m to cH 0 mJ4 H CONSTITUTION & BY-zLAWS OF THIE BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRTEERS OF ANN ARBOR. ADOPTED JANUARY 8th, 1867. ARTICLE I. This Association shall be called the ANN ARBOR BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS; the purpose of its establishment is the adoption of rules governing the business of Fire and Inland Insurance in the city of Ann Arbor, Mich. ARTICLE II. All the members of this Association shall be Agents or Officers of Fire Insurance Companies. ARTICLE III. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and three members who shall constitute an Executive and Rate Committee, who shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until their successors are chosen. ARTICLE IV. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and in his absence, it shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at such meetings; or if both the President and Vice President are absent any other member present may be appointed President pro temr, alnd whose duty it shall be to preside at the meeting. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a faithful record of the proceedings of the Association. He shall also keep a book 4 CONSTITUTION. in which shall be inscribedl this Constitution and the By-Laws, all amendments to the same, and the signatures thereto. He shall also keep a full and complete copy of all rates adopted in said book, which shall be the official record of such rates and rules. In the absence of the Secretary the presiding officer shall appoint a substitute for that meeting. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all assessments, fines and dues, keep a just and accurate account of the same, and pay out the monies from the treasury upon orders drawn by the Secretary and endorsed by the President or Vice President; and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to submit his account in writing to this Board at its annual meeting and pay over to his successor in office all funds belonging to this Association, together with books and papers, when such success- )r shall have been duly acknowledged by this Board. ARTICLE V. Any member not sick or absent from the city shall attend the stated meetings of this Board, or failing to do so, unless excused by the Board, shall forfeit and pay into the Treasury the sum oi fifty cents, and until the same is paid lihe shall be debarred from all the privileges of this Boarcd. ARTICLE VI. The stated meetings of this Board shall be held on the 2cd Tuesday of each month, at such hour and at such place as this Board mlay from time to time appoint, and a majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Special meeting shall be called by the Secretary at the request of the President or any three members of this Association. The annual meeting of this Association for the election of officers shall be held at the office of the Treasurer on the 2d Tuesday of January of each year at 7 r. M. ARTICLE VII. Each member slhall be entitled to one vote. ARTICLE VIII. Expenses incurred by this Board shall be defiayed by an equal assessment on each Compainy represented. CONSTITUTION. 7 ARTICLE IX. The proceedings of this Board shall be considered confidential and the views of members on subjects discussed are not to be divulged except by consent of this Board. ARTICLE X. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members of this Board at an annual or stated meceting. BY-LAWS. SECTION 1.-No indebtedness shall be incurred by any member for or on account of this Association except by a vote of the Board at a stated or special meeting. SECTION 2.-All fines and assessments wlich are levied shall be paid on or before the next stated meeting of the Board. SECTION 3. —No rates adopted by this Board shall be changed except by a vote of a majority of the members of the Board. SECTION 4.