these amounting to several thousands; but when it times, to see him going to church twice a day appeared that nothing would be abated, and that with his Bible under his arm: and while others penal laws were multiplied and rigorously exe- were at plays and interludes, at revels, or walkcuted, they endeavoured to erect a sort of vol- ing in the fields, or at the diversions of bowling untary discipline within the Church, for the ease fencing, &c., on the evening of the Sabbath, and satisfaction of their own consciences, being these, with their families, were employed in unwilling to separate; till at length the violence reading the Scriptures, singing psalms, catechiof persecution drove some of them into the ex- zing their children, repeating sermons, and praytremes of Brownism, which divided the Puri- er: nor was this only the work of the Lord's tans, and gave rise to a new controversy con- Day, but they had their hours of family devocerning the necessity of a separation from the tion on the week days, esteeming it their duty Established Church, of which we shall hear more to take care of the souls as well as the bodies hereafter; but under all their hardships, their of their servants. They were circumspect as loyalty to the queen was untainted, and their to all the excesses of eating, drinking, apparel, behaviour peaceable; they addressed the queen, and lawful diversions, being frugal in house. and Parliament, and bishops for relief at sundry keeping, industrious in their particular callings, times, and remonstrated against the arbitrary honest and exact in their dealings, and solicitproceedings of the spiritual court, making use ous to give to every one his own. These were of no other weapons but prayers and tears, at- the people who were branded with the name tended with Scripture and argument. of Precisians, Puritans, Schismatics, enemies The chief principles of the Puritans have to God and their country, and throughout the been already related: they were no enemies to course of this reign underwent cruel mockings, the name or: function of a bishop, provided he bonds, and imprisonment. was no more than 7rpoe'aT5c, or a stated presi- Sir Francis Walsingham has given a summadent of the college of presbyters in his diocess, ry account of the queen's policy towards them, and managed the affairs of it with their concur- in a letter to Monsieur Cretoy, which I shall rence and assistance. They did not object transcribe in his own words.* against prescribed forms of prayer, provided a "I find," says Sir Francis, " that the queen's latitude was indulged the minister to alter or vary some expressions, and to make use of a vary some expressions, and to make use of a Mr. Neal, in his Review, observes that Sir Franprayer of his own conception before and after cis wrote this letter as secretary of state and as the sermon: nor had they an aversion to any de- queen's servant, endeavouring to vindicate her behacent and distinct habits for the clergy that were viour towards Nonconformists to a foreign court; he not derived from popery; but, upon the whole, must be allowed, therefore, to put the most favourathey were the most resolute Protestants in the ble construction on his royal mistress's conduct, and nation, zealous Calvinists, warm and affection- acquit her in the best manner he is able. It also deate preachers, and determined enemies to po- serves to be remarked, that Sir Francis, dying April, 1590, did not see the severities of the last thirteen pery, and to everything that had a tendency to- years of Queen Elizabeth's reign, which were by wards it. years of Queen Elizabeth's reign, which were by wards it. much the sharpest and most cruel.-Neal's Review, It is not pretended that the Puritans were 4to edition, p. 875.-En. without their failings; no, they were men of Mr. Hallam says that this letter "is a very able like passions and infirmities with their adversa-'apology for the queen's government, and if the readries; and while they endeavoured to avoid one er should detect, as he doubtless may, sophistry in extreme, they might fall into another; their'reasoning and misstatement in fact, he will ascribe zeal for their platform of discipline would, I fear; both one and the other to the narrow spirit of the have betrayed them into the imposition ofit age with respect to civil and religious freedom, or to the circumstances of the writer-an advocate whose upon others, if it had been established by law. sovereign was his client!"- Const. Hist., i., 309. Their notions of the civil and religious rights -C. HI'STORY OF THE PURITANS. 215 proceedings, both against papists and Puritans, classes and subscriptions; when they descendare grounded upon these two principles;* ed into that vile and base means of defacing of "The one, that consciences are not to be the Church by ridiculous pasquils; when they forced, but to be won, and reduced.by force of began to make many subjects in doubt to take truth, with the aid of time and use of all good oaths, which is one of the fundamental parts of means of instruction and persuasion. justice in this land and in all places; when " The other, that causes of conscience, when they began both to vaunt of their strength, and they exceed their bounds, and grow to be mat- number of their partisans and followers, and to ter of faction, lose their nature: and that sov- use comminations, that their cause would preereign princes ought distinctly to punish their vail through uproar and violence, then it appractices and contempt, though coloured with peared to be no more zeal, no more conscience, the pretence of conscience and religion. but mere faction and division; and, therefore, "According to these principles, her'majesty though the state were compelled to hold somebehaved towards the papists with great mild- what a harder hand to restrain them than beness, not liking to make a window into their fore, yet was it with as great moderation as the hearts, except the abundance of them overflow- peace of the State or Church could permit. ed into overt acts of disobedience, in impugn- Thus her majesty has always observed the two ing her supremacy. When the pope excom- rules before mentioned, in dealing tenderly with municated her, she only defended herself against consciences, and yet in discovering faction from his bulls; but when she was threatened with conscience, and softness fiom singularity." an invasion, and the papists were altered from The false colourings of this letter are easily being papists in conscience to being papists in discerned: it admits that the consciences of faction, she was then obliged to provide severer men ought not to be forced but when they grow laws for the security of her people. into faction; that is, to an inconsistency with " For the other party, which have been offen- the peace and safety of the civil government; sive to the state, though in another degree, and was there anything like this in the petitions, and which call themselves Reformers, and we addresses, and submissive behaviour of the Pucommonly call Puritans, this hath been by the ritans. but they did not attend the consent of proceeding towards them: a great while, when the magistrate. Let the reader judge by the they inveighed against such abuses in the foregoing history whether they did not attend Church as pluralities, non-residents, and the and apply for it several years; and if, after all, like, their zeal was not condemned, only their the consent of the magistrate must be waited violence was sometimes censured. When they for before we follow the dictates of our conrefused the use of some ceremonies and rites sciences, it is easy to see there would have as superstitious, they were tolerated with much been no reformation in the Protestant world. connivance and gentleness; yea, when they But the queen's worst maxim was, that while called in question the superiority of bishops, she pretended not to force the consciences of and pretended to a democracy in the Church, her subjects, she obliged them, under the setheir propositions were considered, and by con- verest penalties, to come to church, and make trary writings debated and discussed; yet -all an outward profession of that way of worship this while it was perceived that their course which they inwardly disallowed. This was to was dangerous and very popular; as because establish hypocrisy by a law, and to force men papistry was odious, therefore it was ever in to deal falsely with God and their own contheir mouths, that they sought to purge the sciences in matters of the most solemn imporChurch from the relies of papistry, a thing ac- tance. ceptable to the people, who love ever to run Practical religion was during all this reign at from one extreme to another. a very low ebb, the greatest part of the clergy "Because multitudes of rogues and poverty being barely capable of reading prayers and a was an eyesore, and a dislike to every man, homily. In the remoter countries and villages, therefore they put into people's heads that, if the people were either papists, or no better discipline were planted, there would be no vag- than heathens. " If any among the clergy or abonds, no beggars, a thing very plausible; laity were remarkably pious, strict observers of and in like manner they promised the people the Sabbath, and declared enemies of profanemany of the impossible wonders of their disci- ness and popery," says Mr. Osburn, "they were pline; besides, they opened to the people a way either real Puritans, or branded with that into government by their consistories and pres- vidious name; and great numbers of the inferibyteries, a thing though in consequence no less or clergy and people, in cities and corporations, prejudicial to the liberties of private men than were of this number;" the conforming clergy to the sovereignty of princes, yet in first show lost ground; and the order of bishops, by spendvery popular; nevertheless, this, except it were ing their zeal more about the external forms of in some few that entered into extreme contempt, worship than in painful preaching and encourwas borne with, because they pretended in du- aging practical religion, grew into contempt; tiful manner to make propositions, and to leave popery gained ground in the country by the it to the providence of God and the authority of diligence of the missionaries, and the ignorance the magistrate. and laziness of the established clergy, while " But now, of late years, when there issued Puritanism prevailed in cities and corporations: from them [some] that affirmed the consent of so that, as Archbishop Parker observed, the the magistrate was not to be attended; when, queen was the only friend of the Church, and under pretence of a confession to avoid slander supported it by a vigorous execution of the peand imputations, they combined themselves by nal laws, and by resolving to admit of no motion for Reformation but what should arise * Burnet's Hist. Ref., vol iii., p. 419. from herself. 216 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Thus things continued to the queen's death; the difficulties in which it was involved at her her majesty was grown old and infirm, and un- accession; fbr preserving the Protestant Refder a visible decay of natural spirits, some say ormation against the potent attempts of the for the loss of the Earl of Essex, whom she had pope, the emperor, and the King of Spain lately beheaded, but others, from a just indigna- abroad, and the Queen of Scots and her popish tion to see herself neglected by those who were subjects at home, and for advancing the retoo ready to worship the rising sun. This threw nown of the English nation beyond any of her her into a melancholy state, attended with a predecessors. Her majesty held the balance of drowsiness and heaviness in all her limbs, power in Europe, and was in high esteem with which was followed with a loss of appetite, and all foreign princes the greatest part of her reign; all the marks of an approaching dissolution; and though her Protestant subjects were diviupon this she retired to Richmond; and having ded about church affairs, they all discovered a caused her inauguration ring, which was grown high veneration for her royal person and govinto the flesh and become painful, to be filed off, ernment; on which accounts she was the glory she languished till the 24th of March, and then of the age in which she lived, and will be thr died, in the seventieth year of her age, and admiration of posterity. forty-fifth of her reign. Considering the complexion of that series of Queen Elizabeth was a great and successful events through which Mr. Neal's History conprincess at home, and the support of the Prot- ducts the reader, he must be allowed to have estant interest abroad while it was in its in- drawn the character of Queen Elizabeth with fancy; for without her assistance neither the great fairness and candour. A later ecclesiasHuguenots in France nor the Dutch Reformers tical historian, a learned writer of our estabcould have stood their ground; she assisted lishment, has described the leading features of the Protestants of Scotland against their popish her reign and principles in stronger and bolder queen, and the princes of Germany against the terms of reprobation. With Mr. Neal, he has emperor, while at the same time she demanded allowed her the merit of " being a wise and polan absolute submission from her own subjects, itic princess, for delivering the kingdom from and would not tolerate that religion at home the difficulties in which it was involved at her which she countenanced and supported abroad. accession, for preserving the Protestant ReforAs to her own religion, she affected a middle mation against the potent enemies which atway between popery and Puritanism, though tempted to destroy it, and for advancing the her majesty was more inclined to the former; renown of the English nation beyond any of her disliking the secular pretensions of the court of predecessors;" yet he taxes her with many Rome over foreign states, though she was in flagrant instances of weakness and misrule in love with the pomp and splendour of their wor- which her ministers had no share, and which ship; on the other hand, she approved of the they had neither power nor interest enough to doctrines of the foreign Reformed churches, but prevent. Having enumerated these, to them, thought they had stripped religion too much of he observes, must be added, " the severity with its ornaments, and made it look with an un- which she treated her Protestant subjects by friendly aspect upon the sovereign power. of her High Commission Court, against law, against princes. She understood not the rights of con- liberty, and against the rights of human nature. science in matters of religion, and is, therefore, If these are not," says he, " flagrant instances justly chargeable with persecuting principles. of weakness and misrule to which her ministers More sanguinary laws were made in her reign never encouraged, but ofttimes dissuaded her than in any of her predecessors'; her hands as far as they durst, and which were not owing were stained with the blood of papists and Pu- to sudden starts of passion, but to her own tyritans; the former were executed for denying rannical disposition, then all arbitrary power her supremacy, and the latter for sedition or may be defended as just and lawful. The pasnonconformity. Her greatest admirers blame sion of Elizabeth was to preserve her crown her for plundering the Church of its revenues, and prerogative; and every measure which she and for keeping several sees vacant many years herself directed, or approved when projected by together for- the sake of their profits; as the her ministers, was subservient to these two bishoprics of Ely, Oxford, and others, which purposes." To this account "we are to place last was without a bishop for twenty-two years. all the measures which she directed, and she The queen was devout at prayers, yet seldom alone, against the disturbers of the uniformity or never heard sermons except in Lent, and which was established. To her alone it was would often say that two or three preachers in owing at first, and not to her bishops, that no a county were sufficient. She had high notions concession or indulgence was granted to tender of the sovereign authority of princes, and of her consciences. She understood her prerogative, own absolute supremacy in church affairs; and which was as dear to her as her crown and life; being of opinion that methods of severity were but she understood nothing of the rights of conlawful to bring her subjects to an outward uni- science in matters of religion, and, like the abformity, she countenanced all the engines of surd king her father, she would have no opinion persecution, such as spiritual courts, High Com- in religion acknowledged, at least, but her own. mission, and Star Chamber, and stretched her She restored the Reformation, it is true, and, I prerogative to support them beyond the laws believe, restored it upon principle; she was and against the sense of the nation.* However, likewise at the head of the Protestant religion notwithstanding all these blemishes, Queen abroad, in assisting those who professed it in Elizabeth stands upon record as a wise and France and the Netherlands, as well as Scotland, politic princess, for delivering the kingdom from and it was her interest to do so; but where her..-......interest called upon her to neglect the Reformed * Fuller's Worthies, b. ii., p. 213. religion, she did it without scruple. She differ HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 217 ed from her sister in this, that she would not a conscientious adherence to the dictates of their part with her supremacy upon any terms; and, own minds, the integrity which would not allow as she had much greater abilities for govern- them to adopt habits or ceremonies that they ing, so she applied herself more to promote thought or suspected to be sinful, should not be the strength and glory of her dominion than reproached, but applauded. An apostle would Mary did; but she had as much of the bigot on such an occasion have said, that "Whatev. and tyrant in her as her sister, though the ob- er is not of faith is sin;" and " Happy is he thai ject of that bigotry was prerogative, and not condemneth not himself in that thing which he religion."* alloweth." Why should the rejection, or even If facts have any meaning and force, those a hesitation about the use of habits, which had which we have now reviewed abundantly con- no Divine authority, but a popish original, and firm this representation of the spirit and princi- by the mystical signification affixed to them led ples of Queen Elizabeth. Yet a celebrated mod- to superstition, be resolved into weakness and ern writert has resolved her conduct to her Pu- want of judgment 1 It argued rather a true ritan subjects into " her good taste, which gave discernment, a just estimate of things, and a her a sense of order and decorum, and her sound comprehensive view of the tendency and progjudgment, which taught her to abhor innova- ress of superstition, when once admitted. tions." What! Can the severest acts of op- The weakness, I should conceive, lay on the pression and cruelty, can a series of arbitrary other side, where these things were held in such and unfeeling outrages committed against the high account, and deemed of such essential im property, lives, and rights of men, take shelter portance, as to be the ground of the severest under the sanction of good taste and a sound laws to enforce the use of them. The cruelty judgment? "Nature and religion reclaim." of the imposition aside, the very imposition itself If," says an accurate and judicious writer, " it was folly. For a mighty prince, a convocation be once laid down as a maxim that a sound of the clergy, a bench of bishops, and the Legisjudgment will teach a monarch to abhor inno- lature of the nation, to give all their attention to vations, and if his power be but little subject to support the reputation of the wearing of a hood control, one does not know to what lengths it and a surplice; to employ all the earnestness might proceed, so as to be extended not only in of their minds, the weight of their character, matters of church government, but likewise, per- and the dignity of their rank, about such little haps, against those who would introduce'en- things, this is a ridiculous transaction; it belarged,' or, rather, libertine' sentiments,' about trays the thoughts andpassions of a child. But religion. Such persons, I doubt, would soon when to this impotence of judgment oppression give up the wisdom and equity of this maxim and tyranny are added, our indignation is raised! concerning innovations, if they were in danger It is an argument of the rationality and good of having the concluding section of the 35th sense of the general principles by which the of Elizabeth, cap. i., put in execution against Puritans professed to be governed, that " these them."$ very principles," as a late writer observes, Another writer has thrown the blame of the " were the same which rightly influenced the separation from the Church of England, and of conduct of the Reformers in other instances; the evils of which it was productive, on the Pu- for example, in their removing the altars out of ritans. "' It was more owing to the weakness the churches and setting up tables in the place and want of judgment in the Puritans, who could of them.* Namely, that thb retaining altars think such things were sinful about which the would serve only to nourish in the people's Scriptures were wholly silent, and who desired minds the superstitious opinion of a propitiatory a great majority to give way to the humour of a mass, and would administer an occasion of offew, than to the superstition and want of tem- fence and division." A like argument in relaper in the queen and the archbishop, who could tion to the ancient habits was argued by Bishop press such indifferent rites with that severity, Hooper so early as the year 1550;t and it was before the minds of men had time to be recon- thought of weight in 1562 by one half of the ciled to them."~ To this representation it may House of Convocation.t be replied, Was it anything unreasonable that The conduct of the Puritans, it appears from the few should desire the majority not to oppress hence, was wisely adapted to the times in which and bind their consciences in matters about they lived: in which the habits had a tendencJ which, it was allowed, the Scriptures were si- and influence that rendered the contest about lent, and, of course, where Christ had left them them far from being such a frivolous affair aa free 1 Or could it be deemed weakness and many are now disposed to consider it. For want of judgment, that they requested only to then a mystical signification was affixed to them be permitted to stand fast in this liberty 1 Need by the Church of Rome, and there was a prea Protestant divine be reminded that to add to vailing notion of their necessity and efficacy in the religion of Christ is sinful; and to enforce the administration of the clergy. It is also evthese additions, and by severe penalties, is to ident that they gave the queen and her courexercise a forbidden jurisdiction in his Church i tiers a handle to establish and exercise a despotCan it be deemed weakness and want of judg- ic power: they were the instruments by which ment to see this criminality, and to resist this the Court of High Commission endeavoured to yoke 1 But if to scruple the use of the habits rivet on the people the chains of tyranny. The indicated weakness and want of judgment, yet opposition of the Puritans, therefore, may be vindicated on the largest principles. It was a * Warner's Ecclesiastical History of England, bold and vigorous stand against arbitrary powvol. ii., p. 474, 475. t Mr. Hume. $ Letters on Mr. Hume's History of Great Britain, * See our author, p. 56, of this volume. printed at Edinburgh, 1756, p. 226. t See the same, p. 103. ~ Warner's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii., p. 431. $ Letters on Mr. Hume's History, p. 212, 213. VOL. I.-E E 218 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. er, which justly calls for resistance in its first as binding upon the subject as an act of Parlia. outset and its most trivial demands, if men ment, which the whole nation exclaimed against, would not give it room to place its foot and as a mark of the vilest slavery."* erect its banner. It is a pertinent and very sen- Such oppression, such violent outrages against sible remark of a great author, " that our ances- the security, the conscience, and the; lives of tors, the old Puritans, had the same merit in men, were sufficient to irritate their minds, and opposing the imposition of the surplice that to provoke them to reviling and abuslive lanHampden had in opposing the levying of ship- guage. Much allowance should be lnade for money. In neither case was the thing itself men who were galled and inflamed by severe objected to so much as the authority that en- sufferings. But, independently of this considjoined it, and the danger of the precedent. And eration, we should judge of the strain and spirit it appears to us that the man who is as tena- of their writings, not by the more polite mancious of his religious as he is of his civil liber- ners and liberal spirit of the present age, but by ty, will oppose them both with equal firmness."' the times in which they lived; when, on all The reign of' Queen Elizabeth affords many subjects, a coarse and rough, and even abusive instances of the connexion between civil and style, was common from authors of learning and religious liberty, and furnishes striking docu- rank. Bishop Aylmer, in a sermon at court, ments of her disposition and endeavours to vio- speaking of the fair sex, said, "Women are of late both. In this view the behaviour of the two sorts: some of them are wiser, better learnPuritans was eventually attended with the most ed, discreeter, and more constant, than a numimportant effects. Mr. Hume, who treats their ber of men; but another and a worse sort of principles as frivolous and their conduct as ri- them, and the most part, are fond, foolish, wandiculous, has bestowed on them, at the same ton -flibbergibs, tattlers, triflers, wavering, wittime, the highest eulogium his pen could well less, without counsel, feeble, careless, rash, dictate. " So absolute," says he, " was the au- proud, dainty, nice, talebearers, eavesdroppers, thority of the crown, that the precious spark of rumour-raisers, evil-tongued, worse-minded, and liberty had been kindled, and was preserved, by' in every wise doltified with the dregs of the devthe Puritans alone; and it was to this sect that il's dunghill."t If a bishop, when preaching the English owe the whole freedom of their Con- before the queen, could clothe his sentiment in stitution."t such words, on a subject where this age would While it is not asserted that all the Puritans study peculiar politeness of style, can we wonacted upon such enlarged views of things; while der that reviling language should proceed, in the it is granted that the " notions" of numbers, warmth of controversy, from those who were probably of the majority, of them concerning suffering under the rod of oppressionS' "' the civil and religious rights of mankind, were The other side, who had not the same provodark and confused;" yet it should be allowed cations, did not come behind the most abusive that some of them, for instance, Fox the mar- of the Puritan writers in this kind of oratory. tyrologist, acted upon liberal principles; and all In a tract ascribed to Archbishop Parker, the of them felt the oppression of the day, so as, Nonconformists are described and condemned by their own experience of its iniquity and evils, as " schismatics, bellie-gods, deceivers, flatterto be instigated to oppose them; though they ers, fools, such as have been unlearnedlie brought did not apply the principles, which were thus up in profane occupations; puffed up in arrogenerated in the mind, to their full extent. gancie of themselves, chargeable to vanities of The charge brought against the Puritans for assertions: of whom it is feared that they make satirical pamphlets, libels, and abusive language, posthaste to be Anabaptists and libertines, gone was in some instances well founded, but it by out from us, but belike never of us; differing no means, justly, lay against the whole party. not much from Donatists, shrinking and refusing "' The moderate Puritans publicly disowned the ministers of London; disturbers, factious, wilful libels for which they were accused, yet they entanglers, and encumberers of the consciences were brought before the Star Chamber. The of their herers, girdirs, nippers, scoffers, biters, determinations of this court were not according snappers at superiors, having the spirit of irony, to any statute law of the land, but according to like to Audiani, smelling of Donatistrie, or of the queen's will and pleasure; yet they were Papistrie, Rogatianes, Circumcellians, and Pelagians.":t * Dr. Priestley's View of the Principles and Con- agias duct of the Protestant Dissenters, page 66. * Warner's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii., p. 463. t Hume's History of England, vol. v., p. 189, 8vo, t British Biography, vol. iii., p. 239. ed. 1763. 1 Pierce's Vindication of the Dissenters, p. 62. P R E FAC E TO VOL. II. OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION. THE favourable acceptance of the first volume of this work has encouraged me to publish a second, which carries the history forward to the beginning of the civil war, when the two Houses of Parliament wrested the spiritual sword out of the hands of the king and bishops, and assumed the supremacy to themselves. There had been a cessation of controversy for some time before the death of Queen Elizabeth, the Puritans being in hopes, upon the accession of a king that had been educated in their own principles, to obtain an easy redress of their grievances; and certainly no prince ever had so much in his power to compromise the differences of the Church as King James I. at the conference of Hampton Court; but, being an indolent and vainglorious monarch, he became a willing captive to the bishops, who flattered his vanity, and put that maxim into his head, " No bishop, no king." The creatures of the court, in lieu of the vast sums of money they received out of the exchequer, gave him the flattering title of an absolute sovereign, and, to supply his extravagances, broke through the Constitution, and laid the foundation of all the calamities of his son's reign; while himself, sunk into luxury and ease, became the contempt of all the powers of Europe. If King James had any principles of religion besides what he called kingcraft or dissimulation, he changed them with the climate, for from a rigid Calvinist he became a favourer of Arminianism in the latter part of his reign; from a Protestant of the purest kirk upon earth, a doctrinal papist; and from a disgusted Puritan, the most implacable enemy of that people, putting all the springs of the prerogative in motion to drive them out of both kingdoms. But, instead of accomplishing his designs, the number of Puritans increased prodigiously in his reign, which was owing to one or other of these causes. First. To the standing firm by the Constitution and laws of their country, which brought over to them all those gentlemen in the House of Commons, and in the several counties of England, who found it necessary, for the preservation of their properties, to oppose the court, and to insist upon being governed according to law; these were called State Puritans. Secondly. To their steady adherence to the doctrines of Calvin and the Synod of Dort, in the points of predestination and grace, against the modern interpretations of Arminius and his followers. The court divines fell in with the latter, and were thought not only to deviate from the principles of the first Reformers, but to attempt a coalition with the Church of Rome; while most of the country clergy, being stiff in their old opinions (though otherwise well enough affected to the discipline and ceremonies of the Church), were, in a manner, shut out from all preferment, and branded with the name of Doctrinal Puritans. Thirdly. To their pious and severe manner of life, which was at this time very extraordinary. If a man kept the Sabbath and frequented sermons; if he maintained family religion, and would neither swear, nor be drunk, nor comply with the fashionable vices of the times, he was called a Puritan; this, by degrees, procured them the compassion of the sober part of the nation, who began to think it very hard that a number of sober, industrious, and conscientious people should be harassed out of the land for scrupling to comply with a few 220 PREFACE. indifferent ceremonies, which had no relation to the favour of God or the practice of virtue. Fourthly. It has been thought by some that their increase was owing to the mild and gentle government of Archbishop Abbot. While Bancroft lived, the Puritans were used with the utmost rigour; but Abbot, having a greater concern for the doctrines of the Church than for its ceremonies, relaxed the penal laws, and connived at their proselyting the people to Calvinism. Arminianism was at this time both a Church and State faction; the divines of this persuasion, apprehending their sentiments not very consistent with the received sense of the Thirty-nine Articles, and being afraid of the censures of a parliament or a convocation, took shelter under the prerogative, and went into all the slavish measures of the court to gain the royal favour, and to secure to their friends the chief preferments in the Church. They persuaded his majesty to stifle the predestinarian controversy, both in the pulpit and press, and would no doubt, in a few years, have got the balance of numbers on their side, if, by grasping at too much, they had not precipitated both Church and State into confusion. It was no advantage to those divines that they were linked with the Roman Catholics, for these being sensible they could not be protected by law, cried up the prerogative, and joined the forces with the court divines, to support the dispensing power; they declared for the unlimited authority of the sovereign on the one hand, and the absolute obedience of the subject on the other; so that, though there is no real connexion between Arminianism and popery, the two parties were unhappily combined at this time to destroy the Puritans, and to subvert the Constitution and laws of their country. But if Abbot was too remiss, his successor, Laud, was as much too furious, for in the first year of his government he introduced as many changes as a wise and prudent statesman would have attempted in seven;I he prevailed with his majesty to set up the English service at Edinburgh, and laid the foundation of the Scotch Liturgy; he obtained the revival of the Book of Sports; he turned the communion-tables into altars; he sent out injunctions which broke up the French and Dutch churches; and procured the repeal of the Irish Articles, and those of England to be received in their place. Such was his rigorous persecution of the Puritans, that he would neither suffer them to live peaceably in the land, nor remove quietly out of it! His grace was also the chief mover in all those unbounded acts of power which were subversive of the rights and liberties of the people; and while he had the reins in his hands, drove so near the precipices of popery and tyranny, that the hearts of the most resolved Protestants turned against him, and almost all England became Puritan. I am sensible that no part of modern history has been examined with so much critical exactness as that part of the reign of King Charles I. which relates to the rise and progress of the civil war; here the writers on both sides have blown up their passions into a flame, and, instead of history, have given us little else but panegyric or satire. I have endeavoured to avoid extremes, and have represented things as they appeared to me, with modesty, and without any personal reflections. The character I have given of the religious principles of the Long Parliament was designedly taken out of the Earl of Clarendon's History of the Grand Rebellion, that it might be without exception: and I am of opinion that the want of due acquaintance with the principles of the two houses with regard to Church discipline has misled our best historians, who have represented some of them as zealous prelatists, and others as cunning Presbyterians, Independents, sectaries, &c., whereas, in truth, they had these matters very little at heart. The king was hampered with notions of the Divine right of diocesan episcopacy, but the two houses (excepting the bishops) were, almost to a man, of the principles of Erastus, who maintained that Christ and his apostles had prescribed no particular form of discipline for his Church in after ages, but had left the keys in the hands of the civil magistrate, who had the sole power of punishing transgressors, and of appointing such par* Heylin's Life of Laud, p. 506. PREFACE. 221 ticular forms of Church government from time to time as were most subservient to the peace and welfare of the commonwealth. Indeed, these were the sentiments of our Church-reformers from Archbishop Cranmer down to Bancroft. And though the Puritans, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, wrote with great eagerness for the Divine right of their Book of Discipline, their posterity in the next reigns were more cool upon that head, declaring their satisfaction, if the present episcopacy might be reduced to a more primitive standard. This was the substance of the ministers' petition in the year 1641, signed with seven hundred hands. And even those who were for root and branch were willing to submit to a parliamentary reformation, till the Scots revived the-notion of Divine right in the assembly of divines. However, it is certain the two houses had no attachment to Presbytery or Independency, but would have compromised matters with the king upon the episcopal scheme as long as his majesty was in the field; but when victory had declared on their side, they complied in some measure with their Northern friends, who had assisted them in the war, but would never part with the power of the keys out of their own hands. If the reader will keep this in mind, he will easily account for the several revolutions of Church government in these unsettled times. It is not to be expected that the most disinterested writer of these affairs should escape the censures of different parties; I thought I had already suf ficently expressed my intentions in publishing the History of the Puritans; but because it has been insinuated in a late pamphlet that it looked like a plot against the ecclesiastical constitution,* I think it proper to assure the world once for all, that what I have written is with no ill spirit or design against the peace of the Church or nation; that I have no private or party views; no patron; no associates; nor other prospects of reward than the pleasure of setting the English Reformation in a true light, and of beating down some of the fences and enclosures of conscience. Nor can there be any inconvenience in remembering the mistakes of our ancestors, when all the parties concerned are gone off the stage, and their families reconciled by intermarriages; but it may be of some use and benefit to mankind, by enabling them to avoid those rocks on which their forefathers have split. When I am convinced of any mistakes or unfair representations, I shall not be ashamed to retract them before the world; but FACTS are stubborn things, and will not bend to the humours and inclinations of artful and angry men: if these have been disguised or misreported, let them be set right in a decent manner, without the mean surmises of plots and confederacies; and whoever does it shall have mine as well as the thanks of the public. I have no controversy with the present Church of England, which has abandoned, in a great measure, the persecuting principles of former times; for though I am not unacquainted with the nature and defects of religious establishments, yet neither my principles nor inclinations will allow me to give them the least disturbance, any farther than they impose upon conscience, or intrench upon the rights of civil society. If the Presbyterians or Independents have been guilty of such practices in their turns, I shall freely bear my testimony against them, and think I may do it with a GOOD GRACE, since I have always declared against restraints upon conscience among all parties of Christians;t but if men will vindicate the justice and equity of oaths ex officio, and of exorbitant fines, imprisonment, and banishment for things in their own nature indifferent; if they will call a relation of the illegal severities of council-tables, star chambers, and high commissions a satire against the present establishment, they must use their liberty, as I shall mine, in appearing against ecclesiastical oppression, from what quarter soever it comes. I have freely censured the mistakes of the Puritans in Queen Elizabeth's reign; nor will I be their advocate any longer than they have Scripture, reason, and some degree of good manners on their side. If it shall at any time appear that the body of them lived in contempt of all lawful authority, or bid * Expostulatory Letter, p. 29, 30. t Ibid., p. 12. 222 PREFACE. defiance to the laws of their country, except in such cases wherein their consciences told them it was their duty to obey God rather than man; if they were guilty of rebellion, sedition, or of abandoning the queen and the Protestant religion when it was in danger, let them bear their own reproach; but as yet I must be of opinion that they were the best friends of the Constitution and liberties of their country; that they were neither unquiet nor restless, unless against tyranny in the state and oppression upon the conscience; that they made use of no other weapons, during a course of fourscore years, but prayers to God and petitions to the Legislature for redress of their grievances, it being an article of their belief that absolute submission was due to the supreme magistrate in all things lawful, as will sufficiently appear by their protestations in the beginning of the reign of King James I. I have admitted that the Puritans might be too stiff and rigid in their behaviour; that they were unacquainted with the rights of conscience; and that their language to their superiors, the bishops, was not always decent and mannerly: oppression maketh wise men mad. But surely the depriving, imprisoning, and putting men to death for these things will not be vindicated in our times. In the preface to the first volume of this history, I mentioned with pleasure the growing sentiments of religious liberty in the Church of England, but como plained of the burden of subscriptions upon the clergy, and of the corporation and test acts as prejudicial to the cause of religion and virtue among the laity; for which reasons the Protestant Dissenters throughout England intended to petition for a repeal or amendment of these acts the ensuing session of Parliament, if they had met with any encouragement from their superiors, or had the least prospect of success. The sacramental test is, no doubt, a distinguishing mark of reproach which they have not deserved; and, I humbly conceive, no very great security to the Church of England, unless it can be supposed that one single act of occasional conformity can take off the edge of all their imagined aversion to the hierarchy, who worship all the rest of the year among Nonconformists. Nor can the repeal of these acts be of any considerable advantage to the body of Dissenters, because not one in five hundred can expect to reap any private benefit by it to himself or family; their zeal, therefore, in this cause must arise principally from a regard to the liberties of their country, and a desire of rescuing one of the most sacred rights of Christianity from the profanation to which it is exposed. But it seems this will not be believed till the Dissenters propose some other pledge and security by which the end and intent of the sacramental test may be equally attained; for (says a late writer*) the Legislature never intended them any share of trust or power in the government; and he hopes never will, till they see better reasons for it than hath hitherto appeared. Must the Dissenters, then, furnish the Church with a law to exclude themselves from serving their king and country. Let the disagreeable work be undertaken by men that are better skilled in such unequal severities. I will not examine into the intent of the Legislature in this place; but if Protestant Nonconformists are to have no share of trust or power in the government, why are they chosen into such offices, and subject to fines and penalties for declining them? Is it for not serving l-this, it seems, is what the Legislature never intended. Is it, then, for not qualifying — surely this is a penalty upon conscience. I would ask the warmest advocate for the sacramental test whether the appointing Protestant Dissenters for sheriffs of counties, and obliging them to qualify against their consciences under the penalties of a premunire, without the liberty of serving by a deputy or of commuting by a fine, is consistent with so full a toleration and exemption from penal laws as this writert says they enjoy! It is true, a good government may take no advantage of this power, but in a bad one men must qualify, or their liberties and estates lie at the king's mercy; it seems, therefore, but reasonable (whatever the intent of the Legislature may be), that Protestant Dissenters should be admitted to serve their country with * History of the Test, p 16, 23, 25. t History of the Test, p. 25. PREFACE. 223 a good conscience in offices of trust as well as of burden, or be exempted from all pains and penalties for not doing it.* It is now pretty generally agreed, that receiving the holy sacrament merely as a qualification for a place of civil profit or trust is contrary to the ends of its institution, and a snare to the consciences of men;t for though the law is open, and " they who obtain offices in the state know beforehand the conditions of keeping them," yet when the bread of a numerous family depends upon a qualification which a man cannot be satisfied to comply with, it is certainly a snare; and though I agree with our author, that "if the minds of such per sons are wicked, the law does not make them so," yet I am afraid it hardens them, and makes them a great deal worse. How many thousand come to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper with reluctance! and, perhaps, eat and drink judgment to themselves, the guilt of which must be chargeable either upon the imposers or receivers, or upon both. Methinks, therefore, charity to the souls of men, as well as a concern for the purity of our holy religion, should engage all serious Christians to endeavour the removal of this grievance; and since we are told that the appearing of the Dissenters at this time is unseasonable, and will be ineffectual, I would humbly move our right reverenc fathers the bishops not to think it below their high stations and dignities to consider of some expedient to roll away this reproach from the Church and nation, and agree upon some security for the former (if needful) of a civil nature, that may leave room (as King William expresses it in his speech to his first Parliament) for the admission of all Protestants that are able and willing to serve their country. The honour of Christ and the cause of public virtue seem to require it; and forasmuch as the influence of these acts affects great numbers of the laity in a very tender part, I should think it no dishonour for the several corporations in England, as well as for the officers of the army, navy, customs, and excise, who are more peculiarly concerned, to join their interests in petitioning the Legislature for such relief. And I flatter myself that the wise and temperate behaviour of the Protestant Dissenters in their late general assembly in London, with the dutiful regard that they have always shown to the peace and welfare of his majesty's person, family, and government, will not fail to recommend them to the royal protection and favour; and that his most excellent majesty, in imitation of his glorious predecessor, King William III., will, in a proper time, recommend it to his Parliament to strengthen his administration, by taking off those restraints which at present disable his Protestant Dissenting subjects from showing their zeal in the service of their king and country. DANIEL NEAL. London, March 6, 1732-3. * It should be mentioned to the honour of Bishop Warburton, who was an advocate for a test, though not a sacramental test, that to this proposal, that i" Dissenters should be exempted from all pains and penalties for not serving their country in offices of trust," he gave his hearty assent by adding in the margin, most certainly I-ED. + History of the Test, p. 22. AD VE R TISE ME NT TO VOL. II. OF DR. TOULMIN'S EDITION. THE editor, in revising the first volume of Mr. Neal's " History of the Purl tans," was greatly assisted by the author's "Review of the principal factsob,jected to in that volume." In,the volume which is now presented to the public, such aid fails him, as it will also in the succeeding ones, since Dr. Grey's " Examination" did not make its appearance till the declining state of Mr. Neal's health prevented his farther vindication of his work. The justice due to Mr. Neal's memory and to truth required the editor to attempt what could have been done by the author himself with much greater advantage than at this distance of time from the first statement of the facts, by one who cannot come at all the authorities on which Mr. Neal spake. He has endeavoured, however, to acquit himself with care and impartiality in the examination of Dr. Grey's animadversions, and is not aware that he has passed over any material strictures, extended through a volume of four hundred pages. Though Dr. Grey's* "Examination" may be now little known or sought after, it received, at its first publication, the thanks of many divines of the first eminence, particularly of Dr. Gibson, then Bishop of London, and of Dr. Sherlock, then Bishop of Salisbury. The latter prelate, writing to the doctor, said, "It is happy that Mr. Neal's account appeared when there was one so well versed in the history, and so able to correct the errors and prejudices. The service you have done must be considered as a very important one by all the friends of the constitution of the Church of England."t From the notes in the following pages, the reader will be able to form a judgment whether the encomium bestowed on Dr. Grey's work proceeded from a careful investigation of his remarks, and a comparison of them with Mr. Neal's History and vouchers, or from bias to a cause. In the editor's apprehensions, the value of Mr. Neal's history and its authorities is, so far as he has proceeded, heightened by the comparison. In his advertisement to the first volume, he made a great mistake in ascribing the quarto edition of" The History of the Puritans" to the author himself, who died about twelve years before its appearance. ~It was given to the public by his worthy son, Mr. Nathaniel Neal, of the Million Bank, and is generally esteemed very correct. There has been pointed out to the editor a slight error of Mr. Neal, vol. i., p. 183, who says that Bishop Jewel was educated in Christ's College, Oxford, whereas, according to Fuller and Wood, he was of Corpus Christi. The editor has been asked,J on what authority, in the biographical account of Mr. Tomkins, subjoined to p. 17 of the "Memoirs of Mr. Neal," he charged Mr, Asty,~ on making an exchange with Mr. Tomkins, one Lord's day, with "alarming the people with the danger of pernicious errors and damnable heresies creeping in among the Dissenters, and particularly referring to errors concerning the doctrine of Christ's divinity." On examining the matter, he finds that he has used the very words, as well as written on the authority, of Mr. Tomkins, who spoke on the information he * Dr. Zachary Grey was of a Yorkshire family, originally from France; he was rector of Houghton Conquest, in Bedfordshire, and vicar of St. Peter's and St. Giles's parishes in Cambridge, where he usually passed all his winter, and the rest of his time at Ampthill, the neighbouring market-town to his living. He died November 25, 1766, at Ampthill, in the seventy-ninth year of his age, and was buried at Houghton Conquest. He was of a most amiable, sweet, and communicative disposition, most friendly to his acquaintance, and never better pleased than when performing acts of friendship and benevolence. His publications were numerous.-Anecdotes of Bowyer, p. 354. t See Anecdotes of Bowyer, p. 356, note.: By the Rev. Thomas Towle, a dissenting minister of eminence among the Independents, in an interview, at which the editor was very politely received, and which took place at Mr. Towle's desire, in consequence of a letter written to him by a friend on the subject of the above charge. f Mr. Asty was grandson of Mr. Robert Asty, who was ejected from Stratford, in Suffolk. He had, good natural parts, and by spiritual gifts, and considerable attainments in literature, was richly furnished for his ministerial province. He was perceived to have drunk very much into the sentiments and spirit of Dr. Owen, who was his favourite author. The amiable traits of his character were a sweetness of temper, an affectionate sympathy in the afflictions and prosperity of others, a familiarity and condescension of deportment, and a disposition to cast a mantle over the failings of others, and to ask pardon for his own. He died Jan. 20, 1729-30, aged 57.-Dr. Guyse'sfuneral sermon for him. VOL. I.-F F .%226 ADVET I S E MENT.;had:'re.:i.vd'.d cnceriAin:g the tienour and strain, of Mr. Asty's serionr; and adds,'tht:.l M.r. Asty -himself' aft.erward a clknowledged to him, " that the information /ii;i.:.'fe'r.a] ~was true, viz., that he. spale of damnable heresies, ind applied those tex:t's,2Pet., ii., l'; Jude, verse 4, or, at least, one, to the new doctrines about the'de'ity of'Christ, that were now, as he apprehended, secretly spreading." Mr.- Tomkins was also~told'that Mr. Asty was very warm upon these points; 6out he subjoins, "I must d6 Mr. Asty this justice, to acquaint qthers'that he had. io particular view to mr'e, or suspicion. of me, when he brought down this sermon, smbong others, to Newington.' As he had an; apprehension of the danger of those errors, and of the' spreading of them at that time, he thought it might be'seasonable to preach'such a sermon anywhere." When another gentleman, hgwever, put themnatter more closely to him, he could not denry that he had some intimafion of a suspicion of Mr. Tomkins. But from the assurance Mr, Asty gaie. Mr. Tomkins, candour will be ready to conclude that he did not greatly credit the intimation. Mr. Towle, who was a successor to Mr. Asty in the pastoral office, could scarcely suppose that he could be guilty of a conduct so remote from the amiable and pacific character he always bore, and from the delineation of it in the funeral sermon for him by Dr. Guyse, who, I find, says of him, "I have with pleasure observed a remarkable tenderness in his spirit, as judging the state of those that differed from him, even in points which he took to be of very great importance." It will be right to add Mr. Toinkins's declaration with respect to Mr. Asty's views: " I never had a thought that he preached his sermon out of any particular personal prejudice against me, but really believed that he did it from a zeal for what he apprehended to be truth necessary to salvation. Though I am persuaded, in my own mind, that this zeal of his in this matter is a mistaken zeal, I do nevertheless respect him as a Christian and a minister." In the memoirs of Mr. Neal, we mentioned his letter to the Rev. Dr. Francis Hare, dean of Worcester. The editor has lately met with this piece; it does the author credit, for it is written with ability and temper. He is inclined to give a passage from it, as a specimen of the force of argument it shows, and as going to the foundation of our ecclesiastical establishment. The dean contended for submission to the authority of the rightful governors of the Church, whom he defined to be "an ecclesiastical consistory of presbyters, with their bishop at their head." Mr. Neal, to show that this definition does not apply to the Church of England, replies: "'Now, taking all this for granted, what an argument have you put into the mouths of the Dissenters to justify their separation from the present establishment!" "For is there anything like this to be found there. Isi the Church of England governed by a bishop and his presbyters 1 Is not the king the fountain of all ecclesiastical authority? And has he not power to make ordinances which shall bind the clergy without their consent, under the penalty of a premunire] Does not his majesty nominate the bishops, summon convocations, and prorogue them at pleasure. When the convocations of Canterbury and York are assembled, can they debate upon any subject without the king's license, or make any canons that can bind the people without an act of Parliament? The bishops, in their several courts, can determine nothing in a judicial manner about the faith, there lying an appeal from them to the king, who decides it by his commissioners in the Court of Delegates. "Now, though this may be a wise and prudent institution, yet it can lay no claim to antiquity, because the civil magistrate was not Christian for three hundred years after our Saviour; and, consequently, the Dissenters, who are for reducing religion to the standard of the Bible, can be under no obligation to conform to it. We have a divine precept to oblige us to do whatsoever Christ and his apostles have commanded us, but I find no passage of Scripture that obliges us to be of the religion of the state we happen to be born in. If there be any such obligation on the English Dissenters, it must arise only from the laws of their country, which can have no influence upon them at present, those iaws having been iong since suspended by the Act of Indulgence." PART II. CHAPTER I. men, and barons, to stand to your purity, and to exhort the people to do the sane.; and I, forFROM THE DEMISE OF QUEEN ELIZABETH TO THE sooth, as long as I brook my life, shall maintain DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP BANCROFT. the same."* In his speech to the Parliament, THE royal house of the Stuarts has not been 1598, he tells them " that he minded not to bring more calamitous to the Englis.h Church and na- in papistical or Anglicane bishops."t Nay, upon tion in the male descendants, than. successful his leaving Scotland to take possession of the and glorious in the female. The four kings of crown of England, he gave public thanks to God this line, while in power, were declared ene- in the kirk of Edinburgh, " that he had left both mies of our civil constitution; they governed kirk and kingdom in that state which he inwithout law, levied taxes by the prerogative, tended not to alter any ways, his subjects living and endeavoured to put an end to the very being in peace."T But all this was kingcraft, or else of Parliaments. With,-regard to religion, the his majesty changed his principles with the clifirst two were neither sound Protestants nor mate. The Scots ministers did not approach good Catholics, but were for reconciling the two him with the distant submission and reverence religions, and meeting the papists half way; but of the English bishops, and therefore within nine the last two went over entirely to the ChurCh of months after he ascended the throne of England Rome, and died professedly in her communion. he renounced presbytery, and established it for The female branches of this family being mar- a maxim, No bishop, no king. So soon did this ried among foreign Protestants, were of a dif- pious monarch renounce his principles (if he ferent stamp, being more inclined to Puritanism had any), and break through the most solemn than popery; one of them [Mary, eldest daugh- vows and obligations! When the Long Parlia. ter of King Charles I.] was mother of the great ment addressed King Charles I. to set up presKing William III., the glorious deliverer of these bytery in the room of episcopacy, his majesty kingdoms from popery and slavery; and another objected his coronation oath, in which he had [Elizabeth, daughter of King James I.] was sworn to maintain the clergy in their rights and grandmother of his late majesty King George I., privileges; but King James had no such scruin whom the Protestant succession took place, pies of conscience; for without so much as askand whose numerous descendants in the person ing the consent of Parliament, General Assemand offspring of his present majesty, are the de- bly, or people, he entered upon the most effectfence and glory of the whole Protestant interest ual measures to subvert the kirk discipline in Europe. which he had sworn to'maintain with hands King James was thirty-six years of age when lifted up to Heaven, at his coronation, and had he came to the English throne, having reigned afterward solemnly subscribed, with his queen in Scotland from his infancy. In the year 1589 and family, in the years 1581 and 1590.~ he married the Princess Anne, sister to the King * Calderwood's Hist. of the Church of Scotland, of Denmark, by whom he had three children liv- p. 256. ing at this time: Henry, prince of Wales, who f Ibid., p. 418. James, when settled on the Engdied beforehe was nineteen years of age [1612]; lish throne, talked a different language. Dr. Grey Elizabeth, married to the elector palatine, 1613; quotes different passages to this purport, with a view and Charles, who succeeded his father in his to invalidate Mr. Neal's authority. The fact is not kingdoms. His majesty's behaviour in Scotland that Calderwood falsified, and Mr. N. through prejudice adopted, his representations, but that James was raised the expectations and hopes of all parties; a dissemblm', and, when he wrote what Dr. Grey the Puritans relied upon his majesty's educa- produces from his work, had thrown off the mask he tion, upon his subscribing the solemn league wore in Scotland.-See Harris's Life of James I., p. and covenant, and upon various solemn repeat- 25-29.-ED. $ Ibid., p. 473. ed declarations; in particular, one made in the. Bishop Warburton censures Mr. Neal for not General Assembly at Edinburgh, 1590: when giving here the provocation which the king had restanding with his bonnet off, and his hands lifted ceived from what he styles " the villanous and tyup to heaven, " he praised God that he was born rannical usage of the Kirk of Scotland to him." On this censure it may be observed, that had Mr. Neal in the time of the light of the Gospel, and in to the detayl of thsetred that th e king had such a place as to be king of such a church, the met with from the Scots clergy, besides the long disincerest [purest] kirk in the world. The Church gression into which it would.have led him, it would of Geneva," says he, "keep Pasche and Yule not have eventually saved the reputation of the king; [Easter and Christmas], what have they for for Mr. Neal must have related the causes of that them? They have no institution. As for our behaviour. It arose from their jealousy, and their neighbour Kirk of England, their service is an fears of his disposition to crush them and their relievil-said mass in English; they want nothing gion; founded on facts delivered to them by the Engo eisad mass butthlifinglsh; ch ey m lish ministry, and firom his favouring and employing of the mass but the liftings. I charge you, my known papists. The violation of his solemn reiteragood ministers, doctors, elders, nobles, gentle- ted declarations, when he became King of England. 228 HIST'ORY OF THE PURITANS. The papists put the king in remembrance I pamphlet escaped without a speedyand effectu tfiat he was born of Roman Catholic parents, al answer. and had been baptized according to the rites and While the king was in his progress to Lonceremonies of the Churchof Rome; that his I don [April, 1603] the Puritans presented their mother, of whom he usually spoke with rever- millenary petition, so called, because it was said ence, was a martyr for that church; and that he to be subscribed by a thousand hands, though himself, upon sundry occasions, had expressed there were not more than eight hundred out of no dislike to her doctrines, though he disallowed twenty-five counties.* It is entitled " The of the usurpations of the court of Rome over humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church foreign princes; that he had called'the Church of England, desiring Reformation of certain of Rome his mother-church; and, therefore, they Ceremonies and Abuses of the Church." The presumed to welcome his majesty into England preamble sets forth, " that neither as factious with a petition for an open toleration.* men affecting a popular parity in the Church, But the bishops of the Church of England nor as schismatics aiming at the dissolution of made the earliest application for his majesty's the state ecclesiastical, but as the faithful minprotection and favour. As soon as the queen isters of Christ, and loyal subjects to his majwas dead, Archbishop Whitgift sent Dr. Nevil, esty, they humbly desire the redress of some dean of Canterbury, express into Scotland, in abuses." And though divers of them had forthe name of all the bishops and clergy of Eng- merly subscribed to the service-book, some upon land, to give his majesty assurance of their un- protestation, some upon an exposition given, feigned duty and loyalty; to know what com- and some with condition, yet now they, to the mands he had for them with respect to the number of more than a thousand ministers, ecclesiastical courts, and to recommend the groaned under the burden of human rites and Church of England to his countenance and fa- ceremonies, and with one consent threw themvour.t The king replied that he would uphold selves down at his royal feet for relief in the the government of the' Church as the queen left following particulars: it; which comforted the timorous archbishop, 1. In the Church service. " That the cross who had sometimes spoke with great uneasi- in baptism, the interrogatories to infants, bapness of the Scotch mist. tism by women, and confirmation, may be taUpon his majesty's arrival all parties address- ken away; that the cap and surplice may not ed him, and among others the Dutch and French be urged; that examination may go before the churches, and the English Puritans; to the for- communion; that the ring in marriage may be mer his majesty gave this answer: "I need not dispensed with; that the service may be abridguse many words to declare my good-will to you, ed; church songs and music moderated to betwho have taken sanctuary here for the sake of ter edification; that the Lord's Day may not be religion; I am sensible you have enriched this profaned, nor the observation of other holydays kingdom with several arts and manufactures; strictly enjoined; that ministers may not be and I swear to you, that if any one shall give charged to teach their people to bow at the name you disturbance in your churches, upon your of Jesus; and that none but canonical Scripapplication to me, I will revenge your cause; tures be read in the Church." and though you are none of my proper subjects, 2. Concerning ministers. "That none may I will maintain and cherish you as much as any be admitted but able men; that they be obliged prince in the world." But the latter, whatever to preach on the Lord's Day; that such as are they had reason to expect, met with very differ- not capable of preaching may be removed or ent usage. obliged to maintain preachers; that nonresiNotwithstanding all the precautions that were dency be not permitted; that King Edward's taken to secure the elections of members for statute for the lawfulness of the marriage of the next Parliament, the archbishop wished he the clergy be revived; and that ministers be might not live to see it, for fear of some altera- not obliged to subscribe, but according to law, to tion in the Church; for the Puritans were pre- the articles of religion, and the king's supremaparing petitions, and printing pamphlets in their cy only." own vindication, though by the archbishop's 3. For Church livings. "That bishops leave vigilance, says Mr. Strype,$ not a petition or a their commendams; that impropriations annexed to bishoprics and colleges be given to preachshowed how just were those suspicions, and proved ing incumbents only; and that lay-impropriahim to have been a dissembler. To these remarks tions be charged with a sixth or seventh part it may be added, What provocation constrained him for the maintenance of a preacher." to give the public thanks and promise, with which for the maintenance of a preacher." he left Scotland?-See Dr. Harris's Life of James I., 4. For Church discipline. "That excommup. 25-31, and Burnet's History of his Own Times, vol. nication and censures be not in the name of layi., p. 5, Edinburgh edition in 12mo.-ED. chancellors, &c.; that men be not excommuni* That the expectations of the papists were not cated for twelvepenny matters, nor without disappointed, though Dr. Grey controverts Mr. Neal's consent of their pastors; that registrars' places, representation, there is ample proof given by Dr. and others having jurisdiction, do not put them Harris in his Life of James I., p. 219, 226. " It isrm; that sundry poish canons be recertain," says Dr. Warner, " that he had on several out to farm; that sundry popish canons be reoccasions given great room to suspect that he was vised; that the oath ex oficio be more sparingly fal from being an enemy to the Roman Catholics. used; and licenses for marriages without bans Amid all their hopes," he adds, "each side had their be more sparingly granted." fears; while James himself had, properly speaking, "These things," say they, "we are able to no other religion than what flowed from a principle show not to be agreeable to the Word of God, which he called kingcraft." —Warner's Ecclesiastical if it shall please your majesty to hear us, or by [-i story, vol. ii., p. 476, 477.-ED. t Life of Whitgift, p. 559. * Clark's Life of Hildershamn, p. 116, annexed to - Strype's Ann,, vol. ult., p. ]87. the General Martyrology. HISTORY OF TiEi:E PURITANS. 229 writing to be informed, or by conference among plause is hardly to be met with. They must the learned to be resolved." have a mean opinion of the king's acquaintance The king met with sundry other petitions of with the learned world, to use him in this manthe like nature from most of the counties he ner, at a time when, though there were some passed through; but the heads of the two uni- very considerable divines among ourselves, versities having taken offence at the millenary there were as many learned men in the foreign petition, for demising away the impropriations universities as had been known since the Refannexed to bishoprics and colleges, which, says ormation; witness the Bezas, Scaligers, CaFuller, would cut off more than the nipples of saubons, &c., whose works have transmitted the breasts of both universities in point of main- their great names down to posterity. tenance,* expressed their resentment different And that the divines of Cambridge might not ways: those of Cambridge passed a grace, June come behind their brethren of Oxford, the heads 9th, 1603, "That whosoever in the University of that university wrote a letter of thanks to the should openly oppose by word or writing, or any Oxonians for their answer to the petition, in other way, the doctrine or discipline of the which " they applaud and commend their weighChurch of England established by law, or any ty arguments, and threaten to battle the Puripart thereof, should be suspended ipso facto tans with numbers; for if Saul has his thoufrom any degree already taken, and be disabled sands (say they), David has his ten thousands. from taking any degree for the future." About They acquaint them with their decree of June the same time the University of Oxford pub- 9, and bid the poor pitiful Puritans [homunciones lished an answer to the ministers' petition, en- nziserrtii] answer their almost a thousand books titled "An Answer of the Vice-chancellor, Doc- in defence of the hierarchy before they pretors, Proctors, and other Heads of Houses in the tend to dispute before so learned and wise a University of Oxford, to the Petition of the Min- king."* A mean and pitiful triumph over honisters of the Church of England, desiring Ref- est and virtuous men, who aimed at nothing ormation; dedicated to the King, with a Pref- imore than to bring the discipline of the Church ace to the Archbishop, the Chancellors of both a little nearer the standard of Scripture! Universities, and the two Secretaries of State.'t But that his majesty might part with his old The answer shows the high spirit of the Univer- friends with some decency, and seem to answer sity: it reproaches the ministers in very severe the request of the petitioners, he agreed to have language for subscribing and then complaining; a conference with the two parties at Hampton it reflects upon them as factious men, for affect- Court,t for which purpose he published a procing a parity in the Church, and then falls se- larnation from Wilton, October 24th, 1603, verely on the Scots Reformation, which his touching a meeting for the hearing and for the majesty had so publicly commended before he determining things pretended to be amiss in left that knigdom. It throws an odium upon the Church. In which he declares "that he the petitioners, as being for a limited monarchy, *was already persuaded that the constitution of and for subjecting the titles of kings to the ap- the Church of England was agreeable to God's probation of the people. It then goes on to Word, and near to the condition of the primivindicate all the grievances complained of, and tive Church; yet because he had received inconcludes with beseeching his majesty not to formation that some things in it were scandasuffer the peace of the state to be disturbed by lous, and gave offence, he had appointed a meetallowing these men to disturb its polity. "Look ing, to be had before himself and council, of diupon the Reformed churches abroad," say they: vers bishops and other learned men, at which " wheresoever the desire of the petitioners takes consultation he hoped to be better informed of' place, how ill it suits with the state of mon- the state of the Church, and whether there archy; does it become the supereminent au- were any such enormities in it; in the mean thority and regal person of a king to subject time, he commanded all his subjects not to pubhis sovereign power to the overswaying and all- lish anything against the state ecclesiastical, or commanding power of a presbytery; that his to gather subscriptions, or make supplications, meek and humble clergy should have power to being resolved to make it appear by their chasbind their king in chains, and their prince in tisement how far such a manner of proceeding links of iron l that is, to censure him, and, if was displeasing to him, for he was determined they see cause, to proceed against him as a ty- to preserve the ecclesiastical state in such form rant. That the supreme magistrate should only as he found it established by the law, only to be a maintainer of their proceedings, but not a reform such abuses as he should find apparently commander in them; these are but petty abridg- proved."I ments of the prerogative royal, while the king The archbishop and his brethren had been insubmits his sceptre to the sceptre of Christ, and defatigable in possessing the king with the exlicks the dust of the Church's feet." They then cellence of the English hierarchy, as coming commend the present Church government as near the practice of the primitive Church, and the great support of the crown, and calculated best suited to a monarchical government; they to promote unlimited subjection, and aver, " that represented the Puritans as turbulent and facthere are at this day more learned men in this tious, inconsiderable in number, and aiming at land, in this one kingdom, than are to be found Dr. Warner, with reason and judgment, supposes among all the ministers of religion in France, that what determined James, more than anything Flanders, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Geneva, else, to appoint the Hampton Court Conference, of Scotland, or (to speak in a word) all Europe be- wlich he would be the moderator, was, that he sides."T Such a vainglorious piece of self-ap- might give his new subjects a taste of his talents for'b —. 2. disputation, of which he was extremely fond and * Fuller's Church History, b. x., p. 23. conceited.-Eccles. Hist., vol. i., p. 478.-ED. t Life of Whitgift, p. 567. t Life of Whitgift, b. iv., c. xxxi., p. 568 $ Strype's Ann., vol. iv., p. 137. $ Ibid., p. 570. 230 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. confusion both in Church and State; and yet, letter of the Bishop of Durham to Hutton, arcrlafter all, the old archbishop was doubtful of the bishop of York, which agrees pretty much with event, for in one of his letters to Cecil, after- Barlow;* but Mr. Patrick Galloway, a Scotsman, ward Earl of Shrewsbury, he writes, " Though has set things in a different light; from all our humorous and contentious brethren have these, and from the king's own letter to Mr. made many petitions and motions correspond- Blake, a Scotsman, we must form the best judgent to their natures, yet to my comfort they ment of it that we can. have not much prevailed. Your lordship, I am The conference continued three days, viz., sure, does imagine that I have not all this while January the 14th, 16th, and 18th; the first was been idle, nor greatly quiet in mind, for who with the bishops and deans alone, January 14th, can promise himself rest among so many vi- the Puritan ministers not being present, when pers "V the king made a speech in commendation of the The place of conference was the drawing- hierarchyofthe Church ofEngland, and congratroom within the privy-chamber at Hampton ulated himself that "he was now come into the Court; the disputants on both sides were nom- promised land; that he sat among grave and inated by the king. For the Church there were reverend men, and was not a king, as formerly, nine bishops, and about as many dignitaries, without state, nor in a place where beardless viz., Dr. Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury; Dr. boys would brave him to his face. He assured Bancroft, bishop of London; Dr. Mathew, bishop them he had not called this assembly for any inof Durham; Bilson, bishop of Winchester; Bab- novation, for he acknowledged the government ington, bishop of Worcester; Rudd, bishop of ecclesiastical, as now it is, to have been approSt. David's; Watson, bishopof Chichester; Rob- ved by manifold blessings from God himself; inson, bishop of Carlisle; and Dove, bishop of but because he had received some complaints Peterborough. Dr. Andrews, dean of the chapel; of disorders, he was willing to remove them if Overal, dean of St. Paul's; Barlow, dean of scandalous, and to take notice of them if but Chester; Bridges, dean of Salisbury; Field, dean trifling; that the reason of his consulting them of Gloucester; and King, archdeacon of Notting- by themselves was to receive satisfaction from ham; besides the deans of Worcester and Wind- them, (1.) About some things in the Common sor. Prayer Book; (2.) Concerning excommunicaFor the Puritans were only four ministers: tion in the ecclesiastical courts; (3.) About proDr. John Raynolds, Dr. Thomas Sparks, pro- viding some well-qualified ministers for Ireland; fessors of divinity in Oxford; Mr. Chadderton that if anything should be found meet to be reand Mr. Knewstubs, of Cambridge. The di- dressed, it might be done without their being vines of the Church appeared in the habits of confronted by their opponents."t their respective distinctions; but those for the In the Common Prayer Book his majesty had Puritans in fur gowns, like the Turkey mer- some scruples about the confirmation of chil. chants, or the professors in foreign universities. dren, as it imported a confirmation of baptism. When the king conferred with the bishops, he But the archbishop on his knees replied, that the behaved with softness, and a great regard to Church did not hold baptism imperfect without their character; but when the Puritan ministers confirmation. Bancroft said it was of apostolistood before him, instead of being moderator, he cal institution, Heb., iv., 2, where it is called took upon him the place of respondent, and bore " the doctrine of the laying on of hands." But them down with his majestic frowns and threat- to satisfy the king, it was agreed that the words enings, in the midst of a numerous crowd of examination of children should be added to concourtiers, all the lords of the privy-council be- firmation. ing prenset; while the bishops stood by, and His majesty excepted to the absolution of the were little more than spectators of the triumph. Church, as too nearly resembling the pope's parThe account of this conference was published don. But the archbishop is said to clear it up at large only by Dr. Barlow, who, being a party, to the king's satisfaction; only to the rubric of says Fuller,t set a sharp edge on his own, and the general absolution these words were to be a blunt one on his adversaries' weapons. Dr. added, for explanation's sake, remission of sins. Sparks and Raynolds complained that they were He farther objected to private baptism, and wronged by that relation,$ and Dr. Jackson de- baptism by women. It had been customary till dared that Barlow himself repented, upon his this time for bishops to license midwives to deathbed, of the injury he had done the Puritan their office, and to allow their right to baptize in ministers in his relation of the Hampton Court cases of necessity, under the following oath: Conference.~ Mr. Strype has lately published a "I, Eleanor -, admitted to the office and occupation of a midwife, will faithfully and dili* Life of Whitgift, Append., b. iv., no. 43. gently exercise the said office, according to such t Ch. Hist., b. x., p. 21. t Pierce, p. 153, 154. cunning and knowledge as God has given me, Q "The Puritans," Dr. Harris observes, "needed and that I will be ready to help and aid as well not to have complained so much as they have done poor as rich women, being in labour and travail of Barlow. If he has not represented their arguments with child, and will always be ready to execute in as just a light, nor related what was done by the my said office. Also, I will not permit or suffer ministers as advantageously as truth required, he has that any woman, being in labour or travail, shall abundantly made it up to them by showing that the bishops, their adversaries, were gross flatterers, and name any other to be the father of the child had no regard to their sacred characters; and that than only he who is the right and true father their mortal foe James had but a low understanding, thereof; and that I will not suffer any other and was undeserving of the rank he assumed in the republic of learning. This he has done effectually, set himself up as a decider of their controversies."and, therefore, whatever was his intention, the Puri- Harris's Life of James I., p. 87.-ED. tans should have applauded his performance, and ap- * Life of Whitgift, Append., b. iv., no. 45. pealed to it for proof of the insufficiency of him who t Fuller, b. x., p. 8, HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 231 body's child to be set, brought, or laid before according to the testimony of Dr. Andrews,_ any woman delivered of child, in the place of dean of the chapel, who said that his majesty her natural child, so far forth as I can know or did that day wonderfully play the Puritan. understand. Also; I will not use any kind of The second day's conference was on Monday, sorcery or incantation in the time of travail of January 16th, when the four ministers were any woman; and I will not destroy the child called in, with Mr. Galloway, minister of Perth born of any woman, nor cut nor pull off the head in Scotland, on the one part, and two bishops thereof, or otherwise dismember or hurt the and six or eight deans on the other, the rest same, or suffer it to be so hurt, &c. Also, that being secluded. The king being seated in his in the ministration of the sacrament of baptism, chair, with his nobles and privy counsellors in the time of necessity, I will use the accus- around him, let them know he was now ready tomed words of the same sacrament; that is to to hear their objections against the establishsay, these words following, or to the like effect, ment. Whereupon Dr. Raynolds, in the name' I christen thee in the name of the Father, the of his brethren, humbly requested, Son, and the Holy Ghost,' and none other pro- 1. That the doctrine of the Church might be fane words. And that, in baptizing any infant preserved pure, according to God's Word. born, and pouring water on the head of the said 2. That good pastors might be planted in all infant, I will use pure and clean water, and not churches to preach the same. any rose or damask water, or water made of 3. That the Book of Common Prayer might any confection or mixture. And that I will cer- be fitted to more increase of piety. tify the curate of the parish church of every 4. That church government might be sinsuch baptizing."* cerely ministered according to God's Word. Notwithstanding this oath, Whitgift assured 1. With regard to the doctrine of the Church, -the king that baptism by women and lay per- he requested that to those words in the sixsons was not allowed by the Church. Others teenth article, "We may depart from grace," said it was a reasonable practice, the minister may be added, neither totally nor finally, to make not being of the essence of the sacrament. But them consistent with the doctrine of predestithe king not being satisfied, it was referred to nation in the seventeenth article; and that (if consideration whether the word curate, or law- his majesty pleased) the nine articles of Lamful minister, might not be inserted into the ru- beth might be inserted. That in the twentybric for private baptism. third article these words, "in the congregation," Concerning excommunication for lesser might be omitted, as implying a liberty for men crimes in ecclesiastical courts, it was agreed to preach out of the congregation without a lawthat the name should be changed, but the same ful call. That in the twenty-fifth article the censure retained, or an equivalent thereunto ground for confirmation might be examined; appointed. These were all the alterations that one passage confessing it to be a depraved imiwere agreed upon between the king and bishops tation of the apostles, and another grounding it in the first day's conference. on their example; besides, that it was too much NMr. Patrick Galloway, who was present at work for a bishopthe conference, gives this account of it to the Here Bancroft, no longer able to contain himpresbytery of Edinburgh: " That on January 12 self, falling upon his knees, begged the king the king commanded the bishops, as they would with great earnestness to stop the doctor's answer it to God in conscience, and to himself mouth, according to an ancient canon that upon their obedience, to advise among them- schismatics are not to be heard against their selves of the corruptions of the Church in doe- bishops. It is not reasonable, says he, that trine, ceremonies, and discipline, who, after men who have subscribed to these articles consultation, reported that all was well; but should be allowed to plead against their own when his majesty, with great fervency, brought act, contrary to the statute 1st Eliz. The king, instances to the contrary, the bishops on their perceiving the bishop in a heat, said, My lord, knees craved with great earnestness that no- you ought not to interrupt the doctor, but eithei thing might be altered, lest popish recusants, let him proceed or answer what he has objectpunished by penal statutes for disobedience, ed. Upon which he replied, "that as to Dr. and the Puritans, punished by deprivation from Raynolds's first objection, the doctrine of pretheir callings and livings for nonconformity, destination was a desperate doctrine, and had should say they had just cause to insult upon made many people libertines, who were apt to them, as men who had travailed to bind them say,' If I shall be saved, I shall be saved:' he to that which by their own mouths now was therefore desired it might be left at large. That confessed to be erroneous."t Mr. Strype calls his second objection was trifling, because, by this an aspersion, but I am apt to think him the practice of the Church, none but licensed mistaken, because Mr. Galloway adds these ministers might preach or administer the sacrawords: "When sundry persons gave out copies ment. And as to the doctor's third objection, of these actions, I myself took occasion, as I he said that the bishops had their chaplains was an ear and eye witness, to set them down, and curates to examine such as were to be conand presented them to his majesty, who with firmed; and that in ancient time, none confirmhis own hand mended some things, and eked ed but bishops." To which Raynolds replied, out others that I had omitted." It is very cer- in the words of St. Jerome, " that it was rather tain that Bishop Barlow has cut off and con- a compliment to the order than from any reason cealed all the speeches that his majesty made or necessity of the thing." And whereas the against the corruptions of the Church and the bishop had called him a schismatic, he desired practices of the prelates, for five hours together, his majesty that that imputation might not lie * Strype's Ann., vol. i., p. 537. upon him; which occasioned a great deal of t Calderwood's Hist. Church of Scotland, p. 474. mirth and raillery between the king and his noa 232 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. bles about the unhappy Puritans. In conclusion, in marriage; to the churching of women by the the king said he was against increasing the name of purification. He urged that most of number of articles or stuffing them with theo- these things were relics of popery; that they logical niceties, because, were they never so had been abused to idolatry, and therefore ought, explicit, there will be no preventing contrary like the brazen serpent, to be abolished. Mr. opinions. As to confirmation, he thought it Knewstubs said these rights and ceremonies not decent to refer the solemnity to a parish were at best but indifferent, and therefore doubtpriest, and closed his remarks with this maxim, ed whether the power of the Church could bind No bishop, no king. the conscience without impeaching Christian After a long interruption the doctor went on, liberty. and desired a new catechism; to which the king Here his majesty interrupted them, and said consented, provided there might be no curious that he apprehended the surplice to be a very questions in it, and that our agreement with the comely garment; that the cross was as old as Roman Catholics in some points might not be Constantine, and must we charge him with poesteemed heterodoxy. He farther desired a new pery? besides, it was no more a significant translation of the Bible, to which his majesty sign than imposition of hands, which the petiagreed, provided it were without marginal notes, tioners allowed in ordination; and as for their saying, that of all the translations, the Geneva other exceptions, they were capable of being was the worst, because of the marginal notes, understood in a sober sense; "but as to the which allowed disobedience to kings. The doc- power of the Church in things indifferent," says tor complained of the printing and dispersing his majesty, " I will not argue that point with popish pamphlets, which reflected on Bancroft's you, but answer as kings in Parliament, Le Roy character: the king said, " What was done of s'avisera. This is like Mr. John Black, a beardthis kind was by warrant from the court, to less boy, who told me, the last conference in nourish the schism between the seculars and Scotland, that he would hold conformity with Jesuits, which was of great service. Doctor, me in doctrine, but that every man as to cereyou are a better collegeman than statesman." monies was to be left to his own liberty, but I To which Raynolds replied, that he did not in- will have none of that; I will have one doetend such books as were printed in England, trine, one discipline, one religion in substance but such as were imported from beyond sea; and ceremony: never speak more to that point, and this several of the privy council owned to how far you are bound to obey." be a grievance. The doctor having prayed that 4. Dr. Raynolds was going on to complain of some effectual remedy might be provided against excommunication by lay-chancellors; but the the profanation of the Lord's Day, declared he king having said that he should consult the had no more to add on the first head. bishops on that head, the doctor desired that the 2. With regard to preaching, the doctor com- clergy might have assemblies once in three plained of pluralities in the Church, and pray- weeks; that in rural deaneries they might have ed that all parishes might be furnished with the liberty of prophesyings, as in Archbishop preaching ministers. Upon which Bancroft fell Grindal's time; that those cases which could upon his knees, and petitioned his majesty that not be resolved there might be referred to the all parishes might have a praying ministry; for archdeacon's visitation, and. from thence to the preaching is grown so much in fashion, says diocesan synod, where the bishop with his preshe, that the service of the Church is neglected. byters should determine such points as were Besides, pulpit harangues are very dangerous; too difficult for the other meetings. Here the he therefore humbly moved that the number of king broke out into a flame, and instead of hearhomilies might be increased, and that the clergy ing the doctor's reasons, or commanding his might be obliged to read them instead of ser- bishops to answer them, told the ministers that mons, in which manyvented their spleen against he found they were aiming at a Scots presbytheir superiors. The king asked the plaintiffs tery, " which," says he, "agrees with monartheir opinion of the bishop's motion; who replied, chy as well as God and the devil; then Jack and that a preaching minister was certainly best Tom, Will and Dick, shall meet, and at their and most useful, though they allowed, where pleasure censure both me and my council. preaching could not be had, godly prayers, horn- Therefore, pray stay one seven years before you ilies, and exhortations might do much good. demand that of me, and if then you find me The lord-chancellor [Egerton] said, there were pursy and fat, and my windpipe stuffed, I will more livings that wanted learned men than perhaps hearken to you; for let that government learned men living; let all, therefore, have single be up, and I am sure I shall be kept in breath; coats before others have doublets. Upon which but till you find I grow lazy, pray let that alone. Bancroft replied merrily, But a doublet is good I remember how they used the poor lady, my in cold weather. The king put an end to the mother, in Scotland, and me in my minority." debate by saying he would consult the bishops Then turning to the bishops, he put his hand to upon this head. his hat and said, "My lords, I may thank you 3. But the doctor's chief objections were to that these Puritans plead for my supremacy, for the service-book and church government. Here if once you are out and they in place, I know he complained of the late subscriptions, by which what would become of my supremacy, for, No many were deprived of their ministry who were bishop, no king. Well, doctor, have you anywilling to subscribe to the doctrinal articles of thing else to offer." Dr. Raynolds: " No more, the Church, to the king's supremacy, and to the if it please your majesty." Then rising from statutes of the realm. He excepted to the read- his chair, the king said, " If this be all your party ing theApocrypha; to the interrogatories in bap- have to say, I will make them conform, or I tism, and to the sign of the cross; to the sur- will harry them out of this land, or else worse;" plice, and other superstitious habits; to the ring and he was as good as his word. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 233 Thus ended the second day's conference, af- already mentioned; which not answering their ter four hours' discourse, with a perfect triumph expectations, Mr. Chadderton fell on his knees, on the side of the Church; the Puritan minis- and humbly prayed that the surplice and cross ters were insulted, ridiculed, and laughed to might not be urged on some godly ministers in scorn, without either wit or good manners. Lancashire; and Mr. Knewstubs desired the One of the council said he now saw that a Pu- same favour for some Suffolk ministers; which ritan was a Protestant frighted out of his wits. the bishops were going to oppose, but the king' Another, that the ministers looked more like replied, with a stern countenance, "We have. Turks than Christians, as appeared by their taken pains here to conclude in.a resolution i)r habits. Sir Edward Peyton confessed that Dr. uniformity, and you will undo all by preferring Raynolds and his brethren had not freedom of the credit of a few private men to the peace of speech; but finding it to no purpose to reply, the Church; this is the Scots way, but I will they held their peace. On the other hand, the have none of this arguing; therefore let them bishops and courtiers flattered the king's wis- conform, and that quickly, too, or they shall hear dom and learning beyond measure, calling him of it; the bishops will give them some time, the Solomon of the age. Bancroft fell upon his but if they are of an obstinate and turbulent knees, and said, "I protest my heart melteth spirit, I will have them enforced to conformfor joy, that Almighty God, of his singular mer- ity."* cy, has given us such a king as, since Christ's Thus ended this mock conference,t for it detime, has not been." Chancellor Egerton said serves no better name, all things being previ. "he had never seen the king and priest so fully ously concluded between the king and the bishunited in one person."* His majesty was no ops, before the Puritans were brought upon the less, satisfied with his own conduct; for in his stage, to be made a spectacle to their enemies, letter to Mr. Blake, a Scotsman, he told him and borne down, not with calm reason and arthat he had soundly peppered off the Puritans, gument, but with the royal authority, I approve that they had fled before him, and that their pe- or I dissent; the king making himself both titions had turned him more earnestly against judge and party.$ No wonder, therefore, if them. " It were no reason," says his majesty, Dr. Raynolds fell below himself, and lost some "that those who refuise the airy sign of the part of his esteem with the Puritans, being cross after baptism, should have their purses overawed by the place and company, and the stuffed with any more solid and substantial arbitrary dictates of his sovereign opponent. crosses. They fled me so from argument to argument, without ever answering me directly - "In this manner ended this conference; which," (Ut est corum moris), that I was forced to tell observes Dr. Warner, " convinced the Puritans they them, that if any of them, when boys, had dis- w er e mistaken ineing dndtlattohe eking's protection; which convinced the king that they were not to be puted thus in the college, the moderator would won by a few insignificant concessions; and which, have fetched them up, and applied the rod to if it did not convince the privy council and the bishtheir buttocks-I have a book of theirs that ops that they had got a Solomon for their king, yet may convert infidels, but never shall convert they spoke of him as-though it did."-Eccles. Hist., me, except by turning me more earnestly against vol. iii., p. 482. them." This was the language of the Solomon 1"This conference," says another writer, " was but of the age. I leave the reader to judge how a blind to introduce episcopacy in Scotland; all the Scotch noblemen then at court being designed to be much superior the wise monarch was in the present, and others, both noblemen and ministers, knowledge of antiquity, or'the art of syllogism, being called up fiom Scotland by the king's letter to to Dr. Raynolds, who was the oracle of his time assist at it."-Dr. Welwood, as quoted by Crosby. for acquaintance with ecclesiastical history, Hist. of Engl. Baptists, vol. i., p. 85.-ED. councils, and fathers, and had lived in a college t "The Hampton Court Conference," says Robert all his days. Robinson, of Cambridge, " was a ridiculous farce, a T~he third day's conference was on Wednes- compound of kingcraft and priestcraft. The actors in it forgot nothing but their masks. T'he Puritans day, January 18th, vwhen the bishops and deans would not be gulled by it, but continued to dissent, were first called into the privy chamber with and they were right."-Lectures on the Principles of the civilians, to satisfy the king about the high Nonconformnity, Works, ii., 221. commission and the oath ex officio, which they " In the accounts that we read of this meeting," might easily do as being principal branches of remarks Mr. Hallam, "we are alternately struck his prerogative. When the king said he appro- with wonder at the indecent and partial behaviour ved of the wisdom of the law in making the of the king, and at the abject baseness-of the bishops, oath cx officio, the old archbishop was so trans- mixed, according to the customs of servile natures, ported ards their opponents. It was M easy for a monarch and eighteen churchmen to claim esty speaks by the special assistance of God's the victory, be the merits of the dispute what they Spirit." A committee of bishops and -privy might, over abashed and intimidated adversaries."counsellors was then appointed to consider of Const. Hist., i., 404.-C. lessening the charges in the high commisson, 4 The conclusion of his address to the Puritan and for planting schools, and proper ministers ministers, at this conference, as it was a curious spein the kingdom -of Ireland, and on the borders cimen of the king's logic, so it was a proof of the insolent and tyrannical spirit with which he aimed to of England and Scotland. After cadhich, nor. bear down all opposition. "If," said he, "this be all Raynolds and his brethren were called in, not your party hath to say, I will make them conform to dispute, but only to hear the few alterations themselves, or else I will harrie them out of the land, or explanations in the Common Prayer Book or else do worse, only hang them, that's all." It is very evident, from this, that he trusted more, as it * A modern prelate has said, " Sancho Pancha has been observed by a modern writer, to the power never made a better speech, nor more to the purpose, of hanging than of convincing his adversaries.-Secret during his government."-Bishop Warburton's INotes History of the Court and Reign of Charles II., vol. i. on Neal.-ED. Introduction, p. 23, the note.-ED. VoL I.-CG a 234 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. The Puritans refused to be concluded by this power that his majesty altered one article in conference, for the following reasons: because, the liturgy, he might set aside the whole, every 1. "The ministers appointed to speak for sentence being equally established by act of them were not of their nomination or choosing, Parliament: but this wise monarch made no nor of one judgment ill the points of controver- scruple of dispensing with the laws. However, sy; for being desired by their brethren to argue the force of all proclamations determining with against the corruptions of the Church as simply the king's life, and there being no subsequent evil, they replied, they were not so persuaded. act of Parliament to establish these amendBeing farther desired to acquaint the king that ments, it was urged very justly in the next some of their brethren thought them sinful, they reign, that this was not the liturgy of the Church refused that also. Lastly, being desired to give of England established by law, and, consequenttheir reasons in writing why they thought the ly, not binding upon the clergy. ceremonies only indifferent, or to answer the A fortnight before this conference was held, reasons they had to offer to prove them sinful, the learned and reverend Mr. Thomas Cartthey would do neither one nor other. wright, one of the chief of the Puritans, and a 2.' Because the points in controversy were great sufferer for nonconformity, died. He was not thoroughly debated, but nakedly propounded, born in Hertfordshire, 1535, and entered into St. and some not at all touched. Neither was there John's College, Cambridge, 1550, where he beany one argument to the purpose pursued and came a hard student, never sleeping above five followed. hours in a night. During the reign of Queen 3. " Because the prelates took the liberty of Mary he left the University, and became a lawinterrupting at their pleasure those of the other yer's clerk; but upon the accession of Queen side, insomuch that they were checked for it by Elizabeth he resumed his theological studies, the king himself." and was chosen fellow of Trinity College in the They objected also to the account of the con- year 1563. The year following he bore a part ference by Dean Barlow, as published without in the Philosophy Act before the queen. In the the knowledge, advice, or consent of the other year 1567 he commenced bachelor of divinity, side, and therefore deserving no credit; they and three years after was chosen Lady Margasaid that Dr. Moreton had called some part of ret's professor. He was so popular a preacher, it in question, and rectified some speeches fa- that when his turn came at St. Mary's, the sexthered on the king; besides, that the prelates ton was obliged to take down the windows. only were present at the first day's conference, But Mr. Cartwright Venturing in some of his when the principal matters were determined. lectures to show the defects of the discipline of "Therefore the Puritan ministers offer (if the Church as it then stood, he was questioned his majesty will give them leave) in one week's for it before the vice-chancellor, denied his docspace to deliver his majesty in writing a full tor's degree, and expelled the University, as has answer to any argument or assertion propound- been related. He then travelled to Geneva, ed in that conference by any prelate; and in and afterward became preacher to the English the mean time they do aver them to be most merchants at Antwerp. King James invited vain and frivolous." him to be professor in his University of St. AnIf the bishops had been men of moderation, drew's, which he declined. After his return or if the king had discovered any part of that from Antwerp he was often in trouble by suswisdom he was flattered with, all parties might pensions, deprivations, and long imprisonment; have been made easy at this time; for the bish- at length the great Earl of Leicester, who knew ops, in such a crisis, would have complied with his worth, made him governor of his hospital in anything his majesty had insisted on; but the Warwick, where he ended his days, December king's cowardice, his love of flattery, his high 27, 1603. He was certainly one of the most and arbitrary principles, and his mortal hatred learned and acute disputants of his age, but of the Puritans, lost one of the fairest opportu- very ill used by the governing clergy. He wrote nities that have ever offered to heal the divis- several books, besides his controversy with ions of the Church. Archbishop Whitgift, as, his Latin comment on On the 5th of March the king published a Ecclesiastes, dedicated to King James, in which proclamation, in which he says, "That though he thankfully acknowledges his being appointed the doctrine and discipline, of the established professor to a Scots university; his celebrated Church were unexceptionable, and agreeable to confutation of the Rhemist translation of the primitive antiquity, nevertheless he had given New Testament, to which work he was solicitway to a conference, to hear the exceptions of ed not only by Sir Francis Walsingham, but by the Nonconformists, which he had found very letter under the hands of the principal divines slender; but that some few explanations of pas- of Cambridge, as, Roger Goad, Wm. Whitaker, sages had been yielded to for their satisfaction; Thomas Crooke, John Ireton, Wm. Fulke, John therefore he now requires and enjoins all his Field, Nicholas Crane, Gibs Seinthe, Richard subjects to conform to it, as the only public Gardiner, Wm. Clarke, &c. Such an opinion form established in this realm; and admonishes had these great men of his learning and abilithem not to expect any farther alterations, for ties.* He was a person of uncommon industry that his resolutions were absolutely settled." The Common Prayer Book was accordingly * Dugdale calls him the standard-bearer of the Puprinted with the amendments, and the procla- ritans, and says he was the first in the Church of Tnation prefixed. England who began to pray extempore before serIt was a high strain of the prerogative to al- i his onversa a "he was most pious and strict ter a form of worship established by law, mere- in his conversation, a pure Latinist, an accurate Greter a form of worship established by law, mere cian, an exact Hebrean, and, in short, an excellent ly by a royal proclamation, without consent of scholar." And yet Churton, in his Life of Nowell, p. Parliament or convocation; for by the same 225, casts a slur upon his piety, learning, and good HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 235 and piety, fervent in prayer, a frequent preach- the laws, and even outgoing them in the cause er, and of a meek and humble spirit. In his of uniformity. Mr. Fuller says he would give old age he was so troubled with the stone and fair words and good language, but would abate gout by frequent lying in prisons, that he was nothing. Sir G. Paul, the author of his uhe, obliged always to study on his knees. His last says that choler was his chief infirmity,* which sermon was on Eccles., xii., 7: "'Then shall has sufficiently appeared by the account already the dust return to the earth, and the spirit shall given of the many persecutions, oppressions, return to God who gave it." The Tuesday fol- and unjustifiable hardships the Puritans sufferlowing he was two hours on his knees in pri- ed under his administration; notwithstanding vate prayer, and a few hours after quietly re- which they increased prodigiously, insomuch, signed his spirit to God, in the sixty-eighth year that towards the end of his life, his grace grew of his age, and was buried in his own hospital. weary of the invidious employment, and being The famous Mr. Dod preached his funeral ser- afraid of King James's first Parliament,t died, mon.* as it is said, with grief before it met, desiring Six weeks after died his great antagonist, rather to give an account of his bishopric to Dr. John Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury, God than exercise it among men.$ He had who was born at Great Grimsby, in Lincoln- been at court the first Sunday in Lent, and as shire, in the year 1530, and educated in Pem- he was going to the council-chamber to dinner, broke Hall, and was fellow of Peter House. was seized with the dead palsy on the right Cambridge. He complied with the changes in side, and with the loss of his speech; upon which Queen Mary's reign, though he disapproved of he was carried first to the lord-treasurer's clhiamher religion. He commenced doctor of divinity ber, and afterward to Lambeth, where the king 1569, and was afterward Margaret and queen's visited him' on Tuesday, but not being able to professor,t and master of Trinity College. Hav- converse, lifted up his eyes and hand and said, ing been a celebrated champion for the hierar- Pro ecclesia Dei, which were his last words. chy, the queen advanced him first to the Bish- He would have written something, but could not opric of Worcester, and then to the Archbishop- hold his pen. His disease increasing, he exric of Canterbury. He was a severe governor pired the next day, being the 29th of February, of the Church, pressing conformity with the ut- 1603, aged seventy-three, and was buried at most rigour,$ in which her majesty always gave Croydon on the 27th of March following, where him her countenance and support. He regard- he has a fair monument, with his effigies at ed neither the entreaties of poor ministers nor length upon it. He was an hospitable man, and the intercessions of courtiers, being steady to usually travelled with a great retinue; in the sense. He charges Cartwright with saying, in a cor- year 1589 he came into Canterbury with a train respondence, "that prayer was, as it were, a bunch of five hundred horse, of which one hundred of keys, whereby we go to all the treasures and store- were his own servants. He founded an hoshouses of the Lord; his butteries, his pantries, his pital and free school at Croydon, and though cellars, his wardrobe." he was a cruel persecutor of the Puritans, yet, All this, perhaps, did enter into a famtliar letter. compared with his successor, Bancroft, he was Well, what if it did? it was just in the taste of the times; but Churton makes everything bad out of a valuable prelate.S these few words. He exclaims, "Does fanaticism Before the meeting of the Parliament the extinguish all taste and judgment? or is it only in * Life of Whitgift, p. 108. minds originally weak that the infection can fit it- t Fuller's Church History, book x., p. 25. self? Which ever way the reader may solve the prob- T Stype's words, Dr. Grey says, are, " Et nunc lem, he will naturally ask, Was this the man that Doinine exaltata est inea anima, quod in eo tempore was to improve what had been done by Cranmer and succubui, quando mallern, episcopatiis mei reddere Ridley, by Parker and Nowell, and their coadjutors? rationem, quam inter homines exercere." —ED. to give us a form of worship more pure and edifying, The character of Whitgift's administration apmore dignified and devout?" But, says Brookes, "this pears plain in the page of history. It imbodied the eloquent calumniator does not stop here: he felt the worst passions of an intolerant state priest, and stood poetic flame arise, and therefore immediately asks, out in the history of Protestant persecution as wor"' Is this the region, this the soil, the clime, thy of special reprobation. It knew no mercy-it exThat we must change for heaven? this mournful gloom ercised no compassion. It had but one object, and F or that celestial light I' that it pursued without compunction or remorse. We do confess that so much bombast, scurrility, and The most conscientious of the queen's subjects were barefaced misrepresentation were scarcely ever found mingled with the vilest of their race. Whatever was within so small a compass. The reader will, at the noble in character, elevated in sentiment, or pure and same time, easily perceive that the whole is design- ethereal in devotion, was confounded with the baser ed to extol the Church of England. if not above per- elements of society, and proscribed and punished as fection, at least beyond the possibility of amendment, an offence to God and treason against the state. and to blacken the character and disgrace the mem- The legal institutions of the kingdom were convertory of that man, who was justly esteemed one of ed into means of oppression, and the dark recesses of the most celebrated divines of the age in which he its prisons resounded at once with the sighs and lived."-Brookes, Lives of Puritans, vol. i., p. 161.-C. prayers of men of whom the world was not worthy. C* larke's Lives annexed to his General Martyr- It is in vain to defend the administration of Whittift ology, p. 16. on the ground of the excesses of the Puritans. Those t For his sake the salary of Lady Margaret's pro- excesses were provoked by his cruelty. They grew fessorship was raised from twenty marks to ~20. out of government, the unmitigated rigour of which And it is observed to his honour, that this prelate exasperated the spirits and soured the temper of was the great restorer of order and discipline in the his opponents. Neither can the archbishop be justiUniversity of Cambridge, when deeply wounded and fled on the plea that he acted on the commands of almost sunk.-Granger's History of England, 8vo, the queen. His servility was, indeed, contemptible, vol. i., p. 206.-ED. but his ecclesiastical measures had their origin in his T " Even sometimes it may be," says Dr. Warner, own breast. He was the queen's adviser, to whose "beyond all other law but that of her majesty's judgment she deferred, and of whose hearty concur. pleasure."-ED. rence in every measure of severity and intolerance 236 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. king issued out two proclamations, one corm- with this speech, because the king seemed re manding all Jesuits and priests in orders to de- solved not to indulge the Puritans at any rate; part the kingdom [February 22, 16031, wherein the Catholics did not like his majesty's distinche was very careful to let the world know that tion between the laics and clerics; but the Puhe did not banish them out of hatred to the ritans had most reason to complain, to see so Catholic religion, but only for maintaining the much charity expressed towards papists, and pope's temporalpower over princes.* The other so little for themselves.* All Protestants in was against the Puritans, in which there was general heard with concern the king's offer to no indulgence for tender consciences: all must meet the papists half way. What does he conform, or suffer the extremities of the law.t mean? say they; is there no difference between The king opened the first session of Parlia- popery and Protestantism but the pope's authorment with a long speech, in which there are ity over princes? Are all other doctrines to be mnany strokes in fayour of tyranny and arbitrary given up? Are the religions the same? And power: " his majesty acknowledges the Roman is this the only point upon which we separated Church to be his mother-church, though defiled from the Church of Rome? Thus, unhappily, did with some infirmities and corruptions. That this pretended Protestant prince set out with his mind was ever free from persecution for laying the foundation of discontent among all matters of conscience, as he hopes those of that ranks of his people. religion have proved since his first coming. He His majesty made frequent mention in his pities tile laity among them, and would indulge speech of his hereditary right to the crown, and their clergy if they would but renounce the of his lineal descent; that he was accountable pope's supremacy and his pretended power to to none but God; and that the only difference dispense with the murder of kings. He wishes between a rightful king and a tyrant is, that the that he might be a means of uniting the two re- one is ordained for preserving the prosperity of ligions, for if they would but abandon their late his people, the other thinks his kingdom and corruptions, he would meet them in the mid- people are ordained to satisfy his unreasonable way, as having a great veneration for antiquity appetites.t Farther, his majesty altered the in the points of ecclesiastical policy. But then, writs for electing members, and took upon him as to the Puritans or Novelists, who do not dif- to prescribe what sort of representatives should fer from us so much in points of religion as be elected, not by way of exhortation, but of in their confused form of policy and purity, command, and as indispensable conditions of those," says he, " are discontented with the their being admitted into the House, and which present church government; they are impatient were to be judged of and determined in the to suffer any superiokrity, which makes their Court of Chancery.T He threatened to fine and sect insufferable in any well-governed common- disfranchise those corporations that did not wealth."t choose to his mind, and to fine and imprison The bishops and their adherents were pleased their representatives if they presumed to sit in the House. When the House of Commons met, she was fully assured. Several of her counsellors he interrupted their examinations of elections, were opposed to his severity, "but secure of the and commanded the return of Sir Francis Goodqueen's support, Whitgift relented not a jot of his win, whose election they had set aside, to be resolution, and went far greater lengths than Parker ought before him and his judges. Most of had ever ventured, or perhaps had desired to proceed." brought befoe him and his His administration involved an immense sacrifice of those who approached the king's person labourlife. It is easy to number the martyrs whom popery ed to inspire him with the design of making led to the stake, but no other than an omniscient himself absolute, or, rather, to confirm him in being is competent to reveal the secrets of his dark that resolution.s The bishops were of this and loathsome prison-houses. Many of his victims number; and from this time there has appeared entered with a robust frame and a vigorous spirit, but among the clergy a party of men who have carthe one was wasted by disease and the other broken ried the obedience of the subject and the authordown by oppression, till the last enemy released them ityofthe crown as high as in the most arbitrary from the tyrant's grasp, and ushered them into the presence of the King of kings. The Protestant monarchies. Church of England is deeply steeped in the blood of But though the court and bishops were so the saints. The martyrdom it inflicted was less vio- well agreed, the Parliament passed some acts lent, and less calculated to shock the public mind, which gave them uneasiness; as the revival of but it was not a jot less cruel or wicked than that the statute of Edward VI. which enacts that all which Bonner and Gardiner practised. - See Dr. processes, citations, judgments, &c., in any ecPrice's History of Noezcozforniity, vol. i., p. 471. Con- clesiastical courts, shall be issued in the sult Hallam's Constitutional History, sol. i., p. 271.-C. clesiastical courts, shall be issued in the king's sult.aUllem's Constitutioenil History, vol. i., p. 271. —C.; Rapin, vol. ii., p. 163, folio edition. name, and under the king's seal of arms. The f " The Puritans about this time," says Mrs. Macaulay, "suffered so severe a persecution, that i Rapin, vol. ii., p. 167, 168, folio ed. they were driven to offer a petition for relief to the t Ibid., vol. ii., p. 252. Coke, p. 51. king while he was taking the diversion of hunting. $ " This," as Dr. Warner well observes, "was James was something startled at this unexpected in- directly striking at the privileges of the Commons.' trusion, and very graciously directed them to depute -ED. ten of their members to declare their grievances to Q We are told, in particular, that Cecil assured the council. These deputies no sooner made their James, on his coming to the crown, " that he should appearance before the council than they were sent find his English subjects like asses, on whom he to jail, and Sir Francis Hastings, Sir Edward Mon- might lay any burden, and should need neither bit tague, and Sir Valentine Knightly, under whose pro- nor bridle but their asses' ears." "His reign, howtection they had thus acted, were turned out of the ever, affords sufficient proof," observes a late writer, lieutenancy of the county and the commission of the " that the king himself was the only ass, and that the peace." —Winwood's Memorials, quoted by Mrs. Mac- English lions were not to be intimidated by his silly aulay, Hist. of England, vol. i., p. 7, note, 8vo.-ED. braying."-Secret History of the Court and Reign of $ Rapin, vol. ii., p. 165, 166, folio ed. Charles II., vol. i., Introduction, p. 30, note.-E-D. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 237 bishops were said to be asleep when they suffer- present relation, that the impungers of this cer ed this clause to pass; but the Laudean clergy emony were heard at large in the conference at broke through it afterward, as they did through Hampton Court, and having objected the exameverything else that stood in the way of their ple of Hezekiah, who broke in pieces the brazen sovereignty. It was farther enacted that all serpent, after it had been abused to idolatry, leases or grants of Church lands to the king, or and therefore the sign of the cross (which was his heirs, &c., for more than twenty-one years not brought into the Church by God's express for the future, should be made void, which command, as the brazen serpent was, but was put an effectual stop to the alienation of the from the beginning a mere invention of men) Church's revenues. The marriages of the cler- ought now to be taken away by reason of the gy were also legitimated, by reviving the stat- superstitious abuse which is sustained in poute of King Edward VI. for that purpose.* pery; they received answer, That KingHezekiah The convocation which sat with the Parlia- might have preserved it, abandoning the abuse ment was very active against the Puritans. The of it, if it had pleased him, and, consequently, see of Canterbury being vacant, Bancroft, bish- it is in the king's majesty's power to abolish of London, presided, and produced the king's this ceremony, having been abused, or to retain license to make canons.t May 2, 1603, he de- it in manner aforesaid. Hereunto I say, that I livered a book of canons, of his own preparing, was one of the conference, yet I was not at that to the lower house for their approbation. About part of the conference where those that stood the same time, Mr. Egerton, Fleetwood, Wot- for reformation had access to the king's majeston, Clark, and other Puritan divines, presented ty's presence, and liberty to speak for thema petition for reformation of the Book of Corn- selves; for that I, and some other of my brethmon Prayer, but instead of receiving it, they ren the bishops, were secluded from that day's admonished them and their adherents to be assembly; but I suppose it to be true, as it has obedient, and conform before midsummer-day, formerly been reported, and I for my own paror else they should undergo the censures of the ticular admit the consequence put down above. Church. In the mean time the canons were Now, because I wish all others abroad as well revising. May 23, there was a debate in the satisfied herein as ourselves that be here presupper house upon the cross in baptism, when ent, if any of the contrary opinion shall come to Bancroft and some others spoke vehemently for me and say that the aforesaid answer does not it, but Dr. Rudd, bishop of St. David's, stood up satisfy them, because they think there is as and made the following speech for charity and great reason now to move them to become petimoderation: tioners to his majesty for abolishing the cross "For my part, I acknowledge the antiquity in baptism as there was to move the godly of the use of the cross, as mentioned in Tertul- zealous in Hezekiah's time to be petitioners for lian, and after him in St. Cyprian, St. Chrysos- defacing the brazen serpent, because the churchtom, Austin, and others. I also confess the going papists now among us do superstitiously original of the ceremony to have sprung by oc- abuse the one, as the Israelites did the other; casion of the pagans, who reproached the an- what sound answer shall I make to them for cient Christians for believing in Christ crucified; their better satisfaction l and that in popery it has been superstitiously "' Thirdly. Whereas it has been this day alabused; and I affirm that it is in the Church of leged that it is convenient and necessary to England now admitted and entertained by us, preserve the memory of the cross of Christ by and restored to its ancient integrity, all super- this means; if haply any of the other side shall stition abandoned. come to me and say that the memory of the " Likewise, I wish that, if the king's highness cross of Christ might be sufficiently and more shall persist in imposing it, all would submit to safely preserved by preaching the doctrine of it (as we do) rather than forego the ministry in the Gospel, the sum whereof is' Christ crucithat behalf. But I greatly fear, by the report fled;' which was so lively preached to the Gawhich I hear, that very many learned preachers, latians, as if his bodily image had been crucified whose consciences are not in our custody, nor among them; and yet we know not of any mato be disposed of at our devotion, will not easily terial or signal cross that was in use in the be drawn thereunto; of which number, if any Church at that time; I desire to know what shall come in my walk, I desire to be furnished satisfaction or answer must be given to them 1 beforehand, by those that be present, with suffi- "Moreover, I protest, that all my speeches cient reasons to satisfy them (if it be possible) now are uttered by way of proposition, not by concerning some points which have been now way of opposition, and that they all tend to work delivered. pacification in the Church; for I put great dif" First. Whereas sundry passages of Scrip- ference between what is lawful and what is exture have been alleged for the cross; as,' God pedient, and between them that are schismatical forbid that I should rejoice save in the cross of and them that are scrupulous only upon some Christ,' and divers others of the like sense; if ceremonies, being otherwise learned, studious, any of the adverse opinion fall into my company, grave, and honest men. and say that these scriptures are figurative, im- " Concerning these last, I suppose, if, upon plying the death and passion of our Saviour the urging them to absolute subscription, they Christ, and that to draw an argument from should be stiff, and choose rather to forego their them to justify the sign of the cross in the fore- livings, and the exercise of their ministry, though head is an insufficient kind of reasoning, and a I do not justify their doings herein, yet surely fallacy, what answer shall I make unto them 1 their service will be missed at such a time, as "Secondly. Whereas I have observed, upon need shall require us and them to give the right hand of fellowship one to another, and to go Srype's Annals, vol. ivPresb., p. 37596. arm in arm against the common adversary. t Strype's Annals, vol. iv., p. 396. 238 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. "Likewise consider who must be the execu- ers to unity and conformity with himself, and tioners of their deprivation; even we ourselves, the rest of his reverend brethren. And thus the bishops, against whom there will be a great the debate ended. clamour of them and their dependants, and many The Book of Canons found an easy passage others who are well affected towards them, through both houses of convocation, and was whereby our persons will be in hazard to be afterward ratified by the king's letters patent brought into extreme dislike or hatred. under his great seal; but not being confirmed " Also remember, that when the Benjamites by act of Parliament, it has several times been were all destroyed, saving six hundred, and the adjudged in the courts of Westminster Hall that men of Israel sware in their fury that none of they bind only the clergy, the laity not being them would give his daughter to the Benjamites represented in convocation. The book contains to wife, though they suffered for their just de- one hundred and forty-one articles, collected serts, yet their brethren afterward lamented and out of the injunctions, and other episcopal and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this synodical acts of the reigns of King Edward day; and they used all their wits, to the utter- VI. and Queen Elizabeth, and are the same that most of their policy, to restore that tribe again. are now in force. By these we discern the " In like sort, if these our brethren aforesaid spirit of the Church at this time, and how freeshall be deprived of their places for the matter ly she dispensed her anathemas against those premised, I think we should find cause to bend who attempted a farther reformation. The canour wits to the utmost extent of our skill to ons that relate to the Puritans deserve a parprovide some cure of souls for them, that they ticular mention, because (however illegally) they may exercise their talents. suffered severely under them. "Furthermore, if these men, being divers "Canon 3 says, that whosoever shall affirm hundreds, should forsake their charges, who, that the Church of England by law established I pray you, should succeed them l Verily, I is not a true and apostolical church, let him be know not where to find so many able preachers excommunicated ipso facto, and not restored in this realm unprovided for; but suppose there but only by the archbishop, after his repentance were, yet they might more conveniently be set- and public revocation of his wicked error. tled in the seats of unpreaching ministers. But " Canon 4. Whosoever shall affirm the form if they are put in the places of these men that of God's worship in the Church of England esare dispossessed, thereupon it will follow, 1. That tablished by law, and contained in the Book of the number of preaching ministers will not be Common Prayer and administration of sacramultiplied. 2. The Church cannot be so well ments, is a corrupt, superstitious, and unlawful furnished on a sudden; for though the new worship, or contains anything repugnant to supply may be of learned men from the univer- Scripture, let him be excommunicated ipso facto, sities, yet will they not be such ready preachers and not restored, &c. for a time, nor so experienced in pastoral gov- "Canon 5. Whosoever shall affirm, that any ernment, nor so well acquainted with the man- of the thirty-nine articles of the Church. agreed ners of the people, nor so discreet in their car- upon in the year 1562, for avoiding diversity of riage, as those who have already spent many opinions, and for establishing consent touching years in their ministerial charge. true religion, are in any part superstitious or "Besides, forasmuch as in the time of the erroneous, or such as he may not with a good late Archbishop of Canterbury these things conscience subscribe to, let him be excommuwere not so extremely urged, but that many nicated ipso facto. and not restored, &c. learned preachers enjoyed their liberty condi- "Canon 6. Whosoever shall affirm, that the tionally, that they did not by word or deed rites and ceremonies of the Church of England openly disturb the state established, I would by law established are wicked, antichristian, know a reason why they should now be so gen- superstitious, or such as, being commanded by erally and exceedingly straitly called upon, es- lawful authority, good men may not with a good pecially since there is a greater increase of pa- conscience approve, use, or, as occasion repists lately than heretofore. quires, subscribe, let him be excommunicated "To conclude, I wish, that if by petition to ipso facto, and not restored, &c. the king's majesty there cannot be obtained a " Canon 7. Whosoever shall affirm the govquiet remove of the premises, nor yet a tolera- ernment of the Church of England, by archbishtion for them that are of more staid and temper- ops, bishops, deans, and archdeacons, and the ate carriage, yet at least there might be procu- rest that bear office in the same, is antichristian, red a mitigation of the penalty."