EDNWIN A. DAVIS, ATTORINE[Y AT LAY, AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT, INIDIA(N APOILtl IN.D The United States Circuit Court, for the District of Indiana, holds its semi-annual sessions at Indianapolis, on the third Monldays of May and November. In all cases of debt, where the amount claimed exceeds five hundred dollars, and the plaintiffs are non-residents of the State, this Court has jurisdiction. Creditors should iinvariably bring suits in this Court, when it is possible for them to do so, for the following reasons: 1st. Debtors, who desire to delay the demands of creditors, by setting up sham defenses, are less likely to employ lawyers to defend their suits, in this Court, than in their own County Courts, and judgments are usually taken by default. 2d. In case tuatters of fact are involved in the suit, which must be tried by a Jury, a Jury impannelled by this Court, who are unacquainted with either plaintiff or defendent, are quite as apt to be imipartial as one selected by a County Sheriff from among the friends and neighbors of the defendent. 3d. Collections are speedily made by the U. S. Marshal, who, unlike the County Sheriff, elected by the people of the county, grants no favors, by way of lenity, to debtors against whom he has executions. 4th. Judgments in this Court operate as a lien on all the Real Estate of the defendent, throughout the State, while in the County Courts this lien only extends to the county. Service in this Court nmust be had fifteen days before term time. There are six Courts held in each countv of the State, each year. The Circuit Court holding its sessions once in six months, and the Court of Common Pleas and Probate once in three months. Either of these Courts now have unlimited jurisdiction as to the amounts claimed on civil contracts. Service in these Courts must be had on the defendent at least ten days before term time. Stay on the execution can be obtained for six months on all amounts exceeding eighty dollars, by one or more sufficient freehold sureties entering into a recognizance and acknowledging themselves bail for the defendant for the payment of the judg.. menit. The Law Marchant, by which the liability of an indorser of a note may be fixed by protest and notice, does notprevail in this State; except the note be payable in Bank, it is necessary that the holder should bring suit against the maker in the first Court, after the maturity of the note, otherwise the indorser or assignor is discharged from all liability. Keep no open accounts with Indiana men, but take notes payable "without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws," otherwise it will be next to impossible to collect your'claims by law. The Legislature of 1859 passed a very important law regulating voluntary assignments of debtors in embarrassed, or failing circumstances. By the provisions of this act, all such assignments must be of all property, for the benefit of all creditors without preference, otherwise it is fraudulent and void. Curtesy and Dower were abolished by the code of 1852, and if a husband die testate, or intestate, leaving a widow, one third of his Real Estate may be decreed to her in fee simple, free from all demands of creditors, unless the value of the Real Estate exceed ten thousand dollars. It will readily be seen that the chances of collecting from a living debtor are much better than those of collecting from his executors or administrators. Every house-holder is entitled to three hundred dollars' worth of property, which is exenmpt from execution. ]R:?-EkD THIS. COLLECTING AGENCY FOR INDIANA, EDWIN A. DAVIS, tttorn ann (ounelor- t OFFICE, NO. 6 IMcOUAT'S BLOCK, (Kentucky Avenue,) INDIANAPOLIS, IND)., Gives special attention to securing aind collecting debts throughout the State. Will practice in the Federal Courts at Inidianapolis, and the County Courts throughout the State. Refers, by permission, to the following eminent Legal Gentlemen, and first class Business Firms: LEGAL REFERENCES. Hon. BENJ. F. THOMAS, Boston, a late Judge of the Supreme Court of Mass. lion. EDWARD MELLEN WORCESTER, late Chief Justice of the C. C. P. of Mass. [lon. ISAAC DAVIS WORCESTER. SS REFERENCES IN BOSTON. Messrs. White, Bi-owt.e, Davis & (Co. Messrs. Whiting, Gallotipe, Bliss & Co. NEW YORK. MAessrs. Claflin, Miellen & Co.,................................. Trinity Building, Broadway Mlessrs. Hill, Brinkerhoff & Co.,................................ No. 17 Park Place PHILADELPHIA. Messrs. Arnold, Nusbaum & Nirdlinger,................... No. 55 N. Third street " Faust, Winebrenner & Co.,........................... No. 49 N. Third street " Yard, Gilmore & Co.......................... Nos. 40 and 42 N. Third street Henry Davis, Esq.,............................................... No. 115 Margaretta street CINCINNATI. MAessrs. White & Antran.. INDIANAPOLIS. V. K. Hendricks & Co. S Having had an extensive practical Mercantile Experience, we believe that we have qualifications for doing a collecting business that few Lawyers possess. Our experience is that many doubtful claims can be rendered eventually good by visiting the party, extending the time of payment, and thereby procuring good security. This but few lawyers will do, but at once bring suit, in many instances, driving debtors into hopeless insolvency, and perhaps fraud. Our charges will be in proportion to the services rendered, and not according to the amount of money collected. To such as employ us we will at any time inquire into, and report the standing of traders in and about Indianapolis, free of charge. Lee Clafliti, Esq. Messrs. Boyd, Corey & Co. .~ t\)t3 I ~~~~~~~~~~& I ~Inlul,)JTIIGl -I I;~~~~~~~ II~~~~~~~ ___ I S E'C a o EN DE ID I' I wN. X GE.O We. AWES' o-rIO AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, FOR 1860 —'61. BOOKS MAILED FREE TO ANY PART OF TIE UNITED STATES OR CANADAS, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, $3.50. PUBLISHED BIENNIALLY. IND., E AND COMPILER, 4 ~ __.205 --- I II I i i I I I I I 11) S t 2 9I "Y, ly, I/' ji I') %, Photographed by C. W. Purcell. GEORGE W. HAWES, PUBLISHER, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, by GEORGE W. HAWES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southeri District of Ohio. BINGHAM & DOUIGHTY, PRINTERS, DAILY STATE SENTINEL OFFICE, INDIAANAPOLIS, IND. BINGHAM & DOUGHTY, BOOKBINDERS, STATE SENTINEL BUILDINGS, INDIANAROLIS, IND. PREFACE. The Publisher tenders to his patrons the second edition of the OHIO STATE GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, with the single remark, that it is his intention that each succeeding number shall exhibit the same degree of improvement over its predecessor, which characterizes the present volume. A complete list of the various State Gazetteers and Business Directories, published by the undersigned, may be found on page 1 of this work. G HAWES, Publisher and Proprietor OCTOBER 1ST, 1860. 7;>10 i - i -. GE:O. W. viii ADVERTISEMET. lAMES tBR(ADFORD A& CO, MANUFACTURERS OF FR ~rPllTBLiRIlILS A OLIN CORN AND FEE ILS ALSO, IMPORTERS OF THE BOILTING CLOTHS, ~'~,-.~ ~ And Dealers in 'Ain T, I AND .LEATHER BELT'INGaa Bolting Chests, Reels, Conveyors, El evators, WITH MILLS COMPLETE OR SEPARATE. - STEAlMI ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MA(IIINERY ANI SMUT MILLS OF ALL KINDS. All Work Warranted to give Satisfaction. No. 65 Walnut and No. 70 N. W. Corner of Second and Elm Sts., CINCINNATI, OHIO. viii ADVERTISEMENTS. i INDIEX TO THE CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES and POST OFFICES IN THE STATE OF OHIO. Italics denote County Seats. PAGE Antioch........................ 11 Antrim...........................11 Antwerp...................... 11 Apple Creek............. 11 Apple Grove....... 11...... 11 Appleton.........2......... 12 Arcanum............12...... 12 Archbold..................... 12 Archer..............12........ 12 Arlington..........,....... 12 Armstrong's Mills...... 12 Arnheim.................. 12 Arrowsmith..................... 12 Asbury........... 12........ 12 Ashcave................... 12 Ashery......................... 12 12 tAlShland................12 shley..............15...... 15 Ash Ridge................ 15 8Ashtabula................ 15 Ashville.................. 17 Athalia.............17........ 17 Athens..................... 17 Atlas...................... 19 Attica.......................... 19 Atwater................... 19 Auburn................... 20 Auglaize........ 20......... 20 Augusta.................. 20,2 Aurelius............20...... 20 Aurora..............20...... 20 Austin......... 20........... 20 Austinburg............... 20, Avon....................... 21 Avon Lake...........21..... 21 Ayersville...........21...... 21 Bacon...............21....... 21 /Bailey's Mills............ 21 Bainbridge.......... 21 Baker's.................... B 22' Bakersville.............. 22/ Baltimore................ 22 Bantam.................. 22i Barber..................... 23 Baresville...........23...... 23' See Lane & Bodley's advt. inside I PAGE Abbeyville................ 3 Aberdeen.................. 3 Acadia 3 Achor...................... 4 Ada......................... 4 Adams.................... 4 Adams' Mills............ 4 Adamsville............... 4 Ad,,trio..................... 4 Addison................ 4, 84 Adelphi.................... 15 Adena..................... 6 drian..................... 5 Ai........................... 5 Aid........................ 6 Akron..................... 6 Albany..................... 7 Albion.................... 7 Alert........................ 7 Alexandersville......... 8 Alexandria............ 8, 461 Alfred..................... 8 Algonquin............... 8 Allen Center............. 8 Allens..................... 8 Allensburg............... 8 Allensville............... 8 Allentown................ 8 Alliance................... 8 Allston.................... 9 Alpha...................... 9 Alton...................... 9 Alum 9 Amanda................... 9 Amelia..................... 10 Amesville................. 10 Amherst.................... 10 Amity................ 10, 317 Amsterdam 10 ............. Andover.................. 10 Andrews.................. 10 Angola..... 10 Annapolis..""'." - 571 Anselm.................... 10 Ansonia................... 1 1 AGE 23. 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 1 26 26 26 27 27 27 27, 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 613 34 34 34 35 36 36 36 36 Barlow.................... Barnes..................... :Barnesville................ Barnet...................... Barry...................... Barryville................. Bartlett.................... Bascom..................... Bashan.................... Batavia.................... Batesville................. Bath........................ Baughman............... Bay's -Bottom............ Bayard..................... Bazetta............ Beallsville................ Beamsville..... Beasley's Fork..:........ Beaver..................... Beaver Dam............... Beckett's Store........... Bedford.................... Belfast..................... Bell........................ Bell Air.................. Bell Brook................ Belle Center............. ellefontaine.............. Belle Point................ Belle Vernon............. 3ellevill................. Bellevue............. Belmont................. Belpre..................... Bennington.............. Benton................ 34, Benton Ridge............ Bentonville............... erea.................... erkshire.................. rlin........ i... n......: erlin Ce'er........... Berlin Cross Roads..... erlin Heights........... out Cover. x ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. WISWNVEL, Jun.9, 70 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0 'I. I \Ta~l~rT AND Ornamental and Plain, of every style and description. LOOKING GLASS PLATES, GERMAN AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS, NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY ESTABLISHMENT. GEO. CRAWFORD. J. S. CRAWFORD. G. W. CRAWFORD. CEO. CRAWFORD.& CO., IMPORTERS OF SODA ASH, SAL SODA AND CAUSTIC SODA, AND DEALERS IN FOUNTD)RY FACINGS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, METALLIC PAINT, WHITE SAND, 9 Pumice Stone, Charcoal and Soap Stone for Roofing. No. 209 Waanut-st., Cincinnati, Ohio. Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled, and consignments solicited. Spur aYimL Pike&W ESS 4 INDEX. xi Brandt..................... Brecksville............... Bremen..................... B Iridge Creek............. -BrBridgeport........... 44, Bridgeville........... 45, Bridgewater............... Brier Hill.................. Brighton................... Brimfield.................. Brinley's Station......... Bristol..................... Bristolville............... Brock...................... Broken Sword........... Bronson.................... Brookfield................ Brooklyn................... Brookville............... Brownhelim.............. Brown's Corners......... Brown's Mills............ Brown's Store............ Brownsville.............. Brunersburg.............. Brunswick............... Brushy Fork............. Bryan...................... Buchanan................. Buckeye.............. 49 Buckeye Cottage........ Buckeye Furnace...... B4 uck's..................... Blo 4 ucJrusc.................... Buena Vista........ 53, Buffalo..................... Buford..................... Bundysburg.............. Bunker Hill.............. Burbank................... Burg Hill................. Burlingham............... Burlington............... Burn's Corners........... Burton..................... Butler...................... Butlersville............... Butternut Ridge......... Byhalia................... Byington.................. Byron..................... Cabello..................... Cadiz....................... Cadiz Junction........... Cadwallader.............. Cairo........................ Calais.................... Calcutta................... Caldwell.................... 4 Caledonia.................. California................ Calvary.................... Camba..................... 4 Cambridge................. See Latimer, Colburn & Lupton's advt., opp. front cover. I. xi INDEX. PAGE 37 37 37 87 37? 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 372 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 335 41 41 287 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43r 43 43 44 44 44 44 AGE 44 44 44 44 343 39 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 530 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 51 54 55 55 55 55 55' 55 55 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 PAGE ... 60 .. 61 .. 61 ... 61 ... 61 ... 61 ... 61 ... 61 ... 61 ... 61 .. 61 ... 62 ... 62 ... 63 ... 63 ... 64 ... 64 ... 66 ... 66 ... 66 66, 37 ... 66 ... 66 ... 67 ... 67 ... 67 . 67 ... 67 ... 67 ... 68 68, 344 .. 68 o.. 68 .. 68 .. 69 ... 69 .... 70 .... 70 ... 70 ... 70 ... 70 ... 71 .. 71 .... 71 ... 71 71 ... 71 50, 576 ... 72 .. 262 72 ... 72 ... 72 ... 72 ...s 73 . 73 ... 78 w@73 ... 73 ~,78 .... 73 ~.74 Berlin Station............ Berlinville............... Berne...................... Berrysville............... Berwick.................. Bethany.................. Bethel..................... Bethesda.................. Bettsville................ Beverly................... Bevis' Tavern............ Big Island................ Big Plain................. Big Prarie................. Big Run................... Big Sand Furnace...... Bird's Run............... Birmingtham.............. Bissell's.................. Black Creek.............. Black Hand............... Black Jack............... Black Lick................ 1Blac.klysville............. Black River............... Black Swamp....... 39, Bladensburg.............. Blanc...................... Blanchard Bridge....... Blanchester.............. Blendon.................... Bloody Eagle............. Bloom..................... Bloom Center............ Bloomfield........... 41 B4loomingburg........... Bloomingdale............ Blooming Grove..... 41, Bloomington.............. Bloomingville............ Bloom Rose.............. Bloomville................ Blue Ball.................. Blue Creek................ Blue Lick....... Blue Rock................ Boardman................ Boetia..................... Boke's Creek............ Bolivar.................... Bonn........................ Boston................... Boswell.................... Bourneville................ Bowerstowr............... Bowersville................ Bowliag Green........... Bowshersville............. Boyd's Mills.............. Braceville................ Brady..................... B~radyv ille............... Branch Hill............... Brandon............... xii INDEX. J. L. WAYNE & SQN! DEALERS IN HARDWARE, PLUSH, HAIR CLOTH, SOFA SPRINGS, Looking Glass Plates, BURLAPS, CANVASS, TWINE, GIMP, VENEERS, GLUE, &c., 124 Main Street and 23 I-ammond Street, bet. Third and Fourth, INCINCINNATI, O. PAGE Coddingville............. 264 Coe Ridge............. 264 Coitsville................. 264 Cold Spring.............. 264 Cold Water............... 264 Colerain................... 265 Collamer.................. 265 College Corner............. 265 College Hill............... 265 Collinsville............... 265 Colton.............. 265 Columbia................. 265 Columbia Center........ 265 Columbiana.............. 266 Columbia Station....... 267 2 Columbus................. 267 Columbus Grove...284, 507 Concord................... 284 Concordia................ 285 Condit.............285........ 285 Conesville................ 285 Congress.................. 285 Conneaut.............2 D 285 Connotton................. 286 Constantia................ 286 Constitution.............. 286 Contreras................. 286 Convenience.............. 286 Convoy.............286........ 286 Cooke's Corners............ 286 Coolville.................. 286 Cope's Mills.............. 286, Copley...................... 286 Copopac.................. 286 Cork...............287......... 287 Cornersburg.............. 287 Corsica..................... 287 C,Coshocton................. 287 Cottage Hill............. 289 Cove....................... 289 Cove Dale................. 289 Covington............. 290 Cranberry................. 290 Cranberry Prairie..... 290 Cranesvi]le............... 290 Xii INDEX. PAGE Chester.............. 74 Chester Cross Roads... 75 Chesterfield................ 75 Chester Hill............... 75 Chesterville.............. 76 Cheviot.................... 76 Chichasaw............... 76 Chili....................... 76 Chillicothe.................. 76 Chilo....................... 84 Chippewa................. 84 Christiansburg.......... 84 Church Hill............... 84 Cicero...................... 84 Cincinnati.................. 85 Circleville.................. 218, Claridon................. 221 Clark's..................... 222 Clar' sburg............... 222 Clark's Corners......... 222 Clarksfield................ 222 Clarkson.................. 222 Clarksville............... 223 Clay........................ 223 Clay Lick................. 223 Claysville................. 223 Clayton.................... 223 Clear Creek............... 223 Clearport................. 223 Clement.................. 223 Cleveland.................. 223 Cleves..................... 263 Clifton........., 263 Clinton.................... 263 Clinton Valley.......... 263 Clintonville.......... 263 Clio......................... 263 Clover..................... 263 Clyde......... 264 Coal Dale.................. 264 Coal Grove............... 264 Coal R,in.................. 264 Coberly's................. 264Cochran's Landing..... 264 Cochranton............... 264 PAGE Crawford................. 290 Crawford Mills.......... 290 Creighton................ 290 ~Crestline.................. 290 Crider's.................... 293 Croghan................... 293 Crossanville............ 293 Cross Creek............... 293 Cross Roads............. 293 Croton..................... 293 Croxton................... 293 Cuba............ 293, Cumberland...........: 293 Cumminsville............. 293 ;(uyahoga Falls......... 293 ynthiana............ 294 Dallas................. 294, 11 Dallasburg............... 294 Dalton.................... 294 Damascoville............ 295 Damascus................ 295 Danville................ 295 Darby........... 295 Darby Creek............. 295 Darby Plains............ 295 Darbyville................ 295 Darke...................... 296 Darrtown.................. 296 Davis....................... 296 Dawkin's Mills......... 296 Dawn.................... 296 yXDayton.............. 296 Deardorff's lills........ 309 Deavertown............... 309 Decatur................... 310 Decaturville.............. 310 Deep Cut.................. 310 Deer Creek............... 310 Deerfield....... 310 Deerfield Village........ 310 Deer Lick................. 810 Deersville................. 310 yDefiance.................... 210 De Graff.................. 212 De Kalb.................. 313 INDEX. Xili PAGE East Springfield......... 324 East Townsend........... 324 East Trumbull.......... 324 East Union............... 324 East Westville........... 324 Eaton....................... 324 Eckels..................... 327 Eckmansville............ 327 Economy.................. 328 Eden..................... 328 Edenton.................. 328 Edgarton.................. 328 Edinburg......... 28......... 328 Edon...................... 329 Edwardsville............. 329 Egypt Mills............... 3293 El Dorado................. 229 Elida...............829....... 329 Elizabethtown........... 330 Elk........................ 330 Elkton............. 330 Elliott's Cross Roads... 330 Elliottsville............... 330 Ellsworth................ 330 Elmira.................... 330 Elmore.................... 330 Elmville................... 330 Elyria..................... 330 Emerald................... 330 Emery..................... 330 Emmet..................... 330 Enoch...................... 330 Enon............... I....... 330 Enterprise............... 330 Etna...............30........ 330 Euclid..................... 331 Euphemia................ 331 Evansburg................ 331 Evansport................. 331 Ewing..................... 331 Ewington................ 331 2 Exeter......... 331............ 331 Fairfax................... 331 Fairfield.................. 331 Fair Haven.............. 331 Fairmount.......... 331, 38 Fairport.................. 331 Fairview..........31........ 331 Fallsburg.................. 331 Farmer.................. 331 Farmersville............ 331 Farmington............... 332 Fayetteville.............. 332 Fearing............. a....... 332 Federalton............... 332 Feed Spring......... 332 Feesburg.................. 332 Felicity.................... 333 Fidelity........ 33.......... 333 Fife........................ 333 Fillmore......... 33.........4 EFincastle............33,nCo. 333 Eastnley..............33........33 Eiror...............34........34 See advt. of Geo. Crawford & Co., page x. iu INDEX. PAGE De La Palma............ 313 Delaware 313 Delhi................. 316, 524 De Lisle.................. 316 Delphos................... 316 Delta....................... 317 Democracy............... 317 Demos..................... 318 Denmark..... 318 Dent........................ 318 D'Ile's Bottom............ 318 D!....insmore.............,18 Dixon..................... 318 Dodson.................... 318 Dodsonville............... 318 Dog Creek............... 318 Domestic.................. 318 Dorinellsville............ 318 Dorset..................... 319 Dover..................... 319 Downington............ I.. 319 Drake's.................... 31i) Drakesburg 339 Dresden................... ' 1 9 Dry Ridge............... 320 Dublin..................... 220 Duck Creek.............. 321 Dudley.................... 321' Duff's Fork............... 321 Dumontville............. 321 DunbartOD................ 321 Duncan's Falls.......... 321 Dungannon.............. 322 Dunkinsville............. 322 Dunkirk.................. 322 Dunlap...................... 322 Dunlevy................... 322 Durand.................... 322 Durbin's Corners....... 322 Dyson's................... 322 Eagle....................... 322 Eagle Furnace........... 322 Eagle Mills............... 322 Eagleville................. 322 Earlville.................. 322 East Claridon............ 323 East Clarksfield......... 323 East Cleveland......... 323 East Fairfield............ 323 East Greenville......... 323 East Greenwood.......... 323 ,East Lewistown....".... 323 East Liberty 323, East Liverpool........... 323 East Monroe............ 323 Easton..................... 324 East Orange.............. 324 East Palestine........... 324 East Plymouth........... 324 East Richland............ 324 PAGE Fitchville.................. 334 Five Mile.............. I... 335 Five Points............... 335 Flat........................ 335 Flat Rock................. 335 Fleming.............. 335, 368 Fletcher................. 335 Flint's Mills.............. 335 Florence.................. 335 Florida..................... 335 Flushi ng.................. 335 Ford....................... 335 Forest..................... 335 Fort Ancient............ 336 Fort Jennings........... 336 Fort Recovery.....,...... 336 Fort Seneca............... 336 Fostoria.................. 336 Four Corners........... 336 Fowler..................... 336 Fowler's Mills......... 336 Franconia................. 336 Frankfort.................. 336 Franklin.................. 336 Franklin Furnace...... 338 Franklin Mills......... 338 Franklin Square........ 339 Frazeysburg...... 339 Frease's 339 Frederic................... 339 Fredericksburg......... 339 Fredericktown........... 339 Fredonia................... 339 Freeburg.................. 339 Freedom.................. 339 Freeport................... 340 Freland, 8................. 340 Fremont.................... 340 French Creek...... 343' 21 343 Friendship...............',', 4 3 Frybug................... 343 Fulton..................... 343 Fultonham..........!.... 343 Furnace.................. 343 Gahanna................. 343 Galena.................... 343 Galigher.................. 344 Galion..................... 345 Gallia Furnace.......... 346 Gallipolis................. 346 Gamba..................... 348 Gambier.................. 348 Ganges................. -.. 348 Garden................... 348 Gardner................. 348 Garrettsville............ 348 Gate's'Alills.............. 348 Gavers..................... 348 Geneva..................... 348 xiv INDEX. Hanging Rock........... 368 Hanna's Mills.......... 368 Hanover............68....... 368 Hanoverton............... 369 Hardin.......... 3...........69 Hardy..............69........ 369 Harlem................. 369 Harlem Spring........... 369 Harmar............. 369 Harmony.................. 369 5 arper..............69....... 369 Harpersfield.............. 369 Harriettsville............ 370 Harrisburg............... 370 Harrison.......... 70........ 370 Harrisonlville............ 370 Harrisville............... 370 Harshmansville......... 370 Hartford........ 371, 492, 53 Hartland................. 371 Heartleyville.............. 371 Hart's Grove............. 371 Hartville................ 371 Harveysburg............. 371 Hassan.......... 3...........71 Hastings............71....... 371 Havana................... 371 Haverhill..........71........ 71 Hayesville................ 372 Hay's Store............... 372 Hebbardsville............. 372 Hebron.................... 372 Hedge's Store............ 372 Heller's Cross Roads.... 372 Hemlock Grove.......... 372 Henby..............72....... 372 Hendrysburg............ 372 Henning's Mill.......... 378 2 Henrietta.................. 3872 Herring.............72....... 872 Hessville............ 372 Hibbets..........37.......... 8783 Hibernia.......... 73........ 87 Hickory.............37...... 83 Hicksville..........73....... 73 Higginsport..........3.....73 High Hill............37...... 37 Highland.................. 373 Hill Grove...........37...... 387 Hillhouse................. 374 Hillards.............374...... 874 :Hillsboro'............74...... 374 Hill's Fork..........376..... 876 Hinckley................. 376 Hiram..............376....... 876 Hiramsbur..........37..... 3876 H eockingport.........76...... 876 Hogg Creek........3... 376 Hollansburg.........876, 527 Holmes' Mills........ 877 Holmesville.............. 377 Home...................... 377 Homer.........377............8 Homerville.............. 377 xiv INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE German.................... 349 Germano.................. 349 Germantown............. 349 Gettysburg............... 350 Ghent...................... 350 Gibson..................... 350 Gibson's Station......... 351 Gibsonville............... 351 Gilboa..................... 351 Gilead..................... 351 Gillespievil-le............. 351 ,xilmore.................... 351 Girard... 351 Glasgow.................. 351 Glencoe.................... 35,1 Glendale.................. 351 Guadenhutten............ 353 Golden Corners......... 353 Gomber................... 353 Gomer.................... 353 Good Hope................ 353 Gordon..................... 353 Gore............... 353 Gorham.................... 353 Goshen..................... 353 Grafton................... 853 Grand View.............. 353 Granger.................. 353 Granville................. 353 Grape Grove............. 355 Gratiot..................... 355 Gratis..................... 356 Graysville................. 355 Graytown................. 355 Greasy 855 Great Bend............... 356 Greenbush................ 356 Green Camp.............. 356 Greencastle 356 Greenfield................. 356 Greenford................. 357 Green 357 Greensburg............... 358 Greensburg Cross Roads 358 Green Spring............ 358 Greentown................ 358 Greenville.................. 358 Greenwich Station...... 359 Greersville.............. 359 Groesbeck................ 859 Grove City................ 359 Groveland............... 359 G roveport........ ) 6 0 Guilford................... 360 Gustavus................... 360 Hale........................ 360 Hall's Valley............. 360 Hallsville......,.......... 360 Hamti,r..................... 360 Hamer............... 360, 318 Hamilton.................. 460 Hope....................... 377 Hope'n',,tle................... 377 Hopewell.................. 377 Hopkinsville............. 377 Horatio.................... 377 Hoskinsville............. 377 Houston.................. 377 Howland.................. 377 Hubbard.................. 377 Hudson.................... 377 Hudsonville............... 378 Hull's...................... 378 Humphreysville......... 378 Hunter..................... 378 Huntersville 378 Huntington...............'o78 Huntsburg............... 378 Huntsville................ 378 Huron...................... 379 Hyattsville..........379, 580 Iberia...................... 379 Ilesboro.................... 379 Independence....... 379, 54 Indian Camp............. 379 Indigo..................... 379 Ingraham.................. 379 Inland..................... 379. Inverness........'','... 379 lone........................ 379 Iron Furnace............. 379 I-ronton..................... 379 Iron Valley............... 382 Irville..................... 382 Island Creek............. 382 Israel....................... 382 Ithaca...................... 382 Jac 382 Jacksonboro.............. 383 Jackson Center..,..383, 484 Jackson Furnace........ 383 Jacksontown............ 383 Jacksonville........ 383, 321 Jacobsburg............... 384 Jamestown............... 334 Jasper..................... 384 Java........................ 384 Jeddo....................... 384 Jefferson.................. 384 Jeffersonville............. 384 Jelloway.................. 384 Jerome..................... 884 Jeromesville............. 384 Jersey..................... 384 Jewett 384 Johnson.................... 384 Johnson's Corners...... 384 Johnsonville............ 384 Johnstown........... 384, 4 Johnsville................ 384 Jolly.'................... 384 Jones' tation............ 384 INDEX. Xv PAGE Le Sourdsville......... 400 Letart Falls.............. 400 Letimberville............ 400 Level....................... 400 Levering......... 400......... 400 Levi...............400 Lewis..............400........ 400 Lewisburg................ 400 Lewis Center............ 400 Lewistown................. 400 Lewisville................. 401 Lexingtoi................. 401 Liberty...............402, 390 Liberty Corners.......... 402 Liberty Hill..............., 402 Licking Valley....... 402 Likens...................... 402 Lilley.............. 4....... 402 Lima..................... 402 Limaville............... 404 Lindenville... 404............ 404 3 Linnville............. 404 Linton........................ 404 Linton Mills.............. 404 Litchfield................. 404 Lithopolis...........405....... 405 Little Beaver Bridge... 405 Little Hocking.......... 405 Little Sandusky M n......... 405 Little York.............. 406 Liverpool...........406....... 406 Lock...................... 406 Lockbourne............... 406 Lockington............... 406 Lockport.................. 407 Lockvill e...........407....... 407 Locust Corner 407............ 407 Locust Grove............. 407 Locust Ridge 407............. 407 L o di........................ 407 Logan............o.......... 408 Loganville............... 408 Log Cabin................ 408 London.............409........ 409 Long Bottom............ 4.10 Loramie's...........410....... 410 Lordstown................ 410 L n3 Lottridge........... 410 Loudonville............... 410 Louisville................. 411 Loveland.................. 411, Lovett's................... 411 Lovett's Grove..........., 412 Lowell..............412 Lowellville............... 412 Lower Lawrence......... 412 Lower Newport.......... 412 Lower Salem............. 412 Lowry..............412....... 412 Loydsville.......... 412 4 Lucas..............41 S........ 42 L Lucasville................4412 4 Lucerne............412....... 2 L Ludlow.................... 412 Bradford & Co.'s advt. page viii. 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 INDEX. xv PAGE Luke's Corners.......... 412 Lumberton.*............. 412 Lyme....... 412 ............. Lynchburg........... 412, 357 Lyons...................... 413 Lyra 413 Mabee's................... 413 NcArthur................. 413 McCluney............... 415 Mc Connellsville.......... 415 McCutch,pn,ille......... 415 MeDaniels................ 416 McDonald................ 415 McDonaldsville.......... 415 Macedon............ 415 Macedon, epot....... 415 M.Een's Cross Roads 415 McGhee's Store.......... 415 McGill..................... 415 MoKaig's Mills.......... 415 McKay.................... 415 Macomb.................. 415 Macon.....................415 Madison.................. 416 Madisonburg............ 416 Madisonville............. 416 Magnolia.......... 416 Mahala..................... 416 Mahoning................ 416 Maineville............... 416 Malaga.................... 417 Mallett Creek............ 41' 'Malta....................... 41 Malvern.................. 417 Manchester............... 417 Manhattan............... 417 Mansfield.......... 417 Mantua Center 421 Maple...................... 421 Maple Grove............ 421 Mapleton.................. 421 Marathon................. 421 Marble Furnace......... 421 Marblehead 421 Marengo.................. 421 Maria Stein............. 421 Narietia................... 421 Narion..................... 424 Marit's..................... 426 426 Marlboro.................. 426 Marseilles 426 Marshall.................. 426 Marf3liallsville......... 426 Martin............... i. -... 427 Martinsburg........... 427 Martin's Ferry......... 427 Martinsville............. 427 .ffarysville................. 427 428 PAGE Kalida..................... 384 Keech...................... 385 Keene...................... 385 Keith's..................... 385 Kelley's Island.......... 385 Kelley's Mills............ 386 Kelloggsville............. 386 Kennon.............. 386 Kennonsburg............ 386 Kenton..................... 387 Keystone......... I..,...... 389 Keystone Furiiace...... 389 Kilgore.................... 389 Killbourne................ 390 Killbuck.................. 390 Kimbolton................ 990 Kinderhook............... 390 Kingston.................. 390 Kingston Center......... 390 Kingsville................ 390 Kinsman's................ 390 Kirby...................... 390 Kirkersville 391 Kirtland.................. 391 Knox....................... 391 Knoxville....... - - - -391 Koch"s..................... 391 Kossuth................... 391 Kyger...................... 391 Laceyville................. 391 Lafayette................. 391 La Grange................ 391 Laing s.................... 391 Lake...................... 392 Lake Fork................ 392 Lamartine................ 392 Lamira 393 Lampsville................ 393 Lancaster................. 393 Langsville................ 395 Laporte.................... 395 Larue...................... 395 Latham.................... 395 Lattas...................... 395 Laura...................... 395 Laurel..................... 396 Lavona.................... 396 Lawrence.................. 396 Layman.................... 396 Leatherwo'od.............. 396 Leavitt..................... 396 Lebanon............... 396, 430 Ledlie's.................... 399 Lee.......................... 899 Leesburg.................. 399 Lee's Creek............... 399 Leesville.................. 399 Leesville Cross Roads.. 399 Lei sic................... 399 I lvi INDEX.~~~~~~~~~~ PAGE Mingo..................... 446 Minster..........446......... 446 Mississinawa............ 444 Mitchell's Salt Works 446 Mogadore..........446....... 446 Mohawk Valley......... 446 Mohican...... 446............ 446 Monclova...... 446........... 446 Monroe............ e........ 446 Monroe Center............ 446 Monroe MIills............. 446 Monroeville................ 447 Monteray................. 447 Montezuma............... 447 Montgomery................ 447 Meontgomery Cross Ro',ds.................. 447 Monpelier................ 447 Montra..................... 447 Montrose.................. 448 Montville................ 448 Moonville................ 448 Moorefield............. 448 Moores Salt Works.... 448 Mooreland................ 448 Morgan's Fork............. 448 Morgansville............ 448 Maorning Sun............ 448 Morristown............. 448 Morrow................... 448 Mloscow................... 450 Moscow Mills............ 450 Moultrie.................. 450 Mount Airy.............. 450 Mount Blanchard...... 450 Mount Carmel........... 451 Mount Eaton............ 451 Mount Ephraim......... 452 Miount Gilead............ 452 M3 ount Healthy......... 452 Monnt Heron............ 452 Mount Holly............. 452 Mount Hope.......... 452 Mount Leigh............ 452 Mount Liberty.......... 452 Mount Olive............. 453 Mount Orab.........453 Mount Perry............. 453 MIount Pisgah........... 453 Mount Pleasant....453, 452 Mount Sterling.......... 453 Mountsville.........453, 408 Mount Union............ 453 Mount Vernon...... 453 Mount Victory........... 457 Mount Washington........... 457 Mowrystown............ 457 Muchinippe............. 457 Mulberry................. 457 Mulberry Corners.......... 458 Munnsville............... 458 Murat.............458........45 Muse....................... 458 Muskingum............... 458 I xvi INDEX. PAGE Maumee City........... 1. 431 Maximo................... 482 Maxville.. i............... 432 Maxwell.................. 432 482 Meadow Branch........ 432 Meadow Farm.......... 433 Means..................... 433 Mecca..................... 433 Mechanicsburg......... 433 Mechaniestown.......... 434 Medary................... 434 Medill...................... 434 Medina.................... 4,D4 Medway.................. 434 Meigs' Creek............. 434 Meigsville............... 434 Melmore.................. 434 Mendon................... 434 Mentor.................... 434 Mercer......... I.......... 434 Mesopotaraia............. 434 Metamora................ 435 Mexico.................... 435 Miami..................... 435 Miami 436 Miamisburg.............. 436 437 Middleboro.......... 437, 329 Middlebourne 437 Middle Branch.......... 437 Middleburg............... 437 Middlebury............... 437 Middle Creek............ 437 Middlefield............... 437 Middle Fork............. 438 Middle Point............ 438 Middleport............... 438 Middletown... 438, 437, 452 Miffin.................... 340 Milan..................... 440 .,Milford.................... 440 Milford Center.......... 441 Milfordton................. 441 Mill Brook............... 441 Mill Creek................ 441 -Ifilldale.................. 441 Ikliller's................... 441 Millersburg............... 441 Millersport............... 443 Millerstown.............. 443 Iklillfield................... 443 Mill Grove. I. 443 ............ Illillville................. 443 Millwood.................. 444 Ililnersville............. 444 Idilo............. i.......... 445 Milton 339 Miltonsburg............. 445 Miltonville............... 445 ]PAGE Mutual.................... 45P, Nairn...................... 459 ii —ankin................... 458Na,voleon 458 Nashport.................. 459 Nashville.................. 460 Navarre.................. 460 Nebo.............. I......... 460 Nebraska................. 460 Nee.lysville............... 460 Nelson..................... 460 Nelsonville............... 460 Neptune.................. 460 Nett.e Lake.............. 461 Nevada................... 461 Nevill.................... 461 Nevin...................... 461 New Albany........461, 377 New Alexander......... 46.1 New Alexandria,........ 461 New Antioch............ 4G2 Newar7c.................... 462 New Athens............. 46,7 New Baltimore.......... 4617 New Bavaria............. 467 New Bedford............ 467 New Berlin............... 467 Newberry............ 467, 457 New Birmingh,-,tit, 468, 444 New Bremen............ 468 Newburg ......468, 559 New Burlington........ 468 4C,6 New California.......... 468 New Carlisle............. 468 New Castle.......... 468, 391 New Chtbmbeisburg... 468 Newcomerstown......... 468 New Concord............ 469 New Corwin............. 469 New Cumberland...... 469 New Dover................ 469 New England............ 470 New Franklin........... 470 New Garden............. 470 New Guilford............ 470 New Hagerstown...... 470 New Hampshire........ 471 New Harmony.......... 471 New Harrisburg........ 471 New Harrison............ 471 New Haven............... 471 New Holland............ 471 New Hope......,......472, 698 New Jasper............... 472 New Lebanon............ 472 New Lexinqton...... 472, 373 New Lisbon............... 472 New London............. 473 New Lyme............... 475 le INDEX. Xvii PAGE North Salem.............. 486 North Sheffield........... 486 North Springfield........... 486 North Star............... 486 North Union............. 486 North Uniontown...... 486 North Washington...... 486 North West................ 486 Norton.................... 486 Norton Center......... 487 Norwalkc............487....... 487 Norwich.................. 489 Nottingham.............. 489 Nova..............489......... 489 Number One............ 489 Oakfield.................. 489 Oak Hill......... 489......... 489 Oakland......... 490.......... 490 Oak Ridge.........49....... 490 Oberlin............490....... 490 Oceola............490......... 490 Odessa.............490........ 490 Ohl's Towns.............. 490 Okeanna........... 490 Old HIlichory............. 490 Olds....................... 490 Olena.............490........ 490 Olive..............490........ 490 Olive Branch............ 490 Olive Center............ 490 Olive Hill..........490....... 490 Olivesburg.............. 490 Olmstead................. 491 Omega.............491........ 491 Oneida MAlills............ 491 Ontario............491........ 491 Ol ange.............491........ 491 Orangevill e.........491...... 491 Oregon.............491........ 491 Orrville............491....... 491 Orwell.............492........ 492 Osborn.............492....... 492 Osborpville............... 492 Osman s...... 492............. 492 Osnaburg.... 92............. 492 Ostend.............492 Ostrand er..........492....... 492 O(tsego.......... 492............ 492 Ottawa.............492........ 492 Ottaw a.............492........ 492 Ottawa City............. 493 Otterbien...........493....... 493 Ottokee.............49........ 493 Oury's.............49........ 493 Ovid...............493........ 493 Owensville.........493...... 493 Oxford.................... 493 Paddy's Run............. 496 Pageville............496, 319 Paines vill e..........496....... 496 Painter Creek............5498 Paintersville.............5498 Palermo............498...... 8 Palestine.......498, 349. B xvii INDEX. PAGE New Middletown....... 476 New Milford........... 476 New Moscow............ 476 New Palestine........... 476 New Paris............... 476 New Petersburg........ 577 New Philadelphia....... 477 New Pittsburg........... 480 New Plymouth.......... 480 Newport................... 481 New Portage............. 481 New Princeton.......... 481 New Prospect............ 481 New Richland............ 481 New Richmond.......... 481 New Rochester......... 481 New Rumley............. 481 New Salisbury........... 481 New Somerset............ 481 New Springfield......... 482 Newton........482, 508, 526 Newton Falls............ 482 Newtonsville............ 482 Newtown................. 482 New Vienna............. 483 Newville.................. 483 New Washington...... 483 New Waterford......... 483 New Way................. 483 New Westfield.......... 483 New Westville.......... 483 Ney........................ 483 Nicholsville.............. 483 Niles....................... 483 Nimisila.................. 483 Nimmon's Cross Roards 483 Noblesville............... 483 Nonpareil................ 483 Norri'stown............... 483 North Benton............ 484 Northbern................ 484 North Bloomfield........ 484 North California...448, 38 North Camden.......... 484 North Clayton............ 484 North Dover.............. 484 North Eaton.............. 484 North Fairfield.......... 484 Northfield................ 484 North Georgetown...... 484 North Hampton......... 484 North lndustry........ 484 North Jackson.......... 484 North Lawrence......... 485 North Lewisburg....... 485 North Liberty............ 485 North Lima............... 485 North Newberry......... 485 North Norwich......... 485 North Ridge............. 485 North Ridgeville.......... 486 North Robinson........... 486 North Royalton.^.......... 486 PAGE Pallow..................... 499 Palmyra.-............. 499 Palo Alto.................. 499 Panama..............;499 Pancoatsburg............ 499 Parcher's Corners....... 499 Paris....................... 499 Parisville.................. 499 Parkman.................. 500 Park's Mills.............. 500 Parma..................... 500 Pataskala................. 500 Patmos..................... 500 Patriot..................... 500 Patterson............ 500, 574 Pattonsvill e............... 500 Paulding.................. 500 Payne...................... 500 Pemberton.............. 500 Pendleton................ 501 Penfield.................... 501 Peninsula................. 501 Pennsville................ 501 Peoli....................... 501 Perin's Mills............ 501 Perote...................... 501 Perry...................... 501 Perrysburg................ 501 Perrysville............... 392 Perryton.................. 502 Perryville................. 502 Petersburg................ 503 Peterson's Station...... 503 Pettisville................ 508 Pharisburg.......... 503 Phelps..................... 503 Philanthropy............ 503 Phillipsburg.............. 503 Philo........................ 503 Pickereltown............. 503 Pickerington............. 503 Pierce...................... 503 Pierpont..........,... 503 Pike........................ 503 Piketon.................... 508 Pilcher.................... 504 Pine Grove............... 504 Pioneer................. 504 Piqua..................... 504 Pisgah..................... 506 Pittsburg.................. 506 Pittsfield.................. 506 Plain.................... 506 Plainfield................. 506 Plainville................. 507 Plank Road.............. 507 Plato.......... 507 Plattsville................. 507 Pleasant.................. 507 Pleasant Grove.......... 508 Pleasant Hill........... 508 Pleasanton............,. 508 Pleasant Plain.......... 508 Pleasant Ridge.......... 508 I PAGE PAGE PAGE Pleasant Run............ 508 Raymond's............... 526 Round Head............ 532 Pleasant Valley, Ray's...................... 526 Ros...................... 533 508, 295, 551 Reading................... 526 Roxbury.................. 533 Pleasantville............. 508 Red Lion.................. 526 Royalton............533 Plimpton.................. 509 Reedsburg............... 526 Ruggles................... 533 Plymouth............509, 24 Reed's Mills.............. 526 Rural.................. 533 Poast Town............... 509 Reedtown................. 526 Rural Dale............... 533 Poe.......................... 509 Regniet's Mills......... 526 RuralVale............... 534 Point Isabel.............. 509 Rehoboth.................. 526 Rush....................... 534 Point Pleasant......... 509 Reid's..................... 527 Rush Creek.............. 534 Poland..................... 509 Reiley..................... 527 Rush Run...........534 Poland Center............ 510 Reinersville.............. 527 Rushsylvania............ 534 Polk........................ 510 Remson's Corners...... 527 Rushville.............535, 73 Polktown.................. 510 Republic.................. 527 Russell.................... 535 Pomeroy................... 510 Republican............... 527 Russell's Place.......... 535 Pgnd........................ 513 Reservoir.................527 Russell's Station........ 535 Pontiac.................... 513 Reynoldsburg..............527 Russellville.............. 535 Poplar..................... 513 Riblets..................... 527 Rutland................... 535 Poplar Ridge............ 513 Richfield.................. 527 Sabina.................... 535 Portage.................... 513 Rich Hill...............527 Saint Charles........535 l'ort Center............... 513 Richland.................. 527 Saint Clair............... 536 Port Clinton............... 513 Richmond................ 528 Saint Clairsville......... 536 Porter...................... 513 Richmond Center....... 528 Saintfield................. 536 Portersville............... 514 Richmond Dale.......... 529 Saint Henry's............ 536 Port Homer............... 514 Richville................. 529 Saint John's.......... 536 Port Jefferson......514, 521 Richwood.................. 529 Saint Joseph............ 536 Portland...... 514, 356, 489 Ridge........,............ 529 Saint Louisville......... 536 Portsmouth................ 514 Ridgeland............. 529 Saint Mary's............ 536 Port Union............... 520 Ridgeville................. 529 Saint Paris............... 535 Port Washington....... 520 Ridgeville Corners...... 529 Salem................536, 527 Port William............. 520 Ridgeway................ 529 Salem Center............ 542 Pottersville............... 521 Riga....................... 529 Salesville..............542 Powell..................... 521 Rinehart.............. 529 Salineville................ 542 Powhatan Point........ 521 Ringgold.................. 529 Salt Creek............... 542 Prairie Depot............ 521 Ring's Mills............. 529 Saltilla.................... 49 Pratt................. 521 Rio Grande............... 529 Saltillo..................... 542 Prattsville.521 Ripley.................... 529 Saltpeter................. 542 Preston.................... 522 Ripleyville..........529 Samantha........... 542 Price's Mills.......522, 445- River Styx............... 529 Sampson................ 542 Pricetown................ 522 Rives...................... 529 Sampsonville............ 542 Primrose.................. 522 Rix's Mills............... 529 Sandusky.................. 542 Princeton.................. 522 Robinson's................ 529 Sandy...................... 547 Propstville.............. 522 Rochester Depot........ 529 Sandyville............... 547 Prospect.................. 522 Rock House.............. 530 Sarabsville............... 547 Providence.............. 522 Rock Oak................. 530 Sardinia................... 547 Puebla.................... 522 Rockport.............530, 290 Sardis..................... 548 Pugh....................... 522 Rocksford................ 530 Savannah................ 548 Pulaski.................... 522 Rockville................ 530 Saybrook.................. 548 Pulaskiville............... 522 Rocky Hill............... 530 Sayman.................. 548 Putnam................... 522 Rocky Narrows......... 531 Scio........................ 548 Pyrmont................. 522 Rodney.................... 531 Scioto..................... 548 Quaker Bottom.......... 522 Rogersville.......... 531 Sciotoville................. 548 Quincy.................... 522 Rokeby.................... 531 Scotch Ridge............. 548 Raccoon................... 523 Rollersville........... 531 Scott........................ 548 Raccoon Island.......... 523 Rome...................... 531 Scroggsfield.............. 549 Racine.................... 523 Rootstown............... 531 Seal........................ 549 Radnor........... 524 Roscoe............... 531 Sego........................ 549 Rainsboro'............... 524 Rose........................ 532 Selma..................... 549 Randolph................. 524 Rosedale.................. 532 Senacaville............... 549 Rapids.......5 624 Rose Hill..........532, 550 Seven Mile.......... 550 Rarden..........,.524 Roseville............ 532 Seven Mile Prairie..... 550 Ratcliffsburg....... 524 Ross...............532 Sewelsville..........551 Ravenna....... 525 Rosseau............532 Shade..............551 Rawsonville.........526 Round Bottom.......532 Shadeville..........551 See adv't of W. E. Braman & Co's Sewing Machines p. xxv. xviii INDEX. -..................... Eii, PAGE Springfield. 560.............. 560 Spring Hills.........564 Spring Lake............. 564 Spring Mountain. 564......564 Spring Valley............ 564 Stafford.............564...... 564 Starr............... 564......... 564 State Line............... 564 Station Fifteen......... 564 Staun ton............564...... 564 Steamburg,............... 564 Steamtown............... 565 Steuben.............565...... 565 Steubenvi lle................. 565 Stillwater................ 569 Stillwells................. 569 Stilvedia............569...... 569 Stockport................. 570 Stone Creek.............. 570 Stony Ridge 570.............. 570 Storrs..............570....... 570 Stouts.................... 570 Stoutsville..........570..... 70 Stovertown............... 570 Stow....................... 570 Straitsville............... 570 Strasburg 570, 432.............570, 432 Streetsboro'..........570 Strongsvill e.............. 570 Stryker............570........ 570 Suffield.................... 571 Sugar Creek............. 571 Sugar Grove.............. 571 Sugar Ridge.............571 Sugar Tree Ridge...... 571 Sugar Valley............ 571 Sullivan............571...... 571 Sulphur Spring 571......... 571 Summerfield............. 572 Summerford 572.............. 72 Summit.............572...... 572 Summitville.............. 572 Sunbury.................. 572 Sunfish..................... 573 Swan...................... 573 Swan Creek.............. 573 Swanton................... 573 Sycamore.................. 573 Sylvania............574 Sylvia..............574....... 574 Symmes............574....... 574 Symmes' Corner 574......... 574 Symmes' Creek 575......... 57 Symmes' Run............ 575 Syracuse.................. 575 Tabor....................... 575 Tallmadge....... 575......... 575 Tampic o............575...... 575 Tanktown................. 575 Tappan..................... 575 Tariff..............575........6 Tarl ton.............575......7 Tawawa............575......5 5 Taylor's Creek.......575 See advt. of S. G. Burnet & Co., p. xxii. xi.i - INDEX. PAGE Shaler's Mills............ 551 Shalerville............... 551 Shanandoah.............. 551 Shane's Crossings...... 551 Shanesville............... 551 Shannon.................. 551 Sharon..................... 551 Sharon Center........... 551 Sharonville............... 551 Sharp's Fork............ 551 Shauck's................. 551 Sheffi,old................... 551 Sheffield Lake........... 551 Shelby..................... 551 Shepherdstown......... 552 Sherman.................. 652 Sberodsville.............. 552 Shober's Mills........... 552 Short Creek.............. 552 Shreve..................... 552 Shunk..................... 553 Sicily....................... 553 Sidney...................... 563 Silver Run............... 555 Simmons 555 Sinking Spring......... 555Six Corners.............. 555 Sixteen Mile Stand..... 555 Skeel's Cross Roads.... 555 Sligo........................ 556 Smithfield................ 556 Smith's..................... 557 Smith's Landing......... 557 Smith's Mills............ 55-7 Smithville................. 557 Smyrna...................557 Snookville............... 557 Snow Hill................ 557 Solon...................... 557 Somerford........... 557, 572 Somerset.................. 557 Somerton.................. 567 Somerville................ 657 Sonora 458 South 458 South Charleston........ 568 Southington.............. 559 South Kirtland......... 559 South New Castle....... 559 South Olive 559 South Perry.............. 559 South Plymouth......... 459 South Point.............. 559 South Ridge.............. 669 South Rome............... 559 South Salem.............. 659 South Solon............... 559 South Warsaw.......... 560 South Woodbury... 660 33 Sparta...................... 560 PAGB Taylorsville.............. 575 Tedrow v.......... 676 Teegardin —''... 576 ............ Teesburg,................. 576 Temperanceville......... 576 Terre Haute............. 676 Texas....................... 676 Thivener.................. 576 Thompson................ 576 Thornville............... 576 Thurman.................. 576 Tiffln....................... 576 Tiltonville................ 580 Tippecanoe............... 580 Tiro........................ 581 Tiverton................... 581 Todd's..................... 681 Toledo..................... 581 Tompkins................ 689 Torch...................... 689 Townsend................ 589 Tradersville............. 589 Tranquility............... 589 Tremont................... 589 Trenton............... 590,592 Triadelphia.............. 590 Trimble.................... 590 Troy....................... 590 Trumbull................. 592 Tully...................... 692 Tunnell.................... 592 Tupper's Plains......... 592 Tuscarawas............... 592 Twenty mile stand..... 693 Twinsburg 693 Tymochtee................ 594 Tyrone.................... 694 Uhrichsville.............. 594 Underwood's............. 696 Union..................... 695 Union Plain.............. 696 Unionport................ 696 Uniontown........... 596,392 Unionville........... 696,434 Unionville Center...... 696 Unipolis.................. 696 Unison.................... 696 Unity..................... 596 UpdegraTs............... 696 Upper Sandusky......... 597 Upshur.................... 698 Urbana..................... 699 Uth........................ 602 Utica.................. 602)322 Vail, s Cross Roads...... 602 Vallens................... 602 Valley Ford............. 602 Van Buren............... 602 Vandalia................. 603 Vanlue..................... 603 Ix ADVEREISEMENTS. IMPROVED METALL-PERCHA g g~~~~~~~~~~~~~ab B U R IA L C.AS K ET. PATENTED OCT. 4TH, 1859, BY H. MARSHALL, CINCINNATI, O. Permit me to call your attention to a new and invaluable invention of Corrugated Sheet Metallic Burial Cases, which for Beauty, Lightness and Durability, stand unrivalled by any improvement of the age. One of the most important features in our Caskets, never before presented to the world, is, that they are lined throughout with Gutta Percha or India Rubber Cases, with a gasket of the same material around the flange, so as to make them Air and Water Tight. The unprecedented demand for these Caskets is doubtless owing to the fact that they surpass all others in the following particulars: 1st. Being made of Galvanized Sheet Metal, they do not require from ten to twelve strong men to handle them, but can be handled as easily as a wooden coffin, and are deposited in the grave without danger or peril, and will not crack or break by hard usage or accidents. 2d. Being lined with Gutta Percha or India Rubber, and a gasket of the same material to make them air tight, we avoid the very tedious and unpleasant process of using cement or wax for that purpose. 3d. They can be opened and closed by any person without the aid of tools, or mechanical skill, and when once closed, and it becomes necessary to open them to correct any misplacing of the body after being moved a distance, or to correct any unsightly appearance, they can be opened again and closed as at first. 4th. The material is capable of unknown durability. It never corrodes, and has maintained its substance and color under water for many years. Besides the Caskets are so made, with cross stays, double and treble layers of archings and braces, as to give them a strength and ability of endurance scarcely known to any other substance used for kindred purposes. 5th. It may be suggested that the most tasteful and becoming way of burying infants and young persons is to use white Caskets, either covered with white material, white glazing, or elegant white marbling. A custom now coming into use and which is very commendable, is not to dig graves over about four feet in depth, and build a brick vault to receive the Casket, which is then covered with an arch of brick. This is readily done by a skilful mason, and gives a permanence and safety to the last resting place of the dead for ages. From a multitude of notices from the press, we submit the following from the Scientific Artisan, one of the most influential and able Journals of the West: H. MARSHALL & CO'S BURIAL CASKET.-The degree of respect that is paid to the dead, is probably a very good mark of the progress of civilization. The remains even of the departed friend, are usually held sacred by every one, "be he heathen or Christian," and hence next to living, we find, generally, extensive preparations for those who can not live always. Many plans have been proposed, but among them all, so far as we have seen, there is none that we would think superior if equal to the caskets now manufactured by El. Marshall & Co., of this city. They are made of sheet metal, either iron or copper, as may be preferred, and so formed as to be very strong, but withal much lighter than any other metallic casket we have ever seen. They are then lined throughout with casings of Gutta Percha, which will exclude the air, and when the external drapery and silver handles and plates are all arranged, we think that there is a neatness and fitness about these caskets that must render them exceedingly popular with the undertakers. These gentlemen have recently commenced this branch of manufacture in this city, and they seem to have spared neither time nor money in designing the most fitting and appropriate ornaments and drapery for their caskets, and as their orders are already far beyond the resources of supply, we believe they require only to be known to be adopted. XX ADVEREISEMENTS. ff~~~~~i................. xxi PAGE Westboro'................. 616 West Brookfield 616......... 616 West Buffalo........ l.... 616 West Cairo...... 616......... 616 West Canaan........... 617 West Carlisle........617 West Charleston........ 617 West Chester.........617, 57 West Elkton............. 617 Western Star............ 618 Westerville.......:......... 618 Westfiel d...........618....... 618 West Florence........... 618 West Fremont........... 618 West Independence.... 618 West Jefferson 618.......... 618 West Lafayette 618.......... 618 West Lancaster......... 619 West Lebanon........... 619 West Liberty............ 619 West Lod i..........619....... 619 West Manchester....... 619 West Middleburg...... 619 West Mill Grove........ 620 West Milton.............. 620 Westminster............ 620 West Newton............ 620 Weston.............620........ 620 West Pierpont........... 620 West Point............... 620 West Ridgeway....620, 360 W vest Rushville.......... 620 W.,est Salem............... 620 West Sonora............. 620 West Swanton.... 620, 573 W vest Union............... 620 West Unity.............. 620 Westville................. 620 West Williamsfield.6 Woa'..... 620 West Windsor............ 620 West Woodville........... 620 WVest Zanesville........... 620 Weymouth................ 620 Wharton's................ 621 Whartonsburg.......... 621 Wheat Ridge............. 621 Wheatville............... 621 Wheelersburg........... 621 Whetstone............... 622 Whigville............... 622 Whipstown............... 622 White Cottage........... 622 White Eyes Plains........... 622 Whiteford.................... 522 White House............. 622 White Oak Valley......... 62 White Sulphur Springs 622 xxi INDEX. PAGE Vermillion............... 604 Vernon.................... 605 Versailles................. 605 Veto........................ 605 Vienna......I............ 605 Vienna Cross Roads... 606 Vineyard Hill.......... 606 Vinton..................... 606 Vinton Furnace......... 606 Wadsworth............... 606 Waggoner's Ripple..... 606 Walioo..................... 606 Wakatornita............. 606 Wakeman................. 606 Waldo..................... 606 Wales...................... 607 Walhond-ing............. 607 Waller.................... 607 Walnut.................... 607 Walnut Creek............ 607 Walnut Hills............ 607 Walnut 607 Walnut Run............. 607 Wa.pa7coneta............... 607 Warpole.................. 608 TVarren.................... 608 Warrenton.............. 609 Warrensville............ 609 Warsaw.................. 609 Washington.............. 609 Washington C. H.. 609 Washingtonville......... 611 Waterford................. 611 Waterloo.........I.... 611, 499 Watertown............... 611 Waterville............... 611 Watkins.................. 611 Watson's Cross Roads 611 Watson's Station....... 611 Wattsville................ 611 Wauseon.................. 611 Waverly.................. 611 Waynesburg............. 611 Waynesfield............. 611 Waynesville.............. 611 Webster.................. 612 613 Wellerville............... 613 Wellington............... 613 Wellsville................. 613 Welshfield................ 615 IV est Alexandria...... 615 West Andover........... 616 West Baltimore........ 616 West Barre............... 616 West Beaver........... I. 616 West Bedford............ 616 PAGE Whittles6y............... 622 Wiekliffe.................. 622 Wilkesville............... 622 Wilkins.................... 622 Willettville............... 622 Williamsburg........ 622, 25 Williams Center......... 623 Williamsfield 623 Williamsport............ 623 Williamsville............ 623 Willoughby............... 623 Willow, Dale............. 623 Willow Grove............ 623 Will's Creek.............. 623 Willshire................. 623 TV,ilmington............... 623 Wilson.................... 626 Wilson's Corners... 626, 284 Winchester, 6, 530, 355, 548 Windham................... 626 Windham Station....... 626 Windsor................... 626 Winesburg................626 Winfield................... 626 Winnameg............... 626 Wintersville.............. 626 Winton.................... 626 Withamsville............ 626 Wittens.................... 626 - Wolf........................ 627 Woodbury................ 62T Wood Grove............. 62T Woodington.............. 62T Woodsfield................ 627 Woodstock................ 627 Woodview 62T Woodville 62T Woodyard's.............. 6 TVooster........ 628 Worth....... 630 Worthington............ 630 Wyandot.................. 630 Wynant................... 631 Xenia........ 631 Yank e'e" 634 Yankeetown.............. 634 Yellow Bud............... 634 York........ 634 Young i ory. 634 Youngstown.............. 6S4 Youngsville............... 637 Zaleski..................... 68T Zanesfield................. 63T Zanesville................. 637 Zimmerman............. 646 Zoar........................ 646 xxii ADVERTISEMENTS. S. C. BURNET & CO., Manufacturers of WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, RIDDL S, Wooden and Japanned Tin Bird Cages R BAT TRAPS, —:.: -And all kinds of Wire Products, and dealers in : I Bright and Annealed Iron Wire, n ie NO. 27 WALNUT ST., I E | CCINCINNATI, OHIO. - x~~> Special attention given to the Weaving of Wire Cloth for Fan Mills, Threshing Machines, Rolling Screens and Safes. JOHN FLEMING. JOSEPH TORRENS. j FLE MING & TORRErS9 Manufacturers of JAPANHED AHD STAMPED Til WARE, AND FLEMING'S PATENT LANTERNS, Importers and dealers in house furnishing Hardware, and Tinners' Goods, Corner of Market and Third Streets, PITTSBURG, PENN. R. E. SELLERS & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS,OIlS, YAREISHES, PAINIS & DY[SIUFFS. PROPRIETORS OF SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, COUGH SYRUP AND VERMIFUGCE. Cor. Wood and Second Sts., Pittsburg, Penn. GOODS WARRANTED. xxii ADVERTISEMENTS. Index to Classified Business Directory. PAGE Carriage and wagon makers............ 751 Chair makers, see cabinet makers and furniture dealers..................... 746 China, glass and queensware........... 757 Cigars and tobacco........................ 758 Clock s, see j ew elry, watches, clocks and silver ware........................ 848 Clothiers and merchant tailors................ 760 Collecting agents, see attorneys at law 690 Also Real Estate Agents..................... 878 Colleges, see academies, colleges, schools and seminaries.............. 675 Commercial colleges....................... 766 Commission, forwarding and produce merchants.............................. 767 Confectioners, see bakers and confec tion ers................................. 702 Coopers and stave manufactur ers and dealers.................................. 771 Coppersmiths, see stoves, tin, copper and shee iron ware.................. 900 Country stores, see general stores...... 793 Curriers, see hide and leather dealers and tanners........................... 830 Cutlery, see hardware and cutlery... 826 Daguerrean artists, see ambrotype, daguerrean and photographic artists................................... 679 Dentists....................................... 775 Distillers and rectifiers................... 777 Dress makers, see milliners and dress makers................................. 855 Druggists.................................... 777 Dry goods.................................... 782 Dyers and scourers........................ 785 Dye stuffs, see paints, oils, glass, dye stuffs, &c................................ 863 Earthenware manufacturers, see pot teries.................................... 877 Eating houses, see saloons and restau rants.................................... 884 Edge tool manufacturers................. 786 Engine builders, see boiler manufac turers and steam engine builders 725 Engravers.................................... 786 Exchange dealers, see bankers, bro kers and exchange dealers......... 707 Fancy goods, see millinery, silk and fancy goods............................ 861 Fanning mill manufacturers, see agri cultural implements................. 676 Feed stores, see flour, feed and grain dealers..........................."," 786 Florists, see nurseries, seedsmen and fiourists................................. 862 PAGE Academies, colleges, schools and semi naries.................................... 675 Agents, (insurance,) see Insurance Agents.................................. 845 Agents, (Patent Right,) see Patent Right Agents.......................... 864 Agents, (Real Estate,) see Real Estate Agents and Dealers.................. 878 Agents, (Sewing Machine,) see Sew ing Machine Agents and Dealers 897 Agricultural implement manufactu rers and dealers..................... 676 Ambrotype, daguerrean and photo graphic artists......................... 679 Apothecaries and Chemists, see Drug gists..................................... 777 Architects, carpenters and builders..., 681 Attorneys at law and notaries public 690 Aurists and oculists............................. 702 Bakers and confectioners................ 702 Bankers, brokers and exchange deal ers........................................ 707 Banks......................................... 709 Bedstead manufacturers, see cabinet makers and furniture dealers..... 746 Beef and pork packers and dealers... 710 Belting, (gum and leather,)............. 711 Blacksmiths............................................. 712 Blank books, see book binders and blank book manufacturers and dealers................................. 726 Boiler manufacturers and steam en gine builders........................... 725 Bonnet makers, see milliners and dress makers........................ 855 Book binders and blank book manu facturers............................... 726 Book and job printers, see printers book and job.......................... 878 Booksellers and stationers............... 726 Boot and shoe makers and dealers..... 728 Brewers....................................... 742 Brick makers and dealers............... 743 Brokers, see bankers, brokers and exchange dealers....................... 707 Broom manufacturers..................... 714 Builders, see architects, carpenters and builders........................... 681 Burial caskets.............................. 745 Cabinet makers and furniture dealers 746 Candle manufacturers, Lee soap and candles................................. 899 Caps, see hats, caps and furs...................... 828 Carpenters, see architects, carpenters and builders........................... 681 -,t xxiv INDEX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.o PAGE Mercantile collegal, see commercial colleges.... =............... 766 Merchant tailors, see clothiers and merchant tailors...................... 760 Millers, see flouring and grist mills... 787 Milliners and dress malkers............. 855 Millinery, silk and fancy goods........ 861 Monuments, see mar ble workers a nd dealers.................................. 854 Musical instruments, see piano fortes and musical instruments........... 876 Notaries public, see attorneys at la w and notaries public. 690 Notion dealer s, see toys, n otions and variety stores......................... 904 Nurseries, seedsmen and florists........ 862 Oculists, see aurists and oculists...... 702 Oils and paints, see paints, oils, glass dye st uffs, &c.......................... 863 Paints, oils, glass, dye stuffs, &c........ 863 Paper hangings and window shades 863 Paper manufacturers..................... 864 Pa tent right agent s........................ 864 Photographic artists, see ambrotype, daguerrean and photographic ar tists.................................... 679 Physicians and surgeons................ 865 Piano fortes and musical instruments 876 Picture frames, see looking glass and picture frames........................ 852 Pistols, see gunsmiths, gu ns, pistols, &c........................................ 825 Planing mills................................ 877 Plumbers, see gas and steam fitters and plumbers........................793 Pork packers, see beef and pork pack ers and dealers............ 710 Potteries.................................... 877 Printers, book and job................... 878 Produce and provision dealers, see Ma,,commission, forwarding and pro duce merchants...................... 767 Also grocers........................... 805 Queensware, see china, glass and queensware......................I.....I. 757 Railing (iron), see iron doors, shut ters, railing, grating, &c........... 848 Real estate agents and dealers......... 878 Rectifiers, see distillers and rectifiers 777 Restaurants, see saloons and restau rants.................................... 884 Saddle and harness maker s and deal - ers............................... 880 Sale stables, see livery and sale sta bles....................................... 851 Saloons and restaurants 884 Sash, doors and blinds, see planing mills.................................... 877 Saw mills..................................... 893 Schools, see academies, colleges, semi naries and schools..........675 Scourers, see dyers and scourers....785 Seed stores, see nurseries, seedsmen and florists............................ 862 Flour, feed and grain dealers............ 786 Flouring and grist mills................. 787 Forwarding merchants, see commis sion, forwarding and produce merchants............................. 767 Foundries and machine shops........... 791 Fur dealers, see hats, caps and furs... 828 Furniture dealers, see cabinet makers and furniture dealers............... 746 Gas and steam fitters and plumbers... 793 General stores............................. 793 Gents' furnishing goods, see clothiers and merchant tailors................. 760 Glass, (plate and window,) see paints, oils, glass, dye stuffs, &c............ 863 Glassware, see china, glass and queensware,............................ 757 Grain dealers, see flour, feed and grain dealers................................. 786 Gra ting, see iro n doors, shutters, gra - ting, &c ulr.................8 i............ 848 Grist mills, see fsouring and gris t mills..................................... 787 Grocers......................8 P p....... 805 Gum belting, see belting, (gum and leather,)................................. 711 Guns, see gunsmiths, guns, pistols, &c 825 Gunsmiths, guns, pistols, &c............ 825 Hardware and cutlery..................... 826 Harness makers, see saddle and har ness makers and dealers........... 880 Hats, caps and furs......................... 828 Hide andtleather dealers and tanners 830 Hoe manufacturers, see agricultural implements............................. 676 Hotels and hotel proprietors............ 833 Insurance agents.......................... 845 Insurance companies, home............. 847 Iron doors, shutters, railing, grating.. 848 Jewelry, watches, clocks, and silver ware............................. 848 Land agents, see real estate agents and dealers.................................. 878 Lawyers, see attorneys at law.......... 690 Leather belting, see belting, (gum and leather,)........................... 711 Leather dealers, see hide and leather dealers and tanners.................. 830 Liquor dealers, see wines and liquors 907 Livery and sale stables.................. 851 Loan offices, see bankers brokers and exchange dealers..................... 707 Looking glass and picture frames..... 852 Lumber dealers.............................. 853 Machine shops, see foundries and ma chine shops............................ 791 Mantua makers, see milliners and dress makers........................... 855 Marble workers and dealers............ 854 Mattress manufacturers, see uphol sterers and mattress manufactur ers....................................... 906 Melodeons, see piano fortes and musi cal instruments....................... 876 See advt. of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. xxiv INDEX. PAGE . 786 . 787 A -~~~~~IDX xxv W F. BAMAN & C O.'s $EW~gSI -(See advertisement, N. W. Cor. Fourth & Walnut sts., - i i i i i i ii i i iii i i i - LII 10 109 R1AND)ALL & ASTO)N, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Booksellers and Stationers, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Wall Papers, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Pictures, and Fancy Articles. Come and try us. PAGE Threshing machines, see agricultural impl ements............................ 676 Tinsmiths, see stoves, tin, copper a nd sheet iron ware...................... 900 Tobacco dealers, see cigars and to bacco.................................. 758 Tomb stones, see marble workers and dealers............................... 854 Toys, notions and variety stores........ 904 Trunk makers and dealer s............... 905 Upholterers and mattres s manu factu rers....................................... 906 Variety stores, see toys, notions and variety stores.......................... 904 Wagon makers, see carriage and wa gon makers.................... 751 Wall paper, see paper hangings and window shades....................... 863 Watches, see jewelry, watches, clocks and silverware....................... 848 Willow ware, see wooden and willow ware..................................... 909 Window glass, see paints, oils, glass, dyestuffs, etc........................... 863 Window shades, see paper hangings and window shades.................. 863 Wines and liquors.......................... 907 Wooden and willow ware............... 909 PAGE Seminaries, see academies, colleges, schools and seminaries............. 675 Sewing machine agents and dealers... 897 Sheet iron ware, see stoves, tin, cop per and sheet iron ware........... 900 Shoe makers, see boot and shoe mak ers and dealers........................ 728 Shutters, (iron), see iron doors, shut ters, railing, grating, etc.......... 848 Silk goods, see millinery, silk and fancy goods........................... 861 Silverware, see jewelry, watches, clocks and silverware.............. 848 Soap and candles........................... 899 Stationers, see booksellers and sta tioners.................................. 726 Stave manufacturers, see coopers and stave manufacturers and dealers 771 Steam engine builders, see boiler manufacturers and steam engine builders................................ 725 Steam fitters, see gas and steam fitters and plumbers......................... 793 Stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware 900 Surgeons, see physicians and surgeons 865 Tailors, see clothiers and merchant tailors,.................................. 760 Tanners, see hide and leather dealers and tanners........................... 830 INDEX. xxv 109 109 INDEX TO MISCELLANEOUS MATTER, PAGE Abstract of Patent laws............iv............ i Alphabetical Classification of Busi ness and Professions.................. 675 Cincinnati and Maysville Packet...... 674 Classified Business Directory...................... 675 Classified Index to Advertisements xxvii County Officers, see County Seats. County Seats, see towns in Italeics in Index. Engravings: Birds-Eye View of U. S. Patent Office and General Po st Office Inside back cover Ca tholic Institute, C incinnati, opp. Title Glendale Female C o llege............ 352 Granville Female Academy...... 354 Nation al Theater, Cincinnati.................. 86 Ohio State Normal School.......... 50 Portrait of Geo. W. Hawes, Pub lisher................................. vi Foreign Advertisers and Subscribers: Buffalo, N. Y., Advertisers and Subscribers............... 910, 911, 912 Detroit, Mich., Advertisement.... 839 Indianapolis, Indiana, Advertise mrlents.................. 1, 836, 865, 913 Lafayette, Ind., Advertisement... 836 New York City Subscribers....... 913 Philadelphia, Pa., Adv't............ 911 Pittsburg, Penn., Advertisers and Subscribers.................. 914 to 918 General Directory......................... 3 Index to Advertisements, Classified xxvii Index to Cities, Towns, Villages and Post Offices.......................... ix Patent Laws, abstract of................. iv Preface....................................... vii Railroads: Baltimore and Ohio.................. 788 Bellefontaiue..................... 668, 669 PAGE Buffalo and Erie...... 65................ 654 C arrollton and Oneida.............. 667 Central Ohio.............................. 661 Cincinnati and Indianapolis Junc tion.............................. 660 Cincinnati and Richmond......... 663 Cleveland, Columbus and Cincin nati...................... 648 Clevela nd and Erie.................. 647 Cleveland and Pittsburg........... 655 Cleveland and Toledo............... 651 Columbus and Wheeling........... 661 Columbus and Xenia................ 659 Dayton and Michigan.............. 666 Dayton and Western...................673 Detroit and Milwa ukee............. 665 Eaton and Hamilton................. 663 Evansville and Crawfordss ville....... 674 Fremont and Indiana............... 652 Indiana Central..................... 673 Indianapolis and Cincinnati...... 671 Jeffersonville......................... 672 Lafayette and Indianapolis............... 670 Little Miami.......................... 659 Louisville and Nash ville........... 662 Marietta and Cincinnati............ 788 Michi gan S outh er n and Northern Indi ana.............................. 658 Nashville and Chattanooga................ 657 New York and Erie................. 664 Portsmouth and Hamden.......... 652 Sandusky, Dayton and Cincin nati.................................... 667 Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark 649 Scioto and Hocking Valley........ 652 Springfield, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg........................... 653 Steubenville........................... 650 Toledo and Wabash.................. 656 State Officers................................ 267 Steamer, Magnolia........................ 674 CLASSIFIED INDEX T 0 ADVERTISEMENTS. I BELLEFONTAINE. Hotel, Branham House......................... 29 Stationer and News Depot, W. V. Marquis........................ 28 BELLE POINT. General Merchant, S. Grubb................................ 31 BELLEVILL]E. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, E. Clark.......................... 32 BELLEVUE. Groeeries, Ce., L. L. Chandler........................ 32 33ELPRE. General Merchant, Franklin Stone.............,833 BENNINGTON. General Merchant, G. N. Clark............................ 33 BENTONVILLE. General Merchants, E. D. & J. M. Leedom................. 34 BEREA. Attorney at Law, G. M. Barber........................... 35 Berea Grindstones, Wc., John M. Stearns & Co............. *35 BETHANY, Groceries, Notions, Drugs, 4-o, Peter Williamson........... *37 BIG PLAIN. Physician and Surgeon, B. F. Welsh............................ 38 BLADENSBURG. _Physician and Surgeon, A. C. Scott.............................. 40 BRIDGEPORT. Itotel, La Belle House........................ 44 BRISTOL. General Merchants, Cool & Betts........................... 46 BRISTOLVILLE. Tooth Cultivators, Hammon & Metcalf................... 47 BROWNSVILLE. Merchant Tailor, Alex. Flowers......................... 48 ADA. General Merchants, Gilbert & Reece....................... 4 ADRIAN. Groceries. Notions, Mc., C. G. Fenn.............................. 5 AI. Groceries, Notions, ac., E. D. Gambell......................... 5 ALLIANCE. Io tel, Buckeye House........................ 9 ASHLAND. Clover Hulling Machine, D. Whiting.........................14, 678 Hotel, McNulty House........................ 14 Mail Stage Line, D. B. Gray & Co., proprietors 13 ASHILEY. General Merchants, Curren & Col e......................... 15 ASIITABULA. Clock and Watchmaker, A. W. Steel........................... 16 Dried Fruit and Flour Dealers, Wells & Faulkner..................... 16 Hotel, Ashtabula House...................... 15 Stage Office, Southern Stage office.............. 15 IVestern Reserve Butter and Cheese, Wells & Faulkner.................... 16 ATHENS. Attorneys at Law, Smith & De Steiguer................. 18 AUSTINBURG. General Merchant, J. G. Dol e.............................. 20 BAINBRIDGE. Drugs and Medicines, Charles Robins........................ 22 BANTAM GGeneral Merchants, Benj. Ely & Son....................... 22 BEALLSVILLE. Physician and Surgeon, Wm. G. Webb......................... 26 BELL AIR. Hotel, Belmont House........................ 27 PAGE PAGE xxviii INDEX. Jo I. SHANNOC.S Wholesale and Retail Carriage Manufactory, No. 9 E. Sixth Street, CINwCINATI, OHIO Employing none but first class hands and using second growth and well seasoned timber, I can furnish a better Carriage for less money than can be bought in any other establishment in Cincinnati or New York. Particular attention is invited to my Family Carriages, Rockaways, Standing and Falling-Top Barouches, Photons, Prince Alberts, Trotting Buggies, Break Wagons, Skeleton Wagons, Sulkies for Road and Track, &c. All Work warranted for one year. CALEDONIA. General Merchant, F. C. Ruehrmund....................... CAMBRIDGE. Hotel, Eagle Hotel........................... CANAL FULTON. Liquor Dealers, Hall & Cove........................... CANAL WINCHESTER. General Merchants, D. & C. Gayman...................... CANFIELD. BUCYRUS. Attorney at Law, M. Buchman...................... u51 Bank, Exchange Bank....................... 50 Hotels, Johnson Hou se........................ 5C McCoy House.......................... 51 School, Ohio State Normal School, (En graving.)........................ 50 Woolen Manufactory, Bucyrus Woolen Mill s.............. 50 BUNDYSBURG. Porter's Cure of Pain, W. L. Porter............................ 54 BURG HILL. General Merchants, Vernon, Thompson & C o 54 CADIZ JUNCTION. Eating House, James Cady, proprietor............ 57 CADWALLADER. General Merchant, John Rank i n........................... 57 CALAIS. General -Merchant, J. H. Ogleba y.......................... 58 Hotel, Bostwick House....................... C A NTON. Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Aultman & Miller.................... CARROLLTON. Hotel, Beatty House.......................... 67 CELINA. Notary Public, Jacob Broadwell...................... 70 CHIAMBERSBURG. * General Merchant, H. Jackson............................ 72 xxviii INDEX. I i -r PAGE PAGE 158 159 62 62 63 64 ...................................... xxi Boiler Manufacturers, James Bradford & Co...............viii Lane & Bodley...... inside front cover R. Tudor & Co....................... 165 Isaac West............................. 183 Book Binders, Appplegate & Co................... 90 Books and Stationery, Applegate & Co....................... 90 Geo. S. Blanchard.................... 94 Robert Clark Co...................... 109 Boots and Shoes, F. P. Haldy............................ 126 Nicholas Wirthlin.................... 185 Broom.Manufacturers, Conklin & Bacon..................... 104 Buckets, Tubs, W'c., George Detch................................ 118 Burial Caskets, H. Marshall & Co..................... xx Butter Merchants, C. B. Hunt.............................. 132 Johnson McMah.en............... 141 Cabinet Hardware, McAlpin, Hinman & Co............. 141 Carriage MJanufacturers, J. A. Shannon i.................. I... xxviii Catawba and Rhine Wines, Lack & Co............................ 139 Churn Manufacturer, George Detch......................... 118 Cider C.ill and Corn Shelling Machine, Samuel Males........................ 143 Cigars and Tobacco, C. F. Meyer & Bro ther............. 150 Sander & Obermeyer....................... 166 Clothing, J. H. Brooke........................... 99 Marcus Fechheimer.................. 122 I. P. Strauss & Brothers............ 173 Coach, Harness aud House Platers, Cane & Shultz........................ 133 Commercial College, Queen City College.................. 159 Commission and g.1orwarding, J. L. Clark.............................. 105 Conklin & Bacon..................... 104 George Crawford & Co.............. x T. H. Foulds & Co.................... 123 C. B. Hunt.............................. 132 Johns(A McMahan................... 141 Orr & Brown........................... 154 West & McDougal..........,......... 184 Young, Thomas & Co................. 187 Dentists, Drs. Wardell & Doughty............ 181 Dressed Lumber, Merritt, Thompson & Co............ 147 Druggists, George M. Dixon..................... 108 S. A. Griffith, agent.................. 778 L. Groneweg........................ 126 Draughtsman, John Shobe.................,.. 169 CHESTER. Physician and Surgeon, J. B. Smith............................. 75 CHESTER HILL. Sewing Machines, John D). Wrightt....................... 75 CHILLICOTHE. Attorneys at Law, Thos. J. Beach......................8.... 78 Chas. E. Brown......................... 78 Lyman Fullerton..................... 80 Valley Rouse ~.................79BomMnfcues S. L. Wallace.......................... 82 iHotels, Phoenix House........................ 80 Valley House.......................... 79 Newspapers, Chillicothe Wochenblatt............ 77 Scioto Gazette..................Cr......... 81 Prin ters, Rich'd Baur........................... 77 A. P. Miller............................. 81 Stage office, 'General Stage Office................. 79 CINCINNATI. Agricultural Implemcnts, James Bradford & Co................ viii Garrett & Cottman.................. 124 Lane & Bodley...... inside front cover Latimer, Colburn & Lupton......... iii Artists, Photographic, Eaton & Webber...................... 114 Thos. O. Kaylor......................... 134 A tto rneys at Law, Knight Br others..... inside back cover Aurist and Oculist, Dr. E. Williams Wt Mog................ 214 Bays, Frederick Sheen...................... 167 Band Office, J. C. Spills.................. 170 Bank Locks and Vaults, Hall, Carro ll & Co.................... 128 Banner P ainter, C. MI. Clark...........................103 Beer Coolers, John C. Schooley & Co.............. 168 Bell and Brass Founders, Campbell, Ellison & Co........ 901, 102 G. W. Coffin & Co..................... 110 Belting and Hose, James Bradford & Co................ viii Latimer, Colburn & Lupton........ iii Billiard Saloons, Apollo.................................. 89 E. P. Johnston........................ 89 Bird Cages, Bromwell & Melish.................. 96 S. G. Burnet & Co....................x xii Blank Book Manufact'r, Applegate & Co...................... 90 Block Lettering, H. Cummings.............107 Boarding, Indiana House l............ 61 See advt. of J. A. Shannon, pa xxviii. xxix INDEX. PAGE PAGE xxx INDEX. PAGE Balthaser Gleich..................... 125 Dyers and Scourers, Mrs. Sophia Kuhlman.............. 138 Wm. Teasdale........................ 786 Earthen TWare, Peter Lessel............................ 140 Editors and Publishers, Grant, Pittman & Leeds............ 146 Egg Dealer, Johnson McMahan.................. 141 Engravers, Benjamin B. Chamberlin........... 103 Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co........... 117 Excelsior Fluid Inks, J. J. Butler........................... 101 Express Companies, Adams................................... 87 American.............................. 88 Fancy Baskets, T. Bass................................. 93 Fancy Goods, Alex. Effray.......................... 116 Flooring Mill Merritt, Thompson & Co..........17 147 Flour and Grain, Orr & Brown......................... 154 Frederick Sheen...................... 167 Young, Thomas & Co................ 187 Founders and Machinists, James Bradford & Co................ viii Campbell, Ellison & Co.......102, 901 G. W. Coffin & Co................. 110 Elmer & Forkner.............120....... 120 Lane & Bodley....... inside front cover Fresco Painting H. Cummings.......................... 107 Fruits and Vegetables, J. L. Clark............................. 105 Gents' Furnishing Goods, Edward McArdle...................... 143 I. P. Strauss & Brothers............. 173 Glass Stainer, H. Burgund..........................., 97 Glazier and Grainer, Wm. Randle........................... 158 Grocers, Conklin & Bacon................... 104 J. J. Fred. Kruthaup.................. 136 D. March & Co.................. 144 Guns, etc., t Latimer, Colburn & Lupton....... iii Gun and Locksmiths, Schemann & Co.............1 Mare r 166 Hardware, Latimer, Colburn & Lupton...... iii McAlpin, Hinman & Co............ 141 J. L. Wayne & Son......................... xii Hide and Leather Dealer, Michael Eckert........................ 115 Historical Painter, T. Rossi................................ 193 Hose and Belting, Albert Krell............ Gow & Sharp....................... 712 See adv't of Fleming & Torrens, p. xxii. xxx INDEX. PAGE Drum Manufacturer, Hotels, ................ 92 ................ 95 ................ 113 ................ 161 ................ 145 .........I...... 182 ............... 111 ................ 149 rers, so........ 163 0o.............. 168 ................ 101 ............ 2, 847 t........... 2, 847 ................ 121 ................ 121 rorks......... 186 etc., ................ 121 ................ 153 ................ 155 ............... 178 ................ 109 ................ 712 er, ................ 156 Co....... 117 ............... 144 ................ 169 Frames, ............... 129 o............. 148 ................ 149 LCo., 147 ................ 162 ,.......... 175 ,............... ary, and Scienti........... 106 ................ 14 3 7kets, ................ xX ,............ 137 INDEX. xxxi PAGE Hall, Car roll & Co.................. 128 Saloons, St. Charles....................17......... 2.....1 J. Todd.................................... 179 Wm. Tell Exchange.................. 174 S ash, Doors an d Bl inds, Hughes & Sharp..................... 131 Johnson, Morton & Co............. 148 Merritt, Thompson & Co........... 147 Scandinavian Remedies, Dr. Roback..............16.............. 160 Sewing Machines, W. E. Braman, pages 100, 898 and in indexes Grover & Baker.......................897 Ladd, Webster & Co.................. 152 Wm. Sumner & Co................... 164 Wheeler & ilson's... 164 ShFeet, Boiler nd Bar Iron, D. Wolff................................. 186 Shirt Manufactory, Alex. EfBray.........................1.. 116 Sieves, Riddles, etc., Bromwell & Melish........I......... 96 S.. Burnet & Co...................... xx.....ii Snuff Dealers, Sander & Obermeyer............... 166 Steamboat Builders, Johnson, Morton & Co.............. 148 Steamboat Carpenter, Wm. Jones........................... 149 Stoves and Tin Ware, Henry Beckman...................... 97 Campbell, Ellison & Co........ 102, 901 Elmer & Forknet r...................... 120 August Oswaldt...................... 157 Tannery, Michael Eckert....................... 115 Tea Dealers, G. Griffiths............................ 125 D. March & Co........................ 144 Theater, National Theater, (Engraving,) 86 Trunks and Carpet Bags, Willingter & Conrad................ 906 Type and Stereotype Foundry, Franklin Foundry, R. Allison, superintendent.................. 91 Varnish Manufacturers, Wm. Tilden & Nephew............... 176 Vrinegar Manufacturers, M. Herbstreit.......................... 127 Orr & Brown......................... 154 Violin Manufacturer, Albert Krell........................... 137 Wheel and Spoke Manufacturers, Royer, Simonton & Co.............. 163 White Lead M4anufacturers, R. Conkling & Co.................... 112 Wines and Liquors, M. Herbstreit......................... 127 Hudepohl & Sandbrier.................. 130 J. A. Jackson & Co..................... 135 J. J. F. Kruthaup...................... 136 Bird Cages, S&c., p. radii. PAGE Musical Instruments, Balthaser Gleich..................... 125 Newspaper, United States Advertiser................... 146 Oyster Agents, Johnson McMahan................. 141 J. Todd................................. 179 Pad Plates and General Jobbing, Sheldon Nash........................ 178 Painter, (Historical), T. Rossi.................................. 193 Painters, M. Clark....................103 H. Cummings..................... 107 Wm. Randle.......................... 158 Pain ts, Oils, etc., R. Conkling & Co.................... 112 George Crawford &a Co............ x Patent Agents, -Grant, Pi ttma nis Leeds............ 146 Knight Brothers.... inside back cover Physician s, Drs. Bo napa rte & Reynolds....... 98 A. Curtis, A....................... 106 PIctorial Designer, John Shobe............................ 169 Picture Frames, Wm. Wiswell, jr.................4 x Planing Machines, Johnson, Morton & Co............. 148 Wm.in Jones............................. 149 Platers, Kane & Schultz...................... 133 Cow iManufacturers, Garrett & Cottnan.................. 124 Portmonaie &Manufacturer, Edwin Hoole.......................... 130 Pottery, Peter Lessel........................... 140 Printers, Book and Job, Applegate & Co..................... 90 Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co.......... 117 G. A. Menzel & Co................... 144 Printing Piresses, etc., Franklin Foundry, R. Allison, Sup't............................... 91 Produce and Provisions, J. L. Clark............................ 105 Conklin & Bacon..................... 104 T. H. Foulds & Co.................. 123 J. J. F. Kruthaup..................... 136 Orr & Brown.......................... 154 Young, Thomas & Co................ 187 West & McDougal................... 184 Publishers, Applegate & Co...................... 90 E. Mendenhall....................... 177 Restaurants, St. Charles............................ 172 Wm. Tell Exchange.......... 174 Rhine Wine and Catalwba, Lack & Co................ 139 Safee Manufactulrers, Diebold, Bahmann & Co....... 119 See adv't of Wire Cloth, xxxi INDEX. xxxii INDEX. PAOE PAGB Hotel, 9 2 6 ,i 3 8 Lack & o. 139Hats ad Caps Lev &Gris.......... 12 Fllr C..~.........)2 D. arc & o...........14 Hie nd eater ealr) Wire Cloth, Gaensslen Bros. 231~~ Hide n ol Angier House...........224 Johnson House.............1.......... 249 Weddell House........................ 250 Indian Physician, Dr. H. W. Libbey............... 248 Insurance Agent S. S. Coe................. 225 Insurance Company, Manhattan Fire Insuranrce Co... 225 Jeweler, C. F. Thiele.......................... 261 Looking Glass and Picture frames John W. Sargeant................... 243 Moulding Manufacturer, J. Henry Mioller..................... 241 Newspapers; Cleveland Leader.................... 242 Clevland Plaindealer............... 244 Paper Manufactory, Lake Erie Paper Comr any,...... 260 Photographic Gallery, Forest City Gallery................. 232 Physician, Dr. 11. W. Libbey..................... 248 Printers, E. Cowles & Co........................ 242 J. W. Gray............................. 244 Produce Dealers, Comstock & Newberry................... 768 Publishers, Ingham & Bragg..................... 235 Saw Manufacturers Wmin. Marriott & Co.................. 251 Sewing Ma(chines, H. Konigslow......................... 238 Ship Brokers, Cunningham & Shaw............... 226 Soap and Candles, Joseph Stafford...................... 254 Staves, Robert Lardner...................... 245 Tanners, Gaensslen Bros....................... 231 Trunk M-anufacturer, James Latimer...................... 246 White Lead and Zinc Works G. Cary & Co........................ 863 Wig and Toupee MJanufacturer, Charles Fliedner..................... 230 Window Glass, John E. White........................ 262 Wines and Liquors, S. Buhrer.................... 777 Wm. Lawtey & Co................... 247 Wooden Ware Manufacturers, Hervey & Bousfield.................. 234 IHardware, Tennis & Dangler.................... 827 See advt. of Burial Caskets, p. xx. xx XXXll INDEX. ~~~~~~~DX xxj DEFIANCE. Hotel, Russell House........................ 311 DELAWARE. Hotel, American House..................... 3I15 Photographic Gallery, O. A. Singer.......................... 314 DOMESTIC. Physician and Surgeon, S. C. Brown.............................. 318 DUBLIN. Clothing, TW. B. Hays.............................. 820 DUNGANNON. General Merchant, James Hagan...............3......... 322 EAST ROCHESTER. General Merchants, Moore & Coulson......................824 EATON. Attorneys at Law, Miller & Gilmore................ 326 Hotel, Eagle Hotel......................... 325 Insurance and Collecting Agent s, Miller & Gilmore..................... 326 Notaries Public, Thos. G. Larsh........................ 826 Miller & Gilmore......................326 Real Estate Agent, Thomas J. Larsh..................... 326 FOREST. Hotel, Forest House........................... 336 FLORENCE. General Merchant, A. W. Babcoc k........................ 337 FREMONT. Real Estate Agent: S. M. Ellinw ood......................3... 41 GALENA. Variety Store, H. Allen............................. 344 GALION. Hotel, Western Hotel..........................- 345 GALLIPOLIS. Hotel, American House.................... 347 GERMAN. General Merchant, David Putnam........................ 349 GIRARD. Boots and Shoes, Wm. Johnson......................... 351 GLENDALE. College, Glendale Female College, (En graving,)............. 352 COLERAIN. General Merchant, Joshua Maule......................... 265 COLUMBUS. Brass Founders and Finishers, W. B. Potts & Co..................... 278 Church Organs, Christopher Kaemmerle............ 276 Express Company, American..................,........... 274 HIotels, American Hotel....................... 273 Buckeye House....................... 270 National Hotel......................... 268 Jewelry, Wc., L. Lesquereux & Sons............. 277 Li'ghtning Rod Points, Lumber Merchants, Adams & Fiel d........................ 275 W. B. Potts & Co..................... 278 Organ Factory, Christopher Kaemmerle............ 276 CONCORD. General Merchants, R. Burr & So n..............284 CONNEAUT. Hotel, Tremont House....................... 285 CONTRE RAS. General Merchants, Bake & Bourne.............:......... 286 COSHOCTON. tatel, Coshocton House..................... 288 CRESTLINE. Druggists, S. B. Coe & C o.................291 giatel, Ohio House.............. 292 Lumber, Hardware and Groceries, S. B. Coe & Co......................... 291 DAYTON. Bolting Cloths, C. S. Decker & C o..............298 Booksellers and Stationers, - Payne Brothers s &................ 301 Druggist, Abia Zell er........................... 302 Hotel, Phillips House........................ 834 fill Stone Manufacturers: C. S. Decker & Co.................... 298 Sash, Blinds and Doors, Baird & Brothel...................... 296 Sawing and Dressing, Baird & Brother..................... 296 DEAVERTOWN. General Merchants, Mast & Diehi............ 310 DE3EP CUT. General Merchant, A. J. Picktell....................~... 8 10 C xxxiu INDEX. PAGE PAGE INDEX. KELLEY'S ISLAND. Cedar and Stone, Wm. S. Webb....................... 385 KELLOGGSVILLE. General Merchants, George G. Waite & Co............... 386 KENNONSBURG. Jewelry, Watches, W-c., J. J. Danferd......... 6.............. 6 KENTON. Books and Stationery, L. & A. Zugschwert................... 389 KIMBOLTON. Drugs and Medicines, A. Ledlie.................................. 390 LAMARTINE. .Dental Surgeon, I.N. Custer........................... 392 LEBANON. Bank, Warren Co unty Bank............... 398 Banker and Exchange Dealer, Wmin. F. Parshall....................... 398 Hotel, Billmire House....................... 397 LEXINGTON. Bookseller and Insurance Agent, Wm. Baughman.......................... 401 LITTLE HOCKING. General Malerchants, H. G. Curtis & Co................... 4056 LOCKINGTON. General Merchants, Holly & Gillespie..................... 406 LODI. Dramatic Association, Ainsworth & Loomis............... 408 LONDON. Mlotelt Cowling House........................ 410 LOUDONVILLE. Drugs and Medicines, Fuller & Scott........................ 411 LUCAS. General Merchant, John S. Charles....................... 413 LYRA. General Merchant, A. M. Collett........................... 413 McARTHUR. Attorneys at -Law, Yaple & Mackey..................... 414 MACON. General Merchant, A. J. Utley............................. 416 MAINEVILLE. General Merchant, James Ford.........................,... 416 GRANVILLE. Academy, Franville Female Academy, (En graving,)........................ 354 GREENFIELD. Hotel, Franklin House.......................5 356 GREENVILLE. Foundry and Machine Shop, J. B. Taylor...........35........... 359 HAMILTON. Carriage Manufacturers, Walton & Larkin.................. 364 Horse Powers, Owens, Lane, Dyer & Co........... 361 Hotel, Hamilton House...................... 363 Newspaper, Weekly Hamilton Telegraph...... 362 Portable Steam Engines, Owens, Lane, Dyer & Co 361 Printer, James K. Webster..................... 32 Threshing Machines, Owens, Lane, Dyer & C o............ 361 HIAMMONDSVILLE. Coal and Coke, W. H. Wallace & Son..............368 General Merchant, WH.H Wallace....................... 368 HAVERHILL. General Merchant, P. McCoy.............................. 371 HILL GROVE. General Merchant, F. I-. Teal............................ 3,74 HILLSBORO'. Hotel, Eilicott House.......................... 375 .HOPE. General Merchant, H. H. McCurdy...................... 8.. 377 IRONTON. Bar, Chair and Spik e Iron, Lawrence Rolling M ills............ 381 Car Manufacturers, Clarke, Ricker & Co................. 380 Foundry and Machine Shop, Olive Foundry........................ 380 Rolling Mills, John Ellison & C o.................... 381 Steam Engines, Clarke, Ricker & Co................. 380 JACKSON. Hotel, Commercial House................ 383 KALIDA. General Merchant, (C. H. Ric e............... 385 See Latimer, Colburn & Lupton's advt., opp. front cover. xxxiv P.IGE PAGE I -~~~~~~NE.XX NEWARK. Coal Oil Refinery, Smiths & Salisbury................... 464 Hotels, Holton House.......................... 468 Preston House........................ 463 United States Hotel.................. 466 Newark iMachine Works, Willard Warner, Treasurer........ 465 NEWWBURY. Newbury High School, W. A. Greene, Principal............ 468 NEW GARDEN. General Merchant James Graham......................... 470 NEW HAGERSTOWN. Teacher, John T. Daniel............. 470 NEW LISBON. Hotels, Weldgn House........................ 419 Wiler House......................... 418 MARIETTA. Attorneys at Law, Melvin Clarke......................... 423 C. E. Glines........................... 424 Green & Dawes....................... 424 Nye & Alban......................... 423 Hotel, National House....................... 422 MARION. Hotel, Amnerician House..................... 425 MESOPOTAMIA. Boots and Shoes, W. J. Ives.............................. 435 MILLERSBURG. Hotel, Ellison House......................... 442 MILLERSTOWLN. General Merchants, Pond & Ammon...................... 443 MILLWOOD. General Merchant, Jonathan Hammon.................. 444 MILNERSVILLE. General Merchants, Meredith & Co......................; 445 MONCLOVA. General Merchant, F. T. Evans................... 446 MONTVILLE. General Merchants, C. S. & G. W. Garrett............... 448 MORROW. Books and Furniture, David Hatfield.................... 448 Hotel, Morrow House........................ 449 MOUNT EATON. Books and Stationery, Anthony F. Knoble, jr.............. 451 MOUNT LIBERTY. General Merchant, E. B. Bryant........................... 452 MOUNT VERNON. Attorneys at Law, Cotton & Bane....................... 454 Hotel, Kenyon House........................ 456 Improved Sugar Evaporator, D. B. Evans............................. 455 NASHPORT. General Merchants, Cl aypool & Miller................... 459 NEW ALEXANDRIA. General Merchant, D. Johnston............................ 461 Grocer, John A. Morron...................... 473 NEW LONDON. Stage Line, New London and Norwalk......... 474 Surgeon, A. D. Skellenger..................... 474 NEW MADISON. Druggist and Physician, Wm. M. Porter.......................... 475 NEW METAMORAS. General Merchant, Jas.. W. Williamson.................. 478 NEW PHILADELPHIA. Hotels, Comb's Exchange.................... 477 Lion Hotel.............................. 478 Livery Stable, S. Grim................................ 594 NEW TOWN. General Merchant, W. R. McGill...................... \... 488 NORTH LEWISBURG. Jeweler and Watchmaker, H. D. Gowey.......................... 485 NORTON. General Merchants~, John Hunit & Co..................... 487: NORWALK. Sewing Machine Manufacturers, Whipple & Daggett.................. 488 ORRVILLE. Hardware, Cutlery, ~c, J. F. Seas.............................. 491 OXFORD. Attorney at Law, Wm. J. Mollyneaux.................. 49T HIotel, Cone House........................... 495 Woolen Manufacturers, P. H. & F. M. Roots.................. 494: See advt. of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. INDEX. xxxv PAGE PAGE MANSFIELD. INDEX. .................. 537 S.................. 537 I................... 537 & Bonsall..... 540 .................. 536 .,............... 541 .................. 541 .................. 538 fKY. ................. 544 ................. 546 ^S, .................. 545 .................. 54.3 ILLE. .................. 547 ILLE. 'r, .................. 550 Y. ........... 554 ............ 555 . RIDGE. ton............ 571 RY. .................. 573 N. ................. 577 ............... 578 )O. .................. 583 .................. 584 ...... 582 E STAND. ................. 593 YRG.. ................ 593 PAINESVILLE. Hotel, Cowles House.......................... 498 PIKETON. .Yewspaper, Piketon Union........................ 504 PIQUA. Hotel, Piqua House........................... 505 POLK. Attorney at Law, John S. White.................. 510 POMEROY. Hotel, Remington House..................... 611 Newspaper, Weekly Telegraph...................... 512 PORTSMOUTH. Bankers, Thomas Dugan & Co................ 516 Means, Hall & Co...................... 518 Barber, Henry L. Douglass................... 514 ,Dry Goods, 4,c., J. M. Rumsey......................... 519 Hotel, Plymouth House..............514 Vewspaper, Scioto Valley Repubrican.......... 515 Printers, Drake & McCollister............... 515 RACINE. Druggist, J. R. Ellis................... 523 RAYMOND'S. ,General Merchant, J. 3. Wallace........................... 526 ROCKVILLE. General Merchants, Pettit & Willia.ms................... 530 ROXBURY. (General Merchant, J. A. McConnell............. 533 RUGGLES. General JIerchant, John D. Wright.............. 533 RUSHSYLVANIA. Druggist, Isaac A. Doran............... 534 SALEM, Boiler Makers, Gardner & Co....................... 536 Sharp Bros., Davis & Bonsall..... 540 C. R. & J. O. Taber...................3 536f Books and Stationery, Isaac Trescott........................ 537 Clover Huller, D. J. Strawn................. 6........ 41 Expanding Ihollow Auger, G Straw Cutter, O'Bryan & Kreps........... _539 A. L. Nelson & Co.. See advt. of S.. G. Burnet & Co., p. xxii. xxxvi ,PAGE ?'AGE INDEX. XXXVH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEST MIDDLEBURG. General Merchants, Euans & Chester..................... 619 WILLIAMSPORT. G eneral Merchant, Oliver R. Davis....................... 623 WILMINGTON. Hotel, Buckeye House......................... 624 WINFIELD. General Merchant, J. H. Keplinger....................... 626 Notary Public, J. H. Keplinger........................6.. 625 WOOSTER. tietel, American House........ B........... 628 XENIA. Eye Infirmary, Dr. S. D. Frost......................... 631 H otel, Hiveling House.................... 632 Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilsons.................. 631 YOUNGSTOWN. 1totel, Mansion House....................... 636 Machine Shop, Buckeye Foundry..................... 634 Machinists and Founders, Predmore & Fellows................. 635 Predmore & Hamilton............... 634 Plow Factory Buckeye Plow Factory.............. 635 ZANESVILLE. Book and Job Printer, Wm. H. Hurd.......................... 640 Brass and Bell Founder, Chas. Dockray........................ 640 Druggist, H. G. O'Cary.................., 639 Engines and Boilers Griffith, Ebert & Co................. 639 Founders and M[achinists, Douf lass Brothers....I.............. 638 Griffith, Ebert & Co.................. 639 Glass Works, G. W. Kearns& Co.................... 641 Hotels, Porter's Hotel.......................... 644 Ratcliff's Hotel........................ 644 Stacey House.......................... 643 Premium Sugar Mills Douglass Brothers.................... 638 UHRICHS VILLE. Hotel, Haskins House....................... 594 Livery Slable, S. Grim................................. 594 Stage Line, New Philadelphia Stage Line..... 594 UNIONVILLE CENTER. General Merchants, Hawn & Hamilton................... 596 UPPER SANDUSKY. Attorney at Law, John Berry....................... 598 URBANA. Dauguerreotype and Phiographic Goods, George W. Collins.................. 600 Enamel and Patent Leather. R. Beach & Co.............. 599 Newspaper, Free Press............................. 601 Printers, Happersett & Sampson............. 601 VAN BUREN. General Merchants, S. M. & W. L. Heller................ 608 VERMILLION. General Merchant, Isaac Shrimsk i....................... 605 VIENNA. Rifles, Guns, 4ic., N. B. Tyler.................6...... 606 WALDO. Physician, J. H. Van Deman.................... 607 WAPAKONETA. Attorneys at Law, Jackson & Barr...................... 607 Books and Stationery, T. J. Young........................... 608 WAYNESVILLE. Cabinet Ware, J. W. Keys............................. 612 WELLSVILLE. Hotel, Whitacre House....................... 614 WEST CAIRO. Shipping Merchant, D. Hartzog.............................. 617 WEST LAFAYETTE. Commission Merchant, S K Dua Brothers...I.nII..II38 WV. S0. 3E3EL&3& l% 4C>.5'gB SEWING MACHINES, (Double Thread, fol Family- Use, Price $40.) North- West corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Melodeon Building, CINCJNNA TI, 0. See adv'ts pages 100 and 898. Agents Wanted. Send for Circular. D xxxvii IXDEX. PAGE PAGE Samuel Ketchum..................... 619 xxxviii ADVERTI$EMENT. IT KILL p FIEIIaII IS. TWO THOU A, N~IEOURE. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. NO POISONOUS DRUG, But a small instrument, peculiarly unique, of great simplicity, and wonderful efficiency. County Rights in the State of Indiana, will be for sale after Jan uary 1, 1861. -,... —, x _The Machine sent free to any part of the country on receipt of price. Address GB 52 IFin- aos IEnin. Box 502, Indianapolis, Indiana. ADVERTISEMENT. xxxviii as d ADVERTISEMENT. 1S60. PUBLISHER OF AND CLASSIFIED BUSINIESS'DIR 9GTRIES THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED ISTATE (A ETT~Er ( fICE IN THE UNITED STATES. The following State Gazetteers and Business Directories are published at the State Sentinel Steam Printing House, Indianapolis, lld. Post Office Box 502. Ohio State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61............................... $3.50 Indiana State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,........................ 3.50 Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1859-60........................ 3.50 Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860............................ 3.50 Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61........................ 5.00 Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,........................ 5.00 I am also Agent for the following PUBLICATIO. OF J. L.MITCHiELL Now in Course of Publication. Tennessee State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,.........................$3.50 North Carolina for 1860-61,..................................................................... 4.00 Louisiana for 1860-61.................................................. 4.00 South Carolina for 1860-61.................................................... 3.50 Georgia for 1860-61,.................................................... 3.50 Alabama for 1860-61.............................................................................. 3.50 Mississippi for 1860-61......................................................................... 3.50 Texas for 1860-61................................................................................ 3.50 For either of the above works address G. W. TIAWES, Box 52. Indiananolis. nd. I I IS610 A% Aft ' A..& Li At:o AM I s a A I I I a IA IAN on I m I I' I I m I I I I' fil In N PM I a ii. i -. t I 2 ADVERTISEMENT. OBTA11IN SECUIRITY AGAI ST FIRE By Reliable Insurance with the -' /NsuR~su It fNCE ASHE APITAL,:$400,000. R. H. & H. M. MAGILL, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE PHCE:NIX INSURANCE CO., Being a National Organization, with a complete system of Agencies established throughout the country, and devoting its entire time and attention to the business of Fire Insurance, (being free from the disasters attendant upon the Marine business,) and possessing a Cash Capital of $400,000, with large Cash Surplus, pledged for the payment of losses; with competent adjusters, to aid and assist claimants in making up proofs, Offers Superior Advantages to those desiring RELiABL[ INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE[ ge. Applications solicited, policies issued and renewed, and losses paid at this Agency. Resident Agents in the principal Cities and Towns. 2 ADVERTISEMENT. GEORGE W. HAWES' O H I O tat a ctccr alb u si ness irett or FOR 1860-'61. —-SECOND EDITION. NOTE.-Cities, Towns and Villages are alphabetically arranged under their post office name. The names of firms in CAPITAL LETTERS are those of Patrons of the work. AB3BEYVILLE, A post village of Medina county, in York township, established in 1840, situated on Rocky river, 5 miles north from Medina, and 100 miles north north-east from Columbus. Population 400. Township 2000. Renee Geo., harness maker. Reif Rev. Geo, Catholic priest. Ritz J., brick maker. Shoemaker L physician. Smith Thos., broom maker. Waldeck P., pork packer. Waldeck Peter, cooper. Walker, physician. Walker Geo., carpenter. Walker J., cabinet maker and painter. Walker Seth S., dentist. Wass John, carding machine. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. ALLEN DAVID, NURSERY AND SEEDS MAN AND POSTMIASTER. Allen Eliza J., dress maker. Allen Hiram, auctioneer. Allen N.M., school teacher. Allen Norman, brick maker. Bannan Michael, boot and shoe maker. Bradley Sarah, dress maker. Brownall L., chair maker. Far nsworth, proprietor steam saw mill and lumber yard. Fitch Wm., sewing machine agent. Foe Geo. P., grocer. Ford D., gunsmith. Ford Daniel, attorney at law. Gardner Francis, prop'r saw and grist mill. Haiman Rev. Moses D., Lutheran pastor. Herters Daniel, carpenter. Hulet W., carriage, wagon and plow maker. Kem David, jewelry, &c. Kesselmayer Chas., druggist. Miers Edward, dry goods dealer. Miller Jacob, dry goods dealer. Miner A., sash, blind and door maker. Pierce Geo., tailor. Pierce Nathaniel, wool grower and hotel prop'r. ACADIA, A post village of Allen county, in Spencer township, situated on the Miami and Erie extension canal, 14 miles west from Lima, and about 100 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1000. ABERDEEN, A post village of Brown county' on the Ohio river, opposite Maysville, Ky., 125 miles south south-west from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Campbell John, dentist and physician. Cooper George, boot and shoe maker. Counts Levi, saloon keeper. Donhiser A., harness maker. Farmer Thos., school teacher. Faulkner John, physician. Harbison Jno. H., commission merchant. Ilarbison Joseph, school teacher. AGH 4 ADD GILBERT & REECE, Good Geo. B. & Bro., carriage and wagon makers. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Good Rev. J., Meodist pastor. Good Rev. J., Me~hodist pastor. Hyndman Miss M. J., school teacher. Johns Amos, grocer. 'Johnson S. M., prop'r steam saw mill. Groceries, Notions, &c., Johnston Andrew, cooper. J Lantz Samuel, general merchant and soap JOHNSTOWN', — -.............OHIO. and candle maker. League Wm. A., general merchant and Harter Asa C., grocer. stove dealer. Harter Wm., carpenter. McElroy George, cabinet maker. Harvey M., school teacher. McElroy H. R., carpenter. Hill W. H., attorney at law and real estate McElroy J., prop'r saw mill. agent. McElroy Jacob, carpenter. Hill & Son, prop'rs saw mill.'Mansion House, H. Gilbert prop'r. Jones James, school teacher. Maxwell, Davis & Co., prop'rs steamn saw Littlejohn C., barber. mill. McKinney Thos., cabinet maker. Reece Mrs. H. V., miliner. McMullen John, boot and shoe maker. REECE WM. L., POSTMASTER. Pryer John, stove dealer. IRhodes Miss Elizabeth, milliner. Rathgaber Martin, cooper. Slechter David, nursery and seedsman. Rice Samuel, carriage and wagon makeri Smith Rev.-, Methodist pastor. and gunsmith. Stutmm C. E., school teacher. Smith James, painter. $Stumm L. F., carpenter. Thomas S. H. & Co., prop'rs grist mill. Stumm P. W., school teacher. Vanpelt H., attorney at law. Tressel John, fiouring and saw mills. Vanpelt H. & Co., general merchants and Walters John W., physician. stove dealers. Williams Miss E., school teacher. Welch Joseph, carpenter. Woodard C. M., broom manufacturer. Wicks Harvey, boot and shoe maker. Williams James, hotel prop'r. ADAMS, A post office of Seneca county, on Green creek, about 100 miles north from Columbus. ACHOR, A post office of Columbiana county, on Little Beaver river, 13 miles from New Lisbon and about 130 miles east north-east from Columbus. ADAMS' MILLS, A post office of Muskingum county, near the Ohio canal, 60 miles east from Columbus. ADA, (JoHNSTOWN VILLAGE.) A post village of Irardin county, in Lib - erty township, established in 1853, situated on Ottowa creek and on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, 16 miles north-west from Kenton and about 80 miles north-west from Columbus. Population about 200. Township 1200. ADAMS VILLE, A post office of Muskingum county, in Salem township, about 10 miles from Zanesville and 55 miles east by north from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ahlefeld Nathan, hide and leather dealer. Ahlefeld Nathan, patent right agent. Aubenthout & Worrell, general merchants, Blair A., cooper. Bricker J., railroad and express agent. Bricker Jeremiah, grocer. Consol H. S., carpenter. Craig & Gilbert, prop'rs steam grist mill. Gilbert H., prop'r Mansion House and har ness maker. GILBERT & REECE, GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card p. 4.) ADDISON, A post village of Gallia county, on the Ohio river, 7 miles from Gallipolis, and about ACH 4 ADD ADARIO, A post office of P,.ichl,,tnd county, on Whetstone river, and on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati railway,'15 miles from Mansfield, and about 80 miles north by cast from Columbus. t ADE 5 Al E. D. GAMBELL, Dealer in - GROCER-IES Yankee Notions, &C., AI, FULTON COUNTY, 0. Dealer in GROCERIES & Q.O TI.GRS,. 90 miles south south-east from Columbus. A village of the same name is situated in Champaign county, for description of which see Christiansburg post office. Day W. B., harness maker. Eaton J., fish dealer. Ewing F. & J., carpenters. FENN C. G., GROCER. (See card, p. 5.) Flack J., tailor. Fredricks & Anderson, steam saw mill prop'rs. Hahn F., tanner. Hare Miss T., milliner. Kongs Joseph, cooper. McEnnel John, carpenter. Montgomery J., physician. Runnels J., school teacher. Snyder J. H., stoves and tin ware. Stewart T., hotel prop'r. Taylor H., grocer. Theerer J., carriage and wagon maker. Vetter A., blacksmith. ' Waggoner F., grocer. Weaber F. J., carriage and wagon maker. ADELPIII, A post office of Ross county, south from Columbus. ADENA, A small post village of Jefferson county, in Smithfield township, established in 1854, situated at the forks of Short creek, about 130 miles east by north from Columbus. Population 60. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, Armstrong Rev. R., Presbyterian pastor. Cortright Vail, hotel prop'r. Hague John, painter. Hague R., saw mill prop'r. HAGUE R. S., POSTMASTER AND WOOL GROWER. McLaughlin Miss -, school teacher. McMillen J. & W., carpenters. Morgan Geo. G., general merchant. A post village of Fulton county, in Fulton township, established in 1846, situated 3 miles from Centerville station, on the air line branch of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana railway, 12 miles east from Ottokee, and 135 miles north northwest from Columbus. Population 40. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Baker, brick maker. Bingham D., harness maker. Bingham L. J., boot and shoe maker. Blake E. S., architect. Blake S., carpenter. Canfield C. B., dealer in fancy goods. Canfield R. L., boot and shoe maker. GAMBELL E. D., GENER'L MERCHANT. (See card, p. 5.) Kooder C., cabine t m aker. Kooder H., cabinet maker. Manley Elias, brick mason. Merrell C., general merchant. Miller J. tI., railroad agent and stave Idealer. Nubs Miss J., school teacher. Ross J. S., physician. Sarvier R., tailor. Springer Miss E., school teacher. Springer Miss Julia, milliner. Springer S. I., attorney at law. Wheelock a, distiller. ADRIAN, B A post village of Seneca county, in Big Spring township, established in 1845, situated on the Sandusky, Dayton, and Cincinnati Railway, 11 miles south-west from Tiffin city, and about 80 miles north by vest from Columbus. Population 500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc ANDERSON L. C., POSTMIASTER. Arndt D. M, general merchant. Arndt D. M., express and railroad agent. Bason D. F., blacksmith. Beck J., boot and shoe maker. Bernard F., brick mason. Bernard Lewis, brick mason. Biggs Rev. R., Methodist pastor. Chesebron Miss, school teacher. Crooks A., prop'r steam fiouring mill. Crooks H., blacksmith. Curtis James, general merchant. ADE 5 Al a- C-x-:F]Elzl\T, ADRIAN, OI-IIO. Al, 0 0 0 AID 6 AKR Buel & Taylor, flouring mill prop'rs. Byrider J., boot and shoe maker. Cailer J. E., dentist. Cauffman Miss R., school teacher. Cerhotz C. O., cooper. *Chamberlin J. H. & Co., commission mer chants, and flouring mill prop'rs. Christy J. H. & Co., tanners. Church O., carriage and wagon maker. Clark H. H., express agent. C o llins & Bell, carriage and wago n ma - kers. Cook & Dussel, grocers. Cranz C., hardware. Cutter & Hone, boot and shoe dealers. TI)ix J. H. & Co., pla ning mill prop'rs. Doty F., distiller. Doughty A., harness maker. Drescher G., boot and shoe maker. ~Dunn John, carpenter. Edson J. D., dry goods dealer. Empire House, W. M. Felger, prop'r. Exchange Bank, H. Sisler, pres't, D. P. Elennan, cashier. Fay N., rope maker. Faze W. A., stoves and tin ware. Felger W. M., prop'r Empire House. Folk C., prop'r livery stable. iFoote D. S., carpenter. Fritz Jacob, barber. Fuller J., carding machine. Fuller J., sewing machine agent. Gilbert J. F., auctioneer and notary pub lic. Gondor Jos., painter. Good J., brewer. Good Jacob, grocer. Gresher J. J., candle maker. Grether J. G., grocer. Grether J. G., confectioner. Hall J. J., attorney at law and notary pub lic. Hall P. D., dry goods dealer. H A MM W O N D R. O., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Helm F., prop'r American House. Helper & Secrist, druggists. Henan & Chase, physicians. Henry R. P., prop'r livery stable. Henry & Olerholser, dry goods dealers. Hoffman & Moss, clothiers. Hone H. W., attorney at law and notary public. Humphrey Wm., saloon keeper. Ingersol H. H., attorney at law. Kehler J. A., notary public. Kempel George, brewer. Keifer F., boot and shoe maker. Kemflien George, tailor. Kemflien Jerome, tailor. Koch, Levi & Co., clothiers. Kohler J. A., attorney at law. Kramer J. H., grocer. Krohle A., tanner. Lelkeeker D., marble worker. A post office of Lawrence county, about 100 miles south south-east from Columbus. A prominent post town and the capital of Summit county, in Portage township, situated on the Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati rail-way, about 145 miles northeast from Columbus. It contains the public buildings of the county, two weekly newspapers, and a great variety of the various trades and professions. Population about 6,000. I SUMMIT COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, Hon. N.M. Humphrey. Sheriff, S. A. Lane. Auditor, George U. Crouse. Clerk, E. P. Green. Treasurer, S.S. Wilson. Prosecuting Attorney, Henry McKinney. Recorder, P. P. Boek. Coroner, Noah Ingersol. Surveyor, H. Paul. Commissioners, A. Bliss, John McFarlin and R. S. Gilchrist. Insolvent Commissioner, H. W. Ingersol. School Examiners, A. N. Bernard, H. K. Taylor and D. C. Carr. Alphabetical List of Professicus, Trades, Etc. Adams Rev. Henry, Episcopal Rector. Akron Lodge, No. 83, Masonic. Akron Stove Co., dealers in stoves and tin ware. Allen J. J. & Co., flouring mill prop'rs. Alley H. S., jewelry, etc. AMERICAN HOTEL, F. WEBER, PRO PRIETOR, EAST SIDE HOWARD. Asher H., grocer. Ayliffe & Allen, fiouring mill prop'rs. Baitges S. W., physician. Baldwin Rev. A. E., Presbyterian pastor. Barkhardt George, carpenter. Bates G. D. & Co., bankers. Battles B. F.. ambrotypist. Beele & Elkins, druggists. Beele & Elkins, publishers Summit County Beacon. Beman C. B., notary public. Beman Miss H. A., school teacher. Bennet, harness maker. Bennet Mrs. P., milliner. Berg A., gunsmith. Bieve & Baldwin, attorneys at law. Bonen Miss -, school teacher. Bonen W., physician. Borhl Rev. P. J., Lutheran pastor. Brown Mrs., dress maker. Bryan C., attorney at law. AID 6 AKR AID, AKRON, 0 0 a 0 AKIN 7 ALE Ley C., grocer. iLibis A., carpenter. McCenaghy Miss, school teacher. McCune J. P., boot and shoe dealer. McFarlin M., prop'r Summit House. McGoldie Mary, school teacher. McMasters H., baker. McMasters Mrs. H., milliner. McNaughton F. & Co., dry goods dealers. Manly G. W., ambrotypist. Martin W., barber. Marvin, attorney at law. Miller & Shook, grocers. Moss H. W., tailor. Neary S. B., sash, blind and door maker. Nells Miss HI., school teacher. Nicholson Wm., tailor. Oviatt E., attorney at law and notary pub lic. Painton W. S., boot and shoe maker. Payne 0. H., lumber dealer. Peterson J. H., dentist. Pierce C. E., physician. Platt & Foster, boot and shoe dealers. Pooler C. T., school teacher. * Ransom, Noble & Co., prop'rs steam flour ing mill. Rhodes George, cooper. Root Mrs., school teacher. Sabin J. W., hats and caps. Lander John, boot and shoe maker. Sanders W. F.. attorney at law. Sanford D. G., cabinet maker. Scanlin Rev. Mi. A., Catholic priest. Schlifer Rev. P. N., German reformed pas tor. Schumacker S., grocer. Shaw D., milliner. Sherman M. L., carpenter. Smith J. J., physician. Stevens Wm., barber. Storer W. B., hardware. Stubbs Rev. Thomas, Methodist pastor. Summit County Beacon, Beele & Elkins, publishers. Summit Democracy, J. HI. Webb, publisher. Summit House, M. McFarlin, prop'r. Summit Lodge, No,. 50, I. O. O. F. Tallman W. H., jewelry, &c. Thatcher & Johnson, patent right agents. * Thomas George, carpenter. Tibbals & Can, attorneys at law. Tinkham, prop'r livery stable. Upington T., boot and shoe maker. Voss A., carpenter. Waggoner J. H., brick mason. Walle Geo., prop'r livery stable. Webb J. H., publisher Summit Democracy. WEBER F., PROP'R AMERICAN HO TEL, EAST SIDE HOWARD. Webster, Taplin & Co., prop'rs foundry. Webster, Taplin & Co., agricultural imple ments. Weimer John, physician. Weimer & Steinbachers, druggists. ALERT, A post office of Butler county, in Morgan township, established in 1850, situated on Howard creek, 15 miles from Hamilton, and 100 miles west south-west from Columbus. Population of township 350. AKR 7 ALE Wells A., dentist. Wetmore H. W., agricultural implements. Whitney E., distiller. Wilcox 0. G., sash, blind and door maker. Williams Rev. Baptist pastor. Wilson S. G., lumber dealer. Witler S., painter. Wolcott & Upson, attorneys at law. Wright J. J., auctioneer. ALBANY, A post office of Tuscarawas county, about 90 miles east by north from Columbus. 0 ALBION, A post village of Ashland county, in Jack;. son township, established in 1835, situ& ted on Muddy Fork creek, 13 miles northeast from Ashland, and about 90 miles north b east from Columbus. Population 150. Township 2,000. A.Iphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Berry John, prop'r hotel. BUCI-IANAN WM., POSTNIASTER. Lee Josiah, general merchant. McNabb Rev., Methodist pastor. S,,i.nger W. & R. W. & Co., general mer chants. Waoler Rev. Edward, German pastor. Wertenberger D., prop'r saw mill. Wilcox Rev. R., Methodist pastor. Alphabetical List of rrofessions, Trades, Ete. Coley Wm., carriage and wagon and plow maker. Fisher Chas., boot and shoe maker. Ilammer & Marsh, proprietors steam saw mill. ISE,'AI.NGER JOFIN, GENERAL MER CTIANT, AUCTIONEER AND POST MASTER. Loyd Miss A. J., school teacher. Nea-se l,evi, brick mason. Nease Samuel M., brick mason. Reager iAl., prop'r hotel. Shroyer John, cabinet maker. Shroyer Joseph, carpenter. Stoughton C., plow maker. Wood John,, dealer in wines atid liquari3. AL~~~~~~~~~~ 8 ALL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALEXANDERSVILLE, Bell John, tanner. Cla r k S., dry goods dealer. Claypool Rev. - Christian elder. Conway B., potter. Cooper J. N., attorney at law. Cox J., pump maker. Donohoo, harness maker. Freeman G. W., agricultural implements. Fry S. D., carriage and wagon maker and painter. Lyle & Hutt, general merchants. Mercer John, broom maker. Miller James, fish dealer. MILLER PETER, DRY GOODS DEALER, POSTMASTER AND HOTEL PROP'R. Moore H. C., physician. Peree Rev. P. V., Methodist pastor. Perry & Burus, prop'rs steam fiouring mill. Potter M. R., tobacco grower. Scott Wm., saloon keeper. Snider M. S., hats and caps. Thompson A., coal dealer. Wilcox J., physician and saw mill prop'r. Wilcox N., carpenter. Ziegler D. B., school teacher. A post village of Montgomery county, on the Miami river, about 70 miles west by south from Columbus. ALEXANDRIA, A post village of Licking county, on Racoon creek, 11 miles from Newark, and 25 miles from Columbus. A village of the same name is situated in Columbiana county, for description of which see New Alexander post office. A post village of Meigs county, in Orange township, north-east from Pomeroy, and about 90 miles south-east from Columbus. A post office of Carroll county, about 120 miles east north-east from Columbus. ALLEN CENTER, A po st office of Union county, in Allen township, about 36 miles north-west from Columbus. ALLENTOWN, A post village of Allen county, on Ottawa creek, 6 miles west from Lima, and about 90 miles north-west from Columbus. ALLIANCE, A post town of Stark county, in Lexington township, situated at the junction of the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, and the Cleveland and Pittsburg railways, 18 miles north-east from Canton, and 100 miles north-east from Columbus. It contains about twenty stores, a weekly newspaper, one manufacturing establishment, &c. Population about 1500. ALLENSBURG, A post office of Highland county, 8 miles west from Hillsboio', and about 65 miles south by west from Columnbus. Alpnabetical Lit of Professions, Trades, Etc. EEtna Insurance Company, Moses Buck, agent. Akins F., barber, under Buckeye House. Alliance Agricultural Works, Fisher, Shal ers & Co., prop'rs. Amerman A., grocer. Armstrong J., physician. Bates G. P., general store, south side Main. BUCKEYE HOUSE, GEORGE MILNER, PROP'R, NEAR RAILROAD CROSS ING. (See card p. 9.) Clover R. F., physician. Crew E., artist, north side Main. Culbertson J. M., druggist, north side Main. Davis M. C., watch maker, north side Main. Dollar Alliance Times, issued on Thursday by S. G. McKee. ALLENSVILLE, A post village of Vinton county, in Richland township, established in 1840, situated on Salt creek, near the Marietta and Cincinnati railway, 7 miles from McArthur, and about 45 miles south south-east from Columbus. Population 500. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Atc. Alder J. W., grocer and saloon keeper. Anderson J. R., wool grower. B ates Joh n, school teach er. Bedfern J. A., school teacher. Belford Alex., boot and shoe maker. Belford B., boot and shoe maker. ALE 8 ALL 4 ALFRED, ALGONQUIN, 0 ALLENS, A post office of Miami county, 62 west from Columbus. miles ALL 9 AMA Doughty A., saddle and harness maker, east side Howard. Ely & Melony, hardware, south side Main. Emmons J., boarding house. - Filson Robert, carpenter and builder. Fleming Mrs., boarding house. Griffith John, butcher. #Hawley B., carpenter and builder. HOOVER BRO'S, GENERAL STORE, SOUTH SIDE MAIN. HOOVER BRO'S, RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, GROCE RIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, SOUTH SIDE MAIN. Iorner & Zeplinger, dry goods and grocc ries, Main. Houts H., wagon maker. Hughes H., cigar manufacturer. Johnson S., Mayor, south side Main. Johnson Z. B., prop'r Nickson House, south side Main. Jones A. L., attorney at law, south side Main. LAUGHLIN H., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND POSTMASTER, OFFICE, POST OFFICE. McGarr J., druggist, south side Main. McKEE S. G., Dollar Alliance Times. McLean H., provision store, south side Main. McNary & Moore, blacksmiths. Marburter J. F., saloon, Miller block. Miller A., clothing and grocery, south side Main. Miller I., boots and shoes, north side Main. MILNER GEORGE, PROP'R BUCKEYE HOUSE. (See card p. 9.) * Myers J., carpenter. Niesz D., saddle and harness maker, south side Main. Pettit & Nixon, produce and agricultural dealers. Picket, teacher. Quinn J., grocery. r Ramsy John, carpenter. Reiter A., watches and jewelry, south side Main. Reul Peter, saloon. Robertson Mrs. L., fancy store, near rail road crossing. Robertson M. H., billiard saloon, near rail road crossing. Russell A. H., grocery, east side Main. Sharer P., cabinet maker and furniture dealer, north side Main. Sicler C., grocery, east side Howard. * Sourbeck D., prop'r station, railroad cross ing. Stanley G., marshal. Stanley L. B., constable. Stanley T. G., constable. Sutch A. H., merchant tailor, south side Main. Thomas -, physician. BUCKEYE IIOUI SE GOODS,L nQU E E N S W A R E9 G C) 0 Transue S., merchant tailor, north side Main. Vincent & Ellison, grocery, south side Main. Wheeler & Nelius, manufacturers and deal ers in boots and shoes, south side Main. Wicks H. & Co., clothing, books and sta tionery, east side Main. Young J., physician. ALLSTON, A post office of Fulton county, in Franklin township, situated on Bean creek, 9 miles from Ottokee, and about 140 miles north north-west fromn Columbus. ALPHA, A post office of Greene county, west by south f rom C olumbus. ALTON, A post village of Franklin county, situated on the National road, and on the Miami and Xenia railway, 9 miles west from Co lumbus. ALL 9 AMA Near Railroad Crossing, GEO. MILNER, Prop'r. ALUM CREEK, A post office of Delaware county, north from Columbus. AMANDA, A post village of Fairfield county, on the Zanesville and Maysville turnpike, 8 miles south-west from Lancaster, and about 25 miles south by east from Columbus. AME 10 ANS Stine David, saw mill prop'r. Stine Martha, dr ess maker. Stine Solomon, achotl teacher. Swaney Hugh, general merchant. Vance A. W., physician. Wilson Frederick, boot and shoe maker. A post village of Clermont county, situated on the dividing ridge between the Ohio river and the east fork of the Little Miami, about 100 miles south-west from Columbus, and 17 miles from Cincinnati. ANDOVER, A post village and township of Ashtabula county, 15 miles s outh-east from Jefferson, and about 175 miles north-east from Columbus. A post village of Athens county, in Ames township, situated on the Marietta road 11 miles north-east from Athens, and a bout 65 miles south-east from Columbus. AMHERST, A post village of Loraine county, on Beaver creek, and on the Cleveland and Toledo railway, 32 miles from Cleveland, 8 miles,from Elyria, and about 120 miles north by east from Columbns. ANGOLA, A post office of Clermont county, about 95 miles southli-west from Columbus. A village of Knox county, for description of which, see Democracy post office. ANNAPOLIS, A post village of Jefferson county, in Salem township, established about 1814, situated on Piney fork of Cross creek, 16 miles west from Steubenville, and about 123 miles east by north from Columbus. Population 138. A village of the same name is situated in Crawford county, for description of which, see Sulphur Springs post office. $ Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etac Adams, carpenter. Adams Wm., cabinet maker. AUGHEY DAVID, GENERAL MERCH ANT AND POSTMASTER. Beebout J. M., general merchant. Blackbaum Anthony, broom maker. Boyd David, tailor. Bracken Newton, carpenter. Davidson D., grist mill prop'r. Finegan James P., prop'r carding ma chine. Gruben Frank M., harness maker. Gruben Samuel, tanner. Hamilton S. W., school teacher. James Morris, school teacher. Long Christian, barber. McClure Rev., Methodist pastor. Megary Thos., wool grower. Price Rev. I., Presbyterian pastor. Scott Wm., wool grower. Shoben J. H., prop'r grist mill. Simpson -, physician. Spence James, carpenter. Spence M. J., sc ho o l t eacher. Stephens Rev.., Methodist pastor. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Baird. R., general merchant. Crafton Abram, physician. Grimes Warner, general merchant. Grub er John, leather dealer and notary public. Guinney Wm., boot and shoe maker. Hammond J., physician. McKee Thos., prop'r steam flouring mill. Merchant T., general store. Powell Wm., harness maker. Shields Samuel, painter. Shultz John, carpenter. Speer Nathan B., carriage and wagon ma ker. Sproat & Betz, general merchants. Sturgis E. Y., school teacher. VANTZ WiMl., POSTMASTER. ANSELM, A post office of Gallia county, about 90 miles south south-east from Columbus. AME 10 ANS AMELIA, AMESVILLE, 0 ANDREWS, A post village of Morrow county, in Congress township, 46 miles north north-east from Columbus. AMITY, AMSTERDAM, A post village of Jefferson county, in Springfield township, situated onyellow creek, 20 miles from St.eubenville, and about 140 miles east north-east from Columbus. Population 100. t 0 AS 11 APP miles north-west from Columbus. Population 200. Township 600. (DALLAS VILLAGE.) A post village of Darke county, in Brown township, established in 1854, situated on Stillwater river, and on the Bellefontaine and Indianapolis railway, at the crossing of the Mackinaw and Cincinnati railway, 8 miles north by west from Greenville, and 100 miles west from Columbus. Population 250. Township 1080. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams -, broom maker. A dams C. C., painter. Antwerp House, A.. C. Comparet, prop'r. Armstrong Z., physician. Banks & McDaniel, general merchants. Blodgett T., painter. Boland A. H., broom maker. Boylan Edward, painter. Bruner J., school teacher. Bruner Jacob, attorney at law. Bruning J., painter. Brysland I., carpenter. Bulle Miss Anna, dress maker. Bulle Miss Enmma, school teacher. Carpenter C. S., joiner. Chapman T., cooper. Comparet A. C., prop'r Antwerp House. Comparet D. F. & Co., general merchants. Daggett W. K., attorney at law. Eldorado House, S. Wood, prop'r. Fell G. W., carpenter. Fisher C., carpenter and painter. Godfrey C., carpenter. Goshorn A. J., carpenter. Hessmire D., boot and shoe maker. JONES THOS. J., POSTMASTER. McDaniel A., physician. Moorman -, boot and shoe maker. Mote R., harness maker. Munger J. D., prop'r saw mill. Perry O. F., carpenter and cooper. Reynolds A., grocer. Rogers W. S., cooper. Shirley J. J., general merchant, railroad and express agent. Siddle W., carpenter. Snook Byron, ambrotypist. Snook J. S., attorney at law. Snook Peter, attorney at law. Snook W. N., attorney at law. Snook & Banks, general merchants. Strout Miss Ellen, school teacher. Strout N., stave dealer. Tanner W., prop'r steam saw mill. Wilson T., gunsmith. Wood S., attorney at law, and grocer. Woodcock B. B., physician. Woodcock & Armstrong, druggists. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ansonia House, S. Fogger prop'r. Bowers Rev., Methodist pastor. Boyer Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Fogger S., prop'r Ansonia House. Hager & Lickleider, physicians. Kinegy H. A., prop'r steam fiouring and saw mills. Knouff J. H., physician. Koogler Miss E. J., school teacher. Lay Rev. -, United Brethren pastor. Lett Rev. L. B., Christian elder. Mead M., school teacher. Miller C. I., express and railroad agent. Reed A., general merchant. Reed J,, boot and shoe maker. Riffle Silas, carpenter. Rouse J., fish dealer. Schellert G., boot and shoemaker. Smith Isaac, brick mason. Stoker J., carpenter. Stuck G., carpenter. Stuck H., prop'r Traveler's Home. Stuck Rev. John. Traveler's Home, H. Stuck, prop'r. TURPEN GEO. H., GENERAL MER CHANT AND POSTMASTER. Ungrite C., boot and shoemaker. Ungrite D., clothier and tailor. Zernhelt & Hudson, boot and shoe makers. ANTIOCH,,' A post village of Monroe county, 9 miles from Woodsfield, and about 100 miles east by south from Columbus. ANTRIM,'A post village of Guernsey county, 16 miles from Cambridge, and about 80 miles east from Columbus. A PPLE CREEK, A post office of Wayne county, about 90 miles north-east from Columbus. ANTWERP, A post village of Paulding county, in Carroll township, established in 1837, situatep on the Wabash and Erie canal, and on the Toledo and Wabash railroad, 14 miles north-west from Paulding, and about 140 11 APP ANS ANSONIA, APPLE GROVE, A post office of Meig* county, in Letart township, situated on the Ohio river, 18 APP 12 ASH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ miles south-east from Pomeroy, and about 100 miles south-east from Columbus. ARLINGTON, A post village of Hancock county, situated on Deer river, 0lmiles south from Finley, and about 9D miles north north-west from Columbus. APPLETON, A post office of Licking county, 16 miles from Newark, and 28 miles from Columbus. ARMSTRONG'S MILLS, c A post office of Belmont county, in the eastern part of the State. ARCANUM, A post village of Darke county, in Twin township, established in 1852, situated on Painter creek, and on the Greenville and Miami railway, 9 miles south-east from Greenville, and about 90 miles west from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,800. ARROWSMITH, A post office of Defiance county, near the north-western extremity of the State. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Allen Elisha, hotel proprietor. Arcanum Lodge, No. 341, I. O. O. F. Baker D. B., carriage and wagon maker. Baker Miss M. J., dress maker. Bartling Conrad F., cabinet maker. Battern James, druggist. Buchanon Miss M. A., dress maker. Fleck John, carpenter. Garrett Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Kayor Jno. A., prop'r steam flouring mill. Kester Henry, pump maker and cooper. Kester Rudolph, cabinet maker. Lowe George, carpenter. Mote Irwin, school teacher. Nolder Stephen H., harness maker. Paramore J. T., physician. Poyner Miss Rebecca, dress maker. Smith John, general merchant. Smith S. D., general merchant and hotel prop'r. Snoddenby Phillip D., brick mason. Sour P. K., physician and dentist. SPRECHER GEORGE, POSTMASTER. SPRECHER GEORGE, SEWING MA CHINE AGENT, AND BRICK MA SON. Sprecher P. J., grocer and express agent. Steinmetz Israel, tailor. Stubbs Rev. A. J., Methodist pastor. Thomas J. & Son, general merchants. Thomas S. B., carpenter. Thomas S. B. & D., prop'rs steam saw mill. A prominent post town and the capital of the county of the same name, situated on the Atlantic and Great Western railway, 80 miles north by east from Columbus, 216 miles from Cincinnati, and 60 miles from Cleveland. It contains about sixty stores, six churches, two newspapers, etc. Population about 2,000. ASHLAND COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge, Wm. Given. Clerk, H. S. See. Sheriff, I. I. Hootman. Treasurer, John Jacobs. Auditor, I. Swineford. Recorder, George Johnston. Probate Judge, J. D. Jones. ARCHBOLD, A post office of Fulton county, near the north-western extremity of the State. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ames & Leach, carriage manufacturers, Sandusky. ARCs IER, A post office of Harrison county, about 105 miles east by north from Columbus. APP 12 ASH ARNHEIM, A post village of Brown county, about 100 miles south south-west from Columbus. ASBURY, A post office of Perry county, south-east from Columbus. ASHCAVE, A post office of Hocking county. ASIIERY, A post office of Hancock county, about 90 miles north north-west from Columbus. ASHLAND, ASH 13 ASH ASHLAND, MANSFIELD,~ WOOSTER AND NEW LONDON D. B. GRAY & CO. The above named Company will run a daily line of Coaches from Ashland to New London, and tri-weekly from Mansfield to Wooster. In connection with this line there is an excellent and well kept Situated on Main Street, west of McNulty House, where they are prepared at all hours to accommodate the traveling public, on short notice and reasonable terms. D. B. GRAY & CO. Arthur T. L., steam saw mill proprietor, Main. * Ashland Mutual Fire Insurance Co., L. J. Springle, Secy., P. Risser, Pres., office Main. Ashland Times, L. Jeff. Springle, editor and publisher, Main. ASHLAND UNION, J. J. JACOBS, ED ITOR AND PUBLISHER, MAIN. Ashland Union Mills, manufacturers of woolen goods and flouring mills, Cen ter. Barnhart Jacob, grocer, Main. BEKLA F., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Main. Boyd J. W., attorney at law, Main. BUSHNELL T. C., MAYOR. Bushnell T. C. & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, &c., Main. Butte Henry, groceries and provisions, Main. Campbell M. S., dealer in hats, caps and furs, Main. Clark P. H., physician and surgeon, Main. Coane I. L., physician and surgeon, Main. Cowan J. B., physician and surgeon, Main. Crall J., firm of Luther, Crall & Co., bank ers, Main. Crisher C., wagon maker. CRONE B., DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, MAIN. Davis H., harness and saddle maker, Main. Davis Hugh, hide and leather dealer, and tanner, Main. Deem Mrs. Sarah, milliner, Main. Deem Mrs., milliner and dress maker, Main. DE FORRIST COUNT, clerk McNulty House. Main. *DEVOR J. P., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CHURCH. Deshon Peter & Co., dealers in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Main. DESHONG J. B. & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN, COPPER kND SHEET IRON WARE, MAIN. Diller J. M., physician and surgeon, Main. Dorsey George, barber, Main. ~DRUM, ARTHUR & KILGORE, LUiMBER DEALERS, MAIN. DRUMB A., WOOL CARDING AND) CLOTH DRESSING, MAIN. Ensminker E. M., ambrotype and photo graphic artist, Main. Eppler Charles, furniture manufacturer and dealer, Main. FINLEY A., PROP'R AMERICAN HOUSE, MAIN. FREER J. & R., DEALE RS IN HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GROC ERIES, &C., MAIN. Fritzinger E., clerk Ashland Mutual In sCrance Co., Main. Fulton & McCombs, attorn eys a t law, Main. Gibson Wm. M., blacksmith. GORHAM & PARMELY, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND CROCKERY, COR. OIAIN AND CHURCH. GRAY D. B. & CO., LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, AND PROP'RS NEW LON DON, WOOSTER AND MANSFIELD STAGE LINE, MAIN. (See card p. 13.) Greenwalt Z., dealer in clothing, gent's furnishing, and merchant tailor, Main. Grohan F., justice of the peace, Main. Hilderbrant Jacob, blacksmith, Center. Head HI. G., gunsmith, Main. Hower & Zuver, dealers in dry goods and groceries, Main. Mfull Cyrus, carpenter and builder. JACOBS J. J., EDITOR AND PUBLIS HER ASHLAND UNION, MAIN. Jacobs J. J., attorney at law, Main. Jennings J. O., of the firm of Luther, Crall & Co., bankers, Main. Jennigs Levi A. & Co., dealers in boots and shoes, Main. Kenny Thomas J., attorney at law, Main. Kinneman J. W., physician and surgeon, Main. KNAP H. S., POSTMASTER, MAIN. a xr 3EiL gEg 6 0 'o 0 ASH 14 AS CNU LTY HOUSE MAIN STREET, VILLIAM McNULTY, Prop'r. D. WHITING'S PATENT Miller John, butcher, Main. MILLER M., PROP'R MILLER HOUSE, * * AND DEALER IN GROCERIES, IMAIN. Murray Adison, furniture manufacturer and dealer Main. Osborn & Curtis, attorneys and counselors at law, Church. Oswald L., boot and shoe maker, Main. Patrick James, butter dealer, Main. Peabody Mrs. C. AI., milliner, Main. POTTER WM. H. H., DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONERY AND WALL PAPER, ALSO TELE GRAPH OPERATER, MAIN. Ralston W., city clerk, watch maker and jeweler, Main. Ralper P., watch maker and dealer injew elry, waItches, clocks, &c., AMain. R oller & Howard, dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., Main. Sampsell D. S., physician and surgeon, Main. Sampsel J. B. F., resident farmer. Sauterbaugh I., city treasurer. SLOCUM WM., A TTOR NEY AND COUN SELOR AT LAW, CHURCH. Smith E. K., plasterer, Main. SMITH J. W., ATTORNEY AND COUN SELOR AT LAW, MIAIN. Smith N. W., ambrotype and photographic artist, Main. Smith O., city marshal. SMITH ORLOW, COUNTY SURVEYOR AND LUMBER DEALER, HEAD OF MAIN. Springle L. Jeff, editor and publisher Ash land Times, and insurance ag't, Main. Squire J. R., dealer in dry goods, grocer ies, boots and shoes, Slain. STARK & WILLIS. dealers in groceries# and provisions, Main. Stubbs & Desenberg, furniture manufac turers and dealers, Center. Swineford A. C., constable, Main. Swineford John P., boot and shoemaker, Main. ~ Clover Hulling a These are the only reliable Machined in the United States. They obtained First Premiums at four successive Ohio State Fairs;'also at t he World's Fair in New York, and never failed to take the first premium wherever exhibited. They hull and clean from 25 to 50 bushels per day. D. WHITING, Manuf'r, Ashland, Ohio. Knoed C., brewery. Knox T. P., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Lash & Sprengle, harness and saddle man ufacturers, Main. LAUTERBAUGH & STARR, MANUFAC TURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, MAIN. Lepper G., brewery. LUTHER, CRALL & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS, MAIN. Luther H., of the firm of Luther, Crall & Co., bankers, Main. McCarty W. B., attorney and counselor at law, Main. McCauley L. & Co., livery and sale stable, rear of American House. McClusky J. A., justice of the peace and attorney at law, Mlain. McClintock F. R., boarding house, Center. McDowell J. W., resident dentist, cor. Main and Church. McNULTY WM., PROP'R McNULTY HOUSE, MAIN. (See card p. 14.) Mason J. S., agent Ashland Mutual Insu rance Co., Main. Mekes John, barber, Main. MillerJ. A. J. F., dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. $ ASH 14 ASH 1-s~; - i M~~~~u And Cleaning Machines. 0 ,, ASLI 15 ASII CURREN & COLE, Dlesi E ASHTABULA HOUSE, ASHTABULA, 0. R. C. WARMINGTON, Prop'r. ASHLEY................... OHIO. Topping G. t11., of the firm of Luther, Crall & Co., bankers, Main. Treace George A., prop'r Exchange Hotel, cor. Main and Center. Walker A., carpenter and builder, Third. Wallack E. W., dealer in groceries, china, g glass and queensware, Main. Wasson J., manufacturer and deale r in boots and shoes, Main. Weisenstaen Jacob, grocer, Main. Wendling IHenry, furniture maker and dealer, Main. Whites Miss M., milliner and dress maker, Main. WHITING D., CLOVER HULLERI AND CLEANING MACHINE, CENTER. (See card, p 14.) Whiting Mrs. R. A., dress maker, Main. Widgen & Williams, house, sign and orna mental painters, Sandusky. Willis & Shock, butchers, Maiin. Willson Wm., attorney and counselor at law, Main. Witwer, Myers & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots shoes, &c., Main. Woods Wm., carpenter and builder, Cot tage. Woods & MIcCrea, dealers in groceries and provisions, Main. Zimmerman & Hilbornl, watch manufactu rers, Sandusky. Coomer H. N., physician and surgeon. /orbett John, carpenter. Cravens J., cabinet maker. Cross H. L., carriage and wagon maker. Cross & Runnells, general merchants. a CURREN S., PROP'R ASHLEY IIOTEL AND POSTMASTER. CURREN & COLE, G E N E R A L MER-. CHANTS. (See card, p. 15.) Dotry M., phys ician. Driscole D., carriage and wagon maker. Gilbert Ira, d istiller. Goodrich W. B., express and railroad agt. Goodrich W. B., agricultural implements. Hall A. G., cooper. Harrison & Mills, blacksmiths. Hicks Miss E. E., principal Ashley Insti tute. Jackels J., general merchant. Leeds T. WI., boot and shoe maker. McMaster George, general merchant. Pancoast, physician. Powers L., general merchant. Powers N., notary public. Smith Moses, plow maker. Smith & Wood, proprietors steam saw and ~ grist mills. S-9mith & Wood, prop'rs lumber yard. $ Thompson J., tailor. Vanwoomer C. A., milliner. Van Wormer Wm., boot and shoe maker. Vebber J. L., cabinet maker. vilkins R., carpenter. A post village of Delaware county, in Oxford township, established in 1850, situat,ed oin the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati railway, 10 miles north by east from Delaware, and 31 miles north from Columbus. It contains six stores, &c. Population 350. ASH RIDGE, A post office of Brown county, in the southern part of the State. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alford S. A., barber. Ashley Hotel, T. Curren, prop'r. Ashley Institute, Miss E. E. Hicks, princi pal. Baxter H., anctioneer. Belknap ov. B., general merchant. ,/Bigelow P. S., carpenter. Boughmet (C. W., cooper. Chapman T,albot, stoves and tin ware. Clifton David, school teacher. An important post village of Ashtabula county, situated near I,ake Erie, at the mouth of Ashtabula creek, and on the Cleveland and Erie railway, 10 miles north from Jefferson, about 200 miles north-east ASH ASH 15 Dealers in I % IW&'K Y, r Aft ^ I u Groceries, Hardware, &c., Southern Stage Office. ITorses and Carri,iges to carry Passengers to any part of the country. 0 VI ASI-ILEY, ASI-ITABULA,. ASH 16 ASH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELLS & FAULKNER, Wholesale Dealers in WESTERD RESERiE BUTTER AND CHEES,Flour. Dried Fruit and Flour. ASITABUILA,.- - - OIIO. Orders respectfully solicited and filled at the lowest cash prices. ,~ ~ i-?HII I, ---- A. V STEELED Dick Matthew G., books, stationery, mag A.'V.STEELE,y azines, &c., Main. Clock and Dickinson Geo. W., watch maker and jew eler, Main. Ducro & Brothers, manufacturers and ~W e i~ ~~ttl t.a fl Attorneys at aw, Office adjoining Post Office, ATIIENS COUNTY OFFICERS. Auditor, Eliakim H. Moore. Treasurer, L(onard Brown. Recorder, George H. Stewart. Probate Jiidje, Ca,lv,ary Mori-is. Clerk Court Common f'leas, Louis W. Brown. Sheriff, Horace C. Knowles. Coroner, Amnos Northrop. Prosecuting Attorney, Erastus A. Guthrie. County Conmtmisioners, John E. Vore, John Dew, Zeba Lindley. Infirmary Directors, John Connett, George T. Gould. Surveyor, Janies Coulson. ATHENS MESSENGER, N. H. VAN VOR HES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Baird M., carpenter and builder, State. BAKER & BALLARD, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS I N CLOTHING AND GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, COURT. Ballard J. & Sons. dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., Court. Bartlett Wm. D., cabinet maker and fur niture dealer, Court. Bartlett W. D. & S. manufacturers stoves, tin and sheet'iron ware, and dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., Main. Bayard J. W., harness and saddle maker, Court. Iing John L., wagon maker, east of Col lege. BLACKSTONE & MAHON, IMERCHANT TAILORS, DEALERS IN HIATS, CAPS, FURNISHIN(} GOODS, &C., COURT. Blackstone Wm., physician and surgeon, north end College. Blair Rev. James G., M. D., D. D., vice president. and professor of minerol ogy, chemistry and geology, Ohio Uni versity. Boyd Hugh, tutor in mathematics, Ohio Univeirsity.U Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, E. II. Moore, president, L. H. Stewart, cash ier, cor. Washington and Union. Brown A. D., teller at bank, cor. Court and Washington. BROWN A. G. & H. T., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Brown Leonard, county treasurer, Court House. See McNulty House, page 14. ATH 18 ATH SMITH & DESTEIGUER, ATHENS, - OHIO. I ATW Howe J., dental surgeon, Main. Hoyt H. T., prop'r Pomeroy and Logan stage line, Court. Jewett L. attorney and counselor at law, State. Johnson W. P., physician and surgeon, Court. JONES J. L., DEALER IN CLOTHING, A N D MANUFACTURER A N D DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, COURT. Kessinger J. & W., flouring mill prop'rs, Main, first door north Blackstone & Mohan's clothing store. Kincade Geo. E., grist mill prop'r, I mile ' east of town. Knowles H. C., sheriff, Court House. KNOWLES & GROSVENOR, (S. S. & C. H.) ATTORNEYS AT LAW,.AND INSU RANCE AGENTS, COURT. Lindley H. B., land dealer, Court. Love A, baker, grocer, and ice cream sa loon, cor. State and Court. Love W. W., foundry and machine shop, near depot. Lowrey Isaac, boot and shoe maker, Court. McAfee & Shefield, milliners and dress makers, and dealers in millinery goods, Court. McGiil Wm., furniture manufacturer and dealer, news depot, Court. Mallernee Mrs., prop'rs Hoyt House, Court. Maris & Miller, dealers in drugs, medi cines, paints, &c., Main. MOORE E. H., PRESIDENT BRANCH STATE BANK OF OHIO, AND COUNTY AUDITOR, O F F I C E COURT HOUSE. Morris Calvary, probate judge, Court House. Northrop Amos, coroner. Norton J. H. & Son, dealers in dry goods,, iron, queensware, groceries, &c., Church. Ohio University,,. Howard, D. D., presi dent of board, Joseph M. Dane, Esq., Secretary. Parsons Albert, boot and shoe maker and dealer, Court. PERKINS JOHN, DEALER IN DRUGS, Ml EDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, &C., COURT. Peters George, boot and shoe maker, Court. Pickering F. O., dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. Potter W. I-I., dealer in groceries, confec tioneries, &c., Court. Pratt J. H., Methodist pastor. Roach & Topky, manufacturers stoves and tin ware, and dealers in hardware, Court. Robinson & Co., dealers in groceries and liquors, W ashington, east of bank. Rose Cyrus, harness and saddle maker, Court. Sanderson -. watch maker, State. SEAMAN & JOHNSTON, M A R B L E WORKERS AND DALERS, STATE. See A. B., Presbyterian pastor. SILVUS 1SAAC, DEALER IN GROCE RIES AND PROVISIONS, COURT. SMITH L. L., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND POSTMASTER, COURT. SMITH & DE STEIGUER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, UNION, NEAR COURT. (See card, p. 18.) Sparrow T. W., physician and surgeon, Court. Stewart G. H., agent Adams Express, of fice Court House. Stewart G. H., county recorder, office Court House. Stewart Hiram, dealer in books, stationery and insurance agent, Main. Swett Jacob, boot and shoe maker, Court. Tappan E. T., A. M., prof. of Mathematics, Ohio Institute. Todrow E., blacksmith, College. VAN VORHES N. H., E D I T 0 R AND PUBLISHER A T H E N S MESSEN GER. Walker E. S., photographic artist, Court. Welch John, attorney and counselor at - law, President. West John A., barber, Court. Wilkins H., dealer in groceries, provisions, china ware, &c., Court. WILSON & DANA, (H. & J. M.,) ATTOR NEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, COURT. Young Wm. H., A. M., prof. of Latin and Greek, Ohio University. A post village and township of Portage , county, established in 1825, situated on the Cleveland and Pittsburg railway, 10t miles from Ravenna, and about 135 miles north-east from Columbus, and contains four stores, six manufactories, &c. Population of township 900. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Rlden & Brush, general merchants and prop'rs lumber yard'. Allen Mrs., miltinaer.. Baldwin P., brick mason. See Mail Stage Line, p. 13, ATH 19 ATLAS, -- A post office of Belmont county. ATTICA, A post village of Seneca county. ATWATER, v AU 20 AUS J. G. DOLE, A URELIUS, A post office in the worthern part of Washington county. Dealer in DRY GOODS, arr, Groceries, Hardware, &c., A URORA, A post office of Portage county, about 25 miles south-east from Cleveland. AUSTINBURG, - OHIO. Brh.,~ coV D1 ope.. AUS I, A post office of Ross county. Bra. AUSTINBURG, A post village and township of Ashtabula HP s mill. county, situated on Grand river, 7 miles from Geneva station, on the Cleveland and R D RAIL- Erie railway, 6 miles from Jefferson, RO ASTER. and 175 miles north-east from Columbus. m e agent. Population 400. Township 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alvord D. S., carriage and wagon maker. er. Austin A. E., prop'r Austin House. . Austin Lewis, rope manufacturer. Baldwin J. M., broom manufacturer. Barbour Rev. A. D., Congregational pas tor. Ms aker. Barnum J. H., principal Grand River In eh Ae nt. stitute. P Brewster W. W., physician. Cole Rev. H. D., Methodist pastor. Ro stor. Cummings Rev. G., Unitarian pastor. E Decker D., brick mason. aker. Dewey Joel A., school teacher. s amill. DOLE J. G., GENERAL MERCHANT Rastor. AND POSTMASTER. (See card, p. Shelden 20.) hmaker Dwight H. L., sewing machine agent. E p Grand River Institute, J. H11. Barnum, prin cipal. Hall W. C., carpenter. Holbrook C., prop'r saw mill. tmaker. Leonard G. H., prop'r foundry. McMillan R., tailor. Miller B., cooper. Orcutt 0., boot and shoe maker. Palmer S. B., prop'r steam saw mill. Palmer W. D., proprietor flouring mill and woolen manufacturer. Palmer & Chapman, prop'rs carding ma chine. Phelps. A., wool grower. Pulis M. W. & Co., general merchants. Read A. J., daguerrean artist and cabinet maker. Reed S., brick maker. Root W. E., clothing dealer. Sadd G. F., prop'r oil mill and insurance ~ agent. Sawyer Miss Ruth A., school teacher. Gray's & Co.'s Adv't, p. 13. Barth A., cooper. . Beach H. M., pro Blakeslee A., bric Bow A., carpente Butler Russell, sc Butler W., school Graham John, gu Hazen Wm. P., pi Hillyer D. W., pr IIILLYER H., ROAD AGE Hinman Edward, Hogle J. A., dagu Horton Z. A., bri~ Hough J. I.. drug Johnson H. L., ca Johnson Levi, bo( Loomis A. W., ge Loomis E. C., sch Loomis Thomas, l Mix N. S., sash, Mix S. R., prop'r Needham Alford, Pitkin S. S., mill Purdy & Loomis, Radcliff Rev. Thc Reeder E. A., mil Ripple W., carvri Russell & Co., pr Sharp Rev. E. C., Shelden E., schoo Stratton Eli, sash Stratton Eli, pair Stratton J. & Son Strong Henry, sc Warrington E., p Wintersteed John A UGUSTA, A post office of Carroll county. i AUB 20 AUS AUSTIN, AUBURN, A post village of Geauga county. AUGLAIZE, A post office of Vanwert county. 4 AVO 21 BAI Sellick James, wool grower. Watkins Rev. S. F., Baptist pastor. Shepard F. W., planing mill. Williams H. H., prop'r steam fiouring and Shipman H. G., edge tool manufacturer. saw mills.. Smith Miss E. S., dress maker. Wetmore B. W., carriage and wagon maWilliams B., carpenter and painter. AVON LAKE, A post office of Lorain county. AVON, (FRENCHI CREEK VILLAGE.) AYERSVILLE, A post village of Lorain county, in Avon I A post village of Defiance county, in Hightownship, situated on French creek, 8 land township, established in 1848, situamiles northeast from Elyria, and about ted 5 miles south east from Defiance. and 125 miles north by east from Columbus. about 115 miles north-west from Columbus. Population of township 2,000. Population 100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Blue J. U., hotel prop'r. Blue J. U. & L. D., broom makers. BOUTELL N. A., CARPENTER AND POSTMASTER. Boutell & Byers, carriage and wagon ma ker. Brechbelle Henry, prop'r steam grist and saw mill. Brechbelle John, wool grower. Coller O., carriage and wagon maker. Davis John, carpenter. Henry Wm., tailor. Miller I., school teacher. Miller Levi, shoe maker. Miller Rev. J. C., Methodist pastor. Myers J. K., wool grower. Stiles Albert, brick mason. Tate J. W. & A. K., steam saw mill pro. prietors. Wells, shoe maker. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Anderson A. P., carpenter. Benham John, carding machine. Blacknell John, general merchant. Braman David, nursery and seedsmani. Brooks James E., general merchant. Brooks R., school teacher. Burdett Wm., cabinet maker. Burrell G. A., carpenter. Cahoon Melissa, school teacher. Chamberlin John, wool grower. DARLEY T. B., PHYSICIAN AND POST MASTER. Derusha J., painter. Fisher Henry, boot and shoe maker. Fleming E., school teacher. Flint Thomas, boot and shoe maker. Frye Henry, cabinet maker. Garfield Halsey, general merchant. Gillett Gersham, hotel proprietor. Gough Rev. J. J., Congregational pastor. Hubbard Wm. H., tailor. Hurst We., wool grower. Jackson J. W., carpenter. Jackson R. P., carpenter. Jameson M. B., school teacher. Jameson R., school teacher. Jones David, brick mason. Lewis Harris, cabinet maker. Lynes Samuel D., hotel prop'r. Miller C., boot and shoe maker. Naracony Henry, carpenter. Peffer Wm., school teacher. Romas John, boot and shoe maker. Sherbondy A. W., general merchant. Siebert H., boot and shoe maker. Smith Phineas, cooper. Smith Wm., boot and shoe maker. Tennsbee N. S., physician. Terrell J., nursery and seedsman. Thome Bartell, carpenter. Townshend Alfred, harness maker. Ursam F., general merchant and tailor. Van Neal Henry, prop'r saw mill. Van Neal Steren, prop'r saw mill. Ward Rev. L. F., Methodist pastor. BAINBRIDGE, An important post village of Ross county, in Paxton township, situated on Paint creek, 18 miles west from Chillicothe, and about 55 miles south from Columbus. Population 1,000. Township 1,800. See Phonix Insurance Company, p. 2. i Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, EtC. Bainbridge Lodge, No. 196, Masonic. Benner John, prop'r grist and saw milli3. Brown Jos. P., dry goods dealer. Carson D. C., distiller and brewer. Cobb C. B., eneral merchant. 9, BAN CHARLES ROBINS, Dea]rs in DRYr GOODS Drugs, lledieines, BAINBRIDGE, - OHIO. BANTAM, BAKER'S, A post office of Champaign miles west from Columbus. Cook Ha Craighea Crooks A Devinay Dunham Elliott mn Ferrell Fitzwilli Freshour Giffen C. Green J. Henley ] Higgins Holley C Huling J Kerns I Hou Kretzer Kretzer McFadd 'IcLaugt Magoffer Manlove Manlove Manlove Marsh J Martin J Miller J Morrow Morrow Newman Newman Nutt Mr Peniston Platter Pricer D Roberts ROBIN DR ROBIN Roby Ge Rockhol Smith J. Smith J( Steadma Taylor J Taylor J Taylor Townse Tulleys Union E Westerg Wilson Zimmer Ir mBAKERSVILLE, F A post office of Coshocton county. BALTIMORE, A post village of Fairfield county, on the Ohio canal, 10 miles from Lancaster, and 30 miles south-east from Columbus. BANTAM, A flourishing post village of Clermont county, in Tate township, established in 1834, situated on the east Fork of Little Miami river, 7 miles south-east from Batavia, and 100 miles south-west from Columbus. Population 500. Township 2,500. J UlIlk ~11., UUUb H, IUL It IXUC UIfil.UI-. MatnJhD., botanphoeicmake. MleJ. D., physician. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. C., physician. Allen C. D., prop'r Washington Hotel and Thos., hotel prop'r. livery stable. Howard L., brick maker. Armstrong Rev. James, Methodist pastor. Wm., barber. Bassett A., prop'r grist and saw mill. s. Susan, dress maker. Bassett A., architect. n George E., chair maker. Bennet Alonzo, school teacher. Andrew, grist and saw mill prop'r. Blair Chas., carpenter. ). H., school teacher. Blair Miss Lizzie, school teacher. S. C., physician. Brunk Daniel, cooper. S CHARLES, BOOKSELLER AND Burroughs John B., tailor. UGGIST. (See card, p. 22.) Cambell James, wool grower. S CHAS., POSTMASTER. Clark I., brick mason. eorge W., physician. Clark Wm., brick mniason. d Elijah, dry goods dealer. Collins James B., physician. ohn, boot and shoe dealer. Dailey Rev. Nathaniel, Methodist pastor. ohn, tanner. Dole Rev. Elisha Methodist pastor. t n Mrs. Eliza, dress maker. Doughty Collins, grocer. Jared, pump maker. Doughty Edward, carpenter and cabinet lared, prop'r nursery. maker. Wm., school teacher. Doughty Jemima, dress maker. nd Samuel, painter. Doughty Joseph, carpenter. John, ambrotypist. Doughty Levi, cabinet maker. U ouse, Peter Kerns, prop'r. ELY BENJAMIN, POSTMASTER. nan Rev. N., Methodist pastor. ELY BENJAMIN & SON, GENERAL Moses, candle maker. MERCHANTS. (See card, p. 22.) min Miss M., dress maker. Ely George, pump maker. See State Gazetteers and Blsine33 Directories, page 1. BAI 22 BENJ. ELY & SON, Dealer in Paints, Oils, &c., Groceries, &c., OHIO. county, 56 BAR 23 BAR Ely J. F. M., real estate agent. Ely John L., blacksmith. Ely Miss S., milliner. Ilair Samuel, grist mill prop'r. "Hawkins M. L., barber. Hitch B. F., painter. Hitch John, wool grower. Ilitchl & White, carriage and wagon ma kers. Hitch & White, harness makers. Homan David C., carpenter. Johnson L. B., physician. Johnson Mrs. Ruth, milliner. Justice, wool grower. Kellurn Jno. M., physician and real estate agent. Kellum S. A. stave dealer. Kidd Thos., wool grower. Leeds I., saw mill prop'r. Leeds Jacob M., chair maker. Leeds MA. A., school teacher. Leeds W. C., school teacher. McIntosh A., brick mason. MAcIntoshl Alex, broom maker. MlcMillen Duncan, blacksmith. McMurchiy James, notary public and bro ke r. MIcNair Robert, carpenter. AlMeNair T., carpenter. MAoore H., carriage and wagon maker. MIloore James C., wool grower. Moss Wm., broom maker. Palfrev Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Pinkham T. M., physician. Rodgers Wm., br ick masoin. Shepard Wm., c'arpenter. Sleetman John, carriage and wagon ma ker. Smith F. C., general merchant. Smith George W., boot and shoe maker. Smith Rev. Enos, Methodist pastor. Smith Robert, grocer. Snyder G. B., gunsmith. Snyder John W., prop'r grist and saw mills. Swick Wm., blacksmith. Washington Hotel, C. D. Allen, prop'r. White David L, carpenter. Williams Silas G., auctioneer. Williams Wm. E., saloon keeper. Wilson Josiah, blacksmith. Wimer Jno. C., brick rnmason. Winans Benj., school teacher. Winans S. D., cooper. BARNESVILLE, Ait important post village and township of Belmont county, established in 1810, situated on the Central Ohio railway, 18 miles south-west from St. Clairsville, and about 100 miles east from Columbus. Population 1800. Township 10,000. t A lphabetical List of Proes n, Tas, t Bailey Joseph, nursery and seedsmrnan. Bailey W., auctioneer. Banister N., dress maker. Barlow & Eddy, prop'rs steam saw mill. Barnes Josl.ua, carpenter. Barnes W., pat ent right agent. Barnesville Chapter, No. 69, AI,soniic. Barnesville Classical Institute, J. Mcblar tin, prin. Barnesville House, J. H. Piper, prop'r. Barnesville Intelligencer, Geo. AleClelland, publisher. Barnesville Lodge, No. 185, I. O. O. E'. Bloomer House, H. Vance, prop'r. Bolier L., grocer. Bradfield J., general merchant. Brown H. R., general merchant. Brown W. McK.. barber. Bulger George, carpenter. Bulger J., carpenter. Burrough R. & C., bakers and grocers. Cole John, stoves and till ware. Collins 1. I-I., attorney at law and notary public. Crew James, coal dealer. Damisel'U.. baker. Davenport C. &, B. & Co., general mer chants. Davenport John, attorney at law. Davidson A. J., brick reason. Dobbins James, cooper. Doudna H., broom maker. Doudna J., broom maker. Doudna- Joseph, nursery and seedsman. Dove L. A., school teacher. Duvall R. If., cooper. Edgerton James, nursery and seedsmak. Eiseman J., saloon keeper and baker. Evans S. J. & Co., marble workers. Farrar M., carpenter. Folger W. It., gunsmith. Fowler J. A., milliner. Fowler P., coal dealer. Fowlis P., barber. Frasier J. W. & Son, general merchants. A post office of Washington county. I I I BAR 23 BAR BARLOW, A post office of IVasllington county. BARNES, A po,,,t office of -Riclil-,i!rid cotinty. BARBER, BARESVILLE,.A post office of Monroe county. BAR BAR Frasier R. E. & J. W., agricultural imple ments. Friendship Lodge, No. 89, Masonic. Gardner W., grocer. Green Joseph, insurance agent. Htager H. P., marble worker. Hager & Butz, general merchants. Hamilton Rev. R. H., Methodist pastor. Hare J. W., brick mason. Hare R., dress maker. Hare W., physician. Hibbard Hiram, cabinet maker. Hollingswortlh H., carpenter. Hoover J., physician. Hopper Robert, woolen manufacturer. Howard John S., prop'r livery stable. Hughs Isaac, boot and shoe maker. Hunt J. E., railroad agent. Hunt John, carpenter. Hunt John N. & Sons, tailors. Hunt J. R., prop'r steamn fiouring mill. Jane Geo., painter. Judkins C., physician and druggist. Judkins C., express agent. Kenkade WV., grocer. Kennard L., stoves and tin ware. King MI., attorney at law. Leek A., school teacher. Leek Samuel, pump and brick maker. Lowe J. H., brick mason. Lupton H. R. & J. R., tanners. McClelland Geo., publisher Barnesville In telligencer. MACKALL BENJAMIN, POSTMASTER. Mackall J. T., physician. Mackall M. W., school teacher. McLane J. V., carpenter. McLane R., jewelry, &c. McLane Robert, sewing machine agent. McLish James, carriage, wagon and plow maker. McMartin J., prin. Barnesville Classical Institute. Mahanna James, painter. Mahanna L., painter. Marbuck R., jewelry, &c, Mills R., tanner and hotel prop'r. Mills R. & Sons, harness makers. Moffit J., dentist. Morrow John, carpenter. Morrow S., carpenter. Mott L., grocer. Mott & Uncles, boot and shoe makers. Mount, carpenter. Nace Ann, dress maker. Nace J., cigars and tobacco. Nace U., grocer. Norris H. H., prop'r machine shop. Orr James, gunsmith. Patterson Nathan, harness makers and leather dealers. Perry Isaac, carriage, wagon and plow A maker. Perry J., ambrotypist. Perry W. G., cabinet maker. Phillips J. B., coal dealer. Piper J. H., prop'r Barnesville House. Ramsey George W.,tommission merchant. Reed John, boot an d shoe maker. Reed Wm., boot and shoe maker. Riley Nathan, cabinet maker. Rowles T. C., school teacher. Seaman W., chair manufacturer. Skerry Mary, school teacher. Smeaton D., tailor. Smith Jesse, coal dealer. Smith WVm., notary public. Smith Wm., agricultural implements. Stephens J. W., stoves and tin ware. Sutzer & Son, tailors. Talbott W. A. & Son, general merchants. Taylor E., carpenter. Thompson James, grocer. Vance (., saloon keeper. Vance H., prop'r Bloomer HIouse and am brotypist. Warfield J. W., physician and druggist. Warfield S., school teacher. Welloihs G., physician. West J. W., cigars and tobacco. White Jesse, prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. Williams E., physician. Wilson Thos. H., carpenter. A post vil lage of C uyahoga county, 15 miles from Cleveland, and about 130 miles north north-east from Columbus. BAlt 24 BAR BARNET, A station in Preble county, on the Cincinnati, Eaton and Richmond railway, 6 miles from Eaton, 53 miles Yiort,h from Cincinn,,tti, and,tbout 90 miles west by south from Columbus. BARRY, BARRYVILLE, A post oitice of Stark county. .BARTLETT, (PLYMOUTII VILLAV,.P,.) A post village of Washington county, in Wesley township, established in 1840, 5 miles north of Cutler Station on the Marietta and Cincinnati railway, 21 miles west from Marietta, and 80 miles east south-east from Columbus. Population 500. Township 1225. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Aham Nathan W., brick mason. Barnes H. S., tobacco grower. BAT creek, 6 miles from Tiffin, and about 85 miles north by west from Columbus. Bartlett A. O., auctioneer. Bartlett Lodge, No. 293, Masonic. Bouce D. T., tobacco grower. Brill E., iron manufacturer. Bruce T., tobacco grower. Calvert Rev. J. C., Methodist pastoir. Carle Benijamin, tailor. Crow E., tobacco grower. Crow James, coal dealer. Crow R. J., attorney at law and real estate agent. CROW WMl., TOBACCO GROWER, AND POSTMASTER. Dean Rev. Elwood, Friends Church. Denny S., tobacco grower. Ellis E., tobacco grower. Engle C., tobacco grower. Engle R., harness maker and brewer. Erving Rev. -, Presbyterian pastor. Garretson E. K., boot and shoe maker. Garretson & Way, carpenters and cabinet makers. Gilbert & Vanlan, general merchants and pork packers. Glen Rev. Wm., Methodistpastor. Green Miss A., dress maker. Grosvenor D., school teacher. Grosvenor S. L., carriage and wagon maker. Grosvenor S. L., sewing machine agent. IHaines C., tobacco grower. Haines E., tobacco grower. Hale A. J., school teacher. Hance Geo., tobacco grower. Hance K., tobacco grower. Heald S., tobacco grower. HIlodgin R. & Co., hide and leather dealers. Jones H., carpenter. Kester Wim., general merchant. King James, broom manufacturer. Leezier Wm., carriage and wagon maker. McArther D., pbysician. Miller Wm., brick mason. Morris Martin, tobacbo giower. Murray John C., barber. Parker Miss R. J., dress maker. Quin D. J., physician and dentist. Randolph J., tobacco grower. Randolph John, blick mason. Randolph S, tobacco grower. Rhouder J., carpenter. Sevil S. M., boot and shoe maker. Smith D. V., baker. Smith H., general merchant. Smith Miss A., di ess maker. Smith Mrs. E., dress maker. Swayn Thlios., carpenter. Vanlan S. C., physician and druggist. Williams R., tobacco grower. Wilson A., tobacco grower. Witham N., tobacco grower. Wood M., carpenter. BATAVIA, A post village, and_the capital of Clermont county, about 90 miles north-west from Columbus. (WILLIAMSBURG VILLAGE.) A post village of Guernsey county, in rBeaver township, established in 1826, situated on Beaver fo rk of Mill creek, 3 miles from the Central Ohio railway, and about 86 miles east from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,500. BASCOM, BATH, A post village of Seneca county, on Wolf A post office of Summit county. BAS 25 BASI-IAN, A post office of Aleigs county. BATESVILLE, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Beard E., physician. Beesley Henry, coal dealer. Benilighaus H., general merchant. Booker Rev. J. K., Lutheran pastor. Butts Rev. A. W., Methodist pastor. Dingess John, boot and shoe maker. Finley Robert, brick mason. Folwell S., dress maker. Foster C., boot and shoe maker. Gebhart D. C., tailor. GEBHART L., POSTAIASTER. Gebh,-irt Peter, carriage and waon maker. Giblen Miss L., school teacher. Gibson Wm. E., general merchant. Javis J., coal dealer. Jones Joseph, saw mill prop'r. Joseph J. M., physician. Langhill R..Il., attorney at law. Laybill E. H., hotel prop'r. Leek R. H., tobacco grower. Mercer James, brick mason. Miller Peter, broom manufacturer. Raach Fred., harness maker. R,,tach G. W., cooper. Raacli Thos, gunsmith. Reed M., physician. Robinson J. M., cabinet maker. Savmer A., school teacher. Snefe'll., general merchant. Stotlan Wm. B., dentist. Wimoii G., general merchant. BAU Pearson Wm., carpenter. Reed W. L., school teacher. Smith S. B., grocew ThornbuLry Johfison, tailor." Thornbury Joseph, ambi-otypist and tailor. ThlornbuLry W., prop'I Monroe house. Valentine M., carriiage and wagon mtaker. Webb John A., harness maker. WEBB W. G., POSTMASTER AND PIIY SICTAN. (See card, p. 26.) Wisener Isaac, general merchant. Wisener John, general merchant. WM. C. WEBB, PHYSI. IAN BEALLSVILLE, - OHIO. BAUGHMAN, A post village of -WVayne county, about 100 miles north north-east from Columbus. BEAMSVILLE, A post village of Darke county, in RichAland township, established ill 1842, situated on Stillwater river, 2 miles south of Johnson's station, on the Bellefontaine railway, 61- miles from Greenville, and 90 miles west from Columbus. Population 90. Township 1,200. A post office of Columbiana county, on the Cleveland and Pittsburg railway, ti9 miles from Cleveland, and abouit 135 miles east north-east from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professiors, Trades, IEtc. Beam J. I-I., carpenter and cabinet maker. Beanblossom Solomon, boot vand shoe ma ker. BERTS E., BOOT AND SItOE MAKEIt AND POSTMASTER. Ford J. HI., physician. Hfartle G. [I., general merchant. Hartle J. B. W., school teacher. Ilartle Milton F., brick masoi. Henas A., broom manufacturer. Holloway J. D., attorney at law a-cdl hotel prop'r. Holloway John, druggist. Hostetter Isaac, physician and dentist. Kershner D. W., barber. Lappon Silas, painter'. Laughlin J. LI., grocer. Leaman Peter, cooper. Longanecker John, carpenter atnd cabinet maker. McLaughlin John, brewer and broker. McLaughlin Sarah, school teacher. M,atheals John, auctioneer. Mills M., carriage, wagon and plow ma ker. MNote Eli K., tobacco -rower and gunsmith. Mote Mrs.-, dress maker. Mullen J. E., brick mason. Plessinger John, wool grower. Reed J. M., brick mason. Siegmond J. J., harness maker. Stahl John iM., school teacher. Stephenson John, notary public. Wa,rrerefels Nathan, barber. Willson1 Wm. J. L., general merchant. Woolf John H., broom manufacturer. Yeates C. J., prop'r hotel. ' BEALLSVILLE, A post village of Monroe county, in Sunsbury township, established in 1845, situ. ated 9 miles from Woodsfield, and 105 miles east by south from Columnbus. Population 250. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Armstrong Thomas, broker. Armstrong & Thornberg, general iner chants. Arnold James, carpenter. Black J. W., carriage and wagfon maker. Dent A. Y., leather dealer., Dunn J., carpenter. Githens G. W., physician. Gratigny L., physician. Gratigny Lewis, harness maker. Gratigny T. A., leather dealer. Hopton F. J., physician. Hutchison Wm. 11. & Co., general mler chants. Jackson H. G., boot and shoe maker. James Isaac, school teacher. Lane Rev. A. J., Methodist pastor. Lilly J. A. W., boot and shoe maker. McCollough J. G., physician. McDonald Rev. Geo., Presbyterian pastor. Monroe House, W. Thornbury, prop'r. Morris Jesse, cabinet maker. Morris Wm. R., cabinet maker. 26 BEA I And Sui-eon, I BAY'S BOTTOM, A post office of Galli,,t count,y. BAYARD, DAZETTA, A post (,ffice of Trumbull couiity. I' -~~E E BEASLEY'S FORK, A post office of Adams county. i BEAVER, A post office of Pike county. BELL AIR, OHIO. BEA VER DAlM, A post office of Allen county. BECKETT'S STORE, A post office of Pickaway county, situated on the Scioto river, 16 miles from Circleville, and 15 miles south from Columbus. Bowler & Garrard, dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc., Union. BEDFORD, Colhoun Samuel, dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. A post village of Cuyahoga county, and a Criswell J. M., dealer in dry goods, grostation on the Cleveland anrid Pittsburg ceries, etc., cor. Main and Walnut. railway, 14 miles from Cleveland. Donehoo Thomas, physician and surgeon, Water. DUNN WMv. H., POSTMASTER, WATER. BELFAST, Drafton I. N., manufacturer and dealer in A post office of Clermont county. fine furniture, Water. Ferk J. P., grocer, Walnut. Gachter I., barber, cor. Union and Howard. GARDNER L P., PROP'R BELMONT BELL, HOUSE, WATER. (See cared, p. 27.) A post village of Highland county, on Garrett House, Thos. Garrett, proprietor, Brush creek, 11 miles from Hillsboro', and Union. 65 miles south south-west from Columbus. Garrett Thos., proprietor Garrett House, Union. Gorby J., dealer in dry goods, groceries, BELL AIR, etc., Belmont. Holliway & Junkins, physicians and surAn important post village of Belmont geons, Water. county, in Pultney township, on the Ohio Jefferson John, dealer in groceries and river, at the terminus of the Central Ohio clothing, Union. railway, 14 miles south-east from St. Kern George, baker and saloon, Water. Clairsville, and about 120 miles east from Loeffler P., cigar manufacturer, Union. Columbus. It contains about twenty-five Martin S., boarding house. stores, a tri-weekly newspaper, several Medford T., tinner, Third. churches, &c. Population about 2,000. Meek James, editor and publisher Bell Air Tri-Weekly Press, Water. Mercer Daniel, boot and shoe maker, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Union. Aaron A., dealer in dry goods, clothing, MERCER J. & J. T., WHIOLESALE AND) hats, caps, &c., Water. RETAIL DRUGGISTS, WATER. Anderson A. W., lumber dealer. Morgan & Kelley, wholesale grocers and Bamberg G., saloon, Water. commission merchants, Water. Basher C., trunk and harness manuftactu- MUTH JOHN & GEORGE H., DEALERS rer, Water. IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS ANI> Beck, blacksmith, Main. FRESH MIEATS, UNION. Bell Air Ti- Weekly Press, James Meek, Neal R. E., livery stable, Water. editor and publisher, Water. Nicoll Jas., planing and saw mill prop'r. BELMONT HOUSE, S. L. GARDNER, Ommert N., grocer. PROP'R, WATER. (See card, p. 27.) Ormert Foster & Co., bowling saloons BelBonbright J. S., dealer in hardware, cut- mont. lery, stoves, nails, house furnishing Prachlits Wmn, baker, Water. goods, etc., Water. I I BEA 27 BEL Water Street, near T)epot, S. L. CAPDNEN, PROP'R. BEL BEL W. V. MARQUIS, Piummers H., cooper. Pollock Wm., prop'r grist mill. Pollock & Johnstsn, prop'rs steam saw mill. Porter Mrs. E., dress maker. Ramrsy W. & A. C., general merchants. Smith Mrs. Sarah, dress maker. Torrance I., general merchant. Walters S., boot and shoe maker. Webster Rev., Methodist pastor. Westfall A., general merchant. Wilson James, cooper. Wilson M. D., physician. Wilson Mrs. L., school teacher. Wi'son Wm., carriage and wagon maker. Winters Rev., Christian elder. STATIONER BELLEFONTAINE, O. Rankin David, grocer, Union. RICHARDSON A. & BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, THIRD. Rowles N. H., blacksmith, Union. Schenker J., boot and shoe maker, Union. Schramm Atugust, wholesale liquor mer chant, Union. Sherry P., grocer, Union. Shick M., hotel prop'r, Water. SMITHf J. B. ATTORNEY AND COUN SELOR AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, WATER. STRAHL C. H., GROCER, WATER. Taylor John T., merchant tailor, Union. Walker N. B., wholesale and retail dealer in boots and shoes, Water. Winans E. B. & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, drugs, medicines, etc., Wa ter. Zelch John, grocer, Water. BELLEFONTAINE, A prominent post town and the capital of Logan county, in Lak]e township, established in 1820, situated at the junction of the Safndusky, Dayton and Cincinnati, and the Bellefontaine and Indian,,a Railways, 50 miles north-west from Columbus. It contains thirty-three stores, fourteen manufactories, of various kinds, five or six churches, two weekly newspapers, &c. Population about 3, 500. Township 4,500. LOGAN COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk, James Leister. Sheriff, McCorkle Ackles. Pros. Attorney, John Pollock. Probate Tudge, Anthony Casad. Treasurer, John Underwood, jr. Auditor, Wm. Stokes. Recorder, Wm. Cheever. Surveyor, Henry C. Moore. Coroner, Ch arles Porter. Commissioners, Daniel W. MIcKinnon, Bent ley Williams, and David Michner. A post office of Greene county, about 50 miles west south-west from Columbus. BELLE CENTER, A post village of Logan county, in Richland township, established in 1852, situated on the Miami River, and on the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati railway, 12 miles north from Bellefontaine, and about 60 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams Adolphus, confectionery and bak ery, Columbus. Adams Maria E. Miss, millinery and dress makingf Main. Allen Homer, dry goods, queensware and groceries, Main. ALLISON CHARLES W. B., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND CO LUMIBUS. AULL ADAM, A. & JOHN A., BAK E R Y A.N D CONFECTIONERY, MAIN. Ball Anthony, bakery and confectionery, Columbus. Bellefontaine Encampment, No. 73, I. O. O. F. Bellefontaine Lodge, No. 209, Masonic. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Darter & Mooney, general merchants. Davis J. T., boot and shoe maker. Earick Jacob, harness maker. Earick Miss M., school teacher. Earick Mrs. M., dress maker. Furgason Alex, cabinet maker. Good Rev., Methodist pastor. Harrod Samuel, hotel prop'r. Hemphill S. C., carriage and wagon maker. Johnston Miss H, school teacher. MAINS C., POSTMASTER. Patten D. S., paeint right agent. Pattrick T. S., physician. BEL 28 BEL And News Depot, BELL BROOK, BEL Opposite Railroad Depot, WM. BRANHAM, Prop'r. Thlis House has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished, and is 1now open for the reception of visitors. BELLEFONTAINE REPUBLICAN, REY NOLDS & REYNOLDS PUBLISH ERS, ISSUED SATURDAY, MAIN. Boase C., butcher, Main. Boyd Robert, groceries, stone ware, &c., Main. BRANHAM WM., PROP'R OF BRAN HAM HOUSE, OPP. RAILROAD DEPOT. (See card, p. 29.) BRAY & BRO., BARBERS, MAIN. BROWN, ANS()N & CO., DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHIOES, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, &c., MAIN. Buckingham Stephen, groceries, tin ware, &c., Main. 'Campbell & Good, carpenters and pump makers, Columbus * Canby John. superintendent B. and I. R. R. d CANBY R. H. & CO., STEAM FLOUR MILL AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, NEAR R. R. DEPOT. CANBY R. S. & BROS., MANUFAC TURERS OF LINSEED OIL, CO I,UMBUS. Canby & Plantz, attorneys at law, Main. Chambers & Miller, dry goods, carpets, groceries, queensware, &c., Main. Clason Thomas S., druggist, and books and stationery, cor. Main and Columbus. Clippinger Samuel, surgeon dentist, Main. Conklin & Smith, attorneys at law, Main. Cook Robert T., groceries and provisions, Columbus. Cooley Isaac B., groceries and produce, Columbus. Cooper James, physician and surgeon, Chillicothe. Cotter Philip W., groceries, on I. and B. Railroad. Davidson & Thrift, boot and shoe manu facturers and dealers, cor. Columbus and Main. DAVIS JOHN, GROCERIES, STONE WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, PICKLES, TOBA CCO AND CIGARS, MAIN. DOUGLAS ERSKINE, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERChANT, AND AGENT S. D. AND C. R. R., CO LUMBUS. Dow David L., groceries, Walnut. Dowell & Kemper, blacksmiths, Columbus. E mery & Brothers, carriag e and wago n manufacturers, Detroit. Emrey George L., livery stable, A jain. Evans Hudson tT., atnbrotype and photo graph gallery, Main. F r ey John, druggis t ak and books nd sta tionery, Main. Gardner Andrew, jr., mayor, West Colun bus. Gardner Daniel W., groceries, provisions, &c., Columbus. Gardner I. S. & A., dry goods, groceries, crockery, &c., Main. Gardner Skiles, attorney at law, Main. 'GARDNER, THOMAS & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE B R OK E R. S, MAIN. Garner James M., gun manufacturer, Chillicothe. Goa S. W. & Co., dry goods, hats, caps, notions, queensware &c., Main. Hall Jesse C., watch maker and jeweler, Main. HOLSER LOUIS, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, MAIN. Hubbard & Bro., editors and proprietors of Logan County Gazette and job printers, Main. Johnson Robert, blacksmith, Columbus. Johnson Wm., barber, Main. Johnson Robert T., attorney at law and justice of peace, cor. Main aiid Co lurmbus. KERNAN & HOGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAIN. Kirkpatrick John, cabinet maker and dealer, Columbus. Lafayette Chapter, No. 60, Masonic. Lamison Wm. A., prop'r Logan House, Co lumbus. 29 BEL A, *k 4,* ** two IL.Z fm 4,F + I#, 4 # m I u 4, * BEL 30 BEL Shepherd David, watch maker, Columbus. Shepler John D., gaperal blacksmith, Main. Slicer Walter, merchant tailor, Main. Snyder Isaac, boot and shoe maker, Main. Snyder Jonathan, saloon, Main. Star Lodge, No. 9'3!, I. O. S. M. Stanfield Ferdinand, merchant tailor and clothier, Columinibus. *Starrett Adam, groceries and produce, Co lurebts. STANTON HtON. BENJAMIN, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND COLUMBUS. '*STANTON & ALLISON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND COLUM BUS. Staiugh & Harbaugli, dry goods, boots nnd ishoes, hats, caps, queensware, grocer ies, &c., Main. STEEN MILTON, ATTORNE Y A T LA W, MAIN. Stefel May er, merchant tailor and clothier, Mar in. Stokes Jacob, wagon manufacturer and blacksmith, Chillicothe. SWISHtER & KEYES, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS AND DEAL - ERS, COLUMBUS. ,Tallman Joseph W.,'imbrotype and pho tograph gallery, cor. sMain and Co lumbus. Taylor Robert W., bowline saloon, Main. Underhill & Kerr, marble workers and dealers, Chillicothe. Walker & West, attorneys at law. MJ::ain. Warren Marvin, attorney at 1aw, M-ain. Watson Dr. D., physician and surgeon, Columbus. Whitehead Philip C., stoves, tin and japan ware, MAlaIin. Williams Charles A., marble worker and dealer, Main. Winans Mrs. E., millinery and dress ma king, Columbus.. Wright Dr. Thomas G., physician and sur geon, Main. BELLE POINT, A post village of Delaware county, in ConcoId township, established in 1837, situate(d on Scioto river, at the mouth of Mill creek, 5 miles from Delaware, and 25 miles north by west from (olumbus. Population 100. Township 1,500. Alphabetical L1St of Professions. Trades, Etc. Benson Jacob, grocer and hotel prop'r. Benson Jamres, carpenter. Canan R. & Son., prop'rs steam saw and grist mi11s. FredriCk S. P., prCP'r saw mill. Leonard Nathaniel, groceries and pro visions, Columbus. Logan Comtity Gazette, issued Saturday, Hubbard & Brother, prop'rs, Main. Logan Lodge, No. 72. I. O. O. F. Lord Abiel I., physician.1nd surgeon, Main. Lord A. HI., physician and surgeon, Co. lumbus. McClure Wrr. P., sign pinter, 1Main.u NIcCrakei Robert, liveiy stable, Colum bus. MIcCuie, Wilson & Shufelton, wagon and C plow miakers, Columbus. MIARQUIS W Al. VAN (CE, POSTMASTER, AND STATIONERY AND NIEWS DE POT, COLU MIBUS. (See card, p. 28.) Miller Amos, ca-rriia,ge manufacturer, De troit. Mliller John B., prop'r of Union House, Main.MI Mliller John & Win., watch makers and jewelers, Main.M MAlore F. 0., stoves and tin ware, Coluni bus. Morkeal Dr. James A., physician and sur- geoni,M-tin. t .My.rs J. B. & Co., foundry tand miachline shop, south of raiL'oad depot. Nelson VWalter L., groceries stone ware, &c., Main. NELSON & MlcELREE, BOOT AND SHIOE MIANUFACTUREPRS A N D IDEAL. ERS, NIAIN. Nevin John, chair manufacturer and deal er, Columbus. Newell Joseph, justice of the peace, Main. NICHOLS LOWELL M., M,IANUFACTUR ER AND DEALER IN HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, FURS, &c., &c., MAIN. NIVEN DAVID, FURNITURE MIANU FACTUREER AN D DEALER, CO LUNMBUS. 5 NIVEN DAVID, PLANING MILL AND LUMBER FARD, COLUMBUS. Niven John D., United States express ag't, in S. D. and C. railroad depot. Pollock John, attorney at law, Main. Pollock Wm., groceries, produce, &C., Main. Prouty Fred D., agricultural implements aCnd seeds, ailiin. REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS, PUBLISH ERS OF BELLEFONTAINE REPUB LICAN, MAIN. RUTAN, RIDDLE & CO., BANKERS AND EXC'IIANGE D E A L E R S, COLUM BUS. SCARFF JAMES C., A R D W A R E, NAILS, STEELL IRON, AGRICUL- TURAL IMPLEMAENTS, CUTLERY, TOOLS, &c, MAIN. Scott Mrs. Amanda, millinery and dress making, MainF. Shelby H. M., attorney at law, Main. BEL no EJ BEL 0 4 BEL GRUBB S., GENERAL MIERCHANT AND POSTMASTlR. (See card p 31.) Ilealy E., barber. Ilinton D., crriaige and wago inmaker. Jewett W. H., physician. LIGGETT JAMvES POSTMIASTER. Pycraft W m., tailor. Smith S. C., physician. Staley V., general merchant. Vieriot C. L., carriage and wagon maker. WVillis P. A, physician.. Edwards J. I.? harness maLker. Ellston Wm., boot and shoe make.-. Ellst-on Wm. Il.. tailor. Ev-arts R., pump maker. Fitting F. M, brokler. Fllaha.rty N., hidcle an(l leather dealer. Flaharty P., griocer and balker. Flaharty P. G., distiller. Flaharty R., grocer. French Mwiss H. B., school teacher. Green J. F., boot ani(I shoe maker. Hamilt on John & C. A., mc ar ble workers. Ha.rshfield J., plow maker. Hazlett J. W., nursery an d seedsm ranc. Hines B. F., b oot an d shoe m aker. Howard George C., ca.rriage and waigon m.aiker. How, trd r. B., edge tool manuiitfactur er. Johns John, brick nmason. Kanaga A. R., carriage and wagon maker. eKlotz MIrs. IMl. A., drmess maker. Lainhart Wm., cabinet maker. Lanehard W., prop'r plainintg mill. Lan,,ham Alex., arbrotypist. Iash A., carpenter. Lee J. C., physician and druggist. Lefever C. A., cabinet maker. Lobach A. W., carpenter. Lob,tach John, carpenter. Lockhart A., wool grower. Lockha.rt Rev. B., Disciple. L~yne Wm., gunsmith. McCl.ure 11., broom manufacturer. McClure James, brick mason. ,McCune John, boot and shoe maker. McCune R., boot and shoe maker. McFadden Wm., general merchant. McHill - -, brick rnmaison. McIntire Wi n., harness maker. Madden Wim. F., school teacher. M,arkey & Lyrne, hardware and cutlery. Mitchell Rev. John, Methodist pastor. Moore J., tailor. I\Ioore'& Boore, prop'rs livery stable. Morrow John, auctioneer and insurance agent. Morrow J. & R. B., general merchants. Morrow J. & W., general merchants. Mull D., boot and shoe matker. Phillips B. F., marble worker. Phillips J., cabinet maker. Phillips Joseph, cooper. Pierce Orlando, prop'r flouring and saw mills. BELLE VERNON, A post office of Wy.aindot counfty. A prominent post village of Richlind county, in Jefferson township, established iii 1819, situtt,ed on Clear fork of Mohican river, and on tlhe Slindusky, Manisfield and Newark railway, 10 miles from Mansfield, and( 60 miles north by east from Columbus. It contains five stores, five manufactories, &c. Populationl 1,000. Township 3,000. ,,..pha-btica. List of Proess ns, Trades, Et J Alexander [louse. Wm. Boore, prop'r. Armstiroung U. F., Ambrot,ypist.. lt.lr.MAdesmae Austin T. T., cper. Ba,,iley Hiltiin, printer. Bailey IH. l., chair manufacturer. Beach A. J., physician. Bell S., school te'cher. Belleville Lodge No. 806, I. O. 0. F. Belleville Union School, M. E. Stearns, principal. Bixler S., tailor. Boore Wii., prop'r Alexander House. * Bowers D., prop'r flotirinrig and saw mills. Brickard I., pump maker. Bull I. L., grocer. *Campbell Jno., propr flouting nlill. Case MIrs. C., b aker. CLARK ELIJAH, INSURANCE AGENT AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCH ES, JEWELRY, &c. (See card, p. 32.) CLARK ELIJAH, POSTMASTER. Clark J. C., dealer in jewelry, &c., and en graver. Cleaver Rev. I. W., Presbyterian pastor. Coleman J., hide and leatther dealer. Colley Wm., brick riason. Coursin Wim., wool grower. Cowan MIilo, printer.o Craig Miss M. E., school teacher. Cummings L. W., boot and shoe maker. Dean S., carpenter. l)onel S., carpenter. Dunlap Rev. -, Pr esby terian pastor. Edwards E., brick mason. 31 S- C3-T-T:B:E3, De.,tler in — I Groceries, Ilardware, &'C., BELLEY POli-YT, - - 0-HIO. BELLEVILLE, BEL 32 BEL L. L. CHA IDLER Dealer in GRO CERIES Coal Oil and Lamps, B-E_L.LE VU.-E, - - - OHIO. Rankin Wim., foundry prop'r, and plow make.r. Redding Rev. J. W., Mlethlodist pastor. Ridenour B., druggist. Sargent I., boot and shoe maker. Sharrar M. J., school teacher. Smith I. A., painter. Smith J. M., physician. Stannard Rev. John, Disciple. Stearns M. E., principal Belleville union schools. Strong J. W., rilroad and express agenti. 'Taylor J. II., bar ber. Thrailkill Geo. & J. B., grocers. Van Fleck S, painte.r. VWaggoner S., boot and shoe malker. Walker J. W., carpenter. Walsh James, harness maker. Walsh Mrs. A., dress miker. Weldon James general merchant. Whitcomb N. D.. physician, druggist and dentist. White I. W., carriage and wagon maker. Wilcox Jno.., jewelry, &c. Wolford MI., potter. Zent Brothers, commission merchant. Zent J. & D., pork packers and fish deal ers. Zent J. & D., prop'rs lumber yard. Cady John, carriage a nd wagon maker. Castle Rev. A. B., Methodnist pastor. I Cathlernan G., archlitect. ICHANDLER L. I., INSURANCE AG'T. (See card, p. 32.) CHANDLER LYMAN L., POSTIASTER. 'Chapman F. & Co., ban kers and distillers. Chapman N.. real estat e agent. Cotelli C. J., saloon keeper. Cowles Rev. J. G. W., Congregational pas tor. Deningeir W. Tl., cooper. Dimick IV. B., druggist and bookseller. Eckhart M, hotel prop'r. Eckhart M., saloon keeper. Eichorn L., cabinet miaker. Eisenbise J. H., general merchant. Facey W. B., stoves and tin ware. Ford John, painter. Ford W. H., arcliitect. Gambee & Berger, general merchant. *WCilpin L. & Son, prop'r stea'm flouringmill and carding machine. Goodson J. W., insurance agent. Goodson & Richards, physicians. Goodsoln & Setzler, druggist. Hale C. D., express and railroad agrent. Hamilton Rev. M1., Episcopal rector. PHarliness D. MI. & Co., distiller~s. Harkness & Co., bankers. Harris & Bur-ynet, physician. Haskell J., prop'r foundry. HTasting Miss M1., dress mr,aker. Hays Miss Jennie, sclhool teachier. Headings S., saloon keeper. Heale E., brick ma,so~. He,tle Wm., brick imiasoin. Elerl P. & A., boot and shoe makers. ~Higbee J. B., prop'r steam flouring mill. Hill S., cooper, Hubbard E. 1,, school teacher. Humphrey ('Ch.,s., saloon keeper. Kinig W. II., boot and shoe maker. Kinney S., milliner. Kraisler. ohn, brick masoni. Lambert B. F., carpenter. Langdon IMrs. S. A., milliner. Leit-e A., boot and shoe maker and tanner. Little W. R., sewing machine agent and tailor. LI,ord E. D., dentist. Long L., hardware and cutlery. McGee George, barber. McKim B. F., cooper. M.cKiim Win., cooper. BELLEVUE, A prominent post village of HIuron county, in Lyrne and York townships, established in 1830, situated on the Cleveland and Toledo railroad, 14 miles from Norwalk, and about 90 miles north from Columbus. Population 1500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bailey Rev. L., Baptist pastor. Bates Miss Maria, school teacher. Bellevue Lodge, No. 123, I. O. O. F. Beilevue Lodge, No. 213, Masonic. Bemis M., agricultural implements. Beymer W. W., harness maker. Bitzer C., cabinet maker. Boyer H. A., fancy goods. Bradley E. G., school teacher. Bradley Mrs. E. G., school teacher. Brady John, stoves and tin ware. Brubaker II., prop'r steam floutring and saw mills. 32 BEL BEL ]E. DEALER IN Clocks, %Matches, And Jewelry. :E3M;T,T,-VIT,M,, C)lR. Slemmons M. G., plow. factory and smith shop, cor. Market and Ohio. Slemmons Sam'l, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, Mariket, bet Main and Ohio. Slemmons & Robinson, dealers in hard ware, iron, nails, etc. Market. bet. Mlain and Mluskingiumn. Spencer Mrs. Martha, millineiy and fancy goods, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. Stewart A. C., clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes, Main, bet. Market and Warren. Stewart James, general store, cor. Main and Market. Timmons F., saddles a'nd harness, Main, bet. Market and W ar ket. Timmons & Bro., pump makers, Market, above Buffalo. George & Wilson, near Depot, commission merchants, grocers and produce deal ers. Also, freight and ticket agents P., C. and C. R. R. Gillespie John W., cabinet maker, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. Glass S., wagon maker, Ohio. Hagedorii Henry, boots and shoes, &c., &c., MAain, bet. Market and Warren. Hamilton Samuel, family grocery, Main, bet. Market and Warren. Hamilton Wm., boot and shoe shop, Ohio, bet. Market and Spring. Hanna N. A., books and stationery, Mar ket, bet. Main and Muskingum. Harrison Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, C. Dewey, pres't, Wm. Phillips, cashier, capital $100,000. Henderson George, shaving saloon, Main, bet. Market and Warren. Hoffman B. T., boot and shoe shop, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. Hoffman J., stone and brick m,asoni. Hoffmnan S. B.. boot and shoe shop, Mar ket, bet. Main and Ohio. Holton R.. prop'r Cadiz Republican, Market, bet. Mtain and Washington. Houser Wm., livery stable, cor. Main and Warren. Howard James, attorney at law, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. iHummer J., tai lor, Market, bet. Ohio and L,lain. Hunter Jos. R., cabin et coker, Mainke, b et. Market and Warren. eurford John, surgeon dentist. Market, b et. M ain and Ohio. Jarvis J., surveyor. Laizure E., blacksmith and plow factory, West Main. Lodge, No. 130, I. O. O. F. Lukens S. B., surgeon de ntist, co'. M ai n and Market. Lyons Robert, banking and exchange of fice, cor. Main and Market. MIcBean John, physician and surgeon, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. McBean & Kerr, groceries an d provisions, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. McBean & Sharp, apothecaries and drug gists, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. McConnell M., groceries and provisions, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. McConnell Mrs. S. S., millinery and fancy goods, Market, bet. Main and Musk ingum. McConnell & Co., plow factory and black smiths, Ohio, bet. Market and Spring. McFadIden S. &E H., general merchants, cor. Main and Warren. McGrew J., physician and surgeon. M~c~ath J. H., mayor and attorney at law, Market, bet. Main and Ohio. McPherson & Dallas, marble workers, Mar ket, bet. Main and Muskinlgum. 56 CAD CAD 57 CAL CADItZ JUNGtOHI Dealerin 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~Goeis ~rwr,&~ Alphabetical List of Professions. Trades, Etc. Battin John, brick mason. Carpenter E. J., cabinet maker. Clantz Andrew, boot and shoe maker. Davidson Wm., carriage and wagon maker Gardner John, township clerk. !Grimes J. A., physician. Horn Thos., township justice. Johnson A. S., tailor. Linn David, township constable. Liffn Isaiah, township trustee. Longsworth Cornelius, prop'r grist mill. McConell Win., tanner. MCGCyer Thos., township justice. McPherson F. S., physician and nursery and seedsman. Moore Mary A., dress maker. Parks John M., township trustee. Parsons B. L., general merchant. Quillen David, hotel prop'r. RANKIN JNO., GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 57.) Robison A., boot and shoe maker. Robison H., tailor. Sewell John, township trustee. SPECK I. G., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POS TMgASTER. Speck Samuel, prop'r steam grist mill and cardiiing machide. Stephenson Peter, brick mason. Tucker James, cooper. V:,sbinder N., boot.and shoe maker. Williams J. W., cabinet maker. Wright Benjarnin, township justice. Alphabetical List of Profesnons, Trades, Etc. Adams Express Co., A. F. iMloore, agent. Arnold J. W., geneiral store. CADIZ JUNCTION EATING HOUSE, JA,MES CADY, PIIO)P'R. (See card, p. 57.) CADY J,AMIES, PROP'R CADIZ JUNC TION EATING HOUSE. (See card, p. 5 7.) Cady J., jr., freight and ticket agent. Grilaham John, blacksmiith. Foreman Samuel, justice of peace. Jewett J. B3., telegraph operator. Kelley Wmn., prop'r bowling saloon. Mloore A. F., agent Adams Express Co. Morris & Jewett, prop'rs steani saw mill. CALAIS, ~CADWA~LLA]~DE: A post village of Monroe county, in Sene ca township, established in 1841, situated (WEST CHESTER VILLAGE.) on Seneca Fork of Wills creek, 12 miles A post village of Tuscarawas county, in west from Woodsfield, and about 90 miles Perry township. situated on Atkinson east from Columbus. Population 250. creek, 12 miles from the Steubenville and Township 1,400. See Advt. of Berea Grindstones, p. 35. CAD 57 CAL JOHN RANKIN, CAIRO, A post office of Stairk couniity. CAL F. TC. RUEHRMUND, Deaer in ,DRY GOODS Groceries, Htardware, &c., CALEDONIA, - - - OIIO. t oRiY G 00a 9 S; Groceries, Hardware, c., CALAIS, - - - - - OIIO. county, about 80 miles east from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etet Adams W., carpenter. Ball F., councilhnan. Bunting T. A., tewrnship assessor. Biatts Rev. A. W, Miethodist pastor. C'lais Division Sonis of Temperance, No. 384. Central Lod(ge, No. 279, Masonic. Clegg R., township treasurer. Cleveland T. S., carding mac h ine. Davidson Wi., boot and shoe maker. Ellsworth L. F., physician. Folger P., township trustee. Gamnbs J. & N., harness makers and tan ners. Gambs J. & N., boot and shoe makers. Goodlihart J. H., councilman. Green Janes, prop'r Mlonrioe House. Hamilton Rev. \W. C. P., Methodist pastor. Hardesty J. L.. township constable. Henning Wm., attorney at law, and mayor. Hugh R. I., school teacher. McBride A., street commissioner. McJilton John, physician.BE Massie J., township justice. Monroe House, James Green, prop'r. OGLEBAY J. H, GENERAL MIERCHIANT AND POSTMIASTER. (See card, p. 58S) Outland & McKee, carriage, wagon and plow.makers. Reed Robert, painter. Richardson J. WV., attorney at law and school teacher. Shaklee G. W,, attorney at law and school teacher. Sears D., carpenter. Spriggs J. P., attorney at law and notary public. Stephens V. S., township constable. Tuttle John, cabinet maker. Tuttle Levi, carpenter. Vernon J., general merchant. Wehr Joseph, councilman. Windham G., township trustee. alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Anderson Thos. N., express and railroad agent. Apt Peter, carpenter. Bayles George, boot and shoe maker and township constable. Beckley George, notary public and school teacher. BELL JAMES L., POSTMASTER. Boyentore A. A., wool grower. Brocklesby Chas., wool grower. Burt E., wool grower. Busch G., cooper. Caledonia Lodge, No. 299, I. O. O. F. Chryst Daniel, painter. Clark N. C., township clerk. Clendenen Chas., township trustee. Cochran Francis, boot and shoe maker. 'Devore Samuel, carpenter. Dickerson Thomas, grocer. Disman John, carpenter. Dism,an & Anderson, plow makers. Dudley & Barnum, harness makers. Dumble John, prop'r Railroad House. Elder, township trustee. 'Felton & Carr, distillers. Granshorn John, grocer. Hain L. C., wool grower and township treasurer. Holverstott H., wool grower. Howser J., wool grower. Irey H., wool grower and township con stable. Irey Joseph, wool grower. Koch Martin, tailor. Lint C., cooper. Lynn Daniel, wool grower. McKinstry James, wool grower and town ship assessor. CALCUTTA, A post office of Columbiana county. a CALDWELL, A post village and the capital of Noble 58 CAL J. H. OGLEBAY, Dealer in CALEDONIA, A post village of Marion county, in Claridon township, established in 1830, situates on Olentaugy or Whet-stone creelc, -tncl on tl)e Bellefont,-,line and Indiana railway, 9 miles from larion, and -tbotit 50 miles north by west from Columbus. PopulaI tion about 200. I CAL 59 CAM Margo'raf G. boot and shoe maker. 0 Mene$hrls rcr Moii11o'ae w grwr i Pomert ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i i hio. - ci3RlDGE-1 el RAL MERCHANT. (See card, p.58.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAMES VIRTUE, PROP'R, Barber Samuel, proper U. S. Hotel, Main. Barnes Milton, attorney and counselor at law, Main. Black J. R., physician and surgeon, Main. Brown J. K., telegraph operator. Bryan George T., harness and saddle ma ker, Main. Burgess Samuel, dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, Main. Burt Daniel, councilman. Bushfield J. M., mayor. Casey J. K., attorney and counselor at law, MAain. Champion R. E., dealer in dry goods, gro cenies, &c., Main. Cochiran A C., dealer in hardware, cut lery, iron nails, &c., Main. Cook's Hotel, J. B. Cook, prop'r, Main. Craig & Foy, dealers in dry goods and groceries, Main. Davis James, dealer in groceries and pro visions, Allain. Davis John, stone and brick mason. Dilly House, Jonathan Dilly, prop'r, Main Dilly Jonathan, prop'r Dilly House, Main. Dobbins Win. C., harness and saddle man ufacturer, Ml,ain. Donliver J., blacksmith, Main. Douglas J. C., editor land publisher Guern sey Times, Main. Drummonds Samuel, grocer, Main. EAGLE HOTEL, JAMES VI R T U E, PROP'R. (See card, p. 59.) Evanis &.Wall, attorneys and counselors at law, Mlain. Farrer & Haynes, attorneys and counselors at law, M ain. Ferguson John, attorney, counselor at law, and councilnman, Bridg,e. Fordice Joseph, commission merchant and agent Adams Express Co., foot of Main. Gaston M., attorney at law, Main. Grimes J. 0., attorney and counselor at law, Main. A po st village of Jackson counltry, 6 miles south-east fiom Jackson. An important post town and the capital of Guernsey county, on Wills' creek, aind on the Central Ohio railway, 85 miles east from Columbus. It contains {a variety of trades and professions, including steam fiouring and saw mrills, foundries, &c. Population 2,500. GC)UERNSEY COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge Court Co07ii7io?o Pleas, N. Evans. Auditor, James M. Carson. Treasures, Joslhuia Gregg. Shleriff, M. B. Casey. Recorder, Al oses Marsl. Probate Jzid,qe, J. C. Ford. Clerk, Thomiias M. Lenfesty. i: CAL 59 CAM Guernsey Jeffersonian, Lewis Baker, editor Smith Win., steam flouning mill prop'r, on and publisher, Mill. Railroad, foot of Main. Guernsey Times, J. C. Douglass, editor and Thomas. McCraclkere& Co., bankers and publisher, MIain. exchange dealers and collectors, HIlackness Jno., councilman. Mlain. Hlarkness John, hat manufacturer and Thompson John, miarshal. dealer, Main. Tiugle Dr. J. P., counmeilman. Herring B. S., tailor, Main. Van Rensalaer K. I-I., books and stationHoge M., physician and surgeon, Main. ery, Main. HUNTER J. C., CABINET MAKER AND Veitch & Holliday, marble workers and I DEALER, MAIN. dealers, Main. Kyle David K., marble worker and dealer, VIRTUE JAMES, PROP'RP EAGLE HO Main. TEL. (See card, p. 59.) Lilienthal Joseph, dealer in clothing, Wall Andrew, physician and surgeon, gents' filrnishing goods, &c., Main. Main. Lindesy Wm., baker and cabinet maker. Watllar Joseph, grocer, Main. Lofleland & Neelands, livery stable, Lo- Watkins Rev. W. B., Methodist pastor. cust. White J. W., attorney and counselor at MeConnehey Robert, blacksmith, Locust. law, Main. McCracken Wm, dealer in dry goods, Williams Asher, chair manufacturer Mill. groceries, &c., Main. Williams T., grocer, Main. McCulley Samuel, dealer in dry goods, Wiser D. K., tailor and recorder, Mill. groceries, hardware, boots, shoes, &c., Wooten Wm., barber, Main. Main. Zabnizer M., blacksmith, Bridge. MeFarren J., tinner, Main. McGonagle & Lewis, bakers and dealers in groceries and confections, Main. Mcllyar slm., boot and shoe maker, Mlai. CAMDEN, Maxfield T., dealer in dry goods, groceries, A prominent post village of Preble coun &c., Mlain. ty, on the Cincinnati, Eaton and Richmond Moss Isaac, barber, Main. railway, about 50 miles west by southl Mott James, street commissioner. from Columbus. Population about 800. Noble L. H., confectioner and ice cream sallon Mli n Noble Win., grocer, Main. Alphabetical List of Professions. Trades, Etc. Nyce, Burt & Co., dealers in. drugs, medi- Babcock Jas. C., groceries and provisions, eines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Main. NYCE E. R., POSTMASTER, MAIN. BOHN JOHN H., DRUGGIST AND POSTOgier D., boot and shoe maker, MIain. MAASTER, MAIN. Ogier Peter, dealer in drugs, medicines, Brown David D., blacksmith, Main. paints, oils, &c., Main. Brown O., house and sign painter, Main. Ogier Wm., boot and shoe maker, Main. Calin Mrs. niillinery and dress making, OLDENHAM S. M. & SON, MANUFAC- Main. TURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOTS, Campbell John, merchant tailor, Main. SHOES, &c., MAAIN. Conarve Caleb, boot and shoe shop, Main. Oldham S. MA., boot and shoe maker, Craig Isaac, staple and fancy dry goods, Bridge. &c., coi. Main and Cross. Ort George, wholesale and retail dealer iii Crispin L. J., millinery and dress making, furniture, Main. Main. Potts S., treasurer. Demery Z., shaving saloon, Main. Raney Win., dealer in dry goods, grocer- Fornshell Jos. P., grocery and salooin, ies, &c., cor. MAain and Bridge. Main. Scott J. M., boot and shoe. maker, Main. Fornshell & Son, dealers in stoves, tin and Severns Win., dealer in confectionery, sheet iron ware, Main. Main. Fornshill Thos. A., physician and surgeon, Shaffner & Mcllyar, dealers in dry goods, Main. groceries, boots, shoes, &c., Main. Foster G., plasterer, Main. Shonfield R. & Bro., dealers in clothing, Guild & Robins, carriage and buggy fac gents' furnishing goods, &c., Main. tory, Main. Simons Charles P., dealer in drugs, medi- harris W. H., manufacturer of saddles and cines. paints, oils, &c., Main. I hainess, Main. Simons & Fogle, foundry and machine Johnson Miss MI., millinery, Main. shop. Jones & Lonsbury, meat merchants, Main. Skinner H.attorney and counselor at law, Longnecker Mrs. Mi., millinery, Main. Main. Luellen Dennis, marshal, Main. CAM CAM 60 McChristy J., physician and surgeon, Main. CAMP RUN, McCord Jas. S., grocery and saloon, Main. A post office of Crawf d county Mc~riffJas blcksmith Main.A post office of Crawfqd county. AlcGriff Jas., blacksmith, Main. McGriff John, blacksmith, Main. MeNally Patrick, grocery and saloon, CANAAN, Main Cross. McShane E. L., carriage maker, Main. A post office of Wayne county. Mitchell Isaac, pump maker, Main. _ _ Morgan Jas. 0., groceries and provisions, Main. CANAANVILLE Moruis D., m.-niifa,ctiirer and dea-ler iii A post office of Athens county. boots and shees, Main. MIyers Benjamnin, general store, cor. Main __ and Main Cross. CANAL DOVER Oldom 11., prop'r Washington Hotel, cor. Malin and MAain Cross. A post village of Tuscarawas county, 3 Patton C. D., groceries and provisionls, I miles from New Philadelplhia. Main. Payne D., prop'r Preble Ihouse, cor. Main and Hendricks. CANAL FULTON, Preble House, D. Payne, prop'r, cor- Aain A post village of Stark county, in Law and Hendricks. -rence townslhip, established previous to Portringer Jas. &T Co., prop'rs Camden flouri Pottiriger Jas. & Co.,prop'rsCamden uu- 183,0, situated on Tuscarawas river, 14 iIg miills, near depot. miles north-west from Calton, and about Pottinger & Chadwick, general store, cor. 110 miiles north-east from Columnbus. Pop Main and Manin Cross. ulltion 600. Township 2,700. Rees V. D., freight and ticket agent, olffice depot. Slia,ffer John, cabinet maker. Main. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Shaffer John, cabinet m~akSer. Malin. Shafer John M. iay-or, MAmerican House, Maloses Cramer, prop'r. Tookfer Joh Al., botaydsor ho, Main. Tooker D.I,[ boot and slioe shop, Main. Barkley George J., dentist. Waslhington Hotel, H. Oldorn, prop'lr, cor. Berg Stephen boot and sioe maker. Mlain Cross and Main. Beigoll George, brick mason. WVatt John, recorder, MAlain. BEIRNNOWJ ER GODF REY, POSTMNASTER. Weiler MNIx, clothing and merchant tailor, Bliler Joshua, carpeute. Main. Bruce Marthla, dress maker. Williams MA., silversmith, North Main. Buelil lev.. J., Lutherai pastoi-. Wooley W. D., atnbrotJypist and photograph- Carson Rev. J no. E., Presbyterian pastor. ist, MAalin. Clark S. S., agiicultulal implements. Yoast A. W., clothier and merchant tailor Clark S. S. & Co, foundry prop'rs. Main. Cove Samuel, city tieasurer. Yoast Samnuel, silversmith, cor. Main and Cramer Noses prop'r Ameican ose. Hendricks. Crismor John, pump maker. (i-roberger John, carpenter (,iloberger Mlrs. E., dress makelr. CAMDEN STATION, ] Cunininglham Wi n in., attorney at law and A post office of Lorain county. instLanc agent 'Cunningham Win. M., wool grower. Darmer David, prop'r steari saw nill. CAMPBELL, Doges F., tailor. Douis John, hats and caps A post office of Lawrence county. Basly Charles, grocer. Easly Charles, grocer. Easly J. B., stoves and tin ware, and city marshal. CAMPBELLSPOilT, -irhl ~CAMPBELLSPOR B~Eckert Rev. C. F., UnIited BretIhren pastoi. A post office of Portagc county. Eckroode Jos., auctioneer. E ibert iM., brick mason. Elson Peter, cooper. CA;,PBELLTOWNl, ELEnglebaugh Rev. C. F., Lutheran pasto-r. Everhart Mliss MA. J., dress maker. Fisher J. A., prop'r grist mill. Fr itz J., barber. CAMP CIARLOTTES, (Gar(ldne J. F., pliysician. A post office of Pickaway county. CAN CAM 61 CAN 62 CAN HALL & COVE, D. & C GAY AN, Rectifiers and dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic ntra1 Tobacco, Salt, Fish, &c FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO. * Gilker Henry, lumber dealer and carpen- Shook David, carpenter. ter. Shook Samuel, carpenter. Greisinger F., brewer. Smith Mary E., dress maker. 'Jail Wm. 11., city recorder. Sourers A., physician. * HALL & COVE, GENERAL MER- Thompson Thos., city trustee. CHANTS, DRUGGiSTS AND REC- Trett Peter A., township trustee. TIFIERS. (See card, p.62.) Tromp Wm., cabinet maker. Hamilton Rev. John, LiitL eran pastor. Wagoner H. C., wagon maker. Ilanks M. II., school teacher. Waizer Lewis, grocer, and township con llantz A., physician. stare. llardgrovo B. E., street comnussioner. Wcrutz Martin, sewing machine agent and Hardgrovo 0. J., real estate agent. tailor. Ilarkins Hugh, insurance agent. Wilcox Marquis E., harness maker. maker. )Zeller oonn, carpeliter. Honk A., w.gonl maker. Kenegy Joh, irsurarnce ageint. Kirk J. F., township trustee an(l p)rop'lr 1 CANAL LEWISVILLE, livery stable. l IA post office of Coshocton county. Kittinger Lewis, carpenter. Kohler John, painter. - Labbe K., boot and shoe maker. Labbl)e M., boot; and shoe maker. CANAL WINCHESTER, Lawrence Lodge, No. 297, I. 0. (. F. A post village ofFrailklincouiity, in Mad Lirnback George, boot and shoe maker. ison township, on the Ohio canal, 14 miles Ilois Rev. J., Catholic priest. south-east from Columbus. Population 460. tIIollni John, carpenter. Lorenz E., boot and shoe maker. McCidden George J., township atssessor Alpaeta i t of Prfer, Trales, Etc. and stave dealer. Allgire A., general me(irchant. McDowell D. C., township trustee. Barthet S., general merchant. Markham L. A., physician. Bergstresser D., hariness matker. Mattison IRev. D. T., Methodist pastor. Blakle G. W., pliysiciatn. Merrill C. S., schoolteacher. Chaney 0. P. & IPro., prop'rs griist mill. Mobley John, harness and brick maker. Dagen C., tailor. Mobley S., mayor. Dantermann J., barber. Mobley T., harness maker. Decker J.L., carpenter. Pomroy Isabella, school teacher. Decker Mrs. J. L., dress maker. Pomroy James, township constable. Flinchbaugli J. T., carriage and wagon Porter A., physician. maker. Porter R. R., auctioneer. Forbs J. ('., school teacher. Quigley R. H., township clerk, ard dealer GAYIMAN DAVID, POSTMASTER, AND in agricultural implements. CAltPENTER. Reinhart Jacob, jewelry, &c. *GAYMIAN D. & C., GENERAL ME HRRobinson C. & W., genera] merchants. CHANTS. (See card p. 62.) Root S. M., real estate agent.! Harl)augh J., carpenter. Rowe Rev., Jno. F., Disciple. I-elpman John, township justice. Sample K. J., physician. tllelpman & Shaffer, lumber dealers, and Schontz P. H11., gunsmith, and city trustee. sash, blind and door makers. Sebilla Geo., grocer. Helpman & Shaffer, coal dealers. Shanybrook A., cooper. Hische J. W., harness maker. Shisler Daniel, township justice. M eElvey James, tailor. 62 CAN CAN -~~A 6 A Mattindale Rev. T. D, Mlethodist pastor. Mleeker VWin. J., prop'r carding machine. Miller John, brick mason. Miller Wmi., carpenter. Potter J. B, physician. Shoemaker & Wagner, 1.al ness makers. Short A. A., physician. Somerville J. H., tanner. Stevenson Miss Kate, school teacher. Trine,., boot and shoe maker. andcl tanner. Welaver P., boot and shoe mglo ser. Williamns F., dress maker. By L. L. BOSTWICK, This is also tlle Stage Office for passengers wisshing to go to Youngstown, Salem, Wlarren, Raven.na, Polanrd, Enon Valley, and other points. Bills modclerate. The proprietor, tl han,kful for p.ast favors, wishes fo r t contirtuhis ce ofi thle same, hoping to merit hiis share of public patroinage. CANFIELD, An important post village and the capital oe Mahoning coun ty, a bolt 150 miles notheast from Columbus. Lynn A., groceries, west side lBroad. McClelland & Tru'-tesdall, generail store, netr Broad. aharg -, miller. aMeeker M., prop'r AMeeker Ihouse, north side Main. MILLE P G. L., SADDLES AND HAR NESS, IIORSLE COLLARS AND TRTNKS, WEST SIDE BROAD. Newton E., attorney, east side Broad. Ralyah, physician. Reeves ti. H., nanufactiii er and dealer in Italian alnd Ae rican marble, east side Broad. Sanzenboclier John, tanner and leather dealer, west side Broa,d. Schlimick Wm. & Son, gei.t.ail store, west side Broacd. Service F. G., attorney, east side Broad. Servis S. G., {nayor. Shellhorn G. W., boot and shoe maker, w W vest side Broad. SIICK WILLIAM, POSTMAISTER, WEST SIDE BROAD. Stanley J. H., attorney, west sidcle Broad. -Surm~an & Kinney, calpenlter-s. Switzler - physician. Switzler Reev., Ge rnman Presbyterian. Tobias L., painter. Vashiming G., attorney, east side Broad. Wear G. G., groceries, west side Broad. Weaver J., tailor, west side Broad. Whitlesey E., attorney, west side Broad. Wilcox B. G., justice T)eace. Wilcox B. G., boot and shoe maker, west, side Broad. Withierill J. I-I., cabinet maker, east, side Bro ad. YOUNG G. I.. JUDGE PROBATE COURT, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. CANNONSBURG, A post office of Halncoz?k county. 51NAIHONING COUNTY OFFICERS. Jtdge Probate Court, G. I. Young. Clerk, B. S. Hine. Recorder, A. P. Fladyg-i.er. Auditor, T. D. Balclwin. Treasturer, J. W. -IcClellantd. Sher(), Samuitiel Srnitlh. Surveyor, J. W. Canfi(ld. alphabetical!ist of Professions, Trades, Etc. 13OST'WICK IIOUSE, L. L. BOSTWICK, PROP'R, WEST S,IDE OF BROAD. ( See card, p. 53.) Brarlnerd H. B., insurance agent, west side Broad. Briscoe A., dlruggist and1 physici.an, near B~ro~ad. Birooks W'n.7 watches and jewe(lry, west side Broad. Buna1 C. & Son, painters. Chliurch D. J, general store, cast side of Broad. Clewel J. It., steam saw minll. Coy Mrs. E., millinery and fancy goods, west side Broad. Vcdson J., grocer, east side Broad. Dorsey W. B., attorney, east side Broad. Edwards P., drugs,and groceries, west side Broad. Fel1nigle F., proprietor UJnion ltouse, east, side Broad. Fowler C. R., physician. Gilson S., attorniey, west side Broad. GCilsoni S. W., attorney at law, west side of B road,l. IHammond R1ev., Methodist pastor. Hla.rtman J., blackSsmiithi, east side Broad. I, Hine )., prof. in Academy. Hoffman -f., livery stable anid constable, west side South. Role E. A., physician, west side Broad. Ilollis G. H. & R. S., hardware and tin and stove dealers, West Broad. Link C,. carpenter. CAN 63 CAN 9. 5 it " 0115f -t V'est side Bro,,id t., near Coiirt House, Caii-field, Mahoning Cc>., 0. CAN 0 0 ~ c3 Q O (C) ceV o .0 O OF *~- oDP ~5.*n r ) e I E0 Ci I' CANNON'S MILL, A post office of C(olumbiana county. Treasurer, J. S. Riider. Auditor, Thlomas M. Call. Judge Comnmon Pleas. J. Church. Sherif, Samuel Beatty. CANTON, A post town of importance, end the capital of Stark county, on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, about 100 miles north-east from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, and about 60 stores, warehouses and manufactories of various kinds. Populationl 4,500. &.lphabotica! List of Professions, Trades, Eta Adams Mrs. J. B., milliner. Albert E. D., real estate agent. Albert & Brown, queensvware and glass ware, west side Public Square. Alexander Miss J., teacher. !AULTM AN C. & CO., PATENTEES AND MIANUFACTURERS OF THE BUCK EYE MOWER AND REAPER, ALSO TNIANUFACTURERS OF THE CAN TON SWEEPSTAKES THRESHING CMACHINE, NEAR RAILROAD DE POT. (See card, p. 64.) STARK COUNTY crFFICERS. Probate Judge, W. H. Burke. Clerlk, IV. A. Eva ns. Recorder, Jacob Keplinger. 64 CAN Ball E., foundry and machine shop, near railroad depot. Bart S., carpenter and builder. Bauhol R. & J. F., marble shop, opposite St. Cloud. Belden & Frease, attorneys at law. Bernard J., locksmith. Best & Russell stoves and tinware. Bischele L. & Brother, stoves and tinware. BIERCE & PEASE, ATT'YS AT LAW. Blum J. F., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes. Bockins J. C. & Son, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, east-side Market Square. Bollet J., saloon. Bomm C., boot and shoe maker. BOU'R N., POSTMASTER, NEARLY OP POSITE ST. CLOUD. Bowen Z. P., groceries. Boze J. K.. saddle and harness maker. Browning Janson, furniture. Brownewell J. S., tailor, north side Tusca rawas. Bryce W., attorney at law, opposite St. Cloud. BUCKEYE MACHINE SHOP, C. A. AULTMAN & CO., PROP'RS, NEAR RAILWAY DEPOT. (See card p. 64.) Bucher C., general store, east side Public Square. Bucher J. R., general store, west side Pub lic Square. BUCKEYE MOWER AN D REAPER WORKS. (See card, p. 64.) Buckingham Rev. H., Presbyterian pastor. Buckins H., stoves and tin ware. BUCKINS & HAWK, PROP'R ST. CLOUD HOTEL, WEST OF PUBLIC BUILD INGS. Buckins & Winsper, butchers, near Amer ican House. Cavnah S., furniture store. Charter Oak Insurance Co., R. B. Treat, agent, and notary public. Cunningham Miss F., teacher. Danner J.. clothier, west side Public Sq'r. DEUBLE BROTHERS, W H O L E S A L E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ALL KINDS OF WATCHES AND JEW ELRY REPAIRED. Deuble & Brother, watches and jewelry. Dieterich G. V., general store, east side Market Square. Douds A. J., dentist, north side Public Square. Dunbar H. P., mayor, office public build ings. Ester J. H., physician. Estess J. B., general store. Exchange Hotel, J. H. Fielding, prop'r, oppo site depot. Fielding J. H., prop'r Exchange Hotel, and telegraph operator, an d freig ht agent, o pposite depot. Garver Rev. D., Englishts utheran pastor. Geiger & Barr, druggists. Gibbs Mrs. E., teacher. GIBBS L. & BROTHERS, PLOW MANU FACTURERS, — EA S T TUSCARA WAS. Gotthold A., saloon, north side Tuscarawas. Hane J., leather store. Harter I., general store, west sid e Publi ca Square. Harter, Trumpes, Wikial & Co., bankers and dealers in exchange, opposit e St. C loud Hotel. HARTZELL J., EDITOR AND PUBLISH ER STARK COUNTY REPUBLI CAN. Hazlett & Lahn, attorneys at law, oppositd Public buildings. Henninges E., physician. Henn M., barber. Herbruck Rev. P., German Reform pastor. Hershey G. M., hats and caps, south side Public Square. Kelly D. R., dentist, east side Market. Jackson House, E. Kramer, prop'r, West Market. Kitt & Co., tailors. KRAMER E., PROP'R JACKSON HOUSE, WEST MARKET. Krebs J. & J., confectionery, Mlarket Square. Lasar Henry S., attorner at law. Laird John, dealer in agriculture imple ments. Lee H. M., prop'r Lafayette House. Leiter & Treat, attorneys at law, office, Public buildings. LOUTZENHIZER J. D., DRUGGIST, EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Lynch Miss F., teacher. McCall R. H., druggist and stationer, Mc Call's corner. McGregor A.. editor and publisher Stark County Democrat, in Public building over Court House. McIntire & Co., picture gallery. McLeary Rev., Methodist pastor. McWillianls Miss S., teacher. Malline John, grocery. Martin Impert,us, groceries and provis ions, opposite Public buildings. Martin H. M1., principal Union school. Mathews & Richardson, druggists. Meyer & Fisher, merchant tailors, south east cor. Market Square. Miller M. & Son, groceries. Molline John, groceries. Murray F., boot and shoe maker, Tusca rawas. Myer J. A., jewelry store. Niesz G. W., books and stationeries, oppose site St. Cloud. Nobee A., saloon. 5 CAN 65 CAN 0 CAN 66 CAR Stuerhoff J. J., boot and shoe maker. SURBRUG SAMUEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND N(OTARY PUBLIC, AND JUSTICE OF PEACE. SWUTZENHEISER J. D., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS AND STATIONERY, EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Taylor Miss, teacher. Thurston H., book bindery, Public Build ings. TRAVERS & LININGER, CABINET MA KERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS, COR. SOUTH MARKET AND NORTH. Union Express Co., G. W. Huntington, agent. Vogelgessang H. L., saloon. VOEI.KER A., GROCERIES, NEAR DE POT. Wagner E., constable and hatter. Weaver & Palmer, carpenters. Weddell Rev. P. M., Baptist. Wernet J. B., grocery, near Depot. Wikidal M., general store. Winhulter F. J., saloon, near American House. Wyant W. H., picture gallery. Xuntington G. W., Union Express agent. Yost P., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, east side Market Square. Zallars D., general store, west side Public Square. Nunemacher i pastor. Nuphram & A opposite Oberly C., gro OHIO REPOS LISHED SON, ISS SIDE M] Oldfield J., ma Oliver H., den Patto n & Saxt Pertaman E. Pirrong K. makers. Poiser J., care S Prin ce & B e builders. Raff Miss Reed J. &. W. Renne r W. T., buildings Rese J. P., me House. Reynolds & S Public Sq Richard J. C., Robin G., gro Market. Ruhman M., Squa re. ST. CLOUD H PROP'RS INGS. SAXTON JO! PROP'RS SIDE MA Schilling & I side Marl Schlaepfer J. American Schweitzer W lery, Mar Scott J. W., Square. Sheaffee & Re Market S Slanker S., ju lie buildi Snyder C. C., ~ harness, ] Snyder C. C. ~ Snyder & Hat ers, east Sowers E., gr Sowers P.,S., ings. Stark County dent, E. Market. Stark County lished by Stark County STOVER S., HOUSE, \ CAPTINA, A post office o~ Belmont county. CARDINGTON, A post office of Morrow county. CAREY, A post office of Wyandot county. SCARLISLE, A village of Noble county, for description of which see Berne post office, page 37. A village of the same name is situated in Brown county, the post office name of which is Ash Ridge. CARLISLE STATION, A post office of Morrow county. CARMEL, EAST TUSCARAW AS. A post office of Highland county. See Sweepstakes Threshing Machine, p. 64. CAN 66 CAR CAR 67 CAR CARROLL, A post office of Fairfield county. BEATTY.-IIOUSE CARROLLTON, A post town and the capital of Carroll county, situated on the terminus of the Carrollton Branch railway, 86 miles from Cleveland, and about 110 miles east northeast from Colqmbus. Population 1,200. CarrolitoIn, 0I. CARROLL COUNTY orFFICERS. Probate Judge, J. H. Tripp. Clerk, Isaac Ulman. Sheriff, Edwin Ferrell. Treasurer, J. L. Hunt. Prosecuting Attorney, R. E. Knight. Recorder, James Philpot. Auditor, Wash Butler. County Surveyor, W. M. McCully. G. BEATTY, Proprietor. Carrollton Free Press, issued on Thurs day. McCourt J. W., physician. McDowell G., marshal and constable. McDowell George, livery stable. McGuire E., f oundr y. McMahon Rev. Mr., M. E. Church. Meister B., grocery. Meister P. D., grocery. Morrow Miss L., teacher. Morrison A. W., attorney at law, Main. Pearce Miss Sally, teacher. Rheem D., cabinet maker. Scott G., dentist, north side Main. Sterling S., druggist, north side Main. Sterling S. & J., saddlery and harness, west side Public Square. ,Stidger H. A., general merchant and justice of peace. Stockon S., physician. Thompson S., cabinet maker. TOLON JAMES, POSTMASTER. Trago Ml., physician. Wiggins M. T., carriage maker. Zantz D., jewelry. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, E. M Arter B. A., physician. Atkinson T. H., tinner, west side Public Square. Barlow G. W., editor and publisher Car rollton County Democrat. BEATTY GEORGE, PROP'R BEATTY HOUSE, WEST SIDE MAIN. (See card, p. 67.) Beatty John, distillery. BEATTY W. H., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN PURE RYE WHISKY. Boegel C. A., druggist, north side Main. Cameron & Rowley, grocery, north side Main. Carroll County Democrat, G. W. Barlow, editor and publisher, issued on Wed nesday, north side Main. -~rrollton free Press, McCarty & Baxter, editors and proprietors. Clark & Hunt, general store, west side Public Square. Crane S. M., attorney. Cummings & Counch, general store, west side Public Square. Eaton Rev. W, Presbyterian. FOUTS R. H. & CO., CONFECTIONERY AND SALOON, 1 DOOR WEST OF BEATTY HOUSE. Gordon J., grocery, north side Main. Gould J. W., picture gallery, north side Main. Hardesty & Stall, millers. Helfrich J., justice of peace. Huston & Rukendrod, general store. Kennedy J. V., carriage maker, Lisbon. Kennedy Miss L., teacher. Lafever Rev. Mr., German Reform. Laughlin G., saddlery and harness. Lucy J., attorney at law. McCarty & Baxter, editors and publishers See Aultman & Miller's advt., p. 64. t CAR 67 CAR West Sicle Main St., CARBON, A post village of Huron county. CARTHAGE, A post village of Hamilton county. CARTHAGENA, A post village of Mercer county. CARYSVILLE, A post office of Champaigu county. -~~A 6 A Kingham E. D., broom maker. Knight S. & Co., grist mill prop'rs. Knoop, genera-*nerchant. Lewis T. C., carriage and wagon maker. Long James, carpenter. Marquis —, physician. Marquis Miss J., milliner. McKee Wm., blacksmith. Murrey Jacob, insurance agent. Pense John R., cabinet maker. Pink John R., carpenter. Plumb F., boot and shoe maker. POTTER A., PHYSICIAN AND POST MASTER. Pulerbaugh Solomon, constable. Rogers C. P., blacksmith. Romain T. R., boot and shoe maker. Sanders John, boot and shoe maker. Seice G. G., blacksmith. Smock G., blacksmith and plow minaker. Smock Isaac, gunsmith. Sterry John, oooper. Swigert Ht., broom maker. Thomas Rev. D. J., Baptist pastor. Webb L. R. painter. Webb James T., constable. Webb T. J., school teacher. Webb Wm. K., brick mason. CASS, A small post village of Hancock county, established in 1834, situated 9 miles northeast from Finley, and about 100 miles north north-west from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et c. Albertson N., broom makler. Albertson Wm., broom maker. Campbell Thomas G., carpenter. Chreiten Samuel, township justice. Cobb Foster, township trustee. Fisher Elizabeth, school teacher. Frances Nelson, broom maker. Frances Thomas, carpenter. Groner Wm., pump maker. Grubb Hiram, township trustee. Hardy Addison, township justice. McClung David, wool grower. McClung Miss M., school teacher. Milbourn Peter, township constable. Nelson Jonathan, broom maker. Patten Sarah A., school teacher. Smith G., boot and shoe maker. Smith John, cooper. VICKERS JAMES, SAW MIILL PROP'R AND POSTMASTER. Vickers James A., township trustee. Wineland George, prop'r steam saw mill. CASSVILLE, A post office of Harrison county, near the line of Moorfield and Cadiz townships, established in 1844, situated near Brushy fork of Stillwater river, 7 miles south-west from Cadliz, an, about 100 miles east by north from Columbuq. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ad a ms Wm. blacksmith. Johnson Wesley, blacksmith, and hotel pro'pr. MITCHELL II. M., POSTMASTER. Parry Mrs. A., general merchant. Waddle Rev. Wm., Presbyterian pastor. CASSTOWN, A post village of Miami county, in Salt creek t ownship, established in 1840, situated on Salt creek, 4 miles east from Troy, on the Dayton and Michigan railway, and about 60 miles west from Columbus. Population 500. Township about 1600. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Blank Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Burton Wlin., prop'r steam saw mill an lumber yard. Cifuld L., br oom maker. Derver & Lukins, grist mill prop'rs. Duke E,, prop'r livery stable. End ers N., tailor. Gesinger J. T., tailor. Hammon Alvin, sewin g machin e agent. Harbaugh MI. M., general merchant. Helwig Rev., Lutheran pastor. Himan Henry, saloon keeper. Hiskey Reuben, grocer. Imboden J. K., tailor. Jackson H., township justice. See Advt. of Buckeye A large post village of Erie county, in aMargaretta township, established in 1846 situated at the head of Cold creek, on the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati railway, 6 miles south-west from Sandusky, and 110 miles north from Columbus. Population 800. Township 3000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Atwater J., carriage and wagon maker, and tow nship clerk. Barber E., hair dresser. Bardshar Peter, jewelry, &c. Bardshatr Wm., rope manufacturer. Mower and Reaper, p. 64. CAS 68 CAS CASSEL'S STATION, A station on the Central Ohio railway, in Guernsey county, fr description of which, -see Galigher post office. CASTALIA, CAS 69 CAT Beaver J., brick mason. Billings J., township justice. BILLINGS JALIER, POSTMASTER. Billings L., agricultural implements. Boice V., lumber dealer, and brick mason. Brown O., township trustee. Clhamberlin J. D., township treasurer. Chamberlin J. D., express and railroad agent. Cowdrey J. F., nursery and seedsman. Cowel Martin, distiller. Daws M., pork packer. Ducher Mrs. L., dress maker. Ducher R., cabinet maker. Eggart C., tailor. Evens T., wool grower. Fero H., stave manufacturer. Fero P. C., broker. Fike N., wooden and willow ware. Giddings H., tobacco grower. Gilletly S., cooper. Groves Wm., auctioneer and grocer. Hubard Albert, school teacher. Hunt S., cooper. Jones H. C., cabinet maker. Jones H. E., jr., gunsmith. Jones R. T., carpenter and constable. Jones Wm., attorney at law. Knapp Gilbert, broom manufacturer. Luce R. C., physician and druggist. McCartny T., edge tool manufacturer. McCoy James, hotel prop'r. McKimm J. D., physician. MIagaoky J., township trustee. Martin H., saw mill prop'r. MPartin Wm., exchange dealer. Miller A., township trustee. Palmer V., carriage and wagon maker. Peters John, boot and shoe maker. Powers P., marble worker. Riley J., grocer, and dealer in wines and liquors. Rowel Wm., cooper. Runner John, fish dealer. Scofield Edward, cooper. Smith Rev. H., Presbyterian pastor. Snow C. R., brick maker. Stephens A., boot and shoe maker. Stephens Miss B., school teacher. Vanness W. H. & C. A., general merch ants. Wagar George, eooper. Walsh Knox, physician and dentist. White E., broom manufacturer. Willson L., painter. Wilson W. H., harness maker. Woods J. S., sewing machine agent. Woolley L., saloon keeper. Woolson A. M., job printer. Woolson J. K., architect. Woolson J. B., sash, blind and door ma ker. Woolson S. B., prop'r livery stable. Woolson Wm. A., notary public. CATAWB A, A post village of Clark county, in Pleasant township, established in 1835, situated on Buck creek, 21 miles south-east from Catawba station, on the Springfield, Mt. Vernon and Pittsburg railway, 12 miles north-east firom Springfield, and 36 miles west from Columbus. Population 300. Township about 1500. Alph abetical List of Professions, Trades, pt Alexander J., notary public. Arbogast Otho, township assessor. Buffington Geo, carpenter and cooper. Bumgarner L., carpenter. Bumgarner Mary, dress maker. Bumgarner P. L., cabinet maker. CARTMELL J. L., GROCER, AND POST MASTER. Cartwell J. P., larness maker. Cartwell Samuel, harness maker. Chance James, blacksmith. Clancy Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Conway N. S., general merchant. Creamer Jos. D., general merchant. Curl -, township trustee. Demory J., patent right agent. Dickey R. G., blacksmith. Dihel J., chair maker and painter, Dosson H., nursery and seedsman:'. Ervin John, boot and shoe maker. Ferguson E., cooper. Fitch John, brick mason. Goff Madison, cooper. Golden Benj., tailor. Gray John, cooper. Hale H., carpenter and wagon maker. Hale H. H., plow maker. Hendricks B., school teacher and town/hip clerk. Hunt James C., auctioneer. Hunter J., grist mill prop'r. Hunter John, school teacher. HUNTER Al. R., PHYSICIAN. Jackson Rev., Methodist pastor. Layborn H., blacksmith. McClintock L., blacksmith. McConkey, township trustee. McConkey C. A., dress maker. McConkey N. M., school teacher. McConkey Sarah, dress maker. McCord S., attorney at law. Mansion House, L. A. Wright, prop'r. Martin Thomas, school teacher. Martin Wm. II., blacksmith. Melvin J., township constable. Musgrove Rev.. Methodist pastor. Neer, township trustee. Neer N., notary public. See Engraving of State Normal School, p. 50. CAS 69 CAT CASTINE, A post village of Dare county. Auditor, R. G. Blake. Justice of Peace, W. L. Blackie. Recorder, J. M. John'ston. Pros. Attorney, F. C. Tebleland. Surveyor, Marcus Seylar. Coroner, A. Baker. Alpllabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen -, painter. Armstrong Ann, dress maker. Baker H. S., township trustee. Baker & Ferrell, prop'rs saw mill. Boltie Wm., cooper. Branton J. K., general merchant. Bretze Noah, s aloo n keep er. BROADWELL JACOB, NOTARY PUB LIC, PATENT RIGHT AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. (See card, p. 70.) BROADWELL J ACOB, POSTMASTER. Brush M., m illiner. Bukes Lewis, brick maker. Carlin D. D'., school teacher. Carlin Joseph, constable Corliss F. D., attorney at law. Dake John, tailor. Darance F., boot and shoe maker. Davis Ab ner, township treasurer. Dickman William, general merchant and cooper. Ditch & Smith, general merchants. Duke J ohn, township truste e. Ellis O., prop'r hotel. Fetthiser G eorge, cooper. Findley J. B., dentist and physician. Godfrey F. J., attorney at law. Hale & Riley, general merchants. Hale & Riley, prop'rs grist and saw millr. Haller & Jennings, cabinet makers. Heller, daguerreotypist. Hetsler J. V., physician. Hight S., township trustee. Buller & Jennings, prop'rs planing mill. Keeble Daniel, tailor. Klare H. H., cabinet maker. Miller C., cigars and tobacco. Miller C. J., physician. Morford A. D., constable. Palman John, boot and shoe maker. Pattey S., druggist. Phelps E., insurance agent and township justice. I Phelps E., stoves and tin ware. { Puffer O., general merchant. Rhates Wm. B., boot and shoe maker. Riley J. M., attorney at law and township justice. Small R. W., prop'r hotel. Snyder S. S., township clerk. Snyder a Brother, publishers of Western Standard. Snyder & Plummer, ambrotypists. Western Standard} Snyder 8~ Brother, pulb lishers. JACOB BROADWELL, Notary Public, And Real' Estate Agent, CNLINA, --—.. OHIO. ______________________________________ Mien, painter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Page J. A., school teacher. Page J. N., school teacher. Pearson George, boot and shoe maker. Porter Benjamin, auctioneer. Randle D. H., township justice. Roach C., architect and cabinet maker. R'unyan Isaac, brick maker. Shanks E., boot and shoe maker. 8killman D. C., tailor and township con stable. Skillman John Q., carpenter. Speakman & Baldwin, prop'rs grist mill. Stipes Thomas, blacksmith. Wiggington H., carpenter. Willkison Jos., attorney at law. Willkison W., broom maker. Wingate Geo. W., township justice. Wingate & Conway, grocers. Wright L. A., prop'r Mansion House. Wright Wm., barber. Yeazel Geo., jr., township treasurer. A post office of Fairfield county. CEDAR VALLEY, A post office of Wayne county. CEDARVILLE, A post village of Greene county, on the fittle Miami railway, 8 miles from Xenia. CEDRONt, A post office of Clermont county. A post village, and the capital of Mercer county, in Jefferson township, established in 1840, situated on the head waters of the Wabash river, about 100 miles west north-west from Columbus. Population 600. Township 1,000. MERCER COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk, H. F. Janerman. Treasurer, G. W. Rohadabaugh. CED 70 CEL CEDAR HILL, CELINA, CE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 71 CEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winters J., prop'r hotel. Wycoff A., carriage and wagon maker. Zebland F. C., attorney at law. Howe R. W., prop'r hotel. Jackson John, fancy goods. Kirkpatrick Alex., cadpenter and painter. '*Knowles R., township justice. Lewis Parker, dry goods. Loring H. F., school teacher. Loring Wm., school teacher. McMasters Rev. -, Universalist pas tor. Osborn F., cooper. Parker, Lewis & Bros., pork packers. Plumley J., broom manufacturer. Putnam I. W., nursery and seediman. Robinson R. P., carpenter. Scott James, plow maker. Sherman S. P., gunsmith. Simmons J., carriage and wagon maker. Simpson Wm., brick maker. Smith S. R., cooper. Sparhawk N., township trustee. Stone Edward, school teacher. Stone Frank, dry goods. Stone Mliss E., school teacher. Stone Samuel, prop'r hotel. ________________ tor. CENTER BELPRE, A post village of Washington county, in Beipre township, established in 1830, sitiuated on the Ohio river, and on the Union connecting north-west Virginia and Marietta and Cincinnati railways, 14 miles south-west from Marietta, and about 90 miles south-east from Columbus. Township population 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, Anders James, plow maker. Anderson Geo., harness maker. Armstrong C., proprietor flouring and saw mill. Baldwin, boot and shoe maker. Barris, prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. Bartlet Rev. F., Congregational pastor. Belpre Mill Co., prop'rs steam fiouring and saw mills. Blake, grocer. Blough John, carriage and wagon maker. Bordine & Bro., boot and shoe makers. Brookover A., cooper. Burkemidge John, auctioneer. Campbell Daniel, grocer and township jus tice. Clark Isaac, broom manufacturer. Clough Cynthiana, school teacher. Clough Seymour, township justice. Cook Rev. P., Methodist pastor. Creighbaum Geo., township justice. Cunningham, painter. Cunningham E. C., brick mason. Dana Geo. & Son, nursery and seedsmen. Donivon C., edge tool manufacturer. Douse Steven, cabinet maker. Druse Riley, nursery and seedsman and constable. Dustin E. C., baker. Edwards John, constable. Ellenwood Mrs. Catharine, milliner. Forbs G. A., coal dealer. Forbs W. W., boot and shoe maker. Foster John, brick mason. GILBERT GEO. N., PHYSICIAN AND POSTMASTER. Gilbert John L., sewing machine agent. Gilbert J. & D. A., broom manufacturers. Gilbert Miss Kate, dress maker. Goodno James T., township treasurer. Goss Daniel, hide and leather dealer. Hibbard T. B., hide and leather dealer. Alpl'betical List of Professions, Trades, Rto Abbery & Abbott, grocers. American House, D. Clark, prop'r. Barr James, patent right agent. Batten Robert, patent right agent. Bennett J. W., brick maker. Clark David, prop'r American House and livery stable. Click Jonas, pump maker. m Cockrell J. M., patent right agent and township constable. Cockrell Peter, township assessor. Cook Stanton, sewing machine agent. Creighton A., tobacco grower. Daurance Miss Mary, dress maker. CEN 71 CEN CENTER, A post village of Montgomery county. CENTERBURG, A post village of Knox county. . CENTERFIELD, A post village of Highland county. CENTERTON, A post office of Huron county. CENTER VILLAGE, A post village of Delav. county, in ffar lem township, established in 1848, situa on ]Duncan's Run, 18 miles south-east from Delaware, and 18 miles north by east from Columbus. Population 300. Townf3hip 1,400. H. JACKSON, A post office of Champaign county. DRY GOODS Groceries, Hardware, &c., CGHAMBEfRSB U-RG, - 0OH0. CHAMBERSBURG, A post village of Montgomery county, established in 1840, situated 1 mile from the Dayton and Michigan railway, 7 miles from Dayton, and about 70 miles west by south from Columbus. Population 300. Township 3,000. Fetters J. A., auctioneer. Finch Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Garlinghouse George, nursery and seeds man. Gorsuch Nathan, township trustee. HANOVER L. B., POSTMASTER AND DRY GOODS MERCHANT. Hanover L. B., township justice and treas urer. Hubbell G. B., physician and auctioneer. Johnson Thos., gunsmith. Johnson & Son, general merchants. Libe Mary, school teacher. Love John & Co., woolen manufacturers. Mann Abijah, brick mason. Mann A. D., physician. Mann C. T., attorney at law. Millison J. H., cabinet maker. Moore R. S., harness maker. Mossman A. S., carriage and wagon ma ker. Paul Benjamin, township trustee. Paul C. B., wool grower. Power Wm., tailor. Reeder R. N., township trustee. Roberts B., lumber dealer. Roberts Wm., patent right agent. Seares Rufus, school teacher. Sines D. D., boot and shoe maker. Smith Wm., broom maker. Stoffer Jonathan, cooper. Weaver Rev., Christian elder. Wheeler J. W., insurance agent. Wickham J. W., marble worker and town ship constable. Williams A. C., attorney at law and patent right agent. CHANDLERSVILLE, A post village of Muskingum county, in Salt Creek township, established in 1810, situated on Salt creek, 8 miles from Norwich station, east from Zanesville, and about 60 miles east from Columbus. Population 300. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Abbott C. E., harness maker. Abbott Joseph, carriage and wagon maker. Bailey T., brick mason. Brady Rev. -, Methodist pastor. BRITTAIN J., POSTMASTER. Chambers R., physician. Chandler H. N., township justice. Chandler W. J., dentist. Chandlersville Division Sons of Temper ance, No. 325. Chapman N., general merchant. Cline T., township trustee. Crane B., fanning mill manufacturer. Crumbaker G. P., cabinet maker and town ship clerk. Crumbaker James H., painter. CENTERVILLE, A post office of Montgomery county. Villages of the same name are situated in Gallia and Morgan counties, for descriptions of which see Thurman and Moscow Mills post offices. CENTRAL COLLEGE, A post village of Franklin county. iCHAGRIN FALLS, A post office of Cuyahoga county. 72 CHA CEIT CHALFANT, Dealer in Alphabetical List of Professit-us, Trades, Bader G., hotel proprietor. Dearzer John, cooper. Fair F., nursery and seedsm,,Ln. Fair S., nursery n,nd seedsinan. JACKSON HENRY, GENERAL CHANT AND POSTMASTER, card, p. 72. Johnson M., township trustee. Michael John, tailor. Munger physician. Sample physician. Snyder Conrad, painter. Sunderland A., township trustee. Swaller James O., township justice. Weymin David, township clerk. Zalan James, tailor. Ztiver A, pump maker. MER (See CHAMPION, A post office of Trumbull County. Cl-A CRUMBAKER T. M., TOWNSHIP TREAS- | URER. Evans & Crumbaker, general merchants. l Fisher J. A., hotel prop' r. Foley G. W., harness maker. Groves S. S., township justice. Hale -, gunsmith. Harkness Mrs. F. B., school teacher. Howell L., prop'r flouring and saw mIill. S Hunter R. W., general merclhant. Joseph J. J., township trustee. I Kelly Rev. John, Presbyterian pastor. Kille A. C., carpenter. i Lenhart L. S., physician. MeAhee Rev., Methodist pastor. Moore A. C., dentist. Moore J. W., carriage and wagon maker. Morgan J., township trustee. Morgan John, boot and shoe makeri. Renouf N., township constable. Russel W., boot and shoe maker. Sutton D. S., carpenter. Vogt F., boot and shoe maker and tanner. Wakatamo Lodge, No. 321, 1- 0.0. O. F. I Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etta Abbott S. H., township trustee. Africa David & Son, carpenters and cabi net makers. Barstreser Rev. a, Methodist pastor. Brook John H., physician. Coffman Wesley, township trustee. Dary Miss A., school teacher. Dan Albert G., harness maker. I)unavan L., harness maker. Green Miss Elizabeth E., dress maker. Hanawalt John, wool grower and tanner. Hanenstine Jacob H., cooper. Horton Robert D., township assessor. Inscho ]Daniel H., baker. Inscho L., broom maker. Knight Jno. L., tanner and township trus tee. Lake Mrs. HIannah, dress maker. Lampson Erie, dress maker. Leeding Robert, township justice. Longman Rev. John, Methodist pastor. Matheny Henry, township constable. Meckins James L., boot and shoe maker. MORFORD JAMES, POSTMASTER AND CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. Morford James, township justice. Munson Miss C., school teacher. Pence Abraham, hotel prop'r. Phipps Jesse, general merchant. Preston Barnard, carriage and wagon ma ker. Pr eston Nathan, boot and sh oe maker. Price Thos., carriage and wagon maker. Rankin Miss Mary, tailaress. Riley John, township constable. Rouse Robert, boot and shoe maker. Smith John W., cooper. Stewart George, township treasurer. Stickly David S., carriage and wagon ma ker, and painter. Vanatta A. N., township clerk. CHEIAPEL HILL, A rost office of Perry county. A post village and the capital of Geauga countyv about 150 miles north north-east from Columbus. A post village and township of Crawford county, 10 miles north from Bucyrus, and 75 miles north from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Armatage John, township constable. Burghbacker John, township justice. Fisell Barbara, milliner. Haiser David, township trustee. Halinshad Nathan, tailor. Henry Joseph, hotel prop'r. Henry Wm., cooper. HIPP FREDERICK, POSTMASTER AND WAGON MIAKER. I i i I I CHA 73 CI-IARDON, CI-IARLESTOWN, A post village of Porter county. C]EIARLOE, A post office of Paulding county. CHATFIELD, (ITUSHVILLE VILLAGE.) .~ CA7 H Vance George, brick mason. Wagner & Ilanawalt, prop'rs grist and saw mill. Wagner & Hanawalt, prop'rs lumber yard. Wilson Miss Mary, tailoress. the Ohio river, 12 miles north by east from .allipolis, and about 90 miles south southeast from Colufflbus. Population 100. Township 1;400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Barringer Rev., Methodist pastor. Dixon Wm. K., carriage and wagon maker. Fry H-lenry, carriage and wagon maker. Good Wm., carpenter. Guthrie C. L., flouring mill prop'r. Hapton T. W., township clerk. Hull -, township justice. Jenkins Wm. S., township justice. Johnson James, township constable. King —, carpenter and painter. Lasbey Mathew, township treasurer. Logue A., township trustee. Mathews C. W., township trustee: Parker W., grocer. Poston P., school teacher. Ruble Adatm, harness maker. Rupe M. C., township constable. VAN GILDER A., POSTM_A STER. Van Gilder Seth, boot and shoe maker. A post village of Athens county, in Dover township, established in 1840, situated at the junction of lMuddy creek and the forks of Hocking river, 5 miles north-west from Athens, and 68 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 100. Township 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Acton Stephen, boot and shoe maker. Boulbee Rev., Methodist pastor. Brown E. F., township constable. Brown Henry, township treasurer. Burge E.G., township trustee. Calvert Josephus, carriage and wagon ma ker. Cass S. W., carpenter. Chauncey House, Wm. M. Edwards, prop'r. Cradlebaugh John, township trustee. Deshler & Mourn, prop'rs steam saw mill. EDWARDS WM. AI., POSTMIASTER AND CABINET MAKER. EDWARDS WM. M., PROP'R CHAUN CEY HOUSE. Ewing Thos., general merchant. Ewing, Vinton & Co., salt agents. Freeman Henry, tailor. Fuller Hiram, township justice. Fulton fhenry, boot and shoe maker. Greene M. M. & Co., general merchants and salt agents. Harper Chas., carpenter. Harvey Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Pickett I. W., township constable. Pratt W. A., physician. Pruden S. B., salt agent. Sanders Joel, township clerk. Smith John, township justice. Stephenson Jas. A., township assessor. True Austin, township trustee. Weethee Rev. J. P., Christian elder. Woodyard J. C., school teacher. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams J., prop'r filouring and saw mills, and township constable. Adams Martin, general merchant. Baker Jed., stoves and tin ware. Bay Rev. Wm., Presbyterian pastor. Bell G. & Bro., general merchants. Brouch P., broom manufacturer. Brown B., cooper. Chester Seminary, C. E. Smith, principal. Cook & Johnson, Leneral merchants. Cornelius A. G., painter. Cornell John, physician. Cowdery J. B., school teacher, and township justice. Foster J., boot and shoe maker. Foster Wm., township justice. Goren Amos, school teacher. Goren John, prop'r saw mill. Goren Milton, grocer. Goren S., prop'r flouring and saw mills. Grow H. H., broker. Higley J., harness maker. Jerolemon P., boot and shoe maker. Johnson Wm., township clerk. Kelly Rev. A. C., Methodist pastor. Kennedy S., auctioneer. Knight A., school teacher. A post office of Adams county. A post village and township of Gallia county, established in 1830, situated on CKA 74 CIIE CHAT]EIAM CENTER, A post village of Medina county. CHAUNCEY, CL-IESTER, A post village and township of Meigs county, established in 1810, -situat,ed on Shade river, 9 miles east from Pomeroy, and about 100 miles southeast from C' lumbus. Population 300. Township 1,200.0 CHERRY FORK, CL:IESHIRE, CHE 75 OIIE JNO. D. WRIGHT, General Agent for W. F.Braman & Co.'s Double-Lock Elastic Stitch SEWING'MACHINES Price $35 to $40. CHESTER HI L-L, - - O0HIO. PHYSIC IAN Knight B., township trustee. Knight B. &C., prop'rs flouring and saw mills. Knight D., township constable. Knight Rachel, school teacher. Lewis L., boot and shoe maker. MITCHELL WM., POSTMASTER. Morse Wm. P., tanner, and township treas urer. Parsons D., cabinet maker. Parsons D H., carpenter. Perry Rev. P. P., Baptist pastor. Pitcher Rev. J. N., Methodist pastor. Smith C. E., principal Chester Seminary. Smith F., township constable. Smith J., prop'r flouring and saw mills. SMITH JOSEPH B., PHYSICIAN. (See card p. 75.) Stout A., township trustee. Thompson E., cooper. Thorp E., broom manufacturer. Wallace Lydia, school teacher. Webster W., patent right agent. Weldon James, carriage and wagon maker. Weldon & Beston, general merchants and coopers. Wells Harold, cabinet maker. Wells H. H., school teacher. Wells M., prop'r saw mill, and cooper shop. Wells M., township assessor. Alphabetical List of Professions, Tra des, Etc. Bingman Joseph, to wnship trustee. B rans on S., physician and dentist. Bundy Ezekiel, carpenter. Bicey J. K., township supervisor. Burgess Clarkson, cabin et, and pump ma ker By e Abel W., brick maker. Carty & Simpson, carriage ard wagon ma kers. Chongill S., bri ck mason, and township assessor. Crew F., prop'r lumber yard, and wool grower. De Wees James, tanner. Engle P eter, t own ship just ice. Faucett Eli S., wool grower. Geddez A. J., cooper. Glenn Rev., Methodist p C astor. Gray Nelson, township constable. Gray & Wood, carriage and wagon makers. Hodgin R. & Co., tanners. Hooper Joseph, gunsmith. Hooper J. & N., prop'rs steam saw mill. Huestis Isaac, physician and township treasurer. Hunnicutt Martha S., dress maker. Hunnicutt Wm. P., grocer, and cabinet ma ker. Israel David, cooper. John Jesse, dealer in hardware and agri cultural implements, and sash, blind and door manufacturer. JUDKINS JOEL, BOOT AND SHOE MA KER, AND POSTMASTER. King G. G. & Sons, edge tool manufactur ers. . Larkin Thos., carpenter, and plow maker. Larkin Thos., township justice. Lee Elizabeth A., milliner. Lewis Rachel C., school teacher. Marion House, Arnold Patterson, prop'r. Maxwell E., dealer in willow ware. Melchi James, carpenter. Michener Geo., physician. Mount Olive Lodge, No. 148, Masonic. Newbern Wm., brick mason. Parker Isaac, physician. Parmer Jonathan, carpenter. Patterson Arnold, prop'r Marion House. Patterson E. & T. T., edge tool manufac turers. Piatterson James, township constable. Patterson R., edge tool manufacturer. CHIIESTER CROSS ROADS, A post village of Geauga county. CHESTERFIELD, a A post office of Fulton county. A village of the same name is situated in Morgan county, for description of which see Chester Hill post office. CHESTER HILL, (CIIHESTERFIELD VILLAGE.) A post village of Morgan county, in Marion town,ship, established in 1836, situated 13 miles south from McConnelsville, and about 70 miles east south-east from Columbus. It contains seven stores, &c. Population 325. Township 2,000. CHE 76 CHE J. B. SMITH, And Stirgeoia, OHIO CIIEST-YPR, - - - - OHE 76 CHI Peebles Burwell. township trustee. I ROSS COUNTY OFFICERS. Phipps S. W., boot and shoe maker. Judge of Ross Coimnon Pleas Court, Alfred Pickett Martha, school teacher. S. Dicke -of Highland County. Pierpoint John, prop'r flouring mill. PSief Simpson A. E., general merchant. Probate Judge, Samuel F. McCoy. Smith Thos. K., township trustee. Prosecuting Attorney, Charles W. Gilmore. ~~~~~~~~~Sheit Thoms. K., owsitrustee. Stanton R., general merchant, and town Sherif, Thomas Ghormley. ship clerk. Clerk of Court, Amazialh Hanson. Swain B. J., cabinet maker. Auditor, William B. Franklin. Talbott Emeline, dress maker. Treasurer, Addison Pearson. Talbott John E., tailor. Recorder, Stephen 0. Hand. Thomas J. W. & Bros., wool growers Surveyor, Joseph D. Ogle. XT 1 T 1 * 1 * ~~~Coroner, Matthew Armour. Vanlant Jesse, school teacher. Coroner Matthew Armour. Uonmmissioners, Isaac Stookey, S. MeAdow, Vanlant T. E., genera' merchant, and pork Conmissoners, Isaac Stookey, S. McAdow, packer. Daniel Karshner. packer. Waugh Robert, boot and shoe maker. Waugh Wm. S., ambrotypist and painter. Wheeler & Wood, stave dealers. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, E'tc Williams C. A. & Co., general merchants, Aberle A., dealer in groceries, cor. Church and pork packers. and Limestone Road. Wood C., nursery and seedsmanr. Adams Edward, mayor. Wood J. Milton, cabinet maker. Adams Express Co., Matthew Sparks, ag't, Worrall John, wool grower. office Second, bet. Paint and Walnut. Worrall Z. & Sois, nurseries and seeds- Aid Charles, boot andshoe maker, Second, men. bet. Paint and Mulberry. Worrall Z. & Sons, broom manufacturers. Aid T. A., boot and shoe maker, 27 High. Worstell T. & J., harness makers. Alexander B. G., eating house, MI. & C. R. WRIGHT JNO. D., RE' L ESTATE AND R. depot. SEWING MACHINE AGENT. (See Allgeyer Jacob, boot and shoe maker, cor. card p. 75.) High and Limestone Road. Allston & Bailey, nurserymen, office 10 Water. *Allston & Roads, wholesale grocers and CI-IESTERVILLE, commission merchants, 10 and 11 WaA. post village of Morrow county. ter. Allston & Scott, wholesale grocers, 22 Paint. CHEVIOT, Armstrong George, hide and leather deal CHEVIOT, er and tanner, on Hydraulic Canal. A post village of Iaimilton county, 6 miles Bacon Sylvester, justice of the peace, Main, from Cincinnati. bet. Paint and Mulberry. Bader F., prop'r Commercial Hotel, Water, bet. High and Walnut. CHICKASAW, Baker Abraham, beef and pork packer, Second, bet. Paint and Mulberry. A post office of Mercer county. Baker Charles, barber, 36 Water. Bangs John J., watch maker and jeweler, _ 43 Paint. ~CHILI, ~ iBanks & Fitzimnons, sash, blind and door CHILI,~ ~ manufacturers, Water, bet. Paint and A post office of Coshocton county. Mulberry. Barleon Anton, prop'r Farmer's Hotel, cor. Bridge and Water. CTIILLICOTHE, Barr A. C., clerk at Clinton House, cor. Main and Water. A handsomely located and prominent post BAUR RICHARD, EDITOR AND PUBcity, and the capital of Ross county, situ- LISHER OF CHILLICOTHE WOCHated on the Scioto river, and on the Mari- ENBLATT, WATER, ABOVE CLINetta and Cincinnati and Hillsboro rail- TON HOUSE. (See card, p 77.) ways, 45 miles south from Columbus. It BEACH THOMAS J., ATTORNEY AND possesses excellent manufacturing facili- COUNSELOR AT LAW, PAINT, OPties, and contains a great variety of mer- POSITE COURT IOUSE. (See card, cantile and mechanical branches. Popu- p. 78.) lation 10,000. Bechtold C., saloon, Water, above Clinton House. State Gazetteers and Business Directories, page 1. CHE CHI 76 OHI 77 cHI THE ClILLICOTHE Independent German Paper, is published every Saturday Miorning by IC~AtTwo Dollars per annum. At Two Dollars per annum. Job Printing, of Done neatly at Every reasonable rate Becker Henry, barber, 73 Second. Bell G., barber, Second, bet, Paint and Mulberry. Bennett J., pump maker, 3 Vine. Bennett & Bro., dealers in staple and fan cy dry goods, Paint, bet. Second and Water. Bentel John, dealer in boots and shoes, Main, bet. Paint and Mulberry. Bergmann F., cabinet maker, 123 Paint. Beyerly Miss E., milliner, Water, bet. High and Walnut. Beyerly Wm. H., harness and saddle ma ker, Water, bet. Ihigh and Walnut. Bier John F., dealer in groceries and pro visions, 105 Paint. Billisen A., manufacturer and dealer in stoves and tin ware, 25 Paint. Blackburn R. A., blacksmith, Walnut, bet. Water and Second. Bodaner A., saloon, 175 Paint. Borhn John, dealer in'groceries, Main, bet. Paint and Mulberry. Bothwell Mrs. Sarah, milliner, cor. Second and Mulberry. Boulger James, dealer in iJmpor-ted ; all the following par @ XL ticulars, and in some _ A,respects altogether su ~~ — ~ ~~~perior. lst In simplicity of construction anid action. 2d In durability and non-liability to get out of order. 3d-In the quality and amount of work it will do in a given time. 4th-In the facility with which it will work on all kinds of fabrics, from the coarsest to the finest cloths and textures. 5th-In the ease with which one can learn to use it. 6th —While with cheapness, combined with excellence, and in the ease with which it runs, it is without a parallel. 7th-Cotton, Silk and Linen can be used from the original spool. The elegance, speed and simplicity of the machine, the beauty and strength of stitchl, and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest fabrics will render this the most successful and popular Family Sewing MAachine now made. This machine will Quilt, Stitch, Hem, Gather, Fell and Embroider-the latter is a peculiar feature, for all varieties of work in braid patterns it is very useful. MACHI~NS WARANTED FOR THREE YVEAR$+ Persons in want of Machines are invited to call and examine ours before purchasing elsewhere. Agents wanted to sell this machine in every town and county throughout the United States. Send for a circular giving full particulars. %V. E. BRAMAN & CO., Cor. Fourth and Walnut Streets, CINCINNATI, 0. CIN, 100 CIN -9, -f. 0-M I I In ."Ijti I r n I 04,, OR no .NJ& I I 11 11, , Vilja) m X40 I Im -9 - JI J. BUTLER'S EXCELSIOR FLUW INKS. Mercantile, for general purposes; Record, for Ledgers and Records; Copying, for Letter Press; Carmine, of brilliant hue; celebrated for 1st. intense black color, (at first of a greenish blue.) 2d, Easy flow from the pen. 3d, Permanency, (will never fade by exposure.) 4th, Economy. These Inks can be satisfactorily used to the last drop, other domestic Inks in a brief time grow too thick for use, and are fit only to be thrown away before half consumned. The Carmine may be exposed to the action of the air without injury. Facts confirming the above qualities. 1st, These writing fluids - are now in general use throughout the United States with an increased demand. 2d, They have been analyzed by Dr. Chiilton, the celebrated chemist of New York City, and pronounced "equal in quality and durability to the best'imported English Fluids." Manufactured by J. J. BUTLER, Agent, No. 39 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. For sale by all leading Stationers and Druggists. l'PATZLER CHARLES, LITTLE MIAMI B RAILROAD HOUSE, 238 E A S T FRONT. Braun Mrs. —, millinery store, 665 Race. Brean B. O., family grocery, 257 Syca more. BREED RICHARD E., MANUFACTUR ER OF FINE CUT CHEWING AND SMIOKING TOBACCO, 118 AND 120 WEST SECOND. Brcischl J. F., book bindery, 141 Main. Breithaupt B., fancy goods va'iety store,. 256 WVest Fifth. Brendamour Mrs. S., dress maker and dealer in ribbons, &c., 407 Central ave. BRENTANO E. & CO., IMPORTERS OF GERMAN CIGARS; ALSO AGENTS FOR HERMNIANN BATIM'S SCOTCH, GERMAN, DUTCH AND FRENCH PIPES; AGENTS FOR JOHN T. LEVY'S PLAYING CARDS, 18 AND 20 NIAIN. Breslin E., family grocery, 61 East Eighth. Brickel W. H., carriage maker, Fremont,, bet. Sixth and Front. Bricker G., cooperage, Henry, near Race, Brickett & Co., groceries, cot. Sixth and Vine. Briggs John Y., prop'r Ben. Franklin sa loon, 2 Main, west side. Brinckhoff Mliss Emily, millinery and dress maker, 378 Broadway. IBrinckmanni H., feed store, Ilunt. Brinkmann H. II., meat store, 90 Wood ward. Brinkman P., blacksmith, 246 Court. Brison Charles, grocer, 634 West Fifth. BRISTOL W. H., McCALLUM BRIDGE COMPANY, 99 WEST THIRD, OPP. BURNET HOUSE. Britt Peter, tin. copper and sheet iron w o rker n e, 2and deler in stoves, 4 Pub lic Landinig. Britt,ing John, piano manufacturer and dealer; pianos tounled and repaired, cor. Vine and Sixth. See advertisement o: Brittiiig & Brother, millinery, 227 West Fifth. Btitting & Brother, manufacturers and dealers in pianos and importers of musical instruments, 227 West Fifth. Britton Joseph, dining saloon, 81 West Fifth. Brizolari John, confectionery and ice cream saloon, 28 East Fourth. Brizzolara C., confectionery, cor. Race and Front. Broaders & Co., wholesale dealers in books and jewelry, 51 West Fcurth. BROADWAY HOTEL, JOSEPH H. CROMAWELL, PROP'R, COR. BROAD WAY AND SECOND. (See card p. 95.) Brock J., wholesale cracker baker, 149 West Court. Brockhans B. W, dealer in groceries' and. provisions, north-east cor. Longworth and Mound. Brockhoff J. A., merchant tailor, 121 Hop kins. Brockman Bernhard, saddle and harness maker, 102 East Pearl. Brockmanni Theodore, saloon, 73 West Sixth. Brockman C. E., importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass and queensware, 234 Main. Brodersen G. A., carpet manufacturer and dealer in dry goods, cor. Court and Vine. Brogen M., grocer, West Sixth. Brokamp Henry, lager beer saloon, 114 Hunt, cor. Pendleton. Bromm C., sign and ornamental painter, 28 West Court. BROMWELL & MELISH, MANUFAC'RS WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, BIRD CA GES, &c. (See card, p. 96.) Brooke C. F., agent John M. Bradstreet & Son's improved mercantile and law agency, 27 West Third. BROOKE JOHN H., MANUFACTURER OF, AND WHOLESALE AND RE. f Broadway Hotel, 95. I CIN 101 CIN CIN 102 CIN CAMPBELL, ELLISON & CO., Manufacturers of every variety of Cooking and Heating I I I I! II STD0VRES' lJ I,IE AND CASTINGS Also manufacturers of and dealers in Ilot and Cold Blast E~~........PI C I RO0N. ALSO CAST IRON BELLS FOR FARMS, SCHOOL HOUSES, CHURCHES, STEAMBOATS, &C. SALES ROOMS 21 SECOND STREET, CINCINNATI, - - - - OHIO. TAIL DEALER IN YOUTHS', BOY'S Cincinnati R. R. Co., 3 Burnet House, AND CHILDRENS CLOTHING, 66 Third. $ FIFTH, BET. VINE AND WALNUT. Brown Gottlieb, grocery, 45)4 Walnut. (See card p. 99.) BROWN H. W.& CO., FREIGHT AGENTS Brookfield Wm., marble works, south-east PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, AND cor. Plum and Eighth. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Brooks, Johnson & Co., provision brokers, MERCHANTS, 25 EAST FRONT. Enquirer building, opp. Burnet House. Brown I. J., attorney at law, 363 Main. Brooks M., wholesale dealer in boots and BROWN J. M., MANUFACTURER OF shoes, 105 West Pearl. SPRING STEAM GAUGES, AND AN Brooks Wm., saloon, 277 West Fifth. IMPROVED WATER GAUGE, AND Brooks W. A., carpenter and stair builder, LOCOMOTIVE BRASS W 0 R K S, 30 Hammond, bet. Third and Fourth. COR. WALNUT AND MiIAMI CABROPHY JOHN L., TIN, COPPER AND NAL. SHEET IRON WORKER, A N D Brown John H., carpenter and builder, 156 MANUFACTURER OF F R U I T West Third. CANS, 208 VINE. Brown John MI., druggist and prop'r of BROTHERTON & CO., BANKERS AND Cincinnati dental depot, north-west DEALERS IN MERCANTILE AND cor. Fourth and Walnut. MORTGAGE AAPERS, WE S T Brown John S. & Co., commission mer THIRD. chants, 29 West Front. Brower Abram, attorney at law, south- Brown J. Newton, dealer in drugs, medi west cor. Third. cines, paints, oils, &c., southwest cor. Brown A. C., foundry and machine shop, Central ave. and Everett. office 37 Walnut, foundry Ninth, be- Brown L. W., dealer in coal, south-west low Freeman. cor. Plum and Court. Brown Charles Brady, attornew at law and Brown M., wholesale and retail dealer in notary public, 17 west Third. clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Brown Frederick, dealer in stoves, tin and &C., north-east cor. Main and Third. sheet iron ware, 552 Elm. Brown Robert, pork packer and ham curer, Brown G. B., freight agent Marietta and cor. Sycamore and Court. See advertisement of Wire Cloth, &c., p. 96. GIN 103 GIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHES. M. CL iARK, House, Sign, Ornamental and North-East Corner Third and Race Streets, CINCINNATI I Orders promptly attended to. Brown R. & Bro., livery and sale stable, 9 East Sixth. Brown R. & Co., manufacturers of hoisery and fancy woolen goods, and import ers and jobbers of notions and fancy goods, south-east cor. Pearl and Wal nut. Brown, Stout & Butler, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 44 Wal nut. Brown W. L., coal yard, cor. Vine and Seventh, and Court and Plum. Brown W. C., physician and surgeon, 46 East Fourth. Brown Wm., prop'r Belleville House, 1008 Central ave. Brown Mrs. Miary, grocery, Sixth, bet. Broadway and Culvert. Brown William, manufacturer and whole sale dealer in furniture and chairs, 67 Vine. Brown & Vallete, wholesale and retail dealers in coal oils and lamps, 4 East Fourth. Browne C. C., notary public and U. S. commissioner, 25 West Third. Browne P. C., book andjob printing, south east cor. Third and Sycamore. Bruce Alexander, bakery, 552 Central ave. Bruce I. & B., carriage and omnibus man uifacturers, cor. Third and Vine, fac tory cor. Elm and Columbia. Brueckner W. W., fly net factory and bakery, 623 Main. Brueckner Caspar, dry goods, 1064 Cen tral ave. Bruekert Peter, lager beer saloon, 58 Ham ilton Road. Bruggemann A., bakery and confectionery, 456 Vine. Brumbley Wm., potter, 1077 Central ave., near Brighton House. Brummer J. B. & Co., merchant tailors, 244 Main. Bruning & Dieckmann, wholesale dealers in groceries and liquors, 70 East Pearl, bet. Sycamore a nd Br o adw ay. Bruns Anth ony, boarding house and sa loon, 137 cor. Fr ont and Pike. Bruns John B., cabine t and furniture deal er, 49 East Third. Brunswick J. M. & Bro., mammoth steam power billiard table manufacturers, factory cor. Elm and Canal, sales' rooms 8 West Sixth. Brunswick & Co., importers and manufac turers of Havana and domestic cigars, 22 Front. Bryan Mrs. H., milliner, 377 Central ave. Bryson & Brother, wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic liquors, 31 Syc amore. Buchanan A., dealer in coal and coke, 333 West Front. Buchannan R. & Son, forwarding and com mission merchants and agents for Cooper and Covington cotton facto ries, 26 East Second. Buchannan Thos., intelligence office, north west cor. Elm and Ninth. Buchanan & Co., dealers in domestic li quors and rectified whisky, 12 Public Landing. Bucher Fred., saloon, 20 East Front. See advertisement of Fancy Baskets, p. 93. CIN 103 CIN I I -A-. A-. -MI I 11 I i I in a ...%, 11: - U., 11 III" A. CONKLIN. W. A. BACON. CONKLIN & 3ACON, COrMM]LS':3iON,MLE'R gH, iN'T' Manufacturers of Brooms and Dealers in Flour, Grain, Produce and Groceries, Louisville Lime, Cement and Plaster. North-West cor. Walnut and Front Sts., CIINC NATI, O0 Buchholz F., boarding stable, 350 West Bunyan M., nmanufiact irer and dealer in Sixth. boots and shoes, 20 East Fifth. Buchholz M., lager beer saloon, cor. Race Burbeck & Haight, flour, grain and pro and Fourteenth. duce, general commis'n and forwardBuchman B., manufact'r first class account ing merchants, Nos. 107 and 109 East books and stationery, 26 West Third, Pearl. Masonic Temple. Burckhardt Frank, dealer in stoves, tin luck E. A., freight agent of N.Y. Central and sheet iron ware, 395 Vine. R. R., Enquirer Building. BURCKHART & CO., MANUFACT'RS Buckmann Mrs. F., grocery store, No. 57 LAtRD OIL AND STEARINE, CIN Twelfth. CINNATI OIL WORKS, 103 SYCABucker R., boot and shoe maker, north- MORE. east cor. Race and Canal. Burdsal Samuel, druggist, 409 Main. Buckeye State Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Burdsal & Brother, wholesale druggists, W. P. Hulbert, pres't, Isaac C. Fallis, 1 Main. secretary, 16 Public Landing. Burger Alex., agent Medical MAineral WaBuckingham & Mathers, pork packing, cu- ter Depot, 128 West Fourth. rers of extra sugar-cured hams, and Burgoyne J., jr., attorney at law, Mlain, commission merchants, 114 Court. Defott's Building, room No. 4. tuckles J. C. & Co., forwarding and com-' BURGUND HENRY, GLASS STAINER, mission merchants, and agents for N. 47 EAST THIRD. (See card, p. 97.) Y. and Erie R. R., 20 Broadway. B u r h off Barnard, coffee and boarding Buckmann Joseph, saloon, cor. Griffin and house, 361 West Fifth, cor. Smith. Ludlow. Burk Mrs. Mary, dealer in family groceBuckton A., cooper, 33 Vine. ries, 121 Lock. Budde H., grocer. cor. lunt and Lockport Burkam E. G. & Co., bankers and dealers avenue. in exchange, 19 West Third. Buderbender J., manufact'r and dealer in Burke Mrs. Jane, grocery, 23 East Eighth. hats, caps, canes and umbrellas, 212 Burke John, dealer in groceries, north-east Main. cor. Sixth and Culvert. Budke C., cigar box manitfactory, corner Burke J. W., notary public and commis Main and Eighth. sioner of deeds, 15 West Third. Buerstinger J., manufact'r of tassels, frin- Burke T., proprietor Union Exchange, 512 ges and buttons, 387 Mlain. West Front. Buff J., merchant tailor, 126 Vine. Burke Toby, hoot and shoe maker, 180 Buff & Blossfeld, merchant tailors, 315 Central ave. West Sixth, bet. John and Smith. Burkhardt F. S., bakery, 590 Central ave. Bugan John, grocery, south-east cor. Plum Buinet Jacob, jr., manufact'r and whole and Longworth. sale dealer in boots and shoes, 92 West Buhler Andrew, saloon, 187 Vine. Pearl. Buhrmann G. L., boot and shoe maker, 579 Burnet House, Johnson, Sounders & Co., Central ave. prop'rs, cor. Third and Vine. Buler John, attorney at law and notary Burner J. S., attorney at law, 148 Walnut. public, 68 West Third. BURNET S. G. & CO., EAGLE WIRE Bullock A. D. & Co., manufact'rs of long WORKS, MIANUFACTURERS AND and curled hair, and dealers in wool, DEALERS IN SIEVES, RIDDLES, 12 and 14 West Second. WIRE CLOTH, &c., 27 WALNUT. Bultman D., cabinet maker, No. 141 West (See card, opp. index to Classified Fifth. Business Directory.) Bultman D. L., packing box manufactory, Burnett P. C., queensware and house-fur 143 Water, bet. Race and Elm. nishing goods, 390 Central ave. unning A. & Co., family grocery, No. 590 Burnett & Cobb, commission merchants Elm. and agents for country produce, 208 Sixth. See Franklin Type and Stereotype Foundry, p. 91, CIN 104 CIN B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CIN 105 CIN Produce and AC%'MMISSILN M EARCHANTa Also wholesale dealer and Shipper of Fruits, Vegetables, Berries, etc. NO. 55 WEST FIFTHI STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Burns Geo. W., manufact'r and dealer in cigars, 69 Sycamore. Burns Mirs. Margaret, grocery, south-east cor. Elm and Ninth. Burrowes Win. S., attorney at law, 6 West Fourth, over Beggs & Smith. Burrows J. I-1. & Co., tlmanufact'rs of J. H. Burrows' Patent Mill, steam engines, and all kinds of machinery, Columi bia, bet. Elm and Plum. Burt A. G. & Co., bankers, 101 Main. Burtman H. C., agent Moore's Family Sew ing Machine, 92 West Fourth. Burtner & McVitie, carpenters and build ers, south-east cor. Race and Canal. BURTON GIDEON, WHOLESALE DEAL ER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, (CUS TOM MIADE,) 32 WEST PEARL. Burton S. H. & Co., manufact'rs of hollow ware, &c.. 13, and 15 West Second. Busamn M., lager beer saloon, 650 Central avenue. Busch Charles, shaving saloon, 232 West Sixth. Busch Edward, shaving saloon, 334 Cen tral ave. Bush John, coffee and boarding house, 68 East Front. Bush M., dealer in dry goods and notions, 400 Broadway, Bush Wm. H., dealer in liquors, cor. Vine and Water. I Bushkamp Joseph, grocery, 323 Plum. Bushnell Jos., wholesale and retail dealer in Yougheagheny coal, city manufac tured coke, south-east corner Western Row and Water. Busken J. H., wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 234 and 236 West Sixth. Busse F., boot and shoe maker, 54 Plum. Bussee Jos., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 495 Main. Bussing G. II. & Co., bankers and exch'ge brokers, cor. Third and Walnut. BUSSMANN BERNARD, PROP'R BUSS MANN'S COTTAGE AND SALOON, 155 FRONT, NEAR ELM. Butar Mrs. John, boot and shoe maker and dealer, 144 East Front. Butchers' Melting Association, 791 and 793 Central ave. Butcher F., lager beer saloon, 463 Vine. BUTLER JAMBS J., MANUFAC'R BUT LER'S WRITING FLUIDS, 39 VINE (See card, p. 101.) Buttnemiller John, prop'r Buttemiller's Hlo tel, 40 West Court. Butterfield A. S., saddle, harness and trunk manufacturer, 242 Main. Butters Edmund, carriage manufacturer, 599 cor. Da vid and C ent ral ave. Buttman C. F., wholesale and retail dealer in foreign and domestic hardware, cutlery, &c., cor. Aain an d Meritt. Button C., grocer, Butts and Cutter. Butz G. V., lagar beer saloon, cor. Syca more and Hunt. Byrne & Co., flour, grain, produce and commission merchants, 63 Canal. CABINET MAKERS' UNION, J. DIEHL, AGENT, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, AU GUSTA, BELOW SMITH. Cady D. K., attorney at law, notary pub lic and commissioner for nearly all the States, 57 West Third. Cady D. K., dealer in fancy goods and general variety store, north-east cor. Walnut and Fifth. Caffel Henry, family grocery, 825 and 327 West Fifth. Caffrey Wm. A., (col.,) barber, 333 West. Fifth. Cahill F. P., prop'r Madison House, Main, bet. Front and Second. Cahill John, wholesale manufacturer of boots and shoes, &c., 52 Pearl and 170 West Fifth. Caini Alexander, new and second-hand clothing, 62 East Fifth. Caldwell Wm. D., attorney at law, south west cor. Third and Main. CALDWELL & CALDWELL, ATTOR, NEYS AT LAW, 379 MA IN. Caldwell & Co., manufacturers Outcalt's elastic metallic roofing, 132 West Sec ond, bet. Race and Elm. Calkins J. P. & Co., produce and commis sion merchants, 27 Walnut. Callan G., dealer in groceries and coal agent, north-west cor. Seventh and Cutter. Callaway Joseph, blacksmith, 71 Twelfth. Callinan Daniel, coffee and boarding house, 52 cor. Front and Ludlow. CALVERT GEO. H. & SON, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, MANUFACTUR See Applegate & Co.'s advertisement, p. 90. I I GIN 1o GIN The Cincinnati Literary and Scientific Institute, and Physio Medical College and Inllrma!ry, South side Third Street, first house East of Broadway. A. CURTIS, A. M., M. D., President of the Institute, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, and Dean of the Medical Faculty. Instructions in Literature and Science at all times. Lectures in the College comnmence on the 16th of October, and continue four months. Students can board and room in the Institute, where they will do well to call as soon as they enter the city. Carlisle George, prop'r Carlisle Building, south-west cor. Fourtlh and Walnut. CARLSON EDWARD, BOOK BINDER'S TOOL CUTTER, AND ENGRAVER, SOUTII-WEST COR. SYCAMORE AND FOURTH. Carnahan J. R., principal Ohio Mercantile College, south-west cor. Fourth and Wvalllut,. Carnes Adolphus, dealer in groceries and provisions. 238 West Sixth. Carney D., prop'r MAlammoth Sale Stable, 19 East Fifth. Carothers John S., Commercial Dining Saloon and Restaurant, 21 and 23 East Pearl. Carothers Mrs. Margaret, fancy and variety store, 220 West Fifth. Carpenter M., photographist, 20 West Fifth. Carpenter Samuel S., attorney at law, notary public and commissioner for all the States in the Union, 23 West Third. Carpenter Wm. W. & Co., manufacturers of Venetian blinds and window shades, 82 West Sixth. Carpenter & Ford, manufacturers and dealers in tobacco, 14 West Front. Carr Geo. W., constable, 127 Race. Carrick A. L., physician and surgeon, 226 Broadway. Carrick D. S., saddle, harness and trunk maker, 102 Main. Carrigan Phillip, grocery and provision dealer, cor. Butler and Third. Carroll Robert W., attorney at law and notary public, 57 West Third. Carroll T., physician, 364 West Sixth. Carson William, physician, north-east cor. Third and Broadway. Carter Mrs. J., milliner and importer of flowers, head dresses, &c., 26 East Fourth. Carter James, ladies shoe maker, 230 West Fifth. Carter Joseph, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, 20 West Fifth. Carter Restore C., physician and surgeon, 212 George. Carter S. B., attorney at law, north-west cor. Main and Court. ERS OF COMBS, HOSIERY AND CIGARS, 67 WEST PEARL. Calvin -, medical dispensatory. Cameron J. G., surgeon dentist, 140 West Sixth. Cameron L., prop'r Western Row Mills, cor. Central ave. and Clark. Cameron & Co., builders, cor. Sixth and Baymniller. Cameron & Co., builders and sash, door and blind manufacturers, cor. John and Laurel. Camp C. B. & Co., fashionable hatters and furriers, 95 West Third, opp. Burnet House. Campbell B., surveyor for N. E. Fire and Marine Insurance Co. and Conn. Mut ual Life Insurance Co., 79 West Third. CAMPBELL, ELLISON & CO., MANU FACTURERS OF STOVES AND CASTINGS, HOT AND COLD BLAST PIG IRON, CAST IRON BELLS, &c. (See card, p. 102.) CAMPBELL H. & CO.. MIANUFACTUR ERS OF ASSORTED BAR, BOILER AND SHEET IRON, PLOW SLABS, CHAIR PLATES, R. R. SPIKES, &c.; ALSO, AGENTS FOR SALE OF IRONTON STAR NAILS, 19 COR. SECOND. Campbell S. F., locksmith and bell hanger, 198 West Sixth. Campbell Wm. H., broker, 4 Merchants' Exchange, Walnut. Canfield John, beer saloon, 27 East Eighth. Canfield & Bertram, dealers in all kinds of coal, coke and fire clay, 197 East Front, bet. Butler and Miami. Canfield & Moffitt, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 70 Walnut. Cappe Andrew, saloon keeper, 5 East Front. Carbin Wm. F., confectionery and ice cream saloons south-east cor. Eighth and Walnut. Cardy M. T., physician and surgeon and coroner, 379 Central ave. Caring F., Front Street Foundry, 77 West Front. Carlisle Mrs., boarding house, 100 West Fifth. See American Express Company, p. 88. CIN 106 CIN Clx 107 CIN H. CUMMINGS. PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL HOUSE & SIGR PAINTER, No. 7 Buriiier House, West Third Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ~-~-J,l _ Fresco and Kalsomine Painting in all their various , ~-~-:~ bralnches, Imitations of Woods and Marbles, Plain, Orna',~. ~mental and Stained Glass, Damask, Tapestry and Morocco. '1 i~ ~ Specimens of each may be seen by calling at the Store. ~-a~ ~~ t Wall Painting in Oil, Turpentine and other Composi ~[l < _~[t@[11i[-tion Colors. Xq':4~]to Paints, Oils and Glass, constantly on hlanld and for sale. .... BLOCK LETTERS CUT TO ORDER. Chambers, Stevens & Co., wholesale deal ers in dry goods, 29 West Pearl. Champlin James, dealer in butter, cheese and eggs, 243 Central ave. Chapman S. W., general freight agent Cin cinnati and Chicago railroad, 130 Walnut. Cheever A. G. & Co.. manufacturers of star and mould candles, soap and lard oil, Miami Canal, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Chlenoweth J. S., pres't Citizens' Insur 6 ance Co., south-west cor. Third and Main. Chlienoweth J. S. & Co., commission mer chants, 47 West Front. Chester I. I-T., wholesale tea dealer, south east cor. Fifth and Walnut. Chiappa A. & Co., fruit and confectionery, 58 Broadway. CHIDSEY WM., NOTARY PUBLIC AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 20 WEST MAIN. Child S. D., dress, cloak and mantilla ma ker, 320 West Sixth. Childs John R. & Co., box manufactory and cooperage, 113 East Eighth. Childs M., carpenter and builder, 40 East Second. Chipman, Gillispie & Co., general commis sion merchants, White Water Canal Basin. Choate & Evans. box factory, 569 Race. Christain Press, monthly, published by the American Reform Tract and Book So ciety, 28 West Fourth. Christie E., Caledonian bakery, 146 West Sixth. CHRISTOPHER H. S., CLERK UNITED STATES H O T E L, SOUTH-WEST COR. WALNUT AND SIXTH. Church H. E., news depot, post office build ing. Church John, jr., publisher of music, and dealer in pianos, sheet music, music books, and all kin ds of musical in struments, 66 West Fourth. Cincinnati Chess Club, S. C. Newton, pres., Carter Wm., dealer in furniture, ware rooms 13 and 15 East Third. Carter & Lindsey, agents 2Etna Insurance Co., 40 Main and Vine. Carver W. II., block maker. 65 East Third. Cary Patrick, saloon, 25 Ludlow. Cary F. G., publisher of the Cincinnati Magazine, cor. Sixth and Walnut. Case Samuel S., dealer in crockery ware, ~ 220 West Sixth. C.asey James, second-hand blinds, doors, &c., 356 Central ave. Cassaday & Stewart, manufacturers lin seed oil, office cor. Sycamore and Court. Cassard Lewis, beef and pork packer and commission merchant, south-east cor. Sycamore and Ninth. Cassidy & Glass, dealers in confectionery, fruit, &c., 36 Vine. Castle E. S., dealer in drugs and medi cines, 51 Broadway. CAVAGNA B., FAMILY GROCERY AND BAKERY, 31 WEST FIFTH. (central Christian Herald, weekly, Rev. C. E. Babb, editor, Rev. L. C. Ford, pub lisher, 28 West Fourth. Central Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, Hen ry Morton, pres., F. Ferry, sec.. 7 Pub lic Landing. CHALLEN JAS. R,, ATTORNEY, NO T A R Y A N D COMMISSIONER, NORTH-WEST COR. THIRD AND MAIN. chamberlain & Co, grop'rs Anchor Iron Works, and manufacturers of stoves and hollow ware, 51 and 53 Vine. CHAMBERLIN BENJ. B., DRAUGHTS MAN AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD, SOUTH-EAST COR. FOURTH AND AMAIN, 3d FLOOR. (See card. p. 103.) Chambers C. C. & W., dealers in fancy sta ple dry goods, 53 East Pearl. (Chambers F. T., attorney at law, 13 East Third, Law Buildings. See Adams Express Company, p. 87. I CIN 107 CIN GE3ORGE - DIXON, Importer and Dealer in PURE.!RUIG AND CIIEMICL,I North-East Corner Fifth and Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. John Egger, treas., Carlisle Building, Cist Chas. E., attorney at law, 120 Main. south-west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Citizens' Insurance Co., Cincinnati, O., J. Cincinnati Commercial, daily and weekly, S Chenoweth, pres., Geo. W. Copelin. M. D. Potter & Co., prop'rs, north-east sec'y, A. M. Ross, surveyor, south cor. Fourth and Race. west cor. Third and Main. Cincinnati Detective Police Agency, Jas. City Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, Jos. C. L. Ruffin, P. Flannery and H. W. Ap- Butler, pres., Wn. M. Richardson, sec., plegate, north-west cor. Mlain and 8 Public Landing. Third. City Laundry, south-west cor. Elm and Cincinnati Enzquirer, Faran & McLean, edi- Sixth. tors and publishers, daily and week- City Passenger Railroad Company, Jas. C. ly, cor. Burnet and Vine. Moories, president, S. W. Ely, treasCincinnati Equitable Insurance Co., Grif- urer, 30 West Fourth. fin Taylor, pres., Jos. K. Smith, sec'y CLAASSEN C. & W.. MANUFACT'RS OF and treas., 30 West Third, Masonic ALL KINDS BRUSHES, 578 MAIN. Temple. Clapp Wm. B., wholesale jewe'rIy store, 81 CINCINNATI FUEL CO., WI. M. IHUB- West Fourth. BELL, SEC'Y AND TREAS., COAL Clark A. P., boot and shoe maker, 338,w. YARD AND OFFICE 1 0 3 E A S T West Fifth. THIRD. Clark Benjamin, wood turner, 148 West Cincinnati Gazette, Gazette Co. publishers Sixth. and prop'rs, daily -tnd weekly, north- Clark Charles E., shaving and hair dress east cor. Fourth and Vine. img saloon, 4 Burnet House, Third. Cincinnati Insurance Co., Jno. W. Hart- CLARK ClHES M., HOUSE, SIGN, ORNA well, prest., G. W. Williams, sec'y, 4 MENTAL AND BANNER PAINTER, Front. NORTH - EAST COR. THIRD AND Cincinnati Penny Press, daily and weekly, RACE. (See card, p. 103.) Henry Reed & Co., editors and pub- Clark E., (col'd) shaving saloon, 9 Broad lishers, Vine, opp. Custom House. way, Spencer House. Cincinnati Post Office, John L. Vattier, P. CLARK FRANK, AGENT, AMERICAN M., cor. Fourth and Vine. EXPRESS COMAPANY, 52 EAST CINCINNATI REPUBLIKANER, A. THIRD. (See card p. 88.) WILLICH AND C. ZIELINSKI, ED- Clark George, merchant tailor, south-west ITORS, COR. VINE AND MERCER. cor. Third and Main. Cincinnati Street R. R. Co., J. L. Vattier, Clark Geo. W., shaving saloon, Ninth, bet. pres., J. S. G. Burt, treas., 181 Wal- Central ave. and Plum. nut, up stairs. Clark Henry S.. manufacturer of physiCINCINNATI SPICE MILLS, HARRISON cian's saddle bags, vial cases, fancy AND WILSON, PROP'RS, 131 AND bridles, pad hlousen, &c., 194 Walnut. 133 RACE, BET. T RHI RD AND CLARK JAMES L., PRODUCE AND COM FOURTH. MISSION MERCHANT, WHOLECincinnati Steam Engine Fire Department, SALE DEALER AND SHIPPER OF E. G. McGrew, chief engineer, L. Wis- FRUITS, VEGETABLES, &c., 56 ly and John Doran, assistants, Sixth, WEST FIFTH. (See card p. 105.) bet. Vine and Race. Clark J. F. & Co., fish and game market, Cincinnati Type Foundry and Printers' 46 East Third. Warehouse, L. T. Wells, agent, cor. Clark John, silver plater, East Sixth, bet. Vine and Longworth. Main and Sycamore. Cincinnati Water Works, R. C. Phillips, Clark John A. & Co., wholesale grocery superintendent, office 1 College Build- and commission merchants, 227 Wal ings, Sixth, bet. Vine and Race. nut. Cincinnati and Indianapolis Junction R. Clark John W., exchange office, 52 West R. Co., E. B. Reeder, contractor for the Third. road, 73 West Third, up stairs. CIN 108 CI\ ROBERT CLARKE. R. D. BARNEY. I. W. DALE. ROBERT CLARKE &,CO., Law Publishers,,Booksellers, IMPORTERS AND STATIONERS, 55 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, R. C. & Co. publish the following valuable Law Books: Ohio and Ohio State Reports, 29 Stanton's Kentucky Code of Prac vols.................................$105 50 tice, 1 vol.............................. 0 Nash's Digest of Ohio Reports, 1 Gwynne on Sheriffs and Coroners, vol........................... 50 1 vol.........................2 00 Swan & Critchfield's Revised Stat- lcDonald's Treatise for Justices utes of Ohio, 2 vols................. 10 00 in Indiana, 1 vol.................... 4 50 Swan's New Treatise for Justices Barton's History of a Suit in in Ohio, 1 vol........................ 4 50' Equity, 1 vol.........................2 25 Swan's Pleadings and Precedents, Holcombe's Equity Jurisprudence, 1 vol................................. 6 00 ivol................................... 3 00 Nash's Pleading and Practice, 1 i 0 iMcLean's Circuit Court Reports, 6 vol vo..................................... 00 Seney's Ohio Code, I v' 4 0 Jol........... R or..........................,3 0 Raff's Guide for Executors and Johnson's Chancery Report, N.Y., Administrators in Ohio, 2d ed'n, 1 50 7 vols. in 3........................... 18 00 Kentucky Reports, 55 vols. in 40, 230 00 Handy's Cincinnati Superior Court Stanlton's Revised Statutes of Ken- Reports, 1 vol 0.................3 50 tucky, 2 vols........................ 10 00 I A new Law Catalogue, just published, sent gratis on application. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., 55 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. Clark, Mitchell & Co., commission mer- Clarke Wmi. A., publisher, 57 West Third. chants and agents for Hanging Rock Clarkson J. D., city weigher, cor. Main and Lake Superior pig iron, 39 and Water, up stairs. Water. Class Charles, billiard rooms and saloon, Clark N. H., wholesale confectioner, 40 168 Vine. Main. Classick Michael, boarding house, 146 Clark P., lagar beer and whisky shop, 25)3 Main. West Sixth. Cleary P., lagar beer saloon, cor. Court Clark S., attorney at law, south-west cor. and Main. Main and Court. CLEMENT WM. IT., PRES'T L. M. AND Clark S. & S. S., importers of saddlery, C. AND X. R. H. CO., SOUTHI-EAST hardware and carriage trimmings, COR. PEARL AND KILGOUR. 