i!3i8;:b N.s A.S 0 r7 rr -II l,r r -1 _L, 1 ILIST OF BOOKS ON GREATER NEW YORK 2 777 Fi'.= 7, 77' k -,7 j.T Z, W- 1 g A ST J C, "A "KN 77W "Q1 el I"'.\Bo livia',," 41, iN F, ZZ, H, 37 ist of Books on Greater New V York Second Edition, Enlarged PUBLISHED BY BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 1907 List of Books on Greater New York. All reports, etc., of city departments, churches, colleges and academies, clubs, associations and societies, libraries, etc., have been omitted from the list. NEW YORK DIRECTORIES, 1786-1905, Arranged Chronologically. '1 (All directories are for reference use only.) I786 New York directory for I786; republished by J. Doggett, jr. I851. I786 New York directory for I786; [and] Brooklyn directory...for...1796; republished by J. Disturnell. 1876. 1786 New York directory for 1786...prefaced by a general description of New York by Noah Webster... fac-simile reprint by the Trow City directory co. [ 886.] I817-1905 New York City directory. [Lacking volumes for I818-20, 1822-23, 1825, 1829-31, 1833, I846, I851, I868, I871, I889.] Volumes for I817-1842 published under title: Longworth's American almanac, New York register and city directory. Another directory for I821 published under title: Mercein's city directory, New York register and almanac. Volumes for I844-54 (excepting '52-53) published by Doggett; I852-53 and 1854-1905 (excepting '75-76) published by Trow; I875-76, by Goulding. Title of Trow's New York directory changed, 1899, to Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. I840-1905 New York City business directory. [Lacking volumes for 1842-56, 1858-63, I867, 1869-83.] Volume for I857 published under title: New York City mercantile and manufacturers' business directory. Volumes for I864-68 published by Wilson; those for I884-1902 published, with some variation of title, by the Trow City directory co., as successors to Wilson. Volume for I887 published by Murphy. 1923 1872 Goulding. Business directory of New York, Brooklyn, etc. 1885 White, Stokes and Allen's guide and select directory of New York City. I893 Club men of New York, their occupations, business and home addresses. 1893 New York art guide and artists' directory. I896 New York City medical directory. I897 Phillips' elite directory, I897, for New York City and suburban towns. 1898-1901 Directory of directors in the City of New York. I899-I904 Trow's co-partnership and corporation directory of New York. I899-I906 Social register, New York. [Lacking volumes for I904-05.] I900 Trow's street and avenue directory of Manhattan. 1901-02 Society list and club register. BROOKLYN DIRECTORIES, 1796-1905, Arranged Chronologically. 1796 New York directory for I786, [and] Brooklyn directory....1796; republished by J. Disturnell. 1876. I825-I906 Brooklyn directory. [Lacking volumes for I826-36, I838-39, I855, I89I.] Volumes for I825, I837-38, I848-49, published by Spooner; that for I848-49 under title: Brooklyn City directory and annual advertiser. Another directory for 1848-49 published by Hearne. Volumes for 1839-57 by various publishers, I848 -54 being by Hearne. Volumes for 1840-41, I846-50 published under title: Brooklyn directory and yearly advertiser; those for 1841-46 under title: Brooklyn alphabetical and street directory and yearly advertiser. The two directories for I856-57 are published respectively by Smith, and Hope & Henderson. Volumes for I858-95 published by Lain & Co.; for I896-I9OO, by Lain & Healy; for I901-1905, by Upington. 4 1848-54 Williamsburg directory. Volumes for 1848-49 published under title: Williamsburgh directory and yearly advertiser; for 1849-50, under title: Williamsburgh directory, register and yearly advertiser, all published by Payson. Volumes for 1850-52 published under title: Reynold's Williamsburgh directory, village register and business advertiser; for 1852-54 under title: Reynold's Williamsburgh city directory and business advertiser. I865-66 Curtin's directory of Astoria, East New York, Flatbush, etc., Long Island, with business directory. 1872 Goulding. Business directory of New York, Brooklyn, etc. 1877-82 Lain. Brooklyn business directory. [Lacking volumes for I879-80.] I877-I905 -- Elite directory of the city of Brooklyn. I88I Vanderbilt. Social list of Flatbush. I892 Sandy. Real estate and building trades directory of Brooklyn and county of Kings. 1895-1905 Upington's elite directory of Brooklyn. [Lacking volumes for I897-1904.] I896-I906 Brooklyn blue book and Long Island society register. [Lacking volume for I899-900oo.] 1902 Trow's business directory of the borough of Queens, N. Y. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL, Including Manners and Customs, etc. ALDEN. Manhattan, historic and artistic. [ci897.] APPLETON. Dictionary of New York and its vicinity. [cI879-I9oi.] Ref. -- Dictionary of Greater New York and its neighborhood. [cI903-19o5.] Ref. BALLARD. City of Brooklyn. I871. BECK. New York's Chinatown. [ci898.] BEERS. Atlas of Staten Island. I874. Ref. 5 BEERS, ELLIS and SOULE. Atlas of New York and vicinity. I867. Ref. BOBO. Glimpses of New York City. I852. BROMLEY. Atlas of the City of Brooklyn. i88o. Ref. BROMLEY, G. W. and BROMLEY, W. S. Atlas of the City of Brooklyn. 1893. Ref. BROOKLYN Citizen guide to Brooklyn and Long Island. 1893. BROOKLYN City and Kings County record; comp. by W. H. Smith. I855. BROOKLYN Daily Eagle. Illustrated guide to the Brooklyn navy yard. I901. BROWNE. Great metropolis; a mirror of New York. 1869. CENTRAL Park; guide to Riverside and Central parks. n.d. CHILDE. New York, a guide. I903. Old New York downtown. n.d. CITY of Brooklyn. i871. CLEAVELAND. Greenwood; a directory for visitors. 1849. -- Handbook for Greenwood. I867. Hints concerning Greenwood: its monuments and improvements. I853. CLEAVELAND and SMILLIE. Greenwood; illustrated. 