* or repugnant to the Word of God, let him be The Bishops of London, Winchester, Ely, and excommunicated ipso facto, and not restored, Lincoln, answered the Bishop of St. David's; &c. but when his lordship would have replied, he " Canon 8. Whosoever shall affirm, that the was forbid by the president, and submitted; af- form and manner of making and consecrating firming, that as nothing was more dear to him bishops, priests, or deacons, contain anything than the peace of the Church, he was determin- repugnant to the Word of God; or that persons ed to use the best means he could to draw oth- so made and consecrated are not lawfully made, or need any other calling or ordination to their Dr. Grey also gives this speech of Bishop Rudd divine offices, let him be excommunicated ipso at length, inserting in brackets some words and clauses both from Mr. Pierce and Mr. Thomas Baker's "Canon t restored, &c. ISt., omitted by Mr. Neal, in order to convict hirn- Canon 9. osoever shall separate from self of inaccuracy; but friom the nature of them, it the comnmunion of the Church of England, as it should seem that these omissions proceeded not is approved by the apostles' rules, and combine from negligence, but design, as not essential to Bish- together in a new brotherhood, accounting op Rtudd's argument. —ED. those who conform to the doctrines, rites, and HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 239 ceremonies of the Church unmeet for their Canon 27 forbids giving the sacrament to schiscommunion, let him be excommunicated ipso matics, or to any other but such as kneel, and facto, and not restored, &c. allow of the rites, ceremonies, and orders of the "Canon 10. Whosoever shall affirm that such Church. Canon 28 says that none shall be administers as refilse to subscribe to the form and mitted to the sacrament but in their own parish. number of God's worship in the Church of Canon 29, That no parent shall be urged to be England, and their adherents, may truly take to present, nor be admitted to answer as a godfathemselves the name of another church not es- ther for his own child in baptism. Canon 30 tablished by law, and shall publish that their declares the sign of the cross to be no part of pretended church has groaned under the burden the substance of the sacrament of baptism, but of certain grievances imposed on them by the that the ordinance is perfect without it. Canon Church of England, let him be excommunicated 33 prohibits ordination without a presentation, ipso facto, and not restored, &c. and says, that if any bishop ordain without a "Canon 11. Whosoever shall affirm hat title, he shall maintain the person till he be prothere are within this realm other meetings, as- vided with a living. Canons 36 and 37 say that semblies, or congregations, of the king's born no person shall be ordained, or suffered to preach, subjects, than such as are established by law, or catechise in any place as a lecturer, or othwhich may rightly challenge to themselves the erwise, unless he first subscribe the three artiname of true and lawful churches, let him be cles following: 1. That the king's majesty is excommunicated ipso facto, and not restored, &c. the supreme head and governor of this realm, as "Canon 12. Whosoever shall affirm that it well in all spiritual and ecclesiastical as temis lawful for any sort of ministers or lay persons poral causes. 2. That the Book of Common to make rules, orders, and constitutions, in caus- Prayer, &c., contains nothing contrary to the es ecclesiastical, without the king's authority, Word of God, and that he will use it, and none and shall submit to be ruled and governed by other. 3. That he alloweth the thirty-nine arthem, let him be excommunicated ipso facto, and ticles of 1562 to be all and every one of them not restored, &c. agreeable to the Word of God. To these he "' Canon 98. We decree and appoint, that af- shall subscribe in the following form of words: ter any judge ecclesiastical hath proceeded ju- I, N N, do willingly, and ex animo, subscribe dicially against obstinate and factious persons, to these three articles above mentioned, and to for not observing the rites and ceremonies of all things that are contained in them. the Church, or for contempt of public prayer, Canon 38 says, that if any minister, after no judge ad quem shall admit or allow of an ap- subscription, shall disuse the ceremonies, he peal, unless he having first seen the original shall be suspended; then, after a month, be exappeal, the party appellant do first personally communicated; and after another month, be depromise and vow that he will faithfully keep posed from his ministry. Canon 55 contains and observe all the rites and ceremonies of the the form of bidding prayer before sermon: "Ye Church of England, as also the prescript form shall pray for Christ's holy Catholic Church," of common prayer; and do likewise subscribe &c., the original of which I have accounted for. the three articles formerly by us specified and Canon 82 appoints, "that convenient and dedeclared." cent tables shall be provided in all churches for They who are acquainted with the terrible the celebration of the holy communion, and the consequences of an excommunication in the same tables shall be covered in times of Divine spiritual courts, must be sensible of the new service with a carpet of silk, or other convenient hardships put upon the Puritans by these can- stuff; and with a fair linen cloth at the time of ons: suspensions and deprivations from their the administration, as becometh that table, and livings were not now thought sufficient punish- so stand, saving when the said holy communion ments for the sin of nonconformity; but the is to be administered; at which time the same Puritans, both clergy and laity, must be turned shall be placed in so good sort within the church out of the congregation of the faithful; they must or chancel, as thereby the minister may be more be rendered incapable of suing for their lawful conveniently heard of the communicants in his debts; they must be imprisoned for life by pro- prayer and administration; and the communicess out of the civil courts, or until they make cants also more conveniently, and in more numsatisfaction to the Church; and when they die, bhers, may communicate with the said minister; they must be denied Christian burial; and, so and a convenient seat shall be made for the far as lies in the power of the court, be excluded minister to read service in." the kingdom of heaven. 0 uncharitableness! The other canons relate to the particular duPapists excommunicate Protestants, because, by ties of ministers, lecturers, church-wardens, parrenouncing the Catholic faith, they apprehended ish-clerks; to the jurisdiction and business of them guilty of heresy; but for Protestants of ecclesiastical courts, with their proper officers, the same faith to excommunicate their fellow- as judges ecclesiastical, surrogates, proctors, Christians and subjects, and deprive them of registrars, apparitors, &c. The book concludes their liberties, properties, and estates, for a few with denouncing the sentence of excommunicaceremonies, or because they have not the same tion, 1. Against such as shall affirm that this veneration for the ecclesiastical constitution synod, thus assembled, is not the true Church with themselves, is hardly to be paralleled. of England by representation. 2. Against such To take notice of a few more of the canons: as shall affirm that persons not particularly ascanon 14- forbids the minister to add to, or leave sembled in this synod, either clergy or laity, are out, any part of the prayers. Canon 18 enjoins not subject to the decrees thereof, as not having bowing at the name of Jesus. Canons 17, 24, given their voices to them. 3. Against such as 25, 58, 74, enjoin the wearing the habits in col- shall affirm this sacred synod was a company leges, cathedrals, &o., as copes, surplices, hoods. of such persons as did conspire against godly 240 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. and religious professors of the Gospel, and, you, most dear brethren, for your kind address; therefore, that they and their proceedings ought I am sensible of the merits of John Alasco, to be despised and contemned, though ratified Utenhovius, and Edmund Grindal, bishop of and confirmed by the royal supremacy and au- London,* superintendents of your churches, thority. and of the rest of my predecessors in this bishThe king, in his ratification of these canons, opric, who had reason to take your churches, commands them to be diligently observed and which are of the same faith with our own, unexecuted, and for the better observation of the der their patronage, which I am also ready to same, that every parish minister shall read them do. I have known your churches twenty-five over once every year in his church, on a Sun- years to have been beneficial to the kingdom, day or holyday, before Divine service; and all and serviceable to the Church of England, in archbishops, bishops, and others having eccle- which the devil, the author of discord, has kinsiastical jurisdiction, are commanded to see all dled the fire of dissension, into which I pray and every the same put in execution, and not you not to pour oil, but to endeavour by your spare to execute the penalties in them severally councils and prayers to extinguish."t Thus mentioned on those that wilfully break or neg- the foreign churches enjoyed full peace, while lect them. I shall leave the reader to make his his majesty's own subjects, of the same faith own comment on the proceedings of this synod, and discipline with them, were harassed out of only observing that, when they had finished the kingdom. their decrees, they were prorogued to January, Bancroft was a divine of a rough temper, a 1605-6, when, Dr. Overal being prolocutor, they perfect creature of the prerogative, and a degave the king four subsidies, but did no more dared enemy of the religious and civil liberties church business till the time of their dissolution, of his country. He was for advancing the prein the year 1610. rogative above law, and for enlarging the jurisDr. Bancroft, bishop of London, being trans- diction of the spiritual courts, by advising his lated to the see of Canterbury* [December 1604j, majesty to take from the courts of Westminster was succeeded by Vaughan, bishop of Chester, Hall to himself the whole right of granting proa corpulent man, and of little activity; upon his hibitions; for this purpose he framed twentyadvancement the Dutch and French ministers five grievances of the clergy, which he called within his diocess presented him with an ad- articuli cleri, and presented them to the king for dress for his protection and favour, wherein his approbation; but the judges having declathey set forth " that their churches were grant- red them to be contrary to law, they were set ed them by charter from pious King Edward aside. VI., in the year 1550; and that, though they His grace revived the persecutions of the were again dispersed by the Marian persecution, Puritans by enforcing the strict observance of they were restored to their churches and privi- all the festivals of the Church; reviving the use leges by Queen Elizabeth, in the year 1558, of copes, surplices, caps, hoods, &c., according from which time they have been in the uninter- to the first service-book of King Edward, oblirupted possession of them. It appears from ging the clergy to subscribe over again to the our records," say they, "how kind and friendly three articles of Whitgift, which by the late the pious Grindal was to us; and what pains canon [No. 36] they were to declare they did the prudent Bishop Sandys took in composing willingly, and from the heart. By these methour differences. We promise ourselves the like ods of severity above three hundred Puritan favour from your lordship, &c., for whom we ministersT were silenced or deprived, some of shall always pray," &c.t Monsieur de la Pon- whom were excommunicated and cast into pristaine delivered the address, with a short Latin on, others were forced to leave their native speech, to whom the bishop replied, "I thank country and livelihood, and go into banishment * The causes which led to Bancroft's elevation to preserve their consciences. I say, says Mr. are thus stated by Sir John Harrington: "His maj- Collyer, to preserve their consciences, for it is isty had long since understanding of his writing a hard thing to bring everybody's understandagainst the Genevesing and Scottising ministers; and ing to a common standard, and to make all though some imagined he had therein given the king honest men of the same mind.~ some distaste, yet finding him in the disputations at To countenance and support the archbishop's Hampton Court both learned and stout, he did more and more increase his liking to him; so that al- * Utenhovius and Edmund Grindal, as Dr. Grey though in the common rumour Thoby Matthew was observes, are not mentioned in the bishop's answer, likeliest to have carried it, so learned a man and so though they are in Fontaine's speech.-ED. assiduous a preacher, qui in concionibus dominator, as t Strype's Annals, vol. v., p. 395. his emulous and bitter enemy wrote of him, yet his $ This account is controverted by Dr. Grey on the majesty, in his learning knowing, and in his wisdom authority of Heylin's Aer. Rediviv., p. 376, who says weighing, that this same strict charge,'pasce oves "that, by the rolls brought in by Bishop Bancroft meos,' feed my sheep, requires as well a pastoral before his death, it appears that there had been but courage of driving in the stray sheep and driving out forty-five deprived on all occasions, which, in a realm the infectious, as of feeding the sound, made special containing nine thousand parishes, could be no great choice of the Bishop of London, as a man more ex- matter. But it was that, by the punishment of some ercised in the affairs of the state. I will add also of the principals, he struck such a general terror into mine own conjecture out of some of his majesty's all the rest, that inconformity grew out of fashion in own speeches, that in respect he was a single man, less time than could be easily imagined."-ED. Calhe supposed him the fitter, according to Queen Eliz- derwood says there were " three hundred," and he is abeth's principles of state, upon whose wise founda- supported by the author of " A Short Dialogue," 1605, tions his majesty doth daily erect more glorious who says "their names amounted, 1st November, buildings." —luger Antiquo, vol. ii., p. 25. —C. 1605, to 270 and upward, yet there were eight bisht Address of the French and Dutch churches to oprics whereof it could not yet be learned what had the Bishop of London, Strype's Annals, vol. iv., p. been done in them."-P. 58.-C. 390. l Eccles. Hist., p. 687. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 241 proceedings, the king summoned the twelve Before the breaking up of the assembly, some judges into the Star Chamber, and demanded of the lords declared that the Puritans had raised their judgments upon three questions; there a false rumour of the king, as intending to grant were present the Bishops of Canterbury and a toleration to papists; which offence thejudges London, and about twelve lords of the privy conceived to be heinously finable by the rules oI council common law, either in the King's Bench, or by The lord-chancellor opened the assembly with the king in council; or now, since the statute a sharp speech against the Puritans, as disturb- of 3 Henry VII., in the Star Chamber. And the ers of the peace, declaring that the king intend- lords severally declared that the king was disconed to suppress them by having the laws put in tented with the said false rumour, and had made execution;* and then demanded, in his majesty's but the day before a protestation to them that name, the opinion of the judges in three things: he never intended it, and that he would spend Q. 1. ";' Whether the deprivation of Puritan the last drop of blood in his body before he would ministers by the high commissioners, for refu- do it; and prayed, that before any of his issue sing to conform to the ceremonies appointed by should maintain any other religion than What he the last canons, was lawful!" truly possessed and maintained, God would take The judges replied, " that they had conferred them out of the world. The reader will rememthereof before, and held it to be lawful, because her this solemn protestation hereafter. the king had the supreme ecclesiastical power, After these determinations the archbishop rewhich he has delegated to the commissioners, sumed fresh courage, and pursued the Puritans whereby they have the power of deprivation, by without the least compassion. A more grievous the canon law of the realm, and the statute Ist persecution of the orthodox faith, says my auEliz., which appoints commissioners to be made thor, is not to be met with in any prince's reign. by the queen, but does not confer any new pow- Dr. John Burgess, rector of Sutton Colefield, in er, but explain and declare the ancient power; one of his letters to King James, says the numand therefore they held it clear that the king ber of Nonconformists in the counties he menwithout Parliament might make orders and con- tions were six or seven hundred, agreeable to stitutions for the government of the clergy, and the address of the Lincolnshire ministers, heremight deprive them if they obeyed not; and so after mentioned.* the commissioners might deprive them, but that The whole clergy of London being summoned the commissioners could not make any new con- to Lambeth, in order to subscribe over again stitutions without the king. And the divulging many absconded, and such numbers refused, such ordinances by proclamation is a most gra- that the Church was in danger of being disfurcious admonition. And forasmuch as they [the nished, which awakened the court, who had Puritans] have refused to obey, they are lawfully been told that the Nonconformists were an indeprived by the commissioners ex officio, without considerable body of men. Upon this surprising libel, et ore tenus convocati." appearance, the bishops were obliged to relax Q. 2. " Whether a prohibition be grantable the rigour of the canons for a while, and to acagainst the commissioners upon the statute of cept of a promise from some to use the cross 2 Henry V., if they do not deliver the copy of and surplice; from others to use the surplice the libel to the party I" only; and from others a verbal promise that they The judges replied, "that that statute was might be used, not obliging themselves to the intended where the ecclesiastical judge proceeds use of them at all; the design of which was to ex officio, et ore tenus." serve the Church by them at present, till the Q. 3. " Whether it be an offence punishable, universities could supply them with new men; and what punishment they deserved, who framed for they had a strict eye upon those seminaries petitions, and collected a multitude of hands of learning, and would admit no young scholar thereto, to prefer to the king in a public cause, into orders without an absolute and full subas the Puritans had done, with an intimation to scription to all the articles and canons. the king, that if he denied their suit, many thou- Bancroft, in a letter to his brethren the bish.sands of his subjects would be discontented'l" ops, dated December 18, 1604, gives the followThe judges replied, " that it was an offence ing directions: " As to such ministers as are finable at discretion, and very near to treason not already placed in the Church, the thirty-sixth and felony in the punishment, for it tended to the raising sedition, rebellion, and discontent the king absolute in all ecclesiastical affairs, without among the people." To which unaccountable anylimitation or redress; and it was intended, probaresolution all the lords agreed.t bly, as a step to make him so in the state."-ED By these determinations the whole body of the * The number of nonsubscribers in clergy are excluded the benefit of the common Oxfordshire, were. 9 Staffordshire... 14 and statute law; for the king without Parlia- Dorsetshire... 17 Hertfordshire... 17 ment may make what constitutions he pleases: Nottilghamshire. 20 Surrey... 21 Norfolk..28 Wiltshire..... 31 his majesty's high commissioners may proceed 33 Sussex.. 7 Buckinghamshire..33 Sussex 47 upon these constitutions ex officio; and the sub- Leicestershire.. 57 Cheshire.. 12 ject may not open his complaints to the king, or Bedfordshire.. 16 Somersetshire.. 17 petition for relief, without being finable at pleas- Derbyshire....20 Lancashire... 21 ure, and coming within danger of treason or Kent... 23 London...... 30 felony.+ Lincolnshire.. 33 Warwickshire.. 44 Devon and Cornwall. 51 N orthamptonshire 57 * Crook's Reports, Mich. term, 2 Jac., part ii., p. Suffolk..... 71 Essex..... 57 37, parag. 13. In the twenty-four counties above mentioned. 746 t The reader is referred to Vaughan's Stuart Dy. From whence it is reasonable to conclude, that in the nasty, vol. i., p. 139. —C. fifty-two counties of England and Wales, there were T$ his (as Dr. Warnerwell observes)wasmaking more than double the number. VOL. I. —II H 242 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. and thirty-seventh canons are to be observed; Rotterdam, the Hague, Leyden, Utrecht, and and none are to be admitted to execute any ec- other places of the Low Countries, where Engclesiastical function without subscription. Such lish churches were erected after the Preshyterias are already placed in the Church are of two an model, and maintained by the States accord sorts: 1. Some promise conformity, but are ing to treaty with Queen Elizabeth, as the unwilling to subscribe again. Of these, foras- French and Dutch churches were in England. much as the near affinity between conformity Besides, the English being yet iPr possession of and subscription gives apparent hopes that, be- the cautionary towns, many wes.t over as chaping men of sincerity, they will in a short time lains to regiments, which, together with the frame themselves to a more constant course, merchants that resided in, the trading cities, and subscribe to that again, which by their prac- made a considerable body. The reverend and tice they testify not to be repugnant to the Word learned Dr. William Ames, one of the most of God, your lordship may (an act remaining acute controversial writers of his age, settled upon record of such their offer and promise) re- with the English church at the Hague; the spite their subscription for some short time. 2. learned Mr. Robert Parker, a Wiltshire divine, Others, in their obstinacy, will yield neither to and author of the Ecclesiastical Policy, being subscription nor promise of conformity; these disturbed by the High Commission, retired to are either stipendiary curates, or stipendiary lec- Amsterdam, and afterward became chaplain to turers, or men beneficed; the first two are to be the English regiment at Doesburgh, where he silenced, and the third deprived." He adds, died. The learned Mr. Forbes, a Scots divine, "'that the king's proclamation of July 16, 1604, settled with the English church at Rotterdam, admonishes them to conform to the Church, and as Mr. Pots, Mr. Paget, and others did at Amobey the same, or else to dispose of themselves sterdam and other places. and their families some other way, as being men But the greatest number of those who left unfit, for their obstinacy and contempt, to oc- their native country for religion were Browncupy such places; and besides, they are within ists,* or rigid Separatists, of whom Mr. Johnthe compass of several laws." son, Ainsworth, Smith, and Robinson were the The Puritans who separated from the Church, leaders. Mr. Johnson erected a church at Amor inclined that way, were treated with yet sterdam after the model of the Brownists, havgreater rigour. Mr. Maunsel, minister of Yar- ing the learned Mr. Ainsworth for doctor or mouth, and Mr. Lad, a merchant of that town, teacher. These two published to the world a were imprisoned by the High Commission, for a confession of faith of the people called Brownsupposed conventicle, because that on the Lord's ists, in the year 1602, not much different in docDay, after sermon, they joined with Mr. Jack- trine from " The Harmony of Confessions," but ler, their late minister, in repeating the heads being men of warm spirits, they fell to pieces of the sermon preached on that day in the about points of discipline;t Johnson excommuchurch. Mr. Lad was obliged to answer upon oath certain articles without being able to ob- - These conscientious exiles, driven from their tain a sight of them beforehand, and, after he own country by persecution, instead of meeting with had answered before the chancellor, was cited a hospitable reception or even a quiet refuge in Houp to:Lambeth to answer them again before the land, were there " loaded with reproaches, despised. high comnmissioners upon a new oath, which and afflicted by all, and almost consumed with deep poverty." The learned Ainsworth, we are told, lived he refusing without a sight of his former an- upon ninepence a week and some boiled roots, anl swer, was thrown into prison, where he contin- was reduced to the necessity of hiring himself as a ued a long time without being admitted to bail. porter to a bookseller, who first of all discovered his Mr. Maunsel, the minister, was charged farther skill in the Hebrew language, and made it known to with signing a complaint to the lower house of his countrymen. The Dutch themselves, just emerParliament, and for refusing the oath ex o~fficio, ged from civil and religious oppression, looked with a for which he also was shut tip in prison without jealous eye on these suffering refugees. And though the civil power, commonly in every state more friend-'bail. At length, being brought to the bar upon a ly than the ecclesiastic to toleration, does not appear writ of habeas corpus, and having prevailed with to have oppressed them; the clergy would not afford Nic. Fuller, Esq., a bencher of Gray's Inn, and a them an opportunity to refute the unfavourable re-'learned man in his profession, to be their coun- ports generally circulated against them on the ausel, he moved that the prisoners might be dis- thority of letters from England, nor receive their concharged, because the high commissioners were fession of faith, nor give them an audience on some,not empowered by law to imprison, or to ad- points on which they desired to lay their sentiments mrninister the oath ecx oficio, or to fine any of his before them; but with a man at their head of no less minister the oath cx ofcio, or to fine any of his eminence than James Arminius, judged that they majesty's subjects. This was reckoned an un- ought to petition the magistrate for leave to held,pardonable crime, and, instead of serving his their assemblies for the worship of God, and informclients, brought the indignation of the commis- ed against them in such a way as might have render sioners upon himself. Bancroft told the king ed them the objects of suspicion. "They seemed evi that he was the champion of the Nonconform- dently," it has been remarked, "to have considered ists, and ought, therefore, to be made an exam- them in the same light in which serious and conscipie to terrify others from appearing for them; entious dissenters from the religious profession of the majority will ever be viewed, as a set of discontentaccordingly, he was shut up in close prison, from edority will ever be viewed, as a se t of discontent whence neither the intercession of his friends be safest for them to have no connexion."-Ains. nor his own humble petitions could obtain his worth's two Treatises on The Communion of Saints, release to the day of' his death.* and An Arrow agaizst Idolatry, printed at Edinburgh, This high abuse of Church power obliged 1789, pref., p. 15-17.-ED. many learned ministers and their followers to t A late writer, who appears to have accurately leave the kingdom and retire to Amsterdam, investigated the history of the Brownists, represents Mr. Neal as incorrect in his account of the debates * Pierce's Vindication, p. 174. which arose among them. The principal leaders of HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 243 nicated his own father and brother for trifling acknowledgment he would desire; but Ainsmatters, after having rejected the mediation of worth, though poor, would accept of nothing but the presbytery of Amsterdam. This divided the a conference with some of his rabbies upon the congregation, insomuch that Mr. Ainsworth and prophecies of the Old Testament relating to the half the congregation excommunicated Johnson, Messias, which the other promised, but not havwho, after some time, returned the same com- ing interest enough to obtain it, and Ainsworth pliment to Ainsworth. At length the contest being resolute, it is thought he was poisoned.* grew so hot that Amsterdam could not hold His congregation remained. without a pastor for them; Johnson and his followers removed to some yea'rs after his death, and then chose Mr. Embden, where soon after dying, his congrega- Canne, author of the marginal references to the tion dissolved. Nor did Mr. Ainsworth and his Bible, and sundry other treatises. followers live long in peace, upon which he left Mr. Smith was a learned man, and of good them and retired to Ireland, where he continued abilities, but of an unsettled head, as appears some time; but when the spirits of his people by the preface to one of his books, in which he were quieted he returned to Amsterdam, and desires that his- last writings may always be tacontinued with them to the day of his death. ken for his present judgment. He was for refiThis Mr. Ainsworth was author of an excellent ning upon the Brownists' scheme, and at last little treatise entitled " An Arrow against Idol- declared for the principles of the Baptists; upon atry," and of a most learned commentary on the this he left Amsterdam, and settled with his five books of Moses, by which he appears to have disciples at Ley; where, being at a loss for a been a great master of the Oriental languages proper administrator of the ordinance of bapand of Jewish antiquities. His death was sud- tism, he plunged himself, and then performed den, and not without suspicion of violence, for it the ceremony upon others, which gained him is reported that, having found a diamond of very the name of a Se-Baptist.t He afterward emgreat value in the streets of Amsterdam, he advertised it in print, and when the owner, who * Others say that he obtained this conference, and so confounded the Jews that from pique and malwas a Jew, came to demand it, he offered him any ice they in this manner put an end to his life. He this party were the two brothers Francis and George died in 1622 or 1623, leaving an exemplary character Johnson, Mr. Ainsworth, and Mr. John Smith, who for humility, sobriety, discretion, and unblamable virhad been a clergyman in England. Three principal tue.-See an account prefixed to his two treatises, p. subjects of controversy, occasioned dissensions in the 60, 62.-ED. Brownist churches. The first ground of dissension t This is said on the authority of his opponents was the marriage of Francis Johnson with a widow only, who, from the acrimony with which they wrote of a taste for living and dress, particularly unsuita- against him, it may be reasonably concluded, might ble to times of persecution: his father and his broth- be ready to take up a report against him upon slerner opposed this connexion. This occasioned such a der evidence. His defences of himself and his opiadifference that the latter proceeded from admonitions ions have not been, for many years, to be met with; and reproofs to bitter revilings and reproaches, and but the large quotations from them in the writings Francis Johnson, his colleague Ainsworth, and the of his opponents afforded not the least intimation, church at length passed a sentence of excommunica- either in the way of concession or justification, of tion against the father and brother. Mr. Neal, it his having done such a thing; the contrary may be seems, confounds this unhappy controversy with an- rather concluded from them. The first ground of other that succeeded to it, but distinct from it, be- his separation from the Established Church was a tween Francis Johnson and Ainsworth. It turned dislike of its ceremonies and prescribed forms of upon a question of discipline; the former placing the prayer; he afterward doubted concerning the validigovernment of the Church in the eldership alone, the ty of baptism administered in a national church; latter in the Church, of which the elders are a part. this paved the way for his rejecting the baptism of This dispute was carried to an unchristian height, but, infants altogether, and adopting immersion as the according to Mr. John Cotton, of New-England, who true and only meaning of the word baptism. His was the contemporary of Johnson and Ainsworth, judgment on doctrinal points underwent similar and had lived amid the partisans of each side, they changes. Hence, Mr. Neal has called him a man did not, as Mr. Neal represents the matter, mutually "of an unsettled head." This language seems to inexcommunicate each other, but Ainsworth and his sinuate a reflection on Mr. Smith: whereas it is an company withdrew, and worshipped by themselves honour to any man; it shows candour, ingenuousness. after Johnson and those with him had denied the an openness to conviction, and sincerity, for one to communion. In the interim of these debates, a change his sentiments on farther inquiry, and to avow schism had taken place in the church, headed by it. A lover of truth, especially who has imbibed in Mr. John Smith, who advanced and maintained opin- early life the principles of the corrupt establishments ions similar to those afterward espoused by Armini- of Christianity, will continually find it his duty to us; and besides his sentiments concerning baptism, recede from his first sentiments. Bishop Tillotson to which Mr. Neal refers in the next paragraph, sev- justly commended his friend Dr. Whichcot; because eral singular opinions were ascribed to him; as, that while it is customary with learned men at a certain no translation of the Bible could be properly the age to make their unzderstandirngs, the doctor was so Word of God, but the original only was so; that wise as to be willing to learn to the last; i. e., he singing set words or verses to God was without any was of an unsettled head.-Crosby's History of the proper authority; that flight in time of persecution English Baptists, vol. i., p. 65, &c. Account of qir. was unlawful; that the new creature needed not the Ainsworth prefixed to his two treatises, p. 41.-ED. support of Scriptures and ordinances, but is above It seems that the accusers of Mr. Smith have forthem; that perfection is attainable in this life, &c. gotten the progressive nature of the changes he underThere arose against him a whole host of opponents; went. "For a man," he himself remarks, "if a Turk, Johnson, Robinson, Clifton, Ainsworth, and Jessop. to become a Jew, if a Jew, to become a papist, if a HIis character as well as his sentiments were attack- papist, to become a Protestant, are all commendable ed with a virulence of spirit and an abusive language changes, though they all befall one and the same that discredit the charges and expose the spirit of the person in one year, nay, if it were in one month; so writers.-See some account of Mr. Ainsworth, pre- that not to change religion is evil simply; and, therefixed to a new edition of his two treatises, p. 27-42; fore, that we should fall from the profession of Puri and Crosby's History of English Baptists, vol. i., p. 3., tanism to Brownism, and from Brownism to true &c., and p. 265, &c.-ED. Christian baptism, is not simply evil, or reprovable 244 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. braced the tenets of Arminius, and published This difference among the Puritans engaged certain conclusions upon those points in the them in a warm controversy among themselves year 1611, which Mr. Robinson answered; but about the lawfulness and necessity of separating Smith died soon after, and his congregation from the Church of England, while the conformdissolved. ing clergy stood by as spectators of the combat. Mr. John Robinson was a Norfolk divine, Most of the Puritans were for keeping within beneficed about Yarmouth, where being often the pale of the Church, apprehending it to be a molested by the bishop's officers, and his friends true church in its doctrines and sacraments, almost ruined in the ecclesiastical courts, he re- though defective in discipline, and corrupt in moved to Leyden, and erected a congregation ceremonies; but being a true church, they upon the model of the Brownists.* He set out thought it not lawful to separate, though they upon the most rigid principles, but by conver- could hardly continue in it with a good consing with Dr. Ames, and other learned men, he science. They submitted to suspensions and became more moderate; and though he always deprivations; and when they were driven out maintained the lawfulness and necessity of sep- of one diocess, took sanctuary in another, being arating from those Reformed churches among afraid of incurring the guilt of schism by forming which he lived, yet he did not deny them to be themselves into separate communions. Wheretrue churches, and admitted their members to as the Brownists maintained that the Church occasional communion, allowing his own to of England, in its present constitution, was no join with the Dutch churches in prayer and true Church of Christ, but a limb of antichrist, hearing the Word, but not in the sacraments or at best a mere creature of the state; that and discipline, which gained him the character their ministers were not rightly called and orof a semi-separatist; his words are these:t dained, nor the sacraments duly administered; "We profess, before God and men, that we or, supposing it to be a true church, yet as it agree so entirely with the Reformed Dutch was owned by their adversaries [the conformchurches in matters of religion, that we are ing Puritans] to be a very corrupt one, it must willing to subscribe to all and every one of their be as lawful to separate from it as for the articles, as they are set down in' The Harmo- Church of England to separate fiom Rome. ny of Confession.' We acknowledge these Re-' The conforming Puritans evaded this conseformed churches for true and genuine: we hold quence by denying the Church of Rome to be communion with them as far as we can; those a true church; nay, they affirmed it to be the among us that understand the Dutch language very antichrist; but the argument remained in frequent their sermons; and we administer the full force against the bishops, and that part of Lord's Supper to such of their members as are the clergy who acknowledged the Church of known to us, and desire it occasionally." This Rome to be a true church. Mr. Robinson was the father of the Independ- It is certainly as lawful to separate from the ents. corruptions of one church as of another; and it Mr. Henry Jacob was born in Kent, and edu- is necessary to do so, when those corruptions cated in St. Mary's Hall, where he took the de- are imposed as terms of communion. Let us grees in arts, entered into holy orders, and be- hear Archbishop Laud, in his conference with came precentor of Christ Church College, and the Jesuit Fisher. " Another church," says his afterward beneficed in his own country at Cher- grace, "' may separate from Rome, if Rome will iton.T He was a person thoroughly versed in separate from Christ; and so far as it separates theological authors, but withal a most zealous from him and the faith, so far may another Puritan. He wrote two treatises against Fr. church separate from it. I grant the Church Johnson, the Brownist, in defence of the Church of Rome to be a true church in essence, though of England's being a true church, printed at corrupt in manners and'doctrine. And corMiddleburgh. 1599, and afterward published ruption of manners, attended with errors in the "Reasons taken out of God's Word, and the doctrines of faith, is a just cause for one parbest Human Testimonies, proving a Necessity of ticular church to separate from another." His reforming our Churches of England, &c., 1604." grace then adds, with regard to the Church of But going to Leyden, and conversing with Mr. Rome: "The cause of the separation is yours, Robinson, he embraced his sentiments of dis- for you thrust us from you, because we called cipline and government, and transplanted it into for truth and redress of abuses; for a schism England in the year 1616, as will be seen in its must needs be theirs whose the cause of it is; proper place. the wo runs full out of the mouth of Christ, even against him that gives the offence, not in itself, except it be proved that we have fallen from against him that takes it. It was ill done of true religion."- The Character of the Beast, Epistle to those, whoever they were, who first made the the Reader, p. 1. * Boyle's Dissuasive, p. 177. separation [from Rome]; I mean not actual, t " Profitemur coram Deo et hominibus adeo nobis but casual, for, as I said before, the schism is convenire cum ecclesiis reformatis Belgicis in re re- theirs whose the cause of it is; and he makes ligionis ut omnibus et singulis earundem ecclesiarum fidei articulis, prout habentur in Harmonia Confes- the separation who gives the first just cause of sionum Fidei, parati sumus subscribere. Ecclesias it, not he that makes an actual separation upon reformlatas pro veris et genuinis habemus, cum iis- a just cause preceding." Let the reader caredem in sacris Dei communionem profitemur, et quan- fully consider these concessions, and then judge turn in nobis est, colimus. Conciones publicas ab how far they will justify the separation of the illarum pastoribus habitas, ex nostris qui norunt lin- Brownists, or the Protestant Nonconformists at guam Belgicam frequentant: sacram ccenam earum this day membris, si qua forte nostris ccetibus intersint nobis cognita, participiamus.". This year [1605] was famous for the discov$ Life of Whitgift, p. 566. ery of the Gunpowder Plot, which was a contri4 Ath. Ox., vol. i., p. 394. vance of the papists to blow up the king and HISTORY OF' T1-fE PURITANS. 245 the whole royal family, with the chief of the Church as well as the State, and might thereProtestant nobility and gentry, November 5th, fore be taken by all such Roman Catholics as the first day of their assembling in Parliament. did not believe the pope had power to depose For this purpose a cellar was hired under the kings, and give away their dominions. AcHouse of Lords, and stored with thirty-six bar- cordingly, Blackwell, their superior, and most rels of gunpowder, covered over with coals and of the English Catholics, submitted to the oath, fagots; but the plot was discovered the night though the pope absolutely forbade them on pain before, by means of a letter sent to Lord Mont- of damnation; which occasioned a new debate, eagle, advising him to absent himself from the concerning the extent of the pope's power in house, because they were to receive a terrible temporals, between the learned of both religions. blow, and not to know who hurt them. Mont- Cardinal Bellarmine, under the feigned name eagle carrying the letter to court, the king or- of Tortus, wrote against the oath, which gave dered the apartments about the Parliament occasion to King James's Apology to all ChrisHouse to be searched; the powder was found tian Princes; wherein, after clearing himself under the House of Lords, and Guy Faux with from the charge of persecuting the papists, he a dark lantern in the cellar, waiting to set fire reproaches his holiness with ingratitude, conto the train when the king should come to the sidering the free liberty of religion that he had house the next morning. Faux being appre- granted the papists, the honours he had conferhended, confessed the plot, and impeached sev- red on them, the free access they had to his pereral of his accomplices, eight of whom were son at all times, the general jail delivery of all tried and executed, and among them Garnet, Jesuits and papists convict, and the strict orders provincial of the English Jesuits, whom the he had given his judges not to put the laws in pope afterward canonized. execution against them for the future.* All The discovery of this murderous conspiracy which was true, while the.unhappy Puritans was ascribed to the royal penetration;* but Mr. were imprisoned and fined, or forced into banOsborne,t and others, with great probability, say ishment. The Parliament, on occasion of this that the first notice of it came from Henry IV., plot, appointed an annual thanksgiving on the king of France, who heard of it from the Jes- 5th of November, and passed another law, oAiuits, and that the letter to Monteagle was an ging all persons to come to church under the artifice of Cec.il's, who was acquainted before- penalty of twelve pence every Sunday they were hand with the proceedings of the conspirators, absent, unless they gave such reasons as should and suffered them to go to their full length. Even be satisfactory to a justice of the peace. This, Heylin says that the king and his council mined like a two-edged sword, cut down all Separatists, with them, and undermined them, and by so do- whether Protestants or papists. ing blew up their whole inventions But it is To return to the Puritans; the more moderate agreed on all hands, that if the plot had taken of whom, being willing to steer a middle course, place, it was to have been fathered upon the between a total separation and absolute conPuritans; and, as if the king was in the secret, formity, were attacked by some of the bishops his majesty, in his speech to the Parliament with this argument: November 9th, takes particular care to bring "All those who wilfully refuse to obey the, thern into reproach; for, after having cleared king in all things indifferent, and to conform the Roman Catholic religion from encouraging themselves to the orders of the Church authorsuch murderous practices, he adds, the cruelty ized by him, not contrary to the Word of God, of the Puritans was worthy of fire, that would are schismatics, enemies to the king's supremnot allow salvation to any papists. So that, if acy and the state, and not to be tolerated in these unhappy people had been blown up, his church or commonwealth. majesty thinks they would have had their de- "But you do soserts. Strange! that a Puritan should be so "Therefore, you are not to be tolerated in much worse than a papist, or deserve to be burn- church or commonwealth." ed for uncharitableness, when his majesty knew The Puritans denied the charge, and returned that the papists were so much more criminal in this argument upon their accusers: this respect than they, not only denying salva- " All those who freely and willingly perform tion to the Puritans, but to all who are without to the king and state all obedience, not only in the pale of their own church. But what was things necessary, but indifferent, commanded by all this to the plot except it was to turn off law, and that have been always ready to conform the indignation of the people from the papists, themselves to every order of the Church authorwhom the king both feared and loved, to the ized by him, not contrary to the Word of God, Puritans, who, in a course of forty years' suf- are free from all schism, friends to the king's ferings, had never moved the least sedition supremacy, and to the state, and unworthy in against the state, but who would not be the ad- this manner to be molested in church or comvocates or dupes of an unbounded prerogative! monwealth. The discovery of this plot occasioned the " But there are none of us that are deprived drawing up the oath of allegiance, or of sub- or suspended from our ministry, but have been mission and obedience to the king as a temporal ever ready to do all this; therefore we are free sovereign, independent of any other power upon from schism, friends to the king's supremacy, earth; which quickly passed both houses, and and most unworthy of such molestation as we was appointed to be taken by all the king's sub- sustain." jects; this oath is distinct from the oath of su- This being the point of difference, the Puripremacy, which obliges the subject to acknowl- tans offered a public disputation upon the lawedge his majesty to be supreme head of the fulness of imposing ceremonies in general; and * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 171. t Osborne, p. 448. in particular upon the surplice, the cross in bapB History of Presbytery, p. 378. * King James's Apol., p. 253. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. tism, and kneeling at the communion; but were With regard to the three ceremonies in quesrefused. Upon which, the Lincolnshire minis- tion, they allege they have all been abused by ters drew up an apology for those ministers who the papists to superstition and idolatry. are troubled for refusing of subscription and 1. "The surplice* has been thus abused, for conformity, and presented it to the king, Decem- it is one of those vestments without which no. ber 1, 1604, the abridgment of which is now thing can be consecrated; all priests that are before me, and begins with a declaration of their present at mass must wear it, and, therefore, readiness to subscribe the first of the three arti- the use of it in the Church has been condemncles required by the thirty-sixth canon, concern- ed, not only by foreign divines, but by Bishop ing the king's supremacy; but to the other two, Hooper, Farrar, Jewel, Pilkington, Rogers, and say they, we cannot subscribe, because we are others among ourselves." persuaded that both the Book of Common Prayer, 2. "The cross has been also abused to suand the other book [of Articles] to be subscribed perstition and idolatry, to drive away devils, to by this canon (which yet, in some respects, we expel diseases, to break the force of witchcraft, reverentlyesteem), contain inthemsundrythings &c. It is one of the images to which the pawhich are not agreeable, but contrary to, the pists give religious adoration. The water in Word of God. baptism has no spiritual virtue in it without the They object to the Book of Common Prayer, cross, nor is any one rightly baptized (according in general, That it appoints that order' for read- to the papists) without it." ing the Holy Scriptures which in many respects 3. " Kneeling at the sacrament has been no is contrary to the CWord of God. As, less abused; it arose from the notion of the 1. " The greatest part of the canonical Scrip- transubstantiation of the elements, and is still ture is left out in the public reading; whereas used by the papists in the worship of their'all Scripture is given by inspiration, and is breaden God; who admit they would be guilty profitable,' &c., and sundry chapters that are, in of idolatry in kneeling before the elements if their opinion, more edifying than some others they did not believe them to be the real body thWt are read, are omitted. and blood of Christ. This ceremony was not.. "It does too much honour to the Apochry- introduced into the Church till antichrist was phal writings, commanding many of them to be at its full height; and there is no action in the read for first lessons, and under the name of whole service that looks so much like idolatry Holy Scriptures, and in as great a proportion; as this." for of the canonical chapters of the Old Testa- Their second argumentt for the unlawfulness ment (being in all seven hundred and seventy- of the ceremonies is taken from their mystical nine) are read only five hundred and ninety-two, signification, which gives them the nature of a and of the Apocryphal books (being one hundred sacrament. Now, no sacrament ought to be of and seventy-two chapters) are read one hundred man's devising; the ceremonies, therefore, beand four. This they apprehend to be contrary ing affirmed in the Book of Common Prayer to to the Word of God, forasmuch as the Apocry- be significant, are unlawful. phal books contain sundry and manifest errors, Their third argument$ is taken from the undivers of which are here produced. lawfulness of imposing them as parts of God's 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. " The Book of Common Prayer worship, which they prove from hence, " That appoints such a translation of the Holy Scrip- God is the only appointer of his own worship, tures to be read in the churches as in some and condemns -all human inventions, so far places is absurd, and in others takes from, per- forth as they are made parts of it. Now all the verts, obscures, and falsifies the Word of God; ceremonies in question are thus imposed, for examples of which are produced with the au- Divine service is supposed not to be rightly perthorities of the most considerable reformers." formed without the surplice, nor baptism rightTheir next general objection against sub- ly administered without the cross, nor the Lord's scribing the Book of Common Prayer is, be- Supper but to such as kneel; and, therefore, they cause it enjoins the use of such ceremonies as are unlawful."'they apprehend contrary to the Word of God. Their fourth is taken from hence, That no, To make good this assertion, they say,* " It rites or ecclesiastical orders should be ordained is contrary to the Word of God to use (much or used but such as are needful and profitable, more to command the use of) such ceremonies and for edification; and, especially, that none in the worship of God as'man hath devised, if shall be ordained or used that cause offence they be notoriously known to be abused to idol- and hinder edifications (Rom., xvi., 21; 1 Cor., atry and superstition by the papists, and are of x., 23, 32). " Now the ceremonies in question no necessary use in the Church. Here they are neither needful nor profitable, nor do they cite such passages of Scriptrue as command tend to edification; but, on the contrary, have the Jews to abolish all instruments of idolatry, given great offence, as appears from hence, and even to cast away such things as had a that very many of the learned and best experigood original, when once they are known to enced ministers in the land have chosen rather have been abused to idolatry; as images, groves, to suffer any trouble than yield to the use of and the brazen serpent, 2 Kings, xviii., 11. them; and we doubt not to affirm that the They produce, farther, the testimonies of sun- greatest number of resident, able, and godly dry fathers, as Eusebius, St. Austin, &c., and ministers in the land at this day do in their of the most considerable moderns, as Calvin, consciences dislike them, and judge them needBucer, Musculus, Peter Martyr, Beza, Zanchy; less and unfit, as appears by the list of nonBishop Jewel, Pilkington, Bilson; Dr. Hum- subscribers already mentioned [p. 44], besides phreys, Fulk, Andrews, Sutcliffe, and others, many more who, though unwilling in some against conformity with idolaters." Abridgment, p. 28. t Ibid., p. 31 A* —---— * * Abridgment, p. 2Ibid., p. 37. t Ibid., p. 314 *t Abridgment, p. 17 $ Ibid., p. 37. 0 Ibid.. v. 45 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 247 other respects to Join in the petition, did pro- did at prayer, or else they received it in another fess their hearty desire to have them removed.* posture. Besides, it is said* that the ancient And if the rest of the shires be esteemed ac- councils commanded that'no man should kneel cording to this proportion, it will easily appear down at the communion, fearing it should be that the greatest number of the resident, preach- an occasion of idolatry.' Mr. Fox,t speaking of ing, and fruitful ministers of the land do dis- the usage of the primitive Church, says they had like them. This may yet farther appear, by the communion, not at an altar, but at a plain their seldom using them for many years past, table of boards, when the whole congregation and their great unwillingness to yield to the use together did communicate, with reverence and of them now. If they thought them needful or thanksgiving; not lifting over the priest's head, profitable, why do they neglect them in their nor worshipping, nor kneeling, norknocking their public ministry, being commanded by lawful breasts, but either sitting at supper, or standing authority? Besides, those very bishops that after supper. Eusebius,$ speaking of a man have been most hot in urging the ceremonies that had been admitted to the communion, says have declared that the Church might well be he stood at the table and put forth his hand to without them, and have wished them taken receive the holy food. And Bishop Jewel says, away; as Archbishop Whitgift, in his defence that in St. Basil's days [ann. 380] the commuof the answer to Cartwright's Admonition, p. nion-table was of boards, and so placed that men 259; Dr. Chadderton, bishop of Lincoln, in his might stand round it, and that every man was speech before all the ministers, convened be- bound by an apostolical tradition to stand upright fore him at Huntingdon, November 30th, 1604; at the communion. and others in ecclesiastical dignities have spo- " Besides, the gesture of kneeling is contrary ken vehemently against them as things that do to the very nature of the Lord's Supper, which not edify, nor have any tendency to promote is ordained to be a banquet and sign of that decency or order. sweet familiarity that is between the faithful " With regard to the surplice, they produce and him, and of that spiritual nourishment we the testimonials of the learned Bucer, Peter are to receive by feeding on his body and blood Martyr, Beza, Cranmer, Ridley, Hooper, and by faith; and in what nation is it thought deothers, for the expediency of it, even though cent to kneel at banquets 1 Where do men eat they submitted to wear it. Bucer says he could and drink upon their knees? Farther, the disbe content to suffer some grievous loss or pain position of mind at the Lord's Table is not so in his body, upon condition the surplice might much humility as assurance of faith, and cheerbe abolished. ful thankfulness for the; benefits of Christ's " The like authorities are brought against the death. For these reasons, and because kneelcross, and against kneeling at the communion, ing at the sacrament had an idolatrous original, the former being a mere invention of man, nei- and has a tendency to lead men into that sin, ther taught by Christ nor his apostles, and the they think it unlawful, and to be laid aside." latter being apparently different from the first The Abridgment concludes with a short tainstitution, they receiving it in a table posture; blevof sundry other exceptions against the three and it is gross hypocrisy (say they) for us to books whereunto they are required to subscribe, pretend more holiness, reverence, and devotion, which they purpose to justify and confirm in in receiving the sacrament, than the apostles, the same manner as they have done in respect who received it from the immediate hand and of those contained in this book; a summary person of Christ himself. They (to be sure) whereof we shall meet with hereafter. had the corporeal presence of Christ, and yet did The Abridgment was answered by Bishop not kneel; why, then, should it be enjoined in Moreton and Dr. Burges, who, after having sufthe Church, when the corporeal presence of fered himself to be deprived for nonconformity, Christ is withdrawn 1 This has been thought June 19, 1604, was persuaded by King James to an argument of great force by our chief divines, conform, and write in defence of his present as Calvin, Bullinger, Beza, Chemnitius, Bishop conduct against his former arguments. Bishop Pilkington, Willet, and others, who declare Moreton endeavours to defend the innocency of strongly for the posture of sitting, or at most the three ceremonies from Scripture, antiquity, standing, at the communion, the testimony of Protestant divines, and the " Besides, kneeling at the sacrament is of very practice of the Nonconformists themselves in late antiquity, and was not introduced into the other cases, and has said as much as can be Church till antichrist was in his full height; the said in favour of them; though it is hard to deprimitive Christians (according to Tertullian) fend the imposing them upon those who esteem thought it unlawful to kneel at prayer on the them unlawful, or who apprehend things indifLord's Day; and the first Council of Nice, Ann. ferent ought to be left in the state that Christ Dom. 327, made a solemn decree that none left them. Dr. Downham, Sparkes, Covel, Hutmight pray kneeling, but only standing, on the ton, Rogers, and Ball, wrote for the ceremonies; Lord's Day, because on that day is celebrated and were answered by Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Paul the joyful remembrance of our Lord's resurrec- Baynes, Dr. Ames, and others. tion. To kneel is a gesture of sorrow and huril- From the arguments of these divines, it apiation; whereas, he that prays standing shows pears that the Puritans were removing toga himself thankful for the obtaining some mercy greater distance from the Church; for whereas, or favour. So that either the primitive Church says Dr. Burges, Mr. Cartwright and his brethused a gesture of greater reverence and humility ren wrote sharply against the ceremonies as inat the sacrament, which is a feast, and a joyful convenient, now they are opposed as absolutely remembrance of the death of Christ, than they unlawful, neither to be imposed nor used. The'..A_.5. Abridgment, p. 59. t Acts and Mon., p. 19. ~* Abridgment, p. 52. t Hist. Eccl., lib. vii., cap. viii. 248 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. cruel severities of Bancroft and the high com- CHAPTER i. missioners were the occasion of this; for being Concerning Religion in General. pushed upon one of these extremes, either to a constant and full conformity, or to lay down 1. "The Puritans hold and maintain the abtheir ministry in the Church, many of them, at solute perfection of the Holy Scriptures, both one of their conferences, came to this conclu- as to faith and worship; and that what whatsoever sion, that if they could not enjoy their livings is enjoined as a part of Divine service that canwithout subscribing over again the three arti- not be warranted by the said Scriptures, is un cles above mentioned, and declaring, at the lawful. same time, they did it willingly and from their 2. " That all inventions of men, especially hearts, it was their duty to resign. These were such as have been abused to idolatry, are to be called brethren of the second separation, who excluded out of the exercises of religion. were content to join with the Church in her 3. " That all outward means instituted to exdoctrines and sacraments, though they appre- press and set forth the inward worship of God hended it unlawful to declare their hearty ap- are parts of Divine worship, and ought, thereprobation of the ceremonies; and if their con- fore, evidently to be prescribed by the Word of duct was grounded on a conviction that it was od. their duty as Christians to bear their testimony 4. "To institute and ordain any mystical against all unscriptural impositions in the wor- rites or ceremonies of religion, and to mingle the same with the Divine rites and ceremonies ship of God, it must deserve the commendation the same with the Divine rites and ceremonies of all impartial and consistent Protestants. No of God's ordinance, is gross superstition." men could go greater lengths for the sake of CHAPTER II. peace than they were willing to do: for in their Concerning the Church. defence of the ministers' reasons for refusal of subscription to the Book of Common Prayer 1. " They hold an maintain that every con against the cavils of F. Hutton, B.D., Dr. Co- gregation or assembly of men, ordinarily joinvel, and Dr. Sparkes, published 1607, they be- ing together in the true worship of God, is a gin thus: "4We protest before the Almighty true visible Church of Christ. gin thus: "We protest before the Almighty 2. "That all such churches are in all ecclesiGod, that we acknowledge the churches of Eng- 2. a That all such churches are in all eccesiland, as they be established by public authority, astical matters equalrs, adminis by the Word of God, to be true visible churches of Christ; that we ought to have the same officers, administrations, desire the continuance of our ministry in them orders, and forms of worship. above all earthly things, as that without which 3. " That Christ has not subjected any church our whole life would be wearisome and bitter or congregation to any other superior ecclesiastical jurisdiction than to that which is within to us; that we dislike not a set form of prayer itself, so that if a whole church or congregation to be used in our churches; nor do we write should err in any matters of faith or worship, with an evil mind to deprave the Book of Common Prayer, Ordination, or Book of Homilies; no other churches or spiritual officers have but to show our reasons why we cannot soib- power to censure or punish them, but are only but to show our reasons why we cannot suto counsel and advise them. scribe to all things contained in them." 4. "That every church ought to have her These extreme proceedings of the bishops 4. "That every church ought to have her These extreme proceedings of the bishops own spiritual officers and ministers resident strengthened the hands of the Brownists in ith her; and those such as are enjoined by Holland, who with great advantage declared Christ in the New Testament, and no other. against the lawfulness of holding communion "That in the New Testament, and o have liber with the Church of England at that time, not 5. " That every churci ought to have liberty Only because it was a corrupt church, but a per- to choose their own spiritual officers. only because it was a corrupt church, but a per- 6. "That if particular churches err in this secuting one. On the other hand, the younger chice, none but the civil magistrar hrhs err in this divines in the Church, who preached for prefer- choice, none but the civil magistrate has power ment, painted the Separatists in the most odi- to control them, and oblige ther to make a betous colours, as heretics, schismatics, fanatics, \ 7 "That ecclesiastical officers or ministers precisians, enemies to God and the king, and in one church ought not to bear any ecclesiastiof unstable minds. The very same language one church ought not to bear any ecclesiastiof unstable minds. The v ery same language cal office in another; and they are not to forReformers t sake their calling without just cause,. and such Reformer.. as may be approved by the congregation: but To remove these reproaches, and to inform as may be approved by the congregation will not hearken to reason the world of the real principles of the Puritans the congregation will not hearken to reason, of these times, the Reverend M. Bradshaw pub- they are then to appeal to the civil magistrate, lished a small treatise, entitled " English Puri- That a church having chosen its spirittanism, containing the main Opinions of the 8.' That a church having chosen its spcrotrigidest Sort of those that went by that Name ual governors, ought to live in all canonical in the Realm of England," which the learned obedience to themn, agreeably to the Word of in the Realm of E ngland," which the learned God; and if any of them be suspended, or unDr. Ames translated into Latin for the benefit God; and if any of them be suspended, or unof foreigners. The reader will learn by the fo justy deprived, by other ecclesiastical officers, of foreigners. The reader will learn by the fol- they are humbly to pray the magistrate to relowing abstract of it the true state of their store them; and if they cannot obtain it, they case, as well as the near affinity between the are to own them to be their spiritual guides to principles of the ancient and modern Noncon- the death, though they are rigorously deprived of their ministry and service. * Several things, considered as remarkable by Dr. 9. " That the laws and orders of the churches Grey, are omitted by Mr. Neal. But this doth not warranted by the Word of God are not repug. impeach Mr. Neal's fairness, as he avowedly lays only an abstract before his readers; and the passa- ments repugnant to the principles exhibited in the ges to which Dr. Grey alludes do not convey senti- above abstract,-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 249 nant to civil government, whether monarchical, and if he repent, they are not to proceed to cen aristocratical, or democratical; and we renounce sure, but to accept his hearty sorrow and con all jurisdiction that is repugnant or derogatory trition as a sufficient satisfaction to the church, to any of these, especially to the monarchy of without imposing any fines, or taking fees, or this kingdom." enjoining any outward mark of shame, as the CHAP'TIER III. white sheet, &c. " But if the offender be obstinate, and show Concerning the Ministers of tihe Word. no signs of repentance, and if his crime be fully 1. "They hold that the pastors of particular proved upon him, and be of such a high nature congregations are the highest spiritual officers as to deserve a censure according to the;voi/-mA. in the church, over whom there is no superior of God, then the ecclesiastical officers, with the pastor by Divine appointment but Jesus Christ. free consent of the whole congregation (and not 2. " That there are not by Divine institution, otherwise), are first to suspend him from the in the Word, any ordinary, national, provincial, sacrament, praying for him, at the same time, or diocesan pastors to whom the pastors of par- that God would give him repentance to the acticular churches are to be subject. knowledgment of his fault; and if this does not 3. "That no pastor ought to exercise or ac- humble him, they are then to denounce him to cept of any civil jurisdiction or authority, but be as yet no member of the kingdom of heaven, ought to be wholly employed in spiritual offices and of that congregation, and so are to leave and duties to that congregation over which he him to God and the king. And this is all the is set. ecclesiastical jurisdiction that any spiritual offi4. " That the supreme office of the pastor is cers are to use against any man for the greatest to preach the Word publicly to the congrega- crime that can be committed. tion; and that the people of God ought not to " If the party offending be a civil superior, acknowledge any for their pastors that are not they are to behave towards him with all that able, by preaching, to interpret and apply the reverence and civil subjection that his honour or Word of God to them; and, consequently, all high office in the state may require. They are ignorant and mere reading priests are to be re- not to presume to convene him before them, jected. but are themselves to go to him in all civil and 5. " That in public worship the pastor only is humble manner, to stand bareheaded, to bow, to to be the mouth of the congregation to God in give him all his civil titles; and if it be a suprayer; and that the people are only to testify preme governor or king, to kneel, and in most their assent by the word Amen. humble manner to acquaint him with his faults; 6. " That the Church has no power to impose and if such or any other offenders will voluntaupon her pastors or officers any other ceremo- rily withdraw from the communion, they have nies or injunctions than what Christ has ap- no farther concern with them. pointed. "They hold the oath ex officio on the imposer's 7. "That in every church there should also part to be most damnable and tyrannous, against be a doctor to instruct and catechise the igno- the very law of nature, devised by antichrist, rant in the main principles of religion." through the inspiration of the devil, to tempt CHAPTER IV. weak Christians to perjure themselves, or be drawn in to reveal to the enemies of ChristianiConcerning the Elders. ty those secret religious acts which, though 1. "They hold that by God's ordinance the done for the advancement of the Gospel, may congregation should choose other officers as as- bring on themselves and their dearest friends sistants to the ministers in the government of heavy sentences of condemnation from court." the church, who are jointly with the ministers CHAPTER VI. to be overseers of the manners and conversa-e Civil Magistrate. tion of all the congregation. 2. " That these are to be chosen out of the 1. "They hold that the civil magistrate ought gravest and most discreet members, who are to have supreme civil* power over all the churchalso of some note in the world, and able, if po es within his dominions; but that, as he is a ible, to matintain themselves." Christian, he ought to be a member of some one of them; which is not in the least derogatory CHAPTER V. to his civil supremacy. Of Church Censures. 2. "That all ecclesiastical officers are pun1. " They hold that the spiritual keys of tihe ishable by the civil magistrate for the abuse of Church are committed to the aforesaid spiritual their ecclesiastical offices; and much more if officers and governors, and to none others. they intrude upon the rights and prerogatives 2. " That by virtue of these keys they are not of the civil authority. to examine and make inquisition into the hearts 3. " They hold the pope to be antichrist, beof men, nor molest them upon private suspi- caue he usurps the supremacy over kings and cions or uncertain fame, but to proceed only princes; and therefore all that defend the popish upon open and notorious crimes. If the offend- faith, and that are for tolerating that religion, er be convinced, they ought not to scorn, de- are secret enemies of the kings supremacy. ride, taunt, and revile him wvith contumelious 4. " That all archbishops, bishops, deans, oflanguage, nor procure proctors to make person- ficials, &c., hold their offices and functions at al invectives against him, nor make him give the king's pleasure, merely Jure humano; and attendance from term to tern, and from one whosoever holdeth that the king may not recourt-day to another, of the manner of our ec- Dr. Grey says that the word civil is added by Mr. clesiastical courIts; but to use him brotherly, Neal, and that he has omitted, after "dominions," and, if possible, to move him to repentance; the clause " in all cases whatsoever."-ED. VOL I.-I I 250 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. move them, and dispose of them at his pleasure, consciences, and to swear, if required, that we is an enemy to his supremacy." believe contrary to the Word of God. We deny no ecclesiastical jurisdiction to the king but that Let the reader now judge whether there was which Christ has appropriated to himself, who sufficient ground for the calumny and reproach is the sole doctor and legislator of his Church. that were cast upon the Puritans of those times; 9. "W We are so far from claiming any suprembut theil adversaries having often charged them acy to ourselves, that we exclude from ourselves with den) ing the supremacy, and with claiming all secular pomp and power, holding it a sin to a sort of jurisdiction over the king himself, they punish men in their bodies, goods, liberties, or published another pamphlet this summer, enti- lives, for any merely spiritual offence. tiled "' A Protestation of the King's Supremacy, 10. " We confine all ecclesiastical jurisdicmade in the Name of the afflicted Ministers, and tion within one congregation, and that jurisdicopposed to the shameful Calumniations of the tion is not alone in the ministers, but also in the Prelates." To which was annexed an humble elders of the church; and their jurisdiction is petition for liberty of conscience. In their prot- merely spiritual. estation, they declare, "Therefore all that we crave of his majesty 1. ", We hold and maintain the king's suprern- and the state is, that, with his and their permisacy in all causes, and over all persons, civil and sion, it may be lawful for us to worship God acecclesiastical, as it was granted to Queen Eliz- cording to his revealed will; and' that we may abeth, and explained in the Book of Injunctions; not be forced to the observance of any human nor have any of us been unwilling to subscribe rites and ceremonies. We are ready to make and swear to it. We believe it to be the king's an open confession of our faith and form of wornatural right without a statute law, and that the ship, and desire that we may not be obliged to churches within his dominions would sin dam- worship God in corners, but that our religious nably if they did not yield it to him. Nay, we and civil behaviour may be open to the obserbelieve that the king cannot alienate it from his vation and censure of the civil government, to crown, or transfer it to any spiritual potentates whomn we profess all due subjection. So long or rulers; and that it is not tied to his faith or as it shall please the king and Parliament to Christianity, but to his very crown: so that if maintain the hierarchy or prelacy in this kinghe were an infidel, the supremacy is his due. dom, we are content that they enjoy their state 2. "We hold that no church officers have and dignity; and we will live as brethren among power to deprive the king of any branch of his those ministers that acknowledge spiritual homroyal prerogative, much less of his supremacy, age to their spiritual lordships, paying to them which is inseparable from him. all temporal duties of tithes, &c., and joining 3. " That no ecclesiastical officers have pow- with them in the service and worship of God, er over the bodies, lives, goods, or liberties of so far as we may without our own particular any person within the king's dominions. communicating in those human traditions which 4. "That the king may make laws for the we judge unlawful. Only we pray that the prelgood ordering of the churches within his domin- ates and their ecclesiastical officers may not be ions; and that the churches ought not to be dis- our judges, but that we may both of us stand at obedient, unless they apprehend them contrary the bar of the civil magistrate; and that if we to the Word of God; and even in such case shall be openly vilified and slandered, it may be they are not to resist, but peaceably to forbear lawful for us, without fear of punishment, to jus*obedience, and submit to the punishment, if tify ourselves to the world; and then we shall mercy cannot be obtained. think our lives, and all that we have, too little 5. " That the king only hath power within his to spend in the service of our king and country." dominions to convene synods or general assem- Though the principles of submission are here blies of ministers, and by his authority royal to laid down with great latitude, and though the ratify and give life to their canons and consti- practice of the Puritans was agreeable to them, tutions, without whose ratification no man can yet their enemies did not fail to charge them force any subject to yield obedience to the same. with disloyalty, with sedition, and with disturb6. "That the king ought not to be subject to ing the peace of the state. Upon which the the censures of any churches, church officers, or ministers of Devon and Cornwall published ansynods, whatsoever; but only to that church, other small treatise, entitled "A Removal of and those officers of his own court and house- certain Imputations laid upon the Ministers," hold with whom he shall voluntarily join in &c., in which they say, p. 21, " Let them [the communion, where there can be no fear of un- bishops] sift well our courses since his majesty's just usage. happy entrance in among us, and let them name 7. " If a king, after he has held communion wherein we have done aught that may justly be with a Christian church, should turn apostate, said ill to become the ministers of Jesus Christ. or live in a course of open defiance to the laws Have we drawn any sword 1 have we raised any of God and religion, the church governors are tumult? have we used any threats? hath the to give over their spiritual charge and tuition of state been put into any fear or hazard through him, which, by calling from God and the king, us? Manifold disgraces have been cast upon us, they did undertake; and more than this they and we have endured them; the liberty of our may not do, for the king still retains his supreme ministry hath been taken from us, and (though -authority over the churches as entirely, and in with bleeding hearts) we have sustained it. We as ample a manner, as if he were the most Chris- have been cast out of our houses, and deprived of tian prince in the world. our ordinary maintenance, yet have we blown no 8. "We refuse no obedience to the king, nor trumpet of sedition. These things have gone to any of the canons required by the prelates, very near us, and yet did we never so much as but such as we are willing to take upon our entertain a thought of violence. The truth is, HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 251 we have petitioned the king and state; and who parcels of the duchy of Normandy, the use of hath reason to deny us that liberty! we have the government of the Reformed churches of craved of the prelates to deal with us according the said duchy, whereof they have stood posto law; and is not this the common benefit of sessed till our coming to the crown; for this every subjectS we have besought them to con- cause, as well as for the edification of the vince our consciences by Scripture. Alas! what Church; we do will and ordain that our said would they have us to do 1 will they have us isles shall quietly enjoy their said liberty in the content ourselves with this only, that they are use of ecclesiastical discipline there now estabbishops, and therefore, for their greatness, ought lished, forbidding any one to give them any to be yielded to 3 the weight of episcopal power trouble or impeachment so long as they contain may oppress us, but cannot convince us." themselves in our obedience. It appears from hence, that the Puritans were "Given at Hampton Court, August 8th, in the king's faithful subjects; that they complied the first year of our reign, 1603." to the utmost limit of their consciences; and that But Bancroft, and some of his brethren the when they could not obey, they were content to bishops, having possessed the king with the nesuffer. Here are no principles inconsistent with cessity of a general uniformity throughout all the public safety; no marks of heresy, impiety, his dominions, these islands were to be incluor sedition; no charges of ignorance or neglect ded; accordingly, Sir John Peyton, a zealous of duty; how unreasonable, then, must it be to churchman, was appointed governor, with sesilence and deprive such men 3 to shut them up cret instructions to root out the Geneva disciin prison, or send them with their families a beg- pline, and plant the English liturgy and ceremoging, while their pulpit-doors were to be shut up, nies.* This gentleman, taking advantage of and there was a famine in many parts of the the synod's appointing a minister to a vacant country, not of bread, but of the Word of the living, according to custom, protested against Lord;t yet these honest men were not only per- it as injurious to the king's prerogative, and secuted at home, but restrained from retiring complained to court that the Jersey ministers into his majesty's dominions abroad; for when had usurped the patronage of the benefices of the ecclesiastical courts had driven them from the island; that they had admitted men to livtheir habitations and livelihoods, and were still ings without the form of presentation, which hunting them by their informers from one end was a loss to the crown in its first-fruits; that of the land to the other, several families crossed by the connivance or allowance of former govthe ocean to Virginia, and invited their friends ernors, they exercised a kind of arbitrary juris. to follow; but Bancroft, being informed that diction, and therefore prayed that his majesty great numbers were preparing to embark, ob- would settle the English discipline among them.t tained a proclamation prohibiting them to trans- The Jersey ministers alleged in their own deport themselves to Virginia without a special li- fence, that the presentation to livings was a cense from the king; a severity hardly to be branch of their discipline, and that the payments paralleled! nor was it ever imitated in this coun- of first-fruits and tenths had never been detry except by Archbishop Laud. manded since they were disengaged from the The isles of Guernsey and Jersey having en- see of Constance. They pleaded his majesty's joyed the discipline of the French churches royal confirmation of their discipline, which without disturbance all the reign of Queen Eliz- was read publicly in a synod of both islands in abeth, upon the accession of the present king the year 1605. But this pious king had very addressed his majesty for a confirmation of it,$ little regard to promises, oaths, or charters, which he was pleased to grant by a letter under when they stood in the way of his arbitrary dethe privy seal, in these words: signs; he ordered, therefore, his ecclesiastical " Whereas we have been given to understand officers to pursue his instructions in the most that our dear sister, Queen Elizabeth, did permit effectual manner. Accordingly, they took the and allow, to the isles of Jersey and Guernsey, presentations to vacant livings into their own hands without consulting the presbytery; they * Episcoporum auctoritas opprimere nos potest, do- annulled the oath, whereby all ecclesiastical and Icere non potest.-ED. civil officers were obliged to swear to the maint Rapin, vol. ii., p. 176, 185, folio edition. tenance of their discipline; and whereas all $ Dr. Grey quotes here Collyer's Ecclesiastical who received the holy sacrament were requiHistory, vol. ii., p. 705, in contradiction to Mr. Neal, red to subscribe to the allowance of the general and to charge the Puritans as " addressing King James form of church government in that island, the with a false suggestion, that the discipline had been king's attorney-general and his friends now reallowed by Queen Elizabeth." Dr. Grey's stricture fused it. Their elders, likewise, were cited into would have been superseded, if he had attended to Mr. Neal's state of the business; who says only, that the temporal courts, and stripped of their privi"the discipline of the French churches had been en- leges; nor had they much better quarter in the joyed without disturbance all the reign of Queen consistory, for the governor and jurats made Elizabeth," without asserting whether this indulgence the decrees of that court ineffectual by reversing were owing to connivance or to an express grant. them in the Town Hall. Heylin, however, says that the" Genevian discipline Complaint being made to the court of these had been settle bys tauteehe~l~iebevtl discpline Complaint being made to the court of these had been settled by Queen Elizabeth"-Hist. of innovations, the king sent them word that, to Presb., p. 395. And Collyer himself owns, that though the queen allowed only one church to adopt the mod- avoid all disputes for the future, he was deel of Geneva, and enjoined the use of the English lit- termined to revive the office and authority of a urgy in all others, yet it was soon laid aside by all dean, and to establish the English Common the churches, and the Geneva plan adopted by the Prayer Book among them, which he did accorddecree of synods, held under the countenance of the governors of Guernsey and the neighbouring isles. * Heyl., Hist. Presb., p. 396, and Collyer's Eccles. These authorities fully justify Mr. Neal's representa- Hist., p. 705. tion. —E. t Heylin's Hist. Presb., p. 396. 252 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS.:ngly,* and ordered the Bishop of Winchester, Soon after died the famous Mr. Thomas Br'ghtin whose diocess they were, to draw up some man, author of a commentary upon the Song of canons for the dean's direction in the exercise Solomon, and the Revelations: he was born at of his government; which being done, and con- Nottingham, and bred in Queen's College, Camfirmed by the king, their former privileges were bridge, where he became a champion for nonextinguished. Whereupon many left the islands conformity to the ceremonies. He was afterand retired into France and Holland; however, ward presented by Sir John Osbourne to the reeothers made a shift to support their discipline tory of Haunes in Bedfordshire, where he spent after a manner, in the island of Guernsey, the remainder of his days in hard study, and where the episcopal regulations could not take constant application to his charge, as far as his place. conscience would admit.* His life, says Mr. Mr. Robert Parker, a Puritan minister al- Fuller, was angelical, his learning uncommon; ready mentioned, published this year a very he was a close student, of little stature, and learned treatise "Of the Cross in Baptism." t such a master of himself, that he was never But the bishops, instead of answering it, per- known to be moved with anger. His daily dissuaded the king to issue a proclamation, with course was against episcopal government, which an offer of a reward for apprehending him, which he prophesied would shortly be overthrown,t obliged him to abscond. A treacherous servant and the government of the foreign Protestant of the family having informed the officers where churches be erected in its place. He died sudhe had retired, they came and searched the denly upon the road, as he was riding with Sir house, but, by the special providence of God, John Osbourne in his coach, by a sudden obhe was preserved, the only room they neglected struction of the liver or gall, August 24, 1607, to search being that in which he was concealed, aged fifty-one. from whence he heard them quarrelling and The king having given the reins of the Church swearing at one another, one saying they had into the hands of the prelates and their dependnot searched that room, and another confidently ants, these, in return, became zealous champions asserting the contrary, and refusing to suffer it for the prerogative, both in the pulpit and from to be searched over again. Had he been taken, the press. Two books were published this he had been cast into prison, where, without year, which maintained the most extravagant doubt, says my author, he must have died. maxims of arbitrary power: one written by When he got into Holland he would have been Cowel, LL.D., and vicar-general to the archchosen minister of the English church at Am- bishop, wherein he affirms, 1. That the king is sterdamrn, but the magistrates being afraid of not bound by the laws, or by his coronation disobliging King James, he went to Doesburgh, oath. 2. That he is not obliged to call parliaand became minister of that garrison, where he ments to make laws, but may do it without departed this life, 1630. them. 3. That it is a great favour to admit This year died the famous Dr. John Ray- the consent of the subject in giving subsidies. nolds, king's professor in Oxford. He was at The other, by Dr. Blackwood, a clergyman, first a zealous papist, while his brother William who maintained that the English were all slaves was a Protestant, but, by conference and dispu- from the Norman Conquest. The Parliament tation, the brothers converted each other, Will- would have brought the authors to justice, but iam dying an inveterate papist, and John an the king protected them by proroguing the houseminent Protestant.S He was born in Devon- es in displeasure;4 and, to supply his necessishire, 1549, and educated in Corpus Christi College, Oxford, of which he was afterward presi- ness his learned associates in Oxford met at his lodgdent. He was a prodigy for reading, his mem- ings once a week, to compare their notes. He was ory being a living library. Dr. Hall used to thus employed translating the Word of Life till he say that his memory and reading were near a himself was translated to life everlasting.-Fuller's miracle. He had turned over all writers, pro- Al Redivivus, p. 487, 488.-C. m e Church Hist., b. x., p. 50. fane and ecclesiastical, as councils, fathers, t "How," asks Bishop Warburton, "would the histories, &c. He was a critic in the lan- historian have us understand this? As true propheguages,~ of a sharp wit and indefatigable indus- cy to be fulfilled, or a false prophet confuted?" The try; his piety and sanctity of life were so emi- reply is, Mr. Neal is to be understood as his author nent and conspicuous, that the learned Cracan- Mr. Fuller, from whom he quotes. Neither meant thorp used to say, that to name Raynolds was to ascribe to Mr. Brightman a prophetic inspiration, to commend virtue itself. He was also pos- but only to relate his sentiments and apprehensions; to which, however the bishop may sneer, the events sessed of great modesty and humility. In short, to which, however the bishop may sneer, the events says the Oxford historian, nothing can be spo- "and the government of the foreign Protestant ken against him but that he was the pillar of churches," &c., as Dr. Grey observes, is not in FulPuritanism, and the grand favourer of noncon- ler; who, however, says that Mr. Brightman gave formity. At length, after a severe and morti- offence by "resembling the Church of England to fled life, he died in his college, May 21, 1607, lukewarm Laodicea, praising and preferring the puaged sixty-eight, and was buried with great fu- rity of foreign Protestant churches." He always neral solemnity in St. Mary's Church.l carried about him a Greek Testament, which he read through every fortnight. Cartwright used to call him "the bright star in the Church of God." * Collyer, vol. ii., p. 706. Heylin's Hist. Presb., -C. p. 398, 399. t Pierce, p. 171. T Rapin says, as Dr. Grey observes, " the king inS Fuller's Abel Redivivus, p. 477. terposed, and frustrated the Parliament's design, by. Wood's Ath., vol. i., p. 290. publishing a proclamation, to forbid the reading of 11 In 1604 James appointed Dr. Raynolds, on ac- these books, and to order copies to be delivered to count of his uncommon skill in Greek and Hebrew, the magistrates. But such proclamations are usualto be one of the translators of the Bible, but he did ly ill obeyed, especially when it is not the kinrg's innot live to see its completion. During his long ill- terest to see them strictly executed." So that by HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 253 ties, began to raise money by monopolies of di- which was always so used in England till the vers manufactures, to the unspeakable prejudice second year of the reign of King Henry IV., at of the trade of the kingdom. which time the popish prelates got the temporal This year died the famous Jacobus Arminius, sword into their hands, which statute was since divinity-professor in the University of Leyden, by several acts of Parliament made void, yet, who gave birth to the famous sect still called by by virtue of that temporal authority once for a his name. He was born at Oudewater, 1560. short space by them used, some ecclesiastical His parents dying in his infancy, he was edu- persons do use both swords, and with those two cated at the public expense by the magistrates swords the oath ex officio, which began first in of Amsterdam, and was afterward chosen one England by the statute of the second of King of the ministers of that city in the year 1588. Henry IV., being contrary to the laws of EngBeing desired by one of the professors of Frane- land, and, as I verily think, contrary to the laws quer to confute a treatise of Beza's upon the of God. Supralapsarian scheme of predestination, he fell "Wherefore, to reform these abuses, we made himself into the contrary sentiment. In the year two good laws, one to abridge the force of the 1600 he was called to succeed Junius in the di- ecclesiastical commission in many points, the vinity chair of Leyden, and was the first who other to abrogate and take away the power of was solemnly created doctor of divinity in that ecclesiastical persons to administer the oath ex university. Here his notions concerning pre- oficio, being a very hateful thing, and unlawful. destination and grace, and the extent of Christ's "And forasmuch as among the canons lately redemption, met with a powerful opposition made by the clergy of England in convocation, from Gomarus and others. But though his dis- it was thought that some of their canons did exciples increased prodigiously in a few years, yet tend to charge the bodies, lands, and goods of the troubles he met with from his adversaries, the subjects of this realm farther than was lawand the attacks made upon his character and ful and meet, we therefore made a good law to reputation, broke his spirits, so that he sunk make void such canons, unless the same canons into a melancholy disorder, attended with a were confirmed by Parliament. complication of distempers, which hastened his 1" And as we had the care of the Church, so end, after he had been professor six years, and likewise of the commonwealth; and, therefore, had lived forty-nine. He is represented as a after searching the records of the Tower, and divine of considerable learning, piety, and mod- after hearing the opinions of lawyers, we found esty, far from going the lengths of his success- it clear that impositions laid upon merchandise ors, Vorstius, Episcopius, and Curcelleeus; yet or other goods of the subject, by the king, withhis doctrines occasioned such confusion in that out consent of Parliament, were not lawful; and, country as could not be terminated without a therefore, we passed a bill declaring that no imnational synod, and produced great distractions position laid upon goods is lawful without con. in the Church of England, as will be seen here- sent of Parliament. after. "But God has not permitted these and sunIn the Parliament which met this summer, dry other good laws to take effect or pass into the spirit of English liberty began to revive; statutes, though we earnestly desired them; if one of the members made the following bold they had, both the king and his subjects would speech in the House of Commons, containing a have been more happy than ever; what would particular representation of the grievances of we not then have given to supply the king's the nation, and of the attempts made for the wants. But as things now stand, and without redress of them. " It begins with a complaint reformation of the aforementioned grievances, against the bishops in their ecclesiastical courts, we cannot give much, because we have no cerfor depriving, disgracing, silencing, and impris- tainty of that which shall remain to us after our oning such of God's messengers (being learned gift." and godly preachers) as he has furnished with To put a stop to such dangerous speeches, the most heavenly graces to call us to repentance, king summoned both houses to Whitehall, and for no other cause but for not conforming them- told them " that he did not intend to govern by selves farther, and otherwise than by the sub- the absolute power of a king, though he knew scription limited in the statute of the 13th Eliz- the power of kings was like the Divine power; abeth they are bound to do, thereby making the for," says his majesty, " as God can create and laws of the Church and commonwealth to jar; destroy, make and unmake, at his pleasure, so which to reform," says he, "we made a law kings can give life and death, judge all, and be for subscription, agreeing to the intent of the judged by none; they can exalt and abase, and, aforesaid statute, which would have established like men at chess, make a pawn take a bishop the peace both of Church and State; and if it or a knight." After this he tells the houses, had received the royal assent, would have been that as it was blasphemy to dispute what God an occasion that many subjects might be well might do, so it was sedition in subjects to distaught the means of their salvation, who now pute what a king might do in the height of his want sufficient knowledge of the Word of God power. He commanded them, therefore, not to to ground their faith upon. meddle with the main points of government, "And whereas, by the laws of God and the which would be to lessen his craft, who had land, ecclesiastical persons should use only the been thirty years at his trade in Scotland, and spiritual sword, by exhortation, admonition, and served an apprenticeship of seven years in Engexcommunication, which are the keys of the land. Church, to exclude impenitent sinners, and leave The Parliament, not terrified with this high the temporal sword to the civil magistrate, language, went on steadily in asserting their these measures the king screened the persons of the rights; May 24th, 1610, twenty of the Lowel authors.-ED. House presented a remonstrance, in which they 254 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. declare, " that whereas they had first received a ters patent grounded thereon, they do fine and message, and since, by his majesty's speech, imprison, and exercise other authorities not behad been commanded to refrain from debating longingtotheecclesiastical jurisdiction,restored upon things relating to the chief points of gov- to the crown bythis statute; for by the same rule ernment, they do hold it their undoubted right your highness may by your letters patent authorto examine into the grievances of the subject, ize them to fine without stint, and imprison withand to inquire into their own rights and proper- out limitation of time; as, also, according to will ties, as well as his majesty's prerogative;* and and discretion, without regard to any laws spirthey most humbly and instantly beseech his itual and temporal; they may impose utter congracious majesty that, without offence to the fiscation of goods, forfeiture of lands, yea, and same, they may, according to the undoubted the taking away of limb and life itself, and this right and liberty of Parliament, proceed in their for any matter appertaining to spiritual jurisdicintended course against the late new imposi- tion, which could never be the intent of the law. tions." " Thirdly. Because the king, by the same statIn another petition, they beseech his maj- ute, may set up an ecclesiastical commission in esty to put the laws in execution against pa- every diocess, county, and parish of England, pists; and with regard to the Puritans, they say, and thereby all jurisdiction may be taken from Whereas divers learned and painful pastors bishops and transferred to laymen. that have long travailed in the work of the min- " Fourthly. Because every petty offence apistry with good fruit and blessing of their la- pertaining to spiritual jurisdiction is, by colour hour, who were ever ready to perform the le- of the said words and letters patent, made subgal subscription appointed by the 1.3th of E liza- ject to excommunication, whereby the smallest beth, which only concerneth the profession of offenders may be obliged to travel from the most the true Christian faith and doctrine of the sac- remote parts of the kingdom to London, to their rarnents, yet for not conforming in some points utter ruin. of ceremonies, and for refusing the subscription' Fifthly. Because it is very hard, if not imposdirected by the late canons, have been removed sible, to know what matters or offences are infrom their ecclesiastical livings, being their eluded within their commission, as appertaining freehold, and debarred from all means of main- to spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction, it betenance, to the great erief of your majesty's ing unknown what ancient canons or laws spirsubjects, seeing the whole people that want in- itual are in force. struction lie open to the seducement of popish " As for the commission ecclesiastical itself, and ill-affected persons; we, therefore, most grounded on the statute above mentioned, it is humbly beseech your majesty that such depri- a very great grievance, because, ved and silenced ministers may, by license or " 1. The same men have both spiritual and permission of the reverend fathers in their sev- temporal jurisdiction, and may force the party eral diocesses, instruct and preach unto their by oath to accuse himself, and also inquire therepeople in such parishes and places where they of by a jury; and, lastly, may inflict for the same may be employed, so as they apply themselves offence, and at the same time, by one and the in their ministry to wholesome doctrine and ex- same sentence, both a spiritual and temporal hortation, and live quietly and peaceably in their punishment. callings, and shall not, by writing or preaching, "2. VWhereas, upon sentences of deprivation impugn things established by public authority. or other spiritual censures, given by force of orThey also pray that dispensations for pluralities dinary jurisdiction, an appeal lies for the party of benefices with cure of souls may be prohibit- grieved: this is here excluded by express words ed, and that toleration of nonresidency may be of the commission. Also, here is to be a trial restrained. And forasmuch as excommunica- by a jury, but no remedy by traverse or attaint. tion is exercised upon an incredible number of Nor can a man have any writ of error, though the common people, by the subordinate officers judgment be given against him, amounting to of the jurisdiction ecclesiastical, for small caus- the taking away all his goods, and imprisoning es, by the sole information of a base apparitor, him for life, yea, to the adjudging him in the so that the poor are driven to excessive expen- case of praemunire, whereby his lands are forses for matters of small moment, while the rich feited, and he put out of the protection of the escape that censure by commutation of pen- law. ance; they therefore most humbly pray for a "3. Whereas penallaws, and offences against reformation in the premises." them, cannot be determined in other courts, or In another petition, they represent to his by other persons, than those intrusted by Parmajesty the great grievance of the commission liament, yet the execution of many such statutes ecclesiastical, and in all humility beseech his made since the 1st Elizabeth are committed to majesty to ratify the law they had prepared for the ecclesiastical commissioners, who may inreducing it within reasonable and convenient fliet the punishments contained in the statutes, limits; they say, " that the statute 1 Eliz., cap. being pramunire, and of other highi nature, and i., by which the commission is authorized, has so enforce a man upon this oath to a; case himbeen found dangerous and inconvenient on many self, or else inflict other temporal punishments accounts: at pleasure; and after this, the party shall be' First. Because it enables the making such subject in the courts mentioned in the acts to commission to one subject born, as well as more. punishments by the same acts appointed and in" Secondly. Because, under colour of some flicted. words in the statute, whereby the commissioners' 5. The commission gives authority to oblige are authorized to act according to the tenour and men, not only to give recognisance for their apeffect of your highness's letters patent, and bylet- pearance from time to time, but also for per* Warner's Eccles. History, vol. ii., p. 495, 496. formance of whatsoever shall be by the corn HISTORY OF THE PURITAN S.- 255 missioners ordered, and to pay such fees as the red him he would be well accepted by my Lord commissioners shall think fit. of Canterbury's grace, and well rewarded if he "The execution of the commission is no less came."* This Adamson was afterward excomgrievous to the subject; for, (1.) Laymen are municated, but, repenting of what he had done punished for speaking of the simony and other against the Kirk, desired absolution ~ part of his misdemeanors of spiritual men, though the confession runs thus: "I grant I was more thing spoken be true, and tends to the inducing busy with some bishops in England, in prejusome condign punishment. (2.) These commis- dice of the discipline of our kirk, partlyXwhen I sioners usually allot to women discontented and was there, and partly by intelligence since, than unwilling to live with their husbands such por- became a good Christian, much less a faithful tions and maintenance as they think fit, to the pastor; neither is there anything that more great encouragement of wives to be disobedient ashameth me than my often deceiving and to their husbands. And (3.) Pursuivants and abusing the Kirk heretofore by confessions, subother ministers employed in apprehending sus- scriptions, and protestations." pected offenders, or in searching for supposed Upon his majesty's arrival in England, he took scandalous books, break open men's houses, all occasions to discover his aversion to the closets, and desks, rifling all corners and private Scots Presbyterians, taxing them with sauciplaces, as in cases of high treason. ness, ill-manners, and an implacable enmity to " A farther grievance is the stay of writs of kingly power; he nominated bishops to the prohibition, habeas corpus, and de liomine repleg-i- thirteen Scots bishoprics which himself had forando, which are a considerable relief to the op- merly-abolished; but their revenues being anpressed subjects of the kingdom. His majesty, nexed to the crown, their dignities were little in order to' support the inferior courts against more than titular. In the Parliament held at the principal courts of common law, had ordered Perth, in the year 1606, his majesty obtained things so, that writs had been more sparingly an act to restore the bishops to their temporaligranted, and with greater caution. They there- ties, and to repeal the Act of Annexation; by fore pray his majesty to require his judges in which they were restored to their votes in ParWestminster Hall to grant such writs in cases liament, and had the title of lords of Parliawherein they lie. ment, contrary to the sense both of clergy and " But one of the greatest and most threaten- laity, as appears by the following protest of the ing grievances was the king's granting letters General Assembly: patent for monopolies, as licenses for wine, ale- " In the name of Christ, and in the name of the houses, selling sea-coal, &c., which they pray his Kirk in general, whereof the realm hath reaped majesty to forbear for the future, that the dis- comfort this forty-six years; also in the name ease may be cured, and others of like nature of our presbyteries, from which we received prevented." our commission, and in our own names, as pasThe king, instead of concurring with his Par- tors and office-bearers within the same for the liament, was so disgusted with their remon- discharging of our necessary duty, and for the strance, that he dissolved them [December 3, disburdening of our consciences, we except and 1610] without passing anyone act this session,* protest against the erection, confirmation, or after they had continued about six years; and ratification of the said bishoprics and bishops was so out of humour with the spirit of English by this present Parliament, and humbly pray liberty that was growing in the houses, that he that this our protestation may be admitted and resolved, if possible, to govern without parlia- registered among the records." ments for the future..This was done by the In the Convention at Linlithgow, December advice of Bancroft, and other servile court flat- 12, consisting of noblemen, statesmen, and terers, and was the beginning of that mischief, some court ministers, it was agreed that the says Wilson,t which, when it came to a full bishops should be perpetual moderators of the ripeness, made such a bloody tincture in both Kirk assemblies, under certain cautions, and kingdoms as never will be got out of the bishops' with a declaration that they had no purpose to lawn sleeves. subvert the discipline of the Kirk, or to exercise From the time that King James came to the any tyrannous or unlawful jurisdiction ovel English throne, and long before, if we may be- their brethren; but the body of the ministers lieve Dr. Heylin, his majesty had projected the being uneasy at this, another convention was restoring episcopacy in the Kirk of Scotland, held at Linlithgow, 1608, and a committee apand reducing the two kingdoms to one uniform pointed to compromise the difference; the corngovernment and discipline: for this purpose mittee consisted of two earls and two lords, as Archbishop Bancroft maintained a secret cor- his majesty's commissioners; five new bishops, respondence with him, and corrupted one Nor- two university men, three ministers on one part, ton, an English bookseller at Edinburgh [in the and ten for the other; they met at Falkland, year 1589], to betray the Scots affairs to him, as May 4, 1609, and debated, (1.) Whether the he confessed, with tears, at his examination. moderators of kirk assemblies should be con The many curious articles he employed him to stant or circular; and (2.) Whether the caveats search into are set down in Calderwood's His- should be observed. But coming to no agreetory, p. 246 In the month of January, 1591, his ment, they adjourned to Striveling, where the letters to Mr. Patrick Adamson were intercepted, bishops with great difficulty carried their point. wherein he advises himn "to give the Queen of Anti to increase their power, his majesty was England more honourable titles, and to praise pleased next year [in the month of February, the Church of England above all others. He mar- 1610], contrary to law, to put the high commisveiled why he came not to England, and assu- sion into their hands. Still they wanted the sanction of a general HiFuler' s Church Hist., b. x., p. 56. t Hist. of King James, p. 46.' Pierce, p. 166. 256 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. assembly, and a spiritual character: to obtain titles they sat uneasy in their chairs, being genthe former, an assembly was held at Glasgow, erally hated both by the ministers and people. June 8, 1610, means having been used by the About ten days after this consecration, Dr courtiers to model it to their mind. In that Richard Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, costly assembly, says my author,* the bishops departed this life; he was born at Farnworth in were declared moderators in every diocesan Lancashire, 1544, and educated in Jesus Col asse nly, and they or their deputies moderators lege, Cambridge. He was first chaplain to Cox, in thWr weekly exercises; ordination and dep- bishop of Ely, who gave him the rectory of rivation of ministers, visitation of kirks, ex- Teversham, near Cambridge. In the year 1585 communication and absolution, with presenta- he proceeded D.D., and being ambitious of pretion to benefices, were pinned to the lawn ferment, got into the service of Sir Christopher sleeves; and it was farther voted, (1.) That Hatton, by whose recommendation he was made every minister at his entry shall swear obedi- prebendary of Westminster. Here he signalence to his ordinary. (2.) That no minister ized himself by preaching against the Puritans, shall preach or speak the acts of this assembly. a sure way to preferment in those times. He (3.) That the question of the parity or imparity also wrote against their discipline, and was the of pastors shall not be mentioned in the pulpit first in the Church of England who openly mainunder pain of deprivation. This was a vast ad- tained the Divine right of the order of bishops. vance upon the constitution of the Kirk. While he sat in the High Commission, he disTo obtain a spiritual character superior to tinguished himself by an uncommon zeal against the order of presbyters, it was necessary that the Nonconformists, for which he was preferthe bishops elect should be consecrated by some red, first to the bishopric of London, and, upon of the same order; for this purpose the king Whitgift's decease, to the see of Canterbury; sent for three of them into England, viz., Mr. how he behaved in that high station has been Spotswood, archbishop of Glasgow, Mr. Lamb, sufficiently related. This prelate left behind him bishop of Brechen, and Mr. Hamilton, bishop no extraordinary character for piety, learning, of Galloway, and issued a commission under hospitality, or any other episcopal quality. He the great seal to the Bishops of London, Ely, was of a rough, inflexible temper, yet a tool of Bath and Wells, and Rochester, requiring them the prerogative, and an enemy to the laws and to proceed to the consecration of the above-men- constitution of his country. Some have repretioned bishops according to the English ordinal: sented him as inclined to popery because he Andrews, bishop of Ely, was of opinion that be- maintained several secular priests in his own fore the consecration they ought to be made house, but this was done, say his advocates, to priests, because they had not been ordained by keep up the controversy between them and the a bishop. This the Scots divines were unwill- Jesuits. Lord Clarendon says* "that he uning to admit, through fear of the consequences derstood the Church excellently well; that he among their own countrymen; for what must had almost rescued it out of the hands of the they conclude concerning the ministers of Scot- Calvinian party, and very much subdued the land, if their ordination as presbyters was not unruly spirit of the Nonconformists; and that valid l Bancroft, therefore, yielded, that where he countenanced men of learning." His lordbishops could not be had, ordination by presby- ship might have added that he was covetous,t ters must be valid, otherwise the character of passionate, ill-natured, and a cruel persecutor the ministers in most of the Reformed church- of good men; that he laid aside the hospitality es might be questioned. Abbot, bishop of Lon- becoming a bishop, and lived without state or don,t and others, were of opinion that there equipage, which gave occasion to the following was no necessity of passing through the inferi- satire upon his death, which happened Novemor orders of deacon and priest, but that the ber 2, 1610, aged sixty-six: episcopal character might be conveyed at once, Here lies his grace in cold clay clad, as appears from the example of St. Ambrose, Who died for want of what lie had. Nectarius, Eucherius, and others, who from mere laymen were advanced at once into the episcopal chair.T But whether this supposition does not rather weaken the arguments for bish- CHAPTER II. ops being a distinct order from presbyters, I FROM THE DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP BANCROFT TO leave with the reader. However, the Scotch THE DEATH OF KING JAMES I. divines were consecrated in the chapel at LonBANCROFT was succeeded by Dr. George Abdon House [October 21, 1610], and upon their bot, bishop of London, a divine of a quite difreturn into Scotland conveyed their new char- t of London, a divne of a quite difacter in the same manner to their brethren.Q ferent spirit from his predecessor. A sound Thus the king, by a usurped supremacy over * Vol. i., p. 88, ed. 1707. the Kirk of Scotland, and other violent and in- t Fnller,'and after him Dr. Grey and Dr. Warner, direct means, subverted their ecclesiastical con- vindicate the character of Archbishop Bancroft from stitution; and contrary to the genius of the the charges of cruelty and covetousness, "which, people, and the protestation of the General As- when they are examined into," says Dr. Warner, "appear not to deserve those opprobrious names in sembly, the bishops were made lords of council, the strictest acceptation " On the other hand, the lords of Parliament, and lord-commissioners in author of the Confessional calls him the fiery Bancauses ecclesiastical; but with all their high croft, and Dr. Warner sums up his account of him in ~- a manner not very honourable to his name. "In * Course of Scots Conformity, p. 53. short," says he, "there have been archbishops who f Collyer, as Dr. Grey observes, mentions that as have been much worse than Bancroft, who by their Bancroft's opinion, which Mr. Neat ascribes to Bishop good-humour and generosity have been more eskbbot.-ED. t Collyer'sEccles. Hist.,vol. i., p. 702. teemed when living, and more lamented at their d Calderwood, p. 644 death."-Ecclev Hist., vol. ii., p. 497.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 257 Protestant, a thorough Calvinist, an avowed This Bible was reprinted in quarto, 1550, and enemy to popery, and even suspected of Puri- again, with a new title, 1553. tanism, because he relaxed the penal laws, Two years after the Bible was reprinted in whereby he unravelled all that his predecessor English, with this title, " The Holy Byble, which had been doing for many years;" who, if he is all the Holy Scripture, in which are contaynnad lived a little longer," says Lord Clarendon,* ed the Olde and Newe Testament, truelye and "would have subdued the unruly spirit of the purelye translated into English by [a fictitious Nonconformists, and extinguished that fire in name] Thomas Matthew, 1537." It has a calenEngland which had been kindled at Geneva; dar with an almanac, and an exhortation to the but Abbot," says his lordship, " considered the study of the Scripture, signed J. R. John RoChristian religion no otherwise than as it ab- gers, a table of contents and marriages, margihorred and reviled popery, and valued those nal notes, a prologue, and in the Apocalypse men most who did that most furiously. He in- some wooden cuts. At the beginning of the quired but little after the strict observation of prophets are printed on the top of the page, R. the discipline of the Church, or conformity to G., Richard Grafton, and at the bottom, E. W., the articles or canons established, and did not Edward Whitchurch, who were the printers. think so ill of the [Presbyterian] discipline This translation, to the end of the book of as he ought to have done; but if men prudent- Chronicles, and the book of Jonah, with all the ly forbore a public reviling at the hierarchy New Testament, was Tyndal's; the rest was and ecclesiastical government, they were secure Miles Coverdale's arid John Rogers's. from any inquisition from him, and were equal- In the year 1539, the above-mentioned translypreferred. His house was a sanctuary to the lation, having been revised and corrected by most eminent of the factious party, and he li- Archbishop Cranmer, was reprinted by Grafton censed their pernicious writings." This is the and Whitchurch, "cum privilegio ad imprimenheavy charge brought by the noble historian dum solum." It has this title: "The Bible in against one of the most religious and venerable Englyshe, that is to say, the Content of the prelates of his age, and a steady friend of the Holy Scriptures, both of the Olde and Newe constitution in Church and State. If Abbot's Testament, truely translated after the veritie moderate measures had been constantly pur- of the Hebrue and Greke Texts, by the diligent sued, the liberties of England had been secured, study of divers excellent learned Men, expert popery discountenanced, and the Church pre- in the foresayde Tongues." In this edition vented from running into those excesses which Tyndal's prologue and marginal notes are omitfirst proved its reproach, and afterward its ted. It was reprinted the following year in a ruin. large folio, proper for churches, begun at Paris The translation of the Bible now in use was and finished at London. In the year 1541 it finished this year [1611]; it was undertaken at was printed again by Grafton, with a preface by the request of the Puritan divines in the Hamp- Cranmer, having been revised by Tonstal and ton Court Conference; and being the last, it Heath, bishops of Durhamr and Rochester. But may not be unacceptable to set befbre the read- after this time, the popish party prevailing at er, in one view, the various translations of the court, there were no more editions of the Bible Bible into the English language. in this reign. The New Testament was first translated by Soon after King Edward's accession [1548-9]., Dr. Wickliffe out of the Vulgar Latin, about the the Bible of 1541 had been reprinted, with Cranyear 1380, and is entitled "The New Testa- mer's prologue; and the liturgy of the Church ment, with the Lessons taken out of the Old of England, being first composed and establishLaw, read in Churches according to the Use of ed, the translation of the Psalter, commonly Sarum." called the old translation, in use at this day, The next translation was by William Tyndal, was taken from this edition. Next year, Covprinted at Antwerp, 1526, in octavo, without a erdale's Testament of 1535 was reprinted, with name, and -without either calendar, references Erasmus's paraphrase, but there was no new in the margin, or table at the end; it was cor- translation. rected by the author, and printed in the years In the reign of Queen Mary [15551, the exiles 1534 and 1536, having passed through five edi- at Geneva undertook a new translation, comtions in Holland. monly called the Geneva Bible; the names of In the mean time, Tyndal was translating the translators were Coverdale, Goodman, Gilseveral books of the Old Testament, as the Pen- by, Whittingham, Sampson, Cole, Knox, Bodtateuch and the book of Jonah, printed 1531; leigh, and Pullain, who published the New Testhe books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, the four tament first in small twelves, 1557, by Conrad books of Kings, the two books of Chronicles, Badius. This is the first that was printed and Nehemiah. About the same time, George with numerical verses. The whole Bible was Joy, some time fellow of Peter College, Cam- published afterward with marginal notes, 1559, bridge, translated the Psalter, the prophecy of dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. The translators Jeremiah, and the song of Moses, and printed say "they had been employed in this work them beyond sea. night and day, with fear and trembling; and In the year 1535 the whole Bible was printed they protest, from their consciences, that, in the first time in folio, adorned with wooden every point and word, they had faithfully rencuts and Scripture references; it was done by dered the text to the best of their knowledge." several hands, and dedicated to King Henry But the marginal notes having given offence, it VIII. by Miles Coverdale. In the last page it was not suffered to be published in England* is said to be printed in the year of our Lord 1535, and finished the fourth day of October. * Here Mr. Neal, as Dr. Grey observes, appears to be mistaken; as Lewis says "that the Geneva Bible * Book i., p. 88. was printed at London, in folio and quarto, in 1572." VOL. I. —K K 258 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. till the death of Archbishop Parker, when it was may be set down. The other regulations relate printed [1576] by Christopher Barker, in quarto, to the translators' comparing notes, and agree"cum privilegio," and met with such accept- ing among themselves; they were to consult ance that it passed through twenty or thirty the modern translations of the French, Dutch, editions in this reign. German,* &c., but to vary as little as possible Cranmer's edition of the Bible had been re- from the Bishops' Bible. printed in the years 1562 and 1566, for the use The king's commission bears date 1604, bit of the churches. But complaint being made of the work was not begun till 1606, and finished the incorrectness of it, Archbishop Parker pro- 1611. Fifty-four of the chief divines of both jected a new translation, and assigned the sev- universities were originally nominated; some eral books of the Old and New Testament to of whom dying soon after, the work was underabout fourteen dignitaries of the Church, most taken by forty-seven, who were divided into six of whom being bishops, it was from them called companies; the first translated from Genesis to the Bishops' Bible, and was printed in an elegant the First Book of Chronicles; the second to the and pompous folio, in the year 1568, with maps prophecy of Isaiah; the third translated the four and cuts. In the year 1572 it was reprinted greater prophets, with the Lamentations and with some alterations and additions, and several twelve smaller prophets; the fourth had the times afterward without any amendments. Apocrypha; the fifth had the four Gospels, the In the year 1582 the Roman Catholic exiles Acts, and the Revelations; and the sixth the translated the New Testament for the use of canonical epistles. The whole being finished their people, and published it in quarto, with this and revised by learned men from both univer title: "The New Testament of Jesus Christ, sities, the publishing it was committed to the translated faithfully into English out of the au- care of Bishop Bilson and Dr. Miles Smith, thentic Latin, according to the best corrected which last wrote the preface that is now prefixcopies of the same, diligently conferred with the ed. It was printed in the year 1611, with a dedGreek and other Editions in divers Languages; ication to King James, and is the same that is with arguments of Books and Chapters, Annota- still read in all the churches. tions, and other necessary Helps for the better Upon the death of Arminius, the curators of understanding of the Text, and especially for the the University of Leyden chose Conradus VorsDiscovery of the Corruptions of divers late Trans- tius his successor. This divine had published lations, and for clearing the Controversies in Re- a very exceptionable treatiset concerning the ligion of these Days. In the English College of nature and properties of God, in which he mainRheims. Printed by John Fogny." The Old tained that God had a body; and denied his Testament of this translation was first published proper immensity and omniscience, as they are at Doway in two quarto volumes, the first in the commonly understood. He maintained the Diyear 1609, the other 1610, by Lawrence Kellam, vine Being to be limited and restrained, and asat the sign of the Holy Lamb, with a preface cribedquantityand magnitudetohim. Theclerand tables; the authors are said to be Cardinal gy of Amsterdam remonstrated to the States Allen, some time principal of St. Mary Hall, against his settlement at Leyden, the country,Oxford; Richard Bristow, fellow of Exeter Col- being already too much divided about the Arlege; and Gregory Martyn, of St. John's Col- minian tenets. To strengthen their hands, they lege. The annotations were made by Thomas applied to the English ambassador to represent Worthington, B.A., of Oxford; all of them ex- the case to King James; and prevailed with the iles for their religion, and settled in popish sem- curators to defer his induction into the profesinaries beyond sea. The mistakes of this trans- sorship till his majesty had read over his book;t lation, and the false glosses put upon the text, which having done, he declared Vorstius to be were exposed by the learned Dr. Fulke and Mr. an arch heretic, a pest, a monster of blasphe*Cartwright. mies; and to show his detestation of his book, At the request of the Puritans in the Hampton ordered it to be burned publicly in St. Paul's CourtConference, King James appointed a new churchyard, and at both universities; in the translation to be executed by the most learned conclusion of his letter to the States on this ocmen of both universities, under the following casion, he says, " As God has honoured us with regulations: (1.) That they keep as close as pos- the title of defender of the faith, so (if you insible to the Bishops' Bible. (2.) That the names dine to retain Vorstius any longer) we shall be of the holy writers be retained according to vul- obliged not only to separate and cut ourselves gar use. (3.) That the old ecclesiastical words - T be kept, as church not to be translated congrega- T he translations pointed out by name, as Dr. Grey remarks, were those of Tynndal, Matthew, Cov tion, &c. (&.) That when a word has divers erdale, Whitchurch, and Geneva.-ED. -significations, that be kept which has been most t It may be wished that Mr. Neal had rather said comrmonly used by the fathers.* (5.) That the " a treatise against which great exceptions were tadivision of -chapters be not altered.t (6.) No ken." His mode of expression intimates that those marginal notes but for the explication of a He- exceptions were justly grounded; this Vorstius him-brew or Greek word. (7.-) Marginal references self denied, and solemnly declared his belief of the immensity and omniscience of the Divine Being, and -Lewis's History of the Translation of the Bible, in ascribed the imputations cast on him to wresting his 8vo, p. 264, second edition, 1739.-Eu. words to a meaning contrary to the scope and the * Dr. Grey states more fully and accurately these connexion of the discourse. His abilities, learning, r Yes from Lewis and Fuller, "used by the most em- and virtues were highly esteemed by those who difil.nt fathers, being agreeable to the propriety of the fered from him.-Prwstantium ao Eruditorum Viroptlace, and the analogie of faith."-Eo. Irm Epistole, Amsterdam, 1660, p. 350, &c., and p. t "The division of-the chapters to be altered either 385; and the Abridgment of Brandt's History, vol. ii., not at all, or as little as may be, if necessity so re. p. 727, 728.-ED. quire."-Lewis, p. 317. Fuller's Church Hist., b. x., I Brandt's History, vol. ii., p. 97; or the Abridg p. 46.-ED. ment, vol. i., p. 318. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 259 off from such false and heretical churches, but a considerable time in Newgate, he was at likewise to call upon all the rest of the Reformed length convened before Bishop King, in his conchurches to enter upon the same common con- sistory at St. Paul's, who, with some other disultation, how we may best extinguish and send vines and lawyers there assembled, declared him back to hell these cursed [Arminian] heresies a contumacious and obdurate heretic, and certithat have newly broken forth. And as for our- flied the same into Chancery by a significavit, selves, we shall be necessitated to forbid all the delivering him over to the secular power; whereyouth of our subjects to frequent a university upon the king signed a writ* de heretico cornthat is so infected as that of Leyden."* His burendo to the sheriffs of London, who brought majesty also sent over sundry other memorials, him to Smithfield, March 18, and in the midst in which he styles Vorstius a wicked atheist, of a vast concourse of people burned him to Arminius an enemy to God. And Bertius hav- death. A pardon was offered him at the stake ing written that the saints might fall from grace, if he would recant, but he refused it. he said the author was worthy of the fire. Next month Edward Wightman, of BurtonAt length [1612] the king published his royal upon-Trent, was convicted of heresy by Dr. declaration, in several languages,t containing Nelle, bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, and an account of all that he had done in the affair was burned at Litchfield, April 1lth.t He was of Vorstius, with his reasons; which were, his charged in the warrant with the heresies of Arizeal for the glory of God, his love for his friends us, Cerinthus, Manichaeus, and the Anabaptists.* and allies [the States], and fear of the same, that he had prayed to Christ in the days of his ignocontagion in his own kingdom; but their high rance, but notnot for these last seven years.' Hereupon the mightinesses did not like the King of England's king, in choler, spurned at him with his foot, saying, intermeddling so far in their affairs. However,' Away, base fellow; it shall never be said that one stayVorstius was dismissed to Gouda, where he eth in my presence that hath never prayed to our Saviour lived privately till the Synod of Dort, when he for seven years together.' "-Fller's Ch. History, b. x., was banished the Seven Provinces; he then re- P. 62.