GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON THE SCIENCE OF CHEIrS1iAN ECONOMY. BY WILLIAM SPEER, SECRETARY OF TIlE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF EDUCATION. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 1334 CHESTNUT STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by THIE'lB.TFSES OF THE PRESBYTERIAi BOARD OF PUBLICATION, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. \WESTCOTT & THOMSON, Stereotypers and Electrotypers, P'ila. PREFACE. TRIS volume is the offspring of practical necessities, connected with the labors of a commission and ordination similar to that which Paul, when the time of his departure was at hand, bestowed upon Timothy: "Watch thou in all things; endure afflictions; do the work of an evangelist; make full proof of thy ministry." "To do the work of an evangelist," the writer was sent to China in the year 1846. He spent several years there amidst the protracted scenes of that horrible war by which Christian nations, for money, succeeded at length in compelling the government of a great and peaceful heathen empire to legalize a traffic which was deliberately poisoning with opium, year by year, millions of its people. In the year 1852 he was sent to California to preach Christ to the Chinese whom the power of money brought there, amidst the tens of thousands from all the nations of the habitable globe. He witnessed the strange, frantic intoxication of those multitudes; and saw the crimes which men were willing to commit for money. In 185T he was obliged to leave his work, exhausted and expected to die, partly because, amidst the boundless and most important work to be done in that field, the Christians of our country enabled the Board of Foreign Missions to grant but a minor part of what the work demanded, and he was forced to add to his infinitely more important labors those of begging and working to get money, for building, for the printing of a newspaper in Chinese and English, and for supplies of medicine and books, and other evangelistic necessities. In eight years spent in the great and most interesting home mission fields of the far South and of the upper Mississippi valley, and in tne years since 1865, amidst the toils of an office whose end is to raise up and qualify laborers for all the immense harvests which have been referred to, the experience has been the same. The greater and more important work, the preaching of the gospel, and the increase and training of the men who are needed by hundreds 3 4 PREFACE. where the Church is supplying tens, is ever and ever dragged to the earth by the simple want of that which Christians in America have in abundance to give, but do not give: money. It has been such necessities as these which have driven the writer first to study, with prayer, every text from the beginning to the end of the word of God which relates in any way to money; next, to inquire into the lessons of the history of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ since his ascension, to ascertain what have been its experiences as to money; then to look into questions of political economy, national finance, and commerce, which could throw light upon the subject of money. By these means he has been led to the overwhelming conviction that God has, in his omniscient wisdom, and forethought, and grace through Christ Jesus, made known to the New Testament Church a sufficient Rule for Giving, and the principles which should regulate it. The preparations for it in the Old Testament, the preaching of John the Baptist, the personal teaching and example of the SON OF GOD, the antecedent and succeeding instructions of the epistles and the book of Revelation, have given to this Rule-wonderfully brief as it is, and simple and easy to be remembered, and adapted to all life's way-faring men, so that though fools they need not err therein -a dignity and power which prove that it is divine. To explain, to illustrate, to impress, and to put into effectual use, for the good of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the conversion of the world to him, GOD's RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING, is the one object of this volume. In this earnest, practical, and hopeful era, men have sought out and made useful to them the great principles of many departments of physical science, of political economy, now made broader and nobler as "social science," and of moral science. The present seems to be a time for Christians to advance from the past hortatory way of treating the subject, to consider the great principles of religious and ecclesiastical finance, for which perhaps no more appropriate name can be found than that of the SCIENCE OF CHRISTIAN ECONOMY. Upon it depend many momentous questions related to that rapid and general advancement of the kingdom of our LonD JESUS CHRIST, which should now be the great aim and employment of his Church. CONTENTS. PART I. THE DIVINE GIFT OF MONEY. CHAPTER I. GnEATNESs OF THE SUBJECT. Interest at this time. What Gon teaches. Extent of Subject. The foundation Text........ Page 11 CHAPTER II. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD MANIFEST IN THE CREATION OF rTH PRECIOUS METALS AND THE CONSTITUTION OF MONEY. Important Office of the Metals in Creation. Empire of each. The honorable attributes of Gold and Silver. Most important Use as Money. Illustrations in History. Problems of Elixir of Life and Philosopher's Stone. Coining Money an attribute of Sovereignty; often a Religious act. Money in Society like Blood in the body or Water in nature. Gold and Silver the only suitable Materials. Influence upon Industry, Intellectual Progress, and Religion. Imperishable nature. Adaptation to all Classes and Wants. Universal Sovereignty. Ranked by Jesus Christ as a god. An Eternal Curse or Blessing.......................... Page 21 CHAPTER III. REWARDS AND PENALTIES CONNECTED WITH MONEY. Peculiar Sacredness of Blood in the Ancient Law. Gold and Silver an Equivalent for it. Redemption of Sons, Daughters, Animals, or Things devoted. Essential sameness of Capital and Labor; Money is Life. God's special Curse upon Covetousness. Responsibility for our Brother's Blood. Mysterious Blood-cracks in Chinese Porcelain. The Disease of enervated and invalid Christians and Churches............................................ Page 25 CHAPTER IV. THE EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. Beautiful Illustratior from an Oriental Nurse. Heavenly Grace in Christ. The Lord's Prayer. Design in the Creation of the World. Royal Preparations for a Royal Race. Purposes of the Levitical Dispensation, Guardianship and Instruction. God's Lessons as to use and abuse of Gold and Silver. Discipline of Israel as the Channel of blessings to Mankind. "All Things are Yours." Covetousness the Sum of all Sins. Warnings of the Forerunner. Personal Teaching and Monitions of the Son of God. The Gospel 5 6 CONTENTS. for the Poor in Spirit. Two great Antagonistic Powers, God and Mammon. Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. A Grand Heavenly Lesson of Beneficent Charity. Influence of the Holy Spirit on Believers. Results of the Outpouring at Pentecost. Curse upon Ananias and Sapphira. The Great Principle as explained in the Epistle. Mankind to become " Children of God." Heavenly Destiny................................................ Page 26 CHAPTER V. DEVELOPMENT OF PECUNIARY BENEFICENCE IN TIlE CHRISTIAN CHUIRCII. Five great Progressive Stages. First Stage, Christ and the Apostles. Period of Wondrous Energy. The Church undertakes the Conquest of the World. Astonishing Liberality of Primitive Christians. Defects. Lessons to Subsequent Ages. Second Stage, Era of Constantine. Remarkable Character of the Emperor. Liberal support of Christianity by Law. New Christian Metropolis of the World. Failure of Second Experience of the Church. Pernicious Influence upon the Clergy. Subsequent Experiences of Waldenses, Puritans, English Est:blished Churches. Third Stage, Era of Hildebrand. Church Stronger than the State. Dispenses Thrones and Possessions. Origin of Corrupt Doctrines and Practices of Romanism. Wonderful Magnificence of Rome. Coming Judgments......... Page 39 CHAPTER VI. ERA OF THE REFORMATION; ITS BENEFITS. Divine Purpose: Preparation, Discipline, and Organization. Great Classes of Illustrations. Restoration of Spirituality of Faith. Benefits related to Intellectual Improvement of Mankind. Awakening of Men to Political and Social Rights. Improvement of Physical Condition of the Human Race. Agencies for Universal Diffusion of Benefits of Kingdom of Christ. Peculiar Financial Benefits of this Era. Immense Influx of Precious Metals. Different Forms and Extensive Use of Credit System. Beneficial Effects to Poorer Classes of Society.................................................... Page 53 CHAPTER VII. DEFECTS OF THE REFORMATION AND THEIR RESULTS. The Great Doctrinal Defect. Ideas of Luther, Melancthon, and others as to Christian Ordinances. The Great Practical Defect. Pecuniary Wants Supplied by Confiscations of Roman Church Property. The Reformation gave Energy to Romanism. Comparison of Roman and Protestant Missions. Misimprovement of God's Blessings the Blight of the Church Within. Effect of Wealth on Love of Self. Variety of Forms of this Cancer of the System. Calamitous Influence of Protestantism without the Gospel upon the Nations of the World. Want of Religious Ends in Manufactures and Agriculture. Godlessness of Protestant Commerce. Zeal of Buddhists, Mohammedans, Parsees, Romanists. Illustrations in CONTENTS. 7 Eastern Asia. Burke's Descriptions of British Government in India. Terrible Representative Scene in the Opium War. Question of the Balance of Good or Evil in the Results of Protestantism........................................................................ Page 63 PART II. THE DIVINE RULE FOR THE CHRISTIAN USE OF MONEY. CHAPTER I. THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. Why is Christianity unsuccessful until now? Chief End for which God made the Precious Metals. Presumption that the Omniscient Head of the Church would reveal a Pecuniary System for its Maintenance. Perfection of God's Material and Moral Government.. The Spirit of the Old Testament proves the Need of such a System. Religion the great Business of a Human Being. Gifts of Pecuniary Proceeds require a Regular Method. The Teaching and Gospel of Christ Based upon an Implied System. Three Leading Features, relative to Personal Love, Faithfulness in Duty, and Measure, of Results. "Not under Law, but under Grace," explained. Greater Wants of Christianity. Great Necessitiea of the Present Era, like those of the Era of Christ, manifested in the Decay of False Religions. Insufficiency of the American Voluntary System. Rejection by Scotch Free Church. Universal Manifestation at H1ome. The Promised Power from on High indicates Want of Financial Machinery. The Roman Laws and Roman Roads. Kindred and Mightier Preparations for Christ's kingdom noW........................... Page 80 CHAPTER II. THE PROGRESSIVE REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL AS TO CHRISTIAN GIVING. No Complete Systematic Statements in Scripture. Successive Revelation of Great Principles in the three Dispensations. Illustration as to the Atonement; as to the Sabbath; as to the Divine Rule for Giving. Relationship of the three Dispensations. Revelation as to Giving progressive in the New Testament. Design of this Epistle. Conciseness and Perfection of the Formula for Giving. Examination of the Form of the Rule. Sequel to the Doctrine of the Resurrection. Its Positive and General Character. Its Permanence. Designed to be a Regular Ordinance. Summary of Instructions Contained in it..................... Page 100 CHAPTER III. THE SPIRIT OF A PRIMITTVE CHRISTIAN SABBATH: ITS WORSHIP AND INSTRUCTIONS. The Worship of a Primitive Christian Sabbath. Not sensual as Romanist. Not austere as Puritan. Not wanting in Fervor, as Modern. The True Christian Sabbath. Ideal taken from the Great Jewish Festivals. Description by Writers of that 8 CONTENTS. Age. Picture by Justin Martyr; by Tertullian. Joyful Character of the Primitive Worship. Primitive Christian Hymns. Pledgo of a Millennium and of Heaven. Modern Music for Children. The Instruction of a Christian Sabbath. Example of Jesus. Unlike Modern Preachers. Sabbatic Form of Paul's Epistles. Proper Employment of Sunday Afternoon and Evening. Appropriate Themes from Scripture. Ecclesiastical; Suited to Various Classes; Particular Objects; Related Themes. Interest of the People; Illustration by Pictures, Maps, etc. Substitute for the Monthly Concert. Grand End of All, Jesus Christ; the Island in the Pacific. Three Powers that will Conquer the World. Prayer. Personal Labors and Influence. Giving of Money............. Page 114 CHAPTER IV. SHE PRIMITIVE COMMUNION; GIFTS IN WORSHIP. Latin Words for Communion and Sacrament. New Testament Meanings of " Communion." Conduct of Christ. Apostolic Example. The Central Scene of Sabbath Enjoyment and Duties. Practical Communion of Christians. "Feast of Charity." Oriental Ideas of Honorary Gifts. Want of Comprehension of them in the West. Their Propriety, Beauty, and Importance. Gifts of Sabbath Worship and Communion. "None shall appear before the Lord empty." Not Communism. Offerings to the King. Ideas of Commentators. Objects of Appropriation of Gifts from the Ancient Church. Duty of Pastors now; Need of the Holy Spirit.................... Page 138 CHAPTER V. THIE CHIRCH THE SUFFICIENT AND RF SPONSIBLE AGENCY. Specific Object of the Church Remedial. Personal Labors of Christ. Successful Experiments of Chalmers. The Congregational Organization. Office of Deacon; Views of Calvin and Knox. Office of Deaconess; Sentiments of Commentators; Why not favored by John Knox, Note; Office of Evangelist, Permanent and Important. Why have these Offices Lapsed? Need of Return to Spirit of Primitive Christianity. Superintendence of Work by Church Courts...P.................................................a.............. Page 152 CHAPTER VI. PRIMARY SECULAR OBJECT OF SABBATH GIVING PERIODICITY. The Foundation Stone of Financial Operations Vital in the Commercial World. Same in the Church. Vast influence of Law of Periodicity in Nature. Galileo's discovery of the Pendulum. Its importance in Modern Sciences. Precision of God's Government. Lesson in the Levitical Dispensation........................... Page 166 CHAPTER VII. SABBATII GIVING REQUIRES FREQUENCY. Necessary to Objects of a Missionary Church. Sabbath Gifts of Primitive Christians. Weekly System of Free Church of Scotland. Educational Influence of Frequent Giving. Benefits to Mind and Heart. Exhorta CONTENTS. 9 tions of Clement of Rome. Christianity is to be Adapted to the Poor. Secular Ideas of Frequent Giving. Taxes on Coffee, Tea and Lucifer Matches. Divisions of Payment on Stocks and Merchandise. Benefits to Poor Men............................... Page 172 CHAPTER VIII. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. God's Word makes Religion Personal. Ordinances are Designed for " Every One." Liberality of Richard Baxter. Powerful Appeal of Baxter on Covetousness....Page 180 CHAPTER IX. THE UNIVERSAL PRIVILEGE OF GIVING. Departments of Ancient Temple Courts. Appropriation to Classes of Worshipers. Every Class of Worshipers should bring Gifts. Women in Heathen Temples. Christ's Welcome of Children's Gifts. Offerings from Women. Gifts from the Poor. Remarkable Story of Jesus' Brethren before the Emperor Diocletian. Provision for Strangers. Should the Ministry be governed by the New Testament Rule of Giving? Tenths from the Levites. The Half-Shekel from Christ. Comfort and Power to the Ministry. Financial Benefit to the Church. The Time of Reformation...................................... Page 185 CHAPTER X. THE POWER OF UNIVERSAL COMBINATION. Every Individual a Share. Effect in supporting a National Postal System. Posts of the Roman Empire. Vast Postal System of the United States. Success of French Popular Loans. Financial Lessons of our Civil War. Evils of Partial Methods of Contribution. Injury of Arbitrary and Unequal Taxes. Failure and Odiousness of Income Taxes. Evidence from the Success of Methodism. Isaac Taylor's Judgment..................................................................... e 198 CHAPTER XI. THE CULTIVATION OF PERSONAL CHARACTER. Splendid history of John Chrvsostom. His Picture of the Priesthood of the Christian. Interpretation of Words "lay by" and "treasure," in the Rule. Leading Object to Enlist Prayer. The Vision of Ezekiel. Spirit of Christ and the Apostles. Beneficence a Regular Principle of Christian Life. Regularity in Diet. Religious Epilepsy. Every Kind of Employment to be Spiritualized. Giving a Grace. Oriental Idea of " Righteousness." Beautiful extract from Augustine. Inducement to Personal and Home Efforts. Effect of Personal Distribution. Experience of Dr. Guthrie. Catholic Epistle of Barnabas. Example of Admiral Foote............................... Page 212 CHAPTER XII. THE SAFEGUARD OF RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LIBERTY. Lessons from a Legal-tender Note. Meaning of an Act of Congress. Checks and Balances; Judiciary System; Jealous Guard of Individual 10 CONTENTS. Rights by the State. The Sacred Trust of Religious Liberty. The Three Chief Seats of Religious and Civil Liberty. Michaelis on Resemblance of Israel to Switzerland. The great Republio of the New World. Education of Israel in the Spirit of Liberty; by Offerings and Worship. Beautiful Act in Presenting First Fruits. Every one to Brint his Gifts. Oriental Treasuries. Various Forms, Sizes and Objects. The Permanent Guaranty of Liberty. Each one " Himself" to Deposit. Contributions, Envelopes and Boxes. Dangers of Ecclesiastical Assessments. Resist Beginnings of Evil. Gigantic Corruptions from Small Seed. Republicanism of Apostolic Church. Modern Republicanism in Church and State. Effect of Principle of Individuality upon Society. Statement by II. C. Carey. Religious the Foundation of Civil Liberty. Opinions of Webster, Bancroft, and Lieber................................ Pyge 223 CHAPTER XIII. THE MEASURE OF CHRISTIAN GIVING. The Farmer, Merchant, King, employ Sufficiency for Designs. Interpretation of Words " According as" and " Prosper." Building of Solomon's and Hezekiah's Temples. The Temple on the Great Rock. Consecration of Gifts Retrospective. "No gatherings." The Divine Seal upon Property. Offerings of a Tenth. Instructions of the Lord Jesus. lis Sanction of Tithes; Occasion just previous to his Death. The Original Appointment. Patriarchal Examples. Essential Principles fixed by the Creator. Evidences from Literature and Usages of all Nations. The Means for Maintenance of Worship as Necessary as the Time. TABLE OF DECIMAL CHARACTERS. Ancient Chaldean Legends, Note. Important Fundamental Maxim as to Levitical Types; refer to Duties of Believer as well as Sacrifice of Christ. Tithe-paying in Israel. First Tenth, for Levites and Charity. Second Tenth, for Festival and Family Uses. Spirit of the Jewish Contributions; Entirely Voluntary; Easily Borne. Extract from Dr. Wines on Hebrew Laws. Interpretation by Heathen Converts, as to Measure of Gifts. Spirit and Methods of the Primitive Church. Extracts from Chrysostom. Qualifications of Proportionate Giving. Adaptation to Christians of All Classes. Its Efficiency. Special Vows and Gifts. The Occasions and Benefits.............................................. Page 242 CHAPTER XIV. THE ITOMAGFE DUE THE KING. The Demand of Homage. The Coronation Day. The Sign and Seal of Loyalty. Punishment of Refusal. Empires and Men Broken with a "Rod of Iron." Propriety of the Demand. The Office of Christian America. Primitive Christianity Planted upon a New Hemisphere. The Final Exhibition of her Heavenly Spirit and Power. Office of America in the Dispensation of the IIo'.y Spirit....................P.uye 269 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. PARIT I. THE DIVINE GIFT OF MONEY. CHAPTER I. GREATNESS OF THE SUBJECT. "I will shake all nations, And the Desire of all nations shall come: And I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, saith the LORD of hosts." "They shall not appear before the LORD empty: every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee." " Give alms of such things as ye have; and behold all things are clean unto you." "Covetousness is idolatry." "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me, But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? II 12 GOD'S RULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse; For ye have robbed me; even this whole nation." "Make to yourselves friends (with) the mammon of unrighteousness, that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations." * Campbell's Translation. —" With the deceitful mammon procure to yourselves friends, who, after your discharge, may receive you into the eternal mansions." IT may be said with truth that the Christian world has never at any previous time so earnestly directed its thoughts to the claims and uses of money as it is doing now. A great necessity is laid upon it by the condition of the world and of the Church, which is without a parallel in the past. It may be said further, that never before have men been so desirous as now to learn what GOD teaches and commands in the book of eternal truth, with regard to this subject. It requires a study of only a limited number of texts, out of the multitude in the bible which relate to money, to lead almost any thinking person to the conclusion that no one of us comprehends and measures the true nature of money, and its office and importance in the kingdom of God on earth. Such an examination convicts the Church in modern ages of failure to employ it in acts of worship and service according as God has ordained. It reveals the source of an immeasurable loss to Christians of spiritual strength, of X Hag. ii. 7-9. Deut. xvi. 16, 17. Luke xi. 41. Col. iii. 5. Mal. iii. 8, 9. Luke xvi. 9. GREATNESS OF THE SUBJECT. 13 heavenly joy, of comfort amidst earthly troubles, and of hope in death. It brings to light one of the great causes of the vast and abounding iniquity and crime in the world. It shows why glorious and everlasting rewards are promised for the faithful use of money, and why eternal penalties are attached to its abuse. The subject is so vast, its relationships so extensive, its applications so important, that we are precluded, for the ends of a Manual such as this, the attempt to present more than a summary of the great principles, and of prominent facts necessary to illustrate them, which are plainly related to the particular Divine ordinance respecting the pecuniary gifts of New Testament believers:-" Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him." CHAPTER II. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD MANIFEST IN THE CREATION OF THE PRECIOUS METALS AND THE CONSTITUTION OF MONEY. IN order that mankind in every continent, whatsoever their employments, might fill them with the spirit of religion, and make them practical for its great designs, God created at the beginning and bestowed upon our race an extraordinary gift, that of the metals. The metals form a department of the Divine work of creation which has performed a most important office in constituting the globe a nobler home for man. They have fur. nished it with a most effective means for ministering to the happiness, and promoting the education and improvement, of the human family; or, when abused, one for inflicting upon it the judgments of God. A history of gold, silver or copper, or one of iron, tin or lead, would be immeasurably more valuable and interesting to us than the records of any one nation or race that has ever existed on the earth. The qualities and uses of the metals are vitally related to the supply of most of the common wants of man, to the progress of civilization,* to the support and ceremonies of - Writers on metallurgy insist much on the point that the proficiency in the working, and the extent of the use of the metals by a nation is one of the best evidences of its measure of civilization. 11 THE PRECIOUS METALS. 