1847. COBBE. Staten Island; a guide book. 1890. COHEN. Jonathan's home. I885. DAYTON. Last days of Knickerbocker life in New York. i882[c'8o]. DEVOE. Market book, containing a historical account of the public markets in New York. v.i. I862. DRIPPS. Topographical map of New York City. 1855. Ref. EARLE. Colonial days in old New York. I899[c'96]. FIFTY glimpses of New York. 1893. FISHER. Flatbush, past and present. 1901. FRANCIS. Picture of New York in I851. n.d. GLANCE at New York; the government, theatres, churches, mobs, professions, etc. 1837. GLAZIER. New York. (See his Peculiarities of American cities. I886.) 6 GLIMPSES of Brooklyn, illus. from recent photographs. 1894. GREAT metropolis, I850. Ref. GREATER New York album; one hundred selected views of New York City, Brooklyn, etc., from recent photographs. I895. GROLIER club (New York City). Catalogue of plans and views of New York City from I65I to I860. I897. Ref. HARDIE. Description of the City of New York. 1827. HEMSTREET. Broadway of yesterday. [cI905.] Ref. - Nooks and corners of old New York. I899. - When old New York was young. 1902. HOLE. New York; Clubs and theatres; Parks; Political crisis at New York; Churches; Newspapers, etc. (See his Little tour in America. [ci895.]) HYDE. Atlas of the Brooklyn Borough, New York City. 3v. I898. Ref. Street and avenue map of Brooklyn. 1895. Ref. ILLUSTRATED New York, the metropolis of to-day. I888. INGERSOLL. Week in New York. I892. JANVIER. In old New York. [ci894.] JONES. Dollars and democracy. I904. KING. Handbook of New York City. [ci893.] Ref. Photographic views of New York. [cI895.] Ref. Views of Brooklyn. 1904. Ref. KOBBI. New York and its environs. I89I. MAURICE. New York in fiction. I9OI [c1899]. MILLER. Description of the province and city of New York, I695. I862. MILLER'S New York as it is; or, Stranger's guide to the city and adjacent places. I867. MINES. Tour around New York and My summer acre. I893. - Walks in our churchyards, Trinity parish, N. Y. 1903 [c'95]. MOSS. American metropolis. 3v. I897. NEW YORK as it is. I837. NEW YORK CITY and how to see it; a complete pocket guide. 1876. NEW YORK illustrated, I87I, I88I. 7 ONDERDONK. Queens county in the olden times. I865. OBER and WESTOVER. Manhattan, historic and artistic. n.d. PEMBER. Mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis. I875. PERCY. Dictionary of New York and vicinity. I879. PICTORIAL New York and Brooklyn, a guide to the same and vicinity. n.d. PICTURES of New York in I846 and places in its vicinity. I846. POST. Old streets, roads, lanes, piers, and wharves of New York, former and present names, with list of alterations. 1882. RAILWAY map and pub. co. New guide map and directory of Brooklyn. [cI893.] Ref. New guide map and directory of New York City. [1I893.] Ref. RAND, McNally & Co. pub. Handy guide to New York City, Staten Island and other suburbs. I897[c'95]. RICHARDS. Guide to Central Park. I869. ROBINSON. Atlas of Kings County, N. Y. I89o. Ref. Atlas of the Borough of Richmond. I898. Ref. ROBINSON and PIDGEON. Atlas of the City of Brooklyn, wards i-26. I886. Ref. Atlas of the City of Brooklyn, wards 29-32. 1898. Ref. ROSS. What I saw in New York. I85I. SALA. Transformation of New York. (See his America revisited. [ci88o.]) SINGLETON. Social New York under the Georges, I7I4 -I776. 1902. SMITH, Rev. M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. I868. SMITH, T. E. V. City of New York in I789. I889. SOUVENIR of Brooklyn: descriptive, historical and statistical review. I890. SUMMARY, historical, geographical and statistical of the City of New York; with notices of Brooklyn, Williamsburg, and environs. I836. SUN'S guide to New York. I892. 8 TOLMAN and HEMSTREET. Better New York. [cI9o4.] TRUE. Riverside drive. n.d. TYLER. Old New York; maps and pictures, I642-1798. n.d. Ref. ULLITZ. Atlas of the borough of Queens. 3v. 1901-03. Ref. VAN RENSSELAER. Goede vrouw of Mana-ha-ta at home and in society, I609-1760. 1898. VIELE. Topography and hydrology of New York. I865. WALKS about New York. I865. WILLIAMS. New York sketches. 1902. WILSON. Rambles in old New York. (See his Rambles in colonial byways. I9OI. v.I.) WOLLEY. Two years' journal in New York and part of its territories in America. I902. WOLVERTON. Atlas of Queens county, L. I. I891. Ref. HISTORY, Including Government and Politics. ACCOUNT of interment of the American seamen, soldiers and citizens who died on board the prison ships at the Wallabout. I808. Ref. ALDEN. Souvenir and official programme of the centennial celebration of George Washington's inauguration as first president of the United States. I889. BAILEY. Historical sketch of Brooklyn and the surrounding neighborhood. I840. BARTRAM. Retrographs; a history of New York City prior to the Revolution. [I888.] BELDEN. New York; past, present and future. I851. BISLAND. Old Greenwich. [c1897.] BLAKE. History of the Tammany society. 1901. BOOTH. History of the City of New York. I859. -- - 2 V. I867. BOUGHTON and HARTER. Chronicles of Erasmus Hall [1787-I906]. I906. BOWEN. History of the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washington as president of the United States. 1892. 9 BREEN. Thirty years of New York politics up to date. I899. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Fire dept. Our firemen; the official history of the Brooklyn fire department, from the first volunteer. 1892. BROWN book; a biographical record of public officials of the City of New York for I898-99. 1899. CENTENNIAL celebration of the evacuation of New York by the British. 1885. CLEAVELAND. Greenwood cemetery; a history, 1838-I864. i866. CLUTE. Annals of Staten Island. 1877. COLER. Municipal government as illustrated by the charter, finances and public charities of New York City. I900. COLTON. Annals of old Manhattan, I6o9-I664. [ci901.] COSTELLO. Our firemen; a history of the New York fire departments, volunteer and paid. I887. - Our police protectors; a history of the New York police. [I884.] CRITTENDEN and HELFFRICH. New York securities; a descriptive and statistical manual of the corporations of New York City and Brooklyn. I893. CURRY. New York; a historical sketch. 1853. DARLING. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. i889. DAVIS. History of New Amsterdam; or, New York as it was in the days of the Dutch governors. 1854. DE FOREST. Olden time in New York by those who knew. 1833. DE LANCEY. Burghers of New Amsterdam and the freemen of New York, I675-I866. (See New York Historical society. Collections, 1809-97. Series 3, v.I8.) Ref. DODGE. Old New York. I880. DURAND. City chest of New Amsterdam. [ci897.] EARLE. Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam. [ci896.] EDSALL. History of the town of Kings Bridge, now part of the 24th ward, New York City. 1887. EVENTS in the history of New York City. I88o-8I. FALES. Brooklyn's guardians; a record of the men who preserve the peace. I887. I0 FERNOW. Records of New Amsterdam, i653 to i674. 7v. I897. FIELD. Historic and antiquarian scenes in Brooklyn and its vicinity. i868. FIELDE. Political primer of New York State and City. I897. FITCH. Diary (in facsimile) of a prison ship martyr of 1776. I903. FLINT. Five Dutch towns: Breuckelen, Boswick, Nieu Utrecht, Nieu Amersfoort or Flatlands, Midwout or Flatbush. (See her Early Long Island. i896.) -- North Riding of Yorkshire; The Stamford migration; Other Queens county towns. (See her Early Long Island, I896.) FRANCIS. New York during the last half century. I857. -- Old New York; or, Reminiscences of the past sixty years. I858. FURMAN. Antiquities of Long Island. -- Notes relating to the town of Brooklyn. I865. GILDER. New York City. (See Powell, L. P., ed. Historic towns of the Middle states. I899.) GOODWIN. Fort Amsterdam in the days of the Dutch. [cI897.] GOODWIN, and others. Historic New York. 2v. i899. GUERNSEY. New York City and vicinity during the war of I8I2-15. I889. HALF-CENTURY'S progress of the City of Brooklyn and the city's leading manufacturers and merchants. [I887.] HALL. Volume commemorating the creation of the second city of the world by the consolidation of the communities adjacent to New York harbor under the new charter. 1898. HARRISON. History of the City of New York. [ci896.] HASWELL. Reminiscences of an octogenarian of the City of New York, i816-I86o. i897. HAWKINS. Corlears Hook in i820. 1904. HEMSTREET. Story of Manhattan. 1901. HENSCHEL. Municipal consolidation; a historical sketch of the Greater New York. 1895. HILL and WARING. Old wells and water-courses of the island of Manhattan. [ci897.] HODDER. Fight for the city. i903. II HOWARD and JERVIS. The Eagle and Brooklyn. I893. Ref. INGALLS. Outline of municipal government in the City of New York. I904. INNES. New Amsterdam and its people under Dutch and early English rule. I9o2. IRVING. Knickerbocker's history of New York. 2v. [ci893.] IVINS. Machine politics and money in elections in New York City. i887. JANVIER. Dutch founding of New York. I903. JOHNSTON. Campaign of I776 around New York and Brooklyn. (See Long Island Historical society. Memoirs. 1878. v.3.) KERNAN. Reminiscences of the old fire laddies and volunteer fire departments of New York and Brooklyn. I885. KING. Progress of the City of New York during the last fifty years. 1852. KIP. Olden time in New York. 2v. 1872. LAMB. History of the City of New York. 4v. [ci877.] - Wall street in history. 1883. Washington inauguration, 1789. [1889.] LAMB and HARRISON. History of the City of New York. 3v. [ci877-96.] LAST municipal administration of Brooklyn, i896-I897. 1897. LETTERS from the prisons and prison-ships of the Revolution. I865. LOSSING. History of New York City. 2v. [i884.] McMANUS. How the Dutch came to Manhattan. [cI897.] MANDEVILLE. Flushing, past and present. I86o. MERCANTILE library association (New York City). New York City during the American revolution; being a collection of original papers from the MS. in the possession of the Mercantile library association. x86I. MICHAELIUS. Manhattan in i628 as described in his recently discovered autograph letter written from the settlement. 1904. MORRIS. Memorial history of Staten Island, N. Y. 2v. [cI898-I0oo.] 12 MYERS. History of public franchises in New York City, Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. I9oo. - - History of Tammany Hall. I901. NEW YORK (City). Williamsburg bridge; account of the ceremonies attending the formal opening; with a sketch of the enterprise by Edward Hungerford. 90o3. NEW YORK (Colony and province). Records of New Amsterdam from I653-I674. 7v. I897. Ref. NEW YORK Evening Post. Greater New York, its government, financial institutions, transportation facilities. [ci898.] NORCROSS. History of the New York swamp. I9OI. O'CALLAGHAN. Papers relating to Kings County, L. I. (See New York (State). Documentary history of the State of New York. 1849-50. v.3.) Ref. - Papers relating to the City of New York. (See New York (State). Documentary history of the State of. New York. I849-50. v.3.) Ref. - Papers relating to the first settlement of New York by the Dutch. (See New York (State). Documentary history of the State of New York. I849-50. v.3.) Ref. OLD NEW YORK; a journal relating to the history and antiquities of New York City. 2 v. 1890-91. ONDERDONK. Documents and letters intended to illustrate the revolutionary incidents of Queens county, N. Y. with connecting narratives, explanatory notes and additions. I884. - Revolutionary incidents of Suffolk and Kings counties; with an account of the battle of Long Island and the British prisons and prison-ships at New York. I849. OSTRANDER. History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings county. 2v. [c1894.] PARKHURST. Our fight with Tammany. I895. PAULDING. Affairs and men of New Amsterdam in the time of Governor Peter Stuyvesant. I843. PELLETREAU. Early New York houses. I900. Ref. PIERCE. New Harlem, past and present. I903. 2 13 PRIME. Brooklyn. (See his History of Long Island. I845.) - Kings county, including Flatbush, Flatlands, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Bushwick, Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. (See his History of Long Island. I845.) -- Queens county, including Oyster Bay, Hempstead, Flushing, Newtown, Jamaica. (See his History of Long Island. I845.) PUTNAM. Breuckelen. (See Goodwin, Mrs. M. (W.), and others. Historic New York. I899. v.2.) - Brooklyn. (See Powell, L. P., ed. Historic towns of the Middle states. I899.) REGISTRY of voters, Brooklyn. I872-73. REYNOLDS. History of the city of Williamsburgh. I852. RIKER. Annals of Newtown in Queens county, N. Y. 1852. - "Evacuation day," 1783; its many stirring events, with recollections of Capt. John Van Arsdale. 1883. RISING SUN tavern and the Rockaway Pass, Kings county, N. Y.; [and other pamphlets relating to Brooklyn and Long Island]. n.d. ROOSEVELT. Machine politics in New York City. (See his American ideals, and other essays. I897.) New York. I898. ROSS. Brooklyn. (See his History of Long Island. i902. V.I.) Flatlands; Flatbush; New Utrecht; Bushwick-Williamsburg-Greenpoint. (See his History of Long Island. 1902. v.i.) -- Kings county. (See his History of Long Island. I902. V.I.) Queens. (See his History of Long Island. 1902. v.I.) SCHENCK. Historical sketch of the Zabriskie homestead, Flatbush, L. I. I88I. SECKERSON. Manual of civics; a text-book of municipal government for the City of New York. [CI905.] SHELDON. Story of the volunteer fire department of New York City. I882. SHERMAN. Inside the machine; two years in the Board of Aldermen, I898-99; a study of the legislative features of the city government of New York. I9OI. '4 STEAD. Satan's invisible world displayed; or, Despairing democracy. [CI897.] STEFFENS. New York. (See his Shame of the cities. 1904.) STEVENS. Colonial records of the New York Chamber of commerce. I867. STILES. History and commercial record of Kings county and Brooklyn, I683-I884. 2v. I884. - History of the City of Brooklyn. 3v. I867-70. Ref. STILES, PROCTOR and BROCKETT. Civic, political, professional and ecclesiastical history and commercial and industrial record of the county of Kings and the City of Brooklyn, I683 to 1884. [ci884.] Ref. STODDARD. Volcano under the city [history of the "Draft riots" in New York, I863]. STONE. History of New York City to the present day. I872. STRONG. History of the town of Flatbush, L. I. 1842. THOMPSON. History of Long Island. TODD. Brief history of the City of New York. [ci899.] -- Story of the City of New York. I898[c'88-99]. TRASK. Bowling Green. I898. ULMANN. Landmark history of New York. I901. VALENTINE. History of the City of New York. 1853. VANDERBILT. Social history of Flatbush and manners and customs of the Dutch settlers in Kings county. 1899 [c'8I]. VAN PELT. Leslie's history of the Greater New York. 3v. [cI898.] Ref. WALLER. History of the town of Flushing, L. I. I899. WALLING. Recollections of a New York chief of police. 1887. WATSON. Annals of New York City and State in the olden time. I856. WILSON, J. G. Memorial history of the City of New York. 4v. 1892-93. 15 WILSON, R. R. Higher life of Brooklyn. (See his Historic Long Island. 1902.) - Making of the greater city, Brooklyn borough. (See his Historic Long Island. 190o2.) -- New York, old and new. 2v. I902. Queens and its worthies. (See his Historic Long Island. I902.) -- When Brooklyn was a village. (See his Historic Long Island. 1902.) WOOD. Sketch of the first settlement of several towns of Long Island. ZEISHOFT. New metropolis; memorable events of three centuries from the Island of Mana-hat-ta to Greater New York, 600o-I90o. n.d. MISCELLANEOUS. ABBOTT, J. S. C. Peter Stuyvesant. I898[c'73]. ABBOTT, L. and others. New Puritanism; papers during the semi-centennial celebration of Plymouth church. I898. ALEXANDER, and others. New York pulpit in the revival of I858. I858. ART societies of New York; year book, I898-99. ART work of Brooklyn, N. Y. I896. BAKER. Church of the Messiah; sermon on the ioth anniversary of his rectorate, Feb. 4, 1883. 1883. BATTLE of Brooklyn; a farce performed on Long Island, 1776, by Representatives of the Tyrants of America, assembled at Philadelphia. I776. Ref. BAYLEY. Sketch of the early history of the Catholic church on the island of New York. 1870. BEAN. Notes upon New York; fishes received at the New York Aquarium, I895-97. (See New York (State). Fisheries, game and forests commission. Annual report, 2d, I896. 1897.) Ref. BELLOWS. Historical sketch of the Union League club of New York, I863-79. 1879. BERGEN. Register in alphabetical order of the early settlers of Kings county, Long Island, N. Y. to 1700. 188I. Ref. BERRIAN. Historical sketch of Trinity church, New York. 1847. i6 BETTS. Leaven in a great city. 1902. BLACK. History of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island to the beginning of sales by the commissioners of the sinking fund in I844. I89I. BOESE. Public education in the city of New York; its history, condition and statistics. I869. BOOTH, B. and BOOTH, Mrs. M. (C.) B. N w York's inferno explored. I89I. BOURNE. History of the Public school society of the City of New York. 1870. BRACE. Dangerous classes of New York and twenty years' work among them. 1872. BRADLEY. Reminiscences of New York harbor, and complete water front directory of New York, Brooklyn, and Jersey City. I896. BRANDENBURG. Imported Americans. [c19o3-04.] BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Academy of music. Brooklyn academy of music: a brief address. 1905. Ref. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Brooklyn and Long Island fair, 1864. History of the fair, Feb. 22, I864. I864. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Church of the Pilgrims. Fiftieth anniversary of the installation of R. S. Storrs, D.D., as pastor, Nov. 19, I896. 1897. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Grace church. Semi-centennial, 1847 -I897. I897. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Hamilton club. Account of the dinner to Hon. James S. T. Stranahan, Dec. I3, I888. 1889. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Plymouth church. Brooklyn council of Plymouth church, 1874. I874. - Plymouth chimes. v.I-8. 1885-87. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) St. Ann's church. Old and the new; or, The past and present of the parish of St. Ann's. I869. St. Ann's centennial, 1787-1887. BROOKLYN (N. Y.) Strong Place Baptist church. Brief history with declaration of faith. I857. BROOKLYN Citizen almanac. I893. BROOKLYN Daily Eagle. Consolidation number. I898. -- History of the paper. 1892. BROOKLYN Daily Eagle almanac, I886-I905. 17 BROOKS. History of the court of common pleas of the city and county of New York. I896. BROWN. History of the New York stage from I732 to I90I. 3V. I903. Ref. CAMMANN and CAMP. Charities of Brooklyn. I868. Charities of New York. I868. CAMPBELL. Prisoners of poverty. I889[c'87]. CAMPBELL, KNOX and BYRNES. Darkness and daylight; or, Lights and shadows of New York life. I89I. CHADWICK. Historical discourse, Apr. 14, I901, in recognition of the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Unitarian society, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1901. CHILD. Letters from New York, 1841-44. 2v. 1852. COMSTOCK. Gambling outrages. 1887. CONKLING. Handbook for volunteers in the City of New York. I894. CORTELYOU. Impromptu poems on promiscuous subjects. [pref. 1870.] CUMMINGS. Historic annals of the National Academy of design, from I825. 1865. CURRIE. History of the Wesley M. E. church. I876. CURTIS. Potiphar papers. [ci856.] DAHLGREN. Laws relating to the Department of buildings of the City of New York in force Jan. I, I897. n.d. DAWSON. Sons of liberty in New York. I859. DIKEMAN. Brooklyn compendium; showing the opening, closing and alterations in the lines of the various streets, from I819. i870. DIX. History of the parish of Trinity church. 4v. 1898 -1905. DIXON, E. H. Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon. I855. DIXON, T. Life worth living. I905. DOMETT. History of the Bank of New York, 1784-1884. I884. DROWNE. Commemorative discourse on the completion of the tower and spire of the church of the Holy Trinity. I868. DU BOIS. Four private libraries of New York. 1892. i8 DURAND. Finances of New York City. I898. EAMES. New York Stock exchange. I894. EDWARDS. Improvement of New York harbor, I885-91. I893. FAIRCHILD. History of the New York Academy of sciences. I887. FAIRFIELD. Clubs of New York. i873. FAWCETT. Buntling ball; a Grleco-American play; being a poetical satire on New York society. I885. FIRE in the Brooklyn theatre, Dec. 5, 1876; special report of the fire marshal; official list of those who lost their lives. 1876. FISH. St. Ann's church from 1784 to 1845. I845. FITCH. Nathan Hale; a play. I899. FULTON. Custom house guide and list of steamers arriving at the port of New York. 1897. --- Guide list of steamers arriving at the port of New York, 1887-I900. I887-I900. GEORGE. Who are the criminals? [cI9oI.] GIBBONS. Banks of New York. I859. GILPIN and WALLACE. Clearing house of New York City. [cI904.] GIRDNER. Newyorkitis. I9OI. GRAETHER. Building laws of the City of New York in force I896 to I898 inclusive. (See his Atlas of the illustrated building laws of the principal cities of the United States. [1898.] v.I.) GRATACAP. Geology of the city of New York. [cI9oI.] GREAT sound money parade in New York. 1896. GREEN. Complete history of the New York and Brooklyn bridge from its conception in I866 to its completion in I883. I883. GREENLEAF. History of the churches in the City of New York from the settlement to I846. I846. GUIDE to the charities of New York and Brooklyn; a classified and descriptive directory of benevolent and reformatory institutions, etc. I885-86. HALL. Gems from Greenwood. I868. Ref. HAMM. Famous families of New York. 2v. [1901oi-o2.] Ref. 19 HAPGOOD. Spirit of the Ghetto; studies of the Jewish quarter in New York. I902. HASSAM. Three cities; [drawings of New York, London, and Paris; no text]. I899. Ref. HEMSTREET. Literary New York; its landmarks and associations. I903. HERZFELD. Family monographs; the history of twentyfour families living in the middle west side of New York City. 1905. HILDEBURN. List of the issues of the press in New York, I693 to 1752. 1889. HISTORY of Calvary Baptist church, New York. I89o. HOEBER. Treasures of the Metropolitan museum of art of New York. I899. HORNADAY. Popular official guide to the New York zoological park as far as completed. [ci899-i903.] HOWELLS..Esthetic New York fifty-odd years ago. (See his Literature and life. 1902.) HUBBARD. Autobiography with personal reminiscences of New York City, 1798-I875. 1875. IRELAND. Records of the New York stage from 1750 to I86o. 2v. I866. Ref. JENNINGS and LINGAN. New York in the blizzard. [1888.] JONES. Sociology of a New York city block. I904. KILDARE. My Mamie Rose. [ci903.] KIMBALL. "Joshua"; twenty years in Gotham, the experiences of a young business man. [ci88I.] KING, C. History of the Chamber of commerce. (See New York Historical society. Collections, Ser. 2. v.2.) Ref. - Memoir of the construction, cost and capacity of the Croton aqueduct. I843. KING, M. Dewey reception in New York City. n.d. - Notable New Yorkers of I896-I899. [ci899.] KINGS county (N. Y.) Medical society of the county of Kings. History, by William Schroeder; and Official program of the Graeco-Roman festival to Asklepios and AEsculapius, Jan. 23-Feb. 4, 1899. 1899. KREHBIEL. Review of the New York musical season. 1885-90. 1890. 20 LEVERICH. The Cable railway on the New York and Brooklyn bridge. i888. -- Traffic capacity of the New York and Brooklyn bridge. 