-C. tired to Tonninghen, in the dukedom of Holstein, * The reader will perhaps be curious to see the tired to Tonninghen, in the dukedom of Holstein, form of the king's writ for burning Legate, the latter where he died a professed Socinian, September part of which is as follows: 19, 16224. "Whereas the holy mother-church hath not farHis majesty had a farther opportunity of dis- ther to do and to prosecute on this part; the same covering his zeal against heresy this year, upon reverend father hath left the aforesaid Bartholomew two of his own subjects. One was Bartholomew Legate, as a blasphemous heretic, to our secular powLegate, an Arian:5 he was a comely person, of er, to be punished with condign punishment, as by a black complexion, and about forty years of the letters patent of the same reverend father in of a fluent tongue, excellently well versed Christ, the Bishop of London, in this behalf above age,'of a fluent tongue, excellently wellversed made, hath been certified to us in our Chancery. We, in the Scriptures, and of an unblamable con- therefore, as a zealot of justice, and a defender of the versation. King James himself, and some of Catholic faith, and willing to maintain and defend his bishops, in vain conferred with him, in hope the Holy Church, and the rights and liberties of the of convincing him of his errors.ll Having lain same, and the Catholic faith; and such heresies and errors everywhere what in us lieth, to root out and X Nothing (it is well observed by Gerard Brandt) extirpate, and to punish with condign punishment, can be less edifying than to see a Protestant prince, such heretics so convicted, and deeming that such a who, not contented to persecute the heterodox in his heretic, in form aforesaid convicted and condemned, own kingdom, exhorts the potentates of the same re- according to the laws and customs of this our kingligion to imitate his conduct."-Brandt Abridged, vol. dom of England in this part accustomed, ought to be i., p. 319.-ED. burned with fire; we do command you, that the said f It was printed in French, Latin, Dutch, and Eng- Bartholomew Legate, being in your custody, you do lish; on which Dr. Harris well remarks, that " con- commit publicly to the fire, before the people, in a sequently his monstrous zeal, his unprincely revilings, public and open place in West Smithfield, for the and his weak and pitiful reasonings, were known cause aforesaid; and that you cause the said Barthroughout Europe." Yet it was not held in any tholomew Legate to be really burned in the same high reputation; for Mr. Norton, who had the print- fire, in detestation of the said crime, for the manifest ing of it in Latin, swore "he would not print it, un- example of other Christians, lest they slide into the less he might have money to print it."-Harris's.LIfe same fault; and this that in nowise you omit, under of James I., p. 120. the peril that shall follow thereon. Witness," &c.t His sickness was a short one, but long enough -A Narration of the Burning of Bartholomew Legate, to afford him an opportunity to teach his physician &c., in Truth brought to Light, 1692, as quoted by Mr. and other friends how a Christian ought to die. He Lindsey in his Conversations on Christian Idolatry, p. was wholly intent upon prayer, and scarcely repeated 119, 120.-ED. t Fuller, b. x., p. 64. anything but passages out of the Scriptures. At his $ Some of the opinions imputed to Wightman sarequest, Acts, ii., and 1 Cor., xv., as mentioning the voured of vanity and superstition, or, rather, enthusiresurrection, were read to him; and this doctrine was asm; such as his being the prophet foretold Deut., much the subject of his last discourses. He expired xviii., and by Isaiah; the Elijah to come, of whom recommending his soul to God and Jesus Christ his Malachi speaks. " But," as Mr. Lindsey justly reS3viour. And it is said that the piety, holiness, faith, marks, " we may well hesitate here whether such and resignation which he showed, and the fervency were the man's real sentiments, or only those which of his prayers, cannot be well expressed.-Brandt his adversaries would fix uponhim." These proceedAbridged, vol. ii., p. 722, 723.-ED. ings show, as Brandt observes, it was high time to Q lu[ler, b. x., p. 63. repeal the act de heretico comburendo. The sentiments II "One time," says Fuller, " the king had a de- of Limborch on them deserve to be mentioned here: sign to surprise him into a confession of Christ's "These things," says he in a letter to Mr. Locke, deity (as his majesty afterward declared), by asking " are. a scandal to the Reformation. A court of inhim whether or no he did not daily pray to Jesus Christ? quisition into men's faith is alike contrary to Chris which, had he acknowledged, the king would have tian charity, whether it be erected on the banks of infallibly inferred that Legate tacitly consented to the Tiber, or the Lake of Geneva, or by the side of Christ's divinity as searcher of-hearts. But herein his the River Thames: for it is the same iniquitous crumajesty failed of his expectation, Legate returning, elty, though exercised in another place, and on differ 260 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. There was another condemned to the fire for body being opened, his liver appeared white, and the same heresies; but the constancy of the his spleen and diaphragm black, his gall without above-mentioned sufferers moving pity in the choler, and his lungs spotted with much corrupspectators, it was thought better to suffer him tion, and his head full of blood in some places, to linger out a miserable life in Newgate, than to and in others full of water. It is certain the.awaken too far the compassions of the people.* king was jealous of his son's popularity, and Nothing was minded at court but luxury and asked one day if he would bury him alive; and diversions. The affairs of the Church were upon his death commanded that no person left to the bishops and the affairs of state to should appear at court in mourning for him.* subordinate magistrates, or the chief ministers, This prince was one of the most accomplished while the king himself sunk into a most indo- persons of his age, sober, chaste, temperate, lent and voluptuous life, suffering himself to be religious, full of honour and probity, and never governed by a favourite, in the choice of whom heard to swear an oath; neither the example he had no regard to virtue or merit, but to of the king his father, nor of the whole court, youth, beauty, gracefulness of person, and fine was capable of corrupting him in these respects. clothes, &c. This exposed him to the con- He had a great soul, full of noble and elevated tempt of foreign powers, who from this time sentiments, and was as much displeased with paid him very little regard. At the same time, trifles as his father was fond of them. He had he was lavish and profuse in his expenses and frequently said that, if ever he mounted the grants to his hungry courtiers, whereby he ex- throne, his first care should be to try to reconhausted his exchequer, and was obliged to have cile the Puritans to the Church of England. recourse to arbitrary and illegal methods of As this could not be done without each party's raising money by the prerogative. By these making some concessions, and as such a promeans he lost the hearts of his people, which ceeding was directly contrary to the temper o1 all his kingcraft could never recover, and laid the court and clergy, he was suspected to counthe foundation of those calamities that in the tenance Puritanism. To say all in one word, next reign threw Church and State into such Prince Henry was mild and affable, though of a convulsions as threatened their final ruin. warlike genius, the darling of the Puritans, and But while the king and his ministers were of all good men; and, though he lived about wounding the Protestant religion and the liber- eighteen years, no historian has taxed him with ties of England, it pleased Almighty God to lay any vice. the foundation of their recovery by the marriage To furnish the exchequer with money, several of the king's daughter, Elizabeth, to Frederic new projects were set on foot, as, (1.) His majV., elector palatine of the Rhine, from whom esty created a new order of knights-baronets; the present royal family is descended. The the number not to exceed two hundred, and the match was promoted by Archbishop Abbot, and expense of the patent ~1095. (2.) His majesty universally approved by all the Puritans in Eng- sold letters patent for monopolies. (3.) He land, as the grand security of the Protestant obliged such as were worth ~40 a year to comsuccession in case of failure of heirs from the pound for not being knights. (4.) He set to sale king's son. Mr. Echard says they foretold, by a the highest honours and dignities of the nation: distant foresight, the succession of this family the price for a baron was ~10,000, for a visto the crown; and it must be owned that they count ~15,000, and ~20,000 for an earl. (5.1 were always the delight of the Puritans, who Those who had defective titles were obliged to prayed heartily for them, and upon all occasions compound to set them right. And (6.) The exerted themselves for the support of the family Star Chamber raised their fines to an exin their lowest circumstances. The solemnity of these nuptials was retarded the king had incurred from the behaviour of the some months by the untimely death of Henry, court at the time the prince lay dead, and from the prince of Wales, the king's eldest son, who died disappointment which the great expectations of the November 6, 1612, and was buried the 7th of people from this prince suffered. There were insinNovember 6, 1612, and was buried the uth of uations to this effect from respectable persons; and December following, being eighteen years and Colonel Titus assured Bishop Burnet that he had eight months old. Some have suspected that heard King Charles I. declare that the prince his the king his father caused him to be poisoned, brother was poisoned by means of Viscount Rochesthough there is no sufficient proof of' it;t the ter. This evidence amounted to a kind of proof, yet, as to these suggestions were opposed the opinions of ent subjects." A fine observation of Brandt on this the physicians, and the appearances of the body occasion shall close this note. "It is a very glorious when it was opened, and the presumptive evidence thing for the United Provinces," says he, " that the did not come home to the king, it is to be wished blood of no heretic has been shed in that country that Mr. Neal had used more guarded language, for ever since the Reformation; which ought to be as- the words "no certain proof" seem to imply that cribed to the moderation and great knowledge of the there was probable proof of it. Bishop Warburton States.General, and the states of each of those prov- is therefore very angry, and says it "is abominainces." —Brandt Abridged, vol. i., p. 319. Lindsey's ble;" it is, indeed, a heavy charge to impute to a Historical View of Unitarian Doctrine, &c., p. 294. parent his being accessory to the poisoning of a son. -ED. -See Dr. Birch's Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, p. * Dr. Southey ascribes the preservation of the Span- 404-409. Dr. Grey, as well as the bishop, also cenish Arian to the benevolence of James, but Fuller sures our author, and refers to main authorities to more correctly attributes it to his policy. " Such disprove, as he calls them, "Mr. Neal's unfair insinburning of heretics had much startled common people uations." These insinuations did not originate, it should -being unable to distinguish between constancy and be observed, with Mr. Neal, but were sanctioned by obstinacy, were ready to entertain good thoughts even the prevailing opinion of the times, and were counteof the opinions of those heretics who sealed them so nanced by the conduct of James, who showed himmanfully with their blood," &c.-Fuller's Ch. Hist., self quite unaffected with the death of his virtuous b. x., p. 64.-C. and amiable son.-ED. t These suspicions arose from the popular odium * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 181, folio edit. HISTORY OF TIlE PURITANS. 261 cessive degree.* But these projects not an- into the churches where they settled; but beswering the king's necessities, he was obliged, ing of the Presbyterian persuasion, they formed at last, to call a Parliament. When the houses their churches after their own model. The met they proceeded immediately to consider of London adventurers prevailed with several of and redress grievances, upon which the king the English Puritans to remove, who, being dissolved them, before they had enacted one persecuted at home, were willing to go anystatute, and committed some of the principal where within the king's dominions for the libmembers of the House of Commons to prison, erty of their consciences, and more would have without admitting them to bail, resolving again gone, could they have been secure of a tolerato raise money without the aid of Parliament. tion after they were settled. But their chief This year the articles of the Church of Ire- resource was from the Scots; the first minister land were ratified and confirmed; the reforma- of that persuasion that went over was Mr. Edtion of that kingdom had made a very slow prog- ward Bryce, who settled in Broad Island, in the ress in the late reign, by reason of the wars county of Antrim, 1611; after him, Mr. Roberi between the English and the natives, and the Cunningham, in Hollywood, in the county of small proportion of the former to the latter. Down. At the same time came over three The natives had a strong prejudice against the English ministers, all Puritans trained up under English, as coming into the country by con- Mr. Cartwright, viz., Mr. Ridges, of Antrim, quest, and being bigoted papists, their preju- Mr. Henry Calvert, and Mr. Hubbard, of Cardices were inflamed by King Henry VIII. throw- rickfergus. After these, Mr. Robert Blair came ing off the pope's supremacy, which threatened from Scotland to Bangor, Mr. Hamilton to Belthe loss of their religion, as well as their civil lywater, and Mr. Levingston to Killinshy, in liberties. In the reign of Philip and Mary they the county of Down, with Mr. Welsh, Dunbar, were more quiet, when a law was passed against and others.* Mr. Blair was a zealous Presbybringing in the Scots and marrying with them, terian, and scrupled episcopal ordination, but which continued in force during the whole reign the bishop of the diocess compromised the difof Queen Elizabeth, and was a great hinderance ference, by agreeing that the other Scots presto the progress of the Protestant religion in that byters of Mr. Blair's persuasion should join with country; however, a university was erected at him, and that such passages in the established Dublin in the year 1593, and furnished with form of ordination as Mr. Blair and his brethlearned professors from Cambridge of the Cal- ren disliked, should be omitted or exchanged for vinistical persuasion.'James Usher, who after- others of their own approbation. Thus was ward wasthe renowned Archbishop of Armagh, Mr. Blair ordained publicly in the Church of was the first student who entered into the col- Bangor; the Bishop of Raphoe did the same lege. The discipline of the Irish Church was for Mr. Levingston; and all the- Scots who were according to the model of the English; bishops ordained in Ireland from this time to the year were nominated to the popish diocesses, but 1642 were ordained after the same manner; their revenues being alienated, or in the hands all of them enjoyed the churches and tithes, of papists, or very much diminished by the though they remained Presbyterian, and used wars, they were obliged to throw the revenues not the liturgy; nay, the bishops consulted of several bishoprics together to make a toler- them about affairs of common concernment to able subsistence for one. The case was the the Church, and some of them were members same with the inferior clergy, 40s. a year being of the convocation in 1634. They had their a common allowance for a vicar in the province monthly meetings at Antrim, for the promoting of Connaught, and sometimes only sixteen. of piety and the extirpation of popery. They Thus, says Mr. Collyer, the authority of the had also their quarterly communions, by which bishops went off, and the people followed their means great numbers of the inhabitants were own fancies in the choice of religion. civilized, and many became serious Christians. At the Hampton Court Conference the king Mr. Blair preached before the judges of assize proposed sending preachers into Ireland, com- on the Lord's Day, at the desire of the Bishop plaining that he was but half monarch of that of Down, and his curate administered the sackingdom, the bodies of the people being only rament to them the same day; so that there subject to his authority, while their consciences was a sort of comprehension between the two were at the command of the pope; yet it does parties, by the countenance and approbation of not appear that any attempts were made to con- the great Archbishop Usher, who encouraged vert them till after the year 1607, when the act the ministers in this good work. And thus of the third and fourth of Philip and Mary be- things continued till the administration of Arching repealed, the citizens of London undertook bishop Laud, who, by dividing the Protestants, for the province of Ulster. These adventurers weakened them, and made way for that enorbuilt Londonderry, fortified Coleraine, and pur- mous growth of popery which ended in the chased a great tract of land in the adjacent massacre of almost all the Protestants in the parts. They sent over considerable numbers kingdom. of planters, but were at a loss for ministers; It appears, from hence, that the Reformation for the beneficed clergy of the Church of Eng- of Ireland was built upon a Puritan foundation, land, being at ease in the enjoyment of their though episcopacy was the legal establishment; preferments, would not engage in such a haz- but it was impossible to make any considerable ardous undertaking; it fell, therefore, to the lot progress in the conversion of the natives, beof the Scots and English Puritans; the Scots, cause of their bigotry and prejudice against the by reason of their vicinity to the northern parts English nation, whose language they could not of Ireland, transported numerous colonies; they be persuaded to learn. improved the country, and brought preaching The Protestant religion being pretty well es* Rapin, vol. ii., p. 185. * Loyalty Presb., p. 161-163. 262 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. tablished, it was thought advisable to frame after he returned to England, and having impartsome articles of their common faith according ed his design of setting up a separate congregato the custom of other churches: some moved tion, like those in Holland, to the most learned in convocation to adopt the articles of the Eng- Puritans of those times, as Mr. Throgmorton, lish Church, but this was overruled, as not so Wring, Mansel, Dod, &c., it was not condemnhonourable to themselves, who were as much ed as unlawful, considering there was no prosa national church as England, nor so consistent pect of a national reformation. Mr. Jacob, therewith their independency; it was therefore vo- fore, having summoned several of his fiiends ted to draw up a new confession of their own; together, as Mr. Staismore, Mr. Browne, Mr. the draught was referred to the conduct of Dr. Prior, Almey, Throughton, Allen, Gibbet, Farre, James Usher, provost of Dublin College, and Goodal, and others; and having obtained their afterward lord-primate; it afterward passed consent to unite in church-fellowship, for obtainboth houses of Convocation and Parliament ing the ordinances of Christ in the purest manwith great unanimity, and being sent over to ner, they laid the foundation of the first Indethe English court, was approved in council, and pendent or Congregational Church in England, ratified by the Lord-lieutenant Chichester this after the following manner: having observed a year in the king's name. day of solemn fasting and prayer for a blessThese articles being rarely to be met with, I ing upon their undertaking, towards the close of have given them a place in the Appendix,* be- the solemnity each of them made open confesing in a manner the same which the Puritans sion of their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; requested at the Hampton Court Conference: and then standing together, they joined hands, for, first, The nine articles of Lambeth are in- and solemnly covenanted with each other, in the corporated into this confession. Secondly, The presence of Almighty God, to walk together in morality of the Lord's Day is strongly asserted, all God's ways and ordinances, according as he and the spending it wholly in religious exercises had already revealed, or should farther make is required [art. 56]. Thirdly, The observation them known to them. Mr. Jacob was then choof Lent is declared not to be a religious fast, sen pastor by the suffrage of the brotherhood, but grounded merely on political considerations, and others were appointed to the office of deafor provision of things tending to the better cons, with fasting and prayer, and imposition preservation of the commonwealth [art. 50]. of hands.* The same year (1616) Mr. Jacob Fourthly, All clergymen are said to be lawfully published a protestation or confession in the called and sent, who are chosen and called to name of certain Christians, showing how far this work by men who have public authority they agreed with the Church of England, and given them in the Church to call and send min- wherein they differed, with the reasons of their isters into the Lord's vineyard (art. 71), which dissent drawn from Scripture; to which was is an acknowledgment of the validity of the or- added a petition to the king for the toleration of dinations of those churches which have no bigh- such Christians. And some time after he pubops. Fifthly, The power of the keys is said to lished " A Collection of sound Reasons, showing be only declarative (art. 74). Sixthly, The pope how necessary it is for all Christians to walk in is declared to be antichrist, or that man of sin the Ways and Ordinances of God in Purity, and whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of in a right Church Way." Mr. Jacob continued his mouth, and abolish with the brightness of with his people about eight years; but in the his coming (art. 80). Seventhly, The conse- year 1624, being desirous to enlarge his usefulcration of archbishops, bishops, &c., is not so ness, he went, with their consent, to Virginia, much as mentioned, as if done on purpose, says where he soon after died. Thus, according to Mr. Collyer, to avoid maintaining the distinction the testimony of the Oxford historian, and some between that order and that of priests. Lastly, others, Mr. Henry Jacob was the first IndependNo power is ascribed to the Church in making ent minister in England, and this the first Con, canons, or censuring those who either carelessly gregational Church. Upon the departure of Mr. or wilfully infringe the same. Upon the whole, Jacob his church chose Mr. Lathorp their pasthese articles seem to be contrived to compro- tor, whose history will be resumed in its proper mise the difference between the Church and the place. Puritans; and they had that effect till the year The king was so full of his prerogative, that 1634, when, by the influence of Archbishop Laud he apprehended he could convince his subjects and the Earl of Strafford, these articles were of its unlimited extent; for this purpose he set aside, and those of the Church of England turned preacher in the Star Chamber, and took received in their room. his text, Psalm lxii., 1: "Give the king thy To return to England. Among the Puritans judgments, O God, and thy righteousness to the who fled from the persecution of Bishop Ban- king's son."" After dividing and subdividing, croft was Mr. Henry Jacob, mentioned in the and giving the literal and mystical sense of his year 1604. This divine, having conferred with text, he applied it to the judges and courts of Mr. Robinson, pastor of an English church at judicature, telling them "that the king sitting Leyden, embraced his peculiar sentiments of in the throne of God, all judgments centre in church discipline, since known by the name of him, and therefore for inferior courts to deterIndependency. In the year 1619, Mr. Jacob pub- mine difficult questions without consulting him, lished at Leyden a small treatise in octavo, en- was to encroach upon his prerogative, and to titled "The Divine Beginning and Institution of limit his power, which it was not lawful for the Christ's true Visible and Material Church;" and tongue of a lawyer nor any subject to dispute. followed it next year with another from Middle- As it is atheism and blasphemy to dispute what burgh, which he called "An Explication and Confirmation of his former Treatise." Some time * Wilson's History of Dissenting Churches, vol. i., p. 39.-iC. Appendix, No. vi. t Rapin, vol. ii., p. 192, 193, and note (9). HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 263 God can do," says he, " so it is presumption, and such a divine should be restrained, and in a mana high contempt, to dispute what kings can do ner starved!"* or say; it is to take away that mystical rever- The disputes in Holland between the Calvinence that belongs to them who sit in the throne ists and Arminians, upon the five points relaof God."* Then addressing the auditory, he ting to election, redemption, original sin, effectadvises them "not to meddle with the king's ual grace, and perseverance, rose to such a prerogative or honour. Plead not," says he, height as obliged the States-General to have re"upon Puritanical principles, which make all course to a national synod, which was convened things popular, but keep within the ancient lim- at Dort, November 13, 1618. Each party had its." loaded the other with reproaches, and, in the In speaking of recusants, there are three warmth of dispute, charged their opinions with sorts: (1.) " Some that come now and then to the most invidious consequences, insomuch that church; these [the Puritans] are formal to the all good neighbourhood was lost, the pulpits laws, but false to God. (2.) Others that have were filled with unprofitable and angry disputes, their consciences misled; some of these [the and as each party prevailed the other were turnpapists that swear allegiance] live as peaceable ed out of the churches. The magistrates were subjects. (3.) Others are practising recusants, no less divided than the ministers, one city and who oblige their servants and tenants to be of town being ready to take up arms against antheir opinion. These are men of pride and pre- other. At length it grew into a state faction, sumption. I am loath to hang a priest only for which endangered the dissolution of governhis religion and saying mass; but if they refuse ment. Maurice, prince of Orange, though a Rethe oath of allegiance I leave them to the law." monstrant, put himself at the head of the CalHe concludes with exhorting the judges to coun- vinists [or Contra-Remonstrants], because they tenance the clergy against papists and Puritans; were for a stadtholder, and the magistrates who adding, " God and the king will reward your were against a stadtholder sided with the [Rezeal." monstrants, or] Arminians, among whom the It is easy to observe from hence that his maj- advocate of Holland, Oldenbarnevelt, and the esty's implacable aversion to the Puritans was pensionaries of Leyden and Rotterdam, Hogerfounded not merely or principally on their refu- berts and Grotius, were the chief. Several atsal of the ceremonies, but on the principles of tempts were made for an accommodation, or civil liberty and enmity to absolute monarchy; toleration of the two parties; but this not sucfor all arguments against the extent of the pre- ceeding, the three heads of the Remonstrants rogative are said to be founded on Puritan prin- [Arminians] were taken into custody, and the ciples. A king with such maxims should have magistrates of several towns and cities chanbeen frugal of his revenues, that he might not ged, by authority of the prince, which made way have stood in need of parliaments; but our, for the choosing such a synod as his highness monarch was extravagantly profuse, and, to desired. The classes of the several towns met supply his wants, delivered back this year to first in a provincial synod, and these sent deputhe Dutch their cautionary towns, which were ties to the national one, with proper instructhe keys of their country, for less than a quar- tions. The Remonstrants were averse to the ter part of the money that had been lent on calling a synod, because their numbers were as them. yet unequql to the Calvinists, and their leaders This year [1617] died the learned and judicious Mr. Paul Baynes, born in London, and ed- See Clarke's Lives, annexed to his General Marucated in Christ College, Cambridge, of which tyrology, p. 24, who tells us that Mr. Baynes, being he was a fellow. He succeeded Mr. Perkins in summoned on a time before the privy council, on the lecture at St. Andrew's Church, where he pretence of keeping conventicles, and called on to behaved with that gravity and exemplary piety speak for himself, made such an excellent speech, which rendered him universally acceptable to all that, in the midst of it, a nobleman stood up and said, who had any taste for serious religion, till Arch- "dare speaks more toke an angel than a man, any sentence dare not stay here to have a hand in any sentence bishop Bancroft, sending Dr. Harsnet to visit against him." Upon which speech he was dismissed, the University, called upon Mr. Baynes to sub- and never heard any more from them. The followscribe according to the canons, which he refu- ing anecdote is related of Mr. Baynes, showing the sing, the doctor silenced him, and put down his warmth of his natural temper, with his readiness to lecture. Mr. Baynes appealed to the archbish- receive reproof, and to make a proper use of it. A op, but his grace stood by his chaplains, and religious gentleman placed his son under his care threatened to lay the good old man by the heels and tuition, and Mr. Baynes, entertaining some threatened to lay the good old man by the heels friends at supper, sent the boy into the town for for appearing before him with a little black edg- something whch they wanted. Th the town for ing upon his cuffs. After this, Mr. Baynes longer than was proper. Mr. Baynes reproved him preached only occasionally, as he could get op- with some sharpness, severely censuring his conportunity, and was reduced to such poverty and duct. The boy remained silent;,but the next day, want, that he said " he had not where to lay his when his tutor was calm, he thus addressed him: head " but at length death put an end to his " My father placed me under your care not only for sufferings, in the year 1617. He published " A the benefit of human learning, but that by your pious Commentary upon the Ephesians," " The Dio- counsel and example I might be brought up in the fear of God; but you, sir, giving way to your passion clesian's Trial" against Dr. Downham, and some the last night, gave me a very evil example, such as other practical treatises. Dr. Sibbes says " he I have never seen in my father's house." " Sayest was a divine of uncommon learning, clear judg- thou so?" answered Mr. Baynes: " go to my tailor, ment, ready wit, and of much communion with and let him buy thee a suit of clothes, and make them God and his own heart. What pity was it that for thee, which I will pay for, to make thee amends." And it is added, that Mr. Baynes watched more nar* Mr. Neal abridges Rapin, and gives the sense rowly over his own spirit ever after.-Brookes's Lies, rather than the exact words. -ED. &c., vol. ii., p. 264.-C. 264 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. being in custody, it was easy to foretel their maintained agreeably to the Scriptures and the approaching fate. They complained of injus- doctrine of the Church of England. (2.) To adtice in their summons to the provincial assem- vise the Dutch ministers not to insist in their blies, but Trigland says that where the Remon- sermons upon scholastic points, but to abide by strants [Arminians] were weakest they were their former confession of faith, and those of equally regarded with the other party; but in their neighbour Reformed churches. (3.) That truth their deputies were angry and dissatis- they should consult the king's honour, the peace flied, and in many places absented from their of the distracted churches, and behave in all classes, and so yielded up their power into the things with gravity and moderation. hands of their adversaries, who condemned their When all the members of the synod Wvere asprinciples and deposed several of their ministers. sembled, they took the following oath, in the The National Synod of Dort consisted of thir- twenty-third session, each person standing up ty-eight Dutch and Walloon divines, five pro- in his place, and laying his hand upon his heart, fessors of the universities, and twenty-one lay- " I promise, before God, whom I believe and elders, making together sixty-one persons, of worship, as here present, and as the searcher of which not above three or four were Remon- the reins and heart, that during the whole course strants. Besides these, there were twenty-eight of the transactions of this synod, in which there foreign divines, from Great Britain, from the will be made an inquiry into, and judgment and Palatinate, from Hessia, Switzerland, Geneva, decision of, not only the well-known five points, Bremen, Embden, Nassau, and Wetteravia; the and all the difficulties resulting from thence, but French king not admitting his Protestant divines likewise of all other sorts of doctrine, I will not to appear. Next to the States' deputies sat the make use of any kind of human writings, but English divines; the second place was reserved only of the Word of God, as a sure and infallible for the French divines; the rest sat in the or- rule of faith. Neither will I have any other thing der recited. Upon the right and left hand of in view throughout this whole discussion but the chair, next to the lay-deputies, sat the Neth- the honour of God, the peace of the Church, and, erland professors of divinity, then the ministers above all, the preservation of the purity of docand elders, according to the rank of their prov- trine. So help me my Saviour Jesus Christ, inces; the Walloon churches sitting last. Af- whom I ardently beseech to assist me in this ter the divines, as well domestic as foreign, had my design, by his Holy Spirit."* produced their credentials, the Rev. Mr. John This was all the oath that was taken, says Bogerman, of Leewarden, was chosen president, Bishop Hall, as I hope to be saved. It was the Rev. Mr. Jacob Roland and Herman Fauke- therefore an unjust insinuation of Mr. John lius, of Amsterdam and Middleburgh, assessors; Goodwin, who, in his " Redemption Redeemed," Heinsius was scribe, and the Rev. Mr. Dammon p. 395, charged them with taking a previous and Festius Hommius, secretaries; a general oath to condemn the opposite party on what fast was then appointed, after which they pro- terms soever. " It grieves my soul," says the ceeded to business. bishop, " to see any learned divine raising such The names of the English divines were, Dr. imaginary conjectures; but since I have seen Carlton, bishop of Llandaff; Dr. Hall, dean of it, I bless my God that I yet live to vindicate Worcester, afterward bishop of Norwich; Dr. them [1651] by this my knowing and clear atDavenant, afterward bishop of Salisbury; and testation, which I am ready to second with the Dr. Samuel Ward, master of Sidney College, solemnest oath, if required." Cambridge;* but Dr. Hall not being able to The synod continued to the 29th of May, in bear the climate,t Dr. Goad, prebendary of Can- which time there were one hundred and eighty terbury, was appointed in his room. Mr. Balcan- sessions. In the hundred and forty-fifth sesqual, a Scotsman, but no friend to the Kirk, was sion, and 30th of April, the Belgic confession of also commissioned by King James to represent faith was debated and put to the question, which that church. He was taken into consultation, the English divines agreed to, except the articles and joined in suffrage with the English divines, relating to the parity of ministers and ecclesiso as to make one college; for the divines of astical discipline. They said they had carefully each nation gave only one vote in the synod, as examined the said confession, and did not find their united sense; and though Balcanqual did anything therein, with respect to faith and docnot wear the habits of the English divines, nor trine, but what was, in the main, conformable sit with them in the synod, having a place by to the Word of God.t They added, that they himself as representative of the Scots Kirk, yet, had likewise considered the Remonstrants' [Arsays the Bishop of Llandaff, his apparel was minians] exceptions against the said confession, decent, and in all respects he gave much satis- and declared that they were of such a nature as faction. His majesty's instructions to them to be capable of being made against all the conwere, (1.) To agree among themselves about fessions of other Reformed churches. They did the state of any question, and how far it may be not pretend to pass any judgment upon the articles relating to their church government, but *Fuller's Worthies, p. 159. only maintained that their own church governt Before Bishop Hall left the synod he delivered upon apostolic institution. Latin sermon before the Assembly, who, by their Mr. Jt w as founded upon apostolic i nstitution. president and assistants, took a solemn leave of him Mr. John Hales, of Eton, chaplain to the Engand the deputies of the States dismissed him with lish ambassador Carlton, sat among the hearers honourable rewards, and sent him a rich gold medal, for some weeks, and having taken minutes of the bearing the portraiture of the synod. Dr. Hall was proceedings, transmitted them twice or thrice a moderate upon the five poimnts controverted in that, synod, as appears by the treatise which he soon after * Brandt, vol. iii., p. 62; or the Abridgment of wrote, and which is among his published works, un- Brandt, 8vo, vol. ii., p. 417. der the title of "Via Media."-Hall's Life in Middle- t Brandt, vol. iii., p. 288; or Abridgment, vol. ii., ton's Biography, vol. iii., p. 355.-C. p. 508, 509. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 265 week to his excellency at the Hague. After his heresy to be sound and orthodox [i. e., an Armindeparture, Dr. Balcanqual, the Scots commis- ian] accordingto the Book ofArticles established sioner, and Dr. Ames, carried on the correspond- by law in the Church of England." He adds. ence. Mr. Hales observes that the Remon- "that King James did not appear for Calvinism strants behaved on several occasions very im- out of judgment, but for reasons of state, and prudently,* not only in the manner of their de- from a personal friendship to Prince Maurice, bates, but in declining the authority of the synod, who had put himself at their head. He therethough summoned by the civil magistrate in the fore sent such divines as had zeal enough to most unexceptionable manner. The five points condemn the Remonstrants, though it was wet! of difference between the Calvinists and Armin- known that he had disapproved the article o1': ians, after a long hearing, were decided in fa- Lambeth, and the doctrine of predestination vour of the former. After which the Remon- nor was it a secret what advice he had given strant ministers were dismissed the assembly, Prince Maurice before he put himself at the and banished the country within a limited time, head of the Calvinists."* except they submitted to the new confession; When the synod was risen, people spake of on which occasion some very hard speeches it in a very different manner;t the States of were mutually exchanged, and appeals made to Holland were highly satisfied: they gave high the final tribunal of God. rewards to the chief divines,+ and ordered the When the opinion of the British divines was original records of their proceedings to be pre. read, upon the extent of Christ's redemption, served among their archives. The English di. it was observed that they omitted the received vines expressed full satisfaction in the proceeddistinction between the sufficiency and efficacy ings of the synod. Mr. Baxter says the Chrisof it; nor did they touch upon the received lim- tian world, since the days of the apostles, never itation of those passages which, speaking of had an assembly of more excellent divines. Christ's dying for the whole world, are usually The learned Jacobus Capellus, professor of Leyinterpreted of the world of the elect, Dr. Dave- den, declared that the equity of the fathers of nant and some of his brethren inclining to the this synod was such, that no instance can be doctrine of universal redemption.t In all oth- given, since the apostolic age, of any other syner points there was a perfect harmony; and od in which the heretics were heard with more even in this Balcanqual says King James and patience, or which proceeded with a better temthe Archbishop of Canterbury desired them to per or more sanctity. P. du Moulin, Paulus comply, though Heylin says their instructions Servita, and the author of the life of Waleus, were not to oppose the doctrine of universal re- speaks the same language. But others poured demption. But Dr. Davenant and Ward were contempt upon the synod, and burlesqued their for a middle way between the two extremes: proceedings in the following lines: they maintained the certainty of the salvation Dordrechti synodus, nodus; chorus integer, reger; of the elect, and that offers of pardon were sent Conventus, ventus, sessio, stramen, Amen. not only to all who should believe and repent, Lewis du Moulin, with all the favourers of the but to all who heard the Gospel; and that grace Arminian doctrines, as Heylin, Womack, Brandt, sufficient to convince and persuade the impeni- &c., charge them with partiality and unjustifiatent (so as to lay the blame of their condemna- ble severity. Upon the whole, in my judgment, tion upon themselves) went along with these they proceeded with as much discretion and offers; that the redemption of Christ and his candour as most assemblies, ancient or modern, merits were applicable to these, and, conse- have done, who have pretended to establish arquently, there was a possibility of their salva- ticles for other men's faith with penal sanctions. tion. However, they complied with the synod, I shall take leave of this venerable body with and declared their confession, in the main, this farther remark, that King James sending agreeable to the Word of God; but this gave over divines to join this assembly was on open rise to a report, some years after, that they had acknowledgment of the validity of ordination deserted the doctrine of the Church of England; by mere presbyters; here being a bishop of the upon which Bishop Hall expressed his concern Church of England sitting as a private member to Doctor Davenant in these words: " I shall in a synod of divines of which a mere presbylive and die in suffrage'of that Synod of Dort; ter was the president. and I do confidently avow that those other opin- In the summer of the year 1617, King James ions [of Arminius] cannot stand with the doctrine made a progress into Scotland, to advance the of the Church of England." To which Bishop episcopal cause in that country; the Chapel of Davenant replied in these words: "I know that Edinburgh was adorned after the manner of no man can embrace Arminianism in the doc- Whitehall, pictures being carried from hence, trines of predestination and grace, but he must together with the statues of the twelve apostles, desert the articles agreed upon by the Church which were set up in the church. His majesty of England; nor in the point of perseverance, treated his Scots subjects with a haughty disbut he must vary from the received opinions tance; telling them, both in the Parliament and of our best-approved doctors in the English General Assembly, "that it was a power innate, Church." Yet Heylin has the assurance to a princely special prerogative which Christian say, "that though the Arminian controversy kings have, to order and dispose external things brought some trouble for the present to the churches of Holland, it was of greater advan- * Hist. Presb., p. 381. tage to the Church of England, whose doctrine t Brandt, p. 307, 308; or Abridgment, vol. ii., p. in those points had been so overborne by the 531. Calvinists, that it was almost reckoned for a $ Each divine of the United Provinces received four florins a day. The synod cost ten tons of gold, * Hales's Remains. p. 507, 512, 526, 586, 587. i. e., a million of florins. —Brandt Abridged, vol. ii., p, t Brandt, p. 526. 531.-ED. VOL. I. —L L 266 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. in the outward polity of the Church, or as we support it. Upon this, the king's commissioner, with our bishops shall think fit; and, sirs, for by advice of the bishops and council, issued a your approving or disproving, deceive not your- proclamation, commanding all ministers to deselves: I will not have my reason opposed." part out of Edinburgh within twenty hours, exTwo acts relating to the Church were passed cept the settled ministers of the city, and such this session; one concerning the choice of arch- as should have a license from the bishop. The bishops and bishops, and another for the resti- ministers obeyed, leaving behind them a prottution of chapters; but the ministers protesting estation against the articles, and an admoagainst both, several of them were suspended nition to the members of Parliament not to ratand deprived, and others banished, as, the Mel- ify them, as they would answer it in the day vins, Mr. Forbes, &c., and as the famous Mr. of judgment. They alleged that the assembly Calderwood, author of the Altare Damascenum, of Perth was illegal, and that the articles were had been before; which book, when one of the against the privileges of the Kirk and the estabEnglish prelates promised to answer, the king lished laws of the kingdom. This bred a great replied," What will you answer, man? There deal of ill blood, and raised a new persecution is nothing here than Scripture, reason, and fa- throughout the kingdom, many of the Presbythers."* terian ministers being fined, imprisoned, and Next year a convention or assembly was banished by the High Commission, at a time summoned to meet at Perth, August 25, 1618. when, by their interest with the people, it was It consisted of some noblemen, statesmen, bar- in their power to have turned their taskmasters ons, and burgesses, chosen on purpose to bear out of the kingdom.* down the ministers; and with what violence Thus far King James proceeded towards the things were carried, God and all indifferent restitution of episcopacy in Scotland, but one spectators, says my author, are witnesses. In thing was still wanting to complete the work, this assembly the court and bishops made a which was a public liturgy or Book of Common shift to carry the following five articles: Prayer. Several consultations were held upon 1. That the Holy Sacrament shall be received this head, but the king, being assured it would kneeling. occasion an insurrection over the whole king2. That ministers shall be obliged to admin- dom, wisely dropped it, leaving that unhappy ister the sacrament in private houses to the sick, work to be finished by his son, whose imposing it if they desire it. upon the Kirk, without consent of Parliament or 3. That ministers may baptize children pri- General Assembly, set fire to the discontents of vately at home, in cases of necessity, only cer- the people, which had been gathering for many tifying it to the congregation the next Lord's years. Day. To return to England. This year the learned 4. That ministers shall bring such children Mr. Selden was summoned before the High of their parish as can say their catechism, and Commission for publishing his History of Tithes, repeat the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the in which he proves them not to be of Divine, Ten Commandments, to the bishops, to confirm but human appointment; and, after many threatand give them their blessing. enings, was obliged to sign the following recan5. That the festivals of Christmas, Easter, tation: Whitsuntide, and the Ascension of our Saviour, " My good lords, shall, for the future, be commemorated in the "I most humbly acknowledge my error in Kirk of Scotland.t publishing the History of Tithes, and especially The king ordered these articles to be publish- in that I have at all (by showing any interpreed at the market-crosses of the several bor- tation of Holy Scriptures, by meddling with oughs, and the ministers to read them in their councils, fathers, or canons, or by what else sopulpits, which the greatest number of the latter ever occurs in it) offered any occasion of argurefused, there being no penalty except the king's ment against any right of maintenance, jure didispleasure; but the vote of the assembly at vino, of the ministers of the Gospel: beseeching Perth not being sufficient to establish these ar- your lordships to receive this ingenuous and ticles into a law, it was resolved to use all the humble acknowledgment, together with the uninterest of the court to carry them through the feigned protestation of my grief, for that I have Parliament. This was not attempted till the so incurred his majesty and your lordships' disyear 1621, when the Parliament meeting on the pleasure conceived against me in behalf of the 1st of June, the ministers had prepared a sup- Church of England. plication against the five articles, giving reasons " January 28, 1618. JOHN SELDEN." why they should not be received or confirmed, Notwithstanding this submission, Mr. Fuller and came to Edinburgh in great numbers to says it is certain that a fiercer storm never fell upon all parsonage barnst since the Reforma* This Bishop Warburton understands as said ironically.-ED. * Bishop Warburton is not willing to allow them t " A prince," observes a judicious historian, the praise of acting with this caution and temper, "must be strangely infatuated and strongly preju- "for," he remarks, "soon after they used their interdiced to employ his power and influence in establish- est to this purpose, and I believe they began to use it ing such matters as these! Let rites and ceremo- as soon as they got it." The bishop did not connies be deemed ever so decent, who will say they sider that it is not in human nature, any more than are fit to be imposed by methods of severity and con- it is consistent with wisdom and moderation, to prostraint'! Yet, by these ways, these matters were ceed, though injured and provoked, to extremities at introduced among the Scots, to the disgrace of hu- first. That the Scotch Presbyterian ministers should manity and the eternal blemish of a prince who have great interest with the people, was the necesboasted of his learning, and was forever displaying sary consequence of their being sufferers for the prin. his abilities."-Dr. HIarris's Life of James, p. 236, 237. ciples of the Kirk and the nation.-ED. -En t Bishop Warburton, because he himself appro HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 267 tion what was raised by this treatise; nor did severity of the times, was put under a bushMr. Selden quickly forget their stopping his el!* mouth after this manner.* In order to put a stop to the growth of PuriThis year died the Rev. Mr. William Brad- tanism, and silence the objections of papists shaw, born at Bosworth, in Leicestershire, 1571, against the strictness of the Reformed religion, and educated in Emanuel College, Cambridge. his majesty this year published " A Declaration He was afterward removed, and admitted fellow to encourage Recreations and Sports on the of Sidney College, where he got an easy admis- Lord's Day," contrary to his proclamation in sion into the ministry, being dispensed with in the first year of his reign, and to the articles of some things that he scrupled. He preached first the Church of Ireland, ratified under the great as a lecturer at Abingdon, and then at Steeple- seal, 1615, in which the morality of the Lord's Morton. At length, by the recommendation of Day is affirmed. "But," says Heylin, "the PuriDr. Chadderton, he was settled at Chatham, in tans, by raising the Sabbath, took occasion to Kent, in the year 1601; but before he had been depress the festivals, and introduced, by little there a twelvemonth he was sent for by the and little, a general neglect of the weekly fasts, archbishop to Shorne, a town situate between the holy time of Lent, and the Embering days, Rochester and Gravesend, and commanded to reducing all acts of humiliation to solemn and subscribe, which he refusing, was immediately occasional fasts."* Sad indeed! "But this suspended. The inhabitantsofChatham,in their was not all the mischief," says the doctor, " for petition for his restoration, say that his doctrine several preachers and justices of the peace took was most wholesome, true, and learned, void of occasion from hence to forbid all lawful sports faction and contention, and his life so garnished on the Lord's Day, by means whereof the priests with unblemished virtues and graces, as malice and Jesuits persuaded the people in the northitself could not reprove him. But all interces- ern counties that the Reformed religion was insions were to no purpose; he therefore remo- compatible with that Christian liberty which ved into another diocess, where he obtained a God and nature had indulged to the sons of license, and at length was chosen lecturer of men; so that, to preserve the people from poChrist Church, in London. Here he published pery, his majesty was brought under a necessia treatise against the ceremonies, for which he ty to publish the Book of Sports." was obliged to leave the city, and retired to his It was drawn up by Bishop Moreton, and dafriend Mr. Redriche's, at Newhall, in Leicester- ted from Greenwich, May 24, 1618, and it was shire. The. bishop's chancellor followed him to this effect: " That for his good people's recthither with an inhibition to preach, but by the reation, his majesty's pleasure was that after the mediation of a couple of good angels, says my end of Divine service they should not be disauthor, the restraint was taken off.t In this turbed, letted, or discouraged from any lawful silent and melancholy retirement he spent the recreations, such as dancing, either of men or vigour and strength of his days. At length, as women, archery for men, vaulting, or any such he was attending Mrs. Redriche on a visit to harmless recreations; nor having May-games, Chelsea, he was seized with a violent fever, Whitson-ales, or morrice-dances, or setting up which in a few days put an end to his life, in of Maypoles, or other sports therewith used, so the forty-eighth year of his age. He was full as the same may be had in due and convenient.of heavenly expressions in his last sickness, and time, without impediment or let of Divine serdied with great satisfaction in his nonconform- vice; and that women should have leave to ity. Dr. Hall, bishop of Norwich, gives him this carry rushes to the church for the decorating character: "That he was of a strong brain, and of it, according to their old customs; withal of a free spirit, not suffering himself, for small prohibiting all unlawful games to be used on differences of judgment, to be alienated from his Sundays only, as bear-baiting, bull-baiting, infriends, to whom, notwithstanding his seeming terludes, and at all times (in the meaner sort of austerity, he was very pleasing in conversation, people prohibited) bowling." Two or three rebeing full of witty and harmless urbanity; he straints were annexed to the declaration, which was very strong and eager in arguing, hearty in deserve the reader's notice: (1.) No recusant friendship, regardless of the world, a despiser of [i. e., papist] was to have the benefit of this deccompliments, a lover of reality, full of digest- laration. (2.) Nor such as were not present at ed and excellent notions, a painful labourer in the whole of Divine service. (3.) Nor such as God's vineyard, and now, no doubt, gloriously did not keep to their own parish churches, that rewarded." Such was this light, which, by the is, Puritans. This declaration was ordered to be read in ved of the principle of Mr. Selden's book, as placing This declaration was ordered to be read in the claim of tithes " on the sure foundation of law in- the parish churches in Lancashire, which stead of the feeble prop of an imaginary Divine abounded with papists; and Wilson adds. that Tight," carps at this expression of Mr. Neal, though it was to be read in all the churches of Engthe words of Fuller, and asks, "Where was the land; but that Archbishop Abbot, being at Croystorm, except in the author's fanciful standish?" The don, flatly forbid its being read there. It was answer is, the storm was in the offence Mr. Selden's certainly an imprudent project, as well as a doctrine gave the clergy, and the indignation of the king court which it drew on him. The clergy published angry animadversions on it, and the king threaten- insisted upon its being read throughout all the ed to throw him into prison if he replied in his own churches at this time, I am apt to think it would defence. —British Biography, vol. iv., p. 377.-ED. have produced the same convulsions as it did * Mr. Selden's writings continued to influence the about fifteen years afterward. public mind, and to expose to merited contempt the unfounded pretensions and exactions of the clergy. — * Mr. Bradshaw's writings were numerous, and all C. are excellent, especially his treatise on Justification, t Gataker's Life of Bradshaw, in Clarke's Lives, which was highly praised by Dr. Prideaux.-C annexed to his General Martyrology.-C. t Heylin's Hist. of Presb., p. 389, 390. 268 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. It is hard to account for the distinction be- erected a stately college, and put the papists on tween lawful and unlawful sports on the Lord's a level with the Protestants.* Matthias, the Day: if any sports are lawful, why not all? present emperor, having adopted his cousin what reason can be given why morrice-dances, Ferdinand of Austria, had a mind to get him revels, AIay-games, Whitson-ales, wakes, &c., the crown of Bohemia; for which purpose he should be more lawful than interludes, bull-bait- summoned an assembly of the States, without ing, or bowls. It cannot arise from their mor- sending, as usual, to the Protestants of Silesia, al nature, for the former have as great a ten- Moravia, and the Upper and Lower Alsatia; dency to promote vice as the latter. But the these, therefore, not attending (according to the exceptions to the benefit of this declaration are emperor's wish), made the Catholics a majority, more extraordinary: could his majesty think who declared Ferdinand presumptive successor that the Puritans, who were present at part of to Matthias; after which he was crowned at Divine service, though not at the whole; or Prague, and resided at Gratz. The defenders that those who went to other parish churches taking notice of this breach of their constitution, for their better edification, would lay hold of the and perceiving the design of the imperial court liberty of his declaration, when he knew they to extirpate the Protestant religion, summoned believed the morality of the fourth command- an assembly of all the States, and among others, ment, and that no ordinance of man could make those of Silesia, Moravia, and Alsatia, who void the law of God? farther, his majesty de- drew up a petition to the emperor, to demand bars recusants [i. e., papists] from this liberty, the execution of the laws, and a reasonable satwhich their religion had always indulged them; isfaction for the injuries they had received; afbut these are now to be restrained. The pa- ter which they adjourned themselves to the pist is to turn Puritan, with regard to the Sab- Monday after Rogation week, 1618. The embath, being forbid the use of lawful recreations peror, instead of granting their requests, orderon the Lord's Day; and Protestants are to ed his lieutenant to hinder the reassembling of dance and revel, and go to their May-games on the States, as being called without his license; that sacred day, to preserve them from popery! but the States assembled according to the adThis subject will return again in the next reign. journment, and being informed of the force that This year and the next proved fatal to the was designed against them, went in a body to Protestant interest in Germany, by the loss of the Chancery, and having seized the emperor's the Palatinate into the hands of the papists, and chief-justice, the secretary, and another of his the ruin of the elector Frederic V., king of Bo- council, they threw them out of the castle-winhemia, who had married the king's only daugh- dow, and then drove the Jesuits out of the city. ter. This being a remarkable period, relating In order to justify their proceedings, they pubto the ancestors of his present majesty King lished to the world an apology, and having George II., it will be no useless digression to signed a confederacy to stand by one another place it in its proper light. The kingdom of against all opposers, they chose twenty-four Bohemia was elective, and because their king protectors, empowering them to raise forces, did not always reside with them, a certain num- and levy such taxes as they should find necesber of persons were chosen by the States, called sary. defenders, to see the laws put'in execution. In this situation of affairs, the emperor, who There were two religions established by law:* was also King of Bohemia, died, and on the one was called sub-una, the other sub-utraque; 18th of August, 1619, Ferdinand was chosen the professors of the former were Roman Cath- his successor in the Empire; but the Bohemiolics, and communicated under one kind; of ans not only disowned him for their king, but the latter, Hussites, and since the Reformation declared the throne vacant, and on September Protestants, who communicated under both 5th chose Frederic, elector palatine, KingJames's kinds. The Emperor Sigismund, in order to son-in-law, for their sovereign. Deputies were secure his election to this kingdom, granted the immediately sent to acquaint him with the Hlssites an edict in the year 1435, whereby it choice, and pray him to repair immediately to was decreed that there should be no magistrate Prague. Frederic despatched an express to or freeman of the city of Prague but what was England to desire the advice of his father-inof their religion. This was religiously observed law; but the affair not admitting of so long detill the year 1570, when, by order of the Em- lay, he accepted the kingdom, and was crown peror Maximilian, a Catholic was made a citi- ed at Prague, November 4th. zen of Prague, after which time, the edict was All the Protestant electors rejoiced at this frequently broken, till at length the Jesuits providence, and gave him the title of King of Bohemia, as did most of the Protestant powers * These are the words of Rapin; but Bishop War- of Europe, except the King of England. It was burton says, "This is a mistake. There were not acceptable news to the English Puritans to hear two religions, but one only, administering a single of a Protestant prince in Bohemia; and they rite differently." This remark would be accurate, earnestly desired his majesty to support him, as if the difference between the two parties had lain only in this point; but this could not be the case be- known to speak the sense of that whole paty. tween the Catholics and Hussites; the difference to speak the sense of that whole party. between whom extended to many essential heads, This prelate being asked his opinion as a privy though they were, with respect to this matter, de- counsellor, while he was confined to his bed nominated from one single point. But the bishop with the gout, wrote the folllowing letter to the asserts that "the fancy of two established religions secretary of state: " That it was his opinion in one state is an absurdity." But absurdities may that the elector should accept the crown; that exist, and this very absurdity exists, and did exist at England should support him openly; and that, the time his lordship wrote, in Great Britain: in onews of his coronation should ar part of which episcopacy is the established religion, and in the other, Scotland, Presbyterianism.-ED. * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 197, folio edit. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 269 rive, the bells should be rung, guns fired, and Among the Brownists in Holland, we have bonfires made, to let all Europe see that the mentioned the Rev. Mr. John Robinson, of king was determined to countenance him."* Leyden, the father of the Independents, whose The archbishop adds, " It is a great honour to numerous congregations being on the decline, our king to have such a son made a king; me- by their aged members dying off and their chil.thinks I foresee in this the work of God, that dren marrying into Dutch families, they conby degrees the kings of the earth shall leave sulted how to preserve their church and relithe whore to desolation. Our striking in will gion; and at length, after several solemn adcomfort the Bohemians, and bring in the Dutch dresses to Heaven for direction, the younger and the Dane, and Hungary will run the same part of the congregation resolved to remove fortune. As for money and means, let us trust into some part of America, under the protection God and the Parliament, as the old and honour- of the King of England, where they might enjoy able way of raising money. This from my bed," the liberty of their consciences, and be capable says the brave old prelate, " September' 12, of encouraging their friends and countrymen 1619, and when I can stand I will do better to follow them. Accordingly, they sent over service." agents into England, who, having obtained a But the king disliked the archbishop's letter, patent from the crown, agreed with several as built upon Puritan principles; he had an ill merchants to become adventurers in the unopinion of elective kingdoms, and of the people's dertaking. Several of Mr. Robinson's congrepower to dispose of crowns; besides, he was gation sold their estates and made a common afraid of disobliging the Roman Catholic pow- bank, with which they purchased a small ship ers, and, in particular, the King of Spain, a near of sixty tons, and hired another of one hundred relation of the new emperor's, with whom he and eighty. The agents sailed into Holland was in treaty for a wife for his son; so that with their own ship; to take in as many of the the elector's envoy, after long waiting, was congregation as were willing to embark, while sent back with an admonition to his son-in-law the other vessel was freighting with all the neto refuse the crown; but this being too late, he cessaries for the new plantation. All things took it into his head to persuade him to resign being ready, Mr. Robinson observed a day of it, and stood still, offering his mediation, and fasting and prayer with his congregation, and sending ambassadors, while the emperor raised took his leave of the adventurers with the followa powerful army, not only to reduce the king- ing truly generous and Christian exhortation: dom of Bohemia, but to dispossess the elector of his hereditary dominions. Several princes Bretre now quickly to part from one anof Europe gave King James notice of the design, "oWe are now quickly to part from one anand exhorted him to support the Protestant re- other, an whether I may ever live to see your ligion in the empire, but his majesty was deaf faces on earth any more the God of heaven to all advice, and for the sake of a Spanish wife only knows; but whether the Lord has apfor his son, suffered his own daughter, with a pointed that or no, I charge you, before God numerous family of children, to be sent a begging, and his blessed angels, that you follow me no and the balance of Protestant power to be lost farther than you have seen me follow the Lord in the empire; for the next summer the emperor Jesus Christ. and his allies, having conquered the Palatinate, i If God reveal anything to you, by any other entered Bohemia, and about the middle of No- instrument of his, be as ready to receive it as vember fought the decisive battle of Prague, ever you were to receive any truth by my minwherein Frederic's army was entirely routed istry; for I am verily persuaded the Lord has his hereditary dominions, which had been the more truth yet to break forth out of his holy sanctuary of the Protestants in Queen Mary's Word. For my part, I cannot sufficiently hesanctuary of the Protestants in Queen Mary's reign, were given to the Duke of Bavaria, a wail the condition of the Reformed churches, papist, the noble library of Heidelberg was who are come to a period in religion,* and will carried off to the Vatican at Rome, and the go at present no farther than the instruments elector himself, with his wife and children, for- of their reformation. The Lutherans cannot be ced to fly into Holland in a starving condition. drawn to go beyond what Luther saw; whatHad the King of England had any remains of ever part of his will our God has revealed to honour, courage, or esteem for the Protestant Calvin, they will rather die than embrace it; religion, he might have preserved it in the Pa- and the Calvinists, you see, stick fast where latinate, and established it in Bohemia, by which they were left by that great man of God, who the balance of power would have been on that yet saw not all things. side; but this cowardly prince would not draw' This is a misery much to be lamented, for his sword for the best cause in the world; * The remarks of Acontius are pertinent here: however, this noble family was the care of Di- "The cause," says he, " that the relics of error and vine Providence during a long exile of twenty- superstition are perpetuated is, that as often as there eight years, after which they were restored to is any reformation of religion, either in doctrine or their dominions by the treaty of Munster, 1648, worship, men think that everything is not to be imand declared presumptive heirs of the crown of mediately reformed at first, but the most distinguishGreat Britain in the last year of King William in'g errors only are to be done away; and that, when some time has intervened, the reformation will be III., of which they took possession upon the completed with less difficulty. But the event hath in. death of Queen Anne, 1714, to the inexpressible many places shown that it is more diffcult to remove the joy of the Protestant Dissenters, and of all who relics of false worship and opinions, than it was at first loved the Reformed religion and the liberties of to subvert findamental errors. Hence it is better to their country. correct everything at once." " Sed ex eo etiain fieri potest, ut maneant errorum atque superstitionum re~ * Cabala, b. i., p. 12; or p. 18 of the edition in liquia," &c.-Acontii Statagematum Satanc, libri octo. 1663. ed., 1652, p. 330.-ED. 270 HISTORY OF THE: PURITANS. though they were burning and shining lights in friends in England, they maintained their statheir times, yet they penetrated not into the tion, and laid the foundation of one of the nowhole counsel of God, but were they now living, blest settlements in America, which from that would be as willing to embrace farther light as time has proved an asylum for the Protestant that which they first received. I beseech you Nonconformists under all their oppressions.* remember, it is an article of your church-cove- To return to England: though the king had nant, that you be ready to receive whatever so lately expressed a zeal for the doctrines of truth shall be made known to you from the Calvin at the Synod of Dort, it now appeared written Word of God. Remember that, and that he had shaken them off, by his advancing every other article of your sacred covenant. the most zealous Arminians, as Buckeridge, But I must here withal exhort you to take heed Neile, Harsnet, and Laud, to some of the best what you receive as truth-examine it, consid- bishoprics in the kingdom. These divines, aper it, and compare it with other Scriptures of prehending their principles hardly consistent truth, before you receive it; for it is not possi- with the Thirty-nine Articles, fell in with the ble the Christian world should come so lately prerogative, and covered themselves under the out of such thick antichristian darkness, and wing of his majesty's pretensions to unlimited that perfection of knowledge should break forth power, which gave rise to a new distinction at at once. court between Church and State Puritans., All "I must also advise you to abandon, avoid, were Puritans with King James who stood by and shake off the name of Brownists; it is a the laws of the land in opposition to his arbitramere nickname, and a brand for the making re- ry government, though otherwise never so good ligion and the professors of it odious to the churchmen; these were Puritans in the State, Christian world." as those who scrupled the ceremonies, and espoused the doctrines of Calvin, were in the On July 1 (1620), the adventurers went from Church. The Church Puritans were comparaLeyden to Delfthaven, whither Mr. Robinson tively few, but being joined by those who stood and the ancients of his congregation accompa- by the Constitution, they became the majority nied them; they continued together all night, / of the nation. To balance these, the king proand next morning, after mutual embraces, Mr.!tected and countenanced the Arminians and Robinson kneeled down on the seashore, and lpapists, who joined heartily with the prerogawith a fervent prayer committed them to the tive, and became a state faction against the old protection and blessing of Heaven. The adven- English Constitution. The parties, being thus turers were about one hundred and twenty, formed, grew up into hatred of each other. All who, having joined their other ship, sailed for who opposed the king's arbitrary measures were New-England, August 5; but one of their ves- called at court by the name of Puritans; and sels proving leaky, they left it, and embarked in one vessel, which arrived at Cape Cod Novem- * This colony is honourably distinguished from ber 9, 1620. Sad was the condition of these all others in ancient or modern times. It was plantpoor men, who had the winter before them, and ed under the influence of Christian principles, and was designed to be a refuge whither the persecuted no accommodations at land for their entertain- in England might repair with safety. The parties ment; most of them were in a weak and sickly who originated it were men of exalted piety; and the condition with the voyage, but there was no rem- motives which swayed their conduct were of the edy; they therefore manned their long-boat, highest and purest order of which human nature adand having coasted the shore, at length found a mits. Other colonies had been founded at the imtolerable harbour, where they landed their ef- I pulse of national glory, or of commercial enterprise,; fects, and on the 25th of December began to h but this sprang from a sacred regard to the interests f of religion, whose healthful tone and vigorous nature build a storehouse, and some small cottages to it proclaimed to the communities of Europe. The preserve them from the weather. Their corn- character of the colonists gave a religious complexion pany was divided into nineteen families, each to their affairs, while their fortitude and piety revived family having an allotment of land for lodging the hopes of theirbrethren at home, and gave promise and gardens, in proportion to the number of of a better state of things than had yet been realized. persons of which it consisted; and, to prevent The world which the enterprising genius of Columdisputes, the situation of each family was deci- bus had revealed to the European nations was a theaded by lot. They agreed, likewise, upon some tre on which new maxims of government and new ied by lot. They* agreed, likewise, upon some forms of religion were to be subjected to the test of laws for their civil and military government, and experiment Many of the settlements effected on its having chosen a governor, they called the place shores were conducted by men of piety, who were of their settlement by the name of New Plym- more solicitous for the preservation of Christian outh. i truth than for the accumulationi of worldly gain. Inexpressible were the hardships these new i The experiment was therefore made under the happlanters underwent the firist winter; a sad mor- piest auspices, and the rising communities of the New tality raged among them, occasioned by the fa - World were speedily in a condition to speak the lantigues of their late voyage, by the severity of the guage of freedom to the enfeebled and decrepit forms tigues of their late voyage, by the severity of the of despotism in Europe. Their early history was weather, and their want of necessaries. The distinguished by some inconsistencies flowing from country was full of woods and thickets; their the errors they had imbibed in infancy. The pecupoor cottages could not keep them warm; they liarity of their situation, and the perplexing and hazhad no physician, or wholesome food, so that ardous nature of the circumstances amid which they within two or three months half their company were required to act, unhappily led themn to forget on was dead, anod of them who remained alivey some occasions the tolerant and generous principles which were about fifty not above six or seve.n which the noble Robinson had inculcated. But his twhichm were cabout ifty, not above six or seven spirit revived among them, and ultimately effected the at a time were capable of helping the rest; blt::extinction of those laws and usages which were alike as the spring came on they recovered, and hav- inconsistent with the spirit of Christianity and the ing received some fresh supplies from their professions of their fathers.-C. See Price. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 271 those that stood by the crown in opposition to ing his government, or with his son's match;" the Parliament went by the names of papists and to keep them in awe, his majesty declared, and Arminians. These were the seeds of those " that he thinks himself at liberty to punish any factions which occasioned all the disturbances man's misdemeanors in Parliament, as well duin the following reign. ring their sitting as after, which he means not The Palatinate being lost, and the king's son- to spare hereafter upon occasion of any man's inin-law and daughter forced to take sanctuary in solent behaviour in the house."* In answer to Holland, the whole world murmured at his maj- this letter, the Commons drew up a petition to esty's indolence, both as a father and a Protest- present with their remonstrance, in which they ant: these murmurs obliged him, at length, to insist upon the laws of their country, and the have recourse to a Parliament, from whom he freedom of debates in Parliament. The king hoped to squeeze a little money to spend upon returned them a long answer, which concludes his pleasures; at the opening of the session, with denying them what they call their " ancient January 20, 1620-1, his majesty told them, and undoubted right and inheritance." The "that they were no other than his council, to Commons, in debate upon his majesty's answer, give him advice as to what he should ask. It drew up a protestation in maintenance of their is the king," says he, " that makes laws, and ye claim, and caused it to be entered in their jourare to advise him to make such as will be best nal-book. Upon this, the king being come to for the commonwealth." With regard to his London, declared in council the protestation to tolerating popery, on the account of his son's be null, and with great indignation tore it out of match, he professes " he will do nothing but the book with his own hand.'A few days after what shall be for the good of religion." With he dissolved the Parliament, and issued a procregard to the Palatinate, he says, "If he cannot lamation forbidding his subjects to talk of state get it restored by fair means, his crown, his affairs.t He also committed the leading memblood, and his son's blood, shall be spent for its bers to prison, as Sir Edward Coke, Sir Robert recovery." He therefore commands them not Philips, Mr. Selden, Mr. Pym, and Mr. Mallery; to hunt after grievances, but to be quick and others were sent into Ireland, and the Earls of speedy in giving him money. Though the Par- Oxford and Southampton were confined in the liament did not credit the king's speech, yet the Tower.t occasion was so reasonable, that the Commons The king having parted with his Parliament, immediately voted him two entire subsidies, and was at liberty to gratify the Spaniards by indulthe clergy three; but finding his majesty awed ging the papists; for this purpose the lord-keepby the Spaniard, and making no preparation for er Williams, by his majesty's command, wrote war, they began to inquire into grievances, upon to all the judges, " that in their several circuits which the king adjourned the houses (a power they dischai: all prisoners for church recusannot claimed by any of his predecessors); but cy; or for refusing the oath of supremacy; or upon the day of adjournment the Commons drew for dispersing popish books; or hearing or sayup a declaration, wherein they say, " that being ing mass; or for any other point of recusancy touched with a true sense and fellow-feeling of that concerned religion only."~ Accordingly, the the sufferings of the king's children and of the Jesuits and popish recusants of all sorts were true professors of the same Christian religion enlarged, to the number, says Mr. Prynne, of four professed by the Church of England in foreign thousand;1l all prosecutions were stayed, and parts, as members of the same body, they unan- the penal laws suspended. Upon this great imously declare that they will be ready, to the numbers of Jesuits and other missionaries flockutmost of their power, both with their lives and ed into England; mass was celebrated openly fortunes, to assist his majesty, so as that he in the countries; and in London their private may be able to do that with his sword which, assemblies were so crowded, that at a meeting by a peaceable course, shall not be effected." in Blackfriars [November 5, 1622, N. S.], the Upon their reassembling in the month of No- floor sunk under them, and killed the preacher vember, finding the king still amused by the and ninety-three of the hearers. Spanish match, while the Protestant interest in While the papists were countenanced, the the Palatinate was expiring, the Commons drew court and the new bishops bore hard upon the up a large remonstrance, in which they repre- Puritans, filling the pulpits with men of arbitrasent the danger of the Protestant religion from ry principles, and punishing those who dared the growth of popery; from the open resort of to preach for the rights of the subject. The papists to the ambassador's chapels; from the Rev. Mr. Knight, of Broadsgate Hall, in a serfrequent and numerous conventicles both in city mon before the UJniversity of Oxford, on 2 and country; from the interposing of foreign ambassadors in their favour; from the com- Rapin, vol. ii., p. 208, 211, folio edition. pounding of their forfeitures for such small sums t Wilson, p. 190, 191; Rapin, vol. ii., p. 212, and of money as amount to little less than a tolera- note 4, folio edition. tion; from the education of gentlemen's children $ According to Tyndal, as observes Dr. Grey, the Earl of Southampton was committed to the Dean of in popish seminaries, and the licentious printing estarl of inster. —pton was Fuller, b. x., p. 101. and publishing popish books; wherefore they ii Dr. Grey quotes here the authority of Fuller pray his majesty to take his sword in hand for against Prynne's account, who says that, according the recovery of the Palatinate, to put the laws to John Gee's perfect list, all the Jesuits in England in execution against papists, to break off the (lid not amount to more than two hundred and twenSpanish match, and to marry his son to a Prot- ty-five But Prynne's account, which Mr. Neal estant princess. The king, hearing of this re- adopts, is, on the other hand, confirmed by Tyndal, who informs us, on the testimony of Wilson, that monstrance, sent the speaker a letter from New- Gondamar used to boast that four thousand recusants market to acquaint the house, " that lie absolute- had been released through his intercession.-Rapin's ly forbid their meddling with anything concern- History, vol. ii., p. 215, note 7.-ED. 272 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Kings, xix., 9, advanced this proposition, that 6. "That the archbishop and bishops be " subordinate magistrates might lawfully make more wary for the future in licensing preach. use of force, and defend themselves, the cornm- ers; and that all lecturers throughout the kingmonwealth, and the true religion, in the field, dom be licensed in the court of faculties, by against the chief magistrate, within the cases recommendation from the bishop of the diocess, and conditions following: 1. When the chief with a fiat from the archbishop, and a confirmamagistrate turns tyrant. 2. When he forces his tion under the great seal of England. subjects upon blasphemy or idolatry. 3. When "' Those that offended against any of these any intolerable burdens or pressures are laid injunctions were to be suspended ab officio et upon them. 4. When resistance is the only ex- beneficio for a year and a day, till his majesty pedient to secure their lives, their fortunes, and should prescribe some farther punishment, with the liberty of their consciences." The court advice of convocation." being informed of this sermon, sent for the Here is nothing that could affect papists or preacher, and asked him what authority he had Arminians, but almost every article points at for this assertion; he answered, Pareeus on Ro- the Puritans. The king had assisted in imainmans, xiii., but that his principal authority was taining these doctrines in Holland, but will not King James himself, who was sending assist- have them propagated in England. The Thirtyance to the Rochellers against their natural nine Articles were established by law, and yet prince. Upon this bold answer, Mr. Knight was none under a bishop or dean may preach on the confined in the Gate-house, Paraeus's comment- seventeenth, concerning predestination. The aries were burned at Oxford and London, his ministers of God's Word may not limit the preassertions were condemned as false and sedi- rogative, but they may preach concerning its tious, and the University of Oxford, in full con- unlimited extent; and, though the second invocation, passed a decree that it was not law- junction admits of their expounding the cateful for subjects to appear offensively in arms chism, Fuller says, " The bishops' officials were against their king on the score of religion, or on so active, that in many places they tied up any other account, according to the Scripture. preachers in the afternoon to the very letter of How this was reconcilable with the king's as- the catechism, allowing them no liberty to exsisting the French Huguenots, I must leave pound or enlarge upon any of the answers."* with the reader. But to bind the nation down The Puritans had suffered hitherto only for the forever in principles of slavery, all graduates of neglect of ceremonies, but now their very docthe University of Oxford were enjoined to sub- trine is an offence. From this time all Calvinscribe the above-mentioned decree, and to swear ists were in a manner excluded from court prethat they would always contin f the same ferments. The way to rise in the Church was opinion. Was there ever such nreasonable to preach up the absolute power of the king, to oath? for a man to swear he will always be of disclaim against the rigours of Calvinism, and to the same mind! Yet such was the severity of speak favourably of popery. Those who scruthe times: pled this were neglected, and distinguished by But to distress the Puritans more effectually, the name of Doctrinal Puritans; but it was the the king sent the following directions to the glory of this people that they stood together, archbishop, to be communicated to all the cler- like a wall, against the arbitrary proceedings of gy of his province, dated from Windsor, August the king; both in Church and State. 10, 1622: Archbishop Abbot was at the head of the 1. "That no preacher, under a bishop or Doctrinal Puritans, and often advised the king dean, shall make a set discourse, or fall into to return to the old parliamentary way of raisany commonplace of divinity in his sermons, ing money. This cost him his interest at court, not comprehended in the Thirty-nine Articles.* and an accident happened this year which quite 2. "' That no parson, vicar, curate, or lectu- broke his spirits, and made him retire from the rer shall preach any sermon hereafter on Sun- world. Lord Zouch invited his grace to a days or holydays in the afternoon, but expound buck-hunting in Bramshill Park, in Hampshire, the Catechism, Creed, or Ten Commandments,t and while the keeper was running among the and that those be most encouraged who cate- deer to bring them to a fairer mark, the archchise children only. bishop, sitting on horseback, let fly a barbed ar3. "That no preacher, under a bishop or dean, row, which shot him under the armpit and killpresume to preach in any popular auditory on ed him on the spot. His grace was so disthe deep points of predestination, election, rep- tressed in mind with the accident, that he rerobation; or of the universality, efficacy, resisti- tired to one of his own almshouses at Guilford; bility, or irresistibility of God's grace. and though upon examination of the case it 4. " That no preacher, of any degree soever, was judged casual homicide, he kept that day shall henceforth presume in any auditory to as a fast as long as he lived, and allowed the declare, limit, or set bounds to the prerogative, keeper's widow ~20 a year for her maintepower, or jurisdiction of sovereign princes, or nance. The king, also, being moved with com. meddle with matters of state. passion, sent for him to Lambeth, and gave him 5. "That no preacher shall use railing speech- a royal pardon and dispensation to prevent all es against papists or Puritans, but endeavour to exceptions to his episcopal character; but he free the doctrine and discipline of the. Church prudently withdrew from the council-board, in a grave manner from the aspersions of both where his advice had been little regarded beadversaries. fore, as coming from a person of unfashionable principles. * Or, as Dr. Grey would add, " some of the homi- The Puritans lost an eminent practical writer lies ofr the wChurch of England "-E'. and preacher about this time, Nicholas Byfield, t Or, as the same writer would subjoin, "the Lord's Prayer" (funeral sermons alone excepted).-ED. * Book x., p. 111. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 273 torn in Warwickshire, and educated in Exeter lengths his majesty went in favour of papists on College, Oxford. After four years, he left the this occasion will appear by the following artiuniversity, and went for Ireland; but preaching cles, which were inserted both into the Spanish at Chester, the inhabitants gave him a unani- and French treaty which afterward took place. mous invitation to St. Peter's Church in that The articles of the intended Spanish match recity, where he resided seven years. From lating to religion were these: thence he removed to Isleworth in Middlesex, Art. 6. "The infanta herself, her men and and remained there till his death. He was a maid servants, their children and descendants, divine of a profound judgment, a strong memo- and all their families, of what sort soever, servry, quick invention, and unwearied industry, ing her highness, may freely and publicly pro. which brought the stone upon him, which sent fess themselves Catholics.* him to his grave, in the forty-fifth year of his age. Art. 5, 7, and 8. " Provide a church, a chapel, His body being opened, a stone was taken out and an oratory for her highness, with all popish of his bladder that weighed thirty-three ounces, ornaments, utensils, and decorations. and was in measure about the edge fifteen inch- Art. 10, 11, and 12. "Allow her twenty-four es and a half; about the length and breadth thir- priests and assistants, and over them a bishop, teen inches, and solid like a flint; an almost in- with full authority and spiritual jurisdiction. credible relation! But Dr. William Gouge, who Art. 14. " Admits the infanta and her servants drew up this account, was an eyewitness of it, to procure from Rome dispensations, indulgenwith many others. Mr. Byfield was a Calvinist, ces, jubilees, &c., and all graces, as shall seem a nonconformist to the ceremonies, and a strict meet to them. observer of the Sabbath. He published several Art. 17. " Provides that the laws made books in his lifetime;* and his commentaries against Roman Catholics in England, or in any upon the Colossians and St. Peter, published af- of the king's dominions, shall not extend to the ter his death, show him to be a divine of great children of this marriage; nor shall they lose piety, capacity, and learning.t their succession to the crown, although they be The archbishop being in disgrace, the council Roman Catholics. were unanimous, and met with no interruption Art. 18 and 21. "Authorize the infanta to in their proceedings. The Puritans retired to choose nurses for her children, and to bring the new plantations in America, and popery them up in her religion till they are ten years came in like an armed man. This was occa- of age." But the term was afterward enlarged sioned partly by the new promotions at court, to twelve, and in the match with France, to but chiefly by the Spanish match, which was thirteen. begun about the year 1617, and drawn out to a King James swore to the observation of these length of seven years, till the Palatinate was articles, in the presence of the two Spanish amlost, and the Protestant religion in a manner bassadors, and twenty-four privy counsellors extirpated out of the kingdom of Bohemia and who set their hands to the treaty. Besides other parts of Germany; and then the match which, his majesty and the Prince of Wales itself was broke off. swore to the four following private ones: "(1.) To trace this affair from its beginning, because That no laws against papists should hereafter it was the source of the ensuing calamities of be put in execution. (2.) That no new laws this and the following reign. Prince Charles shall be made against them; but that there shall being arrived at the state of manhood, the king be a perpetual toleration of the Roman Catholic had thoughts of marrying him, but could find no religion in private houses, throughout all his Protestant princess of an equal rank. He de- majesty's dominions, which his counsel shall spised the princes of Germany, and would hear swear to. (3.) That he will never persuade the of nothing beneath a king's daughter. This infanta to change her religion. (4.) That he put him upon seeking a wife for him out of the will use all his authority and influence to have house of Austria, sworn enemies to the Protest- these conditions ratified by Parliament, that so ant religion; for which purpose he entered into all penal laws against papists may not only be a treaty with Spain for the infanta. Under col- suspended, but legally disannulled." our of this match, Gondamar, the Spanish am- The words of the Prince of Wales's oath bassador, made the king do whatever he pleased. were these: " I, Charles, prince of Wales, enIf he inclined to assist his son-in-law in recov- gage myself-that all things contained in the ering the Palatinate, he was told he must keep foregoing articles, which concern as well the fair with the house of Austria, or the match was suspension as abrogation of all laws made at an end. If he denied any favours to the pa- against Roman Catholics, shall within three pists at home, the court of Rome, and all the years infallibly take effect, and sooner if possiRoman Catholic powers, were disobliged, and ble; which we will have to lie upon our conthen it could never take place. To obviate science and royal honour: and I will intercede these and other objections, his majesty prom- with my father that the ten years of education ised, upon the word of a king, that no Roman of the children that shall be born of this marCatholic should be proceeded against capitally; riage, which the Pope of Rome desires may be and though he could not at present repeal the lengthened to twelve, shall be prolonged to the pecuniary laws, that he would mitigate them to said term. And I swear, that if the entire powthe satisfaction of the Catholic king; and the er of disposing this matter be devolved upon me, I will grant and approve of the said term.t * Bishop Wilkins passes a high encomium on his Furthermore, as oft as the infanta shall desire Sermons, classing them with the very best of the that I should give ear to divines and others, day. His works which still exist, though very rare, amount to fifteen.-C. * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 86; Rapin, vol. ii., 217, 218, t Wood's Athen. Oxon., vol. i. p. 402; Fuller's folio edit. Worthies, 1684, p. 833. t Rushworth, vol. i., p. 89. V OL. I.-M M 274 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. whom her highness shall be pleased to employ churches;* for the attempting of which he atin matters of the Roman Catholic religion, I terward lost both his crown and life.t It was will hearken to them willingly, without all diffi- happy, after all, that the prince got safe out of culties, and laying aside all excuses." the Spanish territories, which, as Spanheim obUnder these advantages, the papists appeared serves, that politic court would not have peropenly, and behaved with an offensive inso- mitted, had they not considered that the Queen lence; but the hearts of all true Protestants of Bohemia, next heir to the crown, was a greattrembled for themselves and their posterity. er eneny to popery than her brother.S But, afAnd Archbishop Abbot, though under a cloud, ter all, when this memorable treaty of marriage ventured to write to the king upon the subject, had been upon the carpet seven years, and beseeching him to consider "whether, by the wanted nothing but celebration, the portion betoleration which his majesty proposes, he is not ing settled, the pope's dispensation obtained, the setting up that most damnable and heretical marriage articles sworn to on both sides, and doctrine of the Church of Rome, the whore of the very day of celebration by proxy appointed, Babylon? How hateful must this be to God, it was broke off by the influence of the Duke and grievous to your good subjects," says he, of Buckingham upon the prince, who ordered "that your majesty, who hath learnedly written the Earl of Bristol not to deliver the proxy till against these wicked heresies, should now show the time limited by the dispensation was expiyourself a patron of those doctrines, which your red; the King of Spain, suspecting the design, pen has told the world, and your conscience in order to throw all the blame upon the King tells yourself, are superstitious, idolatrous, and detestable. Besides, this toleration, which you * "This," says Bishop Warburton, "is an utter endeavour to set up by proclamation, cannot be calumny; a coalition of the two churches was never done without a Parliament, unless your majes- in the king's thoughts; happy for him if he had nevty will let your subjects see that you will take er had worse; what he aimed at was arbitrary power." It is strange how his lordship could give his ure. And, above all, I beseech your majesty to pen a license to pass this unjust censure on Mr. Neal, ure. And, above all, I beseech your majesty to when the conduct of Charles I. furnished so many consider, lest by this toleration your majesty proofs of his wishes and endeavours to coalesce with do not draw upon the kingdom in general, and the Church of Rome. His letter to the pope from on yourself in particular, God's heavy wrath Madrid, the articles of the marriage-treaty, to which and indignation."* he solemnly signed and swore, and the private artiBut this wise king, instead of hearkening to cles to which he also swore, are witnesses to the the remonstrances of his Protestant subjects, truth of Mr. Neal's assertion. If lie had not aimed put the peaces of his kingdom, and the whole at this, why did he disown the foreign Protestants? put the peace of his kingdom, and the whole Why did he restrain the press with respect to books Protestant religion, into the hands of the Span- written against popery, and license publications in iard, by sending his son with the Duke of Buck- favour of it? Why was popery not only tolerated, dingham to Madrid, to fetch home the infanta; but countenanced and favoured? See the facts to -a piece of confidence that the " Solomon of the this purpose fully stated in Towgood's "Essay to-..age" should not have been guilty of. When wards a true Idea of the Character of Charles I.,"..the prince was gone, it is said that Archy, the chap. ix. So far did he carry his views and endeavclapped his cap upon the king's ours on this business. Whitelocke informs us a klg' fool, clapped his cap upon the kings scheme was in agitation to set up a new popish hiehead. The king asking him the reason, hle an- rarchy by the bishops in all the counties in England, swered, because he had sent the prince into by the authority of the pope. - Memorials, p. 72.'Spain.. But, says his majesty, What if he And the Jesuit Franciscus a Clara, the queen's chap-.should come back safe? Why, then, says Ar- lain, certainly thought things were in a train for such,chy, I will take my cap off from your head, and a coalition; for in one of his publications, he assert-,put it on the King of Spain's.t The Spaniards ed, " that if any synod were held non intermixtis Pu-.gave out that the design of the prince's journey |ritanis, setting Puritans aside, our articles and their,was to reconcile himself to the Church of Rome. theParliament, p 74 Dr. Grey also aims to cotrothe Parliament, p. 74. Dr. Grey also aims to controIt is certain the pope wrote to the Bishop of vert this passage of Mr. Neal, and with this view reConchen to lay hold of this opportunity to con- fers us to Rushworth, Frankland, Hacket, and Burvert him,$ and directed. a most persuasive let- net; but the quotations he adduces from these writer to the prince himself to the same purpose, ters are not to the point, and prove only, as Mr. Neal dated April 20, 1623, which the prince answer- allows, that Charles was not converted to popery.*ed June.20, in a very obliging manner, giving — ED.See Dr. Grey's Examination of Neal, vol. ii., p. 71. ~the pope the title of the Most Holy Father, and -t Rapin, vol. ii., p. 226, vide note, folio edit. encouraging him to expect that, when he came Rapin, vol. ii.,e p. 226, vide note, for ot qoting to the crown, there should be but one religion in Spanheim fairly; and this writer, as Tyndal and:his dominions, seeing, says he, that both Cath- Welwood, from whom he borrows the passage, rep-.olics and Protestants believe in one Jesus resent his words, does not, it is true, say that the "Christ.:He was strongly solicited to change Queen of Bohemia was a greater enemy to popery his religion by some of the first quality, and by than her brother, but only resolves the conduct of the most learned priests and Jesuits, who ca- the court of Spain into the consideration of her and her children being next heirs to the crown of England. Mr. Neal, therefore, is to be understood as books to him, invited him to their processions, lasuggndesting the reason why the consideration of her andl gave him a view of their most magnificent and her children had so much weight with the court churches and relics; by which artifices, though of Spain. Few who reflect on the firm attachment he was not converted, he was confirmed in his of that lady to the Protestant cause will suspect Mr. resolution of attempting a coalition of the two Neal of mistaking the cause of the Spanish policy. It would have been, however, more accurate in him * Fuller, b. x., p. 106. to have quoted at large the words of Spanheim, and t Rapin, vol. ii., p. 226, the note, folio edit. then to have subjoined his own suggestion as ex: Wilson, p. 230; Rapin, vol. ii., p. 221, folio edit. planatory of them.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 275 of England, signed a promise with his own hand, It requires a good degree ofcharityto believe this and delivered it to the ambassador, wherein he prince had either religion or conscience remainobliged himself to cause the Palatinate to be re- ing. For though he assured his Parliament stored to the elector palatine, in case the marriage that his heart bled within him when he heard took effect; but his highness was immovable, of the increase of popery, yet this very Parliaand obliged the king to recall his ambassador. ment presented him with a list of fifty-seven From this time the prince and duke seemed popish lords and knights who were in public to turn Puritans, the latter having taken Dr. offices, none of whom were displaced, while the John Preston, one of their chief ministers, into Puritan mninisters were driven out of the king. his service, to consult him about alienating the dom, and hardly a gentleman of that character dean and chapter lands to the purpose of preach- advanced to the dignity of a justice of peace. ing. They also advised the king to convene a The Parliament being prorogued, the king, Parliament, which his majesty did, and made instead of going heartily into the war, or marsuch a speech to them as one would think im- lying his son to a Protestant princess, entered possible to come from the same lips with the into a treaty with Louis XIII., king of France, former. " I assure you," says he, speaking of for his sister, Henrietta Maria.* Upon this octhe Spanish match, " on the faith of a Christian casion the Archbishop of Ambrun was sent into king, that it is res integra presented unto you, England, who told the king the best way to acand that I stand not bound nor either way en- complish the match for his son was to grant gaged, but remain free to follow what shall be a full toleration to Catholics. The king rebest advised." His majesty adds, " I can truly plied, that he intended to grant it, and was willsay, and will avouch it before the seat of God ing to have an assembly of divines to comproand angels, that never did king govern with a mise the difference between Protestants and purer, sincerer, and more uncorrupt heart than papists, and promised to send a letter to the I have done, far from ill-will and meaning of pope to bring him into the project. In this letthe least error and imperfection in my reign. ter, says Monsieur Deageant in his memoirs, It has been talked of my remissness in mainte- the king styles the pope Christ's vicar, and nance of religion, and suspicion of a tolera- head of the Church universal, and assures him tion [of popery];* but, as God shall judge me, he would declare himself a Catholic as soon as I never thought nor meant, nor ever in word he could provide against the inconveniences expressed, anything that savoured of it. I nev- of such a declaration; but whether this was so er, in all my treaties, agreed to anything to or not, it is certain he immediately relaxed the the overthrow and disannulling of those laws, penal laws against papists, and permitted Ambut had in all a chief regard to the preservation brun to administer confirmation to ten thousand of that truth which I have ever professed." The Catholics at the door of the French ambassareader will remember how this agrees with the dor's house, in the presence of a great conmarriage articles above mentioned, to which the course of people. In the mean time the treaty king had sworn. of marriage went forward, and was at last signBut the Parliament, taking things as the king ed, November 10, 1624, in the thirty-three pubhad represented them, advised his majesty to lie articles, and three secret ones, wherein the break off the match, and to declare war for the very same or greater advantages were stipularecovery of the Palatinate; and, at the same ted for the Catholics than in those of Madrid;t time, petitioned his majesty that all Jesuits but, before the dispensation from the pope could and seminary priests might be commanded to be obtained, his majesty fell sick at Theodepart the realm; that the laws might be put bald's of a tertian ague, which put an end to in execution against popish recusants; that all his life, not without suspicion of poison,T March such might be removed from court, and ten 27, 1625, in the fifty-ninth year of his age.~ miles from London.t To which the king made To review the course of this reign. It is.evthis remarkable answer, which must strike the ident that both popery and Puritanism increased reader with surprise and wonder: " What reli- prodigiously, while the friends of the hierarchy gion I am of my books declare; I wish it may sunk into contempt; this was owing partly to be written in marble, and remain to posterity as the spiritual promotions, and partly to the arbia mark upon me, when I shall swerve from my trary maxims of state that the king had advanreligion; for he that dissembles with God is ced. In promoting of bishops the king discovnot to be trusted with men. I protest before ered a greater regard to such as would yield a God that my heart hath bled when I have heard servile compliance to his absolute commands of the increase of popery. God is my judge, it than to such as would fill their sees with repuhath been such a grief to me, that it hath been tation, and be an example to the people of relias thorns in my eyes and pricks in my sides. gion and virtue, of which number were Bishop It hath been my desire to hinder the growth of Neile, Buckeridge, Harsnet,ll Laud, &c. The popery; and I could not be an honest man if.I had dlone otherwise. I will order the laws to be put * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 231, 232, folio edit. in execution against popish recusants as they t lbid., vol. ii., p. 233, 234. were before these treaties, for the laws are still' Those who wish to have an enlarged and accuin being, and were never dispensed with by me; rate knowledge of the reign of James should conin and were dispensed with by suit Jesse's Memoirs of the House of Stuart, a very God is my judge, they were never so intended amusing work.-C. Iby me." Rapin, vol. ii. p. 235; Welwood's Memoirs, 9th What solemn appeals to Heaven are these edit., p. 35; and Dr. Harris's Life of James I., p. agaimit the clearest and most undeniable facts! 237-242. I This prelate, Bishop Warburton says, "was a 1- Rapin, vol. ii., p. 227, 228, folio edit. man of the greatest learning and parts of his time." 1- Rapin, vol. ii., p. 229, 230, folio edit.; Rush- This he might be, and yet advanced not on account worth, p. 141-143. of his learning, but because his courtly dispositions 276 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. fashionable doctrines at court were such as the swered in such a manner as gave great offence king had condemned at the Synod of Dort, and to the old clergy, yielding up all the points which, in the opinion of the old English clergy, above mentioned, and not only declaring for Arwere subversive of the Reformation. The new minianism, but making dangerous advances tobishops admitted the Church of Rome to be a wards popery itself. The book occasioning a true church, and the pope the first bishop of great noise, Mr. Ward and Yates, two ministers Christendom. They declared for the lawfulness at Ipswich, made a collection of the popish and of images in churches; for the real presence; Arminian tenets it contained, in order to lay and that the doctrine of transubstantiation was them before the next Parliament; but the aua school nicety. They pleaded for confession to thor, with the king's leave, took shelter under a priest, for sacerdotal absolution, and the proper the royal wing, and prepared for the press his merit of good works. They gave up the moral- " Apello Cesarem," or a just appeal from two ity of the Sabbath, and the five distinguishing unjust informers; which White, bishop of Carpoints of Calvinism, for which their predeces- lisle, licensed in these words, that " there was sors had contended. They claimed an uninter- nothing contained in the same but what was rupted succession of the episcopal character agreeable to the public faith, doctrine, and disfrom the apostles through the Church of Rome, cipline established in the Church of England." which obliged them to maintain the validity of But before the book was published the king her ordinations, when they denied the validity died. of those of the foreign Protestants. Farther, These advances of the court divines towards they began to imitate the Church of Rome in popery made most of the people fall in with the her gaudy ceremonies, in the rich furniture of Puritans, who, being constant preachers, and their chapels, and the pomp of their worship. of exemplary lives, wrought them up by their They complimented the Roman Catholic priests awakening sermons to an abhorrence of everywith their dignitary titles, and spent all their thing that looked that way.* Many of the nozeal in studying how to compromise matters bility and gentry favoured them. Lady Bowes, with Rome, while they turned their backs upon afterward Lady Darcy, gave ~1000 per annum the old Protestant doctrines of the Reformation, to maintain preachers in the north, where there and were remarkably negligent in preaching or were none, and all her preachers were silenced instructing the people in Christian knowledge. Nonconformists. Almost all the famous pracThings were come to such a pass, that Gonda- tical writers of this reign, except Bishop Anmar, the Spanish ambassador, wrote to Spain drews, were Puritans, and sufferers for nonthat there never were more hopes of England's conformity, as Dr. Willet, Mr. Jer. Dyke, Dr. conversion, for "there are more prayers," says Preston, Sibbs, Byfield, Bolton, Hildersham, he, "offered to the Mother than to the Son [of Dod, Ball, Whately, and others, whose works God].'"* The priests and Jesuits challenged have done great service to religion. The charthe established clergy to public disputations; acter of these divines was the reverse of what the Duke of Buckingham's mother being a pa- the learned Seldent gives of the clergyT of these pist, a conference was held in her presence be- times in his "History of Tithes," where he tween Fisher, a Jesuit, on the one part, and Drs. taxes them with ignorance and laziness; and White, Williams, and Laud, on the other. adds, "that they had nothing to support their Each of them disputed with the Jesuit a day credit but beard, title, and habit; and that their before a great concourse of people, but not to learning reached no farther than the postils and the countess's conversion, which was not at all the polyanthia." Upon the whole, if we may strange, upon their principles. Among other believe Mr. Coke, the Puritan party had gatherpopish books that were published, one was en- ed so much strength, and was in such reputation titled " A New Gag for the Old Gospel;" which with the people, that they were more in number Dr. Montague, rector of Stamford-Rivers, an- than all the other parties in the kingdom put recommended him to the royal taste. Fuller speaks together. of him " as a zealous asserter of ceremonies, using to * Rothwell, p. 69, annexed to his General Martyrcomplain of conformable Puritans." So that the just- ology. t In Preface, p. 1, second edition, 1618. ness of his claims to be considered as a man of eru- $ Bishop Warburton severely censures Mr. Neal dition being admitted, neither the candour nor veraci- for applying the words of Selden as if spoken of the ty of the historian for classing him as he does is im- episcopal clergy. " Here," says he, "is another of peached by it. Learning and soundness of mind are the historian's arts; Selden speaks of the Puritan by no means inseparable.-ED. clergy." Not to urge, in reply, that Selden can be * This is not a just or accurate representation of understood as speaking of those clergy only to whom the words. As Rapin relates it, Gondamar, perceiv- his doctrine of tithes would be offensive, who could ing most addresses for preferment were made first to not be the Puritan clergy, it is fortunate for our authe mother of the Marquis of Buckingham, and by thor that his interpretation of Selden's words is sancher conveyed to her son, who could deny her nothing, tioned by Heylin, who represents Selden's work as among his other witty pranks, wrote merrily in his the execution of " a plot set on foot to subvert the despatches to Spain, " that never was there more Church, in the undoing of the clergy. The author," hope of England's conversion to Rome than now; for he adds, "was highly magnified, the book held unthere are more prayers offered here to the mother than answerable, and all the clergy looked on but as pigto the son." The words "of God," as Bishop War- mies to that great Goliath." And then, to show that burton and Dr. Grey observe, should be erased. It the reproach cast on the clergy was not well foundwas a mere joke of the Spanish ambassador, speak- ed, he appeals to the answers given to Selden by ing of court corruption under the terms of religion. Nettles, Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, Dr. Mr. Neal, by not referring to his authority, appears to Montague, and Archdeacon Tillesly. " By which," quote it by recollection, and, indeed, to have mistaken says Heylin, "he found that some of the ignorant the matter. Bishop Warburton is, however, very se- and lazy clergy were of as retired studies as himself; vere in his reflections on him, calling his statement of and could not only match, but overmatch him, too, in "t "' a vile perversion of facts." The reader will de- his philology." If Mr. Neal misrepresented Selden, side -on his lordship's candour here.-ED. so did Heylin.-Heylin's Hist. of Presb., p. 391.-ED HISTORY OF 1il'E PURITANS. 277 With regard to King James himself, it is than a fourth part of the value, and suffered hard to draw his just character, for no prince them to dispossess us of our factories in the was ever so much flattered who so little de- East Indies. At home, he committed the diserved it. He was of a middle stature, not rection of all affairs in Church and State to two very corpulent, but stuffed out with clothes, or three favourites, and cared not what they which hung so loose, and being quilted, were did if they gave him no trouble. He broke so thick as to resist a dagger. His counte- through all the laws of the land, and was as nance was homely, and his tongue too big for absolute a tyrant as his want of courage would his mouth, so that he could not speak with de- admit.* He revived the projects of monopcency. While he was in Scotland he appeared olies, loans, benevolences, &c., to supply his sober and chaste, and acquired a good degree exchequer, which was exhausted by his proof learning,* but, upon his accession to the fuseness towards his favourites, and laid the English crown, he threw off the mask, and by foundation of all the calamities of his son's degrees gave himself up to luxury and ease, reign. Upon the whole, though he was flatterand all kinds of licentiousness. His language ed by hungry courtiers as the Solomon and was obscene, and his actions very often lewd phcenix of his age, he was, in the opinion of and indecent. He was a profane swearer, and Bishop Burnet, "the scorn of the age, a mere would often be drunk, and when he came to pedant, without true judgment, courage, or himself would weep like a child, and say he steadiness, his reign being a continued course hoped God would not impute his infirmities to of mean practices." him. He valued himself upon what he called It is hard to make any judgment of his relikingcraft, which was nothing else but deep gion; for one while he was a Puritan, and then hypocrisy and dissimulation in every character a zealous churchman; at first a Calvinist and of life, resulting fiom the excessive timorous- Presbyterian, afterward a Remonstrant or Arness of his nature. If we consider him as a minian; and at last a half, if not an entire, docking, he never did a great or generous action trinal papist. Sir Ralph Winwood, in his Methroughout the course of his reign,t but prosti- moirs, says that, as long ago as the year 1596, tuted the honour of the English nation beyond he sent Mr. Ogilby, a Scots baron, to Spain, to any of his predecessors. He stood still while assure his Catholic majesty he was then ready the Protestant religion was suppressed in to turn papist, and to propose an alliance with France, in Bohemia, in the Palatinate, and that king and the pope against the Queen of other parts of Germany. He surrendered up England, but for reasons of state the affair was the cautionary townst to the Dutch for less hushed.t Rapin says he was neither a sound Protestant nor a good Catholic, but had formed "* His learning," observes Dr. Warner, "was not a plan of uniting both churches, which must that of a prince, but a pedant, and made him more fit effectually have ruined the Protestant interest, to take the chair in public schools than to sit on the for which, indeed, he never expressed any real throne of kings." He was one of those princes concern. But I am rather of opinion that all " who," as Bishop Shipley expresses it,' was so un- his religion was his boasted kingeraft. He was wise as to write books." The only thing that does certainly the meanest prince that ever sat on him honour as an author is, that Mr. Pope pro- h nes England never sun in its nounced his version of the Psalms the very best in the British thr the English language. —Warner's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 508. —ED. without an equivalent, and without fee advice or t To this Dr. Grey opposes his bounty to the consent of Parliament, to raise money to lavish on Church of Ripon, in Yorkshire, in which he founded his favourites. And by this step he lost the dependa dean and chapter of seven prebendaries, and set- ance those provinces before had on the English tiled c247 per annum of crown-lands for their main- crown.-See this matter fully stated in Rapin's [Histenance. The doctor also quotes from Fuller, Wil- tory, vol. ii., p. 122, and 191, 192; and by Dr. Harris son, and Laud, warm encomiums of his liberality. in his Life of'James I., p. 162-167.-ED. But it ought to be considered whether a liberality t In this book, entitled " The True Law of Free which did not, as Dr. Warner says, " flow from rea- Monarchy," he asserted that "the Parliament is noson or judgment, but from whim, or mere benignity thing else but the head court of the king and his of humours," deserved such praises. Besides, Mr. vassals; that the laws are but craved by his subjects; Neal evidently refers to " such great and generous and that, in short, he is above the law." This is a actions" as advance the interest and prosperity of a proof that his speculative notions of regal power kingdom, and add to the national honour. This were, as Mr. Granger expresses it, i' as absolute as cannot be said of favours bestowed on parasites and those of an Eastern monarch." — Secret History oJ jovial companions, or on a provision made that a few Charles II., vol. i., Introduc., p. 20., the note.-Eu. clerical gentlemen may loll in stalls.-En. t A copy of this infamous letter to Pope Gregory t These were the Brill and Flushing, with some XV., under date September 30, 1.662, is to be found other places of less note; and Dr. Grey, to screen the in a rare volume by the title of " Cabala, or Mystereputation of James from Mr. Neal's implied reflec- ries of State, in Letters of the Great Ministers of tion, observes that the Dutch had pawned these King James and Charles; wherein much of the Pubtowns to Queen Elizabeth for sums of money which lique Manage of Affaires is related. Faithfully colshe lent them when they were distressed by the lected by a Noble hand," London, 1654.-C. Spaniards. The sum borrowed on this security was: To Mr. Neal's character of James Dr. Grey par eight millions of florins, and they were discharged ticularly opposes that drawn of him by the pen of for ten millions seven hundred and twenty-eight Spotswood, who was preferred by him to the arch thousand florins, though eighteen years' interest bishopric of St. Andrew's. "In this, Dr. Harris,' was due. In equity and by stipulation, the Dutch says Grey, "did not quite so right. For court bishhad a right, on repaying the money, to reclaim the ops, by some fate or other, from the time of Constan towns they had mortgaged. This Dr. Grey must be tine down, at least, to the death of James, and a lit understood as insinuating by setting up the fact of tie after, have had the characters of flatterers, pane the mortgage in defence of James's character. Yet, gyrists, and others of like import, and, therefore, are in all just estimation, his character must ever suffer always to have great abatements made in the acby his surrender of these towns. He restored them counts of their benefactors; it being well known 278 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. reputation, nor was so much exposed to the which they held in the greatest veneration. scorn and ridicule of its neighbours, as in his As the court of King James leaned towards poreign. How willing his majesty was to unite pery* and arbitrary power, so did the prince, with the papists, the foregoing history has dis- especially after his journey into Spain, where covered; and yet, in the presence of many he imbibed not only the pernicious maxims of lords, and in a very remarkable manner, he that court, but their reserved and distant behamade a solemn protestation " that he would viour.nt He assured the pope by letter, in order spend the last drop of blood in his body before to obtain a dispensation to marry the infanta, he would do it; and prayed that before any of his issue should maintain any other religion land, is entirely repugnant to the reasoning of Paul than his own [the Protestant], that God would in 1 Cor., i., who, as Dr. Clarke expresses, " we find take them out of the world." How far this im- was very careful, was very solicitous, not to give any occasion to have it thought that there was any such precation took place on himself, or any of his thincs as the doctrine.f Paul, much less any such posterity, I leave, with Mr. Archdeacon Echard, thing as the doctrine of the Church of Corinth or to the determination of an Omniscient Being.* Rome, or of any other than Christ only, in whose name only we were baptized."-Clarke's Sermons, vol. iv., p. 95, 8vo.-ED. (Toulmin). * Dr. Grey controverts this assertion of Mr. Neal, CHAPTER III. and calls it " groundless;" with a view to confute it, he quotes Rymer, Clarendon, and Bishop Fleetwood. FROM THE DEATH OF KING JAMES I. TO THE DISSO- The first and last authorities go to prove only the LUTION OF THE THIRD PARLIAMENT OF KING king's firm adherence to Protestantism and the CHARLES I. IN THE YEAR 1628. Church of England, so far as concerned his own personal profession of religion; the former alleges BEFORE we enter upon this reign, it will be that the attempt of the court of Spain to convert him proper to take a short view of the court, and of to popery was inefficient; the latter is only a pulpit the most active ministers under the, king for eulogium to the memory of Charles on the 30th of the fimost active ministeyears under the king for January. The quotation from Lord Clarendon apthe first fifteen years. parently proves more than these authorities, for it King Charles I. came to the crown at the asserts "that no man was more averse fiom the Roage of twenty-five years, being born at Dum- mish Church than he [i. e., King Charles] was." ferling, in Scotland, in the year 1600, and bap- But, to be consistent with himself, his lordship must tized by a Presbyterian minister of that country. be understood with a limitation, as speaking of his In his youth- he was of a weakly constitution remoteness from a conformity to popery in his own Iand stammering speech;f his legs were some- belief and practice, not of his disposition towards a nd stammering spe ech; his legs were some- that religion as professed by others. Dr. Harris has what crooked, and he was suspected (says Mr. produced many proofs that the king was not a paEchard) to be of a perverse nature. When his pist himself. But he has also evinced, by many father [King James] came to the English crown, authorities, that professed papists were favoured, he took him from his Scots tutors and placed caressed, and preferred at court. The articles of him under those who gave him an early aver- the marriage-treaty, to which he signed and solsion to that kirk into which he had been bap- e.mnly swore, sanctioned the profession of that retized,+ and to those doctrines of Christianity ligion in his kingdom. The clergy, who enjoyed the smiles of the court, preached in favour of the prac-- tices and tenets of popery. And popish recusants that such they endeavour to hand down to posterity were not only tolerated, but protected by this prince. under the notion of saints, as they always blacken -See Harris's Life of Charles I., p. 198 to 204, and and deface their adversaries."-Life of James I., p. from p. 204 to 208. The facts of this nature are also 246, 247.-ED. amply stated in "An Essay towards attaining a true * The reader will be pleased to hear the senti- Idea of the Character and Reign of King Charles ments of a learned foreigner on the reignl and char- I.," chap. ix. On these grounds Mr. Neal is fully acter of King James. The same bias will not be im- vindicated, for he speaks, it should be observed, not puted to him as to Mr. Neal. " In the year 1625 died of the king's being a papist, but of his " leaning toJames I., the bitterest enemy of the doctrine and wards popery." But it might be sufficient to quote discipline of the Puritans, to which he had been in against Dr. Grey even Lord Clarendon only, who his youth most warmly attached; the most inflex- tells us;' that the papists were upon the matter abible and ardent friend of the Arminians, in whose solved from the severest parts of the law, and disruin and condemnation in Holland he had been sin- pensed with for the gentlest. They were looked gularly instrumental; and the most zealous defender upon as good subjects at court, and as good neighof episcopal government, against which he had more bours in the country, all the restraints and reproachthan once expressed himself in the strongest terms. es of former times being forgotten." His lordship He left the Constitution of England, both ecclesias- expatiates largely on the favours they received and tical and civil, in a very unsettled and fluctuating on the boldness they assumed.-Historiy of the Rebelstate, languishing under intestine disorders of vari- lion, vol. i., p. 148, 8vo, edit. of 1707.-ED. ous kinds."-Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, trans- f In confutation or this assertion, Dr. Grey quotes lated by Maclaine, second edition, vol. iv., p. 517, Rushworth, who says, that at the court of Spain 518.-ED. "Prince Charles gained a universal love, and earned t The expression here, whether it be Mr. Neal's it, from first to last, with the greatest affability." own or that of any writer of the times, is inaccurate, The doctor did not observe that his authority was improper, and proceeds upon a wrong notion of the not to the point, for Mr. Neal speaks of Charles's design of baptism. This rite, resting solely on the deportment after he had been in Spain, and of his authority of Christ, refers not to the peculiar senti- general temper: Rushworth's delineation is confined ments of the Church, or the particular party of Chris- to his conduct at court, where he was treated with tians among whom a person may happen to have it all imaginable respect, and when the object of his administered to him. It expresseth a profession of visit would of course animate a youth to good-huChristianity only,'and refers exclusively to the au- mour, politeness, and gallantry. Mr. Neal is fully thority of its Author, acting in the name of God the supported by many authorities, which the reader Father, and having his ministry sealed by the gifts may see collected by Dr. Harris, p. 68-72, and "An of the Holy Spirit. The notion of being baptized Essay towards attaining a true Idea," &c., chap. i into the Kirk of Scotland, or into the Church of Eng- -ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 279 is that he would Pot marry any morta. whose I the education of her children [till thirteen years religion he hated; be might therefore depend of age], it was then easy to foresee it might upon it that he wulvd always abstain from such prove very fatal to our English prince and peoactions as might lestify a hatred to the Roman pie, and lay in a vengeance to future generaCatholic religion, and would endeavour that all tions."- The queen was a very great bigot to sinister opinions might be taken away; that as her religion;* her conscience was directed by we all profess one individual Trinity, we may her confessor, assisted by the pope's nuncio, unanimously grow up into one faith." His and a secret cabal of priests and Jesuits. majesty began his reign upon most arbitrqry These controlled the queen, and she the king; principles, and though he had good natural abil- so that in effect the nation was governed by ities, was always under the direction of some popish counsels, till the Long Parliament. favourite, to whose judgment and conduct he The prime minister under the king was G. was absolutely resigned. Nor was he ever Villiers, duke of Buckingham, a graceful young master of so niuch judgment in politics as to gentleman, but very unfit for his high station. discern his own and the nation's true interest, He had full possession of the king's heart. inor to take the advice of those who did. With somuch that his majesty broke measures with regard to the Church, he was a punctual ob- all his parliaments for his sake. "Most men,' server of its ceremonies, and had the highest says Lord Clarendon,t "imputed all the calamidislike and prejudice to that part of his sub- ties of the nation to his arbitrary councils; so jects who were against the ecclesiastical con- that few were displeased at the news of his stitution, "looking upon them as a very dan- murder by Felton, in the year 1628, when he gerous and seditious people, who would, under was not above thirty-four years of age." pretence of conscience, which kept them from Upon the duke's death, Dr. William Laud, submitting to the spiritual jurisdiction, take then Bishop of London, became the chief ministhe first opportunity they could find or make," ter both in Church and State.T He was born at says Lord Clarendon,* "to withdraw them- Reading, and educated in St. John's College, selves from his temporal jurisdiction; and, Oxford, upon the charitable donation of Mr. therefore, his majesty caused this people [the White, founder of Merchant Tailors' School. Puritans] to be watched and provided against Here he continued till he was fifty years of age, with the utmost vigilance." and behaved in such a manner that nobody Upon his majesty's accession, and before the knew what to think of him. " I would I knew," solemnity of his father's funeral, he married says the pious Bishop Hall in one of his letHenrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV., and ters, " where to find you: to-day you are with sister of Louis XIII., then kingof France. The the Romanists, to-morrow with us; our advermarriage was solemnized by proxy; first at saries think you ours, and we theirs; your conParis, with all the ceremonies of the Romish science finds you with both and neither: how Church, and afterward at Canterbury, according long will you halt in this indifferency I" Dr. to the rites of the Church of England; and the Abbot says, " He spent his time in picking quararticles being in a manner the same with those rels with the lectures of public readers, and already mentioned in the Spanish match. Her giving advice to the then Bishop of Durham, majesty arrived at Dover, June 13, 1625, and that he might fill the ears of the king [James I.] brought with her a long train of priests and with prejudices against honest men, whom he menial servants of the Romish religion; for called Puritans."Q Heylin confesses it was whose devotion a chapel was fitted up in the thought dangerous to keep him company. By king's house at St. James's. "The queen was the interest of Bishop Williams, he was first an agreeable and beautiful lady, and by degrees," advancedll to a Welsh bishopric, and from says Lord Clarendon, " obtained a plenitude of power over the king. His majesty had her in * As the demand to have the solemnity of the corpowerft over the king. His majesty had her in onation performed by the bishops of her own religion perfect adoration,t and would do nothing with- was refused, and such was her bigotry it would not out her, but was inexorable as to everything permit her to join in our church ceremonies, she that he promised her." Bishop Burnet says, appeared, therefore, as a spectator only on that occa" The queen was a lady of great vivacity, and sion. —Granger, as before, vol. ii., p. 96, note.