15 true or false religion in all lands, and even to the general operations of Nature. We are continually more and more surprised at the extent and variety of their presence and influence in all the realms of inanimate or animate matter. They exist in the waters of the oceans which surround the globe; they originate and control some of the most subtle and mighty forces of Nature. They are detected in the analysis of the light which comes to us from the planets, and from stars which are inconceivably remote. The empire of each metal is distinct, and its Divine ends different. The ancients imagined that they were severally related to the sun, moon, or one of the planets; and that each affected in its own way the health and prosperity of the human race. Gold was the metal related to the sun, silver to the moon, quicksilver to Mercury, tin to Jupiter, iron to iMars, copper to Venus, and lead to Saturn. So powerful and so extensive was this superstition that the astronomical signs for the planets are still used in various countries of Europe by chemists as signs for the metals, and there are multitudes who yet believe themselves and others to be affected for good or evil by those related influences, and consult astrologers with regard to them. Each metal was also associated with a day of the week; gold with Sunday. Gold is styled "the royal metal." God makes a special claim to it and to silver. "The gold and the silver are mine, saith the Lord of hosts." These two are endowed with the most honorable attributes. They are specially designated as appropriate for offerings to God, and to hulan beings in the highest authority. They are the most beautiful, brilliant and permanent in color; they are the most easily shaped by 16 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. the hammer, graver or mould; they receive the most deli cate impressions; and they resist more successfully than any other metals the destructive effects of time and the elements. The properties of these two metals peculiarly suit them to the purposes of adornment. They are the appropriate setting of the most costly gems. They are the materials for crowns, and sceptres, and signets, and all the insignia and ornaments of priestly and royal office. They are designed to give, and preserve imperishably, the external splendor and glory of temples and palaces. They are the substances in nature which mankind spontaneously shape into forms to express honor and affection, and to convey pleasure. But the most important general use for which God gave to mankind the precious metals was that they might constitute a universal medium of commercial exchange and standard of material values, and thus be an equivalent and representative of all the varied and countless products of human labor. This creates them a capable agency of the general purposes of human wisdom, skill, enterprise or power; a means of satisfying most of the wants and desires of the heart of man as to this world; and a mighty auxiliary in the extension of God's glorious spiritual kingdom on earth. No temporal gift of God to man is more valuable, gives more evidence of his omniscient goodness, or should excite in us more gratitude, than that of money. Let us turn our eyes for a moment upon some of the grand illustrations of these assertions. It requires but a limited knowledge of history, and reflection upon it, to learn that everywhere, and in all ages, no THE PRECIOUS METALS. 17 power of civilized society has been so extensive, so subtle, so various, and so mighty, as that of money. No problems of science have enlisted the interest of the learned and the powerful of all nations and all ages like the two imaginary ones of an elixir of life, and a philosopher's stone capable of transmuting all the baser metals into gold. Researches to discover them may be traced in the history of the most barbarous and most distant races. They are carried on even in the laboratories of this age and of our own country. For to possess the secrets of a source of inexhaustible life and vigor, and of commanding the universal power of gold, would clothe a man with the very attributes of divinity. Had an Alexander or a Napoleon held them, he would inevitably have made the entire globe obey his will. The governments of the world hold it to be an attribute of sovereignty to coin money. They adjudge it one of the greatest of crimes, and by some of them punishable with death, to counterfeit what is so vital to their existence. Heathen nations conceive that certain deities inhabit, vivify, and control the tendencies and courses of money. They sometimes coin money in temples, with religious ceremonies. No gods are so generally courted, or feared, as the gods of money, in view of their presumed influence over the welfare and comfort of individuals and families. Money does indeed seem almost to possess the attributes of divinity. The whole human race bows down to it. There is no one nation or people, the world around, amidst whom pieces of gold or silver coin do not exercise a mysterious charm over men and command their respect and aid in behalf of the possessor. 2 18 GOD'S RULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. In all the theology of nature we nowhere see more plainly exhibited the glorious attributes of an infinite and beneficent Creator and Governor than in the qualities and uses of gold and silver. The same God made them to subserve the wants of human society who made the blood in the animal organization-that mysterious fluid which penetrates and energizes every separate atom of the body, and both conveys to each its appropriate nourishment and from each its useless secretions or its waste; the same also who in the structure of the world created water, the circulation of which is the life of its vast frame. We see similar wisdom in the wondrous adaptation of gold and of silver-metals which so much resemble each other in their most important requisites, but each of which has yet its own features of excellence-to the grand design of being universal mediums of exchange, and representatives of values. We find in these metals largeness of value in a very small bulk; and the united qualities of malleability, ductility and divisibility, in greater perfection than in any other forms of matter. They easily receive and permanently retain the stamp which certifies to their genuineness, authority and proportionate value when made into coin. There are no other materials in nature capable of accomplishing the same incalculably important ends. Cattle and sheep, precious stones, shells, iron, the skins of various animals, and other articles, have been set up in different ages and nations as standards of value and common mediums of exchange; but nothing in the various kingdoms of nature is gifted with all the qualities necessary for these imperial ends except gold and silver. The commerce and trade of THE PRECIOUS METALS. 19 all countries measure the values, and transact the interchange, of most of their countless materials, according to their equivalents in these metals. Let us go a step higher. How shall we attempt to estimate or describe the next to omnipotent power which gold and silver exercise in imparting energy, healthfulness, regularity and beneficial results to every form of human industry? Without money, as the means of estimating and exchanging the results of human labor, the forms of labor would be limited and the sum of it would be diminished beyond our power to conceive; a multitude of beneficial manufactures would be extinguished; society would relapse to comparative barbarism. The possession of money develops the manifold resources of nature; it fills a country with every kind of material good; it assists a nation onward in the path of intellectual progress; and it bestows the means of increasing and spreading the benefits and comforts of religion. The vital power of gold does not perish from age to age. Man, and most of his works, and the fruits of the earth, soon perish; but the piece of money, taken from the hand of an Egyptian mummy, or fiom the tomb of a king of ancient Babylon, will procure for one rice to-day from the fellahs on the Nile, or myrrh or dates from the naked ryots in India; or it will print the translations of the Scriptures and help to build churches and schools in China or Kurdistan. Money stoops to sustain and comfort the lowliest. Coins of smaller values than can be conveniently represented by gold and silver are made out of compounds of them with inferior metals, such as copper, zinc, tin and nickel, which 20 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. possess something of the color and properties of the nobler metals. Thus the poor are supplied with means of carrying on their employments and supplying their wants; and the smaller transactions of society in general are more readily performed. Even the written decrees of this sovereign are obeyed, and his promises honored, in the most distant countries. His power is an hundred fold magnified and extended by the numerous devices of paper bills, bonds and notes, made payable in the centres of commerce, or bearing interest through the course of many years to come. By such devices does money vastly enlarge its dominion over the whole world. A reflecting mind is filled with awe, almost with dread, when it considers all these mighty attributes of money. It is next to omnipresent and omnipotent; it exalts and abases nations and men; it seems superior to our short-lived kind. We comprehend the meaning of our Lord Jesus Christ when he ranked it as a god; one who sets up opposition to the true God, reigns supreme over most of our race, and destroys them soul and body for ever. For such is the declaration: "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." We see also what Jesus means when he admonishes his disciples to turn what is a tremendous and eternal curse to the unrighteous into a heavenly and everlasting benefit to themselves. "Make to yourselves friends (by means) of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail they may receive you unto everlasting habitations.' * We may, is his meaning, compel the god of this world to make for us - Matt. vi. 24. Luke xvi. 1-15. THE PRECIOUS METALS. 21 friends and gather for us blessings, which shall mount with us, and fill our heavenly home with companionships and joys which otherwise we should never have known. The men, and women and children, whom our gifts of money were the means of bringing to the habitations above, will make the associations there for ever more blest and delightful. CHAPTER III. REWARDS AND PENALTIES CONNECTED WITH MONEY. IN the earliest appointments for his worship by man the Lord set a great and peculiar sacredness upon blood. It was made a fundamental principle of all sacrifices of animals that "it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." "Almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." The reason is given: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood." * There is a corresponding sacredness set upon gold and silver money. It was constituted in some sense "an atonement," or equivalent, for human or brute life. "The firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem;" "because all the firstborn are mine." A fixed sum of money was appointed for the redemption of a first-born son, or a daughter devoted by a special vow, or the firstling of an unclean animal, or some other devoted things; the firstling of a clean sacrificial beast could not be redeemed, "it shall surely be put to death." The people when numbered were commanded to give every man a half shekel, the rich no more, the poor no less, as " a ransom for his soul unto the Lord," " that there be no plague among them." This money, the Lord said to them by Moses, is to make an atonement for your souls." t - Lev. xvii. II. Heb. ix. 22. t Ex. xxxiv. 20. Num. iii. 13. Ex. xxx. 15. 22 REWARDS AND PENALTIES. 23 It is one of the radical principles of political economy that capital and labor are essentially the same. Capital in whatsoever amount represents an equivalent sum of human toil and suffering, which somewhere, and in some way, has been expended in its production. And thus, it may be said, money is blood; money is life. So, as we have seen from the law of the Old Testament, God reckons it. We are now led, if we have thoroughly weighed the purpose of God in the creation of the precious metals and in the constitution of money, which were presented in the last chapter, another step forward, and have fully brought to view the momentous responsibility to which God holds every man for the use of the money, or property which represents money, in his possession. Not alone earthly and material blessings and woes, but salvation and damnation, eternal reward and eternal punishment, are suspended upon the condition of the right use or the abuse of money. It is a question of life or death. "Ye are cursed with a curse; for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation." " Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LoRD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Covetousness withholds oblations from God's altars and treasury; honor and joy from God's service; food and raiment from God's ministers and servants, and from the poor, the widows, the fatherless and the stranger; instruction from the souls of men; and light and life from a world that lieth in darkness and spiritual death. It makes God's mercy, Christ's atone 24 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. ment, and the Spirit's agency, to be of no effect. Hence God curses it with a great and special curse. "No covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." * We are responsible for our brother's life: "Surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man." We may murder that brother by violence, as did Cain; but we may also murder him by refusing to warn, or to send others to warn him, of danger. God says, "When I say unto the wicked: Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand." t The blood of lost men is certainly upon the money of him who does not use it as a steward of God; employing it, next to the necessary maintenance of himself and family, and the discipline and equipments which are required for increase of usefulness, in ways which tend to the salvation of the souls of men. There are curious white vases of porcelain to be seen in Oriental collections of antiquities, the numerous little cracks in the enamel of which appear to be of a purplish hue. The explanation which is given for this peculiarity is, that the blood of human sacrifices was cast with them into the kiln in which this costly ware was burned. Just so the sun lights the lines and crevices of fine mansions, and costly pictures and statuary, and rich tableware and furniture, and even those of unneeded luxuries of the homes of people in *Ma!. iii. 9, 10. Eph. v. 5. tGen. ix. 5. Ezek. iii. 18. REWARDS AND PENALTIES. 25 moderate circumstances, with a purple tinge, the tinge of blood-the blood of misappropriated life, of labor and skill and strength devoted to ends of earth and sense; yea, and the blood of souls unwarned and perishing in Christian and in heathen lands, souls to whom no one has gone with the infinitely precious message: The soul that sinneth it shall die; but the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. The penalty of misused pecuniary power is wonderfully like the penalty of misused powers of bodily life. The disordered digestion, the capricious appetite, the enervation and indolence, the tendency to congestion in particular organs, the perhaps sudden and unexpected arrest in death,these are the symptoms of the enervated and invalid body. They have their precise counterparts in the religious experience of the individual who gives neither means nor toil for the salvation of others, or the building of Christ's Church on earth. They illustrate the condition of congregations and churches which wilt, and Wfade, and die, under an inward curse of God; just because they sit in spiritual gluttony and drunkenness, luxuriating in pleasant sermons, and prayer-meetings, and revivals among their own children and families, but forgetful of the vast harvest outside, white and perishing, which God has ripened for the AicJle, in this and other lands. The "wages" of such sin of omission "is death." CHAPTER IV. THE EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. TIHE tender, sleepless, self-denying, patient care of a.young boy by an Oriental nurse is one of the most beautiful and touching sights of the Old World. He never appears to weary, all the day and all the night. He carries his little charge lovingly upon his shoulder or back, or in his arms. He shelters him from the beams of the sun, or from the showers of rain, with his varnished umbrella, or great fan. He vigilantly protects him from every possible danger. He liberally supplies him with good food, and pleasant fruits, and refreshing drinks. He recites to him stories; and he teaches and encourages him to be kind and polite, and to behave himself in a proper manner. Moses takes up this beautiful and impressive illustration, when he addresses his dying instructions to the tribes of Israel. He says: "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long; and lie shall dwell between His shoulders."' * There is exhibited an amazing assiduity of tenderness, wisdom and power in God's care of mankind, from the beginning of the world. God seems to have incessantly aimed at the progressive education of man as an immortal - Deut. xxxiii. 12. 26 EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 27 being, and as one destined to hold a place of peculiar honor amidst the vast range and numerous orders of his spiritual creatures. Paul declares this divine purpose in his Epistle to the Ephesians: " God, for his great love wherewith he loved us, hath made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness to us through Christ Jesus." * The Son of God gathers us to his heart as " brethren," when he teaches us how to pray. We are to say: " Our Father which art in heaven, thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." The purpose is to teach us that we are to address and love and obey God as one who is truly " our father;" that we are to live on earth as those whose permanent home is " in heaven;" and that we are to employ ourselves and all this life's resources in directing erring and sinning fellow-men to heaven, and in helping to make this earth as like as possible to heaven. DESIGN IN THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. We see God's paternal and loving purpose manifested everywhere in the creation of the material world. His great love wherewith he loved us led him to construct a place suitable for the abode of a race which he purposed to make of one family with his dear Son. "He appointed the foundations of the earth,"t " He set a compass upon the face of the deep." "lie established the clouds above." lie "rejoiced in the habitable part of his earth;" and his " Eph. ii. 4-7. t Prov. viii. 27-32. 28 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. "delights were with the children of man." The more wide and deep our acquaintance with the whole range of nature, the more amazing appears to us the wealth of those designs which filled the earth with materials formed and deposited to suit the wants of man. Beneath its surface are stored metals, fuel, minerals, of countless kinds and uses; upon it are provided grains, woods, nutritious vegetables, herds of animals capable of domestication ready to serve him, and multitudes of others inhabiting the air and earth and waters, suited to furnish him with all that his appetites or tastes can possibly require. It is warmed and tempered with the glorious sun and air; ventilated and made healthful and pleasant by currents of winds, and rivers and seas; watered with rains, dews, fountains and streams. It is adorned with myriads of varieties of flowers, robed in splendor beyond that of Solomon; and it is made luxurious with delicious fruits. There is no sickness or pain to which man is liable for which some remedy is not devised. On every hand there appear royal preparations for a royal race. PURPOSES OF TIIE LEVITICAL DISPENSATION. The peculiar, intimate and loving tutelage of that family and nation, which when others forsook God continued to serve him, during the ancient patriarchal and Levitical dispcnsations, affords to us many illustrations of his ultimate gracious purpose in behalf of our race. That affectionate care was ever twofold: it supplied abundantly all the wants of his people and guarded them from evil; and it assiduously instructed them in the way to be holy and useful. EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 29 How impressive and valuable is that twofold history-on the one hand, God leading the nation perpetually, just as he did from Egypt to Canaan, preserving it from all its terrible enemies and supplying its wants by a continued miracle; on the other hand, teaching it by numerous precepts, by impressive appointments of worship and duty, and by many awful judgments, to use rightly, and not to abuse, his temporal and spiritual blessings. Most impressive among such lessons were many of those which related to the use and abuse of gold and silver. Thus, when God set them free from Egypt, "He brought them forth with silver and gold;"' but when they set it up to worship it, he moved Moses to burn it in the fire, and grind it to powder, and strew it upon the water, and make the children of Israel in bitterness and shame to drink of it; he commanded the Levites to go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay their guilty brethren and companions and neighbors; thus three thousand were put to death; and lastly, he sent a plague upon the people. When they entered the land of promise and conquered the cities of the heathen, they were specially required to burr their images, and to count their gold and silver a devoted thing which they must not take for themselves, but give to the Lord. When Achan broke this command, and took a garment and two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold, Joshua and the congregation took these things, and him and his sons and daughters, and his cattle and tent, and all that he had; and they stoned them with stones and burned them with fire.* *Ps. cv. 37. Ex. xxxii. 19-29. Judg. vii. 30 GOD'S RULE FOR CHIRISTIAN GIVING. The stated appointments of the law, as has already been shown, attached to gold and silver a special sacredness to God. The history of the kingdom of Judah and Israel, until their downfall, was ever filled with lessons which were designed to teach them their distinguished position as the chosen people of the Lord of heaven and earth, and to discipline them, as the channel of blessings for the good of the whole race, to holiness and zeal in the use and enjoyment of his munificent temporal gifts to them. GOD'S WONDROUS PURPOSE OF GRACE IN CHRIST. But the greatest of all the manifestations of God's "great love wherewith he loved us," and means for the education of man for the grand ends of his creation, is given in the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. When our race was hopelessly fallen and lost, when all our own efforts for recovery were evidently vain, " God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Our very ruin was made an occasion for the performance of the most astonishing of all God's acts of condescension and favor to man. At the beginning, the Creator and Lord of the universe had made man a little lower than the angels, he had given him dominion over his works on earth, and put all tnings under his feet. But now we see Jesus, the person of the Godhead by whom the worlds were made, and who upholds them by the word of his power, come to suffer death for us, and to make reconciliation for our sins, to call and to exalt us to be in an extraordinary sense " brethren;" and we see him rise and sit down on the right hand of the EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 31 majesty on high, to exercise for us the obligations of that endearing relationship, and to crown us with eternal glory and honor. * All is done that the Almighty God himself, with his infinite resources, can do to prove to us the validity of our sonship, and the truth of his solemn declaration that literally "ALL THINGS ARE YOURS." We "reign as kings." t He has made us joint occupants of the throne of Jesus. He has made us " sit together in heavenly places in Christ" and with Christ. His purpose is to show to angels and the universe "the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness to us through Christ Jesus." God is solicitous that we should realize and prove this wondrous grace and munificence. He represents its exercise in our behalf to be for his own divine glory. When Jesus Christ was on earth he labored to inspire his disciples with the sense of it, and to instruct them in the duties which it imposed upon them. He said: "Ask and ye shall receive."' If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it." " Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." "Take no thought saying, What shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knoweth ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." "Give, and it shall be given unto you." " Freely ye have received, freely give." $ John iii. 16. IIeb. i., ii. t I Cor. ii. 21; iv. 8. t Matt. vi., x. John xiv. 13, 14. 32 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. As a conspicuous part of the education of those who were at once brethren and disciples, Jesus addressed himself to exhibit in its true light the sin which is in some respects the sum of all sins-covetousness. For as money is the great representative and instrumentality of power in human society, the means of gratifying almost every earthly desire of man, the adored god of the unregenerated heart, so he makes it one of the primary ends of his visit to earth to destroy its magical spell, to lift the souls of believers to a superiority to it, and to teach them in triumphing over the love of it to subordinate it to the beneficent and healthful purposes for which God created it. WARNINGS OF THE FORERUNNER. When the forerunner of Jesus was sent to announce that the commencement of "the kingdom of heaven" was at hand, the Jews, in great numbers, from every part of the land, went out to the wilderness to see him. The great theme of his preaching was, "Repent," and "bring forth fruits worthy of repentance." The several classes of men asked, " What shall we do then?" His explanation of what " the fruits" of repentance meant was, in each case, an exhortation to practical charity, and warning against some besetting form of covetousness. The publicans were cautioned against illegal exactions of money. The soldiers were warned against the frauds and violence by which they were accustomed to wring out money from the helpless people. And the people generally were commanded, if they owned but two coats, yet to give up one to the wretch poorer than themselves, and, however small their stock of food, yet to EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 33 divide it with the hungry. Covetousness was held up as the deadly rot which was at the core of the Jewish religion, and prevented it bringing forth " fruits;" and which would make a holy God lay an axe unto the root of it, and hew down the unrepenting nation, and cast it into the fire.* PERSONAL TEACHING AND MONITIONS OF THE SON OF GOD. The Son of God himself, the glorious object of so many centuries of prophecy, at length comes! What are his first acts towards the setting up of "the kingdom of heaven," and the destruction of the kingdom of Satan? He announces his heavenly anointing, as the Messiah, to be especially in order that he may preach the gospel to the poor. The sermon on the mount is opened with a blessing to the poor, and to the poor in spirit; its first woe is to the satisfied rich. He declares the two great antagonistic powers, of good and of evil, to be God and mammon. He declares the first duty of man to be to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and that all needed earthly things shall be added thereto. He declares anxiety for earthly goods to be in its nature heathenism:' For after all these things do the gentiles seek. " He enters upon his first observance of the passover, after he begins his ministry, by scourging the money-changers out of the temple. He teaches his disciples to pray; and the first three requests offered are for the prevalence of the spiritual kingdom of God upon the earth, and but one out of the seven petitions has reference to bodily wants; and those are then considered only with reference to the passing day, and as to i Lukeo iii. 3 34 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. the simplest necessaries of life. He sends the apostles, and the seventy disciples, to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead; but his most emphatic charge is, not to carry gold, or silver, or even brass money, nor any superfluous raiment. A rich young man seeks to learn of him the way to obtain eternal life: he tells him, first " sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor." He feeds thousands in the wilderness, and satisfies them from a handful of barley biscuit, to show his power to provide all necessary good. His most angry warnings are uttered to the men who built great storehouses and barns, and cared not for their souls. His most striking parables, such as those from the pearl-merchant, the treasure-hunter, and the dishonest steward-his most touching lessons from nature, the lilies, the birds, the foxes-his most surprising miracles, the draughts of fishes, the finding of money in the fish's mouth, and the instantaneous relief of the poor, the blind, the leper, for the mere asking,-all were one incessant testimony against covetousness as to worldly possessions, and in favor of submission, obedience and trust in God. " He that forsaketh not all that he hath cannot be my disciple." His most eminent model of Christian beneficence is a poor widow, who casts into the Lord's treasury her last and only farthing, " even all her living." His life was at once lifelong beneficence and poverty. He reserved on this world which he made, but which knew him not, nowhere a safe refuge, like the foxes; no quiet nest or homne, like the birds. He washed, like the humblest of the household slaves, the feet of his own followers. And when he describes, with Divine foreknowledge of all its particulars, the coming great EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 35 Day of Judgment, he says, that the chief ground of accusation and damnation of worldlings and false professors will be that they withheld time, strength and property, from those acts of mercy to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the sick, the prisoner, of which he was the great example, and the performance of which is the principal evidence and seal of the divinity of his religion; while the acquittal and salvation of the righteous will be chiefly on the ground of such evidence as the performance of those acts affords of their sincere belief in and obedience to him.* To any one who, with an open and sincere mind, will consider the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, they will appear a grand heavenly lesson of beneficent charity; and a continued and burning protest against the love of earthly possessions, springing from the love of self, as the great enemy of love to God, and as the great obstacle to the salvation of the race of man through his own death. What an example, when the highest of all became the lowest of all, and he who alone was rich for our sakes became poor; when, indeed, he gave himself, and the King of kings took upon him the form of a servant for us, and suffered for us the shameful and agonizing death of the cross! t INFLUENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE CONDUCT OF BELIEVERS. We may complete this sketch of the divine education of man in sonship toward his Divine "father," and in the use of his gifts as becomes a spiritual and immortal being, if we Matt. v.-vii. Mark x. 21. Luke xiv. 33; xxi. 1-4; ix. 58. John xiii. Matt. xxv. t 2 Cor. viii. 9. Phil. ii. 5-8. 36 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. consider the effects of the operation of the Holy Spirit upon the conduct of believers. When the Spirit of God opens the eyes, turns darkness into light, breaks the chains of Satan and brings men to God; when he convinces and assures them of the riches and glory of their inheritance, and of their power to command "all things" through the intercession of Christ; and when he fills them with godly indignation, fear, vehement desire and revenge-with the intense emotions of the soldier who hates the kingdom and power of Satan, and is ready to sacrifice everything he possesses in order to destroy them and to place his adored sovereign, the rightful Lord of all, upon his earthly throne-how wholly, how extremely different from what they were in a state of unbelief are their conceptions and feelings in regard to the nature, uses and ends of money! Those men were not drunk with wine, but "filled"-yes, thirsty souls to whom God gave of the heavenly fountain of the water of life so that they werefilled-" with the Spirit;" who at Pentecost hastened to sell their possessions, and distribute to the bodily need, while they ministered to the boundless and perishing spiritual need around them. Angels indeed such men and women were! And with such heavenly pictures of the perfected results of God's purpose in the instruction and discipline of man, the inspired history of the Church is finished; and it is placed in our hands, to study and to imitate its examples until the end of time.* And here again God sets the precious jewel of grace, so pure, luminous and adapted to the crown of the King, in * Eph. i. 2 Cor. vii. 11. Acts ii. EDUCATION OF MAN AS A SON OF GOD. 37 a black foil. We behold the swift and dreadful curse which falls upon Ananias and Sapphira who' keep back part of the price" of what they had vowed to God, and "lie not unto men but unto God." Thus righteousness and truth are seen ever to meet and walk with mercy and peace. Thus the first manifestation of the glorious power and joyfulness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is accompanied by the most terrible warning of the penalty of abusing and perverting them and God's instrumentalities of good to the world.* TIE GREAT PRINCIPLE AS EXPLAINED IN TIHE EPISTLES. The epistles of the New Testament bring clearly to view the great principle upon which God is acting in the education of man. A household among the great family of his intelligent creatures has fallen into rebellion and utter ruin; the father would restore and reinstate it in the love and honor of " the whole family in heaven and earth." The greatest sacrifices, the most patient and wise means, must be employed to accomplish this end. It would be of no use to restore its external privileges without such an education as will elevate its nature, ennoble its affections, and inspire it with the realization of its position, its dignitio, its yespo:~sJ;3si, Js daties, and its destinies. Each member must be, in fine, lifted from the place of an animal to one higher than an angel's. He must be fitted to be "a child of God."t Take in now the full breadth of the plan. It is not to restore one man, not one nation. It is to restore mankindc. It is to bring back the race, and to teach it to have royal dominion over the creatures, and the portion of creation * Acts v. 1-11. Ps. lxxxv. 10. t Luke vi. 35. Rom. viii. 17. 38 GOD S RULE FORi CHRISTIAN GIVING. which God has assigned to it. It is to make it lord over all the realm of matter; and to teach it to use in holiness, wisdom and love, the divine faculties and the material gifts committed to it. Nor doth it yet appear what we shall be, when this mystery of godliness, this earthly education of the "brethren" of the SON OF GOD, has been perfected. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the tlings which God hath prepared for this princely race! And it is yet among the deep things of God, how he will surprise by them the lofty principalities and powers in heavenly places, in that hour when a new glory shall be added to his name by that which shall be revealed in us; and when " the creation itself shall be delivered fromn the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God!"'' HIuman language can say no more than this. Human thought cannot rise higher than this. Here we must stop, and each of us wait, it may be groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with better faculties, when mortality shall be swallowed up of life. " Then shall we know!" t * 2 Cor. ii. 7-12. Eph. iii. S-10. Rom. viii. 18-22. t 1 Cor. xiii. 12. CHAPTER V. DEVELOPMENT OF PECUNIARY BENEFICENCE IN TIlE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. IF we would thoroughly comprehend and feel the greatness of the subject of Christian giving, it is necessary that we should take at least a brief glance at the history of the Church since Christ, and the developments of God's providence as there exhibited. The history of the Christian Church has been marked by five distinct stages in the growth of the principle of beneficence. Each one of these stages, like those in the development of a fruit-bearing tree from its first germ in the earth, has accomplished some purpose of God's providential wisdom. These progressive stages may be dated from the eras of its implantation by Christ and the apostles; the emperor Constantine; Hildebrand, pope Gregory VII.; the great Reformation; and the final expansion of Christianity, upon which we are now entering. Each one of these stages is necessary to the production of the great results which God has in view. In the first stage we see its miraculous, swift and vigorous dissemination. In the second, the effort of the kingdoms of the world, convinced of its divine potency, to seduce it into an alliance with themselves, and employ it to subserve 39 40 GOD'S RTULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. their aims. In the third, the converse ambitious effort of the Church to humble and rule the world, by the means of its acquired power and wealth. In the fourth stage, the view presents us with a mutual revulsion, the Church clinging by faith, wrecked, naked and wounded, to the rock Christ Jesus, fearing and scarce able to attempt the building of the temple which God has decreed shall surmount that rock; while the world defiantly mocks her, and treats her celestial mission, and demands and expectations, with scorn. The final stage in the Church's history exalts her to the position in which God's gracious purposes in her are fulfilled; she sits as a queen, rich in the affections and obedience of a sanctified world. FIRST STAGE.- CHRIST AND TIIE APOSTLES. The first stage of Christianity was one of wondrous energy, and of extraordinary interest to all succeeding ages and to all races and generations of men. Then the vitalizing power of the ministry of the Lord Jesus, succeeded by the influences of the Holy Ghost, operates like the warm sun and quickening rains of the spring season upon the implanted seed. It is saturated with heavenly influences. It swells and is leavened with a new power. The Church is filled with a faith which moves it to undertake the speedy conquest of the whole world to Jesus Christ, its Redeemer and Lord. It was the confident expectation of the primitive Christians that the entire world would in a short time be converted. Such seemed to be the promise of the Old Testament. David, whose royal son the Lord Jesus was commonly styled by the Jews, had said, "He shall have dominlion from sea to DEVELOPMT ENT (OF BENEFICENCE. 41 sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth." Isaiah, who had with most wonderful clearness described his ministry and suffering for sin, had in triumphant and rapturous language described the fruits of them. His advent was compared to the rising of the sun upon a world wrapped in deep thick darkness, so gloriously that all nations and kings should come and gather themselves together to enjoy the blessings of its light. When all the objects of Christ's mission to earth were accomplished and he was ready to return to heaven, he gave his disciples their final instruction and commission: "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you alway, unto the end of the world." The divine dignity andl authority of Christ were attested by his transfiguration. The ability to fulfill these vast promises, and give superhuman success to the efforts of his disciples in obedience to his commands, was corroborated by his miracles. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit with such overwhelming power that thousands of people were converted under a single sermon, was intended to illustrate that infinite ability, and the willingness to exercise it.* The zeal thus incited led the primitive Christians to exercise a charity and liberality which has been the astonishment and admiration of the world until this day. Even their enemies acknowledgel how great it was, and how power* Ps. lxxii. 8. Isa. lx. Luke ii. 32. Matt. xxviii. 18-20. Mark xvi. 20. Aets ii.-v. 42 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. fully it affected the souls of all men. The emperor Julian the Apostate exhorted the pagans to establish houses for the relief of the sick, strangers, and the poor; saying to them,'It is a shame for us that the impious Galileans should not only keep their own poor but even many of ours, whom we leave to suffer." They gave, in weekly contributions, sums of money proportioned to their ability, the aggregate of which was immense. This was spent in the performance of acts of charity, which relieved the sick, taught the youth, fed the hungry, redeemed captives and slaves in all lands, supported the ordinances of religion, and sent the gospel over the entire world. The recompense of this heavenly zeal and charity was the conversion of great multitudes from every nation to the Christian religion. "It embraced," says the heathen Pliny, writing to the emperor Trajan, "persons of all ranks and ages, and even of both sexes;" and it was "not confined to the cities only, but spread its infection among the country villages. " Irenveus declared that it had "extended throughout the whole world, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth." Eusebius, writing the history of the early Church, affirms that " through a celestial influence and co-operation, the doctrine of the Saviour, like the rays of the sun, quickly irradiated the whole world. In accordance with divine prophecy, within a little time the sound of his inspired evangelists and apostles had gone throughout all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. Throughout every city and village, like as in a well-filled granary, churches soon abounded, and were filled with members from every race of people." *'EUSEB. PAMP.Ji.; Ec. ii8st.; II., iii. DEVELOPMENT OF BENEFICENCE. 43 The abuse of this all-abounding faith and virtue, or energy, was as the apostle Peter foresaw and admonished them, that they did not add " to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance," that is, discipline and firmness.* The defects of the primitive charity of the Church of Christ were the want of comprehensiveness, of system, of judgment and of large intelligence. Blazing and glorious as was this first kindling of the Christian flame, the time had not come for the construction of the enginery for which such zeal would again, at a future day, be needed, in order to the accomplishment of God's grand final designs, in the casting down of every high thing and every stronghold of Satan's powerful kingdom on earth. The lessons which this first stage of Christian beneficence suggests are, the greatness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which are yet in store for the fullness of times in this dispensation; the efficacy of prayer; and the power and energy of individual believers when clothed with the Holy Ghost; and it presents us with the highest illustrations of complete and true consecration to the ends of Christ's atonement, embracing life, offspring, property, all that a man hath, losing life here that he may gain life for ever. SECOND ST AGE. —ERA OF CONSTANTINE. The second great era of the Church, that of Constantine the Great, brings to our view one of the most remarkable figures in the world's history; that of a Roman emperor, apparently converted fiom heathenism to Christ, seeking to govern the spirits of men by civil law, and to renovate society and convert the world by the political authority and - 2 Pet. i. 5. 44 GOD 8 RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. resources of the empire. Constantine divided the Church into great primacies and episcopates of provinces and of cities, just as he divided for political purposes the territory of the empire, assigning to each its suitable officer. lie exemlpted bishops from subordination to civil jurisdiction and yet gave them power to exercise authority as judges in civil cases, and required the civil officers to carry out their decisions and mandates. He destroyed, or altered, the idol temples; commanded Sunday and Friday to be publicly observed as religious days; and carried in his military campaigns a tent designed for religious worship. He convened, and sometimes presided over, councils of the bishops and clergy; and prohibited by law heretical opinions, and the exercise of the worship of God by heretics. He wrote to the Council of Tyre urging upon its members " that sincerity and fidelity which, according to our Saviour, ought to pervade all our actions. Nothing shall be omitted," he says, " on my part to further the interests of our religion. " He applied the ordinary revenues of the empire to the designs of the Church; ordered churches, asylums for widows and orphans, and hospitals for the sick, everywhere to be built and maintained; and directed copies of the Scriptures to be transcribed and distributed.'He liberally supported the clergy, and levied taxes and tribute that were to be put into their hands for religious and charitable uses. He coined a great quantity of idols of silver and gold into money; and purified others by passing them through the fire, and presented them to the churches. He transferred the seat of the inlperial government from Rome to Constantinople, in "r Till:or):ET; E. fJ.t. T. xxix. DEVELOPMENT OF BENEFICENCE. 45 order thus to assume a new and more favorable position, that he might command greater power over the three continents, and rear a new Christian metropolis of the world. "And," says an ancient church historian, "his wishes were not thwarted; for by the assistance of God it became the most populous and wealthy of cities. I know of no cause to account for this extraordinary aggrandizement, unless it be the piety of the builder and of the inhabitants, and their compassion and liberality toward the poor."* He made from the nails of the cross of Christ, which his mother Helena sent to him from the sepulchre at Jerusalem, a headband and bit for his horse, which he inscribed, according to the prophecy of Zechariah, with the words: "HOLINESS TO THIE LORD. Was this second grand experience of the Church, its adoption by the State, and support by the State, to capacitate it for its sublime mission on earth? No! The Church was convulsed internally with Arianism, which rejected the very divinity of Christ; and was torn with numerous other controversies. The character of its great patron, Constantine, was doubtful and inconsistent. Some of his letters to councils and the clergy express admirable Christian sentiments. But his faith was mixed with superstition and his acts with the idolatry of favorite gods. He slew his son Crispus, perhaps his wife Fausta, and several others of his own kindred. He resisted Christian baptism, for questionable or superstitious reasons, till near death, and the ceremony was then performed by an Arian; and it is still uncertain whether he was not always at heart a pagan, or an Arian. His son * SOZOMEN; Ec. Hist. II., iii. 46 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. Constantius was an Arian and opposer of the truth. His nephew, the infamous Julian the Apostate, who was the following emperor, endeavored to exterminate Christianity, and to rebuild Jerusalem in order to give the lie to the last prophecies of Jesus Christ himself. The character of Constantine to be intelligently apprehended must be compared with that of the emperor Charlemagne of France, or that of Peter the Great of Russia; men of giant energy, passions and will, full of contradictions, but raised up at great junctures of human affairs, for the accomplishment of extraordinary designs of divine Providence.* The effects of Constantine's efforts to subordinate the Church to the advantage of the State, and of his extravagant appropriations from the civil revenues to her support, were pernicious to religion. The clergy were inflamed with the love of property. In succeeding centuries, they amassed by solicitation from the temporal powers, through s3parate. taxation, and by means of a multitude of devices, an incalculably vast amount of every sort of landed and material possessions. They employed fraud and forgery when necessary to their ends. A most famous forgery was that known as the Donation of Constantine, to Pope Sylvester and his successors, - GIBnoN's estimate of Constantine is, as usual, gross and onesided. NIEnBUHR is severe upon him. He says (Lectures on Roman Hist., III., 303) that "his religion was a rare jumble," and that "to call him even a saint is a profanation of the word." STANLEY is more discriminating; he closes a just and eloquent portraiture of Constantine's life and character (History of the Eastern Chlurch, Lect. VI.) by holding it up as a compound of " Pagan and Christian, orthodox and heretical, liberal and fanatical, not to be imitated or admired, but much to be remembered, and deeply to be studied." DEVELOPMENT OF BENEFICENCE. 47 of "the sovereignty of Rome; of the provinces, cities and towns of the whole of Italy; and of the Western regions." Many of the wisest and purest members of the Roman Church in every age have deplored the secularization of Christianity by Constantine. What he designed to be a mutual advantage to the Empire and the Church became the degradation and destruction of spiritual religion.* Those truly spiritual men who from century to century lifted up their voices in cries for reform, down to Huss and Wickliffe, attributed to Constantine the transformation of the Church from its primitive simplicity and purity. The " Old Catholics," the latest schism from the Papacy, say concerning its temporalities, that in addition to the evils of the "well-meant, but ill-advised munificence of Constantine," the forgery of his so-called Donation, was a "large and inexhaustible treasury from which political and municipal privileges could be drawn just as they were wanted."t The Waldensian and other anti-papal churches, or indi* Thus, according to JOHN MILTON, Reformation in England, b. I., the poet DANTE exclaims: "Ah, Constantine I To how much ill was cause, Not thy conversion, but those rich domains Which the first wealthy pope received of thee." Inferno; xix. 115-117. And ARIOSTO compares the grandeur of the Church to "a flowery mountain green, Which once smelt sweet, now stinks as odiously. This was the gift, if you the truth will have, That Constantine to good Sylvester gave." Orlando Furioso; xxxiv. 80. t DOLLINGER; Fables respecting the Pope in the Middle Ages. 48 GOD'S RULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. viduals, were driven to the opposite extreme of sentiment with regard to ecclesiastical possessions; they argued that all investments and funded property are essentially corrupting, that religion must be maintained entirely by free will offerings, and that it is the scriptural duty of the clergy to continue poor. The English Puritans held up the provision of Constantine for the Church in her days of feeble youth as that of "a nursing father who overlaid or choked it in the nursing." * The experiences of the British Protestant churches are singularly valuable and instructive to us in respect to their efforts to ally themselves with the State in such a way as to derive from it the benefits of secular law and maintenance, while they yielded in return those of religious services and instruction to its subjects. In the Episcopal Established Church the political sovereign is its legal head, and the government appoints its officials. In other bodies various degrees of subserviency have existed. The seceders from the Scotch Established Church, who formed in 1842 the Free Church, had desperately but all in vain struggled to unite dependence on the State with fealty to the interests of Christianity; or, as the Rev. Dr. Chalmers said,f to " harmonize the principle of a national establishment of Christianity with the principle of spiritual independence." The long and painful series of disruptions and disestablishments, is leading the British people, and should assist us in America, to discern that the divine plan for the maintenance and * MILTON, The Likeliest.Means to Remove Hirelings out of the Church; Prose Works, II., 146. t IIANNA; Life antd Writings of Chalmers, IV., chaps. vii., etc. DEVELOPMENT OF BENEFICENCE. 49 spread of religion is not State grants and patronage; nor yet is it that unregulated "Voluntaryism" to which the leaders of the Free Church disruption earnestly objected as insufficient and unreliable. It is the perfect plan which is revealed, though long overlooked, in the New Testament. THIRD STAGE, ERA OF HILDEBRAND. The third great stage of Christianity, that beginning with the papacy of Hildebrand, pope Gregory VII., reveals to us the Church stronger than the State-the pope claiming that all kings and kingdoms, their religious and their civil law, and all their property and interests, were subject to him; distributing thrones and possessions as the earthly vicegerent of God. Amidst the frightful disorders, irreligion and dissoluteness of the Middle Ages, we can clearly trace the origin of the doctrines and practices which created or allowed them to one grand source-that " root of all evil " of which Paul spoke to the early Church. The imperious "lords over God's heritage," in that period of terrible darkness and iniquity, "fed the flock of God" "for filthy lucre." * The doctrines and offices of religion were all erected into a grand engine for getting money. The distinctions of classes and grades of venial sins, as distinguished from those sins which are mortal, were parts of it. Hence the imputed value of works of merit; the commercial estimates as to penances for sins already committed, and those as to indulgences even for sins which men purpose hereafter to commit. t Hence the as* 1 Tim. vi. 10. 1 Pet. v. 2, 3. t A volume was published in London, in 1674, entitled "Taxes 4 50 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. sumed efficacy of certain forms of worship and of prayers in a dead and unknown language; and the superior sanctity of a priesthood, its isolation from society, and monastic and ascetic practices. Hence the doctrines of purgatory and limbo; and the consequent pecuniary value of extreme unction for the dying and of masses for the dead, and of prayers to canonized saints and to angels. "All things," said the old proverb, "can be bought and sold at Rome." The churches of the city of Rlomne-so huge, so gorgeous, so rich, so beautiful, so adorned with all that earthly wealth can procure, that the most splendid palaces of emperors and kings look mean and worthless compared with them-what an exhibition they are of the proceeds of that dreadful merchandise of all things costly and delicious; and that merchandise of slaves, and souls of men; the merchandise of human virtue, of the truth of of the Apostolical Chancery," etc., which contains many tables of the cost of bulls, dispensations, pardons, etc. Anthony Egane gave a list of many pages of the regular prices, which were fixed at Rome before the Reformation for the benefit of the people of Ireland, of dispensations for all imaginable kinds of sin. Thus, "If either father or mother, sister or brother, do strangle or smother an infant, they are to pay ~4, 2s." To kill a bishop, cost ~36, 9s.; a priest, ~6, 2s.; a father, mother, brother o: sister, ~4, Is., Sd. The dispensation of an oath or contract, ~7, 2s., 3d. See Quart. Rev. of A mer. Prot. Ass.; July, 1845. The same privileges were granted to other nations. At the valuation of Tetzel, in Germany, " polygamy cost six ducats; sacrilege and perjury, nine ducats; murder, eight; witchcraft, two." At that of Samson, in Switzerland, "infanticide" was rated a.t "four livres tournois; parricide, or fratricide, at one lucat." D'Aubignl, History of Riformatlon, Book III. DEVEIOPMENT OF BENEFICENCE. 51 God, and of the blood of prophets and saints; which in one hour shall be brought to desolation! Well may the apostle cry: Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her." * There is no sight on all the face of the earth so dreadful as those wonderfully magnificent churches and religious edifices of Rome. The Saviour of men pronounced his most terrible woes upon the "hypocrisy and iniquity" which built the tombs of the prophets and garnished the sepulchres of the righteous, but was within full of extortion and excess; upon the men who themselves " are like unto whited sepulchres, which appear indeed beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness."t Then how immeasurably great and dreadful must be his condemnation of the hypocrisy and iniquity which have reared those vast monuments of long ages of fraud, practiced not on one small nation but on the whole race of man, of avarice insatiable, of crimes untold, of the waters of the cup of salvation converted into deadly poison, of the gospel of the grace of God to all lost and ruined souls turned into pictures, statues, mosaics, gems, and every form of enchanting luxury and delight of the eye, the ear, and every carnal sense. This third great era conveys, in God's providence, a lesson which the people of God can never, must never, forget. It is the frightful picture of the dominion of mammnon in the house of God! It is the lesson of the culmination of the lust for superiority of place, for refinements of knowledge and speech, for luxurious edifices of worship and R Rcxi. t Matt. xxiii. 27-29. 52 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. charity, for stained windows and ornamented walls, and for exquisite music. Rome for centuries has had them all, so grandly that any competition of ours is vain apish mimicry. But what has she with them? "How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." * To every Protestant people, to every sincere spiritual soul, how plain, how sufficient, should be the practical conclusion from this great divine lesson. * Rev. xviii. 7, 8. CHAPTER VI, ERA OF THE REFORiMATION: ITS BENEFITS. iTHNAT was the immediate divine purpose toward the' Church in the fourth era of its history, that of the Protestant Reformation? Preparation, discipline, organization. The lesson of the first era, we saw, was the power of the Holy Ghost. That of the second era, the evils of an alliance between the two, in which the State is superior to the Church. That of the third era, those of an alliance of the opposite kind, in which the Church is superior to the State. These are the three great experiences which are necessary to prepare the Church for the fourth era, which commenced with Luther, and is yet in progress. The lesson of it is the duties, the power, and the final honors, of her single and sincere allegiance to JESUS CHRIsT as her afmfgfity fead' and King. She learns to discipline and organize all the boundless resources which she finds that he bestows upon his faithful followers, with the supreme determination to umake him the LORD OF ALL. The illustrations of the preparation of society and the Church for the coming reign of Christ are so numerous, and every one in its place so interesting, that the briefest consideration of them would swell this volume far beyond its 53 54 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. proposed limits. We can only suggest the leading topics which may be studied, thought upon, and their relations to personal duty and to the obligations of the Church prayerfully considered. Thefirst manifest result of the Protestant Reformation has been a restoration of spirituality of faith. This is illustrated by the history during the past four centuries of such subjects as the following: The successive translations of the word of God into the common languages of nearly all nations. The restoration of purity of doctrine. The definition, and systematization, of creeds. The exploration of Oriental literature. The elucidation of Scripture by acquaintance with the geography, productions, etc., of Palestine and neighboring lands. Re-establishment of spirituality of worship. Abandonment of symbolism; of unnecessary ecclesiastical forms; of liturgical worship. Reassertion of the right of private judgment. Personal and domestic use of the Scriptures. Associations of the laity for prayer and the advancement of religion. Cultivation of personal responsibility to God. The large gifts of the Holy Spirit in extensive revivals of religion. The progressive quickening of the Churches of Christ with the spirit of missions; with desires for the salvation, and spiritual improvement, of men of all classes and conditions. The second cla:, of benefits resulting from the Reforma BENEFITS OF THE REFORMATION. 55 tion is that related to the intellectual improvement of mankind. We group under it such topics as these: Universal awakening of the human intellect preparatory, and subsequent to, IReformation. Revival of learning. Boundless enlargement till now. Prevalence of sounder principles of reasoning. Rise of inductive method in philosophy. Immense and ever-increasing influence upon all departments of science, and the employments of men. Invention of printing; variety of applications; inestimable advantages. Progressive extension of education to the common people. Development of national systems of taxation for education and for objects connected with intellectual improvement of society. Improvement of educational literature. Introduction of rational methods of instruction. Elevation of practical departments of knowledge in education. Illustration of themes of instruction by material objects, by applications of various arts, by painting, photography, the camera, etc. The popular lecture system. Immense influence of hymns and music adapted to children. Science of school architecture. The rise, world-wide diffusion, and power, of Sabbathschools. The relief of the several afflicted classes of society; its literature, methods, benefits to the objects, and humanizing effects upon society. Forms of popularization of literature; cheap multiplication of them by the press. 56 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. The third powerful effect of the Reformation was the awakening of men to their political and social rights. Hence we are led to inquire into the following subjects: The gradual development of true principles as to the inherent rights of man. Overthrow of theory of the divine right of kings, and of various false political systems and oppressive usages. Establishment of constitutional and representative forms of government among the various nations of the world. Concession of right of suffrage to all classes of society; its effects upon the degraded and ignorant. Reforms in legislation. Reforms in penal discipline. Diminution of capital punishments. Improvements in police systems. Abolition of slavery in different countries; by peaceful emancipation, as in British, Portuguese and Spanish colonies, Russia, Dutch possessions, Siam; by war, as in the United States, and the effects of that war upon other nations, even the most remote. We look under the fourth head for matters connected with the improvement of the physical condition of the human race. This naturally leads us to observe the grand results which have flowed from the geographical discoveries of this era; the discovery of America, and vast benefaction of arable and mineral territory to the human race; discovery of the passage to the East by the Cape of Good Hope; revolutions caused by shortening of commercial communication with ancient nations of the East. BENEFITS OF TIlE REFORMATION. 57 Effects of cutting and bridging by railroads the great isthmuses of Suez and Panama. Discoveries of coal; domestic use; uses for manufactures. New and innumerable applications of iron * to beneficial ends; those of other metals. Invention of steam and other motive powers as to their manifold practical applications in facilitating labor and multiplying its proceeds.t -A bright young Chinese, who had been well educated at one of our mission schools in his own country, on his return from a visit which he made to America, was asked what had most struck him in the appearance of our cities? lie answered, one thing was the great abundance and variety of the uses of iron. It must ever astonish a person from Oriental lands, where their usages are still those of the early or Middle Ages, and where they rarely use even common nails of iron, to see this most difficult of the common metals to work applied to architecture, ship-building, railroads, bridges, massive machinery, telegraphy, and almost every conceivable want of ordinary life. It should be remembered by us that almost all this has come with the present century. t It has been estimated that the steam power of Great Britain alone equals the combined manual labor of one third of the population of the world. The proceeds of the industry of the entire race are fully doubled by the machinery which the capital of the several nations of Christian Europe and America has placed in the hands of its people. Within those great centres of manufacturing activity men now virtually live three times as long, perform three times as much labor, and enjoy more than three times as much of the benefits of human toil and skill, as did their fathers of a century ago. Many particular individuals and communities have risen to a relative position, as compared with those of times past, which can hardly be estimated. 58 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. Means of illumination of dwellings, streets, and places of public convocation; gas; petroleum; chemical possibilities of far more powerful agencies. Improvements in clotlling. Machinery for weaving various materials. Increase of cotton. Invention of sewing machine; rapid spread over the world; effects on uncivilized nations.* Variety, exchange and increase of agricultural and horticultural productions. Fertilizers. Machinery for reaping, mowing, etc. Instrumentalities for the relief of suffering. Inestimable improvements in medicine and surgery. Discoveries of prophylactics; vaccination; quinine. Systems for alleviation of natural calamities. Life insurance. Savings banks. Fire insurance. Fire engines and associations. Marine insurance. Sanitary improvements. Water supply of cities. Sewage of cities. Interment of dead in rural cemeteries. A final class of means in the Divine hand for preparing mankind for the coming kingdom of Christ includes the agencies for the universal diffusion of the benefits which are conferred. Under this may be grouped the following: Invention of railroads; wonderful extension over all' The writer was greatly impressed in visiting some of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Archipelago, to observe how Christian mnissions an Cristiistian commerce put our clothing upon uncivilized races. Thus we comprehend the final mission of the sewing machine. BENEFITS OF TIHE REFORMA'TION. 59 countries. Application of steam in locomotive. Improvements in comfort and safety of traveling; sleeping cars. Use of steam in propulsion of vessels on water. Improvements in sailing vessels. Universal interchange of useful products; commercial facilities; commercial associations and agencies. Introduction of newspapers. Benefits of the religious press. Inventions for illustrating papers and books. Uses of lithography, photography, etc., in the dissemination of knowledge. Advantages to heathen races. Facilities for postal communication. Cheap postage. Transportation of books, seeds, etc., by mail; extension to most distant nations. The electric telegraph; various methods in telegraphing; trans-oceanic communications; extension around the whole world. Centralization of commerce in hands of Protestant Christian nations. Moral and religious causes of decline of commerce of Venice; Portugal; Spain; Holland. Causes of unparalleled increase of commerce of Great Britain; of Germany; of the United States of America. Just as the great fact of the approach of the morning sun accounts for ten thousand others in every department of nature, in air and earth and sea, in the vegetable and animal and even nineral kingdoms, in the movements and employments of mankind, in things that affect the welfare of every man, woman and child; so that greater fact that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" accounted for the innumerable ways in which the Old Dispensation was pre 60 GOD'S RULE FOR CiIHRISTIAN GIVING. pared for the manifestation of the Son of God to suffer for sin, and accounts for those greater and more impressive ways in which this New Dispensation is prepared for the reign of his glory. PECULIAR FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF TMIS ERA. In pondering and trying to estimate the relations of money to the stupendous movements of this era, we are deeply impressed with several great benefits to mankind which attend it. The first financial benefit of this era has been the immense and increasing influx of the precious metals from its commencement until the present time. During the first half of the century following the discovery of Amnerica there was an average annual suipply of' about three millions of dollars; during the last half it swelled to eleven millions. The following entire century averaged sixteen millions. The first half of the last century brought in over twenty-two millions a year; the last half over thirty-three millions. The first quarter of the present century averaged more than fifty-four millions. But vast and rapid as was the increase in three centuries, that is, from an influx of three to one of fiftyfour millions a year, it suddenly doubled that rate at the middle of the present century. Since then a deluge of the precious metals has been poured into the New World, and into all the Old World by the vast discoveries of them in California and the states and territories east and south of it, in Mexico and British America, in Australia and New Zealand, in the Ural Mountains of Russia, in Eastern Siberia and in other parts of the world. The total amountt of the precious metals in the world is BENEFITS OF TIlE REFORMATION. ()l estimated by some of the best judges* to have been previous to the discovery of America two thousand millions of dollars; at present, about ten thousand millions, which is nearly equally divided between gold and silver. About three thousand millions of this is in coin. This continually swelling flood has unsettled, and as a whole lifted to a higher level, the whole structure of modern society, and powerfully affected all the ordinary employments and interests of men, even in the most distant and isolated countries. They have been heaved and moved by a strange power which they did not comprehend. They have been waked to influences which before had no control over them. The whole world and all its institutions, has been shaken and changed by the rising of this deluge of gold al.d silver. As to material agencies, an eminent authority upon these subjects says:t " there is but one way of really improving the condition of the laboring class, and that is by increasing the ratio of capital to population." This is not a sound statement; but measured by this standard, the facts we have mentioned with regard to the influx of the metals which are the basis of capital are an important indication of rapidly maturing and most beneficent purposes of God with regard to the general condition of mankind. Another great financial benefit of the present era is the different forms and extensive use of the credit system. The vast multiplication of money by the modern banking system, the development of the resources of countries by associated I IIuMBOLDT, MCCUTLOCIT, JACOBS (Hist. of Precious Metals), and information from the United States Mint, Philadelphia. - McCulloch. 62 GOD' RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. capital issuing its bonds and inviting investments bearing a regulated interest, the manifold applications of insurance, the hypothetical transfer of capital for commercial payments of any amount, even in distant countries, by paper draughts, or by telegraphic orders, the stability and power imparted to governments by the power to issue bonds payable in future time-these and many other applications of the modern credit system form an element which is of incalculable importance to the industry and commerce of the world,* and to the supremacy of Christian civilization among its nations. It is a means of the greatest importance to the supply, and to the safe transfer, of the pecuniary means which are necessary to the evangelization of remote nations. It is a third distinguishing characteristic of the influx of wealth in this era that its beneficial effects have been most abundantly felt by the poorer classes of society. The prophecies of the reign of the Messiah which promise its blessings most abundantly to the poor, and to "the children of the needy," are truly beginning to be fulfilled. Their condition has been elevated far more than that of others in the general rise. The several great classes of spiritual, intellectual, political, social, and physical benefits, which we have considered as resulting from the Reformation, have been distributed in the valleys and plains of society, and have only partially reached the higher grounds. Thus said Isaiah: "the city shall be low in a low place."f "- Excepting the merest retail business, not one per cent. of the payments of Great Britain and the United States are made in real money." COLWEIL, W1lays aCd Mieans of Payment; p. 2. t- Ps. lxxii. 4. Isa. xxxii. 19. CHAPTER VII. DEFECTS OF THE REFORMATION, AND TlHEIR RLESUL TS. W HEN scrutinized merely as a religious movement there appear two great defects in the Reformation itself. Unless we consider these we can hardly understand the pecuniary failures of Protestantism, and their remedy. TIE GREAT DOCTRTNAL DEFECT. The Reformation was a mighty revival of religion; the first of the great "latter-day" outpourings of the Holy Ghost which are to convert the whole world; the angel "flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." * The first Pentecost regenerated a great number from the ancient Jewish Church, which was then finally abandoned to formalism and destruction; this second one redeemed millions from the Christian Church when the same spiritual death, like that of winter to the landscape, had fallen upon it. In the experience of the believers of the second Pentecost there is much to remind us of that of the converts of the first. The first great outpourings of the Holy Ghost filled the souls of Christians with intense emotional enjoyments, which * Rev. xiv. 6. 64 GOD'S RUILE FOR CHIRISTIAN GIVING. led some to neglect the practical duties of their profession. The public performance of these duties, indeed, marked men and women as victims for heathen persecution. For these and other reasons it became necessary for the apostle James, " the Lord's brother," to address to the churches a general epistle teaching the necessity of good works as the fruit and evidence of true faith. The epistles of Peter also are to be understood much in the same light. It is a fact of great significance, in studying the lessons of Church history, that the intensity of Martin Luther's apprehension of the doctrine of justification by faith alone, and the energy of his opposition to the all-prevalent formalism about him, so unsettled his judgment and his ordinary docility of obedience to Scripture, that he fell into the gross error of denying the authenticity and authority of this epistle of James. He says: "The epistle of James I do not consider as the writing of an apostle at all.... It ascribes justification to works, in direct contradistinction to Paul and all the other sacred writers.... James enjoins only the law and works; and so confuses the one with the other that it appears to me as if some good pious man had caught a few sayings from the disciples of the apostles, and committed them to paper. Or it is possibly written by another person from his preaching." The Scriptures principally teach not only "what man is to believe concerning God," but also " what duty God requires of man." The latter co-equal and vital part of the word of God was imagined to be inconsistent with the doctrines of grace. Andrew Carlstadt held the view of the Lord's Supper, since retained by the Socinians, that it is only a com DEFECTS OF TIIE REFORMATION. 65 mcmorative ordinance. Neither Luther nor Melancthon sufficiently valued the authority of the Sabbath itself, as binding in this dispensation. There are many such evidences that the general tendency of the Reformation at first was to depreciate the obligation of the positive ordinances of Christianity. There was then in the sentiments of the men of that great period a grand defect which has been felt throughout the entire body of the Protestant Churches, which continually refresh their faith and zeal at these sources. The result as to the duties connected with the theme of beneficence which we are now considering would plainly be that, however definitely and positively stated, an ordinance relating to the contribution of money, the source so largely of the dreadful abuses which the Reformers were laboring through Christ to remove, would probably be regarded with disfavor, or entirely passed by as not obligatory. TIHE GREAT PRACTICAL DEFECT. A second grand defect in the power of the Reformation was of a practical character. It arose from an extraordinary peculiarity of this great revival, namely, that there was no immediate need, comparable with its extent and effects at least, for money to build churches, and establish schools and colleges, on account of the immense confiscations of monkish and episcopal property, which had been accumulating for centuries previous in the hands of the Roman Church. Hence an appointment of the New Testament respecting collections of money would not press itself upon the consideration of the Protestants; and provisions for 5 66 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. them worthy of the obligations and ultimate aims and glorious hopes of the kingdom of Christ would not be made. TIIE REFORMATION GAVE ENERGY TO ROMANISM. One effect of the lReformation was a very memlorable one. While the good men who had rescued the truth, amidst the homes of their fathers, fiom the dungeons and chains of ages, were content to implrove there their victory, Itomanism yielded that lield only to set herself to far wider and easier conquests. The establishment of the order of the Jesuits, the reinspiration of the Dominicans and Franciscans with a zeal for foreign missions, and the subsequent rise and activity in missionary fields of the Lazarists and some other orders, saved her from ruin and made her really stronger than she was before. The influence of those two grand original defects as to the money power, a means absolutely essential to growth and extension, has been vitally and disastrously injurious to all subsequent Protestant Christianity. Romanism has continuously despatched its bands of missionaries over the world; but Protestant churches, previous to the present century, aimlessly sent forth here and there an individual. Romanism enlisted men of learning and experience, and even of rank; she munificently equipped them with astronomical and other scientific apparatus, that is of inestimable value in overturning the superstitious notions of the heathen and disposing them to listen to the truths and overtures of the gospel. The foreign missionaries of Protestant churches have been volunteer striplings, fresh fiom the theological schools, unprovcn, and scantily furnished with needful in DEFECTS OF TIIE REFORMATION. 67 struincntalitics. Iolimanislm, as the consequence, even after the catastrophes of the Reformation, has again thoroughly aroused the affections and disciplined the strength of her people; while Protestantism, until reanimated by the revivals and missionary zeal of the present century, has exhibited unending disruptions and disintegration. Romanism till of late seemed entirely to have arrested at least the geographical extension of Protestantism. The general impression which the consideration of Protestantism leaves upon a reflecting mind is, that only the merciful power of God preserves it; that by PRomanism is, that had it only thca power, its compactness, its discipline, its confidence, and its effectual control of the pecuniary means of even its humblest members, would send forth its legions triumphant over all the earth. We are able to trace in history, very clearly, the twofold results-those affecting the Church within and withoutwhich flow fiom the neglect to use for the glory of God and for the good of mankind the benefits which God has so abundantly granted to her. MISIMPROVEMENT OF GOD'S BLESSINGS TIHE BLIGIT OF THE CHURCH WITHIN. Looking witthi, we see that God has turned the blessings which he has bestowed into a curse to the churches themselves. He has greatly multiplied their wealth. Just as the vital force of the heart impels the circulation of the blood in the whole body, so the great Governor of the world has ordered it that the Protestant Christianity of the world controls at this time its riches. The gold and silver, the exchange, the scientific and inventive skill, the manufac 68 GOD'S RIULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. tures, the commerce, the military and naval power, all the accompaniments of national wealth, receive the pulsations which cause them to circulate from pole to pole, here in the Christian centre. These are temporal blessings which result from the comparatively higher morality, justice, intelligence and industry of races which are enlightened by Divine revelation. But as riches have increased they have " set their heart" upon them. They have loved them, and honored them, and coveted them, and made them their god. They have forgotten the words of Christ: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve GOD and MAIMMON." Jehovah, who gave as the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," gave as the last, "Thou shalt not covet." For this great and capital sin God cursed the ancient Israel. He says, "For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth and smote him; I hid me, and was wroth; and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart." This sin is made the evil and abominable thing, which God hates, of the New Testament dispensation; for "covetousness is idolatry." And " no covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." * The reason of God's great anger with covetousness is that it is finally but the love of sef. It is the desire for the most effective means to accomplish the will and purposes of self; the rebellion of self against the sovereign claims of God. This deadly corruption of our nature comes forth in a great Isa. Ivii. 17. Col. iii. 5. Eph. v. 5. DEFECTS OF THIE REFORMATION. 69 many different modes of manifestation. Just as the cancerous disease in the bodily system takes forms so numerous and so unlike to each other, the scarlet fungus, the cheesy tubercle, the foul ulcer, the purple stain, the white scirrhus, the wart on the skin, the nodule on the bone; so with the multiform shapes in which this general poison of the spirit may exhibit itself. A man may say "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that he is wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked." Independence as to God's providence, blindness as to God's judgments, haughty contempt of God's service, rejection of the truth of God's word, neglect of prayer, are but different symptoms of the conceit of superiority to human necessities which the possession of, or even passion for, money produces. In man's relations to man it comes forth in pride, the indulgence of lusts, injustice, oppression; the determination, without regard to consequences, to get money, is the origin of falsehood, cruelty, theft, murder. "Wide wasting pest! that rages unconfined, And crowds with crime the records of mankind."t In the low, dark, unhappy condition of the souls of the larger part of the professed Christians of this age; in the unprofitableness of the labors of most ministers compared with what the infinite power of the gospel in their hands, and the glorious promises and primitive examples of its success, would lead men to expect; in the incessant taunts of R Rev. iii. 17. t Dr. SA3. JOHNSON; The Vanity of Human IVishes. 70 GOD'S RULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. enemies and the triumphant assumptions of infidels; in the dissensions of believers and churches-in all, we trace at bottom chiefly the results of the love of self, and the want of a true and entire consecration of Christians, in soul, and life, and possessions, to the glorious ends of the kingdom of Christ Jesus their Lord. CALAMITOUS INFLUFENCE OF PIOTESTANTTSM WTITHOUT TIIE GOSPEL UPON THE NATIONS OF TIE WORLD. Let us turn and take a view of Protestant Christianity from without. If any one will take the trouble to acquaint himself with the opinions of thinking men of other creeds and nations, he will often be surprised and healthfully humbled to find how different is their estimate of the good which Protestantism has accomplished fiom that which we commonly entertain. The condition of the classes that dig the coal and iron and tin of England, that spin her cottons, that reap her harvests, was, until within one generation, too bestialized and wretched to contemplate without horror. The few proprietors and nobility were enormously enriched, while the poor fromn whose toils their wealth came were not better cared for than the brutes; were prevented by the system of law from obtaining the control of any part of the soil; lived a dependent, ignorant, animal existence; and an almost incredible share of them finished their days as miserable paupers in the public poor-houses. The English theories of political economy have largely given shape to our own. The continental writers of Europe have cried out with horror against the primary definition of it, as the DEFECTS OFi TIIE REFORMATION. 71 science of the production and distribution of wealth, and the declaration that "wealth, not happiness" is its chief concern; as if provisions for morals, human wants and comforts, individual sufferings, and the education and improvement of the masses, were not fundamental duties of the society upon which Providence bestows wealth.* When one compares the amount of money which the immeasurably less wealthy populations of European and Asiatic countries give for religious objects with that from the vast prosperity and abundance which reigns in America he must be distressed. Protestant consciences seem to have divorced commercial, manufacturing and agricultural enterprises from the duty of practical returns to God-in gifts proportionate to their remunerativeness, for the advancement of his kingdom on earth-or to man, in donations and labors to communicate the knowledge and blessings of the gospel. The nations with which we traffic abroad commonly speak of us as irreligious materialists. Our commerce, our railroads, our factories, our sciences and arts, our ordinary business employments, seem almost to exclude from them the idea that men owe all their wealth and prosperity, all their material, national and social blessings, to God; and that they are under obligation to render to' the Lord, for all his benefits, a just and becoming tribute. One of the most painful and deep impressions made upon the mind of a Christian who visits Eastern nations, and learns their sentitments and uIages, is that of the compara* The theories of Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, and other English writers have been earnestly reprobated in this country by Henry C. Carey, Stephen Colwell, and Frederic List. 72 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. tive godlessness of Protestant commerce with them. The ancient commerce of India with Burmah, Cambodia, the Indian Archipelago, Tibet, and China, made them Buddhists; and they remain so till this day. Go where he will around the world, even in San Francisco or New York, the Buddhist is not ashamed of his religion. The Buddhist merchant visits the temples of the gods upon whose particular aid he depends, and makes offerings and burns his written prayers to them, when he engages in an important commercial enterprise; if it be successful, he pays an oblation of money to the priests, with which they may print religious tracts, or repair an altar, or purchase provisions; or he may possibly, if rich, erect a building for a school, or pave a road, or construct a bridge. Mohammedan merchants are till this day zealously carrying the Koran with their caravans into the idolatrous countries of Asia and Africa. Within recent years, they ihave peacefully converted to their faith nations of Central Africa, which have only known of England and America by the manufactured cottons, the weapons of destruction and the intoxicating liquors, which they have received chiefly in exchange for slaves, and to enable them to make war for the capture of slaves. The swarthy Parsce fire-worshipper might have been seen, generation after generation, going out in his white robes at sunrise or sunset, from his counting-room in the seaports of China and other countries foreign to him as to us, in order to worship the Deity as represented by the sun. The traveler might have had there the opportunity to observe that one of those enterprising merchants, instead of taking out a policy of insurance, as he is solicited by our people to do when he sends DEFECTS OF THE REFORMATION. 73 forth a vessel, or consignment of goods, prays instead to the divine source of life and good for his favor and blessing, and piously goes out into the public streets and squares of the city and distributes a quantity of copper money, in charity, to the poor, the blind and lepers. Through all the Middle Ages Romanism sent forth in the footsteps of its merchants devoted men and women to convert heathen nations.* Wherever its commerce has gone since the Reformation, it has planted large and well-appointed missions. They exist in every continent. Vessels like the "Stella del Mar "the Star of the Sea-long preceded the English ship Duff, or American "Morning Star," as missionary ships amidst the islands of the Pacific. But it is astonishing and dreadful to see how godless, how licentious, how covetous, how - The pious spirit of much of that medieval commerce is beautifully illustrated in the narratives of those memorable voyages which brought to light this new hemisphere. Every one who has read them remembers how, in setting sail, Columbus and his officers solemnly invoked the protection of God; how he commenced his journal of the first voyage " in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," and at his first step upon the newly discovered land, "threw himself on his knees, kissed the earth, and returned thanks to God with tears of joy." He called the island by the name of the Saviour (San Salvador). On his return, the court of Spain joined in offering up a devout and grateful tribute of praise, "giving glory to God for the discovery of another world." Columbus, in the confident expectation of great riches, "made a vow to furnish within seven years an army, consisting of four thousand horse and fifty thousand men, for the rescue of the holy sepulchre at Jerusalem, and a similar force within the five following years." IRvING; Life of Colanbus, books IV. and V. 74 GOD) S IuLE FO CIIrISTAN GIVING. unmernciful, Protestant commerce has almost universally been. It is one of the terrible facts of history that Britain and America maintained commercial intercourse with some of the principal heathen empires of the world for two or three hundreds of years, but made scarcely an effort to instruct those from whom we were drawing vast wealth and earthly benefits, in regard to their duties to their Creator, and the way of pardon for sin and life eternal through Jesus Christ. ILLUSTRATIONS IN EASTERN ASIA. That truly great and humane statesman, Edmund Burke, in 1783 described the character of the British East India Company's government in India until his day. He said of its servants: * "They have no more social habits with the people, than if they still resided in England; nor indeed any species of intercourse but that which is necessary to making a sudden fortune, with a view to a remote settlement. Animated with all the avarice of age, and all the impetuosity of youth, they roll in one after another; wave after wave. There is nothing before the eyes of the natives but an endless, hopeless prospect of new flights of birds of prey and passage, with appetites continually renewing for a food that is continually wasting. England has erected no churches, no hospitals, no palaces, no schools; England has built no bridges, made no high roads, cut no navigations, dug out no reservoirs. Every other conqueror of every other description has left some monument, either of state or beneficence, belind hlim. Were we to be driven out of * Speech on Mr. Fox's East India Bill. DEFECTS OF THE REFORMIATION. 75 India this day, nothing would remain to tell that it had been possessed, during the inglorious period of our dominion, by anything better than the orang-outang or the tiger." In opening the impeachment of the Governor General, Warren Hastings, he said: "The whole of the crimes charged upon Mr. Hastings have their root and origin in avarice and rapacity.... His very merits are nothing but merits of money; money got by oppression, money got by extortion, money got by violence, from the poor or from the rich. There is breach of faith, cruelty, perfidy; yet the great ruling principle of the whole is money. His acts are acts, and his government a government, of money. It is base avarice, which never can look, by any prejudice of mankind, anything like virtue.... In short, money is the beginning, money is the middle, and money is the end of his government." In India Britain has been compelled by a just and merciful God, through the rebellions which would otherwise have overturned her valuable empire there, as well as by the spiritually awakened conscience of later days, to establish equitable laws, the beginnings of educational and humane institutions, and Christian missions. But to this day there continue some of the greatest abuses, by which she annually reaps scores of millions of pounds sterling from the labors and sufferings of the nations which she has compelled to yield to them at the mouth of the cannon. One of these is the opium tra(de. Opium is raised by the British government in India that it may be exported to China, to pay there for teas and silks, which could otherwise only be obtained for specie. To legalize this diabolical traffic, so ruinous to 76 GOD'S RULE FOR CIRIUSTIAN GIVING. China, she made almost continual war upon that empire for a quarter of a century. To make these general statements creates no distinct impression upon the mind of the reader. They must be studied in their details, and influences, and consequences. For this we have little space here. Yet it is important to our present object to consider for a moment one of the strangest, saddest scenes which our world has ever witnessed. It occurred upon a Chinese war-junk. A "Christian" nation was deluging the coasts of that heathen empire with blood, and blackening them with the burned ruins of its own cities, because the aged and humane emperor would not consent to the introduction of "the opium poison" among his subjects. After a battle near Canton, a party of Englisl sailors, who boarded a war-junk froml which all had fled save the wounded and the dead, beheld the commander, a brave and intelligent man, who was much esteemed by his own people, seated lifeless by the cabin table. His fresh blood was streaming over his Buddhist rosary and down his richly embroidered blue satin robe. Before his glazed eyes there was spread out an open Chinese book. The assailants looked with wonder to ascertain what it was. It was a missionary translation of the Gospel of John. The unhappy man had been searching for information as to the secret of the terrible energy and success of the cruel and wicked race with whom he was vainly contending. lie had found some of their books which were translated into his own tongue. And there he sat, murdered by them, his perplexed eyes fixed upon the Gospel of John! How strange and dreadful a spectacle! For many centu DEFECTS OF TIHE REFORMATION. 77 ries Christian nations had been trading and sending embassies of state to China; but then for the first time it is that millions upon millions begin to find that they possess any religion, or belief in a state of rewards and punishments, or sacred books. Since, before our great Reformation, ships had gone there by the Cape of Good Hope; and they had yet only known us in their common language as devils," "pirates," and "monsters." At that particular time to which I have alluded Christians were smuggling by violence into their country the astounding amount of thirty millions of dollars' worth of opium each year; and spending a few thousands of dollars at Canton, and a few tens of thousands at ports outside of the Chinese dominions, in giving to the Chinese people the gospel. There were three men at Canton and twenty-five elsewhere engaged in teaching them the mercy of God; while a great and powerful fleet of vessels of war and many merchant vessels, were inflicting the cruelty, the lust, and the wrath of man. Some things in the scheme of redemption "the angels desire to look into;" but if there be ever tears in angelic eyes it must be when they look upon such a scene as that of the cabin in which a crowd of men from a Christian nation stood astonished at those outspread hands, cold in death, grasping helplessly the Gospel of John; and at the stony eyeballs, blinded in death by our weapons of destruction while they pondered the mysterious words: " Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.'" This was truly a representative scene. The bewildered, slaughtered "heathen," and the powerful invading "Chris* John xiv. 27. 78 GOD'S RULE FOR CITRISTrIN GIVING. tians;" the few pennics to give the gospel, the millions of pounds to carry on war; a few scattered individuals engaged in preaching, teaching the youth, and healing the sick, but grand fleets and armaments and armies to spread rapine and death, to compel the admission of opium, or rum, or corruption in even worse forms, and to make the name of (Christ abhorred by the gentiles. This is a picture which is representative of our relations in America to the Indian and the negro; of those of England in her influence in India and China, and Caffraria and Australia; of those of Holland in the great islands of the East Indies. It is continually, over and over again in a thousand fields, the scene of the murdered mandarin with the Gospel of John. QUESTION OF TIlE BALANCE O OF Go i OR EVI,. We close this review of the era of Christianity which commenced with the Rleformation of three centuries ago by observing that, great as have been many of its benefits to the Church of Christ and to mankind, its defects, as represented in the influence of the nations which have accepted it upon the world, have been lamentably great; and the results until the present time have in some respects been so tremendously disastrous, that the external influence of our intercourse with the chief heathen nations of the world has done them fully as much of injury as of good. We saw the failures of Christianity in its preceding stages. Now, in its turn, Protestantism has not accomplished the grand designs of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Eternal Son of God came into the world to make himself an offering for sin, to bear our griefs, to heal all human woes; DEFECTS OF THIE REFORMATION. 79 yet he cries, speaking prophetically of the Church until our time: "I 1have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nought and in vain." When we take a comprehensive survey of' the condition of the thirteen hundred millions of' mankind in the habitable parts of the globe, and allow tlhe utmost probable estimate of the very small number amidst all its races and nations who possess, and spiritually understand and obey, the word of God, we must confess that now, eighteen centuries after tlhe agony of Gethsemane arid the blood of Calvary, Sin still reigns, moral Death reigns, thle powers of Hell reign, in all the earth. And yet Protestantism has not been a "failure," as sm)n have boldly declared. It has been a long and cold and stormy spring time. The green blades have put forth only here and there on the face of the earth, and in sheltered spots. But there is a great harvest near. These three grand centuries have been an era of all-important preparation, discipline, and organization; the ends of which, in their financial aspects at least, the Church is just beginning to conceive. - Isaiah, chaps. xlix. to liv. PART II. THE DIVINE RULE FOR THE CHRISTIAN USE OF MONEY. CHAPTER I. TIHE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. T1HE solemn question often comes up in the secret thoughts of every genuine Christian, at times appalling and terrifying him with the additional consideration that he must answer it publicly in the Judgment Day: Why is the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ so unsuccessful in converting mankind? His reasoning will follow some such channel as this:;' I see not the one-twentieth part of our race accepting that simple gospel which at the beginning seemed about to possess the globe, and but a small portion of these becoming truly spiritual Christians. After coming triumphant out of persecutions, intended to exterminate it in fire and blood, I find it betrays Christ to the world for its lucre; then that it rises superior to the world, not to instruct and purify it, but to enslave it, to plunder it, and to glut itself with sensual 80so TIIE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 81 gratifications. I see it granted, since the Reformation, a great revival of spirituality of doctrine; and a wondrous wealth of knowledge, and of all that constitutes secular power, poured upon the churches of Western Europe and America: and yet, since this apparent resurrection, three centuries and a half more have passed away without that Christianity having extended its dominion much beyond the races which at that time accepted it. What is the defect, that the mighty gospel does not sweep like a great wind, from pole to pole? It cannot be in the power of God, which is infinite. It cannot be in the willingness of God, who sent his Son to die for sinners, and who is not willing that any should perish, nor, much more, that whole nations should go together to eternal destruction. Then it must be in man. If in us, it must be either in the want of believing prayer, or of consecrated men, or of sufficient pecuniary means. I can scarcely say that the defect is in the amount or themes of prayer, since God has so inspired the language of Scripture that we can hardly use its words and sentiments at all in prayer without asking for the extension of his kingdom, and power, and glory on earth. As to the spirit of prayer, that will be regulated largely by our labors for its ends. So I am bound down to the conclusion, that the great hindrance to the salvation of the world is chiefly in the want of the personal consecration of Christians to that end; that men and women who can give life do not give their life; that men and women who cannot give life, but can give money, do not give money. There must, then, be far more laborers to go forth; and those who stay must feel that their part is to give to them the means to prosecute 6 82 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. their heavenly work. Otherwise the talk of converting the world is mere trifling with the souls of men, and a mockery of God." SHOWN BY THE CHIEF END FOR WHICI GOD MADE THE PRECIOUS METALS. It was shown in a former chapter that the precious metals, especially in their adaptation for use as money, are a most important part of the material creation, and among the most honorable and valuable of the Divine gifts to mankind. Let us consider now the chief and most important end for which they are to be used. "The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool." "For all those things hath mine hand made, saith the Lord." The chief end of all beings and things that he has made is to show forth his glory; to be "for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory." * This is the great end for which he made gold and silver, or what men may agree to accept as pecuniary equivalents redeemable in them. They are appointed first for royal tribute to him. They are the general medium for the exchange of the products of man's labor, to his glory. They are the representatives of the materials necessary for the sustenance of life in his service, and for the maintenance of the war against evil in which Christians are engaged. His Church needs money; for to say this is merely another form of saying that ships, cars on railroads and other vehicles, are necessary to transport the bodies of the soldiers of Christ, food necessary to nourish them, clothing and houses necessary for their physical Jer. xiii. 11. Isa. lxvi. 12. THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 83 health and comfort, church and school buildings necessary for converts, books necessary to convey truth, medicine necessary to heal the sick, and that the all-wise God has so organized man and society that while the Holy Spirit is the great source of power in all good, man must do his part, must co-operate through earthly materials; and if this be not done, the whole machinery of grace must stand still. Money is the social instrumentality by which all these materials are procured; by which alone the varieties of human labor necessary to furnish them can be put in operation. The very existence here of those wholly engaged in the service of the Church depends upon the possession of the ordinary means of supporting it. They are not superhuman. They are men, with the wants of men. And while they are so, there is no means by which they can obtain the necessaries of life, comfort, or enjoyment, for themselves and their families, without giving a common and acceptable equivalent for the labor which others have spent in producing or providing them; that is, money. If then the God of nature has made the precious metals, which are so important a department of nature, for his glory, their use should be made truly and greatly to glorify him. Ie should be honored by a system of giving, just as he is by regularity in almost all else that pertains to his worship and service. It cannot be expected that he can be pleased with fitfulness or carelessness, or bless what is given to him in this way any moro than he can bless these habits in the farmer who tills the soil, or the laborer in any ordinary calling. 84 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVIN-G. PRESUMPTION THAT THE 3OMNISCIENT tIEAD OF TIHE CHURCIH WOULD IREVEAL A PECUNIARY SYSTEM FOR ITS MAINTENANCE. It is in perfect accordance with God's wise and gracious methods in governing the world fbr us to expect that he would reveal in the Scriptures a system for contributions of money, from all his people, for the grand objects of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. If God so organized his Church on earth that the conversion of the world is to be accomplished, not by visible or audible displays of his divine majesty and power, and justice and mercy; nor-what, if it had been left to us to plan, we would have judged necessary-by the continuous agency of orders of beings far superior to us in love, knowledge, holiness, and strength; but so that man must be the instrument of saving man, and his ministers and servants be as subject as are their fellow men to all the necessities of their earthly nature; then would he leave this kingdom without some sufficient arrangement as to the means of supplying the wants of those ministers and servants? Would he, whose government of nature here, and its counterpart in the material heavens, is so wonderfully perfect, not reveal, to his Church some method according to which his subjects should furnish the means needfhl to carry on the great warfare of the kingdom of his Son against sin? It would surely be an anomaly in God's government were this not the case. It is incredible that a Being who saw the end from the beginning, and foreknew the world-wide wants of the Church in the New Dispensation, which displays' to the principalities and TIHE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 85 powers in heavenly places the manifold wisdom of God," would not make some earthly arrangements to meet those wants. It would throw discredit on the authority which cails some of our race to special and official service, and lays them under the stress of obedience to his commands, did not God lay upon other members of it the burthen of some definite ordinance as to the share they should bear in the common duty. And in the plan of revelation, which shuts out all such topics of communication from heaven as are irrelevant to the kingdom of Christ, but which is so very clear and full in regard to it, it would surely be a signal and lamentable defect were this vital point of human agency left without the light which men there so much need. So that look at what attribute of God we will, or at the wants and instrumentalities of his kingdom, or at the designs of his word, we are forced to expect that he would reveal some general system in regard to the consecration and cmployment of our money. TIHE SPIRIT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT PROVES THE NEED OF SUCII A SYSTEM. The spirit of the Old Testament revelations confirms the presumptions drawn from the attributes, works and manifest general purposes of God. If any man out of a sincere desire to learn and to do his duty will consider it, he will see that certain spiritual and everlasting principles underlie what is ceremonial, typical and temporary, in the law of Moses. When he dispossesses his mind of all previous misconceptions in regard to the spirit of the Old Testament, and studies it critical'ly and thoroughly, this we conceive must be 86 GOD S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. the prevailing impression he receives: that God designed by it to teach that religion is a Ius11less, the great business of a human being; that the ordinary employments of men must be all made subordinate to their spiritual interests; and that a liberal share of the pecuniary proceeds of those employments must be devoted bty a regular method to the maintenance of his service. The particularity of the laws with regard to tithes, first-fruits, oblations, sacrifices, the exact numbers and kinds of the various animals to be offered, the precise quantities of the flour, oil and wine, the necessity and fixed rates of redemption and forfeit, and the careful designation of the times for the performance of public religious duties, all seem designed to teach that, just as in the appointments which prefigured the ministry and sufferings of the Saviour for men he "fulfilled all righteousness," * so on the part of those who are saved there must be complete and universal consecration of themselves and their possessions to God, and regular and devoted employment of every kind of agency at their command to the great ends of Christ's mission to a lost world. THE TEACHING AND GOSPEL OF CHRIST BASED UPON AN IMPLIED SYSTEM. We turn for further light to the personal instructions of the Great Teacher, who came down from heaven, and has made known to us the things which he heard of the Father. t Three features of Christ's teaching seem to us most prominent: that he makes the power and joy of religion to lie so greatly in personal love to himself; that so large a share of *Matt. iii. 15. t John iii. and xv. TIE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 87 his instructions have reference to dti;es-the sermon on the mount and other formal discourses being chiefly of this chlaracter; and that he rates so high the measure of results expected of us. His favorite illustration is taken from the productiveness of the fruits of the earth, which in the case of good seed regularly multiply themselves, some an hundred-fold, some sixty-fold, some thirty-fold. There must evidently be inferred from such lessons an immensely greater consecration of the resources of believers, and a corresponding multiplication of the agencies of evangelization, before such measures of increase can be attained. The Lord Jesus saw that the principal stnubling block to the spread of his gospel was covetousness. He warned his disciples to beware of covetousness; classed covetousness, as a sin, with adultery and niurder, and exclaimed, " What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" His instructions as to the use of money, so far as the idea of a formal element entered into them, were based upon, and calculated to perpetuate, at least the radical principles of' the Old Testament in regard to systematic contributions for religious purposes. The parables of the ten talents, the five talents, the lord of the vineyard to whom the fruits are denied, the unjust steward who deducts from the account of one debtor five-tenths and from that of another two-tenths, of the Pharisee who trusted in the merit of his tithes and despised others, and many other such lessons, exhibit this character. And, while Jesus warns his disciples against the danger of self-righteousness in giving money according to a regular system, just as he does in regard to that in connection with prayer, or fasting, 88 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. there is not a word to intimate that the act itself was otherwise than commendable and a duty, when performed fiom the right motives. His warnings are all in the opposite direction. He says: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill."'For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceedl the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."* These words teach that it will be a fearful thing in the judgment for the multitude of nominal Christians who do so much less, and give so much less, than did the Jews, though they profess to be governed by a higher law. We are met here with the declaration of Paul: " Ye are not under the law, but under grace."t Now, what does this mean? If a Christian step from a height, because he is a Christian will he not break his neck?-if he put his hand in the fire, will it not be burned?-if he sink in the sea, will he not be drowned? —then he is certainly under the laws of nature. If a Christian rob, or commit murder, will he not be punished?-then he is also as certainly under the moral law, both to God and to man. How is he then " not under the law?" He is simply not under it as a principle, or motive, of obedience. That is, he is governed by a new principle, which is not fear, but love; not the terrors of Sinai, but the melting power of Calvary. As Paul explains, he is a man who dies as to the old nature, and lives again in a new and higher one; the principle of lifb, the inward law, is a new one. Or, he is like a woman whose former husband is dead, and she married to another; the * Matt. v. 15-20. t Rom. vi. 14. TIIE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 89 submission is the same though the law is a different one. In each case the essence of law, service, and also recompense or punishment, inheres.* Now the "love of Christ constrains," impels and controls him; but surely not to less activity and consecration than did the old law. The " Christian" cannot labor less for God, or give less to his cause, than did the Jew. Every point of comparison between the necessities and aspirations of Christianity and those of Judaism puts to shame the thought that " Christians " can fail here. Christianity has far greater wants than Judaism-the wants of an advanced and more cultivated age of the world; the wants of an incomparably more varied machinery; the wants of a vigorous resistance to far more numerous, active, and skillful enemies; the wants of immensely greater populations, and more debased, in Christian lands; the wants of a whole world which is to be speedily conquered for Immanuel. God has given in the New Testament a spiritual and sufficient ordinance adapted to these great ends. And the low, unsuccessful, humiliated condition of that kingdom on the earth, its woeful failure after eighteen hundred years to conquer more than a few limited districts of "the world," "all" of which should, according to the last command of Christ, now be subject to it, lies, so far as human duty is related to it, largely in the mistakes and neglect of the Church as to the obedience which she owes to the fundamental law as to the contributions and co-operation of "every one." - Rom. vii. 90 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. GREAT NECESSITIES OF THE PRESENT ERA, LIKE THOSE OF TIIE ELA, OF CHRIST, MANIFESTED IN TIE DECAY OF FALSE RELIGIONS. The present condition of the world is in many remarkable respects similar to what existed when Christianity began its course. One of the most striking points of resemblance is found in the ruinous and falling condition of the great false systems which have been the dungeons of the human intellect and heart. The whole world manifestly feels again to its centre, and in its entire frame, the omnipotent influence which moved it in that age "Wherein the Prince of light HIis reign of peace upon the earth began." The superstitions of Paganism, of Mohammedanism, and also of the Roman, Greek, Armenian, Abyssinian and other corrupted forms of the Church, are all kindred of the same blood not far removed. The idols, and temples and utensils, of all of them are decayed; their priesthoods are anxiously looking forth to discover the meaning of the signs which indicate that their power over the minds of men is gone, and that a new spirit is breathed over the face of the earth, the precursor of the approaching sunrise.* * We might adopt again, as most truthfully and fully appropriate to every one of these systems, the pictures of Milton's grand Christmas Hymn. "The oracles are dumb, No voice or hideous hum, Runs through the arched roof in words deceiving; THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 91 There is a particular "mystery of iniquity" whose head "as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God," and who now "letteth, until he be taken out of the way."T What is its condition? The screeching locomotives of the depot of the railway, which Gregory XVI. in vain tried to shut out of Rome, confuse the quiet of a Carthusian monastery and the masses in a church beautified by Michel Angelo. The smoke of the gas-works, which Apollo from his shrine, Can no more divine, With hollow shriek the steep of Delphos leaving; No nightly trance, or breathed spell, Inspires the pale-eyed priests from the prophetic cell. "The lonely mountains o'er, And the resounding shore, A voice of weeping heard, and loud' lament; From haunted spring and dale, Edged with poplar pale, The parting genius is with sighing sent; Vith flower-inwoven tresses torn, The nymphs in twilight shade of tangled thickets mourn. "In consecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, The lares, and lemures, moan with midnight plaint; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying sound, Affrights the flamens at their service quaint; And the chill marble seems to sweat, While each peculiar Power foregoes his wonted seat." -2 Thess. ii. 3-11. 92 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. now furnish good modern light to the city, is blown by a west wind right across the remains of the palaces of the Casars and of the Coliseum, around which hang so many pagan and papal legends. Comic newspapers, filled with ridiculous pictures and stories of the pope and priesthood are for sale everywhere in the streets. And, best of all, the pope can look down from the high windows of the Vatican upon houses in which those Scriptures in the common tongue are sold, and those Protestant schools taught, which are surely and rapidly undermining the foundations of all his power, and will level it with the dust. Nor qan it be long, if rated by the progress of the last few years, until the conclusive changes come. The armies of the truth then should be fully prepared with the financial means instantly to spread the truth amidst all the disorganized dominions of error, and to make known to. them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This necessitates the adoption of a competent system, that which God has provided, in order to furnish those means. INSUFFICIENCY OF THE AMERICAN VOLUNTARY SYSTEM. The almost universal sentiment of Christians in America is, that the past impulsive, unregulated and partial means of collecting money for ecclesiastical purposes is inadequate to meet the immensely greater demands which the necessities of our land and the evangelization of the world are layin, upon us. And these are necessities which, instead of diminishing, are every year becoming greater, and thus rendering our present condition more painful and hopeless. The.European nations have watched and studlie(ld our ex TIHE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 93 periment, but have only seen reason to follow in our footsteps so far as they were necessarily compelled to do it. It might have been supposed that the natural sympathies of the Free Church of Scotland with the Presbyterian Church of this country, when it realized the impossibility of uniting temporal maintenance by the State with spiritual independence of the State, and separated from the Establishment, would have led it to adopt our Voluntaryism. But its leaders in the most emphatic language resisted some efforts in that direction. They argued that it is the duty of a Christian government to provide means for the religious and moral education of the poor and vicious; that Voluntaryism was unsuccessful " in making head against the fearfully increased heathenism, and increasing still, that accumulates at so fast a rate throughout the great bulk and body of the common people;" that it did not "'reclaim the wastes of ignorance and irreligion and profligacy;" that the congregational selfishness which predominates everywhere "cannot be prevailed on to make large sacrifices for the Christian good of the general population;" and that the spirit was "the spirit of contention," of " demagogism," and of " impatience of restraint." These arguments they supported by statements from the experience of churches in Great Britain and in America. They declared themselves in favor of " an Establishment, but a pure Establishment."' This is the judgment of those who have looked upon our experiments of evangelism from without. They have certainly, while more advantageous to Christianity than existH IIANNA; Life and WVriting;s of Dr. Chalmers, vol. iv.; and essays by ITUGI MILLER and others. 94 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. ing Establishments, "failed to reach the lapsed masses." Great districts in our large cities are yielding annually to the advances of practical heathenism. Vast regions of our country are almost entirely destitute of good and efficacious religious influences. The chronic impotency and groans of religious boards and societies of all denominations of Christians may, and should, fill a thinking Christian with both distress and anxiety. The comfort of the churches, the miserable and unrelieved condition of millions in our land, the threatening dangers of Romanism and infidelity, the exceeding littleness of our contributions for the kingdom of Christ on earth compared with our immense expenditures for folly and vices and warfare, all demand, in tones that seem to ring fiom the judgment-seat of a Righteous God, that we should search the Scriptures and find whether God has not taught his Church some method for a great pecuniary Reformation. TIHE PROMISED POWER FROM ON HIGI INDICATES TO TIlE CHURCI THE WANT OF FINANCIAL MACIINERY SUITED TO IT. The grand ultimate hope of the Christian Dispensation is " the latter rain" of the Holy Ghost, the descent of the influences from above which are to water the seed of the Gospel sown in the world, and "make the wilderness and the solitary place glad, and the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose. "* lost glorious hope of this desolate world! This will indeed "create new heavens and a new earth." How are those infinitely gracious promises to be realized? - Isaiah xxxv. and lxv. THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 95 There are many who imagine that prayer alone is necessary; or who at least act. as if on their part they had nothing to do but to pray. But for such expectations and conduct they certainly have no warrant from what God reveals of his plans and our duties. He makes the express compact: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, and prove me therewith, if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing." There is not a promise of any one blessing in all the word of God, to saint or sinner, which is not founded upon the condition of his faithful employment of regular appointed means to obtain it. It is part of the eternal purpose of good to develop the faculties, capabilities and resources which God entrusts to him. The Church must make it her chief business to advance the earthly kingdom of her Lord. Her order and membership are often spoken of as a grand machinery. The Holy Spirit is the fire. But fire is of no avail unless the machinery be sound and in place, and the different departments be properly attended to; then it will accomplish all the grand results for which engine and machinery were designed. If parts be wanting or defective, if the attendants be ignorant or negligent, then the fire assuredly will die out without effect, or else it will burn or explode the structure. Now a revival of religion in the Church is simply a bestowment of " power." The beneficial or opposite character of its results must depend upon how men perform their part in applying the power to hallowed ends. The gifts of any power may be an injury instead of a benefit. Even miraculous gifts were bestowed upon some unbelievers and men that were lost. The calculation, the economy, the fidelity, 96 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. of men in employments for their own advantage must be awakened and put in action to accomplish the salvation of a world, in which the mighty influences of the Holy Ghost are even now beginning to be felt. The apostles were authorized by the circumstances of the age in which they lived to distinguish it by the world-wide proclamation, "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation!" Thus we may say of the present, Now is the era when all are again called " to receive not the grace of God in vain," and to be " workers with him," as the apostles besought the Corinthian Church. To be such workers " every one " must give his help, " as God hath prospered him," to increase, train, send abroad and sustain the men, and abundantly supply all instrumentalities which are needed to "preach the gospel to every creature." TIE NEAR APPROACH OF CHRIST'S KINGDOM NECESSITATES OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S RULE OF GIVING TO MEET ITS WANTS. The coming of Jesus Christ to make atonement for sin was preceded by a grand direct preparation for it among all nations. The Greek empire had already planted its civilization in the great centres of ancient power over the world, and had communicated to them the language in which it was the Divine purpose to give to mankind the New Testament-that book which was to contain the final and complete revelations of his will as to our race until the millennium. The Roman empire was contemporaneous with the coming of Christ. The Romans were law-makers and road- 2 Cor. via 1, 2; 1 Cor. xvi. 2. THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 97 builders. This was their grand mission. As the personal teaching of John the Baptist was the preparation for the teaching of Jesus Christ, so was the spread of Roman influence the preparation for the spread of the gospel of salvation to all the world. The roads which Rome built were the greatest and most useful monuments of her vast power. They were constructed with far greater outlays of labor and expense than anything of the kind in modern ages. The prophecies of Isaiah were literally fulfilled as to the leveling of mountains and valleys, the straightening of crooked ways, and the making of the rough ways smooth.* Some of those magnificent highways are among the wonders of the world until this day, and have gone for centuries together without repair. Their vast ex cavations and embankments, their paved bridges, and the care with which they were built in four successive courses of stones of various sizes, solidified with lime, and the surface covered over with blocks of smoothed granite or other hard rock, fitted and jointed like our masonry of walls, have been unparalleled in any subsequent age. They were felt to be the best exhibition, and most needful agency, of Roman superiority. And so they were as speedily as possible constructed, ver conquered countries. In the Forum at Rome stood a gilded column t inscribed with the names of the principal * Isa. xi. 3-5, and Luke iii. 4-7. t The location of the milliariulm airelm is still pointed out by the guides at Rome. It is just at the west end of the rostra, or tribune, and was the ideal centre of the city. Under its shadow were delivered many of the speeches of the great Roman orators. Just north of it was the capitol. Near it on the east was the Maimertine lrison, 1 98 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRIISTIAN GIVING. roads and the distances to the chief cities upon the course of each of them. They were marked by milestones, frequent stone horse-blocks and other conveniences, and buildings for military and postal necessities. There were taverns near them for travelers. They stretched from one extreme of the empire to the other. Their remains are seen to-day from Scotland, where the gospel was early planted, in the West, to Palestine, whence its preachers started forth with the power of the Holy Ghost, in the East. The coming of the kingdom and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ beholds in the present day a similar swift and mighty preparation. So urgent and vast is it that this one generation in which we live has seen the grand railroad systems, which now encompass the world ten times as completely as ever did the old Roman roads, invented and perfected and stretched over every continent. It has besides seen almost every ocean and sea covered with large and splendidly furnished vessels propelled by steam. Tens of thousands of miles of postal agencies, incomparably more perfect, useful and cheap than any that Rome every imagined, link together the families and social interests of mankind. And the globe is belted by cords, operated by the lightning of heaven, which instantly flash from the most distant East to in which it is said the apostles Peter and Paul, and other Christians, were at times confined-a dark and dreadful place, cut out of the solid volcanic rock, and memorable also in the bloody political history of Rome, but in which is a strange, deep, still fountain whose waters are cool and sweet, another " Siloamn, which is by interpretation Sent " (John ix. 7), a true symbol of the gospel and its sources of comfort to mankind. THE NECESSITY FOR A DIVINE RULE. 99 the farthest West the great events of every nation; a final preparation for the announcement to all mankind of those connected with " the coming of the Son of Man." * This is a final and most inspiring argument, which can be realized by every one in this day and nation, for the speedy establishment of a financial system which shall accord with the wants of the kingdom of Christ. It has never yet been done. God has given us the Rule. The time calls for its application without delay. "The kingdom of heaven is at hand!" - Matt. xxiv. 27. CHAPTER II. TIE PROGRESSIVE RE1VELATION OF GOD'S WILL AS TO ClHRISTIAN GIVING TIIE gradual development of doctrine in the New TestaI ment, or in the entire word of God, is one of the features of revelation to which the attention of Christian scholars has been strongly directed of late years, and upon which a flood of new light has been thrown. The Scriptures contain no complete systematic statements as to the moral government of God in heaven, or of that upon earth; as to the structure of the stars, or of the kingdom of nature in this globe; as to the history of mankind; as to prophecy; as to the plan of redemption; or as to Chris tian duties. The great field of revelation has been divided into three parts; which are found in the patriarchal dispensation, the dispensation of the law, and the dispensation of the gospel. The great principles which relate to the incarnation, atonement and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ are opened up to man in three different forms or stages: first, occasionally, and but as to their elementary ideas; second, minutely, specifically, and with temporal rewards and penalties attached to them; third, in a broader, less definite, and but more spiritual form, based upon love to God and to the souls of men. 1i( REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL. 101 InI such a way is taught the fact that God designed that an atonement should be made for sin by the shedding of the blood of the Divine Son. First we discern with some difficulty that sacrifices were instituted when Adam was cast out of the garden of innocence; then, next, the law particularizes all their numerous forms, as types of Christ's suffering; then, lastly, Christ dies and rises again fiom the dead, and the former precise and severe forms are broken up, to advance the Church of a risen Redeemer beyond their pupilage, that it may serve him with more spiritual fidelity, and from deeper, more powerful, and everlasting motives of love and gratitude. In the same way is unfolded the obligation of the observance of one day in seven as a Sabbath of holy rest and worship. First, we see God resting from the creation of the world on the seventh day, and several allusions to periodic worship in commemoration of it; yet we do not see the word "Sabbath " occur, nor do we read one precept regarding it in all the history of the patriarchal ages down to the giving of the law at Sinai. Under the law, it is most rigidly and solemnly defined; its number is set as a seal upon every division of time-on days, months, years and seven times seven years; and the violation of it is made punishable with death. Finally, in Christ's resurrection from the dead on that day, a new and spiritual seal is set upon the Sabbath; and it becomes joyful and glorious as the pledge, by the risen Creator and Redeemer of mankind, of the fulfillment of the promises of comfort, sanctification and happiness to the soul, the earnest of a reign of peace on earth, and the sign of an eternal rest in heaven. 102 GO1)'S RULE FOR CIITtSTIAN GIVING. Just so it is with the ordiniance as to property. The same reasons which govern the method in which other important religious truth is revealed will be applicable to the revelation of this. Like the atonement of Christ, which is the basis of the salvation of man, and like the Sabbath, which is the sign and seal of it to the Church, so the ordinance as to offerings of money, which are the chief means by which the army of salvation is to be sent forth and supported in the subjugation of tie world, is revealed in three successive forms or stages. First, in the patriarchal age, we distinguish but occasional and brief references to it-a mysterious royal priest, a type of Christ, receives tithes from Abraham; or a Jacob vows a tenth of all that the Lord shall give him as a memorial of the covenant made at Bethel. Then, second, under the law. the ordinances as to tithes and gifts are most minutely specified, applied to the various sources of income, and severe penalties are attached to neglect of payment, even to the extent of excommunication or death. Finally, in Christ, the new and spiritual motives of love and gratitude are planted at the foundation of the duty; a mighty pressure is laid upon the followers of God for greatly enlarged beneficence in the command to preach the Gospel to every creature; and, in view of the vastly multiplied wealth which it was the purpose of God to bestow on Christian nations and people, a greater measure of liberality is enjoined, in the duty that every one shall lay by a weekly apportionment of his income, and also in the designation of the standard of reckoning it, which is to be "as the Lord hath prospered."' It is most important for us thoroughly to study and com LEVELATIOX OF GODIS WILL. 103 prelend the relationship of the leading features of the three dispensations. Moses came not to destroy, but to fulfill, the first rudiments and principles of revelation made to the patriarchs. And Christ came not to destroy, but to fulfill, the fuller and clearer revelations of the law. Each takes the prior foundations; he builds another story of the same house; the fundamental principles of each former dispensation are applied in a more enlarged, spiritual and effectual way. Thus Paul reasons often, for instance, in the verses relating to the support of the ministry. "For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Does God take care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes?" etc. here the law of nature, the law of the old dispensation, and the principles of the gospel, are presented as the root, the stem and the fiuit of the same one plant. And he compares them in the same chapter to the consecutiveness of ploughing and threshing, sowing and reaping in the same field.* The New Testament revelation is in itself progressive as to the duty of giving money for the kingdom of Christ. First we are instructed, in the gospels, as to elementary principles presented in the life, the death and the mission of "Jesus Christ the Son of God;" next, in the Acts, as to the illustrations of them in the spirit, labors and success of the first preachers of the gospel; then by the exposition, in the epistle to the Pomans, of the nature of justification by faith in Christ, and its relation to a life of complete holiness and consecration to himl; and this brings us to the epistles to the Corinthians, which are explanatory of the 1 Cor. ix. 104 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. ordinances of the Christian Church. As the gospels end with the command to preach the gospel to all the world; as the Acts end with the labors of Paul at the world's centre of power in Rome; and as the epistle to the Roman Christians ends with exhortations based upon the assurance of the universal triumphs of the gospel; so does this epistle to the Corinthians follow up all the teachings as to the ordinances of the Church with this definite and practical one as to the pecuniary means by which its heavenly benefits are to be conveyed and distributed, through human channels and instrumentalities, among all nations. And this statement of the rule is followed by varied warnings and encouragements to this great end in other epistles and in the book of Revelations, which are a sequel to it. The whole volume closes with the terrible pictures by John of the final judgment of antichristian powers and of mankind, and the glorious and rapturous ones of the millennium and of heaven. In the final state of joy they that have been faithful unto death receive a crown of life. The gifts and offerings out of' the self-denials of earth are recompensed with an eternal home in that city whose foundations are garnished with all manner of precious stones; and the twelve gates are twelve pearls; and the city is of pure gold, as it were transparent glass; and the glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.* The particular design of this epistle as a corporate part of the New Testament was to give instruction in regard to the ordinances of the Church. It treats of the functions of its ministry and officers; the impropriety of some customs lr ecv. xxi. REVELATION OF GOD S WILL. 105 wlhich heathen converts had introduced into public worship; the nature of public prayer; the form of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; the ground of these ordinances, the resurrection of Christ and of the dead; and finally the proper method of making pecuniary contributions. It is the concluding purpose of the apostle to found the exhortation to Christian zeal, industry and liberality, which we are considering, directly upon the certainty of our resurrection, and the trial and recompenses of' the Judgment Day. It was this topic, above all others, which then was the staple of the preaching, the hymns, the prayers, the communion exercises, of the Sabbath day. The resurrection and judgment was the one upon which the apostle would most naturally and powerfully base the instruction and rule in respect to the appropriation and use of money, which is the recompense of all ordinary employments, and the instrumentality of support for the heralds of the gospel. The formula itself, like the decalogue, the Lord's prayer, and the last command of Christ, is wonderfully concise. One of the evidences of the divine origin, wisdom and authority of a rule which is designed for the instruction of the universal Christian Church in respect to the collection of money for all its diverse and incalculable wants, is the brevity and simplicity of it. The complete summary of universal and perpetual moral law for mankind was given through Moses fiom Mount Sinai in ten statements, containing but a hundred and fifty-eight words. The perfect model for Christian prayer was stated by Jesus Christ to his disciples in seven sentences of seventy-three words. This ordinance as to Christian stewardship in property was writ 106 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. ten by Paul in one sentence of thirteen, which our common translation renders in twenty-two words, as follows: " UPON TIlE FIRST DAY OF TIlE WEEK LET EVERY ONE OF YOU LAY BY HIIMI IN STORE AS GOD HATH PROSPERED IIIM." The most consummate financier in modern ages can add nothing to, and take nothing from, this brief rule. It contains every important principle necessary to the accomplishment of the great end in view. All that is needed is simple obedience to it, in order to fill the treasuries of the Christian Church, to secure for the Church that favor of God which follows from conformity to his will, and to supply means sufficient to send the Gospel to every creature. It is suited to be a complete, abiding and universal rule. It is one which should be put upon the walls of every house of worship; which should be written in the memory and heart of every professor of religion; and which should be taught to every child that has been consecrated to God in Christian baptism. EXAMINATION OF TIlE FORM OF TIIE RULE. An examination of the form of the rule which is given by the apostle shows its design to be, that Christians should practice a method of appropriating to religious objects a share of the proceeds of all their ordinary labor, which should have some regularity both as to time and amount. Let us first observe the context. Paul has been teaching, through the Spirit of God, the glorious and wonderful doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. ie thus continues, in showing the necessary fruits of it in their lifb: "Tlhercfbre, my beloved brethren, be ye REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL. 107 steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as your labor is not in vain in the Lord. Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality to Jerusalem." The latter verses of this passage are in our common English version entirely too much dissevered from the first. It must be remembered that the division into chapters has only existed about six hundred years. The direct connection of duty with doctrine is presented, as the inspired writer designed, by our reading the epistle continuously. So Theophylact and others of the early fathers represent it: "The apostle, having finished the subject of doctrines and now proceeding to treat of moral duties and virtues, leaves the rest and enters upon that of the quteen of vi'tues, almsgiving." That the inspired writer designs this to be an authoritative and general ordinance is evident, in the first place, from its doctrinal connection. The rule is introduced by a Greek adverb t translated "now." It is more properly and, as it is "continuative;'' that is, it takes up and carries on a thought which had been interrupted, or "marks something added by way of explanation, example, etc."t In this light it should be kept ever before us. The day of the resurrection and judgment * Quoted by BLOOMFIELD; Rlcetesio S#ynoptica. t i: ROBINSON; Gr. Lexicon of Nic Tctamnent. 108 GOD'S RULE FOR CRIIRSTIAN GIVING. approaches to all of us. Let us always "abound in the work of the Lord," in efforts to save souls which with us shall give their account upon that day, knowing that our "labor is not in vain in the Lord," but that "God will render to every man according to his deeds." "And" in contributions of money, which are so necessary for the spread of the gospel and benevolent efforts, according to the rule or order which God has given, " even so do;" that thus we may give with sufficient liberality and the right aims, and that God's blessing may follow the objects for which our money is expended. Then it is manifest, when we consider the persons addressed, that the object is to establish a positive and general rule. The subject of contributions is one of the chief themes in Paul's two epistles to the Corinthians. The Asiatics of' Galatia and other churches in Asia Minor, and the Greeks of Corinth, received the same instructions. There were embraced in them both gentiles and Jews. As new converts they evidently needed clear and positive injunctions on many points. This "order" is the peremptory topic of the closing chapter; a special application, suited to all the Christian churches, of the Redeemer's " last command. " It is sometimes affirmed that the rule was given to the Corinthians and Galatians alone. But it is an extraordinary claim to make, that a wise and important ordinance should be given to one locality; and its benefits or its obligations not be shared in by all others. This is not done with other appointments or admonitions. What is addressed by in REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL. 109 spiration to Christians at Colosse, or at iome, or at Ephesus, every believer unhesitatingly recognizes as intended for all,. Why so scrupulous in this particular matter? Surely every element of claim upon the purse, or upon the self-denial, of a Corinthian or Galatian exists in respect to the duty of professed Christians elsewhere! The apostle addresses "every one" of them. So that he is laying upon the Corinthians simply the same obligations which belong to all classes of mankind; whether they be in one nation or another; the rich or the poor, the great or the humble, the male or the female members. A third consideration is that the ordinance was not intended to meet any temporary emergency of the churches of Galatia and Corinth. It was in its nature a general ordinance to the Christian Church; as fully calculated to be universal and perpetual as were the previous ordinances regarding marriage, or the, Lord's Supper, or the support of the Christian ministry. This indeed was to be the divine New Testament provision as to the means of the support of the ministry, the functions of whose office the apostle has been so largely discussing in these epistles to the Corinthians. For the want of obedience to this provision of God the Church has suffered, and the world has suffered, beyond all conception. Religion has either been humiliated by her * Thus, says CHRYSOSTOM, to the Corinthians he proposes the example of the Galatians; to the Macedonians the example of the Corinthians; to the Romans that of the Corinthians and Macedonians.-2 Cor. ix. 2. Rom. xv. 26. And he called attention to the consideration that the "Galatians" were not the inhabitants of one city, but of a large province. Homilies on 1 Cor. 110 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. obligations to the ungodly civil powers, or else by her wants and helplessness. It is a consideration of weight in regard to the language of the apostle, that the word "collection " in the original * is not a classical, or heathen, Greek word. It signifies a transaction which requires reckoning, consideration, judgment. It is something which Christians everywhere should make a duty and a habit. It has been remarked that " the entire form of the introduction, as well as the article' the' before the Greek word translated'collection,' indicates that he had spoken before in regard to the matter, and the Corinthians had now, perhaps, inquired how they were to carry it forward." t This is also the meaning of the instruction that he is " to lay aside" money for charitable objects. It is to be a regular business of the Christian life of " every one." The binding and universal character of the ordinance is impressed upon us by a fourth evidence, that of the selection of the verb used in respect to the appointment: "I have given order." It is a very strong one. It is the same verb in the original which describes the charge of the Lord Jesus to the twelve apostles. "When Jesus had made an end of commanding his disciples." It occurs four other times in the gospels; three times with reference to Christ, and once to the law of the Roman empire. When Christ healed Jairus' daughter, he "commanded them to give her meat." He spoke with authority because hAoyia, from the root A\yw. " C. F. KLINC, in La.ge'8 Conm. t;4Q REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL. 111 they had "laughed him to scorn." Again, it is used twice when enforcing upon the disciples the necessity of submission to himself. "Doth he [the master] thank that servant because he did the things which were commanded him? I trow not. So likewise ye, when ye have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants." John the Baptist employs it concerning the Roman law, "Exact no more than that which is appointed you." In other portions of the New Testament the word is used as a verb or noun in the same sense. Thus, of civil power: " Whosoever resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God." It cannot be questioned that the apostle Paul designed the rule he was about to lay down to be a special, authoritative, binding ordinance of a penal nature in the Church, and to be a ground of judgment before the bar of God. IIe employs the verb of the original four times in this epistle. As to matters relating to divorces: "So ordain I in all the churches." As to ministerial support: "Even so hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." As to the Lord's Supper: "And the rest will I set in order when I come." And in the ordinance as to giving, which is before us: " Concerning the collection for the churches, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye." These all are "ordinances" binding upon the Christian Church at large. Each has its penalties and its rewardsif indeed we can attach the idea of reward to that which is of the nature of law, and duty, and where it is all of 6; grace " that we stand and have hope of the glory of God. Then it is of vital importance to each of us that we do not 112 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. fail in keeping tids one, and lose the great blessings of obedience, or reap the punishment of neglect. Finally, the effect of the rule, " that there be no gatherings when I come," is worthy of thoughtful consideration. Having compendiously and clearly stated the rule, the apostle adds in this brief sentence the reason for his laying it down. He was determined that no extraordinary gatherings in money should be made during his visit to Corinth. The great wisdom of this course is discerned when we observe the character of the people, the condition of the Church, and the objects he had in view. The second epistle, written perhaps a year subsequently, contains numerous references to the rule and throws much light upon its workings. We learn that among his objects were these important ones: to prevent ecclesiastical constraint in giving; to check giving from temporary impulse; to inspire Christians to give in due measure; and to remove grounds for wrong imputations as to the motives of the ministry and officers of the church. These are objections and obstacles which the ministry encounter everywhere, and always must continue to meet, especially in new fields of labor, where their motives are not understood,. and they are personal strangers to the people. Indeed under all circumstances of the Church it is most important to detach collections of money from personal considerations connected with the agents who present claims for them, and to make them a matter of conscience before God. The conclusion to which a thorough examination of the form of this rule, and the part of Scripture immediately REVELATTON OF GOD'S WITT. 113 related to it, leads us is: that the inspired writer intended to lay down a final ordinance, authoritative and perpetual, like those upon other points of church order and discipline, and peculiarly important to the growth and power of the Church amidst the gentile nations of the earth. SUMMARY OF INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE DIVINE RULE. We take up this divine rule of the New Testament Church to examine the character of the instructions which it has pleased the great and ever blessed Head of the Church to give for the guidance of its members in this most important matter. " Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him." We easily separate the leading points into four heads. Christian giving is: I. A weekly religious duty; 11. Of universal obligation; III. By acts of personal consecration and donation; IV. According to some definite and, with the blessing of God, enlarging proportion of the income. Let us make it our chief effort and prayer, as Christians, in a matter relating to the service of God and affecting greatly the honor of his Church, to obtain light upon it from the great sources which he has given us, in the teaching of the New Testament, in the preparatory and typical appointments of the Old Testament, and in the interpretations which the Christians of the earliest, and on the whole the brightest, centuries of the Church put upon them. s CHAPTER III. TIE SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE CIIRISTIAN SABBA TII: ITS WORSItIP AND INSTRUCTIONS. OUR FIRST great topic, the command that Christian giving shall be made " ON TIIE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK" -that is, a weekly religiols (lbty-opens before us the grand motives and the occasion of' it. If these motives can be made plain to the Christian mind, and this occasion shown to be divinely appointed and to be practically the wisest and most efficient arrangement possible for the end in view, the most important purpose of this volume will be accomplished. There are two lights in which we may study this appointment. We may consider the power of the spiritual motives and usefulness of the religious opportunities afforded by the Sabbath, and we may look at the subject in a purely secular aspect. Let us take it up now in the former of these lights, the spiritual and religious. TIIE WORSHIP OF A PRIMITIVE CIIISTIAN SABBATI. The primitive Christians had one supreme idea of the Lord's day, that it was a grand and joyful festival. It was the great animating centre, the warm and vigorous heart of their religious life. They celebrated it with every suitable expression of enjoyment and method of communicatng enjoyment to others. 114 SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATIT. 115 Let us bring this conception clearly before our minds by contrasting the original Sabbath of the Church with later methods of the observance of the day. It was not a sensual Sabbath, like that of the corrupted Christian churches. The Roman Church* retains the one most distinguishing element of the primitive Sabbath in her efforts to make it a festival of enjoyment, or, at least, of excitement; but its liveliest element is wanting. The ancient spirituality is lost. The music, the prayers, the entire sentiment, of a Romanist Sabbath are in their essence sensual. They possess enough of the original conception to make them powerfully fascinating. The thrilling music, the passionate liturgies, the sublime architecture, the glow. ing and splendid paintings, the rich and gorgeous apparel of the priesthood, completely carry away the senses of the multitude. The emotions created are intense. Women faint under their power. Nothing on earth which is of earth so powerfully moves the soul, carries the whole nature captive and inspires love, admiration, zeal, willingness to give, suffer and dare all things for the sake of the religion. But the effect is to sensualize the nature. The Roman Catholic Sabbath morning makes the Roman Catholic Sabbath afternoon and evening; and that is the time of the finest operas and dramatic entertainments of the week, of - The same may be said of the other ancient churches with which American readers generally are not so familiar. The Greek Church worship has many points of resemblance to the Roman. The Russians exhibit equal enthusiasm when engaged in it or speaking of it. 116 GOD'S RULE FORC CIHRISTIAN GIVING. the grandest military parades, of "festive" social entertainments, of exciting exhibitions for the multitude, such as bull-fights and bear-fights and cock-fights, and the wild and passionate scenes of the numberless resorts and establishments for gambling. This is the education which benumbs the spiritual sense of sin, which makes the bandit; or which suggests an ascetic, that is still also a sensual, remedy, and makes the monk and the nun. All the social and political institutions of a people are thus shaped and colored, as a castle or palace is conformed to the rock or eminence on which it is built, by the character of this foundation. Nor was the original Sabbath austere. When the Swiss conscience, looking down from the Alpine refuges from persecution and strongholds of freedom, saw the grossness and criminality of Rlomanism laid low by the great uprising of the sixteenth century, how natural was it for the chaste Reformed Church and her children in Scotland and England to become severe. The sternness, the plainness, the inflexibility, the chilly rigor of an old Presbyterian or Puritan Sabbath, 0, how much they have to excuse them when we consider that they were the girding on of strong and rough raiment, the grasping of the iron-shod staff and the dull lantern, and the preparation of nourishing food and strong cordials by brave men and women who left the dance and the laughter to go out and save the people who were perishing in the darkness and storm. Nor far less was the primitive Sabbath the inane and placid modern day, displaying itself in pretty feathers and silks, amused with the harmonies of a musical quartette, simpering over a pious lecture on science or domestic duties SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATH. 117 as a substitute in the pulpit for the thunders of the Almighty or the invitations to dying men from the cross of Calvary, and putting a dollar into the contribution box which represents the efforts of Christendom for the salvation of hundreds of millions of our race fiom eternal damnation in hell. No! We have come to the close of this order of things, to another of the revolutionary eras of the world; one like the deluge, like the day of Moses, like the day of Christ. We have reached the time for the reinstatement of the Christian Sabbath. It is of great importance to the Christian Church in this new "fullness of times," that we inform ourselves as to what the Christian Sabbath is. We read often of a European "Continental Sabbath," of a "Scottish Sabbath," or of an "American Sabbath." The good or objectionable features of each, its advantages or its perils, are depicted. But there is only one concern to the minds of the sons of God, who believe that " of his own will begat he them with the word of truth," that "the Spirit of truth" "will guide them into all truth," who profess the creed that "the word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him."* What, then, is the scriptural and original Christian Sabbath? What were its spirit, its worship, and its duties? THE IDEAL TAKEN FROM TIIE GREAT JEWISH FESTIVALS. The ideal of the primitive Christian Sabbath was obtained * Jas. i. 18. John xvi. 13. Shorter Catechism, Quest. 2. 118 GOD S RULE FOR CIRISTIAN GIVING. from the great festivals of the Jews. The great feasts of the wave offering of the first sheaf, of Pentecost, or the feast of weeks, and of tabernacles at harvest, all of them types of blessings procured through a risen Saviour, were appointed of God for the first day of the week instead of the seventh; this would suggest what was the purpose of the Lord as to the day. The Jewish Sabbath had much that was joyful in it, but much also that was legal and severe. The Son of God, he who "made the worlds" and was "the brightness" of "the glory" of the Godhead, said: "I am the Light of the world." It was an idea frequently expressed by the apostles that the coming of Jesus Christ into this world of chaos and darkness was like the voice which at the first said, "Let there be light and there was light. " This thought connected itself with the Divine worship of the Sabbath when it was changed to the first day of the week, and was designated "the Lord's day."* It is one which gave great joy to the hearts of the early disciples. It is found in the few remains of their writings which yet exist. One of the personal disciples of the apostle John, Ignatius, was born in Syria. The apostle appointed him, in the year 67, pastor of the great missionary church of Antioch, where he lived forty years until his martyrdom. Ignatius wrote thus in one of his epistles: t " They who were brought up in these ancient laws came nevertheless to newness of hope, no longer observing the Sabbaths, but keeping the Lord's day-in which our life also is sprung up by him." He warned them against Jewish ideas of the Hleb. i. 2, 3. John viii. 12; i. 4. 2 Cor. iv. 6. Rev. i. 10. t Epistle to llIagucsians, ix. and x. SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATH. 119 Christian religion. "Lay aside," said he, "the old, and sour, and evil lea:ven," and be ye changed into the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. We at once see how fiomr these principles it came to pass that the Christian worship of the Sabbath should copy those chief feasts which we are told the former Israel often kept "with great gladness, and the Levites and the priests praised the Lord day by day, singing with loud instruments to the Lord." After them the worshipers were "sent into their tents glad and merry in heart for the good which the Lord had showed unto his people." They " made them days of feasting and joy and of sending portions one to another and gifts to the poor. " These great festivals were imitated as to their most important features in the Lord's day of the early Christians. DESCRIPTIONS BY WRITERS OF TIAT AGE. The sore persecutions of the early Christians were like a dark cloud which yet reflected back light to distant places. They were forced to make public defences and explanations of their practices, which are most instructive and precious to us now. Two of these defences were written by Justin Martyr, a Greek by parentage, who was born at Sychar in Samaria, only twenty years after the death of the last apostle, John. He became a Christian and wrote several books, which are yet extant, against idolatry, or explanatory of his religion. In his first Apology, addressed to the emperor Antoninus Pius, he gives an account of the way in which the Christians then Kept the Sabbath. ETe says: "Those of us who have the means assist all who are in - 2 Chron. xxx. 21; vii. 10. Esther ix. 22. 120 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. want; and in all our oblations we bless the Maker of all things through his Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost. On the day which is called Sunday there is an assembly in the same place of all those who live in the cities, or in the country districts. The records of the apostles, or the writings of prophets, are read as long as the time will allow. When the reader concludes, the presiding minister gives oral instruction. Then we all rise and offer up our prayers. When we have concluded our prayer, bread is brought in, and wine and water. The presiding minister again in the same way offers up prayers and thanksgiving with his utmost power, and the people express their concurrence by saying Amen. "There is then a distribution and a partaking, by every one, of the elements used in the supper; and to those who are not present they are sent by the hands of the deacons. Those who are in a prosperous condition, and wish to do so, then give what they will, each according to his judgment. What is collected is placed in the hands of the presiding minister; who assists with it orphans and widows, and such as from sickness or any other cause are in distress; and he grants aid to those who are in bondage, to strangers from afar, and, in a word, to all who are in need. "But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, when he changed darkness and matter, made the world, and the same day on which Jesus Christ our Saviour rose from the dead. For on the day before the (I loman) Saturday he was crucified, and on the day after it, which is Sunday, he appeared to his apostles and disciples, and taught them SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATH. 121 these things which we have presented to you for your consideration." To get as clear an idea as possible of a primitive Christian Sabbath, which is most necessary to the object which we have now before us, let us look at the picture of it in another of the ancient Apologies, that of Tertullian, who was born at Carthage within sixty years after the time of the death of the apostle John. He thus describes, in the earliest Christian writings which we have in the Latin language, the worship which the heathen so grossly misrepresented. * "We Christians-united in one body by our common faith, worship and hope-meet for prayer, in which we, as it were, take the kingdom of heaven by a violence grateful to God... " We assemble also for receiving instruction, warning and exhortation from the Divine word, whereby we nourish our faith, animate our hope, establish our confidence, and stir up ourselves by every argument to the practice of good works. On these occasions discipline is administered with all solemnity, and the censures pronounced on offenders are regarded as anticipating the judgment to come. " Every one puts something into the public stock once a month, or when he pleases, and according to his ability and inclination, for there is no compulsion; these pious deposits are applied, not to the indulgence of appetite, but in aid of the poor, orphans, the aged, the shipwrecked, the persecuted, and for burying the dead. "Then follows a supper, a feast of charity, not an entertainment for the sensual, but a refroshmuent to the hungry and ji Apologet., c. 39. 122 GOD'S RULE FOR CIIRISTIAN GIVING. the needy. To this supper we do not sit down till we have previously tasted the pleasure of prayer to God; we sup in the recollection that God may be worshiped in the night season, and we converse with the consciousness that he hears us. Praise succeeds, and the whole is concluded with prayer." In our study of these and other sketches of the primitive Christian Sabbath, which are given more or less in detail, there rise to our mind the prominent features of the worship which was celebrated upon it. THE JOYFUL CHARACTER OF TTIE PRITIITIVE WORSIIP. The chief joy of the day was its fervent devotional exercises. It was the day which the Lord Jesus hallowed by his successive appearances after his resurrection, when their "hearts burned" with the emotions of his personal communications. It was the day when amidst their assembly "in one place" the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost deseended,x and they were like "men full of new wine.''"We celebrate Sunday," said Tertullian, "as a joyful day. On the Lord's day we think it wrong to fast or to k7neel in prayer.' Let the reader try to conceive of the sensations of a new - OLSHAUSEN, on Acts ii. 1, says: "As the Church has quite rightly fixed the day of the Redeemer's death upon Friday, although the Passover began on Thursday evening at six o'clock, so also has it with equal propriety fixed the first Pentecost upon the day which occurred exactly seven weeks after the resurrection.... Undoubtedly the Jewish Pentecost in the year of our Lord's death began at six o'clock in the evening when the Sabbath was at a close, and it lasted until six o'clock on Sunday evening." SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATH. 123 convert from heathenism who first realizes the indescribable greatness, and glory, and happiness of the revelation that there is one "true God, the living God, and an everlasting King," and that he is permitted to call him "my God," "which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him." Then he may be prepared to celebrate like the first Christians that glorious act of creation, of which the Sabbath is the everlasting memorial, which caused the angelic witnesses, "the morning stars," to sing together, and the sons of God to shout for joy.* Then may he realize the happiness of those who, even amidst hunger and nakedness and in tribulation, lovingly trust day by day for" daily bread " to their " Father in heaven." The "hallelujahs" of the closing psalms of David or Ezra will inspire him with a rapture which he never before knew. "Praise ye him, all his angels! Praise ye him, all his hosts! Praise ye him, sun and moon! Praise him, all ye stars of light!" "Kings of the earth, and all people; Princes, and all judges of the earth! Both young men, and maidens; Old men, and children'" "Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise ye the Lord!" The Sabbath was above all other employments a day of praise to Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah, who "made peace through the blood of his cross," the risen and ascended King and Head of "things in earth and things in * Job xxxviii. 7. Dout. vii. 9. Jcr. x. 10. 124 GOD'S RULE FOR CHRISTIAN GIVING. heaven." "The word of Christ dwelt in them richly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; singing with grace in their hearts to the LORD. " The heathen noticed this distinguishing worship. The philosopher Plinyt described the Christians as those who "affirmed that the whole of their fault or error lay in this, that they were wont to meet together on a stated day, before it was light, and sing among themselves by turns a hymn to Christ as God." The following verses are a translation of part of a hymn, the earliest we possess, which is found in the writings of Clement of Alexandria: " Shepherd of tender youth, Guiding in love and truth, Through devious ways; Christ our triumphant King! We come thy name to sing, And here our children bring, To shout thy praise. "Ever be thou our Guide, Our Shepherd and our pride, Our staff and song! Jesus! thou Christ of God! By the perennial word, Lead us where thou hast trod, Make our faith strong. So now, and till we die, Sound we thy praise on high, And joyful sing. Col. i. 12-20; iii. 16, t Letter to Trajan. SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SAPBATII. 125 Infants, and the glad throng, Who to thy Church belong, Unite and swell the song To Christ our King!" Joyful singing and praise should certainly occupy a much larger share of our Sabbath worship. The fervent Moravians and other German Protestants sometimes accompany it not alone with the organ, but also with trumpets and brass instruments, which impart a peculiarly melodious and inspiring effect. Christ has said, "As my Father hath sent me, so send I you.'" Every Christian therefore felt himself and herself to be "a missionary," one sent and delegated to help in some way to save a lost world! The Sabbath then was a day of ardent prayer for missionary success, and of triumph on account of the mighty victories which were continually announced through the outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon city after city, and nation after nation; following to the distant West and East the Roman arms with conquests infinitely more beneficial to the world, which caused joy to the angels that are in heaven. The Sabbath was, upon the faith of God's covenant and word, regarded as a sacred pledge of a millennium on earth and rest in heaven to the bodies and spirits of the faithful -the coming "rests" and "sabbatisms."t The very ancient epistle attributed by many to Barnabas saysf that " in six days —that is, in six thousand years —shall all things be - John x. 21. t IIeb. iv. 9. Rev. xix. 16. Rom. viii. 21. t C(atf. Epgist. xv. 126 GOD'S RULE FOR CTTRISTIAN- GIVING. accomplished. And what is this that he saith,'And he rested the- seventh day?' He meaneth this, that when his Son shall come, and abolish the season of the wicked one, and judge the ungodly; and shall change the sun, and the moon, and the stars; then he shall gloriously rest on that seventh day." Their ideas of the dates of these great events were uncertain and even contradictory; but of this they were certain, and in this they triumphed, that Jesus Christ should be " KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS," and that the creation "shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God." If the Sabbatic memorials and hopes so greatly animated the prayer, and praises, and songs of the primitive Chlristians, how much more should they swell with joy ours, to whom the glories of " the latter day" are so much more near! The wonderful extent to which the science of music has been cultivated by the present generation is one " earnest" of the promise, "my servants shall sing for joy of heart;" " with the voice together shall they sing, when the LoRD shall bring again Zion."* We have perfected instrumentst of music. We have taught the young children of Christendom to sing. We have gathered the sweetest melodies from every land, many of which before were in the service of the devil. 1 We behold the heavenly power of * Isa. lxv. 14; lii. 8. t The piano interests us as the most advanced of the improvements, traceable through the intervening ages, of the original harp of Central and Western Asia..t Not only are some of them from operas and other worldly SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATIH. 127 sanctified music conquering the debased masses of Scotland and Ireland and England. Just so have we also seen it melt the hearts of the heathen in foreign fields of labor. It will be, when fully made an instrument of the Holy Spirit, a chief one among the mighty means of filling the earth with "the glory of the Lord." Joyful praises are the best way to make God's "will be done on earth as it is done in heaven! " THE INSTRUCTION OF A CHRISTIAN SABBATI. An intelligent heathen who has picked up a historical conception of Christianity out of the gospels distributed by missionaries, in visiting a Christian country, is surprised to observe a great difference between the methods of religious instruction practiced now and those pursued by him whom we claim to be the divine and all-wise Teacher. Let us go back to the New Testament and examine this model. It will enable us to conceive of the methods which his disciples followed, whose labors converted the civilized world to the Christian faith. EXAMPLE OF JESUS AS A TEACHER. Jesus lived and taught like one who had come to deliver a momentously important message to men, wherever he agencies of pleasure, but some are from the Africans of the South and from the dark races of heathen lands. The palanquin-bearer, or coolie, in India, sometimes surprises the Christian stranger by bursting out with the air of our child's hymn, "I want to be an angel." It is originally that of a IIindustani love-song, the words of which begin thus when translated, "There came a Mogul woman," etc. 128 GOD'S UTLE, FOR, CIIRISTIAN GIVING. could reach them, and to pity and relieve them to the utmost in the little while before he would go away to return thus no more. He paid little respect to localities, to edifices, and to forms; he pursued the lost sheep by the seaside, on the mountains, in the cornfield, amidst the abodes of pain or the haunts of sinners. His sermons were only at times theological in structure; but they expounded largely the written word. Their language was simple as a little child's. He drew illustrations which would interest the common people fiom all their employments, and fixed the truth in their minds by striking parables. His miracles were lessons, and evidences, by which he addressed also their eyes, their touch, and their wants and appetites. The form of his discourses was most often conversational; like that of the instructions of the other greatest teachers of mankind, as Socrates, Confucius, or Buddla; and he encouraged questions and answers. Their aim was pointed, personal, tending to immediate volition, action and results. He made it a great and essential part of his mission to exhibit specimens of its proper fruit by the side of the seed and the root which he sought to induce men to take and to propagate; therefore it was that he healed the sick, and gave sight to the blind, restored their hearing to the deaf, imparted speech to the dumb, and bestowed food upon the hungry. Just what Jesus did the apostles and disciples copied. So did also several succeeding generations of Christians. It was this practical Christianity, and this preaching, which overcame every obstacle to its progress. Is it too much to say that, if it had been persevered in, the gos SPIRIT OF A PRIMITIVE SABBATIT. 129 pel would long before this time have overcome all the powers of the world? The public duties of the Sabbath day were performed at various times of the day. Pliny says: "They separated and came together again." Those duties which came later clustered about the communion of the Lord's Supper, and the agape, or "feast of charity," and the exercise of the duties connected with them. It would be a natural thought to Paul, in shaping an epistle to a church, such as that to the Romans, or Ephesians, or Colossians, to conform the order of subjects somewhat to that which was familiar in the exercises of a Christian Sabbath. An epistle of his may thus be to us the representation of such a holy day in the apostolic age. We trace successively in it the abundant prayers and praises, the doctrinal instruction, the practical exhortations, and the closing individual salutations and communications. EMPLOYMENT OF SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. This brings us to the consideration of a subject which is very important to the Christian Church of this age: What is the proper employment of Sunday afternoon and evening? To the early Christians this was the most practically delightful part of the day: to Christians now it is the opposite. It is now a repetition of the morning worship. Or it is an hour ft- " pop