180 Main. Clemmer J. 11., attorney at law, north-east Clark Wm. H., steel and iron amalgam cor. Seventh and Main. bell works and manufacturer sugar Cleneary William & Son, wholesale gro making apparatus, 122 Main. cers and commissioc merchants and Clark & Carr, commission merchants and dealers in flour, grain and produce, dealers in groceries and produce, 29 51 Walnut. Walnut. Cleaneatry J. S. & Co., dealers in Bourbon CLARKE C. R., GENERAL COMMISSION whisky, 33 Walnut. MERCHANT AND IMPORTER AND Cleveland Mrs. E. I., French millinery DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DO- and dress making, 104 West Fourth. MESTIC LIQUORS AND CIGARS, 11 Cline Alexander, dealer in groceries, WALNUT. wines and liquors, 36 Butler. Clarke John, blacksmith, 36 East Sixth. Cline John, lumber yard and planing mill, Clarke P., engraver and copper plate 159 and 161 East Front. printer, Fourth, near cor. Main, south Clinton, Robson & Co., brass foundry, side, up stairs. brass pumps, steamboat jobbing, &c., CLARKE ROBERT & CO., LAW PUB- 154 East Front. LISHERS, BOOKSELLERS A N D Cloon P. B. & Co., bakers, cor. Plum and STATIONERS, 55 WEST FOURTH. Front, and cor. Front and Sycamore. (See card, p. 109.) CIN 109 GIN CIN 110 G. W. COFFIN. E. W. VANDUSEN. C. T. TIFT. G MT COI:FI & ao Dealers ill Lead, Zinc, (opper, Block Tin, Spelter Solder, Metal Packing., Brass Cocks, Whistles, &c. 102 and 104 East Second or Columbia St., CINCINNATI, 0. Our Bells are executed on true scientific principles, ats followed by the first Bell Founders of Germany, France, Holland and England. Cloon P. B. & Co., Cincinnati bakery and 'flour store, cor. Sycamore and Front. Closterman H., wholesale steam chair fac tory, 28 and 30 Smith, bet. Front atnd Columbia. Closterman John, prop'r Brookville tIouse, north-west cor. Central avenue and Front. Cloud J. P., bedstead manufacturer, south east cor. John, and west Canal Basin. Clutch & Jackson, staple and fancy dry goods, 110 west Fifth. Coan A. F., ticket agent Marietta and Cincinnati:. R. Co., 3 Burnet Houise Third. (,COATES J. F., MANUFACTrURER (OF SOFAS, SOCIABLES. I) A R LO Il CHAIRS AND GENEIR,AL1, UPtIOLS TERY, 150 EIGHTH. Cobb Mrs. Nancy, dry goods, 515 West Fifth, cor. Stone. Cobb Samuel, undertaker, 143 Sycamore. Cochnoulr John, coal dealer, cor. Freeman and Clark. CIN HR. H. DAVIS, Formerly an attache of the Broadway Hotel. \Valnut Street, between Sixth n,'1T-l Seventhl, CINCINNATI. OHLIO. Terms $1.50 per day. Street Railroad Cars pass the Itouse evely five miinutes, to .ll parts of the Cit,,v. DAVIS & MARSH. Cochnower J., dealer in coal, 28 West Coffin & McWhinney, pork packers, corn Third, Masonic Temple. mission and produce merchants, southCochnower John, dealer in coal, offices east cor. Sycamore and Miami. cor. Court and Walnut, cor. Clark and Cohen A., wholesale and retail dealer in and Freeman, corner Central ave. ready-made clothing, 194 Main. and Twefth, iand cot. Central ave. and Cohen, Guttiman & Co., manufacturers of Clark. clothing, wholesale dealers and merCochran Geo. W., Eastern Texas R. R. Co., chant tailoring goods, 84 Pearl. north-east cor. Third arnd Race. Cohen Wolf'. manufacturer anrd dealer in Cochran James, saloon, on Whiarf, bet Elm ready-niade clothing, 187 Main. and Race. Cohlin G., renovator, 84 lMound and RichCochran Robert, French burr mnill stone mond. manufactory and portable mnills, 44 Cohn Adolph, cigar maker, 481 Walnut. West Front. Cohorst & Dettmrer, manufacturers and Cody P., commission merchant and dealer wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, in foreign and domestic liquors, 17 20 West Pearl. and 19 Water. Cohrs HI. F., dry goods and notions, 501 Coffey P., beer saloon, 21 East Eighth. Vine. Coffin C. D. & Mitchell, attorneys at law, Colburn & Glassford, general insurance 116 Main, 2d floor. agents, 39 West Third. Coffin D. H. B., wholesale and retail Cole George, editor and proprietor JourTnal dealer in groceries, 20 East Pearl, and Messenger, 39 West Fourth. bet. Main and Sycamore. Cole.J., home-mande bread, bakery, 194 Coffin & Nelson, steamboat engineers' sup- Sixth. ply store, 3 Water. COLE JAMES C., UMBRELLA, PARACOFFIN G. W. & CO., BELL AND BRASS SOL AND WALKING CANE MAAN FOUNDRY, 102 AND 104 EAST UFACTORY, 98 WEST FOURTH, SECOND. (See card p. 110.) OPP. POST OFFICE. COFFIN Z. B., FAMILY GROCERY Cole & Hopkins, jobbers and retailers of AND TEA DEALER, 32 WEST staple and ftncy dry goods, 82 and FIFTH. 84 Fifth, cor. Vine. aIN ill CIN RICHARD MARSH, Formerly of the Galt tfouse. 112 R. CONKILING & CO., ,I[anu far Dursre I I ea t COLORED PAINTS, PUTTY AND VINEGARS Office and Warehouse on Broadway, bet. Eighth and Ninth Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. R. HOGUE. COLE'S UMBRELLA, PARASOL AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY HAS BEEN REMOVED TO 98 W. FOURTH, OPP. POST OFFICE. Coles Stephen, attorney at law and nota- M ry public, 120 Main. Coleman J., prop'r Farmers' Hotel, north east cor. R'ce and Court. Coleman John, boarding house, 192 Syca- u more. Coleman John W., pork merchant, No. 13 Court. Coleman John H., architect and builder. Fairmount. Coleman Mrs. L., French cleaning and dyeing establishm't, 142 West Fourth, anod 24 East Sixth. COLEMAN J. & CO., MIANUFACT'RS AND PROP'RS OF BLANCHARD'S PATENT PLOW AND CULTIVA TER HANDLES-FACTORY AND DEPOT REMOVNED SOUTIt SIDE EIGHTH, JUST EAST OF BROAD WAY. Collet John, manufact'r and dealer in ci gars, 1,111 Central ave. Collier Chas. B., attorney at law, 9 East Third, Law Buildings. Collier Mrs. J., millinery, 142 West Fourth. Collins Charles H., meat store, 38 Public Landing. Collins Henry, dealer in boots, shoes, &c., 251 Central ave. Collins Wm., boarding house, 209 Western Row, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Collom John, confectionery, 207 Walnut. Colton F., attorney at law, 15 Third, Law Buildings. COLTON AARON A., W H O L E S A L E GROCER, PRODUCE AN D C 0 M MISSION MERCHANT, 319 AND 321 MAIN, FIRST STORE SOUTH OF METHODIST BOOK CONCERN. Colville A. B., scale manufacturer, 41 East Second. Colwell J. D., tin roofer, 555 Central ave. Comiegys C. G., physician and surgeon, 268 Ralce. Commercial Balnk, Jno. Iall, pres't., Chas. B. Foote, cashier, capital $50,000, 1 M,ain. Commercial Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, M. L. H,arbeson, pres' t, J. A. Townley, sec'y, office north-west cor. Main and Front, up stairs. Compton & Hughes, agents Virginia, Ken tucky, Tennessee and Missouri toba,c cO7 25 West Second. COMSTOCK WAl. it. & CO., WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 14 AND 16 WEST PEARL. Cone C. S., treasurer 0. and M. R. R., 522 West Front. Cone3d Joseph, confectionery, 2 East Third. Conelin Wm., grocer and produce dealer, 251) West Fifth. Conklin D., measurer of brick, stone and Dplastering, Ninth, bet. Central ave. and Plum. Conklin J. L. & Co., lard oil and stearine manuifaictory, 109 East Fifth. Conklin P., feed store and wood dealer, 667 Central ave. Conklin T., attorney at law and notary public, Nintli, bet. Central ave. and Plum. CONKLIN W. H. & CO., MANUFAC'RS OF VINEGAR, RECTIFIERS OF WHISKY, AND DEALERS IN LIME AND CEMENT, 55 WEST FRONT. C O N K LI N & BACON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS, AND MAN UFACT'RS OF BROOMS, NORTH WEST COR. WALNUT AND FRONT. (See card, p. 104.) CONKLING R. & CO., MANUFACT'RS OF PURE WHITE LEAD, COLOR ED PAINTS, PUTTY AND VINE GAR, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE BROADWAY, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH. (See card, p 1 12.) Conner Jobn S,, lqp*h rnuror, R71 prn,. CIN CIN CIN DENNISON H 0 U~S Es. DENNISON & SON, Prop'rs. _Main and Fifth Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. The Oldest Established Hotel in the City. Centrally located, being convenient to the principal public buildings and business houses, make it equally desirable to men of DENNISON & SON. Conner & Worman, wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, 96 West Pe.arl, bet.. Vine and Race. Conrad P., boot land shoe maker, 553 Wal nut. C1onradi F., carriagfle and wagon maker, 62 Twelfth, cor. Brernen. Coniroy Charles, dealer in groceries, pro duce and liquors. north-east cor. Third and Central ave. Conway M. A., house and sign painter, 112 George. Cook A. L., physician and surgeon, 200 Walnut. Cook Ambrose, lieutenant of Police Ninth Street Station, Ninth, bt. Central ave. and Plum. Cook B. boarding and beer saloon, 606 Central ave. Cook B., chair maker, 253 Hopkins. Cook. C., tin, copper and sheet iron work er, north-west cor. Richmond aend Cen tral ave. Cook John, saloon, Central avenue, near Brighton House. Cook M. H. & Co., prop'rs White Water Planing Mill, White Water Canal, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Cook Richard, carpenter and builder, 45 East Third. Cool. Wmn. H., physician, 132 West Sixth. Cooke G. T. & W. E., pattern and model builders and wood workers, cor. John and Augusta. Coolidge J. K., wholesale and retail dealer in furniture, 185 and 187 West Fifth. Coombs, manufacturer of Venitian blinds, and dealer in all kinds of win dow shades, cords, tassels, &c., whole sale and retail, 236 Vine. Cooper A. J., dealer in family groceries, and feed store, north-east cor. Fifth and Broadway. Cooper C. H., staple and fancy grocery and provision store, north-west cor. Broadway and Sixth. 8 Cooper James C., wholesale bakery, cornv. Water and Walnut. Cooper Robert A., bakery, and dealer in groceries, teas, and produce generally. 84 and 86 East Pearl. Cooper Samuel, Empire House, (saloon,, 101 West Fifth. Cooper S. S., commission merchant asd. dealer in produce and dried fruit, 59 Walnut. Cooper Thomas, saloon, 76 West Thigd. Cooper & Stokes, auction and commission merchants, 14 East Fourth. Cope & Hale, wagon machinery and black smithing, corner Freeman and Clear Water alley. Cohen A. P., dealer in staves and hoop poles, 90, West Water. Copelin Geo. W., secretary Citizen's Insld rance Co., south-west cor. Third and,. Main. Coppock W. J., notary public, south]west cor. Third and Main. Corby F. P. & Co., prop'rs CincianaUi tail, way Chair and Spike Works. offilece 4 Public Landing. Corbett Michael, confectionery,. 210()Sca more. Corcoran E., grocer, cor. Snmith. and Long-, worth. Corcoran Thos., stencil catter,.126.Walnut,, 2d floor. Corkill Philip, notions, 67 Pe4dletou. Corkmeyer Frank, cooperage, 700 Mini. Corley S. T., jeweler, south-wes,t cor,. MaiAi and Fourth, up stairs. Cornor D. L., dealer in dry goods, 213 Western Row. Correvont Josik, physician, 144.Cliton. Correvont R., batrher, 148 Clinton. Corry W. H., attorney at law,, north-eaSk cor, Walnut, and Ninth. Corsmeier Barnard, dealer in groceri. and provisions, 278 West Front. Corwin.. WIV, wholesale d aler in, freqig CIN 113 t,)j.zsiness or leisure. CIN 106. 1 tJ 106. ARTISTS' 10J6). PHOTOGRAPHIC AND PICT U R CA LL.E RY A ce__. No.106 West Fourth St., opp. Shillito's Store, Cincinnati, Ohio. J. 0. EATON, C. T. WEBBER, Artists & Proprs. -3~1 1JAMES MULLEN, Operator. ~_~ Photographs taken on Canvas and Painted in Oil. Also Portraits Painted from Life. Ambrotypes, Plain Photo graphs, Daguerreotypes and Melainotypes taken to order. . References.-Gov. Wmi. Dennison, Jos. Longworth, John P. Foote, Hon. W. S. Groesbeck. Crane L. M., cabinet maker and dealer in fashionable furniture, 81 Sycamore. Crane, Breed & Co, manufacturers of stoves and hollow ware, also patent metalic burial cases,and caskets, West Eighth, below Harriet.' Craneh E. P., attorney at law, Manchester building, cor. Sycamore and Third. Crapsey J. T, attorney at law, north-west cor. Sixth and Walnut. Crass & Ellis, provision and meat store, 26i9 cor. Longworth and Mound. CRAWFORD GEO. & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SODA ASfH, SAL SODA, CAUSTIC SODA, FOUNDRY FACINGS, PLASTER, LIME CE MENT, SAND PUMICE STONE. &c., 209 WALNUT. (See card, opp. index to towns, cities and villages.) Crawford John, staple and fancy dry goods, bonnets, ribbons, mantillas, cloaks, shawls, &c., 75 West Fifth. Creempton E., manufacturer and dealer in tini and sheet iron ware, 268 Fifth. Crew J. & B. L., wholesale and retail gro cers, and produce and commission merchants. 167 and 169 West Third. CREUTZ J., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, D E B O L T' S BUILDING, ROOM 1, UP STAIRSI MAIN. Crickton David, druggist, south-east cor. Fifth and Broadway. Crigler M. F., dealer in boots anrd shoes, wholesale and retail, 15 East Pearl. Crippen J. & Son, eating house and dining saloon, 2121 West Sixth. Crittenden L. B., coal dealer, corner White Water Canal and Mill. Crofton E., carpenter and builder, 175 Plum. Crofton Mrs., dress making, 243 Elm, above George. CROMWELL CHARLES L., SUPERIN TENDENT BROADWAY HOTEL, COR. BROADWAY AND SECOND. and domestic dry goods, 88 and 90 West Pearl. Corwin H. R., dealer in all kinds of lum ber, 243 and 245 East Pearl. Corwin R. M., attorney at law, A. Selve's Building, 19 West Third. CORWIN SAIMUEL L., CITY CLERK, CITY BUILDINGS, EIGHTH. Costello T., trimmings and millinery goods, 138 West Fifth. Cotteral & Goldsworthy, carpenters and builders, 328 Elm, near Court. Coughlan Thomas, liquors and lager beer, cor. New and North. Coulten David, boarding house, 36 East Front. Couzins W., (col.,) prop'r Martin House shaving saloon, 18 East Fifth. COVERDILL J. R., ATTORNEY AT LAW, NORTH-EAST COR. MAIN AND COURT. Cowan Henry, picture gallery, ambrotypist and photographist, 22 West Fifth. Cowpland J. C., manufacturer and whole sale dealer in looking glasses, 9 East Fourth. Cox Hiram, physician, 498 Central ave. Cox Mrs. John, honiton lace manufacturer, 104 West Fourth. COX JOSEPH, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, APPOLO BUILDINGS, COR. WALNUT AND FIFTH. COX MYROM S., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, APPOLO BUILDINGS, COR. WALNUT AND FIFTH. Cox & Fulton, steam boat agents, commis sion and forwarding merchants, 7 East Front. Crabon C., receiving office, 81 Public Landing. Craig Edmund, seed store, 212 West Sixth. Craig Charles, lock smith and bell hanger, 204 Vine. Cramer J. B., groeer, cor. Eighth and Cut ter. See Franklin Type and Stereotype Foundry, p. 91, 114 GIN 10,6. AE! E W 3EMq 115 CI% 30NL MICHIIAEL ECKERT, TAN YARD AND LEATHER STORE, No. 964 Centrdl Avenue, bet. Mohawk Bridge and the Brighton House, north side, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Keeps constantly on hand t"ie best qualities of Shoemaker and Saddler Leather, of the best Tanning and Finishing; also buys Hides at the highest market prices. CROMWELL JOSEPH H., PROPRIETOR BROADWAY HOTEL, COR. BROAD WAY AND SECOND. (See card, p. 95,) Crone G. P., groceries and provisions, 147 Clinton. Cronin T., lard oil manufacturer, 28 Water. Crooks & Goodall, fashionable boot and shoe makers, 268 Main. Crookshank E. D., county treasurer, office Court House. Cropper C., book bindery, 8 East Fourth, third floor. Crosby George, book seller and stationer, 41 West Fourth. Crosslin Mrs. M. P., dress maker, 288 West Sixth. Crossman Wm., real estate and collecting agent, 1 Art Union Building, corner Fourth and Sycamore. Crouse G. W., tobacco and cigars, 387 Cen tral ave. Crouse J. S., auctioneer, 19 East Fifth. Crowley A. & Co., lumber dealers, 447 West Front. Crowther E. W., apothecary, northeast cor. Seventh and Mounrd. Crother T. A. & Bro., druggists, north-west cor. Richmond and Baymiller. Cuffli Christian, lager beer saloon, 319 West SLxth. Culbertson C. D., pork packer and provis ion dealer, 282 Sycamore. Culbertson & Kilbreth, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 64 Wal nut. Cullen James, vegetable and ice dealer, 46 Public Landing. CUMSTEIN FRANK M., SALOON, 189 VINE. Cunestein Geo. W., wholesale and retail dealer in cigars and tobacco, 183 Vine. CUMMINGS H., HOUSE, SIGN AND OR NAMENTAL PAINTER, 7 BURNET HOUSE, THIRD. (See card p. 107.) Cummings & Jones, commission and for warding merchants, 81 and 83 West Second. Cummings Samuel & Son, brass founders and machinists, 162 East Front, bet. Pike and Butler. Cunning J., turner and manufacturer of ten pins and balls, Fifth, rear of Den nison House. Cunningham A., manufacturer of edge tools, Eighth, bet. Main and Sycamore. Cunningham Mrs. Ellen, dress maker, 160~ West Third. Cunningham Jas. F. & Co., wholesale gro cers and commission house, 20 Public Landing. Cunningham & Campbell, dealers in Irish and Scotch Linens, 359 West Fifth. Cunningham & Herron, steamboat agents, a and commission and forwarding mer chants, 20 West Front. Curley Luke, b oot and sho e maker, 38 But ler. Curry Edward P., cabinet maker, 120 Main, thi rd floor. Curtis R. B., Philadelphia dye house, south Ceast cor. Elm and George. Curtis Alva, president of Cincinnati Lit er ary and Scientific Institution, an d professo r of theory and practice of medicine in the Medical College of Ohio, 87 East Third. Curtner & Colter, manufacturers of every de script ion of stoves and hollow ware, north-west cor. Main and Second. Curtes J. A., cigar store, 205 Elm. Curwen & Wright, attorneys at law, 68 West Third. Custard John, dry goods and embroide ries, 260 West Fifth. Cutter Alfred, livery and sale stable, 78 West Sixth. Cutter Ezekiel, wholesale and retail flour dealer, 249 Walnut. Cutter Henry, coffee house, 9 Cassidy's Row. Daganar Henry, general blacksmith, Cen tral ave., near Mohawk Bridge. Daily and Weekly Volksfreund, Joseph A. Hemann, editor and proprietor, cor. Vine and.Longworth. Dair John F. & Co., agricultural ware house and seed store and dealers in produce generally, 40 and 42 East Pearl. Daller Adam, lagar beer saloon, 321 Broadway. DALLER JOHN, DEALER IN WATCHES, CL O C KS AND JEWELRY, 391 VINE. See Applegate & Co.'s advertisement, p. 90. CIN 115 CIN t CIN 116 ClI CIITRAL SHIRT AD FUR ISIG SITOR[, ALE:X. E:FFR ~AYI Proprietor, NO. 174 VINE STREET, - - CINCINNATI, OHIO, Keeps constantly on hand a supply of IHosiery, Fancy Goods and UmbrellasShirts made to order and warranted to fit. Davis John & Wm. B., physicians, 435 Vine. DDavis, Karger & Co., manufacturers of clothing and merchant tailors, 138 Main. Davis N. H. & G. H., importers and deal ers in willes, liquors and old Bourbon whisky, 69 Walnut. DAVIS S., JR., & CO., BEEF AND PORK PACKERS, C U RE R S DIAiMOND BRAND SUGAR HA MIS, 303 AND 313 BROADWAY, COR. COURT. Davis S. S. & Co., bankers and exchange office, 61 West Third. Davis W. G., house and sign painter, 72 West Third. Davis Wm. B. & G., physicians, 323 Elm, near Court. Davis Wm. I-I., coffee and dining saloon, meals at all hours, 14 East Fifth. Davis Wm. W., wholesale dealer in pro visions and curer of hams, dried beef, &c, 40 West Front. DAVIS & MARSH, PROP'RS WALNUT ST. HOUSE, COR. WALNUT AND GANO, BET. SIXTH AND SEVENTH. (See card, p. 111.) Davison Wm. C. & Co., silver plating, 79 West Sixth. Dawson Benjamin, manufacturer of tin, copper and sheet iron ware, 250 and 252 West Sixth. Dawson James J., stationery and fancy goods, 164 West Sixth. Dawson W. W., physician, cor. Third and Broadway. Day Henry M., notary public, Law Build ings, 15 East Third. Day W. T. & S. D. & Co., manufacturers of printing presses and all kinds of printing materials, 173, 175 and 177 West Second. Day & Bro., confectionery and ice cream saloon, 25 Walnut. Day & Matlack, wholesale dealers in for eig n and domestic dry goods, 81 West Pearl. Dayton and Michigan Railroad Fast Freight Line, office 5 Merchants' Ex change, D. C. Henderson, general traveling agent, George S. Brecount, local agent. Dean & Hale, commission merchants and dealers in flour and whisky, 19 and 21 Sycamore. Dallman F. H., dealer in fashionable fur niture, 126 Sycamore. Dallmann H., manufacturer of brushes, wholesale, 458 Main. Dalton James, dealer in domestic and fancy dry goods, 146 West Fifth. Dana, Rosseter & Co., wholesale and re tail dealers in furniture and manu facturers of cane and wood seat chairs, 11 East Pearl. Dandridge Alexander S., physician, north east cor. Third and Broadway. Danenhower Jno. W., with Wm. Dunn, 146 West Third. D~aniels Jacob, manufacturer of saddles, harness, trunks and collars, 205 West Sixth. Darcy Edward, dealer in second-hand clothing, 261 West Fifth. Darling E. C., dentist, south-west corner Race and Seventh. Dasch Charles, Butchers' Exchange, 176 Hamilton Road. DAUM MICHAEL, PROP'R GLOBE EX CHANGE, 30 BROADWAY, BET. FRONT AND COLUMBIA. DAVENPORT D. G. A., AUDITOR L. M. AND C. AND X. R. R. CO., SOUTH EAST COR. PEARL AND KILGOUR. Davenport Dr. T. F., surgeon dentist, 56 West Fourth. Davenport & Thomson, wood engravers, north-east cor. Fourth and Walnut. David H., manufacturer and wholesale dealer in fancy soaps, perfumery, &c., 278 Main. Davie Lee, prop'r Central Dining Saloon, 197 Vine. DAVIES GEO. C., GENERAL INSUR ANCE ACENT, 67 WEST FOURTH. Davis A., merchant tailor, 138 Main and 76 East Fifth. DAVIS CHARLES & CO., BEEF AND PORK PACKERS, SYCAMORE, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH. Davis D. T., (col.,) shaving saloon, 382 Central ave. Davis Geo. F. & C o., whole sale dealers i n provisions and curers of extra family hams, 11 Sycamore. Davis I. B., agent Syracuse Coal and Salt Co., 223 Vine. DAVIS J. C. & CO., PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 9 WEST FRONT. See advertisement of Fancy Baskets, p. 93. GI'17 I EHRGOTT, FORBRIGER & CO., PRACTICAL LITH OGC RAPH E RS, South-West Cor. Fourth and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, O. Every kind of Lithographic Drawing, Engraving and -Printing in black or in colors executed in the best style. Maps, Show Cards, Diplomas, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Labels, etc. Debolt Exchange Restaurant, J. C. Flach, prop'r, south-east corner Main and Court. Debus Louis, distillery tub manufacturer, 167 West Second. Decamp & Niehaus, dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., 270 Central ave. Dechen Phillip, lagar beer saloon, 5683 Main. Deck A., saloon, 963 Central ave. Deckliebach F. C. & Co., coppersmiths and manufacturers of brew kettles, soda fountains, &c., 171 West Court. Deckebach George, carpet weaver, 175 West Court. Decker A., grocer, 91 Hopkins. Dee Michael & Co., composition roofing, Sixth, bet. Broadway and Lock. Dees Anton, watch maker and jeweler, wholesale and retail, 309 Alain. De Forrest D., book binder, 62 West Third. Degenhart August, saddler, Sixth, bet. Harriet and Horn. Degraw A., grocer and manufacturer of never-failing lightning yeast powder, 246 Sixth. Degraw W. L., carpenter and builder, 154 West Third. Dehls Mrs. M., dress maker, 104 Butler. Deinenger Henry, coffee and boarding house, 341 East Front. Deitsch Jonas, exchange and loan office, 229 Walnut. Deitsch Jonas, exchange and loan office, north-west cor. Sycamore and Fourth. De Land & Gossage, dealers in French, English and American dry goods. Delany F., grocery, North, bet. Sixth and Seventh. DEMAND M., WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURER AND DE kLER IN FIRE WORKS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &c., 207 MAIN. Dempsey John D., grocery and provision dealer, south-east corner Plum and Sixth. DENGLER F. X., ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC AND COMMIS SION, 22 WEST COURT. Denis Louis, book store, 875 West Fifth. Dennenhold & Nock, gas and steam pipe fitters and patent gas burners 99 West, Fifth. DENNIS W. P., ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND NO TARY PUBLIC, SOUTH-EAST COR. FOURTH AND PLUM. DENNISON & SON, PROP'RS DENNI SON HOUSE, 11 AND 13, CORNER FIFTH AND MAIN. (Se e card, p. 113.) Denselmann H., dry goods, 54 Hamilton Road. Depke Philip, grocery, 16 East Mulberry. Deremo John, boot and shoe maker, 1,029 Central ave. Derrett Joseph e, constable, res. Providence, bet. Fifteenth and Liberty. Desax P. S., Tell City Dining Saloon, 80 and 82 Walnut. Desenbock C. II., boot and shoe shop, cor. Elm and Ninth. Desmond John J., dealer in china, glass and crockery ware, 330 and 332 Cen-t tral ave. Dessar Dr. J. H., teacher of languages, 199 West Fifth. DETCH GEORGE, MANUFACTURER OF CHURNS, TUBS, BUTTER BUCK ETS, CLOTHES HORSES, STE P LADDERS AND WOODEN WARE, &c., 217 WEST FIFTH. ('See card, P. 118.) Detchen Henry, carpenter and joiner, 295 Elm. Deters H. C., merchant tailor, 298 West Fifth. DETERS JOHN H., WHOLESALE MAN UFACTURER OF BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 53 WEST FOURTH. Deters Henry A., boot and shoe maker, 4~ Casselly's Row. Dettmer B., merchant tailor, 15 Broadway. DETZEL MICHAEL, PROP'R AMERICAN HOUSE, 30 EAST FRONT. DEVIN W. D., DEALER IN FOREIGN FRUIT, AND FAMILY PACKAGE GROCER, 1 WALNUT. DEVON W. P. & ROCKWOOD, IMPORT. ERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN S I L K S, SHOES, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIM MIINGS AND FANCY GOODS, ~a&c., 83 AND 85 WEST PEARL. Devoto A., dealer in confectionery, fruits, and imported cigars, 6 West Fifth. See Adams Express Company, p. 87. CIN 117 CIN CIN 118 CIN GEORGE DETCH9 MANUFACTURER OF. BUTTER BUCKETS, TREE TUBS, ICE CREAM TUBS, CLOTHES HORSES, STEP LADDERS, &c., No. 217 West Fifth Street, CINCINNATI, 0. Keeps also, a general assortment of Wooden Ware. Repairing carefully attended to. Devoto John B., confectionery and fruit store, cor. Main and Fifth. Dewein J. HI., dealer in family groceries, 537 East Front. Dexter Edmund & Sons, importers and dealers in foreign and domestic wines and liquors, 49 and 51 Sycamore. Dickinson D. L., wholesale dealer in flour, bacon, lard, produce, fruits, &c, 36 Walnut. Dickinson, Price & Bishop, wholesale deal ers in hats, caps, straw goods, and furs, 82 West Pear]. Dickman Joseph, manufacturer of tin, sheet iron and copper ware, 75 Court. Dickman Martin, dealer in groceries, pro duce, wines, liquors, &c., north-west cor. Plum and Columbia. Dickman Louis, prop'r Railroad House, Sixth, near Hamilton and Dayton de pot. Dickson John, druggista and apothecary and physician, south-east cor. Sixth and John. Dickson S., painter, 1 91 W es t Four th. Dickson Wm. M., attorney at law, 6 East Third. DIEBOLD, BAHMANN & CO., FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE MANU FACTURERS, SOUTH-WEST COR. ELM AND FRONT. (See card, p. 119.) Dieckmann B., dealer in groceries and pro visions, cor. Clark and Linn. Dieckmann & Stiens, livery stable, 625 Race. DIEHL J., AGENT CABINET MAKER'S UNION, MANUFACTURERS O F BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, BU REAUS, AND ALL KINDS OF FUR NITURE, AUGUSTA, B E L 0 W SMITH. Diehl John, lager beer saloon, 28 Elder. Diehl & Keperling, tannery, 948 Central ave. Diekmann G., manufacturer and dealer in leather and skins, 349 Main. Dierlein F., house and sign painter, 409 Vine. Dierlein Mrs. F., millinery trimmings and fancy variety store, 409 Vin e. Diers Frederick, grocer, 141 Ever ett. Dieterle A., billiard saloon, 919 and 921 Central ave. Dill Joe, Bank Excannge Saloon, 15 West Third. Dills W. R., commiss ion merchant and dealer in grain and feed, south-west cor. Vine and Canal. Dilys P., saloon, 478 Vine. Diap iick Ada,, physician, north-east corE Sixth and R ace, up stairs. Dinkelacker C. & F., meat store, 139 West Fifth. DISERENS F., PROP'R WILLIAM TELL EXCHANGE AND RESTAURANT, 29 WEST FIFTH. (See card, p. 129.) Disney Wmn., attorn e y at law, 8 East Thir d.s Distills K., wine and lager beer, 54 Elder. DIXON GEO. M., IMPORTER AND DEAL ER IN PURE DRUGS AND CHEMI CALS, NOR T H-EAST COR. MAIN AND FIFTH. (See c, ard, p 108.) Dixon Geo. R. & Co., prop'rs Ohio Mustard Mtills, and wholesale dealers in roast ed coffee and ground spices, 243, 245 and 247 Sycamore. Dixon N., auction ware rooms, 21 West Fifth. Dobbeling John F., free stone works, 434 Plum. Dobbins Thomas, tin, copper and sheet iron worker, 401 Central ave. Dobell E. B., wholesale and retail furni ture manufacturer, 106 and 108 East Pearl, East of Broadway. Dobell W. T., wholesale and retail dealer in teas, sugar and coffee, 235 and 239 Central ave. Dodd Win. & Co., wholesale and retail hat and cap store, 144 Main. Dodd & Hueston, attorneys at law, 14 East Second. Dodds Wm. B. & Co., manufacturers of fire See American Express Company, p. 88. 4 _ I C. DIEBOLD. F. BAIIMANN. E. HEIBERTSHAUSEN. J. KIENZLE. Improved Fire and Burglar proof SAFES, ,j 11Manufactured by !'DIEBOLD, BAHMANN & CO., South-West corner of Elm, and Front Sts., cxvxmgx 0. Tese Safes are Warrated Dry sell s Fire Proof. These Safes are Warranted Dry assyell as Fire Proof. ,jt and burglar proof safes, south-west Doring John H., cabinet maker, 707 Vine. cor. Vine and Second. Dorman F., blacksmith, 509 Elm. Dodge I. S., physician, 313 Race. Dorn F., saloon, 271 Freeman. Dodsworthi T. & M., coal merchants, south- Dorne Christian, saloon and grocery, 529 east cor. Front and Lawrence. East Front. Dodt B. H., wagon maker, 103 Hunt. Dorsey F. E., produce and commission merDodt B. H. & Kipp, wagon makers and chant, 35 Water. blacksmiths, 107 Hunt. Dorst F., beer saloon, 531 Walnut. Dodt Clements, wagon maker, 349 Broad- Dory P., publisher, 60 West Fourth. way. D o s s m a n F. A., lager beer saloon, 448 Doepke J. H., dealer in dry goods, 615 Main. Celntral ave. Doty, Pendery & Co., wholesale and retail Doering J. H., cabinet maker and furniture grocers, commission and produce mer store, 170 Hamilton Road. chants, north-east corner Walnut and Doerler John, tin, copper and sheet iron Eighth. worker, 222 Broadway. Dotzauer Fred., dealer in wines, liquors, Doherty Charles C. & Co.. wholesale deal- groceries, &c., west end of Sixth, bet. ers in bonnets, ribbons, embroideries, Skates and Horn. silks, millinery and fancy goods, 56 Doubleday H. J., mnanufact'r of show cards, West Pearl. 120 Main, 3d floor. Doherty George A., physician, 228 Broad- Dougherty & Gibson, dealers in dry goods, way. 81 East Pearl. Doll Francis, watch case maker, south- Douglas W. L., grocer, 373 Central ave. west cor. Fourth and Walnut. DOUGLASS JOHN G., ATTORNEY AT Doll Jacob, prop'r Gen. Pierce Exchange, LAW, NORTH-EAST COR. WALNUT cor. Locust and Hamilton Road. AND FOURTH. Dollar Teekly Times, C. W. Starbuck & Douglass Mrs. Matilda, dealer in dry goods Co., publishers and editors, 62 West and notions, 60 West Front. Third. Dowling A., news depot, 295 West Sixth. Dollman G., carpenter, 564 Linn. Dowling Joseph, carpenter and builder, Dolph Moses, show case manufactory, cor. 210 Vine. Fourth and Walnut, Basin. Downard Mrs. Mary A., dry goods, 154 Dominick Geo. & Brother, curers, and deal- West Fourth. ers in provisions, beef, pork, bacon, Doyle S. & Co., manufact'rs and wholesale &c., 25 and 27 Water. dealers in boots and shoes and leather Domphy Michael, grocery and provisions, findings. 25 East Pearl. cor. Fifth and Butler. Doyle Wm., book and job printer, 73 West Donaldson Alexander, machinist, coot. Third, up stairs. John and Augusta. Drahman John H., clothier and trunk store, Donnelley Mrs. Mary, saloon, Sixth, bet. 4 Lower Steamboat Landing. Broadway and Culvert. Drabmann J. H. & Co., merchant tailors Donnelly Michael, saloon, 105 West Third. and dealers in clothing, 56 Sycamore. Donohue John, saloon, 81 West Fourth. DRAKE J. L., DEALER IN COAL OIL Donohue J. W., wholesale dealer in gun- AND COAL OIL LAMPS, ALSO AG'T powder, coal oils and galvanized iron, FOR LOCUST GROVE NURSERY, &c, cor. Walnut and Second. AVONDALE, 11 WEST FOURTH. Dopke F., dry goods and notions, 498 East Drake S. C., dealer in dry goods and no Front. tions, 449 West Fifth. Dopplen Andrew, billiard and lager beer Dransfield H. F., manufact'r and dealer in saloon, 764 Central ave. stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, Dorenseifer H., manufact'r and dealer in 624 Central ave. watch e s, clocks and jewelry, 445 Drante August, Central Ave. Exchange, Main. (saloon,) 961 Central ave. See Campbell Ellison & Co.'s advt., p. 102. 119 CIN. CIN -~~~I 12 IN4 WILLARD ELMER. JAMES FORKNER. EL1MER & FORKT3R, Manufacturers of Stoves and HIollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Sash Weights, Dog Irons, Grate Bars, Railroad, Bridge, Car and Locomotive Castings, Agricultural Implements, Excelsior Young America Corn and Cob srill, Darling's Endless Chain Horse-Power Threshing Machines, Saw Tables, Corn Shlellers, Lift and Force Pumps, Agricultural Steamers, and Straw Cutters. Foundry and Factory No. 600 and 602 Fifth St., Cincinnati, 0. Dreher Martin, manufacturer cigars, 33 Green. Drescher Chas., prop'r Rosing House, 251 West Sixth. Drescher F., flour store, 642 Race. Dresing F. W. & Co., wholesale and retail manufact'rs and dealers in cigars and tobacco, 45- Sycamore. Dreyling Wm., merchant tailor, 485 Wal nut. Droppelmann J. H., dealer and manufact'r ~ boots and shoes, 345 Central ave. Droste J. D., family grocery, 674 Central avenue. Droste John F. & Co., manufact'rs vinegar, Yeatman7 bet. Broadway and Syca more. Druffel J. H., saloon and boarding houses 90 East Second. Drum Mrs. C., family grocery, cor. North and Seventh. Dryer H., dealer in groceries and provi sions and salt, Central ave., near Mo hawk Bridge. Dryer James, fruit and confectionery, 178 Central ave. Dryfuss Mrs. C., fashionable milliner, 371 Central ave. Dubois Wm. S., boarding house, 208 West Fifth. Dubois & Augur, commission and produce merchants, 87 West Second. Duchscher P., wholesale cabinet maker, cer, Clinton and Baymiller. Duckintz C., baking powder manufact'r, 506 John. Duffel Gasper, boot and shoe maker, 27 Ludlow, Duffner W., saloon, cor. Linn and Poplar. Duffaer & Co., proprietors Casino Billiard Room, 70 West Fourth. Dugan T. S. & Co., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 27 Main. Duhire Henry H., fancy and staple dry goods, &c., 74 West Fifth. Duhme & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in watches, jewelry, and silver ware, south-west cor. Fourth and Walnut. ,Dumler M., butcher, cor. Bitts and Linn. DUMONT C. T., STEAM ENGINE BUIL DER, lRON FOUNDRY, AND BOIL ER MAKER, 65 EAST FRONT, BT. LUDLOW AND LAWRENCE. DUN R. G. & CO., IERC ANTILE AGENCY, SOURH-EAST CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT. Duncan M. L., wholesale dealer in furni ture, 82 West Second. Duncan M. L., steam furniture manufact'r, Augusta, bet. Western Row and John. office 82 West Second. Duncan Saml. Wood, dealer in groceries and provisions, 467 West Fifth, coar. Mill. Duncan T, house, sign and ornamental painter, 27 East Fourth. DUNCAN W. C., SURGEON DENTIST, 156 WEST SIXTH. Dunham & Higdon, livery and sale stable, 177 West Sixth. Dunholter tI., steam bakery, 244 West, Sixth. Dunlap J. & Co., lumber dealers, 534 Vine. Dunlap W. R. & Co., iron founders and manufact.'rs stationary and portable steam engines, cor. Front and Law rence. Dunn Wm., metalic and slate roofer, ancl manufact'r of all kinds of ornamen tal galvanized iron cornice, 146 West Third. Dunster Wim., baker, 167 Front, bet. Elm and Plum. Durain Charles, saloon, 33>6 Central ave. Durr Capt. G., lager beer saloon, 779 Vine Street Hill. Dusenbery C. A., prop'r West End Park House, cot. Hopkins and Freeman. DUTTON A. R., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 61 EAST THIRD. Duvall J. S., dealer in flat boats, lumber, &c., car. Levee and Race. Duwelius C. H., tobacconist, 539'\ain. Duwelius H. H., dealer in fancy and sta ple dry goods, 299 Central ave. Dwelle Wm. P., manufacturer hydrometers, thermometers, and philosophical in struments, Manchester Buildings, cor. Sycamore and Third. Dyer John, tailor, 110 Liberty. Eagle Insurance Co., John W. Garrison, pres't, W. D. Spear, sect'ry, 73 West Third. Earl E., wholesale dealer in books and sta tionery, 63 West Fourth. See Robert Clarke & Co.'s advt., p. 109. CIN 120 CIN lvCN12 i SERAPRPHIXN ESPACH5, Manufacturer and Dealer in New Patent IRON BEDSTEADS, Railings, Shutters, Doors, Bank Vaults, Grates and Awning Frames. General Housework neatly executed. Orders are promptly attended to. Cor. John a nd Ol iver, bet. Liberty and Poplar Sts., Cincinnati, O. Egmann C., hardware and cutlery, 493 Main. Ehlen A., wholesale and retail dealer in drugs {and medicines, south-west cor. Fifth an-i Vine. Ehlen J. I-., wholesale and retail dealer in leather and findings, 216 and 218 Main. Ehlmann H. B., undertaker, 593 Main. Ehmer Joseph, lager beer saloon, cor. Bre man and Liberty. EHRGOTT, FORBRIGER & CO., LITHO GRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS A N D PRINTERS, SOUTH-WEST C O R. FOURTH AND WALNUT. (See card, p. 117.) Ehrman Benj., MI. D., homoeopathic physi cian and surgeon, 46 West Seventh. EIIRMAN FRULK, M.D., HOM(EOPATIH IC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 56 WEST SEVENTH. EHRMAN FRANCIS II.. M. D., HOMCEO PATHIC PHYSICIAN AN D SUR GEON, 56 WEST SEVENTH. Eichalz & Bro., manufacturers of cigars, 320 Main. EICHE OSCAR, M. D., LEECHING, CUP PING AND EXTRACTING TEETH. PROP'R SHAVING, SHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, 183 VINE. Eichelberger Jacob, grocery, 108 Liberty. Eichenlaub V., prop'r Excelsior Mills, 157 Clay. Eichenlaub V., feed store, 528 Walnut. Eichert H., lager beer saloon, 668 Central ave. Eickenhorst & Arens, flour store, 427 cor. Main and Canal. Eilers John, wholesale and retail furniture and chair dealer, 47 West Fifth. Einhaus T., dealer in groceries, provisions and liquors, 840 West Fifth. Elble Christopher, Merchants' Saloon, 106 Walnut. Elias Henry P., wholesale dealer in watches and jewelry, 16 West Fourth. Ellery E. H. R., card, book and job prin ter, south-west cor. Main and Pearl. Elliott James, attorney at law and notary public, Main, 5 Debolt Building. Elliott J. T., exchange office, 8 East Third. Ellis H. & J., general produce dealers, 37 Walnut. ELLIS R., JR., & CO., BANKERS AND Earley Peter, merchant tailor, 287 Central avenue. Easton S., tanner and currier, and dealer in leather, hides, oil and shoe findings, &c., 232 Main. Eastward & Sargent, prop'rs Oriental Ex change, Enquirer Building, Vine. EATON & WEBBER, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND PICTURE GALLERY, 106 W. FOURTH. (See card p. 114.) Ebbers Henry, merchant tailor, Race, cor. Green. Ebbers H., merchant tailor, 418 Walnut. Eberle Charles, dealer in drugs and medi cines, cor. Fifth and Central ave. Ebert Peter, saloon, 29 Ludlow. Ebke John F., manufacturer Qf cigars and dealer in chewing and leaf tobacco, 443 Central ave. Ebker J. H., grocer, cor. Gest and Carr. Eck P., boot and shoe maker, 6(23 Central avenue. Eckel Charles, gun maker, 518 Vine. Eckelman H. B., manufact'r and dealer in boots and shoes, 6 East Fifth. Eckerle Paul, meat store, 45 Twelfth. Eckert Lawrence, book binder and sta tioner, 451 Walnut. ECKERT MICHAEL, PROP'R WESTERN TANNERY, 964 CENTRAL AVE NUE. (See card, p. 115.) Edelmann Michael, lager beer saloon, 17 Hamilton Road. Edmonson James, (col.,) barber and bath rooms, 227 Central ave. Edwards E., attorney at law, cor. Walnut and Fifth. Effinger John, saloon, 6 Sycamore. Efflond Frederick, saloon, 131{- East Front. EFFRAY ALEX., SHIRTS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY, FANCY GOODS, &c., 174 VINE. (See card p. 116.) Eggers &( Co., manufacturers of gilt moul dilngs and gilt oval frames, imitation rosewood, mouldings, &c., 168 Main. Eggers & Wilde, books and stationery and artists' materials, 317 Main. Eggleston D., forwarding and commission merchant, 37 West Canal. EGLY & DOBMEYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND COURT. See G. W. Coffin & Co.'s advt., p. 110. CIN 121 CIN ANDREW A. EYSTERI CLOCKS, AYATCH'ES & JEWELRY, Wholosale and Retail, ,D43 Centra-I Aenue, Cincinnati., Ohio. MARCUS FECHHEAMER W HIporter nd Deler i Goods for Men's Wer. Importer and De'ler in Goodls for MAen's Wear. No. 71 Walnut Street, bet, Pearl and Columbia Sts., Cincinnati, O. DEALERS IN EXChIANGE, 15 WEST Emmil William, shooting gallery, No. 208 THIRD. Vine. Ellis John W. & Co., wholesale dealers in Emrick David L., pharmaceutist, north dry goods and carpets, 77 Pearl, south- wIest cor. John and Clinton. west cor. Pearl and Vine. Endress John A., dining saloon, 214 Vine. ELLIS MADAME, FEMALE AND FAMI- Engart J. L., grocer and produce dealer, LY MEDICINES, MANUFACTURED 1,000) Central ave. AND FOR SALE BY BRIGhAM & ENGEL F. & CO., RHINE WINE SA CO., 154 WEST SIXTH, AND 24 EAST LOON, 675 VINE. FOURTH. Engelhardt Joseph, confectionery and ice Ellis & Padgett, wholesale and retail mat- cream saloon, 263 Main. tress, upholstering and window shade Engelhardt Jacob, lager beer saloon, 229 ware house, 136 Sycamore. West Sixth. Ellis & Richardson, prop'rs Caledonian Engle Leonhard, meat store, 251 Broad Shades, 199 Vin(. way. Ellmann Joseph, coffee andboarding house, Englehart Frederick, tailor, No. 535 East 5 Casselly's Row. Front. Ellsler John A., lessee and manager of Engerge F., baker, 635 Central ave. Wood's Theater, south-east cor. Vine English C. L., bellows manufactory, 106 and Sixth. East Second. ELMER & FORKNERP, IRON FOUNDERS English John, saloon, 290 Broadway. AND M A N U F A C T U Pt ERS OF English & Parker, house and sign paint STOVES AND HOL,LOW WARE, 600 ers, 258 Walnut. AND 602 WEST FIFTH. (See card Enslin A., druggist, cor Main and Orclhard. p. 120.) Enyart D. A., wholesale dealer in wines, Elmes Webster, attorney at law, 8 East liquors and rectifiedlwhiskies, 48 Pub Third. lie Landing. Elsar. Jones & Co., wholesale clothiers, 109 Eppinger H., manufacturer and dealer in West Pearl. boots and shoes, 29 Broadway. Elsasser & Brown, coopers, cor. Clinton and EPPLY JOHN P., UNDERTAKER AND Cutter. AGENT FOR SHOLL'S PATENT AIR Elsenheimer George, prop'r of Globe House, TIGHT, TERRA COTTA BURIAL CA 412 Vine. SES; ALSO METALLIC CASES AND Elstner M., Broadway Flouring Mills, ALL KINDS OF WOOD COFFINS, north-east cor. Broadway and Ninth. FIRST CLASS HEARSE AND CARElstner & Fisher, (Deer Creek Mills,) RIAGES FURNISHED, COR. NINTH flouring mill prop'rs, 57 Lock, bet. AND PLU Ml. Fourth and Fifth. Erd F., saloon, 74 court. Emanuel John U., ale and lagIer beer sa- Erdhaus & Kock, (P. & C.) watch makers loon, 182 Walnut. and jewelers, 398 West Fifth. EMERSON EDWIN S., DEALER I N Erdman C. E. & Bro., manufacturers and DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND DYE dealers in cigars and tobacco, corner STUFFS, CIGARS AND FOREIGN Ninthl and Race. PERFUMERY, SOUTH-EAST COR. Erkenbrecker Andrew, prop'r Erkenbreck BROADWAY AND PEARL. er floutring muills, 87 Lock, bet. Fifth Emerson N. W. & Co., wholesale grocers and Sixth. and commission merchants, 47 Wal- Ernest Charles, dancing teacher, Melodeon nut. building. Emerth F. L., physician, No.89 West Thir- Ernst Frank, agent Valentine's freight teenth. express, cor. Third and Sycamore. Emery B., dealer in notions, 647 Central Ernst W. H., carriage manufacturer, Cen ave. tral ave., near Bank. Emery Thos. & Sons, oil and candle works, Erpienstein Joseph, dealer in groceries cor. Vine and Water. and provisions, 150 Freeman. See W. L. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100 CiN 122 CIN GIN 123 GIN T. H. FOULDS & CO., Successors to Foulds & Campbell, - Co[mnission and Forwarding ME:1- IR CH AN T S, Nos. 596 and 598 Fifth Street, Cincinnati, 0., Adjoining the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Depot. Buy and sell on Commission all kinds of Grain, Flour, Pork, Lard, Grass Seed and Produce Generally. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments. Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded with dispatch. Ertel B., lager beer and billiard saloon, Evens Platt, jr., manufacturer of sewing 579 Main. machines, light machinery, seals, &c., Ervin & Beakes, bankers and exehange 64 West Fourth. brokers, 54 West Third. Everett Thomas, (col'd) billiard room and Erwin James, fashionable hat and cap eating house, 43 Fourth. manufactory, 236 Main. Evers F., book bindery, 120 Main, fourth Eshelby J., manufacturer and wholesale story. dealer insparkling catawbawinesand Eversman HI. H., dealer in groceries and brandies, 16 Hammond. provisions, 144 cor. Richmond and Eshenbrenner Chas., grocery, 719 Race. Cutter. Esmann Henry, importer and dealer in all Eversman Peter, grocer, north-east corner kinds of liquors, wines, &c., 5 Public Freeman and Fifth. Landing. Eveslage Joseph, dealer in staple and fancy Esmin U., saloon, cor. Walnut and Court. dry goods, 465 and 467 Main, corner Espach Jacob, railing, shutter and door Twelfth. manufacturer, 941 Central ave. Eveslage O. H., boot and shoetmaker, 171 ESPACH SERAPHIN, MANUFACTUR- West Fifth. ER PATENT BEDSTEADS, RAIL- Ewing John, carriage manufactory, 986 INGS, SHUTTERS, DOORS, &c., COR. Central ave. JOHN AND OLIVER. (See card, p. Ewing Martin B., treasurer Palmer pump 121.) and portable engine works, corner Esslinger John, Billiard saloon, 446 Main. Third and Miami Canal. Ester H. G., sign, flag and banner painter, Eygert W., manufacturer of cigars and 362 Central ave. tobacco, 277 Central ave. Evains S., shaving saloon, 266 Central ave. EYSTER A. A., DEALER IN CLOCKS, EVANS C. B. & CO., MANUFACTURERS WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., 343 OF PLAIN AND FANCY ENAMEL- CENTRAL AVE. (See card, p. 121.) ED GRATES, AND DEALERS IN Faber J. M.. prop'r Columbia Exchange, MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTLES, 6 Second. 142 WEST THIRD. Fabring Frank, wholesale manufacturer Evans C. M., dealer in boots and shoes, boots and shoes, cor. Walnut and Wa 571 Central ave. ter. Evans Ebenezer, family grocery, 178 Faehr & Meyer, manufacturers of tobacco, Broadway. cigars and snuff, 438 Main. Evans T. A., engraver, cor. Main and Fagin L., produce and grain dealer, cor. Fourth, up stairs. Main and Water, up stairs. EVANS W. L. & D. G., GENERAL IN- Fagin Lewis, prop'r Epicurean flour mills, SURANCE AGENTS, 65 W E S T 33 Lock, bet. Third and Fourth. THIRD. Fahlbusch F. A., dealer in imported, HaEvans Wm. M., clock repairer, cor. John vana and domestic cigars, tobacco and and George. snuff, 883 Main. Evans & Co., bankers, south-west cor. Wa]- Fallar Chas., tobacconist, 232 Elm. nut and Third. Fallis & Co., bankers and dealers in exEvans & Pattison, pork and beef packers, change, 7 and 9 West Third. 314 and 316 Broadway. Fangman Frank, boot and shoe maker, 66 Evans & Swift, ham curers, Ninth, bet. West Front. Main and Sycamore. Faran & McLean, editors and publishers See W. L. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 123 CIN CIN 124 GIN GARRETT & COTTMIAN, STEEL MOULD 6 o i~~~~~~~~~~~c P~~~~ow~- rI-. a general assortment of Plows and Steel Mould Boards of their roved pattern, adapted to Western and Southern Agriculture, shapes and models adapted to the various soils, consisting of Sod Plows, Stubble Plows, Corn Plows, Michigan Double Plows, Hill tors and Shovel Plows, Cotton Plows, Sugar Plantation Plows, adapted to Stiff Land Plowing. New and improved SUBSOIL 1856, with Wrought Shear, the very best Plow of the kind now e by this establishment is warranted to be of good material, and to give satisfaction. ROOFING MACHINES, 65 EAST THIRD. FAY &STICKNEY, BROADWAYPLAN ING AND FLOORING MILLS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL, AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, 304 BROAD WAY. Fazzi James, manufacturer of plaster paris figures, and dealer in fruits and confectionery, 36 East Third. Feahins Mrs. M., fashionable millinery, 24 East Fourth. FECHHEIMER MARCUS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, IMPORTER AND DEAIL ER IN GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR, 71 WALNUT. (See card p. 122.) Fechheimer Wolf, dry g oods and notions, 629 Vine. Fehr Charles, shaving saloon, 1112 Cen tral ave. Feie George, family grocery, cor. WVood ward and Sycamore. of Cincinnati Enguirer, Daily and Weekly, cor. Burnet and Vine. Fares & Miller, dealers in stoves and hol low ware, 5 West Fifth. Farming John, boot and shoe maker, 174 Broadway. Farren T. W. & Co., lumber dealers, Free man, foot of George. Farrenkopf M., lager beer saloon, 683 Race. Farthing R. C., importers of fancy baskets and manufacturers of wood and wil low ware, 49 Main. Fasnacht F., lager beer and shaving sa loon, 705 Elm. Fath Adam, manufacturer of mattresses, 932- Central ave. Faulkner John, prop'r New York eating house, 49 West Fifth. Fay J. A. & Co., manufacturers of wood and iron working machinery, steam engines, &c., cor. John and Front. FAY L., SLATE AND TIN ROOFER AND MANUFACTURER OF PATENT See Cincinnati Venereal Hospital, p, 98. CIN CIN 124 PLOW- ANUFACTURERS, GIN 125 GIN BALTHASER GLEICTI, M ainufacturer of DRUM S &, MUSICAL INSTBUIIENTS, AND PAACCHAS, 59 Clay Street, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. G. GRIFFITHS, MnfcE A ID I I E: AI, R- N. W. cor. Fifth aknd Western Row, Cincinnati, O. Buys and sells for cash. Teas in Chests, Ha lf Chests and Boxes; also, in Quarter, TiHalf and One Pound Packages, and in Five Pound Chinese Quattoons. Teas that do not give entire satisfaction may be return ed. N. B. Priices lower than ally credit house in the United States. Feenke F. H., manufacturer of boots and shoes, 582 Main. Feld Henry, meat store, cor. Everett and Providence. Feldman H., grocer, 295 Linn. Feldman W., staple and fincy dry goods, 644 Race. Feldwisch J. H., wholesale and retail gro cer, 86t and 38, cor. Hughes and Schiller. Felix G. M., blacksmith and wagon ma ker, 997 Central ave. Felix Andrew, boot and shoe maker, 54 Race. Felix M., Bull and Head Tavern, head of Hamilton Road. Felix Peter, prop'r Fourth Ward Exchange, north-west cot. Second and Race. Fell J. F., merchant farmer, Culvert, bet. Third and Fifth, on Miami Canal. Fellhim Sol., grocery, 50 East Fifth. Felthaus II., ftmily grocery, 468 Main. Fench G. G. dealer in house furnishing goods, o29 Central ave. Fenger A., prop'r O. and M. R. R. House, 500 West Front. Fennassey Edmond, groceries, 42 Race. Fennekin F., merchant tailor, 355 Main. Fennel Adolph, druggist and chemist, south-east cor. Broadway and Third. Fenton A. B. & Brothers, general produce, commission merchants and grain dealers, 49 West Front. Fenton R. H., meat store, north-west cor. Plum and Sixth. Ferdinand HI., manufacturer and dealer in hats, 209 West Sixth. Ferguson E. A., attorney at law, 25 West Third. Ferguson John, groceries atnd provisions, cor. First and Vine. FERGUSON, McGINNIS & DIETRICH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 65 WEST THIRD. Fermann B. HII., family grocery, 18 Abi gail. Fermberg Louis, dealer in second-hand furniture, 630 Central ave. Ferris George C., millinery and fancy goods, 148 West Fifth. Ferris N. P. & Co., real estate, stock in surance and bond brokers, Carlisle Buildings, cor. Fourth and Walnut. Fessenden J. H. & Co., manufacturers of toilet soaps, 124 West Third. Fetch Adan, grocery and cigar store, ~)31 Vine. Feltmann G. H., boot and shoe manufac turer, 279 West Sixth. Fettweiss Leopold, marble works, Findley Market. south side. Fetzer John, lagar beer saloon, 206 Ple'is ant. Fey S., wine saloon, cor. Vine and Green. Fibbe E., grocery, south-west cor Race and Twelfth. Fick F., painter, 133 Clinton. FICKE ItERMAN, IMPORTER A N D DEALER IN CHIINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, 60 EAST PEARL, BET. SYCAMORE AND BROAD WAY. Fickeln Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, 34 Lock, cor. Fourth. FICKEN JOHN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, 28 EAST PEARL, BET. MAIN AND SYCAMORE. Fiedeldey J. C., beef and pork packer and dealer in bacon, lard, &c., 54 and 5at East Pearl.iFiedeldy John Henry, dealer in leather and findings, 3 Twelfth, bet. Main and Walnut. Fiedler Fr., groceries and provisions, north-west cor. Elm and Cour t. Fields R. B., New England, Bakery, 116 West Fifth. Fihe John, staple and fancy dry goods, 517 Race. Filleng William, bakery, 410 West Fourth. Fillmore E. H, ship carpenter, Levee, bet. Ludlow and Lawrence. Fink E. P.. boot and shoe maker and dealer, 94 Court. Finke Barnhald, boot and shoe makerand dealer, 50 East Pearl. Finke Henry, boot and shoe maker, 717 Race. Finkle & Lyons, sewing machines, 16 East Fourth. Finley Wm., barber, Walnut, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Finnan Wm., grocery and saloon, 93 Syca more. See Walnut Street Ilouse, p 111. CIN 125 CIN CIN 126 GIN F. P. HiALDIY, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer and Dealer in And all kinds of Shoe and Gaiter Uppers. The Trade supplied at liberal discount. No. 61 WVest Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. Fisher J. W. & Co., wholesale dealers in hay, straw, grain, &c., 15 Lower Landing. Fishwick Mrs. L., dealer in fancy goods 429 Central ave. Fisler L., dealer in hats and caps, 502 Vine. Fitzgerald & Hudson, staple and fancy grocers, south-west corner Broadway and Fifth. Fitzgearl Oliver, prop'r Diamond F. Ex change, north-west corner Pearl and Race. Fitzgerald Charles, exchange dealer, 8 Sycamore. Fitzpatrick Charles, grocery, 320 Plum. Fitzpatrick M., grocer, 171 Walter. Flach J. C., prop'r Debolt Exchange, (res taurant,) south-east corner Main and Court. Flaherty Patrick, boarding house 177 East, . Front. Flaherty Patrick, tailor and renovator, 53 Sycamore. Flaig Jake M., Blue Bonnet Saloon, 82 East Pearl. Flanagan John, coffee and boarding house, cor. Pearl and Ludlow. Flannery M., Hibernian Coffee House, 13 Lower Steamboat Landing. Flattich Jos. F., billiard and lager beer saloon, 469 Vine. Flechter S., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 196 West Fifth. Fleischer Emil, paper hanger and uphol ster, 326 Central ave. Fletcher, L. Hobart & Co., manunfact'rs al cohol, pure spirits, burning fluid, cam phene, phosgem gas, and rectified whisky, cor. Fvont and Vine. FLETCHER ROBERT, SEEDSMAN AND PRODUCE AND COMMIS'N MER CHANT, 64 SYCAMORE. Flickner J. 0., wholesale dealer in sole, skirting, and harness leather, No. 239 Main. Flinn Jacob, attorney at law, south-west cor. Mai n and Court. FLINT E., VICE-PRESIDENT AND SU PERINTENDENT O. AND M. R. R., 522 WEST FRONT. Flint M. D., trunk manufactory, 2 College L. GRONEWEG, Druggist &Chemist S. W. cor. Court and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, Alcohol, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, &c., &c. Especial attention paid to all kinds of Chemical Analyses. Finnigan & Geers, freestone cutters, cor. Hoadley and Longworth. Firemans' Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, H. E. Spencer, president, S. R. Carter, secretary, office north-east cor. Main and Sycamore. Fischer F., lagar beer saloon, 46 Elder. Fischer F., dealer in cigars and tobacco, 495 Elm. FISCHER H. & A., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY, 77 EAST PEARL. Fischer John, blacksmith shop, 530 Free man, cor. Liberty. Fischer Louis, blacksmith, 796 Central avenue. Fischer W., physician, 648 Main. FISCHER WM., MANUFACTURER AND WVHOLESALE DEALER IN CAN DIES, ALSO IMPORTER OF FOR EIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND FIRE W O R K S, COR. WALNUT AND SIXTH. Fischer Win., confectionery, 80 W. Sixth. Fischer & Feinthel, importers and dealers in corks, 34 West Court. Fishburn C. D., physician, 347 Vine. FISHEL & BROTHER, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, AND D E A L E R S IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 60 MAIN. Fisher George, merchant tailor and gents' furnishing goods, 227 Walnut. Fisher J. W. & Co., general feed store, 539 Central ave. See advt. of J. H. Brooke, p. 99. Building CIN M. HEIB13ST:ERIT, 'Wholesale Vinegar Depot, Superior Wine and Cider Vinegar, ALSO, !H[SK[S9 WINES ADLIQUOmRS. No. 461 Vine St., above Thirteenth St., CINCINNATI, 0. Flohr HI., clothing and furnishing goods, 419 Maian. Florer N. M., wholesale dealer in pork, bacon, lard, extra sugar-cured hams, dried beef and beef tongues, 9 Syca more. Flynt Mrs. MA. F., dealer in books and sta tionery, 423 Central ave. Focks J. A., dry goods and millinery, 571 MaSin. Foertmeyer E., milliner and dress maker, 118 Clinton. Fogarty James, dealer in groceries, provi sions. flour, &c., 613 Central ave. Folsom Richard, attorney at law, south west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Fonda C. Y., dealer in music and musical instruments, 72 West Fourth. Fontaiyne Chas., telesmatic photographer, Carlisle Building, south-west corner Fourth and Walnut. Foot Chas. D., proprietor Queen City Terra Cotton Works, office 76 West, Third. Foot F. II., dealer in groceries and provi sions, 83 Baymniller. Foote, Clay &5 Co., distillers and liquor nmerchants, 17 and 19 West Second. Foote G. F., dentist, 127 West Eighth. Foote Jos. W., dealer in butter, eggs, lard, &c., 199 Central ave. Foppe & Longland, boot and shoe makers and dealers, 402 West Fifth. Forbes J. F., tanner, currier.and morocco dresser, cor. Forbes and Canal. Forbus & Stevenson, dealers in hides, oil, and leather, of all kinds, 254 Main. Forchheirner & Mack, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in hats, caps, and straw goods, 102 and 104 West Pearl. Ford Wmn., soap and candle manuf-actory, 17th War4, East Front. FORREST W. T., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 20 COURT. Forristall Chas. T., sign and ornamental paipter, 132 Vine. Forse & Stetson, exchange brokers, 14 East Third. Forster Win. L., ale and porter saloon, 38 East Fifth, basement. Fosdick Chas. R. & Co., commission mer chants, and flour and grain dealers, 41 Vine. Foster G. W., copper face type nilanufact'r, 139 West Fifth, cor. R.ace. Foster James, jr., & Co., optician, mathe matical and philosophical instrument makers, south-west corner Fifth and Race. Foster Jos. & Co., steam marble and free stone works, north-feast cor. E and Canal.l Foster Nathaniel, physician, north-east cor. Third and Broadway. Foster Thos., dealer in groceries and pro duce, 100 East PearIl. Foster & Bmitchenis, horse auctioneers, 24 East Fifth. Fouglhney M., liquor saloon, No. 9 Lower Steamboat Landing. FOULDS T. II. & CO., SUCCESSORS TO FOULDS & CAMPBELL, CONIMIS SION AND FORWARDING AIER CHANTS, 596 A N D 598 F IF T II. (See card, p 123.) Fowler W. H., physician and surgeon, 24 West Fifth. Fox G., starch factory, 18 Bremen. Fo, a rrs Fox, Harr i ns & F ox, attorneys at law, 116 Main, 2d floor. Fox Jacob, M nanufact' r um brell as and par asols, 255 Central ave. Fox Miss Mary, dress maker, Sixth, bet, Broadwayt and Lock. Fox T. & G., m',nufact'rs of refined Peari Starch, office 61 Walnut. Fox & Baker, cooperage, 474 Elm. Foy Michael, liquor find lager beer saloon, 10 Lower Steamboat Landing. Fraas G. H., dealer in millinery goods, 385 Central ave. Francke & Co., hat and cap manufactur ers, 249 Central ave., opp. Sixth and Market. See advt. of H. Cummings, p. 107. CIN 127 CIN 128 CIN Sad9 Bank LockM s and Vaus II 9ALL, CARRtOL,L & COn, Manufacturers of the Celebrated Hall's Patent Concrete Which are known to be superior to any other, and are perfectly free fiom dampness. None but those marked "htall's Patent"' can be relied on. We are also sole manufacturers of the world-renowned HALLLS IMPROVED BANK LOK. The advantages this lock has over all others are: 1st. It hlas an outside combination key that will baffle the most expert buiglar or scientific mechanic; it has no key-hole or stem, spindle or dial that can be knocked off or so defaced as to prevent the person having the key and combination from opening the safe. 2d. It is impossible to get any explosive substance into the lock, or in any way deface the face of the door so as to prevent the person having the outside key and combination from opening the safe. 3d. It has no springs, and for this reason alone places it above any lock in use, as it is impossible to get it out of order, and it has greater security than any lock known. We invite all Bankers, County Treasurers, Merchants, and others, to call and examine it. HALL, CARROLL & CO., No. 64 Main Street, Cincinnati, And No. 17 Main St., St. Louis. 129 HOLSTEIN & HAMMER, Manufacturers of Serpentine, Gothic and other IN ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Also, of Legs for Pianos, Billiard Tables; Oval, Half Round and Fancy Frames for Looking-Glasses. No. 31 Smith, corner of Augusta Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Franz C., gas and steam fitter, 58 and 60 Court. Frank A. W., wholesale and retail grocer, north-wvest cor. Sixth and Race. Frank B., loan and exchange office, 182 Vine. FRANK CHARLES & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LI QUORS, WINES, &c., 139 AND 141 PEARL, BET. ELM AND RACE. Frank G. A., grocer, 413 Central ave. Frank Henry, grocer and curer of hlams, north-west cor. Vine and Canal. Frank M., manufacturer and wholesale dealer in clothing, &c., Main and Pearl, up stairs. Frank S., house, sign and ornamental painter, 30 West Front. Frank & Jones, scroll and chair top saw mill, 128 Columbia, between Race and Elm. Fraikenstein John, artist, 14 East Fourth, 4thl story. Franklin Benjamin, editor and publisher of the American Christian Review, issued Tuesday, cor. Eighth and Wal nut. Franklin Charles W., produce and com mission merchant, 31 Vine. Franklin Max., wholesale dealer in fancy goods, toys, notions, &c., 79 col. Main and Pearl. FRANKLIN TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, R. ALLISON, SUPER INTENDENT, l168 VINE. (See card, P. 91.) Franklin & Frank, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in jewelry, watches, clocks, silver and plated ware, 48 north-east cor. Main and Second. Frank J., physician, 216 Elm. FRANK CHARLES & CO., WHOLE SAL E LIQOUR MERCH ANTS, 139 AND 141 PEARL, BET. ELM AND RACE. Frayn P., liquor and lager beer saloon, 12 Lower Steamboat Landing. Frazer & Myers, importers and dealers in French and American paper hang ings and window shades, wholesale and retail, 161 Walnut. Frazer George N. C., brass foundry, 551 West F4fth. FRAZER JAMES A., WHOLESALE GRO CER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, 66! AND 68 WALNUT. Frazer & Co., dea lers in lumber, north side Sixth, 1 door east of C. tI. and D. R. R. Depot. Frazier Samuel, provis ion broker, 282 Sycamore, up stairs. Freeberg & Worku sn, distill ers of pure Bourbon and r ye whiskys, manufac turers and dealers in port, Muscat and Malaga wines, 13 Sycamore. Freeh Mrs. Fredericka, dry goods, notions and dre ss making, 636 Main. Freeman Edwin, eclectic physician and surgeon, 174 Vine. Freeman James, grocer and provision dealer, 120 West Sixth. Freeman Z., physician, 278 West Sixth,. Freeman & Parker, house and sign painters, 167 George, below John. French L., attorney at law, 160 Vine. French M., boarding house, south-west cor. Elm and Columbia.. French R. H. W. & Co., flour dealers and commission merchants,, 567 Central avenue. FRENCtI, WILSON & CO,, COMMIS SION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY AND PRODUCE, &c., 27 EAST FRONT. Freon J., attorney at law, cor, Main and Ninth. Fresenberg Henry, merchant tailor, 202 Broadway. Freshard J., French steam scourer, 156 West Fourth. Freund Ernst, meat store, 1,106 Central avenue. 9 CIN CIN it b HUDEPOIIL & SANDHEGEiR, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESI'C WINES AND LIQUORS, Old Bourbon, Rye and Rectified Whiskies, Nos. 25 and 27 Court St., between Main and Walnut Streets, CINCINNATI, 1OHIO. Frohle Joseph, boot and shoe maker, cor. Walnut and Seventh. Frost F., boot and shoemaker, 169 Rich mond. Fry H. L., architectural wood carver and designer, 224 Central ave.' Frye W. R. A., exchange office, 1365 West Third. Fuchs Peter, groceries, 424 Vine. FULDNER JOHN, SALOON, 192 CLI,IN TON, BET. LINN AND BAYMILLER. Fuldner Philip, cigar maker and dealer, 196 Clinton, bet. Linn and Baymiller. Fuller, Albert & Co., brass finishers and patent cock manufacturers, 118 Sec ond. Fuller E. F., general agent O. and MI. R. R., 522 West Front. Fuller J. M., homceopathic physician, north-east cor. Elm and Seventh. Fuller, Davis & Co., prop'rs Fulton Omni buis Line, office in Pendleton. Fulwiler J. II., merchant tailor, 217 Cen tral ave. Funck Charles E.. cigar store, 178 West Sixth. Funk J. I-I., importer in chllina, glass and queensware, north-west cor. Vine and Court. Funk J. H., dealer in china, glass and queensware, north-west cor. George and Central ave. Furst Charles, saloon, 48 East Pearl. Furste F., boot and shoe maker, 440 West Fifth. Fury P., merchant tailor, 29 Central ave. Fussnecker John, veterinary surgeon. 19 Green. Fussner J. A., Seventh Ward House, cor. Plum and Jefferson. Gaddum W. M., agent Merchants' and Manufacturers' Insurance Co., corner Vine and Thirt,eenth. Gaffeney O. O. B., cupper and leecher, 276 Walnut. Gaines Theophilus, prosecuting attorney, office Court House. GAITIIER ALFRED, GENERAL SUPER INTENDENT WESTERN DIVISION ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 56 AND 58 EAST THIRD. (See card, p. 87.) Gall J. A. & W. B., butchers, Jackson, near Central ave. E EDWIN HOOLE, Manufac'r and Dealer in PORTIMONAIES, Pocket Books, Spectacle and Jewelry Cases, St ationery, &c., &c. No. 29 East Third St. Cincinnati, Ohio, Frey August, boarding house and saloon, 61 West Fifth. Fr ey Henry, dealer in groceries, provisions and wines and liquors, southeast cor. Pike and Pearl. Freyumuth Peter, lager bee r saloon, 603 Elm. Frederick C., manufactur er and dealer in bats, caps. &c., 259 Central av e. Friedlein John & G., prop'rs Cincinnati House, 55 and 57 Sycamore. Fricke Frank, confectionery and saloon, 233 Sycamore. Friedman, Hirsh & Eiehberg, importers a nd wholesale dealers in gents' ftrni shing goods, fancy dry goods and no t,ions, 77 Alain. Friedman & Miller, deal ers i n dry g oods and clothing, wholesale, 10 Epst Pearl. Friedman & Stern, wholesale manufactur ers of clothing and jobbers in cloths, cassimeres, vestings, &c., 140 Walnut. 'Friel & McGuire, merchant tailors, 256 Walnut. Frieling Bernard, dealer in dry goods, &c., 248 West Sixth. Fries George, Al. D., physician and sur geon, cor. Vine and Eighth. Fries M., meat store, 671 Vine. Friese Joseph, groceries, 560 Vine. Friestag George, manufacturer of cigars, 59 Fifteenth. Frilling F., boot and shoe shop, 626 Race. Fringer John, prop'r Spencer House Saloon, cor. Broadway and Front. Fritz John, bakery, 609 Race. Froehlich George, famnily grocery, corner Hamilton Road and Walnut. Froelking & Warmet, dealers in hardware and cutlery, 1,023 Central ave. Froese Rudolph, watch maker and jeweler, 433 Vine. See W. L.Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p.'100 CIN 130 CIN CIN 131, CIN HUGHES & SHARPS Manufacturers of SASH9 DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS, Dressed Flooring, Brackets, &c., and all kinds of Sawing done on the shortest notice. Also all kinds of Housework got out to order, prepared for putting up. South-East Corner John and Augusta Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gaston Miss J., millinery store, 7 East Fourth. Gates John, wholesale dealer in boots and shoes, 54 West Pearl, bet. Walnut and Vine. Gattes Valentine, meat store, 265 Elm. Gattis & Zanone, fruit and confectionery, 80 Broadway. GATTMAIANN FRANK, DEALER IN GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS, COR. CUTTER AND CLARK. Gausepohl John B., grocer, south-east cor. Front and Plum. Gausson Wm. E., saloon, 71 West Third. Gaut F., shaving saloon, cor. Vine and Fourteenth. Gaylord, Son & CO., manufactures boiler, bar and sheet iron rivets and spikes, 88, 90 and 92 Broadway. Gaylord T. G. & Co., foundry, manufac turers of gas and water pipe, iron railing, &c., office 88, 90 and 92 Broadway. Gazette Co., publishers Cincinnati Gazette, daily and weekly, north-east cor. Fourth and Vine. Gazollo James, dealer in fruit and confec tionery, 45 Public Landing. Gebenstein C. I., manufacturer of mat trasses and upholstering, 224 Central ave. Geckemeier Henry, dealer in cigars, to bacco and snuff, 530 Central ave. Gecks Antoni, meat market, 57 East Front. Geffroy O. H. & Co., prop'rs Gibson House, Walnut, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Gegner John, bakery, 211 West Sixth. Gehefer K., shaving saloon, 575 Main, cor. Allison. Gehrke A.,-merchant tailor, 550 Vine. Geiger John, shoeing shop, Canal, bet. Central ave. and Plum. Geilfus Louis, boarding house and grocery, 701 Elm. Gels Adam, wholesale and retail mattrass and bedding manufacturer and dealer, 67 West Fifth. Geisbauer Chas., prop'r Alhambra House, 553 Main. Geise F., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 63 East Pearl. Geise Joseph, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 55 East Pearl. Gallagher Thom Walnut. Gallen F., merit Gallinger F., Ea avenue. Galt H ouse, Wn Main and Galt John T., sa Galvagni J., b Ville. Galvin Al. & [[ and shoein Sycatmore. G-ano Ht. & Co., Walnut. Gans Daniel S., East Sixth. Garbrock Casp smith, 426 G:rdiner Robe SKIain. Gardner C. D., ] GARDNER, P[ PORK PA PRODU MERCHA~ BROADW/ (Garey Wm., grc Court. Garrard Jeptha -tary ptublic Fourth. Garre M. & E., 591 Main. Garrett Mlrs. l Ludlow, be GARRETT & TURERS MOULD P (See card, Garrison H. D 597 Centra Garrison James cor. Third Garrison John Co., 73 We Gartline Adam Gartner S., dea 615 Race. Gartrell Wm., and Baymyi Garzoro Peter, Gasten, Dickso bers of ha Srdware, 53 Pearl. Geise & Wellmann, feed store, 86 Hunt;. See Applegate & Co.'s advertisement, p. 90. CIN 132 CIN Wholesale and Commission - 197 AND 199 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, O., Dealing exclusively in Butter, and having a large cool and dry cellar to store in until sold, I can offer better inducements than any other house in the city. All Butter shipped me is put in the cellar as soon as it comes to hand, thereby avoiding the melting process it undergoes if kept on the ground floor. QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. Getz C., Tivoli garden, 780 Vine street Hill. Getz John, wholesale dealer in white, flint, green. and black glass ware, 5 Syca more. Getze George, bakery, cor. Pearl and But ler. GetzendannerJacob II., justice ofthe peace, 9 East Third. Geyer Frederick, turning establishment, 93 and 95 Lock. Geyer J., teacher of dancing and music, 30 West Court. GEYER JOHN, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CHA.IRS AND FURNI TURE, 20 EAST FOURTH. Geyer & Schweker, cooperage, 12 Canal, bet. Main and Walnut. G hirardelli Jerome, confectioner, cor. Third and Pike. Gibbins John, coffee and boarding house, 15 Casselly's Row. ~ Gibbons J. G., notary public, No. 35 West Third. Gibbons J. E., commission and forwarding m'erchant, cor. Main and Water. Gibbs H., Cincinnati Dye House, north east cor. Plum and Longworth. Gibson David & Co., commission mer chants, dealers in raw Bourbon whis ky, flour, grain, malt, hops and live hogs, 48 Columbia. Gibson J. B. & T., plumbers, and pump and pipe manufacturers, 200 and 202 Vine. GIBSON ROBERT, DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE AND VAR NISHES, PURE WHITE L E A D, FRENCH AND AMERICAN WIN DOW GLASS, ARTISTS' BRUSHEDq AND COLORS, 176 MAIN. Gibson & Co., lithographers, engravers, fine job printers and paper dealers, north-west cor. Third and Main. Giddings James, dealer in vegetables and ice, 29 Public Landing. GEISER JOSEPH, BILLIARD AND LA GER BEER SALOON, 539 RACE. Geisler Francis, Tanners' Exchange, cor. Elm and Henry. Geismann T., cigars and tobacco, 458 Vine. Geldreich H., shaving saloon, 316 Main. Gellenbeek G., manufacturer and dealer in, cigars, tobacco and snuff, 503 Main. Gellenbeck G. & Dutmann K., bakery, 93 Abigail. G(ellenbeck & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in fanlily flour, 426 and 428 Main. eorge D. B. & Co., dealers in groceries and produce, north-east cor. Pearl and Broadway. GERARD JOHN H. & CO., PORK PACK ERS AND COMMISSION M ER - CHANTS, AND CURERS OF MAG NOLIA BRAND FAMILY HIAMS, 295 AND 297 BROADWAY. GERARD & CO., WHOLESALE GRO CERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN DRIED FRUIT AND GRASS SEED, NO. 44 NORTH-WEST COR. PEARL AND SYCAMORE. Gerding H., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 509 Main. Gerdsen H. H., family grocery, 519 Vine. Gerhard J. C., dealer in drugs and medi cines, paints, oils, &c., north-west cor. Clinton and Cutter. Gerhold Louis, Magnolia IHouse, 240 East Front. Gerland W., manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 146 East Front. Gerling Francis, boarding house and lager beer saloon, 109 East Second. Germain Wm., agency and exchange,north west cor. Elm and Union. Germann Mrs. M., family grocery, 469 Main. Gerve F. A. J., physician, cor. Longworth and Park. Getty W. S., steamboat agent, 13 Public Landing. See Campbell Ellison & Co.'s advt., p. 102. CIN JOHN SCHULTZ. KANE &, SCHULTZ COAHW HA, NESS AND HOUSE PLATERS, 354 West Fifth St., bet. John and Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio. All business promptly attended to. Glasgow HIugh, carpenter and builder, Home, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Glason T., grocer, 587 West Sixth. GLEICH BALTHASER, MANUFACT'R OF DRUMS, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS AND PAACHAS, 59 CLAY, BET. TWELFTH AND T H IR TEENTH. (See card p. 125.) Gleich J. F., musical instrument maker, ,north-east cor. Walnut and Ninth. Gleick L., merchant tailor, 633 Central ave. Glenn James K., discount banker, south west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Glenn M. & L., steam saw mill, Seven teenth Ward, East Front. Glenn Wm. & Sons, wholesale grocers, &c., north-east cor. Walnut and Second. Glenny Wm., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., 383 Central ave. Glessner F., artist, 27 College building, West Sixth. Glossner & Bio., brewery and saloon, 436 Vine. Goddard & Payne, coffee house, 192 West Sixth. Goebel H., saloon, 584 West Sixth. Goees F. & Co., cabinet makers and furni ture dealers, 494 Walnut. Goelkell Adam, manufacturer of sofas, parlor chairs, lounges, &c., 25 and 27 East Third. Goepper M., commission merchant and dealer in hops, Irish moss, pitch, rosin, corks, &c., 3 Court House. Goesser Wm., meat store, 496 Walnut. Goettle J., architect, 486 Elm. Goetz P., saloon, 937 Central ave. Gohs E. & Co., wholesale dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 478 and 480 Main. Gold Peter, steam rope factory, 417 Elm, office cor. Second and Ludlow. GOLDBERG MAYER, LOAN AND EX CHANGE OFFICE, 173 VINE. Goldberg Jacob, dealer in ready made clothing, 50 Public Landing. Golden Isaac, baker and dealer in groce ries, 172 Elm. Goldenburger John, millinery goods and dress making, 432 Vine. Goldsmith, Barkhouse & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in watches and jewelry, 94 Main. Gierenger S. D., barber. 59 Race, bet. First and Second. Giese C. L. & Co., Ohio Sugar Refinery, south-west col'. Sixth and Miami Ca nal. Giesting J. D. & G., wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in ladies', gents' and childrens' boots and shoes, 52 West Fifth. Giger George, blacksmith, 343 Hamilton Road. Gilberd R. & Son, painters, 525 Central ave. Gilbert George, boot and shoe maker, Sixth, bet. Central ave. and John. Gilbert, Jones & Ogborn, general commis sion and forwarding merchants, 595. 597 and 599 West Fifth, opp. C. H. & D. R. R. depot. Gillard Geo. H., sign and ornamental pain ter, 201 Plum. Gillard Wm., second-hand book store, 182 Court. Gilligan Edward, constable, 84 Butler. Gilmore, Dunlap & Co., bankers, 26 West Third, Masonic Temple. Gilpin Thos., prop'r fiouring mill, sash, blind and door factory, Canal, north side, bet. Elm and Plumb. Gilpin Wm. H., commission merchant, 17 East Canal. Ginantt George, saloon, 66 Court. Ginochio D., confectionery and ice cream saloon, 28 East Fifth. Ginochio D. & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in plain and fancy candies, foreign fruits, &c,, 23 Broadway. Ginocihio Louis, confectionery, 250 Wal nut. Girorlldelli John, fruit, confectionery and bar, 57 Broadway. Gitchell J. M., attorney at law, 148 Wal nut. Glaescher G. W., dealer in hardware and cutlery, 534 Main. Glascoe Jas. S., apothecary and drug,gist, south-east cor. Fourth and Main. Glaser J., saloon, 80 Court. Glaser & Brother, men's, youth's and boys' clothing house, north-west cor. Main and fifth. Gl-aser & Brothers, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in clothing for men and boys' wear, 98 and 100 West Pearl. See advt. of J. ItH. Brooke, p. 99. CIN 133 HENRY KANE. CIN 134 CIN Great Western Picture Gallery, N-os. 68 and 70 VWest Fourth Street, directly opp. Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, hlaving the largest and best Sky-L, ight, and other facilities for making good and cheap Pictures, we defy all competition in price, quality and durability. Step in and get one; we'll detain you but a few moments. )Don't forget the Nos. 68 and 70 West Fourth Street. TI-HOS. O. KAYLOR. Goldson George, collars and harness, 1(03 Gorman J. J., house, sign aind ornamental . West Third. painter, 223 Mlain, up stairs. Goldsticker H., ambrotypist and photo- Gorman P.. auction store, 194 West Sixth. graphllist, 405 Vine, up stairs. Gorman M, dealer in boots and shoes, 59 Goldsticker & Co., photographers and am- Court. brotypists, 58 Broadway. Gosiger & Wesse], dealers in coal, 444 Gomas Caspar, billiard saloon, 515 Wal- lain, cor. hunt. nut. Gosling J. W., carriage manufacturer, cor. Gomenger Jacob, boat builder, Levee, bet. Sixth and Sycamore. Ludlow and Lawrence. Gosling MIrs. -- n, millinery and fincy Gooch Charles, dealer in hardware and goods, 518 Main. cutlery, 355 Central ave. Gosling Thos., blacksmiitli, 67 Hunt. Goodall Wm., freestone ar.d marble works, Gosling W. M., dealer in flour, grain, seeds. 244 Court. fruits, vegetables, &c., 80 West Sixth. Goodard Kingston, physician and surgeon, Gott J. F., lock maker, 92 Clinton. 91 Broadway. Gottbehode 1B. H., family grocery, 115 Goods Thos., (col'd,) painter, glazier and Woodward, cor. Pendleton. paper hanger, 6 North, bet. Sixth and Gott-leib Jacob, dealer in staple and faninc Seventh. dry goods, 214 West Fifth. Goode Thos. J., painter, glazier and var- Gottleib J. & Bro., merchant tailors, 1107 nisher, 9 West Sixth. Central ave. Goodhue & Co., stove and grate nianufac- Gottroanni Philip, paperhangings and cur turers, 47 and 49 Elm, west side, bet. tain fixtures, 455 Main. Front and Second. Gould Geo. W., produce arid commission Goodman S., dealer in clothing, 156 Front. merchant, 11 and 13 East Ninth. GOODMAN T. S. & CO., BANKERS AND Gould, Pearce & Co., cotton factory, cor. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO- Fifth and Lock. MiIESTIC EXCHANGE, 11 W E S T Gould, Pearce & Co., manufacturers of pa THIRD. tent cotton cordage, star candle wick. Goodman & Vornholz, wholesale clothing &c., office 48 Walnut. and dealers and jobbers in cloths, cas- Gould & Wells, dealer in cotton and cotton simeres and vestings, 307 Main. goods, 48 Walnut. GOODWIN ALEXANDER, U. S. Bk- Gouse Michael, meat store, 51 Twelfth. KERY, FLOUR DEALERAND MAN- Gow & Sharp, manufacturers of oak and UFACTURER OF THE CELEBRA- tanned leather, belting, hose, &c., 65 TED ENGLISH CRACKNELLS, 43 Walnut. PUBLIC LANDING. Goyert J. II., prop'r Central Ave. House, Gordmis & Wesselman, coopers, 91 West 687 Central ave. Front. Grace & Redmond, house and sign paintGorden Andrew J., (col'd) barber, 95 West ers, 114 West Ninth. Fifth. Graf N., horse nail factory, 1104 Central Gordon Geo., manufacturer of awnings, ave. tents, tarpaulins, &c., 150 Sycamore. Grafenlian Robert, boarding house, northGordon James & Co., flax seed oil manu- west cor. Smith and Augusta. facturers, cor. Fourth and Lock. Graff A. C., coal dealer, cor. Second and Gordon Robert, (col'd) coal dealer, corner Western Row. Sixth and Miami Canal. Graff Jacob & Co., auction and commission Gordon W. J. M. & Bro., druggists and merchants, 18 East Fourth. pharmaceutists, north-east cor. Cen- GRAHAM CHARLES& BRO., MACHINE tral ave. and Seventh. BLACKSMITHS AND MANUFACGorman Edward, dealerin boots and shoes, TURERS OF BRIDGE B 0 L T S, 325 Central ave. TANKS, &c., 277 WEST FRONT. See Robert Clarke & Co.'s advt., p. 109. CIN 134 CIN CIN 135 CIN J A JAKImporters of.. Importers of 4~ Foreign Wines and Liquors, And dealers in Bourbon, Rye and Monongahela Whisky, Manufacturers of Ginger Wine, Blackliberry .'~~I$ ~~ W cMAAN, Wholesale and Retail ABTTshos daN inrs Bal, nd Cih9 Also, wholesale dealer in Fresh Baltimore Oysters, and Commission Merchant, No. 247 Walnut St., lIeath Thomas T., attorney at law and no tary public, 57 West Third. Ilebauf Peter, barber and hair dresser, 92 East Second. Heck Anton, grocery, 537 Main. Hedger R., wholesale candy manufacturer, 81 Walnut. Iledrich W. W. & Co., apothecaries and drug,gists, north-east. cor. Race and Sixth. [ledrick [1, insurance agent, 80 West Thilrd. Ileenan F. M., grocer, 339 Central ave. Heerdt Adam, merchant tailor, 560 Cen tral ave. Heermance Henry, Fulton drug store Sev enteenth Ward, East Front. Ileidelbach, Seasongood & Co., importers and dealers in dry goods, and manu facturers of clothing, south-west cor. Third and Vine. IHeidkamp Fred., carpet weaver, 102 Abi gall. Heidkamp J., merchant tailor, 411 Main. Heizer X., saloon, 390 Vine. Heil Philip, tailor, 657 Vine, cor. Elder. Heine F. W., druggist, cor. Race and El der. Heinemann Otto, druggist and apothecary, north-east cor. Lini and Laurel. Heinrichdorf Otto, bakery, 19 West Fifth. Heinsheimer J. H. & Co., wholesale dealers in clothing and dry goods, 125 Wal nut. Heintzman Mrs. E., eating house, 12 West Court. Heister M., saloon, 461 Walnut. Heithader Frederick, grocer and produce dealer, 2 West Mulberry. Heldermann.W. N. & Co., candle manufac ture rs, 560 Sycamore, cor. Bond. Helleburg C. G., photographist and am brotypist, cor. Vine and Hamilton Road. Heller Brothers, dealers in ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, 228 West Fifth. Heller M., physician, 593 Central ave. Hellmann F. H., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 472 Main. Helay M., grocer, cor. Court and Mound. IHeller & Young, m.qntufacturers of Heller & Young's superior kitchen rangers, and dealers in coal and wood cooking and heating stoves, 292 Main. Helmich John, feed store, 489 John. Helming John, boot and shoe shop, 228 Elm Helmsdorfer F., saloon, Central ave., near Brighton House. IHelfferich F., wine and beer house, 387 Main. Helt Brothers, commission merchants, 196 West Sixth, bet. Elm and Plum. Hembrock C., gilder and glazier, 30 West Court. Hemmelgarn Henry, cooperage, 380 Syca more. Hemmelmeier B., laglee beer saloon, 351 Broadway, cor. Hunt. Hemme Jacob, lager, ge beer saloon, 243 Hamilton Road. Hempel F., manufacturer and dealer in furniture, 36 West Court. HEMPE LMAN BERNARD, dealer in gro ceries, provisions, and feed store, cor. Linn and Findlay. Henderson J. A., millinery and fancy goods, 18 West Fifth. Henderson Thos., attorney at law, l l East Third, Law Buildings.; Henderson W. C. & Co., manufacturers of coal oil, Pearl, East of Miami Canal. Hendley Chas., manufacturer and whole sale dealer in boots and shoes, south east cor. Sycamore and Second. Hendley G. W., manufacturer and dealer in hats and caps, 262 West Fifth. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. Cincinnati, Ohio. CIN GUSTAVE GRUIS. L]it& GU-S, Importers and Dealers in lt! S I ralllI t -v 8MSDITILLERS F CATAWBA, Cris PEBAC AND APPLE dkANDXES, Cordials, Bitters, &c., and all kinds of Domestic Liquors, No. 160 Third St., bet. Race and Elm, Heneke John, w*agon maker, 19 Hamilton Road. Itenke J. t11., boot and shoe manaufactory, north-west cor. Longworth and Elm. Heake Paul, wagon ma.ker, 792 Central ave. Henly I. & H1.; wholesale dealers in millin ery goods, 3 East Fourth, up stairs. HIennekoes H. & G., grocery and saloon, cor. Clay and Thirteenth. Henning H. D., grocery, 549 Race. Ilenning John, carpenter and builder, 7 Home, bet. Fourth'rnd Fifth. HENRIE tHOUSE, JAMNIES WVATSON, PROP'R, COR. TItlIPRD AND SYCA MORE. (See card.) Heinry Jacob, confectionery and chlocolate factory, 479 Main. IHenry John R., nurse for the sick, (col.,) cor. Walnut and Gano. Ilenscher J. I., dealer in groceries, 409 West Seventh. Heaser A., dealer in slates and pencils, 188 Click.ton. IHenshall J. A., eclectic physician, 110 West' Sixth. Henshall J. G.' office Eclectic Jfedical Jour nal, 110 West Sixth. IIENSHAW G. & SONS, MIANUFACTUR ERS OF CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS AND SOFAS, 26 SYCA MORE. IIenshaw & Sons, furniture manufactory, north-east cor. Race and Canal, sales room Sycamore. Henzie Michael, saloon, 119 West Fifth. Henzler John II., grocer, 799 Central ave. flerancourt P., manufacturer of lager and common beer, Central ave., bet. Denn mon and Freeman. HERBSTREIT M., WHOLESALE VINE GAR DEPOT, SUPERIOR WINE AND CIDER VINEGARS, ALSO, WHISKY, WINE AND CIDER, 461 VINE. (See card, p. 127.) flerekelrath C. & Co., importers of all See adv't Butler's Exce kinds of wines and liquors, 105 Syc-a "nlore. Ierder Gustave, importer, whvoles,ale and retail dealei in hlrdware and cutlery, 338 M,.Iain. eHergig Andrew, boot and shoe mnaker and dealer, 63 Court. Hermann F. W., dealer in groceries and provisions, 957 Central1 ave. Hermann S., lager beer saloorn, cor. Syca more and Eighth. Herold A., shavting saloon, 505 MAIin. IHeold alM., prin. Herold Mercantile Aca demy, north-west cor. Fourth and Race. IMtERIIOTT L. A., BOARDING I-HOUSE AND SALOON, 105 CENTRAL AVE. -3e rrmaann J., lager beer saloon, 101 Ca nal, bet. Ritce,tad Vine. Ilerron A. C., land and general agent, 65 West Fourth. H-leriron John kV., attorney at law. 1 Bahus Building, 148 Walnut,. LIescioug J. Mil., chlocolate factory, 571 Walnut. Hesing & C o., cairiare makers, 58 and 60 Twelfth. Hless Anton, boarding house and saloon, 56 Hamilton Road. lEess M. & Co., clothling and gents' fur nishing goods, 359 Malin. HESSE, LEVY & CO., MANUFACT'RS AND' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING, 58 WEST PEARL, BT. VINE AND WALNUT. Hlesset J. Ch. W., fashionable hair clt~ting, shaving, and hair dyeing saloon, 5 East Fourth. cHesselbach F., French Dyeing Establish ment, 44 Twelfth. t1esselberger T. H., dealer in family gro ceries, 125 West Third. Hester Thomas, saloon, south-west corner Sixth and John. Heuermann John, livery and sale stable, 15 West Sixth. 142 CIN LOUIS LEVY. ]LIE-NT CINCINNATI, 0. I S~Patent ConveStabl- Patent Convqtaltab ith PEres s for Cider, Win, oLLER L-iLard. This machine was patented in S1857, since which time it has re ceived over one hundred premiums at United States, State and County Fairs, and has given uni-i versal satisfaction to all who have it in use. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, in Cincinnati, Ohio. AII required information given -. if asked. This is the only machine of the kind in use. Address SAMUEL MALES, No. 96 -eerett Street, lCINCL~VA TI, OHIO. Ileuinmann John, lager beer saloon, No. 29 EDWARD MEARDLE, Front,. HIermann L. & Co., botanic physician, 203 Elm. Iewves,& McCann, manfict'rs anid wvhole sale and retail dealers in boots and all T AILOR shoes. 34 West Fifth. HEWITT S, AMBROTYPE, MELAINO HERVIT' S. ABR()TYE, AIEAINO- 176 V~ine St.., bet. Fourthl nnd Fiftll, TYPE, AND PHOTOGRAPH GAL LERY, SOUTff-WEST C()oR. SIXTI CINCINNA TI, - - - OHIO. AND CENTRAL AVE. Hlewson W\. M. F., note bill and stock bro ker, 28 West Third, MaIsonic Temple. A choice selection of Iley A. l., nIManufict'is of all kinds light niiinei, 216 Se con d be. Plm and Gents' Furnishing Articles, Western Row. Iley Jacob, lager beer saloon, 5) Hllanmilton Road. | Always on had.(l. Heyne ff. Mi., cigar store, cor. Vine and FouHteeM cth. mnnfact'r, south-east corner Fourth Ilibbert Brothers, mani ufaet'rs and dealers and Walnut. in lits, ca.ps, &c., 210 West Fifth. tIlll A. P., ttorney at law, 18 West Third HIickenlooper Andrew, surveyor and civil Banl; Building. engiueer, 200 Vine. I-Hill, iBrown & Co., carpenters anid buildllickmnii J. L. & Co., real estate brokers ers, o352 Central ave. and auctioneers, 4.Merclhants' Ex- Hill E. C., attorney at law, cor. Main and chlinge, Walnut. Ninth. Hickok Mlrs. M., millinery and fancy goods, IHill Edward D., importer and wholesale 3, East Fourth. dealer in tobiCco and ciga;rs, 5 Main, I-licat & Woods, pork packers and curers above Front. of sugair-cured hams, and manufact'rs IHill E. H., dealer in watches and jewelry, star candles and lard oil, north-east silver and pliteti ware, 14 WV. Fourtlh. cor. Sycamore and LCourt. flill F. D., dealer in drugs and mnedicines, Iliedelbach, Wertheimer & Co., mantufac- south-east cor. FIifth a(d Rlace. turers and wholesale dealers in cloth- Iill Goo. I. & Co., manufacturers and ing, cloths, cassimers, vestings, &c., wholesale dealers in soaps atnd can 86 West Pearl. (Ies, fancy soaps in great variety, 31 H-ilb & Hess, importers and dealers in Ro. Main. chelle, Cognac, and Catawba. bran- Hill James, prop'r H;ll's EIxchange, 41 dies, wines, cigars, &c., 376 Main. Public Landing. Hilderbrand L., dealer in groceries, pro- Hill Mrs. S., grocery, 19 East Eighth. duce, wines, liquors, cigars, &c., 189 Hill & Wansbrough, locksmiths and bell Front.. hangeiTs, 373 Central ave. Hildreth Franklin, manufact'r and dealer Hlilleary Geo. T., attorney at law, 282 in cigars and tobacco, 180 W. Court. Main. Hill Alfred, genits' furnishing and shirt See advt. of H. Cummings, p. 107. CIN 143 GIN 0 D. 1.4 3E 4 0 X:- C O., Wholesale and Retail Also Dealer in Foreign and I;omestic Liquors and Wines, And Importer of Cigars, Tobacco, German and French Produce, Olive Oils, Sardines, Holland Herrings, Anchovies, &c. Willow Ware, and White and Colored Carpet and other Yarns. Country Mierchants will do well to call and examine my stock. No. 72 West Fifth Street, bet Walnut and Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio. G.A, DIenzel & Co,'s Lithographic Establishment (Formerly Klanprech & Menzel's.) No. 257 and 259 Walnut St., opp. Walnut St. House, Cincinnati, O. Portraits, Landscapes, Show Cards, Maps, Cards, Notes, Bill Heads, Checks. Drafts, Labels of every kind, &c., done in the best style. Hiller Gustave A., dealer in drugs, paints, Hitton Geo. H., probate judge, office Court oils and dye stuffs, 76 Broadway. House. Hills, O'Driscoll & Co., stereotypers, elec- Hoadley Geo., jr., judge Superior Court. trotypers, and dealers in printing ma- Hobbs & Parker, wholesale grocers, for terials, 141 Main. warding and commission merchants, Hlilmer J. & Brand B., carpet weavers, 10 MIain. 173 West Fifth. [lobby J., dealer in staple and fancy dry ailss Jacob, grocer and provisions, cor. goods, 146w West Fifth. John and Ninth. Ilobelman Mrs. C., lager beer saloon, 3 HIILS JOHN, PROPR ANTELOPE EX- East Fifth. CHANGE, COPR. FRONT AND BUT- flobrank M., grocery, cot. Liberty and LER. Pleasant. hlilts Charles, attorney at law and notary Ilocker H. B., boot,0 and shoe maker, 38 public, 22 Court, room 6 Lee's Build- Elm. lug. Ilocker Mvartin, boot andl shoe maker, 92 Himmelreich Simon, clothing store, 501 Western Row. Vine. Hocker & Brother, dealers in boots an(I Hiuidersmann H., manufacturer and deal- shoes, 857 Central ave. er in boots and shoes, 115 Liberty, Ilodgson W. L. & Co., real estate agents, 52 coel. Race. West Third. Ilines Philip, carpenter, 602 Elm. Hoeldge Wm., tin ware Lnd variety store. Hinken J. & G., groceries, and liquor and 240 West Fifth. feed store, cor. Race and Wate. Hloendorf G., har ness maker, 38o Vine. Hinkle, Guild & Co., door, sash and Ven- Hoene J. HI., imnporter and wholesale dealel etiari shutters factory, planing mill in foreign nmd deomnestic tobacco and and lumber yard, 365 West Fourth, cigars, 7 MNain. opp. Gas Works. Hloeveler Joseph, prop'r Ben. Fr.anklii Ilinkle & Gould, lumber merchants, sashl, Drug store, north-east cot. Central ave. blind and door manufacturers, Seven- and Sixth. teenth Ward, East Front. Hofacker Christian, saloon, 75 Sycamore Ilinnace G., manufacturer of cigars, &c., Hofer Charles, wholesale dealer in bour 441 Vine. bon and rye whisky, and catawba Ilirschberg Jacob, wholesale and retail wines, 73 Walnut. clothier, 287 Main. Hoffheimer & Brothers, importers andl Hlirschliauer Paul, wagon maker, 1,030 dealers in bra-ndies, gins, wines, ci Central ave. gars, &c., 32 and 34 East Second. llirschauer Phillip, manufacturer of Hoffman Jacob, cabinet maker, (077 Vine. boilers, East Front, between Pike and Hoffman Jas. H., commission merchant Butler. and importer of foreign fruits and Hirschfeld I., tanner, 807 Central ave. produce, 10 East Second. Hirsh N., merchant tailor, 212 Vine. Hoffman G., billiard saloon, 475) Walnut. Hitchell John, tin, copper and sheet iron Hoffman William, dry goods, 213 Front. worker and paper carrier, 433 Cen- Hoffman & Caspan, blacksmiths, 50 West tral ave. ern Row. See W. L. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN CIN 144 f4i CIN HlOUSE, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Elm Sts, Cincinnatis C I L. M. HARPER, PROPRIETOR. hoffman & Moser, artists' emporium, deal- &c. &c., 535 AND 537 CENTRAL ers in paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, AVE. &c., 222 Main. HOLENSHADE & CO., DEALERS IN BAR Hoffman Chas., importer and dealer in IRON, STOVES, G R A T E S AND Rhine wines, south-east cor. of the HARDWARE, 553, 555 AND 557 Court House. CENTRAL AVE. Hoffman Geo. Philip, prop'r Military Hall, Ilolldorb Mrs. John C., importer and man 539 and 541 Vine. ufacturer of cigars and tobacco, 221 Hoffman Henry, boot and shoe maker, 381- Main. East Front. Ilolle Charles & Co, dealers in Wulker's Hoffman Jacob, boot and shoe maker, 486 ale and porter, Cutter, bet. Court anal Walniut. Richmond. HIloffmeister F., importer and manufacturer HOLLERBACH JOHN, COFFEE AND of dresses, mantilla trimmings, frin- BOARDING HOUSE, (MISSOURI ges, tassels, buttons, &c., No. 98 West HOUSE,) 43 EAST FRONT. Fifth. Holliday & Smith. dealers in hardware and HIIOFFNER JACOB, TIN AND SHEET cutlery, north-east cor. Fifth and Cen IRON WARE MANUFACTURER, 38 tral ave. EAST PEARL. Hollingshead M., insurance agent for New Hofinmann J., cabinet maker and furniture England Fire and Marine Ins. Co., dealer, 204 Elm. and Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co., Hogan Michael, famuily grocery, 161 Cen- 79 West Third. tral ave. Hollister G. B., attorney at law, 230 WalHogan P., boarding house and saloon, 241 nut. West Sixth. Holmes S. & Son, manufacturers, importIlogarah Thomas, saloon, cor. Second and ers and wholesale dealers in paper Vine. hangings, 65 West Fourth. Hohn F., bakery, 620 Central ave. Holmes & Co., wholesale dealers in wines, Hohnstedt H., grocery, cor. Race and Four- liquors and cigars, 19 East Front. teenth. HOLSTEIN &HAM.NMER,MANUFACTURHolabird A. B. & Co., founders, engine and ERS OF SERPENTINE, G 0 T H I C boiler makers, also manufacturers of AND OTHER MOULDINGS IN ALL J. C. Reed's patent grist mill, 355 KINDS OF WOOD, 31 SMITH, COR. West Front, bet. Smith and Rose. AUGUSTA. (See card, p. 129.) HolchMatthew, merchant tailor, 476 Vine. HOLT AMOS, WHOLESALE AND REHOLDEN R. A. & CO., DEALERS IN TAIL DEALER IN BUTTER, EGGS, FEATHERS, GINSENG AND BEES- LARD, &c. &c., 32 WEST FIFTH. WAX, 393 M.IN. Holt James, prop'r of the Arcade Billiard HOLENSHADE MORRIS & CO., MANU- Room, 74 West Third. FACTURERS OF CARRIAGE BOLTS, Holt William, dealer in groceries and pro AXLE CLIPS, THRESHERS' TEETH, duce, 88 East Pearl. Holthaus B. H.,boot and shoemaker, 35 Vine. 10 CIN 145 CIN GRANT, PITTMAN & LEEDS, Patent. Right Hand General Ag'ts NO. 8 WEST THIRD STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Attend to buying, selling and exchanging patent r4ghts and patented articles, real estate and property of any kind, execute orders for trees, flowers, agricultural implemtnents, books, mills, &c. To facilitate our large business and publish our many agenties, we have established GRANT & PITTMAN'S UNITED STATES ADVERTISER. Piublished daily, weekly, and monthly, and sent, to every State and Territory in the Union and the British Possessions-the best medium in the West for patentees to advertise in. Send for specimen copies. lIoltsinger & Woolley, carpenters and builders, 167 George, below John. Iloltzinger Henry, brush maker, 107 Court. loltzmann Philip, lager beer saloon, 186 West Sixth. IIOLZHIIALB & BALKE, MANUFACTUR ERS OF BILLIARD TABLES, WITH PHELAN'S PATENT CUSHIONS, NORTH-EAST COR. MAIN AN D EIGHTH. ItOMAN H. & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BRITANNIA WARE, AND DEAL ERS IN BLOCK TIN, ANTlMONY, AND OTHER METALS, &c. &c., 11 EAST SEVENTH. HIOMANS & CO., BANKERS AND DEAL ERS IN DOMESTIC AND STERLING EXCHANGE AND BANK NOTES, 13 WEST THIRD. Ilome Insurance Co., Cincinnati, James H. Silvers, see'y, Wm. T. Phipps, pres., 37 West Third. Iloner John B., watch maker and jeweler, 203 Walnut. lonhouser B., prop'r Eighth st. bakery, 63 East Eighth. Ilonhouser John, bakery, 90 Hunt. IIonkomp Frederick, saloon, 145 West Fifth. HIoning Frank, billiard and lager beer sa loon, 470 Main. I-Ionkomp Mrs. Mary, saloon, 61 West Sixth. HOOLE E D W I N, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN PORTMONAIES, POCKET BOOKS, SPECTACLE AND JEWELRY CASES, STATIONERY, &c., &c., 29 EAST THIRD. (See card p. 130.) Hoole Jas. H., mattrass manufacturer, 25 and 27 East Third. HOOLE JOHN R., IMPORTER, DEALER AND MANUFACTURER O F BOOK BINDERS' STOCK AND TOOLS, 31 EAST THIRD. Hopf & Gebhardt, file manufactory, 26 Hamilton Road. Hopkine H. P., house and sig,n painter, 183 Vine. Hopkins J ohn, manufacture r of tin and sheet i ron ware, cor. Seventh and Sy camore. Hoppe D., fa mily g rocery, 546 Central ave. Hopper MT. S., dealer in dry goods, 75 East Pearl. Hopple I., attorney at law, 11 East Third, room 18 Law Buildings. HORD GEOc. M. & CO., PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 69 WEST FRONT. Hord Lewis & Co., commission m erchants for the sal e of flour, grain, hemp and provisions, 86 West Front. Horn Ge o rge, lager beer and c offee house saloon, 272 Main. Hornblow, cabin et maker, 6 East Sixth. Horner & GETff, commission merchants and wholesale dealers in cheese, &c., 13 Public Landing. Hornle F., merchant tailor, 935 Central ave. Horrock John, manufacturer of tin and sheet iron ware, 25 Broadway. Horrocks J. R. & Son, manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice, tin roofers, and jobbers, 6 Commereial Row. Horseley & Ehler, steaum boat joiners, 248 West Front. HORSTSCHNEIDER JOSEPH. B O O T AND SHOE MAKER AND DEALER, 165 WEST FIFTH. Horton B. J., attorney at law and notary public, office Masonic Temple. Ilorton H. V., insurance agent, cor. Wal nut and Fifth. Hosea Robert & Co., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, south-west cor. Main and Front. Hospe A., frame manufacturer and gilder, 6 East Fourth. HOSSLER WM. H., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN V E N I T I A N BLINDS, ETC., 147 SYCAMORE. See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 146 cry 147 CIN WAl. MERRITT. JAS. M. THOMPSON. MIERRITT THOMPSON & o, Proprietors Western iuilders' De'pot, 527 Central Avenue, cor. Laurel St., Cincinnati, O., Nfanufactu-rers of Flooring, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Door and Window Frames, Shutters, Mantels, Base, Pilasters, Architraves, Stairs, Balustrading, Columns, &c., and every description of work for public and private buildings; also, dealers in all kinds of Pine, Poplar and Hemllock Lumber, Shingles, Lathl, &c. We have in our establishment every description of Wood Working Machinery, and customers everywhere can rely on having their orders promptly and carefully attended to, shipped as directed. Particular attention paid to planing and sawing, and all kinds of machine work for city and country builders. Ilouseman Benj., constable, 23 Franklin. Housemann F., blacksmith, 420 Sycamore. Ilovert B. II., merchant tailor, 614 Central ave. .ow Joseph, city inspector of leaf tobac co, Pearl, bet. Plurm'rend Western Row. H-owe A. J., physician and surgeon, cor. Main antd Fourth, up stairs. Ilowe Henry, publisher, 111 Main up stairs. Hlowell, boarding house, 208 West Fifthl. H-lowell Geo W., saloon and restaurant, 97 West Fifth. [Iowells & Evans, agents for Moseley's corruga,,teld iron roofing, 65 West Third. Hoy John F., attorney at law, 57 West Third. HIUBBARD S. G., CONDUCTOR OF CIN CINNATI TRADE SALES, AND AUC TION AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, 21 WEST FIF TH, U P STAIRS. Hubbell, Driver & Cottom, importers and wholesale dealers in dry goods, 59 Pearl. HUBBELL W. M., SEC'Y AND TREAS. CINCINNATI FUEL CO., C O A L YARD, 103 EAST THIRD. Hubbell & Coney, family grocery, 626 Miain, cor. Liberty. Huber, Schlue & Leist, tanners, curriers and morocco dressers, 669 Elm, bet. ,Findlay'ned Cooper. HUBERT J. G., DEALER IN GROC ERIES AND PROVISIONS, 72 EASTPEARL BET. SYCAMORE AND BROAD WAY. Huck Francis, inanufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco 114 cor. Ludlow and Columbia. Iluddart Wm. & Co., scale manufacturers, 8 West Second. HUDEPOHL & SANDHEGER, IMPOR TERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, AND LI QUORS, 25 AND 27 COURT. (See card, p. 130.) Hudson James, fancy groceries, cor. Lib erty and Wilson. Hudson Mrs. W. L., millinery, 175 Vine. Hudson Mrs. S., saloon, 280 Central ave. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. JOHNSON, MORTON a CO, LUMBER11 i M. It Itis ci li F1 STEAMBOAT BUILDERS, AND PLANING MACHINEI" We have constantly on hand Flooring, Weather-Boards, Ceiling, &c. Doors, Sash and Blinds made to order, and sold at lowest cash prices. No. 585 East Front Street, - - - CINCINNATI, OHIO. Also Proprietors Seventeeth Ward, near Sportsman's Hall, Cincinnati, O., Where we keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Pine, Poplar, and Oak Lumber of all thicknesses and widths, Framing Timber of -ll sizes and quality. We also manufacture Lath, Shingles, Broom Handles, Curtain Rollers, Wheel Barrows, Bed Slats, Chair Rongs, Chair Backs and Legs. All these will be mnanufa,ctured and sold at lowest market prices. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Hudson W. L., manufacturer and whole sale dealer in guns and sporting ap paratus, 238 Main. Huebuer A., druggist, cor. of Elm and Jef ferson. Huesman & Co., dealers in fine cigars and tobacco, 13 Broadway. Huff John, private banker, office north east cor. Main and Seventh. Huffman P., cigar maker and dealer, 1015 Central ave. Hug Rudolph, surgical instrument maker, 540 Central ave. Hugel John, dry goods and notions, 460 Walnut. Hugel John, prop'r Tell C ity Ilom se, cor ner ilain and chiller. Hughes J amres, dealer in confectioneries, 225 Central ave. Hughes, Adams & Co., importers a nd wholesale dealers in fancy dry goods, silks, ribbons, hoisery, gloves, trim mings, &c., 141 Walnut. Hughes John, boarding house, 174 East Pearl. Hughes & Dorland, importers of watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., north-west cor. Main and Pearl. Hughes & Foster, flooring mill and dealers in dressed lumber, south-east corner John and Augusta.c HIUGHES & SHARP, SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS, SOUTH EAST COR JOHN AND AUGUSTA. (See card, p. 131.) IHuie, Walla1ce & Co., wholesale dealers in hosiery, nlotionrs and fancy goods, 21 West Sixth and 104 Walnut. HIukill H., exchange broker, 47 Sycamore. Hull David P., dealer in real estate, stocks, bonds and mortgages on comrmission, 169 W alnut. Hull Joseph E., manufacturer of tin-men's tools, 93 and 95 East Eighth. Humble J. & P., stone cutters and builders. 288 Broadway. Hume James, general brass founder and brass cock manufacturer, Lodge, near Seventh, bet. Walnut and Vinie. HIlume J. B., Musty Ale Cottage, 104 iMain. Hume & Co., musty ale depot, 293 West Fifth. Iwummel David, stone cutter, Plum, bet. Wade and Liberty. Hunnemann Henry, manufacturer and dealer incigars, 422 Walnut. Hunnemann St., boot anrid shoe maker, 424 Walnut. Hunnewell, Hill & Co., importers and dealers in china, glass, queensware, e arthenware, &c., 87 Main. Hunsicker Jacob, grocery and coffee house, cor. Fifteenth and Bremen. See Campbell Ellison & Co.'s advt., p. 102. 148 CIN CIN ,&* ** A-* ^ v I u v CIN CIN 149 WILLIAM J-ONES, Prop'r, 167 East Front St., bet. Pike and Butler, CINCINNATI, O. HUNT C. B., DEALER IN CIOICE FAM- china, queersware, house furnishiing, ILY BUTTER, 240 VINE. goods, &c., 119 Mailn. TIUNT ClHARLES B., WVHOLESALE AND lluntington & Brooks, importers and whole RETAIL BUTTER DEALER, 197 AND sale dealers in queensware, glass, &c., 199 WALNUT, BET. FIFTHI AND 51 West Fourtl. SIXTH. (See card p. 132.) H -Iard Edward, wholesale andcl retail carpet, I-Iiunt John. prop'r mincemeat and apple oil cloth and curtain warehouse, 11 butter works, cor. Central ave. and East Fourth. Ain.i HURIN JAMES K., PROP'R QUEEN OF IHunter D. C., family grocery, 214 West THE WEST AND MALTA MILLS, Sixth. AND FLOUR AND COMMISSION Hunter John R.,,ttorney and counselor at MERCHANT, AND GRAIN DEAL law, and notary public, 148 Walnut. ER, 877 AND 579 VEST SIXTH. IUNTERIi WMl. PHIYSICIAN, 289 WEST I-urmann Henry, cigars, tobacco and snuff, FIFTtI. 416 Vine. Hunter, Edmeston & Co., importers and Itiuroe John H., dealer in leather and find manufacturers of saddlery hardware, ings, 386 Vine. carriage trimmings, saddle trees, liuser Edward, dealer in wines, liquors leather, springs, axles, &c., 168 Main. and provisions 372 Main. litunter & Kolker, stair builders, John, bit. Itusman Andrew, la,,er beer saloon, 502 Laurel and Betts. Central ave. HIuntington Brotlers & (o., inmporters of Huss Karl, grocery and lager beer, 1116 Central ave. See R. Conkling & Co.'s adv't of Pure White Lead, p. 112. CIN 150 CIN C. F. MEYER & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in - CIGA IRS AND TOBACCO, 70 and 72 Court St., north side, bet. Walnut and Vine Sts.. CINCINNATI OHIO. The best quality of Smoking Tobacco manufactured, and all kinds of Imported Leaf Tobacco constantly on hand, at the Lowest Cash Prices. Hust and Ziegler, Mohawk livery stable, Locust, bet. Hamilton road and Buck eye. Huston J. M., house and sign painter, 67 West Third. Hlutchinson Aaron, bookseller, stationer and periodical dealer, 160 Vine. Hutchison Edward, wholesale dealer in all kinds of coal, coke, fire brick and clay, south-east cor. Front and Butler. Hutchison E. E., attorney at law and no tary public, 4 Masonic Temple. Huthsteiner Edward, importer and dealer in cigars, tobacco and snuff, 405 Vine. Hutton J. & R.. wagon manufacturers Front, bet. Elm and Plum. HIluvet H., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 550 Central ave. Hyam N., exchange and pawnbroker, of fice 214 Walnut. Hyatt John T., city antd State collector, 29 West Third. Hyman Moses & Co., wholesale dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, and man ufacturers of ready made clothing, 126 Main. Hyndman G. W., bellows mnanufactory, 54 East Second. Ihle M., china, gl..ss and queensware, 479 Vine. Iler Henry, dealer in fancy dry goods, 265 Central ave. IliffA. M., currier, 527 Plum. ll Bernhard, rectifier of whisky and man- ufactutrer of vinegar, cor. Ann and Plum. ImhoffJohn, shaving saloon, 345 Broad way. Imm Charles, saloon and grocer, cor. Lin n and Poplar. Immerhort H., grocery, 511 Race. Imwalle Barnard, lager beer saloon, 67 Butler. Imwalle H., fashionable boot and shoe ma ker, 60 East Fifth. INDIANA HOUSE, GIDEON RYMIAN, PROP'R, 157 AND 159 WESTFIFTH. (See card p. 161.) INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD COMPANY, ItENRY C. LORD, PRESIDENT AND SUPER INTENDENT, 66 WEST THIRD. Indianapolis and Cincinnati, aind Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Office, Chas. R. Cottord, A. Hamilton, J. F. Girty, agents, cor. Broadway and Front. Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad Om nibtus Line. James Marsh, agent, cor. Third and Vine. INTERNATIONAL SALOON, BOWMAIAN & TIEMAN, PROP'RS, SYCAMORE. BET. THIRD AND FOURTH. Irwin Thlos., beer saloon, 25 East Eighth. IRWIN & CO., STEAMBOAT AGENCY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 32 BROADWAY. Irwing Mrs. J. S., dress making, 136 West Sixth. Isaacs L. & Co., manufilet'rs and wholesale dealers in hats and caps, 64 West Pearl. Isaacs S., mnanufact'r and dealer in hats and caps, 120 Main. Isaacs S., manufact'r and dealer in ready made clothing, 237 West Sixth. Isaacs S. & Co., manunfact'rs and dealers in hats, caps, and all kinds of fanicy, flurs, 120 and 264 Main. Isham & Fisher, boat stores and ship chaIn dlery, 47 Public Landing. Ives Henry, co unty recorder, office Court House. Jackson, Herbert & Co., medical dispen sary, 167 Sycamore. JACKSON J. A. & CO., IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND D E A L E R S IN WHISKIES, MIANUFACT'RS G I'N G E R WINE, ST OMA CH BITTERS, &c., M13 EAST PEARL. (See card p. 135.) Jacob C., grocer, 277 FreeDFan. Jacob C. a L., pork aiid beef packers. north-ea,st cor. Second and Sycamore. Jacob G., prop'r PVhiladelphia, House, 31 Fronlt. Jacob Isaac, agent for Lyons' Catawba Brandy, 99 West Third. Jacob & Dietrich, carriage manufacturers, 608 and 610 Main. Jacobs C., butcher, 323 West Sixth. JACOBS CHARLES, Jo., COMMISSION MERCHANT A N D WHOLESALE DEALER IN BACON, LARD, IIAMS, SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEF. &c., 50 WALNUT. Jacobs F., clothing store, 483 Vine. Jacobs Isaac, sole appointing agent I,. Ly See adv't of Dennison House, p. 113. NASH. SHELDON, I~~~~~K 11 I1,3 Cl) O) 1S M NUFACTU ER'k-NI\ s Of every variety. Also PAD PLATIES & GENERAL JOBBING. EIGHTSY STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY, .- - - - OHIO. Jennings, Butterfield & Clark, wholesale grocers, north-west corner Main and Sixth. Jennys Wm., billiard saloon, 286 Main. Jessop Win. & Sons, inanufact'rs convert: ers and refiners of steel, 7 West Se cond. Jewett & Adams, manufact'rs flour, buck wheat, meal, and salt sacks, No. 5'3 Walnut. Joachim Wendell, attorney at law, notary public, and commissioner of deeds, 22 Court, Germania Hall. Johanninginann AI., cabinet maker an(i furniture dealer, 610 Race. Johnson Bros. & Co., publishers of Lord'-s Detector, 61 West Third. Johnson Caleb, Yuba Saloon, 176 C entral avenue. Johnson E. H., physician, 139 West Sixth. Johnson E. M., pros ecuting attorney, City Buildings. Johnson Edgar M., attorney at law, 8 W. Third, Bank Building. Johnson Geo. L. & A. D., receiving, foi warding and commission merchants, 29 West Front. Johnson John, photographist, corner Main and Ninth. Johnson J. B., marble works, north-east Central ave. and Twelfth. JOHNSON, MORTON & CO., LUMBER MERCHANTS, STEAMBOAT BUII DERS AND PLANING MACHINES, 585 EAST FRONT. (See card, page 148.) Johnson, Saunders & Co., prop'rs Burnet House, cor. Third and Vine. Johnson S. J. & Co., bankers and exch'ge dealers, 53 Public Landing. Johnson Mrs. W. J., confectionery and ice cream saloon, 120 West Fourth. Johnson Wm., carpenter and builder, 65 East, Third. Johnson & Bates, shaving saloon, 222 Cen t,ral ave. ons' Ohio Catawba Brandy, 99 Third. office 143 Third. Jacobs J. Rowley, portrait artist, 60 West Fourth. Jacobs Wm. & Co., coopers, 109 Clark. Jahr B., bakery, 532 iM!ain. JAMES CHAS. E., DEALER IN FANCY GOODS, 206 WEST FIFTH. James C. H., dentist, 268 Seventh. James L. A., physician, south-west corner Eighth and Mound. James Robert, manufact'r ladies, misses, and children's shoes, 172 West Fifth. JAMES THOMAS M., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3 MASONIC TEMPLE. James U. P., publisher and wholesale book dealer, 167 Walnut. JAMES & JACKSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOUTH-WEST COR. ROOMS MASONIC TEMPLE. Jamison Miss S. M., millinery, wholesale and retail, 121 West Fifth. Jander Gustavus, saddle and harness ma ker, 62 Hamilton Road. Jander L., harness and collar factory, 398 Central ave. Janning H., dealer in dry goods, No. 139 Laurel. Jenebach John, boarding house, 16 East Front. Jenfier Benj., livery and sale stable, cor. Walnut and Twelfth. Jenkins H. & Co., importers and dealers in watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware, &c., south-east corner Sycamore and Second. Jenkins J. & T., builders, Eighth, bt. Cut ter and Linn. Jenkins John, undertaker, metalic burial cases, 138 Sycamore. Jenney & Roelafson, engineers, architects and real estate agents, north-west cor. Race and Fourth. Jenni Mrs. H.: lager beer saloon, No. 550 Main. Jennifer Benj., prop'r horse auction and sales stable, 24 East Fifth. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 151 CIN ClIN~CINNATrI, CIN 152 CIN LADD, %VEBSTER & CO.'S IMPROVED TIGHT STITGfr Western Office, No. 80 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. ______~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ N o II 7 A NEW STYLE JUST ISSUED AT FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS. IL EVER OFFERED TO TI-IE PUBLIC. Johnson & Truslow, commission and for- Jolliffc J., attorney at law, 60 W. Fourth. warding merchants, 21 Water. Jonas Wmi. Henry, confectioner, 59 East .Johnson & Winston, wholesale and retail Fourth. dealers in groceries and produce, 104 Jones Mrs., boarding house, 296 West East Pearl, bet. Broadway and Lud- Fifth. low. Jones Brothers & Co., importers andl dealJohnston Alex., dry goods and furnishling ers in dry goods, 19 West Pearl. store, 12 West Fifth. Jones E. P. & Sons, coal dealers 235 East JOHNSTON EDWARD P., PROP'R OF I Front. APOLLO BILLIARD ROOM, APOL- Jones E. P. & Sons, coal yard, cor. Court, LO BUILDING, CORNER WALNUT bet. Broadway and Canal. AND FIFTH. (See card, p. 89.) Jones E. W., dealer in family groceries, Johnston G. W. C., dealer in Wood, 145 513 West Fifth, cor. Stone. Water, bet. Race and Elm. Jones Fred. C., attorney at law and notaJohnston J. & J. M., dealers in all kinds ry public, 23 West Third. of lumber, cor. Third and White Wa- Jones F.i E.. portrait and historical engra ter Canal. ver on steel, up stairs, south-east cor. Johnston J. & J. M1., manufact'rs MIaish's Fourth and Main. Patent Packing Boxes and Bath Tubs Jones Griffin, boot and shoe maker, 176 of every description, 219 and 221 W. East Peal. Third. Jones G. E., physician, 448 W. Seventh. Johnston Robert A., attorney at law and Jones Mrs. J. G., dry goods, 437 West Sev notary public, 148 Walnut. enth. Johnston Thomas, wholesale auction and Jones John G., Cincinnati Post Office. commission merchant, 93 Main. Jones J. Lawrence, attorney at law, 23 W. Johnston & Foertmeyer, chemists and phar- Third. maceutists, north-east cor. Sixth and Jones Jacob, lager beer saloon, 36 East Elm. Fifth, basement. Jokers M., grocery and bakery, 355 lIam- Jones Joseph, blacksmith. 66 E. Front. ilton Road. See advt. of Butler's Excelsior Fluid Inks, p. 101. CIN MAX NATHAN. NAT 1AN & LEV-Y (Successors to Nathan, Escales & Co.) liM_PBRT',,ERS OF Wt TC ES, mmi AM n\ =.R Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, 100 Walnut St., bet. Peail and Third Sts., CINCINNATIX 0+. JONES WILLIAM, SASHI BLIND AND Juegling & Woodburn, plumbers, (02 Cen DOOR, HOUSE AND STEAMBOAT tral Ave. CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND) Junck Creighton, lager beer saloon, Court? LUMBERP DEALER, 1 6 7 1 A S T bet. Main and Sycamore. FRONT, BET. PIKE AND BUTLER. Juttzler H., brush factory, 443 Vine. (See card, p. 149.) Kaesser C., grocery, cor. Plum and ] FifJones WV. E., attorney at law, 6 Masonic teenth. Temple. Kahle Chas., merchant tailor, 596 Main. JONES W. P, AGENCY OFFICE, 25 Kahn Julius, auction and comimission i er EAST FOURTh-. chant, 9 West Fifth. JONES & IBURNET, ATTORNEYS AT KAHN MIICHAEL, RE.AL ESTATE AND LAW, ) MA,SONIJ TE-YJIPLE. EXCIIANGE OFFICE, 12 BROADJones & (Connalain, nianufacturers of lard Y~ AY. oil, candles and soaps, 728 Central KAHN MICHAEL. EXCIIANGEI AND Avenue. LOAN OFFICE, 10 EAST FRONT. Jones & McElvliiie, boiler makers, Law- Kahn S., prop'r American Hotel, cor. Fifth renee, bet. Pearl and Front. and Sycamiiore. ,Jones & Son, prop'rs Jones House, south- Kaiser & Busam, manufacturers and deal west cor. Ninrth and Sycamore. ers in boots and shoes, 39 Court. Jordan Charles W., paper box manufac- Kaiser & Knepper, manufaietulrers and tory, co. Fifth andi Walnut. dealers in tobacco and cigars, No. 222 Jordan D. B., whlolesale,and retail nianu- Front. facttirer and dealer in paper boxes, Kaiser & Kohler, nanufaeturers of musical sout-ea st cort. Main atnd Fifth. instruments, 473 Walnut. Jordan & Worthington, -attorneys at law, Ka,lbfell Wm. & Co., steamin book and job Mlanchester Btluilding, cor. Third and printing establishment, 21 East Third. Sycamore. Kallihan G., chair aind cabinet maker, cor. Joring Fred., boot and shoe maker, 12 Cas- John and Betts. sedy's Row. Kallmeyer F., manuficturer and dealer in Joseph & Bro., wholesale clothiers, 253 sa.ddles and harness, 508 Mlain. Main. Kaillueyer II., shloe maker, cor. Richmond Joseph & Bro, dealers in clothing and and Bayrniller. gent's furnishing goods, 311 Main. Kallmiur Geo., manufacturer and dealer in Jouvet John HI., agent for the sale of sew- boots and shoes, 357 Main. in, embroidery, saddler's trimmings, Kammann H. W., stiple ard fancy dry orgianzine fringe, spool silk, etc., 72 goods, 499 Vine. West Fourth. Kamp G. H., manufacturer and dealer in Jouvet & Co., agtents for Kelsey's sewing boots and shoes, 3 College Hall. machines, 72 West Fourth. KANAWHA CANNEL COAL AND MINJudah J., shaving saloon, 4 East Sixth. ING OIL MANUFACTURING COMJudge J. F., physician, 173 Central Ave. PANY, C. R. HASKIN, AGENT, 97 ,JudCkins D., physician, 103 Race. WALNUT. Judkins J. P., physician and surgeon, 135 KANE & SCHULTZ, COACII, HARNESS Sixth. AND HOUSE PLATERS, 354 WEST Judkins W., physician and surgeon, south- FIFTII. (See card, p. 133.) west cor. Race and Longworth. See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100 CIN 153 JOSEPIH LEVY. Wholesale Dealers in CIN Flour, Grain, Produce, General Commission And Forwarding Merchants, and Manufacturers of Vinegar, NO. 111I East Pearl Street, - CINCINNATI, 01110. Particular attention paid to filling Orders for MIerchandise generally. Kappel Adam, exchange office, 2 f1am mond. Karlsruher Nathan & Co., dealers in paper and paper maker's materials, 3 3 4 Walnut, Metropolitan Buildings. Karr John, attorney at law and notary public, 1,71 Walnut. Karrmann Wmn., druggist and apothecary, north-west cor. Fifth and Smith. Kasting G. It., grocery, 66 Hamilton Road. Kasting & Kruse, commission merchants, 24 West Front. KATES JACOB, Mi EDICAL OFFICE FOR THE CURE OF HERNIA OR RUP TURE, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND URINARY ORGANS, 153 SYC AMORE. Katliman & Brothler, manufacturers and dealers ill boots andcshoes, 247 Cen tral Ave. KATHMANN CLE.\IENT, MAERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, 25 MILL, BET. WHITE WATER CANAL AND COLUMBIA. Kathmanni & Brother, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 48, Main. Kattenhorn Arm., wholesale and retail grocer, 381 Main. Kattenhorni J. H., grocery and provision dealer, cor. Third and Lock. Katzenberger S., clothier, south-east cor. Walnut and qixth. Kaufmann & Brother, importers and deal ers in all kinds of brandies, wines, gins and cordials; also, Havana, do mestic and German cigars, 29 Syca more, bet. Front and Second. Kavenaugh M. A., grocer and liquor deal er, north-west cor. Court and Broad way. KAYLOR THOMAS O., AMBROTYPE AND FINE ART GALLERY, 68 AND 70 WEST FOURTH. (See card, p. 134.) Kaan J., house, sign and ornamental painter, 130 Race. Keane Michael, boot and shoe maker, 250 Broadway. Kebler & Force, attorneys at law, 6 East Third. Keck Harmann, manufacturer of jewelry, cor. Main and Fourth, up stairs. Keck &. Shaffer, beef and pork packers ~ned commission merchants, 9 and 11 East Canal. Keegan M., prop'r Robert Emmet House, 61 West Water. Keehan Thomas, prop's Baltic Saloon, 26(t Central Ave. Keeler J. M., dealer in every description of stoves and hollow ware, 13 and 15 West Fifth. Keeler W. tt., news agent O. &;. R. R., 482 West Front. Keenan N. E., phliotographist, 6 W e s t Fourth. Keeshan E. & Co., family grocery, north east cor. Ninth and Elm. Keeshlan John, druggist, apothlecary and dealer in medicines, chemicals, etc., north-west cor. Sixth and Walnut. Keihn Valentine, lager beer saloon, Findly Market, south side. Kellcher T., school furniture manufac tuirer, George, bet. Freeman and Bay miller. Keller Stephen, watch and clock maker, 43 Court. Kelley A. A., gift book establishment, 28 West Fourth. Kelley J. G., saloon, 323 Central Ave. Kelley John H., carpenter and builder, south-west cor. Pliim and Canal. KELLOGG & WILLIAMS, AU C T I ON AND COMIMISSION MERCHANTS, 22 AND 24 EAST THIRD. Kelly C. J., marble worker, north-east cor. Linn and Hopkins. Kelly Hugh, free stone yard and saw mill, Second, near Central Ave. Kelly J. W. B., dealer in china, glass and queensware, 126 West Fifth. Kelly John G., grocer, cor. Court and John. Kelly M., boot and shoe maker, 100 West Front. Kelly Solomon, hair cutting and shaving saloon, 157 West Sixth. Kelly & Britt, architects and builders, 81 West Third. KEMMETER GEORGE, PROP'R QUFEN CITY BILLIARD SALOON, 25 WEST FOURTIH. Kemper I. L., surveyor and civil engineer, 284 Main. Kemper Washington, plumber, lead pipe 3ds manufacturer, chain, lift, force and ale pumps, 198 Main. See Applegate & Co.'s Adv't p. 90. 154 CIN GUS. BROWN. ROBERT 01-tR. CIN 155 CIN (Late Oskamp & Bro.,) Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Clocks, Jewelry, Watch Materials, Tools, Plated Ware, Gold Pens, &c., manufacturer of J[WELitY.,WATCH CASIS, &C., No. 108 Main Street, east side, bet. Third and Fourth, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Orders prornptly filled. Watches and Je-welry Repaiire( for the Trade. Kendall U. J., blacksmith, 693 Central Klessen Henry, fced store, 1114 Central Ave. ave. Kenkel J. G., dealer in jewelry, watches, Kessing Frank, grocer, 49 Plum. clocks, etc., 486 Main. Kessler F., family grocery, 174 WVest Sixth. Kenkel thenry, dealer in watches, clocks KESSLER IT. & SON, IMPORTERS AND and jewelry, 516 Main. DEALERS IN LEATHER, FINDKennaday Michael, saloon, 111 West'l Third. INGS, IIIDES, FURS, OILS, &c., 215 Kennedy M., grocery and liquors, 119 MIAIN. Sycamore. Kessler IHenry, county sheriff, offce Court Kennedy & Reed, auction and commission House. merchants, 223 Main. Kesling H. J., baker, corner Clinton and Kennell G. & Co., hose and belt manufac- Linn. turers, 9 West Front. Kestner A. HT., wholesale grocer and proKennett Dudley & Co., agents for the sale duce dealer, cor. Main and Canal. of Virginia manufactured tobacco, Kestner Geo. F., wholesale and retail gro and general commission merchants, cer, north-east cor. Mlain and Canal. 12 Main. Kestner Geo. R., pork packer and han Kennewig C., dry goods and notions, 541 curer, 8 Canall and lHunt. Main. Ketteritzsch & Rosenbuirg, marble and free Kenning A., mnerchant tailor, 96 Court. stone works, 597 Elm. Kent Luke, wholesale aind retail dealer in Keutz Barni, Liberty Tree Iotuse, 76 Svc watches, clocks. jewelry, etc., cor. amore. Mlain and Waluiit. Key T. M., attorney at law, Alanchester Kent Wm. & Co., m;:inufacturers and deal- building, cor. Sycamore and Third. era in boots an:la shoes, 126 WVest Fifth. Keys, MIaltby & Co., wholesale grocelsand Keppler George, confectioner, 253 West commission merchants, 21 and 23 Fourth. West Second. Keppner L. A., wholesale and retail shirt Kibby Mrs. A. E., trimming and notion factory, north-east cor. Fifth and Vine, house, 222 Broadway. over Cole & Hlopkin's store. I(ibby Miilton S., painter, 222 Broadway. Kerrigan lThomas, saloon, Western Row, Kieborth Martin, manufacturer and dealer bet. Second and Pearl. in lihats, caps, &c., 264 Central ave. Kern Frank, grocery, 694 Central ave. Kiefer John, coffee house, 1028 Central Kerner John, bakery, 8 Walnut. ave. Kerr Geo., fashionable hatter, 88 West Kiersted & Hoffman, copper smithls, 89 Fifth. East Front. Kersker J. G., grocery, cor. Green and Kieseweiter Gottfried, merchanttailor, 219 Pleasant. Elm, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Kerstingt Henry, billiard and lager beer Kilborn M1. F., book keeper and manager saloon, 7 and 9 West Twelfth. See Robert Clarke & Co.'s advt. of Law Books, &c, p. 109. CIN A. C. POtTlER, Manlaufacturer and w holesa,le de aler il' Mo de r iffmprove ignt ig i os Nos. 21 and 23 West Sixth Street, C INCTI NATI, - - - - OHDIO for David A. l'owell,:1utler, bet. Coln gress and Frontt. Kilbreth James P., trustee Ohio Life In i - suirance Trust, Coimpaiiy, 19 West Third. lKildctff. M., grocer, cor. John and ElI iz,abeth. KILGOUR- C. HI., Sec'y LI. M. and C. and X. R. R. Co., south-east cor. Perl an(l Kilgou r. Kilsey Albert, prop'r1 Kilsey's patent bcee hive, 57 V est Tlhird. Kimball & Weed, planing, floorinrg andre sawing mills, 570 Race. Kimball & Wittsee, savwm,akers, and deal ers in butclher'.s tools, saw knives, steels, choppers, &c., 41 Couirt. King MiIrs., girocery, 71 Court. Klin GGeo. C. & Co, comriission merchants and provision brolkers, 273 Sycamore. King Jaries G., wholesale and retail dealer in wines a-nd liqu-ors, south-west cor. Sixth and Freema-n. KING JOIHN, M. D., TREATING( CIl'stON IC DISEASES, 85 WEST EIG-HTHl. King Peter, bla cksmith, 10)32 Central ave. Kin,(, T., carpe,,ter aind Ibuilder, 153 West Longworth. lKing W m., an.iaiuf'mturer and wholesale dealer ini boots an(d shoes, 27 East Pearl]. King & Daly, vwholesale dealers in liquors, teals andX1 tobaccos, &c., south-west cot,. Sycamore and Seccond. King & Thompson, al ttor neys at law, 23 WVest Third. Kinkle D aniel, d yser, scourea anid casipet3 weaver, ot3 East SecoVnd. Kinkera & S;sse, c(alri ande orak e nts, 164 MiAId 18 E'ast Eighitlh. Kin k inberger 1'., billi ard sal oon, 467 Wal nut. Kinney, Espy & Co., blInkers, 51 West Third. Kinsey E. & D., mnaiiufatcturers of silver warie and importers of finie watches, jewelry &c., 24 West Fifth. lKinsey P. & C., plain and ornamental plasterers, and dealers iii linme, ce nment and calcined plaster, soutlh east coit. Pearl and Western Rtow. Kinsey I\rs. T. H., physician, (pllisio meditco,) 24 West Fifth. Kinzbach E., druggist, 515 Vine. K~ipp F., grocery, 613 Elm. Kirby Clinton, attorney at law and nota ry public, north-west cor. Sixth and WValnutit. Kirby J. J. & D., steamboat lumber yard, 14G6 East Front. elirby James F., ornamental plasterer, 527 Plum. Kir by Josiahl, American bhung factory, iWatson's qlley, bet. Main and Syca more, and Seventh11 q d Eighthl. Kircher G., box maker, 243 Clinton. KIRCHNER F. M., TA NNERY, 936 CEN TRAL1 AVE. Kirchner John, manufacturer of cigars, tobacco and sniuff, 88 Court. Kirclhoff Louis, prop'r Northl Star Bakery, 642 AlIin. Kirk David, plumbing, 215 W';Ylinuit. Kiaprbk & Cheever, stock brokers, 57 West Third. Kirker & Co., litlihogrphers and printers, north-east cor. Fifthl atid Vine, up stzirs. IKirkland John A., dealer i1n dry goods, shawls andl maantles, 58 West, Ffth. Kirikpatrick William, flamily,grocery, Sixth, cor. Culvert. KIRKUP WILLIAMN & SON, BRASSI FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. 250 EAST FRONT. OPP. LITTLE MIAMI DEPOT. Kirinainn John, notary public. 516 Elm. Kirshner Adolphus, dealer in furniture, carpets, beds, mattresses, stoves, look ing glasses, &c., 559 Broadwa,,y. Kissick Jas., auctioneer and commission nmerclhant, and wholesale dealer in groceries, glassware, &c., 341 Malin. Kistuaer Edward, importer and wholesale dedaler in qiieensware, glass, and chiina, cutlery, lIamps, &c., 341 Main. Kistner John, manufacturer of all ktrids of' so'dies, 39'4 Vine. KITRtI)GE B. & CO, IMNIPORTERS OF GUNS AND SPORTING APP'ARA TUS ANDI) DEALERS IN GUN POW D)ElR, 144 MAIN. Klpseusinrig C., clock an(I watchl maker and jew-eler, 485 Main. Klayet Henry, carpenter, 137 Everett. K leiot Frederick, family groceries, 96) Hunt. Klein A., cabinet maker, 576 Central ave. See G. W. Coffin & Co.'s advt. of Bells, &c., p. 110. I I I 156 CIN C[N AUGUST OSWALDT, Wholesale Manufacturer of T~ I Cg PP'I,9 And Sheet Iron Ware, And dealer in all kinds of Cooking Stoves, 368 BroadVva3y-, B Between hllt and Abigail Stieets, oiCQIS-NTI, O Klein A., grocer and meat market, cor. KNIGIIT EDWAED, STEAM B-OAT UP Court and Baymiller. IOLST'ERY, 23 EAST FRONT. Klein Johln, coffee mnd bo,ardinrg house, 553 Knight Geo. If., exclhange offhce, 127 Sycii West Fifth.li more. Klein John G., manuiacttirer of Ohio. aniI Knight Jas., grocery anl saloon, 2 Lovwer Kentucky cattwbah wines and bran- Steamboat Lanili.ii dies, 109 Sixth, hbet. Vine and Race. KNIGHT & WAPRI?EN. GENIIPRAL AG'TS Kleine F. & Co., whlolesale and retail iiier- LIVER'lPC)OL AND) LONDON IIRE clhan tailors, 7 Broadway. AND LIFE INSURIANC,E CO., OFKleine, HIegger & Co., importers and FICE IN LlVER1)OOL ANI) LONDON wholesale dealers in cloths. cassi- BUILDING, COR. M A I N A N D nIeres, vestings, &c., 127 Walnutl. TIIRD. Kleiner &Bio., Jackson brewery, 284 Hami- Kinobe Benjamin, saloon, co-. Woods and ilton iRoad. Front. Kliaiper F., family grocery, north-east cor. Kiioblhgluh F. t., ftinniture manufacturer Sycamore and Sixth. and dealer, sale room 128 Sycamore, Kline M., gas fitter, 14 Court. factory nolt]hi side Second, bet. Elm Kling Jacob, manuficturer and dealer in I nd Plum. hats and caps, 54 lIroadway, and 49) Knoblaugh L. E.. furniture manufacturet. Vine, bet. Fourteenthi and Fifteenth: 128 Coliumbia, bet. lace and Elm. Klonne A. H., merchant tailor and cloth- Knloblaugh F., barber. 82 Court. ier, 218 Linn. KInollma,n H., groceries and provisions, Klotter George, saloon, 713 Central alve. cor. Betts und Cutter. Klotter Geo. A Co., Hamilton Breweryv, 330 Knostman C, boot nd shioe niaker, 27 Hamilton IRoad. Public L,ancding. IClusmann G., boot and slihoe maker, 544 Kniott & Lytle, wholesale dealers iii boots M.ain. - and shoes, 73 West Pearl. .Klute John, manufacturer anid dealer inI Knowlton P. dectist, 136 West Fourth. boots and shoes, 634 Main. Knox Edwara C., wholesale and retail Knabe Albert, dry goods, cor. Liberty fln dealer in honnets, ribbons, flowers, Race. fea,thoeis, laces, &c., 68 West Foiirth. Knatebel George L., manufacturer and Koch If. & J., meichant tailors, 178 Wal dealer in cigars, 634 Central ave. nut. Knaggs R. J., stair builder, 156 West Koch John, family grocery, 267 Elin. Third. Koch Louis, wine saloon, (61 West Third. Knappmann J. H., merchant tailor, 11 Koch M., watch maker and jeweler, 585 Court House. Cenitral ave. KNECHT WM., dealer in groceries tand Koch Wim., dealer in groceries iand pro provisions, cor. Mound and Richniond. visions, 211 Clinton. KNIFFIN G. C. & CO., AGENTS FOR Kockma.n Louis, dealer in fruit land con LADD, WEBSTER & CO.'S SEWING feetionery, 79 Sycam.ore. MIACIINES, 80S WEST FOURTI-I. (See Kocks HIenry, confectionery, 322 Cential card, p. 152.) ave. KNIGT11t BROTHERS, COUNSELORS IN Koeble P.. mnanufacturer of boots and PATENT CASES, AN D AGENTS shoes, 40 and 42 Twelfth. FOR PROCURING AMERICAN AND Koeble P., wine and lager beer saloon, FOREIGN PATENTS, NORTH-EAST cor. Vine and Twelftlh. COR. FOURTH AND VINE, AND Kochler C., manufacttiurer and dealer in SOUTH-EAST COR. SECOND. (See boots and shoes, 159 Main. card inside back cover.) See Applegate & Co.'s advertisement, p. 90. CIN 157 CIN 158 CIN 'VIITLLI.A. Rl::JD3L:E HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 175 Plum Street, between Fourtli and Fifth, RESIDENCE NO. 134 LAUREL STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIIO. Koelinken John H. & Co., manufacturers of Kraft Frank, wine saloon, 467 Vine. organs, 555 Sycamore, cor. Schiller. Kraft & loffman, manufact'rs andl dealers Koenig F., grocery, 476 Walnut. in clothing, cloths, cassimeres, &c., 88 Koeppe Edward, lager beer saloon, 393 Main. Vine. Kramer A., manufact'r and (dealer in furKoerbiiz E., druggist and apothlecarly, cor. nitiu'e, 530 Main. Viniand Greene. Kramer C., groceries and provisions, cot'. Kohl J. S., cupper and( leeclier, 159 West Linn and Laurel. Sixth. Kramer Chas., manufact'r and dealer in Kohlbrand A. C., manufacturer and dealer boots and shoes, 681 Vine. in hats, cap)s, &c., 466 Main. Kramer F., groceries, 83 West Front. Kohlbranl D,vid(. boot andi shoe maker, Kranier t11., furniture dealer, 535 Main. 418 Vine. Kramer fIenlry, ciga manufact'r, 644 WV Kohler Fre,tl, -)lrbe id lhair dressel, 95 Sixth. East Pearl. Kramer Jacob, floulr dealer, 568 Vine. Koha Ephriam, dealer in tobacco and ci- Kramer & Kroger, merchant tailors and gsars, Wood's Theater Building, cor. dealers in clothing, 62 Broadway'nud Sixth and Vine. 252 Malin. Kohnle Anton, prop r Union House, 673 Kraper Win., merchant tailor, 507 Race. West Sixtl. Kraulans F., wagon maniker, 691 Centiral Kohns H., boot'rnd shoe iiiaker, East avenue. Front, opp. Little Miami depot. Krause W., physician and surgeon, 20 W. Kohns & Moomarn, mer chant tailo-rs, and Ninth. dealers in ready made clothing, 84 Krauss & Krais, dealers in leathel, 557 ]Broadway and 260 East Front, opp. Main. Li,ttle MAJiami R. R. depot. Krautwasser John, barber, 45 East Froi'lt. Koke Joseplh, dealer in ready made cloth- Kreager John, grocer, 492 Liin. ing, hats, caps, &c., 10 Casselly's Row. Kreinburg John, blacksmitih, 19 Ifalmliltoi Kolbe & Werner, importers and dealers in Road. china, glass and queensware, 5z)2 Kreitz Daniel, wiagon maker, 300 Ifamil Main. ton Road. Kolhoff Joseph, merchant tailor, 165 West KREI,L ALBEPRT, MANUFACT'R AND Fifth. IMIPORTER 01OF MUSICAL INSTRUKolker J. I-., stair builder, 520 Central M\IENTS, 180 VINE. (See card, page avenue. 137.) Konermain Henry, dclealer in groceries, pro- Kresz Henry, coffoe house and feed stable, visions, wines, liquors, &c., No. 202 1,080 Cettral ave. Front. Kreusburg & Nurre, publishers and bookKopp Felix, lager beer saloon, 488 Wal- sellois, 457 Main. nut. Krieger John, imaniiufact'r steam engines, Korf Henry, dealer in watches, clocks, and malt iiiills, mill works, and other ma jewelry, 369 Main. chineiy, 825 Central ave. Komblith J. & Co., whoi esa.le clothiers and Kroger J. I-., staple and fancy dry goods, dealers in cloths, cassimeres and vest- 548 Central ave. ings, 70 West Pearl. Krolage H., lager beer saloon, 361 Main. Korte A., family grocery, north-west cor. Kroiilace IH., grocery and lager beer, 384 Sycamore and Seventh. Sycamore. Korte F., grocery and lager beer saloon, Krouse C., cigars, 82 MIound. cor. Sycamore and Fifth. Krouse, Mack & Co., importers of wines, Kostar F., boot and shoe dealer, 596 Cen- liquors and cigars, 54 Main. tral ave. Kruch Louis, boarding house and saloon, Kottenbrock Henry, dealer in ready-made 252 Walnut. clothing, 3 Cassilly's Row, on Levee. See adv't Butler's Excelsior Fluid Inks, p. 101. CIN 159 CIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUEEN- cITY COMMiE RCIAL COLLEGE, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. CHAR TERED 1860. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.-Miles Greenwood, Esq., Dr. J. L. Vattier, Gen. S. F. ('arey, Rev. Dr. I. M. Wise, Judge Tilden. Besides the following well known gentlemen, the faculty includes a number of teachers of rare professional talent, and a corps of the most popular lecturers: RICHARD NELSON, Author of Nelson's Mercantile Arithmietic. JAMES M. WATTERS, late Associate Principal of Bartlett's College. WM. ALLAN MILLER, late Principal Penman of Iron City College. BEN PITMAN, Author of "The Manual of Phonography," "The Reporter's Companion," "The Teacher," &c. TERMS.-For Full Course, time unlimited, including diploma wlen merited, $40. Young men may unite in clubs and, entering together, receive the Full Course at the following rates: Two for $70, three for $90, four for $100. No Vacations —No Extras. Address, for further information, QUEEN CITY COLLEGE, Cincinnati, O. Kruck J., grocery, cor. Liberty and Pleas- ant. Krug M., boot and shoe maker, No. 1 u,8 Everett.! Krumberg Theodore, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 489 Main. ]Kiumberg & Vogt, wholesale and retail dry goods, 97 Court. leaiumple W., lager beer, 179 Liberty. lKruse C. II., grocery. corner Pleasant and Fifteenth. ](ruse F., grocery and lager beer, &c., 511 Main, cor. Thirteenth. Kruse Henry, family grocery, 97 Wood ward. Kruse H. F. W., grocery, 484 Elm. Kruse J. F., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Elder and Race. Kruse J. I{., grocery and coffee house, cor. Woodward and Spring. Kruse W. & Co., coal yard, 503 Walnut. Kruse & Bahlman, wholesale dealers in hardware and cutlery. 389 Main. KRUTHAUP J. J. F., DEALER IN GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS. &c.,NORTH-EAST CORNER PEARL AND BUTLER. (See card, p. 136.) Krutzelmann George, manufact'r and deal er in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 526 Main. KUHLMANN DR. G., HOMCEOPATHIC VETERINARY PHYSICIAN A N D SURGEON, 44 EAST SIXTH. Kuhlmann H., manufact'r and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 463 Main. Kuhlmann Henry, boot and shoe maker, cor. Sixth and Vine. KUHLMANN MRS. SOPHIA, FRENCH DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 44 E. SIXTH. (See card, p. 138.) See adv't of Ches Kuhn John D., shaving and hair-dressing saloon, 225 Vine. Kuhn, Netter & Co., wholesale manufactu rers clothing, and dealers in furnish inig goods, notions, and dry goods, cloths, cassinieres, &c., 34 W. Pearl. Kunck F., dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 509 Vine. KunkLer & Fox, manufact'rs tin, copper, and sheet iron ware, 63 W. Sixth. Kunst B., dr y goods, 493 Linn. Kun tz Mh., shaving and hair-dressing sa loon, 451 Main. Kuntz H., dry goods and notions, No. 577 Main. Kurtz John A., boot and shoe maker, 100 Court. Kuster Louis, lager beer, 38 Elder. Kyte Joseph, dealer in family groceries, 128 cor. Eighth and Loc k. Labold H., dealer in groceries and pro vi sions, cor. Everett and John. Labrot A., commission merchant, 6 West Front. LACK & CO., IMPORTERS OF RHEIN WINES AND CATAWBA, 340 WAL NUT. (See card, p. 139.) LiDD, WEBSTER & CO., SEWING MA CHINES, 80 WES' FOURTH. (See card, p. 152.) Ladenkotter J., grocery and lager beer sa loon, cor. Abigail and Spring. Ladenkotter Joseph, family grocery, 106 Abigail. Laechle C., lager beer and liquor saloon, cor. Plum and Liberty. Lafayette Banking Company, W. G. W. Gano, cashier, H. Peachy, assistant cashier, Third, bet. Main and Walnut. Lafayette Hall, B. Eith, prop'r, 674 Race. CIN 159 CIN 160 THE SCANDINAVIAN Cure Dyspepsia,, Cure Liver Complainit, Cure Nervous P HA MAllA Compl aints, Cure Urinary Difficulties, Cure Skin Diseases, (,'tre Loss of Appetite, and General Prost,rat~ion, Cure -ill Diseases which,arise from Impure Bloodl, Prescribed by Reguilar Physicians and Used in Hospitals. For sale at the Principal Office, No. 6 Ea,st Foiiithl street,, t,llird buil(ling from MIain, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 'For sale by Druggists and Merchanlts generally throughout the Country. Lague Nichlolas, barber and hair dresser, Lane & Thompson, surgeon dlentists, 256 97 East Pearl. Vine. Lahmann 1., dealer in groceries and pro- LIang John, lager beei, 6C)49 Vine. visions, 168 West Court. ilng R., grocer, cor. Seventh and Linn. Laird Mrs. Estlier, boarding house, 19 L'ingdon E. B., attorney at law, office 7 West Longworth. M[Nlsonic Temple. Lake T. W., carriage p.ainter, 599 Central lIangdon 0. M., phy siciaii a,nd surgeon, Ave. 135 Sixth. Lamb, caipenter, 124 Butler. LI nge C. W., lager beer saloon, 1072 CenLamnb John W. & B0o., wholesale auld re tral Ave. tail dealers in boots and shoes, 269 Lange George, framrily grocer, 61 Abigail, Central Ave. bet. Sycamore tand Broadway. Lamb William, general traveling agent Lange J. A., hoot and shoe maker, 460 Marietta anid Cincinnati iailroad West Eightlh. compa.ny, 3 Burnett house, Third. Lange J. & Brother, w,atches atndi jewelry, Lambur H., dealer in groceries and pro- 52 West Fourth. visions, north-west cor. Court and Langenbeck A., apothecary and druggist, Linn. 490 Matin. Lamm & Briotlher, wholesale and retail La-ngenrbein Charles, prop'r Market hIouse clothiers and( dealers in gent's furnish- Exchlange, 53 West Fifth. ing goods, 23 Main. Langermian C., lmanufacturer and dealer Lammers & Jeckel, merchant tailors, 109 in cigars, tobacco, etc., 625 Central West Third. Ave. Lammniert Joseph, manufacturer of fringes, Langthorst l. A., dealer in hard vare and tassels, regalias, and fancy goods, cutlery, 510 Main. 521 Main. Langley & Kinkead, produce and coanLamp John B., boot and shoe shop, 6 Canal, mission merchants, 31 Water. cor. Main. Languiead J., m'nufacturer and dealer in Lamping John B., lager beer saloon, 193 boots and shoes, 295 Central Ave. West Sixth. La,nphear E. P., broker and real estate Lamping J. H., groccry, cor. Fourteenth agent, 126 Walnut, up stairs. and R.ace. LAMPHEAR W. K., & CO., STENCIL Lamping John -I., boot and shoe maker, CUTTERS AND DIE SINKERS, 102 191 West Sixth. WEST FOURTH, UP STAIRS. Landouer A., clothing, 473 Vine. LaIpe J. S., sash, door and blind factory, Landfrit A., Twelfth Ward House, co.. 514 Central Ave. Elder and Vine. LAPE W. H. & CO., WORKERS IN TIN, Lane George, pork and beef paclker and I COPPER AND SHEET IRON, AND comimission merchant, 23 and 25 East MANUFACTURERS OF COOKING Canal. I STOVES, FORGES, CHAFING DISH LANE & BODLEY, MANUFACTURERS ES, TURNS, ETC., 21 EAST FRONT. OF STATIONERY AND PORTABLE Laphani P. F. &, Co., prop'rs Cincinnati ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS Ierald, 13 West Third. AND WOOD WORKING MACHINE- Larkin J. F., broker and banker, 8 West RY, COR. JOHN AND WATER.- Third. (See card. inside front cover.) Lasange A., merchant tailor, 12Q Front. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CIN CIN CIN 161 CIN INDIANA HOUSE (FORMERLY INDIANA AND 1OIO.) AN-). 159 WIEST FIFIITH STRE rET. CINCINNATI, OHIO. GIDEON RYMAN, - - PROPRIETOR. Boarding by the Meal Day or Week. New'Stable and Wagon Yard, in rear of the Building, Entrance on Elm Street. Lasker Jacob, second-hand furniture store, 103 Sycamore. LATHROP WILLIAM II., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, MASONIC B U I L D I N G, NORTH EAST COR. TIIIRD AND WALNUT. L A T I M E R, COLBURN & LUPTON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE MER CHANT, 55 WEST P E AR L. (See card, opposite inside front cover.) Latmer J., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 473 Main. Latta A. B. & E., steam fire engine build ers, 17-9 Race. Lattners G. A., confectionery and ice cream and oyster saloon, 282 Walnut. Laudenbach Hermann, wagon maker, 109 Itunt. Lauf Edward, coffee house, cor. Third and Walnut. Laufer M., physician, 335 Vine. Lauther John, bakery and grocery, 17th Ward, East Front. Lavenson I. & Co., wholesale dealers in wines, liquors and cigars, 269 Wal nut. Law John S. & Son, general insurance agents, 62 West Third. Lawder John B., agent Charter Oak Ins. Co.', and surveyor for the Eagle Ins. Co., 73 West Third. Lawder & Dills, attorneys at law and no taries public, 73 West Third. Lawrence Chas., gunpowder and safety fuse, south-east cor. Main and Second. Lawson B. S., physician, 359 West Sixth. Lawson F. II. & Co., metal dealers, copper, tin plate, sheet iron, pressed and ja panned tin ware, tools, machines, &c., &c., 198 Main. Lawson L. M., physican, north-west cor. Sixth and Walnut. Laydon M. B., grocer, south-west cor. Pearl and Central ave. Layman Jas., engraver on wood, 25 West Fourth. Leach B., harness and saddle maker, 620 West Front. Leaman & Wilcox, painters, cor. John and Everett. Leary Robert L., importer and dealer in choice brands of cigars, tobacco and sniiff, meerschaums, &c., 166 Vine. Leavitt & Bevis, prop'rs Cincinnati Hos iery Store, north-west cor. Fifth and Vine. Le Boutellier & Brothers, importers of Bri tish and American fancy dry goods, 30 West Fourth. Leddy Mrs. Rose, grocery, Sixth, bet. Broadway and Culvert. Lee E. S., physician, cor. Clinton and Bay miller. Lee George, prop'r Hume's Exchange, 444 West Second. LEE ROBERT E., TICKET AG'T L. M. C. & X. R. R. C(O., AND D. H. & D. R. R. CO., SOUTH-EAST COR. FRONT AND BROAD. Lee Wm., awning maker, 220 Central ave., up stairs. Lee William, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 34 East Third. Lee & Fisher, attorneys at law, 53 West Third. Lee & Leavitt, prop'rs Young America Saw Mill Works, office 15 Walnut. Leech Wm. C., homoeopathic physician and surgeon, 46 West Seventh. Leers A., importer and dealer in foreign and domestic cigars, 3 Sycamore. Lehmann H., family grocery, 199 and 201 Elm. Lehmkuhler E. II., family grocery, 175 Clay. LEIGHTON E. & CO., PORK AND BEEF P A CK E R S, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND CURERS OF HAMS iND DRIED BEEF, 270 SY CAMORE. Leining J. A., tobacconist, 362 Broadway. Leining J. & H., merchant tailors, 110 East 11 S.- ROS9 Hume's Building, Lodge Street, near Seventh, bet. Walnut and Vine, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Is prepared to make and repair all kinds of Machinery at short notice and on most reasonable terms. Levi Joseph, fancy goods, 168 West Fifth. LEVI S. & BROTHERS, STAR DISTILI LERY, AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c., 221 AND 223 WALNUT. Levinson J., fancy goods and toys, 270 West Fifth. Levy S., new and second hand furniture dealer, 115 West Fifth. LEVY & GRUIS, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND DISTILLERS OF DOMESTIC AND FRENCH LI QUORS, 160 WEST THIlRD. (See card, p. 142.) Levoy S., agent, manufacturer of saddles, harness and trunks, 268 Central ave. Lewis A., assistant sup't O. & M. R. R., 522 West Front. Lewis Charles, dealer in groceries and produce, 64 and.66 East Pearl. Lewis Geo. N., news agent, 28 West Sixth. Lewis George & Co., importers and manu facturers of cloaks, mantillas, shawls and dress trimmings, 92 West Fourth, opp. Post Office. Lewis Isaac, prop'r Commercial House, north-east cor. Central ave. and Sev enth. Lewis J. H., attorney at.law, north-west cor. Main and Court. Lewis J. H. & Co., manufacturers of Dr. Powell's Ague Linimnent, north-east * cor. Third and Race. LEWIS JOHN L., DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN AMID DOMES - T I C FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY AND YANKEE N 0 TI ON S, 24 BR~.)ADWAY. Lewis M. H. & Co., importers and dealers in liquors and cigars, 16 Broadway. Lewis Wm., manufacturer and dealer in ladies' and childrens' shoes, at Lew is's Bazaar, 92 West Fourth, opp. Post Office. Lewis & Tosspott, (col.,) hair dressing and shaving saloon, 4 West F ourth. LEY CHARLES, CLERK AT DENNISON HOUSE, COR. FIFTHI AND MAIN. Leyeins Lewis, confectioner, 26 Central ave. Leyman John, lager beer saloon, Fifth, near depot. Second, and 499 Main. and 150 Hop kins. Leininger J. G., manufacturer of boots, shoes and clothing, 315 and 317 Vine. Leiser M., dealer in clothing, 317 Central ave. Leist Jacob, manufacturer of, and dealer in copper, tin and sheet iron ware, 128 Liberty. Leist John & Co., wholesale dealers in Ger man and French calf skins, patent leather and findings, 313 Main. Leller & Brothers, manufacturers and deal- ers in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, 533 cor. Vine and Fifteenth. Lender F., dealer in hardware, cutlery and stoves, 1,065 Central ave. Lennon Mrs. E., fashionable milliner, 224 5 West Fifth. Lentz John, manufacturer and importer of fancy paper boxes, and fancy goods, wholesale and retail, 76 West Third. Lenz Michael, dry goods, 178 West Fifth. Leon & Marks, wholesale clothing, and dealers in gents' furnishing goods, 27 West Pearl. Leonard E. G. & Co., wholesale dealers in hardware and cutlery, 69 West Pearl. Leonard & Cook, manufacturers and whole sale dealers in trunks, &c., 4 East Second. Leopold & Goodhart, wholesale clothiers, and dealers in cloths and cassimeres, 74 Pearl, north-west cor. Vine. Leslie James, manufacturer, wholesale and retail dealer in gold leaf and dentists' foil, in rear of 81 Walnut. Leslie John, saloon, 597 West Sixth. LESSEL PETER, CINCINNATI P O T - TERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF EARTH EN WARE, 94 HUNT. (See card, p. 140.) Leuchtenberg J. F., manufacturer of cigars and smoking tobacco, 626 Central ave,. Leuchtweiss A., brass founder and finish er, 46 Twelfth. Leavitt Humphrey H., judge U S. district court, post office building. LEAVERING R. F., PROP'R RAILROAD HOTEL, COR. BROADWAY AN D FRONT. See adv't Butler's Excelsior Fluid Inks, p. 101. i I CIN 162 CIN CIN 163 CIN THEODORE ROYER. JOSEPH STIMONTON. JOHN YOUNG. IROY ]1 SIMO,NTTNi Co., No. 375 and 340 Third St., south side, below Smith, CIECINNATI, OHIO. WHlEEL, SPfiKE, HUB AND FELLfiE iiAHUFACTOfiY, T he Largest artaileshman atu the WBMrld. Also, SHFS BOW A, SW L-TRES L'Hommedieu S. S., pres't C. H. & D. R. P., Lipman Jacob M., loan office, 38 East cor. Sixth and White Water Canal. Fourth. Lidin Johln, prop'r A La Ville de Belfort, Lippelmann 1-1. H., wood yard, 424 Central 168 Sycamore, east side. ave. Liebenstein Isaac, clothier and merchant Lippencott E., paymaster and supply agent tailor, 7 East Pearl. O. and M. R. R., 522 West Front. I,iebisch A., boarding liouse and lager beer, Lippman B., merchant tailor and gents' 712 Central ave. furnishing goods, 235 Walnut. Lieblen T. & Son, manufacturers and deal- Litherbery John, ship builder, Seventeenth ers in furniture, 459 Main. Ward, East Front. Liebmann Anton, dry goods and auction LitMer & Austing, alcohol manufacturers, store, cor. Elm and Elder. 415 Water. Liedel Peter, shaving saloon, bleeding, Litmer C., nmanufacturer of lard oil, 65 leeching and cupping, 221 West Sixth. Hunt, bet. Broadway and Sycamore. Lieht. J. H., fancy turner in bone and Littell John N., wood turner, 520 Central wood, 435 MIain. ave. Liening John A., manufacturer and dealer LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD HOTEL, in cigars and tobacco, 362 Broadway. CHARLES BRATZLER, PROP'R, 238 Lig,htfoot J. S., lumber dealer, Sixth East EAST FRONT. of II. & D. R. R. Littlebury Thomas, confectionery, 264 Lilge Wmin., tinner, West Sixth. West Sixth. Lilgebeck Mliss M., milliner and dress ma- Littleford J. S. S., bread and cracker ba ker. 134 Clinton. kery, 14 East Pearl. Lincke L., saloon, co-. WValnut and Ninth. Livellan John B., confectionery and saloon, Lincoln F. D., attorney at law, 53 MIain, 70 West Third. up stairs. Liverpool John, shaving saloon, 5 Walnut. LI,NCOLN, SMITHI & WARNOCK, AT- Liverpool T. & C., hair dressing and shav TORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT ing saloon, under Gibson House. LAW, 8 EAST SECOND. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND Lindauer M., agent, importer and dealer LIF E INSURANCE COMPANY, in foreign and domestic wines, li- KNIGHT & WARREN, GENERAL quors andi cigars, 228 Main. AGENTS, OFFICE IN LIVERPOOL Lindemann F., boot and shoe shop, 70 AND LONDON BUILDING, MAIN Twelfth. AND THIRD. Lindemann H., grocery, 74 Bremnen. Livingston R. R., agent Sandusky, Dayton Lindemann IHI., millinery and dry goods, and Cincinnati Railroad Co., 130 Wal 603 Main. Inut. LINE, HANLY & KROELL, WHOLESALE Lobenstine Anthony, merchant tailor, 37 GROCERS AND COMMI-SION MER- Broadway. CHANTS, 25 MAIN. Lobker Henry, dealer in groceries and proLinebaugh Samuel, blacksmith, 145 Water, visions, 39 Pike. bet. Race and Elm. Locke Joseph M.. chemist and mineroloLinger G. H., boarding stable, 341 West gist, 31l- West Third. Sixth. Loder W. & B., dealers in foreign and doLinnenkohl J. W., blacksmith, 765 Central mestic liquors, and manufacturers of ave. rectifying coal, 270 Main. Loeb B., (firm of Goldstick & Co.,) photo_ See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. I CIN WHEELER Sewinag WM. SUMINE CINC PITTF LOUI ,Daytn, 0 nI Da,ytc Colum Portsm India, --- Evan II I l~~~~~vasifle, Id Lafayte I II Long John, prop'r Allegheny Ilouse, eor. Walnut and Levee. Long John C., ocuist ande surgeon, north east cor. Sixth land Smlitih. Longenbetg Willhe lm, bootand shoe mak e r, 16 East Liberty. Lon1inotti J. B. & Blro., con fection ery, north-east cor. Plum and Sixth. Longley Elials, publisher Journal of PIno tgress, semi-monthly, nor th-west cor. Fourth and Ro ilce. Longworth Nicholas, wholesale dealer in sweet and catawba wines. office Sixth, bet. Broadway and 13utler. London Printing and Publishing Co., I{ J. Chase, agent, 33 East Tlhiird, Ma,-nclhes ter building. Looker L. V., house iand sign painter, 58 West Sixth. Loomis C. W., attorney a-t law, 148 Wal nut. Loomis &- Burrows, dealers in marnufactuir ed marble and slate, stone, mantles, table tops, pedestals, &c., 130 Min. Lore M., boot and shoe maker, cor. M1otunid and Richmond. Lorch Alexander, confectioneriy anid sa loon, 34 West Sixth. Loring & Co., prop'irs Buckeye billiard rooms, 76-1- West Fourthli. Loskamp Joseph, family grocery, 4159 West Fifth. Loth M., jobber and wlolesale dealer in embroideries, laces, slhirts, fancy goods, &c., ]21 Main. Lotz John, saddle and harness maker, 614 grapher and ambrotypist~ 58 Broad way. Loeb L.; merchant tailor, 2 Burnet House, Third. Loeb M., importer and dealer in wines;., liquors and cigars, 45 East Second. Lochmann W. & Co., importers and dealers in wines and liquors, and manufac turers of vinegar, 37 East Front. Loesch F., manufacturer of tin and sheet iron ware, 1046 Central ave. Loewenstein Julius H., dealer in clothing, 24 cor. Front aind Sycamore. iLoewenstein J. II. & Bros., wholesale cloth iers, 50 West Pearl, up stairs. !Logan Thos. A., attorney at law, 11 East C Thlird, Law buildings. Lohde A., manufacturer of jewelry, cor. Main and Fourth, up stairs. iLohmann A., merchant tailor, 524 Mlain. 'Lohmneyer C., merchant tailor, 560,lain ,Lohn F. K., grocery, 583 Freenman', corner PBosplar, iLohn John, tin and sheet iron worker,.533 West Fifth. :Lohknsbach H., paper box manufacturer, 117 West Fifth. .Lohkn J. H., wholesale and retail hardware and tool store, 370 north-east corner Main and Ninth. ,ollmann Goorge, lager beer saloon, 514 Elm. Long Alexander, attorney at law, 25 West, Third. Long H., auctioneer, 19 East Fifth. Long Jacob, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, 79~ East Pearl. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. 164 CIN II"- VVILS — N'S i r. n , PM.0 I& - I., vi Centra,l ave. RICHARD TUDOR. WILLIAM TUDOR. DANIEL O. EVANS. R.TUD()R CO., ~~~~~~~~ Third St, bet. Butler St. and Miami Canal, Cincinnati, 0. Second-Hand Boilers Bought and Sold. Also Repairing done on the shortest notice. Lotz Peter, lager beer saloon, 40 Finrdley. Lotze Adolplhus, manufacturer of Lotze's patent warm atir furnaces, registers, ventilators, ranges, stoves, &c., 219 Walnut,. Loucks Joseph, saloon, 606 Mlain. Loudeiback Mi. C., dealer in confectioner ies, 332 West Fifth. Loudeibeck I-lamilton, wagon maker, 109 Hunt. Loudon J. A. & Co., general produce and commiissioI merchants, 9 Water. Louis A. & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in wines, liquors and cigars, and manufacturers of imitation wines and liquor s. 56 and 58 Main. LOUKEN & AIEYER, dealers in groce ries, ()6 Elm. Loveland, Myers & Feigly, prop'rs horse auction and private sale sta.bles, 24 East Fifth. Lovell J. D. & Co., house, sign and crna mental painters, 43 East Second. Lovell Thos., watch maker and jeweler, north-west cor. Fifth aind Race. Lovett T. D., civil engineer and supeiin tendent bridges and trustles, O. & IM. R. R., 522 West Front. Lowe D1). P., judge of police court, Nintlh, City buildings. Lowen P., nmanufacturer of cigars, &c., 381 Vine. Lowengarten Jos., lager beer, wine and billiard saloon, 437 Vine. Lowenthal & Windler, manufacturers and dealers in cigars, tobacco and snuff, 7 P e a r l. Lowman & Brother, shirt manufacturers, importers antd dealers in gernt,s' fur nishin, goods, 38 West Pearl. Lubbermann George, family grocery, 430 Walnut. Lucas Miss Julia, dress and cloak maker, 115 West Pearl. Lucius Philip, barber, 63 C ourt. Luckman Philip, merchant tailor, corner Western Row and Front. Luckmann tIeM.ry, coffee and boarding house, 365 West Fifth. Ludeke C., b ak ery, 565 Main. Ludlow A. S., attorney at law, north-west cor. Third and Main. Ludlow J., physicia n and surgeon, office Race, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Luening F rank, Custom House s aloon, 13 East Pearl. Luers John B., wholesale and r etail city steam bakery, 172 Sycamore. Luhrink Michael, leather and finding store, 334 Mtain. Luhman M., lock smith, 530 Vine. Luhn Jas. W., merchant tailor, 8 East Fifth. Luken & Aubke, merchant tailors, 285 Main. Lullman R. M., dry goods and notions, 22 Thirteenth, cor. Clay. Lumpp E. & Co., dealers in halts and caps, 281 Main. Lundy Mrs. A., dealer in confectioneries, 221 Central ave. Lundy William, gold pen manufacturer, Apollo buildii.g, room 15, third floor. Luning F., lager beer saloon. 497 Main. Luning J. & H., merchant tailors, 150 Hop kins, and 499 Main. Lurker Joseph, billiard and lager beer sa loon, 546 Race. LUT H Y & FOX, WHOLESALE GRO CERS, NORTII-EAST COR. MAIN AND SEVENTH. See Applegate & Co.'s Adv't p. 90. CIN 165 CIN THEO. SCIItEMANN. A. WIRSING. *SCceMrANN &o., ( Successors to I;. S. Ilu.nt.) oUN & LOCK S MITHS, No. 53 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, 0. FURNISHING GOODS, 176 VINE. (See card. p. 143.) McArthur Andrew & Son, antiquarian booksellers, 162 Vine. McAvoy D., seed store, 11 East Fifth. McAvoy John, grocery, corner Nortlh and New. McBirney IHugh & Co., commission mer chlants, importers of soda ash, sal so da, caustic soda, &c., 69 Vine. McBrair A., lithographer, 14 East Fourth, 3d floor.. McBride J. & Co., grocers, produce and commission merchants, 155 and 157 West Court. aMcBurnie Theophilus, agent of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 3 E. Front. TMcCALLUMI BRIDGE CO., BRIDGE AND DEPOT BUILDERS, 110 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK, AND 99 WEST THIIRD, CIN'TI. McCartey M., grocer, 289 Central ave. McCarthy D. W., eclectic physician, 110 West Sixth. MncCarthy T. T., undertaker, 262 Broad way. McCartney John, baker, 444 W. Fifth. McCarty John, family grocery, 113 West Third. eMcCarty Win., clothing cleaned, scoured, dyed and repaired, 9 Broadway, Spen cer House. McCarty Wm., confectionery, No. 97 Syca more. McCauilly R. E., bakery and confectionery, 278 West Fifth. McClane Wm., boarding house, 22 East Front. McClary Sa,.ml., trimming and fancy store, 170 Central ave. McClelland John, real estate agent and note broker, 9 Manchester Buildings. McClymon J. B., attorney at law and no tary public, north-west cor. Main and Third. McCollough Charles, saloon, 320 Broad way. iMcCOLLUM H., PLUMBER, P U M P S, WATER CLOSETS, B A T IS, HY DRANTS, SHEET LEAD, AND LEAD PIPE WORKS, MADE AND RE PAIRED, 101 WEST SIXTH. McComas R. P., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, trimmings, &c., 575 Cen tral ave. B. SANDER. II. OBERMEYER. SANDER & OBERMEYER, Wholesale and retail dealers in CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND SNUFF, 425 Central Avenue, bet. Chesnut and Elizabeth Stsa,., Cincinnati,., keep constantly on hand a superior quality of Cigar Leaf. LUTZ HENRY, CLERK AT BROADWAY HOTEL, COR. BROADWAY AND SECOND. Lyens L., clothier and merchant tailor, 27 Broadway. Lyford L., house and sign painter, 156 W. Third. Lykins & Son, general produce and com mission merchants, south-west corner Main and Water. Lynch J. A., attorney at law, notary pub lic and commissioner for all the States, 19 West Third. Lynch M. D., family grocery, cor. Long worth and Central ave. Lynch Thomnas, lager beer saloon, 227 W. Sixth. Lynd S., attorney at law, 5 Masonic Tem ple. Lynn & Morse, real estate brokers, south west cor. Vine and Sixth. Lyon H. P., grocer, 58 Clinton. Lyon John, wholesale manufact'r of ladies, misses and children's boots and shoes, 281 West Sixth. Lyons Abraham, exchange office, No. 19 Broadway. Lyons Alfred, exchange office, cor. Third and Walnut. Lyons Alfred, dealer in cigars and tobac co, 240 Walnut. Lyons Hamilton, foundry and machine shop, cor. Third and Lock. Lyons John G., carpenter, West Eighth, near Freeman. McAllister Henry, prop'r Rob Roy saloon, 358 West Fifth. McALPIN, HINMAN & CO., DEALERS IN CABINET, HARDWARE, UP IHOLSTERERS AND UNDERTAK ERS' MATERIALS, 103 WALNUT. (See card, p. 141.) McARDLE EDWARD, MERCHANT TAI LOR AND DEALER IN GENTS' See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CIN 16G GIN GIN 167 GIN FREDERICK SHEEN, Dealer in all kinds of FLOUR, MEAL, And Other Bread Stufts, BAGS for Flour, Buckwheat do., and Corn Meal for 100, 50, 25 and ]2 Pounds. Also, Manufacturer of Vegetable Yeast, than which there is nothing Better. No. 20 East Third St., Cincinnati, O. Shippers, Steamboats, Hotels and Grocers supplied at Wholesale Prices. McConnell T. S., carpenter, No. 476 West Eighth. McCord Jackson, hoarding house, 322 Cen tral ave. McCord John H., house and sign painter,. 100 West Sixth. McCord Wm., merchant tailor, 292 West Sixtlh. McCormack John T., dealer in family gro ceries, 323 West Fifth, cor. John. McCormack Thomas, grocer, north-west cor. Western Row and Seventh. McCormick, Gibson & Co., manufacturers of lead pipe, sheet and bar lead, &c., Ninth, bet. Main and Sycamore. McCormick James, house and sign paint er, Yeatman, bet. Broadway and Syc amore. McCormick Jas., shoeing and smith shop, 20, in rear of Loveland & Co.'s horse auction. McCoy Benj. & Co., wholesale stone ware depot, 14 and 16 Walnut. McCoy J., house and sign painter, No. 245 Vine. McCRACKEN R. C., FASHIONABLE SHIRT MANUFACT'R AND DEAL ER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 19 WEST FOURTH. PicCrackin R.. B., steamboat brick mason, fire brick, tile, and fire clay, 79 East Front. McCready R., wholesale druggist, south west cor. Walnut and Front. McCrew James, wholesale coal merchant, south-east cor. Front and Lawrence. McCullough J. M. & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in garden and farm im plements and machines, seeds, and ornamental trees, 200 Main, and 3 E. Fifth. McDermott L., tinner, 17 Elm. McDonald Alex., bookseller and stationer, 9 W est Four th. McDonald A. & Co., wholesale and retail fancy groceries, wines, and liquors, 56 West Fourth, branch store 249 W. Fourth. McDonald George, dealer in queensware and house-furnishing goods, 322 cor. Fifth and John. Macdonald John C., gas and steam fitter, 202 Vine. McDonald T. W., dealer in dry goods, 222 West Sixth. McDonnell & Atkinson, dining saloon, 172 Vine. McDonnell M., c.,rpenter and builder, Pat tersoni alley, bet. Main and Walnut and Fifth and Sixth. McDonough John, livery stable, 115 East Fifth. McDonough P., second-hand clothing store, 218 Plum. McDougal Joseph, attorney at law and no tary public, 76 West Third. McDowell Wm. R., Jefferson House, cor. Ludlow and Griffin. McElroy P. J., dealer in confectioneries, 122 Central ave. McElwey E., fashionable tailor, 146 Wal nut. NlcFall John J., justice of peace, Ninth, 4 doors east of Central ave. Macfarland & Co., manufact'rs and im porters straw, silk, and fancy goods, 95 and 97 West Pearl. McFeely Jas. J., physician and surgeon, 106 West Front. McGechin & Hamilton, wholesale grocers, south-east cor. Main and Sixth. McGee Mrs. E., fancy goods, 398~ West Fifth. McGlincey Ihugh, dealer in lime, cement, and plaster of Paris, 1,081 W. Sixth. McGoldrick Edward, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Sixth and Mound. McGoldrick Mrs. M., cloak and dress ma. king, 46 East Fiftlh. McGraff Jos., lager beer saloon, 199 West Sixth. McGrath J., boot and shoe maker, 21 East Seventh. See G. W. Coffin & Co.'s advt. of Bells, &c., p. 110. CIN 167 CIN CIN 168 (),IN SCHOOLEY'S PATENT SELF*VENTILATING ij - ~Or ICE CHESTS. L t!!bw X IOriginal patent granted March 13, 1855. Improved patent granted Atugust 12, 1856. 'tlv~ _| Iceberg patent granted June 16, 1857. Also manufacturers of every description of .' REFRIO PEATP. l Ice Chests and JNO. C. SCHOOLEY & CO., 168 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WHOLESALE DEALERS.-We particularly desire to call your attention to the inducements offered to purchase our Refrigerator, as found in our printed Book of Prices, which we will forward by mail to any address, postage paid. To hardware, Furniture and Queensware Dealers throughout the West we offer valuable inducements. Send for printed book and ascertain the particulars. .J. C. S. & CO. McGrath John, boot and shoe maker, 82 East Third. McGrath Patrick, wrought iron nail fa-c tory, 369 Sycamore. ]HcGregor George, lock making and bell hanging, 133 West Fifth.1 McGregor James, commission merchant, 17 West Third. McGregor Robert, commission merchant, 17 West Third. McGrew John S., physician, 408 W. Sev enth. McGREW WM. WILSON, J E W E L E R, SOUTH-WEST COR. FOURTH AND MAIN. McGROARTY P. & S. J. & R. C. ROGERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 HAPT'S BUILDING, COR. FOURTH AND HAMMOND. McGuffey Alexander II., attorney at law and commissioner of deeds, &c., 120 Main. ]IcHale Martin, confectionery and ice cream saloon, 210 Walnut. lIcHENRY & CARSON, WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DE ALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, GAS, STEAM AND WATER PIPE, COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS, &c., 162 MAIN, NEAR FOURT tI. McHugh M., dealer in foreign an d domes tic dry goods, 16 2 West Fifth. McHuiglh P., lager beer and whisky shop, 197 West Sixth. McIloain tI. L., dealer in choice old Bour bon whisky, 5 East Front. McIntire Geo. G., gas and steam fitter, 29f; West Fifth. I Mack l\. & M. J., wholesale clothiers, 68 West Pearl. AMack David, saloon and coffee house, 14 Cassilly's Row. Mack Jatnes, steam saw mill, in Pendle ton, res. Seventeenth Ward. Mack & Brothers, wholesale dry goods and clothing, 78 West Pearl, cor. Vine. Mack &, Worms, wholesale dealers in dry goods and gent's furnishing goods, 191 Main. Mlacka & Deters, groceries, 50 Race. McKay Frank, grocer, cor. John and Ches nut. McKay Wm. A., saloon, 16 Cassilly's Row. Macke B., tailor and clothier, 42 West Front. Macke D., manufacturer and dealer in cigars, tobacco and snuff, 88 Hunt. See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100 CIN 168' CIN CIN 169 CIN T Cob, I% SS MMX 4:3B 30, (SUCCESSOR TO H. LOVIE.) Draughtsman and Pictorial esigner, No, 25 est Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.., No, 25 West F ourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. McKee & Roth, merchant tailors and deal ers in gents' furnishing goods, 48 West Fifth and 159 Walnut. MIcKEEHAN & EVANS, PORK PACKERS AND COIIMISSION MERCHANTS, COR. SYCAMOIRE AND NINTII. Mlackelfreshl C. WI., manufacturer tin, sheet iion and zinc ware, 294 West Fifth. MAcKenzie A. & Co., general commission nerchants, 13 Walnut. IMcKenzie D. M., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 10 WVest Sixth. McKenzie James, prop'r Star and Thistle Hotel, 68 West Sixth. IACKENZIE J. D., (SUC'CESSOR TO V. R. ALLEN,) DESIGNER AND CUT TER OF SUPERIOR STENCIL PLATES FOR MIARKING BOXES, BALES, CASKS, &c, 180 WALNUT, OPP. GIBSON MOUSE. MIcKenzie Mrs. Agnes, French cleaner of laces and gloves, 68 West Sixth. Mackenzie R. II., importer of wines and brandies and dealer in ginger and cherry cordials, 306 Main. Mackey John, prop'r Mielodleon Saloon, MIe lodeon Building. MIcKitrick John, house and sign painter, 489 West Fifth. McKitrick John T., carpenter and joiner, 147 East Front. McKune Luke, blacksmith, cor. Front and Butler. Iacky R. B., auditor at freight office C. and M. It. R., cor. Front and MIill. MIcLachlan & McGregor, wholesale and re tail dealers in all kinds of cordage, cor. Main and Water. McLain John, tailor and renovator, 49 Sycamore. McLaren D., superintendent C. H. and D. R. R. Co., Sixth and White Water Canal. McLaughlin James W., architect, corner Third and Walnut. McLaughlin John, restaurant and beer saloon, 74 East Fifth. McLaughlin Patrick, retail grocery, 117 Lock. McLaughlin William, saloon, 157 West Fifth. McLean John, judge Supreme Court U. S., office cor. Post Office Building. McLean John, jr., clerk U. S. Courts, Post Office Building. McLean N. C., attorney at law, Post Office Building. McLean, Washington & Co., boilermakers and dealers in second-hand boilers and engines, Pearl, I door east of Ludlow. McLean & Shaddinger, boiler makers and dealers in second-hand boilers and engines, cor. Ludlow and Pearl. McMAHAN JOHNSON, WttOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTTER AND OYS TER DEALER, 247 WALNUT. (See card p. 141.) M,cMahon A., physician and surgeon, 48 East Sixth. TOLcManama A. B., notary public and real estate aigent, 66 West Third. MeManus Joseph, dyer and scourer, 38 East Third. McM,,artus Samuel, boat builder, rear 89 East Front. McMullen & Burdick, horse shoeingi shop, Twelfth. i3MeNair Alexander, dealer in groceries and provisions, and all kinds of grass seeds, 105 East Pearl. McNeil John, plumber, pumps, water closets, baths, hydrants. &c., made to order, north-east cor. Walnut and Seventh. ,IcNicoll Henry, prop'r sales stable, south west cor. Sycamore and Fifth. McNUTT & ARMSTRONG, TRUNK MAN UFACTURERS, 69 WEST THIRD. McQuaid W. S., family grocery, 258 West Sixth. Mancy, Rankin & Co., architectural iron works aind manufacturers of iron mantels, grates and iron railing, cor. Elm and Pearl, store 8 Burnet House. Madison House, F. PF Cahill, prop'r, Main, bet. Front and Second. Maerlein & Wendisch, Elm Street Brewery, lager and common beer, 721 Elm. Maescher J. V., dealer in groceries and produce, 52 East Pearl. Magee T. J., patent ladder manufacturer, carpenter, fruit stand, &c., 451 East Third. Magerhaiis A. F., prop'r Jackson House, cor. Walnut and Twelfth. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and i n indexes. I I CIN 169 CIN CIN No. 60 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. From One to Twelve Musicians furnished for Balls, Private Parties, &c. COMMISSION MERChIANTS, NO. 16 MAIN. Manning & Root, attorneys at law, nota ries and commissioners, 57 West Third. Manogue Nicholas, second hand store, 73 Vrine. Manogue Thomas, dealer in second hand furniture, cor. Pearl and Ludlow. IManson Wm. L., chief deputy U. S. mar shal, Post Office Building. Mianss L. & Sons, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in boots and shoes, 39, 41 and 79 East Pearl. Mantel H., dry goods, 27 Freeman. MARCH D. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, TEA DEALERS, FOREIGN A N D DOMESTIC LI QUORS, WINES, CIGARS, &c., 72 WEST FIFTII. (See card, p. 144.) Marchant Nathan, justice of the peace, of fice 42 East Second, res. 34 Elizabeth. Marcus A., surgeon dentist and eye infir mary, 171 West. Mardock E. J., agency office, 197i Plum. Mardock Thomas, exchange and agency, north-east cor. Third and Race. Margraf Charles, prop'r billiard saloon. cor. Richmond and Central ave. Mariners' Bethel Church and School, un der the management of the Western Seamens' Frien d Society, Rev. R. H. Leonard, sec'y, Rev. S. D. Clayton, chaplain, 31 Public Landing. 2a1ringo B. L. & Co., manufacturers an d dealers in cigars and t obacco, 129 West Fifth. Mark Franz, lager beer saloon, 767 Vine st. Hill. rMarkland Mrs. Anne, fashionable millin - ery goods, 166 West Fifth. Marks E., dealer in clothing, 64 West Front. Marks Henry & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in clothing, cloths, cassi meres and gents' furnishing goods, 12 West Pearl. Marks Isaac, dealer in ice, 21 College, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Marks Mars. Anne, millinery and fancy goods, 194 West Fifth. Marks W. A., ornamental plasterer, 47 East Fourth. Mlagill Clayton W., real estate agent and collector, 171 Walnut. Magill C. W. & W. W., carpenters and builders, 51 Richmond, bet. John and Mound. Magill James, beef and pork packer and commission merchant, north-west cor. Race and Canal. MAGILL R. 11. & H. M., GENERAL AG'TS PH(ENIX INSURANCE C O., 3 3 WEST THIRD. (See card, p. 2.) Magle E., Periodical Depot, 334 Central avenue. Magnolia Fire and Marine Insurace Co., W. C. Mann, president, Chas. H. Mar shall, secretary, 15 Public Landing. Maher Anthony, grocer, 429 West Second. Mains John, dealer in wood, corner Vine and Landing. Maish Andrew, manufacturer of tin, cop per and sheet iron ware, 213 West Sixth. Make M., grocer, cor. Clinton and Cutter. MALES SAMUEL, CONVERTIBLE CI DER MILL AND CORN SHELLER MANUFACTURER, 96 EVERETT. (See card, p 143.) Malone Frank, wagon maker, Front, bet. Lawrence and Pike. MALONE P. W., PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON, 87 BROADWAY. Mandler H., barber, 248 East Front. Mangold A., dealer in family groceries, 107 West Fifth. Mangold Simon, dealer in confectionery, toy store and ice cream saloon, 577 Central ave. Manison Wm. S., prop'r Eldorado Saloon, 200 West Sixth. Mann C. W., distiller, and manufacturer of domestic wines and liquors, 15 Sy camore. MIann Wm. H., (col.,) boot and shoe maker, 218 Broadway. Manning Charles G., manufacturer and dealer in Masonic, Odd Fellows', and other costumes and regalia, &c., cor. Sixth and Walnut. Manning Joseph, dealer in confectioneries, 395 Central ave. MIANNING & BISHOP, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING A N D See adv't of Agricultural Implements, p. 124. CIN 170 A. 6% 9 Al 4% A& ," & I I a Ai -- Ut CIN W. SMIT t-t NO. 24S COURT STREET, tCir irlrti Ohio. :i~a~:iXX~- t4 i i Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, &c., executed with neat ness and dispatch. IhOUSE, 273 WALNUT. (See card, p. 92.) Martin, Johnson & Co., publishers, 13 West Fourth. MARTIN PETER, TIN, COPPER, SHEET IRON AND ZINC ROOFER, AND MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES A N D GUTTERS TO ORDER, STOVES, FURNACES AND ALL KINDS OF JOBBING DONE QUICK AND CHEAP, 149 FIFTH, BT. RACE AND ELM. Martin & Diedrich, dining saloon, 68 West Third. Marty Joseph, dealer in groceries and pro visions, south-wes t cor. Eighth and John. Mlarzluf Ernst, s a loon, cor. Fourth and Sy camore. Masker C., grocery, 28 Thirteenth, bet. Walnu t and Main. Masmunster Mrs. L., dealer in notion s and fancy goods, 83 Ee st P earl. Mason Edwin, ma nufacturer of, an d dealer in hats, caps, &c., 42 Fifth. Mason, Wallace & Co., wholesale halt, cap, and straw goods warehouse, 134 Wal nut. Masonic RevieF, C. Moore, e ditor an d pub lisher, 117 Walnut. Masonic Temple, north-east cor. Third and Walnut. Mass C.. dealer in second hand furniture, 351 Central ave. Massa John D., confectionery and fruit store, 121 Vine. M,Iassa Nicholas, confectionery, 246 West Fifth. Massmann Lewis, Queen City Enamelling Works, Broadway, bet. Court and Hunt. Masson M. B., carpenter and builder, Lib erty, bet. Sycamore and Broadway. Matson & Paxton, attorneys at law and notaries public, 23 West Third. tman's adv't, p. 124. Mllarmet C. & F., commission merchants, and wholesale dealers in butter, cheese, eggs, fruit, and seeds, 395 Main. Marmet Fred W., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c.. 65 Broadway. Ma.rqua P. J. & Bro., manufactures child - rens' cabs, John, bet. Chamber and Front. Marsh James, ag' t omnibus line, O. & AI. R. R. Co., and I C. C. R.. Co., cor. Third and Vine. Marsh S. N., Corliss & Co., trusses, shoul der braces, instruments for deformi tie s, 5 West Fourth. Marsh T., druggist and apothecary, south east cor. C entr al ave. and Sixth. Marsh Wm. E., prop'r Ga lt House, cor. Malain and Sixth. Marsh & Christophers, produce and com mission merchants, 20 West Front. MAarsh & Co., m anufacturers of calcined plaster, hydraulic ce ment, land plas ter, cor. F ourth and Sy cam ore. Marshal H., manufacturer and dealer in ladies' and childrenos' shoes, 267 Cen tral ave. Marshatl Wm., grocer, cor. Front and Plum. MARSIIALL S. & CO., MANUFACTUR ERS OF METALLIC BURIAL CAS KETS, 41{-EAST THIRD. (See card, in index.) MIarshall & Brothers, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 56 West Fifth. Marshall & Hefiey, plain and ornamental card and job printers, south-west cor. Vine and Second. Marthens A. W., manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 33 West Sixth. Martin F. K., justice of the peace, 478 Vine. Martin F. W., constable, 17th Ward, East Front. Martin House Saloon, John Martin, prop'r, 18 East Fifth. MARTIN JOHN, PROP'R AUSTRALIA 'I CIN 171 c S. ,,'a I 9 - r, j a 9 i e.2 A+. I" It I.I&4.. It -, t See Garrett & Co SAINT C1H ILRES RESTAUR'ANT, 1EO. S ELVES, PROPRIETOR9 Nos. 30 and 32 East Third Street, CINC INNAT,1 OHIO. Choicee Veines and Liquors kept at this Establishment. Mattlhes F., merchant tailor, 547 Vine. Matthews lI-oward, county aulditor, office Court Itouse. Maltthews Stanley, U. S. distriit attorneyr, Post OffiTce Building. AIaul Frederick, mnerclhant tailor, and deal er in ready made clothing, 70 Broad way. Maus Nicholas, vwagoun malker, 69 l —Iunt. Mlauss L. & Sons., ma.iiufaeturers and deal ers in boots and shoes, I.iits and caps, 39, 41 and 79 E:[sts Pearl. MIax, Weil & Co., booksellers and station ers, south-west cot-. Vine and Twelfth. 3Iay George, billiard lager beer sa loon, 527 Main. May II. W., fancy store, 573 Main, cor. Allison. MaIyer Carl, tinl shop, 480 Walnut. Mayer Elias, pawn broker, 184 Vine. Mayer John, shaving saloon, 564 Central ave. Mayers John, fruit stgre, 570 Central ave. MAayleben Philip, lager beer saloon, 16 Walnut. Mayleben & Butterfass, confectionery and saloon, 2 Walnut. Mayo E. M., manufacturer of stocks, dies and lightning rods, 245 and 247 Syc amore. Mayo E. M., stock and dye irmanufactory, 243 Sycamore, fourth story. fMEADER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE AND CFHAIRS AT WHOILESALE AND RETAIL, 41 AND 4o3 WAEST SECOND. MIEADER & LUDINGTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GRO CERIES AND PRODUCE, 58 EAST PEARL, BET. SYCAMORE AN]D BROADWAY. Megher John, saloon, 52 Plum. Meal J. W. & Co., produce and commission merchan ts, 12 and 1 4 Walnu t. Means William, dealer in pi-, iron, 49 Wal nut, up stairs. Mechanics and Manufacturers Exchange, Geo. W. Runyan, president, John B. Heick, secretary, 76 West Third. MEDICAL COLLEGE AND INFIRMAIARY, A. CURTIS, A. M. D., PR:ESI DENT, SOUTH SIDEI THIRD, FIRST ttOUSE EAST OF BROADWAY. (See card p. 106.) Megule Joseph, blacksmith, 112 Liberty. .Ieh1ner Louis, wholesale grocer, wines, liquors and candiies, 34 East Pea,rl, bt. Main and Sycamiore. MEIER AUGUST, SALOON, SOUTH EAST COR. FIFTH AND ELMl. Aleier & Ispihording, dealers in leather, alides, fJnrs, tarf5 nerns oil F aINd shoe find ings, 8 Alain. vleier & Riemeier, Itiber mer chants, I-laniilton road, head of Rnce. Meifeld J. G., clothing, merchant, tailor ing, &c., 147 W est Fifth. Meininger Chas., billiard sailoon, 87 (ourt. MEININGER H., AH ANUFACTUREtN OF ALL KINDS OF PLAIN LND FAN CY W OOD WOR I KS, SOUTI-WEST COAR. FRONT AND EL NA. Mieis F., queenisware, carpets, oil cloth, fuir Initure, toys, &c., cor. Vine a anw Cour8t. MAeis H., books 5 mnd s tationery, 501 Wie. Meiss Leopold, dealer in new aind second haand furni tu re, 20;5 r est Fifth. elendy Jolin, maunufacturer of fEnning mills, 10 East Liberty. MIELINE T. F., CONSUL FRANCE, BET, GIUMNI, HOLLAND, S A R D I N I A, MECKLENBURG, SCIIWERIN, HAMBEPG, LEIBECK, DENMIARK, SCHLESWIG, ttOLSTEIN, I.AULU BURG, SWEDEN AND NORWAY, 15 WEST THIRD. Meller I. J., attorney at law, 8 West Third, Bank buildings. Melloy Mrs. J., boarding house, 162 West Fifth. Menchlbaum MNoses, cigar store, 600 Cen tral ave. MENDENHALL E., MIAP, BOOK, AND PRINT PUBLISHER, AN D See Campbell Ellison & Co.'s advt., p. 102. 172 CIN CIN CIN Manufacturers of READY-MADE CLOTHING And dealels in Gernts' Furnishing Goods, Notionis, &c., &c., No. 211 Main Street, bet. Fifth and Sixth, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ISAAC P. STRAUSS, Cincilliati, O. Cincinnati 0. hollow Springs, 0. Ripley., 0. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS, ll0 THIRD, ONE DOOR WEST OF BUIR NEAT HOUSE. AIERRELL WMN1. S. & CO., DRUG MILLS AND MIANUFACTURERS OF FOUN DER'S FACING MATERIALS, 1 BURNET. Merrill J. F.. dealer in stoves';nd ridn anu faicturer of tin waie, 209 West Fifth. MIerriwe:;Lthlier Mrs. L., patent medicine (tc pot, 182 West, Sixth. MERRITT, TtOMII)SON & CO., PRO PRIETORS WESTERN IUILDERS' DEPOT. 527 CENTRAL AVE. (See car"'d, p. 147.) FPMesch & Schelnke, manufacturers of bcots and shoes, 11I Cot rtt. Alese John, grocery, 3t;6 Broadway. lMese & Co., family gloceries, 366 Broad way. Mleserole W. II., can.al collector of tolls, 7 West. Cana,,l. Messher F., (ledtle in groceries and pro visions, south-west cor. of Smith rand Longworth. iEMET[IODIST 1IOOK CONCERN, P()E & HITCHCOCK, AGENTS, COR. MAIIN AND EIGHTHt. Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. B ——, pastor, Sixth, bet. Vine and Race. n lMethloen John, grainer and nmarbler, 132 Vine. Metin Edwin, blacksmith, Seventeenth W,,ard, East Front. Metti William, merchant tailor, 76 East Front. 1lMetsker P., butcher, 434 Seventh, near Linn. AlIetz B. & E., importers and manaufaectur ers of cigars, tobacco and snuff, north west cor. Sycamore and Second. STATIONER, 157 MAIN, ADJOIN ING NORTH-WEST COR. FOURTH AND MAIN. (See card p. 177.) Mendelnhall Geo., physlcitan, 197 VWest, Fourth. Menderson & Fralinian, wholesale cloth iers, 111 West Pearl. Mlenke Arnold, boot and shoe maker, 72 Sycamore. | Menke J. B., blacksmith, (;65 Twelfth. Menke J. G., dry goods, 20,5 Front. ltenke, Schulte & Co., foreign and domes tic dry goods, wholesale and retail, 91 Court, and 205 Front. Menikha,tis J. F., carpenter and builder, Findley, bet. Race and Pleasant. Mentel IHenry, dry goods, West Sixth. MENZEL G. A. & CO., LITHOGRAPTH ERS, 257 AND 259 )WALNUT. (See ca'd, p. 144.) Mentzel Jacob, rnmanufacturer of cigars, 10 Waln ut,. MERCHANT'S DISPATCHI, OWNED AND MlIANAGED BY THE AMIERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY, W. H. TIHURS TON, AGENT, 52 EAST THIRD. MIerch.ant's and Manlnutictutrer's Fire aind Marine Insurance Company of Cin cinnati, A. Mi. 8earles, president., B. B. Whiiternan, secretary, 11 Public ILandting R. Alergenthatler Gottleib, groceries and pro isions, 1-5)2 Clark. Al"~lhoffer P. H., billiard saloon, 451 West Sixth. MAer,na Joseph, wholesale dealer in trunk maker's materials and hardware gein eR,Rlly, 192 Main. MERRELL Wll. S. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN INDIGENIOUS AND FOREIGN MEDICINES, AND MAN UFACTURERS OF CONCENTRATED See card of Eaton & Webber's Picture Gallery, p. 114. 173 CIN 1. P. STRAUSS #t BRO-S.5 JOSEPII STRAUSS, Yellow Spi-ings, 0. illAYER STR,AUSS. Ripley 0. 174 William Tell Exehange & R estauran,t, F. DISERENS, Proprietor. No. 29 Fifth Street, bet-veen Main and Walnut St., C INOINNATIl, OHIO_ Mteyers E. & Co., wholesale manufacturers plain -nd fancy candies. fire wvorks, fruit, nuts, &c.,.52 ain. Maleyers J. D1)., de aler in groceries and pro visions, norttli-east cor. Westerin Itow and Water. Meyers I,., second-hand filrniture. lmIeyers & La.mping, plumbers andIl hydrant mikers, O37 Ville. Michael Daniel, dealer in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron, 145 East Second. IMiclhener Israel, pork packer, 26 -and 28 West Canial. Middeke Philip, wagon maker, 62 Twelfth. Middleton,'Strobiidlge & Co., lithographers and steel plate engravers, Odd Fel lows' Building, cor. Third and Wal nut. AMidgeley Mrs. Ainr, Evans lIotel, No. 6', Broadway. Mliedeking Itenry, dealer in groceries and provisions, 44 cor. Ninth and John. ANliegel Peter, lager beer saloon, 790 Ceii tral aive. Miles It. S. & Co., auction and commission merchants, 25 West Pearil. Miller A., (col.,) shaving sa,loon, 32 East Fifth, basement. i\Iiller August., baker, 427 Central ave. Miller B.,. grocery, cor. RIace and Twelfth. Miiller F. W., attoDney at law and notair public, 65 WVest Third. Miller George, bird store, 28 West Court. IMiller Geo. C., prop'i Ea,gle Plow Factory, 11 and 13 West Seventh, neari Main. MILLER GEO. C. & SONS, CARRIAGE CAIANUFACTORY, WEST SEVENTIH, NEAR MIAIN. MAliller H., gold and silver plater, 217 Elm. Miller Henry, exchlange office, No. 28 East Third. Miller J., groceries and provisions, corner Mound and Eighth. Miller J. N., dealer in star,le and f,ncye dry goods, 200 West Fiftlh. Miller John, billiarrd s,aloon, 2:)3 Clintoni. Miller John, grocery, corner Findlay andl Race. Miller Joseph, meat store, 40 Race. Miller Mrs. Mary, millinery, 335 Walnut. Miller Philip, bakery, 65 Court,. Miller P. & Co., lumber merchants, corner Elm and Greene. MAetz Mi. & G., staple atnd fancy dry goods, shawls and (dusters, 50 West Fifth. MAetze George, manufacturerof cigais, 628 Main. Meltzear Silas, lager beer saloon, 83 Syca more. Metzger John, dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, t67 Sycamore. Hetzler E., grocery, 705 Vine. ,Aeuttma3nn i,Irs. Anna, millineryv and dry goods, 432 Vine. MNIewhinney S.. dealer in family groceries, 233 West Fifth, cor. Plum. Nleyberg & Itellman, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in h.ats, caps, furs and straw goods, and importers of plush and trimmings, 124 Walnut, Masonic Temple. Nleyenn Anthony, iiia-nufact'r and dealer in cigars and tabacco, 23 West Sixth. MIEYER C. F. & BRO., CIGARS AND TOBACCO, 70 AND 72 COURT, BT. WALNUT' AND VINE. (See card, p. 150.) Meyer B. tI., livery stable, 69 Twelfth. Mleyer F., blacksmith, 173 Hopkins. MAleyer F., lager beer saloon, II Ealst Lib erty. Mleyer Frederick, boot. andl shoe makler and dealer, 50 Sycamore. MNeyer George, lager beer saloon, cor. Fif teenth and( Bremen. Meyer H., merchant tailor, 499 Walnut. MAeyer II., lager beer saloon, 344 Main. IMEYERt HENRY, DEALER IN GROCE RIES AND PROVISIONS, CORNER CUTTER AND EVERETT. MAleyer J., photographist, 519 Vine. Meyer Jacob, tinner, copn. Wade aiidl John. MNeyer J. H., grocer, 218 John. Meyer Leopold, wholesale arnd retail deal er in watches and jewelry, silver and plated ware, 181 Walnut. AIeyer N., book-bindery, book and news store, 22 West Court. MAleyer Wm., saloon and bo,ardingi house, north-west cor. Pearl and Elhl. Meyer Wm. saloon, cor. Elm and Race. MIeyerose F., lager beer saloon, cor. Lib erty andl Sy c amore. Aleyers C., dealer in groceries and provi sions, 52 Elm. See Robert Clarke & Co.'s advt. of Law Books, &c, p, 109. CIN CIN 175 MAP MOUNTING AND COLORING G VW TwERR z COa. MAP MOUNTING &OLORiHG E: TABLISHMIE[T, No. 52 East Third Steeet, over American Express, CINCINNATI, Maps, Business, Steamboat, Inssurance and Railroad Cards mounted on stretchers and varnished in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Miller W. B., book-keeper at Ilarries' 99 West Fourth, factory cor John and Brewery, 100 Sycamore. Second. MILLER WM., COFFEE AND BOARD- Mitchell & Rowland, lumber dealers, 522 ING HOUSE, 14 EAST,FRONT. Vine. MILLER WM. ALLAN, PROF. OF BU- MIithorffer 11. W., dealer in watches, clocks SINESS AND ORNAMENTAL PEN- and jewelry, 440 Main. MANSHIP QUEEN CITY COLLEGE, Moerk F., merchant tailor, 1,005 Central OPP. P'OST OFFICE. (See card, p. avenue. 159.) Mogerle C., meat store, 254 West Sixth. Miller & Eastwood, private sale stable, 15 Mohlenhloff John A., china, glass and East Fifth. earthen ware, 4:4 Fifth. Miller & Edwards, builders, 458 George. MOHR, SOLOMON & MOHR, MANUMillet P., botrding house, cot. Vine and FACT'RS DOMESTIC AND WHOLE WA~ater. ~SALE DEALERS IN F O R E IG N Mills D., ir., wholesale dealer in wines WINES AND LIQUOPRS, 159 AND liquors, and iri.anufacturer of ginger 161 WEST THIRD. wines and blackberry brandy, No. 67 Mohrliaus B., grocery and lager beer, 540, Walnut. cor. Plum and Adams. Mills John & Co., dealers in dry goods, 303 Molitor Stephen, prop'r FVolksblatt, daily Central ave. and weekly, office (Court hIouse BuildMills & Goshorn, attorneys and counselors ing. at law, Law Buildings, 9 East Third. Moller Theodore Joseph, dealer in dry MILLS & KLINE, WHOLESALE GRO- goods, 101 Woodward. A' E R S A ND COMMISSION MER- Mollory J. B., saloon, 440 West Second. CHANTS, 18 AND 20 MAIN. Molloy Arthur, staple and fancy groceries Mills & Spellmnire, builders, 49 Everett. and fine teas, 260 West Sixth. MAlillson James bleaching and pressing es- MOLLOY & BROTHER, CARPENTERS tablishment, 212 Vine. AND BUILDERS, 76 VINE. Millspaugh A. W., freight agent, O. and MIONFORT REV. J. G., EDITOR OF MA. R. R., cor. Front and Mill. "PRESBYTERIAN" AND PRES'T MAinor & Andrews, wholesale grocers and OF COLLEGE, (GLENDALE,) 74 commission merchants, south-east cor. WEST FOURTH, RES. GLENDALE. Main and Columbia. Monnig & Artman, manufacturers of iron Mintzer W. D, wholesale brush manufac- railing, verandahs, &c., 79 and 81 tory, south-east cor. Fifth and Wa-l- Race, bet. Columbia and Pearl. nut. Monning Frank, dry goods and notions, MISSOURI HOUSE, JOIIN tIOLLER- &c., 81 Spring. BACH, PROP'R, 43 EAST FRONT. Miontalds Y. R., Spanish and French Mitchell & Ladd, pork packers, north-west teacher, 27 West Seventlh. cor, Plum and Canal. Montgomery H. J., dealer in hats, caps, Mitchell & Rammelsberg, wholesale and furs, &c., 281 Central ave., 1st door retail furniture ware rooms, 23 and below Seventh. 25 East Second. Montgomery James, prop'r First Ward Mitchell & Rammelsberg, wholesale and House, 84 Sycamore. retail furniture ware rooms and man- Montgomery J. C., wholesale liquor mer ufact'rs looking-glasses of all kinds, chant, 284 Main. See T. H. Foulds & Co.'s adv't, p. 123. CIN CIN OHIO. CIN WILLIAM TILDEN. WVM. TILDEN & NEPHEW, 115 Norifolk Street, New York, And 45 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Montler C., barber, 291 Central ave. MOONEY J. B., PORTABLE ENGINE AND HIOISTING MIACHINE BUILD ER, 116 COLUMBIA, NEAR ELM. Moore A., tannery, Canal, bet. FindlIey and Oliver. Moore All, family grocery, Seventeenth Ward, East Front. MIoore Amos, news depot, 436) West Fifth. Moore Arthur G., foreman for Mloore & Richardson, East Front. Moore C., editor and publisher of Miasonic Review, and dealer in Masonic books, jewels, aprons, &c., 117 Walnlut. Mloore C, C., attoiney at l:tw and notary public, 379 Main. Moore F. M., architect, 36;5 WVest Fourth, opp. Ga,s Works. MIoore Fred. W., attorney at law, 25 West, Third. Moore Geoirge A., Broadway Feed Store, 324 BIroadwast Moore J. D., dealer in boots and shoes, 24o Central ave. Moore J. M., painter, 53 Richmond. Moore P., boot and shoe maker, t62 lIop- I kans. Moore 1'Peter, blacksmith, Race, bet. Pearl and Columbia. Moore P. J., plumber, steam and gas fitter, 221 West Fifth. Moore Robert, attorney at law, 13 Court. Moore Robert & Co., produce and commis sion merchants, cheese, butter antid seed, 49 Walnut. Moore WVilliam, constable, res. 122 Lariirel, bet. Biaymiller and Cutter. Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., wholesale booksellers and stationers, and mnantu fa-ctuirers of paged blank books, 125 West Fourth. Moore & Albracht, carriage mianufa,ctory, 64 East Front and 121 East Secondd. Moore & Dickson, house and sign painters, 177 Pluim. Moore & Richardson, locomotive and ma rine engine builders, East Front, from Lacwyence to Pike. Moores W. B. & Son, dealers in line, hy draulic cement, calcined plaster, land plaster, fire brick, white sand, &&., cor. Seventh and Pluti. MOORES & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLES. IIARNESS AND C O L L A R S, 89 MAIN. AlMoormann Barney, saloon, 172 East Fifth. Moorman B. 1H., wholesale dealer in staple and fi(ticy dry goods, 496 Mlain. Mioormanl B. J., boot and shoe shop, Seventh, bet. Sycamore and Broad way. Moorman tt., faimily grocery, 258 West Fifth. Mloormian J., manuiifatctuirer and dealer in boots and shoes, 23 Thirteentlh, corner ClIay. illoorman J. J., boot aind shoe slhop, 13 Lower Steamboat Lalnding. Mioorm,ann & Co., m'nufacturers and dealers in cigars and snuff, 617 Main. Moran Sir s., grocer, 170 Front. TMORAN T. B, IMEAT STORE, 211 WEST FIFTH. 3 Borad.a T. It., lager beer and liquors, 222 Central a-ve. l aoiehlouse Mrs. Mary, trimmings and no t-tions, north-east cot. Sixtlit.ad Broad way. lMorehlouse & Co., dealers in furniturel and bedding, 134 Sycamore. Morelli John, confectionery and saloon, south-west cor. Elrn and Nintlh. Morgan Evans, carpenter and builder, 537 Freeman. MAorganl & Sons, book and job printers, s tereotypeis, binders ald paper deal ers, 111 Main, and cor. Bidinger and Miami Canal. Morgan Jnio. W., fire and life insurance aglenlt, Mlasonic Temple, 32 West Tlird. Morgan ll irs. Sarah, millinery and dry goods, 537 Freeman. Morgan Thoin.a. boot and shoe shop, 55 East Eighth. MMorgan Thomas, lumber yard, south-east Col' Plum and Twelfth. MAorgan W.. carpenter and builder, Bank Alley, bet,. Third and Fourth. Morgan Wm. & Co., upholstery and spring bed bottom manufactory, 43 East Fourth. IMorgenthau H. & L., i.mporters, manufac turers and dealers in wines, liquors, cigars, &c., 74 AMain. See George Detch's adv't, p. 118. 176 CIN W,NI. T. BLODGET. 9% fi% Aft 9% &% Aft Ak Ah t; a u 0 b u til And 45 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. CIN 177 CIN lE. MENDENEHALL, MAap, Book and Print And Agent for the sale of the following publications of Geo. W. Hawes: Kentucky State Gazetteer and BusinessDJ)irectory for 1859-60........................ $3.50 Ohio State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61.............................. 3.50 Indiana State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,........................ 3.50 Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61....................... 3.50 Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,................................... 5.00 Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61........................ 5.00 Tennessee State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61,..................... 3.50 157 Main Street, adjoining north-west cor. Fourth and Main, CINCINNATI, 0. Morgenthau S., clothing manufacturer, 74 Main. Moritz Brother & Co., wholesale clothiers and dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, 26 West Pearl. MIoritz & Brother, wholesale clothiers and dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, 203 Main. Mormalnn F., chair maker, Cutter, near Clark. Morris Chas. M. & Co., book and job prin. ters, 79 West Third. Morris II. H., justice of peace, 17th Ward, East Front. Morris M. A., druggist and pharmaceuti cal chemist, north-east cor. Court and Linn. Morris N., confectionery and ice cream sa looni, 264 Race. Morris, Sniuth & Co., produce and commis sion merchants, 26 West Front. Mor-is & Keith, file and rasp laniiufact'rs, 185 Central ave. Morrison, Cordukes & Co., pork packers and commission merchants, 13 and 15 East Canal. Morrison & Crowther, silver platers and engraver, 65 West Fourth. Morrison & Hewes, manufact'rs and deal ers in ladies and gents custom-made boots and shoes, 212 Fifth. MAlorsch H., lager beer saloon. 545 Elm. Morse Edward, attorney at law and nota ry public, 2 Mechanics' Institute, cor. Vie and Sixth. Morse N.M., exchange office, north-west cor'. Pearl and Race. Morse & Hlarwood, manufact'rs of the oil of vitrol, 313 fiamilton Road. MORTEN BROTHERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 78, 80 AND 82 WEST FRONT. MORTEN & BRO., PROP'RS OF UN DERWRITERS' WAREHOUSE, 78, 80 AND 82 WEST FRONT. MORTON J. RP. & CO., BANKERS AND 12 DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, 29 W. THIRD. Miosby W. C., wholesale grocer, 32 East Pearl, bet. Main and Sycamore. Moseley Thos. W. H., prop'r and manufac turer of Moseley's Tabular Wrought Iron Bridges and Roofing, 66 West Third. Mosenmeier Dr. B., dry goods and notions, cor. Elm and Jefferson. Moser F., grocery, 56 Elder. Moses Aaron, tai lor, 205 P lum. Moses M., physician a nd sur geon, 8 West Third, Bank Buildings. Moses Sioeonm, exchange and loan office, south-east cor. Third a nd Sycamore. Mosier Hiram, saloon, 128 Vine. Mosig & Hesterberg, manufact'rs sewing machines, and brass foundry, 643 Vine. Moss B. H., livery stable, cor. Cla rk a nd Linn. Moss H., dealer in ready-made clothing, 255 Main. Moss & Taylor, loan and exchange office," 1 Hammond. A 8ossler A. & S., wholesale dealers in jew elry, watches and fancy goods, 100 Main. Moulinier & Rowland, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 46 West Second. Moulton P., coal dealer, 518 West Fifth. Mount tt. S., (col.,) shaving saloon, 6 East Second. AIlO W R Y A. L., CAR WHEEL AND CHILLED TIRE MANUFA(,TORY, OFFICE NORTH-EAST (,OR. THIRD AND WALNUT, MANUFACTORY SOUTH-EAST COR. EAST FRONT AND LEWIS. MOWRY A. L. & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCItANGE3, NORTH EAST COR. OF THIRD AND WAL NUT. 7 ,&-* &46t* Y71 A* 4) r* p SHEIJDON NASH, MAL F CTURH ~-K IVES Of every variety. Also PAD PLATES & GENERAL JOBBING. EIGHTH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY. Moyer Jos. Sen'r, manufactr door steps, Muller F., groceries, 563 Walnut. 138 West Ninthl. Muller Geo, agent, apothecary and drugMudge H. B., steam bedstead manufacto- gist, cor. Abigal and Spring. ry, 95 Second. MULLER GEORGE, PROP'R WILLIAM Mueller George, druggist and apothecary, TELL COFFEE HOUSE, 225 WEST south-west cor. Spring and Abigail. SIXTH. Mueller Xavier, lager beer saloon, No. 609 MIuller H., prop'r Galt thouse, 9 Fifteenth. Elm. Muller Joseph, physician, 345 Vine. Mueller Henry, coffee house and saloon, Muller Loui, boarding house and saloon, 57 West Fifth. cor. Race and Court. Mueller Chas., prop'r Mueller's Hotel, 183 Muller Ml., manufact'r and dealer in lea Walnut. ther and findings, 345 Maiu. Mueller Peter, saddle, harness and trunk MULLIN BROTHER, BAR AND BIL maker, 453, corner of Vine and Thir- LIARD SALOON, 68 EAST PEARL. teenth. MULLIN S. D. & W. C., ASHLAND SAMueller, Schneeman & Kolkmeier, free LOON, 68 EAST PEARL. stone works, northwest corner Four- Mullins & Johnston, wholesale grocers and teenth and Plum, or Canal. produce and commission merchants, Mueller & Gogreve, brewery, cor. Pearl 7 Commercial Row. and Pike. Munchweiler M., dealer in hosiery, gloves, MUHLBERG WM., dealer in drugs and trimmings, fancy goods and notions, medicines, paints, oils, &c., 629, cor. 130 West Fifth. Central ave. and Wall. Mundy F., livery and boarding stable, 389 Muhlhauser C., grocery, 275 Hamilton West Sixth, bet. Mound and Cutter. Road. Mungenmaier August, lager beer saloon, Muhlhauser J. U., coffee house and bake- 5 West Twelfth. ry, 709 Vine Street Hill. MIunnich Ronnebauim, lhoise and sign painMuhrmann J. P., prop'r Franklin Itall, ters, 105 Woodwar(l. cor. Vine and Longworth.. MIURCH CHAUNCY M., DEALER IN Mulay P., saloon, Western Row, bet. Sec- PIANOS AND MELODEONS, 72 W. ond and Pearl. FOURTH. MIULLANE ANDREW J., ATTORNEY MAurdock Chas. C., attorney at law, 22 W. AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Court, up stairs. REAL ESTATE AGENT, SOUTH- Murdock & Lacy, plumbers, 45 E. Third. EAST COR. FOURTH AND PLUM. Murphy E., lager beer, 17 East Eighth. Mullen F. & C., importers and wholesale Murphy John A., physician, 209 W. Sev dealers in china, glass and queens- enth. ware, plated and Britannia ware, 91 MURRAY EDWARD L., PERIODICAIl, Main. NEWS DEPOT, 218 WEST FIFTH. Mullen & Carter, dealers in custom-made Murray John, grocer, 177 Water. furniture, 132 Sycamore. Miurrini Luke, lager beer saloon, No. 326 Muller Anton, grocer and manufacturer Main. sewing machines, cor. Elm and Lib- Murry John, grocer, 435 George. erty. Muscroft C. F., physician, No. 447 Central Muller F., grocery, cor. Bremen and Find- avenue. lay. Muse Henry, (col.,) grocery, south-west MIuller F., lager beer saloon, 588 Race. cor. Longworth and Plum. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 178 CIN 4 CINCINNATI, OHIO. Jo 1 WODD C General Agent for anuOYSTER COMPANIES, OO ~53 Nkralnut Street~ CIIN5'CINNA~TZf, onIo, Wholesale and retail dealer in Raw Fresh Oysters, Fresh Cove Oysters, Hermetlqeally-Seaied Lobsters, Clams, Sardines, Fruits, Wines, Liquors. Ale and Porter, foreign and domestic Cigars, etc. Also Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Hams, Venison, Gaime etc. Orders promptly filled. Goods sold on commission, and advances made in cash. Everything sold warranted to be of the best quality. TODD'S CELEBRATED SALOON, attached to this establishment, is a. respectable quiet Saloon, where everything is prepared in the best style, at very mod crate charges. Musgrave Dr. II. B., manufacturer MuIs-N ,gra.tve's Gas Gooking Stove, office 272 West Sixth. Miussey W. 11., physician and surgeon, cor. Seventh and Vine. Mulstaid Alexander, carpenter and build er, George, bet. Elm and Plum. MUT[I AUGUSTUS, STEAM BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 23 WEST FIFTIH. Mlyers J. J., wholesale dealer in Rutland l and Italian marble, Sixth, near C., I11. and D. R. R. Depot. Naber G., lager beer saloon, 580 Main.lgi. Nabers W m., ste-am chair factory,. 567 llace. Nadler F., wood and horn turner, 1487 Vine. Nag.el Henry, family grocery, 29 Flatnilton Road. Nagel John, fimily grocery, 540 Syca-N more, cor. Milton. Nagel Win. & Co., prop'rs steam corn and feed mills, cor. Sycamore atnd Web ster. Nagel & Spreen, importers or foreign wines, Tc., 559 Race. Nagel Nichlolas, barber and hali dresser,. cor. Front and Pike. -ardini Louis, saloon, 204 Vine. Nash John, iron foundry and car wheel manufactory, 243 and 245 East Pearl. NASH SHELDON, MANUFACTURER OF EVERY VARIETY OF KNIVES, ALSO PAD PLATES AND JOBBING SHOP, EIGHTH, EAST OF BROAD WAY. (See card, p. 178.) Nathan M. & Co., importers and dealers in wines, liquors and cigars, 57 East Second. NATHAN & LEVY, IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, WHIOLESALE DEAL ERS IN JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, 100 WALNUT, BET. PEARL AND THIRD. (See card, p. 153.) National Hotel, John Bates, prop'r, o4 Sycamore. NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. OF CIN CIN NATI, JOHN BURGOYNE, PRES'T, H. C. URNER, SEC'Y, SOUTH. WEST COR. MAIN AND FRONT. NATIONAL THEATER, JOHN BATES, PROP'R, 94 SYCAMORE. (See en graving, p. 86.) Neal Richard, house and sign painter, 44 East Third. Neaport R., saloon, cor. Smith and Au gusta. Neave T. & Sons, importers of hardware and cutlery and dealers in iron, &c., 65 and 67 Mklain. Neave, Ward & Co., importers and dealers in saddlery and hardware, 37 and 39 Main. Neddermanni H., family grocery,,9 1: Canal, bet. Elm and Plum. Neele Wm., gold leaff manufacturer, 45i East Third. Neff, Briggs & Co., wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, 13 West Pearl. Neff, Brother & Co., wholesale de aler s in hardware and boots and s hoes, south - west cor. Main and Second. NEFF PETER & SONS, I MPO RTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWAR E, 93 W EST PEA RL. Neffiin, physician, 569 Race. Nehouise MI., blacksmith, cor. Central ave. andi Liberty. Nehleiia A., manufacturer of willow ware cor. of Vine and Hamilton Road. Neiber & Tefft, carpenters and builders, 156 West Third. Neighbour G., lager beer saloon, 240 West Sixth. Neiporte Henry, saloon, south-east corner John and Front. Nelson Isaac, saloon, 54 Court. NELSON RICHARD, PROF. OF MER CANTILE COMPUTATIONS QUEEN CITY COLLEGE, SOUTH-EAST COR. See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100. I CIN 179 CIN -W CIN TEMIPEST & CO*. Manufacturer of <~' \f' ii 5;FEw I -=JR mg -AEV'. A I:) D ROan CKINCHAM WARE, I-I ANlI L'rFO N ]2lOAD, 3EAD OF ELIM STREET9 CINCINNATXI, 0. Nickel & Bieler, leather and finding store, 240 M,lain. Nickert Jacob, importer and de'ler in for eign and (domestic wines, liquors, codi.alls and every var iety of cigars, 360 MaiI n. Nicol Donald, stair builder, 407 Jolen. Nicolafssen F. Alpheus & C o., de tlers in gr oceries, provisions s -ond Iaet Fvana cigars, north-west cot-. Third and Luidlow. NIEBUtIIR JOIIN AI., salo ol, 222 WNestern Row. Nieder F., grocery, 230 Elm. Niehaus Joseph, m anuf UActLurer of ale an d porter, 183 Woodward. Niehmcus & Co., mLl manuf, actorer-s ri 3er6i water, ginger pop, ci(letr and atle' and porter, 430 Sycam-tiore. Niehoff John G., dry goods a,nrd notions, 373 West Fifth. Niem0ann George, boot and sgoo e' r5alker, 118 Front. Niema rtn fI. It., lercat tailor, 546 Msulain. Niemanin J., boot and shIoe makier,, 51 Fif teen t h. Niemer F. J., Front Street Tlotel, 202 East Front, opp. Little Mlliamtnii R. R. Depot. Niemeyer, carriage miianiiuf'actory, 536 Walllut.. Nien'tker J. B. J., merclhant tailor aind gents' furnishing goo(ds, 2)05 Waslniut. Nieters G., anaiiiifactatire), and dealer in boots and(] shoes, 2()0 WVarclnut. Niglht J., butcher-, West Sixtth. Nightheart Valentine, lager beer and' wine saloon, 645 Race. Niles Mrs. S. J., ladies' shoe store, 224 West Fifth. Niles Works, Henry A. Jones, president, C. W. Smith, secretary, L. H. Corey. superintendent, 222 East Fronit. FOURTH-AND VINE. (See card, p. 159.) Nelson Thomas, prop'r Gray Eagle Saloon, 210 Central ave. Nelson & Blersch, commission merchants and produce dealers, 558 Central ave. Neppar Anton, grocery, 100 Hunt. Nestler A., tinner, 112 Clintotn. Niettelton, Lowry & Co., bankers arnd dealers in exchange, 23 West Third, Neuman J. A., draper and tailor, 175 West Fifth. New Englind Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston, Willard Phillips, pres't, B. F. Stevens, sec'y, south-west cor. Main and Front. Newbhall Edward R, attorney at law and U. S. commissioner, 57 West Third. :Newhouse G. & Co., manufacturers trunks and clothing and dealers in gents' furnishing gools, 267 Main. 'Newman Thom-s, plumber, pump and hydrant maker, 149 WVest Fift h. Newmann Wim., dealer in hats and caps, 78 East Pearl. NEW,I-)RT IRON'- WORKS, (D. WOLFF, PROPR,) MANUFACTIUREPR O F SHEET, BOILER AND BARt,IRON, OF EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY, 1.21 EAST PEARL AND 8'35 MIAIN. (See card, p. 186.) Newton O. E. & R. S., eclectic plhy7sicians, 90 West Seventh. Nichol James, blacksmith, East Front, bet. Lawrence and Pikle. Nichols E. H., general Southern agent of Ill. Central. R. R., Eniquiirer Building. Nicholson D., undertaker, 4 New. Nicholson Eliza, confectionery and fruit store, 239 West Sixth. Nicholson T., stair builder, 9't Clark. Nickel S., physician, 50 Fifteenth. See G. W. Coffin & Co.'s advt. of Bells, &c., p. 110. CIN 180 OUR AIR TIGHT FRUIT JAR. 181 ~ J. DOUGHTY. DRS. WARDLE & DOUGHTY, DETImSTS, No. 13S West Fourth lt., - - - - O-IO N. B.-Block Teeth Carved for Dentists. Nimsgern, Peter, Lafayette Hotel, 73 East Front,. Nipper A., grocery, 100 Hunt. Nixon, Chatfield & Woods, paper nma-Anu facturers and dealers, 77 and 79 Wal nut. Nixon Wm. Penn, attorney and counselor at law, 148 Walnut. Noble J. M., composition roofer, south-east cor. Third and Vine. Noble Win. P., draughtsman, south-east cor. Fourth and Walnut, up stairs. Nodde John H., grocer and manufacturer of oat meal, 627 Main, cor. Liberty. Noeleke E. & Co., gilders and firame ma kers, 207 Central ave., bet. Fifth and Sixth. Nolan Patrick, family grocery, 508 West Fourth. Nolker J. F., prop'r Western hotel, 502 West Front. NOLKER JOHN C., LIVERY STABLE, NINTH, BET. CENTRAL AVENUE AND PLUM. Noll K., boot and shoe lmaker, 321 West Sixth. NOLTE & ZAIIN A. & L., dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., 915 Central ave. Nordholder John, feed store, 601 Elm. N~rdmann C, manufacturer and dealer in cigars, tobacco, &c., 226 West Fifth. Noivell, McLaughlin & Co, tobacco agency, 46 Walnut. Norman W. T., wood engraver and book Iand job printer, 230 Walnut. Norris James, saloon, cor. Third and Syc amore. Norris R. D., cloak, shavl and mantilla F emporium, staple and fancy dry goods, 174 Fifth. Norton O. D., physician, 181 Centiral ave. Nott I., dealer il groceries and provisions, 589 Central ave. Nourse C. E. & Co., bankers and brokers, Masonic Temple, 30 West Third. NOURSE JOSEPH G., COMMISSION AND BUTTER MlERCIIANT, 166 WEST FOURTH, COR. ELM. Noyes E. F., attorney at law, 148 Walnut. NUELSON FRANCIS, IM.PORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., AN D DEALER IN LEAF TOBACCO, 233 MAIN. Nugent Wm., lager beer saloon, 239 Broad way. N,ULINE JAMES F. & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, 17 WEST THIRD. Nulsen & Mersman, wholesale dealers and manufacturers of tobacco and cigars, 17 Main. Nutnningmoller J. II., manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 455 West Fifth. Nutts Jacob, confectionery, 164 West Fifth. Nuxoll J. W., boot and shoe maker, 220 Central ave. Nuzel George, bakery and grocery dealer, 148 East Front. Nye Henry, commission merchant, pork packer and curer of hlams, 327, 329, 331 and 333 Broadway. Nye John C., pork packer and ham curer 12 and 14 Canal and Hunt. Nye & Demarest, editors and publishers of the Star in the West, issued Saturdays, cor. Sixth and Walnut. Oberheu E. & F., grocers and commission merchants, rectifiers and manufac turers of vinegar, 112 Court. Oberkleine C. H., family grocery, 52? Freeman, cor. of Liberty. Obermyer G. & J., horse dealers, Clark, bt. Rittenhoiise and Linn. O'Brian John, dealer in groceries, corner Third and Ludlow. O'Brien John, manufacturer and dealer in boy's and youth's clothing, I64 Vine. See W, E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN CIN S. WARDLE. CIOT llllEDN SCIIN —OT .ICNAI - -m. )I~ Corner Sixth and Walnut Streets, -T"T""T" T _'-'"&T r' f s ONE DOLLAR PEIR DAY. JOHN T_ W/-ATSO,:P:ROPR O'Brien Michael carpenter and joiner, 104 Sycamore. O'Brien Wm., saloon, West Fifth. O'Brien Thomas, butcher and meat market, 614 West Sixth. O'Bryan M., confectionery, 192 Sycamore. Ocheltree -, physician, 439 Vine., Ochsner C. & Co., importers and dealers in foreign and domestic wines, 348 Main. Ocker H. W., groceries and provisions, 63 Laurel. O'Connell D.. physician, cor. Smithl and George. O'CONNELL JOHN, BOARDING HOUSE, 46 EAST FRONT. O'Connell Michael, blacksmith, cor. Culvert and Sixth. O'Connell Timothy, books and stationery, Eighth, near Centr-al ave. O'Conner James, dealer in family groce ries, 124 East Eighth. O'Connor & Thielmann, attorneys at law, south-westcor. Main and Court. Odiorne Thomas G., commission and for warding merchant, 43 Walnut. O'Donnell George P., attorney at law, no tary public and commissioner of deeds, 57 West Third. O'Donnell 1., manufacturer of silk and fur hats, 200 Walnut, fourth story. Oder J., bakery, cor. Elm and Elder. OEH CONRAD, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 98 EAST PEARL, BT. BROADWAY AND LUDLOW. Oeh Conrad. dry goods and groceries, 281 Hamilton road. Oehler F. C., boot and shoe maker, 275 Freeman. Oesper Peter, dry goods, 36 Hamilton road. O'Garra Thomas, constable, south-east cor. Second and Vine. Ogden & Friiltz, merchant tailors and gents' furnishers. 143 Main. Ogden & See, merchant tailors, 32 West Fourth. Ohio Life Insurance Company, Augustus Isham, president, H enry Rockey, sec retary, 68 West, Third. Ohio Medical College, L. W. Lawson, dean of the faculty, Sixth, bet. Vine and Race. Ohio Mechanic's I ns titute, Chas. F. Wil stack, president, W. W. Innes, c orre - sponding secretary, southwes t coa. Vine and Sixth. OHIO RIVER SALT COMPANY, MANU FACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COMMON AND TA BLE SALT, W. A. HEALY, TREAS URER, 27 WEST FRONT. Ohio River Salt Company, M. W. Byrne, agen t, 61 Canal. Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Omnibuso Line, Jame s Marsh, agent, cor. Third and Vine, l Burne t House. O'Keefe K., grocer, 414 George. Okes H., second hand furniture, 334 West Fifth. Oihver D. W., manufacturer of alcohol, cologne spirits, 68 and 70 Water. Oliver & Grear, dealers in butter, eggs, lard, potatoes, &c., 597 Central ave. Oliver & Kittredge, attorneys at law, south-west cor. Walnut and Fourth. O'Mally John, family grocery, cor. Vine and Front. O'Neil M., dealer in boots and shoes, 238 West Fifth. O'Neill John, house and sign painter, gla zier and grainer, 200 Ehlin. O'Neill J. G., tailor, dyer and renovator, 155 West Sixth. O'Neill John G., renovating and dying es tablishmnent, 59 West Sixth. O'Neill Peter, prop'r Brilliant Saloon, 22 East Fifth. See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 182 CIN CIN 18, CIN _1ikR (Of the late firm of West & Dumont,) at the OLD STAND, 56 PIKE ST., CINCINNATI, O. OILERS Made to order. Second-Hand Boilers always on hand. Repairing done with promptness. Particular attention given to Repairing Steamboat Boilers. Oneto Joseph, dealer in confectioneries, 298 cor. Sixth and John. Oppennin S., physician and surgeon, 252 Walnut. Orang B., upholsterer, feather bed and mat tress manufacturer, 78 Fifth. O'Reilley S. & Son, staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Seventh and WesternRow, and 106 West Fifth. Orourke Jas., lager beer saloon, 271 Main. Orr E. M., physician, 82 East Third. Orr Geo. P. & Bro., dealers in groceries and wholesale agents for the State of Ohio for B. Ackerman's perfected ex tract of coffee, south-west cor. Court and Cutter. Orr Robt., prop'r and agent C. S. Maltby's fresh, spiced and coved oysters, depot 11 West Fifth. Orr W. y., news depot, 209 Clintoil. ORR & BROWN, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, GENERAL COMMIS SION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF VINEGAR, 111 EAST PEARL. (See card, p. 154.) Orr Wm., new and second hand clothing, 107 Court. Orth J. A., dealer in fancy and staple gro ceries, &c., north-east cor. Sycamore and Fourth. ()rth Mrs. J. A., dealer in furnishing goods, 279 Central ave. Orum Morris, pork packer and commission merchant, 21 East Canal. Oskamp Clemens, importer of watches and manufacturer and dealer in jewelry, watches, clocks, &c., 62 Main. OSKAMP LEWIS, IMPORTER AN D WHOLESALE DEALER IN WATCH ES AND JEWELRY, CLOCK MIATE RIALS, &c., 108 MAIN. (See card, p. 155.) Oskamp & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in watches, jewelry, clocks, plated ware, &c., 16 Sycamore. Osmond E., surgeon dentist, 272 Vine. Ostendorf B. H., boot and shoe maker, 672 Central ave. Osterholt George, manufacturer of boots and shoes, cor. of Clay and Twelfth. Osterroth August F., merchant tailor, 453 Main. OSWALDT A., MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN T I N WARE AND STOVES, 368 BROAD WAY. BET. HUNT AND ABIGAIL. (See card, p. 157. Ott Wm., confectionery, 322 Vine. Otte H. F., manufacturer and dealer in fashionable hats and caps. 304 Main. Otten Henry, manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 183 Main. Otten 0., cigars and tobacco, 504 Vine. Otters Jacob. meat store, 536 Vine. Ottke Peter, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 473 Main. Otto John, lager beer saloon, 686 Central ave. Otto L., billiard and lager beer saloon, 1, 032 Central ave. O'Toole J. & J., United States Marble Works, Ninth, bet. Central ave. and Plum. Overbeck H. W., boot and shoe maker 210 Broadway. Overbecke Henry, carpenter and builder, 48 East Eighth. Overberg Henry, lager beer saloon, 275 Sycamore. Overdiek H. & C., manufacturers of min eral water, 17 Home, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Owen James, dentist, 154 West Sixth. Owens John, prop'r Washington Hotel, cor. Walnut and Water. OWENS OWEN, JR., GENERAL INS. AGENT, 4 PUBLIC LANDING. Owens Wm., physician, 80 West Seventh. Owings John B., agent for A. Farrows' Baltimore oysters, and dealer in spi ced, cove and pickled oysters, and See adv't of Levi & Gruis, p. 142. CIN ISAAC E. WEST. 'VEST & McDOUGAL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And wholesale dealers in Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Butter, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Dried Fruits, Beans, and all kinds of Country Produce, NO. 23 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND CRACKER BAKERY, 3 2 0 WEST SIXTH, NORTH SIDE. PARKIN, BROTHERS & HODGSON, T eMANUFAC(TURERS OF S R'EEL AND FILES, 240 WEST SEVENTH, JON ATHAN HATTERSLEY, AG'T, RES. .WALNUT t{ILL. Parkinson Mrs. Jane, boarding house, 57 Broadway. Parks George D., watchmaker and jeweler, 341 Central ave. Parks John M., homoeopathLic pharmacy, 3 West Fourth. Parmerton & Scott, billiard saloon, cor. Eighth and Central ave. Parsell B. S., feed store, southeast cor. Race and Canal. Parshall J. B., physician, 213 Elm, bet. Fiith and Sixth. PARTRIDGE C. A., PUBLIStIER, BOOK SELLER, AND STATIONER, PRIN TER AND BINDER, 107 MAIN. Parv-n Dorcey A., dealer in drugs, paints, oils and dye stuffs, junction Second and East Front. Parvin & Johnson, manufacturers and dealers in trunks, carpet bags, &c. &c., wholesale and retail, 31 Broadway. Passauer C., tobacconist, 57 Hamilton Road. Passenger Railroad Company of Cincin nati, Jas. J. Robbins, prcs't, S. W. Ely, treas., 30 West Fourth. Patrick John H. P., merchant tailor, 40 East Fifth. Patterson, Brother & Co., produce commis sion and forwarding merchants, 33 Walnut. Patterson J. A., wholesale and retail deal er in Havana cigars, 115 Main. Patterson N. & Co., prop'rs Miami foundry, store' $ Main. Patterson W. G., physician, 441 John. PATTERSON W. R., ASSISTANT SUP'T WESTERN DIVISION ADAMS EX PRESS CO., 56 A N D 58 EAST THIRD. (See card, p. 87.) Pattiane A., gallery of fine arts, 24 West Fourth. Patton G. R., physician, south-east cor. Fourth and John. Paul H. D., attorney, notary public and commissioner of deeds for all the States, 25 West Third. fruit of all kinds, and game and poul try in season, 27 West Fifth. Paddack Alex., attorney at law, 6 MIasonic Temple. Paddock Charles J., clerk with Wm. R. Paddock, south-east cor. Third and I Walnut. | PADDOCK WM. R., BANKER, AND PUBLISHER OF PADDOC K'S BANK M I R R O R, SOUTH-EAST COR. THIRD AND W ALN UT. Page Margaret, dress maker, 51 West Sev- enth. Pahls John, confectionery, 33 Broadway. Pahner F. W., blacksmith, 679 Elnim. Paine L., carriage maker, 199 West Sev enth. Painter J. & Co., Queen City wagon man ufactory, 57 Race, 2 doors below Sec ond. Palmer Abraham, prop'r Western Museum, north-east cor. Third and Sycamore. Palmer Oliver, Palmer pump and portable engine works, cor. Third and Miami Canal. PALMER SOLON, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF PERF UMERY, 36 WEST FOURTH. Palmetary Scioto, confectiouery and sa loon, 186 Broadway. Paneei John, confectionery, cor. Race and Eighth. Panhorst D., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 664 Central ave. Pape B., confectionery, 593 Walnut. Pape E. W. & Brother, manufacturers of gilt mouldings, looking glass and pic ture frames, 217 Walnut. Pappenheimer, Dreyfoos & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in hardware, cutlery, guns and pistols, 107 West Pearl. Park John D., dealer in patent medicines, erfumery, and toilet goods, cor. Fourth and Walnut. Parker Geo. S., carpenter and builder, Yeatman, bet. Broadway and Syca more. Parker T. H.. attorney at law, 57 West Third. Parker & Parker, attorneys at law, Man chester Building, cor. Sycamor e and Third. PARKHILL JAMES, WHOLESALE PIE. See adv't of Cincinnati Pottery, p. 140. 184 CIN CIIAS. 1-1. McDOUGAL. NO. 23 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. GIN 18~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIN~~~~~~~ 'NICHOLAS WIRT[LIN, Dealer in i PATENT BOOTS, FINE CALF SEWVED BOOTS, Pegged Boots, Gaiters, Patent and Calf, &c., 101 East Pearl St, bet. Ludlow and Broadway, CINCINNATI, OTIIO. Constantly on hand, of my own manufacture, every description of Ladies, Gents, and Children's Wear. Paul J, mtanufa,cturer and wholesale deal er in leather hides and oil, 181 Main. Paul John, meat store, 547 Main. Paul & Murdock, steamboat agents, and forwarding and commission mer chiants, 13 Water. Paulsen & Kampformeller, druggists and ~apothecaries, cor. Eighth and Vine. Peacock A., plow manufactory, 10 West, Seventh. Pease Wm., plumber, pump and hydrant maker, 296 West Sixth. Pea,t Jas., attorney at law, 363 Main. Peebles J. R., dealer in staple, fancy and family groceries. nor-th-ea st cor. Fifth andi Race. PEEBLES & BROTHER, MANUFACTUR ERS OF STAR, OPAL, ALABASTER AND TALLOW CAND.lES, LARD, T,NLLOW AND RED OILS, 177, 179 AND 181 CANAL. Peel Geo. W., American steam scouring and dyeing establishment, 134 West. Sixth. Peel Mrs. Eliza, proprietress Boston Dye House, 274 Walnut. Peel Samuel, lumber merchant, cor. Court ani Elm. Peeppaugh Mrs. Ann, family grocery, 171 Central ave. Peiper Louis, lager beer saloon, 12 Liberty, cor. Hughes. Peirano A., confectionery and saloon, 403 Main. Pellmann P., grocery, 346 Ilamilton Road. Pendery & Co., importers and dealers in teas, north-west cor. Fifth and Wal nut. Pendleton Geo., freight ag't of New York and Erie Railroad, 67 West Eighth. Pendleton Geo. H., attorney at law, 23 West Third. Pendleton and Fifth St. Market R. R. Co., Geo. McLaughlin, treas., C. H. Kil gor e, pres't,, offic e south-west cor. Fifth and Walnut. Pengemann John T., billiard and la ger beer saloon, 400 Sycamore, cor. Abi gail. Penney G. J., produce commission mer chant, and dealer in grain, 88 Wal nut. Peoria Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Isaac Underhill, pres't, C. Ilolland, sec'y, 14 Public Landing. Perini, Gould & Co., commission merchants, and manufacturers of barley and rye malt, 88 and 90 West Front. Perran T., confectioner and billiard sa loon, 177 Vine. Perry Mrs. M. J., dress maker and ladies' clothing store, 33 West Seventh. Perry & Johnson, millinery establishment, 274 West Fifth. Peter George A., paper hanging and( win dow shades, 127 West Fifth. PETER MEINRAD, PROP'R PETER'S EXCHANGE, 199 EAST FRONT, BT. BUTLER AND MIAMI. Petermann Geo., grocery, cor. Elm and Grant. PETERS A. C. & BRO., MANUFACTUR ERS AND IMPORTERIS OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 94 WEST FOURTH, OPP. POST OF FICE. PETERS EXCHANGE, MEINRAD PETER PROP'R, 199 EAST FRONT, BET. BUTLER AND MIAMI. Peters Mrs. & Son, confectionery, 162 West Sixth. Peters W. M., dealer in music and musical instruments, 51 West Fourth. Peters & ltannegieser, grocers and pro duce dealers, north-west cor. Elm and Sixth. Pettlbone Alex, ticket agent, L. M. & C. & X. R. R. Co., and C. H. & D. R. R. Co., cor. Vine and Burnet. Peuckner William, lager beer saloon, 525 Vine. Pfan Jacob, tin, copper and sheet iron warg, 1003 Central ave. Pfankeichlien F., shaving saloon, 8 West Court. PFAU J. & J. M., SOLE AGENTS FOR C. & P. BOGEN'S STILL A N D SPARKLING CATAWBA WIN E S AND BRANDIES, &C., ALSO PRO PRIETR'S OF THIE MEDICAL ARO bI ATIC HOLLAND BITTERS, 258 MAIN. Pf,au Phillip, prop'r Columbia saloons north-east cor. Main and Eighth. Pfeiffer Anthony, florist and nurseryman, 201 Walnut, bet. Fifth and Sixth. See adv't of J. A. Jackson & Co., Wines and Liquors, p. 135. CIN 185 CIN ~~CI 18 i ~~~~IN N e wportLF Ky., IronI Works, D. WOLFF, PROPRIETOR. SIIEET, BOILER, A!D iBAR IRQ.X, Of every size and quality, always on lhand or made to order. Also Railroad Car Axles, Locomotive Tires, Shaftings, lHedvy Forgings of all kinds, Stores, 121 East Pearl Street, and 375 Main Street. Office 121 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, - - OHIO. Address I). WOLFF, Newport Iron Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfeiffer F., prop'r Frey's Hotel, north-west cor. Main and Canal. Pfiester F., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 351 Main. Pfiester & Metzger, manufacturers of wrought iron locks and bell hang ings, 30 West Sixth. Pfir A., lager beer and wine saloon, 562 Race. Pfirrmann A., importer and wholesale and retail dealer in foreign wines, liquors, cigars, &c., 359 Walnut. Pfirrmann & Batuer, wholesale and retail dealers in brandies, gins and cordials, 19 Canal. Phalen Thomia,s, blacksmith, cor. Water and Race PHARES, TAYLOR & CO., MANUFAC TURERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 49 PEARL. PHELPS C. H., SALESMAN KNITT & LYTTLES, 73 WEST PEARL. Phillip Silas, auction and commission mer chant, 40 Public La-nding. Phillips Cornelius, wholesale dealer in dry goods, millinery goods, &c, Melo deon Building. Phillips George, confectioner, cor. Court and Mound. Phillips George W., jr., provision and pro duce broker, 5 Merchants Exchange Building. Phillips S., dealer in ladies' aind gents' furnishing, perfumery, toilet articles, &c., 2-57 Central ave., bet. Sixth and George. Phillips W. H., real estate, note and bill broke r, 83 We st Third. Phillips Wm., attorney at law, 282 Main. Phillips & Son, rolling mill, manufacturers of wrought iron, 58 and 60 East Se cond. Phillips & Wallace, civil and mechanical engineers and surveyors, north-east cor. Walnut and Ninth. Phipps Wni. T., pres't Home Insurance company, Cincinnati, O., 37 West Third. Phister & How, (B. & F. MA.) Wheeler,Citv tobacco ware house for the inspection and sale of leaf tobacco, privately and at auction, Pearl, bet. Plum and Western Row. PRI(PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, R. H. & H. M. MAGILL, GENERAL AGENTS, 33 WEST THIRD. (See card p. 2.) Platt John If., attorney at law and notary public, 160 Vine. Pickel M., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin, and sheet iron ware, 24':> West Sixth. Pickering, clock making and repair ing, 9 East Seventh. Pickering C. M., clock and watch maker, 9 East Seventh. Pickering J. M., manufacturer and iim porter of ladies dress trimmings, 96 West Fourth, opp. P. O. Pickett Henry, restaurant, 30 West Fourth. basement. Pickett John, saloon 206 Broadway. Pienning John II., furniture dealer, 507 Main. Piepenbring Frank, prop'r Broadway Ex change Restaurant, cor. Broadway and Columbia. Pierce J. & Son, steamboat inspectors for Marion Insurance Company, 16 East Front. Pierson D. B. & Co., dealers in lumber of every variety, 381 corner Plum and Twelfth. Pierson & Co., commission merchants and wholesale dealers in foreign fruits, nuts, Havanna and refined sugars, &c., 30 Walnut. Pike Samuel N., distiller and rectifyer, 18 and 20 Sycamore, dwelling 355 Fourth. Pike's Opera House, S. N. Pike, proprietor, West Fourth, bet. Vine and Walnut. See adv't of C. B. Hunt, Butter Merchant. p. 132. I 0 CIN 186 0 OINL 187 GIN YOUNG, THOMAS & CO., [ORW RDiHG AND COIVMISSIOH MERCHAHTS, For the sale and purchase of Flour, Grain and Produce generally, Agents for the IIamilton Canal Boat Line, No. 63 Miami Canal, bet. Walnut and Vine, CINCINNATI, O. Particular attention given to all orders. Piket & Sen, architects, north-east corner Wa-lnuit and Ninth. Pirmaun George, stocking weaver, 145 East Second. Piston John, boot and shoe shop, 653 Vine. Piston Wim., merchant tailor, 527 Vine. IPit~man Benn, principal of phonographic institute, Carlisle Building, corner Fourth and Walnut. Pittinger A., fashionable boot and shoe maker, 264 West Fifth. Pitton A., dyer and scourer, 96 Thirteenth, bet. Vi ne a nd liace. Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati R. R., via. Steubenville, Lafayette De venny, general freight age nt, office 7 East Third, opp. Henr y H ouse. Plaspohl H., hat and cap store, 481 Main. Plaspohl Henry, staple and fancy grocer ies, cor. Walnut and Sixth. Platt L. B. & Co., dealers in oysters, fish and game, 43 East Third. Platz E., saloon, 999 Central Save. Plaut CI. I., clothing store, 604 Central ave. Pleil Louis, bakery, 71 East Front. Pleisteiner J. C., deal er in f ancy goods and notions, 555 Vine. Plettner Henry, prop'r Workroans' Hall, 474' Walnut. Plochg A., dry goods and millinery,. cor. Main and Thirteenth. Plowman Richard, city inspector of beef and pork, office 9 East Canal. Poage Thos. K. & Co., commission mer chants, and dealers in flour, grain, leaf tobacco, and produce generally, 65 and 67 West Front. Podesta John, confectionery, 425 Main. Podesta L., dealer in confectionery, and ice cream saloon, corner Central ave. and Fourth. POE & tITCHCOCK, AGENTS METHO DIS,T BOOK CONCERN, SOUTH WEST COR. MAIN AND EIGHTH. Poggenklas & Nolte, dealers in wines and liquors, 42 Sycamore. Pogue & Jones, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, mantles, shawls, ribbons, &c., 68 West Fifth. Pohlman George W., importer and manu facturer of dress trimmings and mil itary goods, 102 West Fourth. Pohlmann Henry, harness maker, 351 Broadway. Pohlmann John, importer and dealer in foreign and domestic liquors, &c., 35 and 37 Court. Poland hIenry, wholesale grocer, liquor, and commission merchant, 60) and 62 West Second. Pollard Jas., confectionery and saloon, 227 Sycamore. Pollock James S., prop'r Globe foundry and machine shop, Columbia, bet. Race and Elm. Pollock J. B., attorney,it law, 168 Vine. POLLOCK & McCALL, DEALERS IN PAPER, AND PAPER MAKERS' MATERIALS, &c., 232 WALNUT. Polowskey John, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Clinton and Freeman. POMEROY CHAS. COOLIDGE, OF POM EROY COAL MINES AND SALT WORKS, 54 EAST THIRD. POMAIEROY ROLLING MILL COMPANY WORKS, POMEROY, O., LUTHER F. POTTER, AGENT, WAREHOUSE 100 SECOND, EAST OF BROADWAY. POMEROY S. WYLLYS, OF POMEROY COAL MINES AND SALT WORKS, 54 EAST TttIRD. Poor & Co., wholesale grocers and commis sion merchants, and dealers in liquors, tobacco, &c., 225 Walnut. Popp Joseph, merchant tailor, 351 Vine. Porter A. B., upholstery and furnishing goods, 258 Walnut. PORTER A. C., MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALEDEALER IN MODERN IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS, 21 AND 22 WEST SIXTH. (See card, p. 156.) Porter F. W., manufacturer of jewelry, 6 Fourth, over Beggs & Smith's Store. Porter W. S. & Co., art palace photograph ers, 100 West Fourth, opp. P. O. Portsmouth Insurance Company, Joseph S. Ross, pres't, S. W. Reeder, sec'y, 73 West Third, up stairs. Potter J. F., physician and surgeon, 34 West Fourth. POTTER LUTHER F., AGENT FOR POM EROY ROLLING MILL COMPANY, POMEROY, O., WAREI[OUSE 100 SECOND, EAST OF BROADW&Y. POTTER L. F. & WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN MACHINERY, 98 SECOND, EAST OF BROADWAY. See adv't of Holstein & Hammer, Mouldings, &c., p. 129. CIN CIN 187 Potter M. D. & Co., daily and weekly Com- PURCELL JOHN, PROP'R ELDORADO mercial, north-east corner Fourth and DINING SALOON, 36 EAST FIFTH. Race. Pursell B. & J., (Thos. J. MIllirdock, Powell David A., iron foundry, steam en. agent,) manriufacturers and imnporters gine and boiler builder, circular saw of mattrasses and bedding, every mills, &c., Butler, bet. Congress and kind of window slhtdes, curtain goo(ds, Front. &c., 19 East Fourth. Powell J. B., attorney at law, and notary Purser John, blacksmith, 91 East Front. public, south-west cor. Sycamore and( Purshall Patrick, boardinrg hlouse, 219 Third. West Fifth. Powell P., rifle manufacturer, importer of Puthof John B., tailor, 11 Second. guns, and sporting apparatus, 160 Puthoff H., merchant tailor, 265 Main. Main. Puthoff Henry, lagerbeer saloon, 110 AbiPowell Thomas, attorney at law, notary, ga,il, bet. Spring and Pendleton. and commnissioner of deeds, south- Pye Josiah R., rnmanufaetulrer of and dealer west cor. Third and Naini. in hlts, caps, and furs, 48 West Powell WV. E., saloon, 98 Sycamore. Fifth. Powell Wm. & Co., union brass foundry Pye & Culbertson, fruit aund vegetable and pla,ting works, 247 and 249 West shippers, 57 East Third. Fifth. Quante IHenry, manufacturer of boots Powers'., boarding stable, 385 liest and shoes, 35 Broadway. Sixthl. Quebe Frederick, dealer in leathler and Prather C. B., upholsterer a-nd mattrass findings, 356 Main. manufacturer, 51 East Third. QUEEN CITY COMM1AERCIAL COLLEGE, Prather J. O. & Co, forwarding and com- R. NELSON, J. M. WATERS, W A. mission mnerchants, 22 Broadway. MILLER, PRIINCIPALS AND PROPratt & Metcalf; prop'rs Spencerl louse, PRIEITORS, SOUTIIl-EAST CORNER cor. Front atl Brto-dwty. FOURTH AND VINE. (See card p. Preston John, dealer in coal, north-east 159.] cor. Thir(l and WVIitewater Canal. Queen City Fire and Mariniie Insurance Price T. & J., buckskin dressers, glove Compa.ny, Joseph Draper, president, manufacturers, 312 Main. James A. Devou, secretary, 64 West Prier G., coffee house, Central ave., near Third. Bank. QUEEN CITY SAW MILLS, JOHTINSON, Probasco Wm. B., attorney at law, 68 West MORTON & CO., PROP'RlS, SEVEN Third. TEENTH WARD, NEAR SPORTSProctor & Gamble, manufacturers and MAN'S IIALL. (See card, p. 148.) wholesale dealers in star and tallow Queen City Varnish Company, runanufac candles and fine soaps, 24 West Se- turers of all kinds of varnish, 43 cond. Vine. Prossheter S. & A., cooperage, cedar, pine Quentin Hern, bakery, 387 Vine. and oak, 639 Race. Quetar A. & Co., coffee house, 39 southProws James, family grocery, Seventeenth east cor. Water and Walnut. Ward, East Front. Quin H., hat and bonnet dresser and Prues B. H., dealer in fimrnily groceries, bleachler, 202 Plum. liquors, &c., 174 East Fifth. Quinn Miss E., millinery and fancy goods. Puckta, Lawrence, Congress Street House, 288 West Fiftlh. cor. Pearl and Pike. Quinn F., dealer in limne and cement, 350 Puff Chas., manufacturer of willow ware, Central ave. 382 Vine. Quinn J. J., physician, 123 West Eighth. Pugh A., book and job printing, 120 Main, Quinn Patrick, saloon and restaurant, 29 fourth story. East Fifth. Pugh H., grocer, cor. Laurel and Cutter. Quinn Thos. G., dealer in stoves, grates, Pugh Job, attorney at law and notary tin and hollow ware, ir.anufacturets public, 19 West Third. metalic roofing, galvanized cornice, Pullen, Hatfield & Brown, prop'rs Cin. &c., 1378 Main. cinnati steam sugar refinery, Pearl, Quinn & Rentz, attorneys at law, corner bet. Plum and Western Row, office Main and Nevitt. 233 Third. Quinlin Mrs. Mary, saloon, 34 Butler. PULLAN & WILLIAMSON, WHOLESALE Raabe Philip, confectionery, 529 Main. GROCERS AND C(}MMISSION MER- Raache F., grocery, 471 Vine. CHANTS, 53 WEST SECOND. Rabbe Henry G., book binder and ruler, Putte J. H., homoeopaithic physician, 293 Manchester building, cor. Sycamore Walnut. and Third. Rabbe J. II., groceries, 450 Vine. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CIN 188 CIN -~ ~ I 8 I Rataukhorst Clemens, grocer, cor. Rittea house and Cla,rk. RAUT[I FRANCIS, WHfLESALE GRO CER AND DEALER IN PROVIS IONS, 80 EAST PEARL, BT. BROAD Wl'AY AND SY(C'AMIIOR.E. Ravens H., saloon, col. Eighth and Free Illan. Rawsons J. & Co., packers, cur-ers and smokers of pork, beef and sugar cur ed hams, Sycamnore, bet. Ninth and Court. Rawson, WVelby & Co., agents for tobacco malllufi-tct'rs, 8 West Front. Ray C. Ml., general commission mercha nt, south-east cor. Sycamore and Court. Ray Chrles J., painlter and glazier, 221 Firo. Ray & Boss brewery, ale and porter, 400 Sycamore, cor. Abiga-il. Raymond, Roberts & Hilsinger, manufac turers of steel mnould board plows, 614 Mlain. Reagan John, grocery, 53 East Eighth. Reakirt J. & C., whoiesale druggists and importers of French and German clie miiic,als, 52 Second. Reany Wm., police office, 2 Union Block, East Third. Reardon, Graham & Co., native wine, and general comIlission merchants, 282 MaIin. RpeehCtinr G. H., dealer in groceries, produce, liquors, &c., 76 East Pearl. PReck Henry, grocery, 636 Race. Rledman B. T.I merchant tailor, 137 Main. Redmond J. AI., plain and decorative grainer, 208 Central ave. Redway & Briton, proprietors Eagle Stove Store, 17 West Fifth, south side, bet. Main and Wa. lnut. Reed George, (col.,) barber, 150 Front. Reed henry & C., editors and publishers Coincin.ati li)aily and IWeekly J-enry l~ress, Vine, opp. Customi House. lReed & Marpe, iripolteis and dealers in French rind Anietican paper.hang igs, 219 Central ave. Reeder E. B., contractor Cincinnati, In dianapolis and Jutinctionr R. R. Co., 73 West Third, up stairs. Reeder S. W., secret,ary Portsmouth Ins. Co., 73 West Third, tip stairs. PReedy 1P., finmily grocery, cor. North and New. Pie w Wene allingford & Co. grain, produce and commission merclhants, 29 Vine. Rees G., dealer in dirigs and medicines, paints, oils, &c., noith-west cor. Sev enith and Liinn. Rees T., mnerchalnt tailor, 883 Ea~st Third. Rees Wm. Z., nanufact'r of surgical and dental instruments and trusses, 71 West SixQth. Rabe George tIenry, saloon, 207 West Fifth. Rabe John, prop'r II,amilton Itouse, 235 Wvest Sixth. R,abeiis F., mnainufa-ctturer and dealer ini boots a.nd shoes, cor. Main,i and Web stel'. REacrii,er Il., 411 Central. ave. Rta gedoil f M., nmaruflicturer and dealer in tobaicco and cig,-jrs, 322' Ai.lin. R'alg_ Andtrew, Freeman Street Exchange lhcer beer saloon, 700 Freema n. l'aquct & Schi.bel, locksmiths and tiachin ists, 439 Main. RAILRif)OD HOTEL, R. F. LEVERING, PROP'7R, COR BROADWAY AND FRFtO.N T. Rairden Mis. l I., family grocery and sa loot), 13 E.ast Seventh. R'airden, Tilden & Rairden, attorneys at y law, north-west cor. Sycamore and Fouirtlh. Ralphe M icbael, dealer in butter anid eggs, 32 East Fifth. Rama zzotto B., confectionery, 48 East Fifth. P.amsay J. B. & Co., Union Bank, biankers and dealers in exchange, 27 West Tllird. RANDI,E W,)., tIOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, 1L75 PLUMi. (See card p. I,,s.) Randolph S. F., physician, 924 Central ave. Randolph T. F. & Bro., nanufaicturers and delers in mathematical inistlruments, 6i7 West Sixth. Rainkin Augustus, wholesale and retail (letter in teas, north-west cor. Sixth and Central ave. Ranklin Williamrn, atibrotype, photograph and fine art gallery, north-east cor. Fifth 89atF( Vine, up stairs. lRaitz Joseph, lagier beer saloon, 294 iNst Cain. RAPEtR -JOSEPH -I., REAL ESTATE AND M1 ONEY BIROKER, 73- WEST TIIIRI), UP STAIRS. Rasclie f., talmne r ad kin dresser, coi. Hla,im ilton r oad and (C'anal. Ratcliffe G., stea nPboatdecorastter and gild er, 89 East Front. Ra-tclift Cales, blacksmith, 36 Bttler. Ratl,eber F., 4lag er beer Tsaloon, 18 West Couirt. Ratliff J..I., mianufalcturer an-d dealer in tin iansi sheet iroio ware, 2 n2 West Six t ol. lattermain n, Gibbi & Co., rranufactur ers of,1l kinds of varnish, 125 Lib er ty, bet. Race and Pleasant. Ran. Mx, saloon, 480 Vine. Rauk & Guttersmanl, wholesalle clothier s andl deallers in cloths, cassirners, gents' furnishing goods, &c., 6 Pearl, one door west of Main. See adv't of Safes, Bank Locks, and Vaults, p. 128, CIN 189 CIN CIN 190 CIN I Geese Geo. W., auction ware rooms, 23 Rennekamp G., family grocery, 169 West West Fifth. Ninth. l'eeve Jos., maitnfact'r and dealelr in boots Rennekiamp I,oi.is,-ealer in groceries and and shoes, 208 Elm. provisions, -639 Central ave. Reeves John, general iiinurance agent, 32 Renneker Jacob, manufact'r of boots and West Third, Masonic Temple. shoes, north- west. cor. (367) Main and REEVES I. E1. & CO., Wtl(OIS,ESALE Court. DEALELIS IN BOOTS ANI) SfIOElS, Renner Adani cupping, leaching and( HATS AND CAPS, 121 WVALNUT. shtaving saloon (I; WLainult. lie,ani M. dealer in staple and fanecv dry Renz N., tannery, 1s82 Hamilton Road. goods, 90 W. Fifth. Renz T., druggist, cor. Gest -and Freeman. Pegan T. dealer in staple and fancy (Iry Reord tn J., boot and shoe ma;ker, 107 goods, l150-W. Fifth. West Third. Reg nier A. B., attorney at law ainl nota Reor Wmn. & Co., Iinufa ctu,Cers of stoves ry public, south-west cor. Fourth an(i and hlollow waie, 13 and, 15 AlM-in. Walnut.!Reum IT., ipothecary and druggist, corner 1-hell J. I-., boot anld slhoe m,aker, 434 W. Clark and John. Fifth. Reetcpohler F. & G., dealers in foreign I-ehm Johlin, boot and shoe iaker, No. 4 and domestic fruit and prodl,ce, 137 WTalnut. Court. Ielim John, cabinet maker, 1,0147 (tci tI [leynold MIiss lI., boarding house, 267 avenue. Central ave. ,Reich G. A., lager teer saloon, 454 Main. Reynolds James M., shirt manufacturer Reid MIrs. Catharine, family grocery, 343| and gents' furnislher, 126 Walnut. West Fifth. Reynolds Wm., confectionery, southl-east Reid Rlobert, boot, and shoe niaker, I44 coy. Elm and Race. West Fifth. PRheinlberger John A., manufacturer andT Reidel Geo., lager beer aid wine sa loon,i dealer in cigars and tobacco, 444 544 Race. Walnut. Itteider Felix, broker nd, luggist, 73 Rhodes Mrs. If.. milliner. 417 Central a-nd 127 V est Third. avenue. 'teily MNrs. M., boarding lt,use, 158 Svca- RtIIODES J. It-., CASIIER ADAMS EX more. PRESS CO., 56( AND 58 EAST JReimoardt G., saloon, 585 Walnut:. THIRD. (See card p. 87.) Reinermaun C(., grocely a.nd cofiee house, Rice John & Co., pork packers and com 641 Elm. mnissioni 91 and 93 Ca;nal. Rteinganum Jaco ba, [re,79 Wetst Fiftl. Rice Joseph, manufcturer and dealer in1'einhardt John 1I., billiard salooni, 46(5 boots and shoes. 5 East,' Pearl. Walnut. Rice Sidney, frcight agent Indianapoli,, lReinlein Paul, drug,gist, cot. Eighth anti( an ( Cincinliaiti Railroad, 66 West Freeman. Third. Iteinmund J., lager beer saloon. 22 I:flaiit- Rice &Vance, rmanuf.etiurers l(nd dealers iltori Road. in husks for intattresses, Eightli, east I:teis N., ftimlnily grocery, 46l Maui. of Broadway, gReising II., deatler in groceries and o)vi- R ichard Cleimens, plhysician, 7 Pendleton. sionIs, t61 West Seventlh. Richards Chlianning, jr., attorlney at l.aw [Reith Challes, satlooti, East Friont, opp. lit- nd notary public, southi-east corner tle Miaiiii Depot. Fourth and Vine. Reitter Jacob, second-hand store, 120 y R RI(-'IARDS GEO., MANUFACTURERi amore. AND DEALER IN CIGARS AND TO-. Reke & Luetkehaus, manaufalct'is lard oil, BAtCCO, 572 CENTRAL AVE. 13 West Canal. ]liclhards James, books anrd stationery, 208 Rtemleyl Jacob A.. manufact'r cigars and Sycamore. tobacco, 586 Central ave. Richards John, ag't for Johni Cliilds & Co., Remmre H. WV., boot aid shoe maker; 624 113 East Eighth. Main, cor. Liberty. IRichlardson Mrs., dress maker. 4', Rl'enaus T. & C., milliniery and ftitcy stole. West Fourth. 186 West Fifth. Richardson B. F., physician, cor. Race aInd Rengier C., merchant tailor. 17; Broad- Eighth. way. Richardson E. M., manufacturer of ladies' R.ENNEKAMP AUGUST, DEALER IN shoes, &c., 136 Ninth. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES Richardson J., surgeon dentist, 100 West AND LIQUORS, SOUTH-EAST COlI. Seventh. f BUTLER AND PEARL. Richardson J. H., receiver city passenger Rennekamp B., grocer, 23 Mill. See adv't of Hall, Carroll & Co., p. 128. C[N Riely Robert T., clerk of customs, at Cus tom House. Riemeier H., carpenter e.rd bui,lder, 13 Hamilton Road.' Rieth Charles, saloon, cor. Ludlow and Levee. Riggs & Murray, steamboat, painters, dec orators, sign flags, banners, &c., 29 East Front. Riket Mrs. MAary, embroideryl designer, cor. Fourth and Walnut. Rikoff J. G., nmerchant tailor, cor. Main and Ninth. Riley D. & J. P., livery stable, 7 East Sixth. Riley John, lager beer saloon, 200 West Sixth. Riley Mrs. J., saloon, southwest cor. Elm and Seventh. RILEY S. G., LIVERY AND SALE STA BLE, 82 BAYMILLER. Riley Wm., grainer and painter, 200 Elm. Rindskopf Bros. & Co., importers aind wholesale dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 79 West. Ringwalt & Avery, importers, wholesale and retail dealers in carpets, curtain goods, oil cloths, &c., 69 West Fourth. Rintz Sebastain, dry goods, china, glass and queensware, 463 West Fifth. Ripley George, feed store, 162 John. Ritchie J. C. & J., dealers in dry goods and carpets, 65 and 67 East Pearl. Ritter Anton, mineral and soda water manufacturer, 468 Vine. Ritter George W., dealer in ime.ats, vege tables, &c., 124 Fourth. Rittweger Philip, confectionery, 282 Cen tira3l ave. Ritzer Joseph, saddle and haruess maker, 1,076 Central ave. Rivard John C., bakery, 46~ East Third. ROBACK DR. C. W., SCANDINAVIAN AND BLOOD PURIFIER, &c., &c., 6 EAST FOURTH. (See card, p. 160.) Robbins Martin, machinist, 247 West Fifth. Robbins & Pomeroy, wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, 57 Pe,arl. Robert Emmet House, Henry Bigger, prop'r, 21 East Fifth. ROBERTS C. J., INSURANCE AG'T, 67 WEST FOURTH. Roberts David, saddle and harness mnaker, 341 West Fifth. Roberts J. J., carriage painter, 183 West Sixth. Roberts & Curtis, carriage manufacturers 136 and 138 West Pearl, sale room 25 East Fifth. Roberts & Johnson, dealers in Ohio, Ken tucky, Missouri and Virginia leaf to bocco, also manufactured tobacco, 122 West Columbia. R. R., 1,117. Central ave., near Brigh ton House. Richardson James, gents furniishing goods, manufacturer and jobber of shirts, and dealer in hosiery and fancy goods, Masonic Temple, Walnut. Richardson James, physician, 926 Central ave. Richardson Wm. T., attorney at law and notary public, 53 West Third. Richardson W. S., periodical store, 387 Main. Richardson & Wilson, commission mer chants, and wholesale and retail deal ers in grain, south-west cor. Court and Sycamore. Richeimer M., bakery and confectionery, 293 Main. Richit F., French steam scouring estab lishment, 93 West Fifth. Richter D., family grocery, cor. Broadway and Hunt. Richter 11., dealer in groceries and pro visions, 396 West Fifth. RICHTER THEODORE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN STATIONERY, PRINTS, LOOKING G LASS PLATES, FRAMES, FANCY TOYS, &c., 56)3 VINE. IRiehter & Veilkamp, merchant tailors, and dealers in boys clothing, 245 West Fiftl. Ricketts Wm., plumber, 45 East Fourth. RICKEY, MIALI,ORY & CO., IMPORT ERS, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS m AND STATIONERS, 73 W E S T FOURTH, AND 12 BAKER. Ricking B., grocer, cor. John and Chesnut. Rickinag J. II., dealer in ready made cloth ing, hats, caps, &c., 12 Casselly's Row. Riddle A. N., attorney at law, 284 Main. Rider F., boot and shoe maker, 100 Thir teenth, bet. Vine and Race. Ridimann John, dealer in dry goods, 475 Vine. Iieckelman H11. 11. & Co., drapers and tail ors, 335 Central ave. Rpied John, manufacturer and dealer in saddles, harness, collars, &c., 30 East Fifth. Rieder F., real estate, note and bill bro ker, 73 West Third, up stairs. Riegel J. P., exchange office, 4 Hammond. Rieger Chas., manufacturer and dealer in fashionable hats and caps, 461 Main. Riekel Wm., millinery and dress making, 425 V ine. R ieker & Schmidlin, manufacturers of malt kilns, and all kinds of iron and sheet iron work, 29 Allison. -Rielag F., fam~lily grocery, 488 Walnsut. Rielag F., manufacturer and dealer in hats and caps, 447 Main. See M. Herbstreit's adv't p. 127. CIN 191 Robertson M., boots and shoes, 319 Cen tral ave. Robins R. H., sewing machine manufac t,urer, cor. John and Augusta. Robinson A. D., telegraph operator, 0. & M. R. R., 522 Front. Robinson Ansel D., Little Mliami E,atitng House, 179 East Front. Robinson E. H, dealer in provisions and produce, 179 Sycamore, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Robinson Frank, (col.,) shaving and hair dressing sa loon, 186 Walnut. Robinson 1. F., plain;nd ornamental sign painter, 210 Central ave. Robinson James, retail grocer, 52 Vine. Robison.l. C., brick mnaker, cor. Carr and Ninth. Robinson J. W., prop'r Orleans Hotel, cor. Western Row and Front. Robinsoni Mrs. Sarah, confectionery, 172 Central ave. Robinson W. L., feed store, south-west cor. Eighth and Baymiller. Robson W. & G. W., copper smiths and mannlfatct,'rs of' distillery work, 156 and 1.58 East Front. ~ Robson &g Westor n, wrought iron and steam M pipe na'mufacturing a,d fitting shop, 156 arnd 168 East Front. Rocap E., livery and sale stalble, Patter son's Alley, bet. Walnut,aind Main and Fifth,and Sixth. Rocap Jas., blacksmith, Patterson's Alley, bet. Walnut and Main and Fifth arid Sisxth. Rocap & Farrelly, commission merchants, pork and produce dealers, &c., 219 Sycamore. Rodde Ednmund, 1boo0k, card audjob printer, cor. Main aiind Fourth, up st'irts. Robert H11., fiamily grocery, coI. Spring a,nd Abigail. Roeb Thomas, boarding house, 177 Syca- c more. Roeseli Johln, bakery, 88 Woodward, bet. Broladway and Spring. Roettcher Louis, baker, John,and Clinton. Rogers E. B., wholesale manufacturer atned dealer in boots and shoes, 25 lEast, Pellrl, up stairs. Rogers J. I., merchant, 41 Walnut. R Rogers l. l., physician, 17th Wa,rd, East Front. Rogers Mi., dentist, 84 West Seventh. Rogers & C(o., book and job printers, 39 West'I'riiid. RPohlinei Richard( C., clerk U. S. Marshal's office, l'ost Office Building. Rolf Wm., groceries and provisions, 109 W~est Fr'ont. Roll Christopher, boarding house, 175 East Front. Rollins & Biggs, ale saloon, Langdon Alley, rear of Loveland & Co.'s sale stables. SRolwagin L., merchant tailor, 566 Cen. trail Avenue. Rombalch B., saddl ancd ha rness maker, 684 CentrM A-tentie. Rominger Joseph, l.ota er beer saloon, 617 Vi'le. Roos N., gr oceries, cor. Liberty and Aoore. Roots Tlom,Eas E., hair dressing and sha,v ing saloon, 144 ande 146 Vine. PRoots & Coe, flour, produce and commis sion merchi'.cnts, White Water Canal Ba,tsin. Ropes N. & Co., matnufacturers of star can dles and lard oi, 49i and 51 Lock, bet. Fourth antid Fifth. Roschenkempel & lenrf y, manulfacturer and dealer in cighrs and toba cco, 323 Prest Fifth, cor. John. Rose Wmi., electr o patuhml,. physician and su-rgeon, treats all kinds of chronic diseatses, 168 Vine. Rosecri.ans. S., imp.nr ifct urer an d d ealer in tburni Oc Biing ons l ubl i ca ting coa l oils, 413 West Seco nd. Roseboom G., plane and edte tool manu f.a,cturier,'-ind wholesale and reta.til dealer in hardware and cLIUtler, 219 MIain. Roseciook Joseph, cooperage, Basin, bet. Eighth and Ninth. Rosenbaum Isa-ac, dealer in newi and sec ond hand furniture, 24,7 Br-oadwa,y, n c:tr Eighth. Rosenbaum Meyer, stove, tin, copper aind shleet iron-ware, 191;Vest Fifth. Rosenbuig A., merchant tailor, 272 Central Avenue. |R,;oseiidolf Chalrles, meat store, 441 M\la,in. R loserier I-I., carriage maker, 711 Vine Streett ltill. R.',osener II., 12thl Waird Excha.nge,. lager beer saloon, 765 Vine Street, Hill. Rosenrf'eld Albert. physiciani.and( surgeon, cor, Seventh and Wa —lnluiit. IRoseifehil & Kaufinan, wholesale chotlhiers and dealers in gents' furnislhing goods, 69 M,ain'. Rosenfel(ler Louis, restaurant and billiard saloon, 470 Vine. R'osenlheine & Ross.man, wlolesatle dealers in hosiery, embroidery, &c., 85 Pearl. Rosensteil I,. S., staple arid fancy dry goods, 108 West Fifth. Rosenthal & Kaufman, general produce and commission mierchantrs, 22 West F ron t. Roser Geo., importer iand de,aler in wines and liquors, 135 C(ourt. Roser Willia-m. & Co., manufacturers of stoves,a nd hollow ware, south-west cor. Smithl andi Front, office 13 and 1$ RvOSING A. C. A., IMIPORTER AND WItL-(lESALE DEALER JN FOR EIGN WINES AND LlQUORS, AND See advt. of Samuel Males, p. 143. CIN 192 CIN I CIN 193 CIN HISTORICAL PAI NTER, And Renewer of Defaced Paintings, 58 West Fourth Street, Rowekamp F. H., justice of peace and no tary public, 444 Main. Rowell & Alexander, book binders and blank book manufacturers, south-east cor. Third and Vine. Royall John M., provision and merchan dise broker, 41 Walnut, up stairs. ROYER, SIMONTON & CO., WHEEL, SPOKE, HUB AND FELLOE MAN UFACTORY, 375 WEST THIRD, SOUTH SIDE, BELOW SMITH. (See card, p. 163.) Royse Southwell, pork packer, 26 Canal and Hunt. ROYSE THOS. S., CLERK OF POLICE COURT, NINTH, CITY BUILDINGS. Royster Wm., hair dressing and shaving saloon, 46 West Sixtb.g Rucker Dunlap & Co., dealers in Green field and Springfield lime, cement, plaster of Paris, &c., No. 526 Central avenue. Rudolf Henry, butcher, 943 C e ntral ave. Ruchart Alex., groc ery, 569 Main. Ruese C., grocery, 5 13 Sycamore. Ruf A., grocery, 593, cor. Green and Elm. Ruf & Eha, boot and shoe makers, No. 674 Race. Ruggles & Thompson, wag on y ard, corner Pearl and Lawrence. Rule Chas. & Co., steam marble works, cor. Broadway and Fifth. Rulheal M., carpe nter and joiner, 75 W. Fifth. Rulison H. M., prop'r Queen City Publish ing House, 141 Main. Runk Henry, h ouse and sign painter, 153 Pleasant. Runkle Benj. P., attorney at law and no tary public, 79 West Third. Runkle Wm., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., north-west cor. Court and Mound. Runlnebaum Henry, grocery and provision dealer, 232, cor. Broadway and Sev enth. Ruppelt Herman, music, book, and job printer, cor. Walnut and Court. Rusche J. H., millinery and dry goods, 639 Vine. Russell William, horse shoer, 695 Central avenue. Rust Hermann, bakery, 35 Elder. KENTUCKY WHISKIES, 62 AND 64 EAST SECOND. Ross Albert, druggist, south-west cor. Eighth and Western Row. Ross J. L., wholesale paper warehouse, 45 West Second. Ross Joseph S., Pres't Portsmouth Insu rance Co., 73 West Third, up stairs. Ross, Pettibone & Co., dealers in Youghiou gheny, Hartford City and Cannel coals, 558 Central Avenue, and cor. Fifth and Mound. ROSS SIMON, MACHINE SHOP, LODGE, NEAR SEVENTH, BET. WALNUT AND VINE. (See card, p. 162.) ROSSI T, HISTORICAL PAINTER AND RENEWER OF DEFACED PAINT INGS, 58 WEST FOURTH. (See card, p. 193.) Rosswinkel Hermanld, saloon and restau rant, cor. Boardway and Public Land ing. Rotert H., family grocery, 104 Abigail. Rotger F., dealer in dry goods, 567 Main. Roth J., physician, 5221 East Fifth. Roth John, saloon, cor. Front and Law rence. Roth Lewis, western saloon, 324 Central avenue. Roth Stephen, lager beer saloon, 187 West Sixth. Rothan John, carpenter and builder, 260 Carr. Rother Wmin., billiard saloon, 349 Walnut. Rothert J. 11. & Sons, dealers in hard ware, cutlery, &c., 640 and 642 Cen tral avenue. Rothfeus F., meat store, 114 Liberty. Rothschild M., dealer in clocks and jew elry, 238- West Fifth. Rott J. H. W., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 254 West Fifth. Rottmann G. S., grocer, 531 West Eighth. Rougger Martin, lager beer saloon, 23 Wartin. ROWE JOHN, SAW MANUFACTURER, 238 WEST SEVENTH. Rowe, Park & Co., wholesale saddle and harness manufactory, 23 East Fifth, and 206 Main. ROWE S. S. & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, 21 WEST THIRD. 13 CINCINNATI, OHIO. CIN 194 CIN Rutenick A. & Bro., druggists, cor. Bre- Sanders Mrs. L., dealer in dry goods, 415 men and Liberty. Central ave. Ruther Wm., wagon maker, 615 Elm. Sandman & Lackin, United States BrewRuthmian George, blacksmith, 617 Elm. cry, 343 and 345 Sixth. Ruttinger G. C., teacher of music, No. 438 Sands Thomas, National Saloon, 86 Syca Walnut. more. Ruttinger Valentine, lager beer saloon, Sanford B. F., weekly, monthly, and an No. 183 Miami Canal, bet. Elm and nual publications, north-east corner Plum. Fourth and Walnut. Ruwe Joseph, boarding house, 292 Broad- Sanford Mrs. C. M., dress maker, 18 East way. Fourth, 2d floor. Ryan MNiss E., stamping and embroidery, Sanger J. E., bleaching and pressing 445 Central ave. I works, 2521 West Fifth. Ryan Mrs. G., dress making, No. 46 East Sankey Thomas, manufact' X willow ware, Sixth. 40) East Fifth, basement. Ryan & Dalton, attorneys at law, 68 West Sargent Samuel A., real estate, mortgage Third. and loan agent, Apollo Building, cor. Ryan & Wesley, shoeing shop, 257 Court. Walnut and Fifth. Rye M., grocer, 585 West Sixth. Sargent L. H., commission merchant, proRyland, Harmmett & Hatch, importers and duce dealer, and maiiufact'r of salt, dealers in hardware, cutlery, tools 31 Walnut. and guns, 90 Main, bet. Third and Sarle & Jennings, merchant tailors, 182 Pearl. Walnut. Ryling John, upholsterer, awniing and tent Sarzedas D. A.. stage manager National maker, 22 Eighth. Theater, 98 Sycamore. RYMAN GIDEON, PROP'R INDIANA Satter E. P., dealer in staple and fancy HOUSE, NOS. 157 AND 159 WEST dry goods, trimnmings and embroide FIFTH. (See card, p. 161.) ries, 261 Main. Saal Gerhard, homoeopathic physician and Sattler Ernst, millinery and fancy goods, surgeon, 44 West Seventh. 542 Main. Saas Felix, lager beer saloon, 201 West Saner K., boot and shoemaker, 271 Clin Sixth. ton. Sabin Charles, bakery, 169 West Court. Saner Martin, boot and shoe maker, 1,017 Sachse Henry, physician and surgeon, 524 Central ave. John. Sauer P., boot and shoe maker, 790 CenSackstedder J., nmanufact'r and repairer tral ave. sewing machines, 538 Central ave. Saunders & Baldwin, house and sign painSacksteter F., lager beer saloon, 361 Ham- ters, 217 West Fifth. ilton Road. Savage J. A., machinist, 93 East Eighth. Sadelfeld F., feed store, 59 Twelfth. Sawyer & Kirk, manufact'rs and dealers Safdi & Tedeski, confectioners, 95 Syca- in window shades and oil cloths, No. more. 8 College Building. SAINT CHARLES RESTAURANT, GEO. Sayre L., auction and commission mer SELVES, PROP'R, 30 AND 32 E. chant, and wholesale dealer in groce THIRD. (See card, p. 172.) ries and glassware, 234 Walnut. Salman W. D., notions, 56 Everett. Sayre L. G., prop'r livery and sales stable, SALPIUS A., DEALER IN DRUGS AND 27 and 29 West Ninth. MEDICINES, 440 WALNUT. Sayre & White, wholesale grocers and Sampson John, saloon, 351 West Fifth. commission merchants, No. 14 Public Samuel Lewis, dealer in hats and caps, 51 Landing. East Pearl. SCANLAN EDWARD & CO., WHOLESamuels & Holzman, wholesale dealers SALE DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS in clothing, cloths, cassimers, vest- IN PAINTS, OILS, &c. &c., NORTH ings, &c., 18 West Pearl. EAST COR. MAIN AND FOURTH. Sander D., blacksmith and wagon maker, Schaefer Henry, meat store, 456 Main. 320 East Pearl. Schaefer P. H. & G. F., ambrotypists, 503 Sander Henry, lager beer and billiard sa- Vine. loon, cor. Race and Green. Schaefer & Baschle, turn(r.3 and hub manS A N D ER & OBERM.EYER, WHOLE- ufact'rs, 128 Columbia, bet. Race and SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Elm. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFFS, Schaeffer Adam, prop'r Main Street Brew 425 CENTRAL AVE., BET. CHEST- cry, 652 Main. NUT AND ELIZABETH. (See card, Schaeffer Isaac, boot and shoe dealer, 183 p. 166.) Vine. Schaeffer J., dry goods, 682 Vine. See G. W. Coffin & Co.'s advt. of Bells, &c., p. 110. I GIN 19 GIN Schaeffer & Keiser, free stone yard, cor. Liberty a,nd,Cana,l. Schafer & Worman, Gano Street Livery Stable, Gano, bet. Main and Walnut, and Sixth and Seveiitli. Schafras Antonio, blacksmith, 1,042 Ceni t ral 1, ave. Schaller Joseph, prop'r Eagle Brewery, cop. Plum antid Canal. Schappe John, wine and liquor saloon, 244 Hamilton Road. Scharnhorst H., grocer and produce deal er, 54:3 Race. Schaufele John, bakery, 21 Fifteenth, bet.. Elm a-nd Plum. Schawe John IT., tobacconist, 335 Main. Schawe J. & H., grocery store, 451 Plum. Scheer F., baker, 1,019 Central ave. SCHEER W. H., MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, 14,5 M'4A IN. Selicer W. H., manufacturer of hats and caps, north-west cor. Ninth and Cein tral Avenue. Scheeve David, boot and shoe maker, 134 Butler. Seliell & Brinkman, house and sign paint ers, 120 Central Avenue. SCHEtlMANN & CO., GUN AND LOCK SMITHtS, 53 SYCAMORE. (See card, p. 166.) Schembri & Co., dealers in confectioneries, cigars adice Cream saloon, 320 West Fifth. Schemel L., lager beer saloon, 264 Hamil ton Road. Scherer F., Cap't fencing academy, 3 East Fourth, third floor.I Scherrer Jacob, grocery, 527 cor. Race and Fifteenth. Scheve Joseph, grocer, 103 cor. Clark and Cutter. Schiesz B., meat store, 920 Central Ave nue.be.NnhadCut Schildknecht Jacob, boot and shloe maker, 503 Elm. Schiller August, prop'r Schiller's garden, 661 Central Avenue. Schiller Henry, grocery, cor. Liberty and Broadway. Schlapp G., manufacturer of jewelry, and dealer in watches, clocks,,and jewelry. 190 Fifth. SchlassengerJ., millinery and fancy goods, 114 West Fifth. Schliebbe J. T., merchant tailor: 343 Main. Seblienman J. L., merchant tailor, 16 Ham ilton Road. Schlichter Christob, coffee and boarding house, 59 East Front. Seliloendona C., manufacturer of picture Aas mng, 492 Main.40Vie Schloss Joseph M., dealer in ready made clothing, cor. Pearl~nd Broadway. Scbmelsley John, sal4-on, 194 Broadway. Schmid Henry, baker, 302 Eighth. Schmid J., butcher, cor. Clinton and Linn. Schmidt C., bakery, 633 Elm. Schmidt C., lager beer saloon, 1118 Cen tral Avenue. Schmidt Chas., apothecary and druggist,. 632 Main. Schmidt F., physician, 439 Walnut. Schmidt Ferdinand, confectionery and ice, cream saloon, south-west cor. Race and Sixth. Schmidt 1I-. R., manufacturer and dealer in furniture, 442 Walnut. Schmidt Schaller H., dentist, 20 West, Ninth. Schmiedlin &- Rotb, lager beer s,aloon,. 520 Main. Schmitt G., cooper, 936 Central Avenue. Schmitt, G., lager beer saloon, 718 Centra4 Avenue. Schmitt George, Mohawk House, 939 Cein tral Avenue. Sch'mitt Wmn., dealer in groceries and pro vision, cor. Richmond and Baymiller. Schmitt &, Brother, show case manufaceto ry, ware room 66 Main. Schmutte Henry, feed store, 115 East Eighth. Schneider Mrs. B., millinery and dress making, 506 Vine. Schneider F., marble works, 431, 433 and 435 Sycamore. Schneider Herman, saloon, 137 Everett. Schneider John, manufacturer of tin and sheet iron ware, 1122 Central Avenue. Schneider J. B., silversmith and jeweler, 43 Hamilton Road. Schneider Louis, lager beer saloon, cor. Walnut and Allison. Schnek Louis, importer and dealer in wil l ow ware and fancy goods, 349 Vin e, bet. Ninth and Court. Schnelle Loui s, manufacturer of willow ware, 109 Court. Schnider G e o., coffee and boardin57 houser 42 East Front. Schinier Louis, dealer in groceries, provifs ions, liquors, &c., 86 north-west co~r. Mound and Richmond. Schnitger J. H., prop'r Elm Street Ex change, 492 Elm. Schnitger J. H., family grocery and saloon~ cop. Ehn- and Fifteenth. Schnorbus Adam, meat store. 329 West' Fifth. Schook F., lager beer saloon, 570 cor. Race and Liberty. Schoenbien A.. -physician, cor. Elm and See advt. of Manufactured Lumber, p. 148. I I CIN 195 CIN ^~ ~ I 19 GI Bchonebaum B. H. L., dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. John and Laurel. Scohouer P., boot and shoe shop, cor. Bre men and Findlay. Schonohoff H.- H., bakery and confection ery, cor. Franklin and Sycamore. SCHOOLEY JOHN C. & CO., MANUFAC TURERS OF ICE CHESTS AND RE FRIGERATORS, NO. 205 FREEMAN AND 168 VINE. (See card, p. 168.) Schooley & Stephen, provision dealers and curers of fancy hams, 335 Broadway. Schopper G., saddler, 1109 Central Avenue. Schoppner J., groceries, 594 Vine. Schorr George. prop'r Ton House Tavern, head of Main. Schott Joseph F., lager beer saloon, 984 Central Avenue. Schottelkotte J. L., family grocery, cor. Pendleton and Woodward. Schottelkotte E. L., dealer in family gro ceries, 47 Pendleton, cor. Woodward. Schrader C., grocer, 465 West Sixth. Schrader H. & Co., importers and whole- sale dealers in fancy goods, cutlery, musical ware, toys, &c., 70 Main. Schradzhi M. & I., wholesale and retail dealers in clothing, 297 and 397 Main. Schradzki M. & I., gothic arcade, men and boy's clothing, &c., 154 east side of Main. Schraffenberger Michael, boot and shoe maker, 40 East Front. Schram A. D. & Co., general steam boat agents and forwarding merchants, 21 Public Landing. SCHRAND ANTON, MERCHANT TAI LOR, 498 WEST FRONT, OPP. O. & M.. R. DEPOT. Schraudenbach Wm., lager beer saloon, 60 Elder. SCHREIBER LEONHARDT, MANUFAC TURER OF FENCING APPARATUS, AND ALL KINDS OF WEAPONS, POLISHING AND GRINDING DONE TO ORDER, 482 WALNUT. 8chrenher John, lager beer and grocery, Adams, bet. Elm and Plum. Schroder -, manufacturer of hats and caps, 460 Vine. Schroder F., boading house and saloon, 676 cor. Central Avenue and Liberty. Schroder F., lager beer saloon, 515 Main. Schroder John H. & Co., locksmiths, 53 West Third. Schroder Wolff, dealer in hats and caps, notions and fancy goods, 61 and 49 East Pearl. Sobhroeder C., grocery, 628 Race. Schroeder Chas., prop'r Cafe D'Orsini, 208 West Court. Schroenker F. W., manufacturer of oil cloth and window shades, 579 Wal nut. Schro er & Stock, manufacturers and deal ers in boot s and shoes, 405 M ain. Schroth Andrew,grocery, cor. Findl.ay and Central Avenue. Schrouder & Baumrer, grocers, north-west cor. Seve nth and Mound. Schuchardt II., shaving, hair dressing and bat h ing saloo n, 9 We st Sixth. SCHUELE J. & CO., PROPRIETORS FIREMEN'S HALL, 635 WEST FIFTH. Schuman A., saloon, 514 Vin e. Schu ler Ern st, m anufactu rer of tin, cop per and japan ware, 10 West Sixth. Schult R., boot and shoe maker and deal er, 367 Central ave. Schulte E. H. W., wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, wines'ind liquors, 26 East Pearl. Schiilte John, cigar maker andl dealer, cor. Cutter anha Clark. Schulte & Temrman, importers and dealers in iron, nails, steel, springs, axles, heavy hardware, etc., and all kinds wood work for buggies and spring wagons, 210 MaiND M Schultze F. & Co., importers of French porcelain and glassware, fi'rcy goods, and toys, 127 Alain. Schulz R., shooting gallery, 510 Race. Schulz John, grocer, flour and produce dealer, 553 Vine. Schumacher J. Jos., merchant tailor, 4011 Central ave. Schuner J., boot and shoe maker, 224 Linn. Schurmanii F., physician, 321 Wolnut. Schuster John, Red House saloon, 44 Syc amore. Schutterle M., dry goods, 524 Race. Schwa,tnk L., lager beer, 67.5 Race. Schwartz Isaac, dealer in dry goods, etc., 507 Vine. Schwartz Joseph, boarding house, Augus ta, bet. John and Smith. Schwartz W., saloon, 645 Central ave. Schwartz & Hafner, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, 434 Main. Schwarz D. & Co., dealers in ready-made clothing, hats, caps, and gents' fur nishing goods, north-east cor. George and Central ave. Schwarz M., manufacturer of the extract of coffee, 31 Hamilton Road. Schwaz Christian, livery stable, 512 Elm. SCHWEGMIIAN B., NEW YORK COFFEE AND EATING HOUSE, 30 PUBLIC LANDING. Schwegmann C., dealer in confectionery, 327, Central ave. Schwegmann F., confectionery and ice cream saloon, 347 Main. Schwein John, coffee house, 599 Race. SCHWVEIN GEORGE F., WVHOLESALki AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS FRESH AND SALT MEATS, See advt. of Johnson, Morton & Co., p. 148. I i I I i I I CIN 196 CIN ()IN 197 CIN Seidel Joseph, lager beer saloon, 570 Race. Seinshimer B., dealer i* paper, 352 Main. Seiteer Joseph, family grocery, cor. Free man and Finley. Seiter G., bakery, north-east cor. Eighth and Elm. Seiter Joseph, merchant tailor and gents' furnishing goods, 58 Broadway. Seitz Louis, billiard saloon, 24 West Sixth. Seitzer George, Telegraph htouse. 338 Central ave. SELLEW & CO., IMPORTERS AND DE kLERS IN TIN PLATE AND METALS, 214 MAIN. Sellew & Co., britannia ware manufactur ers, 93 East Eighth. Sells O. & Co., commission and produce dealers, 201 West Fifth. SELVES GEORGE, PROPRIETOR ST. CH-IARLES RESTAURANT, 30 AND 32 EAST THIRD. (See card, p 172.) Senn John, grocery, cor. Fourteenth and Elm. Sewebel L., prof. drawing and music, south-west cor. Vine and Twelfth. Sewell Charles, auction and commission merchlant, 174 Main. Sexton C., dentist, 114 West Sixth. Sexton F., painter, 321 West Sixth. Sexton S., physician, south-east cor. Cen tral ave. and Sixth. Sexton S., physician, 464 West Seventh. Seyer Henry, groceries and provisions, cor. Vine and Front. Seymour F., physician, 189 West Court. Seyppel Ferdinand, turner and engraver, 427 Vine. Shackleford James A., prop'r White Oak Billiard Room, 65 West Fourth. Shaddinger George A., copper smith, and manufacturer of engine and distillery work, 123 and 125 East Pearl. Shafer & Ziegler, pork packers, 98 and 100 Canal, bet Vine and Race. Shaffer John, grocery, 360 Central ave. Shank J. & Co., storage, forwarding and commission merchants, 19 East Canal. Shanks George, family grocer, 24 Hamil ton Road. Shanning J. II., carpenter and builder, 495 Plum. SHANNON J. A., WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 9 EAST SIXTII. (See card. in in dex.) SHANNON & LUKINS, SASH. DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTORY, 159 AND 161 EAST FRONT. Sharp G., draper and tailor, 108 George. Sharpless & Bosley, dealers in paper hang ings, 24 Wes t Fo urth. Shaughnessy J. O., manufacturer of gar-" VEGETABLES, &c., NORTH-EAST COR. JOHN AND CHESNUT. Schwemibuger Carl, harness maker, 68 Hamilton Road. Schweneks C., lager beer saloon, 90 Thlir teenth. Schwer Joseph, musical clock maker, 766 Central ave. SCiHWIENHER JOHN B., prop'r St. Louis House, 496 Front, opp. (. and AM. R. R. depot. Scientific Artisan, American Patent Co., publishers, issued Saturday, Carlisle Building, cor. Fourth and Walnut. $cintli Michael, confectionery and ice cream saloon, 130 West Fourth. Scott John, druggist and apothecary, north-west cor. Broadway and Sev enth. Scott William, sabbath school book and bible depository, 28 West Fourth. Scott & Dugan, general commission mer chaints, 42 Walnut. icotti Joseph, gas and steam fitting, 406 Vine. Scovill A. L. & Co., proprietors and man ufacturers of patent medicines, 12 West Eighth. Seritclien G., hardware anrd cutlery, 262 Main. Scudder J. r., physician, Seventeenth Ward, East Front. Seaman Joseph, prop'r City Saloon, 13 West Sixth. Seaman J. H. & Co., carpenters and build ers, 245 West Third. Searles A. M., notary public, 13 Public Landing. Sechler & Po)rter, dealers in pig iron, bar, boiler, and sheet iron, nails, etc., 54 West Second. Sechrist H., agent, feed store, 670 Mlain. Secombe & Read, millinery and fancy dry goods, jobbing and commission house, 10o( Main. Secrist John M., dealer in hay, grain and ship stuff, 21 and 23 West Front. Sedam J. P., steamboat agent, commission and forwarding merchant, 28 West Front. Seddens John, pump manufacturer, Levee, bet. Race and Elm. Seddens Marshall, pump and block ma ker, 87 East Front. Sedgebeer J., fiouring mill and bolting chest manufacturer, 166 West Se cond. Seeders George, boot and sho, maker, 48 West Front. Seegar J., physician, Eighth, opp. Cathe dral. Seelig Samuel, provision store, 628 CSen tral ave. Veibel & Mahon, marble workers, corner Vine and Liberty. See Western Builders' Depot, p. 147. CIN CIN 197 CIN 198 CIN den sasb, strawberry stands, hand in fancy dry goods, notions, &c., 28 lights, &c., 1871 Sixth. West Pearl. Shaw, Buell & Barbour, wholesale dealers SHIPLEY & SM,I-I!I, FASHIONABLE in foreign and domestic dry goods, 81 CARD ENGRAVERS AND PRINT West Pearl. ERS, WEDDING STATIONERS, AND Shaw G. W., trunk manufactory, 57 cor. MANUFACTURERS OF SHIPLEY'S Walnut and Second. LEVER SEAL PRESSES, 22 WEST SHAW SAMUEL, WHOLESALE AND FOURTIt. RETAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES Shires' Comniercial Exchange, 60 East AND PROVISIONS, 103 E A S T Third. PEARL. Shires Wm., real estate and patent agen Shaw William, pump and block maker, 31 cy, 60 EaRt Third. East Levee, bet. Ludlow and Law- SH-OBE JOHN, DRAUGHTSMAN AND rence. P ICTORIAL DESIGNER, 25 WEST Shaw & Bonny, feed store, north-west cor. FOURTH. (See card, p. 169.) Court and Cutter. Shober Chas. A., cabinet maker, cor. SevShaw, Johnston & Co., fashionable furni- enth and Plum. ture ware rooms, 12 East Fourth. Shoemaker John H., merchant tailor, 367 Shays Jno. W., agent, curer of hams, and West Fifth. commission merchant, 346 Walnut. Shoenberger G. & J. E. & Co., manufacShea Dennis, dealer in groceries, liquors, turers of nails and steel, 15 Public teas, &c., 49 and 51 East Front, cor. Landing. Ludlow. Shloenberger Henry, meat store, 291 West Sheehan J., saloon, 293 Central ave. Fifth. SHEEN FREDERICK, DE A LER IN Shohl Simon & Co., wholesale dealers in FLOUR, MEAL, AND O T H E R gents' furnishing goods, notions and BREADSTUFFS, AND MANUFAC- fancy goods, 62 West Pearl. TURER OF FLOUR AND MEAL Shollhammer J. L., meat store, 544 Cen BAGS, 20 EAST THIRD. (See card, tral ave. p. 167.) Shonter Anthony, attorney at law, 363 Sheenan P., flour and feed store, 319 cor. Main. Broadway and Court. Shorer John G., blacksmith, 170 East Shelt Joseph, loan office, 87 Sycamore. Front. Sheppard G. W. & Co., manufacturers of Short F. H., sec'y C. E. & D. R. R. Co., gold pens, 6 West Fourth, over Beggs Sixth and White Water Canal. & Smith. Short,A M., saloon, 533 Walnut. Sheppard J. W., wholesale and retail deal- Shorten Richard, trunk manufactory, Pat er in fancy and variety goods, 20 terson Alley, bet. Main and Walnut, West Fourth. and Fifth and Sixth. Sheppard Wm. B., attorney and land bro- Shotwell Geo. HII., real estate and money ker, 82 West Third. broker, 73 West Third, up stairs. Sherlock Thomas, steamboat agent, 20 S1HROYER & MENCKB, SPICE AND Broadway. MUSTARD MILLS, 17 AN D 19 Sherlock T. J., collector of customs, office HOME. at Custom House. Shuesler Geo. A., apothecary and dralgSHERWIN W. G.,.A TTORNEY A N D gist, Mechanics' Institute, cor. Vine COUNSELOR AT LAW, SOUTH- and Sixth. WEST CO R. ROOMS MIASONIC Shumard John, wholesale dealer in for TEMPLE. eign and domestic liquors, 354 CenSherwood WV., physician, 243 Court. tral ave. Shield Edward M., machinist, 75 East SIIUMATE A., PROP'R FRANKLIN Front. HALL, COR. SYCAMORE A N D Shillito Geo. & Co., manufacturers of ada- SIXTH, UP STAIRS. mantine and star candles, lard oil, Shultz Conrad & William, Washington soap, &c., office 30 Sycamore. Brewery, 485 East Front. SHILLITO JOHN & CO., WHOLESALE Shurmann J. J., boot and shoe maker, 478 AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY West Fifth. GOODS, CARPETING, &c., 101, 103 Shutterley Lewis, coal and coke guager, AND 105 WEST FOURTH. south-east cor. Front and Lawrence. Shippard O. F., assistant pay master O. & Sickles S., dealer in groceries and provis M. R. R., 522 West Front. ions, 300 cor. John and Sixth. Shipley Old Joe, jobbing shop, 141 East Siddall John B., real estate broker, 57 Front. West Third. Shipley, Murray & Co., wholesale dealers Sidel Xavier, lager beer saloon, 249 West Sixth. See advt. of Merritt, Thompson & Co., p. 147. 199 SIEBERN JOHN N. & BROS., WHOLE SALE GROCERS, PR O D U C E, WINES, LIQUORS AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, 8 EAST PEARL. Siebrecht W., dealer in hardware and cut lery, 464 Main. SIEFKE HENRY, dealer in groceries and provisions, 81 Ninth, bet. John and M ound. Siegmann A., boot and shoe maker, 773 Vine Street Hill. Sielschott B., ice cream saloon, 200 Syca more. Siemar John, grocery, 594 Main.S Siermann Edward, nmerchant tailor, 559 Vine. Sieve 11. H., manufacturer and dealer in cigars, tobacco, &c., 622 Main. Siewers C. G., saw and tool factory, 93 East Eighth. Sifford Lewis W., U. S. marshal, Post Of fice Building. Silbernagle I., meat store, 526, cor. Race and Fifteenth. Silman Mrs. PI., dress making, 532 Central ave. Silsbee Samuel, medicated baths, and in firmary for chronic and cutaneous diseases, 57 West Seventh. Silvers James H., sec'y Home Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, 37 West Third. Silvester John, prop'r Silvester House and billiard saloon, 6 West Sixth. Simon B. & Co., importers, wholesale deal ert in dry goods, cloths, cassimeres, &c., north-east cor. Main and Pearl. SIMON G. & SON, WHOLESALE CLOTH. IERS, 37 WEST PEARL. Simon Nic., boarding house and lager beer, 28 Hamilton Road. Simon S., bakery and confectionery, 26 West Main. SIMON & COHEN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, &c., 50 WEST PEARL. Simon & Keeser, dealers in new and sec ond hand furniture, 189 West Fifth. Simpkinson J. & Co., wholesale dealers in custom made and Eastern boots and shoes, 99 West Pearl. Simpson Mrs., boarding house, Sixth, bet. Central ave. and John. Simpson C. T., physician and surgeon, 135 Sixth. Simpson J. Alex'r., attorney at law, 19 East Third, Law buildings. Simpson Joseph, boarding house, 221 West Fifth. SIMPSON W. T., BUTCHER AND MEAT MARKET, NORTH-WEST CORNER SIXTH AND MOUND. Sinclair John H., deputy postmaster, Cin cinnati post office. Sinder Edward, family grocery, south west cor. Elm and Twelfth. SINE L. D., *EXCHANGE BROKER, ROOM 5 LEAVITT & BEVIS BL'K, NORTHI-WEST COR. FIFTH AND VINE. Singer's Sewifig Mvachines, J. Shadson, agent, 8 East Fourth, second floor. SINGHOFF JNO. A., apothecary anddrug gist, 416 north-east cor. George and Baymiller. Sinton & Means, manufacturers Hanging Rock iron, cor. Walnut and Second. Sittel Theodore, physician, 68 Pike. Sivers P., importer and wholesale dealer in genuine Havana cigars, and best brands Virginia tobacco, 4 East Third. Skaats & Angevine, coal dealers, north west cor. Freeman and Sixth. Skiff J. A., commission merchant, whole sale dealer in prime W. R. butter and cheese, sugar cured hams, groceries and produce, 16 West Front. Skillman, Robinson & Co., sash, door and blind factory, 870 Central ave. Skinner, Frank & Co., commission and forwarding merchants, 85 West Se cond. Slade Wm. C., Clermont House, 78 Broad way. Sledge Geo. C., broker, 6 East Second. Slevin J. & J., importers and wholesale dealers in fancy and staple dry goods, &c., 146 Main. Sliker V., dealer in boots and shoes, cor. Sycamore and Pearl. Sliker Christopher, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 83 East Pearl. Slimer George, meat store, steamboat sup plier, 28 Public Landiing. Sloat Geo. B. & Co., eliptic and shuttle lock stich sewing machines, 80 West Fourth, J. H. Rice agent. ,Slocum J. J., commission merchant, office C., H. and D. R. R. depot. Slofield & Russell, blacksmiths, Freeman, bet Sixth and Front. Sloop Hiram, boarding house 70 West Sixth. Small John H., merchandise broker, 37 Walnut. Smalwood S. N., iron grating and railing manufacturer, 533 Central ave. Smidtt Nicholas, dealer in butter and eggs, and rhine wine, 430 Vine. Smielan John, dealer in groceries and liquors, 62 East Pearl. Smith A. D., dealer in clocks and clock trimmings, 12 East Fifth. Smith Augustus, shaving saloon, corner Ninth and Sycamore. Smith B. C., grocer, 128 Clinton. SMITH CHAS. W., PROP'R CENTRAL See advt. of Grant, Pittman & Co., Patent Agents, p. 14. CIN CIN X i C AND CANNEL COAL, AND COKE, FIRE BRICK, CLAY AND TILE, OFFICE C R. EELM AND WATER; BRANCH OFFICES COR. WEST ERN ROW AND HOPKINS, AND COR. WESTERN ROW AND CO LUMBIA, -AND RACE, BETWEEN TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH. Smith S. S. & Co., wholesale dealers in wines and liquors, 56 and 58 West Second. Smith LW. W. & Co., produce and commis sion merchants, 29 Water. Smith Thomas N., dealer' in family groce ries, 174 Central ave. Smith Thomas S., malt kiln manufa cturer and iron prefoarating esta ablishment, cor Pearl and Plum. Smith Walter & Co.,' Mi ami Oil Works, lard and tallow oils, 82 East Second, and 9 West Second. SMITH W. B. & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND ST ATI ON E RS, SOLE PUB LISHERS OF TH E EC L E C TI C SCHOOL BOOKS, 137 WALNUT. Smith Wm. C., grocer, produce and com mission merchant, 22 and 24 East Ninth. Smith W. II., omnibus line to and from C., tI. & D. depot, office cor. Freeman and George. Smith & Coghill, carriage makers, 52 4 Central ave. Smith & Drake, geits' furnishing and shir-t manufacturers, 54 West Fourth. Smith & Gilbert, bankers, north-west cor. Main and Third. Smith & Hall, staple and fancy dry goods, 8 West Fifth. Smith & H awley, m anufacturers and deal ers in furniture, factory north-wes t cor. Pearl and Elm, office 69 West Fifth, and 136 Columbia. Smith & McAlpin, commission and pro duce merchants; 62 Walnut. SMITH & NIXON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIANO DEALERS, 64 WEST FOURTH. Smith & Nixon's Hall, Smith & Nixon, prop'rs, 30 West Fourth. Smith & Palmer, manufacturers and deal ers in leather, hides, &c., 51 Main. Smith & Parker, wholesale dealers in li quors, 53 Broadway. Smith & Sullivan, faslhionable boot and shoe Makers, 126 Walnut. Smitt Anthony, baker, 632 West Sixth. Sneed Chas., groceries, 74 West Columbia. Snellbaker D. T., attorney at law, Ninth, bet. Central ave. and Plum. Snodgrass S. L, carpenter and builder, 868 Central ave. Shodgrass W. W., wholesale dealer in all kinds of furs, leather, hides and oil, 256 Main. MARBLE WORKS, 248 COURT. (See card, p. 171.) Smith, Collins & Co., general produce and commission merchants, 7 Water. Smith C. J. W., real estate agent, 221 Vine. Smith C. & W., flour dealers, 361 Walnut. SMITH DANIEL J., H 0 M E MA D E BREAD BAKER AND CONFEC TIONER, 302 AND 304 SOUTH EAST COR. JOHN AND COURT. Smith Mrs. E., milliner and dress maker, 343 Walnut. Smith Edward, manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 34 East. Front Smith F. A., intelligence and general col lectors office, 380 Central ave. Smith George, candy manufacturer, 343o Walnut. Smith George, saddle, harness and collar maker, 111 Ludlow, cor. Columbia. Smith Henry, shaving saloon, 625 Main. Smith Henry J., professor of music, cor. Fourth and Walnut. Smith Isaac F., importer and manufactur er of gents' furnishing goods, 10 East Fifth. Smith Jacob H., shaving and hair dress ing saloon, 10 East Third. Smith James D. & Co., wholesale milli nery, 24 West Pearl. Smith J. B., physician and surgeon, 284 West Sixth. Smith John, Little Red Saloon, 50 East Third. Smith John, manufacturer of boots and shoes, cor. Main and Orchard. Smith John A., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 22 West Fifth. Smith J R., physician, 281 Race. SMITH J. H & CO., BROKERS AND REAL ESTATE DEALERS, 78 WEST THIRD. Smith Matthew, sale stable, south-west cor. Third and Vine. SMITH M. & W., DEALERS IN LARD, TALLOW AND GREASE, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CRACKLINGS, NORTH-WEST COR. JOHN AND POPLAR. Smith Ohmy, grocery and provisions, cor. Longworth and Central ave. Smith P., grocer, cor. Court and Baymiller. Smith P., key maker, 45 Sycamore. SMITH PETER, IMPORTER A N D DEALER IN DAGUERREOTYPE, AMBROTYPE A N D MELAINO TYPE STOCK OF EVERY VARIE TY AND STYLE, 36 WEST FIFTH. Smith Pleasant, (col'd) barber, 163 West Fifth. Smith R., gents' furnishing store, 34 West Fourth. SMUITH RLOBT. B., DEALER IN YOUGH iENOUGHEN Y. HARTFORD CITY, See advt. of Southgate House, p. 145. CIN 200 CIN 201 fluid, phosgene, coal oil, &c., 165 Wal nut. I Spears Wm., billiard saloti, 19 East Fifth, up stairs. I Speckmann & Thiesing, importers and - dealers in foreign wines, liquors and cigars, 374 Main. Speer & Stephens, paper manufacturers, and dealers in paper makers' materi als, 158 Main. Speers Wm., prop'r billiard and bowling saloon, 19 East Fifth. Spence Andrew, pork packer, cor. Plum and Fourteenth. Spencer House, Pratt & Metcalf, prop'rs, ? cor. Front and Broadway. Spencer Oliver M., judge superior court. Spengler F. & Co., manufacturers of t fringes, tassels and trimmings, north east cor. Fifth and Vine, up stairs. , Sperber Edward, German bleeding, cup ping, leeching and shaving saloon, t 383 Vine. Speyer Benno, steamship and railroad Sd- ticket agent, 5 East Third, opp. Hen rie House. 3 Spicker G. & F., importers and wholesale dealers exclusively, in German hard3 ware and cutlery, 123 Main. Spiller & Bro., plain and fancy book and ol- job printers, south-west cor. Third and Sycamore. . Spills J. C., Apollo Rooms, 295 Main. SPILLS J. C-, MUSICIAN AND TEACH, ER OF DANCING, 60 WEST SIXTH. ) ((See card p. 170.) Spining & Brown, wholesale grocers and op- commission merchants, 49 West Se cond. , Sponsel Christ., saloon and restaurant, 541 Broadway. , Spooner & Williams, attorneys at law, P R Snorth-west cor. Court and Main. Sprague H., manufacturer of edge tools, i, Court, bet. Main and Sycamore. Sprague & Co., fashionable clothiers and SC. tailors, south-east corner Fourth and Vine. Sprague & Parrish, druggists, 447 West e Fifth, cor. Park. Spreen Charles, dealer in groceries and pf- provisions, north-west cor. Court and Rittenhouse. , Spreen F. W. & Co., bakery, 228 West Sixth. Sprenger & Emrich, manufacturers of pu n shears, and dealers in cutlery, 340 Main. 1 Spring John, manufacturer of mattresses, 29 Public Landing. - Springer Max., dealer in cigars and to bacco, Broadway Hotel. ,, Springer & Whiteman, wholesale grocers d and commission merchants, 16 and 18 g West Second. Snow Henry, attorney at law, 7 Masonic Temple. Snowdon & Otte, manufacturers of and dealers in curtains, upholstery, &c., 21 West Fourth. ,Snyder F., dealer in groceries and provis ions, 55 Court. Snyder John, bakery, 223 West Sixth. Snyder Joseph, grocer, corner Laurel and Cutter. Snyder Mrs. J. Y., dress maker and pat tern emporium, 107 West Sixth, Ohio Medical College. Snyder Wm., grocery, 519 Sycamore. Snyder Wm., dealer in wood, 85 Water. SNYDER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOUTH-WEST COR. COURT AND MAIN. Soards J. & Son, undertakers, 175 West Sixth. Solari Andrew, fruits and confectioneries, 185 Race. Solari A. & Co., confectionery and fruit dealers, 122 West Third. Solimann Benedetto, dealer in confection eries, 197 Western Row, near Fifth. Solomons G., exchange and loan office, 29 East Fourth. Sommer & Klein, St. Louis brewery, 53 and 55 Hamilton Road. Sommer & Meyer, wholesale groceries, li quors, and commission merchants, 36 East Pearl, bet. Main and Sycamore SORGEL GEO., CONGRESS EXCHANGE BOARDING AND COFFEE ttOUSE, SOUTH-WEST COR. PEARL AND LUDLOW. Soule Charles, jr., portrait painter, 7 Un ion Block, East Third. Sourbeck George, grocery and beer saloon 515 Plum. SOUTHGATE HOUSE, P. M. IARPER PROP'R, SOUTH-EAST COR. ELM AND SIXTH. (See card, p. 145.) Sower J. R. & Co., cash dry goods house 111 Main. Soyer C. A., confectioner, 365 Central ave Spach G., druggist, corner Vine and Four teenth. Spader John, lager beer saloon, 763 Vine Street Hill. Spaeth, Alois & Cor., feed store, 364 Syca more, cor. Hunt. Spallmeyer George, boot and shoe maker cor. Plum and Water. Spamer H., druggist, 408 Vine. Spanhorst John F., manufacturer of ti and sheet iron ware, 598 Main. SPARKS & TULLIS, wagon makers ant blacksmiths. 618 West Sixtlh. Spear W. D., sec'y Eagle Insurance Corn pany, 73 West Third. Specalr & (o., successors to E. P. Starr manufacturers of burning fluid and coal oil lamps, dealers in burninfi See advt. of $55, p. 152.. CIN CIN Spring Grove Cemetery, Cyrus Davenport, G. Megrue, chief engineer, L. W sec'y, office Melodeon Building. and Jno. Doran, assistants, Syca Springmier H., carpenter, David, bet. Linn bet. Seven fiAd Eighth. and Cutter. Stearns George E., attorney at law Squire A., teacher and composer for or- Walnut. chestra and military bands, &c., 36 Stearns & Foster, manufacturers o West Fourth. ting, black and white wadding Squires Henderson, sheet iron worker, 77 Clay and Liberty. East Front. Stedman, Carlisle & Shaw, importer Stacey James E., fruit and vegetable ship- wholesale dealers in dry good per, 53 East Third. West Pearl. Stacey John A., plumber, pump and hy- Steele D., exclusive cloak and shawl ] drant maker, 253 Central ave., bet. 96 West Fifth. Sixth and George. Stegman J. H., dealer in grocerie Stadler, Brother & Co., wholesale clothiers, provisions, 94 East Second. importers and dealers in foreign and Stegman E., silversmith and jewel domestic dry goods, 106 West Pearl, Green. and 117 West Third. Stegman & Klingel, manufacturersof Stagman L. W., dealer in hardware, 29 and shoes, 462 Walnut. East Pearl. Stehring John, variety store and Staidel MIrs. A., millinery goods, 562 Vine. grinder, 1120 Central Avenue. Stalkamp Henry, grocer and provision Steiff Thomas, ice eream and soda s dealer, 10 Green, bet. Vine and Race. 1115 Central Avenue. Stall Anton, family grocery, 680 Central Stein J. V., phlirotographist, 465 Vin ' ave. Stein M., dealer in trimmings, hoe Stall John F., grocery and provision deal- fancy goods and notions, 156 er, cor. New and Broadway. Fifth. Stall & McMeekin, manufacturers tin, cop- Steinberg F., wig maker and hair l per and sheet iron ware, 40 West Se- facturer, 152 Walnut. cond. Steinberg Joel H., agent lager bee STALL & MEYER, WHOLESALE GRO- billiard saloon, 25 Providence. CERS, FORWARDING AND COM- Steiner George, wine house, 35 East MISSION MERCHANTS 64 AND 66 three doors from Sycamore. COLUMBIA. Steiner Louis, billiard saloon,396 V Stallo & McCook, attorneys at law, 19 Steiner & Bier, manufacturers of clo Court. and dealers in gents' furnishing Stallo & Tafel, attorneys at law, north- 64 Main. west cor. Main and Court. Steiner & Popp, merchant tailors, 451 Stanberry & Straub, attorneys at law, 3 Steinhamp & Roebling, dealers in Masonic Temple. and fancy dry goods, 488 Mai Stanhope P. W., forwarding, commission Abigail. and produce merchant, 46 Public Steinke B., saloon, cor. Water and Landing. Steinman L. E. & Co., manufactur STANLEY & JOHNSON, MACHINISTS, furniture and chairs, 66 and 68 175 WEST SECOND. more and 470 West Sixth. Stanton John, stamp and brand cutter, Steinmann F., billiard rooms and l 139 West Fifth, cor. Race. 218 Vine. Stanton Wm., attorney at law and notary Steinriede Joseph, physician and su public, south-east corner Fourth and 154 Laurel. Vine. Steinwart H., groceries, 489 Walnut STAPLETON JOHN D., BUCKEYE EX- Steller Henry, prop'r City flouring CHANGE SALOON, NORTHfl-WEST north-west cor. Broadway and E COR. LUDLOW V AND FRONT. Stem, Frenchard & Co., wholesale Star H. E., manufacturer and dealer in ci-l and commission merchants, sout gars and tobacco, 177 West Fifth. cor. Walnut and Second, (or ( Star In The West, H. R. Nye & G. L. De- bia.) marest, editors and publishers, issued Stephan G., manufacturer of' boot Saturday, cor. Sixth and Walnut. shoes, 497 Vine. Starbuck C. W. & Co., editors and publish- Stephen C., pork packer, cor. Clay ers daily and weekly Times, 62 West Twelfth. Third. Stephens W. H., prop'r livery and sal Stark W. M., general ticket agent O. & M. ble, Patterson's Alley, bet. Ma R. R., and I. & C. R. R. Cos., 1 Bur- Walnut and Fifth and Sixth. nett House, cor. Vine and Third. Stephenson H. W., tinner and dea Steam Engine Fire Department, No. 4, E. See Ladd, Webster & Co.'s Sewing Machine advt., p. 152. CIN 202 CIN isby more, ) 148 f bat g, cor. s and s, 17 liouse, s and ler, 17 f boo,',s knife aloon, e, siery, West manu r and Tliird, ine. tliing, goods, I Vine. staple in, cor. Smitli. -ers of Syca saloon, rgeoii, inills, ightli. rocers h-west Colum ts and y and le sta ('IN 203 ('IN metals, tin plate, sheet iron, copper, STILES H. L. & CO., PRODUCE AND lead, brass, zinc, &c., 248 Main. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO.53 Steptoe & McFarlan, manufacturers of WALNUT. wood working machinery, C(olumbia, STILLWELL JOHN D., PRODUCE AND bet. Plum and Western Row. i COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND Sterger John, merchant tailor, 68 Court. DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND STERRITT D. B., GROCER AND PRO- BOURBON WHISKY, 53 WATER, VISION DEALER, 425 SYCAMORE, AND 17 LOWER STEAMIIBOAT COR. WOODWARD. LANDING. Stetmana Hosea, dealerin hoop poles, staves Stimmerman Henry, family grocery, 249 and wood, 95 Water. Broadway, near Eighth. Stetler & Mangold, dealers in imported Stine Frederick A., clerk for RP.. Ashcraft, wines and brandies, 233 West Sixth. 223 East Front. Steuben J., prop'r Western Exchange, Stinger Geo. A., gold and silversmith, coi. north-east cor. Central Avenue and Main and Fourth, up stairs. Eleventh, on Canal. Stix, Krouse & Co., wholesale clothiers, im Stevens A. M. & Co., pharmaceutists, cor. porters and dealers in cloths, cassi Fourth and Race. inmeres, vestings, and tailor's trim Stevens B. R., coach and carriage maker, mings, 61 Peail, south side. 55 and 57 East Fifth. Stix L. & Co., importers and wholesale Stevens E. B., physician, 130 Richmond. dealers in foreign and domestic fancy Stevens D. M., attorney for the prosecu- and staple dry goods, notions, &c., 164 tion of British claims, 17 West Third. Main. Stevens E. T., M. D., prop'r Cincinnati Stock Jacob & Bro., harness makers, 682 Lock Hospital, 76 West Third. Vine. Stevens I. L., blacksmith, 211 Second. Stockhoff C. F., family grocery, cor. LibStevens J. A., nmanufacturer of candies and erty and Mansfield. wholesale dealer in fire works, nuts, Stockman Mrs. C., boarding house, 39 Race. fruits, toys &c., 320 Main. Stockwell, physician, Eighth, near Stevens J. T., blacksmith, 689 Central Central Avenue. Avenue. Stoeckle J. N., general commission and Stevens J. W., carpenter and builder, north- banker, 64 West Third. west cor. Fifth and John. Stoehr & Adams, merchant tailers, 666 Stevens T. A., teacher of vocal and instru- Central Avenue. mental music, 57 Laurel. Stoll Wm., merchant tailor, 84 Court. Stevenson J., lumber dealer, Freeman, foot Stolz S., boot and shoe shop, 541 Race. of Bar. Stone B. T. & Co., manufactured goods and Steward J. M., dealer in second hand fur- groceries on commission, 18 East Sec niture, 300 West Fifth. ond. Stewart Arch. V., butcher and meat mar- Stone E., dealer in new and second hand ket, north-east cor. Fifth and Park. furniture, 275 Western Row. Stewart Mrs. C., staple and fancy dry Stone L., family grocery, 17th Ward, East goods, 230 West Sixth. Front. Stewart Daniel, saloon, 104 West Front. Stone L P., druggist, people's drug store, Stewart W. H., carpenter and builder, 345 17th Ward, East Front. Plum. Stone L. & M., grain dealers and produce Stewart & HIitziman, dealers in tobacco and and commission merchants, 47 and 49 cigars, 140 Vine. Vine. Stewart & Vanduzen, manufacturers of Stone Richard H., county clerk, office at cooking and deck stoves, tin, copper, Court House. and sheet iron work, 9 and 11 East Stonrekamp F., cooperage, 590 Walnut. Front. Stookey Isaac, confectioner, 10 East Sixth. Stichliheim J. E., barber and tooth drawer, Stoppelkamp Geo., saloon, 50 West Front. 583 West Sixth. STORDEUR HENRY, PACKING B O X Stiebel, millinery and fancy goods, MANUFACTURER AND LUMBER 122 West Fifth. YARD. 115 FINDLAY, BET. JOHN Stiegler A., boot and shoe maker and deal- AND LINN. er, 556 Vine. Storer B., judge Superior Court. Stiene John D., dry goods and notions, 594 STORMONT D., COMMISSION M E R Elm. CHANT AND WHOLESALE DEALStiens A. H. clothing, 46 Sycamore. ER IN BUTTER AND PRODUCE 357 Stierle Adolph, apothecary and druggist, WEST SIXTH. cor. Elder and Race. Storrs W. R., agent Mason county mining Stift Harris, second hand store, 68 West and manufacturing company, 223 Front. Vine. See W, E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 203 CIN GIN 204 GiN Stout Jim., Rotunda saloon, 245 West Sixth. Stoutz Christian, coffee house, 576 Elm. Strabel Peter, grocery and saloon, 116 Lib erty. I STRADER P. W., GENERAL TICKET AGENT L. M. & C. & X. R. R. CO., AND C. E. & D. R. R. CO., SOUTH EAST COR. FRONT AND BROAD WAY. Stradtmann Henry, carriage maanchinery and blacksmithing, 446 Race. Strahley John, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 6.31 Central Avenue. Straight, Deming & Co., wholesale grocers and forwarding and commission mer chants, north-east cor. Vinie and Sec ond. Strasser John, bakery, 174 Liberty. Strasser Lewis, wholesale and retail deal er in domestic and Havana cigars and chewing and smoking tobacco, 187 Walnut. Strassner 11., tinner, 153 Everett. Stratemeyer Henry, wagon maker, 679 Elm. Straub Isaac, manufact' steam engines, portable saw mills, horse powers, &c., 19 West Front. Straus A., manuf')ct'r and wholesale deal er in all kinds of furniture arnd chairs, 71 West Fifth. Straus M., manufact'r and dealer in boots and shoes, 432 hin. Straus Tobias, exchange office, 101 Syca more. STRAUSS I. P. & BRO., lIANUFACT'RS OF READY-MADE CLOTHING AND DEALERS IN GENT,' FURNISH ING GOODS, 210 MAIN. (See card, p. 173.) Strauss John N., grocery, corner Fifteenth and Plum. Strauss, Levy & Co., importers and deal ers in brandies, gius, wines, cigars, and liquors, 35 Walnut. Strauss Samuel, manufa,ct'r and dealer in boots and shoes, 225 Main. Strauss Simon, manufact'r of trunks and clothing, and dealer in cloths and gents' furnishing goods, 230 Main. Streeter E., dealer in family groceries, 17th Ward, East Front. Streetmatter Matthias, prop'r Matter Ex cha-inge, 224 Walnut. Striehtman ff. & F., cooperage, 156 Clay. Strieker & Brother, manufacturers tnd wholesale dealers in ready-made clo thing and gents' furnishing goods, 106 Main. Strietelmeier & Strubbe, family grocery, 625 Elm. Streitelmeier J. H., boot and shoe maker, 61 Findlay. Strictmann Geor ge, dealer in groceries and provisions, 577 Walnut. Striker Barnhard, dealer in ready-made clothing, hat~ caps, &c., 8 Cassilly's Row. STRINGER & VIRTUE, MANUFACTU RFRS CAST STEEL AND EXTRA CAST STEEL CIRCULAR,'IULAY. MILL, AND CROSS-CUT SAWS OF E V ER Y DESCRIPTION, P A R K, NEAR COLUMBIA. Strobel Charles & Brother, manufitcturers of pocket books, porte-monuaies, &c. 150 Walnut. Strohm John, saloon, 248 East FI ront, opp. Little Miami Depot. Strom,-berg & Danziger, cigar manufact'rs and wholesale dealers in leaf and chewing tobacco, 102 Walnut. Strong J W., manufact'r Munson's Cop per Lightning Rods, also lightning rods of different kinds, No. 37 West Sixth. Strotmnian G. & HI., wholesale and retail dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, 95 Court. Strubbe E. H., mnerchant tailor, 573 Cen tral ave. Strubbe G. I., family grocery, 29 Abigail. Strubbe R., merchant tailor, 562 Elm. Strueve & Bro., dealers in w.atches, jewel ry, &c., 205 Naini. Strunk Mrs. M., family grocery, 12 East Eighth. Struve H. W., billiard saloon, 488 Mlain, cor. Abigail. Stube F. Wm., manufact'r lamps and bird cages and brass and copper spinnings, 601 Main. Stubenraugh Jacob, meat store, 607 Race. Stubert W. B. & J. C., carriage makers, 181 West Sixth. Stuck John J., Court Street Shooting Gal lery, 136 Court. Stuckenberg H. H., dealer in dry goods, 593 Central.Eve. Stumpel B., grocer, 636 West Fifth. Stuntebeck F. F., merchant tailor, and dealer in clothing, 98 cor. Hunt and Spring. Stuniebeck John I-I., tailor and dealer in clothing, 360 Broadway. Sturdevant Stephen, real estate agent, 57 West Third. Sturm William, hIomoeopathic physician, north-east cor. Elm and Seventh. Sturwold H., Custom House Saloon, 520 West Front, opp. O. and M. Railroad Depot. Suffut G., lager beer saloon, south-west cor. Court and Main. Sugenheim Jacob, second-band store, M3 Race. , Suhr Louis, bakery, East Pearl, bet. Pill and Butler. 5Suhr H., grocer, Corner George and Bay miller. See advt. of Lewis Oskamp, Watches, &c., p. 155. s s I I CIN 204 CIN S U I R E, ECKSTEIN & CO., WHOLE SALE DRUGGISTS, NORTHI-WEST (OR. VINE AND FOURTH. Sullivan John, grocery, 398 Broadway. Sullivan Mrs. M., dress making, 15 East Eighthl. Sullivan Patrick, livery stable and under taker, 165 and 167 Central ave. SULLIVAN PETER J., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, OF FICE NORTH-WEST COR. THIRD AND SYCAMORE. Sullivan Wlvi., tailor, 349 Central ave. Sullivan & McIntyre, gas and steam fitters, 386 Central ave. SUMNER WM. & CO., AG'TS WHEEL ER & WILSON'S S E W IN G MA CHINE CO., PIKE'S OPERA ttOUSE, 77 FOURTH. (See card, p. 164.) Sund Gerard, merlchant tailor, 549 Main. SUNDERLIN V. W., AGENCY, 15 WEST THIRD. Supe R., faimilv grocery, 528 Freeman, cor. Liberty. S8utguy J. O., plain and ornamental job printer, south-west corner Mairn and Pearl. SuLrmann A., merchant tailor, No. 32 West Court. Sutton C., boarding hotiuse and grocer, 302 West Fifth. Suydam Geo. W., furniture and 1house-fur nishing depot, 45 West Fifth. Swan Peter, manufact'r cigars and sauff, 123 Liberty. Swartz Benj. A., attorney at lawv, No. 14.8 Walnutwt. Swasey John & Co., wholesale dealers in groceries, liquors and foreign spirits, 23, 25 - and 27 Sycamore. Sw.asey M., wholesale grocer and dealer in all kinds of country produce, cor. B3roadwaiy anid Second. Swegmanin C., saloon, coi. Sixth and Vine. Sweny & MIcClell.and, wholesale grocers, comm'n merchant's and produce deal ers, 14 Main. Swift, Alexander & Co., boiler andI shreet iron manuftet'rs, (Newpor-t, Ky.,)'ofo fice cor. Front and Broidway. Swift, Evans & Co., pork packers and commission merchants, north-east cor. Sycamore an(d Ninth. Swift J. & Co., minufaict'rs and wholesale and retail dealers in boots and shoes, 17 East Pearl. Swine J., butchlier, cor. Hopkins and Bay miller. Swunlier lHenry, boatman's saloon, 4 Cas silly's Rowv. Symonds, Bro. & Co., wholesale dealers in c lothing, 147 Walnut. Tabe & Itallman, merchant tailors, 109 W. Fifth. Taberling Henry, family grocery, No. 28 Green. Tackenberg Y., groceries,547 Walnut. Tafel & Vogeller, wholesale druggists, im porters of German drugs and chemi cals, north-east cor. Main and Fifth. Taft J., surgeon dentist, 56 West Fourth. Taft, Perry & Co., attorneys at law, I and 2 Masonic Temple. Taggart G. W., book and job printer, 19 West Third. Tait George, wholesale grocer and produce dealer, 18 East Pe.arl. TAIT 2 SON, COMIM'N MERCItIANTS, 3 lWHOLESALE DEALERS IN PRO DUCE AND GROCERIES, 25 WAL NUT. Talblott Jas. W. & Co., law and collection office, 57 West Third. Taliaferro W. T. physician and surgeon, north-west cor. Sixth and Walnut. Tallmadge C. S., dealer in coal oil lamps, 241 Vine. Tandrof U. C., fresco painter, 395 Vine. Tape F. W., dry goods and clothing, 488 Race. Taphorn Gerhard, lager beer saloon, 277 Blroadway. Tapking H. W., b)oot and shoe maker, 299 West Sixth. Tappan, McKillop & Co., commercial agen cy, fsouth-west corner Thirc d and Wtal nult. Tapp Bcur.T y, family groceries, 85 corner Abigail and oPend w le t on. Tarte J. H., physicii an, c.'I'li n id and Broad w ay. Tate Joseph E., dealer in all kinds of fruit, 20 We st Fifth. Tauba,ld George, feed stoire, 1082 Central ave. Taylor A. M. & Co., manufacturers o ndcr whoe lesale deluess ic aides, oil and leather, 20 and 22 West Secon ld. Taylor E:. B., wig and ona etal hai manufacturer, 13 East Fourth. Taylor IP. & J. C., ldnerufa,ctuig res of caur penter's, cooper's, cabinret manler's and wag,on makeir's tools, 53 East Eighth. Taylor John, bIakery, o49 West Fifth. Taylor John &A Co., wholesale inrd retail dealers in groceries and prod uce 1021 and 1025 Central ave. Taylor Mi. R.. city guager of oils.and( mo lasses, south-east cor. Main and Se cond. Taylor P. N., builder, Eighth, bet Cutter and Lilln. Taylor W. H., dealer in hoiseryt and fur sishing goods, 160 West Fifth. Taylor Wmn. H., physician, 100 West Eighth. Taylor & Anthonly, general insurance agents, 76 West Third. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. JDir,efor-. CIN. 205 CIN '.AYLOR & BROTHER, COMMISSION Thomas N. W. & Co., pork packers and MERCHANTS AND AGENTS FOR commission merchants, cor. Canal GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 45 and Walnut.' WALNUT. Thomas S. P., merchant tailor, south-east Taylor & Co., cxchange brokers, 37 East cor. Fourth and Walnut, up stairs. Third. Thompson A. V., merchant tailor and renTAiYLOR & FAULKNER, AVENUE ovator, 120 West Sixth. PLANING MILLS, MANUFACTUR- Thompson F. R., merchandise broker, 49 ERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Walnut, up stairs. MANTLES, FRAMES, FLOORING Thompson M. F. & Co., wholesale dealers AND WEATHIERBOADING, &c, 487 in hats, caps, and straw goods, 71 FREEMAN, COR. WADE. West Pearl. TAYLOR & IRWIN, SURGEON DENT- Thompson Peter, importer and wholesale ISTS, 171 RACE. I dealer in wines anrd liquors, 6(5 West Taiylor & Ward, real estate agents'tnd Third. auctioneers, 170 Vine.' Thlompson & Nesmith, attorneys at law, Tlylor's Exchange, MI. Tailor, piopr. 35 notaries public and commissioners of Walnut. deeds and U.S. commissions, 25 West 'TEASDALE WlM., PROP'It NEW YORKI''hird. l)YE HOUSE, D ING, SCOURITNG, ITliomnpson & Taafiee, whlolesale grocers STEAM FINISHING, &c., 265 WAVL- and commission merchants, 61(i Main. NUT. lThompson James, belt manufactory, cor. Teeton It. F.. mea.t store, 179 Court. Butler and Front, 181 Front. 'l'EMPEST & CO., MiANUFACTURlRPS Thomson Sandy, coffee house and restau OF YELLOW AND ROCKINGUHAM rant, 19 East Third. WVARE, HEAD OF ELM AND IIAM- Thoinberry Thos., boarding house,')603 ILTON RLOAD. (See card p. 180.) Elmn, up stairs. 'Templeton Nicholas, cooper, Culvert, bet. Thorne WV. F. & Co., manufacturers and Sixth and Seventh. wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, T''ennison Alrk, ladies' shoe manufacturer, warehouse 142 Walnut. 310 Main. Thornton Charles, physician and surgeon, TERRY G. W. & CO., MAP MIOUNTING 282 West Sixth. AND COLORLING, 52 EAST THIIRD, Thornton R., manufacturer morocco, roanrs, OVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. pads, shoe linings, buckskins, &c., 9 (See card p. 175.) Main. Tha.ubauld Theodore, prop'r Seventh Thorp T. C., druggist and pharmaceutist, street restaurant, lager beer and bil- north-west coi. Court and Plum. liard saloon, cor. Main and Seventh. Thorpe Gco. & Bro., house painters, 132 'iihayer & Aldrich, jobbers of bonnets, Vine. silks, floweis aid millinery, 51 IPearl. Thorpe John D., publisher, bookseller and T1Ihayer & TIaylor, wool and general coir- stationer, 74 West Fourth. umission merchants, 32 Water. Thorpe Mrs. A. F., millinery and cap Tiheis Jacob, manufacturer tiid dleale' ii store, north-west cor. Plum and Fifth. hats and caps, 185 Main. Thieml F., wood turner, 498 Walnut. 