-ED. loved intrigues of all sorts, but was not secret t Clarendon, vol. i., p. 837. in them as she ought; she had no manner of T "As to his preferments in the state," says Dr. judgment, being bad at contrivance, but worse Grey, " I should be glad to know what they were." Though the doctor, who was ignorant of them, is execution. By the liveliness of her dis- now out of the reach of a reply, for the information of course, she made great impressions upon the the reader they shall be mentioned. In 1635 he was king; so that to the queen's little practice, and put into the great committee of trade; and on the the king's own temper, the sequel of all his mis- death of the Earl of Portland, was made one of the fortunes was owing." Bishop Kennet adds, commissioners of the treasury and revenue; "which," "that the king's match with this lady was a says Lord Clarendon, " he had reason to be sorry greater judgment to the nation than the plague, for, because it engaged him in civil business and which then raged in the land; for, considering matters of state."-History of the Rebellion, vol. i., p. the malignity of the popish religion, the impe- 98, 8vo, 1707. British Biography, vol. iv., p. 269.riousness of the French government, the influ- 11 T refute this account of the causevof Laud's ence of a stately queen over an affectionate preferment, Dr. Grey quotes Mr. Wharton. The husband, and the share she must needs have in circumstance in itself is of no importance to the credit or design of Mr. Neal's history. And the pasClarendon, vol. i., p. 81. sage even admits the fact that Laud owed his prefert "Whoever sees her charming portrait at Wind- ments to Bishop Williams's solicitations, on the ausor," says Mr. Granger, "will cease to admire at her thority of Laud's Diary and Bishop Hacket, Willgreat influence over the king."- The Biographical iams's biographer; but the drift of Mr. Wharton is History of England, vol. ii., p. 96, 8vo.-EI. to exculpate Laud from the charge of ingratitude to 280 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. thence by degrees to the highest preferments law, might be done by the rule of governin Church and State. He was a little man, of a ment:* his lordship added, that no act of Parquick and rough temper, impatient of contradic- liament could bind the king not to command tion even at the council-table, of arbitrary prin- away his subjects' goods and money. ciples both in Church and State, always inclined " The Star Chamber," says Lord Clarendon,t to methods of severity, especially against the " was in a manner the same court with the courlPuritans; vastly fond of external pomp and cer- cil-table, being but the same persons in several emony in Divine worship; and though he was rooms: they were both grown into courts of not an absolute papist, he was ambitious of law, to determine right; and courts of rev-. being the sovereign patriarch of three king- enue, to bring money into the treasury: the doms. * council-table by proclamations enjoining to the Lord-chief-justice Finch was a man of little people what was not enjoined by law, and proknowledge in his profession, except it was for hibiting that which was not prohibited; and the making the laws of the land give place to or- Star Chamber censuring the breach and disobeders of council. Mr. Attorney-general Noyt dience to those proclamations, by very great was a man of affected pride and morosity, who fines and imprisonment; so that any disrespect valued himself (says Lord Clarendont) upon to any acts of state, or to the persons of statesmaking that to be law which all other men be- men, was in no time more penal, and those lieved not to be so. Indeed, all the judges foundations of right by which men valued their were of this stamp, who, instead of upholding security, were never in more danger of being the law as the defence and security of the sub- destroyed. jects' privileges, set it aside upon every little "The High Commission also had very much occasion, distinguishing between a rule of law overflowed the banks that should have contained and a rule of government: so that those whom it, not only in meddling with things not within they could not convict by statute law were their cognizance, but in extending their sensure to suffer by the rule of government, or a tences and judgments beyond that degree that kind of political justice. The judges held their was justifiable, and grew to have so great a places during the king's pleasure; and when contempt of the common law, and the profesthe prerogative was to be stretched in any par- sors of it, that prohibitions from the supreme ticular instances, Laud would send for their courts of law, which have and must have the opinions beforehand, to give the greater sanc- superintendency over all the inferior courts, tion to the proceedings of the council and Star were not only neglected, but the judges were Chamber, by whom they were often put in mind, reprehended for granting them, which, without that if they did not do his majesty's business to perjury, they could not deny.t Besides, froln satisfaction, they would be removed. Upon an ecclesiastical court for reformation of manthe whole, they were mercenary men, and (ac- ners, it was grown to a court of revenue, and cording to Lord Clarendon) scandalous to their imposed great fines upon those who were culprofession. pable before them; sometimes above the deThe courts of Westminster Hall had little to gree of the offence, had the jurisdiction of fining do between the crown and the subject; all bu- been unquestionable, which it was not; which siness of this kind being transferred to the course of fining was much more frequent, and council-table, the Star Chamber, and the Court the fines heavier, after the king had granted all of High Commission. that revenue for the reparation of St. Paul's, The council-table was the Legislature of the which made the grievance greater;" and gave kingdom, their proclamations and orders being occasion to an unlucky observation, that the made a rule of government, and the measure of church was built with the sins of the people. the subject's obedience. Though there was These commissioners, not content with the bunot one single law enacted in twelve years, siness that was brought before them, sent their there were no less than two hundred and fifty commissaries over the whole kingdom to suproclamations; every one of which had the perintend the proceedings of the bishops' courts force of a law, and bound the subject under the in their several diocesses, which of themselves severest penalties. The Lord-keeper Finch, made sufficient havoc among the Puritans, and upon a demurrer put into a bill that had no were under a general odium for the severe exother equity than an order of council, declared ercise of their power: but if the bishop or his upon the bench, that while he was keeper, no officers were negligent in their citations, or man should be so saucy as to dispute those showed any degree of favour to the Puritan orders, but that the wisdom of that board should ministers, notice was immediately sent to Lamalways be ground good enough for him to make beth, and the accused persons were cited bea decree in Chancery. Judge Berkeley, upon a fore the High Commission, to their utter ruin. like occasion, declared that there was a rule of They also detained men in prison many months, law and a rule of government, that many without bringing them to a trial, or so much as things that might not be done by the rule of acquainting them with the cause of their com~________ _ mitment. Sir Edward Deering says, that Bishop Williams on this ground; that the latter, in "their proceedings were in some sense worse the service he rendered the former, was not actuated than the Romish Inquisition, because they do by kindness, but by selfish and interested views. not punish men of their own religion establishThis does not confute, in any degree, Mr. Neal, ed by law; but with us," says he, "how many who says nothing about the motives by which Bishop scores of poor distressed ministers, within a Williams was governed.-C. few years, have been suspended, degraded, and Clarendon, vol. i., p. 99. t Bishop Warburton censures Mr. Neal for not informing his reader that Noy was a great lawyer. * Clarendon, vol. i., p. 74. a Clarendon, vol. i., p. 71, 73, 74. t Ibid., p. 68, 69.: Ibid., p. 283. t adr. ~I I;~: i~; Li s ~~~ n~B BR~~~~~~ ~~ HISTORY OF TH-E:P URITA NS. T of any established law!" All which was so he would let the world see that none should4 e much the worse, because. they knew that-,the more desirous to maintain' the religion he proicourt had no jurisdiction of fining at all; for fessed than himself.'The houses thanked the the House of Commons, in the third and sev- king for his most gracious speech, but, before enth of King James I., resolved that the Court they entered upon other business, joined in a of High Commission's fining and imprisoning petition against popish recusants, which his men for ecclesiastical offences was an intoler- majesty promised to examine, and give a satisable grievance, oppression, and vexation, not factory answer to the particulars. warranted by the statute 1 Eliz., chap. i. And The petition sets forth the causes of the inSir Edward Coke, with the rest of the judges, crease of popery, with the remedies: the causat a conference with the prelates, in the pres- es are, ence of King James, gave it as their unanimous The want of the due execution of the laws opinion, that the High Commission could fine against them. The interposing of foreign powin no case, and imprison only in cases of heresy ers by their ambassadors and agents in their and incontinence of a minister, and that only favour. The great concourse of papists to the after conviction, but not by way of process be- city, and their frequent conferences and confore it, so-that the jurisdiction of the court to venticles there. Their open resort to the chapfine was not only questionable, but null and els of foreign ambassadors. The education of void. Notwithstanding which, they hunted after their children in foreign seminaries. The want their prey with full cry, " and brought in the of sufficient instruction in the Protestant reli greatest and most splendid transgressors; per- gion in several places of the country. The lisons of honour and great quality," says the no- centious printing of popish books. The emrble historian, "were every day cited into the ployment of men ill affected to the Protestanf High Commission, upon the fame of their in- religion in places of government.* continency or scandal of life, and very heavy They therefore pray that the youth of the fines were levied upon them, and applied to the kingdom may be carefully educated under Protrepairing of St. Paul's Cathedral." estant schoolmasters; which his majesty, in his Upon the accession of King Charles to the answer to their petition, promised: That the throne, the Duke of Buckingham threw off the ancient discipline of the universities may be remask, and shook hands with his old friend Dr. stored; which his majesty approved: That the Preston, whom he never loved any farther than preaching of the Word of God may be enlarged;. as a tool to promote his interest among the peo- and that to this purpose the bishops- be advised pie. Laud was his confessor and privy-coun- to make use of the labours of such able minissellor for the Church, whose first care was to ters as have been formerly silenced, advising have none but Arminian and anti-Puritanical and beseeching them to behave themselves chaplains about the king: for this purpose, he peaceably; and that pluralities, nonresidences, drew up a small treatise and put it into the and commendams may be moderated. Answer. duke's hand, proving the Arminian doctrines to " This his majesty approved, so far as the mrinbe orthodox, and showing, in ten particulars, isters would conform to church government. that the anti-Arminian tenets were no better But he apprehends that pluralities, &c., are than doctrinal Puritanism. Agreeably to the now so moderated that there is no room for scheme, he presented the duke [April 9] with a complaint; and recommends it to the Parlialist of divines for his majesty's chaplains, dis- ment to take care that every parish allow a tinguishing their characters by the two capital competent maintenance for an able-minister." letters O. for orthodox [that is, Arminian], and That provision might be made against transP. for Puritans [that is, Calvinists]. At the porting children to popish seminaries, and for same time, he received orders to consult Bish- recalling those that were there. Answ. " To op Andrews how to manage, with respect to the this his majesty agreed." That no popish refive distinguishing points of Calvinism, in the cusant be admitted to come to court but upon ensuing convocation; but the wise bishop ad- special occasion, according to statute 3 Jac. vised his brother by all means to be quiet, and Answ. " This also his majesty promised." keep the controversy out of the house: " for," That the laws against papists be put in execusays he, " the truth in this point is not so gen- tion, and that a day be fixed for the departure erally entertained among the clergy; nor is of all Jesuits and seminary-priests out of the Archbishop Abbot, nor many of the prelates, so kingdom, and that no natural-born subject, nor inclinable to it as to venture the deciding it in strange bishops, nor any other by authority fromn convocation." It was, therefore, wisely drop- the see of Rome, confer any ecclesiastical iOrped, the majority of the Lower House being ders, or exercise any ecclesiastical function, zealous Calvinists; and forty-five of them (ac- upon your majesty's subjects. Answ. " It-shall cording to Dr. Leo, who was one of the num- be so published by proclamation." That your ber) had made a covenant among themselves to majesty's learned council may have orders to oppose everything that tended towards Pelagi- consider of all former grants of recusantlands, anism or semi-Pelagianism: but the controversy that such may be avoided as are avoidable by was warmly debated without doors, till the king law. Answ. " It shall be done according as is put a stop to it by his royal declaration. desired." That your majesty give order to Popery advanced hand in hand with Armini- your judges and all officers of justice to see anism, and began the disputes between the king the laws against popish recusants duly execuand his first Parliament, which met June 16, ted. Answ. " His majesty leaves the laws to 16265. His maJesty, towards the close of his their course." That your majesty will remove speech, having asked their assistance for the from places of authority and government all recovery of the Palatinate, assured them that, popish recusants. Answ. "His majesty will though he had been suspected as to his religion, * Rushworth, p. 183-186. VOL..-N N 282 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. give order accordingly." That order be taken in the year 1643;* and when the next Parliafor disarming all popish recusants convict ac- ment petitioned for the removal of papists from cording to law, and that popish recusants be offices of trust, it appeared, by a list annexed commanded to retire to their houses, and be to their petition, that there were no less than confined within five miles of home. Answ. fifty-nine of the nobility and gentry of that reii"The laws shall be put in execution." That gion then in the commission.t none of your majesty's natural-born subjects go But the king not only connived at the Roman to hear mass at the houses or chapels of foreign Catholics at home, but, unhappily, contributed to ambassadors. Answ. "The king will give or- the ruin of the Protestant religion abroad. Carder accordingly." That the statute of 1 Eliz., dinal Richelieu having formed a design to extirfor the payment of twelvepence every Sunday pate the Huguenots of France, by securing all by such as absent from Divine service in the their places of strength, laid siege to Rochelle, church without a lawful excuse, be put in exe- a seaport town with a good harbour and a numcution. Answ. " The lking promises the pen- ber of ships sufficient for its defence. Richelieu, alties shall not be dispensed with." That your taking advantage of the king's late match with majesty will extend your princely care to Ire- France, sent to borrow seven or eight ships, land, that the like course may be taken there to be employed as the King of France: should for establishing the true religion. Answ. "His direct, who appointed them to block up the majesty will do all that a religious king can do harbour of Rochelle; but when the honest sailin that affair."* ors were told where they were going, they It is surprising that the king should make declared they would rather be thrown overthese promises to his Parliament within six board, or hanged upon the top of the masts, months after he had signed his marriage-arti- than fight against their Protestant brethren. cles, in which he had agreed to set all Roman Notwithstanding Admiral Pennington and the Catholics at liberty, and to suffer no search or French officers used all their rhetoric to permolestation of them for their religion, and had, suade them, they remained inflexible. The adin consequence of it, pardoned twenty Romish miral, therefore, acquainted the king, who sent priests, and (in imitation of his royal father) giv- him a warrant to the following effect: " That en orders to his lord-keeper to direct the judg- he should consign his own ship immediately es and justices of peace all over England " to into the hands of the French admiral, with all forbear all manner of proceedings against his her equipage, artillery, &c., and require the othRoman Catholic subjects, by information, in- er seven to put themselves into the service of dictment, or otherwise; it being his royal pleas- our dear brother the French king; and in case ure that there should be a cessation of all and of backwardness or refusal, we command you singular pains and penalties' whereunto they to use all forcible means, even to their sinkwere liable by any laws, statutes, or ordinances ing." In pursuance of this warrant, the ships of this realm."t But, as a judicious writer ob- were delivered into the hands of the French, serves,$ it seems to have been a maxim in this but all the English sailors and officers desertand the last reign that no faith is to be kept ed except two. The French, having got the with parliaments. The papists were apprized ships and artillery, quickly manned them with of the reasons of state that obliged the king to sailors of their own religion, and, joining the comply outwardly with what he did not really rest of the French fleet, they blocked up the intend; and, therefore, though his majesty di- harbour, destroyed the little fleet of the Rorected a letter to his archbishop [December 15, chellers, and cut off their communication by 1625] to proceed against popish recusants, and sea with their Protestant friends, by which a proclamation was published to recall the Eng- means they were reduced to all the hardships lish youths from popish seminaries, little regard of a most dreadful famine; and after a long was paid to them. The king himself released blockade, both by sea and land, were forced to eleven Romish priests out of prison, by special surrender the chief bulwark of the Protestant warrant, the next day; the titular Bishop of interest in France into the hands of the papists. Chalcedon, by letters dated June 1, 1625, ap- To return to the Parliament. It has been pointed a popish vicar-general and archdeacons remembered that Mr. Richard Montague, a all over England,~ whose names were published clergyman, and one of the king's chaplains, published a book in the year 1623, entitled " A new Rushworth, p. 173. Gag for an old Goose," in answer to a popish t The remark of Dr. Warner here is too pertinent and forcible, especially considering from whose pen is brought forward by Mr. Neal, whose candour in it comes, to be omitted. " These gracious answers of this matter Dr. Grey impeaches, because he does not his majesty," says he, " to the several articles of the inform his reader that the king issued his proclamapetition presented to him by both houses of Parlia- tion for apprehending this Romish agent. But it ment, wanted nothing but the performance of the seems to have escaped Dr. Grey's attention that a promises which he made, to gain him the love of all proclamation not issued till the 11th of December, his Protestant subjects. But if we may judge by the 1628, and not then till drawn from him by a petition continual complaints of the Parliament throughout of both houses against recusants, can have little this reign, about these very points on which the king weight against the imputation on the king which had given this satisfaction, we shall find reason to this fact is alleged to support.-Rushworth's Collecthink that his promises were observed no better than tions, vol. i., p. 511.-ED. James his father observed his."-Warner's Eccles. * Rushworth, p. 158, 159, and Fuller's Church Hist., vol. ii., p. 513. —ED. $ Rapin. Hist., b. xi., p. 132, 133. d Fuller tells us that this titular Bishop of Chal- t See Rushworth's Collection, vol. i., p. 393, &c. cedon, whose name was Smith, appeared in his pon- The names of some of these persons, perhaps, were retificabilus in Lancashire, with his mitre and crozier. turned only on the ground of suspicion, because their This was an evident proof that the Catholics pre- wives and children were of the Romish communion, sumed on the indulgence and connivance, if not the or did not come to church. " Mr. Neal," therefore, protection, of the court. To show which, the fact according to Dr. Grey, " mistook Rushworth."-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 283 book, entitleO " A Gag for the new Gospel:." his chaplain to their bar, and for alarming the The book containing sundry propositions tend- nation-with the danger of popery. But these afing to the public disturbance, was complained fairs, with the king's assisting at the siege of of in the House of Commons, who, after having Rochelle, made such a noise at Oxford, where examined the author at their bar, referred him the Parliament was reassembled because of the to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who dismiss- plague at London, that the king was obliged to ed him with an express prohibition to write no dissolve them [August 12] before they had more about such matters. But Montague, be- granted the supplies necessary for carrying on ing encouraged from court, went on. and pub- the war. Nor did his majesty pass any act lished;"An Appeal to Caesar," designing it for relating to religion, except one, which was soon King James; but he being dead before it was after suspended by his royal declaration; it ready, it was dedicated to King Charles, and was to prevent unlawful pastimes on the Lord's recommended at first by several court-bishops, Day. The preamble sets forth that the holy who, upon better consideration, artfully with- keeping of the Lord's Day is a principal part of drew their names from before it, and left Dr. the true service of God: "Therefore it is enFrancis White to appear by himself, as he com- acted that there shall be no assemblies of peoplained publicly. The appeal was calculated to ple out of their own parishes for any sports or promote Arminianism, to attempt a reconcilia- pastimes whatsoever; nor any bear-baiting, tion with Rome, and to advance the king's pre- bull-baiting, interludes, common plays, or any rogative above law. The House appointed a other unlawful exercises or pastimes, within committee to examine into its errors; after their own parishes, on forfeiture of three shillwhich they voted it to be contrary to the Arti- ings and sixpence for every such offence to the cles of the Church of England, and bound the poor." However, this law was never put in author in a recognisance of ~2000 for his ap- execution. Men were reproached and censupearance. red for too strict an observation of the Lord's Bishop Laud, apprehending this to be an in- Day, but none that I have met with for: the vasion of the prerogative, and a dangerous pre- profanation of it. cedent, joined with two other bishops in a let- His majesty having dismissed his Parliament ter to the Duke of Buckingham, to engage his before they had given him the necessary supmajesty to take the cause into his own hands: plies for the war with Spain, resolved to try his the letter says,t " that the Church of England, credit in borrowing money, by way of loan, of when it was reformed, would not be too busy such persons as were best able to lend; for with school-points of divinity; now the points this purpose gentlemen were taxed at a certain for which Mr. Montague is brought into trouble sum, and had promissory letters under the privy are of this kind: some are the resolved doc- seal to be repayed in eighteen months.* With trines of the Church of England, which he is this money the king fitted out a fleet against bound to maintain; and others are fit only for Spain, which, after it had waited about two schools, wherein men may abound in their own months for the Plate fleet, returned without dosense. To make men subscribe school-opin- ing any action worth remembrance. ions is hard, and was one great fault of the The ceremony of the king's coronation,, Council of Trent. Besides, disputes about doc- which was not performed till the beginning of trines in religion ought to be determined in a February, was another expense which his majnational synod or convocation, with the king's esty thought fit to provide for by issuing out a lincense, and not in Parliament; if we submit proclamation that all such as had ~40 a year to any, other judge, we shall depart from the or more, and were not yet knights, should come ordinance of Christ, we shall derogate from the and receive the order of knighthood, or comhonour of the late king, who saw and approved pound for it.J This was a new grievance loudof all the opinions in that book; as well as ly complained of in the following Parliaments. from his present majesty's royal prerogative, The coronation was performed by Archbishop who has power and right to take this matter Abbot, assisted by Bishop Laud as Dean of under his own care, and refer it in a right Westminster,~ who, besides the old regalia course to church consideration. Some of the which were in his custody, that is, the crown, opinions which are opposite to Mr. Montague's will prove fatal to the government, if publicly * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 196, 197. taught and maintained: when they had been t Senhouse, bishop of Carlisle, who had been his concluded upon at Lambeth, Queen Elizabeth chaplain when Prince of Wales, was selected to caused them to be suppressed, and so they con- preach his coronation sermon. The bishop took for caused them to be suppressed, and so themy con- his text Rev., ii., 10, "Be thou faithful unto death, and tinued, till of late some of them received coun- I will give thee a crown of life," a passage which tenance from the Synod of Dort; a synod was considered by the superstitious as far more suit whose conclusions have no authority in this able for his funeral sermon than as adapted to the country, and it is to be hoped never will." brilliant occasion on which it was delivered. Charles, Signed, Jo. Roffensis, Jo. Oxon, and Gulielmus contrary to the custom of his ancestors, had select Menevensis, August 2, 1625. ed a robe of white, instead of purple, as his corona This letter had its effect, and procured Mon- tion dress. There were various portents of ill augu tague his quietzus at present. The king decla-ry which identified themselves with the inaugura tion of the ill-fated monarch.-Court of the Stuarts red he would bring the cause before the coun- by Jesse, vol. ii., p. 59, 60.-C. cil, it being a branch of his supremacy to de- $ Rapin, vol. ii., p. 235, 236, folio ed. termine matters of religion. He expressed his Q Dr. Grey properly corrects Mr. Neal here: Laud displeasure against the Commons for calling officiated in the place of the Dean of Westminster, the Bishop of Lincoln, with whom the king was so * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 177. displeased, that he would not permit him to perform t Cabala, p. 105; Rushworth, vol. i., p. 180, 181, any part of the coronation service.-Fuller's Church or ]10, 111, of the edition in 1663. Hist., b. x., p. 121.-ED. 284 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS the sceptre, the spurs, &c., of King Edward the 6. " That in his' Appeal' he maintained Confessor. brought forth an old crucifix, and that men justified may fall away from grace, placed it upon. the altar. As soon as the arch- and may recover again, but not certainly nor bishop had put the crown upon the king's head, necessarily, and performed the other usual ceremonies,* his 7. " That the said R. Montague has endeav*majesty being seated on the throne, ready to oured to raise factions among the king's subreceive the homage of the lords, Bishop Laud jects, by casting the odious and scandalous came up to him, and read the following extra- name of Puritans upon those who conform to ordinary passage, which is not to be found in the doctrine and ceremonies of the Church. former coronations: " Stand, and hold fast That he scoffed at preaching, at lectures, and from henceforth the place to which you have all shows of religion; and that the design of been heir by the succession of your forefathers, his book was apparently to reconcile the Church being now delivered to you by the authority of of England with the See of Rome."T Almighty God, and by the hands of us, and all In what manner the Commons designed to the bishops and servants of God. And as you prosecute this impeachment is uncertain, for see the clergy to come nearer to the altar than Montague was not brought to his defence, the others, so remember that in all places conveni- king having intimated again to the House that ent you give them greater honour, that the Me- their proceeding against him without his leave diator of God and man may establish you in was displeasing to him; that as to their holdthe kingly throne, to be a mediator between the ing him to bail, he thought his servants might clergy and the laity, and that you may reign have the same protection as an ordinary burforever with Jesus Christ, the King of kings, gess, and, therefore, he would take the cause and Lord of lords."t This and sundry other into his own hands; and soon after dissolved alterations were objected to the archbishop at the Parliament.t his trial, which we shall mention hereafter. Though the Arminian controversy was thus The king's treasury being exhausted, and the wrested out of the hands of the Parliament, it war continuing with Spain, his majesty was was warmly debated without doors; Montague obliged to call a new Parliament; but to avoid was attacked in print by Dr. Carleton, bishop the choice of such members as had exclaimed of Chichester; Dr. Sutcliffe, dean of Exeter; against the Duke of Buckingham, and insisted Dr. Featly, Dr. Goad, Mr. Ward, Burton, Yates, upon redress of grievances, the court pricked Wotton, Prynne, and Fran. Rouse, Esq., &c. them down for sheriffs, which disqualified them Conferences were appointed to debate the point from being rechosen members of Parliament; of the possibility of the elects' falling fromn of this number were Sir Edward Coke, Sir Rob- grace.$ One was at York House, February ert Philips, and Sir Thomas Wentworth, after- 11, 1625-6, before the Duke of Buckingham, ward Lord Strafford. The houses met Febru- Earl of Warwick, and other lords; Dr. Buckeary 6, 1626, and fell immediately upon grievan- ridge, bishop of Rochester, and Dr. White, dean ces. A committee for religion was appointed, of Carlisle, being on one side, and Dr. Moreton, of which Mr. Pym was chairman, who examin- bishop of Coventry, and Dr. Preston, on the ed Mr. Montague's writings, viz., his " Gag," other. The success of the dispute is variously his "; Appeal," and his treatise of the " Invoca- related; but the Earl of Pembroke said that tion of the Saints;" out of which they collected none went from thence Arminians, save those several opinions contrary to the Book of Homi- who came thither with the same opinions. lies and the Thirty-nine Articles, which they Soon after, February 17, there was a second reported to the House; as, conference in the same place, Dr. White and 1. "' That he maintained the Church of Rome Mr. Montague on one side, and Dr. Moreton and is, and ever was, a true -church, contrary to Preston on the other; Dr. Preston carried it the sixteenth homily of the Church of England. clear at first, by dividing his adversaries, who 2. "' That the said Church had ever remain- quickly perceiving their error, united their fored firm upon the same foundation of sacraments ces, says my author, in a joint opposition to and doctrine instituted by God. him; but, upon the whole, these conferences 3. " That speaking of the doctrines of faith, served rather to increase the differences than hope, and charity, he affirmed that none of abate them. The king, therefore, issued out a these are controverted between the papists and proclamation, containing very express comProtestants; but that the controverted points mands not to preach or dispute upon the conare of a lesser and inferior nature, of which a troverted points of Arminianism. It was dated man may be ignorant without any danger of his January 24, 1626, and sets forth " that the king soul. will admit of no innovation in the doctrine, dis-'4. " That he maintained the use of images, for instruction of the ignorant, and exciting de- * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 213-215. votion. t Dr. Grey adds here, "yet the king thought fit 5. " That in his treatise of the'Invocation to call his book in." The doctor says this on the authority of Rushworth, whose farther account of' of Saints,' he affirmed that some saints have a authority of Rushworth, whose farther account of of Saints,' pe affrmed that some saints have a the proceeding should be laid before the reader. peculiar patronage, custody, protection, and "Ere this proclamation was published," says he, power (as angels have) over certain persons c"the books were for the most part vented and out and countries. of danger of seizure, and the suppressing of all writing and preaching in answer thereunto was (it seems * The ceremonial of the coronation is given at by some) the thing mainly intended; for the several length by Fuller, b. xi., p. 121, &c.-ED. answers were all suppressed, and divers of the print. ~ " The manuscript coronation-book, which the ers questioned by the Highl Commission."-Rushking held in his hand, and which is still in being," worth, vol. ii., p. 647.-ED. says Dr. Grey, "proves that the words were not $ Prynne's Cant. Doom., p. 158, 159; Fuller, b. spoken by Laud, but by the archbishop."-ED. ix., p. 124. ~ Fuller, b. xi., p. 125. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 285 cipline, or government of the Church, and, church, and everything tending to expose imatherefore, charges all his subjects, and especi- ges in churches, crucifixes, penance, auricular ally the clergy, not to publish, or maintain in confession, and popish absolution, must be expreaching or writing, any new inventions or punged. Sir Edward Deering compares the liopinions contrary to the said doctrine and dis- censers of the press to the managers of the incipline established by law, assuring them that dex expurgatorius among the papists, "' who clip his majesty will proceed against all offenders the tongues of such witnesses whose evidences against this order with all that severity their they do not like; in like manner," says he, contempt shall deserve, that by the exemplary " our licensers suppress the truth, while popish punishment of a few, others may be warned pamphlets fly abroad cum privilegio; nay, they against falling under the just indignation of are so bold as to deface the most learned latheir sovereign."* bours of our ancient and best divines. But One would have thought this proclamation to herein the Roman index is better than ours, that be in favour of Calvinism, but the execution of they approve of their own established doctrines; it being in the hands of Laud and the bishops but our innovators alter our settled doctrines, of his party, the edge was turned against the and superinduce points repugnant and contrary. Puritans, and it became, says Rushworth,t the This I do affirm, and can take upon myself to stopping of their mouths, and gave an uncon- prove." trolled liberty to the tongues and pens of the Terrible were the triumphs of arbitrary powArminian party. Others were of opinion that er over the liberty and property of the subject, Laud and Neile procured this injunction, in or- in the intervals between this and the succeedder to have an opportunity to oppress the Cal- ing Parliament; gentlemen of birth and charvinists who should venture to break it, while acter, who refused to lend what money the the disobedience of the contrary party should council was pleased to assess them, were taken be winked at. The Puritans thought they might out of their houses and imprisoned at a great still write in defence of the Thirty-nine Arti- distance from their habitations;* among these cles; but the press being in the hands of their were Sir Thomas Wentworth, Sir Walter Earle, adversaries, some of their books were suppress- Sir John Strangeways, Sir Thomas Grantham, ed, some were castrated, and others that got Sir Harbottle Grimstone, John Hampden, Esq., abroad were called in,T and the authors and and others; some were confined in the Fleet, the publishers questioned in the Star Chamber and Marshalsea, the Gate-house, and other prisons High Commission for engaging in a controversy about London, as Sir John Elliot, Mr. Selden. prohibited by the government. By these meth- &c. ods effectual care was taken that the Puritan Upon the whole, there were imprisoned by and Calvinian writers should do their adversa- order of council nineteen knights, thirteen esries no harm; Bishop Laud, with two or three quires, and four gentlemen in the county jails; of his chaplains, undertaking to judge of truth three knights, one esquire, and four wealthy ane error, civility and good manners, for all the citizens in the Fleet, besides great numbers in wise and great men of the nation; in doing of other places. Those of the lower sort who rewhich they were so shamefully partial, that fused to lend were pressed for the army, or learning and industry were discouraged, men had soldiers quartered on them, who, by their of gravity and great experience not being able insolent behaviour, disturbed the peace of famto persuade themselves to submit their labours ilies, and committed frequent felonies, burglato be mangled and torn in pieces by a few ries, rapines, murders, and other barbarous younger divines, who were both judges and cruelties, insomuch that the highways were partiesin the affair. At length, the booksellers dangerous to travel, and the markets unfriebeing almost ruined, preferred a petition to the quented. The king would have borrowed next Parliaments [1628], complaining that the ~100,000 of the city of London, but they exwritings of their best authors were stifled in the cused themselves. However, his majesty got press, while the books of their adversaries [pa- a round sum of money from the papists, by ispists and Arminians] were published and spread suing a commission to the Archbishop of York over the whole kingdom. Thus Cheney's "Col- to compound with them for all their forfeitures lectiones Theologize," an Arminian and popish that had been due for recusancy since the tenth performance, was licensed, when the learned of King James I., or that should be due hereafDr. Twisse's answer to Arminius, though writ- ter. By this fatal policy (says the noble histoten in Latin, was stopped in the press.ll Mr. rian) men well affected to the hierarchy, though Montague's book, entitled " God's Love to Man- enemies to arbitrary power, were obliged to side kind," was licensed and published, when Dr. with the Puritans to save the nation, and enaTwisse's reply to the same book was suppress- ble them to oppose the designs of the court. ed. Many affidavits of this kind were made To convince the people that it was their duty against Laud at his trial by the most famous to submit to the loan, the clergy were employed Calvinistical writers, as will be seen hereafter. to preach up the doctrines of passive obedience The case was just the same with regard to and nonresistance, and to prove that the absobooks against popery; the queen and the Ro- lute submission of subjects to the royal will and man Catholics must not be insulted, and, there- pleasure was the doctrine of Holy Scripture;t fore, all offensive passages, such as calling the among those was Dr. Sibthorp, a man of mean pope antichrist, the Church of Rome no true parts, but of sordid ambition, who, in his sermon at the Lent assizes at Northampton, from * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 416, Bib. Regis. Romans, xiii., 7, told the people, "that if print Rushworth, p. 417. Rapin, vol. ii., p. 258, folio ces commanded anything which subjects might ed. $ Prynne, p. 158, 159. ~ Rushworth, vol. i., p. 667. * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 426, 432, 435, 495. 1 Prynne, p. 166, 167, &c t Ibid., p. 426, 440. 286 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. not perform, because it is against the laws of patience to wait for the reverend old prelate s God or of Nature, or impossible, yet subjects death, he was desirous to step into the archiare bound to undergo the punishment, without episcopal chair while he was yet alive; for no resisting, or railing, or reviling; and so to yield sooner was Abbot suspended, than his jurisdica passive obedience where they cannot yield an tion was put into the hands of five bishops by active one." Dr. Manwaring went farther, in commission, of whom Laud was the chief. two sermons preached before the king at Oat- There was another prelate that gave the lands, and published under the title of " Reli- court some uneasiness, viz., Dr. Williams, bishgion and Allegiance." He says, " The king is op of Lincoln, late lord-keeper of the great seal, not bound to observe the laws of the realm who, being in disgrace, retired to his diocess, concerning the subjects' rights and liberties, but and became very popular among his clergy.* that his royal will and pleasure, in imposing He declared against the loan, and fell in with taxes without consent of Parliament, doth the Puritans and country party, insomuch that oblige the subjects' conscience on pain of dam- Sir John Lamb and Dr. Sibthorp informed the nation; and that those who refuse obedience council that they were grieved to see the Bishtransgress the laws of God, insult the king's op of Lincoln give place to unconformable minsupreme authority, and are guilty of impiety, isters, when he turned his back upon those who disloyalty, and rebellion. That the authority were conformable; that the Puritans ruled all of both houses of Parliament is not necessary with him; and that divers of them in Leicesfor the raising aids and subsidies, as not suita- tershire being convened before the commissable to the exigencies of the state." These ries, his lordship would not admit proceedings were the doctrines of the court; " which," to be had against them. That they [the comsays the noble historian, " were very unfit for missaries for the High Commission] had informthe place and very scandalous for the persons, ed the bishop, then at Bugden, of several of the who presumed often to determine things out of factious Puritans in his diocess who would not the verge of their own profession, and in ordine come up to the table to receive the communion ad spiritualia, gave unto Caesar that which did kneeling; of their keeping unlawful fasts and not belong to him." meetings; that one fast held from eight in the Sibthorp dedicated his sermon to the king, morning till nine at night; and that collections and carried it to Archbishop Abbot to be li- for money were made without authority, upon censed, which the honest old prelate refused, pretence for the Palatinate; that, therefore, for which he was suspended from all archiepis- they had desired leave from the bishop to procopal functions, and ordered to retire to Can- ceed against them ex officio; but the bishop reterbury or Ford, a moorish, unhealthy place, plied that he would not meddle against the Pufive miles beyond Canterbury. The sermon ritans; that, for his part, he expected not anothwas then carried to the Bishop ofLondon, who er bishopric; they might complain of them if licensed and recommended it as a sermon they would to the council-table, for he was unlearnedly and discreetly preached, agreeable to der a cloud already. He had the Duke of Buckthe ancient doctrine of the primitive Church, ingham for his enemy, and, therefore, would both for faith and good manners, and to the es- not draw the Puritans upon him, for he was tablished doctrine of the Church of England. sure they would carry all things at last. BeArchbishop Abbot had been out of favour sides, he said, the king, in the first year of his for some time, because he would not give up reign, had given answer to a petition of the the laws and liberties of his country, nor treat Lower House, at Oxford, in favour of the Purithe great Duke of Buckingham with that servile tans. submission that he expected.* Heylin says It appeared by the information of others, that the king was displeased with him for being too Lamb and Sibthorp pressed the bishop again to favourable to the Puritans and too remiss in his proceed against the Puritans of Leicestershire; government; and that, for this reason, he seiz- that the bishop then asked them, What sort of ed his jurisdiction, and put it into hands more people they were, and of what condition? To disposed to act with severity. Fuller sayst which Sir John Lamb replied, in the presence that a commission was granted to five bishops, of Dr. Sibthorp, " that they seemed to the world whereof Laud was one, to suspend him for cas- to be such as would not swear, whore, nor be ual homicide that he had committed seven years drunk, but yet they would lie, cozen, and debefore, and of which he had been cleared by ceive; that they would frequently hear two commissioners appointed to examine into the sermons a day, and repeat the same again, too, fact in the reign of King James; besides, his and afterward pray, and that sometimes they grace had a royal dispensation to shelter him would fast all day long." Then the bishop from the canons, and had ever since exercised asked whether the places where those Puritans his jurisdiction without interruption, even to were did lend money freely upon the collection the consecrating of Laud himself to a bishopric. for the loan. To which Sir John Lamb and Dr. But the commission mentions no cause of his Sibthorp replied that they did. Then said the suspension, and only takes notice that the arch- bishop, No man of discretion can say that that bishop cannot at present, in his own person, at- place is a place of Puritans: for my part (said tend the services which are otherwise proper the bishop), I am not satisfied to give way to for his cognizance and jurisdiction. But why proceedings against them: at which Sibthorp could he not attend them? Because his maj- was much discontented, and said he was troubesty had commanded him to retire, for refu- led to see that the Church was no better resing to license Sibthorp's sermon. The blame garded. This information being transmitted to of this severity fell upon Laud, as if, not having the council, was sealed up for the present, but * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 61, 435. Collyer, p. 742. was afterward, with some other matters prot Church History, b. xi., p. 12, * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 424, 425. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 287 duced against his lordship in the Star Chamber, But the Parliament not being awed by this as will be seen hereafter. language, began with grievances; and though Though the king was at war with Spain, and they voted five subsidies, they refilsed to carry with the house of Austria, and (if I may be al- the bill through the House till they had obtainlowed to say it) with his own subjects; though ed the royal assent to their petition of right, he had no money in his exchequer, and was at which asserted, among others, the following the greatest loss how to raise any; yet he suf- claims contained in Magna Charta: fered himself to be prevailed with to enter into I. That no freeman shall be detained in prisa new war with France, under the colour of on by the king and privy council without the maintaining the Protestant religion in that cause of commitment be expressed for which country, without so much as thinking of ways by law he ought to be detained. and means to support it. But when one con- 2. That a habeas corpus ought not to be desiders the character of this king and his minis- nied where the law allows it. try, it is hard to believe that this could be the 3. That no tax, loan, or benevolence shall real motive of the war, for his majesty and the be imposed without act of Parliament. whole court had a mortal aversion to the French 4. That no man shall be forejudged of life or Huguenots.* Buckingham had no religion at limb, or be exiled or destroyed, but by the judgall; Weston and Conway were Catholics; Laud ment of his peers, according to the laws of the and Nreile thought there was no salvation for land, or by act of Parliament. Protestants out of the Church of England; how, The king gave the royal assent to this bill in then, can it be supposed that they should make the most ample manner, which I mention that war in defence of a religion for which they had the reader may remember what regard his majthe utmost contempt? Lord Clarendon says esty paid to it in the twelve succeeding years the war was owing to Buckingham's disap- of his reign. pointment in his amours at the French court;t In the mean time, the House of Lords* went but it is more likely he advised it to keep up upon Manwaring's sermons, already mentioned, the misunderstandings between the king and and passed the following sentence upon the auhis parliaments, by continuing the necessity of thor: "That he be imprisoned during pleasure, raising money by extraordinary methods, upon and be fined one thousand pounds; that he which his credit and reputation depended. War make his submission at the bar of the House, being declared, the queen's domestics were sent and be suspended from his ministry for three home, and a fleet was fitted out, which made a years; that he be disabled forever from preachfruitless descent upon the Isle of Rhee, under ing at court, be incapable of any ecclesiastical the conduct of the Duke of Buckingham, with or secular preferment, and that his sermons be the loss of five thousand men. This raised a burned in London and both universities."t Pur. world of complaints and murmurs against the duke, and obliged the weak and unhappy king and were admirably qualified to meet it. I beg the to try the experiment of another Parliament, reader to examine the character of the leaders of the which was appointed to meet March 17, 1627-8. party; their intellectual endowments were of the As soon as this resolution was taken in coun- highest order, and their moral standing gave weight cil, orders Mwere despatched to all parts of the and influence to their opinions. Look at Sir Edward kindeom to release the gentlemen imprisoned Coke, yet regarded as the oracle of English law; kingdom to release the genJohn Selden, the most learned man of his time; Sir for the loan, to the number of seventy-eight, John Eliot, one of the purest of patriots; and John most of whom were chosen members for the Hampden, the glory of the land. Lingard says,the ensuing Parliament. In the mean time, his leaders of the country party conducted their promajesty went on with raising money by excise; ceedings with the most consummate address. They and instead of palliating and softening the mis- advanced step by step, first resolving to grant a suptakes of -his government, put on an air of high ply, then fixing it at the tempting amount of five sovereignty, and told his Parliament, that if they subsidies. But no art, no entreaty could prevail on did not provide ford the necessities of the state, them to pass their resolution in the shape of a bill. did not provide for the necessities of the state It was held out as a lure to the king, it was gradualhe should use those other means that God had ly brought nearer and nearer to his grasp, but they put into his hands, to save that which the follies still refused to surrender their hold; they required, of other men would hazard.' Take not this," as a previous condition, that he should give his assavs his majesty, "as a threatening, for I scorn sent to those liberties which they claimed as the to threaten my inferiors,$ but as an admonition birthright of Englishmen. —C. from him, who by nature and duty has most * A declaration against Manwaring was presented care folr your preservation and prosperity."~ to the Lords by Pym, supported in one of those lucid and masterly expositions of constitutional law which rendered him so formidable an opponent to * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 260, folio ed. the court. "The circumstances of aggravation anf Ibid., vol. i., p. 38, 39. nexed to this case," said Pyrm, "are these.'The $ "Any but equals."-Rushworth. Dr. Grey, who first, from the place where those sermons were gives this correction, quotes other passages from the preached; the court, the king's own family, where king's speech with a view to soften Mr. Neal's such doctrine was before so well believed that no representation of it; but with little propriety; for man needed to be converted, &c.'Ihe second was though he expresses "'a hope of being laid under from the consideration of his holy functions: he is such obligations as would tie him by way of thank- a preacher of God's Holy Word, and yet he had enfulness to meet them often," the whole wears the deavoured to make that, which was the only rule of same air of sovereignty as the passage above. It is justice and goodness, to be the warrant for violence more in the tone of an angry monarch to his offend- and oppression. He is a messenger of peace, but he ing subjects, than of a constitutional king of Eng- had endeavoured to sow strife and dissension, not land to his parliament.-ED. only among private persons, but even between the Q Rushworth, vol. i., p. 480. The leaders of the king and his people, to the disturbance and danger popular party were unmoved by this silly tirade. of the whole state."-C. They were aware of the crisis which had arrived, f Rushworth, vol. i., p. 601, 612, 613. 288 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. suant to this sentence, Manwaring appeared ted to lecture where there is no constant preachupon his knees at the bar of the House, June 23 ing. That their books are prohibited, when [1628], and made ample acknowledgment and those of their adversaries are licensed and pubsubmission, craving pardon of God, the king, lished. That the Bishops Neile and Laud are the Parliament, and the whole commonwealth, justly suspected of Arminianism and popish erin words drawn up by a committee; but the rors; and that this being the way to church Houses were no sooner risen than his fine was preferment, many scholars bend the course of remitted and himself preferred, first to the liv- their studies to maintain them. ing of Stamford-Rivers, with a dispensation to The answer denies the distressing or dishold St. Gile4's-in-the-fields, then to the dean- countenancing good preachers, if they be, as ery of Worcester, and after some time to the they are called, good; but affirms that it was bishopric of St. David's.* necessary to prohibit their books, because some Within a month after this [August 22] Mon- whom the remonstrance calls orthodox had astague was promoted to the bishopric of Chi- sumed an insufferable license in printing. That chester, while he lay under the censure of Par- great wrong was done to the two eminent prelliament. At his consecration at Bow Church, ates mentioned without any proof; for should Mr. Jones, a stationer of London, stood up and they or any others attempt innovations of reliexcepted against his qualification for a bishop- gion, says his majesty, we should quickly take ric, because the Parliament had voted him in- order with them, without staying for the recapable of any preferment in the Church; but monstrance; and as for church preferments, his exceptions were overruled, not being deliv- we will always bestow them as the reward of ered in by a proctor, though Jones averred that merit, but, as the preferments are ours, we he could not prevail with any one to appear for will be judge, and not be taught by a remonhim, though he offered them their fees; so the strance. consecration proceeded. 3. The remonstrance complains of the growth Sibthorp, the other incendiary, was made of Arminianism, as a cunning way to bring in prebendary of Peterborough, and rector of Bur- popery. ton-Latimer, in Wiltshire, though the Oxford The answer says, this is a great wrong to historiant confesseth lie had nothing to recom- ourself and government, for our people must mend him but forwardness and servile flattery. not be taught by a parliamentary remonstrance, While the money bill was going through the or any other way, that we are so ignorant of House of Lords, the Commons were busy in truth, or so careless of the profession of it, that drawing up a remonstrance of the grievances any opinion or faction should thrust itself so of the nation, with a petition for redress; but fast into our dominions without our knowledge. as soon as the king had obtained his money he This is a mere dream, and would make our came to the House, June 26th, and prorogued loyal people believe we are asleep. the Parliament, first to the 20th of October, and But the following letter, written at this time then to the 26th of January. The Commons by a Jesuit in England to the rector of the being disappointed of presenting their remon- college at Brussels, sufficiently supports the strance, dispersed it through the nation, but Parliament's charge, and shows how Arminianthe king called it in, and after some time pub- ism and popery, which have no natural conlished an answer drawn up by Bishop Laud, as nexion, came to be united at this time against was proved against him at his trial. the Protestant religion and the liberties of EngThe remonstrance was dated June 11, and land. besides the civil grievances of billeting soldiers, "Let not the damp of astonishment seize &c., complains with regard to religion. upon your ardent and zealous soul," says the 1. Of the great increase of popery by the Jesuit, "in apprehending the unexpected calllaws not being put in execution; by conferring ing of a Parliament; we [the papists] have not honours and places of command upon papists; opposed, but rather furthered it. by issuing out commissions to compound for " You must know the council is engaged to their recusancy, and by permitting mass to assist the king by way of prerogative, in case be said openly at Denmark House and other the Parliament fail. You shall see this Parliaplaces. ment will resemble the pelican, which takes The answer denies any noted increase of pleasure to dig out with her beak her own bowpopery, or that there is any cause to fear it. els. As for compositions, they are for the increase "The elections have been in such confusion of his majesty's profit, and for returning that of apparent faction, as that which we were into his purse which the connivance of inferior wont to procure with much art and industry, officers might perhaps divert another way. when the Spanish match was in treaty. 2. The remonstrance complains of the dis- "We have now many strings to our bow, and countenancing orthodox and painful ministers, have strongly fortified our faction, and have though conformable and peaceable in their be- added two bulwarks more; for when King haviour, insomuch that they are hardly permit- James lived, he was very violent against ArT minianism, and interrupted our strong designs * In this manner did Charles express his con- minianism, and interrupted our strong designs tempt for Parliament, and purchase the services of in Holland. an unprincipled priesthood to his purposes of tyran "Now we have planted that sovereign drug, ny. And yet there are American citizens who see no Arminianism, which we hope will purge the flaw in Charles, no blemish in Laud! We under- Protestants from their heresy, and it flourishes stand their position, however, when we find them, and bears fruit in due season. like that persecuting prelate, groping about amid "The materials that build up our bulwark the fooleries of popery. To escape from the testi- rethe projectors aid beggars of all ranks and mony of history, they term it "a tissue of les! "-C.s.t A-thenwe Oxon., vol. i., p. 180. qualities; however, both these factions co-op HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 289 erate to destroy the Parliament, and to intro- 4. To go on with the Parliament's remon duce a new species and form of government, strance, which complains farther of the misera which is oligarchy. ble condition of Ireland, where the popish reli "These serve as mediums and instruments gion is openly professed, and their ecclesiastito our end, which is the universal Catholic mon- cal discipline avowed, monasteries, nunperies, archy; our foundation must be mutation, and and other religious houses re-edified, and filled mutation will cause a relaxation. with men and women of several orders, even in " We proceed now by counsel and mature the city of Dublin itself. deliberation, how and when to work upon the The answer says that the Protestant religion duke's [Buckingham's] jealousy and revenge; is not in a worse condition than Queen Eliza and in this we give the honour to those that beth left it; and adds, that it is a disparagement merit it, which are the church Catholics. to the king's government to report the building " There is another matter of consequence of religious houses in Dublin, and other places, which we must take much into our considera- when the king himself had no account of it. tion and tender care, which is, to stave off Pu- But it seems the Parliament knew more of ritans, that they hang not in the duke's ears: the affairs of Ireland than Bishop Laud; the they are impudent, subtle people, and it is to agents for that kingdom had represented the be feared lest they should negotiate a reconcili- Protestant religion in great danger, by the susation between the duke and the Parliament at pending all proceedings against the papists ever Oxford and Westminster; but now we assure since the king came to the crown; by this ourselves that we have so handled the matter means they were become so bold, that when that both the duke and Parliament are irrecon- Lord Falkland summoned their chiefs to meet cilable, at Dublin, 1626, in order to a general contribu"For the better prevention of the Puritans, tion for defence of the kingdom against a forthe Arminians have already locked up the duke's eign invasion, they declared roundly that they ears, and we have those of our own religion would contribute nothing without a toleration, that stand continually at the duke's chamber, and liberty to build religious houses; upon to see who goes in and out. We cannot be too which the assembly was dismissed. This awacircumspect and careful in this regard. I can- kened the Protestant bishops, who met togethnot choose but laugh to see how some of our er and signed the following protestation, Noown coat have accoutred themselves; and it is vember 26, 1626. admirable how in speech and gesture they act " The religion of papists is superstitious and the Puritans. The Cambridge scholars, to their idolatrous, and their Church anti-apostolical; woful experience, shall see we can act the Puri- to give them, therefore a toleration is a grievtan a little better than they have done the Jes- ous sin, because it makes ourselves accessory uits. They have abused our sacred patron in to all the abominations of popery,* and to the jest, but we will make them smart for it in ear- perdition of those souls that perish thereby; and nest. because granting a toleration in respect of any " But to return to the main fabric, our found- money to be given, or contribution to be made ation is Arminianism; the Arminians and projectors affect mutation; this we second and en- are expressed strong apprehensions that impediments force by probable arguments. We show how and obstructions to the views and schemes it unfolds the king may free himself of his ward, and raise would arise from the Puritans. Nay, the justness a vast. revenue without being beholden to his of the remark appears from the words which Dr. subjects, which is by way of excise. Then our Grey produces as refuting it. For, if the Jesuits acted church Catholics show the means how to settle the Puritan, could it be with a sincere desire to adthe excise, whicth must be by a mercenary army vance the influence of the Puritans, and promote their wishes? could it be with any other design than of foreigners and Germans; their horse will eat to turn against then the confidence into which by up the country where they come, though they this means they insinuated themselves, and to underbe well paid; much more if they be not paid. mine the Reformation by increasing divisions andfoThe army is to consist of twenty thousand foot, menting prejudices against it? of this the collection and two thousand horse; so that if the country of papers called " Foxes and Firebrands" furnishes rise upon settling the excise, as probably they evident proofs. Of this two curious letters, given by will, the army will conquer them, and pay them- Dr. Grey from the MS. of Sir Robert Cotton, furselves out of the confiscation. Our design is nish convincing proofs. Yet the doctor again asks, selves out of the confiscation Can Mr. Neal, after all, be so weak as to imagine to work the Protestants as well as the Catho- that the Jesuits would have put on the Puritan guise, lies to welcome in a conqueror. We hope to in order to have ruined the Constitution, had the Pudissolve trade, to hinder the building of ship- ritans been the only bulwark of the Constitution?" ping, and to take away the merchant-ships, that Weak as it might be in Mr. Neal to imagine it, it is they may not easily light upon the West India a fact, that they did assume the character of the Pufleet," &c. ritans in order to carry those purposes to which the'It appears from this letter that Puritanism Puritans were inimical. Dr. Grey, probably, would was the only bulwark of the Constitution, and sents it, had he recllhteted what is sweak a policyd of the lepre of the Protestant religion, against the inroads teachers in the primitive Church, who 1"transformed of popery and arbitrary power.* themselves into the apostles of Christ." Had he recollected that it is said of Satan, that "he transform* Here Dr. Grey asks, " Whence does this appear? ed himself into an angel of light," and this to over not from those words in the same letter, which show turn those interests of truth and virtue, of which the that the Puritans were the tools which the Jesuits former knew that the latter were the bulwark.-ED. designed to make use of, in order to subvert the con- * " From so silly a sophism, so gravely delivered, stitution in the Church and State?" The reply to I conclude," says Bishop Warburton, "Usher was the doctor is, that the truth of Mr. Neal's remark ap- not that great man he has been represented." — pears fromn those paragraphs of the letter in which ED VOL. I. —O o 290 HISTORY OF THE PURIIANS. by them, is to set religion to sale, and with it to the tenth part of the people, the rest are all the souls that Christ has redeemed with his declared recusants. In each diocess there are blood; we therefore beseech the God of truth about seven or eight of the Reformed clergy to make those who are in authority zealous for well qualified, but these not understanding the God's glory, and resolute against all popery, su- language of the natives, cannot perfcrm Divine perstition, and idolatry." Signed by Archbish- service, nor converse with their parishioners op Usher and eleven of his brethren. with advantage, and, consequently, are in no But, notwithstanding this protestation, the capacity to put a stop to superstition."' papists gained their point, and in the fourth Let the reader now judge whether the an. year of the king's reign had a toleration granted swer to the remonstrance be not very evasive. them in consideration of the sum of ~120,000, Could this great statesman be ignorant of so to be paid in three years.* many notorious facts? was the growth of ArWith regard to the building religious houses, minianism and arbitrary power a dream? was it is wonderful that neither the king nor his any wrong done to himself, or his brother of prime minister should know anything of it, Winchester, by saying they countenanced these when the Lord-deputy Falkland had this very principles? was not the increase of popery both summer issued out a proclamation with this in England and Ireland notorious, by suspendpreamble: " Forasmuch as we cannot but take ing the penal laws, ever since the king came to notice that the late intermission of the legal the crown, and granting the papists a toleration proceeding against popish pretended or titular for a sum of money? where, then, was the polarchbishops, bishops, abbots, deans, vicars-gen- icy of lulling the nation asleep, while the eneeral, and others of that sort, that derive their my were increasing their numbers, and whetauthority and orders from Rome, hath bred such ting their swords for a general massacre of the an extraordinary insolence and presumption in Protestants, which they accomplished in Irethem as that they have dared of late not only land about twelve years afterward? to assemble themselves in public places, but The bishop observes in his diary, that this also have erected houses and buildings called Parliament laboured his ruin, because they public oratories, colleges, mass-houses, and con- charged him with unsoundness of opinion; but vents of friars, monks, and nuns, in the eye and his lordship had such an influence over the open view of the state and elsewhere, and do king as rendered all their attempts fruitless; frequently exercise jurisdiction against his maj- for the See of London becoming vacant this esty's subjects, by authority derived from Rome, and, by colour of teaching schools in their pre- * "Here," says Dr. Grey, " we have a long trair tended monasteries, to train up youth in their of mistakes." There are, it is true, several. Dr. Besuperstitious religion, contrary to the laws and dell is called Dr. Beadle, and bishop elect of Kilecclesiastical government of this kingdom: we, more, whereas he had the contiguous sees of Kiltherefore, will and require them to forbear to more and Ardagh, and was the actual bishop of both exercise their jurisdiction within this kingdom, when this letter was written, April 1, 1630, having and to relinquish and break up their convents been consecrated 13th September, 1629. These misand religious houses," &c. Could such a proc. takes are imputed to Mr. Neal, but Dr. Grey should have possessed the candour to have informed his lamation be printed and dispersed over the king- readers that they belong to Mr. Collyer, firom whom dom of Ireland without being known to the the whole paragraph is taken. This he could not but English court? have observed, for he immediately refers himself to But farther, to show that Bishop Laud him- Collyer, to blame Mr. NYeal for not mentioning a reself was not long ignorant of the dangerous in- mark of that author, viz., that Bishop Bedell's accrease of popery in Ireland, the Bishop of Kil- count related to his own two diocesses only. This more and Ardagh, Dr. Bedell, sent him the fol the reader would of course understand to be the Lowing account somore *nd Ardagh, t him the wo case, and, even with this limitation, it is a proof of,lowing account soon afterward; it was dated the increase of popery in Ireland, though it should April 1, 1630. " The popish clergy are more not be presumed to be a specimen of the state of,numerous than those of the Church of England; things in other diocesses. The bishop's letter was athey have their officials and vicars-general for written, as we have said, in April, 1630, and Mr. Neal ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and are so hardy as introduces it as sent about that time of which he *to excommunicate those who appear at the was writing, i.e., about June, 1628. This is charged,courts of the Protestant bishops. Almost every against him as an anachronism, but it is a small mistake, and even a blunder. But in a matter of this,pasish has a priest of the Romish communion; nature, where the existing state of things must have masses are sometimes said in churches, and, been the result of causes that had been some time excepting a few British planters, not amounting operating, and shows a settled complexion of men and manners, it may admit a question whether the *.It is to be regretted that Mr. Neal did not refer space of a year and nine months can be deemed an to his authority for this assertion. Dr. Grey quotes anachronism. The bishop's account certainly indiaagainst it Collyer, vol. ii., p. 739, who says, that the cates what had been the growing state of things for *protestation of the bishops "prevailed with the gov- many months. -ernment to waive the thoughts of a toleration, and Mr. Neal, by quoting Collyer in the above para~pitch upon someother expedients." Thedoctor might graph, has missed the most striking clause in Bishop have added, from Fuller, that the motion was crushed Bedell's letter. He concudes by saying, " His maj-by the bisWLps, and chiefly by Bishop Downham's ser- esty is now with the greatest part of this country, as mon in Dublin, on Luke, i., 47.-Church History, b. to their hearts and consciences, king, but at the xi., p. 128. Though we cannot ascertain the author- pope's discretion." Though it is not to the design ity on which Mr. Neal speaks, the reader will observe of these notes. the editor is tempted here to give a that he.s not contradicted by Collyer and Fuller, for trait in the character of this prelate's lady, who, it is they;peak of the immediate effect of the opposition said, " was singular in many excellent qualities, parof the bishops to the toleration of the Irish Catholics, ticularly in a very extraordinary reverence she paid and ne writes of a measure adopted in repugnance to to her husband "-Bishop Burnet's Life of Bedell, p. it, two years afterward.-ED. 47, 230.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 291 summer, Laud was translated to it July 15;* Surely there never was such a contused, unand the Duke of Buckingham being stabbed at intelligible declaration printed before; but the Portsmouth by Felton, August 23 following, Calvinist divines understood the king's intenthis ambitious prelate became prime minister tion, and complained in a petition of "the rein all affairs both of Church and State. straints they were laid under by his majesty's One of the bishop's first enterprises, after forbidding them to preach the saving doctrines his translation to London, was to stifle the pre- of God's free grace in election and predestinadestinarian controversy, for which purpose he tion to eternal life, according to the seventeenth procured the Thirty-nine Articles to be reprint- article of the Church. That this had brought ed, with the following declaration at the head them under a very uncomfortable dilemma, of them:t either of falling under the Divine displeasure, if they did not execute their commission, in deBy the King. dclaring the whole counsel of God, or of being' Being by God's ordinance, and our just ti- censured for opposition to his majesty's authortle, defender of the faith, &c., within these do- ity, in case they preached the received doctrines minions, we hold it agreeable to our kingly of- of the Church, and attacked the Pelagian and fice, for the preservation of unity and peace, not Arminian heresies boldly published from the to suffer any unnecessary disputations which pulpit and the press, though censured by King may nourish faction in the Church or common- James as arrogant and atheistical; and those wealth; we, therefore, with the advice of our who avow them to be agreeable to the Church bishops, declare that the Articles of the Church of England are called gross liars. Therefore, of England which the clergy generally have they humbly entreat that his majesty would be subscribed do contain the true doctrine of the pleased to take the forementioned evils and Church of England, agreeable to God's Word, grievances into his princely consideration, and, which we do therefore ratify and confirm, re- as a wise physician, apply such speedy remequiring all our loving subjects to continue in dies as may both cure the present distemper, the uniform profession thereof, and prohibiting and preserve the Church and State from those the least difference from the said articles. We plagues with which their neighbours had not take comfort in this, that all clergymen within been a little distressed." But this address was our realm have always most willingly subscribed stopped in its progress, and never reached the the Articles, which is an argument that they all king's ears. agree in the true usual literal meaning of them; In pursuance of his majesty's declaration, all and that in those curious points in which the books relating to the Arminian controversy present differences lie, men of all sorts take the were called in by proclamation and suppressed, Articles to be for them, which is an argument and among others, Montague's and Manwaragain, that none of them intend any desertion ing's, which was only a feint to cover a more of the Articles established: wherefore we will deadly blow to be reached at the Puritans; for, that all curious search into these things be laid at the same time, Montague and Manwaring aside, and these disputes be shut up in God's received the royal pardon, and were preferred promises, as they be generally set forth to us to some of the best livings in the kingdom (as in Holy Scriptures, and the general meaning of has been observed), while the answer to their the Articles according to them; and that no books, by Dr. Featly, Dr. Goad, Mr. Burton, man hereafter preach or print to draw the arti- Ward, Yates, and Rouse, were not only supcle aside any way, but shall submit to it, in pressed, but the publishers questioned in the the plain and full manner thereof, and shall not Star Chamber. put his own sense or comment to the meaning The king put on the same thin disguise with of the article, but shall take it in the literal and regard to papists; a proclamation was issued grammatical sense; that if any public reader out against priests and Jesuits, and particularly in the universities, or any other person, shall against the Bishop of Chalcedon; orders were affix any new sense to any article, or shall pub- also sent to the Lord-mayor of London to make licly read, or hold disputation on either side; search after them, and commit them to prison, or if any divine in the universities shall preach but, at the same time, his majesty appointed or print anything either way, they shall be lia- commissioners to compound with them for their ble to censure in the ecclesiastical commission, recusancy; so that, instead of being suppressed, and we will see there shall be due execution they became a branch of the revenue, and Sir upon them.": Richard Weston, a notorious papist, was created Earl of Portland, and made lord-high-treas* Bib. Reg., sect. iii., No. 4; or Heylin's Life of urer of England. Laud, p. 18t. When the Parliament met according to prot Mr. Neal does not give the declaration at full a length, but has omitted some clauses, and even two ogation, January 20, they began again with paragraphs; but in my opinion, without affecting the grievances of religion; Oliver Cromwell, Esq., sense and tenour of it; though Dr. Grey says, "he being of the committee, reported to the House has by this altered and curtailed the sense of it, and the countenance that was given by Dr. Neile, then charged it with blunders, which are of his own bishop of Winchester, to divines who preached making."-ED. Arminian and popish doctrine; he mentioned: This declaration, Dr. Harris observes, has been the favours that had been bestowed upon Monproduced and canvassed in the famous Bangorian tague and Manwaring, who had been censured and Trinitarian controversies, which engaged the at- the last sessions of Parliament; and added, tentionl of the public for a great number of years. the last sessions of Parliament; and added -Lifr of C'harles I., p. 183-190. Dr. Blackburn has or departing, in the least degree, fi-om the doctrine at large discussed the validity of it, and is disposed and discipline of the Church of England now estabto consider James I. as the first publisher of it. He lished;" a language, he justly observes, inconsistent shows that it has been corrupted by the insertion of with the principles of our present constitution. —Con the word n )w; as, " we will not endure any varying, fessional, p. 131-143, 3d edit.- ED. 292 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. "If this be the way to church preferment, what sion; there are among our bishops such as may we expect?" Upon debating the king's are fit to be made examples for all ages, who late declaration, the House voted "that the shine in virtue, and are firm for religion; but main end of that declaration was to suppress the contrary faction I like not. I remember a the Puritan party, and to give liberty to the character I have seen in a diary of King Edcontrary side." Several warm and angry ward VI., where he says of the bishops, that speeches were likewise made against the new'some for age, some for ignorance, some for ceremonies that began now to be introduced luxury, and some for popery, were unfit for disinto the Church, as images of saints and angels, cipline and government.' We see there are crucifixes, altars, lighted candles, &c. some among our bishops that are not orthodox, Mr. Rouse stood up and said, "I desire it nor sound in religion as they should be; witmay be considered what new paintings have ness the two bishops complained of the last been laid upon the old face of the whore of meeting of this Parliament; should we be in Babylon, to make her show more lovely. I de- their power, I fear our religion would be oversire it may be considered how the See of Rome thrown. Some of these are masters of ceredoth eat into our religion, and fret into the very monies, and labour to introduce new ceremobanks and walls of it, the:laws and statutes of nies into the Church. Let us go to the ground this realm. I desire we may consider the in- of our religion, and lay down a rule on which crease of Arminianism an error that makes the all others may Test, and then inquire after ofgrace of God lackey after the will of man. I fenders."* desire we may look into the belly and bowels Mr. Secretary Cook said, "that the fathers of this Trojan horse, to see if there be not men of the Church were asleep; but, a little to awain it ready to open the gates to Romish tyran- ken their zeal, it is fit," says he, "that they ny, for an Arminian is the spawn of a papist, take notice of that hierarchy that is already esand, if the warmth of favour come upon him, tablished, in competition with their lordships, you shall see him turn into one of those frogs for they [the papists] have a bishop consecrated that rose out of the bottomless pit; these men by the pope; this bishop has his subaltern offihaving kindled a fire in our neighbour-country, cers of all kinds, as vicars-general, archdeacons, are now endeavouring to set this kingdom in a rural deans, apparitors, &c.; neither are these flame."* nominal or titular officers only, but they all exMr. Pym said, "that, by the articles set forth ecute their jurisdictions, and make their ordi1562, by the catechism set forth in King Ed- nary visitations throughout the kingdom, keep ward Vi.'s days, by the writings of Martin Bu- courts, and determine ecclesiastical causes; cer and Peter Martyr, by the constant profes- and, which is an argument of more consesions sealed with the blood of many martyrs, quence, they keep ordinary intelligence by their as Cranmer, Ridley, and others, by the Thirty- agents in Rome, and hold correspondence with six Articles of Queen Elizabeth, and by the a- the nuncios and cardinals both at Brussels and tides agreed upon at Lambeth, as the doctrine France. Neither are the seculars alone grown of the Church of England, which King James to this height, but the regulars are more active sent to Dort and to Ireland, it appears evident- and dangerous. Even at this time they intend ly what is the established religion of the realm. to hold a concurrent assembly with this ParliaLet us, therefore, show wherein these late opin- ment." After some other speeches of this kind, ions differ from those truths; and what men the House of Commons entered into the followhave been since preferred who have professed ing vow: the contrary heresies; what pardons they have " Wre, the Commons, in Parliament assemhad for false doctrine; what prohibiting of books bled, do claim, protest, and avow for truth, the and writings against their doctrine, and permit- sense of the Articles of Religion which were ting of such books as have been for them. Let established by Parliament in the thirteenth year us inquire after the abetters, and after the par- of our late Queen Elizabeth, which, by the pubdons granted to them that preach the contrary lic act of the Church of England, and by the truth before his majesty. It belongs to parlia- general and current exposition of the writers ments to establish true religion and to punish of our Church, have been delivered unto us. false. We must know what parliaments have And we reject the sense of the Jesuits and Ardone formerly in religion. Our parliaments minians, and all others that differ from us."t have confirmed general councils. In the time Bishop Laud, in his answer to this protestaof King Henry VIII., the Earl of Essex was tion, has several remarks. "Is there by this condemned [by Parliament] for countenancing act," says his lordship, " any interpretation of books of heresy. The convocation is hbut a pro- the Articles or not? If none, to what end is vincial synod of Canterbury, and cannot bind the act? If a sense or interpretation be dethe whole kingdom. As for York, it is distant, clared, what authority have laymen to make it! and cannot bind us or the laws; and as for the for interpretation of an article belongs to them High Commission, it is derived from Parlia- only that have power to make it." To which ment."t Sir John Eliot said, " If there be any differ- * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 660, 661. ence in opinion concerning the interpretation t "This protestation," Dr. Blackburne remarks, of encthe Thin opirty-nine Articles, it is said the ish is equivalent at least to any other resolution of the of the Thirty-nine Articles, it is said the bish- House. It is found among the most authentic records ops and clergy in convocation have power to of Parliament. And whatever force or operation it dispute it, and to order which way they please. had the moment it was published, the same it has A slight thing, that the power of religion should to this hour; being never revoked or repealed in any be left to these men! I honour their profes- succeeding Parliament, nor containing any one par-...... + ticular which is not in perfect agreement with every * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 657-668. *part of our present Constitution, civil and religious." t Ibid., vol. i., p. 659. -Confessional, o. 142. HISTORY OF T:i:E PURITANS. 293 it might be answered, that the Commons made tonnage and poundage; but before it was passno new interpretation of the Articles, but avow- ed, the custom-house officers seized the goods ed for truth the current sense of expositors be- of three eminent merchants, viz., Mr. Rolls, Mr. fore that time, in opposition to the modern inter- Chambers, and Mr. Vassal, fbr non-payment. Mr. pretation of Jesuits and Arminians. But what Chambers was fined ~2000, besides the loss of authority have laymen to make it? Answer. his goods, and suffered six years imprisonment: The same that they had in the 13th of Elizabeth Mr. Rolls's warehouses were locked up, and himto establish them as the doctrine of the Church self taken out of the House of Commons and imof England; unless we will say, with Mr. Coll- prisoned. This occasioned some warm speeches yer, that neither the sense of the Articles, nor against the custom-house officers and farmers of the Articles themselves, were established in that the revenues; but the king took all the blame on Parliament, or in any other. * If so, they are himself, and sent the House word, that what the no part of the legal Constitution, and men may officers had done was by his. special direction e.4bscribe the words without putting any sense and command, and that it was not so much upon them at all: an admirable way to prevent their act as his own. This was a new way of diversity of opinions in matters of faith! But covering the unwarrantable proceedings of corhis lordship adds, " that it is against the king's rupt ministers, and was said to be the advice of declaration, which says, we must take the gen- the Bishops Laud and Neile; a contrivance that eral meaning of them, and not draw aside any laid the foundation of his majesty's ruin. It is way, but take them in the literal and grammat- a maxim in law, that the king can do no wrong, ical sense."t Has the king, then, a power, with- and that all maladministrations are chargeable out convocation or Parliament, to interpret and upon his ministers; yet now, in order to screen determine the sense of the Articles for the whole his servants, his majesty will make himself anbody of the clergy? By the general meaning swerable for their conduct. So that if the Parof the Articles, the declaration seems to under- liament will defend their rights and properties, stand no one determined sense at all. Strange! they must charge the king personally, who,in that so learned and wise a body of clergy and his own opinion was above law, and accountalaity, in convocation and Parliament, should ble for his actions to none but God. It was establish a number of articles with this title, moved in the House that, notwithstanding the "For the avoiding-of diversity of opinions, and king's answer, the officers of the customs should for the establishing of consent touching true re- be proceeded against, by separating their interligion," without any one determined sense! ests from the king's; but when the speaker, Sir The bishop goes on, and excepts against the John Finch, was desired to put the question, he current sense of expositors, "because they may, refused, saying the king had commanded the and perhaps do, go against the literal sense." contrary.* Upon which the House immediately Will his lordship, then, abide by the literal and adjourned to January 25, and were then adjourngrammatical sense! No; but " if an article bear ed by the king's order to March 2, when meetmore senses than one, a man may choose what ing again, and requiring the speaker to put the sense his judgment directs him to, provided it former question, he again refused, and said he be a sense according to the analogy of faith, had the king's order to adjourn them to March till the Church determine a [particular] sense; 16; but they detained him in the chair, not withbut it is the wisdom of the Church to require out some tumult and confusion, till they made consent to articles in general as much as may the following protestation: be, and not require assent to particulars." His 1. "Whosoever shall, by favour or countelordship had better have spoken out, and said nance, seem to extend or introduce popery or that it would be the wisdom of the Church to Arminianism, shall be reputed a capital enemy require no subscriptions at all. To what straits of the kingdom. are men given to comply with the laws, when 2., "Whosoever shall advise the levying the their sentiments differ from the literal and gram- subsidies of tonnage and poundage, not being matical sense of the Articles of the-Church! granted by Parliament, shall be reputed a capiNr. Collyer says they have no established sense; tal enemy. King Charles, in his declaration, that they are 3. 4 "If any merchant shall voluntarily pay to be understood in a general sense, but not to those duties, he shall be reputed a betrayer of* be drawn aside to a particular determined sense; the liberties of England, and an enemy to the Bishop Laud thinks that if the words will bear same."t more senses than one, a man may choose what The next day warrants were directed to Densense his judgment directs him to, provided it zil Hollis, Sir John Eliot,$ William Coriton, be a sense according to the analogy of faith, and all this for avoiding diversity of opinions! * Whitelocke's Memorial, p. 12. Rushworth, vol. But I am afraid this reasoning is too wonderful i., p. 669. t Rushworth, vol. i., p. 670. for the reader. t The subsequent history of Sir John Eliot posWhile the Parliament were expressing their sesses all the interest of a romance. It is not exzeal against Arminianism and popery, a new ceeded, in the developments of high principle and controvesrsy arose, which provolked: his majesty heroic fortitude, by any tale in ancient or modern times. He had evidently contemplated, from the to dissolve them, and to resolve to govern with-times. He had evidently contemplated, from the commencement of this reign, the probability of such out parliaments for the future; for, though the a termination of his patriotic life. He had read the king had so lately signed the petition of right in character of Charles from the first, and knew that full Parliament, he went on with levying money there was neither generosity nor justice in his heart. by his royal prerogative. A bill was depending Laud he had uniformly opposed, as the despoiler of in the House to grant his majesty the duties of religio and the enemy of his country; ard the.pseudo-patriotism of Wentworth, now a baron of the * Eccles. Hist., p. 747. realm and president of the North, had always been t Prynne, Cant. Doom, p. 164. regarded by him with more than suspicion. From 294 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Benjamin Valentine, John Selden, Esqrs., and four of them appeared accordingly, viz., MI. four more of the principal members of the House, Hollis, Eliot, Coriton, and Valentine; who, reto appear before the council on the morrow: fusing to answer out of Parliament for what such a monarch, aided by such counsellors, Eliot else, to do that office of delivering petitions for his had nothing to expect. Yet he spurned with virtu- prisoners. ous indignation the freedom which was proffered "And if Sir John, in a third petition, would humhim on condition of his tendering an acknowledg- ble himself to his majesty, in acknowledging his ment of guilt. He was removed from one apartment fault, and craving pardon, he would willingly deliver of the Tower to another, and the rigour of his im- it, and made no doubt but he should obtain his libprisonment was steadily increased. At length his erty. Unto this Sir John's answer was,'I thank health rapidly declined; but his brutal oppressors, you, sir, for your friendly advice; but my spirits are instead of being moved to pity, were solicitous to grown feeble and faint, which when it shall please hasten the deadly malady which preyed on his frame. God to restore unto their former vigour, I will take His friends were prohibited from visiting him; and it farther into my consideration.' -Life of Johni though he was sinking in a consumption, and the Eliot, 119. season was wintery, and his prison damp, he was The following letter, addressed to Hampden, was scarcely allowed the comfort of a fire. probably the last which Eliot w rote. It is too charThis description of Eliot's treatment is fully borne acteristic of the man, and of his friend, to be omitout by the following letter of the dying patriot to his ted. It reveals the secret of their character by friend John Hampden, bearing the date Dec. 26, 1631. disclosing the religious impulse under which they "That I write not to you anything of intelligence acted. will be excused, when I do let you know that I am " Besides the acknowledgment of your favour, under a new restraint by warrant from the king, for a that have so much comnpassion on your friend, I have supposed abuse of liberty in admitting a free resort little to return you from him that has nothing worof visitants, and under that colour, holding consulta- thy of your acceptance, but the contestation that 1 tions with my friends. My lodgings are removed, have between an ill body and the air, that quarrel and I am now where candle-light may be suffered, and are friends, as the summer winds affect them. but scarce fire. I hope you will think that this ex- I have these three days been abroad, and as often change of places makes not a change of mind. The brought in new impressions of the cold; yet, in body, same protection is still with me, and the same confi- and strength, and appetite, I find myself bettered by dence; and these things can have end by Him that the motion. Cold at first was thle occasion of my gives them being. None but my servants, hardly my sickness;heat and tenderness, by close keeping in son, may have admittance to me. My friends I must my chamber, have since increased my weakness. Air desire, for their own sakes, to forbear coming to the and exercise are thought most proper to repair it, Tower. You among them arer chief, and have the which are the prescriptions of my doctors, though first place in this intelligence."-Forster's Eliot, p. no physic. I thank God, other medicines I now take 115. Towards the close of 1632, a motion was made not but those catholicons, and do hope I shall not to the judges of the King's Bench, that as his physi- need; as children learn to go, I shall get acquaint cians were of opinion he could never recover from ed with the air; practice and use will compass it; his consumption, unless he breathed purer air, " they and now and then a fall is an instruction for the fu could for some certain time grant him his enlarge- ture. These varieties He doth try us with, that will ment for the purpose." Richardson, the chief-jus- have us perfect at all parts; and, as he gives the tice, -however, replied, "that although Sir John trial, he likewise gives the ability that will be neceswere brought low in body, yet was he as high and sary for the work; he will supply that doth comrn lofty in mind as ever, for he would neither submit to mand the labour; whose delivering from the lion and the king nor to the justice of that court." He was, the bear, has the Philistines also at the dispensation therefore, referred to the monarch; but) knowing that of his will, and those that trust him, under his pro it was hopeless to petition without a confession of tection and defence. O infinite mercy of our Mas guilt, Eliot resumed the occupation with which he ter, dear friend, how it abounds to us that are unwor had long sought to relieve the dreariness of his pris- thy of his service! How broken, how imperfect, on. This was the composition of a philosophical how perverse and crooked are our ways in obedience treatise, entitled "The Monarchy of Man," in to him! How exactly straight is the line of his which the independence of his mind, and its control providences to us, drawn out through all the occur over the passions and infirmities of his nature, are rants and particulars to the whole length and measexhibited with an admirable combination of philo- ure of our time; how fearful is his hand, that has sophical acuteness and strong practical sense. Hav- given his Son unto us, and with him hath promised ing concluded this treatise, his health sank rapidly, likewise to give us all things, relieving our wants, when the importunity of friends prevailed with him sanctifying our necessities, preventing our dangers, to petition the king. Mr. Forster has given the fol- freeing us from all extremities, and died himself for lowing account of his applications in a letter from us! What can we render? what retribution can we Pory to Sir Thomas Puckering: "He first," says make worthy so great a majesty, worthy such love the letter-writer, " presented a petition to his majes- and favour? We have nothing but ourselves, who ty, by the hand of the lieutenant his keeper, to this are unworthy above all; and yet that, as all other effect:'Sir, your judges have committed me to things, is his; for us to offer up that, is but to give prison here, in your Tower of London, where, by him his own, and that in far worse condition than reason of the quality of the air, I am fallen into a we at first received it, which yet (for infinite is his dangerous disease. I humbly beseech your majesty goodness for the merits of his Son) he is contented you will command your judges to set me at liberty, to accept. This, dear friend, must be the comfort that for recovery of my health I may take some fresh of his children; this is the physic we must use in all air,' &c. Whereunto his majesty's answer was,'It our sickness and extremities; this is the strengthwas not humble enough.' Then Sir John sent an- ening of the weak, the enriching of the poor, the libother petition, by his own son, to the effect follow- erty of the captive, the health of the diseased, the ing:' Sir, I am heartily sorry I have displeased your life of those that die the death of that wicked life, majesty, and, having so said, do humbly beseech sin; and this happiness have his saints. The conyou once again to command your judges to set me templation of this happiness has led me almost beat liberty, that when I have recovered my health, I yond the compass of a letter; but the haste I use may return back to my prison, there to undergo such unto my friends, and the affection that does move it, punishmentasGod has allottedunto me,'&c. Upon will, I hope, excuse me. Friends should commu this the lieutenant came and expostulated with him, nicate their joys; this, as the greatest, therefore, saying, It was proper to him, and common to none could not but impart unto my friends, being therein HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 295 was said in the House, were committed close Sir John Eliot ~2000, Valentine ~500, and prisoners to the Tower. The studies of the Long two thousand marks. rest were ordered to be sealed up, and a proc- Great were the murmurings of the people upon lamation issued for apprehending them; though this occasion; libels were dispersed against the Parliament not being dissolved, they were the Prime Minister Laud; one of which says, actually members of the House. On the 10th " Laud, look to thyself; be assured thy life is of March, the king came to the House of Lords, sought. As thou art the fountain of wickedand without sending for the Commons, or pass- ness, repent of thy monstrous sins before thou ing one single act, dissolved the Parliament, be taken out of this world; and assure thyself, with a very angry speech against the leading neither God nor the world can endure such a members of the Lower House, whom he called vile counsellor or whisperer to live."* But to vipers, that cast a mist of undutifulness over justify these proceedings to the world, his majmost of their eyes; " and as those vipers," esty published "A Declaration of the Causes of says his majesty, " must look for their reward dissolving the last Parliament.",of punishment, so you, my lords, must justly The declaration vindicates the king's taking expect from me that favour that a good king the duties of tonnage and poundage from the oweth to his loving and faithful nobility."* examples of some of his predecessors, and as The undutifulness of the Commons was only agreeable to his kingly honour. It justifies the their keeping the speaker in the chair after he silencing the predestinarian controversy, and had signified that the king had adjourned them, lays the blame of not executing the laws against which his majesty had no power of doing; and papists upon subordinate officers and ministers no king before King James I. pretended to ad- in the country: "We profess," says his majjourn Parliaments; and when he claimed that esty, "that as it is our duty, so it shall be our power, it was complained of as a breach of care, to command and direct well; but it is the privilege. It is one thing to prorogue or dis- part of the others to perform the ministerial ofsolve a Parliament, and another to adjourn it, fice; and when we have done our office, we the latter being the act of the House itself, and shall account ourself, and all charitable men the consequence of vesting such a power in the will account us, innocent, both to God and crown might be very fatal; for if the king may men; and those that are negligent, we will esadjourn the House in the midst of their debates, teem culpable, both to God and us." The decor forbid the speaker to put a question when laration concludes with a profession that " the required, it is easy to foresee the whole busi- king will maintain the true religion of the ness of Parliament must be under his direc- Church of England, without conniving at potion. f The members above mentioned were pery or schism: that he will maintain the sentenced to be imprisoned during the king's rights and liberties of his subjects, provided pleasure; and were accordingly kept under they do not misuse their liberty, by turning it close confinement many years, where Sir John to licentiousness, wantonly and frowardly reEliot died a martyr to the liberties of his coun- sisting our lawful and necessary authority; for try.$ Mr. Hollis was fined a thousand marks, we do expect our subjects should yield as much submission to our royal prerogative, and as moved by the present expectation of your letters, ready obedience to our authority and commandwhich always have the grace of much intelligence, ments, as has been performed to the greatest and are happiness to him that is truly yours, J. E." of our predecessors. We will not have our of our predecessors. We will not have our — Vatughan's Stuart 1Memorials, 417. ministers terrified by harsh proceedings against Eliot was released from his sufferings and impris- ministers terrified by harsh proceedings against onment on the 27th of November, 1632. His son them; for as we expect our ministers should requested permission to carry his body into Corn- obey us, they shall assure themselves we will wall, his native county; but the king replied, with protect them."t his accustomed want of true nobility of feeling, "Let This declaration not quieting the people, was Sir John Eliot's body be buried in the church of followed by a proclamation, which put an end that parish where he died." Such was the end of to all prospects of recovering the Constitution one of tile purest, most enlightened, and devout of for the future. The proclamation declares his English patriots. His character has risen in the estimation of his countrymen in exact proportion as majesty's royal pleasure "that spreaders of his actions and the tenour of his life have become false reports shall be severely punished; that known. His fame has survived the slanders which such as cheerfully go on with their trades shall the malevolence of party writers has invented, and have all good encouragement,; that he will not is now regarded as the property of the nation, and overcharge his subjects with any new burdens, the honour of his age. His sufferings were. not fruit- but will satisfy himself with the duties received less, nor was the triumph of his enemies forgotten- by his royal father, which he neither can nor "Faithful and brave hearts," says his biographer, will dispense with. And whereas, for several "were left to remember this; and the sufferings of will dispense with And whereas, for several Eliot were not undergone in vain. They bore their ill ends, the calling of another Parliament is dipart in the heat and burden of the after struggle. vulged, his majesty declares that the late abuse His name was one of its watchwords, and it had having, for the present, driven his majesty unnone more glorious."-Forster's Life of Eliot, 223, willingly out of that course, he shall account it and Price's Nonconformity, vol. ii., p. 44. Mr. Forster has vindicated Eliot from the base charges pre- finement, leaving the portrait as a legacy and meferred against him by Echard, the archdeacon, and mento to his posterity, and to mankind; who, in the retailed with such industrious malice by Mr. D'Is- contemplation of such enormities, have reason to raeli. —Life, p. 2-6.-C. * Rushworth, vol. i., 672. rejoice t Rapin, vol. ii., p. 279, folio edit.' When vengeance in the lucid air t "An affecting portrait of this gentleman is now Lifts her red arm exposed and bare."' in the possession of Lord Eliot. He is drawn pale, -Belsham's Memoirs of the House - of Brunswick Iw. languishing, and emaciated; but disdaining to make nenburgh, vol. i., p. 185, note.-ED. the abject submission required of him by the tyrant, * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 672. he expired under the excessive rigours of his con- t Rushworth, vol. ii., Appen., p. 3-10. 296 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. presumption for any to prescribe any time to the fellows came in, which created him envy. his majesty for parliaments, the calling, con- Complaint was made to the vice-chancellor of tinuing, and dissolving of which is always in this unusual way of catechising, and that it was the king's own power."* Here was an end of not: safe to suffer Dr. Preston to be thus adored, the old English Constitution for twelve years. unless they had a mind to set up Puritanism England was now an absolute monarchy: the and pull down the hierarchy; it was therefore king's proclamations and orders of council were agreed in the convocation-house that no stranthe laws of the land; the ministers of state ger, neither townsman nor scholar, should, sported themselves in the most wanton acts of upon any pretence, come to those lectures, power; and the religion, laws, and liberties of which were only designed for the members of this country lay prostrate and overwhelmed by the college. an inundation of popery and oppression. There was little preaching in the University This year died the Reverend Dr. John Pres- at this time, except at St. Mary's, the lectures ton, descended of the family of the Prestons in at Trinity and St. Andrew's being prohibited; Lancashire. He was born at Heyford, in North- Mr. Preston, therefore, at the request of the, amptonshire, in the parish of Bugbrook, 1587, townsmen and scholars of other colleges, atand was admitted of King's College, Cambridge, tempted to set up an evening sermon at St. Bo1604, from whence he was afterward removed tolph's, belonging to Queen's College; but to Queen's College, and admitted fellow in the when Dr. Newcomb, commissary to the Bishop year 1609.t He was an ambitious and aspiring of Ely, heard of it, he came to the church and youth, till, having received some religious im- forbade it, commanding that evening prayers pressions from Mr. Cotton, in a sermon preach- only should be read; there was a vast crowd, ed by him at St. Mary's Church, he became re- and earnest entreaty that Mr. Preston might markably serious, and bent all his studies to preach at least for that time; but the commisthe service of Christ in the ministry. When sary was inexorable, and, to prevent farther the king came to Cambridge, Mr. Preston was importunities, went home with his family; afappointed to dispute before him: the question ter he was gone, Mr. Preston was prevailed was, Whether brutes had reason, or could with to preach, and because much time had make syllogisms l Mr. Preston maintained the been spent in debates, they adventured for once affirmative; and instanced in a hound, who, to omit the service, that the scholars might be coming to a place where three ways meet, present at their college prayers. Next day the smells one way and the other, but not finding commissary went to Newmarket, and complainthe scent, runs down the third with full cry, ed both to the bishop and king; he represented concluding that the hare, not being gone either the danger of the hierarchy, and the progress of the first two ways, must necessarily be gone of nonconformity among the scholars, and asthe third. The argument had a wonderful ef- sured them that Mr. Preston was in such high feet on the audience, and would have opened a esteem, that he would carry all before him if door for Mr. Preston's preferment, had not his he was not thoroughly dealt with. Being callinclinations to Puritanism been a bar in the ed before his superiors, he gave a plain narraway. He therefore resolved upon an academ- tive of the fact; and added, that he had no deical life, and took upon him the care of pupils, sign to affront the bishop or his commissary. for which he was qualified beyond most in the The bishop said the king was informed that he University. Many gentlemen's sons were com- was an enemy to forms of prayer, which Mr. mitted to his care, who trained them up in the Preston denying, he was ordered to declare his sentiments of the first Reformers, for he af- judgment upon that head, in a sermon at St. fected the very style and language of Calvin. Botolph's Church, and so was dismissed. When it came to his turn to be catechist, he Some time after, King James being at Newwent through a whole body of divinity with market, Mr. Preston was appointed to preach such general acceptance, that the outward chap- before him, which he performned with great apel was usually crowded with strangers before plause, having a fluent speech, a commanding * Rushworth, vol. ii., p. 3. voice, and a strong memory, to deliver what he t Clarke's Life of Dr. Preston, annexed to his Gen- had prepared without the assistance of notes. eral Martyrology, p. 75. Sir Fulke Greville, after- The king spoke familiarly to him; and, though ward Lord Brook, was such an admirer of Dr. Pres- his majesty expressed a dislike to some of his ton, that he settled fifty pounds a year upon him. Puritan notions, he commended his opposing Lord Brook was a zealous patriot and an open advo- the Arminians. And the Duke of Buckingham, cate for liberty. On account of the arbitrary meas- not knowing what friends he might want among ures of Charles I., he determined to seek freedom in the populace, persuaded the king to admit him New-England; and he and Lord Say actually de- one of the prince's chaplains in ordinary, and to termined to transport themselves to Massachusetts; but, upon the meeting of the Long Parliament, and wait two months in the year, which he did. the sudden change of public affairs, they were hin- Soon after this he was chosen preacher of Lindered in the project. He was afterward commander coln's Inn, and, upon the resignation of Dr. in the Parliamentary army, and having reduced War- Chadderton, master of Emanuel College, in the wickshire, he advanced into Staffordshire, on the year 1622, at which time he took his degree of festival of St. Chad, to whom the Cathedral of Litch- Doctor of Divinity. The doctor was a fine field is dedicated; he ordered his men to storm the gentleman, a complete courtier, and in high esadjoining close, to which Lord Chesterfield had re- e tle t kean sired with a body of the king's forces. But before teem with the Duke of Buckingham, who ais orders could be put in execution, he received a thought by his means to ingratiate himself musket-shot in the eye, of which he instantly ex- with the Puritans,* whose power was growing pired, in the year 1643. It was the opinion of the papists that St. Chad directed the bullet. Archbish- * "But Preston, who was as great a politician as ~p Laud made a particular memorial of this in his the duke," says Mr. Granger, "was not to be over diary.-Prynne's Breviate of Laud, p. 27.-C. reached."-ED. HISTORY OF.THE PURITANS. 297 very formidable in Parliament. The duke of- land, by king, lords, and commons, being now fered him the bishopric of Gloucester, but the suspended by the royal will and pleasure, his doctor refused, and chose rather the lecture- majesty resolved to supply the necessities of the ship of Trinity Church, which he kept till his state by such other methods as his council should death. By his interest in the duke and prince advise, who gave a loose to their actions, being he did considerable service for many silenced no longer afraid of a parliamentary inquiry, and ministers; he was in waiting when King James above the reach of ordinary justice. Instead died, and came up with the young king and of the authority of king and Parliament, all pubduke in a close coach to London. But some lie affairs were directed by proclamations of thle time after, the duke, having changed measures, king and council, which had the force of;K. and finding that he could neither gain over the many laws, and were bound upon the subject Puritans to his arbitrary designs nor separate under the severest penalties. They levied the the doctor from their interests, he resolved to duties of tonnage and poundage, and laid what shake hands with his chaplain. The doctor, other imposts they thought proper upon merforeseeing the storm, was content to retire qui- chandise, which they let out to farm to private etly to his college, where, it is apprehended, he persons; the number of monopolies was inwould have felt some farther effects of the credible; there was no branch of the subject's duke's displeasure, if God, in his providence, property that the ministry could dispose of had not cut him out work of a different nature, but was bought and sold. They raised above which engaged all his thoughts to the time of ~I1,000,000 a year by taxes on soap, salt, cani his death. dies, wine, cards, pins, leather, coals, &c., even Dr. Preston lived a single life, being never to the sole gathering of rags. Grants were givmarried; nor had he any cure of souls: He had en out for weighing hay and straw within three a strong constitution, which he wore out in his miles of London, for gauging red-herring-barstudy and in the pulpit. His distemper was a rels and butter-casks, for marking iron and sealconsumption in the lungs, for which, by the ad- ing lace,* with a great many others, which, bevice of physicians, he changed the air several ing purchased of the crown, must be paid for by times; but the failure of his appetite, with oth- the subject. His majesty claimed a right, in caer symptoms of a general decay, prevailed with ses of necessity (of which necessity himself was him at length to leave off all medicine, and re- the sole judge), to raise money by ship-writs, or sign himself to the will of God. And being de- royal mandates, directed to the sheriffs of the sirous of dying in his native country, and among several counties to levy on the subject the sevhis old friends, he retired into Northampton- eral sums of money therein demanded, fbr the shire, where he departed this life in a most pi- maintenance and support of the royal navy. The ous and devout manner,* in the fifty-first year like was demanded for the royal army, by the of his age, and was buried in Fawsley Church, name of coat and conduct money, when they old Mr. Dod, minister of the place, preaching were to march, and when they were in qual-ters his funeral sermon to a numerous auditory, the men were billeted upon private houses. Many July 20, 1628. Mr. Fullert says, " He was an were put to death by martial law who ought to excellent preacher, a subtle disputant, a great have.been tried by the laws of the land, and othpolitician; so that his foes must confess that ers, by the same martial law, were exempted (if not having too little of the dove) he had from the punishment which by law they deservenough of the serpent. Soume will not stick to ed. Large sums of money were raised by comsay he had parts sufficient to manage the broad- missions under the great seal, to compound for seal, which was offered him, but the conditions depopulations, for nuisances in building bedid not please. He might have been the duke's tween high and low water mark, for pretended right hand, but his grace finding that he could encroachments on the forests, &c., besides the not bring him nor his party off to his side, he exorbitant fines of the Star Chamber and High would use him no longer," which shows hmn to Commission Court, and the extraordinary projbe an honest man. His practical works and ectsofloans, benevolences, and freegifts. Such sermons were printed by his own order, after was the calamity of the times, that no man his decease. could call anything his own longer than the king pleased, or might speak or write against CHAPTER IV. these proceedings without the utmost hazard of his liberty and estate. FROM THE DISSOLUTION OF THE THIRD PARLIA- The Church was governed by the like arbirENT OF KING CHARLES I. TO THE DEATH OF trary and illegal methods; Dr. Laud, bishop of ARCIH-BISHOP ABBOT. London, being prime minister, pursued his wild THE ancient and legal government of Eng- scheme of uniting the two Churches of England * As he felt the symptoms of death coming upon and Rome,t without the least regard to the him, he said, " I shall not change my company, for I shall still converse with God and saints." A few * Stevens's Historical Account of all Taxes, p. hours previous to his departure, being told it was the 183, 184, 2d edit. Lord's Day, he said,' A fit day to be sacrificed on! t Dr. Grey is much displeased with Mr. Neal for I have accompanied saints on earth, now I shall ac- this representation of Laud's views; but, without company angels in heaven. My dissolution is at bringing any direct evidence to refute it, he appeals to hand. Let me go to my home, and to Jesus Christ, the answer of Fisher, and the testimonies of Sir Ed who hath bought me with his precious blood." He ward Deering and Limborch, to show that the arch. soon added, " I feel death coming to my heart; my bishop was not a papist. This may be admitted, and pain shall now be turned into joy."-Clarke's Lives, the proofs of it are also adduced by Dr. Harris [Life p. 113 Echard styles Dr. Preston " the most cele- of Charles I., p. 207], yet it will not be so easy to acbrated of the Puritans, an exquisite preacher, a no- quit Laud of a partiality for the Church, though not ble disputant, and a deep politician."-C. the court, of Rome, according to the distinction May t Book xi., p. 131. makes in his 1" Parliamentary History." It will not VOL. I.-P P 298 H-ISTORY OF IRE PURITANS. rights of conscience, of the laws of the land, preached, and their quality or degree ~ as aIso and very seldom to the canlons of the Church, the names of such gentlemen who, not being bearing downr all who opposed him with unre- qualified, kept chaplains in their own houses. lenting severity and rigour. To make way for His lordship required them, farther, to leave a this union, tbe ch,.rches were not only to be copy of the king's instructions concerning lecrepaired, bhr ornamented with pictures, paint- turers with the parson of every parish, and to ings, images, altar-pieces, &c., the forms of see that they were duly observed. public worship were to be decorated with a These lecturers were chiefly Puritans, who, number of pompous rites and ceremonies, in not being satisfied with a full conformity so as imitation of the Church of Rome, and the Pu- to take upon them a cure of souls, only preachritans, who were the professed enemies of eve- ed in the afternoon, being chosen and maintainrything that looked like popery, were to be ed by the people. They were strict Calvinists, suppressed or driven out of the land. To ac- warm and affectionate preachers, and distincomplish the latter, his lordship presented the guished themselves by a religious observance king with certain considerations for settling the of the Lord's Day, by a bold opposition to poChurch, which were soon after published, with pery and the new ceremonies, and by an unsome little variation, under the title of "In- common severity of life. Their manner of structions to the two Archbishops, concerning preaching gave the bishop a distaste to sercertain Orders to be observed and put in exe- mons, who was already of opinion that they cution by the several Bishops." did more harm than good, insomuch that on a Here his majesty commands them to see that fast-day for the plague, then in London, prayers his declaration for silencing the predestinarian were ordered to be read in all churches, but not controversy be strictly observed; and that spe- a sermon to be preached, lest the people should cial care be taken of the lectures and afternoon wander from their own parishes. The lectusermons, in their several diocesses, concerning rers had very popular talents, and drew great which he is pleased to give the following in- numbers of people after them. Bishop Laud structions:* would often say "they were the most danger1. "That in all parishes the afternoon ser- ous enemies of the state, because by their mons be turned into catechising by question prayers and sermons they awakened the peoand answer, where there is not some great ple's disaffection, and, therefore, must be supcause to break this ancient and profitable order. pressed." 2. "That every lecturer read Divine service Good old Archbishop Abbot was of another before lectures in surplice and hood. spirit, but the reins were taken out of his hands. 3. " That where there are lectures in market He had a good opinion of the lecturers, as men towns, they be read by grave and orthodox di- who had the Protestant religion at heart, and vines, and that they preach in gowns, and not would fortify their hearers against the return of in cloaks, as too many do use. popery.* When Mr. Palmer, lecturer of St. 4. "That no lecturer be admitted that is not Alphage, in Canterbury, was commanded to ready and willing to take upon him a living with desist from preaching by the archdeacon, becure of souls.. cause he drew great numbers of factious peo.. 5. 4 That the bishops take order that the ser- ple after him and did not wear the surplice, the mons of the lecturers be observed. archbishop authorized him to continue: the 6. "That none under noblemen, and men like he did by Mr. Udnay, of Ashford, for which qualified by law, keep a private chaplain. he was complained of as not enforcing the 7.' That care be taken that the prayers and king's instructions, whereby the commissioncatechisings be frequented, as well as sermons." ers, as they say, were made a scorn to the facOf all which his majesty requires an account tious, and the archdeacon's jurisdiction inhibitonce a year. ed. But in the diocess of London Bishop Laud By virtue of these instructions, the Bishop of proceeded with the utmost severity. Many London summoned before him all ministers and lecturers were put down, and such as preached lecturers in and about the city, and in a solemn against Arminianism, or the new ceremonies, speech insisted on their obedience. He also were suspended and silenced; among whom sent letters to his archdeacons, requiring them were the Reverend Mr. John Rogers, of Dedto send him lists of the several lecturers within ham, Mr. Daniel Rogers, of Wethersfield, Mr. their archdeaconries, as well in places exempt Hooker, of Chelmsford, Mr. White, of Knightsas not exempt, with the places where they bridge, Mr. Archer, Mr. William Martin, Mr. be so easy to clear him of the charge of symbol- Edward, Mr. Jones, Mr. Dod, Mr. Hidersham, izing with the Church of Rome in its two leading Mr. Ward, Mr. Saunders, Mr. James Gardiner, features superstition and intolerance. Under his Mr. Foxley, and many others. primacy the Church of England, it is plain, assumed The Rev. Mr. Bernard, lecturer of St. Sepula very popish appearance. " Not only the pomps of chre's, London, having used this expression in ceremonies were daily increased, and innovations of his prayer before sermon, "Lord, open the eyes great scandal brought into the Church, but, in point of the queen's majesty, that she may see Jesus of doctrine, many fair approaches made towards Christ, whom she has pierced with her infidelRome. Even Heylin says, the doctrines are altered in many things; as, for example, the pope not anti- ity, superstition, and idolatry,"t was summonchrist, pictures, fiee-will, &c.; the Thirty-nine Arti- ed before the High Commission, January 28, cles seeming impatient, if not ambitious also, of some and upon his humble submission was dismissCatholic sense."-May's Parliamentary History, p. 22, ed; but some time after, in his sermon at St. 23, and Heylin's Life of Laud, p. 152.-ED. Mary's, in Cambridge, speaking offensive words * A liberal mind will reprobate these instructions - as evading argument, preventing discussion and in- i Prynne's Introd., p. 94, 361, 373. quiry, breathing the spirit of intolerance and perse- t Rushworth, vol. ii., p. 32, 140. Prynne, p. 365, cution, and indicating timidity.-Er. 367 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 299 against Arminianism and the new ceremonies, The king's instructions and the violent measBishop Laud sent for a copy of his sermon, and ures of the prime minister brought a great deal having cited him before the High Commission, of business into the spiritual courts; one or required him to make an open recantation of other of the Puritan ministers was every week what he had said, which his conscience not suf- suspended or deprived, and their families driven fering him to, he was suspended from his min- to distress; nor was there any prospect of reistry, excommunicated, fined ~1000, condemn- lief, the clouds gathering every day thicker over ed in costs of suit, and committed to New their heads, and threatening a violent storm Prison, where he lay several months, being This put them upon projecting a farther settle.. cruelly used, and almost starved for want of ment in New-England, where they might be necessaries, of which he complained to the delivered from the hands of their oppressors, bishop in sundry letters, but could get no relief and enjoy the free liberty of their consciences; unless he would recant. Mr. Bernard offered which gave birth to a second grand colony in to confess his sorrow and penitence for any North America, commonly known by the name oversights or unbecoming expressions in his of the Massachusetts Bay. Several persons of sermons, which could not be accepted, so that quality and substance about the city of London in conclusion he was utterly ruined. engaging in the design, obtained a charter dated Mr. Charles Chauncey, minister of Ware, hav- March 4, 1628-9, wherein the gentlemen and ing said in a sermon " that the preaching of the merchants therein named, and all who should Gospel would be suppressed, and that there thereafter join them, were constituted a body was much atheism, popery, Arminianism, and corporate and politic, by the name of the Govheresy crept into the Church," was questioned ernor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in for it in the High Commission, and not dismiss- New-England. They were empowered to elect ed till he had made an open recantation, which their own governor, deputy-governor, and mawe shall meet with hereafter. gistrates, and tq make such laws as they should Mr. Peter Smart, one of the prebendaries of think fit for the good of the plantation, not reDurham, and minister of that city, was impris- pugnant to the laws of England. Free liberty oned by the High Commission of York this of conscience was likewise granted to all who summer, for a sermon preached from these should settle in those parts, to worship God in words, "I hate all those that love superstitious their own way.* The new planters being all vanities, but thy law do I love," in which he Puritans, made their application to the Revertook occasion to speak against images and pie- end Mr. Higginson, a silenced minister in Leitures, and the late pompous innovations. He cestershire, and to Mr. Skelton, another silenwas confined four months before the commis- ced minister of Lincolnshire, to be their chapsioners exhibited any articles against him, and lains, desiring them to engage as many of their five more before any proctor was allowed him. friends as were willing to embark with them. From York he was carried up to Lambeth, and The little fleet that went upon this expedition from thence back again to York, and at length consisted of six sail of transports, from four to was deprived of his prebend, degraded, excom- twenty guns, with about three hundred and municated, fined ~500, and committed close fifty passengers, men, women, and children. prisoner, where he continued eleven years, till They carried with them one hundred and fifhe was set at liberty by the Long Parliament in teen head of cattle, as horses, mares, cows, &c., 1640. He was a person of a grave and rever- forty-one goats, six pieces of cannon for a fort, end aspect,* but died soon after his release, with muskets, pikes, drums, colours, and a large the severity of a long imprisonment having con- quantity of ammunition and provisions. The tributed to the impairing his constitution.t fleet sailed May 11, 1629, and arrived the 24th of June following, at a place called by the na* Fuller's Church History, b. ii., p. 173. tives Neumkeak, but by the new planters Sat "Here the historian," remarks Bishop Warbur- lem, which in the Hebrew language signifies ton, "was much at a loss for his confessor's good qualities, while he is forced to take up with his grave peace. and reverend aspect." It might have screened this Rellgion being the chief motive of their retreatpassage from his lordship's sneer and sarcasm, that ing into these parts,t that was settled in the first these are the words of Fuller, whose history furnish- place. August the 6th being appointed for the ed the whole paragraph, and whose description of solemnity of forming themselves into a religious Mr. Smart goes into no other particulars. His lord- society, the day was spent in fasting and prayer; ship certainly did not wish Nr. Neal to have drawn a character from his own invention; not to urge that inveighed. He was afterward not only set at liberthe countenance is the index of the mind. It ap- ty, but by the order of the Lords, in 1642, was restopears, as Dr. Grey observes, that the proceedings red to his prebend in Durham, and was presented to against Smart commenced in the High Commission the Vicarage of Aycliff in the same diocess -Nel Court in Durham.- See Wood's Athene Oxon., vol. son's Collections, vol. ii., p. 406. The Puritans, by ii., p. 11. The doctor, and Nelson in his Collec- whom he was esteemed a protomartyr, it is said, tions, vol. i., p. 518, 519, produce some paragraphs raised ~400 a year for him by subscription.-GranfIom Smart's sermon to show the strain and spirit of ger's History of England, vol. ii., p. 177.