-No risk shall be takell on any building on which a rate has not already been adjusted unless subject to a rate to be fixed by this Board, and when thus taken it shall be the duty of the member taking such risk to make immediate application to the Secretary and Rate Committee to have a survey made and rate adjusted. SECTION 5.-No member shall procure any Policy of InsuIance fro01 any office which is not legally entitled to do business in this State. SECTION 6.0-Any member of this Board who shall take or cause to be taken or renewed, either directly or indirectly, by his Company, correspondent, agent or employee, ally risk at a less rate or Policy Fee than that adopted by this Board, or who shall return, or make promise of return, of any part of a premium, or-who shall in any other way deviate from the rules and regulations adopted by this Board, the party so offending shall immediately forfeit and pay to the Treasurer an amount equal to the premium which should have been received in each case of deviation, and the said penalty shall in all cases be enforced for tV-LkWS. it such offences without palliation; provided that -this shall not apply to insurance of churches. SECTION 7.-It shall be the duty of every member of this Board to report forthwith t-o the Executive Committee any infraction or departure from the rules and regulations adopted by the Board which may come to his knowledge, and when any member or his agent, or employee, shall be complained of for any infraction as above, it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to forthwith summon the party complained of, to answer for such deviation, and he shall submit his books for the examination of such committee to prove or disprove the charge; and the party so charged may free himself from such charge by his affidavit imade before a proper officer andcduly sworn to, and such affidavit shall be delivered forthwith to said Exective Committee. SECTION 8.-The fact of such member declining or neglecting to immediately thus free himself of such charge of infraction of rules and regulations, shall be deemed and taken as conclusive evidence of the truth of the charge, and the President or Chairman of the Executive Committee shall forthwith demand and take measures to collect the fines and penalties provided by the rules of the Board. SECTION 9. —In case a party shall consider himself aggrieved by the decision of the Executive Committee, he may appeal to the Board at a stated meeting who shall review tile evidence taken before the Executive Committee and may confirm or reverse the decision of said committee. Said reference, however, shall not retard the immediate collection of the penalty assigned by the Executive Committee, but in case of reversal by the Board, said penalty shall be refunded. SECTION 10.-Any member charged with any deviation from or violation of the rates or rules of this Board, shall permit an examination of his books by the collllmmittee. SECTION 11.-In case any member shall refuse to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of the Board, no member 12 B3Y-LAWS. of this Board shall thereafter reinsure such party, or acknowledge hilm in any business transaction relating to fire insurance or unite on any risk upon which tile said party may have deviated while said deviating policy may be in force; and all policies on said risks controlled by other members of this Board, shall be cancelled during the life of said deviating policy. SECTION 12.-The rates which shall be hereafter agreed upon shall be net for straight cash policies and on participation policies 10 per cent of tile cash premiuml shall be added in all cases. SECTION 13.