'ITHEOBALD & THEUSKAUF, ITNIPORT- R Tlhremr J. H., wood turner, 445 Walnut. ERS OF FOREIGL(N BOOKS, STA- Thlummel J. F., manufacturer of venitian TIONERY, &c., 9 COURT HOUSE. blinds and dealer in window shades, Thliers iI., manufacturer of tin ware, 6()26 45) East Fiftlh. Race. IThuirmann John, boarding, house:tnd resT'liheirg G. H., dealer in hardware and cut-I taurant, 565 Vine. lery, &c., 19 East Pearl. Tlihurnauer & Mack, wholesale clothiers 'Thleising IHenry, manufacturer ayd deal anddealers incloths, cassimeres, vest er in boots and shoes, 11 West ings, 86 Main, bet. Pearl and Third. Twelfth. THURSTON N. H., AGENT MERTlhil Mrs. Caroline, toy store, 473 Walnut. CHANT'S DISPATCH, OWNED AND Thirkild T. F. & Co., wholesale grocers MANAGED BY THE AMERICAN and commissioni merchants, 16 Pub- EXPRESS COMPANY 52 EAST' lic Landing. THIRD. IThole Henry, boot and shoe shop, 3 Lowei Tibbitts Henry, flour, grain attld comtiis Steamboat Landing. sion merchant, Sixthl), near C., t1. & D. Thomas Alfred, attorney at law, Manches- depot. ter building, cor. Third and Sycamore. Tieman Chas., manufacturer and dealer in Thomas E. B., physician and surgeon, 98 boots and shoes, 89 Syca'more. West Seventh. Tieman J. H., grocer, 630 West Eighth. Thomas Henry, cooper, 92 Water. -See adv't of Family Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. CIN 206 CIN CIN 207 COIN Tieman Mrs. Julia, dress maker, 364 commission merchants, 7 Public Lan Broadway. ding. TILDEN WMI. & NEPHEW, MANUFAC- Traber & Auberg, pig iroe fire brick, and TURERS OF VARNISHES, 45 VINE, clay yard, water, ]bet. Vine and Race. AND 115 NORFOLK, NEW YORK. Tracy P., wholesale and retail dealer in (See card, p. 176.) groceries and produce, cor. Central Timmerman John, saloon, 544 West Front. ave. and McFarland. Timon Martin, undertaker, 148WestThird, Traine & Meyers, dealers in ready made bet. Race and Elm. clothing, 2 Casselly's Row. TINKER & WEISS, WOOD SCULPTORS, Trame B. H., Alhambra Eating House and SOUTH-EAST COR. SECOND AND Saloon, cor. Main and Levee. PLUM. Trame, Meyer & Co., merchant tailors and Tinsley William, architect, cor. Sixth and dealers in clothing, 51 Public Land Walnut. ing, 21 Bro,adway, and 3 Casselly's T''itcomb R., books, stationery, fancy goods Row. and toys, 158 West Fifthli. Trantwine Michael, coffee house, 72 East Titus J. B., attorney at law, 160 Vine. Front. Tobias H., dealer in hats, caps, &c., 291 Trefzger A., dyer and scourer, 529 Race. Main. Treiber F., restauration, 334 Hamilton Tobin W. J., lard oil manufacturer, 394 Road. John. Trener E. R., liotary public, 284 Main. Tod James, agent for Smith & Co.'s double Trienkamp C., manufacture" and dealer in threaded sewing machines, Melodeon cigars and snuff, 462 lMain. Building. Trevoe S., sec'y O. & M. Ri. It., 522 West Todd James, dining saloon, 251 Walnut. Front. TODD JAMES, WHOLESALE AND RE- TrieklerB., boarding house and lager beei. TAIL BUTTER, EGG AND PROVIS- 542 Central ave. ION DEALER, AND DINING SA- Trimbur George, family grocery, 569 Vine. LOON, 253 WVALNUT. (See card, Trimpe E. B., family grocery, 101 Hunt. p. 179. Trimpe John Barna,id, dealer in groceries TOLAND JO[IN T., EXCLUSIVE DEN- and provisions, 101 Itunt, 2d door TAL DEPOT, 38 WEST FOURTH. from Spring, south side. Tolbert M., dealer in staple and fancy dry Tropf Jacob, saloon, cor. Eighth and Free goods, wholesile and retail, 31 East man. Pearl. Troscher F., boot and shoe maker, 342 Tomlinson J. & Co., wholesale grocers, for- Main. warding and commission merchants, Trotter J., watch maker, 393 Central ave. and dealers in produce generally, 51 Trounstin A. & J. & Co., wholesale cloth West Second. and clothing dealers, 75 Pearl, co-. Tomies A., dealer in groceries and provis- Vine. ions, 297 West Front. Trum Bernard, wholesale and retail deal'I'ONNIES BARNARD. ME R C It ANT er in foreign and domestic dry goods TAILOR, 33,5 WEST FIFTH. 77 Court. Tony Wm., shaving saloon, coI'. Fifth and Tschliira Edward, house and sign painter Sycamore. and glass stainer, 61 East Third. Toohy Dennis J., attorney at law tind no- Tuchl M. & J., clothing and gents' furnislh tary public, cor. Main and Ninth, ing goods, 371 Main. room 6 Debolt Building. Tuch M. & J., clothiers, 276 Central ave. Topf Otto, bakery and confectionery, 205 Tuch M. & J., clothing and gents' furnislh Vine. ing goods, 269 Main. 'Torrence James F., commission and for- Tuch MAI. & J., wholesale and retail cloth warding merchant, Canal, bet. Wal- iers and dealers in gents' furnishing nut and Vine. goods, 231 Main. Tosspott John, shaving saloon, 6 West Tuckschmed Ulrich, American Hotel, 252 Third. East Front, opp. Little Miaami depot. Tower E. C., druggist, 465 West Fifth, cor. Tucker Geo. W., manufacturer of boys', Mill. youths' and children's clothing, 222 'Towle & Co., dealers in real estate, and I West Fifth. note brokers 73 West Third. Tucker Geo. W., manufacturer of saddles Townley Geo. W., lumber merchant, 445 harness and trunks, 33 West Fifth. Vine, cor. Gest and Freeman. Tudor John M., exchange office, 113 WalTownsend J. W., local bill clerk, O. & M. nut. R. R., cor Mill and Front. TUDOR R. & CO., BOILER MAKERS, Traber & Aubery, wholesale grocers and THIRD, BET. BUTLER AND MIAMI CANAL. (See card, p. 165.) See advt. of C. F. Mayer & Bro, Cigars and II Union Telegraph Company, Charles Dav enport, manager, south-west corner Third and Walnut. UNITED STATICS EXPRESS COMPANY, A. M. HEALY, AGENT, 54 EAST THIRD. UNITED STATES HOTEL, JNO. T. WAT SON, PROP'R, SOUTH-WVEST COR. WALNUT AND SIXTH. (See card, p. 182.) Unziker J. S., physician, 423 Walnut. Uphof George H., Buckeye livery and sale stable, 18 and 20, Seventh. Uphof John, prop'r Neptune bath house and billiard saloon, 137 Sycamore. Utc Charles, dealer in groceries and pro visions, 142 cor ne r Richmond and Cutter. Utley H., manufact'r and dealer in boots and shoes, south-east cor. Walnut and Front. Vaal Aug., family grocery, 66 Spring. Vagt Toelke, manufacturer Havana and domestic cigars, 213 Walnut. Vail Thos. S., boarding house, 125 West F ifth. VAIL & DANBY, DEALERS IN LUM BER OF ALL KINDS, COR. BROAD WAY AND HUNT. Valentine Freight Express, Frank Ernst, agent, cor. Third and Sycamore. Vallean & Jacobs, manufacturers of all kinds of iron railirng, 86, 88, 90, and 92 Elmi. Vance J. WV., plhysician, Seventeenth Ward, East F ront. Vanderbeugel ] maiuel, deal er in seconf( hand clothing, 239 West Fifth. Vandergrift B. B., dealer in p in e lumber, 139 Water, bet. Race and Elra. Vanhdivier Wm., manufacturer of awning canvass, flags, tents, hor se covers, &a., 100 Sycamore. Van Dokkum & Forman, merchant tailors, and gents' furnishers, 125 Main. Vadron Duersen & Gibbs, ma nufacturer s of Sanford's patent straw cutters, 214 %Vest Second. Vancleft H., dry goods and notions, 58 Et der. Van Hamni Washington, attorney at law, 19 West Third. Vanhouten C. &5 J., manufacturers of sil ver ware, north-east cor. George and Central ave. Van Geunen G., ladies' and gentlemen's wig maker, 79 West Fourth. Van Sant S., manufacturer and dealer in silk and fur hats, 117 Main. Van Wordragen H. J., cabinet maker, 107 Canal. Van Wormer Asa & Co., wholesale and retail dealer in produce, butter, eggs, etc., 57 Court. Tunnecliff W. D., Etna Stove Foundry and Novelty Works, Pearl, East of Miami Canal. Turner B., (col.,) Dennison House Shaving Saloon, 9 East Fifth. Turner Pavid, prop'r Turner's saloon, 138 Front. Turner Hall, German, gymnastic exercises, 513 and 515 Walnut. Turner Henry & Co., cooperage, cor. Free man and Dayton. Turner J. P., dealer in second hand furni ture, ]53 West Fifth. Turner W. K., house, sign and ornamental painter, north-west Vr. Third and Race. Turney Thos., confectionery and shooting gallery, 632 Central ave. Tuttle A. W., dealer in land warrants andd uncurrent money, north-west cor. Third and Sycamore. Tuttle J. N., manufacturer of edge tools, 252 Central ave. Tweed & Andrews, wholesale grocers, 31 and 33 West Pearl. Tweed & Sibley, flour and produce dealers, and commission merchants, 40 Wal nut. Twenhofer W., grocer, 602 West Eighth. Tyler, Davidson & Co., importers, and job bers of hardware, cutlery and metals, 140 and 142 Main. Tylor & Barrett, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in wood and willow ware, brooms, cordage, twines, &c., nIlorthl-east cor. Walnut and Front. Tynan B., importer of wines, brandies,V gins and cigars, 562 Central ave. Uderstadt J. C., ladies shloe store, 663 Vine. Uhlfelder L., custom made boots and shoes, 184 West Sixth. Uhlmann F., famluily grocery, 41 Elder. Ullmanmn Daniel, exchange broker, Wood'sF Theater Building, corner Sixth and Vine. Ulm,er Andrew, dealer in reads-mnade clothing, 54 Sycamore. Ulmer C., manufacturer of and dealer in hats, caps, &c., 280 Main. Ulmer F., fashionable hatter, and cap manufacturer, and dealer in ladies fancy fur and straw goods, 113 Main. ULRPICHI A. C., RESTAURANT AND DIN ING SALOON, 60 BRIOADWAY. Ulrich William, cigar maker, 333 Central ave. Underdown W. & Co., mantilla store, 104 West Fifth. Union Counterfeit Detector and Job Print ing office, Fulliton & Co., prop'rs, south-east cor. Walnut and Flifth. Union. Insurance company, of Cinlcinnati, O., E. H. Carter, pres't, Abm. C. Ed wards, sec'y, 5 Public Buildings. << Her+ of Tliimber. Xp.149. I CIN CIN 208 Varian Amos C., card painting, south-east Vonlar George, boot and shoe.maker, 223 cor. ('entral ave. arid Sixth. Front. VATTIER JO[IN L., POST MIASTER. Von Seggun & Ochlmann, attorneys at Vedder Conrad, family grocery, corner law, Debolt's Building, south-east cor. Woodward and Broadway. MaIin and Ninth. Veerkanip Bernard, coach and carriage Vonwyk Amaldi, dealer in drugs, medi mlanufacturer, 469 Walnut. cines, paints, oils, &c., 923 Central Vendunker Joseph, groceries and provis- ave. ions, cot-. Laurel and Baymiller. Vornholt John F., staple and fancy dry Vennemann fI., house and sign painter, goods and millinery store, 315 Main. 23 Woodward. Vos J., grocery store, cor. Woodward and Verdin M., manufacturer of town and Broadway. church clocks, 398 Vine. Voss Joseph S., watch maker and jeweler, Verhein F., barber, 356 West Fifth. 46 Fifth. Vetterliener B. Trumbower & Co., importers I Voss L., watch repairer, 146 Clinton. and dealers in cigars leaf tobacco, Voss & Co., watch makers and jewelers, and chewing tobacco, north-west cor. 78 West Fifth. Second and Broadway. Vunemann A. & Co., family grocery, 566 Vibbtrd, Taylor & Co., produce and com- Race. mission merchants, 37 Walnut. Wachman A. D., practical watch maker Viersihelling Anton, stationery and variety and jeweler, 389 Central ave., bet. store, 25 Green. Court and Elizabeth. Viethli A., venetian blind minufaicturer, Wade Robert, merchant tailor, 25 East 140 Sycamore. Fourth. Vilter Charles, druggist and apothecariy, Waechter Chas., lager beer saloon, north cor. Race and Second. east cor. Walnut and ninth. Virtue & Co., London and New York pub. Wagener Henry, saloon, 447 Walnut. lilsie-s, Thomas Pelan, agent, Ha.rt's Waggoner John, real estate agent, stock Building, East Fourth. and note broker and auctioneer, 58 Vocke Hlenriy, saloon and grocery, 125 Co- West Sixth. lIunbia, bet. Race and Eltn. Waggoner Wm. W., designer and wood Vodde J., grocer, 205 Richmond. engraver, 13 West Fourth. Voet Clement, saloon, 7 Cassilly's Row. Wagner A., druggist and apothecary, 512 Vogeding August., baker, 313 West Fifth. Main, cor. Thirteenth. V()GEL FREDERIt'K, JR., DEALER IN Wagner J., saloon, 346 West Sixth. GROC(,ERIES AND PROVISIONS, WAGNER JACOB, SALOON, 318 EAST 554 COR. CLINTON AND JOHN. PEARL. Vogelbech F. & A., Lafayette billiard sa- Wahn H. C., grocer, 502 John. loon, 613 Race Waites Joseph, cabinet miker, 568 East Vogelgesong N, prop'r Canal Exchange, Front. 443 lain. Waitliman Mrs., shirt and fancy store, Vogt Chas., grocery, corner Sycamore and 308 West Fifth. Webster. i Wald Lewis, importer of hosiery, jackets, Vog,t Martin,'iaving saloon, 198 Syca.- baskets, &c., 64 West Pearl. more. lWaldaeh Charles, photographist 22 West Voiglit C., eating saloon, 462 Vine. Court. Volkei s Daniel, furniture dealer, 558 Vine. Walda-u & Griesel, manufacturers of show Volkers Peter, looking-glass and picture cases, 25 and 27 East Third. frame mintnfactory, 336 Main. Waldmann Jacob, lager beer saloon, 641 Von Behren H. W., manufacturer and Race. dealer in stoves, copper, tin, and Waldo F. A., MI. D., eye infirmary, south sheet iron ware, 557 Race. west cor. Sycamore and Fourth. Vonderfange H., stair builder, Liberty, Waldo Lawrence, attorney at law and no bet. Central ave. and Canal. tary public, 9 East Third, Law BuildVonderheide IHerman, dealer in foreign ings. fruits. and confectionery, 12 Syca- Waldron C. S., dealer in dry goods, no more. tions, &c, 583 Central ave. Vonderheide J. B., saddle, harness and' Walff Nicholas, merchant tailor, and deal trunk manufaicturer, 929 Central ave. er in ready-made clothing, 74 BroadVonderheide Jos., co.fectionery and ice way. cream saloon, 129 Sycamore. Walker D. J., auctioneer, Jennifer's horse Von Eye F., groceries and provisions, cor. auction, 24 East Fifth. Court and John. Walker James, prop'r J. Walker's brewery, Von Kreutzberg & Nurre, books and sta- 391 Sycamore. tionery, 21 Green. 14 CIN 209 CIN CIN Walker J. H. & S., dealers in staple andW fancy dry goods, 20 West Fifth. Walker J. P., physician, 244 Broadway. Walker W., brewer, and dealer in ale, por ter, malt, hops, &c., north-west corner Smith and Columbia. Walker W., Seventeenth Ward bakery, Seventeenth Ward, East Front. Walker Wm.,- dealer in coal, north-west cor. Race and Court. Walker Win., coal dealer, Freeman, bet. Front and Sixth. WALKER WM. F., PROP'R WALKER'S EXCHANGE, 7 SYCAMORE. Wall Jacob, coffee and boarding house, Second, bet. Lawrence and Ludlow. WALL JAMES, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, 114 SYCAMORE. Wallmann B. J., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 345 West Fifth. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, DAVIS & MARSH, PROP'RS, COR. WALNUT AND GANO, BET. SIXTH AND SE VENTH. (See card p. 111.) Walsh John P., printer and bookseller, 170 Sycamore. Walsh Michael, dealer in hides, oil, and leather, 11 Water. Walter John, hat and cap store, 583 Main. Walter & Wilson, architects, south-east cor. Fourth and Walnut, up stairs. Walters Mason, manufatcturer and dealer in cigars and tobatcco, 247 West Sixth. Walton H. M. & Co., dealers in silk and straw goods, 204 West Fifth. W,Tankelmann F., dealer in cigars and to bacco, cor. Fifteenth and Pleasant. Wlankelmann F, tobacconist, 165 Liberty. WANN C. & T., PORK PACKERS, PRO DUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL, 57 MIAMI CANAL. Wanstroth Jos., family grocery, 99 Wood ward. Wanzer, Ladd & Co., slaughter and pack ing house, on Canal, near Hamilton Road. Warburg & Ramler, merchant tailors, 268 Main. Ward J., house and sign painter, 27 East Fourth. Ward Robert, meat store, No. 258 Central avenue. Ward W. W., lumber dealer, boards No. 93 Pleasant. Ward & Ramsey, attorneys at law, No. 68 West Third. Ward & Ward, attorneys at law, No. 76 West Third. Warden Oscar, dealer in confectioneries, 328 Sixth, near Smith. WARDLE & )OUGHTY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 138 W E ST FOURTH, BET. RACE AND ELM. (See card, p. 181. ) Ware Henry, optician, 7 West Fourth. Ware Thomas C., attorney at law, 57 W. Third. Ad WARNER C. K. & (-!O., CONINIISSION MERCHANTS AND WItOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CtI()ICE TABLE BUJTTER, 257 W. FOUR TH, VWarner John, lumber mrnerchant, north east cor. Central ave. and Twelfth. Warner Mrs., dress maker. 308 W. Fifth. Warren John, architectural and orlnamen tal carver, 150 West Third. Warren John B., attorney at law, corner Sixtth and Walnut. Warren J. T. & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in foreign f'uits, nuts, sardines, catsup, &c., 53 Main. Warrington G., carpenter and builder, 189 Canal, b et. Elm anti Plum. Wartmaic r & Wunder, meat and provision store, cor. Broadway tuid Hl int. Wasem Jacob, fashionable hiatter, north west cor. Court and Main. Washington Ins. Co., Wm. Goodman, pre sident,, John P. Whlitemran, secretatry, 41 Main. Wasenic-h & Mentzger, flour dealers, cor. Vine and Carnal. Waters Byron, dea er in gas fixtures, gas, steam an d water pipes, b rass tubing fittings, chandeliers, &c., 22H6 WMain. Waters Chas. H. & Co., maRnufactrs and wholesale dealers in wood anri willow ware, 4 Main, and 3 Public Landing. Waters & Barrett, planaing mil, washRboaTrd manufaict'rs and steam benders, cor. Freeman and Ninth. Watkin, Free & Co., successors to Hedges, Free & Co., dealers in iron and steel, nails, springs, axles, smith tools, &c., and ma-nufa-ct'rs of agricultural im plements, 6 Main. Watkin H., book and job printer, corner Fifth and Central ave. WATSON JAMES, PROP'R OF HlENRIB HOU SE, COR. THIRD AND HAM MOND. WATSON JOHN T., PROP'll UNITED S T AT E S HOTEL, SOUTH-VWEST COR. WALNUT AND SIXTH. (Se(, card, p. 182.) Watson I,. D., dealer in family groceries, northwest cor. Third and Elm'. Watson Thos., lieutenant of police, Nint h Street Station House, Ninth, bet. Cen tr,al ave. and Plum. WATTERS JAS. M., PROF. OF ACC'TS QUEEN CITY COLLEGE, SOUTH EAST COR. FOURTH AND VINR (See card, p. 159.) WAYN E.J. L. & SON, DE ALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING} GLASS PLATES, &c., 124 MIAI N See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100 210 CIN CIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 I Wehlir F. W., boarding house, north-we cor. Columbia and Centra-l ave. Wehrle Chas., stocking?actory, 598 Cen tral ave. Wehrle Jacob, dealer in groceries and pr visions, 135 Laurel. Wehrinann L. F., wholesale and retakil far niture dealer, mattress atid bedding: manufactory, 215 West. Fifth. W~eifering F. H., Dunkirk Exchange, 62i Broadway. Weizencker Alex., dealer in dry good& and millin(ry goods, 388 Vine. WEIGIIELL JOIN & SON, MIANUFAC TURERS AND DEALEllS IN CI. (xGARS AND TOBACCO, 210 AND 212 E L ~VI. Weigler A., milliner and millinery goods) 400 West Fifth. VWeiglerkV., bonnets bleached, pressed and alItered, 502 MNain. Weihl & Co., meat store, 152 East Front Weil Andrew, dealer in family grocerie%, 166 E'st Front. Weil David, dealer in new and second hand furniture, 229 West Fif'th. Weiler AnIton, lager beer saloon, No. 345 Broadway. Weiler M., wholesale clothier, dealer ia cloths, cassimeres, vestiigs, &c., 42 Alain. Weiler W., staple and fancy dry goodis, 184 West Fifth. Weiler & Frost, maenufact'rs and dealers in watches and jewelry, 78 Matin. Weiman Fred., wine and beer saloon, 431 Central ave. Weir Joseph, carpet weaver, No. 143 W~ Fifth. Weis Charles, billiard saloon, 99 Court, Weis David, dealer in tobacco and cigar 233 Walnut. Weishers Brothers, importers and jobber* of millinery goods, ribbons, straw goods, silks, blonde laces, flowera 1'uches, &c., 121 Main. Weiss F. J., house and sign painter, 609 Elm. Weiss N. S., Belvidere Exchan(ge,'S West Third. Weissfloeh T., bakery, 516 Vine. Weissmann F., dealer in groceries ant produce, north-west cor. Clititon avo. and Clinton. Weitzel Adam, butcher, cor. Findlay ani John. Weitzel Clemens, boot and shoe maker an dealer, 87 Spring, and 82 Hunt. Weitzel G., boot and shoe shop, 82 Hunth Weitzel Henry, dyeing, relnovating, cleas ing and scouring establishment, 6 W. Ninth. Welch Cyrus, 17th Ward, East Front. Welch F. C.t artist, No. 14 East Front, Sd floor. AND 23 MANI.NIOND. (See card opp. index to cities, towns:aiiid villages.') WAYNE JOS. W., MAINUFAC(,T'R AND SOLE PROlI'T OF (). RICE'S FIRST PREM IUMll ZINC WVASlH BOARDS, 196 NlAIN. Wayne J. W. & Co., dealers in builders and houise-furn-iislhing hardware, me chlianics' tools and cutlery, 196 Malin. Wealshl James, grocery, 256 (Centril ave. Weasner T. 11. & Co., dealers in lumber of all kinds, i371 Plurr. Weatherby Cliis. S., agent, staple and fan cy dr-y goods, 112 West F ifth. Weatherby J. S., jr., saddle, lharness and trunk iallnif,tct'r, 220 Ma,iin. WTeaver Johbti L. saloon, 482 East Front. Weaver Miss Kate, fashionable dress, cloak arnd basque maker, 158 West Sixth. WIeaver T. J., clerk of customs, at Custom Ihouse. Webb George, saloon. 78 ('ourt. Webb J. D1)., physiciani, Nirnthl, bet. Central ave. and Plum. Webb J., jr, dealer in straw and silk bon nets, and millinery goods in general, 154 Fifth. Weber B., plhysician, south-west cor. Vine and (-Couri-t. Weber George, lager beer saloon, 20 East Eig,ht,hi. Weber 11., family grocery, 684 Main. Weber H., lager beer saloon, 514 Main, cor. Woodward. Weber J., boot and shoe maker, 638 Cen tral ave. WTeber John A., wine saloon, 5';7 Vine. Weber Julius, boot and shoe maker, 479 Walnutit. Weber Al., boot and shoe maker, 566 Elm. Weber M., parasol manufacturer, 70 West Fifth. Weber Ml., coffee house, 194 Pleasant. W eber M., grocery, 171 Liberty. Weber W. nmusic teaicher, cor. Fifth and r Vine. Weber & Stahll, manufacturers of shears, scissors, slheep-shears, knives, and every kind of cutlery, 16 East Fifth. 'ebster D. B., grocer, 595 W. Sixth. WEBSTER E. G. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 63 PEARL. Webster Geo. P. & Crawford. attorneys at law, 13 East Third, Law Buildings. N%,'eddel A., blacksmith, 10'. tltnt. Wedekind J., manufact'r of and dealer in ~ tobocco find ciga.rs, 255 W. Sixth. Wehiman Ney, grocer, 387 Central ave. Wehmer & Rose, Western Republic Bil liard Saloon, 600 Main. Wehmhoff I). W., lager beer saloon, cor. Main:nd Canal. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. 211 CIN G[N 212 GIN :Weller, Farrell & Co., produce and com mission merchants, 27 Vine. Weller James M., real estate and money broker, 197 Plum. Weller John, saloon, cor. Race and Pearl. Wellman Henry B., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 132 W. Fifth, one door east of Race. Wells A. H. & Co., wholesale grocers, 15 W. Pearl. Wells J. D. & Co., druggists and apothe car-ies, dealers in drugs, medicines, and fancy articles, south-west corner Fourth and Central ave. Wells I., prop'r Dental College Infirmary, College, bet. Fifth and Sixth and Vine and Race. Welnes W., dealer in groceries and pro visions, 116 Clinton. Welts John, carriage m'mnufactory, corner Sycamore and Eighlth. Wenckam P., saloon, cor. West Row and Pearl. Wendland G., bakery, 546 West Fifth. Wendle & Stubenrauch, importers and dealers in foreign and domestic cigars and tobacco, 10 Court. Wendt HI., steamboat blacksmith, 108 East Second. Wenneman John B., grocery and provi sion dealer, cor. Fou,th andl Lock. Wenning H. N., importer and dealer in iron, nails, steel and heavy hard. vare, stoves, grates, hollow ware, &c, 360 Nlain. Wenning Wm. & Co., manufacturers of so0;p and candles, 46 East Eighth. -Wensel Henry, blacksmith, 337 Broad wtway. WENTRWORTH & HANLY, WVHOLESALE DEALERS IN FAN(Y DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 87 WEST PEARL. Wentzel & Scherer, flour dealers, 342 Wallnut. Wenzel J. F., wood yard, 496 Central atvenue. Wenzler NIatthias, prop'r Washington Ex change, 680 Vine. 'Werk NI. & Co., manunfacturers Adaman-. n tinie Star, and t;-llow candles, soap, latrd oil, &c., I I MIain. Werner C., hardware, cutlery and lock smith, 505 Vine. WERNER F. J., ('LERK CINCINNATI REPUBLICANEI', ()FFI(,E, COR. MERCER AND VINE. ,Werne,'t & Goettheim, manufacturers of chocolate, ria,ccaroni and vermicilli, 5')7 and 599 M,in. Wernke John, prop'r Washington Livery Stable, 388 Sycamore. Wer G., attorney at law, 506 Vine. Wert Cyrus, manufalcturer of plaster ort nvm. ents, 100a Westi anhird. Wef t Winm. W., auction andl commission house, wholesale dealer in watches; clocks and jeIlry, 154 Main. Wertheimer I. J.;nmanuf,acturer and dealer in ready-made clothing, 243 M in. Wertheimer, MaItrks & Co., wholesale clothiers and dealers in cloths, calssi meres, vestirngs, &c., 128 Mnaini. Wescott M. A. dealer in boots and shoes, 305 Central ave. WESENER & MINOR, GENERAL PRO DU(CE AND CONIMIISSION MER CHAN'.lS, 1 WALNUT, C()RNER OF WATER.. Wesling Henry, saloon, north-east corner Central ave. and Water. Wesling J. HI., dealer in groceries, 2165 cor. Broadway and New. Wesner B., grocery and beer saloon, 581 Elm. Wessel I-Henry, manufacturer cooperage of every description, Court, bet. Mlain and Sycatmore. Wessel P. &T Buhllke, dealers in groceries a.nd provisions, cor. Litin'and Eighth. Wesslen G., boot'nd shoe maker, 28 Race. Wessling George H., dealer in groceries. and provisions, 280 West Si xth. Wessling Hfenry g, grocer, cot. New and North. West C. W. & Co., prop'rs White Water Canal Mills, 616 West Front. WE ST ISPAAC, MBOILET R AN IKERL, 56 PIK,uE, BETWEEN CON() GRESS AND FRONT. (See card, p. 183.) West J., cooperage, 277 Hamilton Road. West J. B., gro cery a nd coff ee house, 19 Abigail. West ollis. John, dealer in notions,'106 W est F if th. West L. S., spo loon, 189 Broandw ayy. WEST & McDOUGAL, C') MX{T[(SION MERCItANTS AND WHOLIE,SALE, DEALERS IN SUGAR, MOLASSES, CHIEESE, BUTTER, FLOUR, GRAIN, &c., 23 VALNUT (See card, p. 184.) Wenstcott TI. A., Eafstern an d custom-made boots and shoes, 14 West Fifth. Westendorf J. J., m,anuf,lcturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 147 Sycarooc. Westerkml.iim. C., manufacturer antd dealer in hoots'nrd shoes, 1068 (,entral. —ve. Westerkamp F. H., boot and shoe rnmlker. 372 Broadway. Westerkany l-enry, dealer in confection ery, north-west cor. Eighth and Cen - tral ave. Westerman T., dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Hopkins and Bay miller. WESTERIN INSURANCE C O. T. F. E(.ItERT, PRES'T, JNO. W. StIIP-. LEY, SEC'Y, 2 FRONT, SECOND STORY. Westfield C:., manlufacturer tents and awn See adv't of Yamily Sewing Machines p. 100, and in indexes. C-IN '212 CIN 213 White Mrs. D., confectionery, 131 Syca more. White lis. E., bo,ardihg house, 355 Cen tral ave. White O. D., attorney at law and notary public, north:west corner Alain and, Third. White R. AM., deal er i n lumb er, slingles, lath, dressed, flooring a nd sawe d timber, 422 Central ave. White T. D., cabinet m anufac tur er, Au gusta, near Jo hn. White T. & Son, marble works, 255 and 257 West Fifth. White Wmn. S., attorney at law, 23 West. Third. White & Antram, import ers and wholesale dealers in fancy dry goods and no tions, 47 Pearl. Whitecross Wm., plumbin g, 231 Walnut. Whitehead E., fairier and horse shoer, 14 Richmond, bet. Central avenue and John. Whitehead 2rs. Flore nce, dr ess maker, 6 Home, bet. F ourt h a nd F ifth. White oer S. H., superintende nt Eastern Texas Railroad Co., south-ea st corner Third anW d Sy cam ore. WHITNEY W M. F. & V., LUMBER. DEALERS, 515 CENTRAL AVE. Whitney & Child, cigars and periodicals, 466 West Sixth. Whitridge Mrs. E. A. & Co., manufactur ers of Masonic cloth i n g and Odd Fel lows' reg alia, 128 Walnut. WHITSTONE F. D. S. & CO., LINSEED AND LARD OIL MANUFACTUR ERS, EIGHTH, EAST OF BROAD WAY. Whittimoro J. R., druggist, 86 Broadway. Wicker Wm., carpenter and joiner, 79 West Fifth. Wickersham Dr. O. J., sur geon dentist, 342 West Fifth, bet. John and Smith. Wickersham Thomas B., auction and variety store, 26 West Fifth. Widdel Aug., blacksmith, 109 Hunt. Widemier Henry, tailor, 481 West Fifth, bet. Mill and Stotne. Widows' House of Employment, Mrs. M. Draper, treasurer, 188 West Fifth. Wiebold Henry, groceries and provisions,, 220 Walnut,. Wiebold & Kotter, merchant tailors, 477' Main. WIEBOLD & LAUENSTEIN, FLOUR AND PEARL BARLEY AMILL, AND DEAL ERS IN GRAINS, &c., COR. THIRD AND MIAMI CANAL. Wiechelnia-nn J. C., lager beer saloon, 130 Court. Wiecher H. F., dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Freeman and Barr. Wied F., wood turner, 11 Fifte~enth, bet. .Elm and Plum. ings, canvass, flags, mops, horse covers ta.rpatulins, &c., 216 Walnut. Westing Henry, cooperage, cor. Basin and Eightih. t Westo.i JIames H., Ohio Lightning Rod Works, 29 West Sixth. Westgoh Iiellnry H., coffee house, 11 Cas silly's Row. Wctenklamp t11., merchant tailor, 16 West Court. Wetheriill A. E., manufacturer premium perfumery, Iam nmonld, -bet. Third, Fourt h, XIMaitn and Sycamore. Wettengel Valentine, shaving saloon, 8 Court Hlouse. Wetteirer John, rectifier and distiller, 430 and 432 Plum. Weust C., blacksmith, head of Hamilton Road. Wewell J. II., Northern IceDepot, 172 East Fifth. Weyand Charles, wholesale and retail dealer in wines and liquors, also cof fee house, 1031 Central ave. WEYAND & JUNG, (P. & D.,) MANU FACTURERS LAGER AND COMI MiON BEER, 1039 CENTRAL AVE., BET. BAYNMILLER AND FREE.IMAN. Weyland L. H., manufacturer of ladies' caps, head dresses, &c., 206 Elm. Wheeler B. D., dentist, 95 West Sixteenth, cor. College. WHIEELER & WILSON, SEWING MA CHLINE CO., WM. SUNINER,V. C)., AGENTS, PIKE'S OPERA HOUSE, 77 FOURTH. (See card, p. 164.) Wheeler J., veterinary surgeon, Smith, bet. Sixth and Longworth. Whetsel & Child, staple and fancy grocer ies, 22 West Fifth. WIHITCIIER WM. C. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, HATTERS' TRIMIMINGS, PLUSH, PA,lM LEAF AND STRAW GOODS, I39 WALNUT. White Adolph, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., 19 Main. 1White Brother & Co., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 83 and 85 Walnut. White Frank, pork packer and ham cure.,, 20 Canal and Hunt. Whlite 11. D., physician and surgeon, 55 East Third. ';hite James S., attorney at law, 260 Wal nut. White James & Co., steamboat black smiths, 29 Griffin, bet. Ludlow and Lawrence. White J. F., physician, north-west corner Fourth and Race, res. 223 West Wiourtih. White John P., pharm~acutist, north-west cot. Elm and Front. See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. CIN CIN CI 21 GI DR. E. WILLIAMS, 7 Office, Commercial Buildings, north-east cor. Fourth and Race, CINCINATI, 0OHIO. Wiedemann A., brush manufactory, 592 Central ave. Wiedemer F. X. & Co., manufacturers of star. and mould candles, soap and lard oil, on Miami Canal, bet. Fifth and Sixth, store 17 West Front. Wiederstein L., boot and shoe maker, 515 East Front. Wielert Christian, i dealer in stoves. tin, copper and sheet iron ware, 61 Court. Wier Isaac, importer and dealer in clii nn, glass and queens ware, 54 West Fifth. Wiesing Fritz, prop'r Lafayette Garden, top of Vine st. Hill. Wiesmnann C(., family grocery, 60 Green, cor. Pleasant. Wightman A. F., exchange office, cor. T'hirdl and Hammond. Wigins Samuel, banker, 66 West Third. Wilcox D. R., grainer, 259 West Fifth. Wilcox & Gibbs, sewing machines, Fair banks & Ewing, general agents, Car lisle Building, south-west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Wilder, Robinson & Co., manufacturers and dealers in agricultural imple ments and machinery, grain, grass and field seeds, &c., 230 Walnut. Wilfort John, stocking weaver, 466 Elm. Wilke Wm. & Co., soda and mineral water manutf;aetory, 156 West Pearl. Wilkins J. W., grocer, 117 Betts. Wilkeynmacky Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, 61 Laurel. Will V., grocer, 1,057 Central ave. Willard & Co., manufacturers of terra cotta window caps, brackets, medallions, chimney tops, &c., 533 Plum. Willenborg W., merchant tailor, cor. Rich mond and Baymiller. Willenborg H., furniture manufacturer and dealer, 531 Central ave. Willenborg J. B., grocer, 499 cor. John and David. Willenborg Joseph, dealer in groceries and provisions, 362 Freeman. WILLIAMNI TELL SAL(-)ON EXCHIANGE AND RES r URANT, F. DISERENS., PROP'R, 29 FIFTHI, BET. MAIN AND WALNUT. tSee card(, p. 174.) Williams Brothers, manuifactutrers of mar bleized wood mantles, cor. John and Everett.. Williams C. Curry, wholesale and retail dealer in wall paper and hangings.. 85 Main, 1 door hbove Pearl. Williams C. S., publisher of Cincinnati Directory, north-east cor. Walnut and Fifth. WILLIAMNS DR. E., OCULIST AND AU RIST, 0 F F I C E (OMMERCIALI BUILDING, COR. FOURTH AN,D RACE. (See card, p. 214.) Williams J. A., merchant tailor, 169 Sc camnore. Williams J. B., wholesale and retail dry goods store, 35 East Pearl. Williamns J. P.c, intelligence office, 56 Wes Sixth. Williams Peter T., attorney at law, cor. Walnut and Fitth. Williams S. K., produce broker, 39 W.atl nut. Williams Thomas, banker, (private, ) po West Third. WILLIAMS G. W., (COL.,) STIAVING SALOON, WALNUT ST. HOUSE. Williams & Ford, wholesale dealers in hats, caps, ladies' fancy furs, &c., 123 Main. Williams & Reed. pork packers, 16 and 18 Canal and Hunt. Williamson Geo. B., barber and hair dress er, Broadway Hotel. Williamson Samuel, tea dealer, 14 East Second. Williamson Wm., pork packer, produce and commission merchant, 24 East Second. Williamson & Hatfield, wholesale drug gists, and dealers in paints, oils dyes, glass, &c., 41 Walnut. See advt. of Hall's Improved Bank Loak, p. 128. I CIN 214 CIN I I''''I III IAII 11 I I I Am I I uuu i n u t -~~~I 21 i WILLINGTER & CONRAD, MIANUFAC TRR iERS AND WV HtOLESALE DEAL ERS IN TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, SATCHELI.S, DRESS AND BONIAET B()XES, UNDER GIBSON HOUSE. (See card, in classification of trunk mnakersM.) Willis Alexan(ler F., real estate agent and negotiator of loans, Cincinnati. Willis & Stuart, livery and sale stable, 95 East Second. WILLMNANN MIATHIAS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 422 VINE. Willrnott George, confectionery, south-east cor. Plum and Ninth. Wilmuer Frank, carpenter andjobbing shop, North, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Wilmerton John, coffee house and restau rant, 99 West Third, opp. Burnet House. Wilmis J. C., wa,tch maker and jeweler, 1 College Buildings. Wilson Adam, grocer, north-west cor. Sixth and Smith. Wilson l)David, physician, 115 West Sixth. WILSON D. M. N., CLERK AT DENNI SON HOUSE, COR. FIFTH AND MAIN. Wilson, Eggleston & Co., commission and forwarding merchants, 21 West Ca nal. WILSON, GARLICK & CO., FORWARD ING A N D COMNVIISSION MER CHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, WHISKY, HOGS, &c., VINE, BET. PEARL AND SECOND. Wilson Dr. Israel, wholesale and retail druggist, 337 Main. Wilson Joseph, staple and fancy groceries, 224 West Sixth. Wilson Lewis, chief of police, Ninth, bet. Central ave. and Plum, office at the Ninth st. station house. Wilson Mrs. A., dealer in dry goods, 451 West Eighth. Wilson R., lager beer saloon, 195 West Sixth. Wilson S., importer and manufacturer of nmantillas and cloaks, and dealer in shawls, dress trimmings, &c., 78 West Fourth. Wilson S. & D., livery and sales stable, 303 Sycamore. Wilson Thios., physician, 248 West Fifth. Wilson & Carson, wholesale dealers in Bourbon and rye whisky, and foreign and domestic liquors, 18 West Front. Wilson & Hayden, importers and manu fact urers of saddlery and carriage trimmings, saddle trees, hog skins, &c. 22 and;z4 Main. Wiltsee John F., undertaker, and agent for the sale of C r aned metg5l5 burial cases, north-west cor. Longworth and Plum. Wilzer Adam, saloon, 32 East Front. Winall George, blacksmith, cor. Water and Smith. Winchell G. D. & Bro., manufacturers of railroad, wood and water stationary engines, 141 and 143 West Second. Winchell Geo. D., Marsh & Co., manufac turers of japanned and stamped wares, and dealers in tin plate, cop per and tinner s' find ings, north-west cor. Race and Second. Winckel D., boo t an d sho e m aker, 370 B roadway. Winder J. W., ambrotype and photographl artist. 373 Central ave. Winder Wm. W.. house, sign and banner painter, and graining, 120 West Third. Windhorst J. F., groc er, 52 Everett. Winegatrdner Lawrence, dealer in grocer ies and provisions, cor. John and Richmond. Wineman Henry wholesale a nd retail clothier, 219 West Sixth. PWines CI., grocer, 270 Seventh. Winkelmarnn H., wagon maker, 518 Free man. Wink]er Jacob, manufacturer of bristles and hair, 984 Central ave. Winslow A. S., manufacturer and dealer in railroad materials, 9 West Second. Winslow H. surgeon dentist, 151 Syca more. Winston & Johnston, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, 113 West Pearl. Winter John, wholesale and retail dealer in fishing tackle, 84 West Third. Winter T. & Co., straw bleachers, dyers and soft hat renovators, 267 West Eighth, near Central ave. Winter Wm., boarding house, 287 West Fifth. Winter, Xaver & Brother, meat store, 359 West Fifth, cor. Smith. Winterhalter Ferdinand, meat market, 143 East Columbia. Winterhoter A., lager beer saloon, 47 Twelfth. WY ipking M., bakery, 11 East Mulberry. Witrmel John A., faimily grocery, 708 Freeman, cor. Bank. WIRTHLIN NICHOLAS, MANUFAC TURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 101 EAST PEARL. (See card, p. 185.) Wirz A., grocery, 36 Elder. Wise Barnhard, dealer in cigars and to bacco, 821 Sycamore. Wise John, manufacturer and wholesale dealer in ladies', misses' and child rens' shoes and boots, north- west cor. Main and Court. W~ise Leopold, dealer in ready made cloth ing, 55 Broadway. Wisenborn H., musical instrument repair See advt. of Wm. Jones, p. 149. CIN 215 CIN CIN L WOLFF D., PROP'R NEWPORT IRON WORKS, MAUFACTURER OF SHIEET, BOTLERP AND BAR IRON OF EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY, 1 21 EAST PEARL, ANDI) 375 MAIN. (See card,p., 186..) Wolff Charles H. & Co., importers, and wholesale dealers in dry goods, 145 Walnut. Wolff C. & Co., manufacturers of stoves, hollow ware and castings, 375 Main. WolffJohn Chris., dealer in hardware and cutlery, 115 East Pet,'l. Wolff S., importer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 149 Walnut. Wolfington. S., blacksmithl and manufac turer hoisting wheels, 133 Second, bt. Race and Elm. Wiolfson I., wholesale and retail clothier and dealer in gents' furnishing goods, north-east cor. Main,and Public Land ing. Wolking John C., groceries and provis ions, south-west cot. Broadway and Sixlh. Wood Alfred, auctioneer and commission merchant, 9 Pearl, and 71 Mlain. Wood E. lMorgan, attorney,it law and notar y public, 23 West Third. Wood George, livery stable, south-west cor. Longworth and Race. Wood John H., real estate agent and deal er, 78 Third. Wood J. S., dentist, 199 West Fourth. Wood Seely, agent of American Tracts So ciety, 163 Walnut. Wood T., physician, 112 West Sixth. Wood Wm., livery and sale stable, north west cor. Longwor-th and Race. WOOD WM. & CO., MANUFACTURERS WHITE AND RED LEAD, A N D DE-\ALI,ERS IN AMERICAN AND FOR.EIGN COARSE PAINTS, 20 SPRING. BT. COURT AND IIUNT. Wooidard S., fuel agent O. & M. R. R., 522 West Front. Woodington Mrs. Martha, boarding house, 105 East Second. Woodrough & M. Parlin, manufacturers patent ground circularsaws, 10 West Second. Woodruff Edward, attorneaty law, 6 East Fifth. Woodruff Wmin. W.. dealer in groceries and produce, south-east cor. Race and Ca nal. Woods Mrs. Geo. B., dealer in fancy goods, 572 West Fifth. Woods & Sharp, general feed store, 603 West Sixth. Woods & Sharp, general feed store, Second, two doors west of W estern Row. Woodside J. P., dealer in butter, eggs, meat and vegetables, 164 Richmond. er a nd tuner, north-east cor. Fifth and Vine. Wiswell, Northop & Co., n 4anufVctirers of Satvyer's patent ventilating and he.at ing furnaces, ranges and stoves, 217 Main. Wiswell W., dealer in. cigars and tobacco, 42 West Fourth. WISWELL WM. JR., JR., LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAd E MANU FAC TURER AND PICTURE DEALER, 70 WEST FOURTH. (S ee card, opposite index to ci ties, town s and v illages.) Witheril E. C., homoeopathic physician and surgeon, 44 West Seventh. Woitt H., dealer in c n etonfectionery, 315 Cen tral ave.. Witt Wm., boot and shoe maker and deal er, 313 Central ave. Witte Ferdinand, meat and provision deal, er, 17 East Front. WITTICH ALBERT, butcher and meat market, 640 West Sixth. Wittmann N., confectionery, 485 Vine. WOCHER LOUIS, MANUFACTURER OF SURGICAL AND DENTAL IN STRUMENTS, 318 MIAIN. Wochar Max, surgical and dental instru ment maker, Sixth, bt. Vine and Race, College building. WOERNER L., DRAPER AND TAILOR, SOUTH-EAST COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEVENTtH. WOESSNER JOHAN, RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SALOON, 24 WEST COURT. Wolf Andrew, bakery, 535 Walnut. Wolf A. I. & Co., dealers in clothing and and furnishing goods, &c., 76 Main. WOLFF CHAS., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FASHIONABLE CAB INET FURNITURE, WAREROOM1S 85 SYCAMORE. Wolf Chas., manufacturer and dealer in fashionable house furniture, 50 and 52 East Eighth. Wolf Fred, boarding house, 106 Hunt. Wolf George, saloon, 449 Walnut. Wolf G. M., dealer in cigars and tobacco, 661 Vine. Wolf Jacob, attorney at law, 19 West Third. Wolf John, grocery and lager beer, cor. Elm and Adams. Wolf John, cigar maker and dealer, 769 Central.eve. Wolf John P., tailor, south-east cor. Third and Plum. Wolf & Co, importers of foreign wines, liquors and cigars, 362 Main. Wolfen G., copper, tin and sheet iron works, 607 Main. Wolfer M., butcher, 293 Freeman. See advt. of Nathan & Levy, Watches, &c., p. 153. CIN 216 ~~~I 21 [ Wurdemann John, merchant tailor, 51 Fifteenth. Wurlitzer Rudolph, importer of musical instruments, 123 iMain, up stairs. Wurth A., boot and shoe maker, 158 Clin ton. Wust George, stocking manufactory, 228 Walnut. Wust Jacob, stocking manuf,actory, 413 Mlain. Wyler Geo. F., boot and shoe maker, north east cor. Green and Bremen. Wyler & Hollander, wholesale and retail clothiers and dealers in gents' fur nishing goods, 391 and 227 Main. Wynne, Haines & Co.. wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, 101 Pearl. Wynne J. E. & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in fancy dry goods, and manufacturers of woolen hosiery, 11 West Pearl. Wynja Louis, fish and fly net maker, 374 Broadway. Yarnington Wm., prop'r Henrie House sa loon, cor. Third and Hammond. Yenz George, lager beer saloon, cor. Plum and Fifteenth. Yost Wm., Queen City cleaning and dye ing establishment, 83 Third. Young C, blacksmith, 1041 Central ave. Young John, attorney at law, north-east cor. Main and Court. Young Men's G-ymnastic Association, cor. Fourth and Race. Young Men's Mercantile Library Associa tion, Geo. A. Morris, librarian, College Buildings, Walnut, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Young Philiip, blacksmith, 302 Hamilton Road. YOUNG TIIOMAS & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMIISSION MERCI ANTS, AND AGENTS FOR THE HAMIL TON CANAL BOAT LINE. (Se e card p. 187.) Zachritz Jacob Phillip, shaving saloon, 1078 Central avenue. Zaechritz Louis, shavi ng saloon, 1118 Cen tral ave. Zahn Charles, manufacturerscales, brass and iron beams, trucks, etc.k, 48 Syc amore. Zanoe J., dealer in confectioneries, 236 West Seventh. Zanone & Co., confectionery and fruit dealers, 60 West Fifth. Zech Frank, coffee and boarding house, 41 East Front. ZEIGLER HENRY, COFFEE AND BOARDING HOUSE, 140 CORNER FRONT AND PIKE. Zeigler Jacob, prop'r Peacock tavern, 346 Main. Zeigler John, dry goods, 464 Elm. Woodson J. W., (col'd) carpenter, 219 West Fifth. WOODWARD C., AGENT ADAMS EX PRESS COMPANY, 56 AND 58 EAST THIRD. (See card, p 87.) WOODWARD E. W., SUPERINTEND ENT L. M., C. AND X. R. R., SOUTH EAST COR. PEARL AND KILGOUR. Woodward & Armstrong, physicians and surgeons, 118 West Sixth. Wooley C W., nttorney at law and notary public, 15 West Third. Woolley & Gerry, dealers in hides, oils, leather and findings, l166 Main. Works Mrs. A., dress making, machine work, 176 West Sixth. WVorsdall Wm., Winne House, (boarding) south-east co. broadway and Third. Worth S., boot and shoe maker, 114 Clin ton. Woerthiington & Co., prop'rs Globe Iron works, manufacturers all sizes bars, boiler, sheet, angle, T and sash iron. office and warehouse 42 and 44 West Second. Worthington & Matthews, attorneys at law, 23 West Third. Wrampelmeier F., house, sign and orna mental painter, 2051. Main, up stairs. Wray H. G., manufacturing jeweler, 141 Main, up stairs. Wright A %V., dealer in dry goods, 90 East Peqrl. cor. Broadway. WRIG[IT, DALTON & CO., WHOLESALE DE) LERS ANI) JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., FOR CASH, 95 AND 97 MAIN. Wright Tilman, machine and ornamental pattern maker, 156 West Third. Wright G. J., dealer in cigars and tobac co, 375 Central ave. Wright Jacob 11., provision and fruit store, 264 West Sixth. Wright M. B., physician, 294 Vine. Wright R. C., niechanical engineer, south east cor. Fourth and Walnut. Wright Robert, dealer in dry goods, 397 Central ave. Wright S., general produce and commis sion merchant, 26 West Fourth. WRIGHT S. E., TREASURER L. M., C. AND X. R. R., SOUTH-EAST COR. PEARL AND KILGOUR. Wright Win. S. & Co., commission mer chants, 12 and 14 West Second, up stairs. Wright & Bell, produce and commission merchants, 112 West Third. Wrightson & Co., book and job printers and publishers, 167 Waln,,t. Wulfeek Victor, manufacturer and dealer in furniture, 654 Central ave. Wunder R., boot ald shoe maker, 595 Central ave. See advt. of John C. Schooley Co., Ice Chests, &c., p. 168. CIN 217 CIN 218 ZEILLER & WISE, MIANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHS, CASSIMIERES, VESTINGS, AND GENTS' FU RNISHING GOODS, 72 WVES' PEARL. Zeltner Jlohn E', billiard saloon, 400 Vine. Zenneek C. F. L. L., manufacturer of ci gal's, 934 C(-ntral ave. Zeppenfeld Fralnk, grocery and saloon, 601 Race. Zepperfield H., undertaker and livery sta ble, Clirk, bet. Rittenhouse atnd Linn. Zerhbsen H. [1I., grocer, 150 Everett. Zieggler Louis, brewery and saloon, 490 Vine. Zimmer J., shaving saloon, 458 Walnut. Zimmer Jacob, saloon, 50 West Sixth. Zimmerer HI., boarding house and saloon, 640 Central ave. Zimmerman Char les, prop'r William Tell Hourse, 164 East Front. ZIN.MMNIERMIAN & CO., MANUFACTUR ERS (-)F CATAWBA WINES AND BRANDY, 586 AND 588 SIXTH, BET. FREEMAN AND CANAL. Zimmermann Joh,,, bakery, 450 MaIin. Zinn Peter, attorney at law, north-we-t cor Main and Court. Zins Jacob, tobacconist, 592 Elm. Zoller E., saloon, West Sixth. Zook NJIs. A. M., dress maker, 97 West Longwoith. Zorb C., boot aind shoe maker. 17 Elm. Zumbusch F. NI., watch maker and jew eler, 673 Vine. ZUiMSTrEIN FRANK MI., SALOON, 189 VINE. Zumsteiii.John, saloon and coffee house, cor. Fiftih and Walnut. Zurliene Richard, harness and collar fac tory, 397 Sycamnore. Zurleine Henry, boot and shoe maker and dealer, 390 Broadway. Zwick catdame; ltdies' wig store, b raids, fronts, curls, etc., 40 West Fourth. Treasuirer, Wm. Dobine. Sheri.g, Andrew Poblson. Surveyor, J. W.,-Burget. Coroner, George Htamrnil. Commissioners, Jncob Hillter, John Morri-, Win. Flemmning. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ea Abrams James, barber, South Main. Allen John, dealer in groceries and pro) visions, West Main. Alsbaugh Henry, t.'lilori West Main. American House, P. W. Rodgers, prop'r. North Main. Batiley Mlrs. N. E., milliner and dealer in millinery and fancy goods, West Main. Bairer Ii-s. E., dealer in millinery goods. East Main. Ballard O., jr., cashier Pickaway County Bank, and general ilsurance agent.. cor. West Mlain and Scioto. Bander Win., carriage m::nufacturer, cot. North Main -and W'att. Berg Jacob, cigar manufacturer, Norti High. Bierce W. W., pr esident Scioto Valley Bank, W es t Main. Bierce W. W. & Co., prop'rs Scioto Agri cultural Wo rks, West MIaiin. Bisbee J., ambrotype and photogra ph ar tist, West Main. Black Joseph, billiar d saloon, West m a il. Black J. Q., tailor, cor. W est and North Main. Blake A. H., physician and surgeon, Soutl Main. Bolin John P., prop'r W estern Hotel, West, Mlain, near Packet Landing. Bond L. H., a tt~orney at law, Mlasonlic Building, West MaSin. Bowling I., boot and shoe maker, West, Main. Bradford N. T., collec tor of can dl toll. cor. Main and (!anal. Brock & Fettry, tailors, West Main. Brown il., president Pick.-way Couiify Bank, cor. West MainE and Scioto. Brungs W., grocer. Brunner T. K., watch maker and jeweler-, West Main. Brunner & Wardell, bakers and dealers in groceries and provisions, Wvest Main. Carper Jacob H., prop'r Valley House, South M.Nlain. CASE JASON, POST MNAST'ER, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, SOUTH MAIN. Circleville IHerald, dohn E. Ray, editor andI publisher, South Main. CIRCLEVILLE WATCHMAN, JOHN W. KEES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, A flourislliing post city and the capital of Picka,tway county, sittuated on the Scioto river, and on the Cincinnati, Wilmington and Z~ttesville railway, 25 miles south from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, twelve churches, and numerous mercantile and m',ntifaeturing establishments. Population 5,000. PICKAWAY COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, Frederick Cogsworth. Prosecuting Attorney, Joseph Olds. Auditor, o. E. Niles. Clerk, J. H1. Schriyver. Recorder, Jacob Firor. See adv't of Roback's Scandinavian Remedies, p. 160. CIR CIR CIRCLEVILLE, CIIt 219 CIR *GIR"C;LEVILLE W ATg "[A N A Weekly Political and Family Newspaper, CIR C-LELLE - - O(I-I(). JOHN W. KEES, Editor and Prop'r. The WVatchman has a very general circulation in every township and neigh. borhood of Pick:a.way county, as well as in portions of the adljoining counties of Franklin, Fairfield, Ross and Fayette, and is THE BEST ADVERTISING -I:EDIUM in this portion of the great Scioto Valley. lgtPlrin aind Fancy Job Printing neatly and expeditiously executed. Attached to the office is a Book-Bindery and Blank Book Mlanufactory. Fischer & Schwinke, fancy store, East Main. Fismer Chas., boot and shoe maker, South Main. Foresman W. K., blacksmith, North Main. Griffin Timothy, boot and shoe maker. West Main. Griswold W., physician and surgeon, West, MaI-in. Griswold & Ballard, dealers in drugs, med icines, paints, oils, &c., West Mlain. Ha-ll J., attorney and counselor at law, South Main. ct)lamil George, undertaker, East Main. HAMILTON T., BOOT AND SH OE -AN UFACTU'l AN D IDEIALER, EVESIT ,~ IA IN. Haiwkes C. F., ph ysicia n and surgeom n, West Main. Heater M., grocer, 20 Mill. HEDGES MIENRIY N., Jr., CASIk IEII EX CHANGE BANK, WEST MAIN. Hedges H. N., attoene y an d co unselor at law, So uth SMain. tledges Joshua, prop'r Union Saloon, West Main HEIRUY PATRICK, PROP'R PHILADEI P[-IA SALOON, WEST MAIN. "HELWAGEN C., DEAI.,ER IN GRO(CER IES AND PROVISIONS, E A S T MAIN. Helwagen Charles, boot and shoe maker and dealer, East M.-ain. Hidges J. D. & J. 11., blacksmiths, corner North Mlain and North High,. Hoffma-.n J. F., grocer, South Main. Howard A., marble worker and dealer, North Main. ttowell W. 1I., cabinet maker and under tak er. Huber J H., blacksmith, Canal. Humble Wm., marlshal. Irwin Robert, dealer in groceries and pro visions, West Main. Jackson & Metzger, hide and leather deal ers and tanners, cor. Mlain nnd Ca-nal. Jacobson S., dealer in staple and fancy JENKINS' BLOCK, WEST MAIN. (See card, p. 219.) Clarl E. C.. dental surgeon, West Main. Collier A. J., boot and shoe maker, East M,ain. Collier & Itaddock, ambiotype and photo graph:irtists, WVest Main.ir. C)ook & Co, carpenters and builders, West Mnain. Cqnrad J. W., wholesale and retail dealer in boots and shoes, West Ml]ain. COVERDALE T., PIIOP'PR PICKKAWAY HOUSE, OPP COURT IlOUSE. (See card, p. 220.) Cox E., telegraph operator, Depot. Crouse C. B., attorney at law. and real esA tate igent, Masonic Building, Main. Crouse F. deailer in dry goods, groceries, &c., West Miai. Curl & Mc(Callister, dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., West Mln. Curtis L. F., insurance agent, South Main. Darst Joseph, boot and shoe dealer, East Main. Davis J. & Co., saloon, West Main. Dearth A., pump maker, North High. Delapl.Lne W. E., produce arnd commission merchant, water flouring mill prop'r, cor. West MaItin and Canal. Delaplane & McCauley, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, East Main. Drakley & Fenton, woolen manufacturers, Canal. Driesbach Samuel, gunsmith, East Main. Duncan & Groce, ba,kers, and dealers in groceries and provisions, West Main. Ensworth D., harness and saddle maker, West Mal-in. Epps T. J., boot and shoemaker, and deal er, West Malin. EXCIHANGE BANK, HENRY N. HEDGES, CASHIER, WEST MAIN. Faany T'lhomas, grocer, West Main. Fickardt Geo. H. & Co., dealers in drugs, medicines, painits, oils' &c., West ,1arin. See adv't of Queen City Commercial College, p. 159. $ "l 1,i 220 PbO ITE, R,HS PI kaH ay HOUSe, OPPOSITE THIE COURT HIOUSE, CIRCLEVILILE, - - OIJIO. T. COVERDALE, PROPRIETOR. This House has recently changed hands and undergone, thorough renovating. Bells have been introduced and othlier converiiiences for the comfort, and accommodation of the traveling public. It now ranks amongst the first class Hotels in the west. dP,Marfield S., Son & Co., bankers and ex change dealers, West Main. .Alason C. B., attorney at law and notary public, MNIasonic Building, West Main. Matthews C. P., telegraph operator, West Miain. May & Coun, dealers in china, glass, and queenisware, West Alain. Alesh Anthony, bar-ber, North Mlain. AT Miller B. H., boot and shoe maker, North Main. Miller F., boot and shoe maker and dealer, East Mlain. Miller Thomas S., dealer in hats, caps, fuars, &c., West Main. MILLER & SHIULTZ, HAT MANUFAC TURERS AND DEALERS, WEST MIAIN. M.iller & Fritch, prop'rs cottage woolen facttory, Canal. Millet A., boot and shoe maker, Wcst Main. Minenr Solomon, amibrotype artist, South Mlain. Moellers F., tailor, South Main. Monheitner II., dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, West Main. Moody & Beaclitell, dealers in groceries and provisions, West Main. Wloss MI., blacksmith, West N tain. Alyers A., saloon. M\lyers George %V., cabinet maker and fur iiiture dealer, West Mai n. National House, George Try, proprietor, South Main. Nightingale MIrs. E~., millinerL \orth Mlain. Nightingale S.., agent J. A. Ilawkes' Stage Line, PickawKE y House. NONNAMAKER ANDREW, AMBRO TYPE AND PHOTOG[{APHI C AR TIST, WEST MAIIN. Olds C., physician aind surgeon, East Main. Olds Chester A., wholesale and retail dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., West MIain. dry goods, clothing, &c., P'[rke Block', cor. WVest Main.c e Jones D. M1., attor ney at law, West Main. Jones N. E., physician and surgeon, West Main. Juppenlz J. G., grocer and cigar manu fa-ctur-er, East M.-in. KAHN \IOSES, DEALER IN GROCER IES AND PiROVISIONS, CORNER EAST AND NORTi-f MAIN. KEES JOHIN V., EDITOR AND PUB L[SHI[4R CIlRCLEVILLI!: WATCft MAN, JENKINS' BLOCK, WEST MAIN. (See c;ar(d, pA 219.) Kellsdatt Miclhael, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. E-.st, Main and Waslh ing,,t.on. King A., carria ge manauficturer, corner South MIain and Mill. King C. A., baker and dealer in groceries and provisions, South Mllain. King John L., dealer in groceries and pro visions, North Main. Kinnear H., justice of the peace, East MaIin. Lakin Miss MIry, dress maker, North MaI~in. Lamporter John, barber, South Mailin. Land.enberger & Geyer, dlealers in grocer-M ies and provisions, North Main. Levy H., deLier in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, West Main. Lilly W. R., dental surgeon, West, Main. Longan John, dealer in boots, shoes, &c., West Main. Longshore T., physician and surgeon, East Mlain. Lutz J. A., attorney at law and insurance agent, South Main. McCrea Bios., dealers in dry goods and groceries, West Main. Mcllenry DIlvid, de iler in watches, clocks, jewelry, &C., West NMain. AMcPherson D. W., city clerk. Mader J. F., baker, North Main. Marfield's B,tnk, S. lMarfield, Son & Co., priop'rs, West Main. See adv't of Wheel, Spoke, Hub, and Felloe Factory, p. 163. Clit CIR 0 CIR 221 CLA Olds Joseph, attorney and counselor at law, West Malin. Olds Lyilan N., dealer in books, station ery, wall paper, &c., Peck's Block, MaIin. Peck W. L,., phlysician and surgeon, South Ma~in. Iedsiclc J. & A., sash, blind ari)d door man uifacturers. Peirce, Wilson & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, clothing, &c., cor ner West Ma.in and Scioto. Pickaway County Bank, M. Brown, pres't, O. Ballard, jr., cashier, corner West Alain atnd Scioto. PICKAWAY I1OUSE, T. COVERDALE, PROP'R, OPP. COURT HOUSE. (See card, p. 220. ) Pickering F., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iIronI ware, East Main. Pontius George, cabinetmaker, East Main. Randolph Robert, barber and hair dresser, West Mlain. Raly John E., editor and publisher Circle ville EIerald, South Main. Ra R., physician and surIgeon, South ReedeTr E. & J. A., halness atnd saddle nmanuficturers, E.ist Main. RENitCK & WILL1ANlIS, ATTORNEYS AND C(OUNSELORS AT LAW, c SOUTHI MAIN. Rick J. W. news depot and dealer in coll fectionery, South Main. Richlirdsonr J. W. & Co., stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, West Main. Robins 11. M., blacksmith, Franklin. Rodepouceli John, saloon, West Main. Rootgets e. W., p)rop'r America.n House, North tlain. Rogers S-amuel, dealer and staple andW fanicy dry goods, West Main. Rutter, Wolftey & Rains, dealers in hard ware, iron, n ails, cutlery, &c., West Malin. Saige II., watch nmaik er and jeweler, West Mlain. Satueibi,ran L icllael, dealer in groceries and provisions. East Main. Schwenkee ti., gunsmith, Main. Scioto Vall ey sB.nk, W. W. Bierce, pres't, t CE. WVright, cashier, West Mrin. Shower iNi.l, dealer in dry goods, clothing an( boots a nd shoes, cor. West and Northl Main. Slart & (o., commission merchants, cor. Main land (,alal. Smnitlh L. L., dealer in fancy goods and Yankee niotions, South Main. Smith & MIa-soi, attorneys and~l counselors alt lalw, M\asonic Building, West Malin. Spanrgler N., blacksmlith, West, Mbain. Steele J amtes P., tailor, W est M~ain. Steele & Richter, b.,kers and dealers in groceries, West Main. Stouclh W. R., agent C. —l~and Z. R. R. Strayer Michael, justice of peace, WVest Main. Sullivan Henry, grocer, West Main. Sulli va,n L., dealer in groceries, South AI,.in. Swartz N., boot and shoe maker, East Main. Sweyer J. & Co., dealers in liquors and groceries, West Main. Thompson A. W., phvsicianl and surgeon, North Main. -Triplett Wrn. M., commission merchant, Pickaway. near Depot. Try George, prop'r National House, South Turney S. D., physician and surgeon, South NMain. Valley House, Jacob Ii. Cotper, prop'r, South Mlaini. Van Hyde Wim., city treasurer. Van Hyde & Brothers, inmporters and dealers in wines, liquors, cigars, &c., South M,tin. RWagner D. B., dealer in g,roceries and provisions, North Main. Wallace & liother, dealers in dry goods, groceries, Wc., West Mlain. Ward John A., confectionery and ice cream 9,s'looni, West Main. WATS1ON JOSEPI! R., CLERK AT PICK AWAY -11 USE, MAIN, OI'PP. COURT ttOUSE. (See card, p. 220.) Wea,tve,r Win. fl., barber, est Main. Weigand (C., boot and slhoe nmaker, North * 5A1 a1 i 11. Weldon C., wholesale anrd retail grocer, West Main. Weller J., blacksmith. Williams A., ma,yor. Witt Mliss C., dealer in m,illinery a.nd fancy goods, Easit MIain. Wittich G. F. ker, confectionier rind ice creamn salootn, West Main. Wolfley Jeromne, piop'r Star Saloorn, East. iNl -iin. Wolfley Thomas, harniess and saddle Irman uficturer. West lain. Wolfiey, Gregg & Schulze, dealers in s taple and fancy dry goods, cot. West Mlain and Scioto. Wright C. E., cashier Scioto Valley BLnik, W est a. coin. Wymaii J. L., aittorney and counsclor at law, Miller's Block. See adv't of'V heeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, p. 164. CIR 221 CLA CLARIDON, A post village of Geauga county, 5 miles from Ch,,,trdon. CLA CLARKSFIELD, A post village ad townshlip of Huron county, situatil on Veirmillion river, 12 miles east friom Norw,,lk, and,50 miles south-west fr,cm Clevelnldl. Townshilp pepulation 1,500. A,k post village of Ross county, in Deerfield township, situated on ltay Run, 15 miles north-west from Chillicotlie, and 36 miles south f 0om Columbus. Popula tion 250. Township 1,600. Alphabotical List of Professions, Trades, Ett Barnum John N., grocer and township justice. I B.arrett A., township trutstiee. Berkley & Rog,ers, boot and shoe nakers. Bl t iackmtn A. J., township justice. aEllis PI. E. & R.. coope r s. !Finch A., brick mason. Finch P. W., townish-,ip constable. Flowers Isaac, lha,rness mai-k(er. ttanford & Patch, pirop'irs foundry. Hoyt F. D., cartiding, nmachine. Jeranld G. W., tou wnshbip clerk. Lewis D. D. T., township assessor. Peck Henry, prop'r steam saw nmill. PORTER J A 51ES S., POSTMASTEIL. Rowley H. Ht., harness mraker. Scott W. B., prop'ir hotel. Seger A. R., physician. Signor G. H., tailor. Smith Henry, township const'lble. Stiles Saml., township justice and prop'r flouring m-ill. Stiles Wm. W., general merchant. Tuickler Urialh, pi-op'i saw mill. Vincent Hl., t~ownisllip trustee. White H. E., township treasurer, pliysiciaan and druggist. Yeamore A., prop'r steam flouting mill. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. damtns Peter, township trustee. Aibright F., prop'r flouring and saw mill. il.augliman [lenry. carpenter. Baugliman i John, carpenter. Btowen Mary, diess maker. Itrown W. L,., harness nmaker. 6rnice J. T., brick maker. Clarksbutg House, Josephl Jonson, prop'r. (IRUM JONAS A., P 1A IN T E1R AND POSTIMASTELR. l)awsonl Rev. C, lhristian elder. Day Joseph, constable. I)iehlil J. F., tailor. )onahoe Owenl, grocer. .Downey Augeline, dress maker. D)owney Wm., carpenter. E'stell Rev. Edw.ar d, Mlethodist pastor. Ivons J. M., plhysician. .Fleming lsaae, justice of peace. Fowler Rev. J. B., Methliodist pastor. latins D., prop'r flo'ring aind saw mills. ltarmoiint R., carriage, wagon and plow maker. IHorsey Stephen, hoot and shoe m.a,ker. tlyde Nathtbn, justice of peace. Johnson Joseph, plop r Clarksburg Ilouise. Johlinson Wrn., carpe. ter. Knox J. M., dentist and phy3sician. Mowrey A. S., proprietor flouirng and r,,taw mnills. Mowrey A. S., c.a'ii'ig nmachine. Mumford Jos-,ih, boot, anid shloe maker. Parker C. D., tiibiotypist. Rapstalk Christoplier, harless make. lReeves J., townsliip treasurer. Rleeves J. 1., township trustee. R?eeves John, general mereharn. Rtobison E, school teichler. Satchels H., piop'r stean, saw mill. Smith G. W. general merchant. Smith J. R., constable. Smith WiI., hide and leather dealer. Thomas Aichib,i(d, township trustee. Tilford J., physician. Wells MAliss, school teacherm. Williams Jos., carriage, wagon and plow maker. A post village of (wolutabisn coutdty,'i1 Mliddleton township, established in 1832, situated 9 niles east from New Lisbon, and about 12'0 miles east nor-th-east fromT Columnbus3. Population 70.'I'ownship 2,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trade, h'te. A shton 0. P., tanne r. Canaan Joseph, blacksmith. Canaan Mrs. Putlh, miainufacturer wil)ow ware. Casebeer Saml., blacksmith. Gast~on John E., township trui,stee. Huff Wm., township trustee. Heacock Wn., hanrness wmaske i. Henderson Saml., pr-op'r Ulniiorn 1tin.. Hale Thomas, carpenter. Jeffries Geo., potter and t.ailor. Louthan Moses, blacksmith. MIcCarty C., township trustee. Moore Joseph, tanner and township -eon stable. CLARK'S CORNERS, A post office of Ashtabula,x county. See adv't of Royer, Simonton & Co., p. 163 I i i I ii I I I i 222 CLA CLA-RKIS, ,A, post office of Cosliocton county. CL&RKSBURG, CLARKSON, 223 RPeed Joel township treasurer. Stock Frank, boot and shloe maker. 'Todd Saml., township supervisor. Torrance Wm. G., school teacher. WARRICK ISAAC, GENERAL MER CHANT AND POSTMASTER. Warrick M,ilo, cabinet maker. Young George, township clerk. Foreman Wm., tailor, and toniship con stable. F ink Alva, carpenter. — Hntrnk A ndrew, general merchant. Hank Jacob, prop'r steam saw mill. lluchey L. W., carriage anrd wagon maker. Hughes WmA. W., townshlip justice. Loy David, cooper. Mclyers'hos., carpenter. Peterson John G., carriager and wt.gon ma ker. Powell Jacob, pRop'r saw mill. Powell John, prop'r saw mill. Peed Abrailame, townrship justice. Rerkey J. F., physician. Rickets J. E., prop'r saw mill. Riniehalit Geo., prop'r saw mill. Romick John, township constable. Scotlhorn John, carpenter. Stzrubble Joseph, carpenter, and township justice. SNANK JOHN, PROP'R STEAM SAW MIILL AND POSTMIASTER. Swank John, auctioneer. Waltermire James, township justice. Warner Wm., painter. Zoll Joshua, carpenter. CLARKSVILLE, A post office of Clinton county. A pest office of Jackson county, 9 miles south-east from Jackson. CLAYSVILLE, / A pst office of Guernsey county. CLEVELANr.D, A prominent post city, port of entry, and the capital of Cuyahoga corunty, handsonmely situated on Lake Erie at the mouth of the (Cuyahoga river, in lat. 41 ~ 30 north, and long. 81~ 47' west fiom Wnashington City. Its manufacturinrg aud commercial interests are various and exter.nsive. Population about 60,000. CUYAIIOGA COUNTY Or'FICERis. Clerk, Roland D. Noble. Treasurer, Harvey Burike. Sheriff, David L. Wightman. Auditor, William Fuller. Recorder, John P ackard. Coroner, Dr. Chlas. A. HartmaitnnG. Prosecutin g At torney, Alber t T. Slade. Sllrveyor, Aar on Merchant. Comnmissioners, Francis Branch, J. W. Ricbhards, Dr. Azauriy eh Ever e tt. Juadges Caourt Common Pleas, F la homal s Bol ton, Jesse P. Bishop, IHorace Foote. Clerk, Roland D. Nobl e. Deputy Clerks, Fred. S. Smnith, Geo. Bing. ham, Frank Hinman. Sheriff, David L. WVight man,. Deputy Sheriffs, Edwin T. lHamilton, Wn. R. Simmpons, Homer Strong, J. G. Ruggles. Deputy Sherlff and Jailor, John B. Smith. Master Commissioners, Flavel W. Binglhiahm, Charles W. Palmer, Henry G. Abbey, Albert G. Lawrence, Geo. 1f. Wynman, Joseph S. Granniis. CLEA RPORT, A,st office of Fairfield county. CLEMENT, A post office of!Hancock county, in Eagle .and Jackson townships, established in 1845, situated on Eagle creek, 5I miles fromC Finley, and 80 miles nor th north-west from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Profession Trades, Etc. Alspuch Geo. W., brick maker. teagle A., boot and shoe maker. Bebler John, broom manufacturer. B3ishop Jno. D., prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. Cantner Geo., boot and shoe make,'. Ebaugh N., boot an d shoe maker. Ehaugh Wm., carpenter. Elliot. J., physician. Engle D. W., pa,inter and carpenter, and township justice. See adv't of Indiana House, p. 161. i CLA CLE CLAY, CLAY LICK, A pdst office of Licking county. CLAYTON, I-. post village of i%,Iontgomery couiity, WQlf creek, 12 iuiles from D,-tyton. on CLEAR CREEK, A post villa,e of Fairfield county, CLE 224 CLE ^EXC~~I I M11,EII fS)I IM\ R. M. N. TAYLOR, (QII. B~1iI DIi l T (LuR I CU R. IV 0-L t I A i L At iu w I Jo, CLEVELAND, OHIO. JAMES O. SEYMOUR, Clerk. Proprietor, CLE 25 CLE :No, 68 Wall St., New York. ASH CAPITAL, $250,000: CASH SURPLUS, $150,000. AINCORPORATED9 1S21. WIT. PITT PALME]4, President. v.......ANDREW J. SMITH, Secretary. Directors. W. P. Palmer, Rufus L. Lord, Wm. F. Mott, Wm. W. Fox, Edwin D. Morgan, Richard Tighe, Thomas Barron, Robert B. Minturn, Thos. W. Pearsall, Peter Cooper, Henry Ellsworth, Augustus W. Ward, James Colles, Sidney Mason, Moses Taylor, L. S. Suarez, John Caswell, John Steward, John C. Green, Eben B. Crocker, W. W. DeForest. This staunch old Company having fully complied with the laws of this State, continue to insure the safer classes of property against Loss or Damage by Fire, at rates as low as other first class stock companies. Their policies are free from technicalities, thus avoiding litigation, having had only one law suit during, a business of thirty-nine years. Particular attention given to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of One, Three, or Five Years. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Agency. Agencies in the principal towns of Ohio, and other Western States. Western Branch Office, NIo. 1 Superior St., Cleveland, O. S. S. COE, General Agent. JOHN SEWELL, Assistant. JOHN MARR, Adjuster. Commissioner of Insolvents, Joseph S. Gran nis. Probate Judge, Daniel R. Tilden. Deputy Clerk, Asa A. Goodwin. Police Judge, Albert G. Lawrence. Clerk, Jacob Schroeder. Miarshal, James A. Craw. Adams O. B., billiard saloon, 222 Superior. Adams, Rogers & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in wines and liquors, 114 Water. Adams Samuel, blacksmith, 20 Johnson. Adams S. E., attorney at law, 235 Supe rior. ADAMS & CANFIELD, ATT'YS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALI TY, 172 SUPERIOR. ADAMS & JEWETT, SACK MIANUFAC TURERS, FLOUR M E A L AND SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS ALWAYS ON HAND, 144 SUPERIOR. Addison M., The Privateer, weekly, every Wednesday, 184 Superior. Ager Francis, tailor, 19 Prospect. Alcorn A., stone cutter, 69 Michigan. Alcott & Horton, wholesale dealers in dry goods, Yankee notions, &c., 141 Wa ter. Aldham, ice cream saloon, 20 Kins man. / Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abbey Henry G., notary public and com missioner, Perkins Building, Public Square. Abbey Wm., attorney at law, 222 Superior. Abbey & Co., dealers in stone ware and sewer pipes, 161 River. Abold F. W., dealer in ladies' French shoes, 138 Superior. ABRECHT LOUIS, MANUFACTURER OF HAIR AND SOLID JEWELRY, 67 ONTARIO. Adams Geo. H., sign and or namental pain ter, 170 Superior. 15 i CLE 225 CLE n m a la it r -iri ix 0 la, - 0 0 NA 0 JNAM gm =in in MIM .. IV). n nu 1%a: I%T 9 CLE 226 CLE CUNNINGHAM & SHAW SHIP B R 0O R S1, Forwarding and Commission Agents, 50 Tower Buildings East, Liverpool, England, Jas. S. Cunningham, Agent, OVIATT'S EXCHANGE, CLEVELAND, 0OHIO. Particular attention given to shipments to and from American anid Lake Ports and all parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Advances made on Consignments. REFERENCES.-E. L. Jones, Esq., Cashier Bank of Milwaukee; N. C. Winslow, Esq., Hughes & Lester, Esqrs., T. P. Handy, Esq., Prest. Commercial Bank, J. L. Weatherly, Esq., Holt & Oviatt, It. M. Chapin, Esq., G. Mygatt, Esq., Cashier Mlerchants' Bank, Levi Rawson, Esq., Cleveland; P. Anderson, Esq., H. C. Ranney, Esq., Chicago. Allardt M. A., Berlin lamp depot, 197 St perior. ALLARDT M. It., PUBLISHER OF THE WEEKLY ANALYST. ISSUED SAT URDAY, 184 SUPERIOR. Allen E. G., physician, 42 St. Clair, cor. Water. Allen & Co., prop'rs Bennett's Forest City House, cor. Superior and Public Sqr. Allert Hose Co. No. 1, Long. Alston J. T., (col.,) barber, cor. Superior and Bank Alston W. E. & Co., (col.,) barbers, Angier House. Althen George, merchant tailor and dealer in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing goods, 166 Superior. Ambler N. H. & Burnham S. B., dentists, 236 Superior. Ambush Wm. E., hair dressing and shav ing saloon, American House. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., JOHN E. COLE, AGENT, 97 BANK. Ames C. E., M. D., druggist and apothle cary, 110, east side Public Square. Amman Phillip, boot and shoe maker, 144 River. ANALYST TEMPERANCE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, M. A. ALLARDT, PUBLISHER, 197 SUPERIOR. Anderson P., general agent and commis sion merchant, I Oviatt's Exchange. Andrews C., Union Mills, dealer in flour, feed, grain, &c., cor. Ontario and Prospect. Andrews James, tailor. 65 Kinsmnan. Andrews S. J., attorney at law, Perkins' Buildings, Public Square. Andrews Thos., F., Alhambra Saloon, 106 Seneca. ANGIER HOUSE, R. MI. N. TAYLOR, PROP'R, CORNER BANK AND ST. CLAIR. (See card., p. 224.) Angles Geo., saloon, 82 Water. Angood F., saloon, 237 Erie. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. ind Apple Aug., boot and shoe maker, 197 Su perior. ARCTIC INSURANCE COMIPANY, NEW YORK, S. S. COE, AGENT, CAPT. GEO. W. JONES, 1MARINE INSPEC TOR, 1 SUPERIOR. Arnold P. R., pork packer, 273 St Clair.. Arting Peter, barber, 114 Ontario. Atkinson & Butler, dentists, 16 and 17 Hoffman's block, Superior. Aust Levi, dry goods dealer, 179 Detroit, west side. Austin & Stockwell, commission mer chants and wholesale dealers in for eign and American cloths, 142 Water. Ayer John, general machinery manufac turer, Hewitt's block, West. Ayer John H., machine shop, manufac turer steam engines and machines, Itewitt's block, West. Axtell Salmon B., attorney and counselor at law, 10 Atwater's building, Supe rior. Bacher Henry, saloon, 146 River. Backus William, Young America saloon, 104 Detroit, west, side. Baker —, tannery, Canal, foot Eagle. BAKER W. D. & CO., PUBLISHERS, GENERAL AGENCY, STANDARD, HISTORICAL AN D RELIGIOUS WORKS, HOFFMAN'S BLOCK, SU PERIOR, OPP. POST OFFICE. Baldwin C. C., attorney at law and notary public, 115 Superior. BALDWIN, DE WITT & CO., PROP'RS OF CLEVELAND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, 4, 6, 8, 10 AND 12 WEST. Baldwin E. 1. & Co., dry goods, retail, 240 Superior. Ballard C. J., councilman, Sixth Ward. Baltz F., confectionery, 210 Ontario. Bank of Commerce, capital $250,000, Jo seph Perkins, president, H. B. Hurl burt, cashier, Atwater's building, cor. Superior and Vineyard. CLE 227 CLE CILEVE!LA,ND CITY B.REiWERY, H. LLOYD & CO., M CTST AS 8 BEWE S, Manufacturers of X, XX, Xxx, Pale, Amber, Champagne, Kennett, and Cream Ales, Also, Porter, Brown Stout, and dealers in Malt and Hops. Office in Brewery, No. 19 Saint Clair St., bet. River and Water, CLEVELAND, OHIO. PH-IYSICIAN, PUBLIC S QUA R E, NORTH OF POST OFFICE. Beckwith S. R., MA. D., professor of sugery and surgical anatomy, Western Hom oeopathic College. Beckwith T. S., dealer in carpets, curtain, window shades, &c., 189 Superior. Beggs & Sinclair, shipping and produce commission merchants, 91 and 97 River, and 73 Dock. Bell Joseph, manufacturer of saddles, har ness and collars, 36 south-side Public Square. Bell Joseph Henry, (col'd) Garrison House, 65 High. Benedick L. & dons, dealers in wool, hats, caps, furs, &c., 201 Superior street. Benetz Francis, retail grocery and pro vision dealer, 277 St. Clair. Bennett's Forest City House, Allen & Co.. prop'rs, corner Superior and Public Square. Bennett & Redhead, blacksmiths and horse shoeing, 86 Champlain. BENTON BROTHERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND GROCERIES, AND MANUFACTURERS OF GLUE, 139 AND 141 DETROIT, WEST SIDE. Benton Lucius A., watch maker and jew eler, 112 Superior. Bentz Henry, Lake Erie Valla Lager Beer saloon, 14 Ontario. Benton J. J., dealer in hats, caps, furs, &c.. 255 Superior. BERGOLD J. A., BOOT AND SHOE MA KER AND DEALER, 122 WATER. Berry Geo. W., upholsterer, 70 Superior. Beverlin John, merchant tailor, 125 De troit, west side. Bechtel Frederick, boarding house, 108 Water. Biggs Robert, Tammany Hall, 44 Pitts burg. Billenstein -, bakery, 190 Hamilton. B ILLING S A. C. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRUITS Barber A., saloon, 86 Erie. Barker Peter, boarding house, 191 Detroit, west side. Barney B. H., agent Great Western Dis patch, Johnson's Marine block, foot River. Batrnum Mliss Mary, dress maker, 4 Ly man's building Public Square. Barnett James, retail grocery saloon, cor. Dock and Front. 1Barrett Martin, prop'r Farmer's Hotel, 110B River. Barren James, groceries and provisions, Canal Basin. Bartlett Joseph B., city clerk. Bauder & Eldred, cabinet makers and un dertakers, 31 Prospect. Banikhard J. IMI., saloon, 104 Seneca. ,zBaynes W., silk and woolen dyer, 75 St. Clair. B3eack J. B., dealer in groceries, drugs &c., New England Hotel block, Water. Bea.vis Benj. R., attorney at law and nota ry public, 145 Water. B13ECK GEO. O. & CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRIED FRUIT, FLOUR, FEED, &c.. 117 ONTARIO. Beck John, butcher, 1 City Market. Beckenbach W. & H., cabinet makers and undertakers, 274 St. Clair. Bleckman -I., retail grocery, 160 River. BECKMAN H E N R Y, MERCHANT TAILOR AND DEALER IN READY MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 68 SUPE RIOR. B-.eckwith D. H., homooopathic physician, office Bennett House, Public Square. BECKWITtt M. E., PHOTOGRAPHER AND AIMBROTYPIST, 9 PEARL, WEST SIDE. Beckwith MI. E., treasurer Cleveland Gas Light and C Coke Co. BECKWITH S. R., SURGEON AN D See W E. Braman & Co.'s advt., p. 100, and in indexes. I, CLE cr28 CLE DAVIS, PEIXOTTO & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHINGI Nos. 3 and 5 Water Street, CleVeland, Ohio. Same Parties under firm of G]30RGE A_ DAVIS & C-0o-, tMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURER$ OF CLOTHItNG NEW YORK. B. F. PEIXOTTO. Boardmnan & Ingersoll, attorneys at law, 9 Alwater's building, Superior. Bock A. W., druilggist, cor. Ontario and Prospect. Boehm George, barber, 46 St. Clair. Boehringer G. F., boot and shoe maker and dealer, 196 Ontario. Boesseau A., artisjt, 243 Superior. Bolton & Aldrich, pattern makers and carpenters, foot of Vineyard. IBoiiai:i Chris., boarding house, 67 Mich igan. Bond N. & Co., paper hanging, painting and graining, Euclid, cor. Sheriff. BON D T. N., PRODUCE AND SIITPPING MERCIHANT, AND AGENT FOR N. Y. AND C. R. R. CO., 37 RIVER. Booth Miss Nancy, millinery and dress making, 44 Superior. BORGES J. F., AGENT, DEATLER AND MANUFACTURER OF R E A D Y MADE CLOTHING, CORY3. SUPE RIOR AND RIVER. NBorn Charles P., dealer inl stoves and plumbing, 218 Superior. Boultor Henry. carpenter and joiner-, 126 Pit,tsburg. Boultor Mrs. Iloery, grocery, ~126 Pitts burg. Boutall J., diy goods, yankee notions and merchant tailor, 265 St. (,lair. Bowen Gasper, glove and mitten aiker, 183 l(amiltoni. BOWER B. P., SECOND PLUMLIBER AND GAS FITTER AND MANU FACTURERI AND DEALEI, IN PLUMIBING MATERIAL OF ALl, KINDS, 102 PUBL,IC SQUARE. Bower MAis. Isac millinery and dress ma king, 5 Eagle. BOWEN & BROWER, SECOND PLUilIB ERS AND GAS FITTERS A N D lDEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF PLUMBER'S MATERIAL, 102 PUB LIC SQUARE. Boyd James, boarding house, 68 St. Clair. AND VEGETABLES, I88 ONTA RIO. Bills & Mabb, prop'rs Terrapin Lunch, 102 Bank. Bingham F. W., attorney at law, 121 Su perior. Bingham W. & Co., wholesale hardware, iron, nails, glass, &c., 148 and 150 Water. Birch H. & Co., boarding house, 124 Water. Bisbee A., photographist 211 Superior. Bishop, Mason & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in wines and liquors 123 Water. BLACK DAVID, WHOLESALE DEALER IN EMIBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, &c., 197 SUPERIOR. Black John, boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, 132 Superior. Black Peter, wagon maker and blacksmith, 33 and 35 Pittsburg. BLACKBURN J. M., ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILD INGS, 36 OREGON. -BLACKBURN & FULLER, GENERAL CONTRACTCRS AND BUILDERS, DOORS, SASH. BLINDS, &c., ON HAND, 36 OREGON. Blair A. 0., M. D., professor, materia med ica and therapeutics, Western Hom ceopathic College. Blair & Wilding, stucco workers, 34 Pros pect. BLISIH, GARLICK & CO., MANUFAC TURERS OF ENGINES, BOILERS, GAS AND WATER PIPES, WVlN DOW CAPS, COLUMNS, BUILDING AND GENERAL CASTINGS, COR. RIVER AND (LIGHT HOUSE) MAIN. .Bloch Aaron, retail grocery, 79 Water. Bloch S. H. & E., importers and wholesale dealers in wines andliquors, 30 CQnal block, Merwin. Bluin John, boarding house, 110 and 112 St. Clair. See advt. of John C. Sehooley & Co., ice Chests, &c., p. 168. CLE 228 CLE GEO. A. DAVIS. R. PEIXOTTO. -~~L \2 L yl' D ]J1::, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LIGHT WAGONS, &c., 101 Bank St., and 68 Seneca, Cleveland, O. Boylan Thos., saloon, 116 River. BOYLSTON H. K., AG'T. MERChtANTS' DISPATCH FAST FREIGHT LINE, 2 JOHNSON'S MARINE BLOCK, FOOT OF RIVER AND FRONT. Branch Darius G., wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, liquors, wines, &c., 188 Superior. Branch Francis, county commissioner. BRAD & McFADDEN, MIANUFACTUR ERS AND DEALERS IN IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, SNUFF AND TOBACCO, ONTARIO, OPP. CEIAMIPLAIN. Bragg B. A., horse shoeing and black smithing, 105 Champlain. Brainard S. & Co., music publishers and dealers in pianos, &c., 203 Superior. Brainerd & Burridge, lithographers, de signers and engr,avers on wood, 8 Bank. Bramihall Elbridge, bakery and dining hall, 41 and 43 Public Square. Brant, Miss Elizabeth W., shirt making, plain and machine sewing, 15 Hoff man's block, Superior. BRATENAtIL BROTHERS, WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN HIDES, LEATH ER, OIL, AND IMPORTERS O F FHENCE CALF A N D PATENT LEATHER, FOOT SUPERIOR. Brayton Henry F., insurance, foreign ex clhange anditicket agent, 6 Atwater's block. Superior. Brewer N. C., dealer in drugs and groce ries, 13 Pearl, west side. Bruggleman J. G., produce, 38 Pittsburg. Briggs C. C., livery stable, 190 Detroit, west side. Briggs J. W., combined lock and sash bal Brinker F. W., cabinet and furniture deal er, 112 Water. Brishler Albert, grocery and provision dealer, 225 Hamilton, cor. Marshall. Britton J. W., secretary Cleveland Boiler Plate Co., office Oviatt's Exchange. Bradburn & Fisher, wholesale grocers and commission merchants. 58 and 60 River. Brockway T. B., prop'r City Ilotel, Seneca. Brockway & Neddleton, prop'rs Commier cial Hotel, 155 Seneca. Brooks Joseph J., president Forest City Bank, 176 Superior. Brooks Mrs. L., boarding house, 68 Onta rio. Brooks Mrs. M., boarding house, 98 Bond. Brooks G. & E., paper and rag warehouse, 25 Vineya'.rd. Brooks & Ford, attorneys at law, 9 Perk ins' buildings, Public Square. Brooks S. C. & E. W., builders and marmu facturers of doors, blinds, sash, &c., Center. Brooks W. L., physician, 56 Euclid. Brown Charles F., local editor Cleveland Plain Dealer, cor. Superior and Vinie yard. Brown E. B., general agent Mystic Coal Oil Co., 109 Bank. Brown Fayette, banker and exchange bro-j ker, and collecting, 2 Atwater's block. Super ior. Brown JMrs. I. F. M., dealer in books andl stationery, 288 Superior. Brown IN. J., patent well curb manufac turer, 73 Michigan. Brown James, saloon, 113 Seneca. Brown J. B. & Co., produce and commis - sion merchantso, four, grain, pork, cheese, lard, clover seeds, &c., 40 Mer - win. Brow n John, (col'd) barber, Commercial Hotel, Seneca. BROWN J. O & SON, COMMISSION MER CEANTS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARD WARE, JEWELRY, &e., 180 SUPE RIOR. Brown J. L., attorney at law, 222 Supe rior. Brown Thos., editor and publisher Ohio Farmer, (Weekly,) Lyman's Buildings, Public square. Bruce Eli, attorney at law, 17'0 Superior, Bryant, Falsom, Stratton & Feltor, com mercial college, corner Superior and Seneca. Buck Michael, saloon, Union Lane. Budinger Peter, boot and shoe maker, 354 St. Clair. Buffett L., dentist, 243 Superior. BUHRER STEPHEN, DISTILLER ANI) RECTIFIER, A N D WHOLESALE See W. E. Braman & Co.'s advt. in indexes and p. 100. CLE 11 229 CLE CLE 230 CLE CHARLES FIJEDNER, WIG AND TOUPEE' MANU rACTORY, Dealer in Perfumery, Hair Dyes, &c. Also Hair Dressing and Shaving Rcoms. 135 Bank Street, Weddell HIouse, Hot and Cold Bathls at all1 hours. Byerley Francis, inspector of customs, Government Building. Caldwell S., produce and commission mer clhant, 159 River. Calkins G. W. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in white lime, Canal, near Weigh Lock. Callins Anthony, harness and saddle ma ker, 8 Orange. CAREY W. F. & CO., W HOLESALE AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF SHO ENBERGER'S JUNIATA NAILS, COMMON AND CHARCOAL SHEET IRON, JUNIATA BOILER PLATES, AND CROTON WINDOW GLASS, 61, 63, 65 AND 67 RIVER, AND 95, 96, 97 AND 98 ON THE D)OCK. Carlton C. C., general insurance agent, 197 Superior, up strairs. Carpenter W. H., surgeon, Seneca. Carr Francis, grocery, 157 Detroit, west side. Carr Patrick, grocery, 185 Detroit, west side. Carson M. & Co., dealers in wall and win dow papers, shades, &c., 183 Superior. Cartler & Thayer, attorneys at law, 219 Superior. Cary J. W., general ticket agent Cleve land and Erie R. R. Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. Casselbury Wm., retail grocery and pro vision dealer, 341 St. Clair. Castle W. B., agent Ctuyahoga steam fur nace company, office cor. River and Center, west side. Cauffman D., ready made clothing, corner Union and Superior. Cawood J., boarding house, 100 Seneca. Chambers Miss Rachel, dress maker, 9 Hoffman's Block, Superior. Champion Wm. H., attorney at law, 10 Atwater Building. Champlon Wm. A., constable, office at G. B. Tibbitts, Ontario. Chandler C., dealer in fruits, vegbtables, poultry, game and oysters, cor. Onta rio and Champlain. Chandler W. W., general freight agent Clevela nd a nd Pittsburg R. R. Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. Chapin George M., saloon and grocery, 102 Water. DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, 6 IHEWITT'S BLOCK, MERWIN. (See card in classification of distillers and rectifiers.) Burey Henry, dealer in wines and liquors, 61 Union. Burgger Miss L., millinery, 40 Pittsburg. BURGESS L.F. &S., WHOLESALE GRO CERS AND AGENTS FOR FAIR BAN KS & SILAS C. HERRING'S CELE,BRATED SAFES, 52 AND 54 RIVII,:R. Burk Jas., wagon maker and blacksmith, Colunrbus. Burk Johlo, carriage and wago n manufac turer, cor. Center and Columbus. Burk Oscar M., Secretary and Treasurer of Clevelanand and Mahoning R. R. Co., at depot. Bu rk e H arv ey, county treasurer, office new Court House. Bu rke Richard, Yankee notion s, 189 On tario. BURNETT HOUiSE, U. BURNETT, PRO PRIETOR, COR. ONTARIO A N D PROSPECT. BURNETT U., PROPRIETOR BURNETT HOUSE, COR. ONTARIO AND PROS PECT. Burnham Thos., Erie warehouse, Main, west side. Burrin Thos. J., pump and block man man ufacturer, 15 Spruce, west side. BURRITT GEORGE H., PROP'R CLEVE LAND SHINGLE WORKS, 104 MER WIN. BURT, CLARKE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN WOOL, HIIDES AND PELTS, 99 AND 101 BANK. Bush Edwin C., dealer in groceries, cigars, willow ware, &c., 245 Superior. Busler George, retail grocery and bakery, 340 St. Clair. Butterfield John L., boarding house and saloon, 173 tand 175 Seneca. Button Christian, eating house, 206 On tario. Butts B., hats, caps, furs, trunks, &c., 123 Superior. Butts & Kenda,ll, dealers in Sterling coal, ovwernment Pier. See advt. of Metallic Burial Caskets, in index. CLE CLE 230 281 TANNERS & DEALERS IN ALL WINDS OF I.EATHER, Hides, Oil, Shoe Findings, Curriers' Tools, &c., No. 103 Water Street, Old Post Office Building, CLEVELAND, O. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, Pelts, and Leather i ALBERT GAENSSLEN. CHAPIN H. M. & CO., BEEF AND PORK PACKERS, COLUMBUS. Chase T. R., attorney at law, notary pub lic and commissioner of deeds, 121 Superior. Cherry W. H., house and sign painter and grainer, 211 Ontario. Christian James, councilman, 1st Ward. Christian & Marshall, saddle, harness and trunk makers, 130 Ontario. Church James, rope walk, 42 Aliami. Church James & Co., ship chandlers and cordage manufacturers, sails made to order, 109 River and 52 Dock. Churchill & Brother, apothecaries and druggists, 109 Ontario. City Bank of Cleveland, Lemuel Wick, president, 11.5 Superior. City Hotel, T. B. Brockway, prop'r, Sen eca. City Water Works, office City H all Build ing. Clancy Michael, tailor, 25 Frankfort. Clapp James A., notary public, 211 Supe rior. CLAPP JOHN EI., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 211 SUPERIOR. CLARK AARON, REAL ESTATE BRO KER AND CONVEYANCER, 161 ONTARIO. Clark David, dealer in groceries, produce, corn, oats, &c., 423 and 425 St. Clair. CLARK, GARDNER & CO., PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, FLOUR, FISH, WATER LIME, &c., 39, 41, 43 AND 45 RIVER, AND ON DOCK. Clark James F., dealer in iron, steel, nails, glass, tools, saws and all kinds of shelf hardware, 92 Superior. Clark J. H., councilman, 6th Ward. Clark J. H. & Co., wholesale dealers in lumber, 147 Merwin. CLEUGH RICHARD, TRUNK MANU FACTURER AND DEALER, 194 SU PERIOR. Cleveland Academy of Music, 94 Bank. Cleveland Boiler Plate Company, manu factory of boiler iron and locomotive fire boxes, works on Lake shore, near Wasson's car factory, office in Ovatt's Block. CLEVELAND CITY BREWERY, H. LLOYD & CO., PROPRIETORS, 19 ST. CLAIR. (See card, p. 227.) Cleveland City Water Works, Joseph Sing er, superintendent and engineer, office City Hall Building. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati R. R. Co., office cor. Water and St. Clair. Cleveland Commercial Gazette, John K. Lowe, president, 197 Superior. Cleveland Daily Review and Western Glean er, Walter H. Shupe, publisher and editor and job printer, 184 Superior. CLEVELAND FILE WORKS, JOHN PAR KIN & CO., PROP'RS, 23 COLUM BUS. Cleveland Gas Light and Coke Company, office 195 Superior, T. P. Handy, pres ident, T. Dwight Eells, secretary, W. E. Beckwith, treasurer, and G. A. Hyde, engineer. Cleveland Herald, daily, tri-weekly and weekly, Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., publishers. Cleveland Iron Mining Company, S. L. Mather, treasurer, Oviatt's Exchange. Cleveland Jail, John B. Smith, jailor, cor. Public Square. Cleveland Lard Oil and Candle Works, Geo. A. Standly, Canal, near the Weigh Lock. Cleveland Library Association Rooms, 219 Superior, Wm. J. Tait, Librarian. Cleveland Medical College, cor. Erie and St. Clair. CLEVELAND MORNING LEADER, E. -" COWLES & CO., PUBLISHERS, 144 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 242.) Cleveland Musical Society meets every Wednesday and Saturday evenings, at their rooms, 27 Hoffman's Block. cor. Superior and Public Square. Cleveland Oil Company, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Locomotive sperm and whale oils, Charles A. Dean, sec'y, office 69 Water, Railroad Block. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, J. W. GRAY, PUBLISHER, COR. VINE YARD AND SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 244.) Cleveland and Erie Railroad Co., office cor. Water and St. Clair. See advt. of HI. Marshall & Co., in index. CLE CLE ]B-U"r-rfl]EIZS, PHILLIP GAENSSLEN. ~~CL CL FOREST CITY GALLtERY, 243 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Photographs of all descriptions, from a Miniature to Life-Size, Plain, Re-Touched or Colored in Oil. J. M. GREENE, Proprietor. AGENTS, 3 PERKINS' BUILDINGS, PUBLIC SQUARE, NEAR THE NEW COURT IHOUSE. COLMAN LOEB, DEALER IN YANKEE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c., 30 PROSPECT. Colwell & Co., dealers in hardware, iron, ~ nails, cordage, &c., 143 Ontario. Commercial Branch of State Bank of Ohio, Truman P. Handy, pres't, Daniel P. Eells, cashier, capital $175,000, At water Block, Superior. Commercial Hotel, Brockway & Neddle ton, prop'rs, 155 Seneca. Commercial Mutual Insurance Company, office Oviatt's Exchange, foot of Su perior. Comstock & Newberry, produce and corn mission merchants, curers and dealers in sugar-cured hams, &c., 60 Merwin. Congdon Win., soap and candle nianufac turers, Leonard. Connoley Peter, eating saloon, 208 Super ior. Cook Mrs. Maria, saloon, cor. Main and River, west side. Cook & Alten, manufacturers and dealers in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing goods, &c., 32 Superior. COOKE W. P. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LEATHER, HIDES, OIL, SHOE FNDINGS, SHEEP PELTS AND WOOL, 127 WATER. Coon John, notary public and attorney at law, Perkins' Buildings, Pub. Square. Coon H. L., boarding house, 72 and 74 Ontario. Cooney John, saloon, Canal Basin. Corlett & Cubbon, carpenters and build ers, 101 Prospect. CORNELL D. H1. & CO., NEW ENGLAND PORK HOUSE, DEALERS IN HAMS, LARD, &c., 4 PITTSBURG. Corning & Co., distillers of alcohol, burn i ng fluid, pure spirits, whisky, &c., Merchant Block, 76 River. Cary Geo. & Co., prop'rs Cleveland White Lead Works, Hewitt's Block, West. Cowles Charles F., restaurant and saloon, cor. West and Center. COWLES E. & CO., PUBLISHERS OF CLEVELAND MORNING LEADER Cleveland and Mahoning Railroad Co., David Tod, pres't, office at Depot. Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Co., J. N. McCullough, pres't, office corner Water and St. Clair C levelan d an d Toledo Railroad Co., J ohn B. Waring, pres't, cor. Bank and St. Clair. Co.ts & Briamley, prop'rs New England Hotel, cor. Joh nson and Water. COBB J. B. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STA TIONERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK BOOKS, 136 SUPERI OR. Cockrayn M iss Eliza, dress and shirt msa ker, 65 Frankfort. COE S. S., GENERAL AGENT MAN HA TTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, OVIATT'S EX CHANGE, 1 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 225.) COE & MAY, INSURANCE AGENCY, OVIATT'S EXCHANGE, 1 SUPER IOR. Coe & Bingham, prop'r-s of Cleveland Steam Flour Mills, Merwin. Coffinberry Charles S., attorney at law, 2243 Superior. Cohen E., dealer in ready-made clothing, Superior. Cohen Jacob, ready-made clothing, 58 Su perior. COLE JOHN E., AG'T AMERICAN EX PRESS CO., 97 BANK. Collan J. J., physician, 96 Erie. Collin Patrick, blacksmith, Vineyard. Collins Mrs. Ann, millinery and dress maker, 184 Detroit, west side. Collins Charles, chief engineer Cleveland and Erie Railroad Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. Collins, Goodsell & Co., jobbers in hats, caps, furs, straw and millinery goods, 125 Water. COLLINS J. B., FOREST CITY BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRY, 89 MIAMI. COLLINS WM., (LATE COLLINS & HER RON,) ATTORNEYS AND COUN SELORS AT LAW, JOHN W. HER RON, CINCINNATI, FRANCIS COL LINS, COLUMBUS, 164 SUPERIOR. COLLINS & ROBINSON, INSURANCE See advt. of Patent Agency, inside back cover. .f 232 CLE CLE GLE 233 CLE WILIUAM HART, Wholesale and Ret ail CABINET A- CttAll MANUF-ACTURER No. 107 Water Street, next door to Post Office, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Cabinet Ware, Chairs, &c. &c. AND JOB PRINTERS, 144 SUPER- Crowell & White, attorneys at law, 123 IOR. (See card, p. 242.) Superior. COWLES & CO., DEALEERS IN SILVERI CUNNINGHAMNI JAMES S., AGENT FOR WARE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUNNINGHAM & SHAW, SHIP CLOCKS, &c., 145 W E DDEI) L L BROKERS, FORWARDING A N D IhOUSE, SUPERIOR. CONIMISSION MERCHANTS, OVICowles R. Mi., druggist, 44 Public Square, ATT'S EXCHANGE. (See card, p. south side. 226.) Cowper Charles, boardinghouse, 32 Light- CUNNINGHAM & SHAW, ShIP BRO house. KERS, FORWARDING AND COMCox Mlls. Elizabeth, pattern emporium, MISSION AGENTS, 5 0 TOWER 1 112 Erie. BUILDINGS, EAST LIVERPOOL, Cozzens Alfried, restaurant and saloon, I ENGLAND, JAMES S. CUNNING 188 Siiperioi. HAM, AGENT, OVIATT'S EXCrapser M. & Co., wholesale and retail CHANGE. (See card, p. 226.) dealers in lumber, lathli and shingles, Cunnington Andrew, dealer in china 175 Merwin. glass and queensware, 300 St. Clair. Craw James A., city marshal, Johnson, Curtiss, Downes & Co., groceries and pro near Water. visions, 132 Detroit, cor. Pearl, west Craw W. V., inspector of fish, 101 and 105 side. River. I CUSIHING W. D., AGENT NEW YORK Crawford, Cross & Co., dealers in Chip- AND ERIE RAILROAD CO., AND pewa, Brier Hill, Pittsburg, and CLEVELAND AND D U N K I R K Minieral RPidge coal, Johlnson's Marine DAILY LINE OF STEAMERS, OF Block, foot of Bath. FICE FOOT OF RIVER AND FRONT. Crawford F., (L. Crawford, agent,) dealer Cushing W. W. & De Wolf H. B., attorneys in lumabei, shlingles and lath, 226 at law, 119 Detroit, west side. West River. Cushings E. & H. K., physicians and surCrawford Jamnes, grocery, l71 Pearl, west geons, 88 Public Square. side. Cutler Win., tanner and dealer in hides CRITTENDEN N. E., IMIPORTER AND and leather, 99 Water. DEALER IN WVATCHES, JEWELRY, Cutter Win. L., assistant cashier MAer SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, FANCY chants' Bank of Cleveland, corner of GOODS, WILLOW WARE, &c., 127 Superior and Bank. SUPERIOR. Cutter 0. & Son, auction and commission Crittenden S. W., banker and insu.rance merchants, 134 Bank. agent, 117 Superior. Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Co., W. B. Castle, CROBAUGH DANIEL, FINE ART GAL- agent, cor. River and Center, west LERY, AMBROTYPES AND PHO- side. TOGRAPHS, COR. ONTARIO AND Cyriax Frederick, Cleveland City Frencl PUBLIC SQUARE. Dyeing and Cleaning Establishment, Crobaugh Samuel, photographist, 28 and 96 Seneca. 29 Hoffman's Block, Superior. Dakin H. E., dealer in stoves, tin, copper Cross David W., deputy collector of cus- and sheet iron ware, 119 Detroit, west toms, Government Buildings. side. Cross George W., saloon, corl. Water and Davis Mrs. Francis R., hat and bonnet St. Clair. bleachery and manufactory, 222 SuCrossley George W., shingle manufactory perior. andl match manuflacturer, 36 Summer. DAVIS, PEIXOTTO & CO., WHOLESALE Crowell G. W., agent for Roger's family DEALERS IN CLOTHING, 3 AND 5 sewing mlachines, 211 Superior. WATER. (See card, p. 228.) Crowell & Childs, manufacturers and Davis W. H., physician and surgeon, 100 wholesale dealers in boots, shoes and Ohio. brogans, 143 Water. DAVIS & VORCE, SHIPPING AND GEN ERA L PRODUCE AND COMMIS See advt. of Knight Bros., inside back cover. CLE 233 CLE CLEF 284 CLE CLEVELAND WOODEN-WARE MAI UFACTORY, HERVEY & BOUSFIELD, Manufacturers of TUBS PA ILS, CHURNS, Half-Bushels, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Patent Washing Machines, &c. Manufactory and Office, Leonard St. CLIEVIELAND, OHIO. Dilahunt Patrick, boot, and shoe maker, 78 Ontario. Dixon Thomas, councilman, l1th Ward. Digmann Conrad, dealer in hats and caps, retail, 7 Pearl, west side. Dodge Ossian E., editor and proprietor of Literary 1fuseumn, and wholesale and retail dealer in pianos, music, &c., 5 Euclid. Dodge P. C. & Co., paper warehouse, 129 Seneca. Dolman Miss M. J., dealer in silk and straw bonnets, ladies' dress caps, em broideries, &c., cor. Superior and Sen eca. Donnelly Mrs. E., shirt maker, 104 Sene ca. Donnelly Mrs. Mary, boardineg house, 83 Water. Dooley P., saloon, 37 M ain, west side. Dormeyer H., manufacturer of musical in struunents, 259 St. Cla ir. Dorsett John, wagon m aker, 63 Pittsburg. Douglass T. C., manufacturer an1d dealer in cigars and tobacco, 12 Pearl, west side. Dot,herweick John, saloon, 330 Erie. Douhet Anthony, umbrella and parasol m anu factur er, 21 8 Ontario. Downie J., dealer i n wall paper, window shades, paper hangings, &c., cor. Wood and Rockwell. Drapper Thos., boot and shoe maker, 68 Frankfo r t. Dreher, Kinnard & Co., melodeon manu facturers, 193, 195 and 197 Ontario. Droz F. H., watches, jewelry and fancy goods, 10 Pearl, west side. DRUMIMN J., CARRIAGE MANUFAC TORY, 101 BANK, AND 68 SENECA. ( See card, p. 229.) Dun R. G. & Co., mercantile a,gercy, At water Building, Superior. Duncan A. B., soap and candle factory, Canal, foot of Eagle. Earl M. A., agent Harris' improved sewing machines, 246 Superior. SION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN GRAIN, FLOUR, &c., 62 RIVER. Day Thos., attorney at law, 115 Superior. Day Wm., wig maker and hair dresser, 56 Public Square. Dean Chas. A., sec'y Cleveland Oil Co., 69 Water, Railroad Block. DECIKER EDGAR, AGENT FOR MIRS. JULIA J. DECKER, PHOTOGRAPH IST, 205 SUPERIOR. DECKER MRS. JULIA J., PHOTOGRA PHIST AND AAIBROTYPIST, 2051 SUPERIOR. De Hart H. H., physician, Union. Deitz B. G., dealer in cigars and tobacco, 177 Superior. Deitz R., barber, 92 Erie. Delamater John, physician, cor. Wood and Rockwell. Denham John, carpenter, 18 Sheriff. Denner J. L., saloon, cor. Bolivar and Mi ami. DENNIS R. B., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 10 PERKINS BUILDING, PUBLIC SQR. De r,oy Abraham, dealer in second hand clothing, 66 Superior. Detmer G. H. & Son, dealers in ready made clothing, 156 and 158 River. Dewer & Co., stove and tin ware manufac turers and dealers, 68 Merwin. DE WITT J. H., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CLOAKS,TALMAS AND MANTILLAS, 7 PUBLIC SQUARE, NORTH SIDE SUPERIOR. De Wolf Simon E., commission merchant. 50 Merwin. Dickerson M. J., dentist, office 25' Supe rior. Dickinson John, wholesale dealer in for eign and domestic wines and liquors, 73 Columbus. Dickman Franklin J., attorney at law, 171 Superior, over Merchants' Bank. D iehl Philip, boot and shoe maker, 271 St. Clair. Dietz George, dealer in cigars, tobacco, pipes, &c., 155 Water. See adv't of Queen City Commercial College, p. 159. CLE CLE 234 CLE 235 CLE lNGHAM & BRAGG, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, No. 191 Siuperior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Dealers in Law and Medical Books, publishers of Cornell's Geographies and Outline MaIs, depository of American Bible Society, publishers Worcester's Quarto Dictionary, and Worcesters series of Dictionaries, depository of Sunday School Books, publishers Stoddards series of Arithmetics, dealers in Miscellaneous, Theological, and Standard Books, publishers of Ilillard's Readers, and Green's Grammars. Stationery at wholesale and retail. INGHAMl & BRAG3, School Book Publishers. Edgerton W. P., attorney at law, 219 Su- Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., publishers perior. I Cleveland ]herald and TVestern Lazo Edson & Enos, fish dealers, cor. Michigan JMonthly, and job printers. and Ontario. FAIRCHILD LEVI S., MIANUFACTUREdwards E. B., retail groceries, provis- ER OF EXCELSIOR W A T E R ions and dry goods, flour and feed WHEELS, HEWIT'S BLOCK, WEST. store, 283 St. Clair. Faimnsworth Mrs. E., dealer in second hand Edwards & Iddings, wholesale grocers and furniture, 59 Pittsburg. commission merchants, 17 Water, and Fairnsworth Thos.,machinist, 59 Pittsburg. 46 and 48 Union. Farber George, boot and shoe maker, 151 Eells T. Dwight, sec'y Cleveland Gas Light Detroit west side. and Coke Co. Fargo & Spear, produce and commission Egensperger Frank, lager beer saloon, merchants, 40 Union. Dock. ]li Dock. D,prfssro pic le Farley Mrs. J. E., saloon, 324 Erie. Ellis John,,A. D., proffessor of principles Farley John, boot and shoe maker and and practice of medicine in Western dealer, 188 Detroit, west side. Ilomoeopathic College. Farnan Walter, brass, and brass cock manElwell Alfred & Co., law book dealers, 219 ufacturer, 23 Center. Superior. Farr P., grocery and provisions, Hay-MlarElwell J. J., attorney at law and notary ket, Ohio. public, and editor of TWestern Lazw Faulkner George, grocery and fancy goods, MIonthily, 219 Superior. 178 Ontario. Elwood Mrs. C., boardinghouse, 85 Water. I Faulkner I. F., saloon, 151 River, west Elwood Isaac R., sec'y and treas. Union side. Telegraph Co., cor. St. C]air and Bank. FAY A. R., BOARDING HOUSE AND Elwood T., saloon and restaurant, 250 Su- RESTAURANT, 64 ST. CLAIR. perior. FAY COLEMAN C., CARRIAGE ANI) Ely George B., sec'y and treas. Cleveland HOUSE PAINTER, 183 SENECA. and Erie Railroad Co., cor. Water and Featherstone S. & J., book binders, book St. Clair. and job printers, and blank*,book manEngel George, boot and shoe maker, ufacturers, 144 Superior. Dock. - Fenton C. F. & W. M., dealers in drugs, Englehart Joel, merchant tailor, and whole- groceries, &c., 168 River. sale and retail dealer in ready made Fernald John S., dealer in second hand clothing, gents' furnishing goods, &c., furniture, and intelligence office, 178 1;2 Superior. Detroit, west side. Ensign John A., prop'r American Hotel, Ferry Dr., 196 St. Clair. Superior. Field, watches, clocks, jeweler and Erbe A., boot and shoe maker, 11l Hamil- engraver, 127 Bank. ton. Fieldhim M., grocery, 110 Pittsburg. EVANS T. W. & CO., GENERAL PRO- Filmer Wmn. L., grocery and saloon, 34 DUCE COMMISSION MERCHIANTS, Main, west side. AND DEALERS IN BUTTER, Finney Mrs. Mary, saloon and boarding CHEESE, LARD, EGGS AND POUL- house, 142 River. TRY, 66 RIVER. Fischer A., boot and shoe maker, 197 SuEvatt Charles R., coal dealer, south side perior. Columbus st. bridge, west side. Fischer F. IH., saloon, 104 Water. Everett A., county commissioner. Fischer G., barber, 279 St. Clair. EYEARS ALFRED, MERCHANT TAIL- Fish Chas. L., attorney at law, 144 Supe OR, AND DEALER IN CLOTHS, rior. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., 121 Fisher J. D., notary public and conveyan WEDDELL HOUSE, BANK. cer, 236 Superior. Fable John, saloon, 348 St. Clair. See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. GLE 0i) c E t; C: _ f Fiske William, druggist, whiiolesale and Foot John A., attorney at law, 171 Supe retail, 119 Superior. rior. Fitch James, attorney -it l:w, 236 Supe- Foot & B,ash, produce and commission nrior. merchants, River, foot of Light House. Fitzgerald John R., justice of the peace Foote & King, dealers in lumber,,lath and and attorney at law, 194 Suiperior. shingles, West River, below Center st. Fix George, butcher, 4 City Market. bridge. Flach Christian, stocking manufactory and Forest City Bank, paid capital, $127,100, dealer in hosiery, 200 Ontario. subscribedc capital, $150,000, 176 SuFLANDERS W. A. & CO., PATENTEES perior. OF FLANDER'S MOVABLE COMIB FOURNIVAL M. P., BAKERY, 298 ST. BEE HIVE, 159 RIVER. CLAIR. FLIEDNER CHARLES, WIG AND TOU- Fowle 11. I., book keeper Cleveland and PEE MANUFACTORY, AND DEAL- Toledo R. IR. Co., cor. Bank and St. ERS lN PERFUMERY AND HAIR Clair. DYES, ALSO, HOT AND C O L D Fox S., tailor, 27 Vineyard. BATHIS, 135 BANK, WEDDELL Fox Samnuel II., agent of Quitker City In HOUSE. (See card, p. 230.) surance Co., Atwater's Building. Flood Chas. B., editor of Daily and W,cekly Fraley MI., saloon, - Dock. N2ational Democrat, 144 Superior. FRANCISCO JACOB, WHOLESALE AND Flint E. S., supt. C. C. & C. R. R. Co., cor. RETAIL DEALER 1 N LUMBER, Water and St. Clair. LATHS, SHINGLES AND TIMBER Fogg, Ensworth & Co., importers and deal- COR. MIERWIN AND GERMAN. ers in china, glass and earthen ware, Frankland J. & Co., Eagle Foundr, en gas fixtures, &c., cor. Superior and gine builders, Front, opp. passenger Seneca. depot. Foljambe Samuel, justice of the peace, 96 FRANKLIN HOUSE, LEWIS I-IANSCOM, Superior. PROP'R, 22 PEARL, WEST SIDE. Folsomrn Gilman, livery stable, Seneca. Freeman & Foster, planing mill, sash, door Foot A. S. & Co., auction and commission and blind manufacturers, cor. Canal merchants, 199 Ontario. and hIarrison. FREEMiN & KELLOGG, WHOLESALE See adv't of Wm. Wiswell, jr., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 236 0% q I- -a -- _ 0 o0] ml ti;2 @L 0 CLE Sole Mianufacturer of the t~l{E H,U iRL._N LG:R]'.gST " INLE Point aux Barques, Michigan. Post Office Address and General Office, No. 159 River Street, CLEVELAND OHIO. IAlso, Berea, and coarse Ohlio stone, made to order, for wet or dry work. AND RETAIL DEAILERS IN DRY CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER, 16 GOODS, 217 SUPERIOR. WEST. French & Keith, wholesale dealers in dry Gardner & Vincent, cabinet and filrniture goods, 144 Water. dealers and manufacturers, 118 and Fretter John, bakerv, 15 Dock. 120 Water. Frey John, fire inspector and surveyor, of- Garlick Charles, agent., MNystic Coal Oil fice Oviatt's Exchange. Co., 109 Bank. FRISBY & STEPIENS, MANUF' (,CTUR- Gates Miss Abbie, dress maker, 4 Lyrman E]RS AND W]HOLESALE DEALERS Buildings, Public Square. IN TEAS, COFFELE AND SlPICES, Gates H11. N. & Son, storage, forwarding GROCERS' BLOC1K, MIERWIN. and comnission merchants, River, 2d Frissell lr. A. C., boarding house, 148 warehouse below Superior. Ontario. GAYLORD & HAMMOND WHOLESALE Frissell E., boot.and shoe maker, 203 On- AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS 120 SU tario. PERIOR. Fuller 1f. G. & Co., manuiicetur ers and Geer Ht. & Co., livery stable, 126 Bank. dealers in sporting, blhsting and min- Geilacli John, boot and shloe maker, 170 in,g powder, and sifety fuse, 8 Atwai- River. ter Block.! German Ins. Co., C. W, Schmitt, pres., JaFuller Wm., county auditor, office new cob Miller, sec'y, 12 Atwater Build Court House. ing. Fullei & Co., wholesale dealers in hats, Gerry & Itolt, Phoenix Foundry, manufaic caps and straw and iiillinery good(s, turers of steam engines and castings 133 and 135 Water.. of all kinds, foot of Light Ilouse, near Furst Win., barber, 258 Superior. gas works. Gaebli'trt Benedict, dealer in second hand Giar S., meat market, 147 Iiismnan. clothing, 62 Superior. Gibbins M. B., houtse and sign painter and GAENSSLEN BROS., TANNERS, AND paper hanger, co. St. Clair and Bank. DEALERS IN LEATIlER, ilIDES, Gibbins Peter, saloon, 2 Kinsman. ()ILS, SIIOE FINDINGS, &c., I0 Gibbons Geo., saloon, foot Superior. WATE[R (See cailrd, p. 231.) Gibson Alexander, physician, cor. Ontario Ga.ffney Mrs. E)len, bo.Lidili) house, 7 St. and Chlamplain. Clair. Giel Conrad, lager beer sIloon, 175 HamGage David V., attoiney and counselor at ilton. law, 170 Superior. Gilbert & Goodwin, dealers in groceries, Gaines J. W., livery anld s,le stable, 128 provisions, poultry, &c., 124 Ontario. Chlamplain. Gilmartin Philip, boarding house, 55 Light Gaines W. WV., freshl fish, can and shell IHouse. oysters, coal oil, lamps, &ec., 209 Su- Gill Robert, silver plater, 164 Ontario. perior. Gillam Michael, saloon Merwin. GALLAGHIIER P., PLUMBER AND GAS GillinoreA Metcalf; bonret and hat bleacher FITTER, MANUFACTURER AN D and presser, 160 Seneca. DEALER IN PLUMIBERS' IATE- Gillmoie T'hos., merchant tailor, 42 Pitts R1AI,LS OF' ALL KINDS, WAITER buitrg. CLOSETS. BATII TUBS, &c., 11 Girty George W., secretary City Water SENECA, OPP. CITY HOTEL. Works, office City Hall Building. GARIDNER ALONZO S., IMPORTER AND Glaser Brothers, leather, findings, hides WVIOLESALE DEALER IN CROCK- and oil, 115 Waler. ERY, CHIINA AND GLASS WARPE, Goebel Peter, manufleturer and dealer in BRITANNIA WARE, O I L A N D boots and shoes, cor. Ontario and Hiiu FLUID, 220 SUPERIOR. ]on. Gardner Joseph, saloon, 20 River. GOODALE & CO, CLEVELAND WOOL GARDNER G. S. & CO., PROP'RS OF DEPOT, 107 AND 109 BANK, AND UNION FOUNDRY, ALL KINDS OF 18 FRANKFORT. ., adv't of Looki7)g G1ass-,, &c., opn. in,ex to Cities, Towns, &c. 237 CLE , ]L. 13. ,). 0 11 s 0 , CLE .o KONIGSLOI, Malnufacturer of and dealer in the Forest City and other kinds of Also manufacturer of all kinds of Small Mlachinery, Lathles, Models, Roll ing Mills for Jewelers and Dentists, Seil Presses, &c. Turning and F i n i shi n g Generally. No. 144 Superior St., American Buildings, Cleveland, 0. Goodhart S., boot and shoe maker Land gro- Greenfield George, wig and peruke maker. cery store, 92 Pittsburg. 1 21 Seneca. GoodmaLn John, clock and watch iiaker Greening John, nmeat market, 113 River. and jeweler, 256 Superior. Griffin James, grocery, 116 Detroit, west Goodrichl John W., retail giocery;nd pro- side. vision detler, 425 St. Cla ir. Griffin Nelson, (col.) boarding house, 108, Goodwin A. A., clerk IProbate Coirt, River. office new Court House. Griswold & Castle, attorneys at law, 124 Gordon, McMill.in & Co., importers, whole- Superior. sale grocers and co mmission rner- Gross Lewis, boot and shoe maker andl chants, foot of Superior. dealer, 239 Superior. Gordon Wmi. J., vice-president Comrn'l Mu- Gublhart Lewis, sloonii, 216 Ontario. tual Insurance Comnpany, office in Gunson MIs. M, millinery and dress ma Oviatt's Exchange, foot of Superior. king, 246 St.,,lair. Gorham J. I. & A. S., manufacturers of all Gunther Peter, bakery, co0i. Seneca and St. kinds of crackers an(d confectionery, Clair. andl de'tlers in groceries, nuts, &c., &c., Hflag C. L., cig'ar maker, 212 Ontario. 104 Superior. lHaas Adam, sad(dle tid harness makei, Gormain C. E., assistant superintenlent of 144 LIiver. Cleveland and Pittsburgh R. l[. Co., -Iahlin Charles, mcet, market, 339 St. Clair. coI. Water and St. Clair. RHaiiies & Norris, cal estate and loan office, (;race Luke, grocery and provision dealer, 2 46 Superior. 48 Erie. H]ale E. B., bhanker and dealer in exchaltge Graham Robert, manu fahctuirer,aid dealer Rouse Block, co-. Public Sq(luare. in boots and shoes, 135 Ontario. Hale L. A., boarding house, 66 Michigin. (GRANNIS JOHN C., ATT'Y ATr LAW, tIALL EDWIN, MI,LINERY ANDI) FAN ROUSE'S BLOCK, COR. SUPERIOR CY GOODS, 158 DIETItOIT, WEST AND PUBLIC SQUARE. SIDE. Griannis Joseph S, attorney at law and IIall E.'1., book-keeper Clevelabn.d and commissioner of insolvents, 192 SL- Toledo R. R. Co., cor. Bank 1and St. perior. Clair. Gra.tz Matthew, saloon, 21 Dock. IHall Henry M., dealer in groceries, proGray C. W., manufacturer of Ainmerican visions, fruits, &c., 152 Ontario. liquid cement, 187 Ontario. Itall J. B., house and sign painter, Long. GRAY J. W., PUBLISHER CLEVELAND HALL JOHN B., M.D., HlOM(EOPATHIC PLAIN DIEALER, CORl. VINEYARD CIHEIMIST A N D MEI)ICAL PUB AND SUPERIOR. (See advt., p. 244.) LISHER, IMPORTER AND EXPORGreen George, saloon, 120 Pittsburg. TER OF PURE MIEDICINES, AGENGreen James, groceries and provisions, 204 CY ESTABLISIIIED 11984(, 164 SUPE Ontario. RI'OR. GREENE J. M., PTIOTOGRAPI-IIST AND Ihall Joshu,t E., stove dlealer and inianufac AMBROTYPISl, 243 SUPERIOR. tutrer of tin, sheet iron and copper (See card, p. 232.) ware, 216 Super ior. Green John, tinner, 152 Kinsmain. Halle A., grocery and p'rovisioil, retail, Green John, saloonr, 8 and 10 Pittsburg. cor. St. Clair and Wood. tItalle loeb. dry goods, 144 Kiusmaiin. See adv't of Lane 8& Bodley, inside front cover. 238 CLE ,n 4 0. I I I1 1 0 1 Fi a I I''' %A I Ai a.all u I jA Ai I Halley Joseph, clothing and merchant tai- IHaver J. W., saloon, 128 Detroit, west side. lor, 212 Superior. HAWKS & BROTHER, NEWS DEALERS, Halliwell & Daniels, dentists, 62 Public WHIOLESALE ANa RETAIL, 259 Square. SUPERIOR. Haltnorth Frederick, National Hall saloon Hlawthorn A. D, boot and shoe inakecr, 19 and billiard rooms, 52 and 54 Public Prospect. Square. Il hayden C., attorney at law, U. S. Commis Hamrilton George Washlington, brewery, sioner.ndl president Law School, 1,y Canal, south end of Ontario. man's block, Public Sqiure. hancock Wm. B., rmerchant tailori and fur- Hayes Ileniry. saloon, 239 West River. nishing goods, 141 Superior. Haywarid W. II., councilman, Second l ard Handy T. P., treasurer C. C. & C. L. Co., I HAYWARD & CO., DEALERIS IN DUTCH cor. Water and St. Clair. BOLTING CLOTHS, FRENCH BURR lhandy T. P., pres't Cleveland Gas Light MiIL,L STONES, PORTABLE MILLS, and Coke Co., 195 Superior. &., FlON'T, OPP. R. R. PASSENGER IIANNA, GARRETSON & CO., AGENTS DEPOT FOR LAKE SUPERIOR LINE OF Hlizel Mrs. Ann, (col'l) bakery an(l groce STEAMERS, 73 AND 75 MERWIN. ry, 310 Erie. IIANNA, GARETSON & CO., WHOLE- Heaird C. W., architect, 10 Shleriff. SALE G R O C E R S, COMMIISSlON |Heath John, brass founder, gas fitter, fin MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN isher anid manufacturer of beer PRODUCE, SALT, FISIHt, &c., 73 AND puimps, 15 Vineyard. 75 MERWIN. |leekiiman L., confectionery, wholesale and Ilanina & Neen, carriage makers, 80S Frank- retail, also councilman Third Ward, fort. 149 Water. HANSCOM LEWIS, PROP'R FRANK- IIeckiman Valentine, confectionery and LIN HOUSE, 22 PEARL, WEST. billiard saloon, 14)9 Detroit, west side. liarbeck J. S., stave dealer, 1 Oviatt's Ex- HIeedy Gen. Mike, cle(k, Weddell house. cliange. Hein.man Louis, merchant tailor, 132 Bank. IARMIAN S$ CROWL, WHOLESALE HEINIELIDINGEII J. & HAUISHEER L., AND PlFETAIL DEALERS IN PINE, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF WALNUT AND WHITEWOOD LUM.- FRLIESII AiND SAL' T MEATS, HAMS, BEP, TIMPBEI AND SHINGLES, 139 SHOULIDERS, &c., 121 RIVER. MERWIN. Ileiilein Leonaid, mnieat market, 81 River, lHaimon Henry, boairding houtise and grI-o cor. Light House. cery, retail, 100 Morrison. I eicsel Nicholias, r6tail giocery and pro ilairris Charles B., clerk Amnericarn Express visions, cor. St. Clair and Erie. Co., 97 Bank. |Ieisler A. P., barber, 18 River. Harris E. S., butcher, 18 City Market. Ileisley John W., attorney at law, 144 Su Harris Josiah A., editor of Cleveland Aorn- perior. ing ILeader, 144 Superior. HIelley & Griswold, attorneys at law, Ben Itarrington B., postmaster, office at the nett's Forest City House. Post office. IHeminich John, grocery and provision larrington Michael, saloon, 199 River, dealer, cor. IIamilton and Murisoii. west side. HIenriley Daniel, tailor, Canal Basin. HART WILLIAM, WHOLESALE AND HENRY MAPRTIN & CO.,, WHOLESALE RETAIL CABINET AND CIIAIR GROCERS, RECTIFIERS, IMPORT MANUFACTURER, 107 WATER. ERS AND DEALERS lN WINES (See card, p. 233.) AND LIQUORS, 34 RIVER. Hartman C. A., county coroner. I-lensch HIugo, eagle pharmacy and drug Hartman Simon, boot and shoe maker, 97 gist, 208 Ontario. Superior. Ilepplar Charles, billiard saloon, 100 Su Hartman & Co., butchers, 2 City Market. perior. Ilarton Robert, saloon, 50 River. Ilerig John, cabinet, blind, sash and door Ilartupee A. W., M. D., druggist, cor. Erie manufacturer, office 150 Kinsman. and St. Clair. Herrick & Barlow, attorneys atlaw, Wed Htarvey H. & Co., dealers in flour and dell I-ouse block, Superior. prop'rsof City Mills, 77 and 79 Mer- HERVEY & BOUSFIELD, WOODEN win. WARE MANUFACTURERS, LEON Ilasseoot John, sadcdle and hairness maker, ARD. (See card, p. 234.) 123 Detroit, west side. Hess John, grocery and provisions, 12 HattersIcy ttenry, manufacturer of, and Orange, cor. Cross. dealer in guns, pistols, &c., 102 Supe- ltessenmueller Edward, justice of peace rior. and U.S. pension agent, 86 Superior. HIauszman G. T., upholsterer, 34 High. See adv't of St'm Engir.es and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover. CL'E 239 CLE Hewitt Wm., superintendent Union Line Hlopkins J. E., copper plate engraver, Express Company, 97 Bank. printer, lithographer, and dealer in Ileydler N. G., tuner anrd music teacher, gold pens, ant1Iasonic clothing, 197 65 Frankfort. Superior. HICKOX L. L., SALESMAN AT ALCOTT Hopkinson A. G., countcil.man Ten tli W*ard. & HlORTON'S, 141 WATELR. Horningr C., butcller, 17 (City Market. Higley Martin E., manufacturer of coop- Horton D., agept R. R. Uiiion ticket office, er's tools, tress hoops, board rules 147 Superioi, Weddell House. and dealer iii mtechanic's tools gener- -Horton W. i., dentist, cor. Euclid and ally, 30 Center. Public Square. I-Hilderbrand J. D., wines and liquors, HOUCK J. J., DEALER IN FAMIILY Rtiver. FLOUR, BUCKWtHEAT, CORN, Hill C. L., groceries, 120 Ontario. OATS, AIILL FEED, &c., KINSMAN. Hill Janies, wholesale dealer in wines and HOVEY FRED., ATTORNEY AT LAW liquors, 98 Bank. AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 121 SUPEHill James, chief engineer aud fire war- R!OR. den of fire department, Atwater's tIovey I. D., wholesale and retail coal Block. de'ler, 99 lMerwin. Hill J. P., auction and commission mier- Ilovey J., councilman, Fifth Ward. chant, cor. Seneca and Champlain. lotowird E. D., artist atid portrait painter, Hills Addison, general freight agenrt 44 south side Public Squlare. Cleveland and Erie R. R. Co., cor Wa- HIowe -I. E. & Co., ship clh rndlers andl ter and St. Clair. dealers in gioceries and provisions, HIills N. C., commission merchant and 117 River. dealer in flour, butter arnd produce, Howe & Will;rd, ship, lhouse and sign 150 Ontario. piintcers, AM ain, west side. HILLIARD, LASI-I & CO., IMPORTERS I-Towell Richnid, blhtcksriiithi and horse AND WHOLIESALE DE.ALERS IN shoeing, 72 Mlichin. FOREIGN AND DOlMElSTIC WINES, RtOWER J. Mi., DEALER IN G-ROCER AND LlQUORS, AND MANUFAC- IES, PRTOVISIONS, FLOUR, &C., l163 TURERS VINEGAR AND CIDER ONTARIO. VINEGAR, AND PICKLES, 73 MLER- H-owlind James, undertler, 72 Batnk. CHANT'S BLOCK, RIIVER. Ilowlett George, house, signt and oritnamenIlitchcock B. T., agent for MAecham's foot til ptiliter, Atwater Building. corn planter, 114 Bink. Iubby IL. I., pres't C. C. and C. Rilroad IITCHCOCK, MIASON & ESTEPl, AT- Co., cor. Watcer and St. Clair. TOi{NEYS AT LA W, PERKIN'S Hubert MNrs. S. 1French dress, cloak and BUILDING, PUBLIC SQUARE. iantill,t maker, 216 St. Clair. HOADLEk T[IOMAS, CLAY EL'ITO['T Hfa]ck Albert, b)oot and shoe maker and AND FIRE BRICK MANUFACTOR, dealer, 12 Public Square. COI-. MAIN AND MULBERIY, Ilucson A. S., boat bailder, Maini, west W EST. SIDE. side. Hocke John B., foreign and domestic Hudson George groceies and provisions, wines and liquors, and vinegar, 48 214 Superior. Mlerwin. IIUETT, BURGERT & CO., MANIUFACofer Mrs. Argeline, dress maker, 301 St. TUIRELS AND WHOLESALE DELAL Clair. I ERS IN BOOTS AND SIOIES, 125 Hoffman Fredlerick, ca iage manlufi.ctuirer WVATER. and blacksmith l1' lletroit,westsile. fIu,!,es John, nioet imarket, 196 Detroit, Hloffiman R. C., druggist, cor. Euclid and west side. Erie. tHughes MIrs. J., boarding house, 57 Iligh. Hoffiman & Tlhorm Ii, butchers, 10 City |-Iughes John M., brewer and manulfactur Mlarket. er XX and XXX champagne, KenHofrigda 1 Joseph, tin, copper and sheet iiett and bitter ales, 15, 17, 19 and iron workeri 330 St. Clair. 1 21 West. lolan Simon, ice creanim saloon, 122 De- Ilughes & Lester, comiirlission and for troit. warding merchants and dealers in Ilolland MIrs. Elizabeth, retail grocery, grain, flour, &c., River. 155 Detroit, west side.!Iulburt Andrew. horse doctor, 89 ChamHolmes & Carter, manufacturers of iron plain. railing, balconies, &c., 17 and 19 Ihlull S. D., salpoon, 85 Water. Vineyard. tHumiston R. F., M. D., prof. of chemistry Holt & Oviatt, storage, forwarding and and toxicology, Western Ilomoeopathic commission merchants, junction Ca- College. nal and River. See adv. S. G. Burnett & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. DirectorY. CLE 240 CLE GLE 41 CLE J. HlNltY MOELLE, MANUFACTUIRERII OF IOULINGS, For Piano Forte and Cabinet Makers, for Cornices of Wardrobes, Looking Glass Frames, Sofa and Chair Backs and Fronts, Melodeon and Piano Legs. Music Desks for Piano Fortes sawed, when varnished and polished, in various unequaled patterns. Iewitt's Block, Cleveland, Ohio. Iluneng Charles, cigar manufacturer and dealer, 44 Superior. HUNT R. S., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 4 COLUMBUS BLOCK, 119 DETROIT, WEST SIDE. HUNTER EDMOND, PHYSICIAN, 38 PUBLIC SQUARE, SOUTH SIDE. Huntington J., dealer in flour, grain, mill feed and meal, 106 Hoffman's Block, Public Square. Huntington & Brooks, importers and wholesale dealers in queensware, 138 Water. lturlbut A. W., carriage manufacturer, 20.5 Ontario. Hurlbut Herman A., wholesale and retail dealer in lumber, laths, shingles and timber, 8 Merwin. HUSSEY & McBRIDE, FORWARDING, PRODUCE COMMISSION M E R - CHANTS AND AGENTS LAKE SUPERIOR LINE OF STEAMERS AND PROPELLERS, 127 AND 129 RIVER. Ilutton Walter M., pump manufacturer, Shepard's Block, foot Vineyard. Hyde G. A., engineer Cleveland Gas Light and Coke Co. Ilyman S. & Co., dealers in dry goods, cor. Superior and Public Square. Hyrenbachl Jacob, retail grocery, 285 Lake. Iles John, New London House, Cham plain, bet. Seneca and Ontario. Ingersoll Geo. L., collecting agent and notary public, 1 Rouse's Block, corner Superior and Public Square. Ingersoll J. E., attorney at law, 1 Rouse's Block, cor. Superior and Pub. Square. Inglham W. A., bookseller, stationer and dealer in wall paper, cor. Detroit and Pearl, west side. INGHAM & BRAGG, PUBLISHERS, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, STA TIONERS AND DEALERS IN SUN DAY SCHOOL, LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS, 191 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 235.) Irvine Thomas, saddle and harness maker, 226 Ontario. Irwin Michael, tailor, 47 Oregon. ISAACS ISAAC A., CLOTHING, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL, JUNCTION 16 UPPER AND SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 236.) Jackson J. B., silk and woolen dyer, 111 Pearl, westside. Jackson S. B., paymaster C. C. and C. R. R. Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. Jackson J. B., silk and woolen dyer, 70 Bank. JACKSON IR ON CO., DEALERS IN LAKE SUPERIOR IRON O R E, 3 ATWATER BUILDIN GS, SUPERI OR. Jackson Smith, inspector of customs, Govern ment Bu ildings. JANKAN ABRAHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY, WHITE GOODS, LACES, COLLARS, SHIRT BOSOMS, &c., 184 SUPERIOR. Jassoud F., tin, copper and s heet i ron worker, 210 St. Cl air. JASTER JOHN, CLOTHES CLEANE D AND REPAIRED, ALSO CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER, 113 BANK. Jennings Dr. C. H. & Ruple D. S., livery stable prop'rs, 5 Academy. Jennings R., manufacturer, importer and dealer in rifles, sho t guns, pistols, &c., 18 Pittsburg. Jester Andrew. merchant tailor, 295 St. Clair. JEWETT & GOODMAN, M ANUFACTUR ERS OF MELODEONS, 197 ON TARIO. Johnson Daniel W., dealer' in groceries and provisions, 108 Public Square. Johnson Mrs. F. C. W., dress maker and pattern emporium, 114 Pittsburg. J O HN SON H., AGENT NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R. CO., 11 RIVER. JOHNSON HOUSE, C. E. MAIN, PROP'R, 131 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 249.) Johnson James, boardinghouse, 114 Pitts burg. Johnson J. l., homoeopathic physician, 107 Superior. Johnson Joseph, house and sign painter, junction Canal and Champlain. Johnson Judas, grocery, 27 Ohio. JOHNSON L. B., SOLE MANUFACTUR ER OF THE LAKE HURON GRIND STONE, GENERAL OFFICE 159 RIVER. (See card, p. 237.) CLE 241 CLE A CLE 242 CLE C LEVeLA T-anD Weekly, Tri Weekly and A Republican Paper, Published by Es COWLES &C., American Building, 144 Superior Street, EVELANDe- - - - Iaily Morning Leader, by mail, per year, $5; by mail, six nioiths, $3. Tri-Weekly Leader, by mail, per year, $3. Weekly Leader.-Single copy, $1.50, 10 copies $13.00, 15 copies $17.00, 20 copies $20, 30 copies $28.00, 50 copies $46.00, 100 copies $90.00. Any person sending us a club of ten or more, with the money, will be entitled to one copy for his trouble. TO ADVERTISERS. —The Leader has the largest circulation in the State, out of Cincinnati. It reaches the active, progressive and enterprising classes, and is, therefore, the best possible medium for business men to gain access to the public by advertising. t8e an ri tirg. We are prepared, with the most elegant and varied assortment of Type in the west, to execute, in a superior style, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTINC, From a Card of a single line to a volume of 1,000 pages. Ilaving several Steam Presses, we are enabled to do our work promptly, on short notice, and at low prices. Every description of Book-Binding done in the best manner. Railroad, Bank, and Commercial Blank-Books done in the latest style and on short notice. Dl^ILYS I 11 II ~ I-1 ] 610 11 I i InII^ O4I-IIO. CLE 243 CLE JOHIN A. SA1RG-ECAIN Manufacturer and Dealer in - Looking Glasses, fortrait and Picture Frames, Oval Frames for Daguerreotypes, Photographs, &c., Looking Glass Plates, Gilt and Rosewood Miouldings, Lithographs, Engravings, Picture Cord, Tassels, &e. 213 Superior Street, Marble Block, Cleveland, Ohio. Johnson Martin, dealer in fresh fish, 140 Kelsey L. A., deputy postmaster, office at River. the Post Office. Johnson Mrs. M. R., dress maker, 179 De- Kemmer F. & Co., house and sign paint troit, west side. ing, 1 Melodeon Block, Superior. Johlnsonr Wm., watch maker and jeweler, KENDALL H. D. & CO., WHOLESALE 297 St. Clair. AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE Johnson W. T., dealer in vegetables, 179 AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 247 Detroit, west side. SUPERIOR, AND 1 1 P U B LI C Joues Carlos, paper hangings and house SQUARE. furnishing goods, &c., 146 Superior. Kenny Win., merchant tailor, 32 Public Jones H. W., grocery and provision dealer, Square. 113l Erie, cor. Rockwell. Keppler Mrs. Louisa, tobacco and cigars, Jones James Mi., attorney at law, 164 Su- wholesale and retail, 110 Superior. perior. Kerruish Wm. S., attorney at law, 150 Jones J. L., boat builder, 33 Main, west Superior. side. Keyes E. N., land agent, 1 Rouse's Block, Jones T. & Sons, marble workers and cor. Superior and Public Square. dealers in marble mantles, grates, Kidd William, manufacturer of jewelry, &c. cor. Prospect and Miiddle. 233 Superior. JONES Z. & CO., DEALERS IN STONE Kidder P., chief engineer C. C. and C. R. VWARE ANDSEWER PIPES, RIVER, R. Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. FOOT S'I'. CLAIR. Kidney G. H., planing mill, sash, blind Joraleinon J. W., combined lock and sash and door manufacturer, cor. Erie and balance, 149 and 151 Ontario. Kinsman. Joslin Wm., pattern maker and small ma- KIESELI WM., PROP'R ST. CLAIR HO chinery manufacturer, Vineyard, on TEL, COR. WATER AND ST. CLAIR. Canal Basin. Kilwer John, blacksmith, 100 Champlain. Kaiser MIicliel, lager beer saloon, 311 St. Kimberley Frederick, Arcade Saloon, 22 Chlar. Public Square. Kane Wm., retail grocery, cor. MTorrison Kimbley Mrs. Elizabeth, millinery and and( St. Clair. dealer in fancy goods, 175 Detroit, Kavaua~gh Thomas, saloon and groceries, west side. on Canal Basin. KINDSVATER POWELL, BREWERY Keeler C. J., eclectic physician and drug- AND LAGER BEER SALOON, 281 gist, 32 Public Square. ST. CLAIR. Keeler Joel F., manufacturer of Keeler's King Jacob. barber, 117 Detroit, west side. PIitent Self-Leveling Scales, 5 West. King Mrs. M., boarding house, 70 Ontario. Keenhliold Jacob, merchrant tailor, 152 Kinney Miss Mary, dress making, 236 Lake. Superior. Keepha.rt Charles, (col.,) barber, 59 River. Kirner M., gun and lock smith, 30 PittsKeith & Coon, attorneys at law, Perkinis' burg. Buildings, Public Square. Klegher Philip, ready-made clothing, 46 Keller B., boarding house, 30 Light House. Superior. Kelley James, blacksmith, 114 Champlain. Klegin C. F., tailor, 115 Seneca. Kellogg H., bowling saloon, 169 Ontario. Kleinsclimidt A., saloon, 206 St. Clair. Kelly Mlichael, wheel-barrow maker, 47 Klienschoof C. E., boot and shoe maker, Lighit Hlouse. 139 Kinsman. Kelly Thlomas M., president Merchants' Knapp G. A., M. D., oculist and aurist, 96 Bank of Cleveland, cor. Superior and Bond. Bain.i Knecht & Markman, dealers in glass and KELLY TfHOMIAS S., PRe{SIDENT MIER- queensware, 133 Ontario. CHIIANTS' BANK, COR. SUPERIOR Koch George, house, sign and fresco AND BANK. painter, 400 St. Clair. See adv't of Win. Wiswell, jr., opp. index to Cities, Towns,' &C. CLE 244 CLE IEstablised January 1,D18, IL Established January 1, 1841, PUBLISHED O[ l[Y, T i[-WEgLY A[D W EgTY BY J. W. GRA Plain Dealer Buildings, Cor. Vineyard and Superior Streets, CLEVELAND, OHIO. For twenty years the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been owned and controlled, published and edited by the same individual. It has never missed a Publication Day, nor scratched a Democratic Ticket. It has fought its way single.handed against all opposition, until it has gained a National Circulation and a National Reputation. From Maine to California the Plain Dealer is known and read, and it never was in so good a condition pecuniarily, or in better pluck politically, to fight the battles of Democracy than now. It has, against high authority, dared to advocate the right of "the people of a Territory as well as a State, to regulate their domestic institutions in their own way," and it will continue to do so against said high authority, "the world, the flesh and the devil." Against all Lecompton Constitutions, Slave Codes, and the re-opening of the Slave Trade, this paper is devotedly dedicated from this time, henceforth and forever.'; Come one, come all! This rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I!" It has active and intelligent Correspondents in all parts of the country, and has also a brilliant corps of Literary Contributors. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT will be under the sole charge of JAMES BROKENSHIRE, who is confessedly the best commercial writer on the Lake Shore. THE LETTERS OF ARTEMUS BV,ARD SHOWMAN, which have been so extensively copied and admired throughout the United States, and have even found their way across the Atlantic, will continue to be a feature of the Plain Dealer. THE DAILY PLAIN DEALER, being the only Democratic Daily in Northern Ohio, affords advantages to advertisers unequalled in this vicinity. It contarns the Latest News and Market Reports received by Telegraph up to the time of going to press, and 80 hours in advance of the New York Dailies. It is published every afternoon, (Sundays excepted,) at 3 o'clock, and is sent to Mail Subscribers at the following rates: Daily, per year, $5. Daily, less than a year, per month, 50 cts. THE TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER contains all the Reading Matter of the Daily, Telegraphic and Commercial Reports, and is confessedly the best and cheapest paper published in Ohio. It is printed every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, and is furnished to Mail Subscribers at the following rates: Tri-Weekly, per year, $3; two copies, one year, $5; five copies, one year, $12; twenty copies, one year, $40. THE WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER is printed every Wednesday morning, and contains the news of the week, choice original and selected Miscellany, Editorials, Correspondence, the Latest Telegraph Reports, and carefully prepared Market Reports, of this and the Eastern Markets, and has the largest circulation of any paper in Ohio. It is furnished to Subscribers at the following rates: Single Subscription, per year, $1.50, for six months, $1; Clubs of ten, per year, $10; all over ten copies, to one post office, $1; to each getter up of a club one copy extra. TO ADVERTISERS.-We beg leave to call the attention of Advertisers to the rare inducements offered by the Plain Dealer, for giving publicity to their business. It is one of the oldest and most widely known Journals in the west, and has a constantly increasing circulation in almost every State in the Union, and a more general circulation in the Western States than any other paper published out of New York. CLE 244 CLE CLE 245 CLE ROBERT LARNDER, Dealer in Staves, Hoops, Hoop Poles, &c., NEAR TIHE CENTER BLOCK, Koch Jacob, dentist, 219 Superior. KOCH LEVI & MAYER, MANUFAC TURERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ERS IN READY-MNIADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, VESTINGS AND FURNI SHING GOODS, &c., 147 WATER. Koeber Godfry, saloon, 46 Ohio, corner Miami. Koeckert A., boot and shoe maker, 261 St. Clair. Koeleges John, butcher, 97 Seneca. Kohlmaier Adam, merchant tailor, 89 Seneca. Koneman Henry, boot and shoe maker, 288 St. Clair. KONIGSLOW HERMAN, MANUFAC TURER OF SEWING MACHINES AND ALL KINDS SMALL MA CHINERY, 144 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 238.) KRAMER HENRY, SCHOOL BOOKS AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CATHOLIC BOOKS, 29 SUPE RIOR, SECOND STORE ABOVE C. C. AND C. R. R. CROSSING. (See card, p. 253.) KRAMER HENRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISH ING GOODS, 29 SUPERIOR. (See card, p. 252.) Kramer J. G., dealer in ready-made cloth ing, cor. Railroad and Superior. Kraus John, saloon, 176 Ontario. Krause Aug., Fremont Hall, 81 Pittsburg. Krause Barnard, physician and druggist, cor. Ontario and Public Square. Kress Charles, barber, cor. Bank and St. Clair. Krietz Arnold, saloon, River, west side. Kruger L., watch maker and jeweler, 64 Public Square. Kunberger John, carpet weaver, 78 Frank fort. Kunz Phillip, saloon, 835 St. Clair. Kyser & Perry, dealers in groceries, pro visions, flour, feed, &c., 111 Ontario. Laisy Jacob, physician, cor. Wood and Rockwell. Lambech Conrad, lager beer saloon, 110 Water. Lammersmann Dr.,212 St. Clair. Lang Joseph F., saloon, 12 Center. Langerman E., retail grocery, 32 Prospect. Langhorn James, butcher and meat mar ket, cor. Bank and Lake. Langsdorff George, physician and dentist, 219 Superior. Langton John, wig and curl maker, City Hotel, Seneca. Lanton Austin, saloon, 144 ]etroit, west side. Lanze Kas per, lager beer saloon, 107 Seneca. LARNDER ROBERT, D E A L E R IN ST AV ES, HOOPS A N D H OO EP POLES, NEAR CENTRAL BLOCK. (See card, p. 245.) Laschner John, lagee beer saloon, 332 St. Clair. Lashbrook John, saloon, 165 Ontario. LatL Chrop Christain L., boarding house, 27 Rockwell. LATIMER JAMIES, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KIN DS B OXES, TRUNKS, &c., HEWITT'S BLOCK, COR. VINE YARD AND CANAL. (See card, p. 246.) Latimer L. M., merchant tailor, 15 Public Square. Lauderdale Robert, wholesale dealer in Lake fish of every kind, cor. Superior and Merwin. Law Mrs. A., saloon, 16 Kinsman. Lawrence A. G., judge police court, 236 Superior. Lawrence W. G., livery stable, 95 Erie. Lawrence & Noonan, livery stable, rear of Pratt & Brown%e, Water. LAWTEY WILLIAM & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, MONONGAHELA, BOURBON AND RYE WHISKY, 28 MERWIN, COR. JAMES. (See card, p. 247.) Lawton P., dealer in wall paper, window shades, &c., 193 Superior. Lee Christopher, drayman, 127 Hamilton. Lehman Arnold, second hand furniture dealer, 220 Ontario. Leibfarth John, wagon maker and black smith, 280 St. Clair. LEICK GEO., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GINS, WINE S, WHISKY, HAVANA CIGARS, &c., 181 ONTARIO. Leland J. M., musician, No. 27 Hoffinan's Block, Superior, cor. Public Square. See advt. of Knight Bros., inside back cover. CI,E 245 CLE CLEVELAND, OHIO. CLE 246 CLE JAMES ILATIMFRP, Manufacturer of all kinds of BOXESXE~ TR[1kS, &&., IIfewitt's Steam Power Block, Corner Vineyard Street and Canal, CI]EVEIAND, U 01=110. Particular attention given to Jobbing of every description in the Carpentering Business. Leonard Patrick, blacksmith, 17 Light House. Lesh. Simmons & Co., commission mer chant.s, 42 Union. Leslie S., physician and surgeon, 44 Pub lic Square. Lester Samuel F., president City Water ~Works, office City Hall Building. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. B., photographists and ambrotypists, 247 Superior. Lewis Christian, dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, queensware, &c., 143 Detroit, west side. Lewis E. H., councilman, 9th Ward. Lewis G. F., banker arnd dealer in tland war rants, 99 Superior. Lewis Thomas, saloon, corner River and Front. Lewis Tim., grocery, 114 Detroit, west side. Lewis & Easton, dealersin,dry goods, Mar ble Block, 215 Superior. ,,,Leyenderker iss n cigar maker, 76 LIBBEY H. W., INDIAN PIHYSICIAN, 73 ST. CLAIR. (See card, p. 248.) Liebenthal MA., wholesale clothing, cloths, furnishing goods, &c., 137.1- Water. Likey James, boarding house, 207 River, west side. Lindsay Thomas, manufacturer of saddles, harness, trunks, &c., Detroit, opp. Co lumbus Block. Lindsay T. S, freight agent Cleveland and Toledo R. R. Co., cor. Bank and St.. Clair. Line Wm., carpenter and dealer in second hand furniture, 313 St. Clair. LITTLE GEO. H., WHOLESALE GRO CER AND COMMISSION M E R CHANT, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, &c., 38 MER WIN. Little G. H., grocery and provision dealer, 172 Detroit, west side. LITTLE H. H., DEALER IN R EA L ESTATE, MARBLE BLOCK, 211 SU PERIOR. Little Lyman, dealer in real estate, mort gages, bonds, notes, &c., 6 Atwater Building. LLOYD [1. & CO., CLEVELAND CITY BWREVERY, 19 ST. CLAIIR. (See card, p. 227.) Lockwood D., saloon, 165 Seneca. Lockwood S. S., sa,loon, 150 Seneca. LOEB A. & C., WHOLESALE zND RE TAIL DEALERS IN READY MIADE CLO'RTHING AND CLOTIIS, GENTS' FUItNIS1IING GOODS, &c., 200 SU PEIIOR. Loeb Enmanuel, bakery aind grocery, cor. Kinismain and (C'ross. Loug J., dealer in piano fortes, 17 Public Square. Lord Ht. & Co., manufa,ct'rs and dealers in boots and shoes, 248 Superior. Lord & Fellows, manufacturers and deal ers in boots, shoes and gaiters, 224 On tasrio. Lorenz Frank, boot and shoe makter, P Ca n,i,l Basin. Lowe John K., prop' r Ben. Franklin print ing o,iPe, 3ce 197 Superi or. Lowin,,tii & Warden, caririage manufactu res, cor. Vi ney ar d tt.d Long. ILowsie W., dealer in flour and fee(l, 146 Ontario. LUCAS H. G., BREWER AN D AIALSTER, AND iMANUFACTURER, OF PALE AND AMBER ALES, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT, 25, 28, 30 AND 32 CANAL. Lucas V., saloon, 412 St. Clair. Luce E. C., book keeper Cleveland and Toledo R. R. Co., corner Bank and St. Clair. Luce HI. C., treasurer Cleveland and Toledo R. R. Co., cor. Bank and St. Clair. Luck W. W., clerk United States Express Co., 105 Bank. Ludlow S. B., secretary North-western Ins. Co., office Oviatt's Exchange. See advt. of Patent Agency, inside back cover. 'le WMI. LAWT]EY & C 0., Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Monongahela, Bourbon and Rye No. 28 Merwin Street, cor. James, CLEVELAND, OHIO Luetkemeyer Henry W., wholesale and re- McMahon Miss Sarah E., umbrella and tail dealer in foreigni and domestic parasol factory, 3 Champlain. hardware, 150 Superior. MIcNalley Peter, grocery, 24 River. Lyman John, manufacturer and wholesale McNanna Samuel, retail grocery and pro and r etail dealer in tobacco, snuff atnd vision dealer, 428 St. Clair. cigars, 32 Merwin. McNeil V., saloon, 154 River. Lyon L. L., ship chandler, grocer and McNelley Peter, dealer in fancy goods, 20 baker, 83 and 85 River, 76 Dock. Dock. L,yon Richard T., commission merchant McReynolds Wm,, dealer in flour, feed and and forwarder, agency for the sale of baled hay, 62 Hill. New York State salt and Oswego wa- Mabb Wmn. J., fruit and candy store, 114 ter lime, Merwin. Bank. Lyon & Whitelaw, saddle, harness and IMack John G., wholesale anLd retail dealer trunk makers, 123 Seneca. hats, caps, furs, Buffalo robes, &c., 156 MIcArdle John, retail grocery, 395 St. Clair. Superior. Mc(Cart Matthew, retail grooery, 321 St. Mackenzie Colin, physician, 3 Euclid. Clair. Mackenzie Colin S., wholesale arnd retail McCarty Barney, boarding house. 48 River. dealer in drugs and mniedicines, 126 McClelland & Co., globe foundry and mnia- Superior. chine works, cor. Elm and Spruce, MAIN C. E., PROP'R JOIhNSON hIOUSE, west side. 131 SUPERIOR. (See card p.249.) McCullough J. N., president Cleveland and Majo Monta, hair dressing and shaving Pittsburg R. R. Co., cor. St. Clair and saloon, cor. Seneca and Superior. Water. Mallin Wm., grocery, 12 Pittsburg. MlcGARRY TIOMIAS J., MANUFACTU- MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., RER OF ALL KINDS STEAM BOI- S. S. COE, AGENT, 1 SUPERIOR, LERS, 25) AND 27 CENTER. OVIATT'S EXCHANGE. (See card, MAcGuire Paul, saloon and diiiing hall, 171 p. 225.) Onta,iio. Mann Sickmon manufacturer and wholeMlcGuire Patrick, boot and shloe make, 131 sale dealer in ready made clothing, Seneca. and gents' furnishing goods, &c., 162 M.cGuire P. F., boot and shoe maker, 17 Superior. Ontario. Manning & Reite, manufacturers of steam AMcllenry Michael, grocery, No. 273 West engines and machinery of all kinds, River, cor. Elm. Hewitt's Block, West. MIcKee P. M., mariufacturer tin, copper Many John, auditor C. C. & C. R. R. Co., and sheet iron ware, 104 east side Pub- nor. Water and St. Clair. lic Square. Marchand J., dealer in French millinery McKinstry Thomlais, deputy marsh-al, John, and fancy goods, 127 Superior. near Wateri Marquitt Miss M. G., dress maker, 63 OnMIcKintry John, retail grocery and pro- tario. visions, 58 Bank. MARRIOTT WM. & CO., CLEVELAND MeKnight John, grocery. 78 Center, west LARD MANUFACTORY,60CENTER. side. (See card, p. 251.) McMahon Martin, dry goods and grocery, Marshall, Gabriel & Co., carriage makers 126 Detroit, west side. and horse shoeing, 46 Champlain. See advt. of Metallic Burial Caskets, in index. CLE 247 CLE GLE 248 CLE Dr. H:. W. LIBBEY. THE MOST CELEBRATED INDIAN PHYSICI -Y E T KNO W N, No. 73 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. He gives the afflicted a full description of their cases, without asking any questions, taking upon himself the pains and bad feelings as they exhibit themselves on the one he examines even though they be a thousand miles off-having their names and place of residence is sufficient. The charge for all examinations will be twentyfive cents a piece, or eight postage stamps. He makes and puts up fifty-seven different Scientific Indian Remedies, for all diseases the human family are heir to. Those wishing a list of diseases cured by him, with a statement of his various remedies, also, reference to cases cured, should see his Indian Hygienian, published at his Indian Hygienic Institute and Infirmary. Poor people treated gratuitously, but others taking medicines, hlie expects will pay for it on delivery. All orders directed to Dr. H. W. Libbey, Cleveland, Ohio, will be filled imimediately, if the amount for the medicine accompany the order. Mail and express charges extra. No letters of inquiry noticed, unless a stamp be enclosed. Marshall Geo. F., saddle, harness and trunk manufacturer and dealer, 114 Superior. Marshall H. C., general ticket agent, C., C. and C. R. R. Co., cor. Water and St. Clair. Marshall I. H., councilman, Fourth Ward. Marsielles Frederick W., physician, 181 Ontario. MART J. M., PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, JOBING DONE WITH DIS PATH, 7 PUBLIC SQUARE, NORTHI SIDE. Martin B. & Co., manufacturers of agri cultural implements, cor. Vineyard and West. Martine H., dealer in groceries and pro visions, cor. High and Ontario. Marvin W.' L., dealer in stoves, tin, cop per and sheet iron. 42 south side Pub lic Square. Marx B., boarding house, 56 St. Clair. Marx F., retail grocery, cor. Ontario and St. Clair. Mason Charles, butcher, 14 City Market. Massar John, boarding house, 139 Howe. Masters Edgar, blacksmith, 139 River, west side. Masters I. U., president city council, City Hall. M.Iasury, Dole & Co., wholesale dealers in boots, shoes and rubbers, 110 Bank. Masury Joseph, treasurer Metalic Shield Co., 110 Bank. MATHER SAM'L L., PRESIDENT AND TREASURER, CLEVELAND BOIL ER PLATE COMPANY, OFFICE OVIATT'S BLOCK. Mather S. H., secretary and treasurer of society for savings, 23 Bank. Matherson Mrs. Drusilla, grocery. 241 West River. Mathews H. & Co., livery and sale stable, 127 Champlain. Mathews Samuel, physician, 40 Public Square. Mathivet P., dealer in watches, jewelry and silver ware, 137 Superior. Matson J. S., news dealer, 264 Superior. Mayer Mrs. B., dress maker, 275St. Clair. Mayer Jacob, watch maker and jeweler, 153 Water. Maynard Alleyne, physician, 3 Euc lid. Meares Mrs. L. F., millinery and fancy goods, 2-56 Superior. Mecklish Henry, retail grocery and pro visions, 171 Detroit, west side. MAelhinch Wm., produce, commission mer chant and wholesale dealer in flour, grain, pork, lard, hams, &c., 64 and 66 Merwin. Melshimer A. W., boarding house, 100 Eu clid. Mendzell Edward, tailor, 177 Seneca. Merchant Aaron, county surveyor. MERCIIANT'S BANK, Thos. S. Kelley, president, cor. Superior and Bank, capital $125,000. Merchant's and Manufacturer's Insurance Company of Cincinnati, capital $150, 000, office in Oviatt's exchange. Merkel Mathew, boarding house, Washiing ton House, 38 River. Meriam J. B., cashier City Bank, 115 Su perior. Merrell E. H., bookseller and stationer, 15 Prospect. Messenger A. C., physician and surgeon, 119 Detroit, west side. Messner Frank, saloon, 172 Ontario. MEYER GEORGE, SALOON A N D BOARDING HOUSE PROP'R, 130 RIVER. Meyers Wm. & Louis, physicians and sur geons, 208 Ontario. Michie Alex., bakery and grocery, 63 Kinsman. Miller Chas., boot and shoemaker, 197 Super ior. Miller Mrs. Eliza, boarding house, 60 Olt. Clair. See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. CLE 248 CLE GLE 249 CLE m!L im - - ii a I def as., 311 m!L| 1 | it Proprietor. I | 1 lX No. 131 SLiperior Street, 0-ntftsl Moore H., auction and commission mer chant, cor. Ontario and Michigan. Moore J. G., surgeon dentist, 235 Superior. Moore's patent sewing machine, H. Stick ney, agent, corner Ontario and Mich igan. Morgan Capt. William, marine inspector and surveyor, N. W. Ins. Co.'s office, Oviatt's exchange. Morgan & Root, dealers in dry goods, millinery, yankee notions, groceries, &c., 12, 14 and 16,Seneca. Morley Mrs. W., boarding house, 37 High. Morely & Judson, manufacturers of Cleveland sewing machines, 6 Vine yard. MORRIS F. H., MERCHANT TAILOR AND DEALER IN GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, 6 PU B LI C SQUARE, UNDER BENNET HOUSE. Morrison F. B. & Co., produce and com mission merchants, 44 Union. Morse A. P., dentist, 119 Detroit, Colum bus block, west side. MORSE CHAS. T., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, PIPES, AND LEAF TOBACCO, 138 SUPE RIOR. Moser E., boot and shoe maker, 78 Water. Moses Marx, cigars, tobacco, and dealer in leaf tobacco, 202 Ontario. Mossman Mrs. Sarah, boarding luse, 11 Howe. Mould & Numsen, manufacturers of can dies, confectioneries, and wholesale and retail dealers in fruits, nuts, &c., 122 Su p erior. Mountain Joseph, tailor, 127 Seneca. Mountcastle M. W., hatter, 16 Prospect. Miller I. H., dealer in flour, feed, grain, &c., 171 Detroit, west side. MILLER JACOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 13 ATWATER'S BUILDING. MILLER LOUIS, MEAT MARKET, COR. ST. CLAIR AND MUIRSON. Miller Miss M., dress maker, 61 Rockwell. Miller Madison, justice of the peace, 88 Superior. Miller S. L., sail maker, 125 River. Milletstadt Edward, tinner, 98 Pittsburg. Mitchell J. L., dealer in uncurrent money, Weddell House. MIX & MORRIS, STORAGE AND SHIP PING MERCHANTS, RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION AGENTS, FOOT OF RIVER AND FRONT. Moaln Patrick, grocer ies and provisions, 204 Superior. Moeder D., m ercha nt tailor and dealer in gents' furnishing goods, 150 River. MOELLER JUSTUS H., MANUFACTUR ER OF MOLDINGS, AND SCROLL WORK AND PIANO AND MELO DEON LEGS, &c., COR. VINEYARD AND WEST. (See card p. 241.) Moen Owen, wines and liquors, 113 Detroit, west side. Mollen Christopher, auction and commis sion store, 194 Superior. Molter George, saloon and boardinghouse, 21 Frankfort. Monroe Nelson, wholesale grocer, wines, liquors, fish oil, salt, &c., River. Mooney Mrs. B., boarding house, 218 St. Clair. Mooney Michael, merchant tailor, 13 Pub lic Square. Moor & Ranson, whisky retifiers and retail groceries, 378 St. Clair. See advt. of II. Marshall & Co., in index. ! 1, i I i. i I I I .... i,,".",1,11,,,,. CLE CLE 249 I I I m 9 m m m N Liii m' I I i I m ]lml_ N a i2 o 1-1 ii I 9 a U) U)~I t~~~I- i m I CLEVELAND SAW MIANUFATOITY, Centre Street, near Centre Block, C L E V EI A LN D O HIO. Every description of Saws, Circular, Mill, Pitt anl Cross-Cuit, on hand or made to order. All kinds of Saws re-toothed, straightened, set and shalcrined. Haindes put to cross-cut and hand saws, and new saws fitted for use. All orders addressed to WILLIAM MAAIRRIOTT & CO., Will receive prompt attention. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of Circular and Web Saws, for cutting iron, brass, shell, bone, ivory, &c. Melodeon Springs, Springs for Machinery, Intdia-Rubber and Cork Cutters, Knives for Mlowing and Reaping Mlachines. All the above work done in the best manner by workmen of experience and ability. Munson Edward A., publisher of Daily and Weekly Nationzal Democrat, 144 Superior. iMuiphey James, St. Nicholas Billiard Sa loon, 112 Bank. Murphey John, bllacksmiithl, 183 Detroit, west side. Murphy Mirs. James, millinery, 87 Seneca.. Merphy Patrick, grocery. 70 Frankfort. MURRAY & STEWART, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, FI,OUR, FISHS, WATER LIME, PLASTER, &c., 68 RIVER. Mlyers F. R., general ticket agent Cleve land and Pittsburg R. R. Co., corner Water and St. Clair. iMyers G. D, stencil cutter, 233 Superior. Mlyers R. P., manufacturei of stoves and hollow ware, and dealers in tin plate and sheet iron, cor. River and (Light House) Mlain. Myers, Uhl & Co., dealers in foreign and American marble, 179 Superior. Mygatte George, cashier Merchant's Bank of Clevela nd, coar. Superior'ind Bank. Mynch & Co., prop'rs The Ladies'Bpoudoir, issued ev ery Wednesday, 184 Superior. Mystic Coal Oil Company, E. B. Brown, agent, 109 Bank. .atio?2al Democrat, daily and weekly Ed ward A. Munson, publisher, 144 Su perior-. Neef John K., lager beer saloon'red board ing house, (;5 Pittsburg. Neff& Brother, house and sign painters and paper hanging, 433 Superior. Neil James, wig maker, 2 Pittsburg. Nelson & Brother, dealers in groceries and provisions, 177 Detroit,, west side. New N., grocery and provisions, 59 St. Clair. Newcomb S., dealer in groceries, flour', feed, &c., 165 and 167 Kinsman. Newcombe C. D., clerk Johnson Ilouse, 131 Superior. Newell N. W., livery and sale stal)le, 109 Champlain. New England iHotel, Coates & Bramley, prop'rs, cor. Johnson an.iid Water. New London I-ouse, John lies, prop'r, Champlain, bet. Seneca and Ontario. Newman & Co., boiler manufacturers, cor. Main and Elm, west side. Newmarke S., hides and wool, 138 Onta rio. Newton John T., attorney at law, - Un ion. Nicola & Stephan, general agency office, 145 Water. Niel Mrs. James, fancy goods, 2 Pittsburg. Noble Wm. C., provision dealer, 130 On tario. Nolan Lawrence, grocery, 102 Detroit, west side. Nolan Patrick, tailor, 45 Oregon. Nortonii Richard H., meat market, 145 and 147 Ontario. Noyes Abijah M., wire weaver and manu Afacturer of all kinds of wire cloths, screens, &c., 25 Vineyard. NOYES & BROTHER, MANUFACTUR ERS OF JAPANNED AND PLAIN TIN WARE FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE, TIN PLATE, WIRE VEL LAML WARE, &C., 64 AND 66 BANK. North-Western Ins. Co., office Oviatt's Ex change, capital $150,000. NOTTINGHAM H., SUPERINTENDENT CLEVELAND AND ERIE R. R. CO., COR. WATER AND ST. CLAIR. Nusbaum Isaac, tailor, 116 Bank. Nusbaum Moses, ready made clothing, 40 Superior. NUSBAUM MOSES, CLOTHIN AND GENTS FURNIShIING GOODS, 208 SUPERIOR. O'Brien P., dealer in groceries, provisions, wood and willow ware, 257 Superior. Ochsner J. & M., dealers in readymade clothing: 37 Superior. O'Conner C., saloon, 158 Seneca. See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cov er. CLE 251 CLE CLE 252 CLE I. ~ Wholesale and Retail Dealer ink GENTS':FU-RNISHING GOODS, Ca., 29 Superior St., second store above the crossing of C., C. & C. R. R. Clothing made to order on short notice and in the best syle. CLEVELAND, O. Odell James H., brass foundry and finish ing, 35 Union. Odell Jay, deputy county recorder, new Court House. O'Donall Patrick, groceries and boarding house, 44 Vineyard. O'Donnell Patrick, saloon, on Canal Ba sin. Ohio Farmer, weekly, Thos. Brown, editor and publisher, Lyman's Building Pub lie Square. Oliver J. C., groceries and provisions, 228 Erie. O'Mella James, prop'r New York House, 32 Light House. O'Neil Mrs. C., boarding house, 26 Rock well. O'NEILL JOHN & SON, DEALERS IN SHIP CHANDLERY AND GROCER IES, 115 RIVER. Orsenfelder Benedict, boot and shoe ma ker, 347 St. Clair. ORTH H. R., BAKERY AND GROCERY, 6 AND 8 FRANKFORT. O'Sullivan P., retail, 70 Water. Otis & Brownell, produce and commission merchants, steam elevators and flour house, - River. Otis & Coffinberry, attorneys at law, 243 Superior. Otis & Lewis, rolling mills, foot of Center, west side. Outhwaite & Blackwell, manufacturers of lard oil, tallow oil, soap, &c., 17 and 19 CSt. Clair. Oviatt O. M., councilman, 2nd Ward. Packard John, county recorder and notary public, office new Court House. Paddock T. S., dealer in hats, caps, furs, trunks, &c., 221 Superior. Page Samuel D., local editor of Cleveland Horning Leader, 144 Superior. Paine & Wade, attorneys at law, Weddell House Block, Superior. PALMER C. M., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 10 PERKINS BUILDING, PUBLIC SQUARE. Palmer Charles W., prosecuting attorney police court, Johnson, near Water. Palmer E. A., druggist, cor. Erie and Pros pect. Palmer Henry B., intelligence and loan office, cor. Bank and Superior. Palmer J. D., councilman, 8th Ward. Palmer John H., collecting agent, 24 Ches nut. Palmer Mrs. Mary, music teacher, 24 Ches nut. PARISH & KNIGHT, MANUFACTUR ERS OF COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, AND DEALERS IN STOVES, FURNACES, &c., 14 SU PERIOR. PARKER DR. M. C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, BO TANIC AND ECLECTIC ME D I CINES, STORE AND OFFICE 50 SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQR., RES. 221 PITTSBURG. PARKIN JOHN & CO., CLEVELAND FILE WORKS, FILES AND RASPS RE-CUT, 23 COLUMBUS. Parks E. N., agent Valentine's Freight Line Express, River. Parks Robert, collector of customs, Gov ernment Buildings. Parks Warum, Indian physician, 14 Pros pect. Parrie Samuel S., manufacturer and whole sale dealer in coal oil and lamps, 142 Superior. Parsons Mrs. Elizabeth, ambrotype and photograph gallery, 194 Superior. Parsons Francis W., attorney at law, 192 PARSONS JOHN U., general ticket ag't Cleveland and Toledo R. R. Co., office cor. St. Clair and Bank. Paton & Smith, soap and candle manufac turers, Leonard. Patterson George, cooper, and tub and cis tern maker. St. Clair, below Water. Pearse H. E., clerk American Express Co., 97 Bank. Pelton Brewster, coal oil and lamp depot, 189 Ontario. Pelton Frederick W., grocer, ship chand ler, and dealer in boat stores, provis ions, vegetables, &c., cor. Division. Pelton & Breed, forwarding and commis sion m erc hants, cor. Merwin and Di vision.. Pelton & Breed, prop'rs of Northern Trans portation Line Ohio Canal, cor. Mer win and Division. See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. CLE 252 CLE CLE 23 CLE HENRY KRAMER, 29 Superior St., up stairs, second store above C. C. & C.R. ER. Crossing, CLEVEL AND, OHIO_ Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of School Books; also, a general assortment of Catholic Books, such as Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, and all kinds of Books of Controversy; also, Rosaries aind Crucifixes, all of which will be sold either at wholesale or retail. Pendleton J. C., brush factory, 87 Cham plain. Penny Francis, druggist, 128 Pittsburg. PERCIVAL H. F. & CO., MOROCCO MAN UFACTURERS AND TANNERS OF SHEEP SKINS, &c., 19 LEONARD AND 42 MERWIN. Perkins Joseph, 17 Public Square. Perry A. M. & Co., whclesale dealers in flour 116 Superior. Phillips Miss Jane, tailoress, 127 Seneca. Philpot John T., attorney at law, 126 Su perior. Phypers & Stokes, tailors, 1141- Bank. Pickersgill Wm., saloon, 179 Seneca. Pierce LI. A., general agent Michigan Cen tral Railroad Line, River, Detroit Steamboat Landing. Pillsbury I. N., civil engineer, surveyor and notary public, 6 Johnson's Block, Bank. PIPER ANDREW J., ARCHITECT, CAR PENTER AND BUILDER, REAR OF 71 ROCKWELL. Pitkins L. M., meat market, 112 Prospect. PLAIN DEALER, J. W. GRAY, PUB LISHER, COR. SUPERIOR AND VINEYARD. (See card, p. 244.) Platt James, pres. North-Western Ins. Co., office Oviatt's Exchange. Pollock & Finch, dentists, 13 Itoffman's Block, Superior. Polyblank Wm., manufacturer of tin and japanned ware, stove pipe, &c., 201 Ontario. Pomroy S. T., piano and melodeon depot, 13 Public Square. Pool Joseph, attorney at law, 124 Supe rior. PORTER S. C., BUILDERS' AGENCY ARCHITECT, 7 PERKINS' BUILD ING, PUB. SQUARE. Porter W., justice of peace, 133 Detroit, west side. Potter Ihenry, boot and shoe maker and dealer, 187 Detroit, west side. Potts R. C., restaurant, 75 Pittsburg. Potts Mrs. S. Al., dress maker, 22 Pros pect. Powell A., manufacturer of edge tools, white plaster, common and extra, junction of Detroit and River, west side. Powell Henry H., dealer in groceries and provisions, 134 Ontario. Powers A. S., merchant tailor, 112 Supe rior. Powers MI., manufacturer, importer and dealer in rifles, shot and guns, 41 Union. Pratt D. U., dealer in furniture and up holstery, 117 Water. Preckel John, blacksmith and wagon ma ker, 390 St. Clair. Prentice W. H. & N. B., physicians and surgeons, 69 Pearl, west side. Prentiss Loren, attorney at law, Superior. Prentiss Perry, attorney at law, Superior. Prentiss S. B. & F. J., attorneys at law, 115 Superior. Prescotts & Chase, straw goods, millinery, hats, caps, &c., 1438 Water. Presly & Eaton, ship carpenters, River, west side. PRICE, HUNTINGTON & CO., WHOLE, SALE DEALERS IN SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIM MINGS, &c., 88 SUPERIOR. Price & Morris, dealers Brier Hill, Mine ral Ridge and Chippewa coal, John Vson's Marine Block, foot of River. Prior, Harbick & Co., manufacturers and dealers in hand and signal lanterns, locomotive head lights, copper, tin and sheet iron work, tin roofing, &c., 95 Bank. Probert Wm., meat market, 65 Ontario. Proudfoot D., house and sign painter and paper hanger, 188 St. Clair. Proudfoot James, house, sign and orna mental painter, 159 Kinsman. Proudfoot John, house and sign painter and paper hanger, 55 and 57 Rock well. Protection Hose Company, cor. Williams and Fountain Allies. PUGH RICHARD J., JEWELER AND WATCtt MAKER, 10 WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, UNDER BEN NETT HOUSE. Pullen & Hall, steam flouring mill, 265 Merwin. Pulling & Howe, National Mills, extra and superfine flour, 95 Bank. Puls John, cabinet maker and undertaker, 154 and 156 Detroit, west side. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CLE 253 CLE CLE 954 CLE JOSEPH STAFFORD. Manufacturer of Canal Street, Foot of Eagle Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WHITE A]iD YELLOW GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP. PIurcival John F., planing and saw mills, Elm, west, side. Purdy James, horse and cattle doctor, cor. Miami and Wa,lworth. Purdy & MAcNeil, lumber merchants, 277 Merwin. Putnam & Gilbert, soda and mineral .wvatter manufactory, 60 Mlichigan. Quayle Mrs. Mary Ann, boarding house, 86 Mlichig,an. Quayle Robert, horse shoeing and carriage srnith, cor. Seneca and Michigan. Quayle Thomas, coluncilman, 1st Ward. QUINLAN T IJOMlAS J., WHtOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DEALER IN PERI-. ODICALS, MAGAZINES, SONGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., 175 ON TAKRlO. Quinn A., Forest City Mlills, dealer in flour, Oviatt's Exchlane, River. Quinn John, Eagle Brewery, 32 Mlichi,gan. Quittenbaum, physician aind surgeon, 62 Public Square. Rabatzky F. J., saloon, 10 Union Lane. Radelift Alexander, stucco worker, Sco field. Ifadder Charles, saloon, 98 Itlaniltoin. Radenniacl-ier & Meulendyk, flour and feedc store, 105 Seneca. Raebel Mrs. A., embroidery andd stamiping emporium, 97 St. Clair. Raebel IHermar, Russian Steani Baths, 95 St. Clair. Ragan John, boarding house, 100 River. Rainbow Coffee arnd Lunch Roomns, Mrs. Isabella Bate, 111 W',lt,er-. RANDERSON JOSEPII, IllEAT MAR KE'UT A ND BUTCHER, 165 DETROIT, WEST SIDE. Rariney H. S., chemist and druggist, 13.5 Detrioit, west side. Ranney II. & Co., manufactur ers and dealers in boots and shoes. 168 Detroit, west side. Ra,nney S., mianufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, &c., 207 Superior. Ranney, Blackus & Nloble, attorneys at law, 150 Superior. Ranney J., boot arild shoe maker and deale r, 140 Ontario. RANSOM, COBB & CO., MANUFAC TURERS AN D DEALERS 1N PLANED LUMBER, W I N D O W SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, \IOULI,D INGS, &c., COR. COLUMABUS AND CENTER. Rappalie John, carriage maker, 52 Micli gan. Rauseher John, saloon, 174 Ontario. Rawson Levi, forw-arding antd comminiission mnerchant, Oviatt's Exchange, on Dock. Raymond S. & Co., wholesale dry goods, oil clothls, calpets, &c., 185 Superior. Raynolds llenry K., wholesale aitid ret iil dealer in har dwre, iron, steel, llils, mechanics' tools, &c., 96 Superior. Read C. A. & Co., 1)n'mkers, 9)5 Superior. Ream S.. P., artist, 36 lloffman's Bllock, Super ior,I. Reding A. I., merchant tailor, 33 Pro spect. Redding J. A., agent LIke Navigition Co., MAlaini St.eet Brii(ige, west side. Reily Miss ary, platin sewing and drcess making. 8S Blod. Reimes Jolaki, (3 Pittsburg. lleis S., Cigar mIaiikeir, 124 Pittsbtur-g. Rerlmington John G., saloon, 116 Watter. RETTBEIRG & IIAUSMIANN, llIPORT ERS tItOSIERY, EMIBROIDERIES, DRIESS TRIMl l I N G S, FANtCY GOODS, T()YS$ YAsNK,E piNOTIONl(S, &c., 1 52 SUBCE IOl tL R. Re uter Frederick, sloo ad butcher, 14 Center-. Reziier W. B., coIieihnafn, 5thI WVarId. 1Reznet Dr. NV. B. & Br:other, dealers in drugs andR chlicna ils, plants, oil c., l319 St. lI at. ir Rhodes Chlar-tiles I,., vice-piresiden-it a.n(] sui perintiendenit Cleveland anild'INaho ning R. lR. (,o., at Depot,. Rlhodes Willia,mn, groceries, 1 Eagle. Rhlbes & (Ca,td, coal:~nd pig iI'otl dealers, 127 Riv'er-, w(cst side. Rice & Bl uett, clhina,, glass and queens wa're, 103 SuIperior. RichardIs Ja,tmes, sa,loon, 191 Ontirio. Richlatds Wti. NV., (couinty comminiissioner. lticlt.rdson NM., ii,-,.iiufa-icturer and dAeatler in cigars and le.af tobacco, 19.)7 Stipe rior-. Richmond George, commission and for wariding, 70 letwini. Rider- L. J., a.ttor ney.-It,law, 236 Superior. See advt. of John C. Schooley & Co., Ice Chests, &c., p 1638. CLE 254 CLE I I Rider M. L., inspectorof wines and liquors, 101 and 105 River. Riglander W., grocery and provision deal er, cor. Bond and St. Clair. Ritter Louis, attorney at law, 13 Atwater Building. Roberts Eugene, silk anid woolen dyer, 265 Pittsburg. Roberts & McGarvey, plumbers and gas fit ting, 12 Prospect. Robinson B. F., dentist,'50 Wood. Robinson & Oviatt, pork and beef packers, 40 and 42 River. Robison Chlirles H., wholesale and retail dealer in ready nmade clothing and genits' futinishing goods, 1,2 Superior. Robison Mis. I. A. millinery, 121 Supe r,ior. Rockwell E., secretary and treasurer Cleve land and Pittsburg R. R. Co., cor. Waiter and St. Cla.ir. Rodmian T. S., physician, Co-. Erie and Prospect. Roeder Philip, physician and surgeon, of fice 51 lF'i-arakt'lot. Roerrier If. & H., ilmerci-chant tailors and clotlhiers, 151 Water. R,-OGERS BROTHERS, ENGINEEllS AND MAC(II1NISTS, MANUFACURI,RS OF RIOGERS' IMPPOVED $25 SEW ING MIACIIINES, 244 SUPERTIOR. Rogers N., boot aid shoe misaker, 197 St pelior.I'. Rohlirheimer Jacob, mnianufacturera(nd deal er in cigars and tobacco, 144 Cha,m plain. u Roniley alark,,rocery'and provisions, 150 Lake. Roof Frederic, saloon, Coluimbus. Root' Jolhn P., saloon, 22 Frankfort. Root, Whitelaw &, Co., commission mer ch-iants aind dealers in lea,the,, bides, slioe findings, &c., 7 Water, DLvis' Block. Rorabtick Ars. L. S., dress maker, 63 On tarlio. Rose Ed(waryd, provisions, 194 Ontario. Rose W. E., dealer in groceries and pro'visions, 154 Ontario. Rose & B13rother, pork holuse, 142 aind 144 Ontario. Ross George C., buitclher, 129 Ontar11io. ROSS J. 1., PROP'lt WEDDELL HOUSE, CORNER SUPERIOR AND BANK. (See card, p. 250.) Ross T., clerk,V eddell Etouse, cot. Supe rior and Bannk. R otlhrean~rl Edward, groceries and provis ions, 46 M ewin. Rouse Geolge, Polter House, 117 7ank. ROUSL & JENNINGS, REAL ESTATE AN;D INSURAANICE AGEA1NTS, MAiR y BiTE BLOCK, 211 SUPERIOR. Rowell T., house and sign painter, 125 oo Seneca. Rozen tltenry J., dealer in ready made clot.hing, Wfiliams' Block, Dock Rucker L. D., superinuenent Cleveland aand Toledo R. R. Co., cor. Bank and St. Clair. Rudd Clairles, window blind manufacturer, 330 Kinsman. Rutffini E., nimanufacturer and dealer in hatts, caps and fStCancy furs, 175 Supe r-ior. Russell (. LI,.an, land agent,aso cotncila 8t.h Wa,rd, 133 Detroit, west, side. Russell George, saloon, 98 River. Russell George H., secretary C. C. & C. IR.. R. Co., cor. Water and St,. Clair. Ry.,an Jolhn, butcher, 15 City M\1arket. RYDER J. F., PflOTOGI RAPIR SlST'n, 171 SUPERIOIR, COR. BANK. Ryder J. H., plotogrgphist, 171 Supeiioi, cor. 13,ank. SABIN Wil. & CO., LLIANUFA(ETUI ESS AND WHO LESAL E AND RE.FTAIL DEALERS IN LUMAlBE1R, LATlF AN]) SHINGLES, 133 MERWIN. S,abini William, councilman, 9t h Wanriid. Slocket Alexander, commission merchanl.t and gener-dal agent, Oviatt's Pxcha,1ge. ,Sackmnannr &leny, rlocksmlith, Senreca, near St. Clair. Sackiider E. W., druggist, 22o Superio s. St. CLAIR 1HOTEL, MILLIAAM (IESEl, P()P'R, CORT. ST. CLAIR A ND WP A Saill George, boarChing hotse, 11 St. ClSair. SamOHel H P OiA., frui t s tand aMId saloon, 60 Supe- i or.. Sanders J. (., pr ofesso l of ()2stetrics andl d iseas es of wuomen anid children, Wes t ern 1-tonieopathic College. SANFORD D. &, SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LUI1BFR,E LAT'I'IS. StINGLES ANI) P()S'S, 160 5IERW] N. Sanford ( Haywa rd, litliogra,,pl-hers, booh binders, bla.nk book in anufaeictuirers, &c., 113 S uperior. Saipp I,. AV., homm)opathic physician, 243 Superiori. SARG1EANT J. W., MANUFAC('URERl AND D)EAL:fER IN LOOKIN(G GLASS ES, P'ORTRA,IT AND PIC TURE FRAM,N-ES, 213 SUPERIOR,, MAlRBLE BLOCK. (See card, p. 243.) Sargent Snmuel ll., physici.an, co1. Suipe rior a. nd Public SquaLre. Sanller Henry, manlufacturer of saddles har,ness, coliars, &c., 267 St,. Cli. Sauerteig J., manufItcturer of so.Ip, can dles, &c., cot. CanIIa;l and H-ailrrison. Savage & Co.. dealers in groceries and pro visions, 270 Super ior. Schalfer H1., lager beer saloon, 18 Maxrshall; cor. Hamilton. Scheihoritz S., grocery, 122 Pittsburg. See adv't of Lookiug Glasses, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 265 CLE CLE 4 ,-r CLE 26 ULE Scherver & Emrich, butchers, 9 City Mar ket. Scherwitz F., butcher, 260 St. Clair. Scheuner F., blacksmith, 360 St. Clair. Schmidt MA., boot and shoe maker and deal er, 6 Pittsburg. Schmidt Nicholas, hair dressing and slia ving saloon, New England Hotel. Schneider Geo., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., 3 Pearl, west side. Schneider J. A. & H., iron railing, doors, and shutters manufactured, 285 St. Clair. Schnider Chas., boarding house, 79 Mlicb igaIn. Scltknider John, boarding house, No. 5 St. Clair. Schoonmlaker Mrs. Anna, dress maker, 84 Bond. Schrink John, confectioner, and dealer in fruits, cigars, &c., 247 Superior. Schroder Jacob, police clerk, Johnson, near Water-. SCHIULTZ, CABINET AND FURNI TURE MAKER, 69 ONTARIO. Schutthelmn John, Yankee notions and la ger beer saloon, 36 Erie. Schwab A., ready made clothing, 254 Su perior. Schwab S., grocery, 108 Pittsburg. Schwarc Chrllistian, meat market, 294 Erie. Schwartz George, boot and shoe maker, 44 High. Schwerdt C., artist, 205 Superior. Schwerzuburg Jalcob, silver plater and bell hanlgiing, 1,56) Seneca. Schlwind Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house and saloon, 88 Columbus. SCOFIELD W. C., MANUFACTURER OF SALERATUS, (CANDLES, &c., AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN PEARL ASH, REAR OF 106 ST. CLAIR, NEAR THE ANGIER IIOUSE. SCOTT MI. B., pres. Com. Mutual Ins. Co., office Oviatt's Exchange, foot of Su perior. SCOTT M. B., STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN PRODUCE, SALT, FISH AND WATER LIME, RIVER. Scov,ll Fianik, saloon, 148 Seneca. Serum Joseph, boarding house keeper, 48 Seneca. SEABORN & KEMIPY, WOOD TURNING, SAWING AND) PLANING MILL, 58 CENTER. Seaman H., ag't, merchant tailor, fine clotheing, &c., 131 Bank. Seaman &- Smith, manufacturers anti wholesale dealers in boots, shoes and leather, 174 Superior. Searle John, dlealer in dry goods, 98 Sen eca. Sedden James, boarding house, 6 Kins Selberg Frederick, groceries, cor. Colum bus and River, west side. Seniter George co n ayor of the city, office City Htall. Severance James H., saloon, cort. Erie Ilnd Lake. Sewing Ma chine Co., Joh n Sommer, pres., 91 Bank. SEXTON D. B., COcrIISSION MS ER CHANT, AND DEALER IN WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS, 103 BANK. Seymour Belden, real estate and insurance agent, conveyancer and notary pub lic, 97 Superior. Seymour James O., clerk at Angier Itouse. Cor. Bank and St. Clai r. Shadbolt I., c ity hay weighter, cori. Ohio and Hill. Shaftner Mrs. L., groceries, 50 Superior. Shanks Wm., saloon, 84 Water. Shahw Mrs. A. L., m illine r, 236 Superior. Sheldon E., cashier and paymaster Cleve land and Toledo R. R. Co., cor. B~ank and St. Clair. Sheldon Drs. S. E. & B., physicians,n(l surgeon s, 127 DOtroit, west side. Sheldon W. B., livery stable, 55 St. Clair. SHELDON & FRENCH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PINE AND DOMESTIC LUNIBER, LATH, SHINGLES AND TIMBER, 1 7S MERWIN. Shelley John, mderchant tailor, 125o Supe rior. Shepard D. A. & Co., manu facturer s ande dealer s in fur niture, chairs, window sash cnd blinds, 131 WOater. Sherman & Withubus, Lake Champlain iron ores, 164 River, west side. Sherwin A. W., groceries, 130 Ontario. Sherwin N. B., attorney at law, 180 Supe rior. Sherwilee Wm. K., attorney at law, 3 Per kins Building, Public Square. SHERWOOD & OAKLEY, WttOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY, 242 SU PEnRIOR. Sholes T. G-., dealer in boots andI shoes, 234 Superior. Shupe Walter H., publisher and editor of Cleveland'Daily Review and Western Gleaner, 184 Superior. Sibley Hiram, pres. Union Telegraph Co., cor. St. Clair and Bank. Singer Joseph, supt. and engineer city W,a ter works, office City Hall Building. SISSON GEORGE, PROP'R MIETROPOL ITAN BILLIARD SALOON A N I) RESTAURANT, PUBLIC SQUARE. OPP. NEW COURT HOUSE. SISSON & ttUNTER, METROPOLITAN BILLIARD SALOO)N AND RESTAU RANT,'23 PUBLIC SQUA RE, NEAR NEW COURT HOUSE. See adv. S. G. Burnett & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CLE 256 CLE man. CLE 957 CLEF Spangler M. M., Malt House, Canal, near the weigh lock. Spear J., dealer in seconld lnd furniture, 79 Pittsburg. SPEED GEORGE, SALOON, 124 BANK. Spencer T. P., manufacturer of soap and candles, Canalt foot Ohio. SPENCER & MELtEN, MANUFACTUR ERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHIOES, 140 WA T'ER. Spracker & Cassett, saloon, Davis' block. Sprague George, agent, grocer and com mission merchant, dealer in pork, fish, flour, &c., Oviatt's Exchange, f6ot Superior. Staats Mrs. Elizabeth, mantilla, cloak and dress making, 104 East side Public Square. Stacey Josiah, confectioner and fruit deal er, cor. Euclid and Public Square. Stacey Thos., small beer and bottler, 70 H1.amilton. STAFFORD JOSEPH, MANUFACTURER OF SOAP AND CANDLES, CANAL, FOOT OF EAGLE. (See card, p. 254.) STAGER ANSON, GENERAL SUPERIN TENDENT WESTERN UNION TEL EGRAPH COMIPANY, OFFICE WASHINGTON BLOCK, ST. CLAIR. Stair E. & Co., dealers in hats, caps, furs, &c., 105 Superior. Stair J. & Son, Cleveland feed store, 115 Ontario. Stanard Capt. B. A., marine inspector Com mercial Mutual Ins. Co., office Oviatt's Exchange, foot Superior. Standly Geo. A., manufacturer lard oil, star and starile candles, Canal, near the weigh lock. Standley & Graham, manufacturers of tubs, pails, churns, &c., cor. Marine atnd Center, west side. Sttanriley W in. H., notary public, cor. Main and Center, west side. Starkweather S., jr., attorney at law and U.S. commissioner, 192 Superior. Stearns John Al. & Co., hardware and fagiricultural implements, 9 and 11 Vineyard. Stearns John M. & Co., mtnufictuirers and wholesale dealers in Bet ea grind stone s. san(d stones, currier blocks, mill stones, &c., 1 1 Vineya rd. Stedmani & (-Ch-alpmman, meet market and dealers in provisions, poultry, &c., 167 Ontairio. Steeg Jacob, s-lo,loon, 40 Erie. STEIN StGMx,IOND, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT AND BUILD LE, OF PO:)tTAB.y goods, 128 High. COOKE, HuRII (CO., PUBLISIHERS OHIO STATE.jOURNAL, DAILY, WEEKLY AND TRI-WEEKLY, 109 EAST TOWN. Cooke T. B., tailor and jobber, 209 South Ifigh. Cooper Absalom, boot and shoe manufac turer and dealer, 100 East Friend. Cornell P., clerk at L. M., C. and X. R. R. freight office. Cornelison Edward, piano maker, 58 East Friend. Cornly J. M., attorney at law, cor. Iigh and Town. Corzilius P. & Brother, groceries and pro duce, 269 South High. Coulter James H., physician and surgeon, 80 North Third. Cowling Edward, butcher, 376 East Friend. Cox (:. C. & Co., wholesale and retail deal ers in cigars and tobacco, 77 South High. Cox William, retail grocery, cor. Third and Spring. Cox Wm., butcher, City Market, Fourth. CoxWmn., butcher and meat store, corner High and Town. See adv't of Looking Glasses, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. COL 271 COL 9 COL ENGLISH LORENZO, MAYOR, OFFICE IN CITY BUILDING, FOURTH. Erlenbusch Gallecl,boot and shoe maker, 414 South High. ERLENBUSCH ROBERT, MANUFAC TURER AND DEALER IN CONFEC TlONERY,. 310 AND 312 SOUTH HIGH. Esper Philip, saloon, 384 South High. Esther Institute, 118 East Broad, Lewis Hoye, prin. Exchange Bank of Columbus, office north west cor. High and Broad, D. W. Desh ler, prest. FAILING W., PROP'R NEIL HOUSE, HIGH, OPP. STATE HOUSE. Farber Jacob, saloon and boarding house, Scioto, near West Broad. Farr James, saloon, 226 North ttigh. Fassig M. & F., manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 149 cor. Town and High. Fay F. J., general insurance agent, 119 Carpenter's Block, South High. Fay H. T. & W. B., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 123 South High. Fay S. B. & Co., manufacturers of patent hook tags, 103 East Town. Fell W. J., Central Ohio R. R. freight ag't Columbus station, depot. Ferron, Stone & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods, &c., 1 Gwynne Block, cor. Third and Town. Finn J. R., vice pres. State Bank of Ohio Board of Comptrol, 13 South!-ugen First English Lutheran Church, estilhed 1846. 30 North. Third, Emaunel Schmid, pastor. First Presbyterian Church, erected 1829, re-modeled 1859, 85 East State, Rev. Edg,ar Woods, pastor. Fisher B., stoves, tin, sheet iron and cop per ware, cor. Fourth and Rich. Fisher Jacob, agt., furniture, clhairs, &c., 208 South High. FISHER PHILIP D, CITY CIVIL ENGI NEER, CITY BUILDING, FOURTH. Fisk Allen, sign and ornamental painting, cor. High and Town. 'Fitch & Bortle, prod uce, forwva,rding and commission merchants, 87 West Broad cor. Scioto. Flower's Mrs. Charles T., agent for the Parker Sewing Machine, 27 South High, over Child's clothing store. FOLLETT, FOSTER & CO, PRINTERS, BINDERS AND PUBLISHIERS, COR. HIGH, PEAR L AND CHAPEL. Ford Benj., boarding house, 114 East North. Foster Neville, dealer in crockery, china and glassware, 126 South Hi gh. FOWLER DR. JOHN, SURGEON DEN TIST, 130 HIGEH. DOLSON A. W., PROP'R BUCKEYE HOUSE, EAST BROAD OPP. STATE HOUSE. (See card p. 270.) Domoney Edward, house and sign painter, 179 cor. Walnut and South High. Domoney Airs. Elizabeth, dress, cloak and mantilla maker, 88 North Third. Donalson Luther, president city conneil, City buildings. Donohoe Edward, boot and shoe maker, 55 North High. Doremus H., sash, door and blind factory, Mound, west of Canal. Douty G., councilman, City buildings. DOUTY G., SUPERINTENDENT AND ENGINEER COLUNIBUS G A S LIGHT AND COKE CO., COR. LONG AND WATER. DOWDALLJOSEPH, CITY CLERK, CITY BUILDINGS, FOURTH. DRESEL OTTO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 247 SOUTH HIGH. Drury —, physician, 59 North High, cor. Gay. DUFF, McCOY & CO., PROP'RS p UFF & McCOY'S CONIAIERCIAL COL LEGE, 103 EAST TOWN, CARPEN TER'S BUILDING. DUNAN SANFORD H., PROF. OF BOOK KEEPING IN DUFF & MIcCOY'S COLLEGE, 103 EAST TOWN. Dunbar R. D., clocks, watches, jewelry, &,c., 135 Hligh. Dunken John, plasterer, 15 West State, up stairs. Dunn Patrick, clerk at C. C. & C. R. R. freight office. Early John, saloon, 130 North tligh. Eberlein A., groceries, 32 East Friend. Eberly C. & Co., wholesale and retail deal ers in dry goods and groceries, south east cor High and Friend. Eberly Isaac, councilman. Eberly & Shedd, wholesale grocers, and dealers in foreign and domestic li quors, 15 and 17 East Friend. Eckart Chas., cooperage, 360 South Front. EDGAR ROBERT, BUILDER, SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MANUFACTUR ER, 48 WEST STATE, COR. FRONT. Ege Hiram, shaving saloon, 255 South High. Eldridge Charles, grocery and provision dealer, 161 North High. Eldridge &- Williams, merchant tailors and gents' furnishing goods, 120 High. Emanuel's Church of the Evangelical As soci',tion, 389 South Third, John Walz, pastor. Emerick Henry, soap factory, Friend, west of Canal. Emmert J., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Emmet W. R., Central Sewing Machine Agency, Carpenter's Block, South H~igh. See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover." COL 272 9 AMERICAN HOTEL, GEO. T. EMERY. WARDEN & EMERY, ROP'RS, SUCCESSORS TO WM. KELSEY, Cor. High and State Sts., Columbus, O. FACT, 8 EAST BROAD, (BUCKEI E BLOCK.) Geiger & Andrews, attorneys at law, 57 South High. GERE GEORGE, MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION, HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. Gere George, president Ohio Tool Co. for the manufacture of planes, plane bitts and coopers' tools, 75 State ave. GERE GEO. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAILDEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOUSE BUILDERS' MA TERIAL, PAINTS, OILS, FARMING AND MECHANICAL TOOLS, 8 GWYNNE BLOCK. German Catholic Cemetery, cor. J ohnstown plank road and Washington ave. German Catholic School, I56 South Fifth cor. Walnut, under the direction and supervision of the Holy Cross Church, John Stam and I. Bailey, teachers. German M. E. Church, 361 South Third, (erected 1844,) Rev. C. Vogel, pastor. German Protestant Church, 70 East Mound (erected 1842,) Rev. Edward Graf, pastor. German Reformed Church, 173 East Town, (erected 1847,) Rev. H. Willard, pas tor. Gibbard Charles, grocery and provision dealer, 91 North Third, cor. North. Fraas John C., dealer in groceries, pro visions, produce, &c., 192 East Friend. Frankenberg Alexander, groceries and provisions, 350 South High. Franklin Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, office 13 East Town, D. W. Deshler, president, Jos. Hutcheson, cashier, capital $175,000. Fraser Donald, soap and candle and lard oil manufactory, 147 Front, corner Spring. Freeman B. W., clairvoyant physician, 130 High. Frisbie Charles H., wholesale and retail grocer, 270 and 274 South Itigh. Fuchs Joseph E., druggist and apothecary, cor. Fifth and Friend. Funston Jos. J., soap and candle factory, 43 South High. Furste C. & H., saddle and harness ina kers, 241 South High. Gates Thomas S., manager of Western Union Telegraph office, cor. High and State. Gaver Elias, undertaker, 243 South High. Gay N., physician, 59 North High corner Gay. Gay Victor, shaving saloon, cor. High and State. GEARY JOHN & SON, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS C APITAL CITY 18 COL 273 COL WM. WARDEN. #4 COL 274 Co 12 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, Forwards Freight, Parcels, Bank Notes, Coin, &c., to all parts of the United States and Canada, connecting through WELLS, FARCO & G0., With California and Oregon. Collections attended to promptly. JOHN STEARNS, Agent. Gibbons N. & Co., manufacturers steel plows, 37 West Mound. Gill H. Z., physician, 47 East State. Gill J. D. & Son, plow and agricultural works, 92 North High. Gill Wm. A., dealer in hardware and agri cultural implements, 30 North High. Gill & Son, prop'rs Franklin Foundry, cor. Front and Town. Glenn & Thrall, publishers Columbus Ga zette, issued Friday, and book and job printers, cor. High and State. Goodale House, Wm. H. Aikin, prop'r, 133 High. Goodman Jacob, clothing and gents' fur nishing goods, 213 cor. High and Rich. Goodman Joseph, confectionery and saloon, 134 East Town. Goodman J. & Son., dealers in ready made clothing, 1 South High cor. Broad. Gordon John L., insurance agent, 107 Johnson Block, South High. Gore John, tin, copper and sheet iron worker, 26 West Broad. Gorham D., lager beer saloon, 226 South Canal. Gorton & Ashton, house furnishing goods, 20 North High. Graeszle Ernst, butcher, City Market, Fourth. Gray D. S., general freight agent, Central Ohio R. R. Depot. Green Lawn Cemetery, west side Harris burg Pike. Greiner John, member of Board of Edu cation, High School Building. Griffin Jas. L., livery stable, alley rear of Buckeye Hotel. Griswold & Reeves, daguerrean artists, 101 South High. Gugle Lawrence, blacksmith, 33 South Scioto. Gundersheimer A., dealer in ready made clothing, 169 South High. Gundersheimer Isaac, dealer in ready made clothing, 177 South High. See advt. of Patent Age Gundersheimer N., dealer in ready made clothing, 129 High. Hatchtel George, boot and shoe maker, 176 East State. HALDY FREDERIC, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER, 182 SOUTH HIGH. Hall, Brown & Co., manufacturers of agri cultural implements, 8 East Broad, (Buckeye Block.) Hall, Ayres & Co., copper shop, Ohio Pen itentiary. Hall Mrs. C. & L. C., millinery and fancy goods, 158 South High. Halm Michael, millinery and mantua making, 122 High. Hamilton, physician, 25 State. Hamilton J. W., M.D., professor of surgery, Starling Medical College. IHlannum S. B., attorney at law, 107 John son Block, South High. Hardy C. J., cashier Exchange Bank, cor. Broad and High. Harmon Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, 17 North High. Harmon M. grocery and provision dealer, 27 North High. Harris Asa L., local editor Ohio State Journal, 101 East Town. Harris Frank, house and coach painter, 97 North High. Hartman J. C., retail grocery, 64 West Broad. Hartman John, saloon, 528 South High. Hartman Michael, stone yard, cor. North and High. HAWKS W. B. & CO., PROPRIETORS OF COLUMBUS & PORTSMOUTH AND COLUMBUS & MT. VERNON STAGE LINES, AND COLUMBUS OMNIBUS LINE, 3 EAST STATE. HAYDEN P., MANUFACTURER OF SAD DLERY AND COACH HARDWARE, 6 EAST BROAD, BUCKEYE BLOCK. HAYDEN & BAKER, MANUFACTU RERS OF WROUGHT IRON WIRE, COL 274 COL COL 275 COL ADAMS & FIELDS LDele M B k o IR MERCHANTS, Dealers in all kinds of worked Flooring, Lumber, Laith and Shingles, Corner Spring and Water Sts., Hayden & Wheller, groceries, country pro- Hoover A. C. & Co., wholesale cotton man duce, flour, &c., 18 East High. ufactory, 17 West State. Ileadley & Eberly, wholesale and retail Hopkins Miss M. J., dress maker, 129 dry goods, hats and caps, boots and North Fourth. shoes, curtains, fixtures. &c., 262 Hopperton Mrs. Mary, millinery and fancy South High. goods, 178 South High. IIECHT SAMUEL, WHOLESALE AND Horch John G., butcher, City Market, RETAIL DEALER IN READY MADE Fourth. CLOTHING AND GENTS' FUR- Horiger G., boot and shoe maker, 391 South NISHING GOODS, 31 SOUTH HIGH. High. 'Ieenan James, saloon, 122 North High. Ilorole James N., clerk of market, City Heit Adam, saloon and boarding house, Buildings, Fourth. 316 South High. Iloster L. & Son, prop'rs City Brewery, Hlempsted Ed., horse shoeing and black- lager beer and ale, 379 South Front. smith, 56 South Front. lIoughton G. L. & Co., dealers in fine and Hess Wm. W., attorney at law and notary staple groceries and wool, cor. High public, 107 Johnson's block, South and Friend. High. Howard Abraham, manufacturer and dealHlettesheimer V., groceries and provisions, er in foreign and American marble, 123 South Front. cor. High and Long. Ileyl Wm. L., justice of the peace, 151 Howard J. G. & F., groceries and liquors, South High. wholesale and retail, 23 West Broad. HIATT H. L. & BRO., MANUFACTUR- Howell Geo. W., saddler, harness and ERS OF, AND DEALERS IN CON- trunk manufacturer, 172 South High. FECTIONERY, 130 EAST TOWN. Hoyt E. J., lager beer saloon, 415 South Higgins S. C., photographer, 16 East Broad. High. Hildreth A., dealer inall kinds of lumber, Huff Owen, boarding house, 258 North 297 South High. High. Hill D. C., assistant telegrapher, Union Huges J. R., trunk maker, 162 North High. Depot. Hull R. C., clerk State Bank of Ohio Hills Mrs. E. G., matron Central Ohio Lu- Board of Comptrol, 13 South High. natic Asylum, East Broad. Hummerich Jacob W., groceries, 522 South Hills R., M. D., superintendent Central High. Ohio Lunatic Asylum, East Broad. Huntington P. W., teller Exchange Bank, Hlintzman C., butcher, City Market, cor. Broad and High. Fourth. Hutchinson Ira A., general freight agent Ilodge Robert RP., (col.) boot and shoe ma- P., C. and C. R. R., High, near Depot. ker, 13 South High. Hutchinson Mrs. Lucia, dress maker, 35 Hoffman G. W., cabinet maker, 172 East North Fifth. Friend. Irish Catholic Church, north end Seventh, Hoffman Jacob, bakery and groceries, 424 under the direction and supervision South High. of St. Patrick's Church. Hoge Rev. Dr., president Columbus and Irish Catholic Cemetery, cor. Johnstown Franklin county Bible Society, 135 Plank Road and Washington ave. South High. Jackson A. B., railroad clerk, Central Holland -. dress maker and plain sew- Ohio R. R. Depot. ing, 30 East North. Janeson Andrew, saloon and recess, 51 Holmes N., picture frame maker and gild- West Broad. er, cor. High and Town. Janney J. J., secretary State Bank of Ohio Holt & Turney, furniture manufacturers Board of Comptrol, 13 South High. and dealers, 188 South High. Janton & Co., soap and candle factory, Holy Cross Church, 172 South Fifth, erect- Friend, west of Canal. ed in 1845, Rev. B. Hemstager, pastor. Jenkins A., pottery, 178 South Front. See adv't of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &C. COLUMBUS, OHIO. -~~O -7 O COLUMBUS OR-AN FAC TORY. CHRISTOPHER KAEMMEIERLE'S Highly Improved Of the Latest Improved Costrctio ad at the C heapest Prices. Of the Latest Improved Construction and at the Cheapest Prices. Mr. Christopher Kaemmerle hereby would inform the community at large that he is now prepared to receive orders for his newly improved Church Organs, which excel all others, since constructed in this country, in Fullness and Constancy of Sound, and particularly the great ease with which they are kept in Tune and Repair. He also is constructing Organs of from Six to Ten Stops of such dimensions, which allow packing without taking apart, and which he will warrant for two years. For more particulars, address, CHRISTOPHERT KAEM MERLE Columbus, 0. Kilbourne, Kuhns & Co., dealers in hard ware, cutlery, &c., 137 High. Kimball H. H., wholesale and retail dealer in boots, shoes, leather, oil and find ings, 127 High. King Matthew, insurance agent, 69 South High, Ambos' Block. Kingsley E. D., superintendent Public Schools, High School Building. Kinnear David, coppersmith, tin and sheet iron ware, 17 West State. Kinney Henry, cigars and saloon, 237 South High. Kinsell -—, physician, 84 East, Town. Kirk George, livery and sale stable, rear of Neil House. Kleeman M. & L., dealers in watches, clocks and jewelry, 141 High. Klott K., manufacturer and repairer of all kinds surgical and dental instruments, 235 South ttigh. Knapp J. G. & Co., dealers in dry goods Cand Yankee notions, 119 Carpenter's Block, South High. Knioderer Benj., boot and shoe maker, 121 North Fourth. Koch Peter, ready made clothing, 198 South High. Koch Mrs. Sophia, mnilliner, 196 South High. Kockler Henry, barber and hair dressing rooms, 27 South High. KOERNER J. W. & V., GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES AND LI QUORS, 53 WEST BROAD. Krayer C. F., family grocery, 451 Southtl High. Kronneniberger Jacob, saddle and harness mnfaker and dealer, 175 East Friend. Krop Louis, Washington Saloon, 17 West Broad. Krotochwill Joseph, feed store, 175 South High. Lacelle, Ross & Co., commission merchants, and importers and dealers in wines and liquors, 224 South High. JENNINGS ELI F., COMMISSION MER CHANT AND WHOLESALE DEAL ER IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c., 19 WEST BROAD, EXCHANGE BLOCK. Jewish Synagogue, 253 South High, Rev. L. Liebman, preacher. Johannes Peter, shaving saloon, 167 South High. Johnson Anson, (col.) barber and hair dresser, American House. Johnson W., shaving saloon, 121 Oarpen ter's Block, South High. Jones Mrs. M., dress maker, 427 South High. Jones R., house and sign painter, 16 North High. Jones Thos.. grocery, 427 South High. KAEMMERLE CHRISTOPHER, ORGAN MANUFACTURER, 5 8 E A S T FRIEND. (See card, p.276.) KAUFFMIAN HENRY, CLERK A1MERI CAN HOTEL, CORNER ttIGH AND STATE. Keifer Jos. E., grocery, corner Front and Rich. KELLEY STEPHEN & CO., DEALERS IN GRO(CERIES, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE, COR. FOURTH AND FRIEND. Kelley John, grocery, 195 North Fourth. KELTON, BANCROFT & CO., WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND AMIERI CAN DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, FANCY GOODS, &c., 3 GWYNNE'S BLOCK. Kennedy Richard, dealer in books, sta tionery and periodicals, 17 East State. Kent Wm. R., auction and commission merchant, 19 East State. Kenny Dennis, family grocery, 96 East North. Kidd John, tinner, 53 North High. Kienzle John, boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, cor. Fourth and Rich. See adv't of J. L. Wayne & Son, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. COL 276 COL #P COL 277 COL LX LE SQUEREUX & SON Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in M. -~ Jewelry, Tools, Materials, Fancy Goods, &c. 71 High Street, ColAND 25 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK.io ANID 25 MAID:E:N LANE, NEW YORK. Lang John, boot and shoe maker, 156 East Friend. LATHROP M. D., NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AG'T, AND PUB LISHER COLUMBUS CITY DIREC TORY, 117 SOUTH HIGH. LATTIMER OLIVER H., BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCER IES, 236 SOUTH HIGH. Lawrence Robert, clerk American Express Co., 12 East Broad. Lawson Orris A., grocery, provisions and confectionery, 127 North High. Lazarus Simon, dealer in ready made clothing, 163 South High. Leadley Mrs. Iva R., grocery and confec tionery, 128 State ave. Lee Mrs. M., milliner and dress maker, 13 North Front. Legg James, grocery and produce dealer, 42 West Broad. Leibold Julius, prop'r of City Hotel, 158 North High. Lennon Dominick, saloon, 116 North hligh. Leonard Louis, dry goods, 42 East Long. LESQUEREUX L. & SONS, MANUFAC TURERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., 71 SOUTH HIGH, AND 25 MAI DEN LANE, NEW YORK. (Seefard, p. 277.) Lewis M'Leod D., merchant tailor, a nd dealer in gents' furnishing goods, 124 cor. High and Chapel. Lewis F., lager beer saloon, 397 South High. Lichtennegger Ferdinand, clock and watch maker, 373 South High. Lilley E., notary public, cor High and Friend. LILLEY MITCHELL C., BOOK BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFAC TURER, 26 NORTH HIGH. LINDEMUANN, RITZE & CO., CONFEC TIONERS, FRUITERS, &c., &c., 65 SOUTH HIGH, AMBOS BLOCK. Lindenberg Theodore, billiard and bowling saloon, 184 South High. Linka Henry, w agon ma ker, 27 South Sci oto. Linn R. M., portrait painter, 81 South High. Litchford Fred., (col.,) b acksmith, cor. Third and Spr ing. Little J. A., physic ian and s urgeon, 85 d East Town. Loechlar Mrs. Catherine, dress making, 162 East Friend. Lofland P. J., carpenter and builde r, 198 Oak. Long,henry Charle s, wagon maker, 21 North Front. Lovejoy N. E., architect and builder, 117 Carpenter's Block, South High. Loving S., M. D., prof. of materia medica, therapeutics and medical jurispru dence, Starling Medical College. Loving S., physician and surgeon, 108 East State. Luchtenberg John E., dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, 203 South High. Lundy Emmor K., dealer in books, station ery, spectacles and fishing tackle, 14 East Town. Lusch M., boot and shoe maker, 164 East Friend. Lutheran Standard, semi-monthly, Rev. Daniel Worley, editor, 109 East Town. Lutherische I~irchenzeitung, semi-monthly, Rev. W. F. Lehmann and Rev. Eman uel Schmid, editors, office 14 West Friend. Lutz John, cooperage, Harrisburg Turn pike. Lynch Isaac, boarding house, 48 North High. Lynch John, grocery, cor. Third and North, Public Lane. '~McAlister Michael, wholesale and retail dealer in flour, grain and feed, 118; 120 and 122 Rich. McCOY SAMUEL I., PROF. OF PEN See adv't of Wm. Sumner & Co., agents Sewing Machines, p. 164. COL 277 COL -~ ~ O 27 O W. B. POTTS & CO., BRASS FOUNEIiS AND FINIS EI, And Manufacturers of LIGHTNING ROD POINTS, &c., &c., Cor. Spring and Water Sts., Columbus, Ohio. of the Cemetery Association, north gwest cor. Frien nd and Front. MASON A. P., BAKERY AND CONFEC TIONERY, 29 NORTH HIGH. Mason J., carpenter and builder, cor. Third arid Spring. Ma son & Bliss, sack manufactory, 335 South High. Matthews H., physician and surgeon, 223 South High. Mauldin & Co., wholesale and re tail deal er s in boots and sh oes of every des cription, 16 East Town. Mehl John, wagon maker, 515 South High. Millay Philip, mer chant tailor, North High, Neil's new building. Miller, Donaldson & Co., bankers and ex change brokers, cor. State an d High. Miller H. W. & Co., groceries, provisions, win es and liquors, 14 East Broad, Buckeye Block. MILLER HH. & CO., PUBLISHERS, 107 EAST TOWN. Miller J. & T. E., wholesale dealers in sta ple dry g ood, nis, notions, boots, shoes, jewelry, stationery, &c., 111 East Town. Miller John G., justice of the peace, 27 South High, over Bain's dry goods store. Miller Valentine, tailor, 124 Norlth High. Miller & Hines, prop'rs Columbus Paper Mills, Friend, west of the canal. Mills H. Z., sec'y Co l umbus Gas Light and Coke Co., office State, bet. High and Third. Mills Samuel M., attorney at law, 8 East Town. Minor Daniel, manufacturer of all kinds of boxes, head of Canal, bet. Friend and Mound. Mithoff, Jones & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, iron, nails, steel, tin, copper, belting, tools, &c., 266 South High. Mochel George, tutor in grammar school department, Capital University. Moeller L. J., councilman, City Building. Mooney D. H., book and job printer, 239 South High. Morris Daniel, blacksmith and wagon ma ker, 25 West Spring. Morris & M'Kelvey, horse shoeing and wagon making, West Cherry, bet. High and Front. Central Marble Works, p. 171. MANSHIP IN DUFF & McCOY'S COLLEGE, 103 EAST TOWN. McCune Dr. Thomas, surgeon dentist, 11 East Town. McCune & Mithoff, dealers in iron, hard ware, cutlery, tin, &c., 28 North High. McDonald George, wholesale and retail grocer, 134 South High. McDonald Joseph, clerk at C. C. & C. R. R., freight office. McDonald Wm. & Co., dealers in famnily groceries of every description, 106 South High. McGuffey J. G., attorney at law, 13 East Friend. McIntire John, groceries, provisions, pro duce, and pure ground spices of all kinds, 220 South High. McKee & Restieaux, grocery and produce dealers, 34 North High. McManus John, family grocery, 37 West Broad. McMILLEN W. L., (SMITH & MeMIL MILLEN,) PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON, 37 EAST STATE. McNAMEE JOHN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER,AND GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, 102 S O U T H HIGH. Maier M., manufacturer and dealer in ci gars, tobacco, snuff, 225 South High. .Aain Rufus, dealer in groceries, provis ionsj wines and liquors, 9 South High and 9 West Broad. Mangold John, boot and shoe maker and dealer, 17 and 19 North Hfigh. Marion N., real estate agent, 119 Carpen ter Block, Sguth High. Maris Geo. W., physician and surgeon, 257 South High. MARPLE NATHAN B., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 100 SOUTH IIIGH. Martin B. F., attorney at law, Johnson's Block, South High. MARTIN EZRA, INTELLIGENCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 23 EAST TOWN. Martin Ezra, boarding house, 170 South High. Martin John & Bro., confectionery and, notion store, 179 South High. Martin Thos., boot and shoe maker, 13 West Broad. Martin Wm. T., notary public, and sec'y See Adv't of Chas. W. Smith, COL 278 COL COL 279 COL GEORGE W. HAWES, STATE GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY PUBLISHER. (For Particulars see Advertisement on page 1.) Morrison John & Son, grocery and provis ion dealers, 264 North High, near De pot. Murphy Patrick, boot and shoe maker and dealer, 58 North High. MURPLE NATHAN B., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST A N D DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, &c., 100 SOUTH HIGH. NATIONAL HOTEL, ISAAC B. BAKER, PROP'R, 272 NORTH HIGH. (See card, p. 268.) Nagle John, prop'r Nagle House, 232 South High. Naughton John, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 144 South High. Neil R. S., chief clerk L. M. C. and X. R. R. Co. Neil & Pier, dealers in drugs, paints, oils, dye stuffs, &c., north-west cor. High and Gay. Nevins Richard, book and job printer, 36, 38 and 40 North High. Newcomb N. H., prop'r Scioto Hotel, Friend, west of Canal. Newhall Samuel S., ladies shoe store, 192 South High. Newland H. M., dress maker. 167 South High. Nicholas Peter, blacksmith, 23 North Front. NIEDERLANDER J. F. & CO., WHOLE SALE D E A L E R S IN HIDES, LEATHER, OIL AND FINDINGS, 13 WEST STATE. Noble H. C., attorney at law, 119 Carpen ter's Block, South High. Noethlich Albert, grocery anid saloon, 24 West Friend. North Cemetery, west side High, between Goodale Park and city limits, James McDonald, sexton. Nusbaum Juta, dealer in ready-made clothing, 378 South High. Odd Fellows' German Magazine, (monthly,) Liebert & Lindenberg, editors and publishers, office 98 South High. O'Fallon Michael, grocery, Maple, near Depot. Ogden Samuel E., eating house and din ing saloon, at R. R. Depot. O'Hanlan John, grocery and bakery, 166 North High, O'Hara John, prop'r Capital Restaurant, 311 High. Ohio Educational Monthly, T. W. Hurtt & Co., editors and publishers, office 109 East Town. OHIO STATE JOURNAL, DAILY, TRI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, COOKE, HURTT & CO., PUBLISHERS, 109 EAST TOWN. Ohio Statesman, daily, weekly and tri weekly, Mannypenny & Miller, pro prietors, office 40 North High. Ohio Tool Company, C. H. Clark, superin tendent, capital $189:600. Ohlen, Stage & Co., manufacturers of all sizes and every description of saws, south-east con. Spring and Water. O'Kane James, groceries and provisions, cor. Broad and High. OLDS CHAUNCEY N., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 57 SOUTH HIGH, OPPOSITE CAPITOL. Olmsted C. H., sale and boarding stable, 115 East Town. O'Neil Thomas, blacksmith, 48 Linn Alley. Orphans'.Home, John Noble, pres't, N. B. Marple, sec'y, 39 West Town. Osborn J. D. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, carpets, curtains, window shades and house furnishing goods, 142 South High. OSGOOD & PEARCE. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 109 EAST TOWN. Osgood & Rowland, Eagle Mills and deal ers in flour, feed, &c., 40 West State. Otto Ernest, wines and liquors, retail, 152 State ave., cor. Long. Parry D., livery stable, cor. Buckeye and Linn Alleys. Parsons George M., attorney at law, Par son's Building, 151 South High. Patterson James, agent C. C. and C. R. R. Co. Patterson R. J., physician and surgeon, 25 East Sta te. Paul James R., produce and commission merchant, cor. Canal and Friend. Peake H. L., confectionery and fruit, 144 North High. Pfaff Charles T., dealer in glass ware, 244 South High. Pfeiffer John, boot and shoe maker, 193 See Adv't of Iceberg Refrigerators, p. 168. COL 279 COL a East Friend. COL 280 COL Pfeifer Matthias, tailor, 12 West Friend. Pfeifer Peter, lager beer saloon, 16 West Friend. Phipps S. B., music teacher, 16 East Broad. Pickett Michael, saw filing and setting, 40 North Third. Pike Joseph, yard master L. M. C. and X. R. R. Co. Pirung John, manufacturer and dealer in cabinet furniture, chairs, &c., 177 East Friend. Platt C. A., superintendent of the filing shop of the Columbus Gas Light and Coke Co., cor. Long and Water. Platt W. A., acting commissioner State House, office State House. Platt W. A., pres't Columbus Gas Light and Coke Co., office, State, bet. High and Third. Plimpton Henry, millinery and fancy goods, 148 South High. Poindexter James, hair dressing and shaving saloon, 112-1 High. Pollard & Van Dusen, groceries and pro visions, 95 North High. Porter John, house painter and paper hanger, 101 South High, up stairs. POTTS WILLIAM B. & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, FINISHERS A ND MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT NING ROD POINTS, COR. SPRING AND WATER. (See card, p. 278.) Powell J., wagon maker, 38 West Mound. Powell Wm., prop'r Exchange Hotel, North High, near Depot. Powers M. M. & Bro., manufacturers and dealers in cigars, &c., 191 South High. Price David, at P. Hayden's Rolling Mills, State ave., head Long. Randall Rev. D. A., chaplain Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum, East Broad. Randall & Aston, dealers in books and stationery, 109 South High. Rankin W. R., attorney at law, Parson's Block, 151 South High. Rashil C., physician, 406 South HIigh. Reamey J. O., attorney at law, 117 Car penter's Block, South High. Receivers Office of the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana R. R. Co., 16 North High. Reed John H., prop'r Eagle Saloon, 257 South High. Reed P., saddle and harness maker, 238 High. Rees David, saddle and harness maker, 35 North High. Reinhard & Feiser, editors and proprietors Westbotre, 14 West Friend. Reinhold Mrs. -, washing, bleaching and pressing bonnets, 229 South High. Renner William, confectionery and bakery, 49 and 51 No-ah ttigh. REYNOLDS HOBBY, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, 39 EAST STATE, OPP. STATE HOUSE. RICHARDS WILLIAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 4 9 SOUTH HIGH. Riches W., engraver, Johnson's Block, South High. Rickly & Bro., bankers and exchange brokers, 20 East Town. Riekenbacher & Hertenstein, merchant tailors, 193 South Hig.h. Righart & Herring, s aloon, 21 West Broad. RILEY JOSEPH H., PUBLISHER, BOOK SELLEPR A N D STATIONER, 7 5 SOUTH HIGH. R I LEY JOSEP IH H T., PROP'R ARMORY HALL, 27 HIGH, OPP. CAPITOL. Riley W. Willshire, dentist, Ambos Block, 69 South High. Riordy on Ro ber t, carpenter an d builder, cor. Long and Bank Alley. Roberts T. & Co., manufacturers of plows and axes, south-west cor. Mound and Front. ROBERTS & SAMUEL, WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL D RUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND WINDOW GLASS, 24 NORTH t HIGIH. Robinson A. B., clerk P. C. an d C. R. R. Co., Freight Depot. Robinson Godfrey M., family groceries, 132 South High. Robinson Joseph, agent P. C. & C. R. R., Freight Depot. Rockey, Brother &- Twigg, pump makers, 225 East Friend. Rodgers A. D., attorney at law and notary public, 57 South High. Rodgers F., carpenter and builder, corner Front and Town. ,RODENFELS JOSEPH, D E A L E R I N GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRO DUCE, ETC., 213 EAST FRIEND. Rolling Mlills, P. Hayden, prop'r, State Ave., head of Long. R 0 S E P., MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 37 SOUTH HIGH, NEIL HOUSE. Rushmer John, blacksmith, 24 South Rich. Rusk Robert, meat market, 81 North High. Sabine A., M. D., 2d Assistant Physician, Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum, East Broad. Sackett E. B., boarding house, 32 East North. St. Clair & Scott, dealers in stoves and hardware, tin ware, nails, cutlery, etc., cor. High and Friend. See Adv't of Frederick Sheen, Flour and Meal, p. 167. COL 280 COL COL 81 COL St. Patrick's Church, north east cor. North and Seventh, Rev. Edward Fitzpat rick. pastor. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 290 South Third, James L. Grover, pastor. St. Paul's German Lutheran Church, 325 South High, K. Mees, pastor. SAMUEL S. E. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, WIN DOW GLASS, ETC., 85 SOUTH HIGH. Sanford Wm. H., dealer in stoves, tin, sheet iron, and copper ware, 138 East Town. Sarles Daniel, foreman at P. Hayden's Rollihg Mills, State ave. head of Long. Savage W. J., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelery, etc., 83 South High. Say Charles & Brother, brewers and malt sters, ale and lager beer, 119 North Front, bet. Long and Spring. Schaefer T-.Tenry, boot and shoe maker, 56 East Friend. Schart John & Son, blacksmiths and ma chinists, cor. West State and South Front. SchaGu W., grocery, 20 West Friend. Schenck Charles, boot a nd shoe maker, 32 West Broad. Schlapp A. P., agent Builder's Depot, cor. State and Front. Scelimid Rev. Emanuel, A.M., professor of Latin and Greek, C api tal University. Schmidt George, lager beer saloon, 221 South High. Schoedinger George, eating house and saloon, 149 East Friend. Schoeller John, grocery and saloon, 369 South High. SCHREINER HENRY, DEALE R IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AN D PRODUCE, AND SALOON, 161 EAST FRIEND. Sehreyer G., blacksmith, 70 West Broad. Schroll G. P., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, etc., 249 South High. Schueller A. J. & Son, Columbus Drug store. 277 South High. Schueller E., wholesale and retail dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, patent medicines, oils, paints, trusses, wines, brandies, etc., 212 cor. High and Rich. Schwinker Charles, broom maker, 61 East Gay. Scott Charles, (colored), boot and shoe maker, 43 West Broad. Scott William, (colored), barber and hair dresser, 73 South High. Second Presbyterian Church, south-east cer. Third and Chapel, Rev. E. D. Morris, pastor. Sells Mirs. A. H., agent, millinery and mantau making, 122 High. SELLS F. A., WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL D EA L ER IN GRO)CERIES AND PRODUCE, SOUTH-EAST COR. TOWN AND FOUR,TJ. Sellzer & Webster, wholesale and retail dealers in pianos, and- all kinds of musical merchandise, 13 East State. Shank Daniel, shaving saloon, 135~1 High. Shapley G. W., livery and sale stable, cor. Front and Chapel. Shedd & Webster, physicians, cor. Broad and High. Sheltzer V. S., physician, 371 EastFriend. Sheridan James, grocery, 164 North High. Shilling Townsend, foreman P. Hayden's iron foundry, cor. Water and State avenue. SHtOEDINGER & BROWN, MANUFAC TURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CABINET FURNITURE. SPRING BEDS, CHAIRS, ETC. ETC., 164 SOUTH HIGH. Shory Charles, blacksmith, 48 Linn alley. Shumway Oren, dealer in family groce ries and provisions, 58 East North. Siebert C., manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of guns, pistols, etc., 253 South High. Seigle John, butcher, City Market, Fourth. Simkins F. A. B., attorney at law and notary public, 57 South High. Simonton H., prop'r United States Hotel, cor. High and Town. Simonton H. & Son, livery stable, cor. Chapel, and Fair alley. Simpson G., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Sinclair G., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Sinclair R., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Sirvault & Watt, dealers in trunks, carpet bags, valises, bonnet boxes, etc., 11 West State. Sites Andrew, lock smith and coffee mill manufacturer, 53 East Friend. Sleigh J., brewery, 416 South Front. Sloats Geo. B., new eliptic lock stitch sewing machines, 119 Carpenter's Block, South High. Smith A. D., railroad clerk at Central Ohio Railroad Depot. Smith A. J. & Co., tin, copper, and sheet iron dealer, cor. Fourth and North Public Lane. Smith B. O., grocery, 122 Water. Smith James Haddock, member Board of Education, High School Building. Smith John H., dealer in hats, caps, and furs, 55 South High. Smith L. L., stone yard, Long, cor. High. SMITH SAMUEL M., (SMITH & Mc MILLEN), PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON, 154 EAST STATE. Smith Sumner T., law student, 57 South High. Smith S. M., M.D., professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Starling Medical College. See Adv't of R. Tudor & Co., Boiler Makers, p. 165. COL 281 COL COL Smith & M'Millen, physicians and sur geons, 154 East State. Smith & Stanton, (colored), barbers and hair dressers, 35 South High. Snowden P. T., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 47 South High. Sollace Mrs. H. F., teacher, Esther Insti tute. South Cemetery, north side Livingston Road, half mile south-east of city. SPARKS DAVID, VINEGAR MANU FACTORY, NEAR THE DEPOT. SPARROW THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALSO TREASURER BOARD OF EDUCATION, 15 EAST STATE. Speed James H., saloon, 118 and 120 North High. Spencer R., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Spielmann John, tutor in Grammar school department, Capital University. Stacering James H., councilman, City Building. Starling Medical College, south east cor. State and Sixth, William S. Sullivan, President Board Trustees. Starr Calvin, proprietor Gymnasium, 195 South High. State Bank of Ohio, 13 South High, John Andrews, president, J. J. Janney, secretary. State Law Library, H. Ruess, librarian, Capitol Building. State Library, in the Capitol, William T. Coggenshall, librarian. Stager H. W., telegraph operator, Union Depot. STEARNS JOHN, AGENT AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., 12 EASt BROAD. (See card, p. 274.) Stelzer John, musical instrument repairer, 228 South High. STELZIG J. L. & CO., FLORIST, 26 NORTH FIFTH. Stewart & Stinson, merchant tailors, 138 South High. Stockdale John, clerk American Express Co., 12 East Broad. STONE JOHN & CO., (THOS. ARNOLD,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN DRY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, MIL LINERY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., 7 GWYNNE BLOCK. Stone & Estabrook, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes, car pets, &c., 5 Gwynne Block. STONE & O'HARRA, WhOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS, &c., 4 GWYNNE BLOCK. Strader John B., groceries, 20 East Friend. Straus M. & Co., wholesale dealers in for eign and domest ic w ines and liquors, 21 East Town. Strickler Jos., manufact'r and dealer in foreign and-American marble, corner Gay and Third. Stroeder G., wagon maker, 39 West Mound. Sullivant Jos., pres't Board of Education, High School Building, State. Swan J-os. R:, pres't Columbus and Xenia Railroad Company, North High, near Depot. I Swayne N. H. & W., attorneys at law, City Bank Building. Swift Mrs. D., saloon, 33 North High. Synold Charles, manufacturer cigars and tobacco, 382 South High. Taft D. H., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 121 Carpenter's Block, South High. Tallmage T. W., land agent, 69 South High, Ambos Block. Taylor Stacy, attorney at law, 258 South High. Taylor Wm. & Co., wholesale and retail grocers and commission merchants, and dealers in foreign and domestic liquors, produce, &c., 12 East Town. T A Y L O R WM. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, 2 GWYNNE BLOCK, EAST TOWN. Theobald F. & Son, dealers in wines and liquors, 255 South High. Theological Seminary, Rev. Wm. F. Leh mann, Prof. of Theology. Thomas A., secretary and treasurer Ohio Tool Co. for the manufacture of planes, plane bits, and coopers' tools, 75 State avenue. Thomas John, grocer and provision dealer, 85 North High. Thomas W. & K., attorneys at law, 107 South High, Johnson Block. Thompson J. B., physician and surgeon, '42 North High. THOMPSON JOHN N., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, 27 SOUTH HIGH, OVER BAINS' DRY GOODS STORE. THOMPSON ROBERT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OFFCE 27 SOUTH HIGH, OVER BAINS' DRY GOODS STORE, RES. CORNER GAY AND FRONT. Thompson Thos., blacksmith and wagon maker, 23 South Front. Thrall H. L., physician and surgeon, 161 South High. THURMAN ALLEN G., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 282 SOUTH HIGH. THURMAN ALLEN G., MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION, HI G H SCHOOL BUILDING. Town Street M. E Church, 40 East Town, erected 1854, Rev. B. N. Spahr, pas to r. Townley Mrs. M., milliner, 24 East Town. Tracy Saml. G., fruit and vegetable deal er, 13 West Broad. See advt. of Knight Bros., inside back cover. 282 COL COL 283 COL Tregens Henry, boot and shoe maker, 125 South Front. Tresenrider B., justice of peace, 257 South High. Trimmer A. P., blacksmith, 39 West Mound. Trinity Episcopal Church, 24 East Broad, erected 1817, Wm. D. Hanson, rector. 'trinity German Lutheran Church, 322 South Third, erected ] 856, W. F. Leh man, pastor. Tuther Thomas, merchant tailor, 7 North High. Uncles M., fancy dyeing and carpet weav ing, 100 West Mound. United States Hotel, HI. Simonton, prop'r, cor. High and Town. Universalist Church, 160 South Third, erected 1846, Rev. Thomas Gorman, pastor. Van Buren & Pinkerton, house and sign painters, rear of Neil House, Kirk's Building. Vance J. L., boarding house, 220 South Canal. Van Cliff Charles, yard master, C., C. and C. R. R. Depot. VAN SLYKE LEWIS G., WARDEN OHIO STATE PENITENTIARY. Van York John, groceries and provisions, 344 South High. Wahlenmeier John, boarding house and saloon, 246 South High. Wakeman Henry M., captain of Night Po lice, City Building. Walcutt Chas. C., surveyor and draughts man, 8 East Town. Waldsmith John, blacksmith, 527 South High. WALKER THOS. & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, 26 NORTH HIGH. Walkup & Ury, manufact'rs and dealers in boots, shoes, leather and findings, 61 South High, opp. Capitol. Wall Wm., livery stable, 79 near American Hotel. Walton L., wagon maker, Fair alley, bet. Town and Rich. WARDEN & EMERY, PROP'RS AMER ICAN HOTEL, COR. STATE AND HIGH. (See card, p. 273.) Ware Robert H., manufacturer silk and straw bonnets, and dealers in all kinds of ribbons, flowers, &c., and millinery goods, 68 East Front. Wayley Mrs. J. L., dealer in millinery and fancy goods, French and American flowers, ribbons, straw goods, &c., 168 South High. Wayley Mrs. J. L., millinery goods, 82 East Town. Wayner Charles A., fancy groceries, fire works, and oysters, fish, game, &c, 21 East State. Weaver R. R., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 103 Sout* High. Weaver & Holmes, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 105 South High. Weegand & Hairing, St. Paul Hotel, near Depot. Weiler Dominic, philosophical, mathemati cal and musical instrument maker, syringes, and all kinds of turning, 200 South High. Welch Mrs. C., dress making, cor. Front and State. Welch Calvinistic Ch urch, 183 East Long, erected 1850, E. Jones, pastor. Welch Pres byterian Ch urch. 230 East Town, Rev. Joh n H. Jones, pastor. Welker G eorge, dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 27 9 South High. Welsh Richard, retail g r ocery, 179 North Third. Wenger F., confectionery, 245 South High. Wesley Chapel, 89 North High, erected 1846, Rev. G. W. Brush, pastor. West Thos., butcher, Ci ty Market, Fourth. Westbote, weekly and semi-weekly, R ein h ard & Hieser, editors and publishers, office 14 West Friend. Westerman Charles, yard master, L. M. C. and XR. R. R. Co. Western Union T eleg raph Co., 98 South High, Anson Stager, general sup't, Thos. S. Gates, man a ger. Westmin ster Churc h, north-west cor. Sixth and State, erected 1857, Rev. J. D. Smith, pastor. Westwater J. M. & W., importers and deal ers in china, glass and earthen ware, 105 South High. WHELLER, J O H N H., INSURANCE AGENT, 81 SOUTH HIGH, OVER SAVAGE'S JEWELRY STORE. Whitcher W. C. & Co., J. E. Rudisill, agent, hats, caps and furs, 79 South High. WHITE L. A. & CO., PROPRIETORS OF SPICE AND COFFEE MILLS, 242 SOUTH HIGH. WHITE LINTNER A., DEALER IN GRO CERIES AN D PROPRIETOR OF COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, 242 SOUTH HIGH. Whiting I. N., book and stationery, 99 South High. Wilcox J. A., notary public, 5 South High, over Chittenden's. Wilcox James A., city solicitor, cor. High and Broad. Wilcox P. B. & J. A., attorneys at law, 5 South High, over J. C. Chittenden's. Will Alexander A., groceries, provisions and produce, stone and wooden ware, 214 South High. Williams E. M. & Co., coach makers, 115 South Front. Williams & Monier, manufacturers and See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp, inside front cover. COL 283 COL COL S4 CON SALE AND RETAIL GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND SEEDS, COR. FOURTII AND FRIEND. Zetter John, dealer in groceries and pro visions, cor. Gay and Third. Zigler James M., cor fectioner and baker, 63 North High. Zollenger C. W., groceries provisions, wines and liquors. 57 West Broad, cor. South Front. Zollinger Jelferson, wagon maker, 19 South Front. dealers in foreign and American marble, 75 North High. WILSON B., REAL ESTATE AND INSU RANCE AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 69 SOUTH HIGIt, AMBOS BLOCK. WILSON HORACE, ATTORNEY A T LAW, 299 SOUTH HIGH. Wing J. H., railroad clerk at Central Ohio Railroad depot. Wise A. & Co., lager beer saloon, 189 South High. WITT MICHIAEL, PHOTOGRAPHER, 81 SOUTH HIGH. WITTMAN & STRAUB, BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS AN D DEALERS, 206 SOUTH HIGH. Woellner Jacob, lager beer saloon, 173 South Front. Wood Dr. C. J., dentist, 81 South High, over Savage's jewelry store. Wood Nelson, yard master, C. C. & C. R. R. depot. Wood Miss S., teacher Esther Institute. Woods John C., dealer in music, pianos, melodeons, &c., 16 East Broad. WOODBURY D. T. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. BOOTS, SHOES, &c., 6 GWYNNE BLOCK, TOWN. Woodward B., butchers, City Market, Fourth. Woodward Mrs. HI., milliner, 95 North High. WORLEY REV. DANIEL, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN DUFF & Mc COY'S COLLEGE, 103 EAST TOWN. Worley Rev. Daniel, A. M., professor mathemotics and natural philosophy, Capital University. Wormley T. G., M. D. professor of chemis-L try, geologl and natural philosophy, Capital University. Wortman R., clerk Adams Express Co., 12 East Broad. Zapp C., butcher, City Market, Fourth. Rollenger Jacob, proprietor Zollenger House, 69 West Broad. Zattau L., shaving saloon, 205 South High. Zehnacker Michael, cooperage, 415 South High. ZETTLER JACOB & LOUIS, WHOLE COLUMBUS GROVE, A village of Putnam county, for description or which, see Pleasant post office. A post village and township of Lake county, situated on Spring creek, and on the Painesville and Iludson Railway, 4 miles south from Painesville and 30 miles north-east from Cleveland. Population, 150. Township 3,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Bedients J., wooden and willow ware. Brakeman G., carpenter. Brown A. T., township trustee. BURR R., POST IASTER. BURR R. & SON, GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card p. 284.) Church & Curtiss, agricultural imple mCents. Church & Curtiss, saw mill proprietors. Damon H., proprietor Eagle Hotel. Drake A. W. & Co., carding machine. Drake H., dyer and scourer. Eagle Hotel, H. Damnon, proprietor. Edson S., school teacher. Foster G., carriage and wagon maker. Hone E., township constable. Huntoon J., township constable. Kraft F., tanner. Lamb J., brick mason. McDuff C., stave manufacturer. Morse A. & J., tanners. Murray G. S., township treasurer. Perry Joseph, painter. Perry T., carpenter and painter. Perry T., constable. Pierce N. A., school teacher. Rogers Wm., township trustee. Rust T. H., township clerk. Shepherd Rev., Methodist pastor. Smith J. F., wool grower. Stickney F., prop'r flouring mill. See adv't French Burr Mill Stones, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c COL 284 CON R. BURR & SONI Dealers iii ah is Am A% El. u I Groceries, &c., CONCO-RD, - - - - 0-HIO. CONCORD, (WILSON'S CORNERS,) 285 CON CONNEAUT, OHIO, i. BLAKELEY - Proprietor. 'e'-Southern Stage Office. I-Horses and Carriages to let and convey passengers to,aniy part of the country. o an par oftecuty Stickney J., prop'r saw mill. CARLIN THOS. J., POST MASTER, COR. Sullivan Rev. P., Methodist pastor. MI AIN AND BROAD. Tuttle Win., township trustee. Carter Mrs. E. F., millinery, Main. Wilson A., township justice. Chapman W. B., attorney at law, Main. Cleveland Cyrus, dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots and shoes, hardware, CONCORDIA, iron, nails, steel, crockery, &c., Main. A post office of Darke county. Collins Martin H., butcher and meat marAi post, office of Darkle county.ke,Mi. ket, Main. Conneaut Reporter, issued Thursday, Dan ~~COI"TDfIT, iel C. Allen, publisher and editor, and CONDIT, job printer, Main. A post office of Delaware county. Cumnmins David, manufacturer of harness, saddles and trunks, and dealer in saddlery hardware, leather whips, &c., CONiESViLLE, ai. Douglass Joseph, boot and shoe manufacA post village of Coshocton county. turer and dealer, Main. Dunning Milton A., marble worker and CONGRESS, dealer, Main. Fenton Atkins, carriage and wagon manA post village of Wayne county, 12 miles lufaceturer, Main. from Wooster. Fenton Samuel G., saloon, Main. FENTON SAMUEL P., DRUGGIST, BOUNTY, LAND AND PENSION AG-ENT, MAIN.' CONNEAUTI AGENT, MAIN. FENTON SAMUEL P., JUSTICE OF TIHE A prominent post village of Ashtahbula PEACE, MAIN. county, situated on a creek of the same Fenton & Nime, merchant tailors, and name, a)ned on the C,eveland and Erie dealers in ready made cltlling, Main. [Railway, 22 miles from Jefferson, and 67 Fifield Amos K., physician and surgeon, miles north-east from Cleveland. Popu- Mailn. lation 2,000. Gilman I-. F., surgeon dentist, MAain. Gray Mrs. C. F., millinery and dress mak in, Main. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Gthrie James drugs, books aud stationAllen Daniel C., publisher and editor of cry, Mtlin, Conneaut Weekly Rel,)oter, issued Guthrie James S., blacksmith, Washing Thuisday, Main. ton. Amies L. D., councilman, corI. Iill arid Li- Hall Ch lilrles, dry goods, groceries, hats, berty. caps, hardware, crockery, &c., Main. Atwood Stephen B., saddle, harness and Harris Charles H., shaving and hair trunk manufacturer, Main. dressing saloon, Main. 13Beachi S. & Co., manufacturers and dealers Hart P., cabinet. maker, ilMain. in cabinet furniture, Main. Hawk Wm. W., ambrotype and photograph 1BLA? KELEY HENRY, PROP'R TRE- gallery and recess. Mrin. MAONT HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND Jackson John, lhair dressing and shaving BROAD.-(See card, p. 285.) - saloon, Main. Burgess MIrs. Anna, millinery, Main. Jones Bradford, blacksmith, Broad. Burgess 0., prop'r of Lake House, corner Jones MI. HI., livery stable BroaLd. Wright's ave. and Main. Judd John, groceries, provisions, crockery, BuIss Albert, tannery and leather dealer, &c., Main. Main. See advt. of Metallic Burial Caskets, in irdex. CON .I-)G) -- )a_ — - CON 286 COP Judson Hiram, dealer in lumber, groce- BAKE & BOURNE, ries, &c., cor. Main and Harbor. Keyes & Smith, groceries, provisions, pro- Dealfs in duce, &c., Main. Lake Hiram, councilman, Main. Lyon Leander, druggist and books and stationery, Main. McKenzie James A., merchant tailor and Groceries, IHardware, &c., dealer in ready made clothing, and, gents' furnishing goods, Main. CONT ERA S, - - - OIO. Maynard Henry C., stoves, tin, sheet iron, and copper ware, Main. CONSTITUTIO, Merril R. M., recorder and superintendent A post office of Washington county. of schools, Monroe. post office of ashigton county. Middleton Mrs. Mary J., dealer in stoves, and manufacturer of tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Main. CONTRERAS, Phillips David, mayor, Main. Ph illips D. & 0. C., boot and shoe manl A post village of Butler county, in Oxford( fActurers ad d r o n lShoe nud township, established in 1850, situated on facturers and dealers in leather and -west from findings, Main. Indian creek, 18 miles north-west from findings, Main.* *11- 1- 2 * 1 or * ~Hamilton, and about 100 miles west southPhillips Oliver, boot and shoe maker, Main. Hamilton, and about 100 miles west south rnlllpullelbottndtlo maers*lan-west from Columbus. Population 30Randolph Patterson, prop'r of Randolph west from Columbus. Population 30. House, Main. Ransom J. B., butcher and meat store, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, FI. Main. BAKE & BOURNE, GENERAL MERRaymond David W., physician and sur- CHANTS. (See card p.286.) geon, Main. BOURNE EZRA, POSTMASTER: Rice Thos. B., councilman, Main. Caldwell J. W., blacksmith. Rice & Gansevoort, dry goods, hardware, Gibbs C. N., auctioneer. groceries, crockery, hats, caps, boots, Hayden J., blacksmith. shoes, iron, steel, nails, &c., Main. Morrial John, boot and shoe maker. Sharp George, hair dressing and shlaving saloon, in Tremont House. Smith Edward W., boot and shoe manufac- CONVENIENCE, turer and dealer, Main. Smith Elias P., councilman, Sttte. A post office of Fayette county. Smith Newton J., attorney at law and no tary public, Main. TREMONT HOUSE, HENRY BLAKE- CONVOY, LEY, PROP'R, CORNER MAIN AND A post village of Van Wert county. BBOAD.-(See card, p. 285.) Venen Darwin P., watch maker and jew- eler, Main. eler, Main. COOKE'S CORNERS, Vennen Darwin P., councilman, Main. Warren Alexander G., livery and sale A post office of Erie county. stable, Washington. _ _ N'Webster David N., dry goods, groceries, hardware, hats, caps, cabinet ware, COOLVILLE, crockery, &c., Main. Wheeler Stratton B., dealer in groceriesA post village of Athens county. and provisions, Main. COPE'S MILLS, CONNOTTON, A post office of Jefferson county. (MASTERVILLE VILLAGE,) A post office of Harrison county. COPLEY. A post office of Summit county. COPOPAC, A post village of Lorain county. CONSTANTIA, A post village of Delaware county. See adv't of J. Bradford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. COR Hashinger G., carpenter. Higgins Rev. K., Baptist pastor. Johnston Elizabeth, millinr. KELKER R., DEPUTY POSTMASTER. K E L K ER R. F., BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Leadingham George, tailor. Lortcher Jacob, prop'r Ohio House. McClinton J. H., township justice. McFarlan Joseph, physician. Mitchell D., carpenter. Morton J., carpenter. Ohio House, Jacob Lortcher, prop'r. Ringer Wm., harness maker. Roberts C., carpenter. ROGLESONG, POSTMASTER. S ell Adam, prop'r steam saw mill. Sigler C. D., township justice. Silliks John, broom maker. Smith J., township trustee. Snyder, township trustee. Sorick D., township assessor. Spaulding Zadock, boot and shoe maker. Stevens V. B., school teacher. Whitworth Rev., Methodist pastor. Williams M. E., school teacher. Young S., painter. A post office of Ashtabula county. CORNERSBURG, A pcst village of Mahoning county, in' Canfield township, established in 1834, situated on Lynn creek, 4 miles north-east from Canfield, and about 150 miles east, north-east from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Arnold Wm., brick mason. Brebet Wm., brick mason. Dustman A., cabinet maker and painter. Fink S., prop'r saw mill. Hlarner Henry, cooper. Henderson G. C., physician. Johnson J., grocer. Londerman J., prop'r flouring mill. LYNN ADAM, JUSTICE OF PEACE, AND POSTMASTER. Lynn F., prop'r steam saw mill. Napp E. E., dress maker. Osborn Truman, carriage and wagon maker. Ron Nathan, stoves and tin ware. Semen John, tailor. Shebley D., painter. Strewe Charles, boot and shoe maker. Strewe J. D., boot and shoe maker. Wehee Nathan, hide and leather dealer. An important post village, and the capital of Coshocton county, situated on the Muskingum river, and on the Pittsburg, Columbus and Cincinnati railway, 68 miles east north-east from Columbus. It contains twelve stores of various kinds, with varied trades and professions. Population 1,000. (BLOOMING GROVE VILLAGE,) A post village of Morrow county, in North Bloomfield township, established in 1845, situated 16 miles north from Mt. Gilead, and about 60 miles north from Columbus. Population 95. COSHOCTON COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge Probate Court, John T. Simmons. Clerk, L. Kinsey. Auditor, Samuel Forker. Treasurer, Samuel Lamberson. Recorder, A. McNeal. Sheri, D. Rodehaver. Surveyor, R. L. Baker. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, ~tc. Aldrich Sylvester, prop'r saw mill. Ashley O. P., school teacher. Bachman & Lindez, general merchants. Baker S., carriage and wagon maker. Butler David, carriage and wagon maker. Case David, township constable. Crispin S., township clerk. Daily P., school teacher. Davis John, township treasurer. Davis Reuben, sehool teacher. Davis Thomas, school teacher. Dickerson I. & T. U., brick masons. Dudley H. E., school teacher. Ervin William, broom maker. Fogel Thomas, cabinet maker and painter. Graham Thomas, township trustee. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ackelson Samuel, physician and surgeon, Second bet. Cadiz and Main. Adams Express Company, E. Denmead, agent, office at the Depot. American House, Benjamin Miller, prop'r, cor. Main and Second. Baker R. L., county surveyor, County Buildings. Bordenkircher John, clothing, and gents! furnishing goods, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Brown James M., banking and exchange office, Second, bet. Cadiz and Main. See Eagle Wire Works, opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. Cos 287 CORK, COSIIOCTON, CORSICA, cos C S o cOTON H O TIJ USE, Coriler Main and Depot. A. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. Campbell Thomas, attornley at law, Public Buildings. Cantwell II,, tailor, Second, northi of Cadiz. Cass A. L., physician and surgeon, Main. Cassinghamr George F., councilrman. Cassingham & Shaw, manufactur'ers and dealers in leather, boots, shoes and, findings, S e c o d, bet. Main and Cadiz. COSHOCTON COUNTY D E M 0 C R A T, ASA G. DIMMOCK, SR., PROP'R, SECOND. COSHOCTON HOUSE, A. WVILLIA.ISO CadN, PROP'R, COR. MNIAIN AND DEPOT. (See caird, p. 288.) Crawford & Welsh, groceries and liquors, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Curtrie Henry, carpenter and builder. Davis Henry, city marshal. Denmea.d Edward, freight and ticket agent, office at Depot. Denney C. & E., milliners and dress makers, Main, bet. Second and Third. DIMMOCK ASA G., SR., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND JU STICE OF TFHE PEACE, SECOND. Dimmock Asa G., jr., city recorder. Dtcyden & Co., druggists, Cadiz. bet. Sec ond and Third. Dryden & Co., tannery, Second, East Factor Geo., livery sbable, Second, south of M ain. Ferrian John, blacksmith, Second, north of Cadiz. Forker Scamutel, county a,uditor, office County Buildc ings. Fritchiey A. I., confecti onery an d ice cream s aloon, Second, bet. Alain asnd Cadiz. Friclitey F. X., groceries.ndc provi sions, SecondIi, bet. ain and Cnddiz. Fritz A., blacksmnith, Second, north of Cadiz. Gibson Wm., boot and shoe shop, Main. Given & Ponlerene, attorneys a,t law, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Glotz Frank, barber and hair dresser, Main, bet. Second,tnd Third. Glover Joseph, clrriage awd wagon shop, Second, north of Cadiz. Green Issac H., shaving s,,loon, Second, bet. Main and C'cdiz. Hackinson R. iNI., surgeon dentist, Second, bet. Mlain and C:.,diz. Harbaugh & Lee, de(lers in hardware, stoves, tin, copper, brass atid shleet iron ware, and agricultural imple ments, cor. Cadiz and Second. Harper W. H., literary and new.s depot,, Cadiz, bet. Second and Third. Main. harris J., physician and surgeon, Second, Dwyer Joseph W., editor and proprietor north of Cadiz. Pr o g r e s s v e A y e, cor. Cadiz and Hawthorn Jarad, dry goods, groceries and Second. general store, Second, bet. Main and Elliott A. K., manufacturer and dealer in Cadiz. boots and shoes, warranted, Second, "HAY R. & HI., DEALERS IN DRY west of Cadiz. GOODS, CLOTHING, QU EEN SElliott John, contractor and builder. WARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND PRO DUCE AND COMMISSION MIER See adv't of Lookiug Glasses, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 288 Cos Corner 3fain and Depot. A. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. -~ ~ O 28 O Schleigh George, wagon maker shop, Sec ond, north of Cadiz. Schleig Geo. councilman. Scheiker F., baker and grocery, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Shaw II. N., dealer in boots, shoes, cloth ing, &c., Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. SIIAW H. N., POST MASTER. Shaffer E., /blacksmith, Second, east of Main. Simmons John T., judge Probate Court, office, Public Buildings. Smith W. B., deale r in watches, clocks, and jewelry, Second bet. Main and Cadiz. Spangler E. T. & A. H., attorney s at law, office Cadiz, bet. Third and Fourth. Stevenson Peter, saddle and harness shop, cor. Second an d Cadiz. Stibbe S. D., dealer in men and boys' clothing, and gents' furnishing goods, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Straussetr F., grocery and bak ery, corner Main and Third. Sygart F., bakery, Second, bet. Main and Cadi z. Tidball J. C., attorney at law, and justice of the peace, office Public Buildings. Tidball House, Wm. Tidball, prop'r, Sec ond, bet. Main and Cadiz. Twining S. A., druggist, Second, between Main and Cadiz. Woggoner Jacob, undertaker, and chair and cabinet maker, Cadiz, bt. Second and Third, Weiser M., councilman. Welch Wm. R., councilman. Wilcoxin G. F. & Co., dealers in boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Wilkin A., prop'r livery stable, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Wilkin A. J. & Co., druggists, Second, bet. Cadiz and Main. WILLIAMSON A., PROP'R COSHOCTON HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND DEPOT. (See card, p. 288.) Zornetz A., boot and shoe shop, Cadiz, bet. Second and Third' Zugschwart C., boot and shoe shop, Sec ond, north of Cadiz. CHANTS, COR. MAIN AND SEC OND. Himebaugh & Co., coal oil refinery, Sec ond, east of Main. Huff John, cooperage, Main. IRVINE JAMES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND NOT ARY PUBLIC, COR. CADIZ AND THIRD. Johnson W. K. & Co., bankers and ex change brokers, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Johnston Charles H., mayor. Kelsey & Coope, surgeon dentists, Sec ond, bet. Main and Cadiz. Kinsey L., county clerk, office County Buildings. Kirby J. S., telegraph operator, office at Depot. Lamberson Samuel, county treasurer, office County Buildings. Layman James, blacksmith, Second, north of Cadiz. Leonard Mrs. H. L. millinery and fancy goods, Second, north of Cadiz. Leonard & Brice, attorneys at law, south side Public Square. LOVE T. & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF RYE, RYE AND BARLEY MALT, WHEAT, CORN WHISKY, COR. MAIN AND SECOND. McDonald, councilman. McDonald E. D., carriage and buggy fac tory, south-east of Main and Second. McNeal A., county recorder, office County Buildings. Madden J., house and sign painter, Sec ond, north of Cadiz. Martine John, grocery and saloon, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Matthew Charles, architect and builder. Mayer F., brewery, Second, north of Cadiz. Mayer Jacob, soap and candle factory, Second, near Roscoe Bridge. Milligan John, cooperage, East Main. Milner A. N., dealer in dry goods and general store, Second, bet. Main and Cadiz. Nicholas & Williams, attorneys and coun selors at law, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Pointer H., shaving saloon, cor. Main and Depot. Price W. H., grocery and saloon, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Ricketts Thomas C., banker and exchange broker, cor. Cadiz and-Second. Robertson House, James Robertson, prop'r, Cadiz, bet. Second and Third. Rodehaver David, county sheriff, office County Buildings. Sample William, common pleas judgeC office Cadiz. Sapp Enoch, physician and surgeon den tist, Second, west of Cadiz. 19 COVE DALE, A post office of Hamilton county, in Green township, 5 miles west from Cincinnati. Cos 289 cov COTTAGE HILL, A post office of Muskingum county. COVE, A post office of Jackson county. -~ ~ O 9 R COVINGTON, A prominent post village of Miami county, in Newberry township, situated on Stillwater creek, 9 miles north-west from Troy, 27 miles from Dayton, and 78 miles west by north from Columbus. It contains eleven stores, a woolen factory, flouring mill, &c. Population 1,100. (ROCKPORT VILLAGE,) A post village of Allen county, in Monroe township, established in 1850, situated on Cranberry creek, about 90 miles northwest from Columbus. Population 100. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bartmuss H., saddler. Bierley Miss M., teacher. Bowman Henry, cooper. Bryant W. G., physician. Cable R. E., physician. Cartright C., tailor. Defrees T. L. P., lime and stone dealer. Devault Jasper, grain dealer. Diltz A., boot and shoe maker. Drees H., tailor. Dunning J. B., general store. Dye Miss R. S., millinery and dress maker. Erisman & Brother, butchers. Face Daniel, stone and brick mason. Face William, cooper. Fahnestock Wm., pump and cradel maker. Finfrock & Simes, woolen factory. Fox John, nurseryman. Fredrick John H., blacksmith. Gross C., blacksmnith and carriage maker. Hardman D., blacksmith. Harrison J., physician. Harthan 11., lime and stone dealer. :Hartsal P., carpenter and builder. Hlolsinger J., carpenter and builder. Horroby C., druggist. Kelsey & Vicloy, brush makers. Langston J. C., carpenter and builder. Latchford T., boot and shoe maker. Legg I. W., superintendent Covington Union School. Linn Miss A. M., teacher. Mikesell & Ullery, flouring mill. Miller George W., teacher. Minton Wm., groceries. Newman J. N., prop'r Henry House. Nicoloy Peter, groceries. Orr J., lime and stone dealer. Purdy J. L., cabinet maker. Purdy Mrs J. L., millinery. Ranch G. W., tanner. Roberson Wm., real estate agent. Rouson & Leonard, general store. Shafer J., boot and shoe maker. Shafer M., tailor. Shellaber A., blacksmith, carriage and wagon maker. Shellaberger M. R., general store. Shellenberger J. E., hardware store. Shertzer I., tinn er. Shilling Mrs. Mary, groceries. Shuman & Albl)agh, general store. Sowers J., forwarding and commission merchant. CRANESVILLE, A post office of Paulding county, in Crane township, established in 1851, situated on the Maumee river, 9 niiles northwest from Paulding, and about 130 miles north-west from Columbus. Township population 600. ,CREIGHTON. A post office of Guernsey county, 8 miles north-west from Cambridge. CRESTLINE, A prominent post village of Crawford coun ty, in Jackson township, situated at the See advt. S. G. Burnet & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. CRE Gov 290 Sowers John, railroad,igent. V,,trner D. G., watches and clocks. Wagoner & Broth boot and shoemakers. WORLEY E. A.'-,- DRUGGIST AND POST MASTER. CRANBERRY, Alpilabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allcire E., carpenter and cabinet maker. Boore R., general merchant. Bowers Stephen, cooper. CA-N,IPBELL D., POSTMAST,ER. Freet G., hotel prop'r. Lloyd W. & Bro., saw mill prop'rs. AlcLeod J., dentist. Ochmutz G., carpenter. Oclimutz J., carpenter. Parker J., wagon maker. Rockhill A., carpenter. Rockhill A. S., boot and slioe maker. Rockhill W. B.. township j tistice Simons G., constable. CRANBERRY PRAIRIE, A post office of Nlercer couiity. CRAWFORD, A post village of Wyandot county. CRAWFORD MILLS. A post office of Medina county. GRE 91 GRE S. B. COt & Co., Dealers in LUMBER, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, Thoman Street, corner Railroad, CRESTLINE, OHIO. junction of the Bellefontaine and Indiana railway, and at the crossing of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, and the Cleveland, Columnbus and Cincinnati railways, 12 miles east from Bucyrus, and 60 miles north from Columbus. It contains fifteen stores, a weekly newspaper, several manufactories, &c. Population about 2,000. Davis J. P., ticket and freight agent C., C. and C. R. R. Davis J. W., clerk, Weber & Martin. Durand Silas, commission merchant and mayor. EDWARDS E. B., PROP'R EDWARDS' DINING SALOON, MEALS 25 CTS., BILLIARD SALOON ATTACHED, FIRST DOOR NORTH OF STATION HOUSE, D. PABET'S BUILDING. Eichen Rev. J., German Reformed pastor. Fleck P., township trustee. Fry & Mauch, (Francis Fry & Gebhard Mauch,) shoe store, Railroad; near Bucyrus. Good G. W., township justice. Hall A. C., check clerk P., Ft. W. and C. Ra R. Hartford Insurance Co., David Ogden, ag't, Main. Harmount A., pastor M. E. Church, res. Main. BEFELFINGER MICHAEL, PROPRIEB TOR OHIO HOUSE, MAIN, NORTH OF STATION. (See card, p. 292.) Hefelfinger Michael, grocer, Main, near Railroad. Helfrich Wendel, provisions, Main. Heickox W. S., agent P., Ft. W. and C. R. R., bds. Crestline House. Higgins A. M., American Express Compa ny, P., Ft. W. a nd C. R. R. Ho ffman Adam, grocer, Main. Holmes John, township constable. Holmes W., township trustee. Hoover Demis, (col.,) barber, north of Sta tion. Hoover Peter, grocer, Main. Howard John, (col.,) barber, crossing P., Ft. W. and C. and C., C. and C. R. R. Hoyt Samuel, manager telegraph office, junction P., Ft. W. and C., and C., C. and C. R. R. Huber Adam, furniture, Main. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ett .tna Insurance Co., David Ogden, agent,, Main. Anderson Mrs. —, dress maker. Anderson T. W., Ambrotypist. Archer il. C., councilman. Armitage James. saloon, Bucyrus. Babet D., farmer, Thoman. Barnes & Hieshey general store, Seltzer, near Main. Barnes J. G., agent United States Express and Union Express Companies. Barrall J. A., grocer, Railroad, near Selt zer. Beach J. P., tailor, Seltzer. Beach Lottie, school teacher. Beemer John, telegraph operator. Berchiker John, blacksmith, Main. Berry J., councilman. Bortz Thomas, grocer, Main. Bowen H., coal dealer. Bowles Wm., councilman. Bushnell M. B., clerk P., F. W. and C. R. R. Office. Cady L. S., clocks, watches, and jewelry, Railroad, near Bucyrus. Calvert Jos., fish dealer. Carey H., Marshal. Carey Henry, watch maker and jeweler, Main. C A R N E Y JOSEPH, DRUGGIST, AND MAIANUFACT'R OPODELDOC SOAP, SELTZER. (See card, p. 291.) COE S. B. & CO., (S. B. COE, WILLIAM HAYS & F. B. PATTERSON,) LUM BER DEALERS AND HARDWARE AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, COR. THOMAN AND RAILROAD. (See card p. 291.) Covert J. M., druggist, Thoman. Crawford D., street commissioner. Crestline House, Moritz Bros., prop'rs. See advt. of HI. Marshall & Co., in index. CRE 291 CRE JOSEPH CARNEY, And manufacturer of Opodeldoc, Ger man and Toilet Soaps, Seltzer Street, near Vain, CRESTLINE, 0. CRE 92 CRE Mongey X., prop'r Tremk]t House, Rail road, north of Station. Myers N., saloon kteper. Newman J., township treasurer. Ogden David, justice of peace and insur ance agent, Main, res. cor. Bucyrus and Pierce. OHIO HOUSE, MICHAEL HEFELFIN GER, PROP'R, MAIN, NORTH OF STATION. (See card, p. 292.) Ott George, brick mason. Patterson Wm. G., prop'r Union House, Thoman. Phelps C. B., prop'r Washington House, North Station. Pierce G. W., dealer in stoves, tin and iron ware, Main, cor. Seltzer. Pope Wm., physician and surgeon, corner Seltzer and Bucyrus. Prentiss A., school teacher. RAH M., PROP'R RAH HIOTEL, RAIL ROAD. Reed Wm., physician, Thonman. Reed John, township trustee. -Reid Mathew, prop'r steam flouring mill, Bucyrus. Rowland W. P., general clerk, P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. office. Schtnberg Joseph, furniture, Main. Sefert Thaddeus, grocer, Main. Seltzer David, livery stable,,lain. Sentinel, (Weekly newspaper,) Samuel E. Jenner, publisher. Shaffer-, cooper. Shull A. J., boots, shoes, hats, caps, gro ceries, &c., M ain. Simon S., distiller. Smith Mrs. Jane, dress maker. Smith Miss L., milliner, post office build ing, Bucyrus. Snodgrass Tho's., meat market, Railroad. Snyder Andrew J., druggist, Thoman. Snyder & Bro., chair makers and painters. taley Jacob, tailor, Thoman. Itine, Wilson & Co., planing mill, Tho man. Stoner Michael, blacksmith, Livingston. Stump Jacob, cloth ing stor e, Railroad, n orth of Station. Tlhoman John A., general merchant, Main. Thompson John, brick mason. Vogel Chas., blacksmith, corner Main and Seltzer. Wagner August, cigar maker, Main. Warden James, township constable. Warden S., general store, Main. Weber M., prop'r Franklin House, Rail road. Weber & Martin, groceries and provisions. Seltzer. Welch Elizabeth K., milliner and dress maker, Seltzer. Zink D. L., clerk, P., Ft. W. &C.R. R. office. O IO S:OUSE MAIN STREET, NORTII OF STATION vHuber Henry, carpenter. Humeston James, ticket and freight ag't B. and I. R. R. Hunt Joseph, painter. JENNER A. E., PHYSICIAN AND POST MASTER, POST OFFICE BUILD ING. JENNER A. & CO., (A. JENNER & A. E. JENNER,) DRUGGISTS, COR. BUCYRUS AND RAILROAD. Jenner Saml. E., attorney at law and pub lisher Sentinel. Jenner & Jones, job printers. Jenner A. Reid, hardware and cutlery. JONES N., ATTORNEY AND EDITOR, MAIN, RES. SELTZER. Keeny & Co., dealers in wines and liquors. Kenton & Jones, real estate agents, Main. Kebble J. G., wagon maker, Main. Keplinger D. L., prop'r American Hotel, Railroad, cor. Bucyrus. Kniseley Wm., recorder. Kniseley W. & Co., general merchants, cor. Main and Seltzer. Koble Geo., carriage and wagon maker. Kretz Casper, furniture, Main. Lakin John, dining saloon, near Station. Lambert Wm., baker, Railroad. Lee R., councilman. Lee George, clerk C., C. and C. Railroad Office. Lee R. & Co., general store, Thoman. Liedich Heinrich, blacksmith, Main. Lloyd J. P., pastor Presbyterian Church, Conover. Loelkes John, baker. Lounsbury Charles H., telegrash operator. McGuire James, saddler Main. McIntire Jos. H., ambrotypist, Main. McJunkin Miss C., milliner, Seltzer. Meek Joseph, prop'r Cook's Hotel, Rail road. Merritt E., dentist and coal dealer. Miller E. C., school teacher. Miller James, boot and shoe maker and dealer in leather, and currier, Rail road, near Seltzer. Miller James & Co., tanners. Miller John, shoemaker, Main. Moore Miss, school teacher. Moritz J. M. & G. W., proprietors Crestline House, junction P., Ft. W. and C. and C. and C. R ailroads. Morrison Miss R., school teacher. See adv't of Wm. Wiswell, jr., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. CRE 292 CRE MlCfIAEL HEFELFINGER, Prop'r. CRESTEINE, 0. CR1 298 CUY Crosgrove W., proper Globe House, and cabinent maker. Crow J. W., wool growler. Crozier J., village treasurer. Cumberland Lodge, No. 200, I. 0. O. F. Dickson Geo., constable. Dolman W., carpenter. Draper C., general merchant, and physi cian. Duncan Rev. J. R., Presbyterian pastor. Elliott Thos., boot and shoe maker, and justice of the peace. Ferguson D. M., school teacher. Foster John, wool grower. Gander David, township trustee. Globe Hotel, W. Crosgrove, prop'r. Gregg J. & Bro., prop'rs steam fiouring mill. Grummon J. N., druggist, and township clerk. Holmes A., councilman. Holmes & Stranathan, general merchants. Johnson S., cabinet maker. Johnson Samuel, tailor. Johnson W., harness maker. Jones Thos., grocer. Knowlton J. R., township treasurer. Knowlton & Prouty, foundry. McCall J. H., physician. McCortle T., councilman. Millhouse S. G., general merchant. Moore John, township justice. Rabe Wm, stoves and tin ware. Rosman B., tanner. St. Clair Thos., constable. St. Clair Wm., township trustee. St. Clair W. J., boot and shoe maker. SAVAGE ROBERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND POSTMASTER. Squire A. G., general merchant. Stockwell George, marble worker. Stranathan Samuel, wool grower. Thomas Rev. T. T., Presbyterian pastor. Tucker Wm., councilman. Waller F. A., carpenter. Warne M., milliner. Wilson J., councilman. Wilson James, carriage and wagon maker. A post office of Auglaize county. CROGHAN, A post office of Allen county. CROSSANVILLE, A post office of Perry county. CROSS ROADS, A post office of Madison county. CROTON, A post office of Licking county. CROXTON, A post office of Jefferson county. CUBA, A post office of Clinton county. A post village of Guernsey county, in Spencer township, established in 1825, situated on Buffalo Fork of Mills' Creek, 16 miles south from Cambridge, and abou t 70 miles east from Columbus. Population 500. Township 1,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Agnew D. W., marshal. Agnew M., dress maker. Athey Rev. W., Methodist pastor. Barton R., councilman. Barton & Hunter, prop'rs steam fiouring mill. Bay John, township trustee. Bemis House, J. T., Cramblit, prop'r. Buchanan James, mayor, and carriage and wagon maker. Clements J., painter. Collins S., harness maker. Columbian Lodge, No. 134, Masonic. Conner J. T., tanner. Conner R. S., physician. Cramblit J. T., prop'r Bemis House. Crosgrove Ruth. dress maker. An important post village and township of Summit county, situated. on Cuyahoga river, and on the Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati railway, 4 miles from Akron, and 125 miles north-east from Columbus. It contains fifteen stores and ten manufactories of various kinds.' Population, 1300. See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. CRI CRIDER'S, 293 CUY CROSS CREEK, A post office of Jefferson county. '- CUMBERLAND, CUMMINSVILLE, A post village of Hamilton county. CUYAHOGA FALLS, CYN 294 DAL Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams E., merchant tailor. Addie Jonn, constable. American House, H. Dowd, prop'r, west side Front. Bailey C. P., dentist, east side Front. Beebe 0. B., general store, east side Front. Chezbrow Rev. -., Methodist. Clark Rev. T., Congregational. Comstock & Brother, general store, east side Front. Dowd H., prop'r American House, west side Front. Gillett H. N., stoves and tin ware, east side Front. Green A. W., ambrotype gallery, east side Front. Hayner Rev. N., Methodist. Head N., merchant tailor, east side Front. Heath F. S. & Co., druggists, east side Front. Holden Rev. L. L., E. P. Church. Konkle A. J., saloon and confectionery. Lawson W., justice of the peace. Lee P. J., painter. Lewis I., groceries, east side Front. L'HOMMEDIEU J., MERCHANT AND POSTMASTER, EAST SIDE FRONT. Lockwood H. C., general store, east side Front. Loury D. N., constable. McGrath Miss Ellen, milliner, east side Front. Parks D. & Bro., stoves and tin ware, east side Front. Pease S., general store, east side Front. Plum H., boot and shoe maker, east side Front. Rice C. W., physician, west side Front. Rockwell E. S., grocery, east side Front. Smith C., grocery store. Somers P. G., physician and justice of the peace, east side Front. Starr C. S., harness maker, east side Front. Taylor H. K., supt. high school. Turner, Parks & Co., manufacturers of smut mills, east side Front. Wills S., boot and shoe maker, east side Front. DALTON, A post village of 3ayne county, in Sugar creek township,-established in 1825, situated on Little Sugar creek, 3 miles from the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago raeilway, 13 Bmiiles east from Wooster, and about 60 miles south from Cleveland. Population 600. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allbright J T., sewing machine ag't, and tailor. Barclay G. I., dentist. Baughman J. W., township justice. Baughman S., carriage and wagon maker. Beneard Wm., cooper and constable. Cameron Andrew, nursery and seedsman. Cameron Wmi., painter. Coe H., sch ool teacher. Cook Asa, carpent er. Dague J., township justice. Dague Geo., township constable. Fenton C. S., carriage and wagon maker. Fickers Wm., brick mason. Fisher Miss B., dress maker. Fletcher John & Co., harness makers. Flickinger & Houghten, p otter s. Fluke Samuel, cabinet maker. Folty, H., coal dealer. Forbes Mrs. Sarah, dress maker. Foust Peter, general merchant. Groff D., attorney at law. Harley L. G., physician. Harper D. W., boot and shoe maker. Homan E., carpenter. Houghten C., broom manufacturer. Jameson & Bro., prop'rs steam saw mill. Kosier Geo., cabinet maker. Kriling John, ambrotypist. McCartney Rev. R. A., Presbyterian pas tor. McDowell Wm., agricultural implements, stoves and tin ware. McElheney Robert, carpenter. Matison Rev. D. D. T., Methodist pastor. Mosser Jno. P., gunsmith. OTIS E. D, POSTMASTER. OTIS & GOUDY, DRUGGISTS. Palmer J. M., school teacher. Reed J. C., lumber dealer. Reed Robert, wool grower. Rogers George, leather dealer. Scoot Levi, carriage and wagon maker. Semple Rev. P. M., Presbyterian pastor. Tagart T. M., physician. Treet E. A., clothier. Veney John, barber. Werty C. S., prop'r livery stable. Werty P., hotel prop'r. Werty W. H. H., grocer. Wright John, auctioneer. Wylie A. K., patent right agent. CYNTHIANA, A post office of Pike county. DALLAS, A post office of Highland county. A village of the same name is situated in Darke county, for description of which, see Ansonia post office, page 11. DALLASBURG, A post office of Warren county. See advt. of John C. Schooley & Co., Ice Chests, &c., p. 168 CYN 294 DAL a DAR Gudtner J., real estate agent. Guy C. & H., dress makers. Guy W., brick maker..Hager A., carpenter. Hager D. B., tailor. Hager Wm., boot and shoe maker. Hagerty J. B., township treasurer. Hathaway Rev. Jacob, Methodist pastor. Haynes T. J., physician. Hobbs E. T., brick mason. Hoge & Kennedy, harness makers. Knock John, boot and shoe maker. Kroh G. & H., brick makers. Lucas W., boot and shoe maker. Lum bard H. D., township constable. McCune J. E., physic'all. McCune Z. P., boot and shoe maker. McCune & Case, druggists. McDowell T. L., carpenter, and marshal. Morelock J. J., tanner. Moss Edward, barber. National Hotel, S. 0. Weatherington, pro prietor. Nichols, stoves and tin ware. Norton D., hotel prop'r. Norton Daniel, village clerk. Norton Rev. W. W., Universalist pastor. Olney S., school teacher. Perry Edson, boot and shoe maker. Pleasant Valley Lodge, No. 193, I. O. O. F. Sands A., boot and shoe maker. Scott J. H., tailor. Shepper Jacob, wagon maker. Smith J., councilman. Snyder & Switzer, harness makers. Stamp Wesley, boot and shoe maker. Swaine John, druggist. Thomas A. H., village treasurer. Thompson J. B., carpenter and lumber dealer. Thompson W. S., prop'r liverv stable. Thompson W. S., township constable. Urania Lodge,"No. 311, Masonic. Warner Charles, cooper. Weatherington S. O., proprietor National Hotel. Wilcox Thomas, general merchant. Williamson Miss S. B., dress maker. Winget D. C., cabinet maker and car penter. Woodruff R., general merchant. Wooley Wm., brick mason. W o r d s w o r t h Miss Adalaide, school teacher. Wordsworth W. M., painter. sDAMASCOVILLE, A post office of Columbiana county. A post office of Franklin county. (PLEASANT VALLEY VILLAGE.) A post village of Madison county, in Darby township, established in 1806, situated on Darby creek, and on the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana railway, 18 miles north by east from London, and 18 miles north-west from Columbus. Pop. 365. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen A., township justice. Allen William, brick mason. Baker Isaiah, carpenter. Baker I. & Co., grist mill prop'rs. Baker Samuel, carpenter. Ballinger W. I., physician. Barlow E. W., jr., cabinet maker. Beach H., boot and shoe maker. Beard Josiah, councilman. Bigelow D. A., grocer, and mayor. Bigelow D. A., railroad and express agent. BIGELOW I. E., POSTMASTER, AND GROCER. Bigelow Miss M., dress maker. Bond Rev. V., United Brethren pastor. Bowers J. P., township trustee. Boyd Daniel, township trustee. Bradley P., cooper. Case P. B1., attorney at law and notary public. Chapman S. G., councilman. (,eement D. S., nursery and seedsman. Converse Asa, general merchant and councilman. Converse If. K., wagon maker. Crook Rev., Methodist pastor. Curry M. B., township trustee. Daugherty G. W., carpenter. Farbanks L., township justice. Furlong S. P., boot and shoe maker. Graham John, real estate agent. Graham R. G., general merchant. Graham Robert, grocer and township clerk. See adv't of Wholesale Harc DAM 295 DAMASCUS, A post office of Henry county. DANVILLE, A post office of Knox county. DARBY, DARBY CREEK, DARBY PLAINS, A post office of Union county. DARBYVILLE, A post office of Pickaway county. are, opp. inside front cover. DAR DAY BAIRI) l& 0 BROTIIER, Manufacturers of _ IM iSASH BLI.DS, Doors, and Mouldings of all sizes, and dealers in Window Glass. And Dressing done to order. On the Canal, opp. Fourth St., DAYTON, OHIO. Ademann, lager beer saloon, 18 Mar ket. Alexander Joseph, exchange and loan office, 63 Jefferson. Allison J. W., wagon maker, Miami City. Altherr Jacob, boarding house and saloon, 29 Market. American Express Co., T. M. John, agent, 299 Third. Anderson Chas., carpenter and builder, 18 Perry. Anderton F. W., confectionery and fruit store, 108 Main. Anthony House, A. Greiner, proprietor, cor. of Main and Sixih. Archer Joseph, grocery, Miami City. Archer & Altick, groceries and provis ions, cor. of Wayne and Fifth. Armor Samuel G., physician, 59 Ludlow. Armstrong Mrs. A., embroidery, trim ming, and fancy store, 124 Main. Atkin W., proprietor City Hotel, 31 Sixth. Aubert Mrs. J., dealer in watches and jewelry, 306 Third. Aughe J., plow manufactory, Upper Hy draulic, between Front and Beckel. Ayers B. M., dealer in groceries and for eign and domestic liquors, north west cor. Jefferson and Second. Ayres S. C., grocery, 418 West Third. Ayres Solomon, house and sign painter, 195 Water. Ayres W. R. S., dealer in choice groce ries, 88 Main. Babbitt T. S., wholesale dealer in hats, caps, straw goods and millinery, 42 Main. Baeuerle Thos., dry goods and groceries, 73 Wayne. Baggott James H., probate judge, office Court House. BAIRD & BROTHER, MANUFACTU RERS OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDING OF ALL SIZES, DARKE, A post office of Darke county. A post village of Butler county. DAWKIN'S MILLS. A small post village of Jackson county. DAWN, r A post office of Darke county, situated near the line of the Bellefontaine and Indiana railway. A flourishing and important post city, and the capital of Montgomery county, situated on the left or east bank of the Great Miami river, at the junction of Mad River, 52 miles north by east from Cincinnati, 67 miles west by south from Columbus, in latitude 39~ 44' north, and longitude 84~ 11' west, 460 miles from Washington City. It is the terminus of n um e rous railway lines, and the seat of extensive manufactories of various kinds. Population about 25,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Abbey James, druggist, 120 Main. Ach Abraham, manufacturer and dealer in copper, tin and sheet-iron ware, 339 Second. Ach Jaeob, family grocery, 36 Main. See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. i DAR 296 DAY J. C. BAIRD. W. F. BAIRD. DARRTOWN, DAVIS, A post office of Carroll county. DAYTON, DAY Bickford D., dealer in boots and shoes, 295 Third. Bickford Nathaniel, boot md shoe maker, 259 First. Bidleman, Evans, Crawford & Doyle, wholesale dealers in boots, shoes, leather, shoe fin dings, tanners' oil, &c., 295 Second. Bimm Joseph, groc er and produce dealer, 243 First. Bimm Joseph, pork inspector, 92 Wa ter. Birch Wm., machins ist, 225 First. Bisch George, pottery, 218 Main. Blanchard & Brown, manufacturers o f carriage wheels, hubs, spokes, and all kind s o f bent material for car eiages, office St. Clair, bet ween Third and Fourth. Ble ss K., saloon and boarding house, 8 Market. Bloom Jacob, feed stor, e 264 Fifth near Boger D. K., county clerk, office Court House. Brown. Bohlender V alentine, bakery, 261 Sec ond. Boltin S., attorney at law, 84 Main. Bonmbgeger William & Co., f looring a nd planing mill, cor. of Wayne an d Canal. Bomberger, Wright & Co., manufacturer s of Atkins's self raking reaper and mower, and Dutton's c ombin ed reap er and mower, and the Young Amer ica one-horse mower, W. C. Tucker, agent. Boone Daniel, manfacturer of pumps, 225 First. Borchard Rev. Dr. Hermann, pastor Ger man Lutheran Church, Sears, between First and Becond. Bornstein M., importer and dealer in ci gars and tobacco, 93 Main. Bosler C. W., homoeopathist, 178 Main. Bosler J., homoeopathist, 178 Main. BoslerJ. B., confectionery and bakery, 109 Main. Bosler T. A., bakery, 186 Main. Bosson D. R., roofing, spouting and job bing, 226 Fifth. Bothen John Wm., groceries and liquors, cor. Third and Front. Bouck, Aley & Co., dealers in dry goods, 50 Wayne. Bowen A. M., infirmary director, Dayton View. Boyer J. F., manufacturer copper, tin, and sheet iron ware, 284 Second. Boyer O., manufacturer of and dealer in fashionable furniture, 381 West Third. Boyle James, plasterer, 204 Main. Bracelin James, manufacturer of carpen ters and coopers' tools, and dealer in hardware, &c., 285 Second. ooden Maeh'ry, inside front cover. AND DEALERS IN WINDOW GLASS, &c., CANAL, OPPOSITE FOURTH. (See card p. 296.) Baker J. N, manufacturer of agricultu ral implements, cor. Third and Wayne. Baldwin S. B., daguerrean artist, north side of Third, east of Main. Baldwin & Hollingsworth, commercial college, 328 East Third. Balsley J. H., carpenter and dealer in sash, glass, doors, blinds and frames, 227 First. Barlow Anthony, Washington Street Beer Hall, cor. Washington and Ludlow. Barlow J. A., family groceries, 46 Brown. Barlow & Heckler, importers and dealers in china, glass and queensware, 308 Second. Barney, Parker & Co., railroad car build ers, &c., Keowee, between First and Water. Barnett & Motter, proprietors Otegon Mills, cor. Logan and Smith. Batteek D., brass~orks and bell founder, cor. Third and Canal. Batty Edward, manufacturer of willow ware of every style, Ozierholt, 1 mile east of Lunatic Asylum. Bauman E., bakery, 429 West Third. Beardsley & Petticrew, Oregon wagon shop, 84 Wayne. Beatty J. S., manufacturer and dealer in pure ground spices, mustard, roast and ground coffee, cor. Third and St. Clair. Beck Joseph, merchant tailor, 300 Second. Beckel Daniel, cashier Dayton Bank, north-west cor. Third and Jefferson. Behring W. C., proprietor St. Charles sa loon, 57, 59 and 61, Jefferson. Belden Alonzo, manufacturer of brooms, 257 First. Bellville Jacob, physician, Miami City. Benjamin T. & Son, manufacturers of edge tools, cor. St. Clair and Fourth. Bennett N. R., flour inspector, 14 Fourth. Bentley Thos. D., manufacturer of brushes of every variety and style, 111 Main. Berry & Cuppy, proprietors Hydraulic Flax Company, Upper Hyhraulic, office cor. Main and Second. Berlting Henry, lager beer saloon, 19 Market. Bess Mrs. C., boarding house. 84 Jefferson. BEST HENRY, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTA'CLES AND JEW ELRY, 57 MAIN. Best Newton, watch maker, jeweller and dealer in silver and plated ware, 297 Third. Bettelon & Pretzenger, dealers in wines, brandy, whisky, &c., 272 Third. Betzwiezer F., undertaker, 256 Second. DAY 297 DAY 298 DAY C. S. DEIGKER &CO., DAYTON, OHIO. Established in 1834, DOEALE RlS IN BOLTI[NG CLOTHS Of all numbers, and every brand manufactured, a large supply of which is kept constantly on hand, and for sale at low prices. Also Screen Wire, Regulating screws, Hoisting Screws, Mill Spindles, Damsels, Proof Staffs, Mill Picks, &c. Mill Stones ready dressed for making flour when ordered. All work of the best quality, and at prices lower than any other similar establishment, when the superior quality is taken into consideration. BRADLEY C., SURGEON DENTIST, 356 THIRD. Bradley & Hope, dealers in furniture, 273 Third. Brandenburg W. H. & Co., dealers in foreign and domestic fruits, &c., 300 Third. Breene Wm. G., merchant tailor, 96 Main. Bretsed Rev. Phillip, pastor Evangelical Association Church, cor. Fifth and Walnut. Broadrup, Raymond & Co., manufactur ers woolen machinery, cor. Third and Canal. Broadwell Josiah S., book bindery and blank book manufacturer, 321 Third, opp. Town Clock. Brower H. B., staple and fancy groceries, cor. Wilkinson and Third. Brown Henry M., dealer in hats, caps, &c., of every variety, 92 Main, opp. Court House. Brown Joseph, groceries and produce, 135 Main, cor. Fifth. Brown & Irwin, manufacturers of stoves and hollow ware, cor. Mill and First. Brownell & Co., manufacturers of steam boilers, cor. First and Foundry. Bruen L. B., city solicitor, cor. Main and Third. Bruen & Corwin, attorneys at law, north east cor. Third and Main. Bruner & Marshall, manufacturers of vinegar, cor. Canal and First. Bruntz Henry, cooperage, cor. First and Taylor. Buckeye Foundry, W. B. Pease & Co., pro prietors, cor. Third and Canal. Bunstine, Frebein & Co., staple and fancy dry goods, 80 Main. Burrows B. G., plain and fancy job print ing, 310 Third, up stairs. Burrows & Butt, carpenters and builders, Wayne, south of Canal. Burton Rev. W. S., pastor First Uni versalist Church, St. Clair, bet. Third and Fourth. Butterfield Wm. H., principal N. W. School, 415 Second. Cabinet Makers' Union, wholesale and re tail manufacturers and dealers in cabinet furniture, mattresses, chairs, &c., Main, 2 doorsjorth Second. Cain John C., wholesawdealer in foreign and domestic notions, &c., 305 Third. Cain Samuel G., whisky inspector, 349 Second. Callender W. H., blank book manufacturer and wholesale paper dealer, 310 Third, up stairs. Carey H. G., physician and surgeon, north east cor. Second and Ludlow. Carnell H. D., dispensing chemist and druggist, 322 Third. Carroll D., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, 46 Main. Carroll David, infirmary director, 46 Main. Cassell Lewis, freight agent S. D. and C. R. R., east side Canal, bet. First and Water. Cathcart J., livery stable, 234 First. Cathcart & Clegg, groceries and provis ions, 224 Fifth. Caulkins Russell, physician and surgeon, 42 Ludlow. Center House, J. Murray, prop'r, 11 Mar ket. Central Insurance Co. of Dayton, capital $100,000, D. W. Iddings, secretary, 70 Main. Cezar John, shaving saloon, 15 Sixth. Chair Makers' Union, G. Stomps, superin tendent, 278 First, bet. Jefferson an d St. Clair. Chalfant James F., presiding elder, 422 Second. Chamberlain & Parker, merchant tailors, 314 Third. -Chambers R., produce, forwarding and commission merchant, 30 east side Canal Basin. Childs C. J., painter, glazier and grainer, 267 Third. See adv't of Looking Glasses, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. DAY 298 DAY DA 299 DAY Chittenden H. T., attorney at law, 70 Main. Christie W., agent new and second-hand furniture, 283 Third. Christopher J. K., auctioneer and dealer in dry goods, notions, toys, &c., cor. Jefferson and Market. Claflin D1). B., photographer, south-east cor. Main and Third. Clarke Charles E., real estate agent and general agent, 310 Third. Clegg J. M., attorney at law and notary public, north-west cor. Jefferson and Third. Clements Joshua, physician, 53 Main. Coffman, Winder & Co., notions and hats and caps, 305 Second. Cohan John, carriage manufactory, 283 Fifth. Colb Phillip H., dealer in wood and coal, cor. First and Canal. Collins G., prismatic turning, octagon newel posts and balusters of every style, Canal, bet. Third and Fourth. Collins Mrs. G., millinery, 43 Main. Comly W. F. & J. P., prop'rs Daily and Weekly Journal, 85 Main. Conover & Craighead, attorneys at law, cor. Main and Third. Conover & Smith, fashionable carriage makers, 337 Third, 3 doors west of Court House. Conrad Rev. F. W., pastor First English Lutheran Church, Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Conway E. & R., surgeon dentists, 339 Third. Conway Mrs. H., plain and fancy millin ery, cor. Madison and First. Cooper Seminary, Rev. U. L. Conrad, president, south-west cor. First and Wilkinson. Corp Mrs. C., millinery and fancy goods, 317 East Second. Coursey M. D., (col.,) shaving saloon, 75 Jefferson. Cozad Abner, house, sign and ornamen tal painter, 288 Third, up stairs. Craighead Wm., attorney at law, 322 Third. Crawford & Stilwell, manufacturer s of lasts, pegs, &c., cor. Wyandot an d Shawnee. Crew & Warford, manufacturers of sad dles, harness, trunks, &c., 53 Jeffer son. Cridlant T. W., manufacturer of picture frames and photographer, 264 Third. Crook Oliver, physician and surgeon, 233 Third. Crowell C., pump maker, cor. Wayne and (Crum Rev. Geo. C., past,or Raper Chapel, cor. Jackson and Fifth. Cuppy E. F., attorney at law, corner Main and Second. Curtis D. M., manufactler of woolen goods and dealer in dry goods, paper hangings, &c., 280 Fifth. Daniels E. A., millinery and fancy goods, 47 Main. Darrow J. W., tannery, 150 Jefferson, on Canal. Dar ro w W. L., manufacturer of boots and shoes, 97 Ma in. Darst, Herchelrode & Co., wholes ale deal ers in dry goods and notions, 303 Second. Darst Jno. W. & Bro., staple and fancy dry goods, 84 Main. Darst Jost., family groce ry, 197 Fifth. Davis E. carpenter and builder, 85 Lud low. Davis J., physician, 354 Third. Davis N. B., dealer in boots and shoes, 79 Jefferson. Davis Wm. C. & Co., manufacturers of reapers, mowers, grain drills, and agricultural implements. Dayis & Cuppy, insurance agents, corner Main and Second. Davis & Lowe, attorneys at law, cor. Main and Fourth. Dayton Bank, capital $100,000, D. A. Haynes, pres't, D. Beckel, cashier, north-west cor. Jefferson and Third. Dayton Branch State Bank of Ohio, P. Odlin, pres't, Chas. Swain, cash, cap ital $107,000, south-east cor. Jeffer son and Sec o nd. Dayton Gas Light and Coke Co., William Dickey, pres't, S. T. Evans, see'y, of fice north-west corner Jefferson and Third. Dayton Gas Light and Coke Co.'s Works, Joseph Light, sup't, Water, bet. St. Clair and Mill. Dayton Gazette, weekly, W. l-I. P. Denny & Son, prop'rs, cor. Main and Fourth. Dayton Insurance Company, J. R. Young, Esq., sec'y, cor. Third and Jefferson. Dayton Library Association, Adolphus Bates, librarian, south-east cor. Main and Second. Dayton Pioneer, weekly, C. Baur & Carl Richard, editors and proprietors, cor. Main and Fourth. Deardorf P., jeweler, corner of Main and Sixth. D'Arey P. H., confectionery and saloon, 278 Third. DECKER C. S. & CO., MANUFACT'RS OF FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, ALSO, DEALERS IN BOL T I N G CLOTHS OF ALL NUMBERS AND :EVERY VARIETY, COR. SECOND AND CANAL. (See card p. 298.) Decker Jacob, flour and feed store, 287 Third. See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp, inside front cover. I DA'Y 299 DAY DAY 300 DAY~~~~~~~~~ Degraff A., railroad contractor, 7 Ludlow. Deis George, shaving saloon, 52 Wayne. Denise J. C., physician, 350 Third. Deschler J., prop'r Canal Hotel, 233 Se cond. Deters G. H., grocery, 34 Sixth. Dickinson Rev. E. W., pastor Wayne St. Baptist Church, corner Wayne and Fifth. Dietrich J. W., dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, &c., &c., 33 Third, Phillips House. Dille B., livery stable, 78 Jefferson. Dister P., bathing and shaving saloon, 35 Market. Dister & Reinhard, shaving saloon, cor. Third and Jefferson. Dixon A., carpet weaver and dyer of silks, woolen and cotton goods, 76 St. Clair. Doll J., manufacturer of sash, blinds, doors, and window frames, Canal, opp. Fourth. Dornbush H., merchant tailor, 222 Fifth. Douglass N. P. & Co., jobbers and retail dealers in dry goods, millinery, cloaks, mantillas, &c., 76 Main. Doup T. V., manufacturer of sash, blinds, and doors, mouldings of all sizes, Kenton, near Third. Dover Thomas, apothecary and druggist, 270 Fifth. Dryden Daniel H., county auditor, office Court House. Dunn Joseph, hat shop, 48 Wayne. Eastabrook & Phelps, wholesale grocers, 297 Second. Eberle Jacob F., Washington House, 9 Sixth. Ecker David, county recorder, office Court House. Eckert Joseph, meat store, 215 Fifth. Edmondson E., dealer in second-hand furniture, 50 and 52 St. Clair, under Univer salist Church. Edmonson E., portrait painter, 264 Third. Egry & Leaman, thysicians, 248 Third. Ehman C. J., pump maker, Commercial. Eidman K., family grocery, 33 Market. Elliott H., attorney at law, 318 East Third, Elliott James, cabinet maker, cor. Main and Fourth. Ells Charles, piano forte warerooms, cor. Third and Jefferson. Ely A. I., Temperance boarding house, 136 Main. Emerick C. C,, prop'r Montgomery House, 257 and 259 Third. Engel Jacob, prop'r Augsburger Beer Sa loon, 55 Jefferson. Errett Rev. I. W., elder Disciples Church, cor. Brown and Smith. Euchenhofer F., Columbus House, corner Third and Commercial. Farmers' and Mechanics' H~otel, A. G. Lit tier, prop'r, 324 Second. Faulke & Lause, cooper age, coreco ner Wa ter and Taylor. Fauver Allen, s&ont yard, Main, so uth of Canal. Fauvers S., family grocery, 232 Fifth. Favorite E., agent, hat and cap store, 297 Third. Felix Josi ah, confectionery and ice cream saloon, cor. Main an d Second. Ferneding C., manufact'r and dealer in boots and shoes, 813 East Second. Ferneding Henry, manufact'r barley and rye malt, bee r and ale, cor. Kenton and Third. Filke & Legler, manufact'rs clothing and dealers in cloths and gents' furnish ing goods, &c., 307 Second. Fireman's Gazette, C. E. Cro well, editor, 310 Third. Fireman's Insuranc e Co., S. C. Emely, se cretary, cor. Third and Jeffer son. Fish Wm., woolen manufactory, cor. Fifth and Canal. Fishback H. W., car pet we a ve r, 126 Wayne. Flinn C. D., manufact'r boots and shoes, 278 Fifth. Folkerth A. R. H., dealer in groceries and wooden and willow ware manufact'r, 278 Second, cor. Jefferson. Folkerth J., notary public, 32 Jefferson. Foote W. H. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy groceries, 68 Main. Fouts Josiah, grocery, 325 Second. Fouts Riley, grocer and provision dealer, 256 Third. Fraim S. D., foundry, Canal, bet. Third and Fourth. Franklin House, Schieble & Strickler, prop'rs, cor. Main and Second. Franks J., wine and beer saloon, 17 Mar ket. Freed Benjamin, family grocery, 233 Wa ter. Frey L. & H., family grocery, 216 Fifth. Fritch & N ipgen, grocers and produce dealers, 311 East Second. Fritz & Simmons, tub and pail manufac tory, Canal, bet. Third and Fourth. Frochliehe, Botschafter & S. Vonneida, editors Children's Friend, (semi-month ly,) cor. Main and Fourth. Fulmer F. & Son, silver platers, 151 Main, near the Railroad. Fuller R. C., veterinary surgeon, 67 Jef ferson. Furry Jacob, prop'r Monroe House, cor. Ludlow and Sixth. Gaddis M. P., superanuated preacher, 342 First. Gahn Rev. G., German Methodist pastor, cor. Jackson and Smith. Garey J., flax mills, Upper Hydraulic. Garrety & Wetzel, carriage manufactory, 228 Third. See advt. of Metallic Burial Caskets, in index. DAY 300 DAY DAY 301 DAY E. D. PAYNE. A. F. P.YNE. BOOKSELLER A D I TATIIOERS Dealers in School Books, Wall and Window and Heavy Wrapping Papers, Agents for the North Star Mills Writing Papers. CASH FOR RAGS. No. 60 Main Street, DAIYTOlN, OHIO. Garst Daniel, groceries and provisions, 64 Jefferson. Gebhart Alexander, lumber merchant, cor. Wayne and Shawnee. Gebhart John K., dealer in staple and fancy groceries, &c., 83 Jefferson. Gebhart S. & Co., manufacturers of lin seed oil, mills on Upper Hydraulic, of fice 317 Third. Gebhart Win. F., manufacturer and deal er in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron, tinner's stock, tin plater and practical tin roofer, 263 Third. Gebhart & Brother, Commercial Flouring Mills, cor. Third and Front, on Upper Hydraulic. Gebhart & Marsha',], foundry and ma chinists, sales rooms 101 Main, works Pine, bet. Canal and Fifth. Gebhart & Underwood, dealers in iron, nails, steel springs and axles, 265 Third. Geiger L., boot and shoe maker, 24 Mark-et., Giesseman S., gallery of art, Third, one door east of town clock. Gilbert George, dealer in foreign and do mestic liquors, 72 Jefferson. Gilbert J. B. & Co., dealers in foreign and domestic groceries and liquors, 76 and 78 Jefferson. Gillis Thos. R., prop'r Railroad Omnibus Line, office 346 Third, Phillips House. Gillespie Wm. H., mayor, 107 Main. Gistner Valentine, prop'r Lafayette House, 277 Third. Goodman Miss A., millinery and fancy goods, 335 Second. Goodproad John, bakery, 220 Main. Gospel Herald, John Ellis, editor, Miami City. Green Wm. M., staple and fancy groceries, 91 Main. Greenwald & Gross, fine art gallery, 96 Main. Greer John, grocer and produce dealer, cor. First and Canal. Greer J. & Co., manufacturers of stoves and hollow ware, 311 Third. Grein er An t ho ny, prop'r Anthony House, cor. Main a nd Six th. Gress John, lock and white s mith, 10 Frank lin, bet. Main and Ludl ow. Gri e r S. J., p rincipal Dayton Commercial C ollege, Empire Buildings, Third, bt. Main and Jefferson. Grim Chas., stocking weaver, 126 Main. Groome G. L., designer and engraver on wood, cor. Mlain an d Fourth, up stairs. Gump Andrew, staple and fan cy dry goods, and wood and willow ware, 299 and 309 Second. Gunckel & Strong, attorneys at law, Con over's Building, south-east cor. Main and Third. Haas Alfred, saddle, harness and trunk manufacturer, 87 Main. Haas, Mitchell & Stewart, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in leather, col lars, trunks and whips, 317 Third. Haas N., auction and commission mer chant, 110 Main. Haberstick Philip, cabinet maker and fur niture dealer, 306 Second. Hadlich Chas. H., stocking weaver, 117 Main. Hagan C., saloon, Third. Hagenbaugh Jacob, boarding house, 70 Jefferson. Hahne Rev. John F., pastor Emanuel Church, 33 Franklin. Haines J., physician, 358 Second. Hall Jennison, freight agent D. and M. R. R., Webster, bet. Second and Third. Hallanan Phillip B., physician and sur geon, 275 Third. Hanitch John, grocer and provision dealer, 44 Main. Hannan Wm., city marshal, 107 Main. 'Harries John, produce and commission mer chant, head of basin, 25 and 27 Mill. Harries John W., prop'r Dayton Brewery, 19 Jefferson. See adv't of J. L. Wayne & Son, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. DAY DAY 301 E. D. PAYNE. A. F. PIYNE. :PAYNE~1%T 41, DA 0 A ABIA ZELLER. 72 MAIN STREET, DAYTON, QOIO, Dealer in Drugs and M!edieines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Dye Sti,ffs, Glass, Snuffs, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Spices, &c. Has just received and will constantly keep on hand a well selected assortment of such articles as are enumerated above, and all others usually kept in Drug Stores, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. Particular attention will be paid to filling Physicians' Orders, and putting up Prescriptions, Family Compounds, and Preparations of all kinds. Harries Wm., prop'r Harries' Mills, ware house Canal, bet. First and Second. I Harshman J. & Bro, dealers in floir and grain, 48 and 50 Jefferson. Harshman G. W., grain dealer, Foundry, bet. Water and First. Harshman G. W., prop'r Harshman's Mills, cor. First and Foundry. Harshman & Co., bankers, 48 Jefferson. Harshman & Gorman, bankers, north-east cor. Third and Main. Harter P. E., house and sign painter, 2542 Third. Hartle John, undertaker and coffin maker, 49 Alain. Hartnett Michael, dealer in wood and coal, cor. Second and Canal. Hatfield & McSherry, wholesale and:retail manufacturers and dealers in cabinet ware, 48 Main, bet. First and Second, Hauser John, lager beer saloon, cor. Jef ferson and Fourth. Haynes D. A., judge Superior Court, office Phillips House. Heathman Elias, livery stable, 47 and 49 Jefferson. Heckler C. R., dealer in foreign and do. mestic fruits, provisions, fresh fish and vegetables, 284 Third. Heidler J. W., meat and provision store, 251 and 253 Third. Heinz Daniel, confectionery, bakery, and lager beer saloon, 279 and 281 Third. Heinz Louis, lager beer saloon, 45 Jeffer son., Helfric A., saddle and harness manufac tory, 304 Second. Helfrieh J., gold and silversmith, and clock and watch maker, 128 Main. Hellrigle T. J., manufacturer of tin and sheet iron ware, 53~- Wayne. Helrigle C. L., notary public, cor. Jefferson and Third. Hepford J. W., prop'r Demarara flour mills, and saw mill, Shoup station, D., X. & C. El. R. Horbeg George, Dayton saloon, Galt House, 20 Market. Herchelrode S., groceries, 45 Main. Herman F., groceries and provisions, 150 Fifth. Herrmann Henry & Son, dealers in grain, seed, and Ohio seed leaf tobacco, 14 Main. tiesse Frank, manufacturer of umbrellas and parasols, 302 Third. I-tilgefort J., grocer and provision de al er, cort. Fifth and Can ial. Hill & Ox, carriage manufactory, corner Third and Commnercial. Hoair B. F., boot and shoe store, 276 Fifth. Hochwalt G., city shoe store, 75 Main. Hochwalt H., boot and s hoe maker, 3 Washington. Hoefer Henry, manufacturer a nd dealer in clothing, 3804 Third. Hofer A. V., attorney at law, 314 Third. Hogten Geo. W., lumber merchant and ins. agent, cor. Third and Wayne. IIoglen J. R., lumbe r merchant, 284 Fifth. Holden Joel, f amil y g rocery, I Market. Iolland Ja mes, shaving saloon, 266 Third. Holste H., grocery, 183 Second. Hooper & Atkin, house and sign painters, 82 Jefferson. Hopkins MIrs., boarding house, 181 Main. Horton ttenry, freight agent, D. & W. R. R. floughtling H., marble works, 149 Main. Houk Geo. W., attorney at law, 60 Main, Phillips' Building. HOWARD JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 88 MAIN, OPP. COURT HOUSE. Howard Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, 113 Main. Howard Wm. & Brother, prop'rs Dayton Wire Works, 16 Kenton. HUBBELL J. R., PROP'R PttILLIPS HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND THIRD. (See card, in classfic'n of hotels.) tIuesmnan & Kocknan, family grocery, cor. Council and Third. Hugoui John F., turning and scroll sawing, Canal, opp. Eourth. Hulbert E. N., manufacturer and dealer in ladies, gents and children's boots, shoes and gaiters, 130 Main, corner Fourth. Iddings D. W., secretary Central Ins. Co., of Dayton, and Montgomery County Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 70 Main. litlet Clement, grocery, and vinegar man ufactory, 159 Third. Jackson Alf., (col.) shaving saloon, 344 Third, at Phillips House. See adv't French Burr Mill Stones, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. DAY 302 DAY Jackson S. B., attorney at law, north side Kiefer J. A., teacher of vocal music, &c., Third, 3 doors east of Main. 280 Third. Jacobs Chas., meat store, 274 Fifth. Kiefer C. C., city treasure office Loomis' Jameson Jacob, clock and watch maker, hardware store. 333 Third. Kielmeier C. H., family grocery, cor. First Jeffries Allen, boots, shoes, hats and caps, and Sears. 79 Main. Kienzler M. F., boss plasterer, 48 Herman. Jewett Adams, physician, 44 Jefferson. Kimball L., lumber merchant, cor. Second Jewett H., physician, 257 Second. and Canal. Johantgen Peter, manufacturer of boots Kimes W. H., manufacturer of plows, bar and shoes, 87 Jefferson. rows, &Tc., 223 First. John Miss A., mantua maker, 347 Second. Kimmell Ml. A., infirmary director, Miami John T. M., agent U.S. & American Ex- City. press Companies, 299 Third. King Chas. R., freight ag't C. H. & D. R. Johns Joseph B., county surveyor and en- R., cor. Eaker and Ludlow. gineer, office Court House. KING EDWARD A., POSTMASTER, 280 Johnson N., iron railing and machine THIRD. shop, cor. Third and Canal. King Samuel W., general ticket agent, Jones I. N., family grocery, north-west Union depot. cor. Jones and Brown. Kiser Daniel, jr., county commissioner, ofJones James E., surgeon dentist, 358 Third. fice Court House. Jones L. B., dealer in leather and tanner's Kissinger H., draper and tailor, 390 Sec oil, 77 Jefferson. ond. Jordan J. A., attorney at law, 96 Main, up Klaus Bernhard, grocery, and crockery stairs. ware, 85 Jefferson. Jordan N. E., attorney at law and notary Kline John, clerk of the market, office public, cor. Jefferson and Third. Market House. Kaho Thomas blacksmith, Brown, bet. Klopfer Philip, men and boys' clothing, Fifth and Smith. and gents' furnishing goods, 321 Kaiser Frank, family grocery, cor. Third. Third. Kaiser Frederick, boarding house and sa- Klugel & Cooper, manufacturers of tin and loon, 178 Third. and sheet iron ware, 203 Fifth. Keifer & Conover, manufacturers of lin- Knauer W., Union Bakery, 218 Fifth. seed oil and cotton batting, mill Up- Knecht A., grocery and saloon, 171 Third. per Hydraulic, office cor. Third and Knecht Christian, prop'r Knecht House, Main. 298 Second. Keifer & Conover, dealers in staple and Kneier Fred., bakery, 14 Sixth. fancy dry goods, south-east cor. Main Kneisby, McIntire & Co., wholesale gro and Third. cers, 313 Third. Kelly Rev. David J., pastor St. Joseph's Kohlreser & Pfieffenberger, wagon makers Church, cor. Second and Madison. and blacksmiths, cor. St. Clair and Kelly 1. R. & Co., publisher, Dayton Daily Water. and Weekly ~Enpire, 110 Main. Kopp John, lager beer saloon, 43 JefferKelly James, tinner, 251 Third. son. Kelly Patrick, attorney at law and notary Kratochwill A., Dayton Flouring Mills, public, 318 Third. Fifth, on Canal. Kemp Jacob, family grocery, Third, east Kreidler Jas. S., shaving saloon, 13 Mar of Upper Hydraulic. ket. Kenmp L., family grocery, 190 Main, cor. Kremer HI., dealer in hats and caps, 77 Franklin. Main. Kemper Rev. J. S., pastor Third Presbyte- Kuhns B. & Co., manufacturers of Kuhns rian Church, St. Clair, bet. Second & Haines' latest improved premium and Third. grain drill, cor. Third and Canal. Kennedy G., attorney at law, 90 Main, Kuhns II. G., prop'r National Hotel, cor. opp. Court House. Ludlow and Sixth. Kenney J. T., manufacturer and dealer in Kunz & Heinz, shaving saloon, 41 Jeffer saddles, harness and trunks, 307 son. Third. Ladow D., marble works, 271 Third. Kenney J. T. & Son, dealers in all kinds Lafee P. A., watches, clocks and jewelry, of musical instruments, 310 Third. 316 Third, east of M. E. Church. Kerfoot L. B., manufacturer and dealer in Lang Frederick, prop'r Union Saloon, 74 saddles, harness, trunks and valises, Jefferson. 323 Third. Langdon J. & Bro., dealers in hardware Kesling, bakery and saloon, 10 Mar- and cutlery, 78 Main, sign of the pad ket. lock. See advt, of Patent Agency, inside back cover. 0 DAY 303 DAY Langsheth, physician and surgeon, McMahon J. A., attorney at law, 322 east 393 West Third. of Wesley Chapel. Lawrence John, editor Religious Telescope, Makely Andrew, shoeing shop, 86 Jeffer cor. Fourth and.Main. son. Lawrence Rev. J., pastor United Brethren Malambre George W., attorney at law, 86 Church, (col.,) Ludlow, bet. Fifth and Main, up stairs. Sixth. Maltby Sydney, machinist and model maLeavitt Rev. John W., pastor Wesley Cha- ker, cor. Wyandot and Shawnee. pel, Third, bet. Main and Jefferson. Mapother Chas., prop'r wrapping paper Lebensburger Joseph dealer in ready made mills, Upper Hydraulic. clothing, Third, 3d door east of Main. Markgraf Louis, prop'r European Hotel, Lebolt A., merchant tailor, 106 Main. 276 Third. Leon Jacob, clothing and gents' furnishing Marot B., chair manufact'r, 134 Fourth. goods, 102 Main. Marshall R. M., wholesale confectionery, Leonhard P., grocer and provision dealer, 223 Third. 193 Third. Martin A., jeweler, 250 Third. Leonhart P., lager beer saloon, 88 Jeffer- Martin Joseph, watches, clocks, and jew son. elry, 286 Second. Leopold Abraham, cap and umbrella ma- Martin Wm. E., pine cooperage, 56 Jeffer ker, 115 Main. son. Lessner & Brother, clothing and gents' Mason & Wyatt, house and sign painters, furnishing goods, 316 Third. and paper hangers, 256 Third. Lewis T. M., tailor and clothier, 296 Third, Masonic Hall, Third, bet. Main and Jeffer cor. Jefferson. son. Linton S. D. & Co., manufact'rs Mlontgo- Mause George, paop'r Ohio Grist and Mer mery's Patent Wheat Fans, Pine, bet. chant Mills, Canal, bet. Third and Fifth and Canal. Fourth. Littler A. G., proprietor Farmers' andi Me- Maxton John P., produce and commission chanic' Hotel, 324 Second. merchant. Loeders Rev. E. F., pastor Second German Maxwell E. C., groceries and provisions, Reformed Church, cor. Cass and Clay. 55 Main. Long G., saloon, 195 Third. Mayer George, shaving saloon, 266 Fifth. Long Joseph, painter and paper hanger, Melberth B., brush manufactory, 28 Wayne. 97 MAain. Mentel S., grocery, cor. Second and WebLonstreth Wm., prop'r saw mill, cor. First ster. and Beckel. Mercer Robert, bobbin and spool manufacLoomis & Barnett, wholesale dealers in turer, Wayne, near Canal. foreign and domestic hardware, 115 Mescher & Niehaus, manufacturers boots Third. and shoes, 280 Second. Loomis & Barnett, hardware, cutlery and Meyer F., physician, 232 Fifth. building materials, 315 Third. Miller George, prop'r First Ward House, Lovell Josiah, attorney at law, 269 Third. 217 First. Lowe Peter P., attorney at law, cor. Main Miller J. L., sect'ry Greenville and Miami and Fourth. Railroad, cor. Fourth and Main. Leitzenberger John C., family grocery. 403 Miller John G., grocery and provisions, West Third. 176 First. McCarthy 1)., physician and surgeon, 239 Miller & Church, merchant tailors, corner Fifth. Third and Jefferson. MIcCausland John, livery stable and feed Miller Michael, dry goods and boots and store, 59 Wayne. shoes, Third, east Upper Hydraulic. McCausland W. John, livery and feed sta- Mills John, county sheriff, office Court ble, 59 Wayne. House. McChesney MA., family grocery, 433 Third. Minchrod Abraham, dyeing and scouring, McDaniel Jas., merchant tailor, 12 Third. 31 Market. McDermont C., physician and surgeon, 38 Minick John A., wholesale and retail gro Ludlow. cer, cor. Jefferson and Market. McDermont C., physician and surgeon, Missionary Telescope, monthly, 1). K. Flick 342 Second. inger, editor and prop'r, corner Main McGowen E. W., livery and feed stable, and Fourth. 14 Market. Mitchell J. H., collector of Canal Tolls, McIlhenny J. J., superintendent and phy- 234 Third. sician, Southern Ohio Lunatic Asy- Mitchell Wim., saddle and harness manu lum, at the Asylum. factory, 57 Wayne. McIntyre & Baird, staple and fancy gro- Monroe S. & Co., new and second-hand ceries, 118 Main. store, 259 Park Row. See advt. of Knight Bros., inside back cover. DAY DAY 804 0 Parrott T. & Son, manufacturers of lin seed oil, Canal, bet,-Tld and Fourth. Parrott W m., manufacturer buckwheat flour, hominy, and corn meal, Lower Hydraulic. Pasco & Webber, stone yard, 163 Jeffer son. PAYNE E. D. & A. F., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AND DEALERS IN WALL, WINDOW, AND HEAVY WRAPPING.PAPER, 60 MAIN. (See card, p. 301.) l'eairson G. W., music teacher, 281 Fifth. Pease W. A., surgeon dentist, 53 Main. Pease W. B. & Co., pr oprietors Buckeye Foundry, cor. Third an d Canal. Peirce J. C., malt hous e, 12 Logan. Peirce & Mead, Miami lard oil and candle factory, Shawnee a nd Lower I-tydrau lic. Perrine H. X,, staple and fancy dry goods, 58 Main, one door from Second. Perrine James, dry goods. groceries, queensware e., etc., north -e ast cor. Jef ferson and Se cond. Perrine, Lytle & Shaw, wholes a le dealer s in foreign and domestic dry goods, 29 and 31 East Second. Phelps E., insurance agent, cor. Jefferson and Third. Phillips A., boot and shoe maker, 24afi Third. PHILLIPS HOUSE, J. R. H U B B E L L, PROP'R, COR. MAIN AND THIRD. (See card, i n classification of hotels.) PHILLIPS T. A., PROP'R COOPER COT TON FACTORY, FIFTH, BT. CANAL AND SMITH. PHILLIPS T. A. & WOLLASTON S., PROP'RS, O C E O L A FLOURING MILLS, FIFTH, ON THE CANAL. Phillips Thomas II., tailor, 329 Second. Phillips Warren W., carriage manufac tory, Fourth, bet. St. Cla r and Jef ferson. Pinneo A. W., merchant tailor, 66 Jeffer son. Pook Christian, family grocery, cor. Rich ard & Eagle. Post Charles & Co., hardware, cutlery, groceries and variety goods, 315 Second. Post Office, E. A. King, postmaster, Third, bet. St. Clair and Jefferson. Potter John, grocer and produce dealer, 18 Main. Powell John, manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes, leather and findings, Third, four doors from Main. Pritz & Kuhns, manufacturers of agricul tural implements, Lower Hydraulic, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Prudin A., dealer in groceries, wines and liquors, head of the Basin, 31 Mill. Montgomery County Mutual Ins. Co., D. W. Iddings, sect'ry, 70 Main. Morey & Co., manufact'rs and dealers in boots and shoes, 82 Main. Moss Philip, staple tand fancy goods, 16 Main. Munday B., Spanishl cigar factory, corner Smith and Canal. Munday, Worman & Co., manufacturers barley, rye, oats and corn malt, Main, south of Canal. IMunday & Laubach, importers, manufac turers and dealers in cigars, tobacco, and snufS, 70 Jefferson. Munford Thomas, shaving saloon, 59 Main. Murray J., prop'r Center House, 19 MIar ket. Myers Henry, family grocery, 68 Wayne. National Hotel, Kuhns & Raper, proprie tors, cor. Sixth and Ludlow. Nauerth J. V., lager beer and billiard sa loon, 103 Main. Nead Daniel P., prosecuting attorney, of fice Conover's Building. Neff, Bennet & Co., manufact'rs and deal ers in stoves and hollow ware of every variety, 270 Third. Niederd John, manufatct'r and dealer in boots and shoes, 205 Fifth. Nippgen John, grocery, 212 Main, corner Warren. Nixon A. It., wholesale dealer in tobacco and cigars, cor. First and St. Clair. Nohr George, maiufact'r and dealer in ci gars, tobacco and snuff, 234 Fifth. Nolan N. P., attorney at law, 318 Third. Oblinger Wm., confectionery, 294 Second. ()'Brien Edward, wholesale grocer, impor ter of brandies, wines, gins, cigars, and Irish and Scotch whisky, &c., 301 Second. O'Connell Thos., coffee house, 282 Second. Odd Fellows' Hall, Walker's Block, Fifth, near Main. Odlin & Cahill, attorneys at law, 328 East Third. Ogden Robert, plumber and steam fitter, 73 Jefferson. Ohio Iron Company, manufacturers and dealers in bar iron and nails, 238 Third. Olimer M., furniture and chairs, corner Main and Second. Osterhause & Meyer, cooperage, Water. Overlease A., grain dealer, 287 Third. Overlet Miss M. A., embroidery designer for all kinds of goods, 348 Third. Ow en Ge org e, justice of the peace, 291 Third. Paclley Samuel E., manufacturer car, car riage, plow and machine bolts, cot. St. Clair and First. Palm O., physician, 67 Wayne. Parroft Charles, attorney at law, 822 Tphir. 20 I 7 2 r r I DAY DAY 30 o DAY Prugh & Rike, staple and fancy dry goods, 319 Third. Rall G. F., proprietor Schiller Hall, 288 Second. Ramby Henry, eating house, 3 Market. Raper William, Heenan House, 19 Sixth. Rassners Conrad, flouring mill, Upper Hydraulic and Front. Rauh & Pollack, importers of wines, bran dies and gins, cor. Third and Kenton. Raymond -, carpenter and builder, 265 Second. Reber Anthony, grocery and produce dealer, cor. First and Taylor. Rector N, house, sign and ornamental painter, cor. Third and Wilkinson. Reed J. T., manufacturer and dealer ill boots and shoes, 52 Main. Reeks H., clock and watch maker, 90 Jef ferson. Reese & Callahan, manufacturers and dealers in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, 296 Second. Reesor Jacob, meat store, 83 Main. Reeves J. C., physician and surgeon, cor. Third and Ludlow. Reeves John, dealer in watches and jew elry, 288 Third. Reist Peter, flour and feed store, 33 Fourth. Religious Telescope, (weekly), John Law rence, editor, cor. Main and Fourth. Rench David, county treasurer, Court House. Rheiner E, lager beer saloon, 86 Jeffer son. Rice A. W. & Co., manufac's and dealers in stoves, copper, tin, and sheet iron ware, 68 Jefferson. Rice Henry, stencil cutter, 101 Main. Rickey James, wholesale and retail dealer in books and stationery, and Rodger's pocket cutlery, gold pens, etc., 326 Third. Ritty Leger, physician, Miami City. Rogers, Fowler, & Achey, foreign and domestic hardware, cutlery, etc., 64 Main. Rogers Mrs., grocery, 131 Ludlow. Rohrer, Stomps, & Co., prop'rs Cabinet Maker's Union, 278 First. Rolfe Wm., dealer in Dunham & Chicker ing piano-fortes, 310 Third. Rollman Isaac, ready made clothing andc gents' furnishing goods, 318 East Third. Rose J. S., scrofula physician, 284 Third, over the Postoffice. Rossell J. J., bee hive manufacturer, 456 Third. Rott & Kropp, merchant tailors, 298 Third. Rouzer John, carpenter and builderS Canal, bet. Third and Fourth. Rozier John, bowling saloon, Dayton View. D Rubsam Anton, shoe maker 176 Third. Ryan John, proprietor Union House, 130 Ludlow. Ryder Richard, shoeing shop, 237 First. Satterthwait B. A., surgeon dentist, 352 Third. Sauer George, bakery, ] 71 Fifth. Schaeffer L. & S. T., manufacturers of chewing andl smoking tobacco, Canal, opposite Fourth. SCHAEFFER THOMAS, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 86 MAIN. Schafer M. W., lager beer saloon, 16 Market. Scheider M., manufacturer of rifles and shot guns, and dealer in pistols, and sporting apparatus, 236 Third. Scheidler Henry, county commissioner, Court House. Schieble Frank, manufacturer and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 263 Second. Schieble & Strickler, proprietors Franklin House, cor. Mlain and Second. Schiff Rev. Jno., pastor St. Nary's church, Xenia ave., east of Allen. Schuabel John L., Water Street Bakery, 227 Water. Schneider Francis, Franklin Street House, cor. Ludlow and Franklin. Schneider & Lutz, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 213 Fifth. Schoenheer & Pape, drapers and tailors, 283 Second. Scholl John, grocery, cor. Main and First. Schreiak David, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 81 Jefferson. Schulek Alex., phy sician, 166 mialin. Schulte J. & B., manufacturers,and deal ers in boots and shoes, 274 Third. Schultz Emanuel, county com missioner, Court House. Schwab A., dry goods and millinery, north-east cor. Main and First. Schwab Jacob, grocery and provision store, 22 and 24 Main. Schwind C. & A, Canal Brewery, 14 Lo gan. Schwind Joseph, Main Street Brewery, 199 Main. Scott John, attorney at law, notary public and commissioner of deeds, office 66 Main. Seebohm Louis, artist and photographer, Main, Market House. Seidelman George, boot and shoe shop, Franklin, bet. Main and Ludlow. Seitz Joseph, cabinet shop and saloon, 238 Main. Selegstein Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 34 Mainl. Shade Joseph, tanner and currier, 286 Main. See adv't of J. Bradford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &e. i 306 DAY DAY Shaffer J. S., dry goods and groceries, 3 Main. Shankl Jacob, blacksmith and plow facto ry, 107 Wayne. Shank Richard, prop'r Dayton Hotel, 217 Third, cor. Madison. Shanks W. H., tin shop, 137 Third. Shannon H. N., eating house, 5 Market. Sheerin & Shinn, shoeing shop, Brown, bt. Fifth and Smith. Sheets Andrew, surgeon dentist, and deal er in patent medicines, cor. Jefferson and First. Shellaberger John, prop'r Union Livery Stable, 67 Jefferson. Shoemaker R. M., superintendent D. & M. R. R., Webster, bet. Second and Third. Shoup!John U., coal yard, MIill, bet. Jef ferson and First. Shoup S. B., feed store, and civil engineer and surveyor, 36 Jefferson. Shuey Jacob, manufacturer of smut ma chines, cor. Third and Wilkinson. Shuey Rev. W. J., pastor United Brethren Church, Smith, bet. Tecumseh and Canal. Shull D., confectioner, foreign and domes tic fruits, and choice wines, liquors and cigars, cor. Main and Third. Shull F. B., prop'r American Saloon, 99 Main. Shumaker Mrs. -, millinery goods, 40 ' Wayne. Sieferman M., grocery, 122 Main. Siefferman Nathaniel, shoeing shop, 268 Third. Sigmann & Wastermnan, cabinet makers, cor. Wayne and Fifth. Sigman & Zurmehley, plain and decora tive plasterers, 269 Third. Simmons J., family grocery, cor. Keowee and First. Sittell Geo., upholsterer, 240 Third. Slentz David, sash, door and blind manu f.ctory, cor. Sears and First. Slentz J., physician, 13 Green. Slifers W. C., meat store, 212 Fifth. Smith James M., attorney at law, corner Main and Second. Smith S. B., attorney at law, 308 Third. Smith Thos. J. S., attorney at law, 308 Third. Smith & Olwin, grocers and produce deal ers. 66 Main. Snavely Geo., flour and feed store, 255 Third. Snider Abijah, cooperage, cor. Water and Foundry. Snyder A., prop'r Liberty Hall, 26 Mar- ket. Snyder Mrs. S. M. & E., mantua makers, 20 Jackson. Soehner, Rex & Co., dealers in piano fortes and musical instruments, 312 Third. Sontag Richard, confectiltery and toy store, 114 Wayne. Soule Chas., p ortrai t painter, corner Main and S econd. Spang A., agent, saloon, 289 Third. Spang F. A., Empire saloon, 17 Sixth. Spangler G., lager beer saloon, cor. Third and St. Clair. Specs Rev. S. G., pastor Third Presbyte iian Chur ch, (New School, ) cor. Third and Ludlow. Spinning D. C., lumber mer chant, corner Water and Mill. Starr C. A., dealer in coal, lime and wood cor. Sears and Third. Steffens M., grocery, 21 Market. Steffens T., grocery, 141 Third. Stephans Anthony, city cle rk, office Coun cil Chamber. Stephens Andrew, lard oil and candle fac tory, cor. Main and Bruen. Stephens Jacob, Deluge Excha nge, corner Ludlow and Eaker. Stewart W. W., druggist, 62 Main. Stimson H. C., president and superinten dent Sa M. anL M. R. R., cor. Fourth and Maiin. Storeks Henry, grocery store, 168 First. Stout E. R., dealer in iron and steal, 309 Third. Stover & Pflaum, patent preservatory, Webster, bet. Second and Third. Strathman A., watch maker, 30 Wayne. Straub Joseph, brewery, 61 Third. STUTSMAN JNO. G., GAS AND STEAM PIPE FITTER, CHANDELIERS, &c., 40 JEFFERSON. Sullivan S. M., attorney at law and notary public, 354 Third. Swaynie Alexander, prop'r Swaynie House, 242 First. Switzer G., surgeon dentist, cor. Main and Third. Talbott Rev. Sampson, pastor Jefferson Street Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Jefferson. Tate Samuel, jr., flour mill, Dayton View, Taylor B. C., manufacturer of brick ma chines, Eagle Corn and Cob Mills, and Amalgum Bells. cor. Third and Ca nal. Ten Broeck Rev. Anthony, rector Christ Church, 43 Wilkinson. Theobald H., house and sign painter, 40 Ludlow. Thomas A., painter, glazier and grainer, 261 Third. Thomas Jas. H., carpenter and builder, cor. Wayne and Third. Thomas Mrs. L. D., physician, 128 Jeffer son. Thomas Samuel, tailor, 268 Fifthl. Thomas S. H., carpenter and builder, eor. Third and St. Clair. See adv't of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. I DAY 307 DAY TWatLoner J. R., coin manufacturer and undertaker, —34-T Third. Wait B. F., staple and fancy dry goods and notions, 214 Fifth, cor. Clay. Walden A. G., physician and surgeon, 230 Fifth. Walden Albert G., county coroner, office Court House. Walden & Marshall, dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., 230 Fifth, cor. Jackson. Walker Wm., wholesale and retail cloth ier and tailor, 297 Third. Walker & Walker, attorneys at law, 312 Third. Wall Ezekiel, carpenter and builder coi:'. First and Madison. Wall Wm., measurer of carpenter work, and estimator of buildings, north west cor. Fifth and Ludlow. Walter Al., undertaker, 23 Franklin. Walters & Kelso, druggists, 255 Third. Waltz Phillip, family grocery, cor. Wayne and Richard. Wampler James, carpenter and builder, 16) Bridge. Warman Caleb, freight agent D., X. and C. R. R. Warren Mrs. H. L., millinery and fancy goods, 61 Main. Waterman George, justice of the peace, Dayton View. Watters J. M. & Bro., manufacturers of, and dealers in carriages, buggies and spring wagons, Thirdl, adjoining Montgomery House. Waymier Daniel, sash, door and blind manufactory, Water, bet. Wilkinson and Bridge. WeatherbyWm. Henry, confectionery and fruit store, cor. Canal and Fifth. Webster Rev. W., pastor Davison Chapel, cor. Walnut anld Brown. Webster Wm., homecopathic physician, 41 Main. Weber & Gerdes, importers and dealers in foreign wines, liquors and cigars, 257 Third. Weckel J. G. & Son, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 104 Main. Weigand John, stone yard, Edgar, bt. Se cond and Third. Welty Frank J., confectionery, fruit and musical instrument dealer, 130 Main. Wend & Zweek, turning and hub manu factory, cor. Canal and Third. Wenz E., grocery, 219 Main. Wenz Wm., brewery, 170 Main. Wertheimer, Marks & Co., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, 112 Main, cor. Market. WVestern Mfissionary. (semi-monthly,) Rev. V I & OS - Geo. W. Willard, editor and publisher, coR. Main and F ouIth. ) Western Union Telegraph Co., Isaac II. Thomas Rev. T. E., D. D., pastor First Presbyterian Church, corner Ludlow and Second. Thomas & Arnold, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, 237 Sec ond. Thompson C. W., watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and plated ware, gold and sil. ver spectacles, 90 Main. Thompson D., agent Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, corner Third and Jefferson. Thompson John, venetian blind manufac tory, 16 Wayne. Thompson, McGregor & Co., foundry and machine shop, cor. Third and Canal. Thresher E. & Co., manufacturers of Tow er's varnishes, and dealers in oils and paints, 261 Third. Thresher Thos. F., attoriew at law, 314 Third. Thruston G. P., attorney at law, 70 Main. Tilton Thos. B., attorney at law, 328 East Third. Trabing Mrs. Kate, mantua maker, 333 Second. Trimbach A., white smith, 26 Brown, south C of Smith. Trissel —, flour and feed store, corner Main and Fourth. Turner James, justice of the peace, 65 Jef ferson. Turner Wm., manufacturer of inks, city dye house and carpet weaver, 290 and 292 Fifth, and 263 Park Row. UNITED BRETHREN PRINTING ES TABLISHMENT, STEREOTYPING, BOOK, NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING, VONNIEDA & SOWERS, AGENTS, SOUTH-EAST CORNER MAIN AND FOURTH. United States Express Co., T. M. John, agent, 299 East Third. Van Doren John & Co., staple and fancy dry goods, 56 cor. Main and Second. Vanausdal, Dixon & Co., carpets, floor oil cloths, paper hangings, &c., 74 Main. Vaughn Wm. & Co., family grocery, cor. Brown and Smith. Vertessy --, physician, cor. Wayne and Richard. Vincent & Gilliland, prop'rs Ludlow Mtills, foot of Ludlow. Viott N., family grocery and wine dealer, cor. High and Xenia ave. Vodegel F., lager beer saloon, 170 Main. Volker John H., dealer in boots and shoes, 262 Third. Vonnieda Rev. S., pastor United Brethren Church, (German,) intersection of Jones and Wayne. VONNIEDA & SOWERS, AGENTS UNI TED BRETHREN PRINTING ES TABLTSHMENT, COR. MAIN AND FOURTH. See adv't of St. Charles Restaurant, p. 172. DAY 308 DEA Church, St. Clair, Wt. Second and Third. Wroe Joseph, file manufacturer, 259 Fifth. Wuichet James L., stone yard, Jefferson, south of Canal. Wyatt H. & T., steam bakery, 258 Second. cYOUNG GEO. M., JUSTICE OF PEACE, NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT, 290 THIRD. Young J. R., attorney at law, cor. Third and Jefferson. Young Lewis, shaving saloon, 238 First. Young & Houk, attorneys at law, 328 East Third. Zehnder John, Waverly House, 7 Sixth. ZELLER A., DRUGGIST, 72 MAIN. (See card, p. 302.) Zinck C., grocery, 209 Main, cor. Wash ington. Zuebelen George, physician, cor. Ludlow and Franklin. Zugelder Casper, stone yard, junction of Warren and Dock. Zur Muchlin Rev. Frederick, pastor Ger man Lutheran Church, corner Wayne and Short. Zwiesler C., clothing and saloon, 180 Wayne. Zwiesler John, prop'r Zwiesler House, 26 Franklin. Kiersted, manager, north-east corner Third and Main. Weston J. L., importer and dealer in all articles for cotton and woolen manu factories, 302 Second. Weusthoff W., dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, &c., 242 Third. Wiesmann Joseph, manufacturer of min eral water and prop'r Cincinnati ttouse, 35 Sixth. Wiggim Hugh, cooperage, cor. Third and Canal. Wiggim Hugh, steam barrel manufactory, Commercial, north of Third. Wight Collins, lumber yard, cor. Canal and Sears. Wildenthaler Joseph, dealer in wines and liquors, 285 Third. Wiley Alexander, billiard saloon, 314 Third, bet. Main and Jefferson. Willard Rev. G. W., pastor First German Reformed Church, Ludlow, bet. Se cond and Third. Willard & Wheaton, manufacturers of printing and wrapping paper and dealers in books and stationery, of fice 326 Third, near Main. Williams Lewis, billiard saloon, cor. Main and Second. Williams & Wallace, real estate agents, 66 Main. Wilson IV., custom made boots and shoes, 116 Main. Windsor John, saddle and harness maker, Miami City. Winter I. N., merchant tailor, 327 Second. Winters D. W., foreign and domestic dry goods, 94 Main. Winters V. & Son, Exchange Bank, north east cor. Third and Main. Wise T. A., shaving saloon, 13 Market. Wise Thos., shaving saloon, north-east cor. Third and Main. Wiston & Mead, paper mill, Upper Hy draulic and Front. Wohl A., grocery, 15 Market. WolfJohn T., importer and dealer in clinia,B glass and queensware, stone ware, cutlery and spoons, 308 Third. Wolf S., meat store, 9 Market. Wolf W. W., bakery and confectionery, Fifth, bet. Johnson and Brown. Wollaston Jeremiah, manufacturer of car riage and buggy hubs, Lower Hy draulic. Woltze W. E., practical watch maker, 802 Third. Wood, Nead & Winters, attorneys at law, south east cor. Main and Third. Woodhull L., agricultural warehouse and feed store, 258 and 260 Third. Worthington & Smith, E. H. Jones, agent, millinery goods, 1 Phillips House, Main. Wright Rev. E. M., pastor Congregational See adv't of Wm. Tell Excet A post village of Morgan county, i n Yor k township, 14 miles north-west from McConnellsville, and 54 miles east south-east from Columbus. Population 250. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bagley James, tanner. Baker Jacob, general merchant. Braddock P. J., attorney at law. Brown L., boot and shoe maker. Bush George, township trustee and justice. Cherry S. B., physician. Denver Henry, carriage and wagon ma ker. Deaver H. & Co., potters. Dickes P., painter. DIEHL JACOB, POSTMASTER. Doric Lodge, No. 112, Masonic. Ellis Simeon, boot and shoe maker. England I. S., township constable. Fink Rev. H. G. G., Methodist pastor. Flant John, boot and shoe maker. Fouts Jacob, township trustee. (ioble T., carriage and wagon maker. Gray T. L., harness maker. Harper Rev. -, Baptist pastor. DAY 309 DEARDORFFIS MILLS, A post office of Tusearawas county. DEC MAST & DIEHLI, Dealers in Groceries and General Produce, -DEEP CUT, - - - - OHIO. DEA VER TO WN, - - 01110HIO. Hartsell N., cabinet maker. Holcomb B., carpenter and cabinet maker. Holcomb R., carpenter arnd cabinet maker. Hurd U. K., physician. Kennedy P., physician. Longstroth Daniel, township trustee. Lowers Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Marshall H. L., tanner. MAST & DIEHL, GENERAL ME R - CHANTS. See card, p. 310.) Melick J. & Co., steam grist mill prop'rs. Mitchel George, patent right agent. Peeper Miss E. J., milliner. Tysinger W., township treasurer and cabinet maker. Weaver J. M., township clerk and justice. Weaver J. M., hotel prop'r. Wise E. J., general merchant. DEERSVILLE, A post village of Harrison county, in Franklin township, situated 12 miles west from Cadiz, and about 100 miles east by north fronm Columbus. Population 429. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Arkle Mrs., grocer. Clark J. T., township clerk. Clark Wm., general merchant. Clark & Kennedy, general merchants. Coultrap D. S., village recorder. Foust, harness maker. Fowler J. E., township assessor. Hanna William, hide and leather dealer. Hogue Rev. R. S., Methodist pastor. Lukens J. H., mayor. Moor A., ambrotypist. Moor J., ambrotypist. Patterson Rev. Samuel, Presbyterian pastor. Pettis H., township treasurer. Pettis R. & Son, general merchants. Shengart H. C., tanner. SIMMONS R. H., POSTMASTER. Simonton T. T., general merchant. Snyder Rev. H., Methodist pastor. Webster Rev., Methodist pastor. A post village of Washington county. A post office of Anglaize county, in Salem township, on the Ohio Canal, 15 miles north-west from Wapakonetta, and about 100 miles west north-west from Columbus. Township population 400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Deep Cut Lodge, No. 111, I. O. O. F. Grush Thomas H., township constable. Jones Jacob, township justice. Kennedy Wm., township treasurer. Kimmer S. H. S., school teacher. McCoy John, township constable.' PICKRELL A. J., GENERAL MER CHANT AND PORK PACKER. (See card, p. 310.) PICKRELL A. J., POSTMASTER. Schamp J. J., township clerk. Stickney Miss, school teacher. Wilson Wm., township justice. An important post town and the capita1 of Defiance county, handsomely situated Mounting and Coloring, p. 175. See adv't of G. W. Terry, Map 310 DEF I I -r I In ti Groceries, Hardware, &c., DEER CREEK, A post office of Pick-,,tway counts,, in inlonroe township. DEERFIELD, A post, office of Portage county. DEERFIELD VILLAGE, A post office of Warren county. DEER LICK, A post office of Warren countv. DECATUR, A post office of Brown county. DECATURVILLE, DEEP CUT, DEFIANCE, DEF CHARLES RUSSELL, Prop9'r. CORNER CLINTON AND FRONT STREETS, D:E]:F-IEOI-, -mD o at the confluence of the Maumee and Anglaize rivers, and on the Toledo, WVabash and Western railway, about 125 miles north-west from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, about thirty-five sto res of v ar ious kinds, and a variety of mechanical branches. Population 3,000. Biede Charles, hardware, &c., Clinton. Bower Joseph, saloon, Front. Bowman Isaac T., carpenter, Jefferson. Brown & Taylor, proprietors Defiance Mills. Buffington J. P., (Buffington & Co.,) drug gist, &c., Jackson. Buffington & Co., wholesale and retail druggists, booksellers, stationers and grocers, Clinton, opposite Court House. Carter William, attorney at law, Court. CASE MISS A. E., MILLINERY GOODS, FIRST. Chollett John, grocer, North Defiance. Cobbs, Pierce & Squires, produce and com mission merchants, north side Canal. Colby Jonas, physician, Clinton. Corwin Isaac, carriage and wagon maker, and blacksmith, North Defiance. Defiance Democrat J. J. Green, editor, cor. Perry and Second. DE FIANCE HOTEL, G. C. BENN, PRO PRIETOR, COR. CLINTON AND SECOND. Degginger L., grocery and provisions, Clinton. Der Demokrat, (German,) J. J. Green, editor, cor. Perry and Second. Detzer Rev. A., pastor Lutheran Church. parsonage, Washington. Dolke Augustus, boots and shoes, Clinton. Elliott James, carpenter, cor. Clinton and Fifth. Fiddler Edward, (col.,) barber, Clinton. Fitzpatrick Timothy, grocer, Clinton. Flickinger C. A., general store, Perry. Fredericks J. G., dealer in clocks watches. jewelry, &c., Perry and Fifth. Garrett Thos., blacksnmith opposite Lock No. 1. Gear Nicholas, grocer, Clinton. Geiger & Hoffman, cabinet makers, Perry. Gibson John N., justice of the peace, First, near Canal. Gorman Michael, (Gorman & Rourke,) grocer, Jackson. Gorman B., grocer, Canal. Gorman & Hess, boots and shoes, Canal, Gorman & Rourke, grocers, wholesale and retail, dealers in produce, &c., Clin ton. Graper S'. W., saddler and harness maker, cor. Clinton and First. DEFIANCE COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, J. J. Greene. Auditor, J. C. Arrowsmitili. Treasurer, J. A. Garber. Recorder, HIlenry Hardy. Clerk, Edwi,- Phelps. Sherif, V. H. Moats. Coroner, Elias Churchman. Surveyor, J. W. Wilson. Prosecuting Attorney, Thomas McBride. Co mmissioners, Peter Conkle, S. S. Case, aiid Samuel. Judge Couirt of Commnoni Pleas, A. S. Latty. Alphabetical List of Professions. Trades, Etc. JEtna Insurance Co., W. hiiggins, agent, Court. A llshouse Henry, grocer, North Defiance. Arrowsmith, J. C., county auditor, Court house, bds. Russell House. Ashton B. D.., physician, Second. Ashton W. W., ambrotypist and photo graphist, Clinton. Ayres A. A., wholesale and retail dry goods, Clinton. Backus G. C. B., (Backus, LindenbeIger & Hooker,) merchant, North Defiance. BACKUS, LINDENBERGER & HOOKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, IRON AND NAILS, CLOTHING, SALT, FISH, PRODUCE DEALERS, &c., COR. FRONT AND CLINTON. Becker Peter, saloon, Jefferson. Beiderstadt IHenry, boot and shoe manu facturer and dealer, cor. Second and Clinton. Benn G. C., proprietor Defiance Hotel, cor. Clinton and Second. BENN G. C. VETERINARY SURGEON, CORNER OF CLINTON AND SEC OND. See adv't of I. P. Strauss & Bro., Clothiers, p. 173. 311 DEF -~ ~ E 1 E Graper J. D., proprietor saw mill, Second Lock. Grass John, boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, Clinton. Greene J. J., probate judge, and editor of Defiance Democrat, and Der Demo krat, (German,) cor. Perry and Sec ond. Greenler John, grocer, North Defiance. Hall H. B., cabinet maker and carpenter. Haynes Henry, cooper, North Defiance. Harris & Orcutt, tannery, Jackson. Hess G. & J., grocery, cor. Canal and Front. Higgins William, city marshal and insur ance agent, Court, Hoeffel Rt. Rev. A. I., Catholic priest, cor. Perry and Fifth. Hooker E. P., (Backus, Lindenberger & Hooker,) merchant, bds. at Russell House. Houtz M., blacksmith, Perry. Hudson J. & A., livery stable, Clinton. Hudson L. T., blacksmith and wagon maker, Perry. Hudson S. R., general merchant, Perry. Hutchinson Robt., carpenter, &c., cor. Second and Jefferson. KINDIG SAMUEL, PROPRIETOR KIN DIG HOUSE, NORTH DEFIANCE. Kiser John H., Jr., saddle and harness maker, Clinton. Kniss John, boot and shoe maker, Clinton. LELAND & PHELPS (E. H. LELAND & E. H. PHELPS,) ATTORNEYS AND LAND AGENTS, COR. CLINTON AND FIRST, BDS. RUSSELL HOUSE. Lindenberger E. F., (Backus, Lindenber ger & Hooker,) merchant, bds. Pus sell House, Marfileus, Jr., saddler, and harness man ufacturer, Clinton. Martin & Bro., cabinet makers and deal ers in furniture, Clinton. Meyer L. E., stoves, tinware, &c., Perry. Miller Henry, meat market, Canal. Molloney Rt. Rev. James, Catholic priest, cor. Perry and Fifth. MOORE WILLIAM, POST MASTER AND U. S. AGENT, SECOND. Morrison Rev., pastor M. E. Church, parsonage, Third. Neville J. S., physician and druggist, Clinton. Oliver Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, First. Ottley J. P., (Buffington & Co.,) druggist, &c., Church, Pauck H. W., bakery and grocery, Clin ton. Paul John, physician, Jackson. Paul John, Jr., druggist, cor. Clinton and First. Peehin A., grocer, North Defiance.; Peterson J. W., stoves and tinware, First. Phelps E., agent TSNW. &.'W. R. Pi., Gen eral Delpot.Phelps J. W., agent T. W. & W. R. R., Depot. Price Edward, cabinet maker, Wayne. Ralston Joseph, hardware dealer, also justice of the peace, Clinton. RAYHIIOUSER N. C. A., PROPRIETOR D EFIANCE REPUB CLICAN, CLIN TON. Richardson M. T., eating saloon, Clinton. R ogers George, cooper, P erry. Rourke Michael, (Gorman & Rourke, ) grocer, &c, Clinton. Ituhl John, physici an and druggist, Sec ond. RUSSELL CFRATLES, PROP'R RUSSELL HOUSE, CORNER CLINTON AND FIRST. (See ca rd, p. 311.) St. John Evangelis t Chur ch, cor. Per ry and Schmidt Jose ph, groceries and provisions, Clinton. Schultz F. & J., cigar manufacturers and dealers, Clinton. Shannon Peter, grocer, Canal. Shondal Martin, grocer, Clinton. Spellman John, dealer in clocks, watches and jewelry, cor. Clinton and Second. SPRAGUE S. S., ATTORNEY AT LAW. COR. CLINTON AND FIRST. Squire Chas. B., telegraph operator, Depot. Stover Samuel, grocer, North Defiance. Strong & Co., iron foundry, Perry. Taylor D., attorney at law, and editor De fiance Republican, Clinton. Taylor, Strong & Deatrick, attorneys at law, Clinton. Thacker I. N., physician, Perry. Tuttle J., general produce and forwarding merchant. Tuttle & Gleason, cabinet makers, import ers and dealers in furniture, North Defiance. Underhill F. W., marble dealer, opp. Lock No. 1. Vanderbrock A., clothier, Clinton. Viebach Martin, grocery, Clinton. Wattenberg L., general merchant, Clinton. Weisenburg F., dry goods, groceries. boots and shoes, Clinton. Weisenberger J. B., groceries and provis ions, cor. Clinton and First. Weismantel F. I., merchant tailor, Clin ton. Wilhelm Adam, general store, Upper Lock. Willey E. G., grocer and provision dealer, cor. Canal and First. Wolsiffer F., groceries, provisions, &c., cor. Clinton and Front. See adv't of J. Todd, Saloon, p. 179. DEF 312 DEG DE GRAFF, A post village of Logan county, in Miami township, established in 1852, situated on DER 313 DEL Big Miami river, and on the Bellefontaine and Indiana railway, 10 miles west from Bellefontaine, 60 miles west north-west from Columbus. DELAWARE, A prominent post towu and the capital of Delaware county. situated on Whetstone river, and on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, and the Springfield, Mt. Vernon and Pittsburg railways, 25 miles north from Columbus. It is the seat of the Ohio Wesleyan University, and contains the county buildings, about sixty-five stores, twelve manufacturing establishments, &c. Population 5,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ere Askren J. M., general merchant. Barringer Wn., ambrotypist. Bontriger Daniel, boot and shoe maker. Bruner J. M., carpenter. Ellis John B., cooper. Frants S. & Co., stoves and tin ware. Fulmer E., brick mason. Galbreath Rev., Presbyterian pastor. Galbreath Wm., school teacher. Gilerest R. S., physician and druggist. Graham Rev., Methodist pastor. Harris D. W., dentist. Iluston W. H11., carpenter. Kinsinger Wm., brick mason. Lantz M., tanner. Leep M., cooper. Leese Rev., Methodist pastor. LIPPENCOTT A. J., GENERAL MER CHANT AND POSTMASTER. Mitchell A., commission merchant. Mitchell A., express and railroad ag't. Mohr J. J., carpenter. Parke J. H., hide and leather dealer. Pegan John, carpenter. Readmon Hattie, dress maker. Runyan Isaiah, harness maker. Russell & Son, general merchants. Shoemaker John, boot and shoe manufac turer and constable. Shoemaker & Son, grocers and bakers. Shoup S. B., hotel and livery stable prop'r. Shriver & Neer, prop'rs fiouring and saw mills. Smith Isaac! attorney at law and notary public. Staley C. P., prop'r steam saw mill. Taylor Lewis, notary public. Thomas R., dress maker. Warner D., tailor. Weaver David, carriage and wagon ma ker. White Wm., tailor. Wolf M., general merchant. Wyant Rev. A. J., Baptist pastor. Young J. H., painter. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams W. H., carpenter, South Delaware. ;Etna Insurance Co., H. J. Eaton, agent, cast side Main. Aigin James, news office, post office. American Express Co., B. Dickinson & Son, we st side Ma in. AMERICAN HOTEL, CHARLES SHER-. MAN, PROPBR, COR. MAIN AND WINTER. (See card, p. 315.) American Livery Stable, P. T. Engard, prop'r, fine horses a nd carriages al ways on hand, south side Winter, near Ameri can Hotel. Anthoni F., b rewer, west side Main. ARMSTRONG J. S., FANCYAND FASH IONABLE MILLINERY OF ALL KIN-DS, ALSO FANCI AND STA PLE DRY GOODS. Bank of Delaware, P. D. Hillyer, pres. Barns L., physician, east side Main. Barrath G. saloon, Winter. Bausch A., confectionery, west side Main. Blymyer Morrison, physician, west side Winter. Bouerice L., boot and shoe store, east side Main. Bradley Rev. H., M. E. Church. Brown R. O., leather store, west side Main. BURR R., DEALER IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY, REPAIRING D O N E 7 PETTIBONE BLOCK, MAIN. Burk James, grocery, near railroad depot. Burnham J. A., councilman. Bushell Jas., livery stable, fine horses and buggies on hand, west side Main. Cadwalader M., carpenter. Case Wm. H., marshal. Chamberlain C. C., hardware, west side Main. DE LA post office of Brown county.ALMA, A post office of Brown county. See adv't of J. Todd, Oyster Agent, p. 179. DEK 313 DEL DELAWARE COUNTY OFFICERS. Probae Iud qe, J. Panney. Clerk-, B. F. Loofbourrow. Sheriff, Chas. Sherman. Recorder, A. R. Gould. Treasurer, C. Armstrong. Auditor, H. W. Chamberlain. Prosecuting Attorney, D. Van Demau. Coroner, B. L. Willy. DE KALB, A post office of Crawford county. DEL 0O A. JINGER'S PHOTOG, R'P, H~tI Sign of American Flag, third story Evans Block, north-east ioom, DELAWARE, O01-IO. H-1laving one of the best North Sky-Lights with side light combined, which is acknowled(ged the best to produce a life picture. CLIPPINGER & CO., LUMBER, SHIlN GLES, LATIt, SASH, DOORS AND WOODEN WARE, ALSO, SALT, FISH, &c., WINTER, NEAR DEPOT. CONVERSE, J 0 H N, POSTMASTER, EAST SIDE MAIN. Converse & Barnes, mranufact'rs linseed S oil, East Delaware. Coop J., groceries, west side Winter. Cornel H., druggist, west side Uaiin. Core J. S., groceries, east side Main. Covell L. S., witches and jeweliry, west side Main. Covell M. & Co., marble shop, west side Main. Covell & Shea, marble shop, west side of Main. Cunningham J., omnibus line from Amer ican to Railroad Station, office Amer ican. Davis J. J., blacksmith, William.a Dean J. A., groceries, west side Winter. Delaware Gazette, issued on Friday, east side Main. Democratic Standard, G. F. Stayman. Denlgler C. & F., groceries, west side of Main. Dickinson B. & Son, druggists. Donelson Rev. P.S., M. E. Church. Dunlap A., hats, caps and gents' furnislh ing goods, east side Main. DUNN & E M M ON S, MANUFACT'RS PORCELAIN PLATE AND TEETEH, EVERY THING PERTAINING TO DENTISTRY DONE IN GOOD STYLE. Eatou H. J., notary public, Williams' Bl'k, Main. EATON JAMES, REAL ESTATE AG'T AND SURVEYOR. Ely N. & Co., bakers, William, west of Main. ENGARD P. T., PROP'R LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. PERSONS VISIT ING THE S U LP H U R SPRINGS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTER EST TO CALL ON MR. ENGARD. CHARGES MODERATE. Evans Thos., jr., stoves and tin ware, west side Main. EVANS & POWELL, PROP'RS IRON WORKS, EAST WILLIAMI, NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT. Fant Rev. J., IE.:.hurci. FROST & WILLIS, MANUFACTURERS SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. AL SO HOUSE BUILDERS AND AR CIIITECTS, WEST SIDE MAIN. Gavitt Rev. E., M. E. Church. GAVITT J. S. A., AMIBROTYPIST AND PHOTOGRAPHIST, PETTIBONE'S BLOCK, WEST SIDE MAIN. Gentleman T., confectionery, near Rail road Depot. Goetc C., butcher, west side William. Graff F., boot and shoe maker, north side William. Grove & Jago, saddles and harness, west side Main. HSains J., paper and envelope mrnanufact'r, a nd de aler in a kinds of paper and stationery. Hall G. W., notary public, east side Main. Harris Rev. W. L., M. E. Church. Havey Rev. -, Baptist. Ileller J. & LI., mercha nt tailors, east side Main. Hills C., general store, east side Main. Hills R. E. & Son, grocers, east side Main Hitmeyer Rev. C. F., German Methodist. Hubbell J. R., attorney at law, east side Main. Hulghcs T., butcher, north side Winter. Hull H., groceries, boots and shoes, east side Main. HULL H. & SON, TANNERS AND LEA THER DEALERS. HIGHE ST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF HIDES, EAST SIDE MAIN. Hyatt J., general store, west side Main. Irving Insurance Co., James Eaton, ag't. Jones Thos., tailor, south side Winter. Jones & Carper, attorneys at law, Main. Kenyon S., boot and shoe maker, Main. Kerins P., saloon, Winter. Kurrley F., bakery and saloon, Winter. Latimer S., general store, west side Main. Lear D., saddle and harness maker, west side Main. Lindsey A. W., bookstore, west side Main. See adv't of Sheldon Nash, General Jobber, p, 178. I DEL 314 Ambrotype and DEL 315 DEL AMH EI tICA N HC OUSE, DE:LA TwABE. OHCIO, Having taken charge of and thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout with new furniture anl bedding, of the above named House, it is my intention to offer to the traveling community superior inducements. Those desiring to attend the Springs in Delaware, during the season, will find ample and satisfactory accommodations. Connected with the House, will be a daily line of Omnibuses, running to the Ohio White Sulphur Springs, leaving the house in the morning and returning in the evening. All who favor us with their patronage may rely upon receiving attention. Charges reasonable. CHAS. SHERMAN, Prop'r. Littell & Lee, grocers, east side Main. LITTELL S. MI. & SON, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, S ALT AND FLOUR. Lonch Rev. S., M. E. Church. Longwell A., physician, Mlain. Loy Rev. M., Lutheran. Lybrand A., general store, west side Main. McElroy John & Son, wagon and carriage makers. McElroy Rev. James, Protestant Episcopal Church. McElroy C. H., notary public, Main. McElroy Chas. H., recorder, Day Block, Main. McIlvain, ticket agent C., C. and C. R. R., C., C. and C. R. R. Depot. McKinney J. F., boot and shoe store, north side William. MAansur H. S., groceries and provisions, west side Main. Mendenhall & Miller, general store, opp. American Hotel. Miller M., bakery and confectionery, east side Main. Miller W., blacksmith, east side Main. Miller Willoughby, chief engineer fire de partment, cor. William and Henry. Morehouse & Evans, carriage makers, west side Main. Moore F. E., Moore, Railroad Depot. Morrow Rev. James, M. E. Church. Nafus S. G., blacksmith, Winter. Nash Rev. _, Prot. Epis. Church. Newton Rev. O. 11., Second Presbyterian. Omnibus Line, Cunningham Jackson, pro prietor, office American House. Oesterle F., saloon, west side Main. Ott G., shoe maker, west side Main. Packard A. H., carpenter. Peirce D.. butcher, east side Main. Perry & Roberson, planing mill, Spring. Pettibone H., saddle and harness maker, east side Main. Pileher Rev. E., M. E. Church. Platt C., watches and jewelry, east side Main. Plotner & Duvall, merchant tailors. Potter C. D. & Co., hardware, iron and nails, west side Main. Powell & Van Deman, attorneys and coun selors at law, Main, 4 Willam's Block. Purdy G. H., notary public, east side Main. See adv't of Sheldon Nash, Randall P., boot and shoe store, west side Miain. Raney L. H., national corn planter, east side MIain. Reid & Eaton, attorneys at law, east side Main. Reynolds Frank, clothier, west side Main. Richard J. J., cabinet maker, west side Williams. Root J. telegraph operator, office R. R. Depot. Shafe N., saloon, east side Main. SHERMAN CHARLES, PROP'R AMERI CAN HOTEL, CORNER MAIN AND WINTER. (See card, p. 315.) Sherman E., clerk American House, corner Main and Winter. Shirley John, cooper, near Railroad. SINGER O. A., AMBROTYPE AND PHO TOGRAPH GALLERY. E V E R Y THING PERTAINING TO THE ART DONE IN GOOD STYLE, WEST SIDE MAIN. (See card, p. 3 1 4.) Slough & Tallman, flouring and saw mill, east part town. SMITEW M. A. & CO., PROP'RS DEPOT HOUSE, THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN NEWLY FURNISHED, AND THOR OUGHLY RENOVATED, BAGGAGE CONVEYED TO AND FROM THE DEPOT FREE OF CHARGE, OPP. DEPOT. Smith R. B., mayor, Main, Day's Block. Springer & Ely, provision store, west side Main. Stahl & True, boot, shoe and leather store, west side Main. Starr M. L. & Brother, druggists, east side Main. Stayman G. F., editor and publisher D)emocratic Standard, west side Alain. Stimmel E., waggon maker, Union. Stimmel J. F., wagon maker, east side Main. Stimmel John, wagon maker, Winter. Strous A., clothing store, west side Main. Styer C. & Co., grocery, 4 west side Main. Sweetzer & Hall, attorneys at law, east side Main. Thomson A., editor and publisher of Ga zette. Thompson Rev. M., German Reform. DEL 315 DEL I Knife Manufacturer, p. 178. DEL Tiltcn J. J., master transportations, S., M. and P. R. R. Tippen D., blacksmith, Union. Torres H., plasterer. Van Deman John D., notary public, east side Main. Vendeman Rev. HI., First Presbyterian. Wachter I., carpenter, west side Winter. Wages Mrs. & Blinn, millinery, north side Williams. Waldo G. H., justice of the peace and dep uty postmaster, Post Office. Weise Rev. W. C., Catholic priest. Weiser S. B., blacksmith, south side North. Welch A. A., cabinet maker, west side Main. Welch C., physician, south side Winter. Welch F. C., carpenter and builder, west side Franklin. Wells Rev. Mr., M. E. Church. Westenhaver S. B., conductor accommoda tion freight, cor. Liberty and Bump hard. Wharton Rev. J., M. E. Church. White N., prop'r White's Hotel, near De pot. Whittlesey J., piano forte manufacturer, north side Winter, east of Main. Williams C. & Co., general store, corner Williams and Winter. Williams N., stoves and tin ware, east side Main. Williams T. B., physician, east side Main. Wotring C., tobacco and cigars, west side Main. _________ utisHle,tahr and nt, East )rth ons, Ca cor. East East East uf., East Ca Itel, East lers, 1. dge. AST ers, cor. CH,ER, ~TE. [der, cor. East real sion . R~., A post office of IHamilton county. A village of the same name is situated in Delaware county, for description of which see Radnor post office. CANAL. Water. Third and High. DE LISLE, A post office of Darke county. An important post village situated on the line of Allen and Van Wert counties, in Marion and Washington townships, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, about 100 miles north-west from Columbus. It contains twenty-four mercantile establishments, and various manufactories. Population 1,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et dealer, East Canal. Alexander James, produce dealer, State. Higgins G. L., agent P., F. W. and C. R Alstetter Joseph, pastor Lutheran Church. and forwarder, Depot. American Exchange Ins. Co., Lye & Mar See adv't of E. Mendenhall, Publisher and Stationer, p. 177. DEL 316 DELHI, DELPHOS, DEM Hiltner Leonard, German teacher, resi dence in the country. Hodde William, saloon, Depot. Hoerstman Jq German teacher, Main. Hoffrichter John, groceries, provisions, etc., cor East Canal and Main. HOVER J. B., IRON FOUNDER, COR. EAST CANAL AND BRIDGE. Heecker House, John Hoffrichter, prop'r, East Canal. Hummelright & Wean, cotton and woolen factory, west side of Canal. HIlunt Joseph W., dealer in drugs, medi cines, books, stationery, etc., East Canal. IIUSSON E. A., PAINTER AND CABI NET MAKER, EAST CANAL. Kelker D., prop'r Pennsylvania I-louse, East Canal. Knittle William, grocer and produce dealer, cor. State and West Canal. Knox Mutual Insurance Company, Lye & Marble, agents, cor East Canal and Main. Kolb Frank, brewer, Main. Kramer G. P., clocks, watches and jewelry, East Canal. Kroger Joseph, grocer, Main. Laemmerman Conrad, saloon, East Canal. Lye F., sr., w'agon maker, Alain. LYE, MARBLE & CO., GENERAL MER CHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRO DUCE, LUMBER, ETC., COR. EAST CANAL AND MAIN. Lyttle R. K. & Co., general merchants and produce dealers, East Canal. McClintock William, tailor, East Canal. Max Albert, grocery, west side Canal. Merritt Rev. John, pastor M. E. Church. Metcalf Z., physician, West State. Miller & Shotwell, flouring and saw m ill, west side Canal. Minnig D., cabinet maker and furniture dealer, East Canal. Monroe John, physician. Morton P. W., carpenter and builder, North Main. Ostendorf & Moennig, general merchants, cor. Main and West Canal. Otte Gerhard, cooper. Pees J., German teacher, bd's near Brew ery. Pennsylvania House, D. Kelker, prop'r East Canal. Phelan & Chambers, general dry goods merchants, East Canal. Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford, Lye & Marble, agents, cor. East Canal and Main. Richards & Johns, dlealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., East Canal. Richardson Miss M. J., teacher. RISLEY MRS. MARY, POSTMISTRESS, THIRD. Roebuck L. G., general me.Wlant, Miain. Ross Charles, prop'r Commercial House, cor. Main and West Canal. Rost Frederick, grocer, East Canal. Roth John, liquor dealer and meat mar ket, North Main. Ruel Rudolph, physician, North Main. Satzman Joseph, dealer in ready-made clothing, Eatst Canal. Sedluieier Christopher, shoemaker, East Canal. Seiser & Wagsen, dealers in marble, East Canal. Stuter & Son, wagon makers, East Canal. Swan H. Hunter, grocer, cor. State and West Canal. Thornell, blacksmith, East Canal. Wagner H. P., physician. Washburn Charles, teacher. Washburn George, telegraph operator. Waterberry George, tinsmith, coi'. Bridge and East Canal. WEIBLE HENRY, JUSTICE OF PEACE, NORTH MAIN. WEIBLE HENRY, BLACKSMAITH AND WAGON MAKER, NORTH MAIN. WESTERHOLT F., CATHOLIC PRIEST, EAST CANAI,. White W. C., stock dealer, High. Woolhorst F., merchai,nt tailor, East Canal. (AM3ITY VILLAGE,) A post village of Knox county, in Pike township, established in 1832, situated 8 miles north-east from Mount Vernon, and 53 miles north north-east from Columbus. Population 150. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Amity House, D. P. Wright, prop'r. Cain John, boot and shoe maker. Clark D., boot and shoe maker. Coulter Miss E., miilliner. Dowds E. W., wool grower. Edgar J. K., harness maker. Edwards W. E., physician. Fricke S., boot and shoe maker. GILCREST J. S., POSTMASTER. Hibbetts Wm., cabinet maker. Hobbs S., cooper. Hosack C., physician. Hudson Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Kirkpatrick S. C., justice of peace. Lambert Rev. D., Methodist pastor. Lante John, tannier. Latta Mrs., dress maker. See adv't of Wm. Tilden & Nephew, Varnish Manufaet'rs, p. 176. DEL 317 DELTA, A post office of Fulton couiity. DEMOCRACY, DEM 318 DON Bobbs Mrs. J. E., dress maker. Byrket Jesse, patent right agent. Dodson House, J. D. C. Petticrew, prop'r. HAMIEL A. J., GENERAL ERiCHANT, RAILROAD AND EXPRESS AG'T. HAMIEL A. J., POSTMASTER. Hamiel Samuel, township trustee. Hooven John, township assessor. Klinger Thomas, boot and shoe maker. Limbert Geo., township trustee. McCulen J., physician. Petticrew J. D. C., prop'r Dodson House. Petticrew & Patterson, prop'rs steam saw mill. Smith H., carpenter. Spitler A., township trustee. Van Ausdal A., dry goods dealer. Williams Samuel A., township treasurer. Hamer, Domestic P. 0., Ohio. Parish Wm., chair maker. Pealer Wm., boot and shoe maker. Popham Samuel, wool grower. Randall M\. J.. broom mnaker. Rockwell J. W. cabinet maker. Tawney Wm., carriage and wagon maker. Standard Rev., Disciple.V Weirick John, tanner. Wright D. P., general merchant, and prop'r Amity IHouse. DODSONVILLE, A post office of Highland county. A DEMOS, A post office of Belmont county. A post office of Putnam county. A post office of Ashtabula county. DOMESTIC, A post office of Hamilton county. (ILA.MER VILLAGE,) A post village of Williams county, in Mill creek township, situated on Mill creek, near the northwestern extremity of the State, 14 miles northeast from Bryan, and 150 miles north north-west from Columbuis. Population 50. Township 450. DINSMORE, A post office of Shelby county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. BROWN S. C., NOTARY PUBLIC AND PHYSICIAN. (See card p. 318.3 BROWN S.C., POSTMASTER AND JUS TICE. Cassell G. W., township clerk. Crum Silas, township trustee. Gillett S. C., township assessor. Glime John, township trustee. Higley J. S., township trustee. Landon Theron, general merchant. Marvin E. K., carpenter. Moss Thos., township constable. Omey D., township constable. Reason Joseph, township justice. Rhoads Jacob. cabinet maker. Rhoads George, carpenter. DIXON, A post village4Of Van Wert county. DODSON, A past village of Montgomery county, in Clay township, established in 1852, situatedl on Wolf Creek and on the Indiana Central, the Dayton and Western, and the Greenville and Miami Railways, 15 miles from Dayton, and about 85 miles west from Columbus. Population 500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Arnold Samuel, township justice. Baker Andrew, township justice. Baker George, township constable. Bobbs John, real estate agent. See advt. of Knight Bros., inside back cover. D E iNl 318 DON S. C. BRO'WVN_, n "ri' y a I I I . LLI And Surgeon, DOG CREEK, DENIVI A, K, DENT, . " —- DILL-E,'S BOTTOltl, A post office of Belmont county. DONNELLSVILLE, A post office of Clark county. 19 DRE |E DRESDEN, A prominent post village of Musking,rumr county, ont the Miuskingum river, 18 miles from Zanesvillc. It contains seven or eight churches, several flouring mills, foundries, &c. Population about 3,000. DOVER, A post office of Cuyahoga county. (See o also Canal Dover, page 61.) Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, 1c. Adams Express Co., Peter Roney, agent, Mlain. Adams G. W., prop'r flouring nmill, West Main. ADAMS S., DEALER IN DRUGS, BOOKS AND STATIONERY AND FAPM ING IMPLEMENTS, COR. MAIN AND MOUND. Akeroyd Wmi., chemist and druggist, books, stationery. &c., Main. Alloways John W., general merchant, Main. American House, - Johnston, proprie tor, Main. Ash John H., attorney at law and notary public, Main. Austin D. A., physician and surgeon, Main. Baker John, stone and brick mason, South Main. Bailey Charles, proprietor steam saw mill, West M!ain. Barr-on 0. V., fie,at store, Main. Beawrrion W. P., gro ceries and provisions, Main. Bauer C., brewery, East Main. Boy d H., maniuflet'r and dealer in copper, tin a.nd sheet iron -ware, Main. Brigham D'avid, brick and stone mason. Brill aIrs. C., g rocery, ain. Brown J. R., ciarpent.er,an(I builder. Cane E., physician.'nd surgeon. Carlow J. J., hoaneopaMthist. CD,ss Edward, physician and surgeon, Mllain. Com-a,.r Thios., prop'r crack Line, cor. Main and South. Cox & EatonD gen eral mercOhants, Main. Crane J. S., prop' Dresden House, Main. Dettelbtnach S., de aler i n r eady-made cloth airg, Main. Dit-tenihaver Geor,e, house and sign paint er, Alain. Dittehatver L. S., iantLf'ct,'r of copper, tin and sheet iron ware, Main. Dit.tenhaver L. S., recorder. Donolhew James, hats, caps! &c., Main. DORSEY O., POSTMASTER, MAIN. Dorsey Oiven, dealer in hardware, cutle ry, nails, &c., cor. Mainl and Moun tain. Dresden Coal Oil Company, Johnson, RPam bo & Co., prop'rs. Dresden Houise, J. S. Crane, prop'i, Main. D)resden Iiitelligencer, M. B. Lovett, editor and prop'r, cor. Main and Mountain. DOWNINGTON, A post village of MIeigs county, in Scipio township. established in 1835, situated at the junction of Leadon and Shade creeks, 12 miles north-west from Pomeroy, and 80 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 150. Township 2,000. Alpaa'uetic~l! List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Armstrong II. J., milliner. ARMSTRONG WM., GENERAL MER CHANT, POSTMASTER AND COAL DEALER. Arnold J. S., carpenter and cabinet ma ker. Arnold Jno. S., ambrotypist. Bomans S. T. & W. H1., carrivage and wvagon m akers. Bosworth J., boot and shoe maker. Bosworth J. P., taniner. Brooks William, boot and shoe maker. Cherirington Rev. W. W., Methodist pastor. Cooper J. A., general merchant and hotel prop'r. Dike B. F., carriage and wagon maker. Golden J. C., prop'r steam saw mill. Hlampton B., school teacher. Hopkins Rev. J. H., Methodist pastor. MIcCracking S. L., cabinet maker. Page A. S., carpenter. Riggs G., school teacher. Riggs John, school teacher. Riggs S. J., school teacher. Rupe MI., constable. Stevens A., brick maker. Stevens A. L., school teacher. Sulivan Wmi., justice of peace and boot and shoe maker. Townsend L. S., attorney -it law. WVinget Al. C., brick maker anrd mason. A village of Portage county, for description of which, see Freedom post office. See adv't of Wm. Wiswell, jr., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. I I DOR I DORSET, A post ottice of Aslitabul,,l county. (PAGEVILLrl, VILLAGE,) -0 DRAKE'S, A post office of Luc,,ts county. DRAKESBURG, DRE 320 DUB WV. B. HAYS, Lovett M. B., editor and prop'r Dresden Intelligencer,_cv. Main and Mountain. Dealer in McMurray James, tailor, Main. Martini A. C., general merchant and insu rance agent, Main. U~Lt.D~~ XX DM Mat ern John, prop'r livery stable and hack line, coli. Main and South. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Milend Wm., grocery, Main. _D UB_L_IN - -- OI.Miller W., grocery, Main. _DU ~r~/j -~~~_/T.. O- — Miller W., attorney at law and insurance --— "'-~~~~~ agent, Main. Dresden Lodge, No. 103, F. and A. Al a- MIoore James, marble works, Main. sons. Morrow James, carpenter and builder. Dunn A., carpenter and builder. MIyers John, saddle and harness shop, Eagle House, T. Osburn, prop'r, Main. Main. EDWARDS O. F., G E N E N A L AME[- Osburn T., prop'r Eagle House, Main. CHANT, MAIN. Parker Jiames A., attorney at law, Main. Egbert John II., merchant tailor, MSin. Parsons Wm., blacksmitlh, South Main. Ellis O. N., physician and surgeon, MIain. Peffer George A, manufacturer of carriaElon James, trustee. ges, buggies, wagons, etc., Main. Featherston Edward, grocer and produce Pierce D., physician and surgeon. store, Main. Poormnian G. W., beef and pork packer. Fletcher John, justice of peace, Main. RAMIBO & HANNAHIS, PROP'RS DRESFletcher J. W., mayor. DEN W 0 0 L E N MIILLS, SOUTH Frazer Thomas, gunsmith. MAIUSKINGUM. Furner Henry, groceries and provisions, Resoner G., flouring mills. Main. Schaumliffel Peter, cooperage. Gettman Charles, dealer in ready-made Shaffer Harry, proprietor Central Hotel? clothing, Main. Main. Gould B., wagon maker, corner Main and I Slack John, saddle and harness nmaker, MAound. Main. Grebner F., boot and shoe dealer, Main. Smallwood Win. K., confectionery and Greene B. F., lager beer saloon, Main. bakery. Ilannahs Wm., trustee. Stull N., carpenter and builder. Heater Robt., shaving saloon, Main. Thompson J., cabinet and chair factory, Henderson W. R., tailor, MNain. Main. Hersman F., trustee. Tingler & Co., prop'rs steam saw mill. cor. Ilirst P., manufact'r and dealer in stoves, Mountain tand Canal. copper, tin and sheet iron ware, Ma,in. Wagner F. bakery, Main. Holborn F., boot and shoe maklier, Main. Waklatamaka Lodge No. 186, I. O. O. F. Itood C. M., physician and surgeon, MAain. Walter Jacob, family grocery, Main. Hoover Miss Mary, milliner and dress ma- Weisner M., grocer and beer saloon, Main. ker. White John E., manufacturer and dealer Hugh Cochran, trustee. in boots and shoes, Main. Johnson W., sash, doors and blinds, and Wilson Miss S., millinery and fancy planing mill. goods, Main. Johnson Wm., proprietor foundry and ma- Wortman J. W., surgeon dentist, Main. chine shop, and dealer in stoves and hollow ware, Main. Jones D., blacksmith, Main. Kain M. K., boot and shoe shop, MiDPY RIDGE, Jones M., distillery, cor. Mound and High. A post office of Hamilton county. King George, dealer in dry'goods, groce ries, queensware, boots, shoes, etc., Main. DUBLIN, Kinney Jacob, physician, and surgeon, A post village of Franklin county, in Main. Washington township, established in 181t). Kirtland G. P., dealer in watches, clocks, sitated on the Sciota river, 12 miles situated on the Sciot~a river, 12 miles jewelry, etc., cor. Main and Mound. north-west from Columbus. Population Klee Phillip, grocery, Main. 500. Township 1500. Laveridge James, ambrotypist, Main. Letmert B. F., physician and surgeon, cor. North and High. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Lemert James L., banker and exchange American House, F. Coffman, proprietor. broker, Main. Billingsley B., boot and shoe maker. See advt. of Patent Agency, inside back cover. DUN Brake Rev., United Brethren pas tor. Buckley S. H., carpenter. Bundle J., carpenter. Chapman A., physician. Coffman F., proprietor American House. Cook Miss J., milliner. Corbin Joseph, proprietor flouring and saw mills. Custard A., proprietor Franklin House. Davis M.. township trustee. Davis W. W., grocer and constable. Davis & Sells, grocers. Doty B. F.. carriage and wagon maker. EBERLY JOHN, POST MASTER AND TOWNSHIP JUSTICE. Eberly Thos. H., stoves and tinware. Evans Geo. W., druggist and township treasurer. Evans John, painter and constable. Evening Star Lodge No. 104, I. 0. O. F. Franklin House, A. Custard proprietor. Fuller H., general merchant and proprie tor flouring mill. Graham William, general merchant and township clerk. Hansbraugh Isaac, grocer. Harlow Jor as, boot and shoe maker. Hathaway Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Hays M., tailor. HAYS W. B. BOOTS, SHOES, IHIATS, CAPS, &c., (See card, p. 820.) Hays Z., carpenter. Hoag G., cabinet maker. Hoag Rev., Presbyterian pastor. Kahrier George, cooper. Leppert C., brick mason. Marshall J. R., physician. Mitchell C., township trustee. Orr N., township trustee. Paulus Samuel, brick mason. Pennell Miss L., school teacher. Pinney E. M., physician. Riley F., township assessor. Rumsey L. J., carpenter. Swain A. E., boot and shoe maker. Thompson Alex., general merchant and sewing machine agent. Watson Rev. P., Christian elder. Wright James E., attorney at law. A post village of Adams county, in Meigs township, established in 1810, situated on Brush creek, 10 miles north from West Union, and 75 miles east from Cincinnati. Population 140. Township 3,000 Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Andrews J., pork pack er. Austin S., tailor. Bivers R., brick m aker. Boatman C. R., ambrotypist. Brion R. A., attorney at law. Charras A., barber. Foster M. P., school teacher. Daugherty James, cooper. Hurdman J., township constable. Jole J., boot a nd shoe maker. Jones Samuel, cooper. Keer C., tobacco grower. Kilpatriek P. H., tan ner. Kilpatrick S. P., hotel proprietor and tan ner. King Rev. M. T., Methodist pastor. Lafferty J. W., woolen manufacturer. Lewis S., physician. Lewis Samuel, township justice. McAdow J. A., ambrotypist. McAdow J. H., cabinet maker and car penter. McAdow Wm., broom mannfacturer. McAdow lim. H., physician. McNeelin, Ivers & Co., proprietors steam saw mill and lumber yard. Mathias J., boot and shoe maker. Metz Thos., brick mason and township, justice. Miller Betty, school teacher. Potts J. W., carriage and wagon maker. Potts Wm., broom maker. Rony R. E., carpenter. Sample M., pump maker. THOROMAN W., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POSt MASTER. Thoroman W. Z., township constable. Tillotson J., school teacher. Wanmeter J. N., physician. Wikoff M., harness maker. Wisecup, patent right agent. Wisecup Joseph, general merchant. Wittenmyer D., grocer. Wright D., carriage and wagon maker. Wright Geo. A., livery stable. DUCK CREFK, A post office of Trumbull county. DUNCAN'S FALLS, A post village of Muskingum county, sit DUFF'S FORK, A post office-of Fayette county. 21 DUC 321 DUMONTVILLE, A post office of Fairfield c%Wty. DUMBARTON, (JACKSONVILLE VILLAGE,) DUDLEY, A post office of Hardin county., a DUN 322 EAR from Lebanon, and 85 miles north-east from Cincinnati. Population 80. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Frazer Joseph A., carriage and wagon maker. IVINS W. W., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POST MASTER. Merritt James, cooper. Groceries, Clothing, Drugs, &c., D UNGA NNON, - - OHIO. uated on Mtiskingum river, 9 miles southeast from Zanesville, and about 50 miles east from Columbus. Population 100. DURAND, A post office of Henry county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc BRENIIOLTS JOHN, POST MASTER. Cassel WilliLm, proprietor grist mill. Coven, hlarness maker. Ketchel Rev. -, Baptist pastor. Macabee Rev. -, Metho,list pastor. MeNeel, hotel proprietor. Reebey Rev. -, Presbyterian pastor. A post village of Guernsey county. DUNGANNON, A post village of Columbiana county, in Hanover tuw,sliip, established in 1835, sittiatted on WVest Beaver river, 7 miles south-west from New Lisbon, and about 100 miles ea.st north-east from Columbus. Population 100. Township 1,100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Cope ff., townlship trustee. :Davisot -, township trustee. Fox S., township trustee. HAGAN JAS., GENERAL MERCHANT A N tI'L)STi' M ASTER. (See card, p. 322.) Meeh:in F., gene.ral merchant. Moes ltev. N.. Catholic priest. Wagley Mrs., hotel proprietress. A post office of Ashtabula county, in Aust~inburg township, 3 miles west from Jeferson, antd about 175 north-east from Columbus. lEphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Cushinia:in E. E., boot and shoe maker. Fatirchilds & Gibbs tanners. [I-lill S., justice of the peace and proprie tor of floturing niill. Morley J. C., constable. Natteifield Rev. S., Dlisciple. Netterfield S., nursery antil seedsman. NUTT' J. L., POST MASTER AND PRO PR-IEFTOR MNIA('HINE SIlOP. Nutt -Joseph, dentist.. Sttli F. Is., general merchant. Tuttle H. & G., brick makers. DUNKIRK, A post ~v'll,lge of Halrdin county. DUNLAP, A post.,office of lHarrison county. DUNLEVY, (UTI,C,, VILLAGE,) Asmill post village of Warren county, in Clear Creek township, 5 miles north .See advt. of H. Marshall & Co., in index. DUN 322 EAR JA,,II.ES HAGAN, Dea,ler in I DURBINS' CORNERS, A post office of Williams county. DYSON'S, EAGLE, A post office of Hancock county. EAGLE FURNACE, A post office of Vinton county. EAGLE MILLS, A post office of Vinton county. EAGLEVILLE, DUNKINSVILLE, A,.-,., ost vill,,i,,e of A(.Iams county. EARLVILLE, A pofit office of Port,,tge county. .~ ~ A 32 A Gifford Wm., cigars, tobacco, &c. Hamilton J W., exchange dealer. Hamilton & James, gene-aterchants. Harriman Steven, township trustee. Harvy D., agricultural implements. Heath A. G., carpenter. Heath J. D., boot and shoe maker. James S., physician. Johnson Ann, school teacher. Knight Edward H., engraver. Loveless T., prop'r steam saw mill. Loveless Thos., carding machine. Loveless T. S., dyer and scourer. MIcCally John, broom manufacturer, McvieDaniel Rev. N., Methodist pastor. McDonald Gordon, township justice. MAROT J. D., POSTMLIASTER. MAROT & PRATT, CABINET MAKERS. Nealy Peter, tailor. Pratt T. F., township justice. Randall Richard, carpenter. Reaves Wm., prop'r steam saw mill. Sharp Ann, milliner. Sharp J. H., prop'r fiouring mill. Sharp J. H. & Son, hide and leather deal ers. Sheppard Wm., hotel prop'r. Shirk Henson, beef and pork packer. Spane James, dentist. Thomas Hanson, attorney at law and township trustee. Turner A., prop'r livery stable. Wallace Sirneon, cooper. Wilkins & Allmon, harness makers. Wommer John, boot and shoe maker. EAST CLARKSFIELD, A post office of Huron county. EAST CLEVELAND, A post office of Cuyahoga county. EAST GREENVILLE, A post village of Wayne county. EAST GREENWOOD, A post office of Muskingum county. EAST LEWISTON, A post office of Mahoning county. A post village of Logan county, in Perry township, situated on Otter creek, and near the line of the Delaware and Bellefontaine Railway, 10) miles east from Bellefontaine, and 40 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 250. Township 7,000. EAST' MONROE, A post village of Highland county, in Fairfield township, established in 1855, situated at the falls of Rattle Snake creek, on the Marietta and Cincinnati Eailway, 12 miles north from Hillsboro, and about 60 miles south south-west from Columbus. Population 100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Adams Sarah A., milliner. Allmon S. E., auctioneer, and township c erk. Amspoker S., agricultural implements. Amspoker Samuel, carriage and wagon maker. Austin C., prop'r saw mill, and notary public. Austini H. & C. H., lumber dealers. Ballinger J. W., patent right agent, and calipenter. Chamberlain Isaqc, barber. Chamberlain J. D., township constable. Chamberlain Wm. & Son, brick masons. Cook Henry, druggist. Cook Rev. Henry, Baptist pastor. Dickerson M. MNI., township trustee. Drake Warren, township constable. East Liberty Lodge, No. 247, Masonic. Embry Lewis, edge tool manufacturer. Emerson J. D., school teacher. Gifford Wm., fancy goods. Se e adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp, inside front cover. EAS 3 2 fu' EAS EAST CLARIDON, A post office of Geauga county. EAST FAIRFIELD, A post office of Colurnbi,,tna county. EAST LIBERTY, EAST LIVERPOOL, A post villa,ge of Columbiana, county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete. B,tinter Jacob, prop'r Railroad House. B-,ti-bour R. H. & L., carpenters. Cherry M. H., prop'r flouring and saw mills. Cowm,,-tu J. G., lumber dealer. DURNELL W.Nl., POST.-VIASTER. Furry Joseph, stone mi,son. M,tttocks A. & J, boot -tud shoe makers. ,Nlyei-s H. D., grocer. Quarry Rev., Nletbodist pastor. Rail Road Hotise, J. Bainter, prop'r. Reddisti W., rtilroad and express agent and general merchant. EAS 324 EAT MYOORE & COULSON, Himes J. L., township treasurer. Holdeman, Benjamin, carriage and wagon maker. tIoldeman Reuben, carriage and wagon maker. Hussey & Co., coal dealers. Jones Joseph, township trustee. Kelly David, carpenter. Lockard Emmit, school teacher. Lower M., township trustee. McCoy Lewis, township justice. Marshal & Baxter, prop'rs steam fiouring mill. Messinor J. B., township trustee. MOORE & COULSON, GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card, p. 324.) Roller Rev., Methodist pastor. Russell Rev., Methodist pastor. Snook M. J., dress maker. Stockman John, boot and shoe maker. Swengern G. W., township justice. Tremkey S., hotel prop'r. Weaver J., township assessor. Whiteleath B., township clerk. Dealers in DRY GOODS Groceries, Provisions, Hats, &c., EAST R 0 CHESTER, - OHIO. Rees David, attorney at law. Rees W. & M., brick makers. Ryder Thos., plasterer. Spar Rev. —, Methodist pastor. Waln H., grocer. EA ST ORANGE, A post office of Delaware county. EAST PALESTINE, A post office of Columbiana county. EAST RUSH CREEK, A post office of Perry county. A post office of Ashtabula county. EAST SPRINGFIELD., A post office of Jefferson county. EAST RICH LAND, A post office of Belmont county. EAST TOWNSEND, A post office of Huron county. EAST RINGGOLD, A post office of Pickaway county. EAST ROCHESTER, A post village of Columbiana county, in West township, established in 1830, situated on Clear Fork of Sandy river, and on the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railway, 16 miles west from New Lisbon, and 70 miles south-east from Cleveland. Population 100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, EEtE COULSON JOSEPH, POSTMASTER, AND DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS. Coulson Joseph, express and railroad agt. Coulson M., nursery and seedsman. Coulson M., agricultural implements. Fulks L., constable. Gumther Samuel, boot and shoe maker. EATON, An important post village, and the capital of Preble county, in Washington township, situated on Seven Mile creek, and on the Eaton and Hamilton railway, 50 miles See advt. of John C. Schooley & Co., Ice Chests, &c., p. 168. EAS 324 EAT EASTON, A post office of Wayne county. EAST ROCKPORT, A post office of Cuyaho,,a county. EAST PLYMOUTII, EAST'TRUMBULL, A post village of Asbtabula county. EAST UNION, A post office of Wayne county. EAST WESTVILLE, A post office of Mahoning county. EAT 325 EAT WINTERS & SHAFNER, PROPR'S, Baron Street, bet. Main and Somers Streets, EATON, OHIO. north by west from Cincinnati. It contains the county buildings, twenty-one stores of various kinds, a large flax manufactory, &c. Population 2,000. Burley Joshua, carpenter. Campbell John V., councilman. Campbell Wm. C., books and stationery, South Baron. Campbell Wm. D., manufacturerand deal er in boots and shoes, West Main. Carpenter Nathaniel, barber. Chambers Ja c ob, dealer in clocks, watches and jewelry, Ea st Main. Chrissman Jacob, lime stone works, near Depot. Christman Jesse, blacksmith, East Mai n. Clayton Wm., carpenter. Coffman G. B., staple a nd fancy dry goods, East Main. Coffman & Walters, dealers in staple an d fancy dry goods, boots, sho es and queensware, East Main. Cotterman & Welshdg, druggists, cor. Main and Cherry. Crouse J. A., merchant tailor, B aron, bet. Main and Somers. Crouse Jacob, grocery and provisions, West Main. Crume P. M., physician and s urgeon, cor. Baron and Somers. Cummings B. A., school teacher. Day D. W., carpenter and builder, E ast High. Day John W., dealer in hardware and gro ceries, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Day Josephine, school teacher. Deem W. C., livery stable, Main, east of Cherry. Degrott A. B., prop'r Olio Restaurant East Main. Dennison J. & Co., nursery and seedsmen. Denny A. & Co., produce and commission merchants, near Railrood Depot. Dick Geo., physician and city treasurer. Dunn Neilson, notary public and justice of the peace, Court House. EAGLE HOTEL, WINTERS & SHAF NER, PROP'RS, BARON, BT. MAIN AND SOMERS. (See card, p. 325.) Eastman Jno., insurance agent. Eaton House, W. W. Jefferson, prop'r. Eaton Lodge No. 30, I. O. O. F. Eaton R. A. Chapter No. 22, Masonic. Eaton Weekly Register, Tizzard & Albright, editors and prop'rs, Main. ECKEL & COCHRAN, DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, WEST MAIN. Eidson & Campbell, dealers in hides, PREBLE COUNTY' OFFICERS. Judge Probate Court, George W. Gans. Clerk Common Pleas, Charles W. Larsh. Deputy Clerk Common Pleas, B. F. Larsh.' Auditor, James Albert. Treasurer, Joseph Brower. Recorder, Wm. G. Banfill. Sheriff, Wm. Boner. Deputy Sheriff, John McLeaf. Prosecuting Attorney, Robert Miller. Commissioners, N. Benjamin, J. Davisson, P. fflcGrew. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, ]Etc Abbott L. C., mayor. Acherman Wm., candle manufactory. Acton J. P., prop'r steam saw mill. Acton John W., township constable. American Express Co., - -, agent. American House, J. C. Boner, prop'r, East Main. Atwood Miss Eliza, millinery, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Auter A. V., councilman and merchant tailor, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Bacon Rev. W. S., Universalist pastor. Balentine D. C., school teacher. Balentine Maria, school teacher. Banfill W. G., recorder. Banfill Wm. G., notary public, office Court House. Banta S., attorney at law, West Main. Becker Chas., boot and shoe shop, East Main. Blythe Rosalind, school teacher. Bolivar Lodge No. 82, Masonic. Boner John C., prop'r American House, East Main. Branch of the Bank of the State, V. Winters, president, H. C. Hiestand, cashier. Brandon Thos., brick mason. Brandon John, brick mason. Bringman Jacob, brick mason. Brookins J. P., councilman. BROOKINS J. P. & SON, DRUGGISTS, BARON, BT. MAIN AND SOMERS. Bruce Wm., flouring mill, West Main. See adv't French Burr Mill Stones, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. EAT 325 EAT EAT EAT MILLER & GILMORE, Attorneys at Law, Notaries Public and Insurance,& Collecting Agents, Main Street, opp. Court House, EATON. O. Notary -Pub Mic, And General Real Estate Agent, EfA TON, - OHIO. _______________________ I 0. Johnson Isaac L., cabinet maker and turning shop, near R. R. Depot. Kesling Levi, township constable. Kline Wm. H., township justice. Krug Jacob E., township constable. Kuhn Philip, brick m'lson. Laning Edward, nursery and seedsman. Lanius R. Y., brick mason. Larsh B. F., attorney at law. Larsh Charles W., county clerk, office Court House. LARSHII THOS. J., NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. (See card, p. 326.) Lefever & Dicks, physicians and surgeons, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Lockwood E. P., dealer in boots, shoes, and hats and caps, Main, opposite National Hotel. Lockwood G. R., eating saloon, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Lockwood J. L, & C. W., manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, East Mlaini. McCabe W. P., manufacturer and dealer stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, Cherry. McClain Samuel, ambrotypist. McCoy Joshua W., cooper. McKemy R. G. D., dealer in iron, hard ware and grain, corner Main and Cherry. McKemy R. G. D., justice of peace, corner Main and Cherry. McLain Samuel, photographist, Baron. McLaughlin & Hulbert, grocers and pro duce dealers, cor. Main and Cherry. Marsh Felix, attorney at law, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Martin H. H., saddles, harness and col lars, South Baron. May Jacob, township trustee. Meetar E. B., surgeon dentist, East Main. Meelen J., prop'r steam saw mill, near Depot. Mikesell E., merchant tailor, South Baron. Miller John D., grocery and produce deal er, East Main. Miller M., gunsmith. Miller Robert S., sewing machine agent. MILLER & GILMIORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NOTARIES PUBLIC, COL LECTING AND INSURANCE AG'TS, MAIN, OPP. COURT HOUSE. (See card, p. 326. ) leather, findings, paints, oils, &c., Main, bet. Baron and Cherry. Ellsworth Rev., Methodist pastor. Filbert Michael, dealer in ready-made clothing, East Main. Flemming J. & B., wagon makers and blacksmiths, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Foos & Campbell, attorneys at law, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Freeman I. E., attorney at law, office Court House. Fulton Thomas. blacksmith. GANS G. W., PROBATE JUDGE, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. GANS J. T., attorney and counselor at law, office Court House. Gill Wm., boot and shoe dealer. Gilmore James A., attorney at law and notary public. Goings Robert, shaving saloon, East Main. Gould L. G., grocery and bakery, West Main. Grace Mrs. & Lanius, millinery and fancy goods, West Main. Guild Julia, sewing machine agent. Haggott John P., physician and surgeon, cor. Baron and Somers. Haines & Abbott, attorneys at law, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Hardy Irene, school teacher. Hardy W. B., school teacher. Harshman John, chair factory, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Hendricks George D., real estate agent. Herdman & Son, groceries and provisions, cor. Main and Cherry. Herrlich John A., merchant tailor, West Main. Hiestand H. C., cashier Branch Bank of the State of Ohio, corner Main and Cherry. Hinman J. M., dealer in watches and I jewelry, South Baron. Hittel Samuel, blacksmith, Baron, between Main and Somers. Hogarth Mrs. S. J., dress maker, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Homan B. & V. C., grocery and provision dealers, Eas t Main. Homer Jno. F., barber. Hubbard & Freeman, attorneys at law, Main, bet. Baron and Cherry. Humphrey Rev. E. W., Christian elder. Jefferson W. W., prop'r Eaton House. See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover. EAT ,R26 EAT TLIOS. J. LARSH, Minor 0 & W., dry goods, queensware, capital $100,000, cor. Main and Cher boots, shoes, &c., East Main. ry. Minor W. H. H. B., grocery and drug Stefenhafer George, cooper. store, cor. Main and Baron. Stephens Isaac, notary public, Main, east Mitchum Nathaniel, shaving saloon, Baron, of Bridge. bet. Main and Somers. Stephens John W., livery and feed stable, Morris J. S., councilman. East Main. Morris I. S., superintendent Union School, Stephens & Bro., dry goods and general Somers. store, East Main. MORROW D. M., SUPERINTENDENT E. Street Alex., pump maker. AND H. R. R., OFFICE AT DEPOT. Street Chas., prop'r livery stable. Morton Thomas, carpenter. Stroud T. T., school teacher. Morton S., carpenter. Talbert Wm., carpenter. Nation Frank, brick mason. Taylor Rev. H. W., Presbyterian pastor. Nation Jacob, brick maker. Thompson Eli, general store, East Main. National Hotel, W. W. Jefferson, prop'r, Thompson Geo. W., attorney at law. West Main. Thompson & Harris, attorneys at law, Neal Benjamin, councilman. Baron, bet. Main and Somers. Ortt John S., carriage maker, East Main. Thum Chas. P., merchant tailor, Baron, Plummer Thomas, township trustee. bet. Main and Somers. Poland & Richmond, cabinet makers and Tingle Anna, school teacher. undertakers, Baron, bet. Main and Tingle Samuel, carpenter. Somers. Tizzarg & Albright, editors and prop's EaPreble County Branch of the State Bank ton Weekly Register, Main. of Ohio, V. Winters, president, H. C. Town N.J., cooperage. Hiestand, cashier, capital $100,000, Traphagan H. L., machinist, Baron. cor. Main and Cherry. Vanausdal C. & Co., dry goods and variety Preble Encampment, No. 54, Masonic. store, cor. Main and Baron. Preble Manufacturing Co., Bell, Cotton & Tuttle S. D., surgeon dentist, Baron, bet. Co., prop'rs, D. M. Morrow, superin- Main and Somers. tendent, flax, bagging and rope, near Vest Wm. E., gunsmith, Baron, bet. Main R. R. Depot. and Somers. Quinn Joseph W., baker. Weidmer M., meat store, cor. Baron and Quinn Wm. D., express agent. Somers. Rechtel John, cooperage, Beach. Welsh James B., physician and surgeon, Reeves Elwood, boot and shoe dealer. Decatur, bet. Baron and Beach. Rehfuss M., tanner and currier. Welsh & Cotterman, druggists. REID DANIEL, POSTMASTER. WINTERS & SHAFNER, PROP'RS EARessler Henry, prop'r Great Western Car- GLE HOTEL, BARON, BET. MAIN riage and Buggy Factory, Cherry, bet. AND SOMERS. See card p. 325.) Main and Somers. Wisemiller Jacob, prop'r steam grist mill. Richey D. M., painter. Woody Robert, physician. Risinger Wm., township trustee. Young Levi, lime stone works, opp. Depot. Rossman John & James, saddle and har - ness makers, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. ECKELS, SCOTT WM. A., HOM(EOPATHIC PHY SICIAN W AND SURGEON, MAIN, Y A post office of Belmont county. SICIAN AND SURGEON, MAIN, WEST OF BARON. Show Jacob, meat market, East Main. ECKMANSVILLE Show David, meat store, East Main. Show Joseph, meat store, East Main. A post village of Adams county, in Wayne Shriner Philip, marshal. township, established in 1840, situated on Siebert A. A., saddle, harness and collar Cherry fork, 8 miles from West Union, and maker, Baron, bet. Main and Somers. about 80 miles south by west from ColumSmall P. M., physician and surgeon, office bus. Population 100. Township 2,000. Main. Smith Christian, blacksmith. Spotts John, bakery, and lager beer saloon, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, East Main. Anderson John, boot and shoe maker. Staggs Miss Kate, Revell & Paine, millin- Atwell F. M. physician. ery and dress making, East Main. Boldridge T., township clerk. Stanton J. G., physician. Cook John, cooper. State Bank of Ohio, Preble Co. Branch, V. Cooper J. C., township justice. Winters, pres't, H. C. Hwstand, cash., Cooper J. C., painter and cooper. See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. EAT 327 ECK EGO 38 EDI Bckman F., livery stable. Eckman Wm., edge tool maker. Eckman Wm. F., school teacher. Finney Wm., township treasurer. Jones Lewis, edge tool maker. Kirk Henry, tailor. Kirkpatrick N., township trustee. Lovingfoss James, carpenter. Macentre A. D., township justice. Marlatt S., township trustee. Mathews Joseph, hotel prop'r, and town ship constable. M]orrison John, general merchant. Nelson D., livery stable. Nelson J. C., school teacher. Stevens Aaron, cooper. Stevens D., hotel prop'r. STEWART WM. R., GENERAL MER CHANT AND POSTMASTER. Sutton 0. B., school teacher. Thompson James, brick maker. Vanmeter V. E., physician. Walker S., plow maker, and township as sessor. Walker Samuel, carriage and wagon ma ker. Wright Kate, dress maker. Farnham Daniel, gener al merchant. Felley R. M., stave dealer. Garver & Shaffer, "toves and tin ware. Gilnon Wm., gunsmith. Graham John, Railroad and Express ag't. Harnhem D., township treasurer. Hill Wm., prop'r steam saw mill. Kearns A., township trustee. Klipert E. A., township assessor. Koehenofer Geo., cabinet maker. Lewis W. S., township trustee. Needhart S., saloon keeper. Presta W. C., township trustee. Rinkle M., boot and shoe maker. Rose J. O., barber. Slough J. S., physician. Smith Fred., brick mason. Snider H., saloon keeper. Stoddar P. B., saloon keeper. Strickleng D. S., justice of peace. Tepeny J. L., township clerk. Thursby H., prop'r hotel. Tuttle H., general merchant. Webster J. S., carriage and wagon maker. EDINBURG, A post village, and township of Portage county, established in 1820, situated 7 miles south-east from Ravenna, and 42 miles south-east from Cleveland. ECONOMY, A post office of Highland county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bacon A. T., broom maker. Bacon C. C., broom maker. Barron P., township clerk. Barron Putnam, physician. Basset Joel, physician. Beardsley Wm., tanner and township as sessor. Bond Jonas, tobacco grower. Bostwick D., lumber dealer. Bristol Alonzo, township justice. Caldwell Samuel, carpenter. Chapman & Chowden, prop'rs steam flour ing and saw mills. Chapman & Chowden, lumber dealers. Clark Thos., harp ess maker. Coe A. B., stave dealer. Coe Wm., township trustee. DAVIS WM. D., POSTMASTER AND WOOL GROWER. ] Day J. H., township treasurer. Day Miss Lucy, milliner. Day T. L., wagon maker. Dillingham John, brick mason. Douthett Eliza, school teacher. Douthett John, school teacher. Ewing Daniel, candle maker. Ewing Peter, engraver. Fairchild W., tailor. Fenn Rev., Presbyterian pastor. Fremont House, E. C. Northrop, prop'r. Gilbert C. N., gunsmith. opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. EDEN, A post office of Trumbull county. A post office of Clermont county. A post office of Williams county, in St. Joseph township, established in 1854, situated near Little St. Joseph creek, and near the air line division of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana railway, 10 miles west by south from Bryan, and about 155 miles north north-west from Cohambus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Andrews S. H., physician, and prop'r steam saw mill. BARKDALE G. W., PHYSICIAN, AND POSTMASTER. Barnes G. A., township justice. Brakeman P., gunsmith. Coburn J. 0., attorney at law. Derr & Hickman, pork packers. Eve Adam, cooper. See adv't of J. L. Wayne & Son, I I ECO 328 EDI EDENTON, EDGERTON, EDO 399 ELI Taylor J., carpenter. Templin R., carpenter. EGYPT MILLS, A post office of Belmont county. Goss D. W. & Bros., general merchants. Higley Amelia, school teacher. Higley E. B., brick mason. Hill Joshua, tailor. Lowry Thomas, gunsmith. EL DORADO, A post office of Preble county. Jones Thomas, carpenter. ____ Kinney Aipheus, hoot and shoe maker. -- -______ A post village of Allen county, in German township, established in 1853, situated on Ottawa creek, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 6 miles from Lima, and 85 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 150. Township 600. RogerU sw Eliza,x schoo tacher Rogers Linas, school teacher. Alphabetical List of Professions, ades, E Shelton R. M., boot and shoe maker. Anderson J. L., physician. Stillson G. B.,' sewing machine agent. Anderson William H. & Son, general merStone Esther, school teacher. chants. Strong Seymour, township constable. Askins Jacob, marble worker and patent Thorne M., cooper. right agent. Tibbals Frank, constable. Bechtol Samuel, carpenter. Tibbals F. W., jewelry, &c. BEERY D., POSTMASTER. Turnbull Cyrus, physician. Carr Jesse, school teacher. Tuttle Hiram, carpenter. Conrad R., gunsmith. Whittlesey, proprietor steam flouring Cremeen Geo., prop'r livery stable. mill. Crites D. L., attorney at law and physiWillard J. A., painter. cian. Williams David, wagon maker. Donor A., tanner. Good S. S., auctioneer and township con stable. EDON, Hutchins S. S., ag't P., Ft. W. and C. R. R. Kaufman G., sewing machine agent. A post office of Darke county. Kaufman & Co., grocers. Keneda James, carpenter. Kramer Rev. Jos., Luther,n pastor. EDWARDSVILLE, McBride A., township treasurer. (MIDDLEBORO' VILLAGE.) McMillen L. W., carriage and wagon ma Mi~IDDLEBORO' VILLAGE.) kr ker. A small post village of Warren county, in Markle Jacob, carpenter. Harlan township, established in 1856, sit- Metsler J., constable, uated 12 miles from Lebanon, and about Meyers G. H., prop'r Pennsylvania House. 75 miles south-west from Columbus. Pop- Miller Benjamin, carpenter. ulation 50. Miller Jesse, carpenter and painter. Morris W. & J., boot and shoe makers. Mosier John, barber. Alphabeotical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Pennsylvania House, G. H. Meyers, pro BAILIE H., POSTMASTER AND TOWN- prietor. SHIP TRUSTEE. Philips James, general merchant and sa Bayless Nathan, boot and shoe maker. loon keeper. Ferguson J., township justice. Plumb Rev. F., Methodist pastor. Ingersoll N. G., township treasurer. Ragan Eli, grocer and saloon keeper. Jones Thomas, township trustee. Rice R., notary public, and physician. Long H., township constable. Snerry James, cooper. McFerrin Wm., township trustee. Syfert H. 0., patent right agent. Runyan H., township clerk. Syfert & Co., prop'rs candle factory. St. John H., township justice. Tannehill Eli, carriage and wagon maker. See advt. S. G. Burnet & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. EDO ELI 329 ELIDA, ETN Tracey Elias, carpenter. Weaver John, township justice. Westbey John, township justice. Wilcox William F., tanner and township clerk. Morse D. A., physician. Morse S., township clerk. Reed Isaiah, townshfip trustee. Sears J., township trustee. Shipley F., carriage and wagon maker. Smith W., township constable. Webb G., tailor. Webb G. F., township assessor. ELIZABETHTOWN, A post office of Hamilton county. ELMIRA, A post village of Fulton county. ELK, A post office of Vinton county. ELMORE, A post office of Ottowa county. ELKTON, A post office of Columbiana county. ELMVILLE, A post office of Highland county. ELLIOTT'S CROSS ROADS, A post office of Morgan county. ELYRIA, A post village and the capital of Lorain county, situated on Black river, and on the northern division of the Cleveland and Toledo railway, 26 miles west southwest from Cleveland. ELLI:OTTSVILLE, A post village of Jefferson county, in Knox township. ELLSWORTH, A post village and township of Mahoning county, established in 1818, situated 5 miles west from Canfield, and 60 miles south-east from Cleveland. Township population 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Beardsley J., principal Cottage Hill Sem inary. Brooke G. W., physician. Brown Rev. J. F., Methodist pastor. Cone Rev. H., Presbyterian pastor. Cottage Hill Seminary, J. Beardsley, prin cipal. Dakin A., painter. Davis R., boot and shoe maker. Dean Ward, township trustee. Deihl Eli, prop'r steam grist and saw mill. Deihl H., prop'r grist and saw mills. Fitch R., township justice. Green J., township justice. Hoyle S., carpenter. Hull & Webb, coopers. Justice R., township constable. McKAIN S., CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER AND POSTMASTER. McKing A., township treasnrer. McKing H., general merchant and hotel propr'r. McNealy S., boot and shoe maker. See adv't of Wholesale Hardware, opp. inside front cover. ELI 330 EMERALD, A post office of Adams county. EMERY, A post office of Fulton county. EMMET, A post office of Paulding county. ENOCH, A post office of Monroe county. ENON, A post office of Clark county. ENTERPRISE. A post office of Preble county. 'ETNA, A post office of Licking county. EUC 331 FAR EWING, A post office of Hocking cgunty. A post office of Cuyahoga county. EWINGTON, A post village of Preble county in Harrison township, situated on Twin creek, 2 miles from Sonora, on the Dayton and Indiana Central railway, 9~ miles northeast from Eaton, and about 80 miles west from Columbus. Population 300. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trade, Etc. Atkins Wm., hotel prop'r. BENDER DAVID, AUCTIONEER AND POSTMASTER. Bender D. & Bro., general merchants. Chace Frank, boot and shoe maker. Chace N., boot and shoe maker. Chambers Wm., blacksmith. Cotterman M., township trustee. Earhart D., grocer and township treas urer. Ells George A., tailor and township con stable. Garreth H., sewing machine agent and tailor. Harris Rebecca, milliner. Hart Adam, carpenter. Hart John, blacksmith and gunsmith. Hart Steven, carpenter. Hoerner Michael, blacksmith. Hoffman E. M., tobacco grower. Kesselring J., cooper. Lock A., jr., boot and shoe maker. Lock Emanuel F., carpenter. McClure J., chair maker and painter. McGrew M. S., township trustee. Mackey L., dentist. Micum Phillip, brick mason. Oblinger Wm., carpenter. Paine Frank, school teacher. Pretzinger M., physician. Renner, township justice. Renner Wm., carriage and wagon maker. Rookstool C., boot and shoe maker. Slife John, tobacco grower. Snyder John, township constable. Spillman T. K., tailor. Sweeney Samuel, cabinet maker. Wirte John, township trustee. Wilt Samuel, brick mason. FARMERSVILLE, A post village of Montgomery county, in Jackson township, 15 miles south-west from Dayton, and about 80 miles west by south from Columbus. Population 300. Township 2,000. EVANSPORT, Alphabetical List of Professons, Trades, EtC, A post office of Defiance county. Allsbaugh P., pump maker. See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. FAR EUC 331 EUCLID, EUPHEMIA, A post office of Gallia county. EXETER, A post office of Sandusky county. FAIRFAX, A post office of Highland county. FAIRFIELD, A post office of Greene county. FAIR HAVEN, A post office of Preble county. FAIRMOUNT, A post office of Miami county. A village of the same name is situated in Belmont county, for description of which, see Bethesda post office, page 38. FAIRPORT, A post office of Lake county. FAIRVIEW, A post office of Guernsey county. 46 FALLSBURG, A post office of Licking county. FARMER, A post village of Defiance county. EVANSBURG, A post office of Coshocton county. FA 3 E American House, J. B. Trissel, prop'r. Apple John, township trustee. Arnett N., village marshal. Bartness Warren, harness maker. Basore D., cabinet maker. Bols S., councilman. Boomershine H. & A., saw mill prop'rs. Bussard L., cooper. Cook H., school teacher. Cross Joseph, cooper. Davis P. H., school teacher. Dechant C., township trustee. Dutrow J. M., brick mason. Felony John, grocer. Fultz John, township trustee. Golladz P., carriage and wagon maker. Gross J. F., constable. Henkel Rev. A., Lutheran pastor. Hoffman Levi, tanner, and councilman. Hollenbach Wm., boot and shoe maker. Lantz W., village clerk. Lantz Wm., boot and shoe maker. Leeslie J., physician, and village treas urer. Livengood A. M., milliner. MeConoughey Miss C. M., school teacher. Miller John, cooper. MOYER GEORGE W., NOTARY PUB LIC, AND POSTMASTER. Musselman C., justice of the peace. Printz J. N., tailor. Reel J. C., cooper. Rees D., general merchant. Reiter Rev. J. H., Lutheran pastor. Saum J. F., brick mason. Schmutz A. C., brick mason. Steele W. H. C., tailor. Stiver John S., painter and cabinet maker. Tobias J. C., constable. Tondorf R., councilman. Trissell J. B., prop'r American House. Vancleve S., milliner. Walling 0. A., councilman. Walling & Brother, general merchants. Weaver John I., township treasurer. Wells Rev., United Brethren pastor. FEESBiURG, A post village of Brown county, in Lewis township, established in 1838, situated 6 miles from Georgetown, and 35 miles south-east from Cincinnati. Population 200. Township 1,600. Lapole L., cooper. Miller 0. P., township trustee. Norris James P., dentist. FARMINGTON, A post office of Trumbull county. .________Nri A. ouh jsie FAYETTEVILLE, A post village of Brown county, in Perry township, established in 1834, situated on the East Fork of the Little Miami river, 23 miles from Georgetown, and 36 miles east by north from Cincinnati.Township populati( n 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. TROUT DANIEL, HOTEL PROP' BALLARD JOHN, POSTMASTER. POSTMASTER. Rergen J., township trustee. Worner E. S., township clerk. See adv't of Tempest & Co.'s Air Tight Fruit Jar, p. 180. FAR '332 FEE Busy P., township constable. Campbell J., towulhip justice. Day ly Rev. ('., C&Molic priest. Kisdadan J., township justice. Lynch M., township constable. Maraden J., township trustee. Papts F., township trustee. Vandevert P., township justice. FEARING, A post office of Washington county. FEDERALTON, A post office of Athens county. FEED SPRING, A post office of Harrison county. Etc. or. astor. mill. der. r. aker. wagon ) AND FEL 333 FIN TURER, AND LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Beardsley Daniel B., attorney at law, justice of the peace and insurance agent, Main. Belden A. R. agent S. D. and C. R. R. Biggs G., blacksmith, Main Cross. Baldwin H. J., watch maker, Main. Blicher J., dentist, Main. BOPE J. A., ATTORNEY AT L A W, NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT, MAIN. Bullock & Rammell, cabinet and chair makers, Railroad, east of Main. Burns G., butcher, Main. Bushon A., stoves and tin ware, Main. Carlin W. D., physician and surgeon, Main. Carr J., dentist and hotel proprietor, Main. Conaway George, (colored), barber, Main. Cooley L. B., tailor, Main. Couldson I., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, clothing, etc., Main. Crook's Hotel, George H. Crook, prop'r, cor. Main and Sandusky. CROMLEY JACOB, MANUFACTURER COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, AND DEALER IN STOVES, JAPANNED AND POR CELAIN WARE, MAIN. Davis I., dealer in groceries and provis ions, Railroad, near Depot. Denison James, butcher and meat market Main. Entrikin T. W., physician and surgeon, Main. Ewing & Redick, dealers in boots, shoes, &c., Main. Flasig S., grocer, Main. Fleck Joseph, dealer in groceries and pro visions, Main. Ford J. D., tailor, Main. Ford P., attorney at law, Main. Gage H. P. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Main and San dusky. Gait E., dealer in dry goods and groceries, Main. Galloway G. W., harness and saddle ma ker, Main. Goit & Brown, attorneys at law, corner Main and Main Cross. Goncher D., physician, Main. Gray S. F., watch maker and jeweler, Main. Green Israel, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Gribben & Mungem, attorneys and coun selors at law, Main. Guntner & Woodworth, prop'rs Reed House, cor. Main and Main Cross. Hall Charles, eating saloon, Main. FELICITY, A post village of Clermont county. FIDELITY, A post office of Miami county. A post office of Brown county. A prominent post town, and the capital of Hancock county, situated on Blanchard's Fork of Auglaize river, about 90 miles north north-west from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, about fifty stores, and a large number of manufactories of various kinds. Population 4,000. HIANCOCK COUNTY OFFICERS. Treasurer, William Vanlue. Auditor, A. Howard. Clerk, W. W. Siddall, Sheriff, I. M. Neibling. Probate Judge, J. H. Barn. Recorder, A. Steinman. Prosecuting Attorney, Edson Goit. Coroner, E. Parker. Surveyor, J. Pendleton. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams, Carlins & Co., bankers, exchange dealers and collectors, Main Cross. Adams L., wholesale and retail grocer, Main Cross, near Depot. Anderson & McKebben, manufacturers of woolen goods, Railroad. ARDINGER. P. B., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, Main. Baker & Thompson, dealers in hides, leather, findings, etc., Main. Baldwin W. H., physician and surgeon, Main. Barned G. C., tanner. Barnes Mrs.-, milliner, Main. Bauser & Lampert, dealers in groceries and provisions, Main. Beach B., physician and surgeon, Main. BEACH E., CARRIAGE MANUFAC See adv't of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &e. FEL 333 FIN FIFE, A post office of Ilarrison county. FILLINIORE, A post office of Wasbington county. FINCASTLE, FINLEY, ~~F[ 33 I Hancock Courier, A. MI. Hollabaugh, editor and prop'r, Main. Henderson & Sons, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c, corner Main and Rail road. Hoch Jacob, groceries and provisions, Main. Ilollabaugh A. M., editor and publisher Hancock Courier, Main. Hoover S. J., livery stable, Railroad. Horn John B., wholesale and retail grocer, Main. Huber B., steam flouring mill prop'r. Huber J. M. & Co., dealers in drugs and groceries, cor. Main and Main Cross. Huber & Miller, sash, blind and door man ufacturers. HURD & CHURCH, COLLECTING AND LAND AGENTS, COR. MAIN AND SANDUSKY. JONES E. P., PRODUCE EXCHANGE, AND DISTILLER, COR. MAIN AND SANDUSKY. Karg A.. butcher. Main. Kimmons A. & B. F. & Co., dealers in hardware, Main. Koons C. T., carriage monufacturer, Rail road. Langworthy Dr. A., wholesale and retail dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Lannerd G. H., gunsmith, Main. LIEBENTHAL M. & CO., DEALERS IN CLOTHING AND GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, MAIN. Lungrock S., boot and shoe maker, Main. May, Adams & Co., dealers in hardware, stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Main. Mefford-, harness and saddle maker, Main. Meissel John, grocer, Main. Morrison Mrs. I. O., milliner, Main. .AMYRES W. J., butcher, Main. Oldsmith M., clothier, Main. O'Neal C. W., attorney at law and notary public, Main. O'Neal & Blackford, attorneys and coun selors at l1.w, Main. Osterlen Charles, homeeopathic physician, Main. Ott Peter, barber and dealer in perfumery, Main. PALMER & BOPE, (J. M.&J.A.) AT TORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, MAIN. Parker J. A., milliner and dress maker, Main Cross. Parker & Clark, cabinet makers, Rail-, road. Passall A., watch maker, Main. Patterson & Taylor, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., Main. Porch P., cabinet maker, Railroad. Rawson B., physician, Main. Reed House, Gertner & Woodworth, prop'rs cor. Main and Main Cross. Reiterman W..amltotype and daguerrean artist, Main. Rice E., dealerin groceries and provisions, Main. ROBINSON JAMES, POSTMASTER, OFFICE MAIN CROSS. Rogers A., livery stable, Main Cross. Rosz.mann Peter, dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. Rothchild J. B., dealer sn clothing and furnishing goods, cor. Main and Rail road. Schwab —, prop'r Schwab House, Main. Setisney & Shuler, prop'rs Goit House, Main. Shafer M. D., notary public and insurance agent, Main. Shannon IH. S., dealers in watches;, clocks, jewelry, &c., Main. Shipman P., blacksmith. Smith A, D. & S. S., tailors, Main. Soper E. D., physician and surgeon, Main. Soper Mrs. U., millin er and dress maker, Main Cross. Sours Adam, tai lor, Ma in. Spayth C., boot and shoe maker, Main. Spayth J., physician and surgeon, Main. Stackhouse T. J., groceries an d saloon, Main. Stewart W. D., basker, Main. Stubbs J. D., dealer in b oot s and shoes, Main. SWARTZ HENRY, dealers in groceries and provisions, Main. Taber B. R., dentist, Main. Taylor W. B., marble worker and dealer, Miain. Taylor & Croninger, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., cor. Main and Main Cross. Taylor & Son, hats, caps, furs, &c., Main. Thrift T B., marble worker and dealer, Railroad, east of Main. Twining G. W., ambrotype and daguer rean artist, M-ain. Vandenburgh O. B., gunsmith, Main. Weeks & Osborn, dealers in groceries and provisions, Mtain. West,enhaver P., harness and saddle ma ker, Matin. Wheeler W. H.,' dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, &c., Main. Wilhelm & Wolf, foundry and machine shop, Main Cross, near Depot. :FIROR, A post office of Gallia county. F'ITCHEVI:LLE, See adv't of J'. Bradford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. FIN 334 FIT A post village of ff uron county. FIV McMullin Henry, school teacher. McVay John. township trustee. Pool Isaac, plow maker. Reas David, school teacher. Rodgers James, saw mill prop'r. Scott James, school teacher. Scott Richard, justice of peace. Senard Rev. J., Baptist pastor. Snivley Wm., gunsmitlh. Stout Ann, milliner. Strahl Charles, cabinet maker. Thomas D. D1)., school teacher. Thomas John, boot and shoe maker. Thomas Jno. J., school teacher. Weddle Wm., school teacher and township clerk. Wilson Richard. cooper. FIVE MILE, A post office of Brown count~y. A post office of Pickaway county. FLAT ROCK, A post office of Seneca, county. FLORENCE, A post village of Erie county, established in 1820, situated on La Chapell river, 20 miles south-east from Sandusky City, and 40 miles west by south from Cleveland. Township population 1,200. FLEMING, A village of Licking county. For description of which, see HIlanover post office. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc BABCOX A. W, GENERAL MER CHANT AND DEP. POSTMASTER. (See card, p. 337.) Babcox S. B., township clerk and insur ance agent. BAKER J. B., POSTMiASTER. Botsford Brothers, lumber dealers. Botsford C. H., township treasurer. $ Botsford & PoercT, goneral merchants. Brooks H., towrshbip justice. Florence Hotel, A. Spore, prop'r. Hardy W. B., broom maker. Harley & Pearl, general merchants. Robertson W., boot tlnd shoe maker. Schrimp P., carri'age and wa,tgoin maker. Sea pold A., boot anal shoe maker. Sherman C,( township constable. Spore A., Florence Hotel prop'r. A post village of Washington county, in Ludlow township, established in 1840, situated on Little Muskingum river, 25 miles north-east from Marietta, and about 100 miles east by south from Cincinnati. Township population 900. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Barnes Uriah, cooper. Boston Jacob, township constable. Bowersock Daniel, township constable. Cline Cornelius, school teacher. Cocks Philip B., physician. Dickson Jacob, boot and shoe maker. Edwards Chas., carpenter. EDWARDS E., POSTMASTER. Edwards E., township treasurer and car penter. Edwards Edward C., carpenter. Edwards Mfary A., milliner., Elder John, carriage and wagon maker. Flint Jane, proprietress steamn saw mill. Gippen Robert township trustee. Gralham lIamnilton, township trustee. Green S., milliner, Groves James MI., justice of peace. Hall George, saw mill prop'r. Harvy G. W., general merchant. Hendeison Rev. A., United Brethren pastor. Hollind lHarvey, attorney at law. Johnson Rev. Wm., Methodist pastor. See adv't of Drs. Wardle & Doughty, Dentists, p. 181. .I 335 FOII FIVE POINTS, FLAT, A post office of Pike county. FLETCHER, A post office of Mi-,imi county. PLINT'S MILLS, (BLOO,NIFIELD VILLAGE,) FLORIDA, A post office of Ilenry county. FLUSHING, A post village of Belniont county. N FORD, A post village of Gc,,ttig,,l county. FOREST, A post village of If,,trdin county, in Jackson township, sitii,,tted on Blanchard FOR 336 FRA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FORT RECOVERY, A post office of Mercer county. FOREST I USE FORT SENECA, A post village of Seneca county, in Pleasant township, situated on Sandusky river. 6 miles from Tiffin, and about 85 miles north from Columbus. Population 600. Township 1,800. FOREST,g - OHIO. creek, at the crossing of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, and the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati railways, 12 miles from Kenton, and about 75 miles north-west from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abbott L., general merchant. Adams E., grocer. Baltz Q. J., wagon maker. Blue D. S., wagon maker. Brinkerho o f D., township tr ustee. Cooley J. B., hotel prop'r. Coony J., physician Coony J. M., dentist. McDaniel Mrs.-, tailoress. Pool H. & Co., prop'rs grist mill. Sherrer J., plow maker. Smith Wmn., township trustee. SNOOK C., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POSTMASTER. Snook C., township clerk and justice. Snook D. H., cabinet maker. Swope Samuel R., township trustee. Troxwell Wm. H., tobacco grower. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bittles L., grocer andl provision dealer. Brayton, Campbell & Co., general stor e. Brown Peter, grocery and saloon. CARSON P., PROP'R FOREST HOUSE. (See card, p. 336.) Carver Z., carpenter and builder. Caverly Mercy A., school teacher. Collins C. B., tinsmith. Cook L., general store. Emerson George E., telegraph operator Western Union Telegraph Co. FOREST HOUSE, P. CARSON, PROP'R. (See card,p. 336.) Grundy Daniel, machinist. IIARGRAVE B. F., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POSTMASTER. MabvJ. T., boot and shoe manufacturer dd dealer. Massey I. B., agent American and U. S. Express Co's. Massey John B., agent S. D. and C(,. N. R., and telegraph operator. Myers Alfred, tailor. Parks S., blacksmith. Pearce John M., agent P., F. W. and C. Railroad. PEARCE J. M. & CO., REAL ESTATE AND DE'-LERS IN WESTERN LANDS. Shoffer Charles, wagon maker and cabinet maker. Shoffer Charles, prop'r steam saw mill. Smith Josiah, resident farmer. Staniker B., carpenter and builder. Whitney B. F., physician and surgeon. Woods R. M., physician and surgeon. FRANKFORT, A post office of Ross county. FOfRT ANCIENT, A post office of Warren county. FRANKLIN, An important post village of Warren county, situated on Big Miami river, and See adv't of Yellow and Rockingham Ware, p. 180. i I I FOR 336 FRA P. CARSON, Proprietor, FOSTORIA, A post office of Seriec,-i cotint,y. FOUR CORNERS, A post office of Ifuroii county. FOWLER, A post office of Trumbull cotint-v. FOWLER'S MILLS, A post office of Geaug,,t county. FRANCONIA, A post office of Putnam county. FORT JENNINGS, A post office of Putnam county. on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton A. W. BABCOX, railway, 10 miles from Lebanon, and about 75 miles south-west from Columbus. Pop- Dealer in Foreign ncdI)omestic ulation 1,500. Alphabetical Liut of Professions, Trades,t. E tD, Adams D. & Co., staple and fancy dry Groceries, ardware, &C goods, Center. Groceries, Hardware, &c., Andrews & Ely, groceries and provisions, cor. Second and Center. _FORENCE, - - - OHIO. Bailey Elias, carpenter and builder, Third. Behriug Louis, shaving saloon, Center. Hurst Mrs. M., proprietress Hurst House, Boynton Mrs. A. C., millinery and fancy cor. Fifth and Front. goods, Center. Ireland Geo., brick and stone mason, Burrows W. S. & Co., malisters, cor. Fifth First. and. Canal. Ireland T., boot and shoe maker, Second, Chace B., freight and ticket agent, office between Front and Center. at Depot. Kaiser John, boot and shoe i-aker, Fifth, Clutch Uriahl, cabinet maker and under- between Center and Canal. taker, Center KELL JOHN, POST MASTER AND SHOE Clutch & Hooven, dealers in hardware, MAKER, CENTER, BETWEEN SEC agricultural implements and grass OND AND TIIRD. seedl, Center. Labaw John, blacksmith, cor. Center and Conover Peter, carriage mnanufactory, Front. Centre. Lockwood R. S., notary public and justice Corwin & Son, meat store, Fourth, be- of the peace, Fourth. tween Centre and Front. McAvoy Wm. B., physician and surgeon, Death & Crowl, proprietors Franklin Fourth, between Center and Front. mills. Maxwell O. C., manufacturer and dealer DECANT F. & L., BAKERY, GROCERY in boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., Sec AND PROVISION DEALERS, COR. ond. FRONT AND SECOND. Miller's Hotel, C. Miller, proprietor, cor. D)echant F., councilman. Fourth and Front. D)eiise Geo. L., councilman. Melley Jas. C., city marshal. Di'al John, silversmith, Center. Molleson Daniel, livery stable, Fourth. Dial & WAoodwiard, broom factory, cor. between Center and Front. Fifth and Canal. Morris, Benham & Co., dealers in staple Dickey & Evans, dealers in all kinds of and fancy dry goods, cor. Center and lumber, lath, shingles, etc., Second. Second. Evans J. S., dealer in watches clocks and Parker Thomas, wagon maker, Front. jewelry, Center. Payne J. H., dentist, Center. Evans J. S., mayor, Center. Rosen Jolhnr, l.,ger beer saloon, Second. Evans O., Jr., physician and surgeon, Rossmian E., manufacturer and dealer in Center. saddles, harness and collars, Front, Evans Wm. S., proprietor Franklin mar- bet. First and Second. ble works, cor. Front and Second. Scharf G., clothier and tailor, Center. Flemming Jos. B., manufacturer and Schenck Wm. L., blacksmith, Center. dealer in stoves, tin and sheet-iron Schenck Wm. L., councilman. ware, Center. Schenck W. L., physician and surgeon, Freudenbuger Geo., wagon maker, Center. Second, bet. First and Center. Gilpin & Stephenson, proprietors flour- SCIIENCK & REECE, PRODUCE AND ing mills. COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, COR. Gingrich F., wagon and plow maker, cor. SECOND AND CANAL. Fourth and Front. Shertzer J. W., manufacturer and dealer Grimes A., (col.,) barber, Fifth. in saddles, harness, collars, &c., CenHIaller Mrs. E., millinery and dress mak- ter. ing, Second, between Front and Cen- Smith Wm., city recorder. ter. Snell Benijamini, blacksmitlh, cor. Center haller John, physician and surgeon, Sec- and First. ond, between Front and Center. SNELL IRA, DEALER IN D RU GS, Harrow & Co., lumber merchants, cor. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CEN Center and Fifth. TER. Iierrmann M., tailor and clothier, cor. Sprung B., grocery and saloon, cor. Fifth Center and Fifth. and Canal. 22 FIIA 337 FRA Stage J., boot and shoe maker, Center. 1831, situated on the Cuyahoga river, 6 Teneike & Barkalow, livery stable, Fourth. miles west from Ravenna, and 33 miles Thayer & Son, bakery and grocery, Cen- south-east fromn -Ceveland. It contains ter. seven stores and various mechanical Theikeild Brothers & Co., dealers in staple branches. Population 1,200. and fancy dry goods, atnd general store, cor. Center and Fourth. Turner J. M. & Bro., distillery, East Fifth. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, EtC Weber Phillip, grocery and saloon, Cen- Allen H. G., carpenter. ter. ANDERSON B. F., POSTMASTER. WILLIAMS R. & CO., DEALERS IN GRO- Baird John, clothier. CERIES, PRODUCE, FLOUR, SALT Barr J., township trustee. FISH, AND GENERAL VARIETY, Barrom S. C. L., express agent. CENTER, BET. FOURTH A N D Barton Jane, dress maker. FIFTH. Beardsley A., brick mason. Williams Mrs. S., milliner, Eourth. Bethel Joseph, stoves and tin ware. Williamson Mrs. S., millinery and fancy Bradley C. C., saloon keeper. goods, Fourth. Brady Lodge No. 183, I. O. O. F. Woodward Joseph, cooperage, Center. Breusted John, barber. Woodward Lewis, groceries and provis- Bushnell C. B., sash, blind and door ma ions, Fifth, bet. Center and Canal. ker. Wright Wm-, prop'r Great Western Drug Bushnell M. HII., sash, blind and door ma Store, Center. ker. Wylie Cyrus, tailor, Center. Christopher Jesse, painter. Clark E. W., prop'r livery stable. Clark J. F., foundry prop'r. FRANKLIN FURNACE, Cone J. W., druggist. A post village of Scioto county, in Green Copeland J. K., wagon maker. ....... A; -'.. Crane E. W.* physician. township, established in 1827, situated on Crane E. W., physician. the Ohio river, 16 miles south-east from Cuthbert James, carpenter. Day S. F., hotel prop'r. Portsmouth, and about 100 miles south by Day S. F. hotel prop r. eais' from Columbus. yDewey A., publisher Family Visitor. east from Columbus.... Earl B. C., prop'r grist mill. Family Visitor, A. Dewey, publisher. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Farnan L. J., general merchant. Auggels J., general merchant. Franklin Bank, Zenas Kent, president, C. Teck, jr., cashier. Brush B., township clerk Teck, r., cashier. Butterfield J., township trustee. Franklin House, Wm. Merrell, prop'r. Cline Wm., harness maker, and township Gillett Miss H., dress maker. ~~~~'justice. Gridley J., carpenter. Justlce. ~~~~~Gridley Win carpenter. Didnit J., township trustee. Gridley Wm., carpenter. Folsom J. S. & Son, general merchants. Haymaker Sally, dress maker. Glidden & Camp, general merchants. Hine E. C., cooper. GOULD SAMUEL, POSTMASTER. Hopkins D. P., township trustee. Gould Samuel, township j u stice. Jennings Mrs. H. N., milliner. TY 1 T) ) 1 * 11 * ~Johnson Htenry, barber. Hard P., township constable. Johnson Henry, barber. Hudson Chas., township constable. Keller H., saloon keeper and grocer. Hudlson Leas., township constable.. f f rull 0. J, physician. *Kent M., saw mill prop'r. Il~ll tJ. J.7 pllyslelan.King J. T., tailor. Johnston W. G., physician. King J. T., tailor. Mitt 1 R J s t- t t rKirkham -, boot and shoe maker. Kittels Rev. J., Baptist pastor. Kirkham, boot and shoe maker. McoyP,geneal mercht. Knowlton J. A., physician. Mleuoy P., general merchant. Mc~oy., genral mechant.Kumiter Albert, cabinet maker. McEntyre Rev. T., Methodist pastor. Kumlter Albert, c abinet maker. Luliet Y. E., school teacher. Marshal Clinton, general merchant. Lyman Miss —, ambroth pist. Mills W. physician Lyman Miss —, ambrotypist. Mills W., physician. Sallad W.ue, physi cianml..Mack Joseph, township constable. Sallady SamuelWm., foundry prop'r grist mll. Solsom J. S., township treasurer Merrell Wm., prop'r Franklin House. Wells. 23.townsip trstee.Merrell Wmn., prop'r Franklin House. Wells J. S., township trustee. Metlin S. D., tailor. at... X, ". ~~~~~Metlinl S. D. tailor. Wheeler & Co., prop'rs fiouring and saw Morris Henry, brick mason. millMorrils Henry, hrnek mason. Newberry Geo., harness maker. Noble C. C., grist mill prop'r. FRANKLIN MILLS, Od - opr Parmelee L. H., township trustee. A prominent post village of Portage coun- Peck C., jr., insurance agent. ty, in Franklin township, established in Prichard & Merrell, saw mill proprietors. See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp, inside front cover. FRA 338 FRA -~~R 33 R Rhodenbaugh John, auctioneer. Rice Geo. O., harness maker. Rockton Lodge, No. 316, Masonic. Rockwell D. L., attorney at law. Sawyer & Hall, general merchants. Shaniyer Frank, township treasurer. Sherman A. M., druggist and physician. Shorts Milo, township constable. Smith H. & Co., propr's carding machine. Steen C., general merchant. Strowbridge Mrs. —, ambrotypist. Ramsey Samuel, tanner. Reed Wm., gunsmith. Reefey F. S., school teacsier. Sagor & Wyanar, general merchants. Smith Peter, stoves and tinware. Spidle Abraham, boot and shoe maker. Stocker Michael, plow maker. Strom Peter, township justice. Towney Sam'l, carriage and wagon maker. Treeley J. M., township justice. Weimer D. P., township clerk. Welty Isaac, township treasurer. Wilty & Frease, prop'rs steam flouring and saw mill. Wolf Samuel, physician. FRANKLIN SQUARE, A post village of Columbiana county. FRAZEYSBURG, A post village of Muskingum county. FREASE'S STORE, A post village of Wayne county, in Salt Creek township. MILTON VILLAGE,) A post village of Stark county, in Sugar Creek township, established in 1834, situated on Sugar Creek, 18 miles south-west from Canton, and about 60 miles south from Columbus. Population 400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Allen Jas. & Son, agricultural implements. Baughman Samuel H., township trustee. Berkey Elijah, carpenter. Burd Mrs. M. J., hotel prop'ress. Duck Phillip, potter. Fink J. M., painter. Flickenger Christian, carriage and wagon maker. Fon Cannel Abraham, cooper. Frease C. & Co., general merchants. Frederick F., harness maker. Gallatin Heury, township assessor. Gareheart Julius, wines and liquors. Geseeker B., boot and shoe maker. Glitsman Frederick, cabinet maker. Graffe Abraham, brick mason. Grooskloes Jino. F., township trustee. Hess Jacob, gunsmith. Hobbs G. W., tailor. Huwans Jacob, carpenter. ttuwans L., carpenter. KLOTZ C. W., POSTMASTER AND HAR NESS MAKER. Kram Mrs. C. F., dress maker. Kriling John, ambrotypist. Lasure Mrs. —-, dress maker. Leuts F. & J. F., carding machine. Miller Hiram, prop'r steam saw mill. Palmer Daniel, boot and shoe maker. Poyser Joseph, township constable. Putman W. & Son, fo undry prop'rs. Raff John, clothier. A p os t village and townsh ip of Portage county, established in 1828, situated- 8 miles north-east from Ravenna, and about 140 miles north-east from Columbus. Population 45, township!,500. Atwood Joshua, carriage and wagon ma ker. Bennett P. C., dentist and physician. Booth M. L., tailor. Brotherhood of the Union. Brown N., prop'r steam saw mill. Bryant A., township constable. Bryant L., township clerk and, boot and shoe maker. Burroughs H. M., carriage and wagon maker. Cady J., carpenter and sash, blind and door maker. See adv't of J. Bradford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. I FRA 339 FRE FREDERIC, A post village of Mahoning county. FREDERICKSBURG, FREDERICKTOWN') A post -village of Knox county. FREDONIA, A post office of Licking county. FREEBURG, A post office of Stark county. FREEDOM, (DRAKESBURG VILLAGE,) Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. FRE Collins R., prop'r steam saw mill. Demarest John J., cabinet maker. DRAKE 0. L., DRUGGIST, PHYSICIAN, AND PROP'R FREEDOM HOUSE. DRAKE O. L, POSTMASTER. Drake R. E., school teacher. Fowler Celistia, milliner. Freedom House, O. L. Drake, prop'r. Gardner Ira, township trustee. Goodrich Susan, tailoress. Hamilton L., carpenter. Heusted D. H., cooper. Rowland John, township trustee. Hubbard, school teacher. Jones J. H., marble worker. Knedand S. E. M., township justice. Larkeomn A. C., ambrotypist. Marcy T. A., wool grower. Parish S., prop'r steam saw mill and lum ber yard. Phelps Isaac, wool grower. Potter Rev. William, Congregational pas tor. Richardson W. W., painter. Robinson E., school teacher. Robinson H., boot and shoe maker. Robinson H. L., township constable. Scott, Stewart & Co., general merchants. Shepard J. S., township treasurer. Sherman L., carpenter. Stamford George, carpenter. Stockwell D. C., insurance agent. Tait Rev. T. B., Methodist pastor. Thayer H. N., township assessor. Tuttle L., school teacher. Wheelock J., hotel prop'r and grocer. Williams Wm. N., township trustee. Wright D. H., nursery and seedsman. York S. V. R., cooper. Young A., prop'r steam saw mill and l um ber yard. SANDUSKY COUNTY OFFICERS. Auditor, Thomas Tackerman. Treasurer, W. K. Stark. Clerk, I. N. Smith. Sheriff, M. Wegstine. Recorder, J. Snyder. Probate Judye, John Bell. Coroner, Jacob A. Seaman. Surveyor, T. W. Clapp. Commissioners, J. R. Clark, B. Innman, J. Orwick. Imfirmary Directors, P. Beaugrand, G. F. Mudge, S. S. Rathbon. Alphabetical Iist of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adelman, boot and shoe maker, Pike. American House, H. S. Russell, prop'r. Ansdcien Beman, secretary Fremont and Indiana R. R., cor. Front and Pike. Bank of Fremont. F. S. White cashier, Front. BARTLETT J. R., ATTORNEY A N D COUNSELOR AT LAW AND NOTA RY PUBLIC, NIM'S BLOCK, FRONT. Baumann J., grocer, Pike. Bean H. P., editor and publisher Demo cratic Messenger, Nim's Block. Beaugran,d & Kelley, physicians. Beckwith J. B., grocer, Front. Beery A. J., prop'r Beery House, cor. Front and Garrison. Beilharg L. T., dental surgeon, Front. Bellinger C., harness and saddle maker, cor. Front and Garrison. Betts D. & Co., dealers in dry goods, gro ceries, boots, shoes, and produce, cor. Front and Croghan. Binkley Mil., lumber and stave dealer. Birchard, Wheeler & Co., bankers, ex change dealers and collectors, Front. Botsford J. D., attorney at law. Brightwell John, house, sign and ornamen tal painter, Front. Brown W. O., telegraph operator, cor. Front and Croghan. Buckland S., dealer in drugs, medicines, books, stationary, &c., Front. IBuckland & Everett, attorneys and coun selors at law, Front. Burdick C. H., auction and commission merchant, Front, bet. Pike and Cro ghan. Burgner J., school teacher. Bushnel Rev. E., Presbyterian pastor. Cady Mrs., dress maker. Canfield & Bro., dealers in hardware, cut lery, &c., Front. Caul L., street commissioner. Chose P., grocer. Clapp Theodore, manufacturer of candies and dealer in fruits, groceries, &c., cor. F ront and Garrison. CLOSE P., dealer in groceries, flour, fish, FRELAND'S, A post office of Muskingum county.' FREMONT, (FORMERLY LOWER SANDUSKY.) A post town of importance and the capital of Sandusky county, situated on Sandusky river, and on the Cleveland and Toledo Railway, 30 miles south-east from Toledo. It co ntains about thirty stores, and several mills, foundries, &c. Population 4,000. See advt.S. G. Burnet & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. 340 FRE FREEPORT, A. post office of Harrison county. FRE 341 FRE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ game, liquors and cigars, wholesale and retail, cor. Main and Croghan. Cochran Wm. R., carpenter. Cloud W. H., cabinet maker and lumber dealer. Conger & Shaw, dental surgeons, Front. Crogkan House, Frank N. Gurney, prop'r. Curtis Orlando E., barber and hair dresser, Croghan. Curtis & Bostwick, dealers in hardware, iron, nails, steel, &c., cor. Front and Croghan. Daily Dennis, groceries and provisions, Front. Day J., nursery and seedsman. Deal C. N., billiard saloon, cor. Front and Croghan. Dean P. C., dyer and scourer. Dean P. C. & Co., woolen manufacturers. Democratic Messenger, H. P. Bean editor and publisher, Nim's Block. DICKINSON E. F., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTOR, COR. FRONT AND CROGHAN. Dickinson, Bostwick & Co., hide and leath er dealers and tanners, Front. Doncyson C., groceries and provisions, Pike. Dorr C., cabinet maker. Dorr Phillip, boot and shoe maker and dealer, Front. Downs & Co., prop'rs flouring and saw mills. Dryfoos J., clothier. Dryfoos M., dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Birchard's Block, Front. Dunning E., brick maker. Durand Miss Mary, school teacher. Edgerton C., attorney at law and insu rance agent, cor. Front and Croghan. Egert & Faller, furniture makers and deal ers, Croghan. ELLINNWOOD S. W., REAL E S TATE AGENT AND POSTMASTER. (See card, p. 341.) Euchel L., blacksmith. Euler F., brewer. Faller J., chair and cabinet maker, cor. Front and Market. Falquet A., distiller. Finefrock & Lindsay, attorneys and coun selors at law, Front. Fitch M. W., artist, Nim's Block, Front. Flaugher John, editor and prop'r Sandusky Democrat, Front. Fremont Courier, (German,) F. WVillmer, editor and publisher, Nim's Block. Fremont Chapter No. 64, Masonic. Fremont Encampment No. 64, I. O. O. F. Fremont Journal, Isaac W. Keeler editor and publisher, Front. Frentzel F. & Bro., harness and saddle makers, Pike. 'eal Estate Agent GALLAGHER A. F., DEALER IN GRO CERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., FRONT. Garoin D. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, Front. Geible F. J., boot and shoe maker, and councilm an. Gessner L., druggist. Golmer John, boot and shoe maker. Goltson Phillip, distiller. Gore P., b oo t a nd shoe maker, Croghan. Gottron Phillip, dealer in wines, liquors &c., Pike. Graf Frederick r, ber, Pike. Graham James, fanning mill manufactu rer. Greene John L. & Son, attorneys and coun selars at law, cor. Front and Croghan. Griner & Kessler, carriage and wagon makers. Grover DR. D., news depot, F ront. Gurney Frank N., prop'r Croglhan House. Gusdorf A., dealer in dry goods, clothingd boots, shoe s, &c., Front. Gust & Wood, de alers in Italian and Amer - ican marble, Front. Haberstraw L., gunsmith. Hafford E. F., ca rriage ma ker, cor. Front and Market. Hale A. J., railroad agent, and grocery. Hamilton N. A., dress maker, Front. HARRIS A. J., GROCERY AND CANDY MANUFACTURER, FRONT. Hatch G., tailor, Croghan. Hatfield L., daguerrean artist, Front. Hauck P. J., cabinet maker, corner Water and Garrison. Haynes N., councilman. Haynes Wm. E., township trustee. Heller Rev. J., German Reformed pastor. Hibert J., saloon. Hocke C., prop'r Wm. Tell House, Pike. Hundick Geo., livery stable, Front. Johnson J. C., architect and engraver. Johnson J. C., dealer in groceries and pro visions, Front. June D., brick mason. June D. G., steads flouring mill, Water. June & Curtis, manufacturers of engines and machinery of all kinds, cor. Wa ter and Garrison. Justice James, mayor. Keeler Isaac M., editor and publisher Fre mont Journal, Front. See adv't of J. L. Wayne & Son, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. PRE 341 FRE S. M. ELLINWOOD, Taxes Paid and Lund Located. F-REM ONT, - - - - oll-7 0. FRE Keifer B., carriage and wagon maker. Kelly Thos., councilman. Kessler W., prop'r Kessler House, corner Front and Pike. Klopfer F., potter. Klopfer P., grocer, Pike. Kridler J., harness' and saddle maker, Front. Kridler W. B., tailor, Tyler's Block, Front. Lane Miles, carpenter. Lang Rev. H., Lutheran pastor. Lattig B. F., township trustee. Lemon & Horn, dealers in groceries, pro visions, wines, liquors, Yankee no tions, &c., Front. Leopold M., dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Front. Leppleman E. J., tanner. Leppleman Louis, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., Front. Lesher H., manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes, &c., 4 Buckland Block, Front. Leshler Jacob, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Front. Liebenthal M., clothier. Linsey A. B., attorney at law. Loveland J. B., school teacher. Lunt W. S., sewing machine agent. Lunt Rev. W. S., Methodist pastor. Lytle Isaac, tailor. MoCardle C., sash, blind and door maker, Front. McCulloch C. R., dealer in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c. Front. McGee & Haynes, manufacuturers and dealers in lumber, sash, doors and blinds, Pike. MHenry C., physician and surgeon, cor. Front and Croghan. McLellan R. W. B., insurance agent, cor. Fremont and Pike. Manahan Thos., prop'r livery stable. Meng S. P., boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer, Front. Meyrs G., pump maker, Pike. Michael C., harness and saddle maker, Front. Milhaust J., grocer. Miller J., grocer, Croghan. Moore Charles, livery and sale stable, Front. Moore James, grist mill prop'r. Moore J. P., carriage and wagon maker and blacksmith, cor. Water and Gar rison. Moore & Vallett, grist mill prop'r. Morehouse A., packer and wholesale deal er in hams, shoulders, lard, pork, &c., Front. Myers Geo., pump maker. Nims, Tillotson & White, bankers. Nolon Rev. L., Catholic priest. Nyce Wim., marshal. Oaks A., barriage and wagon maker. See adv't of Wholesale Hard r Pease D. A., school teacher. Peter Rev. G., Catholic priest. Peters J. G., attoey at law and notary public. Phillips A., cooper. Pinkerton Thos., saloon keeper. Piper E S., importer and whole sale dealer in wines and liquors, Front. Pitman John, l ivery stable, F ront. Poss P., manufacturer of all kinds cigars, and dealer in chewing and smoking tobacco, Front. Rawson La Q., president Fremont and In diana R. R., cor. Front and Pike. Raymond E. P., saddle, harness and mat trass maker, Front. Raymond & Burton, commission mer chants, Front. Reese Thos., barber. Remsburg H., township constable. Rentler & Co., brick masons. Rice W. A., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, Front. Ricktenwald M., tinner, Pike. Ritter M., physician. Roberts & Sheldon, dealers in stoves, tin and hardware, Front. Rowley & Ellis, brick makers. Rumbaugh J., architect. Rumpff Charles, boot and shoe maker, Front. Russel H. S., prop'r American House. Russel H. S., township trustee. Russel N. S., carpenter. St. Clair Wim., physician and surgeon, Front. Sandusky Deemocrat, John Flaugher, editor and prop'r, Front. Schrader Wm., saddle and harness maker, Front. Scoby & Cooper Misses, milliners. Sharp J., stove and lumber dealer. Shaw H. M., sewing machine agent. Shrader W., harness maker. Sigler & Co., grocers. Smith Israel, marble worker and dealer, Croghan. Snyder J., township clerk. Spriker John G., baker. STEELE GEORGE W., EXPRESS, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AND GENERAL AGENT, ALSO EURO PEAN, AUSTRALIA AND CALI FORNIA PASSENGER AGENCY, U. S. EXPRESS OFFICE. Stevenson J. W., furniture dealer, Cro ghan. Stephenson Wm. & Co., coal dealers. Strawsbaugh Jos., township constable. Stuben J., grocer and baker. Taylor J., prop'r carding machine, and dyer and scourer. Thompson D., prop'r hotel. Thompson S., brick ntaker. 342 FRE FRE 343 GAL Thompson & Fusseman, stoves and tin ware, Front. Tyler M. E., attorney at law and justice of peace, cor. Front and Croghan. Vallett O. W. & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in flour, meal and feed, corner Front and Garrison. WARD L. W., WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL D E ALER IN WINES, LI QUORS, ALES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, GROCERIES AN D PROVISIONS, FRONT. White F. S., cashier of Bank of Fremont, Front. William Tell House, C. Hoch, prop'r. Wilmer F., editor and publisher Fremont Courier, (German,) Nim's Block. Wilmer F., justice of peace, Nim's Block, Front. Wilson & Stilwell, physicians. Wollard Geo. C., clerk F. & I. R. R., cor. Pike and Front. Younkman J., painter. Zimmerman L. & Bro., painters. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. BAUGHMAN JESSE, F 0 U N D ER OF TIHE VILLAGE OF BRIDGEPORT AND PR OP'R STEAM FLOURING MILLS. Baughman Joel, steam flour mill. Baughman John T., physician. Baughman Josiah, engineer at steam flour mill. Baughman Saml., carpenter and builder. Beatley Benj., farmer. Clark John, f; r mer. Clark Jo seph, farmer. Csonnell Z. A., saddle and harness maker. Davidson Joseph, black smith. Harris Hiram, manu facturer agaicultural implements. Knoder A., hide and leather dealer and tanner. Kramer John, farm er. Latta William, farmer. Nafzger B. B., general store. Neiswurder John, farmer. Ogd en Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Ridenhour David, physician. Ridenhour George, sen., farmer. IRidenhour Henry, attorney and notary public. Ross William, stone and brick mason. Schneider George, boot and shoe maker. Showwalter N. J., steam flour mill. Spangler Frank, carpenter and builder. Tedball Rev., Presbyterian Church. Wenger Abraham, farmer. Williams Eli K., farmer. Woodruff Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Young G. W., justice of peace. YOUNG THOMAS, POSTMASTER AND, GENERAL STORE. A village of Lorain county, for description of which see Avon post office, page 21. FRIENDS, FRIENDSHIP, A post office of Sciot~o cou-nty. A post office of Auglaize county. FULTON, A post office of Hamilton county. A village called Canal Fulton, is situated in Stark county, for description of which see page 61. A post village of Delaware county, in Berkshire township, established in 1830, situated on Big Walnut river, 12 miles south-east from Delaware, and 18 miles north from Columbus. Population 250. Township 1,500. FULTONHAM, A post village of Muskingum county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. A L L E N H., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POSTMASTER. (See card, p. 344.) Allen W. H., carpenter. Andrews R., boot and shoe maker. Arnold V., tanner. Barlow John, chair maker. Boyd W. B., physician. Boynton J., boot sind shoe maker. FURNACE, A post office of Erie county. A post village of Franklin county, situa See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. FRE 343 GAL ted on Big Walnut river, 7 miles from Co-. lumbus. Population 100. PRENCI-I CREEK, A post office of Asbland county. FRYBURG, GALENA,., GAI-IANNA, (BRIDGEPORT VILLAGE,) GAL Perfect R. C., carpenter. Pierson & Townley, boot and shoe makers. Roberts M. E., schoel teacher. Roberts Miss M.J., school teacher. Scovell C. G., blacksmith and justice of peace. Scovell II., notary public. Siple J., blacksmith. Trumbell R., school teacher. Utley A., township treasures. Van Fleet Miss E., tailoress. Van Fleet I1., carriage and wagon maker. Van Fleet J., tailor. Van Fleet T., prop'r flouring and saw mills. Waters B. C., attorney at law. Weeks T. F., tanner. Westervelt. J., prop'r flouring and saw mills. Westervelt & Eldridge, nursery and seeds Wilson Rev. A., Methodist pastor. Young J. L.. brick mason. South-west cor. Public Sqr., GALENA,........................ OHIO. Brown E., prop'r carding machine. Brown E., township trustee. Brown & Maynard, plow makers. Carpenter D. C., marble worker and insu rance agent. Carpenter H., wool grower. Carver Miss HI., school teacher. Case G., harness maker. Cole S., carpenter. Cook E. W. C., painter. Cook H., carriage and wagon maker. Cook L. S., township trustee. Cook Mrs. M., tailoress. Cook R., brick mason. Cook S., nursery and seedsman. Cook S., blacksmith. Cox Miss E., school teacher. Crawford I. P., township justice. Curtis L., wool grower. Cutler W., blacksmith. Davenport R., physician. Davis A. A. township justice. Derthick & Hodgden, general merchants. Dirst F., wool grower. Dyer J., wool grower. Dyer W. N., wool grower. Eldridge A. G., school teacher. Eldridge J., harness maker. Eldridge R. C., boot and shce maker. Frost H. C., township trustee. Frost W. P.. township clerk. Galena House, L. M. Hfloover, prop'r. Glass Kate, tailoress. Grover S. A., constable and carriage and wagon maker. Harroun W., cabinet maker. Henry J., carpenter. liodgen IT., attorney at law and notary public. Hodgen Mrs. P., milliner. Hoover I. M., cooper. Hoover L. M., prop'r Galena House. Jenkins Rev. W., Presbyterian pastor. Jobes H., nursery and seedsman. Keys A. G., carriage and wagon maker. Likes Mrs. D., tailoress. Likes J. W., jewelry, &c. McAllister T., township assessor. Marquith R. J., boot and shoe maker. Maxfield J. S. D., tanner. Maynard J. P., cabinet maker. Mossman M., carriage and wagon maker. Nettleton J. & Son, stoves and tin ware. Parks Miss S. A., milliner. (CASSEL'I STATION, ) A post village of Guernsey county,in Adams township, established in 1853, situated at the junction of Crooked and Peter's creeks, 4 miles west from Cambridge, and 81 miles east from Columbus. Township population 500. See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. I 344 GAL - IL:B It n GALIGHER, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Al,oe Robert,, physician and dentist. Bennett J., wool grower. Best Wm., wool grower. Boles J., township director. Boles Wm., general merchant. Coman Robert, prop'r flour-.ng and saw ifiills. Edgar Miss Ann, school teacher. Findley John, boo,,ind shoe maker. Ford Thos., constable. Grummon H., pump maker and wool grower. I-lodges J. W., wool grower. Hodges J. W., coal dealer. flunter Thomas, township justice. Leeper A.., wool grower. McBuri-iey Charles, broom manufacturer. McC,,,trrel J. 11., painter and patent right agent. ,IcCai-rel Wm., hotel prop'r. McKe,,i,ry Geo., carpenter. - McKnight N., township director. Rankin S., carpenter. Ruby James, gunsmith. Speer A. S., township clerk. Speer J. S., school teacher. Stout G. D., wool grower. GAL 84 GAL Main Street, north corner of Public Square, L. O. EDSON, Proprietor. Thompson J., brick mason. paints, oils, paper hangings, &c., White A., patent right agent. Main. WHITE J. H., POSTMASTER. Hackedorn Noah E., druggist, physician and surgeon, Main. ~- - ~~I~~Helfrich Henry, boot and shoe manufac GALION, turer and dealer in leather, bidles, &c., Main. A post town of Crawford county, situated Herbold Philip, furniture dealer, Main on a branch of the Whetstone river, at Hesse B., physician and surgeon, Main. the junction of the Cleveland, Columbus Holmes Win., manufacturer of machinery, and Cincinnati, and the Bellefontaine and engines, &c., east of Depot. Indiana railways, about 60 miles north Hosstetter Charles, hardware, stoves, tin from Columbus. Population about2,500. ware, agricultural implements, &c., Main. Hoon & Co., furniture dealers, Main. Alphabetical List of Professions, Tradest Keen Frederick A., oyster sealoon, Min. Keen Frederick A., oyster saloon, Main. Atwood Alpheus, dry goods, groceries, Kesselmeier Joseph. dealer in watches, hats, caps, boots, shoes, &c., Main. clocks, jewelry, silver ware, notions, Atwood, Davis & Co., bankers and ex- &c., Main. change dealers, Main. Long Anthlony, saloon, Main. Baker Lewis, eating saloon, opp. Railroa,d Martin James, grocery and saloon, Main. Depot. Mare Leonard, wagon maker, Main. BEALE TItOMIAS H. B., MERCHIANT Noyer Isaac, groceries and provisions, TAILOR AND CLOTIIIEP, MAIAIN. Main. BELTON JUD)SON R., AMBROTYPE Nusbaum Samuel, clothing store, Main. A N D PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, PARSONS WM. C., MAYOR, SOUTH. MAIN. PARSONS WM. C., MERCHANT TAILOR Bihlman B., billiard saloon, Main. AND CLOTHIER, MAIN. Blirly Ferdlinand, saloon, Main. PARSONS & DAVIS, STEAMI FLOURCarroll 0., dentist, Main. ING MAIILL, EAST OF R. R. DEPOT. C(rim G. S. & C. S., dry goods, groceries, Payne M.V., attorney at law, Main. hardware, boots, shoes, &c., Main. Payne & Cronenwett, groceries and proCrowenwett Andrew, councilman, Main. visions, Main. Duck Henry, groceries and provisions, Peffer Henry, groceries, Main. MIain. Reed Jacob, groceries and saloon, Main. EDSON L. O., PROP'R WESTERN IIO- Reiringer & Patterson, physicians andsur TEL, MAIN, NORTh COR. PUB3LIU geons, Main. SQUARE. (See card, p. 345.) Reister Andrew, saloon, Main. Fablan Lorenzo, boot and shoe maker, RIBLET DANIEL, POST. MASTER, Main. MAIN. Ferris Smith, prop'r Eagle House, opp. R. Riblet Jacob & Joel, dry goods, hats, R. Depot. caps, boots, shoes, groceries, &c, Firstenberge-r Christian, boot and shoe Main. mnanlifactuirer and dealer, Main. Riblet Rteuben, publisher Galion DemoFracy John, prop'r Capital House, IMain. crat, and job printer, Main. Frank Vincens, saddle and harness ma- Rosberry Michael, marble worker and ker, Main. dealer, Main. Gallon Democrat, Ruben Riblet, publisher Ruh Henry, confectionery, bakery and and job printer, Main. saloon, Main. Gillhiouse & Co., dry goods, hits, caps, Rusinger John S., councilman, Main. boots, shoes, &c., Main. Schneider Jacob, boot and shoe manufac Ilackedorn Noah E., dealer in drugs, turer and dealer, Main. See advt. of John C. Schooley & Co., Ice Chests, &c., p. 168. . GAL GAL 345 I 0 x - ik X 1%T 9, GAL Shuler Jacob F., boot and shoe maker, Main. Shaney & Co., groceries and provisions, Main. Skunk, Brokard & Co., dry goods, Main. Sitler John, brewer, Main. Sleep Charles, furniture maker and dealer, Main. Snyder William, boot, shoe and leather dealer, Main. Snyder J. & J., boot and shoe manufac tur~ers and dealers, Main. Squire Alonzo C., foundryman, east R. R. Depot. Throckmorton Wm. A., gunsmith, Main. Vining Elias M., millinery, fancy goods, &c., Main. Waldus Augustus, saloon, Main. WESTERN HOTEL, L. O. EDSON, PRO PRIETOR, MIAIN, NORTH CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE. (See card p. 345. c Williams & Rull, drugs, medicines; paints, . oils, &c., Main. Bailey & Magnet, wholesale and retail druggists, and dealers in watches, clocks, fancy #pods, &c., Second. Baldwin F., wagon maker, Third. Bankard Royal, marshal. Baxter Z., grocer, Front. Beare Ira, proprietor Our House, Front. Bell H.R., manufacturer and dealer in saddles, harness, trunks, an &crnk., Pnorth sid e Court. Baxter J. grocer, Second. BRENEMoAN H., PROPRIE TOR ANERI CAN HOUSE, NEAR STLEAMBOAT LANDING. (See card, p. 347.) Br own George, furnitu re manfacfacturer and deale r, Second. Cadot L. Z., with Cadot & Sanns, Second. Cadot & Sanns, wholesale and retail gro cers and deale rs in pr oduce, Second. CalahaPn, a t C astle & Co., foundry and ma chine shop, Third. Carel F., notary public, Court, between Firs t and Second. Carel F., ambrotype and photograph artist, Second. Casel Franklin, recorder. CATING EDWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, CEDAR. CATING JOHN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CEDAR. CATING JOHN F., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CEDAR. Chapdu E. K., manufacturer and dealers in harness, saddles, trunks, &c., Court. Colbrish F., confectioner, Second. Coleman Mrs. Caroline; boarding house, Front and Public Square. CREWZET, MENOYER & CO., WOOLEN FACTORY, COR. THIRD AND VINE. Crumley James M., physician.and sur geon, Third, between State and Court. Cushing & Hebard, attorneys and coun selors at law, Front. Dages & Leclericq, dealers in boots, shoes, leather and findings, Second. Damron John G., Mayor and justice of the peace, Second. Deletombe E. & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., south-west side Public Square. Democratic Dispatch, James E. Hebard, pub lisher, cor. Court and Second. Dunn John, proprietor Munroe ttouse, Second. Edwards Robert, dealer in groceries and p, oduce, Third. END PETER, Jr., GROCER AND BAKER, SECOND. Fenner N. P., manufacturer and dealer in clothing and furnishing goods, Sec ond. Firor V. WI., attorney at law anl [agent - Phoenix Insurance Co., office Court House. GALLIA FURNACE, A post office of Gallia county. A post town, and the capital of Gallia county, situated on the Ohio river, 215 miles above Cincinnati, 267 miles below Pittsburg, and about 100 miles south south-east from Columbus. It contains the coundty bu ild ing s and about forty stores, and manufactories of various kinds. Population about 3000. GALLIA COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, W. H. Morehead. Clerk Court Common Pleas, Joseph Hunt. Auditor, WVm. Nash. Recorder, James Mossman. Treasurer, John Sanns, Jr. Sheriff, James Campbell. Surveyor, Henry Grayum.rn Commissioners, V. Switzer, R. P. Porter and Jacob Kerns. Coroner, John T. Cating. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Aleshire C. C., with Waddell & Aleshire, cor. Third and Vine. ALESHIRE & WADDELL, STEAM FLOURING MILL PROPRIETORS, COR. THIRD AND VINE. AMERICAN HOUSE, H. BRENEMAN, PROPRIETOR, NEAR STEAMBOAT LANDING. (See card, p. o47.) Atkeson J., dealer in books, stationary, &c., Second. See adv't French Burr Mill Stones, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 346 GAL GALLIFOLIS, GAL 347 GAL Am erican HO use Near the Steamboat Landing, - OHI. H. BRENEMAN, Proprietor. Fisher A., barber, Second. Ford D. S. & Brother, wholesale and re tail grocers and dealers in produce, cor. Court and Third. Fowler Mrs., milliner, First. Fowler T., grocer, Vine. Frank Henry, dealer in groceries and pro visions, cor. Second and Locust. Frank L., dealer in groceries and confec tioneries, Third. FRANK MOSES, DEALER IN CLOTH 1NG, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., COR. THIRD AND COURT. Frost S., proprietor Gallipolis House, and cancer doctor, Third. Gallipolis Journal, James Harper, editor and proprietor. GATES D. H.. POST MASTER AND DEALER IN GROCERIES, FRONT. Geppert Wm., dealer in groceries and provisions, Second. Greenwood A., livery stable, Second. HALL WILLIAM, dealer in groceries, provisions, liquors, &c., Vine. HALLIDAY JOHN T., DEALER IN STA PLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, LADIES' SHOES, GROCERIES, DYE STITFFS, COTTON - ARNS, &c., COURT, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. Halliday Thomas & Co., dealers in hard ware, cutleryi.,&c Court. Harper James, pub lisher Gallipolis Jour nzal. Hayward So lon, furniture manufacturer and d ealer, Second. Hebard J ames E., publisher Democratic Dispatch, cor. Court and Second. Henry C., dealer in stoves and tin ware, Court. Henking C. & A., grocers and dealers in produce, Court, bet. First and Second. Hern D., grocer, First. Hoy Charles F., prop'r Washington House, Second. Howell Mrs. J., straw and fancy milliner, Second. JONES & BLICKLE, HIDE AND LEATH ER DEALERS A N D TANNERS, VINE. Kalmy John, jus tic e of peace. Kuhn John L., cigar maker and grocer, Second. Langley H. W., rlealer i n dry good s, gro cer ies, &ec., Second. Langley S. T. & R., dealer s in dry goods, groceries, &c., north side of Public K quare. Langl e y WM n. ] H., prop'r Diamond Mills, cor. Third and State. Livesay Geo. W., physician and s urgeon, First. McCafferty Thos., boot and shoe maker, Second. McClurg, blacksmith, Second. Maguet & Callaway, harne ss a nd saddle makers, Second. Mill er U. C., dealer in dry goods, grocer ies, &c., cor. Third and Court. Monroe Hous e, J ohn Dunn prop'r, Second. Monrhead W. H., billiard saloon, Second. Morgan E., physician and s brgeon, Third. Muenz L., blacksmith, Third. Myers J. T., meat market and groceries, cor. Second and Public Square. Nash S. A., attorney and counselor at law, Court House. Neal H. II., steam grist mill prop'r, State. Neal J. C. & Co., dealers in dry goods, gro ceries, &c., Second. Perry L., lumber dealer, near Court House. Perry L., attorney and counselor at law, Court Itouse. Priestly James C., dealer in clothing and gent's furnishing goods, cor. Second and Court. IRegnier C. & Co., dealers in boots, shoes, — leather findings, &c., Second. ROBERT & GUILLOD, WATCH MAK ERS AND JEWELERS, SECOND. Robinson A., barber, Second... See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover. GAL 1 347 GAL y GAM RODGERS A. P., RESIDENT FARMER, CEDAR HILL FARM. Sanns John, dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Court, bt. First and Second. Sanns J. & Co., dealers in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., Second. Shober W., watch maker and jeweler, Sec ond. Skees James, furniture manufacturer and dealer, Second. Smith E., saloon and restaurant, Second. Smith J. B., dealer in clothing, hats, caps, trunks, &c., Star House, Second. Smithers J. B., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin, sheet iron, &c., Star House, Second. Sternman Dr. C. R., surgeon dentist, Third. Summers & Bailey, dealers in groceries and pros isions, cor. Cedar and Second. Thompson S., grocer, Second. Vance Alex., attorney and counselor at law, Court House. Vandan Joseph M., carriage and wagon maker, Front, above Court House. Vanden James, carriage manufacturer, Second. Wall C. D., physician and surgeon, Second. Ward & Billings, blacksmiths, Third. Warth Robert, justice of the peace, Second. Weibert C. C., ice cream saloon and gro cer, Court. Wheatley Charles, marble worker and dealer, Second. Wickersham Dr. L., surgeon dentist, Third. Wilkinson Thomas, watch maker, jeweler and catawba wine by the bottle, Sec ond. Wolf J. C., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, Court. Workman Lewis D., hotel prop'r, Court. Worth Robert, justice of the peace. GARRETTSVILLE, A post village of lwrtage county, in Nelson township, siTdated on Silver Creek and on the Cincinnati and Marietta railway, 14 miles north-east from Ravenna, and about 35 east south-east from Cleveland. Population 800. Alphabetical List of Professi(ns, Trades, Eta ASHALD J., MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF CANE AND FANCY CHAIRS, ALSO SHINGLE MAKER, EAST DEPOT. Baker Rev. G. C., disciple. Barber & Smith, stoves and tinware. Be e cher H. &S S.S., general store. Co llins O., turner a nd rak e maker. Daniels, Horton & Co., carpenters. Daniels L. A., blacksmith. Holcomb C., merchant tailor. Hollister Rev. W., Methodist. Hutchins P. K., boots and shoes. Lee & Son, druggists. McElwain G., painter. Manly O., harness maker. Norton S. D., attorney. Pardee J. H., painter. Pierce H., hardware. Prichard & Atwood, millers. Sprague J. H., clothing. S U L LI V A N J. W., PROP'R UNION HOUSE AND LIVERY S T A B L E, EAST OF DEPOT. Taber & Dyke, grocery. UNION HOUSE, J. W. SULLIVAN, EAST OF DEPOT. Wight W. S. & J. H., watches and jewelry. Williams & Stowell, boot, and shoe makers. GATE'S MILLS,.. A post office of Cuyahoga county. A post office of Jackson county. GAVERS, A post office of Columbiana county. GA MBIER, A post office of Knox county. GENEVA, A post village of Ashtabula county. A post office of Richland county. GENOA, A post office of Ottowa county. GARDEN, A post office of Athens county. GENOA CROSS ROADS, A post office of Delaware county. A post office of Noble county. See adv't of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 348 GEN GAMBA,. GANGES, GARDNER, GEO 349 GER DAVID PUTMIAN, General ereich ant, ENOTOR:GY P U B 33LICa, A post village, and the capital of Brown county, situated 7 miles from the Ohio river, about 90 miles south south-west from Columbus. A village of the same name is situated in Defiance county. GERMANTOWN, A prominent post village of Montgomery county, situated at the confluence of Big and Little Twin creeks, 12 miles from Dayton, and 48 miles north from Cincinnati. Population 2,000. A post village, and township of Darrke county, situated on the west branch of Greenville river, 8 miles south-west fromn Greenville, and 74 miles north by west from Cincinnati. Population 200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams A. S., physician and surgeon, Market. American House rte, B. Christine, prop'r, cor. Center and Cherry. Antrim J. J., physician and surgeon, Dayton. Antrim & Bro ther, dealer s in c gars and notions, Main, bet. Market and Center. Artz J. S., cabinet maker and uldertaker, Main, bet. Market and Center. Axmen C., silversmith, Market. Beard & Riner, grocers and provision dealers, cor. Center and Cherry. Bechtolt P. E. & Brother, boot and shoe makers, Main, b et. Market and Cen ter. Billmiire John G., wagon maker, cor. Cenl ter and Mulberry. Bittmnan C. C., prop'r billiard saloon, Mar ket, bet. Main and Plum. Boyer Wim., sash, door and blind factory, Cherry. Brouser & Miller, blacksmithing, Market. Byers M. D., grocery and provisions, Plum, bet. Market and Center. Christine B., prop'r American House, cor. Center and Cherry. Coblentz & Cross, dealers in hardware and groceries, Main, bet. Market and Center. Dechant C., groceries and provisions, Pli,.m, bet. Market and Center. DENIUS S. K., POSTMASTER. Derrough Joseph, cooperage, Market. Donnellan J. E., physician and surgeon, Center, bet. Main and Plum. Eberle House, John Eberle, prop'r, cor. Plum and Center. Emerick Levi, city marshal. Emerick W. D., blacksmith, Center, bet. Cherry and Main. Frank M. C., councilman. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Armecost C., township trustee. Black Abraham, cooper. Brown Alvin, constable. Brown A. B., carpenter. Burgess Joseph, township clerk. Cloyd James, township treasurer. Crandell Wm., prop'r Putnam House and township assessor. Crowell A. W., carriage and wagon ma ker. Darkess A., boot and shoe maker. Dickey S., physician. Eakins B., township trustee. Geyer John F., boot and shoe maker. Geyer John W., cabinet maker. Harding Jonathan, tanner. Harding Samuel, carpenter. Jobes John A., physician. Jones John L., general merchant. Moore Wilkins, justice of peace. Morris & Dickey, prop'rs steam flouring mil!. P U T N A M DAVID, GENERAL MER CHANT, REAL ESTATE A G E N T AND NOTARY PUBLIC. (See card, p. 349.) Putnam House, Wm. Crandell, prop'r. Schwouse Wm., harness maker. Smelker Henry, pump maker. Sullivan J., tailor. Tooker W. V. R., fanning mill manuf'r. Truby Jacob, gunsmith. Warner Henry, township trustee. Weaver Gabriel, prop'r steam saw mill. Wilcox & Ketring, pr,p'r steam saw mill. WOODS MOSES, POSTMASTER. GERMisANO, A post office of Harrison county. See advt. of Isaac V est, Boiler Manufacturer, p. 183. II I GEO 349 GER GEORGESVILLE, A post village of Franklin county. GEORGETOWN, General Collecting,,tnd Peal Estate Agent, PALESTIY-F,,, 0. (German Post Office, Darke County.) GERMAN, (PALESTINE VILLAGE,) -~ ~ E 35 I Frank MI. P., hardware, groceries, etc., cor. Center and Plum. Germantown Independent, C. Kumbach, prop'r, Market. Grauzer Lewis, cooperage, Center. Grauzer & Miiller, blacksmiths, Market. Gunckel George W., recorder. Gunckel Henry, councilman. Gunckel H. S., dealer in leaf tobacco, Gunckel. Gunckel John D., councilman. Gunckel William, mayor. Hildabolt Henry, cabinet maker and un dertaker, cor. Main and Market. Hinkle William, photographer, Plum, bet. Market and Center. Hoff & Brugh, blacksmiths and finishers, cor. Mlain and Back. Humber Mrs E., grocery and saloon, cor. Market and Plum. Iler Levi, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, cor. Center and Walnut. Isenhower A., boot and shoe maker, Cen ter, bet. Main and Plum. Kern J. F., justice of the peace and insu rance agent, Center, bet. Main and Plum. Ketrow Thomas, dealer in produce, Main, bet. Market and Center. Law Thomas P., grocery, Market, bet. Main and Plum. Lawrentz Peter, carpet and coverlet wea ver, Market. Liggett & Brother, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, Main, bet. Market and Center. Long Wm., ambrotypist, cor. Market and Plum. McCally Mirs. M., millinery, Market, bet. Main and Plum. McCauley A., councilman. NEGLEY W. H., CHEMIST AND DRUG GIST, DEALER IN PURE CHEMI CALS, PAINTS, BOOKS AND STA TIONERY, ETC., DEALER IN AG RICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS, COR. MARKET AND PLUM. Oblinger D., dealer in dry goods, groce ries, stoves and tin ware, Center, bet. Main and Plum. Oblinger Gabriel, councilman. PAINE J. H., SURGEON DENTIST, MARKET, NEAR PLUM. Pauly William, livery stable, Center, bet. Main and Plum. Poole Mrs. M. E., millinery and fancy goods, Market, bet. Main and Plum. Reed John H., dealer in staple and fancy goods, cor. Main and Center. Replo,gle Phillip, cooperage, Market. Rincarson P. P., silversmith, Market, bet. Main and Plum. Ross R. J., cigar manufactory, Plum, bet. Market and Center. Ross Robert, saddle and harness maker, Plum, bet. Market and Center. Rott M., clothierand merchant tailor, cor. Plum and Center. Rowe & Co., merchant tailors, Alain, bet. Market and Center. Schaeffer House, Mrs. F. A. Schaeffer, pro prieterebs, Center, between Main and Plum. SCHAEFER & McCRANON, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON AND GRO CERIES, MAIN, BET. CENTER AND MARKET. Shaffer M., saddle and harness maker, Center, bet. Main and Plum. Shaffer & Baker, prop'rs Germantown Hotel, Market, bet. Main and Plum. Schenck F. L., & Co., prop'rs Germantown Brewery, cor. Center and Walnut. Shuey Michael, flouring mills, East Main. Slagenhauf Jacob, bakery and saloon, Cen ter, bet. Main and Plum. Smith John, millwright, Mulberry. Snyder & Shaffer, shaving saloon, Market, bet. Main and Plum. Steinberger & Bro., clothiers and mer chant tailors, Center, bet. Maii and Plum. Stuling Chas., confectionery and ice cream saloon, Main, bet. Market and Center. Stump John, banker and exchange bro ker, cor. Main and Market. Stump Wm., groceries anid provisions, Center, bet. Mlaiin and Plum. Thompson N. & Son, groceries and pro visions, cor. Main and Market. Troup David, dealer in boots and shoes, Plum, bet. Market and Center. Troup Jos., American Saloon, Center, bet. Main ancl Plum. Zehring J. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, &c., cor. Main and Market. Zeller & Koogle dealers in drugs, medi cines, chemicals, &c., Main, bet. Mar ket and Center. Zeller & Son. dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, &c., cor. Market and Plum. GETTYSBURG, A post village of Darke county. See advt. of John T. Watson, U.S. Hotel, p. 182. GER 350 GIB GI-IENT, A post office of Summit county. GIBSON, A post office of Pike county. GIB 351 GLE GIBSON'S STATION, A post office of Guernsey county. Dealer in GIBSONVILLE, A post office of Hocking county. ABOOfieoHokgcutTS AND SHOES, GI~EAI2Do 0. GILBOA, A post office of Putnam county. Wallace Mrs., dress maker. Walters John, general merchant. Willson Wm., carriage and wagon maker. Young E., boot and shoe maker. GILEAD, A post office of Wood county. GLASGOW, A post office of Columbiana county. GILLESPIEVtILLE, A post office of Ross county. GLENCOE, A post office of Belmont county. GILMORE, A post village of Tuscarawas county. GLENDALE, A post village of Hamilton county. It is the seat of the Glendale Female College, a flourishing literary institution. (See engraving, p. 352.) GIRARD, A post village of Trumbull county, in Liberty township, established in 1842, situated on Mahoning river, and on the Cleveland and Mahoning Railway, 10 miles south-east from Warren, and 62 miles east south-east from Cleveland. Population 250. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete. Bartlett Reed, commission merchant, West Front. Bateman Warner M., attorney at law. Braecker F., prop'r Glendale tIotel. Chapman Wm, house and sign painte r. Decamp Daniel, carpenter and builder. Fosdick Samuel, prop'r cotton factory. Kirby Clinton, attorney at law. Clop W., boot and shoe sho p. Kloth He nry, h ouse a nd si gn painter. Kock Henry, carpenter and builder. eIcW lain Nathaniel, attor ney at law. McNeil R. A., freight and ticket agent. Matthews Stanley, United States Attorney for Southern District of Ohio. MONFORT J. G., PRESIDENT GLEN DALE COLLEGE. (See engr., p.352.) Moore S. M., dealer in dry goods and gro ceries. Muthard Henry, stone mason. Packer Jacob S., general store. Peeber, stone mason. Po:lter Rev. L. D., teacher Glendale Col lege. Probasco W. P., attorney at law. Pyfrin J. S., carpenter and builder. Sagel J. H., boot find shoe maker. Schaffer Henry, carpenter and builder. Thompson S. J., attorney at law. Walsh John, dry goods and groceries Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams A. A., hotel prop'r. Allison J. C., carpenter. Baldwin & Co., grist mill prop'rs. Barclay J., physician. Coy E., milliner. Davis Samuel, cabinet maker. Gilbert & Perkins, general merchants. Hill Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Hudson, tailor. JOHNSON WM., BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, AND POST MASTER. (See card p. 351.) Krehl Fred., tanner. Letze Geo., constable. Lowrie J. T., railroad agent. McCartney Wilson, saw mill prop'r. Mathews W. & Co., carpenters. Miller Cyrus, hotel prop'r. Miller-Rev. T., Disciple. Miller S. L. & Son, painters. Morris D., coal dealer. Price R. J., general merchant, and justice of the peace. Swartz James, harness maker. 'Valker R. H.. dyer, and woolen manufac turer. See United States Hotel, Cincinnati, p. 182. I GIB 351 GLE WM. JOHNSON, 0 GLE 359 GLE ill I___________ II I' _____________ iii (((I ____________________ IlIll\\\\(\\h\\I1I\;;\ I.II!i,iI\\Ii;IiIiI( I ____________________________ III I IIIIiIJI:IIIII:I (III I III I II I I ill'II'' II I Ill \4IIIIIThLIII II III \I I III I',i T II II I\I I \I\\\III\II Iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 III GLENDALE FE)MALE COLLEGE. 352 GLE GLE GNA 353 GRA academy. (See engraving, p. 354.) Population about 1,000. GNADENHUTTEN, A post village of Tuscarawas county. GOLDEN CORNERS, A post office of Wayne county. GOMBER, A post office of Guernsey county. GOMER, A post office of Allen county. GOOD HOPE, A post office of Fayette county. GORDON, A post office of Darke county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Allen E., stone and brick mason, South Main. Bancroft G. P., cabinet maker and furni ture dealer, South Main. Bancroft H. L., general trader, Main. Bancroft Samuel, attorney at law and no tary public, Main. BANCROFT W. W., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MAIN. Bett J. L, carpenter and builder, Main. Bragg G. H., grocer and confectionery, Main. Bragg H. W., monumental marble works, Main. Bryan E. F., physician and surgeon, Main. Burton Rev. N. S., Baptist pastor. Butler J. J., prop'r steam saw mill. Carpenter W., architect, carpenter and builder, North Main. Carver H., physician and surgeon, North Main. Clapp J. B., prop'r steam flouring mill. Clemmens & Rose, prop'rs livery stable, North Main. Collins Jason, house, sign and ornamental painter, Main. Davis D. E., tailor, South Main. Depu Calvin, boot and shoe maker, Main. Dewolfe S. A., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, Main. Dibble L., stone and brick mason, South Main. DILLEY HOUSE, J. C. DILLEY, PROP'R, MAIN, OPP. GRANVILLE SEMI NARY. Dilley James, councilman, Main. DILLEY J. C., PROPHR D I L L E Y HOUSE, MAIN. Doolittle Rev. C. J., pastor Episcopal Church. Doolittle Mrs. P., governess Granville Fe male Institute, Main. Downer Rev. E. M., tutor and principal of the Preparatory Department, North Main. Downer Rev. John R., professor Rhetoric, Belles-Letters and librarian, Denison University. Eno F. A., carriage and wagon maker, North Main. Evans D. C., stone dealer, South Main. Evans J., soap and candle factory, South Main. Fosdick J. W., superintendent Granville Hydraulic Co., Main. Giddings M. J., ZEtna insurance agent, Main. Gifford C. J., physician'and surgeon, Main. GORE, A post office of Hocking county. GORHAM, A post village of Fulton county, from Ottokee. GOSHEN, A post office of Clermont county. GRAFTON, A post office of Lorain county. GRAND VIEW, A post office of Washington county. GRANGER, A post village of Medina county. GRANVILLE, An important post village of Licking county, situated on Raccoon creek, and on the Central Ohio railway, 6 miles from Newark, and 30 miles east by north from Columbus. It is the seat of Denison University, also of a flourishing female 23 GNA 353 GRA 16 miles GRA GtA I ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pq D p I ~~~-aL1 in'''.'~~~~~~~~P I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GCRANVI:LLE IIOUSJ, L. ROSE, PROP'R, MAIN. Graves Ashley, car iage and wagon mna ker slhop, Main. Green H. B., staple and fancy dry goods a.nd general store, Main. I111 F. M., tutor Denison University,, Nor-th tiMain. Hall Rev. J., D. D., president Denison University, north-east Main.a Hflays & Woolcot, t,anners and hide and leather dealers, Main. Hongh I., gunsmith, Main. Hughes Johin, carpenter and builder, Prospect. Ifumphrey D., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods and ready-made clothing, Main. Johnson G. B., wool dealer and general trader, MIain. Jones Brothers, manufacturers and deal ers in copper, tin and sheet. iron ware, Main. I See adv't of H. Lloyd & Co., l Jones J. L, gen.t store, Main. Jones L., broome fac tory, Sonth gaain Johnson Wmi., watchg ma ker an d jewieler, KERR W. P., PRINCIPAL GRANVII,IoE FENMALE SEM,IINARY, AlAIN. (See card, p. 354.) Laev,isoni A. M. & Co., dealers in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Main. Lafaree J., tailor, Main. Lewis W. S., prop'r Water Ctire, MIain. Lillilbridge J., tailor, North Mlainr. Lindley J-., (A. M.,) principal matheo rroathics, logic, &c., Granville Female Semniniary, Main. Li.neI & Ilett, grocers and confectioners, M~ainl. Little Rev. Jacob, pastor Congregational Church, ain. L,oar B. B., engraver and gunsmitlh, Alain. Lucas Henry, slaving saloon, Main1. Lyon Williami, groceries and provisionis, .s. 3154 GRA 355 GRE Marsh Rev. F. 0., professor of Mathe matics and Natural Philosophy, Deni son Institute, also civil engineer and councilman, North Main. Mead H. L., broom maker, Main. Mead Mrs. —, milliner and dress ma ker, Main. Miller A. L., boot and shoe maker, Main. Montague & Rogers, manufacturers and dealers in saddlery, harness, collars, &c., Prospect. Montonia Amos, blacksmith, Main. Montonia Matthias, blacksmith, Main. Mullinoux Rev., pastor M. E. Church. Munson M. M., attorney at law, Main. Parker John, brick and stone mason, North Main. Parsons R., dealer in staple and fancy goods and general store, Main. Partridge E., beef and pork dealer, South Main. Pond A., cooperage, North Main, Prospect. Pratt Rev. John, A. M., professor of Latin and Greek languages, in Dennison University. Prichard A. P., dealer in drugs, medicines, books, stationery, &c., Main. Priclhard A. P., jr., telegraph operator, of fice lMain. Rogers A. E., attorney and justice of the peace, North Main. Rose Ml. T., insurance agent, Main. ROSE LEVI, PROP'R G R A N VI L L E HOUSE, MAIN. Scott Wm., cooperage, North Main. Sedwick Joseph H., A. B., assistant teacher in preparatory department, Dennison University. Sedwick W. S., surgeon dentist, Main. Sheldon Joel, carpenter and builder, Main. Sinnett Chas., blacksmith, Main. Sinnett E., mayor, Main. Sinnett E., physician and surgeon, Main. Sinnett Mrs., millenier and dress maker, Main. Sinnett & Co., wagon makers and black smiths, Prospect. Spease J. R., baker and confectioner, Main. Spellman 0., house and sign painter, Mlain. Stevens John, A. M., discharging duties of professor of languages, Dennison Uni - versity. Stewart S. M., justice of the peace, Main. Stewart S. M. & Co., grocers and provis ion dealers. Main. Walreth J. P., grocer and confectioner, Main. Webster Mrs. R., milliner and dress ma king, Main. Whitehead S., wagon maker, Main. Whiting C. L., wool dealer, Main. Wood Thomas, baker and confectioner, Main. Woodard Joseph, marble works, Main. Worcester Mrs., milliner and dress making, Main. Worden W. S., carpenter md builder, Main.~ Wright D. C., councilman, Main. WRIGHT WM. S~. & SONS, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AND GENERAL STORE, MAIN. WRIGHT W. S. & CO., BANKERS, MAIN. Zellhart Wm., boot and shoe shop, Alain. Zight George, watch maker, Main. (WINCHESTER VILLAGE.) A post village and township of Preble county, established in 1830, situated on Twin creek, 9 miles south-east from Eaton7 and 40 miles north from Cincinnati. Population 600, township 2,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta. Brookwalter John, township trustee. Brown G. W., school teacher. Clawson Jacob R., hotel prop'r. Dix Samuel, township trustee. Eden Lodge No. 147 1. O. O. F. Grimes Wm. H., hotel prop'r. Mathews Joseph M., township treasurer. Mikesell Peter, agricultural implements. Mikesell Peter', hotel prop'r. Neff A. W., prop'r steam saw mill. Neff C., township clerk. Patterson James, city marshal. Phearis William, ambrotypist. Stiver Abraham, justice of the peace. TAYLOR JOSEPH, POSTMASTER. Tehmas John E., township trustee. Thomas John E., mayor. Whitmer Rev. Jacob, Methodist pastor. Williams Rev. James, Baptist pastor. See adv't of Cleveland City Brewery, p. 227. "I 355 GRE GRA GRAPE GROVE, A post office of Greene county. GRATIOT, A post office of iNItiskingum county. GRATIS,, GRAYSVILLE, A post village of Monroe county. G'RAYTOWN, A post office of Ottowa county. GREASY RIDGIP, A post office of Lawrence county. GRE 35(3 GRE An important postvillage and township of Highland county, situated on Paint creek, and on the Cincinnati and Mariatta and the Hillsboro railways, 17 miles from Hillsboro, and about 60 miles south by west from Columbus. Population 2,000. Franklin House Greenfield, - Ohio, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. ALLEN S. W. & CO., BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACT'RS A N D DEALERS, MAIN. Anderson John, cabinet maker, Washing ton. Ankeny E. W. & Co., dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., Main. Baker Ephraim, wagon maker, Jefferson. Bell C. & W. W., dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., Main. Beremlan C. & Co., dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., Main. Boyd J. & E. B., dealers in staple and fincy dry goods, Main. BUCK C. W., POSTMASTER, MAIN. BUCKER, DUNLAP & CO.. LIMESTONE QUARRIES, WASHINGTON, NEAR DEPOT. CALDWELL & MILLER, BANKERS AND EXC lANGE DEALERS, MAIN, UP STAIRS. Casper, cooper, Second. Chevu J. A., agent M. and C. R. R. and telegraph operator. Claypool Geo., flouring mill prop'r. Daniels & Son, carriage manufacturers, Second. Davis & Anderson, (J. & S. B.,) physicians and surgeons, Main. Davis & Beatty, woolen manufacturers. Depoy John, baker, Main. Devoss John, marble worker and dealer, ,Alain. DICKEY HENRY L., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND WASHINGTON. Dogett D., tailor, Second. Douglass D. & W., hide and leather deal ers and tanners, Washington. Dyer J. 11., dentist, MIain. Eckman John, dealer in china, glass, queensware, &c.. Main. Eckman W. H., attorney and counselor at law, cor. Main and Washington. FRANKLIN A. G., PROP'R FRANKLIN HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND WASH INGTON. (See card, p. 356.) Feller Dr. S. & Co., manufacturers Feller's Balsam and Liniment,, Church. Finley G. W., ambrotype and daguerrean artist, cor. Main and Washington. Frishour A. J., dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. Fulerton & Juror, hide and leather dealers and tanners, Washington. In connection is an excellent and well kept LIVERY STABLE. A village of Meigs county, in Lebanon township, established about 1835, situated on the Ohio river 15 miles from Pomeroy, and about 90 miles south-east from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adams M., saw mill prop'r. Bennet J., cooper. Bowen Rev., Baptist pastor. Cowdey & Boyd, pump makers. Deroolf C., justice of the peace. FLESHER W. H., POSTMASTER. Flesher W. H., real estate agent and phy sician. Gale Miss D., school teacher. Hall E., general merchant. Hall J. L., ambrotypist. Hayworth, physician. Heslop W. C., general merchant. La,rence HI., justice of the peace. Martin John, constable. Mayon R. S., school teacher. Meed A. S., cooper. Price S. A., constable. Winters W. L., justice of the peace. Wood T., cooper. Woodruff J., prop'r steam saw mill. See adv't of Cunningham & Shaw, Ship Brokers, p. 226. GRE 356 GRE GREENFILD, Cor. Washington and Main Sts., A. G. FRANKLIN, Pi-op'r. GREAT BEND, (PORTLAND VILLAGE.) GREENBUSH, A post o.oe of Preble county. GREEN CAMP, A post village of Marion county. GREENCASTLE, A post office of Fairfield county. GRE Gibson & Black neys and c Glascock H. J., Goldsberry & S market, n Gray D., carpe Gray James & ers. Gray T. M., ma Gray William Washingto Greenfield Rep N editor and Winingar Haines C., mer Harper J. H., Harper S. W., dealer, Ma Ilutchinson J., South. Ilyre J. & L., d ies, &c., M Irion Silas, att dry goo qiieenswar Irwin W. P., rr stoves, tin Jones Frank, k Jones & Shodfo Kelly Wm. R., Kingman H. ker, Main Kirschenlischle ies, Washi Linn W. S., c paints, oil McArther A. J MiIcArthur Hut McGinnis A. J ufacturer, McKee Josep h, McLain MArs. Ma Main. McMillen Wmin. nails, pain MecMurdie J., McMurdie W. son, Main Mlackerlev Hei gent's furC Mains W., flou Miller Wm. W Moon Mrs. C. Main. Morrow J. P.,: artist, Ma Murray Samu manufactu MURRAY & ] KERS AN WASHING Murray & E1 dealers i Mlain. d~~e~~li~~r~~s inxachairs, funiur,.& ~ (vcBa iLG,)u,, A post village of Columbiana county, in See adv't of S. S. Coe, Insurance agent, p. 225. 357 GRE -~ GR 35 GR West township, established in 1826, situated on Clear Fork of Sandy creek, near the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railway, 14 miles from New Lisbon, and about 70 miles south-east from Cleveland. Population 60. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen & Meeker, attorneys at law, Main and Broadway. Angel H. C., jewelry, books and station ery, Broadway. Arnold & Davis, general store, Broadway and Third. Arnold Miss, teacher. Bachman's clothing store. Beall Miss G., school teacher. Beadle J. N., stoves and tinware. BERTCH J. F., DEALER IN GROCERIES, BACON, LARD AND NOTIONS, ALSO WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Bier Rev. C., German Methodist. Biltman & Co., boot and shoe store. Bloom G. W., grocery and liquor store, Main. BROADWAY HOUSE, WILLIAM FITTS, PROPRIETOR, COR. BROADWAY AND PUBLIC SQUARE. Bodle A. T., justice of the peace. Brown Rev. O. H., Episcopal Church. CALDERWOOD & CALKINS, ATTOR NEYS AT LAW. Casad Mitchel, hat store, Broadway. Challis J. F. bo ot and shoe maker. Clark J. R., bak er, Main. CLAWSON A. M., PROPRIETrOR PHCE NIX HOUSE, COR. OF BROADWAY AND FOURTH. Clawson J., veterin a ry surgeon, Phoe nix House. Cogan J., stone cutter and engraver, Main. Conner E., stone cutter, Main. Cox John, wagon maker. Craig David N., printer. Creeger W., stone cutter, Main. Cultbertson J. J., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes. Cunerman & Helm, butchers and dealers in meat. Dever J., attorney. Dever & Releing, tinners, Broadway. Dorman D., grocer. FisherJ., hotel proprietor. FITTS WM., PROPRIETOR OF BROAD WA Y HOTEL, SOTUTII CORNEER BROADWAY A ND PUB. SQUARE. Glines J. C., tailor. Golding Miss C., teacher. Gorsuch W., cooper. Green A. W., general store. HAMILTON G. W., AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTING AGENT, AND GOODS SOLD ON COMMISSION. Holzappel J., cooper. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Brogan Joshua, carpenter. CLEMSON REUBEN, POST MASTER. Foulks L., constable. Garrigues C. & R. T., proprietors grist and saw mills. Garrigues C. & R. T., lumber dealers. Garrigues Richard T., carpenter. GARRIGUES ROBT. H., CONSTABLE AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Hine John L, township treasurer. Jones Joseph, township trustee. Lower Michael, township trustee. McCoy Lewis, township justice. Messmoro John, township trustee. Miller Gideon, carpenter. Pim G., tanner. Pim Sarah, school teacher. Reeder Abraham, coal dealer. Swearinger Geo. W., township justice. Taylor Rebecca J., school teacher. Welton Wm., edge tool maker. Whiteleather B. A., township clerk. W~ickensham Philip, school teacher. GREEN SPRING, A- post office of Senaca county. GREENTOWN, A post village of Stark county. GREENVILLE, A post town of importance, and the capital of Darke'county, situated on Greenville creek, and on the Greenville and Miami Railway, 121 miles west from Columbus. It contains the public buildings of the county, 30 stores of various kinds, and several manufacturing establishmeats. Population 2000. DARKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Auditor, M. E. Matchitt. See adv't of Manhattan Fire Insurance Co., p. 225. GRE 358 GRE Recorder, S. C. Edington. Sheriff, 0. 11. Long.. Treasurer, G. M. M-art,z. Coroner, J. V. King. Clerk, W. C. Porterfield. GREENSBURG, A post office of Trumbull county. GREENSBURG CROSS ROADS, A post office of Sandusky county. GRE 359 GO J. B. TAYLOR9 Foaundry and Machine - shop, Manufacturer of Steam Engines, Canle Mills, Farm Bells'and all kinds of Castings, GELE]ENVILILE, OI-tIO. Horper & Brother, daguerrean artists, Broadway. Hufnagle & Garst, general store. JemisonrI Hamilton, grocery store. Jimnerson Miss, teacher. Joles D. E. R. probate judge. Katcenbeiger-, grocer, Public Square. Keck J., cooper. KING J. R., PROPRIETOR OF KING'S IIOTEL, COR. MAIN AND PUBLIC SQUARE. King Wm., cooper. Kipp A., cigar maker. Kumler Rev. J. P. E., New School Pres byterian. Lehman W. J., livery stable. Long 0. H., sheriff of Darke county. Lucas O. E., physician, Broadway. MleCalpin A., cooper. McChord J. R., attorney. Macdonald Rev. H. K., Christian Church. Mannor B. F., stone cutter, Main. Matchet F., school teacher. Miayo E. II., sup't district schools. Messe & Son, physicians. Miller HIenry, editor and prop'r Darke County Democrctt. Miller J., druggist. Miller & Moore, general store, Broadway. Mitchell Wm., justice; and mayor, Broad way. Newkirk J. M., marble shop. Newton Rev. J., M. E. Church. Odlin 1'., miller and dealer in grain, Broadway. Oppenheimer J., clothing store. Otwell E. W. & Co., editors and publish ers Journal. PHU:ENIX HOUSE, A. M. CLAWSON, PROPRIETOR, BROADWAY, COR. FOURT It. PREVOST P., TEETH INSERTED ON GOLD PLATE, AND TEETH FILL-. ED WITH GOLD, TIN OR SILVER FOIL. NORTII-WEST COR. PUBLIC SQU ARE. Ries J., blacksmith, Main. SHEPHERD J. S., POSTMIASTER. Shoup F., cooper. Spayed. M., attorney. Spice & Wortman, commission merchants. Steinkamp John, grocery and provision store, Broadway. Stevenson & ilcCune, groceries, Broa d w ay. Summerville J., merchant tailor. TAYL,OR J. I,., FOUNDRY AND MA CHINE SItOP, MANUFACTURER OF STE,Ai ENGINES, CANE MILLS, ETC. (See c,alrd, p. 3-59.) Tomlinson HI. saddles and harness, Broad way. Torsuch A. P'., cooper. Turner & Brotaher, stillhouse. Turpen & Curtis, manufacturers of furni tulre, Public Square. I lJlery S. W., hardware, cor. Third and Broadway. Vanmeter J., books and stationery. Vantilburgh D. E., baker and confec tioner, Broadwa,y. Waring F. & J. L., general store, Public Square. Warren T. & J. L., flouring mill. Wharry John, notary public, Third, bet. Walnut and Ash. Wharry Mliss M., teacher. WHARR'Y & PUTNAM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL PROFESSION AL BUSINESS, TH-IIRD, BET. WAL NUT AND ASH. Wilson W. M., attorney. Winner & Frizell, bankers. Broadway. Wise J. C., tailor. GROVELAND, A post office of Fulton county. See adv't of R. M. N. Taylor, p. 224. GRE 359 GRO GREENWICH STATION, A post Yillage of I-Turon county, and a, station on the Clevel-,ind, Columbus and Cincinnati railway. GREERSVILLE,. A post villa,,e of Knox county. GROESBECK, A I)ost office of Hamilton county. . GROVE CITY, A post office of Franklin county. GRO 360 11AM Williams David 0., township assessor. Williams O., townalip trustee. Woolley D. C., general merchant and rail road agent. A post village of Franklin county. GUILFORD, A post office of Medina county. A post office of Morgan county. GUSTAVUS, A post village of Trumbull county. HALLSVILsLE, A post village of Ross county. HALE, (WEST RIDGEWAY VJILLAGE.) A post village and township of Hardin county, established in 1848, situated on the Bellefontaine and Indiana railway, 10 miles from Kenton, and about 60 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 800. Township 1,500. HAAMER, A village of Williams county, for description of which, see- Domestic post office, page 318. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Atkinson John, councilman. Callahan & Watson, prop'rs saw mill. CROW E. B., POSTMASTER, DRUGGIST AND PHYSICIAN. Crow E. B., councilman. Curl A. L., school teacher, Eddy Jacob, carpenter. Garber James, cooper. Hodge D. C., councilman. Howe P.S., township treasurer. Hunt Thomas, cooper. Jones Thomas, township trustee. Lee J. C., township trustee. Lingo John, constable, and carriage and wagon maker. Lukens R. P., sash, blind and door maker. Mosher William, boot and shoe maker. Murdock Allen, city marshal, and cabinet maker. Norman H. N., carpenter. Printz John, blacksmith. Railroad House, Rob't Stephenson, prop'r. Ray Sylvester, cabinet maker. Seig J. IT., mayor. Seig & Lukens, prop'rs saw mill and lum ber yard. Seig & Lukens, broom makers. Shipman J. H., general merchant. Smith J. W., physician and village re corder. Smith W. W., township clerk. Stephenson R., blacksmith. Stephenson Rob't, prop'r Railroad House. Stuart Thomas, village treasurer, and ex press agent. Stuart & Lukens, grocers. Taylor Joseph, carriage and wagon maker. Underwood George W., blacksmith. Wallace John, cooper. A handsome and flourishing post town and the county seat of Butler county, situated on the left bank of the Miami river, and on the Miami canal, 25 miles north from Cincinnati. It is surrounded by a fertile district, possessing excellent manufacturing facilities, aind contains the county buildings, &c. Population about 6,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Adams John W., cooperage, F ront. American Express Co., J. C. Skinner, ag't, cor. B asi n and Thi rd. Anderson Alfred, shaving s aloon, 58 Ba sin. Anderson James, cooperage, on alley, bt. Second and Third.. Anderson Robert, shaving saloon, Fifth, bt. Henry and Sycamore. ANNEWALT E. FH., SOLICITING, COL LECTINGAND INSURANCE AG'T, BUCKEYE, BT. FRONT AND SEC OND. Appleby AT., homoeopathic physician, Front, bt. Basin and Ludlow. Babb L. P., physician and surgeon, corner Basin and Third. Ballet Peter, livery stable, cor. Stable and Second. Basey James, Arbor and billiard saloon, Second, bt. High and Basin. Beardsley ttenry, hats, caps and furs, 69 High. Bechett & Rigden, prop'rs Miami paper mill, cor. Buckeye and Lowell. Beck Charles, confectionery and shoe shop, 15 Main. See adv't of Angier House, Cleveland, p. 224. GRO 360 II A M GROVEPORT, HALL'S VALLEY, HAMAR, A post office of Paulding county. HAMILTON, OWENS, LANE, DYER & CO., Manufacturers of? Threshing illachines & orse Powers, Portable Steam Engines and Circular Saw Mills. HAMILTON, OHIO, 25 MILES NORTHEI OF CINCINNATI, 0. For information send for Circular. Becker Peter, merchant tailor, 24 M,ain. Burns & Co., wagon and plow factory, 109 Beldin E., broom factory, cor. Basin and High. Fourth. Burrows Russell, justice of the peace, 12 Belden S. C., broom manuf'actory, Basin, Front. east of Pearl. Butler House, Felix Straub prop'r, corner Bencard Simeon, coffee house, 39 Fifth. Main and Front. Bennett 1). S., justice of the peace, Front, Butle, Insurance Company, Israel Wil bt. Main and Ross. liamns secretary, Beckett's block, cor. Berry Phillip, blacksmith, 67 Basin. High and Second. Boly Jacob, grocery and beer, Front, bt. Caldwell and Coppage, saw mill, Front, Franklin and South. THamilton Hydraulic. Bottenger E., boot and shoe store, 6 Main. Campbell, Miller & Co., lumber merchants, Bov Jacob, boot and shoe dealer, Main, bt. cor. High and Fourth. Water and Front. Campbell S. E., dealer in ice, Canal, bt. Boyden J. C., freight agent C. II. & D. R. Fourth and Fifth. R., office at freight depot. Challen & Swope, cooperage, High, between Brady George, grocery store, cor. Main Third and Fourth. and Third. Christy A. G., plain and fancy job printBrendle D. L., grocer, 50 Fourth. ing, Main, bt. Front and Second. Brennan F. R., attorney at law and notary Chlristy Robert, attorney at law, High, bt. public, Hunter's block, cor. Basin and Front and Second. Second. City Hotel, C. Straub & Co. prop'rs, corner Brewer Poe, photographist, High, Beckett's Basin and Third. block. Clark Mrs. S., millinery and dress making, Bridge John, grocery and beer saloon, cor. Main, bt. Second and Third. Front and Ludlow. Clark & Ryan, attorneys at law, cor. High Brinkman John, boot and shoe shop, Front, and Pearl. bt. B'sin anid Ludlow. Clever J. & Co., wagon makers and blackBrown Jolhn Hl., wagon maker and black- smtniths, cor. Third and Canal. smith, on Fourth, bt. Main and Mill- Cobaugh & Allen, sash, door and blind ville. factory, lower Hydraulic, cor. Water Brown John 0., apothec,ary and druggist, and Dayton. 13 Pearl. Conklin P. C., attorney at law, office in Brown Wm. E., attorney at law, High, bt. Beckett's building. Front and Second. Conover Mrs. B., millinery and fancy Buckel Jacob, grocery, 14 High. goods, 70 Basin. Burkhart John, boarding house, 76 Third. Coppage John, cooperage, cor. Third and Boudinot. See adv't of T. Coverdale, p. 220. HAM 361 HAM Weeky HamilIon Te graph, Official Paper of Butler County, JAMES K. WEBSTER, Editor and Pub'r, Thle Weekly Telegraph is published every Thursday morning, at s;1 per annum, in advance. Job Work of every description done, with neatness and despatch. Corey Wm., prop'cr Arbor and billiard saloon, Miami Hall, Second, bt. H-igh and Basin. Cornell Wmn., jr., attorney at law, corner Hligh and Pearll. Cox James, boarding house, 33 Fifth. Cox John M., county commissioner. Craw Stephen, attorney ait law, Beckett's block, cor. IHigih,a'd Second. Crawford John, dealer in queensware, car pets, paper hangings, &c., Beckett's block, cor. Highl and Second. Creighton Thomas C., agent hat and cap store, Pearl, so'ithtl of H-igh. Curtis & Brother, dry goods, boots and shoes, MIain, Runiple's block. Davidson Rev. Wim., palstoI' Associate Re formed church, cor. Basin and Water. Davis Joseph, staple anid fanicy dry goods, 11 Pearl. Delaplane Joshua, undertaker and cabinet maker, 72 and 75 Main. Denzer John, lager bee' saloon, 19 Higlh. Denzer Leonard, all kinds of wooden turn in-, hubs, &c., cor. Water and Stable. Denzer Michael, lager beer saloon, 28 High. Deifeinbach —, merchant tailor, High. Dilge hlenry, family grocery, High, bt. Front and Second. Dillman Frank, grocery and beer saloon, cor. Buckeye anfd Third. Dingfelter Andrew & Co., Washlington Brewery, cor. Front and Wood. Donges Charles, prop'r William Tell hotel, 18 anid 20 Eligh. Dove Henry, stocking manufactory, 74 M~ain. Dow Christian, groceries and beer, corner Second and Boudinot. Drayer Wm. E., dealer ini watches, clocks, jewelry and silver ware, corner High and Front. Dye A. P., family grocery, cor. High and Pearl. Earhart Henry S., civil engineer and tick et. agent C., II. and D. R. R., office at Depot. Easton Stephen, house and sign painter, 58 13asin. EBBERT JEROME, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, COR. BASIN AND SECOND. Elliott Wnk., collector of tolls Ihamiltoi Bridge Co., 2 High. Eraert I,., balsery, 27 Fourth. Ermons Lewis, malster and grain dealer, cor. High W and F o ulrth. Epper Lemuel, (col.) bnrber, 77 Main. Erb J-ohnl & Co., groceHiges and p rovisi ons, 22 High. Erensehinder Michael, bakery, 25 high. Euler Peter, manufacturer and deale r in boots and shoes, Highl, bFt. Second and Third. Falconer & Smith, ply sicians a nd surgeon, High, bet,. Second and Third. Farhller cnder Fl., potter y, Second, bet. Iill vill ad0ind Franklirn. Finzel Geor ge, bl acksmith nd wagon B ina ker, l11 Higr. First Baptist Church, Rev. H. d. Richard - son, pastor, Basin, bet. Front and Se cond. First English Lutheran Church, Rev. W. lH. Aynn, pastor, Third, bet. Stable and DDiyton. Fisher Simon, general ston e, Becket t's Bl'k, H-igfh. Fladuno E., silversmith, 4 MifC.n. FlenSner, S1cugles & Co., hardw are and ag rictiltural implements, 15 Pearl. Flenner W. B. & J. B., prop'rs saw and planilg mnill, Upper flydrlauilic. Forwatt tIenry, dry goods and groceries, Heaton, bet. Second:nmd Third. Foster C., physician, Second, bet. Ludlow and Basin. Frank H., letger beer saloon, Front, bet. Basin an1d Ludlow. Frey John, carriage painter, 63 Basin. Frechtling H1. & W., dry goods and gene r,al st~ore, cor. High anid Second. Fromm A. J., dry goods and notions, 64 M,Ii -I. Gallowey D;Lul., cooperage, Ross, bt. Front and Second. Gatrd S. Z., tattorney at law, cor. Basin and Second. Gailrrison Joseph H., councilman, Ludlow, south of Basin. Garrison Joseph & Co., brick makers, bet. Ludlow and Basin, east of C., I-I. and D. R. R. Garvey, Scoby & Co., dealers in hardware, See adv't of Pickway House, p. 220. BAM HAM 362 HAMILTON, 0. HAM 363 HAM North-west Corner Seconid and High Streets, HAMILTON, - - - - OIIO. This House is now open to the public, and has been thoroughly renovated and re-furnished. Patronage is respectfully solicited. THEODORE REUTTI, Prop'r. Herholt George, blacksmith, Alley, bet. High and Basin. Heser Fred., painter, glazier an d gr ainer, Basin, bet. Second and Third. Hless Nathan, groceries, Henry, bt. Fourth and Fifth. Hilker IT., beer and groceries, 42 Third. Hill Jedediah, carpenter and builder, shop and factory Upper Hydraulic. Hirsch Joseph, merchant tailor, 3 Pearl. Hiser John, family grocery, corner Water and High. Hocheimer Adam, shoeing shop, cor. Wa ter and High. Hofele M., boarding house, Fro nt,Fot sou th o f Franklin. Hoffman John, lager beer, Front, bet. Syc a,nore and Wood. HoffmCan Mlichael, sfamily grocery, 14 Main. Holbrocka C., boots, shoes and grocer ies, 72 Second. BHolbsock I. H., groceries andH boots and shoes, 29 Third. Holbrock John C., grocery, cor. Third and Ludlow. Holzhauser Peter, grocery, cor. Main and Second. Houser Jacob, carpenter, Boudiot, between Front and Second. Horen James, plow mianuifacetory, Main, bet. Second and Third. Horssnyder & Kessling, dealers in foreign and domestic marble monumn'ts, tomb stonies, table tops, and building stone made to order, cor. Day,vtorn and Wa ter. Howells Henry C., resident dentist, High, bet. Front and Second. Howells, Thom;,s C., staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Pearl and High. Huber Andrew, bakery and confectionery, High, bet. Front and Second. HIuber Philip, bakery and lager beer sa loon, 30 Main. Huber Wm., physician, 25 Front, bet. Day ton and Stable. Hughes John P., blacksmith, Canal, bet. Third and Fourth. Hu1gti es Stephen, manufact'r flour separa tors and smiit machines, corner Water and Stable. Humbaugh F. E., prop'r Soldier's tlotne, 10 Higlh. Humba-ch Jacob, lager beer saloon, No. 16 Pearl. iron, steel, cutlery, tools, guns and pumps, cor. Water and iligh. Gaston E. HI., county treasurer office Pub lic Buildings. German Protestant Church, (St. John's,) Rev. Adolphus Gerwig, pastor, corner Front and Sycamore. Getz Conrad, lager beer saloon, 113 High. Getz January, grocery store, cor. Wilson and Second. Giffin, Brown & Giffin, lumber merchants, co,.. Front atnd Stable. Giffin James, county commissioner, office County Buildings. Gollar John, tallow chandler, High, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Gordon John H., councilman, High, bet. Front and Second. Gordon John H., county recorder, office Public Buildings. Greiser Hermann, saddle and harness mna ker, Pearl1, bet. High and Basin. Gressle I., carpet weaver, Water, bt. Main and Ross. Griswold G. W., manager West Union Tel egraph Line, office at Depot. Groschl Gideon, cooperage, Canal, bt. Third and Fourth. Hamilton Gas Light and Coke Co., A. C. Campbell, stip't works, High, between Fifth and Miami Canal. HAMILTON HOTEL, THIEODORE RIE UTTI, PROP'R, COR. ttIGHt AND SECOND. (See card p. 363.) Ilamiilton Insurance Co., Ezra Potter, sec retary, Beckett's Block, cor. High and Second. Ieamzlton Intelligencer, (weekly,) Morris & Bunston prop'rs, High, bt. Second and Third, Beckett's Block. I-HAMIILTON TELEGRAPH, (WEEKLY,) JAS. K. WEBSTER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, COR. SECOND AND BASIN. (See card, p. 362.'. Hartman Philip, manufact'r and dealer in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, tligh, bet. Second and Third. Haungs John, beer house, Wilson, bt. Front and Second. Hector D. B., eclectic physician, Third, bt. Ludlow and Basin. Henes John A., beer saloon and bakery, cor. Third arid Canal. tIenneke Joseph, boot and shoe shop, Hca ton, bet. Second and Third. See adv't of John W. Kees, p. 219. HANI 363 HAM 0 a ".0 - 2 a it.... ill a -~~A 6 A J. M. WALTON. GEORGE LARKIN. WALTON & LARKIN MANUFACTURERS AD DEALERS IN CARRIAGES, Buggies and Spring Wagons, High Street, bet. Third anid Fourtl, 1HAMILTON, OHIO. Repairing executed with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted. Ilumbach Peter, lager beer saloon and ten pin alley, coo. Fifth and Henry. Hume Alexander, Common Pleas judge, Basin. Hunsaker Uriah, grain dealer, Basin, bet. Third and Fourth. Hunter Samuel, county coroner, res. Buck eye. Hunter, Thomas & Stout, prop'rs Hamilton Hydraulic Mlills, cor. High and W\a ter. Hunter Win. C., councilman, Basin, bet. Second and Third. Hurm & Huber, manufact'rs bient felloes, bows, shafts, &c., cor. Water and Sta ble, Lower Hydraulic. Jackson Jas. & Co., New York Dry Goods Store, 71 Itigh. Jacobs Conrad, meat and provision store, 48 Ba.sin. Jacobs Joseph, family grocery, 17 Pearl. Jacobs Peter, drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., High, bet. Front and Second. Keever John, bakery and grocery, No. 46 Front. Keller V., wine and beer saloon, Canal, east of Fourth. Kimble W. H. If., family grocery, Main, bet. Second and Third. King Alex., county surveyor, office County Buildings. Kinnear W. A., attorney at law, east side Public Square, NMiami Hall. Klein Peter, agent clothing store, 52 Ba sin. Kline Moses W., carpenter and builder, Ludlow, bet. Second and Third. Koeninger John, saddle and harness shop, 7 Main. Kohler Jacob, grocery, Fourth, bet. Buck eye and Heaton. Kreis Henry, merchant tailor and cloth ier, High, bet. Front and Second. Kreissel & Ludwig, plow makers and blacksmiths, Lower Hydraulic, bet. Dayton and Stable. Kreusbetiger M., lager beer saloon, High, bet. Second and Third. Krieger B. H., lumber yard, corner Fifth and Sycamore. Langs N., grocery store, Main, bt. Fourth and Fifth. Larkin Mrs. G., milliner and dress ma ker, cor. Ludlow and Second. Lashorn Joseph, justice of the peace, 66 Basin. LaTourette Peter P., drugs, medicines, books, stationery, &c., High, between Front and Second. Lauber Anthony, cooperage, Canal, opp. Eleventh. Lee AMrs. E., millinery and fancy goods, 91 High. Lee & Leavitt, manufacturers of portable saw mills and saw mill machinery, works Upper Hydraulic. SLehmkeele Anton, beer house and shoe shop, coi. Dayton and Second. Levy S., agent, clothing and merchant tailor, cor. Basin and Pearl. Lewis A. S., iron and hardware, 13 Main. Lewis J. R. & R. C., attorneys at law, Behet's block, cor. High and Second. Lewis & Reese, flouring mill, Front. Lighter S. K., sa sh, d oor and blind man ufDatory, cor. Water and Stable, Low er Hydraulic. Loehr Jacob, lager beer saloon, Front, bt. Basin and Ludlow. Lohman House, Lohman, prop'r, Front, bt,. High and Basin. LONG, BLACK & ALLSTATTER, MAN UFACTURERS OF AGRICULTUR AL IMPLEMENTS, CORNER STA BLE AND WATER, LOWER HY DRAULIC. Longfellow Daniel, city marshal. Lorenge Jacob, silver plater, Front, bet. Main and Ross. Ludlow W. B., surgeon dentist, High, bet. Front and Second. Ludwig Henry, tobacconist, Second, bet. Sycamore and Wilson. Ludwig & Ham.ann, dealers in cigars an: smoking tobacco, 30 High. Luttringer C. H., lager beer saloon, 54 High, bet. Front and Second. Maar Matthias, lager beer saloon, 2G High. Maas John, dealer in ready-made cloth ing and genlts' furnishing goods, cor. High and Second. McAdams & Hargitt, staple and fancy dry goods, 7 Pearl. McLeod Archibald, dye house, 61 Main. McCleary John, prop'r flouring mills, Miami Canal, East Dayton. See adv't of Circleville Watchman, p. 219. HAM 364 HAM HAM McClung D. W., probate judge, Public Buildings. MIcElwee Jno., county clerk, County Build ings. McFarland N. C., attorney at law, Be chett's Block, cor. High and Second. McFarlan N. C., councilman, corner High and Second. McGovern Michael, lager beer saloon, 24 High. Mackley C. A., cigar and tobacco stare, 68 Basin. McNevin John, dealer in boots, shoes, and variety store, 8 High. Mahler Chas., manufacturer of boots and shoes, 64 Basin. Mallory Henry, physician, Main, bet. Se cond and Third. Martz & Keil, attorneys at law, Bechett's Block, cor. High and Second. Mason Martin, boarding house and saloon, cor. Basin and Pearl. Masonic Hall, cor. Third and Dayton. Matthias Isaac, dealer in stoves, copper, tin, and sheet iron ware, Main, bet. Wlater and Front. Matthias J,cob, councilman, Main, bet. Front and Water. Mayer J. B., teacher of music, Main, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Menche George, shoe maker, Cincinnati, south of Chestnut. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Lowry, pastor, Ludlow, bet. Second and Third. Methodist Episcopal Church, German, Rev. J. G. Gabler, pastor, Second, bet. Main and Boudinot, First Ward. Meyer Henry, shoe shop, 73 Main. Miller B. F., attorney at law, 24 Main. Miller John, lager beer saloon, 36 Main. Miller & Co., manufacturers of carriages, buggies, and spring wagons, Second. bet. Stable and Dayton. Millikliin James B., attorney at law, cor. Basin and Second. Millikin Thomas, attorney at law, corner Basin and Second. Millspauglh W. C., family grocery, 34 High. Moore Charles, house and sign painter, 73 Basin. Moore Thomas, attorney at law, Main, bt. Front and Water. Moore Wm, principal mercantile college, Jacob's block, Third. Morganthaler & Co., manufacturers of carriages, buggies &c., cor. Front and Stable. Morner Michael, boarding house, corner Water and Main. Morner & Eichhorn, manufacturers and dealers in stoves, copper, tin, and sheet iron ware, High, bet. Front and Water. Morris F. D., physician, High, bet. Front and Second. Morris & Bunston, editor -al,kd proprietors Hamilton fntelliyencer, Bechett's Block, High. Muley John F., dealer in lime, cement, and plaster paris, corner Basin and Fourth. Mulders Peter, bakery, Third, bet. Basin and Canal. Muney Wm., family grocery, cor. Pearl and Basin. Murray James, hosiery and notions, cor. Basin and Second. Murray Wm., canal collector, Basin, bet. Third and Fourth. Nielan Henry, baggage master, Depot. Odd Fellows' Building, corner Main and Front, First Ward. Odd Fell ows' Hall, Thir, be t. High and Dayton. Oetterer Augustus, confectionery and ba k ery, 10 Main. Owens John J., county commissioner, ofOWENS L E, LANE, DYER & CO., MANU FACTURERS OF THRESHING MA CHINES, &c. (See card, p. 361.) fice County Buildings. Oyler & Morman, undertakers and ca bi net makers, 75 Basin. Peck John P. P., banker, Jackson's Build ing, New Block, High. Pfaffin & Co., manufacturers of felloes, spokes, hubs, bows, shafts and poles, Lower Hydraulic, bet. Dayt on and Stable. Phillips Alfred A., county sheriff, office County Building. Potter Aaron, marble works, Lower Hy draulic, bet. Dayton and Stable. Potter Ezra, real estate and insurance agent, Bechett's Block, cor. High and Second. Potter S. J. & Bro., carriage manufactory, Front, bet. Main and Ross. Potter & Market, physicians and surgeons, south-west cor. Basin and Second. Presbyterian Church, O. S., Rev. William AMcMillan, pastor, Front, bet. High and Basin. Pugh Wm., livery stable, Front, bt. Main and Ross. Ranter & Holdefer, wagon and plow man ufactory, cor. Main and Second. Reed Chas. E., bakery, corner Basin and Second. REUTTI THEODORE, PROP'R HAMIL TON HOTEL, COR. HIGH AND SECOND. (See card, p. 363.) Richmond Al., saddle and harness shop, 60 Basin. Rigdon L., physician and surgeon, corner Ludlow and Second. Riley Wmn. H. H., grocery and produce dealer, Main, bet. W\ater and Front. See adv't of Dr. E. Williams, Oculist snd Aurist, p. 214. HAM 365 ['AM 366 HA Roberts Wmn. H., city clerk, cor. Basin and Second. ROBEPi'SON ISAAC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COR. BASIN AND SECOND. Rohman 1., watches, clocks and jewelry, 49 Ma1,,iin. I'lollins John, Temperance Hotel, Basin, bet. Second and Third. Roman Catholic Church, St. Stephens, Rev. 1'. E. Eberhard, pastor, Dayton, bet. Second and Thlird. Rossiiiii J. & J., staple and fancy dry goods, Mai, bet. Water and Front. Rot,henbush C., druggist and apothecary, 20 M bain. Rumnp Jacob & Co., manufacturers of car ri.ages, buggies and spring wagons, cor. Sta,ble antd Second. Rumple W. D., fainily grocery, Main, Rtumple's Block. I RPumple &; Smyres, iroln nnd hardware store, 8 Main. St.. Mar,y's Church, }Lev. E. Corcoran, pas tor, cor. Basini and Front. Sandeirs BJ)ooke, fIruit and confectionery, 14 Pleall. Schaelfot John, cooperage, Fifth, bt. Main and Da,vton. Schaefer & Ebling, minieral water manu faicttlriy, High, bet. Fifthl and Sixth. Schaettle Fratik, clothicer, 55 HIigh.n Scheiif'routz Fred., boarding house, corner Secondic and Sycamore. Schertz Mlrs. Wilhelmeine, proprietoress Schmlidt,man 11ouse, north-west corner Front and High. Schlenker Christi'n. grocery, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Schliesmanin Peter, grinding, edge tools, and all kinds of cutlery. Schrieber Jacob, grocery, cor. High and Frnot,. Schubert John, shavinig saloon, cor. High and Front. Schubert John, lager beer saloon, 23 Higlh. Schuler & Winter, dry goods and clothing, 12 Main. Schlumi- C., billiard and beer saloon, 58 Front. Schunk Gottleib, baker, cor Fourth and Chiestniut. Schbitte Lorenz, general variety store, 19 Mlain. Schwartz John B., bakery, 98 High. Schwarz Michael, silversmith, 57 High, bet. Front and Second. Schwenke J., boot and shoe shop, 57 Basin. Scoby Wm. It., physician and surgeon, 16 Front. Sebold Win., billiard and lager beer sa looni, 15 Second. Sehlrab Jacob, wagon maker and black smithl, cor. M~ain and Thirdl. Seiferd Valentine, confectionery and ba kery, High, bet. Front and Sectnd. Seiter Henry, shavin, saloon, Front, opp. Court House. Selley Z. W.r-pMstcuting attorney, office Public Building. Seilker Peter, grocery, 82 Main Sevet August, boarding house, cor. Fourth and C:,,ial. Seward & Graham, provision and produce dealers, High, bet. Front and Second. Shafer R., shaving saloon, Main, bet. Front and Second. Shaffer, Curtis & Potter, bankers, Bechett's Block, High. Stoeas James, groceries and l i quors, Miain, bet. Water and Fro nt. Shelley Joohn, malster aSrd br ewnery,. Pcasin, east of Sixth. Shinniotte Angello, prop'r omnibus accom modSution line, cor.t ner Ludlow and Water. Shober John, rrleachant tailor, 10 Pearl. Shuey & StcGuire, prop'rs I la milton Paper Mill, cor. Hydraulic and Buckeye. Shuler & Betnnighopel, prop'rs Miami Woolern Factory, i ourth, on Upper Itydraulic. Sill F elix, boot and shoe shop, Fro nt, bet. c niglb and Basin. Sillenhorn J. L., notary public, and deputy .county recorder, office Public Build lng. Skinner Daniel, agent Aneer icai an d U. S. Express Compan ies, cor. Basinm and Third. Skinner John C., civil engineer, cor. Pearl and Basin. Smith Alansoni, physician, Fiftql, nortit of Main. Smith John, manufi,cturer and dealer in boots and shoes, 32 High. Smith Lawrence, justice of the peace, See ond, bet. Basin and Ludlow. Smith Ransford, mayor, office Council Chamber, Second. Smith & Itenni, grocers, wine and liquor dealers, cor. Front and Main. Smoyer J. W., blacksmith, Boudinot, bet. Third sand Fourth. Snively & Steele, flouring mill, Hamilton Hydraulic. Snyder Louis, prop'r Franklin Paper Mills, cor. Buckeye and Front. Sochner Charles, piano forte ware rooms, Main. Sohn John W., manufacturer and dealer in leather and shoe findilngs, and prop'r Hamilton Brewery, cor. High and Water. Sortman J. & W., grocers and produce dealers, cor. Main and Front. Sortman Wnm, groceries and provisions, cor. Front and Main. Spalding Frank, refreshment stand, at De pot. See adv't of T. Rossi, Historical Painter, p. 193. HAM 366 HAM HAM 367 HAM Sperl Frederick, carpet weaver, cor. Front Wallace H. H., county auditor. office Pub and Ludlow. lic Buildings. Steinrley Fred., lager beer, Front, bt. Main WALTON & LARKIN, —MINUFACTUR and Ross. ERS OF CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, Stengel Andrew, cabinet maker, 41 and 43 AND SPRING WAGONS, 117 HIIGH, Main. BET. TIHIRD AND FOUITltl. (See Stevens Wm. C., blacksmith, Boudinoq bt. card, p. 364.) Second and Third. Wasel Aden, lager beer ]{ouse, Boudinot, Stewart Alpheus, manufiaceturer and dealer bet. Third and Follurth. in boots and shoes, 46 Basin. Watkius Joseph, dry goods and groceries, STOMlPS BARNARD, MANUFACTURER 5 Pearl. AND DEALER,I IN STOVES, COP- Watters B. & J., dealer ill book(s and sta PER, TIN AND SLEET IRON WARE, tionery, 44 Iligh, bet. Front and Sec 44 BASIN. ol(d. Stone & Sanderson, lumber merchants, Weber Robert, dealer in cigars, tobacco, Front, bet. Boudinot an North. &c., Highl, bet. Front andrl Second. Strub, Clophas & (,o., piop'rs (City Ilotel, WEBSTER JAMES K., EDITOR AND cor. B;sin arnd Third. PROP'R TELEGIlAPH, (WEEKLY,) Stricker Peteri, driy goods n,nd(I groceries, COR. BASIN AND SECOND. (See coi. Day ton and Seconid. ca,rd, p. 362.) Straub Felix, pop'r lButler House, aind IWNebster Joseph S. MA., phliotographist, Ly billiard saloon, coi. Main nd lront. ceuii Halla ITigh. Synmolds, Bio. & Co., dealers in ready W ehrlern Fred., boarding house, cor. Wa naidle clothingi and gents' furnishing ter i Mid Main. goods, 55 Rigi, between Front and W eidenborner John, manuifacturer.and Second. d (leal in boots and shoes, High, bet. Talbott N.. sign atn( ornamerntal painter| Front itud Second. 58 Basin. ei,,el John A., family grocery, 21 High. Tanguary & Anderson, prop is I-ariuilton W ellangioff Ienry, grocery, Ileaton, bet. FIloUring Mills, eor. Secondi and Up- [hird and FIourth. per Itly(hraulic. Wellinglhoff & I-lynres, marble yard, Ifigh, Tapscott Geo. WA., prop'r People's Mills, bet. Third and Fourth. Upper Hydraulic. Wei rner Ludwig, horse and sign painter, 'I'Theobald Frank, furniture dealer, Front, Front, be. Ludlow a,rid Svycamore. bet. Ma. in and Ross. Whistle Isac% manufacturer and dealer Thomas Alfred? attorney at law. iin boots and shoe, Bechett,'s Block, Thomas James B., grocery, Second, bet. Hih. High and Basin. WII]ES JOFIN S., JUSTICE OF PEACE, Thompson, livery stable, cor. Stable 56 BASIN. and Second. Williams Isreal, attorniey at law, Bechlett's Tolbert Benj't min, prop'r Sportsman's Buil ing. Ial, cor. lHighl and Miarni Canal. Wilson Johin K., attorney at law arind noTraber Laf'.yette, attorney at law, 60 Ba- tary public, MIain, cor. Front. sin. Wilson Jolhn W., dealer ini lime arid coi1'I'ri,ber Jas. B. & Co., staple and fancy dry tractor for stone work, west end of goods, mn(d clothing, corner Main and new free bridge. F'ront,. Woo(rough & cI'arlin, saw-maniifactuTraber J-is. R., city treasurer, cor. Mlain I les, ipper hydraulic, ware house 10 an Front. West Second, Cincinnati, Ohio. Traber ()liver, councilman, Main, between WAVuste John lW., grocery and beer, corner Fr onit'iid Water. Front. and Wilson. Traber 0. & J., staple and fancy dry goods, Wyman George, physician, Front, south 16 Mali n. of.Main. T'ROUIT. MAN J A C O B, POSTMASTER, Young Jacob, heer house, Main, bet. Fourth COR. II!GII AND FRONT. rnd Fifth. Tucker Albert, blacksmith, 65 Basin. Young & Tlhomrnas, forwarding aird cornUniversalist (hurch, Rev. A. Gage, pastor, mission mierlchants, head of Basin. cor. Fronrit and IHigh. Zeller Z. A., attorney at law, High, bet. Vanderveer Ferlina]id, attorney at law, Front and Second. Second. ___. __ _ Walker Peter L., saddles, harness anod trunks,'22 Main. A EAIVIMONDSVILLE, Wallace George, dry goods and groceries, A post village of Jefferson county, in Sa 12 Pearl. line township, established in 1854, situ.a ted on Yellow creek, and on the Cleve See adv't of D. Wolff, Sheet, Boiler and Iar Iron, p. 186. HAM 368 HAN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W. H. WALLACE & SON, Man!acturers of CD -I DRY GOODS Groceries, Machinery, &c., HAMM1 ONDSVl_LLE, OHIO. land and Pittsburg Railway, 20 miles north from Steubenville, and 50 miles west by north froni Pittsburg, Penn. Population 300. Clark J., school teacher. Clenefelter T., township trustee. Coles S., councilman. Dunahoe Rev. S. M., Methodist pastor. Hogshead Mrs. -, school teacher. Hollysworth John H., hotel prop'r and councilman. Jones D., sr'., councilman. MARTIN JAMES, POSTMASTER. MNlartin J., township treasurer. Moore Ellen, school teacher. Rodgers James, councilm an. Rose J. H., township clerk. Trumbo A. J., township trustee. Wood Robert, township trustee. L Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Btu Brock Isaac, general merchant and hotel prop'r. Crook John, township justice. Culp J., township trustee. Daniels P. B., township justice. Ilammondsville Manufacturing Co., brick makers and prop'rs steam samn mill. Lewis J., township clerk. Logan Wm., potter. Love M., township trustee. McConnel W., grocer. McCullough Mliss E. R., school teacher. Malper J., township trustee. Miner John, constable. Morse C. M., general merchant. Parsons D., township supervisor. Perkins F., grocer. WALLACE W. H., POSTMASTER AND HOTEL PROP'R. WALLACE W. H., GENERAL MER CW 1A NT, EXPRESS AND RAILROAD AGENT. (See card, p. 368.) WALLACE W. IH. & SON, COAL DEAL ERS. (See card p. 368.) A post village and township of Licking county, situated on Rocky Fork creek, and on the Steubenville and Indiana railway, 8 miles east from Newark, and 43 miles east by north from Columbus. Population 218. Township 1200. A village of the same name is situated in fliarrison county, the post office name of which is Arthur. HAMPDEN, A post village of Geauga county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Arnold John T., brick mason. Arnold Wm., brick mason. Chadwick Rev. Wm., Methodist pastor. Coon Israel, prop'r Valley House. Davis D. J., grist mill prop'r. Dillon John, jr., Methodist pastor. Enyant D. T., township treasurer. Evans Harvey, general merchant. Evans T., foundryman and township trus tee. Fay Wm.,,prop'r Union House. Higgins Geo., physician. HOLLISTER GEO., POSTMASTER AND SEWING MACHINE AG'T. Hollister J. H., saw mill prop'r. Loar Henry, brick mason. McVeigh Mason, con stable. McVicker J. C., tailor. Mancry Josiah, physician. y., Iron Works, p. 186. HANDY, A post village of Fulton county, in ham township. HANGING ROCK, A post village of Lawrence county, in Hamilton township, established in 1858, situated on the Ohio river, 3 miles from Ironton, and 100 miles south by east from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Boal Rev. J. M., Presbyterian pastor. Boynoton S. M., mayor. See adv't of Newport HAM 368 HAN W. H. WALLACE, Dealer in Ancl dealers in Coal, &c., -HA,IIXO-NDSVILLE', 0,YIO. HANNA'S MILLS, A post office of Maboiiing county. TIANOVER, (FLE3,IING VILLAGE.) Gor Menefee T. H., harness maker. Hutchinson & Scott, blacksmiths, Second. Mitchell G. D., grocer. Jewell S. T., harness and saddle maker Mitchell Wm., barber. and insurance agen4,Iecond. Nash M. O., boot, shoe and harness maker. JUDD C. T., POSTMASTER, AND DEAL Richardson John, constable. ER IN NOTIONS, GILMAN. Rickner John, township justice. MANSFIELD A., WHOLESALE AND RE, Rose Thos., township justice. TAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Simpson Jonathan, township trustee. GROCERIES, ETC., COR. OHIO AND Stump Leonard, township trustee. SECOND. Thomas Samuel, carpenter. Marietta Bucket Factory, manufactures Thrake John, carpenter. buckets, tubs, keelers, etc., cor. North Union House, Wm. Fay, prop'r. and Second. Valley House, Israel Coon, pro'pr. Naylor R., boot and shoe maker, Church. Venible Win., boot and shoe maker. Newton John, agent Marietta bucket fac Watlrath Wm., carriage and wagon maker. tory, cor. North and Second. Warman G. G., plow maker. Nye A. T. & Son, manufacturers stoves, Williams Jno. F., township clerk. plows, grates, etc., Muskingum. Woodbridge C. & Co., general merchants. Putnam, Pool & Co., manufacturers buck ets, tubs and cedar ware, also all kinds of machinery, Muskingum. HIANOVERTON, PUTNAM & CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., FOR A post office of Columbiana county. CAS ONLY, COR. SECOND AND CASHt ONLY, COR. SECOND AND CHURCH. Pugh & Gates, grocers, cor. Church and HARDIN, Muskingum. A post office of Shelby county. Reffert L. W., toll collector at Harmar and Marietta bridge. ............ Sumpton Mrs. M. N., silk and straw mil HA IRDY, linery, Church. Tidd S. H., dealer in dry goods, groceries: A post office of Lucas county. etc., cor. Second and Church. _~__~__ |Wells J. & J. C., blacksmiths, Second. Wells T. K., prop'r Ilarmar House, cor. HARLEM, Second and Church. A post village of Delaware county. Young & Henderson, carpenters and build ers, Church. HARMONY, A post office of Clark county. HARLEM SPRIkNG, A post office of Carroll county. A post village of Washington county, sit- A post office of Logan county uated on the Ohio river, at the mouth of the Muskingum, and on the Marietta and Cincinnati railway, one-fourth of a mile APE ED from Marietta. IRPE RSFIELD, from Marietta. A post village and township of Asbhtabula county, established about 1800, situated Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. on Grand river, and on the Cleveland and Barber D. & Son, dealers in staple and Erie railway, 11 miles west from Jeffer fancy dry goods, cor. Second and Ohio. son, and 50 miles north-east from CleveBinney G. W., boot and shoe maker, Second. land. Township population 1,140. Chamberlain L., druggist, Second. Chaping & Bro., saw mill, Ohio. Davis E. P., grocer, (churclh. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Dowe L., grocer, Ohio. Atkin Levi, prop'r steam saw mill. HIadley & Co., flouring mill, cor. Church Bates D. H., township trustee. and Ohio. Benham F. W., township treasurer. Hall E. K., prop'r Hall's Hotel, Second. Bennett L., jr., physician. Ilart B. F., physician, Harmar. Bishop J. C., township justice. IHart Seth, physician, Second. 24 HAN 369 HAR IIARMAR, I-IARPER, HAR Brakeman W. P., brick mason and town ship assessor. Ilrugett Miss A., school teacher. Cleveland Daniel, general merchant and township justice. Collar S. P., township justice. Custin G. B., carpenter. Custin M., carriage and wagon maker. Custin O. F., carriage and wagon maker. Edmonds A. M., attorney at law. Evens E., carpenter. Frisbie L., gunsmnith. GIBBS O. F., POSTMASTER. Gist D. D., physician. Gleason Alanson, carriage and wagon maker, and constable. Hall Rev. John, Episcopal rector. Hartwell B., cooper. Henry B., brick mason. Hyde Miss S., school teacher. Judd Miss C., milliner. Marble A G., carpenter. Montgomery L. W., brick mason and coin stable. Meeley James7 boot and shoe maker. Osborn A. C., township trustee. Pangburn H. S., township trustee. Phillips J. B., hotel proprietor. Phillips Miss E., school teacher. Pratt P., carpenter. Ransom, Gibbs & Ransom, prop'rs flour ing and saw mills. Ransom, Gibbs & Ranso'm, prop'rs woolen factory. ,Scheverell A. C., auctioneer and township clerk. Scheverell Gustavus, boot and shoe maker. Shattuck G. A., grocer. Shnrwood Z., tailor. Thurber A., carpenter. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Barnhart N., tanner. Barrow John, coopwr. Bowman S., township clerk. Bradfield Joseph, carriage and wagon maker. Byer s I saac, carpenter. Carpenter James, barber. Cherighliton Rev., Methodist pastor. Condee I-. & E., ge neral merchants. Criss Wm. & Son, brick m asons. Davis Charles, nurservy and seedsman. Davis Jacob, coal dealer. Day S., physician. Dickey Wm., general merchant. Downing G., townsh ip justice. Dunlap A., township justice. Dunlap G., township constable. Dye Thomas, school teacher. Fellows A., prop'r steam saw mill. Graves D., grocer. H4alida A., township treasurer. Hays Wm., township trustee. Hays Martin, attorney at law. Hopkins Rev. J. H., Methodist pastor. Hunter Wm., harness maker. Irwin S., brick maker. McKenzie James, carpenter. Magoon Joseph, general merchant. Moore Wm, boot and shoe maker, and township trustee. Moore Wm., hotel proprietor. Payton D. C., gunsmith. Phillips Mrs. t. dress maker. Price Jane, milliner. Pujllins S., general merchant. Riggs P., township trustee. Ritchey Joseph, cooper. Roop M., township constable. Shybey J., tailor. Smith Wm. R., school teacher. Sulivan Wmn., townshipjtjstice. Thompson C., painter. Thompson Charles, cabinet maker. Watkins Isaac, tanner. Weaver Rev.-, Presbyterian pastor. Welsh Rev. J. A., Presbyterian pastor. White C., plow maker. WINTERSTEEN J. H., POSTMASTER AND BOOT AND SIIOE MAKER. Wint,ersteen Miss E. A., milliner. ,HARRIETTSVILLE, A post office of Noble county. HARRISVILLE, iHARRISON, A post office of Hamilton county. HARSHMANSVILLE, A post village of Montgomery county, in Mad River township, situated onil Mad River, and on the Cincinnati, Dayton and Sandusky railway, 4 miles north-east from Dayton, and 60 miles west from Columbus. Population 400. Township 1,250. See adv't of J. L. Wayne & Son, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. 370 HAII I-IARRISBURG, A. post office of Fran'klin county. A post office of Ilarrison county. HARRISONVILLE, A post village of Me!,,gs county, in Scipio township, established in 1840, situated 9 miles northwest from. Pomeroy, and about 100 miles southeast from Columbus. Population 190. Township 3,500. Olmsted A., township clerk. Pearce J. L., township treasurer. Shepard David L., tobaccwgrower. Snyder Geo., pump maker. Spencer H., physician. Tracy D. S., painter. Vernon, Thompson & Co., general mer chants. Walker Rev. B., Presbyterian pastor. Wellman Paul. township trustee. Wilson, saw mill prop'r. P. MocCOY, Dealer in DRY GOO 0DS, Groceries, Hardware, &c., HA VERRHI.L, - - - O10.h Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, Butts A., township treasurer. Carson Rev., United Brethren pastor. Clingman A., stave dealer. Eaton A. W., township clerk. Harries Lodge, No., 331, I. O. O. F. Harries Wm., saw mill prop'r. Harrison B., township constable. Harshman G. W., saw mill prop'r. Kelly James, township trustee. Kemp L. A., township trustee. Kidd C. D., school teacher. Snider A., stave dealer. Snider George, township trustee. WEDDLE Z. G., POSTMASTER. IEHARTVILLE, A post village of Stark county. HARTFORD, A post village and township of Trumbull county, established about 1830, situated 18 miles north-east from Warren, and about 70 miles east south-east from Cleveland. Population 200. Township 2.000. Villages of the same name are situated in Guernsey and Ottowa counties; for description of the former, see Buffalo post office, page 53; for the latter, see Ottowa post office. HASTINGS, A post office of Richland county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Austin Norman E., wool grower. Beebe R. M., physician. Brockway 0., township trustee. Burnet Joseph, saw mill prop'r. Bushnell Geo. W., physician. Carnahan Wm. W., tailor. Crane Rev. R. W., Methodist pastor. Crayton & Turner, edge tool makers. Earl James, stoves and tin ware. Feme B., jr., saw mill prop'r. Gayer L. F., marble worker. Goueher Wm. T., township justice. Hall Jerome B., harness maker. Hull Osman, fanning mill manufacturer. Humphrey Julius, township justice. JOHNSON J. H. C., POSTMASTER. Jones L. C., notary public. Mason O., township trustee. Miner Joel, township justice. Miner, Thompson & Co., general mer chants. Nephew O. T., township constable. See adv't of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. HAR 371 HAV HARTLAND, A post office of Huran county. I:IARTLEYVILLE, A post office of Athens county. I-IART'S GROVE, A post office of Ashtabula county. HARVEYSBURG, A post village of Warren county. HASSAN, A post office, of Hancock county. HAVANA, A post -Village of Huron county. HAVERHILL, A post village of Scioto county, in Greene township. established in 1830, situated on the Ohio.river, 20 miles from Portsmouth, and 80 miles south by east from Columbus. Population 200. Township 3,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete. Boynton P. F., agricultural implement dealer. Brush Benj., township clerk. Cline Wm., township justice. Donahue Rev. S., Methodist pastor. Folsom J. S., township treasurer. HAY 379w IIES Fowler Wm., ambrotypist. Gould Samuel, township justice. Hard J. H., carpenter. Hard P. E., township constable. Johnson W. G., physician and hotel prop'r. McCOY P., POSTMASTER AND GENE RAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 371.) McNeal Giles, attorney at law. Marshall Jesse, general merchant. Mills W. W., physician and dentist. Oakes J., wool grower. Rankin Miss Malinda, school teacher. Songer W. J., carriage and wagon maker. Stewart John & Co, coal dealers. I 11 ma p'r. stable. AND, HAYESVILLE, A post office of Ashland county. HAY'S STORE, A post office of Montgomery county. Wice Perry, township treasurer. HENBY, E A post office of Montgomery coutnty. HENDRYSBURG, A post office of Belmont county. HEBBARDSVILLcE, A post office of Athens county. HEBRON, A post office of Licking county. HEDGE'S STORE, A post office of Pickaway county. HIENNING'S MILL, HELLER'S CROSS ROADS, A post office of Harrison county. HENRIETTA, A post village and township of Lorain county, situated 11 miles west from Elyria, and 100 miles north by east from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,000. HEMLOCK GROVE, A post village of Meigs county, in Bedford township, established in 1854, situated on Shade river, 8 miles north by east from Pomeroy, and about 80 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 150. Township 800. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Currer H. & Bro., prop'rs steam saw mill. Ferguson Wm. S., prop'r steam saw mill. FULLER M., POSTMASTER. Hill Rev. J. T., United Brethren pastor. Mlacy Rev. E., Baptist pastor. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Bing O., saw mill prop'r and lumber dealer. RBryson James A., painter. Cassel J., stave dealer. Castle, general merchant. Catlin J., township justice. Clark Eber, carriage and wagon maker. Gregg M., physician. Hayes H., grist mill prop'r. Heaton James, stave dealer Hess Martin, boot and shoe maker. See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp, inside front cover. I HAY 372 HES i A post office of Brown county. HERRING, A post office of Allen county. HESSVILLE, I A village of Sandusky colinty, the.post, 373 office name of which is Black Swamp, situated 8 miles west from Fremont. Ellwood R. & Son, prop'rs steam flouring and saw mills. Gravatt J., carpenter. Handley Thos., cabinet maker. Highland Hotel, Jno. Savage, prop'r. Hockett Thos., carpenter and general mer chant. Hough Wrn., nursery and seedsman. Johnson J. C., banker. Johnson J. C., real estate agent. I Johnson Jas. C., general merchant. Judkins R. P., physician. Keely & Bro., tanners. Kelly G. W., township justice. King S. V., soap maker. King Samuel V., druggist. McClure James, patent right agent. Morris Hattie, school teacher. Nutt Anna, milliner. Patterson W. S., physician. Pensy Leonard, boot and shoe maker. Pickering Mr. & Mrs. J., school teachers. Quary Rev. W. J., Methodist pastor. Robbins Chas., broom maker. Robbins Chas. & Sons, brick masons. SAVAGE JNO., POSTMASTER AND PROP'R HIGHLAND HOTEL. Savage & Cohn, general merchants. Smith Hamilton, plow maker. Smith J. H., wagon maker. Smith Levi, architect. Smith O., carpenter. Stretch J., school teacher. Stretch Jno., carpenter. Swearinger & Wright, general merchants. Wilkins Jno., boot and shoe maker. Woodmansee G. & J., carriage and wagon makers. Wright David, tailor. Wright S. M., patent right agent. HIBBETS, A post office of Carroll county. HIBERNIA, A post office of Franklin county. HAIGc H HoILL, A post office of Muskingum county. HIGHLAND, (NNEW LEXINGTON VILLAGE,) A post village of Highland county, in Fairfield township, established in 1830, situated on Lee's creek, and on the Cincinnati and Marietta railway, 10 miles north from Hillsboro, 60 miles east by north fromn Cin - cinnati, and about 50 miles south by west from Columbus. Population 400. Township 3,000. HILL GROVE, A post village of Darke county, in Washington township, established in 1845, situated on the Greenville and Miami railway, 9 miles north-west from Greenville, and about 100 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Acher Samuel, brick maker. Adams J., carpenter. Adams Jno., auctioneer. Anderson Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Applegate J., painter. Applegate J. J., jr., school teacher. Applegate Judge, tailor. Bently Chas., township justice. Burgiss Jonathan, township constable. Chambers & Cooper, general merchants. Chambers & Cooper, express and railroad agents. Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 45, I. O. O F. Coward Enos, nursery and seedsman. Coward Isaac, stoves and tin ware. Daughter Chas., cabinet maker. Dillon C., carpenter. Duff J., architect. See adv't of Wholesale Hardware, opp. inside front cover. HIB HIL IEIICKORY, A post office of Carroll county. HICKSVILLE, .k post office of Defiance county. HIGGINSPORT, A post office of Brown county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alexander Samuel, township assessor. Annold & Creviston, carpenters. Bickel John A., general merchant. Binkley John F., carpenter. Boyer Rev. Wm., Methodist pastor. Brosey Noah, broom maker. Campbell Rev. John, Presbyterian pastor. Cole Joseph, township trustee. Cox & Guthrie, tobacco growers. Creviston James, school teacher and town ship clerk. Creviston & Jones, nursery and seedsmen. HIL DOBYNS & AVERY, GENERAL MIER CHANTS ANLIRAILROAD AG'TS. Fosha E.G., physician. Fosha Mrs. I. S., dress maker. Gill & Glover, prop'rs steam saw mnill. Godown John, township trustee. Hart & Lattimer, general merchants. Kidwell John N., paint er. Long Rev. Daniel, Christian elder. McKing S., township trustee. Markley Lafayette, pump maker. Matthews Miss Al. S., dress maker. Roberts W., township treasurer. Segar J. R. L., physician. Spicer Rev. James, Christian elder. Dealer in DRY GOODS Groceries, Provisions, Hats, &c., HIILL GR OVE, - - - OHIO. iii Mk L e pm maker. Douglass Louis, cigars and tobacco. Douglass Wm., boot and shoe maker. Dravenstradt Jacob, wagon maker. Eisenbour Amos, prop'r Eutaw House and harness maker. Eutaw House, Amos Eisenbour, prop'r. Fentz Daniel, tailor. George Wm. E., school teacher. Graham Misses, milliners. Hartzell G., tailor. Jeffries S., constable. Jones J. M., physician. Kancher Jacob, boot and shoe maker. Kenzie D. S., tanner. Lawrence M. H., physician. Longenecker Henry, pump maker. McClure John, township treasurer and prop'r grist mill. Miller Josiah, township trustee. Newlin John, township justice. Norris J. J., painter and constable. Skidmore Samuel, township trustee. T EA L F. I., GENERAL MERCHANT AND EXPRESS AGENT. (See card, p. 374.) TEAL F. I., POSTMASTER. Teal T. E., auctioneer. Williamson J. H., physician. Wood Jacob, general merchant and rail road agent. Zowart F. & L., milliners. An important post town, and the capital of Highland county, situated at the terminus of the Hillsboro' branch of the Marietta and Cincinnati railway, about 60 miles each from Columbus and Cincinnati. It contains about forty stores of various kinds and several manufactories. Population 3,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Barrere George B., dental surgeon, Main. BARRERE & CO., BANKERS AND EX CHANGE DEALERS AND COLLEC TORS, MAIN. Bell C. S., foundry, Beach. Black & Kibler, dealers in hardware, nails, iron, &c., Main. Boardman J. L., editor and publisher of Highland News, (Rtpublican,) Main. Bowles John, dealer in books and station ery, High. Boys A. S., attorney at law, High. Brown James, ag't, dealer in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Buckner & Rider, milliners, High. Calvin Isaac, dealer in dry goods, groce ries, &c., cor. Main and High. Caskie J. H., ambrotype and photographic artist, M ain. Chaney H. & S., wholesale and retail gro cers, cor. Walnut and High. A post village of Franklin county, in Norrich township, established in May, 1854, situated on the Columbus. Piqua and Indiana railway, 10 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 100. Township 400.. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Acton C. HI., boot and shoe maker. Barbee J. W., township trustee. Brooks R., township assessor. Brown D. W., dentist. DOBYNS T. W., POSTMA'-STER. See adv't of Hervey & Bousfield, Tubs, Pails, &c., p. 234. 374 HIL -F. I. TIEl,, HILLSBORO', IIIGIILAND COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Court, Wm. 1-1. Woodrow. Probate,fudge, Robert D. Lilley. Auditor, James 1-teece. Treasurer, J. I. Woodrow. Recorder, John Baskin. Sheriff, R. W. Spargur. Surveyor, Thomas Al. Boyd. Coroner, Wm. B. Himiller. Prosecuti,ng Attorney, John M. Dorman. Commissioners, Benj. Pearce, Abram Low man and Philip Roush. HILL]EIOUSE, A post office of Lake county. HILLIARDS, HiL 375 IIIL TUCKER & BLOUNT, Prop'rs, Haillsbo~ro' - Ohio. House Nearest the Railroad Depot. ~A LARGUE _IVERY STABE ATTACH_. A EA-R GJE LI VEP. Y STABLE A TTA CHEDI. Channey & Harris, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, Main. Collins W. O., attorney at law, cor. Main and High. Compton S. F., dentist, High. Copes Wesley, ice cream saloon, and deal er in confectioneries, toy store, &c., Main. Crosby Isaac, tailor, High. Daniels L. L., carriage manufact'r, Main. Deitz John, boot a id shoe maker, Main. Dill & Pugsley, dealers in grain and pro duce, High. Dill James, dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Main. Dillon & Jeans, blacksmiths and wagon makers, Beach. Doggett H. S., editor and publisher IIills boro' Gazette, Main. Doggett J. & W., cabinet makers and fur niture dealers, Main. Doggett & Co., cabinet makers and furni ture dealers, Main. Dorman J. M., attorney and counselor at law, Court House. Dreffer N. J., cigar manufact'r and dealer, High. D)uckwall Wm., dealer in confectioneries, &c., High. Duvall J., boot and shoe maker, High. Easton E., hide and leather dealer and tanner, Main. Easton G. E., boot and shoe maker and dealer, Main. Eggling E., merchant tailor, High. ELLICOTT HOUSE, TUCKER & BLOUNT, PROP'RS, MAIN. (See card, p. 375.) Ferguson Wm., tailor, High. Fidler J., wagon maker, High. Fidler J. & A., carriage manufact'rs, High. Free M., dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, High. Gaddis R. C., dealer in groceries and con fectior eries, Main. Glascock A., saddle and harness maker, High. Gregg & McFadden, dealers in china, glass, queensware and wall paper, High. Harsha P. & J., dealers in foreign and American marble, east side High, be. tween Main and Walnut. Haynes S., boot and shoe maker, Main. Hays S. D., attorney at law, Main. Hibben Samuel E., dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., High. Highland News, J. L. Boardman editor and publisher, Main. Hill J. B., manufacturer and dealer in stoves and tin ware, Main. Hillsboro' Gazette, Henry S. Doggett, editor and publisher, Main. Holmes W. WV., physician and surgeon, north-west side Public Square. Hornish B. B., dealer in hats, caps, boots and shoes, High. Howell A. R., physician and surgeon, tHigh. Huston David, house, sign and ornamen tal painter, Main. Jenney & Co., bakers and confectioners, Main. Johnson E. L., attorney at law, cor. Main and High. Lane M., blacksmith, High. LAWRENCE GEO. W., POSR MASTER, HIGH. Lawrence James, harness and saddle ma ker, High. LEBER JOSEPH A., PROPRIETOR JEF FERSON HOUSE AND SALOON, MAIN. Lewis J. M., dentist, High. McDowell J. J., attorney at law, High. McGeeves C., dealer in groceries and pro visions, Main. McKee & Johnson, dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes, &c., Main. See adv't of Cleveland Wooden Ware Manufactory, p. 234. HIL 375 HIL HIL 37 March George, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Main and High. MARLAY J. K., DEALER IN HARD WARE, IRON, NAILS, SPRINGS, AXLES AND AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS, ALSO INSURANCE AGENT, HIGH. Mattell Christian, dealer in clothing, hats, caps, hoots, shoes, &c., and proprie tor Hillsboro' brewery, High. Mendanhall J. & Co., dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. Miller D., grocer and insurance agent, High. Miller Jacob, dealer in groceries and pro visions. Main. Miller O. O., clerk Woodrow House, cor. High and Beach. Miller W. W., livery and sale stable, High rear D. Miller's store. Moore Abner, dealer in dry goods, High. Morrow W. A., ambrotype and photo graphic artist, Main, opposite Ellicott House. Moyer J., watch maker and jeweler, Main. Murphy J. S., harness and saddle maker, High. Mlyers John, wagon maker, cor. Main and West. Nevin James, dealer in groceries and pro visions, High. Nevin R. B., blacksmith, Mlain. North Wm., blacksmith, Beach. Orr Mathew, dealer in dry goods, High. Patterson & Van Winkle, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., cor. Main and High. Richards R. & Co., dealers in dry goods, carpets, &c., Main. Rickley John, dealer in stoves and tin ware, High. Roberts M., barber, Main. Rodes Isaac F., dealer in groceries and provisions, Main. Roush & Strain, wholesale and retail gro cers, Main. Sams C. C., physician and surgeon, High. Sayler Jacob, dealer in books, stationery, jewelry, &c., Main. Scruggs T. W., dealer in groceries and provisions, High. Scott D., attorney and counselor at law, High. Scott Wm., attorney and counselor at law, west side Public Square. Senior & Freidenstone, dealers in cloth ing, furnishing goods, jewelry, &c., Main, opposite Court House. Sheaf C. A., attorney at law, cor. Main and High. Shinn & Co., sash, blind and door manu facturers, cor. Walnut and West. Shriver E. W., manufacturer and dealer paints, oils, &c., also news depot, High. Spiegl Abraham, dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Main. Stevens G. F., with G. March, cor. High and Main., Stewart R. & Son, harness and saddle makers, High. Stoane J., attorney a t law, Main. -Stoddard & Bro., boot and shoe makers. High. Taggart John, blacksmith, Walntut. Thompson Jas. H., attorney at law, cor. Main and High. Trimble W. H., steam floutring and saw mill proprietor. TUCKER & BLOUNT, PROPRIETORS ELLICOTT HOUSE, FRONT. (See card, p. 375.) Veail David, express wagon, Main. Vickers & Son, dealers in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., Higb. Waddell R. R., watch maker and jewel l er, Ma in. Wilson Wm., dealer in groceries, High. Woodrow & Miller, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, High. Wright John H. & Co., proprietors Wood row House, cor. High and Beach. Zink George, cabinet maker, Main. HILL'S FORK, A post office of Adams county. HOLLiANSBURG, A village of Darke county, for descriptioni of which, see Republican post office. See adv't of George A. Davis & Co., p. 228. in stoves and tin ware, Main. H. H. McCURDY, Dealer ins, DRY GrOOS, Groceries, Notions, &c., HAOLMES'S MILLS, A post office of Jefferson county. NEW ALBANY, - - OHIO. HOME, A post office of Highland county. Phelps Rollin, tanner. Ramey S. W., physician. Rhoads Sarah A., milliner. Robbins James, harness maker, and coun cilman. Stimson S., physician, and mayor. Strait D. B., township assessor. ULREY JACOB, POSTMASTER. Wagner Geo., township justice. Williams A., constable. Wilson J., township trustee. IIOf-MERVILLE, A- post office of Medina county. HOPEDALE, A post village of Harrison county. (NEW ALBANY VILLAGE,,) i post v'llage of Franklin county, in Plain township, established ill 1835, situated 14 miles north-east from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1000. A.-habetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Allen George, general merchant. Boston John, cabinet maker. Campbell A. J., township trustee. Closson Frances, milliner. Conklin, carpenter. Cooley D., carpenter. Coon Jesse, gunsmith. Cramer Henry, township trustee. Dague Jonathan, hotel prop'r. Finch Rev. J. T., Methodist pastor. Garner James, boot and shoe maker. Ghering Spencer, wagon maker. Guerin F., physician. Haymaker D., township justice. Hepson, grocer. Horlocker C., jr., councilman. Johnston Francis, general merchant. Johnston T. L., councilman, and boot and shoe maker. Kring Henry, township clerk. Landon Mark, tailor Landon Noble, sr., hotel prop'r. McCUtl%T C:>X-3[XC>. WAfrlfnlIkLI kPUT NA M CHARLES H., MANUFAC WARREN ~UUI BANK PUNTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS WARREN COUNTY BANK AND SHOES BROADWAY. Lebanon, Ohio, Pyle George, boot and shoe manufacturer, Broadway. WM+. F. PARSUALLt PROP. Redd T. K. & Co., dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, glass ware, &c., General Banking aind Exchange Bus- Mulberry. iness transacted, and Recal Es- Ringer Charles, fancy groceries, fruit and tate Agency. confectionery, and oyster and dining .....................saloon, Mulberry. Keyte Richard, bakery and confectionery, Ritchie & Coffield, tanners and curriers, Broadway. Miain. Kimball C. W., school teacher. Rockhill & Son, hardware, stoves, tin Koegel J., brick nmason. ware, &c., Mulberry. Krewson Wm., plow maker. ROOSA ANDREW J., PROP'R OF LEBLebanon Council No. 21, Masonic. ANON AND DEERFIELD OMNIBUS Lebanon House, A. L. Ross, jr., prop'r. LINE, CONNECTS WITH ALLEASTLebanon Lodge No. 15, I. 0. O.F. ERN AND WESTERN TRAINS, Lebanon Lodge No. 26, Masonic. BROADWAY. Lebanon R. A. Chapter No. 5, Misonic. ROOSA CHARLES A., DEALER IN ALL LEVI, ISRAEL MERChANT TAILOR, KINDS OF GROCERIES, PRODUCE, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FUR- QUEENS, GLASS AND WILLOW NISfING GOODS, BROADWAY. WARE, &c., SOUTH-EAST CORNER Lewis & Brother, dry goods, groceries, BROADWAY AND MULBERRY, hardware, queensware, hlats, caps, Roosm J. M., coal dealer. boots, shoes, &c., Broadway. ROSS ABNER L., PROP'R LEBANON MIcBurney A. G., attorney at law, cor. HOUSE, BROADWAY, ADJOINING Mulberry and MAechlnic. PUBLIC SQUARE. McCain J. D., township trustee. ROSS A. L., JR., PROP'R OMNIBUS FROM March G. R. & Bro., carriage and wagon LEBANON TO DAYTON, LEBANON manufacturers, East, 1st door north TO CINCINNATI, AND LEBANON of Court House. TO FRANKLIN, LEBANON HOUSE Matthews T., tailor. Ross J. K., brick mason. MELORY H. C., BAKERY AND CONFEC- Sagerty P., township clerk. T[)NERY, BROADWAY. Sauser Thomas, bakery and confectionery, Miller P., brick mason. Mulbery. Morlatt & Nelson, water and steam flour SCHWARTZ JACOB, MARBLE WORK mill, near Broadway. ER AND DEALER, MULBERRY. Morris Rev. B. F., Congregational. Scott James, publisherand editor Western Morris, Benham & Co., staple and fancy Star, issued Thursday, Mulberry. dry goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, car- Sellers Adam, physician and surgeon, pets, queensware, groceries, &c., &c., Main. Broadway. Simonton Adtam, carriage manufacturer, Murphy Thomas, pump maker. Silver. National Hotel, S. Calvin, prop'r. Simonton John, agricultural implements. Nelson & Mlolt, 1)rop rs steam fiouring cor. Mulberry and Mechanic. mill. Simonton Moiss Sallie, millinery, Mulberry. Nesbitt Thomas, saddle and harness man- Smith Christian, dealer in cabinet furni ufacturer, Broadway. ture, Mulberry. Nipgen John A., dealer in drugs, medi- Smith Isaac, insurance agent. cines, paints, oils, varnishes, notions, Smith Lauren, attorney at law, Broadway. &c., Broadway. Smith James M. & John E., attorneys at O'Neal J. Kellyv. attorney at law, Broad- law and notaries public, Masonic way. Building, Broadway. PARSHALL W. F., BANKER AND EX- South Western State Normal School, pro CHANGE BROKER, BROADWAY. fessor A. Halbrook, principal. (See card of Warren County Bank, Squier Rev. E. K., Presbyterian pastor. p. 398.) Stevens J., physician. Parsons Rev. W. R., Methodist pastor. Stickelman & Everett, steam saw mill, PHARES CHARLES, DEALER IN GRO- near Main. CERIES. PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, Stokes H. M., attorney at law. &c., EAST, IN BILLMIRE HOUSE. Stow Rev. M., Baptist pastor. Pullen J. B. & Son, nursery and seeds- Stowell E., brick maker. men. Stowell E. H., brick mason. See adv't of H. Konigslow, Sewing Machines, &c., p. 238. LEB 398 LEB LED Swayer E. T., dentist, Mulberry. THOMPSON THOS. F., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, BROADWAY. Tickenor D. P., cabinet maker. Tomkins Thomas H., watch maker and jeweler, Mulberry. Totten James S., councilman, cor. Broad way and Main. Turner James, candle maker. Van Cleaf A. R., publisher and editor Democratic Citizen, issued Thursday, Mulberry. Vanharlingen John, physician and sur geon, Broadway. Vanharlingen F. S., attorney at law, Broad way. Vanneman Miss Helen, ambrotype and photograph gallery, Mulberry. Vansickle & Bone, groceries, provisions, &c., Mulberry. Voorhis Daniel, general merchant. Ward Durbin, attorney at law, vlasonic Building, Broadway. WARREN COUNTY BANK, WM. F. PARSHALL, PROP'R, BANKING, EXCHANGE AND COLLECTING BUSINESS, BROADWAY. (See card, p. 398.) Watters Miss Sallie, dress making, Broad way. WATTS IRA, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, MULBERRY. WATTS IRA, POSTMASTER, MULBER RY. Weakley Edward, groceries and provisons, Mulberry. Western Star, James Scott, publisher and editor, issued Thursday, Mulberry. WILLIAMS JOSEPH, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, MARKET. Williams Rigdon, recorder, cor. Broadway and Main. Williams Rev. S., Baptist pastor Wilson Wm. W., attorney at law and no tary public, Broadway. Win John, agentlt of American Express Company, Broadway. Wood Nathan, dealer in groceries, provis ions &c., cor. Mulberry and Mechanic. Wright A. G., coal dealer. Wright Edward B., dealer in drugs, med icines, paints, oils, &c., Mulberry. Wykoff B. G., councilman, cor. Broadway LEESBURG, A post office of Highland ~ounty. LEESVILLE CROSS ROADS, A post office of Crawford county. LEIPSIC, A post village of Putnam county, in Liberty township, established in 1852, situated on Yellow creek, and on the Dayton and Michigan Railway, north-east from Kalida, l115 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 500. Township 1000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta AMERICAN HOUSE, G. t& W. HARRIS, PROPRIETORS. ARMSTRONG J. S., PROPRIETOR ARM STRONG HOUSE. Askam Chas, saddler. Askam Win., grocer. Buckingham B. F., grocer. Butler, stave dealer. Denard John, blacksmith. Donahoe Miss Elizabeth, milliner. EMlERY S. S., M. D., OFFICE AND RES IDhNCE, MAIN. Enminger John H., general merchant. Evans Wesley, tanner. Faber -, w agon maker. Gree n Henry, resident farmer. HARRIS G. & W., HOTEL PROPRIE TORS, FARMERS, BUTCHERS AND STOCK DEALERS. HARRIS G. & W., PROPRIETORS AMIEIR ICAN HOUSE. Haskell Geo. R., cooper. Henry Samuel, resident farmer. Hopkins Austin, resident farmer. Jack Robert, general merchant. Johnson V. B., brick mason. Lenhart Henry, township trustee and far mer. Lisle C. C., tailor, Main. Lowry Miss Rebecca, school teacher. Lowry R. J., pearlash manufacturer and justice of the peace. McBride B. F., proprietor steam saw mill, and dealer in all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, &c. McDowell John, shoemaker. A post office of Athens county. See adv't of Isaac A. Isaacs, p. 236. 11399 LEI LEE'S CREEK, A post office of Clinton. county. LEESVILLE, A post village of C,,trroll county. and Main. LEDLIE'S, A post office of A,,Ieigs county. .ijEE, LEW McKelvy William, resident farmer. Martin John; blacksmith. MEACHAM MRS. CLARA L., POST MISTRESS AND MILLINER. Meacham H. E., bookseller. Means, physician. Miller Samuel, resident farmer. Montooth Henry, resident farmer. Pritchard A. G., physician and surgeon. Ramsey J. C., resident farmer. Ramsey Truman, carpenter. Reed Safford, resident farmer. Shaft Jacob, resident farmer. Shakely John, real estate agent and hotel prop'r. Sigler J., gunsmith. Springer George, physician. Springer George, express agent and coin mission merchant. Tingle Joseph, shoemaker. Waltner David,jr., pearlash manufacturer. Waltner Samuel, constable. Walton David, resident farmer. Walton Jacob, resident farmer. Wells H., physician. Williamson Thomas, resident farmer. Young U. P., flouring mill. Alphabetical List of Professions, T rades, POTc. Bathauser Rev. C., Methodist paster. Chapman J., sul erwisor. Davis J., constable. Day J. C., cooper. Haymer E. C., township trustee. Haymer H., general merchant. Haymer H. C., township trustee. Hayumer Josiah, hotel prop'r. Higginbothem & Stevenson, coopers. Hopkins Thomas, supervisor. Kuyn Samuel, carpenter. McClain H., constable. McClintock John, physician. Piper G. L., township clerk. PIPER GEORGE L., TAILOR AND POST MASTER. Richey, supervisor. Sayre E., township assessor. Sayre Jonas, supervisor. Swallow Wmn. M., general merchant. Ummsetter E. W., boot and shoe maker. Wright Mliss Eliz,albeth, milliner. Wagner Alfred, carpenter. LETI fMBERVILLE, A post office of Marion county. LENA, A post village of Fulton county. LEVEL, A post office of Warren county. LENOX, A post office of Ashtabula county. A post village of Knox county. LEON, A post office of Ashtabula county. A post office of Jackson county. LEONARDSBURG, A post office of Delaware county. A post office of Brown county. LEROY, A post village of Medina county. LEWISBURG, A post office of Preble county. A village of the same name is situated in Champaign county, for description of which, see North Lewisburg post office. A post office of Ashtabula county. LEWIS CENTER, A post village of Delaware county. A post village and township of Meigs county, established about 1830, situated on the Ohio river, 90 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 100. Township 1,000. See adv't of Union Hall, p. 236. 0 LEN 400 LEVERING, LEVI, LEWIS, LE'SOURDSVILLE, LETART FALLS, LEWISTOWN, A post village of Logan county. LEW 401 LEX LEWISVILLE, A post office of Monroe county. See, also, Canal Lewisville, page 62. LEXINGTON, A prominent post village of Richland county, in Troy township, established in 1812, situated on Clear Fork of the Mohican river, and on the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark railway, 60 miles north by east from Columbus. Population 550. Township 1,600. Kelley Joseph H., stoves and tin ware. Kiner Philip, cooper. King Samuel, township trustee. Leverings Ida, dress maker. Lewis Wm., township treasurer. Lexington Male and Female Seminary, Rev. Richard Gailey, prin cipal. agent. Moore & Patterson, pro~Y,prietrsMoica Lind sey Wm., harness m aker. Lumers W. L., recorde r. McCluer Samuel, township justice. McQuown D. A., township justice. McQuown Leonidas, tow ns hip clerk. Mansfi eld G., ambrotypist and council man. Mansfield Gilead, pump maker. Matchell R. W., physician. Matthews Martha, school teacher. Maxwell Thomas, township trustee. Miller George, councilman. Mitchell Rev. John, Methodist pastor. Mitchell Samuel, fanning mill manufac turer. Mohican House, Moore & Patterson, pro prietors. Moore Hugh S., carpenter. Moore & Patterson, proprietors Mohican House. Mouer George, carriage and wagon maker. Narence David, boot and shoe maker. Patterson James, carpenter. Patterson Thomas, tailor. Poland C., dress maker. Potts J. C., school teacher. Redding Rev. —, Methodist pastor. Rhodes Levi, boot and shoe maker. Rogers Wm., boot and shoe maker. Shanton O. T., harness maker. Shuma John, brick maker. Slocum Heman, tailor. Sowers M. & Sons, general merchants and pork packers. Spaulding J. A. L., prop'r Eagle Hotel. and constable. Spaulding Miles, township justice. Steward S., physician. Stough John, cabinet maker. Stough Samuel, architect and sash, blind and door maker. Strausbaugh John, brick maker. Strong Rev. T., Univerist pastor. Tannehill Z. A., boot and shoe maker. Waggoner H. R., carriage and cradle maker. Walker John G( township trustee. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abernethy Mrs., school teacher. Anderson H. P., physician. Anderson Rev. James, Presbyterian pastor. Baldwin Ambrose, constable. Ball Phineas, attorney at law. Ball R. S., baker. Barker Henry, carpenter. Barlow Rev. C. L., United Brethren pastor. Baughman Jacob, boot and shoe maker. BAUGHMAN WM., BOOKSELLER AND INSURANCE AGENT. (See card, p. 401.) BAUGHMAN WM., POSTMASTER. Baughman W. F., dentist. Beverstock. A. B., general merchant and pork packer. Beverstock J. B., coal dealer and sewing machine agent. Beverstock J. B., express and railroad agent. Blair Peter L., druggist and dealer in wines and liquors. Boggs James A., stoves and tin ware. Boggs James A., maayor. Carrothers James, broker and councilman. Cary Manson, prop'r livery stable. Cockley W. W., carriage and wagon maker. Coleman Abner W., tanner. Cook Thomas, councilman. Cook W. H., tailor. Coyner Rev. D. H., Presbyterian pastor. Culp C. D., boot and shoe maker. Culp L., physician. Davis & Hahn, prop's fiouring and saw mills. Dickie Wm., painter. Dudley E. F., boot and shoe maker. Eagle Hotel, J. A. L. Spaulding, prop'r. Englehart Conrad, grocer. Fleming S. K., grocer. Gailey Rev. Richard, principal Lexington Male and Female Seminary. Green S. R. & Son, brick masons. Hales G. H., boot and shoe maker, and marshal. Johnston M. T., broom maker. Junkin J. G., physician. 26 LEW 401 LEX WILLIAM BAUGHMAN, And Insurance Agent, LEXING TON, - - - 0-HIO. LIB 4O LIM Alphabetical List of Protessions, Trades, Etc Adair B. L., hats and caps, Main. WEtna Insurance Cnmpany, I. S. Pillars, agent, Sanford's Building. Alderman Rev. S. H., pastor M. E. church, Market. Alderman Miss, teacher intermedi ate, bds. Market. American Exchange Insurance Company, L. C. Hurd, agent, Sanford's Build ing. Anderson D. H., physician and surgeon, Market, res. same. Anderson James A., attorney at law. Anthony Charles, saloon, north-east cor. Public Square. Armstrong Martin, attorney at law. Armstrong Wm., farmer, Main. Ashton F. & F., hardware, Ashton's Bl'k, cor. Main and Market. Ashton & Kinkaid, physicians, Ashton's Block. Barral W. B., agent P., Ft. W. and C. R. R., Depot. Baxter Alfred C., agent U.S. and Ameri can Express Co.'s, bds. Main. Baxter Geo. M., attorney at law, Ashton's Block, res. Market. Baxter Samuel, attorney at law, Ashton's Block, res. Main. Bell J. K., constable, south-west cor. Pub lic Square. Betts Henry, Union Hotel, near Depot. Bower & Whitaker, carriage manufact'rs, north-east cor. Public Square. Buckmaster Saul R., sheriff, Main. Caddy Rev. C., Protestant Methodist pas tor, High. Clayton Thos., wagon maker, Market. Cole Mrs. I., millinery, Main. Collaiz J. H., physician, Main. COLLETT JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOUTH-EAST CORNER P U B LI C SQUARE. COLLINS D. D., SALOON, RAILROAD CROSSING. Compton J., wool carding, Water. Cunningham Miss Nancy, milliner, Cun ningham's Block. Curtis J. H. & Co., general store, Ashton's Block, cor. Market and Main. Curtiss Julian, ambrotypist and photo graphist, south-east corner of Public Square. CURTISS O., POSTMASTER, EAST SIDE MAIN. Dague & Lamb, general merchants, south east cor. Public Square. Delzell I. W., blacksmith, cor. Market and Tanner. Dowling Wm., deputy auditor, Market. Faurot Ben., dealer in horses, Market. Feiss & Scott, wholesale and retail cloth ing merchants, south-east cor. Public Square. Wallace A. G., physician. Whishman J. K., auctioneer. Whitford C., tanner. Williams John, painter. Wyanoorka Lodge, No. 132, I. O. O. F. ________________ Market. A post office of Montgomery county. A village of the same name is situated in Guernsey county, for description of which see Kimbolton post office, page 390. LIBERTY HILL, A post office of Washinlgton county. A post office of Crawford county. LIMA, A prominent post village, and the capital of Allen county, in Ottawa township, situated on Ottawa river, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, and the Dayton and Michigan railways, 89 miles north-west from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, fifteen mercantile and various manufacturing establishment. Population 2,00(0. ALLEN COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, Thomas M. Robb. Clerk, John H. Meily. Auditor, George W. Overmyer. Recorder, John G. Ridenour. Sherif, Samuel R. Buckmaster. Treasurer, Shelby Taylor. Prosecuting Attorney, J. N. Guthridge. Coroner, Samuel Sanford. Commissioners, Cadwalder Jacob, Freeman Bell, Almon E. Hadsell. Infirmary Directors, Ja's Chenoweth, David Bayte, John B. Reeder. See a dvt. S. G. Burnet & Co., opp. index to Classified Bus. Directory. LIB 402 LIM LIBERTY, LIBERTY CORNERS, -1 post office of Crawford county. LICKING VALLEY, A. post office of Muskingum county. LIKENS, LILLEY, A post office of Scioto county. LIM 403 LIM Fowler B. B., tailor, east side Pub. Square. Gardner G., gunsmith, Market, cor. Public Square. Gibbs Rev. W., Second Presbyterian pas tor, Market. Guthridge J. N., attorney at law and coun ty prosecutor, East Market. Halladay & Brown, general merchants, west side Public Square. Hamilton E. G., mayor, south-west corner Public Square. Harbert M. J., milliner, west side Public Square. Harold M., grocery, near Depot. Harper Wm. H., physician and surgeon, Cunningham's Block. Hartford Insurance Co., I. S. Pillars, ag't, Sanford's Building. Holland & Buskirk, wholesale and retail ~ grocers, Cunningham's Block. Holmes B. P., general store, north-west cor. Public Square. Hover & Metheam, gen'l merchants, deal ers in produce, &c.j south-west corner Public Square. Howard N. B., druggist, north-west corner Public Square. Howard Patrick, (col.,) barber, west side Public Square. Hughes C. M., attorney at law and notary public, south-east cor. Pub. Square. Hughes J. L., justice of peace, and agent for McCormick's Reapers and Mowers, south-west cor. Public Square. Hughes J. R., stoves, tin ware, &c., east side Public Square. Hume Robert, livery stable, south-west cor. Public Square. Hurd L. C., (Hurd & Pillars,) attorney at law, Sanford's Building, res. Mar ket. Hurd & Pillars, (L. C. Hurd & I. S. Pil lars,) attorneys at law, Sanford's Building. Jacobs Levi, clothing, east side of Public Square. Johnston Rev. T. P., Presbyterian pastor, Market. Keller Mrs. E., millinery, west side Main. Keller J. E., saddle and harness maker, east side Public Square. Kemmner Chas., cooper. Kendall F. S., physician and surgeon, Main. Keve Jacob L., tailor, Main. Kiblinger D. W., carpenter and builder, High. King T. B. & Co., corn and produce mer chants, Main, near Railroad. King & Churchill, general store, east side Public Square. Kolb, grocery, Main. Krebs A. R., ambrotypist and photograph ist, south-west cor. Pub. Square. Krouse J. W., grocer, east side of Public Square. Kyle Fanny, school teacher, bds. Main. Lamison & Hughes, attorneys at law, south cor. Public Square. Lee W. E., attorney at law, Ashton's Bl'k, res. Ma rke t. Lee & Newe ll, maaufact'rs pot and pearl ash, Water. Lipfert Christian, cabi net maker, Main. Lima Gazette, C. Parmenter, editor, south west cor. Public Square. Lisle S., real estate dealer. Littlefield D. W., count y surveyor, Mar ket. Lloyd Lizzie, teacher, bds. cor. M ain and Spring. Lye L. N., baker and confectioner, Main. Lyon Joseph, saloon. McHenry W H., physician, Sanford's Bl'k, res. M ain. MACKENZIE JAMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND EDITOR NATIONAL, SOUTH-WEST CORNER P U B LI C SQUARE. Maguire E. J., express wagon, Market. Mayo Theodore, sup't D. and M. machine shops, Depot. Meily O., school teacher, bds. Main. Melhorn John, boots and shoes, Main. Metcalf Ben. F., jndge of District Court, Market. Metheamy A. M., telegraph operator, De pot Buildings. Mitchell T. T., saddle and harness maker, east side Public Square. Musser & Mahan, grist mill. Musser & Mitchell, manufacturers and dealers in furniture, sash, doors, blinds, &c., east side Main. Myers O. F., attorney at law, south-west cor. Public Square. Naftsger G., hardware, &c., south-west cor. Public Square. 2ational, James Mackenzie, editor, south west cor. Public Square. Neal J. S., collector, Market. Neff C. I., physician and surgeon, north side Public Square. Neise H., boots, shoes, leather, &c., east side Public Square. Neise Samuel, boots, shoes, &c., east side Public Square. Nichols & Cunningham, attorneys at law, Cunningham's Block. Overmyer Geo. W., county auditor, Court House. Overmyer & Co., sash, doors, &c., Market. Owen David, blacksmith and wagon ma ker, Main, near Bridge. Palm John C., grocer, and cigar manu facturer, Main, near Railroad. Pangle U., grocer, Main. Parker Aaron, wagon maker. See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover. LIM 403 LIM LIM 404 LI Parmenter C., editor Lima Gazette, and real estate agent, south-west cor. Pub li~ Square. Phoenix Insurance Co., Brooklyn, L. C. Hurd, agent, Sanford's Building. Pillars I. S., (Hurd & Pillars,) attorney at law, Sanford's Building. Pillars I. S. & Co., exchange bankers, Sanford's Building. Rankin & Tirreli, watches, clocks and jewelry, south-east cor. Public Square. Richards J. & Co., grocers and provision dealers, Main. Ridenour John G., county recorder. Robb Thomas M., probate judge, and a t torney at law, Court House. Robb Mrs., millinery, Main. Robinson James, (col.) barber, south-east cor. Main and Market. Roush John, stoves and tin ware, Main. Sage W. J., bookseller and stationer, Cun ningham's Block. Sanford Samuel, physician, Market. Satterthwait I. W., dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, books, stationery, &c., south-west cor. Public Square. Schell A. E., dentist, south-east cor. Pub lic Square. Shade John, prop'r Lima House, south. east cor. Public Square. Shaw William A., superintendent Union School. Shepard J. D. & Co., saloon, Depot. Shine B. J., saloon. Simon Joseph, boarding house. Smith A. N., stoves, tin ware, castings, manufacturer of iron railing, and iron founder, east side Public Square, cor. Main and Market. Smith Samantha, teacher. Statts Hiram, prop'r Front Hflouse, near Depot. Steiner & Co., grocers, Main. Stevens Rev. G. L., pastor Baptist Church, cor. West and Market. Stevens H. W., grocer, east side Public Square. Striker & Bros., clothiers, east side Public Square. Stump Wm., cancer physician, North. Taylor R. G., agent D. & M. R. R., Depot Buildings. Taylor Shelby, county treasurer, Court House. Templeton Lizzie, teacher grammar dep't, Union School. Tingle Harvey, prop'r Tingle House, near Depot. Tucker N., attorney at law, Ashton's Block. Ullman Emanuel, Lima House Saloon, north-east cor. Public Square. V an M arter & Co., prop'rs Young Ameri ca Saloon, Market, near Main. Wamsley J. B., boots and shoes, south-west cor. Public Square. Willower A. H., prop'r American Hotel, Tanner. Wolf M., brewer. Wykoff Garrett, blacksmith. A post village and township of Medina county, establiseed in 1833, 9 miles from Medina, and 37 miles south-west from Cleveland. Township population 1,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Buell S. A., township treasurer. Carpenter Jas. H., physicia n. Cole S. W., township trustee. Delamater Rev., Congregational pas tor. Done E., township constable. Eggleston J. S., boot and shoe maker. tierrick N. H., prop'r steam saw mill. Hollady S., notary public. Kleghan C., tailor. McClintock, hotel prop'r. McKinsey E., physician. Moses R., leather dealer. Nelson H., general merchant. NOBLE H. K., POSTMASTER. Norton H. E., harness maker. Olcott D. B., township trustee. Pelton C., sewing machine agent. Pelton W., township constable. Raiddie J., leather dealer. Rice Elijah, township assessor. Richards Chas., jewelry, &c. Richards Chas., township clerk. Rinker J. J., carriage and wagon maker. Safferd Rev., Methodist pastor. Samonson, grocer. See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. LIM 404 LIT LIMAVILLE, A post office of Stark county. LINDENVILLE, A post office of Ashtabula county. LINNVILLE, A post village of Licking cunty. LINTON, A post office of Jefferson county. LINTON 1VJ-ILLS, A post office of Coslioct,on count.y. LITCHFIELD, 405 Shanahan C. A., township justice. Starr A. M., township justice. Tanner Henry, carriage and wagon ma ker. Tanner Miss A., dress maker. Tooth James, township trustee. Wait Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Wood Rev. W. H., Baptist pastor. Woodworth T., edge tool manufacturer. DRY GOODS, Skeen S. M., druggist. Sparhawk Nathan, township trustee. Stone Rufus, school teacher. Travis A., saloon keeper. Waterman A., wool grower. White David, wool grower. LITTLE BEAVER BRIDGE, A post office of Columbiana county. LITTLE SANDUSKY, A post village of Wyandot county, in Pitt township, established in 1824, situated on Little Sandusky river, 7 miles southi-east from Upper Sandusky, and 56 miles north by west from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,000. LITTLE HOCKING, A post village of, ashington county, in Belpre township, established in 1820, situated on the Ohio river, 20 miles below Marietta, and 100 miles south-East from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ets a Bol]iet Tilman, t ownship t rustee. Brewer P., saloon keeper. Brisbine N. B., school teacher. Cunningham Hiram, carpenter. Cunningham James, grocer. Daughmer Henry, brick maker. Downy Rev. John, United Brethren pastor. Duley Mary. school teacher. FOUKS JOHN S., POSTMASTER. Fowler C. R., wool grower and township treasurer. Fowler S. M., wool grower. Fowler S. P., wool grower and township trustee. Gothier Ulrich, carriage and wagon ma ker. Harpster D., wool grower. Hering Christian, hotel prop'r and saloon keeper. Holmes'Thos., prop'r flouring mill. Hughes B., wool grower. Hurtz Michael, carriage and wagon ma ker. Lawrence Rev., Methodist pastor. Leonard Miss E., school teacher. Martin C. S., boot and shoe maker. Mears Albert, justice of peace. Mears J. R., constable. Myers Jno. F., grocer and tailor. Reed David, painter. Reed S. A., cabinet maker. Reed Wm. M., physician. Ruppe Jno. S., general merchant. Shorb Joseph, township assessor. Slevens A., physician. & Co., Ice Chests, &c., p. 168. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Adams Rev. E. P., Methodist pastor. Allen Davis, lumber dealer and wool grower. Barrows F. A., prop'r steam fiouring and saw mills. Bartlett John, coal dealer. Bartlett Rev. F., Congregational pastor. Botkin Charles, tailor. Botkin William, general merchant. Breckenridge John, township assessor. Clough Seymour, township trustee. Coggshall N. & Bro., carriage and wagon makers. Cole John, cooper. Creigbaum G. W., township clerk. Curtis Henry, stoves and tin ware. CURTIS H. G., POSTMASTER. CURTIS H. G. & CO., GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card, p. 405.) Curtis Horace, insurance agent. Curtis H. & Sons, nursery and seedsmen. Davidson Eli, carriage and wagon maker. Dennis Miles, brick mason. Edwards J. H., attorney at law. Edwards John, constable. Frost A., saw mill. Goodnoe J. T., township treasurer. Hill Roger, prop'r Ohio House. Hill Wm., boot and shoe maker. King A. & Co., fish dealers. Knowles R. C., justice of peace. Lockwood S. T., boot and shoe maker. Ohio House, Roger Hill, prop'r. Plumley J. S., township trustee. Porter Ella, school teacher. See advt. of John C. Schooley& LIT LIT It. G. CURTIS & CO.3. Dealers in Groceries, Hardware, &c., LITTLE ROCKING, - - OHIO. LITHOPOLIS, A post office of Fairfield county. LIT 406 LOC Marsh E., cooper. Marsh John, cooper and township justice. Marther Jason, attorney at law and nota ry public. Mathews J., township clerk. Miller E., township constable. Parker S. B., physician. Parmalee A. S., carding machine. Parmalee A. S., prop'r steamt flouring mill. Parmalee Mrs. Mary R., milliner. Penn H., gunsmith. Pierce Frank, ambrotypist. Prichard A. J., pump maker. Prichard Chas., foundry prop'r. Prichard Chas., plow maker. Prichard J., cabinet maker. PRICHARD S. C., POSTMASTER, NO TARY PUBLIC AND INSURANCE AGENT. Prichard S. C., township justice. Rider J., carriage and wagon maker. Rinckey S. D., school techer. Seymour & Frisbee, wAon makers. Shoemaker -—, physician. Stubel J. A., tanner. Terril N., township constable. Tillotson E. A., insurance agent. Tolthort G. W., dentist. Warner E. S., painter. Warner H. W., gunsmith. Wohlgemoth David, tailor. Wood E., cooper. nitor, ) e t9 LOCKING TON, - - OHIO. Straw Lewis, wool grower and township trustee. Swihart J. J., township constable. Wilmeth Joseph, carpenter. Worley C. V. D., township clerk. Worth S. M., township justice. Worth S. M., general merchant and wool grower. LITTLE YORK, A post office of Montgomery county. LIVERPOOL, A post village and township of Medina county, established in 1810, situated on Rocky river, 9 miles north by west from Medina, and 28 miles south-west from Cleveland. Population 500. Township 2,500. LOCK, A post office of Knox county. AdisnAo,bommkr Bile.C,dygos CarArn~onhp sesradisr LOCKBOURNE, A post village of Franklin county. tee. _______ _______ LOCKINGTON, A post village of Shelby county, in Washington township, established in 1848, situated on Laramie, near the Miami river, 1 mile from the Dayton and Michigan railway, 8 miles south-west from Sidney, and 78 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,000. aGer-iniga M., c~tarpntiso aer. Hagerling C., boot and shoe maker. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Hammersmith J., harness maker. Beers George, grocer. Heath -, painter. Davenport A., township trustee. Hill H. B., architect. Dye C.., prop'r Farmer's Hotel. Howard O. J., physician. Farmer's HIotel, C. Dye, prop'r. Kepelmyer -, physician. Gillespie D. K., lumber dealer and counKipp Anthony, rope manufacturer. cilman. Langenbacken A. & Co., dry goods. Gillespie H., township clerk. Lord D., notary public. Guthrie H., township justice. Marley G. F., township trustee. HOLLY G. W., POSTMASTER. Marley T., carpenter. HOLLY & GILLESPIE, GENERAL MERMarsh A., cooper. CHANTS. (See card, p. 406.) See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. LIT 406 LOC HOLLY & GILLESPIE, Dealers'in Groceries, Hardware, &C., LO~1 407 LOD Humphrey J., carpenter. Humphrey John, clerk. Kelly A., cooper. Mellinger Wm., township justice. Miller Rev. W., United Brethren pastor. Mohler A., councilman. Mohler & Rasor, general merchants. Raffensberger P., boot and shoe maker. Raffensberger P., councilman. Rasor D., township trustee. Rasor J., township treasurer. Rouse & Holcomb, prop'rs fiouering mill. Smith Jacob, township constable. Thuirber Rev. W. J., Methodist pastor. Thurber W. J., school teacher. Warrick A., edge tool manufacturer. Warrick A. & A. J., carriage and wagon makers. Williams C. I)., marshal. Wilson F., councilman. Wilson N. & Co., carding machine. Wood Geo. J., physician and village treas urer. A post village of Adams county. LOCKPORT, A small post village of Williams county, in Brady township, established in 1838, situated on Tiffin river, 12 miles from Bryan, and about 150 miles north northwest from Columbus. Population 50. Township 2,000. LODI, A flourishing post village of Medina county, established in 1815, situated on the east branch of Black River, 10 miles south-west from Medina, and 38 miles south-west from Cleveland. Population 500. Township 1,600. Booth Eli, township treasurer. Burkdolf J., township trustee. Corlett Wm., constable. Ely Asher, township assessor. Ely R., township trustee. Ervine J., township trustee. Fish A., school teacher. GISH A., PROP'R LOCKPORT AND POSTMASTER. Gish A. S., school teacher. Gish S., school teacher. Lockport Hotel, A. Gish, prop'r. Mignery Frederick, carpenter. Miller A., tailor. Miller C. A., school teacher. Miller C. M., school teacher. Miller E., school teacher. Mondy J., township justice. Rings Geo., township clerk. Rolland Geo., cabinet maker. Russel R., cons table. Solin F., brick maker. Willette R., township justice. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. AINSWORTH H., POSTMASTER AND BANKER. Ainsworth Miss Emma, school teacher. AINSWORTH & SHEPHERD, GENERAL MERCHANTS. Andreas John, prop'r steam saw mill. Bosworth Rev. Q. M., Congregational pas tor. Crosby Miss M., milliner. Cutler C., wool grower. English Robt., attorney at law, and town ship trustee. Finney Misses, milliners. Fountaine W. T., barber. Gardner Rev., Methodist pastor. Gilbert A. W., painter, and carriage and wagon maker. Gilley A., wool grower. Haines A. D., prop'r steam flouring mill. Hicks Rev. G. C., Methodist pastor. Higbee J., banker. Hoag M., druggist and physician. Homer J. & Son, tanners. Horn S., pump maker. A post village of Fairfield county, in Violet township, established in 1850, situated on Little Walnut creek, and on the Ohio Ca See adv't of Buckeye House, Columbus, p. 270. LOU 407 LOD nal, 12 miles north-west from Lancastr, and 12 miles east by south from Colurrbus. Population 250. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ensminger A. M., carpenter. King Chas., carpenter. King Henry, carpenter. MITHOFF G. A., POSTMASTER. MITHOFF & BRO., GENERAL MER CHANTS AND GRIST MILL PRO PRIETORS. Smith E., hotel prop'r. Werterhaune F., cooper. LOCUST CORNER, A post office of Clermont county. LOCUST GROVE, LOCUST RIDGE, A post office of Brown county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. HOTEL LOCKVILLE, LOD 408 LOG iL 0 )D I DRAM ATI C ASSO CIITI O o Under the personal supervision of Messrs. Ainsworth & Loomis, LODI, OHIO. Hunter M., school ten Jason G. W., cabinet right agent. Lodi Division So ns 1-53. LODI DRAMATIC Al card, p. 408.). Lodi Hotel, S. L. Stri Loomis M. B., towns tioneer. Loomis Sophiah, scho ' Loomis T. G., lumbe saw mill prop'r. *Loomis T. G., genera] Luce Eli, counstable. Mallory C. W., harne Marsh E. O., painter. Mead G., brick mason Mihille W. L., townsl Miller Hiram, confect Minns E., wool grow Moore J. H., woolen Moore W. F., attorne: public. Munson Eben, towns Munson S., wool gro~ Munson T., constable Palmer H. F., prop'r Park J. O., wool grow Parker D., carriage a Phelps Miss, dry Prentice L. D., carpe , Prentice W. W., carp justice. Rapp Lewis, cabinet Selders H., prop'r liv Selders & Gaylord, w Shaw D. H., boot and Sibley E. H., physici~ Smith A. L., broom I] Smith Miss T., dress Stevens Perry, coope Stringham S. L., pro] Taylor J., banker a and tin ware. Tousley G., wool gro Tuttle, townshit Tuttle L,, architect. Ward J. N., painter. Warren J., foundrym Weaver H. D., cabine Weaver J. W., boot a Whitmore L. E., amb , Winters Wm., lumbel steam saw mill. (MOUNTSVILLE VILLAGE.) A small post village of Morgan county, in Homer township, established in 1840, situated at the head of Federal creek, 15 miles south-west from McConnellsville, and about 70 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 50. Township 2,000. saw mIll pAlphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. 1 merchant. Andreas M. L., harness maker. Luce El,ousBauersock D., edge tool manufacturer. Mss maker. Beard Jane, milliner. Beard John, physician. Ma.brk a. Beard Rev. John, Methodist pastor. h ip assessor. Carpenter J., coal dealer. tioner and grocer. Cary Henry, township trustee. er. Cliff S., broom maker. manufacturer. Cone J., boot and shoe maker. y at law and notary Conn John, carriage, wagon and plow maker. hip justice. CRAWFORD J. T., POSTMASTER AND wer. SALT DEALER. Mnn.csb. Danford M. F., patent right agent. carding machine. Danford R. R., township justice and hotel wer. prop'r. nd wagon maker. Dillie A., attorney at law. ess maker. Dillie Elizabeth, school teacher. nter. Fox MI. R., grist mill prop'r. enter and township Hale Simeon, cooper. Harvey Rev. A. W., Methodist pastor. maker. Hines G. W., attorney at law and tanner. rery stable. Ivy Rev. A., Methodist pastor. ragon makers. Jones M., wooden and willow ware. S shoe maker. Law J., township treasurer. an and dentist. McCatharine Wm., cabinet maker. maker. McGloughlin Eliza, tailoress. maker. MIcKee Solomon, barber. r. McLain James, township trustee. p'r Lodi hotel. McLain John, coal dealer. and dealer in stoves McLaughlin P. K., auctioneer. McMellen H., ambrotypist. wer. Mathews Wm., brick mason. p trustee. Moody David, nursery and seedsman. Moody M., saw mill prop'r. Moody Martin, township trustee. lan and plow maker. Mounts Jacob, chair manufacturer. Wt maker. Mount John, physician. nd shoe maker. Mowrus Milton, prop'r steam saw mill. rotypist. Smith Isaac, sash and blind maker. r dealer and prop'r Smith Isaac, chair manufacturer. Smith John S., grist mill prop'r. See adv't of Isaac B. Baker, p. 268. L04 LOD 408 LOGAN, A post village and the capital of ITooking county, situated on the.Hocking river, 48 miles south-east from Columbus. LOGANVILLE,, A post village of Looan county. LOG CABIN, I LOX 409 LON Driesbaclh Abner, councilman, Main. Droyer James, merchant tailor, Main. Dungan John, hardware, stoves, tin, sheet iron, and copper ware, Main. Dungan Wilson, manufacturer and dealer in furniture, Main. Farrar & Brother, wholesale and retail groceries, provisions, &c., Main. Godfrey Miss Mary E., milliner and dress making, Main. Gould Wm. & E. J., lumber dealers and manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds, Main. Harrison & Warner, attorneys at law, Main. Heilman John, groceries, Main. Horn James, councilman, Main. Howsman Wm., proprietor of National House, Main Cross. Hutcheson Robert, attorney at law, cor. Main and Main Cross. Jones Isaac, blacksmith. Jones R. B., blacksmith, Main. Jones Dr. Teland, physician and surgeon, Main. Jones Wm., proprietor of Phifer House, cor. of Main and Main Cross. Jones Wm., dry goods, goceries, &c., Main. Jones & Co., wholesale and retail groce ries and provisions, Main. Kahn Louis, dealer in ready made cloth ing, Main. Kleder George, steam saw mill, Main. Kemp Isaac C., groceries, provisions, and produce, Main. Kemp Isaac C., councilman, Main. Keneaster John, boot and shoe manufac turer and dealer, cor. Main and Main Cross. KINNEY WM. M. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CARPETS, CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, MAIN. LONG B. C., DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, MAIN. LOTSPEICH & SON, SADDLE AND HAR NESS MANUFACTURERS, A N D DEALERS, MAIN. LOW ABEL, POST MASTER, AND DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATION ERY, AND AGENT OF AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, MAIN. McCloud J. C., attorney at law, Main. McCormack Thomas, tailor, Main. McLAUGHLIN DAVID, PRORIETOR COWLING HOUSE, NEAR RAILS ROAD DEPOT, MAIN. (See card, p. 410.) McLAUGHLIN DAVID, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT, MAIN. (See card, p. 410. ) McLean James, councilman, Main. MADISON CHRONICLE, G. W. SPANG, PUBLISHER, E. S. RANDOLPH, A prominent post village and the capital of Madison county. situated on the Little Miami and Springfield railway, 25 miles west by south from Columbus. Population about 1,500. MADISON COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk A. A. Hume. Auditor, Oliver P. Crabb. Treasurer, William H. Chandler. Sheriff, William S. Shepherd. Recorder, George Bowen. Probate Judge, Benj. F. Clark. Coroner, Andrew L. Brown. Prosecuting Attorney, H. W. Smith. Surveyor, L. Willoughby. C ommissi oners, Benjamin Harrison, Thos. P. Jones, Washington Withrow. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Acton Brothers, manufacturers and deal ers in saddles and harness, Main. Bentzel George, proprietor Pennsylvania House, Main. BETTS JOHN, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES &c., MAIN CROSS. Biedenbach George, locksmith, Main. Bolds T. & Son, boot and shoe dealers and manufacturers, Main. Bowen Geo., recorder, Main. Brown Dr. Andrew L., surgeon dentist, Main. Bryan M. L., publisher and editor of Na tional Democrat, issued Thursday, Main. Cain James, barber, Main. COBLENTZ & RIDENOW, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, AND DEAL ERS IN GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c., MAIN. Coltis James, carpenter and builder, on Railroad, near Main. COWLING HOUSE, DAVID McLAUGH LIN, PROPRIETOR, MAIN, NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT. (See card, p. 410.) Creighton David M., attorney at law, Main. Curd & Allison, boot and shoe manufac turers, Main Cross. Darling D. N. S., physician and surgeon, Main. Dowling Mrs. Annie, millinery and dress making, Main. See adv't of National Hotel, Columbus, p, 268. LON LON 409 Snider M., hats and caps. Walthour Elizabeth, tailoress. Walthour J. M., painter. Yanaway J. H., physician. LONDON, LON 410 LOU goWLI BG lOU gSI DAVID McLAUGHLIN, Proprietor, Main Street, near Railroad Depot, In connection with the above establishment is a first class Livery and Sale Stable. Sale Stable. Winchester A. & Son, merchant tailors and clothiers, Main. Wright F., billiard room, Main. EDITOR, ISSUED THURSDAY, MAIN. Milton & Scurry, barbers, Main. Minter Samuel, marble works and dealer, Main Cross. Mohn Wim., boot and shoe maker, Main. MONTGOMERY B. F. & TULLIS E., AT TORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTA RIES PUBLIC, MAIN. National Democrat, M. L. Bryan, publisher, issued Thursday, Main. NEWCOMBE CALVIN, CABINET MA KER AND UNDERTAKER, MAIN CROSS. Palmer P. C., carriage and wagon manu facturer. PEETREY & CREATH, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, GLASS WARE, &c., MAIN. RANDOLPH E. LESLIE, EDITOR OF MADISON CHRONICLE, ISSUED THURSDAY, MAIN CROSS. Roorhan & Dwire, groceries, Main. SAGE HARLEY H., WATCH MAKEUP AND JEWELER, MAIN. SHANKLIN ADDISON, DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES, QUEENS-. WARE, GLASSWARE, &c., MAIN. SMITH HENRY W., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND FOURTH. SHEARMAKER PHILLIP, DEALER IN STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, COP PER AND HOLLOW WARE, MAIN. SPANG GEO. W., PUBLISHER OF MADISON CERONICLE, ISSUED THURSDAY, MAIN. Stahl John, boot and shoe maker and dealer, Main. Strain & McMillen, physicians and sur geons, Main. Squires & Sombro, butchers, Main. SWEETLAND & CHANDLER, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, &c., MAIN. Van Wagner Benj., dealer in groceries, provisions, produce, &c., Main Cross. Vorhees Andrew, city marshal, Main. Weber P., bakery and brick maker, Main. Weber Peter, councilman, Main. White A. J., ambrotype and photograph gallery, Main. Wilson James, groceries, Main. LOUDONVILLE, A prominent post village of Ashland county, in Hanover township, situated on Black Fork of Mohican river, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 18 miles south from Ashland, and 70-miles north by east from Columbus. Population 700. Township 2,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. American House, H Stockmon, prop'r. Black S. W., baker. Black S. W. & Bro., grocers. Bowmen Wm., gunsmith. Brown H., prop'r Fuller House. Brown J. W., tailor. Brubaker D., township trustee. Bull Miss S. J., school teacher. Bull T. J., foundry prop'r. Case & Seacher, general merchants. Christian Samuel, marble worker. Craig J. C., prop'r Howard House. Critchfield O., carpenter. Crowner W. M., township trustee. Esley H., jewelry, etc. Freshwater R., cooper. Frink Miss M., milliner. Fuller House, H. Brown, prop'r. FULLER & SCOTT, PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. (See card, p. 411.) See adv't of Flour, Grain, Mill Feed, &c., p. 262. LON 410 LOU LONDON, OHIO. LONG BOTTOM, A post office of Meigs county. LORAMIE'S, A post office of Shelby c,)iint.y. LORDSTOWN, A post office of Trumbull county. LOTTRIDGE, A post office of Athens county. LOV Gilbert H., zabinet maker. Guthe D., grocer. Harmon John, tailor. Haslett C., dress maker. Henderson Thos., barber. Hildebrand H., dress maker. Hildebrand Jno. W., carriage and wagon maker. Hill R., township constable. Honebarger Geo., chair manufacturer and painter. Honebarger G., councilman. Howard House, J. C. Craig, prop'r. Johnson W. T., attorney at law and nota ry public. Johnson W. T., insurance agent. Kent Wm., cabinet maker. Klee Jacob, harness maker. Leopold G. G., stoves and tin ware. Letor H. B13., school teacher. Long J. B., boot and shoe maker. Oldroyd E. G., jewelry, &c. Petot C., boot and shoe maker. Prutsman Miss A. M., school teacher. Prutsman W. D., stoves and tin ware. Reinhart P. A., gunsmith. Rollins J. R., carpenter and councilman. Rust D., township clerk. Rust D. & M., foundry prop'rs. Rust M., recorder. Sanborn J. HI., express and railroad agt. Sanborn J. H., insurance agent. Sarwell J. C., general merchant Schuck F., grocer. SCOTT A. J., POSTMASTER AND MAYOR. Showeker J., general merchant. Shudt John, grocer. Stacher J. W., township treasurer. Steiber A., boot and shoe maker and coun cilman. Stichler H., township trustee. Stockmon H., prop'r American House. Stockmon H. T., druggist. Sylvan Lodge No. 240, I. O. O. F. Yuncker John, general mershant. Black John, carriage and wagon maker. Brown Wmn., tailor. Cunningham S. carpenter and builder. DUNCAN GEO. S., TELEGRAPH OPE RATOR L. M. AND C., AND X. AND M. AND C. RAILROADS. Emery A. B., physician and surgeon, Broadway. Gitchel James, attorney at law. Gordan David, chair maker. Hall A., blacksmith. Hall James, carpenter and builder. Henry Wm., physician and surgeon. Keyt Wm., stone and brick mason. Moses Philip, dealer in dry goods, cloth ing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., cor. Broadway and Railroad. Parker Wm., cooper. Paxton T. B., attorney at law. Ramsey J. Al. C. & Bro., eating saloon, hotel and livery stable prop'rs, near Depot. Pebernot John, boot and shoe maker. Reves, lime manufacturer and stone dealer. RICH & ROWAN, DEALERS IN GRO CERIES, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE AND BUTCHERS, BROADWAY. Russell T., painter. Russell J., carpenter and builder. Sears Frank, cooper. Sears George, stone and brick mason. Sears Wm., stone and brick mason. Shane Rev., Presbyterian pastor. SMITII G. K., AGENT L. M. AND C., AND X. AND M. AND C. RAILROADS, AND ADAMS AND AMERICAN EX PRESS COMPANIES, DEPOT. Smethust H., school teacher. THOMPSON & LEVER, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., ALSO INSURANCE AGENT AND POSTMASTER, BROADWAY. Williams R. B., cooper. Williamson M. S., justice of peace. LOVELAND, A post village of Clermont county, situated on Little Miami river, 16 miles from Batavia. It possesses superior railway facilities, and contains three stores, &c. Population 350. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Beauman, boot and shoe maker. Bell S. A., water flouring and saw mill prop'r. See adv't of John E. White, p. 262. I I LOU 411 FULLER & SCOTT, Dealers in 9 Fancy Articles, &c., EOtT-DO.YYILLE, - - OffIO. LOUISVILLE, A post office of Stark county. LOVETT'S, A post office of Adams county. LOV 41 LYN Gledhill W., woolen manufacturer. Hastings J., township justice. Helsell Rev. Jesse, Lutheran pastor. Henry N. S., constable. Kooken Henry, boot and shoe maker. McBride, Union township clerk. McCully G. B., boot and shoe maker. McCully John, harness maker and coun cilman. Marks A., prop'r grist and saw mills. Marks Jacob, cabinet maker. Marks Peter, carpenter. Masden Wm., constable. Moffet Samuel, village treasurer. Phelan R., railroad and express ag't. Rhone & Wetsler, brick makers. Shrack C., township treasurer. Smith T., councilman. Snider D., township trustee. Strickler Jno. E., school teacher and may or. Strickler Mrs. E., school teacher. Swaney Ira, leather dealer. Swigart G. J., hotel prop'r. Swigart Peter, carriage and wagon ma ker. Swineford Mary A., milliner. Weaver George, grist mill prop'r. Wintrode Samuel, councilman. Yeisley H., gunsmith. LOVETT'S GROVE, A post office of Wood cotnty. A post office of Mahoning county. LOWER LAWRENCE, A post office of Washington county. LOWER NEWPORT, .A post office of Washington county. LOWER SALEM, A post office of Washington county. A post office of Athens county. LUCASVILLE, A post office of Scioto county. LOYDSVILLE, A post village of Belmont county. A post office of Knox county. A post village of Richland county, in Monroe township, situated on Rocky Fork creek, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 7 miles east by south from Mansfield, and about 65 miles north by east from Columbus. LS, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Baker N., councilman. Baughman A., township justice. Berry J., township trustee. Brantner Levi, cooper, and township trus tee. CHARLES J. S., POSTMASTER. CHARLES JOHN S., GENERAL MER CHANT. (See card, p. 413.) Crone J., township justice. Dorum J., prop'r grist and saw mills. Enlow A. J., cabinet maker. First James, boot and shoe maker. First J. M., marshal. Fox Benj., stone mason. France E. H., woolen manufacturer. Gay Chas., carriage and wagon maker. Gladden Joseph, wool grower. See adv't of Henry K 412 LYN LOV LOWELL, A post office of Washington county. LOWELLVILLE, LOWRY, *LUCERNE LUCAS, LUDLOW, A post office of Miami county. LYNC]EIDURG, A post village of Highland county, in Dodson township, established in 1838, situated on the east fork of Little Miami river, and on the Hillsboro' and Cincinnati railway, LYO 413 MAC JOHN S. CHARLES, A General and Commission Merchant, DRERYe, GBoots Shoes, Hats, &c., Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c., Lucas, Richland County, Ohio. Chaffin's Mills, Lyra P. O., Ohio. 10 miles from Hillsboro', and 50 miles east by north from Cincinnati. Population 435. Township 1,400. A village of the same name is situated in Columbiana county, for description of which, see Green Hill post office, page 357. COLLETT A. M., POSTMASTER. COLLETT A. M., GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 413.) Davis A. W., school teacher. Delong J., brick mason. Deuteil J., township trustee. Donlhue Thos, carriage and wagon maker. Furnace Howard, carriage and wagon maker. Glidden, Crawford & Co.. general mer chants. Helterbran Philip, carriage and wagon maker. Irwin J. C., township treasurer. Lumis H. W., school teacher. McFann A. J., general merchant. Mills C., carriage and wagon maker. Murfin & Co., general merchants. Murfin & Co., iron manufacturers. Smith Nathaniel, constable and township assessor. Smith W., township clerk. Weller R. W., school teacher. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bretney J R., village trustee. Cashall D. F., township trustee. CUMMINS N. W., EXPRESS AG'T AND POSTMASTER. Cummins N. W., township clerk. Duvall S. F., township trustee. Hall Josiah, township treasurer. Harvy Josiah, village trustee. Henderson A. T., hotel prop'r. Hill Wm., recorder. Liggett John, village trustee. Lynchburg Lodge No. 151, I. O. O. F. Lynchburg Lodge No. 178, Masonic. Murphy Hugh, village trustee. Smith Joseph, village trustee. Tedrick Jacob, township constable. Tedrick J. H., township trustee. Walden Rev. J. M., Methodist pastor. Woodram John, mayor. Woodram Wm. C., township constable. McARTHUR, An important post town, and the capital of Vinton county, situated on Elk Fork of Raccoon river, and on the Scioto and Hocking Valley railway, about 70 miles south south-east from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, and a variety of mercantile and manufacturing establishments. Population about 1,200. A post village of Scioto county, in Vernon township, established in 1850, situated on Pine creek, 16 miles from Portsmouth, and 60 miles southl by east from Columbus. Township population 700. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Probate Judge, B. P. Hewitt. Bennitte Rev. Jnoe., Baptist pastor. Auditor, Nelson Richmond. Bramer J. K., constable and physician. Treasurer, H. Payne. Cadott L., township trustee. Recorder, J. Brine. Cadott W. H. H., school teacher. Prosecuting Attorney, H. B. Lacc Campbell, Woodron & Co., general mer- Surveyor, H. C. Jones. chants. Commissioners, S. Magee, J. Gille Chaffen R., saw mill prop'r. ker. Chaffen S., township trustee. See adv't of Wm. Marriott & Co., Saws, &c., p. 251. LYO 413 MAC A. M. COLLETT9 Dealer in And LUMBER DEALER, MABEE'S A post office of Jackson county. LYONS, A post office of Fulton county. LYRA, RS. Cy. en, M. Wal MAC Fuller 0., grocer, Market. GOLD J. S., AGENT G. W. HAWES, GAZETTEER PUBLISHER, NORTH. Guthrie & Lang, attorneys at law. Harris Rev. J. H., Presbyterian pastor. Hewitt B. P., probate j udge. Hewitt & Gilman, prop'rs steam flouring mill and carding machine. Hill W. A., painter. Hitt L. L., ambrotype a nd daguerrean artist, Main. Holland E., boot and sho e mak er. Holland L., phy sician and surgeon. Holland P., boot and shoe ma ker. Hudson J. N., brick mason. Huhn J. S., township trustee. Hulbert H., prop'r Western Hotel. Hu tson C. H., coal deal er. Hutson J. M., stone and brick mason. Isminger J., expres s a gent. Johnston W. A., sal oon keeper and baker. Kaler Joseph, justice of the peace and prop'r McArthur House, Main. Kin g J. EH., boot and shoe maker, Main. King Mrs. J. H., milliner and dress maker, Market. Lacy H. B., agent Home Insurance Co. Lord J., distiller. Lovell J., saloon keeper. Lowrey H., carpenter and builder. Lowrey Harmon, blacksmith, Market. Lowrey John, water saw and grist mill proprietor. Lucas Job, (colored), barber, Market. JlcArthur Democrat, A. Pearce, publisher. McArthur House, J. K,,aler, prop'r. McArthur Journcl1, J. W. McBeth, pub'r. McBeth J. W., publisher McArthur Journal. McBeth J. W., councilman. McBeth & Gibson, booksellers. McCarty Wm., carriage and wagon maker. McDowell J. J., attorney and counselor at law, Main. McDowell J. S., boot and shoe maker. McDowell J. S., prop'r steam saw mill. McLaughlin J. N., tailor. Mackey J. T., notary public. McPherson & Bratton, general merchants. Mark Rev. B., Methodist pastor. Merritt Wm., carpenter and builder. Merritt Wm. C., township trustee. Newton J. R., township clerk. Nichols G. H., carpenter and builder, Market. Payne & Hawk, dealers in dry goods, gro. ceries, boots and shoes, etc., Main. Pearce A., publisher M~cArthur Democrat. Pearce A., councilman. Perkey L., carpenter. Proctor -, gunsmith. Pugh E. B., carriage and wagon maker. Rankin J. B., tailor. Rannals D. V., physician. Richmond N., councilman. Roach Wm., boot~ and shoe maker. Saw M-anufactory, p. 251. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collection Agents, and Notaries Public, will practice in all the Courts of Ohio, and also the Circuit Court of the United States. McARTHUR, O. Refer to Tappan, McKellop & Co., Cincinnati, O.; J. C. & M. Gibbs, N.Y. City; Bullett & Fairthorne, Philadelphia; James M. Comly, Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abby Seldon, boot and shoe maker. Allen A., carpenter and builder, Main. Ambrose H. P., harness and saddle maker, Main. Arnold A., dealer in hardware, cutlery, &c., cor. Main and Market. Baird D. F., physician and surgeon, Main. Baird & Brown, stoves and tin ware, Main. Barnes H., coal dealer. Bingham & Hamilton, attorneys and coun selors at law, Court House. Blackman Geo., township trustee. Bothwell E. P., furniture manufacturer and dealer. Bratton E. A., attorney at law and gene ral merchant, Main. Bromley S., painter. Brown L. G., mayor. Brown & Gillman, steam fiouring mill proprietor.s Burley A., pottery, Locust. Burley A., marshal. Burley & Gill, potters. CALDWELL J. W., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POSTM STER, MAR KET. (b,ase S. C., agent Manhattan Insurance Company. Condee A., physician and surgeon, North. Cox W. R., cooper. Crist J., carpenter. Davis D. A., stone and brick mason. Davis & Swaim, general merchants. Dawson I., milliner. Delta Lodge, No. 257, F. and A. Masons. Dillen Wm., carpenter and builder. Dingman O., dress maker. Doddridge Joseph, physician and surgeon. Dodge E. D., dealer in dry goods, groce ries, etc., Main. Dodge J. & Son, dealers in dry goods, groceries, etc., cor. Main and Locust. Dowd 0., dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc., Main. Doyl Francis, carpenter and builder. Dunkle & Gill, dealers in groceries and provisions, Main. Edmonson Wm., attorney and counselor at law, Main. French C., brick mason. Fry Freeman, water saw mill. 414 -NIAC ALFRED TAPL YA MAO 415 MAO Robins James, coal dealer. Ross A., tailor, Main. Seal John, hide and leather dealer and tanner. Shepard B., ambrotypist. Shockey G. W., school teacher. SHR E CK E,N G AUST J., DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, J E W E L R Y AND FANCY ARTICLES, MAIN, ONE DOOR EAST OF O. DOWD'S. Smit C., saloon keeper. Sprague L., cabinet maker. Stanley T. R., attorney at law. Sug & Lehi, druggists, Main. Swepston Mrs. J. W., milliner and dress maker. Swetland J. G., boot and shoe dealer. Ullem S., carpenter and builder. Wagoner J., carriage and wagon maker. Ward James, constable. Will J. K., dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, &c., Main. Wolf & Rannels, physicians and surgeons, Main. YAPLE & MACKEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, COURT HOUSE. (See card, p. 414.) MACOMB, A post village and township of Hancock county, in Pleasant township. McCONNELLSVILLE, A post village, and the capital of Morgan county, situated on the Muskingum river, about 70 miles east by south from Columbus. MACON, A post village of Morrow county, in Bennington township, established in 1840, situated on Big Walnut river, 14 miles south south-east from Mt. Gilead, and 31 miles north from Columbus. Population 150. Township 1,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Andrews S. M., school teacher. Banow Rev. Geo., Methodist pastor. Beard Chester, cabinet maker. Bradfield Hannah, school teacher. Bradfield Miss E., milliner. Bradfield T., painter. Harvey Oscar, cabinet maker. Harvey Saml., carpenter and cabinet ma ker. Hawkins A., painter. Hobbs S., cooper. Horr Joseph, township clerk. Howard David, township justice. Howard Hyman, edge tool manufact'r. Howard Wm. P., cooper. Hunt Isaac, township constable. Hunt S., township justice. Johnson H., tanner. Johnson Hamilton, township trustee. Lyon Rev. A. J., Methodist pastor. Manville John, township trustee. McCUTCHENVILLE, A post village of Wyandot county. McDANIELS, A post office of Gallia county. McDONALD, A post office of Hardin county. McDONALDSVILLE, A post office of Stark county. See adv't of American House, Columbus, p. 273. MAC 415 MAC MACEDONIA DEPOT, A post office of Sunimit county. McEWENIS CROSS ROADS, A post office of Richland county. McGHEEIS STORE, A post office of Jackson county. McGILL, A post office of Paulding county. MCKAIGIS MILLS, A post office of Columbiana county. McKAY, A post office of Asbland county.. McCLUNEY, A post office of Perry county. MACEDON, A post office of Mercer county., MAD 416 MAI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAMES FORD, Dealer in DRY GO ODS, Groceries, Hardware, &C., MACON, - 01110OHIO. Groceries, Provisions, fiats, &c., Marsh Mrs. M., milliner. Marvin F., barber. Marvin Wm., sewing machine agent and t ail or. Masker D. J., boot and shoe maker. Masker M. V., boot and shoe maker. Mead L., school teacher. Mix Charles, fish dealer. Morton Derias, cooper. Noe Robert, township a ssessor. Noe Wm., township treasurer. Page M., prop'r hotel, and broom maker. Page David, school teacher. ROSENCRANTS JACOB, POSTMASTER. Sarton A. H., nursery and seedsman. Sherman Abner, township trustee. Smith Levi, harness maker. Swingly David, physician. Taylor John, township constable. UTLEY A. J., GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 416.) Wilson Elias, harness maker. Wilson Rose, school teacher. Wilson T. O., sewing machine agent. MAINEVILLE, A post village of Warren county, in Hamilton township, established in 1854, situated near Little Miami river, 9 miles south from Lebanon, and 24 miles north-east from Cincinnati. Population 250. Township 3,840. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Bean Matthew, cooper and councilman. Bishop N. W., physician and councilman. Bragg William, recorder. Burton I. C., gunsmith and township as sessor. Butterworth Benj., sewing machine agent, and attorney at law. Cain Henry K., prop'r saw mill. Chesnut Noah, carpenter. Coats James boot and shoe maker. Fall E. C., boot and shoe maker. Ford Charles, insurance agent. F O R D J A M E S, POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 416.) Ford Nathaniel, carpenter. Foster James H., township treasurer. Foster J. W. F., school teacher. Fri end Wm. T., carpenter. Gatch Rev. J. M., Methodist pastor. Gillman T. D., carpenter. Greely Elias H., prop'r steam saw mill. Hewitt B., general merchant. Hopkins James, township trustee. Hopkinson Allen, carpenter. Kemper Rev. David, Methodist pa stor. Legy T. J., township constable. Lewer Sarah A., mill iner. Lord A. N., grocer. Maleham D. H., township trustee. Nye Joseph T., harness maker. Owens G. W., painter. Pelle Ludwig, tailor. Skidmore Wm., street commissioner. Slater Joseph, ambrotypist. Snook Peter W., township trustee. Stevens S. F., general merchant. Summerel L. H., auctioneer and marshal. Townsend Chas., township clerk. Tufts S. G., councilman and patent right agent. Tufts Eben, boot and shoe maker. Tufts & Townsend, wagon makers. A post village of Lake county. MADISONBURG, A post village of Wayne county. MADISONVILLE, A post office of Hamilton county. MAAGNOLIA, A post office of Stark county. MAHONING, A post office of Stalk county. See adv't of A. W. Dolson, p. 270. i MAD 416 MAI A. J. VTLEY, Dealer in 't -f r I .1 ti MAINEVII,ILE, OHIO. MADISON, MAHALA, A post office of Adams county. MAb 417 MAN Whitcomb L. J., school teacher and den tist. Whitten David M., agricultural imple ments. Wilson Henry, barber. Witham E. E., physician and councilman. MANHATTAN, A post office of Lucas county. MALAGA, _________ A post village, and township of Monroe county, established in 1820, situated 7 miles from Woodsfield, and about 100 miles east by south from Columbus. Population 250. Township 1,200. MANSFIELD, A post city, and the capital of Richland county, situated on the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark, and the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railways, 75 miles north by east from Columbus. It possesses important manufacturing and commercial facilities. Population 6,000. RICIILAND COUNTY OFFICERS. Common Pleas Judges, Geo. W. Geddes, Wm. Given. Probate Judge, John Meredith. Deputy Probate Judge, P. C. Meredith. Clerk, Isaac Crum. Deput y Clerk, James S. Crall. Recorder, James Et. C ox. Auditor, J. J. Douglas. Deputy Auditor, Jonas Smith. Treasurer, Thos. Willett. Prosecuting Attorney, Manuel May. Sheriff, John W. Strong. Deputy Sheriff, David Wise. Commissioners, W. S. Hickox, John Ramsey and Benjamin Morris. Coroner, W. S. Burns. Imfirmary Directors, Jonathan Petit, Robert Maloney, A. L. Martin. Surveyor, John Newman. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Bidenhorn Geo. A., general merchant. Dorr Peter, township treasurer. Dorr Simon, township trustee. Ford Lyman, carpenter and builder. Fowler T. S., general merchant, school di rector, and justice of peace. Graves Mrs. M. J., milliner and dress ma ker. GRAVES ROBT. C., PROP'R MALAGA HOUSE AND POSTM ASTER. Hardesty W. S., constable. Judkins H. G., physician and surgeon. Kotzebu H. C., general merchant. Lane Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Logan Rev. James, pastor Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Lubee Simon, township clerk. Mann Barnett, township trustee and school director. Mann Rev. Wm., Christian Church pastor. Mann Wm. G., coal dealer. Mooney Eli, saddle and'harness maker. Moore Mliss Elizabeth, school teacher. Morris Henry G., township trustee. Morris Mrs. Robert G., school teacher. Sill John, carpenter and builder, and school director. Slusher John, carpenter and builder. Thornberry Riley, boot and shoe maker. Union School. Wagel Abr., coal dealer. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Armentrout George, justice of the peace, West Diamond. Arting J., barber, West Diamond. Avery & Askew, d ealers in dry goods and groceries, West Diamond. Barbour J. E., justice of the peace, West Diamond. Bartley & Johnston, attorneys and coun selors at law, east side Public Square. Bates H. E., insura nce agent, West Dia mond. Bates & Blymyer, dealers in hardware, cut lery, glass, iron, n ails, &c.. Wes t Diamond. Beech J. J., agent U. S. Express Co., Dia mond. Bicker F., baker, West Diamond. Bieber John, saloon and dealer in groce ceries, West Diamond. BLACK M. & J. H., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, 27 MAL 417 MAN 1VIANCI-IESTER, A post village of Adams county, on the Ohio river, 9 miles from West Union. MALAGA, MALLET CREEK, A post office of Medin,,t county. MALTA, A post village of Morgan county. MALVERN, A post office of Carroll county. MAN 418 MAN IR IR:A- I III\1L ii-s Main Steet, bet. Third and Fourth, west side, MANSFIE ILD, I D. M. MILLER, Proprietor. dealer in groceries and provisions, West Diamond, opp. Wiler House. Davis & Smith, attorneys and counselors at law, West Diamond. De Ctamp & Taft, dental surgeons, West Diamond. Denzer P., boot and shoe ma ker, West Diamond. Dill I., blacksmith. Dirlar & Bri nkerhoff, attorneys and coun selors at law, cor. Third and West Diamond. Dougherty G. H., tai lor, West Dia mond. Drakert J., boot and shoe maker, West Diamond. Drakert P., prop'r Franklin House, east side Public Square. Dufrainoit H., barber, West Diamond. Eells S. W., dealer in ink and medicines, West Diamond. Emminger & Sherman, prop'rs Mansfield planing mill, West Diamond. Endly A. J., dealer in hardware, cutlery, iron ware and glass, West Diamond. Endly G. M., dealer in groceries and pro visions, cor. Fourth and West Dia mond. Endly Henry, dealer in dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., West Diamond. Fair 1. C., harness and saddle maker, Dia mond.; Fox J. J. & Son, manufacturers of marble monuments, tomb and head stones, east side Public Square. Fuman Peter, saddle tree manufacturer, West Diamond. Galbraith & Co., carriage matnnufacturers, West Diamond. GILKISON M. H., dealer in groceries and provisions, West Diamond. G-LESSNER JOHN Y., EDITOR AND PUBLISHER RICHLAND SHIELD AND BANNER, WEST DIAMOND. Gordon A. P., physician and surgeon, Dia mond. Gutzwiller V., prop'r Exchange Hotel, West Diamond. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILD REN'S SHOES, C(OR. MAIN AND THIRD. Blair Mrs., boarding house, West Dia mond. Blecker Wm. R., physician, WestDiamond. Blymyer & Brother, dealers in stoves, grates, copper, brass and tin ware, also house furnishing goods, West Diamond. Blymyer, Bates & Day, manufacturers of Cook's improved portable sugar evapo rator, West Diamond. Bristor T. G., dental surgeon, West Dia mond. Burges Samuel, steam fiouring mill prop'r and grain dealer, West Diamond. Burnes & Dickey, attorneys and counsel ors at law, West Diamond. Byrd F., dealer in flour, feed, fish, groce ries, &c., cor. Walnut and Third. Cantwell J. Y., physician and surgeon, West Diamond. Carpenter & Gass, attorneys and counsel ors at law, Diamond. Cary & Patten, fashionable milliners and and dress makers, Diamond. Chandler —, physician, West Diamond. Christmas E. B., news depot, Third. Christofer J., carriage maker, West Dia mond. Clapp E. & Co., manufacturers of confec tioneries, and wholesale dealers in groceries and fruits, cor. Fourth and West Diamond. Coats Misses V. & S., milliners and dress makers, West Diamond. Colby H., cashier Farmer's Bank of Mans field, West Diamond. Corbus J. G., grocer, West Diamond. Coster J. & T., dealers in groceries and provisions, cor. Fourth and West Dia mond. Cromer Jacob, prop'r Phoenix House, north east cor. Public Square. Davis Joshua, jr., wholesale and retail See adv't of Angier House, Cleveland, p. 224. MAN 418 MAN OHIO. a -~MA 41 A w~iui3oN — US EI MOORE & McDOWELL, Prop'rs, West Diamond St., Mansfield, Ohio. Hade E., blacksmith, West Diamond. I all p& Allen, prop'rs Galt Foudandry and Mlachine Shop, West Diamond. Harding & Co, dealers in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., West Dia mond. HARMON GEO. B., ASSISTANT POST MASTER, THIRD. Harris L. P., physician, West Diamond. Harris W. H., wagon maker, West Dia mond. Hedges E. & C., dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes, groc erie s, &c., West Dia mond. Herring G., blacksmith, W est Diamond. Ing e rsoll & Weeks, milliners and dress makers, West Diamond. Jameson J. F., cig ar manufacturer and de aler, West Diamond. Jeffries & Shrack, attorneys and counsel ors at law, West Diamond. Johnson C. W., boot and shoe maker, West Diamond. Johnston F rank, saddle and harness ma ker, West Diamond. Kaiser & Enrig, dealers in boots and sh oes, West Diamond. Keech Charles C., dealer in hats, caps, furs and straw goods, West Diamond. Keffer & K eiser, boot and shoe makers, West Diamond. Keifer S., tailor, West Diamond. Keiser M., boot and shoe maker and deal er, West Diamond. Keiser & Emy, boot and shoe makers, West Diamond. King H. L., dealer in hats, caps, furs, &c., Diamond. Kline John, prop'r City Restaurant and billiard saloon, West Diamond, opp. Wiler House. Kraus John, groceries and provisions, West Diamond. Krummy Jacob, grocer and provision dealer, West Diamond.' Lee John A., dealer in gold and silver watches, clocks, jewelry and fancy goods, West Diamond. Lewis Miss K., milliner and dress maker, West Diamond. Liebenthall M. & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in clothing, Miller's Block, Main. Littler I. W., attorney and counselor at law, West Diamond. Lower G., butcher, West Diamond. Louchridge W., physician, West Diamond. McBride Wm. W., dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Third and Diamond. McCoy E., general agent Richland County Ins. Co., Diamond. McCrory Samuel, tailor, West Diamond. McCulley N. C., tailor, West Diamond. aM'Fall E. & Co., wholesale grocers, Third, bet. West Diamond and Walnut. Mack H. O., physician and surgeon, Dia mond. McKnight & Tyler, manufacturers and dealers in American and Italian mon uments and grave stones, east side Public Square. McNulty B H., steam bag manufacturer, Main. MANSFIELD HERALD BOOK AND JOB STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, GEO. T. MYERS & BRO., PROP'RS, SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Marshall L.. egg dealer, West Diamond. Mathias & Hutzelman, tailors, West Dia mond. Matson & Ayres, attorneys and counselors at law, Diamand. Matthes Adam, saloon, and grocer, West Diamond. May Manuel, attorney at law, Willey House Block. Mercer Wm. B., dealer in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., West Diamond. Merrill -, blacksmith. W\Ietzger John, butcher, West Diamond. Micks R. P., watch maker and jeweler, West Diamond. MILLER D. M., PROP'R WILER HOUSE, MAIN. (See card, p. 418.) Miller M. L., dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, West Diamond. Miller S. J., photographer, Diamond. Mitchell G. F. & Son, physicians and sur geons, West Diamond. Moore W. A., secretary Richland County Ins. Co., Diamond. MOORE & McDOWELL, PROP'RS WEL DON HOUSE, WEST DIAMOND. (See card, p. 419. ) Mowry J. N., physician, Diamond. Myers A., saloon, West Diamond. MYERS GEO. T. & BRO., EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS MANSFIELD See adv't of Abia Zeller, Drugs, &c., p. 302 MAN 419 MAN MAN in cigars, snuffs and tobacco, West Diamond. Sherman & Hedges, attorneys at l awT north side Public Square. Sickmiller Peter, groceries and saloon, West Diamond. Smith H. R., dealer in b oots, s hoes, leather and findings, Diamond. Smith Milton, age nt J. Patrick, butter dealer, West Diamond. Smith W., attorney and counselor at law, West Diamond. Smith Wm. W., attor ney an d counselor at law, West Diamond. Snyder H., assi stant postmaster, Third l Snyder J. M., painter, Diamond. S N Y D E R SAMUEL, POSTMASTER, THIRD. Stevens U., in sur ance agent, corn er West Diamond and Third. Stocking & Bigelow, wholesale and retail druggists, West Diamond. Stakes Mrs. M. A., fashionable milliner and dress maker, cor. Third and Dia mond. St~raub Jacob, wagon maker,_ West Dia mnond. Strong & Hetrick, dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes and groceries, West Dia mond. Sturges D., bookseller and stationer, West Diamond. Sturges E., sr, president Richland County Insurance Company, Diamond. Sturges E., (sr.,) & Co., bankers and ex change dealers and collectors, West Diamond. Sturges & Tracey, commission and pro, duce merchants, Bloom. Sturges & Co., dealers in dry goods. gro ceries, &c., north-west corner Public Square and Diamond. Sunikil C., grocer, West Diamond. Super John, meat market, West Diamond. Thomas G., billiard saloon, cor. Third and Diamond. Thomas J. R., eating saloon, Main. Thomas & Kennedy, prop'rs Park Bakery, north side Public Square. Townley C. C., prop'r North Americatt, south-west cor. Public Square. Tracey & Hedges, wholesale and retail dealers in groceries and provisions, West Diamond. Voegele Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. West Diamond and Market. Vonhof Lewis, dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, West Dia mond. Weiskotten Robert, boot and shoe maker, West Diamond. Weldlon, Dreman & Co., dealers in dry goods and groceries, cor. Fourth and West Diamond. HERg:LD, SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Neiman & Co., furniture dealers, West Diamond. Netcher John B., eating saloon, West Dia mond. Nicholson & Co., dealers in groceries and provisions, West Diamond. North American, C. C. Townley, prop'r, south.west corner Public Square. Osborn D. N, attorney and counselor at law, West Diamond. Paisley T., tailor. Patterson W. M., prop'r City Steam Ba kery, West Diamond. Patterson & Wilkinson, watch makers and jewelers, and dealers in musical in struments, Diamond. Payn G. (C., prop'r St. Charles House, West Diamond. Pettit Jonathan, dealer in groceries and provisions, West Diamond. Purdy James, president Farmers' Bank of AMansfield, West Dianmond. Purdy & Brinkerhoff, attorneys at law, West Diamond. Race A., baker, West Diamond. Race J. & W. H., physicians and sur geons, West Diamond. Reaman Andrew, dealer in groceries and produce, West Diamond. Redrup James, grocer, West Diamond. Reed N. S., nianufacturersaddles, harness and trunks, West Diamond. Reisinger & Kelly, editors and publishers Richland Democrat, West Diamond. Remy P. & Co., dealers in dry goods, gro ceries, Z,c., corner West Diamond and Market. Richland Democrat, Reisinger & Kelly, ed itiors and publishers, West Diamond. RICHLAND SHIELD AND BANNER, JOHN Y. GLESSNER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, WEST DIAMOND. Rickett John, gunsmith, West Diamond. Rietter J., tanner, West Diamond. Roberts L., edge tool manufacturer, West Diamond. Robinson T. J., dealer in dry goods and shoes, West Diamond. Rowley G. P. & Co., dealers in groceries and provisions, West Diamond. Roys James W., plain and ornamental plasterer, Phoenix House. Runyan B. S., wholesale and retail dealer in hardware, West Diamond. Russell & Osborn, ambrotype and melain otype artist, West Diamond. Scattergood & Penrope, dealers in dry goods, Diamond. Schack Anthony, saloon and dealer in groceries, West Diamond. Schallern R., physician and surgeon, West Diamond. Shambs George, manufaqturer and dealer See adv't of E. D. & A. F. 420 MAN' MAN 421 MAR W EL D 0 N HOUSE, MOORE & Mc DOWELL, PROP'RS, WEST DIA MOND. (See card, p. 419.) WIIISSEMNORE A., photographer and am - brotype artist, West Diamond. WILER HOUSE, D. M. MILLER, PROP'R, MAIN. (See card, p. 418.) Wiler & Caul, steam saw mill prop'rs. Wolff Philip, dealer in clothing and gents' fuirnishing goods, Diamond. WOLFORD E., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, WEST DIAMOND. Wright A., painter, West Diamond. Younckei D., lime dealer. * Young & Henry, carpenters and builders, West Diamond. Zimmerman L., dealer in stoves and tin ware, West Diamond. A post office of Mercer county. MANTUA CENTER, A post village of Porter county. A prominent post town and the capital of Washington county, situated on the Ohio, at the mouth of Muskingum river, at the terminus of the Marietta and Cincinnati railway, about 100 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 4,000. MAPLE GROVE, A post office of Knox county. WASHINGTON COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, Mark Green. Clerk of Court, Jasper S. Sprague. Auditor, Frederick A. Wheeler. Probate Judge, Charles R. Rhodes. Treasurer, Ebenezer B. Leget. Recorder, William B. Mason. Prosecuting Attorney, Charles R. Barclay. Surveyor, L. W. Chamberlain. Coroner, B. F. Stone. Comnmissionzers, Wm. R. Putnam, Z. Coch ran, and Wm. Penrose. MAPLETON, A post office of Stark county. MA RATHON, A post office of Clermont county. MARBLE FURNACE, A post office of Adams county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen E. H., dental surgeon, 241 Front. Allen & Co., dealers in dry goods and groceries, 8 Front. Anderson D. B., watch maker and jeweler, cor. Front and Butler. ANDREWS T. L., EDITOR AND PUB LISHER OF THE MARIETTA IN TELLIGENCER, F R 0 N T, OVER BUELL & BRO.'S DRUG STORE. Audebert C., watch maker and jeweler, Second. Baldwin J. W., -watch maker and jeweler, 25 Front., Barclay C. R., attorney at law, office Court H ou se. Barker J. D. & Co., manufacturers, whole sale and retail dealers in boots, shoes, &c., 19 Front. A post village of Ottawa county, in Danlbusy township, established in 1842, situated on Sandusky Bay, 12 miles from Port Clinton, about 125 miles north from Columbus. Township population 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Busk T., township trustee. CLEMENS ALEX., POSTMASTER AND PROP'R MARBLE HEAD HOUSE. Clemens Wm. A., fish dealer. Graves H., township justice. Jimison David, fish dealer. See adv't of American Hotel, Gallipolis, p. 347. MAN 421 ..MAR Kelley Wm. E., fish dealer and township justice. Lewis H., grocer. MARBLE HEAD HOUSE, ALEX. -CLEll-. ENS, PROP'R. Petiboiie Albert, township clerk. Prush J., grocer. Ramsdale W., township trustee. Rice Stephen, fish dealer. Smith John. boot and shoe rqaker. Wilkins T., township trustee. . MARENGO, A post villa;ge of Mori-ow county. MARI& STEIN, MARIETTA, MAPLE, A post office of Brown county. MARBLEHEAD, MAR ;WL;.(\ tit$;l;;&; - -p-; F= V4t; gents' fui nishin goods, west side of Public Square. .N H I-ager W. L., freight and ticket ag't Cen trail Ohio aind P., C. and (C.. R., of lice Depot. lamill J. J., physician and sur,eon, north side Public Square. -~_ t - Hiarrington S. P., resident dentist, South Fourth, nearl Maiket Place. Ilisras & Randall, wholesale notion store 'and fincy goodls, 3 Woodbridgle Block. south side Pitb. Square. Harrison Riclhaid, prop r Citv Mlills, cor. Second a:d (Cnal. HAUGHFY & SEYMOLIUR, PROPRIIE TORS OF CITY LIVEItY STABLE SC2~~ ti~~INIAIN, BET. TIfIIKD AND FOURTIH. Heieley & Franklin, copper, tir anid sheet iron workers, cotI. Second ld Canal. English Thomas, lager beer saloon, Tlhird, lempstead Chas., anlbrotyvpe arnd d-aguer bet. Main and Cnal. iean artist, west side P'ub. Square. EPPS & IHONEYCUTT, PROP'RS CEN- Hlenderson J. D., dealer in groceries and TRAL RESTAURANT, CORl. THIRD provisions, 5 Uniion Block, north side AND CANAL. Public Sqi,,tre. 9 Evans Joseph, litiniubcber merchanlt, Ittudson, Henry W., stiaving saloont, Third, bt. Main office on Chlurch. and Clhtircli. Evans W. T., groceries and provisions, Hietricli John, gunsinith, Mlain, bet. Third West Main. n Fo i itrth. Ixclhalnge IHotel, J. B. McMullen, prop'r, Hiogg N. B., dealer in real es,tte, office in cot. Third and Railroad. Hlogg's Block, west sidle Ptb). Square. Fallett John T, attoriey at law, Court IIOLTON J. L., PROPR Tl1[r()ll HOLTON House. HOUSE, WEST SI[DF OF PUBLIC IFerguson S., cripenter andbuil(de. Churchl, SQUARE. (See card, p. 4j3.) bet. Third a,nd Fourtlh. Hood Jamnes & Son, phl ysiciains anmd sur Follett C., attorney at l w, Court House. geons, north side Putb. Square. Foster Q. D., painter and patper hanger, Hoover Jesse, plasterer, Mt. Vernon. Second, opp Public Square. Humphrey Daniel, ittoirecy at, law, north Franklin Banlk, Edward and John IT. side Pub. Squartie. Franklin, prop'rs, south-west corner Ilgman W. 1)., Dla cksmnithi, WVslnut, bet. Public Square. Second an d Third. FIye Samuel, saddle and harness makier, Irwin I-I. I, groceries and provisions, Se Third, bet. Main and Canal. corid, near Canil. Funk ani(l Brother, groceries and provis- Jones D1). E., tailor, Church, bet. Fourth ions, south side Public Square. and Fifth. Gilbert S. S., attornev at law, west side Jones & I lothE(r, manufiictrs and dealers IPublic Square. in stoves, copper, tiri and sheet iron Giffin J. fl., honioeopathic physici-an, waire, west side Pub. Square. Church, bet. Third aund Foturth. Jewett & Marble, wholesale grocers and Giffs J., blacksmith, cor. Fourtll and Lo- cornmissioti mernchants, cor. Third and cust. Cainal. GIRAFFE HIOTEL, JOHIN YOUNG, Kling Nathan, dealer in boots, shoes, hats, PROPRIETOR, SOTUTH FIFI'H, BT. caps, &c., west side Pub. Square. WEST MAIN AND CANAL. Kitng & Woods, attoiney at law, Second, Goans J. O., shaving saloon, Third, bet. bet. Church and East Main. Main and Canal. Kitzrniller II., physician and surgeon, Lo Goodwin P. D., councilman, 3d ward. cust, nea.r First. NEW 464 NEW NEW 465 NEW Khn,aber John, shaving saloon, south side Public Square. Kneule John, brewery, Walnut, bet. First and Second. Knos.man Henry, eating saloon, Passenger Depot. Kunsel J., blacksmith, south of Canal. Kiissmaiil C., boot andi shoe shop, South Fifth, bet. WVest Iain andcl Canal. * Legg Andrew, lumber ineilchanlt, office and .a7rd cor. Locust iand Fourth. Lerett J. J.,,ioceries antd provisions, west side Public Square. [,eslie & Chester. manufaet'rs of and deal ers in ill kinds of imorrocco, corner Fourth and (t nal. Lewis E. J. groceries and provisions, S(outh side IPub. Square. LEWIS JAS. E., POSTNIMASTER, NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Licking and Coshocton Coal Co., B. V. Caf fei, igent, I. 1. oodeil, sutp't, ofice arnd yard on Canal. Lippincutllt Jrhnl, livery stable, Church, bt. Second and Third. Lippincott & Jones, wagon makers and blaclksmithis, Church, bet. Third and Foii tli. Lonibaird & Lee, piop'rs Crude Oil Works, soluth of C nal. Long Mlrs. Julia,, dIress maker, Main, bet. Tilird and Fourtlh. Long P., tailor, soulth side Pub. Square. Lucas Jas., w,aon maker, Fifth, between a tindand Church. Lytle Janmes, teleg,raph operatol, office at Depot. MAlcCtine & Brother, wholesale anid retail dealers in lhdv w'e, cutlery, iron, naqils, saddlery, &c., west side I'Iublic Square. MAcMillen John I., plain and fincy book binding, sorith side Pub. Square. lMeMIillen Z. R., plhotographlic artist, north west cot. Pub. Squa~ire. MIcAulltlleni J. 1., prop'r Exchange }t-otel, coI. Third atnd Railroad. Markley Geo., dealer in furniture cliairs and c.binet waire, south side Pul)lic Squar e. 'Mehurlin 0. F., propi'r Aionumental MIarble Woirk-s, Miaiin, bet. Third and Fourith. Michol J. H., resident dentist, West Main. Mliller Chas. D. IL Co., produce, forwarding rid coiImission imerchants, wareliouse on the Canal. Miller Jos., clothiier and merchant tailor, 1 Union Block, north-west cor. Public Square. Miller I. W.. watch maker and jeweler, nortlh-side Public Squarle. Mooniey John L., grocer and produce deal er~, west, side Pubzlic Squalre. Moore & Groves, livery antl sales strable, Third, bet. M in and Church. 30 I lMorath MAlichael, brewery, Walnut, opp. First. lMorgrini W. D., editor and prop'r Newark Advocate, NMalin, bt. Thlird a.nd Fourth. iiMorriow Alexqn(lei, frncv coverlet and ca r pet weaver, Fourth, bet. Church and Locuist. alose John, groceries and provisions, Northl,XI in, East Newa rk. l iMoill G. W., sign mnd oinamniental pain ter, north (side IPublic Sqtli,re. ! MIyeirs A ri(df ew, gr-oce,-y atind saloon, Third het. 51aliii anti Caatl. N as,hi (,. IV., cabinet nma-ker aind undlerta ker, Second, bet. Main and C',nal. t Newarvk Advocate, V. D). MAlorgnn, editor i and proprietor, NMain, bet. Third and Fourth. Newark Coal Oil Works. J. E. Holiries & Co., prop'rs, office north side Public Sqllare. t NEWI'ARK MAA,HfINE WORKS, WVIL LALRD \V A RN El R, TREASUlEFR, i(Oe R. FIR,ST AND LOCUST. (See card p. 4{55.' I t CNewki k iNlathlew, ldealer in dry goods, & c., I Pal isade low, west side IlPub lic Squatre. ()dell. N., city clerk, office in Bucking hani's 11lock. Oldaker John, gocer and produce dealer, Third-, bet. Vest MiSain alrn d Ca.nal. Overtatrf iN., s(a,looc Second, bet. Miain a:t11d C'tnail. NEW 465 NEW NEW 466 NEW Sites Thomas H., groceries and provisions, south side Public Square. Slosser, boot and shoe shop, Fifth, south of Walnut. SMITH HENRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, SOUTH-EAST COR. PUBLIC SQUARE. SMITHII HENRY, PROP'R OF NEWARK DISTILILERY, EAST NEWARK. (See card of Smith & Salisbury. ) Smith Mrs. M. B., dress and cap maker, Third, bet. Walnut and Canal. SMITH & SALISBURY, MANUFACTUR ERS AND DEALERS IN COAL OIL AND LAMPS OF EVERY VARIETY, SOUTH-EAST COR. PUBLIC SQR. (See card, p. 464.) SMITHS & SALISBURY, PROP'RS COAL OIL REFINERY, EAST NEWARK. (See card, p. -.) Smucker Isaac, tin, sheet iron and brass ware dealer, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Smucker A. & Son, prop'rs livery stable, bet. Main and Church. Smythe & Sprague, attorneys at law, north side Public Square. Soule J. & Co., manufacturers and dealers in boots, shoes, hlats, caps, &c., north side Public Square. Spangler Mtr s. J., millinery an d fancy goods, s ou th side Public Square. Speer T. G., boot and shoe maker, south side Public Square. Sprague H. S., dealer in clock s, watches, jewelry and silver ware, 5 Palisade Row. Stanberry & Kibler, attorneys at law, north side Public Square. Stelzer Leonard, boot and shoe shop, Sec ond, bet. Main and Canal. Strickland Miss S. E., millinery and fancy goods, north side Pub. Square. Stunt T., blacksmith, Fourth, bet. Church and Main. Sudberry J. C., boot and shoe shop, Sec ond, bet. Main and Canal. Thomas A. L., groceries and provisions, Second, bet. Main and Canal. Towne A. L., groceries and provisions, Third. bet. Main and Canal. Tuller & Penfield, physicians and sur geons, (homceopathic,) Third, south U. S. Hotel. Tyhurst J. A., blacksmith, Fourth, bet. Main and Canal. Vanatta Miss M. M., dress maker. Van Buren & Nelson, dealers in furniture, cabinet makers and undertakers, Second, bet. Main and Canal. Vincent W. C., surgeon dentist, office Third, above King's Store. Wallace George, dealer in staple and U S. HOTEL, Patton Thomas, variety store, cor. Main and Third. Pettitt D. W., botanic physician, Main. Pennsylvania House, S. Chester, proprie tor, cor. Fourth and Canal. Penny Geo. W., banker, west side Public Square. Pearse Wm., groceries and provisions, Se cond, bet. Main and Canal. Pointer & Cary, shaving saloon, north-west O cor. Public Square. Porter & Fields, proprietors Refining and Crude Oil Works, South Ohio Central Railroad. PRESTON HOUSE, R. E. COLT, PRO PRIETOR, NORTH-WEST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE. (See card, page 463.) Preston J. L., manufact'r and dealer in boots, shoes, hats, caps, &c., 3 Union Block, north side Public Square. Putnam John H., job printer and publish er of Independent and Business Jfirror, west side Public Square. Ritter John, tanner and currier, Canal, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Robinson Henry, shaving saloon, Third, bet. Main and Canal. Robinson & Downey, cabinet and chair makers, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Roney B. H., cabinet maker, also council man 1st Ward, Church, bet. Third and Fourth. RONEY & DORSEY, PROP'RS UNITED STATES HOTEL, SOUTH-EA.ST COR. THIRD AND CHURCH. (See card, p. 466.) Rosebrough G. F., groceries and provi sions, south side Public Square. Scott WVm. H., cabinet maker, Fourth, bet. Church and Main. Semple A. W., surgeon dentist, Third, bet. Church and Locust. Sessor Thomas F., house painter, corner Fifth and Canal. Shields Wm., dealer in wool, office south side Public Square. Shrock Jacob M., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, &c., north of Holton House. Simpson Mrs. Mary Ann, groceries and provisions, Fourth, bet. Church and Locust. Sites George, groceries and provisions, Second, bet. Main and Canal. See advt. of State Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. NEW 466 NEW RONEY & DORSEY, Proprietors, OAYIO. NEWARK, 0 NE 467 EW Zartman Joshua, gunsmith, Main, bet. Third and Fourth. Zimmerman F. J., groceries, cor. South Fifth and West Main. fancy dry goods, south-east cor. Pub lic Square. Wallace Mrs. Mary, milliner and mantua maker, cor. Second and Pub. Square. Walker A. S., merchant tailor, west side Public Square. WAR N ER WILLARD, TREASURER NEWARK MACHINE W ORK S, COR. LOCUST AND FIRST. (See card, p. 465.) Weaver C. A., manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes, leather, findings, &c., west side Public Square. Weigand Dr. F., druggist and physician, first door Main, near Market House. Wehrle Joseph C., groceries and pro visions, South Fifth, west of Main and Canal. Wheaton L. S., dry goods and general store, west side Public Square. Wheeler George, house painter, Walnut. Wherle Sebastian, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes of all kinds, west side Public Square. White James, attorney at law and notary public, north side Public Square. Wiley James, justice of peace, Main bet. Third and Fourth. Wilkins D., councilman 3d Ward. Wilkins N., saddle and harness maker, south side Public Square. Williams A. C., prop'r Crude Oil Works, bet. Central Ohio and Steubenville R. R. Wilson Enoch, groceries and provisions, Third, bet. Main and Church. Wilson J. N., druggist and physician, west side Public Square. Wilson M. L., dealer in dry goods, groce ries, &c., 2 Buckinghaul Block. Wilson & Smith, manufacturers of all kinds of woolen goods, Main, near North Fork. Winegardners & Bancroft, dealers in hardware, iron, nails, glass and farming implements, saddlery ware, &c., west side Public Square. Wing L. B., councilman 1st Ward. Wing & Braddock, groceries and pro visions, north side Public Square. Wiswell E. W., marble works, Second, bet. Main and Canal. Wolholding Coal Oil Co., Kenyon, Sayles & Wolling, prop'rs, south Ohio Cen tral R. R. Woodbridge F. H. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, &c., south side Public Square. Wright George P., attorney at law, corner Main and Fifth. Wulfhoop Henry, groceries and provisions, cor. Canal and Second. YOUING JOHN, PROPRIETOR GIRAFFE HOTEL, SOUTH FIFTH, BET. WEST MAIN AND CANAL. NEW BAVARIA, A post village of Henry county, in Pleasant township, established in 1848, situated 14 miles south from Napoleon, and 120 miles north-west from Columbus. Township population, 338. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etca Dagrager Christian, township trustee. Daum Geo., township clerk. Fender John, general merchant. Hasselmeyer Charles, c arriage and wagon maker. Hetler Peter, carriage and wagon maker. H offm an Geo., town ship t rustee. Horning Charles, general merchant and hotel prop'r. Horning Charles, justice of peace and no tary public. Horning Daniel, constable. Lorch Rev., Methodist pastor. Madden J. B., township justice. Motler Rev. —, Catholic priest. Muller Frederic, boot and shoe maker. Sauer Henry, township treasurer. Schatz Henry, township trustee. SCHOLL IIENRY, POSTMASTER. Spengler Frederic, boot and shoe maker. Weaver John, boot and shoe maker. Wirth John, constable. NEWBERRY, A village of Clermont county, for description of which, see Mulberry post office, page 457. NE W 467 NEW NEW AT]EIENS, A post village of Harrison county. NEW BALTIMORE, A post office of Stark county. NEW BEDFORD, A post office of Coshocton county. NEW BERLIN, A post office of Stark county. NEW 468 NEW Redfield Henry, carriage and wagon ma ker and painter. Russel Charles, hotel prop'r. Way Elijah, carpenter. Weeks Lewis, blacksmith. Newbury, Ohio. W. A. CGEENEW PRINCAPAL, NEW CALIFORNItA, A post office of Union county. NEW BIRMINGHAM. A village of Guernsey county, for description of which see Milnersville post office, page 444. NEW CASTLE, A post village of Coshocton county. A vilAlage of the same name is situated in Monroe county, for description of which, see Laing's post office, page 391. NEWBURG, A village of Noble county, for description NEW CHAMBERSBURG, of which see South Olive post office. A post office of Columbiana county. NEWCOMERSTOWN, A post village of Tuscarawas county, on the Ohio Canal, and on the Pittsburg, Columbus and Cincinnati railway, 10 miles from New Philadelphia, and about 80 miles east north-east from Columbus. Population about 400. A post village and township of Geauga county, situated 12 miles south from Chardon, and 27 miles east from Cleveland. It contains a flourishing High School, two stores, &c. Alphabetical List of -Professions, Trades, -'tc. Adams Expres Co., Neugen & Smith, ag'ts. Bassett G., wagon maker. Baxter W. E., bakery and saloon. Beers & Goudy, physicians and surgeons. Bradshaw W., stone and brick mason. Brown A., physician and surgeon. Brown James, physician and surgeon. Butler J ames, c ooperage. Chambers John, grocery. Clewell C., tailor. Craig Wm., prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. Crater J. G., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware. Davis Charles F., carpenter and builder. Davis L. C., attorney at law. Hall Jos., prop'r Phoenix House. Heskett Rev. B. F., M. E. Church. Kinner Uriah, blacksmith. Little G. R., tannery, boot and shoe shop. Long Geo. W., surgeon dentist. McClure Jas., saddles and harness. McCurdy E., carpenter and builder. McFadden Wm., tailor. Mardis Wm., grocery. Marlatt Wm., grocery. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Burnett Almira, dress maker. Canfield Mrs. A., dress maker. CANFIELD THEODORE, POSTMASTER AND GROCER. Gilbert Mrs. H. A., assistant Newbury High School. Gilbert James, tanner. Gillmore Henry, prop'r steam saw mill. GREENE W. A., PRINCIPAL NEW BURY HIGH SCHOOL. (See card, p. 468.) Loveland Abbie, milliner. Luther Benjamin, carpenter and cabinet maker. Matthews Anson, general merchant. NEWBURY H I G H SCHOOL, W. A. GREENE, PRIN., MRS. H. A. GIL BERT, ASS'T. (See card, p. 468.) Peggs Henry, blacksmith. Pierson Rev. S. W., Congregational pastor. Punderson Daniel, prop'r saw and flouring mills. Punderson Eleazer, grist mill prop'r. NEW 468, NEW RI ii n it n Mrs. H. A. Gilbert, Assistant. NEW CARLISLE, A post office of Clarke county. NEW BREMEN, A post office of Auglaize county. NEW BURLINGTON, A post village of Clinton county. NEWBURY, -~ NW46 E Miller David, hotel prop'r. Mulvane D., tannery, saddle and harness shop. Mulvane, Twiford & Co., general mer chants. Neighbor L. B., cabinet maker. Nugen & Smith, agents P. C. & C. R. R., and Adams Express Co. Nutter B., cooperage. Patterson & Sons, prop'r flouring mills. Phoenix House, Jos. Hall, prop'r. Piper J. 0., prop'r Union House. Portmess Jas., physician and surgeon, and justice of the peace. Richardson J. H. C., blacksmith. RODNEY JOHN W., POSTM STER. Rodney & Vognitz, dry goods, groceries, hardware. boots, shoes, &c. Scott & Chapman, apothecaries and drug gists. Silkey J. P., physician and surgeon. Smith, McMackin & Co., dealers in dry goods, iron, nails, hardware, queens ware, boots and shoes, grocers, pro duce and commission merchants. Union House, J. O. Piper, prop'r. Vanwert John, grocery and saloon. Wilgus Chas., manufactnrer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, gro cer and produce dealer. Williams H., groceries and provisions. Zimmer Philip, boot and shoe shop. KELLY NOBLE, POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. Kerr Wm., general merchant. Kinkade J. L., harness maker. Lile E., prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. McCu ne Jos., village trustee. McCutchon J. B., chair manufacturer. MicDonald A. O., village treasurer and tai lor. McD onald W. A., tai lor. McDonald Wm., mayo r and brick mason. Mackabee Rev., pastor I. E. Church. Madden Geo., patent right agent and car penter. March Rev. —, pastor United Brethren. Milholland H., dress maker. Milholland James, school teacher. Miller John, carriage and wagon maker. Mulholland John, prop'r threshing ma chine shop. Murch - -, physician. Nelson James, cabinet maker. Noble Joseph, manufacturer of agricultu ral implements. Noble Samuel, carpenter. Noble Wm., boot and shoe maker. Pringle G. W., physician. Reasoner Cyrus, carpenter. Reasoner Thos., wines and liquors. Segfield Rev. W. D., pastor Baptist Church. Skinner J. C., stoves and tin ware. Smith A., village trustee. Spear Alexander, general merchant. Spear Jane, dress maker. Spear, Patterson & Co., prop'r steam flour ing mill. Thompson D. G., boot and shoe maker. Thompson S. B.', village trustee and car penter. Timms H., township clerk. Walker Wm., township trustee. Waller F., hotel prop'r. White W., school teacher. Williams S. W., village clerk. Wilson —, tailor. Wilson Alex., village trustee. Wilson J. C., township trustee. Wilson John, boot and shoe maker. Wilson Rev. S., Presbyterian pastor. NEW CONCORD, A post village of Muskingum county, in Union township, established in 1834, situated on Crooked creek, 16 miles from Zanesville, and 72 miles east from Columbus. Population 600. Township 1,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen G. W., township trustee. Beamis Mrs., hotel proprietress. Bell James, physician. Brady Rev., pastor'M. E. Church. Brown Alex., carpenter. Crawford VWm., carriage and wag,on ma ker. Dothard A. B., boot and shoe maker. Elliott J. C., township treasurer. Forsythe J. V., leather dealer. Fulton John, cooper. Gremmen, ambrotypist. Grummoni Wm., cabinet maker. Guthrie John, carpenter. Guthrie Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Hanson Jacob, village trustee. Harper & Gault, general merchants. Heardman J. 11., boot and shoe maker. Herrand XI. M., dress maker. Jones J., brick mason. NEW CORWIN, A post ofce of Highland county. NEW DOVER, A post office of Union county. NEW 469 N'EW NEW CUMBERLAND, A post office of Tuscarawa,s county. NEW 470 NEW JOHN T. DANIEL, TDAe HER, In the calling Three Years. REFERENCEs-Rev. Robt. Dickson, New Wilmington, Pa., Rev. A. Swaney, New Hagerstown, O., Rev. Jas. Hyett, Augusta, O., Mr. Jesse Philips, Cabello, O. GDRY GOODS, at T Groceries, Provisions, Hats, &c., NEW GADBEN, - - OHIO. NEW GUILFORD, A post office of Coshocton county. NEW HAGERSTOWN, A post village of Carroll county, in Orange township, established in 1820, situated on Cormotton river, 12 miles from Carrollton, and about 100 miles east north-east from Columbus. Population 150. Township 1,200. A post village of Columbiana county, in Hanover township, established in 1830, situated 10 miles west from New Lisbon, and 75 miles south-east from Cleveland. Population 200. Township 2,800. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etch Barnes Henry, carriage and wagon maker. Bavington C., prop'r Union House. Belknap David, township trustee.. Brann Alex., prop'r St. Charles Hotel. Chapman Wm., township trustee. Clark Wm., township trustee. Cotter John & Son, tailors. DANIEL JOHN T., SCSHOOL TEACHER. (Se e car d, p. 470.) Davis Robert, constable. Dempster Wm., township clerk. Elliott G., marble worker. Griffith, cooper. Harvey L. A., ambrotypist. Henderson Jas. A., physician. Henderson John O.. school teacher. Hickson Abner, cabinet maker. Hickson Amos, dentist. Hooten Mark M., leather dealer. Job Henry, constable. Johnson F., supervisor. McGown H. R., school teacher. McGown Rev. W. R., Baptist pastor. MOORE JOHN, POSTMASTER AN D GROCER. Moreland John, cabinet maker. Moreland T., carpenter. Morrison Miss Mattie, school teacher. MVlurphy Robert, cooper. New Hagerstown Academy, Geo. M. Elli ott, principal, John T. Daniel, assist ant. Oppelt E. A.. physician. Price J. L., attorney at law. Price John W., boot and shoe maker. Price Joseph, dry goods dealer. St. Charles Hotel, Alex. Brann, prop'r. Scott -, physician. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, EtL Burson David, township trustee. Butz Samuel, carpenter. Cope Caleb, township trustee. Davidson James, township assessor. Dennis Robert, druggist. Fording John, carriage and wagon maker. Fouts Israel, cooper. Fox Samuel, township clerk. Galbreath D. L., tanner. GRAHAM JAMES, POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card p. 470.)' Haldeman A. J., township constable. Johnson Wm., township trustee. Hefner James, auctioneer. Kefner Wm. B., boot and shoe maker. Kirk Joseph, ambrotypist. Liber Chas., agricultural implements. Liber Chas., jr., carriage and wagon ma ker. Liber Chas., sen., carriage and wagon ma ker. Liber Jacob, foundry prop'r. Little John, barber. Lockhart Wm., township justice. McGavorn Eli, township justice. Robinson James, brick maker. Rogers Samuel, chair manufacturer. Ruth Henry, township treasurer. Saffell James, prop'r machine shop. Shlisler Jacob, dentist. Thomas Isaac, harness maker. Thompson Wm., township justice. Wolf C., hotel prop'r. Wood A., cooper. NEW 470 NEW JAMES GRAHAM, Dealer in NEW ENGLAND, A post office of Athens county. NEW FRANKLIN, A post vill,,t-,e of Stark country. NEW GARDEN, NEW 471 NEW Shisler John, chair maker. Shisler John & Son, painters. Swaney Rev. A., Presbyterian pastor. Tucker Henry, township treasurer. Union House, C. Bavington, prop'r. Wallace S., carpenter and township jus tice. NEW HAVEN, A post office of Huroni county. NEW HAMPSHIRE, A post office of Auglaize county. NEW HOLLAND, A post village of Pickaway county, in Perry township, situated on Paint creek, and on the Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanesville railway, 17 miles west by south 'from Circleville, and 36 miles south from Columbus. Population 500. Township 2,000. A.post village of Carroll county, in Harrison township, established in 1830, situated 5 miles from Carrollton, and 80 miles south south-east from Cleveland. Population 150. Township 600. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abraham I. M., physician. Aid J., boot and shoe maker. Allen C., carpenter. American Hotel, S. G ordon, prop'r. Bennett H.. M., painter. Bennett T. C., v illage alerk. Black Hawk Lo dge No. 217., I. O.O.F. Brown J., grocer. Chaffin S., c ouncilman. Cochran Wm. J., township cl erk. Collier S., architect. Collier Samuel, marshal. Connell Rev. Z., Met ho dist pastor. Crownover H., carding machine. Davis J. K., principal New Holland Union School. Dick T., township trustee. Draper Alex., grocer. Dunlap J. G., painter. Elliott J. A., carpenter. English J. T., mayor. Ferguson N. R., general merchant and prop'r steam grist mnill. Ferguson N. R., railroad and express agent. Ferguson W. C., general merchant and brick maker. GOOLEY G. W., POSTMASTER AND -COUNCILMAN. COOLEY & GORDON, GENERAL MER CHANTS. Gordon R. S., boot and shoe maker and councilman. Gordon S., prop'r American Hotel. Gordon Samuel F., patent right ag,ent andi tailor. Hill W. W., township assessor. Hipple G. & J., agricultural implenents. Hossleton & Vlerebome, gen'l mereh&ats. Lewis D., township trustee. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Ayers M., justice of the peace. Barr James, tailor. Bexter C. P., painter. Brusparr P., boot and shoe maker. Craton S., boot and shoe maker. Eaton Rev. —, Presbyterian pastor. Gregory James, carpenter and cabinet ma ker. Gregory James, prop'r livery stable. Gregory Samuel, tobacco grower. Gween Joseph, cooper. Hibbets James, tobacco grower. Highland S. A., general merchant. Hyde E., cooper. Hyhelends John, school teacher. Kessler P., general merchant. Kessler P., carriage and wagon maker. Leffet N., surgeon. Legget N., barber. Lotz F., brick mason. McAuley John, constable. McAuley T. F., harness maker. Maryman F., cooper. MOORE JOHN, POSTMASTER. Moore John, grocer and hotel prop'r. Need C., milliner. Need D., carriage and wagon maker' Nevid Rev. Wm., United Brethren pastor. Pardee Rev. Wm., Disciple. Perry G. W., carpenter and cabinet maker. Perry G. W., constable and painter. Perry S). G., tanner. Price John, patent right agent and town ship justice. Rollins A. E., milliner. Roll i ns J., harness maker. Stoltz A., brick mason. i I NEW 471 NEW Taylor R., nursery and seedsman. Tucker R., hotel proprietor. Wilson R., piop'r steam saw mill. . NEW HARRISON, A post village of Darke county. NEW HARMONY, A post office of Brown county. NEW HARRISBURG, NEW Lewis Z., general merchant. Long A. G., harness maker. Long Mrs. Malrtha, milliner. IMc(,oy Miss S. A., school teacher. MlcCoy & McDonald, plow makers. McDonal L'. I., councilman. Matthews Rev. S., Christian cider. Morris Rev. Wm.,,Methodist pastor. Mlouser P., prop'r grist mill. New ifolland Union School, J. K. Davis, principal. Osborn & Foible, stoves and tin ware. Porter N., towuship treasurer. Propps rWm., general merchant. Rector H. C., prop'r steam saw mill. Reeves Mrs. AlMry, milliner. Reeves N., physician. Shook Henry, sewing nmachine agent, and tailor. Smith G. W., township trustee. Thlomas S. P., towns iip justice. Watkins T. J., carpenter. Wilson J. F., physician. Alphabetical List of Profes sions ae, Latesi Adam G. F., w'[gon maker. Aikcn Rev., Methodist past,or. Anderson V., principal Union School. Arter Ja,cob, saddle and harness miaker, north side Walnut. Baird R. S., grocery. BEAN N. & P., BOOT AND SIt0E STORE. Ben'ler J. F., watch ma-ker and jeweler. Birggs M., stoves'rnd tin ware, east side. Ml,arket. Blockson A. J., druggist. BREWER & WISDERN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WALNUT, OPP. WATS(N HOUSE. Bridge & Burns, dry goods, east side Mlar NEW HOPE, ket. A post office of Brown county. Avillage Brown T. S., attorney. BUCKEYE STATE, R~,. C. WVILSON, EDIof the same name is situated in Preble TO R AND PIJBLISHER. ISSUED ON county, for description of which see Up- TUSA ishurJ post office.bi Clarke JameTHURSDAY. shur post office. I,,trke J,,mes, tt~toi-ney Clarke James, atttoirney. Clarke John, attorney. Cook & Watson, blacksmiths. NEW JASPER, Custard J., jeweler aind dentist, MaI.trket. A post office of Greene county. Dorwart Wm., merchant tailor, west side Market. Dorwart Wm., mayor, west side Market. NIEW LEBAN: ON', Duball IP., barber, near Watson. ~Ells E., undertaker. A post office of Montgomery county. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. W. HAMIL _____ ____TON, PROP'R, WALNUT, WEST OF COURT. NEW LEXINGTON, Frost C. L., groceries arnd provisions. A *~ ~ ~' *s FROST E. & G., GROCERIIES AND PROA post village,n(I tlhe c,ipitaI of Perry VISIONS, SOUTH-EAST COR. PUB-: county, on the Cincinnati, Wilminrgton LIS SQUARE. and Zanesville railway, about 45 miles L SAe. south-east from Columbus. A village of Gaskill & Straughn, boots and shoes east the same name is situated.n Highland side arket. county, for description of which see Gregg & Nace, druggists. Highlan post off, p' Hitamilton W. W., prop'r Exchange Hotel, Highla,nd post office, p. 373. west side Walnut. tIlarris B3. F., teacher. NEW LISBON, l,Haynes J., picture gallery. HIELMAN Al. F., HARDWARE, IRON, An important post village and the capitalt A ND NAILS, EAST SIDE MARof Colunmbiana county, in Center town- KET. ship, situated on Little Beaver river, about Helmani S., grocer, west side Market. 75 miles south south-east from Cleveland. Hesin Mliss L., teacher. It contains the cotunty buildings, twenty Hill H. R., attorr ey at law, north-east cor. stores, a foundry, &c. Population about Public Square. 1,500. Hill T. B., foundry. HOOVER W. A., MANUFACTURER OF CUSHMA N'S CELEBRATED LIGHT COLUMBIANA COUNTY OFFICERS. NING ROD. Clerk, J. R. Arter. I Hum D., grocery, east side MNlarkeL. I NEW 472 EW NiW Huston Wm., merchant tailor, east side Market. King Rev., Disciple. Lamburn C, constable. Lamburn Sa.muel, bltacksmith. Lewis B. F., saddies and harness, north side Walnut. Lodge & ('owan, groceries, Walnutt. LODGE 0. L., AUDITOR, WEST SIDE MARKET. 3IcCASKEY A. G., POSTMASTER, EAST SIDE MIARKET. M'cCa,skey & Winter, hotel prop'rs, corner MIarket and Pine. MIcCoy & Sons, bankers, west side Main. McGregor E. t., justice of peace. 5tcLane & Maidorf, cabinet makers, Mar ket. McLe,Lin A., justice of peace, south side of Walnut. Manii S., blacksmith. MIiller D. F., grocery, east sile of Public Square. MIiller Wmn., marshal. Montgonierv S., boot and shoe maker, west side M arket. Morrison F., grocery, north side Walnut. M O P R ON J. A., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. (See card, page 470.) Myers Wm., carriage maker. Nelson G., general store, west si(le Mar ket,. Patterson Wim., chair and cabinet nmaker. Paul & Pritchard, general stoic. POTTER L. W., ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE BANK BUILDING. Pricbard J., physician. Priclhard R. B., drugs aid hardware. Rankin Mill. A. M., music teacher. Roach Miss S., teacier. Rogers G. A., butcher. Rothschild & Brother, clothing, Market. Shawk J., blacksmithling, east side Mlar ket. Small S. gunsmith, east. side Main. Smiley A. B., general store, north side of Market. SNODGRASS A. T., BOOKS, STATION ERY., MVUSIC AND WALL PAPER, EXCHANGE BUILDING. Springer D., physician. Sultz M. H.., general store. TfiRONE SAMUEL, PROP'R OF HACK LINE FROMI NEW LI SBON TO WELLSVILLE, DAILY, FARE 75 CENTS. Tlodd J. M., physician, north side Walnut. Todd Rlev. 0. M., Presbyterian. Todd S., boot and shoe maker. Voganri J. W., merchant t'ilor. Wadsworth & Orr, attorneys, south side Walnut. Watson House, Samuel Watson, proprietor, cor. Walnut and Jefferson. And_ dealer in Toys, Jewelry and Fancy Goods; also, Fruits, Nuts, Coffee, Confectionery, Catsups, Pickles, Sauces, an d P rovisio ns g enerally. Cor. Main and Jefferston, New Lisbon, O. A prominent and flourishing post village, and township of Huron county, established in 1825, situated on King's creek, and on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cinoineati ailw, 18 mile s south-east from Norwa,-lk, and 47 miles south-west from Clevelai~nd. It contains twelve stores and several imnur,if.actories. Population 1,000. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professites, Trades, Etc. Andeison D. W., ge neral m ercha nt. Arrnold II. C., stoves and tin ware. Ascher H., jewelry, &c. Ascher House, A. C. Potter, prop'r. Avery Cha,s., barber. B1arns A., grocer. Barritt Ht. D., township trustee. Bairitt Z., wool grower. Bartholomew A. C., jewelry, &c. Beattie C., blacksmith. Beattie Charles, druggist. Belding Chas. & Co., patent right agents. Bonney L., edge tool manufacturer and blacksmith. Boyer H. A., general merchant. iradley- D., painter. reck L. W., harness maker. Briggs,J., boot and shoe maker. Briggs John, ambrotypist. Brooks M1.. township trustee. Chapen S; D., coal dealer. Childs Horace, broom maker. Cook John, coal dealer. Cookingham Al., boot and shoe maker. Cross J., druggist. Culbertson Wn., treasurer. Day E., brewer. NEW 47,'l NEW JOHN A. MORRON, Wholesale and Retail. Watson John, grocery. W,,ttt, inliss L., teacher. W I L,i 0 N It. C., EDITOR AND PUB LISHER BUCKEYE STATE, NORTH SII)E PUBLIC SQUARE. IVOODS THOS. S., ATTORNEY, OFFICE 01-110 PATRIOT. Woods T. S., editor and publisher Ohio Pa triot, cor. Walnut and Beaver. NEW LONDON, 0 NEW 474 NEW Liggett Ira, railroad and express agent. Liggett Samuel, cooper. Lutfin W., township assessor. McClave James, boot and shoe maker. McClellan A., physician. McClellan A. & Co, general merchants. MN:cConnel Wm., township trustee. Marvin W. L., prop'r planing mill and carriage and wagon maker. Merrifield J. S., wool grower. Merrifield O. S., assistant marshal. Messenger A. H., auctioneer and commis sion merbhant. Miner A., brick mason. North S. P., sash, blic nd and door maker and carpenter. Oppenheimer J., clo thier. Otis S., cabinet maker. Palnter Rev. W. H., Methodist pastor. iPerkins J., carpenter and trustee. Porter A., attorney at law and real estate agent. Post IB., nursery and seedsman. Potter A. C., prop'r Ascher House. Potter Andrew, leather dealer. Powers R. C., attorney at law and broker. Powers R. C., real estate and insurance agent. Prince D. W., stoves and tin ware. Rawson J. M., dentist. Richmond Rev. J. M., Baptist pastor. Robinson Elihu, broker. Rogers A. J., carriage and wagon maker and carpenter. Runyah Charles, express agent. Runyan E., boot and shoe maker. Runyan N., boot and shoe maker. Runyan & Co., booksellers. Russel O., tanner. Sackett D., tobacco grower. SKELLENGER A. D., PHYSICIAN AND PROP'R LIVERY S T A B L E AND NEW LONDON A N D NORWALK STAGE ROUTE. (See card, p. 474.) Smurr John, harness maker. Smtlrr Wm., jewelry, &c. Snider Louisa, milliner, and dealer in fan cy goods. Staley G. AV., blacksmith. Starbird A., physician and township trea surer. Starbird A. & Bro., druggists. Stevens E., blacksmith. Stevens Wmi., boot and shoe maker. Stewart D., carpenter. Thom James, carpenter and trustee. Thom Mrs. James, dress maker. Thom John, carpenter and township jus tice. Th'omas George, cabinet maker. TownIsend Mliss D. J., school teacher. Townsend L., Carriage and wagon maker. Turner S., brick mason. Vosburg Isaac, painter. OPER. TIHG S U RGEOH, Proprietor of Lipry Stable and New London and Norwalk Stage Route. Day E. H., grocer. Day S., distiller. Disbrow J. R. A., prop'r steam saw mill. Earl F., pork packer. * Flannery John, tailor. Fox D. H., attorney at law and mayor. Fox D. H., insurance agent and township justice. Frink John, boot and shoe maker. Frink Mrs. John, dress maker. Fulton Robert, marble worker and brick mason. Furlong O. P., prop'r steam grist mill. Furlong O. P. & Co., manufact'rs agricul tural implements.. Green C. G., ambrotypist and cabinet m., ker. Gregory Charles, pork packer. Gregory C. W., general merchant. Gregory Jas. L., township clerk and sew ing machine agent. Hazard James, prop'r candle factory. Hazard R., harness maker. 9 Hemenway T., prop'r steam saw mill and lumber yard. Hinman L., boot and shoe maker. Hoffstatter George, constable. Hoffstatter John, township justice. Hooker F. C., engraver and jeweler. Houghtlen Al., architect. Jobes S., grocer. Jones Wm., physician. Kemenway T., prop'r planing mill. Kester R., homoeopathic physician. Kilburn A. D., painter. Kilburn Mrs. E., dress maker. Kilburn H., painter. Kilburn H. C., painter. Kilburn Leonard, recorder. Kilburn Levi, general merchant. Kilburn Stephen, chair manufact'r. Kilburn S. W., painter. King Charles, gunsmith. King Henry, brick maker. King's Hotel, H. Knapp, peop'r. Knapp Betsey, dress maker. Knapp Fred.. saloon keeper. Knapp H., prop'r King's Hotel. KNOWLTON S. S., POSTMASTER AND CONSTABLE. Knowlton Mrs. S. S., dress maker. Ladd Miss L.. school teacher. Lanning J., brick mason. Lazier James, fur dealer. EW NEW 474 A. D. SKELLENGER, New London, 0. NEW 475 NEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. WM. M. PORTER, Dealer in marshal. White Charles, fish dealer. White George, grocer. Williams C. -W., carriage and maker. Witt C., tailor. Drugs, ledieines, NEW.MADISOYN, - - OHIO. NEW LYMVIE, Jaqua Charles, attorney at law and nota ry public. Lockett E. & Brother, school teachers. Miller George D., township clerk. Miller W. F., boot and shoe maker. Mills John W., engraver. Montgomery William, distiller. Morrison E. M., physician. Phillips Robert, brick mason. Porter Mrs. R. J., dress maker. PORTER WM. M., POSTMASTER, PHYSI CIAN AND DRUGGIST. (See card, p. 475.) Powell B., hotel and livery stable prop'r. Prey H., cooper. Rav Stephen, brick mason. Rhyn Wm. J., coencilman. Rightenour J. W., township justice. Roberts John, pump makea. Roberts Samuel R., prop'r steam saw mill. Rush John, township trustee. Shriver J. B., council m an. Snodgrass R. & Sons, hide and leather dealers. Theadoe M., tailor. Thomas J. H., dentist. Thomas S. A., dentist. Thurston Caleb, township treasurer. Ullom Wm., painter. Wallace George W., physician. Weast John, wagon and plow maker. Whitemore Samuel, township constable. Wilt Ebenezer, pork packer. Wise Lawson H., tailor. Worch E., tailh,r. Worch S., cooper. Worch Sylvester, baker. Zeeck Andrew, gunsmith. Zeeck M., foundryman and edge tool manufacturer. Zeeck M., village treasurer and dealer in agricultural implements. NEW MADISON, A post village of Darke county, in Harrison township, established in 1829, situated on Whitewater river, near the Indiana State line, 10 miles south-west from Greenville, and 65 miles north-west from Cincinnati. Population 500. Township 2,100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Achenbauga M., insurance agent. Adkins James D., township trustee. Aughee J. A., jewelry, etc. Bacon George, village clerk. Bacon & Aughee, stoves and tin ware. Bacon & Townsend, general merchants. Beattey S. M., township constable. Biddle Wm., carpenter. Biddle Wm. J., grocer. Bloom Joseph, prop'r steam grist mill. Bowen J. C., general merchant. Bowen Miss M. A., sewing machine agent. Bowen & Snodgrass, general merchants. Bowersaur G. H., marshal. Brown C., pork packer, and township constable. Camp Mrs. Annetta, ambrotypist. Carr E., dress maker. Crowls Jacob, cabinet maker. Davis L. H., mayor. Davis L. S., harness maker. Deidtz P., boot and shoe maker. Downing Jason, t, wnship trustee. Ebling C., cooper. Ebling Henry, brick maker. Ebling M., cooper. Emerson H. W., t wnship justice. Falkner Wm., township assessor. Fleming James, cabinet maker. Foster R. C., harness maker. - Fredericks P., boot and shoe maker. Gifford Rev. Henry, Universalist pastor. Gipson N., township justice. Harter Elias, agricultural implements. Helms & Harter, carpenters. Heryman M. T., carpenter. Jacobs J., boot and shoe maker. Jaqua C., insurance agent and broker. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. BARRON H. P., POSTMASTER. NEW 475 NEW er, and wagon Paints, Oils, &C., A post office of Ashtabula coun'tY. NEW MARKET, A post village and township of Highland county, established about 1800, situated 6 miles south-west from Hillsboro, and 50 miles east from Cincinnati. Population 250. Township 1,500. NEW 476 NEW Harvey Wm., general merchant. Heckwine John, baker. Hill J. N., general merchant. Huston Rev., Methodist pastor. Hutchison S., gen'l merchant and tanner. Laoman A. R., school teacher. Lemon T., general merchant. Leonard Rev. J. D., Baptist pastor. McManor T. & Co., general merchants. McWilliams Alex., cooper and township justice. McWilliams J., prop'r st,eam-L saw mill. Martin S., general merchant. Neim Jonas, tailor. Pool Wm. H., cabinet maker. Ramsay Rev., Union pastor. Raper M., school teacher. Reynolds -, brick mason. Riggs H. R., coal dealer. Shannon S., general merchant and lum ber dealer. Shilling B., painter. Sanford J., carpenter. Thorp H., carpenter. Unger J., boot and shoe maker. Wade Peter, harness maker. Wtand B., boot and shoe maker. WILLIAMSON J. W., POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 476.) Winans & Weyor, physicians. Benjamin Rev., Methodist pastor. Berryman Thomas, notary public. Chaney Samuel, cooper Clagget Miss, dress maker. Colburn B. C., school teacher. Davis Norton, general merchant. Emry James, township trustee. Harris S. S., constable. Harshbarger- Win., brick mason. HIliggins Wm. W., tailor. McClintick James H., constable. Morrow John, township trustee. Morrow Lewis V., township clerk. Murphy Samuel, hotel prop'r. Robison & Gruber, potters. Smith Samuel M., general merchant. Stilwell Rev., Methodist pastor. Taylor Rev. G. W., Baptist pastor. VanWinkle John, school teacher. Washburn Joseph, physician. Williams Rev. Nathaniel, Presbyterian pastor. NEW MIDDLETOWN, A post village of Mahoning county. NAEW MARTINSBURG, A post office of Fayette county. NEW MILFORD, NEW METAMORAS, A post village of Washington county, in Grandview township, established in 1851, situated on the Ohio river 30 miles above Marietta, and about 120 miles east by south from Columbus. Population 500. Township 1,800. NEW PALESTINE, A post office of Clermont county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Andrea Emanuel, druggist. Ashley Mary A., milliner. Barnes, nursery and seedsman. Beabout H., constable. Brown H., carpenter. Calvert W., boot and shoe maker. Clark L., carpenter. CLINE C. A., ASSIS'T POSTMASTER. Cook S. & Co., prop'rs steamn flouririg mill. Ellis Wm. M., brick mason. Girt Wmn., carpenter. Green W., attorney at law. HIlarvey L., attorney at law. HIarvey S., hotel proprietor and township justice. NEW PARIS, A post village of Preble county, in Jefferson township, situated on the East Fork of Whitewater river, and on the Dsaytoii and Western railway, 12 miles north. west from Eaton, and 35 miles north-west from Dayton. It centains eleven stores, etc. Population 555. NEW 476' NEW JAS. W. WILLIAMSONG Dealer in Fancy I Groceries, Hardware, &c., Water Street, Metamoras, Ohio. A post office of Portage county. NEW MOSCOW, A post office of Coshocton county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Austin D. B., carpent,er, Alain. Bat-ten Wm., gunsmith, Main. EW 477 NEW CO B'S' EXCHANGE, N. W. cor. Public Square, New Philadelphia, O. This House, recently kept by Thomas Nelson, has been refitted and refurnished in the most modern style, and is now ready for the reception of Travelers and Boarders. No labor or expense will be spared to-render his guests at home. Public patronage respectfully solicited. His Stabling is commodious, attended by careful hostlers. Fare the best in the market. Bills low. J. COMBS, Prop'r. BR A F F E T T A., PROP'R BRAFFETT HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND MAIN CROSS. Braffett J. L., dentist, Main Cross. Burtch & Fleming, general store, cor. Mlain and Main Cross. Cook & Boyd, lime and stone dealera, North Main Cross. Culton J., cabinet maker, Main Cross. Davis J. M., saddle and harness maker, MI ain. Feris A. B., physician and surgeon, Main. Fisher A., wagon maker, Main Cross. Fleming H. H., watches and jewelry, Main Cross. Foster & Whitley, wagon makers, Main Cross. Grave Miss J., mii]linery, Main. Grave & Son, tannery, lMain. Haseltinie R. J. & F. N., furniture store, Main Cross. Haseltine J. T., blacksmith, north-east cor. Main Cross and Walnut. Haseltine W. L., grocery, Main Cross. Hyde & Swain, broom shop, Cherry. Ireland D. A. & Co., boot and shoe makers, Main. Ireland J. F., justice of the peace, Mlain Cross. Ireland J. F., stone quarry, South Main Cross. JOHNSON A. P., POSTMASTER. Johnson L., groceries, Main. Kemp RIev. J. T., Christian Church. Kincaid R. J., boot and shoe maker, Main Cross. Mackey & Graham, pump makers, Main. Medaugh J., groceries, north-.west corner Main Cross and Walnut. Miller V. G., physician and surgeon, Main Cross. O'Harra W., blacksmith, Main. Peck O. W., physician, Main. Pennsylvania House, Mrs. E. Smith, pro prietoress, cor. Main Cross and Wal nut. Porterfield L., livery stable, Main Cross. Reinheimer J., blacksmith, Main. Reinheimer P., grocery, Main. Richey L. W., tailor. Richey Miss N., teacher, Main. Richey S. W., druggist, Main. Shafer R. L., stoves and tinware, Main Cross. Shepherd Win., cigar maker, Cherry. Smith Mrs. E., Pennsylvania House, cor. Main Cross and WalnGut. Smith S., prop'r fioulring mill, North M,Iu Cl ss. Thomas Ezra, tailor, MNiain. Thomas S., railroad and express agent, Depot,. Thomas T. P., m,arsh, Ma-in Cross. Thompson R. F., m',,.yor, and justice of the peace, south side Main Cross. Trammel J., cooper, ttigh. Vance Rev. J., Methodist pastor. VANlNEMAN, BEAiMl & JAY, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCE RIES, &c., COR. MAIN AND MIAIN CROSS. Vanneman G. W., pork dealer, Main. Wilson J., teacher, MAlain. 477 NEW NEW .TUSCARAWAS COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, John H. Barnhill. Clerk, John Laiigbe,,td. #Auditor, B. F., Helwig. Recorder, M. S., Neigbbor. Treasurer, 11. Andermaii. Sheriff, Philip Gctzman. Commissioners, Jacob Houk, Joseph Kollar, John Shank. Prosecuting Attorney, A. W. P.,.itrick. Surveyor, Isa,,ic Aiigel, 0. H. Hoover, Deput,y. Coro?ier, Dr. Coniiow,-ty. NEW 478 NEW LION H OT EL, S. J. ALBERT, Propri( tor, High St., bet. Broadway and Fifth Sts, NEW PHILADELPHIA, 0. Croxton Wm. B., attorney at law, office Public Buildings. Demuth B., carpenter. Demuth J., cabinet maker. Demuth Miss L., school teacher. Dutches Democrat, Chas. Mueller, edi tor, Broadway, bet. High and Gray. Dilte J., painter, and village marsh al. Donnell 0. D., de aler in hats, caps, &c., cor. H ig h a nd F ifth. Dougherty G. W., tailor, Broadw ay, bet. High and Gray. Eichel & Zellner, groce ry and saloon, High, bet. Broadway and Gray. Elliott I. D., prop'r Ohio Democrat. Engel Phillip, shaving saloon, Broadway, bet. High and Gr ay. English, Helmick & Dixon, foundry prop'rs. English John, coal dealer. Everett I., coal dealer. Everett & Knisely, general store, Iigh, between Third and Broadway. Exline J., carpenter and builder. Farney Peter, grocery and liquors, Broad way, between High and Gray. Feller F., boot and shoe shop, Broadway, between High and Gray. Fiechman F. C., boot and shoe maker. Gentsch Mrs. W., proprietress Union House, cor. High and Fifth. Gentz C., cabinet maker, cor. Gray and Third. Gerold P., boot and shoe shop, south-east cor. public square. Glalefelter Solomon, soap maker. Goodbourne Miss E., school teacher. Grether John M., physician and surgeon, cor. Broadway and Gray. Gribble I., coal dealer. Grim S., proprietor regular hack line be tween New Philadelphia and Urichs ville, connecting with all trains east and west. Guild R. D., agricultural implements. Itance J. C., attorney at law, High, be tween Broadway and Fifth. Hardman Michael, broom maker. Harter Hotel, John Harter proprietor, cor. Broadway and Gray. Harvey & Campbell, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, Broad way, between High and Gray. Havener S., carpenter. School Exam iners, J oseph Welby, Andrew Crawford, Oliver P. Taylor. &lphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc ALBERT S. J., PROP'R LION HOTEL, HIGH, BET. BROADWAY AND FIFTH. (See card, p. 478.) Angel Isaae, county surveyor, office Court House. Arn John, boot and shoe maker, Broad way, bet. High and Gray. Baltzly D., lumber dealer. Baltzly D., stoves and tin ware. Barker Rev. J. H., Baptist pastor. Bartels J. & D. T., carriage manufactory, South High. Bartilson M. H., attorney at law, Broad way, bet. High and Pleasant. Beall E. T., saddle and harness maker, south-east cor. Public Square. Bedwell & Son, marble workers. Black A. S., prop'r Philadelphia and Wicksville Hack Mail Line, east of Broadway. Black F. R., fur dealer. Blair R., scale manufacturer, High, bet. Broadway and Third. Blake M. M., prop'r flouring mill, South West High. Buel E. P., physician and surgeon, Broad way, bet. High and Pleasant. Butler M., jeweler and ambrotypist, Cen ter Block. Butt John, justice of the peace. Carlisle & Skinner, painters. Chapin John P., general store, cor. Broad way and High. COMBS JOHN, PROP'R COMBS' EX CHANGE, NORTH-WEST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE. (See card, p. 477.) Conn & Co., brick makers. Copeland & Co., blacksmiths, Broadway, bet. High and Gray. Coventry J. W. & Co., general merchants? south-east cor. Public Square. Cramblit John T., general store, High, bet. Broadway and Third. Crawford A., attorney at law, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. Crawford & Richards, physicians. Crits G. W., constable. NEW 478 NEW NEW 479 NEW Hazlett W. L., insurance agent. Hazlett & Miller apothecaries and drug gists, High, between Third and Broad way. Hill Wmn., school teacher. IIIMES P. W., POST MASTER, NORTH WEST COR. PUBLIC SQUARE. HIMES W. A., DEALER IN DRUGS AND AMEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONA RY, &c., CENTER BLOCK. Hirsch B., shaving saloon, Center Block. Hinst John, nursery and seedsman. Hoover O. H.. route agent for U. S. mail, office Depot. Hoover S., notary public, Court House. HOOVER S. & O. H., SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. Hueston George W., saddler and harness maker, High, between Broadway and Third. Hull 1. S., carpenter. Hurst John, dyer and scourer. Huston G. W., harness maker. James Wm. W., surgeon dentist, High, between Third and Broadway. Judy David, general store, High, between Broadway and Third. Kail Mrs. M. E., millinery and fancy goods, High, between Broadway and Fifth. King Mrs. Wm., millinery and fancy goods, High, between Broadway and Third. Kirchl John, pump maker. Knisely M.iss C., school teacher. Kohr John, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, Broadway, cor. High. Korns Daniel, councilman. Korns Robert, confectionery and saloon, Center Block. Laughead John, councilman. Lenhart & McGonigal, merchant tailors, High, between Broadway and Third. Lenhart & Price, architects and builders, north of High. Link P.S., grocery and shoe store, High, between Broadway and Third. LION HOTEL, S. J. ALBERT, PROPRIE-. TOR, HIGH, BET. BROADWAY AND FIFTH. (See card, p. 478.) McBride Rev. S. M., Christian elder. McClelland R., wool grower. McElroy Joseph, cabinet maker, Broad way, between High and Gray. AMcElvain & Stockwell, attorneys at law, Broadway, between High and Pleas ant. McLean John W., carpenter and builder,. Main. Manrow & Co., manufacturers and deal ers in stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, High, between Broadway and B Fifth. WNattach C P., furniture dealer, Bro ad way, between High a nd Gray. Mathews H., councilman. Mathews Joseph, marshal. Meyer Thos., freight and ticket agent, of fice depot. Messerly L. F., groceries and provisions, Broadway, between High and Gray. Miller Mrs. A., milliner and dress maker, High, between Broadway and Miller John N., carpenter. Aillston & Co., boot and shoe dealer s. Minich & Warner, dry goods and general store, northeast cor. Public Square. Mitchell Hugh, architect. Mitchell & Hanrnar, mar ble wor ks, High, bet. Broadway and Fifth. Moore & Dixon, coal dealers. Morey B., groceries and provisions, Broad way, bet. High and Gray. M org a n Butler, may or. Morrow J. W., distiller. Mueller C., prop'r Der.Deutche Demokrat. iMuse E. A. & A. S., marble works. Broad way, bet. High and G-ray. Myers, school teacher. Neely A. L., attorney at law, office Court House. Neely Win., tailor, south-east cor. Public Square New Philadelphia Lodge, No. 177 Masonic. Nichols Wm., watches, clocks and jewelry, High, bet. Broadway and Third. Nisely Jacob, carpenter and builder, north of HIigb. Noble & Co., prop'rs water flouring mills. Noxon Thomas, bakery, High, bet. Broad way and Fifth. Nutts John, justice of the peace, Broad way, bet. High and Pleasant. O'Donnell Daniel. fur dealer. Ohio Democrat, J. D. Elliott, editor and proprietor, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. Oppenheimer Moses, clothing store, Broad way bet. High and Gray. Oppenheimer Wm., ready made clothing, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. Parks John, cabinet maker. Patrick A., prop'r Tuscarawas Advocate. Patrick J. & A. W., attorneys at law, office in Court House. Phillips G. T., eating house and saloon, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. Powleson R., nursery and seedsman. .Price I., carpenter. Reed Thos., groceries and provisions, cor. Broadway:-nd High. Reed Thomas, stone pottery, cor. Gray and Third. Reddy & Alitchner. attorneys at law, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. Redwell & Bro., marble works, High, bet. Broadway and Gray. Richards Miss E., school teacher. NEW 479 NEW NEW 480 - NEW Richards & Crawford, physicians and sur- Vinton & Son. banikers, High, bet. Broad geons, Broadway, bet. High and Pleas- wayt and Gray. anit. Weltz, school teacher. Riker (., wool grower. Wenger John, wagon maker. Robb Win. L., justice of the peace, Ihigh, |Vhite W. S.,physician and surgeon, Broad bet. Thlird anld Broadway. way, bet. High and Gray. Robb Win. S. & VW. L., saddl(le and harness Williams G. G., manufacturer andcl dealer -..lakers, IIi,h, bet. Third and Broad- in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron way. ware, High. Robinson A. It.I recorder. WILLIAMS T. K. & CO., MANUFACTURRobinson A. K., dealer in hardware, cut- ERS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMIERES, lery, &c; Center Block. SATINETTS, B13LANKETS A N D Robinso C. H. & Co., coal oil refinery, STOCKING YARN. south of the city liiits. Williams W. C. & Co., pork packers. Rogers MNliss lMary, school teacher,. Williiams & Burry, dry goods and(l general Rotliley P. C., lager beer saloon, Broadway, mierchiants, cor. Broadway and High. bet. Hi,h and Pleasant. Wills I., brick mnaker. Sargeit A. W. & Co., dry goods,tand gen- Winger Johln, carriage a,nd wagon maker, er,l store, tighi, bet. Broadwaiy nid niorth of High. Third Wolf S., attorney at law. Sargentt Edward, tanneriy, Bioadw.ay. Worthingt.on Rev. N. C'., Methodist pastor. Sargent &'Kurtz, grocei ies and provisions, Young Jacob, blacksmith, cor. Gray and IIigI, bet. iroa idw,V'mdtn( Third. Third. Schoch Chis., 1Ilkeiy ind grocery, B:oad- Zeichmilan F., dealer in groceries, boots, wy,, bet.. Iligh a(l Gray. shoes, &c., Iligh, bet. Broadway and Scliriver lP., stoves anl tn v. re. Thiril. Shlianioi C., lager beeh s4,looti, Broadlway, bet. High and Ple',s}nt. Sharp Miss S. M., millinery and fancy I NEW PITTSBURG, goods, Higl,, bt. Thirtd aud Broadwa,y. Shilliuig Jacob, grocery and confectionery, A post vill:age of Wayne county. High, bet. Broadway and Fifth. Shingler John, blacksmith, north of' lighi. NEW PLY O NEW PLY1MOUTH, Shinner A. S., house and sign painter, Broadway, bet. High and Pleasant. A post village of Vinton county, ini Drown Simpson Jno. B., briber. township, est,abtlished( in ]1850, situated on Smith John, boot and shoe maker, High, Raccoon creek, atnd on the Scioto and bet. Third and Broa,idway. I Hocking Valley railway, 12 miles from SM' ITH JOHN I., DEALER IN DRUGS, AcMeArthuir, and 60 miles s,tth south-east MEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONERY from Columbus. Plopltiol oii 150. Town AND WALL PAPER, CEN T E R ship 1,0.)0. BLOCK. Smith W. G. & Son, physicians. Stam)augnh & Bartelsonr, attorneys at law, Alphabetical List of Pr-esions, Trades, Et Broadway, bet. High and Fifth. Ball James, carriage and wagon maker. Steel & Bro., sign and ornamental paint- Ball James W.. aricultural implements. ers, Center Block. Ball M. F., milliner. Steinbaughi John, boot and shoe shop, Barnes M. R., sc!iool teacher. Broadway, bet. High arnd Pleasant. Bartlett Sylvalnus, cairpelnter and townStiffier Henry, auctioneer. ship justice. Stone H S., dentist, High, bet. Broadway Brown'rhos., township trustee. and Gray. BuSingtonl Ge(orge, tanner. Strayer Lewis, carpenter. Cliapmani Ainos, general merchant. Sutton T., clothier. Dollison S S., denitist and physician. Taber & Ci.ig, baggage masters, office Don.also, Tlos., c.arpenter. Depot. Eckles Wni., harness nmaker and constable. Taylor 0. P., attorney at 1law, Broadway, Eggleston C. C., architect. bet. High and Gray. Eggleston S. D., cooper. Thompson James, constable. Filney Alvan, township clerk and cabinet Tusecarawas Advocate, A. Patrick, editor maker. and proprietor, Broadway, bet. hIlgh' Finney Lucy A., school teacher. and Gray. i Fraruton Rev. E. A., Methodist pastor. Tuscarawas Chapter No. 38, Masoniic. Gibbons,ames, hotel plop'r. Vinton A., councilman. Gist C. W., boot and shoe maker. Gist N. V. B, boot. and shoe maker. NEW 480 NEW NEW 481 NEW Anderson Rev., United Brethren pas tor. ArbalOgh & Gutsha ll, brick masons. Bishop F. B., edge tool manufacturer. Bishop O., broom maker and constable. Bricker Geo., ambrotypist. Carr John, saw mill prop'r. Crowl M. B., h arness maker. Cunningham T. H., gpneral merchant. Custer J., tob acco grower. Devore & Jolly, nursery and seedsmen. Finicum T., grist mill prop'r. Graybill Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Graybill R., township clerk anddealer in wines and liquors. Gcrissinger J., barber. Grissinger John, boot and shoe maker. Guthrie Samuel, brick maker. Jolly Mrs. -, dress maker. Kimmell J., township trustee. King H., township trustee. Knouff John, ca rpenter. Lewis Thos., patent right agent. Lucas D., prop'r carding machine and township trustee. Lyle Geo. W., physician. McCullough & nIcGan, tanners. McCutre Rev., Methodist pastor. McGavran S. M., cabinet mak er. Miner WMm., c arpenter and painter. Mook & Amos, marble workers. Moor W., sewing machine agent and chair manufacturer. Naragong Geo., township supervisor and cooper. Patton James, patent right agent. Scott Miss —, dress maker. Scott Mrs..-, dress maker. Scott A., tailor. Scott R., tailor. Shambaugh P., rope manufacturer. Shultz Geo. W., carriage, wagon and plow maker. Snyder S., nursery and seedsnan. Stephens Rev. -, Methodist pastor. Sumons J., tobacco grower. United States House, John- Wert prop'r. Welling S. D., edge tool manufacturer. Wert Mrs. -, dress maker WERT GEORGE, POST MASTER, PHY SICIAN AND DENTIST. Wert John, prop'r United States House. Wert John & Son, general merchants and lumber dealers. Wert & Co., propr's steam saw mill. Grepper Mrs., milliner. Grigsbey J. H., boot and shoe maker. Harris Rev. —-, Presbyterian Pastor. Hughes Rev. D., Presbyterian pastor. JOHNSON C., POSTMASTER AND GEN ERAL MERCHANT. McFadden E. A., physician. MIcKinney Matthew, township trustee. Martin E., harness maker. Martin John J., tailor. Moore J. C. P., township trustee. Plynmoutth N., hotel prop'r. Sanderson James E., broom maker. Simington Nathaniel, township treasurer. Thurston Rev. F. S., Methodist pastor. NEWPORT, A post office of Washington county. A post office of Coshocton county. NEW PROSPECT, A post office of Wayne county. NEW RICHLAND, A post office of Logan county. NEW ROCHESTER, A post office of Wood county. NEW RUMLEY, A post village of Harrison county, in Rumley township, established in 1800, situated on the Steubenville and Indiana railway, 10 miles north by west from Cadiz, and 120 miles east by north from Columbus. Population 400. Towniship 1,600. NEW SALISBURY, A postoffice of Columbiana county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Acker Rev. —, Lutheran pastor. Ager A., gunsmith. Ager, Jolly & Co., coopers. Allen Geo., township treasurer. Amos James, auctioneer. 31 NEW 481 NEW I NEW PORTAGE, A,post village of Summit county. NEW PRINCETON, NEW RICHMOND, A post village of Clermont county. NEW SOMERSET, A post office of Jef%roon, county. NEW NEW SPRINGFIELD, A post village of Mahoning county. I NEWTON, A post office of Muskingum county. Villages of the same name are situated in Miami and Union counties, for descriptions of which see Raymond's and Big Plain post offices. NEWTON FALLS. A thriving post village of Trumbull county. established in 1840, situated oi lahoning river, 9 miles from Warren and 50 miles south-east from Cleveland. Populationabout 800. Township 1,600. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Oviatt liss E., m illiner. Abbott & Huggins, general store. Parker 0O., livery stable, New American Allen A. N., prop'r grist and saw mills. hotel. Allen A. N., lumber dealer. Porter Wm., township justice. American House, II. Leoh, prop'r. Ramalia Levi, architect. Baldwin G. B., physician. Rice M., physician. Barber Orange, prop'r livery stable. Ripple Win., blacksmith. Barrett Miss C., school teacher. Robins C. & Co., potters and pump makers. Barrett Julia, school teacher. Rudolph Sarah, school teacher. Barrett N. A., principal Union School. St. Swaley. cooper. Beaver J. F., prop'r saw mill. Sampson J. J., boot and shoe maker. Beaver & Cook, grist mill propr's. Scott G. R., boot and shoe maker. Boardman Chas., foundryman. Shell J. & Fnoi, tailors. Bosworth Miss Mary, dress maker. Smith R. W., harness maker. Brescoe James H., physician. Smith R. W. & Son, hardware dealers. Brobst Jacob, brick mason. Soule Lyman T., druggist and grocer. Brobst John, brick mason. Spencer Nelson, general merchant. Bronson James, physician. Star Wm., architect. Brown Joseph, carriage and wagon maker. Stevens Horace, township trustee. Burbank R. A., stoves and tinware. Stevens Rev. Solomon, Presbyterian pastor. Catlin George, dealer in hats and caps. Strock Gideon, township trustee. Cross J., dealer in jewelry, &c. Strock Isaac, carpenter. Dally H. H., gunsmith. Strock M. L., carpenter. Downs Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Sutherland & Tilley, clothiers. Eale D., painter. Sweley George, cooper. Earle Daniel, attorney at law. Taylor H., blacksmith. ENSIGN E. H., POST MASTER AND Taylor George, barber. TOWNSHIP TREASURER. Ten G. E., general merchant. ENSIGN E. H., attorney at law and notary Turner Daniel, constable. public. Winans Alonzo, constable. Ensign John N., stoves and tinware. Erwin henry, township trustee. NEWTONSVILLE, Everest Rev. Harvey, Disciple. Fowler M. A., grocer. A post office of Clermont county. Gaylord Wm., bookseller. Geppinger & Resh, leather dealers. Green Wm., cabinet maker and carpenter. NEWTOWN, Greer Jno. L. & Co., grocers. An important post village of Hamilton Hale George, tailor. county, in Anderson township, established Hallock Rev. B. F., Methodist. in 1830, situated on the Miami river, 1 Hardman & Strock, distillers. mile from the line of the Little Miami Hardinon E. D., grocer. railway, and 6 miles east from Cincinnati. Harmon 0., hotel prop'r. Population 700. Township 2,000. See advt. of State Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. NEW 482 EW 483 NOR Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etch Armstrong J., boot and shoe maker. Armstrong T. M., prop'r fiouring and saw mills. Bacon Rev. B. S., Universalist pastor. Barrow A., plow maker. Bodine Eliza, school teacher. Bodine H., general merchant. Bodine H., justice of peace and notary public. Boyd B. F., hotel prop'r. Brookhiart Maria, baker. Brown Charleq, carpenter. Brown H. M., physician. Brown Jacob, carriage and wagon maker. Brown John, carpenter. Blrown Wm., carpenter. Burdsal U., carpenter. Crissman Jacob, brewer. Deal Isaac, pork packer. Difference MAlichael, baker. Disque Geo., harness maker and township trustee. Durham A., constable. Felter D. E., general merchant and insur ance agent. Felter Laura D., school teacher. Flagg Spring Lodge No. 152, I. O. O. F. Floro Wm., painter. Gerard J., carpenter, and township clerk. Glaskens Henry, prop'r carding machine. Highland W. W., physician. Jones John, school teacher. Jones Wm. E., attorney at law and notary public. Kuhn Jacob, barber. Lantz Daniel, carriage and wagon maker. IMcGILL W. R., POSTMASTER. MNcGILL W. R., GENERAL MERCHANT. (See card, p. 483.) Mathews Wm., broom maker. Milch Michael, boot and shoe maker. Miller J., painter. Parrish Mrs., hotel proprietress. Richardson Josiah, carriage and wagon maker. Shaw M. F., hotel prop'r. Spence Rev., Methodist pastor. Sutton T., sash and door maker. Tucker John, tailor. Wheatley R., township trustee. Wilde Rev. F. M., Baptist pastor. NEW VIENNA, NOBLESVILLE, A post office of Noble county. A post office of Clinton county. NEWVILLE, NONPAREIL, A post office of Highland county. A post office of Carroll county. NEW WASHINGTON, NORRISTOWN, A post village of Crawford county. A post office of Carroll county. See advt. of John C. Schooley & Co., Ice Chests, &c, p. 16&8. NEW 483 NOR W. R. McGILL, Dealer in I I r A% f%' 13 II ti 114i %i, Groceries, Boots. Hardware, &c., NETVTOWN, - - 0-HIO. NEW WATERFORD,, A -Dost office of Columbiana county. NEW-WAY, A post office of Licking county. NEW WESTFIELD, A post village of Wood county. NEW WESTVILLE, A post office of Preble county. NEY, A post office of Defiance county. NICIIOLSVILLE, A post office of Clermont county. NILES, A post offi,ce of Trumbiill countv. NIMISILA, 'A post village of Summit county. NIMMON'S CROSS ROADS, A post office of Morrow county. NOBLESVILLE, A post office of Noble county. NOR 484 NO NORTHI BENTON, A post office of Mahoning county. Sperry N., school teacher. Streeter S. M., township trustee.. Tylee R., township treasurer. Vannagnen H., carpenter and township trustee. Watkins B., hotel prop'r. Wilmot B., township trustee. NORTH BERN, A post office of Fairfield county. NORTH FAIRFIELD, A post village of Iluron county. NORTH BLOOMFIELD, A post office of Trumbull county. NORTH CALIFORNIA, A village of Madison county, for description of which see Big Plain post office, page 38. NORTH GEORGETOWN, A post office of Columbiana county. NORTH CAMDENo, A post office of Lorain county. NORTH HAMPTON, A post village of Clark county. NORTHI CLAYTON, A post office of Miami county., NORTH INDUSTRY, A post office of Stark county. NORTHI JACKSON, (JACK-ON CENTER VILLAGE,) A post village of Mahoning. county, in Jackson township, 10 miles from Canfield, and 60 miles south-east from Cleveland. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc' Anderson D. & Co., general merchants. Anthony G., prop'r steam saw mill. Becker Rev. F. C., Luther an pastor. Bellard J. H., cooper. Blatt D., brick mason. Blatt J., brick mason. Blatt S., bri,k mason. Boley D., prop'r saw mill. Conner Daniel, physician. Eckhard Henry, cabinet maker. Flaugher Isaac, carriage and wagon ma ker. Flaugher John, gunsmith. Folk Gideon, tailor. Fry Charles, boot and shoe maker. Gault R., prop'r saw mill. Harroff J., constable. Harroff John, hotel prop'r. liashman M., township trustee. Johnston Samuel, tanner. Jones S., township justice. Kirk M., grocer. Koonce Cyrus, hotel prop'r and tailor. Krum Daniel, cooper. NORTH DOVER, A post office of Cuyahoga county. NORTH EATON, A post village of Lorain county, on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati railway, 8 miles south-east from Elyria, and '.3 miles south-west from Cleveland. Township population 1,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Ball L. A., school teacher. Brown S., constable. Chapman Wm., township clerk. Chossman W. T., school teacher. Earl I., carpenter. Foot Rev., Disciple. Humphrey J., justice of peace. King E. M., school teacher. King S. E., school teacher. Lawrence Rev. A. G., Presbyterian pastor. Lee John E., justice of peace. MERRICK C. H., POSTMASTER AND PROP'R STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD. Merrick M. K., physician. Merrick Richard, dentist. Montague 11., carpenter. Moore, school teacher. Ross J. O., carpenter. Snow A. A., sewing machine agent. Spaulding J. H., constable. See adv't of Angier House, Cleveland, p. 224. NOR NOR 484 NORTHFIELD, A post village of Summit county. I NOR 485 NOR McConnell J., constable. Maeser Frank, boot and shoe maker. Mansell Wm. B., carriage and wagon ma ker. MARBURGER ELIAS, POSTMASTER, AND TOWNSHIP TREASURER. Marshall MIiles, tanner. Moherman J., township trustee. Moore I. W., township justice. Moyer George, boot anai shoe maker. Newhard D. H., township clerk. Newhard S., saw mill prop'r. Ohl A., prop'r saw mill. Reeves Rev. C. W., Methodist pastor. Rerick Daniel, brick mason. Schanwecker G. J., tanner. Snyder Owen, harness maker. Wager John W., boot and shoe maker. Wanemaker N., township trustee. Welker P. & J., general merchants. Young Wm., prop'r saw mill. WATCH MAKER Jackson 11., dealer in stoves and tin ware. Limes II., boot and shoe maker. Lyon & Sharp, general merchants. NORTH LAWRENCE, mcDonald Rev. N., Methodist pastor. Osborn C., painter. Railroad House, R. Elliott, prop.'r. NORTH LAWRENCE, m A post office of Stark county. NORTH LEWISBURG, A post village of Champaign county, in Rush township, established in 1845, situated on Spain's creek, 15 miles north-east from Urbana, and 45 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, Wheeler A., cooper. Andas W., prop'r saw mill and lumber Winder A., township justice. * yard. Winder A., jr., nursery and seedsman. Apple H., harness maker. Woods A. S., tailor. Baldwin W., general merchant. Young E. C.. school teacher. Baldwin M., general merchant. Beltz A. & D., prop'rs grist mill. Blazing Star Lodge, No. 268, Masonic. Bower J. D., boot and shoe mlaker. NORTH LIBERTY, Bring B.ev. M. D., Christian elder. A post village of Knox conty. Brook J. W.,physician.'A post village of Knox cou~nty. Brock J. W., physician. Butcher J. M., physician. Calendar J. I., tailor. Calender & Campbell, cabinet makers. NORTH LIMA, Conell'D. A., carpenter. A post office of Mahoning county. Dickinson T., Carriage and wagon maker. Dickinson Wm., patent right agent. Dillon E. B., general merchant. Elliott R., prop'r Railroad House. NORTH NEWBERRY, Epps D., harness maker. Epps *m., carpenteA post office of Geauga county. Epps Wim., carpenter. Goode T. S., councilman. GOWEY H. D,, POSTMASTER A N D JEWELER. (See card, p. 485.) NORTH NORWICH, Hamlin Wm., broom manufacturer. A post office of Huron county. Hinds G. W., boot and shoe maker. Hollingsworth, Raymond & Co., prop'rs saw mill, and lumber dealers. Hollingsworth Wm.,physician. NORTH RIDGE, Holt H., gunsmith and carpenter. A post eoffice of Hancock county. See adv't of St'm Engines and Wooden Mach'ry, inside front cover. NOil 485 NOR H. 1). GOWEY, AND -TU, NVIEILIFI LE WISB U-R G, OAT]IO. ~~~~~~~~~OR 486 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORTH RIDGEVILLE, A post village of Loraine county. NORTH UNIONTOWN, A post office of Highland county. NORTH ROBINSON, A small post village of Crawford county, established in 1855, situated on the line of Jackson and Whetstone townships, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 7 miles east from Bucyrus, and about 60 miles east from Cleveland and Columbus. Population 50. NORTH WASHINGTON, A post village of Hardin county, in Washington township, established in 1853, situated on Hog creek, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 12 miles north-west from Kenton, and about 75 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 130. Township 600. Bagen Samuel, wool grower. Decker John, wool grower. Fetter H., boot and shoe maker. Flick A., township trustee. Gerhart Jacob, brewer. Good G. W., township justice. Holmes John, constable. Holmes Wm., township trustee. McClure D., wool grower. MAGERS J. B., POSTMASTER. MAGERS, STAUFFER & DEEM, PRO PRIETRS S T E A M FLOURING AND SAW MILLS. Newman John. township treasurer. Ogden D., township clerk. Reid John, township trustee. Robinson J. P., wool grower. Robinson Mollie A.; school teacher. Robinson Mollie J., milliner. Robinson Wm., school teacher and town ship assessor. Shumaker Joel, broom maker. Shumaker S., agricultural implements. Smith Jacob, painter. Warden James, constable. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Aidrews E.! school teacher. Andrews S. G., township treasurer. Ash A. J., grocer. Ash'P., justice of the peace. Ashton C., agricultural implements. Ashton C., township clerk. Darst Rev. H. P., Methodist pastor. Ebert George, boot and shoe maker. ELBERSON C. H., DRY GOODS DEALER AND POSTMASTER. Elberson S., constable. Hiestane E. B., physician and druggist. Hill J. N., broom maker. Kridler A., township trustee. Kridler A. J., school teacher. Maddox Rev. G, Christian elder. Ott J. G., township trustee and proprietor flouring and saw mills. Ott J. G., lumber dealer. Shon C. W., notary public. Shon Rev. C W., Christian elder. Smith Charles, cabinet maker. Vermire A., sash, blind and door maker. NORTH ROYALTON, A post office of Cuyahoga county. NORTH WEST, A post office of Williams county. NORTH SALEM, A post office of Guernsey county. NORTON, A post village of Delaware county, in Marlboro' township, established in 1810, situated 9 miles north from Delaware, and 34 miles north by west from Columbus. Population 1.50. Township 550. NORTH SPRINGFIELD, A post office of Summit county. Alphabetical Li!t of Professions, Trades, Etc Black J., township constable. Brown Wm., gunsmith. Cleveland S. H., township justice. Cole Hugh, township justice. Harvey Rev. J., Baptist pastor. NORTH STAR, A post office of Darke county. See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. NOR 486 NOR I NORTII UNION, A ost office of Wasbington county. Alphabetical List of PTofessions, Trades, Etc. WORTH SHEFFIELD, A post office of Ashtabula county. NOR 487 NOR HUNT JOHN, POSTMASTER. HUNT JOHN & CO., GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card, p. 487.) Linch Rev., Methodist pastor. Longfellow Rev., Methodist pastor. Shultz John, township trustee. Taylor E., township clerk. Thompson James, township trustee. Thompson John H., tailor. Thompson Washington, tanner. Ward A., township trustee. Waters R. A., physician. W~intermuite J. F., general merchant and township treasurer. Wintermute & Glaze, carriage und wagon makers. DRY GOODS, Baker Timothy, pres't Norwalk Branch State Bank of Ohio, Main. Beardsley & Brother, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery ware, liquors, &c., Main. Bishop C., attorney at law, Court House. Bradford, prop'r steam saw mill. Brown Henry, of Baker, Kittredge & Co., bankers, Main. Burke Chas., livery stable, Railroad ave nue. Butts & Miller, blacksmiths, Seminary. Chapen Sarahl & Mary, milliners and dress makers, Main. Chappell M. L., harness and saddle maker, Main. Cline J. & Sons, dealers in stoves, tin, cop per and sheet iron ware, wholesale and retail, Main, opposite American House. Coe J. S., agent U. S. Express Co., Main, opp. Court House. Crosby J. M., dealer in hardware, cutlery, agricultural implements, &c, LMain. Daily N., blacksmith, Seminary. Darron Bros., dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes, &c., Main. Dewey J. F., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. De Witt W. L., marble worker and dealer, Main. Dunton M. A., wood mill manufacturer, Seminary. Eichert J. W., proprietor American House, MAain. Gardner John, cashier Norwalk Branch of State Bank of Ohio, Main. Gibson T., physician and surgeon, Main. Graves F. W., prop'r Farmers' Exchange. Gray & Husted, boots, shoes, leather and findings, Main. *tladley E. B., billiard saloon, Mechanic. Hall -if. L., physician and surgeon, Main. Harrison lWm., baker. Harrods W. L., attorney and counselor at law, Whittlesey Block. Haskins David, livery stable, Seminary. Hawkes Mrs. B. F., fashionable milliner, Main. Higgins David, stoves, tin and seet iron ware, A Main. Hill J., boot and shoe maker. HOYT W. R., MANUFACTURER AND A post office of Summit county. A post city and the capital of Huron county, situated on the east branch of Huron river, and on the Cleveland and Toledo railway 55 milses west by south from Cleveland. It contains the county buildings, several manufactories, and about twenty stores of various kinds. Population 4,000. Probate Judge, F. Sears. Clerk, J. C. Curtis, jr. Sheriff. G. M. Cleveland. Auditor, Wm. Case. Treasurer, C. A. Preston. Recorder, James Brow. Su?veyor, Erie Mesnard. Coroner, Skinner. Commissioners, D. Manville, and Saml. H. Gibson. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Allen Mrs. Mi., ambrotype and photograph artist, Main. American House, J. W. Eichert, proprie tor, Main. Babcock J. L., physician and surgeon, Main. Baker D. A., of Baker, Kittredge & Co., bankers, Main. Baker George G., of Baker, Kittredge & Co., bankers, Main. Baker Henry, hide and leather dealer and tanner. BAKER, KITTREDGE & CO., BANK ERS AND EXGHANGE DEALERS AND COLLECTORS, MAIN. NOR 487 NOR JOHN HUNT & CO.9 Dealers in Groceries, Hardware, &,C., MTOIR-EOI-T, 0 10 NORTON CENTER, NORWALK, HURON COUNTY OFFICE-RS. J. 11. Niles, NOR WHIPPLE & DACCETT, Manufacturers of SEWING MACHINES, Under Hinckley & Wildman's Patent, making three different stitches, and can be changed from one to another while the Machine is in operation. Orders addressed to the Manufacturers at NORWALK, OHIO, will be promptly attended to. MILLER C. R., POST MASTER, ME CHANIC. Moore E., barber, Main. Mtorehouse D. E., manufacturer and dealer in planed and unplaned lumber, Me dina. Morrill C. & G. HII., homecepathic physi cians and surgeons, Mechanic. Mower Rev. Samuel, Methodist pastor, Me dina. IMulhaupt Jos., boarding house, groceries and saloon, Main. Mulholland James, proprietor Wheaton ttouse, Main. Newman C. E., dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, boots, shoes, &c., Main. NORWALK EXPERIMENT, WILLIARD W. REDFIELD, EDITOR AND PUB LISHER, MAIN. OFF[NGER & SUTTER, MANUFACTU RERS BUTTER CRACKERS, SODA BISCUIT, PIC NIC CRACKERS, BOSTON CRACKERS, H A R D BREAD AND ALL KINDS CAKE. Osborne C. J., dealer in saddlery hard ware, Main. Pantlinds & Wooster, livery stable. Parker, Jones & Co., dealers in dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, &c., Main. Patrick B. D. & M., dealers in dry goods, groceries, crockery and hardware, 1 Phoenix Block, Aain. Patrick J., attorney and counselor at law, Wittlesur Block. Pease D. H., bookseller, druggist and dealer in paints, oils, &c., cor. Main and Mechanic. Pebbles Nelson II., carriage and wagon maker, R. R. Avenue. Pennewell G. E., attorney and counselor at law, Whittlesey Block. Perkins N. S. C., proprietor Eagle Foun dry. REAMER A., dealer in grocerios and pro visions, oain. REDFIELD WILLIARD W., EDITOR AND PUBLISHER NORWALK EX PERIMENT, MAIN. Reviere & Fisher, boot and shoe manufac turers, Main, opposite Court House. Roth Charles, dealer in groceries and pro visions, Main. DEALER IN CABINET WARE, CHAIRS, COFFINS, L 0 0 K I N G GLASSES, &c., MAIN. Hoyt W. R., manufact'r sash, doors and blinds, Main. HIUMBEL JACOB, groceries and provi sions, Main. lturd & Co., furniture manufacturers and dealers, Main. Ilurd & Powers, sash, blind and door man ufacttirers. Ingle E., carriage and wagon maker, Sem inary. Jenney, Peters & Co., dry goods, clothing, and agents Wheeler & Wilson's sew iig machines, 3 and 4 Phoenix Block, Main. Jones Eugene, watch repairer, Mechanic. Joslin & Parker, billiard and eating sa loon, Main. Kebble, Gibbs & Co., hlarness and saddle makers, Main. Kellogg O. E., attorney and counselor at law, Main. Kellogg & Roberts, drugs and medicines, paints, oils, &c., Main. KENNAN GEORGE, TELEGRAPH OP ERATOR, MAIN. KENNAN JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL INSURANCE AG'T, MAIN, OPP. COURT HOUSE. Kennan & Stewart. attorneys and counsel ors at law, Whittlesey Block. Kersch B., boot and shoe maker, Main. Kittredge W. F., of Baker, Kittredge & Co., bankers, Main. Latimer C. L., attorney and counselor at law, Main. Latimer P. E., hardware, iron, nails, cut lery, guns, steel, and glass, Main. Leavis W., drain tile manufact'r. Lee Geo., groceries and provisions, Main. Loeb & Jacobson, wholesale and retail clo thiers and merchant tailors, 2 Phoenix Block, Main. Lowrey Daniel, barber, Railroad avenue. McConoughey Mrs. A., fashionable milli ner, Main. McConoughey D. C., physician and sur geon, Main. McCullough Z. B., watches, clocks, jewel ry, silver ware, &c., Main, 2d door west of Whittlesey Block. 488 NOR C. WHIPPLE. B. C. DAGGETT. I NOR 489 OAK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rowland A., boot and shoe maker, cor. Main and Mechanic. RULE J. H., DEALER IN GROCEI IES, PROVISIONS AND TOY STORE, MAIN. Rust R. T., j;ustice of the peace, Whittle sey Block. Sawyer F., insurance agent, Whittlesey Block. Safford & Sawyer, attorneysl aud counsel ors at law, Whittlesey Block. Slhuiler P. N., aittorniey and counselor at law, Main. Seeley & Williams, boot and shoe makers, Matin. Smith Miss H., dress maker, Main. Stickney & Strutton, attorneys at law, Masin. Strong T. R., attorney at law, Main. SUHR WM., merchant tailor, Main. Sutton A. G., attorney at law, justice of the peace and farmer, Whittlesey Block. Terry A., dentist, Main. Timmins P., grocer, Main. TRENDLE JOSEPH, butchlier and meat market, Main. Waggoner N. O. compiler World's Masonic Register, Main. Waterons D., machinist, Seminary. Weber L., billiard saloon, Main. Wheaton D., butcher and ineat market, Main. WHIPPLE & DAGGETT, MIANUFAC'RS OF SEWING MACHINES. (See card, p. 488.) Whitbeck John & Bro., attorneys at law, commissioners, notaries public and insurance agents, Main. Wilkinson J. A. & Co., dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry andsilver ware, Main, opposite Court House. Willey Joseph, steam saw and flouring mill proprieter, Medina, near More house's planing mill. Williams S., dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Mlain. Wooster MI. F., druggist arid bookseller, Main. Wright D. G., dealer in hats and caps, Main. Yale MI., dealer in groceries, Mlain. A post village of Jackson county, in Jefferson township, established in 1820, situated on the Sciota and Hocking Valley railway, 13 miles south from Jackson, and about 90 miles south by east from Columbus. Population 75. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Bett s & Tape, carpenters. Chaffen F. &1., br ick maker. Cooper D., painter. Davies, dress m aker. Davies E., township treasurer. Davis Thos. & Co., proprietors saw mill. Davieson Isaac, carpenter. Edwards D. & T., proprietors carding ma chine and grist mill. Edwards E., auctioneer. Eicher E., constable. Evens D. L., tailor. Evens J., carpenter. Evans Rev. John W., Miethodis st pastor. Evens Joshua, township trustee. Forsythe F., coal dealer. IWughs D., carpenter. T-lughs T. L., township justice. Hughs W m., boot and shoe maker. Jinkins Edward, township trustee. Jones Rev. D., Baptist pastor. Jones Daniel & Co., proprietors saw mill. Jones J., tanner. Jones John G., cooper. Jones J. J., general merchant. Jones J. J., express and railroad agent. J'ones R. W., general merchant. Jones T. M. & Bro., proprietors grist mill. Jones Wm., wagon maker. Loyd John, harness maker. Morgan John, carpenter. Morgan John P., township clerk. Morgan Al., carpenter. MORGAN WM. W., POST MASTER. Nichols F. J., constable. Parry Isaac, brick mason. Pugh E., tanner. Reule J., harness maker. Royer &- Bingham, proprietors grist mill. Talkners Wm., hotel proprietors. Walters T., coal dealer. Whitt A., barber. Williams Thos., boot and shoe maker. Williams W., boot and shoe maker. NORWICHI, A post office of MIuskingum county. NOTTINGHAM, A post office of Harrison county. NOIZ 489 OAK NUMBER ONE, A po.-,t office of Wayile c,),inty. ,.OAKFIELD., A post offlee 6f Perry cotinty. OAK HILL, (PORTLAND VILLAGE,) NOVA, A post office of Asbland county. I L90 OLI n A OLIVE HILL, i A post office of Belmont county. Williams & Dunhaur, druggists and phy OAKLAND, A post office of Clinton county. OLIVESBURG, A post village of Richland county, in Weller township, established in 1830, situated at the junction of Black fork and Whitstone rivers, 10 miles north-east from Mansfield, and about 75 miles each fromn Cleveland and Columbus. Population 500. Township 3,000. OBERLIN, A post village of Lorain county, on the Alphabetical List of Piofessions, Trades, Etc. Cleveland and Toledo Railway, 10 miles Beach Geo., plow maker. from Elyria, and 32 miles from Cleveland. Berry David, prop'r steam grist mill. Berry David, dealer in agricultural imple ments. OCEOLA, Berry Wm., dealer in agricultural imnple I nents. A post office of Crawford county. Bey V. &., carriage n( wonrn Berry W. & D., carriage and wagon ma -______________' kers. Brown Joseph, township trustee. ODESSA, Burgett Joseph, tanner. A post office of Henry county. Charles I. B., township clerk. Chartiles I. B., t~ownship clerk. Apef Huty. Claugan Thos., township assessor. Connelly Isaac, attorney at law. Connelly J., grocer. OHL'S TOWN, Cooper Rev. gDaniel, Presbyterian pastor. A post office of Trumbull county. Crables J., physician, and township treas urer. Cullin T. J., boot and shoe maker. ~~OKEANN:~A, }Cullin T. J., prop'r Eagle Hotel. OKEEANNA, 1Daniels Henry, carpenter. A post office of Butler county. Eagle Hotel, T. J. Cullin, prop'r. EASTGATE JOHN, POSTMASTER, AND DRUGGIST. Egner B. II., edge tool manufa,cturer. OLD I-IICKORY, Elester B. B., grocer. A post office of Wayne county. Frick J. K. & M., general merchants. ____ ~_ tHouston Richard, barber. Huestis Rev. W. C., Methodist pastor. OLDS, Hughes David, township trustee. McCline, saw mill prop'r. A post office of Washington county. Martin M. B., boot and shoe maker. Mercer Abner, broom maker. Nelson -, township trustee. OLENA, Oliversburg Flourinig Co., prop'rs fiouring A post office of Huron county mill. Ozier hlannah, dress maker. Ozier J. M., physician. OLIVE, Rulnan James, recorder., Spafford Rev. W., Methodist pastor. A post office of Noble county. Sromeford I., architect. Starrett Mrs. M., dress maker. Starrett Maggie J., school teacher. OLIVE BRANCH, Starrett Peter, marshal. A post office of Clermont county. A post office of Clermont county. t Starrett Thos., prop'r livery stable. Stevenson W. A., township justice. Taggart Manufacturing Co., prop'rs wool en factory. OLIVE CENTER, en factory. Tucker J. II., mayor. A post office of Meigs county. OAK sicians. I I OAK RIDGE, A post office of Higliland county. OLML Tucker R. L., township constable, and pump maker. Ward C., township ju;iice. Ward P. B., cabinet maker. OLMSTED, A po.st office of Cuyahoga county. C-utlery, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Books, &c., &c., ORR VILLE, - OMEGA, A post village of Pike county. Cramer S. K., produce dealer. Ewing G., constable. Farralh Rev., Methodist pastor. Fessel G., boot and shoe maker. Fisher A., grocery, south side Market. Fletcher J. & J., saddle and harness mea kers. Galley Wm. M., justice of the peace. Gift & Campbell, carpenters and builders. If;all Mrs. -, boarding house. Hanniny D., blacksmith. HIardgrove C. J., real estate agent. Hart A., boot and shoe maker. Herman John B., painter. Hess Jacob, township treasurer. Hutchison Robert, township trustee. Jones MN., cabinet maker. Kiffer Christian, tailor. Kriege Martin cooper. Leveias Joel, cabinet maker. -McGil Jno., railroad and express agent. Markley A. C., physician. MIobley C. L., school teacher. pIoncrief D. L., physician and druggist. Myers John H., school teacher. Pepperd Miss M., teacher. Price Abraham, boot and shoe maker. Rizer J. W. & Co., wagon makers. Rizer M. & Co., blacksmiths and wagon makers. Rogers Wm., carpenter. SEAS FREDERIC'K, POSTMASTER. SEAS J. F., HARDWARE DEALER. (See card, p. 491.) Semple Rev. P. M., Presbyterian pastor. Shriber Emanuel, township trustee. Slhriber H., dry goods dealer. Snavely Joseph, cabinet maker and prop'r steam saw mill. SPERCHER JACOB C., PROP'R AMIER ICAN HOUSE, RAILROAD DEPOT. Sriber H., general store, south side Mar ket. Storrs C. N., railroad agent. Storrs C. N., township clerk. Storrs Mrs. C. N., milliner. Switzer David, stave dealer. Tressel George, boot and shoe maker. Union Express Company, John McGill, age int, D epot. Walton Wm., brick maker. Whitmyer F., groceries and drugs, south - side Market. ONTARIO, A post office of Richland county. ORANGE, A post office of Mahoninig county. ORANGEVILLtE, A post village of Trumbull county. ORRVILLE, A post village of Wayne county, in Green township, established in 1852, situated on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago and the Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railways, 11 mniles east front Wooster, and 64 miles south front Cleveland. Population 400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. AMERICAN HOUSE, J ACOB C. SPEN CHER, PROP'R, NEAR RAILROAD. Ammnai -Jerome, cooper. Bailey & Evalns, drugs and groceries, south side Market. Beard Henry, painter. Breniser J., township trustee. Brenneman C., prop'l flouring mill. Brenneman & Horst, general store. Brown Geo., tailor. BURK114)LD, BEASER & SEFION, GENERAL STORE. Campbell S. R., carpenter. Clark A., fish dealer. Clark A. E., prop'r eating house, Railroad Depot. I 491 ORR. IT- IF_ s 3E s Dea-ler iii - 0-HIO. ONEIDA MILLS, A fost office of Carroll county. OREGON, A post village of Warren county. ORW Willcox B. F., patent churn manufac turer. Wilson S., tailor. A post village of Ottawa county, established in 1840, situated on Portage river 12 miles from Port Clinton, and about 110 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. Population 200. Township 800. A post village of Ashtabula county. Alpai.betical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Critchfield L. B., cooper. aunbeler T., township treasurer. Eby John, general merchant and hotel proprietor. Eby John, cooper. Frank E., tcwnship justice. Gorden David, township trustee. Hhnsinger Wm., gunsmith. Johnson George E., attorney at law. KELLY JOB, POSTMASTER. Kraemer A., attorney at law. Kraemer A., prop'r saw mill and lumber y ard. Kraemer Marv A., dress maker. Loomis Wm., wagon maker. MIcCullogh B. B., township trustee. Maule Charles, prop'r livery stable. ,vfylander, general merchant. Philo Ward, township clerk. Rose (,harles, township trustee. Schemansky Lewis, physician. Sprath Jacob, brick mason. OSBORN. A post village of Greene county, in Bath township, 10 miles north-west fron Xenia,I a,nd 55 miles west by south from Colunmbus. Population 300. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Baggott & Biles, coopers. Battorn B., general store. Buffenburger S. MA., physician. Dedger A., boot and shoe store. Fiddler N., prop'r Osborn House. Ilashman & Brother, mill and distillery. Kline P., prop'r Pennsylvania IHouse. Lisk A., stoves and tin ware. Massey G. L., boot and shoe maker. Ma,ssey L. G. & S. W., general store. Miller A., grocery. Musser HI. S., saddle and harness maker. Myers C., manufacturer doors and blinds. Williamson James, justice of the peace. Withoff F., cooper. OSBORNVILLE, A post office of Ashtabula county. A flourishing village and township of Putnam county, 9 miles from Kalida, and 51 miles south southwest from Toledo. Populattion 475. A post office of Adams county. Alphabetical List of Protessions, Trades, Etc. Alexander B. S., sadd!e and harness maker. ALLEN E. K, AGENT U. S. EXPRESS CO M1 P AN Y, AND TICKET AND FREIGHT AGENT D. AND MI. R. R., DEPOT, HOUSE MAIN CROSS. BEACH R., STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTURER, MAIN CROSS, NEAR RAILROAD. IBeardsley C. E., physician. Beck John, grocer and provision dealer. Bird John, (colored), barber. BIfland M. J., physician. Budd A., attorney. Bulgrer Rev., United Brethren. Burris D., blacksmith. BRESSLER J. & CO., PRODUCE, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION IMERCIIANTS, COR. MAIN CROSS AND RAILROAD. OSNABURG, A post office of Delaware county. 492 OTT OTTAWA, (RAILTFORD -VILLAGE,) ORWELL, OTTAWA, (BUCKEYE POST OFFICE.) OSMANS, A post village of Stark county. OSTEND, A Post office of W,,ishin,,ton county. OSTRANDER, OTSEGO, A post office of Muskingum country. OTT Brooks D., oarpenter and builder. Bivins E., agricultural warehouse, cor. Main Cross and Railroad. Cannon C., painter. Cannon & Storer, pearlash manufacturers. Carnahan Thomas, carpenter. Cox David, resident farmer. Cox John, resident farmer. Crumm 11. F., carriage and wagon maker. Curtis B. M., tanner and currier. Dewitt II., carpenter and builder. Eichliolt J., bre v er. EWING M. C. & CORT, REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND PROP'RS EWING'S ADDITION TO OTTAWA. EWING Mi. C. & CORT, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fruchey J. B., justice of the peace. Fruchey & McComb, tanners and curriers. Galloway MIl., brick maker. GODFREY C. M., PhYSICIAN AND SURGEON, COR. MAIN CROSS. Green S., pump maker. Hade E., grocer. Harper F. L., pastor Episcopal Methodist. Haven W. E., druggist. IHawkey J. M., brick mason and plasterer. Ileffner J., wholesale grocer. HIPKINS T. H. B., GENERAL MIER CHANT AND PRODUCE DEALER, MAIN CROSS. Hubbard Lucius, prop'r Hubbard's addi tion and resident farmer. I-tull J., cabinet and chair maker. Kauffman Jacob, carpenter and builder. Kseller John, saddle and harness maker. Larkin J. W. carpenter and builder. Lentz J., clothing, &c. Linn J. R., attorney at law. Long J. L. H., surveyor and civil engineer. Lowry & Henderson, steam flouring mill. McCurdy G., grocer. MLicCURDY DAVID, PROP'R STEAM SAW MILL, MAIN. Mann C. J., brick mason atnd plasterer. Mann & M.althews, groceries, &c. Markle Peter, carpenter. Misener H., boot and shoe manufacturer and dealer. Morehead G., salesman, with Jas. Olney. OLNEY JAMES L., GENERAL MER CHANT AND PRODUCE DEALER, AlIAIN CROSS.' POCOCK D. B., POSTMASTER. POMEROY C. T., REAL ESTATE PRO PRIETOR. Pomeroy Guy, attorney at law. Radabaugli MNiss, milliner. Rice Mrs.- -, milliner. Row House, M. Row, proper. Row M. hotel prop'r. Swigart C., school teacher. Soaper W. T. cabinet maker. Tupper E., physician. Vocht & Sylvis, boot and shoe maker s and dealers. Wagoner —, carriage and wagon man ufacturer. Watt H. V., resident farmer. Webb Elizabeth, ambrotypist and photo graphist. Williams J. S., cooper. WILLOUGHBY A., PROP'R WILLOUGH BY HOUSE, MAIN CROSS. OWENSVILLE, A post village of Clermonit county. A flourishing and prominent l'ost town of Butler county, established in 1815, situated on Four Mile creek, near the Indiana State line. and on the Cincinnati and Indianapolis Junction railway, 12 miles north-west from amttnilton, and 33 miles north north-west from Cincinnati. It contains seventeen stores of variouskinds, several manufactories, &c. Population 2,500. Township 4,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Fte. _Etna Insurance Co., T. McCullough, ag't, east side Public Square. Allen S., broom maker. American Express CO., S. Mollyneaulx, agent, cor. iain and Public Square. Anderson John M., dat uerreani artist, High, bet. Main and Poplar. Barnitt A., physician. OXF 493 I OTT -AWA CITY, A post office of Ot,ta,w,,t county. . OTTERBIEN, A post office of F,,tyette county. OTTOKEE, A post village anci the c,-ipit,,,i,l of Fulton county, ne,,tr t,lie northwestern extremity of the St,,tte. OURY'S, A post office of Ilamilton county. OVID, A post office of Fr,,tnklin county. OXFORD, OXF Crawford A. E., manufacturer and dealer in confectionery and cigars, High, bt. AMain and Poplar. Crawford James, township clerk. Crawford James C., justice of thie peace, south side Public Square. Crawford & Irwin, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, High, bet. Main and Poplar. Davis F. B., blacksmith, Walnut, between Main and Beech. Davis F. P., saloon, west side Puiblic Sqr. Davis Thos., distiller. Demand L., confectionery, north side Pub lic Square. Denis Charles, school teacher. Dewitt Z. T., watches, clocks and jewelry, High. Dill B. F., grocer, cor. Mal.in and Beech. Douglass John, livery stable, High, bet. West and Elm. Erwin & Crawford, tanners. Ferguson C. A., city recorder, tlighli, bet. Main and Poplar. Ferguson John, councilman, south side Public Square. Ferguson & MNatson, stoves, copper, t-in and sheet iron ware, High. Fisher Mrs., inantua maker, north side Public Square. Freeman Warren, broker. French Ed., shoeing shop, east side Public Square. Gath S., undertaker, west side Pub. Sqr. Girard House, Roswell Heazeltine, prop'r, cor. High and Poplar. Glass F., house and sign painter, High, bet. West and Beech. Goodrich & Barnett, phlysiciatns and sur geons, north side Public Square. Greaser J., merchant tailor, High, bet. I Beech and,IIain. Grimes S., barber. Hair Rev. Samuel, principal financial de partment, High, bet. West and Beech. Haskill Enoch, hats, caps and furs, High. Hayden Joseph, guin maker, tHigh, bet. West andl Beech. Heazeltine Roswell, prop'r Girard House, cor. High and Poplar. Henon Cyrus, fish dealer. Hemphill Mis N., associate principal Ox ford Felle Institute. Higgins W., painter. Hill E. L., physician, Main, south of High. Hills Joseph, township trustee. Holmeyer H. & Co., pork packers. Johnson W. H., manufacturer and. dealer in boots and shoes, High, bet. Main and Poplar. Keely & Smith, surgeon dentists, Main, south of Public S quare. Kennedys S. A., dry goods and groceries, north side Public Square. Kerwood Jno. R., constable. CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, Doe Skins, Blankets, White, Red, Pressed and Plaid Flannels, Stocking Yarn, &c. Their facilities are very complete for manufacturing Stocking Yarn. OXFORD, BUTLER I G0UNTY~ 0. Be,gg Miss J., millinery, north side Pub lic Square. Billings C. F., Iroom facetory, High, bet. Beach and MainE. Billings James, b,akery, grocery and vari ety store, Iligh, bet. Main and Poplar. Binghamr Chals. H., p'iblissher Oxford Citi zen, north si;de Public Square. Birdsella W. L., baggage master, ticket agent and freight agent., office at Depot. Bishop Rev. M., vice presidentVW.F. Sem inary, East High. Bodman H. A., physician, High, bet. Pop lar and East. Boles W., prop'r livery stable. Booth J., watches, clocks and jewelry, cor. Main and lhigh. Booth O. W., Exchange dealer. Brandenburg Jacob, edge tool manufac t,uirer. Brandenburg James, saloon, west side Public Square. Buchanan Rev. J. TH., principal literary department Oxford Female Institute, West, bet. High and Walnut. Bunyan Mrs. Mary F., associate principal Oxford Female College. Burdsel Wm., railroad agent. Card L., carpenter. Chaplin tI., meat store, High, bet. Main and Poplar. Chatlei & Kyger, manufacturers of sad dles and harness, and dealers in gro ceries, &c., cor. High and Poplar. Cheseldine & Dent, staple and fancy dry goods, &c., High, near Main. Clute A., confectionery and ice cream sa loon, High, bet. Beech and Main. CONE H. S., PROP!R CONE HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND HIGH. (See card, p 495.) Con e P. H., councilman, south side Public Square. Cowan George, barber, High, bet. Beach and Main. Crane Moses, cooper. 494 OXF P. H. & F. M. ROOTS, M-anufiieturers of Am APk A% g% NEU 1; v I ONX F 495 0 x F C 0 te GE-1.0 U telA Formerly Mansion House, . CONXFOR, OHIO pr OXF~ORlD OHION Kutmler Elias, banker, north side Public Square. Lathrop D., family grocery, High, bet. Poplar and East. Leins & Wertz, merchant tailors, east side Public Square. Little P. W., boarding house, cor. Walnut and Main. Little & Ringwood, coal dealers. MIcCrary & berry, nursery and seedsmen. McCullough T., iron, hardware and cut lery, High, bet. Main and Poplar. McCullough Thos., councilman, north side Puiblic Square. McIFarland R. W., prof. mathematics, Mi ami University. McGAW & RICHEY, DRUGS. PAINTS, MEDICINES, VARNISHES, BOOKS, AND STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, NOTIONS, ETC., NORTH-EAST COR. PUBLIC SQUARE. Miack & Pearson, carriage and wagon ma kers. Mlasonic Lodge, south-east cor. Main and High. MIatson P. D., village treasurer. Miami University, Rev. J. W. Hall, D. D., president, East, bet. High and Spring. Mollyneaux S., groceries, north side Pub lic Square. MOLLYNEAUX WMI. J., POSTMASTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND INSUR ANCE AGENT, NORTH SIDE PUB LIC SQUARE. (See card, p. 497.) Morris Mrs. E. N., associate principal Oxford Female Coliege. Munns F. C., groceries, north side Public Square. Newton James, councilman, south side Public Square. Newton & Brown, staple and fancy dry goods and groceries, cor. Main and High. Nold Edward, dry goods, north side Pub lic Square. Oates James, cabinet maker, High, bet. Beech and Mlain. Odd Fellows' Hall, north side Pub. Sqr. Osborn H., undertaker, west side Public Square. Oxford Citizen, C. IH. Bingham, publisher and proprietor, north side Public Square. Oxford Female College, Rev. Robert D. Morris, A. M., president, N. E. Miami University. O xford Female Institute, West, bet. Iligh and Walniut. Paonn C., tailor. Spring, bet. Maiin andi Poplar. Peck E. A.. saddlery, and harness maker, High, bet. Beech and Main. Peck & Fithian, drugs, books and station ery, Iligh. T'eyton F. H.. hardware and groceries, I nort h side Public Square. Phoenix Ins. Co., J. W. Mollyneaux, ag't, Main, north of Public Square. Pierson F. IV., siwagon and buggy maker, High, bet. West and Beech. Porter W. J., boot and shoe shop, High. bt. Poplar and East. I-RINGWOOD J. D. & G. H., GROCERY, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, HIG H. Roberts George W., sign and ornamental painting, north side Public Square. Roberts W. P., carpenter. Rockhold Thos., iron manufacturer. ROOTS P. H1. & F. M., WOOLEN FACTO RY, SPRING, BET. MNAIN AND POP LAR. (See card, p. 494.) Rulings James, baker. Sadler Geo., lumber dealer. Saunders N., physician, Main, South of Hligh. Sawyers C. IT., shaving saloon, High, bet. Main anrd Poplar. Seery F., carpenter, Church, bet. Main and Beech. Shuey John H., treasurer Western Female Seminary, Spring, east of East. Skinner James M., city marshal, High, bt. Main and Poplar. Smith D. L., distiller. Smith Miss Lucy R., drawing and paint ing, Oxford Female College. Smith Wm. H., attorney at law and nota ry public; north side Public Square. Stern J. M., shoemaker, Church, bet. Main and Beech. Stett Miss, milliner. Stoddart 0. N., councilman, East High. Sutton P., justice of the peace and mayor, north side Public Square. Talbot Oliver, brick mason. Union Carriage Mlanufactory, cor. High and Beech. PAD 496 PAl Baldwin Geo. M., groceries, provisions, wood and willow ware, &c., MAlain. Barber Daniel, jr., bakery and confection ery, Main. Bartlett Christopher S., dealer in books. stationery, paper hangings, &c., and insurance agent,, Main. Beard Mliss Hariet W., bonnets and Millin ery goods, Main. Benedict Royal F., boot, shoe and leather dealer, Mlain. Bishop Edwin M., melodeon manufacturer and dealer in piano fortes, Main. Bissel & Tinker, attorneys at law, corner Main and State. Blackmore %Vm., tiallcr, Main. Blair Wm. A., dry goods, boots and shoes, and groceries, Main BOOTH ELI T., PR'P'R COWLES HOUSE, COR. MIAIN AND ST. CLAIR. (See card, p. 498.) Bramnan Lucien, manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes and leather, Main. Briggs Robert P., livery stable, St. Clair. Brooks & Son, wall and paper hangings, paints and oils, State. Brown Dr. L. C., physician and surgeon, Main. Bruce C. G., land agent, Main. Burridge David, livery and sale stable, Main. Butler Byron, s-1loon, State. Buys Horatio N., baker and confectioner, State. C',in Ecldvard, tailor, State. Casterline & Lee, dealers in drugs, grocer ies, notions and fancy goods, State. Child Asat, saddle and harness maker, Main. Clapsadel Frederic, ambrotype and photo graph gallery, Main. Clayton Davi'd B., stoves, tin, sheet iron, and copper ware, Main. COLBY MOSES H., PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR, AND BLIND FACTO RY, STATE. Cowles Geo. R., dry goods, carpeting, no tions, jewelry, groceries, boots and shoes, 5Iin. COWLES HOUSE, ELI T. BOOTII, PRO PRIETOR, CORNER MAIN AND ST. CLAIR. (See card, p. 498.) Curphey Wm., tailor, Main. DINGLEY WILLIAM W., GROCER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN FLOUR, SALT-WATER FIStI, LIMIE, &C., STATE. Dodge Noah, wines and liquors, State. Dow Dr. Royal, physician and surgeon, cor. Mlain and St. Clair. Doolittle John T., attorney at law and jus tice of peace, cord. Main and St. Clair. Doolittle & Gray, job printers, cor. Main and St. Clair. United States Express Co., McGaw & Rich ey, ag'ts, north-east cor. Public-Sqr. Wayne W. & Son., prop'rs planing miill. Western Female Seminary, Rev. D. R. Al len, D. D., president, south-east Miami University. Whimiple Wm. boot and shoe maker, High, bet. Beech and Main. White F. B. & Bro., grocery and billiard saloon, opp. Depot. Winnie Warren, sash, door and blind fac tory, High, west of Depot. Wright Benj., auctioneer and plow maker. Wright Benj., township trustee, A village of MIeigs county, for description of which, see Downington post office, page 319. PAINESVILLE, A prominent post town, and the capital of Lake county, on the Cleveland and Erie railway, 3 miles south from Lake Erie, and 29 miles north-east from Cleveland.. It contains the county building and numerous mercantile and manuflacnuring establishments. Population 3,500. LAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Representative, Matthew S. Clapp. Probate Judge, Lord Sterling. Clark Common Pleas, Christopher Quiinn. Prosecuting Attorney, Wm. L. Perkins. Auditor, Benj. D. Chesney. Treasurer, L. S. Abbott Sheriff, A. P. Axtell. Recorder, Franklin Paine. Surveyor, H. N. MAulnson. Coroner, Mi. II. Colby. Commissioners, H. F. Griswold, C. G. Crary, Henry Paine. Directors Infirmniary, J. T. Doolittle, Milo Harris Imri P. Axtell. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abbott Lewis S., editor and publisher of Painesville Telegraph, issued Thursday, MIain. Abbott W. C. & Co., stoves, tin, sheet iron and copper wo-re, State. Ackley G. W., watchm.-ker and jeweler, Main. BAKER IRA T., BILLIARD SALOON, MAIN. PAD 496 PAI PADDY'S RUN, It A post office of Butler cou-nty. PAGEVILLE, PAl 497 PAl Eddy Derick M., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, cor. Main and St. Clair. Elias Harrison, butcher and meat store, State. Erwin Thomas, blacksmith, Main. Fisher N.M., merchant tailor, clothier, and gents' furnishing goods, Main. Foote S. & Son, groceries, provisions, pro duce and confectionery, flour, salt, nails, &c., State. Ford W. J., notary public and insurance agent, cor. Main and St. Clair. FOWLER DR. WM. H., SURGEON DEN TIST, MAIN. French & Smalley, publishers of Press and Advertiser, issued Wednesdays, corner Mlain and St. Clair. Gafney John, boot and shoe maker and dealer, State. Garfield A. H., proprietor American House, Main. Geauga Furnace Co., blast furnace and foundry, Erie, near Railroad. Gosline Peter, blacksmith, Main. Gould & Miner, dealers in drugs, medi cines, groceries, chemicals, pure li quors, &c., &c., Main. Gray D. C. & Co., jewelry and crockery, Main. Gregory R., hatter, cor. Main and State. Griswold Hiram L., manufacturer of boots and shoes, Main. Harris Milo, chief engineer fire depart ment, State. IHaskell Riley, rifle and gun manufacturer, Main. Hichcock Simeon C., councilman, South. Holcomb Henry, stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, zink, lead pipe, pumps, &c., State. Hlouse J. & Son, dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, crockery, &c., State. Huntington Edwin, attorney at law, cor. Mlain and State. Ihuntington Dr. Samuel P., surgeon den tist. Main. Johnson Henry N., carriage and wagon manufacturer, State. Kaiser John, saddle and harness maker, cor. Main and State. Kitridge Miss A. J., millinery, cor. Main and State. Ludd & Clayton, groceries, provisions and produce, cor. Main and State. Lindsey Jacob S., saloon, Main. Lines & Co, manufacturers and dealers in cabinet furniture, Main. Lockwood John S., dry goods and groce ries, Main. Lockwood Wm., treasurer, Wood. LOOMIS STEPHEN T., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, COR. MAIN AND STATE. 32 OXFORD, O. Collections made in Butler and Preble counties, O., and the adjoining counties in Indiana. Advances made on good claims. McGrew Finley, carriage and wagon man ufacturer, Main. Mansfield Albert, councilman, Main. Marx Aaron J., book binder and manuo faoturer of blank books, Main. Marshall Seth, hardware, iron, steel, nails, &c., Mainll. Masters Wm. G., manufacturer and dealer in tobacco and cigars, Main. Mather I. A. & Co., fancy and staple dry goods at wholesale and retail, Main. Mathews John S., dry goods, clothing, gents' furnishing goods and groce ries, Main. Mathews Wm., councilman, Washington. Mellen E. T., boot and shoe maker, Main. Moodey Robert A., dealer in hats, caps and furs, Main. Moody Samuel, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, dye st uffs, groceries, &c., cor. Main an d St. Clair. Morrell S. B., merchant tailor, Main. Morrell S. B., groceries, provisions a nd produce, Main. Morse Christopher, groceries, provisions and produce, Main. Munn Dr. Daniel, surgeon dentist, corner Main and State. Northway & Goddard, attorneys and coun selors at law, cor. Main and State. .Painesville Telegraph, is sued Thursday, L. S. Abbott, edito r and prop'r, Main. Patterson Charles W. & Co., manuf. and dealers in boots, shoes, and leather, Main. Perkins Henry M., blacksmith, State. Perkins & Nevins, attorneys at law, Main. PIKE E. S. & BROTHER, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. RE FER TO METROPOLITAN BANK,, N. Y., MAIN. Porter L. A., ready-made clothing and hats and caps, Main. Press and Advertiser, French & Smalley, publishers, cor. Main and St. Clair. Quinn Christopher, councilman, St. Clair. Reynolds & Mathews, hardware, iron, nails, steel, agricultural implements, &c., cor. iMain and State. Reynolds Jacob S., groceries, provisions) produce, &c., Main. Rich John, watch maker and jeweler, Main. PAI 497 PAI WM. J. MOLLYNEAUX,. ttorne I at aw, Office -second 8tory P. 0. Buildi?tg, -~~~ 9 A Cor. MaIn and St. Ir Cor. Main and St. Clair Streets, PAINESVILLE,. -... OHIO, ELI T. BOOTH, Proprietor. n Omnibus runs to every Train. A good Livery Stable attached. .In Omnibus runs to every Trlain. A good Livery Stable attached.x Rich M. J., bakery, confectionery, and res taurant, Main. Rich Mrs. S., dress making, Main. Ricker Brothers, planing mill, sash, door and blind factory, Erie. Rockwell T., justice of peace, Main. Roe David A., blacksmith, State. Russell David, commission merchant, 2 ccr. Main and State. Sanford Henry P., recorder, State. Schwab Solomon, merchant tailor and clo- a thier, Main. Scefield Mrs. J. F., fancy goods, Main. Seeley Isaac, hair dressing and shaving .saloon, Main. Seeley Mrs. L. A., millinery, Main. SMITH LANDON, POSTMASTER AND COUNCILMAN, MAIN. SMIITH LANDON, BOOKS AND STA TIONERY, MAIN. SMITHI MARCUS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, SU GAR, FISH, SALT, WATER LIME, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LI Q OU 0 RS, CORNER MAIN AND STATE. STEELE HORACE Jr, BANKING AND EXCHANGE BROKER. REFER TO PARK BANK, NEW YORK, MAIN. STEELE HIORACE, JR., AGENT AMER ICAN EXPRESS CO.. MAIN. Stocking Saml., groceries and provisions,. 3 State. Stuart Benj., marble manufact'r and deal er, State. Talbot J. T. & Co., manufact'rs and deal ers in furniture and upholstery, &c., Main. Taylor James H., tanner and leather deal er, Main, opp. American House. Teachout Abraham, water flouring mill, Main. Tinan R. & Son, groceries and provisions, flour, salt, pork, fish. stone and wood en ware, &c., cor. Main and St. Clair. See advt. of State Gazetteers Tisdel W. C. & Co., groceries and provi sions, wooden and stone ware, fruit, confectionery, &c., Ma in. Truran Richard, mer chant tailor, c orner Main and St. Clair. Weed Julius ca rpen ter and builder, plan ing mill, and sash, door and blind factory, east of S tate. Week Seth, house painter. State. Wheeler Roswell G., dealer in flour, feed and grocerie s, Main. Wilcox Aaron, dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Main. Wilcox Aaron, mayor, Main. Wilder T. & G. N., manufacturers of agri cultural implements, State, east side Foundry. Williams Henry, dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, hardware, crock ery, &c., 5 State. Williams & Komar, attorneys at law, Main. Woodhead Francis, blacksmith, State. PAINTER CREEK, A post office of Darke county. PAINTERSVILLE, A post office of Greene county. PALERMO, A post office of Carroll county. PALESTINE, A post village of Pickaway county, in Darby township, established in 1820, situated on Veer creek, 20 miles south-west from Columbus. Population 100. Town ship 1,500. A village of the same name PAI 498 PAL PAL 499 PAR is situated in Darke county, for description of which see German post office, page 349. Messmore John, brick maker. Miller Wm., hide and leather dealer. Moore Isaac W., carpenter. Nutt J. F., hotel proprietor. Pancoast S. M., prop'r flouring and saw mills. Parker Rev. John, Baptist pastor. Peasley E. A., ambrotypist. Plumble T., physician. Pomeroy Jacob, school teacher. Rockwell Milo, township justice. Sachman Phillip, boot and shoe maker. Stout James, township assessor. THOMAS B. F., POSTrMIASTER. THOMAS B. F. & BRO., GENERAL MER CHANTS. Welder Aaron, plow maker. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc m Arnitte Jonathan, general merchant. Burnhart Martin, prop'r grist and saw mill. Bethards Wm. G.. boot and shoe maker. Johnson Rev., United Brethren pas tor. Knight E., wagon maker. Lewis Rev., Methodist pastor. Martin Rev., Methodist pastor. SAYERS HENRY, POST MASTER. Tanner & Abbkin, general merchants. Wrench Austin, hotel proprietor. PARCHER'S CORNERS, A post office of Fulton county. PALLOW, A post office of Starke county. PARIS, A post village of Stark county. PA LMYRA, A post village of Portage county. PARISVILLE, A post village of Portage county, situated on Mahoning river, 10 miles east from Ravenna and 48 miles south-east from Cleveland. Population, 100. Township 1,200. PANAMA, Alphabetical List of Professions. Trade, Etc. Baldwin, township clerk. Baldwin F. J., physician. Boyd George, carpenter. Bright F., broom maker. Calkins John D., carpenter. Cutts Daniel B.. boot and shoe maker. Davis Rev. David, Congregational pastor. Davis Rev. R. T., Baptist pastor. Dobbs Samuel, township trustee. Dull Noah, saw mill prop'r and township trustee. George T. & Bro., grist mill prop'rs. Griffith n Evan E., brick mas on. Hawley Elijah, architect and township trustee. Holcomb Harvey, constable. Hollister Amos, cooper. Hollister Edgar D., ambrotypist. Hollister Josephus, carpenter. Hollister Mrs. XL., dress maker. Hudson Henry C.. carpenter. Hudson Wm. C., carpenter. Jones Charles P., physician and dentist. Jones David D., grocer! Jones Edward R., carpenter. Jones O. D.. carpenter. Kamalie Edward, carpenter. Ramalie Henry, ambrotypist. PANCOASTBURG, A post village of Fayette county, in Madison township, established in 1845, situated on Deer creek, 12 miles from Washington, and 30 miles south-west from Columbus. Population 250. Township 750. A,;-habetical List of Professions, Trades, E tc. Blizard J. W., township justice. Brown W. T., carpenter. Clarridge Edmund, township trustee. Davis J. W., carriage and wagon maker. Dawson Rev. N., Christian elder. Decker A. S., harness maker. Dickey J. P. A., township justice. Fretz Nathan, carriage and wagon maker. Gaskill J. W., general merchant. Harrison Scott, township trustee. Haskins T. S., physician. Kelley Daniel, grocer. Lysenger John, boot and shoe maker. Martin Rev. Jacob, Methodist pastor. Messmore F. J., carding machine. I I I I PAL 499 PAR PALO ALTO, A post office of Senaca county. A post office of Defiance county. (WATERLOO VILLAGE,) PAR 500 PEM Leonard James, carpenter. McKenzie Hiram, carpenter. McKenzie Thomas, hotel prop'r. Minyoung Miss C., dress maker. Morris Edward, brick mason. Morris Wm., brick mason. Orwig Jno. H., cooper. Osborn Amos, boot and shoe maker. Patterson Geo. F., township assessor. Patterson Henry L., carpenter. Patterson Luther N., architect. Patterson Miss Mary, dress maker. Phillips Miss Anna, dress maker. Phillips Wm., general merchant. Ray John W., saw mill prop'r. Rees Hugh, boot and shoe maker. Roberts Edward, constable. Rowlands Wm., carpenter. Selby Brainard, edge tool maker. SELBY BRAINARD, JR., POSTMASTER AND HOTEL PROP'R. Smith Daniel S., cabinet maker and car penter. Stone Wm., boot and shoe maker. Thomas William, auctioneer and tailor. Walker Hiram, carpenter. Woffindin Thomas, woolen manufacturer. Grear Mrs. E. A., sc hool t eacher. Hahn T. J.. justice of peace. Hawley V., carriage and wagon maker. Hooker W. G., carpenter. Howe T. W., insurance agent. Howe Rev. T. W., Presbyterian pastor. Lockwood J., constable and boot and shoe maker. Palmer A. B., carpenter. Palmer N. W., boot and shoe maker. Parker Miss E., school teacher. Peters C. J., grocer. Rauch & Grube, prop'rs steam grist mill. Rockey D., carriage and wagon maker. Rockey D. & H., prop'rs saw mill. Scott T., physician. Scott & Kinney, general merchants. Sherburn Miss A., dress maker. Smith A. L., hotel prop'r. Tanner J., tailor. Travis Rev., Methodist pastor. Wilcox H., carpenter. Youmans Miss C., dress maker. Youmans W. C., general merchant. PATMOS, A post office of Mahoning county. PARKMAN, A post office of Geauga county. PA TRIOT, A post village of Gallia county. PARK'S MILLS, A post office of Franklin county. PATTERSON, A post office of Delaware county. A village of the same name is situated in Hardin county; for description of which, see Sylvia post office. PARMA, A post village of Cuyohoga county. PATTONSVILLE, A post office of Hocking county. A post village of Licking county, in Lima township, established in 1852, situated on the south fork of Licking river, and on the Central Ohio railway, 15 miles west by south from Newark, and 17 miles east by north from Columbus. A post village and the capital of the county of the same name, situated near the Indiana State line, in the north-western part of the State. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etce Allward J. C., wool grower. Atkinson P., wool grower. Baird J., wool grower. Brock P., sewing machine agent. Brockway M., boot and shoe maker. Butler L., salt agent. Dibble C., brick mason. Elliott M. C., wool grower. ELLIOTT W. C., EXPRESS AND RAIL ROAD AGENT AND POSTMASTER. Filler Rev. W. C., Methodist pastor. PAR 500 PEM PATASKALA, PAULDING, PAYNE, A, post office of Paulding county. PEMBERTON, A post office of Shelby county. PEN 501 PER Yocum D., carpenter. Yocum Wm., constable. PENDLETON, A post office of Putnam county. A post office of Tuscarawas county. PENFIEL D, A post office of Lorain county. PERIN'S MILLS, A post office of Clermont county. PENINSULA, A post village of Summitt county. PEROTE, A post office of Ashland county. PENNSVILLE, A post village of Morgan county, in Penn township, established in 1830, situated on Wolf creek, 6 miles south from MAcConnellsville, and about 70 miles east southeast from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,000. PERRY, PERRYSBURG, An important post town, and the capital of Wood county, established in 1817, situated on the south bank of the Maumee river, and on the Dayton and Michigan railway, 9 miles south-west from Toledo, and about 140 miles north north-west from Columbus. Itcontains the county buildings, about fifteen stores, and several mills and manufactories. Population 1,800. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Adrian R., cooper. Baker J. W., carriage and wagon maker. Brenenan R., carpenter. Carver J., township trustee. Case Rev. J. W., Methodist pastor. Coulson E. G., physician and druggist. Coulson E. G., dentist. Coulson G. H., carpenter. Coulson Jehu, brick mason. Coulson Jesse, township clerk and carriage and wagon maker. Coulson Jesse, prop'r hotel. Coulson W. G. S., dentist. Curry J., carpenter. Dewees S., harness maker. DEWEES & PENROSE, GENERAL MER CHANTS. Dunlap Wm., ambrotypist. Embree Win., carriage and wagon maker. Harris J., constable. Hildman E. R., tailor. Kerby F., brick mason. Kenby Rebecca, school teacher. Lindsey James, carpenter. McNichols N., physician. Mauls E. & Co., general merchants. Mendenhall J., township justice. Naylor J. T. L., cabinet maker. Naylor Mrs. O. E., milliner. Penrose H., school teacher. PENROSE THOMAS, POSTMASTER. Smith J., harness maker. Smith & Updike, prop'rs fiouring and saw mills. Thomas N., carpenter. Tompkins E. R., township trustee. Wade W. S., township trustee. Watson Aaron, boot and shoe maker. White A., carpenter. Wolfe S. N., boot and shoe maker. Alp. habetical List of P rof essions, Trades, Etc Adams Rev. G. A., Presbyterian pastor. ,Etna Insurance Co., J. F. Price, agent. Bader John, carriage and wagon maker. BAILEY JOHN W., EDITOR AND PRO PRIETOR OF JOURNAL. Baird C. C., prop'r Baird House. Bates John, real estate agent. Baupre C., physician and surgeon. Beach Gilbert, general store. Blin & Smith, beef and pork packers and commission merchants. Blinn Doan, agricultural warehouse. Bloomfield Ai, painter. Bloomfield E., carriage manufact'r. Brown George W. & Co., foundry and ma chine shop. PEN 501 PER PEOLI, A post office of Lake county. WOOD COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, W. H. Ewing. Clerk, John Webb. Treasurer, Ebenezer Graham. Auditor, Adison Smith. Recorder, S. Hatch. Sheriff, C. W. Norton. Prosecuting Attorney, Josiah,F. Price. Commissioners, Henry L. Wood, Samuel.11. Chileote, and Alvin Clark. Surveyor, N. U. Minton. .~~E 50 E Brown & Hunt, stoves, tin and sheet iron ware. Bullman C., broom maker. Chappell J., justice of peace. Clark G. W., tailor. COOK, PRICE & JOHNSON, ATTOR NEYS AND REAL ESTATE AG'TS. Cook W. L., livery stable. Cranker Peter, blacksmith. Croft John, boot and shoe maker. Crook Wm., cabinet maker. Cupp Rev. J., Evangelical pastor. Curtis Mark, architect. Darling N., justice of peace. Degrees A., boot and shoe maker. Dodge Henry, insurance agent. Dodge H. H., notary public. Eberly John, boot and shoe maker. Escott R., boot and shoe maker. Fegtley Rev., Methodist pastor. Goetz George, boot and shoe maker. Herestere W., boot and shoe maker. Heith J. M. & Co., hide and leather deal ers. Hitchcock W. J., general store. Hollenbeck F. & D. K., attorneys at law and land agents. Hollenbeck George, grocer and provision dealer. Houston Wm., general store. IHowell A. G., prop'r hotel. Jefferson & Culver, attorneys at law. Johnson B., broom maker. Jones E. P., milliner and dress maker. JOURNAL, (THURSDAY,) J. W. BAI LEY, EDITOR AND PROP'R. Krebs Geo. B., general store. Lawrence H. C.. livery stable. Leer R. P., carpenter and builder. Lindsay D., carpenter and builder. Lindsay D., sash, blind, door and planing mill. Lindsay Daniel, fanning mill manufact'r. McKnight G., fish dealer. McKnight J. H., grocery and provision dealer. Mahr L., turner. Marks J. E. & Co., editors and proprietors Wood County] Express, (German.) Miller R. K., general store. Morris Wm., daguerrean artist. Murray James, attorney at law. New England Insurance Co., D. K. Hollen beck, agent. Norton Jesse, agent D. and M. R. R. Oppenheimer L., soap and candle manu factory. Peck E. D. & Co., flouring mill. Peck & Hamilton, physicians and drug gists. Phillips J. Y. S., sup't Union School. Phoenix Insurance Co., D. K. Hollenbeck, agent. Phoenix Lodge, No. 123, Masonic, Asher Cook, W. M. A post village of Ashland county, in Green township, established in 1815, situated on Black Fork of Mohican river, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, 16 miles south from Ashland, and about 70 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. Population 250. To wnshi p 2,000. A village called Perrysville is situated in Carroll county, for description of which see Lamartine post office, page 392. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Beachter John, prop'er saw mill. Buckly John, township trustee. Calhoun Thomas, proprietor flouring and saw mill. Carey G. W., attorney at law. Carson G. N., tailor. Chapel R. A., carriage and wagon maker. Coulter E. E., milliner and dress maker. Coulter Thomas W., general merchant and railroad and express agent. Cowen Wm., attorney at law. Enos & Griffith, general merchants. Ewalt Wm. D., township treasurer. Gietzinger John B., hide and leather dealer. Girler Simon, boot and shoe maker. See advt. of Willard Warner, p. 465. PER 502 PER Powers George, nursery,tnd seedsman. POWERS JOHN, POSTMASTER. Price J. F., attorney at law and land ag't. Retty George, tailor. Ross C., blacksmith. Slilecbt Jacob, saddle and harness ma ker. I Seibert F. J., prop'r hotel. SIIEPLER J., PROPRIETOR SHEPLER HOUSE. Smith James S., cooper. Smith V., carriage and wagon maker. Strain George, attorney at law. Thompson A. M. & Co., coopers. Thornton B. H., brick maker. Thornton H. & B., stone and brick ma sons. Tift L. P., saw mill. Wallace Wm., gunsmith. Webb John & William, bakers and confec tioners. Webb & Thomas, saddle and harness m,,t kers. Williams & Bro., general merchants. Witzler Peter, chair maker. Wood County Express, J. E. Marks & Co., editors and publishers. Yonk J., painter. PERRYTON, A post village of Licking county. PERRYVILLE, PET 503 P1K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gladden Jos., prop'r saw mill. Gorham J. G., carpenter and builder. Griffith J. W., physician and surgeon. Grindle Henry, boot and shoe maker. Gunther G., boot and shoe maker. HIugls Wm., Presbyterian pastor. Johnston J. F., physician and surgeon. McClure D. P., school teacher. McDonald Mary, milliner and dress ma ker. McGuire Thos., township trustee. O'Harrow H., cooper. Paul Oliver, township justice. Rice I. J., school teacher and township clerk. Sharp J. F., fiouring and grist mill. Sheehliand Wm., township constable. Smith John, mason. Stearns A. M., carpenter and builder. STEARNS HORACE L., POSTMASTER, HOTEL PROPRIETOR, LUMBER DEALER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Storr H. N., carpenter and builder. Taylor John, township justice. Vance A., saw mill proprietor. Van Zile Perry, steam saw mill proprie tor. Weaver J. W., tailor. Weirick William, gunsmith. Wolf Waring, township trustee. Worrett J. C., cooper. Ziegler J. B., harness maker and saddler. Zimmerman A. D., saw mill proprietor. An important post town, and the capital of Pike county, in Seal township, established in 1815, situated on the Sciota river, about 70 miles south from Columbus. Population 1,000. PETERSBURG, A post village of Mahoning county. PIKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Auditor, Preslay Adams. Treasurer, James Jones. Prosecuting Attorney, Geo. Davis Cole. Recorder, Edward O. Jones. Clerk of Court, David Armstrong. ;Sheriff, Gordon Cochran. Probate Judge, Edward R. Allen. Surveyor, Thomas Wilson. Coroner, Philip Buchert. Commissioners, S. A. Graham, Daniel Fer neau and Wm. Peniston. Infirmary Directors, Wm. Gordon, Thos. Shopshire and Samuel Hess. School Examiners, Geo. Davis Cole, John T. Moore and W. H. Reed. The Boaid meets at Piketon on the last Saturday of every month. PETERSON'S STATION, A post office of Miami county. PETTISVILLE, A post office of Fulton county. A post office of Ashtabula county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Allen E. R., physician and druggist. Allen E. R., bookseller. Allison E., school teacher. Bangs B., potter. Barger Frank, constable. Bateman T., carpenter. Buchers John, grocer. Buchers L., boot and shoe maker. PHILANTHIROPY, A post office of Butler county. PHILLIPSBURG, A post village of Jefferson county. PET 603 PIK PHILO, A post village of Muskingum county. PICKERELTOWN, post office of Lan county. PICKERINGTON, A post village of Fairfield county. PIERCE, A post office of Starke county. PIERPONT, A post village of Ashtabul,,i county. PIKE, A post office of Perry county. PIKETON, PHARISBURG, A post office of Union county. PHELPS, P1K 504 PIQ Spurok P., physician. THE PIKETON UNION, Stoll Christian, cooper. Devoted to Supple J., carpenter. Politics, Literature and News, Ware Daniel, hotel proprietor. Published every Thursday Morning by Ware David, tanner. Ware John, carpenter. W. D. Jones, Editor and Prop'r. Ware John E. & Co., saloon keepers. Terms, $1.00 in Advance. Job Work Promptly and Neatly executed. Address, W. D. JONES, PILCIEIER, Piketon, Ohio. A post office of Belmont county. Cissna Charles, harness maker. Cissna John, harness maker. C(ochran W. T., constable. PINE GROVE, Cole Geo. D., attorney at law and insur- A post office of Gallia county. ance agent. Conanay A.M., physician. Corwine, Gregg & Co., brokers. Faringer P., tailor. PIONEER, Frederic A., tailor. A post office of Williams county. Given & Co., general merchants. _ _ Green J. J., insurance agent and attorney at law. PIQUA, Green, Mark & Co., general merchant,-. Green, Mark & Co, general merchants A flourishing post city of Miami county, Heaton L. C., grocer. in Washington township, situated on the Harris Thos., brick mason. Miami canal and river, at the intersecHempstead C. EJ., harness maker. ab tion of the Dayton and Michigan, and Hepstead., Jr., dentyist and ambro- the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana rail typist. ways. 8 miles north from Troy, and 72 Hempstead H. & Son, boot and shoe deal- miles west by north from Columbus. It ers., contains about 50 stores and a large numJones E. D., notary public and physician. ber of manufactories of various kinds 1-"Ca-ber of manufa,ctories of various kinds. JONES JAMES, POST MASTER. Population 6000. JONES W. D.. EDITOR AND PROPRIE TOR PIKETON UNION. (See card, p. 504.) Kling John, brick mason. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Lancaster John, justice of the peace and Adair & Hunter, soap and candle manu carding machine proprietor. factory. Lochfaum A., grocer. Atna Insurance Co., H. M. Jones, agent, Lucas C. H., barber. Main. Nessler M., hotel proprietor. Alexander W. D., councilman, Fourth Percy J. R., school teacher. Ward. Perrill Jno. F., constable. Allen Joel, stoves and tin ware, Main. Phelps A. J., physician. Alward S., dealer in willow ware. Main. Phelps O. J., physician. Ashton W. B., druggist, Main. Phelps W. G., attorney at law. Aspinwall J., carding machine, Main. Piketon Lodge No. 323, I. 0.. O.F. Ball D. L. C. & Co., oil mill, Main. PIKETON UNION, W. D. JONES, EDIT- Bane Miss Melinda, principal primary OR AND PROPRIETOR. (See card, school, No. 6. p. 501.) Bartel A., boot and shoe store, Main. Razon Jno. D., cabinet maker. Barting & Conover, general store. Reed Esther, school teacher. Becker J., groceries, Main. Reed J. G., attorney at law. Becker L., baker and confectioner. Reed W. H., attorney at law. Bellville Miss Mary E., principal primary Rheinfrank & Co., general merchants. schocl, No. 2. Richards,C. A., grocer. Belt C., groceries and provisions, 17 PubSargent, Reed & Co., brokers. lie Square. Saylor Jacob, justice of the peace. Beston C. P., blacksmith. Smith E. J. & Co., stoves and tin ware. Bigger Miss Jane, principal primary Smith J., grocer. school, No. 4. Smith Joseph, jewelry, &c. Billings G., carpenter. Southworth A., tailor. Birny Wm., fanning mill maker. See advt. of Newark Machine Works, p. 465. PIK 504 PIQ PIQ 505 PIQ Birting & Steil, general store. Borger If., blacksmith. Bowdle C. W. & Son, prop'rs foundry and machine shop, Downing. Bowdle C. W., councilman, Fourth Ward. Bower George, carriage trimmer. Bowman & Writer, steam saw mill. Brandriff R., druggist. Brondle W., cabinet maker. Brooks H., livery stable. Brotherton J., carpenter. Brown M. J., grocery and liquor store, Main. Brown S. B., dentist. Brown S. E., attorney at law. Buchanan Harvey, principal primary school, No. 5. Buckles & Brands, carpenters. Byrne P., boot and shoe dealer, Main. Cartwright J., brickmaker. Callender Rev. H.. German Methodist pas tor. Ceis M., bakery. Chambers A. S., superintendent Union School. Chapel R. B., painter. Clark T. S., auctioneer. Coles Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Cronn M., wood turner. Crozier, carriage maker., Cunningham W., cabinet maker. Carr J. H., cabinet maklier. Compson Miss Amanda, assistant primary school, No. 6. Cron N., cabinet maker. Dackey ITH. P., furniture store. Defrees F. L., councilman. Second Ward. Defrees J. H., hardware, iron and nails, Main. Defrees & Shannon, prop'r oil mill. Enquirer, D. MA. Fleming, editor and pub lisher, issued on Thurs(lay, Main. Evans Mrs. N. A., principal primary school No. 3. Ewing J. M., attorney at law. Fardyce Miss M. E., principal primary school, No. 1. Fardyce Mliss R., assistant female tutor, school. Ferney G., painter. Fleming D. M., editor and publisher En quire?-. Foster W. V., mayor. Frietlich A., merchant tailor, Mlain. Frietman c; Frickman, merchant tailors, Main. Garnsey D1. E., flour and feed mill, corner Public Square and Wayne. Garvey S. B., marshal. Garvey W. M., councilrnman, Third Ward. Garvey W. M. & C., hardware store. Garvey J., market master. Geiselhart —, barber, Piqua House. Graef P., cooper. Graef & Huebner, grocery store.; JOHN KRUCK, PROP'R. Assisted by David Shoemaker, Greenwood J., cabinet maker, undertaker and dealer in all kinds of plain and fancy furniture, Main. Gyer F., dealer in hardware, stoves, &c. H aetlhatn M., tan ner. Hall & Haims, commission merchants. Hall & Harris, salt agents. Hamilton Miss Bell, assistant primary school, No. 2. Hamilton, Garner & Co., stone cutters. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., W. Elliott, agent. HATHAWAY & ESPEY, MABBLE MON UMENTS, TOMB STONES, MAN TLES, TABLE TOPS, &c., CORNER ASH AND WAYNE. HIENBY J. F., DEPUTY POSTMASTER. HenstegerJ. F., merchant tailor. Herbert Alward, wholesale and retail dealer in furniture. Hoelthan H., stone and brick maker. Holler C., hotel prop'r. Horton Miss"E., teacher. James Mrs. C. B., principal female tutor, school. Jenks A., general store. Johnston A., books, stationery and wall paper, Main. JONES JEREMIAH, PROP'R CITY'I-1O TEL. Jones N. H., attorney at law. Kelley Joseph, auctioneer and commission merchant. Keberlin Rev. A., Lutheran. King J. W., councilman, 1st Ward. Kitchen II., lime and stone dealer. Klopf John, groceries, Main. KRUCK JOHN, PROP'R PIQUA HOUSE. (See' card, p. 505.) Kuhlmann & Roehne, groceries and li quors, Main. Landis Miss F., assistant, Primary School No. 1. Lawder Rev. W. H., Methodist. Lawder Rev. Wm. H., prin. male interme diate school. Lawton, Barnett & Co., commission mer chants. PIQ PIQ 505 &.* 4646 A,46 v Corner Main and W,.iter Sts., :PTQT-T-, 0 10 Late of ity Hotel. Accommodations superior-Charges mod erate. SW. PIQ 506 PLA Lawton T. J., councilman, 3d Ward. Lester M., harness maker. Ludlow G., wagon maker. McGee M'iss E., millinery. Mendenhall Wm. M., general store, north east cor. Public Square. Miller Miss I., assistant female teacher, high school. MITCHELL & BENSON, PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S H I P M E N T S PROMPTLY MADE. Moller F., boot and shoe maker. Mooney W. L., printer. Mioormann B. H., window and blind fac tory, Market. Morrow J. A., hardware store, Main. Muchmore R., cabinet maker and under taker. Nageleisen F., tobacconist. Newman W. B., clothing store. New York Life lns. Co., N. W. Foster, ag't. Nolan T., bl acksmith, Main. Norris G. W., tailor. O'Ferrall, Daniels & Co., foundry. Opperman C., provisions, Main. Piqua Gas Light and Coke Co., Wm. T. Strong, sec'y. PIQUA HOUSE, JOHN KRUCK, PROP'R, COR. MAIN AND WATER. (See card p. 505.) Piqua Register, S. C. Writer, editor, Main. Ploch F., provision store, Market. Powers Miss E. E., instrumental music. Reading Chas., physician. REID FRANCIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO COLLECTION OF CL A I M S, NORTH-EAST COR. PUBLIC SQR., UP STAIRS. Reymuler H., grocery store. Rice A. H., amrnbrotype artist. Richard John, prop'r Miami House,.or. North and Main. Ritzmiller E. A., physician and surgeon, High. Robeson J., general store. Sawyer & Co., groceries and hardware. Schmidlapp J. A., grocery. Schroer]ucke Wm., tobacco and cigars. Schubert A., saloon. Scott J. M. & Co., dry goods. Scudder James, druggist, Main. Shepard P.S., cooper. Shipley F. M., butcher, Main. Shipley R. W., butcher. Slauson R., ag't United States Express Co. Smith J., blacksmith. Smith Mrs. J. A., millinery. Smith Miss MA., teacher. Smith R., barber. Spangenberg C., grocer, c.ain. Spangenberg C., saloon. Spencer & Co., general store, cor. Mlain and Public- Square. Spike R. P., carriage maker. S p iker S. P., car riag e maker. Starrett & Wood, general store. Stewar t Mi ss Ann C., assista nt teacher, male intermediate school. Tallmadge S., c hina ware. Tarzer G., livery stable. Thoma A., jewelry store, Main. Thomas Mrs. S. L., painting and drawing. Thompson Miss S. J., prin. female high school. United States Express Co., R. Slauson, agent. Vogal P., cooper. WARD J., POSTMASTER. Waterman J. H., prop'r Washington Ho tel. Watson M. H., periodical depot. West Rev. E. G., Baptist'pastor. Westcott S. M., real estate agent. White J. C. & S. W., flouring mill, Wayne. Williamson & Co., groceries. Wiltheis M., tobacconist, Market. Winans Abner, wagon maker. Winter C., general store. Wistner Joseph, teacher. Wood C., cooper. Woolfrom H., cooper. Wor]ey J., leather store, Public Square. Worley J., groceries, Main. Worrell George, physician and surgeon, High. Writer S. C., editor and publisher Regis ter. Young & Tager, flouring mill. Zeigler N., tailor. Zingenfelder C. F., grocery. Ziegenfelter M., provision store. PLAINFIELD, A post village of Coshocton county, in Linton township, established in 18201, situated on Will's creek, 10 miles south-east from Coshocton, and about 80 miles east See Smith & Salisbury's advt., p. 464. PIQ 506 PLA PISGAH, A post village of Butler county. PITTSBURG, A post office of D,,irke county. PITTSF,LELD, A post office of Loraine county. PLAIN, A post office of Wayne county. PLA 507 PLE north-east from Columbus. Population 250. Township 1,500. A prominent post village and township of Putnam county, established in 1849, situated on Sycamore creek. and on the Dayton and Michigan railway, 8 miles from Kalida, and about 100 miles northwest from Columbus. Population 800. Township 3,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc.. BRELSFORD DAVID, POSTMASTER, AND TOWNSHIP TREASURER. Craver A., township trustee. Fordler William, township justice. Lancaster Rev. Samuel, Methodist pastor. McKee Rev. G. W., minister. Patrick T. W., township clerk. Rimeam Isaiah, saw mill prop'r. Russett S. M., township trustee. Smith J. G., township justice. Williams J. H., hotel prop'r. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alford S. J., ambrotypist. Anghingbungh —, gro cer. Belford J., township justice. Bend P., pump maker. Bowman J., township trustee. Bush F., hotel proprietor. Byers J., township justice. Cowden W., township constable. Doolittle L., grocer. Featheringill John, township trustee. Gessell H. H., express agent. Gessell, Vins & Jones, general merchants. Glency Rev. D., United Brethren pastor. Gorsuch Thomas, gunsmith. Green & Ogan, attorneys at law. Hartley W., prop'r planing mill. Huber S. M., druggist. Jenkins S. B., school teacher. Jones D., harness maker. Killen N. & Co., carpenters. KUNNEKE T., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POSTMASTER. Lakemiller A., boot and shoe maker. McCombs L., carpenter and painter. MIcHernry S. V., township clerk. Martin & Reader, prop'rs steam flouring mill. iloris J. W. & Co., tobacco growers. Ogan & Green, grocers. Oglevie D, prop'r steam saw mill. Oglevie Joseph, sash, blind and door maker and carpenter. Oglevie Mary, dress maker. Owen Misses, dress makers. Patterson J., township treasurer. Patterson M. G., general merchant. Plumb Rev. -_, Methodist pastor. Price Rev. W. K., Presbyterian pastor. Pruden J., township constable. Richards Wm., wagon maker. Sanders W. M., boot and shoe maker. Smith J., cooper. Stirlin S., cabinet maker. Sturd Miss —, dress maker. Sylvis A. J., distiller. Sylvis G. W., barber. Tingle Harrison, harness maker. Tingle J., tailor. Tingle Joseph, notary public. Turner S. M., prop'r planing mill. Ward John, carpenter and painter. PLAINVILLE, A post village of Hamilton county. A post office of Loraine county. A post village of Shelby county, in Green township, established in 1854, situated on Leatherwood creek, 7 miles south-en st from Sidney, and 60 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 82. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Apple Jeremiah, township trustee. Applegate Anthony, pump maker. Atkinson R. L., township trustee. Conway G. W., township trustee. Crouse John A., township constable. Dorsey Charles, township clerk. Ellsworth Sam'l S., carpenter and builder. Holloway George P., general merchant. Hume Hubbard, gunsmith. Laughlin Joseph S., school teacher. LEWIS SAM'L, POSTMASTER, TOWN SHIP JUSTICE, AND BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. Medavis John N., general merchant. Mitchel Isaac, physician and surgeon. Simes L. G., township assessor and school teaeher. Stoken Isaac, township constable. Venard William, physician and surgeon. Woodmance John, township treasurer. PLA 507 PLE PLEASANT, (COLUMBUS GROVE VILLAGE.) PLANK ROAD, A post office of Belmont county. PLATO, PLATTSVILLE, PLE 508 PLE Whitus John, brick mason and maker. Wiliams W. W. & Co., general merchants. Yeant I., prop'r planing mill. Siders D., township constable. Tedrow I. W., physician and surgeon, and druggist. Treker Noah, mason. Ward Amos, carpenter and builder. Weddle Isaac, flouring mill. Whitmer I, township clerk. Whitmer I. & Co., general merchants. Williams John H., manufacturer of agri cultural implements. Younce Davies, manufacturer of agricul tural implements. Yountt Samuel, mason. Yountz, Reed & Williams, carriage and wagon manufacturers. PLEASANT GROVE, (NEWTON VILLAGE.) A post village of Miami county, in Troy township, established in 1835, situated on Stillwater river, 8 miles from Troy, and about 70 miles each from Cincinnati and Columbus. Population 200. Township 2,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Cadwallader Rev. John, German Baptist pastor. Coate J. C., township trustee. Coate Thomas. manufacturer agricultural implemnents. Debra J. F., school teacher and auctioneer. Deeter I. & Co., fiouring mill. Deeter Rudolph, boot and shoe maker. Deeter S. R. & Brother, cabinet makers, carpenters and painters. Derman J. C., township justice. Etter John, prop'r Newton House. Fale Lewis, flouring mill. Fockler S. S.) township constable. Fox George, nursery and seedsman. Friend's Seminary, S. M. Coate, principal. Fritz I. K., painter. Funas Rev. William, Christian pastor. Gullery H., township trustee. Hamers H., pump maker. Hill H. H., school teacher. Howard T. S., physician and surgeon. Inman & Meinnich, fiouring mill. Lawreer M. W., auctioneer. Meeksell W. H., nursery and seedsman, and township trustee. P Meyers Jacob, boot and shoe maker. Miles Israel, attorney at la,w. Nenkum Fred., ambrotype a r tist. Newton House, John Etter, prop'r. Patt y John, township treasurer. Por ter D. R., school teacher. Re ading Philip, boot and shoe maker. Rench David, carpenter and builder. Rench Jaeob, distiller. Rench Samuel, broom maker. Rutcher Isaac, hide and leather dealer and tanner. Shafee Henry, nursery and seedsman. Shoemaker B., broom maker. SHOEMAKER GEORGE, POSTMASTER, JUSTICE PEACE AND CLOTHING DEALER. PLEASANT VALLEY, A post office of Morgan county. A village of the same name is situated in Madison county, for description of whi ch see Darby creek post office, p. 295; also, a. village of the same name in Athens county, see Shade post office. A post village of Fairfield county, in Pleasant township, established in 1830, situated on Walnut river, and on the Newark r ailway, 8 miles north-east from Lancaster, and 28 miles east by south from Columbus. Population 335. See advt. of Coal Oil Refinery, p. 464. I I I PLE 508 PLE A post qpce of Clermont county. PLEASANT HILL, PLEASANTON, A post office of Athens county. PLEASANT PLAIN, A post office of Clermont county. PLEASANT RIDGE, A post village of Hamilton county. PLEASANT RUN, A post office of Hamilton county. PLEASANTVILLE, AlPhabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete. Alexandra John W., harness maker. Ashbrook J. M., sewing machine aent. Berry Aaron, township trustee. Boss Rev. —, Methodist pastor. Bownian Charles, tailor. Cackwell D. P., boot and shoe maker. Elis Rev., Methodist pastor. Ewing Thos., township trustee. Fink Wm., justice of the peace. PLI 509 POL Garnner M., boot and shoe maker. Hampson James, township trustee. Hane Geo., carpenter. HANE PHILIP. DRY GOODS DEALER AND POSTMASTER. Hastings Rev. Wm., Presbyterian pastor. Hite Jonas, township treasurer. Hite & Buchanan, grocers. Irick G. W. M., painter. Irick I. F., carpenter and township clerk. Irick Thos., carpenter. Mank M. W., hotel prop'r. Mansparger S. S., boot and shoe maker. Nisley Lewis, carriage and wagon maker. Snapp John, constable. Bishop Wm., boot and shoe maker. Blatckman Sally, dress maker. Brown J. & J., broom makers. Campbell Wm. D., prop'r Exchange Hotel and livery stable. Carpenter B. F., carriage and wagon ma ker. CASE ADAM, POSTMASTER AN D TAILOR. Case & Duncan, clothiers. Clark Miss L. S., music teacher. Cleland James, cooper. Cover H., broom maker. Cowdon Joseph, carpenter. Cracraft John, grocer. Cristy James, harness maker. Dobins Thos., real estate agent. Drake E. F., broom maker and township justice. Dumars, publisher Jfahonin# Register. Duncan Hugh, general merchant. Dushman John, pump maker. Ferrell & Bishop, broom makers. Foster A., minilner. Fowler C. N., physician. Frame Thos.. township justice and prop'r nursery. Gledden Chas. E., attorney at law and notary public. Griffin Eva D., school teacher. Hahn Abramn, carpenter. Hahn Isaac, architect. Hall T. K., broker. Haverstick Jacob. pump maker. Hubbard Henry, stoves and till ware. Irwin Mliss C. A., school teacher. Johnson Miss —, sewing machine ag't. Kennedy Walker, township trustee. Kirland Geo., prop'r nursery. Leslie J. G., general merchant. Love John, township constable. Lowery James, township trustee. McCrary & Cortney, general merchants. May Daniel, druggist. McGill John, hotel prop'r. McMasterRev. A. S., Presbyterian pastor. Mahoning Register, — Dumas, publisher. Mahoning Sentinel, J. M. Webb, publisher. Morse H. K., prop'r steam flouring and saw mills. Morse H. K., lumber dealer. Mosier Stephen, tailor. Mygatt E., physician. Nessle J. B., township justice. Overlarnder Peter, brick mason. Parker Rufus, bookseller and insurance agent. Ray W m., archi tect. Reeves Albert, jewelry, &c. Reeves H. B.. real estate and insurance agen t. Reeves R. P., township treasurer. Reno W. N., school teacher. Robinson J. W., cabinet maker. Sanderson Miss —,- milliner. PLYMOU]H, A post village of Richlan\ county. A vilIage of the same name is situated in Washington c ounty, for description o f which, see Bartlet. post office, page 24. POAST TOWN, A post office of Butler county. POINT ISABE L,, A post office of Clermont county. POINT PLEASANT, A post office of Clermont county. POLAND, An important post village and township of Mahoning county, establised in 1812, situated on Yellow creek, 71 miles east from Canfield, and 75 miles south-east from Cleveland. Population 800. Township 2,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, E1ta Allen John, township trustee. Allen & Woodruff, foundrymen and plow makers. Augdon W. J., cabinet maker. Austin G. J., carriage and wagon maker. Bayl Rev. J. T., Mlethodist pastor. Bishop B., gunsmith. PLI 509 POL PLIMPTON, A post village of Holmes county. POE, A post office of Medina county. POL 510 POM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preist John M., township constable. Ronolkes A., physician and surgeon. Russel John, township trustee. Rutani Samuel, mason. Scott Rev. A., Presbyterian pastor. Smith Thomas, general store. Spencer W. S., carriage and wagon ma ker. WH[IITE JOHN S., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND POSTMASTER. (See card, p. 510.) Wicks & Buzzart, prop'rs steam saw mill. Attorney at Law, Will attend to all business entrusted to his care, in this and adjoining counties. Scannell R. O., boot and shoe maker. Shafer Andrew, ambrotypist. Shepard Henry, harness maker. Smith Joseph, tanner. Thorn J. M., prop'r steam fiouring and saw mills. Thorn J. M., lumber dealer. Truesdale J., physician. Wallace & Mayes, painters. Watson W tn., township clerk. Webb J. M., publisher Mahoning Sentinel. We'd lIiss M. D., school teacher. Willia,is S3olomon, township constable. Wilson Robert, tailor. A prominent post town, and the capital of Meigs county, situated on the Ohio river, about 100 miles south-east fromn Columbus. It contains the county buildings, about forty stores of various kinds, several salt furnaces, breweries, rolling mill, &c. Population 4,000. POLAND CENTER, A post office of Mahoning county. MEIGS COUNTY OFFICERS. Treasurer, Cyrus Russell. Representative, T. A. Plants. Sheriff, Johnson J. White. Clerk, R. Downing. 'Auditor, Aaron Stivers. Probate Judge, Arthur Merrill. Prosecuting Attorney, Silas A. Burnap. Recorder, S. S. Paine. Coroner, J. P. Bing. Commissioners, J. F. Brown, John R. Ellis a nd Wm. Ledlie. Infirmary Directors, M. Bosworth, Josiah Simpson and Geo. Bell. A post village of Ashland county, in Jackson township, established in 1845, situated 9 miles north-east from Ashland, and 50 miles south-west from Cleveland. Population 225. Township 3,000. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Beardsley Rev. —, Methodist pastor. Berry William, township trustee. Birge B. M., school teacher. Borrick Jacob, boot and shoe maker. Brown Daniel, tailor. Bryne Calvin, township trustee and gro cer. Burrick Louiis, carpenter and builder. Cooper David, general store. Fast Jacob, township justice. Hively Samuel, broom manufacturer. Hlvely & Co., grocers. Itolt Isaac, boot and shoe maker. Horne John C., harness maker and sad dler. Ilumrichous Andrew, carpenter and buil der. Kuhn John, hotel prop'r. McCarty O. C., physician and surgeon. McFadder Edward, township justice. Mentzer Abel, brick yard. Perietta John W., boot an d shoe maker. Owens R. M., boot and shoe maker. Plice Samuel, township constable. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, ttc. AICHER W. A., WATCII MAKER AND JEWELER, FRONT, HEAD OF STEAMBOAT LANDING. Atkinson George, baker and confectioner, Front. Atkinson R. B., painter, Front. Bichmann & Buirkert, manufacturers and dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., Front. Bing J. B., physician and surgeon, Front. Blettner M., carriage and wagon maker, Front. Branch Oren, dealer in dry goods, grocer ies, and insurance agent, Court. Bright Rev. S. MI., Methodist pastor, Front. BURNAP S. A., ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AND INS. AG'T, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. See advt. of Evans' Improved Sugar Evaporators, p. 455. POL 510 POM JOHN S. WHITE, Polk, Ashland County, 0. POLKTOWN, A post office of Hanlilt-on county. POMEROY, POLK, -~~O 51 O BY FRemington HOUELseARFER BY FRED. B. RIHELDARFER, HEAD OF STEAMBOAT LANDING, POMEROY, OHIO, This House is well furnished throughout, is in good repair, and the Proprietor hopes, by strict attention to the wants and comfort of his guests, to merit and receive a large share of patronage. Charges moderate. Careful and attentive Porters are in readiness, at all hours, to convey baggage to and from Steamboats. BURNAP AND STANBERRY, (S. A. & P. B.,) ATTORNEYS AND COUN SELORS AT LAW, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. Cartwright John, attorney and counselor at law, Court, over Reed's drug store. Clauter John, barber, Front. Coal Ridge Salt Co., V. B. Horton, agent,, coal port, Front. Cohen H., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Front, below Gibson House. CROWLEY A. G. & CO., SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURERS, FRONT, ABOVE COAL R I D G E FLOURING MILL. CROWLEY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, FRONT. Curtis R. L., telegraph operator, office at D. Reed's drug store, Court. Dabner Salt Co., G. W. Cooper, ag't, coal port, Front. Daniel & Rathburn, bankers and exchange dealers, coi'. Court and Second. Davis Daniel, blacksmith, Front. Davis John S., planing mill, Butternut. Davis & Brother, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c, Front. Dilcher H., shoe anrid leather dealer, Front. Dilcher Wm., baker and grocer, Front. DONNALLY C. E., DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., FRONT. Dorst Peter, grocer, Front. Buttenhofer Valentine, dealer in groceries and provisions, Front. Eisner Z. L., dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, &c., Front. Elben John, physician, Sycamore. Epple M., boot and shoe maker, Front. Faller Isaac, dealer in dry goods, Front. Garner S., gunsmith, Front. Gatchel A., m~anrufacturer and dealer~in furniture, Front, above Court. Geppert John, boot and shoe maker, Front. Geyer David, soap and candle factory, Butte rnut. Gibson G., prop'r Gibson House, Front. Golion Mrs., saloon, Condor. Guthrie G. S., physician, Front,. Haag C., gunsmith, Beck. Hampton J. B., harness and saddle maker and dealer, cor. Court and Back. Hanna & Earhart, attorneys and counsel ors at law, Court. Hecox M. & Co., dealers in groceries, Front. HORTON H. S., SEC'Y AND TREAS. OF PONIEROY COAL CO., FRONT. HORTON V. B., PRES. AND MIANAGER PONIEROY COAL CONIP'Y, FRONT. ANHudson M. A., prop'r United States Ilotel, Front.' Humphrey F. E., blacksmith Seond. Hundley Josiah, carpent er and builder, ButternuLt. Hutt,el G., merchant tailor, Court. Islestein Conrad, cabinet maker, Condor. JOACHIM GEORGE, DEALER IN DRY GOODS,c, &c., FRONT, ABOVE ROLL-. ING M ILL. JOACHIM WINDELL, BUTCHER, AND MEAT MARKET, SECOND. KATZ CHAS. A., DEALER. I N D R Y GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., FRONT ABOVE ROLLING MILL. Katz Wm., grocer, Front. Klien Henry, boot and shoe maker, Con dor. Koehler Conrad, boot and shoe maker, Fr-ont. KUEDERLI H., DEALER IN CONFEC TI(NER,IES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., FRONT. Kuhl A., barber, Linn. Lambrecht Peter, watch maker and jew eler, Court. Lanham Samuel, brass foundry, Condor. LEE GEORGE, POSTMASTER, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, COURT. Long William, manager Pomeroy Rolling Mill, Front. McCune MNrs. Wm., milliner, Condor. McLaughlin A. E., publisher Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph, Front. POM 511 POM PO M 512 POM WEEKLY TELECRAPH Published at Pomeroy, Meigs County, O., T. A. PLANTS & Co., Publishers. The Telegraph is one of the largest papers in the State, and being the only English paper printed in the county, has a general circulation, and is a very desirable advertising medium. McQuigg & Smith, dealers in leather and findings, Court. MASSAR VALENTINE, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, FRONT. Mayer August, billiard saloon, ront. MAYER DRI. D., EDITOR AND PUB LISHER MNEIGS COUNTY DEMO CRAT, FRONT. MEIGS COUNTY DEMOCRAT, DR. D. MIAYER, EDITOR AND PUBLISH ER, FRONT. Moore & Osborn, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, &c., Front, 2 doors above Court. Newell Wm., I)utcher and meat market, Front. Nye N. R., steam saw mill, Front. Ohio River Salt Co., V. B. Horton, presi dent, R. Hudson, secretary, William - Iealy, treasurer. Olinger Henry, lager beer saloon, Condor. OSBORN H. L., AGENT POMEROY SALT COMPANY, FRONT. PATTEN & SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, AND COMMIS SION MERCtIANTS, COURT. PLANTS T. A. & CO., PROP'RS POME ROY TELEGRAPH, FRONT. (See card, p. 512.) POMEROY CHARLES, SECRETARY POMIEROY SALT CO., FRONT. lPOMIEROY COAL CO., V. B. HORTON, PRESIDENT, tI. S. HORTON, SEC RETARY. Pomeroy Rolling Mill Co., manufacturers all kinds bar iron, Front. POMEROY SALT CO., CHARLES POME ROY, SECRETARY, FRONT. POMEROY WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, T. A. PLANTS, EDITOR, A. E. MAc LAUGHLIN, PUBLISHER, FRONT. (See card, p. 512.) Prall W. J., dealer in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Court. Probst J. C. & Co., cabinet makers and dealers, Front RAUSCHER JOHN C., BAKER, FRONT. Reed D., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., Court, bt. Front and Second. Rehm Sebastian, physician and surgeon, Front. Reid & Crofoot, blacksmiths. REMINGTON HOUSE, FRED. B. RIHEL DARFER, PROP'R, AT THE HEAD OF STEAEIBOAT LAND ING. (See card, p. 511.) Remington Wrdo. HI., dealer in books, sta tionery, dry goods, groceries, &c., Front, 1 door below Remington House. REUTER A., SALOON AND RESTAU RANT, FRONT. RIHELDARFER F. B., PROPy R REacn INGTON HOUSE, FRONT. (See card, p. 511.) Rust Wm., merchant tailor, Front. Schaefer Frederick brewery, FCondor. S chreiber Frederick, blacksmith, Condor. Schreiber Fritz, blacksmith, Condor. Schreiber Peter, dry goods and g roceries, Front. Seebhom Adolph, dealer in drugs, medi cines, painits, oils, &c., Front. Shipman E. F., saloon, Linn. Silvermann S., dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, &c., Front. Silvermann Samuel, wholesale and retail grocer, Front. Simpson & Lasley, attorneys and counsel ors at law, at Court House. Smith F. J., boot and shoe maker, Front. STACKPOLE J. W, G., FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, AND MIANUFAC TURER STEAM ENCGINES, MILL GEARING, AND C A STING S OF ALL KINDS, FRONT, ABOVE ROLLING MILL. Stein Eisel, harnless and saddle maker, Front. Stivers B. F., bl,,cksmith, Front. Sugar Run Salt Co., C. Grant, agent. SWALLOW To. 1I., I)EALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., CORNER FRONT AND COURT. Thoroman Wm., manufacturer and dealer in stoves and tini wa re, Front. Todd Wmi. jar., dealer in dry goods, groce ries, &c., Front. Train I., physician and surgeon, Second. U fermnan G., harness and saddle maker, Front. Walker Mrs. Jane, boot and shoe maker and dealer, Front. Wehe Henry, furniture dealer, Plum. Whitesides Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Front. Willi,,lmson W. C., steani grist mill prop'r, Front, above Rollin,, Mill. PON 513 POR Williamson W., dealer in dry goods, gro ceries, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, &c., Front. Young John, feed( store, Beck. Lee Asa B., auctioneer. Lee & Nisley, prop'rs saw mill. Martin M., boot and shoe maker. Miller Jacob, wool grower and township supersisor. Mulford John, china, glass and queens ware. MAulford John & Son, general store. Mulford W., gunsmith. Mulford W. S., township librarian. Nedray James, barber. Parks A., wool grower. Pease Lorin, sewing machine agent. Pennington Wm., sr., broker. Pitezell J. H., painter. Price Daniel, harness maker. Ranck David, tanner and leather dealer. Remington James, cooper. Reynolds E., township trustee. Shalters M., milliner. Shurr G. & C., furniture dealers. Stitzer Martin, boot and shoe maker and dealer. Swalley Daniel, wool grower. Thompson Rev. T., Methodist pastor. Tuttle Alvin F., township clerk. Tuttle Daniel, jeweler. Tuttle Danie l, fish dealer and painter. Tuttle Daniel, township justice. Tuttle House, A. H. Clewell, prop'r. Valentine Charles, mason. Valentine Emily, milliner. Van Fleet B., general store. Walcutt Mason, township trustee. Westover J. T., insurance agent and town ship constable. Wilcox Ransom, nursery and seedsman. A post office of Geauga county. A post office of Huron county. (BENTON VILLAGE,) A post village of Crawford county, in Texas township, established in 1840, situated on Sycamore creek, 13 miles northwest from Bucyrus, and about 60 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. Popula,tion 200. Township 500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alvord David, physician and surgeon. Andrews John, school teacher. I Andrews Robert, township trustee. Barr James, cooper. Bates Emily, teacher Select School. Beistell Samuel, boot and shoe maker and dealer. Boyce P. B., dentist. Chamberlain Emily, school teacher. Clewell A. H., baker and confectioner. Coon Elisha & Co., livery and sale stable. Doyle Miss Sarah J., school teacher. Enslow James, carriage and wagon manu facturer. FELTUS SOLOMON, POSTMASTER AND TAILOR. Fitchcharles James, brick maker. Gaines Charles, broom manufacturer. Gornell George, patent right agent. HIahn Jacob, tobacco grower. Hamlin John, township constable. Harris George, school teacher. Hazelett Robert, wool grower. Heabler Samuel, boot and shoe dealer. Hlueha Jacob, carriage and wagon manu facturer. Jump E. C., attorney at law. Jump Edwin, mason. Jump George, mason. Jump Ransom, ambrotypist and daguer rean artist. Kisor John, brick maker. Kilaiss Charles, manufacturer and dealer in agricultural implements. Kohler & Heabler, prop'rs steam flouring mill. Koons Abram, harness maker. 33 PORT CLINTON, A post town and the capital of Ottawa county, situated on Lake Erie, about 120 miles north from Columbus. POR PON 518 POND, PONTIAC, POPLAR, POPLAR RIDGE, A post office of Darke county. PORTAGE, A post village of Woocl county. PORT CENTER, A post office of.Hancock,county. PORTER, A post office of Delaware county. P()I 14 POR Front Street, west of Market, PORTSMOUTH, C. W. HIGGINS, Proprietor. Having thoroughly re-fitted and re-furnished the House, he is prepared to accorn-modat.e the traveling public generally, in the very best manner. Good Stabling is .also attached to the premises. IHENVRY LL. D OUcGL,ASS, Front Street, under Plymouth House, PORTSMOUTH, - OHIO. SCIOTO COUNTY OFFICERas. Probate Jtclye, W. S. Ituston. Clerk, B. F. Cutlnlnglhlll. Sheriff, J. L. W a rld. Auditor, G. W. Flanders. Recorder, Beinjamin Miles. Treasurer, Philip Noel. Prosecuting Attorney, Martin Craim. Siorveeor, Frank Gibbs. Imfi7rmary Directors, Thomats latch, C. C. Hyatt., B. L. Jefferson. PORTERSVILLE, A post office of Perry county. POsiRT HOMER, A post oece of Jefferson county. PORT JEFFERSON,yB A village of Shelby county, for dlescription of which, see Pratt post office. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et Albright Henry, dealer in groceries and provisions, Chillicothe, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Angerona lodge, No. 125S, I. O. O. F. Aurora Lodge, No. 48, M,,asonic. Bailey G. B., physician and surgeoni, east side Market, bet. Second ainld Front. Bt,rklow Benjamin, grocer, 200 T'hird. Barrett Wm., saddle and harness imaker, Front, under Biggs House. Belkenlk F..,ta,ilor, Front. Bell & Co., wholesale d(lealers in boots, shoes, leather, hats, caps, &c., 5 Enter prise Black, Front,. Bender Jolhn, blacksmith, Chillicothe, bt. Fifth and Sixth. Bentley, Campbell & Co., mantufacturers hot blast. pig iron, office cor. Market and F ront. Berndt D., boot and shoe maker, Chilli cothe, bet. Fifth and Sixth. PORTLAND, A post office of Meigs county. Villages of the s:ime of the same name axe situated in Mei,s and Jackson counties, for destriptiot, of which, see Great Bend and Oak Itil post offices, pages 356 and 489. PORTSMOUTtH, An important post city and the capital of Scioto county, situated on the Ohio river, immed i',tel vy above the mouth of the Scioto, at the terminus of the Ohio Canal and the f3cioto aIl Hocking Valley railway, 96 mniles south from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, numerous mercantile establishments, and several mills, foaundries and other manufactories. Population 10,000. POR POR 514 I I 1 r, r I 04 00^ I I I I m 1% I I n m n m m 1, I ti 10, -I,, %j wo, %ig - -.1-N. ][ 0 . I I n n I I 0 nnln LA 1. - I I U liuri, n u u ti Lu -O'FSAIO-LTTIJ-, - 01-TIO. POR SCIOTO VALLEY Edited and Published by D R. AK E & McCOLLISTER,. Office on Front Street, Enterprise Buildings, PORTSMOU 0TH - - OE IO. Terms of Subscription $2; $1.50 in advance. :RE,UBL9C,N JL' LFFICE, In connection with our newspa,per establishment we have one of the most complete Job Offices in the west. Our Workmen are of the first-class, and our Type, Borders, Vignettes, Medallions, &c., of the latest styles. By the aid of RUGGL'ES9 FAST POWYVER PRESSES, We can execute work in the promptest manner. Call and see us. Particular attention given to Letter-Press Printing. Berssler Jacob, saloon, cor. Second and ,l,lassie. Best Chlrles, boot and shoe maker Chilli cothlie, near Fourthl. -Beyeiby & Gerl'tch, tin anl d coppersmiths, Ma:. rket. Biggs flo,se, R. HMontgomeryv & Sons, pro prietors, cor. Front and Market. Bitghamn N., real estate and insurance agent, soutli side Third, bt. Market and Court. Bisihop S. D., merchant tailor and clothier, Front,. Bilton W. II., civil engineer and real es talte agent, east side Market, bt. Front and Second. Bolinger George A., watch maker and jeweler, -arket, bet. Second and Front. Brodbeck Stephen, dealer in dry goods, anid notions, Front,. Bronson C. C, physician and surgeon, east side Market. Brown A. S. & Bro., wholesale t rocers and deatles i n foreign and domestic li qtuors, Front. Brown A. S. & Co., manufacturers mineral water, 2 Pig Ionon Cor eTi. BROWVN G. W. & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, &c., FRONT. Bgtunner G. & F., bakery and toy store, Market, bet. Sec ond an d Third. Brunt ner R., dealer in staple and fancy dry good, cor. Market and Secon d. Bryson, Hughes & Co., steam flouring mill pr-op'rs, 181 Fourth, second door above Clill, icothe. Bunrton H. D., prop'r Buirton's Exchange, east side Market, bet. Second and Third. Burtram Henry, councilman, First Ward. Buskirk A. W., wholesale grocer aind pro duce merchant, Front, bet. Milarket and Court. C',dy & Gillet, house, sign and ornamental painters, Chillicothe, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Calvert F. W. & Bro., wholesale arnd retail grocers and commission merchants, cor. Front and Jefferson. Callvery Encampment, No. 14, Masonic. Ca.irre & Robinson, lumber dealers, and sash, blind and door manufacturers, Fifth, bet. Market and Court. Chandler C. P., auction and commission merchant, west side Alarket, bet. Se cond and Third. See advt. of State Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. POR 515 POR DRAKE & McCOLLISTER, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS SCIOTO VAL LEY REPUBLICAN, ENTERPRISE BUILDING, FRONT. (See card, p. 515.) Dryfus Barnhart, billiard saloon, Front. DUGAN THOMAS & CO., BANKERS, EXCHANGE DEALERS AND COL LECTORS, 14 EAST SIDE MARKET, BET. FRONT AND SEC OND. (See card p. 516.) Elden C. D., dealer in star ple and fancy dry goods, goelirket,, b et. Second and Thiud. Enmelbrecht T., wholesale and retail gro cer, cor. Front and Mandison. 'EUTII MARTIN, BAKER AND DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, C'ItlLLICOTHE, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH. Fitzpatrick & Brown, milliners and dress makers, Court, bet. Second and Front. Forbringer A., painter, Court. Forbush C., saloon. Front, bet. Jefferson and Madison. Fox C onrad, saloon, F ront. Frieberg & Workum, wholesale dealers in foreign an d domes tic liquors, 2 Buck eye Block. Friedlander Solomon, billiard saloon, Front. Frushell Mrs. Mary, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Secord and Court. OFuller & Foster, carpenters and builders, Jefferson, bet. Second and Front. Gaffey G. W., city clerk. Garfic T. T., photographic artist, Music Building, cor. Market and Second. Garwood S. 5I, physician, 186 Fourth. Gaylord & Co., rolling mill, and dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Front, bet,. Washington and Chillicothe. Geiger G., saloon, Front. Gilbert, Giles, jr., wholesale grocer and produce dealer, Massie Block, MIar ket. Gilbert Martin B., wholesale grocer and produce mercehant, Front. Glover E., attorney and counselor at law, east side Market, bet. Second and Front. Goetz & Massie, painters, Third. Goodman M., boot and shoe maker, Front. Gramm Jacob, baker, corner Market, and Third. Grassman H., furniture manufacturer, Mad-'son, bet. Front and Second. Green Et. B. & Co., manufacturers hot blast pig iron, office cor. Front and Market. Grimes James, manufacturer of stoves and hollow ware, Chillicothe, bet. Fourth and Fifth. GROOMES J. WILLIAM, TELEGRAPHt OPERATOR, FRONT. TIOMAS DUGAN & CO., BA KE IZS.9 Collections made and prompt returns iII any part of the United States or Europe, also remittances made to Europe for any amount. Interest allowed on special deposits. Charlesworth H. R., marble worker and dealer, cor. Market and Fourth. Clark E. H., watch maker and jeweler, Se-' cond, bet. Market and Court. Collings J. W., attorney and counselor at law, Market. Comins & Spragg, blacksmiths, Front. Connolley J., dealer in dry goods, Chilli cothe, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Cook Henry, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, cor. Front and Jeffer son. Cooley John, manufacturer and dealer in saddles, harness; collars, &c., 36 Mar ket. Coriel A., watch maker and jeweler, east side Market, bet. Second and Third. Corson J., physician and surgeon, Market, bet. Second and Third. Cotton D. D., physician and surgeon, Third. F Crain Martin, attorney at law, Massie Building, cor. Second and Market. Cropper M. V., confectioner and ice cream saloon, Second, bet. Market and Court. CURRIE T. S., DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN, NOTARY PUBLIC AND IN SURANCE AGENT, COR. SECOND AND MARKET. Cutter Wm. S., wholesale grocer and li quor merchant, Front. Dagan Thomas, councilman Fourth Ward. Damarin Charles A. M., steam flouring mill prop'r, Front. Damasin Charles A. & Co., wholesale gro cers, Front. Davis A C., tailor, east side Market. Davis George & Co., prop'rs Scioto Distil lery and Union Mills, office west side Market, bet. Second and Third. Deeds Hiram, councilman, Fourth Ward. Dennis J. W., physician and surgeon, Front. DENSMORE H. & CO., IMPORTERS AND -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRAN DIES, GINS, WINES AND CIGARS, 6 FRONT. Dium George, butcher, corner Fifth and Chillicothe. Doerr & Bro., dealers in tobacco, cigars a nd snuffs, Market, one door from State Bank. 516 POR THOS. DUGAN, WESLEY CLAYPOLE, GEORGE & CHAS. DAVIS, JAC. MACE. ilioRTslv.EOUIWHI 0. POR Hall Wm., wheel-barrow manufacturer, Second. Heer Samuel, grocer, Front. Ilelphenstine & Ea,rl, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, east side Market, bet. Front, and Second. Herder John M., furniture manufacturer and dealer, Market, bet. Second and Third. Herder P. J., tobacco and cigars, Fifth. Hewes E. B., boot and shoe maker and dealer, Second, between Market and Court. HIBBS J. L., WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARD-" WARE, 6 ENTERPRISE BUILDING. FRONT. Hied M., boot and shoe maker, cor. Third and Chillicothe. HIGGINS C. W., PROP'R PLYMOUTH HOUSE, FRONT, OPP. S T E A M BOAT LANDING. (See card, p. 514.) Himes C., prop'r Boyd House, Jefferson, bet. Second and Front. Hise Philip, dealer in groceries anl pro visions, cor. Chillicothe and Sixth. Iloenis Peter, billiard saloon, cor. Court and Second. Ilood W. H., editor and publisher Ports mouth Times, Market, bet. Second and Third. Hook M., prop'r Scioto House, cor. Chilli cothe and Gallipolis. HIonaker P., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., east side Market, bt. Second and Front. HIlummel David, saloon, Court. Hutchins & Gaffy, attorneys at law, Mias sie Building, cor. Second and Market. IHyatt C. C., dealer in groceries and pro visions, Chillicothe, bet., Fourth and Fifth. Janney L., photographic artist, east side Market, bet. Front and Second. Jefferson B. L. & Co., dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, north side Se cend, bet. Market and Court. JOHNSON J. H., WHOLESALE AND RE. TAIL DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW, AND GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, 4 MASSIE BUILD ING, MARKET. Kaittzleben H., dealer in drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, &c., Market, bet. Second and Third. Kehoe M. & Son, dea~lers in boots, shoes, leather findings, hats, caps, &c., Front, third door below Jefferson. Kehrer Charles & Co., clothiers and mer chant tailors, Front. Kennedy Al., justice of the peace, MaF/ ~~~~-.. i of any capacity, complete or in part, ~E~i // I11 {Sugar Mills, Boilers, and Sheet Iron Work. We also build and have con stantly on hand for sale J. R. Hall's patent machine for sawing shingles, which will make a perfect shingle from 14 to 20 inches long, and any required _'" _ j ~thickness, is self-adjustable to different lengths of blocks, is entirely self-set ting and self-feeding. One mani can cut oint from 10,000 to ]2,000 shingles per day. Price of Machine with Jointer, ding the right to run thie same, $225. As a test of the superiority of our Engines we will state, a?zd are always realdy to p the saie, that we have cut from the steam generated by one boiler 16 feet long D inches in diameter, with two 14 inch flues, sett and fired in the usual way, 0 feet of inch boards in nine hours and four minutes, from sixty-six poplar logs. Lease Win. A., bakery and confectionery, north side Mlain. Lyons W. M., physician. *McCall & Pennock, sash and door factory. MAcCurdy Mrs. Ellen, mrnilliner, south side MIain. Mcliee James, tanner. MlcKINSTRY JAMES, BILLIARD SA- LOON, SOUT1-l SIDE MlAlIN. McMillan R., sup't Union School. MqM,illen J., books and stationery, north side Mlain. Mall Mlrs. M., millinery and fancy goods, north side MNaini. Manlly G. W., picture gallery, north side Mlain. Mathews & Smith, boot and shoe manufic turers, north side Main,it. Maxwell Rev. A. B., Presbyterian pastor. MENDENHALL I., PROP'IH TOLERTON HOUSE, WEST END MAIN. Mitchell Rev. D. P., presiding elder M. E. Church. Montgomery, SharpM ack & Co., livery sta ble, south side Main. MORLAN M. M., GLAZIER, GRAINER AND SIGN PAINTER, WEST SIDE DEPOT. Myers Miss -, teacher. Neal MNiss Mary, inill:.nery and fancy goods, north side Mla,in. Newsbaum John, brick masoni. O'BRYAN & KREPS, MIACHINE SHOP, NEAR DEPOT. (See card p. 589.) PAIN T ER A., GROCERIES, PROVI SIONS AND FRUIT CANS, SOUTH SIDE MAIN. Parish John, carriage maker, east side of Depot. Pickett J.iK., watches, clocks and jewelry, nlorth side Miain. Pidgeon WVini., brick maker. aPow & Stauffer, merchant tailor, cor. Main and Broa-dway. Read Thos., jewelry watches and clocks, cor. Ma.-in and Depot. tRichter Lewis, carriage anud wagon maker. Rittenhouse H., confectionery. Ritzell Henry P., plow maker. Retzell II. & Bro., painters. Robinson M1. R., hats and caps, north side Main. ItUKENBROD J. K., EDITOR. AND PRO sPRIETOR SALEMN REPUBLICAN, NORTH SIDE MAIN. RUSII R. B., HONIM(EOPATHIC PIIYSI D OCIAN, OFFICE AND RES. NEARLY OPP. THIOMAS GREL1NER'S BANK. I SAL 540 SAL S. SHARP. J. S]AARP. J. S. BONSALL. M. D.A.VIS. SAL 541 SAL Day J, STRAW'N Manufacturer of the Ohio Clipper One and Two-Horse Power These Machines are constructed on the most simple and durable principle, with an endless chain power, and are warranted not to injure the horse or horses, and to give satisfaction in every respect. I also manufacture Strawn's celebrated G-1~:: ULe AND STRAW CUTTER. This Huller is of light draught and the most durable now in use. For further particulars address D. J. STRAWN, Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. SALEMl REPUBLICAN, EDITED BY J. K. RUKENBROD, AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, NORTH SIDE MAIN. Salem Union School, R. McMillan, prin cipal, Miss Rose Prunty, assistant. Sargus R. & Co., steam engine builders. SCHILLING J. & L., DRY GOODS AND GROC;ERIES, NORTH-EAST COR. MAIN AND ELSWORTH. SEATON J. S., PROPRIETOR WILSON HOUSE, SOUTHI SIDE AIAIN. Shafer & Wilson, prol'rs livery stable. Shannon J. P., silver and brass plater, south side Main. SHARPS DAVIS & BONSALL, MANU FACTURERS O F IMPROVED STEAM ENGINES, AND ALL KINDS MILL GEARING, EAST OF R. R. DEPOT. (See card, p. 540.) Sheets John C. & Co., livery stable. Sheets & Judd, carriage makers, south side Main. Shilling J. & L., dry goods. SILVER J. 1., NEW YORK PICTURE GALLERY, NORTH SIDE MAIN. Snider & Woodruff, stove foundry, near Depot. Speare B. W. physician. Spencer T., groceries, south side Main. Stiver G., wholesale and retail manufac turer cigars. STRAWN D. J., MANUFACTURER ONE AND TWO HORSE THRESHERS, NEAR WILSON HOUSE. (See card, p. 541.) Street G., dry goods, near post office. Street John, express and railroad agent. Strieby C. L. & C., millinery. Straugh George, tailor. TABER C. R. & J. O., MANUFACTURERS STEAM ENGINE BOILERS, MILL WORK OF EVERIY DESCRIPTION, ALSO MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES, NEAR DEPOT. (See card, p. 536.) Taylor Wm., butcher. south side Main. Tengling & Rogers Misses, millinery and dress makers, west end Main. Thomas & Greiner, bankers and dealers in exchange, north side Main. Thompson J. M., groceries, north side Main. TOLERTON HOUSE, I. MENDENHALL, GOOD ACCOMMNIODATIONS. BILL MOI)ERATE. WEST END OF Al AIN. Tompkins Wm., pump maker. TRESCOTT ISAAC, BOOK,- AND STA TIONERY, NORTH SIDE MAIN. (See card, p. 537.) Trescott S. C., boot and shoemaker, north side Main. Vickers E. T., auctioneer. 11 a I I 0 APA A. I I 1 - Ah AM I 11 I A 0 1 1 1 1' n I I m El I 9 I I T i I t iii Al m mimiw Uai. ii SA 54 A Walter A., saloon keeper. Walter J., tailor, north side Main. Walton A. B., groceries, north side Main. Weaver E. T., notary public. Webb A. T., groceries and provisions, south side Main. Webb J., township treasurer. Weeks H. & Co., merchant tailors, near post office. West & Leran, clothing, north side Main. WIIINERY J. C., D. D. S., DENTIST, COR. .MAIN AND BROADWAY. Whinery & Fawcett, wholesale and retail druggists, south side Main. White J. H11. & Brother, boot and shoe mnakers, south side MIain. White R. T., confectionery, south side Main. Williard J. B., a,uctioneer. WILSON HOtiSE, J. S. SEATON, PRO PRIETOR, SOUTHrfl SIDE MAIN. Wilson Uriah, fancy goods. Wilson & Shlafer, liveiy stable, south side i hi n. Young (. C. & J. M., ha,rness, north side Mi.ti. Young F. G., physician. Alphabetical List of ProfessionsTad, Trades, Stc. AIthur Edwin, township clerk. Beard S. B., g eneral merchant. Brown Chas., carriage a nd wago n maker. Clark Thos. G., carpenter. Clark Thos G., plop'r steam saw mill. Conard Win. C., township treasurer. GladElelle b, b rick mason. GRIFFITH EDWARD, BOOT AND SHOE WIMAKER, AND POS'TlMASTER. Griffith Isatac, boot and shoe maker. Heller Daniel, constable. Himiller Win. B., patent right agent. Jones A. J., school teacher. Kerns John, boot and shoe maker. La,kin John S., hotel prop'r. .\1orrow Joseph, township trustee. Querrl y Rev., Methodist pastor-. Reece Samuel, township trustee. Ridgway David H., township assessor. Rodgers A. Y., carpenter, and prop'r stemn saw ]Dill. Shepherd W. A. & W. Ml., physicians. Spar Rev., Methodist pastor. Starr J. A., grocer. Starr Joseph, tanner. Swadley Alfred, township trustee. Tarry Steven, boot and shoe maker. Williams Jonathan, township justice. Wright Rev. Joseph, Friends Church. Yost John, auctioneer. SA LEM CENTER, A post. office of Mieigs county. SAMPSON, A post office of Darke county. A post office of Guernsey county. I I SAMPSONVILLE, A post office of Jackson county. t~~~~ _ SALINEVILLE, A post office of Columbiana county. SALT CREEK, A post office of Holmes county. A prominent post city, and the capital of Erie county, situated on Sandusky bay, and on the northern division of the Cleveland and Toledo Railway, at the terminus of the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark and the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati Railways, 116 miles north from Columbus. In addition to the public buildings of the county, it contains numerous and diversified mercantile and manufictutring establishments. Population 12.000. SA LTPETER, A post. office of Washington county. ERIE COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, Rush R. Sloane. Sieriff, D. S. Worthington, ac ting. Clerk, Horace N. Bill. G. O. Selkirk, Del* uty. Auditor, George W. Smith. Treasurer, Holly Skinner. SAMANTHA, A post village of Highland county, in Penn township, established in 1848, situated 6 miles from Hillsbroro, and about 60 miles each from Columblus and Cincinnati. Population 175. Township 825. .J* SAN SAL 542 SALESVILLE, SANDUSKY, SALTILLO, A village of Perry county, for description of which see Buckeye Cottage post office, page 49. SAN c. tT.: 1..9 Manufacturer of Pitt's Separator, also, Woodbury Patent Separator, P;tt's Double Pinion Power, and the Iron Planet Power for eight or ten horses. MaIchine Truck Wagons, Power Corn Shellers, &c. SANDUSKY, 0. Recorder, James W. Cooke. Prosecuting Attorney, G. C. McLouth. Surveyor, A. B. Foster. coroner, D. S. Worthington, Enoch Wel ler, Deputy. Jailor, Wm. B. Smith. Commissioners, Clement Beardsley, Isaac McKisson, Robert Bennett. Directors of IrTfirmary, John Weeden, H. DePuy, Hiram McMillan. rant, WVater, bet. Jackson and Colum bus ave. Ba/y C'ity Democrat, (German,) Jacob Hester, editor and publisher, south side Water, bet. Lawrence and Mc Donough. Bear & Alvord, produce and commission mercllants, Water. Beatey B. W., prop'r Cosmopolitan Billiard Saloon, ttubbard's Block, Water. Bergmoser George, saloon, Main. Biglow J. G., attorney and counselor at law, Columbus ave. Bill, Cook & Johnson, prop'rs Sandusky Register, cor. Wayne and Water. Black D. & Co., manufacturers and deal ers in cigars, snuff and tobacco, West Block, Columbus ave. Bock Al. G., barber, Water. Brainard B., undertaker and cabinet ma ker, Jackson, bet. Water and Market. Bretz John, grocer, Water. Bright & Cable, manufacturers and deal ers in boots and shoes, 149 Water. Brooks & Co., china, glass and queens ware, Water. Brost John V., marble worker and dealer, Columbus ave. BUSH H. C., ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 44 COLUMBUS AVE. Butler S. W., commission merchant, Water. Butts Brothers, Horman Hall Restaurant, 232 Water. Adams & Fay, dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., 152 Water. Alder & Back, manufacturers and dealers in furniture, Water, bet. Jackson and Columbus avenue. Alexander A., lumber and coal dealer, Water, foot of Perry. Anderson George J., fire, marine and life insurance agent, Columbus ave. BAILEY JOHN M., DEALER IN STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE, COLUMBUS AVE. Barker Z. W., justice of peace and com missioner of deeds for MAichigan, Columbus ave. Barney & Cowdery, wholesale dealers in hardware, belting, scales, safes, corn mills, &c., 70 Water. Barney & Barber, prop'rs Bay City Mills, Railroad, foot of Jackson. Bartley T. D., gunsmnith, Water. Bauman C., saloon, Tiffin ave. Bauman John, prop'r National Restau 543 SAN "- 0% d,.& A 6% Li'ILI 0 t 0 ki, ui SAN 544 SAN liquors and cigars, cor. Market and Fulton. Dunahoo H. J., physician and surgeon, Columbus ave. Durbin Wm., president S. M. and N. R. R., office foot of Water. Eck J. S., grocer, Water. Esch B., boot and shoe maker, Water. Exter M., saloon, Main. Ferry Austin, dealer in hats, caps, furs, straw goods, &c., sign of the Big Hat, Water. Finch John J., attorney at law and notary public, Columbus ave. Flood J., "in and sheet iron smith, Water. FOX WINSON, BREWER, HARRISON. (See card, p. 544.) Francisco F. 11., harness and saddle ma ker, Water, bet. Columbus ave. and Wayne. Frisbie J. M., ambrotype and photographic artist, Water, bet. Columbus ave. and Wayne. Frohman Henry. billiard saloon, corner Fulton and Water. Gagein P., grocer, Columbus ave. Gale A. H., dealer in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Water. GILCHER PETER, LUMBER MER CHANT, WATER, (OPP. BAY CITY MILLS. Glazer August, boot and shoe maker, cor. Water and Wayne. Goodwin H., attorney at law, Columbus ave. Goos F. C., grocer, Water. Graham W. A., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., cor. Water and Co lurmbus ave. Hagy G., saloon, Water. Hart, Blatt & Oettinger, importers and dealers in wines and liquors, Water, near Jackson. Hathaway Robert, dealer in groceries and provisions, Water. Heimke Charles, book binder, Water. Hendry A. W., attorney at law, Columbus ave. Hestel Jacob, editor and publisher Bay City Democrat, south side Water, bet. Lawrence and AMcDonough. HIogg Thomas, master mechanic S. At. and N. R. R. machine shop, Water. Holland J. W., house, sign and ornamen tal painter, cor. Water and Hancock. Horning, Pringle & Co., brass and iron founders, cor. Fulton and Water. eHOSMER & GEISDORF, DEALERS AND PACKERS OF ALL KINDS OF LAKE FISH, RAILROAD, FOOT WAYNE. HOSMER & GEISDORF, MANUFAC TURERS OF LARD OIL, STEARINE AND TALLOW CANDLES, PALM AND EVASIVE SOAPS, 62 MAR KET. W FlOX'S Tr(SANDUSKYrd i4A Buyer John, saloon, Columbus atve. Buyer N.J., dealer in dry groceries, toys and fancy goods, Campbell Block, Water. Cahn D., dealer in clothing and furnish ing goods, Water. Carr & Co., Bethel Iron Store, wholesale and retail, 216 and 218 Water. Carroll Michael, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Market and Columbus ave. Center Clarke, manufacturer engines and all kinds machinery, Railroad, rear Norman Hall. Coghlin D., carriage maker, Washington. Cogswell F. W., attorney at law, Colum bus ave. Colt R. E., prop'r Townsend IHouse, cor. Newark and Decatur. Colt Wm. D., books, stationery, wall paper, &c., West's Block, Columbus ave. COLTON HENRY, PROP'R DROVERS' HOTEL, (BOARD 75 CENTS PER DAY,) S. D. AND C. R. R. DEPOT, WATER. Commnercial Register, daily and tri-weekly, Biel, Cook & Johnson, prop'rs, cor. Wayne and Water. Converse & Miner, prop'rs Portland Mills, Water, bet. Jackson and Decatur. Cook C. E. & J. A., dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c., 61 Water, opp. West House. Cook & Converse, dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, West's Block, Co lumbus ave. Coy & Miner, foundry and machine shop, south side Water, bet. Jackson and Decatur. Daniels Mrs. S., groceries and provisions, Market. Davis I. T., dealer in groceries and pro visions, 22 Columbus ave. Dewey tt. T., dealer in jewelry, watches, clocks, boots, shoes, &c, 11 Columbus ave. Drssel John, wholesale dealer in wines, SAN SAN I I I I a I I I m 9w r I I r 9 I. n -t JU u - t --- I Head of.1-Ilarket St. I SAN 545 SAN Hosmer & Wells, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, north-west cor. Water and Wayne. Hosmer Thlieo. liquor merchant and prop'r Phoenix Brewery, Water. Houk H. WI marble worker, Columbus a ve. t Hubbard R. B. & Co., lumber merchants. Water, near S. D. and C. R. R. Depot. Iludsonr W. B., dealer in watches, clocks, silver ware and jewelry, cor. West's Block. Hurnphreys Mrs. A., milliner, West House. Intelligence Blatt, (German,) Frederick Reidling, proprietor, Reber's Block, Water. Johnson L. B., lime dealer, Water. Kanzler Jacob, proprietor City Bakery, Water. Keech C C., dealer in hats, caps, Buffalo robes, &c., 149 Water. Kenney 0. V., groceries and provisions, Water. Kneal James, merchant tailor, 182 Water. Kromer & Groul, foundry and machine shop, Water. Kronthal J., dealer in clothing and fur nishling goods, Water, bet. Columbus ave. and Jackson. KUGLER J., boarding house and saloon, Water, bet. Jackson and Columbus ave. Kuhn John, boot and shoe maker, Water. Kunz P., barber, Water. Lammers John, grocer, Water. Lane W. G., attorney at law, Columbus aive. Large C., clothier, Market. Latham W. V., merchant tailor and clothier, 154 Water. LEA JAMES D., DEALER IN PINE LUIM BER, SHINGLES, LATH, CEDAR POSTS, &c., 240 WATER. Lewis Samuel, attorney and counselor at law, Columbus ave. Lotz Henry, groceries and provisions, cor. Washington and Shelby. McClelland T. D., agent U.S. Express Co., cor. Fulton and Water. McDermott lPatrick, saloon, Water. ]cKinney C., sail maker, 100 Water. MAlcKelvey John & Co., general agents for subscription publications. Register Building, Water. MeLouth O. C., attorney at law, notary public, real estate agent and prose cuting attorney, Columbus ave. Mackey J., attorney and counselor at law, 44 Columbus ave. Magle George, grocer, Water. Mann -, physician, Columbus ave. March Jacob, tinner, cor. Washington and ShelbyW 3attern Henry, dealer in stoves snd tin ware, 99 Water. 35 N. OLDS, Manufacturer of Steam Engines ANL) BOILERS, WOODW\ORIITH PLANING MACHINES And Sash Machinery. Also, Reynold's Patent Cut-Off and Governor. General Jobbing done at short notice. MESSER C. J., MANUFACTURER OF THRESHING IIACHINES, SEPARA RATORS, ETC. (See card, p.543.) Miller A., book binder, Water. Miller A., prop'r city bakery, Columbus avenue. Miller & Bobrahn,. merchant tailors and c lothiers, Columbus av e. Millter L., shoe maker, Columbus ave. MBills Isaac, druggist and chemist, 178 Water. Minor S., attorney at law, Columbus ave. Monat L., clothier, Water. Monroe & Hoyt, dealers in dry goods, Water, opp. Wes t House. Marse I. H., barber, Wa ter. Moos A., boot and shoe maker, Columbus avenue. Morton George, city engineer, Water. Mutz D., groceries, Water. Neumyer G. B., baker and confectioner, Water, bet. Jackson and Columbus avenue. Nichols J. H., prop'r West Hlouse Saloon, Water. NIEDERLANDER J. N. & CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS. Norcross & Upp, manufacturer chairs, furniture, doors, sash and blinds, Water, opp, S. D. & C. R. R. Depot. Nusly V., watch maker, Market. Olds Charles V., bookseller, stationer, and dealer in wall paper, 18 Columbus avenue. OLDS N. G., MANUFACTURER STEAM ENGINES, PLANING MACHINES, ETC., WATER. (See card, p. 545.) Olrick L., boot and shoe maker, Water. PAPE DR. F. E., dealer in drugs and medicines, 131 Market. Peck P. P., JEtna mills, Water. Pool John G., commission merchant, Water. Porter S., wholesale grocer and commis sion merchant, Nornian Hall, Water. SAN 545 SAN WATER ST.. SANDUSKYQ 0. SAN 546 SAN French and German fancy goods, 7 Columbus ave. u il,, Il | EU U~ *THOMPSON WM., dealer in groceries and -,wt;... w X X.provisions, Water, bet. Jackson and Columbus ave. CHAS.WARNER, PROP'R, Thorpe & Fosdick, furniture mnanufactur ers a,nd dealers, Malrket.; S.W. cor. Water and Wayne Sts., Townsend House, R. E. Colt, prop'r, cot. Market and Decatur. Traub Lewis, saloon and dealer in books, $SANDI-_-,S~YAY (~ 185 Water. Unkrich Peter, saloon, Water. Post & Lewis, dealers in fresh and salt Upp Brothers, produce and commission fish, also groceries and provisions. merchants, 234 and 286 Water Radcliff H. P., grocer, Water. Upp H. Y., insurance agent, 234 and 286 Ransbotton George, saloon, Water. I Water. RPansom Miss C. L., portrait painter, VERANDA HOTEL, CHARLES WAR Columbus ave. NER, PROP'R, SOUTH-WEST COR. Reber & Stryker, attorneys at law, Water. WATER AND WAYNE. (See card, Reidling Frederick, proprietor Intelligence p. 546.) Blatt, (German), Reber's Block, VonlLaLusen & Birkma,yer, importers and Water. dealers in wines and liquors, Water. Richardson G. H. & Co., lumber merchants, WAGNER C., harness, saddle and trunk cor. Water and Franklin. manunfacturer, 111 Market. Riley P. H., merchant tailor, Water. Wagener J., saloon, Water. Robertson & Son, dealers in groceries and Walters II., boot and shoe maker, Main. provisions, and soap and candle man- Walter J. W., merchant tailor, 187 Water. ufacturers, Water. I WARNER CHARLES, PROP'R VERANRosenbaum Fr., dealer in clothing and DA HOTEL, SOUTH-WEST COR. gent's furnishing goods, Water, bet. WATER AND WAYNE. (See card, Columbus ave. and Jackson. p. 546.) Rossiter & Montgomery, marble workers Waye E. J., surgeon dentist, 40 Columbus and dealers, 40 Columbus ave. avenue. Rupprecht & Antekerm, merchant tailors, Weeks R. E., ambrotype and photograph Columbus ave. artist, also dealer in books and staRupreclit J., boot and shoe maker, Water. tionery, Columbus ave. Sandutsky TVeekly Register, Bill, Cook and Weiker J., saloon, W.ater. Johnson, piopr's, cor. Wayne and Wemple D. F., dentist, West House. Water. West T. D. & Co., wholesale and retail Schafefer C., saloon, south side Water, bet. dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes and Columbus ave. and Jackson. groceries, West's Block, Water. Schaefler Frederick, saloon, Water. West W. T. & A. K., wholesale and retail SCIlAUB & CO., SASH, DOOR, BLIND dealers in dry goods, carpeting, oil AND CABINET WARE MIANUFAC- cloths, boots, shoes and groceries, TURERS, RAILROAD, REAR NOR- Columbus avenue. MAN HALL. Weston J., blacksmith, Water. Shliarlleau T., barber, Columbus ave. Wetterer Isadore, harness, saddle and Simpson & Radcliff, t(iealers in groceries trunk manufacturer, C(olumnbus ave. and provisions, Water. Wheat H1., physician and surgeon, Water. Slageter M., boot and shoe maker, Water. Wheeler S., dealer in groceries and proSmith & Parsons, importers and wholesale visions, cor. Market and Columbus dealers in wines and liquors, 214 avenue. Water. Wheeler S. C., attorney at law, and notary STAHL GEORGE, BILLIARD SALOON public, Columbus ave. AND RESTAURANT, 16912 WATER, Whitney James D., wholesale gr-ocer and( UPSTAIRS. commission merchant, 311 and 313 Stewart J. H., ass't sup't S. M. & N. R. R., Water. foot of Water. Wilcox E. H. & R. M., dealers in staple Stone W. F., attorney and counselor at I and fancy dry goods, Hubbard's law, 44 Columbus ave. Block, Water. Strain A., hardware, iron, nails, steel, WILDENTHAL CHARLES, saloon, cor. glass, etc., Hubbard's Block, Water. Camp and Tiffin ave. Sweitzer George, telegraph operator, Wildman H., attorney at law, Columbus Water. ave. Texter & Lerch, dealers in jewelry and l SAN 547 SAR Williams A., harness and saddle maker, Columbus ave. Woolworth James, manufacturer of axes, picks, sledges, hatchets, hammers and handles, mallets, saw frames, hickory wlips, stalks, etc., Railroad, rear of Norman Hlall. DRY GOODS, General Produce and Wool Dealer, Sarahsville, Noble County, O* Morrison Joseph, township clerk. Meril Thos.,, physician. Odell James H., book and job printer. Olive Lodge, No. 210, Masonic. Petlay Rev. James, United Brethren pas tor. Petlay W., carriage and wagon maker and councilman. Petlay Wesley, agricultural implements. Petlay Wm., school teacher. Pool John H., tanner. Rinderknecht G. W., auctioneer. Sheppard J. H., physician and recorder. Smith Jno. W., boot and shoe maker. Spriggs B. F., attorney at law. Spriggs B. F., mayor. Spriggs D., attorney at law. SQUIER J. J., GENERAL MERCHANT AND POSTMASTER. (See card, p. .-47.) Stuart Wm. M., plow maker and council mian. Watkins & Statl er, harne ss makers. Wilson T. F., hotel prop'r and livery sta ble. Young T. J., general merchant. Young Wm. J., councilman. SANDY, A post office of Columbiana county. SARAHSVILLE, A prominent post village of Noble county, in Center township, established in 1835, situated on Duck creek, 6 miles from Caldwell, and about 80 miles east from Columbus. Population 800. Township 1,600. Adwale 1., ambrotypist. Anderson Joshuat, cooper. Bates E., saw mill prop'r. Bates Jacob, township trustee. Berry J., tanner. Berry James, grocer. Berry James, sr., baker. Beymer John, hotel proprietor. Blazo J. HI., barber. Bracon Wm., cabinet maker. Brown It. J., general merchant and coun cilman. Burcher Win., carpenter. Caple J. F., physician. Casner John C., harness maker. Clark J., school teacher. Danford J. & S., prop'rs steam grist and saw mills. Danford J. & S., general merchants and lumber dealers. Dereral Harriet, mi'liner. Dereral M., milliner. Foster Janmes, boot and shoe maker. Foster Tinmothy, boot and shoe maker. Gambell Rev. C., Methodist pastor. Googires M., township treasurer. Grimes Miss MA., school teacher. - Hagerty J., carpenter. Harday C. J., dentist and physician. King J., carriage and wagon maker. Kirk Wm. R. & Co., agricultural imple ment s. Lackey Hugh, tailor and marshal. Linzy Noah, cabinet maker. Morrison Rev. Alfred, Methodist pastor. McWilliams Hugh, councilman. Mathena E., township trustee. SARDINIA, A post village of Brown county, in Washington township, established in 1830, situated on the east fork of White Oak creek, 12 miles north-east from Georgetown, and 44 miles east from Cincinnati. Population 200. Township 1,300. I .,SAN .547 SAR J. J. SQVIER SANDYVILLE, A post, office of Ttiscarawas count,.v. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, Alphabetical List of Professions,, Trades, Etc. Bare Huston, township trustee. Beck C. L., constable. Beck 1. M., physician. Cluxton J,-imes, paiiater. DAVIS THOMAS, POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. Dunn Henry, township trustee. Feike Eliz,,tbetb, school teacher. Feike Francis, boot and shoe maker. Feike Stephen, general merchant. Huggins Martin L., physician. Kennedy Hugh, township treasurer. KINCAID ROBERT, GENERAL MER CHANT. Kincaid Samuel, general merchant. Kirk Lorinda, school teacher. - A a4 c Love J. W., physician ani dentist. McNeeley Mary A., milliner. Marshall Wm., jr., general merchant. Marshall Wm., sr., hotel prop'r. Moreland Joseph, tailor. Pangburn Smiley S., township clerk. Pettyjohn E., school teacher. PETTYJOHN E. L., CONSTABLE. Pettyjohn Rev. Lewis, Methodist pastor. Pittinger John, harness maker. Poline Peter, cabinet maker. Potter David, ambrotypist. Rainey James R., hotel prop'r. Runyan S. D., sash, blind and door manu facturer. Shepherd C. L., prop'r steam grist mill. Stam Jacob, gunsmith. Tracy Ira, township trustee. A post office of Harrison county. SARDIS, "A post village of Monroe county, in Ohio township, established in 1844, situated on the Ohio river, 18 miles from Woodsfield, and about 100 miles east by south from Columbus. Population 104. A post office of Scioto county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Bridgeman J. H. & Co., general merchants. Bridgemnan & Patton, brick makers. Buchwald John, jewelry, &c. Chapman Gideon, boot and shoe maker. Edwards Rev. P. C., Methodist pastor. Fowler Richard, carpenter. Goodwin John M., general merchant. Gorrell Zadock, carpenter. Hornbrook E., general merchantA Hornbrook E., prop'r steam flouring mill. Kinkade & 4etwiler, general merchants. Knight Wm., carpenter. McMahon D. S., physician. Martin Geo. W., school teacher. MARTIN WILSON, POSTMASTER AND COOPER. Martin Wilson, constable. Nesbitt James, township justice. N'esbitt & Trimble, prop'rs steam saw mill and lumber yard. Neuenschwander John, grocer. Patton J. N., school teacher. Patton Marinda C., school teacher. Schaub J. G., druggist and physician. Schaub J.:., hotel prop'r. Thomas Adam, tailor. Thompson John, cooper. Wilson Samuel, cooper. A,.habetical List of Professions, Trades, Ete Baker Jesse, c onstable. Browner Mrs. —, school teacher. Brum D., g eneral-m erchant. Brum E. M. D., insurance agent. Brum J. D., grocer. Brumi N. L., hot el proprietor. Cameron S., gunsmith. Compton, dentist. Dixon G., general merchant. Doggett B. F., cooper. 'Downey T. C., attorney at law. Doyel J. & Son., wagon and plow makers. Elmiston Rev., Methodist pastor. Elrod F., boot and shoe maker. Ervin Mrs., dress maker. Evans S. P., dentist. Ewick Mrs., dress maker. Ewick J., attorney at law. A post village of Ashland county. I I sco SAR 548 SAYBROOK, A post office of Ashtabula county. SAYM-AN, A post office of Washington COIlDt.,Y, 17 miles e,.ist from Marietta. Alphabetical List of Professions, Tradei;, Ete, Morris W., general merchant. S,NIITH C., GENERAL MERCIIANT AND POST MASTER. Smoot G., general merchant. scio, SCIOTO, A post office of Scioto county. SCIOTOVILLE, SCOTCH RIDGE, A post office of Wood countv. SCOTT, (WINCHESTER VILLA.GE,) A post village of Adams county, in IVinchester township, situated on Bi-ush creek, 12 miles from West Union, and 60 miles east from Cincinnati. Population 500. Township 2,000. SAVANNAH, \ 5 S EYLAR O. H., POST MASTER AND HAR NESS MAKER. Farrer A., proprietor livery stable. Foster C., boot and shoe maker. Groasman, physician. Head Rev. Thos., Methodist pastor. HIalesmnan Wm., tailor. Jones J., brick mason. Lewellen & Co., proprietors steam saw mill and lumber dealers. Lewis A. C., physician. Lockwood S., painter. Lossett L., brick mason. McCormack C., tailor. Marlatt S., saloon keeper. May Wm., cabinet maker. Moore Rev. Wm., Christian Elder. Phibbs Wm., cooper. Ramsey E., cabinet maker. Ramsey R., township justice. Ramsey T., carpenter. Ramsey W., carpenter. Ramsey Wm., school teacher. Rea A., township treasurer. Rea, Ramsey & Robbins, proprietors grist mill and carding machine. Ring Rev., Presbyterian pastor. Robbins & Bro., general merchants. Roush C., barber. Schuyaer J., boot and shoe maker. Smith Wm., pump maker. Trow Jolhn, notary public. White John, school teacher. Young D. II., painter. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alexander Wm., baker and councilman. Anderson Jas. H., cabinet maker and painter. Aulp Rev. M, Methodist pastor. Booth W. N., boot and shoe maker. Brown Geo. W., general m-erchant. Brumley Samuel, gunsmith. Brumley Wm., gunsmith. Bruner John, wool grower. Brya n David N., tailor. Burgess R., school teacher. Burns Rev.., Methodis t pa stor. Burson Joseph, township justic e. Cesner Wm., townshi p trustee. Chandler Wm., harness maker. Chester M., townshi p constable. Chrisman Rev., Methodist pastor. Cincebaugh Rev. —, Lu theran pastor. Crosen A. C., proprietor grist mill. Crosen C., saw mill proprietor. David Richard, ambrotypist. Dilley B. E., brick mason. Dilley B. E., councilman. Dilley Samuel, edge t ool maker. Dilley Samuel M., councilman. Dilley Wm. A., brick mason and street commissioner. Eagle Hotel, E. Gester proprietor. Finley E. N., townshp trustee. Fordyce & McGaw, tanners. Furguson Rev. —, Presbyterian pastor. Furguson V., physician. Gaston A. J., pump maker. Gester E., proprietor Eagle Hotel. Gibons J. M., township assessor. Gilson Nero, barber. Gordon J., wool grower. Gudgeon B. F., school teacher. Hamilton A., cooper. Harper John, wines and liquors. Ilarper Jno. & Co., proprietors Seneca ville House. Hartley James, township justice. Henry Mary, school teacher. Hibbs M. E., dress maker. Hill J., physician. Hill N., physician and wool grower. ttill Noah, councilman. Houseman & Taylor, general merchants and pork packers. Jester E, brick mason. Johnson Robt., potter. Kaho Daniel, baker. Kiel Wm. G., nursery and seedsman. Leeper John, brick maker. Loury Porter, carriage and wagon maker and painter. Loury R., carriage and wagon maker. McGaw Jas., boot and shoe maker. McCune Robt... carriage and plow maker. Morison A. J., painter. MO)RISON GEO. W., HARNESS MAKER. (See card, p. 550.) Morison J. A. G., cabinet meaker. SCROGGSFIELD, A post office of Carroll county. SEAL, A post office of Wyandot county. A post office of Perty county. SELMA, A post office of Clark county. An important pqst village of Guernsey county, in Richland township, situated on Senaca Fork of Wills creek, and on the Pittsburg. Maysville and Cincinnati railway, 11 miles south-east from Cambridge, and about 90 miles east f'om Columbus. Population 500. Township 2,000. See advt. of State Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. SCR 549 SEN SEGO, SENECAVILLE, SEV 550 SEY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bookwalter & O'Dair, carriage and wagon makers, Main. Broombaugh, physician, Main. Davis Wm., physician and surgeon, Main. Doney Wm., tobacconist, Main. Farver Peter, wagon maker, Main. Fisher Jno., carpenter and builder, Main. Flichinger J. K., prop'r Seven Mile flour ing mills, East Main. GARY JAS. D., general store, Main. Hanby B. R., principal Seven Mile Acad emy. Haynes Moses H., physician and surgeon, Main. Hughes Rev. T. E., Presbyterian pastor. Jacobs Wm. F., blacksmith. King A. B., freight and t icket agent, offi.ce Depot. Lanthurn Rev. W. H., United Brethren pastor. Meekling Rev. G. Z., German Reformed pastor. Patton A. J., carpenter and joiner. Richardson Alex., prop'r Seven Mile House, Main. Richardson John C., tailor, M,Nain. Schmidtlin Jacob, grocery and shoe shop, Main. Sheely G. C., carpenter and builder. Main. Simmons Joseph, constable and supervi sor, Main. Squires Thomas, mason and bricklayer, Main. Walter John, presiding elder United Brethren Church. Whitmen Rev. David, Methodist pastor. Wieder B. M., staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, &c., Main. Wittman Frederick, saddle and harness maker, Main. Wooley Mrs. Theodocia, millinery and dress making. SABB.L E And Harness Maker, Collar and Trunk maker, and dealer in FuT rs. SENECA VILLE, - OHIO. Morison John, carpenter. MTorison T. C., boot and shoe maker. Neyman E. J., milliner. Neyman J. L., marble worker. Oliver Elizabeth, milliner. Perry MI., carpenter. Perry Wm., carpenter. Rainie Joseph, attorney at law and town ship justice. RAINIE WM., POST MASTER. Riggs E. C., township clerk. Robey M., township constable. Rogers R, wool grower. Ryan J., brick mason. Secrests Geo. W., carriage and wagon maker. Senacaville House, Jno. Harper & Co., proprietors. Shaw Tobias R., carpenter. Shaw Wm., brick mason. Spears Rev. —, Methodist pastor. Steel Henry, tanner. Stephens John, boot and shoe maker. Stewart Chas., carpenter. Taylor Henry, treasurer. Taylor T. J., councilman. Thompson James, attorney at law and insurance agent. Thompson L. S., school teacher. Thompson Wm., township trustee. Thranthan Jas., broker. Tagee C. A., milliner. Taylor T. J., marble worker. Umstat A, general merchant. Umstat & Saltsgaver, pork packers. Ward John, proprietor steanl saw mill. Wilson Henry broom maker. A small post village of Darke county, in Mississinewa township, established in 1841, situated on the Mississinewa river, near the Indiana State line, 17 miles northwest from Greenville, and 87 miles north by west from Cincinnati. Population 47. Township 578. SEVEN MILE, A post village of Butler county, situated on the hamilton, Eaton and Richmond railway, 7 miles from Hamilton, and about 100 miles south-west from Columbus. It contains two dry goods stores, one grocery, one hotel, three physicians, one academy, three chu rches, one flouring mill, and several mechanical branches. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Anderson John B., justice of the peace. Bartmus Rev. J. W., United Brethren pas tor. Carter C. L., broom maker. Fritchey Benjamin, general merchant. Grisson S. M., township trustee. Hill C. G., auctioneer. Hooper Hiram, township trustee. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta, Berk Frederick, blacksmith, Main. Bittner John, boot and shoe maker, Main. I SEV 550 SEV G. W. MORISON SEVEN MILE PRAIRIE, (ILOSE I-IILL VILLAGE,) SEW 551 SHE Ketner Abraham, constable. MAcFeely Alfred, school teacher. M~cFEELY JAMES, POSTMASTER. McKibben Hugh, township assessor constable. Meeck John, physician. Mcuckeldoung John, carpenter. Page C. W., school teacher. Replogle Jacob, cooper. Schreiber Emanuel, carpenter. Sharp Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Shepherd John, school teacher. Sheppard Levi, broom maker. Smith David, township treasurer. Thomas John, justice of the peace. Weitbrecht Michael, grocer. Wolf Wm., township trustee. i A post village of Portage county. and Iu I SHANANDOAH, |A post office of Richland county. SHANESVILLE, A post office of Tuscarawas county. LIL E SHANNON, A post office of Muskingum county. SHADE, (PLEASANT VALLEY VILLAGE,) A small post village of Athens county, in Lodi township, established in 1835, situated on Shade creek, 8 miles south from Athens, and about 80 miles south-east from Columbus. Population 31. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Bedell Isaac, township clerk. Burson John, general mcrchant. Cooley R. R., constable. Cowan John, township trustee. Creesey Joseph, township trustee. (:REMER A., POSTMASTER AND HAR NESS MAKER. Cremer F. J., tanner. Cremer Joseph, boot anal shoe maker. Crejner L., school teacher. Evens —, township justice. flawk W. I,., broom maker. Helley Rev. A. C., Methodist pastor. Jeffers Win., township trustee. Lawhead E., township justice. PilchI Rev. J. N., Methodist pastor. Sanders A. II., general merchant and town ship treasurer. Sanders Mrs. J., milliner. Snider G. WV., township assessor. Sweeny W., cabinet maker. Witiham Hiram, physician. Young David, constable. SHELBY, A prominent post village of Richland county, in Sharon township, situated on Black Fork, and on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati and the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Railways, 12 miles north-west from Mansfield, and about 67 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. SHE SHALERVILLE, SEW 561 SHANE'S CROSSINGS, A post -office of Mercer county. SEWELSVILLE, A post office of Belmon.t cotint.y. SHARON, -"' A post office of Noble county. SHARON CENTER, A post -office of Medina count,y. SHARONVILLE, A post office of Hamilton county. SHARP'S FORK, A post office of Athens count,y. SHAUCK'S, I A post office of Morrow county. SHEFFIELD LAKE, A post office of Lorain county. A post office of Fr,,tnklin county. SIIALER'S MILLS, A postoffice of Knox county. SHE SHR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It contains a variety of mechanical branches, and twelve stores of various kinds. Population 1,250. Smith James, boot and shoe store, south side Main. Spealman H., blacksmith, cor. Main and Broadway. Trimble J. S., teacher. Waterfall F., jeweler, nor th side lain. Wiggins & Kerr, druggists, south side Main. Wilson Charles, stoves and tin ware. Wiser J., marble shop. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Anderson D. & Co., clothiers, west side Gamble. Barker Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Beck S., boot and shoe maker, south side Main. BEISTLINE HENRY, WAGON MAIKER AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, NORTH SIDE EAST MAIN. BILLOW D. & G. W., NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, SOUTH SIDE MAIN. Bloom S. S., general insurance agent, and mayor, west side Gamble. Brackbill & Sons, stoves and tin ware. Brackbill J., stoves and tin ware, south side Main. Burt M., watches and jewelry, east side Gamble. Cattey F. A., grocery, south side Main. Coltman J., saloon, south side Main. Case J., justice of the peace. Cotty J., constable. Cummins Wm. & Son, general store, cor. Mlain and Gamble. Davis, Anderson & Co., general store, west side Main. Dempsey J., grocery, south side Main. Dickinson 0. M., planling mill. Ealand G., groceries, west side Main. Fields & Brenen, planing mill. Hershiser D., marble shop. Keiser J., furniture, south side Main. Leiter S. B., teacher. Lippert P., butcher, south side Main. Lybarger H. R., general store, cor. 5lain and Broadway. Maidns J., saloon, south side Main. Matton H. B., blacksmith, north side Main. May J., saddle and harness, east side Broadway. Melchimer E. J., town recorder. Micke & Cox, produce dealers, north side Main. MICKEY H., POSTMASTER, EAST SIDE GAMBLE. Mick,ey & Hablet, general store, Main. Moore Miss, teacher. Moore Rev. —, Presbyterian pastor. Nichols C. P., Junction Hotel. Ott & Brothers. Packer Miss H., teacher. Rabold D. & Co., tailors, east side Broad way. SAIGER'S HOTEL, (FORMERLY LEY MAN HOUSE.) J. F. SAIGER, PRO PRIETOR, MAIN, EAST SHELBY. Seymour & Brackenridge, hardware, east side Gamble. A post village of Wayne county, in Clinton township, established in 1834, situated on Kilbuck river, and on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, south-west from Wooster, and 60 miles south by west from Cleveland. Popul.ation 200. Township 1,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Et. Aylsworth James, township justice. Baldorff D., cooper. Battels W. S., physician. Bear Simon, broom manufacturer. Bertolett W. J., physician, and townshi p cler k. Best Amos, brick mason. Bloget G. A., school teacher. Brown Stephen, wool grower. Brown W. W., wool grower, and township justice. Buckey A. J., carpenter. Caller Rev. A. C., Methodist pastor. Cower N., fish dealer. Crossman J. H., carpenter. Crossman Wm. G., stoves and tin ware. Culbertson Caroline, dress maker. Dyarman Joseph, harness maker. Dyarman Mrs. Elizabeth, dress maker. SHE 552 SHR SHEPI-IERDSTOWN, A post office of Belmont countv. I SHERMAN, A post office of Union county. SHERODSV-ILLE, A post office of Carroll county. SHOBER'S MILLS, Al-ostoffice of Carroll coulity. SHORT CREEK, A post village of Harrison county. SHREVE SIIU 553 SID~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I west fromn Columbus. It contains the county buildings, and numerous manufacturing and mercantile establishments. Population 2,800. Easterday Samuel, school teacher. Everly Henry, cooper. Fike George, township trustee. Horner Joseph, cooper. Hughes John, auctioneer. Hunter A. C., grocer, and saloon' k Johnston —-, trustee. JONES D. K., POSTMASTER. JONES D. K. & CO., GENERAL C flANTS. Jones J., wool grower. Jones Robert, school teacher. Kenton S. B., railroad agent. Kenton Simon, express agent. Keys James, wool growel. Knox W. AM., recorder. Lee J. H., school teacher. Liggett A. R., general nmerchanit. Lightcof J. B., boot taid shoe mailker Lovet Z., carpenter. McConky Thos., prop'r grist mill. MIcMonigal Wnm H., hotel pr-op'r livery stable. MIanson V. D., mayor, and dealer' in en and willow ware. Manson V. D. & Co., pork packers. Miller S. D., boot and shoe maker. Monegal W. H. W., township consta Morgan Rev. Hugh, Disciple. Odell T. G., township asses or. Randolph John, tailor. Rinehart W. H., township trustee. Robison Charles, carriage maker. Robison John, trustee. Robison Joseph, gunsmith. Shankla,nd Hugh C., painter. Shreve Caleb, p,'op'r grist and saw Shreve Wm. T., agricultural imple Sidball Abraham, cabinet maker. Stoutman Philip, township trustee. Strety George, marble worker. Taylor James, trustee. Taylor James & Co., grocers. Williams John, bootr and shoe make. lumber dealer. Wise J. P., brick mason. Yotes S. S., carriage and wagon ma SHELBY COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk, Jonathan Cournts. MER- } reasurer, John Duncan. Auditor, Samuel A. Leckey. Sheriff, James C. Dryden. Recorder, Geo. T. Bush. Probate Jutdge, Wm. W. Skilleti. Coroner, John Smith. Surveyor, W m. Sherman. Commissioners, Isaac Short, David K. Gil lespie, Samuel Maxwell. Prosecuting Attorney, Jacob S. Conklin. Alphabetical List cf Professions, Trades, Etc. r, and Abbott Luther C., city councilman, Pop -lar. Adams Nicholas, saloon, Main. Ainsworth Dr. Ephraim H., surgeon den tist, Ohio. Aman Xavier, tailor, north side Public Square. Amain Ferdinand, prop'r Sidney Hotel cor. Poplar and Ohio. Anderson Enoch, pump maker, near Ohio. Baer & Sinks, groceries, produce and queensw.,re, &c.. MA'in. Baer & Sinks, groceries, produce, queens ware, &c., north-east corner of Public Square. rsBarrkdtll Levi C., watch maker and jew eler, Ohio. Blake & Ilarrison, butchers and meat store, Poplar. Borders Henry, boot and shoe store, Main. Brooks Freman, livery stable, west side of Putblic Square. BUSH DANIEL R., POSTMASTER AND PERIODICAL DEPOT AND STA TIONERY, OHIO, BET. N 0 R T H AND POPLAR. Carey Jeremiah, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and groceries, Poplar, north side Pub lic Square. Carey John W., banker and exchange bro ker, Ohio. Carey William A., livery and sale stable, North. Carroll, Washington & Alexander, groce ries, produce and notions, Main. Carroll & Bro., bakery, Main. Cartwrighlt Wm., steam flour mill, south west of Public Square. Coffin Joseph, groceries and queensware, Ohio. Conklin Jacob S., city prosecutor, Ohio. Conklin & Mathers, attorneys at law, Ohio. Coon Madison, carpenter and joiner, Main. M Cowan Saml. M., chair manufact'r, Main. SfHUNIK, A post office of Henry county. A flourishing and important post town, and the caplital of Shelby county, situated on the Miami river, and on the Bellefontaine and Indiana and Dayton and Michigan Railways, 68 miles west north SID SHU 553 SICILY, A post office'of Ilighl,,ind county. SIDNEY, SID 554 SID~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~FREDERIC GUETH, Kingseed Christopher, plow and wagon FUREDERCSG manufactutrer, Ohio. CURES LAMB & ZINN, DRY GOODS, H'ATS, RE~~~ ^ ~ k CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, MILLINERY GOODS, QUEENSWARE AND GRO _,E x J _ v | ~CERIES, NORTH SIDE OF PUBLIC Of Every Description. SQUARE. Insures a Cure. No Cure no Pay. For full Lion Adolph, boot and shoe manufacturer, particulars, a(ddress FRED. GUETH, north side Public Square. Sidney, Ohio. MlcCabe David, boot and shoe manufact'r, north side Public Square. Cox John Ai., city marshal, Ohio. McColouglh Wm., city councilman, Main. Davis Isaac, livery, and sale stable, Pop- McCullough & Updegraff, dry goods, hats, lar.! caps, boots, shoes, queensware, clothDiccas Chas. 11., barber, Ohio. ing, &c., north side Public Square. Dodson Jos. C., boot add shoe maker, Pop- McElroy Hugh, banking and exchange l]:r. dealer, Ohio. Durnn:,vant Thos. B., tailor, Miain. MlcVay Jason, dry goods, hats, caps, boots Ensey Eplirain A., carpenterandbuilder, and shoes, hardware, queensware, 3Main. I groceries, &c., cor. Ohio and Poplar. Farankinberger John C., city councilman. 11Mann Saml., ready-made clothing, Main. North. MarIllz Frederick, boot and shoe maker, Fielding WVillitm, steam saw mill, Canal, Poplar. soluthl-west of Public Square. Mathers Samuel H., city councilman, PopFranz Clias., boot and shoe maker, Main. lar. Frazer John F., druggist and apothecary Mathers Saml. II., editor and publisher of and dealer in patent medicines, Ohio. Sidiey Journal, and job printer, north Frazer John F., commission mercha,nt and side Public Square. dealer in produce, &c., Poplar, bet. Mlontanus Peter, groceries, MAain. Depot and Canal. Murray Roger, bakery and confectionery, Fry John T., dry goods, hats, caps, boots, Main. shoes, groceries, &c., north side Pub- Myer Clhas. D., tanner and leather dealer, lic Squ.are. Ohio. Fry Robt. L., dry goods, hats. caps, boots, Nea.l John, dry goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, &c., cor. Poplar and Main. aInd shoes, queensware and groceries, Gamble Saml. I., drugs and patent me(li- Ohio. cities, Poplar, northtl side Pub. Square. Nickel Paul, bakery, Court. Grahamn & Dallas, carpenters and builders, Osceola Encampment, No. 63, I. O. O. F. North. Pegan Mrs. J. R, millinery and dress maGUETH FREDERICK, CANCER PITY- king, Ohio. S[CIAN, NORTH SIDE OF PUBLIC Piper Jacob, carriage and wagon manu SQUARE. (See card, p. 554.) fact'r, south-west of Pub. Square. Guy John, wagon maker, Main. RAUTHI PHILIP, NURSERY. F R U I T. flare Henry R., apothecary and druggist, AND O R N A NE N T A L TREES, cor. Poplar and Ohio. SOUTH MAIN. Henemann Henry, saloon, Main. Reed Wni. P., furniture dealer, Poplar. Hurly Joseph, grocery and saloon, Ohio. Retter Conrad, merchant tailor and cloHurly Joseph, groceries, Main. thier, north side Pub. Square. Hutton SalIl., harness and saddle maker, Rinehart David B., city mayor, Main. Main. Robertson Andrew J., marble worker and Irwin David, hats and caps, Poplar. dealer, Ohio. Irwin John, undertaker, Poplar. Robinson Thos. L., groceries, produce and Johnson Jas., hardware, iron, steel, nails, notions, cor. Main and Poplar. &c., Main. Roettcher Mris. Elizabeth, millinery and Johnson Robert C., physician and surgeon, dress making, Ohio. Main. RUSSELL GEO. MNI., FANCY AND STAKAGA ABRAHAM, EDITOR AND PUB- PLF, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND LISHER SHELBY COUNTY DEMO- SHOES, &c., FOR CASH, OHIO. CRAT, ISSUED FRIDAY, CORNER Russel Miss Janette, milliner and dress OHIO AND POPLAR. maker, cor. Poplar and Main. Kidder J. C., physician and surgeon, Ohio. Scharp John, gun maker, Ohio. Kelsey Guy C., dry goods, groceries, wines, Schroerer Constine, watch maker and jew liquors, &c., north side Pub. Square. eler, north side Public Square. Kelsey Guy C., billiard saloon, north side Schultz Frederick, saddle and harness ma Public Square. ker, Main. SID 554 SID 0 -~~SD 5 K T HOR USE Poplar Street, Near Rail Road Depot, SIDNEY, OHIO. HENRY B. THOR1N, PROPRIETOR. Location central. Accommodations good. Charges moderate. The patronage of the Public respectfully solicited. SHELBY COUNTY DEMOCRAT, ISSU ED FRIDAY, ABRATIAM KAGA, PUBLISHERt AND JOBt3 PRINTER, COR. 0111HO AND POPLAR. Shultz Henry, merchlant tailor, north side Public Square. Sidney Journal, (weekly,) issued Friday, Samuel H. Mathers, publisher, north side Public Square. o Sidney Lodgce, No. 60, I. O. O. F. Skillen Wm. W. & Co., stoves, tin and Ja pan ware, Main. Smith & Cummins, attorneys at law. Snevely Win., groceries, confectionery and saloon, Ohio. Stehley Albert N., saloon, Ohio. Stockstill David W., stoves, tin and Japan ware, Main. TAYLOR WM. H., MERCHANT TAILOR, CLOTHIER AND HATS AND CAPS, MAIN. Taylor & Stephenson, hardware, iron and agricultural iinplements, north side Public Square. Temperance Lodge, No. 73, Masonic. Thompson Hugh, attorney at law, Ohio. Thompson Mlark, tailor, corner Ohio and Poplar. THORN HENRY B., PROP'R THORN HOUSE, P 0 P L A R, NEAR RAIL ROAD DEPOT. (See card, p. 555.) Tlhorp James C., physician and surgeon, Main. Todd Sa[ml. N. & Co., ambrotype and pho togra.ph gallery, north side of Public Sq iare. Todd S-tml. N. & Co., books andl stationery, niorth side Public Square. UNION HALL, LAMB & ZINN, PRO PRIETORS, NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Wagner Mathew, butcher and meat store, north side Public Square. Walker & Hale, attorneys at law, north side Public Squore. Weing,artner Ignatz, boot and shoe maker, Ohio. Weingartner Jos., prop'r Farmers' Hotel, south-west cor. Pub. Square. Wells John, barber, Poplar. West Augustus H., merchant tailor, north side Public Square. Wikoff Peter C., bakery and groceries, North. Wilson Albert, physician and surgeon, Main. YOUNG JACOB, GROCERIES AND SA LOON, NORTH SIDEi O rF PUBLIC SQUARE. Ziegler Jacob, wines and liquors, north side Public Square. I SKE SID 555 SILVER RUN, A post office of Meigs county. SIMMONS, A post office of L,,twrence county. SINKING SPRING, A post office of Ilighland county. SIX CORNERS, A post office of Ricbland county. SIXTEEN MILE STAND, post office of Hanlilton count. SKEELIS CROSS ROADS, A post office of Mercer county. SLI 556 SMI SLIGO, A post village of Clinton county, in Adams township, established in 1844, situated near the Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanesville ralilway, 5o miles west from Wilmington, and 45 miles east north-east from Cincinnati. Population 100. Township 540. Cralwford J. B., physician. Crippen E. B., boot and shoe maker. Davidson Wm., marsh al. Eagle Hotel, John Gilmore, prop'r. Eippes T., b rick maker. Foster D. D., boot and shoe maker. Galbraith Jas., grocer and candle mker Galbraith Robert, painter. Gilmore John, prop'r Eagle Hotel. Gilmore Wm., cooper and street commis sioner. Glover C., township treasurer. Glover S., township trustee. Grimshaw J., baker. Hammond Adeline, school teacher. H.atchel- Joshua, boot and shoe maker. Irvine G. F., attorney at law and notary public. Irvine Geo. F., general merchant. Irvine John, mayor. Jones Miss M. J., ambrotypist. Kelly Thos. M., pump maker. Kinsey A., tailor. Laughly John, carpenter. Lee Elias Al., harness maker. Lee Geo., village treasurer. Lee Geo. & Son, general merchants. Leonard Barney. brick -,nason. Lewis Isaac, salt agent. Logan John, township trustee. McClain J., carpenter. Martin Jesse & Son, tanners. Mather C., general merchmnt and pork packer. Mather C., councilman. Naylor Geo., prop'r livery stable. Oug J. A., tailor. Rabe J. W., dentist. Ramsey R. M., physician and councilman. Rodgers Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Santbulrn H. M., boot and shoe maker. Seals T., coal dealer. Shannon Mrs., dress maker. Smith B., boot and shoe maker. SmithJoel H., brick mason. Smithfield Lodge No. 182, Masonic. Standiford J. & Son, carpenters. Star Hotel, C. Glover, pr-op'r. Stubbins Thos. J., wagon maker. Sturgis Wm., attorney at law. Sturgis Wm., school teacher. Thraps Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Watson Angeline, milliner. White John, notary public. White Jno. & Sons, tanners. Whitten Wm. B., edge tool maker. Whitten Wm. T., wagon maker. Whitten Wm. T., jr., councilman. Wood Thos., wool grower. Young F., cooper. Zink J'ames, cabinet maker. Ztink James H., painter. Zinlk Jno., painter. Zin k Win. R., painter. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc s Beach Miss L., milliner. Brazil John, carriage and wagon maker. Brazil MIrs. Sarah, milline r. Compton S., school teacher. Cote J. T., township trustee. Hadley J. D., township clerk. Hadley Simon, township treasurer. Harris D., carriage and wagon mnitker. Hazard Allen, grocer. O'Neal J. B., general merclhant. Richardson J. W., pliysiciain.K Rutherford John, painter. Schooley I., carpenter and township as sessolr. Sheperd W. W., physician. SLACK J., POST'MIASTER AND TOWN SHIP TRUSTEE. Slack J. W., carriage and wagon nmaker. Urton E., township trustee. An important post village, and township of Jefferson county, established in 1820, situated 14 miles south-west from Steubenville, and 56 miles west by south from Pittsburg, Penn. Population 500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc - Allen David M., harness maker and coun cilman. Anderson H., carpenter. Barkhust J., township trustee. Bates Wrn. S., physician. Beresford A. E., auctioneer. Brisbin D. R., auctioneer. BROWN J., POSTMIASTER AND TAI LOR. Browni J., recorder. Brown Jason, sewing machine agent. Burnett John, brick masoiin. Chalmers T., cabinet maker. Chambers H., brick maker and township assessor. Clancy Clias. W., physician. Clancy & Scott, druggists. Cook E., general merchant. Cook E., jr., pork packer. Cope J. H. & Sons, wool growers. Cope S., coal dealer. smi SLI 556 SMITHFIELD, SM 57 SOM Coen Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Creighton James, cooper. Davis Daniel, tailor. Demar Wm., brick mason. Ely J. S., physician and dentist. Girton James, carriage and wagon maker and painter. Gregg Elijah, saw mill prop'r and cooper. Grizzle Rev. N. P., Friends Church. Hobbs B. T., carpenter. Hobbs Hannah, dress maker. Hobbs Jno. T., carpenter. Hogue Solomon, general merchant. liurford Nathan, cooper. T Kiger Wm. R., township justice. I Lyons James, township trustee. l]McCullotigll A. G., physician. lMcDDaniels John, township justice. Mead John, township clerk. MILES M. P. & SON, GENERAL MIER CHANTS. MILES R. C., POSTMIASTER. Moore David, plow and wagon makers. Nicol John, harness maker. Palmer Israel, stoves and tin ware. Palmer Mcinerva, milliner. Plummer Wm., anibrotypist. Russell Sylvanus, potter. Scatterd.ay A., confectioner and hotel pro prietor. Schooly Addison, physician. Sclhooly Wm., physician. Sharp P. F., physician. Shepherd A. C.. constable. Shotwell Thomas, boot and shoe maker. Smith Louisa, milliner. Smith Wm. P. & Bros., prop'rs fiouring mill. Stanton Wm., township trustee. Stanton Wm.. cabinet maker and painter. Starbuck John, coal dealer. Starbuck Samuel, township trustee. Strahl Ira P., chair maker. Thomas John, brick mason. White Rev. H. S.,. Methodist pastor. Yocom Rev. J., Friends Church. Yocom & Taylor, prop'rs steam flouring and saw mills. A post office of Gallia county. SMITH'S LANDING, A post office of Clermont county. SMITH'S oMo ILLS, A post office of Morrow county. SMITc IVILLE, A post office of Wayne county. A post office of Harrison county. SNOOKVILLE, A post office of Defiance county. A post office of Clinton county. SOMERFORD, A village of Madison county, for description of which, see Suimmerford post office. SOMERTON, A post village of Belmont county, in Somerset township, established in 1825, situated on Captina river, 22 miles south-west from St. Clairsville, and I10 miles east from Columbus. Population 250. Township 2,500. SOMERVILLE, A post village of Butler county, situated on the Hamilton, Eaton and Richmond Railway, 13 miles from Hamilton. Population 600. Alphabetical List of Professions, Tiades, Etc Adams E., coal dealer. Barnes E. S.. confectioner. Bishop L., boot and shoe maker. Brown B. A., harness maker. Brown Joseph, township treasurer. Connor John, constable. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Atchley & Robinson, blacksmiths. Barnett & Bennett, dealers in dry goods, cor. Main and Church. Chattan James M., dry goods, groceries, queensware, boots, shoes, &c., corner Main iand Elm. smi SMITlEl'S, a SMYRNA, SNOW HILL, SOLON, A post office of Cuyaboga county. SOMERSET, A post village of Perry county. SON t)58 sOU Craig Samuel, cooperage. Crowley J. W., cabinet maker and under taker, Main. Crume & Davis, lightning rod peddlers. Decamp -, carpenter and bnilder. Dove H. P., manufacturer saddles, har ness and collars, Main. Edmonds Benjamin, prop'r grist and saw mills. Hammerich Siml., cooperage. Hart Saml., physician and surgeon, Main. IIlll Matthew, dealer in stoves, tin and sheet it-on ware, Main. Ketchel J. S., wagon maker, Mai.T N LANE J. B., proprietor, cor. Ma.in and Elm. Logan Paul, wagon maker. LOGUE.WM., POSTMASTER, MAIN. Macy C., carpenter and builder. Mee & Koner, blacksmiths, MAuain. Newton Mrs. Chas., millinery and fancy goods, Main. Parr Jacob, grocery, Main Peters Daniel, lightning rod peddler. Randall Jos. P., recorder. Rittenour Airon, freight and ticket agt., office Depot. Robinson AlMrs. M., millinery and dress making. Seward Elias, elder, Christian Church. Smith W. J., dry goods and general store, cor. Main an,. Elm. Stephens Isaac, manufacturer tin ware, Main. Stephens James A., boot and shoe shop, Main. Theilman's Hotel, MI. Conrad, prop'r, Main. Totten Geo., Alhambra Saloon, cor. Main and Church. Waggoner F., liquor saloon, Main. Woodsides Robt., carriage maker, Church. Zimmerman L., boot and shoe shop, MAain. Alphabetic al hist of P rof essions, Trades, Eta Anderson tarmon care riage and wagon maneufacturer, ilegain. Armstrong David, prop'r Armstrong House, Chillicothe. Baugh A., barber. Bennett J., blacksmith. Blake Rev. — E, Catholic priest. Bricker Stephen, dealer in groceries, Chillicothe. Bricker & Htale, pork packers. BUSSARD J., POSTMASTER, AND SEW ING M'ACH INE AGENT, JAMES TOWN. Bussard W., tailor, Jamestown. CaSey Samuel, telegraph operator, at rail road Depot. Clark Lodge, No. 166, I. O. O. F. Clark, iltoi, agent America n Express Co., and ticket agent, railroad Depot. CoffiL E. G., auctioneer. Collins Elijah T., physicia n and surgeon, Chillicothe. Corrig-en Patrick, livery stable, Chilli cothe. Curtice Solon, physician and surgeon, Chillicothe. Dooley G., merchant tailor and clothier, M~ain. Edwards E., carpenter. EDWARDS JAMES P., DEALER IN GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, HARD W ARE, PRODUCE, &c.,. CHIILLI COTH E. Fielding Lodge, No. 193, M,asoni,:. Griffith Wm. 11., bakery, Chillicothe. Haight Rev. John, Presbyterian pastor. Herbert William F., dealer in dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, &c.. Chillicothe. Hollies Wm. H., dealer in boots and shoes, Chillicothle. HOUSTON HENRY C., NOTARY PUB LIC, CfILLIC()TtIE. Houston AMiss Jane, milliner. HOUSTON Ml. L., PftYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, COR. CIfILLICOTHE AND MIAIN. Houston Thomas F, saddle and harness maker and dealer, Malin. HOUSTON & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, HIARD WARE, PRODUCE, GRAIN, &c., CHILI,ICOTHE. Hynes Thomiias W., prop'r Union House, Chillicothe. Jackson Robert 1I., painter. Jones Geo. W., recorder, Main. Landa,ker Isaac, furniture manufacturer and dealer, Chillicothe. Long E., dress maker. McCracken S. H., school teacher. McjAillen Wmn. J. & T. C. S., steam flour A post office of MAuskingum county. SOUTH CHARLESTON, A prominent post village of Clark county, in Madison township, situated at the head waters of the Miami river, and on the Columbus, Xenia and Cincinnati Railway, 12 miles south-east from Springfield, and 86 miles west by south from Columbus. Population 800. SON 558 sou SONORA, SOUTH BLOOMFIELD, A post village of Pickaway cotinty. Brown Joseph, constable. Davis J. G., township treasurer. Franklin Calvin, township assessor. Holman JIio. S., township trustee. Johnson J ohn. constable. Keller John, prop'r steam saw mill and township trustee. Lyons Rev. Henry, Baptist, pastor. McHlugh James, boot and shoe maker. Ogle Aries, general merchant. Parker George, general merchant. RANSOM TRUMAN, POSTMIASTER AND TOWNSHIP JUSTICE. Rowlands James, pr op'r grist andl saw mills. Simons C. R., township justice. Smith John, township trustee. Welber Jesse, gunsmith. ing mill, and grain dealers, Chilli cothe. Marshll F., pump maker. AMorgan Garrett, blacksmitlh, Chillicothe. Paullin N. T., township trustee. Peters Samuel, blacksaiithl, Chillicothe. Peters S. J., councilman, Chillicothe. Pierce Mliss P., school teacher. Prindle D. V., township trustee. RANKIN JOHN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &c., CltILLICOTHE. Reeder J., broom maker. Reeder John, nursery and seedsman. Reeder R. B., grocery and saloon, Chilli cothe. Roe Charles T., boot and shoe manufac turer atidl dealer, Chillicothe. Rutledge Rev. Wm., Methodist pastor. Sampson James B., staple and fancy dry goods, hats, caps, queetisware, &c., Chillicothe. Shafer James W., boot and shoe maker, M i n. Sprague Charles S., carriage and wagon manufacturer, and blacksmith, Main. Steinman E. S., mayor, Chillicothe. Stratteii P., broom maker. Sweet Griffith, tailor. Torbut Miss, school teacher. Warrington Francis. dealer in stoves, tin, sheet iron, copper and hollow ware, Chillicothe. Way M., township trustee. A post office of Ashtabula county. SOUTHINGTON, A post office of Trumbull county. SOUTH ROME, A post office of Stark county. SOUTH KIRTLAND, A post office of Lake county. SOUTH SALEM,c A post village of Ross county. SOUTH NEW CASTLE, A post office of Gallia county. SOUTH SOLON, A post office of Madison county, in Stoke's township, situated at the head waters of Rattlesnake creek, 14 miles south-west from London, and 45 miles south-west from Columbus. (NEWBURG VILLAGE.) A post village of Noble county, in Enoch township, established in 1852, situated on the west branch of Duck creek, 7 miles south-east from Caldwell, and about 100 miles east by south from Columbus. Population 46. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Lvltc. Bradshaw Miss, school teacher. Condit Samuel, boot and shoe maker. Crawford James, township supervisor. CURRY H., POSTMASTER AND BRICK MAKER. Ellis Solomon, grocer. Glass J. W., physician. Moon Jonathan, township trustee. Alphabetical IList of Professions, Trades, Etc. Barker Johln S., carriage and wagon ma ker. 559 sou I sou SOUTH PERRY, A post office of Fairfield county. SOUTJEI PLYMOUTH, A post.office of Fayette county.. SOUTII POINT, A post office of Lawreiice cotinty. SOUTEI RIDGE, SOUTH OLIVE, soU 560 SPR Nolin John, dry goods dealer. Orrl- Hugh, cabinet maker. Thomas A., township supervisor. Thomas B., township assessor. Thom.as Wm., township treasurer. Hunt J. R., physician. McLean Jasper, tobacco grower. McLean J. B., tobacco grower. McLean Samuel, attorney at law and auctioneer. Mansion I-louse, J. C. Reed, prop'r. Naylor B. II., carpenter. Naylor Mrs. L., dress maker. Reed J. C., prop'r Mansion House. Shepherd A., insurance agent and physi cian. Traynor M., painter. Van Dyke D., tailor. Van Dyke Wm., harness maker. White Rev. L., Methodist pastor. Whitlock Wm., school teacher. Williams Charles, jewelry, &c. Williams Miss A., dress maker. Wilmnuth G. W., grocer. Wilmuth L. P., school teaclrer. Wilmuth Mirs. W., dress maker. Wilmuth W., carpenter. SOUTH WOODBURY, A village of Morrow county, for description of which, see Bennington post office, page 33. W i SPEER'S LANDING, A post office of Shelby county. A handsome post city and the capital of Clark county, situated on Madl river, at the mouth of Lagonda creek, and at the junction of the Springfield,'Mount Vernon and Pittsburg, the Springfield and Columbus, the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati and the Little Miami railways, 48 miles north by east from Cincinnati. It contains the county buildings, about twenty manufactories and seventy stores, of various kinds. Population 7,500. SPRINGDALE, A post village of Hamilton county, in Springfield township, situated 2 miles from Glendale, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railway, 12 miles north from Cincinnati. Population 500. Township 5,000. CLARK COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, J. T. Torbert. Clerk, l1. Vonal. Sheriff, J. E. Layton. Treasurer, C. Fry. Recorder, I. Hendershot. Prosecuting Attorney, John Hawke. Common Pleas Judge, Wm. White. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc, American Hotel, O. Floyd, prop r. Boehner Wm., boot and shoe maker. Cain Asa H., ambrotypist and justice of peace. Carle A., carpenter. CLOSE E. S., PHYSICIAN, INSURANCE AGENT AND POSTMASTER. Compton A., carriage and wagon maker. Cregar Henry, prop'r livery stable. Floyd 0., prop'r American Hotel. Forbes John, painter. Griffis Rev. D., Methodist pastor. Gross Jeremiah, general merchant. Hartman S. E., milliner. Hilts A., jr., agricultural implements. Hough Jos., carriage and wagon maker. A Hughes Rev. T. E., Presbyterian pasor. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Akin D. M., boot and shoe store, 131 Main. Alban C., house painter, north side Main. Allen B., watches, clocks, jewelry and silver plated ware, 130 north side Main. American Express Co., C. P. Morris, ag't, S. D. and C. R. R. Depot. American Hotel, G. Myers, prop'r. Anderson & Ward, dry goods, cor. Lime stone and Main Anthony & Mitchell, attorneys, north-west cor. Main and Limestone. ARBOGAST C. W., ALL KINDS BLACK SMITHING, BUGGIES AND SPRING i sou 'o 6 0 SPR SOUTH WARSAW, A post office of Allen county. SPARTA, A post office of i4orrow county. SPRINGFIELD, SPENCER, A post office of -,Iledina county. SPRINGBORO,' A post village of Warren county. I -~~P 56 P Cochran & Brother, attorneys, King's Building. Cogswell M. W., boot and shoe store, 95 Main. Coles W., furniture undertaker, south side Main. C oope r D avid, hardware, s addle ry a nd c arriage t rimming, 119 Main. Corcran T., groceries, 72 Main. Coss J., ambrotype gallery, west side of Main. Cotes & Mill, ha ts an d c aps. Cross J. N., boot and shoe store, east side Main. Dalie G. W., boarding house, west side of Main. Dane James F. & Co., manufacturers plows, horse powers, etc., Lagonda. Davis M. P., jewelry and watch maker and sewing machine agent, 110 Main. Defenbaugh Mrs. H., milliner and dress maker, west side Market. Devault I-., cooper, north side Main. Diehel & Morgan, stoves and tin ware, 88 Main. Dill J., boarding house, 73 Main. Dodge J. R., editor and publisher of the Ruralist, south side Main, over 117. Doty & Rinehart, hardware, 115 Main. Douglass J. G., grocery, north side Wash ington. Driscol E. J., carriage maker, north side Main. Dudley J. S., blacksmith, south side High. Duke G., grocery and saloon, 80 Main. Eby E. G., saddle and harness maker, 135 Main. Field W. S. & Co., hardware, north side Main. Fisher Charles, grocery, south side Main. Follrath H., grocery, south side Main. Follrath & Kriegbaum, grocers, south side Main. Foos J., dry goods, 107 Main. Frank A., bakery, south side Main. Frankel B. & W., clothiers, south side Main. Frankenberg J. H. & Co., flour and feed store, 70 Main. Fullington, Garwood & Co., dealers in grain and salt. Funk H. J., general store, south side Main. Furniss & Mussey, groceries and provi sions, south side Market Garber Samuel, grocer, 189 Main. Gass Miss L., teacher. Gray W. P. & Son, boot and shoe makers, 109 Maini. Grohsmann Wim., watches and jewelry, north side Main. Gross S. E., grocer, east side Market. Hallenback M., potter, 178 north side Main. Hare J. C., boot and shoe store, 296 Main. WAGONS IRONED, WEST SIDE SPRING. Bacon J. & Co., general store, north side Main. Bancroft Mrs. Mary, dress making, 61 Main. Bancroft P. E., hat store, north side Main. Barcafer J. P., groceries, north side Main. Barr T., venetian blind manufacturer, Market, bet. Main and Hligh. Bassett A. H., editor and publisher West ern Methodist Protestant, west side Limestone. Beebe R., gunsmith, Main. Begg W. G., druggist, east side Market. Berry J. L. & Co., bakery, north side Main. Berry & Woodruff, cabinet makers, south side Main. Birdsleye P., hats and caps, 8S Main. Black A. C., general store, south-east cor. Market and Main. Black S. S., general store, south-west cor. Market and Main. Blount A. A., dentist, south-west side of Market. Bockway F., groceries, east side Market. BOGGS W. G., POSTMASTER, SOUTH SIDE MARKET. Brarnett James, manufacturer linseed oil, north side Buck creek. Brelney & Everet, tanners and curriers D 38 Main. Brown William, marshal, east side Main. Brown & Rodgers, druggists, paints, oils, dye stuffs, etc., 126 Main, north side. Bruce A., physician, west side Market. Buck & Furnish, grocery and saloon, south side Main. Buckingham E. M., physician, east side Limestore. Burnett A. G., mayor, south side Main, opp. State Bank. Burbill J. R., watch maker, south side Main. Burnley J., groceries, west side Market. Burns James, groceries, west side Market. Burrett & Petts, books and stationery, wholesale and retail. Buxton J. C., railroad agent, S. D. & C. depot. Carey M., market master. Carter D., prop'r Western Hotel, south side Main. Cathcard & Shaffer, livery stable, east side Limestone. Childs & Douvin, insurance agents, south west cor. Market and Main. Christie J. S., justice of the peace, Main. Clark S. & Sons, groceries, east side Lime stone. Clarke T. J., attorney at law, south-west cor. Main and Market. Cochran Aaron, attorney at law, King. 36 SPR 561 SPR SPR 562 SPR Henkle S. S., attorney and counselor at law, King's building. Hill T. 1I. & Co., merchant tailors, north side Main. Holloway B., livery and sale stable, bet. Main and High. Horner G., boot and shoe maker, south side Main. Houghton & Muzzy, grocers, 98 Main. Hubble S. R. & Co., bakers and confec tioners, west side Market. Huben D. V., grocery and provisions, 27 Main. Hubert Wm., grocery, north side Main. Huffman M. C., marble shop, north-west cor. Market and High. Hunt A. N., city attorney, Main. HUNT & HAUKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KING'S BUILDING. LIME STONE. Inglehart F., boot and shoe maker, east side Main. Jarrett J. W., china and glass ware, south side Main. Jones & White, house and sign painters, Limestone, opp. Willis House. Kaufmann M., clothing, 133 Main. Kay I., physician, east side Market. Keifer & Curtiss, attorneys. Kizer Thomas, surveyor, 117 south side Main. Klinefelter J., alcohol and burning fluid, cor. Jefferson and Limestone. Kooffman Paden, confectionery and saloon, south side Main. Korn J., saloon and boarding, north side Washington. Krankenberg & Co., grocers, 87 Main. Lagonda Agricultural Works, Warder and Child propr's, Lagonda. Leightshoe J. A., boot and shoe maker, 197 Main. Leuty & Grant, groceries, east side of Market. Lohner John, boot and shoe maker, Willis House Building. Ludlow John, president Springfield Bank, west side Limestone. Ludlow & Bushnell, wholesale and retail druggists, Main, opp. Willis House. Luking E. H., boot and shoe maker, 10 Main. Lyday J. H. & Co., general store, cor. Main and Lime. McCreight I. C., general store, 125 Main. McGarr John, blacksmith, south side Main. McGoun J., blacksmith, north side Main. Macallister Wm., house painter. Marshal J. W., livery and sale stable, west side Spring. Mason, Bowman & Mason, attorneys at law. May E. W. & Co., hat store, Main. Miller C., grocery, south side M.aimi Miller H. J., groceries, west side Market. Miller J., groceries, west side Market. Miller J. C., attorney, Kyer's Building south side Main. Miller R., justice of the peace, collecting done and promptly remitted, Kizer Building, south side Main. Moody J., saddler and harness maker, north side Main. Moore Wm., stoves and tin ware, north side Main. Mower J. K., attorney at law and notary public, News and Journal Building. Mulholland & Smith, watches, jewelry and fancy goods, 129 Main. Murphy & Brother, general store, east side Main. Muzzy B. F., furniture, east side Lime stone. Myers E. P., grocery, north side Main. Myers G., pU op'r American Hotel, nortlt side Main. Myers & Cushman, livery, feed and s ale stable, north sid e Market. Neely J. J., blacksmith and edge tool man ufacturer, nort h.. sidd Columbia. Neff E. A., news an d p eriodical depot, Post Office. NEWLOVE JOHN, AUDITOR, RES. COR. SPRING AND PLEASANT. Norris C. P., United States and American Express ag't, S. D. & C. R. R. Depot. Nugent & Sabin, boot and shoe store, west side Main. Oates & Hann, clothiers, 123 Main. Oldham M. M., physician, south side Main. Osborn J., groceries, west side Market. Otstot & Toland, wagon makers, 7 Main. Owen E., druggist, 73 Main. Paige B. F., saddler and harness maker, east side Limestone. Patton L. D., general store, 127 Main. Peabody A. J., saloon, 76 Main. Peet & Carter, stoves and tin ware. Petticrew J. L., carriage and wagon ma ker, 252 and 254 Main. Phelps C. A., cash. Springfield Bank, west side Limestone. Phillips J. P. & Son, clothiers, 101 Main. Pitt & McLennan, improved threshing ma chines, north side Buckereek. Pool H. & Son, dry goods, south side Mar - ket. Potter A., physician and surgeon. Potter A. & Co., druggists and pharmaceu tists, 86 Main. Powers J. S., general store, 3 south side Market.' Rabbits C., woolen factory, east side Lime stone. Raffensperger A., saddle and harness ma ker. Ramseyr J., dentist, west side Limestone. Ramsey & McCuddy, lumber yard, east side Limestone. SPR 562 SPR -~ ~ P 56 P Rayner Miss M. A., teacher. Reevs W. H., physician, west side Market. Reid Wm., grocery, south side Main. Reid & Kurtz, carpet weavers, north side Main. -- Richard J. L., blacksmith and wagon ma ker, 12 Main. RICHARDSON G. C. AND W. D. HILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, K IN G BUILDING, ENTRANCE ON LIME STONE. Ridgely J. T., house and sign painting, north side Main. Rodgers H. A., millinery, 65 Main. Rodgers J., boot and shoe maker, 103 .Main. Rodgers R. & J. H, physicians, south side Limestone. Rogers B. H., dealer in all kinds of furs. Rohrer Mrs. J. K., millinery, 77 Main. Rosegrant S. E., artist, Main. Runyon & Coleman, produce, east side Market. Schondler P. A. & Co., furniture store, south side Main. Seys H. H., physician, west side Market. Shafer F., boot and shoe maker, south side Main. Shaffer L., blacksmith, 22 Main. Shaftner J., groceries and saloon, north side Main. Shatler J., clothing and notion store, 115 Main. Shamfner M., St. Nicholas Saloon, west side Market. Sheeder J. M. & J., saddle and harness makers, west side Market. Shellabarger & Good, attorneys at law, King's Building. Shepherd & Foos, clothing, 111 Main. Shopman J. A. & Co., furniture store, east side Market. Simen D., blacksmith, south side Main. Skilling Miss H. M., millinery, west side Limestone. Slack P., gunsmith, east side Main. Slarrett H. F., boot and shoe store, west side Main. Smith G., groceries, south side Main. SMITH'S HOTEL, TIIIS HOTEL IS IN THE'CENTR AL PART OF THE CITY, AND HAS BEEN REFITTED; NO PAINS WILL BE SPARED FOR THE COMFORT OF GUESTS, 124 MAIN. Smith J. D., book bindery, south-west cor. Main and Market. SMITH J. D., PROP'R SMITH'S HOTEL, 124 MAIN. Snider John J., attorney, south-west cor. Main and Market. Snodgrass R., prop'r Union House. Soule & Co., boot a nd shoe makers, south side Main. Spence Geo., attorney and notary public, Keizer Building, s outh side Main. Springfield Daily and Weekly News, G. W. Hastings, prop'r. Steel M. & Co., tobacco a nd ciga rs. Steelman C., cooper, south si de Main. Stinmen G., baker y, south side Main. Sturge Mrs. C., fancy store, north side Main. Sykes James, house and sig n painter, north side Washington. Teasel & Spencer, dry goods, north side Main. Teegarden Aaron, physicia n, north side Main. TH OMAS, MAST & CO., MANUFACTUR ER S OF GRAIN DRILLS, CIDER MILLS AND STRAW CUTTERS. Tomlinson D. D., manufacturer of patent medicine, south side Main. Union house, R. Snodgrass, prop'r. United States Express Co., F. Garwood, agent. Vananda J. C., whol esale liquor stor e, 176 Main. Vorce S. A., brewer, north side Columbia. Vrooman D., boot and shoe maker, 187 Main. Wakley Mrs. S. A., teacher. Wallace J. S., physician and druggist, Main. Warder & Barnett, flouring mill, north side Buck Creek. Warder & Child, manufacturers of reap ing and mowing machines, Lagonda Works. Watson D. H., millinery and straw goods, 81 Main. WAY WILLIAM, GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS, CROCKERY WARE AND NO TIONS. EAST SIDE LIME STONE. Weakley J. W., president Springfield Fe male College, north side High. Weakley Miss M. F., music teacher. West D., carriage maker, south side High. West Mrs. E. P., millinery, 75 Main. White D. T., saloon, Willis House. WHITELEY, FASSLER & KELLY, MAN UFACTURERS OF REAPERS, MOWERS, &c., EAST SIDE LIME STONE. Wigand H., physician, south side Main. Willis H. F., prop'r Willis Hotel, north east cor. Main and Lime Stone, Wood J. H. & Co., druggists, west side Main. Woodward & Ranson, books and station ery, 105 Main. Zisler F., grocery, east side Market. Zisler Mirs. J., gr oceries, east side Main. Zittle & Keiser, merchant tailors, north side Main. SPR 563 SPR SPR 564 STE uated 15 miles north-west from Coshocton, and 65 miles east north-east from Columbus. Population 100. SPRING HILLS, A post village of Champaign county, in Harrison township, established in 1840, situated on a branch of Stony creek, 15 miles from Urbana, and 50 miles west by north from Columbus. Population 200. Township 800. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etch Anderson Samuel, carriage maker. Brielhart John C., carpenter and builder. Bucalen W. H., township trustee. Church B. S., attorney at law. Conner James, ambrotype artist and town ship trustee. Crook James, auctioneer. Evans Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Gilbert George, mason. Holt Robert, carpenter and builder and cabinet maker. Lawson Rev. H. T., Methodist pastor. Moore William, school teacher. Orely John, saw mill prop'r. Roland T. J., harness maker. Spring Mountain Academy, I. B. Selby, principal. Sturgeon William, agricultural imple ments. Sturgeon William. general store. Thompson Rev. H., Presbyterian (New School) pastor. Van Kennel John, mason. Whiney Wm., township trustee. WJNG W. R., POSTMASTER AND PHY SICIAN. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etea Autere C. R., physician. Bell Geo., grocer and hotel prop'r. Bell Wm. M., carpenter. BULL FRANCIS, POSTMASTER AND TOWNSHIP TREASURER. Burkhar John, boot and shoe maker,. Clason T. S., dry goods dealer. Cretcher L. H., brick maker. Davis Benjamin, township justice. Eads Isaac, brick mason. Forry J., grocer. Forry Joseph, wagon maker. Fry C., boot and shoe maker. Hains Wm., village trustee. Hains Wm. B., edge tool maker. Hentz C., cabinet maker. Hopkins James T., boot and shoe maker. Jackson, barber. Kiser George, cooper. Kiser Henry, cooper. Leonard —, township justice. Leonard Miss M. J., milliner. Melhorn Daniel, prop'r grist and saw mills. Melhorn Daniel, constable. Melhorn Henry, village trustee. Melhorn J., dry goods dealer. Morrow Wm., village trustee and pump maker. Piatt Alex., harness maker and village trustee. Pitman David, grocer. Pool P. P., tailor. Richards Thomas, physician. Sarier Jacob, township trustee. Seaman Henry, physician. Skeen Joseph L., broom maker and village recorder. Stauffer D., carpenter. Wilder Chester, pump maker. WILSON JAMES F., PHYSICIAN, DRUG GIST AND MAYOR. Wilson J. F., township clerk. Wilson Miles, constable. Young John H., painter. SPRING LAKE, A post office of Williams county. STAUNTON, A post office of Fayette county. SPRING MOUNTAIN, A post village of Coshocton county, in Monroe township, established in 1850, sit See advt. of State Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. SPR 564 STE SPRING VALLEY, A post office of Greene county. STAFFORD, A post office of Monroe count,y. STARR, A post office of Hocking county, STATE LINE, A post office of Trumbull county. STATION 15, A post office of Harrison county. STEAMBURG, A post office of Ashtabula county. STE 56 T selors at law, Market, between High and Third. Armstrong & Foster, staple and fancy dry goods, cor. Market and Fourth. Ashland Woollen Mills, Geo. H. Orth, agent, cor. Market and Liberty. Atkinson House, Joseph Atkinson, pro prietor, Third, between Washington and Market. Bair Uriah, tobacconist, Market, between Fourth and Fifth. Bank Exchange, F. A. Cooper, proprietor, Market, between Fourth and Fifth. Beans Chas., groceries and provisions, cor. Fourth and Washington. Beatty A. J., manufacturer flint glass, South Third. Beerbower R., carpet weaver, Third, be tween North and Washington. Bickerstaff Jacob, plasterer, Fifth be tween Market and Adams. Biles John, carpenter and builder, Clin ton, between Fourth and Fifth. Black & Bristor, dealers in hardware, cutlery, &c., &c., cor. Fourth and Market. Blackburn A., boot and shoe shop, cor. Fourth and Adams. Blackburn Jas., general store, Market, between Fifth and Sixth. Blake Michael, liquor dealer, cor. Market an: Sixth. Boales Robert, county coroner, office Court House. Bord John, bakery, Fourth, between Dock and Logan. Borland, Reynolds & Co., Steubenville coal shaft, Market, above Seventh. Borland & Orr, Steubenville marble works, Fourth, between Adams and Market. Bosler Joseph, brewery, High, between Market and Adams. Bougher James, family grocery, cor. South and Fifth. Boyer John, confectionery and saloon, Fourth between Adams a nd Market. Bower C. A., notion and variety store, Third, between Washington and Mar ket. Brooth E., physician and surgeon, Mar ket, between Fourth and Fifth. Brown Mar y A., millinery and dress ma king, Third, between Washington and Market. Bristor HIotel, H. M. Bristor, proprietor, Market, between Third and Fourth. Brugh E., physician and surgeon, Market, between Fourth and Fifth. Buchanan House, T. McCarty, proprietor, Third, between Washington and Mar ket. Buchanan James, Meat store, Market, be tween High and Third. Burke W. H., meat store, Market, between Fifth and Sixth. STEUBENVILLE, A flourishing post city and the capital of Jefferson county, situated on the Ohio river, at the terminus of the Steubenville and Indiana and the Pittsburg and Steubenville railways, 150 miles east by north from Columbris. It contains the county buildings, numerous stores, and a variety of manufactories. Population 9,000. JEFFERSON COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge, Wm. R. Lloyd. Clerk, James Elliott. Auditor, Wm. F. McMasters. Treasurer, David Myers. Recorder, Alexander Ewing. Sherif, John Moore. Prosecutiig Attorney, Jas. M. Shane. Coroner, Robt. Boaales. Surveyor, Wm. Marshall. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Abercrombie Mrs. Elizabeth, proprietress Fourth Ward House, Third, bt. Market and Washington. Adams Express Co., D. Myers, agent, Mar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Alexander James, boot and shoe maker, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Alexander John, general store, Fourth, bt. Washington and Market. Alexanderl& MIcConville, wholesale gro cers, Market, bt. Fourth and Fifth. Allen John, staple and fancy dry goods, &c., coi'. Third and Market. ALLISON W. R., EDITOR AND PRO PRIETOR DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY HERALD, MARKET, BET. TIHIRD AND FOURTH. American Union, weekly, Sheridan & Fos ter, editors and proprietors, Fourth, between Market and Adams. Ammon Daniel, manufacturer and dealer in furniture and chairs, cor. Fourth and Market. Anderson Jos., general store, Third, be tween Adams and Market. Anderson Lewis, general store, Third, be tween Market and Adams. Anderson Peter, boot and shoe shop, Third, between Adams and Market. Andrews & Webster, attorneys and coun STE 565 STE STEAMTOWN, A post office of Mahoning county. STEUBEN, A post office of Huron county. STE 566 STE Cable & McKinney, proprietors saw and planing mills, Washington, between Water and High. Cable & Patterson, lumber yard, corner Market and Fifth. Carner M., family grocery, Fifth, between Dock and Logan. City Library, J.-, librarian, Fourth, between Market and Adams. Coble & Junkins, dry goods and groceries, cor. Adams and Fourth. Collier J. A. & Bro., pork packers and commission Merchants, Market, be tween High and Third. Conn & Mills, book and job printers and book binders, Market, between Third Fourth. Cookson John, photogaphist, cor. Market and Fourth. Coulton Geo., lager beer saloon, Front, between Adams and Market. Coursey S., shaving saloon, Third, be tween Adams and Market. Cox David, proprietor steam flouring mill, cor. Dock and High. Crewson Wm., bakery, confectionery and ice cream saloon, Market, between Fifth and Sixth. Cummins Geo., general store, Fourth, be tween Washington and Market. Cummins M., groceries and provisions, Market, between High and Turd. Daugherty Thos., boot and shoe shop, Fourth, between Adams and Market. Davidson Jos. G., hat and cap store, Fourth, between Washington and Market. Davidson Robt., blacksmith, Fourth, be tween Market and Adams. Day C. S., groceries and provisions, Mar ket, between Fifth and Sixth. Day Wm., groceries and provisions, cor. South and Third. Divine Mrs. Margaret, confectionary and saloon, Market, between Fourth and Fifth. Dougherty & Bro., dealers in dry goods and clothing, cor. Market and Third. Doyle A. & Co., proprietors wharf boat, cor. Water and Market. Doyle Joseph, freight agent, office at De pot.' Dohrman P. A. & Co., general grocery, Market, between Third and Fourth. Donaldson A., furniture dealer, Market, between Fifth and Sixth. Downs John, general store, Fourth, be tween Adams and Market. Dunlap Wm., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., &c., Fourth, between Adams and Market. Draper Jas. P., grocer and bakery, Fourth, between Market and Adams. Elliott James, county clerk, office public buildings. Elliott Wm., tannery, leather and find ings, &c., &c., Market, between Sixth and Seventh. Ewing Alexander, county recorder, office public buildings. Feist A., grocery and saloon, cor. Wash ington and Sixth. Feist M., confectionery, Market, between Fourth and Fifth. Fer guson Mrs. F., family grocery, Adams, between Sixth and Seventh. Fickes Chas., general store, cor. North and Fourth. Fickes Geo., tinner and copper smith, cor. North and F ou rth. Filson D., dealer in wall paper, and sta tionary, Fourth, between Washing ton and Market. Filson John D., family gr ocery, F ifth, be - tween Dock and Log an. Fisher John, family grocery, cor. Wash ington and Sixt.h. FISHER M., PROPRIETOR WILLIAM TELL COFFEE HOUSE, SOUTH, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND MARKET. Floto Augustus, boot and sho e shop, Four th, between Washing ton and Market. Foster & Co., white lead manufacturers, Market, between Sixth and Seventh. Frohman M., clothier and furnishing goods, cor. Market and Tlhird. Fulton G. W. & Co., Steubenville Coal Oil Works. Garrett H. G., staple and fancy dry goods, Third, between Market and Adams. Giles Wm., tailor, Fourth, between Mar ket and Adams. Gladden Geo. W., carpenter and builder, cor. Market and Fifth. Glendenning Edward, periodical depot, Market, between High and Third. Gorsuch Thos., flour and feed store, Mar ket, between Fifth and Sixth. Gradwell Stephen, steam grist and saw mill, cor. Fifth and Slack. Grauten Henry, soap and candle factory, cor. Third and Logan. Gray John W., general store, cor. Sixth and Adams. Gregg John, general store, cor. Third and North. Hagan C. & Co., general store, Third, bet. Adams and Market. Halsey A. D., livery and sale stable, Mar ket, bet. High and Third. Halstead R. H., boot and shoe store, cor. Market and Fifth. Hanch Geo., cigar and tobacco store, Mar ket, bet. Third and Fourth. Hanna T. & Sons, proprietors Clinton Pa per Mills, cor.j Third and Ross. Hantch Geo., manufact'r and dealer in ci gars and tobacco, Market, bet. High and Third. STE 566 STE STE 567 STE Hanvy & Herpich, boot and shoe makers, cor. North and Fourth. Harris Richard, blacksmith and shoeing shop, Third, bet. Washington and Market. Hawkins & Stewart. house and sign paint ers, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Hebron Alex., blacksmith, Third, bet. Ad ams and Market. Hervey D. E. & Co., general store, Third, bet. Market and Adams. Hobbs M. R., marble works, Fourth, bet. Adams and Market. Hodson John, ladies shoe store, Fourth, bt. Washington and Market. Hoffmayer Jones, manufact'r and dealer in ready-made clothing, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Holland Stephen, cooperage, cor. Adams and Third. Holloway T. C. & Co., wholesale grocers. Holmes Samuel, family grocery, cor. North and Fourth. Huff John C., blacksmith, cor. Fourth and Washington. Hughes P., liquor saloon, Third, bt. Wash ington and Market. Hukiil Wm., boot and shoe maker, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Huscroft Ralph, meat store, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. HUTTERLY C., WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, MAR KET, OPP. KILGORE'S NEW HALL. James D. L., bakery and confectionery, Fourth, bet. Adams and Market. Jefferson Branch State Bank of Ohio, Wm. Kilgore, pres't, Wm. Spencer, cashier, M"Tarket., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Jefferson Machine Works, Wm. Kenyon, prop'r, Water, bet. Market and Ad ams. Jepson N. HI., watches, clocks and jewelry, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Jewett Tlhos., pres't and sup't P., C. and C. Railroad, office corner Market and Third. Johnson James C., ticket agent and tele graph operator, office Passenger De pot. Johnson Thomas D., apothecary and drug gist, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Junkin M. O., family grocer, cor. Fourth and Logan. Keller George, lager beer saloon, Water, bet. Adams and Market. Kendall & Reynolds, carriage and wagon makers, Third, bet. Market and Ad ams. Kenney P., boots and shoes, Third, bet. Washington and Market. Kerlin W. B., staple and fancy dry goods, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Kilgore Hall, Wm. Kilgore, prop'r, Mar - ket, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Kirkpatrick David, confectionery and sa loon, Market, bet. High and Third. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Mary, bakery aind con fectionery, Market, bet. High and Third. Lashley E., confect'ry and saloon, Third, bet. Adams and Market. Layton J. M., books and stationery, Mar ket, bet. Fo urth and Fifth. Lindsay A. G., sa ddl e and harness maker, Market, b et. Fourth and Fifth. Lindsay John H., manufact'r and dealer in stoves, tin an d sheet iron ware, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Little Jer., merchant tailor, Fourth, bet. Adams and Market. Lloyd Wmi. R., Probat e judge, office cor. Market and Third. Lorenzo C., manufact'r cigars and tobac g co, Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. McCauley John, confectionery and saloon, Market, bet. High and Third. McCay Franklin, groceries and provisions, cor. Market and Sixt h. McCombs James, confectionery, Third, op posite Public Buildings. McConville D., variety store, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. McCook Geo. W., attorney at law, Market, bet. High and Third. McCook J., physician and surgeon, Fourth, bet. Logan and Dock. McDevitt James L., brass founder and ma chinist, head of Adams. McDonald John lager beer saloon, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. MNcEneney Robt., boot and shoe shop, Mar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. McFeely E. G., manufact'r and dealer in boots and shoes, Market, bet. High and Third. McFeely John, grocer and produce dealer, Market, bet. Sixth and Seventh. McGinnis John, boot and shoe shop, corner Third and Washington. McGinnis Michael, boot and shoe shop, Third, bet. Washington and Market. McGOWAN D., WHOLESALE GROCER, PORK PACKER, AND COM. MER CttANT, THIRD, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. McKinney Jas., lumber yard, cor. Wash ington and High. Mc~lasters W. F., county auditor, office in Public Buildings. McMillan Wm., coverlet and carpet wea ver, Adams, bet. Sixth and Seventh. McMullen, telegraph operator, cor. Fourth and Market. Mahaffey Hugh, boot and shoe maker, Third, bet. North and Washington. M~ahon George, saddle and harness maker~ Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. M~airs J. C., physician and surgeon, Mar, ket~ bet. fourth and Fifth. STE 567 STE mE5 Mandel John B., meat store, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Mandel & Hineman, lard oil, soap and candle factory, Fourth, bet. Washing ton and Market. Manly Joshua, grocery and produce deal er, Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Mansion House, W. H. Rollen, prop'r, cor. Washington and Water. Marsh Roswell, attorney at law, cor. Mar ket and Third. Marshall W., county surveyor, cor. Market and Third. May C. M., merchant tailor and dealer in ready-made clothing, Market, between Third and Fourth. Mears R. T. & C o., gro cers and produce dealers, and copp er distilleries. M ar ket, bet. High and Third. Me ans & Brothers, foundry, High Sales Room, Market, bet. Third and High. MECHANICS SAVING FUND SOCIETY, CAPITAL $100,000, THOS. JOHN SON, PRESIDENT, JOHN LEETCH, CASHIER, MARKET, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH. Melvin James, just ice of peace, Market, b et. Fifth and Sixth. Miles C., prop'r Travelers' Hotel, Water, bet. Market and Washington. Miller M. L., apothecary and druggist, Third, opp. Public Buildings. Miller & Sherrard, attorneys at law,.Iar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Mitchell Jos., physician and surgeon, cor. Forurt h and Market. Mossgrove Wm., proprietor United States House, cor. Market and High. Moody R. S., attorney at law, Market, bt. High and Third. Moore John, sheriff, office Public Build ings. Moore & Miller Mrs., dress makers, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Moreland & Jennings, meat store, corner Fourth and Washington. Morris J. G., treasurer and secretary of P. C. & C. R. R. Co., office cor. Mar ket and Third. Morrison H., dentist, Fourth, bet. Wash ington and Market. Morrison R. D., apothecary and druggist, Market, bet Fourth and Fifth. Mosgrove O. P., attorney at law, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Muldoon M., Union Marble Works, Mar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Murphy John, carriage and wagon maker, cor. Fourth and Washington. Myers David, county treasurer, office County Buildings. Mryers John, manufacturer and dealer in saddles, harness, trunks, collars, &c., cor. Market and Fourth. Nash Wm. D., general store, cor. Market and Sixth. Nath John, bakery, Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Odbert John, groceries and provisions, cor. Fourth and Adams. Oliver John, groceries and provisions, Third, bet. North and Washington. Oliver John F., attorney at law, Market, bet. High and Third. Oneil House, John Griffith prop'r, corner Adams and Third. Orr John, jr., general store, cor. Wash ingtonl and Third. Osborn B. F., saddle and harness maker, Third, bet. Market and Washington. Owesney John, groceries and provisions, Fourth, bet. Washington and Market. Owesney James, bowling saloon, south side Public Sq'uare. Payne B. F., physician and surgeon, Fourth, bet. Washington and Market. Pearce E., physician and surgeon, corner Market and Seventh. -Peters John B., general store, Market, bt. Fifth and Sixth. Peters Wm. R., hardware, cutlery, iron, nails, &c., Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Peters Wm. B. & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, 177 Market, bt. Third and Fourth. Pierce B., bakery, Third, bet. Market and Washington, Powell John, groceries and provisions, cor. Fourth and Adams. Howell R., groceries and provisions, Mar ket, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Pracht John, bakery, Third, bet. North and Washington. Priest G. H., painter and paper hanger, Fourth, bet. Washington and Market. Robertson Wm., confectionery and gro cery, Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Robinson Mrs. L., fancy millinery goods, cor. Fourth and Washington. Ruddicks John, family grocery, Third, bt. North and Washington. Sarratt J. H., dealer in watches, clocks, gold pens, jewelry, &c., Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Scott G. & Co., millinery and straw goods, staple and fancy dry goods, trim mings, &c., Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Scott T. E., agent, city shoe store, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Scott William, dry goods and groceries, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Seybold Lewis, wholesale and retail con fectionery and bakery, cor. Market. a nd Fifth. Shafer E. H., lager beer saloon, Third, bt. Washington and Market. STE 568 STE STE 569 STI Shane James N., prosecuting attorney, 'office Court House. Sha,rpe B. M., livery stable, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Sharpe W. L., manufacturer and dealer in stoves, brass, tin and sheet iron ware, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Shelley E. A., attorney at law, Fourth, bt. Market and Adams. Sherow Wm., shaving saloon, Fourth, bet. Adams and Marke+. Siegler Jacob, boot and shoe shop, Third, bet. Adams and Market. Simpson Wm., family grocery, Fifth, bet. South and Adams. Smith Miss A., fashionable bonnet and fancy store, Market, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Smith Michael, (col.) barber and hair dresser, cor. High and Market. Snowden B., Depot Restautrant aind Sa loon, cor. South and Water. Snowden Geo., shaving saloon, Fourth, bt. Market and Adams. Sook H. L., homoeopathic physician, M,lar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Spaulding, Woodward & Co., prop'rs Jef ferson Iron Works, office cor. Market and Third. Speer R., watch maker and jeweler, lar ket, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Spencer Jno. C., leather and findings, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Spencer M. C., apothecary and druggist, cor. Fourth and Market. Stanley C. & Son, confectionery, grocery and bakery, cor. Market and High. Steubenville Herald, daily, tri-weekly and weekly, W. R. Allison, editor and prop'r, Market, between Third and Fourth. Steubenville Female Seminary, east side High, bet. Adams and South. Steubenville Gas Light and Coke Co., cor. -t igh and Soith. Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, Thos. Jewett, presto., J. G. Thomas, treasu rer and secretary, office Depot, Wash ington, west of Sixth. Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Com pany machine shop, &c., Washington, bet. North, Sixth and Seventh. Stendley Geo., boot and shoe maker, Mar ket, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Sterling H., general store, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Stier D. W., dealer in iron, nails, hard ware, cutlery, &c., cor. Market and Sixth. Stokely S. M., attorney at law, cor. Mar ket and Third. Teaff James, gunsmith, Third, bet. Wash ington and Market. Teaff N., gunsmithb cor. Washington and Fifth. Thatcher 0. M., merchant tailor, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Thompson J. W., surgeon dentist, Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Tonner E. A., dealer in china, glass and queensware, table cutlery, &c., Mar ket, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Trainer J. H. S., attorney at law, Fourth, bet. Market and Adams. Tremont House, Daniel Kelly, prop'r, Wa ter. bet. Market and Adams. True American, G. Ragan, editor and prop'r, Market, bt. Third and Fourth. Turnbull M., family grocery, Fifth, bet. South and Adams. Turnbull Mrs. Margaret, family grocery, Adams, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Turner David, notion store, Fourth, bet. Adams and Market. Union Telegraph Office, Wm. & James M. Mullen, managers, cor. Market and Third. United States House, William Mosgrove, prop'r, cor. Market and High. Veirs W., grocery and provisions, Fourth, bet. Washington and Market. Warner G. E. & J. H., cotton manufactu rers, south-east cor. High and Wash ington. Washington Hall, Wm. Hayes, prop'r, Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Weiser G. W., photographic artist, Mar ket, bet. Third and Fourth. Wheeler H., boot and shoe shop, Washing ton, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Wilkey David, carpenter and builder, Clinton, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Wilson Samuel, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, copper, tin and sheet iron ware, Third, opp. Public Buildings. Winn William, confectionery, Third, bet. Market and Washington. Wolff Jacob C., boot and shoe shop, corner Market and Fifth. Woods Peter, family grocery, Third, bet. Dock and Logan. Wucherer Geo., lager beer saloon, Fourth, bet. Wa shington and Mark et. Wyatt John, fancy dyer, Adams, bet. Sixth and Seventh. STE 569 STI STILLWATER, A post office of Tuscarawas county. STILLWELLS, A post office of Butler county. STILVEDIA, A I)ost office of Darke county. STO 570 S'I'R STOUTSVILLE, A post office of Fairfield county. STOCKPORT, A post village of Morgan county, in Windsor township, established in 1839, situated on the Muskingumn river, 10 miles southeast from McConnellsville, and about 80 miles east south-east from Columbus. Population 300. Township 1,000. I Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abbott John S., physician. Beach Daniel, grocer. Berwick Samuel, commission merchant and salt agent. Berwick Sairuel, township clerk. BERWICK WM., POSTMASTER. Bingmoan Jno., carriage and wagon maker. Blake Thomas, harness maker. Blanden J. & J., plow makers. Broomall James IH., cooper. Campbell Elizabeth, dress maker. Cheadle C. C., township trustee. Conn J. V., township assessor. Davis E. C., tailor and constable. Harvey Rev., Christian elder. Holbrook Melissa, dress maker. Hook Wm., fish dealer. Lochary E., township trustee. Longly W., township justice. Lugen —, physician. McDermott John, general merchant and pork packer. Newman Henry, cooper. Ridgley O. & W., grocers. Rogers T., hotel prop'r. Sells J. P., township trustee. Sheets Martin, boot and shoe maker. Shinn D. W., tow nship justice. Taggart Arthur, general merchant and prop'r grist mill. Thomas J. D., pork packer and township treasurer. Thomas J. D. & Co., general merchants. Webb Lodge, No. 252, Masonic. White J., township justice. White John W., physician. i A post village of Perry County, in Salt | Lick t, wnship. STRASBURG, a A post office of Tuscarawas county. A I village of the same name is situated in Stark county, for description of which see Maximo post office, page 432. STRYKER, A post village of Williams county, in Springfield township, established in 1855, situated on Tiffin river, near the northwestern extremity of the State, and on the Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan railway, 8 miles east from Bryan, and about 160 miles north-west from Columbus. Population 500. Township 1,700. Alpilabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allison John, township treasurer. Amedon M. A., painter. Barber E. D., township assessor. Barber & Cole, beef and pork packers. Brown D. F., sash, blinds, doors and planing mill. Charpiot P., agricultural inmplements and hardware. Chase C. L., lumber dealer. Chase Miss D. E., teacher. Cole & Barber, saloon and restaurant. Cook Abram, boot and shoe maker. Cook & Knipe, boot and shoe dealers. Douglass & Tallerday, general store. Gifford John, mason. STONE CREEK, A post office of Tuscarawas county. STONY RIDGE., A post office of Wood county. A post office of Hamilton county. A post office of Adams county. I I I I STO 570 STIZ STOVERTOWN, n ty. STRAITSVILLE., STREETSBORO, A post office of Portage county., STRONGSVILLE, A post office of Cuyahoga county. i STORRS, STOUTS, -~~U 7 U Giltner Tobias, mason. Gorsuch D. H., hide an d leathe r dealer and tanner. Grice A. W., carpenter and builder. Howard R., agricultural implements. Howard & Webster, plow makers. lluyck S. M., attorney at law. Kelley John N., tailor. Kimimel I. B., general merchant. Knipe Bennet, boot and shoe maker. Krons Henry, township justice. Lindsday Mrs. S., milliner. Linslay Seth, auctioneer. Meek John, painter. Miles I. A., general merchant. Plauson Peter, general merchant. Sheridan William, general merchant. SHERIDAN WILLIAMI, JR., POSTMAS TER, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Stinson I. B., railroad agent. Stough Wallace, harness maker. Tanneyhill G. L., teacher. Tuttle Henry, carpenter and builder. Waystaff J. O., physician and surgeon. Waystaff Joseph, carpenter and builder. Webster H. G., agricultural implements. Webster MIrs. Lucia, teacher. Willard E. P., physician and surgeon, and justice. Alphabetical List of Proessions, Trades, Etc. Abraham John, harness maker. Benjamin Rev H. C., Methodist pastor. Booth John, carriage and wagon miaker. Bunn James W., school teacher. Bunn John, jr., cooper. Bunln T. A., township clerk. Collins James, harness maker and hotel prop' r. Coulter J., township constable. Davis A., township constable. Fling Lyman, carpenter and builder. Grimes Louis A., ph ysician an d surgeon. Hethington George, boot and shoe maker. HETHINGTON H. J., POSTMASTER. HETHIINGTON J. & H. J., GENERAL MERCHANTS. (See card, p. 571.' Hinton Thomas, carpenter and builder. Holmes N., township treasurer. Holmes Samuel, township justice. Lewis D. C., township trustee. Lindsay G. W., grocer. Manker M. J., township justice. Miner Mahala, school teacher. Mitchell S., township trustee. Mooney Wm., jr., carpenter and builder. Noble D., broker. Noble David & Arthur, physicians and surgeons. Rogers John, boot and shoe maker. Stilwell Rev. J. R., Methodist pastor. Thompson J., township trustee. SUTGAR CREo.oK, A post office of Trumbull county. SUGAR GRO V E, A post village of Fairfield county, in Bern township, situated at the junction of Rush creek and Hocking river, 8 miles south from Lancaster, and 36 miles southeast from Columbus. Population 300. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etco. Adair Rev. J., Methodist pastor. Elders D. R., school teacher. Luce Rev. L. H., Methodist pastor. Lutler Rev. J. J., Methodist pastor. Vandyke iE., hotel prop'r. WONN J. E., POSTMASTER. Wonn W. H., school teacher. A post office of Ashland county. SUGAR RIDGE, A post office of Putnam county. SULPHUR SPRING, SUGAR TREE RIDGE, A post village of Highland county, in Concord township, established in 1838, A post village of Crawford county in Lib erty township, established in 1841, sit SUL SUP 571 J. & H. J. HETHRINGTON, Dealers in Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Queenswai,e, Straw Goods, and all articles usually kept in a first class country store, SUGAR TREE RIDGE, OHIO. situated ori Brush creek, 10 miles south from Hillsboro' aiid 60 miles east from Cincinnati. Population 100. SUFFIELD, A post office of Portae count,y.. SUGAR VALLEY, A post office of Prebl.e county. SULLIVAN, (AN'NAPOLIS VILLAGE,) SUM uated 7 miles north-east from Bucyrus, and about 75 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. Population 280. Township 1,000. A post village of Madison county, in Somerford township, established in 1838, situated on Deer creek, 4 miles north from London, and 26 miles west from Columbus. Population 200. Township 1,000. Alph.abetical Ligt of Professions, Trades, Etc. Allen G. A., township clerk. Baldasir C., boot and shoe maker. Bardwell J. H., broom manufacturer. Bauer Reuben, painter. Cannon A., chair manufacturer. Cavis Mrs., milliner. Crall S., wool grower. Charlton M., wool grower. Close Rev., Methodist pastor. Cox G. W., harness manufacturer. Ebersale J. P., mason. Fay J. H., wool grower. Flickinger & Co., prop'rs steam saw mill. Gillespie William T., carliage maker. Gitz G. W., carriage makler. Grogg A., wool grower. Gutten H., boot and shoe maker. Hackert Jonas, steam saw mill prop'rs. Hafer Jacob, tailor. Harmon Isaac, cabinet maker. Harmon J. N., township justice. Harmon Jonas, gunsmith. Hawk & Kintzell, hide and leather deal ers and ta,nners. HEIBY GEORGE, POSTMfASTER. HIeiby Michael, hotel prop'r. Heiby Valentine, township trustee. Heller J. N., township trustee. Iibertshausen C., boot and shoe maker. Hise Wm. H., township treasurer. Hobbert Rev., Lutheran pastor. Kline Josiah, cooper. Long G. H., carpenter and builder. McKee J. G., prop'r steam satw mill. Musgrave & Bid(dle, general store. Pascher S. B., boot and shoe maker. Rapp J. J. & Co., grocers. Ream & Breneo, steam saw mill prop'rs. Roop Josiah, justice. Shaley C., wool grower. Shull Jacob, carpenter and builder. Smalley S. jr., boot and shoe maker. Spaha Jesse, township trustee. Spillett S., brick maker. Squire J. B., physician and surgeon. Stough J. G., wool grower. Warner E., general store. Yost Jacob, mason. Young A., barber. Ziegler G. S., physician and surgeon. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Clingan Andrew TJ., tailor. Gardner Francis, hotel prop'r. Geer John W., boot and shoe maker. Griffin Rev. -, Christian Elder. Heffley Simon, carpenter. Henderson John D., boot and shoe maker. tfull Elijah, township clerk. Jackson Rev. Wm., Mlethlodist pastor. Kennedy Andrew J., township trustee. Kennedy Ann M., school teacher. Kennedy Elizabeth, milliner. K~irkley Arguis W., constable. Henderson John D., constable. Kirkley J. M., township assessor. McGarey Rosanna, milliner. Melvin Gibson S., carriag,e and wagon maker. MIELVIN JOSEPH r., GENERAL MER CHANT AND POSTMASTER. Melvin Madison M., blacksmith. Morga-n Burges, blacksmith. Mosgrove Rev., Methodist pastor. Paice Thos., grocer. Palmer Jas. H., carpenter. Prugh Gabriel, general merchant. Prugh Geo. W., sen., township treasurer. Prugh Valentine H., grocer. Roberts Wm., carpenter. Taylor Geo. C., carpenter. Todd( John, blacksmith. Wallace Rebecca, school teacher. West Alexander, township t ruistee. Wilson Washington, township trustee. Winter George, cooper. SUNBURY, A post village of Delaware county, in Berkshire township, established in 1820, situated on Big Walnut river, 12 miles from Delaware, and 22 miles north from Columbus. Population 225. Township 1,500. 572 SUN SUMMERFORD, (SO-.NIERFORD VILLAGE,) SUMMIT, A post office of Summit county. SUMMITVILLE, A post office of Colunibiana county. SUMMERFIELD, A post office of Noble county. SUN 573 SYG Alphabetical List of Professicus, Trades, Eta Alexander S., constable. Brown E., township trustee. Burrer J., brick mason. Carey A., cooper. Cook L. S., harness maker and township trustee. Cowen G. W., boot and shoe maker. Cowen Miss Nancy, dress maker. Crawford J. P., township justice. DAVIS A. A., PHYSICIAN AND PO ST MASTER. Decker Misses C. & H., milliners. Frost H. C., township trustee. Frost W. P., township clerk. Grover S., constable. Kimball E., insurance agent and leather dealer. KIIMBALL E. & J. H., GENERAL MER CHANTS. (See card p. 573.) Kramer J., brick mason. Landon J., architect and cabinet maker. Law E., painter. Longshore D., grocer. MIcCutchen J., constable. McKinley C.-G., physician. McLane Rev. A., Methodist pastor. McMillen A. S., physician. Marble Mrs. L., dress maker. Marble N., grocer and carpenter. Nyswaner J., carpenter. Rariney, grocer and hotel prop'r. Riliehart S., carriage and wagon maker. Sco-il C. G., township justice. Skeeles J., tailor. Skeeles Mrs. D., dress maker. Smith J. & Son, general merchants. Sparks C., boot and shoe maker. Stark A., general merchant. Utley A., township treasurer. Utley F., brick mason. Van Warmer M., boot and shoe maker. Wilcox B. F, boot and shoe maker. Wilcox T. K., hotel prop'r. Winder-, tailor. E & Jo He KIMBALLs, Dealers in DRY G.OO0D S, ated on Sivan Creek, nea r the Michigan Air Line railway, 133 miles west from. Cleveland. Population 200. Township 1,200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Eta Allen F. S., painter. ALL,MAN A. J., POSTMASTER AND GENERAL MERCHANT. Braley N. S., brick mason. Braley O., b rick mason. Brinly J., township trustee. Brown J., township trustee. Bruce W., cooper. Coder C., cabinet, maker. Dixon Mary Ann, school teacher. Geer B. T., attorney at law and township clerk. Gridham Geo., consta,ble. Hays M., proper flouring and saw mills. Herrick W. D., brick maker. Hilliard W., cooper. Hoogle Isaac, carpenter. Houlett Thomas, prop'r grist and saw mills. Moulett Thomas, township treasurer. Hunt S. J., school teacher. Kaley A., tailor. Knite W., hotel prop'r. Marsh R., carpenter. Mill D., constable. Miller J. H., express agent. Note J., phYsician. Myers J. C., hursery and seedsman. Scott W. A., physician. Seaton N., cooper. Showers J., cabinet maker. Stair Wm., ambrotypist. Thomas S. P., school teacher. Wales A. B., wagon maker. Wales J. C., attorney at law and insur ance agent. Wales J. C., township trustee. Wales J. G., township justice. Wales R. W., wagon maker. Westbrook J., broom maker. Young H., gunsmith. Young S., stave dealer. SUNF tISH, A post office of Monroe county. SWA N CREEK, A post office of Gallia county. SWANTON, (WEST SWANTON VILLAGE,) A post village of Fulton county, in Swan Creek township, established in 1840, situ SUN 573 SYC Groceries, Notions, &c., S U-Y-B UR Y, - - - - oyj O. SWAN, A post office of Vinton county. SYCAMORE, A post village and township of Wyandot county, situated on Sycamore or'eek, 10 SYL 574 SYM miles from Upper Sandusky, and 75 miles north from Columbus. Population 150. Township 1,000. Brayton, Campbell & Co., general mer chants. Brayton R. M., eclectic physician. Fitch William, resident farmer. Funk Henry, prop'r Ohio thouse. FUNK J OH N, POSTMASTER AND CLERK. Gardner Caleb, cooper and stave dealer. Gardner,Miss Sarah, teacher Select School. Good J., pastor Methodist Church. Harris H. G., prop'r steam grist and saw mill. Hempy Wm., township trustee. Herbert Joseph, township trustee. Hines Adam, resident farmer. Horne G. W., wagon maker. Huston Thomas, resident farmer. Icker J. L., blacksmith. Jackson J. E., c arpenter. Kratt & Breckinridge, manufacturers of pot and pearlaslh. Lewis Cynthia, milliner. Lewis Williams, township clerk. Lininger H-Iiiarn, boot and shoe maker. McCaneice Wm. D., carpenter and builder. McVitty John, resident farmer. Munson Wilmot, school teacher. Ohio House, H. Turk, prop'r. Price D. P., resident farmer. Reed A. R., resident farmer. Reiley & Dyer, lumber dealers. Sandford J. F., resident farmer. Seymore Wm. H., farmer and stock dealer. Silverthorn Wm., wagon maker. Smiley James S., constable. Smith James, township treasurer. Smith Josiah, pastor M. E. Church. Snow J. L, c,rpenter and cabinet maker. Stanley A. F., eclectic physician and jus tice of the peace. Stauser J. A., eclectic physician. Stout I. A., stave manufacturer. Teeters & Pearson, blacksmiths. Walker J. R., hide and leather dealer and tanner. WORLEY A. W., GENERAL STORE, AND DEALER IN TIMNIBER, PRODUCE, &c. Worley A. W., freight ag't S. D. & C. R. R., and ag't United States Express Company. Zimmerman Henry, resident farmer. Zimmerman Peter, resident farmer. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Abner & Wilson, broom manufacturers. Babcock Charles, carpenter. Barr John, constable. Betty M. D., township assessor. Betze William, township trustee. Brown Jeptha, township trustee, Carns Alfred, saw mill prop'r. Clapsadle M. G., mason. Crawford Charles, carriage and wagon maker. Emerson N., cooper. Gibson M. C., township justice. Greggs Andrew, wool grower. Griffith Jesse, wool grower HARPER J., POSTMASTER, TOWVNSHIP TREASURER AND GENERAL MIER CHANT. Hersbarge Jacob, township justice. Hill Jonathan, cabinet maker. Hudson Allen, gunsrmith. Hudson David, boot and shoe maker. Ingerson A. R., mason. Leeper Peter, saw mill prop'r. Lundy & Co., broom manufacturers. Lupton John, township constable. Martin D. R., cabinet maker. Obenchain V. L., harness maker. Palmer Benoni, boot and shoe maker. Peeso T. A., township clerk. Reynolds H. F., carriage and wagon man ufacturer. Soffell A., general merchant. Swinhart Samuel, township trustee. Taylor George, fiouring mill. Thompson Rev. -, Methodist pastor. (PATTERSON VILLAGE,,) A post village of Hardin county, in Jackson township, established in 1849, situated 10 miles north from Kenton, and about 80 miles each from Cleveland and Columbus. Population 250. Township 1,500. - SYMMES, A post office of Lawrence county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc Baker Christopher, constable. Baker Sanford, harness maker. Baldwin A., painter. Baslow P. C., township trustee. Brashars Truman, carpenter and cabinet maker. SYMMES' CORNER, , post village of Butler county, in Fair. field township, established in 1843, situated on Pleasant Run, 4 miles south from SYL 574 SYM SYLVANIA,. A post village of Lucas county. SYLVIA, SYM 575 TAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hamilton, and 16 miles north from Cincinnati. Population 200. Township 2,500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Alston M. P., prop'r flouring, paper and saw mills. Auton J. C., school teacher. Auton John C., carpenter and pump ma ker. Bailey Chas., broom manufacturer. Beever Mathias, edge tool manufacturer. Carey F., school teacher. Carle Amos, broom manufacturer. Carle John, pork packer. Cook R. H., general merchant. Cooper Robert, paper mill. Dee Wm., broom manufacturer. Elkins Reuben, fish dealer. FRANCISCO D., SCHOOL TEACHER. Freman Mrs., school teacher. Garett R. J., physician and druggist. Garett R. J., dentist. Hamilton E. C., attorney at law. Heckell Henry. tobacco grower. Henderson Joseph, engraver. Hulsberger Frederick, plow maker. Hulsberger John, carriage, wagon and plow maker. Hulsberger John, edge tool manufacturer. Hunter Samuel, township trustee. Iler John, brewer. Kemp Peter, plow maker. Kief John, school teacher. Krider Samuel, boot and shoe maker. McCormick James, broom manufacturer. McCormick John P., broom manufacturer. McGillvery Daniel, gunsmith. Mason John, clothier. M'essler John H., broom manufacturer and auctioneer. Messler John H., justice of peace. Pauley Robert S., tailor. Piatt Jacob, auctioneer. Potter E., real estate agent. Ragle A. & Co., brewers. Rananlds Rev. A. J., Presbyterian pastor. Reding John, exchange dealer. Reede Thos. C., constable. Roberts Katherine, dress maker. Shafer Peter, township trustee. SHEPARD WM., SCHOOL TEACHER. Shuder Frank, boot and shoe maker. Stout A., painter. SYMMES R. R., POSTMASTER, AND HOTEL PROP'R. Symmes C., township trustee. Symmes C. H., lumber dealer. Symmes James R., commission merchant and pork packer. Symmes John M., carpenter. Symmes Joseph E., livery stable. Symmes Timothy, broom manufacturer. Walker Samuel, broom manufacturer, I SYM 575 TAY Walker Wm., wool grower. Waxsmit,h A., geiieral merchant. SYMMES, CREEK, A post office of Muskingum county. SYMMES'RUN, A post office of Lawrence county. SYRACUSE, A post office of Meigs county. TABOR, A post office of Ttiscarawas county. TALLMADGE, A post village and township of Summit county. TAMPICO, A post office of Darke county. TANKTOWN, A post office of Delaware county. TAPPAN, A post office of Harr.ison county. TARIFF, A post office of Butler county. TARLTON, A post -village of Pickaway county. TAWAWA, A post village of Shelby county. T.AYLOR'S CREEK, A post office of Hamilton county. TAYLORSVILLE, A post oflice of Montgomery county. TED ted 16 miles west from Gallipolis, and 80 miles south south-east from Columbus. Population 200. TEDROW, A post office of Fulton county. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Berman L. M., general merchant. Brooks Thomas, carpenter and builder. Caudle L. A., boot and shoe maker. Combs A. S., physician and surgeon. Combs O. H. S., agricultural implements. Comstock S. S., blacksmith. Davis Evan, blacksmith. Davis Mliss G., milliner. Davis Josiah, boot and shoe maker. Edwards & Jones, steam flouring mill. Evans T. & Son, general store. Hanser Charles, cabinet maker. Hughes J., township trustee. Johnson & Dill, milliners. Jones Daniel, boot and shoe maker. Jones Daniel S., tailor. Jones Ebenezer, boot and shoe maker. Jones Rev. E. D., Congregational pastor. Jones Edward S., carpenter and builder. Kling William, carriage and wagon ma ker. Lewis John, carpenter and builder. Lloyd Rev. Da,niel, Baptist pastor. Myers John, hide and leather dealer and tanner. Newson I. S., steam flouring mill. Piper James, harness maker. Ridgway William, township treasurer. Rosser David, blacksmith. Sherrit William, township trustee, ambro typist and cabinet maker. STEEL L. C., POSTMASTER AND TOWNSHIP CLERK. Steel William, prop'r hotel. Taylor William, Methodist pastor. Thomas David, jeweler. Thomas John, carriage and wagon maker. Waddle A.M., township justice. Waddle & Cherrington, general merchants. Walters Nathaniel, tailor. Warner A. W.. township justice. Williams Rev. Robt., Baptist pastor. Williams William L., druggist, physician and surgeon. Wood J. P., township constable. Wood William M., township justice and trustee. Wynne & Hunt, clothiers. TEESBURG, A post village of Highland county. TEMYPERANCEVILLE, A post office of Belmont county, in Somerset township. A post office of Champaign county, in Mad River township. A post office ofrPerry county, in Thorn township, established in 1835, situated near the Hocking Valley railway, at Licking Summit Reservoir, on the Ohio Canal, 18 miles north-west from New Lexington, and about 30 miles east from Columbus. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etch Burk Mary A., hotel proprietress. Brush C. T., township justice. CUSAAC W. T., POSTMASTER. Fleming Rev., Methodist pastor. Fullerton Wm., township justice. Hoyman Rev. M., German Reformed pas tor. Speck Rev., Methodist pastor. Weber Rev. J., Lutheran pastor. Wiseman J. G., township justice. A prominent post town and the capital of Seneca county, situated on the Sandusky river, and on the Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati railway, about 90 miles north by west from Columbus. It contains the county buildings, and a great variety of mercantile and mechanical branches. Population 6,000. A po st village of Gallia county, in Raccoon township, established in 1847, situa 576 TIF TEEGARDIN, A post office of Pickaway county. TERRE HAUTE, EXAS, Henry county, in Wash ington township. THIVENER, A post office of Gallia county. THOMPSON, A post village of Geauga county. THORNVILLE, TIFFIN, THURMAN, (CF,NTEP.VILLE VILLAGE,) 577 SMITH, BARNES & CO., I D e_- ~~HI FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS 'tIFFIn. OHIO, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, GRAIN DRILLS, Patent Double Rank and Spring Tooth, for drilling rough and stony ground, warranted the best Drill in use for sowing all kinds of Grain and Grass Seeds. Patent Driver's Seat so attached that the driver can work his Drill and see the whole operation while driving. Pitt's Patent Separators and Double Pinion Horse Power improved, Clover Hullers, Corn Planters, Sugar Mills, one and two horse Cross-Cult and Circular Sawing Machines, Brick Machines, &c. Every description of Jobbing done to order. Repairs of all kinds, Castings of all sizes and kinds, Patterns and Mechanical Drawings made to order on short notice. OFFICE AND SHOP SOUTH END MAIN ST. LORS AND CLOTHIERS, WASH INGTON, OPP. COURT HOUSE. Barnhart D., piano forte manufacturer, Washington, near Wire Bridge. Bartell D., boot and shoe maker, Washing ton. Beckman S. E., manufacturer saddles, har ness, trunks, &c., Washington, bet. Perry and Market. Beilharz C. C., dentist, cor. Market and Washington. Benham F. Don, agent U. S. Express Co., Railroad Warehouse. Bell E., agent S., D. and C. R. R. BELL & OSBORN, PROP'RS RAILROAD WAREHOUSE, ALSO GRAIN STOR AGE AND COMMISSION M E R CHANTS, COR. CLAY AND S., D. AND C. R. R. Bise J., book binder, Market. Black G. W., grocer and ice cream saloon, Washington. Bloom F., dealer in dry goods and groce ries, Market. Bornstein L.. manufacturer and dealer in cigars, tobacco, &c., Washington,;bet. Perry and Market. Sheriff, Jesse Weirick. Auditor, E. G. Bowe. Clerk, Geo. S. Christlip. Treasurer, Saml. Herron. Proba te tudge, T. H. Bagby. Recorder, A. Beilharz. Prosecuting Attorney, R. L. Griffith. alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc ADAMS LEONARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, WASHINGTON, BET. PER RY AND MARKET. Allen Mrs. L. C., milliner and dress maker, Shawhan Block. Altenbaugh John L., dealer in china, glass and queensware, Washington. Anderson T. J., (col.) barber, Washington. ARMSTRONG WM. W., EDITOR AND PUBLISHER SENECA ADVERTI SER, THIRD STORY TOMB'S BL'K. ARMSTRONG W. W., POSTMASTER, PERRY, NEAR WASHINGTON. BACHER & WENNER, MERCHANT TAI P 37 ~ TIF TIF i SENECA COUNTY OFFICERS. TIF 578 TIF Shawhah HOUSes TIFFIN, OHIO. - - Proprietor. Buskirk HI. A. & Co., wholesale and retail grocers, 3 Shawhan Block. C,ady C., carding machine, Washington, near Bridge. Clark S. B., livery stable. Clay B., eating saloon, Franklin. Collins J. D., saloon, Washington. Crawford W. J., baker and confectioner, Washington, bet Perry and Market. Crowise C., dealer in books and stationery, cor. Washington and Market. Crum & Brohl, dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Shawhan House Building. CUNNINGHAM & BRO., PROP'RS CLIN TON MILLS, ALSO DEALERS IN FLOUR, SEED, PRODUCE,- Sc., NORTH-EAST OF WIRE BRIDGE, COR. WASHINGTON AND RIVER. Davidson Mrs. E. W., dealer in lace and silk goods, jewelry, pianos, &c., Market. Davis House, Levi Weirick, prop'r, Market, bet Washington and Monroe. Deam A., grocery and saloon, Washington. Decker R., dealer in groceries and pro visions, Black's Block, Washington. Dubois & Co., dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, &c., cor. Washington and Market. Ebert J. M., harness and saddle maker, Market. EIDT JACOB, SOAP, CANDLE AND POTASH MANUFACTURER. MA!R KET, NEAR RAILROAD. Emich F., grocer and cabinet maker, Mlar ket. Ernest George, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron, Loesser Block. FISHER J., PHYSICIAN AND SUR-K GEON, ALSO MANUFACTURER OF FISHER'S COUGH SYRUP, STYLED COMPOUND SYRUP OF GINGER, WASHINGTON. Franklin & Kinnaman, dental surgeons, Perry, near Washington. Gallup Wm., watch maker and jeweler, Washington, bet. Perry and Market. Geer Phili p, liver y stable, Market. Glick John II., plop'r Nobl e House. Groff H., harness a nd saddle maker, Mar ket. Grummel F., saloon and r estaurant, Wash ington, opp. Court House. Haines H., cooper, W ashington. Hall & Pittenger, attorneys at law, Wash ington, bet. Perry and Market. Hanshaw H., barber, Washington. Harper F. & J., marble workers andl deal ers, Washington. Hartmano J. G., bill iard sal oon, north side Market, bet. Washington and Monroe. Hartmann John, watch mamer and jewe l er, Market, near Washington. Herold Wmin., rope maker. HORD J. K., ATTORNEY AND COUN SELOR AT LAW, SHAWHAN BL'K, WASHINGTON.' Houk John, manufacturer and dealer in boots, shoes, leather, finding%, &c., Washington. Husband A. & M. A., milliners, Washing ton, opposite Shawhan House. Hlull & Miller, butchers, Washington. Irwin D. S., wholesale dealer in liquors, cor. Washington and Madison. Kaull Wm., physician, Perry. KAUP S. & B., MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING AND HUBBS, ALSO LUM-IlBER DEAL ERS, NEAR S. D. & C. R. R. DEPOT. Keffer P. D., potash manufacturer. Keilholtz W. H., dealer in groceries, Shaw han Block. Keppers S., grocer, North Market. King B. & J., dealers in groceries and liquors, Washington. /~ Kirchmer B., boot and shoe maker, Mar ket. KIRCHMER & VONDRAIR, DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, WASHINGTON. See advt. of Sharp Brothers, Davis & Bonsall, p. 540. TIF TIF 578 P. P. MYERS, B., manufacturers and deal- Our Flag, German, J. M. Zahm, editor and ts, shoes, leather, findings, publisher, Washington. nor south of Tiffin Bank. Park W. H., physician and surgeon, Wash, attorney and counselor at ington. ington, between Perry and PATTERSON J. M., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, WASHING attorney and counselor at TON, BETWEEN PERRY AND MAR han Block. KET. m it maker. Peck D. G., boot and shoe maker, Market. g, grocers and provisions, Pelan James, stationer and bookseller, c lin and Water. Washington, opposite Court House. justice of the peace, cor. Pennington B., ambrotype and daguerrean n and Market. artist, Shawhan Block. r, cabinet makers, Wash- Pennington, Lee & Brewer, attorneys at law, Washington, opposite Court Laler in hats, caps, &c., House. on, between Perry and Mar- Peu S., blacksmith. Pillar James, attorney and counselor at smith, Franklin.. law, Washington, between Perry and Lrocer, Leesser Block. Market. an, proprietors Tiffin foun- Poorman & Miller, manufacturers sad et, near New Truss Bridge. dles, harness, leather and dealers in rber, Washington. trunks, whips, &c., east side Wash Mowles, manufacturers and ton. stoves and tin ware, Wash- Quinn J. W., proprietor Shawban House saloon, cor. Perry and Washington. hysician, Washington. Rank Aloys, grocer. north side Market, Mician, Franklin. between Washington and Monroe. A., physician, Washington. Rea T., boot and shoe maker, Washington. elland, editors and propri- Reeme J. W., grocer, Washington. Weekly Tribune, cor. Mar- Ries P. F., barber, Market. ashington. Ringler E., physician and surgeon, Mareral store. ket. J.F.,DEALERIN DRUGS, Rose L., clothier, Washington, opposite ES, PAINTS, OILS AND Court House. FFS, WASHINGTON, OP- Rowson A., attorney at law, Washington. OURT HOUSE. Rumsey J., physician, Perry. smith, Washington. Ryan P. H., grocer, Washington. er, South Washington. St. John I. L. & Co., dealers in drugs, nner. medicines, paints, oils, &c., Washing dealers in boots and shoes, ton, between Perry and Market. n, between Perry and Mar- Scabacher & Kerchoser, blacksmiths, Washington. MROPRIETORSHAWHAN SCHINNESS B., CIGAR MANUFACTU(See card, p. 578.) RER AND IMPORTER, MARKET, rpenter and builder, Mar- EAST OF DAVIS HOUSE. Vooden Bridge. Schiver Jacob, plow maker. & Bro., cabinet makers, Secwald Philip, dealer injewelry, watches, clocks, &c., and manufacturer of Bro., dealers in hardware, town clocks, cor. Washington and n. Madison. ler in jewelry, watches, Sell J., boot and shoe maker, Market. cor. Washington and Mar- SENECA ADVERTISER, W. W. ARM STRONG, EDITOR AND PUBLISHiler, marble workers and ER, THIRD STORY TOMB'S BLOCK. dshington, near Bridge. Seney G. E., judge court common pleas, ! & Noble, attorneys and Tomb's Block. at law, Washington, oppo- SHAWHAN HOUSE, P. P. MYERS, PROsouse. PRIETOR. (See card, p. 578.) physician, Washington. Shawhan T. K., dealer in staple and oeral store. fancy dry goods, 4 Shawban Block. rney and counselor at law, Shawhan & Sneath, proprietors Bank of a, between Perry and Tiffin, Shawban Block. Shriver J., merchant tailor and dealer in maker. dry goods, clothing, &c., Washington. See advt, of Buckeye Machine Shop, 540. TIF 679 TIF Kuebler A. & ersin boo &c., one d Landon Alfred law, Wash Market. Lang William, law, Shaw Larr G., cabine Lauer & Ban ,cor, Fran Leidy J. H., Wasbingt Lemp &- Ceelle ington. Liner C., de W,,ishiDgt I,- e t. Lipel L., black Lc'esser John, g Loomis & Nym dry,',Nlark Lyons T. J., ba McAllister & dealers in ington. McCollum E., p 'NIeDoo J., pbys McFarland J. '.NlcKee & mccl etors Tffin ket and W McNeal A., ge MARQUARDT MEDICIN DYE STU POSITE C Alartin G., guns Mey,prs S., groe ,Miller J. W., ta Miller L. &, Washingto ket. MYERS P. P., HOUSE. Myers V. C., ea ket, near Myers W. C. Market. Naylor J. M. & Washingto Nelson R., dea clocks, &c., ket. Niebel & Wen dealers, W Noble, De Wolf counselors site Court Oberniiller M., Ogle A. V., gen le Singer & Negle: marble workers and dealers, Washington, between Perry and Market. SMITH, BARNES & CO., FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTU RERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL MA CHINERY, SOUTH END OF MAIN. (See card, p. 577.) Smith G., saloon, Market. Smith H., clothier, Washington, opposite Court House. Snyder D. M., baker and grocer, Market. Snyder H. H., druggist. Souder & Carpenter, dealers in dry goods, Washington, near Market. SPAYTH W. O., DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS A N D QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c., WASHINGTON, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Sprague S., livery stable, Washington. Startsman Wm., carpenter, Perry. Steiner J. J., attorney at law, Washing ton, be tween Perry and Market. Stem & Johnson, attorney s at law and insurance agents, W ashington, be - tween Perry and Market. Stewart W. H., agricultural i mplement manufacturer, Market. Stricker & Broth ers, merchant tailors and clothiers, cor. Washington and Alar ket. Sullivan M., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, Washington, between Per r y and Market. Sullivan Wm., d ealer in hardware, cor. Perry and Washington. Taylor George, dealer in dry groceries, &c., Cor. Perry and Washington. Tifn Weekly Tribune, McKee & McClel land, editors and proprietors, cor. Market and Washington. Tomb, Russ & Co., bankers, cor Perry and Washington. Tunison D., daguerrean artist, Tomb's Block. Tunison T. C., attorney and counselor at law, Commercial Row. Tunison & Fay, amnbrotype and photo graphic artists, Washington, opp. Court House. Vallmer J., merchant tailor and clothier, Washington, bet. Perry and Market. Van Dooran A. R., prop'r Delaware, Bucyrus and Fostoria Stage Lines, north side Market, near Wooden Bridge. Van Dooran A. R., prop'r Van Dooran House, north side Market, near Wooden Bridge. Van Ness P., carriage manufacturer, Market. Wagner Adam, prop'r Franklin House, Franklin, south of Water. Wagner F.. prop'r American House, Franklin. Wagner M., merchant tailor, Washington. Walker James, flouring mill prop'r. Wall M., hide and leather dealer and tan ner, Perry. Watson & Willard, attorneys and counsel ors at law, Washington, bet. Perry and Market. Ward J. H., livery stable, Market, rear o f Davis House. Weick & Myer, blacksmiths. Weisick Levi, prop'r Davis House, Mar ket, bet. Mon roe and Washington. WENNER & KAULL, (H. S. &e L. M.,) MANUFACTURERS OF CAR RIAGES, S U LKIE S, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS, &c., COR. JEFFER SON AND COE. White U., dealer in dry goods, Washing ton, opp. Shawhan House. Willard Elam, just ice of peace and attor ney at law, Tomb's Block. Wolff W., book binder, Washington. Worthmiller John, grocer, north side Market, bet. Washington and Monroe. Yesk C. M., wholesale and retail dealer in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, Washington. Yost C., sash, blind and door manufac turer, Market, near W ooden Bridge. Zahm J. M., publisher Our Flag, (Ger. man,) Washington. Zahm V. J., bookseller, Washington. (HYATTSVILLE POST OFFICE,) A prominent village of Miami county, in Monroe township, situated on the Miami canal and river, ant on the Dayton and Michigan railway, 6 miles south from Troy, 14 miles north from Dayton, and 60 miles west from Columbus. It contains ten stores and several mills, malt houses, &c. Population 1,200. l/phabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Beck O. D., watch maker. Born Adam, boot and shoe maker, Main. Bumerots I. S., blacksmith. Carr David, cooper. Cathcart —, cooper. See advt. of Expanding Hollow Auger, p. 539. TIF 580 TIP TILTONVILLE, A post office of Jackson county. TIPPECANOE, A post village of Ilarrison county. TIPPECANOE, TIP 581 TOL Clark A., malster and brewer. Coffee S. L., prop'r distillery. Copp Charles, boot and shoe maker. CORSE P., MANUFACTURER OF ALL K IND S TIN, JAPANNED AND SHEET IRON WARE, STOVES, &c., MAIN, OPP. ELDORADO HOUSE. Cotral A., prop'r Miami Hotel. Couch J., oil manufacturer. Crane E., physician. Darst H. H., physician. Davis Samuel, dry goods and hats and caps. Devault -, painter and paper hanger, Main. ELDORADO HOUSE, G. P. SHAFER, PROP'R, MAIN, EAST OF DEPOT. Fair Peter, express and railroad agent. Fidler E. R., painter and paper hanger, Main. Fitch J., cooper. Frest Joseph, boot and shoe maker. Fury Peter, merchant tailor. Galvan John, blacksmith. Gilbert I. K., physician. Hagerman Mrs. E., school teacher. Herr & Brother, prop'rs flouring mill. IIUBER F., BUTCHER AND PORK DEALER, MAIN, NEAR ELDORA DO HOUSE. Johnson W. L., school teacher. Kauffman C. M., livery stable. King F. H., leader _Eolian Silver Band. Lauber & Brother, wagon and plow ma kers. McMurry J. W., school teacher. MESSMER & PARRY, MANUFACTUR ERS AND DEALERS IN IMPROVED STEEL PLOWS A N D B L A C K SMITHS, SOUTH MAIN. Meyer IH., cooper. Miles Abijah W., dry goods. Miles J., wagon maker. Miller Joseph, baker and confectioner. MILLER JOSEPH, PROP'R EXCHANGE HOTEL. Millikin R. B., deputy U.S. Marshal. Mulherrin Daniel, boot and shoe maker, Main. Nace I. S., druggist. NEALEIGH W. H., DEP. POSTMASTER. Neishwitz & Co., dry goods, boots, shoes and ready-made clothing. Ninick J. A. & Co., general store. Pierson John, boot and shoe maker. Pierson Wm., boot and shoe maker, Main. Polk F., cooper. Price I. N., ready-made clothing, hats, caps, &c., Main, near Eldorado House. Randal John, cooper. Richardson J. V., merchant tailor. Rouzer & Smith, prop'rs water flouring a nd linseed oil mills. Schnell Charles, daguerrean. SILAFER G. P., PROP'R ELDORIADO HOUSE, MAIN, EAST OF DEPOT. Shafford & Gates, carpenters and builders. Sides Henry, provisions. Smith James, brewer. Stevenson A. F., cooper. Stewart J. H., attorney, First. Thompson Kincaid, boots and shoes, Main, opp. E,ldorado House. Townsley F., cabinet maker. Waller Peter, boot and shoe maker. Wance A. F., grocery, Main. WESLER A. H., MAYOR, JUSTICE OF PEACE AND POSTMASTER, MAIN, NEAR EL-DORADO HOUSE. WESLER A. H., agent Xtna Insurance Co. Williamson M. F,, physician, Main. Young W. H., carpenter. TOLEDO, A flourishing post city, port of entry, and the capital of Lucas county, situated at the junction of Swan creek and t he Maumee river, 4 miles above the mouth of the latter, 113 miles west from Cleveland, and 154 miles north by west from Columbus. It has an excellent harbor, and possesses unrivalled railroad facilities. It contains the public buildings of the county, and is an important business place. Population about 14,000. Auditor, Alex. Reed. Recorder, Jonathan Wynn. Common Pleas Judge, John Fitch. Probate Judge, Thomas Dunlap. Clerk, Peleg T. Clark. Surveyor, E. W. Lenderson. Coroner, A. Bostwick. Jailor, L. Parcher. Treasurer, Valentine Braun. Sheriff, H. D. Kingsbury. Commissioners, E. Bissel; sr., Wm. Taylor, G. Norton. See advt. of O'Bryan & Kreps, p. 539. TIP 581 TOL TIRO, A post village of Richland county. TIVERTON, A post office of Coshocton county. TODDIS, A post office of Morgan county. LUCAS COUNTY OFFICERS. TOL 582 TOL Beecher John W., marshal, 58 Monroe. Bell, Holeomb & Co., wholesale grocers, 142 and 144 Summit. Bellamy J. W. & R. W., butchers, 129 Sum mit. Bennett & Sinclair, General Ins. Co., 92 Summit. Bergen S. H., physician, 289 Summit. Bigelow F., homeopathic physician. Bigelow W. H., produce, forwarding and commission merchant, Water. Birckhead P. H., dealer in staves, heading and hoop-poles, Ottawa. Bishop & Co., (G. A. B. & W. S. Foster,) wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 68 Summit. Bissell Edward, jr., attorney at law and notary public, 1 Timpany's Block. Bissell F., produce, forwarding and com mission merchant, Water. Bissell Henry T., attorney at law and no tary public, I Timp.any's Block. Bladen & Co., tinsmiths, 313 Summit. Blodget E. C., livery stable, St. Clair. Board of Trade, Water foot of Madison, F. H., Hoag, pres., Carlos Colton, see. BODLEY T. J., COMMISSION DEALER IN LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH, OTTAWA, OPP. R. R. DE POT. Boegehold G. H., grocer, 25 St. Clair and 77 Washington. Bohannon Frank, blacksmith, St. Clair. Bolles H. C., general dry goods merchant, 141 Summit. Bolles Wm. & Co., wholesale dry goods, 164 Summit. Bostwick A., physician, 290 Summit. Bowers I. S., fancy dyer, 111 Summit. Boyd H. A., manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of dressed lumber, sash, doors, blinds, &c., near St. Clair st. bridge. Boyd J. A. & Co., steam book and job printers, cor. Summit and Madison. Bradley John, groceries and feed, 41 Mon roe. Bradley T., saloon, Packet Dock. Brandt William, saloon, Perry, near Sum mit. BRAND R. & CO., WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS AND RECTIFIERS, 41 SUMMIT. Brauer Henry, upholsterer, Monroe. Braun Valentine, physician and surgeon, 24 Summit. Breed H. & W., groceries and provisions, 28 Summit. Brewster M. L., Cornucopia Saloon, 34 Monroe. Breymann John, sail loft, 28 Summit. Brigham C. O., telegraph operator, 157 S ummi t, 2d story. Bronson C., manufacturer and dealer in Collins 1 House, I Cor. St. Clair and Jefferson Sts., Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc. Adam John I., auditor M. S. & N. 1. R. R. Aengfer A. & Co., grocers, 49~ Summit. Allen C. H., mathematical and philosoph ical instrumen t maker, 319 Summit. Allen D., grocer, 190 Summit. Allen N., l an d agent and notary public, cor. Summit and Oak. Alley, photographist, cor. Summit and Oak. Anderson & Fuller, book binders and pub,. lishers, 137 and 139 Summit, up stairs. Anderson & Fuller, wholesale booksellers and stationers, 133 Summit. Andrews, physician, 181 Summit, 2d story. Angler R. P., prop'r Island House. Aschenbrenner John, tailor, 93 Cherry. Ashley Hon. James M., attorney at law, 6 Timpany's Block. Audibus J., harness maker, East Toledo. Auth & Bro.e, grocers, St. Clai r. Auth & Co., fish, fruit, groceries, &c., 21 cor. Summit and Perry. Bachman & Co., general, grocery and pro vision dealers, 297 Summit. Bailey S., homoeopathic physician. Baither Gustavus, sal oon, 41 Summit. Baker & Collins, attor neys and counselors at law, Field & Timpany's Block. Bakewell Frank S., druggist, 187 Summit. Bank of Toledo, J. R. Linn, vice pres., Paul Jones, cash. BARLOW & THOMASON, (A. W. T. & W. W. T.,) IMPORTERS AND DEAL ERS IN CHINA, GLASS, QUEENS WARE, COAL OIL LAMPS, FANCY GOODS, LOOKING GLASSES, TA BLE CUTLERY, &e-, 166 SUMMIT. Barker C. & Bro., general dry goods, 77 Summit. Bartlett George W., general ticket ag't T. & W. Railway Co., 115 Summit. Bassett & Kent, attorneys at law, Tim pany's Block.' Beach W. A., managing telegraph opera tor, 157 Summit, 2d story. See advt. of Dole's Universal Hollow Augers, p. 538. TOL 582 TOL W. W. HOWE$ Proprietor, TOLEDO, 0, TOL 583 TOL tobacco, snuff and cigars, 104 and 106 Summit, and 61 and 63 Water. Brothers Dennis, coopers, Water. Brown E. N., attorney, 131 Summit. Brown 0. M., blacksmith, East Toledo. Brown, Walbridge & Co., forwarding and commission merchants; Water. Brown & Patton, news and stationery de pot, 219 Summit. Brunce & Brown, general dry goods mer chants, 81 Summit. Buchner T., saloon, Adams. Buck C. H., merchant tailor, 149 Summit. Buehler Louisa, saloon, 103 Cherry. Bunert A. & Co., saddle and harness mna kers, 42 Summit. Burns John & Co., china, glass ware, cab inet ware, &c., 231 Summit. Burrows George H., supt. T. & W. R. R., 115 Summit. Bush L. J. & Co., agricultural agency, 8 Summit. Campbell Mrs. J., dress maker, 79 Sum mit, 3d story. Campbell Jas. D., attorney and real estate and insurance ag't, Blade Building. Campbell J. D., general superintendent M. S. & N. I. R. R. Camey Miss, milliner, 42 Madison. Canfield H. S., house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, also, gilding, graining, glazing and paper hanging, 67 Monroe. Cannan John, boarding, St. Clair. Canneff J. W., dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, musical instruments, &c., 87 Summit. Card Platt, land ag't, Timpany's Block. Carey Henry, saloon, 92 Summit. Carpenter George A., commission mrer - chant, Water. Carrington & Casey, produce, forwarding and commission merchant, Water. Ceck G., saloon, 197 Summit. Chamberlain J. & S., dealers in lamps, coal oil, &c., 1971- Summit. CHAPIMAN L. & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LEATHER, DEALERS IN SAD IfLERY HARDWARE, TANNERS' AND SHOE FINDINGS, BELTING, &c, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, FURS, WOOL, SHEEP PELTS, &c, 42 MON ROE AND 138 ST. CLAIR. Chase J. A., attorney at law, 43 Summit. City Hotel, P. Kelkenny, prop'r, Ottawa. Clark A. G., attorney at law, Blade Build ing. Clark J., physician, 290 Summit. Clark T. C., dealer in teas, tobacco, cigars, &c., 32 Monroe. Clark & Dolan, marble dealers, Summit, near Cherry. Clawson I. N., manufact'r and dealer in jewelry, 191 Summit. M1. R. & R. WAITE, At torneys and Counselors cAT ILA, -No. 7 Field & Timpany's Block, TOLEDO, OHIO. MORRISON R. WAITE. RICHIARD WAITE. Clear Patrick, grocer, St. C lair. Clear Patrick, produce and commission merchant, 38 Summit. Coghlin & Brooks, h ides a nd leather, 78 Summit. Colahgen J., physician, 293 Summit. Cole F. J., grocer, 52 Monroe. COLLINS HOUSE, W. W. HOWE, PRO PRIETOR, COR. JEFFERSON AND ST. CLAIR. (See card, p. 582.) Collins M. L., c ommiss ion merchant, 28 Summit. Collins & Cheney, house, sign and orna mental painters, 182 Summit. Corn City Mills, D. C. Pettis, proprietor, Monroe. Conmmarger H. S., attorney at law, 83 Sum mit. Comstock Jas. M., dealer in real estate, 158 Summnit, 2d story. Congress Hall, P. Murray, prop'r, Ottawa. Conley Patrick, saloon, Water. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., W. Baker, agent, Fiels & Timpany's Block. Cook H. T., watches, clocks and jewelry, 121 Summit. Cooke J. Al., physician and surgeon, cor. Summit and Jefferson. Corbusier J. A., manufact'r and dealer in hats, caps, straw goods, &c., 176 Sum mit. Corwin W. L., fancy goods, 185 Summit. Crabb & Garner, general store, East To ledo. CRAFT W. P., CANAL STABLE, COR. MONROE AND MARTHA. Craig & Clark, blacksmiths, East Toledo. Cranker John, blacksmith, St. Clair. Cree H. H., shoe maker, Pering, near Sum mit. Crennan John D., Yankee notions, whole sale and retail, 89 Summit. Cross R. A., cloc]s, watches and jewelry, 15.1 Summit. Cunningham James, boot and shoe maker, 190~ Summit. Curtis S. D., sash, door and blind manu factory, Sixth Lock. CURTIS & THOMAS, W H1 O L E S A L E DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, &c., WHITTLE SEY, BET. SWAN CREEK AND CANAL. See advt. of Dole & Silver's Patent Augers, p. 538. TOL TOL 583 TOL 584 TOL J. C. KLOTZ, Manufactures every style of Z'X 1% A E9 X 9, Of Tobacco imported from Havana, Puerto, Principe and St. Jago, And Deals in Pipes, Snuffs Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, &C,, No. 29 Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio. Daily Blade, Pelton, Stewart & Waggoner, prop' rs, 150 Summit. DAILY TIMES, H. T. SMITH, EDITOR AND PROP'R, CORNER ST. CLAIR AND MONROE. Daniels Thos., wholesale and retail drug gist, 289 Summit. Davis Eliza, hair restorative, cor. Monroe and Superior. Decker Mrs. Increase, fashionable dress maker, 349 Summit. Deibel Fred., saloon, 293 Summit. Delaney John, dining saloon, corner Main and Perry. Delzroot E., cigar dealer, 151 Summit. Denny Abraham. saloon, Water. Deo & Barth, proprietors Toledo City Mills, Fifth Lock. Dewey D. C., house, sign and ship painter, 28 Summit. Doane L. W., architect and civil engineer, 179 Summit, 3d story. Dodge C., attorney at law, 43 Summit. Doebele & Strengson, wholesale dealers in musical instruments, sheet music, &c., 213 Summit. Dooley M., grocer, 29 Monroe. Dooley & Brother, wholesale druggists, 94 Summit. Douglas Horace, saloon, Ottawa. DOUGLAS J. M., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER AND DEALER IN EARLY VEGETABLES, FRESH FISH, &c., 207 SUMMIT. Doyle M. B., counselor at law and justice of peace, Myer's Block, cor. Summit and Monroe. Draper M. K., grocer, and agent for Moore's sewing machines, 3 Summit. Drummond I. W., secretary &c., T. and W. R. R. Co., 115 Summit. Duston W. S. & Co., groceries, provisions, mleat, &c., 229 Summit. Earl W. C., G. S. Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., 150 Summit, 2d story. Earl Wm. C., canal collector, Weigh Lock. Early Patrick, prop'r Kossuth House. Eaton & Backus, general merchants, 79 Summit. Eddy -C. H. & Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 93 Summit. Eddy N. U., manufact'r and dealer in hats, caps, furs, &c., 123 Summit. Eisert Kaspar, boots and shoes, 346 Sum mit. Empire Ex change, J oseph Forma, prop'r, Ottawa. Enne Fritz, saloon, Adams. Este Geo. P., prosecuting attorney, 7 T&im pany's Block. Estile John, dentist, 179 Summit. Excha n ge Bank, W. W. Clark & Co., 158 Summit. Fahnestock A. & Sons, prop'rs Toledo Nur series, or. Lagrange and Sixteenth. Fahnestock M. E., cutter, H. H. Buck, 149 Summit. Fenneberg G., physician and surgeon, 24 Summit, bds. Jacobs' Hotel. Fink Henry, cooper, East Toledo. Finley W. J., ale, oysters, fruit, &c. Fitch Simeon, general i nsuran ce agent, cor. Summit and Jefferson. Fitzpatrick Jos., saloon, 2 Packet Dock. Flynn Jos., grocery, feed, &c., 33 Monroe. Foley John, saloon, Water. Fornia Jos., prop'r Exchange, Ottawa. Forbes S. F., physician, 123 Summit, 2d story. Fowle E. H., millinery and fancy goods, 211 Summit. Fox S. E., confectioner, 208 Summit. Franklin S. U., barber, 103 Summit. Fraser Thomas & William, boot and shoe makers, 199 Summit. Frentz H. C., ambrotypist, photographist, and dealer in ambrotypist's materials, 53 Summit. Frederick Gottlieb, saloon. Freeman D. S., blacksmith, St. Clair. Gaetschenberger F. A., saloon, south-west cor. Monroe and Summit. Gas Light and Coke Co., George Spencer, pres't, Summit. George John S., billiard saloon and res taurant, 140 Summit. Gerlach F., boot and shoe maker, Water. Gigler Louis, saloon, St. Clair. Gilbert Elisha M., president MI. S. & N. 1. R. R. Gitsky B. & L., wholesale and retail clo thing, 50 Summit. Gitky Benjamin, dealer in clothing, 34 Summit. Gitsky M., gents' furnishing establish ment, 671 Summit. See advt. of Scioto Valley Republican, p. 515. TOL 584 TOL TOL 585 TOL Gleason A. W., book-keeper, 1 Timpany's Block. Gloyd J. M., notary public, 7 Timpany's Block. Goddard A., commission and forwarding merchant, Water. Golden M. M., grocer, 31 St. Clair. GOLD PEN MANUFACTORY, E. WALK ER, PROP'R, 150 SUMMIT, THIRD STORY. GOLD PENS ENCLOSED IN A LETTER, WITH 53 CENTS IN STAMPS, OR OTHERWISE, FOR REPOINTING, WILL R E C E I V E PROMPT ATTENTION. E XTR A FINE POINTED PENS FOR BOOK KEEPING KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Goldsmith Gustavus, merchant tailor, rea dy-lmade clothing, &c., 47 Summit. Gorgen John, billiard saloon, 25 Summit. Gove & Carter, carriage manufact'rs, 202 and 224 Summit. Graham P., saloon, 47 Summit. Granger & Brother, merchant tailors, 145 Summit. Grant T., grocery and feed, 64 Monroe. Greener J. C., (colored), barber, 193 Summit. Griffith W. W. & Co., wholesale boot and shoe house, 70 Summit. Gross Heinrich, shoemaker, St. Clair. Hagener E. & Co., cigar manufacturers and dealers in tobacco, snuff, etc., 189~ Summit. Hall E. B., contractor, 158 Summit, second story. HALL, SMITH & CO., PINE, OAK, ASH, BLACK WALNUT AND POPLAR LUMBER, DR E S S E D LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, ETC., ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF WILDER'S PATENT OR ROUND EDGE SIDING, WATER, NEAR FOOT CHERRY. Hall Win., ship smith and jobber, Water. Hamblin Peter, cigar manufacturer and dealer, 163 and 165 Summit. Hamm P. T. & (,o., produce and commis sion merchants, 30 Summit. Hammer Fred., saloon, 39 Summit. Hancock Mrs., boarding, 399 Summit. Hannes George, blacksmith, Washington, co. Perry. Hansen F. & Co., nursery and seedsmen, Tremansville, office Summit. Harbeck J. S. & Co., dealers in stoves, etc., cor. Water and Sycamore. HARGER & KINGSBURY, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WINES, LI QUORS AND CIGARS, RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS OF PURE SPIR ITS AND WHISKY, AND AGENTS FOR DAYTON ALE, 38 MONROE. Harrison Joseph, harness maker, 196 Summit. Harroun & Evans, dentists, 141 Summit. Hasenzahl Wendle, saloon, 195 Summit. HATHAWAY & THORN, DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MANUFARTURERS OF SAW ED SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., FOOT WASHINGTON, ON SWAN CREEK, OPP. RAILROAD DEPOT. Hauser John M., saloon, 225 Summit. Haynes & Moulton, attorneys at law, 131 Summit. Heiming C. B., blacksmith and wagon maker, Summit, near the American House. Henderson F., iron and brass founder. Hennig Fred., grocer, 48 Monroe. Herbauer J., tailor, 395 Summit. Higby Mrs. F. W., fashionable millinery, 79 Summit, up stairs. Higgins M., grocer, Packet Dock. Hilbery George, saloon, 299 Summit. Hill & Pratt, attorneys at law, Timpany's Block. L BITCHCOCK & WILDLER, MANUFAC TURERS AND DEALERS IN DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, PLANED FLOORIN G, SIDING, SHELVING,' ETC., WHITTLESEY, NEAR THE CANAL. Hoag A., boarding, 298 Iluroii. Hoag & Wallridge, produce, forwarding and commission merchants, Water, foot of Madison. Hoehler Charles, hats, caps, etc., Summit. Hofel Jacob, tailor, Summit. Hoffman At., boots an d shoes, 39 1 Summit. Hoffman J. P., grocer, 479 Michigan and 174 Lagrange. Hoffman John M., saloon, St. Clair. Hoffman M., looking glasses, toys. etc., 209 Summit. Holland John, saloon, Summit. Hollenbeck M., cabinet and chair maker, 405 Summit. HOLT & SAWYER, DEALERS IN LIME, WATER LIME AND CALCINED PLASTER, OTTAWA, NEAR OLI VER HOUSE. Hopkins Almon, produce, forwarding and commission merchant, Water, near foot of Adams. Hough & Hall, general dry goods mer chants, 113 Summit. HOWE W. W., PROPRIETOR COLLINS HOUSE, COR. ST. CLAIR AND JEF FERSON. (See card, p. 582.) Howell & Fayette Steam Ferry, foot of Adams, D. Y. Howell, master. Hoyt N., blacksmith, East Toledo. Hunker M., confectionery and fancy goods, 171 Summit. HUNT JOHN E., SR., POSTMASTER. Hunt W. W. & Co., boots and shoes, 147 Summit. Huyck J. H., wholesale and retail grocer, 99 Sulmmit. See advt. of Plymouth House, p. 514. TOL 585 TOL TOL 586 TOL Ingold & Son, cabinet makers and paint ers, 365 Summit. Ishewood W. S. & ~Co., grocers, 71 Summit. Island House, R. P. Angier, prop'r. Jackson Mrs., dress maker, 77 Sum mit. Jackson Asa, Island House saloon. Jackson T., ladies dress trimmings, woolen and variety goods, 169 Summit. Jacobs Frederick, prop'r Hotel Jacobs, cor. St. Clair and Madison. Jacobs Joseph, grocer and fish market, 186 Summit. Johnson & Brown, auctioneers and com mission merchants, 101 Summit. Jones Humphrey, livery stable, St. Clair, near Collins House. Jones W. W., physician and surgeon, 35 Jefferson. Jones & Richey, attorneys, Myers Block, cor. Summit and Monroe Just Ferdinand, billiard saloon, 162 Sum mit. Kapp George, saloon, 393 Summit. Katchein John, saw mill prop'r, East Toledo. Kaufman J., dealer in boots, shoes and leather, 127 Summit. Keeler, Hunt & Co., general dry goods, 75 Summit. Keller Jacob, vinegar manufacturer, 297 Summit. Kelley J. D., saloon, Sixth Lock. Kemp J., blacksmith, St. Clair. Ketcham, Berdan & Co., exchange bank ers, 146 Summit. Ketcham & Barker, wholesale and retail dealers in stoves, house furnishing hardware, etc., 69 Summit, Ketterman John, tailor, Adams. Keysor C. C., commission merchant and dealers in coal, Water. Kilkenney P., prop'r City Hotel, Ottawa. King Brothers, commission, storage and shipping merchants, propr's of T. W. and W. R. R. Elevators, and King's Elevators, foot Madison. Kingsbury H. D., prop'r Kingsbury House, Summit. Kingsley S. S., canal weigh master, Weigh Lock. Kiser Martin, saloon, 101 Cherry. Klinck John G., canal inspector, Weigh Lock. Klives A., saloon, 245 Summit. KLOTZ J. C., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, ETC., 29 SUMMIT. (See card, p. 584.) 1 Knodel Louis, boot and shoe maker, 347 Summit. Knox Charles, general freight agent T. & W. R. R. 115 Summit. Koch J. G., saloon, 51 Adams. Kohler Peter, butcher, 380 Summit. Kraus Jacob, clothing, 65 Summ it. Kraus L., clothing, 61 Summit. Kraus & Smith, exchange bankers, 148 Summit. Landis & Dodd, wholesale booksellers and stationers, printing paper, writing and printinginnks, 115 Summit. Ledten M., shoe maker, Perry. Lee & French, (I. E. Lee & J. J. French), at ttorneys at l aw, office over Exchange Bank. Lenk _Chas., confectioner, 85 Summit. Lenk M Jeter, b rewer, and d ealer in malt, barley and hops, Summiit, n ear Mon roe. Leonardson E., boots and shoes, 57 Sum mit. Levi Henry, butche r, 31 Monroe. Lewis Davis, painter, 345 Summit. Lewis T. & Co., groceries and provisions, 235 Summit, Phoenix Block. Lott J. B., (col.) barber, Perry, near Sum,mit. Love James, clock and watch maker, 111 Summit. Lowat er George, tailor, Summit. Lutz Jacob, boarding house, St. Clair. McCarty Edward, Uncle Tom's Saloon, Lagrange, near Summit. McConnel J. Mll., pork packer, and com mission merchant, 40 Monroe. McCracken L., cooper, St. Clair. McDonald & Hart, blacksmiths, corner St. Clair and Perry. McFaddin Mrs. F., staple and fancy dry goods, millinery, &c., 153 Summit. Machen A. F., attorney at law and notary I pub!ic, 133 Summit. Machen W. H., portrait, landscape and historical painter, 133 Summit. McHenry Henry, grocer, 417 and 419 Summit. McKenna John, merchant tailor and deal er in cloth, 24 Summit, cor. Perry. McKenster John, prop'r Oliver House, Ottawa, near Depot. McKim & Slevin, attorneys at law, 61 Summit. Maix Joseph E., editor and prop'r Weekly Exzpress, (German,) and plain and fancy book and job printer, 43 Sum mit. Mallendick Jacob, shoe maker, Monroe, near St. Clair. Manor John J., attorney at law, U. S. Commissioneri and notary public, Post Office Building. Markscheffel Wm., wholesale and retail grocer, 23, cor. Summit and Perry. Marsh S., vinegar manufacturer, 415 Sum mit. Mason E. D., civil engineer, 181 Summit, -third story. M~athels John, manufacturer cast iron fencing, cor. Orange and St. Clair. See advt. of Remington House, p. 511. TOL 586 TOL t I TOL 587 TOL AND BOILERS, AND IRON WORKS OF ALL KINDS, ALSO AMERICAN HARDWARE, WATER. Obitz A:., saloon, 41 Madison. O'Brien & Poe, wholesale liquors and to bacco, 60 Summit. Oekey John V., U. S. mail agent. Oliver House, John McKenster, prop'r, Ottawa., near Depot. O'Maix G., saloon, 43 Summit. O'Neil Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 82 Summit. O'Neill Martin, canal stable, St. Clair. Orman Peter, barber, 298 Summit. Paine Charles, superintendent Western Division M. S. & N. I. R. R. Paine Elijah, wig manufacturer, 191 Sum mit. Paine John, wig manufacturer, 191 Sum mit. Peck & Ross, druggists, 37 Madison. Perry. Haughton & Co., wholesale and re tail dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, crockery, glassware, &c., 44 and 46 Monroe. Pfisterer John, boarding house, 188 Sum mit. Pheatt G. K.. guns, pistols, &c., 189 Sum meit. Phillips H., Toledo Agricultural Works, and seed store, 58 Summit. Phoenix Ins. Co., T. P. Brown, agent, 158 Summit, second story. Pike L. H., attorney at law and notary public, 131 Summit. Pikerton Joseph, billiard saloon, 184 Sum mit. Plagges J. H. Y., beer saloon, Summit. PLATT H. P. & E. S., ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, 131 SUMMIT. Plumey S., grocer, East Toledo. Poh Conrad, painter. Pomeroy H. B., produce, forwarding And commission merchant, Water. Potter E. D., collector of port, Post Office Buildin lg. Price & Castle, attorneys at law, Myers' Block, cor. Summit andc Monroe. Proff & Co., wholesale hardware, cutlery, fire proof safe agents, &c., 72 Sum mit and 27 Water. Hugh H. D., commission dealer in hides, pelts and leather, 62 Summit. Putnam L. O.,, brick maker, Lagrange. Ragan Edward, grocer, East Toledo. Raisenger A., carpet weaver, 266 Summit. Rall Z., saloon, 246 Summit.' Ralph Lucy S., tailoress, 143 Summit. Rawle Wm., millinery goods, 183 Summit. RAYNER JAMES, POSTMASTER, EAST TOLEDO. Rayner & Skidmore, grocers, East To ledo. RAYMOND, MOULTON organ See advt. of Hivling House, p. 632. ATT 697 ATT N&UN POST OFFICE COUNTY Wilson W. M., abrennan F. R., Brown Wm. E., Christy Rober Clark & Ryan, Conklin P. C., Cornell Wm., jr., Craw Stephen, Gard S. Z., Kinnear W. A., Lewis J. R. k, R. lilefarland N. C., Z*Iartz & Keil, Ililler B. F., Millikin James B. llillikin Thomas, Moore Thomas, ROBERTSONIS s.elley Z. W., asillenhorn J. L., Thomas Alfred, Traber Lafayette, Vanderveer Ferd Williams Israel, awilson John K., Zeller Z. A., Edmonds A. M., Bays,Nlartin, ajones L. C., I%IcNeal Giles, Boys A. S., Collins W. 0 Dorman J. M Hays S. D., Johnson E. L., McDowell J. J., Scott D., Scott WM., Sheaf C.. A., Stoane J., Thompson James Hoster 11. B., Humphrey Van R Read M. C., Calvin S. P., George J. S., Golden F., Hawley C. G., Lee Ralph, Neal R. S., Williams W. R., Dungan & Longbo Fulterton 11. H., Haffman, Mackley Greenville, Darke Hamilton, Butler Hamil4,ou,.But,ler Hamil,t&n, Butler Hamil:toia, Butler Hamilton, Butler Bamilt,&n, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler C., Hamiltou, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hani;lton, Butler Hamiltoit, Butler Hamiltoia! Butler Hamiltori,. Butler Hamilton, Butler AC, Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler nand,, HamiltoD' Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilto,n, Butler Harpersfield, Ashtabula Ifarrisonville, Meigs Hartford, Trumbull Haverhill, Scioto Hillsboro?, Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', HighlaDd 11., Hillsboro', Highland Hudson, Summit Hudson, Summit -Hudson, Summit Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence n, Jackson, Jacks on Jackson, Jackson & Walden, Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Ralida, Putnam Kalida, Putnam Kalida, Putnam Kalida, Putnam McCLUNG T. C., Tripp James, Alleu T. G., Budd A., Dixon John, Gribben J. C., Hardest-y P. W., Welch James W., Welsby D. W ATT 698 A'I'J' NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Richley L. F., I aion, Mari, Uion Shibles James N., Marion, Marion Van Fleet E. S., Marion, Marion Williams John J., Marion, Marion Williams & Johnson, Marion, Marion Coates & Poreter, MIarysville, Union Hamilton & Lincoln, Marysville, Union ROBINSON & ROBINSON, NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Hines G. W., Log Cabin, Morgan Creighton David M., London, Madison Harrison & Warren, London, Madison Hutcheson Robert, London, Madison MaeCloud J. C., London, Madison aMONTGOMERY & TULLIS, London, Madison SMITH HENRY W., London, Madison aJohnson W. T., Loudonville, Ashland Gitchlel James, Loveland, Clermont Paxton T. B., Loveland, Clerniont Bingham & Hamilton, McArthur, Vinton Bratton E. A., McArthur, Vinton Edmonson Wm., McArthur, Vinton Guthrie & Lang, McArthur, Vinton Lacy H. B., McArthur, Vinton McDowe]l J. J., McArthur, Vinton aMacl.key J. T., McArthur, Vinton Stanley T. R., McArthur, Vinton YAPLE & MACKEY. (See card, p. 414.) McArthur, Vinton BOLTIN C., Miamisburg, Montgomery Clay Adam, Miamisburg, Montgomery aBowman S. E., Middletown. Butler Doty L. D., Middletown, Butler aMcClelfdl an d John, Middletown, Butler ADAMS JOHN A., Mnilford, Clermont Cowe An Alle n T., M ilford, Clermon t MELLEN WM. C., M ilford Clermont Bancroft & Vorhes, Millersburg, Holmes Huston J., Millersburg, Holmes Ma xwell J. T., Millersburg, Holmes Reed & Critchfield, Millersburg, Ho lmes Uhl D. S., Millersburg, Holmes Stouder J. H., Millersport, Fairfield aTr avinger C., Millersport, Ftirfield allILL JAMES, Millville, Butler Walker Wm., M illwo od, Knox Moore Alexander, Mlilton, Mahoning Porter Wm., Milton, Maho ing Dobbs J., Montpel'.er, Williams aStauffer D., Montpelier, Williams Elcott J. C., Montra, Shelby Stout E. P., Montra, Shelby Miller A. E., Montville, Geauga aWallaee J. D., Morrow, Warren Cheyney J. C., Mount Eaton, Wayne Contris Charles,. Mount Eaton, Wayne Rees Jacob, Mount Eaton, Wayne aHoffner E. W., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Ada,ms John, Mlount Vernon, Knox Baldwin (C. F., Mount Vernon, Knox aBall C. C., Mount Vernon, Knox Beam-M., Mount Vernon, Knox Cooper Wm. C., Mount Vernon, Knox COTTON & BANE. (See card, p. 454.) Mount Vernon, Knox Curtis & Scribier, Mount Vernon, Knox Dunbar & Banning, Mount Vernon, Knox Irvin & Watson, Mount Vernon, Knox Israel & Devin,' Mount Vernon, Knox McClelland Wm., Mount Vernon, Knox Miller J. K., Mount Vernon, Knox Mitchell M. H1., Mount Vernon, Knox Montgomery D. C., Mount Vernon, Knox Bartley & Johnston, Mansfield, Richland Burneg & Dickey, Mansfield, Richland Carpenter & Gass, Mansfield, Richland Davis & Smith, Mansfield, Rich land' Dirlam & Brinkerlhoff, Mansfiel.d, Richland Jeffries & Shrack, Mansfield, Richland Littley I. W., Mansfield, Richland MIatson & Ayres, Mansfield, Richland May Manuel, Mansfield, Richland Osborn D. N., Mansfield, Richland Purdy & Brinkerhoff, Mansfield, Richland Sherman & Hedges, Mansfield, Richland Smith W., Mansfield, Richlanldn Smith Wm. W., Mansfield, Richland Barclay C. R., Marietta, Washington Buell C. F., Marietta, Washington Buell Frank, Marietta, Washington CLARKE MELVIN. (See card, p. 423.). Marietta, Washington Ewart Thomas W., Marietta, Washington Follett M. D., Marietta, Washington GREEN & DAWES, (See card, p. 424.) Marietta, Washington aNewton Stephen, Marietta, Washington NYE & ALBAN. (3ee card, p. 423.) Marietta, Washington Ward N., Marietta, Washington Anderson James H., Marion, Marion Bartrumrn John, Marion, Marion Bowen Oziais, Marion, Marion DAVID)S JOHN E., Marion, Marion Dows Wm., Marion, Marion Durfee & Scofield, Marion, M'arion Godmaln J. H. & H. C., Marion, Mlariodn Ilull E. H., Marion, Marion Knauipp John R., Marion, Marion Oluist~ead O., Marion, Marion Osborne -Addison, Marion, Marion Pritchard John R., Marion. Marion See advt. of S. D. Frost, Oculist; p. 631. 'ATT 698 ATT .LNIai-ysville, Union Mason, Warren Massillon Stark Massillon, Stark .,Nlassillon, Stark Massillon, Stark ',Nlaumee City, Lucas ,Nl,-tumee City, l,ucas inlaumee City, Lucas Maximo, Stark Metamora, Fult, n Metainor,,i, Fulton aCunnin,,Ii,-tnl R. 11., Foler R. 11., KoLrtliaus J. F., Rease A., 'Und6rhill J. W., acook D. F., afrench Wheeler, YOUNG S. Al., awillard J., Teffany Henry, Umphry E., BOLTIN C., Mia Clay Adam, Mia abowman S. E., Doty L. D., aMeClell.-ind John, ADAMS JOHN A., Cowen Allen T., MELLEN WM. C., Bancroft & Vorhes, Huston J., Maxwell J. T., Reed & Critchfield, Uhl, D. S., St,ouder J. I-I., atr,,tvinger C., allILL JAMES, Walker Wm., Moore Alexander, Port,er Wm., Dobbs J., astauffer D., Elcott J. C., Stout E. P., M'Iler A. E., aWalla(-,e J. D., Cheyney J. C., Cont,ris Charles, Rees Jacob, Butterworth Benjamin, Maineville, Warren Bartley & Johnston, Mansfield, Richland Buriieg & Dickey, Mansfield, Richland Ctrpenter & Gass, Mansfiel.1, Richland Davis & Smith, Mansfield, Richland' POST OFFIOE COUNYY Mount Vernon, Knox Mount Vernon, Knox Mulberry, Clermont NAME POST OFFIOE COUNYY Sapp & Simons, Mount Vernon, Knox Vance & Cooper, Mount Vernon, Knox Elstun Isaac, Mulberry, Clermont aLYM,AN E. 0.,, Milberry Corners, Geauga Choate W. A., Napoleon, Henry Crawford J., Napoleon, Henry Hague S. N., Napoleon, Henry Holly James G., Napoleon, Henry Leach L. D., Napoleonri, Henry McBane S. R., Napoleon, Henry Sheffield E., Napoleon, Henry Tyler J. H., Napoleon, Henryv aarew. ai __rl Daniel Neto Fal,Tubl New Alexandria, Jefferson aFNS1GN E. H., Newton Falls, Trumbull aArven W., Newark, Licking aBodine H, Newtown, Hamilton Atherton G., Newark, Licking aJones Wm. E., Newtown, Hamilton Beekroh Charles B., Newark, Licking aShon C. IV., North Washington, Hardin Blackman & Grasser, Newark, Licking Bishop C., Norwalk, Huron Buckiugham & WIute, Newark, Licking Harrods W. L., Norwalk, Huron Case & Brumback, Newark, Licking Kellogg 0. E., Norwalk, Huron Coman L. B., Newark, Licking KENNAN JOHN, Norwalk, Huron Fallett John I., Newark, Licking Kennan & Stewart, Norwalk, Huron Follett C., Newark, Licking Latimer C. L., Norwalk, Huron Gilbert S. S., Newark, Licking Patrick J., Norwalk, Huron Grasser G.M., Newark, Licking Pen newell G. E., Norwalk, Huron Humphrey Daniel, Newark, Licking Safford & Sawyer, Norwalk, Huron King & Woods, Newark, Licking Shuiler P. N., Norwalk, Huron Smythe & Sprague, Newark, Licking Stickney & Strutton, Norwalk, Huron Stanberry & Kibler, Newark, Licking Strong T. R., Norwalk, Huron aWbite James Newark, Licking Sutton A. G., Norwalk, Huron Wright Geoige I Newark, Licking aWbitbeck John & Brother, allornincr Charles New Bavaria, Henry Norwalk, Huron Davis L ( Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Connelly Isaac, Olivesburg, Ricl land Price I L ew Hagerstown, Carroll Johnson George F., Ottawa, Ottawa BRL TIER & WISDERN, Kraerner A., Ottawa, Ottawa New Lisbon, Columbiana, Budd A., Ottawa, Putnam Brown T. S., New Lisbon, Columbiana Liun J. H., Ottawa Putnam Clarke James, New Lisbon, Columbiana Pomeroy Guy, Ottawa, Putnam Clarke John, New Lisbon, Columbinna MOLLYNEAUX WM. J. (See card, p. hill H. H., New Lisbon, Columbiana 497.) Oxford, Butler POTTEII L. W., New Lisbon, Columbiana aSmith Wm. II., Oxford, Butler Wadsworth & Orr, l3issell & Tinker, Painesville, Lake New Lisbon, Columbiana Doodlittle John T., Painesville Lake WOODS THOMAS S., aFord W. J., Painesville, Lake Fox D. H., New London, Huron Porter A., New London, Hur n Powers R. C., New London, Huron' aJaqua Charles, New Madison, Darke aBerryman Thomas, New Market, Highland Green W., New Metamoras, Washington Harvey L., New Metamcras, Washington B.artilson Al. II, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Crawford A. New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Croxton Win. B., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Hance J. C., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas alloover S., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas aDodge H. H., Perrysburg, Wood Hollenbeck F. & D. K., Perrysburg, Wood Jefferson & Culver, Perrysburg, Wood NMurray James, Perrysburg, Wood Price J. F., Perrysburg, Wood Strain George, Perrysburg, Wood Carey G. W., Perryville, Ashland Cowen Wm., Perryville, Ashland STEARNS HORACE L., Perryville, Ashland Cole George D., Piketon, Pike Green J. J., Piketon, Pike See advt. of Xenia Eye Infirmary, p. 631. ATT ATT 699 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aJones E. D., Piketon, Pike aBUSH H. C., Sandusky, Erie Phelps W. G., Piketon, Pike Cogswell F. W., Sandusky, Erie Reed J. G., Piketon, Pike aFinch John J., Sandusky, Erie Reed W. H., Piketon, Pike Goodwin H., Sandusky, Erie Brown S. E., Piqua, Miami Hendry A. W., Sandusky, Erie Ewing J. M., Piqua, Miami Lane W. G., Sandusky, Erie Jones N. H., Piqua, Miami Lewis Samuel, Sannusky, Erie Green & Ogan, Pleasant, Putnam McLouth O. C., Sandusky, Erie aTingle Joseph, Pleasant, Putnam Mackey J., Sandusky, Erie Miles Isreal, Pleasant Hill, iiami Minor S., Sandusky, Erie aGledden C. E., Poland, Mahoning Reber & Stryker, Sandusky, Erie WHITE JOHN S. (See card, p. 510.) Stone W. F., Sandusky, Erie Polk, Ashland aWheeler S.C., Sandusky, Erie aBURNAP & STANBERRY, Wildman H., Sandusky, Erie Pomeroy, Meigs Spriggs B. F., Sarahsville, Noble Cartwright John, Pomeroy, Meigs Spriggs D., Sarahsville, Noble.. Hanna & Earhart, Pomeroy, Meigs Downey T. C., Scott, Adams Simpson & Lasley, Pomeroy, Meigs Ewick J., Scott, Adams Jump E. C., Poplar, Crawford aTrow John, Scott, Adams Collings J. W., Portsmouth, Scioto Rainie Joseph, Senecaville, Guernsey Crain Martin, Portsmouth, Scioto Thompson James, Senecaville, Guernsey aCURRIE T. S., Portsmouth, Scioto Conklin Jacob S., Sidney, Shelby Glover E., Portsmouth, Scioto Conklin & Mathers, Sidney, Shelby Hutchins & Graffy, Portsmouth, Scioto Coon Madison, Sidney, Shelby McCAUSLEN THOMAS, Smith & Cummins, Sidney, Shelby Portsmouth, Scioto Thompson Hugh, Sidney, Shelby aMcCoy Cornelius, Portsmouth, Scioto Walker & Hale, Sidney, Shelby Moore & Johnson, Portsmouth, Scioto alrvine G. F., Smithfield, Jefferson aTurner George. Portsmouth, Scioto Sturgis Wm., Smithfield, Jefferson Littler James M., Port William, Clinton aWhite John, Smithfield, Jefferson aSmith Isaac, Quincy, Logan HOUSTON HENRY C., Baker W. G., Racine, Meigs South Charleston, Clark Sibley H.L., Iacine, Mleigs McLean Samuel, Springdale. Hamilton Wallar J. L., Racine, MAeigs Anthony & Mitchell, Springfield, Clark Brown & Woodworth, Ravenna, Portage Clarke T.J., Springfield, Clark Conant P. B., Ravenna, Portage Cochran Aaron, Springfield, Clark Harris A. D., Ravenna, Portage Cochran & Brother, Springfiell, Clark Hart A., Ravenna, Portage Hawke John, Springfield. Clark Ranney J. L. & H. C., Ravenna, Portage Henkle S. S., Springfield, Clark Stuart M., Ravenna, Portage Hunt A. N., Springfield, Clark Taylor & Willard, Ravenna, Portage HUNT & HAUKE, Springfield, Clark Emberson H. W., Republican, Darke Keifer & Curtiss, Springfield, Clark aWiggs F. G., Republican, Darke Mason, Bowman & Miason, aChen E., Richland, Richland Springfield, Clark Allaback John, Richmond, Jefferson Miller J. C., Springfield, Clark Myers John, Richmond, Jefferson aMower J. K., Springfield, Clark Marsh L. D., Richmond Center, Ashtabula RICHARDSON & HILL, aHigby L., Ridgeville Corners, Henry Springfield, Clark McCall Henry, Rockville, Adams Shellabarger & Good, Springfield, Clark Mark William, Rocky Hill, Jackson Snider John J., Springfield, Clark Hall J., Rushsylvania, Logan aSpence Geo., Springfield, Clark Sherman T. F., Rushsylvania, Logan Church B. S., STEWART S.C., Saint Charles, Butler Spring Mountain, Coschocton aAmbler P., Salem, Columbiana Andrews & Webster, BOONE JAMES, Salem, Columbiana Steubenville, Jefferson Brooks J. J., Salem, Columbiana McCook G(eorge W., Steubenville, Jefferson aGarrigues R. H., Salem, Columbiana Marsh Roswell, Steubenville, Jefferson aHlanley S.D., Salem, Columbiana Miller & Sherrard, Steubenville, Jefferson Jones H. C., Salem, Columbiana Moody R. S., Steubenville, Jefferson KEN~ETT & AMBLER, Mosgrove O. P., Steubenville, Jeffersonn Salem, Columbiana Oliver John F., Steubenville, Jefferson Laubie P.A., Salem, Columbiana Shane James N., Steubenville, Jefferson aWeaver E. T., Salem, Columbiana Shelley E. A., Steubenville, Jeffers)n Biglow J. G., Sandusky, Erie Stokely S. M., Steubenville, Jefferson See card of George W. Collins, p. 600. ATT 700 ATT ATT 701 ATJ' NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aDOTY READING, Twenty Mile Stand, Warren SimpsoC n J. A., jr., Twenty Mile Stand, Warren aThonipson Isaiah, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Beery G. W., Uppe r Sandusay, Wyandot Rerry Curtis, sr, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot aCBEsRY JOHN. (See card, p. 598. ) Uppe r Sandusky, Wyandot CRAWFORD GEORGE, Upper Sandusky, WyWandot Kirby I. M., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot McKelly & Grisell, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Maddix tlenry, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Mott C. R., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Sears I. D. & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot TYLER P. A., Upper Sa n dusky, Wyantdot aTILLSON OLIVER, Upshur, Preble Burnett J. D., Urbana, Champaign Corwin & B and, Urba na, Champaign aGeiger L., Urbana, CLnhampakign aKELLER T. G., Urbana, C(haimpaign TN1 a ST E. A.M., Urbana, Caulmpaign BIrosgro ve Wm. F., Urbana, ChTampaign Purtlebaugh W. A., Urbana, Charnpaign CYoung & Leedom, Ur bana, Champaign Adrain Garnet, Van Buren, litllcock Alexander J. N., Van Wert, Van Wert CLARK 1. D., Van Wert, Van Wert Depuy P., Van Wert, Van Wert Edson C. P., Van Wert, Van Wert Etmcil R. B., Van Wert, Van Wer t Reid Jo hn H., Van Wert, Van Wert Roberts C., Van Wert, Van Wert Rose O. W., Van Wert, Va,n Wert Scott IV. C., Van WVert, Van Wert aSHtAFFER LYDENHAM, Van-Wert, Van Wert Spears R. C., Van Wert, Van Weft Steele John W., Van Wert, Van Wert Beall W. D., Vermillion, Erie Mason Michael, Vermillion, Erie Clark R., Vernon, Trumbull Anjdrews Geo. W., Wapakonetat, Auglaize Dimnbruff Mi. Wapakoneta, Auglaize JACNSON & BARR. (See card, p. 607.) Wapakoneta, Aiiglaize Novies A. B., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Williams J. S., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Abell A., Warren, Ttumbull Core, Ratcliff & Spear, Warren, Trumbull Curtis B. F., Warren, Trumbull Forrist Burnett, Warren, Trumbull Fuller I. L., Warren, Trumbull King J. D., Warren, Trumbull McLain T. J., Warren, Trunmbull Smit~h & Wood, Warren, Trumbulll Tuttle & Stull, Warren, Trumbull aVVood G. L, W arren, Trumnbull NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY Trainer J. H. S., Steubenville, Jefferson Huyck S. M., Stryker, Williams aSHERlIDAN WM., Jr., Strykor, Williams Geer B. T., Swanton, Fulton - Wales J. C., Swanton, Fulton Hamilton E. C., Symmes' Corners, Butler ADAMS LEONARD, Tiffin, Seneca Hill & Pittenger, Tiffin, Seneca IIORD J. K., Tiffin, Seneca Landon Alfred, Tiffin, Seneca Lang William, Tiffin, Seneca Noble, DeWolf & Noble, Tiffin, Seneca Ogle B. F., Tiffin, Seneca PATTERSON J. M., Tiffin, Seneca Pennington, Lee & Brewer, Tiffin, Seneca Pillar James, Tiffin, Seneca Rowson A., Tiffin, Seneca Steiner J. J., Tiffin, Seneca Stem & Johnson, Tiffin, Seneca Tunison T. C., Tiffin, Seneca Watson & Willard, Tiffin, Seneca Willard Elam, Tiffin, Seneca Stewart J. H., Tippecanoe, Miami aAllen N., Toledo, Lucas Ashley Hon. James MN., Toledo, LucasC Baker & Collins, Toledo, Lucas Bassett & Kent, Toledo, Lucas aBissell Edward, jr., Toledo, Lucas aBissell Henry T., Toledo, Lucas Brown E. N., Toledo, Lucias Camrolbell James D., Toledo, Luc.-s Chase J. A., Toledo, Lucas Clark A. G., Toledo, Lucas Commager Ht. S., Toledo, Lucas Dodge (C., Toledo, Lucas Doyle iNI. B., Toledo, Lucas Este Geo., Toledo, Lucas aGloyd J. M., Toledo, Lucas Haynes & Moulton, Toledo, Lucas Hill & Pratt, Toledo, Lucas Jones & Richey, Toledo. Lucas L-e & French, Toledo, Lucas aM.achen A. F., Toledo, Lucas McKim & Slevin, Toledo, Lu-cas aManor John J., Toledo, Lucas Newton John T., Toledo. Lucas aPike L. If., Toledo, Lucas aPLATT It. P. & E. S., Toledo, Lticat, Price & Caistle, Toledo, Lucas Starr C. C., Toledo, Lucas Tyler & Ray, Toledo, Lucas WAITE %I. R. & R. (See card, p. 583.) Toledo, Lucas aYoung, D. H., Toledo, Lucas Barrel Thos S., Troy, Miami Burgess Geo. D., Troy, Miarni Culbertson -, Troy, Miami Grosvenor D., Troy, Miami Janvier James T., Troy, Miami Morris (., jr., Troy, Miami Ross W. F., Troy, M~iami Smut~set I[. B., Troy, Miamli Thomas & Sellers, Troy, M~iami See Urbana Daguerrean Depot, p. 600. ATT 701 ATT BAK NAMO E POST OFF1CE COUNTY GARDNER d. B., Washington C. IT., Fayette Gardner Mi., Washington C. H., Fayette Rerr S. F., Washington C. II., Fayette Maynard & Pavay, Washington C. H1., Fayette Rush N., Washington C. 11I., Fayette WILLIAMIS M. J., Washington C. FT., Fayette Wlright J. A., Washington C. I-I., Fayette Kinney Coates, Waynesville, Warren aDickson J. II., Wellington, Lorain eaBattin A. H., Wellsville, Colimbiana aREILI,LY J. W., Wellsville, Columbianna Karnes Mahlon, West Alexindri,% Pieble Coombs J., West Elkton, Preble Hornaldy Nathan, West Elkton, Preble capied John, West Point, ColtiAmbiana aDeane, Weymouth, Mledinao Strong John, Wilkesville, Vinton Andrew Jos. D., Williamsport, Pickilway Lowe J. W., Williamsport, Pickaway iu Allen & Pope, Wilmingtonl, Clinton Diboll A. C, Wilmington, Clinton DOAN A. W., Wilmington, Clinton Doan R. E., Wilmington, Clinton i Felfair W. B, Wilmington, Clinton Fisher W. B., Wilmington, Clinton Fuller & Aistip-, Wilminlgtol, Clinton Fuller & Thatcher, Wilniinrgton, Clinton GARDNER GEO. B,., Wilmington, Clinton Harlan &t McKay, Vilmington, Clinton I-Harris C. C., Wilmington, Clinton Linton David, Wilmington, Clinton West J. H., Wilmington, Clintorin Wishard J. R., Wir.chlester, Guerns e y Ferguson A. R., Woodville, Sindusky Seaman J. IK., Woodville, Sanlusky aBonewitz S. R., Wooster, Wayne Dean E. & E. V., Wooster, Wayne Flattery L., Wooster, WalyneL Jeffries & Parson, Wooster, Wayne Rose & Jones, Wooster, Wtiyne Wiley Q., Wooster, Waiyne BARLOW & LAWRENCE, Xenit,s Greene aCarey Hugh, Xenia, Greeine Ellsbery Wm.. Xenia, Greeiie AURISTS AND OCULISTS. (See also Physiceians and Surgeons.) Chillicothe, Ross WILLIAMS E. Chillicothlie, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Knapp G. A., BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. (Confectioners mniarked thus, a.) Akron, Summit Love A., Athens, Atlhens Akron, Summit Burrough R,. & C., Barnesville, iBelmont Ashtabula, Ashtabula Damsel U., Barnesville, Belmont, BAK 702 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Granger & Ilaynes, Z:.ntesville. Multiskingun, eN; A., IZ-tnesville, Mluskingum uilIle N; A.,,Ievle lsiiu J,,ames Geor-ge & Soni. Zaniesville, Mutislkingum L,nre L. D., Z,anesville., in-luskingumrn MIuse,t. W. P., Zanesville, Al tislkinigum O'NealI Jonn, Z,anresville, Multskiniguin aSeboi n F. A., Zanesville,,A us k i ngum Stilwell & Ilazlett, Zanesville, 5NItslkingunm Ta3ylor T. J, Zaniiesville, M.Iuskingum Lewis James, Smith James, Long John C., (See card, p. 214.) .Citcinln:,ti, [ftamilton ClevelaTnd, Cuyatlioga aGrether J. G., McMasters H., aFowler John, BAK 703 BAK~~~~~- POST OFFICE COUNTY Brock J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bruce Ales., Cincinnati, Harnilton aB iuggemann A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Btirkh, tdt F. S., Cincinnati, Itamilton aCaibin Wm. F., Cincinnati, Itaiiiilton CAVAGNA B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aChiappa A. & Co., Cincinnati, Ilamilton Cmlr istie E., Cincintnati, Hamilton Clark N. I-I., Cincinnati, Ha.miilton Cloon P. B. & Co., Cincinnati, H-Iiamiilton Cole J., Cincinnati, lamnilton aCollom John, Cincinnati, H:l.'lllilton a('oiied Joseph, Cinicinlnati, [Illilton Cooper James C., Cincinnati, tlamriiltor Cooper Robert A., Cincinn.ati, Hamiiiilton aCorbett iMlichael, Cincinnati, H;3 iimilton aDa,ty & 13ro., Cincinnati, Ilamilton aDEJ[AND M., Cincin nati, Ilanilton Devoto A., Cincinnati, H,l~mriltorn aD,evoto John B., Cincinnati, Hamniilton aDryer James, Cincinnati, Hnl.iilton Dunholter It., Cincinnati, Halmilton Dunster Wm., Cincinnatr i, Hamilton aEngelhairdt Joseph, Cincinn,,atti, Hatmilton Enigerge F., Cirncinnati, Hamilton Fields R. B., Cincinna, i4ti, Hamilton Filleng Wm., Cincintna-ti, I-Iataiilton aFISCHER WM., Cirncinna,ti, Hatmilton aFricke Frank, Cincinnati, II-.ltliltoni Fritz John, Cicinnatti, ttamilton Galllinger F., Cinicinnti,t, Ila milton aGzattis & Zanone, Cincinnati, Hamilton aG,azollo James, Cincinnati, Hanmilton Gegner John, Citncinnati, Hamilton Gellenbeck & Dutmainn, Cincinnatii, Iltaiyilton Get ze George, Cincinnati, ttamilton aGhiirardelli Jerome, Cincinnati, Hamilton aGinochio D., Cincinnati, [lamilton aGilnochio Louis, Cincinnati, H.amtilton aGirorlldelli John, Cincinnati, H-1amiiilton Golden Isaac, Cincinnati, Itamilton GOODWIN ALEXANDER, Ci ncinnati, Hamilton aGrills G. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Halienmann Charles, Cincinn:-ti, ttamilton Hlailhouser J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aftarberdeny F., Cincinnati, tHamilton flart A., Cincinnati, ttamilton Hartlaub J. V., Cincinnati, Hamxilton aHathaway J. A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton al-ledger R., Cincinntati, Hatmtiilton Heinriclhdorf Otto, Cincinnati, Hamilton alteury Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hlonhouser B., Cincinnati. Hamilton flonhouser John, Cincinnati, Hamilton alHughes James, Cincinnati, Httmilton J ahr B., Cincinnati, l1amilton aJohnson Mrs. W. J., Cincinnati, HtLmilton Jokers MI., Ci ncinnati, ttarilton .J onaRs W m. H., Cinci nn}~ti, Ha.milton aKeppler G~eorge, Cincinnati, H~amilton Barnesville, Belmont B3artlett, Washington Bell Air, Beltiiont Bell Air, Belmnont Bellefontaine, Logan A., Bellefontaiire, Logan Bellefontaine, Log,an Belleville, Richlanid Belleville, Richland Bellevue, Huron Berea, Cuy,,toga Blanchester, Cliniton Bridgeport, Belmont Bucyrus, Ctr[;wford Bucyrtis, Crawford Bucyrus, C.ri-awforid Cadiz, Ha-rrison Cadiz, flrrison Cadiz, I-HIarrisoni Cambridge, Guernsey aBall Anthony. Bellefontaine Lo,,n Case NIrs C., Belleville Riclilincd Flaharty P., Belleville Richland MIurchliell Jacob, Bellevue, Hulon Goette Louis Berea, Cuplhoga o Watkins L. F., Blanchester, Cliuton aFroger Geo., Bridgeport, Belmont aBowniman John J., Bucyrus Ctitwvord Miiller George, Bucyrus, Crawford Russell Isaac, Bucyrns,.,iawfoid aFerguson Samuel - Cadiz, Harrison Findley.\Irs. M., Cadiz, Harrison Rikus John, Cadiz, H-IrrisorH Lindesy Wm., Camb idge, Guernsey McGonagle & Lewis, Cambridge, Guernsey aNoble LI,. H., Cimbridge, Guernsey aSeverns Wrn., Cambridge, Guernsey oFOUTS R. H. & CO., Carrollton, Carroll DuLstin E. C., Centre Belpre, Wa,shingten Inscho D)irl. H., Chathiam, Licking Chai-pnim n John W V., Chillicothe, Ross aDeuselile Emanuel, Chillicothe, Ross Gesle Gotleib. Chillicothe, Ross aRaeiser John, Chillicothe, Ross aKleii ll hilip, Chillicothe, Ross aMarzliuff P., Chillicothe, Ross Ruble W., Chillicothe, Ross Sosman & Burnes, Chillicothe, Ross Aedil George, Cincinnati, Hamilton aAlley Samunel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Anirein B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Angello MI., Cincinnati, IHamilton ARM. HIOLD AUGUSTUS, Cincinnati, Harmilton aAtkins John & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton aAtistin & Smith, Cincinnati, Haumilton aBaicciocco John, Cincinnati, IIHamilton aBacciocco Joseph, Cincinnati, H,amnilt on Bacciocco S., Cincinnati, Ilamilton Badel''Thomas, Cincinnati, H a r milton aBad r-ack Samuel, Cincinnati, HtamiltonH Ba,ilie John, Cincinnati, Itamilton aBeeker August, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBell & C,), Cincinnati, Htmilto dn Bender.Jlolin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bcngel Phillip, Cincinnati, Hamtnilon Bennett C. II., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bennett Thomas D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beitiatms B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBoehni Wmin., ('incinnati, Hamilton Boggeislausen J., Cincinnati, Hamilt on aBonfaniite Samuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBown & Deminig, Cincinnati, Hamilton aB'trizola;ri John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBriggalora C., Cincinnati, Hamilton BAK 703 BAK NAME NAME POST OFFicE COUNTY Eisem,-i n J., Sniith D. V., I Ke,rn Geo., Pr,,telits Wm., aadarns A.,. AAULL A. A. & J. BAK 704 BAK NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY arobinson Mrs. Sarah, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roesch John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roettcher Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rust Hermann, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sabin Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton *aSafdi & Tedeski, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schaufele John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchembri & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmid Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmidt C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchmidt Fedinand, Cincinnati, Hamilton aS honohoff H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchwegmann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchwegmann F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aScintli Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seiter G., - Cincinnati, Hamilton aSimon S., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSMITH DANIELJ., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSmith George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smitt Anithony, Cincinnati, Hamilton Snyder John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSolari Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSolari A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSolimann B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSoyer C. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spreen F. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hlamilton aStevens J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aStookey Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strasser John, Cincinnati, IHamilton Suph Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Taylor John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTopf Otto, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTurney Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vogeding August, Cincinnati, Hamilton aVonderhleide Herman, Cincinnati, Hamtlton Cincinnati, Hamilto n Cineinnati, Itamilton C incin nati, Haimilt.on Cincinr.at.i, Hamilton Cineinnat~i, Hamilton US, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, ttamilton Cincinnati, HImilton Cincinnati, llamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinna.ti, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincin nati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamiiilton Cincinnati, taimiltoln aVonderheide Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWarden Oscar, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weissfioch T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wendland G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWesterkany Henry, Cincinnati, H-amilton aWhite Mrs. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWillmott George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wipking M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWitt H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWittmaii N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton aZanoe J., Cincinnati, Haimilton aZanone & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zimmermann John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brunner & Wardell, Circleville, Pickaway Duncan & Groce, Circleville, Pick. way King C. A., Circleville, Pickaway Mader J. F., Circleville, Pickaway acRick J. W., Circleville, Pickaway Steele & Richter, Circleville, Pickaway aWard John A., Circleville, Pickaway aWittich G. F., Circleville, Pickaway aBaltz F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga iPillenstein -, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bramhall Elbridge, Cleveland, Cuyahog& FOURNIVAL M. P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga BAK -704 BAK NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY anieliolson E anut,ts J,,teo Nuzel Georg aO'Bry,-i ii Nl. aoneto Josep aott Willili apalils Jobn, aPalmet,,i.ry apaneei Jolin Pape B., . PARKFIILL ES, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Ila-milton Cinetnnati, Raiiiilton , Cincinnati, IT.,tniilt.on apeirano A., aperran T., apeters Mrs. & Son aphillips George, Pleil Louis, apodesta John, apodesta L., Poll.-ird J,-tmes, Quentin Hern, araabe Phillip, aramazzoto t., areyti l,ds W m., ariche,lmer M., a.Ttitt er Philip, W,O, Rivard John C., Cincinnati, lia.niilion Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincitinat,i, Hamilt.on Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, flftniilton Cincinnati, -Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnat,i, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton 13A 765 BAK NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aSontag Richard, Dayton, Montgomery aWeatherby Wm. H., Dayton, Montgomery aWelty Frank J., Dayton, Montgomery aWolf W. W., Dayton, Montgomery Wyatt H. & T., Dayton, Montgomery Pauck H. W., Defiance, Defiance Shoemaker & Son, DeGraff, Logan aBausch A., Delaware, Delaware aGentlemnan T., Delaware, Delaware Kurrley F., Delawere, Delaware aMiller M., Delaware, Delaware Crist John.& Co., Delphos, Allen aSmallwood W. K., Dresden, Muskingum Wagner F., Dresden, Muskingum Gould L. G., Eaton, Preble Quinn Joseph W., Eaton, Preble Spotts John, Eaton, Preble Stewart W. D., Finley, Hancock DECANT F. & L., Franklin, Warren Thayer & Son, Franklin, Warren aClapp Theodore, Fremont, Sandusky Graf Frederick, Fremont, Sandusky aHARRIS A. J., Fremont, Sandusky Spriker John G., Fremont, Sandusky Stuben J., Fremont, Sandusky aRuh Henry, Galion, Crawford aColbrish F., Gallipolis, Gallia END PETER, Jr., Gallipolis, Gallia Slagenhauf Jacob, Germantown, Montgomery aStuling Charles, Germantown, Montgomery aBragg G. H., Granville, Licking aLinnel & Hett, Granville, Licking aSpease J. R., Granville, Licking aWalreth J. P., Granville, Lickin g aWood Thomas, Granville, Licking Depoy John, Greenfield, Highland Clark J.R., Greenville, Darke aVantilburgh D. E., Greenville, Darke Emert L., Hamilton, Butler Erensehinder Michael, Hamilton, Butler Henes John- A.,. Iamilton, Butler aHuber Andrew, Hamilton, Butler Huber Philip, Hamilton, Butler Keever John, Hamilton, Butler Mulders Peter, Hamilton, Butler aOetterer Augustus, Hamilton, Butler Reed Charles E., Hamilton, Butler aSanders Brooke, Hamilton, Butler Schunk Gottleib, Hamilton, Butler Schwartz John B., Hamilton, Butler aSeiferd Valentine. Hamilton Butler aCopes Wesley, Hillsboro;, Highland aJenney & Co., Hillsboro', Highland Seymour H. R., Hudson, Summit aCole H.-& L., Ironton, Lawrence aGouder -Wm., Ironton, Lawrence aGreen Mrs. M., Ironton, Lawrence aLUCAS JOHN, Ironton, Lawrence aMcNichols P., Ironton, LaWrence aCHESTNUT 30EIN, Jacksonl, Jackson aMEACHAM &; GIBSON, Jackson, Jackson. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Fretter John, Cleveland, Cuyahog,a aGorharn J. II. & A. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gunther Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hazel Mars. Ann, (col.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga a-teckmaN L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga laeckman Valentine. C leveland, Cuyahoga Loeb Emanuel, Cleveland, Cuyahoa aNIabb Wm. J., FClevelan d, Cuyahoga Michie Alex., C leveland. Cuyahoga aIgould & Nurnsen, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ORTH H. R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSchrink John, Clevelsand, CuyalIoga aStacev Josiah, Cleveland, Cuyahoga WACKERNIAN W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wiser C. G., Cleveland, C uyahoga WOLF LEVI, (ag't) Cleveland, Cuyahora Wolf S., Cleveland, C uyah o ga aButler & Brother, Colum obus, Fra nkli n aDickinson Wm., C olumbus, F rank lin aERLENBUSCH ROBERT, Columbus, Franklin aGoodman Joseph, Columbus, Franklin aHlIATT H. H. L. & BRO, Columbus, Franklin Hoffman Jacob, Columbus, &r.anklin aLATTIMNIER 0. H., Columbus, Franklin aLawson 0. A., Columbus, Franklin Leadley DIrs. Iva R., Columbus, Franklin LINDE,lMANN, RITZE & CO., Columbus, Franklin a~lartin John & Bro., Columbus, Franklin aMASON A. P., Columbus, Franklin O'Hanlan John, Columbus, Franklin aPeake H. L., Columbus, Fra,nklin aRenner Wm., Columbus, FrIoonaklin aWenger F., Columbus, Franklin aZigler James AM., C olu mbus, Fancklin aFritchely. H., Coshocton, Coshocton Scheiker F., Coshoctoni, Coshoton Strausser F., Coshocton, Coslhocton Sygart F., Coshocton, (,oslhocton Lambert Wm., Crest-line, Crawford Loelkes John, Crestline, Crawford aKonkle A..J., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit aAnder ton F. W., Dayton, Montgomery Bauman E., Dayton, Montgomery Bohlender Valentine, Dayton,'Montgomery aBosler J. B', Dayton. Montgomery Bosler T. A., Dayton, Montgomery aD'Arey P., Davton, Montgomery aFelix Josiah, Dayton, Montgomery Goodproad John, Dayton, Montgomery aHeinz Daniel, Dayton, Montgomery Kesling, Dayton, Montgomery Knauer W., Dayton, Montgomery KneierF., Dayton, Montgomery aMarshall R. M., Dayton, Montgomery aOblinger Wm., Dayton, Montgomery Sauer George, Dayton, Mfontgomery Schnabel John L., Dayton, Montgomery aShull D., Dayton, Montgomery 4.5 a a a a BAK 705 13AK I BAK 706 BAK~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aKrons Robert, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Noxon Thomas, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Schoch Charles, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas aSchilling Jacob, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Brookhart Maria, Newtown, Hamilton Difference Michael, Newtown, Hamilton Harrison Wm., Norwalk, Huron a OFFINGER & SUTTER, Norwalk, IHuron Billings James, Oxford, Butler aClute A., Oxford, Butler aCrawford A. E., Oxford, Butler aDemand L., Oxford, Butler aRINGWOOD J. D., Oxford, Butler Rulings James, Oxford, Butler aBarber Daniel, jr., Painesville, Lake aBuys Horatio N., Painesville, Lake aRich M. J., Painesville, Lake aWebb Joh n & Wm., Perrysburg, Wood aBecker L., Piqua, Miami Ceis M e.., Pi qua, Miami aAtkinson George, Pomeroy, Meigs Dilcher Wm., Pomeroy, Meigs aKuederli H., Pomeroy, Meigs RAUSCHFR JOHN C., Pomeroy, Meigs aClewell A. H., Poplar, Crawford Brunn er G. & F., Portsmouth, Scioto aCropper M. V., P ortsmouth, Scioto Gram Jacob, Portsmouth, Scioto Kra ft T. & Co., Po rtsmouth, Scioto aLloyd T. G., Po r tsmo uth, Scioto aMelcher R. L., Portsmouth, Scioto aNOEL & McDOUGAL, Portsmouth, Scioto aPALMER R. E., P ort smouth, S cioto Timmoens M. & S., Portsmouth, S ciot o aYoung L. H., Portsmouth, Scioto aJohnson M. C., Quincy, Logan Hasbrouck E., Ravenna, Portage aClem J. C., Sa int Paris, Champaign aBETZ WM., Sal em, C Clumbiana aBRADSHAW & WEBB, Salem, Columbiana aLease Wm. A., Salem, Columbiana aRittenhouse H., Salem, Columbiana aWhite R. T., Salem, Columbiana Kanzler Jacob, Sandusky, Erie Miller.A., Sandusky. Erie aNeumyer G. B., Sandusky, Brie Berry James, sen., Sarahsville, Noble Alexander Wm., Senecaville, Guernsey Kaho D., Senecaville, Guernsey Carroll & Bro., Sidney, Shelby aMurray Roger, Sidney,-Shelby Nickel Paul, Sidney, Shelby Wikoff Peter C., Sidney, Shelby Grin,shaw J., Smithfield, Jefferson aScatterday A., Somerton, Belmont Griffith Wmn. H., - South Charleston, Clark Berry J. L. & Co., Springfield, Clark Frank A., Springfield,. Clark .aHubble S. R. & Co., Springfield, Clark Hall & Snider, Marietta, Washington ~Miller J. & D., Marietta, Washington Smith James B., Marietta, Washington aWildt Joseph, Marietta, Washington Bishoff Jacob, Marion, Marion Labrich Phillip, Marion, Ma rion Wilson S. & Co., Marion, Marion Nufer A., Maumee City, Lucas Tronele B., Maumee City, Lucas aBlackburn Wm., Mechanicsburg, Champaign aAlexander Alfred, Miamisburg, Montgomery aBeals N. T., Miamisburg, Montgomery -aDeckert C., Miamisburg, Montgomery Kennel Adam, Miamisburg, Montgomery Enos J. G., Middleport, Meigs aBrock.& Vandyke, Middletown, Butler aFoster George, Middletown, Butler Latterner Charles, Middletown, Butler aReiss H., Middletown, Butler '0Stephens Andrew, Middletown, Butler Hoffman G. F., Milford, Clermont Potter John, Millville, Butler Enderes P., Morrow, Warren Ruth Peter, Mount Healthy, Hamilton -Shite Henry, Mount Healthy, Hamilton Beeny R. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Heymas John D., Mount Vernon, Knox -Jackson S. & H., Mount Vernon, Knox aRogers James, Monnt Vernon, Knox -Sproule Joseph, Mount Vernon, Knox Cadwalader Wm., Napoleon, Henry Scott John W;, Nelsonville, Athens aARTHUR WM., Newark, Licking aBrennan & Maker, Newark, Licking Cross Gilbert,~ Newark, Licking Deens H., Newark, Licking See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. BAK BAK 706 POST OFFICE COUNTY POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME abeals N. T,., Miamisburg Montgomery 'k - rt C., Miamisbur Montgomery Kennel Adam, Miamisburg, Montgomery Enos J. G., Middleport, Meigs a]3rock.& Vandyke, Middletown, Butler afoster Georgo, Middletown, Butler .Latterner Charles, Middletown, Butler ,R- eiss H., I Middletown, Butler -Stephens Andrew, Middletown, Butler Roffman G. F., Milford, Clermont Potter John, Miliville, Butler Eluderes P., Tvlorrow Warren Ruth Peter, Mount.Healthy, Hamilton -Shite Henry, Mount Healthy, Hamilton Beeny R. 13.) Mount Vernon, Knox Ileymas John D., Mount Vernon, Knox .Iaekson S. & H., Mount Vernon, Knox arogers James, Monnt Vernon, Knox ,.proule Joseph, Mount Vernon, Knox i'walader Wm., Napoleon, Heurv Scott John-IV,. Nelsonville, Athens AARTHUR WM., Newark, Licking abrennan & Maker, Newark, Licking Cross Gilbert, Newark, Licking Deena H., Newark, Licking Baxter W. E., Newcom,orstown, Ttiscarawas. Worch Sylvester, New,Madison, Darke Reckwine John, New Metamoras, Washington flAN 707 BAN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aFrancis & Tulwider, Urbana, Champaign aGump John, Urbana, Champaign aStanbury E., Urbana, Champaign Strasser George, Urbana, Champaign aKatty Jacob, Wapakoneta, Auglaize aSmi th Charles, Wapakoneta, Auglaize aGetz & Sheierman, Wash ington C. H., Fayette Stengle Martin, Washington C. H., Fayette Stinger Adam, Washington C. H. Fayette Basher Charles,., Waynesville, Warren Gilcher Charles, Waynesville, Warren aWharton Thos. H., Waynesville, Warren aloaugh Mrs. J., Wellsville, Columbiana aStoeltzing Paul, Wellsville, Columbiana aHoover John, Wilmington, Clinton aROTHENHOFER FREDERICK, Wilmington, Clinton Ziegler Geo., Wilmington, Clinton aFernekes J., Wooster, Wayne Trimble J. B., Wooster, Wayne Burk George, Xenia, Greene aDavidson Joseph, Xenia, Greene aHIALL FREDERICK, Xenia, Greene aKLEIN JACOB, Xenia, Greene aMilbourn Wm. M., Xenia, Greene aSoller & Co., Xenia, Greene aGerstle M., Youngstown, Mahoning aPhillips John, Youngstown, Mahoning Reebel Jacob, Youngstown, Mahoning Reebel N., Youngstown, Mahoniag aFOERSTER DAVID, Zanesville, Muskingure Gigar Jacob, Zanesville, Muskingum LESLIE & GUILLE, Zanesville, Muskingum aN~evitt Thos. F., Zanesville, Muskingurm aOshe Jacob & Son, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aKoofman Paden, Springfield, Clark Stinmen G., Springfield, Clark Bord John, Steubenville, Jefferson aBoyer John, Steubenville, Jefferson aCrewson Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson aDivine Mrs. Margaret, Steubenville, Jefferson Draper James P., Steubenville, Jefferson aFelst M., Steubenville, Jefferson aJames D. L., Steubenville, Jefferson aKirkpatrick David, Steubenville, Jefferson aKirkpatrick Mrs. Mary, Steubenville, Jefferion aLashley E., Steubenville, Jefferson aNcCauley John, Steubenville, Jefferson aMcCombs James, Steubenville, Jefferson Nath John, Steubenville, Jefferson Pierce B., Steubenville, Jefferson Pracht John, Steubenville, Jefferson aRobertson Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson aSeybold Lewis, Steubenville, Jefferson aStanley C. & Son, Steubenville, Jefferson aWinn Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson aCrawford W. J., Tiffin, Seneca Snyder D. M., Tiffin, Seneca aMILLER JOSEPH, Tippecanoe, Miami aFox S. E, Toledo, Lucas aiunker M., Toledo, Lucas aLenk Charles, Toledo, Lucas aStahl Mrs. Elizabeth, Toledo, Lucas Worts Mi. C. & Son, Toledo, Lucas aEitel G. S., Troy, Miami aHollis George, Troy, Miami alurley W., Troy, Miami aEspy Thos., Union, Darke Teurpen E. H., Union, Darke Goetz N. F. & V., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Yeutter G., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot BANKERS, BROKERS, AND EXCIANGE DEALERS. Bates G. D. & Co.. Akron, Summit LUTHER, CRALL & CO., Ashla,nd, Ashland McMurchy James, Bantam, Clermont Armstrong Thos., Beallsville, Monroe McLaughlin John, Beamsville, Darke GARDNER THOMAS & CO., Bellefontaine, Logan RUTAN, RIDDLE & CO., Bellefontaine, Logan Fitting F. M., Belleville, Richland Chapman F. & Co., Bellevue, Huron Harkness & Co., Bellevue, Huron Wood B., Bellevue, Huron Booth J. P., Berlin Center, Mahoning Newton Sheldon, Boardman, Mahoning GORMLY JAMES B., Bucyrus, Crawford PAT~ERSON FRANK, Bucyrus, Crawford REYNOLDS GERARD. (See card, page 50.) Bucyrus, Crawford Lyons Robert, Cadiz, Harrison RELIN, WELCH & CO., Cadiz, Harrison Thomas, McCraken & Co., Cambridge, Guernsey Harter, Trumps, Wikial & Co., Canton, Stark Fero P. C., Castalia, Erie Martin Wm., Castalia, Brie Grow H. H., Ch ester, Meigs VALLEY BANK, Chillicothe, Ross .VALLEY BANK,' Chillicothe, Ross ADAE C. F. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Adler David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Barry'Wm. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bepler & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bradley & Kessler, Cincinnati, Hamilton 13AN 707 BAN BAN BAN 708 BAN NAME POST OFFIOE COUNTY PADD,OCK WILLIAM R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Phillips W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ramsay J. B. & Co.., Cincinnati, Hamilton RAPER JOSEPH H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reider Felix, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rieder F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Riegel J. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton ROWE S. S. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shotwell Geo. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton -SINE L. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sledge Geo. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton SMITH J. H. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & Gilbert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Solomons G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stceckle J. N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Straus Tobias, Cincinnati, Hamilton Taylor & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Towle & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tudor John M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ullmann Daniel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Van Ham Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton Waggoner John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weller James M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wightman A. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wigins Samuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton EXCHANGE BANK, i CiLrcleville, Pickaway Marfield's Bank, Circleville, Pickaway Brown Fayette. Cleveland, Cu,:ahoga Crittenden S. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hale E. B.. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lewis G. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Read C. A. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga WASON, EVERETT & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cincinnati, Hamiilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton o., Cincinnati, Hamilton les, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati,, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton , Cincinnati, Hamilton iYER, Cincinnati, Hamilton S. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton i, Cincinnati, Hamilton ., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton ?., Cincinnati, Hamilton ).) Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton EL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton ng Company, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton , Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton a, Cincinnati, Hamilton .15 WEST THIRD, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton J & Co. Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton ES F. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton WICK HENRY & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Williams Geo., Oleveland, Cuyahoga BARTLIT & SMITH, Columbus, Franklin Exchange Bank of Columbus, Columbus, Franklin Miller, Donaldson & Co., Columbus, Franklin Rickly & Brothers, Columbus, Franklin Brown James M., Coshocton, Coshocton Johnson W. K. & Co., Coshocton, Coshocton Ricketts Thos C., Coshocton, Coshocton Alexander Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery Harshman & Co., Dayton, Mo)ntgomery H-farshman & Gorman, Dayton, Montgomery Winters V. & Son, Dayton, Montgomery Ely N. & Co., Delaware, Delaware Lemert Janges L., Dresden, Muskingum Hamilton J. W., East Liberty, Logan Adams, Carlins & Co., Finley, Hancock Birchard, Wheeler & Co., Fremont, Sandusky Nims, Tillottson & White, Fremont, Sandusky 708 BAN ]IAMIF, BROTHERTON Burkam E'G. & Burt, A'G. & Co. Bussing G. H. & Campbell Wm. Clark John W., Davis S. S. & Co Deitsch Jonas, Elliott J. T., ELLIS R., JR., Ervin & Beakes, Evans & Co.' Failis & CO. 'Ferris N. P. & C #Fitzgerald Charl Forse & Stetson, ,xfrank B., rye W. R. A., Moses Simeon', . I moss & Taylor, MOWRY A. L. BAN 7O9 BAN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY STEELE HORACE, Jr., Paindsville, Lake Copwine, Gregg & Co., Piketon, Pike Sargent,:Reed & Co., Piketon, Pike Hall T. K., Poland, Mahoning Daniel &. Rathburn, Pomeroy, Meigs Pennington Wm., Sr., Poplar, Crawford DUGAN THtOS. & Co. (See card, p. 516.) Portsmouth, Scioto Kenney P., Portsmouth, Scioto MEANS, HALL & CO. (See card, p. 518.) Portsmouth, Scioto NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Atwood, Davis & Co., Galion, Crawford Stump John, Germantown, Montgomery CALDWELL & MILLER, Greenfield, Highland Winner & Frizell, Greenville, Darke Peck John P. P., Hamilton, Butler Shaffer, Curtis & Potter, Hamilton, Butler Johnson J. C., Highland, Highland BARRERE & CO., Hillsboro, Highland Kelly W. D., Ironton, Lawrence Burson Joseph, Kennonsburg, Noble Williams Anthony, Kennonlsburg, Noble Cary & Thompson, Kenton, Hardin Martin John D., Lancaster, Fairfield Reimund B. F.. Lancaster, Fairfield BOAKE & E'B'ERT, proprietors Farmers' Bank, Lebanon, Warren PARSHALL WM. F., proprietor Warren County Bank. (See card, p. 398.) Lebanon, Wa,rren Carrothers James, Lexington, Richland Pillars I. S. & Co., Lima, Allen AINSWORTH H., Lodi, Medina Higbee J., Lodi, Medina Taylor J., Lodi, Medina Sturges E., M Aansfield, Richland Patten & Wallace, Marion, Marion Reed J. S. & Co., Marion, Marion YOUNG S.M., M aum ee City, Lucas Deyo John H., Miami, Hamilton Cassady M., Miamisbur g, Montgomery Dickey, Wolverton & Co., Middletown, Butler Oglesby & Barnitz, Middletfown, Butler Brown, Enos & Co., Millersburg, Holmes Lotidenback John, Millerstown, Champaign Nicolet Emanuel, Mount Eaton, Wayne Russell, Sturges & Co., * Mount Vernon, Knox Penny Geo. W., Newark, Licking McCoy & Sons, New Lisbon, Columbiana Robinson Elihu, New London, Huron Jaqua C., New Madison., Darke Vinton & Son, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas BAKER, KITTREDGE & CO., Norwalk, Huron Booth 0. W., Oxford, Butler Freeman Warren, Oxford, Butler Kumiler Elias, Oxford, Butler PIKE E. S. & BRO., Painesville, Lake Vinton L. P., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Robinson, King & Co., Ravenna, Portage Dick David R.. Ross, Butler Thomas & Greiner, Salem, Columbiana Thranthran James, Senecaville, Guernsey Carey John W., Sidney, Shelby McElroy Hugh, Sidney, Shelby LEETCH JOHN, Stubenville, Jefferson Noble D.,. Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Reding John, Symmes' Corner, Butler Shawhan & Sheath, Tiffin, Seneca Tomb, Huss & Co., Tiffin, Senaca Clark W. W. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Ketcham, Berdam & Co., Toledo, Lucas Kraus & Smith, Toledo, Lucas Mortgridge C. C., Unionville Center, Union Davies & Bailey, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot SOWLES D. W., Urbana, Champaign Stott R., Van Buren, Hancock Emerson C., Van Wert, Van Wert Freeman, Hunt & Co., Warren, Trumbull McLain T. J. & Son, Warren, Trumbull Evans -, Waynesville, Warren Stokes & Harris, Waynesville, Warren McCULLOUGH &-CO>, Wellsville, Columbiana Rick P., West Alexandria, Preble BLASER & MASTERS, I Wilmington, Clinton FIFE W. C. & Co., Wilmington, Clinton Sturges, Stibbs & Co., Wooster, Wayne Nunnemaker & Allen, Xenia, Greene Wick, Bros. & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Franklin Banking Co., Zanesville, Muskingum GATTRELL & BROWN, Zanesville, Muskingum BANKS. Farmers' Branch State Bank, Farmers' Bank, Cambridge, Guernsey Ashtabula, Ashtabula Stark County Bank, Canton, Stark Athens Branch State Bank, CHILLICOTHE BRANCH STATE BANK,. Athens, Athens Chillicothe, Ross BELMONT BRANCH STATE RANK, Ross County Branch State Bank, Bridgeport; Belmont Chillicothe, Ross IHarrison Branch State Bank, Bank of the Ohio Valley, Cadiz, Harrison Cincinnati, Hamilton BAN 709, 13AN 0 0 .~ ~ E 1 E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Farmers' Branch S tate Bank, Mansfield, Richland Marietta Branch State Bank, Marietta, Washington Bank of Mariaon, Marion, Marion Me r chants' Ban k of Massilon, Massillon, Stark Union Branch State Bank, Massillon, Stark Mount Pleasant Branch State Bank, Mount Pleasant, Jefferson Kno x County Branch State Bank, Mount Vernon, Knox NORWALK BRANCH STATE BANK, Norwalk, Huron Bank of Geauga, WPainesville, Lake Piqua Branch State Bank, Piqua, Miami Portsmouth Branch State Bank, Portsmouth, Szioto Portage County Branch State Bank, Ravenna, Portage Fa rmers' Branc h State Bank, Ripley, Brown Farmers' Branch State Bank, Salem, Columbiana Sandusky City Bank, San dusky, Erie Mad River Valley Branch State Bank, Springfield, Clark Jefferson Branch State Bank, Steubenville, Jefferson Seneca County Bank, Tiffin, Seneca Toledo Branch State Bank, Toledo, Lucas Miami County Branch State Bank, Troy, Miami Champaign County BRaik, Urbana, Champaign Western Reserve Bank, Warren, Trumbull Guernsey Braach State Bank, Washington, Guernsey Wayne County Branch State Bank, Wooster, Wayne Xenia County Branch State Bank, Xenia, Greene MAHONING COUNTY BANK, Youngstown, Maboning Franklin Bank, Zanesville, Muskingum Muskingum Branch State Bank, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME ~OST OFFICE COUNTY City Bank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Commercial Bank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Franklin Branch State Bank, Cincinnati, HamiltoR Mechanics' and Traders' Branch State Bank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Savings Bank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pickaway County Bank, Circleville, Pickaway Bank of Commerce, Cleveland, CuyahogaM City Bank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Commerci al Branch State Bank, C levelan d, Cuyahoga Forest City Bank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga MERCHANTS' BRANCH STATE BANK, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wo ol Growers' Bank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga City Bank, Columbus, Franklin Clinton Bank, Columbus, Franklin ExtCehange Branch State Bank, Columbus, Franklin Franklin Bank, Columbus, Franklin Fr anklin Branch State Bank, Columbus, Franklin State Bank of Ohio, Columbus, Franklin Summit County Branch State Bank, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Dayton Bank, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton Branch State Bank, Da yton Montgomery Miami Valley Bank, Dayton, Montgomery Bank of Delaware, Delaware, Delaware Delaware County Branch State Bank, Delaware, Delaware Preble County Branch State Bank, Eaton, Preble Lorain Branch State Bank, Elyria, Lorain Franklin Bank of Portage County, Franklin, Warren IRON BANK OF IRONTON, Ironton, Lawrence Hocking Valley Branch State Bank, Lancaster, Fairfield Logan Branch State Bank, Logan, Hocking BBEEF AND PORK PACKERS AND DEALERS. Haughey John, Bowers-ille, Greene Brown Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hilton Benj., Brunersburg, Defiance Buckingham & Mathers, Smith & Dill, Buckeye Cottage, Perry Cincinnati, Hamilton Shanks S., Cadiz, Harrison Cassard Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Daws M., Castalia, Erie Coffin & McWhinney, Parker Lewis & Bros., Cincinnati, Hamilton Center Belpre, Washington Coleman Jno. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams C. A. & Co., Culbertson C. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Chester Hill, Morgan DAVIS CHARLES & CO., Baker Abraham, Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Marfield John, Chillicothe, Ross DAVIS S., JR., & CO., Beatty James & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton BEE 710 BEE 0 BEL 711 B EL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Dominick Geo. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Evans & Pattison, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fiedeldey J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Florer N. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton GARDNER, PHIPPS & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton GERARD JOHN H. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Haughton &Reid, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hieat & Woods, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacob C. & L, Cincinnati, Hamilton JACOBS CHARLES, JR., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keck & Shaffer, Cincinnati, Hanmilton Kestner George R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lane George, Cincinnati, Hamilton POST OFFICE COUNTY (See card, p. 310.) Deep Cut, Auglaize Dres den, Muskingum D'unbarton, Adams East Liberty, Logan Edgierton, Williams Fre ont, Sandusky Granville, Licking Kennonsburg, Noble Mansfield, Richland Massillon, Stark Massillon, Stark Middlepprt, Meigs Milford, Clermont Millersburg, Holmes Morrow, Warren Mount Eaton, Wayne New London, Huron New London, Huron New Madison, Darke New Madison, Darke New Paris, Preble Keck & Shaffer, Cincinnati, Haniilton Gr. ilrhr,Hle Kestner George R., Cincinnati, Hamilton RE AI,Mro,Wre Lane Ge-orge, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ha rn, MutEtn an LEIGHTON E. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton McKEEHAN & EVANS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Magill James, Cincinnati, Hamilton. Michener Israel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mitchell & Ladd, Cincinnati, Hamilton Morrison, Cordukes & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nye Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nye John C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Orum Morris, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rawsons J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rice John & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rocap & Farrelly, Cincinnati, IHamilton Royse Southwell, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schooley & Stephen, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shafer & Ziegler, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shays John W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spence Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stephen C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Swift, Evans & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton WANN C. & T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wanzer, Ladd & Co.. Cincinnati, Hamilton White Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams & Reed, Cincinnati, Hamilton Williamson Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Arnold P.R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CHAPIN H. M. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CORNELL D. H. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Melhinch Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Robinson & Oviatt, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rose & Brother, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sprague George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cook James, Collinsville, Butler McGOWAN D., Steubenville, Jefferson McDermott John, Stockport, Morgan Thomas J. D., Stockport, Morgan Barber & Cole, Stryker, Williams Carle John, Symmes' Corner, Butler Symmes James R., Symmes' Corner, Butler HUBER F., Tippecanoe, Miami McConnel J. M., Toledo, Lucas Wing, Elliott & Co., Toledo, Lucas Loomis L. S., Vermillion, Erie Turner James, Wellsville, Columbiana Fosnock H., West Alexandria, Preble Jones John, West Alexandria, Preble BELTING, (GUM AND LEATHER.) BRADFORD JAMES & CO. (See card Kennell G. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton opp. index to cities, towns and vil- LATIMER, COLBURN & LUPTON. (See lages.) Cincinnati, Hamilton card opp. front cover.) GOW & SHARP. (See card, p. 712.,' Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Barney & Cowerdy, Sandusky, Erie BEL 711 BEL NAME PICKRELL A. J. BLA 712 13LA SUPERIOR OAK - TANNED LEATHER BELTING PACTORY. Manufacturers of OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELTING hND HOSE, At their.Old Stand, No. 65 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O., Beg leave again to recommend to their customers and friends, their Steam Power Machine-Stretched Oak-Tanned Leather Belting, for all kinds of Machinery. and will warrant their make to be superior to any other manufacture, and unsurpassed in quality, strength, and durability, by any other Belting whatever, no matter where made. Orders by Mail or otherwise will receive prompt and personal attention. GOW & SHARP, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th stories, No. 65 Walnut street, Cincinnati, O. BLACKSMITHS. POST OFFICE COUNTY Abbeyville, Medina, Acadia, Allen Acadia, Allen Ada, Hardin ., Adamsville, AMuskingum Adamsville, Muskingum Adario, Richland Adena, Jefferson ithi: Adelphi Ross Adelphi, Ross Adelphi, Ross Adrian, Seneca Adrian, Seneca Adrian, Seneca Adrian, Seneca Bro., Adrian, Seneca Adrian, Seneca Adrian, Seneca Albion, Ashland 1, Albion, Ashland :Snoots John C., Adamsville, Muskingum Ramsey E. B., Adrio, Richand Cortwright V., Adena, Jefferson Tomlinson & Smith, Adelphi Ross Davis Wm. F., Adelphi, Ross Siders Sameel, Adelphi, Ross Baird Robert, Adrian, Seneca Crooks J. & H., Adrian, Seneca Moody James, Adrian, Seneca Naith E., Adrian, Seneca, Pringle G. W. & Bro. Adrian, Seneca Scott D. A., Adrian, Seneca Vetter Adam, Adrian Seneca ('aster Samuel, Albion, Ashland Halsberry David, Albion, Ashland Yoe P.,: Alexandersville, Montgomery Battie A. J., Alexandria, Licking BLA 712 ]B,ILA 1. NA31B Pfoe G eorge, Deh,,trt Jacob, Debart Wm. P., Oyler D., t,3noots J. A. & NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Cook John, Freeman George, Lyle Harrison, Miller James, MeMary & Moore, Barker E., Christy P., Flake J., Grundy G., Wilbur A., D.oups George, Riley L" Hubbard Bela, Kyle R., Stine David, Van Camp Thomas, Groves John Eastma,n James P., Penn Owen,, Steward Basil, Bowers H. H.,, Bowers Joseph, Reas,er John T., Allensville, Vinton Allonsville, Vinton Allensville, Vinton Allensville, Vinton Alliance, Stark Amelia, Clermont Amelia, Clermont Amelia, Clermont Amherst, Lorain Amlferst,, Lorain Amity,. Knox Amity, Knox Amsterdam, Jefferson Amsteroam,'Jefferson Amsterdam, Jefferson Amsterdam, Jefferson, Annapolis, Jefferson Antioch,'Alonroe Antioch, Monroe Antioch, IVIonroe Antrim.,. Guernsey Antwerp, Paulding Antwerp, Paulding BLA 713 BLA ~ POST OFFICE COUNTY Beck, Bell Air, Belmont Rowles N. H., Bell Air, Belmont Dowell & Kemper, Bellefontaine, Logan Johnson Robert, Bellefontainre, Logan Shepler Joun D, Bellefontaine, Logan Stokes Jacob, Bellefontaine, Logan Baker Isaac, Belleville, Richland Nickesson IT., Belleville, Richland White John, Belleville, Richland Davison Eli, Belpre, Washington Donovan S., Belpre, Washington Mo rison C. M., Belpre, Washington Simmonds James, Belpre, Washington Wood R., Bennington, Morrow Decamp & Wright, Bentonville, Adams Lythe & Sons, Bentonville, Adams Dorland D. M., Berea, Cuyahoga Korns John, Berlin, Holmes Lewis & Cullor, Berlin, Holmes Bartlett C. L., Berlin Center, Mlahoning Hanning B., Berlin Heights, Erie Loomis P. K., Berlin Heights, Erie Smith H. P., Berlin Heights, Erie Young Robert, Berlin Heights,'Erie Gardean S. J., Berne, Noble Phillips Job, Berne, Noble CaIdwell John B., Berwick, Seneca Lieren Peter, Berwick, Seneca Curry A., Bethany, Butler Lytle J., Bethany, Butler Ilunt & Boganrife, Big Plain, Madison Chase Wm., Bissell's, Geauga Barrows B., Black Creek, Holmes Zolers John, Black Creek, Holmes Metter B., Black Jack, Hocking Shanks George, Black Lick, Franklin Forbs John. Black River, Lorain Perap,ile John, Black River, Lorain Phipps C. A., Black River, Lorain Eddingfield & Thomas, Bladensburg, Knox Hartapee Daniel, Bladensburg, Knox iHartapee Wilson, Bladensburg, Knox Mercer Levi, Bladensburg, Knox Cleland L., Blanchester, Clinton Goodwin Robert, Blanchester, Clinton McKimmey E. J., Bloomfield, Jefferson Proviance John, Bloomfield, Jefferson Squire Jeremiah, Blue Ball, Butler Brown H. B., Bolivar, Tuscarawas Clark T., Bolivar, Tuscarawas Fetters A., Bolivar, Tuscarawas Fold Jeremiah, Bolivar, Tuscarawas Gilbert Valentine, Bolivar, Tuscarawas Savercoale J., Boston, Summit Dillon Jesse, Bournevillei Ross Edmiston Stewart Bourneville, Ross O'Neal Lewis, Bourneville, Ross Barr Peter, Bowersville, Greene Stewart J. C., Bowersville, Greene Craig John, Braceville, Trumbull Elwell A., Braceville, Trumbull Rowles & Smiley, Bremen, Fairfield Numan Wm., Bridgeville, Guernsey BLA 713 BLA NAME NAME POST OFFICE ICOUNTY Stevens R. B., Burnside Dudley, McCown John, Allspack 11. B., Kohl J. S., Tippett H., Wenger J., Dorney Robert, Gibs0n W nl,. Ililderbi-ant J,,icob Harrison & Mills, Hoisington D. B., Runkle Isa,-tc, Rutter Capendu Antwerp, Paulding Apple Grove, Meigs Apple Grove, Meigs Appleton, Licking A - pleton, Licking p Appleton, Licking Appleton, Licking Arlington,,Hancock Ashland, Ashland Ashland, Ashland Ashley, De,',.,iwa,re Ashtabula,, Asht,,ibul-i Ashtabula, Ashtabula ht,,ibul,,t, A,shtabul,-t At.b,,i,lia, Lawrence Atb. —ilia, Lawrence At,beDs, Athens Athens, Athens Atlas, Belmont Attic,,i, Seneca Attica, Senect Attica, Seneca At,t,ic,,i, Seneca Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Auburn,, Geauga Auburn, Geauga A uburn, Geauga Auburn, G e,,t u g a Augusta, Carroll Augusta, Carroll Aurora, Portage tinbti.rg, Asbtfbula tinb:urg, Ashtabula tinl)urg, Ashtabula Avoia, Lorain A von, Lorain Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain yersville, Defiance altirnore, Fairfield altimore, Fairfi.eld Bantam, Clermo'nt Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clerrkiout a nesvi'Ile, Bel ont arnesville,, Belmont arnesville, Belmont arnesville, Belmont artlett, Washington Bascom Seneca Bascom, Seneca ayard, Columbiana Beallsville, Alonroe Beaver,- Pike Beaver, Pike Bell, Highland Bell, Highland .Nliller I)-,ivid, Osboril' W Crippen 11 Todi-ow E., Johns Jackson, Engleli.-ir L John, HI'li-b.-iugli Joseph, RiDgle John, Swallie Stephen, Garter James, Hart J., Hobert J., Strickburger L., Strong N., Freeman G., Pe,,tbod George A.. Pickering James, Wood Charles, Asbbroot John & Son, Clinton Wm., Thompson J. S., Barnum Aus Preston M. O., Aus Russell L.,. Aus Hewitt Philip, Mitchell John, ,9,,twyer David L., Winter A., Zens John, Ne,,tl BeDj.-,tuIain Oliver, W. W., Van Ginder & Sance, Ely John'L., AlcMillen Dunc,,in, Swick'Wm." Wilson Josiah, Crozier Robert,, B Frances J. B., B klorrow V. R. B Parker James: B Brill E., B Esler John B., n ra j. lo t are George, Bates'jacob, B King &, Huffman, Sprangler P., Sponn Lewis, McClure Robert Saylor George, BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Derr G. G., Canal Winchester, Franklin Oannon C., Canal Winchester, Franklin Willi ams F., Canal Winchester, Franklin Hartman J., Canf ield, Mahoning Martin Jno. L., Car lisle, Noble Mowrer Samuel, Ca r lisle, Noble McKee Wmi., Casstowsl, Miami Rogers C. P., Casstown, Miami Seice G. G., Casstown, Miami Smock. G., Casstown, Miami Adams Wm., Cassville, Harrison Johnson Wesl ey, Cassville, Harrison D u tch er R., jr., Castalia, Erie Dut cher R r., s., Castalic, Erie Chance James, Catawba, C lark Dickey R. G., Catawba, C lark Layborn H., Catawba, Cl ark McClintock L., Catawba, Clark Martin Wm. H., Catawba, Clar k Stipes Thomas, Ca t awba, C lark Huffman Wm., Cedarville, Greene Owens & Co., Cedarville, Greene Higgins Thos., Centerburg, Knox Braund W. A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Grane R., Chagrin Falls, C uya hoga Bradshaw W. S., Cheshire, Ga llia Shuster Ja mes H., Cheshire, Gallia Taylor Isaac, Cheshire, Ga llia Walker Isaac, Cheshire, Galia Ames M., Chester Cros s Roads, Geauga Mer ri ll E. H., Chester C ross Roa ds, Geauga Ki n g Geo. G. & Son, Chester Hill, Morgan Patters on F. & E., Chester Hill, Morgan McCracken C. W. & Bros., Chesterville, Morrow Grine r B., Cheviot, Hamilton McIlvain, Che vio t, Hamilton Blackburn R. A., Chi llicothe, Ross Burkline J., Chillicothe, Ross Gartner G., Chillicothe, Ross Graves James, Chillicothe, Ross Keiser John, Chillicothe, Ross Lyme Charles, Chillicothe, Ross McVicker Alex., Chillicothe, Ross Schmitt & Grieschimer, Chillicothe, Ross Thompson O., Chillicothe, Ross West A. W., Chillicothe, Ross Bartdorf Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Beard G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bell Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bellew & Burdieh, Cincinnati, Hamilton Borger Wendel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brantel Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brinkman P., Cincinnati,!amilton Callaway Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Clarke John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cope & Hale, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eaganar Henry, Cincinnati. Hamilton Dodt & Kipp, Cincinnati, Hamnilton Dorman F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Felix G. M., Cinncinati, Hamilton Fischer John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fischer Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Gillett 0., Brighton, Lorain Ingram S.D., Brighton, Lorain Jones R. F., Brighton, Lorain Litchfield F., Brighton, Lorain Burnett K., Brimfield, Portage Jones O. S. Brimfield, Portage Fouts B. F., Bristol, Morgan Talbott Thomson, Bristol, Morgan Vanfossen J. W. & Bro., Bristol, Morgan Sarn Jacob, Broken Sword, Crawford Purdy Martin, Bronson, Huron Spencer N. S., Bronson, Huron Bermer Peter, Brookfield, Trumbull Clark L. W., Brookfield, Trumbull Crastley F., Brookfield, Trumbull Graves Johnson, Brookfield, Trumbull Gray HI. S., Brookfield, Trumbull Mepersmith B., Brookfield, Trumbull Spencer James, Brookfield, Trumbull Clark James, Brooklyn, Cuyahoga Riedle George, Brooklyn, Cuyahoga Schmale Sylvester, Brooklyn, Cuyahoga Faxon Hiram, Brownhelm, Lorain Flure J. M., Brownhelm, Lorain Glass Robert, Brownhelm, Lorain Miller Peter, Brownhelm, Lorain Walters Charles, Brownhelxn, Lorain Shreve James, Buchanan, Perry Pherson J. H., Buckeye Cottage, Perry Ossman Philip, Bucyrus, Crawford Schaffiler, Bucyrus, Crawford Jackson W., Buffalo, Guernsey Stratton N., Buford, Highland Ensign E. B., Bundysburg, Geauga Carlton John, Burton, Geauga Charter S., Burton, Geauga Hevendeen James, Burton, Geauga Hoff Lawrence, Burton, Geauga Kisvusly D., Butler, Richlaind Waschance, Butler, Richland Thomas James, Byron, Greene Wilson W. R., Byron, Greene Laizure E., Cadiz, Harrison McConnell & Co., Cadiz, Harrison Slemmons M. G., Cadiz, Harrison Graham John, Cadiz Junction, Harrison Bean John R., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Sloe Henry B3., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Ball Parlon, Calais, Monroe Goodhart J. H., Calais, Monroe Shaklee S., Calais, Monroe Busher Solomon, Camba, Jackson Davis David, Camba, Jackson Head G. W., Camba, Jackson How Franklin, Camba, Jackson Wilson Timothy, Camba, Jackson Doniver J., Cambridge, Guernsey McConnehey Robert, Cambridge, Guernsey Zahnizer Mi. Cambridge, Guernsey Brown David D., Camden, Preble McGriff James, Camden, Preble McGriff John,. Camden, Preble Jentes G., XCanal Dover, Tuscarawvas BLA 714 BLA 715 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Laraway & King, Claridon, Geauga Newel l L.W., Claridon, Geauga Root S., Claridon, Geauga Garison H., Clarksburg, Ross MHaddux R., Clarksburg, Ross Canaan Joseph, Clarkson, Columbiana Casebeer Sam uel, Clarkson, Columbiana Louthan Moses, Clarkson, Cumbiana Henbley Fred, C Clayton, Montgomery Troxel C., Clayton, Montgomery Jackson S., Clear Creek, Fairfield Kymer J., Clear Creek, Fairfield Wolf Isaac, Clearport, Fairfield Bowers H en ry, Clement, Hancock Pool G. W., Clement, Hancock Shoemaker John, Clement, Hancock Ada am s Samuel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Benn et t & Re dhead, Clev61and, Cuyahoga Bl ack Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bragg B. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Burk James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hoffman Frederick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga How ell Richard, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kelley James, C leveland, Cuyahogan Kilwer John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Leona rd Patrick, Clevel and, Cuyahoga Ma rshal l, Gabriel & Co., Cleveland, CuyahogaMasters Edgar, C leveland, C uya hoga Murphey John Ia, Cleveland, Cuyahog Preckel John, Clevel a nd, Cuyahoga Reimes Jo hn, Cleveland, C uya hoga Scheuner F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith Frederick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Waldron James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wheller B. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wheller J.A., Cleve land, Cuyahoga Wilkes & Gabriel, Cleveland, Cuyahogba Willows T., Cl eveland, Cuyahoga Byers David, Cleves, HamiltonEckman Henry, Cleves, Hamilton Hushvarger J. G. & Co., Cleves, Hamilton Quick James, Cleves, Hamitlon Deel Henry, Clifton, Union Zemmerle Jas. H., Clifton, Union Cain John, Clinton, Summit Myers George, Clinton, Summit Furgerson J. M., Clintonville, Franklin Wright R., Clyde, Sandusky Kennedy James, sr., Coberly's, Union Kneppon J., Cdberly's, Union Blarney J., Cochran's Landing, Monroe Eller D., Cochranton, Marion Mlahan Isaac, Cochranton, Marion Gilkeson Robert, Coif sville, Mahoning Kemmel William, Coitsville, Mahoninig Dininger L., College Hill,'Hamilton Kirkpatrick John, Collinsville, Butler Murphy & Britten, Collinsville, Butler Esper J., Columbia Center, Licking Crawford D., Columbiana, Columbiana Freed B., Columbiana, Columbiana Groner J., Columbianla, Columbiana Harel D., Columbiana, Columbiana NAME POST OFFICE ICOUNTY Galvin M. & T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Garbrock Caspar, Cincinnati, Hamilton Giger George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gosling Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton GRAHAM CHAS. & BRO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamlin & White, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hapgood L. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman & Caspan, Cincinnati, Hamilton Houseman F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jones Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kendall U. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton King Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kreinburg John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Linebaugh Samuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Linnenkohl J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton McCormick James, Cincinnati, Hamilton NIcKune Luke, Cincinnati, Hamilton McMullen & Burkick, Cincinnati, Hamillon Megule Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Menke J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Metin Edwin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moore Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nehouse M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nichol James, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Connell IMichael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pahner F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Phalen Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Purser J ohn, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ratclift Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rocap James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Russell Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ruthman George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ryan & Wesley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sander D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schafras Antonio, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shorer John G., Cinc innati, Hamilton Slofield & Russell, Cincinnati, Hamilton SPARKS & TULLIS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stevens I. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stevens J. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stradtmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weddel A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wendt H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wensel Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weust C., Cincinnati, Hamilton White James & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Widdel A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Winall George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolfington S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Young C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Young Phillip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Foresman W. K., Circleville, Pickaway Hidges J. D. & J. H., Circleville, Pickatway Huber J. H., Circleville, Pickaway Moss M., Circleville, Picksway Robins H. M., Circleville, liickaway Spangler N., Circleville, Pickaway Weller J.... Circleville, Pickaway Baker John, Claridon, Geauga Colister Wmn., Claridon Geauga BLA 715 BLA BLA FNAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Siefferman Nathaniel, Dayton, Montgomery NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY WVilson John, Columbiana, Columbiana Clayha,ue James, Columbus, Franklin Gugle Lawrence, Columbus, Franklin Hempsted E., Columbus, Frankl in Litchford F., (col.) Columbus, Franklin Morris Daniel, Columbus, Franklin Morris & McKelvy, Columbus, Franklin Nicholas Peter, Columbus, Franklin O'Neil Thos., Columbus, Franklin Rushmer John, Columbus, Franklin Schart Jno. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Schreyer G., Columbus, Franklin Shory Charles, Columbus, Franklin Thompson Thos., Columbus, Franklin Trimmer A. P., Columbus, Franklin Maldsmith John, Columbus, Franklin Wilson A., Concord, Lake Halabey A. H., Conesville, Coshoton Elliott Johh R. Congress, Wayne Sheppard John, Congress, Wayne Guthrie James S. Conneaut, Ashtabula Jones Bradford, Conneaut, Ashtabula Caldwell Johii, Constantia, Delaware Caldwell J. W., Contreras, Butler Haydon J., * Contreras, Butler Wilt Jacob, Convoy, Van Wert Dritz J., Coolville, Athens Kines J. T., Coolville, Athens Sherman B. L., Coolville, Athens Ferrian John, Coshocton, Coshocton Fritz A., Coshocton, Coshocton Layman James, Coshocton, Coshocton Shaffer E., Coshocton, Coshocton Frederick John H., Covington, Miami Gross C., Covington, Miami Hardman D., Covington, Miami Shellaber A., Covington, Miami Gordon John, Cranesville, Paulding Hann John, Cranesville, Paulding Berchiker John, Crestline, Crawford Liedich H., Crestline, Crawford Stoner Micheal, Crestline, Crawford Vogel Charles, Crestline, Crawford Hayes James, Dalton, Wayne Marshall Thomas, Dalton, Wayne Tanner A., Dalton, Wayne Webb & Shultz, Dalton, Wayne Ford Richard, Damascoville, Columbiana Parker Joseph, Damascoville, Columbiana Marshall B. H., Darby Creek, Madison Perry J. F., Darby Creek, Madison Fisher Ira, Darrtown, Butler Meir A., Darrtown, Butler Smith C., Darrtown, Butler Depue Jacob, Dawkin's Mills, Jackson Waugh Jacob, Dawkin's,Mills, Jackson Kaho Thomas, Dayton, Montgomery Kohlreser & Pfieffenberger Dayton, Montgomery Makeley Andrew, Dayton, Montgomery Ryder Richard, Dayton, Montgomery Shank Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Sheerin & Shain, Dayton, Montgomery Bennett Isaac H., Decaturville, Washington Fletcher Thornton, Decaturville, Washington Fry Napoleon, Decaturville, Wash ington Lordin C. J., Decaturville, Washington Calrperson J., Deep Cut, Auglaize Kidney Ormaln, Deer Creek, Pickaway Merryman A., Deersville, Harrison Garrett Thomas, Defiance, Defiance Houtz M., Defiance, Defiance Hudson L1-. T., Defiance, Defiance Garagan Amos, DeGraff, Logan Davis J. J.,' Delaware, Delaware Miller W., Delaware, Delaware Nafus S. G., Delaware, Delaware Tippen D., Delaware, Delaware Weiser S. B., Delaware, Delaware Dinstberger Jacob, Delphos, Allen Gessiner & Koltzman, Delphos, Allen Thornell, Delphos, Allen WEIBLE HENRY, Delphos, Allen Cain John, Democracy, Knox Clark D., Democracy, Knox Fricke S., Democracy, Knox Pealer Wm., Democracy, Knox Byrket Joseph, Dodson, Montgomery -slinn Samuel, Domestic, Williams Kaser Jonathan, Domestic, Williams Edwards Lawrence, Dorset, Ashtabula Boman H. W., Downington, Meigs Brooks Wm., Downington, Meigs,, Jones D., Dresden, Muskingum Parsons Wm., Dresden, Muskingum Britenham E., Dublin, Franklin Ditcher Solomon, Dublin, Franklin Fogllesang Charles, Dublin, Franklin Sands P. B., Dublin, Franklin Pettett Isaac, Dunkinsville, Adams Pettett J. M., Dunkinsville, Adams Treber John, Dunkinsville, Adams Treber 0. C., Dunkinsville, Adams Mahon Isaac, Dunkirk, Hardin Buck A. J., Eag leville, Ashtabul, Russell E. S., Eagleville, AshtabuIa Stansburg Jacob, East Greenville, Wayne Aegner & Rhmhamer, East Liverpool, Columbiana Deidrick George, East Liverpool, Columbiana Johnson & Cohan, East Liverpool, Columbiana Ogner Geo., East Liverpool, Columbiana Purington John, East Liverpool, Columbiana -)ownez Zadoc, East Rochester, Columbiana Christman Jesse, Eaton, Preble Fleming J. & B., Eaton, Preble Fulton Thomas, Eaton, Preble Hittel Samuel, Eaton, Preble .Smith Christian, Baton, Preble BLA '716 I BLA 717 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Cook S., Gal ena, Delaware Cuttter W., Galena, Delaware Scovell C. G., FGal ena, Delaware Siple J., Galena, Delaware Co.ff m aln Thma, Ga ligher, Gurnsey Cress Peter, Galigher, Guernsey Kinsey Samuel,. Daligher, G uer nsey McClellan J., Galigher, Guernsey Myers J., Galigher, Guernsey McClurg, Ga,llipolis, Gallia Muenz L., Gallipolis, Gallia Ward J& Billings, Gallipolis, Gallia Daniels L.A., Garrettsville, Portage Dorma.n E. W., Geeeva i, Asht obula Kenny G~orge, Geneva, Ashtabula Remington George, Geneva, Ashtabula Shipman H. G., Geneva, Ashtabula Wright G. B.,., Georgesville, Franklin Brouser & Miller, -Germ,.antown, Montgomery Emerick W. D., Germantown,,Mvontgomery Grauzer & Miller, Germantowin, Mont,gomery Hoff & Brugh, Germantown, Montgomery Clapper J., Gettysburg, Darke DerhaIn Aaron, Gett,ysbuig, Darke Berrager Wm., Gorham, Fulton Brink H.,; Gorham, Fulton Martin J. " Gorham, Fulton Brainard J. C., Grangert, Fledina Montonia Amos, G ranville, Licking Montotia,Matthins, Graniville, Licking Sinnett Charles, Granville, Licking Sirnett & Co., Granville, Licking Bookwalter J., Gratis, Preble Focht Isaac, Gratis, Preble Freeze F., Gratis, Preble Freeze Wm., G xratis, Preble Micksel Cornelius, Gratis, Preble Micksel John, Gratis, Preble .Micksel Peter, Gr,atis, Preble Gebhardt George, Graysville, Monroe Hamuilton Thomas, Graysville, Monroe Jones & Shodford, Greenfield, Highlalnd McKee Joseph, Greenfield, Highland Dubbs Henry, Greenford, Malhoning MNIcCullum John, Greenford, Mahoning Charnberlin John, Greensburg Cross Roads, Sandusky Phelps Oliver, Greensburg Cross Roads, Sandusky Ries J., Greenville, Darke Johnson J. H., Greenwich Station, Huron Kinney Jesse U., Greenwich Station, Huron Steadwell Geo. W., 'Greenwich Station, Huron Sharp Wm., Greersville, Knox Wiloby John, Greersville, Knox Barber L., Groveport, Franklin Funk Win., Groveport, Fralnklin Kauffman —, Groveport, Franklin Thompson Wmn., Groveport,, Franklin .Barber Reuben, Gustavus, Tr~mbull MaIthews & Bro., Edg,,erton, Williams Firazee, Edinburg, Portage McCulley J., Edinburg, fPortage White James, Edinbturg, Portage D)ills W. H., Elida, Allen Hawkins WVm. C., Elliottsville, Jefferson Thomlpson, Elliottsville, Jefferson Zoak Alex., Elliottsvslle, Jefferson Accord E.. Elmira, Fulton Ekley Isaac, Elmira, Fulton Lorentz F., Elmira, Fulton Gilbert Wmn., Elyria, Lorain Upton B., Elyria, Lorain Wagner W., Elyria, Lorain Chambers Wm., Euphemia, Preble Hart John, Euphemia, Preble Hoerner Mlichael, Euphemia1 Preble Berry J. W., Farmer, Defiance Abbott H. N. & Son, Felicity, Clermont Athey P. M., Felicity, Clermont Johnson W. J.,. Felicity, Clermont Logan Benjamin, Felicity, Clermont Walkers John, Felicity, Clermont Lorain P. J., Fillmore, Washington Biggs G., Finley, Hancock Shlipman P., Finley, Hancock Hall Cyrus, Fitchville, Huron Tidswell Joseph, Fitchville, Huron Carley James, Florence, Erie Simpson Wm., Florence, Erie Kirk Joshua, Flushing, Belmnont Kirk Mark, Flushing, Belmnont Leinard David, Flushing, Belmont MIcConnell E., Flushing, Belmont Hawes H., Ford, Geat,,ugal Parks S., Forest, HIlardin Blue D. S., Fort Seneca, Seneca Gottman Thomas, Fort Seneca, Seneca Laban John, Franklin, Warren Schenck Wni. L., Franklin, Warren Snell Benjatmin, Franklin, Warren Watters N., Franklin Square, Columbiana Bogent Win., Frazeysbur-g, Muskingum Simmons John, Frazeysburg, Muskingum Ellis James, Frease's Store, Stark Fair Daniel, Frease's Store, Stark Meayes Daniel, Frease's Store, Stark Rolland Robert, Frease's Store, Stark Toomey Samuel, Frease's Store, Stark Farel T., Freder;c, Mahoning Toucey Wm., Frederic, Mahoning Wick G., Frederic, Mahoning Harry J. S., fFredericktown, Knox Singer G. W., Fredericktown, Knox Steel James, Fredericktown, Knox Atwood J., Freedom, Portage Bryant A.. Freedom, Portage Fowler W., Freedom, Portage Robiinson H., Freedom, Portage Euchel L., Fremont, Sandusky AMIoore J. P., Fremont, Sandusky Key~s A.RI., Fultonham, Muskingum McNain F., Fultonham, Mlusking~um Davidson Joseph~ Gahanna, Franklin e BLA 717 BLA POST'OFFICE COUNTY POST OFFICE COUNTY Galena, Delaware .Galena, 1)elaware Galena, Delaware Galena, Delaware Gali'her, Guernsey Gali;her, Guernsey (,,aligher, Guernsey Galighe, Guernsey Galigher, Guernsey Ga,llipolis, Gallia Gallipolis, Gallia Gallipolis, Gallia Garrettsville, Portage Geiie v,,i, Aslit-ibula Geneva, Ashtabula Geneva, Ashtabula Geneva, Ashtabula Georgesvillc,, Franklin NAME t 13LA 718 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Quinby Danie l Hopkinsvsille, Warren Messmer & Perry, Hyattsville, Miami Irwin James, Iberia., Monroe Fosdick M. J., Independence, Cuyahoga Green Christian, Independence, Cuyahoga Wentz Henry, Independence, Cuyahoga Augustus David, Inland,- Summit Deckerhaff Wm., Inland, Summit Pool Daniel, Iron Furnace, Scioto Blentlinger John, Ironton, Lawrence Mcee David, Ironton, Lawrence Newman H. & Sons, Ironton, Lawrence Stevenson Wm., Ithaca, Darke Wolf C. J., Ithaca, Darke Lewis David, Jackson, Jackson Smith J. L., Jackson, Jackson R~owles Jefferson, Jacobsburg, Belnont Serively M., Jacobsburg, Belmont Beck M., Jasper, Pike Robmette J.. Jasper, Pike Bailey & Bowdry, Jefferson, Ashtabula Gills J. W., Jefferson, Ashtabula Johnson Wm.. Jefferson, Ashtabula Murry Jefferson, Ashtabula Spencer D., Jefferson, Ashtabula Martin J. M. & Co., Jersey, Licking Hice C. & Son, Junctior-, Paulding Fuller 0. D., Kalida, Putnam Slemmons A., Kalida, Putnam Wells James, Kalida, Putnam Clemons Milo, Kielley's Island, Erie Steubenhefer George, . Kelley's Island, Erie Bloom John, o Kenton, Hardin Bolenbaugh Daniel, Kenton, Hardin Collins S., Kenton, Hardin Poole John W., Kenton, Hardin Rader George, Kenton, Hardin Ries George, Kenton, Hardin Roedtier & —Jordan, Kenton, Hardin Rolenbaugh I., Kenton, Hardin Benn A., Kern, Coshocton Ramer C.- C., Kern, Cc,3ho~ton Daniels John B., Kilbourn, Delaware Pittinger A. J., Kilbourn, Delaware Buckmaster Henry, Killbuck,. Holmes Clarke Jesse, Kimbolton, Guernsey Cowden Wm. A., Kimbolton, Guernsey Goodde Joseph. Kimbolton. Guernsey Brainard A. E., Gustavus, Trumbull Brainard E., Gustavus, Trumbull Finney E. A., Gustavus, Trumbull Goff Alonzo, Gustavus, Trumbull Hart H. S., Gustavus, Trumbull Kinleysides David, Gustavus, Trumbull Kinleysides Thomas, Gustavus, Trumbull Lineley Morrison, Gustavus, Trumbull Roberts Reuben, Gustavus, Trumbull Brintz John, Hale, Hardin Stephenson R.. Hale, Hardin Underwood George W., Hale, Hardin Berry Phillip, Hamilton, Butler Brown John H., Hamilton, Butler Clever J. & Co., Hamilton, Butler Finzel George, Hamilton, Butler Ilerholt George, Hamilton, Butler Hughes John P., Hamilton, Butler Kreissel & Ludwig, hamilton, Butler Sehlrab Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Smoyer J. W., Hamilton, Butler Stevens Wm. C., Hamilton, Butler Tucker Albert, Hamilton, Butler Downer Andrew, Hammondsville, Jefferson Hilt S. B., IHampden, Geauga Robertson L. A., Hampden, Geauga Woodruff A., Hampden, Geauga Baragar Wm., Handy, Fulton Brink R., Handy, Fulton Naston John, Handy, Fulton Parker J., Handy, Fulton Bushy A. M., Hanover, Licking Tipton S., Hanover, Licking Brown A. G., Harlem, Delaware Closson Jesse, Harlem, Delaware Wheeler J. W., Harlem, Delaware tiutchinson & Scott, Harmar, Washington Wells J. & J. C., Harmar, Washington Giles Jno. L., Harrisonville, Meigs Tope Thomas, I-Iarrisonville, Meigs White C. M., Ilarrisonville, MAeigs Schumaker H., Hartville, Stark Oyler C. P., Hiarveysburg, Warren Randall J., Ilarveysburg, Warren Randall Wm., Harveysburg, Warren Crop Jacob, Havana, Huron Jenkins David, Havana, Huron Sikes Melvin, Haverhill, Scioto Irvins James. HIlebbardsville, Athens Siders WVm., Hebbardsville, Athens Hlixon L. D., Hilliard, Franklin Dillon & Jeans, Hillsboro', Highland Lane M., Hillsboro', Highland Nevin R. B., Hillsboro', Highland North W m., Hillsboro', Highland Taggart John, Hillsboro', Highland Barnes J. W., Holmesville, Holmes Smith & Gurnell, Heolmesville, Holmes Fogle G. W., Hopedale, Harrison Fogle N., Hopedale, Harrison Smith Hiram, Hopedale, Harrison Flesher W. H., Hopewell, Muskingum Whartentz J. R., Hopewell, Muskingurn I BLA 718 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Bloom John, Kent-on, Hardin Bolt,,nbauh Daniel, Kenton, Hardin Collins S., Kenton, Hardin Poole John W., Kent.on, Hardin Rader George, Kenton, Hrdin Ries George, Kenton, Hardin Roedt,er & —Jordan, Kenton, Hardin Rolenbaugh I., Kenton, H,-trdin Benn A., Kern, Co-shocton Ramer C.- C., Kern, C6,-3hoton Daniels John B., Kilbourn, Delaware 'Pittinger A. J., Ki lbotirn, Delaware Buckmaster Henry, Killbuck,. Holmes Clarke Jesse, Kimboltor,, Guernsey Cowden Wm. A., Kimbolton, Guernsey Goodde Jcsepb. Kimbolton. Guernsey McVay Thomas, Kingston Center, Delaware Rumel Henry, Kingston Center, Delaware 'Mullett Joseph, Kingsville, Ashtabull't Bushnell E. A., Kinsman, Trumbull Roberts L., Kinsman, Trumbull Stulse Rich Kinsman, Trumbull Ambros J., Kirksville, Licking Austin & Son, Kirksville, Licking Buckland E., Kirksville, Licking Crawford J., Kirksville, Licking Jones K., - Kirksville, Licking Bierbaugh Christian, Lafayette, Nladison Burdett Wm., Lanigs, Monroe F~~~L A1 BL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Balmey J., Lucas, Richland Moffitt Samuel, Lucas, Richland Randall J., Lucerne, Knox Pike L., Lynchburg, Highland Smith J. J., Lynchburg, Highland Thompson J.Q., Lynchburg, Highland Arnold A. & J., McArthulr, Vinton Lowrey Harmon, McArthur, Vinton Saxton Wm., McArthur, Vinton Smith Isaac, McArthur, Vinton Smith Geo. F., McArthur, Vinton Coleman Levi, Macomb, Hancock Fast Martin, Macomb, Hancock Leiter A. J., Macomb, Hancock Bartin F., McConnellsville, Morgan Dudna J., McConnellsvill'e, Morgan Powell George, McConnellsville, Morgan Freet S.D., McCutchenville, Wyandot Gruble Geo., McCutchenville, Wyandot Kable Daniel, McKay, Ashland Allen A., Madison, Lake Armstrong B., Madison, Lake Barnes W. C., Madison, Lake Dodge John, Madison, Lake Cortine, Madison, Lake Paige W. J., Madison, Lake Wheeler G., Madison, Lake Wisner P., Madison, Lake Woldrof F. C, Madison, Lake Kapp Philip, Madisonburg, Wayne Mille r John C., Madisonburg, Wayne Matchett Joseph B., Malaga, Monro-e Smith James B., Malaga, Monroe, Snively James P., Malaga, Monroej Humphrey Isaac S., Malta, Morgan Wetherell Joseph, Malta, Morgan DeCamp F., Manchester, Adams,, Ewing E., Manchester, Adams Meenack J., Manchester, Adams Hade E., Mansfield, Richland Herring George, Mansfield, Richland Herring Joseph, Mansfield, Richland Merrill, Mansfield, Richland Butt G. W., Marengo, Monroe I Mundy Elina, Marengo, Monroe I Dabele C. F., Marietta, Washington Grassclos & Schmit, Marietta, Washington Record J. L., Marietta, - Washington Swift John, Marietta, Washington Weinstack C., Mariettar Washington Coffey Jacob E., Marion, Marion Mouser David, Marion, Marion Shields M. P., Marion, Marion Eastage Win., Marseilles, Wyandot Kraft John, Marshallville, Wayne Sutter Daniel, Marshallville, Wayne Green Bealey, Martinsburg, Knox Hii gins Philio, Martinsburg, Knox Mitchell B. G., Martinsburg, Knox Wright David, Martinsburg, Knox Baley -, Martin's Ferry, Belmont Brooks Benjamin, Martin's Ferry, Belmont Fisher John, Martin's Ferry, Belmont FST OFFICE COUNTY Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Laporte, Lorain atherwood, Guernsey ~therwood, Guernsey Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Leesville, Carroll Leesville, Carroll Leesville, Carroll Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Leroy, Medina Leroy, Medina Leroy, N~edina Leroy, Medina Levering, Knox Levering, Knox wis Center, Delaware Lewistown, Logan Lewistown, Logan Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Linnville, Licking Linnville, Licking Linnville, Licking Linnville, Licking Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Lockbourn, Franklin Lockbourn, Franklin Locust Grove, Adams Locust Grove, Adams Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Logan, Hocking .Logan, Hocking Logan, Hocking Logan, Hocking Logan, Hocking Loganville, Logan Loganville, Logan Loganville, Logan London, Madison London, Madison Loveland, Clermont Loydsville, Belmont BLA 13LA 71:9 e Workman A., Galbret,h F., Stough D., Ward W., Withers S., Delzell 1. W.,Owen David, ykoff Garrett, Bartley B., Switzer J., Van Horn R. P., Ward J., Bitts G., ]Kckenfelt Wm., Frisbee Wm., Seymour James, Kocher Wm.1 Smith j. G., Br,,ttton Charles, Penberton S. F., Feazel S., Force J oh n, Jennings E. N., Owen N. B., Selders 11., Van Antwerp A. M., Braddock J., Burton N., ifet.ters D., Jones G., Nimemaker, D., Hook Jacob, Nichols Solomon, Vallentine D. M., Hurl,by Wm., Jones Isaae, Joues R. B., Hatt A .WlcAllister Charles, BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY llis Thos., M,Iillfield, Athens iikeble Thos., Millfield, Athens an Winkle J., Milton, Mahoning ick G., Milton,' Ma'honing nk Geo., Miltons burg, Morroe anky C., Miltonsburg, Ionroe )x Allen, Iineral, Athens artenrback J., Mlinershurg, Meigs ea Robert, Minersburg, Meigs readin R. J., Minerva, Stark llen G. W., Monroe, Ashtabula helps G. W., Monroe, A shtabula ulana M, M onroe, Ashtabula ewett G. L., Monroe Center, Ashtabula )hnson S. S., Monroe Center, Ashtabula [orse A. T., M onroe Center, Aslhtalbula wain L., Monroe Center, Ashtabula urner C., Mlonroe Center, Ashtabula ~mes Henry, Mon oeville, Huron inkley Wm., M,ornteray, Clermont rown George, Mlontpelier, Williams iles H. N., Montra,, Shelby ickett O., Montville, Geauga ay Wmn. M., 30orghnsville, MIorgan acker Wm., Morrow, Warren obinson John, Morrow, Warren ,an Dines WM., Morrow, Warren nderson M., Mount Carmel, Clermont ohnson S. S., Mount Carmel, Clermont ordine S. S., Mount Eaton, Wayne ough G. R., Mount Eaton, Wayne [lein Peter, Mlount Eaton, W.lyne [eller & Co., Mount Ephraim, Noble hirk A. A., Mount Ephraim, Noble larger J., Mount Gilead, Warren [ighll W., Mount (Gilead, Warren [ues J., Mount Gileald, Warren )ot-r Philip, Mount Healthy, Hamilton [offner John, Mount Healthy, Hamilton 'obinison Win., Mount Healthy, Hamilton tidebauglh John, Mount Healthy, Hamilton Ldams A.,'"tount Vernon, Knox ;oorn A. Il., Mount Velnon, Knox r raff H., Mount Vernon, Knox [raff J., Mount Vernon, Knox [raft F., Mount Vernon, Knox ,aiughrey K. F., Mount Vernon, Knox /IcLeod Alex., Mount Vernon, tnox llsolu A., Mount Victory, Hardin ,Iaberry A., Mount Victory, Hardin orbly S., Mount WVashington, Hamilton Iurrell W. D. Mount. Washington, Hamilton )ay G. -M., Mulberry, Clermont ~eming E., Mulberry, Clermont Elliott L., Mutual, Champaign {tone A. J. & T.MS., Mutual, Champaign ]reen Solomon, Nankin, Ashland Reel George, Nankinl, A~shland [ligh C. W., Napoleon, Henry 'a~nhiorn Isaac, Napoleon, Henry Edwards J. & D., Nashport, Muskingum VWanspeaker Henry, Nelsonville, Athens NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Moore S., Martin's Ferry, Belmont I Scherman P., Martin's Ferry, Belmont I Stewart Sam, Martin's Ferry, Belmont t Veter N., Martin's Ferry, Belmont Woodward II., Martin's Ferry, Belmont 1 Carey John, MIartinsville, Clinton. Vance B. H., Martinisville, Clinton ( Campbell H., Marysville, Union 1 Ingram 0. W. R., Miarysville, Union ] PEACOCK T. M., Marysville, Union ] Bursh J., Mtson, Warren A Collins Henry, Mason, Warren ] Thomson -, Mason, Warren u Richards W. C., Massillon Stark ] Wagner Henry, MIassillon, Stark Mullincoup J., Maumee City, Lucas ] Nailor B., Maumee City, Lucas., Sugar J. C., Maumee City, Lucas,, Curley Vincent, Mecca, Trumbull Gilmore John, Mecca, Trumbull Irwin Stephen, Mecca, Trumbull Jeffrey Wm., Mecca, Trumbull i Sperry J. F., Mecca, Trumbull i Cox Wm., Mechanicsburg, Champaign: Shanks B. L., Meeihanicsburg, Champaign Snodgrass H. M., i Mechanicsburg, Champaign Bell John, Meigsville, Morgan Brown W. P., Meigsville, Morga n Craig Victor, Meigsville, MIorgan Custer John, Mendon, Mercer Delong W., Mentor, Lake Fish M. M., Mentor, Lak e Nowlen Jasper, Mentor, Lake Randall S., Mentor, Lake Cox Seymore, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Day Wm., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Glendening HI., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Lepper James, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Shearer T. H., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Symbb Robert, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Warner D., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Bell D. W., Mexico, Wyandot Onoter A.R., Mexico, Wyandot liller John T.,, Miamisburg, Montgomery Reiffschneider D., Miamisburg, Montgomery Leever C. G. Miamisville, ClerrIont Brown J. W., Middlebourne, Guernsey Richards Wm., Middlebourne, Guernsey Hadding G. W., Middlepoint, Van Wer-t Davis Robert, Middleport, Meigs Sheets Martin, Middletown, Butler Sutphan John, jr., Middletown,. Butler Jordan Hiram, Milford, Clermont Whitaker Henry, Milford, Clermont Coffee R., MIillersburg, Holmes Jordan J., Millersburg, Holmes Wierman Win., Millersburg, Holmes Cooperiter J., Millersport, Fairfield Ross Samuel, Millersport, Fairfield Ammon Jacob, Millerstown, Champaign Minnich J., Millerstown, Champaign Turner A. W, Millerstown, Champaign BLA :7,20 0 0 BLA 72 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Roberts Solomon, Nelsonville, Athens Roberts J. J., Nelsonville, Athens Roberts P. W., Nelsonville, Athens Felker G.; Neptune, Mercer Felker B., Neptune, Mercer Phillips M. C., Nettle Lake, Williams Koch J., Nevin, Highland Lininger Jacob, Nevin, Highland Scott S., New Alexandria, Jefferson Shearer R., New Alexandria, Jefferson Cooner & Line, Newark, Licking Giffs J., Newark, Licking Goodwin & Line, Newark, Licking Ingham W. D)., Newark, Licking Kunsel J., Newark, Licking Lippincott & Jones, Newark, Licking Stunt T., Newark, Licking Tyhurst J. A., Newark, Licking Elliott James, New Athens, Harrison Garver Daniel, New Athens, Harrison Laisure R., New Athens, Harrison Morris Morgan, New Athens, Harrison Smith James, New Burlington, Clinton Stump D. P., New Burlington, Clinton Peggs IIenry, Newbury, Geauga Weeks Lewis, Newbury, Geanga Cockran C., New Castle, Coshoclon Cresap James C., New Castle, Coshocton Kinner Uriah, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Richardson J. H. C., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Smith James, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Dugan John, New Concord, Muskingum McKinney A., New Concord, Muskingum McKinney W., New Concord, Muskingum Russel R. New Concord, Muskingum Clopenstine S., New Franklin, Stark Graham J., New Garden, Columbiana Sole Henry, New Hagerstown, Carroll Miller Abraham, New Harrison, Darke Lewis S. B., New Harrison, Darke McDonald & McCoy, New Harrison, Darke Brown Gearge, New Lisbon, Columbiana Cook & Watson, New Lisbon, Columbiana Lamburn Samuel, New Lisbon, Columbiana Mann S., New Lisbon, Columbiana Shawk J., New Lisbon, Columbiana Beattie C., New London, Huron Bonney L, New London, Huron Staley G. W., New London, Huron Stevens E., New London, Huron Porter E., New Madison, Darke Meadows F., New Madison, Darke Moore George W., New Madison, Darke Schmidt P., New Madison, Darke Frew Win., New Market, Highland Stewart John, New Market, Highland Young I., New Metamoras, Washington Lutherba J., New Middletown, Mahoning Lay ton A. S., New Plymouth, Vinton WHi tehill W mi., New Portage, Summit McFarland Wm., New Richmond, Cl ermont Collins Lewis, New Salem, Fairfield Doren Joseph, New Salem, Fairfield Fisher E., New Salem, Fairfield Noggle A., New Springfield, Mahoning Reukenberger Benjamin, New Springfield, Mahoning Reukenberger S., New Springfield, Mahoning Snooke George, New Springfield, Mahoning Snooke Jacob, New Springfield, Mahoning Ladd W. P., Newton Falls, Trumbull Ripple Wm., Newton Falls, Trumbull Taylor H., Newton Falls, Trumbull Algeier Henry, New Washington, Crawford Hoffsass Jacob, New Washington, Crawford Rang Henry, New Washington, Crawford Hoover John, New Westville, Preble ShomaB Wm. P., North Eaton, Lorain Curtis J. U., North Fairfield, Huron Haine Peter, North Fairfield. Huron Salter A.. North Fairfield' Huron Slocum M. D., North Fairfield, Huron Trembly M. K., North Fairfield, Huron Woodruff H., North Fairfield, Huron Wright E. H., North Fairfield, Huron Cross J D., Northfield, Summit Ranney M., Northfield, Summit Hartman Mike, North Hampton, Clark Herr Peter D., North Hamptoni, Clark Hornley A., North Hampton, Clark Marburger E., North Jackson, Mahoning Snider Jones, North Jackson, Maholning Campbell J., North Lewisburg, Champaign Donogue S. E., North Lewisburg, Champaign Spain E., North Lewisburg, Champaign King David, North Liberty, Knox Ward Jones, North Liberty, Knox Griffin Seth, North Ridgeville, Lorain Robinson John, North Ridgeville, Lorain Butts & Miller, Norwalk, Huron Daily N., Norwalk, Huron Ingles E., Norwalk, Huron 46 BLA BLA 721 NAME Kulp P. & Co., New Mettz Jacb, New Haseltine J. T., O'Harra W., Reinheimer J., Copeland & Co., New P Young Jacob, New P Wills Benjamin, New Pittsburg, Wayne New Plymouth, Vinton New Portage, Summit BLA 722 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Smith Henry, Perryton, Licking Zeigler John R., Perryton, Licking Ertzlnger Daniel, Petersburg, Mahoning Madden M. C., Petersburg, Manoning Seiter William, Phillipsburg, Jefferson Cockerel A., Philo, Muskingum Smiat Peter, Philo, Muskingum Petty A., Pickerington, Fairfield Vanardsalen G., Pickerington, Fairfield Gaylord H., Pierpont, Ashtabula Gould A., Pierpont, Ashtabula Norton A. A., Pierpont, Ashtabula Scrambling J., Pierpont, Ashtabula Adams Horatio, Piketon, Pike Buchampe M., Piketon, Pike Hines Thomas J., Piketon, Pike Patterson Wm., Piketon, Pike Theobald Conrad, Piketon, Pike Beston C. P., Piqua, Miami Burger It., Piqua, Miami Nolan T., Piqua, Miami Smith J., Piqua, Miami McKiney George, Pisgah, Butler Smith Joseph, Pisgah, Butler Tellis John, Pisgah, Butler Bell Peter, Plainsville, Hamilton Coley P., Pleasant, Putnam Edmond P., Pleasant, Putlnam Edwards A. J., Pleasant, Putnam Nicholls A., Pleasant, Putnam Oglevie David, sr., Pleasant, Putnam Coale Thomas H., Pleasant Hill, Miami Minich & Shaefer, Pleasant Hill, Miami Powell Henry, Pleasant Hill, Miami Bo sa James, Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Swift Thomas, jr, Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Bryan C., Pleasantville, Fairfield Bryan Jacob, Pleasantville, Fairfield Wiggins J., Pleasantville, Fairfield Barr J. T., Plymouth, Richland Day B. F., Plymouth, Richland Day S. B., Plymouth, Richland Parker Samuel, Plymouth, Richland Wait Wm., Plymouth, Richland Barclay J., Poland, Mahoning Cover Jacob, Poland, Mahoning Lord Thomas, Poland, Mahoning Davis Daniel, Pomeroy, Meigs Humphrey F. E., Pomeroy, Meigs Reid & Crofoot, Pomeroy, Meigs Schreiber Frederick, Pomeroy, Meigs Schreiber Fritz, Pomeroy, Meigs Stivers B. F., Pomeroy, Meigs Cotton Wm., Portage, Wood Harrison J. K., Portage, Wood Willson Solomon, Port Homer, Jefferson Bender John, Portsmouth, Scioto Comins & Spragg, Portsmouth, Scioto McFarland J. J., Portsmouth, Scioto McFarlin B., Portsmouth, Scioto Wheeler S. P., Portsmouth, Scioto Carr Wm., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Oak Hill, Jackson Oak Hill, Jackson Oak Hill, Jackson Oberlin, Lorain Oberlin, Lorain Olive, Noble Olive, Noble Olive; Noble Olive, Noble Omega, Pike Omega, Pike Orangeville, Trumbull Orangeville, Trumbull Orangeville, Trumbull Oregon, Warren Orrville, Wayne Orrville, Wayne Orwell, Ashtabula Orwell, Ashtabula Orwell. Ashtabula Orwell, Ashtabula Osnaburg, Stark Oshaburg, Stark Ottawa, Puitnam Ottokee, Fulton Owensville, Clermont Owensville, Clermont Owensville, Clermont Oxford, Butler Oxford, Butler Painesville, Lake PaiDesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Palmyra, Portage Palmyra, Portage Palmyra, Portage Palmyra, Portage Paris, Stark Paris, Stark Paris, Stark Paris, Stark Parisville, Portage Parisville, Portage Parisville, Portage Parisville, Portage Parma, Cuyahoga Parma, Cuyahoga Pataskala, Licking Pataskala, Licking Pataskala, Licking Pataskala, Licking Pataskala, Licking Peninsula, Summit Peninsula, Summit Pennsville, Morgan Pennsville, Morgan Pennsville, Morgan Perrysburg, Wood Perrysburg, Wood Perrysburg, Wood Perryton, Licking Perryton, Licking See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. BLA 722 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Davis Jones, Davis Owen, ,Tones John J., Jones Allen A., MeWade J., Davis F., .Moore James F., Still hester. Windus George, Stark tlenry, Williams W. D., Spear H., Wilson N., Welk A., Dougal John M., Hanny D., ]Kizer M. & Co., Ludd Henry, Parker Zera, IVebb Sylvester, White Bosel, Judd Isaac, Myers John, Burris D., Stow A. W.. Lattimer Wm., Patterson N., Redding A., Davis F. B., French Edward, Erwin Thomas, Gosline Peter, Perkins Henry M., Rue David A., Woodhead Francis, Davis VV.,W., liawk John,. Tuttle George, Williams Wm. L., Miller Joseph. Sell Jesse, Veseret Pete!-, Mertz Conrad, Nicbolis T. H., Selby Brainard, Walker Hiram, Williams J., D., Ilannis Jacob, Tiver ("hrist,ian, Barnes J. Elliott W., Tier J. T., Smiltzer Joseph, Waddle A., Beens L., Milos C. F., Hamilton D., Thompson -, Williams & Harris, Cranker Peter, Alyers B. F., JROSS C., ]!all E. W., Ikliller Jose' h, BLA 723 BLA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Garwood & Crumrine, Salem, Columbiana Howell H., Salem, Columbiana Clarkson M., Sandusky, Erie Conway Weston, Sandusky, Erie Facer & Norman, Sandusky. Erie Ginger John & Bro., Sannusky, Erie Grayner John & Co, Sandusky, Erie McAlair P., Sandusky, Erie Mullchany C., Sandusky, Erie Weston J., Sandusky, Erie Burgan James, Savannah, Ashland Marshall Wm., Savannah, Ashland Sutherlin Wm., Savannah, Ashland Berk Frederic, Seven Mile, Butler Jacobs Wm. F., Seven Mile, Butler Spray Charles, Shalersville, Portage Wilson A., Shalersville, Portage Gartner H. M., Shelby, Richland Matton H. B., Shelby, Kichland Spealman H., Shelby, Richland Capstock James, Smithfield, Jefferson King Samuel, Smithfield, Jefferson Whitter W. B., Smithfield, Jefferson Atchley & Robinson, Somerville, Butler Mee & Koner, Somerville. Butler Guseman D., South Bloomfield, Pickaway Loux C., South Bloomfield, Pickaway Bennett J., South Charleston, Clark ,Jones John, South Charleston, Clark Morgan Ganrett, South Charleston, Clark Peters Samuel, South Charleston, Clark Sprague Charles S., South Charleston, Clark Mooman Ht., South Salem, Ross Morton Joseph, South Salem, Ross Satchel Wm., South Salem, Ross Bedford Wm., Springboro', Warren Hopkins J. R., Springboro', Warren Morton F., Springboro', Warren Peeble S. S., Springboro', Warren ARBOGAST C. W., Springfield, Clark Dudley J. S., Springfield, Clark AlcGarr John, Springfield, Clark McGoun J., Springfield, Clark Neely J. J., Springfield, Clark Richard J. L., Springfield, Clark Shafer L., Springfield, Clark Simen D., Springfield, Clark Davidson Robert, Steubenville, Jefferson Harris Richard, Steubenville, Jefferson Hebron Alex., Steubenville, Jefferson Huff John C., Steubenville, Jefferson Hoodlet Jacob, Straitsville, Perry Morgan Burges, Summerford, Madison Todd John, Summerford, Madison Bcrdeaux A., Sylvania, Lucas Forbs David, Sylvania, Lucas Van Winkle -.-, Sylvania, Lucas Icker J. L., Sylvia, Hardin Teeters & Pearson, Sylvia, Hardin B~oyd Wmn., Tallmadge, Summit Hinman T., Tallmadge, Summit Adams Jesse, Tanktown, Delawarte Englis J. F. Tanktown, Delaware NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Simmers Levi, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Ballard A., Port William, Clinton Brast Michael, Powhattan Point, Belmont Starky Isaac, Powhattan Point, Belmont Honnel E. B., Pratt, Shelby Clark, Pulaski, Williams Culbertson H. Cook, Pulaski, Williams Blackimore Wm., Racine, Meigs Hountain D,, Racine, Meigs Shaffer N., Racine, Meigs Boatman Wm., Rainsboro', Highland Ferguson J. C., Rainsboro', Highland Miller A., Rainsboro', Highland Dunlap & Smith, Ravenna, Portage Kelley J. M., Ravenna, Portage Sperry J. R., Ravenna, Portage French Philo, Rawsonville, Lorain Gibson W. J., Rawsonville, Lorain Sutliff Thomas, Rawsonville, Lorain Bault John H., Raymond, Union Walker John, Raymond, Union Morveny Wm., Reedsburg, Wayne Stam Mathias, Reedsburg, Wayne Ward J., Richland, Richland Donaldson P., Richmond, Jefferson Nichols & Swan, Richmond, Jefferson Wyant John, Richmond, Jefferson Roberts J., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Hiton John, Richmond Dale, Ross Ulum G., Richmond Dale, Ross Bosswell & Sheed, Ripley, Brown Easterly & Shafer, Ripley, Brown Bason I., Rives, Richland Clawson T., Rives,,Richland Blair W. H., Rochester Depot, Lorain Miller Philip, Rochester Depot, Lorain Davoss David, Rochester Depot, Lorain Maacke A., Rochester Depot, Lorain Smith J. M., Rochester Depot, Lorain Noland Wm., Roscoe, Coshocton Thomas Wm., Roscoe, Coshocton Mahin Wm., Round Head, Hardin Marshall Daniel, Round Head, Hardin Hyne P. C., Royalton, Fairfield Hood E. K., Royalton, Fairfield Smith J., Royalton, Fairfield Whitehurst J., Royalton, Fairfield Wilson J., Royalton, Fairfield Demster B., Rural Dale, Muskingum Fox Elwood, Rural Dale, Muskingum Baker George, Rushsylvania, Logan Elliott Robert, Rushsylvania, Logan Garwood G., Rushsylvania, Logan Stilwell M. C., Rushsylvania, Logan Underwood G. M., Rushsylvania, Log,an Broff Hiram, Saint Clairsville, Belmont Butler Joseph, Saint Clairsville, Belmont Scovern H. W., Saint Clairsville, Belmont Stillwell Samuel, Saint Clairsville, Belmont Buckler S. H., Saint Paris, Champaign Golden B. F., Saint Paris, Champaign Sayler & Perry, Saint Paris, Champaign See advt. of Oak-Tanned Leather Belting, p. 712. BLA 723 BLA BLA 74 BLA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ballwin W., Utica, Licking Bonar W., Utica, Licking Freece John, Utica, Licking Hughes James, Utica, Licking Stade J., Utica, Licking Clar k Jno. W., Van Wert, V an Wert Neele Samuel, e r, V an Wert, V an Wert Weaver Samuel, Van Wert,. V an Wert Bai r d C. S., Wadsworth, Medina Bergley Ralph, W adsworth, Medina Bo wman C., Wadsworth, Medina Franks Silas, Wadsworth, Medi na Keckler Uriah, Wadswort h, Medina Lesher E., Wadsworth, Medina Long B., Wadsworth, Mledina Moore George, Wadsworth, Medina Nice A. K., Wadsworth, Medina Spaker E., Wadsworth, Medina Cunningham G. R., Waldo, Marion Sanders S., WValdo, Marion Calle r Cha rles, Wapakone ta, Auglaize Cutzer D., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Wiber G., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Darling D. C., Warren, Trumbull Darling R. C., Warren, Trumbull Riffinger D., Warren, Trumbull McCaskey Wm., Warsaw, Coshocton Orr J., Warsaw, Cosyocton Grubbs Oliver, Washington C. H., Fayette Hartman P., Washington C. H., Fayette Mliser John, Washington C. H., Fayette Weller Joseph, Washington C. H., Fayette Wendel & Sons, Washington C. H., Fayette Grim G. W., Washingtonville, Columbiana Grim Jacob, Washingtonville, Columbiana Howe F., Washingtonville, Columbiana Walker Wm., Washingtonville, Columbiana Woods Joshua, Washingtonville, Columbiana Woods Wm., Washingtonville, Columbiana Brainard A. P., Waterville, Lucas Brainard S. C., Waterville, Lucas Cassidy Jacob, Waynesburg, Stark Glass John, Waynesburg, Stark Zanse John, Wtaynesburg, Stark Hartsock Levi, Waynesville, Warren McComas Thos. B., Waynesville, Warren Weller & Co., Waynesville, Warren Holly W., Wellsville, Columbiana Lawrence John, Wellsville, Columbiana McIntire A., Wellsville, Columbiana Doty R., Welshfield, Geauga Gould Sidney, Welshfield, Geauga Tinham E. H., Welshfield, Geauga Barnhizer & Early, West Alexandria, Preble Denninger John, West Alexandria, Preble Richards Lemuel, . W~~~Xest Bedford, Coshocton Simmons Samuel, Westboro', Clinton Hughes Wmn., West Carlisle, Coshocton NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY Groves George, Tarlton, Pickaway Lewis V., Tarlton, Pickaway Spangler J., Tarlton, Pickaway Gardner Samuel, Tawawa, Shelby Van Sickle A. B., Tawawa, Shelby Barrett E. & Bros., Tessburg, Highland Williams Andrew, Tessburg, Highland Hill G.H., Terre Haute, Champaign Shaffer Aaron, Terre Haute, Champaign Constantine Joseph, Texes, Henry Harrison John, Texas, Henry (,'alton J., Thompson, GeaugaF Hogan P., Thompson, Geauga Millin H. B., Thompson, Geauga Summer J., Thompson. Geauga Summer C., Thompson, Geauga Wooden H., Thompson, Geauga Comstock S. S., Thurman, GalliaS Davis Evan, Thurman, Gallia Rosser David, Thurman, Gallia Flangher J. B., Tiffin, Seneca Flangher Jacob, jr., Tiffin, Seneca Lipel L., Tiffin, Seneca Pen S., Tiffin, Seneca Weick & Myer, Tiffin, Seneca Bumerots I. S., Tippecanoe, Miami Galvan John, Tippecanoe, Miami Bohannon Frank, Toledo, Lucas Brown O. M., Toledo, Lucas Craig & Clark, Toledo, Lucas Cranker John, Toledo, Lucas Freeman D. S., Toledo, Lucas Hall Wm., Toledo, Lucas Hannes George, Toledo, Lucas Henning C. B., Toledo, Lucas Hoyt N., Toledo, Lucas Kemp J., Toledo, Lucas McDonald & Hart, Toledo, Lucas Wall Edward, Toledo, Lucas Magrew M. A., Torch, Athens Meer Aaron, Torch, Athens Schafer L., Torch, Athens Weber George, Torch, Athens Daily W., Troy, Miami Grampher John, Troy, Miami McWigham John, Troy, Miami Orbison James T., Troy, Miami Yontis & Dunham, Troy, Miami Fries Joseph, Tusca rws, Tusarahe &was Hammann Jacob, Tuscaprawas, Tuscarawas Eli W m., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Moody Thomas, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas ANDERSON & GIMBE, Union, Darke Lewis Thomas, Union, Darke Barlow P., Uniontown, Belmont Carlom James, Uniontown, Belmont Bearinger, Hall & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Seider John, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Stoker John, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Spangenberger V.. Upshut, Preble Kavanah I., Urbana, Champaign McGill James, Urbana, Champaign Craig Hiram, Utah, Lucas See card of Thorn House, p. 555. BLA BLA 724 BOI NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Willing Wm. & Son, West Carlisle, Coshocton Hamilton James, West Chester, Butler Peel L., West Chester, Butler Smith John W., West Chester, Butler Stephenson Joshua, West Chester, Butler Dusky S., West Elkton, Preble O(verpeck John, West Elkton, Preble Vandine John, West Elkton, Preble Hamschal John, Western Star, Summit Banister Jesse, West Jefferson, Madiso M McNEAL JACOB, JR., West Jefferson, Madison Olney Geo. B., West Jefferson, Madison Hack David, West Lodi, Seneca Hack Reuben, West Lodi, Seneca Cochran A., West Milton, Miami Harper S., West Milton, Miami Krughbaum S., West Milton, Miami Bartlett Horace, West Rushville, Fairfild Evans Job, West Rushville, Fairfield Piper George, West Unity, Williams Richardson J. C., West Unity, Williams Stoner Alph, West Unity, Williams Braker Noah, Westville, Champaign Mimmick Geo. U., Westville, Champaign Ball J., Wheelersburg, Scioto Bruner 0., Wheelersburg, Scioto Mendell J. N., Williamsburg, Clermont Smith R. W., Williamsburg, Clermont Sparks S., Williamsfield, Ashtabula Walker W., Williamsfield, Ashtabula Wood P., Williamsfield, Ashtabula Baughman Adam D., Williamsport, Pickaway -Moore H. B, Williamsport, Pickaway Van Ornumt F. S.. Williamsport, Pickaway Burrows John, Willoughby, Lake Granger L., Willoughby, Lake Dillon John, Wilmington, Clinton Mills W. H., Wilmington, Clinton BOILER MANUFACTURERS AND STEAM ERS. (See also Foundries and MIachine Shops.) BRADFORD JAMES & CO. (See adv't. opp. index to cities, towns and vil lages.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Burrows J. H. & Co., Cincinnati, HIamilton DUMONT C. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dunlap W. R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fay J. A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Greenwald I. & E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Griffey David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hirschliauer Phillip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Holabird A. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jones & McElvaine, Cincinnati, Hamilton Krieger John., Cincinnati, Hamilton LANE & BODLEY. (See card inside front cover.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Latta A. B. & E., Cincinnati, Hamilton McLean, Washington & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton McLean & Shaddinger, Cincinnati, Hamilton MOONEY J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moore& Richardson, Cincinnati, Hamilton Palmer Oliver, Cincinnati, Hamilton Powell David A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Straub Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Swift., Alexander & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton TUDOR R. & CO. (See card, p. 165.) Cincinnati, Hamilton WEST ISAAC. (See card, p. 183.) Cincinnati, Hamilton See Urbana Daguerrean Depot, p. 600. BOI 725 NAME Robinson C. M., .Booth J. R., Booth L., Lillard J. W., Longhead —, Messenger W. L., Reynolds S. L., Dungan J. H., 1)yer Joseph, Herrindeen John Morehead O., Kinsley John, Shutt A., Burk David, Lidsey James, Evans Jesse, Geer P., Standish S., Taler J., Whitmore C., Gibson —, Parsons Wm., Punk M., Marks John, Ross D. S., Lutz John, Pottle David V., Knox & Kelly, Wilder P. N.7, Phillips, John, Meredith James, Boring & Keys, Cannady P., Gray M., Morton I., Palmer W. H., Richards A., Rodgers John, Tipton J., Waltz Joseph, POST OFFICE COUNTY Wilmington, Clinton Winchester, Guernsey Winchester, Guernsey .Winchester, Guernsey Windham, Portage Windham, Portage Windham, Portage Windsor, Ashtabula Windsor, Ashtabula Y., Windsor, Ashtabula Windsor, Ashtabula Winesbury, Holmes' Winesbury, Holmes Wintersville, Jefferson Wintersville, Jefferson Woodsfield, Monroe Woodstock, Champaign Woodstock, Champaign Woodville, Sandusky Woodville, &-indusky Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne Wyandot, Wvandot Wyandot, Wyandot Xenia, Greene Xenia, Greene Youngstown, Nlahoning Youngstown, Mahoning Yo-ungsville, Adams Zaleski, Vinton Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville,, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum ENGINE BUILD BOO 726 BOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N&ME ~ POST OFFICE COUNTY STACKPOLE J. W. G., Pomeroy, Meigs GARDNER & CO. (See card, p. 536.) Salem, Columbiana GARRIGUES R. H & CO., Salem, Columbiana Sargus R. & Co., Salem, Columbiana SHARPS, DAVIS & BONJALL. (See card, p. 540.) Salem, Columbiana TABER C. R. & J. O. (See card. p. 536.) Salem, Columbiana Center Clarke, Sandusky, Erie OLDS N. G. (See card, p. 545.) Sandusky, Erie SMITH, BARNES & CO., (See card, p. 577.) Tiffin, Seneca NOVELTY WORKS, Toledo, Lucas Curtis, Barrett & Co., Wooster, Wayne Fahnestoe,k B. W. & Co., Xenia, Greene Blandy H. & F., Zanesville, Muskingum Duvall J. &, J. H., Zanesville, Muskingum GRIFFITH, EBERT & CO. (See card, p. 639.) Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Winchell G. D. & Bro.,Cincinnati, Hamilton Ayer Jno. H., Cleveland, Cuyahog BLISH, GARLICK & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Frankland J. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gerry & Holt, Cleveland, Cuyahoga McGARRY T. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Manning & Reite, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Newman & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith & Mather, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brownell & Co., Dayton, Montgomery June & Curtis, Fremont, Sandusky Holmes Wm., Galion, Crawford TAYLOR J. B. (See card, p. 359.) Greenville, Darke OWENS, LANE, DYER & CO. (See card, p. 361.) Hamilton, Butler Brammer J., Ironton, Lawrence CLARKE, RICKER & CO. (See card, p. 380.) - ronton, Lawrence Cooper C. & J., Mount Vernon, Knox NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, Willard Warner, Treasurer. (See card, p. 465.) Newark, Licking BOOK BINDERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Sanford & Hayward, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Behmer Henry C., Columbus, Franklin FOLLETT, FOSTER & Co., Columbus, Franklin LILLEY MITCHELL C., Columbus, Franklin Broadwell Josiah S., Dayton, Montgomery Callender W. H., Dayton, Montgomery McMillen John L. Newark, Licking Marx Aaron J., Painesville, Lake Yager Thos. T., Portsmouth Scioto Heimke Charles, Sandusky, Erie Miller A., Sandusky, Erie Smith J. D., Springfield, Clark Conn & Mills, Steubenville, Jefferson Bise J., Tiffin, Seneca Wolf W., Tiffin, Seneca Anderson & Fuller, Toledo, Lucas Locke John W., Xenia, Greene Elliott H., Zanesville, Muskingum Hopkins T. C., Zanesville, Muskingum SAMnPSON & BEER, Zanesville, Muskingum Miorgan & Sons, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rabbe Henry G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rowell & Alexander, Cincinnati, Hamilton COBB J. B. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Featherstone S. & J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. ealer8 marked thus, a. See als80 General Stores. Also, Druggists.) Alliance, Stark Jeffers & Carman, Bridgeport, Belmont Ashtabula, Ashtabula Hanna N. A., Cadiz, Harrison Athens, Athens Van Rensalaer K. H., (See card, p. 28.) Cambridge, Guernsey Bellefontaine, Logan Niesz G. W., Canton. Stark Berlin Heights, Erie Wilkinson S. L., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga See advt. of Gow & Sharp, p. 712. BOO 726 BOO Wicks H. & Co., Dick Matthew G., Stewart Hiram, MARQUIS W. V. Pearl A. & A. H., BOO 727 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Rollman M., Chillicothe, Ross Vedder R. N., Chillicothe, Ross Whittemore J. R. Chillicothe, Ross Agnen James, Cincinnati, Hamilton aANDERSON, GATES & WRIGHT, Cincinnati, Hamilton APPLEGATE & CO. (See card, p. 90.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Bird H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBLANCHARDGEO. S. (Seecard, p.94.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Bosworth H. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBradlley & Webb, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBroaders & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCLARKE ROBERT & CO. (See card, p. 109.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Crosby George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dawson James J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Denis Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton aEarl E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eckert Lawrence, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eggers & Wilde, Cincinnati, Hamilton Flynt Mrs. M. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Galvagni J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gillard Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hartwell W. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton HOOLE EDWIN. (See card, p. 130:) Cincinnati, Hamilton Hutchinson Aaron, Cincinnati, Hamilton aJames U. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kelly A. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kreusburg & Nurre, Cincinnati, Hamilton McArthur A. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton McDonald Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton Max, Weil & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Meis H., Cincinnati, hamilton aMENDENHALL E. (See card, p. 177.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Moore C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMoore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton O'Connell Timothy, Cincinnati, Hamilton PARTRIDGE C. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Richards James, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRICHTER THEODORE, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRICKEY, MALLORY & CO., Cincinnati, Ilamilton SHIPLEY & SMITH, Cincinnati, Hamilton THOMAS HENRY, Marion Mari on SMNIITH W. M., Marysville, Union Holt P. C., Maumee City, Lucas Lymanr F. B., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Keyser John, jr., Miamisburg, Montgomery Caskey & Ingles, Millersburg, Holmes KNOBLE A. F. (See card, p. 451.) Mount Eaton, Wayne Lehman G. H., Mlount Vernon, Knox White Moses, Mount Vernon, Knox Cunningham W. M., Newark, Licking SMITH W. B. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton aTHEOBALD & THEUSKAUF, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thorpe John D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Titcomb R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Viershelling Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Von Kreutzberg & Nurre, Cincinnati, Hamilton Walsh John P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Olds Lyman N., Circleville, Pickaway Brown Mrs. H. F. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aCOBB J. B. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga See advt. of D. Whiting's Patent Clover Huller, p. 678. 727 BOO BOO -~~O )~ O NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Todd Saml. N. & Co., Sidney, Shelby Boehner Wm., Springdale, Hamilton Burrett & Petts, Springfield, Clark Woodward & Ranson, Springfield, Clark Layton J. M., Steubenville, Jefferson Crowise C., Tiffin, Seneca Pelan James, Tiffin, Seneca Zahm V. J., Tiffin, Seneca aAnderson & Fuller, Toledo, Lucas aLandis & Dodd, Toledo, Lucas Elliott F., Troy, Miami Kyle & Kely, Troy, Miami Deuel & Roof, Urbana, Champaign YOUNG T. J. (See card, p. 608.) Wapakoneta, Auglaize Adams G., Warren, Trumbull Porter W. H, Warren, Trumbull Milliken, Washington C. H., Fayette Winsterstein Moses, West Alexandria, Preble Whitcomb D. R, Wilmington, Clinton Beers Uria;h, Worthington, Franklin Blessing & Co., Xenia, Greene Fleming & Hamill. Xenia, Greene Harris F. & Co., Xenia, Greene Fellows H. C.-, Youngstown, Mahoning Elliott H., Zanesville, Muskingum Fletcher A., Zanesville, Muskingum SAMPSON & BEER, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY SNODGRASS A. T., New Lisbon, Columbiana Runyan & Co., New London, Huron HINES W. A., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas SMITH JOHN I., New Phi ladelphia, Tuscalrawas Gaylord Wm., Newton Falls, Trumbull Norwalk, Huron Norwalk, Huron R Oxfo rd, Butl er Oxford, B utler S., Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Piketon, Pike Piqua, Miami Poland, Mahoning Pomeroy, Meigs Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto See card, p. 523.) Racine, Mieigs Ravenna, Portage Roscoe, Coshocton Salemt, Columbiana (See card, p. 537.) Salem, Columbiana Sandusky, Erie Sandusky, Erie Sandusky, Erie Sanidusky, Erie BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS AND DEALERS. ( Wholesale Dealers marked thus, a. See also General Stores.) Abbeyville, Medina Acadia, Allen Acadia, Allen Acadia, Allen Adrian, Seneca Ai, Fulton Ai, Fulton Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, -Sumti~it Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Alert, Butler Allensville, Vinton Allensville, Vinton Alliance, Stark Alliance, St-ark Amsterdam, Jefferson Annapolis, Jefferson Ansonia, Darke Ansonia, Darke Ansonia, Darke Ansonia, Darke Akron, Summit Sikes & Sloan, Aslitab 3se rsAlert, Butler JONES J. L., A Allensville, Vinton Lowrey Isaac, A Allensville, Vinton Parsons Albert, Alliance, Stark Peters George, l ius, Alliance, Stark Swett Jacob, ick, Amsterdam, Jefferson Johnson Levi, At e Wannapolis, Jefferson Wintersteed John, At Ansonia, Darke Orcutt O., Austinb Ansonia, Darke Fisher Henry, Ansonia, Darke Flint Thomas, edson, Ansonia, Darke Miller C., See advt. of Clover Hulling Machine, p. 678. I BOO 728 BOO Pease 1). 11., Woostcr M. F., iNloGAW & RICH Peck & Fithian, Bartlett Christopb SMITH LANDON, Allen E. R., Jobnston A., Parker Rufus, Remington Wm. H. Reilly & Brown, Stephenson J., ELLIS JOHN R. Hall L. W. & Son, Smith Daniel, McMillen J., ATRESCOTT ISKAC. Colt Wm. D. Olds Charles V., Tr.,t.ub Lewis, Weeks R. E., Bannan Micha Cooper George McMullen Joh Wicks Harvey Beck J., Bingham L. J. Canfield R. L., Byrider 4, Cutter &- Hone Drescher G., Keifc,r F., McCune J. P., Ptinton W. S., Pl,,ttt & Foster, Lander John, UDinzton T., ]Fishr Charle Belford Alex., Belford B., Miller I., Wheeler & Ne Wilson Freder Guinney Wm., Reed J., Schellert G., Ungrite C., Zernhelt & Hu .erp, Paulding erp, Paulding reanum, Darke hland, Ashland R, hland, Ashland hland, Ashland hlttnd, Ashland hland, Ashland hley, Delaware hley, Delaware ula,'Ashtabula ula, Ashtabula ula, Ashtabula ul.i,, Ashtabula Athens, Athens t,liens, Athens Athens, Athens tliens, Athens Athens, Athens water, Portage water, Portage urg, Ashtabula Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Mayhew R. H., Berne, Noble Prewitt Wm., Bethany, Butler Gatton Thos., Bethesda, Belmont McFarlin Elias, Bethesda, Belmont Freeman John, Big Plain, Madison Gaeskill A., Bird's Run, Guernsey Baltzell A. C., Bladensburg, Knox BBailtzell Joseph, Bladensburg, Knox Hall E., Bladensburg, Knox Ross J. P., Bladensburg, Knox Burker S., Blanchester, Clinton Eastham R. S., Blanchester, Clinton Purvis Robert, Blanchester, Clinton Snyder Wm. F., Bloomville, Seneca Rudisill J., Boardman, Mahoning Stilson S. A., Boardman, Mahoning Morris John, Bourneville, Ross Donaldson James, Bowversville, Greene eHussey C. E., Bowersville, Greene Hutchens George, Bowersville, Greene Reinig M., Braceville, Trumbull Criossman Robert, Brecksville, Cuyahoga Esty Albert, Brecksville, Cuyahoga aMcWade Wm., Brecksville, Cuyahoga aCrosby John & Co., Bridgeport, Belmont Martin S., Bridgeport, Belmont Fry George, Brighton, Lorain Briggs L., Brinifield, Portage Caris George, Brimfield, Portage Williams J. T., Brimfield, Portage lMcConnell A. B., Bristol, Morgan Chapman John, Bristolville, Trumbull Gaines Samuel, Bristolville, Trumbull Hescock Edson, Bristolville, Trumbull Traviss S. S., Bristolville, Trumbull Bixler John, Brownsville, Licking Ewing A. & L. W., Brownsville, Licking Hindel J., Brownsville, Licking Frazier Robert, Buckeye Cottage, Perry MOORE G. W., Buckeye Cottage, Perry Cramer John, Bucyrus, Crawford Haller J. G., Bucyrus, Crawford Locke C. N., Bucyrus, Crawford Newell J. 1'., Bucyrus, Crawford Renkert C., Bucyrus, Crawford Schuler C., Bucyrus, Crawford Warren & Pfeiffer, Bucyrus, Crawford Wells G. A., Bucyrus, Crawford Morris F. B., Buffalo, Guernsey Teener James, Buffalo, Guernsey Popplewell Benj., Bundysburg, Geauga Chapman Ariel, Burg Hill, Trumbull Fell Amos D., Burg Hill, Trumbull Fitzgerald John, Burg Hill, Trumbull Davenport John, Cadiz, Harrison Hagedorn Henry, Cadiz, Harrison Hamilton Wm., Cadiz, Harrison Hoffman B. T., Cadiz, Harrison Hoffman S. B., Cadiz, Harrison Means Wesley, Cadiz, Harrison Phillips & Co., Cadiz, Harrison iRea John, Cadiz, Harrison Slemmons Samuel, Cadiz, Harrison ,Clantz Andrew, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Romas John, Avon, Lorain Siebert H., Avon, Lorain Smith William, Avon, Lorain Wells, Ayersville, Defi',nce Kretzer Emanuel. Bainbridge, Ross Martin John M1., Bainbridge, Ross Smith John, Bainbridge, Ross Palftey Saml., Batntam, Clermont Smith George W., Bantam, Clermont Hughs Isaac, Barnesville, Belmont Mlott & Uncles, Barnesville, Belmont Reed John, B,arnesville, Belmont Reed Wm., Barnesville, Belmont Garretson E. K., Bart-lett. Washington Levil S. M., Bartlptt, Washington Dingess John. Batesville, Guernsey Foster C., Batesville, Guernsey Jackson H. G., Beallsville, Monroe Lilly J. A. W., Beallsville, Mlonroe Bearnblossom S., Beaiyisville, Darke BERTS E., Beamsville, Darke Mercer Daniel, Bell Air, lBelrmont; Schenker J., Bell Air, Belmont aWalker N. B., Bell Ail, Belmont Davis J. T., Belle Center, Logan Walteers S., Belle Center, Logan Davidson & Thrift, Bellefontaine, Logan: NELSON & McELREE, Bellefontaine, Logan Snyder Isaae, Bellefontaine, Logan Cummings L. W., Belleville, Richland Ellston Wm., Belleville, Richland Green J. F., Bellevil]e, Richland Htines B. F., Belleville, Richland MlcCune John, Belleville, Richland McCune R., Belleville, Richland Mull D., Belleville, Richland Sargent I., Belleville, Richlaind Waggoner S., Belleville, Richland Hurl P. & A., Bellevue, Huron King W. H., Bellevue, Huron Leiter A., Bellevue, Huron Oehm J., Bellevue, Huron Valt T., Bellevue, Huron Donne, A. F., Belpre, Washington Ilill Win., Bennington, Morrow Leats C., Benninigton, Morrow Munroe F., Bennington, Morrow S'unders J. G., Benton Ridge, Hancock Spear Wm., Benton Ridge, H'ncock Mosier Samuel, Bentonville, Adams Willson D. H., Bentonville, Adams Cuswell Oliver, Berea, Cuyahoga Newbre6nd G., Berea, Cuyahoga Wyman Franklin, Berea, Cuyahoga Alarclh Daniel, Berlin Center, Mahoning Test C., Berlin Center, Mahoning Dyre A. J. & Co. Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Davis J. S., Berlin Heights, Erie Davy John, Berlin Heights, Erie Fowler Isaac, Berlin Heights, Erie Roberts —, Berlin Heights, E~rie Barker I. & Son, Berne, Noble See card of George W. Collins, p. 600. 729 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY BOO 730 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Phipps S. W., Chester Hill, Morgan Waugh Robert, Chester Hill, Morgan Aid Charles, Chillicothe, Ross Aid T. A., Chillicothe, Ross Allgeyer Jacob, Chillicothe, Ross Bentel John, Chillicothe, Ross Brandle C., Chillicothe, Ross Brandle Mi., Chillicothe, Ross Duistmian D. & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Goltz G., Chillicothe, Ross Hlearn J. L., sr., Chillicothe, Ross Helfrich Michael, Chillicothe, Ross Ilorney Lewis, Chillicothe. Ross Hurst l. N., ChiTlicotnhe, Ross Kern K., Chillicothe, Ross Limle J., Chillicothe, Ross Mathias J., Ch illic othe, Ross Ogilvee J., (col.) Chillicothe, Roass Peters P. Chillicothe, Ross Ra-wley T., Chilliothe, Rloss Schafer A., Chillicothe, Ross Smith P., Chillicothe, Ross Smiley S., Chillicothe, Ross Spath Alex., Chillicothe, Ross Struder A., Ch illicothe, Ross Weilis L., Chillicothe, Ross Weilson N., Ch illicothe, Ross Young F., C hillicothe, Ross Young P., Chillicothe, Ross Htill H., Christianisburg, Champaign Hollis E., Christiansburg, Champaign Moore A. C., Clhristiansburg, Champaign Moore Silas, Christiansburg, Champaign Pond I. P., Christiansburg, Champaign Ahlborn Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahlers John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Allan & Klister, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ashman James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ass'rnm P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Barbour A. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Becker S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beckmann Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Behler F. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Behmer & Schweiss, Cincinnati, Hamilton Benning Casper, Cincinnati, Hamilton Benzinger G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berger J. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berlin H.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Berling H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bitzer George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl JohnI Cincinnati, Hamilton Borger P. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Borgen Frederick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bozzer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brahm J. E., Cincinnati,t Hamilton aBrooks M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bucker R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Buhrmann G. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bunyan M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Burke Toby, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBurnet Jacob, jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBURTON GIDEON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Busse F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Scott J. M., Cambridge, Guernsey Conaroe Caleb, Camden, Preble Morris D., Camden, Preble Tooker D. M., Camden, Preble Berg Stephen, Canal Fulton, Stark Labbe K., ganal Fulton, Stark Labbe iM., Canal Fulton, Stark Limback George, Canal Lulton, Stark Lorenz E., Canal Fulton, Stark Weaver P., Canal Winchester, Franklini Shellhorn G. W., Canfield, Mahoning Wilcox B. G., Canfield, Mahoning Blum J. F., Canton, Stark Bockins J. C. & Son, Canton, Stark Bomm C., Canton, Stark Murray F., Canton, Stark Richard J. C., Canton, Stark Stuerhoff J. J., Canton, Stark Yost P., Canton, Stark Smith G., Cass, Hancock Plumb F., Casstown, Miami Romain T. R., Casstown, Miami Sanders John, Casstown, Miami Peters John, Castalia, Erie Stephens A., Castalia, Erie Ervin John, Catawba, Clark Pearson George, Catawba, Clark Shanks E.,. Catawba, Clark D)arance F., Celina, Mercer Palman John, Celina, Mercer Rhates Wm. B., Celina, Mercer Baldwin, Center Belpre, Washington Bordine & Brother, Cen ter Belpre, W ashington Forbs W. W., Center Belpre, Washington Sines D. D., Center Village, Delaware ROBINSON H. A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Morgan John, Chandlersville, Muskingum Russell W., Chandlersville, Muskingum Vogt F., Chandlersville, Muskingum Meckins James L., Chatham, Licking Preston Nathan, Chatham, Licking Rouse Robert, Chatham, Licking Acton Stephen, Chauncey, Athelis Fulton Henry, Chauncey, Athens Van Gilden Seth, Cheshire, Gallia Foster J., Chester, Meigs Jerolemon P., Chester. Meigs Lewis L., Chester, Meigs JUDKINS JOEL, Chester Hill, Morgan BOO 730 BOO NAME Robinson A., Vasbinder N., Davidson Wm., Gambs J. & N., Bayles George, Cochran Franci Marggraf G., Pomert C., Mellyar Wm., Ogier D., Ogier Wm., OLDENHAM S. POST OFFICE COU.,NTY Cadwallader, Tusearawas t' adwallader, Tusc,,tr,,twas "Calais, Monroe Calia,s, Monroe Caledonia, Marion Caledonia, Marion Caledonia, Marion Caledonia,, Marion Cambridge, Guernsey Cambridge, Guernsey Cambridge, Guernsey M. & SON, Cambridge, Guernsey Cambridge, Guernsey Camden, Preble Camden, Preble Camden, Preble Canal Fulton, Stark ganal Fulton, Stark Canal Fulton, Stark Canal Lulton, Stark Canal Fulton, Stark nal Winchester, Franklin Canfield, M,,thoning Canfield, Mahoning Canton, Stark Soil, Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Cass, Hancock Casstown, Miami Casstown, Miami Casstown, Miami Cast,,tli,-l, Erie C,,tst,alia, Erie Catawba, Clark Catawba, Clark Catawba, Clark Celina, Mercer Celina, Mercer Celina, Mercer BOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 73 BO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY BUTAR MRS. JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton aCahill John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Carter James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cla.rk A. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aColiorst & Dettmer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Collins Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aCOMSTOCK W. H. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton aConner & WVorman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Conrad P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCrigley M. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crooks & Goodall, Cincinnati, Hamilton Curley Luke, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDETERS JOHN H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Deremo John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Desenbock C. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Deters Henry A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDoyle S. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Droppelmann J. H., Cincinnati, Ccatiilton Duffel Gasper, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eck P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eckelman H. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eppinger H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Evans C. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eveslage O. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFabrinig Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fangman Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Farming John, Cincinnati, Haminilton Feenke F. H., Cincinnati, Hlamilton Felix Andrew, Cincinnati, tamilton Feltmann G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fink E. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Finke Barnhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Finke Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Foppe & Longland, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frielling F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Frople Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frost F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Furste F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGates John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Geise F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Geise Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerding IC., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGiesting J. D. & G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gilbert George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gorman Edwaid, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gorman M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Green John, Cincinnati. Hamilton Green John & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gros Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hafner George, Cincinnati, -l amilton aHALDY F. H. (See card, p. 126.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Halmer C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hambacker John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamrnann A., Cincinnati, Hamilton allart Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hellmann F. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton HIelming John, Cincinnati, Hamilton atlendley Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henke J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hergig Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHewes & McCann, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hunnemann S. T., Cincinnati, Hamrrilt Hu-vet H., Cincinnati, Hamilt Imwalle H., Cincinnati, Hamilt J ames Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilt Jones Griffin, Cincinnati, Hamilt Joring Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilt Kaiser & Busam, Cincinnati, Hamilt Kallmeyer H., Cincinnati, Hamilt Kollniiur George, Cincinnati, Hamilt Kamp G. Ht., Cincinnati, Hamilt Kathman & Brother, Cincinnati, I-lamilt Keane Michael, Cincinnati, Ilamilt Kelly M., Cincinnati, Hamilt Kent Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilt aKing Wm., Cincinnati, Itamilt Klusmianil G., Cincinnati, Hamilt Klute John, Cincinnati, ttamilt Knostman C., Cincinnati, Hamilt aKnott & Lytle, Cincinnati, Hamilt -Kockler C., Cincinnati, Hamint Koebl P., Cincinnati, Hamill Kohlbrand David, Cincinnati, Hamilt Kohns H., Cincinnati, Hamilt Kostar F., * Cincinnati, Hamilt Ki-.ramer Clhas., Cincinnati, Ha-milt Krug M., Cincinnati, ta~milt Kuhlmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilt Kurtz John A., Cincinnati, Hamill aLamb John W. & Brother, BOO 731 BOO TY ton ton on ton ton ton on on ton ton on ton on on on on on ton ton ton on ton ton ton ton ton t.on t,on ton t,on ton ton ton ton ton ton Cincinnati, flai-nilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamillon C-l'.ncinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hauilton Cincinnati, 11 "imiltoll Cincinnati, II,-tmilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnat,i, Hamilton Cin'cinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Lamp John B., La,ml-ing John H., Lan,,o J. A., L,,ingmead J., Lee Wm., Lewis Wm., Lindem,-inn F., Longenberg W., Lork M., al,yon John, illcgrat.h J., Mckenzie D. M., aM,,t,nss L. & Sons,, Marshal H., Menke Arnold, Mesch & Schenke, Meyer Frederick, Moore J. D., Moore P., Moorman B. J., Nloor,nan J., Moorman J. J., Morgan Thomas, Morrison & Hewes, aneff, Briggs & Co., BOO 782 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~()O~~~~~~~~ POST OFFICE COUNTY POST OFFICE COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cin.innati, Halmilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Htimilton Cincinnati, lIamilton IStrauss FSaami o el, Streitelmeir J. H., aSwift J. & Co, Tapking H. W., Tennison Mark, Theising HIenry, Thole Henry, aThorne W. F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, tiHamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, tHamilton ~; CO. Cincinnati, Hamilton ( Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton' Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Tieman Charles, Troscher F., ITnderstadt J. C., Uhlfelder L., Utley H., Vonlar George, Wa,llman B. J., Weber J., Weber Julius, Weber 5I., aWEBSTER E. G. Rehc J. H. Cincinnati, Hamilton Rehm John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reid Robert. Cincinnati, iHamilton Remmne H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Renneker Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reordan J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rice Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rider F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRobbins & Pomeroy, Cincinnati, Harmilton Robertson M., Cinncinati, Hamilton aRogers E. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rott J. H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ruf & Eha, Cincinnati, Halitiilton Saner K., Cincinnati, tIamilton Sauer Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sauer P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schaeffer Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Scheeve David, Cincinnati, Halmilton Schildknecht Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Scohouer P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schratffenberger Michael, Cincinnati, H,amilton Schroer & Stock, Cincinnati. Hamilton Schult R., Cincinnatti, Hamilton Schuner J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Seeders George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shurmann J. J., Cincinnati, hamilton Siegmann A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSimpkinson J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sliker V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & Sullivan, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spallmer George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stegman & Klingel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steplian G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stiegler A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stolz S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Straus M., Cincinnati, Hamilton NICHOLAS. (See card, p. Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hale tilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cinicinnati, Hatmilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton ?., Cincinnati, Hanmilton Cincinnati, Hamilton nry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Circleville, Pickaway ,7 Circleville, Picka,way 7V., Circleville, Pickaway h, Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway les, Circleville, Pickaway thy, Circleville, Pickaway T., Circleville, Pickaway has., Circleville, Pickaway l, Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway hen, Clarksburg, Ross ,iah, Clarksburg, Ross ogers, Clarksfield, Huron Clarkson, Columbiana Clement, Hancock rge, Clement, Hancock Clement, Hancock lip, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga BOO 782 .1300 NA3,IE NANIE 1,Veitzel Cle Weitzel G, Wescott Al. Wesslen G., Westendorf Westerkamni Westei-kamp Widerstein L Winckel D., WIRTHLIN 185.) awise John, ivit,t Wm.. Worth S., Wunder R., Wt:trth A., Wylei- Geo. Zorf C., Ziirleine He Bowlin,, 11., Collier A. J. aconrad J. D,,trst Josep Epps T. J., Fis.i,er Char Griffin Timo HAMILTON Helw,,tgen C Longal' Joh .N,Iiller B. H., Miller F., Millet A., Swartz N., Weig,ind C., Hoi-sey Step Munford Jos Berkley & R Stock Fr,,iiik, Bea.,le A., C,,Intner Geo Ebnau,,h N., AmmaZ Phil Apple A., BO BO NNAMIE POST OFFICE COUNTY Yates Wmn., Cleveland, Ciyathoga Bayer Samuel, Clyde, Sandusky Fish S. D., Clyde, Sandusky Wiley Andrew P., Colerain, Belmont Boyle Wm., Collinsville, Butler Gilbert Perry, Columbia C(enter, Licking Miller Charles, Columbia Center, Licking Smith Joseph, Columbia Center, Licking Hass S., Columbiana, Columbiana Ileddings C., Columbiana, Coluribiana Ihowell James, Columbiana, Colunmbiana Lehman Josiah, Columbiana, (Columbiana Snyder D., Columibianat, Columbiana Tlh)rall Conrad, Columrbiana, Columbiana Vogleson A. W. & Co., Columbitana, Columbiana Allen & Awl, Columbus, Fianklin Bactuerle John, Columbus, F ranklin Beck & Reichlenbach, Columbus, Franklin Bethge A. C., Columbus, Frlnklin Clark John, Columbus, F ianklin Conrad & Bro., Columnbus, Franklin aConstans J. W., Columbuis, F ran lin Cooper Absalomn, Columbus, Franklin Dauterman F., Columbus, Franklin DoCnoloe Edward, Columbus, Franklin Erlenbusclh Gallecl-h, Columbus, Franklin Fassig NM. & F., Columbus, Franklin Ilatclhtel George, Columbus, Franklin Hodge Robt. R., (col.,) Columbus, Franklin EHoringer G., Columbus, Franklin Kienzle John, Columbus, Franklin aKimball H. H., Columbus, Frankfin Knoderer B., Columbus, Franklin Lang John, Columbus, Franklin Luschl M., Columbus, Franklin Mangold John, Columbus, Frtaniklin Martin Tlhomas, Columbus, Franklin aM,Iauldin & Co., Columbus, Franikhln ur,phy Patrick, Columbus, Franklin Newhtall Samuel S., Colur,ibus, Franklin Pfeiffer John, Columbus, Franklin Schaefer Henry, Columbus. Franklin Schenck Charles, Columbus, Fr'itnkliin Schrioll G. P., Columbus, Franklin Scott Chals., (col.,) Columqbus, Franklin Fregens Ifenry, Columbus, Franklin Walkup & Ury, Columbus, Franklin BERGOLa J. A., Cleveland, Cuyahlioga Black John, Clevelanrd, Cuyahoga Bcehringer G. F., Cleveland, Cuyaboga Budinger Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aCrowell & Childs, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Diehli Philip, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dilhaust Patrick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Drapper Thomas, Cle'veland, Cuyahoga Engel George, Cleveland,'Cuyahoga Erbe A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Farber' George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Farley John, Cleveland, (,uy,lhog Fischer A.. Cleveland, Cuyaloga Frissell E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gerlach John, Cleveland, Cuytlihoga Goebel Peter, Glevelatnid, Cuyahoga Goodlhart S., Cleveland, CuyahogaGrah', m Robert, Clevel.and, Cuy,ahloga Gross Lewis, Cleveland, ('uyahoga Hartman Simon, Cleveland, Cuyalhog,a Hawth,rn A. D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Huck Albert, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aHUE,lTT, BURGERT & CO., Clevel,anS, Cuyalhog,a Klienschoof C. E., Clev eland, Cuyahoga Koeckert A., Cleveland, Cuyahogai Konertman Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lord tI. & Co, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lord & Fellows, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lorenz Frank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga M.cGtire Patrick, Cleveland, Cuyahloga McGuire P. F., Cleveland, Ctiyahlioga Miller Charles, C(,leveland, Cuyahoga aMlILLER & PARSONS, 128 WATEiR, Cleveland, Coyahoga MAoser E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Orsenfelder Benedict, Cleveland, Ctiyahoga Potter Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ranney H. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ranney J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ranney S., Cleveland, Cuyalioga Rogers N., Cleveland, Cuyaihoga Schmidt M., Cleveland, Cuylahoga Schwartz George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga c aSeaman & Smith, Cleveland, Cuyalhoga Sholes T. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith, Dodd & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Snider A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Snider II., Cleveland, Cuyahoga T Sommer L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga' aSPENCERt & MIELLER, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSterling Samuel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Tiernan Arthur, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Tomes John, Cleveland, Cuyaho,ga Van Voast G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Voulker Christopher, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wall Edwin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Weber J. C., Cleveland, CuyahogaS Weed J. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wetzel Rudolph, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Woehrle Frederick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wolke Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Douglass Jo seph, Conneaut, Ashtabula Phillips D. & O. C., Conneaut,, Ashtabula Phiillips Oliver, Conneaut, Ashtabula Smith Edward W., Conneaut, Asht.abula Morrial John, Contreras, Butler Strewe Charles, Cornersbuirg, MIahoning Strewe J. D., Cornersburg, Alahoning KELKER R. F., Corsica, Morrow Spaulding Zadock, Corsica, Mnorrow Cassingham & Shaw, Coshoeton, Coshocton Elliott A. K., Coshocton, Coshocton Gibson W*m., Coshocton, Coshocton I BOO 7,33 BOO NA31E POST OFFICE COUNTY floringer G-., Columbus, Franklin Kienzle John, Columbus, Frtnklin akimball H. H., Columbus, Frankiin Knoderer li., Columbus, Franklin Laiig John, Columbus, Franklin Luseli M., Columbus, Franklin. Mangol,l John, Columbus, Frtinklin Martin Tliomts, Columbus, Frankliu am,,luldin & Co., Columbus, Fi-aiiklln Mur Franklin ,pli' Patrick, Columbus y Newhttll Samuel S., Coluriibus, Fr,,inklin Pfeiffer John, Columbus, Franklin Schaefer flenry, Columbus. Franklin Schenck Charles, Columbus, Fr,,tnkliii Schi-oll G. P., Columbus, Franklin Scott Cli.-is., (col.,) Coluiqbus, Franklin Freg'ens Ifenry, Columbus, Franklin Walkup & Ury, Columbus, Franklin WITTMAN & STRAUB, Columbus, Franklin BOO 734 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Sho emaker John, De Graeff, Logan Bouerice L., Delaware, Delaware Graff F., Delaware, Delaware Kenyon S., Delaware. Delaware McKinney J. F., Delaware, Delaware Ott G., Delaware, Delaware Randall P.. Delaware, Delaware Stahl & True, Delawere, Delaware Barmuth Peter,,Delphos, Allen Buetner J., Delphos, Allen Dickman C. & Co., Delphos, Allen Sedlmeier Christopher, Delphos, Allen Klinger Thomas, Dodson, Montgomery Bosworth J., Downington, Meigs Brooks Wm, Downington, Meigs Sulivan Wim., Downiiigton, Meigs Grebner F., Dresden, Muskingum Ifolborn F., Dresden Mluskingum' Kain MI. K., Dresden, Muskingum White John E., Dresden, Muskingum Billingsley B., Dublin, Franklin Harlow J., Dublin, Franklin HAYS W. B. (See card, p. 820.) Dublin, Franklin Swain A. E., Dublin, Franklin Jole J., Dunbarton, Adams Mathias J., Dunbarton, Adams Cushman E.-E., Eagleville, Ashtabula Heath J. D., East Liberty, Logan Wommer John, Eaast Liberty, Logall Mattocks A. &3 J., East Monroe, Highland Gumther Samuel. Zornetz A., Coshocton, Coshocton Zugschwart C., Coshocton, Coshocton Diltz A., Coviigton, Mliami Lztchford T., Covington, Miami Shafer J., Covington, Miami Wagoner & Bro., Covington, Miami Rockhill A. S., Cranberry, Allen Fry & MAlauch, Crestline, Crawford Miller James, Crestline, Crawford Miller John Crestline, Crawford Elliott Thomas, Cumberland, Guernsey St. Clai r W. J., Cumnberland, Guernsey Plum H., Cuiyahoga Falls, Summit Wills S., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Harper f). W., Dalton, Wayne Beach H., Darby Creek, Madison Furlong S. P., Darby Creek, Madison Hager, Wm., Darby Creek, Madison Knock John, Darby Cireek, Madison Lucas W., Darby Creek, Madison McClunlle Z. P., Darby Creek, Madison i Perry Edson, Darby Creek, Madison Sands A., Darby Creek, Madison Stamp Wesley, Darby Creek, Madison Bickford D., Dayton, MIontgomery Bickford Nathaniel, Dayton, Montgomery aBiddleman, Evans, Crawford & Doyle, Dayton, Montgomery Darrow W. L., Dayton, Mon+gomery Davis N. B., Dayton, Montgomery Ferneding C., Dayton, Montgomery Flinn C. D., Dayton, Mlontgomery Geiger L., Dayton, Montgomnery Hoar B. F., Dayton, Montgomery Hochwalt G., Dayton, Montgomery Hochwalt H., Dayton, Montgomery' Hulbert E. N., Dayton, Montgomery Jeffries Allen, Dayton, MAontgomery Johautgen Peter, Dayton, Montgomery Mescher & Niehaus, Dayton, Montgomery Morey & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Niederd John, Dayton, Montgomery Phillips A., D ayton, MNontgomery Powell John, Dayton, Montgomery Reed J. T., Dayton, Montgomery Rubsam Anton, Dayton, Montgomery Schneider & Lutz, Dayton, Montgomery Schreiak David, Dayton, Montgomery Schulte J. & B., Dayton, Montgomery Seidelman George, Dayton, Montgomery Selegstein Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery Thomas & Arnold, Dayton, Montgomery Volker John H., Dayton, Montgomery Weckel J. G. & Son, Dayton, Montgomery Wilson W., Dayton, Montgomery Brown L., Deavertowm, Morgan Ellis Simeon, Deavertown, Morgan Flan. John, Deavertown, Morgan Beiderstadt Henry, Defiance, Defiance Dolke Augustus, Defiance, Defiance Gorman & Hess, Defiance, Defiance Grass John, Defiance, Defiance Kniss John, Defiance, Defiance Bontriger Dariel, De Graff, Logan BOO 734 BOO NAME POST OFFICE'COUNTY Etist Rochester, Columbiana Stockman John, East Rochester, Colurnbitin,,t Becker Charles, Eaton, Preble Campbell Wm. D., Eaton, Preble Gill Win., Eaton, Preble Lockwood E. P., E.,tt,on, Preble Lockwood J. L. & C. W., Eaton, Preble Reeves Elwood, Etton, Preble Anderson John, Ecknilinsville, Adams Rinkle M., E-I,,erton, Williams Ki.niiey Alpheus, E(linburg, Portage Northrop E., C Edinbiirg, Portage Shelton R.' M.' Edinburg, Portage Bayless Nathan, Edwardsville, Warren Morris W. & J., Elid,,t, Allen Da-vis R., Ellsworth. Maboning 'iN I c iN e a Iy S., Ellsworth,!Al,,iboning Chace Frank, Euphemia, Preble Chace N., Euphemia, Preble Lock A., jr., Eupliemia, Preble Rookstool C., Etipbemia., Preble Ilollenback lvm., Farni6rsville, Montgomery Lant,z Wm., Farinersville, Montgomery King J. D., Feesburg, Brown Reese Daniel, Feesburg, Brown Swope Wm., Feesbtirg, Brown ARDINGER P. B., Finley, Hancock Ewing & Redick, Finley, Hancock Lungrock S., Finley, Hancock Spaythe C., Finley, Hanc ok BOO 735 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Scott W., Greenfield, Highland Biltman & Co., Greenville, Darke Challis J. F., Greenville, Darke Culbertson J. J., Greenville, Darke Mosher William, Hale Hardin Beck Char les, Hamilton, Butler BottinGser E., Hamilton, Butler Bov Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Brrinkma n John, Hamilton, Butler Euler Peter, Hamilton, Butler Henneke Joseph, Hamilton, Butler McNevin John, Hamilton, Butler Mahler Chas., Hamilton, Butler Alenche George,' Hamilton, Butler Meyer Henry, Hamilton, Butler Schwenke J., Hamilton, Butler Sill Felix, Hamilton, Butler Smith John, Hamiilton, Butler Stewart Alpheqs, Hamilton, Butler Weidenbornier John, Hamilton, Butler Whist-le Isaac, Hamilton, Butler Nash M. O., Hanover, Licking Venible Wm, Hanover, Licking Binney G. W., Harmar, Washington Naylor R., Harmar. Washington MIeeley James, H,arpersfield, Ashtabula Scheverell Gustavus, NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Stubbs J. D., Finley, Hancock Dickson Jacob, Flint's Mills, Washington Thomas John, Flint's Mills, Washington Robertson W., Florence, Erie Seapold A., Florence, Erie Mayby J. T., Forest, Hardin Ireland T., Franklin, Warren Kaiser John, Franklin, War re n KELL JOHN, Franklin, Warren Maxwell O. C., Fr anklin, Wa rren Stage J., Franklin, Warren Kirkham., Fr anklin Mills, Portage Geseeker B., Frease's Stor e, Stark Palmer Daniel, Frease's Stor e, Stark Spidle Abraham, Frease's St ore, Stark Bryant L., Fr eedom, Por tage Robinson H., Freedom, Portage Adelm an n, Fremo nt, S andusky Dorr P hillip n, Freont, Sandugky -Geible F. J., Frem ont, Sandusky Golmer John, Fremont, Sandusky Gore P., Fremont, Sandusky Leshire H., FreTmont, Sandusky Meng S. P., Fremont, Sandusky Rumpff Char les, F remont Sandusky OFien Sadmonuel, Gahaniia, Fr anklin ScliJeider George, GalianiCa, Franklin Woodruff Joseph, Galhanna, Frank lin Andrews R., Galena, Delaware Boynton J.. Galena, Delaware Eldridge R.C., Galena, Delaware Marquith R. J., Galena, Delaw are Pierson & Townley, Galena, Delaware Findley John, Galighlier, Guernsey Fablin Lorenzo, Galion, Cr awfor d Firstenberger Christian, Ga llion, Crawford Helfrich Henry, Galion, Crawford Schneider Jacob,. Galio,,, Crawford Sh uler Jacob F., Galion, Crawford Snyder J. & J.. Galion, Crawford Snyder Wm., Galion, Crawford Dages & Leclerc, Gallipolis, Gallia McCafferty Thos., Gallipolis, Gallia Regnier C. & Co., Gallipolis, Gallia Hutchins P. K., Garrettsville, Portage Williams & Stowell, Harpersfield, Ashtabula MNoore Wm., Harrisonville, meigs Hess lartin, Hemlock Grove, lmeigs Kimes T., He mlock Gro ve, Meigs Phillips J., Hemlock Grove, MIeigs Anderson Samuel, Highland, Highland Pensy Leonard, Highland, Highland Wilkins John, Highland, Highland Douglass Win., Hill Grove, Darke Kancher Jacob, Hill GIrove, Darke Acton C. IH., Hillird's, Franklin Deitz John, Hillsboro', Highland Duvall J., Hillsboro', Highland Easton G. E., IIillsboro', Highland Haynes S., Hillsboro', Highland Stoddard & Bro., Hillsboro', Highland Garner James, IHope, Franklin Johnston T. L., Hope, Franklin Cooper T., Hudson, Summit McGrew D. F., Hudson, Summit Noona J., Hudson, Summit Quay J.. A., ttudson, Summit Drew F., Irouton, Lawrence Simond John, Ironton, Lawrence Rose Nelson, Irville, Muskingum NELSON & DU HADWAY, Jackson, Jackson Krager Anthony, Kalida, Putnam Ohlmacher Henry, Kelley's Island, Erie Schardt Adam, Kelley's Island, Erie Beck G., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Harrington E., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Marthaler Jacob, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Waite D. G., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Atkinson Hiram, Kennonsburg, Noble Campbell Samuel, Kenton, Hardin Gilmore, Kenton, Hardin Darkess A., German, Darke Geyer John F., German, Darke Bechtolt,P. E. & Bro., Germantown, Montgomery Isenhower A., Germantown, Miontgomery Troup David, Germantown, Montgomery JOHNSON WM. (See card, p. 351.) Girard, Trumbull Young E., Girard, Trumbull Clop W., Glendale, Hamilton Sagel J. H., Glendale, Hamilton Depu C(alvin, Granville, Licking Dewolfe S. A., Granville, Licking Miller A. L., Granville, Licking Zellhart Wm., Granville, Licking ALLEN S. W. & CO., Greenfield, Highlland Hoper S. W., Greenfield, Highland I s BOO 735 BOO Ga.rrett,,:ville, Portage German, Darke German, Darke BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY KiencasterJohn, London, Madison LONG B.C., London, Madison Mohn Wmn., London, Madison Stahl John, London, Madison Long J. B., Loudonville, Ashland Petot C., Loudonville, Ashland Steiber A., Loudonville, Ashland Beauman Loveland, Clermont Pebernot John, Loveland, Clermont First James, Lucas, Richland Kooken Henry, ISucas, Richland McCully G. B., Lucas, Richland Abby Seldon, MNlcArthnlr, Vinton Holland P., L tcArthur, Vinton King J. He., MIcArthur, Vinton Mc Dowell J. S., MIicArtlur, Vinton RoachlF Wm., WMcArthur, Vinton Swetland J. G., McArthur, Vinton Masker D. J., lMacon, Morrow Masker M. V., Malacon, Aiorngow Coatns Jam es, Maineville, Warren Fall E. C., Maineville, W arren Tufts -Eben, Maineville, Warren ThoBnLberry Riley, Malaga, Monroe Drakert J., Iansfield, Richland Johnson C. W., Mansfield, Richland Kaiser & Eurig, Mansfield- Richland Keffer & Kleiser, Mansfield, Richllnd Keisex i., Mansfield, Rich'and Keiser & Emy, Mansfield, Richland Smith R. I-., Mansfield, Richland Wtiskotten Robert, Mansfield, Richland aWOLFORD E., Mansfield, Richland Smith John, Marbleheai~d, Ottawa aBarker J. D. & Co., Marietta, W ashington Ermlicla J. F., Marietta, Washington Fisher J. & Bro. Maralietta, Washington Fiser Wm., Marietta, Washington SLO(OMdB S., - Marietta, Washington Sttanthope Wm., Marietta, Washington Barton Miclieael, Marion, Marion Cone Jo seph W., Marion, Marion Fetter & Glick, Marion, MaT ion Gugle Joh Main, M Sarion Holmes Rowland B.. Marion, Marion SARLES WM. H., Marion, Sarion TerpaJny Samuel M n l Marion, Marion TRISTRAM BARTHOLONIEW, M arion, Marion CLad nsy Wm., Marshallsville, Wayne Williams Frederick, Marshallsville, Wayne Lovell G., Marysville, Union Felter Win., Mason, Warren Kitchel E. C., Mason, Warren Morgan J. B.. Mason, Warren Phai-res J. J., Mason Warren Altekruse-, Massillon, Stark Danner G., Massillon, Stark Geis & Fielberth, Massillon, Stark Nettleton I., Massillon, Stark Pille Harmon, Massillon, Stark Sausser & Wfert, Massillon, Stark Youngi M., Massillon, Stllrk Gaestel John, Lake, Stark Myers Daniel W., Lake, Stark alyers Michael D., Lake, Stark Smith Wm., Lake, Stark Gladden J., Lamaritine, Carroll Peal H., I.amira,i Belmont Bauer A., Lancaster, Fairfield Embich Wm., Lancaster, Fairfield Giesey Daniel, Lancaster, Fairfield Groff A., Lancaster, Fairfield Hiller F., Lancaster, Fairfield Miller G. F., Lancaster, Fairfield Miller J. M., Lancaster, Fairfield Myer P., Lancaster, Fairfield Pierce & Son, Lancaster, Fairfield Reed Robert, Lancaster, Fairfield Steck & Bro., Lancaster,; Fairfield Upfield & Crips, Lancaster, Fairfield Work, Son & Wo rk, Lancaster, Fairfield Wolfinger & Hoffman, LancasteT, Fairfield Applegate B., Lebanon, Warren Frost Wm. E., Lebanon, Warren PUTNA.MI CHARLES H., Lebanon, Warren Pyle George,~ Lebanon, Warren McDowell John, Leipsic, Putnam Tingle Joseph, Leipsic, Putnam Ummsetter E. W., Letart Falls, Mleigs Baughman Jacob, Lexington, Richalnid Culp C. D., Lexmngton, Richland Dudley E. F., Lexington, Richland Hales G. H., Lexington, Richland Narence David, Lexington, Richland Rhodes Levi, Lexington, Richland Rogers Wm., Lexington, Richland Tamehill Z. A., Lexington, Richland Melhorn John, Lima, Allen Neise H., Lima, Allen Neise Samuel, Lima, Allen Wamsley J. B., Lima, Allen Eggleston J. S., Litchfield, Medina Hill Wm., Little Hocking, Washington Lockwood S. T., Little Hocking, Washington Martin C. S., Little Sandusky, Wyandot Dande J. AI., Liverpool, Medina Hagerling C., Liverpool, Medina Raffensberger P., Lockington, She-lby Shaw D. H., Lodi, Medina Weaver J. W., Lodi, Medina Cone J.. Log Ca/bin, Morgan Bolds T. & Son, London, Madison Curd & Allisou, London, Madison BOO 736 NAME POST OFFICE COU.,NTY Kent.oyi, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kent,on, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kimboltor,, Guernsey Kimbolton, Guernsey Lawton A., Lawton A. W., Linz J-., Miller 1. C., Pfeiffer Peter, Snodgrass D.,' Hutcheson Joseph, Stanley J. R., Temple T. D. & J. B., Kimbolt-on. Guernsey 1,ike, Stark Lake, Stark Lake, Stark Lake, $ark L —imai-t.ine, Carroll I.amir,,i., Belmont Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, F,-tirfield L,,tnelast,e,r, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, F,-tirfield Lancaster,; Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield BO 3 O NAME t Morgan Geo., Brownsberger Wm., Merrill C., Quig F., Bunehet C., Blew H., Mech Cheney T. S., Mech Legge & Sceva, Mech AdreazL Amos, Young Wm., Cottom John, Ives D. G., IVES W. J. (See Sealey E. A., Webb Ezra, l Whipple C., 1 Budd Wm., Snyder S., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Mesopotamia, Trumbull WMesopotamia, Trumbull Miami, Hamilton Miami, Hamilton amisburg, Montgomery amisburg, Montgomery amisburg, Montgomery amisburg, Montgomery liddlebourne, Guernsey tiddlebourne, Guernsey Middleport, Meigs Middleport, Meigs Middleport, Meigs Middleport Meigs Middletown, Butler Middletown, Butler Middletown, Butler Middletown, Butler Middletown, Butler Middletown, Butler Milford, Clermont Milford, Clermont Milford Center, Union Milford Center, Union Millersburg, I-Iolmes Millersburg, Holmes Millersburg, Holmes Millersburg, Holmes Millersburg, Holmes M illersport, Fairfield Millersport, Fairfield Iillerstown, Champaign Sillerstown, Champaign Millville, Butler Millville, Butler Millwood, Knox Millwood, Knox Millwood, Knox Milnersville, Guernsey Milnersville, Guernsey Milnersville, Guernsey Milnersville, Guernsey Milton, Mahoning Monclova, Lucas Montpelier, Williams Montpelier, Williams Montra, Shelby Gilliam Wm., McQuinn M., Nixon Thomas, Taylor Wm., Faris I. C., Hand & Little, Highland A., ,Hudson James, Lindauer P., White John, Bremer Chas., Kumlehn Henry, Gorton W. A., Halterman Jos., Gally F., Hatt C., Hull E., SPENCER. B. MI., Spencer J. J., Forgrave Geo., Monsberger J., Jenkins A. J., M Smith John, M Blair Milton, Meister John, Neff Benj., Sapp Simon, Sm'ith Isaac N., Carson John G., Morrow Geo., Richards Wmi, Shannon David, King Jacob, Wetsel Joseph, Hazzard L., Hilburn W. H~ Glick D., 47 BOO 737 BOO Hutchinson James, Mount Vernon, Knox MeGiffin A., Mount Vernon, Knox Magill S. W., Mount Vernon, Knox Miller J. W., Mount Vernon, Knox Miller & White, Mount Vernon, Knox Rouse E. S. & Son, Alonnt Vernon, Knox Small S., Mount Vernon,'Knox Thorne J, Mount Vernon, Knox Trick D., Mount Vernon, Knox Ward L. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Weaver C., Mount Vernon, Knox Weber Charles, Mount Vernon, Knox Winters J. A., Mount Vernon, Knox Bo d D. M., Mount Victory, Hardin Boyd J. W., Mount Victory, Hardin Pendleton John, Mount Victory, Hardin Holt Samuel, Mulber, Clermont Ray Wm., Mulberry, Clermont Brandt F., Napoleon, Henry Haller Wm., Napoleon, Henry Herbet & Rut-ledge, Napoleon, Henry Thrapp H. H., Napoleon, Henry Frey Daniel, Nashport, Musking um Stewart l. A., Nelsonville, Athens Wilson W. H., Nevada, Wyand,ot Shaffer Pete ew Alexander, Columbiana Brandford James, New Alexandria, -Jefferson Hanlon Wm. & Son, New Alexandria, Jefferson Sp encer T.' New Alexandria, Jefferson Surls J. V., New Alexandria, Jeffe'r!on Eddy S E., Newark, Licking Edwards J., Newark, Licking Graff A.., Newark, Licking BOO 738 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Steinbaugh John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Zeichman F., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Gist C. WV., New Plymouth, Vinton Gist N. V. B., New Plymouth, Vinton Grigsbey J. H., New Plymouth, Vinton Graybill Joseph, New Rumley. Harrison Grissinger John, New Rumley, Harrison Downs Samuel, Newton Falls, Trumbull Martin John, Newton Falls, Trumbull Sample J. J., Newton Falls, Trumbull Scott G. R., Newton Falls, Trumbull Armstrong J., Newtown, Hamilton Mlilch Michael, Newtown, Hamilton King Nathan, Newark, Licking Kusmaul C., Newark, Licking Preston J. L., Newark, Licking Slosser -— r, Newark Licking Soule J. & Co., Newark, Licking Speer T. G., Newark, Licking Stelzer Leonard, Newark, Licking Sudberry J. C., Newark, Licking Weaver C. A., Newark, Licking Wherle Sebastian, Newark, Licking Muller Frederick, New Bavaria, Henry Spengler Frederick, New Bavaria, Henry Weaver John, New Bavaria, Henry Little G. R., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Zimmer Phillip, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Dothard A. B., New Concord, Muskingum Guthrie Jos., New Concord, Muskingum Heardman J. H., New Concord, Muskingum Noble Wm., New Concord, Muskingum Thompson D. G., New Concor4d Muskingum Wilson John, New Concord, Muskingum Kefner Wm. B., New Garden, Columbiana Price John W., New Hagerstown, Carroll Brusparr P., New Harrisburg, Carroll Craton S., New Harrisburg, Carroll Aid J., New Holland, Pickaway Gordon R. S., New Holland, Pickaway BEAN N. & P., New Lisbon, Columbiana Gaskill & Straughn, New Lisbon, Columbiana Montgomery S., New Lisbon, Columbiana Todd S., New Lisbon, Columbiana Briggs J., New London, Huron Cookingham M., New London, Huron Frink John, New London, Huron Hinman L., New London, Huron McClave James, New London, Huron Runyan E., New London, Huron Runyan N., New London, Huron Stevens Wm., New London, Huron Deidtz P., New Madison, Darke Fredericks P., New Madison, Darke Jacobs J., New Madison, Darke Miller W. F., New Madison, Darke Calvert W., New Metamoras, Washington Unger J., New Metamoras, Washington Wand B., New Metamoras, Washington Ireland D. A. & Co., New Paris, Preble Kincaid R.J., New Paris, Preble Arn John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Feller F., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Fiechman F. C., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Gerold P., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Harvey & Campbell, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Link P.S., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Millston & Co., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Smith John T., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Fry Charles, North Jackson, Mahoning Maeser Frank, North Jackson, Mahoning Moyer George, North Jackson, Mahoning Wager John W., North Jackson, Mahoning Bower J. D., North Lewisburg, Champaign Hinds G. W., North Lewisburg, C hampaign Hunter H. H., North Lewisburg, Champaign Hunter J., North Lewisbu rg, ChamDaign Limes H., North Lewisburg, Champaign Murphy H., North Lewis burg, Champaign Fetter H., Nor th Robinson, Crawford Ebert George, North W ashington, Hardin Gray & Husted, Norwalk, Huron Hill J., Norwalk, Huron Kersch B., Norwalk, Huron Parker, Jones & Co., Norwalk, Huron Reviere & Fisher, Norwalk, Huron Rowland A., Norwalk, Huron Seeley & Williams, Norwalk, Huron Williams Thomas, Oak Hill, Jackson Williams W., Oak IHill, Jackson Cullin T.'J., Olivesburg, Richland Martin M. B., Olivesburg, Richland Fessel G., Orrville, Wayne Hart A., Orrville, Wayne Price Abraham, Orrville, Wayne Tressel George, Orrville, Wayne Dedger A., Osborn, Greene Massey G. L., Osborn, Greene Misener H., Ottawa, Putnam Vocht & Sylvis, Ottawa, Putnam Crawford & Irwin, Oxford, Butler Johnson W. H., Oxford, Butler Porter W. J., Oxford, Butler Stern J. M., Oxford, Butler Whimple Wm., Oxford, Butler Benedict Royal F., Painesville, Lake Blair Wm. A., Painesville, Lake Bram:an Lucien, Painesville, Lake Eddy M., Painesville, Lake Ga.fney John, Painesville, Lake Griswold Hiram, Painesville, Lake Mellen E. T.,. Painesville, Lake Patterson Charles W., Painesville, Lake Bethards Wm. G, Palestine, Pickaway Lysenger John, Pancoastburg, Fayette Stout James, Pancoastburg, Fayette BOO 738 BOO NAME P09T OFFICE COUNTY dO 73 eO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Schilling J., Portsmouth, Scioto Tracey C. P. & Co., Portsmoutk, Scioto Uhl & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Hileman F., Port Washington, Tuscarawas I,yttel U., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Pees & Hezlman, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Purper William Port Washington, Tuscarawas Arnold Jack & Sons, Port William, Clinton Van Yunt John, Port William, Clinton Cannon A. S., - Pratt, Shelby Pierce Mason, Pratt, Shelby Ellis John, Pyrmont, Montgomery Van Yunt John, Port, Montom Cannon A. S.,Prt,Seb Pierce Mason,Prt,Seb Ellis John, ymn,Mngmr PurellJ.., Pyrmont, Montgomery POST OFFICE COUNTY Parisville, Portage Patrisville, Portage Parisville, Portage Parisville, Portage Pataskala, Licking Pataskala, -Licking Pataskala, Licking Pennsville, Morgan Pennsville, Morgan PeIrysville, Wood Perrysville, Wood Perrysville, Wood Perrysville, Wood Perrysville, Wood Perrysville, Wood Perryville, Ashland Perryville, Ashland Perryville, Ashland Piketon, Pike Son, Piketon, Pike Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami L, Plattsville, Shelby Pleasant, Putnam Pleasant, Putnam Pleasant Hill, Miami Pleasant Hill, Miami Pleasant Hill, Miami Pleasantville, Fairfield Pleasantville, Fairfield Pleasantville, Fairfield Poland, Mahoning Poland, Mahoning Polk, Ashland Polk, Ashland ., Polk, Ashland Polk, Ashland Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs e, Pomeroy, Meigs as, Pomeroy, Meigs Poplar, Cra v ford Poplar, Crawford Poplar, Crawford Poplar, Crawford Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto rl, Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto ., Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth. Scioto Purcell J. Ht.,Pymn,Mngmr Winters Frederick, Pyrmont, Mon tgomery Courell C. H., Quincy, Logan Stevens George, Quincy, Logan Walburn E., Quincy, Logan Bell J. L.W., Racine, Meigs P etrel & Sibley, Racine, Meigs Reynolds H., Racine, Meigs Lloyd A., Radnor, Delaware Thom as D. O., Riadnor, Delaware Gillis Durham, Ravenna,- Portage Marvin J. S., Ravenna, Portage Bennett & Cooper, Raymond's, Union Glasscock J. & T., Raymond's, Union Welch N., Raymond's, Union Wiswell T. L., Raymond's, Union Beetly S. L., Republican, Darke IIumphreys John, Republican, Darke Pitma n J. S., Republican, Darke Armstrong G., Richland, R ichland GILGER JOHN, Richland, R ichland Hodges B., Richland, Richland Feldmer Lou i s, Richmond, Jefferson Jobe John, Richmond, Jefferson, NcNiece Hugh, Richmond, Jeffers on Ri ley I. C. Richmond, Jefferson Mead A., Richmond Centre, Ashtabula Clemons Isaac, Rochester Depot, Lora in Kris B. F., Rocheste r Depot, Lorain Holliday J. W., Rocky Hill, Jackson Twadle John, Rocky Hill, Jackson Robert M., Rodney, Gallia Decions C., Rosco, os co e C osh octon Taylor Joseph W., Roscoe, Coshocton Camero n R., Ross, Butler PHaizmarn Joseph os, Ross, Butler Carney G. B., Ruggles, Ashland Carney J. J., Ruggles, Ashland Daniels H. H., Ruggles, Ashland Elwell'T. L., Rural Dale, Muskingum White A. J., Rural Dale, Muskingum McAdams Martin, Rushsylvania, Logan Walters John C., Rushsylvania, Logan Zimmerman Emanuel, Rushsylvania, Logan Goodwin Wm., St. Charles, Butler Everett M., Saint Paris, Champaign BOO BOO 739 NAME Cutts Daniel B., Osborn Amos, Rees Hugh, Stone W m" Brockway M, Lockwood J., Palmer N. W., Watson Aaron, W olfe S. N., Croft John Degrees A., Elerly John, Escott R., Goetz Geor-,e, Herest',.iie vl,'., Girler S., Grin'dle Henry, Gunther G., Buckers L., Hempstead 1-1. & Bartel A., Byrne P., Coles Joseph. Moller F., LEWIS SAMUE LaRemiller A., Sanders W. VI., Deeter Rudolph, Meyers Jacob, Reading Philip, Cackwell D. P., Garner'-N[., Mansparger S. S., .Bishop Wm., Scannell R. O., Borrick Jacob, Holt Isaac, Merietta John W. Owens R. M., Dilcher 11., Epple M., Geppert, John, Klein Henry, Koehler Conrad, Smith F. J., Walker Mrs. Jan Whitesides Thom Beistell Samuel, -Heabl,or Samuel. Martin M., Stitzer Martin, A abell &, Co., Berndt D., Best Charles. Cook Henry, Goodman M., Helpenstine & E Hewes E. B., Hied M., Kehoe M. & Son BOO 740 BOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Shafer James W., South Charleston, Clark McHugh James, South Olive, Noble Coudit Samuel, South Solon, Madison Aikin D. M., Springfield, Clark Cogswell M. W., Springfield, Clark Cross J. N., Springfield, Clark Gray W. P. & Son, Springfield, Clark Hare J. C., Springfield, Clark Harner G., Springfield, Clar' Iglehart F., Springfield, Clark Lightshoe J. A., Springfield, Clark Lohner John, Springfield, Clark Lulking E. H., Springfield, Clark Nugent & Sabin, Springfield, Clark Rodgers J., Springfield, Clark Shafer F., Springfield, Clark Slarret.t H. F., Springfield, Clark Soule & Co., Springfield, Clark Vrooman D., Springfield, Clark Burkhar John, Spring Hills, Champaign Fry C., Spring Hills, Champaign Hopkins James T., Spring Hills, Champaign r Alexander James, Steubenville, Jefferson Fb Anderson Peter, Steubenville, Jefferson Ftb Blackburn A., Steubenville, Jefferson b Daugherty Thos., Steubenville, Jefferson Fo Floto Augustus, Steubenville, Jefferson CM Halstead R. H., Steubenville, Jefferson m Hanvy & Herpich, Steubenville, Jefferson Rodson John, Steubenville, Jefferson t Nee Hukill Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson aS eKenney P., Steubenville, Jefferson Mis McEneney John, Steubenville, Jefferson Su McFeely E. G., Steubenville, Jefferson Bl McGinnis John, Steubenville, Jefferson rMcGinnis Mi;hael, Steubenville, Jefferson Cme Mahaffey Hugh, Steubenville, Jefferson BdScott T. E., agent, Steubenville, Jefferson Siegler Jacob, Steubenville, Jefferson Stendley George, Steubenville, Jefferson Da Wheeler H., Steubenville, Jefferson WWolff Jacob C., Steubenville, Jefferson Sheets John, Stockport Morgan HCook Abram, Stryker, Williams Cook & Knipe, Stryker, Williams Knipe Bennet, Stryker, Williams Al~exnder Jamsohebnvil, efro Mlckbinn A, Sebnisle Jefrohn, Daugherty Michae, Steubenville, Jefferson Mahaffy &Hugpih, tuevleJefro oSottT. agent, Steubenville, Jefferson SuilWm, Segbniler Jeferon, Stendley P.rg, Steubenville, Jefferson Wh~eeler E.., tuevleJefro Sheetns John, tuevleJefso Cookfe Huh Knubniple,Jefro Scott T.oE,aent, St ryer,eWilliamefeso NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Knull P., Saint Paris, Champaign Wert S., Saint Pa ris, Cham paig n Beam H. & P., Salem, Columbiana Callahan John, Salem, Columbiana Fries P., Salem, Columbiana -Mathews & Smith, Salem, Columbiana Trescott S. C., Salem, Columbiana White J. H. & Bro., Salem, Columbiana GRIFFITH EDWARD, Samantha, Highland Griffith Isaac, Samantha, Highland Kerns John, Samantha, Highland Tarry Steven, Samantha, Highland Bright & Cabbe Sandusky, Erie Dewey H. T., Sandusky Erie Esch B., Sandusky, Erie Glazer August, Sandusky, Erie Kuhn John, Sandusky, Erie Miller L., Sandusky, Erie Moos A., Sandusky, Erie Olrick L., Sandusky, Erie ~Ruprecht J., Sandusky, Erie Slageter M., Sandusky, Erie Walters H., Sandusky, Erie :Foster James, Sarahsville, Noble Foster Timothy, Sarahsville, Noble ,-Smith John W., Sarahsville, Noble ~F-eike Francis, Sardinia, Brown Chapman Gideon, Sardis, Monroe i"Elrod F., Scott, Adams -F,, oster C., Scott, Adams Griffith W.aac, Samantha, Highland Kerns John, Samantha, Highland Tarry teven, Samantha, Highland Brigh &; Cabbe,Sandusky, Erie Dewey H. T., Sandusky. Erie Esch B., ~~Sandusky, Erie Glazer August,Sandusky, Erie Kuhn John, ~Sandusky, Erie Miller L., ~Sandusky, Erie Moos A., Sandusky, Erie Olrick L., Sandusky, Erie Rulprecht J., Sandusky, Erie Slageter M., Snuk,Ei Walters H., Snuk,Ei ~Foster James, Srhvle ol ~Foster Timothy, Srhvle ol -Smith John W., Srhvle ol ~Feike Francis, adnaBrw :Chapman Gideon, Sri,Mno iElrod F., Sot dm ~.-oster C., Sot dm Beeth. N., Senecaville, Guernsey :McGaw James, Senecaville, Guernsey Morison T.aC., Se neaville, HGuernsey Stevens John, S enecaville, Guernhaseyn Bitnar John, Seven Mile, Butler Sharp Joseph, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke CrDmer Joseph, Shade, Athens Beck S., Shelby, Richland Smith James, Shelby, Richland Lightcof J.B., Shreve, Wayne Miller S.D., Shreve, Wayne Williams John, Shreve, Wayne Borders Henry, Sidney, Shelby Carey Jeremiah, Sidney, Shelby Dedson Joseph C., Sidney, Shelby FranW Charles, Sidney, Shelby ,Lion Adolph, S idney, Shelby :McCabe David, S idney, Shelby *Mars Frederic, Sidneys, Shelby -RUSSELL JEO. M., S idney, Shelby Weingartner Ignatz, Sidney, Shelby Crippen E.GB., Smithfield, Jefferson Foster D. D., Smithfield, Jefferson Hatcher Joshua, Smithfield, Jefferson Sunburn H. M., Smithfield, Jefferson Smith B., Smithfield, Jefferson Bishop L., Soreorton, Belmont Shotwell Thos., Soreorton, Belmont Stevens James A., Somerville, Butler Zimmerman L., Somerville, Butler Herbert WS. F., South Charleston, Clark Holmes Wm. H., South Charleston, Clark Roe ChaL T., South Charleston, Clark Aean deSugar Tree Ridge, Highland ARogers eeJohn, Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Baldasir C., Sulphur Springs, Crawford aGutten H., S te ulphur Springs, Crawford Hibertshausen C., FoetySulphurD Springsie, Crawford Pascher S. B.s, Stulphur Springs, Crawford Snalley S..,jr. Stulphur Springs, Crawford Geer John W. Stie, Summerford, Madison Henderson John D., Summerford, Madison Cowen G. W., Sunbury, Delaware een eSparks C., Sunbury, Delaware Van Warmer M., Sunburyville, Delaware Wilcox B. F, Sunbur, Delaware Hudson David H, Sycamoreu n vi, rWyandot ePalmer aBenoni, SuCaren l l, ar Wyandot BOO 740 BOO 4 BOO 741 BOO N AME POST OFFICE COUNTY Winters A., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Eisenman J., Union, Darke Grahs F., Union, Darke Horton & Son, Union, Darke LIVENGOOD JACOB, Union, Darke Paxson J. E., Union, Darke Stone & Jewett, Union, Darke Brown G. R., Unionville Center, Union Leiber John, Unionville Center, Union Lander M., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Riter, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Smith & Beistle, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Tracht & Katzenmeyer, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Veith Caspar, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Vogel B., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Brandenburg J., Upsher, Preble Hatzel Martin, Upsher, Preble TlLLSON OLIVER, Upsher, Preble Armstrong J., Urbana, Champaign Happersett J. B., Urbana, Champaign Mills S., Urbana, Champaign Rhoads & White, Urbana, Champaign Staley M., Urbana, Champaign Wilkinson C. S., Van Buren, Hancock Clark James, Van Wert, Van Wert Profit Philip, Van Wert, Van Wert Helling Joseph, Vermillion, Erie Lohr George, Vermillion, Erie Allen Lyman J., Vernon, Trumbull Halcomb G. C., Vernon, Trumbull Halcomb Wm., Vernon, Trumbull McWilliamsThos., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Ramsey John, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Cramage B., Warren, Trumbull Schubart C., Warren, Trumbull Allen & Co., Washington C. H., Fayette Backenstoe John, Washington C. H., Fayette Bybee Addison, Washington C. H., Fayette Hamilton A., Washington C. H., Fayette Keys J. E., Waynesville, Warren Monroe Wm. F., Waynesville Warren Sisco Moses, Waynesville, Warren Foote C., Wellington, Lorain Rice H., Wellington, Lorain Watterson R., Wellington, Lorain Atkinson John, Wellsville, Columbiana Fields, Wellsville, Columbiana Garey Jacob, Wellsville, Columbiana Garringer Geo. W., Wellsville, Columbiana Nicholson Wm., Wellsville, Columbiana Patterson James, Wellsville, Columbiana Shafer MI., Wellsville, Columbiana Shearman O0. P., Wellsville, Columbiana Hune E. A., West Alexandria, Preble Rupple John, West Alexandria, Preble Amalong H., West Cairo, Allen Thomas S., West Cairo, Allen Stone Jesse, West Elkton, Preble Stone Salmon, West Elkton, Preble Guthrie Robert, Went Jefferson, Madison POST OFFICE COUNTY Sylvia, Hardin Symmes' Corner, Bu tler Symmes' Corner, Butler Thurman, Gallia Thurman, Gallia Thurman, Gallia Thurman, Gallia Tiffin, Seneca Tiffing, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami 1, Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami id, Tippecanoe, Miami Tippecanoe, Miami Toledo, Lucas es, Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Min., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Co., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas %., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas ), Toledo, Lucas nd, Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo. Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Troy, Miami [, Troy, Miami C>., * Troy, Miami Troy, Miami Troy, Miami BOO 741' BOO NAME Lininger Hiram, Krider Samuel, Shuder Frank, Ca,udle L. A., Davis Josiah, Jones Daniel, Jones Ebenezer, Bartlett D., Houk John, Kirchmer B., Kuebler A. & B., Miller L. & M., Peck D. G., Rea T., Sell J., Born Adam, Copp Charles, Frest Joseph, Mulherrin Danie Neishwitz & CO., Pierson John, Pierson Wm., Thompson Kinea Waller Peter, Cree H. H., Cunningham Ja E'sert Kaspar, Fraser Thos. & Gerlach F., agriffith W. W. Gross Heinrich, Hoffman H., Hunt W. W. & C Kaufman J., Knodel Louis,, Ledten M., Leonardson E., Mallendick Jacob amessenger & Bo Miller H., Mulliken H., O'Neil Thos., Redding Phillip, Sagar Wm., Seller Jcsepb, Shaikey M., Woaleb John, World Wm., Young John, Barton M. H., HERME JOSEPH TALBOT S. & C Vandyke S. W., Walker W. L., Hodel C., Lauenroth H., Vandyne W., Twe Heather J., Hinkston N., Holmes E. C., BRE 742 BRE NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Robinson John, Xenia, Greene Sanz John, Xnia, Greene Caley J., Youngstown, Mahoning Co ok J. C., Youngstown, Mahoning Edwards W m., Youngstown, Mahoning Harber J., Youngstown, Mahoning Heney S. G., Youngstown, Mahoning Hobaugh & Wiseman, Youngstown, Mahoning Schuler C., Youngstown, Mahoning Stein F., Youngstown, Mahoning Thomas & Craig, Youngstown, Mahoning Miller T., Youngsville, Adams W o g a Young J. F., Youngsville, Adams lim Banks John, Zanesville, Muskingtium HBrentle Charles, Zanesville, Muskingum Schuler George, Zanesville, Muskingum Stein F., Yugtw,Mhnn Thomas & Craig, Youngstown, Mahoning Young J.: F., onsil,Aan B.;nks John, aevle uknu Blake H., Zanesville, Muskingumn Brentle Charles, Zanesville, M~uskingum Brocker George, Zanesville, Mluskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Swanston Alexander, West Jefferson, Madison Fleming B. F., West Lafayette, Coshocton Morrow John, West Lafayette, Coshocton Painter Jacob, West Middleburg, Logan Sanders M., West Middleburg, Logan Stratin David, West Middleburg, Logan Green Wm., West Point, Columbiana Wollom Joseph, West P oint, Columbiana Bishop Orson T., Weymouth, Medina Bishop Sherman, Weymouth, Medina Hays Wm., Weymouth, Medina Sullivan Michael, Whartonsburg, Wyandot Ellison M., Wheat Ridge, Adams Swonyer R., Wheat Ridge, Adams Harmount John, Williamsport, Pickaway Leiby James, Williamsport, Pickaway Rowland Samuel, Williamsport, Pickaway Asheraft W. E., Wilmington, C linton Dunbacher George, Wilmi ngton, Clinton Grant James, Wilmi ngt on, C l inton Allen T. B., Winchester, Guernsey Greenland A., Winchester, Guernsey McCoy W. H., Winchester, Guernsey Mendenhall S. T., Woodington, Darke Hall D., Woodstock, Champaign Smith C. C., Woodstock, Champaign Fingerhute J., Woodville, Sandusky Gramling E., Woodville, Sandusky Greaves H., Woodvil'.e, Sandusky Schrader H. & F., Woodville, Sandusky Anmann & Co., Wooster, Wayne Cox & Co., Wooster, Wayne Horn J. P., Wooster, Wayne McClelland J., Wooster, Wayne Metz J., Wooster, Wayne Miller H. D., Wooster, Wayne Woods S., Wooster, Wayne Tozer Jos. B., Worthington, Franklin Buckles Joseph J., Xenia, Greene Hicks Henry,' Xenia, Greene Murphy Richard, Xenia, Greene Namerdorf F., Xenia, Greene aConrad & Brother, HZanesvilcle., o munguskingum Dennis W., oZanesville, Mauskingum D'Yarmitt D., oZanesville, Muskingum D'Yarmitte Wi n., Zanesville, Muskingum Ehiman C F., Zanesville, Muskingum Fer ris E. B., Zanesville, Muskingum Gra sse l J., Zanesville, Muskingum HGra uln g Johnr, Zanesville, Muskingum Hart Isaac r e, Zanesville, Muskingum Heon ray N., Zanesville, Muskingum oKing HenryS, Zanesville, Muskingum Koenig John., Zanesville, Muskingum Kre tuter J., Zanesville, Muskingum Loveri Wmn., Zanesville, Muskingum McCarty H.C., Zanesville, Muskingum Neorthrop M. J., Zanesville, Muskingam Parsons C., Zanesville, Muskingum Parsons W., Zanesville, Muskingum Rankin John, Zanesville, Muskingum Schump Joseph, Zanesville, Muskingum aTaylor John L., Zanesville, Muskingum Ward & McIntire, Zanesville, Muskingum -Werner Chas., Zanesville, Muskingum Werner H., Zanesville, Muskingum Williams J., Zanesville, Muskingum BREWERS. Mueller & Gogreve, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ray & Ross, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sandman & Sackman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schaller Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sommer & Klein, Cincinnati, Hamilton Walker James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Walker W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zieggler Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamilton Geo. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hughes John M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga IKINDSVATER POWELL, Cleveland, Cuyahoga LLOYD H. & CO. (See card, p. 227.) H Cleveland, Cuyahoga LUCAS H. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Aklron, Summit Akron, Summit Ashland, Ashland Ashland, Ashland Bainbridge, Ross Bartlett, Washington Beamsville, Darke , Bucyrus, Crawford Canal Fulton, Stark Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton BRE 742 BRE Cxoode J., Kempel George, Knoed C., Lepper G., Carson D. C., Engle R., McLaughlin John, Winegard Christia, Greisinger F., Hammer Jacob, Kaiser Jacob, Wissler R., B ilfiod's -F.,, Glossner & Bro., Harris David, Kleiner & Bro., BRI 743 BRI NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Durain & Co., Morrow, Warren Mathiot George, Mount Eaton, Wayne Copp, Napoleon, Henry Kneule John, Newark, Licking Morath Michael, Newark, Licking Day E., Ne w London, Huron Crissman Jacob, Newtown, Hamilton Gerhart Jacob, North Robinson, Crawford Eicholt J., Ottawa, Putnam Schaeffer Frederic, Pomeroy, Meigs Layh'er John, Portsmouth, Scioto Milhiser J., Portsmouth, Scioto FOX WINSON' (See card, p. 644.) Sandusky, Erie Vorce S. A., Springfield, Clark Bosler Joseph, Steubenville, Jefferson Her John, Symmes' Corner-, Butler Ragle A. & Co., Symmes' Corner, Butler Clark A., Tippecanoe, Miami Smith James, Tippecanoe, Miami Lenk Peter, Toledo, Lucas Millard & Co., Toledo, Lucas Jacobs L., Wapakoneta, Augl aize Erwin J. A., Waynesville, Warren Zias David, West Alexandria, Preble Keil J.. Woodville, Sandusky Smith Jolhn, Youngstown, Mahoning Closman John, Zanesville, Muskingum NAIVE POST OFFICE COUNTY Quinn John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Stopple Joseph & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga BORN & SILBERNAGEL, .Columbus, Franklin Hoster L. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Say Chas.& Brother, Columbus, Franklin Sleigh J., Columbus, Franklin Mayer F., Coshocton, Coshocton Harries John W, Dayton, Montgomery Schwind C. & A., Dayton, Montgomery Straub Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery Wenz Wm., Dayton, Montgomery Anthoni F., Delaware, Delaware Ettinger Anthony,, Delphos, Allen Kolb Frank, Delphos, Allen Bauer C., Dresden, Muskingum Euler F.,. Fremont, Sandusky Sitler John, Galion, Crawford Shelfey John, Hamilton, Butler Sohn John W., Hamilton, Butler Mattell Christian, Hillsboro', Highland Molden John, Kennonsburg, Noble Younghans Justus & Sons, Lancaster, Fairfield Dielhenn P., Massillon, Stark Graft Charles, Maumee City, Lucas Wigold Geo., Middletown, Butler BRICK MAKERS AND DEALERS. Allen Norman, Abbeyville, Medina Ritz J., Abbeyville, Medina Baker, Ai, Fulton Blakeslee A., Atwater, Portage Reed S., Austinburg, Ashtabula Newman H. L., Bainbridge, Ross Wright N. H., Berea, Cuyahoga Kaiser Wm., Berlin Center, Mahoning Freeman D. C., Big Plai/,adison Siddle W., Blanchester. ClintonFinney E. T., Bristolville, Trumbull Marsh Wm., Cadiz, Harrison Mobley John, Canal Fulton, Stark Snow C. R., Castalia, Erie Runyan Isaac, Catawba, Clark Bukes Lewis, Celina, Mercer Simpson Wm., Center Belpre, Washington Bennett J. W., Center Village, Delawar e, Bye Abel W., Chester Hill, Morgan ASHCRAFT JESSE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hutchison Edward, Cincinr~ti, Hamilton Moores W. B. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Robinson J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton SMITH ROBERT B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Traber & Auberg, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bruice J. C., Clarksburg, Ross Alspuch Geo. W., Clement, Hancock HOADLEY THOMAS, Cleveland, Cuyahoma White & Comsto k, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Jones J. A., Clyde, Sandusky Da n mer John, Columbiana, Columbiana Guy W.' Darby Creek, Madison Kroh G. & H., Darby Creek, Madison Stevens A., Downington, Meigs Win~get M. C., Downington, Meigs Biyers R., Dunbarton, Adams Tuttle H. & G., Eagleville, Ashtabula Rees W. & M., East Monroe, Highland Nation Jacob, Eaton, Preble Thompson James, Echmansville, Adams Dunning E., Fremont, Sandusky Rowley & Ellis, Fremont, Sandusky Thompson S., Fremont, Sandusky Garrison J. & Co., Hamilton, Butler Irwin S., Harrisonville, Meigs Stewart Wmn., Hemlock Grove, Meigs Acher Samuel, Highland, Highland Koehler C., Kenton, Hardin Owens R., Kenton, Hardin Cloude B., Lake, Stark, Conklin S. L., Lebanon, Warren Stowell E., Lebanon, Warren Shuma John, Lexington, Richland Straiisbaugh John, Lexington, Richland Daughmer Henry, Little Sandusky, Wyandot Solin F., Lockha rt, Williams Weber P., London, Madison 'Rhone & Wetsler, Lucas, Richland Crone John, Mason, Warren Chambers Isaac, Miami, Hamilton Forsyth E., Montra, Shelby BRI 743 BRI BRO 744 B[O NAME POST OFFIOE COUNTY Stillwell S. B., Rushsylvania, Logan Bowman Jacob, Salem, Columbiana Hise H., Salem, Columbiana Pidgeon Wm., Salem, Columbiana Bridgeman & Patton, Sardis, Monroe Leeper John, Senecaville, Guernsey Chambers H., Smithfield, Jefferson Eppes E., Smithfield, Jefferson Stratten P., South Charleston, Clark Curry H., South Solon, Madison Cretcher L. H., Spring Hills, Champaign Spillet S., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Herrick W. D., Swanton, Fulton Putnam L. O., Toledo, Lucas Gentzlenberger & Bro., Troy, Miami Andrews J. M., Unionville Center, Union Howard S., Van Buren, Hancock Leahen & Co., Van Wert, Van Wert Hartman Otto, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Weimert Francis, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Robertson James, Washington C. H., Fayette Bailey E., Waynesville, Warren Bare A., West Alexandria, Preble Shields G., West Alexandria, Preble Wells L., Wilkesville, Vinton Rose A. D., Williamsport, Pickaway Myers HI., Woodville, Sandusky NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Winfield Hampton, Morrow, Warren Pinkerton & Reed, Mount Eaton, Wayne Claypool N. F., Nashport, Muskingum Robinson James, New Garden, Columbiana Ferguson W. C., New Holland, Pickaway King Henry, New London, Huron Ebling Henry, New Madison, Darke Ebli ng Henry, N ew Madison, Darke Conn & Co., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Wills I., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Guthrie Samuel, New Rumley, Harrison Chaffen F. Al., Oak Hill, Jackson Hughs Wm., Oak Hill, Jackson Walton Wm., Orrville, Wayne Galloway M., Ottawa, Putnam Messmore John, Pancoastburg, Fayette Thornton B. H., Perrysb urg, Wood Cartwright J., Piqua, Miami Haelthan H., Piqua, Miami Whitus John, Pleasant, Putnam Mentzer Abel, Polk, Ashland Kisor John, Poplar, Crawford Lallance & Co., Racine, Meigs McElroy S., Racine, Meigs Sparks Isaac, Raymond's, Union Mitchell & Ransom, Rochester Depot, Lorain BROOM MANUFACTURERS. Smith Thos., Abbeyville, Medina Woodard C. M., Ada, Hardin Mercer John, Allensville, Vinton Blackbaum Anthony, Amsterdam, Jefferson Adams, Antwert, Paulding Boland A. H., Antwert, Paulding Baldwin J. M., Austinburg, Ashtabula Blue J. U. & L. D., Ayersville, Defiance McIntosh Alex., Bantam, Clermont Moss Wm., Bantam, Clermont Doudna H., Barnesville, Belmont Doudna J., Barnesville, Belmont Kin-, James, Bartlett, Washington Miller Peter, Batesville, Guernsey Henas A., Beamsville, Darke Woolf John H., Beamsville, Darke McClure H., Belleville, Richland Seymour G. W., Bellevue, Huron Gilbert J. L., Belpre, Washington Spaulding A. G., Benton Ridge, Hancock Tucker Hugh, Bentonville, Adams Marsh Daniel, Berlin Center, Mahoning Hill Charles, Berlin Heights, Erie Dingo A. B., Bethesda, Belmont Cox Wm., Big Plain, Madison Bishop. Charles, Boardman, Mahoning Cover Hugh, Boardman, Mahoning Davidson Wm., Boardman, Mahoning Elliott J., Boardman, Mahoning Ferrell Wmn., Boardman, ilVahonihg Fitch Edward, Boardman, Mahoning Board man, Mahon ing Boardman, Mahoning Bristol, Morgan Bristol, Morgan Brownsville, Licking Buckeye Cottage, Perry Albertson N., Cass, Hancock Albertson Wm., Cass, Hancock Frances Nelson, Cass, Hancock Nelson Jonathan, Cass, Hancock Cifuld L., Casstown, Miami Kingham E. D., Casstown, Miami Swigert H., Casstown, Miami Knapp Gilbert, Castalia, Erie White E., Castalia, Erie Willkison W., Catawba, Clark Clark Isaac, Center Belpre, Washington Gibert J. & D. A., Center Belpre, Washington Plumley J.,' Center Belpre, Washington Smith Wm., Center Village, Delaware Inscho L., Chatham, Licking Brouch P., Chester, Meigs Thorp E., Chester, Meigs Worrall Z. & Sons, Chester Hill, Morgan CONKLIN & BACON. (See card, p. 104.' Cincinnati, Hamilton Tylor & Barrett, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bebler John, Clement, Hancock Schwinker Charles, Columbus, Franklin Ervin Wm., Corsica, Mgorow BRO 744 BIIO Slavens Andrew, Vatter Wm., Adams F., Kipp 1. L., German Joel, Bradshaw Robert, Bu BU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h 745 BUR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Allen S., Oxford, Butler Billings C. F., Oxford, Butler Bright F., Parisville, Portage Bullman C., Perrysburg, Wood Johnson B., Perrysburg, Wood Rench Samuel, Pleasant Hill, Miami Shoemaker B., Pleasant Hill, Miami Cover H., Poland, Mahoning Drake E. F., Poland, Mahoning Ferrell & Bishop, Poland, Mahoning Hively Samuel, Polk, Ashland Gaines Charles, Poplar, Crawford Williams D., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Baugham Elwood, Port William, Clinton CLAY HENRY, Quincy, Logan Pickens Samuel, Racine, Meigs Roseboon A., Raymond's, Union Dart A., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Powell John M., Ross, Butler Powell Wm. W., Ross, Butler Bowman Peter, Ruggles, Ashland Lindsay James, jr., Ruggles, Ashland Johns J. J., Rural Dale, Muskingum Ragsdill S., Saint Charles, Butler Wilson Henry, Senecaville, Guernsey Carter C. L., Seven Mile Prairie, Darke Sheppard Levi, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke Hawk W. L., Shade, Athens Bear Simon, Shreve, Wayne Reeder J., South Charleston, Clark Skeen Joseph L., Spring Hills, Champaign Bardwell J. H., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Westbrook J., Swanton, Fulton Abner,& Wilson, Sycamore, Wyandot Lundy & Co., Sycamore, Wyandot Bailey Charles, Symmes' Corner, Butler Carle Amos, Symmes' Corner, Butler Dee Wm., Symmes' Corner, Butler McCormick James, Symmes' Corner, Butler McCormick John P., Symmes' Corner, Butler Messler John H.. Symmes' Corner, Butler Symmes Timothy, Symmes' Corner, Butler Walker Samuel, Symmes' Corner, Butler Rice J., Upshur, Preble Campbell -, Van Buren, Hancock Rogers L., Vienna, Trumbull Engee Robert, Waynesville, Warren Ridenhour Casper, West Alexandria, Preble Maddock F. West Elkton, Preble Silliks John, Corsica, Morrow Houghten C.,. Dalton, Wayne Belden Alonzo, Dayton, Montgomery Randall M. J., Democracy, Knox iNMcAdow Wm., Dunbarton, Adams Potts Wm., Dunbarton, Adams IcCally John, East Liberty, Logan Bacon A. T., Edinburg, Portage Bacon C. C., Edinburg, Portage Hardy W. B., Flor ence, Erie Dial & Woodward, Franklin, War ren MecBurney Charles, Galigher, Guernsey Jones L., Granville, Licking Mead H. L., Granville, Licking Seig & Lukens, H ale, Hardin Belden S. C., Hamilton, Butler Beldin E., Hamilton, Butler Robbins Charles, Highland, Highland lirosey Noah, Hill Grove, Darke M ullen Isaac, Kennonsburg, Noble AIcElhose Hugh, Kenton, Hardin Wilson James, Kimbolton, Guernsey Crawford S.,. Lamartine, Carroll Johnston M. T., Lexington, Richland Adkinson Amos, Liverpool, Medina Smith A. L., Lodi, Medina Cliff S., Log Cabin, Morgan Page M., Macon, Morrow Winger Henry, Marshallsville, Wayne Tompkins Wm., Mason, Warren Mloody D., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Woodard Isaac, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Fiess Joseph, Millwood, Knox F iester J. H., Milton, Mahoning Crossett M. L., Monclova, Lucas Huse E., Montra, Shelby Gustin Jeremiah, Morrow, Warren st;udy Gasper, Mount Eaton, Wayne Charles B., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Wheeler John, Mount Liberty, Knox Erwin Wm., Mulberry, Clermont Childs Horace, New London, Huron Hyde & Swain, New Paris, Preble Hardman Michael, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Sanderson Jas. E., New Plymouth, Vinton Bishop O., New Rumley, Harrison Mathews Wm., Newtown, Hamilton Hamlin Win., North Lewisburg,'Champaign Shumaker Joel, North Robinson, Crawford Hill J. N., North Washington, Hardin Mercer Abner, Olivesburg, Richland Humphreys A. Gl., West Middleburg, Logan Hancock Robert, Williamsport, Pickaway BURIAL CASKETS. Crane, Breed & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiltsee Jno. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton EPPLY JOHN P., Cincinnati, Hamilton BROTHERLIN, HALM & CO. J. enkins John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Columbus, Franklin MARSHALL H. & CO. (See card in in- Vagelsong D. W., Ironton, Lawrence dex.) Cincinnati, Hamilton BUR 745 BUR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY -~~A 74 A CABINET MAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. NAME' POST OFFICE COUNTY Glaspy John, Bristolville, Trumbull Starrett James, Brownesville, Licking Assenheimer C., Bucyrus, Crawford Fulton A. & D. Bucyrus, Crawford Howenstine & Wise, Bucyrus, Crawford Kirkland J. J., Bucyrus, Crawford Jones E. L., Bundysburg, Geauga Halderman E. W., Butler, Richland White Isaac, Butler, Richlanu Fry W., Cadiz, Harrison Gillespie John W., Cadiz, Harrison Hunter Jos. R., Cadiz, Harrison Carpenter E. J., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Williams J. W., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Tuttle John, Calais, Monroe Lindsay William, Cambridge, Guernsey Williams Asher, Cambridge, Guernsey Cavnah S., Canton, Stark TRAVERS & LININGER, Canton, Stark Rheem D., Carrollton, Carroll Thompson S., Carrollton, Carroll Pense John R., Casstown, Miami Ducher R., Castalia, Erie Jones H. C., Castalia, Erie Bumgarner P. L., Catawba, Clark Klare H. H., Celina, Mercer Douse Steven, Centre Belpre, Washington Millison J. H., Centre Village, Delaware Brown H., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Rus se ll E. & Bro., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga POST OFFICE COUNTY Abbeyville, Medina Abbeyville, Medina a s, Acadia, Alle n Ada, Hardin Ai, Fulton Ai, Fulton Akron, Summit Alert, Butler Amsterdam, Jefferson Ash land, Ashland x Ashl and, Ashland berg, Ashland, Ashland Ashley, Delaware Ashley, Delaware s, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Ashtabula, Ashtabula D. Athens, Athens Athens, Athens Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain Bainbridge, Ross .,' Bainbridge, Ross E., Bainbridge, Ross Bantam,'Clermont * Bantam, Clermont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Batesville, Guernsey Beallsville, Monroe Beallsville, Monroe Beamsville, Darke Belle Air, Belmont Belle Center, Logan n, Bellefontaine, Logan Bellefontaine, Logan , Bellefontaine, Logan Belle Point, Delaware Belleville, Richland Belleville, Richland Belleville, Richland Bellvue, Huron Bellvue, Huron Bentonville, Adams Bentonville, Adams Berea, Cuyahoga Berea, Cuyahoga Berlin Centre, Mahoning Berlin Centre, Mahoning Berlin Heights, Erie Bethesda, Belmont Bladensburg, Knox Bladensburg, Knox Bladensburg, Knox Blanchester, Clinton Bloomville Seneca Boardman, Mahoning Bourneville, Ross s,Bourneville, Ross Bristol, Morgan Crumbaker G. P., Chandlersville, Muskingunm Parsons D., Chester, Meigs Wells Harold, Chester, Meigs Burgess Clarkson, Chester Hill, Morgan Swain B. J., Chester Hill, Morgan Wood J. Milton, Chester Hill, Morganl Bergmann F., Chillicothe,'Ross Dunner & Klepper, Chillicothe, Ross Hoffman George, Chillicothe, Ross Kirkpatrick William, Chillicothe, Ross Mills J. E., Chillicothe, Ross Pross & Beidman, Chillicothe, Ros. Witwers John, Chillicothe, Ross FRENCH J. M., Christiansburg, Champaign Avery C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bailer Casper, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bailey & De Camp, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bell J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berliner Sol., Cincinnati, Hamiltoni Biehards P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bird, Burrows & Co., Cincinnati, IHamilton Block Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilto X BLINN WILLIAM A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bosse Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilto,. Boyd Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown William, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bruns John B., Cincinnati, Hamiltot CAB 746 CAB NAME Brownall L., Walker J., McKinney Thom McElroy George, Kooder C., Kooder H., Sanford D. G., Shro er John, Adams William, Eppler Charles, Murray Addison Stubbs & Dessen Cravens J., Webber J. L., Ducro & Brother Savage Linus, Bartlett William McGill William, Burdett Wm., Frye Henr, Lewis Harris, Ferrell Wm., McFadden A. M. Peniston.George Doughty Levi, Leeds Jacob M., Hiffarcl Hiram, Perr W. G., Riley Nathan, Seaman W., Robinson J. M., Morris Jesse, Morris Wm. R., Beam J. H., - Drafton I. N., Furguson Alex., Kirkpatrick Jo Nevin John, NIVEN DAVID Bailey H. M., Laintiart Wm., Lever C. A., Phillips J., Bitzer C., Eichorn L., Math,ory J. P., Toll D. & Son, Brown G. E., Card E., Grenemyre S., Holeman E., Osborne David, Price John W., Hall A. F., Hall E. C., Mavis John, Supinger R., Meyers Willia Wallace John, MeAndlith Joh CAB 747 CAB NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY CABINET MAKERS' UNION, Cincinnati, Hamilton Carter William Cincinnati, Hamilton COATES J. F., Cincinnati,,Hamilton Coolidge J. K., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crane L. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Curry Edward P., Cincinnati, Hamilton DaClman F. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dallan F H., Cincinnati, Hamilton DaaR ter W.illa, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dana, Rosseter if Co., DIEHL J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dobell E. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Doering J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dolph Mosesa, Cincinnati, Hamilton Doring John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Duchscher P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Duncan M. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eilers John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fermberg Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton GEYER JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Goees F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Goelkell Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hackman Gerhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Haug Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hempel F., Cincinnati, Hamilton HENSHAW G. & SONS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hofmann J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hornblow, Cincinnati, Hamilton Johanninginann M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Volkers Daniel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Waites Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wehrmann L. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weil Davyd, Cincinnati, Hamilten White T. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Willenborg H., Cincinnati, Hamilton WOLFF CHARLES, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wulfeek Victor, Cincinnati, Hamilton Howell W. H. Circleville, Pickaway Myers George W., Circleville, Pickaway Pontius George, Circleville, Pickaway Warrick Milo, Clarkson, Columbiana Bauder & Eldred,'Cleveland, Cuyahoga Beckenbach W. & 11., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brinker F. W.,, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brinker F. W,, n Cleveland, Cuyahoga Faimsworth Mrs. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fernald John S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Garner & Vincent, Cleveland, Cuyahoga HART WILLIAM. (See card, p. 238.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Herig John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lehman Arnold, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Line William, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Pratt D. U., Cleveland, Cuyahoga A',iPulls John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SCHULTZ, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Knoblugh. E. Cincnnat, Hailto Shepard D. A. & CO., Krae J h n, HCleveland, Cuyahoga Spear J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga LWeauner Charles, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWing & Bennett Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rinehart Georgen, Clyde, Sandusky Terrill & Seiver Clyde, SeveSandusky Beard Jacob, Columbiana, Columbiana MBrubaker Samruel, in ennet t Colulmbiana, Columbiana BROTHERLIN, GALM & CO., S MTcerll & R Columbus, Franklin Fisher Jacob, agent, Columbus, Franklin oh e C Cil Hoffman G. W., Columbus, Franklin Mt Holt & Turney, Columbus, Franklin Perung John, Columbus, Franklin SHOEDINGER & BROWN, Columbus, Franklin Beach S. & Co., Conneaut, Ashtabula Hart P., Conneaut, Ashtabula Dustman A., Cornersburg, Mahoning Fogel Thomas, Corsica, Morrow Wogoner Jacob, Coshocton, Coshocton Purdy J. L., Covington, Miami Allcire E., Cranberry, Allen Huber Adam, Crestline, Crawford Kretz Casper, Crestline, Crawford Snyder & Bro., Crestline, Crawford Crosgrove W, Cumberland, Guernsey Johnson S., Cumberland, Guernsey Fluke Samuel Dalton, Wayne Morehouse & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morman F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mudge H. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mullen & Carter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nabers Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Okes H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rehm John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosenbaum Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmidt H. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shaw, Johnston & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shober Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Simons & Keeser, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & Hawley, Cincinnati, Hamilton CAB CAB 747 Shober Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Simons & Keeser, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & Hawley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steinman L. F. & Co.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Stewart J. M., Cincinnati 7 Hamilton Stone E., Cincinnati, Hamilton. CAB 748 GAB NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Kosier George, Dalton, Wayne Barlow E. W., jr., Darby Creek, Madison Winget D. C., Darby Creek, Madison Boyer 0., Dayton, Montgomery Bradley & Hope, Dayton, Montgomery Cabinet Makers' Union, Dayton, Montgomery Christie W., (agent,) Dayton, Montgomery Edmondson E., Dayton, Montgomery Elliott James, Dayton, Montgomery Haberstick Philip, Dayton, Montgomery Hatfield & MeCherry, Dayton, Montgomery Marot B., Dayton, Montgomery Ohmer M., Dayton, Montgomery Seitz Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery Sigmann & Wtsterman, Dayton, Montgomery Hartsell N., Deavertown, Morgan Holcomb B., Deavertown, Morgan Holcomb R., Deavertown, Morgan Tysinger W., Deavertown, Morgan Geiger & Hoffman, Defiance, Defiance Hall H. B., Defiance, Defiance Martin & Bro., Defiance, Defiance Price Edward, Defiance, Defiance Tuttle & Gleason, Defiance, Defiance Richard J. J., Delaware, Delaware Welch A. A., Delaware, Delaware Bryant A,, Delphos, Allen HUSSON E. A., Delphos, Allen Minnig D., Delphos, Allen Hibbetts Wm., Democracy, Knox Parish Wm., Democracy, Knox Rockwell J. W., Democracy, Knox Rhoads Jacob, Domestic, Williams Arnold J. S., Downington, Meigs McCracking S. L., Downington, Meigs Thompson J., Dresden, Muskingum Hoag G., Dublin, Franklin McAdon J. H., Dunbarton, Adams MAROT & PRATT, East Liberty, Logan Harshman John, Eaton, Preble Johnson Isaac L., Eaton, Preble Poland & Richmond, Eaton, Preble Koenhenofer Geo., Edgerton, Williams McClure J., Euphemia, Preble Sweeney Samuel, Euphemia, Preble Basore D., Farmersville, Montgomery Stiver John S., Farmersville, Montgomery Bullock & Rammell, Finley, Hancock Parker & Clark, Finley, Hancock Porch P., Finley, Hancock Strahl Charles, Flint's Mills, Washington Snook D. H., Fort Seneca, Seneca Clutch Uriah, Franklin, Warren Kumlter Albert, Franklin Mills, Portage Demarest John J., Freedom, Portage Cloud W. H., Fremont, Sandusky Dorr C., Fremont, Sandusky Egert & Faller, Fremont, Sandusky Faller J., Fremont, Sandusky Hauck P. J., Fremont, Sandusky Stevenson J. W., Fremont, Sandusky .CAB 748 CAB Greenfield, Highland Greenville, Darke Hale, Hardin Hale, Hardin Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler s, Harrisonville, Meigs Highland, Highland Highland, Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hillsboro', Highland Hope, Franklin Ironton, Lawrence Irville, Muskingum Jackson, Jackson Kalida, Putnam Kalida, Putnam Kalida, Putnam Kello,,gsville, Ashtabula Kennonsburg, Noble Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin sen., Kimboltoin-, Guernsey Kimbolton, Guernsey Kyger, Gallia Laings, Monroe Lake, Stark Lake, Stark Lamartine, Carroll Lamira, Belmont Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fair-field Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lebanon, Warren Cook John, Johnston Jas. H., Ma.hony James, Wolf John, Wolf Wm., Morgan E., Foreman Morris, Bletzacker Jos., Dawley D. T., Dodson Thos. J., Eckert Geo. L., Foster D. & Son, Hall I. Ei,, Stopel C., Smith C., CAB 749 CAB NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY HATFIELD DAVID. (See card, p. 448.) Morrow, Warren, Fersom Wm., Moscow Mills, Morgan NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tickenor D. P., Lebanon, Warren S toug h John, Lex ington, Richland Lipfert Christian, Lima,.Allen Musser & Mitchell, Lima, Allen Reed S. A., Little Sandusky, Wyandot Prichard J., Liverpool, Medina Rolland Geo., Lockport, Williams Jason G. W., Lodi, Medina Rapp Lewis, Lodi, Medina Weaver H. D., Lodi, Medina McCatharine Wim., Log Cabin, Morgan Mounts Jacob, Log Cabin, Morgan Smith Isaac, Log Cabin, Morgan Dungan Wilson, London, Madison NEWCOMBE CALVIN, London, Madison Fersom Wm., Moscow Mills, Morgan Patterson M. A., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Eggenschuyller F., Mount Eaton, Wayne Eastman & Wells, Mount Vernon, Knox King J., Mount Vernon,- Knox McCormack Joseph, Moltnt Vernon, Knox McDowell David, Mount Vernon, Knox Martin J. S., Mount Vernon, Knox Willis W. C., Mount Vernon, Knox Winden Warren, Mount Victory, Hardin Flenner G. W. & Bro., Napoleon, Henry Howe John R., Nelsonville, Athens Markley George, Newark, Licking Nash G. W., Newark, Licking Robinson & Downey, Newark, Licking Roney B. H., Newark, Licking Scott Wm., Newark, Licking Van Buren & Nelson, Newark, Licking Luthee B., Newbury, Geauga Neighbor L. B., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Grummon Wmi., New Concord, Muskingum McCutchon J. B., New Concord, Muskingum Nelson James, New Concord, Muskingum Rogers Samuel, New Garden, Columbiana Hickson Abner, New Hagerstown, Carroll Moreland John, New Hagerstown, Carroll Shisler John, New Hagerstown, Carroll Gregory James, New Harrisburg, Carroll Perry G. W., New Harrisburg, Carroll McLane & Mardorf, New Lisbon, Columbiana Patterson Wm., New Lisbon, Columbiana Green C. G., New London, Huron Kilburn Stephen, New London, Huron Otis S., New London, Huron Thomas George, New London, Huron Watros F. B., New London, Huron Crowls Jacob, New Madison, Darke Fleming James, New Madison, Darke Pool Wm. H., New Metamoras, Washington Culton J., New Paris, Preble Haseltine R. J. & F. N., New Paris, Preble Demuth J., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Gentz C., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas McElroy Joseph, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Mattack M., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Parks John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas McGavran S. M., New Rumley, Harrison Moor W., New Rumley, Harrison Green Wm., Newton Falls, Trumbull Eckhard Henry, North Jackson, Mahoning Calender & Campbell, North Lewisburg, Champaign Loudonville, A shland Loudonville, Ashland Loudonville, Ashland Loveland, Clermont Lucas, Richland Lucas, Richlaffd McArthur, Vinton McArthur, Vinton Macon, Morrow Macon, Morrow Macon, Morrow Mansfield, Richland Dana, Rosseter & Co., Marietta, Was hingt on Jameson David, Marion, Marion SAITER SAMUEL, Marionl, Marion Heneberger Peter, Mars hallsville, Wayne Constinger Joseph, Mason, Warren Bahney J., Massillon, S tar k Baugh J. & Co., Mlassillon, St ark Rice A., Massillon, St ark Crawford James, Masterton, Monroe Carman Eli, Maumee City, Lucas Gilman John, Maumee City, Lucas Newcomb E. H., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Norris M. D., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Chamberlin Francis, Metamora, Fulton Brough Benj., Miamisburg, Montgomery Pensing Henry, Miamisburg, Montgomery Probst W. B., I Middleport, Meigs Smallwood Daniel, Middletown, Butler Wilson, Potter & Co., Middletown, Butler Snodgrass Saml., Milford Center,,,Union Parrish A., Millersport, Fairfield Edenharter John, Millerstown, Champaign Hill Chambers, Millville, Butler Johnson E., Millwood, Knox Tucker Barnett, Millwood, Knox Tucker John, Millwood, Knox Adair John, Milnersville, Guernsey Dougherty R. V., Milnersville, Guernsey Kimmel John, Monclova, Lucas Cotehran S. G., Montpelier, Williams Lisson R., Montpelier, Williams Korn J. M. D., Montra, Shelby Watkins J. D., Montra, Shelby Drake & Bartlett, Montville, Geauga CAB 749 CAB Gilbert H., Honebarger Geo.., Kent Wm.' Gordon David, Enlow A. J., Marks Jacob, Bothwell E. P., Sprague L., Beard Chester, Harvey Oscar, Harvey Samuel, Neiman & Co., Dana, Rosseter & CAB POST OFFICE COUNTY Thorpe & Fosdick, Sandusky, Erie Bracon Wm., Sarahsville, Noble iLinzy Noah, Sarahsville, Noble Poline Peter, Sardinia, Brown May Wm., Scott, Adams Ramsey E., Scott, Adarnms Anderson J. H.. Senecaville, Guernsey Morison J. A. G., Senecaville, Guernsey Sweeny W., Shade, Athens Keisbr J., Shelby, Richland Sidball A., Shreve, Wayne Cowan Saml. M., Sidney, Shelby Reed Wm. P., Sidney, Shelby Chalmers T., Smithfield, Jefferson Zink James, Smithfield, Jefferson Stanton W., Somerton, Belmont Strahlil Ira P., Somerton, Belmont Crowley J. W., Somerville, Butler Landaker Isaac, South Charleston, Clark Orr Hugh, South Solon, Madison Berry & Woodruff, Springfield, Clark Muzzy B. F., Springfield, Clark Schondler P. A. & Co., Springfield, Clark Shopman J. A. & Co., Springfield, Clark Hentz C., Spring Hills, Champaign Ammon Daniel, Steubenville, Jefferson Donaldson A., Steubenville, Jefferson Cannon A., Sulphur Springs, Crawford Harmon Isaac, Sulphur Springs, Crawford Landon J., Sunbury, Delaware Coder C., Swanton', Fulton Showers J., Swanton, Fulton Hill Jonathan, Sycamore, Wyandot Martin D. R., Sycamore, Wyandot Snow J. L., Sylvia, Hardin Hanser Charles, Thurman, Ga'lia Lemp & Coeller, Tiffin, Seneca aMyers W. C. & Bro., Tiffin, Seneca Townsley F., Tippecanoe, Miami Hollenbeck M., Toledo, Lucas Ingold & Son, Toledo, Lucas Millink B., Toledo, Lucas Read Joel. Toleda, Lucas Seeley A. J. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Bond & Stevens, Troy, Miami Hickersonl & MceDaniel, Troy, Miami James B. B., Troy, Miami Kitchen Hugh, Troy, Miami Senft E., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Flohr Wm., Twinsburg, Summit Everhart & James, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas McCollum & Trickel, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Scott F. & Co., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Blow M. M., Unionville Center, Union Bewman S., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Stephan Henry, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Colwell R. R.& C. F., Urbana, Champaign Stevenson W. C., Urbana, Champaign Sweet A., Urbana, Champaign Coolman H., Urban%1 Champaign Gosbaugh J., Van Buran, Hlancock Norwalk, Huron, Norwalk, Huron Olivesburg, Richland Orrville, Wayne Orrville, Wayne Orrville, Wayne Ottawa, Putnam Ottawa., Putnam Oxford, Butler Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Pennsville, Morgan perrysburg, Wood Perrysburg, Wood Piketon, Pike Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Pleasant, Putnam Poland, Mahoning Poland, Mahoning Pomeroy, MIeigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Poplar, Crawford Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth. 14ciot,o Portsmouth, Scioto "ashington, Tuscarawas Port William, Clinton Port, William, Clinton Pratt, Shelby Pratt, Shelby o Pratt, Sh,elby Pyrmont,, Montgomery Quincy, Logan Qavenna, - Portage Raymond's, Union Raymond's, Union Republican, Darke Richland, Richland Richmond, Jefferson Richmond, Jefferson Rocky Hill, Jackson ~ural Dale, Muskingum Rushsylvania, Logran Saint Paris, Champaign 3aint Paris, Champaign Salem, Columbiana Salem, Columbiana Sandusky, Erie Sandusky,.Erie Sandusky, Erie Sandusky, Erie 750 CAB NAME Reynolds Co., Nort ,'3mith Charles, N HOYT W. R., Hurd &, Co., Ward P. B., Jones M., Levens Joel, Snavely Joseph, Hull J., Soaper W. T., Oates James, Lines & Co.,, Talbot J. T. & Co Naylor J. T. L., Crook Wm., Witzler Peter, Razon J. D., Cunnink ham W., ID-,-tckey H. P., Greenwood J., Herbert A., Muchmore R., Stirlin S., Augdon W. J., Robinson J. W., Gatcbel A., Islestsin Conrad, Probst J. C. &. C Wehl Henry, Sb.urr G. & C., Grassman H., Herder John Miller. F., Nichols J. B., Pfeifer J- P.. Stitcli P., IV ait John, Gould J., Port Ellis Z., Graham Tbos., Anderson James, Dickerson James Donsto-n A., NAME Gentner Christian, M ea n s G. & J. A., Phillips T. G., Barlow L., Hartshorn J., DAVIS T. J., Beelman E., Armer Elias, Steirort Hudson, Callioon R. Y., Haworth S. L.' Patrick & Co., Brown D, Fromer F., Hanley & Ward, Hole R., Alder & Back, Brainard B., Norcross & Upp, SCHAUB & CO., CAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tremains 3., West Cairo, Allen Stubbs & Vantrum, West Elkton, Preble Eby & Blackburn, I oWest Middleburg, Logan Hickeox H. & S. A,, Weymouth, Medina Miller Moses, Weymouth, Medina Derry Geo. L., Wilkesville, Vinton Baughman Jacob, sr., WurtD Williamsport, Pickaway Marble Wm. J., Wilmington, Clinton Brown H. M., Wilmingtop, Clinton Bushman F., Woodville, Sandusky Egby Henry, Woodville, Sandusky Smith W. fI., Wooster, Wayne Taylor George, Worthington, Franklin Herig & Quedenfeld, Youngstown, Mahoning Bell B. P., Zanesville, Muskingum Cassidy Francis, Zanesville, Muskingum Hattan James, Zanesville, Muskingum Miller Thomas, Zanesville, Muskingum Mahlor Geo. W., Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST Goss G. G., Va Lown 0. W., Va Penn & Moore, Va Hartman B., Allen James S., ;)ryer Augustus F., J'aylor J., Hoofman George, Wa Wur-t L., - Wa Truesdell & Townsend, Couch A. G., Waynesville, Warren Aughinbaugh Henry, Wellsville, Columbiana 5IeDevitt Jacob, Wellsville, Columbiana .NlcHaffie A., West Alexandria, Preble ,Schlingman A., West Alexandria, Preble Jennings S. & A., West Cairo, Allen CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS. flulet W., Abbeyville, Medina (ood George B. & Bro., Ada, Hardin Therer J., Adrian, Seneca Weaber F. J., Adrian, Seneca Church 0., Akron, Summit Collins & Bell, Akron, Summit Coley William, Albion, Ashland Fry S. D., Allensville, Vinton Speer Nathan B., Annapolis, Jefferson Baker D. B., Arcanum, Darke Cross H. L., Ashley, Delaware * Driscole D., Ashley, Delaware Benham William G., Emery & Brot hers, Bellefontaine, Logan Meiller Amos, Bellefontaine, Logan HKainton D.James, BellePoint, D elaware VRiffle E. M., e lle Point, Delaware ward GeorgEstep W., Bellevill e, Ri chland aWillimang A. R., Belleville, Richland White I. W., Belleville, RiChland Cady John, Bellevue, H~uron Bayles & Co., Bentcnvr WilliAdams Muckeindsay M., Bentonville, Adams AMock J. & J., Berlust in Gide n ter, Mahoning 13ecker John., Berlin Heights, Erie KaBrownin James, Bethany, Butler Boutll &Byer, Aersvlle;DefinceReeder I.,Boesil,Gen Goodrich Wm. P., Bethany, Butler Estep William, Big Plaiu, Madison Willimau Thomas, Bladensburg, Knog TituMeyers E. C., Blanchester, Cliton Zimorlr William, Bla ncheste r, Clinton Muckley M., Bloomville, Beleont inecad,o g Austin Gideon, Boardman, Mahoaing Brownien g J., Bournell e intl, rtaosse Reeder, I., Bowersville, Greene Goodrich Wm. P., Braceville, Trumbull Marsh Lutier, Brecksville, Cuyahoga Tho mas John L., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Meyers E. C., Brighton, Lorain Waltz B., Brighton, Lorain :Boosinger P., Brimfield,~ Portage Russell E. A., Brimfield, Portage Betts John T., Bristol, Morgan L r i r W i MeGath Haratio, Bristol, Aorgan Smith Isaac, Bristol, Mlorgan W~ ~ ~~~~BomillerAs, Sellfnane oan Hint~~~onrdD., Bele-onint,Dlwr H~~~~~~ouarn;og ),Be ville, Richan IianagaA. R., Boe rsville, Greehne White T. W., Belleville, Trieh ulan Cady John,Brekvllevu, ~uyaoga Bayls& Co., Brencksville, Adyamsg Lindsay J.,B r Bentonvil, Lorain 13eckerJohn., BerlnHightsn, orain Kaoing3ames, Brimfiel, Butlaer Riffele E.A3., Brimfiel, Burtlger Betts J.h H., Blachster, Morgatn ZMothHratr ia, Brichstol, Clinton Goodich Wm.aP., Braeillel, Morganu Ashtabula, Asht abula Ashtabula, Ashtabula Ashtabula, Ashtabula Ashtabula, Ashtabula Athens, Athens Atwater, Portage Austinburg, Ash'tabula Austinburg, Ashtabula Ayersville; Defiance Ayersville, Defiance Bainbridge, Ross Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Bartlett, Washington Bartlett, Washington Batesville, Guernsey Beallsville, Monroe Beallsville, Monroe Beamsville, Darke Belle Center, Logan Belle Center, Logan ValntneM.Bristolville os Brsovl, Trumbull kEwing William, Brownsville, Licking hiFluke J. W., Bellrownsville, Licking i Waggoner A., Brunersburg, Defiance WillmanThoas,Bladnesburg,, Keinox CAR 761 . Warren, Auglaize Hall Edward, S,tvage John J-1., fickner Alfred J., Cooley A., Ripple W " Alvord D. S., Wetmore B. W., Boutell & Byers, Coller O., Elliott, William, Hitch & White, Moore H., Sleetman'J,ohn, MeLi. —h James, Perry Isaac, Grosvenor S. L., Leezier William, Gebhart Peter, Black J. W., Valentine M., Mills NI., Hemphill S. C., Wilson William, S'CAR *AR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Louderbeck Hamilton, Cincinnati, Hamilton MNaus Nicholas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Middeke Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton MILLER GEORGE C. & CO., WEST SEV ETH, NEAR MAIN, Cincinnati, Hanmilton MILLER GEO. C. & SONS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Moor e & Albracht, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nie meyer..C, Cincinnati, Hamilton Paine L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Painter J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Roberts & Curtis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosener H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ruther Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sa n der D., Cincinnati, Hamilton SHANNON J. A. (See card in index.) Ci n cinnati, Hamilton SPARKS & TULLIS, Cincinnati, Hamil ton S te vens B.R, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stratemeyer Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton St.ubert W. B. & J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Veerkamp Bernard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Welts John, Cincinnati, Hamoiltn Winkelmann IH., Cincinnati, Hayailton Bander William, Circleville, Pickaway King, Circleville, Pickawhy Harmount R., Clarksburg, Rosi William s Joseph, Clarksburg, Ross Huchey L. W., C lement, Han cock Black Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Burk John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dorsett John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga DRUMM J. (See card, p. 229.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga FAY COLEMAN C., Clevel and, Cuyaho,i Hanna & Neen, Clevel and, Cuyahog; Hoffma n Frede ric, Cleveland, CuyahoB a Hurlbut A. W., C l evel and, Cuyahog,, Leibfarth John, C leveland, Cuyahoka Low man & W arden, Clevelad, uyaho., Marshall, Gabriel & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Preckel Jo hn, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rappalie John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Snider Stewart, Cleveland, Cuyahog. Wenban John, Cleveland, Cuyahog i Gray W. E., Clyde, Sandusky Perrin Z., Clyde, Sandusky Updegraff Uriah, Colerain, BelmowKinworthy Thomas, Collimmile, Butler Beese Aldin, C:-"mia Center, Lickinz Crosby D1, Columbia Center, Licking Fitzpatrick John, Columbiana, Columbiana Hanon & Crawford, Columbiana, Columbiana Quass J., Columbiana, Columbiana Stuckman..., Columbiana, Columbiana Booth E. & H. F., Columbus, Frankli Linka Henry,X Columbus, Frankil Davidson William, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Outland & McKee, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Wilson George M., Caledenia, Marion Guild & Robbins, Camden, Preble McShane E. L., Camden, Preble Kennedy J. V., Carrollton, Carroll Wiggins M. T., Carrollton, Carroll Atwater J., Castalia, Erie Wycoff A., Celina, Mercer Blough John, Center Belpre, Washington Simmons J., Center Belpre, Washington Hughes George, Chagrin Fails, Cuyahoga Abbott Joseph, Chambersburg, Montgomery Moore J. W., Chaudlesville, Muskingum Preston Barnard, Chatham, Licking Price Thomas, Chatham, Licking Stickly David S., Chatham, Licking Calvert Josephus, Chauncey, Evans Dixon Wm. K., Chesire, Gallia Weldom James, Chester, Meigs Carty & Simpson, Chester Hill, Morgan Gray & Wood, Chester Hill, Morgan Brown John, Chillicothe, Ross Rickney M., Chillicothe, Ross Rouzer Jackson, Chillicothe, Ross Schwarzel John, Chillicothe, Ross Pureston Barnard, Chatham, Licking Price Thomas,Chatham, Licking Sticly avidS., Chatham, Licking Calvert Josephus, Chauncey, Evans Dillon W~m. K.,Chesire, Gallia Weldom James, Chester, Meigs Carty& Simson, Chester Hill, Morgan Gray & Wood, Chester Hill, Morgan Brown Johnt ~Chillicothe, Ross Rickney M., ~Chillicothe, Ross Rouzer Jackson, Chillicothe, Ross Wurstr & Cramer, Chillicothe, Ross PResongBrnad Chatham,Likn Chric stiansburg, C hat ampaign Rogers John, Christiansburg, Cha mpa ign Behlen o Keifel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bonte J. H., Cincinnati, Hamiltonla eBriekel W.o H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bruce I. & B., Cineinnati, Hamilton Butters Edmund, -Cincinnati, Hamilton Conradi F., Cincinnati, Hamilton inope & Hale, Cincinnatih, Hamiltons Riodt Ja.iH., Cincinnatie, Hamiltons Dodt B. H. & Kipp, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dodt Clements, Cincinnati, Hamilton E rn st W.H. Cincinnati, Hamilton Ewing John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gosling J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Greisbaum John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heneke John. Cincinnati, Hamilton Henke Paul, Cincinnati, Hamilton Btesing & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton oirschauer Paul, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hutton J. & R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacob & Dietricp, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kinker & Sasse, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kreitz Daniel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heneke John,E Ci~,zntcis ndnati,e Hamiton"8e f,,c::~t. C -, ~., CAR 752 CAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Litchty Peter, Miller Henry, Norton Jeffei son, Reel Michael, Hull Osman, Lane Lester D., Daugherty John M., Elerick & Quary, - Glass S., Bucyrus, Crawford Bucyrus, Crawford Bucyrus, Crawford Bucyrus, Crawfard Burg Hill, Trumbull Burg Hill, Trumbull Butler, Richland Cadiz, Harrison Cadiz, Harrison CA 75 CA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Holdeman Benj., East Rochester, Columb iana, Holdeman Reuben, East Rochester, Columbiana Flemmi ng J. & B., E aton, Preble Ortt John S., E aton, Preble Ressler Henry, E aton, Preble Walker Samuel, Eckmansville, Adams Webster J. S., Edgerton, William s Day T. L., Edinburg, Portage Wi lliam s David, Edinburg, Portage McMiller L. W., Elida, Alen Tan nehill Eli, Elida, Allien McKAIN S., Ellsworth, Mahoning Shipley F., Ellswor th, Mahoning Renner Wm., Euphemia, Preble Golladz P., Farmersville, Montgomery Re es e Wm., Feesburg, Brown Thoma s John W., Feesburg, Brown BEACH E., Finley, Han cock Elder John, Flint's Mills, W ashington Schrimp P., Flore nce, Erie Shoffer Charles, Forest, Hardin Baltz Q. J., Fort Seneca, Seneca Blue D. S., Fort, Seneca; Seneca Conover Peter, Franklin, Warren Freudenbuger George, Franklin, Warren Gingrich F., Franklin, Warren Parker Thomas, Franklin, Warren Copeland J. K., Franklin Mills, Portage Frickenger Christian, Frease's Store, Stark N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY Longhenry Charles, Columbus, Franklin Mehl John, Columbus, Franklin Morris Daniel, Columbus, Franklin Morris & McKelvey, Columbus, Franklin Powell J., Columbus, Franklin Strolder G., Columbus, Franklin Thompson Thomas, Columbus, Franklin Walton L., Columbus, Franklin Wuiihams E. M. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Zollinger Jefferson, Columbu s, Franklin Foster G., Concord, Lak e Fenton Atkins, Conneaut, Ashtabula Osborn Truman, Cornersburg, Mahoning Baker S., C orsica, FMorrow Butler D avid, C orsica, M orrow Glover Joseph, Coshocton, Coshocton McDonald E. D., Coshocton, Coshocton Schleigh Geo rge, Coshocton, Coshocton Gross C.. Covington, MNiami Shellaber A., Covington, Miami Parker J., Cranb erry, Allen Kebble J. G., Crestline, Crawford Koble George, Crestline, Crawford Buchanan James, Cumberland, Guernsey Wilson James, Cumberl an d, Guernsey Baughman S., Dalton, Wayne Fenton C. S., Dalton, Wayne Scott Levi, Dalton, Wayne Converse H. K., D arby Creek, Madison Shepper Jacob, Da rby Creek, Madis on Allison J. W., Dayton, Montgomery Beardsley & Petticrew, Dayton, Montgomery Cohan John, Dayton, M ontgo mery Conover & Sm it h, Dayton, Montgomery Garrety & Wetzel, Day ton, Mont gomery Hill & Ox, Day ton, Mont gom ery Kohlreser & Pfeiffenberger, Dayto n, Mou ntgom er & Phillips Warren W., Day ton, Montgomeryd Watters J. M. & Brother, Dayton, Montgomery Deaver Henry, Deavertown, Morgan Goble T., Deavertown, M organ Corwin Isaac, Defiance, Defiance Weaver David, De Graff, Logan MFcEl roy John & Son, Delaware, Delaware Morehouse & Evans, Delaware, Delaware Stimmel E., Delaware, Delaware Stimmel J. F., Delaware, Delawa;e Stimmel John, Delaware, Delaware Stuter & Son, Delphos, Allen WEIBLE HENRY, Delphos, Allen Tawny Wm.,' Democracy, Knox Bomans S. T. & W. H., Downington, Meigs Dike B. F., Downington, Meigs Gould B., Dresden, Muskingum Peffer George A., Dresden, Muskingum Doty B. F., Dublin, Franklin Potts J. W., Dunbarton, Adams Wright D., Dunbarton, Adams Frazee Jos. A., Dunlevy, Warren Amspoker Samuel,. East Liberty, Logan 48 CAR 763 CAR Towney Samu Atwood.Joshu Burroughs 11. Griner & Kess Hafford E. F., Keifer B., Moore J. P., Oaks A., Cook R Grover S. A., Keys A. G., Mossman M., Van Fleet H., Baldwin F., Vandan Josep Vanden Jame Crowell A. W. Billmire John Willson Wm., F,no F. A., Graves Ashle Sinnett & Co., Whitehead S., Baker Ephrai Daniels & Son Porter & Reed Cox John, Lingo John, Taylor Joseph Brown John Burns & Co., Germantown, Montgomery Girard, Trumbull Granville, Licking Granville, Licking Granville, Licking Granville, Lickin9 Greenfield. Hi hland , g Greenfield, Highland Greenfield, Highland Greenville, Darke Hale, Hardin. Hale, Hardin Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler CAR 754 CAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY I Sandusky, Wyandot Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Lockington, Shelby Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Lodi, Medina Log Cabin, Morgan London, Madison WalatW., H v L Hldeband Jovh W,*. Loudonville, Ashland Black John, Loveland, Clermont Gay Charles, Lucas, Richland Swigart Peter, Lucas, Richland Donhue Thos., Lyra, Seioto Furnace Howard, Lyra, Scioto Helterbran Philip, Lyra, Scioto Mills C., Lyra, Scioto McCarty Wm., McArthur, Vinton Pugh E. B., McArthur, Vinton Tufts & Townsend, Maineville, Warren Christofer J., Mlansfield, Richland Galbraith & Co., Mansfield, Richland Harris W. H., Mansfield, Richland Straub Jacob, Mansfield, Richland Coffey Jacob E., Marion, Marion Hock Enoch, Marion, Marion Kreiling Henry. Marshallsville, Wayne Childs F. L., Marysville, Union Ellioit T., Marysville, Union Dawson Ezra, Mason Warren Patterson Henry, Mason, Warren Perrine James, Mason, Warre n Walsh Peter, LMason, Warren Bohanan Wm., Massillon, Stark Clay & Ogden, MBassillon, Stark Runser P., Massillon, Stark Bates Wm., Maumee City, Lucas Bates & Wagner, Maumee City, Lucas Larue S., Mechan icsburg, Champaign Mlerry & Culberson,M Mechanicsburg, Champaign Smith Peter, Meigsvllle, Morgan Woodford Newell E., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Bunnell A. J., Miami, Hamilton Fa rmer John, Miami, Hamilton Bookwalter D., Miamisburg, Montgomery Kauffman John B., Miamisburg, Montgomery Denise John H., Middletown, Butler Robinson, Middletown, Butler Sutphan John, jr., Middletown, Butler Allen F. IH., Milford, Clermont Erb Chas. & Co., Milford Center, Union Shetrone A., Millersport, Fairfield GROVES JOSEPH, Mlillerstown, Champaign Shuler J. & A., Millville, Batler Gonser Jacob, Millwood, Knox Hammon Chas., Millwood, Knox Hammon Henry, Millwood, Knox Carson Wm., Milnersville, Guernsey Cummings A., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Cline Peter, Kennonsburg, Noble Bechtold H., Kenton, Hardin Bloom John, Kenton, Hardin Bolenbaugh Daniel, Kenton, Hardin Cook Isaac, Kenton, Hardin Lens N., Kenton, Hardin Schrader Wm., Kenton, Hardin Hosack L. P., Kimbolton, Guernsey Kent Calvin, Kyger, Gallia Richards Albert, Kyger, Gallia Kaufman Geo., Lafayette, Madison Berry John A.,. Laings, Monroe Swope Andrew, Lake, Stark McAllister Geo., Lamartine, Carroll DRAKE J. R. & CO., Lebanon, Warren March G. R. & Bro., Lebanon, Warren Simonton Adam, Lebanon, Warren Faber, Leipsic, Putnam Cockley W. W., Lex ington, Richland MIouer Geo., Lexington, Richland Waggoner H. R., Lexington, Richland Bower & Whitaker, Lima, Allen Clayton Thomas, Lima, Allen Owen David, Lima, Allen Parker Aaron, Lima, Allen Rinker J. J., Litchfield, Medina Tanner Henry, Litchfield, Medina Coggshall N. & Bro., Little Hocking, Washington Davidson Eli, Little Hocking, Washington Gothier Ulrich, Little Sandusky, Wyandot See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. CAR 754 CAR POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME CAR~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t5 A NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Wenger John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Ball James, New Plymouth, Vinton Shultz George W., New Rumley, Harrison Brown Joseph, Newton Falls, Trumbull Osbrook B., Newton Falls, Trumbull Brown Jacob, Newtown, Hamiltonr Lantz Daniel, Newtown, Hamilton Richardson Josiah, Newtown, Hamilton Flaugher Isaac, North Jackson, Mahoning Mansell W. B., North Jacksn,, Mahoning Dickinson T., North Lewia.burgi ChampaigaStarkman I., Nojrta. Lewisburg, Champaign Ingle E., Norwalk, Heuron Pebbles NelsoB, II., Norwalk, Huron Jones, Wm, Oak Hill, Jackson Berry W. & D.,. Olivesburg, Richland Riser J. W. & Co., Orrville, Wayne Rise,&r Al. & Co.,, Orrville, Wayne LQo,,m~is Wm,, Ottawa, Ottawa CrurrmmH., F.,- Ottawa, Putnam Wagoners, Ottawa, Pu.tnam Mack & Pearson, Oxford, Butler Ingle E., O ord, Buron Pebbles lqelsoh If. k owl,Huo Jones Wm,OkHll ako Rise~r M.W & Co., rvleWan Rooisr ~m &C., Grile an Crumm t{R. F., Otw,Pta Wagoners.~ —, Otw,Pt Mack & Pearson, Oxford, Butler Dorn Phlip, Munt Heathy, HmiltonIngle E., Norwalk,, H-1uron, Gather Wm.,MountHealty, HailtonPebbles Nelson IIL., Norwalk, H-uron Heffner J. & J., M~~~~ountealh, HaitnJnaWm, Oak Hill, Jackson PtierJon J. W. & Co., Orrville, Wayne Adams G., Mount Vernon iz,,& KAx lae. & Co.,, Orrville, Wayne BaldwinF'., Mont Vernn, KnexL~o,m~is Wm., Ottawa, Ottawa Craig E., Moun Vernon, KnoxCru~mm H., F.,- Ottawa, P-'utnam Sandero~ Wm.. Moun Verno, KnoxWagoner -.,Ottawa, P-utnaam Sidlinge John,. Napoleo, HenryMack & Pearson, Oxford, Butler Ve~gel C., Napoleon, HenryPierson F. W., Oxford, Butler Union Carriage Manufactory, Oxford, Butler Johnson H. N., McGrew Finley, Knight E., Davis J. W., ' Fretz Nathan, Hawley V., Rockey D., Baker J. W., Couslon Jesse, Embree Wm., Bader John, Bloomfield E., Smith V., Chapel R. A., Crozier - Pu, Ludlow G., Spike R. P., Spiker S. P., Winans Abner, Richards Wm., Yountz, Reed & Austin G. J., Poland, 5lahoning Carpenter B.F., Poland, Mahoning Spencer W. S., Polk, Aishland Blettiier M., Pomeroy, Meigs Eiislow James, Poplar, Crawford Huehn Jacob, Poplar, Crawford Metzger & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Reisenger Martin, Portsmouth, SciotoEverhart Phillip, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Foy John, Port WNilliam, Clinton Patton Thomas, Quincy, Logan Yost John, Quincy, Logan Curtis S., Racine, Meigs Barnes Henry, New Hagerstown, Carroll Kessler P., New Harrisburg, Carroll Need D., New Harrisburg, Carroll Adam G. F., New Lisbon, Columbiana Myers Wm., New Lisbon, Columbiana Marvin W. L., New London, Huron Rogers A. J., New London, Huron Townsend L., New London, Huron Williams C. W., New London, Huron Weast John, New Madison, Darke Fisher A. New Paris, Preble Foster & Whitley, New Paris, Preble Bartels J. & D. T., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas I I I a CAR 755 ("/AR Williams, Pleasant Hill, Miami Poland, lahoni-ag Poland, Miih' 9 onln Polk, Ai3hland Pomeoy, Meigs Poplar, Crawford Poplar, Crawford Portsmouth, Scioto in, Portsmouth, Scioto CAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Compton A., Springdale, Hamilton Hough Joseph, Springdale, Hamilton Driscol E. J., Springfield, Clark Otstot & Toland, Springfield, Clark Petticrew J. L., Springfield, Clark Richard J. L., Springfield, Clark West D., Springfield, Clark Forry Joseph, Spring Hills, Champaign Anderson Samuel, Spring Mountain, Coshocton Kendall & Reynolds, Steubenville, Jefferson Murphy John Steubenville, Jefferson Bingman John, Stockport, Morgan Booth John, Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Gillespie Wm. T., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Gitz G. W., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Melvin G. S., Summerford, Madison Rinehart S., Sunbury, Delaware Wales A. B., Swanton, Fulton Wales R. W., Swanton, Fulton Crawford Charles, Sycamore, Wyandot Reynolds H. F., Sycamore, Wyandot Horne G. W., Sylvia, Hardin Silverthorn Wm., Sylvia, Hardin Hulsberger John, Symmes' Corner, Butler Kling William, Thurman, Gallia Van Ness P., Tiffin, Seneca Gove & Carter, Toledo, Lucas Siebert Fred., Toledo, Lucas Stagner John, Toledo, Lucas Waite A. B. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Ement Frank, Troy, Miami Repholtz M a tthias, Troy, Miami S harpe R. Y., Troy, Miami Stockton J. C., Troy, Miami Garber John, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Morti Jacob, Tusca,rawas, Tuscarawas Alexander James, Twin sburg, Summit Ups on Albert, Twinsburg, Summit Long & Son, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Farson; Worthington, Union, Darke Harper A. J., Unionville Center, Union Bearinger, Hall & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Kiehl & Wineland, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Alloways Wm. S., Upsher, Preble Ashinger John H., Upsher, Preble Studbaker W. L., Urbana, Champaign May Peter, Van Buren, Hancock Himmelreich Daniel, Van Wert, Van Wert Strother A. K., Van Wert, Van Wert Dicker C., Vermillion, Erie Ney Gardiner, Vermillion, Erie Vanness Benjamin, Vernon, Trumbull Vanness John, Vernon, Trumbull Cole J., Vienna, Trumbull Griffin George, Vienna, Trumbull Pound George, Vienna, Trumbull Lawyer John, Waldo, Marion Dearbough C., Wapakoneta, Auglaise Lyons Joseph, R acine, Meigs Pilcher R. H., Racine, Meigs Davis John R., Rihadnor, Delaware Bart on F., Ravenna, Portag e Clark N. D. & Co., Ravenna, Portage Leonhardt A., Raymond's, Union Moore Wnm., Republic an, Darke Reder Gibson, Republican, Darke Rhyne D avid, Republican, Darke McCartney Wm. B., R ichland, Richland Hamilto n J. & Co., Richmond, Jefferson Motrt A., Richmond, Jeff ers on B r itton O. M., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Burrows E. W., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Hulburt L. B., Rodney, Gallia Miriee James, Roscoe, Coshocton Montgcomery John, Roscoe, Coshocton Peffer G. A., Roscoe, Coshocton Jauser N., Ross Butler Timberman David, Ross, Butler Summers, Round Head, Hardin Scoby Johnson, Ruggles, Ashland Stillwell & Bro., Rushsylvania, Logan Harris W. J., Saint Charles, Butler Pond A. E. Saint Paris, Champaign Sayler & Perry, Saint Paris, Champaign Heman Paul, Salem, Columbiana Parish John, Salem, Columbiana Richter Lewis, Salem, Columbiana Sheets & Judd, Salem, Columbiana Brown Charles, Samantha, Highland Coglin D., Sandusky, Erie King J., Sarahsville, Noble Petlay W., Sarahsville, Noble Doyel J. & Son, Scott, Adams Loury R., Senecaville, Guerr)sey McCune Robert, Senecaville, Guernsey Pond. E., Saint Paris, Champaign Sayler & Perry, Saint Paris, Champaign Heman Paul, Salem, Columbiana Parish John, Salem, Columbiana RichterLe~i8, Salem, Columbiana Sheets Judd, Salem, Columbiana Brow Chales, Samantha, Highland Coglin D., - Sandusky, Erie lying F., ~Sarahsville, Noble Petlay VV. Sarahsville, Noble Doyel J. & Son,Scott, Adams Loury R., Senecaville, Guerr) sey McCune Robert, Senecaville, Guernsey Senecaville, Guernsey Bookwalter & O'Dair, Seven Paile, Butler Farver Peter! Seven Mile, Butler BEiSTLINE HENRY, Shelby, Richland Robison Charles, Shreve, Wayne ban Yotes S. S., Shreve, Wayne Guy John e, Sidn ey, S h elanby Kingseed C., Sidnedusky, Shelby Piper Jacob, Sidney, Shelbyle Brazil John, Sligo. Clinton Harris D., Sligo, Clinton Slack J.W., Sligo, Clinton e Stubbins Thomas J., Smithfield, Jefferson m Whitten Wm. T., Smithfield, Jefferson Girton James, Somertone,BelmontS Moore David, Somerton, Belmont Ketchel J.S., S omerville, Butler Logan Paul, Somerville, Butler Woodsides Robert, Somerville Butler an Anderson Harmon, Se, Ve South Charleston, Clark Sprague Charles S., n e, eb South Charlest., S lion, Clairk Barker John S., South Olive, uoble 756 CAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY CIII 757 CHI RICE & BURNETT, Dealers in And Queensware, No. 103 Superior St., Cleveland, O. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tennis C. W., Wheat Ridge, Adams Hale y Charl es L., Wilkesville, Vinton Harmount George B. & Son, Williamsport, Pickaway Cleaver James, Wilm ington, Clinton Johnston J., Wilmington, Clinton Palmer J., Wilmington, Clinton Hewitt N. P., W oodstock, Chamndaign Myers E., Woodville, Sandusky Wauntler F., W oodvi lle, San dusky Wilhelhelm J., Wooster, Wayne Matoon William, Worthington, Franklin Anderson Alexander, Xenia, Greene Brothers & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Wilson B. L., Youngstown, Mahoning Jasper N., Zanesville, Muskingum McCormick John W., Zanesville, Muskingum Palmer Davis, Zanesville, Muskingum Williams N., Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Heller Conrad, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Wisell E. K., Warren, Trumbull Wendel & Sons, Warren, Trumbull Collet & Co., Waynesville, Warren Weller & Co., Waynesville, Warren Tripp E. S., Wellington, Lorain Rogers & Smith, Wellsville, Columbiana Scott A. F., Wellsville, Columbiana Smith W. H., West Alexandria, Preble Sipes J., West C airo, Allen, Beard Jesse, West Elkton, Preble CURRY JAMES, Wes t Jefferson, Madisor McNEAL JACOB, JR., West Jefferson, Madison Olney George B., West Jefferson, Madison Paddock J., West Lafayette, Coshocton Carpenter E. & Son, West Middleburg, Logan Coe B., West Middleburg, Logan Cushman H., Weymouth, Medina Cushman N. E., Weymouth, Medina CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. (See also General Stores.) Huntington Brothers & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Huntington & Brooks, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ihle M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kelly J. W. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kistner Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kolbe & Werner, Cincinnati, Hamilton McDonald George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mohlenhoff John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller F. & C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schultze F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton TEMPEST & CO. (See card, p. 180.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Weir Isaac' Cincinnati, Hamilton May & Coun, Circleville, Pickaway Hackman, Martin & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hunnewell, ttill &- Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton CHI 757 CHI - IV.A . — - It tit Manlove Lewis G., Combs E. D., Albert & Brown McKell William: Bare & West,, Beste H. A., Brockman C. E., Case Samuel S., Desmond Jno. G., Ficke Herman, Funk J. 11., Hackman John F., Bainbridge, Ross Bridgeport, Belmont Canton, Stark Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincitinati, Hamilton GI 75 GIG NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Gregg & McFadden, Hillsboro', Highland Stewart Wmn., Lancaster, Fairfield Donahoe Hugh, Marietta, Washington Neily Henry, Meigsville, Morgan Neily James, Meigsville, Morgan Arnold 0. M'., Mount Vernon, Knox Tallmadge S., Piqua, Miami lMulford John, Poplar, Crawford Pursell & Gordon, Portsmouth, Scioto Brooks & Co., Sandusky, Erie Jarrett J. W., Springfield, Clark WAY WM., Springfield, Clark Tonner E. A., Steubenville, Jefferson Altenbaugh John L., Tiffin, Seneca SPAYTH W. O., Tiffin Seneca BARLOW & THOMASON, Toledo, Lucas Burns John & Co., Urbana, Champaign Roe E. D., Urbana, Champaign Lentz Henry, Zanesville, Muskingum McFadden A., Zanesville, Muskingum Cunningham Andrew, Cleveland, Cuyahoga FOGG W. P., cor. Superior and Seneca, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fogg, Ensworth, & Co., Cleveland! Cuyahoga GARDNER ALONZO S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HUNTINGTON & BROOKS, 138 Water, Cleveland, Cuyahoga RICE & BURNETT. (See card, p. 757.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Foster Neville, Columbus, Franklin Pfaff Charles, Columbus, Franklin Westwater J. M. & W., Columbus, Franklin Barlow & Heckler, Dayton, Montgomery Wolf John T., Dayton, Montgomery Eckman John, Greenfield, Highland 'Crawford John, Hamilton, Butler CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ( Wholesale dealers marked thus, a.) Hughes H., Alliance, StarkNace J., Barnesville, Belmont West J. W., Barnesville, Belmont Loeffier P., Bell Air, Belmont Atchinson R., Bridgeport, Belmont Zane B., Brownsville, Licking Zane B. F., Brownsville, Licking Zane E., Brownsville, Licking Paulton H. V., Bucyrus, Crawford Miller C., Celina, Mercer Braun John, Chillicothe, Ross Kramer Isaac, Chillicothe, Ross Amann & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Arndt B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Banger F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBARBAPO D. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Becker & Tebelman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bell John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Beil Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Besuden Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBodman F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bolles W. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrachmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBREED RICHARD E., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrunswick & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Budke C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohn Adolph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Collet John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Compton & Hughes, Cincinnati, Hamilton Crouse G. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cumstein Geo. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Curtes J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Devoto A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dreher Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDresing F. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEygert W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Faehr & Meyer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fahlbusch F. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fallar Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fischer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFriestag George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fuldner Phillip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Funck Charles E. Cincinnati, Hamilton Geckemeier Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Geismann T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGellenbeck G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerland W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gunther N., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGutaian & Batchelder, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hanstein E. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Haring C. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Harmus Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heyne H. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hildreth Franklin, Cincinnati, Hamilton allill Edward D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hinnace G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHoene J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Holldorb Mrs. John C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Huck Francis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Huesman & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Huffman P., Cincinnati, Harmilton Hunnemann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hurmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Huthsteiner Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kaiser & Knepper, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kaufmann & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kirchner John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Knaebel Geo. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kohn Ephraim, Cincinnati, Hamilton CIG CIG 758 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aebke John F., GIG 759 GIG NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY WEIGHELL JOHN & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weis David, Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Kramer Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Krouse C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aKrouse, Mack & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Langerman C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLavenson I. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leary Robert L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leers A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leining J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leutchenberg J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Liening John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lowen P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lowenthal & Windler, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lyons Alfred, Cincinnati, Hamilton Macke D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Maringo B. L. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marthens A. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Menchlbaum Moses, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mentzel Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamnilton Metz B. & E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Metze George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyenn Anthony, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMEYER C. F. & BRO. (See card, p. 150.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Moormann Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nordmann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton NUELSON FRANCIS, Cincinnati, Hamilton aNulsen & Mersman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nunningmoller J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Often O., Cincinnati, Hamilton Passauer C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aPatterson J. A, Cincinnati, Hamilton aPhister & How, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ragendorf M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Remleyl Jacob A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weis David,Cincinnati, Hmlo W endle & Strubenauch, Cincinnati, Hamilton Whitney & Child, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wise B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiswell Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf G. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolff S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright G. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zenneek C. F. & LI L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zins Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Berg Jacob, Circleville, Pickaway aVan Hyde & Broth ers, Circleville, Pickaway aBRAD & McFADDEN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Deitz B. G., Cleveland, Cuyaho ga Deitz George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ha ag C. L., Cleveland, Cuyaho ga Huneng Charles, C l e velan d, Cuya hoga aKeppler Mrs. Loui sa, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Leyenderker Miss F anny, Cleveland, Cuya hoga aLyman John, C levelan d, Cuyahoga aMORSE CHARLES T., Cle vel an d, Cuyaho ga Moses Max, Clevelan d, Cuyaho ga Reis S., C leveland, Cuyahoga Richardson M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rohrheimer Jacob, Gleveland, Cuyahoga Walter Alex. N., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Young G. W. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aCox C. C. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Kinn ey Henry, Columbus, Franklin Maier M., C olu m bus, Franklin Powers M. M. & Brother, Columbus, Franklin Synold Charles, Columbus, Franklin Wagner August, Crestline, Crawford Bornstein M., Dayton, Montgomery Munday B., Dayton, Montgomery Munday & Laubachy, Dayton, Montgomery aNixon A. H., Dayton, Montgomery Nohr George, Dayton, Montgomery Schaeffer L. & S. T., Dayton, Montgomery Schieble Frank, Dayton, Montgomery Schultz F. & J., Defiance, Defiance Wotring C., Delaware, Delaware Gifford Wm., East Liberty, Logan Poss P., Fremont, Sandusky Kuhn John L., Gallipolis, Gallia Antrim & Brother, Germantown, Montgomery Gunckel H. S., Germantown, Montgomery Ross R. J., Germantown, Montgomery Kipp A., Greenville, Darke Ludwig Henry, Hamilton, Butler Ludwig & Hamann, Hamilton, Butler Mackley C. A.~ Hamilton~ Butler Rheinberger John A., oxC C. &C, Co u b s F a k i AnDE OB E. Cincinnati, Hamilton RICH ARDS GEORGE, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRoberts & Johnson, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roschenkemper Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSANDER & OBERMEYER. (See card, p. 166.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Schawe John H. Cincinnati, Hamilton Schulte Sohn, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sieve H.;H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSivers J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Springer Max, Cincinnati, Hamilton Star H.E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stewart & Hitzman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aStrasser Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton aStromberg & DanzigeL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Swan Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ulrich Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vagt Toelke, Cincinnati, Hamilton Walters Mason, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wankelmann F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wedekind J., Cincinnati, Hamilton CIG 759 CIG CLO 760 CLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lorenzo C., Steubenville, Jefferson Boenstein L., Tiffin, Seneca aSCHINNESS B., Tiffin, Seneca Bronson C., Toledo, Lucas Clark T. C., Toledo, Lucas Delzroot E., Toledo, Lucas Hagener E. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Hambsin Peter, Toledo, Lucas HARGER & KINGSBURY, Toledo, Lucas KLOTZ J. C. (See card, p. 584.) Toledo, Lucas Brockman B., Troy, Miami Carbaugh George, Troy, Miami Weaver F., Troy, Miami Minser R., Union, Darke Busser & Smith, Urbana, Champaign Vanfossin M., Wellsville, Columbiana LITTE L & PALMER, Wilmington, Clinton Gray J. A., Wooster, Wayne Herrit Andrew, Xenia, Greene TRADER MOSES W., Xenia, Greene Mueller & Woestanhuf, Youngstown, Mahoning Gebhart Lewis, Zanesville, Muskingum HUBBELL & WORSTALL, Zanesville, Muskingum LAUTERBACH CHARLES, Zanesville, Muskingum MERRICK ALFRED, Zanesville, Muskingum Weber Robert, Hamilt on, Butler Douglass Louis, H i ll Grove, Darke Dreffer N. J., Hillsboro', Highland Otten John F., Ironton, Lawrence Root & Butterfield, Lancaster, Fairfield Smith George, Lancaster, Fairfield Jameson J. F., Mansfield, Richland Shambs George, Mansfield, Richland Clueber V. J., Marietta, Washington Bartholmia T., Marysville, Union Dorn Charles, Maumee City, Lucas Reichard J. Peter, Miamisburg, Montgomery aBarcroft J. L., Middletown, Butler Wihel S., Middletown, Butler Klocke F., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Kendrick R. N., Mount Vernon, Knox aAustin & Bray, Newark, Licking Shepherd Wm., New Paris, Preble Masters Wm. G., Painesville, Lake Wlitheis M., Piqua, Miami Doerr & Bro., Portsmouth, Scioto Herder P. J., Portsmouth, Scioto Renshahouse W. F., Portsmouth, Scioto Abraham S., Salem, Columbiana aStiver G., Salem, Columbiana Black D. & Co., Saldusky, Erie Doney Wm., Seven Mile, Butler Steel M. & Co., Springfield, Clark Bair Uriah, Steubenville, Jefferson Hanch Geo., Steubenville, Jefferson CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS. (Merchant Tailors marked thus, a.) Hoffman & Moss, Akron, Summit Hock Levi & Co., Akron, Summit Miller A., Alliance, Stark Ungrite D., Ansonia, Darke aGreenwalt Z., Ashland, Ashland Wolff & Co., Ashtabula, Ashtabula aBAKER & BALLARD, Athens, Athens aBLACKSTONE & MAHON, Athens, Athens JONES J. L., Athens, Athens Root W. E., Austinburg, Ashtabula Holser Louis, Bellefontaine, Logan Gilbert Edward, Blanchester, Clinton Atkins Alexander, Bucyrus, Crawford Openheimer Joseph, Bucyrus, Crawford aKaiser George, Bucyrus, Crawford aScroggs William M., Bucyrus, Crawford Stewart A. C., Cadiz, Harrison Lilienthal Joseph, Cambridge, Guernsey Schonfield R. & Brother, Cambridge, Guernsey aWeiler Max, Camden, Preble Yoast A. W., Camden, Preble aBerkley Stanislaus, Chillicothe, Ross Frank Samuel, Chillicothe, Ross aHecht H. A., Chillicothe, Ross a Henley B., Chillicothe, Ross aMaule Mar tin, Ma y L., aPhillips C. J., Robinson J. W., Strauss Elias, Sulzbacher H. & Co., Vonachen Jacob, Burkshire E. &.(., Christians Marshall L. A., Christians Marshall L. D., Christians Ackerland Mars, Cin Ackerland A., Cin aAhlering John F., Cin Amburg Joshua, Cin Amberg & Brothers, Cin Amberg & Lindauer, Cin aAmenskamp Charles, Cin AUB, FRENKEL & CO. Cin( Bagly John, Cin Baker Valentine, Cin aBarnes R. G., Cin( aBarrett James, Cin( CLO 760 CLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNT Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross CLO 761 CLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Fury P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerhke A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glaser & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glaser & Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gleick L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Goldberg Jacob, Cinciwati, Hamilton Goodman S., Cinciffnati, Hamilton Goodman & Vornholz, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grautman P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGreiwe E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Guiterman dr Sulzbach~r, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hallegan P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Harris A., Ciucinn.,ti, Hamilton aBaum artner & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beck William, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBeckman J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBeesley J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBell Max, Cincinnati, Hamilton Berliner A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berman D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Billan Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bing J. & M. Jas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bing M. & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBing Nathan, Cincinnati, Hamilton Birney James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bischof & March, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bitter P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boebinger A. & J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBoyd Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrockhoff J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBROOKE JOHN H. (See card, p. 99.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown Mf., C incinnati, Hamilton auHarris E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hawickhorst & Rsuberg, Cici i H lohn Cincinnati, Hamilton aHeidkamp J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heinsheimer J. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton H ess M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton HESSE, LEVY & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hiedelbach, Wertheimer & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Himmelreich Simon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hirszhberg Jaob, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHirsh N., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHolch Mathew, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHornle F., Cincinnati, Hamilton allovert B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Isaacs S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacobs F.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Joseph & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton aKahle Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton aKATHIMANN CLEMENT, Cincinnati, Hamilton Katzenberger S., Cincinnati, Hamilton akeinning A., Cincinnati, Hamilton akieseweiter G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aklei~ne F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aklonne A. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton akoch H. & J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aKoch H. & J., Cnint,Hmlo aKleine & C.lomn, Brown M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrummer J. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBuff J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBuff & Blossfield, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cain Alexander, Cincinnati, Hlamilton Clark George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohen A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohen, Guttaman & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohen WolJ, Cincinnati, Hamilton Darcey Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDavis A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Davis, Karger & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDeters H. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDettmer B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Drahman John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDrahmann J. Ht. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aD eyl ing W ill iam, Cincinnati, Hamilton aEarley Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton aEbber Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aEFFRAY ALEX. (See card, p. 116.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Elsar, Jones & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEnglehart Frederic, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFECrHHEIMiER n MARCUS.'See card, p. 122.) Cincinnati, Hamilton aFennekin F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFISHEL & BROTHERS, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFicher George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Flaherty Patrick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Flohn H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFrank M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFresenberg Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Friedman, Hirsch & Eiehberg, Cincinnati, Hamilton Friedman & Miller, Cincinnati, Hamilton Friedman & Stern, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFriel & McGuire, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fulwiler J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Koke JosephA., Cincinnati. Hamilton aKo lhoff Joie se phweiter G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ko mblith J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kottenbrockne A. Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kraftoh. & H offman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aKramer & Kroger, Cincinnati, Hamilton aKraper Win., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kuhn, Netter & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lamm & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton aLammers & Jeckel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Landouer A., Cinncinati, Hamilton aLasange A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLeining J. rg H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leiser M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leon & Marks, Cincinnati, Hamilton Leopold & Goodhart, Cincinnati, Hamilton aLiebenstein Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton CLO 761 CLO I NAME Barrett Samuel, abart.els C., abaum,artner &, POST OFFICE COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton 'k CLO 762 CLO NAME POST OFFIOE COUNYY aSchoemer N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schomaker G. A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schradzhi M. & I., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSCHRAND ANTON, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchumacher J. Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schwarz D. & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton aSeiter Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton aShoemaker John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSierman Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton SIMON G. & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sprague & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stadler, Brother & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Steiner & Bier, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSteiner & Popp, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSterger John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steins A. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stix, Krouse & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aStoeher & Adams, Cincinnati, Hamilton aStoll Wm, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSTRAUS I. P. & BROS. (See card, p. 173.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Strauss Simon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strieker & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamillon Strieker Barnhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton aStrubbe E. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aStrubbe R., Cincinnati, Hamilton aStuntebeck F. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stuniebeck John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSund Gerard, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSurmann A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Symonds Bro. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aTabe & Hallman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aThomas S. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aThompson A. V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thurnauer & Mack, Cincinnati, Hamilton Traine & Meyers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Troumstin A. & J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tuck M. & J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tucker Geo. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ulmer Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vanderbeugel Emanuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton aVan Dokkum & Forman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWade Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWalff Nicholas, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWarburg & Ramler, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weiler M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wertheimer I. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wertheimer, Marks & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWetenkamp H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWeibold & Kotter, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWillenborg W., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWilliams J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wineman Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wise Leopold, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf A. J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aPatrick J. H.P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aPiston Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Plaut M. I., Cincinnati, Hamilton aPopp Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton aPuthoff H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pauk & Guiterman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRedman B. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRees T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRengier C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRiehter & Verkamp, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ricking J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRikoff J. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRollwagin L., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRosenbug A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosenfeld & Kaufman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Samuels & Holzman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSarle & Jennings, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchlebbe J. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchleinman J. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schloss Joseph M., Cincinnati, Hamilton CLO 762 CLO CLO 763 CLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Robiso n Chas. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aRoemer H. & H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rozen Henry J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Schwapb A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSeaman H., (ag't,) Cleveland, Cuyahoga aShelley John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSmith Edward W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aStorey John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wageman & Bergman, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWIEBER J. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWilkinson A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aLamb Wm., Columbiana, Columbiana Areburgh & Co., Columbus, Franklin aBreyfogle Chas., Columbus, Franklin CARPENTER T. W. & CO., Columbus, Franklin achilds Marcus, Columbus, Franklin NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Wolfson I., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWurdeman John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wylander & Hollander, Cincinnati, Hamilton ZEILLER & WISE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Alsbaugh Henry, Circleville, Pickaway Black J. Q., Circleville, Pickaway Brock & Fettry, Circleville, Pickaway Jacobson S., Circleville, Pickaway Levy H., Circleville, Pickaway Moellers F., Circleville, Pickaway Monheimer H., Circleville, Pickaway Shower M., Circleville, Pickaway Steele James P., Circleville, Pickaway Diehi J. F., Clarksburg, Ross Signor G. H., Clarksfield, Huron Jeffries Geo., Clarksfield, Huron Foreman Wm., Clement, Hancock Ager Francis, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aAlthen Geo., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Andrews James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aBECKMAIAN HENRY, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Beverlin John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga BORGES J. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cauffman D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clancy Michael, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cohen E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cohen Jacob, Cleveland, Cuyahoga COLMAN LOEB, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cook & Alten, Cleveland, Cuyahoga DAVIS, PEIXOTTO & CO. (See card, p. 228.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga De Roy Abraham, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Douglass T. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aEngelhart Joel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aEYEARS ALFRED, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gaebhart Benedict, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aGilmore Thomas, Cleveland, Cuyahog a aHalley Joseph, Cleveland, Cuyahoga allancock Wm. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aHeiman Louis, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ISAACS ISAAC A. (See card, p. 236.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga aJester Andrew, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aKeenhold Jacob, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aKenny Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Klegher Philip, Cleveland, Cuyahoga KOCH, LEVI & MIAYER, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aKohlmaier Adam, Cleveland, Cuyahoga KRAMER HENRY. (See card, p. 252.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kramer J. G, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aLatimer L. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Liebenthal M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga LOEB A. & C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Mann Sickmon, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aMoeder D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aMooney Michael, Cleveland Cuyahoga aMORRIS F. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga NUSBAUM MOSES, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aPowers A. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aReding A. R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aChilds Marcus,.oubs,Faki aEldridge & Williams, Columbus, Franklin Goodman Jacob, Columbus, Franklin Goodman J. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Gundersheimer A., Columbus, Franklin Gundersheimer Isaac, Columbus, Franklin Gundersheimer N., Columbus, Franklin HECHT SAMUEL, Columbus, Franklin Koch Peter, Columbus, Franklin Lazarus Simon, Columbus, Franklin aLewis McLeod D., Columbus, Franklin aMcNAMEE JOHN, Columbus, Franklin aMillay Philip, Columbus, Franklin Nusbaum Juta, Columbus, Franklin aRiekenbacher & Hertenstein, Columbus, Franklin aROSE P., Columbus, Franklin aStewart & Stinson, Columbus, Franklin aTuther Thomas, Columbus, Franklin aFenton & Kline, Conneaut, Ashtabula Bordenkircher John, Coshocton, Coshocton Stibbe S.D, Coshocton, Coshocton 'Stump Jacob, Crestline, Crawford an Adams E., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit ahead N., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Treet E. A., Dalton, Wayne aBeck Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery aBreene Wm. G., Dayton, Montgomery aChamberlain & Parker, Dayton, Montgomery aCdeo rnbush Ho, Dayton, Montgomery Finke & Legler, Dayton, Montgomery Hoefer Henry, Dayton, Montgomery Kissinger H., Dayton, Montgomery Klopfer hiH., Dayton, Montgomery Hoofer Henry, Dyo,Mngmr Kissinger H. Dyo, Mngm Klopfer Philip, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery aeaLebolt A., Dayton, Montgomery Leo n Jacobe, Dayton, Montgomery Lessner & Brother, Dayton, Montgomery Lewis T.PM., Dayton, Montgomery aMcDaniel James, Dayton, Montgomery amiller & Charch, Dayton, Montgomery aPinneo A. W., Dayton, Montgomery I CLO CLO 763 GLO 764 OLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aShober John, Hamilton, Butler Symonds, Bro. & Co., Hamilton, Butler aEggling E., Hillsboro', Highland Free M., Hillsboro', Highland Senior & Freidenstone, Hillsboro', Highland aBliss G. I., Hudson, Summit aJones John, Ironton, Lawrence aLowrey J. S.. Ironton, Lawrence NEWBERGER G., Ironton, Lawrence Kahn B. & Co., Jackson, Jackson aDoiuglherty Wm., Kenton, Hardin aFor(I H. K., Kenton, Hardin Fry George, Kenton, Hardin Joseph Bros., Lake, Stark Aaron Adolph, Lancaster, Fairfield aHITE JA COB, Lancaster, Fairfield aLevy & Block, Lancaster, Fai.irfield aSpringer H., Lancaster, Fairfield aTong T., Lancaster, Fairfield aTROUT H. G., Lancaster, Fairfield Rollman Isaac, Dayton, Montgomery aRolt & Kropp, Dayton, Montgomery Shoenheer & Pape, Dayton, Montgomery Walker Wm., Dayton, Montgomery Wertheimer, Marks & Co., Dayton, Montgomery aWinter I. N., Dayton, Montgomery Zwiesler C., Dayton, Montgomery Vanderbrock A., Defiance, Defiance aWeismantel F. I.. Defiance, Defiance aHeller J. & M., Delaware, Delaware aPlotner & Duvall, Delaware, Delaware Reynolds Frank, Delaware, Delaware Strous A., Delawere, Delaware aBeyer Francis, Delphos, Allen aSatzmau Joseph, Delphos, Allen aWoolhorst F., Delphos, Allen Dettelbach S., Dresden, Muskingum aEgbert John H., Dresden, Muskingum Gettman (,harles, Dresden, Muskingum aAuter A. V., Eaton, Preble aCrouse J. A., Eaton, Preble Filbert Michael, Eaton, Preble aMikesell E., Eaton, Preble aThum Charles P., Eaton, Preble LIEBENTHAL M. & CO., Finley, Hancock Oldsmith M., Finley, Hancock Rothchild J. B., Finley, Hancock Herrmann M., Franklin, Warren Scharf G., Franklin, Warren Baird John, Franklin Mills, Portage Dryfoos J., Fremont, Sandusky Dryfoos M., Fremont, Sandusky Leopold M., Fremont, Sandusky Liebenthal M., Fremont, Sandusky aBEALE THOMAS H. B., Galion, Crawford Nusbaum Samuel, Galion, Crawford aPARSONS WM. C., Galion, Crawford Fenner N. P., Gallipolis, Gallia FRANK MOSES, Gallipolis, Gallia Priestly James C., Gallipolis, Gallia Smith J. B., Gallipolis, Gallia aHolcomb C., Garrettsville, Portage Sprague J. H., Garrettsville, Portage aRott M., Germantown, Montgomery aRowe & Co., Germantown, Montgomery aSteinberger & Bro., Germantown, Mlontgomery Laevison A. M. & Co., Granville, Licking aGlascock H. J., Greenfield, Highland aHaines C., Greenfield, Highland aMcArthur Hutson, Greenfield, Highland Mackerley Henry, Greenfield, Highland Bachman, Greenville, Darke Oppenheimer J., Greenville, Darke aSummerville J., Greenville, Darke aBecker Peter, Hamilton, Butler aDeifenbach -, Hamilton, Butler aHirsch Joseph, Hamilton, Butler Klein Peter, Hamilton, Butler aKries Henry, Hamilton, Butler aLevy S., Hamilton, Butler Maas John, Hamilton, Butler Schaettlo Frank, Hamilton, Butler Hill A. N., Marietta, W ashington aKremer J. C., Marietta, Washington aLeonhart Adam, Marietta, Washington Ridehour Win., Marietta, Washington aWeber H. &, Co., Marietta, Washington Baruch J., Marion, Marion aGrimm Frederick, Marion, Marion aMerrill John, Marion, Marion allookway F., Massillon, Stark Oppenheimer M., Massillon, Stark a Bert Wm., Maumee City, Lucas aRobertson William, Maumee City, Lucas aGwinner Arnold, Miamisburg, Montgomery aSolomon P., Miamisburg, Mont~gomery aConklin W. D., Aliddletown, Butler aDenise G. G. & Co., Middletown, Butler aGunchel Chas. F., Middletown, Butler aJones John, Middletown, Butler aStaff S., Middletown, Butler aWilliams Otto, Milford, Clermont Cohn B., Millersburg, Holmes Hopfman & Co., Millersburg, Holmes aHoxworth J., Millersburg, Holmes CLO 764 CLO POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME abliss G. I., Hudson, Summit c;Jones John, Ironton, Lawrence alowrey J. S.. Ironton, Lawrence NEWBERGER G., Ironton, Lawrence Kahn B. & Co., Jackson, Jackson adoi,iglierty Wm., Kenton, Ilardin aFor(I fl. K., Kenton, Hardin Fry George, Kenton, Hardin Joseph Bros., L,,tke, Stark Aaron Adolph, Lancaster, Fairfield allITE JA COB, Lancaster, Fiirfield alevy & Block, Lancaster, Fti.irfield aspringer H., L,,tncast6r, Fairfield atong T., Lancaster, Fairfield ATROUT ff. G., Lancaster, Fairfield ADOEBLER &, SELLERS, Lebanon, Warren aflYMAN MARTIN, (AG'T,) Lebanon, Warren ALEVI ISRAEL, Lebanon, Warren Feiss & Sco t, Lima, Allen Jacobs Levi, Lima, Allen Striker & Bros., Lima, Allen adroyer James, London, Madison Kahn Louis, London, Madison awinchester A. & Son, London, Madison Liebentball M. & Co., Minsfield, Rich,and CLO GLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY ajeffrey J. H.. Morrow, Warren aLEVY EPRHAIM, Morrow, Warren aBuschman F., Mount Vernon, Knox aClark K., Mlount Vernon, Knox Menk L., Mount Vernon, Knox aPyle Adam, Mount Vernon, Knox aWolff A., Mount Vernon, Knox Higgins & Bro., Napoleon, Henry Amback D., Newark, Licking aBane J. T., Newark, Licking aBarrick J., Newark, Licking aBuckel J. K., Newark, Licking Burgunder & Bro., Newark, Licking Gutman Samuel, Newark, Licking aMiller Jos., Newark, Licking aWalker A. S., Newark, Licking aDorwart Wm., New Lisbon, Columbiana aHullston Wm., New Lisbon, Columbiana aVogan J. W., New Lisbon, Columbiana Oppenheimer J., New London, Huron aLenhart & McGonigal, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Oppenheimer Moses, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Oppenheimer Wm., Ne w Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Sutherland & Tilley, Newton Falls, Trumbull West & Leran, Salem, Columbiana Cahn D., Sandusky, Erie aKneal Ja m es, S andlusky, Erie Kronthal J., Sandusky, Erie aMiller & Bobrahn, Sandusky, Erie Monat L., Sandusky, Erie aRiley P. H., Sandus ky, Erie Rosenbaum F., Sandusky, Erie aWalter J. W., Sandusky, Erie Anderson D. & Co., Shelby Richland Mann Samuel, Sidney, Shelby aRetter C onrad, Sidney, Shelby aShu ltz Henry, Sidney, Shelby aTAYLOR WM. H., Sidney, Shel by aWest A. H., Sidney, Shelby aDooley G., South Charleston, Clark Frankel B. & W., Springfiold, Clark allill T. H. & Co., Springfield, Clark Kaufman M., Springfield, Clars Oates & Hann, Spri ngfield, Clark Phillips J. P. & Son, Springfield, Clark Shatler J., Springfield, Clark Sheperd & Foos, Springfield, Clar k aZittle & Keiser, Springfield, Clark Froman M., Steubenville, J efferson Hoffmayer Jones, Steubenville, Jefferson aLittle J., Steubenville, Jefferson aMay C. M., Steubenville, Jefferson aThatcher O. M., Steubenville, Jefferson Mason John, Symmes's Corner, Butler Wynne & Hunt, Thurman, Gallia Rose L., Tiffin, Seneca aShriver J., Tiffin, Seneca Smith H., Tiffin, Seneca aStricker Brothers, T iffin, Seneca aVallm er J., T iffin, Seneca aWagner M., Tiffin, Seneca aFury Peter, Tiffin, Seneca Price I. N., Tippecanoe, AMiami aRichardson J. V., Tippecanoe, Miami Aschenbruenner John, Toledo, Lucas aBuck C. H, Toledo, Lucas Gitky B. & L.,, Toledo, Lucas Gitsky Benjamin., Toledo, Lucas Gitsky M., Toledo, Lucas aGoldsmith Gustavus, Toledo, Lucas aGranger & Brother, Toledo, Lucas Herbauer J., Toledo, Lucas Hofel Jacob, Toledo, Lucas Kraus Jacob, Toledo, Lucas Kraus L., Toledo, Lucas Lowater George, Toledo, Lucas aMcKenna John, Toledo, Lucas Ralph Lucy S., Toledo, Lucas aStutz Jacob, Toledo, Lucas aThomer Henry, Toledo, Lucas Wachenheim & Wagner, Toledo, Lucas Woehler Christian. Toledo, Lucas alIarr Abraham, Troy, Miami Harr a Stafford, Troy, Miami Walker W. L., Troy, Miami Werthermer Joseph, Troy, Miami Myers E. C., Tuscarawaws, Tuscarawas McDonnah S., Twenty Mile Stand, Warren aLoeb & Jacobson, Norwalk, Huron aSUHR WM., Norwalk, Huron Lentz J., Ottawa, Putnam aGreaser J., Oxford, Butler aLeins & Wertz, Oxford, Butler aFisher N. M., Painesville, Lake aMIorrell S. B., Painesville, Lake Porter L. A., Painesville, Lake aSchwab Solomon, Painesville, Lake aTruran Richard, Painesville, Li.ke aFrietlich A., Piqua, Miami aFrietman & Frickman, Piqua, Miami aHlensteger J. F., Piqua, Miami Newman W. B., Piqua, Miami SHOEMAKER GEO., Pleasant Hill. Miami CLO CLO 765 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY C-,ise li Duncan, Eisner Z. L., aputtell G., arust Wni., abishop S. D., akelirer Charles & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Port-smouth, Scioto Quincy, Logan Ravenna, Portage Ravenna, Portage Salem, Columbiana. Salem, Columbiana Salem, Columbiana Keogh T. I-I., Levi & Co., ALINNE H., alorberg A., Miller E., Richman Henry, Sidenberg L., Gottleib David, Goldstein J. & Co., asomerville D. M., Gibbs G. W., apow & Stauffer, aweeks H. &.Co., .O 6 O NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Gibbons Jacob, Wellsville, Columbiana Da vis John S., West Alexandria, Preble Haddler John, West Alexandria, Preble Wilson S., West Alexa ndria, Preble Bennet J. H., West Elkton, Preble Ward Thomas O., West L afayette, Coshocton Antrim Joshua, West Middleburg, Logan Wick William, Weymouth, Medina Austen S. P., Wheat Ridge, Adams McAllister Abner, Williamsport, Pickaway aHarrison W. H., Wilmington, Clinton Leamington E. T., Wilmington, Clinton Vagel R., Wilmington, Clinton aWegman F., Wilmington, Clinton Huffman R., Wilmington, Clinton Winget C. L., Woodstock, Champaign Kunkelman Wm., Woodville, Sandusky Stuber John, Woodville, Sandusky aChilds James B., Wooster, Wayne Edward & Co, Wooster, Wayne Erdman J., Wooster, Wayne Imgard & Brother, Wooster, Wayne 'aPeirson A. IH., Wooster, Wayne Powers T., Wooster, Wayne Wiley Charles, Worthington, Franklin Bayless N., Xenia, Greene aKepler Peter, Xenia, Greene uaMoore & Andrew, Xenia, Greene aRogers Amos, Xenia, Greene Straus S. & Co., Xenia, Greene Symonds, Bro. & Co., Xenia, Greene Wallace & Black, Xenia, Greene Spiegle J., Youngstown, Mahoning aTheobald D., Youngstown, Mahoning Ashmore M. & J., Zanesville, Muskingum aChristman N., Zanesville, Muskingam aClements Z., Zanesville, Muskingum Cohn Mayer, Zanesville, Muskingum Drifus Wolf, Zanesville, Muskingum aDurban Thomas, Zanesvil]e, Muskingum aEnglish J. C., Zanesville Muskingum aGranger O. H., Zanesville, Muskingum aHattan James, Zanesville, Muskingum Keeley W. P., Zanesville, Muskingum aMcKee John, Zanesville, Muskingum NAM E POST OFFICE COUNTY Madden J. & P., Twinsburg, Summit Wattson W. B., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Barnum D., Union, Darke aGraps G., Union, I)arke aHllickey John, Union, Darke Schronz J., Union, Darke Staight E. F., Union, Darke Tholke William, Union, Darke allardly Henry, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Liebenthal B., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot aELLIS G., Urbana, Champaign FISHER H., Urbana, Champaign aGoen & Mast, Urbana, Champaign Hunter William O., Urbana, Chiampaign aO'Neil J. G., Urbana, Champaign Rhoadarmer J., Urbana, Champaign Schloss Henry A., Urbana, Champaign Tabott J. G., Urbana, Champaign Miller, Van Buren, Hancock Day G. W., Van Wert, Van Wert Hays Wm. L., Van Wert, Van Wert Jacobs A., Van Wert, Van Wert Rose C., Van Wert, Van Wert Young Jacob, Van Wert, Van Wert Allen E. W., Vermillion, Erie Poole P. P., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Victor C., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Goldstein J., Warren, Trumbull Reed F. P. & Co., Warren, Trumbull Bing M. & Bro., Washington C. H., Fayette Collins V. S., Washington C. H., Fayette Daugherty John H., Washington C. I1., Fayette Parvin C., Washington C. H., Fayette Plumb E., Washington C. H., Fayette Stewart & Willard, Washington C. H., Fayette aCollett James C., Waynesville, Warren French Uriah, Waynesville, Warren Merchant B., Waynesville, Warren Bowman L., Wellington, Lorain aClothier James, Wellsville, Columbiana Cohen M. J., Wellsville, Columbiana Evans Benjamin, Wellsville, Columbiana aGaddis John, Wellsville, Columbiana L COLLEGES. DUFF, McCOY & CO., Columbus, Franklin Baldwin & Hollingsworth, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton Commercial College, Dayton, Mlorntgomnery Moore Win., Hamilton, Butler Murray Jerome, Maumee City, Lucas Smith E. W., Portsmouth, Scioto Bacon's Mercantile College, Cincinnati, Hamilton BARTLETT R. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boss C. & G. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton GUNDRY JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton fterold M., Cincinnati, tlamilton QUEEN CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. (See card, p. 159.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Bryant,:Falsom, Stratton & Feltor, Cleveland, Cuyahoga com 766 com V. COM 767 COM COMMISSION, FORWARDING AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS. (See also, Flour, Feed and Grain Dealers.) NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Harbison John H., Aberdeen, Brown Ellis H. & J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Chamberlain J. H. & Co., Akron, Summit Emmerson N. W. & Co., Ramsey George W., Barnesville, Belmont Cincinnati, Hamilton Zent Brothers, Belleville, Richland Fagin L., Cincinnati, iHamilton George & Wilson, Cadiz, Harrison Fenton A. B. & Bros., Fordice Joseph, Cambridge, Guernsey Cincinnati, Hamilton ALEXANDER, TALBOTT & CO., Fosdick Charles R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Andrew P. & C., Cincinnati, Hamilton FOULDS T. H. & CO. (See card, page Arnold & Crawford, Cincinnati, Hamilton 123.) Cincinnati, Hamilton ATHEARN & HIBBERD, Franklin Charles W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Bartlett R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton FRAZER JAMES A., Beattie John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Bernard N. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton French R. II. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bishop R. M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton FRENCH, WILSON & CO., Brown John S. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton GARDNER, PHIPPS & CO., Buchanan R. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Buckles J. C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton GERARD JOHN H. & CO., Byrne & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Calkins J. P. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton GERARD & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Canfield & Moffitt, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gibbons J. E., Cincinnati, Ihamilton Chenoweth J. S. & Co., Gibson David & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Gilbert, Jones & Ogborn, Chipman, Gillispie & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Gilpen Wm. H., Cincinnati, iHamilton CLARK JAMES L. (See card, p. 105.) Goepper M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Gould George W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark John A. & Co., Graham Wm. M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark, Mitchell & Co., Grant James B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Griese B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark & Carr, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hailey B. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton CLARKE C. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hlale G. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cleaneary J. P. & Co., Hall B. E., Cincinnati, IHamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Hammar F. & Co., Cincinnati, hamilton Cody P., Cincinnati, IHamilton Hanks & Perkshire, Cincinnati, Hamilton COLTON AARON A., Harding L. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Hardinghaus Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper S. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Harper D. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper & Stokes, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harper & Winall, Cincinnati, Hamilton CRAWFORD GEORGE & CO. (See card, HARRISON & HOOPER, opp. index to Cities, Towns and Vil- Cincinnati, Hamilton lages.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Hasetine & Gale, Cincinnati, Hamilton Culbertson & Kilbreth, Hathaway J. A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cummings & Jones, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hazard Wm. S., Cincinnati, IHamilton Cunningham James F. & Co., Hazlett John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Helt Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cunningham & Herron, Hobbs & Parker, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman James HI., Cincinnati, Hamilton Davis J. C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton HORD GEO. M. & CO., Dean & Hale, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Dills W. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hord, Lewis & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dorsey W. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Horner & Gaff, Cincinnati, Hamilton Doty, Pendery & Co., Hosea Robert & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton HUBBARD S. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dubois & Augur, Cincinnati, Hamilton HURIN JAMES K., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dugan T. S. & Co., Cincinnati, hamilton IRW1N & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eggleston D., Cincinnati, Hamilton JACOBS CHA S., JR., Cincinnati, Hamilton COM 768 COM CALVIN J. COMSTOCK. HENRY NEWBERRY. COMSTOCK & NEWBERRY, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aLE~i:LiAD, 0 Curers of and Dealers in Sugar Cured Hams and Dried Beef, Pork, Bacon, Lard, FLO]IR. GRAIINS, &C. REFERENCES.-T. P. Handy, Esq., pres't Commercial Bank Cleveland; E. N. Sill, Esq., pres't Summit County Bank, Cuyahoga Falls; E. S. Comstock Esq., cash. Portage County Bank, Ravenna; P. T. Hamm & Co.,'Toledo; C. R. Fosdick & Co.. Cincinnati; Harrison, Hanford & Co., Cuyahoga Fal!s: Fairfield & Trask, New York; Poumairat & McCully, Baltimore. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NOURSE JOSEPH G., Cincinnati, Hamitlon Nye H en ry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Oberhue E. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Odiorne Thos. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton ORR & BROWN. (See card, p. 154.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Pat t erson, Brother, & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Paul & Murdock, Cincinnati, Hamilton Penney G. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Perin, Gould & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Phillips, Geo. W.,jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pierson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Poage Thos. K. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Poland H en ry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Poor & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton POTTER L. F. & WILSON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Prather J. 0. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton PULLAN & WILLIAMSON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ray C. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reardon, Graham & Co., Cincinnaii, tIamilton Reeme, Wallingford & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rice John & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Richardson & Wilson, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rocap & Farrelly, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roots & Coe, Cincinnati Hamilton Rosenthal & Kaufman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Royall John M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sargent L. H1., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sayre & White, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schrahm A. D. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Scott & Dugan, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sedam J. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sells 0. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shank J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shays John W., Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Johnson Geo. L. & A. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Johnson & Truslow, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kasting & Kruse, Cincinnati, Hamilton Keck & Shafer, Cincinnati, Hamilton KELLOGG & WILLIAMS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kennett, Dudley & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keys, Maltby & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton King Geo. C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Labrot A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lane George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Langley & Kinkead, Cincinnati, Hamilton LEIGHTON E. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton LINE, HANLY & KROELL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Loudon J. A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lykins & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton McBirney Hugh & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton McBride J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton McGregor James, Cincinnati, Hamilton McGregor Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKEEHAN & EVANS, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKenzie A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Magill James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Marmet C. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marsh & Christophers, Cincinnati, Hamilton, Meal J. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton MILLS & KLINE, Cincinnati, Hamilton -ealnor & Andrews, Cincinnati, Hamilton Moore Robert & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morris, Smith & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morrison, Cordukes, & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton MORTEN BROHHERS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Moulinier & Rowland, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mullins & Johnston, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nelson & Blersch, Cincinnati, Hamilton com 768 com COM 769 GOM NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY SIEBERN JNO. N. & BROS., Cincinnati, Hamilton Skiff J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Skinner Frank & Co., C a Cincinnati, Hamilton. Slocum J. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith, Collins & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith L. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith Wm. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & McAlpin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sommer & Meyer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spining & Brown, Cincinnati, Hamilton Springer & Whiteman, Cincinnati, Hamilton STALL & MEYER, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stanhope P. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stem Frenchard & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton STILES H. L. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton STILLWELL JOHN D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stone B. T. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stone L. & M., Cincinnati, Hamilton STORMONT D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Straight, Deming & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sweny & McClelland, Cincinnati, Hamilton Swift, Evans & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton TAIT & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton TAYLOR & BROTHER, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thayer & Taylor, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thirkild T. F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thomas N. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thompson & Taaffee, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tibbitts Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton TODD JAMES. (S ee card, p. 179.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Tomlinson J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Torrence James F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Traber & Aubery, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tweed & Sibley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Van Wormer Asa & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vibbard, Taylor & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton WANN C. & T., Cincinnati, Hamilton WARNER C. K. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weller, Farrell & Co., Cincinnati. Hamilton WESENER & MINOR, Cincinnati, Hamilton WEST ISAAC E., 23 Walnut. (See card of West & McDougal, p. 184.) Cincinnati, Hamilton WEST & McDOUGAL. (See card, p. 184.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Vhite, Brother & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Williamson Wmn., Cincinnati, Hamilton 49 Wilson, Eggleston & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton WILSON, GARLICK & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright Wm. S. & C o., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright & Bell, Cincinnati, Hamilton YOUNG THOMAS & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Delaplane W. E., Circleville, Pickaway Smart & Co., Cirleville, Pickaway Triplett Wm. M., Circleville, Pickaway Anderson P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Austin & Stockwell, Clevelapd, Cuyahoga Beggs & S inclair, Cleveland, Cuyahoga BOND N., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bruggeman J. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bradburn & F isher, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brown J. B. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga BROWN J. O. & SON, Cleveland, Cuyahoga BURT, CLARKE & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ca l dwell S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CLARK, G ARDN ER & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga COMSTOCK & NEWBERRY. (See card, p. 768.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga CUNNINGHAM JAMES S, (See card, p. 226. ) Cleveland, Cuyahoga CUNNINGHAM & SHAW. (See card, p. 226.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cutter O. & Son, Cleveland, Cuyahoga DAVIS & VORCELs, Cleveland, C uyaho ga De Wolf Simon E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga EVANS T. W. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fargo & Spear, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Foot A. S. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Foot & Bash, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gat es H. N. & Son, Cleveland, Cuyahoga GORDON, McMILLAN & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HANNA, GARETSON & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hills N. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Holt & Oviatt, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hughes & Lester, Cleveland, Cuyahoga HUSSEY & McBRIDE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lesh, Simmons & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga LITTLE GEORGE H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lyon Richard T., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Melhinch Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Morrison F. B. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga MURRAY & STEWART, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Otis & Brownell, Cleveland, Cuyahoga PELTON & BREED, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rawson Levy, Cleveland Cuyahoga com 769 com NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY COM 770 COM NAME POST OFWE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Richmond George, Cleveland, Cuyaboga Reed Samuel, Mount Eaton, Wayne ROOT, WHITELAW & CO., 7 Davis' Block, Davis J. C., Mulberry, Clermont Water, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Baker I. W Newark, Licking Sacket Alexander, Cleveland, Cuyahoga BELL S.S. &' CO., Newark, Licking SCOTT M. B., Cleveland, Cuyab.ga Davis T. J. & Co., Newark, Licking SEXTON D. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Jewett & Marble, Newark, Licking Sprague Geo., agent, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Miller C. D. & Co., Newark, Licking THATCHER, BURT & CO. BRESSLER J. & CO., Ottawa, Pu' nam Cleveland, Cuyahoga EWING M. C. & CORT, Ottawa, Putnam Thorman S. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HIPKINS T. H. B., Ottawa, Putnam Umbstaetter Loms, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Russell David, Painesvflle, Lake Walton T. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Blin & Smith, Perrysburg, Wood Weaver & Brother, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hall & Haims, Piqua, Miami Weed H. J., Gleveland, Cuyahoga Lawton, Barnett & Co., Piqua, Miami WHITMAN & GARDNER, MITCHELL & BENSON, Piqun, Miami Cleveland, Cuyahoga McDowell & McColm, Portsmouth, Scioto WICK CHAS. D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Thompson R. W., Roscoe, Cosbocton Winslow N. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bear & Alvord, Sandusky, Erie ICENHOUR & ALLEN, Butler S. W., Sandusky, Erie Columbiana, Columbiana Pool John G., Sandusky, Erie VOGLESON JOHN & SON Porter S., Sandusky, Erie Columbiana', Columbiana Upp Brothers, Sandusky, Erie Bradford, Suydam & Co., Micke & Cox, Shelby, Ricbland Columbus, Franklin Frazer John F., Sidney, Shelby Buttles L., Columbus, Franklii EDWARDS JAMES P., Buttles L. & Co., Columbus, Franklin South Charleston, Clark Fitch & Bortle, Columbus, Franklin HOUSTON & BROTHER, JENNINGS ELI F., Columbus, Franklin South Charleston, Clark Lacelle, Ross & Co., Columbus, Franklin Runyon & Coleman, Springfield, Clark Paul James R., Columbus, Franklin Collier J. A. & Brother, Taylor Wm. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Steubenville, Jefferson Sowers J., Covington, Miami McGOWAN D., Steubenville, Jefferson Durant Silas, Cre stime, Crawford Manly Joshua, Steubenville, Jefferson Chambers H., Dayton, Montgomery Berwick Samuel, Stockfort, Morgan McGOWAN D., Steubenville, Jefferson Manly Joshua, Steubenville, Jefferson Berwick Samuel, Stockfort, Morgan Symmes James R., Symmes' Corner, Butler Bissell F., Toledo, Lucas BODLEY T. J., Toledo, Lucas Brown, Walbridge & Co., Toledo, Lucas Carpenter George A., Toledo, Lucas Carrington & Casey, Toledo, Lucas Clear Patrick, Toledo, Lucas Collins M. L., Toledo, Lucas Goddard A., Toledo, Lucas Hamm P. T. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Hoag & Wallbridge, Toledo, Lucas Hopkins Almon, Toledo, Lucas Keysor C. C., Toledo, Lucas King Brothers, Toledo, Lucas McConnel J. M., Toledo, Lucas Pomeroy H. B., Toledo, Lucas Hugh H. D., Toledo, Lucas Scott Samuel D., Toledo, Lucas Sinclair John, Toledo, Lucas Stevens & Chase, Toledo, Lucas Strong J. R., Toledo, Lucas Tolmans & O'Harra, Toledo, Lucas Hinsley S. J., Troy, Miami Hoagland & Brothers, Troy, Miami Mayo H. S., Troy, Miami Goats & Hill, Union, Darke Mosgrove, Wiley & Winslow, Urbana, Champaign Bradley J. H., Washington C. H., Fayette Woodbri dge J. M., Marietta, Washington Bayliss E., Massillon, Stark Colburn J., Maumee City, Lucas Denny E. & M., Maumee City, Lucas Albes & Brother, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Filey & Horr., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Baker & Wood, Millersburg, Holmes ARMENTROUT F., Millersport, Fairfield See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. COM CoM 770 ~~co 77 o NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY KETCHUM SAMUEL. (See card, p. 619.) West Lafayette, Coshoctom Pierce H. S. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum Perry, Smith & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum Spaulding C. W., Zanesville, Muskingun THOMPSON F. A., NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY CISSNE SAMUEL., Washington C. H., Fayette ELY J. F., Washington C. H., Fayette HENDERSON & BLEAKELEY, Wellsville, Columbiana McCULLOUGH & CO., Wellsville, Columbiana Stafford & Riggs, Wellsville, Columbiana Zanesville, Muskingum Ward H. C., Zanesville, Muskingum FACTURERS AND DEALERS. Burton D., Brownsville, Licking Burton R., Brownsville, Licking Crouch F., Brownsville, Licking Ditter B., Brownsville, Licking Ditter F., Brownsville, Licking Ditter G., Brownsville, Licking Ditter W. V.. Brownsville, Licking Gillespie J. F., Brownsville, Licking McCracken D. R., Brownsville, Licking Miner D., Brownsville, Licking Payne B., Brownsville, Licking Payne F.M., Brownsville, Licking Smith R. J., Brownsville, Licking Tipton B., Brownsville, Licking Tipton J. W., Brownsville, Licking Yearly H. A., Brownsville, Licking Lehman C., Brunershurg, Defiance Stinchcomh L. D., Buckeye Cottage, Perry Flocken Michael, Bucyrus, Crawford Hat A. B., Bundysburg, Geaugs Col Daniel E., Burg Hill, Trumbull Moses Jarvis, Burg Hill, Tirumbull Tucker James, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas Busch G., Caledonia, Mariot Lint C., Caledonia, MaIriot Winetrout F., Caledoni.:, Mariox Wisler Matthew, Caledonia, MIariot Shaffer John, Camden, Preble Elson Peter, Canal Fulton, Stark Ruhman M., Carton Stark Sterry John, Casstown, AMiami ,Hunt S., C.stalia, Erie Rowel Wm., Castalia, Erie Scofield Edward, Castalia, Erie Wagar George, Castalia., Erie Ferguson E., Catawba, ('lark Goff Madison, Catawba, Clark Gray John, Catawba, (lark Brookover A., Center Belpre, Washingtom Osborn F.,; Center Belpre, Washingtox Snith S. R., Center Belpre, Washingtom Stoffer Jonathan, Center Village, Delawar* Dearzer John, Chambersburg, Montgomery Henry Wm., Chatfield, Crawford Hanenstine:Jacob H., Chatham, Licking Smith John W., Chatham, Licking Brown B., Cheshire, Gallil Thompson E., Chester, MNleigs Geddez A. J., Chester Hill, Morga~ Abbeyville, M edi na i n, A cadia, Allen Ada, Hardin ~, Ada, Hardin Adrian, Seneca Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Antwerp, Paulding Antwerp, Paulding Antwerp, Paulding Antwerp, Paulding Ashley, Delaware Ashley, Delaware Atwater, Portage Austinburg, Ashtabula Avon, Lorain Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Batesville, Guernsey Beamsville, Darke Belle Center, Logan Belle Center, Logan Belleville, Richland Belleville, Richland Bellevue, Huron Bellevue, Huron Bellevue, Huron Belpre, Washington Bentonville, Adams Berlin Center, Mahoning Berlin Heights, Erie Bladensburg Knox Bladenburg, Knox Bladensburg, Knox Blanchester, Clinton Boardman, lMahoning Boardman, Mahoning Boardman, Mahoning ., Bourneville, Ross Bourneville, Ross Brecksville, Cuyahoga Brecksville, Cuyahoga Brighton, Lorain '., Brimfield, Portage Bristolville, Trumbull p, Bristolville, Trumball us, Bristolville, Trumbull Brownsville, Licking Brownsville, Licking coo coo 771 COOPERS A Waldeck Peter, Rat,bgaber Mart. Blair A., Johnston Andre Kongs Joseph, Gerhotz C., O., Rhodes George, Chapman T., Perry 0. F., Rogers W. S., Strout N., Boughm,er C. W., Hall A. G., B,-trth A., Miller B., Smith Phineas, Brunk Daniel, Winans S. D., Dobbii,s James, Duvall R. H., Raash G. W., Leaman Peter, Pltimmers I-I' Wilson James, Austin T. T., Phillips Joseph, Deninger W. H McKim B. F., McKim Wm., Brookhover A., Barnitt & Gaffin March Samuel, Hill Horace L., Hall D., Hall D. M., Hall Samuel, Donohue Joseph, Jipe Solomon, Simmons. Geo., Thorn Joseph, Bishop David 11. Bradford John, Garmon & Co., Miller Andrew, Smitli Mark, Shannon S. & W Craft. A., Mayhew Lathro Willson Corneli Burton C., Burton C. F., STAVE MAN coo 772 coo NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Shirley John, Delaware. Delaware ENGELMAN CHARLES, Delphos, Allen Otte Gerhard, Delphos, Allen Hobbs S., Democracy, Knox Schaumliffel Peter, Dresden, Muskingum Kahrier George, Dublin, Franklin Daugherty James, Dunbarton, Adams Jones Sam uel, Dunbarton, Adams Merrit t James, Dunlevy, Warren Wallace Simeon, East Liberty, Logan McCoy Joshua W., Eat on, Preble Rechtel John, Eaton, Preble Stefenhafer George, Eaton, Preble Town N. J., Eat on, Preble Cook John, Eckmansville, Adams C o oper J. C., Eckmansville, Adams Stevens Aaron, Eckmansville, Adams Eave Adam, E dgerton, Wil li ams Felley R. M., Edgerton, Williams C o e A. B., Edinburg, Portage Thorne M., Edinburg, Portage Sperry J ames, Elida, Allen Hull & Webb, Ellsworth, Mahoning Kesselring J., Euphemia, Preble Bussard L., Farmersville, Montgomery Cross Joseph, Farmersville, Montgomery Miller John, Farmersville, Montgomery Reel J. C., Farmersville, Montgomery Lapole L., Feesburg, Brown Riley D., Feesburg, Brown Barnes Uriah, Flint's Mills, Washington Wilson Ri chard, Flint's Mills, Washington W oo dwa rd Joseph, Franklin, Warren Hine E. C., Franklin Mills, Portage Olds, Franklin Mills, Portage Fon Cannel A., Frease's;Store, Stark Heusted D. 1I., Freedom, Portage York S. V. R., Freedom, Portage Binkley M., Fremont, Sandusky Phillips A., Fremont, Sandusky Hoo ver J. M., Gralena, Delaware Black Abraham, German, Darke Derrough Joseph, Germantown, Montgomery Grauzer Lewis, Germantown, Montgomery Replogle Phillip, Germantown, Montgomery Scott Wm., Gra nville, Licking Bennett J., Great Bend, Meigs Meed A. S., Great Bend, Meigs Wood T., Great Bend, Meigs Casper, Greenfield, Highland Gorsuch W., Greenville, Darke Holzappel J., Greenville, Darke King Wm., Greenville, Darke McCalpin A., Greenville, Darke Shoup F., Greenville, Darke Torsuch A. P., Greenville, Darke Garber James, Hale, Hardin Hunt Thomas, Hale, Hardin Wallyace John, Hale, Hardin Adams Jno. W., Hamilton, Butler Anderson James, Hamilton, Butler Challen & Swope, Hamilton, Butler NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Israel David, Chester Hill, Morgan Wheeler & Wood, Chester Hill, Morgan Frey L., Chillicothe, Ross Snyder John T., Christiansburg, Champaign Baird William, Cincinnati, Hamilton Barnes Christ, Cincinnati, Hamilton Baum George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bowes John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bricker G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Buckton A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Childs Jno. R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohen A. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Corkmeyer Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Elsasser & Brown, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fox & Baker, Cincinnati, Hamilton Geyer & Schweker, Cincinnati, Hamilton Goedmis & Wesselman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Green Moses, (col.,) Cincinnati, Hamilton Grundohl Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hemmelgarn Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacobs Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Prossheter S. & A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosecrook Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmitt G., Cincinnati, Hamilton :ftonekamp F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Striehtman H. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Templeton Nich ola s, Cnincinnati, Hamilton Thomas Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Turner Henry & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wessel Henry,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Westing Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ellis AL E. & R., Clarksfield, Huron Loy David, Clement, Hancock Harbeck J. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga LARNDER ROBERT., (See card, p. 245.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Patterson George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Starks Messrs., Clyde, Sandusky Crank John, Columbiana, Columbiana Lutz John, Columbus, Franklin Zehnacker Michael, Columbus, Franklin McDuff C., Concord, Lake Harner Henry, Cornersburg, Mahoning Huff John, Coshocton, Coshocton Milligan John, Coshocton, Coshocton Bowman Henry, Covington, Miami Face Wm., Covington, Miami Bowers Stephen, Cranberry, Allen Shaffer, Crestline, Crawford Beneard Wm., Dalton, Wayne, Bradley P., Darby Creek, Madison Warner Charles, Darby Creek, Madison Bruntz Henry, Dayton, Montgomery Faulke & Lause, Dayton, Montgomery Martin Wm. E., Dayton, Montgomery Osterhause & Meyer, Dayton, Montgomery Snider Abijah, Dayton, Montgomery Wiggim Hugh, Dayton, Montgomery Haynes Henrys, Defiance, Defiance Rogers George, Defiance, Defianee Ellis John B., De Graff, Logan Lebep M., De Graff, Logan coo 772 coo coo 773 coo NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Hum John, Maumee City, Lucas Laha F., Maumee City, Lucas Miller E., Maumee City, Lucas Owens G. W., Maumee City, Lucas Sherman Josiah, Maumee City, Lucas Shuster John, Maumee City, Lucas Wolfinger J. J., Maumee City, Lucas Hoff & Gove, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Legge N.M., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Sealey Joseph, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Vroman Garret, Metamora, Fulton Baxter Paul, Miami, Hamilton Chambers James, Miami, Hamilton McCormick M., Miami, Hamilton Whitmeyer Samuel, Miamisburg, Montgomery Jones Andrew, Middlebourne, Guernsey Robertson Frank, Middletown, Butler Waller, Middletown, Butler Wailer & Hepting, Middletown, Butler Akley J. D., Milford, Clermont Fritz M., Milford Center, Union Beichler C., Millersburg, Holmes Sortman Benj., Millville, Butler Chapman E. B., Millwood, Knox Shelman Wm., Millwood, Knox Orwig S. H., Milton, Mahoning Adams T., Monclova, Lucas Cable Wni., Monclova, Lucas Ombenour Frank, Montpelier, Williams Littlejohn M., Montra, Shelby Shellenberger J., Montra, Shelby Garrett S., Montville, Geauga Denney Patrick, Morrow, Warren Brabham J., Moscow Mills, Morgan Knoble John, Mount Eaton, Wayne Zaugg Samuel, Mount Eaton, Wayne Bowser Denny, Mount Healthy, Hamilton Kinney J., Mount Healthy, Hamilton McGill John S., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Jones Samuel, Mount Victory, Hardin Elstun I., sr., Mulberry, Clermont Bascom Stephen, Napoleon, Henry Felumlee John, Nashport, Muskingum iRail Thomas, Nevada, Wyandot Shaffer George A., New Alexander, Columbiana Shingler C., New Alexander, Columbians Butler James, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Nutter B., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Fulton John, New Concord, Muskingum Fouts Israel, New Garden, Columbiana Wood A., New Garden, Columbiana Griffith -., New Hagerstown, Carroll Murphy Robert, New Hagerstown, Carroll Gween Joseph, New Harrisburg, Carroll Hyde E., New Harrisburg, Carroll Maryman F., New Harrisburg, Carroll Liggett Samuel, New London, Huron Ebling C., New Madison, Darke Ebling M., New Madison, Darke Prey H., New Madison, Darke Worch S., New Madison, Darke NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Coppage John, HIamilton, Butler Gallowey Daniel, Hamilton, Butler Grosch Gideon, Hamilton, Butler Lauber Anthony, Hamilton, Butler Schaeffer John, Hamilton, -Butler Hartwell B., Harpersfield, Ashtabula Barrow John, Harrisonville, Meigs Ritchey Joseph, Harrisonville, Meigs Clingman A., Harshmansville, Montgomery Snider A., Harshmansville, Montgomery Heaton James, Hemlock Grove, MNeigs McFarland Henry, Hemlock Grove, Meigs Crahill W. C., Kalida, Putnam Hitchcock A., Kelley's Island, Erie Hawkins Charles, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Wharfield Henry, l1oggsville, Ashtabula Kennonsburg, Noble Kennonsburg, Noble Kenton, H ardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kiimbolton, Guernsey Kimbolton, Guernsey Kyger, Gallia Kyger, Gallia Lake, Stark Lamartine, Carroll Lamira, Belmont Lancaster, Fairfield Lancaster, Fairfield Lebanon, Warren Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Letart Falls, Meigs Lexington, Richland Lima, Allen Hocking, Washington Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Liverpool, Medina Lockington, Shelby Lodi, Medina Log Cabin, Morgan Loudonville, Ashland Loveland, Clermont Loveland, Clermont Loveland, Clermont Lucas, Richland McArthur, Vinton Macon, Morrow Macon, Morrow Macon, Morrow Maineville, Warren Marshallsville, Wayne Mlarysvillie, Union Massillon, Stark Massillon, Stark Masterton, Monroe Maumee City, Lucas coo 773 coo Gildow George, Thompson Phillip, Campbell Wm., Roedter Andrew, Scheidenmantel.A., Vorp A Carter L. D., Kimble Robert, Hooper Stephen, Tate Wm., Cromer C., Stewart E. P., Smallwood L., Grether N. J., Klink Charles, Johnston Wm., Butler 7 Haskell Geo. R., Day J. C., Kines Philip, Kemmer Charles, Cole John, Little Marsh A., Marsh E., Marsh John, Wood E., Kelly A., Stevens Perry, Hale Simeon, Freshwater R., Parker Wm., Sears Frank, Williams tt. B.7 Brantner Levi, Cox W. R., Hobbs S., Howard Wm. P., Alorton Derias, Bean Matthew, Myler James, Frazell R. P., Dougerty D., Lutches P., Masters W. J., Howes James, coo 774 coo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Thompson John, Sardis, Monroe Wilson Samuel, Sardis, Monroe Doggett B. F., Scott, Adams Phibbs Wm., Scott, Adams Hamilton A., $enecaville, Guernsey Replogle Jacob, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke Baldorff D., Shreve, Wayne Everly Henry, Shreve, Wayne Horner Joseph, Shreve, Wayne Gilmore Wm., Smithfield, Jefferson Young F., Smithfield, Jefferson Creighton James, Somerton, Belmont Hurford Nathan, Somerton, Belmont Craig Samuel, Somerville, Butler Hammerich Sam'l, Somerville, Butler Devault H., Springfield, Clark Steelman C., Springfield, Clark Kiser George, Spring Hills, Champaigh Kiser Henry, Spring Hills, Champaign Holland Stephen, Steubenville, Jefferson Broomall J. H., Stockport, Morgan Newman Henry, Stockport, Morgan Bunn John, jr., Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Kline Josiah, Sulpher Spring, Crawford Carey A., Sunbury, Delaware Bruce W., Swanton, Fulton Hilliard W., Swanton, Fulton Seaton N., Swanton, Fulton Young S., Swanton, Fulton Emerson N., Sycamore, Wyandot Gardner Caleb, Sylvia, Hardin Stout I. A., Sylvia, Hardin Haines H., Tiffin, Seneca Carr David, Tippecanoe, Miami Cathcart, Tippecanoe, Miami Fitch J., Tippecanoe, Miami Meyer HI., Tippecanoe, Miami Polk F., Tippecanoe, Miami Randal John, Tippecanoe, Miami Stevenson A. F., Tippecanoe, Miami Birckhead P. H., Toledo, Lucas Brothers & Dennis, Toledo, Lucas Fink Henry, Toledo, Lucas McCracken L., Toledo, Lucas Crookshank John, Troy, Miami Gisson James, Troy, Miami Nuesdorfer L., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Sichinger H., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Bock Charles, Twinsburg, Summit Chor Andrew, Twinsburg, Summit Cartel Samuel, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY 'haney Samuel, New Market, Highland McWllliams Alex., New Metamoras, Washington Trammel J., New Paris, Preble ].ggleston S.D.. New Plymouth, Vinton Ager, Jolly & Co., New Rumley, Harrison At. Swaley, Newton Falls, Trumbull Oweley George, Newton Falls, Trumbull Bellard J. H., North Jackson, Mahoning Krum Daniel, North Jackson, Mahoning Wheeler A., North Lewisburg, Champaign Jones John G., Oak Hill, Jackson Akmman Jerome, Orrville, Wayne Krieger Martin, Orrville, Wayne twitzer David, Orrville, Wayne Baggott & Biles Osborn, Greene Withoff F., Osborn, Greene Critchfield L. B., Ottawa Ottawa Eby.1 ohn, Ottawa, Ottawa Williams J. S., Ottawa, Putnam Crane Moses, Oxford, Butler Hollister Amos, Parisville, Portage Orwig Jno. H., Parisville, Portage Adrain R., Pennsville, Morgan Smith J. S., Perrysburg, Wood Thompson A. M. & Co., Perrysburg, Wood O'Harrow i, Perryville, Ashlandi Warrett J. C., Perryville, Ashland .toll C., Piketon, Pike graef P. Piqua, Miami Shepard P. S., Piqua, Miami Vogal P., Piqua, Miami Wood C., Piqua, Miami Woolfrom H., Piqua, Miami Smith J., Pleasant, Putnam (]leland James, Poland, inahoning Barr.James, Poplar, Crawford Remington James, Pohlar, Jackson Amman Jerome, Orrville, Wayne Erieger Matin, Orrville, Wayne #witzerDavid,Orrville, Wayne Baggott& BileF Osborn, Greene Withoff F., Osborn, Greene Crithfied L.B., Ottawa, Ottawa Eby J ohn, Ottawa, Ottawa William J. S.>Ottawa, Putnam l~ollster mos, Parisville, Portage Orwig Jo. H., Parisville, Portage Adrain R., Pennsville, Morgan Smith J. S.,Perrysburg, Wood Thompson A.Mh. d: Co., Perrysburg, Wood O' Harow H*, Perryville, Ashland WarrettJ. C., Perryville, Ashland Atoll (I., ~Piketon, Pike Graef P., ~Piqua, Miami thepardP. t3.,Piqua, Miami Vogal P., ~Piqua, Miami Wood C., ~~Piqua, Miami Woolfrom H., Piqua, Miami Smith J., ~Pleasant, Putnam ClelandJames, Poland, Mtahoning 13arr^James,Poplar, Crawford Remington James, Poplar, Crawford Pore t WashingtonR l, Tuscarawas Breedlove Johnar, Port villam, aCli nt on Bennet E.e,ra, Di, PrlShelby Cargle O., Veratt, rShelby iComer Joseph., Pratt, Shen lby Hashbarger J.., Pratta a, Shelbya Ogden John, Pratt, Shelby eHolmes & Jordane, uLogane Crouser John, Racine, Meigs W n H., Parisilliams W. J., Radnor, Delaware aBerrgin W., Raymond' s, Union Forbes J S., Repu blrcan, WDarke mcFarran Richa rd, Richm ond, Jefferson Cooper Samuel, Rockville, Adams Clossin John, Roscoe, Coshocton Crawford Robert, Roscoe, Coshocton Daniels WmS., Ruggles, Ashland unk A. D.P Rushsylvania, Logan Gettes Samuel, Rushsylvania, Logan Huffman H., Saint Paris, Cha mpaign Lamb Erastus, Salem, Columbiana Rnderson Joshua, Sarahsville, Noble coo 774 coo Kline Josiah, Sulpher'Spring, Crawford Carey A., Sunbury, Delaware Bruce W., Swanton, Fulton Hilliard W., Swanton, Fulton Seaton N., Swanton, Fulton Young S., Swanton, Fulton Emerson N., Sycamore, Wyandot Gardner Caleb, Sylvia, Hardin St,out I. A., Sylvia, Hardin Haines H., Tiffin, Seneca Carr David, Tippecanoe, Miami Cathcart Tippecanoe, Miami .Fitch J., Tippecanoe, Miami Meyer 11., Tippecanoe, - Miami Polk F., Tippecanoe, Miami RandaIJohn, Tippecanoe, Miami Stevenson A. F., Tippecanoe, Miami Birckhead P. H., Toled o, Lucas Brothers & Dennis, Toledo, Lucas Fink Henry, Toledo, Lucas MeCrael.ten L., Toledo, Lucas Crookshank John, Troy, Miami Gisson James, Troy, Miami Nuesdorfer L., Tuscarawas, Tusearawas Sichinger H., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Bock Charles, Twinsburg, Summit Clior Andrew, Twinsburg, Summit Cartel Samuel, Uhrichsville, Tusearawas Robinson William, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Redeno,ar David' Unionville Center, Union Kindig Daniel, Upsher, Preble Ensminger A. G.) Van'Buren, Hancock Reed Charles H., Vernon, Trurnbull Trinkey Albert, Vernon, Trumbull Hake L., Vienna, Trumbull Bonfig C., Wapakoneta, Auglaize McClare Thomas, Wellsville, Columbiana Jennings G., West Cairo, Allen Mort G., West Cairo, Allen DEN 775 DEN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Teets Jacob, West Middleburg, Logan Packard Henry, Weymouth, Medina Tompkins Marshall, Weymouth, Medina Tompkins Oliver W., Weymouth, Medina Howe Austin, Wilkesville, Vinton Rubincarn G. W., Winchester, Guernsey Miller Z., Woodington, Darke -.. DENTISTS. Abbeyville, Medina Acadia, Allen Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Arcanum, Darke Athens, Athens Athens, Athens PR J N, Athens, Athens Atwater, Portage Baresville, Monroe ., Batesville, Guernsey Beamsville, Darke , Belleville, Richland Bellevue, Huron Berlin Center, Mahoning Berlin Center, Mahoning Berlin Heights, Erie Berne, Noble Big Plain, Madison e, Boardman, Mahoning Brownsville, Licking es, Bucyrus, Crawford Bucyrus, Crawford Burg Hill, Trumbull Cadiz, Harrison Cadiz, Harrison Cadiz, Harrison J., Canal Fulton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Canton, Stark Carrollton, Carroll Castalia, Erie Celina, Mercer Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga J., Chandlersville, Muskingum Chandlersville, Muskingum Chester Hill, Morgan Chillicothe, Ross W., Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross ith, Cincinnati, Hamilton C J, Cincinnati, Hamilton , Cincinnati, Hamilton C., Cincinnati, Hamilton ith, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton pson, Cincinnati, Hamilton DEN 775 DF,N XAME Lamb J.', Milham F., Brown Sidney, McLeland F., Coffield A., Knaul Peter, POST OFFICE COUNTY Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne Worthington, Franklin Kenia, Greene Youngstown, Mahoning Zanesville, Muskingum Walker Seth Campbell Joh Cailer J. E., Peterson J. H. Wells A., Sour P. K., Howe J., Maris & Mille PERKINS JO Hugh J. I., Moffit J., Stotland Wm. Hostetter Isaa Whitcomb N. Lord E. D., Callahan P. J Hughes W. K. Hill G. S., Ellis Edward, WELSH B. F., Detcheon Hor Rankin J. L., Armstrong Ja Beilhartz W. King Wm., Hurford John, Lukens S.'B., Schooley J. D. Barkley Geor Dauds A. J., Kelly D. R. Oliver H., Scott J. W., Scott G., Walsh Knox, Findley J. B., Cote G. M., Chandler W. Moore A. C., Branson S., Dunlop J. L., Rehwinkle F. Sanford J. S., Bonsall & Sm Cameron J. G. Darling E. C., DUNCAN W. Hamlen & Sm Hardy J. C., James C. H., Knowlton P., Lane & Thom Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Harnilton Cincinnati Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton HTY, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Clarksburg, Ross rnham S. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clevelan4, Cuyahoga Cleveland. Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Is, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clyde, Sandusky Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Conneau Ashtabula Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton' Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Cranberry, Allen Crestline, Crawford Cuyahoga, Summit Dalton, Wayne Dayton, Mont,gomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton. Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery 'jdayton, Monigomery Dayton, Montgomery De GraffLogan Dresden, Muskingum East Liberty, Logan Eaton, Preble Eupliemia, Preble Feesburg,,Brown Horton W. P., Koch Jacob, Langsdorff George, Pollock & Finch, Slosson F. S., Strick',and B., Eaton C. G., Beauman J. B., FOWLER JOHN, McCune Thomas, Riley W. Wilshire, Wood C. J., Gilman H. F., Hackinson R. M., .Kelsey & Coope, Sapp Enoch, McLeod J., Merritt E., Bailey C. P., Barclay G. I., BRADLEY C., Conway E. & R., Jones James E., Pease W. A., Satterthwait B. A.) Sheets Andrew, Swit'er G., Harris D. W., Wartman J. W., Spane James, -Meeter E. B., Mackey L., Norris James P., DEN 776 DEN POST OFFICE COUNTY Carr J., Finley, Hancock Taber B. R., Finley, Hancock Coony J. M., Fort Seneca, Seneca Payne J. H., Franklin, Warren Bennett P.C., Freedom, Portage Beilharg L. T., Fremont, Sandusky Conger & Shaw, Fremont, Sandusky Algoe Robert, Galigher, Guernsey Sternman Dr. C. R., Gallipolis, Gallia Wickersham Dr. L., Gallipolis, Gallia PAINE J. H., Germantown, Montgomery Sedwick W. S., Granville, Licking Howells Henry C., Hamilton, Butler Ludlow W. B., Hamilton, Butler Mills W. W., Haverhill, Scioto Brown D. W., Hilliards, Franklin Barrere George B., Hillsboro', Highland Compton S. F., Hillsboro', Highland Lewis J. M., Hillsboro', Highland Sloan E. C., Ironton, Lawrence Crider H. L., Lancaster, Fairfield Feeman J., Lancaster, Fairfield Hammil J. G., Lancaster, Fairfield Dyche T. D., Lebanon, Warren Swayer E. T., Lebanon, Warren Baughman W. F., Lexington, Richland Schell A. E., Lima, Allen Tolthort G. W., Liverpool, Medina Sibley E. H., Lodi, Medina Brewn Dr. Andrew L., London, Madison Beilhartz C. C., Maineville, Warren Bristor T. G., Mansfield, Richland DeCamp & Toft, Mansfield, Richland Allen E. H., Marietta, Washington Tenney James A., M. D., Marietta, Washington Dickerson T. H., Marion, Marion Van Dyke C. W., Mason, Warren Beatty G. S., Massillon, Stark Chidester E, Massillon, Stark Jeffries D. W., Massillon, Stark Harlan S. H., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Gunchel W. F., Middletown, Butler Atkinson J. E., Millersburg, Holmes Campbell Burton, Millwood, Knox Roach John'., Morrow, Warren Clark S. L., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Huston James Mount Eaton, Wayne Kelsey C. W., Mount Vernon, Knox McBriar D., Mount Vernon, Knox McKown G. E, Mount Vernon, Knox Messenger S. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Russell W. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Harrington S. P., Newark, Licking Michol J. H., Newark, Licking Semple A. W., Newark, Licking Vincent W. C., Newark, Licking Long George W., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Shisler Jacob, New Garden, Columbiana Hickson Amos, New Hagerstown, Carroll Custard J., New Lisbon, Columbiana Rawson J. M., New London, Huron Thomas J. H., New Madison, Darke Wayne E. J., Sandusky, Erie Wemple D. F., Sandusky, Erie Harday C. J., Sarahsville, Noble Love J. W., Sardinia, Brown Compton, Scott., Adams Evans S. P., Scott, Adams Aimsworth Dr. Ephriam H., Sidney, Shelby Ely J. S., Somerton, Belmont Blount A. A., Springield, Clark Ramsey J., Springfield, Clark Morrison H., Steubenville, Jackson Thompson J. W., Steubenville, Jackson Beilharz C. C., Tiffin, Seneca Franklin & Kinhaman, Tiffin, Seneca Estile John, Toledo, Lucas Harroun & Evans, Toledo, Lucas Rosson B. F., Troy, Miami Cox H. J., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Rhoads J. M. & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Rose B. A., Urbana, Champaign Wills E. C., Van Buren, Hancock Walters D., Van Wert, Van Wert Pike James A., Vermillion, Erie King Wm., Vernon, Trumbull Burroughs J. C., Warren, Trumbull JOHNSON A. C., Washington C. H., Fayette Meredith J. E., Waynesville, Warren Allen Charles S., Wellington, Lorain Porple G. H., Wellington, Lorain Tiffany C. B., Wellsville, Columbiana Holland J. Q., West Alexandria, Preble Welch L. B.,. Wilmington, Clinton Bricker J., Woodstock, Champaign f DEN 776 DEN NAME NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY New Madison, Darke New Paris, Preble Thomas S. A., Braffett J. L., James William W New P Stone ff. S., New P Dollison S. S., Wert George, Lyman A. E., Merrick Richard, Terry A., Keely & Smith, FOWLER DR. W Munn Dr. Daniel, Jones Charles P., Coulson, E. G., Coulson W. G. S., Hempstead H. J., Brown S. B., Boyce P. B., Eary A. C., Spelman P. T., McGregor W. D., Fulton A., Harris John, WHINERY J. C., DR 77 R Rectifier, and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, 0t^ Also, Cuyahoga Valley, ,i _ 7, MONONGAHELA, BOURBON, MAGNOLIA, 1800 -;; _And other Brands of' Whisky. Manufacturers of BUHRER'S GENTIAN BITTERS. No. 6 lewitt's Block, Merwin Street, ]CLEI VELAIND, 0. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Blandy J. W., Zanesville, Muskingum Crawford Dr. G., Zanesville, Muskingum HERRIOTT W. M., Zanesville, Muskingum Hobbs John, Zanesville, Muskingum Sedgwick R. H., Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ferguson A.R., Woodstock, Champaign McDowell & Hesler, Wooster, Wayne PAINE DR. GEORGE L., Xenia, Greene Watts George, Xenia, Greene Sawyer A. D., Youngstown, Mahoning Whitstar F. S., Youngstown, Mahoning DISTILLERS AND RECTIFIERS. Doty F., Akron, Summit Whitney E., Akron, Summit Carson C. D., Bainbridge, Ross Harkness D. M. & Co., Bellevue, Huron Keeney E., Bucyrus, Crawford Hall & Cove. Canal Fulton, Stark Beatty W H., Carrollton, Carroll Cowel Martin, Castal4a, Erie Emmitt & Sons, Chillicothe, Ross Andrews R(obert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Block Elias, Cincinnati, Hamilton Block E. & Bros., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boyle & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Foote, Clay & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Freeberg & Workum, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ill Bernhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Louis A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mann C. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pike Samuel N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wetterrer John, Cincinnati, Hamilton BUHRER STEPHEN. (See card, p. 777.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga CORNING & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga LOVE T. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Janes M., Dresden, Muskingum Golston Phillip, Fremont, Sandusky Matts & Mounts, Morrow, Warren Graber David, Mount Eaton, Wayne Mathiot George, Mount Eatoil, Wayne Willard F., Mount Eaton, Wayne Days S., New London, Huron Montgomery Wm., New Madison, Darke Morrow J. W., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Hardman & Strock, Newton Falls, Trumbull Hashman & Brother, Osborn, Greene Sylvas A. J., Pleasant, Putnam Rench Jacob, Pleasant Hill, Miami Bowersock & McMorran, Saint Paris, Champaign BRAND R. & CO., Toledo, Lucas Dunnich & Holycross, Unionville Center, Union McKee R. R. & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Gibbell John, Van Buren, Hancock Ir win A. J., Wayresville, Warren Davis I., West Alexandria, Preble Glander D., West Alexandria, Preble DRUGGUSTS. (Wholesale dealers marked thus, a.) Kesselmayer Chas., Abbeyville, Medina I Helper & Secrist, Akron, Summit Beeles & Elkins, Akron, Summit I Weimer & Steinbachers, Akron, Summit DRU 777 DRU Lord J., McArthur, Vinton Benford & Crutchfield, Millersburg, Holmes Matts & Mounts, Morrow, Warren Graber David, Mount Eaton, Wayne Mathiot George, Mount Eaton, Wayne Willard F., Mount Eaton, Wayne Days S., New London, Huron Montgomery Wm., New Madison, Darke DRU 778 DRU S. A. GRIFFITH, Ag't, DEALER IN O I -do o., And all the Popular Medicines of the day; also manufacturer of Griffith's Celebrated Strengthening Plasters, and Magnetic Pain Extractor. N1o. 51 Broadway, Cnincinnati, 0. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Culbertson J. M., Alliance, Stark McGarr J., Alliance, Stark Woodcock & Armstrong, Antwerp, Paulding Battern James, Arcanum, Darke Knox T. P., Ashland, Ashland POTTER WM. H. H., Ashland, Ashland Sterling S., Carrollton, Carroll Luce R. C., Castalia, Erie, Pattey S., Celina, Mercer Fritscheller F., Chillicothe, Ross Lansing & Safford, Chillicothe, Ross SPROAT A. D., Chillicothe, Ross Adderly W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Alexander & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Allen & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bakhaus Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bennett D. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bloss C. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bode C. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boettger W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown John M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown J. Newton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Burdsal Samuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBurdsal & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton Castle E. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crickton David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Crother T. A. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dickson John, Cincinnati, Hamilton DIXON GEO. M. (See card, p. 108.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Eberle Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton aEhlen A., Cincinnati, Hamilton EMERSON EDWIN S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Enslinn A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fennel Adolph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerhard J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glenny Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gordon W. J. M. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton GRONEWEG L. (See card, p. 126,) Cincinnati, Hamilton GRIFFITII S. A. (See card, p. 778.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Hannaford- Jno. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hayden S. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hedrich W. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heermance Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heine F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heinemann Otto, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hill F. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hendry & Copeland, Ashtabula, Ashtabula ROBINS CHAS. (See card, p. 22.) Bainbridge, Ross Warfield J. W., Barnesville, Belmont Holloway John, Beamsville, Darke Mercer J. & J. C., Belle Air, Belmont Frey John, Bellefontaine, Logan Lee J. C., Belleville, Richland Ridenoui B., Belleville, Richland Whitecomb N. D., Belleville, Richland Dimick W. B., Bellevue, Huron Goodson & Stezler, Bellevue, Huron Shickells J. F., Belpre, Washington McBride A., Berea, Cuyahoga Hughes.J. W., Berlin Center, Mahoning Carnahan J. T., Blanchester, Clinton Weeks George R., Bloomville, Seneca Zimmerman F., Bloomville, Seneca Fundenberger S., Bridgeport, Belmont West & Mitchell, Bridgeport, Belmont Fulton & Clark, Bucyrus, Crawford Johnson R. T., Bucyrus, Crawford PORTER W. L., Bundysburg, Geauga Beall John, Cadiz, Harrison McBean & Sharp, Cadiz, Harrison Mix L. D., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Waldron W. C., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga BOHN JOHN H., Camden, Preble Hall & Cove, Canal Fulton, Stark Briscoe A., Canfield, Mahoning Edwards P., Canfield, Mahoning Gireger & Barr, Canton, Stark Loutzenhizer J. D., Canton, Stark McCall R. H., Canton, Stark Mathews & Richardson, Canton, Stark SWUTZENHEISER J. D., Canton, Stark Boegel C. A., Carrollton, Carroll DRU 778 DRU I rA f/ a I Pil u NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY DRU 779 DRU STRONG & ARMSTRONG, Wholesale Dealers in D UGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &c., No. 199 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Wholesale Depot for Strong's Fever-Destroying Pills. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY White H. E., Clarksfield, Huron Beack J. B, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Boek A. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brewer N. C, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fenton C. F. & W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fiske William, Cleveland, Cuyahoga a GAYLORD & HAMMOND, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hartupee A. W., Cleveland, Cu. ahoga Hensh Hugo, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hoffman R. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Keeler C. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Krause Bernard, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Mackinzie Colin S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Palmer E. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Penny Francis, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ranne-v H. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sackrider E. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smithright L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSTRONG & ARMSTRONG. (See card, p. 779.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wenham Arthur J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Williams F., Cleveland,, Cuyahoga Heffchman W. W. & Co., Clinton, Summit Miller & Ticknor, Clyde, Sandusky Davis R., Columbiana, Columbiana ICENHOUR & ALLEN, Columbiana, Columbiana Jenhan & Allen, Columbiana, Columbiana Cook John R., Columbus, Franklin Denig Charles E., Columbus,,'ranklin Denig G. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Denig John M., Columbus, Franklin Fuchs Joseph E., Columbus, Franklin aMARPLE NATHAN B., Columbus, Franklin Neil & Pier, Columbus, Franklin aROBERTS & SAMUEL, aSAMUEL S. E. & CO., Columbus, Franklin Schueller A. J. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Schueller E., Columbus, Franklin I~.N"P(N A TTIT. T Hiller Gustave A., Cincinnati, IHamilton Huebuer A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Karrmann Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keesham John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kinzbach E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Knabe Albert,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kcerbitz E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Langenbeck A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMcCready R., Cincinnati. Hamilton Marsh T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMERRELL WM. S. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morris M. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller George, Cincinnati, Hamilton MUHLBERG WM., Cincinnati, Hamilton Noll K., Cincinnati, Hamilton Parvin Dorcey A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Paulse n & Kampformeller, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reakirt J. & C, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rees G., Cincinnati, HamiltonD Reider Felix, Cincinnati, Hamilton Remlin Paul, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rinz T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reum H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ross Albert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Runkle Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rutenick A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmidt Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Scott John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shuesler Geo. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton SINGHOFF JNO. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spack G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spamer H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sprague & Parrish, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stierle Adolph, Cincinnati, HIamilton Stone L. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSUIRE, ECKSTEIN & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tafel & Vogeller, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thorpe T. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vilter Chas., Ciincinnati, Hamilton Vonwyke Amaldi, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wagner A., Cicicinnati, Hamilton Wells J. D. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Whitemore J. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Williamson & Hatfield, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fickhardt Geo. H. & Co., Circleville, Pickaway Griswold & Ballard, Circleville, Pickaway aOlds Chester A., Circleville, Pickaway NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY .1 Conneaut, Asht-abula Conneaut, Ashtabula Conneaut, Ashtabula Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Covington, Miami Covington, Miami Guthrie James, Lyon Leander, Dryden & Co., Twining;S. A., Wilkin A. J. & Co., Horsoby C., WORLEY E. A., DRU 780 DRU NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY CARNEY JOSEPH, (See card, p. 291.) Crestline. Crawford Covert J. M., Crestline, Crawford JENNER A. & CO., Crestline, Crawford Snyder Andrew J., Crestline, Crawford Grummon J. N., Cumberland, Guernsey Heath F. S. & Co., Cuyahoga, Summit Otis & Goudy, Dalton, Wayne MeCune & Case, Darby Creek, Madison Swaine John, Darby Creek, Madison Dietrich J. W., Dayton, Montgomery Dover Thomas, Dayton, Montgomery Stewart W. W., Dayton, Montgomery Walters & Kelso, Dayton, Montgomery Wensthoff W., Dayton, Montgomery ZELLER A. (See card, p. 302.) Dayton, Montgomery Buffiington J. P., Defiance, Defiance Neville J. S., Defiance, Defiance Ottley J. P., Defiance, Defiance Paul John, Jr., Defiance, Defiance Ruhl John, Defiance, Defiance Gilcrest R. S., De Graff, Logan Cornel H., Delaware, Delaware Dickinson B. & Brother, Delaware, Delaware Latourette Peter P., Hamilton, Butler Rothenbush C., Hamilton, Butler Chamberlain L., Harmer, Wash ington King Samuel V., Highland, Highland Brow n Jame s, Hillsboro', Highland Mendenhall J. & Co., Hillsboro', Highland Smith W. R., Hillsboro', Highland Vickers & Son, Hillsboro', Hi ghland STODDARD C. L., Hudson, Summi t Whedon J. B., Hudson, Summit Mo r ris J. P., Ironton, Lawrence Wright F. S. & Co., Ironton, Lawrence Mil l er Dr. O. C., Jackson, Jackson McCrea John, Kennonsburg, Wayne Church Horae3 ent, Kenton, Hardin HANCE J. F., M. D., Kenton, Hardin Mu nson A. W., Kenton, Hardin Rogers A. J., Kenton, Hardin LEDLIE A. (See card, p. 390.) Kimbolton, Guernsey Hiinter H. B. & A. J., Lancaster, Fairfield Kauffman G. & Co., Lancaster, Fairfield aSifford Daniel, Lancaster, Fairfield Slocum E. L., Lancaster, Fairfield ANDERSON & GLENNY, Lebanon, Warren Nipgen John A., Lebanon, Warren Wright Edward B., Lebanon, Warren Blair Peter A., Lexington, Richland Howard N. B., Lima, Allen Skeen S. M., Little Hocking, Washington Hoag N., Lodi, Medina Coblentz & Ridenour, London, Madison Fuller & Scott, Loudonville, Ashland Stoekinon H. T., Loudonville, Ashland Sug & Lehi, McArthur, Clinton Harding & Co., Mansfield, Richland Mercer Wm. B., Mansfield, Richland Buell & Bro., Marietta Washington aKAHLEYSS WM., Marietta, Washington Stimson & Wilson, Marietta, Washington Petews Harvy, Marietta, Washington Bucher & Kachler, Massillon, Stark Rudenstein W. F., Massillon, Stark Watson J., Massillon, Stark aBurritt H., Maumce City, Lucas WILLIAMS D., Maumee City, Lucas Benson M. L., Maximo, Stark Jones & Co., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Spain D. F. & J. F., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Smith W. H., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Beyer Geo. L., Miamisburg, Montgomery Hugg & Coe, Middleport, Meigs Kennedy H., Middleport~ Meigs Lasher W. B., Middleport, Meigs Clark John G., Middletown, Butler Smith Geo. C. & Co., Middletown, Butler Gatch Dr. C. D., Milford, Clermont Neal Henry, Milford Center, Union Raiff J. K., Millersburg, Holmes Tergin H., Millersburg, Holmes Brison J. V., Millersport, Fairfield Larimer J. W., Millersport, Fairfield Starr M. L. & Brother, Delaware, Delaware Hunt Joseph W., Delphos, Allen Richards & Johns, Delphos, Allen Adams S., Downington, Meigs Akeroyd Wm., Downington, Meigs Evans Geo. W., Dublin, Franklin Cook Henry, East Liberty, Logan BROOKINS J. P. & SON, Eaton, Preble Cotterman & Welsh, Eaton, Preble Minor W. H. H. B., Eaton, Preble Welsh & Cotterman, Eaton, Preble Green Israel, Finley, Hancock Hubber J. M. & Co., Finley, Hancock Langworthy Dr. A., Finley, Hancock SNELL ERA, Franklin, Warren Cane J. W., Franklin Mills, Portage Sherman A. M., Franklin Mills, Portage Drake O. L., Freedom, Portage Buckland S., Fremont, Sandusky Gessner L., Fremont, Sandusky McCulloch C. R., Fremont, Sandusky Hockerdorn Noah E., Galigher, Guernsey Williams & Rhul, Galion, Crawford Bailey & Magnet, Gillipolis, Gallia Sanns J. & Co., Gillipolis, Gallia Lee & Son, Garrettsville, Portage NEGLEY W. H., Germantown, Montgomery Zeller & Koogle, Germantown, Montgomery Richard A. P., Granville, Licking Boyd J. & E. B., Greenfield, Highland Linn W. S., Greenfield, Highland Norton & Robinson, Greenfield, Highland, Miller J., Greenville, Darke CROW E. B., Hale, Hardin Jacobs Peter, Hamilton, Butler DRU 780 DRU POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME DRU 781 DRU N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY NlcMaken Wm. T., Millwood, Knox Snyder A. S. & J. M., Montpelier Williams Fuller E. M., Morrow, Warren Roach John T., Morrow, Warren Baldwin L.Morro, WarreneMeg Blanchard, Hancock Bount Vernon, Knox Lount Vernon, Knox Napoleon, Henry Nelsonville, Athens Newark, Licking Newark Licking Newark, Licking erstown, ruscarawas Garden, Columbiana Lisbon, Columbiana Lisbon, Columbiana Lisbon, Columbiana New London, Huron New London, Huron New London, Huron (See card, p. 475.) New Madison, Darke Andrea Emanuel, New Met Richey S. W., Hazlett & Miller, New Phila HIMES W. A., New Phila Smith John I., New Phila Soule Lyman T., Ne~ Hyde C. S., No] Hiestane E. R., North New Philadepi,Tsaaa ot hretn lr Begg W. G., Springfield, Clark Brown & Rodgers, Springfield, Clark Owen E., Springfield, Clark Potter A. & Co., Springfield, Clark Wallace J. S., Springfield, Clark Wood J. H. & Co., Springfield, Clark WILSON JAMFS F., Spring Hills, Champaign Johnson Thos. D., Steubenville, Jefferson Miller M. L., Steubenville, Jefferson Morrison R. D., Steubenville, Jefferson Spencer M. C., Steubenville, Jefferson Garrett R. G., Symmes' Corner, Butler Williams William L., Symmes' Corner, Butler Dubois & Co., Tiffin, Seneca MARQUARDT J. F., Tiffin, Seneca Washington, Hardin Norwalk, Huron Norwalk, Huron Norwalk, Huron Norwalk, Huron Orrville, Wayne Orrville, Way ne Orrville, Wayne Ottawa, Putnam Oxford, Butler Oxford, Butler Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Painesville, Lake Pennsville, Morgan Perrysburg, Wood Piketon, Pike Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Piqua, Miami Pleasant, Putnam, Poland, Mahoning Pomeroy, Meigs Pomeroy, Meigs Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto St. John I. L. & Co., Tiffin, Seneca Snyder H. H., Tiffin, Seneca Nace I. S., Tippecanoe, Miami Bakewell Frank S., Toledo, Lucas aDaniels Thomas, Toledo, Lucas aDooley & Brother, Toledo, Lucas aEddy C. H. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Miner D. 11. & Co., Toledo, Lucas aWest C., Toledo, Lucas W.hitestein H., Toledo, Lucas Wright R., Troy, Miami Connett D. L. C., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Grosvenar D., Union, Darke Simmons N., Union, Darke K lnPspMaxwell J. A. & Bro., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot DRU 781 DRU Dewey J. F, Kellog & Roberts, Pease D. H., Wooster M. S., Bailey & Evans, Moncrief D. L., Whitmyer F., Haven W. E., McGaw & Richey, Peck & Fithien, Casterline & Lee, G-ould & Miner, Moody Samuel, Coulson E. G., Peck.& Hamilton, Allen E. R., Ashton W. B., Brandriff R., Scudder James, Huber S. M., May Daniel, Reed D., Seebhom Adolph, Honaker P., Kautzleben H., Reed & Spry, DRY 782 DRY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Stuitson G. H., West Jefferson, Madison EUANS JOSEPH, I West Middleburg, Logan Cline Wm. C., Wilkesville, Vinton Strong J. S., Wilkesville, Vinton Drake J. Y., Wilmington, Clinton Walker & Davis, Wilmington, Clinton Jaeger F. & Son, Woodville, Sandusky Baumgardner J. H. & Co., Wooster, Wayne Howard H., Wooster, Wayne Creighton H., Xenia, Greene Murphy & McClellan, Xenia, Greene aPatton John F., Xenia, Greene Jewel M. E. Youngstown, Mihoning Manning John, Youngstown, Mahoning aBigelow L. H., Zanesville, Muskingum aBLOCKSOM BROTHERS, Zanesville, Muskingum aCARY H. G. O. (See card, p. 639.) Zanesville, Muskingum aGraham Wm. A., Zanesville, Muskingum Lentz G. R., Zanesville, Muskingum Widerman M., Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Shisler Y. J., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Carter & Anderson, Urbana, Champaign Koffman & Nelson, Urbana, Champaign Moore & McComsey, Urbana, Champaign Sansbury, J. B., Urbana, Champaign Linn H. P., Van Wert, Van Wert Melchimer Charles, Van Wert, Van Wert Frick E. II., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Layton W. V. M., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Woods & Pow, Warren. Trumbull Allen Dr. O. A., Washington C. H., Fayette Cleveland J. W., Washington C. H., Fayette Worley W. & Co., Washington C. H., Fayette Worley & Melvin, Washington C. H., Fayette Edwards John, Waynesville, Warren Merritt & Printz,. Waynesville, Warren Perkins J. B., Waynesville, Warren Hutchinson & Arnot, Wellington, Lorain Bright Wm., Wellsville, Columbiana Coldman-, Wellsville, Columbiana DRY GOODS. ( Wholesale Dealers mnarked thus, a. See also General Stores.) Meirs Edward, Abbeyville, Medina Miller Jacob, Abbeyville, Medina Edson J. D.. Akron, Summit :Hall P. D., Akron, Summit Henry & Olerholser, Akron, Summit Clark S., Allensville, Vinton MILLER PETER, Allensville, Vinton Brown Jos. P., Bainbridge. Ross Rockhold Elijah, Bainbridge, Ross Foster J. R., Cadiz, Harrison Craig Isaac, Camden, Preble Sheaffee & Reifsnider, Canton, Stark Lewis Parker, Center Belpre, Washington Stone Frank, Center Belpre, Washington Hanover L. B., Center Village, Delaware Buchen Jacob, Chillicothe, Ross aDouglas Wm. H., jr., & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Marsh E. C., Chillicothe, Ross Miller & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Montgomery David, Chillicothe, Ross Reeve O. T., Chillicothe, Ross Stewart Jos., Chillicothe, Ross Warney A. H., Chillicothe, Ross Wegerly John, Chillicothe, Ross Williams J. L., Chillicothe, Ross Woodrow T., jr., Chillicothe, Ross aActon & Woodnut, Cincinnati, Hamilton Alexander, Brennan & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aAlms August H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Alms Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Assur Alexander, Cincinnati, Hamilton Aszman H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cobb Mrs. Nancy, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohrs H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cole & Hopkins, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cornor D. L., Cincinnati, Hamiltoni aCorwin D. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crawford John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Custard John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dalton James, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDay & Matlack, Cincinnati, Hamilton Delany & Gossage, Cincinnati, Hamilton Denselman H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Doepke J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dopke F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dougherty & Gibson, Cincinnati, Hamilton Douglas Mrs. Matilda, Cincinnati, Hamilton D-RY 782 DRY ...1 Cincinnati, II, —tmilton Cbambers, Stevens & Co., DY 783 DRY NAME POST OFFIOE COUNYY Metz M. & G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mil ler J. N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mills John & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moller Theodore Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Monning Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Niehoff John G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Norris R. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton OHE CONRAD, Cincinnati, Hamilton Oesper Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Rielley S. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Phillipps C o rnelius, Cincinnati, Hamilton Plochg A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pogue & Jones, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rega n M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ridimann John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rindskopf Bros. & Co,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ritchie J. C. & J. Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosensteil L. S. Cincinnati, Hamilton Rotger F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sanders Mrs. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sutter E. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schutterle M., Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Drake S. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Duhme Henry H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Duwelius H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEllis John W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eveslage Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fehheimer Wolf, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fihe John, Cincinnati, Hamilton FISCHER H. & A., Cincinnati, Hamilton AlFISHEL & BRO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Flechter S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Focks J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Frieling Bernard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gohs E. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gottleib Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eveslge Joeph, Cincinnati; Hamilton rISHhiER. Wolf, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFiSHEL JOhn, Cincinnati, Hamilton FISCER. &A.,Cincinnati, Hamilton alfISEL & RO.,Cincinnati, Hamilton Forks J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gohs E & Co. Cincinnati, Hamilton Gottleib Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchwartz D. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSHILLITO JOHN & CO. Cincinnati, Hamilton aShipley, Murray & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSimon B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aSlevin J. & J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & Hall, Cincinnati, Hamlton Sower J. R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stedman, Carlisle & Shaw, m Cincinnati, Hamilton Greblae Mrs.e & Brother, ailto Heinheimer W.H olf, C i n cipnat, Muraym&lCon, Hel John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Greene Haleb B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Greenus & Manfred, Cincinnati, Hamilton Guilford Mrs. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamburger J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aiaremit & Cheseline, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hart Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hathe G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heidelbach, Seasongood & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heinsheimer J. H. Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hobby J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman William, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hopper M.S., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHubbell, Driver & Cottom, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eugel John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hobby J.h, Cincinnati, Hamilton alubbell, Adrive & Co.to, Cincinnati, Hamilton alughes, Adams & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton allyman Moses & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Iler Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Janning H., Cincinnati, Hlamilton Johnston Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jones Mrs. J. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kammann H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kirkland John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kroger J. H., Cincinnati,iHamilton Krumberg Theodore, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kruse J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kunst B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kuntz H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Latmer J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Steinkamp & Stewart Mrs. C Stiene A. H., Stix L. & Co., Strahley John, Strotman G. & Stuckenberg II Talbott M., Tower E. C., aTrum Bernard Vancleff H., Waldron C. S., Walker J. H. 8 Weatherby Chl Weizencker Al Weiler W., Liebman Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lullmann R. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton McComas R. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton McDonald T. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton McHugh M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMack & Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mack & Worms, Cincinnati, Hamilton Marshall & Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Menke J. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mentel Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton D'RY 783 DRY Cincinnati HamiltorL lianly, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton .1 Cincinnati, Hamilton hnston, Cincinnati, Hamilton s H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamitlon Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright A. W., * DRY 784 DRY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Van Ausdal A., Dodson, Montgomery Coffman G. B., Eaton, Preble Vanausdal C. & Co., Eaton, Preble Cage H. P. & Co., Finley, Hancock Adams D. & Co., Franklin, Warren Morris, Benham & Co., Franklin, Warren Garvin D. & Co., Fremont, Sandusky Rice W. A., Fremont, Sandutky Skunk, Broadhard & Co., Gallon, Crawford Leggett & Bro., Germantown, Montgomery Zehring J.& Co.,Germantown, Montgemery Humphrey D., Granville, Licking Robinson J. S., Greenfield, Highland Smart R. B. & D. L., Greenfield, Highland Davis Joseph, Hamilton, Butler Fromm A. J., Hamilton, Butler Jackson James & Co., Hamilton, Butler McAdam & Hargitt, Hamilton, Butler Rossman J. & J., Hamilton, Butler Schuler & Winter, Hamilton, Butler Traber James R. & Co., Hamilton, Butler Traber O. & J., Hamilton, Butler Barber D. & Son, Harmar, Washington Channey & Harris, Hillsboro', Highland March George, Hillsboro', Highland Moor Abner, Hillsboro', Highland Orr Matthew, Hillsboro', Highland Richards R. & Co., Hillsboro', Highland Woodrow & Miller, Hillsboro', Highland Alexander Mrs. A. J., Ironton, Lawrence aADAVIS J. T., Ironton, Lawrence JAYNES A. H., Ironton, Lawrence Richards D. W., Ironton, Lawrence Shenutt F., Ironton, Lawrence WISE L., Ironton, Lawrence Thompson B. F., Jackson, Jackson Brown D. I., Kalida, Putnam Letson H. & Son, Kenton, Hardin Woods John B., Lake, Stark JULIAN E., Lancaster, Fairfield Kutz, Reber & Co., Lancaster, Fairfield Little & Dresbauchs, Lancaster, Fairfield Olds Edson B., Lancaster, Fairfield Biddle W. C., Liverpool, Medina LangenbockenA. & Co., Liverpool, Medina Robinson T. J., Mansfield, Richland Scattergood &Penrose, Mansfield, Richland Benedict & Matthews, Marietta, Washington Sams R. P. & Co., Marietta, Washington Ripley & Sherman, Marietta, Washington Ross Andrew, Marietta, Washington Shipman C.& S.& Co.,Marietta, Washington Thomas W. B. & Co.,Marietta, Washington Reed Franklin L., Marion, Marion Dangler I. B., Massillon, Stark Reed D. P., Massillon, Stark Borton & Cochran, Middlebourne, Guernsey Goldman Simon, Middletown, Butler Beam & Mead, Mount Vernon, Knox Curtis M., Mount Vernon, Knox Miller J. W., Mount Vernon, Knox Taylor Gantt & Co., Mount Vernon, Knox NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aWRIGHT, DALTON & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWynne, Haines & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wynne J. E. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeigler John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacobsoan S., Circleville, Pickaway Wolfiey, Gregg & Schultz, Circleville, Pickaway Alcott & Horton, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ames C. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Aust Levi, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Baldwin E. I. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aFREEMAN & KELLOGG, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aFrench & Kieth, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Halle Loeb Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hyman S. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aKENDALL H. D. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lewis &-Easton, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Raymond S. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Searle John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSHERWOOD & OAKLEY, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Skall Simon, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Taylor, Griswold & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Truscott W. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Warren W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aBain Peter, Columbus, Franklin Coib H. & Co.,. Columbus, Franklin Fay W. T. & H. B., Columbus, Franklin aFerron, Stone & Co., Columbus, Franklin Knopp J. G., Columbus, Franklin Naughton John, Columbus, Franklin Osborn J. D. & Co., Columbus, Franklin aRICHARDS WILLIAM, Columbus, Franklin Snowden P. T., Columbus, Franklin Taft D. H.7 Columbus, Franklin Weaver R. R., Columbus, Franklin Weaver & Holmes, Columbus, Franklin Bouck, Aley & Go., Dayton, Montgomery Bunstine, Frebein & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Curtis D. M., Dayton, Montgomery Darst, Herschelrode & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Gump Andrew, Dayton, Montgomery Kiefer & Canover, Dayton, Montgomery Prine H. V., Dayton, Montgomery Prugh & Pike, Dayton, Montgomery SCHAEFFER THOMAS, Dayton, Montgomery Schwab A., Dayton, Montgomery Van Doren John & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Wait B. F., Dayton, Montgomery Winters D. W., Dayton, Montgomery nAyres A! A., Defiance, Defiance Phelan & Chambers, Delphos, Allen DRY 784 DRY COUNTY DYE 78 DY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ward L. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Woodbridge J. E., Mount Vernon, Knox BRENNAN JAMES, Napoleon, Henry Hall Thos. J., New Alexanderia, Jefferson Atchby & Sigler, Newark, Licking Newkirk Matthew, Newark, Licking Wallace George, Newark, Licking Woodbridge F. H. & Co., Newark, Licking Price Joseph, New Garden, Columbiana Bridges & Burns, New Lisbon, Columbiana Elbertson C. H., North Washington, Hardin Darrow Bros., Norwalk, Huron Jenney, Peters & Co., Norwalk, Huron Spriber H., Orrville, Wayne Cheseldine & Dent, Oxford, Butler Nold Edward, Oxford, Butler aMather I. A. & Co., Painesville, Lake Scott J. M. & Co., Piqua, Miami HANE PHILIP, Pleasantville, Fairfield Faller Isaac, Pomeroy, Meigs Brodbeck Stephen, Portsmouth, Scioto Brunner R., Portsmouth, Scioto Conrolley J., Portsmouth, Scioto Elden C. D., Portsmouth, Scioto Jefferson B. L. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Lodwick J. K. & H. C., Portsmouth, Scioto aLODWICK O.A. & CO., Portsmouth, Scioto aRUMSEY JAS. M. (See card, p. 519.) Portsmouth. Scioto Towell J. F., Portsmouth, Scioto Yager If. P. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Towell J. F., Portsmouth, SciotoWisnHS. Wesil,Clmin Yager If. P. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto SihFak&C. Barnes, Cline & Co., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Ellis & Golhorer, Port William, Clinton Hussey Jocob, Port William, Clinton Day H. L., Ravenna, Portage Shilling J. & L., Salem, Columnbi:n P r &W, Cook & Converse, Sandusky, Erie Monroe & Hoyt, Sandusky, Erie Wilcox E. H. & R. M., Sandusky, EGie Russell George M., Sidney, Shelby Barnett & Bennett, Somerville, Butler Nolin John, South Solon, Madison Anderson & Ward, Springfield, Clark Foos J., Springfield, Clark Pool H. & Son, Springfield, Clark Teasel & Spencer, Springfield, Clark Melthorn Henry, Spring Hill, Chaumpaign Allen John, Steubenville, Jefferson DYERS AND SCOURERS. Hesselbach F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kinkel Daniel, Cincinnati, Hamilton KUHLMANN MRS. SOPHIA. (See card, p. 138.) Cincinnati, Hamilton McManus Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Neill J. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peel George W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Richit F., Cincinnati, Hamilton TEASDALE WM. (See card, p. 786.) Cincinnati, iHamilton 50 DYE 785 DYE I Black Peter & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum Duvall J., Zanesville, Muskingum Gattre.11 & Kaemmerer, Zanesville, Muskingum GRANT ALEXANDER & CO., Zanesville, Muskingum Johnston Georg, Zanesville, Muskingum Spencer Sam"l W., Zanesville, Muskingum Dueber Philip, Michels N., Booker Wm., Coleman'Nirs. L., Curtis R. B., Flaherty Patrick, Fresh,,,trd J., Gibbs 11., Harmeier J. F., Harmeir John, Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton 786 PLO NEW YORK DYE HOUSE, No. 265 Walnut St., west side, between Sixth and Seventh, Oai~CI:NNTI,- - - - OHIO Dyeing, Scouring, Steam Finishing, &c., &c. Particular attention will be given to cleaning White Crape, Broche and Printed Shawls. Also, Damask Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Druggets, &c., &c. Orders from the country promptly attended to. WM. TEASDALE. NAME POST OFFICE CGOUNTY McLeod Archibald, Hamilton, Butler Hurst. John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Zehner F., Portsmouth, Scioto Miller Hermon, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Cruthers Cyrus, Salem, Columbiana Wyatt John, Steubenville, Jackson Bowers I. S., Toledo, Lucas Williams R., Wellsville, Columbiana Shultz Charles, Zanesville, Muskingum Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cle veland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus Eranklin Dayton,'Montgomery , Dayton, Montgomery East Liberty, Logan Fremont, Sandusky Girard, Trumbull EDGE TOOL MANUFACTURERS. Bartlett A. G., Berlin Center, Mahoning Bartlett C. L., Berlin Centre, Mahoning King G. G., Chester Hill, Morgan Patterson E. & T. T., Chester Hill, Morgan Patterson R., Chester Hill, Morgan Cunningham A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Roseboom J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Siewers C. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sprague.H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tuttle N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Powell A., Cleveland Cuyahoga Perry A. G., Clyde, Sandusky Ritchie Joseph, Columbia Center, Licking Athous Isaac, Columbus, Franklin Benjamin T. & Son, Dayton, Montgomery Bauerstock D., Log Cabin, Morgan Howard Hyman, Macon, Morrow Snider S. E., Millwood, Knox Zeeck M., New Madison, Darke Egner B. H., Olivesburg, Richland Neely J. J., Springfield, Clark Haines Wm. B., Spring Hills, Champaign Yontis & Dunham, Troy, Miami ENGRAVERS. Burt Charles S., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Norman W. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman A. G., Bucyrus, Crawford Seyppel Ferdinand, Cincinnati, Hamilton Barth F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Waggoner Wm. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton CHAMBERLIN BENJ. B. (See card, p. Groome G. L., Dayton, Montgomery 103.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Mills John W., New Madison, Darke Layman Jas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Michaels Herman, Racine, Meigs FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN DEALERS. (See also Flouring Mills; also Commission, Forwarding and Produce Merchants.) Alfors & Nilling, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eickenhorst & Arens, Andrew P. & C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Armstrong J. M. & A. E., Fisher J. W. & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton French R. H. W. & Co., Byrne & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper A. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton FRENCH, WILSON & CO., Cutter Ezekiel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Dickinson D. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gillenbeck G., Cincinnati, Hamilton FLO 786 FLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Trafzger A., Winter T. & Co., Jackson J. B., Roberts Eugene, Still Mrs. Hannah, Umlauft Joseph, Uncles M., Dixon A., Minchrod Abraham Loveless T. S.,. Dean P. C., Walker R. H., FLO 787 FLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY WEBER JOHN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Weitz J. & V., Cleveland, Cuyahoga WHITMAN & GARDNER, Cleveland, Cuyahoga VOGLESON JOHN & SON, Columbiana, Columbiana Barringer & Yerrington, Columbus, Franklin Butler L. & Co., Columbus, Franklin McAlister Michael, Columbus, Franklin Osgood & Rowland, Columbus, Franklin Decker Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Harshman J. & Br other, Dayton, Montgomery Reist Peter, Dayton, Mo ntgomery Sn avely George, Dayton, Montgomery Trissel-C, Dayton, Montgomery Vallett O. W. & Co., Fremont, Sandusky Byrd F., Mans fiel d, Richland Zapp Philip, Miamisburg, Montgomery BELL SAMUEL S. & CO., Newark, Licking DINGLEY WILLIAM W., Painesville, Lake Foote S. & Son, Painesville, Lake. SMITH MARCUS, Painesville, Lake, Tinan R. & Son, Painesville, Lake, Wheeler Roswell G., Painesville, L ak. e, NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Gosling W. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hanhouser & Phoelmyer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hauck & Pengemann, Cincinnati, Hamilton HEMPELMAN BERNARD, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hord, Lewis & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Penny G. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmutte Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schultz John, Cinncinati, Hamilton Sheen Frederick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sheenan P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith C. & W., Cincinnati, Hamilton STILLWELL JOHN D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tibbitts Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wasenich & Mentzger, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wentzel J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton WIEBOLD & LAUENSTEIN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilder, Robinson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton WILSON, GARLICK & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown J. B, & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CLARK, GARDNFR &, CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Davis & Vorce, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Edwards E. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hills N. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HOUCK J. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HOWER J. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Huntington J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kyser & Perry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lowrie W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga MAelhinch Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Miller 1. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga MURRAY & STEWART, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Newcomb S. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Otis & Brownell, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Radenmacher & Mulendyke, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Frankenburg J. H. & Co., Springfield, Clark Gorsuch Thomas, Steubenville, Jefferson CUNNINGHAM & BRO., Tiffin, Seneca Flynn Jas., Toledo, Lucas Webber Michael, Toledo, Lucas Maugy David J., Union, Darke Bowers, Igon & Holt, Urbana, Champaign Mayer M., Warren, Trumbull Taylor John, Waynesville, Warren McNeal~, West Jefferson, Madison Brackney M. H., Wilmington, Clinton RANEY A. & B., Youngstown, Mahoning Raney A. & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Brooke Wm., Zanesville, Muskingum FLOURING AND GRIST MILLS. (Steam fiills marked thus, a.) Garden Francis, Abbeyville, Medina Thomas S. H. & Co., Acadia, Allen aCraig & Gilbert, Ada, Hardin Tressell John, Ada, Hardin aCrook A., Adrian, Seneca Allen J. J. & Co., Akron, Summit Ayliffe & Allen, Akron, Summit Buell & Taylor, Akron, Summit Chamberlain J. H. & Co., Akron, Summit aRansom, Noble & Co., Akron, Summit aPerry & Burns, Allensville, Vinton Shoben J. H., Amsterdam, Jefferson aMoKee Thomas, Annapolis, Jefferson FLO 787 FLO Kinegy H. A., Annapolis, Jefferson akayor John A., Arcanum, Darke Ashland UnioiR Mills, Aland, Ashland acurier Allen, Athens, Athens Herrold Joseph, Athens, Athens Kessinger J. & W., Athens, Athens Kincade Geo. E., Athens Athens Palmer W. D., Austinburg, Ashtabula abreec'hbelle Henry, Ayersville, Defiance Benner John, Bainbridge, Ross Hai'r, Samuel, Bantam, Clermont allunt J. R., Barnesville, Belmont awhite Jesse Barnesville, Belmont RAILROAD ADVERTISEMENT. Marietta and Cincinnati m 0 aD a _ - THE: SHIORETEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE FROM CINCINNATI TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Two Trains Leave (1incinnati Daily. Express Mail for Marietta and Parkersburg, connecting at Hamden, with Trains on the Scioto and Hocking Valley Railroad for Portsmouth and Jackson, and at Parkersburg with Trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for all Eastern Cities. CHILLICOTHE ACCOMMODATION FOR HILLSBORO AND CHILLICOTHE. 52And Washington City, than by any other to Baltimore And W~ashington City, than by any other Route, ASK FOR TICKETS VIA PARKERSBURG. The Freight Arrangements Of the Road are such that, for the transportation of stock or other property its advantages are not excelled by any for low rates or for prompt and regular dispatch and delivery. Fares always as Low as via any other Route. Through Tickets can be obtained at all the principal Railroad Ticket Offlces in the East and West. In Cincinnati at No. 3 Burnet House, and at the Eastern (Little Miami) Depot. ORLAND SMITH, Receiver and Sup't, Chillicothe, O. A. B. WATERS, General Freight Agent, " JOHN FOGGETT, General Ticket Agent, " " 788 IALTIMOREI AND1 DlailIII FLO 789 FLO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Delaplane W. E., Circleville, Pickaway Albright F., Clarksburg, Ross Hains D., Clarksburg, Ross Howrey A. S., Clarksburg, Hoss Yeamore A., Clarksfield, Huron Pullen & Hall Cleveland, Cuyahoga Comstock Theodore, Columbus, Franklin Stickney F., Concor d, Lake Londerman J., Cornersburg, Mahoning Mikesell & Ullery, Covington, M iami aReid Mathew, Crestline, Crawford aBarton & Hunter, Cumberland, Guernsey Gregg J. & Bro., Cumb er land, Guernsey Barker I. & Co., Darby Creek, Madison Gebhart & Brother, Dayton, Montgomery Hepford J. W., Dayton, Montgomery Kratockwill A., Dayton, Montgomery PHILLIPS T. A. & WOLLASTON S., Dayton, Montgomery Rassners., Dayton, M)ntgomery Tate Saml jr.jr., Dayton, Montgomery aMesick J. & C o., Deavertown, Morgan Shriver & Neer, De Graff, Logan Conklin S. F., Delphos, Allen Miller & Stowell, Delphos, Allen Rasoner G., Dre sden, Mus kingum Full er H., Dublin, Franklin Casse ll Wmi., Duncan's Falls, Muskingum Hi ll S., Eagleville, Ashtabula Sharp J. H., Ea st Liberty, Logan Cherry M. H., Ea st Monroe, Highland aMarsha l & Baxter, East Rochester, Columbiana Bruce Wm., Eaton, Preble aChapman & Cowden, Edinburg, Portage aHazen -E -di G n, Edinburg, Portage aMcCombs Jh, Edinburg, Portage aWhittlesey Edinburg, Port age aDei hl Eli, Ellsworth, VIahoning aHuber B., Finley, Hanc ock Pool H. & Co., Fort Seneca, Seneca Sallady Sam ue l, Franklin Furnace, Scioto Wheeler & Co., Franklin Furnace, Scioto Earl B. C., F ranklin Mills, Portage aWi lty & Frease, Frease's Store, Stark Downs & Co., Fremont, Sandusky aJune D. G., Fremont, Sandusky Moore James, Fremont, Sandusky Moore & Vallett, Fremont, Sandusky aBaughman Joel, Gabanna, Franklin aBaughman Sam'l, Gahanna, Franklin Sawwalter N. J., Gahanna, Franklin Van Fleet T., Galena, Delaware Coman Robert, Galigher, Guernsey aPARSONS & DAVIS, Galion, Crawford aALLESHIRE & WADDELL, Gallipolis, Gallia aNeal H. H., Gallipolis, Gallia aMorris & Dickey, German, Darke Shuey Michael, Germantown, Montgomery Baldwin & Co., Girard, Trumbull aClapp J. B., Granville, Licking Claypool George, Greenfield, Highland Mlains W., Greenfield, Highland NAPME POST OFFICE COUcNTY Pollock & Jonnston, Belle Center, Logan aCANBY R. H. & CO., Bellefontaine, Logan Bowers D., Belleville, Richland Pierce Orlando Belleville, Richland aBrubaker H., Bellevue, Huron aGilpin L. & Son, Bellevue, Huron Higbee J. B., Bellevue, Huron Randolph S. F., Bennington, Morrow Edgington F. & Co., Bentonville, Adams Clopp Silas, Berea, Cuyahoga Davis L. & C., Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson McCoy Benj., Berne, Noble MIc(artney Henry, Bethesda, Belmont Gault J., Bladensburg, Knox Houck Wm., Bladensburg, Knox CUSUK W., Bladensburg, Knox aStanley Joseph, Bowersville, Greene Goodrich Wm. P., Braceville, Trumbull aPritchard Robert, Brecksville, Cuyahoga Osborn & Kensey, Bridgeport, Belmont Sager Wm., Bristolville, Trumbull Tradenburg & Son, Bristolville, Trumbull aDavis Pet er, B rownsville, Licking Hilton Brice, Brunersburg, Defiance Bowers & De Lancy, Bucyrus, Crawford McLane, Bucyrus, Crawford Secrest H. & J., Buffalo, Guernsey Glenn A., Bundysburg, Geauga Longsworth Cornelius, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas aSpeck Samuel, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas aSmith Wm., Cambridge, Guernsey Fisher J. A., Canal Fulton, Stark Chancy O. P. & Bro., Canal Winchester, Franklin Dewer & Lukins, Casstown, Miami Hunter J., Catawba, Clark Speakman & Baldwin, Catawba, Clark Hale & Riley, Celina, Mercer Baris -, Center Belpre, Washington Belpre Mill Company, Center Belpre, Washington Williams & Gardner, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Howell L., Chandlersville, Muskingum Guthrie C. L., Cheshire, Gallia Adams J., Chester, Meigs Goren S., Chester, Meigs Kright B.> & C., Chester, Meigs Smith J., Chester, Meigs Pierpoint John, Chester Hill, Morgan Bradberry Wm. E., Cincinnati, ttamilton Bradberry C. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Elstner M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Elstner & Fisher, Cincinnati, Hamilton Erkenbrecker Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fagin Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gilpin Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hughes & Foster, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sedgebeer J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Steller Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton FLO 789 FLO FLO ~ ~ 79 FLO POST OFFICE COUNTY Green Hill, Columbiana Warren T. & J. L., Greenville, Darke McCleary John, Hamilton, Butler Snively & Steel, Hamilton, Butler Davis D. J., Hanover, Licking Hadley & Co., Harmer, Washington Ransom, Gibbs & Ransom, Harpersfield, Ashtabula Smith J. A., Hemlock Grove, Meigs aElwood R. & Son, Highland, Highland Trimble W. H., Hillsboro', Highland aAllison T. & J., Ironton, Lawrence aBunn, Pickerel & Co., Jackson, Jackson Crooks & Linn, Jackson, Jackson Hawkins J., Kellogsville, Ashtabula Burson Joseph, Kennonsburg, Noble aHarris & Leighton, Kennonsburg, Noble aPfeiffer John, Kennonsburg, Noble McCaban & Cunningham, Kennonsburg, Noble Lewis Ira, Lamira, Belmont Giesy Jacob, Lancaster, Fairfield aGiesy Emanuel, Lancaster, Fairfield aMorlatt & Nelson, Lebanon, Warren aNelson & Molat, Lebanon, Warren Young U. P., Leipsic, Putnam Davis & Hahan, Lexington, Richland Musser & Mahan, Lima, Allen Holmes, LittleSandusky, Wyandot aParmalee A. S., Liverpool, Medina Rouse & Holcomb, Lockington, Shelby aHaines A. D., Lodi, Medina Fox R. M., Log Cabin, Morgan Smith John S., Log Cabin, Morgan Dorum J., Lucas, Richland Marks A., Lucas, Richland Weaver Geo., Lucas, Richland aBrown & Gillman, McArthur, Vinton Hewitt & Gillman, McArthur, Vinton Lowrey John, McArthur, Vinton aBurges Samuel, Mansfield, Richland Coleman, Sprague & Co., Marietta, Washington Fisher & Reed, Marion, Marion STEINMETZ N., Marshallsville, Wayne McCreight J. A., Marysville, Union Kendall J. R., Mason, Warren Floyd T. C., Maumee City, Lucas 'McKenny A., Maumee City, Lucas Hunter V., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Staley A. & Son, Mechanicsburg, Champaign :d ge Solomon, Meigsville, Morgan T,cott & Kinder, Miamisburg, Montgomery gSatpm & Marshal, Middletown, Butler Kuller John, Milford, Clermont Reed James, Milford Center, Union aWoodw, rth Asa, Milford Center, Union Cochr.n James W., Millville, Butler Isreal Frank,l Milwood, Knox Friester R. C., Millersville, Guernsey )e~leF..&.C9., Montpelier, Williams NAME PC Cowden J. S., aPinkerton & Herro Shaffer Peter, aWarman Samuel, Norton A. B. & G. K. Claypool N. F., N aCraig Wm., Newcor Patterson & Sons, Newcom aLile E., New Spear, Patterson & ( New aFergusou N. R., Ne Mouser P., Net Furlong 0. P., abloom Joseph, aCook I. & Co., New Ale Siaith S., Blake M. M., New Phil Allen A. N., Ne Beaver & Cook, Ne Armstrong T. M., Beltz A. & D., North L Ott J. G., North aWilley Joseph, Edwards D. & T., Jones T. M. & Bro., Roger & Bingham, aBerry David, 4 Brenneman C., aLowry & Hendersor Teachout Abraham, Burnhart Martin, Pancoast S. M., P George F. & Bro., Smith & Updike, Peck E. D. & Co., Sharp J. F., White J. C. & S. W., Young & Tager, aMartin & Reader, Deeter J. & Co., Inman & Meinnich, aMorse H. K., aThorn J. M., aWilliams W. C., aKohler & Heabler, aBryson, Hughes & aSmith C. S., Portsmouth, Scioto Brehmer & Bro., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Browcler, Port William, Clinton Mundhenk & Co., Pyrmont, Montgomery aRacine Mill Co., Racine, Meigs aWilliam & Brother, Racine, Meigs aHobatt E. & E., Radnor, Delaware Boxley G. W., Raymond's, Union FLO 790 FLO NAME Garrigues C. &R. Co., Portsmouth, Scioto M., Portsmouth, Scioto Portsmouth, Scioto adamarin Charles A. FOU 791 FOU NAME POST OFFICE CLU#ITY Herr & Brother, Tippecanoe, Miami Rouzer & Smith, Tippecanoe, Miami Ziegenfaulder Geo., Troy, Miami Atkinson & Greely,. Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Paxton Samuel, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Stubbs Isaac, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Ledshan Alfred, Twinsburg, Summit Ulrich Benj., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas aCramor & Swisher, Union, Dark Sage M., Unionville Center, Union aPierson C. T., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Bowers, Igon & Hitt, Urbana, Champaign aHumanson L. S., Vienna, Trumbull Wright 0. J., Waynesville, Warren. Cameron John, Wellsville, Columbiana Early John, West Alexandria, Preble Gale & Co., West Alexandria, Preble Stetler E. S., West Alexandria, Preble Stubbs & Cantrum, West Elkton, Preble Balch John W., West Lafayette, Coshocton aChesher T., West Middlebury, Logan Glen Alex., West Point, Columbiana McCoskey John, West Point, Columbiana Trunick H., West Point, Columbiana Hickcox Wm., Weymouth, Medina Stiles James, Weymouth, Medina Barnes J., Wilkesville, Vinton Radcliff B., Williamsport, Pickaway aHarlan J., Wilmington, Clinton aThorp & Jackson, Xenia, Greene Baldwin H., Youngstown, Mahoning LAUTERMAN G., Youngstown, Mahoning RANEY A. & B., Youngstown, Mahoning Beaumont & Holingsworth, Zanesville, Muskingum Cassel W.C(, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aInskeep James M., Raymond's, Union aMurrings, White & Co., Richland, Richland aCatrell E., Richmond, Jefferson Burt John, Rocky Hill, Jackson Green E. B. & Co., Rocky Hill, Jackson Shields John, Rocky Hill, Jackson Dick Geo. W., Ross, Butler aCatrell E., Richmond, JeffersonAtion&Gel, Burt John, Rocky Hill, Jackson Tsaaa,Tsaaa Green E. B. & Co., Rocky Hill, JacksonPatnSme,Tsaa5Tuawa Shields John, Rocky Hill, Jackson Sub sa, Tsaaa;Tsaaa Dick Geo. W., Ross, Butler Bowersock & McMorran, Saint Charles, Butler &Bard & Mead, Salem, Columbiana Danford J. & S., Sharpsville, Noble aShepherd C. L., Sardinia, Brown aHornbrook E., Sardis, Monroe Rea, Ramsey & Robins, Scott, Adams Crosen A. C., Senecaville, Guernsey Flichinger J. K., Seven Mile, Butler McConky Thos., Shreve, Wayne Shreve Caleb, Shreve, Wayne Cartwright Wm., Sidney, Shelby Smith Wm. P. & Bros., Somerton, Belmont aYocom & Taylor, Somerton, Belmont Edmonds Benjamin, Somerville, Butler aMcMillen Wm. J. & T. C. S., South Charleston, Clark Rowlands James, South Olive, Noble Warder & Barnett, Springfield, Clark Melhorn Daniel, Spring Hills, Champaign aCox David, Steubenville, Jefferson aGradwell Stephen, Steubenville, Jefferson Hays M., Swanton, Fulton Houlett Thomas, Swanton, Fulton Taylor George, Sycamore, Wyandot aHarris H. G., Sylvia, Hardin aEdwards & Jones, Thurman, Gallia Newson I. S., Thurman, Gallia Walker James, Tiffin, Seneca FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE SHOPS. (See also Boiler Manufacturers and Steam Engine Builders.) Webster, Taplin & Co., Akron, Summit Crosby & Olmstead, Ashtabula, Ashtabula TOWERR & SON, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Bartlett W. D. & S., Athens, Athens Roach & Topky, Athens, Athens Leonard G. H., Austinburg, Ashtabula Myers J. B. & Co., Bellefontaine, Logan Rankin Wm'., Belleville, Richland Haskel J., Bellevue, Huron CLARK JOHN, Berea, Cuyahoga Paul J. M., Cadiz, Harrison Simon & Fogle, Cambridge, Guernsey Clark S.S. & Co., Canal Fulton, Stark Ball E., Canton, Stark McGuire E., Carrolton, Carrol Gauntt A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Ross & Bro., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Sunderland L. A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Nilley B., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Clinton, Ro bson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton COFFIN G. W. & CO. (See card, p. 110.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Crane, Breed & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cummings Samuel & Son, . Cincinnati, Hamilton Dransfield H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dumont C. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. 791 FOU FOU WILLIAMS J. W. & BRO., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Boeckley A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown A. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton BROWN J. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton CAMPBELL, ELLISON & CO. (See card, p. 102.) Cincinnati, Hamilton CAMPBELL H. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton -~FO 79 O NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Root Peter, Middleport, Bueigs Stout, Mills &'oO., Middletown, Butler Warren J., Milford, Clermont Cooper C & J., Mount Vernon, Knox EVANS A. C. & CO. (See card, p. 455.) Mount Vernon, Knox NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY ELMER & FOLKNER. (See card, p. 120.) Cincinnati, Hamilton FAY J. A. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Frazer Geo. N. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gaylord, Son & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gaylord T. G. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Greenwald Isaac & Ezra Cincinnati, Hamilton Greewo M. &i Co., Wigshrl Cincinnati, Hamilton Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Greenwood Miles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Liber Jacob, New Garden, Columbiana Griffey David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeeck M., New Madison, Darke Hanks, Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams G. G., HAVENS JAMES L. & CO., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Cincinnati, Hamilton Geauga Furanace Co., Painesville, Lake Hume James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown Ceo. W. & Co., Perrysburg, Wood PHILLIPS & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Farrall, Daniels & Co., Piqua, Miami Powell David A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lanham Samuel, Pomeroy, Meigs Powell Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Long William, Pomeroy, Meigs Hanford & Patch, Clarksfield, Huron Thoroman Wm., Pomeroy, Meigs Gerry & Holt, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bentley, Campbell & Co., Straub Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton STACKPOLE J. W. G., Pomeroy, Meigs Brown A. S. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto O'Neal Andrew, Portsmouth, Scioto Taylor Thomas, Port Washington, Tusearawas Blackamore & Fountain, Racine, Meigs Evans McCall & Co., Roclk-y Hill, Jackson DOLE & SILVER. (See card, p. 538.) Salem, Columbiana GAR DNER & C O. (See card, p. 536.) Salem, Columbiana GARRIGUES R. H. & CO., Salem, Columbiana Holderman & O'Brian, Salem, Columbiana O'BRYAN & KREPS. (See card, p. 539.) Salem, Columbiana SHARPS, DAVIS & BONSALL. (See card, p. 540.) Salem, Columbiana Snider & Woodruff, Salem, Columbiana STRAWN D. J. (See card, p. 541.) Salem, Columbiana TABER C. R. & J. O. (See card, p. 536.) Salem, Columbiana Center Clarke, Sandusky, Erie Kromer & Groul, Sandusky, Erie Olds N. G., Sandusky, Erie Knowlton & Prouty, Cumberland, Guernsey Batteek D., Dayton, Montgomery Gebhart & Marshall, Dayton, Montgomery Greer J. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Johnson N., Dayton, Montgomery Neff, Bennett & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Strong & Co., Defiance, Defiance HOVER J. B., Delphos, Allen Johnson Wm., Dresden, Muskingum June & Curtiss, Fremont, Sandusky Smithers J. B., Gallipolis, Gallia Wolf J. C., Gallipolis, Gallia Lee & Leavett, Hamilton, Butler STOMPS BARNARD, Hamilton, Butler Kirker & Lawton, Ironton, Lawrenee Darst Wm. B., Lancaster, Fairfield Davoe G., Lancaster, Fairfield Mayo Theodore, Lima, Allen Smith A. N., Lima, Allen Richards Chas., Liverpool, Medina Bull T. J., Loudonville, Ashland Rust D. & M., Loudonville, Ashland Hall & Allen, Mansfield, Richland Kraus John, Mansfield, Richland Krummy Jacob, Mansfield, Richland Nicholson & Co., Mansfield, Richland Pettit Jonathan, Mansfield, Richland Reaman Andrew, Mansfield, Richland Rowley G. P. & Co., Mansfield, Richland Sturge & Tracy, Mansfield, Richland Tracy & Hedge, Mansfield, Richland Voegele Henry, Mansfield, Richland Franks Owen, Marietta, Washington Hoover D. H. & Son, Miamisburg, Montgomery Keelm, Middleport, Meigs Mathews C. A., Middleport, Meigs McDevitt James L., Steubenville, Jefferson Loomis & Nyman, Tiffin, Seneca SMITH BARNES & CO. (See card, p. (577.) Tiffin, Seneca PREDMORE & I-IAMILTON. (See card p. 634.) Youngstown, Malhoning VAN BPROCKLIN & JONES, Youngstown, Mahoning DOCKRAY CHAS. (See card, p. 640.) Zaniesville, Muskingum GRIFFITH, EBERT & CO. (See card, p. 639.) Zanesville, Muskingum SULLIVAN & WttEELER, Zanesville, Muskingum FOU 792 FOU GAS AND STEAM FITTERS AND PLUMBERS. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY ESPACE SERAPHIN. (See card, p. 121.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Stacey John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sullivan & McIntyre, Cincinnati, Hamilton Waters Byron, Cincinnati, Hamilton Whitcross Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton BLISH, GARLICK & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga BOWER B. P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga SAME POST OFFICE COUNTY BROWN J. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton ELMER & FORKNER. (See card, p. 120.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Gardner C.D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gaylord T. G. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gibson J. B. & T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hartburn H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kirk David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kline WM., Cincinnati, Hamilton McCOLLUM H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Macdonald John C., Cincinnati, Hamilton MclIENRY & CARSON, Cincinnati, Hamilton McIntire Geo. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton McNeil John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyers & Lamping, Cincinnati, Hamilton Murdock & Lacy, Cincinnati, Hamilton Newman Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pease Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Riclketts Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Robson & Western, Cincinnati, Hamilton BOWEN & BROWER, Cleveland, Cuyahoga GALLAG HER P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga M t Gl Heath John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga GALLAGT J. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Heath John, Clvln,Cyhg MASCT J. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Murdock & Lacy, Cincinnati, FIERlP., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Roberts & MeGarvey, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Whitaker S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Andrew James, Columbus, Franklin Ogden Robert, Dayton, Montgomery STUTSM AN JOHN Gt., Dayton, Montgomery GENERAL STORES. (Including a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ihardware, Queensware, Iats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wc.) Miers Edward, Abbeyville, Medina Miller Jacob, Abbeyville, Medina Vanpelt H. & Co., Acadia, Allen Aubenthout & Worrell, Ada, Hardin GILBERT & REECE. (See card, p. 4.) Ada, Hardin Lantz Samuel, Ada, Hardin League Wmn. A., Ada, Hardin Morgan Geo. G., Adena, Jefferson Arndt D. M., Adrian, Seneca Curtis James, Adrian, Seneca GAMBELL E. D. (See card, p. 5.) Ai, Fulton Merrell C., Ai, Fulton Chamberlin J. H. & Co., Akron, Summit Lee Josiah, Albion, Ashland Sanger W. & R. W. & Co., Albion, Ashland -ISEMINGER JOHN, Alert, Butler Lyle & Hutt, Allensville, Vinton Bates G. P., Alliance, Stark HOOVER BROS., Alliance, Stark Hosner & Zeplinger, Alliance, Stark AUGHEY DAVID, Amsterdam, Jefferson Swaney Hugh, Amsterdam, Jefferson Baird R., Annapolis, Jefferson Grimes Warner, Annapolis, Jefferson Merchant T., Annapolis, Jefferson Sproat & Betz, Annapolis, Jefferson Reed A., Ansonia, Darke TURPEN GEO. H., Ansonia, Darke Banks & McDaniel, Antwerp, Paulding Comparet D. F. & Co., Antwerp, Paulding Shirley J. J., Antwerp, Paulding Snook & Ba nks, Antwerp, Paulding Smi th John, Arcanum, Darke Smith NS. D., Arcanum, Darke Thomas J. & Son, Ar canum, Darke Bushnell T. C. & C o., Ashland, Ashland FREER J. & R., Ashland, Ashland GORHAM & PARMELY, Ashland, Ashland Hower & Zuver, Ashland, Ashland Squire J. R., Ashland, Ashland Witmer, Myers & Co., Ashland, Ashland Belknap W. B., Ashley, Delaware Cross & Runnells, Ashley, Delaware CURREN & COLE. (See card, p. 15.) Ashley, Delaware Jackels J., Ashley, Delaware McMaster George, Ashley, Delaware Powers L., Ashley, Delaware Benham Samuel, jr., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Chapman Julius E., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Hal l Stephen la, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Humphrey Wm., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Prentice, Smith & Co., A shtabula, Ashtabula Roberts Edward II., Ashtabula, Ashtabula ROBE RTSON JOHN P., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Root & Morrison, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Smith & Lockwood, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Tyler & Collins, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Ballard & Sons, Athens, Athens Clayton D. M., Athens, Athens GEN 793 GEN GEN 794 GEN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Morrow J. & W., Belleville, Richland Weldon James, Belleville, Richland Zent Bros., Belleville, Richland Eisenbise J. H., Bellevue, Huron Gambee & Berger, Bellevue, Huron Owen S. W., Bellevue, Huron Sumner J. G., Bellevue, Huron STONE FRANKLIN. (See card, p. 33.) Belpre, Washington CLARK G. N. (See card, p. 33.) Bennington, Morrow Eaton J. B., Benton Ridge, Hancock LEEDOM E. D. &J. M. (See card, p. 34.' Bentonville, Bm dams McDermed Jason, Bentonville, Adams Stevens Wm. & Son, Bentonville, Adams Go uld S., Berea, Cuyahoga Perry S. W. & Co., Berea, Cuyahoga Sme dley J. S. & Co., B erea, Cuyahoga STEARNS WM. L., Berea, Cuyahoga McCalla D., Berl in C enter, Mahoning Berlin Union Co., Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Lyle & Garrett, Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Humphrey & Brother, Berlin Heights, Erie Kneen & Messer, Berlin Heights, Erie PEARL WM., B erlin Heights, Erie Colli ns W. W., Berne, Noble PENN & PHILLIPS &C, Berne, Nobl e Wils on E.R., Berne, Noble Bennett Silas, Bethamy, Balsutler WILLIAMSON PETER. (Se e card, p. 37.) Bethamy, Butler Gray GeArge G., Bethesda, Belmont Bodwell G. W., Big Plain, Madison Flo ren ce John, Big Plain, Madison Oglevie E., Big Plain, Ma dis on Peel Wm., Big Plain, Madison Case Samuel, Big P rairie, Wayne Miskimer A., Bird's Run, Guer nse y Butler A.J., Bladen sburg, Kno x Hanna & Mercer, Bladensburg, eKnox Baldwin J. B. & Co., Blanche ster, Clinton BALDWIN S., Blanchester, Clinton B a ldwin W. H., Blanchester, Clinton WATKINS W. J. & J., Blanchester, Clinton Bliss E. P., Bloomville, Seneca Sherrer Henry, Bloomville, Seneca Worster J., Bloomville, Seneca Meeker Wm. & Son, Boardman, Mahoening Cochian & McKenzie, Bourneville, Ross Smyth Douglass, Bourneville, Ross Martin Giles M., Braceville, Trumbull Comstock L. M. & Co., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Young & Clark, Brecksville, Cuyahoga WHITON J. M.., Brighton, Lorain tBeckman E., Brimfield, Portage Meal T., Brimfieldl, Portage COOL & BETTS. (See card, p. 46.) Brinley's Station, Prweble Pulis M. W. & Co., Austinburg, Ashtabula Blacknell John, Avon, Lorain Brooks James E, Avon, Lorain Garfield Halsey, Avon, Lorain Sherbondy A. W., Avon, Lorain Ursam F., Avon, Lorain Cobb C. B., Bainbridge, Ross ELY BENJAMIN & SON. (See card, p. 22.) Bantam, Clermont Smith F. C., Bantam, Clermont Bradfield J., Barnesville, Belmont Brown H. R., Barnesville, Belmont Davenport C. & B. & Co., Barnesville, Belmont Frasier J. W. & Son, Barnesville, Belmont Hager & Butz, Barnesville, Belmont Ramsey Geo. W., Barnesville, Belmont Talbott W. A. & Son, Bar ne sville, Bel mont Gilbert & Vanlan, Bartlett, W ashington Kester Wm., Bartlett, Washington Smith IH., Bartlett, Washington Benninghaus H., Batesville, Guernsey Gibson Wm. E., Batesville, Guernsey Snefe H., Batesville, Guernsey Wimon G., Batesville, Guernsey Armstrong & Thornberg, Beallsville, Monroe Hutchison Wm. H. & Co., Beallsville, Monroe Wisener Isaac, Beallsville, Monroe Wisener John, Beallsville, Monroe Hartle G. H., Beamsville, Darke Willson Wm. J. L., Beamsville, Darke Aaron A., Bell Air, Belmont Bowler & Garrard, Bell Air, Belmont Criswell J. M*, Bell Air, Belmont Gerby J., Bell Air, Belmont Winans E. B. & Co., Bell Air, Belmont Darter & Mooney, Belle Center, Logan Ramsey W. & A. C., Belle Center, Logan Terrance I., Belle Center, Logan Westfall A., Belle Center, Logan Allen Homer, Bellefontaine, Logan BROWN ANSON & CO., Bellefontaine, Logan Chambers & Miller, Bellefontaine, Logan Gardner I. S. & A., Bellefontaine, Logan Gea S. W. & Co., Bellefontaine, Logan -Staugh & Harbaugh, Bellefontaine, Logan GRUBB S. (See card, p. 31.) Belle Point, Delaware Staley V., Belle Point, Delaware McFadden Wm., Belleville, Richland Morrow J. & R. B., Belleville, Richland GEN 794 GEN 10 GEN 795 GEN E PC Y N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY Estess J. B., Canton, Stark Harter L., Canton, Stark 1 Schilling & Herbruck, Canton, Stark 1 Wikidal M., Canton, Stark Zallars D., Canton, Stark B Clark & Hunt, Carrollton, Carroll Cummings & Counch, Carrollton, Carroll Huston & Rukendrod, Carrollton, Carroll Stidger H. A., Carrollton, Carroll Harbaugh M. M., Casstown, Miami Knoop, Casstown, Miami Vanness W. H. & C. A., Castalia, Erie Conway N. S., Catawba, Clark Creamer Joseph D., Catawba, Clark Branton J. K., Celina, Mercer Dickman Wm., Celina, Mercer Ditch & Smith Celina, Mercer Hale & Riley, Celina, Mercer Puffer 0., Celina, Mercer HANOVER L. B., Bucrns CrCenter Village, Delaware Johnson & Son, Center Village, Delaware Eggleston, McFarland & Upham, p*54) BrChagrin Falls, Cuyahoga LNettleton D., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Sturtevant-, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Waldron W. C., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga WILLIAMS B. JR., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga JACKSON HENRY. (See card, p. 72.) Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Chapman N., Chandlersville, Muskingum Evans & Crumbaker, Chandlersville, Muskingum Hunter R. W., Chandlersville, Muskingum Lyons H., Chatfield, Crawford Moltz G. W., Chatfield, Crawford Phipps Jesse, Chatham, Licking Ewing Thomas, Chauncey, Athens Greene M. M. & Co., Chauncey, Athens Adams Martin, Chester, Meigs Bell G. & Bro., Chester, Meigs Cook & Johnson, Chester,.MIeigs Weldon & Beston, Chester, Meigs Simpson A. E., Chester Hill, Morgan Stanton R., Chester Hill, Morgan Vanlant T. E., Chester Hill, Morgan Williams C. A. & Co., Chester Hill, Morgan Conner & Vincent, Chillicothe, Ross Limle E.G., Chillicothe, Ross Marfield John, Chillicothe, Ross Scully James, Chillicothe, Ross Howell M., Christiansburg, Champaign Crouse F., Circleville, Pickaway DeLaplane & McCauley, Circleville, Pickaway McCrea Brothers, Circleville, Pickaway Pierce, Wilson & Co., S*hmick Wm o.aed aCircleville, Pickaway Shower M., Circleville, Pickaway Wallace & Bro., Circleville, Pickaway Reeves John, Clarksburg, Ross NAME POST OFFICE COUNT] Paxton J. K., Brinley's Station, Preble Adams B. S., B ristol, Morgan Fausler Sam uel, Bristolville, Trumbul L Norton & Wade, Bristolville, Trumbulr FLOWER S A. (See card, p. 48.) Brownsville, Licking Hamilton & Co., Brownsville, Licking Rankin C. D., Brownsville, Licking Smith J. L., Brownsville, Licking Hilton Benjamin, Brunersburg, Defiance PMathburn W. P. & Co., Bnickeye Furnace, Jackson Atwood N., Bucyrus, Crawford Bowman J. P., Bucyrus, Crawford Graham, Tranger & Co., Bucyrus, Crawford Hall & Juliard, Bucyrus, Crawford Miller Isaac, Bucyrus, Crawford Rowse & Brink, Bucyrus, Crawford Zinsler, Howbert & Helwig, Bucyrus, Crawford Maxfield G. W., Buffalo, Guernsey VERNON, THOMPSON & CO. (See card, p. 54.) Burg Hill, Trumbull Lamley Wm., Butler, Richland Pearce, Levens & Co., Butler, Richland Brown & McDormick, Cadiz, Harrison Coleman John, Cadiz, Harrison McFadden S. & H., Cadiz, Harrison Stewart, James, Cadiz, Harrison Arnold J. W., Cadiz Junction, Harrison Parsons B. L., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas RANKIN JOHN. (See card, p. 57.) Cadwallader, Tuscarawas SPECK I. G., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas OGLEBAY J. H. (See card, p. 58.) Calias, Monroe Vernon J., Calias. Munroe RUEHRMUND FERDINAND C. (See card, p. 58.) Caledonia, Marion Underwood & Hunter, Caledonia, Marion Champion R. E., Cambridge, Guernsey Craig & Foy, Cambridge, Guernsey McCracken Wm., Cambridge, Guernsey McCulley Samuel, Cambridge, Guernsey Maxfield T., Cambridg-e, Guernsey Raney Wm., Cambridge, Guernsey Shaffner & McIlyar, Cambridge, Guernsey Myers Benjamin, Camden, Preble Pottinger & Chadwick, Camden, Preble HALL & COVE. (See card, p. 62.) Canal Fulton, Stark Robinson C. & W., Canal Fulton, Stark Allgire A., Canal Winchester, Franklin Barthet S., Canal Winchester, Franklin GAYMAN D. & CO. (See card, p. 62.) Canal Winchester,,Franklin Church D. J, Canfield, Mahoning McClelland & Truesdall, Canfield, Mahoning Schmick Wm. & Son., Carnfield, Mahoning Bucher C., Canton, Stark Bucher J. R., Canton, Stark Dieterich G.VY. no,Str GEN 795 GEN N AlE POST OFFICE COUNTY Smith G. W., Clarksburg, Ross Stiles Wm. W., Clarksfield, Huron WARRICK ISAAC, Clarkson, Columbiana Hank Andrew, Clrment, Hancock BROWN J. 0. & SON, Cleveland, Cuyahoga COLEMAN LOEB, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lewis Christian, Cleveland, Cuyahoga McMahon Martin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Morgan & Root, Cleveland, Cuyahoga WEBER JOHN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga' Harkness, Bacon & Brooks, Clyde, Sandusky Cope & Horton, Colerain, Belmont MAULE JOSHUA. (See card, p. 265.) Colerain, Belmont Cook James, Collinsville, Butler, Squires Stephen, Collinsville, Butler Cornell Wm., Columbia Center, Licking MILLER ADAM, Columbia Center, Licking Rees John, Columbia Center, Licking Allen J. M., Columbiana, ColumbianaS ALLEN T. C., Columbiana, Columbiana Coblentz & Sprenkle, Columbiana, Columbiana ESTERBY J., Columbiana, Columbiana Stouffer B., Columbiana, Columbiana Stuffer ]D., Columbiana% Columbiana Wallace J., Columbiana, Columbiana CHITTENIDEN J. C., Columbus, Franklin Eberly C. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Headley & Eberly, Columbus, Franklin Miller J. & T. E., Columbus, Franklin STONE JOHN & Co., Columbus, Franklin Stone & Eastabrook, Columbus, Franklin STONE & O'HARRA, Columbus, Franklin WOODBURY D. T. & Co., Columbus, Franklin BURR R. & SON. (See card, p. 284.) Concord, Lake Cleveland Cyrus, Conneaut, Ashtabula Hall Charles, Conneaut, Ashtabula Judd John, Conneaut, Ashtabula Rice & Gansevoort, Conneaut, Ashlabula Webster David N. Conneaut, Ashtabula BAKE & BOURNE. (See card, p. 286.) Contreras, Butler Bachman & Lindez, Corsica, Mlorrow Hawthorn J., Coshocton, Coshocton HAY R. & Hl., Coshocton, Coshocton Milner A. N., Coshocton, Coshocton Dunning J. B., Covington, Miami Rousoni& Leonard, Covington, Miami Sheilaberger M. R., Covington, Miami Shuman & Albaugh, Covington, Mia,mi~ Boone R., Cranberry, Allen Barnes & Ifeshey Crestline, Crawford NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Thoman John A., Crestline, Craw~ford Warden S., Crestline, Crawford Draper C., Cumberland, Guernsey Holmes & Stranathan. Cumberland, Guernsey Millhouse S. D., Cumberland, Guernsey Squire A. G., Cumberland, Guernsey Beebe S.B., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Comstock & Brother, CuyahoCa Falls, Summit L'HOMMEDIEU J., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit LocSfwood D. C., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Pease S., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Foust Peter, Dalton, Wayne Converse Asa, Darby Cree k, Madison Graham Soo. G., Darby Creek, Madison Wilcox Thomas, Darby Creek, Madison Woodruff R., Darby Creek, Madison Bauerle Thomas, Dayton, Montgomery Mi ller Michael, Dayton, Montgomery Perrine James. Dayton, Montgomery Post Charles & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Shafer J. S., D ayton, Montgomery Bak er Jacob, Deavertown, Morgan MAST & DIEHL. (See card, p. 310.) Deanverton, Morgan Wis e E. J., Deavertown, Morgan PICKRELL A. J. (See card, p. 310.) Deep C ut, Auglaize Clark Wm., Deersville, Harrison Clark & Kennedy, Deersville, larrison Peztti s R. & Son, Deersville, Harrison Simonton T.LT., Deersville, H arrison BACKUS, LINDENBERGER & HOOKER, Defiance, Defiance Buffingto n & Co., Defiance, Defiance Flickinger C. A., Defiance, D efiance Hudson S. R., Defiance, Defiance Wattenberg L., Defiance, Defiance Weisenburg F., Defiance, Defiance Wilhelm Adamnberry, Defiance, Aen AskBen J. M., De Graff, Logan CLIPPENCOTT A. J., De Graff, Logan Mitchell A., De Graff, Logan Russell & Son, De Graff, Logan Wolf M., De Graff,, Logan Hills C., Delaware, Delaware Hyatt J., Delaware, Delaware Latimer S., Delaware, Delaware Lybrand A., Delawere, Delaware Mendenhall & Miller, Delaware, Delaware Williams C. & Co., Delaware, Delaware FITZHUGt L. M., -Delphos, Allenn LYE, MARBLE & CO., Delphos, Allen Lyttle R. K. fz Co., Delphos, Allen Ostendorf & Moennig, Delphos, Allen Roebuck L. B., Delphos, Allen Wright D. P., Democracy Knox GEN 796 GEN GEN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY' Freagse C. & Co., Frease's Stolre, Stark Sagor & Wyanar Frea.se's Store, Stark Scott, Stebwar t & Co.m,Freedom, Portage Betts D. & C o., Fremont, SM ndusky Gusdorf A., Fremont, S an dusky Naf zger B. B., Gahinna, Franlblin YOUNG THIC)MIAS, Gahanna, Franklin ALLEN tI., (See ca rd,p. 344.) Galena, Delaware Derthick & Hodgdaen, Galena, Delaware Boles Wm., Galigher, Guernsey Atwood Alpheus, Galio n, Cra wford CBim G. S. & C. S., Galion, Crawford Gillhouse & Co., Galion, Crawford Riblet Jacob & Joel, Galion, Crawford Deletombe E. & Co., Gaillpolis, Galia HALLID?AY JOHN T., Gallipolis, G-allia Langley H. W., Gallipolis, Gallia Langley S. T. & R., Gallipolis, Gallia Miller U. C., F Gallipolis, Gallia Neal J. C. & Co., Gallnpolis, Gallia Sanns John, Gallipolis, Gallia Beecher H. & S. S., Garrettsville, Portage Jones Joh n L., German, Darke PUTNAM DAVID. (See card, p. 349.) German, Darke Oblinger D., Germantown, Miontgomery SCHAEFER & McCRANON, GerBmanotown, Montgomery Ze ller & Son, Germantownl, Mlontgomery Gilbert & Pe r kin s, Girard, T rumbull Price R. J., Girard, Trumbull Walters John, Girard, Trumbull lloore S. M., Glendale, Hamilton Packer accob S., Gle n dale, Hamilton Walsh John, Glendale, Hamilton Ban c roft H. L., Granville, Licking Green H. B., Gr anville, Licking Parsons R., Gr anville, Licking WRIGHT WM. S. & SONS, Granville, Licking Hall E., Great Bend, Meigs Heslop W. C., Great Bendl, Meigs Bell C. & W. W., Greenfield, Highland Hyne J & L., Greenfield, Highland Irion Silas, Greenfield, H ighland Pi ke N. M, Greenfield, Highland Arnold & Davis, Greenville, Darke Green A. W., Greenville, Darke Huifnagle & Garst, Greenville, Darke Miller & Moore, Greenville, Darke Waring F. & J. L., Greenville, Darke Shipman J. Ht., Hale, Hardin Woolley D. C. Hale, Hardin Curtis & Bro., Hamilton, Butler Fisher Simon, Hamilton, Butler FoIwatt Henry, Hamilton, Butler Frechtling H. & W., Hamilton, Butler Schutte Lorenz, Hamilton, Butler Stricker Peter7 Hamilton, Butler Wallalce George, Hamilton, Butler Watkins Jos., Hamilton,:1utler B rock Isaac, Hammonds v ille, JeffersonI Morse C. M., Hammondsville, Jefferson NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Cox & Eaton, Dresden, nuskingum EDWARDS O. F., Dresden, Muskingum King George, Dresden, Muskingum Martinr A. C., Dresden, luskingom Fuller HI., Dublin, Franklin Graham Wm., Dublin, Franklin HAYS W. B. (See card, p. 320.) Dublin, Franklin Topzn.son A2ex., ~ublin, FrainklinG THOCROMAN W., Dumbarton, Adams Wisecup Joseph, Dumbartoni, Adams HAGAN JAMES. (See card, p. 322.) Dungannon, Columbiana Meehan F., Dungannon, Columblana IVINS W. W., Dunlevy, Warren Smith F. B., Eagleville, Ashtabula Hamilton & James, East Liberty, Logan Reddish W., East Monroe, Ilighland MOORE & COULSON. (See card, p. 324.) East Rochester, Columbiana Coffman & Walters, Eaton, Preble Miner O. & W., Eaton, Preble Stephens & Bro., Eaton, Preble Thompson Eli, Eaton, Preble Morrison John, Eckmansville, Adams 797 GEN Glidden &- Camp, Franklin Furnace, Scioto McCoy P., Franklin Furnace, Scioto McCoy P., Franklin Furnace, Scioto Marshal Clinton, Franklin Furnace, Scioto Farnan L. J., Franklin,LNlills, Portage Sawyer & Hall, Franklin Mills, Portage Steen C., Franklin Mills, Poriage GEN 798 GEN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Pryor W. W., Kennonsburg, Noble Roseman E. M., Kennonsburg, Noble Kinnear J. & A. S., Kenton, Hardin Merriman & Patterson, Kenton, Hardin Patr ick Ja mes & Co., Kenton, Hardin Rinnear J. & A. S., Kenton, Hardin Shectala & Fink, Kenton, iardin Williams I. G., Kenton, lardin B r own J. & Son, Kimbolton, Guernsey Luecock N. & Son, Kimbolton, Guernsey Bradbury Asa, Kyger, Gallia Snid er John, Lafayette, Madison Jackson Jesse, Laings, Monroe Okey J. T., Laings, Monroe Adams G. W., Lamartine, Carroll Wil lia ms & Custer, Lamartine, Carroll Car roll & Metcalf, Lamartine, Carroll White & Vanlaw, Lamartine, Carroll Henley J. C., Lancaster, Fairfield Lyons & Son, Lancaster, Fairfield Olds Edson B., L ancaster, Fairfield Reinmund Jo seph, agent, Lancaster, Fairfield Benham, Mo rri s & Co., Lebanon, Warren BENNETT D. P., Leban on, Warren GILCHRIST JAMES P., Lebanon, Warren HARDY & BUDD, Lebanon, Warren Howry H. & J. W., Lebanon, Warren Lewis & Bro., Lebanon, Warren Morris, Benham & Co., Lebanon, Warren Redd T. K. & Co., Lebanon, Warren Roosa Char les A., Lebanon, Warren Voorh is Daniel, Lebanon, Warren Eminger John H., Leipsic, Putnam Jack Robert, Leipsic, Putnam Haymer H., Letart Falls, Meigs Swallow Wm. WI., Letart Falls, Meigs Beverstock A. B., Lexington, Richland Sowers M. & Sons, Lexington, Richland Curtis J. H. & Co., Lima, Allen Dague & Lamb, Lima, Allen Halladay & Brown, Lima, Allen Holmes B. P., Lima, Allen Hover & Metheam, Lima, Allen King & Churchill, Lima, Allen Nelson H., Litchfield, Medina Bothin Wm., Little Hocking, Washington CURTIS H. G. & CO. (See card, p. 405.) Little Hocking, Washington Ruppe John S., Little Sandusky, Wyandot Worth S. M., Little Sandusky, Wyandot HOLLY & GILLESPIE. (See card, p. 406.) Lockington, Shelby Mohler & Rasor, Lockington, Shelby MITHOFF & BRO., Lockville, Fairfield AINSWORTH & SHEPHERD, Lodi, Medina Loomis T. G., Lodi, Medina Jones Wm., London, Madison KINNEY WMI. M., London, Madison PEETKEY &; (CREATH, London, Madison SHANKLIN ADDISON, London, Madison NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY WALLACE W. H. (See card, p. 368.) Hammondsville, Jefferson Evans Harvey, Hanover, Licking Woodbridge C. & Co., Hanover, Licking MANSFIELD A., Harmar, Washington PUTNAM & CO., Harmar, Washington Tidd S. H., Harmar, Washington Cleveland Daniel, Harpersfield, Ashtabula Coudee H. & E., Harrisonville, Meigs Dickey Wm., Harrisonville, Meigs Magoon Joseph, Harrisonville, Meigs Pullins S., I-larrisonville, Meigs Mliner, Thompson & Co., Hartford, Trumbull Vernon, Thompson & Co., Hartford, Trumbull McCOY P. (See card, p. 371.) Haverhill, Scioto Marshall Jesse, Hoverhill, Scioto Castle -, hemlock Grove, Meigs Rawlings W., Hemlock Grove, Meigs Johnson James C., Highland, Highland Savage & Cohn, Highland, Highland Swearinger & Wright,' Highland, Highland Bickel John A., Hill Grove, Darke TEAL F. I. (See card, p. 374.) Hill Grove, Darke Wood Jacob, Hill Grove, Darke Wood Jacob, Hill Grove, Darke DOBYNS & AVERY, Hilliard's, Franklin Hart & Lattimer, Hilliard's, Franklin Calvin Isaac, Hillsboro', Highland Dill James, Hillsboro', Highland Hibben Saml. E. o, Hillsboro', Highlland McKee & Johnson, Hillsboro', Highland Mattell Chiristian, Hillsboro', Highland Patterson & Van Winkle, Hillsboro', Highland Allen Geo., Hope, Franklin Johnston Francis, Hope, Franklin McCURDY H. H. (See cqrd, p. 377.) Hope, Franklin Ogner Charles, H ope, Franklin Beebee D. D., Hudson, Summit Kelley W. H., Ironton, Lawrence LASK N., Ironton, Lawrence Morgan Moses, Ironton, Lawrence WISE L. Ironton, Lawrence ADAMS GEO. M., Jackson, Jackson Bunn & Bro., Jackson, Jackson LONG J. L., Jackson, Jackson Martin C. M., Jackson, Jackson Stephenson J. W., Jackson, Jackson Sutherland T. P., Jackson, Jackson Aynes CSHone, Frankli n BeebeeD. D.,Hudson, Summit Kelley. EI., Ironton, Lawrence LASK N., ~Ironton, Lawrence Morgan Moses, Ironton, Lawrence ADAMS GO. M., Jackson, Jackson Bunn & Bro.,Jackson, Jackson LONG J. L., Jacksonl, Jackson Martin C. M.,Jackson, Jackson Sutheland. P., Jackson, Jackson Aynes & Son, aia,Pta HAGE CRHares, Hpen, Frnkl in Kalida, Putnam Kelley Alfred S. Kelley's Island, Erie Loffitt & Brown, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula WAITE GEO. G. & CO. (See card, page 386.) Kelloggsville, Ashtabula HAGUE REUBEN, Kennonsburg, Noble GEN GEN 798 GEN 799 GE NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY SWEETLAND & CHANDER, London, Madison Case & Seacher, Loudonville, Ashland Sarwett J. C., Loudonville, Ashland Showeker J., Loudonville, Ashland Yuncker John, Loudonville, Ashland Moses Philip, Loveland, Clermont RICH ROWAN, Loveland, Clermont THOMPSON & LEVER, Loveland, Clermont CHARLES JOHN S. (See card, p. 413.) Lucas, Richland Campbell, Woodron & Co., Lyra, Scioto COLLETT A. M. (See card, p. 413.) Lyra, Scioto Glidden, Crawford & Co., Lyra, Scioto McFann A. J., Lyra, Scioto Murfin & Co., Lyra, Scioto Bratton E. A., McArthur, Vinton Davis & Swaim, McArthur, Vinton Dodge E. D., McArthur, Vinton Dodge J. & Son, McArthur, Vinton Dowd 0., McArthur, Vinton McPherson & Bratton, McArthur, Vinton Payne & Hawk, McArthur, Vinton Will J. K., McArthur, Vinton UTLEY A. J. (See card, p. 416.) Moon, Morrow FORD JAMES. (See card, p. 416.) Maineville, Warren Hewitt B., Maineville, Warren Stevens S. F., Maineville, Warren Bindenhorn Geo. A., Malaga, Monroe Fowler T. S., Malaga, Monroe Kotzebu H. C., Malaga, Monroe Avery & Askew, Mansfield, Richland Endly Henry, Mansfield, Richland Hedges E. & C., Mansfield, Richland Remy P. & Co., Mansfield, Richland Strong & Herrick, Mansfield, Richland Sturges & Co., Mansfield, Richland Weldon, Dreman & Co., Mansfield, Richland Allen & Co., Marietta, Washington Bisgantz Conrad, Marietta, Washington Bosworth, Wells & Co., Marietta, Washington Brenan H., Marietta, Washington Curtis & Bro., Marietta, Washington Gerken & Schmidt, Marietta, Washington Haberling P., Marietta, Washington Holden N., Marietta, Washington Hoffman & Mendelken, Marietta, Washington Kunz & Meagel, Marietta, Washington Marshall John, Marietta, Washington Theobold D., Marietta, Washington TURNER S.R., Marietta, Washington Van Berger & Co., Marietta, Washington Wendelken Gerd., Marietta, Washington Woodbridge Wmn., Marietta, Washington DAVIDS JOHN E., Marion, Mlarion DeWOLFE SIMON iE., M~arion, Mlarion GORTON BARTON H., Marioll, Marion~~~~~~~ Wilson R. B., Middleport, Meigs Hanld & Little, Middletown, Butler Monfort, Mitchell & Co., Middletown, Butler DENNISON JAMES, Milford, Clermont Kuyler John, Milford, Clermont 799 GEBN GEN l -~ ~ E 0 E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Poston E. S., Nelsonville, Athens Poston L. D. & Son, Nelsonville, Athens Poston W. W., Nelsonville, Athens Robbins Charles, Nelsonville, Athens Coo k & Goodbread, Nevada, Wyandot Miller & Huston, Nevada, Wyandot ICKES NICHOLAS, New Al exander, Co lumbiana Daton & Chambers, New A lexandria, Jefferson Graham James, GrahaN Ja e ew Alexandria, Jefferson JOHNSTON DAVID. (See card, p. 461.) New Alexandria, Jefferson Wallace C. A., New Ale xan dria, Jefferso n Wheaton L. S., Newark, Licking Wilson M. L., Newark, Licking Fender Jo hn, New Bavaria, Henry Horn in g Char les, New Bavaria, Henry Mat the ws An son, NewbuLy, Geauga Mulvane, Twiford & Co., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Rodney & Vognitz, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Smi t h, K M cMackin & Co., Newcomerstown, Tuscara,was Harper & Gau lt, *E New Concor d, Muskingum KELLY NOBLE, New Concord, Mluskingum Ker r Wm., New Concord, Muskingum Spear Alexander, New Concord, Muskingum GRAHAM JAMES. (See card, p. 470.) New Garden, Columbiana Highland S. A., New Harrisburg, Carroll Kessler P., New Harrisburg, Carroll Fergus on N. R., New Holland, Pickatway Ferguson W. C., New Holland, Pickaway GOOLEY & GORDON, New Holland, Pickaway Hossleton & Vlerebome, New Holland, Pickaway Lewis Z., New Holland, Pickaway — Propps Wm., New Holland, Pickaway Smiley A. B., New Lisbon, Columbiana Sultz M. H., New Lisbon, Columbiana Anderson D. W., New London. Huron Boyer H. A., New London, Huron Gregory C. W., New London, Huron Kilburn Levi, New London, Huron McClellan A. & Co., New London, Huron Bacon & Townsend, New Madison, Darke Bowen J. C., - New Madison, Darke Bowen & Snodgrass, New Madison, Darke Davis Norton, New Market, Highland Smith Samuel M., New Market, Highland Harvey Wm., New Market, Highland Hill J. N., New Market, Highland Hutchison S., New Metamoras, Washington Lemon T., New M~etamoras, Washington MeManor T. & Co., New Mletamoras, Washington NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Fullington & Garwood, Milford Center, U. ion CHERRYHOLMES JACOB, Millersburg, Holmes Koch J. E., Millersburg, Holmes Mayers L., Millersburg, Holmes Mulvane J., Millersburg, Holmes POND & AMMON. (See card, p. 443.) Millerstown, Champaign Brosure Daniel, MAillville, Butler Lewis Robert, Millville, Butler HAMMON JONATHAN. (See card, p. 444.) Millwood, Knox Harbaugh Benj., Millwood, Knox McCloud Robert, Millwood, Knox Peterman C., Millwood, Knox MEREDITH & CO. (See card, p. 445.) Milnersville, Guernsey Fiester J. H. & D. D., Milton, Mahoning EVANS F. T. (See card, p. 446.) Monclova, Lucas Smith John, Monclova, Lucas Dobbs J., Montpelier, Williams Platt J. F. & Co., Montpelier, Williams HEINTZ GEORGE, Montra, Shelby GARRETT C. S. & G. W. (See card, p. 448.) Montville, Geauga Davis Wm., Morrow, Warren FAIRCHILD LEWIS, Morrow, Warren LEVY EPtIRAIM, Morrow, Warren HAMBLIN I. M., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Boigegrain & Son, Mount Eaton, Wayne Desvoignes & Bros., Mount Eaton, Wayne Egent P., Mount Eaton, Wayne Pinkerton & Clark, Mount Eaton, Wayne Morris F., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Sayre A. R., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Wright J. F. & F. C., Mount Healthy, Hamilton BRYANT E. D. (See card, p. 452.) Mount Liberty, Knox Hildreth J., Mount Liberty, Knox Beanm & Mead,:Mount Vernon, Knox Curtis M., Mount Vernon, Knox McIntire P., Monnt Vernon, Knox Sapp W. C., Mount Vernon, Knox Smith W. L., Mount Vernon, Knox Sperry J. & Co., Mount Vernon, Knox Taylor, Gautt & Co., Mount Vernon, Knox Ward L. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Woodbridge J. E., Mount Vernon, Knox Howe P S., Mount Victory, Hardin Sherwood W., Mulberry, Clermont LYM,AN E. O., Mulberry Corners, Geauga BREMAN JAMES, Napoleon, Henry Greenlee & Kintigh, Napoleon, Henry Imber & Richards, Napoleon, Henry Pilliod & Henuer, Napoleon, Henry Powell J., Napoleon, Henry CLAYPOOL & MILLER. (See card, p. 459.) Nashporit, Muskingum Ashton Charles, Nelsonville, Athens Brooks M&. B. & Co., Nelsonville, Athens GEN 800 GEN GEN 801 GEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Martin S., New Metamoras, Washington Shannon S., New Metamoras, Washington WILLIAMSON J. W. (See card, p. 476.) New Metamoras, Washington Burtch & Fleming, New Paris, Preble VANNEMAN, BEAM & JAY, New Paris, Preble Chapin John P., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Coventry J. W. & Co., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Cramblit John T., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Everett & Knisely, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Judy David, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Minich & Warner, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Sargent A. W. & Co., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Williams & Burry, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Chapman Amos, New Plymo u th, Vinton JOHNSON C., New Plymouth, V inton Cunningham T. H., New Rumley, Ha r rison Wert John & Son., New Rumley, Harrison Abbott & Huggins, Newton Falls, Trumbull Hart Wm. E., Newton Falls, Trumbull Spencer Nelson, Newton Falls, Trumbull Ten G. E., Newton Falls, Trumbull Hodine H., Newtown, Hamilton Felter D. E., Newtown, Hamilton McGILL W. R. (See card, p. 483.) Newtown, Hamilton Maules E. & Co., Pennsville, Morgan Beach Gilbert, Perrysburg, Wood Hitchcock W. J., Perrysburg, Wood Houston Wm., Perrysburg, Wood Krabs G. B., Perrysburg, Wood Miller R. K., Perrysburg, Wood Williams & Bro., Perrysburg, Wood Coulter Thomas W., Perryville, Ashland Enos & Griffith, Perryville, Ashland Given & Co., Piketon, Pike Green, Ma rk & Co., Piketon, Pike Rheenfrank & Co., Piketon, Pike Barting & Conover, Piqua, Miami Birting & Stell, Piqua, Miami Jenks A., Piqua, Miami Robeson J., Piqua, Miami Spencer & Co., Piqua, Miami Sturrett & Wood, Piqua, Miami Wentir C., Piqua, Miami Hollo way George P., Plattsville, Shelby Gessell, Vinis & Johnson, Pleasant, Putnam KUNKLE T., Pleasant, Putnam Patterson M. G., Pleasant, Putnam Williams W. W. & Co., Pleasant, Putnam Whitmer I. & Co., Pleasant Hill, Miami Duncan Hugh, Poland, Mahoning Leslie J. G., Poland, Mahoning McCreary & Courtney, Poland, Mahoning Cooper David, Polk, Ashland Smith Thomas, Polk, Ashland Cohen H., Pomeroy, Meigs Davis & Brother, Pomeroy, Meigs DONNALLY C. E., Pomeroy, Meigs KATZ CHARLES A., Pomeroy, Meigs Moore & Osborn, Pomeroy, Meigs Schruber Peter, Pomeroy, Meigs Silvermann S., Pomeroy, Meigs Todd Win., jr., Pomeroy, Meigs Williamson Wm., Pomeroy, Meig8 Mulford John & Son, Poplar, Crawford Anderson D. B. & Co., North Jackson, Mahoning Walker P. & J., North Jackson, lahoning Baldwin M., North Lewisburg, Champaign Dillon E. B., North Lewisburg, Champaign Lyon & Sharp, North Lewisburg, Champaign HUNT JOHN & CO. (See card, p. 487.) Norton, Delaware Wintermute J. F, Norton, Delaware Beardsley & Bro., Norwalk, Huron Darron Brothers, Norwalk, Huron Newman C. E., Norwalk, Huron Parker, Jones & Co., Norwalk, Huron Patrick D. B.& M., Norwalk,'Huron Williams S., Norwalk, Huron Jones J. J., Oak Hill, Jackson Jones R. W., Oak Hill, Jackson Frick J. K. & M., Olivesburg, Richland Brenneman & Horst, Orrville, Wayne BURKHOLD, BEASER & SELTON, Orrville, Wayne Sriber H., Orrville, Wayne Battorn B., Osborn, Greene Massey L. G. & G. W., Osborn, Greene 51 GEN 801 GEN NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY -~~E 80 E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Van Fleet B., Poplar, Crawford Gaylord & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Barons, Cline & Co., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Kilgore G. H., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Kilgore John, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Nelson D., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Hoblitt J. S., Port William, Clinton Comer Joseph, Pratt, Shelby Ogden John, Pratt, Shelby Thirrield L T., Pratt, Shelby CUSICK J. W., Pyrmont, Montgomery Mundhenk J., Pyrmont, Montgomery Sadders, Pyrmont, Montgomery Johnson W. H., Quincy, Logan Russell & Son, Quincy, Logan Staples M., Quincy, Logan Cross L., Racine, Meigs Petrel J. J., Racine, Meigs Petrel P. M., Racine, Meigs Smith Thomas, Racine, Meigs Powell R. & Son, Radnor, Delaware WILLIAMS BENJAMIN, Radnor, Delaware Beatty J. C., Ravenna, Portage Poe & Brother, Ravenna, Portage Ward Wm., Ravenna, Portage Hammond Ezekiel, Raymond's, Union Raymond & Stuart, Raymond's, Union WALLACE JO[fN J. (See card, p. 526.) Raymond's, Union Commons John, Republican, Darke French W. W., Republican, Darke Lambert & Darkus, Republican, Darke Bomgardner J. W., Richland, Richland Boorman T., Richland, Richland McDonnough & Co., Richland, Richland Barrett Wm., Richmond, Jefferson Crew W. H. & Co., Richmond, Jefferson Kerr John, Richmond, Jefferson Betch Peter, Richmond Center, Ashtabula GASKILL B., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Jones A., Rochester Depot, Lorain Baird J. H. & Co., Rockville, Adams Henry W. C., Rockville, Adams Mueller J. M., Rockville, Adams Nolden Samuel, Rockville, Adams PETTIT & WILLIAMS. (See card, p. 530.) Rockville, Adams ALLISON ROSS, Rocky Hill, Jackson Clark F.M., Rocky Hill, Jackson Burns John, Roscoe, Coshocton McClain & Brown, Roscoe, Coshocton Stewart John G., Roscoe, Coshocton Bodal I. A., Ross, Butler Frost J. B., Ross, Butler KREISMAN & CONE, Ross, Butler Henkle J. F. & Co., Round Head, Hardin McCONNELL J. A. (See card, p. 533.) Roxbury, Morgan Umstat A., Senecaville, Guernsey GARY JAMES D., Seven Mile, Butler Wieder B. M., Seven Mile, Butler Fritchey Benjamin, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke Burson John, Shade, Athens Sanders A. H., Shade, Athens Cummins Wm. & Son, Shelby, Richland Davis, Anderson & Co., Shelby, Richland Lybarger H. R., Shelby, Richland Mickey & Hablet, Shelby, Richland JONES D. K. & CO, Shreve, Wayne Liggett A. R., Shreve, Wayne Baer & Sinks, Sidney, Shelby Carey Jeremiah, Sidney,' Shelby Fry John T., Sidney, Shelby Fry Robert L., Sidney, Shelby Kelsy Guy C., Sidney, Shelby LAMB & ZINN, Sidney, Shelby McCullough & Updegraff, Sidney, Shelby McVay Jason, Sidney, Shelby Neal John, Sidney, Shelby RUSSELL GEO. M., Sidney, Shelby O'Neal J. B., Sligo, Clinton Cook E., Smithfield, Jefferson Irvine Geo. F., Smithfield, Jefferson GEN 802 GEN GEN 80 E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY KIMBALL E. & J. H. (See card, p. 573.) Sunburg, Delaware Smith J. & Son, Sunburg, Delaware Stark A., Sunburg, Delaware ALLMAN A. J., Swanton, Fulton HARPER J., Sycamore, Wyandot Soffell A., Sycamore, Wyandot Brayton, Campbell & Co., Sylvia, Hardin WORLEY A. W., Sylvia, Hardin Cook R. H., Symmes' Corner, Butler Waxsmith A., Symmes' Corner, Butler Berman L. M., Thurman, Gallia Evans T. & Son, Thurman, Gallia Waddle & Cherington, Thurman, Gsilia McNeal A., Tiffin, Seneca Ogle A. V., Tiffin, Seneca Neishwitz & Co., Tippecanoe, Miami Ninick J. A. & Co., Tippecanoe, Miami Crabb & Garner, Toledo, Lucas Eaton & Backus, Toledo, Lucas Perry, Haughton & Co., Toledo, Lucas Smiley S., Toledo, Lucas Stewart T. C. & Co., Toledo, Lucas *Holden E., Troy, Miami Steil A., Troy, Miami Webb, Skinner & Bro., Troy, Miami KNISELY H. J., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Minnich C. P. & Father, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas DOTY & PENDERY. (See card, p. 593,) Twe nty Mile Stand, Warren Bishop S. H. & Son, Twinsburg, Summit Hart, Stevens & Co., Twinsburg, Summit Hill J., Twinsburg, Summit NELSON A. L. & CO. (See card, p. 593.) Twinsburg, Summit Riley O., Twinsburg, Summit South Charleston, Clark Sampson James B., South Charleston, Clark Ogle Aries South Olive, Noble Parker George South Olive, Noble Gross Jeremiah, Springdale, Hamilton Bacon J. & Co., Springfield, Clark Black A. C., Springfield, Clark Black S. S., Springfield, Clark Funk H. J., Springfield, Clark Lyday J. H. & Co, Springfield, Clark McCreight J. C., Springfield, Clark Murphy & Brother, Springfield, Clark Patton L. D., Springfield, Clark Powers J. S., Springfield,; Clark Sturgeon Wm., Spring Mountain, Coshocton Alexander John, Steubenville, Jefferson Anderson Joseph, Steubenville, Jefferson Anderson Lewis, Steubenville, Jefferson Blackburn James, Steubenville, Jefferson Cummins Geo., Steubenville, Jefferson Downs John, Steubenville, Jefferson Dunlap Wm., Steubenville, Jeffersoni Ficks Chas., Steubenville, Jefferson Gray John W., Steubenville, Jefferson Gregg John, Steubenville, Jefferson Hagan C. & Co., Steubenville, Jefferson Hervey D. E. & Co., Steubenville, Jefferson Nash Wm. D., Steubenville, Jefferson Orr Jno., Jr., Steubenville, Jefferson Peters John B., Steubenville, Jefferson Sterling H., Steubenville, Jefferson McDermott John, Stockport, Morgan Taggart Arthur, Stockport, Morgan Thomas J. D. & Co., Stockport, Morgan Douglass & Tallerday, Stryker, Williams Kimmel J. B., Stryker, Williams Miles J. A., Stryker, Williams Plauson Peter, Stryker, Williams Sheridan Wm., Stryker, Williams HETHINGTON J. & H. J. (See card, p. 571.) Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Musgrave & Biddle, Sulphur Springs, Crawford Warner E., Sulphur Springs, Crawford MELVIN JOSEPH V., Summerford, Madison Prugh Gabriel, Summerford, Madison Riley O., Twinsburg, Summilt O'Donnell & Forbes, 9 Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Thompson S. R., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas CADWALLADER & WIGGS, Union, Darke Gray Isaac P., Union, Darke Kesler J., Union, Darke Turpen J. J., Union, Darke 571.)~~~~~~Ga Isuaac P.eRig, UnighlndUprSnsk, Wyandot Sulphur Springs, CrawfodUni on, Darke Du'nfee &,McFarl and, C Unionville Center, Un ion HAWN & HAMILTON. (See card, page 596.) Unionville Center, Union Walker T., Unionville Center, Union Ayers Jonathan, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Beery I. H. & A., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Robins R., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Williams & Dellinger, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Worth G. C., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Cundiff & Kenton, Urbana, Champaign McDonald, Beard & Co., Urbana, Champaign Marsh H., Urbana, Champaign Morgan J. B., Urbana, Champaign ROSS & HITT, Urbana, Champaiga GEN 803 GEN POST OFFICE COUNTY Smithfield, Jefferson Smithfield, Jefferson Somerton, Belmont ON, Somerton, Belmont Somerville, Butler ES P., Somerville, Butler South Charleston, Clark F., South Charleston, Clark 0.1 South Charleston, Clark RANKIN JOHN, GEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 80 E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Smith W., Urbana, Champaign Weaver S., Urbana, Champaign HELLER S. M. & W. L. (See card, p. 603.) Van Buren, Hancock Bonenitz & Johns, Van Wert, Van Wert Conn R. & Co., Van Wert, Van Wert McKim T. S., Van Wert, Van Wert Burton C. L., Vermillion, Erie SHRIMSKI ISAAC. (See card, p. 605.) Vermillion, Erie Scovill & Perkins, Vienna, Trumbull French J. & Co., Waldo, Marion Bloom & Myers, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Duke O. T., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Morkley F., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Shauber John, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Smith C., Wapaconeta, Auglaize Andrews & Weeks, Warren. Trumbull Parks & Wentz, Warren, Trumbull Stiles H., Warren, Trumbull Scoill& Prkils, Vienna, Trumbull Frenc J. &Co.,Waldo, Marion Bloo & Mers, Wapakoneta, Auglaize Duke. T., Wapakoneta, Auglaize l~orkly F., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Shau~rJohn, Wapakoneta, Auglaize :Smith C., Wapaconeta, Auglaize Parks &Wentz, Warren; Trumbull Stiles Hf., Warren, Trumbull Hunsicker S. G. & Co., Williamsport, Pickaway Bosworth C. M., Wilmington, Clinton Fife & Reed, Wilmington, Clinton Fife & Saye rs, Wilmington, Clinton Smith & Co., Wilmington, Clinton Vagel R., Wilmington, Cli nton Linn Adam, Winches ter, Guernsey KEPLINGER J. H. (See card, p. 626.) Winfield, Tuscarawas MENDENHALL W. B., Woodington, Darke Colwell A., Woodstock, Champaign Wiat & Moo re, Woodstock, Champaign Blinn J. H., Woodville, Sandusky Damschrader C. H., Woodville, Sandusky Emch N. F., Woodville, Sandusky Keil J., Woodville, Sandusky Powers & Jaeger, Woodville, Sandusky Seaman J. K., W oodville, Sandusky Smith N., Woodville, Sandusky Frost & Co., Wooster, Wayne Jones I. N., Wooster, Wayne Peck Wm. C., Worthington, Franklin Ross Walter, Worthington, Franklin Snow Wm. T., Worthington, Franklin Thompson Isaac, Worthington, Franklin Allison J. & Co., Xenia, Greene Brinso n P., Xenia, Greene Caruthers & Morrow, Xenia, Greene Dean Daniel A., Xenia, Greene Ewing John, Xenia, Greene Leaman John, Xenia, Greene Millen D. & Co., Xenia, Greene Reid & McWhirk, Xenia, Greene Stark, Lytle & Cooper, Xenia, Greene SHIRKIELD ALFRED, Xenia, Greene Arms, Murray & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Buck & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Jacobs Philip, Youngstown, Mahoning Keller, Stambaugh & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Parks H..N., Youngstown, Mahoning Parks & Case, Youngstown, Mahoning Warner, Westerman & Co., Youngstown, Mahoning Webbs Thos. H., Youngstown, Mahoning YOUNG W. & J. F., Youngsville, Adams Dun C., Zanesville, Muskingum Harris W. B., Zanesville, Muskingum Ratcliff, Lee & Co., Zanesville, Muskingam Worrell L. H., Zanesville, Muskingum Finegan & Glaze, C e A W s k h a Was hington C.., Faynet, Wte McElwain William, Washington C. FI., Fayepttet Malvin Geo., Washingtone C. tI., Fayette S icott A. WE.es, Wa rreshington C.., Fayette rTodhus & Wente r Adams, r S ti t l J a e s H., W e s il e Co u b a a S ar k Ly e & Co p r, en i, Tr umbul Washington C. H., Fayette VANDEMAN I. C., Yeoman i. N. & Co., Washington C. H., Fayette Alen Thos. L., Waynessille ington, Warren Msills & Bro., Waynesvilleton, Warren Randall, Keys & Co.i, Waynes Cvile, Warren Rogers Saml.., Waynesvilleton, Warrene Bl s Y. H, e t J f e r o n, m a d s n P r S H. N.,& C o. n s t w, M h n n Sand s & Klein, Waynes ville, Warren Baldwin, Laundon & Co., Wellington, Lorain ,Stars, Foote & Co., Wellington, Lorain Denham A., Wellsville, Columbiana Proster & Wells, Wellsville, Columbiana Smith Jinmes B., Wellsville, Columbiana Stewart Jaraes, Wellsville, Columbiana ,Stewart & Hibbet, Wellsville, Columbiana Tener & Martin, Wellsville, Columbiana ,Roseberry C. J. & Brothers, West Alexandria, Preble Shinaberry & Pettit, West Cairo, Allen istubbs Z., West Elkton, Preble Bliss O. H., West Jefferson, Madison Putnam Horace, West Jefferson, Madison Stutson Thos. J, West Jefferson, Madison Coles John, West Lafayette, Coshocton FLEMING F., West Lafayette, Coshocton MceMath James, West Lafayette, Coshocton EUANS & CHESHER. (See card, p. 619.) West Middleburg, Logan _ _...*..... Foos L., West Middleburg, Logan Sallivan & Allen, West Middleburg, Logan GEN 804 GEN NAME BROWN W. B Cline Wm. C., Douglass J. N., Mathews N. S. trong John, DAVIS E. S., IDAVIS 0. R. POST OFFICE'COUNTY Wheat Ridge, Adams Wilkesville, Vinton Wilkesville, Vinton 7. Wilkesville, Vinton Wilkesville, Vinton Williamsport, Pickaway (See card, p. 623.) Williamsport, )?ickawav -~GR 80 GR GROCERS. ( Wholesale Dealers marked thus, a. See also General Stores, p. 793.) NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Foe George P., Abbeyville, Medina Harter Asa C., Acadia, Allen Brecker Jeremiah, Ada, Hardin Johns Amos, Ada, Hardin FENN C. G. (See card, p. 5.) Adrian, Seneca Taylor H., Adrian, Seneca Waggoner F., Adrian, Seneca Asher H., Akron, Summit Cook & Dussel, Akron, Summit Good Jacob, Akron, Summit Grether J. G., Akron, Summit Kramer J. H., Akron, Summit Ley C., Akron, Summit Miller & Shook, Akron, Summit Shumacker S., Akron, Summit Alder J. W., Allensville, Vinton Amerman A., Alliance, Stark Quinn J., Alliance, Stark Russell A. H., Alliance, Stark Sicler C., Alliance, Stark Vincent & Ellison, Alliance, Stark Beebout J. M., Amsterdam, Jefferson Sprecher P. J., Arcanum, Darke Barnhart Jacob, Ashland, Ashland BEKLA F., Ashland, Ashland Butts Henry, Ashland, Ashland CRONE B., Ashland, Ashland FREER J. & R., Ashland, Ashland Hower & Zuver, Ashland, Ashland Miller J. A. & J. F., Ashland, Ashland MILLER M., Ashland, Ashland Squire J. R., Ashland, Ashland STARK & WILLIS, Ashland, Ashland Wallack E. W., Ashland, Ashland Weinstaen J., Ashland, Ashland Woods & McCrea, Ashland, Ashland Haskell & Williams, Ashtabula, Ashtabula RATTLE JOHN, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Tombes Henry C., Ashtabula, Ashtabula WELLS & FAULKNER. (See card, p. ] 6.) Ashtabula, Ashtabula Crippen R. P., Athens, Athens Davis Jesse, Athens, Athens Love A., Athens, Athens Pickering P.O., Athens, Athens Potter W. H., Athens, Athens Robinson & Co., Athens, Athens SILVUS ISAAC, Athens, Athens Wilkins H., Athens, Athens Kerns Peter, Bainbridge, Ross Magoffen W.,l Bainbridge, Ross Doughty Collins. Bantam, Clermont Smith Robert, Bantam, Clermont Bolier L., Barnesville, Belmont Burrough R. & C., Barnesville, Belmont Gardner W., Barnesvillc, Belmont Kenkade W., Barnesville, Belmont Mott L., Barnesville, Belmont Nace U., Barnesville, Belmont POST OFFICE COUNTY s, Barnesville, Belmont Beallsville, Monroe Beamsville, Darke 1, Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont ly, Bell Air, Belmont ~o. H., Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont A. & BRO., Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont Bell Air, Belmont Bellefontaine, Logan Sherry P., Bell Air, Belmont STRAHL C. H., Bell Air, Belmont Zelch John, Bell Air, Belmont Boyd Robert, Bellefontaine, Logan Buckingham Stephen, Bellefontaine, Logan Cook Robert T., Bellefontaine, Logan Cooley Isaac B., Bellefontaine, Logan Cotter Philip W., Bellefontaine, Logan DAVIS JOHN, Bellefontaine, Logan Dow David L., Bellefontaine, Logan Ga rdner Da niel W., Bellefontaine, Logan Leonard Nathaniel, Bellefontaine, Logan Nelson Walter L., Bellefontaine, Logan Pollock Wm., Bellefontaine, Logan Starrett Adam, Bellefontaine, Logan Benson Jacob, Belle Point, Delaware Bull M. L., Belleville, Richland Flaharty B., Belleville, Richland Flaharty L., Belleville, Richland Thrailkill Geo. & J. B., Belleville, Richland CHANDLER L. L. (See card, p. 32.) Bellevue, Huron Lake James, Belpre, Washington Rudisill H., Benton Ridge, Hancock Brown & Jordan, Berea, Cuyahoga Cooley A., Berea, Cuyahoga Dumont F., Berea, Cuyahoga Watson & Watson, Berea, Cuyahoga n. for.~~~~ GRO 805 GRO NAME Thompson Jame Smith S. B., Laughlin J. M., Calhoun Samue Ferk J. P., Jefferson John, amorgan & Kel Muth John,& G Ommert. M., Rankin David, RICHARDSON Lake James, Belpre, Washington Rudisill H., Benton Ridge, Hancock Brown & Jordan, Berea, Cuyahoga Cooley A., Berea, Cuyahoga Dumont F., Berea, Cuyahoga Watson & Watson, Berea, Cuyahoga Spencer Samuel, Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Tuttle Wm., jr., I Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Yoho Pat, Berne, Noble PANGLE DAVID, Bethesda., Belmont Elliott J. & C., Bladensburg, Knox Houck W., Bladensburg', Knox McDivitt Hugh, Blanchester, Clinton Turner W. M., Bloomville, Seneca Valentine Henry, Bloomville, Seneca Henkle John., Bourneville, Ross Road G. W., Bourneville, Ross SUMMEE,S ABRAHAM, Bourneville, Ross Wroten L., Bourneville, Ross Oviatt U. N., Brace Ville, Trumbull Atchison R., Bridgeport, Belmont -~ ~ R 80 GR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Combs E. D., Bridgeport, Belmont Glass Henry, Bridgeport, Belmont Henkell & Bro., Bridgeport, Belmont aJenkins, Branum & Co., Bridgeport, Belmont McCracken James, Bridgeport, Belmont Miller E., Bridgeport, Belmont aRhodes & Bro, Bridgeport, Belmont Robinson Wm., Bridgeport, Belmont Sharp Wm. H. & Bro., Bridgeport, Belmont Thompson R. T. & Son, Bridgeport, Belmont Watson & Atkinson, Bridgeport, Belmont Rettenmier Joseph, Brunersburg, Defiance Boxer B. K., Bucyrus, Crawford aCuykendall & Webber, Bucyrus, Crawford Fuhrman Sebastian, Bucyrus, Crawford Linser F., Bucyrus, Crawford aMyers, Deal & Co., Bucyrus, Crawford Dyson Thos. A., Buffalo, Guernsey Findley Mrs. M., Cadiz, Harrison George S., jr., Cadiz, Harrison George & Wilson, Cadiz, Harrison Hamilton Samuel, Cadiz, Harrison McBean & Kerr, Cadiz, Harrison McConnell M., Cadiz, Harrison Rikus John, Cadiz, Harrison Dickerson Thos., Caledonia, Marion Graushoon John, Caledonia, Marion Meinzer Charles, Caledonia, Marion Davis James, Cambridge, Guernsey Drummonds Samuel, Cambridge, Guernsey McGonagle & Lewis, Cambridge, Guernsey Noble Wm., Cambridge, Guernsey Wallar Joseph, Cambridge, Guernsey Williams T., Cambridge, Guernsey Babcock James C., Camden, Preble Fornshell Joseph P., Camden, Preble McCord James S.,. Camden, Preble McNally Patrick, Camden, Prebie Morgan James 0., Camden, Preble Patton C. D., Camden, Areble Easly Charles, Canal Fulton, Stark Sebilla George, Canal Fulton, Stark Walzer Lewis, Canal Fulton, Stark Dodson J., Canfield, Mahoning Edwards P., Canfield, Mahoning Lynn A., Canfield, Mahoning Wear G. G., Canfield, Mahoning Bowen Z. P., Canton, Stark Malline John, Canton, Stark Martin Impertus, Canton, Stark Miller M. & Son., Canton, Stark Molline John, Canton, Stark Oberly C., Canton, Stark Patton & Saxon, Canton, Stark Pertaman E. S., Canton, Stark Robin G., Canton, Stark Sowers E., Canton, Stark VOELKER A., Canton, Stark Wernet J. B., Canton, Stark Cameron & Rowley, Carrollton, Carroll Gordon J., Carrollton, Carroll GRO 806 GRO Parker W., Goneu Milton, Hunniout Wm. P., Che Aberle A., aallston & Roads, aallston'& Scott, Bier John F., Borhn John, Brand J. M., Briggs John Briney F., Brodman H., Carr John D., Carre Thomas, Chapman John W., aclark James & Son, acarey Isaac & Son, Dalrymple J., DRURY & McROBE,RTS, Eichenlaub John J., Emel L., Eyth Roman, Ewing John, Frey George, Gefiler Gotleib, Gorham B., Hedrick Charles, Hellmuth A., allillhouse A., HIRN JOHN, Huffman Peter, ]Kramer Adam, Kuhn John, LYONSJOHN, McClintick J., jr., McCorry Hugh, aMeRoberts John & Co., McVey E. S., Mall J. M., Miller Marcus, Mosher S. H., Mullen George E., Murphy T., Peitfimey J., Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross -~ GO80 R POST OFFICE COUNTY aPoland Wm. & Co., Chi'llicothe, Ross Reichle Jacob, Chillicothe, Ross Reider G., Chillicothe, Ross Ritter Charles, Chillicothe, Ross Ruble W., Chillicothe, Ross Rupel & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Savage H., Chillicothe, Ross Schelder, Martin & Bro., Chillicothe, Ross Schilder M., Chillicothe, Ross Schlegel J. G., Chillicothe, Ross Schmauser S., Chillicothe, Ross Schmitt & Grieschimer, Chillicothe, Ross Schneider A., Chillicothe, Ross Schulley John, Chillicothe, Ross aSmart D. & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Sosman & Burnes, Chillicothe, Ross Stelker J., Chillicothe, Ross Sterr G., Chillicothe, Ross Strack C. W., Chillicothe, Ross Strahler D., Chillicothe, Ross Thomas S., Chillicothe, Ross Thompson Wm. W., Chillicothe, Ross Vollmer G., Chillicothe, Ross Zimmerman Anton, Chillicothe, Ross Heffner E. J., Christiansburg, Champaign Howell David, Christiansburg, Champaign Abel Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Aelken & Holtgers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahler C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahlers F. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahlers John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahrens H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aALEXANDER, TALBOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Arnold C. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Atkinson Mrs. Elizabeth, Cincinnati, Hamilton Austin James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Austing John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Avermaat John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBabbitt, Good & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBAKER B. P. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBaker & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBanning D. & W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Barr John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bates John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bathgate C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bauer J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton BECK ULRICH, Cincinnati, Hamilton Begerle Mrs. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Belinger C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bente Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Berens T. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berman W. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bernens Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bergfield Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bewley Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bieldermann M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBiggs T. R. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bigler & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Iillinger F. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBishop R. M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Bushkamp Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Button C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Caffel Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Callan G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCa nfield & Moffi tt, Cincinnati, Hamilton Carnes Adolphus, Cincinnati, Hamilton Carrigan Phillip, Cincinnati, Hamilton CAVAGNA B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aClark John A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCLARK J. L., (See card, p. 105.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark & Carr, Cincinnati, Hamilton aCleneary William & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cline Alexander, Cincinnati, HamiltonL aCoffin D. H. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton COFFIN Z. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCOLTON AARON A., Conelin Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCONKLIN & BACON. (See card, p.523.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Couroy Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper A. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper C. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper Robert A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cooper S. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Corcoran E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Corsmeier B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cramer J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCrew J. & B. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crone G. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCulbertson & Kilbreth, Cincinnati, Hamilton aCunningham James F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton GRO 807 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME GRO 808 GRO NAME POST OFFICE. COUNTY Garey Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Garrett Mrs. Mary Ann, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gartline Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton GATTMAN FRANK, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gausepohl John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Geilfus Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton George D. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGERARD & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerdsen H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Germann Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glason T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGlenn Wm. & Sons, Cincinnati, Hamilton Golden Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gottbehode B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGraham Wm. M. & Co., Greeve George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Greiwe H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Greiwe John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGriese Benj., Cincinnati, Hamilton Grieving G. A. Cincinnati, Hamilton GRIMMELSMAN FRANKLIN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Groger T. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gronatti B.,_ Cincinnati, Hatni-lton Decker A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Degraw A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Delany F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dempsey John D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Depke Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dewein J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dickman Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dieckmann B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Diers Fredric, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dowphy Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Domrne Christian, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDoty, Pendry & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dotzauer Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Douglass W. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Droste J. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Drum Mrs. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dryer H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDugan T. S. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Duncan Samuel Wood, Elker J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eichelberger Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Einhaus T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEmerson N. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Engart J. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Erpienstein Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fshenbrenner Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Evan s Ebenezer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eversman H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Eversman Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Feie Ge orge, Cincinnati, Hamilton Feldman H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFeldwisch J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Felhim Sol., Cincinnati, Hamilton Felthaus H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fernassey Edmond, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ferguson John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ferwann B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fetch Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fibbe H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ficken Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFICKEN JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fiedler Fr., Cincinnati, Hamilton Finnan Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton a~elwish J.H., Cinoinnati, Hamilton Felh~~~~imSl, Cncinnati, Hamilton Felthaus H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fernsse Edmnd,Cincinnati, Hamilton F erg so Jon, Ci-ncinn ati, Hamil ton FernasseyB.dmH., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fetch Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fibbe H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fickel Hery,; Cincinnati, Hamilton aFICKE JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fiedle Fr., Cincinnati, Hamilton Finnan Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Finnan Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gronatti B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gronweg & Dickmann, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grote (:., Cincinnati, Hamilton Grothoff John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grotheus J. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Guckenberger, Cincinnati, Hamilton Guthardt C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Haager John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hackman Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton allall Benj. E., Cineinnati, Hamillon Grote (:., Cincinnati, Hamilton Grothof John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fitzerl C on H., Cincinnati, Hamilton allauks & Perkshire, Cici i J ohn, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHa rdi ng L. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFka re P. O, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harland CHenry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHarper & Whna ll, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHARtRISON &HIOOPER, Hacmi n Jeha, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harwood Geo. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hauck Jn H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Haverkam p C., Cincinnati, Hamilton FHayes WJm, Cincinnati, Hamilton FHealyr J. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heck Ant on, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heen an PH. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heithader Frederi a, Cincinnati, Hamilton Helay MT.., Cincinnati, Hamilton HEMPELMAN BERNARD, Cincinnati, Hamilton HIennekoes J. 8 G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henning H.D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henscher J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henzler John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hermann F. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hes'selberger T. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hilderbrand L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hill Mrs. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Fitzpr a trick Charles H, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fitzpatricank M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fogarty James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Foot F. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFoster Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFrank A.W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Frank G.JA., Cincinnati. Hamilton Frank Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFRAZER JAMES A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Freeman James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frey Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Friese Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Froehlich George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fuchs Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton GRO 808 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY __ \ R 0 R NAME Kyte Joseph, Labold H., Ladenkotter J., Ladenkotter Jos., Lahmann H., Lambur H., Lamping J. H., Lang R., Lange George, Lauther John, Laydon M. B., Leddy Mrs. Rose, Lehmann H., Lehmkuler E. H., Lewis Charles, Lindemann H., aLINE, HANLY & Lobker Henry, Lohn F. K., Loskamp Jos., LOUKEN & MEY~ Lubbermann Geo., aLUTHY & FOX, Lynch M. D., Lyon H. P., McAvoy John, McBride J. & Co., McCartey iM., McCarty John, McCormack John Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, iamilton ston, Cincinnati, HamiltonL Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamailton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton McCormack Thom as, Cincinnati, Hamilton ailcDonald A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMcGechin & Hamilton, Cincinnati, Hamilton CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilto n Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamiltoni Cincinnati, Ham iltora Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, ttamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton McGoldrick Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Macka & Deters, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKay Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton K CH M. De nt Cincinnati, Hamilton McLaughlin Patrick, Cincinnati, Hamilton McNair Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton McQuaid W. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Maescher J. V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Maher Anthony, Cincinnati, Hamilton Make M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mangold A., Cincinnati, Hamilton a MANNING & BISHOP, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMARCH D. & CO. (See card, p. 144.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Marshal Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marty Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton l Masker C., Cincinnati, Hamilton a MEADER & LUDINGTON, Cincinnati, Hamilton uMehner Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mergenthaler Gottleib, CincinnatiiH,aitlo Mf Mese John, Cincinnati, — H: J. F. (See card, page Cincinnati, Hamilton Kilduf M. M., King Mrs. Kipp F., Kirkpatrick Wm., aKissick James, Klefot Frederic, Klein A., Klimper F., KNECHT WM., Knight James, Kiiollman H., Koch John, Koch Wm., Koenig F., Konerman Henry Korte A., Korte F., Kramer C., Kramer F., Kreager John, Kroulace H., Kruck J., Kruse F., Kruse Henry, Kruse H. F. W., Kruse J. H., aKRUTHAUP J. 136.) 52 GRO 809 GRO Jokers M., Jones E. W., Kaesser C.,, Kasting G. H., akattenhorn A., Kattenhorn J. H., Kelly John G., Kennedy M., Kern Frank, Kersker J. G., Kessing Frank, Kessler F., akestner A. H., akestner Geo. F., akeys, Maltby & T., Cincinnati, Hamilton GRO 810 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Pugh H., Cincinnati, Hamilton PULLAN & WILLIAMSON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Raache F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rabbe J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rairden Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Raukhorst Clemens, Cincinnati, Hamilton RAUTH FRANCIS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reagan John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rechtin G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reck Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reedy P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reid Mrs. Catherine, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reinermann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reis N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reising H., Cincinnati, Hamilton RENNEKAMP AUGUST, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mese & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Messher F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Metzler E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mewhinney S., Cincinnati, Hamilton MEYER HENRY, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyers C., Cincinnati, Hamilton lMeyers J. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Miedeking Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Miller B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Miller J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Miller John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMILLS & KLINE, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMinor & Andrews, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mohrhaus B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Molloy Arthur, Cincinnati, Hamilton Moran Mrs., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMosby W. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moser F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMoulinier & Rowland, Cincinnati, Hamilton Muhlhauser, C. Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller A nton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller Fltn., Cincinnati, Hamilton Muhlhauser, C. CicnaiHmlonRneapLus Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton RctrI. icnaiHmlo Muller F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMullins & Johnston, Cincinnati, Hamilton Murray John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Murry John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Muse Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Magel Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nagel John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nedderman HI., Cincinnati, Hamilton Neppar Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nicolassen F. Alpheus & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nieder F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nipper A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nodde John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nolan Patrick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nott I., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nuzel George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Oberhen E. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Oberkleine C. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Bryan John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ocker H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Conner James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Och Conrad, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Keefe K., Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Mally John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Orr Geo. P. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Orth J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peebles J. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peeppaugh Mrs. Ann, Cincinnati, Hamilton Peilmann P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peterman Geo., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peters & Hannegieser, Cincinnati, Hamilton Plaspohl Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aPoland Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Polowskey John, Cincinnati, Hamilton aPoor & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Prows James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Prues B. H., E Cincinnati, Hamilton Schoppner, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schottelkotte J. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schottelkotte E. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schrader C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schrenker John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schroeder C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schroth Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schrouder & Baumer, aschulte E. H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schulz John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seiteer Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Senn John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seyer Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shaffer John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shanks George, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSHAW SAMUEL, Cincinnati, Hamilton See advt. of Strong & Armstrong, p. 791 810 GRO GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Rennek,,tn)p B., Renneka-p G., Rennekamp Louis, Richter D., Reichter 11., Ricking B., Rielag F., Robinson James, Robert H., Rolf Wm., Roos N., Rotert 11., Rottmann G. S., Ruchart Alex., Ruese C., Ruf A., Rtinnebaum Henry asayre L., Sayre & White, -Scha,rnhorst H., Schawe J. & H., Scherrer Jacob, Scheve Joseph, Schiller Henry, Schmitt Wm., Schmier Loui-,q, Schnitger J. H., Schonebaum B. H. L., ,Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton - Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton GRO 811 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tieman J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tomlinson J. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tomies A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aTraber & Aubery, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTracy P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Trimbur Geo., Cincinnati, Hamilton Trimpe E. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Trimpe John Barnard, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTweed & Andrews, Cincinnati, Hamilton Twenhofer W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Uhlmann F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Utch Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vaal Aug., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vedder Conrad, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vendunker Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vocke Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vodde J., Cincinnati, Hamilton VOGEL FREDERIC, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vogt Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Von Eye F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vos J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vunnemann A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wahn H. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wanstroth Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Watson L. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wealsh James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Webster D. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wehiman Ney, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wehrle Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weil Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weissmann F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aWells A. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Welmes W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wenneman John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wesling J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wesner B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wessel P. & Buhlke, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wessling George H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wessling Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton West J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton a WEST & McDOUGAL. (See card, p. 184.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Westerman T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Whetsel & Child, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWhite, Brother & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton ai Wiebold Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton sl Wiecher H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiesmann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiebolkns J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiecher H. F., Cnint,Hmlo Wilkis J.W.,_ Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilkins J. W., Cnint,Hml Tabezling Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tackenburg Y., Cincinnati, Hamilton aTait George, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTAIT & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tapp Barny, Cincinnati, Hamilton aTaylor John & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aThirkild T. F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aThompson & Taaffee, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Wille H.V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilesmann J.C., Cincinnati, Hamiilton Wilkinsr J.seph, Cincinnati, Htamilton Wilkeymacky Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilson AdamV., Cincinnati, Hamilton Willenberg J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Willenberg Joseph,. Cincinnati, Hamilton WILLMANN MATHIAS, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilson Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton 'Wilson Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Windhorst J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton See advt. of S. A. Griffith, p. 778. GRO 811 GRO NAME She,-t Dennis, - .Sickles S., ,ASIEBERN JOHN POST OFFICE COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton & BROS., GO GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTT Winegardner Lawrence, Cincinnati, Hamiltoen Wines C., Cincinnati, IHamilton d Wirmel John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wirz A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolking John C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Woodruff Wm. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton .Zeppenfeld Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton ~rhusen H. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Allen John, Circleville, Pickaway ruags W., Circleville, Pickaway Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, CuyahGogz Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Jrwi Roert, Cirevile, ickw ayHeiel Nchoas, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SON & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga L& CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga beth, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland. Cuyahoga , Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, CuyahogaL Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland,nd Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga usilla, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahog. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Swayer J. & Co'Circieville Pickaw Bush Edwin C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Busler George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Carr Francis, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Carr Patrick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Casselbury Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Chapin George M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clark David,, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Crawford James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Curtiss, Downes & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Edwards E. B., Cleveland, Cuyahog a aEdwards & Iddings, Cleveland, Cuyahoga -!See advt. of S. Mecklish Henry, Michie Alex., Moan Patrick, aMonroe Nelson, Murphy Patrick, Nelson & Bro., New N., Newcomb S., Nolan Lawrence, O'Brien P., Buh-rfr, p. 777. I GRO 9lg GRO NAME I Farr P., P'aulkner George, Fi{eldhim 1., Filiner Wmi. L., Gilbert & Goodwin, G~oorich John- W. aGORD0% MIMIL G BP 81 POST OFFICE COUNT' Cleveland, Cuyahog, Cleveland, Cuyahogo SON, Cleveland, Cuyahogr Cleveland, Cuyahog~ Cleveland, Cuya,hog~ Cleveland, Cuyahogs Cleveland, Cuyahogs Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland. Cuyahoga Cleveland; Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyalioga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clyde, Sandusky Clyde, Sandusky Collinsville, Butler nbia Center, Licking nbia Center, Licking mbiana, Columbiana mbiana, Columbiana mbiana, Columbiana mbiana, Columbiana mbiana, Columbiana mbiana, Columbiana Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columnbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin aBrooks J. & W. B., Columbus; Franklin Butcher Robert, Columbus, Franklin Butler J. & G., Columbus, Franklin Clifford John, Columbus, Franklin Cloud J. C., Columbus, Franklin Conlen Michael, Columbus, Franklin Connell John, Columbus, Franklin Corzilius P. & Bro., Columbus, Franklin Cox Wm., Columbus, Franklin Eberlein A., Columbus, Franklin aEberly C. & Co., Columbus, Franklin aEberly & Shedd, Columbus, Franklin Eldridge Charles, Columbus, Franklin Fraas John C., Columbus, Franklin Frankenberg Alexander, Columbus, Franklin afrisbic Chas. H., Columbus, Franklin Gibbard Charles, Columbus, Franklin HaI,,irmon Henry, Columbus, Franklin Harmon M., Columbus, Franklin Hartman J. C., Columbus, Franklin Hayden & Wbeller, Columbus, Franklin Hettesheimer V., Columbus, Franklin Hoffman Jacob, Columbus, Franklin aFrisbie Chas. H., Clmu,Faki Gibbard Charles, Clmu,Faki Harmon Henry, Clmu,Faki Harmon M., Clmu,Faki Hartman J. C., Clmu,Faki Hayden & Wheller, Clmu,Faki Hettesheimer V., CoubsFaki Hoffman Jacob, Columbus; Franklin aFrisbi Chas.., Columbus, Franklin aHowGibbard CharlesJ. G. & F., Columbus, Franklin Hummerich eyJao b W., Columbus, Franklin JHarmones Thomas, Columbus, Franklin Keifertman Jos. E., Columbus, Franklin KELLEY STEPHEN & COO., layden & Weller, Columbus, Franklin KHettesheimer V.John, Columbus, Franklin KHenoffman JacobDennis, Columbus, Franklin KOERNER J. L. & VCo., Columbus, Franklin a~mbtaeter Luis Cleelan, Cuahoa cloward J. G. &, F., Columbus, Frankl,in WACKRMANW., leveand,CuyaogaHummerich Jacob W., Columbus, Franklin WalbidgeF.., Cevelnd,CuyaogaJones Thomas, Columbus, Franklin a~amlinkG.., Cevelnd,CuyaogaKeifer J'os. E., Columbus, Frankli! a~ever& ro. Ceveand CyahgaKELLEY STEPHEN & CO., WEBER JOHN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus, Franklin Well rs. C, Clvelan, CuyhogaKelley John, Columbus, Franklin Wenhm Arhur., leveand,CuyaogaKenny Dennis, Columbus, Franklin Weygadt Bej., Cevelad, CuahogaKOERNER J. W,. & V., aWICK CHARLES D., ~~~~~~Columbus, Franklin Krayer C. F., Columbus, Franklin LATTIMER OLIVER HII., Columbus, Franklin Lawson Orris A., Columbus, Franklin Leadley'Mrs. I. R., Columbus, Franklin Legg James, Columbus, Franklin Lynch John, Columbus, Franklin aMcDonald George, Columbus, Franklin McDonald Wm. & Co., Columbus, Franklin McIntire John, Columbus, Franklin McKee & Restieaux, Columbus, Franklin GMcManus John, Columbus, Franklin Main Rufus, Columbus, Franklin Miller H. W. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Morrison John & Son, Columbus, Franklin Noetlich Albert, Columbus, Franklin O'Fallon Michael, Columbus, Franklin O'Hanlan John, Columbus, Franklin O'Kane James, Columbus, Franklin Pollard & Van Dusen, Columbus, Franklin Robinson Godfrey M., Columbus, Franklin RODENFELS JOSEPH, Columbus, Franklin Schan W., Columbus, [ranklin Schoeller John, Columbus, Franklin See advt, of Comstock & Newberry, p. 768. .G- RO ORTH 11. R., Pelton Frederic IV., Powell Henry H., Rhodes Wm., Ri,,Iander W., Roney M,,trk, Roso W. E., Rothream Edward, Savage & Co., Scheihoritz S." Schwab S., Selberg Frederic, Shaftner Mrs. L., Sherwin A. W., Smith Thomas, Sprague Geo., agent, Steinforth Francis, Strieberger Martin, Stroiiss Reuben, Tamblyn J' &J., Tarry Fred" Thiesen Jacob, Traubel John, Tunte B., aumbst,tetter Louis, WACKERMAN W., Walbridge F. G., awamelink G. B., .aweaver & Bro., W,EBER JOHN, Weil Mrs. C.. Wenham Ari,hur J., Weygandt Be,nj., AWICK CHARLES awicken John, Wiener Mrs. R., Williams F., Winter Peter, WOLF LEVI, Wolf S., Wurnser Isaac, Pike & Baler, Weidner Bell, Hibbard Geo., Gilbert Hiram, C Hostler B., C Blecker-Henry, C Cloud E. C., -Davis R., Hinkle V. W., Holz C., Morla,n I.. Anderson', Thos., Backus 0. L., Bergin Tlios., Bergin William, Betz Christian, Bigby Rufus, GRO POST OFFIOE COUNYY CNRY, Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin & CO., Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin S. & SON, Colu m bus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin ER A., Columbus, Franklin ., Columbus, Franklin T. & CO., Columbus, Franklin OB & LOUIS, C olumbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus,' Franklin Conneaut, Ashtabula Conneaut, Ashtabula Conneaut, Ashtabula B., Conneaut, Ashlabula Cornersburg, Mahoning h, Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Coshocton, Coshocton Covington, Miami Covington, Miami ry, Covington, Miami Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford ). (See card, p. 291.) Crestline, Crawford lael, Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford Crestline, Crawford Cumberland, Guernsey Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Dalton, Wayne Darby Creek, Madison Darby Creek, Madison Darby Creek, Madison Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery :, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton: Montgomery See advt. of Rice POST OFFICE COUNTY Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery g, Dayton, Monigomery Dayton,* Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Phelps, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery H., Dayton, Montgomery Co., Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery n Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Co., Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Eldman K., Dayton, Montgomery Fauvers S., Dayton, Montgomery Folkerth A. R. H., Dayton, Montgomery Foote W. H. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Fouts Josiah Dayton, Montgomery Fouts Riley, Dayton, Montgomery Freed Benj., Dayton, Montgomery Frey L. & H., Dayton, Montgomery Fritch & Nipgen Dayton, Montgomery Garst Daniel, Dayton, Montgomery Gebhart John K. Dayton, Montgomery Gilbert J. B. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Green Wm. M., Dayton, Montgomery Greer John, Dayton, Montgomery Hanitch John, Dayton, Montgomery Herchelrode S., Dayton, Montgomery Herman F., Dayton, Montgomery Hilgefort J., Dayton, Montgomery Holden Joel, Dayton, Montgomery Holste H., Dayton, Montgomery Huesman & Kochman, Dayton, Montgomery Itlet Cle ment, Dayton, Montgomery Jones L. N., Dayton,,Montgomery Kaiser Fra n k, Dayton, Montgomery Ke mp Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Ke mp L., Dayton, Montgomery Kielmeier C. H., Dayton, Montgomery Klanus Bern hard, Dayton, Montgomery Knecht A., Dayton, Montgomery Leonhard P., Dayton, Montgomery Leitzenberger Joh n C., Dayton, Montgomery McChesney M., Dayton, Montgomery McIntyre & Bai rd, Dayton, Montgomery Ma xwell E. C., Dayton, Montgomery Mentel S., Dayton, Montgomery Miller John G., Dayton, Montgomery aMinick Jo h n A., Dayton, Montgomery Myers Henry, Dayton, Montgomery Nippgen John, Dayton, Montgomery aO'Brien Edward, Dayton, Montgomery Pooek Christian, Dayton, Montgomery Post Chas. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Pot ter John, Dayton, Montgomery Prudin A., Dayton, Montgomery Reber Anthony, Dayton, Montgomery Rogers Mrs. - - Dayton, Montgomery Scholl John, Dayton, Montgomery Schwab Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Shafer J. S., Dayton, Montgomery Sieferman M., Dayton, Montgomery Simmons J., Dayton, Montgomery Smith & Olwin, Dayton, Montgomery Steffens M., Dayton, Montgomery Steffens T., Dayton, Montgomery Storcks Henry, Dayton. Montgomery 814 GRO ASELLS F. A., Sheridan James, Shumway Oren, Smith B. C., Strader John B., ATAYLOR WM. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Vaughn Wm. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Wittenmyer D., Dunbarton, Adams Viott N., Dayton, Montgomery Myers H. D., East Monroe, Highland Waltz Philip, Dayton, Montgomery Wain H., East Monroe, Highland Wenz E., Dayton, Montgomery Crouse Jacob, Eaton, Preble Wohl A., Dayton, Montgomery Day John W., Eaton, Preble Zuick C., Dayton, Montgomery Gould L. G., Eaton, Preble Arkie Mrs.-, Deersville, Harrison Herdman & Son, Eaton, Preble Allshouse Henry, Defiance, Defiance Homan B. & V. C., Eaton, Preble aBuffington & Co., Defiance, Defiance McLaughlin & Hulbert, Eaton, Preble Chollett John, Defiance, Defiance Miller John D., Eaton, Preble Degginger L., Defiance, Defiance Miner W. H. H. B., Eaton, Preble Fitzpatrick Timothy, Defiance, Defiance Kaufman & Co., Elida, Allen Gear Nicholas, Defiance, Defiance Ragan Eli, Elida, Allen Gorman B., Defiance, Defiance Earhart D., Euphemia, Preble Gorman Michael, Defiance, Defiance Felony John, Farmersville, Montgomery aGorman'& Rourke, Defiance, Defiance aAdams L., Finley, Hancock Greenler John, Defiance, Defiance Bauser & Lamnpert, Finley, Hancock IHess G. & J., Defiance, Defiance Davis I., Finley, Hancock Pauck H. W., Defiance, Defiance Fleck Joseph, Finley, Hancock Pechin A., Defiance, Defiance Gait E., Finley, Hancock Schmidt Jos., Defiance, Defiance Henderson & Sons, Finley, Hancock Shannon Peter, Defiance, Defiance HochJacob, Finley, Hancock Shondal Martin, Defiance, Defiance aHorn John B., Finley, Hancock Stover Samuel, Defiance, Defiance Huber J. M. & Co., Finley, Hancock Viebach Martin, Defiance, Defiance Meissel'John, Finley, Hancock Weisenberger J. B., Defiance, Defiance Patterson & Taylor, Finley, Hancock Willey E.G., Defiance, Defiance Rice E., Finley, Hancock Wolsiffer F., Defiance, Defiance Roszmann Peter, Finley, Hancock Shoemaker & Son, De Graff, Logan Stackhouse T. J., Finley, Hancock Burk James, Delaware, Delaware SWARTZ HENRY, Finley, Hancock Coop J., Delaware, Delaware Weeks & Osborn, Finley, Hancock Core J. S., Delaware, Delaware Bittles L., Forest, Hardin Dean J. A., Delaware, Delaware Brown Peter, Forest, Hardin Dengler C. & F., Delaware, Delaware Adams E., Fort Seneca, Seneca Hills R. E. & Son, Delaware, Delaware Andrews & Ely, Franklin, Warren Hull H., Delaware, Delaware DECANT F. & L., Franklin, Warren Littell & Lee, Delaware, Delaware Sprung B., Franklin, Warren LITTELL S. M. & SON, Sprayer & Son, Franklin, Warren Delaware, Delaware Weber Philip, Franklin, Warren Mansur H. S. & Son, Delaware, Delaware WILLIAMS B. & CO., Franklin, Warren Styer C. & Co., Delaware, Delaware Woodward Lewis, Franklin, Warren Bickman David, Delphos, Allen Keller H., Franklin Mills, Portage Crist John & Co., Delphos, Allen Wheelock J., Freedom, Portage FITZHUGH L. M., Delphos, Allen Baumann J., Fremont, Sandusky Hialbroner Samuel, Delphos, Allen Beckwith J. B., Fremont, Sandusky Hoffrichter John, Delphos, Allen Chose P., Fremont, Sandusky Knittle Wm., Delphos, Allen Clapp Theodore, Fremont, Sandusky Kroger Joseph, Delphos, Allen CLOSE P., Fremont, Sandutky Max Albert, Delphos, Allen Daily Dennis, Fremont, Sandusky Rost Frederic, Delphos, Allen Doneyson C., Fremont, Sandusky Swan H. Hunter, Delphos, Allen GALLAGHER A. F., Fremont, Sandusky Barron W. P., Dresden, Muskingum HARRIS A. J., Fremont, Sandusky Brill Mrs. C., Dresden, Muskingum Johnson J. C., Fremont, Sandusky Featherston Edward, Klopfer P., Fremont, Sandusky Dresden, Muskingum Lemon & Horn, Fremont, Sandusky Furner Henry, Dresden, Muskingum Lesher Jacob, Fremont, Sandusky Klee Philip, Dresden, Muskingum Milhaust J., Fremont, Sandusky Milend Wm., Dresden, Muskingum Miller J., Fremont, Sandusky Miller W., Dresden, Muskingum Sigler & Co., Fremont, Sandusky Walter Jacob, Dresden, Muskingum Stuben J., Fremont, Sandusky Weisner M., Dresden, Muskingum aWARD L. W., Fremont, Sandusky Davis W. W., Dublin, Franklin Duck Henry, Galion, Crawford Davis & Sells, Dublin, Franklin Martin James, Galion, Crawford Hansbraugh Isaac, Dublin, Franklin. Noyer Isaac, Galion, Crawford See advt. of Oak-Tanned Leather Belting, p. 712. GRO 815 GRO GRO 816 GRO NA3E POST OFFICE COUNTY Getz January, Hamilton, Butler Hess Nathan, Hamilton, Butler Hilker H., Hamilton, Butler Hiser John, Hamilton, Butler Hoffman Michael, Hamilton, Butler Holbrock C., Hamilton, Butler Holbrock I.H., Hamilton, Butler Holbrock John C., Hamilton, Butler Holzhauser Peter, Hamilton, Butler Jacobs Joseph, Hamilton, Butler Keever John, Hamilton, Butler Kimble W. H. H., Hamilton, Butler Kohler Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Langs N., Hamilton, Butler Millspaugh W. C., Hamilton, Butler iMuney Wm., Hamilton, Butler Riley Wm. H. H., Hamilton, Butler Rumple W. D., Hamilton, Butler Schlenker Christian, Hamilton, Butler Schrieber Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Senker Peter, Hamilton, Butler Shears James, Hamilton, Butler Smith & Henn, Hamilton, Butler Sortman J. & W., Hamilton, Butler Sortman Wm., Hamilton, Butler Stricker Peter, Hamilton, Butler Thomas James B., Hamilton, Butler Wallace George, Hamilton, Butler Watkins Joseph, Hamilton, Butler Weigel John A., Hamilton, Butler Wellinghoff HIenry, Hamilton, Butler Wuste John W., Hamilton, Butler McConnell W., Hammondsville, Jefferson Perkins F., Hammonldsville, Jefferson Mitchell G. D., Hanover, Licking Davis E. P., Harmar, Washington Dowe L., Harm'ar, Washingtsn a;llansfield A., Harmar, Washingttn Pugh & Gates, Harmar, Washington Shattuck G. A., Harmar, Washington Graves D., Harrisonville, Meigs aGhan y II. & S., Hillsboro', Highland Gaddis R. C., Hillsboro', Highland McGeeyes C., Hillsboro', Highland Miller D., Hillsboro', Highland Miller-Jacob, Hillsboro', Highland Nevin James, tlillsboro', Highland Rhodes Isaac F., Hillsboro', Highland aRoush & Strain, Hillsboro', Highland Scruggs T. W., Hillsboro', Highland Wilson Wm., Hillsboro', Highland Hepson, Hope, Franklin Gross H. H., Hudson, Summit Whedon J. B., Hudson, Summit Beardsley B., Ironton, Lawrence Buchanan G. F., Ironton, Lawrence aClark George,' Ironton, Lawrence aDavidson & Trampton, Ironton, Lawrence DAVIS D. T., Ironton, Lawrence Delaney James, Ironton, Lawrence Geygon B., Ironton, Lawrence Hamilton W., Ironton, Lawrence Leary Thomas, Ironton, Lawrence Payne & Croneiiwett, Galion, Crawford Peffer Henry, Galion, Crawford Reed Jacob, Galion, Crawford Baxter Z., Gallipolis, Gallia Baxter J., Gallipolis, Gallia aCadott & Sanns, Gallipolis, G allia Edwards Robert, Gallipolis, G allia END PETER, Jr., Gallipolis, Gallia aF ord D. S. & Bro., Gallipolis, Gallia Fowler T., Gallipolis, G alli a Frank L., Gallipolis, Gallia GATES D. H., Gallipolis, Gallia Geppert Wm., Gallipolis, Gallia HALL WMH., Gallipolis, Galli&H Henking C. & A., Gallipolis, Gallia Hern D., Gallipolis, Galli a Myers J. T., Galli poli s, Ganlia Summers & Bailey, Gallipolis, Gallia Thompson S., Gallipolis, Gallia Taber & Dyke, Garrettsville, Portage Beard & Riner, G ermantown, Montgomery Byers M. D., Germantown, Montgomery Coblentz & Cross, Germa n town, Montgomery Dechant C., Ger man town, Montgomery Frank M. P., Germantown, Montgomery Humber Mrs. E., Germantown, Montgomery L aw Thos. P., Germantown, Montgomery SCHAEFER & McCRANON, Germantown, Montgomery Stump Wm., Germantown, Montgomery Thompson N. & Son, Germantown, Montgorery Bragg G. H., Granville, Licking Linnet & Hett, Granville, Licking Lyon Wm., Granville, Licking Stewart S. M. & Co., Granville, Licking Walreth J. P., Granville, Licking Frishour A. J., Greenfield, Highland Kirschenschleger John, Greenfield, Highland McMillen Wm., Greenfield, Highland McMurdie J., Greenfield, Highland PIERSON J. H. & SON, Greenfield, Highland Sellers Alex., Greenfield, Highland aSMART H. & SON, Greenfield, Highland Wright & Co., Greenfield, Highland BERTCH J. F., Greenville, Darke Bloom G. W., Greenville, Darke Dorman D., Greenville, Darke Jemison Hamilton, Greenville, Darke Katcenberger —, Greenville, Darke Steinkamp John, Greenville, Darke Stevenson & McCune, Greenville, Darke Stuart & Lukens, Hale, Hardin Boly Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Brady George, Hamilton, Butler Brendle D. L., Hamilton, Butler Bridge John, Hamilton, Butler Buckel Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Forwat Henry, Hamilton, Butler See Gow & Sharp's advt., p. 712. GRO 816 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY GRO 817 GRO POST OFFICE COUNTY Lancaster, Fairfield on, Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren o., Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren ro., Lebanon, Warren rES, Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren NS A., Lebanon, Warren E, rLebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Leipsic, Putnam , Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lima, Allen irk, Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen .Litchfield, Medina GIBSON, Jackson, Jackson H., Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jrckson b,x Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson * Kalida, Putnam Kellogsville, Ashtabula , Kennonsburg, Noble Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenson, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin AYER, Kenton, Hardin Kenton, Hardin PALMIER WM. H., Jackson, Jackson Price P., Jackson, Jrckson Rathburn Joseph, Jackson, Jackson Warren Wm., Jackson, Jackson Thacker H., Kalida, Putnam Marthaler J., Kellogsville, Ashtabula Mendenhall, Kennonsburg, Noble Althauser W. J., Kenton, Hardin Cowley & Dixon, Kenton, Hardin Davis A. M., Kenton, Hardin Drakeford W. H., Kenton, Hardin Fogle Frederic, Kenton, Hardin Frederick John, Kenton, Hardin Harbison James, Kenson, Hardin Hill Michael, Kenton, Hardin John F., Kenton, Hardin McKENNA D. Kenton, Hardin Mengal F. & Co. Kenton, Hardin Searight T. J., Kenton, Hardin STEINER & MAYER, Kenton, Hardin Vogle F., Kenton, Hardin LEDLIE A. (See card. p. 390.) Kimbolton, Guernsey .SAYRE JOHN S., Kyger, Gallia Booth Thos., Lafayette, Madison MOHLER JACOB, Lake, Stark Morgan J., Lamrnartine, Carroll Ambruster J., Lancaster, Fairfield Beery & Burberry, Lancaster, Fairfield De Veling H., Lancaster, Fairfield Fox Nicholas, Lancaster, Fairfield aGE BELEIN H. A., Lancaster, Fairfield Hunter H. B. & J. A., Lancaster, Fairfield JACKSON J. D., Lancaster, Fairfield Keller Jacob, Lancaster, Fairfield Lehman C., Lancaster, Fairfield Levy J. & H., Lancaster, Fairfield Lynch John, Lancaster, Fairfield Lyons John, Lancaster, Fairfield McFadden C., Lancaster, Fairfield Mayer F., Lancaster, Fairfield Mayer G. C., Lancaster, Fairfield Schleicher L., Lancaster, Fairfield Schulthese John, Lancaster, Fairfield aSifford Daniel, Lancaster, Fairfield Vagner B. N., Lancaster, Fairfield See D. Whiting's Clover Hulling and Cleaning Machine, p. 678, GRO 817 GRO OST OFFICE COUNTY Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence I., Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Ironton, Lawrence Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson Jackson, Jackson NAME Wygum G. J., Adanis & Thomps Atkinson & Bone, Donley H. W, & C Hathaway J. P., liollingshead & B PTIARES CffARL Ringer Charles, ROOSA CHARLE Vansickle & Bone Weakley Edward, awood Nathan, Askam Wm., Englehart Conrad, Fleming S. K., Flarolcl M., allolland & Busl-i Kolb, I Krouse J. W., Palm John C., Pangle U.,, Richards J. & Co., Steiner & Co., Stevens -H. W., Samouson Cunningham Jam Li Myers John F., Li Coffan W., Beers George, Miller Hiram, BETTS JOHN, Farrar & Bro., Heilman John, ajones & Co., Kemp Isaac C., Boorh,,tu Jr Dwire Van, Wagner Be Wilson James, Black S. W. & Br Guthe D., Schuck F., Shudt John, Dunkle &Gill, Fuller O., Lord A. N., Bieber John, aclapp E. & Co., Corbus J. G., Coster J. & T., ad,,tvis Joshua, jr Endly G. M., GILKISON M. H. Kraus John, Krummy Jacob, McBride Wm. W., aMcFall E. & Co., Mattbes Adam, Nicholson & Co., Petit Jonathan, Murphy P., Nixon & fhom Scott E., Andres Joseph, Barlow Henry, Chestnut Jame French A., French B., King James, MEACHAM & GRO 818 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Robins R., Maumee City, Lucas Wooley J., Maumee City, Lucas Abbott -, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Bla ck burn Wm., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Jones R. & Co., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Man n A. L. & S on, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Moore W. P.. Mechanicsbu rg, Champaign Ruman & Glendening, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Webster Abner, Meigsville, M organ McCormick & Lady, Mi a mi, Hamilton Cook C., Miamisburg, M ontgomery Drayer John, Miamisburg, M ontgomery Heckerman John, Miamisburg, Montgomery Huit Henry, Miamisburg, Montgomery Reicherd E. & Co., Miamisburg, M ontgomery Roney M. S, Miamisburg, Mon tgomery Weave r Geo rge, Miamisburg, Midlontgomery Henr y D avid S., M iamisburg, M ontgomery Crar y J ames, Middleport, Mleigs ENOS J. G., Middleport, Meigs Fult z J., Middleport, Meigs Smith T. R., Middleport, Meigs Wormeldorff George, Middleport, Meigs Kunningham James, Middletown, Butler Da vidson M., Middletown, Butler Edson R. B., Middletown, Butler Ewing W. H., Middletown, Butler Mon fort, Mitchell & C o., Middletown, Butler Peck D. H., Middletown, Butler Si mpson & Emley, Middletown, Butler Stephens Andrew, Middletown, Butler Sutphan C., Miiddletown, Butler DENNISON J AMES, Milford, Clermont Hecter Mrs. Jame s, Milford, Clermont Payne Ri chard, Milford, Clermont Ward John W. M ilford, Clermont Warren J., M ilford, Clermont Riddle James, Mil ford C enter, Union Whelply James, Milford Center, Union Corbus J., Millersburg, Holmes Eddner G., Millersburg, Holmes Fike M., Millersburg, Holmes Frit z L., Millersburg, Holmes Hercer C. & H., M illersburg, Holmes Schnorr G., Millersburg, Holmes Vogel O., Millersburg, Holmes Weston & Spangler, Millersburg, Holmes Wolf G., Millersburg, Holmes Ross C. A., Millville, Butler Johnson Joseph, Millwood, Knox Cassally'i., Morrow, Warren Enderes P., Morrow, Warren Grim L., Morrow, Warren LUDLUM WMI., Morrow, Warren Opis Albert, Morrow, Warren aRILEY M., Morrow, Warren Williams M., Morrow, Warren NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY Sickmiller Peter, Mansfield, Richland Sunkil C., Mansfield, Richland aTracey & Hedges, Mansfield, Richland Voegele Henry, Mansfield, Richland Lewis H., Marblehead, Ottawa Prush J., Marblehead, Ottawa aBOOTH & JONES, Marietta, Washington aBosworth, Wells & Co., Marietta,, Washington Brenan J. J., Marietta, Washington Friel Hugh, Marietta, Washington Guitteau E. B., Marietta, Washington Hoist J. P., Marietta, Washington aHOVEY J. B. & CO., Marietta, Washington Payne J. A., Marietta, Washington SCHERRER GEORGE, Marietta, Washington Stevens & Brown, Marietta, Washington Talbott Wm., Marietta, Washington Taylor J., Marietta, Washington aTURNER S. R. Marietta, Washington aWoodbridge J. M., Marietta, Washingt on Bishoff Jacob, Marion, Marion DEWOLFE SIMON E., Marion, Marion Drew George, Marion, Marion Dutt Michael, Marion, Marion Fahey Timothy, Marion, Marion French James, Marion, Marion James Isaac E., Marion, Marion Kraner John E., Marion, Marion Kraner Wm., Marion, Marion Muntsinger M., Marion, Marion Scribner H. H. & Co., Marion, Marion Seibert Cyrus M., Marion, Marion STEINMETZ N., Marshallsville, Wayne Garrard W., Marysville, Union Robinson W. & Son, Marysville, Union Snodgrass & Cartmel, Marysville, Union Zuenner J. G., Marysville, Union Albright F., Massillon, Stark Albright P., Massillon, Stark Albright P. G., Massillon, Stark Amerman H., Massillon, Stark Atwater D., Massillon, Stark Herney P., Massillon, Stark Knobloch H., Massillon, Stark Leeffler F., Massillon, Stark Martin A., Massillon, Stark Oberlin C. N., Massillon, Stark Reaty H., Massillon, Stark Richardson E., Massillon, Stark Sibla N., Massllon, Stark Watson J., Massillon, Stark Sridler Charles, Masterton, Monroe Beltz M., Maumee City, Lucas Clark T. L., Maumee City, Lucas Colburn J., Maumee City, Lucas Denny E. & M., Maumce City, Lucas Kaiser L., Maumee Cit~', Lucas McGovern P., M~aumee City, Lucas Moore John, M laumee City, Lucas Nufer A., Maumee City, Lucas Plant A. H., Maumee City, Lucas GRO 818 GRO GRO 819 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Latham John, MIount Blanchard, Hancock Boigegrain Jos., sr., Mount Eaton, Wayne Brumgger J. J., Mount Eaton, Wayne Knoble A., sr,, Mount Eaton, Wayne Wisard Samuel, Mount Eaton, Wayne CHARLES D., Mount healthy, Hamilton Ludlow P., Mount gealthy, Hamilton Veatch D., Mount Liberty, Knox Andrews J. M., Mount Vernon, KnoxT Baird J., Mount Vernon, Knox Broadhuist Wm., Mount Vernon, Knox aFAY G.Ml., Mount Vernon, Knox Irvine John, Mount Vernon, Knox Jackson S. & H., Mount Vernon, Knox Jiles B. & C., Mount Vernon, Knox KELLER C., Mount Vernon, Knox Martin S. S., Mount Vernon, Knox Mattison Ira, Mount Vernon, Knox aPotwin G. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Sproule Joseph, Mount Vernon, Knox Terry W., Mount Vernon, Knox Thompson Robert, Mount Vernon, Knox Weaver J., Mount Vernon, Knox aWYLIE A. H., Mount Vernon, Knox Zimmerman F. J., Mount Vernon, Knox Cadwalader Wm., Napoleon, Henry Delventhal Fred., Napoleon, Henry Diemer Jacob, Napoleon, Henry Garman M., Napoleon, Henry Glennan Edward, Napoleon, Henry Lannan John, Napoleon, Henry McCormick Geo. W., Napoleon, Henry Muise Joseph, Napoleon, Henry Moss Joseph, Napoleon, Henry Pilliod & Hlumer, Napoleon, Henry Reynolds E., Napoleon, Henry SALTZGIBER S., Napoleon, Henry Junipher A. A. & Co., Nelsonville, Athens Stewart Charles, Nelsonville, Athens Lakamp H., Neptune, Mercer Rathburne S., Neptune, Mercer Dinkle L., Nevada, Wyandot Hesser J. W., Nevada, Wyandot Hinkle T. J., Nevada, Wyandot Binder A., Newark, Licking Bosley J. A., Newark, Licking Cary Michael, Newark, Licking Christian Thomas J., Newark, Licking Connall Edward, Newark, Licking Connell Joln, Newark, Licking Davis Wm., Newark, Licking Davis Thos., Newark, Licking adavis T. J. & Co., Newark, Licking Evans W. T., Newark, Licking Funk & Bro., Newark, Licking Grassel Chas. G., Newark, Licking Henderson J. D)., Newark, Licking Irwin H. W., Newark, Licking aJewett & Marble, Newark, Licking Levett J. J., Newark, Licking Lewis E. J., Newark, Licking Mooney John L., Newark, Licking Moser John, Newark, Licking Myers Andrew, Newark, Licking Chambers John, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Mardi s William, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Marlatt W i lliam, Newc omerstown, Tuscarawas Van Wert John, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Wilgus Charles, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Williams H., Newcomerstown, Tuscerawas MOORE JOHN, New Hage rst own, Carroll Moore John, New Harrisburg, Carroll Brown J., New Holland, Pickaway Draper Alex., New Holland, Pickaway Baird R. S., New Li sbon, Columbia na Frost C. L., New Li s bon, Columbia na FROST E. & G., New Lisbon, Columbiana -Helmasn S., New Lisbon, Columbia na Hum D., New Lisbon, Columbiana Ledge & Cowan, New Lisbon, Columbiana Miller D. F., New Lisbon, Columbiana Morrison F., New Lisbon, Columbiana aMORRON J. A., New Lisbon, Columbiana Nelson G., New Lisbon, Columbiana Paul & Pritchard, New Lisbon, Columbiana Watson John, New Lisbon, Columbiana Barns A., New London, Huron Day E. H., New London, Huron Joabes S., New London, Huron White George, New London, Huron Biddel Wm. J., New Madison, Darke White George, New Madison, Darke Haseltine W. L., New Paris, Preble Johnson L., New Paris, Preble Medaugh J., New'Paris, Preble Reinheimer P., New Paris, Preble Watson John, NwLso,Clmin Barns A.,NeLodnHuo D~ay E. H., NeLodnHuo Jobes S. NwLno,Huo White George, NwLnln uo Biddel Wm. J., NwMdsn ak White George, NeMaio,Dre Haseltine W. L., NePai,Pel Johnson L.,NePai,Pel Medaugh J.,NePai,Pel Reinheimer P., New Paris, Preble Wn h, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Farney Peter, .., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Link P. J., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Messerly L. F.,N ePi, ra New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas GRO GRO 819 NAME Oldaker John, Pearse Wm., Rosebrough G. Simpson Mrs. ST OFFICE S COUNTY Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Ann, Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Lleking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking Newark, Licking F., ,Nlary Sites George, Newark, Licking Sites Thos. H., Newark, Lleking ASMITH HENRY, Newark, Licking Thomas A. L., Newark, Licking Towne A. L., Newark, Licking Werble Joseph C., Newark, Licking Wilson Enock, Newark, Licking Wing & Braddock, Newark, Licking Wulfhoop Henry, Newark., Licking Zimmerman F. J., Newark, Licking CANFIELD THEODORE, Newbury, Geauga GRO 820 GRO~- NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tisdel W. C. & Co., Painesville, Lake Wheeler Roswell G., Painesville, Lake Wilcox Aaron, Painesville, Lake Kelly Daniel, Pancoastburg, Fayette Jones David D., Parisville, Portage Lochfaum A.,. Piketon, Pike Richards C. A., Piketon, Pike Smith J., Piketon, Pike Becker J., Piqua, Miami Belt C., Piqua, Miami Brown M. J., Piqua, Miami Gralsf &T Hu ebner, Piqua, Miami KIopf John, Piqua, Miami Kuhlmann & Roehne, Piqua, Miami Reymuleg H., Piqua, Miami :Sawyer & Co., Piqua, Miami Schmidlapp J. A., Piqua, Miami Spangenberg C., Piqua, Miami Williamson & Co., Piqua, Miami Worley J., Piqua, Miami Zingenfelder C. F., Piqua, Miami Aughingbungh, Pleasant, Putnam Doolittle L., Pleasant, Putnam Ogun & Green, Pleasant, Putnam Heite &.Buchanan, Pleasantville, Fairfield Hevely & Co., Polk, Ashland Buttenhofer Valentine, Pomeroy, Meigs Dilcher Wm., Pomeroy, Meigs Dorst Peter, Pomeroy, Meigs Hecox M. & Co., Pomeroy, Meigs Katz Wm., Pomeroy, Meigs PATTEN & SMITH, Pomeroy, Meigs Albright Henry, Portsmouth, Scioto Barklow Be nja min, Portsmouth, Scioto Brown A. S. & Bro., Portsmouth, Scioto Bu skir k A. W., Portsmouth, Scioto Calvert F. W. & Bro., Portsmouth, Scioto Cutter Wmn. S., Portsmouth, Scioto Englebrecht T., Portsmouth, Scioto aEUTH MARTIN, Portsmouth, Scioto Frushell Mrs. Mary, Ports mouth, Scioto aGilbert G., Jr., Port smouth, Scioto aGilbert M. B., Ports mouth, Scioto Heeir Samuel, Portsmouth, Scioto Hise Phill ip, Portsmouth, Scioto Hyatt C. C., Portsmouth, Scioto Legrand P. J., Portsmouth, Scioto Mauli Henry, Portsmouth, Scioto MA.ULI JOHN, Portsmouth, Scioto Miller Wm., Portsmouth, Scioto aMusser Wm., Portsmouth, Scioto Nichols Thomas, Portsmouth, Scioto Oldfield G. S. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Richardson James, Portsmouth, Scioto aRoss S. R., Portsmouth, Scioto aTillon John, Portsmouth. Scioto Varner S. E. & J. W., Portsmouth, Scioto Demuth A. H., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Eckfett F., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Eis Peter, Port Washinlgton, Tuscarawas Gargle James, Pratt, Shelby Warbington John, Pratt, Shelby NAME POST 6FFICE COUNTY Morey B., N ew Philadelphia, TuscaraMwas Reed Thomas, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Sa rgent & Kurtz, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Schoch Charles, New P hil adelphia, Tuscarawas Shilling Jacob, New Ph iladelphia, Tusc ar amwas Zeichman F., New Ph i ladelphia, Tuscarawas Fowler M.A., N ewto n Fall s, Trumbull Greer John L. & Co., Newton Falls, Trumbull Hardmon E. D., Ne w to n F alls, Trumbull Mlartin Enoch, Newton Falls, Trumbull Soule Lyman T., Newton Ealls, Trumbull Kirk M., North Jackson, Mahoning Iutchin son T., North Lewisburg, Champaign Hyde C. S., N orth Lewisburg, Champaig n Wait A. E., N orth Lewisburg, Champaign Ash A. J., North Washington, Hardin Humbel Jacob, Norwalk, Hur on Lee George, Norwalk, Huron Mulhaupt Joseph, Norwalk, Huron Reamer A., Norwalk, Puron Roth Charles, Norwalk Huron RULE J. H., Norwalk, Huron Simmins P., Norwalk, H uron Yale M., Norwalk, Huron Connelly J., Ol'nsburg, Richland Elestor B. B., Olinsbiirg, Richland Bailey & Evans, Orrville, Wayne Fisher A., Orrville, Wayne Whitmyer F., Orrville, Wayne Miller A., Osborne, Greene Beck John, Ottawa, Putnam Hade E., Ottawa, Putnam atleffner J., Ottawa, Putnam McCurdy G., Ottawa, Putnam Mann & Mathews, Ottawa, Putnam Billings James, Oxford, Butler Chatlen & Kyger, Oxford, Butler Dill B. F., Oxford, Butler Lathrop D., Oxford, Butler Mollyneaux S., Oxford, Butler Munns F. C., Oxford, Butler Peyton F. H., Oxford, Butler RINGWOOD J. D. & G. H., Oxford, Butler White F. B. & Bro., Oxford, Butler Baldwin Geo. M., Painesville, Lake Casterline & Lee, Painesville, Lake aDINGLEY WM. W., Painesville, Lake Foote S. a Son, Painesville, Lake Gould & Miner, Painesville, Lake Ludd & Clayton, Painesville, Lake Lockwood John, Painesville, Lake Moody Samuel, Painesville, Lake Morrell S. B., Painesvil.e, Lake Morse Christopher: Painesville, Lake Reynolds Jacob S.; Painesville, Lake Stocking Samuel, Painesville, Lake Tinan R. & Son, Painesville, Lake GRO 820 GRO GRO 81 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Schmidtli n Jacob, Seven Mile, Butler Weitbrecht Michael, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke Cattey F. A, Shelby, Richland Dempsey J., Shelby, Ri chland Ealand G.. Shelby, Ri chland tunter A. C., Shr eve, Wayne Taylor Jamnes & Co., Shreve, Wayne Baer & Sielks, Sidney, Shelby Care y Jeremi ah, Sidney, Shelby Carroll, Washington & Alexander, S idney, S helby Coffi n J., Sidney, Shelby Fry John T., Sidney, Shelby Hurly Joseph, Sidney, Shelby Montanus Peter, Sidney, Shelby Robinson Thomas L., Sidney, Shelby Snevley Wm., Sidney, Shelby Wikoff Peter C., Sidney, Shelby YOUNG JACOB, Sidney, Shelby Ha zard Allen, S:pigo, Clinton Galbraith James, Smithfield, Jefferson Parr Jacob, Somerville, Butler Bricker Stephen, South Charleston, Clark EDWARDS JAMES P., South Charleston, Clark alOUSTON & BROTHE-ER, South Charleston, Clark Reeder R. B., South Solon, Madison Wilmuth G. W., Springdale, Hamilton Barcafer J. P., Springfield, Clark Bockway F., Springfield, Clark Buck & Furnish, Springfield, Clark Burnley J., Springfield, Clark Burris James, Springfield, Clark Clark S. & Sons, Springfield, Clark Corcran T., Springfield, Clark Douglass J. G., Springfield, Clark Duke G., Springfield, Clark Fisher Charles, Springfield, Clark Follrath II., Springfield, Clark Follrath & Kriegbaum, Springfield, Clark Furniss & Mussey, Springfield, Clark Garber Samuel, Springfield, Clark Gross S. E., Springfield, Clark Houghton & Muzzy, Springfield, Clark Huben D. V., Springfield, Clark Hubert Wim., Springfield, Clark Krankenberg & Co., Springfield, Clark Leuty & Grant, Springfield, Clark Miller C., Springfield, Clark Miller 1-1. J., Springfield, Clark Miller J., Springfield, Clark Myers E. P., Springfield, Clark Osborn J., Springfield, Clark Reid Wm., Springfield, Clark Shaffner J., Springfield, Clark Smith G., Springfield, Clark WAY WILLIAM, Springfield, Clark Zisler F., Springfield, Clark Zisler Mrs. J., Springfield, Clark Bell George, Spring Hills, Champaign Forry J., Spring Hills, Champaign Pitmn Daid,Spring Hills, Chamlwaign Ambrose J. C., Quincy, Logan Chambers M., Quincy, Logan Johnson W. C.,, Quincy, Logan Mercer D., Racine, Meigs Bombarger & Heckman, Ravenna, Portage Bradshaw E. H., Ravenna, Portage Hatchl C., Ravenna, Portage Little B., Ravenna, Portage Pitkin C. A., Ravenna, Portage Sutherland T. C., Ravenna, Portage Vance & Parsons, Ravenna, Portage Barret & Bennett, Raymond's, Union Hartshorn & Inskeep, Raymond's, Union Shupe A., Richland, Richland Ruffle Peter, Richmond, Jefferson Livacy Moses, Rocky Hill, Jackson Carroll D, Roscoe, Coshocton Jones T. P., Roscoe, Coshocton Miller L. P., Roscoe, Coshocton Thompson R. W., Roscoe, Coshocton Breese Wm., Round Head, Hardin Lemon Wm. F., Round Head, lHardin Cox J. D., Rlushsylvanlia, Rush Koutzman -, Rushlisylvania, Rush Biddle J., St. Paris, Champaign Shloneker G. W., St. Paris, Champaign BETZ WM., Salem, Columbiana Boone L., Salem, Columbiana BRADSHAW & WEBB, Salem, Columbiana Brooks L., Salem, Columbiana Brown J. M., Salem, Columbiana Felters J., Salem, Columbiana Horner A. F., Salem, Columbiana Jackson John, Salem, Columbiana PAINTER A., Salem, Columnbiana Spencer T., Salem, Columbiana Thompson J. M., Salem, Columbiana Walton A. B., Salem, Columbiana Webb A. T., Salem, Columbiana Starr J. A., Semantha, Highland Bretz John, Sandusky, Erie Carroll Machadel, Sandusky, Erie Daniels Mrs. S., Sandusky, Erie Davis J. T., Sandusky, Erie Eck J. S., Sandusky, Erie Gagen P., Sandusky, Erie Goos F. C., Sandusky, Erie Hathaway Robt., Sandusky, Erie aHosmer & Wells, Sandusky. Erie Kenny O. V., Sandusky, Erie Lammers John, Sandusky. Erie Lotz Henry, Sandusky, Erie Magle George, Sandusky, Erie MuItz D., Sandusky, Erie aPorter S., Sandusky, Erie Post & Lewis, Sandusky, Erie Radcliff H. P., Sandusky, Erie Robertson & Son, Sandusky, Erie Simpson & Radcliff, Sandusky, Erie THO.MIPSON WM., Sandusky, Erie Wheeler S., Sandusky, Erie aWhitney James D., Sandusky, Erie Berry James, - Sarahsville, Noble GRO 821 GRO NA311E POST OFFLCE COUNTY GR 82 R NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aAlexander & McConnill, Steubenville, Jefferson Beans Charles, Steubenville, Jefferson Bougher James, Steubenville, Jefferson Carner M., Steubenville, Jefferson Coble & Junkins, Steubenville, Jefferson Cummins M., Steubenville, Jefferson Day C. S., Steubenville, Jefferson Day Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson Dohrman T.,A. & Co., Steubenville, Jefferson Draper James P, Steubenville, Jefferson Feist A., Steubenville, Jefferson Ferguson Mrs. F., Steubenville, Jefferson Filson John D., Steubenville, Jefferson Fisher John, Steubenville, Jefferson aHllolloway T. C. & Co., Steubenville, Jefferson Holmes Samuel, Steubenville, Jefferson Junkin M. O., Steubenville, Jefferson McCay F., Steubenville, Jefferson McFeely John, Steubenville, Jefferson aMcGOWAN D., Steubenville, Jefferson Manly Joshua, Steubenville, Jefferson Mears R. T. & Co., Steubenville, Jefferson Odbert John, Steubenville, Jefferson Oliver John, Steubenville Jefferson Owsney John, Steubenville, Jefferson Powell John, Steubenville, Jefferson Powell R., Steubenville, Jefferson Robertson Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson., Ruddicks John, Steubenville, Jefferson Scott Wm,, Steubenville, Jefferson Simpson Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson Stanley C. & Son, Steubenville, Jefferson Turnbull M., Steubenville, Jefferson Turibull Mrs. M., Steubenville, Jefferson Veirs W., Steubenville, Jefferson Woods Peter, Steubenville, Jefferson Beach Daniel, Stockport, Morgan Ridgley 0. &W, Stockporteubenville, Jefferson JunkinM. O., Steubenville, Jefferson Mc~ay F., Steubenville, Jefferson h~c~eel John, Steubenville, Jefferson earsGWA D.T&C., Steubenville, Jefferson Manly oshua, Steubenville, Jefferson Mear R.. & o.,Steubenville, Jefferson Odbert John, Steubenville, Jefferson Oliver John, Steubenville, Jefferson Owsney John, Steubenville, Jefferson Powell John, Steubenville, Jefferson Powell R., Steubenville, Jefferson Robertsn Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson Ruddick John, Steubenville, Jefferson Scttne Wm. & So, Steubenville, Jefferson SimpsonFilm., Steubenville, Jefferson Turnbull Mrs. M., Steubenville, Jefferson Veirs W., Steubenville, Jefferson Woods Peter, Steubenville, Jefferson Beach Daniel, Stockport, Morgan Ridgly O. W., Stockport, Morgan Lindsay G. O., PtumeyvS.e Toledon Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Rapp J. J. & Co., S eenle, as Sulphur Spring, Crawfordo Paice Thomas, Summerford, Madison Prugh Valentine IH., Summerford, Madison Longshore D., Sunbury, Delaware Marble N., Sunbuely, Delaware Ranney -, Sunbury, Jelaware Black G.W., Tiffin, Seneca Bloom F., Tiffin, Seneca aBuskirk H. A. & Co., Tifin, Seneca Crum & Brohl, Tiffin, Seneca Deam A., Tifeill, Seneca Decker R., Tiffin, Seneca Emich F., Tiffin, S enec a Kieilholtz W.I., Tiffin, Seneca Keppers S., Tiffin, Seneca King B. & J., Tiffin, Seneca KIRCHMERt & VONDRAIR, Tiffin, Se neca Lauckr & Bang, Tiffin, Seneca Loesser John, Meyer s S., Rank Aloys, Reeme J. W., Ryan P. H., Sn yder D. M., Taylor George, Worthmiller John, Wance A. F., Aengfer A. & Co., Allen D., Auth & Brother, Auth & Co., Bachman & Co., aBell, Ho lcomb & C o., aBi shop & Co., Boegehiold G. H., Bradley J ohn, Breed H. & W., Clear Patrick, Cole F. J., Dooler AM., aDOUGLAS J. M., Draper M. K., Duston W. S. & Co., Flynn Joseph, Grant T., Hennig F., Higgins M., Hoffman J. P., aHuyck J. H., Ishewdod W. S,& Co., Jacobs Joseph, Lewis T. & Co., Mclenry Henry, aMarkscheffel Wm., aMay & Hathaway, aMoross P. C., Moser J., Murphy il. & R., Northup & Co., Plumey S., Ragan Edward, Rayner & Skidmore, Scheffer Wm., Secor, Berdan & Co., Sinclair Charles & Co Sovereign P., Speyer J. A., Temme G. W., Tollman John, Van Orden J., Webber J. B., Welker P., Welker Phillip. Wenning F. M., Whittlesey S., Young Mary A., Conrad Mary, Coolidge & Drury, Douglass & Pearson, Dye MIadison, Eidemiller A. G., a~liller W. & J., See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. GRO 822 . GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca. Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin,, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tippecanoe, Miami Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Luoas Toledo, Lucas Tole-do, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas To tedo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas. Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo,. Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Troy, Miami Troy, Miami Troy, Miami GRO 823 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Osborn A.,. Waldo, Marion Anderson J., Warren, Trumbull aAnderson & Rupp, Wa rren, Trumbull And rews J., Warren, TrWmbull Bish op P., Warren, Trumbull Dunlapp J. B., Warre n, Trumbull Patmor M. A., Warren, Trumbull SutliffG. IH., Warren, Trumbull Allen B., Washingto n C. H., Fayette Blackmore J. S., Washington C. I H., Fayette Blackemore W. H., Washington C. H., Fayette Cline L. O., Washington C. H., Faye tte Getz & Sheierman, Washington C. H., Fayette Paul John, Washington C. H., Faoyette Vanpelt John, Washington C. H., Fayette aVanpelt J. M. & W. H., Washington C. H., Fayette Waters & Marshal, Washington C. H., Fayette Cadwallader & Crane, Waynesville, Warren Gilcher Ch as., W aynesville, Warren Leake Gideon, Waynesville, Warren Wharton Thos. H., VWeaynesville, Warren Dewolf J. S., Wellington, Lorain Turley J., Wellington, Lorain Vancleef & Brow, Wellington, Lorain Bowers Al., Wellsville, Columbiana Gunn & McLean, Wellsville, Columbiana Haugh Mrs. Jannet, Wellsville, Columbiana aHENDERSON & BLEAKELEY. Wellsville, Columbiana Hilbert Martin, Wellsville, Columbiana Hurst Wm., Wellsville, Columbiana Lawson & Wills, Wellsville, Columbiana McKendall Wm., Wellsville, Columbiana Riggs T. W., Wellsville, Columbiana aStafford & Riggs, Wellsville, Columbiana Stevens O. M. & Son, Wellsville, Columbiana Morris & Brother, Troy, Miami Nart Joseph, Troy, Miami Reichle John, Troy, Miami Riley & Jott, Troy, Miami Stahl F., Troy, Miami Ward J., Troy, Miami Whiteman W. A., Troy, Miami aZiegenfelder C., Troy, Miami Ziegenfelder George, Troy, Miami Simmers I. & J., Turcarawas, Tuscarawas Carver & Parsons, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Haskins M. R., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Brown & Archer, Union, Darke BUNCH E, Union, Darke aORR WM. A., Union, Darke Teurpen E. II., Union, Darke Nick C., Unionville Center, Union Ashbrook Wm.,, Upper Sandusky, WVyandot Bowther D. & R., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Christian Anthony, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Culbertson James, Sen., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Engel C., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Fl ack Hiram, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Goetz N. F. & V., Uppe r Sandusky, Wyandot Gump F rank, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Henry Wm., U pper Sandusk y, Wyandot Hitchcock Wm. B., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Tribolet A. G., .Upper Sandusky Wyandot Kline R. C., Upshur, Preble Bailie John, Urbana, Champaign Berry T. H., Urbana, Champaign BROWN J. M. & C. G., Urbana, Champaign Clark & Johnson, Urbana, Champaign Collins O. P., Urb an a, Champaign Coulson J. C., Urbana, Champaign Cummings D., Urbana, Champaign Fisher & Harris, Urbana, Champaign H-,ppersett & Hovey, Urbana, Champaign aHouston F., Urbana, Champaign McCORMICK J., Urbana, Champaign aMoore G., Urbana, Champaign Mouser Thos., Urbana, Champaign Nolan J., Urbana, Champaign Shortlock R., Urbana, Champaign Vance & Brother, Urbana, Champaign Campbell H., Van Wert, Van Wert Conant A., Van Wert, Van Wert Conover H., Van Wert, Van Wert Hoffman C., Van Weat, Van Wert Hollinger Geo. W., Van Wert, Van Wert Swineford S., Van Wert, Van Wert Johnson S. L., Vienna, Trumaull Aubin & Porterfield, Waldo, Marion Currin L., Waldo, Mlarion Bowers & Huston, West Alexandria, Preble Davis Josiah, West Alexan dria, Preble Johnson Isa ac, We st Al exandria, Preble Kelly John, West Jefferson, Madison McNeal Jacob, We st Jefferson, Madisoun W iley James, Williamsport, Pickaway Brackney H. M., Wilmington, Clinton Curl Daniel, Wilmington, Clinton Hale Joseph, Wilmington, Clinton Henry J. & G., Wilmington, Clinton Morgan Henry B., Wilmington, Clinton Outcalt H. & J. G., Wilmington, Clinton SHIREY J. W., Wilmington, Clinton Woodruff Samuel, Wilmington, Clinton Bechtel R., Wooster, Way]he Black D., Wooster, Wayne Branneck G., Wooster, Wayne Eley & Cutter, Wooster, Wayne GRO 823 GRO NAME POST,OFFICE COUNTY GRO 824 GRO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fancett John, Wooster, Wayne France J. B. & Co., Wooster, Wayne Gerbig IH., Wooster, Wayne Jackson C., Wooster, Wayne Kaufman J., Wooster, Wayne Kratz John, Wooster, Wayne Laers A., Wooster, Wayne LAUBACIH R. H., Wooster, Wayne Leies John, Wooster, Wayne Logan R. A., Wooster, Wayne McSweeney J., Wooster, Wayne Rockey C., Wooster, Wayne Rowe Martin, Wooster, Wayne Schuckers C., Wobster, Wayne Spink J., Wooster, Wayne Wilhelm O. A., Wooster, Wayne Young Mrs. P., Wooster, Wayne Young W., Wooster Wayne Zarle F. H., Wooster, Wayne Zeitler A., Wooster, Wayne Wilcox Solomon, Worthington, Franklin Barnes A., Xenia, Greene Bristol I., Xenia, Greene Carey J. & J. C., Xenia, Greene Cline B. B., Xenia, Greene Coleman John L., Xenia, Greene Dean A., Xenia, Greene Edsall John H., Xenia, Greene Farrell Henry, Xenia, Greene Ford Wilrov, Xenia, Greene HALL FREDERICK, Xenia, Greene Hinton & Shields, Xenia, Greene KLEIN JACOB, Xenia, Greene Milbourn Wm. M., Xenia, Greene Reinhardt Henry, Xenia, Greene Ryan Patrick, Xenia, Greene Sinze B., Xenia, Greene Smith A. L. & J., Xenia, Greene Starling 1. 11., Xenia, Greene Griffith S. C. K., Youngstown, Mahoning Holland A., Youngstown, Mahoning Howell & Johns, Youngstown, Mahoning Jehu & Shedd, Youngstown, Mahoning Parks Hiram, Youngstown, Mahoning Probert D., Youngstown, Mahoning Rook S. C., Youngstown, Mahoning Wilder & Rens, Youngstown, Mahoning Wirt Josiah, Youngstown, Mahoning aApplegate D., Zanesville, Muskingum Baker Et. H., Zanesville, Muskingum Bell W. A., Zanesville, Muskingum aBerry A. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingam Bonnet J. D., Zanesville, Muskingum aBratshaw J. B. H., Zanesville, Muskingum Brown & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum Burwell S., Zanesville, Muskingum Carter A. A., Zanesville, Muskingum Cassidy G. S., Zanesville, Muskingum Cavanaugh G., Zanesville, Muskingum Clark J. H., Zanesville, Muskingum Cochran R. L., Zanesville, Muskingum aCrosby Joseph, Zanesville, Muskingum A., Zaneswlle,- Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum OS., JR., Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Ungemach Henry, Zanesville, Muskingum Vogel & White, Zanesville, Muskingum Ward H. C., Zanesville, Muskingum Wells J. D., Zanesville, Muskingum Wells Saml., Zanesville, Muskingum Whitaker R., Zanesville, Muskingum Wilkinson Jas., Zanesville, Muskingum Wimmer William W., Zanesville, Muskingum I GRO 824 GRO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAI,IE D,,tvy John C., Dean Melvin, Defenba ugh W. POST OFFICE COUNTY Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum I-I., Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskitigum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum N, Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Greiner J. C Henry F., Hewett S., Howland J, James John M., Johnston J., Kerker A., Launder J., LAUNDER Tll Lee Wm., LESLIE & G-UILLE, Zanesville, Muskingum illecallister Samuel, Zanesville, Muskingum Marshall William,' Zanesville, Muskingum Miller J., Zanesville, Muskinguix Mulvey & Ryan, Zanesville, Muskingum Nelson Wm., Zanesville, Muskingum Patterson Hugh, Zanesville, Muskingura Prosser Mrs. Esther, Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Richards J., Zanesville, Muskingum Roberts Justus, Zanesville, Muskingum Ruth Wm., Zanesville, Muskingum Serch J. W., Zanesville, Muskingum Shinmak George L., Zanesville, Muskingum Smith James, Zanesville, Muskingum Sternler T., Zanesville, Muskingum astevens John, Zanesville, Muskingum asumers H. J. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum ATHOMPSON -F. A., Zanesviile, Muskingum GU 82 eU GUNSMITHS, GUNS, PISTOLS, &a. (See also Hardware and Cutleriy, p. 826.) y NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY a Lowry Thomas, Edinburg, Portage n Conrad R., Elida, Allen t Hart John, Euphemia, Preble g Lannerd G. H., Finley, Hancock d Vandenburgh 0. B., Finley, Hancock e Snively Wm,, Flint's Mills, Washington t Hess Jacob, Frease's Store, Stark t Reed Wm., Frease's Store, Stark t Haberstraw L., Fremont, Sandusky y Ruby James, Galigher, Guernsey G Throckmorton Wm. A., Gal ion, Crawford 1 Truby Jacob, German, Darke i Hough M., Granville, Licking G Loar B. B., Granville, Licking Frisbie L., Harpersfield, Ashtabula M Payton D. C., Harrisonville, Meigs a Pense A., Hemlock Grove, Meigs Coon Jesse, Hope, Franklin White H. W., Jackson, Jackson Bowman John, Kalida, Putnam Parker Charles, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Bates E., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Bird A. N., Kenton, Hardin i Weaver N. S., Kenton, Hardin Hosack E. L., Kimbolton, Guernsey Nichols James, Lake, Stark Brown Berkley T., Lebanon, Warren Sigler J., Leipsic, Putnam Gardner G., Lima, Allen Penn H., Liverpool, Medina Warner H. W., Liverpool, Medina Bowmen Wm., Loudonville, Ashland Reinhart P. A., Loudonville, Ashland Yeisley H., Lucas, Richlarnd Proctor-, McArthur, Vinton Burton I. C., Maineville, Warren Rickett John, Mansfield, Richland Armstrong J., Marysville, Union Van Dyke D. W., Mason, Warren Phillips T. Maumee City, Lucas Fisher Joshua, Meigsville, Morgan Day E. N., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Stull Jerry, Millwood, Knox Stull Samuel, Millwood, Knox Clement W. H., Monclova, Lucas Turk James, Morrow, Warren Parcell P., Moscow Mills, Morgan Teitus C. F., Mount Eaton, Wayne Cunningham W. A., Mount Vernon, Knox Hetrich John, Newark,.Licking Zartman Joseph, Newark, Licking Small S., New Lisbon, Columbiana Kiing Charles, New London, Huron Zeeck Andrew, New Madison, Darke Batten Wm., New Paris, Preble Ager A., New Rumley, Harrison Pally W. H., Newton Falls, Trumbull Flaugher John, North Jackson, Mahoning Holt H., North Lewisburg, Champaign Brown Wm., Norton, Delaware 53 GUN 825 G-UN X.&ME Ford D., Rice Samuel, Berg A., Wilson T., Read H. G., Graham John, Snyder G. B., Folger W. H., Orr James, Raach Thomas, Garner James Lyne Wm., Alaireellus N. H Gray L., lvlorgan J. iNi., Misner D. B., Cross S., Bishop Benj., Knapp A. & Co., Magle John, Kronenberger F Righter John G. Schoutz P. H " Sipock Isaac, Jones H. E., jr., Sherman S. P., Ce Johnson Thoma Hitle, C Stewart Wilson, Hooper Joseph, Seret E., Eckel Charles, Griffiths John, KITRIDGE B. POST OFFICE COUNT Abbeyville, Medin Acadia, Alle Akron,,Summ' Antwerp, Pauldin Ashland, Ashlan Atwater, Portag Bantam Clermon Barnesville, Belmon Barnesville, Belmon Batesville, Gurnse Bellefontaine, Loga Belleville, Richlan Bellevue,-Huro Bennington, MoTro Bentonville, Adam Berlin Center, Mahonin Bloomville, Senec Boardman, Ma-bonin Brighton, Lorai Brunersburg, Defianc Bucyrus, Crawfor Cadiz, Hariiso Canal Fulton, Star Casstown, Miam Castalia, E-ri Co., %Cincinnati, Hamilton URN & CO. (See adv't, cover.) Cincinnati, Hamilton foos & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton O., (See card, p. 1166.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Circleville, Pickaway Circleville, Pickaway Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Ouyahoga 'Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus, Franklin Dalton, Wayne Dayton, Montgomery ldresden, Muskingum !Eaton, P-reble Eaton, Preble Edgerton, Williams Edgerton, Williams Edinburg, Portage ]Driesbach Sa Schwenke H., Hattersley He Jennings R., Kirner IVI., Powerp, M., Siebert C., Mosser John P Scheider M., Frazer Thoma Miller M., Vesi zW m. E., Brakeman P., Gilnon Wm., Gilbert C. N., HAR 826 HAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Slack P., Springfield, Clark Teaff James, Steubenville, Jefferson Teaff N., Steubenville, Jefferson Harmon J., Sulphur Springs, Crawford Young H., Swantown, Fulton Hudson Allen, Sycamore, Wyandot McGillvery Daniel, Symmes' Corner, Butler Martin G., Tiffin, Seneca Pheatt G. K., Toledo, Lucas Wise Jacob, Troy, Miami Wagner J., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Munson Wm. C., Vienna, Trumbull TYLER N. B. (See card, p. 606.) Vienna, Trumbull Day J., Warren, Trumbull Noble Alex., Wellsville, Columbiana Boner T. D., West Alexandria, Preble Carter Henry, West Jefferson, Madison McCamant Jacob I., Camero West Lafayette, Coshocton McAllister J. R., Williamsport, Pickaway Vandurburgh E., Wilmington, Clinton Emch F., Woodville, Sandusky Burnett Wm., Youngstown, Mahoning Brelsford Jonathan, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Hassinger Wm., Ottawa, Ottawa Hayden Joseph, Oxford, Butler Haskell Riley, Pa inesville, Lake Walla c e Wm., Perrysburg, Wood Weirick Wm., Perryville, Ashland Gorsuch Thlomas, easat, Pleasant, Putnam Bishop B., Poland, Mahoning Haag C., Pomeroy, Meigs Sowers George, Pratt, Shelby Morter E. B., Pyrmont, Montgomery Livingston A. U., Quincy, Logan I,atton R. F., Quincy, Logan Orahood John, Raymond's, Union Douglass Thompson, Richmond, Jefferson Lewis Win., Richmond Center, Ashtabula Mack A., Rockville, Adams Dempster B., Rural Dale, Muskingum Beard A. W., Salem, Columbiana Bartley T. D., Sandusky, Erie Stam Jacob, Sardinia, Brown Cameron S., Scott, Adams Brumley Samuel, Senecaville, Guernsey Brumley Wm., Senecaville, Guernsey Robison Joseph, Shreve, Wayne Scharp John, Sidney, Shelby IV elber Jesse, South Olive, Noble Beebe R., Springfield, Clark HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ( Wholesale dealers marked thus, a. See also General Stores, page 793.) Guion & Kizer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Holliday & Smith, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hunter, Edmeston & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kimball & Wittsee, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kruse & Bahlman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Langhorst H. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLATIMER, COLBURN & LUIPTON. (See card opp. front cover, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lender F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leonard E.G. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLOHN J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Neave T. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Neave, Ward & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Neff, Brother & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton NEFF PETER & S ONS, Cincinnati, Harmilton Pappenheimer,'Dreyfoos & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRothert J. H. & Sons, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRyland, Hammett & HIatch, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSchulte & Temman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seritchen G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Siebrecht W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spieker G. & F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stagman L. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Theirg G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Storer W. B., Akron, Summit Ely & Melony, Alliance, Stark FREER J. & R., Ashland, Ashland Roller & Howard, Ashla R land, Bshl an d Hubbard George C., Ashtabula, Ashtabula B artlett W.. & S., Athens, Athens Ro ach & Topky, Athens, Athens Bonbright J. S., Bell A ir, Belmont Markey & Lyne, Belleville, Richland Culbertson Thomas G., Bridgep ort, Belmont Blair Elias, Bucyrus, Crawford Potter & Craig, Bucyrus, Crawford Slemmons & Rob inso n, Cadiz, Harrison Cochran A.C., C ambr idge, Guernsey Hollis G. H. & R. S., Canfield, Mahoning Reynolds & Saxton, C an ton, S tark Schweitzer Wickidal, Canton, Stark Snyder C.. & C.&o., Cap ton, Stark John Jesse, Chester Hill, Morgan Schutte D. A., Chi'licothe, Ross Snyder John G., Chillicothe, Ross Aupperle Alex., Cincinnati. Hamilton E Nma&nn C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Froelk ing & Warmet, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gano H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glaescher G. W,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gooch Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton aGREE,NWOOD) M, & CO, 396 WALNUT, Cincinnati, Hamilton HAR 826 HAR a, HAR 827 HAR JONTENS isAVID A.TI DANLER TIENNIS & DANGLER, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic 7WATER STREET, 137 WALTER STREET, CLEVELAND, - OHIO. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aRogers, Fowler & Achey, Dayton, Montgomery Walden & Marshall, Dayton, Montgomery Biede Charles, Defiance, Defiance Ralston Joseph, Defiance, Defiance Chamberlain C. C., Delaware, Delawart i Potter C. D. & Co., Del aware, Delawaf, Do rsey Owen, Dresden, M Puskingum: Da y John W., Eaton, PMn ebml. McKenny R.. G.D., Eaton, M gebry May, Adams & Co., Finley, Hancock Clutch & Hooven, Franklin, W l aren Canfield & Brother, Fremont, SandusDak Curtis & Bostwick, Fremont, Sandusk'tWy Robert s & Sheldon, Fremont, Sandulsky Grim G. S. & C. S., Galon, C rawford Hosstetter Charles, Galion, Crawford Ha lliday Thomas & Co., Gallipolis, Gallier Pierce H., Garretsville, Portage CCoblentz & C ross, Germantown, Montgomeryi H Frank M. P., Ge rmantown, Mo ntgomery Bereman C. & Co., Greenfield, Highlandc Ulery S. W., Greenville, Darke Flenner, Hughs & Co., Hamilton, Butler Garvey, Scoby & Co., Hamilton, Butler Lewi s A. S., Hamilton, Butler Rum ple & Smyres, Hamilton, Butler Schliesma nn Peter, Hamilton, Butler Black & Kibler, Hillsboro', Highlan d MARLAY J. K., Hillsboro', Highland Davey T. N., Ironton, Lawrence Barlow Henry, Jackson, Jackson ISHAM CHARLES C., Jackson, Jackson Brown D. I., Kalida. Putnam Moore G. R., Kenton, Hardin STEINER & MAYER, Kenton, Hardin Seward Isaac, Kimbolton, Guernsey Bobing F. J., Lancaster, Fairfield Weaver J. C., Lancaster, Fairfield IOENS G. & N. S., Lebanon, Warren Jones C. & N. S., Lebanon, Warren Leevis & Brother, Lebanon, Warren Rockhill & Son, Lebanon, Warren Ashton F. & F., Lima, Allen NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Tyler, Davidson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton WAYNE J. L. & SON. (See card opp. in dex to cities, towns, and villages.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Wenning H. N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolff John Chris.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Curl & McCallester, Circleville, Pickaway Rutter, Wolftey & Rains, Circleville, Pickaway aBingham W. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clark James F., Cleveland, Cuyahogo Colwell & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lyman John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aPRICE, HUNTINGTON & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aRaynolds Henry K., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Stearns John M. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyah oga TENNIS & DANGLER. (See card, p. 827.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga WELLS H. K. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Worthington George & Co., cor. Superior and Water, and 81 Merwin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Taylor S., Clyde, Sandusky HAR 827 HAR JOHN TENNIS. DAVID A. DANGLER. CLEVELAND, - O-HI0. Hollaway & Glosser, Columbiana, Columbiana ICENHOUR & ALLEN, Columbiana, Columbiana aGERE GEO. & CO., Columbus, Franklin Gill William A., Columbus, Franklin HAYDEN P., Columbus, Franklin HAYDEN & BAKER, Columbus, Franklin Kilbourne, Kuhns & Co., McCune & Mithoff, Columbus, Franklin Mithoff, Jones & Co., Columbus, Franklin St. Clair & Scott, Columbus, Franklin Cummings David, Conneaut, Ashtabula Harbaugh & Lee, Coshocton, Coshocton Jenner A. Reid, Crestline, Crawford Bracelin James, Dayton, Montgomery Langdon J. & Bro., Dayton, Montgomery aLoomis & Barnitt, Dayton, Montgomery Post Charles & Co., Dayton, Montgomery HAT 88 HAT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Naftsger G., Lima, Allen Dungan John, London, Madison Arnold A., McArthur, Vinton Bates & Blymyer, Mansfield, Richland Endly A. J., Mansfield, Richland aRunyan B. S., Mansfield, Richland aBosworth, Wells & Co., Marietta, Washington aNye & Huntington, Marietta, Washington Bain John W., Marion, Marion Kling A. H. & Bro., Marion, Marion Girrard W., MaTys! ille, ULnion BAln JohnAW., Marion, Marion Girrard W., Marysville, Union Allen A., Massillon, StarkDoy&Rnhr, SrnfedClr Allen A., Massillon, Stark Heckerman Jno., Miamisburg, Montgomery Weaver George, Miamisburg, Montgomery Simpson & Lummis, Middletown, Butler Hebron James & Son, Millersburg, Holmes Wevrich S. R. & Bro., Millersburg, Holmes CURTIS C. C., Mount Vernon, Knox McCormick Jno., Mount Vernon, Knox Weaver A., Mount Vernon, Knox aMcCune & Brother, Newark, Licking Winegardners & Bancroft, Newark, Licking HELMAN M. F., New Lisbon, Columbiana Prichard R. B., New Lisbon, Columbiana Robinson A. K., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Smith R. W. & Son, Newton Falls, Trumbull Beardsley & Brother, Norwalk, Huron Crosby J. M., Norwalk, Huron Latimer P. E., Norwalk, Huron SEAS J. F. (See card, p. 491.) Orrville, Wayne McCullough T., Oxford, Butler Peyton F. H., Oxford, Butler Holcomb Henry, Painesville, Lake Marshall Seth, Painesville, Lake Reynolds & Mathews, Painesville, Lake Defrees J. H., Piqua, Miami Garvey W. M. & C., Piqua, Miami Gyer F., Piqua, Miami Morrow J. A., Piqua, Miami Sawyer, Piqua, Miami Worley J., Piqua, Miami aHIBBS J. L., Portsmouth, Scioto Meyer & Brown, Portsmouth, Scioto Armstrong J. S., Waldo, Marion Hertzing Philip, Wapakoneta, Auglaize aPackard W., Warren, Trumbull Bereman J.. S. & Son, Washington C. H., Fayette Bened'ct E., Wellington, Lorain Cope H. & S., Wellsville, Columbiana Bliss O. H., West Jefferson, Madison Johnson Jesse F., Wilmington, Clinton Ziegler George, Wilmington, Clinton Donnelly R., Wooster, Wayne Kauke J. H. & Co., Wooster, Wayne EBRIGHT & BROTHERS, Xenia, Greene aNevill & Lauman, Xenia, Greene Burnet S. F., Youngstown, Mahoning aPACKARD W. & A. J., Youngstown, Mahoning Allen Josiah B., Zanesville, Muskingurn aFillmore E. E., Zanesville, Muskingum Potwin C. W. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. (Wholesale Dealers marked thus, a. See also General Stores, page 798.) Sabin J. W., Akron, Summit Fenner H., Bucyrus, Crawford Snider M. S., Allensville, Vinton Harkness John, Cambridge, Guernsey Campbell M. S., Ashland, Ashland Hershey G.M., Canton, Stark Nicholas Lowell M., Bellefontaine, Logan aMinear Charles, Chillicothe, Ross 828 HAT HAT HAT 829 HAT F'T.k- db C>O. Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS AND STRAW GOODS, 133 and 135 Water Street, CLEVELIAND, 0. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Walter John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wasemi Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWHITCHER WM. C. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams & Ford, Cincinnati, Hamilton aZEILLER & WISE; Cincinnati, Hamilton Miller Thomas S., Circleville, Pickaway MILLER & SHULTZ, .Circleville, Pickaway BENEDICT L. & SONS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Benton J. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga s &ol Butts B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Schelder Martin & Bro., Chillicothe, Ross Berk'ey C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBudenbender J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Camp & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton aDickinson, Price & Bishop, Cincinnati, Hamilton Butts B., Collins, Goodsell Digmann Conrad aFULLER & CO. aMack John G., Mountcastle M., Paddock T.S., Ruffini E., STAIR E. & CO., WIEBER J. B., Montgomery H. J. Cincinnati, Hamilton Newman Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Otte H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Plaspohl H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pye Josiah R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ricking J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRigger Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rielag F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Samuel Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton aSCHEER W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schroder Wolff, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schwarz D. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thompson M. F. & Co., Tobias H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ulmer C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ulmer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Van Sant S., Cincinnati, Hamilton H'AT 829 HAT Cleveland, Cuyahoga min, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbiana, Columbiana y, Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Co., Columbus, Franklin Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Delaware, Delaware Dresden, Muskingum Dunn Joseph, Favorite E., Jeffries Allen, Kremer H., Dunlap A., D,onahew James, HID 880 HID~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POST OFFICE COUNTY Haskill Enock, Oxford, Butler Gregory R., Painesville, Lake Moodey Robert A., Painesville, Lake Porter L. A., Painesville,. Lake JOHNSON J. H., Portsmouth, Scioto Kehoe M. & Son, Portsmouth, Scioto Tracey C. P. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Ferguson M., Roscoe, Co6s-hocton Bradfield & Williams, Salem, Columbiana Robinson M. R., Salem, Columbiana Ferry Austin, Sandusky, Erie Keech C. C.,' Sandusky, Erie Fry Robert L., Sidney, Shelby Irwin David, Sidney, Shelby Bancroft P. E., Springfield, Clark Birdsle3 e P., Springfield, Clark Cotes & Hill, Springfield, Clark MayE. WE. & Co., Springfield, Clark Rogers B. H., Springfield, Clark Davidson Jos. G., Steubenville, Jefferson Liner C., Tiffin, Seneca Corbusier J. A., Toledo, Lucas aEddy N. U., Toledo, Lucas Hoehler Charles, Toledo, Lucas Seyler Jacob, Toledo, Lucas Seyler M., Toledo, Lucas Harter F. L., Troy, Miami Kreider R. G., Troy, Miami Talbott D., Urbana, Champaign WILEY JOSEPH, Urbana, Champaign Higgenbotham Wm., Wellsville, Columbiana Nachtreive J., Wooster, Wayne Cassidy & White, Zanesville, Muskingum Galigher & Brother, Zanesville, Muskingum Lockwood E. P., Eaton, Preble Bari r Micha el, Feesburg, Brown Taylo r & Son, Finley, Hancock Maewell 0. C., Franklin, Warren Gillhouse & Co., Galion, Crawford Smitl J. B., Gallipolis, Gallia pike N.M., Greedfield, Highland Casad Mitchel, Greenville, Darke Beardsley Henry, Hamilton, Butler Hornish B. B., Hillsboro, Highland Mattell Christia n, Hillsboro', Highland aRichards D. W., Ironton, Lawrence Smalley Mrs. M., Lancaster, Fairfield Boorom J. R., Lebanon, Warren Adair B. L., Lima, Allen Snider M., Log Cabin, Morgan PEETREY & CREATH, London, Madison SHANKLIN ADDISON, London, Madison Endly Henry, Mansfield, Richland Keech Charles C., Mansfield, Richland King H. L., Mansfield, Richland Ridenour Wm., Marietta, Washington Weis Frederic, Marietta, Washington Ullman Joseph, Marion, Marion Minich N., Massillon, Stark Epstine Bros. & Co., Mount Vernon, Knox King Wm. L., Mount Vernon, Knox Siler George, Mol nt Vernon, Knox Lazier James, New London, Huron Black F. R., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Donnell 0. D., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas O'Donnell Danie l, New Phliadelphia, Tuscarawas Catlin George, Newton Falls, Trumbull Wright D. G., Norwalk, Huron HIDE AND LEATHIER DEALERS AND TANNERS. ( Tanners marked thus, a.) aSpraid John, Buffalo, Guernsey Strater John, Butler, Richland aGeorge S. & Co., Cadiz, Harrison aGeorge & Co., Cadiz, Harrison aMcConnell William, Cadwallader, Tuscarawas aSomerville J. H., Canal Winchester, Franklin aSanzenbocher John, Canfield, Mahoning Hane J., Canton, Stark Goss Daniel, Center Belpre, Washington Hibbard T. B., Center Belpre, Washington aKlbler G., Chatfield, Crawford aMorse Wm. P., Chester, Meigs DeWees James, Chester Hill, Morgan Hodgin R. & Co., Chester Hill, Morgan Armstrong George, Chillicothe, Ross Campbell F. & S. D., Chillicothe, Ross aHarman 0. & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Bantlin Julius, Cincinnati, Hamilton Beitmann Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton o., Akr on, Summit Ashland, Ashland Ashtabula, Ashtabula . R., Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Bartlett, Washington Belleville, Richland Belleville, Richland erlin Center, Mahoning erlin Center, Mahoning erlin Center, Mahoning Bladensburg, Knox Bladensburg, Knox Boardman, Mahoning Bourneville, Ross Braceville, Trumbull Bristol, Morgan Brownsville, Licking Bucyrus, Crawford Bucyrus, Crawford HID 830 IIIID NAME NAME ]POST OFFICE COUNTY amills R., Hodgin R. & (,o., Coleman J., Flaharty P., abest GeorgeI, B Davis James, B aresch Jacob, B allill John, aMcConnent Wm., Graham Michael, awyte & Lance, Oviatt E. H., Stephens Thomas, Hamilton Joseph, Kirkland Samuel, aminnick Joseph, -~ ~ I 83 HID szS S. THORMAN & CO., And l S Pl l H is And Dealers in Wool, Sheep Pelts, Calf Skins, Rides, Furs, Tallow. &c. Cash Advanced on Consignments. 121 WATER STREET, CLI:EV]LAND, 0 HIO. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY PERCIVAL If. F. & CO., Cleveland Cuyahoga ROOT, WHITELAW & CO., 7 Davis Block, Water, Cleveland, Cuyahoga THORMAN S. & CO. (See card, p. 831.). Cleveland, Cuyahoga NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Benson H.P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Block & Eiseman, Cincinnati, Hamilton aDiehl & Keperling, Cincinnati, Hamilton Diekmann G., Cincinnati, Hamilton DISERENS F., Cincinnati, Hamilton ECKERT MICHAEL. (See card, p. 115.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Fiedeldy John Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aForbes J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Forbes & Stevenson, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHuber, Schue & Leist, Cincinnati, Hamilton Huroe John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton KESSLER H. & SON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Krauss & Krais, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kresz Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Luhring Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meier Ispording, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMoore A,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller M., Cincinnati, Hamilton N ick el & Bieler, Cincinnati, Hamilton Paul J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Quebe Frederic, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith & P alme r, Cincinnati, Hamilton Snodgrass N. W., Cincin nati, Hamilton Taylor A. M. & Co., Cincin nati, Hamilt on Walsh Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Woolley & Gerry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jackson & Metzger, Circleville, Pickaway Smith William, Clarksburg, Ross Ashton 0. P., Clarkson, Columbiana Moore Joseph, Clarkson, Columbiana BRATENAHL BROTHERS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga rs or no ~~~~~wE ~ _ - aGelbert H. & Son, Columbia Center, Licking aBucksip L., Columbus, Franklin aBuss Albert, Conneaut, Ashtabula Wehee Nathan, Cornersburg, Mahoning Cassingham & Shaw, Coshocton, Coshocton aRunch G. W., Covington, MIiami Miller James, Crestline, Crawford aMiller James & Co., Crestline, Crawford aMiller James & Co., Crestline, Crawford aConner J. T., Cumberland, Guernsey aRosman B., Cumberland, Guernsey Rogers George, Dalton, Wayne aMo relock J. J., Darby Creek, Madison aDar row J. W., Day ton, Montgomery aHaa s, Mitchel l & Stewart, Dayton, Montgomery ajones L. B., Dayton, Montgomery Powell John, Dayton, Montgomery ashade Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery abagley James, Deavertown, Morgan amarshall H. N., Deavertown, Morgan Hanna William, Deersville, Harrison ashenlgart H. C., Deersville, Harrison allarris & Oroutt, Defiance, Defiance alautz M., De Graff, Logan Parke J. H., De Graff, Logan Brown R. 0., Delaware, Delaware HULL H. & SON, Delaware, Delaware Stahl & True,' Delaware, Delaware aBeidleman & Evans, Delphos, Allen aLante John, Democracy, Knox aWeirick John, Democracy, Knox aBosworth J. P., Downington, Meigs akJones L. B., Da n,aMontgoms Powell John, Dyo,Mngmr aShade Joseph, Dyo,Mo gmr aBagley James, Daetw,Mra aMarshall H. N., Daetw,Mra Hanna William Desl, Hrio aShenlgart E. d., Desil,Hrio aHarris & Orcutt, Dfac,Dfac aLantz M.,DeGafLoa Par'ke J. H.,DeGafLoa Brown R. O., Dlwr,Dlwr Stahl & True, Dlwr,Dlwr a~oswrth J P., Downington, Meigs COOKE W. P. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cutter Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga GAENSSLEN BROTHERS. (See card, p. 231.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Glaser Brothers, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Newmarke S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga ailptris L.PB., Dunayton, Montgmer PowNEagleville, Ash tabulg Sharp J. H. & Son, East Liberty, Logan HID HID 831 t~~I 83 HIDw sswo NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aBoyd P. W., Ma umee City, Lucas aRichardson Mark, Maumee City, Lucas aChapman & Jones, Mechanicsburg, Champaign aMoore W. 1& H. C., Mechanicsburg, h mpaign alVES W. J., (See card, p. 435.) Mesopotamia, Trumbull aSmith H. F., Millerstown, Champaign allill Rlobert, Millville, Butler NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Eidson & Campbell, Eaton, Preble aRehfuss M., Eaton, Preble aBeardsley Wm., Edinburg, Portage aWiloox William F. Elida, Allen aHoffman Levi, Farmersville, Montgomery McKibben W. W., Feesburg, Brown atarned G. C., Finley, Hancock aRamsey Samuel, Frease's Store, Stark aDickinson, Bostwick & Co., Fremont, Sandusky aLeppleman E. J., Fremont, Sandusky aArnold V., Galena, Delaware aMaxfield J. S. D., Galena, Delaware aWeeks T. F., Galena, Delaware JONES & BLICKLE, Gallipolis, Gallia aHarding Jonathan, German, Darke aKrehl Fred., Girard, Trumbull aflays & Woolcot, Granville, Licking aDouglass D. & W., Greenfield, Highland aFullerton & Juror, Greenfield, Highland aPim G., Green Hill, Columbiana Sohn John W., Hamilton, Butler aBarnhart N., Harrisonville, Meigs aWatkins Isaac, Harrisonville, Meigs aKeely & Bro., Highland, Highland aKenzie D. S., Hill Grove, Darke aEaston E., Hillsboro', Highland Phelps Rollin. Hope, Franklin aLopenstine Charles, Ironton, Lawrence aRuf Edward, Jackson, Jackson aVail J. H., Kalida, Putnam allayward & Baker, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula aShaal J., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula aSmaith & Ellis, Kenton, Hardin aSmith M., Kimbolton, Guernsey alHull & Frisbie, Kyger, Gallia aScully Thomas, Lake, Stark Stewart & Tipton, Lamartine, Carroll aPratt G. W., Lancaster, Fairfield aShaffer Jacob, Lancaster, FairfeldP Ritchie & Coffield, Lebanon, Warren Evans Wesley, Leipsic, Putnam aColeman Abner W., Lexington, Richland aWhitford C., Lexington, Richland Neise H., Lima, Allen Moses R., Litchfield, Medina Raiddie J., Litchfield, Medina Stubel J. A., Liverpool, Medina aHomer J. & Son, Lodi, Medina Stringham S. L., Lodi, Medina Swaney Ira, Lucas, Richland aSeal John, McArthur, Vinton aJohnson H., Macon. Morrow aRietter J., Mansfield, Richland aDye & McCarty, Marietta, Washington aJohnston & Steen, Marietta, Washington aKillenger F., Marietta, Washington Skinner, Rolston & Co., Marietta, Washington Darrow Wm. L., Marion, Marion Kraft Lewis, Marshallsville, Wayne aMasters Wm. T., Masterton, Monroe allill Robert, Millville, Butler aBraninger Michael, Milnersville, Guernsey aBeck Charles, Moncilova, Lucas aBrandon Wm. & Co., Montpelier, Williams asmith H., Montra, Shelby acqummings John, Morrow, Warren aCmmmings John, Morrow, Warren Prickett H. C., Mc, unt Blanchard, Hancock Treeco & Taylor, Mlount Blanchard, Hancock aDysle F., Mount Eaton, Wayne RAYMOND I., Mount Vernon, Knox aWilliams N., Mount Vernon, Knox aBrodt J. F., Nelsonvile, Athens aSwackhammer E., Nelsonville, Athens JOENSTON DAVID. (See card, p. 461.) New Alexandria, Jefferson Porter S. B., New Alexandria, Jefferson Ritter John, Newark, Licking aGilbert James, Newbury, Geauga aLittle G. R., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas anfulvane D., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Forsythe J. V.. New Concord, Muskingum aGalbreath D. L., New Garden, Columbiana amar sh all Miles, North Jackson, Mahoning aSchanwecker G. J., North Jackson, Mahoning Thompson Washington, Norton, Delaware Baker Henry, Norwalk,'Huron aJones J., Oak Hill, Jackson aPugh E., Oak Hill, Jackson aBurgett Joseph, Olivesburg, Richland HID 832 HID Hooten Mark M.,. New Hagerstown, Carroll aper - S. G., New Harrisburg, Carroll, Potter Andrew, New -London, Huron arussel O.,'New Llondoia, Huron Snodgrass R. & Son, New Madison, Darke affutchinson S.,, New Metamoras, Washington agrave & Son, New Paris, Preble asargent Edward, New Philadelphia, Tusearawas abuffington George, New Plymouth, Vinton aMeCullough & MeGan, New Riimley, Harrison Geppinger & Resh, 14ewton Falls, Trumbull IIOT 833 HOT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aGorsuch D. H., Stryker, Williams Hawk & Kintzell, Sulphur Springs, Crawford aWalker J. R., Sylvia, Hardin aMyers John, Thurman, Gallia aMiller J. W., Tiffin, Seneca aWall M., Tiffin, Seneca CHAPMAN L. & CO., Toledo, Lucas Coghlin & Brooks, Toledo, Lucas Elugh H. D., Toledo, Lucas McCampbell & Holden, Troy, Miami Senft F., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Gorley Robt., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Langenmayer John, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas BEACH R. & CO. (See card, p. 599.) Urbana, Champaign Doty F. D., Van Buren, Hancock aClippenger D. H., Van Wert, Van Wert aClippenger & McKim, Van Wert, Van Wert aWortman S., Vienna, Trumbull Cramage B., Warren, Trumbull aHeiiley Moses, Waynesville, Warren aRiddle J. R., Wellsville, Columbiana Rehfros J. M., West Alexandria, Preble aBeck H., West Cairo, Monroe aMort J., West Cairo, Monroe aSharp J. B., West Middleburg, Logan Triffinger Peter, West Point, Columbiana Rowley George, Wilkesville, Vinton aClark James, Wilmington, Clinton Archer T., Woodsfield, Monroe Sander R. L.,- Wooster, Wayne Buckles J. J., Xenia, Greene CHAMBERLAIN & SON, Xenia, Greene. aBlue Curran, Zanesville, Muskingum aGREUL & BISCHOFF, - Zanesville, Muskingum Moorehead W. C., Zanesville, Muskingum aROBERTSON H. & J., Zanesville, Muskingum Werner Chas. J., Zanesville, Muskingum. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aCurtis B. M., Ottawa, Putnam aFruchey & McComb, Ottawa, Putnam Erwin' &.Crawford, Oxford, Butler aTaylor James H., Painesville, Lake aMiller Wm., Pancoastburg, Fayette Heith J. MI. & Co., Perrysburg, Wood Gietzinger John B., Perryville, Ashland aWare David, Piketon, Pike aHaethan M., Piqua, Miami Rutcher Isaac Pleasant Hill, Miami aSmith Joseph, Poland, VIahoning McQuigg & Smith, Pomeroy, Meigs aRanck David, Poplar, Crawford Kehoe M. & Son, Portsmouth, Scioto aKinney Charles, Portsmouth, Scioto Tracey C. P. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto a~aylr Jams H., Psinesville, Lake a~iler l7m., Pancoastburg, Fayette Heih 3 A1 & o., Perrysburg, WYood Gietzinger John B., Perryville, Ashland a-Ware l~avid,Piketon, Pike a~aethan WI.,Pig ua, M~iami llutcer Iaac, Pleasant Hill, M~ia~mi a~mith oseph, Poland, MVahoning Mc~uig &; mith, Pome-roy, Meigs v~anck avid, Poplsx, Crawford a~inny Chales, Portsmouth, Scioto Tracey C:. P. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto aKilgore John, a Port W ashington, Tuscarawas (Knox & Moreland, Pratt, Shelbyg, W aBell John, Quincy, Logan Chambers-John, Quincy o, Logane aChitten W., Racine, Meigsa m Miswell T. L., Raymond's, Union aLinch Robert, Republican ill, Darke alledges B.Je, Richland, Richland Winters & Crouch, Richmond, Jefferson aCarhar t Johnc a, Rosoe, Coshoctonro aMcKee James, Salem, Columbiana ot aStarr Joseph, Samantha, Highlandt NIEDERLANDER J. N. & (Co0. Pt s ot, o Sandusky, Erie aBerry J., Sarahsville, Noblea aPool John H., Sarahsvillec, Nobleon CamBerry Joh, Sarhsincy, Logan acooltJon W., R acasille, Noble Miwl. L. _Raym_o_D_s ljnion Wintrdyc & Cruh,Rchmndefeson aFordyce & McGaw, Senecaville, Guernsey aSte(ele I-Henry, Senecaville, Guernsey aCremer F. J., Shade, Atheins aMyer Charles D., Sidney, Shelby aMartin Jesse & Son, Smithfield, Jefferson aWhite Jno. & Son, Smithfield, Jefferson aBrelney & Everet, Springfield, Clark aElliott Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson Spencer John C., Steubenville, Jefferson HOTELS AND HOTEL PROPRIETORS. AMERICAN HOUSE, Ashland, Ashland McNULTY HOUSE, Ashland, Ashland iaIMILLER HOUSE, Ashland, Ashland Treace George, Ashland, Ashland Ashley Hotel, Ashley, Delaware ASHTABULA HOUSE. (See card, page 15.) Ashtabula, Ashtabula Fiskli House,. Ashtabula, Ashtabula Franklin House, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Dolam Thomas, Athens, Athens Hoyt House, Athens, Athens Hillyer D. W,, Atwater, Portage Austin House, Austinburg, Ashtabula Gillett Gersham, Avon, Lorain Lynes Saml. D., Avon, Lorain Blue J. U., Ayersville, Defiance Abbeyville, Medin a . Ada, Hardin Addison, Gallia Adrian, Seneca Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Alert, Butler (See card, p. 9.) Alliance, Stark Alliance, Stark Ansonia, Darke Ansonia, Darke Antwerp, Paulding Antwerp, Paulding Arcanum, Darke HOT 833 HOT Pierce Nathaniel, Mansion House, Cortright V,-iil, Stewart T., AMERICAN HOTEL, Empire House, Helni F., Summit I-louse, Keager M., BUCKEYE HOUSE. Johnson Z. B., Ansonia House, Traveler's Home, . Antwerp House, Eldorado House, Allen Elisha, 54 HOT 834 ['OT t~iL A't \PLJ==:#;;=c- ftz $ -A COR. MAIN AND THIRD STS., N - OHIO. So go Z2' LL9 Ia r o NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Kerns Peter, Bainbridge, Ross Morrow Thomas, Bainbridge, Ross Allen C. D., Bantam, Clermont Bloomer House, Barnesville, Belmont Mills R., Barnesville, Belmont Piper J. tI., Barnesville, Belmont Layhill E. H., Batesville, Guernsey Monroe House, Beallsville, Monroe Yeates C. J., Beallsville, Monroe BELMONT HOUSE. (See card, p. 27.) Belle Air, Belmont Garrett Thomas, Belle Air, Belmont Shick M., Belle Air, Belmont Harrod Samuel, Belle Center, Logan BRAN HAM HOUSE. (See card, p. 29.) Bellefontaine, L og an L ogan House, Bellefontaine, Logan Union Hous e, Bellefontaine, Logan Ben s on Jacob, Belle Point, Delaware Alexander Hous, Be ville, Aa JO S Richland Eckhart M., Bellevue, Huron Strong A., Bellevue, Huro Henderson House, Belpre, W aslington Conklin P. J., Bennington, Morrow Benton House, Benton Ridge, Hancock Edington R. N., Bentonville, Adams Culver A., Berea, Cuyahoga Ritter House, Berea, Cuyahoga Berlin House, BerBellef ontaine, Logan Union House, Bellefontaine, Logan BensonJacob, Belle Point, Delaware Alexader Huse, Belleville, Richland Strong A., ~Bellevue, Huron Hendeson Huse, Belpre, W ashington Conkin P J., Bennington, Morrow Edingon R N., Bentonville, Adams Culver A., Berea, Cuyahoga Berlin Hotel, Berlin Center, Mahoning NA_ME POST OFFICE COUNTY Saint Charles Hotel, Berne, Noble Davis Mrs. E., Bethany, Butler Blackburn Wm., Big Plain, Madison Elson John D., Bird's Run, Guernsey Houck William, Bladensburg, Knox Simonton John, Blanchester, Clinton PATRICK ARTHUR, Boardman, Mahoning Henkle John, Bourniesville, Ross Andre'ws Ichabod, Braceville, Trumbull Merwin Edward P., B3raceville, Trumbull Wood Lucius, Braceville, Trumbull Hollis G. W., Brecksville, Cuyalhoga Bridgeport House, Bridgeport, Belmont LA BELLE HOUSE. (See card, p. 44.) Bridgeport, Belmont Union House, Brimfield, Portage Tremont House, Bristolville, Trumbull Rankin House, Brownsville, Licking Young American Hotel Brownsville, Licking Knisley John, Brunersburg, Defiance Henderson R. W., Buckeye Cottage, Perry Livingston David, Buckeye Furnace, Jackson JOHNSON HOUSE. (See card, p. 52.) Bucyrus, Crawford MIcCOY HOUSE,-OLD. (See card, p. 51.) Bucyrus, Crawford Oregon House, Bucyrus, Crawford WESTERN HOTEL, Bucyrus, Crawford See advt. of Strong & Armstrong, p. 779 HOT HOT 834 DAYTO N, .4. Loganki House, Bleotie oa - Berlin Cross Roadsn Jackson ~~~~e dt fStrong A. Belevu,sHrong,p 7 HOT 835 HOT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lane Lester D., Burg Hill, Trumbull Clapper William, Butler, Richland Mansion House, Cadiz, Harrison National House, Cadiz, Harrison CADIZ JUNCTION EATING HOUSE. (See card, p. 57.) Cadiz Junction, Harrison Monroe House, Calais, Monroe Dumble John, Caledonia, Marion Dilly House, Cambridge, Guernsey EAGLE HOTEL. (See card, p. 59.) Cambridge, Guernsey Preble House, Camden, Preble Washington Hotel, Camden, Preble American House, Canal Fulton, Stark BOSTWICK HOUSE. (See card, p. 63.) Canal Winchester, Franklin Fellnagle F., Canal Winchester, Franklin Meeker House, Canal Winchester, Franklin Exchange Hotel, Canton, Stark Jackson House, Canton, Stark Lafayette House, Canton, Stark SAINT CLOUD HOTEL, Canton, Stark STOVER S., Canton, Stark BEATTY HOUSE. (See card, p. 67.) Carrollton Carroll McCoy James, Castalia, Erie Mansion House, Catawba, Clark Ellis 0., Celina, Mercer Small R. W., Celina, Mercer Winters J., Celina, Mercer Howe R. W., Centre Belpre, Washington Stone Samuel, Centre Belpre, Washington American House, Centre Village, Delaware Bader G., Chambersburg, Montgomery Fisher J. A., Chandlersville, Muskingumn Henry Joseph, Chatfield, Crawford Pcnce Abraham, Chatham, Licking Chauncey House, Chauncey, Athens Marion House, Chester Hill, Morgan Commercial Hotel, Chillicothe, Ross Barleon Anton, Chillicothe, Ross Clinton House, Chillicothe, Ross Frantz Mrs., Chillicothe, Ross PH(ENIX HOUSE. (See card, p. 80.) C hillicothe, Ross VALLEY HOUSE. (See card, p. 79.) Chillicothe, Ross Friedlein John & G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fringer John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Galt House, Cincinnati, Hamilton Garrison James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gasten, Dickson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Geffroy O. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Geisbauer Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gerhold Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Griffith Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grimm Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ha n s John, Cincinnati, Hamilton HARPER P. M. (See card, p. 145.) Cincinnati, Hamilton HENRIE HOUSE. (See card.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Hill Jam es, Cincinnati, Hamilton HOLENSHADE & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hollerbach John, Cincinnati, Hamilton INDIANA HOUSE. (See card, p: 161.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Johnson, Saunders & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton James & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kahn S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keegan M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keutz Rarni, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kohnle Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton LEAVERING R. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lewis Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD HOTEL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Long John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Exchange Hotel, Christiansburg, Champaign ANTELOPE EXCHANGE, Cincinnati, Hamilton BAEHR WILLIAM, Cincinnati, Hamilton Baennenger S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bardo J., Cincinnati, Hamilton BEVIS HOUSE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Blackford P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bollman J. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton BOMAN & TIEMAN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Boschert B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bratzler Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton ong H lohn Cincinnati, Hamilton McDowell William R., I Cincinnati, Hamilton McKenzie James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Madison House, Cincinnati, Hamilton See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. HOT 835 HOT DETZEL MICHA Dickman Louis' Drescher Chas'., Dusenbery C. A., Cincinnati, Ha - ilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton. ge, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Felix M., Friedlein John & 136 S. E. Cor. Washington and New Jersey Sts., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. - - Proprietor. This hotel has lately been enlarged and refurnished, making it one of the finest Hotels in the State. The rooms are large and well ventilated, the Beds new and good, and the Tables supplied with the Delicacies of the season. Connected with this Hotel are Omnibuses and Carriages, to convey passengers to and from the trains free of *harge. Also a large and commodious Stable. .DCarriages and Vehicles, of every description, ready for hire at all hours, day or night. .j3Ua=~~:&7~=:.:= N. W. Cor. Ohio and South Streets, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA LEO & FLETCHER, Proprietors. The undersigned having leased the above Hotel for a term of years, and having refitted, refurnished and painted throughout, are now prepared to accommodate their friends and traveling public who may favor them with a call. The Table shall always be sqpplied with the best the market affords. Mr. Leo has been engaged in Hotel Business in this city for a term of years, and laterally of the Bramble House of this city. Mr. Geo. Fletcher, formerly engaged in Hotels in New York City and Louisville, and the past year in the Bramble of this Gity, will be happy to see his friends at the Jones. All who may favor them with a Gall may be assured their stay in the city will be made comfortable and pleasant at the Jones Hotel. JOHN LEO. GEORGE FLETCHER. ADVERTISEMENTS. LITTLERS HOTELS -A. R. HYDE, HOT 837 HOT AMERICAN HOTEL, J. A. ENSIGN, Proprietor, SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO HENRY MARVIN, formerly of Angier House, Clerk. NAME POST OFFICE COUNT' Tuckschm ed Ulrick, Cincinnati Hamiltoa UNITED STATES HOTEL. (See card, p. 182.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Vogelgesong N., Cincinnati, Hamilton WALNUT STREET HOUSE. (See card, p. 111.) Cincinnati, Hamilton WATSON JAMES. (See card, p. 182.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Worsdall William, Cincinnati, Hamilton Yarrington Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeigler Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NIagerhaus A. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marsh William E., Cincinnati, Hamilton MARTIN JOHN. (See card, p. 92.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Medgeley Mvrs. Ann, Cincinnati, Hamilton MISSOURI HOUSE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Montgomery James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller. George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller H., Cincinnati, Hamilton National Hotel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Niemer F. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nimsgern Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nolker J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Owens John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pfeiffer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pratt & Metcalf, Cincinnati, Hamilton Puckta Lawrence, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rabe John, Cincinnati, Hamilton RAILROAD HOTEL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeigler Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zimmerman Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton American House, Circleville, Pickaway Bolin John P., Circleville, Pickaway Carper Jacob H., Circleville, Pickaway COVERDALE P. (See card, p. 220.) Circleville, Pickaway National House, Circleville, Pickaway PICKAWAY HOUSE. (Se e card, p. 220.) Circleville, Pickaway Rodgers P. W., Circleville, Pickaway Tye George, Circleville, Pickaway Valley House, Circleville, Pickaway Johnson Joseph, Clarksburg, Ross Scott W. B., Clarksfield, Huron Henderson Samuel, Clarkson, Columbiana Allen & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga AMERICAN HOTEL. (See card, p. 837.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga ANGIER IIOUSE. (See card, p. 224.,' Cleveland, Cuyahoga Barrett Martin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bennet's Forest City House, Cleveland, Cuyahogb Brockway T. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brockway & Neddleton, Cleveland, Cuyahoga BURNETT HOUSE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga City Hotel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Coats & Bramley, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Commercial Hotel, Cleveland, Cuyahogp Robert Emmet House, Cincinnati, Hamilton Robinson J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton RYMAN GIDEON. (See card, p. ] 61.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmitt George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schorr George, Cincinnati, Hamilton SCHUELE J. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton SCHWIENHER JOHN B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Seitzer George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Selves George, Cincinnati, Hamilton SHUMATE A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Silvester John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Slade Wm. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton SOUTHGATE HOUSE. (See card, p. 145.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Spencer House, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steuben J., Cincinnati) Hamilton Streetmatter Mathias, Cincinnati, Hamilton See advt. of S. A. Griffith, p. 778. 'HOT 837 HOT POST OFFICE COUNTY UOT 888 HOT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY ENSIGN JOHN A. (See card, p. 837.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga FRANKLIN HOUSE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga HANSCOM LEWIS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga JOHNSON HOUSE. (See card, p. 249.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga MAIN C. E. (See card, p. 249.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga New England Hotel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga New London House, Cleveland, Cuyahoga O'MELLA JAMES, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ROSS J. P. (See card, p. 250.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga SAINT CLAIR HOTEL, Cleveland, Cuyahoga TAYLOR R. M. N. (See card, p. 224.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga WEDDLE HOUSE. (See card, p. 250.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Zimmerman Frank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Stadler Frederic, Clinton, Summit Benner M., Clyde, Sandusky Dwight S. H., Clyde, Sandusky Cottage House, Columbia Center, Licking ROBERTSON DAVID, Columbiana, Columbiana Scott D., Columbiana, Columbiana AMERICAN HOUSE. (See card, p. 273.) Columbus, Franklin BARKER ISAAC B. (See card, p. 268.) Columbus, Franklin Barrett Caleb, Columbus, Franklin Beller E., Columbus, Franklin Belzer Philip, Columbus, Franklin CADWALLADER HOUSE, Columbus, Franklin DOLSON A. W. (See card, p. 270.) Columbus, Franklin Failing W., Columbus, Franklin Goodale House, Columbus, Franklin Leibold Julius, Columbus, Franklin NATIONAL HOTEL. (See card, p. 268.) Columbus, Franklin Newcomb N.H., Columbus, Franklin Powell William, Columbus, Franklin SIMONTON H., Columbus, Franklin United States Hotel, Columbus, Franklin WARDEN & EMERY. (See card, p. 273.) Columbus, Franklin Weegand & Hairing, Columbus, Franklin Damon H., Concord, Lake Eagle Hotel, Concord, Lake BLAKELEY HENRY. (See card, p. 285.) Conneaut, Ashtabula Burgess 0., Conneaut, Ashtabula Randolph Patterson, Conneaut, Ashtabula TREMONT HOUSE. (See card, p. 285.) Conneaut, Ashtabula Lortcher Jacob, Corsica, Morrow American House, Coshocton, Coshocton COSHOCTON HOUSE. (See card, p. 288.) Coshocton, Coshocton Tidball House, Coshocton, Coshocton Raper Wm., Dayton, Montgomery Ryan John, Dayton, Montgomery Schieble &'Strickler, Cuu Dayton, Montgomery Schneider Francis, Dayton, Montgomery Shank Richard, Dayton, Montgomery Swaynie Alexander, Dayton, Montgomery Zehnder John,- Dayton, Montgomery Zwiesler John, Dayton, Montgomery BENN G. C., Defiance, Defiance DEFIANCE HOTEL, Defiance, Defianco KINDIG SAMUEL, Defiance, Defianc, RUSSELL CHARLES. (See card, p. 311.) Defiance, Defiance See advt. of Conmstock & Newberry, p. 768. HOT HOT 838 HOT 839 HOT BAGGS' HOTEL, Directly opposite the MICHICAN CET$AL & CRAtI D TRUNK B.. R DEPOTS AND TIHE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY FERRY, DETROIT, M9 I CH. R. McDONALD & CO., Prop'rs. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Meyers G. H., Elida, Allen Pennsylvania House, Elida, Allen Atkins Wm., Euphemia, Preble American House, Farmersville, Montgomery TROUT DANIEL, Feesburg, Brown Carr J., Finley, Hancock Crook's Hotel, Finley, Hancock Guntner & Woodworth, Finley, Hancock Schwab, Finley, Hancock Sensney & Shuler, Finley, Hancock Florence Hotel, Florence, Erie CARSON P. (See card, p. 336.) Forest, Hardin Cooley J. B., Fort Seneca, Seneca Hurst Mrs. M., Franklin, Warren Miller's Hotel, Franklin, Warren Day S. F., Franklin Mills, Portage Franklin House, Franklin Mills, Portage Burd Mrs. M. J., Frease's Store, Stark Freedom House, Freedom, Portage Wheelock J., Freedom, Portage Beery A. J., Fremont, Sandusky Croghan House, Fremont, Sandusky Hocke C., Fremont, Sandusky Kessler W., Fremont, Sandusky Russell H. S., Fremont, Sandusky Thompson D., Fremont, Sandusky Galena House, Galena, Delaware Hoover L. M., Galena, Delaware McCarrel Wm., Galigher, Guernsey EDSON L. O. (See card, p. 345.) Galion, Crawford Ferris Smith, Galion, Crawford Tracey John, Galion, Crawford WESTERN HOTEL. (See card,/ p. 345.) Galion, Crawford AMERICAN HOUSE. (See card, p. 347.) Gallipolis, Gallia Beare Ira, Gallipolis, Gallia BRENEMAN H. (See card, p. 347.) Gallipolis, Gallia Dunn John, Gallipolis, Gallia Frost S., Gallipolis, Gallia Hoy Charles,F., Gallipolis, Goa1lia NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Shoup S. B., De Graff, Logan AMERICAN hIOTEL. (See card, p. 315.) Delaware, Delaware SHERMAN CHARLES. (See card, p. 315.) Delaware, Delaware SMITH M. A. & CO., Delaware, Delaware White N., Delaware, Delaware American House, Delphos, Allen Blosser Isaac, Delphos, Allen Central House, Delphos, Allen Clark J. R., Delphos, Allen Heecker House, Delphos, Allen Kelker D., Delphos, Allen Pennsylvania House, Delphos, Allen Ross Charles, Delphos, Allen Amity House, Democracy, Knox Dodson House, Dodson, Montgomery Petticrew J. D. C., Dodson, Montgomery American House, Dresden, Muskingum Crane J. S., Dresden, Muskingum Dresden House, Dresden, Muskingum Eagle House, Dresden, Muskingum Osburn T., Dresden, Muskingum Shaffer Harry, Dresden, Muskingum American House, Dublin, Franklin Coffman F., Dublin, Franklin Custard A., Dublin, Franklin Franklin House, Dublin, Franklin McNeel,Duncan's Falls, Muskingum Shepard Wm., East Liberty, Logan Painter Jacob, East Monroe, Highland Railroad House, East Monroe, Highland Tremkey T., East Rochester, Columbiana Boner John C., Eaton, Preble EAGLE HOTEL. (See card, p. 325.) Eaton, Preble Eaton House, Eaton, Preble Jefferson W. W., Eaton, Preble National Hotel, Eaton, Preble WINTERS & SHAFNER. (See card, p. 325.) Eaton, Preble Mathews Joseph, Eckmansville, Adams Stevens D., Eckmansville, Adams Thursby H., Edgerton, Williams Fremont House, Edinburg, Portage See advt. of S. HOT 839 HOT HOT 840 HOT~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY TUCKER & BLOUNT. (See card, p. 375.) Hillsboro', Highland Wright John H. & Co., Hillsboro', Highland Dague JonaBthan, Hope, Franklin Lan don Noble, sr., HLope, Franklin American Htouse, Hudson, Summit DICKINSON J. D., Hudson, Summit MANSION HOUSE, Htudson, Summit Brammer E., Ironton, Lawrence Hamilton G. W., Ironton, La wrence Ironton House, Ironton, Lawrence Lewis Dan. J., Ironton, Lawrence St. John R., I ronton, Lawrence And res Joseph, J ackson, Jackson COMMERCIAL HOUSE. (See card, p. 383.) Jackson, Jackson FRENCH JOHN. (See card, p. 383.) Jackson, Jackson PALMER WM. H1., Jackson, Jackson Poindexter Charles, Jackson, Jackson Smith Francis, Jackson, Jackson VALLEY HOUSE,, Jackson, Jackson COULTER HOUSE, Kalida, Putnam Raw House, Kalida, Putnam Island House, Kelly's Island, Erie Kelly Addison, Kelly's Island, Erie Lewis B. F., Kellogsville, Ashtabula Eagle Hotel, Kennonsburg, Noble Butcher & Show, Kenton, Hardin Eglin B., Kenton, Hardin Farmer's Hotel, Kenton, Hardin Imerson Geo. H., Kenton, Hardin Loeffert N., Kenton, Hardin ST. HICHOLAS HOUSE, Kenton, Hardin Temperance Hotel, Kimboltoni, Guernsey Tate D., Kyger, Gallia Wilson Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison Hopler Edward, Lasing, Monroe Johnson Amos, Lake, Stark Stonebrook Jacob, Larnartine, Carroll Baumann C. F., Lancaster, Fairfield Flem C., Lancaster, Fairfield Monagher James, Lancaster, Fairfield Wetzel Jacob, Lancaster, Fairfield BELLMIRE HOUSE. (See card, p. 397.) Lebanon, Warren CALVIN STEPHEN, Lebanon, Warren CHANDLER HERMAN. (See card, p. 897.) Lebanon, Warren Lebanon House, Lebanon, Warren National Hotel, Lebanon, Warren ltOSS ABNER L., Lebanon, Warren AMERICAN HOUSE, Leipsic, Putnam HARRIS G. & W., Leipsic, Putnam Shakely John, Leipsic, Putnam Haymer Josiah, Letart Falls, Meigs Eagle Hlotel, Lexington, Richland Mohican House, Lexington, Richland Spaulding J. A. L., Lexington, Richland Betts Henry, Lima, Allen Statts Hiram, Lima, Allen Tingle Harvey, Lima, Allen Willower A. H., Lima, Allen NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Monroe House, Gallipolis, Gallia Workman Louis D., Gallipolis, Gallia SULLIVAN J. W., Garrettsville, Portage Union House, Garrettsville, Portage Crandell Wm., Georgetown, Brown Putnam House, German, Darke American House, Germantown, Montgomery Christine B., Germantown, Montgomery Eberle House, Germantown, Montgomery Schaeffer House, Germantown, Montgomery Shaffer & Baker, Germantown, Montgomery Adams A. A., Girard, Trumbull Miller Cyrus, Girard, Trumbull Braecker F.. Glendale, Hamilton DILLEY HOUSE, Granville, Licking GRANVILLE HOUSE, Granville, Licking ROSE LEVI, Granville, Licking Clawson Jacob R., Gratis, Preble Grimes Wm. HI., Gratis, Preble Mikesell Peter, Gratis, Preble FRANKLIN HOUSE. (See card, p. 356.) Greenfield, Highland Harper J. H., Greenfield, Highland BROADWAY HOUSE, Greenville, Darke CLAWSON A. M., Greenville, Darke Fisher J., Greenville, Darke FITTS WILLIAM, Greenville, Darke KING J. R., Greenville, Darke PH(ENIX HOUSE, Greenville, Darke Railroad House, Hale, Hardin Butler House, Hamilton, Butler City Hotel, Hamilton, Butler Denges Charles, Hamilton, Butler HAMILTON HOTEL, (See card, p. 363.) Hamilton, Butler Humbaugh F. E., Hamilton, Butler Lohman House, Hamilton, Butler REUTTI THEODORE. (See card, p. 363.) Hamilton, Butler Schertz Mrs. Wilhelmeine, Hamilton, Butler Strub, Clophas & Co., Hamilton, Butler Straub Felix, Hamilton, Butler Hollysworth John H., Hanging Rock, Lawrence Coon Israel, Hanover, Licking Fay William, Hanover Licking, Union House, Hanover, Licking Valley House, Hanover, Licking Hall E. K., Harmer, Washington Wells T. K., Harmer, Washington Phillips J. B., Harpersfield, Ashtabula Moore William, Harrisonville, Meigs Johnson W. G., Haverhill, Scioto Highland Hotel, Highland, H ig hland SAVAGE JNO., Highland, Highland Eisenbour Amos, Hill Grove, Darke Eutaw House, Hill Grove, Darke ELLICUTT HOUSE. (See card, p. 375.) Hillsboro', Highland LEBER JOSEPH A., Hillsboro', Highland See advt. of Oak-Tanned Leather Belting, p. 712. HOT - 840 HOT 1101' 841 HOT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY McClintock, Litchfield, Medina Hill Roger, Little Hocking, Washington Ohio House, Little Hocking, Washington Hering Christian, Little Sandusky, Wyandot Elsworth H. A., Liverpool, Medina Dye C., Lockington, Shlelby Farmer's Hotel, Lockington, Shelby GISH A., Lockport, William Lockport Hotel, Lockport, William Smith E., Lockville, Fairfield Bentzel George, London, Madison COWLING HOUSE. (See card, p. 410.) London, Madison Howsmarn William, London, Madison Jones William, London, Madison McLAUGHLIN DAVID. (See card, p. 410.) London, Madison American House, Loudonville, Ashland Brown H., Loudonville, Ashland Craig J. C., Loudonville, Ashland Howard House, Loudonville, Ashland Swigart G. J., Lucas, Richland Henderson A. T., Lynchburg, Highland Hulbert!I., McArthur, Vinton McArthur House, McArthur, Vinton Page M., Macon, Morrow GRAVES ROBT. C., Malaga, Monroe Cromer Jacob, Mansfield, Richland Drakert P., Mansfield, Richland Gutzwiller V., Mansfield, Richland MILLER D. M. (See card, p. 4i8.) Mansfield, Richland MOORE & McDOWELL. (See card, p. 419.) Mansfield, Richland Payn G. C., Mansfield, Richland WELDON HOUSE. (See card, p. 419.) Mansfield, Richland WILER HOUSE. (See card, p. 418.) Mansfield, Richland, MARBLEHEAD IlOUSE, Marblehead, Ottawa Evans D. B., Marietta, Washington NATIONAL HOUSE. (See card, p. 422.) Marietta, Washington RECKARD A. W. (See card, p. 422.) Marietta, Washington Smith J., Marietta, Washington AMERICAN HOUSE. (See card, p. 425.) Marion, Marion Hull E. H., Marion, Marion MANN C. B. (See card, p. 425.) Marion, Marion STEINMETZ N., Marshallsville, Wayne AMERICAN HOTEL, Marysville, Union Turner M., Marysville, Union Burch Wm., Mason, Warren Meighan E. L., Mason, Warren American Hotel, Massillon, Stark Henderer C. A., Massillon, Stark Keller Mrs. M., Massillon, Stark Pennsylvania House, Massillon, Stark PENOYER J., Massillon, Stark Railroad House, Massillon, Stark Franklin House, Mount Blanchard, Hancock Mount Blanchard Hotel, Mount Blanchard, Hancock Eagle Hotel, Mount Eaton, Wayne Klein Peter, Mount Eaton, Wayne Tremont Hotel, Mount Eaton, Wayne Mount Pleasant Hotel, Mount Healthy, Hamilton Thompson John, Mount Liberty, Knox Slayton D. P., Mount Orab, Brown Bergin W., Mount Vernon, Knox Black P. )Ionnt Vernon, Knox Cataract House, Mount Vernon, Knox See advt. of Rice & Burnett, p. 757. T HOT 841 HOT Y k e s s s s IS t [l 1y 1y Fy F I NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY KENYON HOUSE. (See card, p. 456.) Mount Vernon, Knox Scarbrough W., Mount Vernon, Knox WINNE G. (See card, p. 456.) Mount Vernon, Knox American House, Mount Victory, Hardin North American House, .Mount Victory, Hardin STEEDMAN S. H., Napoleon, Henry Moore James, Nashport, Muskingum Cable House, Nelsonville, Athens Dew Thomas, jr., Nelsonville, Athens Ohio House, Nelsonville, Athens Kesser J. W., Nevada, Wyandot Ritz J. E., New Alexander, Columbianao Empire House, New Alexandria, Jefferson McIntire Robert, New Alexandria, Jefferson United States House, New Alexandria, Jefferson Biekel Frank, Newark, Licking Chester S., Newark, Licking COLT R. E. (See card, p. 463.) Newark, L icking Cortney J., New ark, Licking Exchange Aletel, Newa, ark Licking GIRAFFE HOTEL, Newark, Licking HOLTON J. L., (See card, p. 463.) Newark, Licking Pennsylvania House, Newark, Licking PRESTON UH,USE. (See card, p. 463.,) Newark, Licking RONEY & DORSEY. (See card, p. 466.) Newark, Licking YOUNG JOHN, Newark, Licking Russell Charles, Newburg, Geauga Hall Joseph, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Miller David, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Phoenix House, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Piper J. O., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Union House, Newcomerstovwn, Tuscarawas Beamis Llrs. New Concord, Muskingum Waller F., New Concord, Muskingum Wolf C., New Garden, Columbiana Bavington C., New Hagerstown, Carroll Brann Alex., New Hagerstown, Carroll Saint Charles Hotel, New Hagerstown, Carroll Union House, New Hagerstown, Carroll Moore John, New Harrisburg, Carroll Tucker R., New Harrisburg, Carroll American Hotel, New Holland, Pickaway Gordon S., New Holland, Pickaway EXCHANGE HOTEL, New Lisbon, Cblumbiana Hamilton W. WV., New Lisbon, Columbiana McCaskey & W~inter, New Lisbon, Columbiana Wat,son House, New Lisbon, Columbiana Ascher House, New London, Huron NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY King's Hotel, New London, Huron Knapp H., New London, Huron Potter A. C., New London, Huron Murphy Samuel, New Market, Highland Harvey S., New Metamoras, Washington BRAFFETT HOUSE, New Paris, Preble Pennsylvania House, New Parisr Preble Smith Mrs. E., New Paris, Preble ALBERT S. J. (See card, p. 478.) New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas COMBS JOHN. (See card, p. 477.) New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Gentsch Mrs. W., New PhiladelplIia, Tuscarawas Har ter Hotel, New Philadelphian, Tuscarawas LION HOTEL. (See card, p. 2P78.) New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Gi bbon s JamFes, New Plymouth, Vinton Plymouth N., New Plymouth, Vinto n United States House, New Rumley, Harrison Wer t John, New Rumley, Harrison American House, Newton Falls, Trumbull Harmon O., Newton Falls, Trumbull Loh Henry, New ton Falls, Trumbull Boyd B. F., Newtown, Hamilton Parrish Mrs., New town, Hamilton Shaw M. F., New town, Hamilton Watkins B., N orth Eaton, Lorain Harroff John, Nor th Jackson, Mahoning Koonce Cyrus, North J ackson, Mahoning Elliott R., North Lewisburg, Champaign Amer ica n lHouse, Norwalk, Huron Mulholland James, Norwalk, Huron Per kin s N S. S. aC., Norwalk, Huron Talkners Wm., Oak Hlill, Jackson Cullin T. J., Olevesburg, Richland Eagle Hotel, Olivesburg, Richland AMERICAN HOUSE, Orrville, Wayne SPERCHEwR JACOB C., Orrville, Wayne Osboin House, Osborn, Greene Ebay John, Ottawa, Ottawa Row House, Ottawa, P utnam WILLOUGHBY A. w, Ottawa, Putnam CONE H. S. (See card, p. 495.) Oxford, Butler Girard House, Oxford, Butler BOOTH ELI T. (See card, p. 498.) Painesville, Lake COWLES HOUSE. (See card, p. 498.) Painesville, Lake Garfield A. H., Painesville, Lake Wrench Austin, Palestine, Pickaway Nutt J. F., Pancoastburg, Fayette McKenzie Thomas, Parisville; Portage SELBY BRAINARD, JR., Parisville, Portage Smith A. L., Pataskala, Licking Coulson Jesse, Pennsville, Morgan Baird C. C., Perrysburg, Wood LHowell A. G., Perrysburg, Wood lSeibert F. J., Perrysburg, Wood HOT 842 HOT ,- I.I. HOT 843 HOT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY SHEPLER J., PerFysburg, Wood Brown 3 M., Rushsylvania, Rush Nessler M., Piketon, Pike Rushsylvania House, Rushsylvania, Rush Ware Daniel, Piketon, Pike Decor F., Saint Mary's, Auglaize Holler C., Piqun, Miami Haude H., Saint Mary's, Auglaize JONES JEREMIAH, Piqua, Miami Hussey Thomas, Saint Mary's, uglaize KRUCK JOHN. (See Card, p.505.) DEPOT hOUSE, Saint Paris, Champaign Piqun, Miami NATIONAL HOTEL PIQUA HOUSE. (See card, p.505.) Saint Paris, Champaign Piqua, Miami RITTER N., Saint Paris, Champaign Richard John, Piqun, Miami SC()TT HENRY C., Waterman J. H., Piqun, Miami Saint Paris, Champaign Williams J. H., Plainfield, Coshocton STOVER JOSEPH Bush F., Pleasant, Putnam Saint Paris, Champaign Etter John, Pleasant Hill, Miami FARQUHAR HOUSE, Salem, Columbiana Newton House, Pleasant Hill, Miami HILLIARD FRANK, Salem, Columbiana Mank M. W., Pleasantyille, Fairfield MENDENHALL I., Salem, Columbiana Campbell Wm. D., Poland, Mahoning SEATON J. S., Salem, Columbiana McGill John, Poland, Mahoning TOLERTON HOUSE, Salem, Columbiana Kuhn John, Polk, Ashland WILSON HOUSE, Salem, Columbiana Gibson 0., Pomeroy, Meigs Larkin John S., Semantha, Highland Hudson M. A., Pomeroy, Meigs Colt H. E., Sandusky, Erie REMINGTON HOUSE. (See card, page COLTON HENRY, Sandusky, Erie 511.) Pomeroy, Meigs Townsend House, Sandusky, Erie RIHELDARFER' F. B. (See card, page VERANDA HOTEL. (See card, p.546.) 511.) Pomeroy, Meigs Sandusky, Erie Tuttle House, Poplar, Crawford WARNER CHARLES. (See card, page riggs House, Portsmouth, Scioto 546.) Sandusky, Erie Burton H. D., Portsmouth, Scioto Beymer John, Sarahsville, Noble HIGGINS C. W. (See card, p.514.) Wilson T. F, Sarahsville, Noble Portsmouth, Scioto Marshall Wm., Sardinia, Brown Himes C., Portsmouth, Scito Rainey James R., Sardinia, Brown Hook M., Portsmouth, SCioto Schaub J. 0., Sardis, Monroe Lagler Frederick, Portsmouth, Scioto Brum N. L., Scott, Adams PLYMOUTH HOUSE. (See Card, p.514.) Eagle Hotel, Senecaville, Guernsey Smith Charles, Portsmouth, Scioto Star Hotel, Portsmouth, Scioto Stover J., Portsmouth, Scioto Welch Joseph, Portsmouth, Scioto Welty Frank, Portsmouth, Scioto White Bear House, Portsmouth, Scioto Carr Benjamin, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Knight Col., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Eagle House, Port William, Clinton Cargle James, Pratt, Shelby Billett K. M., Quincy, Logan Dunn Wm., Racine, Meigs Pilcher R. H., Racine, Meigs Racine House, Racine, Meigs United States House, Racine, Meigs Watkins Wm., Radner, Delaware Orvis J. 0., Ravenna, Portage Ohio House, Raymond's Union Anderson Jos. R., Republican, Darke Boyd James, Republican, Darke Latterner A., Richland, Richland Cameron Jos., Richmond, Jefferson Dickason J. U., Rocky Hill, Jackson Magers Wm., Roscoe, Coshocton Buell A., Ross, Butler Faucett C. F., Ross, Butler Haas Charles, Ross, Butler Weingartner Jos., Sidney, Shelby Eagle Hotel, Smithfield, Jefferson Star Hotel, Smithfield, Jefferson Scatterday A., Somerton, Belmont Theilman's Hotel, Somerville, Butler Armstrong David, South Charleston, Clark Hynes Thomas W., South Charleston, Clark American Hotel, Springdale, Hamilton Mansion Hause, Springdale, Hamilton American Hotel, Springfield, Clark Carter D., Springfield, Clark Myers G., Springfield, Clark SMITH'S HOTEL, Springfield, Clark Snodgrass R., Springfield, Clark Willis H. F., Springfield, Clark Bell George, Spring Hills, Champaign Abercrombie Mrs. E., Steubenville, Jefferson HOT 843 HOT HOT 844 HOT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Commercial Hall, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas HASKINS M. R. (See card, p. 594.) Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas FITCH H., Union, Darke FOREST HOUSE, Union, Darke LIVINGOOD JACOB, Union, Darke Tiser Peter, Union, Darke Holycross Mrs. Unionville Center, Union NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Atkinson HIouse, Steubenville, Jefferson Bristor Hotel, Steubenville, Jefferson Buchanan House, Steubenville, Jefferson FISHER M., Steubenville, Jefferson Mansion House, Steubenville, Jefferson Miles C., Steubenville, Jefferson Mossgrove Wm., Steubenville, Jefferson O'Neil House, Steubenville, Jefferson Tremont House, Steubenville, Jefferson Rogers T., Stockport, Morgan Vandyke E., Sugar Grove, Fairfield Collins J., Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Hieby Michael, Sulphur Springs, Crawford Gardner Francis, Summerford, Madison Ranney, Sunbury, Delaware Wilcox T. K., Sunbury, Delaware Knite W., Swanton, Fulton Funk Henry, Sylvia, Hardin Ohio House, Sylvia, Hardin SYMMIES R. R., Symmes' Corner, Butler Burk Miary A., Thornville, P erry Steel Wm., Thurman, Gallia Davis House, Tiffin, Seneca Click John H., Tiffin, Seneca MYERS P. P. (See card, p. 578.) Tiffin, SenecaQuinn J. W., Tiffin, Seneca SHAWvHAN HOUSE. (See card, p. 578.) Tiffin, Seneca Van Dooran A. R., Tiffin, S enec a Wagner Adam, / Tiffin, Seneca Weisick Levi, Tiffin, Se nec a Cotral A., Tippecanoe, Miami ELDORADO HOUSE, Tippecanoe, Miami MILLER JOSEPH, Tippecan e, Miami HIAFER G. P., Tippecanoe, Miami Angier R. P., Toledo, Lucas City Hotel, Toledo, Lueas COLLINS HOUSE. (See card, p. 582.) Toledo, Lucas Earley Patrick, Toledo, Lucas HOWE VW. W.. (See card, p. 582.) Toledo, Lucas Island House, Toledo, Lucas Jacobs Frederick, Toledo, Lucas Kilkenney P., Toledo, Lucas Kingsbury H. D., Toledo, Lucas McKenster John, Toledo, Lucas Mayer Bartholomew, Toledo, Lucas MILLER JACOB S., Toledo, Lucas Moore's Exchange, Toledo, Lucas National Hotel, Toledo, Lucas Oliver House, Toledo, Lucas Sholl Henry, Toledo, Lucas Temperance Hall, Toledo, Lucas Whipple E., Toledo, Lucas HATFIELD E., Troy, Miami Klien P. H., Troy, Miami Stewart J. R., Troy, Miami Eagle House, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Romig Samuel. Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Clark E. W., Twrinsburg, Summit Clugston W. J., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot McCUTCHEON JOSEPH, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot EXCHANG HOTEL, Urbana, Champaign Grove P., Urbana, Champaign Hamilton House, Urbana, Champaign HUBBELL J. H., Urbana, Champaign Murphy M., Urbana, Champaign Ohio House, Urbana, Champaign SOWLES D. W., Urbana, Champaign Ensminger D., Van Buren, Hancock Leeter D., Van Buren, Hancock American House, Van Wert, Van Wert Depuy P., Van Wert, Van Wert Holmes Samuel, Van Wert, Van Wert Satzgaber S., Van Wert, Van Wert Cross E. L., Vermillion, Erie Northern Hotel, Vermillion, Erie Mackey I. B., Vienna, Trumbull Willlams J. S., Vienna, Trumbull Armstrong J. S., Waldo, Mlarion Baker Wm., ~Vapakoneta, Auglaize Fisher I. H., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Camp A., Warren, Trumbull GASKILL HOUSE, Warren, Trumbull Hull G. T., Warren, Trumbull National Hotel, Warren, Trumbull SHOENBERGER EDWARD, Warren, Trumbull Kirk House, Washington C. H., Fayette Wells E.G., Washington C. II., Fayette Wilson Samuel, Washington C. H., Fayette SNYDER H., Washingtonville, Columbiana Hamer A., Waynesville, Warren ROGERS WILLIAM, Waynesv/ille, Warren Bishop Mrs. R. A., Wellington, Lorain Cooper House, Wellsville, Columbiana Jenkins A. B., Wellsville, Columbiana McElveney S., Wellsville, Columbiana Missouri House, Wellsville, Columbiana WIITACRE T. W. (See c ard, p. 614.) Wellsville, Columbiana Blessing William, West Alexandria, Preble Buck Hiram, West Alexandria, Preble Hall A., West Cairo, Monroe West Elkton Hotel, West Elkton, Preble HILL E. R., West Jefferson, Madison Ingall Isaac, West Jefferson, Madison Rankin Warren H., West Jefferson, Madison HOT 844 HOT INS 84 INS POST OFFICE COUNTY Mansion House, Wooster, Wayne Rogers W. B., Wooster, Way e Bishop William, Worthington, Franklin GRAM HARVEY. (See card, p. 632.) Xenia, Greene HIVLING HOUSE. (See card, p. 632.) Xenia, Greene PARKHILL & BARLOW, Xenia, Greene American House, Youngstown, Mahoning NIBLOCK B., Youngstown, Mahoning SQUIRE J., Jr. (See card, p. 636.) Youngstown, Mahoning Phillips John, Youngsville, Adams MeVAY & ROUSH. (See card, p. 643.) Zanesville, Muskingum Monroe D. B., Zanesvlle, Muskingum PORTER S. (See card, p. 644.) Zanesville, IMuskingam RATCLIFF JOHN. (See card, p. 644.) Zanesville, Muskingum Smith Daniel, Zanesville, Muskingum STACEY HOUSE. (See card, p. 643.) Zanesville, Muskingum Stenger J., Zanesville, Muskingum Walters J., Zanesville, Muskingum WELT R., Zanesville, Muskingum Young Wm., Zanesville, Muskingum Zane Hotel, Zanesville, Muskingum Ruof J. G., Zoar, Tuscarawas Wilson William, West Middleburg, Logan Davis Wm. T., Weymouth, Medina Depere Nicholas, Whartonsburg, Wyandot Murray S. S., Wilkesville, Vinton Wells A., Wilkesville, Vinton Burnett House, Williamsport, Pickaway Henson James, Williamsport, Pickaway BUCKEYE HOUSE. (See card, p. 624.) Wilmington, Clinton Pierce Richard, Wilmington, Clinton STAGG J. J. (See card, p. 624.) Wilm ington, Clinton Burson J. A., Winchester, Guernsey Stewart William, Winchester, Guernsey Stough Jacob, Winfield, Tuscarawas JOHNSON HOUSE, Woodstock, Champaign Spear J. T., Woodstock, Champaign ELDERKIN J. P., Woodville, Sandusky Harris A., Woodville, Sandusky Rearick T. H., Woodville, Sandusky Rice A., Woodville, Sandusky AMERICAM HOUSE. (See card, p. 628.) Wooster, Wayne BELNAP & DRAYTON. (See card, p, 628.) Wooster, Wayne Dice J., Wooster Wayne Eagle House: Wooster, Wayne Howard C., Wooster, Wayne Leies H., Wooster, Wayne INSURANCE AGENTS. (See also Real Estate Agents and Dealers.) Berne J. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton BONSALL CHARLES, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ca mpbell B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carter & Lindsey, Cincinnati, Hamilton Colburn & Glassford. Cincinnati, Hamilton DAVIES GEO. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton EVANS W. L. & D. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gaddum W. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hollingshead Mi., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ho rton H. V., Cincinnati, Hamilton KNIGHT & WARRIEN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Law John S. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lawder John B., Cincinnati, Hamil ton MAGILL R.. & H. CM. (See advertise ment, p. 2.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Morgan John W., Cincinnati, Hamilton ROBERTS C. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Taylor & Anthony, Cincinnati, Hamilton Curtis L. F., Circleville, Pickaway Lutz J. A., Circleville, Pickaway Brayton Henry F., Cleveland. Cuyahoga COE S. S. (See card, p. 225.)' -Cleveland, Cuyahoga COE & MAY, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Buck Moses, Alliance, Stark Mason J. S., Ashland, Ashland FARMER JOHN Q., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Green Joseph, Barnesville, Belmont CLARK ELIJAH, Belleville, Richland CHANDLER L. L., Bellevue, Huron Goodson J. W., Bellevue, Huron Smith B. P., Bellevue, Huron BARBER G.M. (See card, p. 35.) Berea, Cuyahoga Hopkins J. M., B erlin H eights, Erie STOWE FRANKLIN E., Braceville, Trumbull Elliot C., Bucyru s, Crawford Cooper John B., Cadiz, Harrison Cunningham Wm. M., Canal Fulton, S tar k Brarnerd H. B., Canfield, Mahoning BROADWELL JACOB. (See card, p. 70.) Celina, Mercer Phelps E., Celina, Mercer Lewis H. S., Chillicothe, Ross McLandburg H., Chillicothe, Ross Pinto H. M., Chillicothe, Ross Roads J. H., Chillicothe, Ross Shaefer Geo. P., Chillicothe, Ross Howell M., Christiansburg, Champaign Barnum E. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton BENNETT J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton INS 845 INS N All E NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY -~~N 84 N NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Curtis Horace, Little Hocking, Washington Tillotson E. A., Liverpool, Medina Johnson W. T., Loudonville, Ashland Sanborn J. H., Loudonville, Ashland THOMPSON & LEVER, Loveland, Clermont Case S. C., McArthur, Vinton Lacy H. B., McArthur, Vinton Ford Charles, Maineville, Warren Bates H. E., Mansfield, Richland McCoy E., Mansfield, Richland Stevens U., Mansfield, Richland Newton Stephen, Marietta, Washington DAVIDS JNO. E., Marion, Marion Winger Henry, Marshallsville, Wayne Hawkins J. G, Marysville Union Cunningham R. H., Mason, Warren Focke F., Massillon, Stark Hurxthal F. T., Massillon, Stark Lockwood J. S., Massillon, Stark Jones Wm., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Taber A. W., Miami, Hamilton Goudy Wm., Miamisburg, Montgomery Montague F., Middleport, Meigs Tiddall R. W., Millersburg, Holmes Uhl D. S., Millersburg, Holmes Mounts J. L., Morrow, Warren Crowell T. W., Mount Vernon, Knox Choate W. A., Napoleon, Henry Curtiss Seth, Napoleon, Henry Tyler H., Napoleon, Henry Arven W., Newark, Licking Coman L. B., Newark, Licking Fox D. H., New L6ndon, Huron Powers R. C., New London, Huron Achenbauga M., New Madison, Darke Jaqua C., New Madison, Darke Hazlett W. L., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas KENNAN JOHN, Norwalk, Huron Sawyer F., Norwalk, Huron Whitbeck John & Bro., Norwalk, Huron McCullough T., Oxford, Butler MOLLYNEAUX WM. J. (See card, p. 497.) Oxford, Butler Ford W. J., Painesville, Lake Howe T. W., Pataskala, Licking Dodge Henry, Perrysburg, Wood Hollenbeck D. K., Perrysburg, Wood Price J. F., Perrysburg, Wood Green J. J., Piketon, Pike Elliott W., Piqua, Miami Foster N. W., Piqua, Miami Parker Rufus, Poland, Mahoning Branch Oren, Pomeroy, Meigs BURNAP S. A., Pomeroy, Meigs Westover J. T., Poplar, Crawford Bingham N., Portsmouth, Scioto CURRIE T. S., Portsmouth, Scioto DINGMAN GEO. W., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Ellis M. A., Racine, Meigs Conant P. B., Ravenna, Portage Maynard H. G., Ross, Butler Columbus, Franklin WILSON B., C olumbus, Franklin D avis & Cuppy, D ayton, Mo ntgomery Hoglen Geo. W., Dayton, Montgomery Phelps E., Daytdn, Montgomery YOUNG GEORGE M., Dayton, Montgomery Higgins Wm., Defiance, Defiance Eaton H. J., Delaware, Delaware Lye & Marble, De phos, Allen Martin A. C., Dresden, Muskingum Miller W., Dresden, Muskingum Eastman'John, Eaton, Preble MILLER & GILMORE. (See card, p. 326.) Eaton, Preble Shafer M. D., Finley, Hancock Peck C., jr., Franklin Mills, Portage Stockwell D. C., Freedom, Portage Edgerton C., Fremont, Sandusky McLellan R. W. B., Fremont, Sandusky STEELE GEO. W., Fremont, Sandusky Carpenter D. C., Galena, Delaware Firor V. M., Gallipolis, Gallia Kern J. F., Germantown, Montgomery Giddings M. J., Granville, Licking Rose M. T., Granville, Licking Norton J.' C., Greenfield, Highland WADDEL & DUNLAP, Greenfield, Highland ANNEW ALT E. H., Hamilton, Butler Potter Ezra, Hamilton, Butler Jewell S. T., liarmar, Washington Miller D., Hillsboro, Highland Golden F., Ironton, Lawrence Shaw J. P., Ironton, Lawrence WILLIARD G. W., Ironton, Lawrence Walden W. A., Jackson, Jackson WAITE GEO. G., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Bronson & Sons, Kenton, Hardin Nixon W. W., Kenton, Hardin ROBINSON JAS. S., Kenton, Hardin Stewart C. A., ~ Kenton, Hardin Fritter K., Lancaster, Fairfield Adams Wm., Lebanon, Warren S-mith Isaac, Lebanon, Warren BAUGHMAN WM. (See card, p. 401.) Lexington, Richland Pillars I. S., Lima, Allen Hurd L. C., Lima, Allen INS 846 INS NAME p COI,LINS & ROBI ROUSE & JENNIN Seymour Belden, STEIN SIGMOND, Weatherly J. L.,' FISH J. P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Clyde, Sandusky E., lumbiana, Columbiana Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin H., Alexander David, Fa.y F. I., Gordon John L., King Matthew, WHELLER JOHN INS 847 INS PENIX'INSURANCE CO,, OF HART:PFORD CONN., R. H. & H. M. MAGILL, U AGENTS, 33 West Third Street, Cincinnati, O. (See Advertisement, p. 2.) N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY WINES J., Vermillion, Erie El l iott Alex., Wa pakonet a, Auglaize Trimbel A. H., Wapakone ta, Auglaize William s J. S., Wapakone ta, Auglauize Fuller I. L., Warren, Trumbull BIcLaine T. J. & Son, Warren, Trumbull Wood G. L., Warren, Trumbull GARDNER G. B., Washington C. H., Fayette Wright J. A., Washington C: H., Fayette Allen Thos. L.,.Waynesville, Warren KEYS JOHN W. (See card, p. 612.) Waynesville, Warren Dickson J. HI., Wellington, Lorain Rennulls W., Wellington, Lorain Battin A. H., Wellsville, Columbiana C arpenter W m. P., Wellsville, Columbiana Murdock W. G., Wellsville, Columbiana GARDNER GEORGE B., Wilmington, Clinton Sayers [I. D., Wilmington, Clinton Gramling E., Woodville, Sandusky Bonewitz S. R., Wooster, Wayne Taylor George, Worthington, Franklin Wright Lewis, Xenia, Greene Cornell A. B., Youngstown, Mahoning KING S., Youngstown, Mahoning Dillon & Crosby, Zanesville, Muskingum I EATON GEO. C., Zanesville, Muskingum to ~ull'David, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Boone T. C., Salem, Columbiana Creeseman Samuel, Salem, Columbiana Hanley S.D. Salem, Columbiana HARTMAN SAMUEL, Salem, Columbiana Anderson Geo. J., Sandusky, Erie Upp H. T.,' Sandusky, Erie Brum E. M.D., Scott, Adams Blocm S. S., Shelby, Richland CLOSE E. S., Springdale, Hamilton Shepherd A., Springdale, Hamilton Childs & Dovin, Springfield, Clark Kimball E. E., Sunbury, Delaware Wales J. C., Swanton, Fulton ADAMS LEONARD, Tiffin, Seneca Stem & Johnson, Tiffin, Seneca WESLER A. H., Tippecanoe, Miami Baker W., Toledo, Lucas Bennett & Sinclair, Toledo, Lucas Brown T. P., Toledo, Lucas Campbell Jas. D., Toledo, Lucas Fitch Simeon, Toledo, Lucas Douglass R. S., Troy, Miami INSURANCE COMPANIES, (HOME.) Ashland Mutual, Ashland, Ashland Buckeye State, Cincinnati, Hamilton Central, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati Equitable, Cincinnati, Hamilton Citizens, Cincinnati, Hamilton City, Cincinnati, Hamilton Commercial, Cincinnati, Hamilton Eagle, Cincinnati, Iamilton Firemans', Cincinnati, Hamilton German Mutual, Cincinnati Hamilton Home, Cincinnati, Hamilton Magnoiat, Cincinnati, Hamilton City, - ~Cincinnati, Hamilton Commercial, Cincinnati, H~amilton Eagle, ~Cincinnati, Hamilton FiremansX,Cincinnati; Hamilton Home, ~~Cincinnati, Hamilton Magnolia, Cnint,Hmlo Portsnmouth, Cincinnati, Hamilton Queen City. Cincinnati, Hamilton Union, Cincinnati, Hamilton Washington, Cincinnati, Hamilton WESTERN, Cincinnati, Hamilton German, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Commercial Mutual, Cleveland, Cuyahoga North-Western, Cleveland,,Cuyahoga Central, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Dayton, Montgomery Fireman's, Dayton, Montgomery Montgomery County, Dayton, Montgomery Butler, Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Hamilton, Butler Richland County, Mansfield, Richland Knox County, Mount Vernon, Knox Toledo Fire and Marine, Toledo, Lucas Cincinnati, Hamilton Merchant's and Manufacturer's, Rcin ony asil,Rcin City, ~~Cincinnati, Hamilton NATIONAL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ohio Life, Cincinnati, Hamilton I INS 847 INS Anderson Geo. J., Sandusky, Erie Upp H., T.Y' Sandusky, Erie B-rum E. M. D., Scott, Adams Bloom S. S., Shelby, Richland CLOSE E. S., Springdale, Hamilton Shepherd A., Springdale, Hamilton Childs,& Dovin, Springfield, Clark Kimball E. E., Sunbury, Delaware Wales J. C., Swanton, Fulton ADAMS LEONARD, Tiffi-n, Seneca Stem & Johnson, Tiffin, Seneca WESLER A. H., Tippecanoe, Miami Baker W., Toledo, Lucas Bennett & Sinclair, Toledo, Lucas Brown T. P., Toledo, Lucas Campbell Jas. D.' Toledo, Lucas Fitch Simeon,' Toledo, Lucas Douglass R. S., Troy, Miami Blucher M. W., per Sandusk, Wyandot p y Maxwell J. A., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot. Sear 1. D., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Alexander I. N., Van Wert, Van Wert EMERSON C., -'Van Wert, Van Wert -~~E:4 E IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, RAILING, GRATING, &c. (See also Foundries and Machine Shops, page 791.) NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Baker T. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider J. A. & H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Espach Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Johnson N., Dayton, Montgomery ESPACH SERAPHIN. (See card, p. 121.) Kirker & Lawton, Ironton, Lawrence Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith A. N., Lima, Allen Monnig & Artman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Matheis John, Toledo, Lucas Vallean & Jacobs, Cincinnati, Hamilton VANBROCK L. I. N. & JONES, Holmes & Carter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Youngstown, Mahoning JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE. Kern David, Abbey ville, Medina Alley H. S., Akron, Sumtmit Tallman W.H., Akron, Summit Davis M. C., Alliance, Stark Reiter A., Alliance, Stark Ralston W., Ashland, Ashland Ralper P., Ashland, Ashland Zimmerman & Hilborn, Ashland, Ashland Dickinson Geo. W., Ashtabula, Ashtabula STEELE ALPHEUS W. (See card, p. 16.) Ashtabula, Ashtabula Cornwell John, AthensT Athens Golden Elmer, Athens, Athens Sanderson, Athens, Athens McLane R., Barnesville, Belmont Marbuck R., Barnesville, Belmont Hall Jesse C., Bellefontaine, Logan Miller J. & W., Bellefontaine, Logan Shepherd David, Bellefontaine, Logan CLARK ELIJAH. (See card, p. 82.) Belleville, Richland Clark J. C., Belleville, Richland Wilcox John, Belleville, Richland Sumner E., Bellevue, Huron Weiker J.,. Bellevue, Huron Conklin G. W., Brownsville, Licking Burkhart & Lake, Bucyrus, Crawford Hoffman Jno H., Bucyrus, Crawford Barrett G. B., Cadiz, Harrison Quest B. Ht., Cidiz, Harrison Williams MA., Camden, Preble Yoast Samuel, Camden, Preble Reinhart Jacob, Canal Fulton, Stark Brooks Wm., Canfield, Mahoning DR,UBLE BROTHERS, Canton, Stark Myers J. A., Canton, Stark Schlaepfer J., Canton, Stark Zantz D., Carrollton, Carroll Bardshar Peter, Castalia, Erie Cox S. M., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga McClintick J. H., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Bangs John J., Chillicothe, Ross Pfaff Anton, Chillicothe, Ross Pratt E. P., Chillicothe, Ross SHIRECKENGAUST S., Chillicothe, Ross Allen C. & W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Andrews B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bascom Geo. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beatus H. & Co.,- Cincinnati, Hamilton BEGGS & SMITH, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bertling E., ~ Cincinnati, Hamilton Bexell John, Cincinnati, Hamilton BLAKESLEE E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bollmann G. F.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Bornschein Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Broaders & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Clapp Wm. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Corley S. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton DALLER JOHN, Cinncinati, Hamilton BrALLEr J O.N, Cinncinnati, Hamil ton Davison Wm. C; & Co., ap J. Be.,. Cincinnati, Hamilton Dorneseifer., Cincinnati, Hamilton DLhme & Co. N, Cincinnati, Hamilton Elias Henry P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Erdha,us &,Kock, Cincinnati, ttamiltor, EYSTER A. A. (See card, p. 121.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Franklin & Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Froese Rudolph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Goldsmith, Barkhouse & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Graminger & Meyer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Greene Jas. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hill E. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Honer John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hughes & Dorland, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jenkins H. & Co.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Keller Stephen, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kenkel J. G., Cincinnati, tamilton Kenkel Henry, Cincinnati, HamHilton Kent Luke, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kinsey E. & D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Klausing C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Koch M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Korf Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lange J. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lohde A., Cincinnati, HI1amilton Lovell Thos.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Marmet Fred. W., Cincinnati, ttamilton Metzger John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer Leopold, Cincinnat~i, Hamilton Mithorffer fI. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mossler A. & S., Cincinnati, Hamilton NATHAN & LEVY. (See card, p. 153.) Cincinnati, Hamilton JEW 848 JEW -~~E 84 JE NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Varner D. G., Covington, Miami Cady L. S., Crestline, Crawford Carey Henry, Crestline, Crawford Aubert Mrs. J., Dayton, Montgomery BEST HENRY, Dayton, Montgomery Best Newton, Dayton, Montgomery Deardorf P., Dayton, Montgomery Helfrich J., Dayton, Montgomery Lafee P. A., Dayton, Montgomery Marti n A., Dayton, Montgomery Martin Joseph, Dayton, Montgomery Reeks H., Dayton, Montgomery Reeves John, Dayton, Montgomery Strathman A., Dayton, Montgomery Thompson C. W., Dayton, Montgomery Woltz W. E., Dayton, Montgomery Fredericks J. G, Defiance, Defiance Spellman John, Defiance, Defiance BURR R., Delaware, Delaware Covell L. S., Delaware, Delaware Platt C., Delaware, Delaware Kramer G. P., Delphos, Allen Kirtland G. P., Dresden, Muskingum Chambers Jacob, Eaton, Preble Hinman J. M., Eaton, Preble Tibbals F. W., Edinburg, Portage Baldwin H. J., Finley, Hancock Gray S. F., Finley, Hancock Passal A., Finley, Hancock Shannon H. S., Finley, Hancock Dial John, Franklin, Warren Evans J. S., Franklin, Warren Leppleman Louis, Fremont, Sandusky Likes J. W., Galena, Delaware Kesselmeier Joseph, Galion, Crawford ROBERT & GUILLOD, Gallipolis, Gallia Shober W., Gallipolis, Gallia Wilkinson Thos., Gallipolis, Gallia Wight W. S. & J. H., Garrettsville, Portage Axmen C., Germantown, Montgomery Rincarson P. P., Germantown, Montgomery Johnson Wm., Granville,. Licking Zight George, Granville, Licking Ankeny E. W. & Co., Greenfield, Highland Wilson F. H., Greenfield, Highland Angel H. C., Greenville, Darke Drayer Wm. E., Hamilton, Butler Fladuno E., Hamilton, Butler Lorenge Jacob, Hamilton, Butler Robman B., Hamilton, Butler Schwarz Michael, Hamilton, Butler Moyer J., Hillsboro', Highland Waddell R. R., Hillsboro', Highland Knight C. M., Hudson, Summit Billip G. W., Ironton, Lawrence Bixby E, Ironton, Lawrence Saylor Samuel, Jackson, Jackson TOLLEY W. A., Jackson, Jackson DANFERD J. J. (See card, p. 386.) - KeWnonsburg, Noble Chapman H., Kenton, Hardin Kinder E.S8., Kenton, Hardin NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Oskamp Clemens, Cincinnati, Hamilton -OSKAMP LEWIS. (See card, p. 155.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Oskamp & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton OWEN CHARLES, north-west corner Fourth and Main, Cincinnati, H amilton Patrks Geo. D., Cincinnati, Hamilt on Pickering C. M., Cincinnati, H amilton P orter F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rothschild M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schlapp G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider J. B., Cnincinnati, Hamilton Smith A. D., Cnincinnati, Hamilton Strueve & Bro., Cnincinnati, Hamilton Trotter J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Voss Joseph S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Voss & Co., Ci ninnati, Ham ilton Voss L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wachman A. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weiler & Frost, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wert Wm. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton White Adolph, Cnincinnati, Hanilton W ilms J.C., C incinnati, Hamilton Zumbusch F. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brunner T. K., Circleville, Pickaway McHenry David, Circleville, Pickaway Sage H., Circleville, Pickaway ABRECHT LOUIS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Benton Lucius A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga COWLES & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CRITTENDEN N. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Droz F. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Field, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Goodman John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga JANKAN ABRAHAM, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Johnson Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kidd Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kruger L., Cleveland, Cuiyahogboa Mathivet P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga. Mayer Jacob, Cleveland, Cuyahoga PUGH RICHARD J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Schneider George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga TtilIELE C. F. (See card, p. 261.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Werthimer M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ramsay George, Clyde, Sandusky Mark C., Columbiana, Columbiana Baumann GeoIge, Columbus, Franklin Blynn Wm., Columbus, Franklin Dunba.r R. D., Columbus, Franklin HALDY FREDERICK, Columbus, Franklin Kleeman M. & L., Columbus, Franklin LESQUEREUX L. & SONS. (See card, p. 277.) Columbus, Franklin Lichtennegger Ferdinand, Columbus, Franklin Luchtenberg John E., Columbus, Franklin V~enen Darwin P., Cormcant, Ashtabula Smith W. B., Coshocton~ Coshocton 55 JEW 849 JEW JEW 850 JEW NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ackley G. W., Painesville, Lake Gray D. C. & Co., Painesville, Lake Rich John, Painesville, Lake Smit h Joseph, Piketon, Pike Thoma A., Piqua, Mi ami Reeves H. B., Pol a nd, Mahoning AICHER W. A., Pomeroy, Meigs Bichmann & Burkert omr, Pomeroy, Meigs Lambrecht Peter, Pomeroy, Meigs Tuttle Daniel, Poplar, Crawford Bolinger Geo. A., Portsmo uth, Scioto Clark E. IH., Portsmouth, Scioto Coriel A., Portsmouth, Scioto Levi & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto ZOELLNER P., Po rtsmouth, Scioto John son MI. K., Por t Washington, Tuscarawas Rawlings Thomas, Quincy, Logan B ai rd & Wait, Ravenna, Portage Vantrot & Brother, Ravenna, Portage Tolly Samuel, Rock y Hill, J ackson Hyde Z. D., R oscoe, Coshocton Johns J.C., Salem, Columb iana Pickett J. K., Salem, Columbiana Read Thos., Salem, Columbiana Shannon J. P., Salem, Columbiana Dewey H. T., Sandusky, Eri e Hudson W. B., Sandusky, Erie Nusly V., Sandusky, Erie Texter & Lerch, Sandusky, Erie Buchwald John, Sardis, Monroe Burt M., Shelby, Richland Waterfall F., Shelby, Richland Barkdull Levi C., Sidney, Shelby Schroerer Constine, Sidney, Shelby Williams Chas., Springdale, Hamilton Allen B., Springfield, Clark Davis M. P., Springfield, Clark Grohsmann Wm., Springfield, Clark Mulholland & Smith, Springfield, Clark Jepson N. H., Steubenville, Jefferson Sarratt J. H., Steubenville, Jefferson Speer R., Steubenville, Jefferson Thomas David, Thurman, Gallia Gallup Wm., Tiffin, Seneca Hartman John, Tiffin, Seneca Nelson R., Tiffin, Seneca Secwald Philip, Tiffin, Seneca Beck O. D., Tippecanoe, Miami Canneff J. W., Toledo, Lucas Clawson I. N., Toledo, Lucas Cook H. T., Toledo, Lucas Cross R. A., Toledo, Lucas Love James, Toledo, Lucas Tanke & Goecke, Toledo, Lucas Ensey A. W., Troy, Miami Julian & Co., Troy, Miami Gauzman Chas., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas SHAW THOMAS M., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Masslich & Studybaker, Union, Darke Brauns E., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Welsh Benjamin, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Rimber E. S., Kenton, Hardin Aaron Adolph, Lancaster, Fairfield Bininger W., Lancaster, Fairfield Butch L. C. & Co., Lancaster, Fairfield Gates James, Lancaster, Fairfield Baker & Hale, Lebanon, Warren Crickmore P. B., Lebanon, Warren Tompkins Thos. H., Lebanon, Warren Rankin & Tirrell, Lima, Allen Satterthwait I. W., Lima, Allen Richards Chas., Litchfield, Medina SAGE HARLEY H., London, Madison Esley H., Loudonville, Ashland Oldroyd E.G., Loudonville, Ashland SHRECKENGAUST J., McArthur, Vinton Lee John A., Mansfield, Richland Micks R. P., Mansfield, Richland Patterson & Wilkinson, Mansfield, Richland Anderson D. B., Marietta, Washington Audebert C., Marietta, Washington Baldwin J. W., Marietta, Washington Riggles Geo. H., Marion, Marion Turney Weaver A., Marion, Marion Coleman J., Massillon, Stark Kirkpatrick R., Massillon, Stark Withington M. A., Massillon, Stark Webber Henry, Maumee City, Lucas Buck S., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Kiefer Lewis, Miamisburg, Montgomery Johnson E. B., Middleport, Meigs Olden D. D., Middletown, Butler Olden David, jr., Middletown, Butler Potts L. A., Middletown, Butler Tattershall Joab C., Milford, Clermont C ook G. L., Millersburg, Holmes Frey A. B., Mille rsburg, Holmes SWENY JAMES R., Morrow, Warren Brown W. B., Mount Vernon, Knox Hyde & Young, Mount Vernon, Knox Pardee G. W., Napoleon, Henry Miller I. W., Newark, Licking Shrock Jacob M., Newark, Licking Slrague II. S., Newark, Licking Benner J. F., New Lisbon, Columbiana Custard J., New Lisbon, Columbiana Asher H., New London, Huron Bartholomew A. C., New London, Huron Hooker F. C., New London, Huron Smurr Wm., New London, Huron Aughee J. A., New Madison, Darke Fleming H. H., New Paris, Preble Butler M., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Nichols William, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Cross J., Newton Falls, Trumbull GOWEY H. D. (See card, p. 485.) North Lewisburg, Champaign Jones Eugene, Norwalk, Huron McCullough Z. B., Norwalk, Huron Wilkinson J. A. &; Co., Norwalk, Huron Booth J., Oxford, Butler Dewitt Z. T., Oxford, Butler e e s J'E W 850 JEW POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME -~~~I 85 I NAME POST OE POST OFNFICE COUTY Ashton H., Urbana, Champaign Baxter W. H., Urbana, Champaign Hall J. C. & Co., Urbanna, Champaign Snashall W., Van W'ert, Van Wert Satethwart James, Wapakoneta, Auglaize King & Brother, Warren, Trumbull Vantrot J., Warren, Trumbull Furtwangler D., Washington C. H., Fayette Shewalter E. W., Waynesville, Warren Rhe E. F., Wellington, Lorain Cooper Wilson, Wellsville, Columbiana Kelley D. N., West Alexandria, Preble McClelland J. B., Wheat Ridge, Adams Hinmnan & Thurston, Wilmington, Clinton Vi LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. Walle George, Akron, Summit Neal R. E., Bell Air, Belmont McCracken Robert, Bellefontaine, Logan Moore & Boone, Belleville, Richland Miller Samuel, Bellevue, Huron Ely E. H., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Payne & Yearly, Brownsville, Licking Woodburn & Bryant, Cadiz, Harrison McDowell George, Carrollton, Carroll Woolson S. B., Castalia, Erie Arstingstall J., S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bard S. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Black Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brown R. & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dunham & Higdon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hayworth & McGee, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heuremann John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jennifer Benj., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kresz Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Linger G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Loveland, Myers & Feigly, Cincinnatii Hamilton McDonough John, Cincinnati, Hamilton McNicoll Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moss B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mundy F., Cincinnati, Hamilton NOLKER JNO. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Powers M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rocap E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sayre L. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schafer & Worman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schwaz Christian, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith Matthew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stephens W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sullivan Patrick, Cincinnati, Hamilton IUhof George H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Willis & Stewart, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilson S. & D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wood George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wood William, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeppenfield H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Briggs C. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Folsom Gilman, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gaines J. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Geer H. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Mat hews H. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Newell N. W., Clevelan d, Cuyahoga Newmell N. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Barber & Merion, Columbus, Franklin Broderic Henry W., Columbus, Franklin Kirk George, Columbus, Franklin Olmsted C. H., Columbus, Franklin Simonton H. & Son, Columbus, Franklin Wall William, Columbus, Franklin Jones M. H., Conneaut, Ashtabula Warren Alex. G., Conneaut, Ashtabula Seltzer David, Qrestline, Crawford Werty C. S., Dalton, Wayne Thompson W. S., Darby Creek, Madison Cathcart J., Dayton, Montgomery Dille B., Dayton, Montgomery Heathman Elias, Dayton, Montgomery McCausland John, Dayton, Montgomery McCausland W. John, Dayton, Montgomery McGowen E. W., Dayton, Montgomery Shellaberger John, Dayton, Montgomery Hudson J. & A., Defiance. Defiance Shoup S. B., De Graff, Logan Bushel Jas., Delaware, Delaware ENGARD P. T., Delaware, Delaware Matern John, Dresden, Muskingum Turner A., East Liberty, Logan Deem W. C., Eaton, Preble Stephens John W., Eaton, Preble Street Chas., Eaton, Preble Eckman F., Eckmansville, Adams Cremeen George, Elida, AllenHoover S. J., Finley, Hancock Rogers A., Finley, Hancock Molleson Daniel, Franklin, Warren Teneike & Barkalow, Franklin, Warren Clark E. W., Franklin Mills, Portage Hundick George, Fremont, Sandusky Manahan Thos., Fremont, Sandusky Moore Charles, Fremont, Sandusky. Pitman John, Fremont, Sandusky LIV 851 LIV NAME Marble H. B., Bowman J., Rowe & Brother, Scherble L., Sprague L., CANFIELD G. C. POST OFFICE COUNTY Wilmington, Clinton Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne Wooster, Wayne & F. M. PIERCE, Xenia, Greene Xenia, Greene Xenia, Greene Youngstown, Maboning Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Charters D. M., Michil James C., Carroll R., Bonnet John M., Jones & Kruger, Ross A. C., Ross James J., LOO 85 bOO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Campbell Wmn. D.o, Poland, Mahoning Lyn n T. M., Portsmouth, Scioto MAKLEN R. S., Portsmouth, Scioto Hartle C. H., Rav enna, Portage Stubbs Wm., Roscoe, Coshocton Buell A., Ross, Butler She ets John C. & Co., Salem, Columbiana Wilson & Shafer, Salem, Columbiana Farrer A., Scott, Adams Brooks Freman, Sidney, Shelby Carey Wi llia m A., Sidney, Shelby Davis Isaac, Sidney, Shelby Naylor Geo., Smithfield, Jefferson Corrigen Patrick, So uth Charleston, Clark Cregar Henry, P Springdale, MIamilton Cathcard & Shaffer, Springfield, Clark Holloway B., Springfield, Clark Myers & Cushman, Springfield, Clark Halsey A. D., Steubenville, Jefferson Sharpe B. M., Steubenville, Jefferson Symmes Joseph E., Symmes' Corner, Butler Clark S. B., Tiffin, Seneca Geer Philip, Tiffin, Seneca Sprftuge S., Tiffin, Seneca Ward J. H., Tiffin, Seneca Blodget E. C., Toledo, Lucas Jones Humphrey, Toledo, Lucas Waite Warren, Toledo, Lucas Baer T., Troy, Miami Boyer A. A., Troy, Miami Smither M., Troy, Miami GRIM S. (See card, p. 594.) Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Davis Wm., Upper Saudusky, Wyandot Williams John H., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot EVANS A., Urbana, Champaign Holmes B., Van Wert, Van Wert Bries John, Wapakoneta, Auglaize King Jonathan, Wapakoneta, Auglaise Collins P. S., Washington C. H., Fayette Saxton George, Washington C. H., Fayette Fedler John, West Alexandria, Preble SMITH & KOOGLE, Wilmington, Clinton Snyder D. & H., Wooster, Wayne Weed P., Wooster, Wayne Warden Isaac, Xenia, Greene Richards J., Youngstown, Mahoning SQUIRE J., JR. (See card, p. 636.) Youngstown, Mahoning Wilson A. M., Youngstown, Mahoning Cogle C. C., Zanesville, Muskingum McCall Allen, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Greenwood A., Gallipolis, Gallia SULLIVAN J. W., Garrettsville, Portage Pauly Wm., Germantown, Montgomery Thompson, Hamilton, Butler Miller W. W., Hillsboro', Highland Molden John, Kennonsburg, Noble Lewis T. E., Lamira, Belmont Calvin C. S., Lebanon, Warren Hume Robert, Lima, Allen Selders H., Lodi, Medina McLAUGHLIN DAVID. (See card, p. 410.) London, Madison Ramsey J. M. C. & Brother, Loveland, Clermont Reckard & Fascett, Marietta, Washington Button W. D., Massillon, Stark Cummings Daniel, Maumee City, Lucas ,Fetick N. & G., Maumee City, Lucas Merry & Culbertson, Mechanicsburg, Champaign iGates Surbin, Mestopotamia, Trumbull *Caskey James M., Miamisburg, Montgomery Caskey & Beachler, Miamisburg, Montgomery ;Schenck G. D., Middletown, Butler Sheppard G. B., Middletown, Butler Cameron J. H., Millersburg, Holmes Markley G., Millersburg, Holmes ,Simpson John F., Morrow, Warren .Hough G. R., Mount Eaton, Wayne Bennett C. L., Mount Vernon, Knox :Sanderson Wm., jr., Mount Vernon, Knox Lippincott John, Newark, Licking Moore & Groves, Newark, Licking Smucker A. & Son, Newark, Licking Gregory James, New Harrisburg, Carroll ;SKEELLENGER A. D. (See card, p. 474.) New London, Huron Powell B., New Madison, Darke Porterfield L., New Paris, Preble Barber Orange, Newton Falls, Trumbull Parker 0., Newton Falls, Trumbull Burke Chas., Norwalk, Huron Haskins David, Norwalk, Huron Pantlinds & Wooster, Norwalk, Huron Starrett Thos., Olivesburg, Richland Maule Charles, Ottawa, Ottawa Boles W., Oxford, Butler Briggs Robert P., Painesville, Lake BuTrridge David, Panesville, Lake Cook W. L., Perrysville, Wood Lawrence H. C., Perrysville, Wood Brooks H., Piqua, Miami Tazer G., Piqua, Miami 9 LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES. Bonte A. P. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mitchell & Rammelsburg, Cowpland J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton HOLSTEIN & HAMMER. (See card, p. Pape E. W. & Brother, 129.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton LOO 852 LOO LUM 853 LUM NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY RICHTER THEODORE, WISWELL WM., JR. (See card, opposite Cincinnati, Hamilton index to cities, towns and villages.) Volkers Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilt Cincinnati, Hamilton LUMBER DEALERS. (See also Planing Mills; also Saw Alills.) Stone & Sanderson, Hamilton, Butler Smith David, Hemlock Grove, Meigs Vaglesong D. W., Ironton, Lawrence Craven Ezra, Lebanon, Warren McBride B. F., Leipsic, Putnam Allen Davis, Little Hocking, Washington Gillespie D. K., Lockington, Shelby Loomis T. G., Lodi, Medina Winters William, Lodi, Medina *Gould Wm. & E. J., London, Madison GROBY H. & CO., Miamisburg, Montgomery Jacoby & Caldwell, Middletown, Butler Simpson J., Montra, Shelby Kelley James, Morrow, Warren Pinkerton & Herrold, Mount Eaton, Wayne Reed Alexander, Mount Eaton, Wayne Hoffner E. W., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Richards & Smith, Mount Vernon, Knox Rickard & Co., Mount Vernon, Knox $Baltzly D., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Allen A. N., Newton Falls, Trumbull MERRICK C. HI., North Eaton, Lorain tllIollingsworth, Raymond & Co., North Lewisburg, Champaign Ott J. G., North Washington, Hardin *.Morehouse D. E., Norwalk, Huron Kraemer A., Ottawa, Ottawa Sadler Geo., Oxford, Butler STEARNS HORACE L., Perryville, Ashland Morse H. K., Poland, Mahoning Carre & Robinson, Portsmouth, Scioto Baily E., Quincy, Logan Elliott L. W., Rockville, Adams GILCHER PETER, Sandusky, Erie Hubbard R. B. & Co., Sandusky, Erie Richaridson G. H. & Co., Sandusky, Erie Lewellen & Co., Scott, Adams Fable & Patterson, Steubenville, Jefferson McKinney Jas., Steubenville, Jefferson Chase C. L., Stryker, Williams CKAUP S. & B., Tiffin, Seneca Boyd H. A., Toledo, Lucas Curtis & Thomas, Toledo, Lucas Hall, Smith & Co., Toledo, Lucas Mather O., Toledo, Lucas Wallridge & Bro., Toledo, Lucas Knoop Brothers, Troy, Miami Brown & Walker, Urbana, Champaign Green T. W., Vermillion, Erie Morehouse C. D. & Co., Vermillion, Erie Smith & McGregor, Wellsville, Columbiana Cincinnati, Hamilton TAYLOR & FAULKNER, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vandegrift B. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ward W. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Warner John, Cincinnlati, H amilton Weasner T. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton White R. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton WHITNEY WM. F. & V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark J. H. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Foote & King, Cleveland, Cuyahoga FRANCISCO JACOB, Cleveland, Cuyahoga HARMAN & CROWL, Clevel and, Cuyahoga Purdy & McNeil, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SABIN WM. & CO., C l evel and, Cuyahoga SANDFORD D. & SON, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SHELDON & FRENCH, Cleveland, Cuyahoga THATCHER, BURT & CO., Clevel and, Cuyahogo Holloway J oh n, Columbi ana, Columbiana Thompson J. B., Darby Creek, Madison CLIPPINGER & CO., Delaware, Delaware McNeelin, Ivers & Co., Dunbarton, Adams Chapman & Cowden, Edinburg, Portage * Dickey & Evans, Franklin, Warren Harrow & Co.,' Franklin, Warren Parish S., Freedom, Portage Binkley M., Fremont, Sandusky Cloud W. H., Fremont, Sandusky Sharp J., Fremont, Sandusky LUM 853 LUM or t' 6 MAR 854 MAR NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Painter Wm., Weymouth, Medina Bently A. G. & M., Youngstown, Mahoning Potter Isaac B., Weymouth, Medina Coman L. 0., Youngstown, Mahoning Fisher H. N., Wilmington, Clinton Clark & Herdman, Zanesville, Muskingum Sweny & Peiham, Xenia, Greene Wilson M. W., Zane sville, NIuskingum MAR3LE WORKERS AND DEALERS. Lelkeeker D., Akron, Summit Wheatley Charles, Gallipolis, Gallia Willard & Reeves, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Bragg C. W., Granville, Licking SEAMAN & JOHNSTON, Athens Athens Woodard Joseph, Granville, Licking 0 Evans S J. & Co., Barnesville, Belmont Devoss John, Greenfield, Highland ~ Hager H. P., Barnesville Belmont Hutchinson J., Greenfield, HigMand~ Underhill & Kerr, Bellefontaine, Logan Newkirk J. M., Greenville, Darke Williams Charles A., Bellefontaine, Logan Horssnyder & Kessling, Hamilton, Butler Hamilton John & C. A., Wellinghoff & Haynes, Hamilton, Butler Belleville, Richiand Harsha P. & J., Hilisboro', Highland Phillips B. F., Belleville Richland Harris David, Ironton, Lawrence Peely L., Bellevue, Huron Woodard & White, Kenton, Hardin McPherson & Dallas, Cadiz, Harriso~ Meigher J. C., Kimbolton, Guernsey Kyle D. K., Cambridge, Guernsey EVANS W. S., Lebanon, Warren Veitch & Holliday, Cambridge, Guernsey SCHWARTZ JACOB, Lebanon, Warren Reeves H. H., Can field, Mahoning Minter Samuel, London, Madison Bauhol R. & J. F., Canton, Stark Christian Samuel, Loudonville, Ashland Powers P., Castalia, Erie Fox J. J. & Son, Mansfield, Richland Wickham, Center Village, Delaware Mc Knight & Tyler, Mansfield, Richland Caidwell R. W., Chillicothe, Ross Reeves & Crumsin, Massillon, Stark Alberts Wm. & John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lloyd Edward, Maumee City, Lucas Brookfield Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Suples & Talcott, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Fettweiss L., Cincinnati Hamilton Eherhardt J., Millersburg, Holmes Foster Joseph & Co., Cincinnati, Hamiltoii Cotton E. W. & Sons, Goodall Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mount Vernon, Knox Gresse Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mehusin 0. F., Newark, Licking Johnson J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilto~ Wiswell E. W., Newark, Thelting Kelly C. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fulton Robert, New London, Huron Ketteritzsch & Rosenburg, Mitchell & Harner, Cincinnati, Hamiltom New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Rule Charles & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton Muse E. A. & S. A., Schneider F., Cincinnati, Hamilton New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Seibel & Mahon, Cincinnati, Hamilton DeWitt W. L., Norwalk, Huron SMITH CHARLES W. (See card, p. 171.) Stuart Benjamin, Painesville, Leke Cincinnati, Hamilton HATHAWAY & ESPEY, Piqua, Miama White T. & Son, Cincinnati, Hamilton Charlesworth H. R., Portsmouth, Scioto Howard A., Circleville, Pickaway Powers C. G. & Co., Portsmouth, Scioto Jones T. & Sons, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sheets Joseph L., ~lyers, Uhi & Co, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Port Washington, Tuscarawas Strong Lyman, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ihie & Wallar, Racine, Meigs Fred George, Columbiana, Columbiana Jones T. M., Ravenna, Portage Strickler Joseph, Columbus, Franklin Themes & Bingham, Ravenna, Portage Williams & Monier, Columbus, Frankli~ LANDIS & KENNARD. (See card, p. Dunning Milton A., Conneaut, Ashtabula 537.) Salem, Columbiana Stockwell George, Cumberland, Guernsey Brost John V., Sandusky, Erie Houglitling H., Dayton, Montgomerye Houk H. W., Sandusky, Erie Underhill F. W., Defiance, Defiance Roisster & Montgomery, Sandusky, Erie ~ Covell M. & Co., Delaware, Delaware Taylor T. J., Senecaville, Guernsey Covell & Shea, Delaware, Delaware Robertson Andrew J., Sidney, Shelby Seiser & Wagsen, Deiphos, Allen Iiuffman M. C., Springfield, Clark Moore James, Dresden, Muskingum Borland & Orr, Steubeaville, Jefferson Askins Jacob, Elida, Allen Hobbs M. R., Steubenville, Jefferson Taylor W. B., Finley, Hancock Mouldoon M., Steubeaville, Jefferson Thritt & Croninger, Finley, Hancock Harper F. & J., Tiffin, Seneca Smith Israel, Fremont, Sandusky Niebel & Wendler, Tiffin, Seneca Carpenter D. C., Galena, Delaware Singer & Negle, Tiffia, Seneca Rosberry Michael, Galion, Crawford Clark & Dolan, Toledo, Lucas MIL 855 MIL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY McNutt & Brother, West Alexandria, Preble Darby G. W., Wilmington, Clinton Lloyd T. A., Xenia, Green NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Van Antwerp E., Toledo, Lucas Woodruff T. H., Toledo, Lucas Wallis W. W., Troy, Miami Keepers W. V., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Phillip D. D. G., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Emerson S., Urbana, Champaign Noble John, Wellsville, Columbiana Struthers John, Wellsville, Columbiana Marstelder & Kennedy, Youngstown, Mahoning McBRIDE SAMUEL G., Zanesville, Muskingum MITCHELL M. C., Zanesville, Muskingum MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS. (Milliners marked, a.) Allen Eliza J., Abbeyville, Medina' Bradley Sarah, Abbeyville, Medina aRuce Mrs. H. V., Ada, Hardin aRhodes Miss E., Ada, Hardin Hare Miss F., Adrian, Seneca aSpringer Miss J., Ai, Fulton aBennet Mrs. P., Akron, Summit Brown Mrs.-, Akron, Summit aMcMasters Mrs. H., Akron, Summit aShaw D., Akron, Summit Stine Martha, Amsterdam, Jefferson Bulle Miss A., Antwerp, Paulding Baker Miss W. J., Arcanum, Darke Buchanon Miss M. A., Arcanum, Darke Poyner Miss R., Arcanum, Darke aWhilis Miss M., Ashland, Ashland Whiting Mrs. R. A., Ashland, Ashland aVanWoomer C. A., Ashley, Delaware Barry Mrs. A. J., Ashtabula, Ashtabula aHllall Miss M. E., Ashtabula, Ashtabula aStoddard Mrs. J. K., Ashtabula, Ashtabula aMcAfee & Shefield, Athens, Athens aAllen Mrs., Atwater, Portage aPitkin S. S., Atwater, Portage aReeder E. A., Atwater, Portage Smith Miss E. S., Austinburg, Ashtabula Nutt Mrs. S., Bainbridge, Ross Steadman Mrs. E., Bainbridge, Ross Zimmerman Miss M., Bainbridge, Ross Doughty Jemima, Bantam, Clermont aEly Miss S., Bantam, Clermont Johnson Mrs. R., Bantam, Clermont Banister N., Barnesville, Belmont aFowler J. A., Barnesville, Belmont Hare R., Barnesville, Belmont Nace Ann, Barnesville, Belmont Green Miss. A., Bartlett, Washingtoh Parker Miss R. I., Bartlett, Washington Smith Miss A., Bartlett, Washington Smith Miss E., Bartlett, Washington Folwell S., Batesville, Guernsey Mote Mrs. —, Beamsville, Darke Earick Mrs. M., Belle Center, Logan Porter Mrs. E., Belle Center, Logan Smith Mrs. Sarah, Belle Center, Logan aAdams M. E., Bellefontaine, Logan aScott Mrs. A manda, Bellefontaine, Logan aWinans Miss E., Bellefontaine, Logan Klotz Miss M. A., Belleville, Richland Walsh Mrs. A., B elleville, Richland Hasting Miss M., Bellevue, Huro n aKinney S., Bellevue, Huron afysngdon Mrs. S. A., Bellevue, Huron Thompson Miss L., Bellevue, Huron Ellenwood Kate, Belpre, Blo Wa shington aWilson Mrs., Bentonville, Adams Houghton J., Berea, Cuyahoga Phelps Elizabeth, Berea, Cuyahoga Bartlett Emma, Berlin Center, Mahoning Booth Phebe, Berlin Cent.er, Mahoning Hiddleston Mary, Berne, Nobl e Cyle Harriet, Big Plain, Madison Taylor H., Bird's Run, Guernsey aBrown Miss S. E., Bladensburg, Knox Atkins Mrs. -., Blanchester, Clinton Smith Mrs., Blanchester, Clinton Turne r Mrs. J, Bloomingville, Seneca Irven Nancy J., Bowersville, Green McElroy Miss E., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Goss Mrs. Abigal, Brighton, Lorain Boom Mrs. A. C. H., Brimfield, Portage Vanpossen Miss Ann, Bristol, Morgan aFinney Miss Harriet, ^ Bristolville, Trumbull aHammond 0. C., Bristolville, Trumbull allescock Miss L., Bristolville, Trumbull aNorton Thos. H., Bristolville, Trumbull aTimmerman Miss M., Bristolville, Trumbull Dumm Miss Martha, Brownsville, Licking Hamer Miss C., Brownsville, Licking Robinson Miss Nancy, Brownsville, Licking Rockhold Ruth, Buckeye Cottage, Perry aLightner Miss H. A., Bucyrus, Crawford McMann Mrs. M., Bucyrus, Crawford aPalmer L. & J., Bucyrus, Crawford Hobbs Miss M., Burg Hill, Trumbull aWilliams Miss P., Burg Hill, Trumbull aMcConnell Mrs. S. S., Cadiz, Harrison Moore Mary A., Cadwallader, Tuscarawas aCain Mrs., Camden, Preble aCrispin L. J., Camden, Preble MIL 855 MIL MIL 856 MIL NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY aFoertmeyer E., Cincinnati, Hamilton aGa rre M. & E., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHudson Mrs. W. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton airwin Mrs. J. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLenno w Mrs. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLilgebe ck Miss M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lucas Miss Julia, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMiller Mrs. Mary, Cincinnati, Hamilton aRhodes Mrs. H., Cincinnati, ttamilton Richards Mrs., Cincinnati, Hamilton ariekel Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rlyan M~rs. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sanford Mrs. C. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider Mrs. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Silman Mrs. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith Mrs. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Snyder Mrs. I. Y., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sullivan Mrs. 1X1., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tieman Mrs. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weaver Miss Kate, Cincinnati, Hamilton aweigler A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRiekel Wm., icrnt,Hmlo Rlyan M~rs. G., Cnint,Hmlo Sanford Mirs. C. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider Mrs. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith Mrs. E., Cnint,Hmlo Sullivan Mrs. 1X., Cnint,Hmlo Weaver Miss Kate, Cincinnati, Hamilton aWeigler A., Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aJohnson Miss M., Camden, Preble vLongnecker Mrs. M., Camden, Preble Croberger Mrs. E., Canal Fulton, Stark Everhart M. J., Canal Fulton, Stark Smith Mary E., Canal Fulton, Stark aDecker Mrs. J. L., Canal Winchester, Franklin Williams F., Canal Winchester, Franklin Adams Mrs. J. B., Canton, Stark Pirrong K. & F., Canton, Stark aMarquis Miss J., Casstown, Miami Bumgarner Mary, Catawba, Clark McConkey C. A, Catawba, Clark McConkey Sarah, Catawba, Clark Armstrong Ann, Celina, Mercer aBrush M., Celina, Mercer aEllenwood Mrs. C., Centre Belpre, Washington Gilbert Miss Kate, Centre Belpre, Washington Daurance Miss Mary, Centre Village, Delaware aFisell Barbara, Chatfield, Crawford Green Miss E. E., Chatham, Licking Lake Mrs. H., Chatham, Licking Lampson Erie, Chatham, Licking Hunnicutt M. S., Chester Hill, Morgan aLee E. A., Chester Hill, Morgan Talbott Emeline, Chester Hill, Morgan aBeyerly Miss E., Chillicothe, Ross aBothwell Mrs. Sarah, Chillicothe, Ross aDresbach H., Chillicothe, Ross aFerguson Mrs., Chillicothe, Ross aMcKee Mrs. Mary, Chillicothe, Ross aMetzler Miss S., Chillicothe, Ross aRichardson L. A., Chillicothe, Ross aSusenbeth Mrs. C. E., Chillicothe, Ross aDoggett Miss C. E., Christiansburg, Champaign aLong Miss L. L., Christiansburg, Champaign aOverton Miss E. J., Christiansburg, Champaign aBedgood Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBice Mrs. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton aBiglow Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bitter Mrs. Martha, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBlong S. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Brendamour Mrs. S., Whitehead MArs. Chistianb, C incinnati, Hamilton Worksan Mrs. A., C incinnati, Hamilton anZookr Mrs. A. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lakin Miss M., Circleville, Pickaway aNightingale Mrs. E., Circleville, Pickaway Bowen Mary, Clarksburg, Ross Downey A., Clarksburg, Ross Barnum Miss M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Booth Aiss N., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aBower Mrs. Isaac, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aBurgger Miss L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Chambers Miss R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cockrayn Miss E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Collins Mrs. Ann, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gates Miss Abbie, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aGunson Mrs. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hofer Mrs. a, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hubert Mrs. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrinckhoff Miss E., Cincinnati, Hamilton_ aBryan Mrs. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCarter Mrs. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Child S. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCleveland Mrs. E. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCollier Mrs. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton aCrasslin Mrs. M. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cunningham Mrs. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dehls Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDryfuss Mrs. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFeahius Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cleveland, Cuyahog a Schoonmaker Miss Anna, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Shaw Mrs. A. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aSmith Mrs. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga MIL MIL 856 Bowen M,,iry, Clarksburg, Ross Downey A., Clarksburg, Ross Barnum Miss M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Booth Miss N., Cleveland, Cuyahoga abower Mrs. Isaac, Cleveland, Cuyahoga abiirgger Miss L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Chambers Nliss R., Cleveland, Cuy.-thoga Cockrayn Miss E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Collins Mrs. Ann, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gat,es Miss Abbie, Cleveland, Cuyahoga agunson Mrs. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hofer Mrs. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hubert Mrs. S., Clev,61and,- Cuyahoga Johnson Mrs. F. C. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga' Johnson Mrs. M. R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga akembly Mrs. Elizabeth, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kinney Mrs. Al., Cleveland, Cuyahoga M,.irquitt Miss M. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga .1 Cleveland, Cuyahoga R,oraback Mr,,3. L. S., MIL 857 MIL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Staats Mrs. —, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Stoneham Mrs. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWalsh Mrs. P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aCummings Misses, Clinton, Summit Jackson ivliss Mary, Clyde, Sandusky Sturgis Mrs., Clyde, Sandusky Hanrick Mary E., Columbia Center, Licking Brubaker Miss. Columbiana, Columbiana Peeper Mrs. E. J., Deavertown, Morgan aOliver Mrs. E., Defiance, Defiance Readmon Hattie, De Graff, Logan Thomas R., De Graff, Logan aWages & Blinn, Delaware, Delaware aCowan Mary, Delphos, Allen aCoulter Mrs. E., Democracy, Knox Latta Mrs., Democracy, Knox Robbs Mrs. J. E., Dedson, Montgomery aArmstrong H. J., Downington, Meigs aHlloover Mrs. M., Dresden, Muskingum aWilson Miss S., Dresden, Muskingum aCook Miss J., Dublin, Franklin aAdams Sarah A., East Liberty, Logan aSharp Ann, East Liberty, Logan Snook M. 3., East Rochester, Columbiana aAtwood Miss E., Eaton, Preble aGrace & Lanius, Eaton, Preble Hogarth Mrs. S. J., Eaton, Preble aStaggs Mrs. Kate, Eaton, Preble Wright Kate, Eckmansville, Adams aDay Miss Lucy, Edinburg, Portage aHarris Rebecca, Euphemia, Preble aLivengood A. M., Farmersville, Montgomery aVancleve S., Farmersville, Montgomery aBarnes Mrs., Finley, Hancock aMorrison Mrs. I. O., Finley, Hancock aParker J. A., Finley, Hancock Soper Mrs. UJ., Finley, Hancock aEdwards Mary A., Flint's Mills, Washington aGreen S., Flint's Mills, W ashington aStout A nn, Flint's M ills, Was hington aHaller Mrs. E., Franklin, War ren aWilliams Mrs. S., Franklin, Warren Ba rton Jane, Fr a nkl in Mills, Portage Gillett Mrs. H., Franklin Mills, Portage Haymaker Sallie, Frankli n M ills, P ortage aJennings Mrs. H. N., Franklin Mills, Portage Kram Mrs. C. F., Frease's Store, Stark Lasure Mrs., Frease's Store, Stark Fowler Celistia, Freedom, Portage Cady Mrs. -, Fremont, Sandusky Hamilton N. A., Fremont, Sandusky aScoby & Cooper Misses, Fremont, Sandusky aHodgen Mrs. P., Galena, Delaware aParks Mrs. S. A., Galena, Delaware afowler Mrs. -, Gallipolis, Gallia Leachrist Martha, Columbiana, Columbiana Lindsey M. A., Columbiana, Columb iana, u mia Snyder Miss C., Columbiana, Columbiana Asbery Miss Sarah, Columbus, Franklin Clark Miss Ellen, Columbus, Franklin Domoney Mrs. E., Columbus, Franklin allalm Michael, Columbus, Franklin Holland., Columbus, Franklin Hopkins Miss M. J., Columbus, Franklin Hutchinson Mrs. L., Columbus, Franklin Jones Mrs. M., Columbus, Franklin aKock Mrs. S., Columbus, Franklin aLee Mrs. Ml., Columbus, Franklin Loechlar Mrs.C., Columbus, Franklin aSells Mrs. A. H., agent, Columbus, Franklin aTownley MIrs. W., Columbus, Franklin Welch Mrs. C., Columbus, Franklin Woodward Mrs. H., Columbus, Franklin aBurgess Mrs. Ann., Conneaut, Ashtabula aCarter Mrs. E. F., Conneaut, Ashtabula aGray Mrs. C. F., Conneaut, Ashtabula aJohnston Elizabeth, Corsica, Morrow aDenne C. & E., Coshocton, Coshocton aLeonard Mrs. H. L., Coshocton, Coshocton aDye Mrs. R. S., Covington, Miami aPurdy Mrs. J. L., Covington, Miami Anderson Mrs., Crestline, Crawford aMcJunkins Miss C., Crestline, Crawford Smith.irs. Jane, Crestline, Crawford aSmith Mrs. L., Crestline, Crawford aWelch E. K., Crestline, Crawford Agnew M., Cumberland, Guernsey Crosgrove Ruth, Cumberland, Guernsey aWarne H., Cumberland, Guernsey McGrath Miss Ellen, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Fisher Miss B., Dalton, Wayne Forbes Mrs. Sarah, Dalton, Wayne Bigelow Miss M., Darby Creek, Madison Guy C. & H., Darby Creek, Madison Williamson Miss S. B., Darby Creek, Madison aCollins Mrs. G., Dayton, Montgomery aConway Mirs. H., Dyo,Mngmr aCorp Mrs. C., Dyo,Mngmr aConway Mrs. H., Dayton, Montgomery aCorp Mrs. C., Dayton, Montgomery ajohn Mrs. A., Dayton, Montgomery aJohn Mrs. A., Dayton, Montgomery aFowler Mrs. —— ipi, Gli aMcCalley Mrs. M., Germantown, Montgomery aRoole Mrs. M. E., Germantown, Montgomery aCoy E., Girard, Trumbull Wallace Mrs. —, Girard, Trumbull aMead Mrs. —, Granville, Licking Sinnett Mrs., Granville, Licking aWebster Miss R., Granville, Licking aWorcester Mrs.-, Granville, Licking aMcLain Mrs. Magg ie, Greenfield, Highland Trabeing Mrs. G., Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Trabing Mrs. Kate, Dayton, Montgomery Warren Mrs. H. L., Dayton, Montgomery 4k, MIL 857 MIL t POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME MIL 858 MIL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Phelps Miss, Lodi, Medina Smith Mi ss T., Lodi, Medina Beard Jane, Log Cabin, Morgan aDowling Mrs. Annie, London, Madison aGo dfrey s Miss. E., London, Madison Frink Miss A., Loudonville, Ashland Haslett C., Lonudo nville, Ashland Hildebrand H., Lonudonville, Ashland aSwineford Ma ry A., Lucas, Richland Dawson I., MlcArthur, Vinton Dingman 0., McArthur, Vinton aKeng Mrs. J. W., McArthur, Vinton aSwepston Mrs. J.H., McArthur, Vinton aJONES MISS ELIZA, McArthur, Vinton aBradfieldL Miss E., Macon, Morrow aMarsh M Irs. M A., Macon, Morrow aLewer Sar ah A., Maineville, Warren aGraves Mrs. M. J., Malaga, MonLroe aCary & Patten, Mansfield, Richland aCoats Misses V. & S., M ans field, Ric hland aIngersoll & Weeks, Mans field, Ric hland aLewisa Mr s. Kate, Mansfield, Riehland aStakes M rs. M. A., Mansfield, Bichland aFuller Mrs. S. A., Marietta, Was hington aGAILEY S. A. & CO., Marion, Alarion Sloon Miss A. C., Ma rion, Me arion aTHOMAS MRS. H., M arion, Ma ri on Conrad Miss, Marshallsville, Wayne aArnold Miss L., Marysville, Union aGreen Mrs. L., Marysville, Union aMelching Miss L., Marysville, Union aOldham Miss Mattie, Marysville, Union aShearer Mrs. J. H., Marysville, Union aBenedict Mrs. D., Mason, Warren aFa n fossen Mrs. L., Mason, Warren aGregory Miss M., Mason, Warren aWhitaker Mrs. M. A., Ma son, Warren Wilson Mrs.., Massillon, Stark Thorne Miss M. E., Maumee City, Luecas aMeCorkle Miss M a gg ie, Mechanicsburg, Champaign a,iontgomery Miss S., Mechanicsburg. Champaign aMoon Mrs. - Mechanicsburg, Champaign Mayers Mrs. Nancy, Meigsville, Morgan aTreat Miss Mary, Mesopotamia, Trumbull aWilcox Mrs. A. D., Mesopotamia, Trumbull Herrick Mrs.-, Metamora, Fulton aMcConnell Charlotte, Miami, I-Hamilton aBritton Mrs. Ellen, Miamisburg, Montgomery aCampbell Jane, Middlebourne, Guernsey aJarvis M. J. Middlebourne, Guernsey aSpence Mrs., Middleport, Meigs aWaddell Mrs. E. D., Middleport, Meigs aHaskell Miss-L. F., Middletown, Butler alarnish Mrs. M., Middletown, Butler Thompson A. R., Middletown, Butler Clemence Miss S. Millersburg, Holmes .aBalsore Mrs —, Millville, Butler NAME POST OFFIOE. COUNYY aMoon Mrs. A. C., Greenfield, Highland aPatton Mrs. S. M., Greenfield, Highland aRobins L., Greenfield, Highland aClark Mrs. S., Hamilton, Butler aConover Mrs. E., Hamilton, Butler aLarkin Mrs. G., Hamilton, Butler aLee Mrs. E., Hamilton, Butler aSampton Mrs. M. N., Harmar, Washington aJudd Miss C., Harpersfield, Ashtabula aPhillips Mrs. R., Harrisonville, Meigs aPrice Jane,, Harrisonville, Meigs aWintersteen Miss Ed., Harrisonville, Meigs aNutt Anna, Highland, Highland aGraham Misses, Hill Grove, Darke aZowart F. & L, Hill Grove, Darke Fosha Mrs. I. S., Hilliards, Franklin Mathews Miss M. S., Hilliards, Franklin aBuckner & Rider, Hillsboro', Highland aClosson Frances, Hope, Franklin aRhoads Sarah A., Hope, Franklin aLane Miss R., Hudson, Summit aThomas Mrs.., I Grontove, Lawrene a~owat F. L*, Hill Grove, Darke FoshaMrs.. S., Hilliards, Franklin Mathews Miss M. S., Hilliards, Franklin aBuckner & Rider, Hillsboro', Highland a~loson Frnces, Hope, Franklin aLane Miss R., Hudson, Summit aherarm Mrs. s es., Hiirove, Bairne aSherrard Mrs. U. W., Irviele, Muskingum aDu Hadway Mrs. M. Jackson, Jackson aStephenson Mrs. Annie, b Jack son, Jackson Vail JFane, Kalida, Putnam Reddle Mary, Hennonsburg, Noble aKin g Miss Julia A., Kenton, mardin aSharp & Ferguson, Kenton, Hardin Ledlie Mrs. R., Kimbolton, Guernsey Luecock N. & Sons, Kimbolton, Guernsey Hackett Mary J., Kyger, K Gallia aRadley Mrs. R.A., Lafayette, Madison MOHLER & HOUSEHOLDER, Lake, Stark Vailli Ellen, _ake, Putnark Wkil iss Juliaen, Lkeno, Stardi aedliffr Mr. R. Ro imbl,Genson, Willis Ellen,,Lake, Stark aClifford M. & Robinson, Lancaster, Fairfield aCrowe Mrs. E., Lancaster, Fairfield aGrether Mrs. Sarah, Lancaster, Fairfield aNeeley E. S., Lancaster, Fairfield aDixon Mrs. E., Lebanon, Warren Dunham Miss C., Lebanon, Warren allayden Jennie, Lebanon, Warren aIngersoll Mrs. C., Lebanon, Warren aSimonton Miss Sallie, Lebanon, Warren aWalters Miss Sallie, Lebanon, Warren aDonahoe Miss E., Leipsic, Putnam aMEACHAM MRS. C. L., I Leipsic, Putnam aWright Miss E., Letart Falls, Meigs Levering Ida, Lexington, Richland aCole Mrs. I., Lima, Allen Cunningham Miss N., Lima, Allen aHarbert M. J., Lima, Allen aKeller Mrs. E., Lima, Allen aRobb Mrs. -, Lima, Allen Parmlee Mrs. M. R., Liverpool, Medina aCrosby Miss M., Lodi, Medina aFenney Misses, Lodi, Medina 858 MIL MIL MIL 859 MIL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aKing Mrs. Wm., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas aMiller Mrs. A., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas aSharp Miss S. M., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas aGrepper M/rs., New Plymouth, Vinton aBall M. F., New Plymouth, Vinton Jolly Mrs., New Rumley, Harrison Scott Miss -, New Rumley, Harrison Scott Mrs., New Rumley, Harrison Bosworth Miss Mary, Newton Falls, Trumbull NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aGonser Miss H., Millwood, Knox aMoffitt S., Millwood. Knox Bracken Miss H., Milnersville, Guernsey Granger Adeline, Milton, Mahoning Adams Miss G., Monclova, Lucas Bateman Miss H., Monclova, Lucas Shaw Harriet, Montpelier, Williams McDowell Mrs., Morrow, Warren Roach M. A. E., Morrow, Warren Smith Mrs. S., Morrow, Warren Strader Mrs. Julia, Morrow, Warren Trebbey Miss A. E., Morrow, Warren Guerne C., Mount Eaton, Wayne Scott Mary, Mount Eaton, Wayne Leech Misses A. & S., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Morris Mrs. E., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Youngblood Mrs. S., Mount Liberty, Knox aBrewer Mrs. L. D., Mount Vernon, Knox aHoey & Curtis, Mount Vernon, Knox aNorton Mrs. J. K., M ou n t Vernon, Knox Boyd Mrs. D. M., Mount Victory, Hardin aBoyd Miss C., Napoleon, Henry Cadwalader Mary A., Napoleon, Henry Cooper R. A., Napoleon, Henry aCraig M. J. & L. A., Napoleon, Henry aHight Mrs. E. W., Napoleon, Henry aCoe Mrs. S., Nelsonville, Athens Nowlen Mrs. I., Nelsonville, Athens aSaunders Miss Nelsonville, Athens aSowers M. & S., Nevada, Wyandot aWilson Elizabeth, Nevada, Wyandot Hall N. M., New Alexandria, Jefferson Barnes Mrs. R. C., Newark, Licking Long Mrs. J., Newark, Licking aSpangler Mrs. J., Newark, Licking aStrickland Miss S. E., Newark, Licking aWallace Mrs. Mary, Newark, Licking Burnett Almira, Newburg, Geauga Canfield Ars. A, Newburg, Geauga aLoveland Abbie, Newburg, Geauga Herrand M. M., New Concord, Muskingum Milholland H., New Concord, Muskingum Need'C., New Harrisburg, Carroll Rollins A. E., New Harrisburg, Carroll along Mrs. Martha, New Holland, Pickaway aReeves Mrs. M., New Holland, Pickaway Frink Mrs. John, New London, Huron Kilburn Mrs. E., New London, Huron Knowlton Mrs. S. S., New London, Huron aSnyder Louisa, New London, Huron Thom Mrs. Jane, New London, Huron Porter Mrs. R. J., New Madison, Darke Clagget Miss New Market, Highland Musgrove Miss J., Newton Falls, Trumbull Oviatt Miss E., Newton Falls, Trumbull aRobinson Mollie J., North Robinson, Crawford aChapen S. & M., Norwalk, Huron Hawkes Mrs. B. P., Norwalk, Huron McConoughey Mrs. A., Norwalk, Huron Smith Miss H., Norwalk, Huron Davis -, Oak Hill, Jackson Ozier Hannah, Olivesburg, Richland Starrett Mrs. M., Olivesburg, Richland Storrs Mrs. C. N., Orrville, Wayne Kraemer Mary A., Ottawa, Ottawa aRadabaugh Miss, Ottawa, Putnam aRice Mrs., Ottawa, Putnam aBegg Mliss J., Oxford, Butler aStett Miss -, Oxford, Butler aFisher Mrs. Oxford, Butler aKitridge Miss A. J., Painesville, Lake Rich Miss S., Painesville, Lake aSeely Mrs. L. A., Painesville, Lake Hollister Mrs. L., Parisville, Portage aMinyoung Miss C., Parisville, Portage Patterson Miss Mary, Parisville, Portage Phillips Miss A., Parisville, Portage Sherburn Miss A., Pataskala, Licking Youmans Miss C., Pataskala, Licking Naylor Mrs. O. E., Pennsville, Morgan aJones E. P., Perrysburg, Wood aCoulter E. E., Perryville, Ashland aMcDonald Mary, Perryville, Ashland aMcGee Miss E., Piqua, Miami aSmith Mrs. J. A., Piqua, Miami Oglevie Mary, Pleasant, Putnam Owen Misses, Pleasant, Putnam Sturd Miss -, Pleasant, Putnam Blackman Sallie, Poland, Mahoning aSanderson Miss -, Poland, Mahoning McCune Mrs. Wm., Pomeroy, Meigs Shaltus M., Poplar, Crawford Valentine Emily, Poplar, Crawford aFitzpatrick & Brown, Portsmouth, Scioto aParker Mrs., Portsmouth, Scioto aRelhenk Mrs.-, Portsmouth, Scioto aEllis Ann,, Port Williams, Clinton Manning Emma, Pratt, Shelby aTaylor Martha, Pyrmont, Montgomery aBaughman Miss S., Quincy, Logan aPatton Mrs. -, Quincy, Logan MIL MIL 859 Ashley Mary A., New Metamoras, W,,tshington Grave Miss J., New Paris, Preble akail Mrs. M. E., . New Philadelphia, Tusearawas MIL 860 MIL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aBrown Mary A., Steubenville, Jefferson Moore & Miller, Steubenville, Jefferson aSmith Miss A., Steubenville, Jefferson Campbell Elizabeth, Stockport, Morgan Holbrook M., Stockport, Morgan Lindsday Mrs. S., Stryker, Williams Cavis Mrs.. —I Sulphur Springs, Crawford aKennedy Elizabeth, Summerford, Madison aMcGarey R., Summerford, Madison Cowen Miss N., Sunbury, Delaware Decker C. & 11., Sunbury, Delaware Skeeles Mrs. D., Sunbury, Delaware Lewis Cynthia, Sylvia, Hardin Roberts K., Symmes' Corner, Butler aDavis Miss G., Thurman, Gallia aJohnson & Dill, Thurman, Gallia aAllen Mrs. L. C., Tiffin, Seneca aHeusband A. & M. A., Tiffin, Seneca Campbell Mrs. J., Toledo, Lucas aCamey Miss —, Toledo, Lucas Decker Mrs. I., Toledo, Lucas aFowle E. H., Toledo, Lucas aHigby Mrs. T. W., Toledo, Lucas Jackson Mrs. —, Toledo, Lucas aMcFaddin Mrs. F., Toledo, Lucas Tracey Elizabeth, Toledo, Lucas aTappenden Mrs. —-, Troy, Miami aNelson Mrs. A. L., Twinsburg, Summit aRiley Mrs. T. F., Twinsburg, Summit aBost Mrs. E., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Utterbock Mrs. H. A.. Uhrichsville, Tutscarawas Bennett Mrs. A. M., Union, Darke Miller Mrs. F., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Weaver Miss —, Van Buren, Hancock nAnschultz Miss - Van Wert, Van Wert aMeConaha Miss L., Van Wert, Van Wert aAnderson Mrs. M. I., Vermillion, Erie aQuigley Mrs. Jane, Vermillion, Erie aBrunson Mrs. Sarah, Vernon, Trumbull Clark Miss L., Vienna, Trumbull Munson Mrs. M., Vienna, Trumbull aPerkins Mrs. M. S., Vienna, Trumbull aFrancis Mrs. P. K., Waldo, Marion aMorehedans Miss, Wapakoneta, A uglaize aMasser Miss —, Wapakoneta, Auglaize aSchucraft Miss B., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Daugherty E. A., Waynesville, Warren Keys Sarah A., Waynesville, Warren aParkins Mary, Waynesville, Warren Sisco Mrs. -, Waynesville, Warren Southern E., Waynesville, Warren Stenton Miss E., Waynesville, Warren Terry S., Waynesville, Warren Boutwell Mrs. M. H., Wellington, Lorain Sheopherd Mrs. E. S., Wellington, Lorain Harshman Miss E., West Alexandria, Preble Tripp P., Racine, Meigs aBrown Mrs. H., Ravenna, Portage aTrowbridge L. T. D., Ravennai Portage Clark Mrs. J., Raymond's, Union Darron Mrs. A. M., Raymond's, Union Clengenpelle Mrs.-, Republican, Darke Boomer M., Richland, Richland Grieas R., Richland, Richland aCole Hannah, Richmond, Jefferson McNice Mrs. -, Richmond, Jefferson Mann Mrs. M. S., Rochester Depot, Lorain Mix Mrs. -, Rochester Depot, Lorain Odel Miss H., Rochester Depot, Lorain aWilcox Mrs. M. P., Rochester Depot, Lorain Craver Mlrs. L., Roscoe, Coshocton Johnson Mrs. P., Ross, Butler Nevil Mrs., Round Head, Hardin Harmon Mlary Ann, Ruggles, Ashland White Mrs. -—, Rural Dale, Muskingum Selders Miss —, Rushsylvania, Logan Thompson Miss, Rushsylvania, Lo-,an aGalbreath Mrs. S. R., Salem, Columbiana aMcCurdy Mrs. E., Salem, Columbiana aMall Mrs. M., Salem, Columbiana aStrieby C.L. & C., Salem, Columbiana aTengling &Rogers, Salem, Columbiana aHumphreys Mrs. A., S andu sky, E rie aDeveral H., Sarahsville, Noble aDeveral M., Sarahsville, Noble aMcNeeley May A., Sardinia, Brown Ervin Mrs., Scott, Ad am s Ewick Mrs., Scott, A dam s Hibbs M. E., Senecaville, Guernsey aNeyman E. J., Senecaville, Guernsey aOliver E., Senecaville, Guernsey aFagee C. A., Senecaville, Guernsey Wooley Mrs. T., Seven Mile, Butler Dyarman Mrs. E., Shreve, Wayne aPagan Mrs. J. R., Sidney, Shelby aRoetcher Mrs. E., Sidney, Shelby aRussell Miss J.,' Sidney, Shelby Beach Miss S., Sligo, Clinton Brazil —-, Sligo, Clinton Spannon Mrs., Smithfield, Jefferson Watson Angeline, Smithfield, Jefferson Hobbs Hannah, Somerton, Belmont aPalmer Minerva, Somerton, Belmont Smith Louisa, Somerton, Belmont aNewton Mrs. C., Somerville, Butler aRobenson Mrs. M., Somerville, Butler Houston Miss Jane, South Charleston, Clark aHartman S. E., Springdale, Hamilton Naylor Mrs. L., Springdale, Hamilton Williams Miss A., Springdale, Hamilton Bancroff Mrs. M., Springfield, Clark aDefenbaugh Mrs. H., Springfield, Clark aRodgers H. A., Springfield, Clark aRoher Mrs. J. K, Springfield, Clark Skilling Miss It. M., Springfield, Clark West Mrs. E. P., Springffeld, Clark Leonard Miss M. J., Spring Hills, Champaign Snider Miss Nancy, West Alexandria, Preble Hunt Miss K. D., West Elkton, Preble MIL 860 MIL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY .~ ML86 J NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Galloway Miss K., Xenia, Greene Klatte Miss C., Xenia, Greene aMarshall Miss E. J.. Xenia, Greene aRhoads M. E., Xenia, Greene Browher Miss Susa n, Youngstown, Mahoniig NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Antrim Mrs. J., West Middleburg, Logan Carpenter Miss M., West Middleburg, Logan Camp Miss S. S., Weymouth, Medina Cook Mary, Weymouth, Medina aBoyd Mrs. C., Wilkesville, Vinton Howe A., Wilkesville, Vinton a~~eih~~ Mrs. Jane, Youngstown, Mahoning~~~v. aRichmond MIrs. A., Youngstown, Mahoning Miller Harriet, Youngsville, Adams Arthur I. C., Zanesville, Muskingum aBanks Miss C., Zanesville, Muskingum aBlake Mrs. M. H., Zanesville, MAuskingum aGibson Mrs. G. D., Zanesville, Muskingum aJohnston Mrs. M., Zanesville, Muskingum Krumbaker Mrs. J. K., Zanesville, Muskingum Mosier Mrs. H., Zanesville, Muskingum aReed Miss A. J., Zanesville, Muskingum Thompson Miss M., Wor thington, Franklin aAPPLIN MISS CAROLINE M., Xenia, Greene Curl S. E. & N. G., - Xenia, Greene MILLINERY, SILK AND FANCY GOODS. Canfield C. B., Ai, Fulton. Robertson Mrs. L., Alliance, Stark Wright John G., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Quigley Mrs. R. A., Cadiz, Harrison Spencer Mrs. Martha, Cadiz, Harrison Coy Mrs. E., Canfield, Mahoning Jackson John, Center Belpre, Washington Gates Mrs. P. D., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Antram J. W. & J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Baird Miss M. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Barger Mrs. M. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beater R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl Valentine, Cincinnati, Hamilton Braum Mrs., Cincinnati, Hamilton Britting & Brother Cincinnati, Hainilton Carothers Mrs., Cincinnati, Hamilton Castello T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dierlein Mrs. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ferris George C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fishwick Mrs. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Focks J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fraas G. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gaston Miss J., Cincinnati, Hamiltoni Goldenburger John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gosling Mrs. —, Cincinnati, Hamilton HASKINS C. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henderson J. O., Cincinnati, Hamilton Henly I. & H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hickok Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton JAMES CHARLES E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jamison Miss S. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kebby Mrs. A. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Knox lE. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Levinson J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lewis George & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lindemann H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Long Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton McClary Sam uel, Cincinnati, Hamilton McGee Mrs. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton McGoldrick Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Markland Mrs. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marks Mrs. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nuttman Mrs. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morehouse Mrs. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morgan Mrs. Sarah, Cincinnati, Hamilton Muchweiler M., Cincinnati, Iamilton Perry & Johnston, Cincinnati, Hamilton Phillips Cornelius,.Cincinnati, Hamilton Plochg A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Quinn Miss E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Renaus T. & C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rusche J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Settler Ernest, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schlassenger J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Secombe & Read, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smite James D. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Staidel Mrs. O., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stiebel —, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thayer & Aldrich, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thorpe Mrs. A. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vornholt John F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Walton El. M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Webb J., jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weizencker Alex., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weisshers Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Woods Mrs. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bailey Mrs. M. E., Circleville, Pickaway Baiser Mrs. E., Circleville, Pickaway Fischer & Schwinke, Circleville, Pickaway Smith L. L., Circleville, Pickaway Witt Miss C., Circleville, Pickaway MIL 861 MIL -~~U 86 U NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Boynton Mrs. A. C., Franklin, Warren Vining Elias M., Galion, Crawford Stewa rt Mrs. M. M., Marietta, Washing ton Bryand & Re eve, M ount Vernon, Knox Gilmore A. P., Moount Vernon, Knox Beard Miss H. W., P ainesville, Lake LODWICK 0.. & CO., Portsmouth, Scioto Neal Miss May, Salemn, Columhiana Lamb & Zinn, Sidney, Shelby Sturge Mrs' C., Springfield, Clark Watson Mrs. D. H., Springfield, Clark Robinson Mrs. L., Steubenville, Jefferson Scott G. & Go., Steubenville, Jefferson Corwin W. L., Toledo, Lucas Rawle Wm., Toledo, Lucas Krider Mrs. M., Troy, Miami Doran Mary, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Hubbard W. H., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Ware R. HI., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Jenkins Mrs. C., Washington C. H., Fayette Fallis J. N., Wilmington, Clinton Drifel C. Youngstown, Nlahoning Hollingsworth & Bro., Youngstown, MIahoning McKown S. W., Youngstown, Malhoning Merrick Alfred, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Collins, Goodsell & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dolman Miss M. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fulkner George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fuller & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HALL EDWIN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga McNelley Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Marchand J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Mears Mrs. L. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga PRESCOTTS & CHASE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sherwood & Oakley, Cleveland, Cuyahog Wa Devou & Rockwood, Columbus, Franklin Hall Mrs. C. & L. C., Columbus, Franklin Hopperton Mrs. Mary, Columbus, Franklin Plempton Henry, Columbus, Franklin Ware R. H., Columbus, Franklin Wayley Mrs. J. L., Columbus, Franklin Armstrong Mrs. A., Dayton, Montgomery Babbitt T. S., Dayton Montgomery Coffman, Winder & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Daniels E. A., Dayton, Montgomery Douglass N. P. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Goodman Mrs. A., Dayton, Montgomery Howard Mrs. —, Dayton, Montgomery Schwab A., Dayton, Montgomery CASE MISS A. E., Defiance, Defiance ARMSTRONG J. S., Delaware, Delaware NURSERIES, SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS. FLETCHER ROBERT, Cincinnati, Hamilton Abbeyville, Medina Ada, Hardin Avon, Lorain Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Belleville, Richland Belpre, Washington Belpre. Washington Berea, Cuyahoga Haseltine S. W. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilder, Robinson & Co, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tuttle & French, Clyde, Sandusky Brenner Conrad, Columbiana, Columbiana STELZIG J. L. & CO., Columbus, Franklin ZETTLER I. & L., Columbus, Franklin G LBov k Fox John, Covington, Miami Cameron Andrew, Dalton, Wayne Clement D. S., Darby Creek, Madison Netterfield S., Eagleville, Ashtabula Coulson M., East Rochester, Columbiana Dennison J. & Co., Eaton, Preble Laning Edward, Eaton, Preble Wright D. H., Freedom, Portage Cook S., Galena, Delaware Jobes H., Galena, Delaware Westervelt & Eldridge, Galena, Delaware Davis Charles, Harrisonville, Meigs Coward Enos, Highland, Highland Hough Wm., Highland, Highland Creviston & Jones, Hill Grove, Darke Harding Wesley, Kimbolton, Guernsey Pullen J. B. & Son, Lebanon, Warren Curti s H & Sons, Little Hocking, Washington Hawkins Thomas, Berlin Center, Mlahoning Gray L. M., Brownsville, Licking McPherson F. S,, Cadwallader,'ruscarawas Cowdrey J. F.. Castalia, Erie Dana George & Son, Center Belpre, Washington Druse Riley, Center Belpre, Washington Putnam I. W., Center Belpre, Washington Garlinghouse George, Center Village, Delaware Fair F., Chambersburg, Montgomery Fair S., Chambersburg, Montgomery Wood C., Chester Hill, Morgan Allston & Bailey, Chillicothe, Ross Campbell F. & S. D., Chillicothe, Ross French & Stratton, Christiansburg, Champaign Craig Edmund, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dair John F. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton NUR 862 NUR POST OFFICE COUNTY N ALL','N DAVII), Slechter David,. Terrell J., Doudna Joseph, Edgerton James, Hazlett J. W., Dana George & Son, Stone A. D., Fuller A. B., PAP 863 PAP White Lead and Zinc Works, CTI EVELAND,O We manufacture and are prepared to fill orders at the regular trade time and prices. G. CARY & CO., Hewitt's Block. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Kirland George, Poland, Mahoning Wilcox Ransom, Poplar, Crawford Sanoft I. J., Raymon's, Union Hartman L., Rochest er Depo t, Lorain Kenyon D., R ockville, Adams McCall A., Rockville, Adams Truitt W. P., Rockville, Adams Hall C. H., Rural Dale, Muskingum Bonsall E. & Bro., Salem, Columbiana Evans P., Salem, Columbiana Kiel Wm. G., Senecaville, Guernsey RAUTH PHILIP, Sidney, Shelby Reeder John, South Charleston, Clark Meyers J. C., Swanton, Fulton CUNNINGHAM & BRO., Tiffin, Seneca Fahnestock A. & Son, Toledo, Lucas Hansen F. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Drury S. R., Troy, Miami Simpson Benj., Troy, Miami Murray C. B., Twenty Mile Stand, Warren Mason M.,. Vermillion, Erie Richardson C. J., Waynesville, Warren Windle W. H. & Bro., West Alexandria, Prebll Tedrick E. & M., Winchester, Guernsey Brenner John, Youngstown, Mahoning NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Moody David, Lo- Cabin, Morgan Sarton A. H., Macon, Morrow Davis Josias, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Heffelbower Henry, Monclova, Lucas Holloway Peter, Monclova, Lucas Baker Wm., Montra, Shelby Read Wm. A., Montra, Shelby Taylor Jacob, Mount Blanchard, Hancock Dodez Gustavus. Mount Eaton, Wayne Cook A. H., Mount Orab, Brown Taylor R., New Harrisburg, Carroll Post B.. New London, Huron Barnes, New Metamoras, Washington Hinst John, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Powelson it., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Devore & Jolly, New Rumley, Harrison Snyder. S., New Rumley, Harrison Winder A., Jr., North Lewisburg, Champaign McCrary & Berry, Oxford, Butler Powers George, Perrysburg, Wood Fox George, Pleasant Hill, Miami Meeksell W. H., Pleasant Hill, Miami Shafee Henry, Pleasant Hill, Miami PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, &c. (See also Druggists, page 777.) CONKLING R. & CO. (See card, p. 112.) Cincinnati, Hamilton GIBSON ROBT., Cincinnati, Hamilton HARRISON, HILLS & CO., Eighth, below Harrison, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman & Moser, Cincinnati, Hamilton WOOD WM. & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga CARY G. & CO. (See card, p. 863.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga PALMER E. W., agent Forest City Varn ish Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Webster John, Cleveland, Cuyahog,, WHITE JOHN E., (See card, p. 262.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga GERE GEO. & CO., Columbus, Franklin Thresher E. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Eidson & Campbell, Eaton, Preble McMillen Wm., Greenfield, Highland PACKARD W. & A. J., Youngstown, Mahoning PAPER HIANGINGS AND WINDOW SIADES. (See also General Stores, page 793.) Cincinnati, Hamilton CAMARGS MANUFACTURING CO., 57 Cincinnati, Hamilton West Fourth,',Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Coombs -, Cincinnati, Hamilton 869 PAP PAP OFIIO. I Ahr Conrad, Andress C. O., Andress F., & C., PAT 864 PAT NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Crawford John, Hamilton, Butler Gregg & McFadden, Hillsboro', Highland Davidson J., Ironton, Lawrence Holt P. ~ C., Maumee City, Lucas Arnold O. M,, Mount Vernon, Knox NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ellis & Padgett, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frazer & Myers, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gottmann Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ham & Savill, Cincinnati, Hamilton HOLMES S. & SON, 65 West Fourth, Hurd Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Peter Geo. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reed & Marpe, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ringwalt & Avery, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sawyer & Kirk, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schlondonn C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schroenker F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sharpless & Bosley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thummel J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Williams C. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Beckwith T. S., C-leveland, Ouyahoga Carson M. & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Downie J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ingham W. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Jones Carlos, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lawton P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Curtis D. M., Dayton, Montgomery PAYNE E. D. & A. F. (See card, p. 301.) Dayton, Montgomery Vanausdal, Dixon & Co., Dayton,. Montgomery Hackdorn Noah E., Gallion, Crawford SNIITH JOHN J., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawwas McGAW & RICHEY, Oxford, Butler Bartlett C. S., Painesville, Lake Brooks & Son, P,tinesville, Lake Johnston A., Piqua, Miami STEPHENSON J., Portsmouth, Scioto ELLIS J. R. (See card, p. 523.) - Racine, Meigs TRESCOTT ISAAC. (See card, p. 537.) Salem, Columbiana Colt Wm. D., Sandusky, Erie Olds Chas. V., Sandusky, Erie Filson D., Steubenville, Jefferson Schrempf C. W., Toledo, Lucas Maxwell J. A. & Bro., Upper Sandusky, Wyanctot Duel & Roof, Urbana, Champaign Whitcomb D. R., Wilmington, Clinton McFadden A., Zanesville, Muskingum R UFACTURERS. Davis & Uphan, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Ingham, Swift & Co., Chillicothe, Ross Bachelor, DeCamp & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nixon, Chatfield & Woods, Cincinnati, HIamilton Speer & Stephens, Cincinnati, Hamilton TAYLOR N. W. (See card, p.260.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga MAlapother Chas., Dayton, Montgomery Willard & Wheaton, Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Mlontgomery Delaware, Delaware Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Middletown, Butler .Middletown, Butler Oglesby, Titus &.Ir win, Middletown, Butler Sutphan J. & Co., Middletown, Butler Hanna T. & Sons, Steubenville, Jefferson Cooper Robert, Symmes' Corner, Butler PATENT RIGHT AGENTS. Ahlefeld Nathan, Ada, Hardin Barr James, Center Village, Delaware Thatcher & Johnson, Akron, Summit Batten Robert, Center Village, Delaware Barnes W., Barnesville, Belmont Roberts Wm., Center Village, Deiaware Patten D. S., Belle Center, Logan Williams A. C., Center Village, Delaware Fornier F. B., Berea, Cuyahoga Webster W., Chester, Meigs Meacham N. D., Berea, Cuyahoga American Patent Company, Adams L., Blanchester, Clinton Cincinnati, Hamilton Hainds E. W., Bourneville, Ross GRANT, PITMAN & LEEDS. (See card, March John, Bourneville, Ross p. 146.) Cincinnati, Hamilton House A. A. Bristolville, Trumbull KNIGHT BROTHERS. (See card inside Huntly Geo. R., Bristolville, Trumbull back cover.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Burton Robert, Brownsville, Licking Brainerd & Burridge, Westbrook John, Brownsville, Licking Cleveland, Cuyahoga Chapman D. R., Burg Hill, Trumbull Sturgeon A., Columbiana, Columbiana Demory J., Catawba, Clark Wylie A. K., Dalton, Wayne BROADWELL JACOB. (See card, page Mitchel Geo., Deavertown, Morgan 70.) Celina, Mercer Byrket Jesse, Dodson, Montgomery PAT 864 PAT A. T., New, Lisbon, Columbiana Wiston k Mead, Haines J-., Shuey & McGuire, Snyder Louis, Oglesby, Barnitz & MIVI AY'S.PATENT JA+IL, PATENTED OCTOBER, 1859. Saw Proof Cratings for Prisons, PATENTEi) MAY 29, i1Ao. In my arrangement the Jailor need never come in contact with the prisoner. There is always a grating of iron between the keeper and those confined, who are under his control without the risk of direct communication, the danger of which is known to all who have the charge of prisoners. Jails already built can easily have my Patent Improvement added at as small expense, and it is equally adapted to stone or iron prisons. I refer to the following gentlemen: Hon. A. P. WILLARD, Governor of Indiana. Hon J. D. BRIGHT, U.S. Senator, Jeffersonville, Ind. Hon. GRAHAM N. FITCH, U. S. Senator, Logansport, Ind. Hon. JOS. E. MeDONALD, Att'y General, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. T. A. HENDRICKS, Shelbyville, Ind., late Commissioner of Gen'l Lanvd Office, Hon. J. M. GREGG Ex-Member of Congress, Danville, Ind. Hon. J. B. FOLEY, Ex-Member of Congress, Greensburg, Ind. Hon. A. G. PORTER, Member of Congress, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. C. L. DUNHAM, Secretary of State, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. JOHN W. DODD, Auditor of State, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. N. F. CUNNINGHAM, Treasurer of State, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. S. E. PERKINS, Judge of Supreme Court, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. AND' EW DAVISON, Judge Supreme Court, Greensburg, Ind. Hon. F. M. FINCH, Judge Circuit Court, FrankIin, Ind. A circular, with full particulars, will be sent on application to EDWIN MAY, Patentee, Indianapolis, Ind. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Gord on S amuel, New Holland, Pickaway Belding C. & Co., New London, Huion Lewis Thomas, New Rumley, Harrison Patton James,e New Rumley, Harrison Dickinson Wm., North Lewisburg, Champaign Gornell George, Poplar, Crawford Wolfersbarger F,, Richland, Richland HALDEMAN J. S., Salem, Columbiana Himiller Win, B., Samantha, Highland Burman P., Van Buren, Hancock Zell George M., Waynesville, Warren Harvey John S., Wellsville, Columbiana Burke H'., West Alexandria, Preble Stetes C. J., West Cairo, Allen Haines Joel, West Middleburg, Logan Baker S. H., Williamsport, Pickaway Fiester J. W., Winchester, Guernsey Wisecup, Du'ndarton, Adams Ballinger J. W., East Liberty, Logan d Northrop E. C. & Son, Edinburg, Portage Askins Jacob, Elida, All tn Syfert H. 0., Elida, Allen NMcCarrel J. H., Galigher, Guernsey White A., Galigher, Guernsey McClure James, Highland, Highland Wright S. M., Highland, Highland Jason (I. W., Lodi, M'edina Danford M. F. Log Cabin, Morga n Tufts S. G., Maineville, Warren Davis E., Montra, Shelby Smith P.C., Mount Eaton, Wayne Porter S. B., New Alexandria, Jefferson' Madden George, n od New' Conco rd, Fuskinnegum price John, New* Harrisburg, Carroll PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Abbeyv'ile" Medina Bonen W., Akon um Abbeyville; Medina Henan a Chase, Acadia, Allen Pierce C. E., Acadia, Allen Smith J. J., Ada, Hardin Weimer Johan, Adrian, Seneca Moore H. C. .Ai, Fulton Wilcox J, Akron' S'ummiit Arnm'strbng-'j., pny p 14' y 6'5 N.Amg POST OFFICE COUNTY Sho,6'a'ie'r., Walker 1 1. Campbell Joh'n', Falkner John,., Walters John' W., I', I y i I M,Olitoomer.7 ito.i S..,, W., Akron, Summit Akron, Summit,. Akron, Summit Akron, Summit Akron, Summit,Allensville, Vinton Allen'svill, Vinton, ,kll'iance, Stari' 56 PH 86 PI NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Holliway & Junkins, Bell Air, Belmont Pattrick T. S., Belle Center, Logan Wilson M. D., Belle Center, Logan Cooper James, Bellefontaine, Logan Lord A. H., Bellefontaine, Logan Morkeal James A., Bellefontaine, Logan Watson D., Bellefontaine, Logan Wright Thos. G., Bellefontaine, Logan Jewett W. H., Belle Point, Delaware Smith S. C., Belle Point, Delaware Willis P. A., Belle Point, Delaware Beach A. J., Belleville, Richland Lee J. C., Belleville, Richland Smith J. M., Belleville, Richland Whitcomb M. D., Belleville, Richland Goodson & Richards, Bellevue, Huron Harris & Buryner, Bellevue, Huron Sevrance R. A., Bellevue, Huron Stillson W. W., Bellevue, Huron Shickells J. F., Belpre, Washington Wood John, Belpre, Washington Ballard H. D., Benton Ridge, Hancock Loy S. N., Bentonville, Adams McBride A., Berea, Cuyahoga Parker Henry, Berea, Cuyahoga Callahan P. J., Berlin Center, Mahoning Baker L. W., Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Selmons L. W., Berlin Cross Roads, Jackson Hill B. L., Berlin Heights, Erie Hill G. S., Berlin Heights, Erie Sanderson C. R., Berlin Heights, Erie Sayles J. F., Berlin Heights, Erie Macready James, Bethany, Butler WELSH B. F. (See card, p. 38.) Big Plain, Madison Jones J. S., Bladensburg, Knox SCOTT A. C. (See card, p. 40.) Bladensburg, Knox Cusuk W., Blanchester, Clinton Roobb A., Blanchester, Clinton Smith H., Blanchester, Clinton PRATT E., Bloom Center, Logan Week George R., Bloomville, Seneca Fowler Charles, Boardman, Mahoning Baker A., Bourneville, Ross Brooks J. H., Bourneville, Ross Brooks R., Bourneville, Ross Spangler R. W., Bourneville, Ross Ervist E. F., Bowersville, Greene Pollock J. S., Bowersville, Greene Rice N. J., Braceville, Trumbull Breck Edward, Brecksville, Cuyahoga Knowlton A. P., Brecksville, Cuyahoga Ford S., Bridgeport, Belmont Holcomb R. M., Brighton, Lorain Hastings Samuel, Brimfield, Portage Stough Jacob, Brimfield, Portage Horton T. G., Bristolville, Trumbull Metcalf & Gilkerson, Bristolville, Trumbull Spencer B. F., Brownsville, Licking Williams N., Brunersburg, Defiance Williams S. T., Brunersburg, Defiance NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Clover R. F.,, Alliance, Stark Thomas, Alliance, Stark Young J., Alliance, Stark Simpson, Amsterdam, Jefferson Vance A. W., Amsterdam, Jefferson (,rafton Abram, Annapolis, Jeffers on Hammond J., Annapolis, Jefferson ttager & Lickleider, Ansonia, Darke Knouff J. H., Ansonia, Darke Armstrong Z., Antwerp, Paulding McDaniel A., Antwerp, Paulding Woodcock B. B., Antwerp, Paulding Paramore J. T., Arcanumo, Darke Sour P. K., Arcanum, Darke Clark P. H., ~ Ashland, Ashland Coane I. L., Ashland, Ashland Cowan J. B., Ashland, Ashland Diller J. M., Ashland, Ashland Kinneman J. W., Ashland, Ashland Sampsell D. S., Ashland, Ashland Coomer H. N., Ashley, Delaware Doty M., Ashley, Delaware Pancoast, Ashley, Delaware Farrington J. H., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Hubbard Jno. O., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Blackstone Wm., Athens, Athens Carpenter G. H., Athens, Athens Johnson W. P., Athens, Athens Sparrow T. W., Athens, Athens Warrington E., Atwater, Portage Brewster W. W., Austinburg, Ashtabula DARLEY T. B., Avon, Lorain Tennshee F. S., Avon, Lorain Green J. N., Bainbridge, Ross Miller J. D., Bainbridge, Ross Morrow C., Bainbridge, Ross Roberts S. C., Bainbridge, Ross Roby Geo., Bainbridge, Ross Collins James B., Bantam, Clermont Johnson L. B., Bantam, Clermont Kcllum Jno. M., Bantam, Clermnont Pinkham T. M., Bantam, Clermont Hare W., Barz.esville, Belmont Hoover J., Barnesville, Belmont Judkins C., Barnesville, Belmont Mlackall J. T., Barnesville, Belmont Warfield J. W., Barnesville, Belmont Wellons G., Barnesville, Belmont Williams E., Barnesville, Belmont McArthur D., Bartlett, Washington Quin D. J., Bartlett, Washington Vanlaw S. C., Bartlett, Washington Beard E., Batesville, Guernsey Joseph J. M., Batesville, Guernsey Reed M., Batesville, Guernsey Githens G. W., Beallsville, Monroe Gratigny L., Beallsville, Monroe Hopton F. J., Beallsville, Monroe McCullough J. G., Beallsville, Monroe WEBB W. G. (See card, p. 26.) Beallsville, MWonroe Ford J. H., Beamsville, Darke Hostetter Isaac, Beamsville, Darke Donehoe Thos., Bell Air, Belmont See advt. of Commission House, p. 831. PHY 866 PHY ffiPH 86 X iv NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lenhart L. S., Chandlersville, Muskirgum Pitezel Joseph, Chatfield, Crawford Brook John H., Chatham, Licking Pratt W. A., Chauncey, Athens Cornell John, Chester, Meigs SMITH J. B. (See card, p. 75.) Chester, Meigs Branson S., Chester Hill, Morgan Huestis Isaac, Chester Hill, Morgan M~ichener George, Chester Hill, Morgan Parker Isaac, Chester Hill, Morgan Fullerton Wm., Chi'licothe, Ross H~ussey Z., Chillicothe, Ross McNally Thos., Chillicothe, Ross Miesse Jonathan, Chill icothe, Ross Sa~fford, Chillicothe, Ross Branson S., Ch ill, Rora Huestis Isaac, CetrHl,Mra AMichener George, ChseHil lra Parker Isaac, CetrHl,Mra Fullerton Wmn., hlioh,Rs EHussey Z.,Chlioh,Rs McNally Thos.,Chlioh,Rs Miesse Jonathan, Ci]ioh,Rs Sa~fford,- Chillicothe, Ross NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY AUGENSTEIN JACOB, Bucyrus, Crawford Cuykendall M. C., Bucyrus, Crawford Tailor B. F., Bucyrus, Crawford Hall D., Bucyrus, Crawford Myer F., Bucyrus, Crawford Swingly F., Bucyrus Crawford Allison J. B., Buffalo, Guernsey Cooper H., Buffalo, Guernsey Feeters Wm., Buffalo, Guernsey Armentrout A. F., Butler, Richland McBean John, Cadiz, Harrison McGrew J., Cadiz, Harrison Pearce John, Cadiz; Harrison Wilson M., Cadiz, Harrison Wortman J. D., Cadiz, Harrison uyGrimes J. A., Cadwallader Tuscarawasford TailorB. F.,Bucyrus, Crawford Hall I)., Bucyrus, Crawford Myer F., ~Bucyrus, Crawford Swingly F.,Bucyrus Crawford MGries J.A, Cadizlae, Husarrison McPherson F. S., Cadwallader, Tuacarawas or Ellsworth L. F., Calais, Monroer McJilton John, Calais, Monroe d Wilson B. W., Caledonia, Marionr Black J. R., Cambridge, Guernsey Hoge M., Cambridge, Guernsey Wall Andrew, Cambridge, Guernsey Fornshill Thos. A., Camden, Preble a n Mchrisnty J., Camdeni, HaPrebleion Gardner J. F., Canal Fulton, Stark rion Markham L. A.o, C ainal Fulton, Stark Porter A., Cainal Fulton, Stark Sample K. J., Canal Fult arion, Stark Sourers A., Canal Fulton ar, Stark Blake G. W., Canal Winchester, Franklin Potter J. B., Canal Winchester, Franklina Short A. A., Canal Winchester, Franklino Brilscon B.A., Caldnfial, Marionin Bran d one S., Chiesierthi, MRg oan Musson Jamnes L., Chris tiansburgc, Champaignil, Mo ga Alerander J., Ceincinnati, Hamilton Allison J. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton sAlmy S.O., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ames F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton NAvery C. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bakesto Jno. P.atn, Cincinnati, Hamilton Baker A. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Barthel F., Cincinnati, Hamilton BECK J g. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton ABECK W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton BECK & MALONE, Cincinnati, Hamilton lettm S.n A., Cincinnati, Hamilton mBeyer J., Cincinnati, Hamilton BIGLER G. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Blackm and. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bona parte E.., Cincinnati, Hamilton BONAPARTE & REYNOLDS. (See card, pBr. 98.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Bonner S. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton BrowCn W. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton C are y M.O T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carricn A.L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carroll P U., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carson J.W., Cincinnati, Hamilton GCar t er R. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Comegys C.G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cook A.pL., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cook Wi. H., CincinnatiE Hamilton Correvonter Jo s ik., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cox H. Ciram, Cincinnati, Hamilton CURTIS A. (See card, p. 106.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Dandridge A. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Davis J. &, W.B. Cincilnnati, Hamilton Dawson W.W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dimick Ada, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dodge 1:. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Coherty George A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ehrman B., Cincinnati, Hamilton EHRMAN FRULK, Cincinnati, Hamilton EHRMAN F. H. Cincinnati, Hamilton Emerth F. L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fischer W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Fishburn C. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Briscoe A., Canfield, Mahoning Fowler C. R., Canfield, Mahoning Hole E. A., Canfield, Mahoning Ralyah, Canfield, Mahoning Switzler, Canfield, Mahoning Ester J. H., Canton, Stark Henninges E., Canton, Stark Arter B. A., Carrollton, Carroll McCourt J. W., Carrollton, Carroll Stockon S., Carrollton, Carroll Trago M., Carrollton, Carroll Mlarquis —, Casstown, Miami POTTER A., tasstown, Miami Luce R. C., Castalia, Erie McKimm J. D., Castalia, Erie Walsh Knox, Castalia, Erie HUNTER M. R., Catawba, Clark Findley J. B., Celina, ilercer Hetsler J. Z., Celina, Mercer Miller C. J. Celina, Mercer GILBERT GEORGE N., Center Belpre, Washington Hubbell G. B., Center Village, Delaware Mann A. D., Center Village, Delaware Harlon A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Harmon J. W., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Munger, Chambersburg, Montgomery Sample-, Chambersburg, Montgomery Chambers R., Chandlersville, Muskingum . See advt. of S. Thorman & Co., p. 831. PHY PHY ,867 868 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Parshall J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Patterson W. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Patton G. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Potter J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Putte J.H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Quinn J. J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Randolph S. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Richard Clemens, Cincinnati, Hamilton Richardson B. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Richardson James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rogers L. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rose Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosenfeld Albert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Saal Gerhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sachse Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmidt F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schoenbien A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schurmann F Cincinnati, Hamilton Scudder J. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Seegar J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sexton S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Seymour F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sherwood W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Simpson C. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sittel Theodore, Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith J. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Steinriede Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stevens E. B., Cincinnati. Hamilton Stockwell, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sturn Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Taliaferro W. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tate J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Taylor Wm. H, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thomas E. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thornton Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Unziker J. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vance J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton W;'lker J. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Webb J. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wheeler J., Cincinnati, Hamilton White H. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton White J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton W lson David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilson Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Witheril E. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wood T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Woodward & Armstrong, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wright M. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Blake A. H., Circleville, Pickaway Griswold W., Circleville, Pickaway Hawkes C.H., Circleville, Pickaway Jones N.E., Circleville, Pickaway Longshore T., Circleville, Pickaway Olds C., Circleville, Pickaway Peck W. L., Circleville, Pickaway Ray R., Circleville, Pickaway Thompson A. W., Circleville, Pickaway Turney S. D., Circleville, Pickaway Evans J. M., Clarksburg, Ross Knox J. M., Clarksburg, Ross Tilford J., Clarksburg, Ross. See advt. of Hats and Caps, p. 829. PRY ,-,, 1 -7 i NAME Foster Nathaniel, Fowler W. -H., Frank J., Freeman Edwin, Freeman Z., Fries George, Fuller J. A'I., Gans Daniel S., Garrison H. D " Gerve F. A. J.' Goodard Kingston Graham James, Gray Green L., Greenwald John Haessi 9 Harper Thos., Harris T. B., Hassett Wm.,: Heller M., 'ienshall J. A., Hermann L. & Co. -Howe A. J.'' HUNTER WM., Johnson E. H., Jones G-. E., Judge J. F., Judkins D., Judkins J. P., Judkins W., KATES JACOB, KING JOHN, Kinsey Mrs. T. H., Krause W., KUHLMANN G., Langdon 0. M., Laufer M., Lawson B. S., Lawson L. M., Lee E. S., Leech Wm. C., Loii John C., Ludow J., McCarthy D. W., McFeely Jas. J., ,.viogrew John S., McMahon A., MALONE P. W., Mendenhall Georg Moses M., Muller Joseph, Murphy John A., Museroft C. F., Mussey W. H., Nefflin I Newton 0. E. & R POST OFFI[CLR COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton' Cinei'n nati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cinncinati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnatii, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton' Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton' Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, H'amilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton e, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilto.n Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Nickel S., Norton 0. D., Ocheltree I O'Connell D., Oppennin S., Orr E. M., Owens Wm., PHY 869 Pi Y NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Seg erA.., C/arksfeld,[ furon Coulter Jrames H., Columbus, Franklin White H. E., Clarksfield, Huron Denig Robert M., Columbus, Franklin Elliot J., Clement, Hancock Drury, Columbus, Franklin Rerkey J. F., Clevent, Hancock Freeman B. W., Columbus, Franklin Allen E.G., Cleveland. Cuyahoga Gay N., Columbus, Franklin Beekwith D. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gill H. Z., Columbus, Franklin BECKWITH S. R., Clevelandl, Cuyahoga Hamilton, Columbus, Franklin Brooks W. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hamilton J. W., Columbus, Franklin Carpenter W. H,, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kinsell, Columbus, Franklin Collan J. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Little J. A., Columbus, l ranklin Cushings E. & H. K., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Loving S., Columbus, Franklin Davis W. HI., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Maris Geo. W., Columbus, Franklin De Hart H. H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Matthews H., Columbus, Franklin Delamater John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Patterson R. J., Columbus, Franklin Ellis John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rashil C., Columbus, Franklin Gibson Alexander, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Shedd & Webster, Columbus, Franklin HALL JOHN B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sheltzer V. S., Columbus, Franklin HUNTER EDWARD, SMITH & McMILLEN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus, Franklin Johnson J. NM., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Thompson J. B., Columbus, Franklin Keeler (]. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga THOMPSON JOHN N. Laisy Jacob, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus, FranklH, Lammersmann -, Cleveland, Cuyahoga THOMPSON ROBERT, Langsdorff Geo., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Columbus, Franklin Leslie S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Thrall H. L., Columbus, Franklin LIBBEY H. W. (See card, p. 248.) Fifield Amos K., Conneaut, Ashtabula Cleveland, Cuyahoga Raymond David W., Conneaut, Ashtabula Mackenzie Colin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Henderson G. C., Cornersburg, Mahoning Marsielles F. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga McFarlan Joseph, Corsica, MIorrow Mathews Samuel, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ackelson Samuel, Coshocton, Coshocton Maynard Alleyne, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cass A. L., Coshocton, Coshocton Messenger A. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Harris J., Coshocton, Coshocton Meyers W. & L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sapp Enoch, Coshocton, Coshocton Prentice W. H. & N. B., Bryant W. G., Covington, Miami Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cable R. E., Covington, Miami Quittenbaum-, Cleveland, Cuyahoga. Harrison J., Covington, Miami Rodman T. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga JENNER A. E., Crestline, Crawford Roeder Philip, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Pope Wm., Crestline, Crawford Sanders J. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Reed W m., Crestline, Crawford Sapp L. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Conner R. S., Cumberland. Guernsey Sargent S. M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Draper C., Cumberland, Guernsey Sheldon S. E. & B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga McCall J. H., Cumberland, Guernsey Sterling E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rice C. W. Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Stewart Gardner W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Somers P. G., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Strong R. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Harley L. G., Dalton, Wayne Thayer Proctor, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Taggart T. M., Dalton Wayne Thrall F. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ballinger W. I., Darby Creek, Madison Tucker A. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Haynes T. J., Darby Creek, Madison Turrill G. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga McCune J. E., Darby Creek, Madison Turrill M. Y., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Armor Saml. G., Dayton, Montgomery Weber G. C. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bellville Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Wheller John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bosler C(. W., Dayton, Montgomery Williams C. D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bosler J., Dayton, Montgomery Wright S. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Carey H. G., Dayton, lontgomery OberlinL.. Clinton, Summit Caulkins Russell, Dayton, Montgomery Eaton C. G., Clyde, Sandusky Clements Joshua, Dayton, Montgomery Owen Mrs.., Clyde, Sandusky Crook Oliver, Dayton, Montgomery Cope C. H., Colerain, Belmont Davis.1. Dayton, ontgomery King C.P., Collinsville, Butler Denise J. C., Dayton, Montgomery Cloud E. C., Columbiana, Columbiana Egry & Leaman, Dayton, Montgomery Deemer D., Columbiana, Columbiana Fuller R. C., Dayton, Montgomery Metzger G. S., Columbiana, Columbiana Haines J., Dayton, Montgomery Awl Wm., Columbus, Franklin Hallan~an Philip B., Dayton, Montgomery Blair Geo. H., Columbus, Franklin Jewett Adams, Dayton, Montgomery See advt. of Fuller & Co., p. 829. I' NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Stanton J. G., Eaton, Preble Welsh James B., Eaton, Preble Woody Robert, Eaton, Preble Atwell F. M., Eckmansville, Adams Vanmeter V. E., Eckmansville, Adams Andrews S. H., Edgerton, Williams BARKDALE G. W., Edgerton, Williams Slough J. S., Edgerton, Williams Barron Putnam,'Edinburg, Portage Basset Joel, Edinburg, Portage Turnbull Cyrus, Edinburg, Portage Anderson J. L., Elida, Allen Crites D. L., Elida, Allen Rice R., Elida, Allen Brooke G. W., Ellsworth, Mahoning Morse D. A., Ellsworth, Mahoning Pretzinger MN., Euphemia, Preble Leesle J., Farmersville, Montgomery Beck O. M., Feesburg, Brown Salsbury S. S., Feesburg, Brown Baldwin W. H., Finley, Hancock Beach B., Finley, Hancock Carlin W. D., Finley, Hancock Entrikin T. W., Finley, Hancock Goncher D., Finley, Hancock Osterlen Charles, Finley, Hancock Rawson B., Finley, Hancock Soper E. D., Finley, Hancock Spayth J., Finley, Hancock Cocks P. B., Flint's Mills, Washington Whitney B. F., Forest, Hardin Woods R. M., Forest, Hardin Coony J., Fort Seneca, Seneca Evans 0., jr., Franklin, Warren Haller John, Franklin, Warren McAvoy Wm. B., Franklin, Warren Schenck W. L., Franklin, Warren Hull O. J., Franklin Furnace, Scioto Johnston W. G., Franklin Furnace, Scioto Mcills W., Franklin Furnacef Scioto Crane E. W., Franklin Mills, Portage Knowlton J. A., Franklin Mills, Portage Sherman A. M., Franklin Mills, Portage Wolf Saml., Frease's Store, Stark Bennett P. C., Freedom, Portage DRAKE O. L., Freedom, Portage Beaugrand & Kelley, Fremont, Sandusky RMcHenry C., Fremont, Sandusky Ritter M., Fremont, Sandusky St. Clair Wm., Fremont, Sandusky Wilson & Stilwell, Fremont, Sandusky Baughman J. ~., Gahanna, Franklin Ridenhour David, Gahanna, Franklin Boyd W. B., Galena, Delaware Davenport R., Galena, Delaware Algoe Robert, Galigher, Guernsey Hesse B., Galion, Crawford Reiringer & Patterson, Galion, Crawford CATING JOHN F., Gallipolis, Gallia Crumley James M., Gallipolis, Gallia Livesay George W., Gallipolis, Gallia Morgan E., Gallipolis, Gallia Wall C. D., Gallipolis, Gallia Dickey S., German, Darke See advt. of Wholesale Hardware, p. 827. PHY 870 PHY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Jevrett I-I., Langsheth McCarthy D., MoDermoiit C., Meyer F., Palm O., Reeves J. Ritty Leger, Rose J. S., Scbulek Alex., Slent,z J., Tbomas.Mrs. L. Vertessy Walden A. G., W,ebster Wm., Zuebelen Geo., Cherry S. B., Hurd U. K., Kennedy P., Ashton B. D., BENN G. C., Colby Jonas, Neville J. S., Paul John, Ruhl John, Thacker 1. N., Gilcrest R. S., Barns L., Blymyp-r Morris Longwell A., Welch ('., Williams T. B., Evans C. A., M etc.,,tlf Z., Monroe John, Ruel Rudolph, Wagner H. P., Edwards W. E., Hosack C., AIcCulen J., BROWN S. C. Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Day'toii, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Deavertown, Morgan Deavertown, Morgan De.vert-own, Morgan Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance De Graff, Logan Delaware, Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delaware. Delaware Delphos, Allen Delphos, Allen Delphos, Allen Delphos, Allen Delphos, Allen Democr,-tcy, Knox Democracy, Knox Dodson, -Nlontgomery See card, p. 318.) Domestic, Williams Dresden, Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dresden. Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dresden,. Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dublin, Franklin Dublin, Franklin Dublin, Franklin Dunbarton, Adams Dunbarton, Adams Dunbarton, Adams East Liberty, Logan Eaton, Preble Eaton, Preble Eaton, Preble Atistin D. A., Cane E., Carlow J. J., Cass Edward, E, Ilis 0. N., Hood C. M., Kinney Jacob, Lemert B. F., Pierce D., Chapman A., Marshall J. R., Pin'ey E. M., Lewis S., ,NlcAdow Wm. H., Wanmeter J. N., James S., Crume P. M., Dick George, Haggott John P., Lefever & Dicks, SCOTT WM. A., .Small P. M., PHY 71 PHY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Thrift J. T., Kalida. Putnam Thrift R. W., Kalida, Putnam Wells W. H., Kalida, Putnam Holbrook S. G., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Henderson A., Kennonsburg, Noble McCrea John, Kennonsburg, Noble Green J. N., Kenton, Hardin HANCE J. F., Kenton, Hardin Jones Wm., Kenton, Hardin Ke m p G. W., Kenton, Hardin Leighton U. P., Kenton, Hardin Munson A. W., Kenton, -Hardin Phillips W. H., Kenton, Hardin Steyer C., Kenton, Harkin Stimmel M. M., Kenton, Hardin Watt Samuel, Kenton, Hardin Anderson J. M., Kimbolton, Guernsey Anderson Wim., Kimbolton, Guernsey Johnston Jam e s, Kyger, Gallia Saunder s A. D., Kyger, Gallia Beach Wnm., M., Lafayette, Madison GRIMSHAW SAMUEL, Laings, Monroe Walton Wm., Laings, Monroe McConnell W. H., Lake, Stark Royer Wm., Lake, Sttark Stewart. —, Lamartine, Carroil Barlow A. C., Lancaster, Fairfield Basch G., Lancaster, Fairfield Boerstler G. W., Lanca-st~er, Fairfield Davis O. E., Lancaster, Fairfield Lynch E., Lancaster, Fatir-field Miller G. K, Lancaster, Fairfield Shaw H. C., Lancaster, Fairfield Wagenhols P. M., Lancaster, Fairfield Auton J., Lebanon, Warren (TTR(,A I)EN T H(~M A W. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Jobes John A., German, Darke Adams A. S., Germantown, Montgomery Antrim J. J., Germantown, Montgomery Donnellan J. E., Germantown, Montgomery Barclay J., Girard, Trumbull BANCROFT W. W., Granville, Licking Bryan E. F., Granville, Licking Carver H., Granville, Licking Gifford C. J., Granville, Licking Sinnett E., Granville, Licking Flesher W. H., Great Bend, Meigs HTayworth -, Great Bend, Meigs Davis & Anderson, Greenfield, Highland Newcomer S. F., Greenfield, Highland Wilson J. L. & W. H., Greenfield, Highland Clawson J., Greenville, )arke Lucas 0. E., Greenville, Darke Messe & Son, Greenville, Darke CROW E. B., Hale, Hardin Smith J. W., Htale Hardin Appleby M., Hamilton, Butler Babb L. P., Hamilton, Butler Falconer & Smith, Hamilton, Butler Foster C., Hamilton, Butler Hector D. B., Hamilton, Butler Huber Wm., Hamil ton, Butler Mallory Henry, Ha milton, But ler Morris F. D., Ha m ilton, Butler Potter & Ma rket, Harrilton, Butle r Rigdon L., Hamilton, Butler Scoby Wm. H., fartiiltond, Butler Smith Alanson, Hamilton, Bulltle r W yman George, Hamilton, Butler Higgins George, Hanover, Licking .n liery Josiah, Hanover, Licking Hai t B. F., Harmer, Wa shington Hart Seth, Harmer, Washington Bennett L., j., Harpersfield, Ashtabula Gist D. D., Harpersfield, Asht.ab, la Day S., Ha,rrisonville, Meigs Beebe R. M., Hartford, Trumbull Bushnell George W., Hartford, Trumbull Spencer H., Hartford, T rumbull Johnson W. G., Haverhill, Scioto Mills W. W., Haverhill, Scioto Gregg M., Hemlock Grove, Meigs Martin S. A., Hemlock Grove, Meigs Judkins R. P., Highland, Highland Patters o n W. S., Highland, Highland Jo nes J. M., Hill Grove, Darke Lawrence M. H., Hill Grove, Darke Willhamson J. H., Hill Grove, Darke FSsha E. G, Hilliards, Franklin Holmes W. W., Hillsboro', Highland Howell A. R., Hillsboro', Highland Sams C. C., Hillsboro', Highland Guerin F., Hope, Franklin Ramey S. W., Hope, Franklin Stimson S., Hope, Franklin Arnold C. D., Ironton, Lawrence Cory B. F., Ironton, Lawrence Morris Jonathan, Ironton, Lawrence Ayres H., Kalida, Putnam See advt. of Tennis & Dangler, p. 827. PHY 871 PHY .1, Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, Warren Lebanon, V arren Lebanon, Warren Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Leipsic, Putnam Letart Falls', Meigs Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lexington, Richalad exington, Richland Lexington, Richland Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Alleti' Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Lima, Allen Litcbfield, Medina Litchfield, Medina Drake Isa,,tc, Sellers Adam, Stevens J., Van Hai-lingeii John, E,NIERY S. S., Means Pi-itcli,trd A. G.7 Spi-itiger George, Wells H., McClintock John, Anderson H. P., Culp L., Junkin J. G., Matchell R..W., Steward S., Wallace A. G., Anderson D. If., Ashton & Kinkaid, Collaiz J. H., Harper Wm. H., Kendall F. S., McHenry W. H., Neff C. I., Sanford Samuel, Stump Wm., Carpenter James H., McKinsey E., FHY 872 PIiY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lidball, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Bailey Wm., jr., Metamora, Fulton Clark S. M., Metamora, Fulton Little C. C., Miami, Hamilton Stevens B. E., Miami, Hamilton Heintz A., Miamisburg, Montgomery Lyons T. V., Miamisburg, Montgomery Schoenfeld Henry, Miamisburg, Montgomery Treon John, Miamisburg, Montgomery Weaver Joseph, Miamisburg, Montgomery George Wm., Middlesbourne, Guernsey Coler C., Middleport, Meigs Barhalow O. E., Middletown, Butler Evans S. R., Middletown, Butler Lewis I. H., Middletown, Butler McClellan James, Middletown, Butler Murphy C. W., Middletown, Butler Stewart S. L., Middletown, Butler Taylor D. E., Middletown, Butler Wampler. —, Middletown, Butler Brown Thomas M., Milford, Clermont Gatch C. D., Milford, Clermont Hendrick L. A., sr., Milford, Clermont Baker Joseph, Milford Center, Union Mann F. E., Milford Center, Union Mann R. P., Milford Center, Union Swain L., Milford Center, Union Boling T. V. G., Millersburg, Holmes Ebright T. M., Millersburg, Holmes Brison J. V., Millersport, Fairfield Lorimer J. W., Millersport, Fairfield Baker John, Millerstown, Champaign Landis H. A., Millville, Butler Campbell B., Millwood, Knox Moffitt Robert, Millwood, Knox Price C. H., Milnersville, Guernsey Ewing & Bosworth, Milton, Mahoning Snyder A. L. & J. M., Montpelier, Williams Strickland J. W., Montra, Shelby Ba-ldwin L A., Montville, Geauga Davidson H., Montville, Geauga Cowden J. T., Morrow, Warren HUNT S. P., Morrow, Warren Johns'on W. A., Morrow, Warren Clark S. L., Mount Blanchard, Hancock' Haggerty R. J., lMount Blanchard, Hancock Mansfield B., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Haag D. E., Mount Eaton, Wayne Roth C., Mount Eaton, Wayne Westcott J. B., Mount Eaton, Wayne Terre Wmn., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Smith C., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Gunsalus C., Mount Liberty, Knox Shaw H. H., Mount Liberty, Knox" Strong M., Mount Orab, Brown' Barnes G. W., Mount Vernon, Knox': Burr & Bryant,' Mount Vernon, Knox'" Hunt & Durant, Mount Vernon, Knox -Murphy L. S., Mount Vernon, Knox Paazig' F. & Son, Mount Ve'rnon, Knox' NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Reed i Wm M., Littl e Sandusky, Wyandot Slevens A., Little Sandusky, Wyandot Howard O. J., Liverpool, Medina Kepelmyer, Liverpool, Medina Parker S. B., Liverpool, Medina Shoema ker —, Liverpool, Me dina Wood George J., Lockington, Shelby Hoag I<., Lodi, Medina Sibley E. H., Lodi, Medina Beard John, Log Cabin, Morgan Mount John, Log Cabin, Morgan Yanaway J. H., Log Cabin, Morgan Dar]ing D. N. S., London, Madison Jones T., London, Madison Strain & McMillen, London, Madison FULLER & SCOTT. (See card, p. 41 ].) Loudonville, Ashland Emery A. B., Loveland, Clermont Henry Wm., Loveland; Clermont Bramer J. K., Lyra, Scioto Baird D. F., McArthur, Vinton Condee A., McArthur, Vinton Doddridge Joseph, McArthur, Vinton Holland L., McArthur, Vinton Rannals D. V., McArthur, Vinton Wolf & Ranna-ls, McArthur, Vinton Swingly David, Macon, Morrow Bishop N. W., Maineville, Warren Withlam E. E., MVaineville, Warren Judkins H. G. R., Malaga, Monroe Blecker Wm. R., Mansfield, Richland Cantwell J. Y., Mansfieldt Richland Chandler - Mansfield, Richland Gordon A. P:., Mansfield, RLchla-nd Harris L. P., Mansfield, Richland Louchlridge W., Mltzisfield, Richland SMack H.O., Mansfield, Richland Mitchell G. F. & Son., Mansfield, Richland Mowry J. N., Mansfield, Richland Race J. & W. II., Mansfield, Richland Schallern R., Mansfield, Richland Hart Samuel, Marietta, Washington Tenney J3tmes A., Marietta, Washington Bridge Win. W., Marion, Marion White C. C., Marion, Marion Ebermein —-, Marshallsville, Wayne Southard J. M., Marysville, Union Nixon J. T., Mason, Warren Paulding J. G., Mason, Warren Metz A., M assillon, Stark Schertzer Jno. & J. V., Massillon, Stark Shirley J. S., Massllon, Stark Uhle H. F., Massillon, StarkAshbaugh F., Mast~erton, Monroe Hissey A., Masterton, Monroe Richardson S. M., Masterton, Monroe Adams A. T., Maumee City, Lucas Field —, Maumee City, Lucas Gilbert A. W., Maumee City, Lucas Bond Thomas, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Lawler E D., Mechanicsburg,~ Caamlpaign Reynolds John, Meigsville, Morgan Skivington- John, Meigsville, Morgan Hamilton, Mesopotamia, Trumbullq See advt. of New' York Dye House, 78$ PRY 872 PHY PIIY 873 PIIY NAME rPOST OFFICE COUNTY Miller V. G., New Paris, Preble Peck 0. W., New Paris, Preble Buel E. P., New Philade lphia, Tuscarawas Crawford & R ichards, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Grether John M., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Smith W. G.& N Son, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas White W. S., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Dollison S. S., New Plym outh, Vinton M cFadden E. A., New Plymouth, Vinton Lyle George W., New Runley, Harri son Baldwin G. B., Newton Falls, Trumbull Brescoe James H., Newton Falls, Trumbull Bronson James, Ne wton Falls, Trumbull Rice M.,. New ton Falls, Trumbull Brown H. M., New town, CHamilton Highland W. W., Ne wtown, Hamilton M errick M. K., North Eaton, Lorain Conner Daniel, North Jackson, Mahoning Brock J. W., North Lewisburg, Champaign Butcher J. M., North Lewisb urg, Champaign Hollingsworth Wm., North Lewisburg, Champaign Hyde C. S., North Lewisburg, Champaign Hiestane E. B., North Washington,.Hardin Waters R. A., Norton, Delaware Babcock J. L., Norwalk, Huron Gibson T., Norwalk, Huron Hall H.L., Norwalk, Huron M.cConoughey D, C., Norwalk, Huron Morrill C. & G. H., N orwa lk, Huron Williams & Dunhaur akl, Oak Hill, Jackson Crables J., Olivesburg, Richland Ozier J. M., Olivesburg, Richland Mar kle y A. C., Orrville, Wayne Moncrief D. L., Orrville, Waylne Buffenberger S. M., Osborn, Greene Schemansky Lewis, Ottawa, Ottawa Beardsley C. E., Ottawa, Putnam Boland M. J., Ottawa, Putnam GODFREY C. M., Ottawa, Putnam Tupper E., Ottawa, Putnam Barnitt A., Oxford, Butler Bodman H. A., Oxford, Butler Goodrich & Barnett, Oxford, Butler Hill E. L., Oxford, Butler Saunders W., Oxford, Butler Brown L. C., Painesville, Lake Dow Royal, Painesville, Lake Haskins T. S., Pancoastburg, Fayette Plumble T., Pancoastburg, Fayette Baldwin F. J., Parisville, Portage Jones Chas. P., Parisville, Portage Scott T., Pataskala, Licking Coulson E. G., Pennsville, Morgan McNichols N., Pennsville, Morgan Baupre C., Perrysburg, Wood Peck & Hamilton, Perrysburg, Wood Griffith J. W., Perryville, Ashland Johnston J. F., Perryville, Ashland NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Russell & Thompson., Mount Vernon, Knox Blair J. S., Mount Victory, Hardin Elster Eli, Mulberry, Clermont Harrison E. B., Napoleon, Henry McHenry H, Napoleon, Henry Peters N., Napoleon, Henry Powell H., Napoleon, Henry Tyler 0. H., Napoleon, Henry Shipley A. W., Nashport, Muskingum Vandyke P.S., Nashport, Muskingum Bell W. S., Nelsonville, Athens Burrell A. H., Nelsonville, Athens Harper I. B., Nelsonville, Athens Shephard A. H., Nelsonville, Athens Worthington Wm. M., New Ale xandria, Jefferson Bacon E. B., Newark, Licking Bamllou L. T., Newark, Licking Barrows Albert, Newark, Licking Giffin J. H., Newark, Licking Hamill J.-J.,. Newark, Licking Hood James & Son, Newark, Licking Kitzmiller H., Newark, Licking Pettitt D. W., Newark, Licking Tuller & Penfield, Newark, Licking Weigand F., Newark, Licking Wilson J. N., Newark, Licking Beers & Goudy, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Brown A., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Brown James, Newcomerstown. Tuscarawas Portness James, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Silkey J. P., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Bell James, New Concord, Muskingum Murch, New Concord, Muskingum Pringle G. W., New Concord, Muskingum Henderson James A., New Hagerstown, Carroll Oppelt E. A., New Hagerstown, C;arroll Scott -, New Hagerstown, Carroll Abraham I. M., New Holland, Piclawtty Reeves N., New Holland, Pickaway Wilson J. F.i New Holland, Pickaway Prichard J., New Lisbon, Columbiana Springer D., New Lisbon, Columbiana Tood J. M., New Lisbon, Columbiana Jones Wm., New London, Huron Kester R., New London, Huron McClellan A., New London, Huron SKELLENGER A. D. (See card, p. 474.) Naw London, Huron Starbird A., New London, Huron Morrison E. M., New Madison, Darke PORTER WM. M. (See card, p. 475.) New Madison, Darke Wallace Geo. W., New Madison, Darke Washburn Joseph, New Market, Highland Winans & Weyor, New M~etamoras, Washington Feris A./B., New Paris, Preble 57 PHY PHY 873 PHY 874 PIIY POST OFFICE COUNTY ., Ridgeville Corners, Henry Rochester Depot, Lorain JoeE, P PRockville, Adams mothy, Rocky Hill, Jackson r. C., Rodney, Gallia . C., Roscoe, Coshocton Roscoe, Coshocton Ross, Butler W l ri M S n S., Ross, Butler Round Head, Hardin el-, Round Head, Hardin . L., Ruggles, Ashland L, PRural Dale, Muskingum J. W., Rural Dale, Muskingum AAC A. (See card, p. 534.) Rushsylvania, Logan Rushsylvania, Logan Saint Paris, Champaign B., Pomeroy, Meigs McPherson James, hn, Pomeroy, Meigs Saint Paris, Champaign G. S., Pomeroy, Meigs Musson John J., Saint Paris, Champaign bastian, Pomeroy, Meigs Cary & Kuhn, Salem, Columbiana Pomeroy, Meigs Lyons W. M., Salem, Columbiana avid, Poplar, Crawford RUSH R. B., Salem, Columbiana . B., Portsmouth, Scioto Speare B. W., Salem, Columbiana C. C., Portsmouth, Scioto Young F. G., Salem, Columbiana CroJ,, Portsmouth, Scioto Shepherd W. A.& W. M., . D., Portsmouth, Scioto Samantha, Highland . W., Portsmouth, Scioto Dunahoo II. J., Sandusky, Erie S. M., Portsmouth, Scioto Mann, Sandusky, Erie 11 Wm. J., Portsmouth, Scioto Wheat H., Sandusky, Erie Schwa, Portsmouth, Scioto Caple J. F., Sarahsville, Noble eph, Harday C. J., Sarahsville, Noble Port Washington, Tuscarawas Meril Thomas, Sarahsville, Noble I., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Sheppard J. H., Sarahsville, Noble vid, Port William, Clinton Beck I. MI., Sardinia, Brown 1 D. J., Port William, Clinton Huggins Martin L., Sardinia, Brown U.D., Port William, Clinton Love J. W., Sardinia, Brown S. C., P.ratt, Shelby McMahon D. S., Sardis, Monroe F., Pratt, Shelby Schaub J. G., Sardis, Monroe , Pyrmont, Montgomery Groasman, Scott, Adams a -des, Pyrmont, Montgomery Lewis A. C., Scott, Adams o w A. J., Quincy, Logan Furguson V., Senecaville, Guernsey B., Quincy, Logan Hill J., Senecaville, Guernsey A eo. K., Racine, Meigs Hill N., Senecaville, Guernsey 1. B., Racine, Meigs Broombaugh, Seven Mile, Butler Adm [., Racine, Meigs Davis Wm., Seven Mile, Butler J.R., Racine, Meigs Haynes Moses H., Seven Mile, Butler H., Radnor, Delaware Meeck John, Seven Mile Prairie, Darke A., Ravenna, Portage Witham Hiram, Shade, Athens . S., Ravenna, Portage Battels W. S., Shreve, Wayne Lead-, Ravenna, Portage Bertolett W. J., Shreve, Wayne F., Ravenna, Portage GUETH F. (See card, p. 554.) SieI., Ravenna, Portage Sidney, Shelby Lws., Raymond's, Union Johnson Robert C., Sidney, Shelby 1 J. Q., Raymond's, Union Kidder J. C., Sidney, Shelby s.., Republican, Darke Thorp James C., Sidney, Shelby W. W., Republican, Darke Wilson Albert, Sidney, Shelby r mes, Republican, Darke Richardson J. W., Sligo, Clinton I. L., Richland, Richland Sheperd W. W., Sligo, Clinton -rt —, Richmond, Jefferson Bates Wm. S., Smithfield, Jefferson P dleE., Richmond, Jefferson Clancy Chas. W., Smithfield, Jefferson er, Richmond, Jefferson Crawford J. B., Smithfield, Jefferson Richmond Center, Ashtabula Ramsey R. M., Smithfield, Jefferson See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. PHY 874 PHY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Allen E. Coftanay Jones E. Phelps A Phelps 0 Spurck P Reading Ritzmille Worrell Mitchell Venard Howard Tedrow I McCarty Ronolkes Fowler C Mygatt Truesdal Bing J. Elden Jo Guthrie Rehm Se Train I., Alvord D Bailey G Bronson Corson J, Cotton D Dennis J Garwood McDo,we Schwab Burr Jos fiagan E, Ilis Da Moorma Thomas Hussey Miller J. Conner Sadders Longfell Wren D. Ackley A,ckley Adams Philson Black G. Belding Cratts A Leoard Read C. Snider 1. Lewis 0. Southar Evans C French Ruby Ja Purdy G Morst Fulton A., Gabriel R., McPherson PHY 875 PIIY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Obermiller M., Tiffin, Seneca Park W. H., Tiffin, Seneca Ringler E., Tiffin, Seneca Rumsey J., Tiffin, Seneca Crane E., Tippecanoe, Miami Darst H. H., Tippecanoe, Miami Gilbert I. K., Tippecanoe, Miami Williamson M. F., Tippecanoe, Miami Andrews, Toledo, Lucas, Bailey S., Toledo, Lucas 'Bergen S. H., Toledo, Lucas Bigelow F., Toledo, Lucas Bostwick A., Toledo, Lucas Braun Valentine, Toledo, Lucas Clark J., Toledo, Lucas Colahan J., Toledo, Lucas Cooke J. M., Toledo, Lucas Fenneberg G., Toledo, Lucas Forbes S. F., Toledo, Lucas Jones W. W., Toledo, Lucas Nolen J. G., Toledo, Lucas Swain C. H., Toledo, Lucas Tyler A., Toledo, Lucas Abbot & Horton, Troy, Miami Bell, Troy, Miami Bower Joshua, Troy, Miami Fouts L. C., Troy, Miami Meeks J. S., Troy, Miami Sabin D. S., Troy, Miami Sabin R., Troy, Miami Tucker H. C., Tuscarawas,. Tuscarawas Irwin B., Twenty Mile Stand, Warren Clark A. P., Twinsburg, Summit Collins S. A., Twinsburg, Summit Stevens J. G., Twinsburg. Summit Permar S. B., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Thompson S. R., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Billhardt Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Byron D. U., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Ferris O., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Henderson R. A., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Holmes S. W., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot McDonald G. T., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Sigler John, Upper Saudusky, Wyandot Williams J. H., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Dickey Geo. W., U e Upshur, Preble Carter J. S., Urbana, Champaign Tyffe E. P., Urbana, Champaign Grogan Wm., Urbana, Champaign Mosgrove A., Urbana, Champaign Mosgrove J. M., Urbana, Champaign Murdock Wm. M., Urbana, Champaign Adrain.R. B., Van Buren, Hancock Shoemaker J., Van Buren, Hancock Wells E. C., Van Buren, Hancock Be R. A. N., Van Wert, Van Wert Blecker John, Van Wert,-Van Weft Cessna B. F., Van Wert, Van Wert Chaffin G., Van Wert, Van Wert Depuy W. W., Van Weft, Van Wert NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ely J. S., Somerton, Belmont McCullough A. G., Somerton, Belmont Schooly Addison, Somerton, Belmont Schooly Wm., Somerton, Belmont Sharp P. F., Somerton, Belmont Hart Samuel, Somerville, Butler Collins E. T., South Charleston, Clark Curtice Solon, South Charleston, Clark HOUSTON M. L., South Charleston, Clark Glass J. W., South Solon, Madison CLOSE E. S., Springdale, Hamilton Hunt J. R., Springdale, Hamilton Shepherd A., Springdale, Hamilton Bruce A., Springfield, Clark Buckingham E.M., Springfield, Clar.C Kay I., Springfield, Clark Oldham MI. M., Springfield, Clark Potter A, Springfield, Clark Reeves W. H., Springfield, Clark Rodgers R. & J. H., Springfield, Clark Seys H. H., Springfield, Clark Teegarden Aaron, Springfield, Clark Wallace J S., Springfield, Clark Wigand H., Springfield, Clark &utere C. R., Spring Hills, Champaign Richards Thomas, Spring Hills, Champaign Seaman Henry, Spring Hills, Champaign WILSON JAMES F., Spring Hills, Champaign WING W. R., Spring Mountain, Coshocton Brooth E., Steubenville, Jefferson McCook J., Steubenville, Jefferson Mairs J. C., Steubenville, Jefferson Mitchell Joseph, Steubenville, JeffersonPayne B. F., Steubenville, Jefferson Pearce E., Steubenville, Jefferson Sook H. L., Steubenville, Jefferson Abbott John S., Stockport, Morgan Lugen, Stockport, Morgan White John W., Stockport, Morgan Waystaff J. O., Stryker, Williams Williard E. P., Stryker, Williams Grimes L. A., Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Noble David & Arthur, Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland Squire J. B., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Ziegler G. S., Sulphur Spring, Crawford DAVIS A. A., Sunbury, Delaware McKinley C. G., Sunbury, Delaware McMillen A. S., Sunbury, Delawkre Note J., Swanton, Fulton Scott W. A., Swanton, Fulton Brayton R. M., Sylvia, Hardin Stanley A. F., Sylvia, Hardin Stauser J. A., Sylvia, Hardin Garrett R. J., Symmes' Corner,Butler Combs A. S., Thurman, Gallia Williams Wm. L., Thurman, Gallia FISHER J., Tiffin, Seneca Kaull Wmn., Tiffin, Seneca McCollum E., Tiffin, Seneca McDoo J., Tiffin, Seneca MvcFarland J. A., T iffin, Seneca PHY 875 PHY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Finfrock H., Van Wert, Van Wert Sharp Win., West Middleburg, Logan Hines P. J., Van Wert, Van Wert MARQUIS D., West Point, Columbiana Longworth G. N., Van Wert, Van Wert Warner Henry E., Weymouth, Medina Reid J. L., Van Wert, Van Wert Sanks J.V., Wheat Ridge, Adams McConnely F. C., Vermillion, Erie Cline Win. C., Wilkesville, Vinton Quigly James, Vermillion, Erie Strong J. S., Wilkesville, Vintor Allen T. H., Vernon, Trumbull Hurst Geo. W., Williamsport, Pickaway Spencer S. H., Vienna, Trumbull Smith B. F., Williamsport, Pickaway Hipple J. R., Waldo, MAlarion Tipton i. C., Williamsport, Pickawaj VAN DEMAN J. H. (See card, p. 607.) Boyd S. S., Wilmington, Clinton Waldo, Marion Davis A. T., Wilmington, Clinton :Gibbs W. B., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Jones A., Wilmington, Clinton !Nchols T. E., Wapakoneta, Auglaize McArthur T. W., Wilmington, Clinton ;ichols I. H., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Walker J. R., Wilmington, Clinton ;Da,vis J., Warren, Trumbull Watts J. W., Winchester, Guernsey Htarmon & Smith, Warren, Trumbull Bowers A. L. W., Winfield, Tuscarawas *,oy& Nelson, Warren, Trumbull Carpenter E. P., Winfield, Tuscarawas ,Town4sley E. W., Warren, Trumbull Deal E. C., Winfield, Tuscarawas Wppds a Woodworth, Warren, Trumbull Klingell A. J., Winfield, Tuscarawa , Coffian IH. H. C. Ferguson A. R., Woodville, Sandusky Washington C. H., Fayette Jaeger F. & Son, Woodville, Sanduskj William C. M., Robinson & Firestone, Wooster, Wayne Washington C. H., Fayette Weaver D., Wooster, Wayin ,Williams Jt A., Wilson S., Wooster, Wayne Washington C. H., Fayette Goble Peter, Worthington, Franklin Wilson J. G., Washington C. H., Fayette Johnson Orvil, Worthington, Franklit Adams Thos., Waynesville, Warren Snow G. R., Worthington, Franklin Anderson Win, Waynesville, Warren Tozer Win., Worthington, Franklin Fisher Isaac, Waynesville, Warren Finley R. S., Xenia, Greene Hunter T. C., Waynesville, Warren FROST S. D. (See card, p. 631.) Williamson Froacis, Waynesville, Warren Xenia, Green BEACH C. H,, Wellington, Lorain Johnston Thomas B., Xenia, Greene Johns D. J., Wellington, Lorain Kramer Charles M., Xenia, Greene Smith J.W., Wellington, Lorain Martin S., Xenia, Greene Bagululy David, NVellsville, Columbiana STEELE & HARBISON, Xenia, Greene Buchanan Jas. G,, Wellsville, Columbiana Buechner Win., Youngstown, Mahoning Hammond Jno. W., Wellsville, Columbiana Cooke C. C., Youngstown, Mahoning Hill J. B., Wellsville, Columbiana Kelty A., Youngstown, Mlahoning McKenzie N. K,, Wellsville, Columbiana Manning Henry, Youngstown, Mahoning Silvers David S., Wellsville, Columbiana Paine O. D., Youngstown, Mlahonini Huggins R. D., West Alexandria, Preble Powers Isaac D., Youngstown, Mahoning Nisbet R. P., West Alexandria, Preble Woodbridge & McCurdy, Braughton A., West Caiio, Allen Youngstown, Mahoning Hartley H. A., West Cairo, Allen Williams A. N., Youngsville, Adams SENSEMIAN H., West Charleston, Miami Ball A., Zanesville, Muskingum Beach John N., West Jefferson, Madison Beckwith & Low, Zanesville, Muskingum Colliver John, West Jefferson,, Madison Chase E. Y., Zanesville, Muskingum McCullough John, Culbertson H., Zanesville, Muskingui West Jefferson, Madison Edwards A., Zanesville, Muskingum Stutson J., West Jefferson, Madison Hagen R. Z., Zanesville, Muskingum Masterson William, Helmick James, Zanesville, Muskingum West Lafayette, Coshocton Hildreth Chas. C., Zanesville, Muskingum Williams W. H., Kob A., Zanesville, Muskingum West Lafayette, Coshocton McElroy L. C., Zanesville, Muskingum ,EUANS JOS EPHI, Stout J. M., Zanesville, Muskingum West Middleburg, Logan Young Z. F., Zanesville, Muskingum PIANO FORTES ANID MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Bautch F. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Britting & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton Blackburn Thomas R., CHURCH JOHN, JR., 66 West Fourth, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati Hamilton Britting John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fonda C. Y., Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of Bagg's Hotel, Detroit, Mich., p. 839. PIA 876 PIA a a s s s s s e e e e e e e e e 9 9 s POT 877 NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY GLEICH BALTHASER. (See card, p. 125.) Cincinnati, Hamilto K Gleich J. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kaiser & Kohler, Cincinnati, Hamilton KREEL ALBERT. (See card, p. 137.) Cincinnati, Hamilton MURCH CHAUNCY M., Cincinnati, Hamilton PETERS A. C. & BRO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Peters W. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton SMITH & NIXON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wurlitzer Rudolph, Cincinnati, Hamilton BRAINARD S. & CO., Cleveland, Cuvahoga Dodge Ossian E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dormeyer H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga JEWETT & GOODMAN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Long J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Pomroy S. T., Cleveland, Cuyahega Votteller G. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sellzer & Webster, Weiler D., Woods John C., Ells Charles, I Rolfe Wm., I Soehner, Rex & Co., I Weltz Frank J., I Whittlesey J.,: Sochner Charles, Phillips Philip, Bishop Edwin M., Lawson Stephen, Barnha r t D., Doebele & Strengson, Reed - Hills J. L., Washiz Marble H. B., Baily L. P., Zar PLANING MILLS. Akron, Summit Ashtabula, Ashtabula Austinburg, Ashtabula Bell Air, Belmont Bellefontaine, Logan Belleville, Richland Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cleveland, Cuyahoga (See card, p. 275.) Columbus, Franklin 3,Columbus, Franklin BIDDLE THOMAS, Columbus, Franklin Bomberger W. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Perry & Roberson, Delaware, Delaware COWAN J. W. & Co., Lebanon, Warren Marietta Planing Mill Co., Marietta, Washington Sutphan D. L. & Co., Middletown, Butler Gilbert W. C., Mulberry Corners, Geauga Kemenway T., New London, Huron Griffith George V., Vermillion, Erie Allen James S., Vernon, Truimbull Faucett, Stephens & Co., Wellsville, Columbiana Smit h & McGrevor, Wellsville, Columbiana Drees & Patterson, Xenia, Greene Lindsay Wm., Youngstown, Mahoning POTTERIES. Conway B., Allensville, Vinton1 Loomis Thomas, Atwater, Portage Purdy & Loomis, Atwater, Portage Wolford M., Belleville, Richland Christy J. & S., Berlin Center, Mahoning McKney D. & C., Brownsville, Licking Sheckhert J. L., Brownsville, Licking Woolf Jacob, Chillicothe, Ross Brumbley Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton LESSEL PETER. (See card, p. 140.) Cincinnati, Hamilton TEMPE ST & CO. (See c ard, p. 180.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Keister Isaac, Columbiana, Columbiana Jenkins A., Columbus, Franklin Flickinger & Houghten, Dalton, Wayne Bisch George, Dayton, Montgomery Duck Phillip, Frease's Store, Starke Klopfer F., Fremont, Sandusky Fahrlander M., Hamilton, Butler Logan Wm., Hammondsville, Jefferson Highland N. S., Kenton, Hardin See adv't of American Hotel, Cleveland, p. 837. POT POT 877 NALVIE POST OFFICE COUNTY Cornelison E., KAEMMERLE Columbus, Franklin See card, p. 276.) Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin ayton, Montgomery aytoii, Montgomery ayton, Montgomery ayton, Montgomery Delaware, Delaware Hamilton, Butler Marion, Marion Painesville, Lake Portsmouth, Scioto Tiffin, Seneca Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas gton C. H., Fayette Wilmington, Clintoil esville, Muskingum Dix J. F.. & Co., Culley Ifugh C., Shephard F. W., Nicoll James, NIV.EN DAVID, Lanehard W., Thornhill George, Cline John, Kidney G. H., IPurcival Jehn F., Sturtevant Isaac, ADAMS & FIELD. REA 878 REA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Smith George, Richmond, Jefferson Bruce Wm., Rushsylvania, Logan Johnson Robert, Senecaville, Guernsey Russell Sylvanus, Somerton, Belmont Hallenback M., Springfield, Clark Packer T. A., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Tracy Nelson, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Stewart & Hibbet, Wellsville, Columbiana Murphy Levi, West Middleburg, Logan HOWSON & SON, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Burley A., McArthur, Vinton Burley & Gill, McArthur, Vinton Morgan A., Mason, Warren Foster John, Mount Eaton, Wayne Reed Thomas, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Robins C. & Co., Newton Falls, Trumbull Bangs B., Piketon, Pike Cole E., Richmond, Jefferson McCarrell Joseph,. Richmond, Jefferson PRINTERS, BOOK AND JOB. Shupe Walter H BEECHER C. H FOLLETT, FOE Glenn & Thrall Mooney D. H., Nevins Richard APPLEGATE & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Block & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bradley & Webb, Cincinnati, Hamilton Browne P. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Doyle Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton EHRGOTT, FORBRIGER & CO. (See card, p. 117.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Ellery E. 11. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gibson & CQ., Cincinnati, Hamilton GRANT & PITTMAN. (See card, p. 146.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Harpel J., Cincinnati, Hamilton HART & WATT, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kalbfell Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Marshall & Hefley, Cincinnati, Hamilton MENZEL G. A. & CO. (See card, p. 144.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Morgan & Sons, Cincinnati, Hamilton Norman W. T., Cincinnati, Hamilton PARTRIDGE C. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pugh A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rodde Edmund, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rogers & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ruppelt Herman, Cincinnati, Hamilton SHIPLEY & SMITH, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spiller & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamilton Surguy J. 0., Cincinnati, Hamilton Taggart G. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Walsh John P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Watkins H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wrightson & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton KEES JOHN W. (See card, p. 219.) Circleville, Pickaway COWLES E. & CO. (See card, p. 242.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., Cleveland, Cuyahoga a Columbus, Franklin Columbus, Franklin a, Columbus, Franklin ARCE, Columbus, Franklin ., Conneaut, Ashland s, Crestline, Crawford Da yton, Montgomery SOWERS, Dayton, Montgomery Galion, Crawford Greenville, Darke Hamilton, Butler ~MES K. (See card, p. Hamilton, Butler T. & BRO., Mansfield, Richland O., Marion, Marion HOMAS, Marion, Marion Maumee City, Lucas Ht., Newark, Licking ray, Painesville, Lake (See card, p. 504.) Piketon, Pike Piqua, Miami COLLISTER. (See card, p. Portsmouth, Scioto IN, Salem, Columbiana ., Sarahsville, Noble [AI, Sidney, Shelby I1 H., Sidney, Shelby Steubenville, Jefferson o. Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas & SAMPSON. (See card, Urbana, Champaign Youngstown, Mahoning I. (See card, p. 640.) Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Zanesville, Muskingum Featherstone S. & J., Mercer H. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Peacock T. W., REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS. Hill W. H., Acadia, Allen BROWN A. G. & H. T., Athens, Athens Fassett H., Ashtabula, Ashtabula I Ely J. F. M., Bantam, Clermont See adv't of Joges Hotel, Lafayette, Ind., p. 836. REA 878 REA REA ~~~~~~79 REA~~~~~ NAMP E POST OFFICE COUNTY Crow R. J., Bartlett, Washington Chapman N., Bellevue, Huron BARBER G. Mi. (See card, p. 35.) Berea, Cuyahoga Albert E. D., Canton, Stark WRIGHT JOHN D. (See card, p. 75.) . Chester Hill, Morgan Iord O. W., Christianburg, Champaign Banes E. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton BOFINGER BENJAMIN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bradley & Kessler, Cincinnati, Hamilton Crossman Wm., Cincinnati Hamilton Ferris N. P. & Co., CincinnIati, Hamilton Gregg & Harvey, Cincinnati, Hamilton larwood C. HI., Cincinnati, Hamilton Head J. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Head J. E., Cnint,Hmlo POST OFFICE COUNTY Columbus, Franklin Covington, Miami Crestline, Crawford Darby Creek, Madison Darby Creek, Madison Dayton, Montgomery Braley& Ksslr,Cincinnati, Hamilton Hickman J. L. & Co., rmn aml o Cincinnati, Hamilton Hlodgson W. L. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jenney & Roelafson, Cincinnati, Hamilton KAHN MICHAEL, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lanpher E. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lynn & Morris, Cincinnati, Hamilton McClelland John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Magill Clayton W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Phillips W. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton RAPER JOSEPH H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rieder F., Cincinnati, Hamnilton Sargent Samuel A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shires Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shotwell Geo. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Siddall John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith C. J. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton SMITH J. H. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sturdevant Stephen, Cincinnati, Hamilton Taylor & Ward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Towle & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tuttle A. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Waggoner John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weller James M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Willis Alex. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wood John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Crouse C. B., Circleville, Pickaway CLARK AARON, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Haines & Norris, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lewis G. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Little Lyman, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ROUSE & JENNINGS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Russell C. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Seymour Belden, Cleveland, Cuyahoga STEIN SIGMOND, Cleveland, Cuyahogo Stone S. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wilson Ephraim, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Page C. W., Clyde, Sandusky BAKER JOHN W., Columbus, Franklin LATHROP M. D., Columbus, Franklin Marion N., Columbus, Franklin MARTIN EZRA, Columbus, Franklin See adv't of Little's Hotel, Price J. F., l Westcott S. M., Dobins Thos., E Reeves H. B., BURNAP S. A., Bingham N., ] Bilton W. H., Turner George, ] Johnson A. J., Port Wolf John, Thomas Wi., Saint I HALDPEMAN J. S., St BUSH H. C., McLouth O. C., Potter E., Symm( Allen N., Campbell James )D., Indianapolis, Ind., REA 79 REA N.IME WILSON B., Roberson Wm., Kenton & Jones, Graham.John, Gudtner J., Clarke Chas. E., Williams & Walla reat Bend, Meigs Hamilton, Butler ghland, Highland Kalida, Putnam Kenton, Hardin ncaster, Fairfield Leipsic, Putnam Lim'a, Allen Lima,'Allen Massillon, Stark umee City, Lucas iimee City, Lucas Metamora, Fulton Metamora, Fulton Napoleon, Henry 7 Napoleon, Henry xandria, Jefferson Newark, Licking w London, Huron Orr-ville, Wayne Ottawa,, Putnam Ottawa, Putnam Painesville, Lake errysburg, Wood SON, errysburg, Wood errysburg, Wood Piqua, Miami oland, Mahoning oland, Mahoning Pomeroy, Meigs ortsmoutb, Scioto ort-smouth, Scioto ortsmout,h, Scioto William, Clinton Racine, Meigs aris, Champaign alem, Columbiana Sandusky, Erie Sandusky, Eric es' Corner, Butler Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas p. 836. SAD 880 SAD NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY JACKSON & BARR. (See card, p. 607.) Wapakoneta, Auglaize Williams J. S., Wapakonet-, Auglaize Harvey John S., Wellsville, Columbiana Baker S. G., Woodville, Sandusky Carey Hugh, Xenia, Greene Gray Robt., Xenia, Greene KING S., Youngstown, Mahoning SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS AND DEALERS. Douhiser A., Acadia, Allen' Day W. B., Adrian, Seneca Bingham D., Ai, Fulton Bennet, Akron, Summit Doughty A., Akron, Summiit Doughty A., Alliance, Stark Niesz D., Alliance, Stark Gruben Frank M., Amsterdam, Jefferson Mote R., Antwerp, Paulding Nolder Stephen H., Arcanum, Darke Lash & Sprengle, Ashland, Ashland Ford & Bro., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Redhead Wadmore, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Bayard J. W., Athens, Athens Gabril E., Athens, Athens Griswold M.L., Athens, Athens Rose Cyrus. Athens, Athens Townsend Alfied, Avon, Lorain Mills R. & Sons, Barnesville, Belmont Patterson Nathan, Barnesville, Belmont Engle R., Bartlett, Washingten Gratigny Lewis, Beallsville, Monroe Webb John A., Beallsville, Monroe Siegmond J. J., Beamsville, Darke Basher C., Belle Air, Belmont Beymer W. W., Bellevue, Huron Downing T. M., Bentonville, Adams, McCoy John, Bentonville, Adams Machin John, Berea, Cuyahoga Elison A., Big Plain, Madison Roley L. L., Bladensburg, Knox Reed J. C., Blanchester, Clinton Acton Jacob S., Bourneville, Ross Acton Joshua, Bourneville, Ross Cowan R. W., Brownsville, Licking Oldham John, Brownsville, Licking Birk J. G., Bucyrus, Crawford Cook T. E., Bucyrus, Crawford McDonald James, Buffalo, Guernsey Strain J. & S. W., Burg Hill, Trumbull Miller Thomas, Butler, Richland Crawford James R., Cadiz, Harrison Timmons F., Cadiz, Harrison Gambs J. & N., Callais, Monroe Dudley & Barnum, Caledonia, Marion Mitchell Henry, Caledonia, Marion Bryan George T., Cambridge, Guernsey Dobbins Wm. C., Cambridge, Guernsey Harris W. H., Camden, Preble Mobley John, Canal Fulton, Stark Mobley T., Canal Fulton, Stark Wilcox Marquis E., Canal Fulton, Stark MILLER G. L., Canfield, Miahoning Boge J. K., Canton, Stark Gotthold A. o, Canton, Star k Reed J. & W., Canton, Stark Snyder C. C., Cainton, Stark La u ghl in G., Carrollton, Carroll Sterlin g S. & J., Carrollton, Carroll Cartwell J. P.a, Cataiba, Clark Cartwell Samuel, Catawba, Clark Barrows H., Chagrin Falls, C uya hoga Pelton S. N., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Abbott C. E., Chandlersville, Muskingum Foley G. W., Chandlersville, Muskingum Dan Albert G., Chatham, Lickin g Dunavan L., Chatham, Lickin g Ruble Adam, Cheshire, Gallia Higley J., Chester, Meigs Wortsell T. & J., Chester Hill, Morgan Beyerly Wm. H., Chillicothe, Ross Grim Jacob A., Chillicothe, Ross Kemery S., Chillicothe, Ross Lewis E. F., Chillicothe, Ross Noble L. D., Chillicothe, Ross Obeser D., Chillicothe, Ross Pearson Addison, Chillicothe, Ross Peregrine John, Chillicothe, Ross Keller Wim., Christiansburg, Champaign Warner George W., Christiansburg, Champaign Bantlin Julius J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Binder Frank. Cincinnati, Hamilton Brockman Bernhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Carrick D. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark S. & S. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Daller Adam, Cinoinnati, Hamilton Daniels Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Goldson George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoendorf G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jander Gustavus, Cincinnati, Hamilton Jander L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kallmeyer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leach B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Levoy S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lotz John, Cincinnati, Hamilton MOORES & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton See J. R: Hubbell's adv't of Phillips House, p. 834. SAD 880 SAD NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Card Platt, Toledo, Lucas Comstock Jas M., Toledo, Lucas Brand J. C., Urbana, Champaign Marsh Geo. H., Van Wert,, Van Wert SHAFFER LYDENHAM, Van Wert, Van Wert Leonard 0. A., Vermillion, Erie Bergstresser D., Canal Winchester, Franklin Hische J. Vil., Canal Winchester, Franklin Shoemaker & Wagner, ('anal Winchester, Franklin SAD 881 SAD POST OFFICE COUXTY POST OFFICE COUNTY Deavertown, Morgan Deersville, Harrison Defiance, Defiance Defiance, Defiance De Graff, Logan Delaware, Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delphos, Allen Democracy, Knox Dresden, Muskingum Dresden, Muskingum Dunbarton, Adams East Liberty, Logan Eaton, Preble ames, Eaton, Preble Eaton, Preble Edinburg, Portage rmersville, Montgomery Finley, Hancock Finley, Hancock Finley, Hancock Franklin, Warren Franklin, Warren ranklin Furnace, Scioto Franklin Mills, Portage Franklin Mills, Portage Frease's Store, Stark Fremont, Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Gahanna, Franklin Galena, Delaware Galena, Delaware Galion, Craw ford Gallipolis, Gallia Gallipolis, Gallia ~y, Gallipolis, Gallia Garrettsville, Portage German, Darke rmantown, Montgomery rmantown, Montgomery Girard, Trumbull rs, Granville, Licking Greenfield, Highland Greenfield, Highland Greenfield, Highland Greenville, Darke Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hamilton, Butler Hanover, Licking Hanover, Licking Harmer, Washington Harrisonville, Meigs Hartford, Trulmbull Hillsboro', Highland p. 834. Flowers Isaac, Clarksfield, Huron Bartness Warren, Ball John D., Columbus, Franklin Bayler Jacob E., Columbus, Franklin Burdell Wm., jr., Columbus, Franklin ,Cushman George W., Columbus, Franklin Furste C. & H., Columbus, Franklin Howell George W., Columbus, Franklin Kronnenberger Jacob, Columbus, Franklin Reed P., Columbus, Franklin Rees David, Columbus, Franklin Atwood Stephen B., Conneaut, Ashtabula Cummings David, Conneaut, Ashtabula Ringer Wm., Corsica, Morrow Bartmus H., Covington, Miami McGuire James, Crestline, Crawford Collins T., Cumberland, Guernsey Johnson W., Cumberland, Guernsey Starr C. S., Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Fletcher John & Co., Dalton, Wayne Snyder & Switzer, Darby Creek, Madison Crew & Warford, Dayton, Montgomery Haas Alfred, Dayton, Montgomery Helfric A., Dayton, Montgomery KERFOOT L. B., Dayton, Montgomery Mitchell Wm., Dayton, Montgomery Windsor John, Dayton, Montgomery See adv't of Phillips House, Dayton, SAD 881 SAD NAME SAD 882 SAD NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY ,Yost G., Massillon, Stark Hall Henry J., Masterton, Monroe Evans F., M aumee City, Lucas Foster J. U., Maumee City, Lucas Limbrick Wm., Maumee City, Lucas Swan John, jr., Maumee City, Lucas Magruder J. L., Mechanicsburg, Champaign Ritter Jiohn, Mesopotamia, Trumbull Blossom M. S., Miamisburg, Montgomery Brya n FM.vB., Middleportu, Meigs Moore L. D N Middleport, Meigu Mitchell Wm., Middletow n, Butler Siebert F., Middletown, Butler Kyle S.R., Milford, Clermont Smith H. F., Millerstown, Champaign Popst Henry, Millville, Butler Witt Henry, Millwood, Knox Br aninger Francis, Milnersville, Guernsey Brandon Win. & Co., Montpelier, Williams Smith Wm. K., Montra, Sh elby Murray J. S., Montville, Geaugas Jones Amos, Morrow, Warren McClosky B. W., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Main E. G., Mount Blanchard, Hancock Rossier Benj., Mount Eaton, Wayne Ammerman E., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Rowley A., Mount Liberty, Knox CURTIS C. C., Mount Vernon, Knox Hawk G. W., Mount Vernon, Knox Wefford W.M., M ount Vernon, Knox Stoneburner H. T., Nelsonville, Athens Brown Israel F., Newark, Licking Wilkins N.,. Newark, ticking McClure James, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Mulvane D., Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Kinkade J. L., New Concord, Muskingum Thomas Isaac, New Garden, Columbiana vfcAuley T. F., New Harrisburg, Carroll Rollins J., New Harrisburg, Carroll Long A. G., New Holland, Pickaway Arter Jacob, New Lisbon, Columbiana Lewis B. F., New Lisbon, Columbiana Breck L. W., New London, Huron Hazard R., New London, Huron Smurr John, New London, HTuron Davis L. S., New Madison, Darke Foster R. C., New Madison, Darke Wade Peter, New Madison, Darke Davis J. M., New Paris, Preble Beall E. T., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Hueston George W., New Philadelphia, Tusacarwas Huston G. W., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Robb Wm. S. & W. L., :NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lawrence Jas., Hillsboro', Highland' Murphy J. S., Hillsboro', Highland Stewart R. & Son, Hillsboro', Highland Peten Enos, Hope, Franklin Robbins Jams, Hope, Franklin BUNNELL I. H., Hudson, Summit Chapman J. L., Hudson, Summit Wilson Henry, Ironton, Lawrence Caret Nelson T., Jackson, Jackson Skinner George, Kalida, Putnam Shave John, jr., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Kennon Josiah, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Saltgaver Jesse W., Kennonsburg, Noble Dean J. H., Kenton, Hardin Gerlach G., Kenton, Hardin Menson David, Kenton, Hardin McDonald Joseph, Lafayette, Madison Sell David J., Lake, Stark GLADDEN L. F., Lamartine, Carroll Hixon A., Lamartine, Carroll Rickard D., Lamartine, Carroll Davis & Watts, Lancaster, Fairfield Matlack John A., Lancaster, Fairfield STONEBURNER, JEFFRIES & CO., Lancaster, Fairfield Young N., Lancaster, Fairfield BLACKBURN WM. B. & J., Lebanon, Warren Nesbitt Thomas, Leban on, Warren Askam Charles, Leipsic, Putnam Lindsey Wm., Lexington, Richland Shanton T. T., Lexington, Richla nd Keller J. E., Lima, Allen Mitchell T. T., Lima, Allen Norton.H. E., Litchfield, Medina Hammersmith J., Liverpool, Medina Mallory C. W., Lodi, Medina Andreas M. L., Loll Cabin, Morgan Acton Brothers, London, Madison LOTSPEICtH & SON, London, Madison Klee Jacob, Loudonville, Ashland McCully John, Lucas, Richland Ambrose H. P., McArthur, Vinton Smith Levi, Macon, Morrow Wilson Elias, Macon, Morrow Nye Joseph T., Maineville, Warren Mooney Eli, Malaga, Monroe Fair I. C., Mansfield, Richland Fuman Peter, Mansfield, Richland Johnston Frank, Mansfield, Richland Reed N. S., Mansfield, Richland Coulter Josiah, Marietta, Washington Ebinger Jacob, Marietta, Washington BRIGGEL & GLINGEL, Marion, Marion Magruder Thos. J., Marion, Marion Miller Thos., Marshallsville, Wayne Rech John, Marshallsville, Wayne Malin W. C., Marysville, Union Rague J. P. Marysville, Union Blackburn T. J., Mason, Warren Torbett J. P,. Mason, Warren Judd H., Massillon, Stark Wendling C., Massillon, Stark Wilson J., Massillon, Stark See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp. front cover. SAD 882 SAD SAD 883 SAD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Nevil Samuel, Round I-ead, Hardin Betz Costen, Rural Dale, Muskingum Richards & Hatcher, Rushsylvania, Logan BOONE ISAAC, Salem, Columbiana GORE H., Salem, Columbiana Young C. C. & J. M., Salem, Columbiana Francisco F. H., Sandusky, Erie WAGNER C., Sandusky, Erie Wetterer Isadore, Sandusky, Erie Williams A., Sandusky, Erie Casner John C., Sarahsville, Noble Watkins & Statler, Sarahsville, Noble Pittinger John, Sardinia, Brown Chandler Wm., Senecaville, Guernsey MORISON GEO. W. (See card, p. 550. ) Senecaville, Guernsey Wittman F., Seven Mile, Butler CRE3MER A., Shade, Athens May J., Shelby, Richland Hutton Samuel, Sidney, Shelby Schultz Frederick, Sidney, Shelby Allen David M., Smithfield, Jefferson Lee Elias Mf1., Smithfield, Jefferson Brown B. A., Somerton, Belmont Nicol John, Somerton, Belmont Wittman F., Sev ile, Butler CRE3MER A.,Shd,Ahn May J., Seb,Rcln Hutton Samuel, Sde,Seb Schultz Frederick, Sde,Seb Allen David M., SmtfedJefro Lee Elias Mf., Smtfed efro Brown B. A., oetnBemn Nicol John, Somerton, Belmont NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Disque George, Newtown, Hamilton Snyder Owen, North Jackson, Mahoning Apple H., North Lewisburg, Champaign Epps D., North Lewisburg, Champaign Chappell M. L., Norwalk, Huron Kebble, Gibbs & Co., Norwalk, Huron Loyd John, Oak Hill, Jackson Reule J., Oak Hill, Jackson Fletcher J. & J. Orrville, Wayne Musser H. S., Osborn, Greene Alexander B. S., Ottawa, Putnam Keller John, Ottawa, Putnam Chatlen & Kyger, Oxford, Butler Peck E. A., Oxford, Butler Child Asa, Painesville, Lake Kaiser John, Painesville, Lake Decker A. S., Pancoatsburg, Fayette Dewees S., Pennsville, Morgan Smith J., Pennsville, Morgan Schlecht Jacob, Perrysburg, Wood Webb & Thomas, Perrysburg, Wood Ziegler J. B., Perryville, Ashland Cissna Chas., Piketon, Pike Cissna John, Piketon, Pike Hempstead C. E., Piketon, Pike Lester M., Piqua, Miamt Jones D., Pleasant, Putnam Tingle Harrison, Pleasant, Putnam Alexandra Jonn W., Wittva F.., SoerveMille, Butler Houston Thomas F., South Charleston, Clark Van Dyke Wm., Springdale, tAmilton aEby E. G., Springfield, Clark HtMoody J., Springfield, Clark hehr ePaige B. F., Springfield, Clark Ralensperger A., Spritgfield, Clark Sheeder J. M. & J., Springfield, Clark Piatt Alex., Spring Hills, Champaign Roland T. J., Spring Mountain, Coshocton Lindsay A.G., Steube nville, Jefferson Mahon George, Steubenville, Jefferson Myers John, Steube nville, Jefferson Osborn B. F., Steubenville, Jefferson outBlake Thos., Stockport, Morgan Stoughs Wallace, Stryker, Williams Abraham John, Sugar Tree Ridgeton, Highland Coll WSingos JTames,l Sugar Tree Ridge, Highland CoxE G.W., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Cook L.,S. Sunbury, Delaware Piper James, Thurman, Gallia Beckman S.pE., Tiffin, Seneca Ebert J. M.. Tiffin, Seneca Groff H., Tiffin, Seneca Poorman & Miller, Tiffin, Seneca Audibus J., Toledo, Lucas Bunert A. & Co., Toledo, Lucas Harrison Joseph, Toledo, Lucas Miller F., Troy, Miami Shidaker A.J., Troy, Miami Smith A., Troy, Miami Romig Samuel, Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Clendenan Samuel, Twenty Mile Stand, Warren Stimpson C. S., Twinsburg, Summit Timmons S., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Alexandra Jonn W., Pleasantville, Fairfield Cristy James, Poland, Mahoning Shephard Henry, Poland, Mahoning Horne John C., Polk, Ashland Hampton J. B., Pomeroy, Meigs MASSAR VALENTINE, Pomeroy, Meigs Stein Eisel, Pomeroy, Meigs Uferman G., Pomeroy, Meigs Koons Abram, Poplar, Crawford Price Daniel, Poplar, Crawford Barrett Wm., Portsmouth, Scioto Cooley John, Portsmouth, Scioto Meudorfer P., Portsmouth, Scioto Salsbury James, Portsmouth, Scioto Wilhelm J. P., Portsmouth, Scioto Anderson Wm., Port Washington, Tuscarawas Burrell Richard, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Martin N. & Foresyth, Pratt, Shelby Williams H. W., Pyrmont, Montgomery Dodson P. B., Quincy, Logan McClure John, Quincy, Logan Garen D., Racine, Meigs Witter R. B., Ravenna, Portage Hill & Bowen, Raymond's, Union Stevenson R., Republican, Darke Green Wm. S., Richland, Richland Hartup Thos., Richmond, Jefferson McCurdy Daniel, Richmond, Jefferson Wells Edward, Rochester Depot, Lorain Butts John, Rockville, Adams Manner A. D., Roscoe, Coshocton Thb.atcher J., Roscoe, Coshocton Schuler Philip, Ross, Butler See adv't of W. E. Braman & Co., p. 100 and in index. SAD 883 ., SAD I SAL 884 SAL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Arnett James T., West Jefferson, Madison Woolman & Hamlin, West Middleburg, Logan Cline J. J., Wilkesville, Vinton Finley H. M., Wilmington, Clinton Hogue W. H., Wilmington, Clinton Lorish Henry, Wilmington, Clinton Fish B. E., Woodstock, Champaign Noggle A. J., Woodville, Sandusky Hechhold J., Wooster, Wayne Horn H., Wooster, Wayne Masle C. o., Wooster, Wayne Ba k er & Fifer, Xe nia, Greene Beall Alex. B., Xenia, Greene EBRIGHT & BROTHERS, Xenia, Greene Knox B., Xenia, Greene Bushnell J. IH., Youngstown, Mahoning Marshall J., Youngstown, Mahoning Montgomery J., Youngstown, Mahoning Probst J. S., Youngsville, Mahoning Egler John, Youngsville, Adams Thomas J., Youngsville, Adams Akerly G. G., Zanesville, Muskingum Mylius Henry, Zanesville, Muskingum SHAFFER WM., Zanesville, Muskingum Soder John, Zanesville, Muskingum Warner James, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Wagstaff William, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Jackson H., Union, Darke McKee John G., Union, Darke Beckman S E., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Katzenmeyer A., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Coulter G., Urbana, Champaign Glenn I. C., Urbana, Champaign Glenn W. C., Urbana, Champaign Larr Joseph, Van Buren, Hancock Schoop & McCurdy, Van Wert, Van Wert Haynes Asa, Vernon, Trumbull Chamberlin G., Vienna, Trumbull Crawford S., Waldo, Marion Frich E. H., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Sepernich Wm., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Thornton Amos, Wash ingt on C. H., Faye tte Ebright Dan'l R., Waynesville,4 Warren ELLIOTT H., Wellington,'Lorain Laverty H. H., Wellsville, Columbiana Scott A. F., Wellsville, Columbiana McLean J., West Alexandria, Preble Shafer S., West Alexandria, Preble Bennett &,Talbert, West Elkton, Preble SALOONS AND RESTAURANTS. Counts Levi, Arcadia, Allen Humphrey Wm., Akron, Fulton Scott Wm., Allensville, Vinton Marburter J. F., Alliance, Stark Reul Peter, Alliance, Stark Robertson M. H., Alliance, Stark Morgan M. A., Ashtabula, Ashtabula Williams Wm. E., B a ntam, Clermont Eiseman J., B arnesville, Belmont Vance C., Barnesville, Belmont Bamberg G., Bell Air, Be lm ont Kern George, Bell Air, Belmont Snyder Jonathan, Bellefontaine, L o ga n Cotelli C.J., Bel levue, Huron Eckhart M., Bellevue, Huron H eadings S., Bellevue, Huron Humphrey Charles, Bellevue, Huron Staube F., Bellevue, Huron Cook Wm., Blanchester, Clinton Herschhauser Henry, Bridgeport, Belmont Eckelberry Sarah, Bueyrus, Crawford Fuhrman Sebastain, Bucyrus, Crawford Fuhrman T., Bucyrus, Crawford Hesche F. G., Bucyrus, Crawford Linser F., Bucyrus, Crawford Miller George, Bucyrus, Crawford Nelson J., Bucyrus, Crawford Rettig Geo., Bucyrus Crawford Ritez Geo., Bueyrus, Crawford Russell Isaac, Bucyrus, Crawford Scheaffer Geo. A., Bucyrus, Crawford Sehonard Augustus, Bucyrus, Crawford Straus & Co., Bucyrus, Crawford See adv't of Lane & Boo Young Guitavus, Bucyrus, Crawford Fornshell Joseph P., Camden, Preble McCord James S., Camden, Preble McNally Patrick, Camden, Preble Bollet J., Canton, Stark Robin G., Canton, Stark Vogelgessang H. L., Canton, Stark Winhulter F. J., Canton, Stark FOUTS R. H. & CO., Carrollton, Carroll Hinman He nr y, Casstown, Miami Woolley L., Castalia, Erie Bretze Noah, Celina, Mercer Palmer W. H., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Bechtold C., Chillicothe, Ross Bodaner A., Chillicothe, Ross Helfrich Michael, Chillicothe, Ross McKee R. L., Chillicothe. Ross North Charles, Chillicothe, Ross Reizinger John, Chillicothe, Ross Rosenfelt C., Chillicothe, Ross Schneider P., Chillicothe, Ross Thompson Benjamin, Chillicothe, Ross Uhrig Martin, Chillicothe, Ross Wilkison R., Chillicothe, Ross Yager F., Chillicothe, Ross Davis John, Christiansburg, Champaign Adleta Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahlers Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ahlers F. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Alms Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton APOLLO BILLIARD ROOM. (See card, p. 89.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Armleden John, Cincinnati, Hamilton SAL 884 SAL -~ ~ A 8 A POST OFFICE COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton n, Cincinnati, Hamilton n, Cincinnati, Hamilton el, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton , Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton C, incinnati, Hamilton e, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton FRANK, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton e, Cincinnati, Hamilton POST OFFICE COUNTY Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton [K M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton ee card, p. 174.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton ry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamliton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamiltom Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton , Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cineinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton cities, towns, etc. Beeker August, Cincinnati, Hamilton Beeht Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bell & Co., Cincinnati Hamilton Benedict Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bermon T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bertken D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Besuden & Rice, Cincinnati, Hamilton Betts Mrs. Margaret, Cincinnati, Hamilton Biermann A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bigler Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Blum Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boca Henry, Cincinnati Hamilton Bode Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Boeyer George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl S. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bollinger P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Biglr Joeph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Blum Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boea Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bode Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bohl S. P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bolliner P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bollinger P., Cnint,Hmlo BOWrMAN& TEA., ErPeCincinnati, Hamilton BOW M AN &'l'IEMAN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bonfante Samuel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Borgo G.,C Cincinnati, Hamilton Bracken Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Britton James ter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brizolari John P, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brockmann TheodoreCincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Brokamp Henryl, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brooks Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bruekert Peter Cincinnati, Hamilton Bucher Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bucholz M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Buckmann Josephs, Cincinnati, Hamilton Buhier Andrew, CcniCincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Brokamp Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Brooks Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton B3ruekert Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bucher Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bucholz M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Buckmann Joseph. Cincinnati, Hamilton Buhler Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Busam WI., Cincinnati, Hamilton BusSamA Her h., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Butcher F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Butz G. V., Cincinnati, Hamilton Canfield John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cappe Andrew, Cincinnati, HIamilton Cary Patrick., Cincinnati, HIamilton Central Avenue Exchange, Cincinnati, Hamilton Clark P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Class Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cleary P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cochran James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cdffey P., Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to SAL 885 SAL NAME Arnetz Peter, Avermaat Joh Bacciocco Joh Bradack Samu Baehrs Wm., Bahn Wm., Ballard T., Barbersli John Bardo J., Barkan Henry Barrett Georg Bauer Jacob, Beck J. C., BECKSMITH SAL 886 SAL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Honkomp Frederic, Cincinnati, IHamilton Honkomp Mrs. Mary, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hor n George, Cincinnati, Hamilton H owell Geo. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hudson Mrs. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton H um e J. B., Cincinnati, HIamilton Hume & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hunsicker Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Husman Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Huss Karl, Cincinnati, Hamilton Imm Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Imwalle Barnard, Cincinnati, Hamilton INTERNATIONAL SALOON, Cincinnati, Hamilton Irwin Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jenni Mrs. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jennys WN m., Cincinnati, Hamilton Johnson Caleb, Cincinnati, Hamilton Johnson Mrs. W. J., Cincinnati, atiamilton JOHNSTON EDWARD P. (See card, p. 89.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Jones Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Junck Creighton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Keehan Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Keihn Valenti n e, Cincinnati, Hamnilton Kelley J. G., Cincinnati, Hamilton KEMIMETER GEORGE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kennaday Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kerri gan Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kersting Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Keifer Jo hn, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kinkinberger P., Cincinnati, IHamilton Klein John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Klotter George, Cincinnati, aHamilton Kni gh t Jam es, Cincinnati, Hamilton Knobe Aenj., Cincinnati, Hamilton Koch Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Koeble P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Koeppe Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kopp Feli x, Cincinnati, Hamilton Korte F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kraft Frank, Cincinnati, aHamilton Krolage H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kronlace H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Krumple W.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Kruse F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kruse J. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kuster Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ladenkotter J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Laechle C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lamping John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lang John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lange C. W., Cincinnati, H.amilton Lattners G. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lauf Edward, Cincinnati, IHamilton Leslie John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Leyman John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Liebisch A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lincke L., Cincinnati, Hamniltonl Livellan John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lollman George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Lotz Peter, Cincinnati, IHamilton Fox Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frayn P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Frey August, Cincinnati, Hamilton Freynmuth Peter. Cincinnati, Hamilton Fricke Frank, Cincinnati, Hamiltoni FULDNER JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Furst Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Galt John T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gattrell Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Garzoro Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gausson Wmn. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton GEISER JOSEPH, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gibbins John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ginantt George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ginochio D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Glaser J., Cincinnati, Hamiltoi Glossner & Bro., Cincinnati, Hamitlon Goddard & Payne, Cincinnati, Hamilton Goebel H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Goetz P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Gomas Casper, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grantman Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Greisheimer Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Grothans Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hall Bishop, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamberger Simon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamnmel Anthony, Cincinnati, Hamilton Handley E. Cincinnati, Hamilton Harding Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Harka Antonio, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harrington Mrs. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton H,arsch John, Cincinnati, Hlamilton Hart David, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harter Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton HARTWELL JOHIN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hauser Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hawley John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heizer X., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heintzman Mrs5. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heister M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Helmiisdorfer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Helfferich F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hemiielmeier B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hemmer Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton tIlennekoes H. & G., Ci'cinnati, Hamilton Henzie Michael, Cincinnati, IHamiltoa Herancourt P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Herman S., Cincinnati, Hamilton HERIOTT L. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Herrmann J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hess Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hester Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Heunmann John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hey Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hobelinan Mrs. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hofacker C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoffman G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hogan P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hogarah Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton HOLLERBACH JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Holt.lames, Cincinnati, Hamilton Holtzmnann Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Honing Frank,y Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of IH. Marshall & Co., in index. SAL 886 SAL' POST OFFICE COUNTY NAMR, SAL 887 SAL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Nelson Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton NIEBUHR JOHN H., Cincinnati, Hamilton NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Loucks Joseph. Cincinnati, Hamilton Lowengarten Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Luening Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Luning F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lurker Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lynch Thos., Cincinnati, Hamilton McAllister Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton McCollough Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton McDonnell & Atkinson, Cincinnati, Hamilton McGraff Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton McHale Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton McHugh P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mack David, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKay Wm. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mackey John, Cincinnati, Hamilton McLaughlin John, Cincinnati, Hamilton McLaughlin Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mangold Saml.. C n aE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Manison Wm. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Margraf Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mark Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Martin John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Martin & Dietrich, Cincinnati, Hamilton Marzluf Ernst, Cincinnati, Hamilton May George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mayleben Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nightheart Valentine, Cincinnati, Hamilton Norris James, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nugent Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Brien Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Neil l P eter, Cincinnati, Hamilton O'Rourke Jam es, Cincinnati, Hamilton Otto John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Otto L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Overberg H en ry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Parmerton & Scott, Cincinnati, Hamilton Peiper Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Peirano A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pengemann on Joh n T., Cincinnati, Hamilton Perran T., Cincinnati, Hamilton PETER MEINRAD, Cincinnati, Hamilton Peusckcer Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pfa u Phil lip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pfir A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Picket t H enry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Pickett John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Piepenbring Fra nk, Cincinnati, Hamilton Platz E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Podesta L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pollard James, Cincinnati, Hamilton lPowRell W. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pr ier G., Cincinnati, Hamilton PURCELL JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Puthoff H enry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Quetar A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Quinn Patrick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Quinlin Mrs. Maary, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rabe George, Cinncinati, Hamilton Ragg Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rautz Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rathgeber F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rau Max, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ravens H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reich G. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reidel George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Reimoardt G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reinermann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reinhardt John B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reinmund J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Reith Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Riley John, Cincinnati,' Hamilton Riley Mrs. J., Cincinnati, Itamilton Rollins & Biggs, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rominger Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosener H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosenfelder Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosswinkel Herinand, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roth John, - Cincinnati, Hamilton Roth Lewis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roth Stephen, Cincinnati, Hamilton Rother Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Rougger Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roth John, -Cnint,Hmlo Roth Lewis, Cnint,Hmlo Roth Stephen, Cnint,Hmlo Rother Wm., Cnint,Hmlo Rougger Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton MIULLIN BROTHERS, Cincirnati, Hamilton Mungenmaier August, Cincinnati, Hamilton Murphy E., -Cincinnati, Hamilton Murrin Luke, Cincinnati, Hamilton Naber G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Nardini Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Neaport R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Neighbour G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Neiporte Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nelson Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton orth hn, C Cincinnati, Hamilton - Saas Felix, Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't Knight Bro's Patent Solicitors, inside back cover. SAL 887 SAL McGraff Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mcllale Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton McHugh P., Cincinnati, Hamilton M,,tck ]David, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKay Wm. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mackey John, Cincinnati, Hamilton McLaughlin John, Cincinnati, Hamilton .McLaughlin Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mangold Saml.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Maiiison Wm. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton ',Nlargr,,if Clias., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mark Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Martin John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Martin -% ]Dietrich, Cincinnati, Ha.milton Marzluf Ernst,, Cincinnati, Hamilton May George, Cincinnati, Hamilton M,,tyleben Philip, Cincinnati, Hamilton Maylebeii & Btitterfass, Cincinnati, Hamilton Megliei- John, Cincinnati, Hamilton MEIER AUGLIST, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mciiiinger Cb,,is., Cincinnati, Hamilton Merboffer P. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Metzear Silas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyer H., Cincinnati, Hamilton kveyer Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Meyerose F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Miegel Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Miller John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mohrhaus B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Molloy J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Moorman Barney, Cincinnati, Hamilton Morris N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Morsch fl., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mosier Hiram, Cincinnati, If amilton Mueller Xavier, Cincinnati, Hamiltoia Mueller Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mulhauser J. U., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mulay P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Muller F., Cincinnati, Hamilton SAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 88 A NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Thaubauld Theodore, Cincinnati, Hamilton Timmerman John, Cincinnati, Hamilton TODD JAS. (See card, p. 179.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Trame B. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Trautwine Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Triekler B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Tropp Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Turner David, Cincinnati, Hamilton ULRICH A. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Uphof John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vocke H e nry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Voet C l ement, Cincinnati, Hamilton Vogelbech F. & A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Voight C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vonderheide Jos., Cincinnati, Hamilton Waechter Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wagenher Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wagn er J., Cincinnati, Hamilton WAGNER JACOB, Cincinnati, Hamilton Waldman Jacob, Cincinnati Hamilton WALKER'S EXCHANGE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weaver John L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Webb George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber Ge orge, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weber John A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wehmer & Rose, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wehmhoff D. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weiler Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weiman Fred., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weis Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Weller John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wenckam P., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wesling Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wesner B., Cincinnati, Hamilton West L. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiechelmann J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton WILLLAM TELL EXCHANGE, (See card, p. 174.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilmerton John, Cincinnati, H-amilton Wilson R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilzer Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton WOESSNER JNO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolf George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Yarrington Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Yenz George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeltner John E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zeppenfeld Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zieggler Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zimmer- Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Zimmerman Chas., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zoller E., Cincinnati, Hamilton ZUMSTEIN FRANK M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Zumstein John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Black Joseph, Circleville, Pickaway Davis J. & Co., Circleville,.Pickaway Hedges Joshua, Circleville, Pickaway HEIRY PATRICK, Circleville, Pick away Myers A., Circleville, Pickaway Rodepouch John, Circleville, Pickaway NAME POST OFFIOE COUNYY Sacksteter F., Cincinnati, Hamilton ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. (See card, p. 172.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Sampson John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sander Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sands Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schappe John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schembri & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schemel L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schlichter C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schmidt C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider Herman, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schnider George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schnitger J. H.,,:Cincinnati, Hamilton Shock F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schott Joseph F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schraudenbach Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sehrenher, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schroder F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schuman A., Cincihnati, Hamilton Schuster John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schwank L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schwartz W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schweneks C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Scintli Michael, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seaman Joseph, Cincinnati,' Hamilton Seidel Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Seitz Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton SELVES GEORGE. (See card, p. 172.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Shackleford James A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sheehan J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Short IM., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sidel Xavier, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sielschott B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Simon N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith John, Cincinnati, Hamilton SORGEL GEORGE, Cincinnati, Hamilton Sourbeck George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spader John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spears Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sponcel Christ, Cincinnati, Hamilton STAPLETON JOHN D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Steiff Thomas, Cincinnati Hamilton Steinburg Joel H1., agent, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steiner Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Steinke B., Cincinnati, Homilton Steinmann F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stewart Daniel, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stoppelkamp Geo., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stout Jim, Cincinnati, Hamilton Stoutz Christian, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strabel Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strohm John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Struve H. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sturwold H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Suffut G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Taphorn Gerhard, Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of R. H. & H. M. Magill, p. 2. SAL 888 SAL I 9 SAL NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Kleinschmidt A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kceber Godfry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kraus John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Krietz Arnold, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kunz Phillip, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lambeck Conrad, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lang Jaseph F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lawton Austin, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lauze Casper, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Laschner John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lashbrook John, Cleveland, Ouyahoga Law Mrs. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lewis.Thos., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lockwood D)., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lockwood S. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lucas V., Cleveland, Cuyahoga McNiel D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Meesner Frank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga MEYER GEORGE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Molter George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Murphy James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Neef John K., Cleveland, Cuyahoga O'Conner C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga oO'Donnell Patrick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Pickersgill Win., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Potts R. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rabitzky F. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Radder Charles, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ranseher John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Remington John G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Reuter Fred, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Richards James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Roof Frederick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Roof John P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Rouse George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Russell George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Samuel Wim., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Scafler H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Schutthelm Jo hn, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Schwind Mrs. Elizabeth, Haye HenryCleveland, Cuyahoga Scovall Frank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Severance Ja mes H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Shanks W m.in, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SISSON GEORGE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga SISSON & HUNTER, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith N., Cleveland, Cuyahoga SPEED GEORGE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Spracker & Cassett, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Steeg Jacob, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Talconnier F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Telling H., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Tharler Fr an k, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Tool Charle s, Cleveland, Cuyahoga VERCIH E. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Warren John R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Washington Saloon, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Watson John B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Weatherhead George, Cleveland, C~uyahoga Weckerling George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Weidenkopf F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Williams Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahloga Ward John A., Circleville, Pickaway Wittick G. F., Cirleville, PickCaway Wolfley Jerome, Circleville, Pickaway Adarns O. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Alhambra Saloon, Clevel.and, Cuyahocga Andrews Thos. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Angles Georg e, Cleveland. Cuyahoga Anigood F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bacher Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Baclkus Win., Cleveliand, Cuyahoga Barber A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Barnett James, Cleveland, Cuyaliog, Bankard J. C e., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bentz Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Bills & Mlabb, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Boylan Thos., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Brown James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Buck Michael, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Button Christian, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Chapin George M., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Connoley Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cook Mrs. Alaria, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cooney John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cowles Charles F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cozzens Alfred, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Cross George W., Cleveland, Cuyahcga Deinner J. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dooley P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dotherweick John, Cleveland, Cuyalhoga Egensperger Frank, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Elwood T., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fable John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Farley Mrs. J. E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Faulkner J. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga FAY A. R., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Filmer Win. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Finney Mrs. Mary, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Fischer F. H., Cleveland, Cuyalhog, Fraley M., Cleveland, Cuyaho,.i Gardner Joseph, Cleveland, Cuyahloga, Gibbins Peter, Cleveland, Cuyahogx:, Gibbons Geo., Cleveland, Cuyaho,% Giel Conrad, Cleveland, Cuy::ihog-t Gillam Michael, Cleveland, Cuy,,ihog~t Gratz Matthew, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Green George, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Green John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gubhart Lewis, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hlalworth Frederick, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Harrington Michael, Cleveland. Cuvahooa Hartons Robert, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ilaver J. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hayes Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Heckman Valentine, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hepplar Charles, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hlogan Simon, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hull S. D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kaiser M-lichael, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kavanagh Thos., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Kimberly Fred., Cleveland, Cuyahoga KINDSVATER POWELL, 58 889 SAL N&ME POST OFFICE COUNTY SAL POST OFFICE COUNTY Dayton. Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery DefilInce, Defiance Delaware, Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware, Delaware Delawa-re, Delaware Delphos, Allen Delphos, Allen Dresden, Mtiskingutm Eaton, Preble Eaton, Preble Edgerton, Williamns Eclgerton, Wlilliains Elid%, Allen Finley, Hancock Finley, IIancock Forest, flardin Firanklin, Warren Franklin Miills, Portage Fr.',nklini Mlills, Portage Fremont., Sandusky Fremont, Sandusky Hamnmold W., Collinsville, Butler Arnett E., Columbus, Franklin Bergin Bernard, Columbus, Franklin Burk Charles, Columbus, Frankli Capital Restaurant, Columbus, Franklin CLY JOHN, Colunmbus, Franklin Daley Dennis, Columbus, Franklin Early John, Columbus, Franklin Esper Philip, Columbus, Franklin Farber Jacob, Columbus, Franklin Farr James, Columbus, Franklin Goodman Joseph, Columbus, Franklin Gorham D., Columbus, Franklin Hartman John, Columbus Franklin Heenan James, Columbus, Franklin Heit Adam, Columbus, Franklin Hoyt E. J., Columbus, Franklin Janeson Andrew, Columbus, Fraifklini Kinney Henry, Columbus IFranklin Krop Louis, Columbus, Frankllin Lennon Dominick, Columnbus, Franklinl Lewis F., Columbus, Frankl in Lindenburg Theodore, Columbus, Franklin Noethlhch Albert, Columbus, Franklin Ogden Samuel E., Columbus, Franklin O'Hara John, Columbus, Franklin Pfeifer Peter, Columbus, Franklin Reed John H., Columbus, Franklin REYNOLDS HOBBY, Columbus, Franklin Righart & Henring, Columbus, Franklin Schmidt George, Columbus, Franklin Schoeller John, Columbus, Franklin SCHREINER HENRY, Columbus, Franklin Speed James H., Columbus, Franklin Swift Mrs. D., Columbus, Franklin Wise A. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Woellner Jacob, Columbus, Franklin Armitage James, Crestline, Crawford Mieyers N., Crestline, Crawford Bless K., Dayton, Montgomery Hagan C., Dayton, Montgomery Heinz Daniel, Dayton, Montgomery tleinz Louis, Dayton, Mlontgomiery Horberg Daniel, Dayton, Montgomery Kopp John, Dayton, MNontgornery Lang Frederick, Dayton, Mlontgomery Leonhart P., Dayton, Montgomery Long G., Dayton, Montgomery Rheiner E., Dayton, Montgomery Rozier John, Dayton, Montgomery Shannon H1. N., Dayton, Montgomery Shull F. B., Dayton, Montgomery Spang A., Dayton, Montgomery Spang F. A., Dayton, Montgomery Spangler(G., Dayton, Montgomery Stephens Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Vodegel F., Dayton, Montgomery W~iley Alexander, Dayton, Montgomery Speed James H., Columbus, Franklin F rank I., Hiilton, Swift Mrs. D., Columbus, Franklin Get,z Conrad, Haliuton it, Wise A. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Henes John A., llamiltonu Woellner Jacob, Colurmbus, Frranklin Hlltilker H., Itiiiltoiu Armitage James, Crestline, C(rawford I-Hoffmain John, llmilton,. Mieyers N., Crestline, Crawford Huber Philip, llamilton, ] Bless K., Dayton, Montgomery Humback Jacob, Hamilton, Hagan C., Dayton, Monttgomery Hiiumbback Peter, I-Hamiltton, i Heinz Daniel, Dayton, Mlontgomery Keller V., IlHmilton B Heinz Louis, Daytoii, Alontgomier7y Lemikeele Anton, lHainiltoi, ] Horberg Daniel, Dayton, Montgomery Loehr Jacobl, I tamilton, Kopp John, Dayton, MNontgornery Luttringer C. -I., t-iamilton, ] Lang Frederick, Dayton, Mlontgomery Maar Mathias, Hamilton, Leonhart P., Dayton, Montgomery AMcGovern Michael, Hamilton, ] Long G., Dayton, AMontgomery IMason Martin, Hamilton, l Rheiner E., Dayton, MHontgomery Miller John, Haliltol Bui Rozier John, Dayton, Montgomery Scliamm Michael, IHamilton B Shannon H1. N., Dayton', Montgomery Sebold ~aillian, t amilton, 1 Shull F. B., Dayton, Montgomery Steinley Frank,' -Iamilton, ]Bl Spang A., Dayton, Montgomery Wasel Aden, Hamilton, ] Spang F. A., Dayton, MLontgomery YoYun,g Jacob, Hamilton, 2 Spangler G., Dayton, Montgomery Dooer Fred., Ironton, Law Stephens Jacob, Dayton, Montgomery Gale George, Ironton, Law Vodegel F., Dayton, Montgomery James Samuel, Ironton, Law Wiley Alexander, Dayton, Montgomery Kelly, Ironton, Law See advt. of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp. front cover. SAL 890, NAME Willi,,tms Louis, Zweiler C., Bower Joseph, Barr,,ith G., Kerins P., Oesterle F., S h a.,e N.,. Hodde Williani, Kro,,er Joseph, Greene B. F. Degrott A. B" Lockwood G. P-,., Needb,irt.S., Snider II., Ragaii Eli, H,,.tll Cb-.lrlcs, St.,,lckhouse T. J., Brown Peter, Iloseii John, Br,,tclley C. C., K.eller I-T., Hibe,,,-t J., dusky wf'ord wford wford wford wford wfoi,d oliiery omery oinery Butler Btitlt,r Ilut-ler P-,,. it Ior B-,it;ler Biitle.-c L'ut.l.ei But,lei, Butler -Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler 13utler Butler Butler Butler rence rence rence rence NAAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAhIE POST OFFICE COUNTY MIcGineli R., Ironton, Lawvrence Childs F. E. & Co., Mount Liberty, Knox Morrison James, Ironton, Lawrence Ardner's Saloon, Mount Vernon, Knox Smith D., Ironton, Lawrence Murphey D., Mount Vernon, Knox CHESTNUT JOHN, Jackson, Jackson Opera Saloon, Mount Vernon, Knox Warden Stephen, Jackson, Jackson Upfold W., Mount Vernon, Knox WINFOUGI- D. W., Jackson, Jackson McCormick George W. Napoleon, Henry Heineleine John, Kelly's Island, Erie Scott John W., Nelsonville, Athens Butcher & Show, Kenton, Hlardiii Belton Richard, Newark, Lickliing Furney Luther, Kenton" Hardin Christian L. R., Newark, Licking MINICH D.J., Kenton, laidin Cortney J., Newark, Licking Searight T. J.? Kenton, IHarldin -English Thomas, Newark, Licking Groff Joseph F., Lancaster, Fairfield EPPS & HONEYCUTT, Newark, Licking Laudabaugh & Little, Lancaster, Fairfield Knosman Henry, Newark, Licking Rob nson John N., Lancaster, Failfield Myers Andrew, Newark, Licking Strad(er Hi., Lancaster, Fairfield! Overturf M., Newark, Licking Weitzel Jacob, Lancaster, Fairfield Baeter WV. E., Atkinson & Bone, Lebanon W arren Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Anthony Charles, Lima, Allen Vanwert John COLLINS D D., Lima, Allen Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Slihepardl J. I). & Co., Lima, Allen Knapp Fred, New London, Iluron Shine B. J., Lima, Allen Eichiel & Zellner, Ulliman Emanuel, Lima, Allen New Philadelphia, TuLscarawas VanMarter & Co., Lima, Allen Korns Robert, Travis A., Little Iocking, WaslIingtont New Philatdelphia, Tuscarawas 13reever P., Little Sandusky, Wyandot Phillips G. T., Wright F., London, Madison New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Ramsey J. MI. C. & Brother. Rothliley P. C., Loveland, Clermont New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas. Johnston W. A., McArthur, Viiitoii Shannon C., Lovell J., McArthur, Vintoii New Phlliladelphia, Tusear'twas Smit C., MAcArthui, Viuto1 Ilofsteater J., Newton Falls, Trumbull Bieber Johlri, Manlsfieldl. llichland Hadley E. B., Norwalk, Huron Kline John, Mansfield Richland Josliii & Parker, Norwatli, Huron MAatthes A.daii, Mansfield, Richland Weber L., Norwalk, Huron Mylers A., Mansfield, Richland Clark A. E., Orrville, WTayne Net iher Jon B., L Mansfield, Richland Brandenberg James,' Oxford, Butler Shack Anthony, Mansfield, Bichliland Davis F. P., Oxford, Butler Sickmiiller Peter, Mansfield, Richland White F. B. & Bro., Oxford, Butler Thomas G., Mansfield, Richlancld BAKER IRA T., Painesville, Lake Tholmas J. R., Mansfield, Richland Butler Byron, Painesville, La,ke Coirath F., MAarietta, Washington Lindsey Jacob S., Painesville, Lake Krntier John, Marion, Marion Ware John E. & Co., Piketon, Pike Labrichl Philip, Marion, Marion Schubert A., Piqua, Miami M.liller Martin, jr., Marion, Marion Spangenberg C., Piqua, Mliami Wilson S. & Co., Marion, Marion Golion Mrs., Pomeroy, Meigs Rathbun J. N., Marysville, Union Mayer August, Pomeroy, Meigs Baker David, Mason, Warren Olinger Henry. Pomeroy, Meigs McCurdy J., Mason, Warren REUTER A., Pimeroy, Meigs Breckle F., Massillon, Strik Shipman E. F., Pomer oy, MIeigs Martin A., Massillon, Staik Berssler Jacob, Portsmouth Scioto Manln Jacob, Miami, lHmilton Dryfus Barnhart, Portsmouth, Scioto Dodd William, Miamisburg, Montgomnery Forbush C., Portsmouth, Scioto Huit Henry, Miamisburg, Montgomery Fox Conrad, Ports.mouth, Scioto Kennel Adam, Miamisburg, Montgomery Friedltander Solomnon, Portsmouth, Scioto Zapp Philip, Mliamisburg, Montgomery Geiger G., Portsmouth, Scioto Blanz Mrs. A., Middletown, Butler Itoenis Peter, Portsmouth, Scioto Lamb Adamrn, Middletown, Butler Humnmel David, Portsmouth, Scioto Wohford Johni, MAiddletown, Butler Lloyd T. G., Portsmouth, Scioto Gustin Samuel R., Morrow, Warren Marle A., Portsmouth. Scioto Jones A., Morrow, Warren Martin A. L., Portsmouth, Scioto THOMNPSON JAMES, Morrow, Warren Mayer G., Portsmouth, Scioto Weeks James, Morrow, Warren Misner A. E., Portsmouth, Scioto Boigegrain Joseph, Mount Eaton, Wayne Oehley Jacob, Portsmouth, Scioto Brungger J. J., jr., Mount Eaton, Wayne Prendergast Pat, Portsmoutn, Scioto See advt. of J. L. Wayne & Son, opp. index to Cities, Towns, &e. SAL 891 SAL SAL 89 A NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Redenger M., Portsmouth, Scioto Turner Company Saloon, Portsmouth, Scioto Vetter Joseph, Portsmouth, Scioto 'Willis William, Portsmouth, Scioto Parsons M., Ravenna, Portage Haas F., Ross, Butler Herrman Jacob, Ross, Butler Jennings W. T., Salem, Columbiana McKINSTRY JAMES, Salem, Columbiana Walter A., Salem, Columbiana Bauman C., Sandusky, Erie Bauman John, Sandusky, Erie Beatey B. W., Sandusky, Erie Bergmoser George, Sandusky. Erie Butts Brothers, Sandusky, Erie Buyer John, Sandusky, Erie Exter M., Sandusky, Erie Frohman Henry, Sandusky, Erie Ilagy G., Sandusky, Erie KUGLER J., Sandusky, Erie McDermott Patrick, Sandusky, Erie Nichols J. H., Sandusky, Erie Ransbottom George, Sandusky, Erie Schafefer C., Sandusky, Erie Schaefier Frederick, Sandusky, Erie STAHL GEORGE, Sandusky, Erie Traub Louis, Sandusky, Erie Unkrick Peter, Sandusky, Erie Wagener J., Sandusky, Erie Weiker J., Sandusky, Erie WILDENTHIAL CHARLES, Sandusky, Erie Marlatt S., Scott, Adams Coltman J. Shelby, Richland Maidens J., Shelby, Richland Hunter A. C., Shreve, Wayne Adams Nicholas, Sidney, Shelby Fielding Williams, Sidney, Shelby I-enemann Henry, Sidney, Shelby liurly Joseph, Sidney, Shelby Kelsey Guy C., Sidney, Shelby Stehley Albert N., Sidney, Shelby YOUNG JACOB, Sidney, Shelby Totten George, Somerville, Butler Waggoner F, Somerville, Butler Reeder R. B., South Charleston, Clark Buck & Furnish, Springfield, Clark Duke G., Springfield, Clark Kooffman Paden, Springfield, Clark Korn J., Springfield, Clark Peabody A. J., Springfield, Clark Shaffner J., Springfield, Clark Shamfner M., Springfield, Clark White D. T., Springfield, Clark Boyer John, Steubenville, Jefferson Ceulton George, Steubenville, Jefferson Feist A., Steubenville, Jefferson FISHER M., Steubenville, Jefferson Hughes P., Steubenville, Jefferson Keller George, Steubenville, Jefferson Lashley E., Steubenville, Jefferson McAuley John, Steubenville, Jefferson McDonald John, Steubenville, Jefferson POST OFFICE COUNTY Steubenville, Jefferson Steubenville, Jefferson Steubenville, Jefferson Stryker, Williams ~ Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Tiffin, Seneca Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas ,, Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas A., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas 3, Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Luicas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas 1, Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas S., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas harles H., Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, l ucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas See advt. of Wm. Wiswell, Jr., opp. index to Cities, Towns, &c. SAL 892 SAL NAME Owesne James, Shafer E. H., Wircherer G-eo., Cole & Barber, Collins J. D., Deam A., Grummel F., Hartman J. G., Smith G., B,,.tither Gustavus, Bradley T., Brandt William, Brewster M. L., Buchner T., Buehler Louisa, Carey Henry, Ceck G., Conley Patrick, Deibel Fred, Delaney John, Denny Abraham, Douglass flor,,tce,. Enne Fritz, Finley W., Fitzpatrick Joseph Foley John, Frederick G., Gaetschenberger F George John S., Gigler Louis, Gorgen John, Graham P., Hammer Fred, Hasenz,,i,hl Wendl Hauser John M., Hilbery George, Hoffman John Holland John, Jackson As,,l, Just Ferdinand, Kapp George, Kelley J. D., Kiser Martin, Klives A., Koch J. G McCarthy Edward ,Nleissner J. C., Meyer Johii M., iNtILLF,R JACOB il'Iyers Regin-,i, Obitz A., O'Maiex G., Pikerton Joseph, Plagges J. H. Y., Rall Z., Ryan Michael, ,'chmelzpfc-rinig C Schridely George, Shiffer Robert, Steinman Jacob -~~A 89 SA NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Alkire Wm. MI., Williamsport, Pickaway GOETZ HENRY, Wilmington, Clinton Lenz C., Wooster, Wayne Limb M., Wooster, Wayne Young L., Wooster, Wayne SMITH WMl. B. & KERCH, Xenia, Greene Sroufe Marion, Xenia, Greene Zimmermn.n Henry, Xenia, Greene BAYER J., Yonngstown, Mahoning Davis T., Youngstown, Mlahoning Lehmann L., Youngstown, Mahoning McCune S. W., Youngstown, Mahoning Medbury Charles D., Youngstown, Mahoning Phillips John, Youngstown, Mahoning Radel John, Youngstown, Mahoning Ua Ross J. W., Youngstown, Mahoning Cp Smith E., Youngstown, Mahoning Smith John J., Youngstown,'vlahoning Phillips John,g u m Ross l. W., Yugtw,Mhnn Smith E., Yugtw,Mhnn Smith John J., Youngstown, Mahoning hUBBELL. II., rbana, CampaignAtkison MN. B., Zanesville, Muskingum Wynn Frank, Toledo, Lucas Young John, Toledo, Lucas Kramer C. H., Troy, Miami Leib F., Troy, Miami Ritter Charley, Troy, Miami Saner George, Troy, Miami Whiteman W. A., Troy, MIiami Baileyv N., Twinsburg, Summit Dorlser E. G. Union, Darke Espy Thomas, Union, Darke Minster R., Union, H)arke Stat e Edward C., Union, Darke Stauber Jacob, Union, Darke Vatil H., Union, Darke Nick C., I Unionvill e C enter, Union Stein George, Upp er Sandusky, WyanMot Tribolet A. G., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot C o llins O. P., Urbana, Champaign Hourigan T., Urbana, Champaign IhUBBELL J. H., Urbana, Champaign Gribbell John, Van Bu ren, Hancock Osthimer Joseph, Van Buren, Hancock Beber Charles, V an Wert, Van Wert Eiaber David, Vermillion, Erie Johnston Daniel, Vermillion, Erie Young J. B., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Keller I. H., Warren Trumbull Gardner T. F., Washington C. H., Fayette Minnick John, Wellington, Lorain Dehoff John, Wellington, Lorain Burke 1f., West Aleliandria, Preble Johnson Samuel, WVest. Alexandriia, Preble Kelly D. N., West Alexandria, Preble Melharn, Close & Co., West Cairo, Allen Word J. P., West Cairo, Alien Collins D., West Charleston, Miami Engelsperde Lorenzo, West Jefferson, Aladison Zanesville, Muskingum Brow Elijoah, Zanesville, Mauskingum Cooper H.., Zanesville, Mluskingum Gebhart Lewis, Zanesville, Muskingum Hefner John, Zanesville, vluskingum Kiebs Johng E., Zanesville, Muskingum Lee Sa ru el e, (col.s) Zanesville, Muskingum Boaur J., Zanesville, Muskingum Coingle Samuel, Zanesville, Muskingum RA@TCLIFF JOHIN. (See card, p. 644.) Zanesville, Muskingum Reedel C., Zanesville, Muskingum Rodgers J.hL., Zanesville, Muskingum Smock E. T., Zanesville, Muskingum Stinbauer F., * Zanesville, Muskingum Win ter Conrad, Zanesville, Muskingum Wolf Jerry, Zanesville, Muskingum SAW MILLS. (Steam Mills marked thus, a.) Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Atwater, Portage Austinburg, Ashtabula Austinburg, Ashtabula Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain Avon, Lorain y, Ayersville, Defiance K., Ayersville, Defiance Bainbridge, Ross es, Bainbridge, Ross Bainbridge, Ross Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Bantam, Clermont Barnesville, Belmont Barnesville, Belmont Batesville, Guernsey Hill & Son, aJohnson S. M., McElroy J., aMaxwell, Davis & Co., Tressel John, Hague R., aFredricks & Anderson, Wertenberger D., aHammer & Marsh, Stine )David, Ame aKinegy H. A., Munger J. D., An aTanner W., A aThonas S. B. & D., aArthur T. LI., aSmith & Wood, IHerrold Joseph, See advt. of Edwin May's Patent Jail, page 865. SAW 893 SAW NAIQE POST OFFICE COUNTY afarnsworth Gardner Francis, bbeyville, Medina bbeyville, Medina Acadia, Allen Ada, Hardin Ada, Hardin Ada, Hardin Ada, Hardin Adena, Jefferson Adrian, Seneca Albion, Ashland Alert, Butler sterdam, Jefferson Ansonia, Darke ntwerp, Paulding -ntwerp, Paulditig Arcanum, D,-trke Ashland, Ashland Ashley, Delaware Athens, Athens allazen Wn-i. P., amix S. R., arussell & Co, Holbrook C., apalmer S. B., Van Neal Henry, Van Neal S., awilliams H. H., abrechbelle Ilenr atate J. W. & A. Benner John, aMeLau'hlin Jam Platter Andrew, Bassett A., Leeds I., Snyder John W., ab,,lrlow & Eddy, awhite Jesse, Jones Joseph, NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Nicoll James, Bell Air, telemont aBelpre Mill Co., aPollock & Johnston, Belle Center, Logan Center Belpre, Washington aCanan R. & Son, Belle Point, Delaware Howell L., Chandlersville, %luskingum Frederick S. P., Belle Point, Delaware Phister C. & M., Chatfield, Crawford Bowers D., Belleville, Richland aSears & Stewart, Chatfield, Crawford Pierce Orlando, Belleville, Richland Wagner & flanawalt, Chatham, Licking aBrubaker H., Bellevue, Huron aDeshler & MIouirn, Chauncey, Atlhens aLeedorrm & Brownfield, Adams J., Chester, Meigs Bentonville, Adamns Goren Jolhn, Cheste, Mleigs Hulet F., Berea, Cuyahoga Goren S,, Chester, MIeigs Morse C. N., Berea, Cuyahoga Knight B. & C., Chester, Meigs Murphy Wm., Berea, Cuyahoga Smith J., Chester, Mleigs aFolk John, Berlin Center. MIahoning Wells M, Chester, Meigs aSteele Nelson, Berlin Center, Mahoning aHooper J. & N.. Cliester Hill, Morgan aHllill E. I., Berlin Heights, Erie alHaginger & Sulcer, Chillicotlhe, Ross Hine T. B., Berlin Heights, Erie along M. E., Christiansburg, Climpaign aMeCoy Benj., Berne, Noble Bailey E. & Son, Cincinnati, IIE inilton aWilliams & Pauly, Bethany, Butler Baldwin, Whaitely & Co., Faweet Thos W., Bethesda, Belmont Cincinnati. I-Harmilton aThompson D., Big Plain, Madison aGlenn M. & L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Woods Wm., Big Plain, Madison JOHNSON, MORTON & CO. (See card aCusuk W., Blanchester, Clinton p. 148.) Gincinnati, Hlmilton aLasure E., Blanchester, Clinton Kelly Hugh, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHllernsicker John C., Bloomville, Seneca aMack James, Cincinnati, Hlamilton Powers F., Boardman, MIahoning Albright F., Clarksburg, Ross atStanley Joseph, Bowersville, Greene Hains D., Clarksburg, Ross Goodrich Wm. P., Braceville, Trumbull Mowrey A.,., Clarksbiirg, Ross Hurd Isaac, 11raceville, Trumbull aSatchels H., C(,larksbiirg, Ross STOWE F. E., Braceville, Trumbull aPeck Henry, Clarksfield, Huron Stewart & Keeline, Bridgeport, Belmont Tucker Uriali, Clarksfield, Huron eWalt J. & Co., Brighton, Lorain aBishop John D., Clement, Htancock Pike & Bogue, Brimfield, Portagc aHlank Jacob, Clement, HIncock aUnderwood L., Brimfield, Portage Powell Jacob,. Clement, lltancock Hendershott Jacob, Bristol, Morgan Powell John, Clement, LI ncock Barb Isaac, Bristolville Trumbull Rickets J. E., Clement, tIancock aDorr D. & Co., Bristolville, TirumbNll Rinehart Geo., Clemneut, Hancock McBride Wm, Bristolville, Trumbull aSNANK JOHN, Clement, Halncock Morley A., Bristolville, Trumbull Purcival John F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga aMunson H. B., Bristolville, Trumbull aThorpe A., Clyde, Sandusky Sager Wm., Bristolville, Trunimbill aWlite & Sharon, Colerain, Belmont Vradenburg Wm., Bristolville, Trumbull allanold Jacob, Columbiana, Columbiana aDavis Peter, Brownsville, Licking Church & Curtiss, Concord, Lake Hilton Brice, Brunersburg, Defiance Stickney J., Concord, La,ke Croskey John, Buckeye Cottage, Perry Fink S.,' Cornersburg, Mihoning Rathburn W. P. & Co., aLynn F., Cornersburg, M.lioning Buckeye Furnace, Jackson Aldrich Sylvester, Corsica, Morrow aBowexs & De Lancy, Bucyrus, Crawford aSell Adam, Corsica, Morrow Robins P. D., Buffalo, Guernsey Lloyd W. & Bro., Cranberry, Allen aSecrest H. & J., Buffilo, Guernsey Lonstreth Wm., Dayton, Montgomery a Secrest & Miller, Buffalo, Guernsey Graper J. D., Defiance, Defiance Runnel D. J., Butler, Richland Shriver & Neer, De Graff, Logan aGeorge & Wilson, Ci.diz, Harrison Staley C. P.,'e Graff, Logan aMorris & Jewett, aDimmock & Thompson, Delphos, Allen Cadiz Junction, Harrison Golden J. C., Downington, Meigs aDarmer David, Canal Fulton, Stark aTingler & Co., Dresden, Muskingum aClewel J. H., Canfield, MIahoning Corbin Jos., Dublin, Fianiklin VICKERS JAMES, Cass, Hancock aMcNeelin, Ivers & Co., aWineland George, Cass, Hancock Doiubarton, Adams aBURTON WM., tasstown, Miami Austin C., East Liberty, Logan Martin H., Castalia, Erie aboveless T., East Liberty, Logan Baker & Ferrell, Celina, Mercer aReaves Wm., East Liberty, Logan Armstrong C., Cherry M. H., East Monroe, Highland Center Belpre, Washington aActon J. P., Eaton, Preble aBarris -, Center Belpre, Washington aMeelen J., Ea1ton, Preble See advt. of G. Cary & Co., p. 863. SA W 894 SAW SAW NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Giesy Emanuel, Kyger, Gallia aaCocBride B. F., Leipsic, Putnam Lavis & Hahn, Lexington, Richland Barrows F. A., Little Hocking, Washington Frost A., Little Hocking, Washington Arnold S. C., Liverpool, A edina FMHackelbarger Geo., Liverpool, Medina aParimalee A. S., Liverpool, Medina aAndreas John, Lodi, Medina aLoomis T. G., Lodi, Medina aWinters Win., Lodi, Medina iMoody M., Log Cabin, Morgan aMowrus ilMilton, Log Cabin, Morgan aKleder Geo., London, Madison Bell S. A., Loveland, Clermont Dorurn J., Lucas, Richland Ma rks A., Lucas, Richland Chaffen R., Lyra, Scioto Fry Freeman, McArthur, Vinton Lowrey John, McArthur, Vinton a.ge cDowell J. S., MIcArthur, Vinton Cain Hlenry K., Mlaineville, Warren aGreely Elias II., Maineville, Warreiien aWiler & Caul, Mlnsfield, Richland Dormenimiller & Co., aeaver Gbie,arshallsville, Wayne STEINMETZ N., Marshallsville, Wayne aCunningliam.n R. H., Mason, Wairen naMNerydith, Day & Kirkpatrick, ClMasterton, Monroe Dicks & Johnson, Maumee City, Lucas aGucher IM., Maxlimo, Stark Maltz John, Maximo, Stark Hershey J., Medway, Clark Gilson Abner, MIesopotamia, Trumbull aWoodford Lester, NAME POS' at/ill Wm., aChapman & Ch.owdee Gilbert George, aDeilhl Eli, E] aDeihl II., E amilln oer Hiram, F aWilty & Frease, F aBrown N., aCollins R., aParish S., aYoung A., aDowns & Co., aWestervelt J., aComan Robert, alveaver Gabriel, Wilcox & Ketring, McCartney Wilson, aButler J. J., Neff A. W., Garrigues C. & R. T., Gre en Iill, Columbiiana odr Watsoni, Hale, Halrdin Coppage, Hamilton, Butler B. & J. B., Hamilton, Butler H., Hanover, Licking Bro., Ilarmer, Washiington Harpersfield, Ashtabula bs & Ransom, Ilarpersfield, Ashtabula H-arrisonville, Meigs aMesopotamia, Trumbull aCulon It., Metamora, Fulton aHaardiker George, Metamora, Fulton a::{utherland J'ts., Metamora, Fulton iHilt John D., Miamisburg, Montgomery aBrown & Blackister, Middlebourne, Guernsey Reed James, Milford Center, Union aWoo dworth As,, Milford Center, Union Bell S. M. & A. T., Millersburg, Holmes Israel Frank, MAlillwood, Knox WRIGHT G. R. & SON, Milton, M,ahoning E vans F. T., Monclova, Lucas aSimpson J., Montra, Shelby Aaustin L. I-I., MNontville, Geaug., I., Hillsboro', Highland Evans F. T., Monclova, Lucas ,aerrill, Ironton, Lawrence aSimpson J., Montra, Shelby BeieJh, Kalida, Putnam Austin L. I-I., ontville, Geauga a., Kelloggsville, Ashtabula aPinkerton & HIerrold, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Mount Eaton, Wayne , Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Slhaffer Peter, Mount Liberty, Knox Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Youngblood Wnm., Mount Liberty, Knox ber, Kelloggsville, Ashtabula aWarman Saml., Mount Orab, Brown Kelloggsville, Ashtabula aMiller & Lutz, Mount Victory, Hardin Kennonsburg, Noble aPonnock Isaac W., sy h, Kenton, IHardin Mount Victory, Hardin Cunningham, aLeming R. B., Mulberry, Clermont Kimbolton, Guernsey Wilstead & Tresslur, Napoleon, Henry axtnPV., Kyger, Gallia Claypool N. F., Nashport, Muskingum See advt. of White Lead and Zinc Works, p. 863. I I I 895 SAW '"dinbtirg, Portage 11swortli, inl,,tlloning llswoi-t,h, ialaboning sville, ,lontgoniery Feesbtirg, B ro wn s AIills, Wasl)in gton Mills, Washington s Mill.,,-, I-V,, -tsliington Forest,, Ilardin lin Furnace, Scioto nklii-i Mills, Portage klin ialills, Portage re,,tse's Store, Stark re,,tse7s Store, Stark Freedom, Portage Freedom, Portage Freedom, Portage Freedom, Portage Fremont, Sai-idusl,,y Galena,, Do]-aware Galiglicr, Guernsey Gern,i,-Ln, Darke German, Darke Girard, Tr-tti-nbull Granville, Licking Gratis. Prebl,3 Fellows A., I.larries Will 1-farshman Burnet Jose Feme B.'' jr., Wilson agill & Glo (ttrimble W. (tsava-ge & Bodine John D,ilryniple Ilawkiiis J., Smith D. H., Smith E., Smith &,- Bar Tiiiker W., Burson Jos., aespy John, McC,,thaii & abuxton D. SAW NAMIE POST OFFICE COUINTY aNye N. R., Pomeroy, Meigs aStocker Edward, Port Washington, Tuscarawas Pilcher Joshua, Port William, Clinton Baker Willi,ram, Pratt, Shelby Staley N., Pratt, Shelby aRacine Mlll Co., Racine, Meigs aSilliman & B-o., Racine, Meigs allobatt E. & E.,,Radnor, Delaware alnskeep J,mes I., Raymond's, Union aScott & Middleton, Republican, Darke Ma.rrings, White & Co., Republican, Darke aC,, trell E., Richmonid, Jefferson NAME Pl aMiers & Michael, aJunk & Westover, Buskirk J., Cleveland N. G., aGillmore Henry, Punderson Daniel, Baxter W. E., Newcoo aCraig William, Newcorr aWilson R., Ne aRec ter H. C., Ne aDisbrow J. R. A., ,Hemenway T., aRoberts Sandl. R., a'.lcWilliams J., New Me Carr John, N aWert & Co., N Allen A. N., Ne Beaver J. F., Ne Beaver J. P, Ne RcErvin C., Ne Armstrong f. M., aM ERRIC [~ C. H., aAnthony G., Nort Boley D., Nort: Gault R., Nort: Newhard S., Nort Young Wn., Nort: Andas W., North L, Hollingsworth, Rayn North L AMAGERS, STAUFE Nort Ott J. G., North &Bradford, aWiley Joseph, Davis thomas & Co., Jones Daniel & Co., McCline, eSnavely Joseph, Kraemer A., aMcCURDY DAVID Burnhart Martin, Pancoast S. M., r Dull Noah, Ray John W., Rockey D. & H., Smith & Updike, Tift L. P., Beachter John, Calhoun Thomas, Gladden Joseph, Vance A., Van Zile Perry, Zimmerman A. D., Smith E. J. & Co., aBowman & Writer, Rimeam Isaiah aOglevie D., aN~orse H. K., aThorn J. M., Wicks & B~uzzart, See aC,,~trell E., Richmond, Jefferson aBrown E. B., Richmond Center, Ashtabula aScofield J., Ridgeville Corners, Henry aBarker J. II. S., Rochester Depot, Lorain Callen C. W., Rockville, Adams aRickeybaugh John, Rodney, Gallia aBIeach W. J., Ruggles, Ashland Knowlton S. S., Ruggles, Ashland Messenger Wm. B., Ruggles, Ashland Irick J., - Rushlisylvania, Logan Pimmi & Bro., Rushsylvania, Logan atBuroker & Batdorf, Saint Paris, Champaign Clark Thlomas G., Samantha, IIighland Rodgers A.. Y., Samanitha, Highland Bates E., Sarahlsville, Noble Danford J. & S., Siiahsville, Noble aNesbitt & Trimble, Saridis, Monroe aLewellen & Co., Scott, Adams Crosen C. Senecaville, Guernsey awNRa rd John, Senecaville, Guernsey Shreve Calebl), Shreve, Wayne Gregg Elijah, Somerton, Belmont Edmonds Belnjiamin, Somerville, Butler aKeller John, South Olive, Noble Rowlands James, South Olive, Noble Orely John, Spring Mountain, Coshocton Cable & McKinney, Steubenville, Jefferson arGiadwell Stephen, Steubenville, Jefferson aflicking,er eL Co., Sulphur Spring, Crawford RHacklert Jonas, Sulphur Spring, Crawford McKee J. G., Sulphur Spring, Crawford Ream & Brenico, Sulphur Spring, Crawford eh Jns ndHays M'., Swanton, Fulton Houlett Thomas, Swanton, Fulton Carls Alfred, Sycamore, Wyyandot Leeper Peter, Sycamore, Wyandot rHarris 11. G., Sylvia, Hardin Alston M. P., Symmes' Corner, Butler aKennedy D., Tuscarawvas, Tuscarawas Atkinson & Greely, Twenty Mile Stand, Warren Paxton Samuel, Twenty Mile Stand, Warren aHlerrick D., jr., Twinsburg, Summit aIlerrick J. T., Twinsburg, Summit adv't of R. II. & II. M. IL agill, p. 2. 896 SAW SEW 897 SEW GROVaeI & n3MAKn3f t' S Celebrated Family and Manufacturing MACHINES, 58 West Fourth St., CINCINNATI, 0. A new and improved Shuttle Machine, for Tailors' use, price $50. use, price $50. NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aChesher T., West Middlebury, Logan Cook J. M., Weymouth, Medina Hickcox Wm., Weymouth, Medina Stiles James, Weymouth, Medina Tiffany Henry, Weymouth, Medina aSterling John, Whartonsburg, Wyandot Barnes J., Wilkesville, Vinton Jones T., Wilkesville, Vinton Beek & Swigart, Winfield, Tuscarawas a[-arkins John, Woodington, Darke aSmith & Fairchilds, Woodstock, Champaign NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Ledshan Alfred, Twinsburg, Summit allays & Johnson, Uhricsville, Tuscarawas Ulrich Be snj., Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Cramer & Kinnev, Van Buren, Hancock ctDavison A., Van Buren, Hancock Leonard & Wells, Ver m illion, Erie aBeach A., Vernon, Trumbull aBeach Miles E., Vernon, Trumbull Carmer A., Vernon, Trumbull Henry W., Vernon, Trumbull aBartholomew E., Vienna, Trumbull Fuller L., Vienna, Trumbull Moller L., Vienna, Trumbull Munson Wm. C., Vienna, Trumbull aPennell J. & Co., Waldo, Martin aMouch M., Wapakoneta, Auglaize Wright 0. J., Waynesville, Warren aLong & Marshal, Wellington, Lorain Smith & Elliott, Wellington, Lotiain Stubbs & Vantrum, West Elkton, Preble SEWING MACHINE AGENTS AND DEALERS.' Fitch Wm., Abbeyville, Medina Cook Stanton, Center Village, Delaware SPRECHER GEORGE, Arcanum, Darke WRIGHT JOHN D. (See card, p. 75.) Dwight H. L., Austinburg, Ashtabula Chester Hill, Morgan Manlove John G., Bainbridge, Ross Skerrett Wm., Chillicothe, Ross McLane Robert, Barnesville, Belmont Boeckley A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Little W. R., Bellevue, Huron BRAMAN W. E. & CO. (See adv'ts in Strong B. F., Bellevue, Huron index, and pages 100 and 898.) Booth J. P., Berlin Center, Mahoning Cincinnati, Hamilton Baldwin J., Blanchester, Clinton Burtman H. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Baldwin J. G., Blanchester, Clinton Evans Platt, jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton Newton Warner, Boardman, Mahoning Finkle & Lyons, Cincinnati, Hamilton McKenzie Eli, Bourneville, Ross GROVER & BAKER. (See card, p. 897.) Nichols J. T., Bowersville, Greene Cincinnati, iHamilton Gardner P. W., Bristolville, Trumbull Gury F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sager H. F., Bristolville, Trumbull Jouvet & Co,, Cincinnati, Hamilton Werntz Martin, Canal Fulton, Stark KNIFFIN G. C. & CO. (See card, p. 152.) Hammon Alvin, Casstown, Miami Cincinnati, Hamilton Woods J. S., Castalia, Erie LADD, WEBSTER & CO. (See card, p. Gilbert John L., 152.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Centre Belpre, Washington Mosig & Hesterburg, Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of Geo. Crawford & Co., opp. index to cities, towns, etc. ISEW 897 SEW If, - ~Elderkin & Ferguson, Woodville, Sandusky aRud, Miller & Co., Xenia, Greene Byres Wm. A., Youngstown, MIahoning aChapman C. C., Youngstown, Mahoning Hanna R. G., Youngstown, Mahoning aWilliams & Coss, Youngsville, Adams aNIiller James, Zanesville, Muskingum I 898 ADVERTISEMENT. Our Machines are put before the public on their merits. They will be fo~,nd equal to the most expensive machines in all the following particulars, and in some respects altogether superior. 1st-In simplicity of construction and nction. 2d-In durability and non-liability to get out of order. 3d-In the quality and amount of work it will do in a given time. 4th —In the facility with which it w~l work on all kinds of fabrics, from the coarsest to the finest cloths and textures. 5th-In the case with which one can learn to use it. 6th-While with cheapness, combined wiH~ excellence, and in the ease with which it runs, it is without a parallel. 7th-Cotton, Silk and Linen can be used from the original spool. The elegance, speed and simplicity of the machine, the beauty and strength of stitch, and adaptability to the thickest or thinest fabrics, will render this the~most successful and popular Family Sewing Machine now made. This ~fachine will Quilt, Stitch, 11cm, Gather, Fell and Embroider-the latter is a Peculiar feature. For all varieties of work in Braid Patterns it is very useful. ~ACHINES WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. Persons in want of Machines are invited to call and examine ours before pur chasing elsewhere. ~Agents wanted to sell this Machine in every town and county throughout the United States. Send for a circular giving flill particulars. W. E. 3RAMAN, & CO., Cor. Fourth and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, 0. SOA NAME POST OFFICE CLUNTY Beverstock J. B., Lexington, Richlarnd Pelton C., Lim,a, Allen Gaylord G. W., Liverpool, Medina 3{arvin Wmi., Macon, Morrow Wilson T. O., Macon, Mnorrow Butterworth Benjamin, Maaineville, Warren N AMNE POST OFFICE COIJNTY Muller Anton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Robins R. 1I., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sackstedder J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shadson J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sloat Ceo. B. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton SUMTNER WM. & CO. (Seecard, p. 164.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Swegmann C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Swullnher Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Todd James, Cincinnati, Hamilton WHEELER & WILSON. (See card, p. 164.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Wilcox & Gibbs, Cincinnati, Hamilton Crowell G. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Earl Ml. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga KONIGSLOW HERAIAN. (See card, p. 238.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Moiely & Judson, Cleveland, Cuyahoga NORTH & DEAN, corner Superior and Seneca, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ROGERS BROTHERS, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Stickney H., Clevelandl, Cuyahoga Strong J. E., Cleveland, (Cuyahog.a Taylor C. L., Clevel,andic, Cuyahoga Wadsworth S. J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Colwell, Thornton &, MlcMillen, Clyde, Sandusky Loudenback John, Millerstown, Chamiipaigu Minnich J. D., Millerstown, Champaign Pinkerton MI. W., Mount Eaton, Wayne Morris N. S., Mount Victory, Hardin Flowers C. F., Nelsonville, Athens Zoll R. B., New Alexandria, Jefferson Shook Henry, New holland, Pickaway Gregory James L., New London, Huron Bowen Miss M. A., New Madison, Daike Moor W., New Rumley, HIIarrison Snow A. A., North Eaton, Lorain Igon Mrs. Silas, North Lewisburg, Champaign WHIPPLE & DAGGETT. (See card, p. 488.) North Lewisburg, Chamipaign Brock P., Pataskala, Licking Ashbroook J. M., Pleasantville, Fairfield Johnson MAliss, Poland, Mlaholning Pease Lorin, Poplar, Crawford Beal Martin, Port W illiani, Clinton Campbell C. D., Racine, Meigs PETREL J. J., Racine, Meigs | Brown Jason, Smithfield, Jefferson BUSSARD J., South Charleston, Clark Morrow George, Twenty Mile Stand, Narrenn Hill Mrs. -, Waynesville, Warren Hunter C., Waynesville, Warren Berghle E. L., Wheat Ridge, Adams Mendenhall S. T., Woodington, Darke King lugh, Youngstown, Mlahlioning Heredeen R. W., Zanesville, Muskingumn Peck George B., Zanesville Muskingum CRARY IIOLDArlOND, Columbus, Franklin DE.MIING L. L., Columbus, Franklin Emumet W. R., Columibus, Franklin Flowers Mlrs. Charles T., Columbus, Franklin Thompsoni D., Dayton, Montgomery Hlinman IRobert,, Edinburg, Portage Stillson G. B., Edinburg, Portage Kaufman G., Elida, Allen Garreth H., Euphemia, Preble Lunt W. S., Fremnont, Sandusky Lang Jolhl., Keinnonsburg, Noble SOAP AND CANDLES. Werk M.' & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wiedemer F. X. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Congdon Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Duncan A. B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Outhlwaite & Blackwell, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Paton & Smith, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Sauerteig J., Cleveland, Cuyahoga SCOFIELD W. C., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith Major, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Spencer T. P., Cleveland, Cuyalhoga STAFFORD JOSEPH. (See card, p. 254.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Standly Geo. A., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Aston Wm., Columbus, Franklin Bareus E. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Eramerick Henry, Columbus, Franklin Fraser Donald, Columbus, Franklin Gresher J. J., Akron, Summit Wilsos n Aloses, Bainbridg e, Ross AIcNichols Nathaniiel, Bethesda, Belmont Boggs Robert, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fessenden J. H. & Co., Cincinnati, ttamilton Ford Win, Cincinnati, Hamilton Heldermann W. N. & Co., Cincinnati, H'mmilton See adv't of American Hotel, Cleveland, p. 837. I. 899 SOA Lantz Samuel, Hill George H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Jones c. Co-nnah,,iii, Cincinnati, ll,,tn-iilton PEEBLES',- PRO., Cincinnati, I-TaDiilton Proct.o,,- &, Gamble, Cincinnati Hamilton Ropes N. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shillito Geo. &- Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton We-.,lning William & Co., .Cincinnati, Hamilton STO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY s Oppenheimer L., Perrysburg, Wood Adair & Hunter, Piqua., Mliami Geyer David, Pomeroy, Meigs Adamis I. P., Salem, Columbi,ana HOSMAIER & GEISDORF, SanIdusdy, Erie Grauten Henry, Steubenville, Jefferson EIDT JACOB, Tiffin, Senee Zellers E., Wellsville, Lorain Franklin, Youngstown, Mahoning SCHULTZ WJmI. & CO., Zanesvllle, Mluskinguni Fuinston Jos. J., Columbus, Franklin Janton & Co., Columbus, Franklin Tlayer Jacob, Coshocton, Coshocton Stephens Andre w, Dayton, Montgomery Acherman Wm. ad, Eaton, Preble Ewing Daniel, Edinburg, Portage Syfert & Co., Elida, Allen Evans J., Granville, Licking Gollar John, Hamilton, Butler Turner Ja,mes, Lebanon, Warren Hazard James, New London, Huron Glalefelter Solomon, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WVARE. (See also Hardware and Cautlery.) Pryer John, Acadia, Allen League Wm. A., Ada, Hardin Akron Stove Co., Akron, Summit Faze W. A., Akron, Summit Deshlion Peter & Co., Ashland, Ashland DESHONG J. B. & CO., Ashlanld, Ashland Chapman Talbott, Ashley, Delaware Hubbard Geo. C., Ashtabula, Ashtabula McGUIRE THOS. Ashtabula, Ashtabula Bartlett W. D. & S. Athens, Athens Roach & Topky, Athens, Athens Huling John H., Bainbridge, Ross Cole John, IBa rnesville, Belmont Kennard L., Barnesville, Belmont Stephens J. W., B ti-nesville, Belmont Bonbright J. S., Bell Air, Belmon+. More F. 0., Bellefontaine, Logan Whitehead Philip C., Bellefontaine, Logan Brady John, Bellevue, Huron Facey W. B., Bellevue, huron Williams F. A., Bellevue, Huron Pollock J. W., Berea, Cuyahoga Gibson P. F., Blanchester, Clinton Gibson W. G., Blanchester, Clinton Culbertson Thos. G., Bridgeport, Belmont Jones & Co., Bucyrus, Crawford Picking Daniel, Bucyrus, Crawford Picking John, Bucyrus, Crawford Facey Wm. B., Butler, Richland Paul J. W., Cadiz, Harrison Turner W. G., Caledonia, MIarion Burgess Samuel, Cambridge, Guernsey Fornshell & Son, Camden, Preble Easly J. B., Canal Fulton, Stark Hollis G. H. & R. S., Canfield, Mahoning Best & Russell, Canton, Stark Bischele L. & Brother, Canton, Stark Buckins H., Canton, Stark Phelps E., Celina, Mercer Sunderland L. A., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Upham E., Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Baker Jed., Chester, Meigs Billisen A., Chillicothe, Ross Conrad F., Chillicothe, Ross Howson H., Chillicothe, Ross Cincinnati, Hamilton Beckman August, Cincinnati, timilton BECKMAN HENRY. (See c'Lrd. p. 97.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Bickel Edward A., Cincinnati, iHamilton Britt Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton BROPHY JOHaN L., Cincinnati, Hamilton BrownH Frederick, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bussee Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Butterfield A. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton CAMPBELL, ELLISON & CO. (See adv'ts pp. 102 and 901.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Carter Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Chamberlain & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cook C., Cincinnati, ttamilton Creempton E., Cincinnati, Hamilton Curtner & Coltei, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dawson Benjamint. Cincinnati, Hamilton Dickman Joseph, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dobbins Thomas, Cincinnati, tamilton Doerler John, Cincinnati. Iamilton ])ransfield H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dranite August, Cincinnati, HIamilton Fares & Mliller, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gartner S., Cincinnati, H.amilton Green R. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Grossins John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harris & Zoiner, Cincinna,tti, Ilan-milton Hitchell John, Cincinnati, Itlzmilton Itoeldge Wm., Cincinnati, Ti-nmilton tIOFFNER JACOB, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hopkins John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Horrock John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Keeler J. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Krutzelmann George, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kuhlumal n H., Cincinnati, II.amilton Kunck F., Cincinnati, Itamilton See adv't of Lane & Bodley, inside front cover. I 900 STO NAME Kellhofer Theodore, Chillicotb,e, Ross Kopp J'ohn, Chillicothe, Ross IkleAdow Jamcs F., Chillicothe, Ross Merkle J'osepli, Chillicothe, Ross Adarns, Peckover & Co.. Cinciiinati, Ilaniilton ]3all G. W. r Co., Ciiicinn-,iti, H,,tmilton BARRINGEII,. H. V. >~ ~ T 90 ST CAMPBELLI,, ELLISON & CO., MIanufacturers of every variety of Cooking and Heating S oves5 Grales an J Casting~s -~~~~~~~~~~~ Also mianufaicturers of and dealers in hot and cold blast Pig Iron. Also cast iron Bells for farms, school houses, churches, steamboats, &c, SALES RlOOMIS 21 SECOND STREET, ...- - - - O. POST OFFICE COUNTY IKunkle,' & Fox, Cincinnati, Hamilton LAPE WV. H. & Co., Cinciinati, Hamilton Lawson F. H. & Co., Ciicinnati, litamilton Leist Jacob), Cincinnati, Hltiamilton Leller & Brothers, Cinciinnati, IIamilton Loescli F.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Loliri Jolln, Cilcinnati, HapmiltonS eckelfresh C. W., Cincihnati, Ilamilton Maish Andrew, Cincinnati, Hamilton MARTIN PE'TER, Cincinnati, Hamilton MIayer Carl, Cincinnati, I-amilton Merrill J. F., Cincinnati, llamilton Meyer Jacob, Cincinnatiati, Hamilton Michael Daniel, Cincinnati, IIa.miltonil MNIisgr-ive II. B., Cincinnati, Haamilton OS V A LDT AUGUST. (See card, p. ] 57.) Pfa JacCincinnati, Hamilton Pifmn Jacob, Cinceirnati, Hamilton Pickel M.,' Cincinnati, Hamilton Quinn Thomas O Cincinnati, Hiramilton RatliffJ. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Redway & Burton, Cincinnati, Hamilton Resor WVm. & Co. Cincinnati, Hamilton Rosenbaum Meyer, Cincinnati, Hamilton Roser Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Schneider John, Cincinnati, l,tni'ilt~ot Schtul er Ern st, Cincinnati, I-Hamuilton SELLEW & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Spanlhorst, John F., Cincinnati, I-aimiltor Squires ttenderson, Cincinnati, HIamilton Stall & MoMeekin, Cincinnati, Hramilton Stephenson I-1. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stewart & VandLuzen, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strassner N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Thiers M., Cincinnati, tHamilton Thomson Sandly, Cincinnati, Hamilton Thurm,,ann John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tunnecliff W. D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Von Brlehen H. W., Cincinnati, Hlamilton Wenning H. N., Cincinnati, Hamilton Wielert Christian, Cincinn.ati, Hamilton WVinchell Geo. D., Cin,-innat i, Hamilton Winterhoter A., Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of Phillips House, Dayton, p. 834. I l STO 901 STO N A NA31E POST OFFICE COUNTY Wiswell., Northrop & Co., Cincinnati, Hamiltoyi WISWELL, SCOTT & CO., 217 Main, Cincinnati, Hamilton Wolfen G., Cincinnati, H.amilton Wolf C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton STO 902 STO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Pickering F., Circleville, Pickaway Richardson J. W. & Co., Circleville, Pickaway Born Chlas. P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Dakin H. E., Cleveland, CtyahogaBn Dewer & Co., Cleveland, CuyahogariC Green John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga ao Fn Hall Joshu'; E., Cleveland, CiIyahoga l Hofrig (aint Joseph, Cleveland, Cuyabhog Bt Jassoud I'., Cleveland, Cuyahogai McKee P. T., Cleveland, Cuytaotoogna larvin V. L., Cleveland, Cuyahoga M,yers R. P., Cleveland, Ciyahog et NOYES & BRO., Clevelanld, Cuyalhogai PA RISII & KNIGtIT, Cleveland, Cuy.lho S-iG Polyblank Wnm., Clevel,nd, Cuyaho o, f Prior, HIIirbick & Co., Cleveland, Cuyaiho i.nt Swing James 1., Cleveland, Cuyahogi oIa VAN TASSEL A. T., Cleveland, Cu ahogaI Voigt Jilius, Cleveland, Cluyaho Ring Wan sor, Jacob, Cleveland, CuyihogiBa Whit alk el S Cleveland, Cuyahoga WOOLSON,!IITCIICOCK & CARTElR, Cleveland, Cuyahog oa Yapp Wm., Cleveland, Cuyn.hoga Ar1mstrong & Thompson, Colunibus, Frianklin Coluniibus, Frainklini Colunmbus, Frankliiin Columibus, Franklin Columnbus, Franklin Columbuts, Franklin Columbus, Firankliin Columbus, Franklin Columbuts, Fran'klii n Coluihrl-)ts, Friaiikllin Conner,iit, Ashtabiul:t DoM dr'ttidge & A rJc Fislher B)., Gote John, K idd ( J oh, Kinlnealr *Ja(tcob, St.. Clair' & Scott Sankr-"e(.l Wm~. I][. Snmithi A. J. &- C We!-kei- Georiage, Mid. die:ton;Jrl Ns. LaIwience , Lawrence 1, LawrYence m1, Jackson Cou, Ha irdin tIon, Hlardin I, Guernsey C nk.Ske, Stark C', CIelinont eP, Fai rfield rl, FDairifield r, Fa t irfield on, Warren on, Wnarren on, W ai en on, 0,''t)Lien G, e t iclland n, Richlland u oreo o, Ai i llein e,iet,;, Allen RieCo a, Allen ashl.iniigtoni di, ] I erlinat n Sn n, M aoti lison n, ad ison e, Ashland e, AshJind RoEn Tait Plicle( G. A~ tA. 1) S i I )t G.l:)e Winr., PGrks D. a Hc~owell Nichols, BrownYi &; I Gebhp, rt, W Greer.T. & Hellr i~gle'T Klugel &L ( Rteese &< C~ 'Rice A. W. Meyer L. Peterson J Frants S. Evans Tho William,,s Dittenl hiave Ilirst, P., er L. S., Dresden, lMuskingulm Leopold G. G., Loudonvill i Dresden, Mullkingumn Prutsman W. D., Loirdonvill i See adv't of Jones Hotel, Lafayette, Ind., p. 8306. STO 902 STO NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME POST Baird & Brown, McArthur, Vinton Cline J. & Sons, Blymyer & Brother, Mansfield, Richland Higgins David, Zimmiernian L., Mansfield, Richland Lisk A., Lamott L. A., MIarietta, Washington BEACH R., Nye & Huntington, Marietta, Washington Ferguson & Matson, Rein A., Marietta, Washington Abbott W. C. & Co., Fribley Jacob, Marion, Marion Clayton David B., WILLIAMlS JOHN B., Marion, Marion Holcomb Henry, Eaton J. F., Miarysville, Union Brown & Hunt, MIcCreight J. A., Marysville, Union Allen Joel, Rebold George, Mason, Warren Hubbard lieniry, Buckins S., Massillon, Stark Prall W. J., Doxsee & Bowman, MIassillon, Stark Thorman Wm., Jarvis E.- Massillon, Stark Lee & Nisley, Wyand & Putnam, Massillon, Stark Beyerby & Gerlach; DOBSON & BLAKE, Maumiee City, Lucas Grinies James,: MITCHELL & SONS, Mlaumnee City, Lucas O'Neal Andrew, Norgan Thomas, Sherer John, Mechanicsburg. Champaign Mardis J., Pl'ort Washi Marsh & Blood, Mesopotami., Trumbull Beckley A. W., Bell I,. W., Miamiisburg, Montgomery Dodge L. C. & Co., Schock Josephl, MAliamisburg, AMontgomery Garwood Daniel, Mattlhews C. A., Middleport, Mieigs lIarrison & Johnson, Root Peter, Middleport, Meigs Gearhard W. F., Saint Hatch M. B, \ Middletown, Butler Baxter T., Blauclhard Samuel, Milford, Clermont KOLI B. S., Thompson Win., Milford Center, Union Snider & Woodruff, Bray Wui., Millersburg, Iholmes BAILEY JOHN Ir., iNIcCrory Samnuel, Millersburg, Itolmes Flood J., Varner J., Alontpelier, Williams'-Gale I-I., Dynes & (ibsoii, Morrow, Warren iMarch Jacob,L EVA\NS A. C. t& C). (See card, p. 455.) Malttern Hlenry, Mount Vernon, Knox Birackbill J., Evans John E. & Co)., Brackbill & Sons, Mlount Vernon, Knox Wilson Clihiarles,. Huntsberry James & Son., Crossman Wli. G., Mount Vernon, Knox Skillen Wi. W. & Co., iuniphirey Slheparid, Stockstill David W., Mount Victory, liardin Palmer Israel, Coonrs S. B, Napoleon, tleury Yocum & Taylor, Eddy Tlhomas I., Newark, Licking Hill Mathew, Bleiley & Franklin, Newark, Licking Stephens Isaac, Jones & Brother, Newark, Licking Warrington Francis, ,mucker Isaac, Newark, Licking South Skinner J. C, New Concord, Muskingum Diehel & Morgan, Osborn & Foible, New Holland, Pickaway Moore William, Birggs M., New Lisbon, Columbiana Peet & Carter, Arnold II. C., New London, Huron Melhorn Daniel, Spriii Prince D. W., New London, Huron Fickes George, Ste Bacon & Aughee, New Madison, Darke Lindsey John H., Ste Shafer R. L., New Paris, Preble Sharpe W. L., Ste Baltzly D., New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Snowden B., Ste Kohr John, Wilson Samuel, Ste New Plilaldelphia, Tuscarawas Ernest Georg,e, Manrow & Co., McAllister & Cowlc e n New Phliladelphia, Tusearawas Yesk C. M., Sclhriver L., CORSE P., New Philadelphiat, Tuscarawas Ilarbeck J. S. & Co., Williams G. G., Ketcham & Barker, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Schaal F., Burbank B. A., Newton Falls, Trumbull Sherman H. B., Ensign John N., Newton Falls, Trumbull Stevens, Nicholas & C Jackson H., Woodruff C. D., North Lewisburg, Champaign McCullough C. H., See adv't of Latimer, Colburn & Lupton, opp. front cover. STO 903 STO Tiffin, SC-rieca Tiffin, Seneca Tippecanoe,iNliami Teledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas 0.1 Toledo, Lucas Toledo, Lucas Troy, Miami NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY McLure C., Woositei, Wayne Carey, Bonner & Clark, Xenia, Greene Neville & Lauman, Xenia, Greene Ashworth John H., Youngstown, Malhoning Baldwin H., Youngstown, Mahoning Founes Thos., Youngstown, Malhoning Holcomb J. U., Youngstown, Mahloning Hollingswortlh E. F., Youngstown, Mahoning Hollingswortl J. F., Youngstown, MIahoning NAMIE POST OFFICE COUNTY Young & Smithers, Troy, Miami Baxter E. T., Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas' Krouse Edward, Twinsburg, Summit Adams S. H., Uhrichsville, TuscarawaAs Howard P., U nion, Darke Shank J.M., Union, I)arke MlcGILL CHARLES, Upper Sandusky, WVyandot Spahr & Co., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Glenn J. C., Urbana, Champaign Helmick J. M. & Co., Urbana, Champaign Harris E., Van Wert, Van Wert McConahy G., Van Wert, Van Wert Mount & Grose, Van Wert, Van Wert SAGEt, M. S., Washington C. H., Fayette Edwards & Stanton, Waynesville, Warren Ellis & Kelly, Waynesville, Warren Hopkins & Crippen, Waynesville, Warren Burns Thomas, Wellsville, Columbiana Marsh S., Wellsville, Columbiana Todel Samuel, Wellsville, Columbiatna Williams G., West Middleburg, Logan Hedges Charles B., Williamsport, Pickaway Radeliff B., Williamsport, Pickaway Brindle George, Wilmrn ington, Clinton Brindle J. P. & J. W., Wilmington, Clinton Craghead & McClure, Wooster, Wayne Geitgey S., Wooster, Wayne Johnsoni Moses C., Youngstown, Mahoning VANBROCKLIN & JONES, Youngstown, MIalhoning Achernbach Edward, Zalnesville, MIusaingumn. 1est & Potwin, Zanesville, MNuskinlgiiml Blandy Charles, Zanesville, Al-uskinigum Boy7d & Ford, Zanesville, Muskinignm Burgess T. t Bro., Zanesville, Aluskingunt Campboell I., Zanesville, Muskinigumn Ford John D., Zanesville, Muskingini Fracker J.I., Zanesville, Muskin gun Greenl an d JLames T., Zanesville, Muslilngumiin Shinrnick W. M1., Zanesville, Muskinguni SULLIViAN & WIIEELER, Zar.esville, Mutskislgumt Williams George, Zanesvi1le, Mluskingumn TOYS, NOTIONS, AND VARIETY STORES. Chafman Julius E., Ashtabula, Ashtabula a Bolim, Mack & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Boner John, Cincinnati, IHlamiltoni Breithaupt B., Cincinnati, IHamilton Cady D. K., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carothers MArs. Margaret, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cohrs H. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Corkill Philip, Cincinnati, IIamilton Dierlein Mrs. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Dopke F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Douglass Mrs. Matilda., Cincinnati, m amilttn Emery B., Cincinnati Hamilton Franklin Max, Cincinnati, Hamilton HASKINS C. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoeldge Wm., Cincinnati, Hamilton Levinson J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Lullman R. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mangold Simon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Emery B., (Cincinnati, Ha~milton HASKINSC. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoeldg Wm., Cineinnati, Hamrilton ISatlmato W. D., Cincinnati, Iaimilton Schrader H. & C o., Cincinnati, Iamrnilton Sliappard J. W., Cincinnati, Hamnilton Shipley, Murray, & Co., Cincinniati, Hamilton Sllohl SiHon & Co., Cincinnati,a Ifamilton SIMON & COHEN, Cincilenati, lamilton Stehring John, Cincinnati, IHamniltonoa Stein M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Stevensll J.A., Cilecinnlti, HaC ilton Stiene John D., Cincinnati, Hamnilton Thil Mrs. Caroline, Cincinrnati, Hamiltonli Titcomb R., Cincininati, Itlanilton Vancleff H., Cincivniati, I-Hamilto WENTWORTtt & HANLEY, Cincinnati, Ilamilton West Mrs. John, Cincinnati, ICahilton White & Antram, Cinci d,rti, HaCuailton WRIGIT, DALTON & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Smith L. L., Circleville, Picaway Alcott & Horton, Clevelanid, Cuyahoga BLACK DAVID, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Boutall J., Cleveland, Cuyahogi BROWN J. O. & SON., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Burke Richard, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Morgan & Root, Cleveland, Cuyahogo Cincinnati, Hamilton Monning Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Morehouse Mrs. Mar., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mosenmeier Dr. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Pleisteiner J. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of W. E. Braman & Co., p. 100 and in index. TOY 904 TOY -~~R 90 R NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Lawis S. C., Portsmouth, Scioto NOEL & McDOUGAL, Portsmouth, Scioto RUMSEY J. M. (See card, p. 519.) Portsmouth, Scioto TOWELL J. F., Portsmouth, Scioto TRESCOTT ISAAC. (See card, p. 537.) Salem, Columbiana Buyer N. J., Sandusky, Erie BILLOW D. & G. W., Shelby, Richland Shatler J., Springfield, Clark Bower C. A., Steubenville, Jefferson McConville D., Steubenville, Jeffersou Crennan John D., Toledo, Lucas Hoffman M., Toledo, Lucas Jackson T., Toledo, Lucas Hubbard Wm. H., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Maxwell J. A. & Bro., Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Thomas R., Warren, Trumbull Merritt & Printz, Waynesville, Warren Mastic H. A., Wellington, Lorain Evans G., (col.) Wilmington, Clinton Vagel R., Wilmington, Clinton James J. C., Wooster, Wayne Barnes A., Xenia, Greene KLEIN JACOB, Xenia, Greene Black Jos. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum FOERSTER DAVID, Zanesville, Muskingum LAUNDER TROS., JR., Zanesville, Muskingum McOwen & Ellis, Zanesville, Muskingum MERRICK ALFRED, Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY RETTBERG & HAUSMANN, Cleveland, Cuyahoga STILSON, LEEK & PRICE, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Knapp J. G. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Martin John & Bro., Columbus, l ranklin Miller J. & T. E., Columbus, Franklin Cain John C., Dayton, Montgomery Christo rJ. K., Dayton, Montgomery Coffmal, junder & Co., i Dayton, Montgomery K)arst, Herchelrode & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Post Charles & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Sontag Richard., Dayton, M ontgomery Wait B. F., Dayton, Montgomery Vanausdal C. & Co., Eaton, Preble Kesselmeir Joseph, Galion, Crawford Antrim & Bro., Germantown, Montgomery BERTCH J. F., Greenville, Darke Fromm A. J., - Hamilton, Butler Murray James, Hamilton, Butler Schutte Lorenz, Hamilton, Butler JUDD C. T., Harmar, Washington Copes Wesley, Hillsboro', Highland ZUGSCHWERT L. & A. (See card, p. 389.) Kenton Hardin Smith J. C., Lancaster, Fairfield ANDERSON & GLENNY, Lebanon, Warren Nipgen Jno. A., Lebanon, Warren Caskey & Ingles, Millersburg, Holmes RULE J. H., - Norwalk, Huron Casterline & Lee, Painesville, Lake Brunner G. & F., Portsmouth, Scioto Lawson Stephen, Portsmouth, Scioto TRUNK MAKERS AND DEALERS. (See also Saddle and Harness Makers, page 880; also Clothiers and Merchant Tailors, 760.) Redhead Wadmore, Ashtabula, Ashtabula Basher C., Bell Air, Belmont M/IILLER G. L., Canfield, Mahoning Peregrine John, Chillicothe, Ross Butterfield A. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Carrrick D. S., Cincinnati, Hamilton Daniels Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Drahman John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Flint M.D., Cincinnati, Hamilton Leonard & Cook, Cincinnati, Hamilton McNUTT & ARMSTRONG, Cincinnati, Hamilton Mueller Peter, Cincinnati, Hamilton Newhouse G. & Co.. Cincinnati, Hamilton Parvin & Johnson, Cincinnati, Hamilton Shaw G. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Shorten Richard, Cincinnati, Hamilton Strauss Simon, Cincinnati, Hamilton Tucker Geo. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Vondeihaide J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Weatherby J. S., jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton WILLINGTER & CONRAD. (See card, p. 906.) Cincinnati, Hamilton 59 Butts B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Christian & Marshall, Cleveland, Cuyahoga CLEUGH RICHARD, Cleveland, Cuyahoga LATIMER JAMES. (See card,p. 246.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lindsay Thos., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lyon & Whitelaw, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Marshall Geo. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Paddock T. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Thompson Chas. F., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Burdell Wm., jr., Columbus, Franklin Cushman Geo. W., Columbus, Franklin Howell Geo. W., Columbus, Franklin Hughes J. R., Columbus, Franklin Siwault & Watt, Columbus, Franklin Atwood S. B., Conneaut, Ashtabula Cummins David, Conneaut, Ashtabula Crew & Warford, Dayton, Montgomery Haas Alfred, Dayton, Montgomery Haas, Mitchell & Stewart, Dayton, Montgomery TRU 905 TRU UPII 9Ob UP Manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in TkiS l~ fIR PIT Il!I Satchels, Dress and ,)$ o att ff O,V t A+ All Trunks Manufactured at our Establishment Warranted. WALNUT STREET, BETWEEN NOURTH AND FIFTIH, (Under (Gibson House,) CINCINNATI, OHIO. POST OFFICE COUNTY Newark, Licking Salem, Columbiana Sandusky, Erie Sandusky, Erie Steubenville, Jefferson Tiffin, Seneca , Tiffin, Seneca Troy, Miami Urbana., Champaign Zanesville, Muskingum UPHIOLSTERERS AND MATTRESS iMANUFACTURERS. Warrbaw A., Chillicothe, Ross Alcorn W. E., Cincinnati, Hamilton COATES J.F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ellis & Padgett, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fath Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Fleischer Emil, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gebenstein C. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Geis Adam, Cincinnati, Hamilton Harris G. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hoole Jas. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton KNIGHT EDWARD, Cincinnati, Hamilton Morgan Wm. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Orang B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Porter A. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Prather C. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't of Little's Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind., p. 836. UPH 906 UPS NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY NAME Kenny J. T., KERFOOT L. B., Bell H. R., Chapdu E. K., Walker Peter L., Dean J. H., Reed N. S., Ulman Joseph, Swan Jno., jr., IIawk G. W., Dayton, Montgomery Dayton, Montgomery Gallipolis, Gallia Gallipolis, Gallia Hamilton, Butler Kenton, Hardin Mansfield, Richland Marion, Marion . MIaumee City, Lucas Mount Vernon, Knox Cross J. W., BOONE ISAAC, WAGNER C., Wetterer Isadore, Mlyers John, Beckman S. E., Poorman & Miller Shidaker A. J., FISHER H., Cohn Mayer. Pursell B. & J. B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Ryling John, Cincinnati, Hamilton Snowdon & Otte, Cincinnati, Hamilton Spring John, Cincinnat.i, Hamilton Werhman L. F., Cincinnati, Hamilton Berry Geo. W., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Hauzman G. T., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Pratt D. U., Cleveland, Cuyahoga SHOEDINGER & BROWN, Columbus, Franklin Cabinet Makers' Union, Dayton, Montgomery Sittell Geo., Dayton, Montgomery Talbot J. T. & Co., Painesville, Laso Brauer Henry, Toledo, Lucas - ~ WI v0 iI WINES AND LIQUORS. ( Wholesale Dealers marked thus, a. See also Grocers, page 805.) NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Helfferich F., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHlERBSTREIT M. (See card, p. 127.) Cincinnati, Hamilton aHllerekelrath C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHlilb & Hess, Cincinnati, Hamilton Hildebrand L., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hinken J. & G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHofer Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHoff heimer & Brothers, Cincinnati, Hamilton aHoffman Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton HUDEPOHL & SANDHEGER. (See card, p. 130.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Huser Edward, Cincinnati, Hamilton aJACKSON J. A. & CO. (See card, p. 135.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Jacob Isaac, Cincinnati, Hamilton aKaufmann & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton Kavenaugh M. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Kennedy M.,. Cincinnati, Hamilton aKing James G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Klein John G., Cincinnati, Hamilton Konerman IHenry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aBrachmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aKrouse, Mack & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aKRUTHAUP J. J. F. (See card, p.136.) aBryson & Brother, Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton aBuchanan & Co.. Cincinnati, Hamilton eLACK & CO. (See card, p.139.) Bush Wm. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton aCLARKE C. R., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLavenson I. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Cody P., Cincinnati, llrnilton Cincinnati, Hamilton Conroy Charles, Cincinnati, ilamilton aLewis M. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamiltoa CONSTANT H., 88 Columbia sticet, Lindaner M., (ag't).Cincinnah, Hamilton Cincinnati, hamilton Loder W. & B., Cincinnati, Hamilton aDavis N. H. & G. H., aLoeb M., Cincinnati, Hamilton Cincinnati hamilton aLoehmann W. & Co., Dean & Hale, Cincinnati, Hniilton Cincinnati, Hamilton a~~~~runing & Dieckmann, Cincinnati, Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dean & Hale, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dexter E. & Sons, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dickman Martin, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dotzauer F., Cincinnrati, Hamilton Einhaus T., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEnyart D. A., Cincinnati, Hamilton aEshelby J., Cincinnati, Hamilton Esmann Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton aFICKEN JOHN, Cincinnati, Hamilton Foote, Clay & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aFRANK CHAS. & CO., Cincinnati, Hamilton Freeberg & Workum, Cincinnati, Hamilton Frey Henry, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gibson David & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Guhmann Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton Ham G. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hamberg John H., Cincinnati, Hamilton aHarth M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aLongworth Nicholas, Cincinnati, Hamilton aLouis A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton #McDonald A. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMcKenzie R. H., Cincinnati, Hamilton Mann C. W., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMARCH D. & CO. (See card, p. 144.) Cincinnati, Hamilton aMills D., jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMOHR, SOLOMON & MOHR, Cincinnati, Hamilton aMontgomery J.G., Cincinnati, Hamilton aMorgenthau H. & L., Cincinnati, Hamilton aNagel & Spreen, Cincinnati, Hamilton aNathan M. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aNickert Jacob, Cincinnati, Hamilton aOchsner C. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aPFAU J. & J. M., Cincinnati, Hamilton See adv't Knight Bro's Patent Solicitors, inside back cover. WIN 907 WIN T OFFICE COUNTY Ashland, Ashland Bell Air, Belmont Bridgeport, Belmont Bridgeport,, Belmont Bucyrus, Crawford Carrollton, Carroll Castalia, Erie Chillicothe, Ross Chillicothe, Ross incinnati, Hamilton incin-n,,tti, Hamiltgn incinnati, Hamilton incinna-ti, Hamilton incinnati, Hamilton incinnati, Hamilton incinn,,tti, Hamilton incinnat,i, Hamilton incinnati, Hamilton .1 incinnati, Hamilton incinnati, Hamilton Block Elias, ablock E. & Brother, WIN 90 I NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY Moen Owen, Cleveland, Cuyahoga alionroe Nelson, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aStopple Joseph, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aTrommlitz Wm., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Walbridge F. G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Weaver & Brother, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWICK CHARLES D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wilson F. S., Cleveland, Cuyahoga a CLY JOHN, Columbus, Franklin aEberly & Shedd, Columbus, Franklin Howard J. G. & F,, Columbus, Franklin a JENNINGS ELI F., Columbus, Franklin KOERNER J. W. & V., Columbus, Franklin aLacelle, Ross & Co., Columbus, Franklin Main Rufus, Columbus, Franklin Miller H. W. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Otto Ernest, Columbus, Franklin aSchueller E., Columbus, Franklin aStraus M. & Co., Columbus, Franklin aTaylor Wm. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Theobald F. & Son, Columbus, Franklin a ZETTLER J. & L., Columbus, Franklin Zollenger C. W., Columbus, Franklin Crawford & Welsh, Coshocton, Coshocton LOVE T. & CO., Coshocton, Coshocton Keeny & Co., Crestline, Crawford Ayers B. M., Dayton, Montgomery aTynan B., Cincinnati, Hamilton Bothen John W., Dayton, Montgomery aWeyand Charles, Cincinnati, Hamilton Gilbert George, Dayton, Montgomery aWILSON, GARLICK & CO., Gilbert J. B. & Co., Dayton, Montgomery Cincinnati, Hamilton aO'Brien Edward, Dayton, Montgomery aWilson & Carson,. Cincinnati, Hamilton Prudin A., Dayton, Montgomery aWolf & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton aRauh & Pollack, Dayton, Montgomery aZIMMERAIlAN & CO., Shull D., Dayton, Montgomery Cincinnati, Hamilton Viott N., Dayton, Montgomery Sweyer J. & Co., Circleville, Pickaway aWeber & Gerdes, Dayton, Montgomery aVan Hyde & Bros., Circleville, Pickaway Wildenthaler Jos.,. Dayton, Montgomery aAdams, Rogers & Co., Roth John, Delphos, Allen Cleveland, Cuyahogo Gareheart Julius, Frease's Store, Stark aBishop, Mason & Co., CLOSE P., Fremont, Sandusky Cleveland Cuyahoga GALLAGHER A. F., Fremont, Sandusky aBloch S. H. & E., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gottron Philip, Fremont, Sandusky aBranch Darius G., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lemon & Horn, Fremont, Sandusky aBUHRER STEPHEN. (See card, p. 777.) Lesher Jacob, Fremont, Sandusky Cleveland, Cuyahoga aPiper E. S., Fremont, Sandusky Burey Henry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga aWARD L. W., Fremont, Sandusky CORNING & CO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga HALL WM., Gallipolis, Gallia aDickinson John, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Wilkinson Thos., Gallipolis, Gallia aHENRY, MARTIN & CO., Bloom G. W., Greenville, Darke Cleveland, Cuyahoga Shears James, Hamilton, Butler Hilderbrand J. D., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Smith & Henn, Hamilton, Butler allill James, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Blair Peter L., Lexington, Richland HILLIARD, LASH & CO., Bisgantz Conrad, Marietta, Washington Cleveland, Cuyahoga Gerken & Schmidt, Marietta, Washington HILLARD N. H. & CO., 78 Merchant's SCHERRER GEORGE, Block, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Marietta, Washington aHocke John B., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Van Berger & Co., Marietta, Washington aLAWTEY WM. & CO. (See card, p. 247.) Clark T. L., Maumee City, Lucas Cleveland, Cuyahoga aRILEY M., Morrow, Warren cLEICK GEO., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Ludlow P., Mount Healthy, Hamilton See advt. of Gazetteers and Business Directories, p. 1. WIN 908 WIN -~~O 90 O NA3E POST OFFICE COUNTY Harper John, Senecaville, Guernsey Kelsey Guy C., Sidney, Shelby Ziegler Jacob, Sidney, Shelby aVananda J. C., Springfield, Clark Blake Michael, Steubenville, Jefferson aHllUTTERLY C., Steubenville, Jefferson Crum & Brohl, Tiffin, Seneca alrwin D. S., Tiffin, Seneca King B. & J., Tiffin, Seneca a BRAND R. & CO., Toledo, Lucas aHARGER & KINGSBURY, Toledo, Lucas aO'Brien & Poe, Toledo, Lucus Welker P., Toledo, Lucas aWheeler L. & Co., Toledo, Lucas aWilder George & Co., Toledo, Lucas Dye'& Culbertson, Troy, Miami Stahl F., Troy, Miami aZiegenfelder C., Troy, Miami aORR WM. A., Union, Darke McCORMICK J., Urbana, Champaign aSummers S. M., Wooster, Wayne Baty S., Youngsville, Adams aAltar John, Zanesville, Muskingum alrwin John, Zanesville, Muskingum Merkle E., Zanesville, Muskingum aSume rs H. J. & Co., Zanesville, Muskingum NAME POST OFFICE COUNTY aFay G. M, Mount Vernon, Knox COOPER C. H., Newark, Licking Reasoner Thomas, Ne w Co ncord, Muskingum Farnhey Pet er, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Graybill R., New Rumley, Harrison Beardsley & Brother, Norwalk, Huron Dodge'Noah, Painesville, Lake aSMITH XIARCUS, Painesville, Lake Brown M. J., Piqua, Miami Kuhlmann & Roehne, Piqua, Miami aBrown A. S. & Bro., Portsmouth, Scioto aBROWN G. W. & CO., Portsmouth, Sciot,) aCutter Wm. S., Portsmouth, Scioto aDENSMORE H. & CO., Portsmouth, Scioto aFrieberg & Workum, Portsmouth, Scioto Reilly Hugh / Portsmouth, Scioto avenn Joseph, Portsmouth, Scioto Ambrose J. C., Quincy, Logan Cox David J. Radnor, Delaware Jones T. P., Roscoe, Coshocton HAMILTON T., Saint Paris, Champaign alhart, Blatt & Oettinger, Sandusky, Erie Hosmer Theo., Sandusky, Erie aSmith & Parsons, Sandusky, Erie avonhausen & Birknmayer, Sandusky, Erie WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. (See also General Stores, p. 793.) DAVIS JOHN, Bellefontaine, Logan Fike N., Castalia, Erie Maxwell E., Chester Hill, Morgan BASS T. (See card, p.'93.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Boner John, Cincinnati, Hamilton DETCH GEORGE. (See card, p. 118.) Cincinnati, Hamilton Farthing R. C., Cincinnati, Hamilton Hartmann Frank, Cincinnati, Hamilton Nehlein A., Cincinnati, Hamilton Sankey Thomas, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schnek Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Schnelle Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton Waters Chas. H. & Co., Cincinnati, Hamilton Canaan Mrs. Ruth, Clarkson, Columbiana HERVEY & BOUSFIELD. (See card, p. 234.) Cleveland, Cuyahoga O'Brien P., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Standley & Graham, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Backus O. & L., * Columbus, Franklin Denig A. M. & Co., Columbus, Franklin Will Alex. A., Columbus, Franklin Bedients J., Concord, Lake Batty Edward, Dayton, Montgomery Folkerth A. R. H., Dayton, Montgomery Fritz & Simmons, Dayton, Montgomery See adv't of W. E. Braman Gump Andrew, Dayton, Montgomery CLIPPINGER & CO., Delaware, Delaware PIERSPN J. H. & SON, Greenfield, Highland BERTCH J. F., Greenville, Darke Marietta Bucket Factory, Harmar, Washington Putna m, Po ol & Co., Harmar, Washington Donley H. W. & Co. an, Lebanon, Warren ROOVA CHAS. A., Lebanon, Warren Jones M., Log Cabin, Morgan CHESSMAN N., Maumee City, Lucas Engelhard John, Mfount Healthy, Hamilton Nutt Wm., Mount Healthy, Hamilton Kelley Abraham, New Alexander, Columbian-a Baldwin Geo. M., Painesvil]e, Lake Tinan R. & Son, Painesville, Lake Tisdel W. C. & Co., Painesville, Lake Alward S., Piqua, Miami Manson V. D., Shreve, Wayne SPAYTH W. O., Tiffin, Seneca Stempel Geo., Upshur, Preble Bliss O. H., West Jefferson, Madison SHIREY J. W., Wilmington, Clinton woo 909 woo I BUFFALO ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. BUFFALO, N. Y., ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. ALLEN Z. G., manufacturer French Burr Millstones, Portable Flouring and Grist Mills, and all kinds of Mill Ma chinery, also dealer in Dutch Anker Bolting Cloths, etc., Miami, near Cen tral R. R. Freight Depot. (See adv't, p. 912.) BONNEY'S HOTEL, Z. Bonney, prop'r, centrically located for Banks, De pots, Post Office, and business places generally, corner Washington and Carroll. BUSH & HOWARD, dealers in Leather, Hides and Oil, cash paid for Hides, 91 Main, adjoining Canal Bridge. HART, BALL & HART, Steam and Gas Fi tters and Pl umbe rs, an d manufac turers and dealers in Plumbers' Goods, Hart' s Patent Faucets, Cot water and Hot-air Furnaces, Metal Roof ing, G utters, Conductors, etc. 237 Main. JEWE TT & ROOT, Stove W or k s, maniF facturers and wholesale dealers, office and warehouse on Mississippi. KNAPP & AYERS, Distillers of Alcohol, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Cologne Spirits, Whisky, Brandy, Gin, etc., 6 and 8 Hanover. MATHEWS A. I., Druggist, 220 Main, corner Swan. NOYE JOHN T., Millstone Manufactory and Mill Furnishing Establishment, manufacturer of Noye's Improved Corn and Flouring Mills, Flour Pack ers, etc., and dealer in extra heavy Bolting Cloths, Plaster, Water Lime, etc.; manufactory and office Washing ton Street Bridge, branch at Chicago, 24 Market. PEASE F. S., manufacturer of Sperm, Elephant, Whale, Lard, Linseed and Tanners' Oils, Tallow, etc., also im proved Engine and Signal Oils, 61 Main. (See adv't, p. 910.) PRATT & CO., proprietors Buffalo Iron and Nail Works, importers and deal ers in Foreign and American Hard ware, Metals, etc., and manufacturers of Bar Iron, Nails, Spikes, etc., 28, 30 and 32 Terrace. (See card, p. 911.) PRATT & LETCHWORTH, manufacturers and importers of Saddlery, Coach and Trunk Hardware, 34 Terrace. (See adv't, p. 911.) PRINCE GEORGE A. & CO., manufac turers and dealers in Melodeons, nine different varieties; also Organ Melodeons, etc., 87 Fulton, New York City; 110 Lake, Chicago, and Buffalo, N. Y. (See adv't, p. 912.) RAMSDELL O. P. & CO., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes, 168 Main. TELLER GEORGE D., wholesale and re tail Looking Gla ss, Picture Frame, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding Manu factory, 170 Main. MANUFACTURER OF OIL. Sperm, Elephant, Whale, Lard, Linseed, Tanners', Tallow, Improved Engine and Signal Oils. PEASE'S IMPROVED ENGINE AND SIGNAL OILS. First Premium awarded by Syracuse Mechanics' Association, 1854. First Premium awarded by New York State Agricultural Society, 1855. Medal awarded by American Institute, New York, 1856. Silver Medal and Diploma by New York State Agricultural Society, 1857. Siver Medal and Diploma by New York State Agricultural Society, 1858. For sale only by the Manufacturer, F. S. PEASE, No. 61 Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. 910 0 a IL p BUFFALO ADVERTISEMENTS. W. P. LETCHWORTH. PRATT & LETCHWORTH, ~-s-. —a=.... ~-E __~S,@ 34 TERRACE ST., BUFFALO, N. Y., Manufacturers and Importers of every description of SA[ADDLER, COACH, AN-D TR.lUlIK HIAIRDWARE. SAMUEL F. PRATT. PASCAL P. PRATT. EDWARD P. BEALS. =AT d Ci IOb 28,30 and 32 Terrace, Buffalo, N.Y., PROPRIETORS OF THE Buffalo Iron and Nail Works, Importers and Dealers in e. i of TV Importers and Dealers in every variety of American and Foreign Hardware and Metals. Manufacturers of BAR IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES. Also Commission Merchants for the sale of Pails and Tubs, Fire Proof Safes, Water Lime, Platform Scales, Leather Belting, &c. Any size, shape, length, or quality of Iron rolled to order and furnished to Manufacturers or Merchants on short notice. Scrap Iron wanted, for which the highest Market Price will be paid. t -M -- 1T —X -.-Et,7 Have constantly on hand an extensive assortment of VIOLINS, VIOLINCELLOS, DOUBLE BASSES, Guitars, Banjos, Tamborines Flutes, Piccolos, Clarionets, Flageolets, Drums and Fifes, Bows, Bow Hair, Rosin, Frogs, Tail-Pieces, Screws, Finger-Boards, Bridges, Capo D'Astros, Mutes, &c., &c., Harmonicas, Tuning Forks and Pipes. Castagnets, Metronomes, &c. Strings for all stringed Instruments. Band Instruments of Brass and German Silver, such as Saxhorns, Cornets, Porthorns, Trumpets, Cymbals, &C. Pianos, Accordeons, Flutinas, and every other article in their line of business. Orders from the Trade and Bands solicited. KLEMM & BRO., 705 Market treet, Philadelphia, Pa. 911 SAMUEL F. PRATT. PASCAL P. PRATt. 912 BUFFALO ADVERTISEMENES. . MAN. UACTURER FRET CRI BURR MSTILL STONES. FIRST PREMIUM PORTABLE FLOURING AND GRIST MILLS. 4 l ~~Also, Improved Flour Packers, 't;ltljf GIron Bolting Reels, Smut Ma chines, Proof Staffs, Wa ter Wheeels, Steam Grain Dryers, and all kinds of Mill l~f4Iij~i~j'fi~~t!g "ill Machinery. Dealer in Extra Heavy Dutch Anker God,llllj! IIt1i i Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Mill Picks, Smut Machines, and all kinds of Mill furnishing. Plans, Specifications, and Estimates for b!i1"iLI Mills, and calculations for the power of ,'!I1Itit~ ~ Mill Sites, made in any part of the -//'~f~ country, and on short notice. Shop and Office Miami St., near Great Central R. R. Freight Depot, 3B7ET3POMFX ACLaosMT. -Y. Melodeons with Divided Swell. NINE DIFFERENT VARIETIES. The Best Toned Reed Instruments in the World. PRICE FROM $45 TO $200. THE OU;4 IEEt0 E()a, ht t~~~~~~~~~. ad * an h rt. and 11 p. With Two Banks of Keys, Five Sets of Reeds, Eight Stops, and Pedal Base. Price, $350. (From the Home Journal, ApriZ 3, 1858.) The Melodeons manufactured by Prince & Co., and for sale at 87 Fulton Street New York, are the best in the world. We have tried them, and therefore speak understandingly of their merits. They are offered at a very moderate cost. Illustrated Price Circulars sent by Mail. Orders promptly filled. Address G. A. PRINCE & CO., Bufalo, N.Y. 87 Fulton Street,New York City, 110 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. 912 BUFFALO ADVERTISEMENES. NEW YORK CITY SUBSCRIBERS. NEW YOR,K CITY SUBSCRIBERS. APPLETON D. & CO., Publishing House, 443 and 445 Broadway. COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, founded June, 1854, 546 Broadway. DREW & FRENCH, Produce Commission Merchants, and dealers in domestic fresh Fruits and Vegetables, 6 Erie Buildings, 180 Reade, 206 Duane, 3d door below Washington. KELLOGG E. H. & CO., manufacturers and general dealers in Oils, and Agents for the sale of Oils and Can dles on commission, 48 and 50 Water. LATIMER C. E., Agent Sales Department of the Seamless Glothing Manufactur ing Company-Manufactory at Mat tewa, N. Y. —Sales Depot 342 and 844 Broadway, C. E. Latimer, Agent. Overcoats, Military, Navy, Business, Pilot and other Coats, Pea Jackets, Pants, &c., Ladies' and Gents' Over Shoes, Over-Gaiters, Congress, Button and Laced Gaiters, Leggins, &c., Hats and Caps-Military, Navy and Dress, adapted to all tastes and all climes, of various qualities and prices, and of latest and most desirable styles. MEUCCI'S PATENT PARAFFINE CAN DLES, Wm. E. Ryler, sole Agent, 16 Beekman. MUNN & CO., Patent Agents and Pub lishers Scientific American, 37 Park Row. NEW YORK PARAFFINE CANDLE CO., A. Meucci's Patent, 1859, Wm. E. Rider, sole Agent, 16 Beekman. NORTON A. P., U. S. Mercantile Agency for Addressing Circulars, established in 1856. Classified lists of tr ades in cluding names of Farmers and Plan ters, 114 Nassau. RIDER WM. E., sole Agent New York Paraffine Candle Company, A. Meuc ci's Patent, 1855, 16 Beekman. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Munn & Co., Publishers, and Patent Agents, 37 Park Row. SEAMLESS CLOTHING DEPOT, C. E. Latimer, Agent Sales Department, 342 and 344 Broadway. SHULTZ & CO.; Publishers and general Advertising Agents, 180 to 186, Nassau. TRIGG, GRIFFEN & BREWSTER, Whole sale dealers in Fish and Provisions, 178 Greenwich, corner Dey. TURNER JAMES, Manufacturer and wholesale dealer in Oils, 7 Burling Slip. U. S. MERCANTILE AGENCY, for Ad dressing Circulars, established in 1856. Classified list of trades, inclu ding names of Farmers and Planters, 114 Nassau. VAN NEST A. R. & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of Saddlery Hard ware, Carriage and Harness Trim mings, &c., 50 Warren and 120 Cham bers. STEPHEN SMITH, SH'L?OB'!DRa CIRCULAR AND CARD DISTRIBUTER, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Residence No. 10 North Street. 913 PITTSBURG ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. C. TH~