-ED. it. There was printed a virulent tract at Durham, * This is a mistake: the charter did not once 1736, entitled " An Illustration of Mr. Neal's Histo- mention liberty of conscience or toleration.-See ry of the Puritans, in the Article of Peter Smart, Gordon's History of the American War, vol. i., p. 19. A.M." It is a cetail of the proceedings against -ED. Smart, and of subsequent proceedings in Parliament t What a commentary upon this statement does against Dr. Cosins upon the complaint of Smart, the history of Salem afford! It is probable that no whom the author aims to represent in a very unfa- community on the globe, of the same population, can vourable point of view; but without necessity, as exhibit a finer harvest resulting from the cultivation the very persecution of him shows that he must have of Gospel principles. The churches and the schools been very offensive to those who were admirers of of Salem are demonstrations that, as men sow, they the superstitions and ceremonies against which he shall also reap!-C. 300 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. and thirty persons who desired to be of the several offices by the imposition of the hands communion, severally, in the presence of the of some of the brethren appointed by the Church whole congregation, declared their consent to to that service.* The first winter proved a a confession of faith which Mr. Higginson had fatal one to the colony, carrying off above one drawn up, and signed the following covenant hundred of their company, and among the rest with their hands: Mr. Houghton, their elder, and Mr. Higginson, "'We covenant with our Lord, and one an- their teacher; the latter of' whom, not being other. We bind ourselves, in the presence of capable of undergoing the fatigues of a new setGod, to walk together in all his ways, according tlement, fell into a hectic, and died in the fortyas he is pleased to reveal himself' to us in his third year of his age. Mr. Higginson had been blessed Word of truth, and do profess to walk educated in Emanuel College, Cambridge, proas follows, through the power and grace of our ceeding M.A., being afterward parson of one of Lord Jesus Christ.* the five churches in Leicester, where he con" We avouch the Lord to be our God, and tinued for some years, till he was deprived for ourselves to be his people, in the truth and sim- nonconformity; but such were his talents for plicity of our spirits. the pulpit, that after his suspension, the town " We give ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, obtained liberty from Bishop Williams to choose and to the Word of his grace, for the teaching, him for their lecturer, and maintained him by ruling, and sanctifying us in matters of wor- their voluntary contributions, till Laud, being ship and conversation, resolving to reject all at the head of the Church affairs, he was articanons and constitutions of men in worship. cled against in the High Commission, and ex" We promise to walk with our brethren with pected every hour a sentence of perpetual imall watchfulness and tenderness, avoiding jeal- prisonment; this induced him to accept of an ousies, suspicions, backbitings, censurings, pro- invitation to remove to New-England, which vokings, secret risings of spirit against them; cost him his life. Mr. Skelton, the other minbut in all offences to follow the rule of our Lord ister, was a Lincolnshire divine, who, being siJesus Christ, and to bear and forbear, give and lenced for nonconformity, accepted of a like inforgive, as he hath taught us. vitation, and died of the hardships of the coun"In public and private we will willingly do try, August 2, 1634. From this small beginning nothing to the offence of the Church, but will is the Massachusetts province grown to the be willing to take advice for ourselves and ours, figure it now makes in the American world. as occasion shall be presented. Next summer the governor went over with a "We will not in the congregation be forward, fresh recruit of two hundred ministers, and either to show our own gifts and parts in speak- others, who were forced out of their native ing, or scrupling, or in discovering the weak- country by the heat of the Laudean persecution. nesses or failings of our brethren; but attend Upon embarcation they left behind them a paan ordinary call thereunto, knowing how much per, which was soon after published, entitled, the Lord may be dishonoured, and his Gospel, " The Humble Request of his Majesty's Loyal and the profession of it, slighted by our distern- Subjects, the Governor and Company lately gone pers and weaknesses in public. for New-England, to the rest of their Brethren in " We bind ourselves to study the advance- and of the Church of England, for the obtaining ment of the Gospel in all truth and peace, both of their Prayers, and removal of Suspicions and in regard of those that are within or without, Misconstructions of their Intentions." \Whereno way slighting our sister churches, but using in theyentreated the reverend fathers and breththeir counsel as need shall be; not laying a ren of the Church of England to recommend stumbling-block befobre any, no, not the Indians, them to the mercies of God in their constant whose good we desire to promote, and so to prayers, as a new church now springing out of converse as we may avoid the very appearance their bowels: "for you are not ignorant," say of evil. they, "that the Spirit of God stirred up the " We do hereby promise to carry ourselves in Apostle Paul to make a continued mention of all lawful obedience to those that are over us the Church of Philippi, which was a colony frioml in Church and commonwealth, knowing how Rome. Let the same Spirit, we beseech you, well-pleasing it will be to the Lord, that they put you in mind, that are the Lord's remnemshould have encouragement in their places by brancers, to pray for us without ceasing; and our not grieving their spirits by our irregulari- what goodness shall extend to us, in this or any ties. other Christian kindness, we, your brethren in "We resolve to approve ourselves to the Christ, shall labour to repay in what duty we Lord in our particular callings, shunning idle- are or shall be able to perform; promising, so ness, as the bane of any state; nor will we deal far as God shall enable us, to give him no rest hardly or oppressingly with any, wherein we on your behalf, wishing our heads and hearts are the Lord's stewards. may be fountains of tears for your everlasting " Promising, also, to the best of our ability, welfare, when we shall be in our poor cottages to teach our children and servants the knowl- in the wilderness, overshadowed with the spirit edge of God, and of his will, that they may of supplication, through the manifold necessities serve him also. And all this not by any strength and tribulations which may not altogether unof our own, but by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose expectedly, nor, we hope, unprofitably befall us." blood we desire may sprinkle this our covenant When it appeared that the planters could made in his name." subsist in their new settlement, great numbers After this, they chose Mr. Skelton their pastor, of their firiends, with their families, flocked after Mr. Higginson their teacher, and Mr. Houghton them every summer. In the succeeding twelve their ruling elder, who were separated to their years of Archbishop Laud's administration, * Neal's History of New-England, p. 126. * Mather's Hist. of New-England, b. iii., p. 74, 76 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 30 there went over about four thousand planters,* of it. It was replied that the doctrine was not who laid the foundation of several little towns gainsaid, but the king had commanded these and villages up and down the country, carrying questions should not be debated, and, therefore, over with them, in materials, money, and cat- his majesty took it more offensively that any tle, &c., not less than to the value of ~192,000, should do it in his own hearing. The bishop besides the merchandise intended for traffic replied that he never understood that his majwith the Indians. Upon the whole, it has been esty had forbidden the handling any doctrine computed that the four settlements of New- comprised in the Articles of the Church, but England, viz., Plymouth, the Massachusetts Bay, only the raising new questions, or putting a Connecticut, and New-Haven, all which were new sense upon them, which he never should accomplished before the beginning of the civil do; that in the king's declaration all the Thirwars, drained England of four or five hundred ty-nine Articles are confirmed, among which thousand pounds in money (a very great sum in the seventeenth, of predestination, is one; that those days); and if the persecution of thePuri- all ministers are obliged to subscribe to the tans had continued twelve years longer, it is truth of this article, and to continue in the true thought that a fourth part of the riches of the profession of that as well as the rest; the bishkingdom would siave passed out of it through op desired it might be shown wherein he had this channel. transgressed his majesty's commands, when he The chief leaders of the people into these had kept himself within'the bounds of the artiparts were the Puritan ministers, who, being cle, and had moved no new or curious queshunted from one diocess to another, at last tions. To which it was replied that it was-the chose this wilderness for their retreat, which king's pleasure that, for the peace of the Church, has proved (through the overruling providence these high questions might be forborne. The of God) a great accession to the strength and bishop then said he was very sorry he undercommerce of these kingdoms. I have before stood not his majesty's intention, and that for me a list of seventy-seven divines, who became the time to come he would conform to his compastors of sundry little churches and congrega- mands.* Upon this he was dismissed without tions in that country before the year 1640, all farther trouble, and was after some time admitof whom were in orders in the Church of Eng- ted to kiss the king's hand, who did not fail to land. The reader will meet with an account remind him that the doctrine of predestination of some of them in the course of this history; was too big for the people's understanding, and, and I must say, though they were not all of the therefore, he was resolved not to give leave for first rank for deep and extensive learning, yet discussing that controversy in the pulpit. Herethey had a better share of it than most of the upon the bishop retired, and was never afterneighbouring clergy; and, which is of more ward in favour at court. consequence, they were men of strict sobriety Soon after, Mr. Madye, lecturer of Christ and virtue; plain, serious, affectionate preach- Church, London, was cited before the High ers, exactly conformable in sentiment to the Commission, and [March 10, 1630] was, by act doctrinal articles of the Church of England, and of court, prohibited to preach any more within took a great deal of pains to promote Christian the diocess of London, because he had disobeyknowledge, and a reformation of manners in ed the king's declaration, by preaching on pretheir several parishes. destination. Dr. Cornelius Burges, Mr. White, To return to England. Though Mr. Dave- the famous Dr. Prideaux, Mr. Hobbes, of Trinnant, the learned Bishop of Salisbury, had de- ity College, and Mr. Cook, of Brazen-nose, with dared for the doctrine of universal redemption others, suffered on the same account. at the Synod of Dort, he was this year brought But Dr. Alexander Leighton, a Scots divine, into trouble for touching upon the point of pre- and father of the worthy and celebrated prelate destination,t in his Lent sermon before the of that name, so highly commended by Bishop king, on Romans, vi., 23, " The gift of God is Burnet in the " History of his Life and Times," eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." met with severe usage in the Star Chamber, This was construed as a contempt of the king's for venturing to write against the hierarchy of injunctions. for which his lordship was two the Church.t This divine had published, dudays after summoned before the privy council, ring the last session of Parliament, an " Appeal where he presented himself upon his knees, and to the Parliament; or, Zion's Plea against so had continued, for any favour he received Prelacy,"I wherein he speaks not only with from any of his own function then present; but the temporal lords bade him rise and stand to t Rushworth, p. 173, 876. his defence. The accusation was managed by t Dr. Harris, who had read by far the greatest Dr. Harsnet, archbishop of York; Laud walk- part of this piece, says that "it was written with ing by all the while in silence, without speak- spirit, and more sense and learning than the writers ing a word. Harsnet put him in mind of his of that stamp usually showed in their productions;" obligations to King James; of the piety of his and adds, " I cannot for my life see anything in it depresent majesty's instructions, and then aggra- serving so heavy a censure."-Life of Charles I., p. rated his contempt of thenii, wiath great vehe- 225. His calling the queen "a daughter of Heth," rated his contempt of them with great vehe- as Mr. Pierce observes, meant no more than that she mence and acrimony. Bishop Davenant re- was a papist. Bishop Tillotson afterward used a plied, with mildness, that he was sorry that an not much better expression concerning foreign popish established doctrine of'the Church should be so princes, without giving any umbrage, in styling distasted; that he had preached nothing but them "the people of these abominations." Such what was expressly contained in the seven- language had much countenance from the taste and teenth article, and was ready to justify the truth spirit of the age. Whitelocke, as well as Heylin, represents Dr. Leighton as charged with exciting the * Mather's Hist. N. E. b. i., p. 17, 23 Parliament to kill all the bishops, and smite them t Fuller, b. xi., p. 138, under the fifth rib; and other writers have repeated 302 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. freedom, but with very great rudeness and in- not yet cured, he was whipped again at the plldecency against bishops; calling them "men lory in Cheapside, and had the remainder of his of blood," and saying " that we do not read of sentence executed upon him, by cutting off the a greater persecution and higher indignities other ear, slitting the other side of the nose, and done towards God's people in any nation than branding the other cheek."* He was then carin this, since the death of Queen Elizabeth." ried back to prison, where he continued in close He calls the prelacy of the Church " anti-Chris- confinement for ten years, till he was released tian." He declaims vehemently against the by the Long Parliament.t The doctor was becanons and ceremonies; and adds, that "the tween forty and fifty years of age, of a low statChurch has her laws from the Scripture, and ure, a fair complexion, and well known for his that no king may make laws for the house learning and other abilities: but his long and of God." He styles the queen a daughter of close confinement had so impaired his health, Heth, and concludes with saying what a pity it that when he was released he could hardly is that so ingenious and tractable a king should walk, see, or hear. The sufferings of this learnbe so monstrously. abused by the bishops, to ed man moved the people's compassion; and, I the undoing of himself and his subjects. Now, believe, the records of the Inquisition can hardthough the warmth of these expressions can no ly furnish an example of equal severity. ways be justified, yet let the reader consider To make the distance between the Church and whether they bear any proportion to the sen- the Puritans yet wider, and the terms of contence of the court. The cause was tried June formity more difficult, Bishop Laud introduced 4, 1630. The defendant, in his answer, owned sundry pompous innovations in imitation of the writing of the book, denying any ill inten- popery, that had no foundation in the laws of tion, his design being only to lay these things the realm or the canons of the Church. These before the next Parliament for their considera- were enforced both upon clergy and laity, with tion. Nevertheless, the court adjudged unan- all the terrors of the High Commission, to the imously that for this offence " the doctor should ruin of many families, and the raising very great be committed to the prison of the Fleet for life, disturbances in all parts of the kingdom. and pay a fine of ~10,000; that the High Com- St. Katherine Creed Church, in the city of mission should degrade him from his ministry; London, having been lately repaired, was susand that then he should be brought to the pil- pended from all Divine service till it was again lory at Westminster, while the court was sit- consecrated; the formality of which being very ting, and be whipped; after whipping, be set extraordinary, may give us an idea of the superupon the pillory a convenient time, and have stition of this prelate. On Sunday, January 16, one of his ears cut off, one side of his nose slit, 1630, Bishop Laud came thither about nine in and be branded in the face with a double S. S. the morning, attended with several of the High for a sower of sedition: that then he should Commission, and some civilians.T At his apbe carried back to prison, and after a few days proach to the west door of the church, which be pilloried a second time in Cheapside, and be was shut and guarded by halberdiers, some, who there likewise whipped, and have the other were appointed for that purpose, cried with a side of his nose slit, and his other ear cut off, loud voice, "& Open, open, ye everlasting doors, and then be shut up in close prison for the re- that the King of glory may come in;" and presmainder of his life." Bishop Laud pulled off his ently, the doors being opened, the bishop, with cap while this merciless sentence was pronouncing, some doctors and principal men, entered. As and gave God thanks for it! soon as they were come within the place, his Between passing the sentence and execution, lordship fell down upon his knees, and with eyes the doctor made his escape from prison, but lifted up, and his arms spread abroad, said, was retaken in Bedfordshire, and brought back " This place is holy; the ground is holy: in the to the Fleet. On Friday, November 6, part of name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I the sentence was executed upon him, says Bish- pronounce it holy." Then walking up the midop Laud in his diary, after this manner: " He dle aisle towards the chancel, he took up some was severely whipped before he was put in the of the dust, and threw it into the air several pillory. 2. Being set in the pillory, he had one times. When he approached near the rail of of his ears cut off. 3. One side of his nose slit. the communion-table, he bowed towards it five 4. Branded on the cheek with a redhot iron with or six times, and returning, went round the the letters S. S. On that day sevennight, his church with his attendants in procession, saying sores upon his back, ear, nose, and face being first the hundredth, and then the nineteenth the accusation; a circumstance not noticed by Mr. Psalm, as prescribed by the Roman pontificate. Neal. It appears to be ungrounded, for Mr. Pierce He then read several collects, in one of which could not find it in the books, but only a call on the he prays God to accept of that beautiful buildParliament utterly to root out the hierarchy. Nor did ing, and concludes thus: " We consecrate this it form any one of the articles of information against church, and separate it unto thee as holy ground, Dr. Leighton in the Star Chamber.-Pierce's Vindi- not to be profaned any more to common use." cation, p. 177; and Rushworth, vol. i., p. 55. It great. In another he prays " that all that should herely aggravated the injustice and cruelty of the sen- after be buried within the circuit of this holy tence passed on him, that his book was printed for and sacred place may rest in their sepulchres the use of the Parliament only, and not in England, ac but in Holland. The heads were previously sane- in peace, till Christ's coming to judgment, and tioned by the approbation of five hundred persons un- may then rise to eternal life and happiness."6 der their hands, whereof some were members of Par- After this, the bishop, sitting under a cloth of liament. And when the Parliament was dissolved he returned, without bringing any copies of it into * Rushworth's Collections, vol. i., p. 57, 58. the land, but made it his special care to suppress t Pierce, p. 179-181. them.-A Letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Holling t Rushworth, vol. i., p. 77. worth, printed at Amsterdam, 1692, p. 23.-ED. ( Prynne's Complete History, p. 114. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 30. state in the aisle of the chancel, near the cornm- dice a Divine presence or gloiy into the place, munion-table, took a written book in his hand, as was in the temple of old: where is their and pronounced curses upon those who should commission? or what example have we of this thereafter profane that holy place by musters of kind in the New Testament? The synagogues soldiers, or keeping profane law-courts, or car- of the Jews were not consecrated in this manrying burdens through it, and at the end of every ner; nor was the temple of Solomon consecracurse he bowed to the east, and said, "Let all ted by a priest, but by a king. Our Saviour the people say. Amen." When the curses were tells his disciples, "that wheresoever two or ended, which were about twenty, he pronounced three of them should be gathered together in a like number of blessings upon all who had any his name, he would be in the midst of them:" hand in framing and building of that sacred and and the woman of Samaria, " that the hour was beautiful edifice, and on those who had given, coming, when neither at that mountain, nor at or should hereafter give, any chalices, plate, or- Jerusalem, they should worship the Father." naments, or other utensils; and at the end of Besides, the changes made by time and various every blessing he bowed to the east, and said, accidents in towns and cities render it impos-' "Let all the people say, Amen." After this sible to prevent the alienation or profanation ol followed the sermon, and then the sacrament, holy ground: for, to look no farther than the which the bishop consecrated, and administered city of London, would it not be very hard if all after the following manner: the curses that Bishop Laud pronounced in As he approached the altar, he made five or Creed Church should rest upon those who live six low bows, and coming up to the side of it, in houses built by act of Parliament, in places where the bread and wine were covered, he where there were consecrated churches or bowed seven times; then, after reading many churchyards before the fire of London? Archprayers, he came near the bread, and gently bishop Parker, therefore, in his "Antiquitates lifting up the corner of the napkin, beheld it, Ecclesie Britan.," p. 85,86, condemns this pracand immediately letting fall the napkin, retreat- tice as superstitious; nor was there any form for ed hastily a step or two, and made three low it in the public offices of the Church. But this obeisances. His lordship then advanced, and being objected to Archbishop Laud at his trial, having uncovered the bread, bowed three times as an evidence of his inclination to popery, we as before; then laid his hand on the cup, which shall there see his grace's defence, with the was full of wine, with a cover upon it, which learned reply of the House of Commons, conhaving let go, he stepped back, and bowed three cerning the antiquity of consecrating churches. times towards it; then came near again, and A proclamation had been published last year, lifting up the cover of the cup, looked into it, " commanding the archbishops and bishops to and seeing the wine, he let fall the cover again, take special care that the parish churches in retired back, and bowed as before: after which their several diocesses, being places consecrathe elements were consecrated, and the bishop, ted to the worship of God, be kept in decent having first received, gave it to some principal repair, and to make use of the power of the ecmen in their surplices, hoods, and tippets; to- clesiastical court to oblige the parishioners to wards the conclusion, many prayers being said, this part of their duty."* The judges were also the solemnity of the consecration ended. required not to interrupt this good work by He consecrated St. Giles's Church in the too easily granting prohibitions from the spiritsame manner, which had been repaired, and ual courts. It seems sundry churches since part of it new built in his predecessor's (Bishop the Reformation were fallen to decay; and Mountain) time.* Divine service had been per- some that had been defaced by the pulling down formed, and the sacrament administered in it of images, and other popish relics, had not been for three or four years since that time without decently repaired, the expense being too heavy exception; but as soon as Laud was advanced for the poorer country parishes; it was thereto the bishopric of London, he interdicted the fore thought necessary to oblige them to their church, and prohibited Divine service therein, duty; and ounder colour of this proclamation, till it should be reconsecrated, which is more Laud introduced many of the trappings and decthan even the canon law requires. Sundry orations of popery, and punished those minisother chapels and churche~, which had been ters in the High Commission Court that venbuilt long since, were, by the bishop's direction, tured to write or preach against them. likewise shut up till they were consecrated in His lordship began with his own Cathedral this manner-as Immanuel Chapel, in Cam- of St. Paul's, for repairing and beautifying of bridge, built 1584 Sidney College Chapel, built which a subscription and contribution were ap1596, and several others. pointed over the whole kingdom. Several housThis method of consecrating churches was es and shops adjoining the Cathedral were, by new to the people of England, and in the opin- injunction of council, ordered to be pulled down ion of the first Reformers, superstitious and and the owners to accept a reasonable satisfacabsurd; for though it is reasonable there should tion; but if they would not comply, the sheriff be public buildings reserved and set apart for of London was required to see them demolished. public worship, and that at the first opening of The Church of St. Gregory was pulled down. them prayers should be offered for a Divine and the inhabitants assigned to Christ Church, blessing on the ordinances of Christ that may where they were to assemble for the future. at any time be administered in them, yet have The bishop's heart was in this work, and to we not the least ground to believe that bisph- support the expense, he gave way to many opops or other dignitaries of the Church can, by pressions and unjustifiable methods of raising their declaration or form of prayer, hallow the money, by compositions with recusants, combuilding, or make the ground holy, or intro- mutation of penance, exorbitant fines in the * Prynne, Cant. Doom, p. 117. * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 86. 304 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Star (Jhamber and High Commission, insomuch oned among the beauties of the sanctuary. "BJut that it became a proverb that St. Paul's was re- thesefopperies," says Bishop Kennet, " did not, paired with the sins of the people. Before the perhaps, gain over one papist, but lost both the year 1640, above ~113,000 were expended there- king and bishops the hearts and affections of on, with which the body of the church was fin- the Protestant part of the nation, and were (as ished, and the steeple scaffolded. There was his lordship observes) contrary to Queen Elizalso a stately portico built at the west end, sup- abeth's injunctions, 1559, which appoint that ported with pillars of the Corinthian order, and all candlesticks, trentals, rolls of wax, pictures, embellished with the statues of King James and paintings, &c., be removed out of churches."* King Charles; but the rebuilding the spire and However, Bishop Laud was mightily enamthe inside decorations miscarried by the break- oured with them, and as soon as he was transing out of the civil war.* lated to Lambeth, repaired the painting in the What these decorations and ornaments of windows of that chapel, in one pane of which paintings, carvings, altars, crucifixes, candle- had been the picture of Christ crucified, with a sticks, images, vestments, &c., would have scull and dead men's bones under it, a basket been, can only be guessed by the fashion of the full of tools and nails, with the high-priest and times, and by the scheme that.was now formed his officers on horseback, and the two thieves to recover and repair the broken relics of su- on foot. In the next were the two thieves on'perstition and idolatry which the Reformation crosses, Abraham offering up his son Isaac, had left, or to set up others in imitation of and the brazen serpent on a pole. In other them; for though the Reformation of Queen panes were the pictures of Christ rising out of Elizabeth had destroyed a great many monu- the grave and ascending up into heaven, with ments of this kind, yet some were left entire, his disciples kneeling about him-the descent and others very little defaced.t In the Cathe- of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles in the dral of Canterbury, over the door of the choir, shape of cloven tongues-God, giving the law remained thirteen images, or statues of stone, upon Mount Sinai; his coming down from twelve of them representing the twelve apos- heaven at the prayer of Elisha - Christ and tles, and the thirteenth, in the middle of them, his twelve apostles sitting in judgment on the our Saviour Christ. Over these were twelve world. In other parts of the church were paintother images of popish saints. In the several ed the Virgin Mary, with the babe Christ suckwindows of the Cathedral were painted the pic- ing at her breast-the wise men of the East ture of St. Austin the monk, the first bishop of coming to adore him-the history of the Anthat see, and seven large pictures of the Virgin nunciation, with the picture of the Virgin Mary, Mary, with angels lifting her up to heaven, with and of the Holy Ghost overshadowing her, tothis inscription: " Gaude Maria, sponsa Dei." gether with the birth of Christ. All which havUnder the Virgin Mary's feet were the sun, ing been defaced at the Reformation, were now moon, and stars, and in the bottom of the restored, according to the Roman missal, and window this inscription:" In laudem & honor- beautified at the archbishop's cost. The like em beatissimme Virginis." Besides these were reparations of paintings, pictures, and crucifixmany pictures of God the Father, and of the es were made in the king's chapel at WhiteHoly Ghost, and of our Saviour lying in a man- hall, Westminster Abbey, and both the univerger, and a large image of Thomas Becket, and sities, as was objected to the archbishop at his others, all which were taken away by the Long trial, where the reader will meet with his Parliament. grace's defence of their lawfulness and antiIn the Cathedral of Durham there was an al- quity. The Puritans apprehended these decotar of marble stone set upon columns decorated rations of churches tended to image-worship, with cherubim, pictures, and images, which and were directly contrary to the homily of the cost above ~2000. There were three statues peril of idolatry; their ministers, therefore, of stone in the church; one standing in the preached and wrote against them, and in some midst, representing Christ with a golden beard, places removed them, for which they were sea blue cap, and sun-rays upon his head, as the verely handled in the High Commission. record of Parliament says, though Dr. Cosins, Bishop Laud had been chosen Chancellor of in his vindication, says it was mistaken for the Oxford last year (April 12th, 1630), where the top of Bishop Hatfield's tomb. There was also Puritans soon gave him some disturbance. Mr. an image of God the Father, and many other Hill, of Hart Hall, Mr. Ford, of Magdalen Hall, carved images, pictures, &c., which the pres- Mr. Giles Thorne, of Baliol College, and Mr. tint dignitaries of the Cathedral held in profound Giles Hodges, of Exeter College, were charged admiration; and, to keep up the pomp, they with preaching against Arminianism and the bought copes of mass priests, with crucifixes new ceremonies, in their sermons at St. Mary's. and images of the Trinity embroidered upon Hill made a public recantation, and was quickthem. They had consecrated knives to cut the ly released; but the very texts of the others, sacramental bread, and great numbers of light- says Mr. Fuller,t gave offence: one preached ed candles upon the altars on Sundays and on Numbers, xiv., 4, " Let us make us a capsaints' days. On Candlemas Day there were tain, and let us return into Egypt;" and anoth?no less than two hundred, whereof sixty were er on 1 Kings, xiii., 2, " And he cried against upon and about the altar,T all which were reck- the altar in the word of the Lord, and said, O altar, altar," &c. These divines being con~ Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 751. vened before the vice-chancellor, Dr. Smith, as t Parl. Chron., p. 101. offenders against the king's instructions, apX The Puseyites of England, the glorifiers of pealed from the vice-chancellor to the proctors, Laud, are faithfully treading in his'steps, and there are now to be seen, in many of the churches, can- * Cant. Doom, p. 59-61. dies at the altar.-C. t Church Hist., b. xi., p. 141. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 305 who received their appeal. Upon this the and inducted into that living soon after.* But chancellor complained to the king, and procured here he was silenced for nonconformity, as in the cause to be heard before his majesty at the year 1590, in the year 1605, and again in WNoodstock, August 23, when the following the year 1611, under which last suspension he sentence was passed upon them: "That Mr. continued many years. In the year 1613 he Ford, Thorne, and Hodges be expelled the was enjoined by the High Commission not to University; that both the proctors be deprived preach, or exercise any part of the ministerial of their places for accepting the appeal; and function, till he should be restored. In the that Dr. Prideaux, rector of Exeter College, year 1615 he was committed to the Fleet by and Dr. Wilkinson, principal of Magdalen Hall, the High Commission for refusing the oath ex receive a sharp admonition for their misbeha- officio, where he continued three months, and viour in this business."* Mr. Thorne and was then released upon bond. In November, Hodges, after a year's deprivation, desiring to be 1616, the High Commission proceeded against restored, preached a recantation sermon, and him, and pronounced him refractory and disoread a written submission in the convocation- bedient to the orders, rites, and ceremonies of house on their bended knees, before the doe- the Church; and because he refused to contors and regents;t but Mr. Ford, making no form, declared him a schismatic, fined him address to be restored, returned to his friends ~2000, excommunicated him, and ordered him in Devonshire; and being like to be chosen to be attached and committed to prison, that lecturer or vicar of Plymouth, the inhabitants he might be degraded of *his ministry-; but were required not to choose him, upon pain of Mr. Hildersham wisely absconded, and kept out his majesty's high displeasure; and, in case he of the way. In the year 1625 he was restored was chosen, the Bishop of Exeter was com- to his living; but when Laud had the ascendmanded not to admit him. ant, he was silenced again for not reading DiMr. Crowder, vicar of Vell, near Nonsuch, vine service in the surplice and hood, and was was about this time committed close prisoner not restored till a few months before his death. to Newgate for sixteen weeks, and then depri- Though he was a Nonconformist in principle, ved by the High Commission, without any ar- as appears by his last will and testament, yet tides exhibited against him, or any proof of a he was a person of great temper and moderacrime. It was pretended that matters against tion:t he loved and respected all good men, him were so foul, that they were not fit to be and opposed the separation of the Brownists read in court; but then they ought to have been and the semi-separation of Mr. Jacob. His leccertified to him, that he might have had an op- tures on the fifty-first Psalm, and his other printportunity to disprove or confess them, which ed works, as well as the encomiums of Dr. Wilcould not be obtained. Mr. Crowder was a pi- let and Dr. Preston, show him to have been a ous man, and preached twice a day, which was most excellent divine: what a pity was it that an unpardonable crime so near the court. his usefulness in the Church should be so long Sundry eminent divines removed to New- interrupted! He died, March 4, 1631, in the England this year; and, among others, the fa- sixty-ninth year of his age, having been minismous Dr. Eliot, the apostle of the Indians, who, ter of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, as the times would not being allowed to teach school in his native suffer him, above forty-three years. country, retired to America, and spent a long Mr. Robert Bolton was born at B1lackburn, and useful life in converting the natives, and, in Lancashire, 1572, educated first in. Lincoln with indefatigable pains, translated the Bible College, and afterward in Brazennose College, into the Indian language.$ Oxford, of which he was a fellow. Here he Two very considerable Puritan divines were became famous for his lectures in moral and also removed into the other world by death, natural philosophy, being an excellent Grecian,T viz., Mr. Arthur Hildersham, born at Stech- and well versed in school divinity, while he worth, Cambridgeshire, October 6th, 1563, and continued a profane, wicked man. During his educated in Christ's College, Cambridge, of an residence at college he contracted an acquaintancient and honourable family; his mother, ance with one Anderton, a popish priest, who, Anne Poole, being niece to the cardinal of that taking advantage of his mean circumstances, name. His father educated him in the popish would have persuaded him to reconcile himself religion, and because he would not go to Rome to the Church of Rome, and go over to one of at fourteen or fifteen years of age, disinherited the popish seminaries in Flanders. -Mr. Bolhim: but the Earl of Huntingdon, his near kins- ton accepted the motion, and appointed a place man, provided for him, sending him to Cam- of meeting to conclude the affair; but And'erbridge, where he proceeded M.A., and entered ton disappointing him, he returned to the colinto holy orders. In the year 1587 he was lege, and fell under strong convictions for his placed by his honourable kinsman above men- former misspent life, so that he could neither tioned at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, in Leicestershire, eat nor sleep, nor enjoy any peace of mind for several months, till at length, by prayer and * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 110. humiliation, he received comfort. Upon this t Prynne, Cant. Doom, p. 175. $ For the interesting details connected with the * Clarke's Life of Hildersham, annexed to his labours of this apostolic minister of Christ, I would General Martyrology, p. 114 refer to his life in my friend Dr. Sparks's admirable t" He dissented not from the Church in any artiseries of American Biography, and to a memoirin the cle of faith, but only about wearing the surplice, bap-'Lives of EminentMissionaries, by John Carne, Esq." tizing with the cross, and kneeling at the sacraEliot's Bible is now become exceedingly rare; few ment." —Granger's History of England, voI.:i., p. 371, perfect copies are to be.met with. A fine copy was 8vo.-ED. sold at the auction of the late Rev. Dr. Thaddeus $ The Greek language was so familiar:to him,. that Mason Harris's library, for thirty-nine dollars, to Mr. he could speak itwith almost as muchfacility as his Winthrop, of Boston.-C. mother tongue.-ED. VOL. I.-Q Q 306 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. he resolved to enter upon the ministry, in the and forty-five parish churches appropriated to thirty-fifth year of this age. About two years cathedrals, or to colleges, or impropriated as after he was presented to the living of Brough- lay fees to private persons, having formerly beton, in Northamptonshire, where he continued longed to abbeys. The gentlemen above mentill his death. He was a most awakening and tioned dealt only in the latter, and had already authoritative preacher, having the most strong, bought in thirteen impropriations, which cost masculine, and oratorical style of any of the between ~5000 and ~6000. Most people thought age in which he lived. He preached twice this a very laudable design, and wished the feofevery Lord's Day, besides catechising. Upon fees good success; but Bishop Laud looked on every holyday, and every Friday, before the them with an evil eye, and represented them to sacrament, he expounded a chapter: his con- the king as in a conspiracy against the Church, stant course was to pray six times a day, twice because, instead of restoring the impropriations in secret, twice with his family, and twice they purchased to the several livings, they kept with his wife, besides many days of private hu- them in their own hands for the encouragement miliation that he observed for the Protestant of factious and seditious lecturers, who were to churches in Germany. He was of comely, depend upon their patrons as being liable to be grave presence, which commanded respect in turned out if they neglected their duty.* He all companies; zealous in the cause of religion, added, farther, that the feoffees preferred chiefand yet so prudent as to escape being called in ly Nonconformist ministers, and placed them in question all the time he lived in Northampton- the most popular market towns, where they did a shire. At length he was seized with a tertian great deal ofmischiefto the hierarchy. For these ague, which, after fifteen weeks, put a period to reasons an information was brought against his valuable and useful life, December 17, 1631, them in the exchequer by Mr. Attorney-general in the sixtieth year of his age. He made a Noy, as an illicit society formed into a body most devout and exemplary end, praying heart- corporate without a grant from the king, for ily for all his friends that came to see him; the purchasing rectories, tithes, prebendaries, bidding them make sure of heaven, and bear in &c., which were registered in a book, and the mind what he had formerly told them in his profits not employed according to law. ministry, protesting that what he had preached The defendants appeared, and in their anto them for twenty years was the truth of God, swer declared that they apprehended improas he should answer it at the tribunal of Christ. priations in the hands of laymen, and not emHe then retired within himself, and said, Hold ployed for the maintenance of preachers, were out faith and patience, your work will speedily a damage to the Church; that the purchasbe at an end. The Oxford historian* calls him ing of them for the purposes of religion was a a most religious and learned Puritan, a painful pious work, and not contrary to law, it being and constant preacher, a person of great zeal notorious that impropriations are frequently towards God, charitable and bountiful, but, bought and sold by private persons; that the above all, an excellent casuist for afflicted con- donors of this money gave it for this and such sciences; his eloquent and excellent writings other good uses as the defendants should think will recommend his memory to the latest pos- meet, and not for the endowment of perpetual terity.t vicars; that they had not converted any of the About the year 1627 there was a scheme money to their own use, nor erected themselves formed by several gentlemen and ministers to into a body corporate; and that to their knowlpromote preaching in the country by setting up edge they had never presented any to a church, lectures in the several market towns of Eng- or a place in their disposal, who was not conland, and to defray the expense a sum of money formable to the doctrine and discipline of the was raised by voluntary contribution for the Church of England, and approved of by the orpurchasing such impropriations as were in the dinary of the place. But, notwithstanding all hands of the laity, the profits of which were to they could say, the court was of opinion that be parcelled out into salaries of ~40 or ~50 their proceedings were contrary to law, and deper annum for the subsistence of their lectu- creed that their feoffment should be cancelled; rers; the money was deposited in the hands of that the impropriations they had purchased the following ministers and gentlemen, in trust should be confiscated to the king, and the feoffor the aforesaid purposes, under the name and fees themselves fined in the Star Chamber; character of feoffees, viz., Dr. William Gouge, however, the prosecution was dropped as too inDr. Sibbs, Dr. Offspring, and Mr. Davenport, of vidious, it appearing in court, by the receipts the clergy; Ralph Eyre and Simon Brown, and disbursements, that the feoffees were out of Esqrs., of Lincoln's Inn, and C. Sherman, of pocket already ~1000. The odium of this prosGray's Inn, and John White, of the Middle ecution fell upon Laud, whose chancellor told Temple, Esqrs., lawyers; Mr. John Gearing, him upon this occasion, that he was miserably Mr. Richard Davis, Mr. G. Harwood, and Mr. censured by the Separatists; upon which he Francis Bridges, citizens of London. There made this reflection in his diary, " Pray God were at this time three thousand eight hundred give me patience, and forgive them." * Athenae Oon., vol. i., p. 479, see also Fuller's But his lordship'had very little patience with Abel Oxon., vol. i. p. 479; see also Fuller's those who opposed his proceedings. We have t When he lay at the point of death, one of his seen his zeal for pictures and paintings in friends, taking him by the hand, asked him if he churches, which some of the Puritans ventuwas not in great pain: " Truly," said he, "the great- ring to censure in their sermons and writings, est pain I feel is your cold hand," and instantly ex- were exposed to the severest punishments: pired. His book "On Happiness" was the most celebrated of his works, and has gone through many * Fuller's Church History, b. xi., p. 136. A ppea4l editions.-Granger's History of England, vol.: i., p. p. 13. Prynne, p. 379, 385. Rushworth, vol. i., part 365. 8vo: and Fuller's Abel Redivivus, p. 591.-ED. ii., p. 150. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 307 among these was the Rev. Mr. John Hayden, I fected to the discipline of the Church, he, with of Devonshire, who, being forced to abscond, certain confederates, without consent of the was apprehended in the diocess of Norwich by bishops, had defaced and pulled down a fair and Bishop Harsnet, who, after he had taken from costly window in the church, containing the him his horse and money, and all his papers, history of the creation, which had stood there caused him to be shut up in close prison for some hundred years, and was a great ornament thirteen weeks,* after which, when the justices to it, which profane act might give encouragewould have admitted him to bail at the quarter- ment to other schismatical persons to commit sessions, his lordship sent him up to the High the like outrages." Commission, who deprived him of his ministry Mr. Sherfield, in his defence, says that the and orders, and set a fine upon him for preach- Church of St. Edmund's was a lay fee, and exing against decorations and images in churches. empted from the jurisdiction of the bishop of In the year 1634, Mr. Hayden venturing to the diocess, and the defendant, with the rest of preach occasionally without being restored, was the parishioners, had lawful power to take down apprehended again, and sent to the Gate-house the glass; and that it was agreed by a vestry by Archbishop Laud, and from thence to Bride- that the glass should be changed, and the winwell, where he was whipped and kept to hard dow made new, and that accordingly he took labour; here he was confined in a cold, dark down a quarry or two in a quiet and peaceable dungeon during a whole winter, being chained manner; but he avers that the true history of to a post in the middle of the room, with irons the creation was not contained in that window, on his hands and feet, having no other food but but a false and impious one: God the Father bread and water, and a pad of straw to lie on. was painted like an old man with a blue coat, Before his release, he was obliged to take an and a pair of compasses, to signify his compassoath, and give bond, that he would preach no ing the heavens and earth. In the fourth day's more, but depart the kingdom in a month, and work there were fowls of the air flying up from not return. Bishop Harsnet did not live to see God their maker, which should have been the the execution of this part of the sentence,t fifth day. In the fifth day's work a naked matid though for his zeal against the Puritans he was is lying upon the earth asleep, with so much of promoted to the archbishopric of York, and a naked woman as from the knees upward made a privy-councillor. Some time before his growing out of his side, which should have decease he not only persecuted the Noncon- been the sixth day; so that the history is false. formists, but complained of the conformable Pu- Farther, this defendant holds it to be impious ritans, as he called them, because they complied to make an image or picture of God the Father, out of policy and not in judgment. How hard is which he undertakes to prove from Scripture, the case when men shall be punished for not con- from canons and councils, from the mandates forming, and be complained of if they conform! and decrees of sundry emperors, from the opinQueen Elizabeth used to say she would never ions of ancient doctors of the Church, and of trouble herself about the consciences of her our most judicious divines since the Reformasubjects if they did but outwardly comply with tion. He adds, that his belief is agreeable to the the laws, whereas this prelate would ransack doctrine of the Church of England and to the the very heart. homilies, which say that pictures of God are Henry Sherfield, Esq., a bencher of Lincoln's monuments of superstition, and ought to be deInn, and recorder of the city of Sarum, was stroyed; and to Queen Elizabeth's injunctions, tried in the Star Chamber, May 20, 1632,$ for which command that all pictures and monutaking down some painted glass out of one of ments of idolatry should be removed out of the windows of St. Edmund's Church, in Salis- churches, that no memory of them might remain bury, in which were seven pictures of God the in walls, glass windows, or elsewhere; which inFather in form of a little old man in a blue and junction is confirmed by the canons of the 13th of red coat, with a pouch by his side: one repre- Elizabeth. Mr. Sherfield concludes his defence sents him creating the sun and moon with a with denying that he was disaffected to the pair of compasses, others as working on the discipline of the Church of England, or had enbusiness of the six days' creation, and at last couraged any to oppose the government of it he sits in an elbow-chair at rest.~ Many sim- under the reverend bishops. ple people, at their going in and out of church, Though it is hard to make a tolerable reply did reverence to this window (as they say), be- to this defence, yet Bishop Laud stood up and cause the Lord their God was there. This gave spake in excuse of the painter, saying, God the such offence to the recorder, who was also a Father was called in Scripture the Ancient of justice of peace, that he moved the parish at a Days; adding, however, that for his own part vestry for leave to take it down, and set up a he did not so well approve of pictures of things new window of white glass in the place, which invisible; but be the paintings better or worse, was accordingly granted, six justices of the he insisted strongly that Mr. Sherfield had peace being present. Some time after, Mr. taken them down in contempt of the episcopal Sherfield broke with his staff the pictures of authority, for which he moved that he might God the Father, in order to new glaze the win- be fined ~1000 and removed from his recorderdow, an account of which being transmitted to ship of the city of Sarum; that he be com London, an information was exhibited against mitted close prisoner to the Fleet till he pay him in the Star Chamber, February 8, 1632-3. his fine, and then be bound to his good behaThe information sets forth, " that being evil af- viour. To all which the court agreed, except to the fine, which was mitigated to ~500. t Usurpation of Prelates, p. 161, 162. t Fuller's Church History, b. xi., p. 144. The Reverend Mr. John Workman, lecturer t Rushworth, part ii., vol. i., p. 153-156. of St. Stephen's Church, Gloucester, in one of a Prynne's Cant. Doom, p. 102. his sermons, asserted that pictures or images 308 HIS;TORXY OF THE PURITANS. were no ornaments to churches; that it was a standing nursery for Nonconformity and unlawful to set up images of Christ or saints schism." These proposals were despatched to in. our houses, because it tended to idolatry, ac- the factories, and the bishop wrote in particular cording to the homily.* For this he was sus- to Delft, that it was his majesty's express pended by. the High Commission, excommuni- command that their ministers should conform cated, and obliged to an open recantation in the themselves in all things to the doctrine and court at. Lamb eth, in the Cathedral of Glouces- discipline of the Church of England, and to all ter, and;in the Church of St. Michael's; he the orders prescribed in the canons, rubric, and was also condemned in costs of suit, and ima- liturgy, and that the names of such as were reprisoned. Mr. Workman was a man of great fractory should be sent over to him. But it piety, wisdom, and moderation, and had served was not possible to succeed in the attempt, bethe Church of St. Stephen's fifteen years; in cause most of the English -cogregations, being consideration whereof, and of his numerous supported by -the States, must, by so doing, family, the city of Gloucester had given him an have run the hazard of losing their mainteannuity of ~20 per annum, under their common nance and of being dissolved, as was representseal, a little before his troubles, but for this act ed to the king by a petition in the name of all of charity the mayor, town-clerk,'and several the English ministers in the Low Countries. of the aldermen were cited before the High However, though the bishop could not accomCommission and put to ~100 charges, and the plish his designs abroad, we shall find him annuity was.cancelled. After this Mr. Work-:hereafter retaliating his disappointment upon man set uip a little school, of which Archbishop the French and Dutch churches at home. Laud being informed, inhibited him, as he would His lordship met with better success in Scotanswer the contrary at his peril. He then fell land for the present, as being part of his majesupon the practice of physic, which the arch- ty's own dominions. He had possessed the bishop likewise absolutely forbid; so that, be- king with vast notions of glory in bringing the ing deprived of all methods of subsistence, he Kirk of Scotland to an exact conformity with fell into a melancholy disorder and died. England; a work which his father had attemptOur bishop was no less watchful over the ed, but left imperfect. The king readily fell ill press than the pulpit, commanding his chap- with the bishop's motion, and determined to lains to expunge out of all books that came to run all hazards for accomplishing this important be licensed such passages as,disallowed of design, having no less veneration for the cerepaintings, carvings, drawings, gildings; erect- monies of the Church of England:than the bishop ing, bowing, or praying before images and pic- himself. There had been bishops in Scotland tures, ias appeared by the evidence of Dr. Feat- for some years, but they had little more than ly;and lothers at his trial. the name, being subject to an assembly that was This great prelate would have stretched out purely Presbyterian. To advance their jurishis arm not only against the Puritans in Eng- diction, the king had already renewed the High land,'but even to reach the factories beyond Commission, and abolished all general assemsea, had it been in his power. The English blies of the Kirk, not one:having been held in churchat Hamburgh managed their affairs ac- his reign; yet still, says the noble historian, cording to the-Geneva discipline, by elders and there was no form of religion, no liturgy, nor deacons. In Holland they conformed to the the least appearance of any beauty of holiness. discipline of -the States, and met them in their To redress these grievances, as well as to show synods and assemblies with the consent of the Scots nation the pomp and grandeur of the King James and of his present majesty, till Sec- English hierarchy, his majesty resolves upon a retary-Widebank, at the instance of this prel- progress into his native country to be crowned, ate, offered some proposals to the privy council and, accordingly, set out from London, May 13, for their better:regulation;t the proposals con- attended by several noblemen and persons of sisted of ten articles: "1. That all chaplains quality, and, among others, by Bishop Laud. of English regiments in the Low Countries June 18 [1633] his majesty was crowned at shall be exactly conformable to the Church of Edinburgh, the ceremony being managed by the England. 2. That the merchants residing there direction of his favourite bishop, who thrust shall admit of no minister to preach among away the Bishop of Glasgow from his place them but:one qualified as before. 3. That if because he appeared without the coat of his any one, after his settlement among them, prove order, which, being an embroidered one, he scrua Nonconformist, he shall be discharged in three pled to wear, being a moderate churchman.* months. 4. That the Scots factories shall be On the 20th of June the Parliament met, and obliged to the same conformity. 5. That no: voted the king a large sum of money. After minister abroad shall speak, preach, or print which his majesty proposed to them two acts anything'to the disadvantage of the English relating to religion; one was:concerning his discipline and ceremonies. 6. That no Con- royal prerogative, and the apparel of kirkmen; formist minister shall substitute a Nonconform- the other, a bill for the ratification;of former ist to preach'for him in the factories. 7. That the king's agents shall see the service of the * Rushworth, part ii., vol. i., p. 182. "It was proposed that, during the ceremony, the king should Church of England exactly performed in the bpored on each side by the Archbishops of factories. The last articles forbid the English St.Andrew's and Glasgow. The latter prelatebeing ministers in'Holland to hold any:classical as- inclined to the tenets of the Puritans, appeared in semblies, and, especially, not to ordain minis- the procession without his episcopal robes. The ters, because by so doing they would maintain'high churchman, -Laud, actually thrust him from the king's side.' Are you a chrTchman,' he said, * Prynne, p. 107, 109.' and want the coat of your order?' "-Jesse's Court t Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 752, 753. Prynne's of the Stuarts, vol. ii., p. 381. See, also, Clareidon, Cant. Doom, p. 389. vol. i., p. 81.-C. HISTORY OF TAIE PURITANS. 309 acts touching religion. It being the custom in the Scots clergy, and his high behavioariin fa Scotland for kings, Lords, and Commons to sit vour of the English ceremonies. His majesty in one house, when the question was put for was attended throughout his whole progress by the first bill, his majesty took a paper out of his Laud, bishop of London, which service his lordpocket and said, "Gentlemen, I have all your ship was not obliged to, and no doubt would names here, and I will know who will do me have been excused from, if the design of introservice, and who will not, this day." Never- ducing the English liturgy into Scotland had not theless, it was carried in the negative; thirteen been in view.* He preached before the king in lords, and the majority of the Commons, voting the royal chapel at Edinburgh, which scarce any against it. The Lords said they agreed to the Englishman had ever done before, and insisted act as far as related to his majesty's preroga- principally upon the benefit of the ceremonies tive, but dissented from that part of it which of the Church, which he himself observed to referred to the apparel of kirkmen, fearing that the height. It went against him to own the -under that cover the surplice might be intro- Scots presbyters for ministers of Christ; taking duced. But his majesty said he would have no all occasions to affront their character, which distinction, and commanded them to say yes or created a high disgust in that nation, and laid no to the whole bill. The king marked every the foundation of those resentments that they man's vote, and upon casting them up the clerk expressed against him under his sufferings. declared it was carried in the affirnative; which When the king left Scotland, he erected a some of the members denying, his majesty said new bishopric at Edinburgh; and, about two the clerk's declaration must stand, unless any months after, Laud, being then newly advanced would go to the bar and accuse him of falsify- to the province of Canterbury, framed articles ing the record of Parliament, at the peril of his for the reformation of his majesty's royal chapel life.* in that city, which were sent into Scotland unThis manner of treating the whole repre- der his majesty's own hand, with a declaration sentative body of the nation disgusted all ranks that they were intended as a pattern for all caand orders of his subjects. A writing was im- thedrals, chapels, and parish churches in that mediately dispersed abroad, setting forth how kingdom.t The articles appoint, " that prayers grievous it was for a king to overawe and be read twice a day in the chair, according.to threaten his Parliament in that manner; and the English liturgy, till some course be taken to that the same was a breach of privilege; that make one that may fit the custom and constituParliaments were a mere pageantry if the clerk tion of that church. That all that receive the might declare the votes as he pleased, and no sacrament in the chapel do it kneeling. That scrutiny allowed. Lord Balhnerino, in whose the dean of the chapel always come to church custody this libel was found, was condemned to in his whites, and preach in them. That the lose his head for it, but was afterward par- copes which are consecrated to our use be caredoned. fully kept, and used at the celebration of the After eight days the Parliament was dissolv- sacrament; and that all his majesty's officers ed, but the king would not look upon the dis- and ministers of state be obliged,.-at least once senting lords, or admit them to kiss his hand. a year, to receive the sacrament, at the royal The act concerning the apparel of ministers chapel, kneeling, for an example to the rest of says, that " Whereas it was agreed in the Par- the people." Thus were the liberties of.the liament of 1606, that what order soever his maj- Kirk of Scotland invaded by an English bishop, esty's father, of blessed memory, should pre- under the wing of the supremacy, without conscribe for the apparel of kirkmen, and send in sent of Parliament or General Assembly. The writ to his clerk of register, should be a suffi- Scots ministers in their pulpits preached against cient warrant for inserting the same in the the English hierarchy, and warned the people books of Parliament, to have the strength of any against surrendering up the liberties of their act thereof; the present Parliament agrees that kirk into the hands of a neighbouring nation, the same power shall remain with our sovereign that was undermining their discipline; so that lord that now is, and his successors." The bill touching religion ratifies and approves all acts aged with such magnificence that all was entertainand statutes made before about the liberty and ment and show: yet he adds, "that the king left freedom of the true Kirk of God, and the reli- Scotland much discontented." The proceedings on gion at present professed within this kingdom, the bill concerning the royal prerogative, &c., show and ordains the same to stand in full force as that every proposal from the court was not pleasing. if they were particularly tmoentioned. Whitelocke (Memoirs, p. 18) tells us, that though iTheyking were his native country July 16, ba the king was crowned with all show of affection and The king left his native country July 16, hay- duty, and gratified many with new honours, yet, being lost a great deal of ground in the affections fore he left Scotland, some began to murmur, and of his people,t by the contempt he poured upon afterward to mutiny; and he was in some danger passing over Dumfi'ith. And such, in particular, was * Rushworth, p. 183. the effect of the prosecution of Lord Balmerino on t Dr. Grey confronts Mr. Neal here with a passage the public mind, that the ruin of the king's affairs in from Lord Clarendon, to show that his account of Scotland was in a great measure owing to it. Dr. the king's reception in Scotland differs widely from Grey refers to the preambles to some acts passed in this of our author. " The great civility of that peo- the Scotch Parliament, as proving the high degree ple," says his lordship, "being so notorious and of esteem the king was then in among them; as if universal, that they would not appear unconformable an argument were to be drawn from formularies to his majesty's wish in any particular." But this drawn up according to the routine of the occasion, quotation has little or no force against Mr. Neal, and composed, probably, by a court lawyer: as if who is not representing the reception the king met such formularies were proof against matter of fact. with, but the impression left on the minds of the -Burnet's History of his Own Times, vol.- i., 24-31. people by the time of his departure. The king's en- 12mo.-ED. * Clarendon, vol. i., p. 81, 82, try and coronation, Bishop Burnet says, was man- t Rushworth, part ii., vol. ii., p. 205, 206. 310 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. when the new liturgy came to be introduced an annual fast as long as he lived, and mainabout four years after, all the people as one man taining the widow. Notwithstanding this misrose-up against it. fortune, if he would have betrayed the ProtestThe king was no sooner returned from Scot- ant religion and been the dupe of the prerogaland than Dr. Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, tive, he might have continued in high favour died. Hewas born at Guilford, in Surrey, 1562, with his prince; but for his steady opposition and educated in Baliol College, Oxford, where to the arbitrary measures of Buckingham and he was a celebrated preacher. In the year Laud, and for not licensing Sibthorp's sermon, 1597 he proceeded doctor in divinity, and was he was suspended from his archiepiscopal juriselected master of University College: two years diction [1628],* whereupon he retired to Croyafter he was made Dean of Winchester, and don, having no more interest at court, or influwas one of those divines appointed by King ence in the government of the Church: here he James to translate the New Testament into died in his archiepiscopal palace, August 4, English. In the year 1609 he was consecrated 1633, aged seventy-one, and was buried in Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry; from thence Trinity Church, in Guilford, the place of his nahe was translated to London, and upon the tivity, where he had erected and endowed a death of Archbishop Bancroft, to Canterbury, hospital for men and women. There is a fine April 9, 1611, having never been rector, vicar, monument over his grave, with his effigies in or incumbent in any parish church in England. full proportion, supported by six pillars of the Lord Clarendon* has lessened the character of Doric order of black marble, standing on six this excellent prelate. contrary to almost all pedestals of piled books, with a large inscriDother historians, by saying that "' he was a man tion thereon to his memory.t of very morose manners, and of a very sour aspect, which in that time was called gravity; that he neither understood nor regarded the constitution of the Church; that he knew very CHAPTER V little of ancient divinity, but adhered stiffly to the doctrine of Calvin, and did not think so ill FROM THE DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP ABBOT TO THE of his discipline'as he ought to have done; but BEGINNING OF THE COMMOTIONS IN SCOTLAND, if men prudently forbore a public reviling and IN THE YEAR 1637. railing at the hierarchy, let their private prac- DR. LAUD was now at the pinnacle of prefertice be as it would, he would give them no dis- ment, being translated to the see of Canterbury turbance; that his house was a sanctuary to two days after Archbishop Abbot's death. His disaffected persons, and that he licensed their grace was likewise chancellor of the Universiwritings, by which means his successor [Laud] ties of Oxford and Dublin, privypcouncillor for had a very difficult task to reduce things to or- England and Scotland, first commissioner of the der." The Oxford historian,t who was no friend to our archbishop's principles, confesses * Rushworth, vol. i., p. 435. that he was a pious, grave person, exemplary in t In addition to our author's character of Archhis life and conversation, a plausible preacher, bishop Abbot, it may be observed that Dr. Warner and that the many things he has written show has entered largely into the description of it, "not him tho be a man of parts, learning, and shgv only," he says, "in conformity to the rule he prehim to be a man of parts, learning, and vigi- scribed to himself in his work, but,". he adds, "to lance; an able statesman, and of unwearied rescue the memory of this prelate from the injury study, though overwhelmed with business. done to it by Lord Clarendon, with so notorious a Fullert says he was an excellent preacher, and partiality as does no honour to his history." The that his severity towards the clergy was only doctor sums up his view of Archbishop Abbot's charto prevent their being punished by lay judges to acter by saying, "that he was a man of good parts their greater sharmre. SMr. Coke and Dr. Wel- and learning as a divine; that he was a prelate of a wood add that hvery pious, exemplary conversation; and an archwood. add, that he was a prelate of primi- bishop who understood the constitution of his countive sanctity, who followed the true interests try in Church and State, to which he steadfastly adof his country, and of the Reformed churches at hered, without any regard to the favour or the home and abroad; that he was a divine of good frowns of princes." The learned translator of Molearning, great hospitality, and wonderful mod- sheim also censures Lord Clarendon's account of eration, showing upon all occasions an unwill- this eminent prelate as most unjust and partial, and ingness to stretch the king's prerogative or the in a long note ably and judiciously appreciates the Act of Uniformity beyond what was consistent archbishop's merit and excellence. It was, he shows, by the zeal and dexterity of Abbot that with law or necessary for the peace of the things were put into such a situation in SAbbcotland as Church; this brought him into all his troubles, afterward produced the entire establishment of the End has provoked the writers for the preroga- episcopal order in that nation. It was by the mild tive to leave a blot upon his memory, which and prudent counsels of Abbot, when he was chapon this account will be reverenced by all true lain to the Lord-high-treasurer Dunbar, that there lovers of the Protestant religion and the liber- was passed a famous act of the General Assembly of ties of their country; and if the court had fol- Scotland, which gave the king the authority of calllowed his wise and prudent counsels, the mis- ing all general assemblies, and investing the bishops, chiefs that befell the crown and Church some or their deputies, with various powers of interference chiefs that befell the crown and Church some and influence over the Scotch ministers. These years after his death would have been prevent- facts confute the charge of his disregarding the coned. We have mentioned his casual homicide stitution of the Church. It deserves to be mentionin the year 1621, which occasioned his keeping ed, that this prelate had a considerable hand in the translation of the New Testament now in use.-Mo* Clarendon, vol. i., p. 88, 89. sheim's Ecclesiastical History, vol. iv., p. 513, and * Athena Oxon., vol. i., p. 499. note (f.), 1768. Warner's Eccles. History, vol. ii., p. t Church History, b. xi., p. 123. 522-524. Granger's Biogr. History of England, vol. 4 Welwood's Memoirs, p. 36, edit. 1718. i., p. 341, 8vo.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 311 exchequer, and one of the committee for trade tice could allege, he received a sharp reprimand, and for the king's revenues: he was also offer- and a peremptory injunction to revoke his ored a cardinal's cap [August 17], which he de- der at the next assizes, which he did in such a clined, as he says, because there was some- manner, as lost him his credit at court for the thing dwelt within him which would not suffer future; for he then declared to the justices it till Rome was otherwise than it was.* We "that he thought he had done God, the king, are now to see how he moved in this high and his country good service by that good orsphere. Lord Clarendon admits " that the arch- der that he and his brother Denham had made bishop had all his life eminently opposed Cal- for suppressing unruly wakes and revels, but vin's doctrine, for which reason he was called that it had been misreported to his majesty, a papist; and it may be," says his lordship, who had expressly charged him to reverse it; "tile Puritans found the more severe and rig- accordingly," says he,:" I do, as much as in me orous usage for propagating the calumny. He lies, reverse it, declaring the same to be null also intended that the discipline of the Church and void, and that all persons may use their should be felt as well as spoken of." The recreations at such meetings as before." This truth of this observation has appeared in part reprimand and injunction almost broke the already, and will receive stronger evidence from judge's heart, for when he came out of the the seven ensuing years of his government. council-chamber he told the Earl of Dorset, The archbishop's antipathy to Calvinism, and with tears in his eyes, that he had been miserzeal for the external beauty of the Church, car- ably shaken by the archbishop, and was like to ried him to some very imprudent and unjustifia- be choked with his lawn-sleeves. ble extremes; for if the Puritans were too strict Laud having thus humbled the judge, and in keeping holy the Sabbath, his grace was too recovered his episcopal authority from neglect, lax in his indulgence, by encouraging revels, took the affair into his own hand, and wrote to May-games, and sports on that sacred day. the Bishop of Bath and Wells, October 4 [1663], Complaint having been made to the Lord- for fuller information. In his letter he takes chief-justice Richardson and Baron Denham, notice that there had been of late some noise in in their western circuit, of great inconveniences Somersetshire about the wakes; that the judges arising from revels, church-ales, and clerk-ales, had prohibited them under pretence of some on the Lord's Day, the two judges made an or- disorders, by which argument, says he, anyder at the assizes for suppressing them, and ap- thing that is abused may be quite taken away; pointed the clerk to leave copies of the order but that his majesty was displeased with Richwith every parish minister, who was to give a ardson's behaviour at the last two assizes, and note under his hand to publish it in his church especially the last; being of opinion that the yearly, the first Sunday in February and the feasts ought to be kept for the recreation of the two Sundays before Easter.t Upon the return people, of which he would not have them deof the circuit, the judges required an account of barred under any frivolous pretences, to the the execution of their order, and punished some gratifying of the humorists, who were very persons for the breach of it; whereupon the numerous in those parts, and united in crying archbishop complained to the king of their in- down the feasts; his grace, therefore, requires vading the episcopal jurisdiction, and prevail- the bishop to give him a speedy account how ed with his majesty to summon them before these feasts had been ordered. the council. When they appeared, Richardson Pierce, bishop of Bath and Wells, in answer pleaded that the order was made at the request to this letter, acquaints the archbishop " that of the justices of the peace, and with the unani- the late suppression of the revels was very unmous consent of the whole bench, and justified it acceptable, and that the restitution of them from the following precedents: September 10, would be very grateful to the gentry, clergy, Eliz. 38th, the justices assembled at Bridgewa- and common people;* for proof of which he ter ordered that no church-ale, clerk-ale, or bid- had procured the hands of seventy-two of the ale be suffered; signed by Popham, lord-chief- clergy, in whose parishes these feasts are kept, justice, and ten others. The same order was and he believes that if he had sent for a hunrepeated 1599, and 41st of Eliz., and again at dred more he should have had the same answer Exeter, 1615, and 13th of Jac., and even in the from them all; but these seventy-two," says present king's reign, 1627, with an order for the his lordship, " are like the seventy-two interminister of every parish church to publish it preters that agreed so soon in the translation yearly. But notwithstanding all the chief-jus- of the Old Testament in the Greek." He then * Arthur Wilson, in his life of himself, speaks of proceeds to explain the nature of these feasts: an interview he Jahl with Dr. Weston, a Catholic, "There are," says he, "in Somersetshire, not at Bruges, the particulars of which are interesting, only feasts of dedication [or revel days], but "The little Archbishop of Canterbury," he says, also church-ales, clerk-ales, and bid-ales." "Weston could not endure. I pulled a book out " The feasts of dedication are in memory of: of my pocket, written by the provincial of the Eng- the dedication of the several churches; those lish friars, which tended to reconcile the Church of England and thee ChurhfRme t churches dedicated to the Holy Trinity have of England and the Church of Rome. II know t~heir feasts on Trinity Sunday; and so all the the man,' said Weston:'he is one of Canterbury's feasts on Trinity Sunday; and so all the trencher flies, and eats perpetually at his table; feasts are kept upon the Sunday before or after a creature of his making.''Then,' said I,'you the saint's day to whom the churches are dedshould better approve of my Lord of Canterbury's icated, because the people have not leisure to actions, seeing he tends so much to your way.' observe them on the week days; this," says'No,' replied he:' he is too subtle to be yoked, too am- his lordship, " is acceptable to the people, whc bitious to have a superior. He will never submit to otherwise go into tippling-houses, or else tc Rome. He means to frame a motley religion of his conventicles. own, and be lord of it himself. "-Desid. Curiosa, lib. xii., p. 22.-C. t Prynne's Cant. Doom, p. 153. * Cant. Doom, p. 142. 312 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. "Church-ales are when the people go from of the dedication of churches, commonly called afternoon prayers on Sundays, to their lawful wakes; it is therefore his will and pleasure sports and pastimes in the churchyard, or in that these feasts, with others, shall be observed' thie'neighbourhood:, insome public-house, where and that all neighbouhoo'd and fieedom with they drink and make merry. By the benevo- manlike and lawful exercises be used, and the lence of the people at these pastimes many justices of the peace are commanded not to poor parishes have cast their bells, and beauti- molest any in their recreations, having first fled their churches, and raised stocks for the done their duty to God and continued in obedipoor, and there had not been observed so much ence to his majesty's laws." And he does far disorder at them as is commonly at fairs or ther will " that publication of this his command markets. be made by order from the bishops, through all "Clerks-ales [or lesser church-ales] are so the parish churches of their several diocesses called because they were for the better mainte- respectively." nance of the parish clerk; and there is great The declaration revived the controversy of reason for them," says his lordship, " for in the morality of the Sabbath, which had slept for poor parishes, where the wages of the clerk are many years; Mr. Theophilus Bradbourne, a Sufbut small, the people, thinking it unfit that the folk minister, had published, in the year 1628, clerk should duly attend at church and gain by "A Defence of the most Ancient and Sacred his office, send him in provision, and then Ordinance of God, the Sabbath Day," and dedicome on Sundays and feast with him, by which cated it to the king. But Mr. Fuller* observes, means he sells more ale, and tastes more of the," that the poor man fell into the ambush of the liberality of the people than their quarterly pay- High Commission, whose well-tempered severment would amount to in many years; and ity so prevailed with him, that he became a since these have been put down, many minis- convert, and conformed quietly to the Church ters have complained to me," says his lordship, of England." Francis White, bishop of Ely, that they are afraid they shall have no parish was commanded by the king to confute Bradclerks. bourne; and after him appeared Dr. Pockling"A bid-ale is when a poor man, decayed in ton, with his " Sunday no Sabbath;" and after his substance, is set up again by the liberal be- him Heylin the archbishop's chaplain, and othnevolence and contribution of his friends at a ers. These divines, instead of softening some Sunday's feast." rigours in Bradbourne's sabbatarian strinctness, The people were fond of these recreations, ran into the contrary extreme, denying all manand the bishop recommends them as bringing ner of Divine right or moral obligation to the the people more willingly to church; as tend- observance of the whole or any part of the Lord's ing to civilize them, and to compose differences Day, making it depend entirely upon ecclesiasamong them; and as serving to increase love tical authority, and to oblige no farther than to and unity, forasmuch as they were in the na- the few hours of public service; and that in the ture of feasts of charity, the richer sort keep- intervals, not only walking (which the Sabbataing in a manner open house; for which, and rians admitted), but mixed dancing, masks, insome other reasons, his lordship thinks them terludes, revels- &c., were lawful and expedient. fit to be retained. Instead of convincing the sober part of the But the justices of peace were of another nation, it struck them with a kind of horror, to mind, and signed an humble petition to the see themselves invited, by the authority of the king, in which they declare that these revels king and Church, to that which looked so like had not only introduced a great profanation of a contradiction to the command of God. It was the Lord's Day, but riotous tippling, contempt certainly out of character for bishops and clerof authority, quarrels, murders, &c., and were gymen, who should be the supports of religion, very prejudicial to the peace, plenty, and good to draw men off from exercises of devotion in government of the country, and, therefore, they their families and closets, by enticing them to pray that they be suppressed. Here we ob- public recreations. People are forward enough serve the laity petitioning for the religious ob- of themselves to indulge these liberties, and servation of the Lord's Day, and the bishop, need a check rather than a sp'ur; but the wiswith his clergy, pleading for the profanation dom of these times was different. The court of it. had their balls, masquerades, and plays on the To encourage these disorderly assemblies Sunday evenings, while the youth of the counmore effectually, Archbishop Laud put the king try were at their morrice-dances, May-games, upon republishing his father's declaration of church and clerk ales, and all such kinds of the year 1618, concerning lawful sports to be revelling.t used on Sundays after Divine service, which The revival of this declaration was charged was done accordingly, October 18, with this upon Archbishop Laud at his trial, but his grace remarkable addition. After a recital of the would not admit the charge, though he confesswords of King James's declaration, his majesty ed his judgment was in favour of it. It was adds, " Out of a like pious care for the service to be published in all parish churches, either by of God, and for suppressing of those humours the minister or any other person, at the discrethat oppose truth, and for the ease, comfort, tion of the bishop, and therefore the putting and recreation of his majesty's well-deserving this hardship on the clergy was their act and people, he doth ratify his blessed father's decla- deed; but Laud knew it would distress the ration, the rather, because of late, in some of Puritans, and purge the Church of a set of men the counties of the kingdom, his majesty finds for whom he had a perfect aversion. The reathat,- under the pretence of taking away anll son given for obliging them to this service was, abuse, there hath been a general forbidding, Book xi., p. 144 not only of ordinary meetings, but of the feasts t Dr. Warner adops these renarks.-Em HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 313 because the two judges had enjoined the min- High Commission and articled against for thle isters to read their order against revels in the same crime. Mr. Wrath and Mr. Erbery were. churches; and, therefore, it was proper to have brought up from Wrales, Mr. William Jones from it reversed by the same persons and in the same Gloucestershire, with divers others, and cenplace.* sured by the High Commission (of which the The severe pressing this declaration made archbishop was chief) for not reading the dec, sad havoc among the Puritans for seven years. laration, and not bowing his body at the blessed Many poor clergymen strained their consciences name of Jesus, &c.* To these may be added, in submission to their superiors. Some, after Mr. Whitfield, of Ockley, Mr. Garth, of Woversh, publishing it, immediately read the fourth com- Mr. Ward, of Pepper-Harrow, Mr. Farrol, ofc mandment to the people, " Remember the Sab- Purbright, and Mr. Pegges, of Wexford, to who.qn bath Day to keep it holy;" adding, "This is the archbishop said that he suspended him ex the law of God; the other the injunction of nune prout ez tunc, in case he did not read the man." Some put it upon their curates, while king's declaration for sports on the Sunday great numbers refused to comply upon any se'nnight following. terms whatsoever. Fullert says, "that the arch- The reverend and learned Mr. Lawrence bishop's moderation in his own diocess was re- Snelling, rector of Paul's-Cray, was not only markable, silencing but three, in whom also suspended by the High Commission at Lamwas a concurrence of other nonconformities; beth for four years, but deprived and excommu. but that his adversaries imputed it not to his nicated, for not reading the declaration, &c.i charity, but policy, foxlike, preying farthest He pleaded in his own defence the laws of God from his own den, and instigating other bishops and of the realm, and the authority of councils to do more than he would appear in himself." and fathers; he added, that the king's declaraSir Nath. Brent, his grace's vicar-general, at- tion did not enjoin ministers to read it, nor autested upon oath at the archbishop's trial, that thorize the bishops or High Commissioners to he gave him a special charge to convene all suspend or punish ministers for not reading it; ministers before him who would not read the that it being merely a civil, not an ecclesiastiBook of Sports on the Lord's Day, and to sus- cal declaration enjoined by any canons or aupend them for it; and that he gave particular thority of the Church, no ecclesiastical court order to suspend the three following Kentish could take cognizance of it. All which Mr. ministers by name, viz., Mr. Player, Mr. Hieron, Snelling offered to the commissioners in wriand Mr. Culmer.t Whereupon he did, against ting, but the archbishop would not admit it, sayhis judgment, suspend them all ab officio et bene- ing, in open court, that " whosoever should ficio, though the king's declaration, as has been make such a defence, it should be burned be. observed, does not oblige the minister to read fore his face, and he laid by the heels." Upon it, nor authorize the bishops to inflict any pun- this he was personally and judicially admonishishment on the refusers. When the suspended ed to read the declaration within three weeks, ministers repaired toLambeth, and petitioned to which he refusing, was suspended ab oJficio et be restored, the archbishop told them, if they beneficio. About four months after he was ju. did not know how to obey, he did not know how dicially admonished again, and refusing to comto grant their petition. So their suspension ply, was excommunicated, and told that unless continued till the beginning of the commotions he conformed before the second day of next in Scotland, to the ruin of their poor families, term he should be deprived, which was accordMr. Culmer having a wife and seven children ingly done, and he continued under the sento provide for.~ tence many years, to his unspeakable damage. Several clergymen of other diocesses were " It were endless to go into more particulars; also silenced, and deprived on the same ac- how many hundred godly ministers in this and count; as, Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Otham, who other diocesses," says Mr. Prynne,$ "have been being sent for to Lambeth, and asked whether suspended from their ministry, sequestered, he had read the Book of Sports in his church, driven from their livings, excomnmunicated, answered, No; whereupon the archbishop re- prosecuted in the High Commission, and forplied immediately, "I suspendyou forever from ced to leave the kingdom for not publishing your office and benefice till you read it;" and this declaration, is experimentally known to all so he continued four years, being cited into the men." Dr. Wren, bishop of Norwich, says that great numbers in his diocess had declined it, Fuller Church Histoyry, b. xi., p. 148. and were suspended; that some had since comt Dr. Grey introduces here a lont quotation from plied, but that still there were thirty who perAnthony Wood, and refers to a bad character of Mr. emptorily refused, and were excommunicated. Culmer drawn by Mr. Lewis in Dr. Calamy's continuation of ejected ministers, to show what small * Prynne's Cant. Doom, p. 151. reason Mr. Neal had to defend him. It should seem, t Dr. Grey, to impeach the fairness of Mr. Neal, from those authorities, that he was a man of warm quotes here Rushworth to show that sentence was and 7iolent temper, and some heavy charges are passed on Mr. Snelling for omitting to "read the litbrought against him. But not to say that prejudice any and wear the surplice, and for not bowing, or appears to have drawn his picture, admitting the making any corporeal obeisance at hearing or readtruth of everything alleged against him, it is irrele- ing the name of Jesus." It is true, that on these vant to the vindication of Archbishop Laud, whose premises also the sentence of deprivation was passseverity against Mr. Culmer had not for its object his ed; but it appears from Rushworth that he had been general deportment, or any immorality, but his not previously suspended ab officio et beneficio, and exreading the Book of Sports, i. e., a royal invitation to communicated, solely on the ground of refusing to men to give themselves up to dissipating, riotous, read the Book of Sports; and that this offence was and intemperate diversions on a day sacred to sobri- the primary cause of the deprivation.-Rushworth's ety.-See, on Mr. Culmer's character, Palmer's Non- Collections, vol. ii., part ii., p. 460, 461.-ED. conformist's Memorial, vol. ii., p. 77.-ED.: Cant. Doom, p. 153. VOL I.-R R 314 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. This the bishop thinks a small number, although, ter of St. Paul's without the consent of the paif there were as many in other diocesses, the rishioners, they opposed it, and appealed to the whole would amount to near eight hundred. Court of Arches, alleging that the Book of ComTo render the Common Prayer Book more mon Prayer, and eighty-second canon, gave unexceptionable to the papists, and more dis- liberty to place the communion-table where it tant from Puritanism, the archbishop made sun- might stand with most convenience. His majdry alterations* in the later editions, without esty being informed of the appeal, and acquaintthe sanction of convocation or Parliament. In ed by the archbishop that it would be a leading the collect for the royal family, the Princess case all over England, was pleased to order it Elizabeth and her children were left out,T and to be debated before himself in council, and, afthese words were expunged, " 0 God, who art ter hearing the arguments on both sides, dethe Father of thine elect and of their seed," as dared that the liberty given by the eighty-sectending towards particular election or predesti- ond canon was not to be understood so, as if it nation.t In the prayer for the 5th of Novem- were to be left to the discretion of the parish, ber were these words: "Root out that anti- much less to the fancies of a few humorous christian and Babylonish sect which say of Je- persons, but to the judgment of the ordinary rusalem, Down with it even to the ground. Cut [or bishop], to whose place it properly belonged off those workers of iniquity, whose religion is to determine these points; he therefore conrebellion, whose faith is faction, whose prac- firmed the act of the ordinary, and gave comtice is murdering both soul and body;" which mandment that if the parishioners went on with in the last edition are thus changed: "Root their appeal, the dean of the Arches, who was out the antichristian and Babylonish sect of then attending at the hearing, of the cause, them, which say of Jerusalem, Down with it. should confirm the order of the dean and chapCut off those workers of iniquity, who turn reli- ter.* This was a sovereign manner of putting gion into rebellion," &c. The design of which an end to a controversy, very agreeable to the alteration was to relieve the papists, and to archbishop. turn the prayer against the Puritans, upon When the sacrament was administered in whom the popish plot was to have been father- parish churches the communion-table was usued. In the epistle for Palm-Sunday, instead of ally placed in the middle of the chancel, and "in the name of Jesus," as it was heretofore, the people received round it, or ip their several it is now, according to the last translation, "at places thereabout; but now all communionthe name-of Jesus every knee shall bow." But tables were ordered to be fixed under the east it was certainly very high presumption for a wall of the chancel with the ends north and single clergyman, or any number of them, to south in form of an altar; they were to be rais. altar a service-book established by act of Par- ed two or three steps above the floor, and enliament, and impose those alterations upon the compassed with rails. Archbishop Laud orderwhole body of the clergy. ed his vicar-general to see this alteration made The Puritans always excepted against bow- in all the churches and chapels of his province; ing at the name of Jesus; it appeared to them to accomplish which, it was necessary to take very superstitious, as if worship was to be paid down the galleries in some churches, and to reto a name, or to the name of Jesus, more than move ancient monuments. This was resented to that of Christ or Immanuel. Nevertheless, by some considerable families, and complained it was enjoined by the eighteenth canon, and in of as an injury to the dead, and such an expense compliance with that injunction our last trans- to the living as some country parishes could lators inserted it into their text by rendering ev not bear; yet those who refused to pay the rT) ovoIUart, "in the name of Jesus," as it was rates imposed by the archbishop for this purbefore, both in the Bible and Common Prayer pose were fined in the spiritual courts contrary Book,':at the name of Jesus," as it now to law.t It is almost incredible what a ferstands; however, no penalty was annexed to ment the making this alteration at once raised the neglect of this ceremony, nor did any suf- among the common people all over England. fer for it, till Bishop Laud was at the head of Many ministers and church-wardens were exthe Church, who pressed it equally with the communicated, fined, and obliged to do penance, rest, and caused above twenty ministers to be for neglecting the bishop's injunctions. Great fined, censured, and put by'their livings, for not numbers refused to come up to the rails and bowing at the name of Jesus, or for preaching receive the sacrament, for which some were against it.~ fined, and others excommunicated, to the numOn the 3d of November was debated, be- ber of some hundreds, say the committee of the fore his majesty in council, the question of re- House of Commons at the archbishop's trial. moving the communion-table at St. Gregory's Books were written for and against this new Church, near St. Paul's, from the middle of the practice, with the same earnestness and conchancel to the upper end of it, and placing it tention for victory as if the life of religion had there in form of an altar. This being enjoined been at stake. Dr. Williams, bishop of Linupon the church-wardens by the dean and chap- coln, published two treatises against it, one en* Dr. Grey says that the archbishop cleared him- titled "A Letter to the Vicar of Grantham:" * Dr. Grey says that the archbishop cleared the other, "The Holy Table, Name, and self in this particular by informing us [Troubles and the other, f The Holy Table, Name, and Trial, p. 3573 " that the alterations were made ei- Thing;" filled with so much learning, and that ther by the king himself, or some other about him, learning so closely and solidly applied, says when he was not at court."-ED. Lord Clarendon, as showed he had spent his t The Queen of Bohemia, a thorough Protestant, time in his retirement with his books very and on whose children the hopes of the nation had profitably. Dr. Heylin, who answered the bishrested, till the birth of Charles's son.-C. X Cant. Doom, p. 111, 112. * Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 207. 6 Usurpation of Prelates, p. 165. t Prynne's Cant. Doom, p. 100, 101. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS., 315 op, argued from the words of Queen Elizabeth's Bishop Andrew's model, who took it from the injunctions, 1559; from the orders and adver- Roman Missal, with two candlesticks and tatisements of 1562 and 1565; from the practice pers, a basin for oblations, a cushion for the of the king's chapels and cathedrals; and, service-book, a silver-gilt canister for the wafinally, fromn the present king's declaration, rec- fers, like a wicker-basket lined with cambric ommending a conformity of the parish church- lace, the tonne on a cradle; a chalice with the es to their cathedrals. The bishop, and with image of Christ and the lost sheep, and of the him all the Puritans, insisted upon the practice wise men and star, engraven on the sides and of primitive antiquity, and upon the eighty-sec- on the cover. The chalice was covered with a ond canon of 1603, which says, "We appoint, linen napkin, called the aire, embroidered with that the table for the celebration of the holy coloured silk; two patins, the tricanale being a communion shall be covered with a fair linen round ball with a screw cover, out of which iscloth at the time of administration, and shall sued three pipes for the water of mixture; a then be placed in so good sort within the church credentia or side-table, with a basin and ewer or chancel, as thereby the minister may more on napkins, and a towel to wash before the conconveniently be heard of the communicants in secration; three kneeling stools covered and his prayer, and the communicants may more stuffed, the foot-pace, with three ascents, covconveniently and in more numbers communi- ered with a Turkey carpet; three chairs used cate." They urged the rubric in the Common at ordinations, and the septum or rail with two Prayer Book; that altars in churches were a ascents. Upon some altars was a pot called popish invention, of no greater antiquity in the the incense-pot, and a knife to cut the sacraChristian Church than the sacrifice of the mass; mental bread. and insisted strenuously on the discontinuance The consecration of this furniture was after of them since the Reformation. But the arch- this manner: the archbishop in his cope, atbishop, being determined to carry his point, tended by two chaplains in their surplices, havprosecuted the affair with unjustifiable rigour ing bowed several times towards the altar, read over all the kingdom, punishing those who op- a portion of Scripture; then the vessels to be posed him, without regard to the laws of the consecrated were delivered into the hands of land. This occasioned a sort of schism among the archbishop, who, after he had placed them the bishops, and a great deal of uncharitable- upon the altar, read a form of prayer desiring ness among the inferior clergy; for those bish- God to bless and accept of these vessels, which ops who had not been beholden to Laud for he severally touched and elevated, offering them their preferments, nor had any farther expect- up to God, after which they were not to be ation, were very cool in the affair, while the put to common use. We have seen already archbishop's creatures, in many places, took the manner of his grace's consecrating the sacupon them to make these alterations by their ramental elements at Creed Church; there was own authority, without the injunctions or direc- a little more ceremony in cathedrals, where the tions of their diocesans, which laid the founda- wafers and wine being first placed with great tion of many lawsuits. Those who opposed solemnity on the credentia or side-table, were the alterations were called Doctrinal Puritans, to be removed from thence by one of the archand the promoters of them Doctrinal Papists. bishop's chaplains, who, as soon as he turns The court-clergy were of the latter sort, and about his face to the altar with the elements in were vehemently suspected of an inclination to his hands, bows three times, and again when 3opery, because of their superstitious bowing to he comes to the foot of it, where he presents the altar, not only in time of Divine service, but them upon his knees, and lays them upon the at their going in and out of church.* This was altar for consecration. How far the bringing a practice unknown to the laity of the Church these inventions of men into the worship ot of England before this time, but Archbishop God is chargeable with superstition, and with Laud introduced it into the royal chapel at a departing from the simplicity of the Christian Whitehall, and recommended it to all the cler- institution, I leave with the reader; but surely gy by his example; for when he went in and the imposing them upon others under severe out of chapel, a lane was always made for him penalties, without the sanction of convocation, to see the altar, and do reverence towards it. Parliament, or royal mandate, was not to be All his majesty's chaplains, and even the com- justified. mon people, were enjoined the same practice. The lecturers, or afternoon preachers, giving In the new body of statutes for the Cathedral of his grace some disturbance, notwithstanding Canterbury, drlawn up by his grace, and confirm- the attempts already made to suppress them, ed under the great seal, the dean and prebenda- the king sent the following injunctions to the ries are obliged by oath to bow to the altar at bishops of his province:* 1.' That they ordain coming in and going out of the church; which no clergyman without a presentation to some could arise from no principle but a belief of the living. Or, 2. Without a certificate that he is real presence of Christ in the sacrament or al- provided of some void church., Or, 3. Without tar, or from a superstitious imitation of the some place in a cathedral or collegiate church. pagans worshipping towards the east.t Or, 4. Unless he be a fellow of some college. To make the adoration more significant, the Or, 5. A master of arts of five years' standing, altars in cathedrals were adorned with the living at his own charge. Or, 6. Without the most pompous furniture, and all the vessels intention of the bishop to provide for him."t underwent a solemn consecration. The Cathedral of Canterbury was furnished according to * Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 214. t Dr. Grey truly observes, that none of these inThis, too, is now adopted in many of the English junctions were new, but only an enforcement of the churches, and has its imitators in the United States. thirty-third canon of 1603. He refers the reader to — C. t Collyer's Ecclesiastical History, p. 762. Bishop Gibson's Codex, p. 162, and might have re 316 HISTORY OF THE: P-UR:ITANS. By virtue of these injunctions no chaplainship famous trial of William Prynne, Esq., barrister to a nobleman's family, or any invitation to a at law, and member of Lincoln's Inn, for his lecture, could qualify a person for ordination Histriomastix,* a book written against plays, without a living. masks, dancing, &c. The information sets In the annual account the archbishop gave forth, that though the author knew that the the king of the state of his province this year, queen and lords of council were frequently preswe may observe how much the suppressing of ent at those diversions, yet he had railed against these popular preachers lay upon his mind. these and several others, as Maypoles, Christ"The Bishop of Bath and Wells," says his mas keeping, dressing houses with ivy, festigrace, "has taken a great deal of pains in vals, &c.; that he had aspersed the queen, and his late visitations to have all the king's in- commended factious persons; which things are structions observed, and particularly he has of dangerous consequence to the realm and put down several lecturers in market towns, state.t The cause was heard in the StarChamwho were beneficed in other diocesses, because ber, February 7, 1633. The counsel for Mr..he found, when they had preached factious ser- Prynne were Mr. Atkyns, afterward a judge mons, they retired without the reach of his of the Common Pleas, Mr. Jenkins, Holbourne, jurisdiction. Herne, and Lightfoot. For the king was Mr. "And whereas his majesty's instructions re- Attorney-general Noy. The counsel for the quire that lecturers should turn their afternoon defendant pleaded that he had handled the arsermons into catechisings, some parsons or gument of stage-plays in a learned manner, vicars object against their being included, be- without designing to reflect on his superiors;T: cause lecturers are only mentioned; but the that the book had been licensed according to bishops will take care to clear their doubts and law; and that if any passages may be consettle their practice. strued to reflect on his majesty, or any branch e" The Bishop of Peterborough* had suppress- * This book is a thick quarto, containing one ed a seditious lecture at Repon, and put down thousand and six pages. It abounded with learning, several monthly lectures kept with a fast, and and had some curious quotations, but it was a very managed by a moderator. He had also sup- tedious and heavy performance; so that it was not pressed a meeting called the running lecture, calculated to invite many to read it. This circumbecause the lecturer went from village to vil- stance exposes the weakness, as the severity of the lage. sentence against him does the wickedness, of those 4The Bishop, of St. Asaph says that his dio- who pursued the author with such barbarity. He cess is, without exception, abating the increase was a man of sour and austere principles, of great reading, and most assiduous application to study. It of Romish recusants in some places, by their was supposed that, fssom the time of his alrival at superstitious concourse to St. Winifred's Well. man's estate, he wrote a sheet for every day of his "'The Bishop of Landaff certifies that he has life. " His custom," Mr. Wood informs us, " was, not one stubborn Nonconformist, or schismat- when he studied, to put on a long quilted cap, which ical minister, within his diocess, and but two came an inch over his eyes, serving as an unbrella to lecturers. defend them from too much light; and seldom eat c"i All the bishops declare that they take speing a dinner, would every three hours or more be l are that maunching a roll of bread, and now and then refresh cial care of that branch of his majesty's instruc- his exhausted spirits with ale." To this Butler seems tions relating to Calvinism, or preaching upon to allude in his address to his muse: the predestinarian points; and the archbishop Thou that with ale orviler liquors prays his majesty that no layman whatsoever, Didst inspire Withers, Prynne, and Vicars; and least of all the companies of the city of And teach them, though it were in spite London, or corporations, should, under any pre- Of nature and their stars, to write. tence, have power to put in or turn out any His works amounted to forty volumes, folio and lecturer or other minister." quarto. The most valuable, and a very useful perIn this account the reader will observe very formance, is his " Collection of Records," in four large little complaint of the growth of popery which volumes. —Harris's life of Charles I., p. 226, 227..little complaint of t.te growth of popery, w Wood's Athenae Oxon., vol. ii., p. 315; and Granger's we shall see presently was at a prodigious Biog. Hist., vol. ii., p. 230, 8vo. The prosecution of height; but all the archbishop's artillery is Mr. Prynne originated with Archbishop Laud, who pointed against the Puritan clergy, who were on a Sunday morning went to Noy, the attorney-genthe most determined and resolved Protestants eral, with the charges against him. Prynne had inin the nation. stigated the resentment of Laud and other prelates Towards the close of this year came on the by his writings against Arminianism and the jurisdiction of the bishops, and by some prohibitions he ferred to his own work, entitled "A System of Eng- had moved and got to the High Commission Court. lish Ecclesiastical Law," extracted from the Codex, " Tantmene animis ccelestibus ire."- Whitelocke's Mep. 43, 44. But though these injunctions were not moirs, p. 18. A fine copy of Histriomastix is in the formed for the occasion, the application of them at library of Yale College.-C. that time was particularly directed against the lec- t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 221. turers, who were pointed at in the king's letter which T A passage quoted by Dr. Grey from Lord Cotaccompanied the injunctions, as persons "wander- tington's speech, at the trial of Mr. Prynne, will afing up and down to the scandal of their calling, ford a specimen of the spirit and style of the Histrioand to get a maintenance falling upon such courses mastix: " Our English ladies," he writes, " shorn as were most unfit for them, both by humouring their and frizzled madams, have lost their modesty; that auditors and otherways altogether unsufferable." It the devil is only honoured in dancing; that they that is easy to perceive what dictated this representation. frequent plays are damned; and so are all that do "By reason of these strict rules," says Rushworth, not concur with him, in his opinion, whores, panders, "no lecture whatsoever was admitted to be a canon- foul, incarnate devils, Judases to their Lord and Masical title."-ED. ter." But this way of speaking was in the taste of * It should be of Litchfield and Coventry, says the times; and the speech of Lord Dorset, given Dr. Grey, from Laud's Trials and Troubles, p. 527. above, shows that a nobleman did not come behind -ED. aim in severe and foul language -En. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 317 of his government, he humbly begs pardon. New-England, for fear of falling into the hands But Mr. Attorney aggravated the charge in very of men whose tender mercies were cruelty.* severe language, and pronounced it a malicious Among others who went over this year was and dangerous libel. After a full hearing, he the reverend and learned Mr. John Cotton, B.D., was sentenced to have his book burned by the fellowof Emanuel College, Cambridge, and minhands of the common hangman, to be put from ister of Boston, in Lincolnshire, where he was the bar, and to be forever incapable of his pro- in such repute that Dr. Preston and others from fession, to be turned out of the society of Lin- Cambridge frequently visited him; he was an coln's Inn, to be degraded at Oxford, to stand admired preacher, and of a most meek and genin the pillory at Westminster and Cheapside, tle disposition; he became a Nonconformist to lose both his ears, one in each place, to pay upon this principle, That no church had power a fine of ~5000, and to suffer perpetual impris- to impose indifferent ceremonies, not commandonnment. Remarkable was the speech of the ed by Christ, on the consciences of men.t He Earl of Dorset on this occasion: "Mr. Prynne," therefore omitted some of the ceremonies, and says he, " I declare you to be a schism-maker administered the sacrament to such as dein the Church, a sedition-sower in the common- sired it without kneeling, for which he was inwealth, a wolf in sheep's clothing; in a word, formed against in the High Commission, and omnium malorum nequissimus. I shall fine him Laud being now at the head of affairs, the Bish~10,000, which is more than he is worth, yet op of Lincoln, his diocesan, could not protect less than he deserves. I will not set him at him. Mr. Cotton applied to the Earl of Dorset liberty, no more than a plagued man or mad for his interest with the archbishop, but the dog, who, though he can't bite, will foam: he earl sent him word that " if he had been guilty is so far from being a social soul, that he is not a of drunkenness, uncleanness, or any such lessrational soul. He is fit to live in dens with such er fault, he could have got his pardon; but the beasts of prey as wolves and tigers, like himself; sin of Puritanism and Nonconformity," says his therefore I condemn him to perpetual imprison- lordship, " is unpardonable, and, therefore, you ment; and for corporeal punishment I would must fly for your safety." Upon this he travelhave him branded in the forehead, slit in the led to Iondon in disguise, and took passage for nose, and have his ears chopped off."* A New-England, where he arrived September 3, speech more fit for an American savage than 1633, and spent the remainder of his days, to an English nobleman! the year 1652. A few months after, Dr. Bastwick, a physi- Mr. John Davenport, B.D., and vicar of Colecian at Colchester,:having published a book en- man-street, London, resigned his living and retitled "Elenchus Religionis Papisticee," with an tired to Holland this summer, 1633..t He had appendix called " Flagellum Pontificis et Epis- fallen under the resentments of his diocesan, coporum Latialium," which gave offence to the Bishop Laud, for being concerned in the feoffEnglish bishops, because it denied the Divine ments, which, together with some notices he right of the order of bishops above presbyters, received of being prosecuted;for;nonconformity, was cited before the High Commission, who dis- induced him to embark for Amsterdam, where carded him from his profession [1634], excom- he continued about three years, and then remunicated him, fined him ~1000, and imprison- turning to England, he shipped himself, with ed him till.he recanted.t some other families, for New-England, where Mr. Burton, B.D., minister of Friday-street, he began the settlement of New-Haven, in the having published two exceptionable sermons, year 1637. He was a good scholar and an adfrom Prov., xxiv., 21, 22, entitled, " For God mired preacher, but underwent great hardships and the King," against the late innovations, had in the infant colony, with whom he continued his house and study broken open by a sergeant- till about the year 1670, when he died. at-arms, and himself committed close prisoner The Rev. Mr. Thomas Hooker, fellow of to the Gate-house, where:he was confined sev- Emanuel College, Cambridge, and lecturer of eral years. Chelmsford, in Essex, after four years' exerThese terrible proceedingst of the commis- cise of his ministry, was obliged to lay it down sioners made many conscientious Nonconform- for nonconformity, though twenty-seven conists retire with their families to Holland and formable ministers in the neighbourhood subRshworth, vol. I, part ii., p. 233, 240.'scribed a petition to the bishop [Laud], in which t Dr. Grey's remark here, as doing credit to him- they declare tht Mr. Hooker was, for doctrine, self, deserves to be quoted: "The severity of the orthodox; for life and conversation, honest; sentence," says the doctor, " I am far from justify- for disposition, peaceable; and in no wise turing."-ED. bulent or factious.~ Notwithstanding which, "The punishment of these men, who were of he was silenced by the spiritual court, 1630, and three great professions," says Mr. Granger, " was ig- bound in a recognisance of ~50 to appear benominious and severe: though they were never ob- fore the High Commission; but by the advice Jects of esteem, they soon became obiects of pity. of his friends he forfeited his recognisance and The indignity and severity of their punishment gave fled to Holland; here he continued about two general offence, and they were no longer regarded as criminals, but confessors." While these persecutions were carried on with unrelenting severity, Chowney, * Is it any matter of surprise that our pilgrim faa fierce papist, who wrote a book in defence of the thers in New-England had "prejudices against epispopish religion and of the Church of Rome, averring copacy," after they witnessed these prelatical pranks it to be the true Church, was not only not punished,:from the head of the Church? Ought not their posor even questioned for his performance, but was per- terity to be alarmed when ministers of the Episcomitted to dedicate it to the archbishop,:and it was pal Church, in New-England at the present time, favoured with his patronage.-Granger's Biogr. Hist., eulogize this tormentor-general?-C. vol. ii., p. 192; and Whitelocke's Memoirs, p. 211. t Mather's Hist. N. E., b. iii., p. 18, &c. — ED. $ Ibid., b. iii., p. 52. ~ Ibid., b. iii., p. 60 318 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. years fellow-labourer with old Mr. Forbes, a dom, resolving to bring the Church of Ireland Scotsman, at Delft, from whence he was called to adopt the articles of the Church of England. to assist Dr. Ames at Rotterdam, upon whose Archbishop Usher, and some of his brethren, death he returned to England, and being pur- being informed of his design, moved in convosued by the bishop's officers from place to place, cation that their own articles, ratified by King he embarked this summer for New-England, James in the year 1615, might be confirmed; and settled with his friends upon the banks of but the motion was rejected, because it was the Connecticut River, where he died in the said they were already fortified with all the auyear 1647. He was an awakening preacher, thority the Church could give them, and that a and a considerable practical writer, as appears farther confirmation would imply a defect. It by his books of Preparation for Christ, Contri- was then moved on the other side, that for tion, Humiliation, &c. silencing the popish objections of a disagreeThe reverend and learned Dr. William Ames, ment among Protestants, a canon should be educated at Cambridge, under the famous Mr. passed for approving the articles of the Church Perkins, fled from the persecution of Archbish- of England, which was done only with one op Bancroft, and became minister of the Eng- dissenting voice; one Calvinist, says Mr. Colllish church at the Hague, from whence he was yer, having looked deeper into the matter than invited by the states of Friesland to the divini- the rest. ty-chair in the University of Franeker, which The canon was in these words: "For the he filled with universal reputation for twelve manifestation of our agreement with the Church years.- He was in the Synod of Dort, and in- of England, in the confession of the same formed King James's ambassador at the Hague, Christian faith and doctrine of the sacrament, from time to time, of the debates of that ven- we do receive and approve the book of articles erable assembly. He wrote several treatises of religion agreed upon by the archbishops and in Latin against the Arminians, which, for bishops, &c., in the year 1562, for the avoiding their conciseness and perspicuity, were not diversity of opinions, and for establishing conequalled by any of his time. His other works sent touching true religion; and, therefore, if are Manuductio Logica, Medulla Theologie, any hereafter shall affirm that any of these arCases of Conscience, Analysis on the Book of tides are in any part superstitious or erroneous, Psalms, Notes on the First and Second Epistles or such as he may not with a good conscience of Peter, and upon the Catechistical Heads. subscribe unto, let him be excommunicated."* After twelve years Dr. Ames resigned his pro- The Irish bishops thought they had lost nofessorship, and accepted of an invitation-to the thing by this canon, because they had saved English:congregation at Rotterdam, the air of their own articles, but Laud took advantage of Franeker being too sharp for himn, he being it during the time of his chancellorship; for troubled with such a difficulty of breathing that hereby the Church of Ireland denounced the he concluded every winter would be his last; sentence of excommunication against all that besides, he had a desire to be employed in the affirmed any of the Thirty-nine Articles to be delightful work of preaching to his own coun- superstitious or erroneous, that is, against the trymen, which he had disused for many years. whole body of the Puritans; and Fullert adds, Upon his removal to Rotterdam he wrote his that their own articles, which condemned Ar-: "Fresh Suit against Ceremonies;" but his minianism, and maintained the morality of the constitution was so shattered that the air of Sabbath, were utterly excluded. Holland did him no service; upon which he This summer the Reverend Mr. Thomas determined to remove to New-England, but his Sheppard,+ A.M., fled to New-England. He had asthma returning at the beginning of the win- been lecturer at Earl's-CoIn, in Essex, several ter before he sailed, put an end to his life at years, but when Laud became Bishop of London Rotterdam, where he was buried November 14, his lecture was put down, and himself silenced; N.S., 1633. Next spring his wife and children he then retired into the family of a private genembarked for New-England, and carried with tleman, but the bishop's officers following him them his valuable library of books, which was thither, he travelled into Yorkshire, where a rich treasure to the country at that time. Neile, archbishop of that province, commanded The doctor was a very learned divine, a strict him to subscribe or depart the country; upon Calvinist in doctrine, and of the persuasion of this he went to Hedon, in Northumberland, the Independents, with regard to the subordi- where his labours were prospered to the connation and power of classes and synods.* version of some souls, but the Bishop of DurArchbishop Laud, being now chancellor of ham, by the direction of Archbishop Laud, forthe University of Dublin, and having a new bade his preaching in any part of his diocess, vice-chancellor [Wentworth] disposed to serve which obliged him to take shipping at Yarthe purposes of the prerogative, turned his mouth for New-England, where he continued thoughts against the Calvinists of that king- pastor of the church at Cambridge till his death, which happened August 25, 1649, in the fortye' He filled the divinity-chair with admirable abili- fourth year of his age. He was a hard stuties. His fame was so great that many came from dent, exemplary Chistian, and an eminent pracremote nations to be educated under him. In "An dent, exemplary Christian, and an eminent peHistorical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters," tical writer, as appears by his "Sincere ConLondon, 1751, is a quotation from a piece of his in vert," and other practical works that go under these words: "Learned Amesius breathed his last his name. l breath into my bosom, who left his professorship in Friezland to live with me, because of my church's * Bib. Reg., Q xiii., p. 13. independency at Rotterdam. Ile was my colleague, t Church History, b. xi., p. 149. and chosen brother to the church, where I was an: The family papers give the name Shelpard.-C. unworthy pastor."-Granger's History of England, Mather's Hist. New-England, b. iii., p. 86, &c. vol. ii., p. 198, 199, 8vo-ED., 1 When the Antinomian and Familistic errors HISTORIY OF THE PURITANS. 319 The Reverend Mr. John Norton went over in tion till this time; yet Laud, without any rethe same ship with Mr. Sheppard,* being driven gard to their charter, sent them the two followout of Hertfordshire by the severity of the ing injunctions by his vicar-general: times. He settled at Ipswich, in New-Eng- 1. "That all that were born in England of land, and was afterward removed to Boston, the Dutch and Walloon congregations should where he died in the year 1665.t Mr. Fuller repair to their parish churches. says he was a divine of no less learning than 2. "That those who were not natives, but modesty, as appears sufficiently by his numer- came from abroad, while they remained stran.. ous writings. gers, might use their own discipline as forHis grace of Canterbury, having made some merly." powerful efforts to bring the churches of Scot- In this emergency the Dutch and Walloon land and Ireland to a uniformity with England, churches petitioned for a toleration, and showresolved, in his metropolitan visitation this sum- ed the inconveniences that would arise from mer, to reduce the Dutch and French churches the archbishop's injunctions; as, that if all their (which were ten in number, having between children born in England were taken from their five and six thousand communicants) to the communion, their churches must break up and same conformity; for this purpose he tendered return home; for as they came into England them these three articles of' inquiry. for the liberty of their consciences, they would 1. " Whether do you use the Dutch or French not continue here after it was taken from them.* liturgy? They desired, therefore, it might be considered 2. i" Of how many descents are you since you what damages would arise to the -kingdom by came into England? driving away the foreigners with their manu3. "Do such as are born here in England factures, and discouraging others from settling conform to the English ceremonies?" in their room. The mayor and corporation ot The ministers and elders demurred upon Canterbury assured his grace that above twelve these questions, and insisted upon their charter hundred of their poor were maintained by the of privileges granted by King Edward VI., and foreigners, and others interceded with'the king confirmed no less than five times in the reign in their favour; but his majesty answered, " We of King James, and twice by King Charles him- must believe our Archbishop of Canterbury," self, by virtue of which they had been exempt who used their deputies very roughly, calling from all archiepiscopal and episcopal jurisdic- them a nest of schismatics, and telling them it were better to have no foreign churches than broke out in Boston and its vicinity, Mr. Shepard, to indulge their nonconformity. In conclusion, by his exertions, was the happy means of stopping he assured them, by a letter dated August 19, this infectious malady. He was an excellent preach- 1635 that his majesty was resolved his ijuncer, and took great pains in his preparations for the pulpit. He used to say, "God will curse that man's tions should be observed, viz., That all their laboulrs who goes idly up and down all the week, and children of the second descent, born in England, thel. goes into his study on a Saturday afternoon. should resort to their parish churches;t " and," God knows that we have not too much time to pray says his grace, " I do expect all obedience and in, and weep in, and get our hearts into a fit frame conformity from you, and'if you refuse, I shall for the duties of the Sabbath." His most celebrated proceed against the natives according to the production is on the " Parable of the Ten Virgins," laws and canons ecclesiastical." Accordingly, which contains a rich fund of experimental and prac- soe of teir curcesere intericte, others tical divinity. Fuller gives Mr. Shepard a place some of their churches were interdicted, others among the learned writers who were fellows of shut up and'the assemblies dissolved; their Emanuel College, Cambridge. His son and grand- ministers being suspended, many of their peoson were, in succession, pastors of the church at pie left the kingdom, especially in the diocess Charlestown.-C. of Norwich, where Bishop Wren drove away * Mather's Hist. of New-England, p. 34. three thousand manufacturers in wool, cloth, t Mr. Norton and Simon Bradstreet, Esq., were &c. some of whom employed a hundred poor sent to England as agents of the colony, on the res- people at work, to the unspeakable damage o toration of Charles II., with an address to his majesty soliciting the continuance of their privileges. This the kingdom. address contains the following passage: "To enjoy As a farther mark of disregard to the foreign our liberty, and to walk according to the faith and Protestants, the king's ambassador in France order of the Gospel, was the cause of us transplanting was forbidden to frequent their religious assemourselves, with our wives, our little ones, and our blies.'' It had been customary," says Lord substance; choosing the pure Scripture worship, Clarendon, " for the ambassadors employed in with a good conscience, in this remote wilderness, a rather than the pleasures of England, with submis- parts where the reformed religion was exsion to the impositions of the hierarchy, to which e]ised, to frequent their churches, and to hold we could not yield without an evil conscience. We correspondence with the most powerful persons are not seditious to the interests of Caesar, nor of that religion, particularly the English ambasschismatical in matters of religion. We distinguish sadors at Paris constantly frequented the church between churches and their impurities. We could at Charenton; but the contrary to this was now not live without the public worship of God, but were practised, and soime advertisements, if not innot allowed to observe it without such a yoke of su- structions, given to the anbassador, to forbear pegstition and conformity as we could not consent to any commerce with the men of that religion. without sin."-Massachusetts Papers, p. 345-371. I hope the reader will compare this serious statement, * It is said that Richelieu made the following at the foot of the throne, with the flagrant misrepre- speech on this exacted conformity:'If a king of sentations and deliberate perversions of history to be England, who is a Protestant, will not permit two found on pages 337-8-9 of the " Double Witness of disciplines in his kingdom, why should a king of the Church," by the Rev. W. I. Kipp, 1843, than France, who is a papist, admit two religions."which, a more specious yet audacious attack on the Mrs. Macaulay's History of England, vol. ii., p. 145, large majority of professing Christians in this coun- note, 8vo.-En. try, has never appeared.-C. t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 273. 320 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. Lord Scudamore, who was the last ambassador he was indicted for high treason, because he before the beginning of the Long Parliament, had prayed "that God would forgive the queen instead of going to Charenton, furnished his [Elizabeth] her sins,"* but was acquitted. He chapel after the new fashion, with candles upon was an awakening preacher, of a warm spirit, the altar, &c., and took care to publish, upon and a robust constitution, which he wore out all occasions, that the Church of England look- with preaching twice every Lord's Day, and ed not on the Huguenots as a part of their coin- frequently on the week days. His ministry munion, which was likewise industriously dis- met with great success even to his death, which coursed at home. This made a great many for- happened November 6, 1634, in the seventyeign Protestants leave the kingdom, and trans- second year of his age.t port themselves into foreign parts." The Church About the same time died the reverend and of England by this means lost the esteem of the pious Mr. John Carter, a man that feared God Reformed churches abroad, who could hardly from his youth, and was always employed in pity her, when a few years after she sunk down acts of devotion and charity. He was born in into the deepest distress. Kent, 1554, and educated in Clare Hall, CamTo give another instance of the archbishop's bridge. He was first minister of Bramford, in disaffection to the foreign Protestants, the Queen Suffolk, for thirty-four years, and then rector of Bohemia, the king's sister, solicited the king, of Bedstead, in the same county; and though in the most pressing manner, to admit of a pIub- often in trouble for his nonconformity, he made lic collection over England for the poor perse- a shift, by the assistance of friends, to maintain cuted ministers of the Palatinate, who were ban- his liberty without any sinful comnpliance.1 He ished their country for their religiop. Accord- was mighty in prayer, frequent and fervent in ingly, the king granted them a brief to go through preaching, and a resolute champion against the kingdom; but when it was brought to the popery, Arminianism, and the new ceremonies. archbishop he excepted against the following He lived to a good old age, and died suddenly, clause: "Whose cases are the more to be de- as he was lying down to sleep, in the eightieth plored, because this extremity has fallen upon year of his age, greatly lamented by all who them for their sincerity and constancy in the t Here Bishop Warburton censures Mr. Neal as true religion, which we together with them pro- guilty of "an unfair representation." His lordship fessed, and which we are all bound in con- adds, "that they were the sins of persecuting the science to maintain to the utmost of our powers. holy discipline which he prayed for the remission of; WMhereas these religious and godly persons, be- and that reflecting on her administration was the ing involved anm~ong others their countrymen, thing which gave offence." The bishop is certainly might have enjoyed their estates and fortunes, right in this construction of Mr. Clarke's prayer; but there is no occasion, inethinks, for the charge he if with other backsliders in the times of trial brings against Mr. Neal, who does hot refer the exthey would have submitted themselves to the pression, or insinuate that it was to be referred, to anti-Christian yoke, and have renounced or dis- the personal vices of the queen, but rather the consembled the profession of their religion." His trary, for he speaks of it as the ground on which Mr. grace had two exceptions to this passage: 1. Clarke was indicted for high treason. He might as The religion of the Palatine churches is affirm- well suppose that his reader would understand the ed to be the same with ours, which he denied, language as pointing to the oppressions of her govbecause they were Calvinists, and because their ernment, and the severities which the Puritans suffered under it. This would have been perfectly clear, ministers had not episcopal ordination. 2. He had Mr. Ncal added from his author, that this prayer, objected to the Church of Rome's being called though in modest expressions, was offered up when an anti-Christian yoke, because it would then the persecution of the Nonconformists was becoming follow that she was in no capacity to convey hot.-En. sacerdotal power in ordinations, and, conse- t Clarke's Lives annexed to his General Martyrquently, the benefit of the priesthood, and the ology, p. 127. He was the father of Rev. Samuel force of holy ministrations, would be lost in the Clarke, of Bennet Fink, the author of the General Martyrology, and the biographer of the Puritans. English Church, forasmuch as she has no or- Almost allwe know of some of the best men of that ders but what she derives from the Church of age we have received from his voluminous biograRome. Laud having acquainted the king with phies. He has great claims on our gratitude.-C. his exceptions, they were expunged in another $ Mr. Carter's chief trials proceeded from Bishop draught. But the collection not succeeding in Wren, who was successively Bishop of Hereford, this way, Dr. Sibbes, Gouge, and other divines Norwich, and Ely, a prelate of most intolerant prinof th e P u ritan party, signed a private recvin- ciples, and too much inclined to the oppressions and of the Puritan party, signed a private recom- ell mendatory letter, desiring their friends to en- superstitions of popery. While he sat in the chair of Norwich, he proceeded, according to Clarendon, large their charity, as to men of the same faith,, so warmly and passionately against the dissenting and profession with themselves, and promising congregations, that many left the kingdom," to the to see to the right distribution of the money; unspeakable injury of the manufactories of this counbut as soon as Laud heard of it, he cited the try. His portrait was published and prefixed to a divines before the High Commission, and put a book entitled " Wren's Anatomy, discovering his nostop to the collection. torious Pranks, &c., printed in the year when Wren This year [1634] put an erd to the life of the ceased to domineer," ]641. In this portrait the bishop is represented sitting at a table, with two laRev. Mr. Hugh Clarke, born at Burton-upon- bels proceeding frm his m athone of which is inTrent, 1563, and educated partly at Cambridge scribed "Canonical Prayers," the other, "No Afand partly at Oxford. He was first minister ternoon Sermons." On one side stand several clerof Oundle, in Northamptonshire, and then of gymen, over whose heads is written "Altar CrinWoolston, in Warwickshire, firom whence he ging Priests." On the other side, two men in lay habwas suspended, and afterward excommlunicated its, above whom is this inscription, "Church-wardens for Articles." —Prynne's Cant. Doom, p. 531. Clarendon's.Hist., vol. ii., p. 74. Granger's Biog. BIist.. * Cyp. Ang., Collyer, vol. ii., p. 764, 765. vol. ii., p. 157.-C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 321 had a taste for practical religion and undissem- they had remained excommunicated for a year. bled piety.* His funeral sermon was preached they were cast into the common jail, where they iefore a vast concourse of people, from these continued till the year 1637, and were then obliwords, " My father, my father, the chariots of ged to do public penance in the parish church of Israel, and the horsemen thereof!" Beckington, and two others, the shame of which Conformity to the new ceremonies and the broke their hearts; one of them declaring upon king's injunctions was now pressed with the his death-bed soon after, that the penance and utmost rigour. The Rev. Mr. Crook, of Brazen- submission, so much against his conscience, nose College, and Mr. Hobbes, of Trinity Col- had sunk his spirits, and was one principal cause lege, Oxford, were enjoined a public recantation of his death.* for reflecting upon the Arminians. In the archbishop's metropolitical visitation Mr. Samuel Ward, of Ipswich, having preach- this summer, Mr. Lee, one of the prebendaries ed against the Book of Sports, and bowing at of Litchfield, was suspended for churching rethe name of Jesus, added, that the Church of fractory women in private, for being averse to England was ready to ring changes in religion; the good orders of the Church, and for ordering and that the Gospel stood a tiptoe, really to be the bellman to give notice in open market of a gone to America;t for which he was suspended, sermon.t Mr. Randal, of Tuddington, near and enjoined a public recantation. Another Hampton Court, Middlesex, was suspended for underwent the same censure for saying it was preaching a sermon above an hour long on Sunsuspicious that the night was approaching, be- day in the afternoon, though it was a farewell cause the shadows were so much longer than sermon to the exercise of catechising. His the body, and ceremonies more enforced than grace's account of his province this year gives the power of godliness. a farther relation of the sufferings of the PuriThe Rev. Mr. Chauncey, late minister of tans:T he acquaints his majesty that the French Ware, but now of Marston Lawrence, in the and Dutch churches had not as yet thoroughly diocess of Peterborough, was imprisoned, con- complied with his injunctions. That in the diodemned in cost of suit, and obliged to read the cess of London, Dr. Houghton, rector of Alderfollowing recantation for opposing the railing manbury, Mr. Simpson, curate and lecturer of in the communion-table: St. Margaret, Fish-street, Mr. John Goodwin, " Whereas I, Charles Chauncey, clerk, late vicar of Coleman-street, and Mr. Viner of St. Vicar of Ware, stand convicted for opposing Lawrence, Old Jewry, had been convened for the setting up a rail round the communion-ta- breach of canons. and had submitted; to whom ble, and for saying it was an innovation, a snare his grace might have added, Dr. Sibbes, Dr. to men's consciences, a breach of the second Taylor, Dr. Gouge, Mr. White, of Dorsetshire, commandment, an addition to God's worship, and about twenty more; some of whom fled and that which drove me from the place, I do into Holland, and others retired into New-Engnow, before this honourable court, acknowledge land. The Bishop of Bath and Wells certified my great offence, and protest I am ready to de- that he had not one single lecture in any corpoclare upon oath, that I am now persuaded in ration town, and that all afternoon sermons my conscience, that kneeling at the communion were turned into catechisings in all parishes. is a lawful and commendable gesture; that the In the diocess of Norwich were many Puritans, rail is a decent and convenient ornament, and but that Mr. Ward of Yarmouth was in the that I was much to blame for opposing it; and High Commission. From the diocess of Lalndo promise from henceforth, never by word or daff, Mr. Wroth and Mr. Erbury, two noted deed to oppose that, or any other laudable rites schismatics, were brought before the High Comnand ceremonies used in the Church of Eng- mission. And that in the diocess of Gloucesland."$ ter were several popular and factious minisAfter this he was judicially admonished and ters. discharged; but the recantation went so much It must be confessed that the zeal of the Puagainst his conscience, that he could enjoy no ritans was not always well regulated, nor were peace till he had quitted the Church of England, their ministers so much on their guard in the and retired to New-England, where he made pulpit or conversation as they ought, consideran open acknowledgment of his sin. ing the number of informers that entered all The church-wardens of Beckington, in Som- their churches, that insinuated themselves into ersetshire, were excommunicated by the Bishop all public conversation, and, like so many loof Bath and Wells, for refusing to remove the custs, covered the land. These were so nucommunion-table from the middle of the chancel merous and corrupt that the king was obliged to the east end, and not pulling down the seats to bring them under certain regulations; for no to make room for it. They produced a certifi- man was safe in public company, nor even in cate that their communion-table had stood time conversing with his friends and neighbours. out of mind in the midst of the chancel; that Many broke up housekeeping, that they might the ground on which it Nwas placed was raised breathe in a freer air, which the council being a foot, and enclosed with a decent wainscot bor- informed of, a proclamation was published [July der, and that none went within it but the min- 21, 1635], forbidding all persons except soldiers, ister, and such as he required. This not avail- mariners, merchants and their factors, to depart ing, they appealed to the Arches, and at last to the kingdom without his majesty's license. the king; but their appeal was rejected. After But, notwithstanding this prohibition, numbers went to New-England this summer, and Ut supra, p. 132. among others the Rev. Mr. Peter Bulkley, B D., t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 285. Prynne, p. i, 285. * Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 300. t Prynne, p. 95, 97, 100. Rushworth, vol. ii., part t Prynne, p. 381-. ii., p. 301, 316.: Collyer's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 763. VOL. I.-S s 322 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. and fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. new bishops to prepare draughts of both, and reHe was son of Dr. Edward Bulkley, of Bedford- mit them to London, to be revised by the Bishshire, and succeeded him at Woodhill, or Odel, ops Laud, Juxon, and Wren. The book of canons in that county. Here he continued above twen- being first finished, was presented to the king, ty years, the Bishop of Lincoln conniving at and by him delivered to Laud and Juxon to exhis nonconformity: but when Dr. Laud was at amine, alter, and reform at pleasure, and to the helm of the Church, and the Bishop of Lin- bring it as near as possible to a conformity with coin in disgrace, Bulkley was silenced by the the English canons. The bishops having exevicar-general, Sir Nathaniel Brent, upon which cuted their commission, and prepared it for he sold a very plentiful estate, and transported press, the king confirmed it under the great himself' and his effects to New-England, where seal by letters patent, dated at Greenwich, May he died in the year 1658-9, and the seventy- 23, 1635. The instrument sets forth, " that his seventh of his age. He was a thundering majesty, by his royal and supreme authority in preacher, and a judicious divine, as appears by causes ecclesiastical, ratifies and confirms the his treatise'" Of the Covenant," which passed said canons, orders, and constitutions, and all through several editions, and was one of the and everything in them contained, and strictly first books published in that country.* commands all archbishops, bishops, and others Mr. Richard Mather, educated in Brazen-nose exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction, to see College, Oxon, and minister of Toxteth, near them punctually observed." Liverpool, for about fifteen years, a diligent and To give the reader a specimen of these cansuccessful preacher, was suspended for non- ons, which were subversive of the whole Scots conformity in the year 1633, but by the inter- constitution both in Kirk and State: cession of friends, after six months he was re- 1. " The first canon excommunicates all stored. Next summer, the Archbishop of York those who affirm the power and prerogative of sending his visiters into Lancashire, this good the king not to be equal with the Jewish kings, man was again suspended by Dr: Cosins, upon that is, absolute and unlimited. an information that he had not worn the sur- 2. " The second excommunicates those who plice for fifteen years. After this no interces- shall affirm the worship contained in the Book sion could obtain the liberty of his ministry; of Common Prayer [which was not yet pubupon which he took shipping at Bristol, and ar- lished], or the government of the Kirk by archrived at Boston, in New-England, August 17, bishops, bishops, &c., to be corrupt, supersti1635. He settled at Dorchester, and continued tious, or unlawful. with his people, a plain and profitable preacher, 3. " The third restrains ordinations to the to the year 1669, when he died. This was the qualuor tempora, that is, the first weeks of March, grandfather of the famous Dr. Cotton Mather. June, September, and December. In Scotland the fire was kindling apace which 5. " The fifth obliges all presbyters to read, in three years' time set both kingdoms in a or cause to be read, Divine service, according flame. The restoring episcopacy, by the vio- to the form of the Book of the Scottish Comlent methods already mentioned, did not sit mon Prayer, and to conform to all the offices, easy upon the people; the new Scots bishops parts, and rubrics of it [though not yet pubwere of Bishop Laud's principles; they spoke lished."] very favourably of popery in their sermons, and The book decrees farther, " that no assemcast some invidious reflections on the Reform- bly of the clergy shall be called but by the king. ers: they declared openly ior the doctrines of "; That none shall receive the sacrament but Arminius, for sports on the Sabbath, and for the upon their knees. liturgy of the English Church, which was ima- "That every ecclesiastical person dying withgined to be little better than the mass.t This out children shall give part of his estate to the lost them their esteem with the people, who Church. had been trained up in the doctrines and disci- " That the clergy shall have no private meetpline of Calvin, and in the strict observation of ings for expounding Scripture. the Lord's Day. But the king, to support them, "That no clergyman shall conceive prayer, cherished them with expressions of the great- but pray only by the printed form, to be preest respect and confidence; he made eleven of scribed in the Book of Common Prayer. them privy-councillors; the Archbishop of St. "That no man shall teach school without a Andrew's was lord-chancellor, and the Bishop license from the bishop; nor any censures oi of Ross was in nomination to be lord-high-treas- the Church be pronounced but by the approbaurer; divers of them were of the exchequer, tion of the bishop.;and had engrossed the best secular prefer- " That no presbyter shall reveal anything in ments, which made them the envy of the no- confession, except his own life should by the'bility and gentry of that nation. The bishops concealment be forfeited." were so sensible of this, that they advised the After sundry other canons of this nature, as king not to trust the intended alterations in re- appointing fonts for baptism, church ornaments, ligion to parliaments or general assemblies, but communion-tables, or altars, &c., the book deto introduce them by his regal authority. crees, that no person shall be admitted to holy When the king was last in Scotland, it was orders, or to preach, or administer the sacra-,taken notice of as a great blemish in the Kirk, ments, without first subscribing the foremen-,that it had no liturgy or book of canons. To tloned canons.:supply this defect, the king gave orders to the This book was no sooner published than the *Rapin, p. 3 oSedit. Mr. Scots presbyters declared peremptorily against Rapin, vol. ii., p. 394, folio edit. Mr. Bulkley it;* their objections were of two sorts: they made additions to Fox's Acts and Monuments of the disliked the matter of the canons, as inconsistMartyrs.-See vol. ilii, p. 861-86;3.-C. disliked the matter of the canons, as inconsistMartyrs.-See vol. iii., p. 861-863.-,C. f Burnet.'s Memoirs of D. Hamilton, p. 29, 30. * Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 764. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 323 ent with their kirk government, and severer in courts. The civilians had boldly and unwarsome particulars than those of the Church of rantably opposed and protested against prohiEngland: they protested also against the man- bitions and other proceedings at law, in rener of imposing them, without consent of Par- straint of their spiritual courts, and had proliament or General Assembly. It was,thought cured some privileges and orders from the king intolerable vassalage, by a people who had as- in favour of the ecclesiastical courts, which had serted the independent power of the Church to greatly offended the gentlemen of the law. convene assemblies of the clergy, and who had But the archbishop now went a step farther, and maintained that their decrees were binding prevailed with the king to direct that half the without the confirmation of the crown, to have masters in chancery should always be civil the king and a few foreign bishops dictate can- lawyers; and to declare that no others, of what ons to them, without so much as asking their condition soever, should serve him as masters advice and consent. Such a high display of of request; these were more akin to the Church the supremacy could not fail of being highly re- than the common lawyers, their places being in sented by a church that had never yielded it to the bishop's disposal (as chancellors, commisthe king in the latitude in which it had been saries, &c.), and, therefore, it was supposed claimed and exercised in England. Besides, their persons would be so too; but this was it was very preposterous to publish the book of false policy, says the noble historian, * because canons before the Book of Common Prayer, it disgusted a whole learned profession, who and to require submission and subscription to were more capable of disserving the Church things that had no existence; for who could in their estates, inheritances, and stewardships, foretel what might be inserted in the Com- than the Church could hurt them in their pracmon Prayer Book. or what kind of service tice. Besides, it was wrong in itself; for I have might be imposed upon the Kirk? This looked never yet spoken with one clergyman, says his too much like pinning the faith of a whole na- lordship, who hath had experience of both litition on the lawn sleeves. gations, that has not ingenuously confessed, To return to England. Towards the end of that he had rather, in respect of his trouble, this year it pleased God to remove out of this charge, and satisfaction to his understanding, world the Reverend Dr. Richard Sibbes, one of have three suits depending in Westminster Hall the most celebrated preachers of his time. He than one in the Arches, or any ecclesiastical was born at Sudbury, 1579, and educated in St. court. John's College, Cambridge, where he went As a farther step towards the sovereign powthrough all the degrees. Having entered into er of the Church, his grace prevailed with the the ministry, he was first chosen lecturer of king to allow the bishops to hold their ecclesiTrinity Church, in Cambridge, where his min- astical courts in their own names, and by their istry was very successful to the conversion and own seals, without the king's letters patent unreformation of his hearers. About the year der the great seal; the judges having given it 1618 he was appointed preacher to the honour- as their opinion that a patent under the great able society of Gray's Inn, London, in which seal was not necessary for examinations, susstation he became so famous, that, besides the pensions, and other church censures. This was lawyers of the house, many of the nobility and undoubtedly contrary to law, for by the statute gentry frequented his sermons. In the year I Edw. VI., cap ii., it is declared "that all ec1625 he was chosen master of Katherine Hall, clesiastical jurisdiction is immediately front the in the University of Cambridge, the government crown, and that all persons exercising such juof which he made a shift to continue to his death, risdiction shall have in their seal the king's though-he was turned out of his fellowship and arms, and shall use no other seal of jurisdiclecture in the university for nonconformity, and tion on pain of imprisonment."t This statute often cited before the High Commission. He being repealed, I Mariae, cap. ii., was again rewas a divine of good learning, thoroughly ac- vived by 1 Jac., cap. xxv., as has been observquainted with the Scriptures, a burning and ed.$ Hereupon, in the Parliaments of the 3d shining light, and of a most humble and chari- and 7th of King James I., the bishops were table disposition; but all these talents could proceeded against, and two of them, in a mannot screen him from the fury of the times. ner, attainted in a premunire by the House of His works* discover him to have been of a Commons, for making citations and processes heavenly, evangelical spirit, the comforts of in their own names, and using their own seals, which he enjoyed at his death, which happened contrary to this statute and to the common the latter end of this summer, in the fifty-ninth law, and in derogation of the prerogative. So year.of his age.+ that by this concession the king dispensed with To aggrandize the Church yet farther, the the laws, and yielded away the ancient and unarchbishop resolved to bring part of the busi- doubted right of his crown, and the bishops ness of Westminster Hall-into the ecclesiastical were brought under a premunire for exercising spiritual jurisdiction without any special com* Of these, the most noted was his " Bruised mission, patent, or grant from, by, or under Reed," to which, Mr. Baxter tells us, he in a great his majesty, whereas all jurisdiction of this measure owed his conversion. This circumstance kind ought to have been exercised in the ing' alone, observes Mr. Granger, would have rendered his name memorable.-History of EnglanLd, vol. ii., name, and by virtue of his authority only, sigp. 176, 8vo. Sylvester's Life of Baxter, part i., p. 4. nified by letters patent under his majesty's seal. This interesting memoir was one of the favour- The archbishop was no less intent upon enite volumes of Coleridge, who always kept it by larging his own jurisdiction, claiming a right to him. No minister should lose an opportunity to obtain this very scarce and valuable work.-C. * Clarendon, vol. ii., p. 305, 306. t Clarke's Lives, annexed to his General Martyr- t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 450. ology, p. 143. t Usurpation of Prelates, p.,92, 115 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS visit the two universities jure metropolitico, which not subject to a prohibition firom the courts of being referred to the king and council, his maj- Westminster Hall, was setting up imperium in esty was pleased to give judgment against imperio, and going a great way towards re-eshimself. As chancellor of Oxford, his grace tablishing one of the heaviest grievances of the caused a new body of statutes to be drawn up. papacy; but the bishops presumed upon the fefor that university, with a preface, in which are licity of the times and the indulgence of the some severe reflections on good King Edward crown, which at another time might have inand his government; it says that the discipline volved them in a premunire. of the university was discgmposed and troubled The articles of visitation differed in the sevby that king's injunctions and the flattering eral diocesses; the church-wardens' oath was novelty of the age. It then commends the generally the same, viz.: reign of his sister, the bloody Queen Mary, and "You shall swear, that you, and every of says that the discipline of the Church revived you, shall duly consider and diligently inquire and flourished again in her days under Cardinal of all and every of these articles given you in Pole, when, by the much-desired felicity of charge; and that all affection, favour, hope of those times, an inbred candour supplied the de- reward and gain, or fear of displeasure, or malfeet of statutes.* Was this spoken like a Prot- ice set aside, you shall present all and every such estant prelate, whose predecessors in the sees person that now is, or of late was, within your of London and Canterbury were burned at Ox- parish, or hath committed any offence, or made ford by Queen Mary, in a most barbarous man- any default mentioned in any of these articles, ner 1 Or, rather, like one who was aiming at or which are vehemently suspected, or defamed the return of those happy times of any such offence or default, wherein you The last and most extravagant stretch of shall deal uprightly and fully, neither presentepiscopal power that I shall mention was the ing nor daring to present any contrary to truth, bishops framing new articles of visitation in having in this action God before your eyes, with their own names, without the king's seal and an earnest zeal to maintain truth, and to supauthority, and administering an oath of inquiry press vice. So help you God, and the holy conto the church-wardens concerning them.t This tents of this book." was an outrage upon the laws, contrary to the By virtue of this oath, some, out of conscience, Act of Submission, 25 Hen. VIII., cap. xxv., thought themselves obliged to present their minand even to the twelfth canon of 1603, which isters, their neighbours, and their near relasays, " that whosoever shall affirm it lawful for tions, not for immorality or neglect of the worany sort of ministers or lay persons to assern- ship of God, but for omitting some superstible together and make rules, orders, and con- tious injunctions. Others acted from revenge, stitutions, in causes ecclesiastical, without the having an opportunity put into their hands to king's authority, and shall submit themselves ruin their conscientious neighbours. Many to be ruled and governed by them, let him be church-wardens refused to take the oath, and excommunicated;" which includes the fiamers were imprisoned, and forced to do penance. of the orders as well as those who act under But, to prevent this for the future, it was dethem. The administering an oath to church- clared, "that if any man affirmed it was not wardens, without a royal commission, had no lawful to take the oath of a church-warden, or foundation in law, for by the common law no that it was. not lawfully administered, or that ecclesiastical judge can administer an oath (ex- the oath did not bind, or that the church-wardcept. in cases of matrimony and- testaments) ens need not inquire, or, after inquiry, need not without letters patent, or a special commission answer, or might leave out part of their anunder the great seal. It was also declared con- swers,"* such persons should be presented and trary to the laws and statutes of the land, by punished. Sir Edward Coke and the rest of the judges, Several of the bishops published their pri3 James, in the case of Mr. Wharton, who, be- mary articles of visitation about this time. as ing church-warden of Blackfriars, London, was the Archbishop of York, the Bishops of Winexcomimiunicated and imprisoned on a capias chester, and Bath and Wells; but the most excomn'nicatum, for refusing to take an oath to remarkable and curious were Dr. Wren's, bishpresentupon visitation articles; but bringing op of Norwich, entitled, "Articles to be in. his habeas corpus, he was discharged by the quired of within the Diocess of Norwich, in the whole court, both from his imprisonment and first Visitation of Matthew, Lord-bishop of Norexcommunication, for this reason, because the wich."t The book contains one hundred and oath and articles were against the laws and thirty-nine articles, in which are eight hundred statutes of' -is realm, and so might and ought and ninety-seven questions, some very insignifito be refused. Upon the whole, the making cant, others highly superstitious, and several the mitrs. thus independent of the crown, and impossible to be answered. To give the reader * An,.* >a specimen of them: Have you the book of answer Mr. Neal, it is urged by Dr. Grey, constitutions or canons ecclesiastical, and a may be supplied from Frankland's Annals of King parchmentregisterbook BookofCommonPrayCharles I., accordig to whom, what is applied above er, and a book of homilies I Is your commuto. Queen Mary's time only, relates to all former times as well as hers, during which the uncertainty nion-table so placed within the chancel as the of the statutes lasted, and put the university to an in- canon directs? Doth your minister read the convenience; and who asserts that the preface men- canons once every year? Doth he pray for the tioned by Mr. Neal was written by Dr. Peter Turner, king with his whole title? Doth he pray for of Merton College, a doctor of civil law. The read- the archbishops and bishops. Doth he observe er, however, will probably apprehend that it expressed the sentiments of Archbishop Laud, and was vir- * Visit. Art., chap. vi., O 9. tually his.-En. t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 186, 187. Prynne, t Usurpation of Prelates, p. 229, 240. p. 374. Rapin, vol. ii., p. 289, 290, folio edit. HISTORY OF i'tHE PURITANS 325 all the orders, rites, and ceremonies prescribed Bishop Montague, who succeeded Wren in in the Book of Common Prayer, and adminis- the diocess of Norwich, 1638, imitated his suctering the sacrament Doth he receive the cessor in his visitation-articles; it being now sacrament kneeling himself, and administer to fashionable for every new bishop to frame sepnone but such as kneel? Doth he admit to the arate articles of inquiry for the visitation of his sacrament any notorious offenders or schismat- own diocess. Montague pointed his inquiries ics? Do the strangers of other parishes come against the Puritan lecturers, of which he oboften, or frequently to your church? Doth your serves three sorts.* minister baptize with the sign of the cross 1 Is " 1. Such as were superinducted into another your minister licensed, and by whom? Doth man's cure; concerning which he enjoins his he wear the surplice while he is reading pray- visiters to inquire, Whether the lecturer's serers and administering the sacrament?. Doth he mons in the afternoons are popular or catecatechise and instruct the youth in the Ten chistical? Whether he be admitted with conCommandments? Doth he solemnize marriage sent of the incumbent and bishop? Whether without the bans? Doth he, in Rogation-days, he read prayers in his surplice and hood 1 Of use the perambulation round the parish? Doth what length his sermons are, and upon what he every six months denounce in the parish [or subject? Whether he bids prayer, according to publicly declare the names of] all such as per- the fifty-fifth canon? severe in the sentence of excommunication, not "2. The second sort of lecturers are those of seeking to be absolved? Doth he admit any combination, when the neighbouring ministers excommunicate persons into the church with- agreed to preach by turns at an adjoining marout a certificate of absolution? Is your minis- ket town on market days; inquire who the ter a favourer of recusants? Is he noted to be combiners are, and whether they conform as an incontinent person; a frequenter of taverns, above? alehouses; a common gamester, or a player at " 3. A third sort are running lecturers, when dice? Hath your minister read the Book of neighbouring Christians agree upon such a day Sports in his church or chapel? Doth he read to meet at a certain church in some country the second service at the communion-table'! town or village, and after sermon and dinner to Doth he use conceived prayers before or after meet at the house of one of their disciples to sermon? With regard to churchyards, are they repeat, censure, and explain the sermon; then consecrated? Are the graves dug east and to discourse of some points proposed at a forewest, and the bodies buried with their heads to going meeting by the moderator of the assemthe west? Do your parishioners, at going in bly, derogatory to the doctrine or discipline of and out of the church, do reverence towards the Church; and, in conclusion, to appoint anthe chancel? Do they kneel at confession, other place for their next meeting. If you have Stand up at the creed, and bow at the glorious any such lecturers, present them." name of Jesus?* &c., with divers articles of the Dr. Pierce, bishop of Bath and Wells, suplike nature.- pressed all lecturers in market towns, and elseThe weight of these inquiries fell chiefly upon where throughout his diocess, alleging that he the Puritans, for within the compass of two saw no such need of preaching now, as was in years and four months no less than fifty able the apostles' days. He suspended Mi. Devenand pious ministers were suspended, silenced, ish, minister of Bridgewater, for preaching a and otherwise censured, to the ruin of their poor lecture in his own church on a market day, families, for not obeying one or other of these which had continued ever since the days of articles; among whom were the Rev. Mr. John Queen Elizabeth; and afterward, when he abAllen,. Mr. John TWard, Mr. William Powell, Mr. solved him upon his promise to preach it no John Carter, Mr. Ashe, Mr. William Bridges, more, he said to him, "Go thy way, sin no Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs, Mr. Greenhill, Mr. Ed- more, lest a worse thing befall thee."t His mund Calamy, Mr. Hudson, Peck, Raymond, lordship put down all afternoon sermons on Green, Mott, Kent, Allen, Scott, Beard, Moth, Lord's Days, and suspended Mr. Cornish for Manning, Warren, Kirrington, and others, in preaching a funeral sermon in the evening. And the diocess of Norwich. In other diocesses whereas some ministers used to explain the were Mr. Jonathan Burre, Mr. William Leigh, questions and answers in the catechism, and Mr. Matthew Brownrigge, Mr. G. Huntley, Vic- make a short prayer before and after, the bishop ars, Proud, Workman, Crowder, Snelling, &c., reproved them sharply for it, saying that was some of whom spent their days in silence, oth- as bad as preaching, and charged them to ask ers departed their country into parts beyond no questions, nor receive any answers but such sea, and none were released without a promise as were in the Book of Common Prayer; and to conform to the bishops' injunctions editis et for not complying with this injunction, Mr. edendis, i. e., already published, or hereafter to Barret, rector of Berwick, and some others, be published. were enjoined public penance. The Bishop of Peterborough, and all the new bishops, went in * Cant. Doom, p. 96. the same track; and some of them upon this t One article, which Mr. Neal has omitted, requi- sad principle, That afternoon sermons on Sunred "that the church-wardens in every parish of his d diocess should inquire whether any persons presumed ays were an impediment to the revels in the to talk of religion at their tables and in their families." evening. Not to say the gross ignorance which this restraint The Church was now in the height of its triwould cause, it showed the extreme of jealousy and umphs, and grasped not only at all spiritual juintolerance, was subversive of the influence and en- risdiction, but at the capital preferments of state. dearments of domestic life, and converted each pri- This year Dr. Juxon, bishop of London, was vate house into a court of inquisition.-Pillars of declared Lord-high-treasurer of England, which Priestcraft and Orthodoxy Shaken, 1768, vol. iii., p. 107 308.-ED. * P-vnne, p. 376. t Ibid., p. 377. 326 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. is the first office of profit and power in the girdle, and upon their priestly character dependkingdom, and has precedence next to the arch- ed the efficacy of all Gospel institutions. This bishop. Juxon's name had hardly been known made some of them remarkably negligent of at court above two years;* till then he was no their cures up and down the country; others more than a private chaplain to the king, and lost the little learning they had acquired at the head of a poor college at Oxford. Besides, no university, and many became very scandalous churchman had held this post since the darkest in their lives; though Lord Clarendon* says that times of popery, in the reign of King Henry there was not one churchman in any degree of VII.; but Laud valued himself upon this nomina- favour or acceptance [at court] of a scandalous tion: " Now," says he, in his diary, " if the insufficiency in learning, or of a more scandaChurch will not hold up themselves, under God, lous condition of life; but, on the contrary, most I can do no more."t When the staff of treas- of them of confessed eminent parts in knowlurer was put into the hands of Juxon, Lord edge, and of virtuous and unblemished lives. Clarendon observes, " that the nobility were in- Great numbers of the most useful and laboflamed, and began to look upon the Church as rious preachers in all parts of the country were a gulf ready to swallow all the great offices of buried in silence, and forced to abscond from state, there being other churchmen in view the fury of the High Commission; among whom who were ambitious enough to expect the rest. were the famous Mr. John Dod, Mr. Whatley, The inferior clergy took advantage of this situ- Iir. Harris, Mr. Capel, and Mr. John Rogers, of ation of their affairs, and did not live towards Dedham, one of the most awakening preachers their neighbours of quality, or patrons, with that of his age, of whom Bishop Brownrigge used civility and good manners as they used to do, to say, "that he did more good with his wild which disposed others to withdraw their counte- notes than we [the bishops] with our set munance and good neighbourhood from them, espe- sic." Yet his great usefulness could not screen cially after they were put into the commissions him from those suspensions and deprivations of peace in most counties of England." One of which were the portion of the Puritans in these the members of the House of Commons said, times.t His resolutions about subscribing I " That the clergy were so exalted that a gentle- will relate in his own words: "If I come into man might not come near the tail of their mules; trouble for nonconformity, I resolve, by God's and that one of them had declared openly, that assistance, to come away with a clear conhe hoped to see the day when a clergyman should science; for, though the liberty of my ministry be as good a man as any upstart Jack gentleman be dear to me, I dare not buy it at such a rate. in the kingdom." It is certain the favourable I am troubled at my former subscription, but I aspect of the court had very much exalted their saw men of good gifts, and of good hearts (as I behaviour, and their new notions had made thought), go before me; and I could not prove them conceive themselves an order of men that there was anything contrary to the Word above the rank of the laity, forasmuch as they of God, though I disliked the ceremonies, and had the keys of the kingdom of heaven at their knew them to be iunprofitable burdens to the Church of God; but if I am urged again I will Dr. Juxon, having been elected to the See of never yield; it was my weakness before, as Hereford before he was consecrated, was translated I now conceive, which I beseech God to paron the 19th of September, 1633, to that of London. don Written in the year 627." But after His first preferment was, in 1627, to the Deanery of this the good man was overtaken again, and Worcester: but his constant connexion with the court was not formed till the 10th of July, 1632, when yielded, which almost broke his heart; he adds, he was, at the suit of Archbishop Laud, sworn clerk "For this I smarted, 1631. If I had read over of his majesty's closet, two years and eight months this [my former resolution], it may be I had not before he was declared lord-high-treasurer. So that done what I did." How severe are such trials Mr. Neal's expression, that his name had hardly to a poor man with a numerous family of chilbeen known at court above two years, at which Dr. dren! And how sore the distresses of a woundGrey carps, does not greatly deviate from the exact ed conscience! fact. The doctor quotes, also, many testimonies to the amiable temper and virtues of Bishop Juxon. But, Others continued to leave their country, acthough they justly reflect honour on his memory, the cording to our blessed Saviour's advice, Matt.. personal virtues of the bishop did not render the in- x., 23, " When they persecute you in this city, vesting a clergyman with the high office to which he flee ye into another." Among these were Mr. was exalted a measure more politic in itself, or less Nathaniel Rogers, son of Mr. John Rogers, of obnoxious to the people. And the shorter was the Dedham, educated in Emanuel College, Camtime during which he had been known at court, the bridge, and settled at Assington in Suffolk, where fewer opportunities he had enjoyed to display his virtues, and the more probable it was that he owed his he continued five years; but seeing the storm dignity, not to the excellence of his own character, that had driven his neighbours from their anbut to the influence and views of Laud. This circumstance, together with the vast power connected * Vol. i., p. 77. with the office, and the exaltation supposed to be t Mr. Rogers was a thorough Puritan, but of an thus given to the clerical order, created jealousy and humble and peaceable behaviour. He loved all wh( gave offence. In this light Mr. Neal places the mat- loved Christ, and was greatly beloved by them ter, without impeaching the merit of Bishop Juxon. When Laud suppressed his lecture, he said, "La -ED. them take me, and hang me up by the neck if the) t Bishop Warburton's remarks here deserve atten- will, but remove those stumbling-blocks out of the. tion: "Had he been content," says his lordship, Church." Mr. Giles Firmin, one of the ejected Non"to do nothing, the Church had stood. Suppose him conformists, was converted, when a boy at school, to have been an honest man and sincere, which I under his ministry. His works are valuable, and the think must be granted, it would follow that he knew chief that are extant are, The Doctrine of Faith, 1627; nothing of the constitution either of civil or religious soci- Exposition on First Epistle of Peter, 1659; A Trea ety, and was as poor a churchman as he was a politician." tise on Love; and Sixty Memorials of a Godly Life. -ED. -C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 327 chor, and being fearful of his own steadfastness anny, and injustice." Mr. Prynne's answer rein the hour of temptation, he resigned his living fleeted upon the hierarchy, though in more modinto the hands of his patron, and forsaking the erate and cautious terms. All the defendants neighbourhood of his father, and all prospects offered to maintain their several answers at the of worldly advantage, cast himself and his fai- perilof their lives; but the court finding them not ily upon the providence of God, and embarked filed upon record, would not receive them. The for New-England, where he arrived about the prisoners at the bar cried aloud for justice, and middle of November, 1636, and settled with Mr. that their answers might be read; but it was Norton, at Ipswich, with whom he continued peremptorily denied, and the following sentence to his death, which happened in the year 1655.* passed upon them: that "Mr. Burton be deAbout the same time went over Mr. Lambert prived of his living, and degraded from his minWThiteing, M.A., a Lincolnshire divine, who con- istry, as Prynne and Bastwick had been from tinued at Shirbeck, near Boston, unmolested, their professions of law and physic; that each till Bishop Williams's disgrace, after which he of them be fined ~5000; that they stand in the was silenced by the spiritual courts, and forced pillory at Westminster, and have their ears cut into New-England, where he arrived with his off; and because Mr. Prynne had already lost family this summer, and continued a useful his ears by sentence of the court, 1633, it was preacher to a little flock at Lynn till the year ordered that the remainder of his stumps should 1679, when he died, in the eighty-third year of be cut off, and that he should be stigmatized on his age. both cheeks with the letters S. L., and then all The Star Chamber and High Commission ex- three were to suffer perpetual imprisonment in ceeded all the bounds, not only of law and equi- the remotest prisons of the kingdom." This ty, but even of humanity itself.t We have re- sentence was executed upon them June 30,1637, lated the sufferings of Mr. Prynne, Burton, and the hangman rather sawing the remainder of Bastwick, in the year 1633. These gentlemen, Prynne's ears than cutting them off; after which being shut up in prison, were supposed to em- they were sent, under a strong guard, one to ploy their time in writing against the bishops the Castle of Launceston, in Cornwall, another and their spiritual courts; Bastwick was char- to the Castle of Lancaster, and a third to Carged with a book, published 1636, entitled "Apolo- narvon Castle, in Wales;* but these prisoners geticus ad praesules Anglicanos;" and with a not being thought distant enough, they were afpamphlet called "The New Litany:" the others, terward removed to the islands of Scilly, Guernwith two anonymous books, one entitled "A sey, and Jersey, where they were kept without Divine Tragedy, containing a Catalogue of God's the use of pen, ink, or paper, or the access of Judgments against Sabbath Breakers;" the oth- friends, till they were released by the Long er, "News from Ipswich;" which last was a Parliament. satire upon the severe proceedings of Dr. Wren, At passing this sentence, Archbishop Laud bishop of that diocess. For these they were made a laboured speech to clear himself from cited a second time into the Star Chamber, by the charge of innovations with which the Purivirtue of an information laid against them by tans loaded him. He begins with retorting the the attorney-general, for writing and publishing crime upon the Puritans, who were for setseditious, schismatical, and libellous books ting aside the order of bishops, whereas in all against the hierarchy of the Church, and to the ages since the apostles' time the Church had scandal of the government. When the defend- been governed by bishops, whose calling and ants had prepared their answers, they could not order, in his grace's opinion, was by Divine get counsel to sign them; upon which they pe- right, the office of lay-elders having never been titioned the court to receive them from them- heard of before Calvin. -Ie then vindicates selves, which would not be admitted; however, the particular innovations complained of, as, Prynne and Bastwick,'having no other remedy, 1. Bowing towards the altar, or at coming into left their answers at the office, signed with their the church. This, he says, was the practice in own hands, but were nevertheless proceeded Jewish times: Psalm xcv., 6, " 0 come, let us against pro confesso. Burton prevailed with Mr. worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Holt, a bencher of Gray's Inn, to sign his an- Lord our maker;" and yet the government is swer; but the court ordered the two chief-jus- so moderate that no man is forced to it, but tices to expunge what they thought unfit to be only religiously called upon. " For my own brought into court, and they struck out the part," says his grace, " I shall always think whole answer, except six lines at the beginning, myself bound to worship God with my body as and three or four at the end; and because Mr. well as soul, in what consecrated place soever Burton would not acknowledge it thus purged, I come to pray. You, my honoured lords of he was also taken pro confesso. the Garter, do reverence towards the altar as In Bastwick's answer the prelates are called the greatest place of God's residence upon "invaders of the king's prerogative, conteniners and despisers of the Holy Scriptures, advancers * The archbishop's revenge, not glutted by the seof popery, superstition, idolatry, and profane- vere sentence obtained against Mr. Prynne, pursued tess; t;hey are charged with oppressing the those who, at Chester and other places, as he was ness; hey are charged ith oppressing the carryingto prison, showed him civilities. For, though king's loyal subjects, and with great cruelty, tyr- his keepers were not forbidden to let any visit * He was an eminently holy man, an admirable him, some were fined ~500, some ~300, and others preacher, and an incomparable master of the Latin ~250.-Rushworth Abridged, vol. ii., p. 295, &c., as tongue. " I shall do an injury to his memory," says quoted in the Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy, Cotton Mather, "if I do not declare that he was one vol. iii., p. 272. And the servant of Mr. Prynne was of the greatest men, and one of the best ministers, proceeded against in the High Commission, and sent that ever set his foot on the American shore."-His- from prison to prison, only for refusing to accuse his tory of New-England, b. iii., p. 106-108.-C. master.-Id., p. 273. Neither fidelity nor humanity t R lshworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 380, &c. had merit with this prelate. —ED. 328 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. earth; greater than the pulpit, for there is only upon the acccession of King Charles he turned the Word of God, but upon the altar is his upon his benefactor, and got him removed from body; and a greater reverence is due to the all his preferments at court; upon which Blshbody than to the Word of the Lord; and this is op Williams retired to his diocess,* and spent no innovation, for you are bound to it by your his time in reading and the good government order, which is no new thing.'" of his diocess; here he became popular, enterHis grace proceeds to consider the altera- tailling the clergy at his table, and discoursing tions in the collects and prayers, which he says freely about affairs of Church and State.t He the archbishops and bishops, to whom the or- spoke with some smartness against the new dering of the fast-book was committed, had ceremonies, and said once, in conversation, power under the king to make, provided nothing "that the Puritans were the king's best subwas inserted contrary to the doctrine or dis- jects, and he was sure would carry all at last; cipline of the Church of England; he then jus- and that the king had told him that he would tifies the several amendments, and concludes treat the Puritans more mildly for the future." most of his articles with showing that there is Laud, being informed of this expression, caused no connexion between the charge and the pop. an information to be lodged against him in the ular clamour raised against him, of an intent to Star Chamber for revealing the king's secrets; bring in popery., But the several innovations but the charge not being well supported, a new here mentioned being objected to the arch- bill was exhibited against him for tampering bishop at his trial, we shall defer our remarks with the king's witnesses, and, though there to that place. was very little ground for the charge, his lordHis grace concludes with a protestation that ship was suspended in the High Commission he had no design to alter the religion estab- Court from all his offices and benefices; he lished by law, but that his care to reduce the was'fined ~10,000 to the king, ~1000 to Sir Church to order, to uphold the external decency John Mounson, and to be imprisoned in the of it, and to settle it to the rules of the first Ref- Tower during the king's pleasure. The bishop ormation, had brought upon him and his breth- was accordingly sent from the bar to the Towren all that malicious storm that had lowered er; all his rich goods and chattels, to an imso black over their heads. He then thanks the mense value, were plundered and sold to pay court for their just and honourable censure of the fine; his library seized, and all his papers these men, and for their defence of the Church; and letters examined. Among his papers were but because the business had some reference found two or three letters, written to him by to himself, he forbears to censure them, leaving Mr. Osbaldeston about five years before, in them to God's mercy and the king's justice. which were some dark and obscure expresNotwithstanding this plausible speech, which sions, which the jealous archbishop interpreted the king ordered to be printed, the barbarous against himself and the Lord-treasurer Weston. sentence passed upon these gentlemen moved Upon the foot of these letters a new bill was the compassion of the whole nation. The three exhibited against the bishop for divulging scan learned faculties of law, physic, and divinity dalous libels against the king's privy counciltook it to heart, as thinking their educations and lors. His lordship replied that he did not reprofessions might have secured them from such member his having received the letters, and infamous punishment,* proper enough for the was sure he had never divulged them, because poorest and most mechanic malefactors, who could make no other satisfaction to the public into a compliance, exclaimed passionately, as he quitfor their offences, but very improper for persons ted the apartment, " Then take him to you, but, on my of education, degrees, or quality. Nay, the re- soul, you will repent it."-Jesse's Court of the Stuarts, port of this censure, and the smart execution vol. ii., p. 394.-C. of it, flew into Scotland, and the discourse was * The remarks of Bishop Warburton on the proceedings against Dr. Williams are just, though severe, there that they must also expect a Star Cham- and, by their impartiality and spirit, do honour to his ber to strengthen the hands of their bishops, as lordship. "This prosecution," says he, " must needs well as a High Commission: No doubt," says give every one a bad idea of Laud's heart and temper. Archbishop Laud, " but there is a concurrence You might resolve his high acts of power in the between them and the Puritan party in England, state into reverence and gratitude to his master; to destroy me in the king's opinion."t his tyranny in the Church, to his zeal for and love of what he called religion; but the outrageous proseb ishop of Lincln, and the Reverend Mr. W Os- cution of these two men can be resolved into nothing bishop of incohifn, and the Reverend Mr. Os- but envy and revenge; and actions like these they baldeston, chief master of Westminster School, were which occasioned all that bitter, but, indeed, met with no less hardship.t The bishop had just exclamation against the bishops in the speeches been Laud's very good friend in persuading of Lord Falkland and Lord Digby."-ED. King James to advance him to a bishopric; but t Rushworth, p. 417. Here he was kept in close imprisonment about * Clarendon, vol. i., p. 94. four years. During his confinement, in order to det Rushworth, p. 385. prive him of his bishopric, he was examined upon a t Clarendon, vol. ii., part ii., p. 81. book of articles of twenty-four sheets. Among which Q The insight of King James into Laud's charac- were such frivolous charges as these, viz., that he ter is remarkable, and does credit to the penetration had called a book, entitled "A Coal from the Altar,' of that monarch. When pressed by Buckingham a pamphlet; that he had said that all flesh in Frig. and Bishop Williams to consent to Laud's advance- land had corrupted their ways; that he had wicked ment, "Laud," he said, "is a restless spirit, to be ly jested on St. Martin's hood. What must be kept back from all places of authority, for he can- thought of the temper of those who could think of not see when matters are well, but loves to toss and depriving a bishop of his see on such grounds! The change, and bring things to a reformation floating in bishop was, however, so wary in his answers, thai his own brain." Phillips tells us, in his Life of Lord- they could take no advantage against him. —Fuller's keeper Williams, that the king having been wearied #church History, b. xi., p. 157.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 329 they were still among his private papers; but, Dr. Cornelius Burges, in a Latin sermon before notwithstanding all he could say, he was con- the clergy of London, preached against the sedemned in a fine of ~8000, ~5000 to the king verities of the bishops, and, refusing to give his and ~3000 to the archbishop, for the nonpay- diocesan a copy of his sermon, was put into the. ment of which he was kept close prisoner in High Commission. Mr. Wharton, of Essex, the Tower till the meeting of the Long Parlia- preached with the same freedom at Chelmsford, ment. for which, it is said, he made his submission. The Rev. Mr. Osbaldeston was charged with Several pamphlets were dispersed against the plotting with the Bishop of Lincoln to divulge proceedings of the ecclesiastical courts, which false news, and to breed a difference between the the Bishop of London declared he had reaesv;_ Lord-treasurer Weston and the Archbishop of to believe were written or countenanced by the Canterbury, as long ago as the year 1634.* The clergy of his own dioress. Many private gen. information was grounded upon the two letters tlemen in Suffolk maintained lecturers at their already mentioned, in which he reports a mis- own expense, without consulting the bishop, understanding between the great leviathan and who complained that they were factious, and the little urchin. And though the counsel for did not govern themselves according to the the defendant absolutely denied any reference canons; but, says his lordship [Wren], " What to the archbishop, and named the persons meant shall I do with such scholars, some in orders in the letter, yet "the court fined him ~5000 and others not, which gentlemen of figure en, to the king and ~5000 to the archbishop, to be tertain in their houses under pretence of teach deprived of all his spiritual dignities and promo- ing their children? and Mwith those beneficed ditions, to be imprisoned during the king's pleas- vines who take shelter in the houses of the ure, and to stand in the pillory in the dean's yard rich laity, and do not live upon their cures?", before his own school, and have his ears nailed to Here was the Puritans' last retreat; those who it." Mr. Osbaldeston being among the crowd in were not willing to go abroad found entertainthe court when this sentence was pronounced, ment in gentlemen's families, and from thence immediately went home to his study at West- annoyed the enemy with their pamphlets. Even minster School, and, having burned some pa- the populace, who were not capable of writing, pers, absconded, leaving a note upon his desk expressed their resentments against the archwith these words: "If the archbishop inquire bishop by dispersing libels about the town, in after me, tell him I am gone beyond Canterbu- which they threatened his destruction. His * ry." The messengers were soon at his house, grace has entered some of them in his diary. and finding this note, sent immediately to the "Wednesday, August 23. My lord-mayor seaports to apprehend him; but he lay hid in a sent me a libel found by the watch at the south private house in Drury Lane till the search was gate of St. Paul's, that the devil had left that over, and then concealed himself till the meet- house to me. ing of the Long Parliament; however, all his "Aug. 25. Another libel was brought me by goods and chattels were seized and confisca- an officer of the High Commission, fastened to ted. This Mr. Osbaldeston was M.A. of Christ the north gate of St. Paul's, that the governChurch College, Oxford, and Prebendary of ment of the Church of England is a candle in a Westminster; he was an admirable master, snuff, going out in a stench. and had eighty doctors in the two universities "The same night the lord-mayor sent me that had been his scholars before the year another libel, hanged upon the standard in 1640;t lie was afterward restored by the Long Cheapside, which was my speech in the Star Parliament; but when he apprehended they Chamber set in the pillory. went beyond the bounds of their duty and alle- " few days after, another short libel was giance, he laid down his school and favoured sent me in verse." the royal cause. Yet none of these things abated his zeal or Mr. Lilburne, afterward a colonel in the ar- relaxed his rigour against those who censured my, for refusing to take an oath to answer all his arbitrary proceedings. interrogatories concerning his importing and It was impossible to debate things fairly in publishing seditious libels, was fined ~500, and public, because the press was absolutely at his to be whipped through the streets from the grace's disposal, according to a new decree of Fleet to the pillory before Westminster Hall the Star Chamber, made this summer, which gate, April 8, 1638. While he was in the pillo- ordains that "no book be printed unless it be ryhe uttered many bold and passionate speeches first licensed, with all its titles,.epistles, and against the tyranny of the bishops; whereupon prefaces, by the archbishop, or Bishop of Lonthe Court of Star Chamber, then sitting, order- don for the time being, or by their appointment; ed him to be gagged, which was done accord- and within the limits of the university, by the ingly, and that, when he was carried back to chancellor or vice-chancellor, on pain of the prison, he should be laid alone, with irons on his printer's being disabled from his profession for hands and legs, in the wards of the Fleet, where the future, and to suffer such other punishment the basest of the prisoners used to be put, and as the High Commission shall think fit. That that no person should be admitted to see him. before any books imported from abroad be sold, Here he continued, in a most forlorn and mis- a catalogue of them shall be delivered to the erable condition, till the meeting of the Long archbishop, or Bishop of London, to be perused Parliament. by themselves or their chaplains. And if there In the midst of all these dangers the Puritan be any schismatical or offensive books, they clergy spoke freely against their oppressors.t shall be delivered up to the bishop, or to the.._ us rtvoiipaiip.0-7 High Commission, that the offenders may be Aushworthen Ox vol ii., pat ii, p. 803817. punished. It was farther ordained that no pert Athen.T, Oxon., vol. i., p. 833. t Wood's Athena Oxon., vol. ii., p. 235. * Rushworth, p. 467. VoL. I.-T T 330 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS son shall print beyond sea any English book or lished a book, wherein he endeavoured to acbooks whereof the greatest part is English, commodate the articles of the Church of Engwhether formerly printed or not; nor shall any land to the sense of the Church of Rome, so book be reprinted, though formerly licensed, that both parties might subscribe them. The without a new license. And, finally, if any book was dedicated to the king, and the friar person that is not an allowed printer shall set admitted to an acquaintance with the archup a printing-press, he shall be set in the pillo- bishop.* ry, and be whipped through the streets of Lon- Great stress was laid upon the uninterrupted don." succession of the episcopal character through These terrible proceedings, instead of serving the Church of Rome; for " miserable were we," the interests of the Church or State, awakened says Dr. Pocklington, " if he that now sits Archthe resentments of all ranks and professions of bishop of Canterbury could not derive his sucmen against those in power: the laity were as cession fromn St. Austin, St. Austin from St. uneasy as the clergy, many of whom sold their Gregory, and St. Gregory from St. Peter." Dr. effects, and removed with their families and Heylin, in his moderate answer to Mr. Burton, trades into Holland or New-England. This has these words: "That my Lord of Canteralarmed the king and council. who issued out a bury that now is, is lineally descended from St. proclamaticn, April 30th, 1637, to the following Peter in a most fair and constant tenour of sucpurpose:* "The king being informed that great cession, you shall easily find if you consult the numbers of his subjects were yearly transport- learned labours of Mason,' De Ministerio Aned into New-England, with their families and glicano.'" whole estates, that they might be out of the Bishop Montague published a treatise, "Of reach of ecclesiastical authority, his majesty the Invocation of Saints," in which he says therefore commands that his officers of the sev- that " departed saints have not only a memory, eral ports should suffer none to pass without but a more peculiar charge of their friends; license from the commissioners of the planta- and that some saints have a peculiar patronage, tions, and a testimonial from their minister of custody, protection, and power, as angels have their conformity to the orders and discipline of also, over certain persons and countries by spethe Church." And to bar the ministers, the cial deputation; and that it is not impiety so to following order of council was published: believe."t Dr. Cosins says, in one of his ser" Whereas it is observed that such ministers mons, that " when our Reformers took away the who are not conformable to the discipline and mass, they marred all 1religion; but that the mass ceremonies of the Church do frequently trans- was not taken away, inasmuch as the real presport themselves to the plantations, where they ence of Christ remained still, otherwise it were take liberty to nourish their factious and schis- not a reformed, but a deformed religion." And matical humours, to the hinderance of the good in order to persuade a papist to come to church, conformity and unity of the Church, we there- he told him that the body of Christ was substanfore expressly command you, in his majesty's tially and really in the sacrament.t This divine name, to suffer no clergyman to transport him- printed a collection of private devotions, in imself without a testimonial from the Archbishop itation of the Roman Horary. The frontispiece of Canterbury and Bishop of London."t had three capital letters, J. H. S.; upon these This was a degree of severity hardly to be there was a cross encircled with the sun, supparalleled in the Christian world. When the ported by two angels, with two devout women edict of Nantes was revoked, the French king praying towards it. The book contains the allowed his Protestant subjects a convenient Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer divided into time to dispose of their effects and depart the seven petitions, the precepts of charity, the sevkingdom; but our Protestant archbishop will en sacraments, the three theological virtues, neither let the Puritans live peaceably at home, the eight beatitudes, the seven deadly sins, nor take sanctuary in foreign countries; a conduct with forms of prayer for the first, third, sixth, hardly consistent with the laws of humanity, and ninth hours, and for the vespers and commuch less with the character of a Christian pline, formerly called the canonical hours; then bishop; but while his grace was running things to these extremities, the people (as has been' Grey quotes a passage from the trial of Laud, observed) took a general disgust, and almost all by which it appears that he denied having given any England became Puritan. encouragement to the publication of this book, and The bishops and courtiers being not insensi- had absolutely prohibited its being printed in Engble of the number and weight of their enemies land; that Clara was never with him till the book among the more resolved Protestants, deter- was ready for the press, nor afterward above twice or thrice at most, when he made great friends to obmined to balance their power by joining the pa- tain the archbishop's sanction to his printing another pists; for which purpose the differences be- book, to prove that bishops are by Divine right; and tween the two Churches were said to be tri- his request was again refused. For the archbishop fling, and the peculiar doctrinesofpopery printed replied, "that he did not like the way which the and preached up as proper to be received by the Church of Rome went in the case of episcopacy, Church of England. Bishop Montague, speak- would never consent to the printing of any such ing of the points of faith and morality, affirmed book here from the pen of a Romanist, and that the that none of these are controverted between us, bishops of England were able to defend their own that none of these are controverted between us, cause without calling in the aid of the Church of but that "the points in dispute were of a lesser Rome, and would in due time."-ED. nature, of which a man might be ignorant t Rushworth, vol. i., p. 214. without any danger of salvation."' Francis- $ Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 742. This divine, of cus de Clara, an eminent Franciscan friar, pub- course, is in high esteem with the Oxford Tractarians. It is tolerably clear that our Puritan fathers * Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 409. t Ib., p. 410. took precisely the same views of truth as those now t lb., part i., p. 214. entertained by the opposers of Puseyism in 1843.-C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 331 followed the litany, with prayers for the sacra- without prejudice to truth, the controversies ment, in time of sickness, and at the approach might be composed, it is most probable that of death. This book was licensed by the Bishop other Protestant churches would have sued to of London, and publicly sold when the books of be included in the peace; if not, the Church of the most resolved Protestants were suppressed. England will lose nothing by it, as being hated Mr. Adams, in a sermon at St. Mary's, in by the Calvinists, and not loved by the LutherCambridge, asserted the expedience of auricu- ans." This was the ridiculous court scheme lar confession, saying it was as necessary to which Archbishop Laud used all his interest to salvation as meat is to the body.* Others accomplish; and it is no impertinent story to preached up the doctrine of penance, and of au- our present purpose, because it is well attested, thoritative priestly absolution from sin. Some that a certain countess (whose husband's father maintained the proper merit of good works, in the archbishop had married, and thereby brought opposition to the received doctrine of justifica- himself into trouble) having turned papist, was tion by faith alone. Others, that in the sacra- asked by the archbishop the cause of her chanment of the Lord's Supper there was a full and ging, to whom she replied, it was because she proper sacrifice for sin. Some declared for always hated to go in a crowd. Being asked images, crucifixes, and pictures in churches, for again the reason of that expression, she anpurgatory, and for preserving, reverencing, and swered, that she perceived his grace and many even praying to, the relics of saints. The au- others were making haste to Rome, and, therethor of the English Pope, printed 1643, says fore, to prevent going in a press, she had gone that Sparrow paved the way for auricular con- before them.* fession, Watts for penance, Heylin for altar It is certain the papists were in high reputaworship, Montague for saint worship, and Laud tion at court; the king counted them his best subfor the mass. jects, and relaxed his penal laws, on pretence It was a very just observation of a Venitian that hereby foreign Catholic princes might be gentleman, in his travels to England about this induced to show favour to their subjects of time,t " that the universities, bishops, and di- the Reformed religion. Within the compass of vines of England daily embraced Catholic doc- four years, seventy-four letters of grace were trines, though they professed them not with open signed by the king's own hand; sixty-four priests mouth: they held that the Church of Rome were dismissed from the Gate-house, and twenwas a true church; that the pope was superior ty-nine by warrant from the secretary of state, to all bishops; that to him it pertained to call at the instance of the queen, the queen-mother, general councils; that it was lawful to pray for or some foreign ambassador. Protections were souls departed; and that altars ought to be frequently granted, to put a stop to the proceederected, in all churches: in sum, they believed ings of the court of justice against them.t I all that was taught by the Church of Rome, but have before me a list of popish recusants, connot by the court of Rome." Remarkable are the victed in the twenty-nine English counties of words of Heylin to the same purpose: " The the southern division, from the first of King greatest part of the controversy between us Charles to the sixteenth, which amounts to no and the Church of Rome," says he, " not being less than eleven thousand nine hundred and in fundamentals, or in any essential points of seventyt (as the account was brought into the the Christian religion, I cannot otherwise look Long Parliament by Mr. John Pulford, employed upon it but as a most Christian and pious work Lo in their prosecution by the king himself), all of endeavour an agreement in the superstructure; whom were released and pardoned. And if as to the lawfulness of it, I could never see any their numbers were so great in the south, how reason produced against it: against the impossi- must they abound in the northern and Welsh bility of it, it has been objected that the Church counties, where they are computed three to one! of Rome will yield nothing; if, therefore, there Many of them were promoted to places of the be an agreement, it must not be their meeting highest honour and trust; Sir Richard Weston us, but our going to them; but that all in the was lord-high-treasurer, Sir Francis WindeChurch of Rome are not so stiff, appears from bank secretary of state, Lord Cottington was the testimony of the Archbishop of Spalato, chancellor of the exchequer, and Mr. Porter of who acknowledged that the articles of the the bedchamber; besides these, there were Church of England were not heretical, and by Lord Conway, Sir Kenelm Digby, Sir Toby the treatise of Franciscus de Clara.Q Now, if, Mathews, Mr. Montague, Jr., the Duchess of Rushworth,. 137. Montague, the Countess of Newport, and many t May's Hist p. 13of7. Prynne, 95, &. others, all papists, who were in high favour,~ t Fuller's Appeal, part iii., p. 63, 65. and had the king and queen's ear whensoever ~ His real name was Christopher Davenport. He they pleased. The pope had a nuncio in Engwas the son of an alderman of Coventry, and, with nis brother John, was sent to Merton College, in pleased neither party." The Spanish Inquisition put Oxford, in the year 1613. John became afterward a it into the Index Expurgatorius; and it would have noted Puritan, and then an Independent. Christo- been condemned at Rome had not the king and pher,by the invitation of some Romish priests living Archbishop Laud pressed Penzani, the pope's agent in or near Oxford, went to study at Douay in 1616. at London, to stop the prosecution. He died the He afterward spent some time in the University of 31st of May, 1680.- TVarbtrton's supplemental volume, Salamanca, from whence he returned to Douay, and p. 483; and Wood's Athente Oxon., vol. ii., p. 415, read first philosophy and then divinity there. At &c.-ED. length be became a missionary into England, and a 3 Fuller's Appeal, p. 61. It was the daughter of chaplain to Queen Henrietta Maria, under the name William, earl of Devonshire. —e.sse's Court of the of Franciscus a Sancta Clara. Among many learned Stuarts, vol. ii., p. 385.-C. works of which he was the author, was': An Expo- t Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 284. sition of the Thirty-nine Articles in the most favour- t Foxes and Firebrands, part iii., p,75. able Sense." "But," says Bishop Warburton, "it ~ Collyer's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 780. 332 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. land, and the queen an agent at Rome; Cardi- made a sacrifice to the law. They were looked nal Barberini was made protector of the Eng- upon as good subjects at court, and good neighlish nation, and a society was erected under the bours in the country, all the restraints and retitle of " The Congregation for Propagating the proaches of former times being forgotten: but Faith."* RichardrSmith, tutelar bishop of Chal- they Were not prudent managers of their proscedon, exercised episcopal jurisdiction over the perity, being elated with the connivance and English Catholics by commission friom the pope; protection they received; and though I am perhe conferred orders, and appeared in Lincoln- suaded their numbers increased not, their pomp shire with his mitre and crosier;t Seignior Con and boldness did to that degree, that, as if they or Cunaeus, the pope's legate, gained over sev- affected to be thought dangerous to the state, eral of the gentry, and attempted the king him- they appeared more publicly, entertained and self by presents of little popish toys and pic- urged conferences more avowedly, than had betures, with which his majesty was wonderfully fore been known. They resorted at common delighted.T The papists had a common purse,9 hours to mass to Somerset House, and returned with which they purchased several monopolies, thence in great multitudes with the same bareand bestowed the profits upon their best friends; facedness as others come from the Savoy, or several of their military men were put into other neighbouring churches. They attempted, commission, and great numbers were listed in and sometimes gained proselytes, of weak, unhis majesty's armies against the Scots.ll informed ladies, with such circumstances as But let the reader form his judgment of the provoked the rage, and destroyed the charity, number and strength of the Roman Catholics of great and powerful families, which longed from Lord Clarendon,q[ who says, "The pa- for their suppression; they grew not only secret pists had for many years enjoyed a great calm, contrivers, but public professed promoters of, being on the matter absolved from the severest and ministers in, the most odious and most parts- of the law, and dispensed with for the grievous projects, as in that of soap, formed, gentlest. They were grown to be a part of the framed, and executed by almost a corporation revenue, without any probable danger of being of that religion, which under that license and notion might be, and were suspected to be, qual* Fuller's Church History, b. xi., p. 137. Prynne, ified for other agitations. The priests and such p. 198. t Foxes and Firebrands, part iii., p. 124. as were in orders (orders that in themselves $ Mr. Neal here goes beyond his author, who says, were punishable with death) were departed from which yet could prevail nothing with the king. their former modesty and fear, and were as willBut then he remarks in the margin, that it " was strange that the king did not send Cunseus packing, ing to be known as to be hearkened to; insowhen he thus tempted and assaulted him." On the much that a Jesuit at Paris, who was coming truth and force of this remark, it may be presumed that for England, had the boldness to visit the amMr. Neal grounded his representation of the king's bassador there, who knew him to be such, and being delighted with the legate's presents; for, in- offered him his service, acquainted him with stead of dismissing him, he often received him at his journey, as if there had been no laws there Hampton Court, and solicited his services for the for his reception; and for the most invidious Palatinate, which certainly indicated no displeasure at his gifts.-Eu. - protection and countenance of that whole party, Q Foxes and Firebrands, part iii., pv,134. a public agent from Rome (first Mr. Con, a I Dr. Grey properly observes, th-fi the place in Scottish man, and after him the Count of RoCollyer to which Mr. Neal here refers mentions not setti, an Italian) resided in London in great one syllable of this. The truth it, that Collyer is al- pomp, publicly visited the court, and was avowleged only to prove the influence which the papists edly resorted to by the Catholics of all condihad at court. I have therefore annexed the refer- tions over whom he assumed a particular juence to a preceding sentence. The doctor adds, ion and was caressed an presented ma"Nor do I believe that he (i. e., Mr. Neal) can produce the least authority for his assertion, that great num- nificently by the ladies of honour who inclined bers of papists were listed in his majesty's armies to that profession. They had likewise, with against the Scots." It is to be wished that Mr. Neal more noise and vanity than prudence would had referred here exactly to his authority. But to have admitted, made public collections of monsupply this omission, it may be observed that the ey to a considerable sum, upon some recomqueen employed Sir Kenelmn Digby and Mr. Walter mendations fiom the queen, and to be by her Montague to raise liberal contributions for the war majesty presented, as a from the papists, whose clergy vied with the English maesty pr free-will ofering from on this occasion; on this ground some styled the for- his Roman Catholic subjects to the king, for the ces raised the popish army. The circumstance ren- carrying on the war against the Scots; which ders it, to say the least, exceedingly probable that drew upon them the rage of that nation, with papists were enlisted. It was afterward charged on little devotion and reverence to the queen herthe king that he employed them in his armies; the self, as if she desired to surpress the Protestant Earl of Newcastle did not deny it; and the Parlia- religion in one kingdom as well as the other, by ment produced lists of popish officers in the king's th of the Roman Catholics." service, with their names, quality, and employs. I the arms of this account, compared with the forewas also urged against the Parliament, that there were great numbers of papists, both commanders and going relation, it is evident there never was a others, in their army. Dr. Grey quotes Dugdale to stronger combination in favour of popery, nor prove this. Rapin observes on this charge, that not was the Protestant religion at any time in a a single Catholic was named by those who brought more dangerous crisis, being deserted by its the charge, nor were the muster-rolls to which the pretended friends, while it was secretly underappeal was made ever published. —Whitelocke's Me- mining by its most powerful enemies. moirs, p. 31. Mrs. Macauley's History, vol. ii., the same with the civil liber270, 8vo. Rapin, vol. ii., p. 462, 468, folio. An Essay towards a True Idea of the Character and Reign of ties and properties of the people: no man had Charles I., p. 69; and Dugdale's Short View of the anything that he could call his own any longer Troubles, &c., p. 105, 56a, —ED. ~ Vol. i., p. 148. than the king pleased; for in the famous trial of HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 333 Mr. Hampden, of B.uckinghamshire, in the case man had worn a mourning-gown through his of ship-money,all thejudges of England, except occasion.' In a word, many wise men thought Crook and Hutton,* gave it for law " that the it a time wherein those two adjuncts, imperium king might levy taxes on the subject by writ and libertas, were as well reconciled as posunder the great seal, without grant of Parlia- sible."* ment, in cases of necessity; or when the king- Not a line of this panegyric will bear exarnidom was in danger, of which danger and neces- nation. When his lordship says " that no peosity his majesty was the sole and final judge; ple in any age had been blessed with so great and that by law his majesty might compel the a calm, and such a full measure of felicity for doing thereof in case of refusal or refractori- so long a time together [twelve years]," he ness." This determination was entered in all seems to have undervalued the long and pacific the courts of Westminster Hall, and the judges reign of his majesty's royal fattier, King James, were commanded to declare it in their circuits who was distinguished by the title of Blessed. throughout the kingdom, to the end that no man But where was the liberty or safety of the submight plead ignorance. "The damage and ject, when Magna Charta and the Petition of mischief cannot be expressed," says Lord Clar- Right, which the king had signed in full Parliaendon,t " that the crown sustained by the de- ment, were swallowed up in the gulf of arbiserved reproach and infamy that attended this trary power? and the statute laws of the land behaviour of the judges, who, out of their court- were exchanged for a rule of government deship, submitted the grand questions of law to pending upon the soverign will and pleasure of be measured by what they call the standard of the crown? If the court was in excess and general reason and necessity." While these luxury, it was with the plunder of the people, extraordinary methods of raising money were arising from loans, benevolences, ship-money, built only upon the prerogative, people were monopolies, and other illegal taxes on mermore patient, hoping that some time or other chandise. The country was so far from growthe law would recover its power; but when they ing rich and wealthy, that it was every year were declared by all the judges to be the very draining off its inhabitants and substance, as law itself, and a rule for determining suits be- appears not only by the loss of the foreign tween the king and subject, they were struck manufacturers, but by his majesty's proclamawith despair, and concluded, very justly, that tions, forbidding any of his subjects to transMagna Charta and the old English Constitution port themselves and their effects to New-Engwere at an end. land without his special license. Was it posLet the reader now recollect himself, and sible that trade could flourish when almost then judge of the candour of the noble historian, every branch of it was engrossed, and sold by who, notwithstanding the cruel persecutions the crown for large sums of money, and when and oppressions already mentioned, celebrates the property of the subject was so precarious the felicity of these times in the following that the king might call for it upon any occasion, words: " Now, after all this, I must be so just and, in case of refusal, ruin the proprietor by exas to say, that firom the dissolution of the Par- orbitant fines and imprisonment. Did no Engliament in the fourth year of the king, to the lishman wear a mourning-gown in these times, beginning of the Long Parliament, which was when the Seldens, the Hollises, the Elliots, the about twelve years, this kingdom, and all his Strouds, the Hobarts, the Valentines, the Corimajesty's dominions, enjoyed the greatest caln, tons, and other patriots were taken out of the and the fullest measure of felicity, that any Parliament House and shut up for many years people, in any age, for so long time together, in close prisons, where some of them perished 1 have been blessed with, to the wonder and envy How many of the nobility and gentry were of all other parts of Christendom: the court punished with exorbitant fines in the Star was in great plenty, or, rather, excess and lux- Chamber? How many hundred ministers and ury; the country rich and full, enjoying the i others were ruined in the High Commission, or pleasure of its own wealth; the Church flour- forced from their native country into banishished with learned and extraordinary men; and ment, contrary to lawl The jails in the several the Protestant religion was more advanced counties were never free from State or Church against the Church of Rome by the writings prisoners during the past twelve years of his of Archbishop Laud and Chillingworth than it majesty's reign, and yet it seems no Englishhad been since the Reformation. Trade in- man wore a mourning gown through his occacreased to that degree that we were the ex- sion. Is it possible to believe that the reputachange of Christendom, foreign merchants look- tion of the greatness and power of King Charles ing upon nothing so much. their own as what I. with foreign princes (however harmless, pithey had laid up in the warehouses of this king- ous, sober, chaste, and merciful he might be) dom. The reputation of the greatness and was equal to that of Queen Elizabeth or King power of the king with foreign princes was Henry VIII. 3 What service did he do by his much more than any of his progenitors. And arms or counsels for the Protestant religion, or lastly, for a complement of all these blessings, for the liberties or tranquillity of Europe i they were enjoyed under the protection of a When his majesty's affairs were in the greatking of the most harmless disposition, the most est distress, what credit had he abroad. or exemplary piety, and the greatest sobriety, chas- where was the foreign prince (except his own tity, and mercy that any prince had been en- son-in-law) that would lend him either men or dowed with, and who might have said that money? If the Protestant religion was ad which Pericles was proud of upon his death- vanced in speculation by the writings of Archbed, concerning his citizens,'that no English- bishop Laud and Chillingworth, is it not suffi* Rapin, vol. ii. p. 295, 296, folio edit. ~ Lord Clarendon's Representation of the Times, t Vol. i., p. 70. vol. i., p. 74, 76. 334 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ciently evident that the Roman Catholics were to stand, and when to sit or kneel: to all which prodigiously increased in numbers, reputation, the Scots had hitherto been strangers. The and influence? Upon the whole, the people of main parts of the liturgy were the same with England were so far from enjoying a full meas- the English, that there might be an appearance ure of felicity, that they groaned under a yoke of uniformity; it was revised, corrected, and of the heaviest oppression, and were prepared altered by Archbishop Laud and Bishop Wren, to lay hold of any opportunity to assert their as appeared by the original found in the archliberties; so that to make his lordship's repre- bishop's chamber in the Tower, in which the sentation of the times consistent with truth, alterations were inserted with his own hand. or with his own behaviour at the beginning of The liturgy, thus modelled, was sent into the Long Parliament, one is almost tempted Scotland, with a royal proclamation, dated Deto suspect it must have received some amend- cember 20, 1636, commanding all his majesty's ments or colourings from the hands of his ed- loving subjects of that kingdom to receive it itors. This was the state of affairs at the end with reverence, as the only form his majesty of the pacific part of his reign, and forward to thinks fit to be used in that Kirk, without so the beginning of the Long Parliament. much as laying it before a convocation, synod, general assembly, or Parliament of that nation. It was appointed to be read first on Easter Sunday, 1637, against which time all parishes were CHAPTER. VI. to be provided with two books at least; but the outcries of the people against it were so veheFROMI TO THE OBEGNNING OF THIE COMMOTIONS IN ment, that it was thought advisable to delay it SCOTLAND TO THE LONG PARLIAMENT IN THE YEAR 1640. to the 23d of July, that the lords of the session [or judges] might see the success of it before WE are now entering upon a scene of ca- the end of the term, which always ends the 1st lamity which opened in the north, and in a few of August, in order to report in their several years, like a rising tempest, overspread both counties. the peaceable receiving the book at kingdoms, and involved them in all the mis- Edinburgh and parts adjacent. The Archbishcries of a civil war. If Archbishop Laud could op of St. Andrew's, with some of his more pruhave been content with being metropolitan of dent brethren, foreseeing the disorders that the Church of England alone, he might have would arise, advised the deferring it yet longgone to his grave in peace; but grasping at er; but Archbishop Laud was so sanguine of the jurisdiction of another church, founded upon success, that he procured a warrant from the different principles, he pulled both down upon king, commanding the Scots bishops to go forhis head, and was buiied in the ruins. ward at all events. threatening that if they moWe have mentioned the preposterous pub- ved heavily, or threw in unnecessary delays, lishinog the Scots book of canons a year before the king would remove them, and fill their sees their liturgy, which was not finished till the with churchmen of more zeal and resolution.* month of October, 1636. His majesty's rea- In obedience, therefore, to the royal comsons fbr compiling it were, that " his royal father mand, notice having been given in all the pulhad intended it, and made a considerable prog- pits of Edinburgh that the Sunday following ress in the work, in order to curb such of his sub- [July 23, 1637] the new service-book would be jects in Scotland as were inclined to Puritan- read in all the churches, there was a vast conism; that his present majesty resolved to pur- course of people at St. Giles's, or the great sue the same design, and therefore consented to church, where both the archbishops and divers the publication of this book, which was in sub- bishops, together with the lords of the session, stance the same with the English liturgy, that the magistrates of Edinburgh, and many of the the Roman party might not upbraid us with council were assembled; but as soon as the any material differences, and yet was so far dean began to read, the service was interrupted distinct that it might be truly reputed a book by clapping of hands, and a hideous noise among of that Church's composing, and established by the meaner sort of people at the lower end of his royal authority as King of Scotland."* the church; which the Bishop of Edinburgh obThe compilers of this liturgy were chiefly serving, stepped into the pulpit and endeavoured Dr. Wederburne, a Scots divine, beneficed in to quiet them, but the disturbance increasing, England, but now Bishop of Dunblain, and Dr. a stool was thrown towards the desk; upon Maxwell, bishop of Ross. Their instructions which the provost and bailiffs of the city came from England were to keep such Catholic saints from their places, and with much difficulty in.their calendar as were in the English, andl * "s This," says Dr. Grey, "is not very likely; and that such new saints as were added should be as he [i. e., Mr. Neal] produces no vouchers for what the most approved, but in no case to omit St. he says, he cannot reasonably take it amiss if we do George and St. Patrick; that in the book of or- not readily assent to it." To this it is sufficient to ders those words in the English book be not reply, that the fact is stated by Collyer in his Ecclechanged, " Receive ye the Holy Ghost;" and siastical HIistory, vol. ii., p. 770, whose words Mr. that sundry lessons out of the Apocr"pha be Neal uses. The eagerness of Laud to carry this that sundry lessons out of the Apocrypha be point was stimulated by the Earl of Traquair, who inserted; besides these, the word presbyter be inserted i d of pris ad te carried a letter to him from some of the lately-pre inserted instead of priest; and the water in the ferred Scotch bishops, who had an overbalance ot font for baptism was to be consecrated. There heat and spirits, urging execution and despatch in was a benediction or thanksgiving for departed the business. In this instance the archbishop was saints; some passages in the communion were the dupe of the insidious policy of the Earl of Traaltered in favour of the real presence; the, ru- qair, whose aim was, by pushing things to extremibrics contained instructions to the people when ty, to ruin the older Scotch bishops, who, as he thought, stood in the'way of his ambitious views, * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 386. and "might grow too big for his interest." —ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 335 thrust out the populace, and shut the church and a third, for calling in and burning a sedi doors; yet such were the clamours from with- tious pamphlet, called a " Discourse against the out, rapping at the doors, and throwing stones English Popish Ceremonies, obtruded on the at the windows, that it was with much difficul- Kirk of Scotland;"* all dated October 17, 1637. ty that the dean went through the service; and These proclamations inflamed the people to such when he and the bishop came out of church in a degree, that the very next day the Bishop of their habits, they were in danger of being torn Galloway would have been torn in pieces by the in pieces by the mob, who followed them, cry- mob, as he was going to the council-house, it ing out, " Pull them down; a pape, a pape, an- he had not been rescued by Mr. Steward; but, tichrist," &c. missing of his lordship, they beset the councilBetween the two sermons the magistrates house, and threatened to break open the door, took proper measures for keeping the peace in insomuch that the lords who were assembled the afternoon, but after evening prayer the tu- were obliged to send for some of the popular mult was greater than in the morning; for the nobility in town to their relief; however, the Earl of Roxburgh, returning to his lodgings people would not disperse till the council had with the bishop in his coach, was so pelted promised to join with the other lords in petiwith stones and pressed upon by the multitude, tioning the king against the service-book, and that both were in danger of their lives. The to restore the silenced ministers. clergy who read the liturgy in the other church- Soon after this, two petitions were presented es met with the like usage, insomuch that the to the lord-chancellor and council against the whole city was in an uproar, thougli it did not liturgy and canons; one in the name of all the yet appear that any besides the meaner people men, women, children, and servants of Edinwere concerned in it;* however, the lords of burgh, and the other in the name of the noblethe council thought proper to dispense with men, barons, gentry, ministers, and burgesses. reading the service next Sunday, till their ex- Their objections against them were the same press returned from England with farther in- with those already mentioned. The petitions structions, which Laud despatched with all ex- were transmitted to the king, who, instead of pedition, telling them it was the king's firm res- returning a soft answer, ordered a proclamation olution that they should go on with their work, to be published from Stirling [Feb. 19, 1637] and blaming them highly for suspending it. against the late disorderly tumults, in which, Among the ministers who opposed reading after having declared his abhorrence of all suthe liturgy were the Rev. Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Rol- perstition and popery, he expressed his displeaslock, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. ure against the petitioners; and, to prevent any Bruce, who were charged with letters of horn- farther riots, his majesty ordered the term or ing for their disobedience. But they stood by session to be removed from Linlithgow to Stirwhat they had done, and in their petition to the ling,f twenty-four miles from Edinburgh, with council gave the following reasons for their a strict injunction that no stranger should re conduct: "(I.) Because the service-book had sort thither without special license. His majnot been warranted by a general assembly, esty also forbade all assemblies or convocations which is the representative body of the Kirk, of people to frame or sign petitions upon pain of nor by any act of Parliament. (2.) Because high treason,T and yet declared, at the same the liberties of the Scots Kirk, and the form of time, that he would not shut his ears against worship received at the Reformation, and uni- them, if neither the form nor matter were prejiu. versally practised, stood still warranted by acts dicial to his royal authority. of the General Assembly and acts of Parliament. Upon publishing this proclamation, sundry no(3.) Because the Kirk of Scotland is a free and blemen, barons, ministers, and burghers met independent Kirk, and, therefore, her own pas- together, and signed the following protest: " 1. tors are the proper judges what is most for her That it is the undoubted right of the subjects benefit. (4.) Some of the ceremonies contained of Scotland to have immediate recourse to the in this book have occasioned great divisions in king by petition. 2. That archbishops and bishthe Kirk, forasmuch as they are inconsistent ops ought not to sit in any judicatory in this with the form of worship practised in it, and * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 400. symbolize with the Kirk of Rome, which is t "There is no order given in this proclamation antichristian. (5.) Because the people, having (I will take upon me to say, having perused it carebeen otherwise taught, are unwilling to receive fully) for the removal of the session or term from the new book till they are better convinced." Linlithgow to Stirling, as Mr. Neal affirms," says These reasons were of weigtht \with the coun- Dr. Grey. This is true; and Mr. Neal's inaccuracy cil, but they durst not show favour to the pris- here lies in representing the removal of the session,oners witheout allowancet f vrom England, which from Linlithgow to Stirling, as directed by this proconers without allowance from England, which lamation; whereas it was the act of the council, could not be obtained; the zealous archbishop after the Earl of' Roxburgh arrived in Scotland with stopping his ears against all gentle methods of certain instructions from the king to the council, accommodation, hoping to bear down all oppo- who were to meet at Dalkeith, to consider of the dissition with the royal authority. ordered affairs of the kingdom. It should seem that While the country people were busy at bar- this removal was in consequence of those instrucvest things were pretty quiet, but when that tions; especially as the proclamation expressly inhibited the resort of the people to Stirling, " where, was over they came to Edinburgh in great num- says his majesty, "our council sits, without a warbers, and raised new disturbances, upon which rant.-Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 730. Guthry, as the council issued out three proclamations: one, quoted by Dr. Harris, expressly says that the king's for the people that came out of the country to proclamation ordained that the council and sessions return home; a second, for removing the ses- should remove from Edinburgh, first to Lithgow, sion or terra from Edinburgh to Linlithigow; and afterward to Stirling.-Life, 4c., of Charles I., _ Ruston vorter. f rom E d. Xnb usrg h t iltho;p. 282.-ED. * Rushworth's Collection, vol. ii., p. 388. T Rushworth, vol. ii., part ii., p. 731, 732 336 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. kingdom, civil or ecclesiastical, till they have and calling the Searcher of all hearts to witpurged themselves of those crimes which are ness that their minds and hearts do fully agree ready to be proved against them. 3. That no with this their confession, promises, oath, and proclamation of council, in presence of the arch- subscriptions. They protest and promise, unbishops and bishops, shall be prejudicial to any der the same oath, handwriting, and pains, to of our proceedings. 4. That neither we, nor any defend the king's royal person and authority that adhere to us, shall incur any damages for with their goods, bodies, and lives, in defence not observing the liturgy or book of canons, as of Christ's Gospel, the liberties of their country, long as it is not established by General Assem- the administration of justice, the punishment bly or act of Parliament. 5. That if any incon- of iniquity, against all his enemies within the venience fall out (which God prevent) upon realm and without; and this they do from theil pressing the late innovations, we declare the very hearts, as they hope God will be their desame is not to be imputed to us. 6. That all fence in the day of death, and the coming of our proceedings in this affair have no other the Lord Jesus Christ. To whom, with the Fatendency but the -preservation of the true Re- ther and Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory formed religion, and the laws and liberties of eternally." the kingdom." Then follows a recital of the acts of ParliaThe council, being apprehensive of danger ment by which the Reformed religion was esfrom these large assemblies and combinations tablished among them. But instead of the of people, agreed that, if they would return band of defence annexed to the covenant of peaceably to their houses, they might appoint 1580, they framed a new one suited to the pressome of their number of all ranks and orders to ent time, in which, after reciting the king's represent the rest, till his majesty's pleasure con- coronation oath, they declare "that, as they cerning their protest should be farther known.* will defend the king's royal person and authorAccordingly, four tables, as they were called, ity, they will also support the authority of parwere erected at Edinburgh; one of the nobility, liaments, upon which the security of the lands, another of the gentry, a third of the burroughs, livings, rights, and properties depend, and withand a fourth of the ministers. These prepared out which neither any law or lawful judicatory and digested matters for the general table, can be established. They declare the late informed of commissioners from the other four, novations brought into the Kirk to be contrary where the last and binding resolutions were to the covenant above mentioned, and, theretaken. fore, they will forbear the practice of them till One of the first things concluded upon by the they are tried and allowed in a free assembly, tables was the renewing their confession of an(l in Parliament; and not only so, but they faith, and the solemn league and covenant sub- promise and swear, by the great name of God, scribed by King James and his royal household, to resist all these errors and corruptions to the March 2, 1580-1, and by the whole Scots nation utmost of their power all the days of their lives. in the year 1590, with a general band for main- They then promise and swear over again to detenance of true religion and the king's person. fend the king's person and authority in the To this covenant was now added a narrative of preservation of the aforesaid true religion, laws, sundry acts of Parliament, by which the Re-. and liberties of the kingdom, and to assist and formed religion had been ratified since that stand by one another at all adventures, withtime, with an admonition wherein the late in- out suffering themselves to be divided by any novations were renounced, and a band of de- allurement or terror firom this blessed and loyal fence for adhering to each other in the present conjunction, and without being afraid of the cause.t odious aspersions of rebellion or combination In their covenant they declare, in the most which their adversaries may cast upon them. solemn manner, " that they believe with their And they conclude with calling the Searcher of hearts, confess with their mouths, and sub- hearts to witness to their sincerity, as they scribe with their hands, that the confession of shall answer it to Christ in the day of account, faith then established by act of Parliament is and under pain of the loss of all honours and the true Christian faith and religion, and the only respect in this world, and God's everlasting ground of their salvation. They farther declare wrath in the next." All this was sworn to and their abhorrence of all kinds of papistry in gen- subscribed with great seriousness and devotion, eral, and then enumerate sundry particulars of first at Edinburgh, in the month of February, popish doctrine, discipline, and ceremonies, as 1637-8, and afterward in the several counties the pope's pretended primacy over the Christian and shires, where it was received by the comChurch; his five bastard sacraments, the doc- mon people as a sacred oracle, and subscribed trine of transubstantiation, the mass, purgatory, by all such as were thought to have any zeal prayers for the dead, and in 4n unknown lan- for the Protestant religion and the liberties of guage, justification by works, auricular confes- their country. The privy counsellors, the sion, crosses, images, altars, dedicating of kirks, judges, the bishops, and the friends of arbiwith all other rites, signs, and traditions brought trary power, were the principal persons who into the Kirk without or contrary to the Word refused. The Universities of St. Andrew's and of God. All which they promise to oppose to Aberdeen were said to oppose it, and those ot the utmost of their power, and to defend the Glasgow did not subscribe without some limitancient doctrine and discipline of their Kirk all ations. the days of their lives, under the pains contain- There cannot be a more solemn and awful ed in the law, and danger both of body and soul engagement to God and each other than this! in the day of God's fearful judgment, protesting what the reasons were that induced King James * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 734. and the whole Scots nation to enter into it in t Nalson's Collection, p. 20. the years 1580 and. 1590, are not necessary to HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 337 be determined; but certainly such a combinsa- and reflected some disgrace upon the archbish. tion of subjects without the consent of their op; for, as his grace was going to council, Archi. sovereign, in a well-settled government, is un- bald, the king's jester, said to him, " Whae's warrantable, especially when it is confirmed by feule now? Does not your grace hear the news an oath, as no oath ought to be administered from Striveling about the liturgy?"* His grace but by commission from the chief magistrate. complaining of this usage to the council, ArchiThe only foundation, therefore, upon which this bald Armstrong, the king's fool, was ordered to covevant can be vindicated is, that the Scots have his coat pulled over his ears, to be disapprehended that their legal church establish- charged the king's service, and banished the ment, had been broken in pieces by the king's court. assuming the supremacy, by his erecting a High After some time Hamilton was sent back, with Commission, and by his imposing upon them a instructions (if necessity required) to revoke the book of canons and liturgy without consent of liturgy, the canons, the High Commisrsion, and Parliament or General Assembly. the five articles of Perth; and with authority The council sent advice of the proceedings to subscribe the confession of faith of 1580, with of the covenanters from time to time, and ac- the band thereunto annexed, and to take orders quainted his majesty that the cause of all the that all his majesty's subjects subscribed the commotions was the fear of innovations in the same.t He might also promise the calling a doctrine and discipline of the Kirk, by introdu- General Assembly and Parliament within a comcing the liturgy, canons, and High Commission; petent time, but was to endeavour to exclude that it was, therefore, their humble opinion, the laity from the assembly. The design of that the reading the service-book should not be subscribing the band of the old covenant of 1580 urged at present. Upon this the king sent the was to secure the continuance of episcopacy, Marquis of Hamilton, his high commissioner, because that band obliges them to maintain the into Scotland, with instructions to consent to religion at that time professed, which the king the suspending the use of the service-book for would interpret of prelatical government, as bethe present, but at the same time to dissolve ing not then legally discharged by Parliament, the tables, and to require the covenant to be and because it contained no promise of mutual delivered up within six weeks. His majesty defence and assistance against all persons whatadds, " that if there be not sufficient strength soever, which might include the king himself. in the kingdom to oblige the covenanters to However, the covenanters did not think fit to return to their duty, he will come in person subscribe over again, and therefore only thankfrom England at the head of a sufficient power ed the king for discharging the liturgy, the canto force them;" and, in the mean time, the ons, and High Commission. marquis is empowered to use all hostile acts At length the marquis published a proclamaagainst them as a rebellious people. tion for a General Assembly to meet at Glasgow, Upon the marquis's arrival at Holyrood House, November 21 [1638J. The choice of members he was welcomed by great numbers of the coyv- went everywhere in favour of the covenanters; enanters of all ranks and qualities, in hopes that thle 1tev. Mr. Henderson, one of the silenced he would call a General Assembly and a free ministers, was chosen moderator, and Mr. JohnParliament; but when he told them this was ston clerk-registrar;T but the bishops presented not in his instructions, they went home full of a declinator, " declaring the assembly to be unresentments. The people nailed up the organ- lawful, and the members of it not qualified to loft in the church, and admonished the marquis represent the clergy of the nation: (1.) Because not to read the liturgy. The ministers caution- they were chosen before the presbyteries had ed their hearers against consenting to ensnaring received the royal mandate to make election. propositions; and a letter was sent to the mar- (2.) Because most of them had not subscribed quis and council, exhorting them to subscribe the Articles of religion, nor sworn to the king's the covenant. His lordship sent advice of these supremacy in presence of the bishops, for negthings to court, and moved his majesty either lect of which they were ipso facto deprived. to yield to the people or hasten his royal arms. (3.) Because they had excluded the bishops, The king replied that he would rather die than who, by the act of Assembly at Glasgow, 1610, yield to their impertinent and damnable de- were to be perpetual moderators. (4.) Because mands, but admitted of the marquis's flattering there were lay-elders among them who had no them to gain time,* provided he did inot consent right to be there, nor had ordinarily sat in presto the calling a General Assembly or Parliament byteries for above forty years. (5.) Because till they had disavowed or given up the cove- they apprehended it absurd, as well as contrary nant.t When this was known, both ministers to the practice of the Christian Church, that and people declared with one voice that they archbishops and bishops should be judged by a would as soon renounce their baptism as their mixed assembly of clergy and laics." Signed covenant; but withal avowed their duty and by the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, the Bishops allegiance to the king, and their resolutions to stand by his majesty, in defence of the true re- * On the stool being thrown at the dean's head, ligion, laws, and liberties of the kingdom.''he who first read it in the cathedral at Edinburgh, Archy uis, being able to make any pression said it was "the stool of repentance." He had a marquis, riot beimpression particular spleen against Bishop Laud, and the grayon the covenanters, r~etumned to Et~ng and with1 ity of' history will be relieved by another stroke of an account of the melancholy state of affairs in his humour pointed at this prelate. Once, when the that kingdom, which surprised the English court, bishop was present, he asked.dteave to say grace, which being granted hin, he said, " Great praise be * l)r. Grey would supply from the original, "by given to God, and little Laud to the devil."-Gran all the honest means you can, without forsaking your ger's Biog. History, vol. ii., p. 400.-ED. ground." ED. t Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 767, &c. t Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 752, 762.: Rushworth, p. 865-867. VoL. I. —U u 338 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Galloway, Ross, and for the king to dissolve or break up the assemBrechin. bly of this Kirk, or to stay their proceedings, for The force of these objections, how strong then it would follow that religion and church soever in themselves, was taken off by the government should depend absolutely upon the king's owning the Assembly, and sitting in it by pleasure of the prince. 4. That there is no his commissioner seven days, though at the pretence by act of Assembly, or Parliament, or dissolution he declared their proceedings to be any preceding practice, whereby the king's mnajutterly destructive of the name and nature of a esty, or his commissioner, may lawfully disfree assembly. solve the General Assembly of the Church of The bishops' declinator being read, was unan- Scotland without their consent. 5. 1 Lat the imously rejected, and a committee appointed to assemblies of the Kirk have continued sitting, draw up an answer. In the mean time the notwithstanding any contramand, as it is eviAssembly was busy in examining elections, in dent by all the records thereof; and in particuwhich the covenanters carried everything before lar, by the General Assembly of 1582. And, them; the marquis, therefore, despairing of any lastly, to dissolve the Assembly before anygrievgood issue, determined, according to his instruc- ances are redressed, is to throw back the whole tions, to dissolve them; and accordingly went nation into confusion, and to make every man to the great church where they sat, and read despair hereafter ever to see innovations reover his majesty's concessions; as, (I.)'That moved, the subjects' complaints regarded, or his majesty was willing to discharge the ser- offenders punished. For these reasons they vice-book and the book of canons. (2.) To dis- declare it lawful and necessary to continue the solve the High Commission. (3.) That the ar- present Assembly till they have tried and centicles of Perth should not be urged. (4.) That sured all the bygone evils, and the introductors no oath should be required of any minister at of them, and have provided a solid course for his entrance into the ministry but what is re- continuing God's truth in this land with purity quired by act of Parliament. (5.) That for the and liberty; they declare, farther, that the said future there should be general assemblies as oft- Assembly is and shall be esteemed and obeyed en as the affairs of the Kirk shall require; and as a most lawful, full, and free General Assemthat the bishops should be censurable by the bly of this kingdom, and that the acts, sentenAssembly, according to their merits. (6.) That ces, censures, and proceedings of it shall be the confession of faith of 1580 should be sub- obeyed and observed by all the subjects of this scribed by all his majesty's subjects of Scot- kingdom."* land." These, although very considerable abate- Archbishop Laud was vexed at these bold ments, did not reach the requirements of the and desperate proceedings of the Assembly, and covenanters, which were, the dissolution of the thought of nothing but dispersing them by arms. order of the bishops, and of the above-mention- " I will be bold to say," says his grace, " never.ed grievances, by a statute law. The marquis were there more gross absurdities, nor half so'went on, and in a long speech declaimed against many, in so short a time, committed in any lay-elders, "an office," as he said, " unknown public meeting; and for a national assembly,;in the Church for fifteen hundred years, such never did the Church of Christ see the like."'persons being very unfit to judge of the high " I am as sorry as your grace [the Marquis of,mysteries of predestination, effectual grace, ante Hamilton] can be that the king's preparations:and post lapsarian doctrines, or to pass sentence can make no more haste; I hope you think I;upon their superiors in learning and office." have called upon his majesty, and by his comHe therefore advised them to break up and mand upon some others, to hasten all that may choose another assembly of all clergymen; but be, and more than this I cannot do; I have his motion striking at the very being and law- done, and do daily call upon his majesty for his:fulness of their present constitution, was unan- preparations; he protests he makes all the haste imously rejected; whereupon the marquis dis- he can, and I believe him, but the jealousies of solved them, after they had sat only seven days, giving the covenanters umbrage too soon have forbidding them to continue their sessions upon made preparations here so late." pain of high treason; and next morning the The Assembly, according to their resoludissolution was published by proclamation at the tion, continued sitting several weeks, till they -market-cross. had passed the following acts: an act for disBut the Assembly, instead of submitting to annulling six late assemblies therein mentioned,:the royal command, continued sitting, and the held in the years 1606, 1608, 1610, 1616, 1617,,very:next day [November 29] published a prot- 1618, with the reasons; an act for abjuring and estation to justify their proceedings, wherein abolishing episcopacy; an act for condemning "they affirm, "1. That ruling elders have con- the five articles of Perth; an act for condemn-stantly sat in their assemblies befbre the late ing the service-book, book of canons, book:times of corruption. 2. That his majesty's of ordination, and the High Commission; an presence in their assemblies, either in his own act for condemning archdeacons, chapters, and person or by his commissioners, is not for vo- preaching deacons; an act for restoring presting. but as princes and emperors of old, in a byteries, provincial and national assemblies, to princely manner, to countenance their meet- their constitution of ministers and elders, and ings, and preside in them for external order. to their power and jurisdiction contained in the 3. That it is clear, by the doctrine and disci- book of policy,t with many others of the like pline of the Kirk, contained in the book of poli- nature. They then pronounced sentence of cy, and registered in the book of the Assembly, deposition against the bishops, eight of whom and subscribed by the presbyteries of this Kirk, were excommunicated, four excluded from the that it is unlawful in itself, and prejudicial to * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 863-865. the privileges that Christ has left his Church, t Ibid., p. 873. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 339 ministerial function, and two only allowed to tion, and money, there not being above three officiate as pastors or presbyters. Upon this, thousand arms to be found in the whole kingDr. Spotswood, bishop of St. Andrew's, and lord- dom; and having no money, their soldiers made high-chancellor of Scotland, retired to London, such a ragged appearance, that when the king where he died the next year. Most of his saw them, he said, "'they would certainly fight brethren the bishops took the same method; the English if it were only to get their fine only four remained in the country, three of clothes." But the success of this war will fall whom renounced their episcopal orders, viz., within the compass of the next year. Alexander Ramsey, bishop of Dunkeld, George To return to England: the Star Chamber and Graham, bishop of Orkney, and James Fairby, High Commission went on with their oppresbishop of Argyle; but the fourth, George Guth- sions as if they were under no apprehensions rey, bishop. of Murray, kept his ground and from the storm that was gathering in the North. weathered the storm. At the close of the ses- Many ministers were suspended and shut up in sion, the Assembly drew up a letter to the king, prison, as Mr. Henry Wilkinson, B.D., of Magcomplaining of his majesty's commissioner, who dalen College, Oxford; Mr. George Walker, had proclaimed them traitors, and forbade the Mr. Smith, Mr. Small, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Brewer, people to pay any regard to their acts, and praying a Baptist preacher,* who lay in prison fourteen the king to look upon them still as his good and years; Mr. Foxley, of St. Martin's in the Fields, faithful subjects. They also published another who was confined in a chamber in the Gatedeclaration to the good people of England, in house not four yards square for twenty months, vindication of their proceedings, which his maj- without pen, ink, or paper, or the access of esty took care to suppress, and issued out a any friends, even in his extreme sickness; and proclamation against the seditious behaviour of all this without knowing his crime, or so much the covenanters, which he commanded to be as guessing at it, unless it was for speaking in read in all the churches in England.* favour of the feoffees.t It was easy to foresee that these warm pro- Great numbers of Puritans continued to flock ceedings must issue in a war, especially when it into New-England, notwithstanding the prois remembered that his majesty consulted with hibition of the council last year, insomuch that none but the declared enemies of their Kirk, the Massachusetts Bay began to be too strait viz., Laud, Hamilton, and Wentworth. On the for them; in the latter end of the year 1636 26th of January the king published his resolu- about one hundred families travelled farther tion to go in person against the Scots Covenant- into the country, and settled on the banks of ers at the head of an army; for this purpose the River Connecticut, with the Reverend Mr. the nobility were summoned to attend his maj- Hooker at their head; another detachment esty, and all the wheels of the prerogative went from Dorchester, a third from Waterwere put in motion to raise men and money.t town, and a fourth from Roxbury, and built Dr. Pierce, bishop of Bath and Wells, in his letter to his clergy, calls it " bellum episcopale," * It does not appear whether he was ever benea war for the support of episcopacy, that they ficed in the Established Church. The first account should therefore stir up their clergy to a liberal of him we meet with is, that in the year 1626 he was contribution after the rate of three shillings and a preacher among the Separatists in and about Athford, in Kent. In that year, through the instigation tenpence in the pound, according to the valua- of Laud, he was prosecuted and censured in the tion of their livings in the king's books. The High Commission Court, and committed to prison, archbishop also wrote to his commissary, Sir where he remained no less than fourteen years. John Lamb, for a contribution in the civil courts The archbishop, afterward speaking of the mischief of Doctors' Commons, requiring him to send done by the nonconformity of Mr. Brewer and Mr. the names of such as refused to himself at Turner, says, "The hurt which they have done is Lambeth. The queen and her friends under- so deeply rooted that it is impossible to be plucked Caethi T eher cries up on a sudden, but I must crave time to work it off took for the Roman Catholics; the courtiers by little and little." His grace, however, fixed upon and the country gentlemen were applied to to the most direct and effectual method of doing this; lend money on this occasion, which the former for in his account of his province, addressed to the readily complied with, but of the latter forty only king in the year 1637, he says, "I must give your contributed together about ~1400. With these, majesty to understand, that at and about Athford, and some other assistances, the king fitted out in Kent, the Separatists continue to hold their a fleet of sixteen men-of-war, and raised a conventicles, notwithstanding the excommunication splendid army of twenty-one thousand horse of so many of them as have been discovered. Two splendid army of twenty-one thousand horse or three of their principal ringleaders, Brewer, Fenand foot. ner, and Turner, have long been kept-in prison, and The Scots, being informed of the prepara- it was once thought fit to proceed against them by tions that were making against them in Eng- the statute of abjuration. Not long since Brewer land, secured the important castles of Edin- slipped out of prison, and went to Rochester and burgh, Dumbritton, and Frith, and raised an other parts of Kent, and held conventicles, and put army of such volunteers as had the cause of a great many people into great distemper against the the Kirk at heart, and were determined to Church. He is taken again, and was called before the Kirk at tieart, and were determined to the High Commission, where he stood silent, but in sacrifice their lives in defence of it; they sent the High Commission, where he stood silent, but in fo r the ir old general, Lesley, from Germany, sentsuch a jeering, scornful manner as I scarcely ever for their old general, Lesley, from Germany, saw the like. So in prison he remains." This was,w ho upon this occasion quitted the emper- a short and certain method of stopping their mouths. or's service, and brought over with him sev- Mr. Brewer having been confined in prison fourteen elral experienced officers. But their greatest years, even till the meeting of the Long Parliament, distress was thhe want of firearms, ammuni- he was then set at liberty by an order from the House of Commons, November 23, 1640, upon his *Rushworth, vol. i, part ii., p. 876. promise to be forthcoming when called, and this is t Prynne's introd., 177, 178, 196. Rushworth, all we know of him. —Nalson's Collec., vol. i., p. 570. vol. i., part ii., p..791. -C. Pryr, p. 388 340 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. the towns of Hartford, Windsor, Wethersfield, student, a lively preacher, and of a heavenly and Springfield, in that colony. Next year conversation.* [1637] the passengers from England were so Mr. Charles Chauncey,t B.D., educated in numerous that they projected a new settlement Cambridge, and Greek lecturer of his own colon the southwest part of Connecticut River, in lege in that university. He was afterward seta large bay near the confines of New-York; tled at Ware, and was an admired and useful the leaders of this colony were Theophilus preacher, till he was driven from thence, as has Eaton, Esq., and the Reverend Mr. Davenport, been related. When the Book of Sports was who came from England with a large retinue published, and the drums beat about the town of acquaintance and followers; they spread to summon the people to their (lances and revalong the coast, and first built the town of New- els on the Lord's Day evening, he preached Haven, which gives name to the colony; and, against it, for which he was suspended, and after some time, the towns of Guilford, Milford, soon after totally silenced.t Few suffered more Stamford, Brentford, &c. Notwithstanding for nonconformity, says my author, by fines, by these detachments, the Massachusetts Bay imprisonment, and by necessities, than Mr. had such frequent recruits from England, that Chauncey: at length he determined to remove they were continually building new towns or to New-England, where he arrived in the year enlarging their settlements in the neighbour- 1638, and became president of Harvard Colhood. lege, in Cambridge. Here he continued a most Among the divines who went over this sum- learned, laborious, and use.fl governor, till the mer was the Reverend Mr. Ezekiel RQgers, year 1671, when he died, in the eighty-second M.A., some time chaplain in the family of Sir year of his age; he left behind him six sons, Francis Barrington, of Hatfield Broad Oak, in the eldest of which was Dr. Isaac Chauncey, Essex, and afterward vicar of Rowley, in York- well known heretofore among the Nonconformshire, where he continued a successful preach- ist ministers of London. er to a numerous congregation almost twenty I pass over the lives of many other divines years.* The archbishop of that diocess [Dr. and substantial gentlemen who deserted their Matthews] being a moderate divine, permitted native country for the peace of their conscienthe use of those lectures or prophesyings which ces; but it deserves a particular notice that Queen Elizabeth had put down; the ministers there were eight sail of ships at once this spring within certain districts had their monthly ex- in the River Thames bound for New-England, ercises, in which one or two preached, and oth- and filled with Puritan families, among whom ers prayed, before a numerous and attentive (if we may believe Dr. George Bates and Mr. audience. One of the hearers that bore an ill- Dugdale, two famous royalists) were, Oliver will to the exercises told the archbishop that Cromwell, afterward protector of the Common-,he ministers prayed against him; but his grace, wealth of England, John Hampden, Esq., and instead of giving credit to the informer, answer- Mr. Arthur Haselrigge, who, seeing no end of ed, with a smile, that he could hardly believe the oppressions of their native country, deterhim, because "those good men know," says he, mined to spend the remainder of-their days in "that if I were gone to heaven, their exercises America; but the council, being informed of would soon be put down;" which came to pass their design, issuedout an order, dated May 1, accordingly, for no sooner was his successor Mr. Newman arrived in 1638, and spent oneyear [Mr. Neile] in his chair, but he put a period to and a half at Dorchester, five years at Weymouth, them, and urged subscription with so much se- and nineteen at Rehoboth.-C. verity that many of the clergy were suspended t He received his grammar education at Westminand silenced, among whom was Mr. Rogers, ster School, and was at school at the time the Gunwho, having no farther prospect of usefulness powder Plot was to have taken effect, and must have in his own country, embarked with several of perished if it had succeeded. He was an accurate his Yorkshire friends for New-England, where Hebrecian and Grecian, and admirably skilled in all the learned languages. Latin and Greek verses of he arrived in the summer of the year 1638, his appeared in the collections of poetical compliand settled at a place which he called Rowley. ments of condolence or congratulation offered by the Here he spent the remainder of his days, amid university on different occasions to the courts of a variety of afflictions and sorrows till the year James I. and Charles I. He was at Boston in order 1660, when he died, in the seventieth year of to take passage for England, in consequence of an his age. invitation to settle again with his old people at Ware, Mr. Samuel Newman, author of that concord- when the importunities of the overseers of Harvard.ance of the Biblew that ears his nae d was College prevailed with him to accept the presidentante of the Bible that bears his namne, was ship of that seminary, in which place he continued. born at Banbury, educated at Oxford, and hav- highly honoured for his learning and piety. A granding finished his studies, entered into holy or- son of his son Isaac, also named Charles, minister of ders, and became minister of a small living in the first church in Boston, died the 10th of February, that county; but the severe prosecutions of the 1787, in the eighty-third year of his age; having been spiritual courts obliged him to no less than sev- an ornament to his profession, distinguished by his en removals, till at length he resolved to get~ extensive benevolence and invincible integrity, a out of their reach, and remove with their friends warm and virtuous patriot, for nearly six years the out of tN heir reah, and remove with th eir friends able, faithful instructer and friend of his flock, and to New-England, where he arrived this summer, the author of many works, which remain monuand settled at Rehoboth, in the colony of New- ments of his abilities, application, and excellent temrn Plymouth, where he spent the remainder of his per. The most valuable and laboured were, " The days to the year 1663, when he died, in the Salvation of all Men," a treatise; *" Five Dissertasixty-third year of his age.t He was a hard tions on the Fall and its Consequences;" and a tract on the " Benevolence of the Deity," all published in London.-See Dr. Grey, and Clarke's Funeral Sermon * Mather's History of New-England, b. iii., p. 101 for Dr. Charles Chauncey, 1787.-ED. 4 Mather's Hist., p. 113. t Mather's History of New-England, p. 134. HISTORY OF TtiLE PURITANS. 341 1638, to make stay of those ships, and to put on hours of the day, with the liberty of ringing a shore all the provisions intended for the voyage. bell for public worship, though they did not apAnd to prevent the like for the future, his maj- prove of the Dutch discipline, or join in cowe\ esty prohibited all masters and owners of ships munion with their churches. to set forth any ships for New-England with Great was the damage the nation sustained passengers without special license from the by these removals: Heylip observes,- "The privy council; and gives this remarkable reason severe pressing of the ceremonies made the for it, " Because the people of New-England people in many trading towns tremble at a viswere factious, and unworthy of any support from itation; but when they found their striving in hence, in regard of the great disorders and want vain, and that they had lost the comfort of the of government among them, whereby many that lecturers, who were turned out for not reading have been well affected to the Church of Eng- the second service at the communion-table in land have been prejudiced in their estates by their hoods and surplices, and for using other them."* prayers besides that of the fifty-fifth canon, it When the Puritans might not transport them- was no hard matter for those ministers to perselves to New-England, they removed with their suade them to transport themselves into for-'families into the Low Countries; among the di- eign parts:'The sun,' said they,'shines as vines who went thither about this time were Dr. comfortably in other places, and the Sun of Thomas Goodwin, educated in Cambridge, and righteousness much brighter; it is better to go a great admirer of Dr. Preston. In the year and dwell in Goshen, find it where we can, than 1628 he was chosA to preach the lecture in tarry in the midst of such Egyptian bondage as Trinity Church, and held it till the year 1634, is among us; the sinful corruptions of the when he left the university and all his prefer- Church are now grown so general that there is ments, through dissatisfaction with the terms no place free from the contagion; therefore, of conformity; having lived in retirement till " go out of her, my people, and be not partakers this time, he withdrew with some select friends of her sins."'" And hereunto they were ento Holland, and settled at Arnheim, in Gelder- couraged by the Dutch, who chose rather to land, where he continued till the beginning of carry their manufactures home than be obliged the Long Parliament. to resort to their parish churches, as, by the Philip Nye, M.A., educated in Magdalen Hall, archbishop's injunctions, they were obliged. Oxon, and a popular preacher at St. Bartholo- The eyes of all England were now towards mew Exchange, London. the North, whither the king went, March 27, to Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs, a most candid and put himself at the head of his army raised moderate divine,t educated in Cambridge, and against the Scots, the Earls of Arundel, Essex, afterward a famous preacher to two of the lar- and Holland being the chief commanding offigest congregations about London, viz., Stepney cers under his majesty. The Scots, under the and Cripplegate. command of' General Lesley, received them Mr. William Bridge, M.A., and fellow of upon the borders; but when the two armies Emanuel College, Cambridge; he was first min- had faced each other for some time, the king, ister in Essex, and afterward settled in the city perceiving that his Protestant nobility and solof Norwich, in the parish of St. George Tom- diers were not hearty in his cause, gave way to bland, where he continued till he was silenced a treaty -at the petition of the Scots, which for nonconformity by Bishop Wren, in the year ended in a pacification, June 17, by which all 1637, and excommunicated. points of difference were referred to a General Mr. Sydrach Syrnpson, educated in Cam- Assembly, to be held at Edinburgh, August 12, bridge, and afterward a celebrated preacher in and to a Parliament which was to meet about London. These were afterward the five pillars a fortnight after. In the mean time both arof the Independent or Con regational party, and mies were to be disbanded,t the tables to be were distinguished by the n:ime of the Dissent- broken up, and no meetings held except such ing Brethren in the assembly of divines. as are warranted by act of Parliament. AcSeveral gentlemen and merchants of figure cordingly, the king dismissed his army, but with disposed of their effects, and went after them very disobliging circumstances, not giving the into exile, as Sir Matthew Poynton, Sir William nobility and gentry so much as thanks for Constable, Sir Richard Saltington, Mr. Law- their affection, loyalty, and personal attendrence, afterward lord-president of the council, ance, which they resented so highly that few Mr. Andrews, afterward lord-mayor of London, or none of them appeared upon the next sumMr. Aske, since a judge, Mr. Bouchier, Mr. mons; the Scots delivered back theking's forts James, Mr. White, and others. The States re- and castles into his majesty's hands, and disceived them with great humanity, granting them the use of their churches at different * Life of Laud, p. 367. t Dr. Grey quotes Lord Clarendon as stating " that * Rushworth, vol. i., part ii., p. 409. the king's army, by the very words of the agreement, t He steered a middle course*between Presbyte- was not to be disbanded until all should be executed rianism and Brownism, and seems to have been much on the part of the Scots." But not to say that the of an Independent, or Congregationalist of the pres- accounts of this treaty in the Memoirs of the Marent day.-Biog. Britan., vol. ii., p. 620. Mr. Baxter,,quis of Hamilton, p. 142, and in Guthry, as quoted who knew his great worth, said, " If all the Episco- by Dr. Harris, p. 288, mention no such limitation, palians had been like Archbis'hop Usher, all the Pres- Lord Clarendon himself undermines his own authorbyterians like Stephen Marshall, and all the Inde- ity on this matter, by telling his reader that "no two pendents like Jeremiah Burroughs, the breaches of who were present at the treaty agreed in the same the Church would have been sooner healed." Mr. relation of what was said and done; and, which was Burroughs's Exposition of Hosea, in four quarto vol- worse, not in the same interpretation of the meaning umes, will perpetuate his reputation as one of the of what was comprehended in the writing."-Cla-e't ablest divines and soundest expositors of the age.-C. don's History, vol. i., p. 123.-En. 342 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. banded the soldiery, wisely keeping their offi- majesty may be heard for redress thereof in his cers in pay till they saw the effect of the pacifi- own time and place." cation.* The Scots Parliament met August 31 [1639], The General Assembly met at Edinburgh ac- and having first subscribed the solemn league cording to the treaty, but being of the same and covenant with the king's consent, they conconstitution with the last, the bishops present- firmed all the acts of the General Assembly, ed another declinator to his majesty's commis- concluding with the utter extirpation of episcosioner [the Earl of Traquair], and were excused pacy as unlawful.* But the king having by giving their attendance by express letter from letter to his commissioner forbidden him to conthe king, his majesty, in his instructions to his sent to the word unlawful, lest it should be incommissioner, having yielded them the point of terpreted absolutely, though it seems to have a lay-elders. The Assembly, therefore, without reference only to the Kirk of Scotland, his lordany opposition, confirmed the proceedings of ship prorogued the Parliament, first for fourteen that at Glasgow, which was of very dubious days, and then, by the king's express command,t authority. They appointed the covenant to be for nine months, without ratifying any of their taken throughout the kingdom, and explained acts. The Earl of Dunfermlin and Lord Louthe bond of mutual defence to a consistency don were despatched to London, to beseech his with their late conduct. They voted away the majesty to consent to their ratification; but new service-book, the book of canons, the five they were sent back with a reprimand for their articles of Perth, the High Commission, and misbehaviour, being hardly admitted into the with one consent determined that diocesan king's presence. It seems too apparent that episcopacy was unlawful, and not to be allowed his majesty meant little or nothing by his conin their Kirk.t This the Earl of Traquair did cessions but to gain time; for in his declaration not apprehend inconsistent with his private in- before the next war, about six months forward, structions from the king, which were these: he says, " Concerning our promise of a free " We allow episcopacy to be abolished for the Parliament, no man can imagine we intended reasons contained in the articles, and that the it should be so free as not to be limited by the covenant of 1580, for satisfaction of our people, enjoyment of their religion and liberties, accordbe subscribed. Again, if they require episcopacy ing to the ecclesiastical and civil laws of that to be abjured, as contrary to the constitution of kingdom; but if they pass these bounds, we are the Church of Scotland, you are to give way to disobliged, and theyleft at-libertytoflyat our moit, but not as a point of popery, or as contrary to narchical government without control, to wrest.God's law or the Protestant religion. Again, in the sceptre out of our hands, and to rob the giving way to the abolishing episcopacy, be care- crown of the fairest flower belonging to it.":: ful it be done without the appearing of any war- The king, therefore, did not really intend the rant from the bishops in prejudice of episcopacy alteration of any of the civil or ecclesiastical as unlawful, but only in satisfaction to the people laws of that kingdom, and by his majesty's not for settling the present disorders, and such other ratifying any of their acts, it was evident that reasons of state; but herein you must be care- the English court had resumed their courage, ful that our intentions appear not to any." It and were determined once more to try the foris evident from hence that his majesty's usage tune of war. of the Scots was neither frank nor sincere; he In the mean time, to balance the declarahad no design to abolish episcopacy, and only tion of the Scots Assembly, Bishop Hall, at the consented to suspend it because he was told request of Laud, composed a treatise of the that the bishops being one of the three estates "' Divine Right of Episcopacy," which the archof Parliament, no law made in their absence bishop revised. The propositions which he adcould be of force, much less an act for abolish- vances are these: (1.) 1 nat form of government ing their whole order, after they had entered which is of apostoli al institution ought to b6 their protest in form. When his majesty gave esteemed of Divine right. (2.) That form which way to the subscribing the covenant, it was was practised and recommended by the aposwith another reserve,'"as far as may stand ties, though not expressly commanded, is of with our future intentions well known to you. apostolical institution. (3.) The government set For though we have discharged the service- up by the apostles was designed for perpetuity. book and canons, we will never consent that (4.) The universal practice of the primitive they be condemned as popish and supersti- Church is the best rule to judge of the apostolitious;t not will we acknowledge that the High cal practice. (5.) We ought not to suppose the Commission was without law, nor that the five primitive fathers would change the form of govarticles of Perth be condemned as contrary to ernment they had received from the apostles. the confession of faith; it is enough that they (6.) The accession of privilege and honourable be laid aside." His majesty's instructions con- titles does not affect the substance of the episelude, " that if anything be yielded in the pres- copal function. (7.) The Presbyterian governent Assembly prejudicial to his majesty's ser- ment, though challenging the glorious title of vice, his commissioner shall protest, that his Christ's kingdom and ordinance, had no found. * Mrs. Macaulay, in her detail of this treaty, men- atioa in Scripture, or in the practice of the tions as a memorable circumstance, unnoticed by Church for fifteen hundred years, and is altohistorians, and very expressive of the pacific disposi- gether incongruous and unjustifiable. tion of the Scots, that they told the king, that if he The bishop's book was altered in many plawould give them leave to enjoy their religion and ces, contrary to his own inclinations, by the':heir laws, they would, at their own expense, transport their army to assist the recovery of the Palati- i Nalson's Collection, p. 256. nate.-History of England, vol. ii., p. 283, note, 8vo t The term of prorogation, as Mr. Grey points i* edit.- ED. t Nalson's Collection, p. 246, 247. out, is expressed in Nalson thus: "till the next Nalson's Collection, p. 254, 255. spring."-ED. X Nalson's Collection, p. 273 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 343 archbishop, and particularly in those wherein with Laud, advised the king to set aside the he had called the pope antichrist, or spoke too pacification, and to push the Scots war with favourably of the morality of the Sabbath, and vigour, offering his. majesty eight thousand Irish said that presbytery was of use where episco- and a large sum of money for his assistance; pacy could not be obtained. His grace disap- but this not being sufficient, the war was proved of his lordship's waiving the question thought so reasonable and necessary to the whether episcopacy was a distinct order, or only king's honour that it might be ventured with a higher degree of the same order; and of his an English Parliament, which being laid before advancing the Divine right of episcopacy no the council, was cheerfully agreed to, and, after higher than the apostles, whereas he would have twelve years' interval, a Parliament was sumit derived from Christ himself. Upon the whole, moned to meet April 13, 1640. his lordship's book was so modelled by his met- The Scots, foreseeing the impending storm, ropolitan, that, in the debate hereafter mention- consulted where to fly for succour; some were ed, he could hardly go the lengths of his own for throwing themselves into the hands of the performance. French, and, accordingly, wrote a very submisThe bishops still kept a strict hand over the sive letter to that monarch, signed by the hands Puritans: not a sermon was to be heard on the of seven Scots peers, but never sent; for, upon distinguishing points of Calvinism all over Eng- application to their friends at London, they were land. In some diocesses great complaints were assured, by a letter drawn up by Lord Saville, made of Puritan justices of peace for being too and signed by himself, with the names of Bedstrict in putting the laws in execution against ford, Essex, Brook, Warwick, Say and Seal, profaneness. At Ashford, in Kent, the arch- and Mandeville (who agreed to the letter, though bishop said he must have recourse to the stat- they were so cautious as not to write their own utes of abjuration, and call in the assistance of names), " that the hearts of the people of Engthe temporal courts to reduce the Separatists, land were with them; that they were convinthe censures of the Church not being sufficient. ced the liberties of both nations were at stake, Upon the whole, there was no abatement of the and, therefore, they might depend upon their height of conformity, even to the end of this year, assistance as soon as a fair opportunity offerthough the flames that were kindled in Scotland ed." Upon this encouragement the Scots laid began to disturb the tranquillity of the Church. aside their design of applying to France, and Mr. Bagshaw, a lawyer of some standing in resolved to raise another army from among the Middle Temple, being chosen reader in that themselves, and march into England. house for the Lent vacation, began to attack "The Parliament that met at Westminster," the power of the bishops. In his lectures on says the noble historian,* "was made up cf the 25th Edw. III., cap. vii., he maintained that sober and dispassionate men, exceedingly disacts of Parliament were valid without the as- posed to do the king service;" and yet his majsent -of the lords spiritual. 2. That no bene- esty would not condescend to speak to them ficed clerk was capable of temporal jurisdiction from the throne,t ordering the Lord-keeper at the making that law. And, 3. That no bish- Finch to acquaint them with the undutiful beop, without calling a synod, had power as a di- haviour of the Scots, whom he was determined ocesan to convict a heretic. Laud, being in- to reduce, and therefore would not admit of the formed of these positions, told the king that mediation of the two houses, but expected their Bagshaw had justified the Scots covenanters immediate assistance, after which he would in decrying the temporal jurisdiction of church- give them time to consider of any just grievmen, and the undoubted right of the bishops to ance to be redressed. But the Commons, intheir seats in Parliament; upon which he was stead of beginning with the supply, appointed immediately interdicted all farther reading on committees for religion and grievances, which those points; and though Bagshaw humbly pe- disobliged the king so much, that, after several titioned the lord-keeper and the archbishop for fruitless attempts to persuade them to begin liberty to proceed, he could get no other an- with the Subsidy Bill, he dissolved them in answer, after long attendance, than that it had ger, without passing a single act, after they been better for him not to have meddled with had sat about three weeks. The blame of this that argument, which should stick closer to him than he was aware of.* Whereupon he retired " Clarendon's Hist., vol. i., p. 139. into the country. t Lord Clarendon says, " After the king had The resolution of the English court to renew shortly mentioned his desire to be again acquainted the war with Scotland was owing to the TLord- with Parliaments after so long an intermission," &c., deputy Wentworth, whom Archbishop Laud he referred the cause to be enlarged on by the speaker. "i It is plain from hence," Dr. Grey adds, "that had sent for from Ireland for this purpose. his majesty did condescend to speak to them from This nobleman, from being an eminent patriot, the throne." This is observed to impeach Mr. Neal's was become a petty tyrant, and had governed veracity. But when the reader has laid before him Ireland in a most arbitrary and sovereign man- the short speech delivered from the throne, he will ner for about seven years, discountenancing the judge whether Mr. Neal stands charged with more Protestants because they were Calvinists, and than an inaccuracy. It is given us by Nalson, vol. i.. inclined to Puritanism, and giving all imagin-. My Lords and Gentlemen "My Lords and Gentlemen, able encouragement to the Roman Catholics as "There never was a king that had a more great friends to the prerogative, whereby he suffered and weighty cause to call his people together than the balance of power in that kingdom to fall into myself; I will not trouble you with the particulars; the hands of the papists. Wentworth, being I have informed my lord-keeper, and command him come to court, was immediately created Earl of to speak, and to desire your attention." This was Strafford and knight of the Garter, and, in concert not properly a speech from the throne, but, as Mrs. Macaulay calls it, "a short preface" to the lord* Heylin's Life of Laud, p. 407. keeper's speech.-ED. 344 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. hasty dissolution was by some cast upon Laud, The convocation that sat with this Parliaby others on Sir Harry Vane, while the king ment was opened April 14, with more splendour laid it on the misbehaviour of the House of and magnificence than the situation of affairs Commons, who would not take his royal word for required. The sermon was preached by Dr. redress of grievances, after they had voted the Turner, canon residentiary of St. Paul's, from necessarysupplies; he therefore senttheleading St. Matt., xvi., 16, "Behold, I send you forth as members of the House into custody, and commit- sheep among wolves." After which they adted them prisoners to the Fleet and other prisons. journed to the Chapter-house, where the king's His majesty having failed of a parliamentary writ of summons being read, the archbishop, in supply at the time he demanded it, was told a Latin speech, recommended to the Lowei by Lord Strafford, and others of the council, House the choosing a prolocutor, to be presentthat he was now absolved from all rules of gov- ed to himself or his commissary in the chapel of ernment, and might take what his necessities Henry VII. on Friday following, to which time required, and his power could obtain. This, and place the convocation was adjourned. indeed, was no moreathan his majesty had been On the 17th of April, after Divine service, Dr. doing for twelve years before; but some people Steward, dean of Chichester and clerk of the drew an unhappy conclusion from this maxim, closet, was presented to the archbishop as proviz., that if' the king was absolved from all rules locutor in the chapel of Henry VII., whom his of governnment, the people were absolved from grace approved, and then produced his majesall rules of obedience. ty's commission under the great seal, authoriHowever, all the engines of arbitrary power zing them " to make and ordain certain canons were set at work to raise money for the war, and constitutions for the established true relias loans, benevolences, ship-money, coat and gion, and the profit of the state of the Church conduct money, knighthood, monopolies, and of England." The commission was to remain other springs of the prerogative, some of which, in force during the present session of Parliasays Lord Clarendon, were ridiculous, and oth- ment, and no longer; and by a remarkable ers scandalous, but all very grievous to the clause, " nothing was to be concluded without subject. Those who refused payment were the archbishop's being a party in the consultafined and imprisoned by the Star Chamber or tion." It was intended also to draw up an Engcouncil-table, among whom were some of the lish pontifical, which was to contain the form aldermen of London, and sheriffs of several of and manner of royal coronations; a form for the counties. The courtiers advanced ~300,000 consecrating churches, churchyards, and chapin three weeks, the clergy in convocation gave els; a form for reconciling penitents and apossix subsidies, the papists were very generous; tates; a book of articles, to be used by all bishStrafford went over to Ireland, and obtained four ops at their visitation; and a short form of subsidies of the Parliament of that kingdom; prayer for before sermon, comprehending the soldiers were pressed into the service in all substance of the fifty-fifth canon. But most of counties, few listing themselves voluntarily ex- these projects were interrupted by the sudden cept papists, many of whom had commissions dissolution of the Parliament. in the army, which gave rise to a common say- The convocation, according to ancient cusing among the people, that the queen's army of tom, should have broken up at the same time; papists were going to establish the Protestant but one of the Lower House having acquainted religion in Scotland. the archbishop with a precedent in the-27th year The people groaned under these oppressions, of Queen Elizabeth, of the clergy's granting a the odium whereof fell upon Laud and Strafford, subsidy or benevolence of two shillings in the who were libelled, and threatened with the fury pound, to be raised upon all the clergy, after of the populace. May9, 1640, a paper was fixed the Parliament was risen, and levying it by upon the old Exchange, animating the appren- their own synodical act only, under the penalty tices to pull the archbishop out of his palace at of ecclesiastical censures, it was concluded from Lambeth; upon this the trained bands were or- thence that the convocation might sit independdered into St. George's Fields; nevertheless, ent of the Parliament, and therefore, instead the mob rose and broke his windows, for which of dissolving, they only adjourned for a few one of them, being apprehended, suffered death days to take farther advice.t as a traitor, though he could not be guilty of The zealous archbishop, relying upon this more than a breach of the peace. From Lam- single precedent, applied to the king for a combeth the mob went to the house of the pope's mission to continue the convocation during his agent, where they were dispersed by the king's majesty's pleasure, in order to finish the canons guards, and some of them sent to the White Lion and constitutions, and to grant the subsidies alprison; but the following week [May 15] they ready voted. The case being referred to the rose again, and rescued their friends. The coun- judges, the majority gave it as their opinion, try was in the same mutinous posture, there "that the convocation being called by the king's being frequent skirmishes between them and writ under the great seal, doth continue till it the new-raised soldiers, even to bloodshed. The be dissolved by writ or commission under the city train-bands were in arms all the summer, great seal, notwithstanding the Parliament be but the campaign proving unsuccessful, there dissolved." was no keeping the people within bounds after- Signed, May 14, 1640, by ward; for while the High Commission was sit- John Finch, Custos, M. S. ting at St. Paul's, October 22, near two thou- H. Manchester, John Bramston, sand Brownists, as the archbishop calls them, Ralph Whitfield, Rob. Heath, raised a disturbance, and broke up the court, Edw. Littleton, John Banks. crying out, "No bishops-no High Commis-.crying out, "No bishops-no High Commis- * Collyer's Eccles. Hist., p. 793. Heylin's Life of sion." Such were the distempers of the times. Laud, p. 423. t Fuller's Appeal, p. 67, 69. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 345 Upon this, a commission under the great seal Henry VIII., except in the single instance of was granted, and the convocation reassembled; Queen Elizabeth. however, notwithstanding the opinion of these The canons of this synod, consisting of sevgentlemen of the long robe, Dr. Hacket, Brown- enteen articles, were published June 30, and rigge, Holdisworth, and others, to the number entitled " Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasti. of thirty-six, protested earnestly against it, cal, treated upon by the Archbishops of Canter, though, because the session was warranted by bury and York, Presidents of the Convocation so many considerable persons, they did not for their respective Provinces, and the rest o$ withdraw, nor enter their protest in form of law, the Bishops and Clergy of those Provinces, -aTi as they ought to have done.* They were far- agreed upon with the King's Majesty's Licene~., ther so influenced by his majesty's message, in their several Synods begun at London and sent by Sir H. Vane, secretary of state, to ac- York, 1640."* quaint them "that it was his royal pleasure that none of the prelates or clergy should withdraw from the synod or convocation till the "We ordain and decree that every parson, affairs they had in command from the king were vicar, curate, or preacher, upon one Sunday in perfected and finished." every quarter of the year, in the place where he Upon this dubious foundation the convocation serves, shall read the following explanation of was continued, and a committee of twenty-six the regal power: appointed to prepare matters for the debate of "That the most high and sacred order o the House; but the mob being so inflamed as to kings is of Divine right, being the ordinance oI threaten to pull down the Convocation-house, God himself, founded in the prime laws of nathe king appointed them a guard of the militia ture and revelation, by which the supreme powof Middlesex, commanded by Endymion Porter, er over all persons civil and ecclesiastical is groom of the bedchamber, a papist, under whose given to them. protection the synod was continued till the can- "That they have the care of God's Church, ons were perfected, and six subsidies granted and the power of calling and dissolving councils, by way of supply for the exigence of his majes- both national and provincial. ty's affairs, to be collected in six years, after "That for any person to set up in the king's the rate of four shillings in the pound, amount- realms any independent coercive power, either ing to about ~120,000, after which it was dis- papal or popular, is treasonable against God solved [May 29] by a special mandate or writ and the king. And for subjects to bear arms from his majesty, after it had continued twenty- against their king, either offensive or defensive, five sessions. The canons having been appro- upon any pretence whatsoever, is at least to reved by the privy-council, were subscribed by as sist the powers ordained of God;. and though many of both houses of convocation as were they do not invade, but only resist, St. Paul present, and then transmitted to the provincial says, they shall receive damnation. Synod of York, by whom they were subscribed "And though tribute and custom, aid and subat once, without so much as debating either sidy, be due to the king by the law of God, namatter or form. Dr. John Williams, bishop of ture, and nations, yet subjects have a right and Lincoln, was in the Tower, and had no concern property in their goods and estates; and these with the canons. Dr. Goodman, bishop of Glou- two are so far from crossing one another, that cester, a concealed papist, was the only prelate they mutually go together for the honourable who declined the subscription, till the archbish- and comfortable support of both. op threatened him with deprivation, and the " If any clergyman shall voluntarily and carerest of the brethren pressing him to comply, he lessly neglect to publish these explications, he was persuaded to put his name to the book; shall be suspended; or if, in any sermon or pubbut several of the members of the lower House lic lecture, he shall maintain any position conavoided the test by withdrawing before the day trary hereunto, he shall be forthwith excommuof subscription; for, out of above one hundred nicated and suspended for two years; and if and sixty, of which both houses of convocation he offend a second time, he shall be deprived." consisted, there were not many more than one hundred names to the book. CANON 2.-For the better observing the Day of his hundred names to the book. The unreasonableness of continuing the syn- Majesty's Inauguraton. od after the dissolution of Parliament appears "The synod decrees and ordains that all perfrom hence, that the convocation, consisting of sons shall come to Church the morning of the bishops, deans, archdeacons, and clerks, the said day, and continue there till prayers and three former act in their personal capacities preaching are ended, upon pain of such punishonly, and may give for themselves what subsi- ment as'the law inflicts on those who wilfully dies they please; but the clerks being chosen absent themselves from church on holydays." for their respective cathedrals and diocesses, CANON 3.-For suppressing the Growth of Popery. legally to sit as long as the Parliament continues,desist from being public persons as soon as "All ecclesiastical persons, within their sevit is dissolved, and lose the character of repre- eral parishes or jurisdictions, shall confer prisentatives; they are then no more than private vately with popish recusants; but if private conclergymen, who, though they may give the king ference prevail not, the Church must and shall what sums of money they please for themselves, come to her censures; and to make way for cannot vote away the estates of their brethren, them, such persons shall be presented at the unless they are re-elected. Besides, it was next visitation who came not to church, and contrary to all law and custom, both before and refuse to receive the holy Eucharist, or who since the act of submission of the clergy to King either say or hear mass; and if they remain * Fuller's Church History, b. ix., p. 168. * Nalson's Collection, p. 545. VoL. I. —X x 346 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. obstinate after citation, they shall be excom- contrary to that which is so established; nor municated. will I ever consent to alter the government of " But if neither conference nor censure pre- this Church by archbishops, bishops, deans, and vail, the Church shall then complain of them to archdeacons, &c., as it stands now established, the civil power; and this sacred synod does and as by right it ought to stand, nor yet ever earnestly entreat the reverend justices of as- to subject it to the usurpations and superstisize to be careful in executing the laws, as they tions of the See of Rome. And all these things will answer it to God. And every bishop shall I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and once a year send into the Court of Chancery a swear, according to the plain and common significavit of the names of those who have stood sense understanding of the same words, without excommunicated beyond the time limited by any equivocation, or mental evasion, or secret law, an(l shall desire that a writ de excommuni- reservation whatsoever; and this I do heartily, cato capiendo may be at once sent out against willingly, and truly, upon the faith of a Christhem all, tian. So help me God in Jesus Christ." " Care is likewise to be taken that no person " If any beneficed person in the Church shall be admitted to teach school but who has sub- refuse this oath, he shall, after one month,* be scribed to the Church as the law directs; and suspended ab offi.cio; after a second month, he that no excommunicate person be absolved by shall be suspended hb Oicio et beneficio; and afany appeal, unless he first take the oath de pa- ter a third month,t if he continue to refuse, he rendo juri et stando mandatis eccIesie." shall be deprived. "It is likewise ordained, that all that are in- CANON 4.-Against Socinianism. corporated in either of the universities, or take " It is decreed that no persons shall import, any degree, whether lawyers, divines, or phyprint, or disperse any of{their books, on pain of sicians, shall take the same oath;$ and all govexcommunication, and of being farther punished ernors of halls and colleges in the universities; in the Star Chamber. No minister shall preach all schoolmasters, and, in general, all that enter any such doctrines in his sermons, nor student into holy orders, or have license to preach." have any such books in his study, except he be a graduate in divinity;* and if any layman em- CANON 7.-A Declaration concerning some Rites brace their opinions, he shall be excommunica- and Ceremonies. ted, and not absolved without repentance and "The synod declares that the standing of abjuration." the communion-table sideways, under the east [N.B. None of the doctrines of Socinus, nor window of the chancel or chapel, is in its own any of his peculiar sentiments, are men- nature indifferent; but forasmuch as Queen tioned in this canon.] Elizabeth's injunctions order it to be placed where the altar was, we therefore judge it propCANON 5.-Against Sectccries.er that all churches and chapels do conform "The synod decrees that the canon above themselves to the cathedral or mother-churchmentioned against papists shall be in full force es. And we declare that the situation of the against all Anabaptists, Brownists, Separatists, holy table does not imply that it is or ought to and other sectaries, as far as they are applica- be esteemed a true and proper altar, whereon ble; and farther, the clause against the books Christ is again sacrificed; but it may be called of Socinians above mentioned shall be in force an altar in the sense of the primitive Church; against all books written against the discipline and because it has been observed that some and government of the Church of England. people in time of Divine service have irrever" It is also ordained, that such persons who ently leaned, cast their hats, or sat upon or unresort to their parish churches to hear the der the communion-table, therefore the synod sermon, but do not join in the public prayers, thinks meet that the table be railed round. shall be subject to the same penalties with oth- "It is farther recommended to all good peoer sectaries and recusants." pile, that they do reverence at their entering in and going olut of the church; and that all comCANON 6.-An Oath for prcventing Innovations municants do approach the holy table to receive in Doctrine and Government. the communion at the rails,~ which has hereto"The synod decrees that all archbishops, fore been unfitly carried up and down by the bishops, priests, and deacons shall, before the minister, unless the bishop shall dispense with 2d of November next, take the following oath, it." which shall be tendered by the bishop in person, or some grave divine deputed by him, and shall CANON 8.-Of Preaching for Conformity. be taken in presence of a public notary." "All public preachers shall twice a year THE OATH. preach positively and plainly, that the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England are law"I, A. B., do swear that I do approve the ful, and that it is the duty of all people to condoctrine, discipline, and government establish- form to them." ed in the Church of England, as containing all things necessary to salvation; and that I will things necessar, by myto salvation any other, directly is omitted, as it is in the duplicate sent to the Vicenot endeavour, by myself or any other, directly chancellor of Cambridge, and several others. or indirectly, to bring in any popisht doctrine * Allowed to inform himself." t " For his better information." * Dr. Grey supplies here, from Nalson, " or such X The sons of noblemen are expressly excepted.as have episcopal or archidiaconal ordination, or any DR. GREY. doctor of laws in order as aforesaid."-ED. " At the rails" is not in the original, but appears t In his majesty's duplicate of this canon, sent by to be implied by the order to rail round the commuthe archbishop to the Bishop of Ely, the word popish nion-table.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 347 CANON 9.-A Book of Articles for Parochial Vis- &c. All who loved the old English Constitution itation. were dissatisfied with the first canon, because it No other book of articles of inquiry shall declares for the absolute power of kings, and be used in parochial visitation but that which for the unlawfulness of defensive arms on any is drawn up by the synod." pretence whatsoever. The Puritans disapproved the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth canons; CANON 10.-Of the Conversation of the Clergy. but the whole body of the clergy were nearly "The clergy are enjoined to avoid all excess- concerned in the sixth, being obliged by the 2d es and disorders, and by their Christian conver- of November to take the oath therein mentionsation to adorn their holy profession." ed, on pain of suspension and deprivation. The C(ANON 11.-Chancellors' Patents. London clergy, among whom were Dr. Westfield, Downham, Burges, Mr. Calamy, Jackson, "No bishop shall grant any patent to any John Goodwin, Offspring, and others, drew up chancellor, or official, for any longer term than a petition against it to the privy council; and, the life of the grantees, and the bishop shall to give it the more weight, procured a great keep in his own hands the power of instituting many hands. The ministers, schoolmasters, to benefices and of licensing to preach." and physicians in Kent, Devonshire, DorsetCANON 12.- Chancellors' Censures. shire, Northamptonshire, and in most counties "No chancellor, commissary, or official, not of England, took the same methoda; some obbeing in holy orders, shall inflict any censure supemay; ng to the oath, as contrary to the oath of on the clergy in criminal causes, other than for suprema cy; s ome complaining of the et cterof neglect of appearing; but all such causes shall the synod to impose an oath, and many conbe heard by the bishop, or some dignified cler- fessed that they wished some things in the disgyman with the chancellor." cipline of the Church might be altered, and, CANON 13.-Excommunication and Absolution. therefore, could not swear never to attempt it " No sentence of excommunication or abso- in a proper way. Some of the bishops endeavloution shall be pronounced but by a priest, and oured to satisfy their clergy by giving the most in open consistory, or at least in the church or favourable interpretation to the oath. Bishop chapel, having first received it under the seal Hall told them that it meant no more than this, of an ecclesiastical j udge, from whom it comes."' "That I do so far approve of the discipline and doctrine of the Church, as that I do believe there CANON 14.-Of Commutations. is nothing in any other pretended discipline or "No commutation of penance to be admitted doctrine necessary to salvation besides that without consent of the bishop, and the money which is contained in the doctrine and discito be disposed of to charitable uses." pline of the Church of England. And as I do allow the government by archbishops, bishops, CANON 15. —0f Jurisdictions. deans, archdeacons, so I will not, upon the sug"No executor shall be cited into any court gestion of any factious persons, go about to or office for the space of ten days after the death altar the same as it now stands, and as by due of the testator, though the executor may prove right (being so established) it ought to stand in the will within such time." the Church of England."* But most of the bishops pressed the oath absolutely on their clergy, and to my certain knowledge, says Mr. ~' No license to marry shall be granted to any Fuller,t obliged them to take it kneeling, a cerparty, unless one of the parties have been corm- emony never required in taking the oath of almorant in the jurisdiction of the ordinary to legiance and supremacy: to such extravagance whom he applies for the space of one month of power did these prelates aspire upon the wing before the said license be desired. The archi- of the prerogative! episcopal prerogative is excepted." The archbishop was advised of these difficulCANON 17.-Against vexatious Citations. ties by Dr. Sanderson, afterward Bishop of Lincoln, who assured his grace, by letter,$ "that "No citation into any ecclesiastical court multitudes of churchmen, not only of the preshall be issued out but under the hand and seal ciser sort, but of such as were regular and conof one of the judges of those courts, and within formable, would utterly refuse to take the oath, thirty days after committing the crime; and un- or be brought to it with much difficulty and relucless the party be convicted by two witnesses, tance, so that, unless by his majesty's special he shall be allowed to purge himself by oath, direction, the pressing the oath may be forwithout paying any fee; provided that this can- borne for a time, or that a short explanation of on extend not to any grievous crime, as schism, some passages in it most liable to exception be incontinence, misbehaviour in the church in the sent to the several persons who are to admintime of Divine service, obstinate inconformity, ister the same, to be publicly read before the or the like." tender of the said oath, the peace of this Church When these canons were made public, they is apparently in danger to be more disquieted were generally disliked; several pamphlets were by this one occasion than by anything that printed against them, and dispersed among the has happened within our memories." However, people; as, "England's Complaint to Jesus this resolute prelate, as if he had been deterChrist against the Bishops' Canons; wherein mined to ruin his own and his majesty's affairs, the Nakedness of them is exposed in a solemn would relax nothing to the times, but would Application to Jesus Christ as the Saviour of have broken the king's interest among the conhis Church;" " Queries relating to the several * Nalson's Collection, p. 496, 498. Articles and Determinations of the late Synod," t Book xi., p. 171. $ Nalson, p. 497. 348 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. formable clergy, if the nobility and gentry, with armies were raised to reduce Scotland under the king at York, had not prevailed with his the arbitrary power of the prerogative (as Lord majesty to lay him under a restraint by the fol- Clarendon confesses), what could be expected lowing letter, under the hand of the principal but that afterward they should march back secretary of state: into England and establish the same despotic " May it please your grace, power here, with a standing army, beyond all " I am, by his majesty's command, to let you recovery 1 know, that, upon several petitions presented by Sad and melancholy was the condition of the divers churchmen, as well in the diocess of prime ministers when they saw themselves reCanterbury as York, to which many hands are duced to the necessity of submitting their consubscribed, as the mode of petitions now are, duct to the examination of an English Parliaagainst the oath in the canons made in the last ment, supported by an army from Scotland, and synod, his majesty's pleasure is, that as he the general discontents of the people! Sevcral took order, before his coming into these parts, of the courtiers began to shift for themselves; that the execution of neither should be pressed some, withdrew from the storm, and others, on those that were already beneficed in the having been concerned in various illegal projChurch, which was ordered at the council-board ects, deserted their masters, and made their in your grace's presence, hut that it should be peace by discovering the king's councils to the administered to those who were to receive or- leading members of Parliament, which disabled ders and to be admitted, it is his majesty's the junto from making any considerable efforts pleasure that those should be dispensed ~with for their safety. All men had a veneration for also, and that there be no prosecution thereof the person of the king, though his majesty had till the meeting of the convocation. lost ground in their affections by his ill usage of "York, Sept. 30, 1640. H. VANE."* Parliaments, and by taking the faults of his ministers upon himself. But the queen was in We have mentioned the secret correspond- ministers upon himself. But the queen was in to no manner of esteem with any who had the ence between the English and Scots nobility to Protestant religion and the liberties of their recover the liberties of both kingdoms, which country at heart. The bishops had sunk their encouraged the Scots to march a second time country at heart. The behaviour in the sunk their to their border, where the king met them with character by their behaviour in the spiritual o their bormder, where the king met ofthem with courts, so that they had nothing to expect but his army, commanded by the Earls of Nor- that their wings should be clipped. And the thumberland and Strafford; but it soon appeared judges were despised and hated for betraying that the English nobility were not for conquer- the laws of their country, and giving a sanction ing the Scots, nor had the Protestant soldiers the llega l proceedings of the coun cil and any zeal in his majesty's cause, so that after to the illegal proceedings of the council and any zeal in his majesty's cause, so that after Star Chamber. As his majesty had few friends a small skirmish the Scots army passed the of credit or interest among the people at home, Tweed, August 21, and on the 30th took pos- so he had nothing to expect from abroad; session of the important town of Newcastle, the France and Spain were pleased with his disroyal army retreating before them as far as York, tress; the foreign Protestants wished well to and leaving them masters of the three northern the oppressed people of England; they publishcounties of Northumberland, Cumberland, and their resentments against the bishops for their Durham, where they subsisted their army and hard usage of the Dutch and French congregations, and gave it as their opinion that a Protsoon as the Scots entered Newcastle, they sent estant ing who countenanced papists, and at an er ttl-yaestant king who countenanced papists, and at an express to the lord-mayor and aldermen of the same time drove his Protestant subjects out London to assure them them they would not inter- of the kingdom, was not worthy the assistance rupt the trade between that town and the city of the Reformed churches, especially after he of London, but would cultivate all manner of had renounced communion with them, and defriendship and brotherly correspondence. They dared openly that the religion of the Church of also sent messengers to the king, with an hum- England was not the same with that of the forble petition that his majesty would please " to England was not the same with that of the forconfirm their late acts of Parliament, restore eign rotestan s. Three considerable divines of a very different their ships and merchandise, recall his procla- character died about this time: Mr. John Ballo mation which styles them rebels, and call an educated in Brazen-nose College, Oxon and afEnglish Parliament to settle the peace between terward minister of Whitmore, a small village both kingdoms." This was followed by another, near Newcastle in Staffordshire, where he lived signed by twelve peers, with his majesty, at upon ~20 a year, and the profits of a little York, and by a third from the city of London. school. He was a learned and pious man, deThe king, finding it impossible to carry on the serving as high esteem, says Mr. Baxter, as the war, appointed commissioners to treat with the best bishop in England, though he was content best bishop in England, though he was content Scots at Rippon, who agreed to a cessation of with a poor house, a mean habit, and a small arms for two months from the 26th of October, maintenance. Being dissatisfied with the terms the Scots to have ~850 a day for maintenance of conformity, it was some tine before he could of their army, and the treaty to be adjourned to meet with al opportunity to be ordained withLondon, where a free Parliament was immeldi- out subscription, but at last he obtained it from ately to be convened. The calling an English the hands of an Irish bishop, then occasionally Parliament was the grand affair that had been in London; though he lived and died a Nonconcerted with the Scots before their coming conformist, he was an enemy to a separation, into England, and it was high time, because, to and wrote against Mr. Can and Mr. Robinson all appearance, this was the last crisis for sa- on that head. His last work, entitled " A Stay riing the Constitution. If the Irish and English against Straying," was subscribed by five most Nalson, p. 500. noted Presbyterian divines, who all testified that HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 349 he died abundantly satisfied in the cause of Non- [To the divines to whose memory Mr. Neal conformity, which he distinguished from separ- pays the just tribute of respect in this chapter, ation. His other works were very numerous, may be added the great Mr. Joseph Mede. He and of great reputation in those times.* He was descended from a good family, and born in died October 20, 1640, in the fifty-sixth year of October, 1586, at Berden, in Essex. He re-, his age. t ceived his grammar learning first at Hoddesdon, Dr. Lawrence Chadderton, born in Lanca- in Hertfordshire, and finished it at Weathersshire, 1546, of popish parents, who, when they field, in Essex. While he was at this last heard their son had changed his religion, disin- school, he bought Bellarmine's Hebrew Gramherited him; he was first fellow of Christ's Col- rmar, and, without the assistance of a master, lege, and afterward minister of Emanuel Col- attained considerable skill in the Hebrew tongue. lege, Cambridge. King James'nominated him In 1602 he was sent to Christ's College, in Camone of the four representatives of the Puritans *bridge. In 1612 he took the degree of master in the Hampton Court Conference, and after- of arts, and in 1618 that of bachelor in divinity; ward one of the translators of the Bible.t He but his modesty and humility restrained him commenced D.D. 1612, and governed his col- from taking the degree of doctor. After taking lege with great reputation many years, being the first degree, by the influence of Bishop Anremarkable for gravity, learning, and piety; he drews he was chosen fellow of his college, havhad a plain but effectual way of preaching, says ing been passed over at several elections as Fuller,~ having a strict regard for the Sabbath, one suspected of favouring Puritanical princiand a great aversion toArminianism. He was ples. In 1627, at the recommendation of Archa fine, grayheaded old gentleman, and could bishop Usher, he was elected provost of Trinity read without spectacles to his death, which College, Dublin, but declined accepting this prehappened in the hundred and third year of his ferment, as he did also when it was offered him age. Being advanced in years, and afraid of a second time in 1630. On the small income being succeeded by an Arminian divine, he re- of his fellowship and a college-lecture he was signed his mastership to Dr. Preston, whom he extremely generous and charitable, and consurvived, and saw Dr. Sancroft, and after him stantly appropriated a tenth of it to charitable Dr. Holdisworth, succeed him, which last at- uses. Temperance, frugality, and a care to tended his funeral, at St. Andrew's Church, and avoid unnecessary expenses enabled him to do gave him a large and deserved commendation this. His thoughts were much employed on in a funeral sermon.ll the generous design of effecting a universal paDr. Richard Neile, archbishop of Yqrk, born cification among Protestants. It was a favourin -King-street; Westminster, of mean parents, ite saying with him, " that he never found himhis father being a tallow-chandler. He was ed- self prone to change his hearty affections to any ucated in St. John's College, Cambridge, and one for mere difference in opinion." He was passed through all the degrees and orders of a fiiend to free inquiry: "I cannot believe," preferment in the Church of England, having said he, "that truth can be prejudiced by the been a schoolmaster, curate, vicar, parson, chap- discovery of truth; but I fear that the rnaintelain, master of the Savoy, Dean of Westminster, nance thereof by tfallacy or falsehood may not clerk of the closet to two kings, Bishop of Roch- end with a blessing." He was an eminent and ester, Litchfield, Lincoln, Durham, Winchester. faithful tutor. It was his custom to require the and, lastly, Archbishop of York. The Oxford attendance of his pupils in the evening, to exhistorian says he was an affectionate subject to amine them on the studies of the day; the first his prince, an indulgent father to his clergy, a question he then proposed to every one in his bountiful patron to his chaplains, and a true order was, "Quid dubitas." What doubts have friend to all that relied upon him. Dr. Heylin you met with in your studies to-day? For he confesses that he was not very eminent either supposed that to doubt nothing, and to underfor parts or learning; Mr. Prynne says he was stand nothing, was nearly the same thing. Bea popish Arminian prelate, and a persecutor of fore he dismissed them to their lodgings, after all orthodox and godly ministers. It is certain having solved their questions, he commended he had few or none of the qualifications of a them and their studies to God's protection and primitive bishop; he hardly preached a sermon blessing by prayer. He was anxious and laboin twelve years, and gained his preferments by rious in his study of history and antiquities, and flattery and servile court compliances. He was diligently applied every branch of knowledge to a zealous advocate for pompous innovations in increase his skill in the sacred writings. He the Church, and oppressive projects in the state, led the way in showing that papal Rome was for which he would have felt the resentments one principal object of the Apocalyptic visof the House of Commons had he lived a little ions; and was the first who suggested the senlonger; but he died very seasonably for him- timents since espoused and defended by the self, in an advanced age, October 31, 1640, three pens of Lardner, Sykes, and Farmer, that the days before the meeting of the Long Parliament. demoniacs in the New Testiment were not real possessions, but persons afflicted with a lunacy * His " Grounds of the Christian Religion" passed and epilepsy. His days were spent in studious through fourteen editions, and was translated into retirement. He died on the Ist of October, the Turkish language. Mr. Ball's treatise on Faith, 1638, in the fifty-second year of his age. In and on "The Power of Godliness," are works of 1677, a complete edition of his works was pubgreat merit, and are still eagerly sought after.-C. t Clarke's Lives, annexed to his General Martyr- lished in folio by Dr. Worthington.-British Biology, p. 147. 1 lb., p. 146. ~ Book ii., p. 118. ography, vol. iv., p. 446-452, and his Life, pre. 11 Clarke's Lives, annexed to the Martyrology, p. fixed to his Works.]-ED. 146, 147. Dr. Chadderton has a monument at the entrance of Emanuel College Chapel.-C. 350 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. CHAPTER VII. that inclined towards Rome." This is farther KING CHARLES I., 1640. evident from their order of November 20, 1640, that none should sit in their House but such as rHE CHARACTFR OF THE LONG PARLIAMENT.- would receive the communion according to the usage THEIR ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE LATE CONVO- of the Church of England. The Commons, in CATION AND CANONS. -THE IMPEACHMENT OF their grand remonstrance of December 1, 1641, DR. WILLIAM LAUD, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBU- declared to the world, " that it was far from RY. —VOTES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AGAINST their purpose to let loose the golden reins of THE PROMOTERS OF THE LATE INNOVATIONS. discipline and government in the Church, to WE are now entering upon the proceedings leave private persons or particular congregaof the Long Parliament, which continued sitting tions to take up what form of Divine, service with some little intermission for above eighteen they pleased; for we hold it requisite," say they, years, and occasioned such prodigious revolu- "that there should be throughout the whole tions in Church and State, as were the surprise realm a conformity to that order which the law and wonder of all Europe. The House of Com- enjoins according to the Word of God." The mons have been severely censured for the ill noble historian adds, farther, " that even after success of their endeavours to recover and se- the battle of Edgehill, the design against the cure the Constitution of the country; but the Church was not grown popular in the House; attempt was glorious, though a train of unfore- that in the years 1642 and 1643 the Lords and seen accidents rendered it fatal in the event. Commons were in perfect conformity to the The members consisted chiefly of country gen- Church of England, and so was their army, the tlemen, who had no attachment to the court; general and officers both by sea and land being for, as Whitelocke observes, "Though the court neither Presbyterians, Independents, Anabaplaboured to bring in their friends, yet those who tists, nor Conventiclers; and that, when they had most favour with them had least in the cast their eyes upon Scotland, there were, in country; and it was not a little strange to see truth, very few in the two houses who desired what a spirit of opposition to the court proceed- the extirpation Qf episcopacy. Nay, his lordings was in the hearts and actions of the most ship is of opinion that the nation in general of the people, so that very few of that party had was less inclined to the Puritans than to the the favour of being chosen members of this Par- papists; at least, that they were for the Establiament."* Mr. Echard insinuates some unfair lishment; for when the king went to Scotland methods of election, which might be true on [1641], the Common Prayer was much reverboth sides; but both he and Lord Clarendon enced throughout the kingdom, and was a genadmit that there were many great and worthy eral object of veneration to the people. There prtriots in the House, and as eminent as any was a full submission and love to the establishage had ever produced; men of gravity, of wis- ed government of the Church and State, espedom, and of great and plentiful fortunes, who cially to that part of the Church which concernwould have been satisfied with some few amend- ed the liturgy and Book of Common Prayer;" ments in Church and State. which, though it be hardly credible, as will apBefore the opening of the session, the princi- pear hereafter by the numbers of petitions from pal members consulted measures for securing several counties against the hierarchy, yet may the frequency of Parliaments; for redressing serve to silence those of his lordship's admirers the grievances in Church and State; and for who, through ignorance and ill will, have reprebringing the king's arbitrary ministers to jus- sented the Long Parliament, and the body of tice; to accomplish which, it was thought ne- the Puritans at their first sitting down, as in a cessary to set some bounds to the prerogative, plot against the whole ecclesiastical establishand to lessen the power of the bishops; but it ment. never entered into their thoughts to overturn If we may believe his lordship's character of the civil or ecclesiastical constitution, as will the leading members of both houses, even of appear from the concurrent testimony of the those who were most active in the war against most unexceptionable historians. the king, we shall find even they were true "As to their religion," says the noble histo- churchmen according to law, and that they had rian,t " theywere all members of the Establish- no designs against episcopacy, nor any inclied Church, and almost to a man for episcopal nations to presbytery or the separation.* government. Though they were undevoted The Earl of Essex was captain-general and enough to the court, they had all imaginable commander-in-chief of the Parliamentary army, duty for the king, and affection for the govern- and so great was his reputation, that his very ment established by law or ancient custom; name commanded thousands into their service. and without doubt the majority of that body It had been impossible for the Parliament to were persons of gravity and wisdom, who, be- have raised an army, in Lord Clarendon's opining possessed of great and plentiful fortunes, ion, if the Earl of Essex had not consented to had no mind to break the peace of the kingdom, be their general; and "yet this nobleman," or to make any considerable alterations in the says he,t " was not indevoted to the filllction government of the Church or State." Dr. Lewis of bishops, but was as much devoted as any du Moulin, who lived through these times, says " that both Lords and Commons were most, if * It is very important for the reader to bear these not all, peaceable, orthodox Church of England facts in recollection. The exactions and overbearmen, all conforming to the rites and ceremonies ing tyranny of the Church led these men to their- fuof episcopacy, but greatly averse to popery and tare course, as the only means of self-preservation. tyranny, and to the corrupt part of the Church The laity saved the kingdom from the doom which threatened it.-C. * Memorials, p. 35. t Clarendon, vol. i., p. 182,185, 189, 211, 213, 233, t Clarendon, vol. i., p. 184, &c. 507; and vo' ii., p. 211, 212, 214, 462, 597, &c. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 351 man to the Book of Common Prayer, and obli- Church and State; nay, he not only appeared ged all his servants to be present with him at highly conformable himself, but exceeding sharp it; his household chaplain being always a con- against those that were not." formable man and a good scholar." Sir John Hotham was the gentleman who The Earl of Bedford was general of the horse shut the gates of Hull against the king, and in under the Earl of Essex, but "he had no desire a sally that he made upon the king's forces that there should be any alteration in the gov- shed the first blood that was spilled in the civil ernment of the Church; he had always lived war, and was the first his majesty proclaimed towards my Lord of Canterbury himself with all a traitor; and yet his lordship declares "he respect and reverence; he frequently visited was very well affected to the government." and dined with him, subscribed liberally to the His lordship is a little more dubious about repairing of St. Paul's, and seconded all pious the famous Mr. Hampden, but says that most undertakings." people believed " his dislike was rather to some Lord Kimbolton, afterward Earl of Manches- churchmen than to the ecclesiastical governter, was a man of great generosity and good- ment of the Church." breeding, and no man was more in the confi- I might mention Mr. Whitelocke, Selden, dence of the discontented party, or more trust- Langhorne, and others, who are represented ed; he was commander of part of the Par- without the least inclination to Presbytery; but liament forces, and rather complied with the it is sufficient to observe, from his lordship, changes of the times than otherwise; lie had a "that all the Earl of Essex's party, in both considerable share in the restoration of King houses, were men of such principles that they Charles II., and was in high favour with him desired no alteration in the court or governtill his death. ment, but only of the persons that acted in it; The Earl of Warwick was admiral of the nay, the chief officers of his army were so zealParliament fleet; he was the person who seiz- ous for the liturgy, that they would not hear a ed on the king's ships, and employed them man as a minister that had not episcopal ordiagainst him during the whole course of the war; nation." he was looked upon as the greatest patron of Nathaniel Fiennes, Esq., Sir H. Vane, jun., the Puritans, and "yet this nobleman," says and, shortly after, Mr. Hampden, were beLord Clarendon, " never discovered any aver- lieved to be for root and branch; yet, says his sion to episcopacy, but much professed the con- lordship, Mr. Pym was not of that mind, nor trary." Mr. Hollis, nor any of the northern men, nor In truth, says the noble historian, when the any of those lawyers who drove on most furibill was brought into the House to'deprive the ously with them, all of whom were well pleasbishops of their votes in Parliament, there were ed with the government of the Church; for only at that time taken notice of in the House though it was in the hearts of some few to reof Peers the Lords Say and Brook, as positive move foundations, they had not the courage enemies to the whole fabric of the Church, and and confidence to communicate it." to desire a dissolution of the government. This was the present temper and constituAmong the leading members in the House of tion of both houses; from which his lordship Commons we may reckon William Lenthall, justly concludes that, "as they were all of Esq., their speaker, " who was of no ill reputa- them, almost to a man, conformists to the tion for his affection to the government both of Church of England, they had all imaginable Church and State," says his lordship, and de- duty for the king and affection for the governclared on his deathbed, afterthe Restoration, that ment established by law; and as for the Church, he had always esteemed the episcopal govern- the major part even of these persons would ment to be the best government of the Church, have been willing to satisfy the king; the rath. and accordingly died a dutiful- son'of the Church er, because they had no reason to think the of England. two houses, or, indeed, either of them, could Mr. Pyin had the leading influence in the have been induced to pursue the contrary." House of Commons, and was, in truth, the most How injurious, then, are the characters of those popular man, and most able to do hurt of any Church historians, and others, who have reprewho lived in his time; and yet, Lord Clarendon sented the members of this Parliament, even at says, " though he was an enemy to the Armin- their first session, as men of the new religion, ians, he professed to be very entirely for the or of no religion, fanatics, men deeply engaged doctrine and discipline of the Church of Eng- in a design against the whole Constitution in land, and was never thought to be for violent Church and State! measures till the king came to the House of The Parliament was opened November 3, Commons and attempted to seize him among with a most gracious speech from the throne, the five members." wherein his majesty declares he would concur Denzil Hollis, Esq., after the Restoration pro- with them in satisfying their just grievances, moted to the dignity of a baron, was at the leaving it with them where to begin. Only head of all the Parliament's councils till the some offence was taken at styling the Scots year 1647. "He had an indignation," says rebels at a time when there was a pacification Lord Clarendon, " against the Independents, subsisting; upon which his majesty came to nor was he affected to the Presbyterians any the House, and, instead of softening his lanotherwise than as they constituted a party to guage, very imprudently avowed the expresoppose the others, but was well pleased with sion, saying he could call them neither better the government of the Church." nor worse. The houses petitioned his majesty Sir H. Vane, the elder, did the king's af- to appoint a fast for a Divine blessing upon fairs an unspeakable prejudice, and yet, " in his their councils, which was observed November judgment, he liked the government both of 17; the Rev. Mr. Marshal and Mr. Burges 352 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. preached before the Commons, the former on 2 Sir B. Rudyard, Sir. J. Culpeper, Sir Edward Chron., xv., 2, " The Lord is with you while Deering, Sir Harbottle Grimstone, spoke with you are with him; if you seek him he will be the same warmth and satirical wit for discharfound of you, but if you forsake him he will for- ging the canons, dismounting them, and meltsake you;" the latter on Jer., i., 5, " They shall ing them down; nor did any gentleman stand ask the way to Zion with their faces thither- up in their behalf but Mr. Holbourn, who is said ward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to make a speech of two hours in their vindicato the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall tion; but his arguments made no impression not be forgotten." The sermons were long, on the House, for at the close of the debate a but delivered with a great deal of caution: the committee of twelve gentlemen, among whom House gave them thanks and a piece of plate were Mr. Selden, Maynard, and Coke, was apfor their labours. The Bishops of Durham and pointed to search for the warrants by which Carlisle preached before the Lords in the Abbey the convocation was held, after the Parliament Church of Westminster; the one a courtier, broke up, and for the letters patent of the beand the other a favourer of the Puritans. The nevolence, and for such other materials as might Lord's Day following, all the members in a assist the House in their next debate upon this body received the sacrament from the hands of argument, which was appointed for December Bishop Williams, dean of Westminster, not at 14, when some of the members would have agthe rails about the altar, but at a communion-'gravated the crime of the convocation to high table, placed, by order of the House, in the mid- treason, but Sergeant Maynard and Mr. Bagdle of the church on that occasion. shaw moderated their resentments, by convinAt their first entrance upon business they uing them that they were only in a praemunire. appointed four grand committees; the first to At the close of the debate the House came to receive, petitions about grievances of religion, the following resolutions: which was afterward subdivided into twenty or Resolved nem. contradicente, " That the clerthirty; the second for the affairs of Scotland gy of England, convened in any convocation or and Ireland; the third for civil grievances, as synod, or otherwise, have no power to make ship-money, judges, courts of justice, monopo- any constitutions, canons, or acts whatsoever, lies, &c.; the fourth concerning popery, and in matters of doctrine, discipline, or otherwise, plots relating thereunto. Among the grievan- to bind the clergy or laity of the land, without ces of religion, one of the first things that came consent of Parliament. before the House was the acts and canons of the Resolved, "That the several constitutions late convocation: several warm speeches were and canons ecclesiastical, treated upon by the made against the compilers of them, November Archbishops of Canterbury and York, presidents 9; and, among others, Lord Digby, who was as of the convocations for their respective provyet with the country party, stood up and said, inces, and the rest of the bishops and clergy ot "Does not every Parliament-man's heart rise those provinces, and agreed upon with the to see the prelates usurping to themselves the king's majesty's license, in their several synods grand pre-eminence of Parliament? the grant- begun at London and York, 1640, do not bind ing subsidies under the name of a benevolence, the clergy or laity of the land, or either of them. under no less a penalty to themn that refuse it Resolved,'"That the several constitutions than the loss of heaven and earth-of heaven and canons made and agreed to in the convoby excommunication, and of earth by depriva- cations or synods above mentioned, do contain tion, and this without redemption by appeal? in them many matters contrary to the king's What good man can think with patience of prerogative, to the fundamental laws and statsuch an ensnaring oath as that which the new utes of this realm, to the rights of Parliament, canons enjoin to be taken by ministers, law- to the property and liberty of the subject, and yers, physicians, and graduates in the Universi- matters tending to sedition, and of dangerous ty, where, besides the swearing such an imper- consequence. tinence as that things necessary to salvation Resolved, "That the several grants of benevare contained in discipline; besides the swear- olences or contributions, granted to his most ing those to be of Divine right which among the excellent majesty by the clergy of the provinces learned was never pretended to, as the arch of Canterbury and York, in the several convothings in our hierarchy; besides the swearing cations or synods holden at London and York not to consent to the change of that which the in the year 1640, are contrary to the laws, and state may, upon great reasons, think fit to al- ought not to bind the clergy." ter; besides the bottomless perjury of an et ccet — ter; besides the bottomless perjury of an et cat- in this point, is no farther concerned than as he faithera; besides all this, men must swear that they fully represents Lord Digby's speech. This Dr. Grey swear freely and voluntarily what they are does not dispute. Yet it may be proper to observe, compelled to; and, lastly, that they swear to that a great lawyer says' that the grants of the clerthe oath in the literal sense, whereof no two of gy were illegal, and not binding, unless they were the makers themselves, that I have heard of, confirmed in Parliament;" and that Lord Clarendon, could ever agree in the understanding.""*'speaking of this convocation giving subsidies out of Parliament, censures it as doing that " which it cer* Dr. Grey contrasts this speech of Lord Digby's, tainly might not do." The last subsidies granted by as far as it censures the convocation for taxing the the clergy were those confirmed by the statute 15 clergy, with some reflections on it from Collyer, who Car. I., cap. x. Since which, this practice of grant. asserts that the clergy had always the privilege of ing ecclesiastical subsidies has given way to another taxing their own body; that from Magna Charta to method of taxation, comprehending the clergy as the 37th of Henry VIII. there is no parliamentary well as the laity; and in recompense for it, the benconfirma ion of subsidies given by the clergy; and eficed clergy are allowed to vote for knights of the that in 1585 there is an instance of the convocation shire.-Collyer's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 795. Black.granting and levying a subsidy or benevolence by sy- stone's Commentaries, vol. i., p. 311, Svo, 1778; and nodical authority. The credit o' Mr. Neal's history, Lord Clarendon's Hist., vol. i., p. 148.-ED. -HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 353 If the first of these resolutions be agreeable binding without the royal assent; and that the to law, I apprehend there were then no canons clergy in convocation should not so much as subsisting, for-those of 1603 were not brought consult about any without the king's special into Parliament, but, being made in a parlia- license. But Sergeant Maynard delivered it as mentary convocatidn, were ratified by the king his opinion in the House, that it did not follow, under the great seal, and so became binding on that because the clergy might not make canons the clergy, according to the statute of the 25th without the king's license, that therefore they of King Henry VIII. In the Saxon times, all might make them and bind them on the clergy ecclesiastical laws and constitutions were con- by his license alone; for this were to take firmed by the peers, and by the representatives away the ancient rights of Parliament before of the people;* but those great councils, to the pope's usurpation, which they never yielded which our Parliaments succeed, being made up up, nor does the act of submission of the clergy of laics and ecclesiastics, were afterward separ- take away. Upon this reasoning the Commons ated, and then the clergy did their business by voted their first resolution, the strength of themselves, and enacted laws without confirm- which I leave to the reader's consideration. ation of king or Parliament, during the reign The arguments upon which the other resoluof popery, till the act of the submission of the tions are founded will be laid together, after we clergy to King Henry VIII., so that the claim have related the proceedings of the convocaof making canons without the sanction of Par- — tion. liament seemed to stand upon no other founda- The convocation was opened November 4, tion than the usurped power of the pope: nor 1640.' Dr. Bargrave, dean of Canterbury, did the Parliaments of those times yield up their preached the sermon, and Dr. Steward, clean right; for in the 51st of Edward III. the Com- of Chichester, was chosen prolocutor, and premons passed a bill that no act or ordinance sented to the archbishop's acceptance in King should be made for the future upon the petition Henry VII.'s chapel, when his'grace made a of the clergy, without the consent of the Coin- pathetic speech, lamenting the danger of the mons; "and that the said Commons should Church, and exhorting every one present to not be bound for the future by any constitu- perform the duty of their places with resolutions of the clergy to which they had not given tion, and not to be wanting to themselves or their consent in Parliament." But the bill.be- the cause of religion; but nothing of moment ing dropped, things went on upon the formier -was transacted, there being no commission footing till the reign of King Henry VIII.,, from the king; only Mr. Warmistre, one of the when the pope's usurped power being abolish- clerks for the' diocess of Worcester, being coned, both Parliament and clergy agreed, by the vinced of the invalidity of the late canons, Act of Submission, that no canons should be moved the House that they might cover the pit which they had opened, and prevent a parliaDr. Grey controverts, and says, "I should be mentary inquisition, by petitioning the king for glad to know what authority he has for this asser- leave to review them; but his motion was retion." It is not for the editor to give the authority d, the House being when Mr. Neal has not himself referred to it; but he ected, the Huse being of opinion that the cancan supply the want of it by an authority which, if ons were justifiable; nor would they appear so Dr. Grey were living, would command his respect, mean as to condemn themselves before they viz., that of Dr. Burn, who tells us that, "even in the were accused. Mr. Warmistre suffered in the Saxon times, if the subject of any laws was for the opinion of his brethren within doors for his outward peace and temporal government of t he cowardly speech, and was reproached firom Church, such laws were properly ordained by the without as an enemy to the Church and a turnking and his great council of clergy and laity inter- coat, because he had subscribed those articles mixed, as our acts of Parliament are still made. But if there was any doctrine to be tried, or any exercise of pure discipline to be reformed, then the to publish his speech to the world, wherein, clergy of the great council departed into a separate after having declared his satisfaction in the synod, and there acted as the proper judges. Only doctrine, discipline, and government of the when they had. thus provided for the state of religion, Church of England, as far as it is established they brought their canons from the synod to the by law, he goes on to wish there had been no great council, to be ratified by the king, with the ad- private innovations introduced for though he vice of his great men, and so made the constitutions aproves of an outward reverence in the worof the Church to be laws of the realm. And the approves of an outward reverence in the worNorman revolution made no change in this respect." ship of God, he is against directing it to altars This author farther says, "that the convocation-tax and images. He apprehends it reasonable that did always pass both houses of Parliament, since it such innocent ceremonies as have a proper tencould not bind as a law till it had the consent of the dency to decency and order should be retained, Legislature." Judge Foster, in his examination of but wishes the removal of crosses and images Bishop Gibson's Codex, appeals to the laws of Eth- out of churches, as scandalous and sqpersti elbert and Withred, kings of Kent, and of Ina of us having an apparent tendency towards Wessex; to the laws of Alfred, Edward the Elder, tous having an appaent tendency towards Athelstan, Edmund, Edgar, and Canute, as proofs idolatry; and that there might be no lighted that the ecclesiastical and civil concerns of the king- candles in the daytime; he then gives his readom were not, in the times of the Saxons, under the sons against the oath in the sixth canon, and care of two separate legislatures, and subject to dif- concludes with these words: " If my subseripferent admninistrations, but blended together, and tion be urged against what I have said, I was directed by one and the same Legislature, the great persuaded it was the practice of synods and councils, or, in mnodern style, the Parliaments, of the councils that the whole body should subscribe respective kin-dotns during the heptarchy, and of the to those acts which are passed by the ajor United Kingdom afterward.-Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, vol. ii., p. 22, 26, 8vo. An Examination of the part as synodical acts, notwithstanding their Schemte of Chiurch Power laid down in the Codex, p. private dissent; if my subscription implied any 120, &c.-EDi. t Fuller's Appeal, p. 42. more, I do so far recant and condemn it in myVOL. I. —Y Y 354 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. self, and desire pardon both of God and the and synod are convertible terms, signifying the Church, resolving, by God's grace, to be more same thing, and it is essential to both that they cautious hereafter." Mr. Warmistre's behav- be chosen by (if they are to make constitutions iour showed him to be a wise and discreet cler- and canons to bind) the clergy. Some, indeed, gyman; and his being sequestered from his liv- have thought of a small distinction, as that a ings some time after, for not submitting to the convocation must begin and end with the ParParliament, shows him to have been a man of liament, whereas a synod may be called by principle, not to be moved from his integrity by the king out of Parliament; but then such the resentments of his friends or the flatteries an assembly cannot give subsidies for their of his enemies. And though the convocation brethren, nor make laws by which they will be was so sanguine at their first coming togeth- bound. er as to despise Mr. Warmistre's motion, yet The objections to the particular canons were when they saw the vigorous resolutions of the these: House of Commons against the canons, and the 1. Against the first canon it was argued, that articles of impeachment against the metropoli- the compilers of it had invaded the rights and tan for high treason, one of which was for prerogatives of Parliament, by pretending to compiling the late canons, they were dispirited, settle and declare the extent of the king's powand in a few weeks deserted their stations in er, and the subjects' obedience. the Convocation-house; the bishops also dis- By declaring the sacred order of kings to be continued their meetings, and in a few weeks of Divine right, founded in the prime laws of both houses dwindled to nothing, and broke up nature and revelation, by which they condemnwithout either adjournment or prorogation. ed all other governments. To return to the Parliament. It was argued By affirming that the king had an absolute against the late convocation, that they were no power over all his subjects, and a right to the legal assembly after the dissolution of the Par- subsidies and aids of his people without consent liament; that his majesty had no more power of Parliament. to continue them than to recall his Parliament;* By affirming that subjects may not bear arms nor could he, by his letters patent, convert them against their king, either offensive or defensive, into a national or provincial synod, because the upon any pretence whatsoever, upon pain of right of their election ceasing at the expiration receiving to themselves damnation. of the convocation, they ought to have been re-: By taking upon themselves to define some chosen before they could act in the name of the things to be treason not included in the statute clergy whom they represented, or bind them by of treasons. their decrees. It is contrary to all law and And, lastly, by inflicting a penalty on such reason in the world, that a number of men, met of the king's subjects as shall dare to disobey together in a convocation, upon a summons lim- them, in not reading and publishing the aboveited to a certain time, should, after the expira- mentioned particulars; in all which cases it tion of that time, by a new commission, be was averred that they had "invaded the rights changed into a national or provincial synod, of Parliament, destroyed the liberty of the subwithout the voice or election of any one person ject, and subverted the very fundamental laws concerned. The Commons were therefore at a and constitutions of England." loss by what name to call this extraordinary 2. It was objected against the second canon, assembly, being in their opinion neither convo- that they had assumed the legislative power, in cation nor synod, because no representative appointing a new holyday contrary to the statbody of the clergy. The words convocation ute, which says that there shall be such and such holydays; and no more. 4. It was objected against the fourth canon, Archbhishop Laud, to exculpate himself from that whereas the determination of heresy is exblame in this matter, declared that "this sitting ofeserved to Parliament the convocathe convocation was not by his advice or desire, but pressly reserved to Parliament, the convocathat he humbly desired a writ to dissolve it." It was tion had declared that to be heresy which the law set up in defence of this measure (and the argument takes no notice of, and had condemned Socinhas since been adopted by Dr. Warner), that the Par- ianisml in general, without declaring what was liament and convocation, being separate bodies, and included under that denomination, so that after convened by different writs, the dissolution of the all it was left in their own breasts whom they former does not necessarily infer the dissolution of would condemn and censure under that charthe latter, which could not rise till discharged by acter. another writ. Dr. Burn has advanced this reason It was objected against the sixth canon, into a general principle, but on no other authority 6. It was ob ed against the sixth canon, than that of Dr. Warner in this case. The lord- that it imposed a new oath upon the subject, keeper, the judges, and king's council assured the which is a power equal, if not superior, to the king that the clergy might legally continue their sit- -making a new law.* It was argued likewise ting. But much allowance is to be made for the in- against the oath itself, that in some parts it was fluence under which the opinion of court-lawyers is given; as in the case of ship-money. Mr. Neal's * The archbishop, in reply to this objection, referreasoning on this point carries great weight with it. red to various canons made in King James's time, and Lord Clarendon speaks of the continued sitting of the appointing different oaths, merely by the authority convocation as rather unprecedented; forhe says that of convocation, viz., canons 40, 118, 103, and 127, as this assembling of the clergy customarily began and precedents, which had never been declared illegal, ended with Parliaments. It was evidently impolitic, nor the makers of them censured by Parliaments; in such a conjuncture of time, to deviate from the and which justified, therefore, the power assumed custom, and to stretch the prerogative. Dr. Grey's by this convocation. His lordship in urging, and Dr. Examination in loc. Nalson's Collection, vol. i, p. Grey in repeating, this defence. did not perceive that 365. Warner's Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 535. Burn's it is a bad and insufficient plea for doing wrong, that Eccles. Law, vol. ii., p. 27; and Lord Clarendon's Hist., others had escaped the censure and punishment due vol. i., p. 148.-ED. to illegal conduct.-Grey's Extrmination in loc.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 355 very ambiguous and doubtful, and in others di- Archbishop Laud, in his answer to the imrectly false and illegal. peachment of the House of Commons against We are to swear in the oath that " we ap- himself, boldly' undertakes to refute all these prove the doctrine, discipline, or government' objectiops, and to justify the whole, and every established in the Church of England," and yet branch of the canons; his words are these: "I we are not told wherein that doctrine and dis- hope I am able to make it good in any learned cipline are. contained; whether by the doctrines assembly in Christendom, that this oath, and of the Church we are to understand only the all those canons (then made, and here before Thirty-nine Articles, or likewise the Homilies recited), and every branch in them, are just and and Church catechism; and by the discipline, orthodox, and moderate, and most necessary only the Book of Canons, or likewise all other for the present condition of the Church of Engecclesiastical orders not repealed by statute; land, how unwelcome soever to the present disfor it is obsct:vable that the words of the oath tempers."* Lord Clarendon expresses himself are, "as it is estaL;ished," and not as it is es- modestly on the other side; he doubts whether tablished by law. And the ambiguity is farther the convocation. was a legal assembly after the increased by that remarkable et ccetera, inserted dissolution of the Parliament, and is very sure in the body of the oath; for whereas oaths that their proceedings are not to be justified. ought to be explicit, anld the sense of the words "The Convocation liouse," says he, "which is as clear and determined as possible, we are the regular and legal assembling of the clergy, here to swear' to we know not what, to some- was, after the determination of the Parliament, thing that is not expressed; by which means continued by a now writ under the proper title of we are left to the arbitrary interpretation of the a synod; made canons, which it was thought judge, and may be involved in the guilt of per- it might do; and gave subsidies out of Parliajury before we are aware. ment, and enjoined oaths, which certainly it But, besides the ambiguity of the oatlh' it con- might not do; in a word, did many things tains some things false and illegal; for it. af- which in the best of times might have been firms the government of the Church by arch- questioned, and, therefore, were sure to be conbishops, bishops, deans, and archdeacons, to be demned in the worst." The Parliament that of Divine right; for after we have sworn to the sat after the Restoration was of the same mind hierarchy as established by the law of the land, with his lordship, forasmuch. as these canons we are to swear farther, that " by right it ought were excepted out of the act of 13 Car. II., cap. so to stand:" which words are a mere tautolo- xii., and declared of no validity. Mr. Echard is gy, or else must infer some farther right than of opinion that the synod that framed these that which is included in the legal establishment, canons was not a legal representative of the which can be no other than a Divine right. clergy after the dissolution of the two houses. Now, though it should be allowed that the gov- But Bishop Kennet, in his complete history, ernment of the Church by bishops is of Divine says that these public censures of the canons right, yet certainly archbishops, deans, and arch- were grounded upon prejudice and faction; that deacons can have no pretence to that claim. it is hard to find any defect of legality in the Besides, to swear " never to give our consent making of them; and that, if these canons were to alter the government of this Church by arch- not binding, we have no proper canons since bishops, bishops, &c., as it stands now estab- the Reformation; he therefore wishes them; or lished," is directly contrary to the oath of su- some others like them, revived, because " in premacy, for in that oath we are sworn to as- very much of doctrine and discipline they are a sist his majesty in the exercise of his ecclesias- good example to any future convocation; and tical jurisdiction or government, by his con- that we can hardly hope for unity, or any mission under the great seal, directed to such tolerable regularity, without some constitutions persons as he shall think meet; so that if his of the like nature." Strange! that a dignified majesty should think fit at any time to commis- clergyman, who held his bishopric upon revosion other persons to exercise ecclesiastical lution principles, should wish the subversion of jurisdiction than at present, we are sworn by the Constitution of his country, and declare for the oath of supremacy not only to consent, but principles of persecution. If I might have libto aid and assist him in it, whereas in this erty to wish, it should be that neither we nor'new oath we swear never to consent to any our posterity may ever enjoy the blessings of such alteration. unity and regularity upon the footing of such Nothing is more evident than that the disci- canons. pline of the Church is alterable; the Church Upon the same day that the House passed the ~ itself laments the want of godly discipline, and above-mentioned resolutions against the canmany of the' clergy and laity wish and desire an ons, several warm speeches were made against amendment; it is therefore very unreasonable that all who take degrees in the universities, Dr. Grey asks here, here does the achbishwhoes, op say this? Our historian quotes no authority; and nny of om may e members of Parliament, as he is often faulty when he quotes chapter and shall be sworn beforehand "never to consent verse, so without it I am unwilling wholly to depend to any alteration." And though it is known to upon his bare ipse dixit." The editor is not able, at all the world that many of the conforming cler- present, to supply here Mr. Neal's omission; but ho gy are dissatisfied with some branches of the finds the same words of Archbishop Laud quoted by present establishment, yet they are to swear Dr. Warner (who never refers to his authorities), as that they take this oath'1 heartily and willing- spoken in the House of Lords. And the doctor ex7ly," though they are compelledto it under the presses on them his belief that, as to many of the elalt eslofg h spension anld0 drivat on. Some,articles contained in the canons, the archbishop here penalties of suspension and deprivation. Some undertook to dowhat he would have found it diffiobjections were made to the seventh and other cult to make good.-Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii.,'lp canons, but these were the chief. 535.-ED. 356 HISTORY OF THE PIJRITANS. the Archbishop of Canterbury as the chief au- taining warrants for the sitting of a High Cornthor of' them; and a committee was appointed mission Court once a week, at Edinburgh (5), to inquire more particularly how far his grace and his directing the taking down of galleries had been concerned in the proceedings of the and stone walls in the kirks of Edinburgh and St. convocation, and in the treasonable design of Andrew's, to make way for altars and adoration subverting the religion and laws-of his country, towards the east (6). in order to draw up articles against him. Next The second branch of their charge was, " his day the Earl of Bristol acquainted the House'obtruding upon them a book of canons and conof Lords that the Scots commissioners had stitutions ecclesiastical, devised for the estabpresented some papers against the Archbishop lishing a tyrannical power in ne persons of of Canterbury,* which were read by the Lord their prelates, over the cons.ences, liberties, Paget, and then reported to the House of Com- and goods of the people (7); and for abolishing mons, at a conference between the two houses. that' discipline and government of their Kirk, Their charge consisted of divers grievances which was settled by law, and had obtained (which had occasioned great disturbances in among them ever since the Reformation." For the kingdom of Scotland), ranged under three proof of this, they alleged that the Book of Canheads, of all which they challenged the arch- ons was corrected, altered, and enlarged by bishop to be the chief author upon earth.. him at his pleasure, as appears by the interlineThe -first branch of the charge consisted of ations and marginal notes in the book; written C" divers alterations in religion, imposed upon with the archbishop's own hand; that he had them without order and against law, contrary added some entire new canons, and altered othto the form established in their Kirk;" as, his ers in favour of superstition and popery; and,. -enjoining the bishops to appear in the chapel in in several instances relating to the censures of their whites (1), contrary to the custom of their the Church, had lodged an unbounded power in Kirk and the archbishop's own promise; his di- the prelates over the consciences of men. recting the English service to be read in the The third and great innovation with which chapel twice a day (2); his ordering a list of they charged the archbishop was, "the Book those counsellors and senators of the College of of Common Prayer, administration of the sacJustice who did not communicate in the chapel, raments, and other parts of Divine worship,.according to a form received in their Kirk, to be brought in without warrant from their Kirk, to sent up to him, in order to their being punish- be universally received as the only' form of Di-' ed (3); his presumptuous censuring the practice vine service, under the highest pains, both civil.of the Kirk in fasting sometimes on the Lord's and ecclesiastical (1); which book contained Day, as opposite to Christianity itself (4); his oband it gave the archbishop a ground of arguing with * "Mr. Neal," says Dr. Grey, "has given us all the Church of Scotland on their practice: but would -the objections of the Scots against the archbishop; it justify the asperity of censure towards weaker and [ am so oldfashioned a person as to think that Christians, or the exercise of authority where every the archbishop's answers to their objections should one ought to be persuaded in his own mind t-ED. likewise have been produced by an impartial histo- (5.) His grace answers to this charge, that the rnan." He renews the same complaint against our warrants were not procured by him, but by a Scotch author in his second volume, p. 173. Mr. Neal's rea- man of' good place, employed about it by the bish sGn for passing over the archbishop's answer appears ops; and that the High Commission Court was setto have been, that his grace evaded the whole charge tied, and in full execution in the Church of Scotland, at his trial by pleading the Act of Oblivion at the pa- in 1610, before ever he appeared in public life.-ED. cification of the Scots troubles. But, as Dr. Grey (6.) The archbishop absolutely denies, to the best has endeavoured to supply Mr. Neal's deficiency, the of his memory, giving command or direction for tasubstance of the archbishop's defences shall be given king down the galleries of St. Andrew's; and urges, in the following notes; and the reader will judge of that it was very improbable that he should issue such their importance, and of Nr. Neal's conduct in omit- commands where he had nothing, who in London, ting them.-ED. and other parts of his province, permitted the galler(1.) His grace replies to this charge, " that he un- ies of the churches to stand. As to the galleries and derstood himself a great deal better than to. enjoin stone walls in the kirks of Edinburgh, they were rewhere he had no power; and perhaps he might ex- moved by the king's command; not to make way for press his majesty's command, as dean of his chapel altars and adoration towards the east, but to convert in England, that the service in Scotland should be the two churches into a cathedral.-ED. kept answerable to it here as much as might be."- (7.) The term "obtruding" the archbishop thinks ED. bold, especially as pointing at the king's authority, (2.) Here his grace pleads his majesty's command, whose command enjoined the Book of Canons on the and his hope that it was no crime for a bishop in Church of Scotland, and who, in this, exercised no England to signify to one in Scotland the king's other power than that which King James challenged pleasure concerning the service of his own chapel.- as belonging to him in right of his crown. His grace ED. does not allow the imputations cast on the Book of (3.) The defence set up on this head by the arch- Canons; and if they did not belong to them, he pleads:bishop was, the king's command; and that the form that it was owing to invincible ignorance and the prescribed, which was kneeling, was an article of the Scotch bishops, who would not tell wherein the canSynod of Perth, made in a General Assembly, and ons went against their laws, if they did. As to himconfirmed by act of Parliament. As to the requisition self, it was his constant advice, in the whole busiitself, he pleaded that it amounted to no more than ness, that nothing against law should be attempted. if his majesty should command all his judges and -ED. counsellors in England, once in the year, to receive (1.) "That the liturgy was brought in without the communion in his chapel at Whitehall.-ED. warrant of the Kirk," if it were true, the archbishop (4.) The archbishop vindicates himself, in this in- pleads was the fault of the Scotch prelates, whom stance, by ample testimonies from the fathers, and he had, on all occasions, urged to do nothing, in this'by decrees of ancient councils, to prove that, in the particular, without warrant of law; and to whom, andient Church, it was held unlawful to fast on the though he approved the liturgy and obeyed his majtord's Day. The fact, there is no doubt, was so, esty's command in helping to ord er that book, he HISTORY OF THilE PURITANS. 357 many popish errors and ceremonies repugnant scended so low as to deal in tobacco, liy which to their confession of faith, constitutions of thousands of poor people had been turned out their General Assemblies, and to acts of Parlia- of their trades, for which they served an apment." Several of these errors are mentioned prenticeship; that he had been charged in this in the article, and they declare themselves house, upon very strong proof, with designs to ready, when desired, to discover a great many subvert the government, and alter the Protestmore of the same kind; all which were im- ant religion in this kingdom as well as in Scotposed upon the kingdom, contrary to their ear- land; and there is scarce any grievance or nest supplications; and, upon their refusal to complaint comes before the House wherein he receive the service-book, they were, by his is not mentioned, like an angry wasp, leaving grace's instigation, declared rebels and trai- his sting in the bottom of everything." He tors (2); an army was raised to subdue them, therefore moved that the charge of the Scots and a prayer, composed and printed by his di- commissioners might be supported by an imrection, to be read in all the parish churches in peachment of their own, and that the quesEngland, in time of, Divine service, wherein tion might now be put, whether the archbishop they are called " traitorous subjects, having cast had been guilty of high treason l which being off all obedience to their sovereign;" and sup- voted, Mr. Hollis* was immediately sent up to plication is made to the Almighty to cover their the bar of the House of Lords to impeach him faces with shame, as enemies to God and the in the name of all the commons of England, king. They therefore pray that the archlibish- and to desire that his person might be sequeso.p* may be immediately removed from his maj- tered, and that, in convenient time, they would esty's presence, and that he may be brought to bring up the particulars of their charge; upon a trial, and receive such censure as he has de- which, his grace, being commanded to withserved, according to the laws of the kingdom. draw, stood.up in his place and said, "that he The archbishop has left behind him a partic- was heartily sorry fobr the offence taken against ular answer to these articles in his diary,t which him, but humbly desired their lordships to look is written with peculiar sharpness of style, and upon the whole course of his life, which was discovers a great opinion of his own abilities, such as that, he was persuaded, not one man and a contempt of his adversaries; but, either in the House of Commons did believe in his from a distrust of the strength of his reply or heart that he was a traitor." To which the for some other reasons, his grace was pleased Earl of Essex replied, " that it was a high rewisely to evade the whole charge at his trial, flection upon the whole House of Commons to by pleading the Act of Oblivion (3) at the pacifi- suppose that they would charge him with a cation of the Scots troubles.+ crime which themselves did not believe." AfWhen the report of these articles was made ter this his grace withdrew, and being called in to the Commons, the resentments of the House again, was delivered to the usher of the black against the archbishop immediately broke out rod, to be kept in safe custody till the House of into a flame; many severe speeches were made Commons should deliver in their articles of iraagainst his late conduct; and, among others, peachment. one was by Sir Harbottle Grimstone, speaker Upon the 26th of February, Mr. Pym, Mr. of that Parliament which restored King Charles Hampden, and Mr. Maynard, by order of the'I., who stood up and said, " that this great man, Commons, went up to the Lords, and at the the Archbishop of Canterbury, was the very sty, bar of that house presented their lordships with of all that pestilential filth that had infested the fourteen articles, in maintenance of their forgovernment; that he was the only man that mer charge of high treason against the archbishhad advanced those who, together with him- op, which were read, his grace being present. self, had been the authors of all the miseries In the first, he is charged with endeavouring the nation now groaned under; that he had to subvert the Constitution, by introducing an managed all the projects that had been set on arbitrary power of government, without any foot for these ten years past, and had conde- limitation or rule of law. In the second, he is charged with procuring sermons to be preached, wholly left the manner of introducing it, because he and other pamphlets to be printed, in which the was ignorant of the laws of Scotland.-ED. authority of Parliaments is denied, and the ab(2.) His grace contends that they deserved these solute power of the king asserted to be agreeatitles, but he did not procure that they should be de- ble to the law of God. The third article charclared such; but the proclamation fixing these names on them went out by the common advice of the lords ges him with interrupting the course ofjustice, of the council.-ED. by messages, threatenings, and promises to the 3 In the original, " this great firebrand."-Dr. Grey. judges. The fourth, with selling justice in his t In the History of his Troubles and Trial.-Dr. own person, under colour of his ecclesiastical Grey. jurisdiction, and with advising his majesty to (3.) This Dr. Grey denies, and adds, "that he sell places of judicature, contrary to law. In pleaded the king's special pardon." The doctor con- the fifth, he is charged with the canons and oath founds here two different matters. The Act of Oblivion was pleaded by his grace before tha trial came imposed on the subject by the subect by the late convocation. on, to cover himself from the charge of the Scots In the sixth, with robbing the king of supremacommissioners; the king's pardon was produced cy, by denying the ecclesiastical jurisdiction to when the trial was over, in bar of the ordinance be derived from the crown. In the seventh, passed for his execution Mr. Neal, in which he is with bringing in popish doctrines, opinions, and supported by the authority of Collyer, speaks of the ceremonies, contrary to the Articles of the former. Lord Clarendon, whom Dr. Grey quotes, Church, and cruelly persecuting those who opexpressly speaks of the latter. The reader will not deem it generous in the doctor to impeach Mr. Neal's veracity on the ground of his own mistake.-ED. * Denzil Hollis was brother-in-law to the Earl of - Collyer's Eccles. Hist., vol. i., p. 380. Strafford.-'C. 358- HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. promoting persons to the highest and best pre- dean. When he resumed his seat in the House ferments in the Church who are corrupt in doc- of Lords, he behaved, with more temper than trine and manners. In the ninth, with employ- either the king or the archbishop could expect; ing such for his domestic chaplains as he knew whereupon his majesty sent for him, and ento be popishly affected, and committed to them deavoured to gain him over to the court, by the licensing of books, whereby such writings promising to make him full satisfaction for his have been published as have been scandalous past sufferings; in order to which, his majesty to the Protestant religion. The tenth article commanded all the judgments that were entered charges him with sundry attempts to reconcile against him to be discharged, and within a the Church of England with the Church of twelvemonth translated him to the ArchbishRome. The eleventh, with discountenancing opric of York, with leave to hold his deanery of preaching, and with silencing, depriving, im- of Westminster in commendam for three years; prisoning, and banishing sundry godly and or- the bishop, therefore, never complained to the thodox ministers. The twelfth, with dividing House of his sufferings, nor petitioned for satisthe Church of England from the foreign Prot- faction. estant churches. The thirteenth, with being Mr. Prynne, Mr. Burton, and Dr. Bastwick, the author of all the late disturbances between being remanded from the several islands to Englan'd and Scotland. And the last, with en- which they had been confined upon their humdeavouring to bereave the kingdom of the legis- ble. petition to the House of Commons, were lative power, by alienating the king's mind from met some miles out of town by great numbers his Parliaments. of people on horseback, with rosemaries and At the delivery of these articles, Mr. Pym de- bays in their hats, and escorted into the city in a clared that the Commons reserved to themselves sort of triumph, with loud acclamations for their the liberty of presenting some additional arti-' deliverance;* and a few weeks after, the House cles, by which they intended to make their came to the following resolutions: "That the charge more particular and certain as to the several judgments against them were illegal, time and other circumstances, and prayed their unjust, and against the liberty of the subject; lordships to put the cause into as quick a for- that their several fines be.rernitted; that they wardness as they could. be restored to their several professions; and When the archbishop had heard the articles that, for reparation of their losses, Mr. Burton read, he made his obeisance to the. House, and ought to have ~6000, and Mr. Prynne and Dr. said "that it was a great and heavy charge, and Bastwick ~5000 each, out of the estates of the that he was unworthy to live if it could be made * Prynne gives the following account of his own good; however, it was yet but in generals, and and Burton's entranceintoLondon: "The next morngenerals made a great noise, but were no proof. ing, early, multitudes of' their friends from London For human frailties he could not excuse him- and elsewhere met them at Stanes, and came flockself, but for corruption in the least degree he ing into them afresh every foot, till they came to feared no accuser that would speak truth. But Brainford, where they dined. All the ay from that which went nearest him was, that he was Stanes to Brainford was very full of people, which came to meet them and welcome them into England, thought false in his religion, as if he should some in coaches, others on horseback, others on foot. profess with the Church of England, and have After dinner they took horse for London, riding both his heart at Rome." He then besought their together; but the way between Brainford and Lonlordships that he might enlarge himself, and so don, though broad, was full of coaches, horses, and made a short reply to each article, which con- people, to congratulate their return, that they were sisted in an absolute denial of the whole. The forced to make stops, and could ride scarcely one Lords voted him to the Tower, whither lie was mile an hour, so that it was almost night ere they' came to Charing Cross, when they encountered such carried in Mr. Maxwell's coach through the city, cae to f people in thenstreets they could hard-on Monday, March 1. It was designed he should ly pass them; the city marshal, when they came into have passed incognito; but an apprentice in the Old Bailey, being forced to make way for them Newgate-street happening to know him, raised with his horse troops; the crowd of people was so the mob, which surrounded the coach, and fol- great that they were near three hours in passing from lowed him with huzzas and insults till he got Charing Cross to their lodgings in the city, having within the Tower gate. Indeed, such was the torches to light them when it grew dark. The peouniversal hatred of all ranks and orders of men ple were so extraordinarily joyful of their return, that they rang the bells in most places they passed for against this insolent prelate, for his cruel usage they ran to salute them, and shake them by the hands of those who had fallen into his hands in the crying out with one unanimous shout,' Welcome time of his prosperity, that no man's fall in the home! welcome home!'' God bless you! God bless whole kingdom was so unlamented as his. His you!''Goddbethanked for yourreturn!' and the ilke; grace being lodged in the Tower, thought it his yea, they strewed the ways where they rode with interest to be quiet, without so much as moving herbs and flowers, and, running to their gardens, the Lords to be brought to a trial, or putting in brought rosemaries andbays thence, which they gaye to them, and the company that rode with them into his answer to the articles of impeachment, till London, who were estimated to be about one hunthe Commons, after'two or three years, exhib- dred coaches, many of them having six horses apiece, ited their additional articles, and moved the'and at least two thousand horse; those on foot being peers to appoint a day for his trial. innumerable. The day they came from Egham into Before the archbishop was confined, he had London, the sun arose most gloriously upon them the mortification to see most of the Church and as soon as they came out of their inn, without ally State prisoners released. November 16, the cloud (which they both observed), and so continued Bishop of Lincoln was discharged from his im- shining all the day, without interposition of any obstacle to eclipse its rays, so as heaven and earth prisonment in the Tower, and his fine remitted. conspired together to smile upon them, and to con Next day being a public fast, he appeared in the gratulate their safe return from their bonds and es -Abbey Church at Westminster, and officiated as iles."-Prelates' Tyranny, p. 113-115.-C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 359 Archbishop of Canterbury, the high cornmis- 1638, at St. John the Evangelist's, London, and sioners, and those lords who had voted against detained four weeks in the hands of a messenthem in the Star Chamber;" but the confusion ger, to whom he paid ~20 fees.* This gentleman, of the times prevented the payment of the after his prosecution in the Star Chamber, had money. been shut up ten weeks in the Gate-house, and Dr. Leighton was released about the same at last compelled to enter into a bond of ~1000 time, and his fine of ~10,000 remitted: the to confine himself in his brother's house at reading his petition drew tears from the House, Chiswick, where he continued till this time, his being to this effect: parsonage being sequestered; and, ill general, "The humble petition of Alexander Leighton, all who were confined by the High Commission prisoner in the Fleet, were released, passing their words to be forth" Humbly showeth, coming whenever they should be called for. "That on February 17, 1630, he was appre- The imprisonment of the above-mentioned hended coming from sermon by a High Corn- gentlemen being declared illegal, it is natural mission warrant, and dragged along the streets to imagine the House would make some inquiwith bills and staves to London House. That ry after their prosecutors. About the latter the jailer of Newgate being sent for, clapped end of January, Dr. Cosins, prebendary of Durhim in irons, and carried him with a strong ham, and afterward bishop of the diocess, wvias power into a loathsome and ruinous dog-hole, sent for into custody on account of the superfull of rats and mice, that had no light but a stitious innovations which he had introduced small grate, and the roof being uncovered, the into that cathedral.t The doctor, in his ansnow and rain beat in upon him, having no swer, denied the whole charge, and as to the bedding, nor place to make a fire but the ruins particulars, he replied, that the marble altar of an old smoky chimney. In this woful place with cherubim was set up before he was prebhe was shut up for fifteen weeks, nobody being endary of the church;+ that he did not approve suffered to come near him, till at length his of the image of God the Father, and that to his wife only was admitted. knowledge there was no such representation in "That the fourth day after his commitment, the church at Durham; that the crucifix with the pursuivant, with a mighty multitude, came a blue cap and golden beard was mistaken for to his house to search for Jesuits' books, and the top of Bishop Hatfield's tomb, which had used his wife in such a barbarous and inhuman been erected many years before; that there manner as he is ashamed to express; that they were but two candles on the communion-table, rifled every person and place, holding a pistol and that no more were used on Candlemas -to the breast of a child of five years old, threat- night than in the Christmas holydays; that he ening to kill him if he did not discover the did not forbid the singing the psalms in metre,~ books; that they broke open chests, presses, nor'direct the singing of the anthem to the boxes, and carried away everything, even house- three kings of Colen,ll nor use a consecrated hold stuff, apparel, arms, and other things; knife at the sacrament. The Lords were so that at the end of fifteen weeks he was served far satisfied with the doctor's answer as not to with a subpoena, on an information laid against commit him at present;~ but the Commons havhim by Sir Robert Heath, attorney-general, ing voted him unfit to hold any ecclesiastical whose dealing with him was full of cruelty and promotion, the doctor, foreseeing the storm was deceit; but he was then sick, and, in the opin- coming upon the Church, wisely withdrew into ion of four physicians, thought to be poisoned, France,** where he behaved discreetly and prubecause all his hair and skin came off; that in the height of this sickness the cruel sentence - Nalson's Col., p. 570. t Ibid., p. 273. was passed upon him mentioned in the year t But when Smart was one of the chapter; and 1630, and executed November 26 following, that many of the things objected to himself were introduced while his accuser was prebendary. —Dr. when he received thirty-six stripes upon his Groduced while his accuser was preendary.-Dr. naked back with a threefold cord, his hands be- Bt used to sing them himself with the people ing tied to a stake, and then stood almost two.at morning prayer. —ED. hours in the pillory, in.the frost and snow, be- II But ordered it, on his first coming to the cathefore he was branded in the face, his nose slit, dral, to be cut out of the old song-book belonging to and his ears cut off; that after this he was car- the choristers; and no such anthem had been sung ried tby water to the Fleet, and shut up in such in the choir during his being there, nor, as far as his a room that he was never well, and, after eight inquiry could reach, for threescore years before.years, was turned into the common jail." The Dr. Grey,from Collyer.-ED yrears, was ~.rned into the commo ".5. The doctor's answer was entered on the rolls of House voted him satisfaction for his sufferings; Parliament, and made good before the Lords by himbut it does not appear that he actually received self, and by the witness that Smart and his son-inany, except being keeper of Lambeth House as law produced against him. Upon this, Smart's lawa prison, for which he must be very unfit, being yer told him, at the bar of the House of Lords, that now in the seventy-second year of his age, and he was ashamed of the complaint, and refused to worn out with poverty, weakness, -and pain. proceed in the support of it. Collyer also says that Besides those afore named, there were like- many of the lords declared that Smart had abused wise set at liberty Dr. Osbaldeston, one of the the House of Coons by a groundless complaint prebendaries ofWestinstertheRveren against Cosins, who, by an order from the Lords, deprebendaries of Westminster; the Reverend livered to him by the Earl of Warwick, had liberty Mr. Henry Wilkinson, B.D., of Magdalen Hall, to go where he pleased.-Eccles. Hist., vol. ii., p. 798. Oxford, Mr. Smith, Wilson, Small, Cooper, and -ED. Brewer, who had been in prison fourteen He fixed his residence in Paris, where he was years;* Mr. George Walker, who had been appointed chaplain to the Protestant part of Queen committed for preaching a sermon, October 14, Henrietta's family. Many advantageous offers were cmtfpeiatr, made to him to tempt him over to the communion * Nalson's Col., p. 571. of the Church of Rome, and he was also attacked 360 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. dently till the Restoration, being softened in his i of the sergeant-at-arms; Dr. Pocklington, canprinciples by age and sufferings. on of Windsor and prebendary of Peterborough, Dr. Matthew Wren, late Bishop of Norwich, was complained of for two books, one entitled and now of Ely, having been remarkably severe the Christian Altar, the other Sunday no Sabagainst the Puritan clergy in his diocesses, the bath, which had been licensed by Dr. Bray, one inhabitants of Ipswich drew up a petition against of the archbishop's chaplains.' The doctor achim, and presented it to the House, December knowledged his offence at the bar of the House, 22, 1640,* upon which the committee of Parlia- confessed that he had not examined the books tnent exhibited a charge against him, consisting with that caution that he ought, and made a of twenty-five articles, relating to the late inno- public recantation in the Church of Westminvations. It was carried up to the Lords by Sir ster; but Pocklington, refusing to recant about Thomas Widdrington, and sets forth, that du- thirty false propositions which the Bishop of ring the time of his being Bishop of Norwich, Lincoln had collected out of his books, was senwhich was about two years, fifty ministers had tenced by the lord-keeper " to be deprived of been excommunicated, suspended, and deprived his ecclesiastical preferments, to be forever disa"' for not reading the second service at the bled to hold any place or dignity in the Church or communion-table; for not reading the Book of commonwealth, never to come within the verge Sports; for using conceived prayers before the of his majesty's court, and his books to be burned afternoon sermon," &c.; and that, by his rigor- by the hands of the common hangman, in the city ous severities, many of his majesty's subjects, of London and the two universities." Both the to the number of three thousand, had removed doctors died soon after. The number of petithemselves, their families, and their estates to tions that were sent up to the committee of reHolland. and set up their manufactories there, ligion from all parts of the country against their to the great prejudice of the trade of this king- clergy is incredible;* some complaining of their dom. I do not find that the bishop put in a par- superstitious impositions, and others of the imticular answer to these articles, nor was he ta- morality of their lives and neglect of their ken into custody, but only gave bond for his ap- cures, which shows the little esteem they had pearance. Some time after, the Commons voted among the people, who were weary of their him unfit to hold any ecclesiastical preferment yoke, regarding them no longer than they were in the Church, and both Lords and Commons under the terror of their excommunications. joined in a petition to the king to remove the Such was the spirit of the populace that it'said bishop from his person and service; after was difficult to prevent their outrunning auwhich he was imprisoned, with the rest of the thority, and tearing down in a tumultuous manprotesting bishops. Upon his release, he reti- ner what they were told had been illegally set red to his house at Downham, in the Isle of up. At St. Saviour's, Southwark, the mob Ely, from whence he was taken by a party of pulled down the rails about the communion-taParliament soldiers, and conveyed to the Tow- ble. At Halstead, in Essex, they tore the surer, where he continued a patient prisoner till plice, and abused the service-book; nay, when the end of the year 1659, without being brought the House of Commons was assembled at St. to his trial or admitted to bail. Margaret's, Westminster, as the priest was beComplaints were made against several other ginning his second service at the communionbishops and clergymen, as Dr. Pierce, bishop of table, some at the lower end of the church beBath and Wells, Dr. Montague, bishop of Nor- gan a psalm, which was followed by the conwich, Dr. Owen, bishop of Landaff, and Dr. gregation, so that the minister was forced to Manwaring, bishop of St. David's; but the desist. But, to prevent these seditious practiHouse had too many affairs upon their hands to ces for the future, the Lords and Commons passattend to their prosecutions. Of the inferior ed a very severe sentence on the rioters, and clergy, Dr. Stone, Chaffin, Aston, Jones, and published the following order, bearing date Jansome others, who had been instruments of se- uary 16, 1640-1, appointing it to be read in all verity in the late times,' were voted unfit for the'parish churches in London, Westminster, ecclesiastical promotions. Dr. Layfield, arch-, and the borough of Southwark, viz.: "That deacon of Essex, pleaded his privilege as a Divine service shall be performed as it is apmember of convocation, according to an old po- pointed by the acts of Parliament of this realm, pish statute of Henry VI.,t but the committee and that all such as disturb that wholesome oroverruled it, and voted the doctor into custody der shall be severely punished by law." But then it was added, "that the parsons, vicars, by threats of assassination, but continued an un- and curates of the several parishes shall forshaken Protestant. The arts of the papists succeed- bear to introduce any rites or ceremonies that ed with his only son, whom they prevailed with to may give offence, otherwise than those which embrace the Catholic faith, and to take upon him religious orders. This was a very heavy affliction * Dr. Grey judges it not at all incredible; because, to his father, who, on this ground, left his estate on the authority of Lord Clarendon, he adds, unfair from him.-Granger's History of Eunland, vol. iii., p. methods of obtaining petitions were used in those 234, 8vo; and AeTalson's Collections, vol. i., p. 519.-ED. times of iniquity and confusion. The disingenuous * Nalson's Collections, p. 692. art of which his lordship complains was procuring t There was no particular propriety, rather it was, signatures to a petition drawn up in modest and duas Dr. Grey intimates, somewhat invidious in Mr. tiful terms, and then cutting it off and substituting Neal thus to characterize this statute, relative to the another of a different strain and spirit, and annexing privilege of the clergy coming to convocation, as it it to the list of subscribers. This practice, if his must, being of so ancient a date, necessarily be po- lordship asserted it on good evidence, deserves to be pish, as is one fourth part of the statute law; and censured in the strongest terms. A virtuous mind there are various instances of its being enforced since has too often occasion to be surprised and shocked the Reformation, and even in the present century, of at the arts which' party prejudice and views can which Dr. Grey gives ample proof.-ED. adopt.-History of the Rebellion, vol. i., p. 203.-ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 361 are established by the laws of the land." The be rebaptized by the parish minister, some of design of this proviso was to guard against the the congregation insisting that it should be late innovations, and particularly against the baptized, because the other administration was clergy's refusing the sacrament to such as not valid; but when the question was put, it would not receive it kneeling at the rails. was carried in the negative, and resolved by the There was such a violent clamour against majority not to make any declaration at presthe high clergy, that they could hardly officiate ent whether or no parish churches were true according to the late injunctions without being churches. Upon this, some of the more rigid, affronted, nor walk the streets in their habits, and others who were dissatisfied about the!Ird says Nalson, without being reproached as po- fulness of infant baptism, desired their dismi;:: pish priests, Caesar's friends, &c. The reputa- sion, which was granted them; these set up by' tion of the liturgy began to sink; reading pray- themselves, and chose Mr. Jesse their minister, ers was called a lifeless form of worship, and a who laid the foundation of the first Baptist conquenching the Holy Spirit, whose assistances gregation* that I have met with in England. are promised in the matter as well as the man- But the rest renewed their covenant " to walk ner of our prayers; besides, the nation being in together in the ways of God, so far as he had a crisis, it was thought impossible that the old made them known or should make them known forms should be suitable to the exigency of the to them, and to forsake all false ways." And. times, or to the circumstances of particular so steady were they to their vows, that hardly persons, who might desire a share in the devo- an instance can be produced of one that de tions of the Church. Those ministers, there- serted to the Church by the severest prosecufore, who prayed with fervency and devotion,* tions. in words of their own conception, suitable ei- Upon Mr. Lathorp's retiring into New-Eng ther to the sermon that was preached or to the land, the congregationt chose for their pastor present urgency of affairs, had crowded and at- the famous Mr. Canne,$ author of the marginal tentive auditories, while the ordinary service of references in the Bible, who, after he had the Church was deserted as cold, formal, and preached to them in private houses for a year without spirit. or two, was driven by the severity of the times The discipline of the Church being relaxed, into Holland, and became pastor of the Brownthe Brownists or Independents, who had as- ist congregation at Amsterdam. sembled in private, and shifted from house to After Mr. Canne, Mr. Samuel Howe underhouse for twenty or thirty years, resumed their took the pastoral care of this little flock; he was courage, and showed themselves in public. We a man of learning, and printed a small treatise, have given an account of their origin, from Mr. * According to Crosby, this is a mistake, for there Robinson and Mr. Jacob, in the year 1616, the were three Baptist churches in England before that last of whom was succeeded by Mr. John La- of Mr. Jesse. One formed by the separation of many thorp, formerly a clergyman in Kent, but hav- persons from Mr. Lathorp's in 1633, before he left ing renounced his orders, he became pastor of England. Another by a second separation from the this little society. In his time the congregation same church in 1638, the members of which joined was discovered by Tomnlinson, the bishop's themselves to Mr. Spilsbury. And a third, which originated in 1639 with Mr. Green and Captain Spencer, pursuivant, April 29, 1632, at the house of Mr. whom Mr. Paul Hobson joined-Crosby's History oJ Humphry Barnet, a brewer's clerk, in Black- the EnAglish Baptists, vol. iii., p. 41, 42.-ED. friars, where forty-two of whom were appre- t This was the Church meeting in Deadman's hended and only eighteen escaped: of those Place; it all along acted on the principle of mixed that were taken, some were confined in the communion, and chose their pastors indifferently C(link. others in New Prison and the Gate- from among the Baptists or PEdobaptists. If this lhonlse, where' they continued about two years, Church weathered through the period of the comandue werethen rel ueduo abai e ers, monwealth, it must have been scattered by persecuand were then released upon bail, except Mr. tion soon after the Restoration.- Wilson's DissentLathorp, for whom no favour could be obtain- ing Churches, vol. iv., p. 124.-C. ed; hie therefore petitioned the. king for liberty $ Crosby says that the church of which Mr. to depart the kingdomn, which being granted, he Canne, Mr. Samuel Howe, and Mr. Stephen More went, in the year 1634, to New-England, with were successively pastors, was constituted and plantabout thirty of his followers. Mr. Lathorp was ed by Mr. Hubbard. And it is not certain whether a man of learning, and of' a meek and quiet Mr. Canne was a Baptist or not. He was the author of three sets of notes on the Bible, which accompanied three different editions of it. One printcasion of one of his people carrying his child to ed by him at Amsterdam, 1647, which refers to a former one, and professes to add "many Hebraisms, * Dr. Grey gives some specimens of this, which diversitie of readings, with consonancie of parallel are very much in the style of those in the piece en- Scriptures, taken out of the last annotation, and all titled " Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence." The im- set in due order and place." Another is commonly proved taste of this age, and rational devotion, revolt known, and has been often reprinted. There was at them. But Dr. Grey did not reflect that the of- also an impression of it at Amsterdam, 1664. A new fensive improprieties which he exposes were not pe- edition of the Bible of 1664 is a desideratum. — Two culiar to extemporary prayer, nor to the Puritans; Treatises of lHelzmy Ainsworth, pref., p. 35, note; and they were agreeable to the fashion of the age, and incor- Crosby, vol. iii., p. 40.-ED. Mr. Canne was, beyond porated themselves with the precomposed prayers pub- all doubt, a Baptist, for the records of the church at lished by royal command. The thanksgiving for vic- Broadmead, Bristol, which separated from the Estabtory in the north, 1643, affords an instance of this. lishment in 1640, mention Mr. Canne as having first "Lord! look tothe righteousness of ourcause. See settled them in the order of a Christian C(hurch. the seamless coat of thy Son torn, the throne of thine The minutes run thus: "The Providence of God Anointed trampled on, thy Church invaded by sac- brought to this city one Mr. Canne, a baptized man. rilege, and thy people miserably deceived with lies." It was that Mr. Canne that made notes and refer-Robinson's Translation of Claude's Essay on the ences upon the Bible," &c.- Wilson's Hist. of lis Composition of a Sermnon, vol. ii., p. 84.-ED. senting Churches, vol. iv., p. 128-9.-C. VoL. I.-Z z 362 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. called " The Sufficiency of the Spirit's Teach- preaching in separate congregations, contrary rng."* But not being enough upon his guard to the statute of the 35thEliz. The latter they in conversation, he laid himself open to the in- confessed, and as to the former, they declared formers, by whose means he was cited into the to the House that "they could acknowledge no spiritual courts and excommunicated; hereup- other head of the Church but Christ; that they on he absconded, till, being at last taken, he apprehended no prince on earth had power to was shut up in close prison, where he died. make laws to bind the conscience and that His friends would have buried him in Shore- such laws as were contrary to the laws of God ditch churchyard, but, being excommunicated, ought not to be obeyed; but that they disowned the officers of the parish would not admit it, so all foreign power and jurisdiction." Such a they buried him in a piece of ground at Anni- declaration a twelvemonth ago might have cost seed Clear, where many of his congregation them their ears; but the House, instead of rewere buried after him.t mitting them to the ecclesiastical courts, disUpon Mr. Howe's death, the little church was missed them with a gentle reprimand, and three forced to take up with a layman, Mr. Stephen or four of the members came, out of curiosity, More, a citizen of London, of good natural parts, to their assembly next Lord's Day, to hear their and of considerable substance in the world: he minister preach, and to see him administer the had been their deacon for some years, and, in sacrament, and were so well satisfied that they the present exigency, accepted of the pastoral contributed to their collection for the poor. office, to the apparent hazard of his estate and To return to the Parliament. It has been liberty. However, the face of affairs beginning observed that one of their first resolutions was now to change, this poor congregation, which to reduce the powers of the spiritual courts. had subsisted almost by a miracle for above The old popish canons, which were the laws by twenty-four years, shifting from place to place which they proceeded (as far as they had not to avoid the notice of the public, ventured to been controlled by the common law or particuopen their doors in Deadman's Place, in South- lar statutes), were such a labyrinth, that when wark, January 18, 1640-1. Mr. Fuller calls the subject was got into the Commons, he knew them a congregation of Anabaptists, who were not how to defend himself, nor which way to met together to the number of eighty; but by get out. The kings of England had always detheir journal or church-book, an abstract of dined a reformation of the ecclesiastical laws, which is now before me, it appears to be Mr. though a plan had been laid before them ever More's congregation of Independents, who, be- since the reign of King Edward VI. But the ing assembled in Deadman's Place on the Lord's grievance was now become insufferable, by the Day, were disturbed by the marshal of the numbers of illegal imprisonments, deprivations, King's Bench, and most of them committed to and fines levied upon the subject in the late the Clink Prison. Next morning, six or seven times, for crimes not actionable in the courts of of the men were carried before the House of Westminster Hall; it was necessary, therefore, Lords, and charged with denying the king's su- to bring the jurisdiction of these courts to a premacy in ecclesiastical matters, and with parliamentary standard; but, till this could be accomplished by a new law, all that could be The treatise here mentioned, we are informed, done was to vote down the late innovations, displayed strength of genius, but was written by a which had very little effect; and, therefore, on cobbler, as appears by the following recommendatory lines prefixed to it: -the 23d of January, the House of Commons ordered conmmissioners to be sent into all "What How? how tow? hath HIow such learning found, the counties to demolish, and remove out of To throw art's curious image to the groundi churches and chapels all "images, altars, or Cambridge and Oxford iimay their glory now Veil to a cobbler, if they knew but hIow." tables turned altarwise, crucifixes, superstitious This treatise was founded on 2 Peter, iii., 16, and pictures, or other monuments and relics of idoldesigned to show, not the insufficiency only of human atry," agreeably to the injunctions of King Edlearning to the purposes of religion, but that it was ward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. How far the dangerous and hurtful. So that Mr. Neal was mis- House of Commons, who are but one branch of taken in speaking of its author as a man of learning. the Legislature, may appoint commissioners to -Crosby, vol. iii., p. 39, note. —ED. put the laws in execution, without the concurt Crosby's History of the English Baptists, vol. i., rence of the other two, is so very questionable, p. 165. The following honourable testimony was that I will not take upon me to determine. borne to Mr. Howe's memory by Roger Williams: "Among so many instances,,:cad and living, to the The University of Cambridge having com~ everlasting praise of Christ Jesus, and of his Holy plained of the oaths and subscriptions imposed Spirit, breathing a blessing where he listeth, I can- upon young students at their matriculation, as not but with honourable testimony remember that subscribing to the Book of Common Prayer eminent Christian witness and prophet of Christ, and to the Thirty-nine Articles, the House of even that despised and yet beloved Samuel Howe, Commons voted " that the statute made twenwho being by calling a cobbler, and without human ty-seven years ago in the University of Camlearning, which yet in its sphere and place he hon- bridge, impusing upon young scholars a suboured-who yet, I say, by searching the Holy Scrip- scription, according to the thirty-sixth canon of tures, grew so excellent a textuary or Scripturelearned man, that few of those high rabbies that 1603, is against law and the liberty of the subscorn to mend or make a shoe could aptly or readi- ject, and ought not to be imposed upon any stuly, from the Holy Scriptures, outgo him. * * * * dents or graduates whatsoever." About five however he was forced to seek a grave or bed in the months forward they passed the same resoluhighway, yet was his life, and death, and burial, being tion for Oxford, which was not unreasonable, attended with many hundreds of God's people, hon- because the universities had not an unlimited ourse, and how Tuch more on his rising Maaini, power, by the thirty-sixth canon, to call upon glorious."- The Hireling Ministry none of Christ's, gloriou" ring Misis nn of all their students to subscribe, but only upon London, 1652, p. lt, 12.-C. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 363 such lecturers or readers of divinity whom they I ship understood no more than a slated president had a privilege of licensing; and to this I con- over an assembly of presbyters, which the Puriceive the last words of the canon refer: "If tans of these times were willing to admit. The either of the universities offend therein, we most celebrated writer on the side of the Estableave them to the danger of the law and his lishment was the learned and pious Bishop majesty's censure." Hall, who, at the request of Archbishop Laud, And it ought to be remembered, that all the had published a treatise entitled "Episcopacy proceedings of the HIouse of Commons this of Divine Right," as has been related.* This year. in punishing delinquents, and all their reverend prelate, upon the gathering of the votes and resolutions about the circumstances present storm, appeared a second time in its of public worship, had no other view than the defence, in "An humble Remonstrance to the cutting off those illegal additions and innova- High Court of Parliament;" and some time aftions which the superstition of the late times ter, in "A Defence of that Remonstrance," in had introduced, and reducing the discipline of vindication of the antiquity of liturgies and of the Church to the standard of the statute law. diocesan episcopacy. No man was punished for acting according to Thle bishop's remonstrance was answered by law; but the displeasure of the House ran high a celebrated treatise under the title of" Smecagainst those who, in their public ministrations, tymnuus," a fictitious word made up of the inior iu their ecclesiastical courts, had bound those tial letters of the names of the authors, viz., things upon the subject which were either con- Stephen Marshal, Edmund Calamy, Thomas trary to the laws of the land, or about which the Young, Matthew Newcomen, and William Spurlaws were altogether silent. stow. When the bishop had replied to their book, these divines published a vindication of ~~ —-~~~ — Itheir answer to the'" HumbIe Remonstrance;" which, being an appeal to the Legislature on CHAPTER VIII. both sides, may be supposed to contain the nferits of the controversy, and will therefore THE ANTIQUITY OF LITURGIES, AND OF THE EPIS- dse the ra rsat n deserve the reader's attention. COPAL ORDER, DEBATED BETWEEN BISHOP HALL The debate was upon these two heads: AND SeMECTYvMNUUS. - PETITJONS FOR AND 1. Of the antiquity of liturgies, or forms of AGAINST THE HIERARCHY. —ROOT AND BRANCH PETITION.-THE MINISTERS' PETITION FOR REF- prayer. PETITION.-THE MINISTERSP PETITION FOE RE- 2. Of the apostolical institution of diocesan ORMATION.-SVPEECHES UPON THE PETITIONS.- episcopacy. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PAPISTS. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PAPISTS. 1. The bishop begins with liturgies, by which THE debates in Parliament concerning the he understands "certain prescribed and limited English liturgy and hierarchy engaged the at- forms of prayer, composed for the public sertention of the whole nation, and revived the vice of the Church, and appointed to be read at controversy without doors. The press being all times of public worship." The antiquity of open, great numbers of anonymous pamphlets these his lordship derives down from Moses, by appeared against the Establishment, not with- an uninterrupted succession, to the present out indecent and provoking language, under time. "God's people," says he, "ever since these and the like titles: Prelatical Episcopacy Moses's day, constantly practised a set form, not from the Apostles; Lord-bishops not the and put it ever to the times of the Gospel. Lord's Bishops; Short View of the Prelatical Our blessed Saviour, and his gracious forerunChurch of England; A Comparison between ner, taught a direct form of prayer. When Pcthe Liturgy and the Mass Book; Service Book ter and John went up to the temple at the ninth no better than a Mess of Pottage, &c. Lord hour of prayer, we know the prayer wherein Brook attacked the order of bishops in a trea- they joined was not of an extempore and sudtise of the "Nature of Episcopacy," wherein den conception, but of a regular prescription; he reflects in an ungenerous manner upon the and the evangelical Church ever since thought low pedigree of the present bench, as if nothing it could never better improve her peace and except a noble descent could qualify men to sit happiness than in composing those religious among the peers. Several of the bishops vin- models of invocation and thanksgiving, which dicated their pedigree and families, as Bishop they have traduced unto us, as the liturgies of Williams, Moreton, Curie, Cooke, Owen, &c., St. James, Basil, and Chrysostom, and which, and Archbishop Usher defended the order, in a though in some places corrupted, serve to prove treatise entitled "The Apostolical Institution the thing itself" of Episcopacy4;"* but then by a bishop his lord- Smectymnuos replies, that if there had been Nalson, in his Collections, vol. ii., p. 279, 280, any liturgies in the times of the first and most and after him, Collyer, Ecclesiastical History, vol. veherable antiquity, the great inquiries after ii., p. 808, have abridged the arguments of this piece; them would have produced them to the world but these abstracts do not show, as Dr. Grey would before this time; but that there were none in intimate, the extent ofjurisdiction, or the nature of the Christian Church is evident from Tertullian'the power, according to Bishop Usher's idea, exer- in his Apology, cap. xxx., where he says the cised by the primitive bishops. They go to prove only a superiority to eldlers and by a quotation from Christians of those times, in their public assem~ Beza, it should seem that this prelate, as Mr. Neal blies, prayed "sine monitore quia de pectore," says, meant by a bishop only a president of the pres- without any prompter except their own hearts. bytery of a place or district. The Presbyterians are charged with misrepresenting the bishop's opinion, * Laud objected to some of his positions, and and with printing a faulty and surreptitious copy of some involving important principles, and Hall was his book. If this were done knowingly and design- compliant enough to adopt his suggestions.-Heylin's edly, it must rank with such pious arts as deserve Laud, 398-402. Jones's Life ofBishop Hall, 153-166. censure. —Dr. Grey.-ED. -C. 364 - HISTORY' OF THE PURITANS. And in his treatise of prayer, he adds, there are liturgy used in the Christian Church for three some things to be asked "according to the oc- hundred years after Christ.* casions of every man." St. Austin says the Fromn the antiquity of liturgies in general, the same thing, ep. 121: "It is free to ask the bishop descends to a nore particular commendsame things that are desired in the Lord's Pray- ation of that which is established in the Church er, aliis atque aliis verbis, sometimes in one of England, as that it was drawn up by wise manner of expression, and sometimes in anoth- and good men with great deliberation; that it er." And before this, Justin Martyr, in his had been sealed with the blood of martyrs, and Apology, says, O irpoe7C5if, the president, or he was selected out of ancient models, not Roman, that instructed the people, prayed according to but Christian. his ability, or as well as he could. Nor was. In answer to which, these divines appeal to this liberty of prayer taken away till the times the proclamation of Edward VI., wherein the when the Arian and Pelagian heresies invaded original of it is published to the world. The the Church; it was then first ordained that statute mentions four different forms then in none should pray "pro arbitrio, sed semper use, out of which a uniform office was to be easdem preces;" that they should not use the collected, viz., the use of Sarum, of Bangor, of liberty which they had hitherto practised, but York, and of Lincoln, all which were Roman should always keep to one form of prayer.- rather than Christian; they admit his lordship's Concil. Load., can. 18. Still, this was a form other encomiums of the English liturgy, but of their own composing, as appears by a canon affirm that it was still imperfect, and in many of the Council of Carthage, anno 397, which places offensive to tender consciences. gives this reason for it: "Ut nemo in precibus The good bishop, after all, seems willing to' yel patrem pro filio, veI filium pro patre nomi- compromise the difference about prayer. " Far net, et cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem be it from me," says his lordship, " to disheartdirigatur oratio; et quicunque sibi preces ali- en any good Christian from the use of conceived unde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum prayer in his private devotions, and upon occafratribus instructioribus contulerit;" i. e., "that sion also in the public. I would hate to be none in their prayers might mistake the Father guilty of pouring so much water upon the spirit, for the Son, or the Son for the Father; and to which I should gladly add oil rather. No; that, wvhen they assist at the altar, prayer might let the full soul freely pour out itself in gracious be always directed to the Father; and whoso- expressions of its holy thoughts into the bosom ever composes any different forms, let him not of the Almighty; let both the sudden flashes of make use orf them till he has first consulted with our quick ejaculations, and the constant flames his more learned brethren." It appears from of our more fixed conceptions, mount up from hence that there was no uniform prescribed the altar of a zealous heart unto the throne of liturgy at this time in the Church, but that the grace; and if there be some stops or solecisms more ignorant priests might make use of forms in the fervent utterance of our private wants, of their own composing, provided they consult- these are so far from being offensive, that they ed their more learned brethren; till at length it are the most pleasing music to the ears of that was ordained at the Council of Milan, anno God unto whom our prayers come; let them 416, that none should use set forms of prayer be broken off with sobs.and sighs, and inconexcept such as'were approved in a synod. gruities of our delivery; our good God is no They go on to transcribe, fiom Justin Martyr otherways affected to this imperfect elocution and Tertullian, the manner of public worship in than an indulgent parent is to the clipped and their times, which was this: first the Scriptures broken language of his dear child, which is were read; after reading followed an exhorta- more delightful to him than any other's smooth tion to the practice and imitation of what was oratory. This is not to be opposed in another read; then all rose up and joined in prayer; after this they went to the sacrament, in the * Bishop Burnet says [Hist. Ref., part ii., p. 72] beginning whereof the president of the assena- that it was in the fourth century that the liturgies of bly poured out prayers and thanksgivings, ac- St. James, St. Basil, &c., were first mentioned; that cording to his ability, and thepeople said A men, the Council of Laodicea appointed the same prayers then followed the distribution of the elements, to be used mornings and evenings, but that these forms and a collection of alms. This was Justin were left to the discretion of every bishop; nor was it made the subject of any public consultation till Martyr's liturgy or service, and Tertullian's is St. Austin's time, when, in their dealing with herethe same, only he mentions their beginning with ties, they found they took advantage from some of prayer before reading the Scriptures, and their the prayers that were in some churches; upon which love-feasts, which only opened and concluded it was ordered that there should be no public prayers with prayer, and were celebrated with singing used but by common advice. Formerly, says the of psalms. Althourgh thpe Smectymnuans admit bishop, the worship of God was a pure and simple that our blessed Saviour taught his disciples a thing, and so it continued till superstition had so infected the Church that those forms were thought too form of prayer, yet they deny that he designed naked, they thoe form were thought too naked, unless they were put under more artificial to confine them to the use of those words only, rules, and dressed up with much ceremony. In nor did the primitive Church so understand it, every age there were notable additions made, and all as has been proved from St. Austin. The pre- the writers almost in the eighth and ninth centuries tended liturgies of St. James, Basil, and St. employed theirfancies to find out mystical significaChrysostom are of little weight in this argu- tions for every rite that was then used, till at length mlent, as being allowed by the bishop, and the there were so many missals, breviaries, rituals, ponmost learned critics, both Protestants and pa- tificals, pontoises, pies, graduals, antiphonals, psal*pists, to e full of forgeries and spurious inser- teries, hours, and a great many more, that the understanding how to officiate was become so hard a piece tions. Upon the whole, therefore, they chal- of trade, that it was not to be learned without long lenge his lordship to produce any one genuine practice. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS.' 365 by any man that hath found the true operations claimed hierarchy be fatever rooted out of the of this grace in himself-" " What I have pro- Church."* fessed concerning conceived prayers is what I The bishop admitst that, in the language of have ever allowed, ever practised, both in pri- Scripture, bishops and presbyters are the same; vate and public. God is a free spirit, and so that there is a plain identity in their denominashould ours be, in pouring out our voluntary de- tion, and that we never find these three orders votions upon all occasions; nothing hinders mentioned together, bishops, presbyters, and but that this liberty and a public liturgy should deacons; but though there be no distinction of be good friends, and go hand in hand together; names, his lordship apprehends there is a real and whosoever would forcibly separate them, distinction and specification of powers, which let them bear their own blame: the over-rigor- are, ous pressing of the liturgy, to the justling out 1. The sole right of ordination. of preaching or conceived prayers, was never 2. The sole right of spiritual jurisdiction. intended by the lawmakers or moderate gov- 1. The sole right of ordination his lordship ernors of the Church." If the bishops, while in proves from the words of Paul, 2 Tim., i., 6: power, had practised according to these pious " Stir up' the gift of God which is in thee by and generous principles, their affairs could not the laying on of my hands;" and that this have been brought to such a dangerous crisis at power was never communicated to presbyters this time. from the words of St. Jerome, by whom ordina2. The other point in debate between the tion is excepted from the office of a presbyter: bishop and his adversaries related to the supe- "quid facit episcopus, quod non facit presbyter rior order of bishops. And here the controversy ordinatione." And yet (says his lordship) our was not about the name, which signifies in the English bishops do not appropriate this power Greek no more than an overseer, but about the to themselves: " Say, brethren, I beseech you, office and character; the Smectymnnuan divines after all this noise, what bishop ever undertook contended that a primitive bishop was no other to ordain a presbyter alone, or without the conthan a parochial pastor or preaching presbyter, current imposition of many hands. This is without pre-eminence or any proper rule over perpetually and infallibly done by us." his brethren. His lordship, on the other hand, The Smectymnuan divines contend, on the affirms that bishops were originally a "distinct other hand, that bishops and presbyters were order from presbyters, instituted by the apos- originally the same; that ordination to the tles themselves, and invested with the sole office of a bishop does not differ from the ordipower of ordination and ecclesiastical jurisdic- nation of a presbyter; that there are no powers tion;" that in this sense they are of Divine in- conveyed to a bishop from which presbyters stitution, and have continued in tile Church by are excluded, nor any qualification required in an.uninterrupted succession to the present time. one more than in the other; that, admitting The bishop enters upon this argument with un- Timothy was a proper bishop, which they deny, usual assurance, bearing down his adversaries yet that he was ordained by the laying on of with a torrent of bold and unguarded expres- the hands of the presbytery as well as that of sions. His words are these: "This holy call- St. Paul's, 1 Tim., iv., 14; that the original of ing (meaning the order of bishops as distinct the order of bishops was from the presbyters from presbyters) fetches its pedigree from no choosing one from among themselves to be less than apostolical, and, therefore, Divine in- stated president in their assemblies, in the secstitution. Except all histories, all authors fail ond or third century; that St. Jerome declares, us,'nothing can be more plain than this; out once and again, that in the days of the apostles of them we can and do show on whom the bishops and presbyters were the same; that as apostles of Christ laid their hands, with an ac- low as his time they had gained nothing but knowledgment and conveyance of imparity and ordination; and that St. Chrysostom and Thejurisdiction. We show what bishops, so or- ophylact affirm, that while the apostles lived, dained, lived in the time of the apostles, and and for some ages after, the name of bishops succeeded each other in their several charges and presbyters were not distinguished. This, under the eyes and hands of the then living say they, is the voice of the most primitive anapostles. We show who immediately succeed- tiquity.T But the Smectymnuans are amazed ed those immediate successors in their several at his lordship's assertion that the bishops of sees, throughout all the regions of the Christian the Church of England never ordained without Church, and deduce their uninterrupted- line presbyters, and that this was so constant a through all the following ages to this present practice that no instance can be produced of its day; and if there can be better evidence under being done without them. "Strange!" say heaven for any matter of fact (and in this cause matter of fact so derived evinceth mat- * Remonstrance, p. 21. t Defence, p. 47. ter of right), let episcopacy be forever aban- t In the debate of the House on this head, the doned out of God's Church. Again, if we do authority of that very ancient parchment copy of the Bible in St. James's library, sent by Cyrillus, panot show, out of the genuine and undeniable triarch of Alexandria, to King Charles I., being all writings of those holy men who lived both in written in great capital Greek letters, was vouched the times of the apostles and some years after and asserted by Sir Simon d'Ewes, a great antiquathem, and conversed with them as their bless- ry, wherein the postscripts to the Epistles to Timoed fellow-labourers, a clear and received dis- thy and Titus are only this: " This first to Timothy, tinction both of the names and offices of bish- written from Laodicea; to Titus, written from Niops, presbyters, and deacons, as three dis- cupolis;" whence he inferred that the styling of Timothy and Titus first bishops of Ephesus and tinct subordinate callings in God's Church, Crete were the spurious additions of some Eastern with an evident specification of the duty and bishop or monk, at least five hundred years aftei charge belonging to each of them, let this Christ. —Rushworth, vol. iv., p. 284. 366 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. they, "when some of us have been eyewit- 2. The other branch of power annexed to the nesses of many scores who have been ordain- episcopal offide is the sole right of spiritual jued by a bishop in his private chapel, without risdiction; this. the bishop seems in some sort the presence of any presbyter except his do- to disclaim: "Whoever," says he, "challenged mestic chaplain, who only read prayers. Be- a sole jurisdiction 1 We willingly grant that sides, the bishop's letters of orders make no presbyters have, and ought to have, jurisdiction mention of the assistance of presbyters, but within their own charge, and that in all great challenge the whole power to themselves, as affairs of the Church they ought to be consulthis lordship had done in his book entitled Epis- ed. We admit that bishops of old had their eccopacy of Divine Right, the fifteenth section of clesiastical council of presbyters, and we still which has this title,'The Power of Ordination have the same in our deans and chapters; but is only in Bishops.'" we say that the superiority of jurisdiction is so But the main point upon which the bishop in the bishop, that presbyters may not exercise lays the whole stress of the cause is, Whether it without him, and that the exercise of exterpresbyters may ordain without a bishop? For nal jurisdiction is derived from, by, and under the proof of this, the Smectymnuans produced him, to those who exercise it within his diothe author of the comment on the Ephesians, cess." This his lordship proves from several which goes under the name of St. Ambrose, testimonies out of the fathers. who says that in Egypt the presbyters ordain if The Smectymnuans agree with his lordship, the bishop be not present; so also St. Augus- that in the ancient Church bishops could do notine, in the same words; and the chorepiscopus, thing without the consent of the clergy; nor in who was only a presbyter, had power to impose cases of excommunication and absolution withhands, and to ordain within his precincts with out the allowance of the whole body of the the bishop's license; nay, farther, the presbyter Church to which the delinquent belonged, as of the city of Alexandria, with the bishop's appears from the testimonies of Tertullian and leave, might ordain, as appears from Con. Ancyr. St. Cyprian; but they aver, upon their certain Carit., 3, where it is said, "' It is not lawful for knowledge, that ou'r English bishops have exerchorepiscopi to ordain presbyters or deacons; cised several parts of ecclesiastical jurisdiction nor for the presbyters of the city, without the without their presbyters. And farther (say bishop's letter, in another parish;" which im- they), where, in all antiquity, do we meet with plies they might do it with the bishop's letter, such delegates as lay-chancellors, commissaor perhaps without it, in their own; and Fir- ries, and others as never received imposition milianus says of them who rule in the Church, of hands These offices were not known in whom he calls " seniores et.proepositi," that those times, nor can any instance be produced is, presbyters as well as bishops, that they had of laity or clergy who had them for above four the power of baptizing and of laying on of hands hundred years after Christ. in ordaining.* Upon the whole, allowing that, in the third or fourth century, bishops were a distinct order It may be some satisfaction to the reader to see from presbyters, yet, say these divines, our the judgment of other learned men upon this argu- modern bishops of the Church of England differ rnent, which has hrokleatlrlnedanm no1fp l1 a modern bishops of the Church of England differ ment, which has broken the bands of brotherly love and charity between the Church of Englaild and all very wildely from them; the primitive bishops the foreign Protestants that have no bishops. were elected by a free suffrage of the presbyThe learned prelate of Ireland, Archbishop Usher, ters, but ours by a congg d'elire from the king. in his letter to Dr. Bernard, says, " I have ever de- They did not proceed against criminals but with dared my opinion to be, that'episcopus et presbyter the consent of their presbyters, and upon the gradu tantum differunt, non ordine,' and, consequent- testimony of several Witnesses; whereas ours ly, that in places where bishops cannot be had, the proceed by an oath ex offiio, by which men are ordination by presbyters stands valid; but the ordination made by such presbyters as have severed them- obliged to accuse thelselves; the primitive selves from those bishops to whom they have swornd no lordly titles and dignities, no canonical obedience, I cannot excuse from being lay-chancellors, commissaries, and other offischismatical. I think that churches that have no cials, nor did they engage in secular affairs, &c. bishops are defective in their government; yet, for the After several comparisons of this kind, they rejustifying my communion with them (which I do love capitulate the late severities of the bishops in and honour as true members of the Church univer- their ecclesiastical courts, and conclude with sal), I do profess, if I were in Holland, I should re- an humble petition to the high curt of Parliaceive the blessed sacrament at the hands of the Dutch, humbl e petition to the high court of Pa rliawith the like affection as I should from the hands of ment, " that if episcopacy be retained in the the French ministers were I at Charenton." The the said bishop concurred in their consecration. And same most reverend prelate, in his answer to Mr. yet lower, when the Archbishop of Spalato was in Baxter, says, " that the king having asked him at the England, he desired Bishop Moreton to reordain a Isle of Wight whether he found in antiquity that person that had been ordained beyond sea, that he presbyters alone ordained any, he replied yes, and might be more capable of preferment; to which the that he could show his majesty more, even where bishop replied, that it could not be done but to the presbyters alone successively ordained bishops, and scandal of the Reformed churches, wherein he would instanced in Jerome's words (Epist. ad Evagrium), have no hand. The same reverend prelate adds, in of the presbyters of Alexandria choosing and making his Apol. Cathol., that to ordain was the jus aotiquemn their own bishops from the days of Mark till He- of presbyters. To these may be added the testimony raclus and Dionysius.-Baxter's Life, p. 206. of Bishop Burnet, whose words are these:'"As for This was the constant sense of our first Reform- the riotion of distinct offices of bishop and presbyter, ers, Cranmer, Pilkington, Jewel, Grindal, Whitgift, I confess it is not so clear to mne, and therefore, since &c., and even of Bancroft himself; for when Dr. I look upon the sacramental actions as the highest Andrews, bishop of Ely, moved that the Scots bish- of sacred performances, I cannot but acknowledge ops elect might first be ordained presbyters in the those who are empowered for them must be of the year 1610, Bancroft replied there was no need of' it, highest office in the Church."-Vindication of th since ordination by presbyters was valid; upon which Church of Scotland, p. 336. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 367 Church, it may be reduced to its primitive sim- tion was filled with very few hands, but tha% plicity; and if they must have a liturgy, that many other sheets were annexed, for the recep. there may be a consultation of divines to alter tion of numbers that gave credit to the underand reform the present; and that even then it taking; but that, when their names were submay not be imposed upon the clergy, but left scribed, the petition itself was cut off, and a to the discretion of the minister how much of it new one of a very different nature annexed to to read, when there is a sermon." the long list of names; and when some of the By this representation it appears that the ministers complained to the Rev. Mr. Marshall, controversy between these divines might have with whom the petition was lodged, that they been compromised if the rest of the clergy had never. saw the petition to which their hands been of the same spirit and temper with Bishop were annexed, but had signed another against Hall; but the court-bishops.would abate nothing the canons, Mr. Marshall is said to reply that it as long as the crown could support them; and was thought fit by those that understood buas the Parliament increased in power, the Puri- siness better than they, that the latter petitan divines stiffened in their demands, till meth- tion should be rather preferred than the forods of accommodation were impracticable. mer." This is a charge of a very high nature,* While this controversy was debating at home, and ought to be well supported: if it had'been letters were sent from both sides to obtain the true, why did they not complain to the commitjudgment of foreign divines, but most of them tee which the House of Commons appointed to were so wise as to be silent. Dr. Plume, in the inquire into the irregular methods of procuring Life of Bishop Hacket, writes that Blondel, Vos- hands to petitions? His lordship angwers, that sius, Hornbeck, and Salmasius were sent to by they were prevailed with to sit still and pass it the king's friends in vain; Blondel published a by; for which we have only his lordship's very learned treatise on the Puritan side; but word, nothing of this kind being to be found in Deodate, from Geneva, and Amyraldus, from Rushworth, Whitelocke, or any disinterested France, wished an accommodation, and, as writer of those times. Plume says, were for episcopal government. However, it cannot be denied that there was The papists triumphed, and had raised expecta- a great deal of art and persuasion used to get tions from these differences, as appears by a hands to petitions on both sides, and many subletter of T. White, a Roman Catholic, to the scribed their names who were not capable to Lord-viscount Gage, at Dublin, dated February judge of the merits of the cause. The petitions 12, 1639, in which are these words: "We are against the hierarchy were of two sorts: some in a fair way to assuage heresy and her episco- desiring that the whole fabric might be destroypacy, for Exeter's book has done more for the ed; of these the chief was the root and branch Catholics than they could have done them- petition, signed by the hands of about fifteen selves, he having written that episcopacy in of- thousand citizens and inhabitants of London: fice and jurisdiction is absolutely jure divino others aiming only at a reformation of the hie(which was the old quarrel between our bish- rarchy; of these the chief was the ministers' ops and King Henry VIII., during his heresy), petition, signed with the names of seven hunwhich book does not a little trouble our adver- dred beneficed clergymen, and followed by othsaries, who declare this tenet of Exeter's to be ers, with an incredible number of hands, from contrary to the laws of this land. All is like to Kent, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, Nottingham, prosper here, so I hope with you there." How- and other counties. The petitions in favour of ever, it is certain the body of foreign Protest- the present Establishment were not less nuants were against the bishops, for this reason, merous, for within the compass of this and the among others, because they had disowned their next year there were presented to the king and ordinations; and could it be supposed they House of Lords no less than nineteen from the should compliment away the validity of their ad- two universities, from Wales, Lancashire, Stafministrations to a set of men that had disowned fordshire, and other counties, subscribed with their communion, and turned the French and about one hundred thousand hands, whereof, Dutch congregations out of the land? No: according to Dr. Walker, six thousand were nothey wished they might be humbled by the Par- bility, gentry, and dignified clergy. One would liament. Lord Clarendon adds, "They were think by this account that the whole nation had glad of an occasion to publish their resentments been with them; but can it be supposed that against the Church, and to enter into the same the honest fireeholders of Lancashire and Wales conspiracy against the crown, without which could be proper judges of such allegations in they could have done little hurt." their petitions as these: That there can be no But the cause of the hierarchy being to be Church without bishops; that no ordination decided at another tribunal, no applications was ever performed without bishops; that withwere wanting on either side to make friends in out bishops there can be no presbyters, and, by the Parliament-house, and to get hands to peti- consequence, no consecration of the Lord's tions. The industry of the several parties on Supper; that it has never been customary for this occasion is almost incredible; and it being presbyters to lay hands upon bishops, from the fashion of the time to judge of the sense of' the nation this way, messengers were sent all rhis charge we have seen brought forward by en Engan th mee wr l Dr. Grey to discredit what Mr. Neal had reported over England to promote the work. Lord Clar- concerning the number of petitions sent up from all endon, and after him Dr. Nalson and others of parts of the country against the clergy. When, as that party, complain of great disingenuity on the he proceeded in his review of Mr. Neal's history, he side of the Puritans: his lordship says,t "that saw that our author had himself laid before his readthe paper which contained the ministers' peti- ers this charge of Lord Clarendon's, it would have been candid in him to have cancelled his own stric* Foxes and Firebrands, part ii., p. 81. tures on this point, or to have exposed the futility of + Clarendon, vol. i., p. 204. Mr. Neal's reply to his lordship.-ED. 368,HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. whence the disparity of their function is evi- names are underwritten, to show there be many, dent; that a bishop has a character that cannot and those of the better sort of the inhabitants be communicated but by one of the same dis- of this city, otherwise and better minded, do tinction; and that the Church has been gov- humbly represent unto this honourable House erned by bishops, without interruption, for fif- these considerations following: teen hundred years 1 These are topics fit to be 1. " That episcopacy is as ancient as Chrisdebated in a synod of learned divines; but the tianity itself in this kingdom. tacking a hundred thousand names of freehold- 2. " That bishops were the chief instruments ers on either side could prove no more than in the reformation of the Church against pothat the honest countrymen acted too much by pery, and afterward the most eminent martyrs an implicit faith in their clergy. Loud com- for the Protestant religion, and since, the best plaints being made to the Parliament of unfair and ablest champions for the defence of it. methods of procuring names to petitions, the 3. "That, since the Reformation, the times House appointed a committee to examine into have been very peaceable, happy, and glorious, the matter; but there being great faults, as I notwithstanding the episcopal government in apprehend, on both sides, the affair was dropped. the Church, and, therefore, that this governThe root and branch petition was presented ment can be no cause of our unhappiness. to the House December 11, 1640, by Alderman 4. "We conceive that not only many learned, Pennington and others, in the name of his maj- but divers other godly persons, would be much esty's subjects in and about the city of London scandalized and troubled in conscience if the and adjacent counties. It was thought to be government of episcopacy, conceived by them the contrivance of the Scots commissioners, to be an apostolical institution, were altered; who were become very popular at this time. and since there is so much care taken that no The petition showeth, "that whereas the gov- man should be offended in the least ceremony, ei nment of archbishops and lord-bishops, deans we hope there will be some that such men's and archdeacons, &c., with their courts and consciences may not be pressed upon in a matministrations in them, have proved prejudicial, ter of a higher nature and consequence, espeand very dangerous to the Church and Com- cially considering that this government by epismonwealth; they themselves having formerly copacy is not only lawful and convenient for held that they have their jurisdiction or power edification, but likewise suitable to, and agreeof human authority, till of late they have claim- able with, the civil policy and government of ed their calling immediately from Christ, which this state. is against the laws of this kingdom, and deroga- 5. " That this government is lawful, it ap tory to his majesty's state royal. And where- pears by the immediate, universal, and constant as the said government is found, by woful ex- practice of all the Christian world, grounded perience, to be a main cause and occasion of upon Scripture, from the apostles' time to this many foul evils, pressures, and grievances of a last age, for above fifteen hundred years togethvery high nature to his majesty's subjects, in er, it being utterly incredible, if not impossible, their consciences, liberties, and estates, as in a that the whole Church, for so long a time, should schedule of particulars hereunto annexed may not discover, by God's Word, this government in part appear: to be unlawful, if it had been so; to which may "We therefore most humbly pray and be- be added, that the most learned Protestants, seech this honourable assembly, the premises even in those very churches which now are considered, that the said government, with all not governed by bishops, do not only hold the its dependances, roots, and branches, may be government by episcopacy to be lawfill, but abolished, and all the laws in their behalf made wish that they themselves might enjoy it. void, and that the government, according to "Again, That the government by episcopacy God's Word, may be rightly placed among us; is not only lawful, but convenient for edification, and we, your humble supplicants, as in duty and as much or more conducing to piety and bound, shall ever pray," &c. devotion than any other, it appears, because no The schedule annexed to the petition con- modest man denies that the primitive times tained twenty-eight grievances and pressures, were most famous for piety, constancy, and the chief of which were, thie bishops suspend- perseverance in the faith, notwithstanding more ing and depriving ministers for nonconformity frequent and more cruel persecutions than ever to certain rites and ceremonies; their discoun- have been since; and yet it is confessed that tenancing preaching; their claim of jits divi- the Church in those times was governed by nhm; their administering the oath ex officio; bishops. the exorbitant power of the High Commission, " Lastly, That the government of the Church with the other innovations already mentioned. by episcopacy is most suitable to the form and The firiends of the Establishment opposed this frame of the civil government here in this kingpetition, with one of their own in favour of the dom, it appears by the happy and flourishing hierarchy, in the following words: union of them both for so long a time together;' "To the honourable the knights, citizens, whereas no man can give us an assurance how &c., the petition of, &c., humbly showeth, any church government besides this (whereof "That whereas, of late, a petition, subscribed we have had so long experience) will suit and, by many who pretend to be inhabitants of this agree with the civil policy of this state. And city, hath been delivered, received, and read in we conceive it may be of dangerous consethis honourable House, against the ancient, quence for men of settled fortunes to hazard present, and by law established government of their estates by making so great an alteration, the (Church, and that not so much for the ref- and venturing upon a new form of government, ormation of bishops as for the utter subversion whereof neither we nor our ancestors have had and extirpation of episcopacy itself-we, whose any trial or experience, especially considering HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 369 that those who would have episcopacy to be established government, in the names of divers abolished have not yet agreed, nor (as we are counties, with threatenings against the bishops verily persuaded) ever will or can agree upon that they will make them but ciphers. Now I any other common forml of government to suc- must tell you that I make a great difhirence ceed in the room of it, as appears by the many between reformation and alteration of governdifferent and contrary draughts and platforms ment; though I am for the first, I cannot give they have made and published, according to the way to the latter. If some of them have several humours and sects of those that made overstretched their power, and encroached too them; whereas, seeing every great alteration much on their temporality, I shall not be unin a church or state must needs be dangerous, willing that these things should be redressed it is just and reasonable that whosoever would and reformed; nay, farther, if you can show introduce a new form instead of an old one, me that the bishops have some temporal aushould be obliged to demonstrate and make it thority inconvenient for the state, and not neevidently appear aforehand that the govern- ces.sary for the government of Church and upment he would introduce is proportionably so holding episcopal jurisdiction, I shall not be unmuch better than that he would abolish, as may willing to desire them to lay it down; but this recompense the loss we may sustain, and may must not be understood that I shall any ways be worthy of the hazard we must run in abol- consent that their voices in Parliament should ishing the one, and introducing and settling of be taken away, for in all the times of my predthe other; but this we are confident can never ecessors, since the Conquest and before, they be done in regard of this particular. have enjoyed it as one of the fundamental con"And therefore our humble and earnest re- stitutions of the kingdom." This unhappy quest to this honourable House is, that as well method of the king's coming to the House and in this consideration as all the other aforesaid, declaring his resolutions beforehand was cerwe may still enjoy that government which tainly unparliaimientary, and did the Church no most probably holds its institution from the service; nor was there any occasion for it at apostles, and most certainly its plantation with this time, the Hosuse being in no disposition as our Christian faith itself in this kingdomr where yet to order a bill to be brought in for subvertit hath ever since flourished, and continued for ing the hierarchy. many ages without any interruption or altera- In the months of February and March, sevtion; whereby it plainly appears, that as it is eral days were appointed for the consideration the most excellent government in itself, so it is of these petitions; and when the bill for the the most suitable, most agreeable, and every utter extirpating the episcopal order was way most proportionable to the civil constitu- brought into the House in the months of May tion and temper of this state; and therefore and June, several warm speeches were made we pray and hope will always be continued on both sides: I will set the chief of them beand preserved in it and by it, notwithstanding fore the reader at one view, though they were the abuses and corruptions which in so long a spoken at different times. tract of time, through the errors or negligence Among those who were for root and branch, of men, have crept into it; which abuses and or the total extirpating of episcopacy, was Sir corruptions being all of them (what and how Henry Vane, who stood up and argued that, many soever there may be) but merely acci- "since the House had voted episcopal governdental to episcopacy, w.e conceive and hope ment a great impediment to the reformation there may he a reformation of the one without and growth of religion, it ought to be taken a destruction of the other. away; for'it is so corrupt in tie foundation,"' Which is the humble suit of, &c., &c." says he, " that if we pull it not down, it will A third petition was presented to the House, fall about the ears of those that endeavour it January 23, by ten or twelve clergymen, in the within a few years. This government was name of seven hundred of their brethren who brought in by antichrist, and has let in all had signed it, called the ministers' petition, kinds of superstition in the Church: it has praying for a reformation of certain grievances been the instrument of displacing the most in the hierarchy, but not an entire subversion godly andt conscientious ministers, of vexing, of it; a schedule of these grievances was an- punishing, and banishing out of the kingdom nexed, which being referred to the committee, the most religious of -all sorts and conditions, Mr. Crew reported the three following as prop- that would not' comply with their superstitious er for the debate of the House:; 1. The secu- inventions and cerermonies. In a word, it has lar employments of the clergy. 2. The sole turned the edge of the government against the power of the bishops in ecclesiastical affairs, very life and power of godliness, and the favour and particularly in ordinations and church cen- and protection of it towards all profane, scansures. 3. The large revenues of deans and dalous, and superstitious persons that would chapters, with the inconveniences that attend uphold their party: it has divided us from the the application of them." foreign Protestant churches, and has done what Two (lays after the delivery of this petition it could to bind the nation in perpetual slavery [January 251 his majesty camie to the House, to themselves and their superstitious invenand very unadvisedly interrupted their debates tions by the late canons. Farther, this govby the following speech: "There are some ernment has been no less prejudicial to the civil men tuat more mnaiiciously than ignorantly will liberties of our country, as appears by the bishput no) difference between reforamation and al- ops preaching up the doctrine of arbitrary powteration iof governlmelt; hence it comes to er, by their encouraging the late illegal projects pass tlhat Divine service is irreverently inter- to raise money without Parliament, by their ruptel, and petitions in an ill way given in, kindling a war between England andl Scotland, neithler disputed nor denied, against the present and falling in with the plots and combinations Vim,. I.-AA A 370 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. that have been entered into against this pres- "By the bishop's spiritualities I mean those ent Parliament." Sir Harry concludes from spiritual powers which raise him above the orthese premises, "that the Protestant religion der of a presbyter; and here I consider, first, must always be in danger as long as it is in the his authority over presbyters by the oath of hands of such governors; nor can there be any canonical obedience, by which he may comhopes of reformation in the state while the bish- mand them to collect tenths granted in convoops have votes in Parliament; that the fruit cation, according to 20 Henry VTI., cap. xiii. being so bad, the tree must be bad. Let us not, Secondly, his office, which is partly judicial and then, halt between two opinions," says he, " but partly ministerial; by the former he judges in with one heart and voice give glory to God by his courts of all matters ecclesiastical and spircomplying with his providence, and with the itual within his diocess, and of the fitness of safety and peace of the Church and State, such as are presented to him to be instituted which is by passing the Root and Branch Bill."* into benefices; by the latter he is to consecrate Mr. Sergeant Thomas gave the House a long places dedicated to Divine service. 9 Henry historical narration of the viciousness and mis- VI., cap. xvii., he is to provide for the officiating behaviour of the bishops in the times of popery; of cures in the avoidance of churches, on negof their treasonable and rebellious conduct to- lect of the patron's presenting thereunto. He wards their sovereigns; of their antipathy to is to certify loyal [or lawful] matrimony, genthe laws and liberties of their country; of their eral bastardy, and excommunication. He is to ignorance, pride, and addictedness to the pomp execute judgments given in quare impedit, upon of this world, to the apparent neglect of their the writ ad admittenduzr clericurn. He is to atspiritual functions; and of their enmity to all tend upon trials for life, to report the sufficiency methods of reformation to this day.t or insufficiency of such as demand clergy; and, Mr. Bagshaw stood up to reply to the objec- lastly, lie is to ordain deacons and presbyters. tions made against abolishing the order of bish- " Now all these things being given to these ops. bishops jure humano," says Mr. White, " I con" It is asserted," says he, " that it is of Di- ceive may, for just reasons, be taken away. He vine right, which is contrary to the statute 37 affirms that, according to Scripture, a bishop of Henry VIII., cap. xvii., which says they have and presbyter is one and the same person: (1.) their episcopal authority, and all other ecclesi- Their duties are mentioned as the same, the astical jurisdiction whatsoever, solely and only bishop being to teach and rule his church, 1 by, from, and under the king. Tim., iii., 2, 5; and the presbyter being to do " It is argued that episcopacy is inseparable the very same, I Pet., v., 2, 3. (2.) Presbyters from the crown, and therefore it is commonly in Scripture are said to be bishops of tile Holy said, No bishop, no king; which is very ridicu- Ghost, Acts, xx., 28. And St. Paul charges the Ious, because the lings of England were long presbyters of Ephesus to take heed to the flock before bishops, and may still depose them. over which the Holy Ghost had made them " It is said that episcopacy is a third state in bishops or overseers; and other bishops the Parliament; but this I deny, for the three states Holy Ghost never made. (3.) Among the enuare the king, the lords temporal, and the com- meration of church officers, Eph., iv., 11, wheremons. Kings of England have held several of the three former are extraordinary, and are Parliaments without bishops; King Edward I., ceased, there- remains only the pastor and in the 24th of his reign, held a Parliament ex- teacher, which is the very same with the prescluso clcro; and in the Parliament of the 7th byter. The bishop, as he is more than this, is Richard II. there is mention made of the con- no officer given by God; and it is an encroachsent of the lords temporal and the commons, ment on the kingly office of Christ to admit but not a word of the clergy; since, therefore, other officers into the Church than he himself the present hierarchy was of mere human in- has appointed. stitution, and had been found a very great griev- "Seeing, then, episcopacy may be taken away ance to the subject, he inclined to the root and in all wherein it exceeds the presbyter's office, branch petition." which is certainly jure divino, we ought to reMr. White entered more fully into the merits store the presbyters to their rights which the of the cause, and considered the present bishops bishops have, taken from them, as particularly of the Church with regard to their baronies, to the right of ordination, excommunication, their temporalities, and their spiritualities. and liberty to preach the whole counsel of God "The foimer," says he, "are merely of the without restraint from a bishop: they should king's favour, and began in this kingdom the have their share in the discipline and govern4th of William the Conqueror, by virtue where- ment of the Church; and, in a word, all superi*of they have had place in the House of Peers in ority of order between bishops and presbyters'Parliament; but in the 7th Henry VIII. (1648, should be taken away." Mr. White is farther K'el.) it was resolved by all the judges of Eng- of opinion that the bishops should be deprived land that the king may hold his Parliament by of their baronies, and all iritermeddling with:himself, his temporal lords, and commons, with- civil affairs; that institution and induction, the oiut any bishop; for a bishop has not any place jurisdiction of tithes, causes matrimionial and:in Parliament by-reason of his spiritualities, but testamentary, and other usurpations of the ecmerely by reason of his barony, and according- clesiastical courts, should be restored to the ly acts of Parliament have been made without civil judicature, and be determined by the laws them, as 2 Richard II., cap. iii., and at other of'the land. times; nor were they ever called spiritual lords In order to take off the force of' these arguin our statutes till 16 Richard II., cap. i. ments in favour of the root and branch petiNalson's Collections, vol. ii., p. 276. tion, the friends of the hierarchy said that the t Ibid., vol. ii., p. 211. very best things might be corrupted; that to HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 371 take away the order of bishops was -to change men as Dr. Beal and Manwaring; by appearthe whole Constitution for they knew not what; ing for monopolies and ship-money; some of they therefore urged the ministers' petition for them have laboured to exclude all persons and reformation, and declaimed with vehemence causes of the clergy from the temporal magisagainst the corruptions of the late times. trate, and, by hindering prohibitions, to have ta Lord Falkland, who, in the judgment of the ken away the only legal bounds to their arbinoble historian, was the most extraordinary trary power; they have encouraged all the person of his age, stood up and said, clergy to suits, and have brought all suits to the " Mr. Speaker, council-table, that, having all power in ecclesi"He is a great stranger in our Israel who astical matters, they might have an equal powknows not that this kingdom has long laboured er in temporals; they have both kindled and under many and great oppressions, both in reli-' blown the common fire of both nations, and gion and liberty, and that a principal cause of have been the first and principal cause of the both has been some bishops and their adhe- breach since the pacification at Berwick. rents, who, under pretence of uniformity, have " Mr. Speaker, I have represented no srhall brought in superstition and scandal under the quantity, and. no mean degree of guilt; but this title of decency; who have defiled our churches charge does not lie against episcopacy, but by adorning them, and slackened the strictness against the persons who have abused that sacred of that union that was between us and those of function; for if we consider that the first spreadour religion beyond sea: an action both impol- ers of Christianity, the first defenders of it, both itic and ungodly.* with their ink and blood, as well as our late Re" They have been less eager on those who formers, were all bishops'; and even now, in this damn our Church than on those who, on weak great defection of the order, there are some conscience, and perhaps as weak reason, only that have been neither proud nor ambitious; abstain from it. Nay, it has been more dan- some that have been learned opposers of popery gerous for men to go to a neighbouring parish and zealous suppressers of Arminianism, bewhen they had no sermon in their own, than to tween whom and their inferior clergy there has be obstinate and perpetual recusants. While been no distinction in firequent preaching; mass has been said in security, a conventicle whose lives are untouched, not only by guilt, has been a crime; and, which is yet more, the but by malice; I say, if we consider this, we conforming to ceremonies has been more ex- shall conclude that bishops may be good men; acted than the conforming to Christianity; and *and let us but give good men good rules, and while men for scruples have been undone, for we shall have good government and good times. attempts of sodomy they have only been ad- " I am content to take away from them all monished. those things which may, in any degree of pos"Mr. Speaker, they have resembled the dog sibility, occasion the like mischiefs with those inithe fable: they have neither practised them- I have mentioned: I am sure neither their lordselves, nor employed those that should, nor ships, judging of tithes, wills, and marriages, suffered those that would. They have brought no, nor their voices in Parliament, are jure diin catechising only to thrust out preaching; vino. If their revenues are too great, let us cried down lectures by the name of faction, leave them only such proportion as may serve, either because other men's industry in that duty in some degree, for the support of the dignity appeared a reproof to their neglect, or with in- of learning and encouragement of students. tent to have brought in darkness, that they If it be found they will employ their laws against might the easier sow their tares while it was their weaker brethren, let us take away those night. laws, and let no ceremonies, which any number "In this they have abused his majesty as well count unlawful and no man counts necessary, as his people; for when he had with great wis- be imposed upon them; but let us not abolish, dom silenced on both parts those opinions that upon a few days' debate, an order that has lastwill always trouble the schools, they made use ed in most churches these sixteen hundred of this declaration to tie -up one side and let the years. I do not believe the order of bishops to other loose. The truth is, Mr. Speaker, as some be jure divino, nor do I think them unlawful; ministers in our state first took away our mon- but, since all great changes in government are ey, and afterward endeavoured to make our dangerous, I am for trying if we cannot take money not worth taking, by depraving it, so away the inconveniences of bishops and the inthese men first depressed the power of preach- conveniences of no bishops. Let us, therefore, ing, and then laboured to make it such, as the go upon the debate of grievances, and if the harm had not been much if it had been depress- grievances may be taken away and the order ed; the chief subjects of the sermons being the stand, we shall not need to commit the London jus divinum of bishops and tithes; the sacred- petition at all; but if it shall appear that the ness of the clergy; the sacrilege of impropria- abolition of the one cannot be but by the detions; the demolishing of Puritanism; the build- struction of the other, then let us not commit ing up of the prerogative, &c. In short, their the London petition, but grant it." work has been to try how much of the papist Lord George Digby, an- eminent Royalist, might be brought in without popery, and to de- spoke with great warmth against the root and stroy as much as they could of the Gospel, with- branch petition, and with no less zeal for a ref: out hringing themselves in danger of being de- ormation of grievances. stroyed by the law.' If the London petition," says his lordship, " Mr. Speaker, these men have been betrayers " may be considered only as an index of grievof our rights and liberties, by encouraging such ances, I should wink at the faults of it, for no man within these walls is more sensible of the * R tshworth, vol. iv., p. 184, or part iii., vol. i. heavy grievances of church government than 372 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. myself, nor whose affections are keener for shall be given with more zeal for redressing the clipping those wings of the prelates, where- them than mine." by they have mounted to such insolence; but, Surely the bishops must have behaved very having reason to believe that some aim at the ill in the late times, that their very best fiiends total extirpation of bishops, I cannot restrain could load them with such reproaches! Sir myself from labouring to divert it. Benjamin Rudyard, surveyor of the Court of' " I look upon the petition with terror, as on Wards, Sir Harbottle Grimstone, with a great a comet or a blazing star, raised and kindled many others of unqulestionable duty and loyalty out of the poisonous exhalations of a corrupted to the king, spoke the same language; and it dehierarchy: methought the comet had a terrible serves to be remembered, says Lord Clarentail, and pointed to the north; and I fear all the don,* that, in the midst of these complaints, the prudence of this House will have a hard work king was never mentioned but with great honto hinder this meteor from causing such distem- our; all the grievances being laid at the door pers and combustions as it portends by its ap- -of his ministers, and all hopes of redress being pearance: whatever the event be, I shall dis- placed in his majesty alone. At the close of charge my conscience freely, unbiased both the debate, it was ordered that the root and from popularity and court respect."* branch petition should remain in the hands of His lordship then goes on to argue the un- the clerk of. the House of Commons, with direcreasonableness of abolishing a thing because tion that no copy should be delivered out but, of some abuses that attend it; he complains after the throwing out of the bill to deprive' the of the presumption of the petitioners in desiring bishops of theii votes in Parliament, it was rethe repeal of so many laws at once, and not ap- vived, and a bill brough. in by Sir Edward plying in a more modest manner for a redress Deering [May 20, 1641] for the utter extirpaof grievances, as the ministers have done. On ting of the whole order, as will be seen here the other hand, he allows the behaviour of the after. prelates had given too just an occasion for it; It was in this debate that some smart reparthat no people had been so insulted as the peo- tees passed between the members: Mr. Grimple of England had lately been, by the insolen- stone argued thus: that bishops are jure divineo ces of the prelates: " Their vengeance has been is a question; that archbishops are not ju1re diso laid, as, if it were meant no generation, no vine is out of question; now that bishops which degree, no complexion of mankind should es- are questioned whether jure divine, or archbishcape it. Was there a'man of tender con- ops which out of question are not jure divino, science," says his lordship,' him they loaded should suspend ministers which are jure divine, with unnecessary impositions; was there a I leave to you to be considered. To which Mr. man of legal conscience, him they nettled with Selden answered, that the convocation is jure innovations and fresh introductions to popery; divino is a question; that Parliaments are not was there a man of an humble spirit, him they jure divine is out of the question; that religion trampled to dirt in their pride; was there a is jure divineo is no question; now that the conman of proud spirit, him they have bereft of vocation which is questionable whether jure direason, with indignation at their superlative in- vine, and Parliaments which out of the question solence; was there a man faithfully attached are not jure divine, should meddle with religion to the rights of the crown, how has he been which questionless is juire divine, I leave to your galled by their new oath! was there a man that consideration. In both which I apprehend there durst mutter against their insolences, he may is more of a jingle of words than strength of inquire for his lugs. They have been within argument.t the bishops' visitation as if they would not only But the House was unanimous for a reformaderive their brandishment of the spiritual sword tion of the hierarchy, which was all that the from St. Peter, but of the material one too, and body of the Puritans as yet wished for or desithe. right to cut off ears; for my part, I am so red. The ministers' petition was therefore inflamed with these things, that I am ready to committed to a committee of the whole House, cry, with the loudest of the fifteen thousand, and on March 9 they'came to this resolution:' Down with them to the ground. "That the legislative and judicial power of bish"But, Mr. Speaker, we must divest ourselves ops in the House of Peers is a great hinderance of passion: we all agree a reformation of Church to the discharge of their spiritual function, prejgovernment is necessary; but, before I can udicial to the commonwealth, and fit to be taken Strike at the root and agree to a total extirpa- away by bill; and that a bill be drawn up to tion of episcopacy, it must be made manifest to this purpose." March 11, it was resolved farme, (1.) That the mischiefs we have felt arise ther, " that for bishops or any other clergyman from the nature of episcopacy, and not from its to be in the commission of peace, or to have abuse. (2.) Such a form of government must any judicial power in the Star Chamber or in be set before us as is not liable to proportionable any civil court, is a'great hinderance to their inconveniences. (3.) It must appear that the spiritual function, and fit to be taken away by Utopia is practicable. Let us, therefore, lay bill." And not many days after it was resolvaside the thoughts of extirpating bishops, and ed that they should not be privy councillors or reduce them to their primitive standard; let us in any temporal offices. retrench their diocesses; let them govern'by While the House of Commons were thus preassemblies of their clergy; let us exclude them paring to clip the wings of the bishops, they from intermeddling in secular affairs, and ap- were not unmindful of the Roman Catholics; point a standing committee to collect all the grievances of the Church, and no man's votes Clarendon, vol. i., p. 203. t Selden's argument is considered by Bishop Warburton as a thorough confutation of Grirnstone's.Rushworth, p. 172. ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 373 these were criminals of a higher nature, and Gunpowder Plot, took Guy Faux with his dark had a deep share in the present calamities; lantern in his hand, which lantern is preserved their numbers were growing, and their pride among the archives of Oxford, with Mr. Heyand insolence insufferable: they flocked in great wood's name upon it in letters of gold.. numbers about the court, and insulted the very The Parliament, alarmed at this aring atcourts of judicature; the queen protected then, tempt, sent orders to all the justices of peace of and the king and archbishop countenanced Westminster, London, and Middlesex, requiring them as friends of the prerogative. Andreas them to command the church-wardens to make ab Harbensfield, the Queen of Bohemia's chap- a return of the names of all recusants within lain, advised his grace of a popish confederacy their parishes, in order to their being proceeded against the king and the Church of England; against according to law; a felw days after, the but ywhen the names of Montague, Sir Kenelm like orders were sent to the justices in the reDigby, Winter, Windehank, and Porter, all pa- mnoter counties. The houses petitioned his majpists, and officers aboutthe court, were men- esty to discharge all popish officers in garrisons tioned as parties, the whole was discredited or in the army who refuised to take the oaths and stifled. When the House of Commons pe- of allegiance and supremacy, and to fill up their titioned the king to issue out a proclamation places with Protestants. March 16, they petifor putting the laws in execution against pa- tioned his majesty to remove all papists from pists, it was done in so defective a manner that court, and particularly Sir Kenelm Digby, Sir the committee reported it would avail nothing; Toby Matthews, Sir John Winter, and Mr. Monfor in the clause which enjoins all popish recu- tague, and that the whole body of Roman Cathsants to depart the city in fifteen days, it is ad- olics might be disarmed. The answer returned ded, "without special license had thereunto;" was, that his majesty would take care that the so that if they could obtain a license firom his papists about the court should give no jus.t cause majesty, or firom the lords of the council, the of scandal; and as for disarming them, he was bishop, the lieutenant, or deputy-lieutenant of content it should be done according to law. the county, then they were not within the pen- So that their addresses had no other effect than alty. Besides, the disarming of all popish re- to exasperate the papists, the king and queen cusants was limited to recusants convicted; so being determined to protect them as long as that if they were not convicted, a justice of they were able. peace could not disarm them. They observed, There was at this time one Goodman, a semfarther, that many recusants had letters of grace inary priest, under condemnation in Newgate, to protect their persons and estates; that, in- whom the king, instead of leaving to the senstead of departing from London, there was a tence of the law, reprieved in the face of his greater resort of papists at present than hereto- Parliament; wher-eupon both houses [January fore; and that their insolence and threatening 29, 1640] agreed upon the following remonlanguage were insufferable and dangerous. A strance: gentleman having given information in open "That, considering the present juncture, they court to one of the judges of the King's Bench, conceived the strict execution of the laws that in one parish in the city of Westminster against recusants more necessary than formerly, there were above six thousand recusants, the 1. "' Because, by divers petitions from severcommittee appointed Mr. Heywood, an active al parts of the kingdom, complaints are made of justice of peace, to collect and bring in a the great increase of popery and superstition; list of the names of' all recusants within that priests and Jesuits swarm in great abundance city and liberties; for which purpose all the in- in this kingdom, and appear as boldly as if there habitants were summoned to appear and take were no laws against them. the oaths in Westminster Hall: but while the 2. "It appears to the House that of late justice was in the execution of his office, and years many priests and Jesuits condemned for pressing one James, a papist, to take them, the high treason have been discharged out of prison. wretch drew out his knife and stabbed the jus- 3. "That at this time the pope has a nuncio tice in the open court, telling him, " he gave or agent in this city, and papists go as publicly him that for persecuting poor Catholics." The to mass at Denmark House, and at St. James's old gentleman sunk down with the wound, but and the ambassadors' chapels, as others do to by the care of the surgeons was recovered, and their parish churches. the criminal taken into custody.* This Mr. 4. "That the putting the laws in execution Heywood was the very person who, being corm- against papists is for the preservation and ad. manded by King James I. to search the cellars vancement of the true religion established in uinder the Parliament house at the time of the this kingdom, for the safety of their majesties' * Dr. Grey is displeased with Mr. Neal for not in-persons, and the security of government. forming his reader how the king acted on this occa- 5. " It is found that Goodman the priest has sion; especially as he says, according to the first been twice folmelly committed anidischarged; edition, "the king favours them," i. e., the. papists. that his residence now in London was in absoThis is the marginal contents of the following para- lute contempt of his majesty's proclamation; graph, and the fact is there fully established. With that he was formerly a minister of the Church respect to the attempt made on the life of Mr. Hey- of England; and, therefore, they humbly desire wood, his majesty, it should be acknowledged, ex- he may be left to the justice of the law. pressed a proper abhorrence of it, and "recommenc- To this remonstrance the king replied, ed it to Parliament to take course for a speedy and That the increase of popery and superstiexemplary punishment" of it. For which the House returned their humble thanks. But this instance of tion, if any such thing had happened, was conroyal justice is not sufficient to wipe off the charge trary to his inclination; but to take off all occaof general and great partiality towards the Catholics. sions of complaint, he would order the laws to -Rushworth's Collections, part iii., vol. i., p. 57.-ED. be put in execution. 374 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. "That he would set forth a proclamation to Jonah the prophet, to be thrown overboartd to command Jesuits and priests to depart the king- allay the tempest between the king and his subdom within a month; and in case they either jects. Such was his majesty's attachment to failed or returned, they should be proceeded this people! to the apparent hazard of the Protagainst according to law. estant religion and the peace of his kingdoms, "As touching the pope's nuncio, Rosetti, his and to the sacrificing all good correspondence commission reached only to keep up a corre- between himself and his Parliament. spondence between the queen and pope, in things relative to the exercise of religion'; that this correspondence came within the compass of the full liberty of conscience secured her by the CHAPTER IX. articles of marriage; however, since Rosetti's FROM THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE EARL OF STRAFcharacter happened to be misunderstood and FORD TO THE RECESS OF THE PARLIAMENT UPON gave offence, he had persuaded the queen to TE TNO' ROCESS IN T LAND..onsent to his being recalled. THE KING'S PROGRESS IN SCOTLAND. consent to his being recalled. "Farther, his majesty promised to take care IT is impossible to account for the prodigious to restrain his subjects from going to mass at changes of this and the years immediately sucDenmark House, St. James's, and the chapels of ceeding, without taking a short view of some the ambassadors. civil occurrences that paved the way for them. "Lastly, touching Goodman, he was content In pursuance of the design of bringing corrupt to remit him to the pleasure of the House; but ministers* to justice, the Parliament began with he puts them in mind that neither Queen Eliza- Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford, an able beth nor King James ever put any to death statesman, but a most dangerous enemy of the merely for religion; and desired them to con- laws and liberties of his country, whom they imsider the inconveniences that such a conduct peached of high treason November 11, 1640, and might draw upon his subjects and other Prot- brought to his trial the 22d of March following. estants in foreign countries." The grand article of his impeachmentt was, "for How strange this assertion! Let the reader endeavouring to subvert the fundamental laws recollect the many executions of papists for dle- of England and Ireland, and to introduce an arnying the supremacy; the burning the Dutch bitrary and tyrannical government." This was Anabaptists, for whom Mr. Fox, the martyrolo- subdivided into several branches, supported by gist, interceded in vain; and the hanging of a multiplicity of facts, none of which were diBarrow, Greenwood, Penry, &c., in the reign rectly treason by law, but. being put together, of Queen Elizabeth; let him also remember the were construed to be such by accumulation. burning of Bartholomew Legate and Edward The earl's reply to the facts consisted partly in Wightman for the Arian heresy by King James excuses and evasions, with an humble acknowlI. (of all which, and some others, the Commons, edgment that in some things he had been misin their reply, put his majesty in mind), and taken; but his principal defence rested upon then judge of the truth of this part of his dec- a point of law, "Whether an endeavour to sublaration. Nor did the Jesuits regard the other vert the fundamental form of government, and parts of it, for they knew that they had a friend the laws of the land, was high treason at comin the king's bosom that would protect them, mon law, or by any statute in force?" Mr. and therefore, instead of removing out of the Lane, the counsel for the prisoner, maintained, land, they lay concealed within the verge of the (1.) That all treasons were to be reduced to court. Even Goodman himself was not execu- the particulars specified in the 25th Edw. III., ted,* though the king promised to leave him to cap. ii. (2.) That nothing else was or could be the law, and though he himself petitioned, like treason, and that it was so enacted by the 1st Henry IV., cap. x. (3.) That there had been'* Whitelocke informs us that the king left him to Henry IV., cap. x. (3.) That there had been the Parliament, " and they," says Bishop Warburton,,,would not order his execution. The truth of the * They were a remarkable party who assembled matter was this: each party was desirous of throw: round the council-table of Charles I. Beside the uning the odium of Goodman's execution on the other, fortunate monarch there sat the magnificent Buckso between both the manescaped." On this ground, ingham, the loyal Hamilton, the severe Strafford, his lordship exclaims, " How prejudiced is the rep- the high-churchman Laud, the melancholy Falkland. resentation of our historian!" In reply to this reflec- and the gay and graceful Holland. In the midst of tion, it may.be asked, Did it not show the king's par- these high and haughty councils, and high resolves, tiality and reluctance to have the law executed against how little did they foresee the wretched fate which Goodman, that he remitted the matter to the House? awaited them! There was not one of that assembly Did not the inflicting the sentence of the law lie whose death was not violent. Charles, Hamilton, solely with himself, as invested with the executive Strafford, Laud, and Holland died on the scaffold, power? and yet he did not inflict it. Doth not this Buckingham fell by the hand of al assassin, and conduct justify Mr. Neal's representation? nay, that Falkland, under circumstances of peculiar bitterness, representation is just and candid if it pointed to the on the battle-field.-Jesse's Court of the Stuarts, vol. reprieve only, whichproduced the remonstrance of the ii., p. 348, 349.-C. Parliament. There would not have been any pcca- f When the Earl of Strafford was impeached, the sion for that remonstrance had it not been for his king came into the House of Lords and desired that majesty's attachment to men of that description. the articles against him might be read, which the The advocates of the king have considered his con- lord-keeper ordered to be done, while many lords duct towards Goodman as an amiable act of humanity; cried out, Privilege! privilege! When the king was nay, as proceeding from a mind most sensibly touch- departed, the House ordered that no entry should be ed with the " gallantry," as it is called, of this man made of the king's demand of hearing the articles in petitioning to be made a sacrifice to the justice of read, or of the keeper's compliance with it.-A MS. the law, to serve his majesty's interests and affairs. 1M'emoranduzm of Dr. Birch in the British Museum, and -Dr. Grey, and Nalson's Collections, vol. i., p. 746. quoted in the Curiosities of Literature, vol. ii., p. 186. -E~F. — ED. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 375 A.nd (4.) That by 1 Mary, cap. xii., an endeav- of Commons May 2, 1641,* and acquainted them our to subvert the fundamental laws of the land that, among other branches of the plot, one was is declared to be no more than felony. to seize the Tower, to put the Earl of Stratford The Commons felt the weight of these argu-, at the head of the Irish army of papists, who ments, and, not being willing to enter into de- were to be transported into England, and to se, bate with a private barrister, changed their im- cure the important town of Portsmouth, in orpeachment to a bill of attainder, which they der to receive succours from France; Sir Willhad a right to do by virtue of a clause in the iam Balfour, lieutenant of the Tower, confess25th Edw. III., cap. ii.,* which refers the decis- ed that the king had sent him express orders to ion of what is treason, in all doubtful cases, receive a hundred men into that garrison under to the king and Parliament.t The attainder the command of Captain Billingsly, to favour passed the Commons April 19, yeas two hun- the earl's escape; and that the earl himself ofdred and four, noes fifty-nine; but it is thought fered him ~20,000 in money, and to advance his would have been lost in the House of Lords son in marriage to one of the best fortunes in had it not been for the following accident, which the kingdom. Lord Clarendon has used all his put it out of the power of the earl's friends to rhetoric to cover over this conspiracy, and to save him. make posterity believe it was little more than The king being weary of his Parliament, and the idle chat of some officers at a tavern; but desirous to protect his servant, consented to a they who will compare the depositions in Rushproject of some persons in the greatest trust worth with his lordship's account of that matabout the court to bring the army that was ter, says Bishop Burnet, will find that there is a raised against the Scots up to London, in order great deal more in the one than the other is willto awe the two houses, to rescue the earl, and ing to believe.t Mr. Echard confesses that the to take possession of the city of London. Lord plot was not wholly without foundation. The Clarendon says: the last motion was rejected court would have disowned it, but their keeping with -abhorrence, and that the gentleman who the conspirators in their places made the Parliamade it was the person who discovered the ment believe that there was a great deal more whole plot. The conspirators met in the queen's in it than was yet discovered; they therefore lodgings at Whitehall, where a petition was sent orders immediately to secure the town and drawn up for the officers of the army to sign, haven of Portsmouth, and to disband the Irish and to present to his majesty, with a tender of army; they voted that all papists should be retheir readiness to wait upon him in defence of moved fiom about the court, and directed lethis prerogative against the turbulent spirits of ters to Sii Jacob Ashley to induce the army to the House of Commons; the draught was shown a dutiful behaviour, and to assure them of their to the king, and signed, " In testimony of his full pay. majesty's approbation, C. R.," but the plot be- The consequences of this plot were infinitely ing discovered to the Earl of Bedford, to the prejudicial to the king's affairs; the court lost Lords Say and Kimbolton, and to Mr. Pym, its reputation; the reverence due to the king with the names of the conspirators, all of them and queen was lessened; and the House of absconded, and some fled immediately into Commons began to be esteemed the only barFrance. rier of the people's liberties; for which purpose Mr. Pym opened the conspiracy to the House they entered into a solemn protestation to stand by each other with their lives and fortunes; the * The words of the statute are, Scots army was continued for their security; a' And because that many other like cases of trea- bill for the continuance of the present Parliason may happen in time to come, which a man can- ment was brought in and urged with great adnot think or declare at this present time, it is accord- vantage; and, last of all, by the discovery of ed that if any other case, supposed treason, which is this plot the fate of the Earl of Strafford was not above specified, doth happen before any justice, determined; great numbers of people crowded the justices shall tarry without any going to judgment of the treason till the cause be showed and declared in a tumultuous manner to Westminster, crybefore the king and his Parliament whether it ought to be judged treason or felony." * Rapin, vol. ii., p. 369, folio. Strafford, as is well t The bill of attainder against the Earl of Straf- known, had been long distinguished among the pop ford being formed on this principle and authority, ular leaders of the House of Commons for his vio there was a great propriety in the following clause lent opposition to the court. Whether his defection of it, viz.: "That no judge or judges, justice or jus- was owing to ambition. the love of power, or to an tices whatsoever, shall adjudge or interpret any act or awakened dread for the Constitution of his country; thing to be treason, nor hear or determine treason, whether it was the splendid promises of Charles, eain any other manner than he or they should or ought ger to gain over so powerful a mind, or a fear that his to have done before the passing of this act." This associates were proceeding to too great lengths, it is clause has been considered as a reflection on the now impossible to determine. However, his sudden bill itself, and as an acknowledgment that the case leap from a patriot to a courtier was as severe a blow was too hard,' and the proceedings too irregular, to to his own party as it was a triumph to the court. be drawn into a precedent. But this is a miscon- To the astonishment of all men, he was created sudstruction of the clause, which did not intimate any denly, July 22, 1628, Baron Wentworth, Newmarsh consciousness of wrong In those who passed it; but and Oversley. Shortly after his elevation he met his was meant to preserve to Parliament the right, old friend Pym. "You see," said Strafford, "that I in future, which i. exercised in this instance, of de- have left you." " So I perceive," was Pym's reply; terminilig what is treason in all doubtful cases, and "but we shall never leave you as long as you have a was intended to restrain the operation of the bill to head on your shoulders." If this be true, it is certain this single case. It showed, observes Mrs. Macau- that Pym kept his word, and never lost sight of lay, a very laudable attention to the preservation of Strafford till he had brought him to the block.-Jespublic liberty.-Marcaulay's History, vol. ii., 8vo, p. se's Court of the Stuarts, vol. ii., p 353.-C. 144, note (f); and Dr. Harris's Life of Charles I., p.!t May's Hist., p. 97-99. Rushworth, part iii., vol. 324, 325.-ED. t Clarendon, vol. i. p. 248, I i. p. 291. 376 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. ing, Justice! justice! and threatening violence sufferably proud and haughty, having a soverto those members of the House of Commons eign contempt of the people, whom he never who had voted against his attainder. In this studied to gratify in anything; the ancient nosituation of affairs, and in the absence of the bility looked upon his sudden rise and univerbench of bishops (as being a case of blood), the sal influence in public affairs with envy, so that bill passed with the dissent only of eleven peers. he had but few friends, and a great many eneThe king had some scruples about giving it the mies." royal assent, because, though he was convinced Lord Digby, in his famous speech* against the earl had been guilty of "high crimes and the Bill of Attainder, wherein he washes his misdemeanors," he did not apprehend that an hands of the blood of the Earl. of Strafford, has, "endeavour to subvert the fundamental form nevertheless, these expressions: ".I confidentof government, and to introduce an arbitrary ly believe him the most dangerous minister, and power, was high treason;" his majesty con- the most insupportable to free subjects, that sulted his bishops and judges, but was not sat- can be charactered. I believe his practices in isfied till he received a letter from the earl him- themselves have been as high and tyrannical as self, beseeching his majesty to sign the bill, in any subject ever ventured upon; and the maorder to make way for a happy agreement be- lignity of them is greatly aggravated by those tween him and his subjects. Mr. Whitelocke abilities of his, whereof God has given him the insinuates* that this letter was but a feint of use, but the devil the application. In a word, the earl's, for when Secretary Carlton acquaint- I believe him still that grand apostate to the ed him with what the king had done, and with commonwealth, who must not expect to be parthe motive, which was his own consent, he rose doned in this world till he be despatched to the up in a great surprise, and lifting up his eyes to other." heaven, said, " Put not your trust in princes, Lord Falkland says, " That he committed so nor in the sons of men, for in them there is no many mighty and so manifest enormities and salvation."- Twd days after this [May 12], lie oppressions'in the kingdom of Ireland, that the was executed on Tower Hill, and submitted to like have not been committed by any governor the axe with a Roman bravery and courage; in any government since Verres left Sicily; and but at the restoration of King Charles II. his at- after his lordship was called over from being tainder was reversed, and the articles of accu- deputy of Ireland, to be in a manner deputy of mulative treason declared null, because what is England, he and the junctillo gave such counnot treason in the several parts cannot amount sels and pursued such courses as it is hard- to to treason in the whole.$ say whether they were more unwise, more unThis was the unhappy fate of Thomas Went- just, or more unfortunate." worth, earl of Strafford, once an eminent patri- Lord Clarendon says,t " That he had been ot and asserter of the liberties of his country, compelled, for reasons of state, to exercise but after he was called to court, one of the most many acts of power, and had indulged some to ~ arbitrary ministers that this nation ever pro- his own appetite and passion, as in the case of duced. He was certainly a gentleman of dis- the Lord-chancellor of Ireland and the Lord tinguished abilities, as appears by the incom- Mount Norris, the former of which was satis parable defence he made on his trial, which pro imperio, but the latter the most extravagant gained him more reputation and esteem with piece of sovereignty that, in a time of peace, the people than all the latter actions of his life had been executed by any subject." From put together; but still he was a public enemy whence the reader may conclude, that whatevof his country, and had as great a share in er encomiums the earl might deserve as a genthose fatal counsels that brought on the civil tleman and a soldier, yet, as a statesman, ihe war as any man then living. "The earl," says deserved the fate he underwent. Mr. Echard, " was of a severe countenance, in-'The execution of this great personage struck terror into all the king's late ministers; some * Memorials, p. 44.. of them resigned their places, and others ret While the trial was in progress, the earl received tired into France; among the latter was the the following remarkable letter from Charles: Lord-keeper Finch and Secretary Windebank. "Strafford-The misfortune that is fallen upon Six of the judges were impeached of high you by the strange mistaking and conjunction of crimes and misdemeanors, for " interpreting these timesbeing such that I must lay by the thought away the laws of their country;" but the Parof employing you hereafter in my affairs, yet I can- liament had too much business upon their hands not satisfy in honour or conscience without assuring to attend to their prosecution at present. Thus you now, in the midst of all our troubles, that, po attend to their p rosecution at pre sent. Thus the word of a king, you shall not suffer in life, this unhappy prince was deprived of those counorfortune. This is but justice, and, therefore, a very sellors who were in his own arbitrary sentimean reward from a master to so faithful and able a ments, and left as in a manner to himself, and servant as you have shown yourself to be; yet it is. the powerful influence of his bigoted queen and as much as I conceive the present times will permit, her cabal of papists: for the new ministers who thoough none shall hinder me from being though none shall hinder me from being succeeded were such in whom the king would "Your constant, faithful friend, " cCHARLES R." place no confidence. So that most men expect—'trafford's Letters, vol. ii., p. 416. ed that these vigorous proceedings would n.. "The world," remarks a modern writer, "will more duce him to put a speedy end to the session. readily forgive the faults of Strafford than they will But that which prevented it was the want of acquit Charles for having consented to his death." money to pay off the armies in the north; his Charles, in his last moments on the scaffold, observed, "I -will only observe this-that an unjust sen- * This is one of the most splendid orations of the tence, that I suffered to take effect, is punished by an English Parliament. It is worthy of close study, and unjust sentence on me."-King Charles's Works, p. may be found at length in Baker's Chronicles.-C. 208. —C. 2 Nalson's Collections. vol. ii., p. 203. t - Vol. i., p. 250. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 377 majesty pressed the houses to despatch this af- and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve fair, and relieve the country from the burden the union and peace between the three kingof contribution; on the other hand, the Com- doms of' England, Scotland, and Ireland; an( mons looked upon the Scots as their security, neither for hope, fear, nor any other respect, and that, if they were sent home, they should shall relinquish this promise, vow, and protestagain be at the mercy of the prerogative, sup- ation."* ported by a standing army. However, they May 4, this protestation was made by ail the had begun to borrow money of the city of Lon- peers present in Parliament, except the Earl of don towards the expense; but when the plot to Southampton and Lord Roberts;t even by the dissolve the Parliament broke out, the citizens bishops themselves, though (as Lord Clarendeclared they would lend nothing upon parlia- dons observes) it comes little short of the Scots mentary security, because their sitting was so covenant. Their lordships, indeed, would have very precarious. This gave rise to a motion interpreted those words, " the true Reformed for the continuance of the present Parliament Protestant religion, expressed in the doctrine till they should dissolve themselves, which was of the Church of England," to have included the presently turned into a short bill, and passed government or hierarchy of the Church; but it both houses with very little opposition, as the was resolved and declared by the House,~ that only expedient that could be thought of to sup- by those words was and is meant only the pubport the public credit: it enacts, "that this lic doctrine professed in the said Church, sc, present Parliament shall not be adjourned, pro- far as it is opposite to popery and popish inno rogued, or dissolved, without their own con- vations; and that the said words are not to exsent," and was signed by commission with the tend to the maintenance of any form of worship, Bill of Attainder against the Earl of Strafford. discipline, or government, nor of rites and cerAll men stood amazed at the king's weakness emonies.lI Within two days the protestation on this occasion; for, by this hasty and unad- was taken by eighty temporal lords, seventeen vised measure, he concurred in a change of the bishops, nine judges, and four hundred and thirwhole Constitution, giving the two houses a co- ty-eight of the House of Commons. Next day ordinate power in the Legislature with himself, it was printed, and sent to the sheriffs and jusfor as long time as they pleased: if his majesty tices of peace in the several counties of Enghad fixed their continuance to a limited time, land, to be taken by the whole nation, with the it might have satisfied the people and saved the following directions:r prerogative; but, by maling them perpetual, he "- That it be taken in the afternoon of paited with the sceptre out of his own hands, some Lord's Day after sermon, before the conand put it into the hands of his Parliament. gregation be dismissed, by all masters of fami"' This?," says Mr. Echard, "has made some lies, their sons that are of a proper age, and mnenwriters doubt whether those who afterward servants, in the manner following. First,'That took uparms against the king could be legally notice be given to the minister by the churchtermed rebels. For bypassing this act his maj- wardens of the intention. Secondly, That the esty made the two houses so far independent minister acquaint the people in his sermon of upon himself, that they immediately acquired *the nature of the protestation. Thirdly, That an uncommon authority, and a sort of natural the minister first take it himself, reading it disright to inspect and censure his actions, and to tinctly with an audible voice, that all present provide for the safety of the kingdom." may hear it; then the assembly shall take the While the Commons were alarmed with the writing in their hands, saying with a distinct and discovery of the plot and the flight of the con- audible voice,' I, A. B.: do, in the presence of spirators, Mr. Pym moved that both houses Almighty God, vow and protest the same, which might join in some band of defence for the se- the leading person that reads it did,' naming curity of their liberties and of the Protestant re- the person. Fourthly, The names of all that ligion; accordingly, the following protestation take it shall be subscribed in a register; and was drawn up, and subscribed the very next the names of those that refuse shall be enday by the whole House [May 3]: tered." "I, A. B., do, in the presence of Almighty God, vow and protest to maintain and defend, as far as lawfully I may, with my life, power, "Alleging that there was no law that enjoined and estate, the true Reformed Protestant reli- it, and that the consequence of such voluntary engion, expressed in the doctrine of the Church gagements. might produce effects that were not inof England, against all popery and popish inno- tended."-Lord Clarendon, as quoted by Dr. Grey.vations in this realm, contrary to the said doc- ED. $ Vol. i., p. 253. trinle; and according to the duty of my alle- ~ Mr. Neal, according to Lord Clarendon, has misgiance, I Twill maintain and defend his majesty's represented this matter. For he says, that this exroyal person, honour, and estate; also the pow- planation was procured in the Iouse of Comions, without ever advising with the House of Peers. The er and privilege of Parliament, the lawful rights peers had previously taken the protestation-Hist. and liberties of the subject, and of every person of the Rebellion, vol. ii., p. 252. Mr. Neal is properly who shall make this protestation in whatsoever corrected here by Dr. Grey.-ED. he shall do, in the lawful pursuance of the II Rushworth, part iii., vol. i. same. And to my power, as far as lawfully I ~r The English House of Commons was nominally may, I will oppose, and by all good ways and made up of Episcopalians, and it is not quite fair to means endeavour to bring to condign punish- hold up the enforcement of tlj[s protestation, and othment, all such who shall by force, practice, er measures of the. Long Parliament, as Presbyterian counsel, plot, conspiracy or otherwise, do any- intolerance. It was two years after before the Solcounsel, plot, conspiracy, or otherwise, do any- leaaue and Covenant was established.-See thB emn League and Covenant was established.-See the thing to the contrary in this protestation con- History of the Westminster Assembly, by Rev. W. M. tained. And farther, that I shall, in all just Hetherington.-C. VOL. I.-B B B 378 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. The cities of London and Westminster ob- ly with the bishops on the same head; but served these directions, but the remoter coun- they rejected all overtures of accommodation, ties were complained of for neglect; upon resolving to make their utmost efforts, and to which the House of Commons passed a bill to keep possession of their seats till a superior oblige all persons to take it throughout the king- strength should dispossess them; accordingly, dom; which was lost in the House of Lords, the bill met with a vigorous opposition in the the whole bench of bishops opposing it; where- Upper House, and after a second reading was upon the Commons came to this resolution, thrown out, without so much as being committhat " whosoever would not take the protesta- ted (a countenance frequently given to bills Lion was unfit to bear offices in the Church or they never intend to pass); but the whole commonwealth." bench of bishops voting for themselves, it is no This was carrying matters to a very extraor- wonder it was lost by a considerable majority. dinary length. There had been a parliament- Mr. Fuller says it would have been thrown out ary association in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, if the bishops had not voted at all; for though which her majesty confirmed, and a solemn the temporal lords were content to exclude league and covenant in Scotland, which the them from all secular offices and employments king had complied with; but the entborcing a in the state, they were in no disposition to take protestation or vow upon his majesty's subjects away their suffrages in the House of Peers. without his consent was assuming a power Many learned speeches were made in both which even this dangerous crisis of affairs, and houses upon this occasion; the reasons of the the uncommon authority with which this Par- Commons for passing the bill were these: (1.) liament was invested by the late Act of Contin- Because their attendance on secular affairs, not uance, can by no means support or justify. relating to the Church, is a great hinderance to The odium of putting a stop to the protestation their spiritual function.* "No man that warfell upon the bench of bishops, who were al- reth," saith St. Paul to Timothy, " entangleth -ready sinking under their own weight; and his himself with the affairs of this life." (2.) Bemajesty's not interposing in this affair at all cause it is contrary to their ordination-vow, was afterward made use of as a precedent for fdr when they enter into holy orders they promimposing the solemn league and covenant upon ise to give themselves wholly to that vocation. the whole kingdom without his concurrence.* (3.) Because councils and canons in several The Puritans had also objected to the lordly ages have forbid their meddling in secular aftitles and dignities of the bishops; but their fairs. (4.) Because the twenty-four bishops devotes in the House of Peers were now esteem- pend on the two archbishops, and take an oath ed a very great grievance, and an effectual bar of canonical obedience to them. (5.) Because to the proceedings of Parliament. It was re- their peerage is not of the same nature with the membered that they had' been always averse to temporal lords, being but for life. (6.) Because refiormation; that they had voted unanimously they depend on the crown for translation to against the supremacy in King Henry VIII.'s greater bishoprics. (7.) Because it is not fit reign, and against the Act of Uniformity in that twenty-six of them should sit as judges Queen Elizabeth's. It was now observed that upon complaints brought against themselves they were the creatures of the court, and a dead and their order.f weight against all reformation in Church or Bishop Williams published an answer to State; twenty-six votes being sufficient at any these reasons, entitled the Abstract, to which time to turn the scale in that House, whose full there presently came out a reply. The chief number was not above a hundred; it was there- speakers on behalf of the bishops, in the House fore moved that a bill might be brought in to of Peers, were the Lord-viscount Newark, aftake away their seats in Parliament, which was terward Earl of Kingston, Dr. Williams, lordreadily agreed to. The bill, says Lord Claren.. bishop of Lincoln, afterward Archbishop of don,t was drawn up with great deliberation, York, the Marquis of Hereford, the Earls of and was entitled, "An Act for restraining Southampton, Bath, and Bristol. But instead Bishops, and others of thile Clergy in Holy Or- of transcribing their speeches, I will give the ders, from intermeddling in Secular Affairs." reader a summary of their arguments, and of It consisted of several branches; as, "that no their adversaries' reply. bishop should have a vote in Parliament, nor First, It was argued that "bishops had voted any judicial power in the Star Chamber, nor be in Parliament almost ever since the Conquest, a privy councillor, nor a judge in any temporal according to Matthew Paris, Sir Henry Spelcourts; nor should any clergyman be in the commission of peace." To make way for the * Rushworth, p. 281. Nalson's Collections, vol. passing of this bill, it was alleged that if this ii., p. 260. were granted the Commons would be satisfied, f On these reasons, Dr. Harris observes, "That, and little or nothing farther attempted to the whatever might have been thought of them at that prejudice of the Church. It therefore passed time, we are to suppose that they have long been of the House of Commons without opposition, and no force. The zeal for the Constitution in Church and State, the abhorrenue of all ministerial measures wasMr. Fuller sayst thate House of Peers May 1, 1641.would inconsistent therewith, the opposition to everything Mr. Fuller says that Lrd Kimbolton wuld contrary to liberty and the public good; and, above have persuaded the bishops to resign their votes all, the self-denial and contempt of the world, huin Parliament, adding, that then the temporal mility, and constant discharge of episcopal duties, lords would be obliged in honour to preserve required in the New Testament: I say all these their jurisdiction and revenues. - The Earl of things show how much the bishops since the ReforEssex also employed somebody to treat private- mation are altered, and how much those are mistaNken who represent them as a dead weight in the Nalson's Col., vol. ii., p. 414. House of Lords, and a useless expense to the pubt Vol. i., p. 234. 1 Book ix., p. 185. lic."-Life of Charles I., p. 330, 331., HI STORY OF THE P UR ICTAN S. 379 man, and others." To which it was replied,* more reason that the bishops, as bishops, should that time and usage ought to be of no weight be a part of the Legislature, than the judges or with lawmakers, on the behalf of things which the lawyers, as such, or any other incorporated are allowed to be inconvenient: abbots had vo- profession of learned men. ted as anciently in Parliament as bishops, and But. the principal argument that was urged yet their votes were taken away. in favour of bishops was, that' they were one Secondly, It was said that "the bishops vo- of the three estates in Parliament; that as such ting was no considerable hinderance in their they were the representatives of the whole body spiritual function; for Parliaments were to sit of the clergy, and, therefore, to turn them out hut once in three years, and then but for a would be to alter the Constitution, and to take month or two together; but though no clergy- away one whole branch of the Legislature: the man should entangle himself with the affairs of Parliament would not then be the complete repthis life, the apostle does not exclude him from resentative body of the nation, nor would the intermeddling." To which it was answered, laws which were enacted in their absence be that the episcopal function, if well discharged, valid. To support this assertion it was said, was enough for all their time and thoughts; (1.) That the clergy in all other Christian kingand that their diocesses were large enough to doms of these northern parts make up a third employ all their labours, in visitation, confirma- estate, as in Germany, France, Spain, Poland, tion, preaching, &c. The design of the Apos- Denmark, Scotland; and, therefore, why not in tle Paul was certainly to exhort Timothy to England? (2.) When King Henry V. was buwithdraw himself as much as possible from the ried, it is said the three estates assembled, and affairs of this life, that his thoughts might be declared his son Henry VI. his successor. The more entire for his evangelical work; and, petition to Richard, duke of Gloucester, to actherefore, in another place, he exhorts him to cept the crown, runs in the name of the three give himself wholly to these things. estates; and in his Parliament it is said exThirdly, It was said that " clergymen had al- pressly, that at the request of the three estates ways been in the commission of the peace, from (i. e., the lords spiritual and temporal, and the first planting of Christianity, and that they commons in Parliament assembled), he was were best qualified for it." To which it was declared undoubted king of these realms; to answered, that they were most unfit for this em- which may be added, the statute of 1 Eliz., cap. ployment, because it had a direct tendency to iii., where the lords spiritual and temporal, and hinder their usefulness in their pulpits; and to commons, are said to represent the three esthe fact it was replied, that the first clergymen tates of this realm. that were made justices of the peace, or had It was replied to this, that the bishops did power in temporal jurisdiction, were the Bish- not sit in the House as a third estate, nor as ops of Durham and York, 34 Edw. III. That bishops, but only in the right of their baronies before the Act of Conformity, 1 Edw: VI., the annexed to their bishoprics, 5 Will. I. All clergy were not put in commission for the the bishops have baronies except the Bishop of peace; and that the reason of their being then Man, who is as much a bishop, to all intents admitted was, that they might persuade the and purposes of jurisdiction and ordination, as people to conformrlity; but if in conscience they the others, but has no place in Parliament, beheld it not consistent with their spiritual call- cause he does not hold per integram baronium. ing, they might refuse. It must be admitted, that in ancient times the It was farther said, that the taking away one lords spiritual are sometimes mentioned as a whole bench out of the House of Peers was an third estate of the realm, but it could not be inill precedent, and might encourage the Coin- tended by this that the clergy, much less the mons one time or other to cut off the barons, or bishops, were an essential part of the Legissome other -degree of the nobility. To which lature; for if so, it would then follow that no it was replied, that the peerage of the bishops act of Parliament could be valid without their did not stand upon the same footing with the consent; whereas divers acts are now in force, rest of the nobility, because their honour does from which the whole bench of bishops have not descend to their posterity, and because they dissented, as the Act of Conformity, 1 Edw. VI., have no right to vote in cases of blood; if they and the Act of Supremacy, 1 Eliz.* If the mahad the same right of peerage with the tempo- jor part of the barons agree, and the House of ral lords, no canon of the Church could deprive Commons concur, any bill may pass into an them of it; for it was never known that the act with the consent of the king, though all the canons of the Church pretended to deprive the bishops dissent, because their votes are overbarons of England of any part of their inherent ruled by the major part of the peers. In the jurisdiction. Parliament of Northampton, under Henry II., It was argued farther, that if the bench of when;the bishops challenged their peerage,t bishops were deprived of their votes, they would they said, " Non sedemus hic episcopi sed barbe left under very great disadvantages; for ones," We sit not here as bishops, but as barwhereas the meanest commoner is represented ons; we are barons, and you are barons-here, in the Lower House, the bishops will be thrown therefore, we are peers. Nor did King Charles out of this common benefit; and if they have himself apprehend the bishops to be one of the no share in consenting to the laws, neither in three estates, for in his declaration of June 16, their persons nor representatives, what justice 1642, he calls himself one, and the lords spiritcan oblige them to keep those laws 1 ual and temporal, and commons, the other two. To which it was replied, that they have the In ancient times the prelates were sometimes same share in the Legislature with the rest of excluded the Parliament, as in 25 King Edw. I., the freeholders of England; nor is there any, v._ Nalson's Collections, vol. ii., p. 502, &c&. Fuller's Appeal. * Nalson's Collectious, vol. ii., p. 251, &c. t Fuller's Appeal. 380 HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. when they would not agree to grant an aid to with a short speech, in which he took notice of nis majesty in the Parliament at Carlisle; and the moderation of the House in the late bill, Defore that time several acts had passed against hopihg that, by pruning and taking off a few the oppressions of the clergy, in which the entry unnecessary branches from the bishops, the tree in the records stands thus:" The king having might prosper the better! but that this soft consulted with the earls, barons, and the other method having proved ineffectual, by reason of nobles; or by the assent of the earls, barons, their incorrigible obstinacy, it was now necesand other lay people;" which shows the bish- sary to put the " axe to the root of the tree."ops did not consent, for if they had they would "I never was for ruin," says he, "as long. as nave been first named, the order of the nobility. there was any hope of reforming;and now I in all ancient records being prelates, earls, and profess, that if those hopes revive and prosper, barons.* When the convocation had cited Dr. I will divide my sense upon this bill, and yield Standish before them, for speaking words against my shoulders to underprop the primitive, lawtheir power and privilege, in the 7th Henry VIII., ful, and just episcopacy." He concluded with it was determined by all the judges of the land, a sentence in Ovid: in presence of the king, that his majesty might " Cuncta prins tentanda, sed immedicabile vulnus hold his Parliament without calling the bishops Ense recidendum est, ne pars sincera trahatur."t at all. It appears, therefore, from hence, that The reading of this bill was very much opthe bishops never weie accounted a third estate posed, because it was brought in contrary to of the realm, in such a sense as to make them the usage of Parliament, without first asking an essential branch of the Legislature; nor are leave; however, it was once read, and then they the representatives of the clergy, because adjourned for almost two months: a little bethen the clergy would be twice represented, fore the king went to Scotland, it was carried for as many of them as are freeholders are by a majority of thirty-one voices to read it a represented with their fellow-subjects in the second time, and commit it to a committee of the House'of Commons; and as clergymen they are whole House, of which Mr. Hyde [Lord Clarenrepresented in convocation, the writ of election don] was chairman, who made use of so much to convocation being to send two clerks (id con-'art and industry to embarrass the affair, that sentiendunz, &c. Besides, none can properly be after twenty days the bill was dropped. called representatives of others but such as are Sir Edward Deering's speech in the commitchosen by them; the bishops, therefore, not be- tee will give light into the sentiments of the ing chosen for this purpose, cannot properly be Puritans of these times:4 " The ambition of the representatives of the clergy in Parliament; some prelates," says he, " will not let them they sit there not in their spiritual character, see how inconsistent two contrary functions are but by virtue of the baronies annexed to their in one and the same person, and, therefore, bishoprics; and if the king, with consent of there is left neither root nor branch of that so Parliament, should annex baronies to the courts good and necessary a bill which we lately sent of justice in Westminster tHall, or to the su- up, and, consequently, no hope of such a refpreme magistracy of the city of London, the ormation as we all aim at; what hopes, then, judges and the lord-mayor, for the time being, can we have that this bill, which strikes at root would have the same right of peerage. But and branch, both of their seats of justice, and none of these arguments were deemed of suffi- of their episcopal chairs in the Church, will cient weight with the lords to deprive them of pass as it is, and without a tender of some their seats in Parliament. othergovernment in lieu of this, since the voices The loss of this bill, with the resolute behav- are still the same which threw out your former iour of the bishops, who were determined to bill l?" Sir Edward, therefore, proposed anothpart with nothing they were in possession of, er form of government, if the House should inflamed the Commons, and made them con- think fit to abolish the present, which was, in elude that there was no hope of reformation a manner, the same with Archbishop UTsher's, while they were a branch of the Legislature. It hereafter mentioned; as, "First, That every was observed that the bishops were unusually shire should be a distinct diocess or church. diligent in giving their attendance upon the Secondly, That in every shire or church twelve House at this time, and always voted with the or more able divines should be appointed, in the court. Some of the leading members, therefore, nature of an old primitive constant presbytery. in the warmth of their resentments, brought in Thirdly, That over every presbytery there a bill in pursuance of the root and branch peti- should be a president, let him be called bishop, tion, which had been laid aside for some tinle, or overseer, or moderate, or superintendent, or for the utter extirpation of all bishops, deans, by what other name you please, provided there and chapters, archdeacons, prependaries, chant- be one in every shire, for the government and ers, with all chancellors, officials, and officers direction of the presbytery, in the nature of the belonging to them; and for the disposing of their Speaker of the House of Commons, or chairlands, manors, &c., as the Parliament shall appoint.t A rash and inconsiderate attempt! For * Clarendon, vol. i., p. 237. Nalson, ut ante, p. could they expect that the bishops should abol- 248. ish themselves?~ Or that the temporal -od t Lord Clarendon represents Sir Edward Deering lords as a man of levity and vanity, earsily flattered by beshould consent to the utter extirpating an order ing commended; and says, " that the application of of churchmen, when they would not so much the above lines was his greatest motive to deliver as give up one branch of their privilege? The the speech which they close." Dr. Harris (Life of bill being drawn up by Mr. St. John, was deliv- Charles I., p. 327) says " he could not be actuated ered to the speaker by Sir Edward Deering, by so mean a motive; and that he was a man of R sense, virtue, and learning, perhaps not inferior to Rushworth, part iii., vol. i;,, p. 396. his lordship, and of a family vastly superior." —En. t Ilalson's Collections, vol ii., p. 248, 295, 300. $ Nalson's Colt., vol. ii., p. 295, &c. O Ibid HISTORY OF THE PURITANS. 381 man of a committee." Accordingly, it was re- vocate, who, being admitted to the bar of the solved, July 10, " That ecclesiastical power for House, May 12, after the petitions from the two the government of the Church be exercised by universities had been read, made a laboured commissioners." July 31, resolved, "That the speech in their behalf, insisting chiefly on the members for every county bring in the names topics of the,Oxford address. of nine persons to be ecclesiastical commission- He recommended cathedrals, " as fit to supers, on whom the power of church government ply the defects of private prayer," the public shall be devolved; but that no clergyman be of performance whereof should be in some place the commission." This was designed as a of distinction.* And whereas the exquisitetemporary provision, and shows that the Puri- ness of the music gave offence to some ears, tans of these times did not intend the Presby- as hindering their devotion, he requested, in terian government, but only -a reduction of the name of his brethren, that it might be modEpiscopacy to what they apprehended a more erated to edification, and reduced to the form primitive standard; and if the bishops, would that'Athanasius recommends, " ut legentibus have relinquished some part of their jurisdic- sint quam cantantibus similiores." tion, the mischiefs that befell them afterward He alleged that " at the Reformation preachmight have been prevented; however, for.the ing began in cathedrals;" and whereas some present, the prosecution of it was laid aside. have said that lecture-preachers were an upBut the House went more readily into the start corporation, the doctor observed that the debate for abolishing deans and chapters, and local statutes of all the cathedrals required lecapplying their revenues to better purposes.* tures on the week-days; and he requested, in This alarmed the cathedral-men, and put them the name of his brethren, that the godly and upon consulting how to ward off the danger profitable performance of preaching mightt be that threatened them; for this. purpose, one more exacted. divine was deputed from every cathedral in He urged that " cathedrals were serviceable England to solicit their friends'in the houses for the advancement of learning, and training on behalf of their several foundations; and it up persons for the defence of the Church;" and must be owned they did all that men could do, that the taking them away would disserve the leaving no stone unturned that might be for cause of religion, and'be a pleasure to their adtheir advantage. Addresses were presented versaries. from both universities in their favour:t the ad- He added, that " the ancient and genuine use dress from Oxford prays " for the continuance of deans and chapters Was a senatus episcopi," of the present form of church government as to assist the bishop in his jurisdiction; and the most ancient and apostolical; and for the whereas some of his reverend brethren had continuance of cathedral-churches, with their complained that bishops had for many years lands and revenues, as dedicated to the service usurped the sole government to themselves and of God soon after the first plantation of Chris- their consistories, the continuing of chapters tianity here; as foundations thought fit to be rightly used would bring it to a plurality of aspreserved, when the nurseries of superstition sistants. were demolished at the Reformation; as con- He then put them in mind of " the antiquity firmed by the laws of the land; as nurseries of of the structures, and the number of persons students and learned men in divinity; as the maintained by them,'" amounting to many thouupholders of divers schools, hospitals, high- sands; he instanced their tenants, who by their ways, bridges, and other pious works; as ben- leases enjoyed six parts in seven pure gain, and eficial to those cities where they are situate, had therefore petitioned for their landlords; by hospitality, by relief of the poor,. and by oc- and showed that the cities in which cathedrals casioning the resort of many strangers, to the were built were enriched by the hospitality of benefit of the tradesmen and inhabitants of the the clergy and the resort of strangers. places where they are built; as the chief sup- He enlarged farther "upon their endowport of many thousand faihilies of the laity, who ments, as encouragements to industry and virenjoy estates from them in a free way; and as tue:" that several famous Protestants of foryielding an ample revenue to the crown, and a eign parts had been maintained by being installmaintenance to many learned professors in the ed prebendaries, as Casaubon, Saravia, Dr. Peuniversity." The address from the University ter du Moulin, Vossius, and others; that the of Cambridge was to the same purpose, and, crown had great benefit from these foundatherefore, prays, " that the religious bounty of tions, paying greater sums into the exchequer their ancestors, for the advancement of learn- for first-fruits and tenths, according to propor. ing; and of learned men, may be preserved from tion, than other corporations. ruin and alienation; but, withal, to take or- And, lastly, he puts them in mind that " these der that they may be reduced to the due ob- structures and estates were consecrated to Diservation of their statutes, and that all innova- vine service, and barred all alienation with the tions and abuses may be reformed." The dep- most dreadful imprecations." uties from the several cathedrals drew up a pe- In the afternoon Dr. Cornelius Burges aptition to the Lords and Commons to be heard peared on the other side of the question, and by their counsel; but.being informed that the made a long speech concerning the unprofit:.!hleHouse would not allow them that benefit, and ness of those corporations; he complaine