-It shall be the duty of each member of this Board to report to the Secretary any alterations in buildings on which a rate has been fixed, or any change of occupancy in the buildin(r that may come to his knowledge, the change in any way to affect the hazard. SECTION 14.-It shall be the duty of the Executive Colmmittee to offer a standing reward of $200 for the arrest and conviction of any incendiary who shall set fire to any property insured by the companies of this Association, said reward to be paid by the companies represented in this Board in equal proportion. It shall also be their duty to publish such offer in conspicuous type, and cause the same to be posted in the offices of the members of this Association. SECTION 15.-A policy fee of $1 00 shall be paid on all new risks. SECTION 16. —These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members of this Board at an aniual or stated meeting. TABLE OF SHORT RATES, FOR TERMS LESS THAN A YEAR.,.ts ICts Cts Cts Cts Cts s ctsCt CtSCtst Cts Ctsl C tS Csi Cts Ctsl CtsC Cts Cts ANNUAL PREMIUM, 30 3 40 45 EO 55 60 65 |70 75 80 85 90 100 110 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 500 10 days or les 3 L4 4 5a 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 91 10 1 13 15 25 30 33 351 3S1 401 50 15 days "|41 5o 5i 6 7 7 4 S 9 9 10o 1 1 1 121 13 51 201 23S 2 Oi E30 37 40! 43i 47 50 53 6 20 days " 5 i6 7 8 8 91 101 11 12 31 13 14 15 17j 18 2 1 S 5 S9 |'8 42 46 0 54 38" 03 617 83 1 month " 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 13 141 o 61 Is, 0 252 5 3 0 451 o0 5 C0 05 cs0 75 8013.00 45 days 8 10 11 1 14 15 17 18 1s) 21 S2 2, 3 25,1 28 (0 4. 1 sl 4I I'G 09 76 83 89 S0 1.C3 1.10 1.8S 2 days " 9 1 1 11 12 14 i 1 8 0 21 2143 S8 t 6 2T 30 3.8 3S 45 r 8 CO CS| 5 8E3 CS 1.C501.13 1.20 1.50 75 days 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 216 8 3 20 32 1 3 S 41i 43 t(4 i C61 75 8 41 0ll.C831.13 1.2231.31141.1.5011.SSl onths 75 12 14 1 IS W 2 S4 S|S 0 ~-41 LE 241 4 CO dy O E C0|1.CO 1.I0 1.20 1.0 1.50 1.COj2.C O 4 months' 158 1S 20 23 25'128 30 33 5 3S 0 43 45 to0 35 C3O 75 ES.CO!1.1311.2513 1.S1.301l.C3 1.51.SS12.C0 2.50 5 mcnths 8lS 21 12 2A 7 ~0 3 33 G) 39 2 45 48'3' 4 CO4 6 5 C0 6.C5 1.S l. 5.OIC5 IO I 2.102252.40 00 < | 6 moiCnths' 2Sl 25f |8 3E2 ~G5 39| 42 46 49 33 36 3 CCC r.452.'3 12.803.50 2, I' 32 1.404.c8 1.75, 1.3 0 2 5,. 2 3 500 7 months I f3 G ZO 41 S 41 45 49 t33 G4 CO C4 CSI T51E3 C4'1.131.01 1.00 9 101.3S2.C62.252.442.C32.81'3.CO3.75 18 mcnts " 241 S8 32 3i6 40 44I S t2 CC C40 CSI 0 21 0 CS 1.C011.01.40 1.C011.0O 200 2.0 2.402.002.30 3.20 4.C0 8Imcnths 2C I 2. 1S; 2.4 2.C 2.I0 O,8. 9 mcnths i" 2 301 34 38 43 47 l 35 ~00 C04 C08'3 7 " 5 c C4 1. 491.70 1.31 2.13, 6 2.3C 31,.19.3.40 4.24 11 cntcs ~3| | 43j' 2 57' C 6 1 LI C5 1.131 1 "1.3 1.C 2 2 2..03.33 3.63 4.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pi!.s. _3C"3~1."1.~i.i 106 - ~RATES ON DWELLINGS, BARINS AND CONTENTS. C C A ox DESCRIPTION. Brick witlv slate or metal roof detachlled 50 to 100 ft. 35 85 1 25... " 25 to 50 ft. 45!1 0011 50 "...' 10 to 25 ft. 551 20 1 80.... " less than 10 ft. 65 1 50 1 75 Brick with shLingle roof detached 50 to 100 feet —- 40 90 1 50 ic 4C" 25 to 50 feet —- 501 201 00 "(~ "L " 10 to 25 feet —- 60 1 30 2 00 " less than 10 feet —- 75 1 60 2 50 Frame detached 75 to 100 feet —-- 50 1 00 1 50 50 to 75 feet 551 201 75 " 25 to 50 feet-0- 651 40 2 CO 10 to 35 feet —--------- 75 1 602 35 " less than 10 feet........ 90 002 90 The above rates are charged where there is but one other risk within the given distance. For each. additional risk within the given distance five cents is added for one year, 10 for three years and fifteen for five years. Insurance for any other term is collmputed in the same manner as above. MAIN ST., BETWEEN IIURON AND WILLIAMI-SOUT1H SIDE. 19 NAMES. BUSINESS. ~ o S. Botsford............... 