1889. LIFE in New York. I85I. LOMAS and PEACE. Wealthy men and women of Brooklyn. I847. MAcCRACKEN. Hall of Fame. I901. McLEER. Report on the surface railroad strike in Brooklyn, Jan. 1895. n.d. MALLMANN. Historical papers on Shelter Island and its Presbyterian church. I899. MATHEWS. Recollections of persons and events chiefly in the City of New York. I865. MATTHEWS. Account of the Grolier club. (See his Bookbindings, old and new. 1896.) MAVERICK. Henry Raymond and the New York press for thirty years. I870. MAYNARD. History of the Hanson Place M. E. church and Sunday school, I858-1891. I89I. MEMORIAL of the revival in Plymouth church, under Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, during the early part of I858. I859. METROPOLITAN church and choir directory of New York and Brooklyn. 1887. MITCHELL. Lorgnette; or, Studies of the town, 1853. MOLDENKE. New York obelisk. I89I. MORDECAI. Report on the terminal facilities for handling freight of the railroads entering the port of New York. I885. MOSES. Full account of the celebration of the revolution in France in the City of New York, on the 25th of November, I830. (see Hone, William. Full annals of the revolution in France. 1830.) NEW YORK (City). Five Points mission. Old brewery and the new mission house at Five Points, by the ladies of the mission. 1854. NEW YORK (City) Interborough rapid transit company. Interborough rapid transit. I904. NEW YORK (City). Lawyers' club. Lawyers' club. I&88 21 NEW YORK (City). Library club. Libraries of Greater New York; manual and historical sketch of the New York Library club. I902. Ref. NEW YORK (City). Stock exchange. History of the New York Stock exchange and the New York and London clearing house systems. 1887. NEW YORK (City) Stanton street Baptist church. History of the Stanton street Baptist church. i86o. NEW YORK (State). Chamber of commerce. Rapid transit in New York City and in other great cities. [cigo6.] NEW YORK almanac and yearly record for I858. Ref. NEW YORK and Brooklyn bar association. Dinner to Hon. B. D. Silliman, May 24, i889, at Delmonico's to commemorate the 6oth anniversary of his admission to the bar, 1829. I889. NEW YORK Columbian celebration; official souvenir programme. 1892. NEW YORK Evening Post; the hundredth anniversary, 80oI1901. NEW YORK Produce exchange. Ceremonies on leaving the old and opening the new Produce exchange, May, I884. n.d. NORTHALL. Before and behind the curtain; or, Fifteen years' observations among the theatres of New York. I85I. NORTON. Statistical studies in the New York moneymarket. I902. O'CALLAGHAN. Papers relating to the churches in Queens county. (See New York (State). Documentary history of the State of New York. I849-50. v.3.) Ref. OLD New York and Trinity church. (See New York Historical society. Collections. Publication fund series 3, v.3.) Ref. PALMER. New York public school. 1905. PARTON. Cooper institute and its founder. (See his Triumphs of enterprise. 187I.) PATTON. Lives of the clergy of New York City and Brooklyn; also the history of each congregation. I874. PEET. Trees and shrubs of Prospect Park. 1902. PIERCE. Half century with juvenile delinquents; or, The New York House of refuge. 1869. 22 PIERREPONT. Historical sketch of the Fulton Ferry and its associated ferries. 1879. PORTRAIT and biographical record of Queens county (Long Island), N. Y. 1896. Ref. POTTER. God and the city. [ci900oo.] PRENTISS. Agreement between the Union theological seminary and the general assembly. n.d. - Union theological seminary; historical and biographical sketches of its first fifty years. 1889. QUIGG. Tin-types taken in the streets of New York. [cr890.] RAINSFORD. Preacher's story of his work. I904. RELIGIOUS condition of New York City; addresses made at a Christian conference, I888. RICHMOND. New York and its institutions, 1609-1873; the bright side of New York. 1874. RIIS. Battle with the slum. 1902. - How the other half lives. 19oo[c189o]. ROBERTS. New York nocturnes, and other poems. I898. ROEBLING. Pneumatic tower foundations of the East River suspension bridge. 1872. ROSS. Some old families of Queens and Kings. (See his History of Long Island. 1902. v.I.) RUTHERFORD. John Peter Zenger, his press, his trial and a bibliography of Zenger imprints. z904. SCHAPIRO. Christian obligations to the Jews, with a brief history of the Brooklyn Christian mission to the Jews. [introd. I897.] SCOVILLE. Old merchants of New York City. 5v. 1863 -70. SEABURY. Municipal ownership and operation of public utilities in New York City. [c1905.] SEAMAN. Annals of New York Methodism, 1766-1890. 1892. SIMONSON. Clearing house of New York City, historical, descriptive, statistical. [ci898.] SMITH, C. S. Working with the people; a history of the People's institute, New York City. 1904. SMITH, F. R. and PERRY. Geography of New York; the state, the city. [CI904.] 23 SMITH, J. T. Cathedral bells; a souvenir of St. Patrick's cathedral. I898. SONS of the American revolution. Empire State society. Account of the identification of the site of Fort Washington. I902. SOUVENIR of our public schools. 1892. STEPHENS. High life in New York. I854. STEVENS. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the formation of his library. I887. Ref. STILES. Brief notes on authors and scientists of Kings county and Brooklyn. I884. Ref. STILLWELL. History of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of Gravesend, N. Y. 1892. STOVER. Neighborhood guild in New York. (See Montague, F. C. Arnold Toynbee. I889.) SUTTON. New York Tombs; its secrets and its mysteries. I874. THOMPSON. History of Plymouth church (Henry Ward Beecher) I847 to 1872; inclusive of historical sketches of the Bethel and Navy missions. 1873. THORBURN. Fifty years' reminiscences of New York. 1845. TOLE. Memorial of St. Paul's (Roman catholic) church, Brooklyn. I888. TOLMAN and HULL. Handbook of sociological information, with especial reference to New York City. I894. Ref. TO OKER. Indian names and places in the Borough of Brooklyn. 1901. - Indian names for Long Island, with historical and ethnological notes. I9OI. - Origin of the name Manhattan with historical and ethnological notes. I901. TUCKER. Loew's bridge. I867. VALENTINE. Compilation of ferry leases and railroad grants made by the corporation of the City of New York. I866. VAN SICLEN. Bearing of the Greater New York charter upon real estate interests. 1897. WARRINER. Old Sands Street Methodist episcopal church. I885. 24 WASHINGTON centenary celebrated in New York. 1889. WEALTH and biography of the wealthy citizens. 1855. WEGMANN. Water-supply of the City of New York, I658 -I895. I896. WHARVES, piers and ships belonging to the corporation of New York City: East River. i868. WHARVES, piers and ships belonging to the corporation of New York City: North River. i868. WHITE. Improved dwellings for the laboring classes; also Better homes for working men. 1879. - Riverside buildings of the Improved dwellings co. Brooklyn. I89o. WHITTEMORE. History of the First Reformed Protestant Dutch church of Breuckelen, now known as the First Reformed church of Brooklyn, i654-I896. I896. - History of the U. S. Grant Post, No. 327, Brooklyn, N. Y. i885. WILSON. Centennial history of the Protestant episcopal church in the diocese of New York, 1785-i885. i886. WINDOM. His last speech at annual banquet of the New York Board of trade and transportation. i89i. WYNNE. Private libraries of New York. i86o. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fifty years in Brooklyn, 1853-1903. 1903. NEW YORK IN FICTION. ADAMS. Kidnapped millionaires. 1901. ADE. Artie; a story of the streets and town. I9oI. ALTSHELER. Soldier of Manhattan. i897. B., A. L. 0. Jan; a tale of the early history of Brooklyn. I883. BARR, Mrs. A. E. (H.) Belle of Bowling Green. I904. Bow of orange ribbon. I9oo[cI886]. King's highway. 1898. Maid of Maiden Lane. 1900. Trinity bells. I899. BARR, R. The Victors. [cI9oI.] 25 BARR, W. Shacklett; the evolution of a statesman. I9OI. BARRETT and BARRON. In old New York. 1900oo. BELDEN. Antonia. I9OI. BENNETT. Barnaby Lee. I902. BENSON. Relentless city. 1903. BETTS. Story of an east side family. 1903. BISHOP. Golden justice. I887. House of a merchant prince. I883. BOYESEN. Mammon of unrighteousness. [ci89I.] BUCHANAN. Debutante in New York society. I888. BUNNER. Jersey street and Jersey lane. I896. The Midge. I887. - Story of a New York house. I887. BYNNER. Begum's daughter. I890. CAHAN. Imported bridegroom, and other stories of the New York Ghetto. I898. Yekl; a tale of the New York Ghetto. I896. CHAMBERS. Outsiders. [ci899.] The Reckoning. I905. CLARK. God's puppets; a story of old New York. I9OI. COMMELIN. Jerushy in Brooklyn. [ci893.] CRANE. George's mother. I896. Third violet. I897. CRAWFORD. Adam Johnstone's son. I896. Katharine Lauderdale. 1895. Marion Darche. I894. Ralstons. 2v. 1899. CURTIS. Prue and I. [cI856.] - Trumps. 1873[c'6I]. DASKAM. Madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood. 1902. DAVIS. Cinderella, and other stories. I896. Gallegher, and other stories. I89I. Van Bibber and others. [ci892.] DOUGLAS. Little girl in old New York. I896. DRAKE. The Metropolitans. I896. 26 DREISER. Sister Carrie. I900. DUNCAN. Soul of the street; correlated stories of the New York Syrian quarter. I900oo. EGGLESTON. Faith doctor. I89I. FANE. Way of a man with a maid. n.d. FAWCETT. Adventures of a widow. I884. - Ambitious woman. I884. American push. [CI892.] Daughter of silence. [ci89o.] Demoralizing marriage. I889. Evil that men do. [ci889.] - Gentleman of leisure. I88I. House at High Bridge. I887. Hopeless case. I88o. - A Man's will. I888. Miriam Balestier. [ci888.] - New York. [ci898.] - New York family. I89I. Olivia Delaplaine. I888. Romance of old New York. I897. Rutherford. I884. Social silhouettes. I885. FITCH. Smart set. I897. FLOWER. The Spoilsman. 1903. FORD, J. L. Bohemia invaded, and other stories. I895. Brazen calf. 1903. Dolly Dillenbeck. n.d. FORD, Mrs. M. H. (F.) Otto's inspiration. I895. FORD, P. L. Checked love affair. I903. Honorable Peter Stirling. I900oo. - Love finds the way. I904. - Wanted, a chaperone. 1902. Wanted, a matchmaker. 1900. FREDERIC. Seth's brother's wife; a study of life in Greater New York. 1897. 27 FRENCH. Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary. I905. - Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop. I904. FRIEDMAN. By bread alone. I901. Poor people. I900. FULTON. Brown stone front; a story of New York and Saratoga. I873. GASTINEAU. Edgar Livingston. [ci897.] GAYLORD, LITTLE and CADY. Master-knot and "Another story." I895. GILDER. Taken by siege. I897. GIVINS. Rich man's fool. I890. GLASGOW. The Descendant. I897. - Phases of an inferior planet. I898. - Wheel of life. I906. GRANT. The Orchid. 1905. - Undercurrent. 1904. Unleavened bread. I9oo. GRINNELL. Eclipse of memory. [ci899.] GUNN. Physiology of New York boarding houses. 1857. HAGG. Woman the stronger. I879. HALE. Crusoe in New York. I880. HAMMOND. Mr. Oldmixon. 1885. — Strong minded woman. I885. HARBEN. Woman who trusted; a story of literary life in New York. [cI9oi.] HARLAND. As it was written. [CI885-1900oo.] Grandison Mather. [ci889.] - Mrs. Peixada. [ci886.] My uncle Florimond. [ci888.] Yoke of the Thorah. [ci896-900oo.] HARRIMAN. Homebuilders. 1903. HARRISON. Anglomaniacs. I899[c'90-99]. Sweet bells out of tune. I898. 28 HAWTHORNE. Another's crime; from the diary of Inspector Byrnes. [ci888.] -- Countess Almara's murder. (See his Trial of Gideon. I886.) -- Great bank robbery, from the diary of Inspector Byrnes. [ci887.] -- Mr. Dunton's invention, and other stories. [cI893.] Section 558; from the diary of Inspector Byrnes. [ci888.] -- Six cent Sam's. [c1893.] - Tragic mystery. [ci887.] HENRY. Lodgings in town. 1905. HIBBARD. Nowadays, and other stories. I893. HILL. Case and exceptions. [ci900oo.] -- Minority. [ci90o2.] HILLOCK. Ned Melbourne's mission. [ci887.] HOTCHKISS. Colonial free lance. I897. HOWE. Honor. [cI893.] HOWELL. Common mistake. 1892. HOWELLS. Hazard of new fortunes. I89o. - Letters home. 1903. World of chance. I893. HUBBARD. No enemy but himself. I894. HUDSON. Dugdale millions. [ci891.] - Jack Gordon, knight errant, Gotham, I883. [CI890.] On the rack. [ci891.] - Vivier of Vivier, Longman & company, bankers. [ci89o.] HUME. Five hundred majority; or, The days of Tammany. 1872. HURD. Bennett twins. 1900oo. HURLBUT. Mrs. Clift-Crosby's niece. 1893. IRVING. Attorney; or, The correspondence of John Quod. I853. - Harry Harson. n.d. JAMES. Embarrassments. I896. Other house. 1896. -- Tales of three cities. I884. - Washington Square. I881. 29 JANVIER. Color studies. 1885. Uncle of an angel, and other stories. I89I. Woman's conquest of New York. [ci894.] JARROLD. Mickey Finn idylls. I899. JOHNSON. Tulip place. I886. JOHNSTON. Dwellers in Gotham. I898. Philip Yoakley. [cI9oI.] JORDAN. Tales of the city room. I898. KEENAN. Money-makers. n.d. KELLY. Little citizens. 1905. KENNEDY. Bowery. (See his Man adrift. 1904.) KENT, B. House by the river. [ci895.] KENT, J. Johnson manor; a tale of olden times in New York. 1877. KEYSER. Thorns in your sides. 1884. KILDARE. Good of the wicked, and the Party sketches. [cI904.] KIMBALL. Henry Powers, banker. I868. - To-day. I870. Undercurrents of Wall Street. I862. Was he successful? I864. KIRK. Ciphers. I89I. -- Daughter of Eve. I889. Good-bye proud world. I903. - Our lady Vanity. I9OI. Queen Money. I888. KRAUSE. Derick. I897. LANDER. Spectacles for young eyes: New York. i869. LANE. Legend of old New York. (See her Brown's retreat and other stories.) I893. LEE. Brooklyn bachelor. [ci89o.] LEFEVRE. Wall street stories. I9OI. LESSING. Children of men. 1903. LEWIS. The Boss and how he came to rule New York. 1903. 30 LONGCHAMP. Asmodee a New York; revue critique des institutions politiques et civiles de l'Amerique, vie publique et privee. I868. -- Asmodeus in New York. I868. McCRAY. Environment. I887. McINTOSH. Charms and countercharms. 1848. MAITLAND. Old patroon; or, The great Van Broek property. n.d. MALCOLM. Fifty thousand dollars ransom. I896. MAN from the west. I889. MATHEWS. New Yorkers and other people. 900oo. MATTHEWS. Action and the word. 900oo. Confident tomorrow. 1900. -- His father's son. I896. - Last meeting. I899[c'85]. -- Outlines in local color. I898. - Story of a story and other stories. 1893. - Tom Paulding. I89I. - Vignettes of Manhattan. I900. MATTHEWS and BUNNER. In partnership. I886[c'84]. MATTHEWS and JESSOP. Check and counter check. [ci887.] MAYNARD. Some modern heretics. [ci896.] MAYO. Never again. I873. MEYER. Helen Brent, M.D. [CI892.] MILES. Three men and a woman. 1901. MILLER. Destruction of Gotham. i886. MITCHELL. Gloria victis. 1897. Mrs. Lofter's ride. (See his That first affair. I896.) MORETTE. Sturgis wager. [cI899.] MUNSEY. Afloat in a great city. 1897. OGDEN. Loyal little red coat. I89o. OTTOLENGUI. Conflict of evidence. [cI895.] PAGE. Gordon Keith. 1903. PAINE. Bread line. [ci899.] - Van dwellers. I9OI. PARTRIDGE. Angel of clay. 1900oo. 3I PAULDING. Book of Saint Nicholas. I836. - Dutchman's fireside. i868. PRENTISS. Fred and Maria and me. 1870[c'67]. PRYER. Reminiscences of an old Westchester homestead. I897. RALPH. Angel in a web. 1899. - People we pass. 1895. RAND. Behind Manhattan gables. I896. RATHBORNE. Man from Wall street. 1892. RAYNER. Free to serve. 1897. RIIS. Children of the tenements. I903. Nibsey's Christmas. 1893. Out of Mulberry street. I898. ROBINSON. Hot corn; life scenes in New York. I854. ROE. Original belle. [ci885.] ROHLFS. Circular study. I900. Leavenworth case. 1899[c'78]. - Marked personal. I897. - One of my sons. I90I. Sword of Damocles. [ci88i.] That affair next door. 1900. ROSEBORO. Old ways and new. I892. ROSS. Speculator. i89I. RUNKLE. Truth about Tolna. I906. SADLIER. True story of Master Gerard. I900. ST. CLAR. Metropolites. [ci864.] SCHOEFFEL. Miss Davis of Brooklyn. I888. SHERWOOD. Transplanted rose. I9oo[ci882]. SIENKIEWICZ. After bread; a story of Polish emigrant life to America. [ci897.] SMITH. Caleb West. I898. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 1897. - Fortunes of Oliver Horn. 1902. Tom Grogan. I896. ' Wood-fire in No. 3. 1905. SPUYTENDUYVIL chronicles. i856. 32 STEPHENS. Philip Winwood. 900oo. - Mystery of Murray Davenport. 1903. STODDARD. Battle of New York. 1898. Chuck Purdy. [cr891.] Guert Ten Eyck. [CI893.] SULLIVAN. Tenement tales of New York. 1895. TAYLOR. John Godfrey's fortunes. I886[c'64]. TERHUNE. Columbia stories. I897. TOWNSEND. Chimmie Fadden. [c1895.] - Chimmie Fadden and Mr. Paul. 1902. -- Chimmie Fadden explains. [cI895.] - Daughter of the tenements. [ci895.] Days like these. I9o1. Lees and leaven; a New York story. 1903. - Near a whole city-full. 1897. Summer in New York. 1903. - "Sure"; new Chimmie Fadden stories. 1904. TRAIN. McAllister and his double. I905. VAN ZILE. Manhattaners. 1895. VIELE. Last of the Knickerbockers. I9o1. WALSH. Romance of a dry goods drummer. [c1892.] WALWORTH, MRS. J. R. (H.) Bar-sinister. 1885. - Old Fulkerson's clerk. [ci896.] WALWORTH, M. T. Married in mask. [ci888.] WARNER. Golden house. 900oo. Little journey in the world. I889. That fortune. I899. WASHBURN. Italian girl. n.d. WATSON. Beyond the city gates; a romance of old New York. i897. WENDELL. Rankell's remains. 1887. WERNBERRY, and another. Love & company, limited. 1897. WHARTON. Descent of man and other stories. I904. - House of mirth. 1905. WHITE, C. E. Modern Agrippa. I893. 33 WHITE, R. G. Chronicles of Gotham. 1871. WILLARD and HODDER. Powers that prey. 19oo. WILLIAMS. Stolen story and other newspaper stories. Day-dreamer. 1906. WINTHROP. Cecil Dreeme. I876[c'6I]. WOOD, C. D. Step aside. i886. WOOD, J. S. Gramercy park. 1892. WRIGHT. People of the whirlpool. 1903. YATES. Dangerous game. 1874. I899. 34 EAGLE PRESS, BROOKLYN-NEW YORK I I z 1318 0 N5.IB8 1907 v I - 9271; *axroo~kiyn-.P.4bi4o.i..1,bw List of books on * AA~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~~~~i I I I I -iMMINNO-9, Mop pg, W-M - ------------ - REM.............. PR F I ME ----- --- --