1 Store........... B 00 P. Bach.................Dry Goods....B....... B 00 E. B. Pond.............. Printing Office. B......... B 1 50 C. H. Millen............. Dry Goods............ B 1 00 1 00 J. Hunt........ Hardware............. B 1 00 1 00 Watts & Br o.............Jewellers...... B 25 1 25 H. Schlotterbeck......... Confectionery & Saloon, B 1 25 1 50 C. Eberbach & Co....... Dugs.B 1 25 1 50 A. HIutzel & Co.......... Paints, Oils, &c........ B 1 25 1 50 J. Vanderwaker.......... Brich Store............ B 1 00 1 00 J. Vanderwaker.........Frame Store........... D 1 25 1 25 Wines & Worde.........Dry Goods..B 1 00 1 00 National Bank..................................B 1 00 1 00 Will. Allaby................................ B 1 00 1 00 P. Bach.................. Dry Goods............ B 1 00 J. Ha ngsterfer........- Saloon, Public Hall, &c. B 1 40.... J. Hangsterfer........... Contents....... B.... 1 25 Dean & Co..............Crockery Store........ B. 1 25 C. Belr.............. Saloon............ B1 25 125 C. Beli]~........Leather Store.B 1 1211 00 P. Christian............ Stoves and Tinware.... B 1 12 1 12 G. F. Lutz...............Saloon........... B 11 25 1 25 J. Reinhlard.............. Boots and Shoes...1 00 1 00 20 MAIN ST., BETWEEN HURON AND WILLIABI-SOUT1H SIDE. NiAMES. BUSINESS. 1 o H. Krause............... Hardware Store........ B 1 00 1 00 HI. Krause............ Leather Store.......... B 1 00 1 00 II. Binder................ Saloon................ 11 25 11 25 Mack & Schmic.......... Dry Goods............I BI 901 90 MAIN ST., BETWEEN HUIRON AND WVILLIAM —EAST SIDE. Henion & Gott........... Dry Goods............ B 90 90 W. Jennings........... Tailor Shop........... 1 0011 00 Grenville & Fuller........ Drugs................. B 00.1 25 Johnson & Pierson..... ts and Caps......... B1 00 1 00 G~uiterman & Co......... Clothing Store.........R Bi 00 1 00 Bliss & Hill.............. Jewelers..............B 1 00 1 10 L. B. Stewart & Co..... Grocery & Produce Store, B 1 CO 1 00 Kemnper &; Dielll.. Hats and Furs....... B 1001 00 Nathan & Co......... Clothing Store...... 1 00 00 C. Fantle.............l Millinery and Dry Goods B 1 00 1 00 Winm. Wagner........... Tailor Shop............ B1 00 1 00 Widemann & Schuhll... Hardwae............. B 1 10 00 Dickerson & Co.......... Clothing Store...... B 1 001 00 J. S. Henderson.......... Groceries............. B 00 1 00 L. C. Risdon............. Hardware and Tin....B 00 00 O. 3M. Martin............ Furniture............. Bjl 2511 25 F. Siepfle.............. Meat Shop............. D|3 2513 00. hlig............ Furniture............. B3 503 50 MAIN ST., BETWEEN IIURON AND WILLIA.M-EAST SIDE. 23 NAMES. BUSINESS. r, M. Clark............. Grocery.......... D3 503 00 C. Fantle... Dwelling............ D3 00 3 00 C. Spoor......... Harness Snop..... B 90 90 John Gerner......... Groceries.......... D 1 25 1 25 J. Hangsterfer..... Dwelig...... D 00 1 00 J. Hangsterfer......... Bakery & -Confectionery C 1 25 1 25 G. Moore................ Brick Dwelling........ B 75 75 J. F. Bross.............. Brick Building......... C 2 0012 00 MIAIN ST., BETWEEN IIUI'ION & CATHIARINE-WEST SIDE. Gregory Block..........- Hotel and Stores....... B 1 50 J. G. Mhozart & Co.........Jewelers............ B................. 1 25 Dessotell Saloon.......... Billiard Saloon........... 1 50 J. Freeman.............. Barber Shop........... B.. 1 25 Miller & Co.............. Books and Stationery... B.... 1 25 L. B. Gilmore & Co...... Books and Stationery... B'.... 1 25 William O'Hara.......... Dry Goods............B 1 251 25 Parson's Store........... Boots and Shoes... B 0.... A. D. Seyler........... Boots and Shoes B.... 1 00 J. H. Maynard........... Dry Goods............ B 1 25 1 25 J. G. Truar........ Saloon................ C 1 501 50 T. Earl........ Dry Goods........... C 50 50 H. Bower.............. B 1 25 1 25 Exchange Block.......... Boalrding House, &c... C 12 00.... 24 MAIN ST., BETWEEN HURON & CATHARINE-WEST SIDE. NAMES. BUSINESS. o Benham & Co............ Tobacconists.......... C 00 Mrs. Johnson........ Millinery..... C 00 W. B. Smith.............Drugs................. C.... 2 00 Tuite, Donnelly & Duffy.. Brick Block...........B 00.... H. S. Buel............... Drugs................. B.... 1 25 Farmers' Store........... Dry Goods, &c. B..... 1 00 A. R. R. Hall............... Bakery and Groceries. C 10 50 50 Freeman's Barber Shop......................... 251 25 P. Wall.................. Grocery and Saloon.... C 2 00 2 00 Flannery................ Grocery and Saloon.... C 2 0012 00 IKitclhen's Grocery............................... D2 00 2 00 A. W. Chase....... Printing&BookBindery B 1 50 1 50 N. B. Nye............... Livery Stable.......... B|2 00 2 00 ANN STREET. J. Polhemus............. Livery................ D 3 00 3 00 Sutherland & Whedon.... Lumber Yard.............. 1 50 Court House1 50.... Collamer & Bro.......... Saloon........... D 2 502 50 L. Coyle................. Groceries.............. D 5 00 5 00 Gould's Saloon....................................5 00 5 00 Hall & Weeks........... Groceries.............. D 15 005 00 Hoban. & Tobin.......... Groceries.............. D5 005 00 MceIahon c& Easton..... Flour and Feed Store.. D 4 (04 00 Mc-Mahon & Easton..... IC014 0 HURPON STREET. 27 NAMES. BUSINESS.. Tripp & Co.............. Brick Foundry... C 75 2 75 Tripp & Co.............. Frame Machine Shop.. D 2 75 2 75 J. Wiel & Bro............ Frame Tannery.......D 4 004 00 J. Wiel & Bro......... Office............. D 1 50 1 50 Monitor House........... Hotel...............C 1 75 1 75 Monitor Barn................................... D 2 50 2 50 Lesuer & Son............ Livery................ D 3 00 3 00 Robinson & Co.......... Meat Market.......B 25 Warner, Corson & Co.... Hardware and Tin.. B 1 25 B. F. Rice & Co.......... Boots and Shoes.... B.. 25 B. Green........... Saloon............... B 1 2511 25 H. Guthrie.............. Shoe Shop...D 1 75 75 Lo3mlis & Tibbals.. Produce.............. D 1 7511 75 W. Besimer........... Saloon................ B 1 251 25 Miller & Webster......... Bank....... B 1 00.l L. Davis........... Printing Office.....B.. B 1 50 Seaman & Cole.......... Printing Office........ B —-- 50 Noble & Rider.......... Boots and Shoes....... 1 25 1 00 J. Lewis.Saloon................B 1 2511 25 C. R. Thompson......... Hats, Caps and Furs B 1 001I 00 J. Clancy..........i....Dry Goods & Groceries. B 1 0011 00 A. W. Ames........... News Depot... B 1.00 25 Horn & Rowe............ Tobacconists..........: B1 O|l 25 28 HURON STREET. NAM ES. BUSINESS. A. & C. Loeb............ Clothing Store........ B 11 2511 25 J. Vollanl............... Harness Shop......... B 1 25 1 25 J. Hanglin & Bro........ Tobacconists.......... Bll 2511 25 Donnelly & Bro.......... Groceries and Crockery. B 1 00 1 00 O. A. Kelly.............. Groceries........... D3 00 Cook's Hotel and Barn......................... D14 0014 00 Slawson & Son........... Groceries and Crockery. B 1 01 10 N. H. Drake............. Saloon................ D 1 7511 75 Ryer & Loubengeyer..... | Meat Market........... C 1 75 1 75 J. Haller.... Jewellers- C 00o 1 00 W Paul....e............. eat Market - Cl1 00 1 00?W. Paul................. Dwelling House......1. D1 00 1 00 Kelly & Goodell.......... Grocery Store......... 00 1 00 A. Snover................ Grocery Store......... B 1 00 W. D. Holmes........... Picture Frames........ B 1001I 00 N. C. Palmerter.......... Shoe Shop ----—.- B 1. 0011 00 Firemans' Hall. C............ C1 00 WASHINGTON STREET. Weillmann & Gall........- Meat Market —-------- D 3 50 3 o50 J. Hoffstetter............ Grocery......... D 3 50 3 50 J. Keck............ Cabinet Shop —-- D 3 50 3 50 F. Rettich............... Saloon D 150 1 50 C; Krapf............. Carpenter Shop - D 4 0014 00 WASHINGTON STREET. 3t NAMES. BUSINESS. I I. C. Benhler............... Saloon --------------— D 3 00 3 00 F. Sorg.............. Paint Shop D t 501 50 F. Gwinner............. Meat Market —--------- D 2 0012 00 J. Gwinner............ Sal.. D3 00 3 00 WVheeler, Goodale & Henly, Bakery and Groceries 11 50 1 50 G. Mast................. Boots and Shoes....... 1 75 1 50 Bell & Hendrickson...... Groceries - - 1 70 1 50 J. Clements.............. Gas Fixtures. 1 501 t 50 F. Ziegler.............. Wagon Shop 2 00 2 00 H. WVeil.............. Dwelling and Store.....1 0011 00 J. Weil & Bro............ Frame Tannery -------— 13 50 3 50 J. Weil & Bro............ Brick Tannery, 2 story __3 25 3 25 J. Weil & Bro.........B... Brick Tannery, 21 story 3 00 3 00 J. Weil & Bro Frame Store Houses, &c. 1 50 1 50 John Wagne............ Blacksmith Shop -... - 2 00 2 00 P. Bach.................. Frame Store Buildings — 1 7511 75 J. Schneider............. Blacksmith,Wagon Shop 12 50 2 50 LIBERTY STREET. M. Brown.W......gon & Bl'kslith shopl 2 50 2 50 Schlmid & Diehl.......... Lumlbe Yard-cl — l 1 50 G. Lanbengeyer........... AgriculturalImplements 2 502 50 C. Weitzel..............aloon ----------- - - 51 75 G. Huss........... Boots an...........ts a hoes - --— 1 00 1 00 32 LIBERTY STREET. NA-MES. BUSINESS. Q' A. Scheberle............ Harness Shop.......1 251 00 A. Gardner.............. Grocery - -........ 1 501 50 Jenter & Meyer.......... Cabinet Shop-......... 503 50 Gruibe & Besseinge r...... Paint Shop-.......... --- 13 50 3 00 Mrs. Schumacher......... Saloon and Dwelling-... 1 0011 00 J. Zeeb.................. Saloon and Dwelling- 1 00.1 00 J. Ryer................ City Brewery-.... 0013 00 J. Ryer............... Store House 1 00 1 00 L. Fritz................. Slaughter House - - 3 003 00 M. Rogers.............. Slaughter House- 3 0013 00 Ryer & Lanbengeyer..... Slaughter....ouse. 3 00 3 00 H. Krause...............Frme Tan3ery-3 0013 00 J. Heinseman............Frame Tannery -- 2 5012 50 Muhl & Dutenhofer.....Frame Tannery 2 50......... 50 P. Brehm............... Brewery.......2 50 2 50 A. Diederle.............. Cooper Shop ---------- -- 1200 2 00 M. Schuh................ Cooper Shop.......... 5012 50 FOURTH AND DETROIT STREET. Goodrich Building........ Dwelling and Saloon -... D13 00 3 00 J. Wienett.............. Grocery- -----....1 D ---- 3 00 E. W. Morgan............ Law Office....1 00 00 O. Hawkins............. Law Office Di 00! 00 P. Quinn............... Tailor Shop.. D4 00 4 00 VOUJRTH AND DETROIT STREETS. 35 NAMES. BUSINESS.? o C J. R. Geer............... Building and Saloon. C 2 50 2 50 Lawson & Wurster....... Carriage & Blacksmith_ C 3 0013 00 A. M. Bodwell........ Carpenter ShopD 2 5012 50 J. Finegan.............. Agricultural Hall- C 1 751 75 J. Eisele.............. Grocery & Marble Shop, D 2 5012 50 Buchoz Block............ Groceries and Saloons.. C 1 7511 75 D. Henning.............. Apple Store D 1 2511 25 Spofford & Dodsley....... Cooper Shop D 2 5012 50 Partridge & Laffrey...... Furniture Rooms- -B.......... 25 Wines, Mallory & Douglass Planing Mill, Sash, &c. - D $10o $10 Partridge & Laffrey...... Planing Mill, &c.-.D.. 8 00 8 00 Ryer & Miller........ Factory for Bent Workl D 7 0017 00 N. Arksey............... Carriage Maker- C 2 50212 50 N. Arksey............... Show Room-D 1 50 1 50 J. Diehil................ Saloon -.....P- D 1 2511 25 James O'Neil............ Saloon - 1 C 0011 00 J. Keenan............... Grocery.......... 50 50 C. Parsons......... Grocery -- 2 50 50 G. Creslein....... Cooper Shop C 2 50 2 50 Michigan Central Depot.. Produce, &c D11 50 1 50 Ii. Hooper..............Brewery C 12 5012 50 R. Hooper S... tore Room- -- D 1 5011 50 John Valz............ Brewery, (frine & brick) C 2 7512 75 36 FOURTH AND DETROIT STREETS. NAMES. BUSINESS. m S Fred Rouf.............Brewery and Dwelling- C 2 75 2 75 LOWER TOWN. Chapin & Co........... Store Room. C 1 50.1 5) W. Saunders.............Grocery C 1 50|1 50 G. Rhlodes. Carpenter Shop........lD 3 5013 50 WaVslltenaw Eouse.......... D 3 00 3 00 A.Ie. ectifirzor................... C 7511 75 A. IIerz.............. IGrocery and Dwelling-. C 2 0012 00 G. Lodholz...............Bakery- C1l 5011 50 MILLS AND FACTORIES. Sinclail & Swathel.. -...... Floot rng Mill.. D12 7512 75 Tomlison c Bent.......... eWoolen Factory. ----- D 13 50 3 50 C. Tl&hompson............ Grist hill -D13 0013 03 Deobel & Swift.......... Flouring Mill.......... D3 0013 00 -. Osborn...............Floing Mill- 13 003 00 Goodell &a Henly.... ii Mills......... D' 3 00i 3 00 HI. & D. WIcColl.oolen Factory.... B12 50j2 50 Co ell & Bro........... oolen Factory.. B 2 5012 50 Cor.well & Bro.......... Pape ills. D13 C013 00 MILLS AND FACTORIES. 39 NAMES. BUSINESS. D i J. M ahon.............. Flouring Mills. D 3 0013 00 COLLEGES, SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. University Buildings......B —--- 751 - - - - lUniversity Buildings...... C 751- - Laboratory Building...... ---------------- C 9011 00 Observatory Building..... C 501 75 Union School Buildings... —---------------- I C 901 - Ward School Buildings.... C 75 Misses Clark's Building... C 60 Frame Churches....DI 00. ---- Brick Churches.......... Warmed by Stoves..... C 60.... Brick Churches.......... Wared by Steam....C 50. Organs ill Churches...... Addition to rate on ch'rhl C 251.... MISCELLANEOUS. Whitney & Partridge..... Steam Saw Mill........D 6 50 -- C. Krapf......u............ Lumber Yard -..... 1 50 F. Gwinner........ Meat Market...... -----—. I 1 00 —.. W. B. Jolly.............. Meat Market.... —-- D 00 Kossuth House...... H.... Hotel........... - I 25 1 25 G. Albrecht....... Bakery. —...D.......l D. 75 1 75 County Jail............... -----—............... D The following Companies are represented by the Ann Arbor Board of Fire Underwriters. J. H. BURLESON, Agent, METROPOLITAN INSURANCE COMPANY, 1NEW YOReI. LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE " " _MARKET FIRE INSURANC-E. " C. G. CLARK, JR., Agent, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW HAVEN RESOLUTE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORm. D. CRAMER, Agent, AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD. HARTFORD INSURANCE " " PH1ENIX INSURANCE " A. DEFOREST, Agent, DETROIT FIRE AND MARINE INS. COMPANY, DETROIT. 42 COMIPANIES REPRESENTED. J. N. GOTT, Agent, MERCIIANTS' INSURANCE COMIPANY. CIIICAGO. C. B. GRANT, Agent, TEUTONIA IRSURANCE COMIPANY, CLEVELAND. Z. P. KING, Agent, SECURITY INSURANCE COM3PANY, NEW YORiK. LUMBERMAAN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, CHICAGO. C. MIACK, Agent. WYASHINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE " " UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, i MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD. C. II. MILLEN, Agent, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. 43 D. McINTYRE, Agent. NORTHI AMERICAN INSUR ANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent, INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COM'IPANY, HARTFORD.:SUTHERLAND & WVHEDON, Agents. PH(ENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, BROOKLYN, N. Y. NORTH A-MERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. INSURANCE Co. OF NORTH A-MERICA, PI-ILADELPHIA. S. G. TAYLOR, Agent. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO., SPIRINGFIELD. COMMERCE INSURANCE COMPANY, ALBANY. PUTNAM INSURANCE CO)MPANY, HARTFORD. E. TERHUNE, Agent, YONKERS AND NEW YORK INS. CO., NEW YORK. A. WIDENMANN, Agent, HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK.