EUROPEAN MORALS. VOL. I.' HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS FROM A UG USTUS TO CHARLEMAGNE. B3Y, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE LECKY, M.A. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. NEW YORK:,D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1873. PREFACE. THE QUESTIONS with which an historian of Morals is chiefly concerned, are the changes that have taken place in the moral standard and in the moral type. By the first, I understand the degrees in which, in different ages, recognised virtues have been enjoined and practised. By the second, I understand the relative importance that in different ages has been attached to different virtues. Thus, for example, a Roman of the age of Pliny, an Englishman of the age of Henry VIII., and an Englishman of our own day, would all agree in regarding humanity as a virtue, and its opposite as a vice; but their judgments of the acts which are compatible with a humane disposition would be widely different. A humane man of the first period might derive a keen enjoyment from those gladiatorial games, whiclh an Englishman, even in the days of the Tudors, would regard as atrociously barbarous; and this last would, in his turn, acquiesce in many sports which would now be emphatically condemned. And, in addition to this clhange of standard, there is a continual change in the order of precedence which is given to virtues. Patriotism, chastity, charity, and humlility are examples of virtues each of which has in some ages been brought forward as of the most supreme and transcendent importance, and the very basis of a virtuous character; and, in other PREFACE. ages, been thrown into the background, and reckoned among the minor graces of a noble life. The heroic virtues, the amiable virtues, and what are called more especially the religious virtues, form distinct groups, to which, in different periods, different degrees of prominence have been assigned; and the nature, causes, and consequences of these changes in the moral type are among the most important branches of history. In estimating, however, the moral condition of an age, it is not sufficient to examine the ideal of moralists. It is necessary also to enquire how far that ideal has been realised among the people. The corruption of a nation is often reflected in the indulgent and selfish ethics of its teachers; but it sometimes produces a reaction, and impels the moralist to an asceticism which is the extreme opposite of the prevailing spirit of society. The means which moral teachers possess of acting upon their fellows vary greatly in their nature and efficacy, and the age of the highest moral teaching is often not that of the highest general level of practice. Sometimes we find a kind of aristocracy of virtue, exhibiting the most refined excellence in their teaching and in their actions, but exercising scarcely any.appreciable influence upon the mass of the community. Sometimes we find moralists of a much less heroic order, whose influence has per. meated every section of society. In addition, therefore, to the type and standard of morals inculcated by the teachers, an historian must investigate the realised morals of the people. The three questions I have now briefly indicated are those which I have especially regarded in examining the moral history of Europe between Augustus and Charlemagna. As a preliminary to this enquiry, I have discussed at some length the rival theories concerning the PREFACE. vii nature and obligation of morals, and have also endeavoured to show what virtues are especially appropriate to each successive stage of civilisation, in order that we may afterwards ascertain to what extent the natural evolution has been affected by special agencies. I have then followed the moral history of the Pagan Empire, reviewing the Stoical, the Eclectic, and the Egyptian philosophies, that in turn flourished, showing in what respects they were the products or expressions of the general condition of society, tracing their influence in many departments of legislation and literature, and investigating the causes of the deep-seated corruption which baffled all the efforts of emperors and philosophers. The triumph of the Christian religion in Europe next demands our attention. In treating this subject, I have endeavoured, for the most part, to exclude all consideatons ofj a purely thleological or controversial shiaracter, all discussions concerning the origin of the faith in Palestine, and concerning the first type of its doctrine, and to regard the Church simply in its aspect as a moral agent, exercising its influence in Europe. Confining myself within these limits, I have examined the manner in which the circumstances of the Pagan Empire impeded or assisted its growth, the nature of the opposition it had to encounter, the transformations it underwent under the influence of prosperity, of the ascetic enthusiasm, and of the barbarian invasions, and the many ways in which it determined the moral condition of society. The growing sense of the sanctity of human life, the history of charity, the formation of the legends of the hagiology, the effects of asceticism upon civic and domestic virtues, the moral influence of monasteries, the ethics of the intellect, the virtues and vices of the decaying Christian empire, and of the barbarian kingdoms that replaced it, the gradual apotheosis of viii PREFACE. secular rank, and the first stages of that military Christianity which attained its climax at the Crusades, have been all discussed with more or less detail; and I have concluded my work by reviewing the changes that have taken place in the position of women, and in the moral questions connected with the relations of the sexes. In investigating these numerous subjects, it has occasionally, though rarely, happened that my path- has intersected that which I had pursued in a former work, and in two or three instances I have not hesitated to repeat facts to which I had there briefly referred. I have thought that such a course was preferable to presenting the subject shorn of some material incident, or to falling into what has always the appearance of an unpleasing egotism, by appealing unnecessarily to my own writings. Although the history of the period I have traced has never, so far as I am aware, been written from exactly the point of view which I have adopted, I have, of course, been for the most part moving over familiar ground, which has been often and ably investigated; and any small originality that may be found in this work must lie, not so much in the facts which have been exhumed, as in the manner in which they have been grouped, and in the significance that has been ascribed to them. I have endeavoured to acknowledge the more important works from which I have derived assistance; and if I have not always done so, I trust the reader will ascribe it to the great multitude of the special histories relating to the subjects I have treated, to my unwillingness to overload my pages with too numerous references, and perhaps, in some cases, to the difficulty which all who have been much occupied with a single department of history must sometimes hasve, in distinguishing the ideas PREFACE. ix which have sprung from their own reflections, from those which have been derived from books. There is one writer, however, whom I must especially mention, for his name occurs continually in the following pages, and his memory has been more frequently, and in these later months more sadly, present to my mind than any other. Brilliant and numerous as are the works of the late Dean Mlilman, it was those only wvho had the great privilege of his friendship who could fully realise the amazing extent and variety of his knowledge; the calm, luminous, and delicate judgment which he carried into so many spheres; the inimitable grace and tact of his conversation, coruscating with the happiest anecdotes, and the brightest and yet the gentlest humour; and what was perhaps more remarkable than any single faculty, the admirable harmony and symmetry of his mind and character, so free from all the disproportion, and eccentricity, and exaggeration, that sometimes make even genius assume the form of a splendid disease. They can never forget those yet higher attributes, which rendered him so unspeakably reverent to all who knew him wellhis fervent love of truth, his wide tolerance, his large, generous, and masculine judgments of men and things; his almost instinctive perception of the good that is latent in each opposing party, his disdain for the noisy triumphs and the fleeting popularity of mere sectarian strife, the fond and touching affection with which he dwelt upon,the images of the past, combining, even in extreme old age, with the keenest and most hopeful insight into the progressive movements of his time, and with a rare power of winning the confidence and reading the thoughts of the youngest about him. That such a writer should have devoted himself to the department of history, which more than any other has been distorted by ignorance, puerility, X - PREFACE. and dishonesty, I conceive to be one of the happiest facts in English literature, and (though sometimes diverging from his views) in many parts of the following work I have largely availed myself of his researches. I cannot conceal from myself that this book, if it should have the fortune to find readers, may encounter much, and probably angry, contradiction from different quarters and on different grounds. It is strongly opposed to a school of moral philosophy which is at present extremely influential in England, and in addition to the many faults that may be found in its execution, its very plan must nmake it displeasing to many. Its subject necessarily includes questions on which it is exceedingly difficult for an English writer to touch, and the portion of history with which it is concerned has been obscured by no common measure of misrepresentation and passion. I have endeavoured to carry into it a judicial impartiality, and I trust that the attempt, however imperfect, may not be wholly useless to my readers. LONDON: Mar-ch 1869. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. CHAPTER I. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. PAGE Fundamental division of moral theories 1 Necessity of imputing immoral consequences to false theories. 2 The Utilitarian Schlool Mandeville.... 6 Hobbes and his followers....... 7 Theological Utilitarians. 14 Enlargement of the school by the recognition of benevolence 21 And by Hartley's doctrine of association. 23 How far selfish..... 31 Objections to the School From the common language and feelings of men... 34 From the impossibility of virtue bringing pleasure if practised only with that end..... 36 From the separation of morals from all other means to enjoyment....... 38 Intuitive moralists do not deny the utility of virtue 40 The degrees of virtue and vice do not correspond to the degrees of utility or the reverse...... 41 Consequence of Acting on Utilitarian Princzples Weakness of the doctrine of remote consequences.. 43 Secret sins.... 44 Sins of imagination....... 46 Infanticide......... 46 Cruelty to animals.. *. 47 >ii CONTENTS OF PAGE Recent Utilitarian views on this subject... 48 Chastity....... 51 Love of truth.. 52 Utilitarian Sanctions Theological Utilitarianism makes the'goodness of God' an unmeaning term.... 55 Destroys a chief argument for a future life..55 Subverts natural religion..... 55 56 How far Supreme excellence is conducive to happiness. 59 The suffering caused by vice not proportioned to its criminality 63 The rewards and punishments of conscience.. 64 Nature of obligations. 66 The best men seldom the happiest... 70 Summary of objections.... 70 Cause of the attraction of Utilitarianism.. 72 Ambiguity of the term inductive as applied to morals. 75 lntuitive School Doctrines of Butler, Adam Smith, Cudworth, Clarke, Vollaston, Hutcheson, Henry More, Reid, Hume, and Lord Kames 77-79 The analogies of beauty and virtue.... 79 Their differences..... 84 Illustrations of the distinction between the higher and lower parts of our nature.. 85 Ethical importance of this distinction... 93 Alleged Diversities of M.oral. Judgment Are frequently due to intellectual causes.-Usury and abortion 94 Distinction between natural duties and those resting on positive law. 9...... 95 Ancient customs canonised by time.-On women drinking wine 95 Confused association of ideas.-Admiration for conquerors. 96 Calvinistic ethics..... 98 Persecution... 100 Antipathy to free inquiry.. 101 General moral principles alone revealed by intuition.. 102 The moral unity of different ages is therefore a unity not of standard, but of tendency... 103 Application of this to the history of benevolence.. 103 Utilitarian objections which it answers.. 104 Intuitive morals not unnprogressive.. 105 Sketch of the history of chastity. 106 Answers to miscellaneous objections... 112 The standard, though not the essence, of virtue determined by the condition of society...... 113 Occasional duty of sacrificing higher principles to lower ones 114 The difficulty of finding a fixed rule for these cases applies to the Utilitarian as well as his opponent... 120 THE FIRST VOLUME. xiii PAGE Summary of the relations of virtue and interest.. 121 Two senses of the word natural. 123 The ethics of savages....... 125 Each of the Two Schools of l~orals related to the General Condition of Society Their relations to metaphysical schools..... 127 To the Baconian philosophy.-Contrast between ancient and modern civilisation. 130 Practical consequences of each school... 133 Th/e Ocrder in which Moral Feelings are developed Decline of ascetic and saintly qualities.... 136 Growth of the gentler virtues.-Relation of the imagination to benevolence.. 137 Callous and vindictive cruelty.. 140 Indulgent judgments towards criminals. 141 Moral enthusiasms appropriate to different stages of civilisation 142 Growth of veracity-industrial, political, and philosophical 143-146 Theological influences have retarded the last. 146 The thrifty and the speculating character. 146, 147 Forethought........ 147 Decline of reverence..... 148 Fenmale virtue.. 150 Influenced by climate.. 1502 151 By large towns...... 152 By tardy marriages... 153 Each stage of civilisation is specially appropriate to some virtues....... 1054 Relations of intellectual to moral progress 156 The moral standard of most men lower in political than in private judgments..... 158 National vices. 159 Qualities of corporations.. ~.. 160 French and English types.... 160 The manner in which virtues are grouped.... 161 Rudimentary virtues....... 162 All characters cannot be moulded into one type.. 163 Concluding remarks on moral types. 163-168 CHAPTER II. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. Pagan religion had little influence on morals. 169 Greek scepticism........ 169 Its extension to Rome-Opinions of the philosophers. 170-175 xiv CONTENTS OF PAGE Roman religion never a source of moral enthusiasm... 176 Inroad of luxury........ 177 Growth of astrological fatalism.. 179 Philosophers the true moral teachers.... 180 Epicureanism and Stoicism the expression of different types of character 181 Military and patriotic enthusiasm formed in Rome the Stoical type........181 The predisposition strengthened by the prominence of biography in all moral teaching... 183 Epicureanism never became a school of virtue in Rome. 184 Its function destructive.... 185-186 Stoicism Its two essentials.-The unselfish ideal, and the subjugation of the affections to the reason.... 186 The first due to patriotism, the most unselfish of enthusiasms. 187 Four possible motives of virtue.. 187 Stoicism the best example of the perfect severance of virtue and interest....... 190 Stoics disregarded or disbelieved a future world. 191-193 Taught men to sacrifice reputation.... 194 Distinguished the obligation from the attraction of virtue. 196 The second characteristic, the repression of the desires 197 Deliberate virtue the most estimable-impulsive virtue the most attractive.. 198 Doctrine of Seneca concerning Pity.... 199 Evil consequences resulting from the suppression of the emotions 201 Hardness of character.. 202 Love of paradox...:.... 202 Many noted Stoics whose lives were very imperfect 203 Stoicism unfitted for common characters.. 204 Its high sense of the natural virtue of man and of the power of his will..205 Recognition of Providence..... 209 The habits of public life saved Stoics from quietism. 210 Contemplation of death.-Bacon's objection to the Stoics. 213 The literature of' Consolations'. 215 Death not regarded as penal.... 216 Pagan death-beds........ 216 Distinction between the Pagan and Christian conceptions of death 219 Suicide..... 223 Grandeur of the Stoical ideal.. 23 Recapitulation....... 235 Contrast between the austerity of Roman Stoicism and the luxury of Roman society..... 238 Growth oJ a Gentler and more Cosmopolitan Spirit in Rome Due first of all to the union of the Greek and Roman civilisations.-Gentleness of the Greek character... 240 THE FIRST VOLUME. xv PAGE Greek cosmopolitanism due to philosophical criticism and to the career of Alexander 242 Extent of Greek influence at Rome 243 The destruction of the power of the aristocracy also strengthened a cosmopolitan spirit. 241 So did the aggrandisement of the colonies, the attraction of many foreigners to Rome, and the increased facilities for travelling 246 Foreigners among the most prominent of Latin writers.. 247 Multitude of emancipated slaves... 248 Roman legislators endeavoured to consolidate the Empire by admitting the conquered to the privileges of the conquerors 251 Stoicism proved quite capable of representing the cosmopolitan spirit 252 But not equally so of representing the softening spirit of the age 255 Rise of Eclectic Moralists Comparison of Plutarch and Seneca 256 Influence of the new spirit on the Stoics.. 258 Stoicism became more religious 259 And more introspective. —History of the practice of selfexamination 2.. 61 Marcus Aurelius the best example of later Stoicism. —IIis life and character.... 263 The People still very corrupt.-Causes of the Corritption Decadence of all the conditions of republican virtue. 271 Effects of the Imperial system on morals-the apotheosis of emperors...... 272 Moral consequences of slavery.-Increase of idleness and demoralising employments. 277 And of sensuality 278 Decline of public spirit 279 Universal empire prevented the political interaction which in modern nations sustains national life... 280 History of the decline of agricultural pursuits and habits 281 And of military virtue 284 The gladiatorial shows-their origin and history.. 287 Their effects upon the theatre. 293 Nature of their attraction. 29' Horrible excesses they attained 297 The manner in which their influence pervaded Roman life 299 How they were regarded by moralists and historians 301 The passion for them not inconsistent with humanity in other spheres........ 3G5 Efects of Stoicism on the Corruption of Society First, it raised up many good emperors.... 3C9 Second, it produced a noble opposition under the worst emperors......... 310 Zvi CONTENTS OF PAGB Third, it greatly extended Roman law... 312 Roman law adopted the stoical conception of a law of nature to which it must conform.... 312 Its principles of equity derived from Stoicism.. 313 Change in the relation of Romans to provincials.. 315 Changes in domestic legislation.... 315 Slavery-its three stages at Rome. Review of the condition of slaves........ 318 Opinions of philosophers about slavery.. 324 Laws in favour of slaves..... 32 Stoics as consolers of the suffering, advisers of the young, and popular preachers...... 327 The later Cynics an offshoot of Stoicism.... 328 Stoical Rhetoricians. 329 Maximus of Tyr..... 331 Dion Chrysostom...... 331 Aulus Gellius, the best chronicler of the Rhetoricians-comnpared with tIelvetius..... 332 Rapid decadence of Stoicism. 336 Passion for Oriental Religions Mysticism partly a reaction against the disputations of the Rhetoricians-Modern parallels... 337 Partly due to the increasing prominence given by moralists to the emotions....... 338 And partly to the influx of Oriental slaves, and the increasing importance of Alexandria. 338 But chiefly to a natural longing for belief... 339 The Platonic and Pythagorean schools..... 340 Plutarch's defence of the ancient creeds.... 340 Maximus of Tyr pursues the same course.... 341 Apuleius.......... 343 Contrast of the Greek and Egyptian spirits.... 344 Difference between the stoical and the Egyptian pantheism. 345 Neoplatonism Destroys active virtue and a critical spirit.... 350 The doctrine of dsemons supersedes the stoical naturalism. 351 New doctrine concerning suicide. 351 Increasing belief in another life...... 351 Fusion of philosophy with religion.... 352 Summary of the whole chapter.... 352-356 CHAPTER III. THE CONVERSION OF ROME. Unconsciousness of the moral importance of Christianity manifested by pagan writers....... 357 Due to the separation in antiquity of religion and morals. 359,,,, "` ""r"""' ^~"^"T~`"J "^"^ THE FIRST VOLUME. xvii PAGE Three popular errors concerning the conversion of Rome 360 Examiiation of the Theory which ascribes Part of the TeacGhing of the later. Pagan Mlqforalists to Christian Influence Two opinions in the early Church concerning the pagan writings....... 364 The' seminal logos' 365 Pagan writings supposed to be plagiarisms from the Old Testament, or to be receptacles of demoniacal traditions 367 But these theories were applied only to the ancient Greek writers, and not to contemporary moralists 368 Thleor?,/ which attributes the Conversion of the Empire to the Evidences of iiracles To estimate this it is necessary to review the causes of the belief in miracles 368 Rapid decline of the belief. 368 Miracles not impossible...... 369 Established by much evidence 369 The histories of them always decline with education 370 Illustrated by the belief in fairies... 370 First conception of the universe formed by the savage —he regards the whole world as governed by isolated acts of intervention 371 Latent fetishism. 372 Feebleness of the imafgination a source of legends-myths 372 Miraculous stories the natural expression of a certain theory of the universe. 373 Education destroys these stories by teaching men to exact greater severity of proof....... 373 By strengthening their power of abstraction, and thus closing the age of myths... 75 By physical science, which establishes the reign of law 375 Three ways in which physical science affect-s the belief in miracles...... 376 Theological notions about rain and epidemics. 378 Sphere of inductive reasoning in theology 379 Commnon error in reasoning about mniracles. 84 In some states of society this predisposition towards the nliraculous is so strong as to accumulate round legends more evidence than is required to establish even improbable natural facts 385 Illustrations of this fronm clivination, witchcraft, and the king's evil 386 State of opinion on this subject in the Ronian Empire.. 388 Extreme credulity even in matters of natural history.. 393 Great increase of credulity through the influence of Egyptian philosophyl-miracles of the Pythagorean school.. 96 Attitude of Christians towards the pagan miracles. 397 2 xviii CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. PAGH Incapacity of the Christians of the third century for judging historic miracles 399 Or for judging prophecies-the Sibylline books... 400 Contemporary Christian miracles-exorcism. 401 Much despised by the pagans... 407 On the whole, neither past nor contemporary Christian miracles had much weight upon the pagans. 409 The progress of Christianity due to tlhe disintegration of old religions, and the thirst for belief which was general.. 410 Singular adaptation of Christianity to the wants of the time. 412 Heroism it inspired........ 415 The conversion of the Roman Empire easily explicable.. 418 The Persecution the Chzurch underwcent not of a N'ature to crush it Persecution may have many causes..... 420 Review of the religious policy of Rome.... 423 Reasons why the Christians were more persecuted than the Jews. 433 The religious motive of persecution was the belief that calamities were a consequence of the neglect of the gods.. 433 History of this belief........ 434 Political persecutions. 438 Charges of immorality brought against Christians.. 440 Due in a great measure to the Jews and heretics.. 442 The disturbance of domestic life caused by female conversions 444 Antipathy of the Romans to every system which employed religious terrorism........ 447 Christian intolerance of pagan worship. 449 And of diversity of belief...... 454 These causes fully explain the persecution of the Christians. 455 U[istory of the Persecutions Persecution by Nero. 456 By Domitian. 459 Condition of the Christians under the Antonines. 461 After Marcus Aurelius, Christianity became a great political power......... 470 Attitude of the rulers towards it, from M. Aurelius to Decius. 470 Condition of the Church at the eve of the Decian persecution. 477 Horrors of the persecution... 478 The catacombs........ 481 Troubles under Gallus and Valerian-Gallienus proclaims toleration......... 483 Cyprian to Demetrianus. 484 Almost unbroken peace till Diocletian. 486 His character and persecution.. 487 Galerius...... 488 Close of the persecutions... 492 General considerations on their history.. 493 HISTORY OF'EUROPEAN MORALS. CHAPTER I. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. A BRIF INQUIRY into the nature and foundations of morals appears an obvious, and, indeed, almost an indispensable preliminary, to any examination of the moral progress of Europe. UTnfortunately, however, such an inquiry is beset with serious difficulties, arising in part from the extreme multiplicity of detail which systems of moral philosophy present, and in part from a fundamental antagonism of principles, dividing them into two opposing groups. The great controversy, springing from the rival claims of intuition and utility to be regarded as the supreme regulator of moral distinctions, may be dimly traced in the division between Plato and Aristotle; it appeared more clearly in the division between the Stoics and the Epicureans; but it has only acquired its full distinctness of definition, and the importance of the questions depending on it has only been fully appreciated, in modern times, under the influence of such writers as Cudworth, Butler and Clarke upon the one side, and Hobbes, HIelvetius, and Bentham on the other. 2 HISTORY OF E UROPEAN MORALS. Independently of the broad intellectual difficulties which mlust be encountered in treating this question, there is a difficulty of a personal kind, which it may be advisable at once to imeet. There is a disposition in some moralists to resent, as an imputation against their own clharacters, any charge of immoral consequences that may be brought against the principles they advocate. Now it is a peculiarity of this controversy that every moralist is compelled, by the very nature of the case, to bring such charges against the opinions of his opponents. The business of a moral philosophy is to account for and to justify our moral sentiments, or in other words, to show how we come to have our notions of duty, and to supply us with a reason for acting upon them. If it does this adequately, it is impregnable, and therefore a moralist, who repudiates one system is called upon to show that, accordingo to its principles, the notion of duty, or the motives for per16rminug it, could never have been generated. The Utilitarian accuses his opponent of basing the entire system of mlorals on a faculty that has no existence, of adopting a principle that would make moral duty vary with the latitude and the epoch, of resolving all ethics into an idle sentiment. The intuitive moralist, for reasons I shall hereafter explain, believes that the Utilitarian theory is profoundly immoral. But to suppose that either of these charges extends to the character of the moralist is altogether to misconceive the position whlich moral theories actually hold in life. Our moral sentiments do not flow from, but 1ong precede our ethical systems; and it is usually only after our characters have been fully formed that we begin to reason about them. It is both possible and very common for the reasoning to be very defective, without any corresponding imperfection in the disposition of the man. The two rival theories of morals are known by many THE NATrURtAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 3 names, and are subdivided into many groups. One of them is generally described as the stoical, the intuitive, the independent or the sentimental; the otler as the epicurean, the inductive, the'utilitarian, or the selfish. The moralists of the former school, to state their opinions in the broadest form, believe that we have a natural power of perceiving that some qualities, such as benevolence, chastity, or veracity, are better than others, and tlat we ought' to cfltivate them, and to repress their opposites. In other words, they contend, that by the constitution of our nature, the notion of right carries with it a feeling of obligation; that to say a course of conduct is our duty, is in itself, and apart froma all consequences,an intelligible and sufficient reason for practising it; and that we derive the first principles of our duties fronm intuition. The moralist of the opposite school denies that we have any such natural perception. He maintains that we have by nature absolutely no knowledge of merit and demerit, of the comparative excellence of our feelings and lactions, and that we derive these notions solely from an observation of the course of life which is conducive to human happiness. That which makes actions good is, that they increase the happiness or diminish the pains of mankind. That which constitutes their demerit is their opposite tendency. To procure' the greatest happiness for the greatest number,' is therefore the highest aim of tle moralist, the supreme type and expression of virtue. It is manifest, however, that this last school, if it proceeded no further than I have stated, would have failed to accomplish the task which every moralist must undertake. It is easy to understand that experience may show that certain actions are conducive to the happiness of marnkindl, and that these actions may in consequence be regarded as supremely excellent. The question still remains, 4 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3{MORALS. why we are bound to perform them. If men, who believe that virtuous actions are those which experience shows to be useful to society, believe also that they are under a natural obligation to seek the happiness of others, rather than their own, when the two interests conflict, they have certainly no claim to the title of inductive moralists. They recognise a moral faculty, a natural sense of moral obligation or duty as truly as Butler or as Cudworth. And, indeed, a position very similar to this has been adopted by several intuitive moralists. Thus Hutcheson, who is the very founder in modern times of the doctrine of' a moral sense,' and who has defended the disinterested character of virtue more powerfully than perhaps any other moralist, resolved all virtue into benevolence, or the pursuit of the happiness of others; but he maintained that the excellence and obligation of benevolence are revealed to us by a' moral sense.' Hume, in like manner, pronounced utility to be the criterion and essential element of all virtue; but he asserted that our pursuit of virtue is unselfish, and that it springs from a natural feeling of approbation or disapprobation distinct from reason, and produced by a peculiar sense, or taste, which rises up within us at the contemplation of virtue or of vice.' A similar doctrine has 1 The opinions of Hume on moral questions are grossly misrepresented by many writers, who persist in describing them as substantially identical with those of Bentham. How far Hume was from denying the existence of a moral sense, the following passages will show: —' The final sentence, it is probable, which pronounces characters and actions amiable or odious, praiseworthy or blameable.. depends on some internal sense or feeling which nature has made universal in the whole species.'-Enquiry Concerning Morals, ~ 1.' The hypothesis we embrace... defines virtue to be whatever mental action or quality gives to the spectator the pleasing sentiment of approbation.'-Ibid. Append. I.'The crime or immorality is no particular fact or relation which can be the object of the understanding but arises entirely from the sentiment of disapprobation, which, by the structure of human nature, we unavoidably feel on the apprehension of barbarity or treachery.'-Ibid.'Reason instructs us in the several tendencies of actions, and humanity males a distinction in favour of those which are useful THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 5 more recently been advocated by Mackintosh. A theory of morals must explain not only what constitutes duty, but also how we obtain the notion of there being such a thing as duty. It must tell us not merely what is the course of conduct we ought to pursue, but also what is the meaning of this word'ought,' and from wlhat source we derive the idea it expresses. Those who have undertaken to prove that all our morality is a product of experience, have not shrunk from this task, and have boldly entered upon the one path that was open to them. The notion of there being any such feeling as an original sense of obligation distinct from the anticipation of pleasure or pain, they treat as a:lere illusion of the imagination. All that is meant by saying we ought to do an action is, that if we do not do it, we shall suffer. A desire to obtain happiness and to avoid pain is the only possible motive to action. The reason, and the only reason, why we should perform virtuous actions, or in other words, seek the good of others, is that on the whole such a course will bring us the greatest amolunt of happiness. We have here then a general statement of the doctrine which bases morals upon experience. If we ask what constitutes virtuous, and what vicious actions, we are told that the first are those which increase the happiness or diminish the pains of mankind; and the second are those which have the opposite effect. If we ask what is the and beneficial.'-Ibid. As virtue is an end, and is desirable on its own account without fee or reward, merely for the immediate satisfaction it conveys, it is requisite that there should be some sentiment which it touches, some internal taste or feeling, or whatever you please to call it, which distinguishes moral good and evil, and which embraces the one and rejects the other.'-Ibid. The two writers to whom Hume was most indebted were Hutcheson and Butler. In some interesting letters to the former (Burton's Life of lezec, vol. i.), he discusses the points on which he differed from them. 6 IHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. motive to virtue, we are told that it is an enlightened self-interest. The words happiness, utility, and interest include, however, many different kinds of enjoyment, and have given rise to many different modifications of the theory. Perhaps the lowest and most repulsive form of this theory is that which was propounded by Mandeville, in his' Enquiry into the Origin of Moral Virtue.' 1 According to this writer, virtue sprang in the first instance from the cunning of rulers. These, in order to govern men, found it necessary to persuade them that it was a noble thinlg to restrain, instead of indulging their passions, and to devote themselves entirely to the good of the community. The manner in which they attained this end was by acting upon the feeling of vanity. They persuaded men that human nature was something nobler than the nature of animals, and that devotion to the community rendered a man pre-eminently great. By statues, and titles, and honours; by continually extolling suchi men as Regulus or Decius; by representing those who were addicted to useless enjoyments as a low and despicable class, they at last so inflamed the vanity of men as to kindle an intense emulation, and inspire the most heroic 1'The chief thing therefore which lawgivers and other wise men that have laboured for the establishment of society have endeavoured, has been to make the people they were to govern believe that it was more beneficial for everybody to conquer than to indulge his appetites, and much better to mind the public than what seemed his private interest... observing that none were either so savage as not to be charmed with praise, or so despicable as patiently to bear contempt, they justly concluded that flattery must be the most powerful argument that could be used to human creatures. Making use of this bewitching engine, they extolled the excellency of our nature above other animals... by the help of which we were capable of performing the most noble, achievements. Having, by this artful flattery, insinuated themselves into the hearts of men, they began to instruct them in the nations of honour and shame, &c.' — Enquiry into the Origin of Moral ITri.tue. TIHE NATURAL.I-IISTOTRY OF MORALS. 7 actions. And soon new influences came into play. Men who began by restraining their passions, in order to acquire the pleasure of the esteem of others, found that this restraint saved them from many painful consequences that would have naturally ensued from over-indulgence, and this discovery became a new motive to virtue. Each member of the community moreover found that he himself derived benefit from the self-sacrifice of others, and also that when he was seeking his own interest, without regard to others, no persons stood so mluch in his way as those who were similarly employed, and he had thus a double reason for diffusing abroad the notion of the excellence of self-sacrifice. The result of'all this was that men agreed to stigmatise under the termI'vice' whatever was injurious, and to eulogise as' virtue' whatever was beneficial to society. The opinions of Mandcleville attracted, when they were published, an attention greatly beyond their intrinsic merit, but they are now sinking rapidly into deserved oblivion. The author, in a poem called the' Fable of the Bees,' and in comments attached to it, himself advocated a thesis altogether inconsistent with that I have described, maintaining that'private vices were public benefits,' and endeavouring, in a long series of very feeble and sometimes very grotesque arguments, to prove tlat vice was in the highest degree beneficial to mankind. A far greater writer had however already framed a scheme of morals which, if somewhat less repulsive, was in no degree less selfish than that of Mandeville; and the opinions of Hiobbes concerning the essence and origin of virtue, have, with no very great variations, been adopted by what may be termed the narrower school of IUtilitarians. According to these writers we are governed exclu 8 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. sively by our own interest.1 Pleasure is the only good,> and moral good and moral evil mean nothing more than our voluntary conformity to a law that will bring it to us.3 To love good simply as good, is an impossi1'I conceive that when a man deliberates whether le shall do a thin"r or not do it, he does nothing else but consider whether it be better for himself to do it or not to do it.' —Hobbes On Liberty and Necessity.' Good and evil are names that signify our appetites and aversions.' —Ibid. Leviathan, part i. ch. xvi.' Obligation is the necessity of doing or omitting any action in order to be happy.'-Gay's dissertation prefixed to King's Oriqin of Evil, p. 36.'The only reason or motive by which individuals can possibly be induced to the practise of virtue, must be the feeling immediate on the prospect of future private happiness.'-Brown On the Claracteristics, p. 159.' En tout temps, en tout lieu, tant en matiere de morale qu'en matibre d'esprit, c'est l'interet personnel qui dicte le jugement des particuliers, et l'int6ret gne6ral qui dicte celui des nations.... Tout homme ne prend dans ses jugements conseil que de son int6ret.'-Helvetius Le'Esprit, discours ii.' Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.... The principle of utility recognises this subjection, and assumes it for the foundation of that system, the object of which is to rear the fabric of felicity by the hands of reason and of law. Systems which attempt to question it, deal in sounds instead of sense, in caprice instead of reason, in darlikness instead of light.'-Bentham's Prin}ciples of Morals and Legislation, ch. i. B13y the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question.'-Ibid.'Je regarde l'amour 6claire de nous-memes colllmme le principe de tout sacrifice morale.'-D'Alembert quoted by D. Stewart, Active and llJoral Powers, vol. i. p. 220. 2'Pleasure is in itself a good; nay, even setting aside immunity from pain, the only good; pain is in itself an evil, and, indeed, without exception, the only evil, or else the words good and evil have no meaning.'-Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation, ch. x. IIHappiness is the sole end of human action, and the promotion of it the test by which to judge of all human conduct.'-Mill's Utilitarianism, p. 58. 3' Good and evil are nothing but pleasure and pain, or that which occasions or procures pleasure or pain to us. Moral good and evil then is only the conformity or disagreement of our voluntary actions to some law whereby good or evil is drawn on us by the will and power of the law maker, which good and evil, pleasure or pain, attending our observance or breach of the law by the decree of the law maker, is that we call reward or punishment.'-Locke's Essay, book ii. ch. xxviii.' Take away pleasures and pains, not only happiness, but justice, and duty, and obligation, and virtue, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 9 bility.' When we speak of the goodness of God, we mean only His goodness to us.2 Reverence is nothing more than our conviction, that another who has power to do us both good and harm, will only do us good.3 The pleasures of piety arise from the belief that we are about to receive pleasure, and the pains of piety from the belief that we are about to suffer pain from the Deity.4 Our very affections, according to some of these writers, are all forms of self-love. Thus charity springs partly from our desire to obtain the esteem of others, partly from the expectation that the favours we have bestowed will be reciprocated, and partly, too, from the gratification of the sense of power, by the proof that we can satisfy not only our own desires, but also the desires of others.5 Pity is an emotion arisall of which have been so elaborately held up to view as independent of them, are so many empty sounds.'- Bentham's Splrings of Action, i. ~ 15. 1'I lui est aussi impossible d'aimer le bien pour le bien, que d'aimer le mal pour le mal.'-Helv6tius De l'Esprit, disc. ii. ch. v. 2 Even the goodness which we apprehend in God Almighty, is his goodness to us.'-HI-obbes On Human N7ature, ch. vii. ~ 3. So Waterland,' To love God is in effect the same thing as to love happiness, eternal happiness; and the love of happiness is still the love of ourselves.'-17tirld Sermzon on Self-love. 3' Reverence is the conception we have concerning another, that He hath the power to do unto us both good and hurt, but not the will to do us hurt.' -Hobbes On Human Nature, ch. viii. ~ 7. 4' The pleasures of piety are the pleasures that accompany the belief of a man's being in the acquisition, or in possession of the goodwill or favour of the Supreme Being; and as a fruit of it, of his being in the way of enjoying pleasures to be received by God's special appointment either in this life or in a life to come.'-Benthaml's Princiiples of Morals and Legislation, ch. v.'The pains of piety are the pains that accompany the belief of a man's being obnoxious to the displeasure of the Supreme Being, and in consequence to certain pains to be inflicted by His especial appointment, either in this life or in a life to come. These may be also called the pains of religion.' -Ibid. 5'There can be no greater argument to a man of his own power, than to find himself able not only to accomplish his own desires, but also to assist other men in theirs; and this is that conception wherein consisteth charity.' —IIobbes Onz ioumn. Nat. ch. ix. ~ 17.'No man giveth but with 10 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. ing from a vivid realisation of sorrow that may befall ourselves, suggestedl by the sight of the sorrows of others. We pity especially those who have not deserved calamity, because we consider ourselves to belong to that category; and the spectacle of suffering against which no forethought could provide, reminds us most forcibly of what may happen to ourselves.' Friendship is the sense of the need of the person befriended.2 intention of goodl to himself, because gift is voluntary; and of all voluntary acts, the object to every man is his own good.' —Iobbes' LeviatlCan, part i. ch. xv. I)Dream not that men will move their little finger to serve you, unless their advantage in so doing be obvious to them. MIen never did so, and never will while human nature is made of its present materials.'Bentham's )eonztology, vol. ii. p. 133. 1'Pity is imagination or fiction of future calamity to ourselves, proceeding from the sense of another man's calamity. But when it lighteth on such as we think have not deserved the same, the compassion is greater, because there then appeareth more probability that the same lmay happen to us; for the evil that happeneth to an innocent man may happen to every man.'-IIobbes On Ilzult. Nat. ch. ix. ~ 10.' La piti6 est souvent un sentiment de nos propres maux dans les maux d'autrui. C'est une habile pr6voyance des malheurs oii nous pourons tomber. Nous donnons des secours aux antres pour les engager ia nous en donner en de semblables occasions, et ces services que nous leur rendons sont,'i proprement parler, des biens que nous nous faisons ia nous-melmes par avance.'-La Rochefoucauld, iiaximes, 264. Butler has remarked that if Ilobbes' account were true, the most fearful Nwould be the most compassionate nature; but this is perhaps not quite just, for ETobbes' notion of pity implies the union of two not absolutely identical, though nearly allied, influences, timidity and imagination. The theory of Adam Smith, though closely connected with, differs totally in consequences fronm that of Hobbes. I-Ie says, When I condole with you for the loss of your son, in order to enter into your grief; I do not consider what I, a person of such a character and profession, should suffer if I had a son, and if that son should die-I consider what I should suffer if I was really you. I not only change circumstances with you, but I change persons andc characters. My grief, therefore, is entirely upon your account... A man may sympathise with a woman in child-bed, though it is impossible lihe should conceive himself suffering her pains in his own proper person and character.'- Moral Sentiments, part vii. ch. i. ~ 3. 2' Ce que les hommes ont nomm6e amiti6 n'est qn'une socie'te, qu'uu menagement r6ciproque d'int&ets et qu'un echange de bons offices. Ce n'est enfin qu'un commerce ou l'amour-propre se propose toujours quelque chose ti gagler.' —La Rochefoucauld, Max. 83, See this idea developed at large in Helv6tius. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF 3iORALS. 11 From such a conception of human nature it is easy to divine what system of morals must flow. No character, feeling, or action is naturally better than others, and as long as menl are in a savage condition, morality has no. existence. Fortunately, however, we are all dependent for many of our pleasures upon others. Co-operation and organisation are essential to our happiness, and these are impossible without some restraint being placed upon our appetites. Laws are enacted to secure this restraint, and being sustained by rewards and. punishments, they make it the interest of the individual to regard thalt of the community. According to Hobbes, the disposition of man is so anarchical, anc the importance of restraining it so transcendent, that absolute government alone is good; the commands of the sovereign are supreme, and mllst therefore constitute the law of morals. The other moralists of this school, though repudiating this notion, have given a very great and distinguished place to legislation in their schemes of ethics; for all our conduct being determined by our interests, virtue being simply the conformity of our own interests with those of the community, and a judicious legislation being the chief way of securing this conformity, the functions of the moralist and of the legislator are almost identical.l But in addition to the rewards and punishments of the penal code, those arising from public opinion-fame or infamy, the friendship or hostility of those about us-are enlisted on the side of virtue. The educating influence of laws, and the growingr perception of the identity of interests of the different members of the community, create a public opinion favourable to all the qualities which are' the means of peaceable, 1'La science de la morale n'est autre chose qclue la science me'me de la lCgislation.'-Helv6tius De l'Esprit, ii. 17. 12 IlSTORY OF EURtOPEAN 3IuRALS. sociable, and comfortable living.'l Such are justice, gratitude, modesty, equity, and mercy; and such, too, are purity and chastity, which, considered in themselves alone, are in no degree more excellent than the coarsest and most indiscriminate lust, but which can be shown to be conducive to the happiness of society, and become in consequence virtues.2 This education of public opiniol grows continually stronger with civilisation, and gradually moulds the characters of men, making them more and more disinterested, heroic, and unselfish. A disinterested, unselfish, and heroic man, it is explained, is one who is strictly engrossed in the pursuit of his own pleasure, but who pursues it in such a manner as to include in its gratification the happiness of others.3 1 This doctrine is expounded at length in all the moral works of HIobbes and his school. The following passage is a fair specimen of their meaning:-'Moral philosophy is nothing else but the science of what is good and evil in the conversation and society of mankind. Good and evil are names that signify our appetites and aversions, which in different tempers, customs, and doctrines of men are different... from whence arise disputes, controversies, and at last war. And therefore, so long as man is in this condition of mere nature (which is a condition of war), his private appetite is the measure of good and evil. And consequently all men agree in this, that peace is good, and therefore also that the ways or means of peace, which (as I have showed before) are justice, gratitude, modesty, equity, mercy, and the rest of the laws of nature, are good... and their contrary vices evil.'-IHobbes' Leviathan, part i. ch. xvi. See, too, a striking passage in Bentham's Deontology, vol. ii. p. 132. 2 As an ingenious writer in the Saturdaly Review (Aug. 10, 1867) expresses it:' Chastity is merely a social law created to encourage the alliances that most promote the permanent welfare of the race, and to maintain woman in a social position which it is thought advisable she should hold.' See, too, on this view, Hume's Inquiry concerning MIorals, ~ 4, and also note x.:'To what other purpose do all the ideas of chastity and modesty serve'? Nisi utile est quod facimus, frustra est gloria.' 3' All pleasure is necessarily self-regarding, for it is impossible to have any feelings out of our own mind. [But there are modes of delight that bring also satisfaction to others, from the round tlat they take in their course. Such are the pleasures of benevolence. Others imply no participation by any second party, as, for example, eating, drinking, bodily warmth, Property, and power; while a third class are fed by the pains and privations THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 13 It is a very old assertion, that a man who prudently sought his own interest would live a life of perfect virtue. This opinion is adopted by most of those Utilitarians who are least inclined to lay great stress upon religious motives; and as they maintain that every man necessarily pursues exclusively his own happiness, we return by another path to the old Platonic doctrine, that all vice is ignorance. Virtue is a judicious, and vice an injudicious, pursuit of pleasure. Virtue is a branch of prudence, vice is nothing more than imprudence or miscalculation.l He who seeks to improve the moral condition of mankind has two, and only two, ways of accomplishing his end. The first is, to make it more and more the interest of each to conform to that of the others; the second is, to dispel the ignorance.which prevents men from seeing their true interest.2 If chastity or truth, or any other of what we regard as virtues, could be shown to produce on the of fellow-beings, as the delights of sport and tyranny. The condemnatory phrase, selfishness, applies with especial emphasis to the last-mentioned class, and, in a qualified degree, to the second group; while such terms as unselfishness, disinterestedness, self-devotion, are applied to the vicarious position wherein we seek our own satisfaction in that of others.' —Bain, On the Eimotions and WTill, p. 113. 1'Vice may be defined to be a miscalculation of chances, a mistake in estimating the value of pleasures and pains. It is false moral arithmetic.' -Bentham's ]Deontoloq/y, vol. i. p. 131. 2'La r6compense la punition, la gloire et l'infamie soumrises hi ses volontis sont qluatre especes de divinites avec lesquelles le l6gislateur peut toujours op6rer le bien public et cr6er des hommes illustres en tons les genres. Toute l'6tude des moralistes consiste hi determiner l'usage qu'on doit faire de ces r6compenses et de ces punitions et les secours qu'on pent tirer pour lier l'intfr~t personnel a l'interet g6n6ral.'-Helv6tius Doe l'Esprit, ii. 22. La justice de nos jugements et de nos actions n'est jamais que la pencontre heureuse de notre int6ret avec l'int6ret public.'-Ibid. ii. 7.' To prove that the immoral action is a miscalculation of self-interest, to show how erroneous an estimate the vicious man makes of pains and pleasures, is the purpose of the intellirgent moralist. Unless he can do this he does nothing; for, as has been stated above, for a man not to pursue what he deems likely to produce to him the greatest sum of enjoyment, is, in the very nature of things, impossible.' —Bentham's Deontology. 14 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN M1ORALS. whole more pain than they destroy, or to deprive men of more pleasure than they afford, they would not be virtues, but vices.l If it could be shlown that it is not for our own interest to practise any of what are admitted to be virtues, all obligation to practise them would immediately cease.2 The whole scheme of ethics may be evolved from the four canons of Epicurus. The pleasure which produces no pain is to be embraced. The pain which produces no pleasure is to be avoided. The pleasure is to be avoided which prevents a greater pleasure, or produces a greater pain. The pain is to be endured which averts a greater pain, or secures a greater pleasure.3 So far I have barely alluded to any but terrestrial motives. These, in the opinion of many of the most illustrious of the schlool, are sufficient, but others-as we shall see, I think, with great reason —are of a different opinion. Their obvious resource is in the rewards and punishments 1 If the effect of virtue were to prevent or destroy more pleasure than it produced, or to produce more pain than it prevented, its more appropriate name would be wickedness and folly; wickedness as it affected others, folly as respected him who practised it.']-Bentham's D)eontology, vol. i. p. 142.'TWeigh pains, weigh pleasures, and as the balance stands will stand the question of rig'ht and wrong.' —Ibid. -vol. i. p. 137.'M3oralis philosophise caput est, Faustine fli, ut scias quibus ad beatam vitam perveniri rationibus possit.' —Apuleius, Ad.Doct. Platonis, ii.' Atnue ipsa utilitas, justi prope mater et sequli.'-Horace, Sat. I. iii. 98. 2' re can be obliged to nothing but what we ourselves are to gain or lose something by; for nothing else can be a " violent motive " to us. As we should not be obliged to obey the laws or the magistrate unless rewvards or punishments, pleasure or pain, somehow or other, depended upon our obedience; so neither should we, without the same reason, be obliged to do what is right, to practise virtue, or to obey the commands of God.'-Paley's Moral Philosol#Ay, book ii. ch. ii. 3 See Gassendi P]ilosophlce.Epicuri Syntagna. These four canons are a skilful condensation of the aigument of Torquatus in Cicero, Be 1in. i. 2. See, too, a very striking letter by Epicurus himself, given in his life by Diogenes Lairtius. THE NATURAXL HISTORY OF MORALS. 15 of another world, and these they accordingly present as the motive to virtue. Of all the modifications of the selfish theory, this alone can be said to furnish interested motives for virtue which are invariably and incontestably adequate. If men introduce the notion of infinite punishments and infinite rewards distributed by an omniscient Judge, they can undoubtedly supply stronger reasons for practisingc virtue than can ever be found for practising vice. While admitting therefore in emphatic terms, that any sacrifice of our pleasure, without the prospect of an equivalent reward, is a simple act of madness, and unworthy of a rational being,l these writers maintain that we may reasonably sacrifice the enjoyments of this life, because we shall be rewarded by far greater enjoyments in the next. To gain heaven and avoid hell should be the spring of all our actions,2 and virtue is 1'Sanus igitur non est, qui nulla spe majore proposita, iis bonis quibus cseteri utultur in vita, labores et cruciatus et miserias anteponat. N on aliter his bonis prmcsentibus abstinendum est quam si sint aliqua majora, propter qum tanti sit et voluptates omittere et mala omnia sustinere.'Lactantius Div. Inst., vi. 9. IMacaulay, in some youthful essays against the Utilitarian theory (which he characteristically described as'Not much more laughable than phrenology, and immeasurably more humane than cockfighting'), maintains the theological form of selfishness in very strong terms.'What proposition is there respecting human nature which is absolutely: and universally true? We know of only one, and that is not only true but identical, that men always act from self-interest.'-Review of Mill's Essay on Governnent.'Of this we may be sure, that the words "greatest happiness" will never in any man's mouth mean more than the greatest happiness of others, which is consistent with what he thinks his own..... This direction (Do as you would be done by) would be utterly unmeaning, as it actually is in Mr. Bentham's philosophy, unless it were accompanied by a sanction. In the Christian scheme accordingly it is accompanied by a sanction of immense force. To a man whose greatest happiness in this world is inconsistent with the greatest happiness of the greatest number, is held out the prospect of an infinite happiness hereafter from which he excludes himself by wronging his fellow-creatures here.' —Answer to the WT;estminster) Reviev's D)efence of Mill. 2'All virtue and piety are thus resolvable into a principle of self-love. It is what Scripture itself resolves them into by founding them upon faith' 3 16 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. simply prudence extending its calculations beyond the grave.1 This calculation is what we mean by the'religious lotive.'2 The belief that the nobility and excellence of virtue could incite us, was a mere delusion of the Pagans.3 Considered simply in the light of a prudential scheme, there are only two possible objections that could be brought against this theory. It might be said that the amount of virtue required for entering heaven was not in God's promises, and hope in things unseen. In this way it may be rightly said that there is no such thing as disinterested virtue. It is with reference to ourselves and for our own sakes that we love even God Himself.'-Waterland, Third Sermon on Self-love.' To risk the happiness of the whole duration of our being in any case whatever, were it possible, would be foolish.' — Robert Hall's Sermon on Modern Infldel'ty.'In the moral system the means are virtuous practice; the end, happiness.' —Warburton's Diveine Legislation, book ii. Appendix. 1' There is always understood to be a difference between an act of prudence and an act of duty. Thus, if I distrusted a man who owed me a sum of money, I should reckon it an act of prudence to get another person bound with him; but I should hardly call it an act of duty.... Now in what, you will ask, does the difference consist, inasmuch as, according to our account of the matter, both in the one case and the other, in acts of duty as well as acts of prudence, we consider solely what we ourselves shall gain or lose by the act? The difference, and the only difference, is this: that in the one case we consider what we shall gain or lose in the present world; in the other case, we consider also what we shall gain or lose in the world to come.'-Paley's Moral Philosoplhy, ii. 3. 2'Hence we may see the weakness and mistake of those falsely religious... who-are scandalised at our being determined to the pursuit of virtue through any degree of regard to its happy consequences in this life... For it is evident that the religious motive is precisely of the same kind, only stronger as the happiness expected is greater and more lasting.'-BroNwn's.Essays on the Characteristics, p. 220. 3'If a Christian, who has the view of happiness and misery in another life, be asked why a man must keep his word, he will give this as a reason, because God, who has the power of eternal life and death, requires it of us. But if an IHobbist be asked why, he will answer, because the public requires it, and the Leviathan will punish you if you do not. And if one of the old heathen philosophers had been asked, he would have answered, because it was dishonest, below the dignity of man, and opposite to virtue, the highest perfection of human nature, to do otherwise.'-Locke's Essay, i. 3. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 17 defined, and that therefore it would be possible to enjoy some vices on earth with impunity. To this, however, it is answered that the very indefiniteness of the requirement renders zealous piety a matter of prudence, and also that there is probably a graduated scale of rewards and punishments adapted to every variety of merit and demerit.' It might be said too that present pleasures are at least certain, and that those of another world are not equally so. It is answered that the rewards and punishments offered in another world are so transcendently great, that according to the rules of ordinary prudence, if there were only a probability, or even a bare possibility, of their being real, a wise man should regulate his course with a view to them.2 Among these writers, however, some have diverged to a certain degree from the broad stream of utilitarianism, declaring that the foundation of the moral law is not utility, but the will or arbitrary decree of God. This opinion, which was propounded by the schoolman Ockham, and by several other writers of his age,3 has in modern times found many adherents,4 and been defended through 1 Thus Paley remarks that-' The Christian religion hath not ascertained the precise quantity of virtue necessary to salvation;' and he then proceeds to urge the probability of graduated scales of rewards and punishments. (Moral Philosophy, book i. ch. vii.) 2 This view was developed by Locke (Essay on the IlHtman Understanding, book ii. ch. xxi.). Pascal, in a well-known passage, applied the same argument to Christianity, urging that the rewards and punishments it promises are so great, that it is the part of a wise man to embrace the creed, even though he believes it improbable, if there be but a possibility in its favour. 3 Cudworth, in his Immutable M-orals, has collected the names of a number of the schoolmen who held this view. See, too, an interesting note in Miss' Cobbe's very learned Essay on Intzitive Morals, pp. 18, 19. 4 E.g. Soame Jenyns, Dr. Johnson, Crusius, Pascal, Paley, and Austin. Warburton is generally quoted in the list, but not I think quite fairly. See his theory, which is rather complicated (Divine Legation, i. 4). Waterland appears to have held this view, and also Condillac. See a very remarkable 18 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. a variety of motives. Some have upheld it on the philosophical ground that a law can be nothing but the sentence of a lawgiver, others from a desire to place morals in permanent subordination to theology; others in order to answer objections to Christianity derived from apparently immoral acts said to have been sanctioned by the Divinity; and others because, having adopted strong Calvinistic sentiments, they were at once profoundly antipathetical to utilitarian morals, and at the same time too firmly convinced of the total depravity of human nature to admit the existence of any trustworthy moral sense.' In the majority of cases, however, these writers have proved substantially utilitarians. When asked how we can know the will of God, they answer that in as far as it is not included in express revelation, it must be discovered by the rule of utility; for nature proves that the Deity is supremely benevolent, and desires the welfare of men, and therefore any conduct that conduces to that end is in conformity with His will.2 To the chapter on morals, in his TraitM des Animiaux, part ii. ch. vii. Closely connected with this doctrine is the notion that the morality of God is generically different from the morality of men, which having been held with more or less distinctness by many theologians (Archbishop King being perhaps the most prominent), has found in our own day an able defender in Dr. Mfansel. Much information on the history of this doctrine will be found in Dr. Mansel's Second Letter to Professor Goldwin Smith (Oxford 1862). Leibnitz noticed the frequency with which Supralapsarian Calvinists adopt this doctrine. (Tleodice, part ii. ~ 170.) Archbishop Whately, who from his connection with the Irish clergy had admirable opportunities of studying the tendencies of Calvinism, makes a similar remlarlk as the result of his own experience.. (N7mzately's Life, vol. ii. p. 339.) v God designs the happiness of all His sentient creatures... Knowing the tendencies of our actions, and knowing His benevolent purpose, we linowv His tacit comnmands.'-Austin's Lecthres on Jurisprudence, vol. i. p. 31.'The commands which He has revealed we must gather from the terms wherein they are promulgated. The commands which He has not revealed we mtist construe by the principle of utility.' —Ibid. p. 96. So Paley's Mor al Pidlosophy, book ii. ch. iv. v. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 19 question why the Divine will should be obeyed, there are but two answers. The first, which is that of the intuitive moralist, is that we are under a natural obligation of gratitude to our Creator. The second, which is that of the selfish moralist, is that the Creator has infinite rewards and punishments at His disposal. The latter answer appears usually to have been adopted, and the mlost eminent member has summed up with great succinctness the opinion of his school.'The good of mankind,' he says,' is the subject, the will of God the rule, and everlasting happiness the motive and end of all virtue.' 1 We have seen that the distinctive characteristic of the inductive school of moralists is an absolute denial of the existence of any natural or innate moral sense or faculty enabling us to distinguish between the higher and lower parts of our nature, revealing to us either the existence of a law of duty or the conduct that it prescribes. We have seen that the only postulate of these writers is that happiness being universally desired is a desirable thing, that the only merit they recognise in actions or feelings is their tendency to promote human happiness, and that the only motive to a virtuous act they conceive possible is the real or supposed happiness of the agent. The sanctions of morality thus constitute its obligation, and apart from them the word ought' is absolutely 1 Paley's Moral Philosophly, book i. ch. vii. The question of the disinterestedness of the loTve we should bear to God was agitated in the Catholic Churchl, Bossuet taking the selfish, and F6nelon the unselfish side.. The opinions of F4nelon and Molinos on the subject were authoritatively condenined. In England, the less dogmatic character of the national faith, and also the fact that the great anti-Christian writer, Hobbes, was the advocate of extreme selfishness in morals, had, I think, a favourable influence upon the ethics of the church. Hobbes gave the first great impulse to moral philosophy in England, and. his opponents were naturally impelled to an unselfish theory. Bishop Cumberland led the way, resolving virtue (like Hutcheson) into benevolence. The majority of divines, however, till the present century, have, I think, been on the selfish side. 20 HISTORY OF- EUROPEAN MlORAI,3S. unmeaning. Those sanctions, as we have considered them, are of different kinds and degrees of magnitude. Paley, though elsewhere acknowledging the others, regarded the religious one as so immeasurably the first, that he represented it as the one motive of virtue.1 Locke divided them into Divine rewards and punishments, legal penalties and social penalties;2 Bentham into physical, political, moral or popular, and religious-the first being the bodily evils that result from vice, the second the enactments of legislatures, the third the pleasures and pains arising from social intercourse, the fourth, the rewards and punishments of another world.3 During the greater part of the sixteenth and seven teenth centuries the controversy in England between those who derived the moral code from experience, and those who derived it from intuitions of the reason, or from a special faculty, or from a moral sense, or from the power of sympathy, turned mainly upon the existence of an unselfish element in our nature. The reality of this existence having been maintained by Shaftesbury, was established with an unprecedented, and I believe irresistible force by Hutcheson, and the same question occupies a considerable place in the writings of Butler, Hume, and Adam Smith. The selfishness of the school of Hobbes, though in some 1 M/loral Philosfphy, ii. 3. 2 Essay on the Ihmamn Understanding, ii. 08. 3 Principles of Morals and Legislation, ch. iii. Mr. Mill observes that,' Bentham's idea of the world is that of a collection of persons pursuing each his separate interest or pleasure, and the prevention of whom from jostling one another more than is unavoidable, may be attempted by hopes and fears derived from three sources-the law, religion, and public opinion. To these three powers, considered as binding human conduct, he gave the name of sanctions; the political sanction operating by the rewards and penalties of the law; the religious sanction by those expected from the ruler of the universe; and the popular, which he characteristically calls also the moral sanction, operating through the pains and pleasures arising from the favour or disfavour of our fellow-creatures.'-Dissertations, vol. i. -p. 362-363. THE NTATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 21 degree mitigated, may be traced in every page of the writings of Bentham; but some of his disciples have in this respect deviated very widely from their master, and in their hands the whole tone and complexion of utilitarianism have been changed.1 The two means by which this transformation has been effected are the recognition of our unselfish or sympathetic feelings, and the doctrine of the association of ideas. That human nature is so constituted that we naturally take a pleasure in the sight of the joy of others is one of those facts which to an ordinary observer might well appear among the most patent that can be conceived. WVe have seen, however, that it was emphatically denied by Hobbes, and during the greater part of the last century it was fashionable among writers of the school of HIelvetius to endeavour to prove that all domestic or social affections were dictated simply by a need of the person who was beloved. The reality -of the pleasures and pains of sympathy was admitted 1 Hume on this, as on most other points, was emphatically opposed to the school of Hobbes, and even declared that no one could honestly and in good faith deny the reality of an unselfish element in man. Following in the steps of Butler, he explained it in the following passage: — Hunger and thirst have eating and drinking for their end, and from the gratification of these primary appetites arises a pleasure which may become the object of another species of desire or inclination that is secondary and interested. In the same manner there are mental passions by which we are impelled immediately to seek particular objects, such as fame or power or vengeance, without any regard to interest, and when these objects are attained a pleasing enjoyment ensues.... Now where is the difficulty of conceiving that this may likewise be the case with benevolence and friendship, and that from the original frame of our temper we may feel a desire of another's happiness or good, which by means of that affection becomes our own good, and is afterwards pursued, from the combined motives of benevolence and self-enjoyment.' —Hume's Enquiry concerning Morals, Appendix II. Compare Butler, If there be any appetite or any inward principle besides self-love, why may there not be an affection towards the good of our fellow-creatures, and delight from that affection's being gratified and uneasiness from things going contrary to it.'-Sermon on Compassion. 22 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. by Bentham; 1 but in accordance with the whole spirit of his philosophy, he threw them as much as possible into the background, and, as I have already noticed, gave them no place in his summary of the sanctions of virtue. The tendency, however, of the later members of the school has been to recognise them very fully,2 though they differ as to the source from which they spring. Accord-. ing to one section our benevolent affections are derived from our selfish feelings by an association of ideas in a manner which I shall presently describe. According to the other they are an original part of the constitution of our nature. However they be generated, their existence is admitted, their cultivation is a main object of morals, and the pleasure derived from their exercise a leading motive to virtue. The differences between the intuitive moralists and their rivals on this point are of two kinds. Both acknowledge the existence in human nature of both benevolent and malevolent feelings, anid that we have a natural power of distinguishing one from the other; but the first maintain and the second deny'' By symnpathetic sensibility is to be understood the propensity that a man has to derive pleasure from the happiness, and pain from the unhappiness, of other sensitive beings.' —Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation, ch. vi.'The sense of sympathy is universal. Perhaps there never existed a human being who had reached full age without the experience of pleasure at another's pleasure, of uneasiness at another's pain.... Community of interests, similarity of opinion, are sources from whence it springs.'Deontology, vol. i. pp. 169 —170. 2' The idea of the pain of another is naturally painful. The idea of the pleasure of another is naturally pleasurable... In this, the unselfish part of our nature, lies a foundation, even independently of inculcation from without for the generation of moral feelings.' —Mill's Dissertations, vol. i. p. 137. See, too, Bain's Emnotions and the Will, pp. 289, 313; and especially Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence. The first volume of this brilliant work contains, I think without exception, the best modern statement of the utilitarian theory in its most plausible form —a statement equally remarkable for its ability, its candour, and its uniforml courtesy to opponents. THE NATURAL HIISTORY OF MORALS. 23 that we have a natural power of perceiving that one is better than the other. Both admit that we enjoy a pleasure in acts of benevolence to others, but most writers of the first school maintain that that pleasure follows unsought for, while writers of the other school contend that the desire of obtaining it is the motive of the action. But by far the most ingenious and at the same time most influential system of utilitarian morals is that which owes its distinctive feature to the doctrine of association of Hartley. This doctrine, which among the modern achievements of ethics occupies on the utilitarian side a position corresponding in importance to the doctrine of innate mnoral faculties as distinguished from innate moral ideas on the intuitive side, was not absolutely unknown to the ancients, though they never perceived either the extent to which it may be carried or the important consequences that miglht be deduced from it. Some traces of it may be found in Aristotle,1 and some of the Epicureans applied it to friendship, maintaining that, although we first of all love our friend on account of the pleasure lie can give us, we come soon to love him for his own sake, and apart from all considerations of utility.2 Among moderns Locke has the merit of having devised the phrase,'association of ideas;'3 but hle applied it only to some cases of apparently eccentric sympathies or antipathies. Hiutcheson, however, closely anticipated both the doctrine of Hartley and the favourite illustration of the school; observing that we desire some things as themselves pleasurable and others only as means to obtain pleasurable See a collection of passages from Aristotle, bearing on the subject, in MaRclintosh's Dissertation. 2 CiC. De Finibus, i. 5. This view is adopted in Tucker's Iqight of Narctzte (ed. 1842), vol. i. p. 167. See, too, Mill's Analysis of the Iluiman findz vol. ii. p. 174. a3 Essay, book ii. Clh. XXXiiL ~ 24 ~ HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. things, and that these latter, which he terms'secondary desires,' may become as powerful as the former.'Thus, as soon as we come to apprehendc the use of wealth or power to gratify any of our original desires we must also desire them. Hence arises the universality of these desires of wealth and power, since they are the means of gratifying all our desires.'l The same principles were carried much farther by a clergyman named Gay in a short dissertation which is now almost forgotten, but to which Hartley ascribed the first suggestion of his theory,2 and in which indeed the most valuable part of it is clearly laid down. Differing altogether from Hutcheson as to the existence of any innate moral sense or principle of benevolence in man, Gay admitted that the arguments of Hutcheson to prove that the adult man possesses a moral sense were irresistible, and he attempted to reconcile this fact with the teaching of Locke by the doctrine of'secondary desires.' He remarks that in our reasonings we do not always fall back upon first principles or axiomls, but sometimes start from propositions which thoughl not self-evident we know to be capable of proof. In the same way in justifying our actions we do not always appeal to the tendency to produce happiness which is their one ultimate justification, but content ourselves by showing that they produce some of the known'means to happiness.' These' means to happiness' being 1 Hutcheson On the Passions, ~ 1. The C secondary desires' of Hutcheson are closely related to the' reflex affections' of Shaftesbury.' Not only the outward beings which offer themselves to the sense are the objects of the affection; but the very actions themselves, and the affections of pity, kindness, gratitude, and their contraries, being brought into the mind by reflection, become objects. So that by means of this reflected sense, there arises another kind of affection towards those very affections themselves.' — Shaftesbury's Enquiry concezrning Virtue, book i. part ii. ~ 3. 2 See the preface to Hartley On Man. Gay's essay is prefixed to Law's translation of Archbishop King On the Origin of ]'il. THIE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 25 continually appealed to- as justifying motives come insensibly to be regarded as ends, possessing an intrinsic value irrespective of their tendency; and in this manner it is that we love and admire virtue even when unconnected with our interests.1 The great work of Hartley expanding and elaborating these views was published in 1747. It was encumbered by much physiological speculation into which it is needJess for us now to enter, about the manner in which emotions act upon the nerves, and although accepted enthusiastically by Priestley and Belsham, and in some degree by Tucker, I do not think that its purely ethical speculations had much influence until they were adopted by some leading utilitarians in the present century 2 1'The case is this. We first perceive or imagine some real good; i.e. fitness to promote our happiness in those things which we love or approve of Hence those things and pleasures are so tied together and associated in our minds, that one cannot present itself, but the other will also occur. And the association remains even after that which at first gave them the connection is quite forgotten, or perhaps does not exist but the contrary.' — Gay's Essay, p. lii.'All affections whatsoever are finally resolvable into reason, pointing out private happiness, and are conversant only about things apprehended to be means tending to this end; and whenever this end is not perceived, they are to be accounted for from the association of ideas, and may properly enough be called habits.'-Ibid. p. xxxi. 2 Principally by Mr. James Mill, whose chapter on association, in his Ainalysis of the ituman Mind, may probably rank with Paley's beautiful chapter on happiness, at the head of all modern writings on the utilitarian side, —either of them, I think, being far more valuable than anything Bentham ever wrote on morals. This last writer-whose contempt for his predecessors was only equalled by his ignorance of their works, and who has added surprisingly little to moral science (considering the reputation he attained), except a barbarous nomenclature and an interminable series of classifications evincing no real subtlety of thought —mlakes, as far as I am aware, no use of the doctrine of association. Paley states it with his usual admirable clearness.'Having experienced in some instances a particular conduct to be beneficial to ourselves, or observed that it would be so, a sentiment of approbation rises up in our minds, which sentiment afterwards accompanies the idea or mention of the same conduct, although the private advantage which first existed no longer exist.'-Paley, MIoral PThilos. i. 5. Paley, however, made less use of this doctrine than might have been 26 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 31ORALS. Whatever may be thought of the truth, it is impossible to withhold some admiration from the intellectual grandeur of a system which starting from a conception of human nature as low and as base as that of Mandeville or Hobbes professes without the introduction of a single new or nobler element, by a strange process of philosophic alchemy, to evolve out of this original selfishness the most heroic and most sensitive virtue. The manner in which this achievement is effected is commonly illustrated by the passion of avarice. Money in itself possesses absolutely nothing that is admirable or pleasurable, but being the means of procuring us many of the objects of our desire, it becomes associated in our minds with the idea of pleasure; it is therefore itself loved; and:it is possible for the love of money so completely to eclipse or supersede the love of all those things which money procures, that the miser will forego them all, rather than part with a fraction of his gold.l The same phenomenoe n may be traced, it is said, in a multitude of other forms.2 Thus we seek power, because it gives us the means of gratifying, many desires. It becomes associated with those desires, and is, at last, itself passionately loved. Praise indicates the affection of the eulogist, and marks us out for the affection of others. expected from so enthusiastic an admirer of Tucker. In our own day it has been much used by Mr. J. S. Miill. 1 This illustration, which was first employed by Hutcheson, is very happily developed by Gay (p. lii.). It was then used by Hartley, and finally Tucker reproduced the whole theory with the usual illustration without any acknowledgment of the works of his predecessors, employing, however, the term'translation' instead of'association' of ideas. See his curious chapter on the subject, Light of Nature, book i. ch. xviii. 2' It is the nature of translation to throw desire from the end upon the means, which thenceforward become an end capable of exciting an appetite without prospect of the consequences whereto they lead. Our habits and most of the desires that occupy human life are of this translated kind.' — rucker's Light of Vaturew vol. ii. (ed. 1842), p.281 THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 27 Valued at first as a means, it is soon desired as an end, and to such a pitch can our enthusiasm rise, that we may sacrifice all earthly things for posthumous praise which can never reach our ear. And the force of the association may extend even farther. We love praise, because it procures us certain advantages. We then love it more than these advantages. We proceed by the same process to transfer our affections to those things which naturally or generally procure praise. We at last love what is praiseworthy more than praise, and will endure perpetual obloquy rather than abandon it.' To this process, it is said, all our moral sentiments must be ascribed. Mran has no natural benevolent feelings. He is at first governed solely by his interest, but the infant learns to associate its pleasures with the idea of its mother, the boy with the idea of his family, the man with those of his class, his church, his country, and at last of all mankind, and in each case, an independent affection is at length formled.2 The sight of suffering in others awakens in the child a painful recollection of his own suffbrings, which parents, by appealing to the infant imagination, still further strengthen, and besides,'when several children are educated together, the pains, the denials of pleasure, and *the sorrows vwhich affect one gradually extend in some degree to all;' and thus the suffering of others becomes associated with the idea of our own, and the feeling of compassion is engendered.3 Benevolence and justice are associated in our minds with the esteem of our fellow-men, with reciprocity of favours, and with the hope of future reward. They are loved at first for these, and finally for themselves,'Mill's Analysis of tlhe iunman Mind. The desire for posthumous fame is usually cited by intuitive moralists as a proof of a naturally disinterested element in man. 2 M3ill's Analysis. 3 Hartley On, lain, vol. i. pp. 474-475. 28 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. while opposite trains of association produce opposite feelings towards malevolence and injustice.' And thus virtue, considered as a whole, becomes the supreme object of our affections. Of all our pleasures, more are derived from those acts which are called virtuous, than from any other source. The virtuous acts of others procure lus countless advantages. Our own virtue obtains for us the esteem of men and a return of favours. All the epithets of praise are appropriated to virtue, and all the epithets of blame to vice. Religion teaches us to connect hopes of infinite joy with the one, and fears of infinite suffering with the other. Virtue becomes therefore peculiarly associated with the idea of pleasurable things. It is soon loved, independently of and more than these; we feel a glow of pleasure in practising it, and an intense pain in violating it. Conscience, which is thus generated, becomes the ruling principle of our lives,2 and having learnt to sacrifice all earthly things rather than disobey it, we rise, by an association of ideas, into the loftiest region of heroismll.3''Benevolence... has also a high degree of honour and esteem annexed to it, procures us many advantages and returns of kindness, both from tlhe person obliged and others, and is most closely connected with the hopes of reward in a future state, and of self-approbation or the moral sense; and the same things hold with respect to generosity in a much higher degree. It is easy therefore to see how such associations may be formed as to engage us to forego great pleasure, or endure great pain for the sak-e of others, how these associations may be attended with so great a degree of pleasure as to overrule the positive pain endured or the negative one from the foregoing of a pleasure, and yet how there may be no direct explicit expectation of reward either from God or man, by natural consequence or express appointment, not even of the concomitant pleasure that engages the agent to undertake the benevolent and generous action; and this I take to be a proof from the doctrine of association that there is and must be such a thing as pure disinterested benevolence; also a just account of the origoin and nature of it.' -Hartley On Man, vol. i. pp. 473-474. See too Mill's Analysis, vol. ii. p. 252. 2 Mill's Analysis, vol. ii. pp. 244-247. 3 With self-interest,' said Hartley,'man must begin; he may end in self-annihilation;; or, as Coleridge happily puts it'Legality precedes TIlE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 29 The influence of this ingenious, though I think in some respects fanciful, theory depends less upon the number than upon the ability of its adherents. Though little known, I believe, beyond England, it has in England exercised a great fascination over exceedingly dissimilar iminds,l and it does undoubtedly evade some of the objections to the other forms of the inductive theory. Thus, when intuitive moralists contend that our moral judgments, being instantaneous and effected under the manifest impulse of an emotion of sympathy or repulsion, are as far as possible removed from that cold calculation of interests to which the utilitarian reduces them, it is answered, that the association of ideas is sufficient to engender a feeling which is the proximate cause of our decision.'2 Alone, of all the moralists of this school, the disciple of Hartley recognises conscience as a real and important element of our nature,3 and maintains that it is morality in every individual, even as the Jewish dispensation preceded the Christiall in the world mat large.' — Notes Theological and Political, p. 340. It might be retorted with much truth, that we begin by practising morality as a duty-we end by practising it as a pleasure, without any reference to duty. Coleridge, who expressed for the Benthamite theories a very cordial detestation, sometimes glided into them himself.'The happiness of man,' he says,'is the end of virtue, and truth is the knowledge of the means.' (The Friend, ed. 1850, vol. ii. p. 192.)'What can be the object of human virtue but the happiness of sentient, still more of moral beings?' (Notes Theol. and Polit. p. 351.) Leibnitz says,' Quand' on aura appris a fairedes actions louablespar ambition, on les fera apr6s par inclination.' (Str 1'Art de connaitre les homnnes.) 1 E.g. Mackintosh and James Mill. Coleridge in his younger days was an enthusiastic admirer of Hartley; but chiefly, I believe, on account of his theory of vibrations. He named his son after him, and described him in one of his poems as:-'He of mortal kind Wisest, he first who marked the ideal tribes Up the fine fibres through the sentient brain.' Religious Mlusings. 2 This position is elaborated in a passage too long for quotation by Mr. Austin. (Lectures on Jurisprudence, vol. i. p. 44.) 3 Itobbes defines conscience as'the opinion of evidence' (On Hiuman 30 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. possible to love virtue for itself as a form of happiness without any thought of ulterior consequences.1 The immense value this theory ascribes to education, gives it an unusual practical importance. W/Vhen we are balancing between a crime and a virtue, our wills, it is said, are necessarily determined by the greater pleasure. If we find mnore pleasure in the vice than in the virtue, we inevitably gravitate to evil. If we find more pleasure in the virtue than in the vice, we are as irresistibly attracted towards good. But the strength of such motives may be immeasurably enhanced by an early association of ideas. If we have been accustomed from childhood to associate our ideas of praise and pleasure with virtue, we shall readily yield to virtuous motives, if with vice, to vicious ones. This readiness to yield to one or other set of motives, constitutes disposition, which is thus, according to these moralists, altogether an artificial thing, the product of education, and effected by association of ideas.2 Nzatzure, ch. vi. ~ 8). Locke as'our own opinion or judgment of the moral rectitude or pravity. of our own actions' (Essay, book i. ch. iii. ~ 8). In Bentham there is very little on the subject; but in one place he informs us that' conscience is a thing of fictitious existence, supposed to occupy a seat in the mind' (Deontology, vol. i. p. 137); and in another he ranks' love of duty' (which he describes as an'impossible motive, in so far as duty is synonymous to obligation') as a variety of the'love of power' (Springs qf Action, ii.). Mr. Bain says,' conscience is an imitation within ourselves of the government without us.' (Enmotions cxand T7 ill, p. 313.)'However much they [utilitarians] may believe (as they do) that actions and dispositions are only virtuous because they promote another end than virtue, yet this being granted... they not only place virtue at the very head of the things which are good as means to the ultimate erd, but they also recognise as a psychological fact the possibility of its being to the individual a good in itself... Virtue, according to the utilitarian doctrine, is not naturally and originally part of the end, but it is capable of becomirng so..... What was once desired as an instrument for the attainment of happiness has come to be desired... as part of happiness,... Human nature is so constituted as to desire nothing which is not either a part of happiness or a means of happiness.'-J. S. MIill's Utilitarianism, pp. 54, 55, 56, 58. 2'A man is tempted to commit adultery with the wife of his friend. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 31 It will be observed, however, that this theory, refined and imposing as it may appear, is still essentially a selfish one. Even when sacrificing all earthly objects through love of virtue, the good man is simply seeking his greatest enjoyment, indulging a kind of mental luxury which gives him more pleasure than what he foregoes, just as the miser finds more pleasure in accumulation than in any form of expenditure.l There has been, indeed, one attempt to emancipate the theory from this condition, but it appears to me altogether futile. It has been said that men in the first instance indulge in baneful The com0lposition of the motive is obvious. He does not obey the mlotive. Wlhy? He obeys other motives which are stronger. Though pleasures are associated with the immoral act, pains are associated with it also-the pains of the injured husband, the pains of the injured wife, the moral indignation of mankind, the future reproaches of his own mind. Some men obey the first rather *than the second motive. The reason is obvious. In these the association of the act with the pleasure is from habit unduly strong, the association of the act with pains is from want of habit unduly weak. This is the case of a bad education... Among the different classes of motives, there are men who are more easily and strongly operated-on by soee, others by others. We have also seen that this is entirely owing to habits of association. This facility of being acted upon by motives of a particular description, is that which we call disposition.'-M3Iill's Analysis vol. ii. pp. 212, 213, &c. Adam Smith says, I think with much -wisdom, that'the great secret of education is to direct vanity to proper objects.' —Moral Sentiments, part vi. ~ 3. 1'Goodness in ourselves is the prospect of satisfaction annexed to the welfare of others, so that we please them for the pleasure we receive ourselves in so doing, or to avoid the uneasiness we should feel in omitting it. But God is completely happy in Iilimself, nor can HIis happiness receive increase or diminution fiom anythin'g befalling His creatures; wherefore HIis goodness is pure, disinterested bounty, without any return of joy or satisfaction to Himself. Therefore it is no wonder we have imperfect notions of a quality whereof we have no experience in our own nature.'-Tucker's Lzrqht of Nlature, vol. i. p. 355.'It is the privilege of God alone to act upon pure, disinterested bounty, without the least addition thereby to His own enjoyment.'-Ibid. vol. ii. p. 279. On the other hand, Hutcheson asks,'If there be such disposition in the Deity, where is the impossibility of some small degree of this public love in His creatures, and why must they be supposed incapable of acting but from self-love?' —nuirt'y con-?ern)ing 3Moraal Good, ~ 2. 4 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. excesses, on account of the pleasure they afford, but the habit being contracted, continue to practise them after they have ceased to afford pleasure, and that a similar law may operate in the case of the habit of virtue.' But the reason why men who have contracted a habit continue to practise it after it has ceased to give them positive enjoyment, is because to desist, creates a restlessness and uneasiness which amounts to acute mental pain. To avoid that pain is the motive of the action. The reader who has perused the passages I have accumulated in the notes, will be able to judge with what degree of justice utilitarian writers denounce with indignation the imputation of selfishness, as a calumny against their system. It is not, I think, a strained or unnatural use of language to describe as selfish or interested, all actions which a man performs, in order himself to avoid suffering or acquire the greatest possible enjoyment. If this be so, the term selfish is strictly applicable to all the branches of this system.2 At the same time it I've graduallv, through the influence of association, come to desire the means without thinking of the end; the action itself becomes an object of desire, and is performed without reference to any motive beyond itself. Thus far, it may still be objected that the action having, through association, become pleasurable, we are as much as before moved to act by the anticipation of pleasure, namely, the pleasure of the action itself. But granting this, the matter does not end here. As we proceed in the formation of habits, and become accustomed to will a particular act.. because it is pleasurable, we at last continue to will it without any reference to its being pleasurable... In this manner it is that habits of hurtful excess continue to be practised, although they have ceased to be pleasurable, and in this manner also it is that the habit of willing to persevere in the course which he has chosen, does not desert the moral hero, even when the reward. is anything but an equivalent for the suffering he undergoes, or the wishes he may have to renounce.'-Mill's Logic (4th edition), vol. ii. pp. 416, 417. 2'In regard to interest in the most extended, which is the original and only strictly proper sense of the word disinterested, no human act has ever been or ever can be disinterested..... In the only sense in which disinterestedness can with truth be predicated of human actions, it is employed... to denote, not the absence of all interest... but only the absence of all TIHE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 33 mnust be acknowledged, there is a broad difference between the refined sensuality of the utilitarians we have last noticed, and the writings of Hobbes, of Mandeville, or of Paley. It must be acknowledged, also, that not a few intuitive or stoical moralists have spoken of the pleasure to be derived from virtue in language little if at all different from these writers.1 The main object of the earlier members of the inductive school, was to depress human nature to their standard, by resolving all the noblest actions into coarse and selfish elements. The main object of some of the more influential of the later members of the school, has been to sublimate their conceptions of happiness and interest in such a manner, as to include the highest displays of heroism. The theory anad principles remain unchanged, but in the hands of some of the writers the spirit has wholly altered. Having thus given a brief but, I trust, clear and faithinterest of the self-regarding class. Not but that it is very frequently predicated of human action in cases in which divers interests, to no one of which the appellation of self-regarding can with propriety be denied, have been exercising their influence, and in particular fear of God, or hope froln God, and fear of ill-repute, or hope of good repute. If what is above be correct, the most disinterested of men is not less under the dominion of interest than the most interested. The only cause of his being styled disinterested, is its not having been observed that the sort of motive (suppose it sympathy for an individual or class) has as truly a corresponding interest belonging to it as any other species of motive has. Of this contradiction between the truth of the case and the language employed in speaking of it, the cause is that in the one case men have not been in the habit of imaking —as in point of consistency they ought to have made-of the word interest that use which in the other case they have been in the habit of making of it.' —Bentham's Sp}rings of Action, ii. ~ 2. 1 Among others Bishop Butler, who draws some very subtle distinctibns on the subject in his first sermon' on the love of our neighbour.' Dugald Stewart remarks that' although we apply the epithet selfish to avarice and to low and private sensuality, we never apply it to the desire of knowledge or to the pursuits of virtue, which are certainly sources of more exquisite pleasure than riches or sensuality can bestow.,'-Active and Moral Poweors vol. i. p. 19. 84 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. ful account of the different modifications of the inductive theory, I shall proceed to state some of the principal objections that have been and may be brought against it. I shall then endeavour to define and defend the opinions of those who believe that our moral feelings are an essential part of our constitution, developed by but not derived from education, and I shall conclude this chapter, by an enquiry into the order of their evolution; so that having obtained some notion of the natural history of morals, we may be able in the ensuing chapters to judge, how far their normal progress has been accelerated or retarded by religious or political agencies.'Psychology,' it has been truly said,' is but developed consciousness.9' When moralists assert, that what we call virtue derives its reputation solely from its utility, and that the interest of the agent is the one motive to practise it, our first question is naturally how far this theory agrees with the feelings and with the language of mankind. But if tested by this criterion, there never was a doctrine more emphatically condemned than utilitarianism. In all its stages, and in all its assertions, it is in direct opposition to common language and to common sentiments. In all nations and in all ages, the ideas of interest and utility on the one hand and virtue on the other, have been regarded by the multitude as perfectly distinct, and all languages recognise the distinction. The terms honour, justice, rectitude or virtue, and their equivalents in every language, present to the mind ideas essentially and broadly differing from the terms prudence, sagacity, or interest. The two lines of conduct may coincide, but they are never confused, and we have not the slightest difficulty in imagining them antagonistic. When we say a man is 1 Sir W. tIanliton. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 35 governed by a high sense of honour, or by strong moral feeling, we do not mean that he is prudently pursuing either his own interests or the interests of society. The universal sentiment of mankind represents self-sacrifice as an essential element of a meritorious act, and means by self-sacrifice the deliberate adoption of the least pleasurable course without the prospect of any pleasure in return. A selfish act may be innocent, but cannot be virtuous, and to ascribe all good deeds to selfish motives, is not the distortion but the negation of virtue. No Epicurean could avow before a popular audience that the one end of his life was the pursuit of his own happiness without an outburst of indignation and contempt.I No man could consciously make this —which according to the selfish theory is the only rational and indeed possible motive of action —the deliberate object of all,his undertakilngs, without his character becoming despicable and degraded. Whether we look within ourselves or examline the conduct either of our enemies or of our friends or adjudicate upon the characters in history or in fiction, our feelings on these matters are the same. In exact proportion as we believe a desire for personal enjoyment to be the motive of a good act is the merit of the agent diminished. If we believe the motive to be wholly selfish the merit is altogether destroyed. If we believe it to be wholly disinterested the merit is altogether unalloyed. Hence, the admiration bestowed upon Prometheus, or suffering virtue constant beneath the blows of Almighty malice, or on the atheist who with no prospect of future reward suffered a fearful death, rather than abjure an opinion which could be of no benefit to society because he believed it to be the truth. Selfish 1 Cic. De Finb. ii. 7 9 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. moralists deny the possibility of that which all ages, all nations, all popular judgments pronounce to have been the characteristic of every noble act that has ever been performed. Now when a philosophy which seeks by the light of consciousness to decypher the laws of our moral being proves so diametrically opposed to the conclusions arrived at by the great mass of mankind, who simply follow their consciousness without endeavouring to frame systems of philosophy, that it makes most of the distinctions of common ethical language absolutely unmeaning, this is, to say the least, a strong presumption against its truth. If Moli&re's hero had been speaking prose all his life without knowing it, this was simply because he did not understand what prose was. In the present case we are asked to believe that men have been rinder a total delusion about the leadcing principles of their lives which they had distinguished by a whole vocabulary of terms. It is said that the case becomes different when the pleasure sought is not a gross or material enjoyment, but the satisfaction of performed virtue. I suspect that if men could persuade themselves that the one motive of a virtuous nman was the certainty that the act he accomplished would be followed by a glow of satisfaction so intense as more than to compensate for any sacrifice he might have made, the difference would not be as great as is supposed. In fact, however —and the consciousness of this lies, I conceive, at the root of the opinions of men upon the subject-the pleasure of virtue is one which can only be obtained on the express condition of its not being the object sought. Phenomena of this kind are familiar to us all. Thus, for example, it has often been observed that prayer, by a law of our nature and apart from all supernatural intervention, THE NATURAL IIISTORY OF MORALS. 37 exercises a reflex influence of a very beneficial character upon the minds of the worshippers. The man who offers up his petitions with passionate earnestness, with unfaltering fait, and with a vivid realization of the presence of an Unseen Being has risen to a condition of mind which is itself eminently favourable both to his own lhappiness and to the expansion of his moral qualities. But he who expects nothing more will never attain this. To him who neither believes nor hopes that his petitions will receive a response such a mental state is impossible. No Protestant before an image of the Virgin, no Christian before a pagan idol, could possibly attain it. If prayers were offered up solely with a view to this benefit, they would be absolutely sterile and would speedily cease. Thus again, certain political economists have contended that to give money in charity is worse than useless, that it is positively noxious to society, but they have added that the gratification of our benevolent affections is pleasing to ourselves, and that the pleasure we derive from this source may be so much greater than the evil resulting from our gift, that we may justly, according to the'greatest happiness principle' purchase this large amount of gratification to ourselves by a slight injury to our neiglhbours. The political economy involved in this very characteristic specimen of utilitarian ethics I shall hereafter examine. At present it is sufficient to observe that no one who consciously practised benevolence solely from this motive could obtain the pleasure in question. We receive enjoyment from the thought that we have done good. We never could receive that enjoyment if our motive were selfish or if we believed and realised that we were doing harm. The same thing is pre-eminently true of the satisfaction of conscience. A feeling of satisfaction follows j8 HIIISTORY OF ETUROPEAN MIORALS. the accomplislhment of duty for itself, but if the duty be performed solely through the expectation of a mental pleasure conscience refuses to ratify the bargain. There is no fact more conspicuous in human nature than the broad distinction, both in kind and degree, drawn between the moral and the other parts of our nature. But this on utilitarian principles is altogether unaccountable. If the excellence of virtue consists solely in. its utility or tendency to promote the lhappiness of men, a machine, a fertile field, or a navigable river would all possess in a very high degree the element of virtue. If we restrict the term to human actions which are useful to society, we should still be compelled to canonise a crowd of acts which are utterly remote from all our ordinary notions of morality. The whole tendency of political economy and philosophical history which reveal the physiology of societies, is to show that the happiness and welfare of mankind are evolved much more from our selfish than froml what are termed our virtuous acts. The prosperity of nations and the progress of civilisation are nmainly due to the exertions of men who while pursuing strictly their own interests, were unconsciously promoting the interests of the community. The selfish instinct that leads men to accumulate, confers ultimately more advantage upon the world than the generous instinct that leads men to give. A great historian has contended with some force that intellectual development is more important to societies than moral development. Yet who ever seriously questioned the reality of the distinction that separates these tlings? The reader will probably exclaim that tle key to that distinction is to be foundcl in the motive; but it is one of the paradoxes of the utilitarian school that the motive of the agent has absolutely no influence on the morality of the act. According to TIHE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 89 Benthlam, there is but one motive possible, the pursuit of our own enjoyment. The most virtuous, the most vicious, and the most indifferent of actions, if measured by this test, would be exactly the same, and. an investigation of motives should therefore be altogether excluded from our moral judgments.1 Whatever test we adopt, the difficulty of accounting for the unique and pre-eminent position mankind have assigned to virtue will remain. If we judge by tendencies, a crowd of objects and of acts to which no mortal ever dreamed of ascribing virtue, contribute largely to the happiness of man. If we judge by motives, the moralists we are reviewing rhave denied all generic difference between prudential and virtuous motives. If we judge by intentions, it is certain that however much truth or chastity may contribute to the 1' As there is not any sort of pleasure thatis not itself a good, nor any sort of pain the exemption from which is not a good, and as nothing but the expectation of the eventual enjoyment of pleasure in some shape, or of exemption from pain in some shape, can operate in the character of a motive, a necessary consequence is that if by motive be meant sort of motive, there is not any such thing' as a bad motive.'-Benthaml's Spr8ings of Action, ii. ~ 4. The first clauses of the following passage I have already quoted:' Pleasure is itself a good, nay, setting aside immunity from pain, the only good. Pain is in itself an evil. and indeed, without exception, the only evil, or else the words good and evil have no meaning. Alnd this is alike true of every sort of pain, and of every sort of pleasure. It follows therefore immediately and incontestably that there is no such thing as any sort of motive that is in itself a bad one.'-P-rinc1iples of of orals and Legislation, ch. ix.' The search after motive is one of the prominent causes of men's bewilderment in the investigation of questions of morals... But this is a pursuit in which every moment employed is a moment wasted. All motives are abstractedly good. No man has ever had, can, or could have a motive different from the pursuit of pleasure or of shunning pain.'-Deontology, vol. i. p. 126. Mr. Mill's doctrine appears somewhat different from this, but the difference is I think only apparent. He says:'The motive has nothing to do with the morality of the action, though much with the worth of the agent,' and he afterwards explains this last statement by saying that the' motive makes a great difference in our moral estimation of the agent, especially if it indicates a good or a bad habitual disposition, a bent of character from which useful or from which hurtful actions are likely to arise.'- Utilitarianism, 2nd ed. pp. 26-27. 40 HI1STORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. happiness of mankind, it is not with philanthropic intentions that those virtues are cultivated. It is often said that intuitive moralists in their reasonings are guilty of continually abandoning their principles by themselves appealing to the tendency of certain acts to promote human happiness as a justification, and the charge is usually accompanied by a challenge to show any confessed virtue that has not that tendency. To the first objection it may be shortly answered that no intuitive moralist ever dreamed of doubting that benevolence or charity, or in other words, the promotion of the happiness of man, is a duty. lie maintains that it not only is so, but that we arrive at this fact by direct intuition, and not by the discovery that such a course is conducive to our own interest. But while he cordially recognises this branch of virtue, and while he has therefore a perfect right to allege the beneficial effects of a virtue in its defence, he refuses to admit that all virtue can be reduced to this single principle. With the general sentimrent of mankind he regards charity as a good thing only because it is of use to the world. With the same general sentiment of mankind he believes that chastity and truth have an independent value, distinct from their influence upon happiness. To the question whether every confessed virtue is conducive to human happiness, it is less easy to reply, for it is usually extremely difficult to calculate the remote tendencies of acts, and in cases where, in the common apprehension of mankind, the morality is very clear, the consequences are often very obscure. Notwithstanding the claim of great precision which utilitarian writers so boastfully make, the standard by which they profess to measure mlorals is itself absolutely incapable of definition or accurate explanation. Happiness is one of the most indeterminate and unde THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 41 finable words in the language, and what are the conditions of' the greatest possible happiness' no one can precisely say. No two nations, perhaps, no two indi-viduals, would find them the same.l And even if every virtuous act were incontestably useful, it by no means follows that its virtue is derived from its utility. It may be readily granted, that as a general rule those acts which we call virtuous, are unquestionably productive of happiness, if not to the agent, at least to mankind in general, but we have already seen that they have by no means that monopoly or pre-eminence of utility which on utilitarian principles, the unique position assigned to them would appear to imply. It may be added, that if we were to proceed in detail to estimate acts by their consequences, we should soon be led to very startling conclusions. In the first place, it is obvious that if virtues are only good because they promote, and vices only evil because they impair the happiness of mankind, the degrees of excellence or criminality must be strictly proportioned to the degrees of utility or the reverse.2 Every action, every disposition, every class, every condition of society must take its place on the moral scale precisely in accordance with the degree in which it promotes or diminishes human happiness. Now it is extremely questionable, whether some of the most monstrous forms of sensuality which it is scarcely possible to name, cause as much unhappiness as some infirmities of temper, or procrastination or hastiness of judgment. It is scarcely doubtful that a modest, diffident, and retiring nature, distrustful This truth has been adclmirably illustrated by iMr. Herbert Spencer (Social Statics, pp. 1-8). 2'1On 6value la grandeur de la vertu en comparant les biens obtenus aux maux au prix desquels on les achete: l'exc6dant en bien rmesure la valeur de la vertu, comme l'exc6dant en rmal mesure le degre de haine que doit inspirer le vice.'-Ch. Comte, Traitg dce.Lefislation, liv. ii. ch. xii. 62 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. of its own abilities, and shrinking with humility from conflict, produces on the whole less benefit to the world, than the self-assertion of an audacious and arrogant nature, which is impelled to every struggle, and developes every capacity. Gratitude has no doubt done much to soften and sweeten the intercourse of life, but the corresponding feeling of revenge was for centuries the one bulwark against social anarchy, and is even now one of the chief restraints to crime.' On the great theatre of public life, especially in periods of great convulsions when passions are fiercely roused, it is neither the iman of delicate scrupulosity and sincere impartiality, nor yet the singleminded religious enthusiast, incapable of dissimulation or procrastination, who confers most benefit upon the world. It is much rather the astute statesman earnest about his encls but unscrupulous about his mneans, equally free from the tramnmels of conscience and from the blindness of zeal, who governs because he partly yields to the passions and the prejudices of his time. But however 1 Mt. Dumont, the translator of Bentham, has elalborated in a ratlher famous passage the utilitarian notions about vengeance.' Toute espace de satisfaction entrainant une peine pour le ddlinquanlt produit naturellement un plaisir de rengeance pour la partie les6e. Ce plaisir est un gain. I1 rappelle la parabole de Samson. C'est le doux qui sort du terrible. C'est le miel recueilli dans la gueule du lion. Produit sans frais, resultat net d'une operation n6cessaire a d'autres titres, c'est une jouissance a cultiver comme toute autre; car le plaisir de la vengeance considleree abstraitement n'est comme tout autre plaisir qu'un bien en lui-meme.' —Pnceilpes dut Cocle p9nal, 2me partie, ch. xvi. According to a very acute living writer of this school,' The criminal law stands to the passion of revenge in much the same relation as marriage to the sexual appetite' (J. F. Stephen On the Criminal Lawv of England, p. 99). Mr. 3Iill observes that,'In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utility' (Utilitarianism, p. 24). It is but fair to give a specimen of the opposite order of extravagance.' So well convinced was Father Claver of the eternal happiness of almost all whom he assisted,' says this saintly missionary's biographer, that speaking once of some persons who had delivered a criminal into the hands of justice, he said, God forgive them; but they have secured the salvation.of this malln at te pi obable risk of t/heir own.'-Newman's Angclican DiFiculties, p. 205,. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 43 much some modern writers may idolize the heroes of success, however much they may despise and ridicule those far nobler men, whose wide tolerance and scru-pulous honour rendered them unfit leaders in the fray, it has scarcely yet been contended that the delicate conscientiousness which in these cases impairs utility constitutes vice. If utility is the sole measure of virtue, it is difficult to understand how we could look with moral disapprobation on any class who prevent greater evils than they cause. But with such a principle we might find strange priestesses at the utilitarian shrine.'Aufer meretrices de rebus humanis,' said St. Augustine,' turbaveris omnia libidinibus."' Let us suppose an enquirer who intended to regulate his life consistently by the utilitarian principle; let us suppose him to have overcome the first great difficulty of his school, arising from the apparent divergence of his own interests from his duty, to have convinced himself that that divergence does not exist, and to have accordingly made thle pursuit of duty his single object, it remains to consider what kind of course he would pursue. He is informed that it is a pure illusion to suppose that human actions have any other end or rule than happiness, that nothing is intrinsically good or intrinsically bad apart from its consequences, that no act which is useful can possibly be vicious, and that the utility of an act constitutes and measures its virtue. Oile of his first observations will be that in very many special cases acts such as murder, theft, or falsehood, which the world calls criminal, and which in the majority of instances would undoubtedly be hurtful, appear eminently productive of good. Why then, he may ask, should they not in these cases be performed? 1 De Ordine, ii. 4. The experiment has more than once been tried at Venice, Pisa, &c., and always with the results St. Augustine predicted. 44 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. The answer le receives is that they would not really be useful, because we must consider the remote as well as the immediate consequences of actions, and that although in particular instances a falsehood or even a murder might appear beneficial, it is one of the most important interests of mankind that the sanctity of life and property should be preserved, and that a high standard of veracity should be maintained. But this answer is obviously insufficient. It is necessary to show that the extent to which a single act of what the world calls crime would weaken these great bulwarks of society is such as to counterbalance the immediate good which it produces. If it does not, the balance will be on the side of happiness, the murder or theft or falsehood will be useful, and therefore, on utilitarian principles, will be virtuous. Now even in the case of public acts, the effect of the example of an obscure individual is usually small, but if the act be accomplished in perfect secresy, the evil effects resulting from the example will be entirely absent. It has been said that it would be dangerous to give men permission to perpetrate what men call crimes in secret. This may be a very good reason why the utilitarian should not proclaim such a principle, but it is no reason why lie should not act upon it. If a man be convinced that no act which is useful can possibly be criminal, if it be in his power by perpetrating what is called a crime to obtain an end of great immediate utility, and if he is able to secure such absolute secrecy as to render it perfectly certain that his act cannot become an example, and cannot in consequence exercise any influence on the general standard of morals, it appears demonstrably certain that on utilitarian principles he would be justified in performing it. If what we call virtue be only virtuous because it is useful, it can only be virtuous when it is use THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 45 ful. The question of the morality of a large number of acts must therefore dependl upon the probability of their detection, andc a little adroit hypocrisy must often, not merely in appearance but in reality, convert a vice into a virtue. The only way by which it has been attempted with any plausibility to evade this conclusion has been by asserting that the act would impair the disposition of the agent, or in other words predispose him on other occasions to perform acts which are generally hurtful to society. But in the first place a single act has no such effect upon disposition as to counteract a great immediate good, especially when, as we have supposed, that act is not a revolt against what is believed to be right, but is performed under the full belief that it is in accordance with the one rational rule of morals, and in the next place, as fair as the act would form a habit it would appear to be the habit of in all cases regulating actions by a precise and minute calculation of their utility, which is the very ideal of utilitarian virtue. 1 The reader will here observe the very transparent sophistry of an assertion which is repeated ad nauseam by utilitarians. They tell us that a regard to the remote consequences of our actions would lead us to the conclusion that we should never perform an act which would not be conducive to human happiness if it were universally performed, or, as IMr. Austin expresses it, that' the question is if acts of this class were generally done or generally forborne or omitted, what would be the probable effect on the general happiness or good?' (Lectzures on JTurislprudenee, vol. i. p. 32.) The question is nothing of the kind. If I am convinced that utility alone constitutes virtue, and if I am meditating any particular act, the sole question of morality must be whether that act is on the whole useful:, produces a net result of happiness. To determine this question 1 must consider both the immediate and the remote consequences of the act; but the latter are not ascertained by asking what would be the result if every one did as I do, but by asling how far, as a matter of fact, my act is likely to produce imitators, or affect the conduct and future acts of others. It is quite clear that no act which produces on the whole more pleasure than pain can on utilitarian principles be vicious. It is, I think, equally clear that no one could act consistently on such a principle without being led to consequences which in the commnon judgment of mlankind are grossly and scandalously immoral. 46 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. If our enquirer happens to be a man of strong ilnagination and of solitary habits, it is very probable that he will be accustomed to live much in a world of imagination, a world peopled with beings that are to him as real as those of flesh, with its joys and sorrows, its temptations and its sins. In obedience to the common feelings of our nature he may have struggled long and painfully against sins of the imagination, which he was never seriously tempted to convert into sins of action. But his new philosophy will be admirably fitted to console his mind. If remorse be absent the indulgence of the most vicious imagination is a pleasure, and if this indulgence does not lead to action it is a clear gain, and therefore to be applauded. That a course may be continually pursued in imagination without leading to corresponding actions he will speedily discover, and indeed it has always been one of the chief objections brought against fiction that the constant exercise of the sympathies in favour of imaginary beings is found positively to indispose men to practical benevolence. 1 Proceeding farther in his course, our moralist will soon find reason to qualify the doctrine of remote consequences, which plays so large a part in the calculations of utilitarianism. It is said that it is criminal to destroy human beings, even when the crime would appear productive of great utility, for every instance of murder weakens the sanctity of life. But experience shows that it is possible for men to be perfectly indifferent to one particular section of human life, without this indifference extending to others. Thus among the ancient Greeks, the murder or exposition of the children of poor parents was con1 There are some very good remarlis on the possibility of living a life of imagination wholly distinct from the life of action in Mr. Bain's Emotions and Will, p. 246. THE NATURAL IIISTORY OF MIORIALS. 47 tinually practised with the most absolute callousness, without exercising any appreciable influence upon the respect for adult life. In the same manner what may be termed religious unveracity, or the habit of propagating what are cleemed useful superstitions, with the consciousness of their being false, or at least suppressing or misrepresenting the facts that might invalidate them, does not in any degree imply industrial unveracity. Nothing is more common than to find extreme dishonesty in speculation coexisting with scrupulous veracity inl business. If any vice might be expected to conform strictly to the utilitarian theory, it would be cruelty; but cruelty to animals may exist without leading to cruelty to men, and even where spe(,tacles in which animal suffering forms a leading element exercise anl injurious influence on character, it is more than doubtful whether the measure of luman unhappiness they may ultimately produce is at all equivalent to the passionate enjoyment they immediately afford. This last consideration, however, 1mlakes it necessary to notice a new, and as it appears to me, almost grotesque development of the utilitarian theory. The duty of humanity to animals, thoug]h for a long period too much neglected, may, on the principles of the intuitive moralist, be easily explained and justified. Our circumstances and characters produce in us many and various affectiorns towards all with whom we come in contact, and our consciences pronounce these affections to be good or bad. We feel that humanity or benevolence is a good affection, and also that it is due in different degrees to different classes. Thus it is not only natural but riglt that a man should care for his own family more than for the world at large, and this obligation applies not only to parents who are responsible for having 5 48 IHISTORIY OF EUROPEAN BORALS. brought their children into existence, and to children who owe a debt of gratitude to their parents, but also to brothers who have no such special tie. So too we feel it to be both unnatural and wrong to feel no stronger interest in our fellow-countrymen thanl in other men. In the same way we feel that there is a wide interval between the humanity that it is both natural and right to exhibit towards animals, and that which is due to our own species. Strong philanthropy could hardly coexist with cannibalism, and a man who had 1no hesitation in destroying human life for the sake of obtaining the skins of the victims, or of freeing himself from some trifling inconvenience, would scarcely be -eulogised for his benevolence. Yet a man may be regarded as very humane to animals who has no scruple in sacrificing their lives for his food, his pleasures, or his convenience. Towards the close of the last century an energetic agitation in favour of lhumanity to animals arose in England, and the utilitarian moralists, who were then rising into influence, caught the spirit of their time and made very creditable efforts to extend it.l It is manifest, however, that a theory which recognized no other end in virtue than the promotion of human happiness, could supply no adequate basis for the movement. Some of the recent members of the school have accordingly enlarged their theory, maintaining that acts are virtuous when they produce a net result of happiness, and vicious whlen they produce a net result of suffering, altogether irrespective of the question whether this enjoyment or sufferin(g is of men or animals. In other words, they place the duty of man to animals on exactly the same basis as the duty 1 Benthaml especially recurs to this subject frequently. See Sir J. Bowring's edition of his works (Edinburgh, 1843), vol. i. pp. 142, 143, 562; vol. x. pp, 549-55 0. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 49 of man to his fellow-men, maintaining that no suffering can be rightly inflicted on brutes, which does not produce a larger amount of happiness to man.1 The first reflection suggested by this theory is, that it appears cifficult to understand how, on the principles of tile inductive school, it could be arrived at. ]3enevolence, as we have seen, according to these writers begins in interest. We first of all do good to men, because it is for our advantage, though the force of the habit nmay at last act irrespective of interest. But in the case of animals who cannot resent barbarity, this foundation of self-interest does not for the most part2 exist. Probably, however, an association of ideas might help to solve the difflculty, and the habit of benevolence generated originally from the social relations of men might at last be extended to the animal world; but that it should be so to the extent of placing the duty to animals on the same basis as the duty to men, I do not anticipate, or (at the risk of being accused of great inhumanity), I must add, 1' Granted that any practice causes more pain to animals than it gives pleasure to man; is that practice moral or immoral? And if exactly in proportion as human beings raise their heads out of the slough of selfishness they do not with one voice answer "' immoral," let the morality of the principle of utility be for ever condemned.'-M ill's l)issert. vol. ii. p. 485.' We deprive them [animals] of life, and this is justifiable-their pains do not equal our enjoyments. There is a balance of good.'-Bentham's.Deontology, vol. i. p. 14. 3r. Mill accordingly defines the principle of utility, without any special reference to man.'The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, utility or the greatest happiness principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.' —Utilitarcianism, pp. 9-10. 2 The exception of course being domestic animals, which may be injured by ill-treatment, but even this exception is a very partial one. No selfish reason could prevent any amount of cruelty to animals that were about to be killed, and even in the case of previous ill-usage the calculations of selfishness will depend greatly upon the price of the animal. I have been told that on some parts of the continent diligence horses are systematically under-fed, and worked to a speedy death, their cheapness rendering such a course the most econom ical. liO HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. desire. I cannot look forward to a time when no one will wear any article of dress formed out of the skin of an animal, or feed upon animal flesh, till he had ascertained that the pleasure he derived from doing so, exceeded the pain inflicted upon the animal, as well as the pleasure of which by abridging its life he had deprived it.' And supposing that with such a calculation before him, the utilitarian should continue to feed on the flesh of animals, his principle might carry him to further conclusions, from which I confess I should recoil. If, when Swift was writing his famous essay in favour of employing for food the redundant babies of a half —starving population, he had been informed that, according to the more advanced moralists, to eat a child, and to eat a sheep, rest upon exactly the same ground; that in the one case as in the other, the single question for the moralist is, whether the repast on the whole produces more pleasure than pain, it must be owned that the discovery would have greatly facilitated his task. The considerations I have adduced will, I think, be sufficient to show that the utilitarian principle if pushed to its full logical consequences would be by no means as accordant with ordinary moral notions as is sometimes alleged; that it would, on the contrary, lead to conclusions utterly and outrageously repugnant to the moral feelings it 1 Bentlam, as we have seen, is of opinion that the gastronomic pleasure would produce the requisite excess of enjoyment. Hartley, who has some amiable and beautiful remarks on the duty of lindness to animals, without absolutely condemning, speaks with much aversion of the custom of eating'our brothers and sisters,' the animals. (On Mcian, vol. ii. pp. 222-223.) IPaley, observing that it is quite possible for men to live without flesh-diet, concludes that the only sufficient justification for eating meat is an express divine revelation in the Book of Genesis. (loral.Philos. book ii. ch. 11.) Some reasoners evade the main issue by contending that they kill animals because these would otherwise overrun the eaith; but this, as Windlhaur said,'is an indifflrent reason for killing fish,' THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. M1 is intended to explain. I will conclude this part of my argument by very briefly adverting to two great fields inll which, as I believe, it would prove especially revolutionary. The first of these is the field of chastity. It will be necessary for me in the course of the present work to dwell at greater length than I should desire upon questions connected with this virtue. At present, I will simply ask the reader to conceive a mind from which all notion of the intrinsic excellence or nobility of purity was banished, and to suppose such a mind comparing, by a utilitarian standard, a period in which sensuality was almost unbridled, such as the age of Athenian glory or the English restoration, with a period of austere virtue. The question which of these societies was morally the best would thus resolve itself simply into the question in which there' was the greatest amount of enjoyment and tflhe smallest amount of suffering. The pleasures of domestic life, the pleasures resulting from a freer social intercourse,' the different degrees of suffering inflicted on those who violated the law of chastity, the ulterior consequences of each mode of life upon population, would be the chief elements of the comparison. Can any one believe that the balance of enjoyment would be so unquestionably and so largely on the side of the more austere society as to justify the degree of superiority which is assigned to it? 2 1 In commenting upon the French licentiousness of the eighteenth century, Itume says, in a passage which has excited a great deal of animadversion:-' Our neighbours, it seems, have resolved to sacrifice some of the domestic to the social pleasures; and to prefer ease, freedom, and an open commerce, to strict fidelity and constancy. These ends are both good, and are somewhat difficult to reconcile; nor must we be surprised if the customs of nations incline too much sometimes to the one side, and sometimes to the other.'-Dialogute. 2 There are few things more pitiable than the blunders into which writers have fallen when trying to base the plain virtue of chastity on utilitarian 52 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MOlRALS. The second sphere is that of speculative truth. No class of men have more highly valued an unflinching hostility to superstition than utilitarians. Yet it is more than doubtful whether upon their principles it can be justifiecl. Many superstitions do undoubtedly answer to the Greek conception of slavish' fear of the gods,' and have been productive of unspeakable misery to mankind, b)ut there are very many others of a different tendency. Superstitions appeal to our hopes as well as to our fears. They often meet and gratify the inmrost longings of the heart. They offer certainties when reason can only afford possibilities or probabilities. They supply conceptions on which the imagination maost fondly dwells. They sometimes even impart a new sanction to moral truths. Creating wants which they alone can satisfy, and fears which they alone canl quell, they often become essential elements of happiness, and their consoling efficacy is most felt in the languid or troubled hours when it is most needed. We owe more to our illusions than to our knowledge. The imagination, which is altogether constructive, probably contributes more to our happiness calculations. Thus since the writings of iMalthus it has been generally recognised that one of the very first conditions of all material prosperity is to check early marriages, to restrain the tendency of population to multiply more rapidly than the means of subsistence. Knowing this, what can be more deplorable than to find moralists making such arguments as these the -very foundation of morals?-' The first and great mischief, and by consequence the guilt, of promiscnous concubinage consists in its tendency to diminish marriages.' (Paley's Moral Philosolphy, book iii. part iii. ch. ii.).'That is always the most happy condition of a nation, and that nation is most accurately obeying the laws of our constitution, in which the number of the human race is most rapidly increasing. Now it is certain that under the law of chastity, that is, when individuals are exclusively unitedl to each other, the increase of population will be more rapid than under any other circumstances.' (Wayland's Elements of.Moral cienzce, p. 298, 11th ed., Boston, 1839.) I am sorry to bring such subjects before the reader, but it is impossible to write a history of morals without doinag so. THE NATALTTIAL HISTORY OF MIORPALS. 53 than the reason, which, inl the sphere of speculation is mainly critical and destructive. The rude charm which in the hour of danger or distress the savage clasps so confidently to his breast, the sacred picture which is believed to shed a hallowing and protecting influence over the poor man's cottage, can bestow a more real consolation in the darkest hour of human suffering than can be afforded by the grandest theories of philosophy. The first desire of the heart is to find something on which to lean. The first condition of happiness to common minds is the exclusion of doubt. A credulous and superstitious nature may be degraded, but in the many cases where,superstition does not assume a persecuting or appalling form it is not unhappy, and degradation, apart from unhappiness, can have no place in utilitarian ethics. No error can be inore grave than to imagine that when a critical spirit is abroad the pleasant beliefs will all remain, and the painful ones alone will perish. To introducee into the mind the consciousness of ignorance and the pangs of doubt is to inflict or endure much suffering, which may even survive the period of transition.'Why is it,' said Luther's wife, looking sadly back upon the sensuous creed which she had left,' that in our old faith we prayed so often and so warmly, and that our prayers are now so few and so cold?'l It is related of an old monk named Serapion, who had embraced the heresy of the anthropomorphites, that. he was convinced by a brother monk of the folly of attributing to the Almighty a human form. He bowed his reason humbly to the Catholic creed; but lwhen lie knelt down to pray, the image which his imagination had conceived, and on which for so many years his affections had been concentrated, had disappeared, and the old man burst 1 See Luther's Table Talk. 54 HTIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MfORI.LS. into tears, exclaiming,'You have deprived me of my god.' 1 These are indeed facts which must be deeply painful to all who are concerned with the history of opinion. The possibility of often adding to the happiness of men by diffusing abroad, or at least sustaining pleasing falsehoods, and the suffering that must commonly result from their dissolution, can hardly reasonably be denied. There is one, and but one, adequate reason that can always justify men in critically reviewing what they have been taught. It is, the conviction that opinions should not be regarded as mere mental luxuries, that truth should be deemed an end distinct from and superior to utility, and that it is a moral duty to pursue it, whether it leads to pleasure or whether it leads to pain. Among the many wise sayings which antiquity ascribed to Pythagoras, few are more remarkable than his division of virtue into two distinct branches-to seek truth and to do good.2 Of the sanctions which, according to the utilitarians, constitute the sole motives to virtue, there is one, as I have said, unexceptionably adequate. Those who adopt the religious sanction, can always appeal to a balance of interest in favour of virtue; but as the great majority of modern utilitarians confidently sever their theory from all tlheological considerations, I will dismiss this sanction with two or three remarks. In the first place, it is obvious that those who regard 1 Tillemont. Mel. Ipor' serve'r I'Idst. ecclsicstique, tome x. p. 57. 2 To rc dXOE6EtV iaciL ro EVEspYE7elV. (Mlian, Ycr. Ilist. xii. 59.) Longinus in like manner divides virtue into Edpyrla icft c' aX;Ola (.De iSublim. ~ 1.) The opposite view in England is continually expressed in the saying,'You should never pull down an opinion until you have something to put in its place,' which can only mean, if you are convinced that some religious or other hypothesis is ftlse, you are morally bound to repress or conceal your conviction until you have discovered positive affirmations or explanations as unqualified and consolatory as those you have destroyed. THE NATUPRAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 55 the arbitrary will of the Deity as the sole rule of morals, render it perfectly idle to represent the Divine attributes as deserving of our admiration. To speak of the goodness of God, either implies that there is such a quality as goodness, to which the Divine acts conform, or it is an unmeaning tautology. Why should we extol, or how can we admire, the perfect goodness of a Being whose will and acts constitute the sole standard or definition of perfection? I The theory which teaches that the arbitrary will of the Deity is the one rule of morals, and the anticipation of future rewards and punishments the one reason for conforming to it, consists of two parts. The first annihilates the goodness of God; the second, the virtue of man. Another and equally obvious remark is, that while these theologians represent the hope of future rewards, and the fear of future punishments, as the only reason for doing right, one of our strongest reasons for believing in the existence of these rewards and punislhments, is our deep-seated feeling of merit and demerit. That the present disposition of affairs is in many respects unjust, that suffering often attends a course which deserves reward, and happiness a course which deserves punishment, leads men to infer a future state of retribution. Take away the consciousness of desert, and the inference would no longer be made. A third remark, which I believe to be equally true, but which will not be acquiesced in with equal readiness, is that without the concurrence of a moral faculty, it is wholly impossible to prove from nature that supreme goodness of the Creator, which utilitarian theologians I See this powerfully stated by Shaftesbury. (Inquiry concernizzg Firtue, book i. part iii.) The samne objection applies to Dr. 3Mansel's modification of the theological doctrine —viz. that the origin of morals is not the will but the nature of God, 0 HItlSTORY OF EUROPEAN MhORALS. assume. We speak of the benevolence shown in the joy of, the insect glittering in the sunbeam, in the protecting in-i stincts so liberally bestowed among the animal world, in the kindness of the parent to its young, in the happiness of little children, in the beauty and the bounty of nature, but is there not another side to the picture? The hideous disease, the countless forms of rapine and of suffering, the entozoa that live within the bodies, and feed upon the anguish of sentient beings, the ferocious instinct of the cat, that prolongs with delight the agonies of its victim, all the multitudinous forms of misery that are manifested among the innocent portion of creation, are not these also the works of nature? We speak of the Divine veracity. What is the whole history of the intellectual progress of the world but one long struggle of the intellect of man to emancipate itself frlom the deceptions of nature? Every object that meets the eye of the savage awakens his curiosity only to lure him into some deadly error. The sun that seems a diminutive light revolving around his world; the moon and the stars that appear formed only to light his path; the strange fantastic diseases that suggest irresistibly the notion of present dramons; the terrific phenomena of nature which appear the results, not of blind forces, but of isolated spiritual ag(encies-all these things fatally, inevitably, invincibly impel him into superstition. Through long centuries the superstitions thus generated have deluged the world with blood. Millions of prayers have been vainly breatled to what we now know were inexorable laws of nature. Only after ages of toil did the mind of man emancipate itself from those deadly errors to which by the deceptive appearances of nature the long infancy of humanity is universally doomed. And in the laws of wealth how different are the appear THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 67 ances from the realities of things! Who can estimate the wars thlat have been kindled, tle bitterness and the wretchedness that have been caused, by errors relating to the apparent antagonism of the interests of nations which were so natural that for centuries they entangled the very strongest intellects, and it was scarcely till our own day that a tardy science came to dispel them? What shall we say to these things? If induction alone were our guide, if we possessed absolutely no knowledge of some things being, in their own nature good, and others in their own nature evil, how coul.ld we rise from this spectacle of nature to the conception of an all-perfect Author? E1ven if we could discover a predominance of benevolence in the creation, we should still regard the mingled attributes of nature as a reflex of the mingled attributes of its Contriver. Our knowledge of the Supreme Excellence, our best evidence even of the existence of the Creator, is derived not from the material -universe but frnom our own moral nature.1 It is not of reason but of faith. In other Awords it springs from that instinctive or moral nature which is as truly a part of our being as is our reason, which teaches us what rereason could lnever teach, the supreme and transcendent excellence of moral good, rllich rising. dissatisfied above this Awiorld of sense, proves itself by the very intensity of its aspiration to be adapted for another sphere, and which constitutes at once the evidence of a Divine element within us, and the augury of the future that is before us.2 1'The one great and binding ground of the belief of God and a hereafter is the law of conscience.' —Coleridgej Nrotes Theological and Politicac, p. 367. That our moral faculty is our one reason for maintaining the supreme benevolence of the Deity was a favourite position of Kant. 2'Nescio quomlodo iniheret in mentibus quasi smeculorum quolddam auguriurl futurorum; idque in maximis ingeniis altissimisque a"nimis et existit maxime et apparet facillime.'-Cic. Tusc. Disp. i. 12. HIlSTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. These things belong rather to the sphere of feeling than of reasoning. Those who are most deeply persuaded of their truth, will probably feel that they are unable by argument to express adequately the intensity of their conviction, but they may point to the recorded experience of the best and greatest men in all ages, to the incapacity of terrestrial things to satisfy our nature, to the manifest tendency, both in individuals and nations, of a pure and heroic life to kindle, and of a selfish and corrupt life to cloud, these aspirations, to the historical fact that no philosophy and no scepticism have been able permanently to repress them. The lines of our moral nature tend upwards. In it we have the common root of religion and of ethics, for the same consciousness that tells us that, even when it is in fact the weakest element of our constitution, it is by right supreme, commanding and authoritative, teaches us also that it is Divine. All religions that have truly governed mankind, have done so by. virtue of the affinity of their teaching with this nature, by speaking, as common religious language correctly describes it,'to the heart,' by appealing not to self-interest, but to that Divine element of self-sacrifice which is latent in every soul.1 The reality of this moral nature is the one great question of natural theology, for 1'It is a calumny to say that mlen are roused to heroic actions by ease, hope of pleasure, recompense-suggar-plums of any kind in this world or the next. In the meanest mortal there lies sonmething nobler. The poor swearing soldier hired to be shot has his " honour of a soldier," different fiom drill, regulations, and the shilling a day. It is not to taste sweet things, but to do noble and true things, and vindicate himself under God's heaven as a God-made man, that the poorest son of Adam dimly longs. Show him the way of doing that, the dullest day-drudge kindles into a hero. They wrong man greatly who say he is to be seduced by ease. Difficulty, tabnegation, martyrdom, death, are the allurements that act on the heart of lman. Kindle the inner genial life of him, you have a flame that burns up all. lower considerations.'-Carlyle's Iero-worslip, p. 237 (ed. 1858). THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS..;9 it involves that connection between our own and a higher nature, without which the existence of a First Cause were a mere question of archeology, and religion but an exercise of the imagination. I return gladly to the secular sanctions of utilitarianism. The majority of disciples assure us that these are sufficient to establish their theory, or in other words, that our duty coincides so strictly with our interest when rightly understood, that a perfectly prudent would necessarily become a perfectly virtuous man.1 Bodily vice they tell us ultimately brings bodily weakness and suffering. Extravagance is followed by ruin; unbridled passions by the loss of domestic peace; disregard for the interests of others by social or legal penalties; while on the other hand, the most moral is also the most tranquil disposition; benevolence is one of the truest of our pleasures, and virtue may become by habit, an essential of enjoyment. As the shopkeeper who has made his fortune, still sometimes continues at the counter, because the daily routine has become necessary to his happiness, so the'moral hero' imay continue to practise that virtue which was at first the mere instrument of his pleasures, as being in itself, more precious than all besides.2 1 Clamat Epicurus is quem vos nimis voluptatibus esse deditum dicitis non posse jucunde vivi nisi sapienter, honeste, justeque vivatur, nee sapienter, honeste, juste nisi jucunde.' —-Cicero, De Fin. i. 2 The virtues to be complete must have fixed their residence in tiel heart and become appetites impelling to actions without further thought than the gratification of them; so that after their expedience ceases they still continue to operate by the desire they raise.... I knew a mercer who having gotten a competency of fortune, thought to retire and enjoy himself in quiet; but finding he could not be easy without business was forced to return to the shop and assist his former partners gratis, in the nature of a journeyman. ANWhy then should it be thought strange that a man long inured to the practice of moral duties should persevere in them out of liking, when they can yield him no further advantage?' —Tuceker's Liy1t of Ciatu'e, vol. i. 00 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. This theory of the perfect coincidence of virtue and interest rightly understood, which has always been a common-place of moralists, and has been advocated by many who were far from wishing to resolve virtue into prudence, contains no doubt a certain amount of truth, but only of the most general kind. It does not apply to nations as wholes, for althouigh luxurious and effeminate vices do undoubtedly corrode and enervate national character, the histories of ancient Rome and of not a few modern monarchies abundantly prove that a career of consistent rapacity, ambition, selfishness, and fraudcl may be eminently conducive to national prosperity.1 It does not apply to imperfectly organised societies, where the restraints of public opinion are unfelt and where force is the one measure of right. It does not apply except in a very partial degree even to the most civilised of mankind. It is, indeed, easy to show that in a polished community a certain low standard of virtue is essential to prosperity, to paint the evils of unrestrained passions,'anl to prove that it is better to obey than to violate the laws of society. But if turninc from the criminal or the drunkard we were to compare the man who simply falls in with or slighftly surpasses the average morals of those about him, and indulges in a little vice which is neither injurious to his own health or to his reputation, with the man who earnestly and painfully adopts a much higher standard than that of his time or of his class, we should be driven to another conclusion. Honesty it is said is the best policy —a fact, however, which depends very much p. 269.'Mr. J. S. MAill in his Utilitarianisnm dewells much on the heroism which he thinks this view of morals may produce. 1 See Lactantius, Inst. Div. vi. 9. Montesquieu, in his D'cadclence de I'Enmpire'ronia,n has shovwn in detail the manner in which the crimes of Iloman politicians contributed to the greatness of their nation. The history of Prussia forms a modern illustration of the same truth. NATURAL HISTORY OF MIOPRALS. 61 upon the condition of the police force, but heroic virtue must rest upon a different basis. If happiness in any of its forms be the supreme object of life, moderation is the most emphatic counsel of our being, but moderation is as opposed to heroism as to vice. There is no form of intellectual or moral excellence which has not a general tendency to produce happiness if cultivated in moderation. There are very few which if cultivated to great perfection have not a tendency directly the reverse. Thus a mind that is sufficiently enlarged to range abroad amid the pleasures of intellect has no doubt secured a fund of inexhaustible enjoyment; but he who inferred from this that the highest intellectual eminence was the condition lmost favourable to happiness would be lamentably deceived. The diseased nervous sensibility that accompanies intense mental exertion, the weary, wasting sense of ignorance and vanity, the disenchantment and disintegration that commonly follow a profound researcl, have filled literature witll mournfull echoes of the words of the royal sage,'In much wisdom is muchl grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.' The lives of men of genius have been for the most part a conscious and deliberate realisation of the ancient myth-the tree of knowledge and the tree of life stood side by side, and they chose the tree of knowledge rather than the tree of life. NTor is it otherwvise in the realm of morals.1 The virtue which is most conducive to happiness is plainly that which can be realised without much suffering, anc sustained without much effort. Legal and physical I'That quick sensibility which is the groundwork of all advances towards perfection increases the pungency of pains and vexations.'-Tucker's;Ligt of Nature, ii, 16, ~ 4. 62 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MOR.ALS. penalties apply only to the grosser and more extreme forms of vice. Social penalties may strike the very highest forms of virtue.' That very sentiment of unity with mankind which utilitarians assure us is one day to become so stronlg as to overpower all unsocial feelings, would make it more and more impossible for men consistently with their happiness to adopt any course, whether very virtuous or very vicious, that would place them out of harmony with the general sentiment of society. It may be said that the tranquillity of a perfectly virtuous mind is the highest form of happiness, and may be reasonably preferred not only to material advantages, but also to the approbation of society; but no man can fully attain, and few can even approximate, to such a condition. When vicious passions and impulses are very strong, it is idle to tell the sufferer that he would be more happy if his nature. were radically different from what it is. If happiness be his object, he must regulate his course with a view to the actual condition of his being, and there can be little doubt that his peace would be most promoted by a compromise with vice. The selfish theory of morals applies only to the virtues of temperament, and not to that much highler form of virtue which is sustained in defiance of temperament.2 We have no doubt a certain pleasure in cultivating our good tendencies, but we have by no means the same pleasure in repressing our bad ones. There are men whose whole lives are spent in 1 This position is forcibly illustrated by Mr. M[aurice in his fourth lecture On Conscieoce (1868). It is manifest that a tradesman resisting a dishonest or illeoal trade custom, an Irish peasant in a disturtbed dlistrict revolting against the agrarian conspiracy of his class, or a soldier in many countries conscientiously refusing in obedience to the law to fight a duel, would incur the full force of social penalties, because he failed to do that, which was illegal or criminal. 2 See Browyn On tfhe (Cllaaraeeristics, pp. 206-209. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 03 willing one thing, and desiring the opposite. Illn such cases as these virtue clearly involves a sacrifice of happiness; for the suffering caused by resisting natural tendencies is much greater than would ensue from their moderate gratification. The plain truth is that no proposition call be more palpably and egregiously false than the assertion that, as far as this world is concerned, it is invariably conducive to the happiness of a man to pursue the most virtuous career. Circumstances and disposition will make one man find his highest happiness in the happiness, and another man in the nmisery, of his kind; and if the second man acts according to his interest, the utilitarian, however mnuch he may deplore the result, has no right to blame or condemn the agent. For that agent is acting according' to his interest, and this, in the eyes of utilitarians, in one form or another, is the highest, or to speak more accurately, the only motive by whlich human nature can be actuated. We may remark too that the disturbance or pain which does undoubtedly usually accompany what is evil, bears no kind of proportion to the enormity of the guilt. An irritability of temper, which is chiefly due to a derangenient of the nervous system, or a habit of procrastination or indecision, will often cause more suffering than some of the worst vices that can corrupt the heart.' But it may be said this calculation of pains an.d pleasures is defective through the omission of one element. 1'A toothache produces more violent convulsions of pain than a phthisis or a dropsy. A gloomy disposition... may be found in very worthy characters, though it is sufficient alone to embitter life.... A selfish villain may possess a spring and alacrity of temper, which is indeed a good quality, but which is rewarded much beyond its merit, and when attended with good fortune, will compensate for the uneasiness and. remorse arising from all the other vices.'-HluI e's.Essays: The Sceptic. 6 64 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Although a man who had a very strong natural impulse towards some vice would appear more likely to promote the tranquillity of his nature by a moderate and circumspect gratification of that vice, than by endeavouring painfully to repress his natural tendencies, yet he possesses a conscience which adjudicates upon his conduct, and its sting or its approval constitutes a pain or pleasure so intense, as more than to redress the balance. Now of course, no intuitive moralist will deny, what for a long time his school may be almost said to have been alone in. asserting, the reality of conscience, or the pleasures and pains it may afford. He simply denies, and he appeals to consciousness in attestation of his position, that those pains and pleasures are so powerful or so proportioned to our acts as to become an adequate basis for virtue. Conscience, whether we regard it as an original faculty, or as a product of the association of ideas, exercises two distinct functions. It points out a difference between right and wrong, and when its commands are violated, it inflicts a certain measure of suffering and disturbance. The first function it exercises persistently fthrouogh life. The second it only exercises under certain special circumstances. It is scarcely conceivable that al man. in the possession of his faculties should pass a life of gross depravity and crime without being conscious that he was doing wrong; but it is extremely possible for him to do so without this consciousness having any appreciable influence upon his tranquillity. The condition of their consciences, as Mr. Carlyle observes, has less influence on the happiness of men than the condition of their livers. Considered as a source of pain, conscience bears a striking resemblance to thle feeling of disgust. Notwithstanding the assertion of Dr. Johnson, I venture to maintain that there are multitucles to whom the TIIE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. f6 necessity of discharging the duties of a butclher would be so inexpressibly painful and revolting, that if they could obtain flesh diet on no other condition, they would relinquish it for ever. But to those who are inured to the trade, this repugnance has simply ceased. It has no place in their emotions or calculations. NTor can it be reasonably questioned that most men by an assiduous attendance at the slauglhter-house could acquire a similar indifference. In like manner, the reproaches of conscience are doubtless a very real and important form of suffering to a sensitive, scrupulous, and virtuous girl who has committed some trivial act of levity or disobedience; but to an old and hardened criminal they are a matter of thelmost absolute indifference. NTow it is undoubtedly conceivable, that by an association of ideas men might acquire a feeling that would cause that which wculcld naturally be painful to them to be pleasurable, and that whiclh would naturally be pleasurable to be painful.1- [But tihe question will immediately arise, why should they respect this feeling? We have seen that, according to the inductive theory, there is no such' At the same time, the following passage contains, I thinlk, a great deal of wisdom and of a kind peculiarly needed in Eng'land at the present day:-' The nature of the subject furnishes the strongest presumption that no better system will ever, for the future, be invented, in order to account for the origin of the benevolent from the selfish affections, and reduce all the various emotions of the human mindll to a perfect simplicity. The case is not the same in this species of philosophy as in physics. Many an hypothesis in nature, contrary to first appearances, has been found, on more accurate scrutiny, solid and satisfactory.... But the presumption always lies on the other side in -all enquiries concerning the origin of our passions, and of the internal operations of the human mind. The simplest and most obvious cause which can there be assigned for any phenomenon, is probably the true one.... The affections are not susceptible of any impression from the refinements of reason or imag'inaton; and it is always found that a vigorous exertion of the. latter faculties, necessarily, from the narrow capacity of the human mind destroys all activity in the former.'-Hume's Enquiry concerning AooraIls Append. It. 60 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. thing as natural duty. MIen enter into life solely desirous of seeking their own happiness. The whole edifice of virtue arises from the observed fact, that owing to the constitution of our nature, andc the intimacy of our social relations, it is necessary for our happiness to abstain from some courses that would be immediately pleasurable and to pursue others that are immediately the reverse. Self-interest is the one ultimate reason for virtue, however much the moral chemistry of Hartley may disguise and transform it. Ought or ought not, means nothing more than the prospect of acquiring or of losing pleasure. The fact that one line of conduct promotes, and another impairs the happiness of others is, according to these moralists, no reason whatever for pursuing the former or avoiding the latter, unless such a course is that which brings us the greatest happiness. The happiness mayarise from the action of society upon ourselves, or from our own naturally benevolent disposition, or, again, frorn an association of ideas, which means the force of a habit we ehave formed, but in any case our own happiness is the one possible or conceivable motive of action. If this be a true picture of human nature, the reasonable course for every man is to modify his disposition in such a manner that he may attain the greatest possible amount of enjoyment. If lhe has formed an association of ideas, or contracted a habit which inflicts more pain than it prevents, or prevents more pleasure than it affords, his reasonable course is to dissolve that association, to destroy that hlabit. This is what he'ought' to do according to the only meaning that word can possess in the utilitarian vocabulary. If lhe does not, he will justly incur the charge of imprudence, which is the only charge utilitarianism can consistently bring against vice. That it would be for the happiness as it would certainly 'THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 67 be in the power of a man of a temperament such as 1 have lately described, to quenchl that conscientious feeling, lwhich by its painful reproaches prevents him from pursuingcr tle course that would be most conducive to his tranquillity, I conceive to be self-evident. And, indeed, on the whole, it is more than doubtful whether conscience, considered apart from the course of action it prescribes, is not the cause of more pain than pleasure. Its reproaches are more felt than its approval. The selfcomplacency of a virtuous man reflecting with delight upon his own exceeding merit, is frequently spoken of in the writings of moral philosophers,l but is rarely found in' The pleasing consciousness and self-approbation that rise up in the mind of a virtuous man, exclusively of any direct, explicit, consideration of advantage likely to accrue to himself from his possession of those good qualities' (Hartley Onz MHtn, vol. i. p. 493), form a theme upon which moralists of both schools are fond of dilating, in a strain that reminds one irresistibly of the self-complacency of a famous nursery hero, while reflecting upon his own merits over a Christmas pie. Thus Adam Smith says,' The man who, not from frivolous fancy, but from proper motives, has performed a generous action, when he looks forward to those whom he has served, feels himself to be the natural object of their love and gratitude, and by sympathy with them) of the esteem and approbation of all muanlind. Ann when he looks backwardl to the motive friom which he acted, and surveys it in the lig'ht in which the indifferent spectator will survey it, he still continues to enter into it, and applauds himself by sympathy with the approbation of this supposed impartial judge. In both these points of view, his conduct appears to him every way agreeable.... M[isery and wretchedness can never enter the breast in which dwells complete self-satisfaction.'- T/ieory of Mloral Sentitenwts, part ii. ch. ii. ~ 2; part iii. ch. iii. I suspect that many moralists confuse the self-gratulation which they suppose a virtuous man to feel, with the delight a religious man experiences from the sense of the protection and favour of the Deity. B3ut these two feelings are clearly distinct, and it will, I believe, be found that the latter is most strongtly experienced by the very men who most sincerely disclaiml all sense of merit.' Were the perfect man to exist,' said that good and great writer, Archer Butler,'he himself woult be the last to know it; for the highest stage of advancement is the lowest descent in humility.' At all events, the reader will observe, that on utilitarian principles nothing could be more pernicious or criminal than that modest, humble, and diffident spirit, which diminishes the pleasure of self-gratulation, one of the highest utilitarian motives to virtue. HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. actual live where the most tranquil is seldom the most perfect nature, where the sensitiveness of conscience increases at least in proportion to moral growth, and where in the best man a feeling of modesty and h]umrility is always present to check the exuberance of self-gratulation. If the patience of the reader has enabled him to accompany me through this long train of tedious arguments, he will, I think, have concluded that the utilitarian theory, though undoubtedly held by many men of the purest, and by some men of the most heroic virtue, would if carried to its logical conclusions prove subversive of morality, and especially, and in the very highest degree, unfavourable to self-denial and to heroism. Even if it explains these, it fails to justify them, and conscience being traced to a mere confusion of the means of happiness with its end, would be wholly unable to resist the solvent of criticism. That this theory of conscience gives a true or adequate description of the phenomenon it seeks to explain, no intuitive moralist will admit. The sense of obligation and of legitimate supremacy, whicl is the essential and characteristic feature of conscience, and which distinguishes it from all the other parts of our nature, is wholly unaccounted for by the association of ideas. To say that a certain course of conduct is pleasing, and that a certain amount of pain results from the weakening of feelings that impel men towards it, is plainly different from what men mean when they say we ought to pursue it. The virtue of Hartley is, in its last analysis, but a disease of the imagination. It may be more advantageous to society than avarice; but it is formed in the same lmanner, and [as exactly the same degree of binding force.i Hartley has tried in one place to evade this conclusion by an appeal to the doctrine of final causes. He says that the fact that conscience is not al original principle of our nature, but is formed mechanically in the manner I THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. X These considerations will help to supply an answer to the common utilitarian objection that to speak of duty as distinct from self-interest is unmeaning, because it is absurd to say that we are under an obligation to do any thing when no evil consequences would result to us from not doing it. Rewards and punishments it may be answered are undoubtedly necessary to enforce, but they are not necessary to constitute, duty. This distinction, whether it be real or not, has at all events the advantage of appearing self-evident to all who are not philosophers. Thus when a party of colonists occupy a new territory they portion the unoccupied land among themselves, and they murder, or employ for the gratification of their lusts, the savage inhabitants. Both acts are done with perfect impunity, but one is felt to be innocent and the other wrong. A lawful government appropriates the land and protects the aboriginals, supporting its enactments by penalties. In the one case tlhe law both creates and enforces a duty, in the other it only enforces it. The have described, does not invalidate the fact that it is intended for our guide,'for all the things which have evident final causes, are plainly brought about by mechanical means;' and he appeals to the milk in the breast, which is intended for the sustenance of the young, but which is nevertheless mechanically produced. (On Man, vol. ii. pp. 338-339.) But it is plain that this mode of reasoning would justify us in attributilng an authoritative character to any habit-e.g. to that of avarice-which these writers assure us is in the manner of its formation an exact parallel to conscience. The later followers of IHartley certainly cannot be accused of any excessive predilection for the doctrine of final causes, yet we sometimes find them asking what greaLt difference it can make whether (when conscience is admitted by both parties to be real) it is regarded as an original principle of our nature, or as a product of association? Simply this. If by the constitution of our nature we are subject to a law of duty which is different from and higher than our interest, a man who violates this law through interested motives, is deserving of reprobation. If on the other hand there, is no natural law of duty, and if the pursuit of our interest is the one original principle of our being, no one can be censured who pursues it, and the first criterion of a wise man will be his determination to eradicate every habit (conscientious or otherwise) which impedes him in doing so. TO I1ISTORY OF EUROPEAN IMO01ALS. intuitive moralist simply asserts that we have the power of perceiving that certain courses of action are higher, nobler, and better than others, and that by the constitution of our being, this fact, which is generically distinct from the prospect of pleasure or the reverse, may and ought to be and continually is a motive of action. It is no doubt possible for a man to prefer the lower course, and in this case we say he is deserving of punishment, and if he remains unpunished we say that it is unjust. But if there were no power to reward or punish him his acts would not be indifferent. They would still be intelligibly described as essentially base or noble, shameful though there were none to censure, admirable though there were none to admire. That men have the power of preferring other objects than happiness is a proposition which must ultimately be left to the attestation of consciousness. That the pursuit of virtue, however much happiness may eventually follow in its train, is in the first instance an example of this preference, must be established by that common voice of mankind which has invariably regarded a virtuous motive as generically different from an interested one. And indeed even when the conflict between strong passions and a strong sense of duty does not exist it is impossible to measure the degrees of virtue by the scale of enjoyment. The highest nature is rarely the happiest. The mind of Petronius Arbiter was probably more unclouded thaln that of Marcus Aurelius. For eighteen centuries the religious instinct of Christendom has recocgnised its ideal in the form of a' Mlan of Sorrows.' Considerations such as I have now urged lead the intuitive moralists to reject the principles of the utilitarian. They acknowledge indeed that the effect of actions upon the happiness of mankind forms a most important element THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 71 in determining their moral. quality, but they maintain that without natural moral perceptions we never should have known that it was our duty to seek the happiness of mankind when it diverged from our own, and they deny that virtue was either originally evolved from or is necessarily proportioned to utility. They acknowledge that in the existing condition of society there is at least a general coincidence between the paths of virtue and of prosperity, but they contend that the obligation of virtue is of such a nature that no conceivable convulsion of affairs could destroy it, and that it would continue even if the government of the world belonged to- supreme malice instead of supreme benevolence. Virtue, they believe, is something more than a calculation or a habit. It is impossil)le to conceive its fundamental principles reversed. Our judgments of it are not the results of elaborate or difficult deductions, but are simple, intuitive, and decisive. Notwitlhstanding the strong tendency to confuse cognate feelings, the sense of duty and the sense of utility remain perfectly distinct in the apprehensions of mankind, and we are quite capable of recognising each separate ingredient in the same act. Our respect for a gallant but dangerous enemy, our contempt for a useful traitor, our care in the last moments of life for the interests of those who survive us, Our clear distinction between intentional and unintentional injuries, and between the consciousness of imprudence and the consciousness of guilt, our conviction that the pursuit of interest should always be checked by a sense of duty, and that selfish and moral motives are so essentially opposed, that the presence of the former necessarily weakens the latter, our indignation at those who when honour or gratitude call them to sacrifice their interests pause to calculate remote consequences, our feelings of remorse which differ 72 1-HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. fiom every other emotion of our nature —in a word, the universal, unstudied sentiments of mankind all concur in' leading us to separate widely our virtuous affections from our selfish ones. Just as pleasure and pain are ultimate grounds of action, and no reason can be given why we should seek the former and avoid the latter, except that it is the constitution of our nature that we should do so, so we are conscious tihat the words right and wrong express ultimate intelligible motives, that these motives are generieally different from the others, that they are of a higlher order, and that they carry with them a sense of obligation. Any scheme of morals that omits these facts fails to give an accurate and adequate description of the states of feeling which consciousness reveals. The consciences of men in every age would have echoed the assertion of Cicero that to sacrifice pleasure with a view of obtaining any form or modification of pleasure in return, no more answers to our idea of virtue, than to lend money at interest to our idea of charity. The conception of pure disinterestedness is presupposed in all our estimates of'virtue. It is the root of all the emotions with which we contemplate acts of heroism. We feel that man is capable of pursuing what lie believes to be right although pain and disaster and mental suffering and an early death be the consequence, and though no prospect of future reward lighlten upon his tomb. This is the highllest prerogative of our being, the point of contact between thle human nature and the divine. In addition to the direct arguments in its support, the utilitarian school owes nuch of its influence to some very'powerful moral and intellectual predispositions in its favour-the first, which we shall hereafter examine, consisting of the tendency manifested in certain conditions of society towards the qualities it is most calculated THE NATURAL HISTOIRY OF MORALS. 73 to produce, and the second of the almhnost irresistible attraction which unity and precision exercise on many minds. It was this desire to simplify human nature, by reducing its various faculties and complex operations to a single principle or process, that gave its great popularity to the sensational school of the last century. It led most metaphysicians of that school to deny the duality of human nature. It led Bonnet and Condillac to propose an animated statue, endowed with the five senses as channels of ideas, and with faculties exclusively employed in transforming the products of sensation, as, a perfect representative of humanity. It led IIelvetius to assert that the original faculties of all men were precisely the same, all the difference between what we call genius and what we call stupidity arising from differences of circumstances, and all the difference between men and animals arising mainly from the structure of the human lhand. In morals, theories of unification are peculiarly plausible, and I think peculiarly dangerous, because, owing to the interaction of our moral sentiments, and the many transformations that each can undergo, there are few affections that might not under some conceiveable circumstances become the parents of every other. When Hobbes, in the name of the philosophy of selfinterest contended that' Pity is but the imagination of future calamity to ourselves, produced by the sense of another man's calamity; 1 vwhen Hutcheson, in the name of the philosophy of'benevolence, argued that the vice of intemperance is that it impels us to violence towards others, and weakens our capacity for doing them good;2 when other moralists defending the excellence of our nature maintained that compassion is so emphatically the highest of our pleasures that a desire of gratifying it IOn HIu lnman N\ature, chap. ix. ~ 10. o2 Enquiry concerning Good and Evil. 74 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. is the cause of our acts of barbarity;1 each of these theories, extravagant as it is, contains a germ of undoubted psychological truth. It is true that a mllind intensely apprehensive of future calamities would on that account receive a shock at the sight of the calamities of others. It is true that a very keen and ad asorbing sentiment of benevolence would be in itself sufficient to divert men from any habit that impaired their power of gratifying it. It is true that compassion involves a certain amount of x This theory is noticed by Hlutcheson, and a writer in the Spectator (No. 436) suggests that it may explain the attraction of prize-fights. The case of the pleasure derived from fictitious sorrow is a distinct question, and has been admirably treated in Lord Kames' -Essay oln Mlorality. Bishop Butler notices (Second Sermon on Compassion), that it is possible for the very intensity of a feeling of compassion to divert men from charity by mlakino them' industriously turn away from the miserable;' and it is well known that Goethe, on account of this very susceptibility, made it one of the rules of his life to avoid everything that could suggest painful ideas. Hobbes mlakes the following very characteristic comments on some famous lines of Lucretius:''From what passion proceedeth it that men take pleasure to behold from the shore the danger of those that are at sea in a tempest or in fight, or from a safe castle to behold two armies charge one another in the field? It is certainly in the whole sum joy, else men would never flock to such a spectacle. Nevertheless, there is both joy and grief, for as there is novelty and remembrance of our own security present, which is delight, so there is also pity, which is grief. But the delight is so far predominant that men usually are content in such a case to be spectators of the misery of their friends.' (On.Iinuman NXature, ch. ix. ~ 19.) Good Christians, according to some theologians, are expected to enjoy this pleasure in great perfection in heaven.'We may believe in the next world also the goodness as well as the happiness of the blest will be confirmed and advanced by reflections naturally arising from the view of the misery which some shall undergo, which seems to be a good reason for the creation of those beings who shall be finally miserable, and for the continuation of them in their miserable existence.... though in one respect the view of the misery which the damned undergo miglht seem to detract from the happiness of the blessed through pity and commiseration, yet under another, a nearer and much more affecting consideration, viz. that all this is the mitery they themlselves were often exposed to and in danger of incurring, w-hy may not the sense of their own escape so far overcome the sense of another's ruin as quite to extinguish the pain that usually attends the idea of it, and even render it productive of some real happiness? To this purpose, Lucretius' Suave Mari,' etc. (Laws' notes to Mhis T'ranslaction of King's Origin of Eauil, pp. 477, 479.) THE NATURAL HISTORY OF iMORALS. 75 pleasure, and conceivable that that pleasure might be so intensified that we might seek it by a crime. The error in these theories is not that they exaggerate the possible efficacy of the motives, but that they exaggerate their actual intensity in human nature and describe falsely the process by which the results they seek to explain have been arrived at. The function of observation in moral philosophy is not simply to attest the moral sentiments we possess, leaving it to the reason to determine deductively how they may have been formed; it is rather to follow them through all the stages of their formation. And here I may observe that the termn inductive, like most others that are employed in moral philosophy, may give rise to serious misconception. It is properly applied to those moralists who, disbelieving the existence of any moral sense or faculty revealing to us what is right and wrong, maintain that the origin of those ideas is simply our experience of the tendency of different lines of conduct to promote or impair true happiness. It appears, however, to be sometimes imagined that inductive moralists alone think that it is by induction or experience tlat we ought to ascertain what is the origin of our moral ideas. [But this I conceive to be a complete, mistake. The basis of morals is a distinct question from l the basis of theories of morals. Those wh-lo maintain the existence of a moral faculty do not, as is sometimes said, assume this as a first principle of their arguments, but they arrive at it as their conclusion by a process of induction quite as severe as any that can be employed by their opponents.1 They examine, analyse, and classify their existing moral feelings, ascertain in what respects those feelings agree with or differ from others, trace thenl through their various phases, and I See e.g. Reid's 8Zsays on the Active Powers, essay iii. ch. v. 76 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN' MORALS. only assign them to a special faculty when they think they have shown them to be incapable of resolution, and' generically different from all others.1 This separation is all that is meant by a moral faculty. We are apt to regard the term as implying a distinct and well defined organ, bearing to the mindl the same kind of relation as a limb to the body. But of the existence of such organs, and of the propriety of such material imagery, we know nothing. Perceiving in ourselves a will, and a The error I have traced in this paragraplh will be found running through a great part of what Mr. Buckle has written upon morals-I think the weakest portion of his great work. See, for example, an elaborate confusion on the subject, list. of Civilisation, vol. ii. p. 429. Mr. Buckle maintains that all the philosophers of what is commonly called' the Scotch school' (a school founded by the Irishman Hutcheson, and to which Hume does not belong), were incapable of inductive reasoning, because they maintained the existence of a moral sense or faculty, or of first principles, incapable of resolution; and he enters into a learned enquiry into the causes which made it impossible for Scotch writers to pursue or appreciate the inductive method. It is curious to contrast this view with the language of one, who, whatever may be the value of his original speculations, is, I conceive, one of the very ablest philosophical critics of the present century.'Les philosophes 6cossais adopte'rent les procdcls que Bacon avait recommand6s d'appliquer l' 16tude du monde physique, et les transporterent dans l'6tude du monde moral. Ils firent voir que l'induction baconienne, c'est-a-dire, l'induction prdc6d6e d'une observation scrupuleuse des phdnoml nes, est en philosophic comme en physique la seule m6thode ldgUitime. C'est un de leurs titres les plus honorables d'avoir insist6 sur cette d6monstration, et d'avoir en rnieme temps joint l'exemple au pr6cepte.. I1 est vrai qclue le zele des philosophes ecossais en fa.veur de la mo6thode d'observation leur a presque fait d6passer le but. Ils out incline i renfermner la psychologie dclans la description minutieuse et continuelle des ph6nomenes de l'alle sans r6fl6chir assez que cette description doit faire place'a l'induction et au raisonnement ddductif, et qu'une philosophic qui se bornerait a l'observation serait aussi st6rile que cello qui s'amuserait h construire des hypotheses sans avoir prdalablement observ6.'-Cousin, ceole d'tEcosse, lrf levon. Duugald Stewart hacd said much the same thing, but he was a Scotchnman, and therefore, according to ~Mr. Buckle (IIist. of Civ. ii. pp. 485-86), incapable of understanding what induction was. I may add that one of the principal objections AM. Cousin males against Locke is, that he investigated the origin of our ideas before analysing minutely their nature, and the propriety of this method is one of the points on which Mr. Mill (LExamination of XS.i IV. llamilton) is at issue with AI. Cousin. THE N-ATURAL HISTORY OF 3MORALS. 77 crowd of intellectual and emotional phenomena that seem wholly different from the properties of matter, we infer the existence of an immaterial substance wvhich wills, thinks, and feels, and can classify its own operations with considerable precision. The term faculty is simply an expression of classification. If we say that the moral faculty differs from the esthetic faculty, we can only mean that the mind forms certain judgments of moral excellence, and also certain judgments of beauty, and that these two mental processes are clearly distinct. To ask to what part of our nature moral perceptions should be attributed, is only to ask to what train of mental phenomena they bear the closest resemblance. If this simple, but often neglected, consideration be borne in mind, the apparent discordance of intuitive moralists will appear less profound than might at first sighlt be supposed, for each section merely elucidates some one characteristic of moral judgments. Thus Butler insists upon the sense of obligation that is involved in them, contends that this separates them from all other sentiments, and assigns them in consequence to a special faculty of supreme authority called conscience. Adam Smith and many other writers were especially struck by their sympathetic, and what may be termed their mlagnetic, character. We are naturally attracted by humanity, and rejpelled by cruelty, and this instinctive, unreasoning sentiment constitutes, according to these moralists, the difference between right and wrong. Cudworth, however, the English precursor of Kant, had already anticipated, and later metaphysicians have more fully exhibited, the inadequacy of such an analysis. Justice, humanity, veracity, and kindred virtues not merely have the power of attracting us, we have also an intellectual perception that they are essentially and immutably good, that their nature does 78 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. not depend upon, and is not relative to, our constitutions; that it is impossible and inconceivable they should ever be vices,, and their opposites, virtues. They are therefore, it is said, intuitions of the reason. Clarke, developing the same rational school, and following in the steps of thle stoics and of Butler, who regarded our nature as a hierarchy of powers or faculties, with different degrees of digynity, and an appropriate order of supremacy and subordination, maintained that virtue consisted in harmony with the nature of things. Wollaston endeavoured to reduce it to trutlh, and IHutcheson to benevolence, whicl he maintained is recognised and approved of by what his respect for the philosophy of Locke induced him to call'a moral sense,' but what Shaftesbury hlad regarded as a moral'taste.' The pleasure attending the gratification of this taste, according to Shaftesbury and Henry More, is the motive to virtue. The doctrine of a moral sense or faculty was the basis of the ethics of Reid. HIume maintained that the peculiar quality of virtue is its utility, but that our affections are purely disinterested, and that we arrive at our knowledge of what is virtuous by a moral sense implanted in our nature, which leads us instinctively to approve of all acts that are beneficial to others. Expancling a pregnant hint which had been thrown out by Butler, lie laid the foundation for a union of the schools of Clarke anld Shaftesbury, by urging that our moral decisions are not simple, but complex, Qontainini' both a judgment of the reason, and an emotion of the heart. This fact has been elucidated still further by later writers, who have observed that these two elements apply in varying degrees to different kinds of virtue. Accordingc to Lord EKames, our intellectual perception of right and wrong applies most strictly to virtues like justice or veracity, which are of what is called' perfect obligation,' THE NATURAL HISTORY OF iMORALS. 79 or, in other words, are of such a nature, that their violation is a distinct crime, while the emotion of attraction or affection is shown most strongly towards virtues of imperfect obligation, like benevolence or charity. Like Hutcheson and Shaftesbury, Lord Kames notices the analogies between our moral and estlhetical judgments. These last analogies open out a region of thought widely different from that we have been traversing. The close connection between the good and the beautiful has been always felt, so much so, that both were in Greek expressed by the same word, and in the philosophy of Plato, moral beauty was regarded as the archetype of which all visible beauty is only the shadow or the image. AVe all feel that there is a strict propriety in the term moral beauty. We feel that there are different forms of beauty which have a natural correspondence to different moral qualities, and much of the charm of poetry and eloquence rests upon this harmony. We feel that we have a direct, immediate, intuitive perception that some objects, such as the sky tabove us, are beautiful, that this perception of beauty is totally different, and could not possibly be derived, from a perception of their utility, and that it bears a very striking resemblance to the instantaneous and unreasoning admiration that is elicited by a generous or heroic action. VWe perceive too, if we examine with care the operations of our own mind, that an esthetical judgment includes an intuition or intellectual perception, and an emotion of attraction or admiration, very similar to those which compose a moral judgment. The very idea of beauty again implies that it should be admired, as the idea of happiness implies that it should be desired, and the idea of duty that it should be performed. There is also a striking correspondence between the degree and kind of uniformity we can in each case discover. That there is a 7 SO HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. difference between right and wrong, and between beauty and ugliness, are both propositions which are universally felt. That right is better than wrong, and beauty than ugliness, are equally unquestioned. When we go further, and attempt to define the nature of these qualities, we are met indeed by great diversities of detail, but by a far larger amount of substantial unity. Poems like the Iliad or the Psalms, springing in the most dissimilar quarters, have commanded the admiration of men throulgh all the changes of some 3,000 years. The charm of music, the harmony of the female countenance, the majesty of the starry sky, of the ocean or of the mountain, the gentler beauties of the murmuring stream or of the twilight shades, were felt, as they are felt now, when the imagination of the infant world first embodied itself in written words. And in the same way types of heroism, and of virtue, descending from the remotest ages, command the admiration of mankind. NVe can sympathise with the emotions of praise or blame revealed in the earliest historians, and the most ancient moralists strike a responsive chord in every heart. The broad lines remain unchanged. No one ever contended that justice was a vice or injustice a virtue; or that a summer sunset was a repulsive object, or that the sores upon a human body were beautiful. Always, too, the objects of msthetical admiration were divided into two great classes, the sublime and the beautiful, which in ethics have their manifest counterparts in the heroic and the amiable. If, again, we examine the undoubted diversities that exist in judgments of virtue and of beauty, we soon discover that in each case a large proportion of them are to be ascribed to the different degrees of civilisation. The moral standard changes within certain limits, and according to a regular process with the evolutions of society. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 81 There are virtues very highly estimated in a rude civilisation which sink into comparative insignificance in an organised society, while conversely, virtues that were deemed secondary in the first become primary in the other. There are even virtues that it is impossible for any but higlhly cultivated minds to recognise. Questions of virtue and vice, such as the difference between humanity and barbarity, or between temperance and intemperance, are sometimes merely questions of degree, and the stan(lard at one stage of civilisation may be much higher than at another. Just in the same way a steady modification of tastes, while a recognition of the broad feattres of beauty remains unchanged, accompanies advancing civilisation. The preference of gaudy to subdued tints, of colour to form, of a florid to a chaste style, of convulsive attitudes, gigantic figures, and strong emotions, may be looked for with considerable confidence in an uninstructed people. The refining influence of cultivation is in no sphere more remarkable than in the canons of taste it produces, and there are few better measures of the civilisation of a people than the conceptions of beauty it forms, the type or ideal it endeavours to realise. Many diversities, however, both of moral and eFsthletical judgments, may be traced to accidental causes. Some one who is greatly admired, or who possesses great influence, is distinguished by some peculiarity of appearance, or introduces some peculiarity of dress. He will soon find countless imitators. Gradually the natural sense of beauty will become vitiated; the eye and the taste will adjust themselves to a false and artificial standard, and men will at lat last judge according to it with the most absolute spontaneity. In the same way, if any accidental circumstance has elevated an indifferent action to peculiar honour, if a religious system enforces it as a virtue or 82 HISTORY OF EUEROPEAN MORALS. brands it as a vice, the consciences of men will after a time accommodate themselves to the sentence, and an appeal to a wider than a local tribunal is necessary to correct the error. Every nation again, from its peculiar circulmstances and position, tends to some particular type, both of beauty and of virtue, and it naturally extols its national type beyond all others. Tlhe virtues of a small poor nation, living among barren mountains, surrounded by powerful enemies, and maintaining its independence only by the most inflexible discipline, watchfulness, and courage, will be in some degree different from those of a rich people removed from all fear of invasion and placed in the centre of commerce. The former will look with a very lenient eye on acts of barbarity or treachery, which to the latter would appear unspealkably horrible, and will value very highly certain virtues of discipline which the other will comparatively neglect. So, too, the conceptions of beauty formed by a nation of negroes will be different from those formed by a nation of whites;1 the splendour of a tropical sky or the savage grandeur of a northern ocean, the aspect of great mountains or of wide plains, will not only supply nations with present images of sublimity or beauty, but will also contribute to form their standard and affect their judgments. Local customs or observances become so inrterwoven with our earliest recollections, that we at last regard them as essentially venerable, and even in the most trivial imatters it reqciires a certain effort to dissolve the association. There was muclh wisdom as well as much wit in the picture of the novelist who described the English footman's contempt for the uniforms of the French,' blue 1 LI. Ch. Cointe, in his very learned Triaite deleqislation, liv. iii. clh. iv., has made an extremely curious collection of instances in which different nations have made their own distinctive peculiarities of colour and form the ideal of beauty. THE NAT URAL HIISTORY OF MIORALS. 83 being altogether ridiculous for regimentals, except in the blue guards and artillery;' and I suppose there are few Englishmen into whose first confused impression of France lthere does not enter a half-instinctive feeling of repugnance caused by the ferocious appearance of a peasantry who are all dressed like butchers.1 It has been said2 that' the feelings of beauty, grandeur, and whatever else is comprehended under the name of taste, do not lead to action, but terminate in delightful contemplation, which constitutes the essential distinction between them and the moral sentiments to which in some points of view they may doubtless be likened.' This position I conceive to be altogether untenable. Our msthetical judgment is of the nature of a preference. It leads us to prefer one class of objects to another, and whenever other things are equal, becomes a ground for action. In choosing the persons with whom we live, the neighbourhood we inhabit, the objects that surround us, we prefer that which is beautiful to that which is the reverse, and in every case in which a choice between beauty and deformity is in question, and no counteracting motive intervenes, we choose the former, and avoid the latter. There are no doubt innumerable events in life in which this question does not arise, but there are also very many in which we are not called upon to make a moral judgmlent. We say a man is actuated by strong, moral principle who chooses according to its dictates in every case involving a moral judgment that comes naturally before him, and who in obedience to its impulse pursues special courses of action. Corresponding 1' How particularly fine the hard theta is in our English terminations, as in that grancd word death, for which the Germans gutturise a sound that puts youl in m bZind of nothing but a loathlsome toad.' —Coleridge's Table Talk, p. 181. a Mackintosh, Dissert. p. 238. 84 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. propositions may be maintained with perfect truth concerninog our sense of beauty. In proportion to its strength does it guide our course in ordinary life, and determine our peculiar pursuits. We may indeed sacrifice our sense of material beauty to considerations of utility with mnuch more alacrity than our sense of moral beauty; we may consent to build a shapeless house sooner than to commit a dishonourable action, but we cannot voluntarily choose that which is simply deformed, rather than that which is beautiful, without a certain feeling of pain, and a pain of this kind, according to the school of Hartley, is the precise definition of conscience. Nor is it at all difficult to conceive men with a sense of material beauty so strong that they would die rather than outrage it. Considering all these things, it is not surprising that many moralists should have regarded moral excellence as simply the highest form of beauty, and moral cultivation as the supreme refinement of taste. But although this manner of regarding it is, as I think, far more plausible than the theory which resolves virtue into utility, although the Greek moralists and the school of Shaftesbury have abundantly proved that there is an extremely close connection between these orders of ideas, there are two considerations which appear to show the inadequacy of this theory. We are clearly conscious of the propriety of applying the epithet beautiful to virtues such as charity, reverence, or devotion, but we cannot apply it with the same propriety to duties of perfect obligation, such as veracity or integrity. The sense of beauty and the affection that follows it attach themselves rather to modes of enthusiasm and feeling than to the course of simple duty which constitutes a merely truthful and upright man.l Besides this, as the Stoics and Butler have shown, the I Lord Kames' Essays op. Morality (lst edition), pp. 55-06. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 85 position of conscience in our nature is wholly unique, and clearly separates morals from a study of the beautiful. While each of our senses or appetites has a restricted sphere of operation, it is the function of conscience to survey the whole constitution of our being, and assign limits to the gratification of all our various passions and desires. Differing not in degree, but in kind from the other principles of our nature, we feel that a course of conduct which is opposed to it may be intelligibly described as unnatural, even when in accordance with our most natural appetites, for to conscience is assigned the prerogative of both judging and restraining tlemn all. Its power may be ihsignificant, but its title is undisputed, and'if it had milght as it has right, it would govern the world.' I It is this faculty, distinct from, and superior to, all appetites, passions, and tastes, that makes virtue the supreme law of life, and adds an imperative character to the feeling of attraction it inspires. It is this which was described by Cicero as the God ruling within us; by the Stoics as the sovereignty of reason; by St. Paul as the law of nature; by Butler as the supremacy of conscience. The distinction of different parts of -our nature, as higher or lower, which appears in the foregoing reasoning, and which occupies so important a place in the intuitive systems of mlorals, is one that can only be defended by the way of illustrations. A writer can only select cases in which such distinctions seem most apparent, and leave them to the feelings of his reader. A few examples will, I hope, be sufficient to show that even in our pleasures, we are not simply determined by the amount of enjoyment, but that there is a difference of kind, which may be reasonably described by the epithets, higher or lower. I See Butler's Tihree Sermons on.llutnman N'atzre, and the preface. 86 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. If we suppose a being from another sphere, who derived his conceptions-by a purely rational process, without the intervention of the senses, to descend to our world, and to enquire into the principles of human nature, I imagine there are few points that would strike him as more anomnalous, or which he would be more absolutely unable to realise, than the different estimates in which men hold the pleasures derived from the two senses of tasting and hearing. Under the first is comprised the enjoyment resulting from the action of certain kinds of food upon the palate. Under the second the charm of music. Each of these forms of pleasure is natural, each can be greatly heightened by cultivation, in each case the pleasure may be vivid, but is very transient, and in neither case do evil consequences necessarily ensue. Yet with so many undoubted points of resemblance, whlen we turn to the actual world, we find the difference between these two orders of pleasure of such a nature, that a comparison seems absolutely ludicrous. In what then does this difference consist? hNot, surely, in the greater intensity of the enjoyment derived from music, for in many cases this superiority does not exist.' We are all conscious that in our comparison of these pleasures, there is an element distinct from any consideration of their intensity, duration, or consequences. We naturally attach a faint notion of shame to the one, while we as naturally glory in the other. A very keen sense of the pleasures Spealdng of the animated statue whlich he regarded as a representative of man, Condillac says,'Le gofit peut ordinairement contribuer plus que l'odorat h son bonheur et a son malheur.... I1 y contribue mlleme encore plus que les sons harmonieux, parce que le besoin de nourriture lui rend les saveurs plus n6cessaires, et par conseqluent les lui fait gofiter avec plus de vivacit4. La faim pourra la rendre malheureuse, mais des qu'elle aura remarque les sensations propres a l'apaiser, elle y d6terminera davantage son attention, les d4sirera avec plus de violence et en jouira avec plus de d6lire.' TraitM des Sensattons. re partie, eh. x. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 87 of the palate is looked upon as in a certain degree discreditable. A man will hardly boast that he is very fond of eating, but lie has no hesitation in acknowledgcing that he is very fond of music. The first taste lowers, and the second elevates him in his own eyes, and in those of his neighbours. Again, let a man of cheerful disposition, and of a cultivated but not very fastidious taste, observe his own emotions and the countenances of those around him during the representation of a clever tragedy and of a clever farce, and it is probable that he will come to the conclusion that his enjoyment in the latter case has been both more unimingled and more intense than in the former. lie has felt no lassitude, lie has not endured the amount of pain that necessarily accompanies the pleasure of pathos, he has experienced a vivid, absorbing pleasure, and lie has traced similar emotions in the violent demonstrations of his neighbours. Yet he will readily admit that the pleasure derived from the tragedy is of a higher order than that derived fronm the farce. Sometimes he will find himself hesitating which of the two he will choose. The love of mere enjoyment leads him to the one. A sense of its nobler character inclines him to the other. A similar distinction may be observed in other departments. Except in the relation of the sexes, it is probable that a more intense pleasure is usually obtained from the grotesque, and the eccentric, than from the perfections of beauty. The pleasure derived from beauty is not violent in its nature, and it is in most cases peculiarly mixed with melancholy. The feelings of a man who is deeply moved by a lovely landscape are rarely those of extreme elation. A shade of melancholy steals over his mind. His eyes fill with tears. A vague and unsatisfied longing fills his soul. Yet, troubled an'd broken as is 83 IIISTORY OF EURtOPEAN MIORALS. this form of enjoyment, few persons would hesitate to pronounce it of a higher kind than any that can be derived from the exhibitions of oddity. If pleasures were the sole objects of our pursuit, and if their excellence were measuredl only by the quantity of enjoyment they afford, nothing could appear more obvious than that that man would be esteemed most wise who attained his object at least cost. Yet the whole course of civilisation is in a precisely opposite direction. A child derives the keenest and most exquisite enjoyment from the simplest objects. A flower, a doll, a rude game, the least artistic taste, is sufficient to enchant it. An uneducated peasant is enraptured with the wildest story and the coarsest wit. Increased cultivation almost always produces a fastidiousness which necessitates the increased elaboration of our pleasures. We attach a certain discredit to a man who has retained those of childhood. I'he very fact of our deriving pleasure from certain amusements creates a kind of lumiliation, for we feel that they are not in harmony with the nobility of our nature.l Our judgments of societies resemble in this respect our judgments of individuals. Few persons, I think, who have compared the mode of popular life in stagnant and undeveloped countries like Spain with those in the great centres of industrial civilisation, will venture to pronounce 1 This is one of the favourite thoughts of Pascal, who, however, in his usual fashion dwells upon it in a somewhat morbid and exaggerated strain.' C'est une bien grande misere que de pouvoir prendre plaisir a des choses si basses et si m6prisables... l'omme est encore plus a plaindre de cc qiu'il peut se divertir a ces choses si frivoles et si basses, quo de ce qu'il s'afflige de ses miseres effectives... D'oui vient que cet homme, qui a perdu depuis peu son fils unique, et qui, accabl6 de proces et de querelles, 6tait cematin si trouble, n'y pense plus maintenant? Ne vous en 6tonnez pas; il est tout occupe' voir par oit passera un cerf que ses ehiens poursuivent.... C'est une joie de malade et de freinetique.'-Pensdees (Misere de l'homme). THE NATURAL IIISTOIIY OF MIORALS. 89 with any confidence that the quantum or average of actual realised enjoyment is greater in the civilised than in the semi-civilised society. An undeveloped nature is by no means necessarily an unhappy nature, and although we possess no accurate gauge of happiness, we lmay, at least, be certain that its degrees do not coincide with the degrees of prosperity. The tastes and habits of men in a backward society accommodate themselves to the narrow circle of a few pleasures, and probably find in these as complete satisfaction as more civilised men in a wider range, and if there is in the first condition somewhat more of the weariness of monotony there is in the second much more of the anxiety of discontent. The superiority of a highly civilised man lies cliefly in the fact that lhe belongs to a higher order of being, for he has approached more nearly to the end of his existence, and has called into action a larger number of his capacities. And this is in itself an end. Even if, as is not improbable, the lower animals are happier than man,1 and semi-barbarians than civilised men, still it is better to be a man than a brute, better to be born amid the fierce struggles of civilisation than in some stranded nation apart from all the flow of enterprise and knowledge. Even in that material civilication which utilitarianism delights to glorify, there is an element which the philosophy of mere enjoyment cannot explain. Again, if we ask the reason of the vast and indisputable superiority which the general voice of mainkind gives to mental pleasures, considered as pleasures, over physical Q1'Qus singult improvidam mortalitatem involvunt, solum ut inter ista certum sit, nihil esse certi, nec mliserius quidquamn homine, aut superbius. Caeteris quippe animantium sola Tictus cura est, in quo sponte naturte benignitas sufficit: uno quiderl vel preeferendo cunctis bonis, quod de gloria, de pecunia, ambitione superque de morte non cogitant.'-Plin. list. Nac. ii. 5. 90 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. ones, we shall find, I think, no adequate or satisfactory answer on the supposition that pleasures'owe all their value to the quantity of enjoyment they afford. The former, it is truly said, are more varied and more prolonged than the latter, but on the other hand, they are attained with more effort, and they are diffused over a far narrower circle. No one who compares the class of men who derive their pleasure chiefly from field sports or other forms of physical enjoyment with those who derive their pleasure from the highest intellectual sources, or the period of boyhood when enjoyments are chiefly animal with early manhood when they are chiefly intellectual, will say that the apparent level of enjoyment of the latter is so manifestly and incontestibly superior to that of the former as we might infer from the great interval the world places between their pleasures. No painter or novelist, who wished to depict an ideal of perfect happiness, would seek it in a profound student. Without entering into any doubtful questions concerning the relations of the body to all mental states, it may be maintained that bodily conditions have in general more influence upon our enjoyment than mental ones. The happiness of the great majority of men is fhr more affected by health and by temperament,1 resulting from physical 1 Paley, in his very ingenious, and in some respects admirable, chapter on happiness tries to prove the inferiority of animal pleasures, by showing the short time their enjoyment actually lasts, the extent to which they are dulled by repetition, and the cases in which they incapacitate men for other pleasures. But this calculation omits the influence of some animal enjoyments upon health and temperament. The fact, however, that health, which is a condition of body, is the chief source of happiness, Paley fully Rdmits.'Eealth,' he says,' is the one thing needful... when we are in perfect health and spirits, we feel in ourselves a happiness independent of any particular outward gratification.... This is an enjoyment which the Deity has annexed to life, and probably constitutes in a great measure the happiness of infants and brutes... of oysters, periwinkles, and the like; for which I have sometimes been at a loss to find out amusement.' On the THE NATURAL HIISTORY OF M1IORAILS. 91 conditions, which again physical enjoyments are often calculated to produce, than by any mental or moral causes, and acute physical sufferings paralyse all the energies of our nature to a greater extent than any mental distress. It is probable that the American inventor of the first anmsthetic has done more for the real happiness of mankind than all the moral philosophers from Socrates to Mill. Moral' causes may teach men patience, and the endurance of felt suffering, or may even alleviate its pangs, but there are temperaments due to physical causes from which most sufferings glance almost unfelt. It is said that when an ancient w)as asked' what use is philosophy?' he answered,'it teaches men how to die,' and he verified his words by a noble death; but it has been proved on a thousand battle-fields, it has been proved on a thousand scaffolds, it is proved through all the wide regions of China and India, that the dull and animal nature which feels little and realises faintly, can meet death with a calm that philosophy can barely rival.' The truth is, that the mental part of our nature is not regarded as superior to the physical part, because it contributes most to our happiness. The superiority is of a different kind, and may be intelligibly expressed by the epithets higher and lower. test of happiness he very fairly says,' All that can be said is that there remains a presumption in favour of those conditions of life in which men generally appear most cheerful and contented; for though the apparent happiness of mankind be not always a true measure of their real happiness, it is the best measure we have.'-l.Moral Philosophly, i. 6. A writer who devoted a great part of his life to studying the deaths of men in different countries, classes, and churches, and collecting from other physicians information on the subject, says:'A moesure qu'on s'6loigne des grands foyers de civilisation, qu'on se rapproche des plaines et des montagnes, le caractere de la mort prend de plus en plus l'aspect calme du ciel par un beau crTpuscule du soir.... En gen6ral la mort s'accomplit d'une llaniere d'autant plus simple et naturelle qu'on est plus libre des innombrables liens de la civilisation.'-Lauvergne, De l'agonie dde c4 Mort, tome i. pp. 131-132. 92 HISTO-RY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. And, once more, there is a class of pleasures resulting from the gratification of our moral feelings which we naturally place ill the foremost rank. To the great majority of mankind it will probably appear, in spite of the doctrine of Paley, that no multiple of the pleasure of eating pastry can be an equivalent to the pleasure derived from a generous action. It is not that the latter is so inconceivably intense. It is that it is of a higher order. This distinction of kind-which has been neglected or denied by most utilitarian writers,1 is of much importance'I will omit much usual declamation upon the dignity and capacity of our nature, the superiority of the soul to the body, of the rational to the animal part-of our constitution, upon the worthiness, refinement, and delicacy of some satisfactions, or the meanness, grossness, and sensuality of others; because I hold that pleasures differ in nothing but in continuance and intensity.'-Paley's Moral PkilosoplAy, book i. ch. vi. Bentham in like manner said,' Quantity of pleasure being equal, pushpin is as good as poetry,' alld he maintained that the value of a pleasure depends on-its (1) intensity, (2) duration, (3) certainty,(4) propinquity, (5) purity, (6) fecundity, (7) extent (Springs qf Action). The recognition of the'purity' of a pleasure might seem to imply the distinction for which I have contended in the text, but this is not so. The purity of a pleasure or pain, according to Bentham, is (the chance it has of not being followed by sensations of the opposite kind; that is pain if it be a pleasure, pleasure if it be a pain.' —Morals and Legislation, i. ~ S. Mlr. Buckle (Hist. of Civilisation, vol. ii. pp. 399-400) writes in a somewhat similar strain, but less unequivocally, for he admits that mental pleasures are'more ennobling' than physical ones. The older utilitarians, as far as I have observed, did not even advert to the question. This being the case, it must have been a matter of surprise as well as of gratification to most intuitive moralists to find MrlI. Mill fully recognising the existence of different kinds of pleasure, and admitting that the superiority of the higher kinds does not spring from their being greater in amount.Utilitaricanism, pp. 11-12. If it be meant by this that we have the power of selecting some pleasures rather than others as superior in kind, irrespective of all consideration of their intensity, their cost, and their consequences, I submit that the admission is by no means (as IMr. Mill maintains) compatible with the utilitarian theory. It may be added that IMr. M3ill elsewhere (Dissert. vol. i. p. 387) admits that every human action has'its resthetic aspect, or that of its beauty,' which addresses itself to the imagination. It will probably appear to many of my readers that these two concessions-that we have the power of recognising a distinction of kind in our pleasures, and that we have a perception of beauty in our actions —make the difference between Mr. Mill and intuitive moralists not very much more than verbal. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 93 in morals. It is important, because it shows that our wills do not necessarily tend to that which produces most enjoyment, either actual or in prospect; but even in our pleasures recognise, and may obey a moral element. It is important, too, because it shows that the different parts of our nature to which these different pleasures refer, bear to each other a relation which mlay be clearly and justly described by the terms higher and lower, and because the assertion that our reason reveals to us intuitively and directly this hierarchy of our being, is a fundamental position of the greatest schools of intuitive moralists. According to these writers, when we say that our moral and intellectual is superior to our animal nature, that the benevolent affections are superior to the selfish -ones, that conscience has a legitimate supremacy over the other parts of our being; this language is not arbitrary, or fantastic, or capricious, because it is intelligible. When such a subordination is announced, it corresponds with feelings we all possess, falls in with the natural course of our judgments, with our habitual and unstudied language. The arguments that have been directed against the theory of natural moral perceptions are of two kinds,. the first, which I have already noticed, being designed to show that all our moral judgments may be resolved into considerations of utility; the second resting upon the diversity of these judgments in different nations and stages of civilisation, which, it is said, is altogether inexplicable upon the supposition of a moral faculty. As these variations form the great stumbling-block in the way of the doctrine I am maintaining, and as they constitute a very important part of the history of morals, I shall malke no apology for noticing them in some detail. In the first place, there are many cases in which diver 94 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. sities of moral judgment arise from causes that are not moral, but purely intellectual. Thus for example: when theologians pronounced loans at interest contrary to the law of nature and plainly extortionate, this error obviously arose from a false notion of the uses of money. They believed it to be a sterile thing, and that he who has restored what he had borrowed, has cancelled all the benefit he received from the transaction. At the time when the first Christian moralists treated the subject, special circumstances had rendered the rate of interest extremnely high, and consequently extremely oppressive to the poor, and this fact, no doubt, strengthened the prejudice; bhut the root of the condemnation of usury was simply an error in political economy. When men came to understand that money is a productive thing, and that the sum lent enables the borrower to create sources of wealth that will continue when the loan has been returned, they perceived that there was no natural injustice in exacting payment for this advantage, and usury either ceased to be assailed, or was assailed only upon the ground of positive commands. Thus again the question of the criminality of abortion has been considerably affected by physiological speculations as to the time when the fetus in the womb acquires the nature, and therefore the rights, of a separate being. The general opinion among the ancients seems to have been that it was but a part of the mother, and that she had the same right to destroy it as to cauterise a tumour upon her body. Plato and Aristotle both admitted the practice. The Roman law contained no enactment against voluntary abortion till the tilme of Ulpian. The Stoics thought that the infant received its soul when respiration began. The Justinian code fixed its animation at forty days after conception. In modern legislations it is treated as a distinct THE NATURAL HISTORY OF 3MORALS. 89 being from the moment of conception.' It is obvious that the solution of suclh questions, though affecting our moral judgments, must be sought entirely outside the range of moral feelings. In the next place, there is a broad distinction to be drawn between duties which rest immediately on the dictates of conscience, and those which are based upon positive commands. The iniquity of theft, murder, falsehood, or adultery rests upon grounds generically distinct from those on which men pronounce it to be sinful to eat meat on Friday, or to work on Sunday, or to abstain from religious assemblies. The reproaches conscience directs against-tthose who are guilty of these last acts are purely hypothetical, conscience enjoining obedience to the Divine commands, but leaving it to reason to deterinine what those commands may be. The distinction between these two classes of duties becomes apparent on the slightest reflection, and the variations in their relative prominence form one of the most important branches of religious history. Closely connected with thle preceding are the diversities which result from an ancient custom becoming at last, through its very antiquity, or through the confusion of means with ends, an object of religious reverence. Among( the many safeguards of female purity in the Roman republic was an enactment forbidding women even to taste wine, andc this very intelligible law being enforced with the earliest education, became at last, by habit and traditionary reverence, so incorporated with the moral feelings of the people, that its violation was spoken of as a monstrous crime. Aulus Gellius has preserved a Biichner, Force et Mlatif&e, pp. 163-164, There is a very curious collection of the speculations of the ancient philosophers, on. this subject in Plutarch's treatise, D) Placitis Philos. 8 HISTORtY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. passage in which Cato observes,'that the husband has an absolute authority over his wife; it is for him to condemn and punish her, if she has been guilty of any shameful act, such as drinking wine or committing adultery.' 1 As soon as the reverence for tradition was diminished, and men ventured to judge old customs upon their own merits, they were able, by steadily reflecting upon this belief, to reduce it to its primitive elements, to separate the act from the ideas with which it had been associated, and thus to perceive that it was not necessarily opposed to any of those great moral laws or feelings which their consciences revealed, and which were the basis of all their reasonings on morals. A confused association of ideas, which is easily exposed by a patient analysis, lies at the root of more serious anomalies. Thus to those who reflect deeply upon moral history, few things I suppose are more humiliating than to contrast the admiration and profound reverential attachment excited by a conqueror, who through the 1 Aulus Gellius, Noetes, x. 23. The law is given by Dion. Halicarn. Valerius Maximus says,' Vini usus olim Romanis feminis ignotus fuit, ne scilicet in aliquod dedecus prolaberentur: quia proximus a Libero patre intemperantie gradus ad inconcessam Venerem esse consuevit' (Val. IMax. ii. 1, ~ 5). This is also noticed by Pliny (Hist. Nat. xiv. 14) who ascribes the law to I-omulus, and who mentions two cases in which women were said to have been put to death for this offence, and a third in which.the offender was deprived of her dowry. Cato said that the ancient Romans were accustomed to kiss their wives for the purpose of discovering whether they had been drinkingl wine. The Bona Dea, it is said, was originally a woman named Fatua, who was famous for her modesty and fidelity to her husband, but who, unfortunately, having once found a cask of wine in the house, got drunk, and was in consequence scourged to death by her husband. He afterwards repented of his act, and payed divine honours to her memory, and as a memorial of her death, a cask of wine was always placed upon the altar during the rites. (Lactantius, Div. Inst. i. 22.) The Milesians, also, and the inhabitants of Marseilles are said to have had laws forbidding w-omen to drink wine (/Elian, Hist, Var. ii. 38). Tertullian describes the prohibition of wine amono the Roman women as in his time obsolete, and a taste for it was one of the great trials of St. Monica (Aug. Cowf. ix. 8). THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 97 promptings of simple vanity, through love of fame, or through greed of territory, has wantonly caused the deaths, the sufferings, or the bereavements of thousands, with the abhorrence produced by a single act of murder or robbery committed by a poor and ignorant man, perhaps under the pressure of extreme want or intolerable wrong. The attraction of genius and power, which the vulgar usually measure by their material fruits, the advantages acquired by the nation to which he belongs, the belief that battles are decided by providential interference, and that military success is therefore a proof of Divine favour, and the sanctity ascribed to the regal office, have all no doubt conspired to veil the atrocity of the conqueror's career; buat there is probably another and a deeper influence behind. That which invests war, in spite of all the evils that attend it, with a certain moral grandeur, is the heroic self-sacrifice it elicits. With perhaps the single exception of the Church, it is the sphere in which mercenary motives have least sway, in which performance is least weighed and measured by strict obligation, in wlhich a disinterested entlhusiasm has most scope. A battle-field is the scene of deeds of selfsacrifice so transcendent, and at the same time so dramatic, that in spite of all its horrors and crimes, it awakens the most passionate moral enthusiasm. But this feeling produced by the thought of so many who have sacrificed their life-blood for their flag or for their chief, needs some definite object on which to rest. The mnultitude of nameless combatants do not strike the imagination. They do not stand out, and are not realised, as distinct and living figures conspicuous to the view. Hence it is that the chief, as the most prominent, becomes the representative warrior; the martyr's aureole descends upon his brow, and thus by a confusion that seems the 98 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. very irony of fate, the enthusiasm evoked by the selfsacrifice of thousands sheds a sacred glow around the very man whose prodigious egotism had rendered that sacrifice necessary. Another form of moral paradox is derived from the fact that positive religions may override our moral perceptions in such a manner, that we may consciously admit a moral contradiction. In this respect there is a strict parallelism between our intellectual and our moral faculties. It is at present the professed belief of about four-fifths of the Christian Church, and was for some centuries the firm belief of the entire Church, that on a certain night the Founder of the Christian faith, being seated at a supper table, held His own body in His own hand, broke that body, distributed it to His disciples, who proceeded to eat it, the same body remaining at the same moment seated intact at the table, and soon afterwards proceeding to the garden of Gethsemane. The fact of such a doctrine being believed, does not imply that the faculties of those who hold it are of such a nature that they perceive no contradiction or natural absurdity in these statements. The well-known argument derived from the obscurity of the metalphysical notion of substance is intended only in some slight degree to soften the difficulty. The contradiction is clearly perceived, but it is accepted by faith as part of the teaching of the Church. What transubstantiation is in the order of reason the Augustinian doctrine of the damnation of unbaptised infants, and the Calvinistic doctrine of reprobation, are in the order of morals. Of these doctrines it is not too much to say, that in the form in which they have often been stated, they surpass in atrocity any tenets that have ever been admitted into any pagan creed, and would, if THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 99 they formed an essential part of Christianity, amply justify the term' pernicious superstition,' which Tacitus applied to the faith. That a little child who lives but a few momnents after birth and dies before it has been sprinkled with the sacred water is in such a sense responsible for its ancestors having 6,000 years before eaten some forbidden fruit, that it may with perfect justice be resuscitated and cast into an abyss of eternal fire in expiation of this ancestral crime, that an all-righteous and all-merciful Creator in the full exercise of thlose attributes deliberately calls into existence sentient beings whom He has from eternity irrevocably destined to endless, unspeakable, unmitigated torture, are propositions which are at once so extravagantly absurd and so ineffably atrocious that their adoption might well lead men to doubt the universality of moral perceptions. Such teacliCing is in fact simply deinonism, and denmonism in its most extreme fornm. It attributes to the Creator acts of injustice and of barbarity, which it would be Labsolutely impossible for the imagination to surpass, acts before which the most monstrous excesses of human cruelty dwindle into insignificance, acts which are in fact considerably worse than any that theologians have attributed to the devil. If there were men who while vividly realising the nature of these acts naturally turned to them as the exhibitions of perfect goodness, all systems of ethics founded upon innate moral perceptions would be false. But happily this is not so. Those who embrace these doctrines do so only because they believe that some inspired Church or writer has taught them, and because they are still in that stage in which men consider it more irreligious to question the infallibility of an apostle than to disfigure by any conceivable imputation the character of LO HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. the Deity. They accordingly esteem it a matter of duty, and a commendable exercise of humility, to stifle the moral feelings of their nature, and they at last succeed in persuading themselves that their Divinity would be extremely offended if they hesitated to ascribe to him the attributes of a fiend. But their moral feelings, thoughl not unimpaired by such conceptions, are not on ordinary subjects generically different from those of their neighbours. Witlh an amiable inconsistency they can even find something to revolt them in the lives of a Caligula or a Nero. Their theological estimate of justice and mercy is isolated. Their doctrine is accepted as a kind of moral miracle, and as is customary with a certain school of theologians when they enunciate a proposition which is palpably self-contradictory they call it a mystery and an occasion for faith. In this instance a distinct moral contradiction is consciously admitted. In the case of persecution, a strictly -moral and logical inference is drawn from a very immoral proposition which is accepted as part of a system of dogmatic theology. The two elements that should be considered in ptnishing a criminal are the heinousness of his guilt and the injury hlie inflicts. When the greatest guilt and the greatest injury are combined, the greatest punishment naturally follows. INo one would argue against the existence of a moral faculty, on the ground that men put murderers to death. When therefore theologians believed that a man was intensely guilty who held certain opinions, and that he was causing the damnation of his fellows if he propagated them, there was no moral difficulty in concluding that the heretic should be put to death. Selfish considerations may have directed persecution against heresy rather tlhan against vice, but the Catholic doctrines of the guilt of error, and of the THE NATURA. L HISTOR Y OF MIORALS. 101 infallibility of the Church were amply sufficient to justify it. It appears then that a dogmatic system which is accepted on rational or other grounds, and supported by prospects of rewards and punishments, may teach a code of ethics differing from that of conscience; and that in this case the voice of conscience may be either disregarded or stifled. It is however also true, that it may be perverted. When, for example, theologians during a long period have inculcated habits of credulity, rather than habits of enquiry; when they have persuaded men that it is better to cherish prejudice than to analyse it; better to stifle every doubt of what they have been taught than honestly to investigate its value, they will at last succeed in forming habits of mind that will instinctively and habitually recoil from all impartiality and intellectual honesty. If men continually violate a duty they may at last cease to feel its obligation. lBut this, though it forms a great difficulty in ethical enquiries, is no argument against the reality of moral perceptions, for it is simply a law to which all our powers are subject. A bad intellectual education will produce not only erroneous or imperfect information but also a false ply or habit of judgmlent. A bad esthetical education will produce false canons of taste. Systematic abuse will pervert and vitiate even some of our physical perceptions. In each case the experience of many mninds under many conditions must be appealed to, to determine the standard of right and wrong, and long and difficult discipline is required to restore the diseased organ to sanity. We may decide particular moral questions by reasoning, but our reasonimg is an appeal to certain moral principles which are revealed to us by intuition. The principal difficulty I imagine which most men have .102 IIISTOR Y OF EUROPEAN M3ORALS. in admitting that we possess certain natural moral perceptions arises from the supposition that it imp)lies the existence of some llysterious agent like the clemon of Socrates, which gives us specific and infallible information in particular cases. But this I conceive to be a complete mistake. All that is necessarily meant by the adherents of this school is comprised in two propositions. The first is that our will is not governed exclusively by the law of pleasure and pain, but also by the law of duty, which we feel to be distinct from the former, and to carry with it th~l sense of obligation. The second is that the basis of our conception of duty is an intuitive perception that among the various feelings, tendencies, and impulses that constitute our emotional being, there are some which are essentially good, and ought to be encouraged, and some which are essentially bad, and oughlt to be repressed. They contend that it is a psychological fact that we are intuitively conscious that our benevolent affections are superior to our malevolent ones, truth to falsehood, justice to injustice, gratitudle to ingratitude, chastity to sensuality, and that in all ages and countries the path of virtue has been towards the hiTgher and not towards the lower feelings. It may be that the sense of duty is so weak as to be scarcely perceptible, and then the lower part of our nature will be supreme. It may happen that certain conditions of society lead men to direct their anxiety for moral improvement altogether in one or two channels, as was the case in ancient Greece, where civic and intellectual virtues were very hi]ghly cultivated, and the virtue of chastity was almost neglected. It may happen that different parts of our higher nature in a measure conflict, as when a very stronog sense of justice clhecks our benevolent feelings. Dogmatic systems may enjoin men to propitiate certain unseen beincs by acts which are not in accord THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 103 anice with the moral law. Special circumstances may influence, and the intermingling of many different motives may obscure and complicate, the moral evolution; but above all these one great truth appears. -o one who desires to become holier and better imacgines that he does so by becoming more malevolent, or more untruthful, or more unchaste. Every one who desires to attain perfection in these departments of feeling is impelled towards benevolence, towards veracity, towards chastity.l Now it is manifest that according to this theory the moral unity to be expected in different a(ges is not a unity of standard, or of acts, but a unity of tendency. MAIen come into the world with their benevolent affections very inferior in power to their selfish ones, and the function of morlls is to invert this order. The extinction of all selfish feeling is impossible for an individual, and if it were general, it would result in the dissolution of society. The question of morals must always be a question of proportion or of degree. At one time the benevolent affections embrace merely the family, soon the circle expanding includes first a class, then a nation, then a coalition of nations, then all 1humanity, and finally, its influence is felt in the dealings of man with the animal world. In each of these stages a standard is formed, different from that of the preceding stage, but in each case the same tendency is recognised as virtue. We have in this fact a simple, and as it appears to me a conclusive, answer to the overwhelming majority of the objections that are continually and confidently urged against the intuitive school. That some savages' La loi fondamentale de Is, morale agit sur toutes les nations bien connues. I1 y a mille diff6rences dans les interpretations de cette loi en mille circonstances; mais le fond subsiste toujours le mnme, et ce fond est l'id6e du juste et de l'injuste.'-Yoltaire, Le Philosophe ignorant. 104 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. kill their old parents, that infanticide has been practised without compunction by even civilisecl nations, that the best Romans saw nothing wrong in the gladiatorial shows, that political or revengeful assassinations have been for centuries admitted, that slavery has been sometimes honoured and sometimes condemned, are unquestionable proofs that the same act may be regarded in one age as innocent, and in another as criminal. Now it is undoubtedly true that in many cases an historical examination will reveal special circumstances, explaining or palliating the apparent anomaly. It has been often shown that the gladiatorial shows were originally a form of human sacrifice adopted through religious motives; that the rude nomadic life of savages rendering impossible the preservation of aged and helpless members of the tribe, the murder of parents was regarded as an act of mercy both by the murderer and the victim; that before an effective administration of justice was organised, private vengeance was the sole preservative against crime,1 and political assassination against usurpation; that the insensibility of some savages to the criminality of theft arises from the fact that they were accustomed to have all things in common; that the Spartan law, legalising theft, arose partly from a desire to foster military dexterity among the people, but chiefly from a desire to discourage wealth; that slavery was introduced through motives of mercy, to prevent conquerors from killing their prisoners.2 All this is true, but there is another ancl a more 1 The feelin( in its favour being often intensified by filial affection.'~What is the most beautiful thing on the earth?' said Osiris to Horus, l'o avenge a parent's wrongs,' was the reply.-Plutarch's Do e Isie et Osiride. 2 Hence the Justinian code and also St. Augustine (De Civ. Dei, xix. 15) dlerived servus from' serrvare,' to preserve, because the victor preserved his prisoners alive. THE NATURAL IhISTORY OF MIORALS. 10O general answer. It is not to be expected, and it is not maintained, that mlen in all ages should have agreed about,the application of their moral principles. All that is contended for is that these principles are themselves the same. Some of what appear to us monstrous acts of cruelty, were dictated by that very feeling of humanity, the universal perception of the merit of which they are cited to disprove,1 and even when this is not the case, all that can be inferred is, that the standard of humanity was very low. But still humanity was recognised as a virtue, and cruelty as a vice. At this point, I may observe how completely fallacious is the assertion that a progressive morality is impossible upon the supposition of an original moral faculty.2 To such statements there are two very simple answers. In the first place, although the intuitive moralist asserts that certain qualities are necessarily virtuous, he fully admits that the degree in which they are acted upon, or in'1 Les habitants du Congo tuent les malades qu'ils imaginent ne pouvoir en revenir; c'est, dlisent-ils, pour lezr gpargner les clouleurs de l'ayonie. Dans Pile Formose, lorsqu'un hlomme est dangereusemlent malade, on lui passe un nceud coulant au col et on l'Ptrangle, pour l'arraciher CI la douleur.' Helveties, -De l'Esprit, ii. 13. A similar explanation may be often found for customs -which are quoted to prove that the nations where they existed had no sense of chastity. C'est pareillenment sous la sauvegarde des lois quo les Siamoises, la gorge et les cuisses i n moiti6 decouvertes, porte'es dans les rues sur les panlanquins, s'y presentent dans des attitudes treslascives. Cette loi fut 6tablie par une de leurs reines nomn6ee Tirada, qui, vpour cldgoiter les hIomnzes d'un amour plus cleslonmnte, crut devoir employer toute la puissance doe la beaut6.' —De l'Esprit, ii. 14. 2' The contest between the lmorality which appeals to an external standard, and that which grounds itself on internal conviction, is the contest of progressive morality against stationary, of reason and argument against the deification of mere opinion and habit' (Mill's Dissertations, vol. ii. p. 472); a passage with a true B3entham ring. See, too, vol. i. p. 158. There is, however, a schism on this point in the utilitarian camp. The views which Mr. Buckle has expressed in his most eloquent chapter on the comlparative influence of intellectual ancd moral agencies in civilisation diverge widely from those of IMr. 3Mill. :10 ETHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. other words, the standard of duty, may become progressively higher. In the next place, although he refuses to resolve all virtue into utility, lie admits as fully as his opponents, that benevolence, or the promotion of the happiness of man, is a virtue, and that therefore discoveries which exhibit more clearly the true interests of our kind, may throw new light upon the nature of our dutv. The considerations I have urged with reference to humanity, apply with equal force to the various relations of the sexes. When the passions of men are altogether unrestrained, community of wives and all eccentric forms of sensuality will be admitted. When men seek to improve their nature in this respect, their object will be to abridge and confine the empire of sensuality. But to this process of improvement there are obvious limits. In the first place the continuance of the species is only possible by a sensual act. In the next place the strength of this passion and the weakness of humanity are so great, that the moralist must take into account the fact that in all societies, and especially in those in which free scope had long been given to tlhe passions, a large amount of indulgence will arise which is not due to a simple desire of propagating the species. If then incest is prohibited, and community of wives replaced by ordinary polygamy, a moral improvement will have been effected, and a standard of virtue formed. But this standard soon becomes the starting-point of new progress. If we examine the Jewish law, we find the legislator prohibiting adultery, regulating the degrees of marriage, but at the same time authorising polygamy, though with a caution against the excessive multiplication of wives. In Greece monogamy, though not without THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 107 exceptions, had been enforced, but a concurrence of influences very unfavourable to chastity prevented any high standard being attained among the men, and almost every form of sensual indulgence beyond the limits of marriage was permitted. In Rome the standard was far higller. M/Ionogamy was firmly established. The ideal of female morality was placed as high as among Christian nations. Among men, however, while unnatural love and adultery were regarded as wrong, simple unchastity before marriage was scatrcely considered a fault. In Catlolicism marriage is regarded in a twofold light, as a means for the propagation of the species, and as a concession to the weakness of humanity, and all other sensual enjoyment is stringently prohibited. In these cases there is a great difference between the degrees of earnestness with which men exert themselves in the repression of their sensual passions, and in the amount of indulgence which is conceded to their lower nature; but there is no difference in the direction of the virtuous impulse. While, too, in the case of adultery, and in the production of children, questions of interest and utility do undoubtedly intervene, we are conscious that the general progress turns upon a totally different order of ideas. The feeling of all men and the language of all nations, the sentiment which though often weakened is never wholly effaced, that this appetite, even in its most legitimate gratification, is a thing to be veiled and withdrawn fromn sight, all that is known under the names of decency and indecency, concur in proving that we have an innate, intuitive, instinctive perception that there is somethino 1'Est enim sensualitas qumdam vis animm inferior.... Ratio vero vie animae est superior.' —-eter Lombard, Set. ii. 24. 108 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. degrading in the sensual part of our nature, something to which a feeling of shame is naturally attached, something that jars with our conception of perfect purity, something we could not with any propriety ascribe to an all-holy being. No one -was ever altogether destitute of this: perception, and nothing but the most inveterate passion for system could induce men to resolve it into a mere calculation of interests. It is this feeling or instinct which lies at the root of the whole movement I have described, and it is this too that produced that sense of the sanctity of perfect continence whicl the Catholic church has so warmly encouraged, but which may be traced through the most distant ages, and the most various creeds. We find it among the Nazarenes and Essenes of Judoa, amlong the priests of Egypt and India, in the monasteries of Tartary, and in the histories of miraculous virgins that are so numerous in the mythologies of Asia. Such, for example, was the Chinese legend that tells how when there were but one man and one woman upon earth, the woman refused to sacrifice her virginity even with a view to the peopling of the globe, and the gods honouring her purity granted that she should conceive beneath the gaze of her lover's eyes, and a virgin-mother became the parent of humanity.1 In the midst of the sensuality of ancient Greece, chastity was the pre-eminent attribute of sanctity ascribed to Athene and Artemis.'Chaste daughter of Zeus,' prayed the suppliants in _Zschylus,' thou whose calm eye is never troubled, look down upon us! Virgin, defend the virgins.' The Parthenon, or virgin's temple, was the noblest religious edifice of Athens. Ce1 Helvetius, De l'Esprit, discours iv. See, too, Dr. Draper's extremely remarkable.listory of Intellectuatl Development in.Eurolpe (New York, 1804), pp. 48j 63. THE NATURAL IllSTORIY OF MORALS. 109 libacy was an essential condition in a few of the orders of priests, and in several orders of priestesses. Plato based his moral system upon the distinction between the bodily or sensual, and the spiritual or rational part of our nature, the first being the sign of our degradation, and the second of our dignity. The whole school of Pythagoras made chastity one of its leading virtues, and even laboured for the creation of a monastic system. The conception of the celestial Aphrodite, the uniter of souls, unsullied by the taint of matter, lingered side by side with that of the earthly Aphrodite or patroness of sensuality, and if there was a time when the sculptors sought to pander to the excesses of passion there was another in which all their art was displayed in refining and idealising it. Strabo mentions the existence in Thrace of societies of men aspiring to perfection by celibacy and austere lives. Plutarch applauds certain philosophers who vowed to abstain for a year from wine and women in order'to hlonour God by their continence.' 1 In Rome the religious reverence was concentrated more especially upon married life. The great prominence accorded to the Penates was the religious sanction of domesticity. So too, at first, was the worship so popular among the Roman women of the Bona D)ea -the ideal wife who according to tle legend had, when on earth, never looked in the face or known the name of any man but her husband.2' For altar and hearth' was the rallying cry of the Roman soldier. But above all this we find the traces of a higher ideal. WVe find it in the intense sanctity attributed to the 1 Plutarch, -De Colibendzca Ira. 2 Lactantius, Div. Inst. i. 22. The mysteries of the Bona Dea became, however, after a time the occasion of great disorders. See Juvenal, Sat. vi. BI. MIagnin has examined the nature of these rites (Origines du Tedtre, pp. 267-259). 110 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. vestal virgins whose continence was guarded by such fearful penalties, and supposed to be so closely linked with the prosperity of the state, whose prayer was believed to possess a miraculous power, and who were permitted to- drive through the streets of Rome at a time when that privilege was refused even to the Empress.l We find it in the legend of Claudia, who, when the ship bearing the image of the mother of the gods had been stranded in the Tiber, attached her girdle to its prow, and vindicated her challenged chastity by drawing with her virgin hand, the ponderous mass which strong men had sought, in vain to move. We find it in the prophetic gift so often attributed to virgins,2 in the law which sheltered them from the degradation of an execution,3 in the language of Statius, who described marriage itself The history of the vestals, which forms one of the most curious pages in the moral history of Rome, has been fully treated by the Abbe Nadal, in an extremely interesting and well-written memoir, read before the Academie des Belles-lettres, and republished in 1725. It was believed that the prayer of a vestal could arrest a fugitive slave in his flight, provided he had not got past the city walls. Pliny mentions this belief as general in his time. The records of the order contained many miracles wrought at different times to save the vestals or to vindicate their questioned purity, and also one miracle which is very remarkable as furnishing a precise parallel to that of the Jew who was struck dead for touching the ark to prevent its falling. 2 As for example the Sibyls and Cassandra. The same prophetic power was attributed in India to virgins. —Clem. Alexandrin. Strom. iii. 7. 3 This custom continued to the worst period of the empire, though it was shamefully and characteristically evaded. After the fall of Sejanus the senate had no compunction in putting his innocent daughter to death, but their religious feelings were shocked at the idea of a virgin falling beneath the axe. So by way of improving matters' filia constuprata est prius a carnifice, quasi impium esset virginem in carcere perire.'-Dion Cassius, lviii. 11. See too, Tacitus, Annal. v. 9. 9. If a vestal met a prisoner going to execution the prisoner was spared, provided the vestal declared that the encounter was accidental. On the reverence the ancients paid to virgins, see Justus Lipsius, De Vesta et Vestalibus. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS.'111 as a fault.' In Christianity scarcely any other single circumstance has contributed so much to the attraction of the faith as the ascription of virginity to its female ideal. The Catlholic monastic system has been so constructed as to draw many thousands from the sphere of active duty; its irrevocable vows have doubtless led to much suffering and not a little crime; its opposition to the normal development of our mingled nature has often resulted in impure imaginations which are peculiarly fitted to degrade the character; it has excluded those who enrol themselves in it from domestic affections and sympathies which have a very high moral value; but in its central conception that the sensual or animal side of our nature is a low and a degraded side, it reflects, I believe, with perfect fidelity the feelings of our nature.2 - See his picture of the first night of marriage: Tacite subit ille supremus Virginitratis amor, primceeque modestia culpm Confundit vultus. Tune ora rigantur honestis Imbribus.'- Thebaidos, lib. ii. 232-34. 2 Bees (which Virgil said had in them something of the divine nature) were supposed by the ancients to be the special emblems or models of chastity. It was a common belief that the bee mother begot her young without losing her virginity. Thus in a fragment ascribed to Petronius we read, Sic sine concubitu textis apis excita ceris, Fervet, et audaci milite castra replet.' Petron. -De Varia Anialuinum (eneratioJne. So too Virgil:-'Quod neque concubitu indulgent nec corpora segnes In Venerem solvunt aaut foetus nixibus edunt.'- Georgy. iv. 198-99. Plutarch says that an unchaste person cannot approach bees, for they immediately attack him and cover him with stings. Fire was also regarded as a type of virginity. Thus Ovidl, speaking of the vestals, says:-'N ataque de flamma corpora nulla vides: Jure igitur virgo est, quse semina nulla remittit Nec capit, et comites virginitatis amat.''The Egyptians believed that there are no males auong -vultu-res, and they 9 112 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 1MORALS. To these considerations some others of a different nature may be added. It is not true that some ancient nations regarded polygamy as good in tle same sense as others regarded chastity. There is a great difference between deeming a state permissible and proposing it as a condition of sanctity. If Mahommedans people paradise with images of sensuality, it is not because these form their ideal of holiness. It is because they regard earth as the sphere of virtue, heaven as that of simple enjoyment. If some paLgan nations deified sensuality, this was simply because the deification of the forces of nature, of whlich the prolific energy is one of the most conspicuous, is among the earliest forms of religion, and long precedes the identification of the Deity with a moral ideal.l If there have been nations who attached a certain stigma to virginity, this has not been because they esteemed sensuality intrinsically holier than chastity; but because a scanty, warlike people rwhose position in' the world depends chiefly on the number of its warriors, will naturally make it its main object to encourage population. This was especially the case with the ancient Jews, who always regarded extreme populousness as indissolubly connected with national prosperity, whose religion was essentially patriotic, and among whom the possibility of becoming an ancestor of the Messiah had imparted a peculiar dignity to childbirth. Yet even among the Jews the Essenes regarded virginity as the ideal of sanctity. accordingly made that bird an emblem of nature.'-Amnlianus fiarcellinus, xvii. 4. 1'La divinit6 6tant consid6r6e comme elnfermant en elle toutes les qualit6s, toutes les forces intellectuelles et morales de l'homme, chacune de ces forces ou de ces qualit6s, concue separ6ment, s'offrait comme un Etre divin... De li aussi les contradictions les plus choquantes dans les notions que les anciens avaient des attributs divins.' —-Iaury, Iist. des Religions de la G'ce antigue, tome i. pp. 678-579. THE NATURAL IlISTORY OF MORALS. 11i3 The reader will now be in a position to perceive the utter futility of the objections which from the time of Locke have been continually brought against the theory of natural moral perceptions, upon the ground that some actions which were admitted as lawful in one age, have been regarded as immoral in another. All these become absolutely worthless when it is perceived that in every age virtue has consisted of the cultivation of the same feelings, though the standards of excellence attained have been different. The terms higher and lower, nobler or less noble, purer or less pure, represent moral facts with much greater fidelity than the terms right or wrong, or virtue or vice. There is a certain sense in which nmoral distinctions are absolute and immutable. There is another sense in which they are altogether relative and transient. There are some acts wlhich are so manifestly and grossly opposed to our moral feelings, that they are regardled as wrong in the very earliest stages of the cultivation of these feelings. There are distinctions, such as tlhat between truth and falsehood, wvhich from their nature assume at once a sharpness of definition that separates them from mere virtues of degree, though even in these cases there are wide variations in the amount of scrupulosity that is in different periods required. But apart from positive commands, the sole external rule enabling men to designate acts, not simply as better or worse, but as positively right or wrong, is, I conceive, the standard of society; not an arbitrary standard like that whiclh Mandeville imagined, but the level which society has attained in the cultivation of what our moral faculty tells us is the higher or virtuous part of our nature. He who falls below this is obstructing the tendency which is the essence of virtue. He who merely attains this, may not be justified in his own conscience, 114 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN IMORALS. or in other words, by the standard of his own moral development, but as far as any external rule is concerned, he has done his duty. He who rises above this has entered into the region of things which it is virtuous to do, but not vicious to neglect-a region known among Catholic theologians by the name of' counsels of perfection.' No discussions, I conceive, can be more idle than whether slavery, or the slaughter of prisoners in war, or gladiatorial shows or polygamy are essentially wrong. They may be wrong now-they were not so once -and when an ancient countenanced by his example one or other of these, he was not committing a crime. The unchangeable proposition for which we contend is this-that benevolence is always a virtuous disposition-that the sensual part of our nature is always the lower part. At this point, however, a very difficult problem naturally arises. Admitting that our moral nature is superior to our intellectual or physical nature, admitting, too, that by the constitution of our being we perceive ourselves to be under an obligation to develope our nature to its perfection, establishing the supreme ascendency of moral motives, the question still remains whether the disparity between the different parts of our being is such that no material or intellectual advantage, however great, may be rightly purchased by any sacrifice of our moral nature, however small. This is the great question of casuistry, the question which divines express by asking whether the end ever justifies the means; and on this subject there exists among theologians a doctrine which is absolutely unrealised, which no one ever dreams of applying to actual fe, but of which it may be truly said that though propounded with the best intentions, it would, if acted upon, be utterly incompatible with the very rudiments of civilisation. It is said that an undoubted sin, even the most THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 115 trivial, is a thing in its essence and in its consequences so unspeakably dreadful, that no conceivable material or intellectual advantage can counterbalance it; that rather than it should be committed, it would be better that any amount of calamity which did not bring with it sin should be endured, even that the whole human race should perish in agonies.1 If this be the case, it is manifest that the supreme object of humanity should be sinlessness, and it is equally manifest that the means to this end is the absolute suppression of the desires. To expand the circle of wants is necessarily to multiply temptations, and therefore to increase the number of sins. It may indeed elevate the moral standard, for a torpid sinlessness is not a high moral condition; but if every sin be what these theologians assert, if it be a thing deserving eternal agony, and so inconceivably frightful that the ruin of a world is a less evil than its commission, even moral advantages are utterly incommensurate with it. No heightening of the moral tone, no depth or ecstasy of devotion, can for a moment be placed in the balance. The consequences of this doctrine, if applied to actual life, would be so extravagant, that their simple statement is a refutation. A sovereign, when calculating the consequences of a war, should reflect that a single sin occasioned by that war, a single blasphemy of a wounded soldier, the robbery of a single hencoop, the violation of the purity of a single woman, is a greater calamity than the ruin of the entire commerce of his nation, the loss of her most precious provinces, the 1'The Church holds that it were better for sun and moon to drop from heaven, for the earth to fail, and for all the many millions who are upon it to die of starvation in extremest agony, so far as temporal affliction goes, than that one soul, I will not say should be lost, but should commit one single venial sin, should tell one wilful untruth, though it harmed no one, or steal one poor farthing without excuse.'-Newman's Alnqlican Difcultifes, p. 190. 116 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MiORALS. destruction of all her power. He must believe that the evil of the increase of unchastity, which invariably results from the formation of an army, is an immeasurably greater calamity than any material or political disasters that army can possibly avert. He must believe that the most fearful plague or famine that desolates his land should be regarded as a matter of rejoicing, if it had but the feeblest and most transient influence in repressing vice. He must believe that if the agglomeration of his people in great. cities adds but one to the number of their sins, no possible intellectual or material advantages can prevent the construction of cities being a fearful calamity. According to this principle, every elaboration of life, every amusement that brings multitudes together, almost every art, every accession of wealth that awakens or stimulates desires, is an evil, for all these become the sources of some sins, and their advantages are for the most part purely terrestrial. The entire structure of civilisation is founded upon the belief that it is a good thing to cultivate intellectual and material capacities, even at the cost of certain moral evils which we are often able accurately to foresee.' The time will doubtless come when the man who lays the foundation-stone of a manu.facture will be able to predict with assurance in what proportion the drunkenness and the unchastity of his city w-vill be increased by his enterprise. Yet lie will still pursue that enterprise, and mankind will still pronounce it to be good. The theological doctrine on the subject, considered in its full stringency, though professed by many, is, as I 1 There is a remarkable dissertation on this subject, called'The Limitations of Morality,' in a very ingenious and suggestive little work of the Benthamite school, called Essays by a Barrister (reprinted from the Saturday Review). THIE NATURAL HISTORY OF MOtRALS. 117 have said, realisedl and consistently acted on by no one; but the practical judgments of mankind concerning the extent of the superiority of moral over all other interests vary greatly, and this variation supplies one of the most serious objections to intuitive moralists. The nearest practical approach to the theological estimate of a sin may be found in the ranks of the ascetics. Their whole system rests upon the belief that it is a thing so transcenlldingly dreadful as to bear no proportion or appreciable relation to any earthly interests. Starting from this belief: the ascetic makes it the exclusive object of his life to avoid sinning. He accordingly abstains from all the active business of society, relinquishes all worldly aims and ambitions, dulls by continued discipline his natural desires, and endeavours to pass a life of complete absorption in religious exercises. And in all this his conduct is reasonable and consistent. The natural course of every man who adopts this estimate of the enormity of sin is at every cost to avoid all external influences that can prove temptations, and to attenuate as far as possible his own appetites and emotions. It is in this respect that the exaggerations of theologians paralyse our moral being. For the diminution of sins, however important, is but one part of inoral progress. Whenever it is forced into a disproportion ed prominence, we find tame, languid, and mutilated natures, destitute of all fire and energy, and this tendency has been still further aggravated by the extreme prominence usually given to the virtue of gentleness, which may indeed be attained by men of strong natures and vehement emotions, but is evidently more congenial to a somewhat feeble and passionless character. Ascetic practices are manifestly and rapidly disapp earing, and their decline is a striking proof of the evanescence of the moral notions of which they were the expression, but L18 HISTORY OF -EUROPEAN MfORALS. in. many existing questions relating to the same matter, we find perplexing diversity of judgment. We find it in the contrast between the system of education usually adopted by the Catholic priesthood, which has for its pre-eminent object to prevent sins, and for its means a constant and minute supervision, and the English system of public schools, which is certainly not the most fitted to guard against the possibility of sin, or to foster any very delicate scrupulosity of feeling; but is intended, and popularly supposed to secure, the healthy expansion of every variety of capacity.l We find it in the widely different attitudes which good men in diffirent periods have adopted towards religious opinions, which they believe to be false; some like the reformers refusing to participate in any superstitious service, or to withhold on any occasion, or at any cost, their protest against what they regarded as a lie, others, like most ancient, and some modern philosophers and politicians, combining the most absolute personal incredulity, with an assiduous observance of superstitious rites, and strongly censuring those who disturbed delusions which' are useful or consolatory to the people, while a third class silently, but without protest, wvithdraw themselves from the observances, and desire that their opinions should have a free expression in literature; but at the same time discourage all proselytising efforts to force them rudely on unprepared minds. We find it in the frequent conflicts between the political economist and the Catholic priest on the subject of early marriages, the former opposing them on the ground that 1 There is still in existence one example of a government making it a main object to prevent sin —that of the priests at Rome —and no one, I think, who compares Rome with the other great cities of Italy can question its superiority in, at least, some forms of virtue. But the very system of'paternal government,' which diminishes the number of glaring sins, crushes the whole political and intellectual development of the people. TE NATURAL HISTORPY OF MIORALS. 119 it is an essential condition of material well-being that the standard of comfort should not be depressed, the latter advocating them on the ground that the postponement of marriages, through prudential motives, by any large body of men, is the fertile mother of sin. We find it most conspicuously in the mlarked diversities of tolerance manifested in different comm-unities towards amusements which may in themselves be perfectly innocent, but which prove the sources or the occasions of vice. The Scotch puritans probably represent one extreme, the Parisian society of the empire the other, while the position of average Englishmen is perhaps equidistant between them. Yet this difference, great as it is, is a difference not of principle, but of degree. No puritan seriously desires to suppress every clan gathering, every highland game which may have occasioned an isolated fit of drunkenness, thouglh he may be unable to show that it has perventel any sin that would otherwise have been committed. No Frenclhman will question that there is a certain amount of demoralisation which should not be toleratedl, however great the enjoyment that accompanies it. Yet the one dwells almost exclusively upon the moral, the other upon the attractive, nature of a spectacle. Between these there are numerous gradations, which are shown in frequent disputes about the merits and demerits of the racecourse, the ball, the theatre, and the concert. Where then, it may be asked, is the line to be drawn? By what rule can the point be determined at which an amusement becomes vitiated by the evil of its consequences? To these questions the intuitive moralist is obliged to answer, that such a line cannot be drawn, that such a rule does not exist. The colours of our moral nature are rarely separated by the sharp lines of our vocabulary. They fade and blend into one another so 120 I-IISTOIRY OF EURIOPEAN MOIRALS. imperceptibly, that it is impossible to mark a precise point of transition. The end of man is the full development of his being in that symmetry and proportion which nature has assignled it, and such a development implies that the supreme, the predominant motive of his life, should be moral. If in any society or individual this ascendency does not exist, that society or that individual is in a diseasede and abnormal condition. But the superiority of the moral part of our nature, though unquestionable, is indefinite not infinite, and the prevailing standard is not at all times the same. The moralist can only lay down general principles. Individual feeling or the general sentiment of society must draw the application. The vagueness that on such questions confessedly hangs over the intuitive theory, has always been insisted upon by members of the opposite school, who' in the greatest happiness principle' claim to possess a definite formulary, enabling them to draw boldly the frontier line between the lawful and the illicit, and to remove moral disputes from the domain of feeling' to that of demonstration. But this claim, which forms the great attraction of the utilitarian school, is, if I mistake not, one of the grossest of impostures. WVe compare with accuracy and confidence the value of the most various -material commodities, for we mean by this term, exchangeable value, and we have a common measure of exchange. But we seek in vain for such a measure enabling us to compare different kinds of utility or happiness. Thus, to take -a very familiar example, the question may be proposed, whether excursion trains from a country district to a seaport town produce more good tlan evil, whether a man governed by moral principles should encourage or oppose them. They give innocent and healthy enjoyment to many thousands, they enlarge in some degree the THE NA1TURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 121 range of their ideas, they can hardly be said to prevent any sin that would otherwise have been committed, they give rise to many cases of drunkenness, each of which, accordinug to the theolooical doctrine we have reviewed, should be deemed a more dreadful calamity than the earthquake of Lisbon, or a visitation of the cholera, but which have not usually any lasting terrestrial effects; they also often produce a measure, and often no small measure, of more serious -vice, and it is probable that hundreds of women may trace their first fall to the excursion train. We have here a nlumber of advantages and disadvantages, the first being' intellectual and physical, and the second moral. Nearly all moralists would acknowledge that a few instances of immorality would not prevent the excursion train being, on the whole, a good thing. All would acknowledge that very numerous instances would more thllan counterbalance its advantages. The intuitive moralist confesses that he is unable to draw a precise line, showing where the moral evils outweigh the physical- benefits. In what possible respect the introduction of Benthamite formularies improves the matter, I am1 unable to understand. No utilitarian would reduce the question to one of simple majority, or would have the cynicism to balance the ruin of one woman by the day's enjoyment of another. The impossibility of drawing, in such cases, a distinct line of division, is no argument against the intuitive moralist, for that impossibility is shared to the full extent by his rival. There are, as we have seen, two kinds of interest with which utilitarian moralists are concerned, the private interest which they believe to be the motivrc,- a"ndtle public interest which they believe to be the end, of all virtue. With reference to the first, the intuitive mloralist denies that a selfish act can be a virtuous or meritorious 122 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. one. If a man when about to commit a theft, became suddenly conscious of the presence of a policeman, and through fear of arrest and punishment were to abstain from the act le would otherwise have committed, this abstinence would not appear in the eyes of mankind to possess any moral value, and if he were determined partly by conscientious motives, and partly by fear, the presence of the latter element would, inll proportion to its strength, detract from his merit. But although selfish considerations are distinctly opposed to virtuous ones, it would be a mistake to imagine they can never ultimately have a purely moral influence. In the first place, a well-ordered system of threats and punishments marks out the path of virtue with a distinctness of definition it could scarcely have otherwise attained. In the next place, it often happens that when the mind is swayed by a conflict of motives, the expectation of reward or punishment will so reinforce or support the virtuous motives, as to secure their victory, and as every triumph of these motives increases their strength and weakens the opposing principles, a step will thus have been made towards moral perfection, which will render more probable the future triumph of unassisted virtue.'With reference to the interests of society, there are two distinct assertions to be made. The first is, that althou"lgh the pursuit of public interest is undoubtedly one form of virtue, it does not include all virtue, or in other words, that there are forms of virtue which, even if beneficial to mankind, do not become virtuous on that account, but have an intrinsic excellence which is not proportioned to or dependent on their utility. The second is, that there may occasionally arise considerations of extreme and overwhelming utility, that- may justify a sacrifice of these virtues. This sacrifice may be made in THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORPALS. 123 various ways, as when a man undertakes an enterprise which is in itself perfectly innocent, but which in addition to its great material advantages will, as he well knows, produce a certain measure of crime, or when abstaining from a protest he tacitly countenances beliefs which he considers untrue, because he regards them as transcendently useful; or again, when, for the benefit of others, and under circumstances of great urgency, he utters a direct falsehood, as, for example, when by such means alone he could save the life of an innocent man.1 B3ut the fact, that in these cases, considerations of extreme utility are suffered to override considerations of morality, is in no degree inconsistent with the facts, that the latter differ in kind from the former, that they are of a higher nature, and that they may supply adequate and legitimate motives of action not only distinct from, but even in opposition to utility. Gold and silver are different metals. Gold is more valuable than silver; yet a very small quantity of gold may be advantageously exchanged for a very large quantity of silver. The last class of objections to the theory of natural moral perceptions which it is necessary for me to notice, arises from a very mischievous equivocation in the word natural.2 The term natural man is sometimes regardecld 1 The following passage, though rather vague and rhetorical, is not unimpressive:'Oui, dit Jacobi, je mentirais comme Desdemona mourante, je tromperais comme Oreste quand il veut mourir t la place de Pylade, j'assassinerais comme Timolon, je setais parjure comme Epaminondas et Jean de Witt, je me d6terminerais au suicide comme Caton. je serais saeril6ge comme David; car j'ai la certitude en moi-meme qu'en pardonnant a ces fautes suivant la lettre 1'homme exerce le droit souverain que la majest6 de son etre lui conf6re; il appose le sceau de sa divine nature sur la grace qu'il accorde.'-BarchlouI de Penhoen, Hist. de la Philos. cllemanclde, tome i. p. 295. 2 This equivocation seems to me to lie at the root of the famous dispute whether man is by nature a social being, or whether as Hobbes averred, tihe state of nature is a state of war. Few persons who have 124 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 10tRALS. as synonymous with man in his primitive or barbarous condition, and sometimes as expressing all in a civilised man that is due to nature as distinguished from artificial habits or acquirements. This equivocation is especially dangerous, because it implies one of the most extravagant excesses to whichl the sensational philosophy could be pushed; the notion that the difference between a savage and a civilised man is simply a difference of acquisition, and not at all a difference of development. In accordance with this notion, those who deny original moral distinctions have ransacked the accounts of travellers for examples of savages who appeared destitute of moral sentiments, and have adduced them as conclusive evidence of their position. N"ow it is I think abundantly evident that these narratives are usually exceedingly untrustworthy. They have been in most cases collected by uncritical and unphilosophical travellers, who knew little of the language and still less of the inner life of the people they described, whose means of information were acquired in simply traversing the country, who were more struck by moral paradox than by unostentatious virtue, who were proverbially addicted to embellishing and exaggerating the singularities they witnessed, and who very rarely investigated their origin. It should not be forgotten that the French moralists of the last century, who insisted most strongly on this species of evidence, were also the dupes of one of the most curious delusions in the whole compass of literary history. Those unflinching sceptics who claimed to be the true disciples of the apostle who believed nothing that he had not touched, observed the recent light thrown on the primitive condition of man, will question that it was that of savage life, and fewer still will question that this is a state of war. On the other hand, it is, I think, equally certain that man necessarily becomes a social being in exact proportion to the development of the cap,-cities of his nature. TIIE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 125 and whose relentless criticism played with withering effect on all the holiest feelings of our nature, and on all the tenets of traditional creeds, had discovered one happy land where the ideal had ceased to be a dream. They could point to one people whose pure and rational morality, purged from all the clouds of bigotry and enthusiasm, shone with an almost dazzling splendour above the ignorance and superstition of Europe. Voltaire forgot to gibe, and Helvetius kindled into enthusiasm, wlhen China and the Chinese rose before their minds, and to this semi-barbarous nation they habitually attributed maxims of conduct that neither Roman nor Christian virtue had ever realised. But putting aside these considerations, and assuming the fidelity of the pictures of savage life upon which these writers rely, they fail to prove the point for which they are- adduced. The moralists I am defending, assert that we possess a natural power of distinguishing between the higher and lower parts of our nature. But the eye of the mind like the eye of the body may be closed. Mforal and rational faculties may be alike dormant, and they will certainly be so if men are wholly immersed in the gratification of their senses. MAan is like a plant, which requires a favourable soil for the full expansion of its natural or innate powers.1 Yet those powers both rational and 1 The distinction between innate faculties evolved by experience and innate ideas independent of experience, and the analogy between the expansion of the former and that of the bud into the flower has been very happily treated by Reid. (On the Active Pow2ers, essay iii. ch. viii. p. 4.) Professor Sedg'wick, criticising Locke's notion of the soul being oligitally like a sheet of white paper, very beautifully says:' Naked mlan comes from his mother's womb, endowed with limbs and senses indeed well fitted to the material world, yet powerless from want of use; and as for knowledge, his soul is one unvaried blank; yet has this blalnk been already touched by a celestial hand, and when plunged in the colours which surround it, it takes not its tinge from accident but design, and comes forth covered ewith a glorious pattern.' (On the &etdies of the University, p. 54.) Leibnitz says, 126 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. moral are there, and when quickened into action, each will discharge its appointed functions. If it could be proved that there are savages who are absolutely destitute of hle progressive energy which distinguishes reason from instinct and of the moral aspiration which constitutes virtue, thlis would not prove that rational or moral faculties fornm- no part of their nature. If you could show that there is a stage of barbarism in which man knows, feels and does nothing that might not be known, felt and done by an ape, you would not have reduced him to the level of the brute. There would still be this broad distinction between them. The one possesses a capacity for development, which the other does not possess. Under favourable circumstances the savage will become a reasoning, progressive, and moral man. Under no circumstances can a similar transformation be effected in the ape. It may be as difficult to detect the oakleaf in the acorn as in the stone. Yet the acorn may be converted into an oak. The stone will always continue to be a stone.l L'esprit n'est point une table rase. I1 est tout plein de caracteres quoe la sensation ne peut que decouvrir et mettre en lumiire au lieu de les y imprimer. Je me suis servi de la comlllpaaison d'une pierre de marbre qui a des veines plut6t que d'une pierre de marbre tout unie.... S'il y avait dans la pierre des veines qui marquassent ]a figure d'HIercule pr6f6rablement a d'autres figures,.... -ercule y serait comme inne en quelque fa9on, quoiqu'il fallfit diu travail pour dccouvrir ces veines.' — Critiqe cle l'Essai sur IEzte~nclzeent. T1 he argument against the intuitive moralists derived from sava,e life was employed at some length by Locke. Paley then adopted it, taking a history of base ingratitude related by Valerius Maximus, and asling whether a savage would view it with disapprobation (Moral dPhil. book i. ch. 5.) Dugcald Stewart (Active cand Moral Powers, vol. i. pp. 230-231) and other writers have very fully answered this, but the same objection has been revived in another form by TMr. Austin, -who supposes (Lectures on Jitrisplcrdenlce, vol. i. pp. 82-83) a savage who first meets a hunter carrying a dead deer, lhills the hunter and steals the deer, and is afterwards himself assailed by another hunter whom he kills. Mr. Austin asks whether the savage would perceive a moral difference between these two acts of THE NATURAL HISTORPY OF MORALS. 127 The foregoing pages will, I trust, have exhibited with sufficient clearness the nature of the two great divisions of moral philosoplhy-the school which proceeds from the primitive truth that all men desire happiness, and endeavours out of this principle to evolve all ethical doctrines, and the school which traces our moral systems to an intuitive perception that certain parts of our nature are higher or better than others. The subdivisions of each system are, as we have seen, very numerous, the degrees of their approximation or divergence of their subtlety and' refinement are extremely various; but yet from the earliest days of philosophy some traces of this duality may be detected. The prominence of each school may be regarded as a mental phenomenon due in a great measure to predispositions resulting from certain conditions of society, and producing certain effects which it is the province of the historian to trace. It is obvious that this difference concerning the origin of our moral conceptions forms part of the very much wider metaphysical question, whether our ideas are derived exclusively from sensation or whether they spring in part from the mind itself. The latter theory in antiquity was chiefly represented by the Platonic doctrine of pre-existence, which rested on the conviction that the mind has the power of drawing from its own depths certain conceptions or ideas which cannot be explained by any post-natal experience, and must therefore, it was said, have been acquired in a previous existence. In the seventeenth century it took the form of a doctrine of innate ideas. But though this theory in the form in homicide? Certainly not. In this early stage of development, the savage recognises a duty of justice and humanity to the members of his tribe, but to no one beyond this circle. He is in a; state of war' with the foreign hunter. He has a right to kill the hunter and the hunter an equal right to kill him. 10 .128 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. which it was professed by Lord Herbert of Cherbury and assailed by Locke has almost disappeared, the doctrine that we possess certain faculties which by their own expansion, and not by the reception of notions from without, are not only capable of, but must necessarily attain, certain ideas, as the bud must necessarily expand into its own specific flower, still occupies a distinguished place inl the world of speculation. From some passages in his Essay, it appears that Locke himself had a confused perception of this distinction,l whlich was by no means unknown to previous writers, and after the publication of the philosophy of Locke it was clearly exhibited both by Shaftesbury and Leibnitz, and incidentally noticed by Berkeley long before Kant established his distinction between the form and the matter of our knowledge, between ideas which are received a priori and ideas which are received a posteriori. The existence or non-existence of this source of ideas forms the basis of the opposition between the inductive philosophy of England and the French philosophy of the eighteenth century on the one hand, and the German and Scotch philosophies, as well as the French eclecticism of the nineteenth century upon the other. The tendency of the first school is to restrict as far 1 Everyone who is acquainted with metaphysics knows that there has been an almost endless controversy about Locke's meaning on this point. The fact seems to be that Locke, like most great originators of thought, and indeed more than most, often failed to perceive the ultimate consequences of his principles, and partly through some confusion of thought, and partly through unhappiness of expression, has left passages involving the conclusions of both schools. As a matter of history the sensual school of Condillac grew professedly out of his philosophy. In defence of the legitimacy of the process by which these writers evolved their conclusions from the premises of Lockle, the reader may consult the very able lectures of M. Cousin on Locke. The other side has been treated, among others, by Dugald Stewart in his -Dissertation, by Professor Webb in his Jntellectualism of Locke, and by Mr. Rogers in an essay reprinted from the Edinbur qh. Review. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 129 as possible the active powers of the human mind, and to aggrandise as far as possible the empire of external circumstances. The other school dwells especially on the instinctive side of our nature, and maintains the existence of certain intuitions of the reason, certain categories or original conceptions, which are presupposed in all our reasonings and cannot be resolved into sensations. The boast of the first school is that its searching analysis leaves no mental phenomenon unresolved, and its attraction is the extreme simplicity it can attain. The second school multiplies faculties or original principles, concentrates its attention mainly upon the nature of our understanding, and asserts very strongly the initiative force both of our will and of our intellect. We find this connection between a philosophy based upon the senses, and a morality founded upon utility from the' earliest times. Aristotle was distinguished among the ancients for the emphasis with which he dwelt upon the utility of virtue, and it was from the writings of Aristotle that the schoolmen derived the famous formulary which has become the motto of the school of Locke. Locke himself devoted especial research to the refutation of the doctrine of a natural moral sense, which lhe endeavoured to overthrow by a catalogue of immoral practices that exist among savages, and the hesitation he occasionally exhibited in his moral doctrine corresponds not unfaithfully to the obscurity thrown over his metaphysics by the admission of reflection as a source of ideas. If his opponent Leibnitz made pleasure the object of moral action, it was only that refined pleasure which is produced by the contemplation of the happiness of others. When, however, Condillac and his followers, removing reflection from the position Locke had assigned it, reduced the philosophy of sensation to its simplest 130 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. expression, and when the Scotch and German writers elaborated the principles of the opposite school, the moral tendencies of both were indisputably manifested. Everywhere the philosophy of sensation was accompanied by the morals of interest, and the ideal philosophy, by an assertion of the existence of a moral faculty, and every influence that has affected the prevailing theory concerning the origin of our ideas, has exercised a corresponding influence upon the theories of ethics. The great movement of modern thought, of which Bacon was at once the highest representative and one of the chief agents, has been truly said to exhibit a striking resemblance, and at the same time a striking contrast, to tlhe movement of ancient thought, which wavs effected chiefly by the genius of Socrates. In the name of utility, Socrates diverted the intellect of antiquity from the fantastic cosmogonies with which it had long been occupied, to the study of the moral nature of man. In the name of the same utility Bacon laboured to divert the modern intellect from the idle metaphysical speculations of the schoolmen to natural science, to which newly discoverecd instruments of research, his own soundcer method, and a cluster of splendid intellects, soon gave an unprecedented impulse. To the indirect influence of this movement, perhaps, even more than to the direct teaching of Gassendi and Locke, may be ascribed the great ascendency of sensational philosophy among modern nations, and it is also connected with some of the most important differences between ancient and modern history. Among the ancients the humal mind was chiefly directecl to philosophical speculations, in which the law seems to be perpetual oscillation, wwhile among the moderns it has rather tended towards physical science, in which the law is perpetual progress. National power, and in most THE NATURAL IISTORY OF MORALS. 131 cases even national independence, implied among the ancients the constant energy of high intellectual or moral qualities. When the heroism or the genius of the people had relaxed, when an enervating philosophy or the lassitude that often accompanies civilisation arrived, the whole edifice speedily tottered, the sceptre was transferred to another state, and the same history was elsewhere repro. duced. A great nation bequeathed indeed to its successors works of transcendent beauty in art and literature, philosophies that could avail only when the mind had risen to their level, examples that might stimulate the heroism of an aspiring people, warnings that might sometimes arrest it on the path of ruin. But all these acted only through the mind. In modern times, on the other hand, if we put aside religious influences, the principal causes of the superiority of civilised men are to be found in inventions which when once discovered can never pass away, and the effects of which are in consequence in a great measure removed from the fluctuations of moral life. The causes which most disturbed or accelerated the normal progress of society in antiquity were the appearance of great men, in modern times they have been the appearance of great inventions. Printing has secured the intellectual achievements of the past, and furnished a sure guarantee of future progress. Gunpowder and military machinery hlave rendered the triumph of barbarians impossible. Steam has united nations in the closest bonds. Innumerable mechanical contrivances have given a decisive preponderance to that industrial element which has coloured all the developments of our civilisation. The leading characteristics of modern societies are in consequence marked out much more by the triumphs of inventive skill than by the sustained energy of moral causes. 132 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. Now it will appear evident, I think, to those who reflect carefully upon their own minds, and upon the course of history, that these three things, the study of physical science, inventive skill, and industrial enterprise, are connected in such a manner, that when in any nation there is a long-sustained tendency towards one, the others will speedily follow. This connection is partly that of cause and effect, for success in either of these branches facilitates success in the others, a knowledge of natural laws being the basis of many of the most important inventions, and being itself acquired by the aid of instruments of research, while industry is manifestly indebted to both. But besides this connection, there is a connection of congruity. The same cast or habit of thought developes itself in these three forms. They all represent the natural tendencies of what is commonly called the practical as opposed to the theoretical mind, of the inductive or experimental as opposed to the deductive or ideal, of the cautious and the plodding as opposed to the imaginative and the ambitious, of the mind that tends naturally to matter as opposed to that which dwells naturally on ideas. Among the ancients, the aversion to physical science, which the belief in the capricious divine government of all natural phenomena, and the aversion to industrial enterprise which slavery produced, conspired to favour the philosophical tendency, while among the moderns physical science and industrialism continually react upon one another. There can be -no question that the intellectual tendencies of modern times are far superior to those of antiquity, both in respect to the material prosperity they effect, and to the uninterrupted progress they secure. Upon the other hand, it is, I think, equally unquestionable that this superiority is purchased by the sacrifice T'HE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 133 of sotmething of dignity and elevation of character. It is when the cultivation of mental and moral qualities is deemed the primary object, when the mind and its interests are most removed from the things of sense, that great characters are most firequent, and the standard of heroism is most high. In this, as in other cases, the law of congruity is supreme. The mind that is concentrated most on the properties of matter, is predisposed to derive all ideas from the senses, while that which dwells naturally upon its ownl operations inclines to an ideal philosophy, and the prevailing system of morals depends upon the distinction. In the next place, we may observe that the practical consequences, as far as ethics are concerned,' of the opposition between the two great schools of morals, are not so great as might be inferred froLm the intellectual chasm that separates them. Moralists grow up under the influence of the moral atmosphere of society, and experience all the common feelings of other men. Whatever theory of the genesis of morals they may form, they commonly recognise as right the broad moral principles of the world, and they endeavour-though I have attempted to show not always successfully-to prove that these principles may be accounted for and justified by their system. The great practical difference between the schools lies not in the difference of the virtues they inculcate, bLt in the different degrees of prominence they assign to each, in the different casts of mind they represent and promote. As Adam Smith observed, a system like that of the Stoics, vwhich makes self-control the ideal of excellence, is 1 I male this qualification, because I believe that the denial of a moral nature in man capable of perceiving the distinction between duty and interest, and the rightful supremacy of the former, is both philosophically and actually subversive of natural theology. 134 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3IORALS. especially favourable to the heroic qualities, a system like that of ItHutcheson, which resolves virtue into benevolence, to the amiable qualities, and utilitarian systems to the industrial virtues. A society in which any one of these three forms of moral excellence is especially prominent, has a natural tendency towards the corresponding theory of ethics; but, on the other hand, this theory, when formed, reacts upon and strengthens the moral tendency that elicited it. The Epicureans and the Stoics can each claim a great historical fact in their favour. When every other Greek school modified or abandoned the teaching of its founder, the disciples of Epicurus at Athens preserved their hereditary faith unsullied and unchangeld.- On the other hand, in the Roman empire, almost every great character, almost every effort in the cause of liberty, emanated from the ranks of stoicism, while Epicureanismi was continually identified with corruption and with tyranny. The intuitive school, not having a clear and simple external standard, has often proved somewhat liable to assimilate with superstition and mysticism, to become fantastic, unreasoning, and unpractical, while the prominence accorded to interest, and the constant intervention of calculation in utilitarian systems, have a tendency to depress the ideal, and give a sordid and unSee the forcible passage in the life of Epicurus by Diogenes Lairtlus. So MIackintosh:' It is remarkable that, while, of the three professors who sat in the Porch from Zeno to Posidonius, every one either softened or exaggerated the doctrines of his predecessor, and while the beautiful and reverend philosophy of Plato had in his own Academy degenerated into a scepticism which did not spare morality itself, the system of Epicurus remained without change; his disciples continued for ages to show personal honour to his memory in a manner which may seem unaccountable among those who were taught to measure propriety by a calculation of palpable and outward usefulness.'-Dissertatioln on.Ethical Plzlosopliy, p. 85, ed. 1836. See, too, Tennemann (Manuel de la PPhilosoMhie, ed. Cousin, tome i. p. 211). NATURAL HIISTORY OF 3MORALS. 135 heroic ply to the character. The first, dwelling on the moral initiative, elevates the tone and standard of life. The second, revealing the influence of surrounding circumstances upon character, leads to the most important practical reforms.1 Each school has thus proved in some sense at once the corrective and the complement of the other. Each, when pushed to its extreme results, produces evils which necessitate the reappearance of its rival. Having now considered at some length the nature and tendencies of the theories according to which men test and classify their moral feelings, we may pass to an examination of the process according to which these feelings are developed, or, in other words, of the causes that lead societies to elevate their moral standard and determine their preference of some particular kinds of virtues. The observations I have to offer on this subject will be of a somewhat miscellaneous character, but they will all, I trust, tend to show tile nature of the changes which constitute moral history, and they will furnish us with some general principles which may be applied in detail in the succeeding chapters. It is sufficiently evident, that in proportion to the high organisation of society, the amiable and the social virtues will be cultivated at the expense of the heroic and the 1 Thus e.g. the magnificent chapters of tHelvetius on the moral elfects of despotism, form one of the best modern contributions to political ethics. We have a curious illustration of the emphasis with which this school dwells on the moral importance of institutions in a memoir of MI. De Tracy, On the best Plan of National Ecldcation, which appeared first towards the close of the French Revolution, and was reprinted during the Restoration. The author, who was one of the most distinguished of the disciples of Condillac, argued that the most efficient of all ways of educating a people is, the establishment of a good system of police, for the constant association of the ideas of crime and punishment in the minds of the masses is the one effectual method of creating moral habits, which will continue to act when the fear of punishment is removed. 13G IHISTO1RY OF EUROPEAN hIORALS. ascetic. A courageous endurance of suffering is probably the first form of human virtue, the one conspicuous instance in savage life of a course of conduct opposed to natural impulses, and pursued through a belief that it is higher or nobler than the opposite. In a disturbed, disorganised and warlike society, acts of great courage and great endurance are very frequent, and determine to a very large extent the course of events; but in proportion to the organisation of communities the occasions for their display, and their influence when displayed, are alike restricted. ]3esides this the tastes and habits of civilisation, the innumerable inventions designed to promote comfort and diminish pain, set the current of society in a direction altogether different from heroism and somewhat emasculate, though they refine and soften, the character. Asceticism again —including under this term, not merely the monastic system, but also all efforts to withdraw from the world in order to cultivate a high degree of sanctity-belongs naturally to a society which is somewhat rude, and in which isolation is frequent and easy. WNhen men become united in very close bonds of co-operation, when industrial enterprise becomes very ardent, and the prevailing impulse is strongly towards material wealth and luxurious enjoyments, virtue is regarded chiefly or solely in the light of the interests of society, and this tendency is still further strengthened by the educational influence of legislation, which imprints moral distinctions very deeply on the mind, but at the same time accustoms men to measure them solely by an external and utilitarian standard.l Tlhe first table of the 1 A most momentous intellectual revolution is at present taking place in England. The ascendency in literary anld philosophical questions which belonged to the writers of books is manifestly passing in a very great degree to weekly and even daily papers. which have long been supreme in politics, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 137 law gives way to the second. Good is not loved for itself, but as the means to an end. All that virtue which [s required to form upright and benevolent men is in the highest degree useful to society, but the qualities which constitute a saintly or spiritual character as distinguished from one that is simply moral and amiable, have not the same direct, uniform and manifest tendency to the promotion of happiness, and they are accordingly undervaluLed.1 In savage life the animal nature being supreme, these higher qualities are unknown. In a very elaborate material civilisation the prevailing atmosphere is not favourable either to their production or their appreciation. Thleir place has usually been in an intermediate stage. On the other hand, there are certain virtues that are the natural product of a cultivated society. Independently of all local and special circumstances the transition of men from a barbarous or semi-civilised to a highly organised state necessarily brings with it the and have begun within the last ten years systematically to treat ethical and philosophical questions. F1rom their immense circulation, their incontestable ability and the power they possess of continually reiterating their distinctive doctrines, from the impatience, too, of long and elaborate writings, which newspapers generate in the public, it has come to pass that these periodicals exercise probably a greater influence than any other productions of the day, in forming the ways of thinking of ordinary educated Englishmen. The many consequences, good and evil, of this change it will be the duty of future literary historians to trace, but there is one which is, I think, much felt in the sphere of ethics. An important effect of these journals has been to evoke a very large amount of literary talent in the lawyer class. Mlen whose professional duties would render it impossible for them to write long boolis, are quite capable of treating philosophical subjects in the form of short essays, and have in fact become the chief writers in these periodicals. There has never, I think, before, been a time when lawyers occupied such an important literary position as at present, or whenlegal ways of thinking had so great an influence over English philosophy; and this fact has been eminently favourable to the progress of utilitarianism. 1 There are some good remarks on this point in the very striking chapter on the present condition of Christianity in Wilberforce's Practical View. 138 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. destruction or abridgment of the legitimate sphere of revenge, by the transfer of the office of punishinent from the wronged person to a passionless tribunal appointed by society;1 a growing substitution of pacific for warlike occupations, the introduction of refined and intellectual tastes which gradually displace amusements that derive their zest from their barbarity, the rapid multiplication of ties of connection between all classes and nations, and above all, the strengthening of the imagination by intellectual culture. This last faculty, considered as the power of realisation, forms the chief tie between our moral and intellectual natures. In order to pity suffering we must realise it, and the intensity of our compassion is usually and chiefly proportioned to the vividness of our realisation. The most frightful catastrophe in South America, an earth — quake, a shipwreck, or a battle, will elicit less compassion than the death of a single individual who has been brought prominently before our eyes. To this cause must be ascribed the extraordinary measure of compassion usually bestowed upon a conspicuous condemned criminal, the affection and enthusiasm that centre upon sovereigns, and many of the glaring inconsistencies of our historical judgments. The recollection of some isolated act of magnanimity displayed by Alexander or Cmsar moves us more than the thought of the 30,000 Thebans whom the Macedonian sold as slaves, of the 2,000 prisoners he crucified at Tyre, of tle 1,100,000 men on whose corpses the Roman rose to fame. Wrapt in the pale winding-sheet of general 1 See Reid's.Essays on the Active Powlers, iii. 4. 2 I say usually proportioned, because it is, I believe, possible for men to realise intensely suffering, and to derive pleasure from that veiy fact. This is especially the case with vindictive cruelty, but it is not, I think, altogether confined to that sphere. This question we shall have occasion to examine when discussing the gladiatorial shows. Most cruelty, however, springs from callousness, which is simply dulness of imagination. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 139 terms the greatest tragedies of history evoke no vivid images in our minds, and it is only by a great effort of genius that an historian can galvanise them into life. The irritation displayed by the captive of St. Helena in his bickerings with his gaoler affects most men more than the thought of the nameless thousands whom his insatiable egotism had hurried to the grave. Such is the frailty of our nature that we are more moved by the tears of some captive princess, by some trifling biographical incident that has floated-down the stream of history, than by the sorrows of all the countless multitudes who perished beneath the sword of a Tamerlane, a ]3ajazet, or a Zenghis Khan. If our benevolent feelings are thus the slaves of our imaginations, if an act of realisation is a necessary antecedent and condition of compassion, it is obvious that any influence that augments the range and power of this realising faculty is favourable to the amiable virtues, and it is equally evident that education has in the highest degree this effect. To an uneducated man all classes, nations, modes of thought and existence foreign to his own; are unrealised, while every increase of knowledge brings with it an increase of insight, and therefore of sympathy. But the addition to his knowledge is the smallest part of this change. The realising faculty is itself intensified. Every book he reads, every intellectual exercise in which he engages, accustoms him to rise above the objects' immediately present to his senses, to extend his realisations into new spheres, and reproduce in his imagination the thoughts, feelings, and characters of others, with a vividness inconceivable to the savage. Hence, in a great degree, the tact with which a refined mind learns to discriminate and adapt itself to the most delicate shades of feeling, and hence too the sensitive 140 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MiORALS. humanity with which, in proportion to their civilisation, men realise and recoil from cruelty. We have here, however, an important distinction to draw. Under the name of cruelty are comprised two kinds of vice, altogether different in their causes and in most of their consequences. There is a cruelty which springs from callousness and brutality, and there is the cruelty of vindictiveness. The first belongs chliefly to hard, dull, and somewhat lethargic characters, it appears most frequently in strong and conquering nations and in temperate climates, and it is dclue in a very great degree to defective realisation. The second is rather a feminine attribute, it is usually displayed in oppressed and suffering communities, in passionate natures, and in hot climates. Great vindictiveness is often united with great tenderness, and great callousness with great magnanimity, but a vindictive nature is rarely magnanimous, and a brutal nature is still more rarely tender. The ancient Romans exhibited a remarkable combination of great callousness and great magnanimity, while by a curious contrast the modern Italian character verges manifestly towards the opposite combination. Both forms of cruelty are, if I mistake not, diminished with advancing civilisation, but by cifferent causes and in different degrees. Callous cruelty disappears before the sensitiveness of a cultivated imagination. Vindictive cruelty is diminished by tlhe substitution of a penal system for private revenge. The same intellectual culture that facilitates the realisation of suffering, and therefore produces compassion, facilitates also the realisation of character and opinions, and therefore produces charity. The great majority of uncharitable judgments in the world may be traced to a deficiency of imagination. The chief cause of sectariani animosity, is the incapacity of most men to conceive hos THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 141 tile systems in the light in which they appear to their adherents, and to enter into the enthusiasm they inspire. The acquisition of this power of intellectual sympathy is a common accompaniment of a large and cultivated mind, and wherever it exists, it assuages the rancour of controversy. The severity of our judgment of criminals is also usually excessive, because the imagination finds it more easy to realise an action than a state of mind. Any one can conceive a fit of drunkenness or a deed of violence, but few persons who are by nature very sober or very calm can conceive the natural disposition that predisposes to it. A good man brought up among all the associations of virtue reads of some horrible crime, his imagination exhausts itself in depicting its circumstances, and' he then estimates the guilt of the criminal, by asking himself,' How guilty should I be, were I to perpetrate such an act?' To realise with any adequacy the force of a passion we have never experienced, to conceive a type of clharacter radically different from our own, above all, to form any just appreciation of the lawlessness and obtuseness of moral temperament, inevitably generated by a vicious education, requires a power of imagination which is among the rarest of human endowments. Even in judging our own conduct, this feebleness of imagination is sometimes shown, and an old man recalling the foolish actions, but having lost the power of realising the feelings, of his youth, may be very unjust to his own past. That which makes it so difficult for a man of strong vicious passions to unbosom himself to a naturally virtuous man, is not so much the virtue as the ignorance of the latter. It is the conviction that he cannot possibly understand the force of a passion he has never felt. That which alone renders tolerable to the mind the thought of judgment by an all-pure Being, is the union of the attribute of 142 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. omniscience with that of purity, for perfect knowledge implies a perfect power of realisation. The further our analysis extends, and the more our realising faculties are cultivated, the more sensible we become of the influence of circumstances both upon character and upon opinions, and of the exaggerations of our first estimates of moral inequalities. Strong antipathies are thus gradually softened down. Men gain much in charity, but they lose something in zeal. NVe may push, I think, this vein of thought one step farther. Our imagination, which governs our affections, is in its earlier and feebler stages wholly unable to grasp ideas, except in a personified and concrete form, and the power of rising to abstractions is one of the best measures of intellectual progress. The beginning of writing is the hieroglyphic or symbolical picture, the beginning of worship is fetishism or idolatry, the beginning of eloquence is pictorial, sensuous, and metaphorical, the beginning of philosophy is the myth. The imagination in its first stages concentrates itself on individuals; gradually by an effort of abstraction it rises to an institution or well-defined organisation; it is only at a very advanced stage that it can grasp a moral or intellectual principle. Loyalty, patriotism, and attachment to a cosmopolitan cause are therefore three forms of moral enthusiasm respectively appropriate to three successive stages of mental progress, and they have, I think, a certain analogy to idolatrous Aworship, church feeling, and moral culture, which are the central ideas of three stages of religious history. The reader will readily understand that generalisations of this kind can pretend to nothing more than a general and approximate truth. Our knowledge of the laws of moral progress is like that of the laws of climate. We lay down general rules about the temperature to be THE NArTURkL HISTORY OF MIORALS. 143 expected as we approach or recede from. the equator, and experience shows that they are substantially correct; but yet an elevated plain, or a chain of mountains, or the neighbourhood of the sea, will often in some degree derange our calculations. So, too, in the history of moral changes, innumerable special agencies, such as religious or political institutions, geographical conditions, traditions, antipathies, and affinities, exercise a certain retarding, accelerating, or deflecting influence, and somewhat modify the normal progress. The proposition for which I am contending is simply that there is such a thing as a natural history of morals, a defined and regular order, in which our moral feelings are unfoldedl; or, in other words, thllat there are certain groups of virtues vwhich spring splontaneously out of the circumstances and mental conditions of an uncivilisedl people, and that there are others which are the normal and appropriate products of civilisation. The virtues of uncivilised men are recognised as virtues by civilised men, but they are neither exhibited in the same perfection, or given the same position in the scale of duties. Of these moral changes none are more obvious than the gradual decadence of heroism both active and passive, the increase of compassion and of charity, and the transition from the enthusiasm of loyalty to those of patriotism and liberty. Another form of virtue which usually increases with civilisation is veracity, a term which must be regarded as including somlething more than the simple avoidance of direct falsehood. In the ordinary intercourse of life it is readily understood that a man is offending against trutl, not onlly when hlie utters a deliberate falsehood, but also when in his statement of a case he suppresses or endeavours to conceal essential facts, or makes positive assertions without having conscientiously verified their grounds. 11 144 IIISTORiY OF EUROPEAN MORIALS The earliest formn in which the duty of veracity is enforced is probably tlhe observance of vows, which occupy a position of much prominence in youthful religions. With the subsequent progress of civilisation, we find the successive inculcation of three forms of veracity, which may be termed respectively industrial, political, and philosophical. ]By tle first I understand that accuracy of statement or fidelity to engagements which is commonly meant when we speak of a truthful man. Though in some cases sustained by the strong sense of honour which accompanies a military spirit, this form of veracity is usually the special virtue of an industrial nation, for although industrial enterprise affords great temptations to deception, mutual confidence, and therefore strict truthfulness, are in these occupations so transcendently important thlat they acquire in the minds of men a value they had never before possessed. Veracity becomes the first virtue in the moral type, and no character is regarded with any kind of approbation in which it is wanting. It is made more than any other the test distinguishing a good froml a bad man. We accordingly find that even where the impositions of trade are very numerous, the supreme excellence of veracity is cordially admitted in theory, and it is one of the first virtues that every man aspiring to moral excellence endeavours to cultivate. This constitutes probably the chief moral superiority of nations pervaded by a strong industrial spirit over nations like the Italians, the Spaniards, or the Irish, among whom that spirit is wanting. The usual characteristic of the latter nations is a certain laxity or instability of character, a proneness to exaggeration, a want of truthfulness in little things, an infidelity to engagements from which an Englishman, educated in the habits of industrial life, readily infers a complete absence of moral principle. But a larger philosophy and a deeper THE NATURAL HI1STORIY OF MORALS. 145 experience dispel his error. ie finds that where the industrial spirit has not penetrated, truthfulness rarely occupies in the popular mind the same relative position in the catalogue of virtues. It is not reckoned among the fundamentals of'morality, and it is possible and even common to find in these nations-what would be scarcely possible in an industrial society —men who are habitually dishonest and untruthful in small things, and whose lives are nevertheless influenced by a deep religious feeling, and adorned by the consistent practice of some of tlh most difficult and most painful virtues. Trust in Providence, content and resignation in extreme poverty and suffering, the most genuine amiability and the most sincere readiness to assist their brethren, an adherence to their religious opinions which no persecutions and no bribes can shake, a capacity for heroic, transcendent, and prolonged self-sacrifice, miay be found in some nations in men who are habitual liars and habitual cheats. The promotion of industrial veracity is probably the single form in which the growth of nmanufactures exercises a favourable influence upon morals. It is possible, however, for it to exist in great perfection without any corresponding growth of political veracity, or in other words, of that spirit of impartiality which in matters of controversy desires that all opinions, arguments, and facts should be fully and fairly stated. This habit of what is commonly termed'fair play' is especially the characteristic of free communities, and it is pre-eminently fostered by political life. The practice of debate creates a sense of the injustice of suppressing one side of a case, which gradually extends through all forms of intellectual Kife, and becoimes an essential element in the national character. ]3ut beyond all this there is a still higher forlm of intellectual virtue. By enlarged intellectual 146 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. culture, especially by philosophic studies. men come at last to pursue truth for its own sake, to esteem it a duty to emancipate themselves from party spirit, prejudices, and passion, and through love of truth to cultivate a judicial spirit in controversy. They aspire to the intellect not of a sectarian but of a philosopher, to the intellect not of a partisan but of a statesman. Of these three forms of a truthful spirit the two last may be said to belong exclusively to a highly civilised society. The last especially can hardly be attained by any but a cultivated mind, and is one of the latest flowers of virtue that bloom in the human heart. The growth however, both of political and philosophical veracity has been unnaturally retarded by the opposition of theologians, who, while exercising a very beneficial influence in many spheres of morals, have in this proved formidable adversaries to progress, for they made it during many centuries a main object to suppress all writings opposed to their views, and when this power had escaped their grasp. they proceeded to discourage in every way impartiality of mind and judgment, and to associate it with the notion of sin. To the observations I have already made concerning the moral effects of industrial life, I shall at present add but twao. The first is that an industrial spirit creates two wholly different types of character-a thrifty character and a speculating character. Both types grow out of a strong sense of the value and a strong desire for the attainment of material comforts, but they are profoundly different both in their virtues and their vices. The chief characteristic of the one type is caution, that of the other enterprise. Thriftiness is one of the best regulators of life. It prodluees order, sobriety, moderation, selfrestraint, patient industry, and all that cast of virtues THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 147 which is designated by the term respectability; but it has also a tendency to form contracted and ungenerous natures, incapable of enthusiasm or lively sympathy. The speculating character, on the other hand, is restless, fiery, and uncertain, very liable to fall into great ancd conspicuous vices, impatient of routine, but by no means unfavourable to strong feelings, to great generosity or resolution. Which of these two forms the industrial spirit assumes depends upon local circumstances. Thriftiness flourishes chiefly among men who are placed outside the great stream of commerce, and in positions where wealth is only to be acquired by slow and steady industry, while the speculating character is most common in the great centres of enterprise and of wealth. In the next place, it may be remarked that industrial habits bring forethought into a new position in the moral type. In early stages of theological belief, men regarding every incident that happens to them as the result of a special divine decree, sometimes esteem it a test of faith and a form of duty to take no precautions for the future, but to leave questions of food and clothing to Providential interposition. On the other hand, in an industrial civilisation, prudent forethought is regarded not simply as lawful, but as a duty, and a duty of the very highest order. A good man of the industrial type deems it a duty not to marry till he has ensured the maintenance of a possible family; if he possesses children, he regulates his expenses not simply by the relation of his income to his immediate wants, but with a constant view to the education of his sons, to the portioning of his daughters, to the future necessities and careers of each member of his family. Constant forethought is the guiding principle of his whole life. No single 148 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORA.-LS. circumstance is regarded as a better test of the civilisation of a, people than the extent to which it is diffused among them. The old doctrine virtually disappears, and is interpreted to mean nothing more than that we should accept with resignation what no efforts and no foreth!ought could avert. This clange is but one of several influences which, as civilisationl advances, diminish the spirit of reverence among mankind. Reverence is one of those feelings whiclh, in. utilitarian systems, would occupy at best a very ambiguous position; for it is extremely questionable whether the great evils that have grown out of it in the form of religious superstition and political servitude have not made it a source of more unhappiness thlan happiness. Yet, however doubtful may be its position if estimated by its bearing on happiness and on progress, there are few persons who are not conscious that no character cani attain a supreme degree of excellence in which a reverential spirit is wantingc. Of all the forms of moral goodness it is that to which the epithet beautifiul may be most emplhatically applied. Yet the habits of advancing civilisation are, if I mistake not, on the whole inimical to its growth. For reverence grows out of a sense of constant dependence. It is fostered by that condition of religious thought in lwhich men believe that each incident that befalls them is directly and specially ordained, and when every event is therefore fraught with a moral import. It is fostered by that condition of scientific knowledge in which every portentous natural phenomenon is supposed to be the result of a direct divine interposition, and awakens in consequence emotions of humility and of awe. It is fostered in that stage of political life when loyalty or reverence for the sovereign is the dominating passion, when an aristocracy, branching forth from the throne, THE NATURAL HISTOlRY OF MORALS. 149 spreads habits of deference and subordination through every village, when a revolutionary, a democratic, and a sceptical spirit are alike unknown. Every great clhange, either of belief or of circumstances, brings with it a change of emotions.. The self-assertion of liberty, the levelling of democracy, the dissectilng-knife of criticism, the economical revolutions that reduce the relations of classes to simple contracts, the agglomeration of population, and the facilities of locomotion that sever so many ancient ties, are all incompatible with the type of virtue which existed before the power of tradition was broken, and when the chastity of faith was yet unstained. Benevolence, uprightness, enterprise, intellectual honesty, a love of freedom, and a hatred of superstition are multiplyiTng around us, but we look in vain for that most beautiful character of the past, so distrustful of self, and so trustful of others, so rich in self-denial and modesty, so simple, so earnest, and so devout, which even when, Ixion-Iike, it bestowed its affections upon a, cloud, made its very illusions the source of some of the purest virtues of our nature. In a few minds, the contemplation of the sublime order of nature produces a reverential feeling, but to the great majority of mankiDnd it is an incontestable thllough mournful fact, that the discovery of controlling and unchanging law deprives phenomena of their moral significance, and nearly all the social and political spheres in which reverence was fostered have passed away. Its most beautiful displays are not in nations like the Americans or the modern Frencl, who have throwrn themselves most fully into the tendencies of this age, but rather in secluded regions like Styria or the Tyrol. Its artistic expression is found in no work of modern genius, but in the medimval cathedral, which, mellowed but not impaired by time, still gazes on us in its deathlcss beauty through 1z3 IHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. the centuries of the past. A superstitious age, like every other phase of hulman history, has its distinctive virtues, which must necessarily decline before a new stage of progress can be attained. The virtues and vices growing out of the relation between the sexes are difficult to treat in general terms, both on account of the obvious delicacy of the subject, and also because their natural history is extremely obscured by special causes. In the moral evolutions we have as yet examined, the normal influences are most powerful, and the importance of derangin(g and modifying influences is altogether subsidiary. The expansion of our amiable virtues, the decline of heroism and loyalty, and the growth of industrial habits spring out of changes which necessarily take place under almost all forms of civilisation,l and tlhe broad features of the movement are tlerefore in almost all nations substantially the same. But in the history of sensuality, special causes, such as slavery, religious doctrines or laws affecting marriage, have been the most powerful agents. The immense changes effected in this field by the Cllristian religion I shall hereafter examine. In the present chapter I shall content myself with two or three very general remarks relating to the nature of the vice, and to the effect of different stages of civilisation upon its progress. There are, I conceive, few greater fallacies than are involyed in the method so popular among modern writers of judging the sensuality of a nation by its statistics of illegitimate births. Independently of the obvious defect of this method in excluding simple prostitution from our comparison, it altogether ignores the fact that a large number of illegitimate births arise from causes totally The principal exception being where slavery, coexisting with advanced civilisation, retards or prevents the growth of industrial habits. THE NATURAL TILSTORY 0o1' MORALS. 151 different from the great violence of sensual passions. Such, for example, is the notion prevailing in many country districts of England, that the marriage ceremony has a retrospective virtue, cancelling previous immorality; and such too is the custom so general among some classes on. the Continent of forming permanent connections without the sanction either of a legal or a religious ceremony. However deeply such facts may be reprehended and deplored, it would be obviously absurd to infer from them that the nations in which they are most prominent are most conspicuous for the uncontrolled violence of their sensual passions. In Sweden, which long ranked lowest in the moral scale, if measured by the number of illegitimate birthls, the chief cause appears to have been the difficulties with which legislators surrounded marriage.l Even in displays of actual and violent passion, there are distinctions to be drawn which statistics are wholly unable to reach. The coarse, cynical, and ostentatious sensuality which forms the most repulsive feature of the French character, the dreamy, languid, and Tsthetical sensuality of the Spaniard or the Italian, the furtive and retiring sensuality of some northern nations, though all forms of the same vice, are widely different feelings, and exercise widely differelit effects upon the prevailing disposition. In'addition to the very important influence upon public morals whichl climate, I think, undoubtedly exercises in stimulating or allaying the passions, it has a powerful indirect action upon the position, character, and tastes of women, by determining the prevalence of indoor or out-of-door life, and also the classes among whom the gift of beauty is diffused. In northern countries the t See Mr. Laing's Travels in Sweden. A similax cause is said to have a imlilar effect in Bavaria. 152 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. prevailing cast of beauty depends rather on colour than on form. It consists chiefly of a freshness and delicacy of complexion which severe labour and constant exposure necessarily destroy, and which is therefore rarely found in the highest perfection among the very poor. But the southern type is essentially democratic. The fierce r'ays of thle sun only mellow and mature its charms. Its muost perfect examples may be found in the hovel as in the palace, and the effects of this diffuision of beauty may be traced both in the manners and the morals of the people. It is probable that the observance of this form of virtue is naturally most strict in a rude and semni-civilised but not barbarous people, and that a very refined civilisation is not often favourable to its growth. Sensuality is the vice of young men and of old nations. A languid epicureanism is the normal condition of nations whlich have attained a hig'h intellectual or social civilisation, but v-which, through political causes, have no adequate sphere for the exertion of their energies. The temptation arising' from the great wvealth of some, and from the feverish longing for luxury and exciting pleasures in others, which exists in all large towns, has been peculiarly fatal to female virtue, and the whole tendency of the public amusements of civilisation is in the same direction. The rude combats which form the chief enjoyments of barbarians produce cruelty. The dramatic and artistic tastes and the social habits of refined men produce sensuality. Education raises many poor women to a stage of refinerlen t at lakes them suitable companions for men of a higher rank, and not suitable for [hose of their own. Industrial pursuits have indeed a favourable influence in promoting habits of self-restraint, and especially in chlecking the licence of military life, but on the other hand, they greatly increase temptation by THE NATURAL HISTORY OF' MORALS. 153 encourarging postponement of marriage, and in communities, even more than in individuals, moral inequalities are much more due to differences of temptation than to differences of self-restraint. In large bodies of men an increase of temptation always brincs with it an- increase, though not necessarily a proportionate increase, of vice. Among the checks on excessive multiplication, the historical influence of voluntary continence has been, it must be feared, very small. Physical and moral evils have alone been decisive, and as these form the two opposite weights, we unhappily very frequently find that the diminution of the one has been followed by the increase of the other. The nearly universal custom of early marriages among tile Irish peasantry has alone rendered possible that high standard of female chastity, that intense and jealous sensitiveness respecting female honour, for wlich, amnong, many failings and some vices, the Irish poor have long been pre-eminent in Europe; but these -very marriages are the most conspicuous proofs of the national improvidence, and one of the most fatal obstacles to industrial prosperity. Had the Irish peasants been less chaste, they would have been more prosperous. Had that fearful famine, which in the present century desolated the land, fallen upon a people who thought more of accumulating subsistence than of avoiding sin, multitudes migoht now be living who perished by literal starvation on the dreary hills of Limerick or Skibbereen. The example of Ireland furnishes us, however, with a remlarkable instance of the manner in which the influence of a moral feeling may act beyond the circumstances that gave it birth. There is no fact in Irish history more singular than the complete, and, I believe, unparalleled absence among the Irish priesthood of those moral scandals which in every continental country occasionally prove 154 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. the danger of vows of celibacy. The unsuspected purity of the Irish priests in this respect is the more remarkable, because, the government of the country being Protestant, there is no special inquisitorial legislation to ensure it, because of the almost unbounded influence of the clergy over their parishioners, and also because if any just cause of suspicion existed, in the fierce sectarianism of Irish public opinion, it would assuredly be magnified. Considerations of climate are quite inadequate to explain this fact, but the chief cause is, I think, sufficiently obvious. The habit of marrying at the first development of the passions has produced among the Irish peasantry, from whom the priests for the most part spring, an extremely strong feeling of the iniquity of irregular sexual indulgence, which retains its power even over those who are bound to perpetual celibacy. It will appear evident from the foregoing considerations, that while the essential nature of virtue and vice is unaltered, there is a perpetual, and in some branches an orderly and necessary change, as society advances, both in the proportionate value attached to different virtues in theory, and in the perfection in which they are realised in practice. It will appear too, that while there may be in societies such a thing as moral improvement, there is rarely or never, on a large scale, such a thing as unmixed improvement. We may gain more than we lose, but we always lose something. There are virtues which are continually dying away with advancing civilisation, and even the lowest stage possesses its distinctive excellence. There is no spectacle more piteous or more horrible to a good man than that of an oppressed nationality writhing in anguish beneath a tyrant's yoke; but there is no condition in which passionate, unquestioning self-sacrifice and heroic courage, and the true sentiment of fraternity are THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MOPRALS. 155 more grandly elicited, and it is probable that the triumph of liberty will in these forms not only lessen the moral performances, but even weaken the moral capacities of mankind. War is no doubt a fearful evil, but it is the seed-plot of magnanimous virtues, which in a pacific age must Wither and decay. Even the gambling-table fosters among its more skilful votaries a kind of moral nerve, a capacity for bearing losses with calmness, and controlling the force of the desires, which is scarcely exhibited in equal perfection in any other sphere. There is still so great a diversity of civilisation in existing nations that traversing tracts of space is almost like traversing tracts of time, for it brings us in contact with living representatives of nearly every phase of past civilisation. B3ut these differences are rapidly disappearing before the unparalleled diffusion and simplification of knowledge, the still more amazincg progress in means of locomotion, and the political and military causes that are manifestly converting Europe into a federation of vast centralised and democratic States. Even to those who believe that the leadinc changes are on the whole beneficial, there is much that is melancholy in this revolution. Those small States which Nwill soon have disappeared from the map of Europe, besides their vast superiority to most great empires in financial prosperity, in the material well-being of the inhabitants, andin many cases in political liberty, pacific tastes, and intellectual progress, form one of the chief refuges of that spirit of content, repose, and retrospective reverence which is pre-eminently wanting in modern civilisation, andl their security is in every age one of the least equivocal measures of international morality. The monastic system, however pernicious when enlarged to excess, has undoubtedly contributed to the happiness of the 156 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. world by supplying an asylum especially suited to a certain type of character; and that vindictive and short-sighted revolution which is extirpating it from Europe is destroying one of the best correctives of the excessive industrialism of our age. It is for the advantage of a nation that it should attain the most advanced existing type of progress, but it is extremely questionable whether it is for the advantage of the community at large that all nations should attain the same type, even when it is the most advanced. The influence of very various circumstances is absolutely necessary to perfect moral development. Hence, one of the great political advantages of class representation, which brings within the range of politics a far greater variety both of capacities and moral qualities than can be exhibited when one class has an exclusive or overwhelmingly preponderating influence, and also of heterogeneous empires, in which different degrees of civilisation produce different kinds of excellence which react upon and complete one another. In the rude work of India and Australia a type of character is formed which England could ill afford to lose. The remarks which I have now made will be sufficient, I hope, to throw some light upon those great questions concerning the relations of intellectual and moral progress which have attracted in late years so large an amount of attention. It has been contended that the historian of human progress should concentrate his attention exclusively on the intellectual elements; for there is no such thing as moral history, morals being essentially stationary, and the rudest barbarians being in this respect as far advanced as ourselves. In opposition to this view, I have maintained that while what may be termed the primal elements of morals are unaltered, there is a perpetual change in the standard which is exacted, and also in the relative TI-E NATURIAL IIISTORY OF IMORIALS. 157 value attached to particular virtues, and that these changes constitute one of the most important branches of general history. It has been contended by other writers, that although such changes do take place, andcl although they play an extremely great part in the world; they must be looked upon as the results of intellectual causes, changes in knowledge producing changes in morals. In this view, as we have seen, there is a considerable element of truth, but it can only, I think, be accepted with great qualification. It is one of the plainest of facts that neither the individuals nor the ages that have been most distinguished for intellectual achievements have been most distinguished for moral excellence, and that a high intellectual and material civilisation has often coexisted with much depravity. In some respects the conditions of intellectual growth are not favourable to moral growth. The ag,,lomeration of men in great cities —-which are always the centres of progress and enlightenment —is one of the most important causes of material and intellectual advance; but great towns are the peculiar seed-plots of vice, and it is extremely questionable whether they produce any special-and equivalent efflorescence of virtues, for even the social virtues are probably more cultivated in small populations, where men live in more intimate relations. Many of the most splendid outbursts of moral enthusiasm may be traced to an overwhelmning force of conviction rarely found in very cultivated minds, whicl are keenly sensible to possibilities of error, conflicting arguments, and qualifying circumstances. Civilisation has on the whole been more successful in repressing crime tlzan in repressing vice. It is very favourable to the gentler, claritable, and social virtues, and, where slavery does not exist, to the industrial virtues, and it is the especial nurse of the intellectual virtues; but it is in general not equally 153 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. favourable to the production of self-sacrifice, enthusiasm, reverence, or chastity. The moral clhanges, however, which are effected by civilisation may ultimately be ascribed chiefly to intellectual causes, for these lie at the root of the whole structure of civilised life. Sometimes, as we have seen, intellectual causes act directly, but more frequently they have only an indirect influence, producing habits of life which in their turn produce new conceptions of duty. The morals of men are more governed by their pursuits than by their opinions. A type of virtue is first formed by circumstances, and men afterwards make it the model upon which their theories are framed. Thus geographical or other circumstances that make one nation military and another industrial, will produce in each a realised type of excellence, and corresponding conceptions about the relative importance of different virtues radically different from those which are produced in the other, and this may be the case although the amount of knowledge in the two comnmunities is substantially equal. Having discussed these questions as fully as the nature of my subject requires, I will conclude this chapter by noticing a few very prevalent errors in the moral judgments of history, and will also endeavour to elucidate some important consequences that may be deduced from the nature of moral types. It is probable that the moral standard of most men is much lower in political judgments than in private matters in which their own interests are concerned. There is nothing more common than for men who in private life are models of the most scrupulous integrity to justify or excuse the most flagrant acts of political dishonesty and violence; and we should be altogether mistaken if we argued rigidly from such approvals to the general moral TIHE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 159 sentiment of those who utter them. Not unfrequently too, by a curious moral paradox, political crimes are closely connected with national virtues. A people who are submissive, gentle, and loyal, fall by reason of these very qualities under a despotic government; but this uncontrolled power has never failed to exercise a most pernicious influence on rulers, and their numerous acts of rapacity and aggression being attributed in history to the nation they represent, the national character is wholly misinterpreted.' There are also particular kinds both of virtue and of vice which appear prominently before the world, while others of at least equal influence almost escape the notice of history. Thus, for example, the sectarian animosities, the horrible persecutions, the blind hatred of progress, the ungenerous support of every galling disqualification and restraint, the intense class selfishness, the obstinately protracted defence of every intellectual and political superstition, the childish but whimsically ferocious quarrels about minute dogmatic distinctions, or dresses, or candlesticks, which constitute together the main features of ecclesiastical history, might naturally though very unjustly lead men to place the ecclesiastical type in almost the lowest rank, both intellectually and morally. These are, in fact, the displays of ecclesiastical influence which stand in bold relief in the pages of history. The civilising and moralising influence of the clergyman in his parish, the simple, unostentatious, unselfish zeal with which he educates the ignorant, guides the erring, comforts the sorrowing, braves the horrors of pestilence, and sheds a hallowing influence over the dying hour, the countless ways in which, in his little sphere, he allays evil passions, and softens manners, 1 This has been, I thinkl especially the case with the Austrians. 12 160 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. and elevates and purifies those around him-all these things, though very evident to the detailed observer, do not stand out in the same vivid prominence in historical records, and are continually forgotten by historians. It is always hazardous to argue from the character of a corporation to the character of the members who compose it, but in no other case is this method of judgment so fallacious as in the history of ecclesiastics, for there is no other class whose distinctive excellences are less apparent, and whose mental and moral defects are more glaringly conspicuous in corporate action. In different nations, again, the motives of virtue are widely different, and serious misconceptions arise from the application to one nation of the measure of the other. Thus the chief national virtues of the French people result from anl intense power of sympathy, which is also the foundation of some of their most beautiful intellectual qualities, of their social habits, and of their unrivalled influence- in Europe. No other nation has so habitual and vivid a sympathy for great struggles for freedom beyond its border. No other literature exhibits so expansive and ecumenical a genius, or expounds so skilfully or appreciates so generously foreign ideas. In no other land would a disinterested war for the support of a suffering nationality find so large an amount of support. The national crimes of France are many and grievous, but much will be forgiven her because she loved much. The Anglo-Saxon nations, on the other han d, though sometimes roused to strong but transient enthusiasm, are habitually singularly narrow, unappreciative, and unsympathetic. The great source of their national virtues is the sense of duty, the power of pursuing a course which they believe to be right, independently of all considerations of sympathy or favour, of enthusiasm or success. Other THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 161 nations have far surpassed them in many qualities that are beautiful, and inl some qualities that are great. It is the merit of the Anglo-Saxon race that beyond all others it has produced men of the stamp of a Washington or a llampclen; men careless indeed for glory, but very careful of honour; who made the supreme majesty of moral rectitude the guiding principle of their lives, who proved in the most trying circumstances that no allurements of ambition, and no storms of passion, could cause them to deviate one hair's breadth from the course they believed to be their duty. This was also a Roman characteristic -especially that of Marcus Aurelius. The unwearied, unostentatious, and inglorious crusade of England against slavery may probably be regarded as among the three or four perfectly virtuous acts recorded in the history of nations. Although it cannot be said that any virtue is the negation of another, it is undoubtedly true that virtues are naturally grouped according to principles of affinity or congruity, which are essential to the unity of the type. The heroical, the amiable, the industrial, the intellectual virtues form in this manner distinct groups; and in some cases the development of one group is incompatible, not indeed with the existence, but with the prominence of others. Content cannot be the leading virtue in a society animated by an intense industrial spirit, or submission or tolerance of injuries in a society formed upon a military type, or intellectual virtues in a society where a believing spirit is made the essential of goodness, yet each of these conditions is the special sphere of some particular class of virtues. The distinctive beauty of a moral type depends not so much on the elements of which it is composed, as of the proportions in which those elements are combined. The characters of Socrates, 162 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. of Cato, of Bayard, of Fenelon, and of St. Francis Assisi are all beautiful, but they differ generically, and not simply in degrees of excellence. To endeavour to impart to Cato the distinctive charm of St. Francis, or to St. Francis that of Cato, would be as absurd as to endeavour to unite in a single statue the beauties of the Apollo and the Laocoon, or in a single landscape the beauties of the twilitght and of the meridian sun. Take away pride from the ancient Stoic or the modern Englishman, and you would have destroyed the basis of many of his noblest virtues, but humility was the very principle and root of the moral qualities of the ascetic. There is no quality that is virtuous in a woman that is not also virtuous in a man, yet that disposition or hierarchy of virtues which constitutes a perfect woman would be wholly unsuited for a perfect man. The moral is in this respect like the physical type. The beauty of man is not the beauty of wYoman, or the beauty of the child as the beauty of the adult, or the beauty of an Italian as the beauty of an Englishwoman. All types of character are not good, as all types of countenance are not beautiful; but there are many distinct casts of goodness, as there are many distinct casts of beauty. This most important truth Piay be stated in a somewhat different form. Whenever a man is eminently deficient in any virtue, it of course follows that his character is imperfect, but it does not necessarily follow that he is not in other respects moral and virtuous. There is, however, usually some one virtue, which I may term rudimentary, which is brought forward so prominently before the world, as the first condition of moral excellence, that it may be safely inferred that a man who has absolutely neglected it is entirely indifferent to moral culture. Rudimentary virtues vary in different ages, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF 3MORALS. 163 nations, and classes. Thus, in the great republics of antiquity patriotism was rudimentary, for it was so assiduously cultivated, that it appeared at once the most obvious and the most essential of duties. Among ourselves much private virtue may coexist with complete indifference to national interests.'In the monastic period, and in a somewhat different form in the age of chivalry, a spirit of reverential obedience was rudimentary, and the basis of all moral progress; but we may now frequently find a good man without it, his nmoral energies having been cultivated in other directions. Common truthfulness and honesty, as I have already said, are rudimentary virtues in industrial societies, but not in others. Chastity, in England at least, is a rudimentary female virtue, but scarcely a rudimentary virtue among men, and it has not been in all ages, and is not now in all countries, rudimentary among women. There is no more important task devolving upon a moral historian, than to discover in each period the rudimentary virtue, for it regulates in a great degree the position assigned to all others. From the considerations I have urged, it will appear that there is considerable danger in proposing too absolutely a single character, however admirable, as the mnodel to which all men must necessarily conform. A character may be perfect in its own kind, but no character can possibly embrace all types of perfection; for, as we have seen, the perfection of a type depends not only upon the virtues that constitute it, but also upon the order and prominence assigned to them. All that can be expected in an ideal is, that it should be perfect in its own kind, and should exhlibit the type most needed in its age, and most widely useful to mankind. The Christian type is the glorification of the amiable, as the Stoic type was that of the heroic qualities, and this is one 164 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. of the reasons why Christianity is so much more fitted than Stoicism to preside over civilisation, for the more society is organised and civilised, the greater is the scope for the amiable, and the less for the heroic qualities. The history of that moral intolerance which endeavours to reduce all characters to a single type has never, I think, been examined as it deserves, and I shall frequently have occasion to advert to it in the following pages. No one can have failed to observe how common it is for men to make their own tastes or excellences the measure of all goodness, pronouncing all that are broadly different from them to be imperfect or low, or of a secondary value. And this, which is usually attributed to vanity, is probably in most cases much more due to feebleness of imagination, to the difficulty most men have in conceiving in their minds an order of character fundamentally different from their own. A good man can usually sympathise much more with a very imperfect character of his own type than with a far more perfect one of a different type. To this cause, quite as much as to historical causes or occasional divergencies of interest, may be traced the extreme difficulty of effecting cordial international friendships, especially in those cases when a difference of race coincides with the difference of nationality. Each nation has a distinct type of excellence, each esteems the virtues in which it excels, and in which its neighbours are often most deficient, incomparably the greatest. Each regards with especial antipathy the vices from which it is most free, and to which its neighbours may be most addicted. Hence arises a mingled feeling of contempt and dislike from which the more enlightened minds are indeed soon emancipated, but which constitutes the popular sentiment. The type of character of every individual depends partly upon innate temperament and partly upon external THIIE NATURAL HIISTORY OF MORALS. 165 circumstances. A warlike, a refined, an industrial society, each evokes and requires its specific qualities, and produces its appropriate type. If a man of a different type arise, if, for example, a man formed by nature to exhibit to the highest perfection the virtues of gentleness or meekness, be born in the midst of a fierce military society, he will find no suitable scope for action, he will jar with his age, and his type will be regarded with disfavour. And the effect of this opposition is not simply that he will not be appreciated as he deserves, he will also never succeed in developing his own distinctive virtues as they would have been developed under other circumstances. Everything will be against him-the force of education, the habits of society, the opinions of mankind, even his own sense of duty. All the highest models of excellence about him being formed on a different type, his very efforts to improve his being will dull the qualities in which nature intended him to excel. If, on the other hand, a man with naturally heroic qualities be born in a society which pre-eminently values heroism, he will not only be more appreciated, he will also, under the concurrence of favourable circumstances, carry his heroism to a far higher point than would otherwise have been possible. Hence changing circumstances produce changing types, and hence, too, the possibility of moral history and the necessity of uniting it with general history. Religions, considered as moral teachers, are realised and effective only when their moral teaching is in conformity with the tendency of their age. If any part of it is not so, that part will be either openly abandoned, or refined away, or tacitly neglected. Among the ancients, the co-existence of the Epicurean and Stoical schools, which offered to the world two entirely different archetypes of virtue, secured in a very remarkable manner the recogni .166 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. tion of different kinds of excellence; for although each of these schools often attained a pre-eminence, neither ever succeeded in wholly destroying or discrediting the other. Of the two elements that compose the moral condition of mankind, our generalised knowledlge is almost restricted to one. We know much of the ways ill which political, social, or intellectual causes act upon character, but scarcely anything of the laws that govern innate disposition, of the reasons and extent of the natural moral diversities of individuals or races. I think, however, that mhost persons who reflect upon the subject will conclude that the progress of medicine, revealing the physical causes of different moral predispositions, is likely to place a very large measure of knowledge on this point within our reach. Of all the great branches of human knowledge medicine is that in which the accomplished results are most obviously imperfect and provisional, in which the field of unrealised possibilities is most extensive, and from which, if the human mind were directed to it, as it has been during the past century to industrial inventions, and especially to overcoming space, the most splendid results might be expected. Our almost absolute ignorance of the causes of some of the most fatal diseases, and the empirical nature of nearly all our best medical treatment, have been often recognised. The medicine of inhalation is still in its infancy, and yet it is by inhalation that Nature produces most of her diseases, and effects most of her cures. The medical powers of electricity, which of all known agencies bears most resemblance to life, are almost unexplored. The discovery of anmstlhetics has in our own day opened out a field of inestimable importance, and the proved possibility, under certain physical conditions, of governing by external sug THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MORALS. 167 gestions the whole current of the feelings and emotions, may possibly contribute yet further to the alleviation of suffering, and perhaps to that euthanasia which Bacon proposed to physicians as an end of their art. But in the eyes both of the philanthropist and of the philosopher, the greatest of all results to be expected in this, or perhaps any other field, are, I conceive, to be looked for in the study of the relations between our physical and our moral natures. He who raises moral pathology to a science, expanding, systematising, and applying many fragmentary observations that have been already made, will probably take a place among the master intellects of mankind. The fastings and bleedings of the medimval monk, the medicines for allaying or stimulating the sensual passionS, the treatment of nervous diseases, the moral influences of insanity and of castration, the researches of phrenology, the moral changes that accompany the successive stages of physical developments, the instances of diseases which have altered, sometimes permanently, the whole complexion of the character, and have acted through the character upon all the intellectual judgments,1 are examples of the kind of facts with which such a science would deal. Mind and body are so closely connected, that even those who most earnestly protest against materialism readily admit that each acts continually upon the other. Tlhe sudden emotion that quickens the pulse, and blanches or flushes the cheek, and the effect of fear in predisposing to an epidemic, are familiar instances of the action of the mind upon the body, and the more powerful and permanent influence of the body upon the disposition is attested by countless observations. It is probable that this action extends to all parts of our moral constitution, that every I See some remarlable instances of this in Cabanis, Rapports dc Physique t du Moral de l'Hlomme. 168 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. passion or characteristic tendency-has a physical predisposing cause, and that if we were acquainted with these, we might treat by medicine the many varieties of moral disease as systematically as we now treat physical disease. In addition to its incalculable practical importance, such knovledge would have a great philosophical value, throwing a new light upon the filiation of our moral qualities, enabling us to treat exhaustiveJy the moral influence of climate, and withdrawing the great question of the influence of race from the impressions of isolated observers to place it on the firm basis of experiment. It would thus form the complement to the labours of the historian. Such discoveries are, however, perhaps far from attainment, and their discussion does not fall within the compass of this work. My present object is simply to trace the action of external circumstances upon morals, to examine what have been the moral types proposed as ideal in different ages, to what degree they have been realised in practice, and by what causes they have been modified, impaired, or destroyed. THE PAGAN EMP1IRE. 1U CHAPTER II THE PAGAN EMPIRE. ONE of the first facts that must strike a student who examines the ethical teaching of the ancient civilisations is how imperfectly that teaching was represented, and how feebly it was influenced by the popular creed. The moral ideals had at no time been sought in the actions of the gods, and long before the triumph of Christianity, polytheism had ceased to have any great influence upon the more cultivated intellects of mankind. In Greece we may trace from the earliest time the footsteps of a religion of nature, wholly different from the legends of the mythology. The language in which the first Greek dramatists asserted the supreme authority and universal providence of Zeus was so emphatic, that the Christian fathers commonly attributed it either to direct inspiration or to a knowledge of the Jewish writings, while later theologians of the school of Cudworth have argued from it in favour of the original monotheism of our race. The philosophers were always either contemptuous or hostile to the prevailing legends. Pythagoras is said to have declared that he had seen Hesiod tied to a brass pillar in hell, and Homer hung upon a tree surrounded by serpents, on account of the fables they had invented about the gods.l Plato, for the same reason 1 Diog. Laert. Pythag. 170 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. banished the poets from his republic. Stilpo turned to ridicule the whole system of sacrifices,l and was exiled from Athens for denying that the Athene of Phidias was a goddess.2 Xenophanes remarked that each nation attributed to the gods its distinctive national type, the gods of the 2Ethiopians being black, the gods of the Thracians fair and blue-eyed.3 Diagoras and Theodorus are said to have denied, and Protagoras to have questioned, the existence of the gods,4 while the Epicureans deemed them whollyindiff'erent to human affairs, and the Pyrrhonists pronounced our faculties absolutely incapable of attaining any sure knowledge, either human or divine. The Cynic Antisthenes said that there were many popular gods, but only one god of nature.5 The Stoics, reproducing an opinion which was supported by Aristotle and attributed to Pythagoras,6 believed in an all-pervading soul of nature, but, unlike some modern schools which have adopted this view, they asserted in emphatic language the doctrine of Providence, and the self-consciousness of the Deity. In the Roman republic and empire, a general scepticism had likewise arisen among the philosophers as the first fruit of intellectual development, and the educated classes were speedily divided between avowed or virtual atheists, like the Epicureans,7 and pure theists, like the Stoics and the Platonists. The first, represented by such writers as Plutarch, De Profectibus in VTirt. 2 Diog. Laert. StUpo. S Clem. Alexand. Strom. vii. 4 Cicero, De Nat. Deorum, i. 1. 5 Lactant. Inst. Div. i. 5. o' Pythlagoras ita definivit quid esset Deus: Animus qui per universas mundi partes, omnemque naturam commeans atque diffusus, ex quo omnia qum nascuntur animalia, vitam capiunt.'-Ibid. Lactantius in this chapter has collected several other philosophic definitions of the Divinity. See too Plutarch, De Placit. Pidlos. Tertullian explains the stoical theory by an ingenious illustration:' Stoici enim volunt Deum sic per materiem decucurrisse quomodo mel per favos.'-Tert. De Anin2a. 7 As Cicero says; Epicurus re tollit, oratione relinquit, deos.' —De Nat, Deor. i. 44. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 171 Lucretius and Petronius, regarded the gods simply as the creations of fear, denied every form of Providence, attributed the world to a concurrence of atoms, and life to spontaneous generation, and regarded it as the chief end of philosophy to banish as illusions of the imagination every form of religious belief. The others formed a more or less pantheistic conception of the Deity, asserted the existence of a Providence,1 but treated with great contempt the prevailing legends which they endeavoured in various ways to explain. The first systematic theory of explanation appears to have been that of the Sicilian Euhemerus, whose work was translated by Ennius. He pretended that the gods were originally kings, whose history and genealogies he professed to trace, and who after death had been deified by mankind.2 Another attempt, which in the first period of Roman scepticism was more generally popular, was that of some of the Stoics, who regarded the gods as personifications of the different attributes of the Deity, or of different forces of nature. Thus Neptune was the sea, Pluto was fire, Hercules represented the strength of God, Minerva Iis wisdom, Ceres His fertilising energy.3 More than:a hundred years before the empire, Varro had declared that' the soul of the world is 1 Sometimes, however, they restricted its operation to the great events of life. As an interlocutor in Cicero says:' Magna dii curant, parva negligunt.' -Cic. De N2atur. D)eor. ii. 66. Justin AMartyr notices (Trypho. i.) that some philosophers maintained that God cared for the universal or species, but not for the individual. Seneca maintains that the Divinity has determined all things by an inexorable law of destiny, which Hie has decreed, but which He Himself obeys. (De Provident. v.) 2 See on this theory Cicero, De orNatir. Deor. i. 42; Lactantius, Inst. Div. i. 11. 3 Diog. Latrt. Fit. Zeno. St. Aug. _De Civ. Dei, iv. 11. iMaximus of Tyre Dissert. x. (in some editions xxix.) ~ 8. Seneca, Deo Benfcciis, iv. 7-8. Cic. De Nahtur. Deor. i. 15. Cicero has devoted the first two books of this work to the stoical theology. A full review of the allegorical and mythical interpretations of paganism is given by Eusebius, Evang. plrzplaor. lib. iii. 17f2 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. God, and that its parts are true divinities.' Virgil and Manilius described, in lines of singular beauty, that universal spirit, the principle of all life, the efficient cause of all motion, which permeates and animates the globe. Pliny said that' the world and sky, in whose embrace all things are enclosed, must be deemed a god, eternal, immense, never begotten, and never to perish. To seek things beyond this is of no profit to man, and they transcend the limits of his faculties.' 2 Cicero had adopted the higher Platonic conception of the Deity as mind freed from all taint of matter,3 while Seneca celebrated in magnificent language'Jupiter the guardian and ruler of the universe, the soul and spirit, the lord and master of this mundane sphere,... the cause of causes, upon whom all things hang.... Whose wisdom oversees the world that it may move uncontrolled in its course,.. fronm whom all things proceed, by whose spirit we live,... who comprises all we see.' 4 Lucan, the great poet of stoicism, rose to a still higher strain, and to one which still more accurately expressed the sentiments of his school, when he described Jupiter as that majestic, all-pervasive spirit, whose throne is virtue and the universe.5 Quintilian defended the subjugation of the world beneath the sceptre of a single man, on the ground that it was an image of the government of God. Other philosophers contented themselves with asserting 1 St. Aug. De Civ. vii. 5. 2 Plin. Hist. XNat. ii. 1. 3 Nec vero Deus ipse qui intelligitur a nobis, alio modo intelligi potest nisi mens soluta qumdam et libera, segregata ab omni concretione mortali, omnia sentiens et movens, ipsaque proedita motu sempiterno.'- Tusc. Qucest. i. 27. 4 Senec. Quaest. Arit. ii. 45.' Estne Dei sedes, nisi terra et pontus et aer Et ccelum et virtus? Superos quid qumerimus ultra? Jupiter est quodcumque vides, quodcumque moveris.' Plharsal. ix. THIE PAGAN EMPIRE. 173 the supreme authority of Jupiter Maximus, and reducing the other divinities to mere administrative and angelic functions, or, as the Platonists expressed it, to the position of danmons. According to some of the Stoics, a final catastrophe would consume the universe, the resuscitated spirits of men and all these minor gods, and the whole creation being absorbed into the great parent spirit, God would be all in all. The very children and old women ridiculed Cerberus and the Furies1 or treated them as mere metaphors of conscience.2 In the deism of Cicero the popular divinities were discarded, the oracles refuted and ridiculed, the whole system of divination pronounced a political imposture, and the genesis of the miraculous traced to the exuberance of the imagination, and to certain diseases of the judgment.3 Before the time of Constantine, numerous books had been written against the oracles.4 The greater number of these had actually ceased, and the ablest writers justly saw in this cessation an evidence of the declining credulity of the people, and a proof that the oracles had been a fruit of that credulity.5 1'Queve anus tam excors inveniri potest qua illa, qum quondam credebantur apud inferos portenta extimescat?'-Cic. De Nat..Deor. ii. 2.'Esse aliqu.os Manes et subterranea regna... Nec pueri credunt nisi qui nondum ore lavantur.' —Juv. Sat. ii. 149, 152. See on this subject a good review by the Abb6 Freppel, Les P&'res apostoliques, leqon viii. 2 Cicero, De Leg. i. 14; Macrobius, In Sorm. Scip. i. 10. 3 See his works De Divinatione and De Nat. Deorum, which form a curious contrast to the religious conservatism of the De Legibus, which was written chiefly from a political point of view. 4 Eusebius Prcep. Evang. lib. iv. 5 The oracles first rave their answers in verse, but their bad poetry was ridiculed, and they gradually sank to prose, and at last ceased. Plutarch defended the inspiration of the bad poetry on the ground that the inspiring spirit availed itself of the natural faculties of the priestess for the expression of its infallible truths-a theory which is still much in vogue among biblical critics, and is, I believe, called dynamical inspiration. See Fontenelle, list. des Oracles (lst ed.), pp. 292-293. 174 HISTORY OF, EUROPEAN MORALS. The Stoics holdintg, as was their custom, aloof from direct religious discussion, dissuaded their disciples from consulting them, on thle ground that the gifts of fortune were of no account, and that a good man should be content with his conscience, making duty and not success the object of his life.' Cato wondered that two augurs could meet with gravity.2 A Roman general named Sertorius made the forgery of auspicious omens a continual resource in warfare.3 The tRoman wits made divination the favourite subject of their ridicule.4 The denunciation which the early Greek moralists launched against the popular ascription of immoral deeds to the gods was echoed by a long series of later philosophers,5 while Ovid made these fables the theme of his inocking ifetamzorploses, and in his most immoral poem proposed Jupiter as a model of vice. With an irony not unlike that of Isaiah, Horace described the carpenter deliberating whether he should convert a shapeless log into a bench or into a god.6 Cicero, Plutarch, Maximus of Tyre, and Dio Chrysostom either denounced idolatry or defended the use of images simply on the ground that they were signs and symbols of the Deity,7 well suited to aid the devotions of 1 See the famous description of Cato refusing to consult the oracle of Jupiter Ammon, in Lucan, Plhars. ix.; and also Arrian, ii. 7. Seneca beautifully says,' Vis deos propitiare? bonus esto. Satis illos coluit quisquis imitatus est.' —Ep. xcv. 2 Cicero, De Divin. ii. 24. 3 Aulus Gellius, roct. Att. xv. 22. 4 See a long string of witticisms collected by Legendre, Traite' de I'Opinion, ou Me17moires pour servir a l'tlistoire de l'Esprit Ihumain (Venise, 1735), tome i. pp. 386-387. 5 See Cicero, -De Natura.Deoorum; Seneca, De Brev. Vit. c. xvi.; Plin. Jtist. Ncat. ii. 5; Plutarch, De Superstitione. 8 Olihm truncus erain ficulnus, inutile lignum, Curm faber, incertus scamnum faceretne Priapuml, Maluit esse Deum.'-Sermn. I. viii. 1-3. 7 There is a very curious discussion on this subject, reported to have taken place between Apollonius of Tyana and an Egyptian priest. The THE PAG AN EMPIIRE. 175 the ignorant. Seneca and the whole school of Pythagoras objected to the sacrifices. These examples will be sufficient to show how widely the philosophic classes in Rome were removed from the professed religion of the State, and how necessary it is to seek elsewhere the sources of their moral life. But the opinions of learned men never reflect faithfully those of the vulgar, and the chasm between the two classes was even wider than at present before the dawn of Christianity and the invention of printing. The atheistic enthusiasm of Lucretius and the sceptical enthusiasm of some of the disciples of Carneades were isolated phenomena, and the great majority of the ancient philosophers, while speculating with the utmost freedom in private, or in writings that were read by the few, countenanced, practised, and even defended the religious rites that they despised. It was believed that many diflerent paths adapted to different nations and grades of knowledge converge to the same Divilnity, and that the most erroneous religion is good if it, formns good dispositions and inspires virtuous actions. The oracle of Delphi lhad said that the best religion is that of a man's own city. Polybius and Dionysius of former defended the Greek fashion of worshipping the Divinity under the form of the human image, sculptured by Phidias and Praxiteles, this beino the noblest form we can conceive, and therefore the. least inadequate to tile Divine perfections. The latter defended the Egyptian custom of worshipping animals, because, as he said, it is blasphemous to attempt to conceive an iluage of the Deity, and the Egyptians therefore concentrate the imagination of the worshipper on objects that are plainly merely allegorical or symbolical, and do not pretend to offer any such imag'e (liNlos. Apoll. of Tyanac, vi. 19). Pliny shortly says,'Effigiem Dei formamcque qumrere imlbecillitatis humana reor' (liist. VNt. ii. 5). See too Max. Tyrius, Diss. xxxviii. There was a legend that Nu uma forbade all idols, and that for 200 years they were unknown in Rome (Plutarcl, LZfe of 2Vuma). Dio Chrysostom said that the Gods need no statues or sacrifices, but that by these means we attest our devotion to them (Or at. xxxi.). On the vanity of rich idols, see Plutarchl De Sup;er.sitione; Seneca, Ep. xxxi. i Lact. IZnst. Div. vi. 25. 13 176 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Halicarnassus, who regarded all religions simply as political agencies, dilated in rapturous terms upon the devotion of the Romans and the comparative purity of their creed.' Varro openly professed the belief that there are certain religious truths which it is expedient that the people should regard as false.2 The academic Cicero and the Epicurean Cmsar were both high officers of religion. The Stoics taught that every man should duly perform the religious ceremonies of his country.3 But the Roman religion, even in its best days, though an admirable system of mloral discipline, was never an independent source of moral enthusiasm. It was the creature of the State, and derived its inspiration from political feeling. The Roman gods were not, like those of the Greeks, the creations of an unbridled and irreverent fancy, nor, like those of the Egyptians, representations of the forces of nature;, they were for the most part simple allegories, frigid personifications of different virtues, or presiding spirits imagined for the protection of different departments of industry. The religion established the sanctity of an.oath, it gave a kind of official consecration to certain virtues, and commemorated special instances in which they had been displayedl; its local character strengthened patriotic feeling, its worship of the dead fostered a vague belief in the immortality of the soul,4 it sustained the supremacy of the father in the family, surrounded marriacre with many imposing solemnities, and created simple and reverent characters profoundly submissive to an overDion. Halic. ii.; Polyb.,i. 56. 2 St. Aug. De Civ. Dei, iv. 31. 3 Epictetus, Enchir. xxxix. 4 Cicero, speaking of the worship of deified mcn, says,'indicat omnium quidem animos immortales esse, sed fortium bonorumque divinos.' —D Leg. ii. 11. - The Roman worship of the dead, which was the centre of the domestic religion, has been recently investigated with much ability by M. Coulanges (La Cite antique). THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 177 ruling Providence and scrupulously observant of sacred rites. But with all this it was purely selfish. It was simply a method of obtaining prosperity, averting calamity, and reading the future. Ancient Rome produced many heroes, but no saint. Its self-sacrifice was patriotic, not religious. Its religion was neither an independent teacher nor a source of inspiration, although its rites mingled with and strengthened some of the best habits of the people. But these habits, and tile religious reverence with which they were connected, soon disappeared amid the immorality and decomposition that marked the closing years of the republic and the dawn of the empire. The stern simplicity of life which the censors had so zealously and often so tyrannically enforced,' was exchanged for a luxury which first appeared after the return of the army of Manlius from Asia,2 increased to immense proportions after the almost simultaneous conquests of Carthage, Corinth, and Macedonia,3 received an additional stimulus from the example of Antony,4 and at last, under the empire, rose to excesses which the wildest oriental orgies have never surpassed.5 The complete subversion of the social and political system of the republic, the anarchy of civil war, the ever increasing concourse of strangers, bringing with them new philosophies, customs, and gods, On the minute supervision exercised by the censors on all the details of domestic life, see Aul. Gell. Noct. ii. 24; iv. 12, 20. 2 Livy, xxxix. 6. 8 Yell. Paterculus, i. 11-13; Eutropius, iv. 6. Sallust ascribed the decadence of Rome to the destruction of its rival, Carthag'e. 4 Plutarch, De Adulatore et Amico. 5 There is much curious information about the growth of Roman luxury in Pliny (Hist. racct. lib. xxxvl.). The movement of decomposition has been lately fully traced by Mommsen (Hist. of Romze); D11llinger (Jeaw and Gentile); Denis (list. des Iclees morales dans l'Antquitd); Pressense (Hist. des trois 1renmiers Sicles); in the histories of Champagny, alnd in the beautiful closing chapters of the Ap6tres of Renan. 178 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3iORALS. had dissolved or effaced all the old bonds of virtue. The simple juxtaposition of many forms of worship effected what could not have been effected by the most sceptical literature or the most audacious philosophy. The moral influence of religion was completely annihilated. The feeling of reverence was extinct. Augustus solemnly degraded the statue of Neptune because his fleet had been wrecked.' When Germanicus died, the populace stoned or overthrew the altars of the gods.2 The idea of sanctity was so far removed from the popular divinities, that it became a continual complaint that prayers were offered which the most depraved would blush to pronounce aloud.3 Amid the corruption of the empire, we meet with many noble efforts of reform made by philosophers or by emperors, but we find not a trace of the moral influence of the old religion. The apotheosis of the emperors consummated its degradation. The foreign gods were identified with those of Rome, and all their immoral legends associated with the national creed.4 The theatre greatly extended the area of scepticism. Cicero mentions the assenting plaudits with which the people heard the lines of Ennius, declaring that the gods, though real beings, take no care for the things of man.5 Plutarch tells of a spectator at a theatre rising up with indignation after a recital of the crimes of Diana, and exclaiming to the actor,' May you have a daughter like her whom 1 Sueton. Aug. xvi. 2 Ibid. Calig. v. 8 Perseus, Sat. ii.; Horace, Ep. i. 10, vv. 57-60. 4 See, on the identification of the Greek and Egyptian myths, Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride. The Greek and Roman gods were habitually regarded as identical, and Ctesar and Tacitus, in like manner, identified the deities of Gaul and Germany with those of their own country. See Dollin:er, Jew and Gentile, vol. ii. pp. 160-165. 5'Ego deftm genus esse semper dixi et dicam ccelitum; Sed eos non curare opinor quid agat hornminum genus.' Cicero adds:' magno plauslu loquitur assentiente populo.'-De.Divin. ii. 50. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 179 you have described.' l St. Augustine and other of the fathers long after ridiculed the pagans who satirised in the theatres the very gods they worshipped in the temples.2 Men were still profoundly superstitious, but they resorted to each new religion as to a charm or talisman of especial power, or a system of magic revealing the future. There existed, too, to a very large extent, a kind of superstitious scepticism which occupies a very prominent place in religious history. There were multitudes who, declaring that there were no gods, or that the gods never interfered with human affairs, professed with the same breath an absolute faith in all portents, auguries, dreams, and miracles. Innumerable natural objects, such as comets, meteors, earthquakes, or monstrous births, were supposed to possess a kind of occult or magical virtue, by which they foreshadowed, and in some cases influenced, the destinies of men. Astrology, which is the special representative of this mode of thought, rose to great prominence. The elder Pliny notices that in his time, a belief was rapidly gaining ground, both among the learned and among the vulgar, that the whole destiny of man is determined by the star that presides over his nativity; that God, having ordained this, never interferes again with human affairs, and that the reality of the portents is due to this preordainment.3 One of the later 1 Plutarch, De Superstitione. 2 St. Aug. De Civ. Dei, vi. (6; Tertul. Alol. 15; Arnobius, Adv. Gentes, iv. 3'Pars alia et hane pellit, astroque suo eventus assignat, nascendi legibus; semelque in omnes futuros unquaml D)eo decretum; in reliquum vero otium datum. Sedere ccepit sententia hlec pariterque et eruditrum vulgus et rude in eamn cursu vadit. Ecce fulgurumn monitus, oraculorum proescita, aruspicum predicta, atque etiam parva dictu in auguriis sternumenta et ofl'ensiones pedum.'-H-ist. Nat. ii. 5. Pliny himself expresses great doubt about astrology, giving many examples of men with different destinies, who had been born at the same time, and therefore under the same stars. (vii. 50.) Tacitus expresses complete doubt about the existence of Providence..Am, vi. 22.) 180 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. historians of the empire remarks, that numbers who denied the existence of any Divinity, believed nevertheless that they could not safely appear in public, or eat, or bathe, unless they had first carefully consulted the almanack to ascertain the position of the planet Mercury, or how far the moon was from the Crab.' Except perhaps among the peasants in the country districts, the Roman religion, in the last years of the republic, and in the first century of the empire, scarcely existed, except in the state of a superstition, and he who would. examine the true moral influences of the time must turn to the great schools of philosophy which had been imported from Greece. The vast place which the rival systems of Zeno and Epicurus occupy in the moral history of mankind, and especially in the closing years of the empire of paganism, may easily lead us to exaggerate the creative genius of their founders, who in fact did little more than give definitions or intellectual expression to types of excellence that had at all times existed in the world. There have ever been stern, upright, self-controlled, and courageous men, actuated by a pure sense of duty, capable of high efforts of self-sacrifice, somewhat intolerant of the frailties of others, somewhat hard and unsympathising in the ordinary intercourse of society, but rising to an heroic grandeur as the storm lowered upon their path, and more ready to relinquish life than the cause they believed to be true. There have also always been men of easy tempers and of amiable dispositions, gentle, benevolent, and pliant, cordial friends and forgiving enemies, selfish at heart, yet ever ready, when it is possible, to conciliate their gratifications with those of others, averse to all enthusiasm, mysticism, utopias, and superstition, with little depth of 1 Ammlianus Marcellinus, xxviii. 4. THIE PAGAN EMPIRE. 181 character or capacity for self-sacrifice, but admirably fitted to impart and to receive enjoyment, and to render thle course of life easy andcl harmonious. The first are by nature Stoics, and the second Epicureans, and if they proceed to reason about the summumn bonum or the affections, it is more than probable that in each case their characters will determine their theories. The first will estimate self-control above all other qualities, will disparage the affections, and will enldeavour to separate widely the ideas of duty and of interest, while the second will systematically prefer the amiable to the heroic, and the utilitarian to the mystical. Buit while it is undoubtedly true that in these matters character usually determines opinion, it is not less true that character is itself in a great measure governed by national circumstances,. Tlhe refined, artistic, sensual civilisations of Greece and Asia Minor might easily produce fine examples of the Epicurean type, but Rome was from the earliest times pre-eminently the home of stoicism. iLong before the Romans had begun to reason about phlilosophy, they had exhibited it in action, and in their speculative days it was to this doctrine that the noblest minds naturally tended. A great nation engaged in perpetual wars in an a age when success in warfare depended neither upon wealth nor upon mechanical genius, but upon the constant energy of patriotic enthusiasm, and upon the unflinchling maintenance of military discipline, the whole force of the national character tended to the production of a single definite type. In the absolute authority accorded to the father over the children, to the husband over the wife, to the master over the slave, we may trace the same habits of discipline that proved so formidable in the field. Patriotism and military honour were indissolubly connected in the Roman mind. They 182 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. were the two sources of national enthusiasm, the chief ingredients of the national conception of greatness. They determined irresistibly the moral theory which was to prove supreme. Nlow war, which brings with it so many demoralising influences, has, at least, always been the great school of heroism. It teaches men how to die. It familiarises the mind with the idea of noble actions performed under the influence, not of personal interest, but of honour and of enthusiasm. It elicits in the highest degree strength of character, accustoms men to the abnegation needed for simultaneous action, compels them to repress their fears, and establish a firm control over their affections. Patriotism, too, leads them to subordinate their personal wishes to the interests of the society in which they live. It extends the horizon of life, teaching men to dwell among the great men of the past, to derive their moral strength from the study of heroic lives, to look forward continually, through the vistas of a distant future. to the welfare of an organisation which will continue when they have passed away. All these influences were developed in Roman life to a degree which can now never be reproduced. War, for the reasons I have stated, was far more than at present the school of heroic virtues. Patriotism, in the absence of any strong theological passion, had assumed a transcendent power. The citizen, passing continually from political to military life, exhibited to perfection the moral effects of both. The habits of command formed by a long period of almost universal empire, and by the aristocratic organisation of the city, contributed to the elevation, and also to the pride, of the national character. It will appear, I think, sufficiently evident, from these considerations, that the circumstances of the Roman people TIIE PAGAN EMPIRE. 183 tended inevitably to the production of a certain type of character, which, in its essential characteristics, was the type of stoicism. In addition to the predisposition which leads men in their estimate of the comparative excellence of different qualities to select for the highest eulogy those which are most congruous to their own characters, this fact derives a great importance from the large place which the biographical element occupied in' ancient ethical teaching. Among Christians the ideals have commonly been either supernatural beings or men who were in constant connection with supernatural beings, and these men have usually been either Jews or saints, whose lives had been of such a nature as to isolate them from most human sympathies, and to efface as far as possible the national type. Among the Greeks and RBomans the examples of virtue were usually their own fellow-countrymen; men who had lived in the same moral atmosphere, struggled for the same ends, acquired their reputation in the same spheres, exhibited in all their intensity the same national characteristics as their admirers. History had assumed a didactic character it has now almost wholly lost. One of the first tasks of every moralist was to collect traits of character illustrating the precepts he enforced. Valerius Maximus represented faithfully the method of the teachers of antiquity when he wrote his book giving a catalogue of different moral qualities, and illustrating each by a profusion of examples derived from the history of his own or of foreign nations.'Whenever,' said Plutarch,'we begin an enterprise, or take possession of a charge, or experience a calamity,- we place before our eyes the example of the greatest men of our own or of bygone ages, and we ask ourselves how Plato or Epaminondas, Lycurgus or Agesilaus, would have acted. Looking into these 184 HISTORY OF'EUROPEAN MORALS. personages as into a faithful mirror, we can remedy our defects in word or deed..... Whenever any perplexity arrives, or any passion disturbs the mind, the student of philosophy pictures to himself some of those who have been celebrated for their virtue, and the recollection sustains his tottering steps and prevents his fall.' 1 Passages of this kind continually occur in the ancient moralists,2 and they show how naturally the highest type of national excellence determined the prevailing school of moral philosophy, and also how the influence of the heroic period of national history would act upon the best minds in the subsequent and wholly different phases of development. It was therefore not surprising that during the empire, though the conditions of national life were profoundly altered, stoicism should still be the philosophical religion, the great source and regulator of moral enthusiasm. Epicureanism had indeed spread widely in the empire,3 but it proved little more than a principle of disintegration or an apology for vice, or at best the religion of tranquil and indifferent natures animated by no strong moral enthusiasm. It is indeed true that Epicurus had himself been a man of the most blameless character, that his doctrines were at first carefully distinguished from the coarse sensuality of the Cyrenaic school which had preceded them, that they admitted in theory almost every form of virtue, and that the school had produced many disciples who, if they had not attained the highest grades of excellence, had at least 1 De Profectibus in V't. It was originally the custom at Roman feasts to sing to a pipe the actions and the virtues of the greatest men. (Cie. Tusc. Qucest. iv.) 2 See for examples Epictetus, Eacli. lii. Seneca is full of similar exhortations. 3 According to Cicero, the first Latin work on philosophy was by the Epicurean Amafanius. (Tusc. Qu.,st. iv.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 185 been men of harmless lives, intensely devoted to their master, and especially noted for the warmth and constancy of their friendships.1 But a school which placed so high a value on ease and pleasure was eminently unfit to struggle against the fearful difficulties that beset the teachers of virtue amid the anarchy of a military despotism, and the virtues and the vices of the Rotomans were alike fatal to its success. All the great ideals of Roman excellence belonged to a different type. Such men as a Decius or a Regulus would have been impossible in an Epicurean society, for even if their actuating emotion was no nobler than a desire for posthumous fame, such a desire could never grow powerful in a moral atmosphere charged with the shrewd, placid, unsentimental utilitarianism. of Epicurus. On the other hand, the distinctions the Epicureans had drawn between more or less refined pleasures and their elevated conceptions of what constitutes the true happiness of men, were unintelligible to the Romans, who knew how to sacrifice enjoyment, but who, when pursuing it, gravitated naturally to the coarsest forms. The mission 1 On the great perfection of the character of Epicurus, see his life by Diogenes Laertius, and on the purity of the philosophy he taught and the degree in which it was distorted and misrepresented by his Roman followers, Seneca,.De Fitca B2eatc, c. xii. xiii. and.Ep. xxi. Gassendi, in a very interesting little work entitled Pkhilosoplice Epicur-i Syntagma, has abundantly proved the possibility of uniting Epicurean principles with a high code of morals. But probalbly the llost beautiful picture of the Epicurean system is the first book of the -De Finzibs, in which Cicero endeavours to paint it as it would have been painted by its adherents. When we remember that the writer of this book was one of the most formidable and unflinching opponents of Epicureanism in all the ancient world, it must be owned that it would be impossible to find a grander example of that noble love of truth, that sublime and scrupulous justice to opponents, which was the pre-eminent glory of ancient philosophers, and which, after the destruc-,tion of philosophy, was for many centuries almost unknown in the world. It is impossible to doubt that Epicureanism was logically compatible with a very nigh degree of virtue. It is, I thinkl equally impossible to doubt that its practical tendency was to vice. 186 HISTOiRY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. of Epicureanism was therefore chiefly negative. The anti-patriotic tendency of its teaching contributed to that destruction of national feeling which was necessary tothe rise of cosmopolitanism, while its strong opposition to theological beliefs, supported by the genius and enthusiasm of Lucretius, told powerfully upon the decaying faith. Such being the functions of Epicureanism, the constructive or positive side of ethical teaching devolved almost exclusively upon Stoicism; for although there were a few philosophers who expressed themselves in strong opposition to some portions of the stoical system, their efforts usually tended to no more thani a modification of its extreme and harshest features. The Stoics asserted two cardinal principles —that virtue was the sole legitimate object to be aspired to, and that it involved so complete an ascendancy of the reason as altogether to extinguish the affections. The Peripatetics and many other philosophers, who derived their opinions chiefly from Plato, endeavoured to soften down the exaggeration of these principles. They admitted that virtue was an object wholly distinct from interest, and that it should be the leading motive of life; but they maintained that happiness was also a good, and a certain regard for it legitimate. They admitted that virtue consisted in the supremacy of the reason over the affections, but they allowed the exercise of the latter within restricted limits. The main distinguishing features, however, of stoicism, the unselfish ideal and the controlling reason, were acquiesced in, and each represents an important side of the ancient conception of excellence which we must now proceed to examine. In the first we may easily trace the intellectual expression of the high spirit of self-sacrifice which the patriotic enthusiasm had elicited. The spirit of patriotism THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 187 has this peculiar characteristic, that while it has evoked acts of heroism which are both very numerous and very sublime, it has done so without presenting any prospect of personal immortality as a reward. Of all the forms of human heroism, it is probably the most unselfish. The Spartan and the Roman died for his country because he loved it. The martyr's ecstacy of hope had no place in his dying hour. He gave up all he had, he closed his eyes, as he believed, for ever, and he asked for no reward in this world or in the next. Even the hope of posthumous fame-the most refined and supersensual of all that can be called reward-could exist only for the most conspicuous leaders. It was examples of this nature that formed the culminations or ideals of ancient systems of virtue, and they naturally led men to draw a very clear and deep distinction between the notions of interest and of duty. It may indeed be truly said, that while the conception of what constituted duty was often very imperfect in antiquity, the conviction that duty, as distinguished from every modification of selfishness, should be the supreme motive of life, was more clearly enforced among the Stoics than in any later society. The reader will probably have gathered fiom the last chapter that there are four distinct motives which moral teachers may propose for the purpose of leading men to virtue. They may argue that the disposition of events is such that prosperity will attend a virtuous life, and adversity a vicious one —a proposition they may prove by pointing to the normal course of affairs, and by asserting the existence of a special Providence in behalf of the good in the present world, and of rewards and punishments in the future. As far as these latter arguments are concerned, the efficacy of such teaching rests upon the firmness with which certain theological tenets are held, 188 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. while the force of the first considerations will depend upon the degree and manner in which society is organised, for there are undoubtedly some conditions of society in which a perfectly upright life has not even a general tendency to prosperity. The peculiar circumstances and dispositions of individuals will also influence largely the way in which they receive such teaching, and, as Cicero observed,' what one utility has created, 6tnother will often destroy.' They may argue; again, that vice is to the mind what disease is to the body, and that a state of virtue is in consequence a state of health. Just as bodily health is desired for its own sake, as being the absence of a painful, or at least displeasing state, so a well-ordered and virtuous mind may be valued for its own sake, and indlependently of all the external good to which it may lead as being a condition of happiness; and a mind distracted by passion and vice may be avoided, not so much because it is an obstacle in the pursuit of prosperity, as because it is in itself essentially painful and disturbing. This conception of virtue and vice as states of health or sickness, the one being in itself a good, and the other in itself an evil, was a fundamental proposition in the ethics of Plato.' It was Mr. Grote gives the following very clear summary of Plato's ethical theory, which he believes to be original:-' Justice is in the mind a condition analogous to good health and strength in the body. Injustice is a condition analogous to sickness, corruption, impotence in the body... To possess a healthy body is desirable for its consequences as a means towards other constituents of happiness, but it is still more desirable in itself as an essential element of happiness per se, i.e., the negation of sickness, which would of itself make us miserable.... In like manner, the just mind blesses the possessor twice: first and chiefly by bringing to him happiness in itself; next, also, as it leads to ulterior happy results. The unjust mind is a curse to its possessor in itself, and apart from results, though it also leads to ulterior results which render it still more a curse to him.'-Grote's Plato, vol. iii. p. 131. Plutarch, says Aristo of Chio, defined virtue as' the health of the soul.' (De Virtute Morali.) TIlE PAGAN EMPIIRE. 189 admitted, but only to a subsidiary place, by the Stoics,1 and has passed more or less into all the succeeding systems. It is especially favourable to large and elevating conceptions of self-culture, for it leads men to dwell much less upon isolated acts of virtue or vice than upon the habitual condition of mind from which they spring. It is possible, in the third place, to argue in favour of virtue by offering as a motive that sense of pleasure which follows the deliberate performance of a virtuous act. This emotion is a distinct and isolated gratification following a distinct action, and may therefore be easily separated from that habitual placidity of temper which results from the extinction of vicious and perturbing impulses. It is this theory which is implied in the common exhortations to enjoy' the luxury of doing good,' and though especially strong in acts of benevolence, in which case sympathy with the happiness created intensifies the feeling, this pleasure attends every kind of virtue. These three motives of action have all this common characteristic, that they point as their ultimate end to the happiness of the agent. The first seeks that happiness in external circumstances; the second and third in psychological conditions. There is, however, a fourth kind of motive which ml-ay be urged, and which is the peculiar characteristic of the intuitive school of moralists and the stumblingblock of its opponents. It is asserted that we are so constituted, that the notion of duty furnishes in itself a natural motive of action of the highest order, and wholly distinct from all the refinements and modifications of self-interest. The coactive force of this motive is 1'Beata est ergo vita conveniens naturse sum; quae non aliter contingere potest quam si prinium sana mens est et in perpetua possessione sanitatis sue.'-Seneca, De Vita Beata, c. iii. 190 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. altogether independent of surrounding circumstances, and of all forms of belief. It is equally true for the man who believes and for the man who rejects the Christian faith, for the believer in a future world and for the believer in the mortality of the soul. It is not a question of happiness or unhappiness, of reward or punishment, but of a generically different nature. Men feel that a certain course of life is the natural end of their being, and they feel bound, even at the expense of happiness, to pursue it. They feel that certain acts are essentially good and noble, and others essentially base and vile, and this perception leads them to pursue the one and to avoid the other, irrespective of all considerations of enjoyment. I have recurred to these distinctions, which were more fully discussed in the last chapter, because the school of philosophy we are reviewing furnishes the most perfect of all historical examples of the power which the higher of these motives can exercise over the mind. The coarser forms of self-interest were in stoicism absolutely condemned. It was one of the first principles of these philosophers that all things that are not in our power should be esteemed indifferent; that the object of all mental discipline should be to withdraw the mind from all the gifts of fortune, and that prudence must in consequence be altogether excluded from the motives of virtue. To enforce these principles they continually dilated upon the vanity of human things, and upon the majesty of the independent mind, and they indulged, though scarcely more than other sects, in many exaggerations about the impassive tranquillity of the sage.1 In the Roman empire 1 The famous paradox that'the sage could be happy even in the bull of Phalaris,' comes from the writings not of Zeno but of Epicurusthough the Stoics adopted andl greatly admired it. (Cic. Tusc. ii. See Gassendi, PIilos. jElicuuri S/zntagnma, pars iii. c. 1.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 191 stoicism flourished at a period which, beyond almost any other, seemed most unfavourable to such teaching. There were reigns when, in the emphatic words of Tacitus,'virtue was a sentence of death.' In no period* had brute force more completely triumphed, in none was the thirst for material advantages more intense, in very few was vice more ostentatiously glorified. Yet in the midst of all these circumstances the Stoics taught a philosophy which was not a compromise, not an attempt to moderate the popular excesses, but which in its austere sanctity was the extreme antithesis of all that the prevailing examples and their own interests could dictate. And these men were no impassioned fanatics, fired withi the prospect of coming glory. They were men from whose motives of action the belief in the immortality of the soul was resolutely excluded. In the scepticism that accompanied the first introduction of philosophy into Rome, in the dissolution of the old fables about Tartarus and the Styx, and the dissemination of Epicureanism among the people, this doctrine, notwithstan'ding the beautiful reasonings of Cicero and the religious faith of a few who clung like Plutarch to the mysteries in which it was perpetuated, had sunk very low. An interlocutor in Cicero expressed what was probably a common feeling, when he acknowledged that, with the writings of Plato before him, he could believe and realise it; but when he closed the book, the reasonings seemed to lose their power, and the world of spirits grew pale and unreal.1 If EnniuLs could elicit the plaudits of a theatre when he proclaimed that the gods took no part in human affairs, Cmsar could assert'1 Sed nescio quomodo dumr lego assentior; cum posui librum et mecum: ipse de immortalitate animorum coepi cogitare, assensio omnis illa elabitur.' -Cic. Tusc. i. 14 192 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. in the senate, without scandal and almost without dissent, that death was the end of all things. Pliny,' perhaps the greatest of all the Roman scholars, adopting the sentiment of all the school of Epicuirus, describes the belief in a future life as a form of madness, a puerile and a pernicious illusion.2 The opinions of the Stoics were wavering and uncertain. Their first doctrine was that the soul of man has a future and independent, but not an eternal existence, that it survives until the conflagration that was to destroy the world, when all finite things would be absorbed in the all-pervading soul of nature. Clhrysippus, however, restricted to the best and noblest souls this future existence, which Cleanthes had awarded to all,8 and among the Roman Stoics even this was greatly doubted. The belief that the human soul is a detached fragment of the Deity, naturally led to the belief that after death it would be reabsorbed in the parent Spirit. The doctrine that there is no real good but virtue:deprived the Stoics of the argument for a future world derived from unrequited merit and unpunished crimes, and the earnestness with which they contended that a good man should act irrespectively of reward, inclined them, as it is said to have inclined some Jewish thinkers,4 to the denial of 1 Sallust, CGtilina, cap. ii. 2 See that most impressive passage (Hist. Naf. vii. 56). The notion of the sleep of annihilation as the happiest end of man is a favourite thought Df Lucretius. Thus:'Neque igitur mors est -Quancloquidem natura animi mortalis habetur.'-iii. this mode of thought has been recently expressed in MIr. Swinburne's very beautiful poem on The Garden of PProserpine. 3 Diog. Lairtius. The opinion of Chrysippus seems to have prevailed, and Plutarch (De Tlacit. Philos.) speaks of it as that of the school. Cicero sarcastically says,'Stoici autem usuraml nobis largiuntur tanquam cornicibus; diu miansuros aiunt animos, semper negant.' —Tusc. Disp. lib. i. 4 It has been very frequently asserted that Antigonus of Socho having taught that virtue should be practised for its own sake, his disciple, Zadok, TIlE PAGAN EMPIRE. 193 the existence of the reward.' Panxtius, the founder of Roman stoicism, maintained that the soul perished with the body,2 and his opinion was followed by Epictetus3 and Cornutus.4 Seneca contradicted himself on the subject.5 Marcus Aurelius never rose beyond a vague and mournful aspiration. Those who believed in a future world believed it faintly and uncertainly, and even when they accepted it as a fact, they shrank from proposing it as a motive. The whole system of stoical ethics, which carried self-sacrifice to a point that has scarcely been equalled, and exercised an influence which has rarely been surpassed, was evolved without'any assistance from the doctrine of a future life.6 Pagan antiquity has bequeathed us few nobler treatises of mlorals than the' De Officiis' of Cicero, which was avowedly an expansion of a work of Panmtius.7 It has left us no grander example than that of Epictetus, the sickly, deformed slave of a master who was notorious for his barbarity, enfranchised late in life, but the founder of the Sadducees, inferred the non-existence of a future world; but the evidence for this whole story is exceedingly unsatisfactory. The reader may find its history in a very remarkable article by Mr. Twisleton on Sadducees, in Smith's Biblical Dictionary. 1 On the stoical opinions about a future life see Martin, La Vie future (Paris, 1858); Courdaveaux, De l'lmnortalitd de l'?me dacns le StocisnLe (Paris, 1857); and Alger's C0ritical Hist. of the Doctrine of a Future Life (New York, 1866). 2 His arguments are met by Cicero in the Tusculans. 3 See a collection of passages from his discouises collected by I. Courdaveaux, in the introduction to his French translation of that book. 4 Stobhus, Eclog. P/hysic. lib. i. cap. 52. 5 In his consolations to MIarcia, he seems to incline to a belief in the immortality, or at least the future existence, of the soul. In many other passages, however, he speaks of it as annihilated at death. 6'Les stoiciens ne faisaient aucunement dependre la morale de la perspective des peines ou de la remuneration dans une. vie future... La croyance h l1immolrtalit de 1'ame n'appartenait done, selon leur maniere de voir, qu'a la physique, c'est-h-dire a la psychologie.'-Degerando, list. de la Philos. tome iii. p. 56. 7'Panetius igitur, qui sine controversin de ofllciis accuratissime disputavit, quemque nos, correctione quadam adhibita, potissimum secuti sumus.' -De O0ic. iii. o. 194 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. soon driven into exile by Domitian, who, while sounding the very abyss of human misery, and looking forward to death as to simple decomposition, was yet so filled with the sense of the Divine presence, that his life was one continued hymn to Providence, and his writings and his example, which appeared to his contemporaries almost the ideal of human goodness, have not lost their consoling power through all the ages and the vicissitudes they have survived.' There was, however, another form of immortality which exercised a much greater influence among the Roman moralists. The desire for reputation, and especially for posthumous reputation -that'last infirmity of noble minds'2 —assumed an extraordinary prominence among the springs of Roman heroism, and was also the origin of that theatrical and overstrained phraseology which the greatest of ancient moralists rarely escaped.3 But we should be altogether in error if we inferred, as some have done, that paganism never rose to the conception of virtue concealing itself firom the world, and consenting 1 MarcUs Aurelius thanks Providence, as for one of the great blessings of his life, that he had been made acquainted with the writings of Epictetus. The story is well known how the old philosopher warned his master, who was beating him, that he would soon break his leg, and when the leg was broken, calmly remarked,'I told you you.t would do so.' Celsus quoted this in opposition to the Christians, asking,'Did your leader under suffering ever say anything so noble?'. Origen finely replied,'He did what was still nobler —Ie kept silence.' A Christian anchorite (some say St. Nilus, who lived in the beginning of the fifth century) was so struck with the Enchiridion of Epictetus, that he adapted it to Christian use. The conversations of Epictetus, as reported by Arrian, are said to have been the favourite reading of Toussaint l'Ouverture. 2 Tacitus had used, this expression before Milton:'Quando etiam sapientibus cnpido glorim novissima exuitur.' —list. iv. 6. 3 Two remarkable instances have come down to us of eminent writers begging historians to adorn and even exaggerate their acts. See the very curious letters of Cicero to the historian Lucceius (bL. cd -Divers. v. 12.); and of the younger Pliny to Tacitus (Ep. vii. 33). Cicero has himself confessed that he was too fond of glory. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 195 voluntarily to degradation. No characters were more highly appreciated in antiquity than those of men who, through a sense of duty, opposed the strong current of popular favour; of men like Fabius, who consented for the sake of their country to incur the reputation that is'most fatal to a soldier;l of men like Cato, who remained unmoved among' the scoffs, the insults, and the ridicule of an angry crowd.2 Cicero, expounding the principles of stoicism, declared that no one has attained to true philosophy who has not learnt that all vice should be avoided,'though it were concealed from the eyes of gods and men,' 3 and that no deeds are more laudable than those which are done without ostentation, and far from'the sight of men.4 The writings of the Stoics are crowded with sentences to the same effect.'Nothing for opinion, all for conscience.''lie who wishes his virtue to be blazed abroad is not labouring for virtue but for fame.' 6 No one is more virtuous than the man who.sacrifices the reputation of a good man rather than sacrifice his conscience.' 7' I do not shrink from praise, but I refuse to make it the end and term of right.' 8'If you do anything to please men, you have fallen from your estate.' 9'Even a bad reputation nobly earned is pleasing.' 10'A great man is not the less great when he lies vanquished and prostrate in the dust.' 11 Never forget that it is possible to be at once a divine man, yet a man unknown to all the world.' 12'That which is beautiful is l' Unus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem Non ponebat enim rumores ante salutem.'-Ennius. 2 See the beautiful description of Cato's tranquillity under insults. Seneca, De Ira, ii. 33; De Const. Sap. 1, 2. 3 De Offiiis, iii. 9. 4 Tusc. ii. 2t6, 5 Seneca, De Vit. Beat. c. xx. 6 Seneca, EPp. cxiii. 7 Seneca, Ep. lxxxi. 8 Perseus, Sat. i. 45-47. 9 Epictetus, Enchl. xxiii. 10 Seneca, De Ira, iii. 41. I1 Seneca, Cons. ad Helv. xiii.'2 Marc. Aur. vii. 67. 198 HISTORY OF ETUROPEAN MORALS. beautiful in itself; the praise of manl adds nothing to its quality.' 1 Marcus Aurelius, following an example that is ascribed to Pythagoras, made it a special object of mental discipline, by continually meditating on death, and evoking, by an effort of the imagination, whole societies that had passed away, to acquire a realised sense of the vanity of posthumous fame. The younger Pliny painted faithfully the ideal of stoicism when he described one of his friends as a man' who did nothing for ostentation, but all for conscience; who sought the reward of virtue in itself, and not in the praise of man.' 2 Nor were the Stoics less emphatic in distinguishing the obligation from the attraction of virtue. It was on this point that they separated fronm the more refined Epicureans, who were often willing to sublimate to the highest degree the kind of pleasure they proposed as an object, provided only it were admitted that pleasure is necessarily the ultimate end of our actions. But this the Stoics firmly denied.'Pleasure,' they arguedc,'is the companion, not the guide, of our course.' 3'We do not love virtue because it gives us pleasure, but it gives us pleasure because we love it.' 4 The wise man will not sin, though both gods and men should overlook the deed, for it is not through the fear of punishmelt or of shanme that he abstains from sin. It is from the desire and obligation of what is just and good.' 5' To ask to be paid for virtue is as if the eye demanded a recompense for seeing, or the feet for walking.'6 In doing good, man' should be like the vine which has produced grapes, and asks for nothing more after it has pro1 iMarc. Aur. iv. 20. 2 Pliny, Ep. i. 22. 3 Non dux, sed comes voluptas.' —Seneca, De Fit. Beat. c. viii. 4'Voluptas non est merces nec causa virtutis sed accessio; nec quia delectat placet sed quia placet delectat.'-Ibid. c. ix. 5 Perigrinus apud Aul. Gellius, xii. 11. Perig-rinus was a Cynic, but his doctrine on this point was identical with that of the Stoics. 6 Marc. Aurel. ix. 42. THE PAGAN EMsPIRE. 197 duced its proper fruit.'l IHis end, according to these teachers, is not to find peace either in life or in death. It is to do his duty, and to tell the truth. The second distingouishinc feature of stoicism I have noticed was the complete suppression of the affections to make way for the absolute ascendency of reason. There are two great divisions of character corresponding very nearly to the stoical and epicurean temperaments I have described-that in which the will predominates, and that in which the desires are supreme.i A good, man of the first class is one whose will, directed by a sense of duty, pursues the course he believes to be right, in spite of strong temptations to pursue an opposite course, arising either fiom his own passions and tendencies, or from the circumstances that surround him. A good man of the second class is one who is so happily constituted that his sympathies and desires instinctively tend to virtuous ends. The first chariacter is tlhe only one to which we can, strictly speaking, attach the idea of merit, and it is also the only one which is capable of rising to high efforts of continuous and heroic self-sacrifice; but on the other h and there is a charm in the spontaneous action of the unforced desires which disciplined virtue can perhaps never attain. The man who is consistently generous through a sense of duty, when his natural temperament impels him to avarice, and when every exercise of benevolence causes him a pang, deserves in the very highest degree our admiration; but he whose generosity costs him no effort, but is the natural gratification of his affections, attracts a far larger measure of our love. Corresponding to these two casts of character, we find two distinct theories of education, the aim of the one being chiefly to strenglthen the will, and that of the other to guide the desires. The I Mlarc. Aurel. v. 6. 198 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. principal examples of the first are the Spartan and stoical systems of antiquity, and, with some modifications, the asceticism of the middle ages. The object of these systems was to enable men to endure pain, to repress manifest and acknowledged desires, to relinquish enjoyments, to establish an absolute empire over their emotions. On the other hand, there is a method of education which was never more prevalent than in the present day, which exhausts its efforts in making virtue attractive, in associating it with all the charms of imagination and of prosperity, and in thus insensibly drawing the desires in the wished for direction. As the first system is especially suited to a disturbed and military society, which requires and elicits strong efforts of the will, and is therefore the special sphere of heroic virtues, so the latter belongs naturally to a tranquil and highly organised civilisation, which is therefore very favourable to the amiable qualities, and it is probable that as civilisation advances, the heroic type will, in consequence, become more and more rare, and a kind of self-indulgent goodness more common. The circumstances of the ancient societies led them to the former type, of which the Stoics furnished the extreme expression in their doctrine, that the affections are of the nature of a disease1- a doctrine which they justified by the same kind of arguments as those which are now often employed by metaphysicians to prove that love, anger and Seneca, however, in one of his letters (Ep. lxxv.), subtilises a good deal on this point. lie draws a distinction between affections and maladies. The first, he says, are irrational, and therefore reprehensible, movements of the soul, which if repeated and unrepressed, tend to form an irrational and evil habit, and to this last he in this letter restricts the term disease. He illustrates this distinction by observing that colds and any other slight ailments, if uncheclred and neglected, may produce an organic disease. The wise man, he says, is wholly free from moral disease, but no man can completely emancipate himself from affections, though he should make this his constant object. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 199 the like, call only be ascribed by a figure of speech to the Deity. Perturbation, they contended, is necessarily imperfection, and none of its forms can in consequence be ascribed to a perfect being. We have a clear intuitive perception that reason is the highest, and should be the directing, power of an intelligent being; but every act which is performed at the instigation of the emotions is withdrawn from the empire of reason. Hence it was inferred that while the will should be educated to act habitually in the direction of virtue, even the emotions that seem most fitted to second it should be absolutely proscribed. Thus Seneca has elaborated at length the distinction between clemency and pity, the first being one of the highest virtues, and the latter a positive vice. Clemency, he says, is an habitual disposition to gentleness in the application of punishments. It is that moderation which remits something of an incurred penalty, it is the opposite of cruelty, which is an habitual disposition to rigour. Pity, on the other hand, bears to clemency the same kind of relation as superstition to religion. It is the weakness of a feeble mind that flinches at the sight of suffering. Clemency is an act of judgment,' but pity disturbs the judgment. Clemency adjudicates upon the proportion between suffering and guilt. Pity contemplates only suffering, and gives no thoughts to its cause. Clemency, in the midst of its noblest efforts, is perfectly passionless; pity is unreasoning emotion. Clemency is an essential characteristic of the sage, pity is only suited for weak women and for diseased minds.' The sage will console those who weep, but without weeping uwith them; he will succour the shipwrecked, give hospitality to the proscribed, and alms to the poor,... restore the son to the mother's tears, save the captive from the arena, and even bury the criminal; but in all his mind and 200 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. his countenance will be alike untroubled. He will feel no pity. He will succour, he will do good, for he is born to assist his fellows, to labour for the welfare of mankind, and to offer to each one' his part.... His countenance and his soul will betray no emotion as he looks upon the withered legs, the tattered rags, the bent and emaciated frame of the beggar. But he will help those who are worthy, and, like the gods, his leaning will be towards the wretched.... It is only diseased eyes that grow moist in beholding tears in other eyes, as it is no true sympathy, but only weakness of nerves, that leads some to laugh always when others laugh, or to yawn when others yawn.'l Cicero, in a sentence which might be adopted as the motto of stoicism, said that Homer'attributed human qualities to the gods; it would have been better to have imparted divine qualities to men.' The remarkable passa ge I have just cited serves to show the extremes to which the Stoics pushed this imitation. And indeed, if we compare the different virtues that have flourished among Pagans and Christians, we invariably find that the prevailing type of excellence among the former is that in which the will and judgment, and among the latter, that in which the emotions are most prominent. Friendship rather than love, hospitality rather than charity, magnanimity rather than tenderness, clemency rather than sympathy, are the characteristics of ancient goodness. The Stoics, who carried the suppression of the emotions farther than any other school, laboured with great zeal to compensate the injury thus done to the benevolent side of our nature, by greatly enlarging the sphere of reasoned and passionless philanthropy. They taught, in the most emphatic language, the fraternity 1 De Clern. ii. 6. 7. THE PAGAN EIPIRE. 201 of all men, and the consequent duty of each man consecrating his life to the welfare of others. They developed this general doctrine in a series of detailed precepts, which, for the range, depth, and beauty of their charity, have never been surpassed. They even extended their compassion to crime, and adopting the paradox of Plato, that all guilt is ignorance,1 treated it as an involuntary disease, and declared that the only legitimate ground of punishment is prevention.2 But however fully they might recognise in theory their principles with the widest and most active benevolence, they could not wholly counteract the practical evil of a system which declared war against the whole emotional side of our being, and reduiced human virtue to a kind of majestic egotism; proposing as examples such men as Anaxagoras, who when told that his son had died, simply observed,'I never supposed that I had begotten an immortal,' or as Stilpo, who when his country had been ruined, his native city captured, and his daugl-hters carried away as slaves or as concubines, boasted that he had lost nothing, for the sage is independent of circumstances.3 The framework or theory of benevolence might be there, but the animating spirit was absent. MAen who taught that the husband or the father should look with perfect indifference onl the death of his wife or his child, and that the 1'Peccantes vero quid habet cur oderit cuml error illos in hujusmodi delicta compellat.'-Sen. De Ira, i. 14. This is a favourite thought of Marcus Aurelius, to which he reverts again and again. See, too, Arrian, i. 18. 2'Ergo ne homini quidem nocebimus quia peccavit sed ne peccet, nec unquam ad prmteritum sed ad futurum pcena referetur.' —Ibid. ii. 31. In the philosophy of Plato, on the other hand, punishment was chiefly expiatory and purificatory. (Lerminier, Introd. a li'listoire dut D}roit, p. 123.) 3 Seneca, De Constant. Sap. v. Compare and contrast this famous sentence of Anaxagoras with that of one of the early Christian hermits. Some one told the hermit that his father was dead.' Cease your blasphemy,' he answered;'my father is immortal.'-Socrates, Eccl. HTist. iv. 23. 202 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. philosopher, though he may shed tears of pretended sympathy in order to console his suffering friend, must suffer no real emotion to penetrate his breast,l could never found a true or lasting religion of benevolence. Men who refused to recognise pain and sickness as evils were scarcely likely to be very eager to relieve them in others. In truth, the Stoics, who taught that all virtue was conformity to nature, were, in this respect, eminently false to their own principle. Human nature, as revealed to us by reason, is a composite thing, a constitution of many parts differing in kind and dignity, a hierarchy in which many powers are intended to co-exist, but in different positions of ascendency or subordination. To make the higher part of our nature our whole nature is not to restore but to mutilate humanity, and this mutilation has never been attempted without producing grave evils. As philanthropists, the Stoics, through their passion for unity, were led to the extirpation of those emotions which nature intended as the chief springs of benevolence. As speculative philosophers, they were entangled by the same desire in a long train of pitiable paradoxes. Their famous doctrines that all virtues are equal, or, more correctly, are the same, that all vices are equal, that nothing is an evil which does not affect our will, and that pain and bereavement are, in consequence, no ills,2 though partially explained away and frequently disregarded by the Roman. Stoics, were yet sufficiently prominent to give 1 Epictetus, Esch. 16. 18. 2 The dispute about whether anything but virtue is a good, was, in reality, a somewhat childish quarrel about words; for the Stoics, who indignantly denounced the Peripatetics for maintaining the affirmative, admitted that health, friends, &'., should be sought, not as' goods' but as'preferables.' See along discussion on this uatter in Cicero (De Finib. lib. iii. iv.). The stoical doctrine of the equality of all vices was formally repudiated by Marcus Aurelius, who maintained (ii. 10) with Theophrastus, that faults of desire were worse than faults of anger. The other Stoics, while dog THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 203 their teaching something of an unnatural and affected appearance. Prizing only a single object, and developing only a single side of their nature, their minds became narrow and their views contracted. Thus, while the Epicureans, urging men to study nature in order to banish superstition, endeavoured to correct that ignorance of physical science which was one of the chief impediments to the progress of the ancient mind, the Stoics for the most part disdained a study which was other than the pursuit of virtue.' While the Epicurean poet painted in magnificent language the perpetual progress of mankind, the Stoic was essentially retrospective, and exhausted his strength in vain efforts to restore the simplicity of a by — gone age. While, too, the school of Zeno produced many of the best and greatest men who have ever lived, it must be acknowledlged that its records exhibit a rather unusual number of examples of high professions falsified in action, and of men who, displaying in some forms the most undoubted and transcendent virtue, fell in others far below the average of mankind. The elder Cato, who, though not a philosopher, was a model of philosophers, was conspicuous for his inhumanity to his slaves.2 Brutus was one of the matically asserting the equality of all virtues as well as the equality of all vices, in their particular judgments graduated their praise or blame much in the same way as the rest of the world. 1 See Seneca (.Ep. lxxxix.). Seneca himself, however, has devoted a work to natural history, but the general tendency of the school was certainly to concentrate all attention upon morals, and all, or nearly all the great naturalists were Epicureans. Cicero puts into the mouth of the Epicurean the sentence,' Omnium autem rerum natura cognita levamur superstitione, liberamur mortis metu, non conturbamur ignoratione yerum' (De Fin. i.); and Virgil expressed an eminently Epicurean sentin:ent in his famous lines:-'Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, Quique metus omnes et inexorabile fatum Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari.' 2 Plutarch, Cato Major. 204 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. most extortionate usurers of his time, and several citizens of Salamis died of starvation, imprisoned because they could not pay the sum he demanded.l No one eulogised more eloquently the austere simplicity of life which stoicism advocated than Sallust, who in a corrupt age was notorious for his rapacity. Seneca himself was constitutionally a nervous and timid man, endeavouring, not always with success, to support himself by a sublime philosophy. He guided, under circumstances of extreme difficulty, the cause of virtue, and his death is one of the noblest antiquity records; but his life was deeply marked by the taint of flattery, and not free from the taint of avarice, and it is unhappily certain that, after its accomplishment, he lent his pen to conceal or varnish one of the worst crimes of Nero. The courage of Lucan failed signally under torture, and the flattery which he bestowed upon Nero, in his'Pharsalia,' ranks with the Epigrams of Martial as probably the extreme limits of sycophancy to which Ioman literature descended. While, too, the main object of the Stoics was to popularise philosophy, the high standard of self-control they exacted rendered their system exceedingly unfit for the great majority of mankind, and for the ordinary condition of affairs. Life is history, not poetry. It consists mainly of little things, rarely illumnined by flashes of great heroism, rarely broken by great dangers, or demanding great exertions. A moral system, to govern society, must accommodate itself to common characters and mingled motives. It must be capable of influencing natures that can never rise to an heroic level. It must tincture, modify, and mitigate where it cannot eradicate or transform. In Christianity there are always a few persons seeking by continual and painful efforts to reverse or ex1 Cicero, Ad Attic. vi. 2. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 205 tinguish the ordinary feelings of humanity, but in the great majority of cases the influence of the religious principle upon the mind, though very real, is not of a nature to cause any serious strain or struggle. It is displayed in a certain acquired spontaneity of impulse. It softens the character, purifies and directs the imagination, blends insensibly with the habitual modes of thought, and, without revolutionising, gives a tone and bias to all the forms of action. [But stoicism was simply a school of heroes. It recognised no gradations of virtue or vice. It condemned all emotions, all spontaneity, all mingled motives, all the principles, feelings, and impulses upon which the virtue of common men mainly depends. It was capable of acting only on moral natures that were strung to the highest tension, and it was therefore naturally rejected by the multitude. The central conception of this philosophy of selfcontrol was the dignity of man. Pride, which looks within, making man seek his own approbation, as distinguished from vanity, which looks without, and shapes its conduct according to the opinions of others, was not only permitted in stoicism, it was its leading moral agent. The sense of virtue, as I have elsewhere observed, occupies in this system much the same place as the sense of sin in Christianity. Sin, in the conception of the ancients, was simply disease, and they, deemed it the part of a wise man to correct it, but not to dwell upon its circumstances. In the many disquisitions which Epictetus and others have left us concerning the proper frame of mind in which man should approach death, repentance for past sin has absolutely no place, nor do the ancients appear to have ever realised the purifying and spiritualising influence it exercises upon the character. " And while the reality of moral disease was fully recognised, while an 206 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. ideal of lofty and indeed unattainable excellence was continually proposed, no one doubted the essential excellence of human nature, and very few doubted the possibility of man acquiring by his own will a high degree of virtue. In this last respect there was a wide difference between the teaching of the Roman moralists and of the Greek poets.1 Homer continually represents courage, anger, and the like, as the direct inspiration of Heaven. 2Eschylus, the great poet of fatalism, regards every human passion as but a single link in the great chain of causes forged by the inexorable will of Zeus. There are,, indeed, few grander things in poetry than his picture of the many and various motives that urged Clytemnestra to the slaughter of Agamemnon-revenge for her murdered daughter, love for Egisthus, resentment at past breaches of conjugal duty, jealousy of Cassandra, all blending in that fierce hatred that nerved her arm against her husband's life; while above all this tumult of passion the solemn song of Cassandra proclaimed that the deed was but the decree of Heaven, the harvest of blood springing from the seed of crime, the accomplishment of the ancient curse that was destined to cling for ever to the hapless race of Atreus. Before the body of the murdered king, and in presence of the wildest paroxysms of human passion, the bystanders bowed their heads, exclaiming,' Zeus has willed itZeus the supreme Ruler, the god who does all; for what can happen in the world without the will of Zeus?' But conceptions of this kind had little or no place in the philosophy of Rome. The issue of human enter1 This contrast is noticed and largely illustrated by Ml. fAontee in his interesting little work Le Stoi'cisme t Rome, and also by Legendre in his'?aite de 1'Optinion, ou Memoires pour servir a I'kistoire de Resprit humamn (Venise, 1735). THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 207 prises and the disposition of the gifts of fortune were recognised as under the control of Providence; but man was master of his own feelings, and was capable of attaining such excellence that he.might even challenge com nparison with the gods. Audacious as such sentiments may now appear, they were common to most schools of Roman moralists.'We boast justly of our own virtue,' said the eclectic Cicero,' which we could not do if we derived it from the Deity and not from ourselves.''All mortals judge that fortune is to be received from the gods and wisdom from ourselves.' 1 The Epicurean Horace, in his noblest ode, described the just man, confident in his virtue, undaunted amid the crash of worlds, and he tells us to pray only for those things which Jupiter gives and takes away.'lHe gives life, he gives wealth; an untroubled mind I secure for myself.'2'The calm of a mind blest in the consciousness of its virtue.' was the expression of supreme felicity the Epicureans had derived from thleir master.3 Lucretius, in a magnificent passage, designates Epicurus as a god, and boasts that the popular divinities dwindle into insignificance before him. Ceres, hle says, gave men corn, and Bacchus wine, but Epicurus the principles of virtue. Hercules conquered monsters, Epicurus conquered vice.4'Pray,' said Juvenal,'for a healthy mind in a heajlthy body. Ask for a brave soul unscared by death.... But there are things you can 1' Atque hoc quidema omnes mortales sic habent... commoditatem prosperitatemlque vitte a diis se habere, virtutem autem nemo unquam acceptam deo retulit. Nimirum recte. Propter virtutem eniml j ure laudamur et virtute recte gloriamur. Quod non contingeret bi id donum a deo, lon a nobis haberemus.'-Cicero, De 2Natt. Deor. iii. 36. 2 Ep.i. 18. s Seneca, E1). lxvi. 4 Lucretius, v. It was a Greek proverb, that Apollo begat Esculapius to heal the body, and Plato to heal the soul. (Legendre, Traite de 1' Opinion, tome i. p. 197.) 15 208 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. give yourself.'l'Misfortune, and losses, and calumny,' said Seneca,'disappear before virtue as the taper before the sun.'2'In one point the sage is superior to God. God owes it to His nature not to fear, but the sage owes to himself. Sublime condition! he joins the frailty of a man to the security of a god.'3'Except for immortality,' he elsewhere writes,' the sage is like to God.'4'It is the characteristic of a wise man,' added Epictetus,'that he looks for all his good and evil from himself. 5 As far as his rational nature is concerned, he is in no degree inferior to the gods.' 6 There were, however, other veins of thought exhibited in stoicism which greatly modified and sometimes positively contradicted this view of the relations of man to the Deity. The theology of the Stpoics was an ill-defined, uncertain, and somlewhat inconsistent Pantheism; the Divinity was especially worshipped under the two aspects of Providence and moral goodness, and the soul of man was regarded as'a detached fragment of the Deity,' 7 or as at least pervaded and accompanied by a divine energy.'There never,' said Cicero,'was a great man without an inspiration from on high.'8'Nothing,' said Seneca,'is closed to God. He is present in our conscience. He intervenes in our thoughts.' 9'I tell thee, Lucilius,' he elsewhere writes,'a sacred spirit dwells withil us, the 1'Orandaum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano, Forteml posee anitmurm mortis terrore carentern... 3Monstro, quod ipse tibi possis dare.' —Juvenal, Siat. x. 350. M3arcus Aurelius recommends prayer, but only that we may be freed fiom evil desires. (ix. 11.) 2 Seneca, Ep. lxvi. 3 Ibid. Ep. liii. 4 De Const. Sap. viii, 5 Ench. xlviii. 6 Arrian, i. 12. 7 Arrian, ii. 8. The same doctrine is strongly stated in Seneca,.Ep. xcii. 8 Cicero, De Nat. Deor. ii. 66. 9 Ep. lxxxiii. Somewhat similar sentiments are attributed to Thales and Bion (Diog. Laert.). THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 209 observer and the guardian of our good and evil deeds... To man is good without God. Who save by Iis assistance can rise above fortune? Hie gives noble and. lofty counsels. A God (what God I know not) dwells in every good man.'1' Offer to the God that is in thee,' said Marcus Aurelius,'a manly being, a citizen, a soldier at his post ready to depart from life as soon as the trumpet sounds.' 2' It is sufficient to believe in the Genius who is within us, and to honour him by a pure worship.' 3 Passages of this kind are not unfrequent in Stoical writings. A[ore commonly, however, virtue is represented as a human act imitating God. This was the meaning of the Platonic maxim,' follow God,' which the Stoics continually repeated, which they developed in many passages of the most touching and beautiful piety, and to which they added the duty of the most,absolute and unquestioning submission to the decrees of Providence. Their doctrine on this latter point harmonised well with their anti pathy to the emotional side of our being.'To weep, to complain, to groan, is to rebel;'4' to fear, to grieve, to be angry, is to be a deserter.'5' iemember that you are but, an actor, acting whatever part the Master has ordained. It may be short or it may be long. If He wishes you to represent a poor man, do so heartily; if a cripple, or a magistrate, or a private man, in each case act your part with honour.' 6'Never say of anything that you have lost it, but that you have restored it: your wife and child die-you have restored them; your farm is taken from you —that also is restored. It is seized by an impious 1 PEp. xli. There are some beautiful sentiments of this kind in Plutarch's treatise, De erea lN7uJinis Vidclicta. It was a saying of Pythagoras, that we become better as we approach the gods.' 2 Marc. Aur. iii. 5. - 3Marcus Aurelius. 4 Seneca, YPr/f. Nat. Qucest. iii. - Marc. Aur. x. 25. 6 Epict. Enlz. xvii. 210 hIISTORIY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. man. What is it to you by whose instrumentality He who gave it reclaims it.'" God does not keep a good man in prosperity; He tries, He strengthens him, He prepares him, for Himself.'2'Those whom God approves, whom He loves, He hardens, He proves, He exercises; but those whom He seems to indulge and spare, He preserves for future ills.'3 With a beautiful outburst of submissive gratitude, Marcus Aurelius exclaims,' Some have said, oh, dear city of Cecrops!-but thou, canst thou not say, oh, dear city of Jupiter?... All that is suitable to thee, oh, world, is suitable to me.'4 These passages, which might be indefinitely multiplied, serve to show how successfully the Stoics laboured, by dilating upon the conception of Providence, to mitigate the arrogance which one aspect of their teaching unquestionably displayed. But in this very attempt another danger was incurred, upon which a very large proportion of the moral systems of all ages have been wrecked. A doctrine which thus enjoins absolute submission to the decrees of Providence,5 which proscribes the affections, and which represents its disciples as altogether independent of surrounding circumstances, would in most conditions of society have led necessarily to quietism, and proved absolutely incompatible with active virtue. Fortunately, however, in the ancient civilisations the idea of virtue bad from the earliest times been so indissolubly connected with that of political activity, that the danger was for a 1 Epict. EZnclh. xi. 2 Seneca, De Prov. i. 3 Ibid. iv. 4 i'arc. Aurel. ii. 2, 3. 5 The language in which the Stoics sometimes spolike of the inexorable determination of all things by Providence would appear logically inconsistent with free will. In fact, however, the Stoics asserted the latter doctrine in unequivocal language, and in their practical ethics even exaggerated its power. Aulus Gellius (Noct. Att. vi. 2) has preserved a passage in which Chrysippus exerted his subtlety in reconciling the two things. See, too Arrian, i. 17. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 211 long period altogether avoided. The state occupied in antiquity a prominence in the thoughts of men, which it never has attained in modern times. The influence of patriotism thrilled through every fibre of moral and intellectual life. The most profound philosophers, the purest moralists, the most sublime poets, had been soldiers or statesmen. Hence arose the excessive predominance occasionally accorded to civic virtues in ancient systems of ethics, and also not a few of their most revolting paradoxes. Plato advocated community of wives mainly on the ground that the children produced would be attached more exclusively to their country.1 Aristotle may be almost said to have made the difference between Greek and barbarian the basis of his moral code. The Spartan legislature was continually extolled as an ideal, as the Venetian constitution by the writers of the seventeenth century. On the other hand, the contact of the spheres of speculation and of political activity exercised in one respect a very beneficial influence upon ancient philosophies. Patriotism almost always occupied a prominence in the scale of duties, which forms a striking contrast to the neglect or discredit into which it has fallen among modern teachers. We do indeed read of an Anaxagoras pointing to Heaven as to his true country, and pronouncing exile to be no evil, as the descent to the infernal regions is the same from every land;2 but such i We have an extremely curious illustration of this mode of thought in a speech of Archytas of Tarentum on the evils of sensuality, which Cicero has preserved. He considers the greatest of these evils to be that the vice predisposes men' to unpatriotic acts.'Nullam capiitaliorem pestem quam corporis voluptatem hominibus dicebat a natura datam..... line patrite proditiones, hino rerum publicarum eversiones, hinc cure hostibs elan-. destina colloquia nasci,' etc.-Cicero, De &nect. xiL 2 Diog. Laert. Anax. 212 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 3MORALS. sentiments, though not unknown among the Epicureans and the Cynics, were diametrically opposed to the prevailing tone. Patriotism was represented as a moral duty, and a duty of the highest order. Cicero only echoed the common opinion of antiquity in that noble passage, in which he asserts that the love we owe our country is even holier and more profound than that we owe our nearest kinsman, and that he can have no claim to the title of a good man who even hesitates to die in its behalf.1 A necessary consequence of this prominence of patriotism was the practical character of most ancient ethics. We find, indeed, moralists often exhorting men to moderate their ambition, consoling them under political adversity, and urging that there are some circumstances under which an upright man should for a time withdraw from public affairs;2 but the general duty of taking part in political life was emphatically asserted, and the vanity of the quietist theory of life not only maintained, but somewhat exaggerated. Thus Cicero declared that' all virtue is in action.'3 The younger Pliny mentions that he once lamented to the stoic Euphrates the small place which his official duties left for philosophical pursuits; but Euphrates answered that the discharge of public affairs and the administration of justice formed a part, and the most important part, of philosophy, for he who is so engaged is but practising the precepts of the sclools.4 It was a fundamental maxim of the Stoics that humanity is 1 Cari sunt parentes, cari liberi, propinqui; familiares: sed omnes omnium caritates patria una complexa est; pro qua quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus?' —De Offic. i. 17. 2 See Seneca, Consol. ad Jelviam and De Otio Sapcien.; and Plutarch, De E,~xilio. The first of these works is the basis of one of the most beautiful Compositions in the English language, Bolingbroke's Reftections on Exile. 3 De Officiis. 4 Epist. i. 10. THE PAGAN EMPIRE.'213 a body in whicli each limb should. act solely and con-~ tinually with a view to the interests of the whole. Marcus Aurelius, the purest mind of the sect, was for nineteen years the active ruler of the whole civilised globe. Thrasea, Helvidius, Cornutus, and a crowd of others who had adopted stoicism as a religion, lived, and in many cases died, in obedience to its precepts, struggling for the liberties of their country in the darkest hours of tyranny. Men who had formed such highl conceptions of duty, who had bridled so completely the tumult of passion, and whose lives were spent in a calm sense of virtue and of dignity, were little likely to be assailed by the superstitious fears that are the nightmare of weaker men. The preparation for death was deemed one of the chief ends of philosophy.' The thought of a coming change assisted the mind in detaching itself from the gifts of fortune, and the.extinction of all superstitious terrors completed the type of self-reliant majesty which stoicism had chosen for its ideal. But while it is certain that no philosophers expatiated upon death with a grander eloquence, or met it with a more placid courage, it can hardly be denied that their constant disquisitions forced it into an unhealthy prominence, and somewhat discoloured their whole view of life.'The Stoics,' as Bacon has said,'bestowed too much cost on death, and by their preparations made it more fearful.'2 There is a profound wisdom in the maxims of Spinoza, that'the proper study of a wise man is not how to die, but how to live,' and that'there is no subject on which the sage will think less than death.'3 A life of active duty is the best preparation for the end, and so large a part of 1'Tota enimn philosopl'lorunu vita, ut ait idern commentatio mortis est.'Cicero, Tuse. i. 2 Essay on Death. 3 Spinoza, EtAhis, iv. 67. 214 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN M3OPtALS. the evil of death lies in its anticipation, that an attempt to deprive it of its terrors by constant meditation almost necessarily defeats its object, while at the same time it forms an unnaturally tense, feverish, and tragical character, annihilates the ambition and entliusiasm that are essential to human progress, and not unfrequently casts a chill and a deadness over the affections. Among the many half-pagan legends that were connected with Irelancd during the middle ages, one of the most beautiful is that of the islands of life and of death. In a certain lake in Munster, it is said there were two islands; into the first death could never enter, but age and sickness, and the weariness of life, and the paroxysms of fearful suffering were all known there, and they did their work till the inhabitants, tired of their inmmortality, learned to look upon the opposite island as upon a haven of repose: they launched their barks upon its gloomy waters; they touched its shore and they were at rest.l This legend, which is far more akin to the spirit of paganism than to that of Christianity, and is in fact only another form of the myth of Tithonus, represents with great fidelity the aspect in which death was regarded by the exponents of stoicism. There was much difference of opinion and of certitude in the judgments of the ancient philosophers concerning the future destinies of the soul, but they were unanimous in regarding death simply as a natural rest, and in attributing the terrors that were connected with it to a diseased imagination. Death, they said, is the only evil that does not afflict us when present. I Camden. AMontalembert notices a similar legend as existing in Brittany (ILes Moines d'Occiclent, tome ii. p. 287). Procopius (De Bello Goth. iv. 20) says that it is impossible for men to live in the west of Britain, alnd that the district is believed to be inhabited by thesouls of the dead. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 215 While we are death is not, when death has come we are not. It is a false belief that it only follows, it also precedes, life. It is to be as we were before we were born. The candle which has been extinguished is in the same condition as before it was lit, and the dead man as the man unborn. Death is the end of all sorrow. It either secures happiness or ends suffering. It frees the slave from his cruel master, opens the prison doors, calms the qualms of pain, closes the struggles of poverty. It is the last and best boon of nature, for it frees man from all his cares. It is at worst but the close of a banquet we have enjoyed. Whether it be desired or whether it be shunned, it is no curse and no evil, but simply the resolution of our being into its primitive elements, the law of our nature to which it is our duty cheerfully to conform. Such were the leading topics that were employed in that beautiful literature of' Consolations,' which the academic Crantor is said to have originated, and which occupies so large a place in the writings of Cicero, Plutarch, and the Stoics. Cicero, like all the school of Plato, added to these motives a very firm and constant reference to the immortality of the soul. Plutarch held the same doctrine with equal assurance, but he gave it a much less conspicuous position in his'Consolations,' and he based it not upon philosophical grounds, but upon the testimonies of the oracles, and upon the mysteries of ]Bacchus.1 Among the Stoics the doctrine shone with a faint and uncertain light, and was seldom or never adopted as a motive. But that which is most impressive to a student who turns from the religious literature of Christianity to tlhe pagan philosophies, is the complete absence in the latter of all notion concerning the penal 1 In his De Si'a Numinis Vindicta and his Consolatio ad Uxorren 216 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. character of death. Death, according to Socrates,1 either extinguishes life or emancipates it from the thraldom of the body. Even in the first case it is a blessing, in the last it is the greatest of boons.'Accustom yourself,' said Epicurus,' to the thought that death is indifferent; for all good and all evil consist in feeling, and what is death but the privation of feeling.'2' Souls either remain after death,' said Cicero,'or they perish in death. If they remain they are happy; if they perish they are not wretched.' 3 Seneca, consoling Polybius concerning the death of his brother, exhorts his friend to think,'if the dead have any sensations, then my brother, let loose as it were fronm a lifelong prison' and at last enjoying his liberty, looks down from a loftier height on the wonders of nature and on all the deeds of men, and sees more clearly those divine things which he had so long sought in vain to understand. But why should I be afflicted for one who is either happy or is nothing. To lament the fate of one who is happy is envy; to lament the fate of a nonentity is mladness. 4 But while the Greek and Roman philosophers were on this point unanimous, there was a strong opposing current in the popular mind. The Greek word for superstition signifies literally' fear of the gods,' or dmnons, and the philosophers sometimes represent the vulgar as shuddering at the thought of death, through dread of certain endless sufferings to which it would lead them. The Greek mythology contains many fables on the subject. The early Greek vases occasionally represent scenes of infernal I In the Plaedon. passin. See, too, Marc. Aurelius, ii. 12. 2 See a very striking letter of Epicurus quoted by Diogenes Laert. in his life of that philosopher. Except a few sentences, quoted by other writers, these letters were all that was known of the works of Epicurus, till the recent discovery of one of his treatises at Herculaneum. " Tusc. Queast. i. 4 Consol. ad Polyb. xxvii. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 217 torments, not unlike those of medimval frescoes.1 The rapture with which Epicureanism was received, as liberating the human mind from the thraldom of superstitious terrors, shows how galling must have been the yoke. In the poem of Lucretius, in occasional passages of Cicero and other Latin moralists, above all, in the treatise of Plutarch' On Superstition,' we may trace the deep impression these terrors had made upon the populace, even during the later period of the republic, and during the empire. To destroy them was represented as the highest function of philosophy. Plutarch denounced them as the worst calumny against the Deity, as more pernicious than atheism, as the evil consequences of immoral fables, and he gladly turned to other legends which taught a different lesson. Thus it was related that when, during a certain festival at Argos, the horses that were to draw the statue of Juno to the temple were detainedcl, the sons of t-he priestess yoked themselves to the car, and their mother, admiring their piety, prayed the goddess to reward them with whatever boon was the best for man. Her prayer was answered —they sanl asleep and died.2 In like manner the architects of the great temple of Apollo at Delphi prayed the god to select that reward which was best. The oracle told them in reply to spend seven days in rejoicing, and on the following night their reward would come. They too died in sleep.3 The swan was consecrated to Apollo because its dying song was believed to spring' from a prophetic impulse.4 The Spanish 1 MIaury, Rlist. cles Religions dce la Grece camtnque, tom. i. pp. 582-588. M. Ravaisson in his MBemoir on Stoicism (Acad. des InSCeritions et B1elles-lettrcs, tom. xxi.) has enlarged on the terrorism of paganism, but has, I think, exaggerated it. PReligions which selected games as the natural form of devotion can never have had any very alarming character. 2 Plutarch, Ad Apollonitum. Ibid. 4 Cic. Tusc. Quezst. i. 218 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Celts raised temples, and sang hymns of praise to death.1 No philosopher of antiquity ever questioned that a good man, reviewing his life, might look upon it without shame and even with positive complacency, or that the reverence with -which imen regard heroic deaths is a foretaste of the sentence of the Creator. To this confidence may be traced the tranquil courage, the complete absence of all remorse, so conspicuous in the closing hours of Socrates, and of innumerable others of the sages of antiquity. There is no fact in religious history more startling than the radical change that has in this respect passed over the character of devotion. It is said of Chilon, one of the seven sages of Greece, that at the close of lhis career he gathered his disciples around him, and congratulated himself that in a long life he could recall but a single act that saddened his dying hour. It was that, in a perplexing dilemma, he had allowed his love of a friend in some slight degree to obscure his sense of justice.2 The writings of Cicero in his old age are full of passionate aspirations to a future world, unclouded by one regret or by one fear. Seneca died tranquilly, bequeathing to his friends'the most precious of his possessions, the image of his life.' 3 Titus on his deathbed declared that he could remember only a single act with which to reproachl himself.4 On the last night in which Antoninus Pius lived, the tribune came to ask for the pass-word of the nigrht. 1 Philost. Apoll. of Tyan. v. 4. Hence their passion for suicide which Silius Italicus commemorates in lines which I think very beautifLul:-'Prodiga gens animre et properare facillima mortem, Namque ubi transcendit florentes viribus animas Impatiens mevi, spernit novisse senectam Et fati modus in dextra est.' Valerius Maximus (ii. vi. ~ 12) speaks of Celts who celebrated the birth of men with lamentation, and their deaths with joy. 2 Aulus Gellius, Noctes, i. 3. 3 Tacitus, Alnnales, xv. 62. 4 Sueton. Titus, 10. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 219 The dying emperor gave him'c quanimitas.' 1 Julian, the last great representative of his expiring creed, caught up the same majestic strain. Amid the curses of angry priests, and the impending ruin of the cause he loved, he calmly died in the consciousness of his virtue; and his death, which is among the most fearless that antiquity records, was the last protest of philosophic paganism against the new doctrine that had arisen.2 It is customary with many writers, when exhibiting the many points in which the ancient philosollphers anticipated Christian ethics, to represent Christianity as if it were simply a development or authoritative confirmation of the highest teaching of paganism, or as if the additions were at least of such a nature that there is but little doubt that the best and purest spirits of the pagan world, had they known them, would have gladly welcomed them. But this conception, which contains a large amount of truth if applied to the teaching of many Protestants, is either grossly exaggerated or absolutely false if applied to that of the patristic period or of medimval Catholicism. On the very subject which the philosophers deemed the most important their unanimous conclusion was the extreme antithesis of the teaching of Catholicism. The philosophers taught that death is' a law and not a punishment;' 3 the fathers taught that it is a penal infliction introduced into the world on account of the sin of Adam, I Capitolinus, Antoninus. 2 See the beautiful account of his last hours given by Ammianus Marcellinus and reproduced by Gibbon. There are some remiarks well worth reading about the death of Julian, and the state of thought that rendered such a death possible, in Dr. Newman's Discourses on University Education, lect. ix. 3'Lex non pcena mors' was a favourite saying among the ancients. On the other hand, Tertullian very distinctly enunciated the patristic view,'Qui autem primordia hominis novimus, audenter determinamus morterm non ex natura secutamu hominem sed ex culpa.' —De Animan, 52. 220 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. which was also the cause of the appearance of all noxious plants, of all convulsions in the material globe, and as was sometimes asserted even of a diminution of the light of the sun. The first taught that death was the end of suffering; they ridiculed as the extreme of folly the notion that physical evils could await those whose bodies had been reduced to ashes, and they dwelt with emphatic eloquence upon the approaching, and as they believed final, extinction of superstitious terrors. The second taught that death to the vast majority of the human race is but the beginning of endless and excruciating tortures-tortures before which the most ghastly of terrestrial sufferings dwindle into insignificance-tortures which no courage could defy-which none but an immortal being could endure. The first represented man as pure and innocent until his will has sinned; the second represented him as under a sentence of condemnation at the very'moment of his birth.'No funeral sacrifices,' said a great writer of the first school,'are offered for children who die at an early age, and none of the ceremonies practised at the funerals of adults are performed at their tombs, for it is believed that infants have no hold upon earth or upon terrestrial affections.... The law forbids us to honour them because it is irreligious to lament for those pure souls who have past into a better life and a happier dwelling-place.' 1'Whosoever shall tell us,' said a distinguished exponent of the patristic theology,' that infants shall be quickened in Christ who die without partaking in His Sacrament, does both contradict the Apostle's teaching and condemn the whole Church... And he that is not quickened in Christ must remain in that condemnation of which the Apostle speaks, "by one man's offence condemnation caine upon 1 Plutarch, Ad Uxorenm. THE PAGAN ESMPIRE. 221 all men to condemnation. To which condemnation infants are born liable as all the Church believes."' 1 The one school endeavoured to plant its foundations in the moral nature of mankind, by proclaiming that man can become acceptable to the Deity by his own virtue, and by this alone, that all sacrifices, rites, and forms are indifferent, and that the true worship of God is the recognition and imitation of His goodness. According to the other school, the most heroic efforts of human virtue are insufficient to avert a sentence of eternal condemnation, unless united with an implicit belief in the teachings of the Church, and a due observance of the rites it enjoins. By the philosophers the ascription of anger and vengeance to the Deity, and the apprehension of future torture at His hands, were unanimously repudiated; 2 by the priests the opposite opinion was deemed equally censurable.3 These are fundamental points of difference, for they relate to the fundamental principles of the ancient philosophy.' The main object of the pagan philosophers was to dispel the terrors the imagination had cast around death, and by destroying this last cause of fear to secure the liberty of man. The main object of the Catholic priests has been to make death in itself as revolting and appalling as possible, and by representing escape from its terrors as hopeless, except by complete subjection to their rule, to convert it into an instrument of government. By multiplying the dancing or warning skeletons, and 1 St. Augustine, Epist. 166. 2 At hoc quidem commune est omniunm philosophorum non eorum modo qui deum nihil haberd ipsum; negotii dicunt, et nihil exhibere alteri; sed eorum etiam, qui deum semper agere aliquid et moliri volunt, numquam nec irasci deum nee nocere.'-Cic. De C)ffic. iii. 28. 3 See the refutation of the philosophic notion in Lactantius, De Ira Dei. 222 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. other sepulchral images representing the loathsomeness of death without its repose; by substituting inhumation for incremation, and concentrating the imagination on the ghastliness of decay; above all, by peopling the unseen world with demon phantoms and with excruciating tortures, the Catholic Church succeeded in making death in itself unspeakably terrible, and in thus preparing men for the consolations it could offer. Its legends, its ceremonies, its art,' its dogmatic teaching, all conspired to this end, and the history of its miracles is a striking evidence of its success. The great majority of superstitions have ever clustered around two centres-the fear of death and the belief that every phenomenon of life is the result of a special spiritual interposition. Among the ancients they were usually of the latter kind. Auguries, prophecies, interventions in war, prodigies avenging the neglect of some rite or marking some epoch in the fortunes of a nation or of a ruler, are the forms they usually assumed. In the middle ages, although these were very common, the most conspicuous superstitions took the form of visions of Purgatory or Hell, conflicts with visible demons, or Satanic miracles. Like those mothers who govern their children bypersuading them that the dark is crowded with spectres that will seize the disobedient, and who often succeed in creating an association of ideas that the adult man is unable altogether to dissolve, the Catholic priests resolved to base their power upon the nerves; and as they long exercised an absolute control 1'Revelation,' as Lessingo observes in his essay on this subject,'has made Death "the king of terrors," the awful offspring of sin and the dread way to its punishment; though to the imagination of the ancient heathen world, Greek or Etrurian, he was a youthful genius-the twin brother of Sleep, or a lusty boy with a torch held downwards.'-Coleridge's Biogralrlia littera'iad cap. xxii. note by Sarah Coleridge. THE PAGAN EMPIRPE. 223 over education, literature, and art, they succeeded in comlfletely reversing the teaching of ancient philosophy, and in making the terrors of death for centuries the nightmare of the imagination. There is indeed another side to the picture. The vague uncertainty with which the best pagan regarded death passed away before the teaching of the Church, and it was often replaced by a rapture of hope, which, however, the doctrines of purgatory contributed at a later period largely to quell. But whatever may be thought of the justice of the Catholic conception of death or of its influence upon human happiness, it is plain that it is radically different from that of the pagan philosophers. That nman is not only an imperfect but a fallen being, and that death is the penal consequence of his sins, were doctrines profoundly new to mankind, and they have exercised an influence of the most serious character upon the moral history of the world. The wide divergence of the classical from the catholic conception of death appears very plainly in the attitude which each system adopted towards suicide. This is perhaps the most striking of all the points of contrast between the teaching of antiquity, and especially of the Roman Stoics, on the one hand, and of almost all modern moralists on the other. It is indeed true that the ancients were by no means unanimous in their approval of the act. Pythagoras, to whom so many of the wisest sayings of antiquity are ascribed, is stated to have forbidden men'to depart from their guard or station in life without the order of their commander, that is, of God.'1 Plato adopted similar language, though he 1'Vetat Pythagoras injussu imperatoris, id est Dei, de prsesidio et statione vitse decedere.'-Cic. De Senec. xx. If we believe the very ultrustworthy 16 224 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. permitted suicide when the law required it, and also when men had been struck down by intolerable caiamity, or had sunk to the lowest depths of poverty.1 Aristotle condemned it on civic grounds, as being an injury to the state.2 The roll of Greek suicides is not long, though it contains some illustrious names, among others those of Zeno and Cleanthes.3 In Rome, too, where suicide acquired a greater prominence, its lawfulness was by no means accepted as an axiom. The story of Regulus, whether it be a history or a legend, shows that the patient endurance of suffering was once the Roman ideal.4 Virgil painted in the darkest colours the condition of suicides in the future world.5 Cicero strongly asserted the doctrine of Pythagoras, though he praised the suicide of Cato.6 Apuleius, expounding the philosophy of Plato, taught that'the wise man never throws off his body except by the will of God.'7 Cxsar, Ovid, and others urged that in extreme distress it is easy to despise life, and that true evidence of Diog. Laertius, (Pythagoras) the philosopher himself committed suicide by starvation. I See his Lawvs, lib. ix. In his Picwedon, however, Plato went further, and condemned all suicide. Libanius says (-De Vita Stn) that the arguments of the Phcedon prevented him from committing suicide after the death of Julian. On the other hand, Cicero mentions a certain Cleombrotus, who was so fascinated by the proof of tlhe immortality of the soul in the Pkicedoz that he forthwith cast himself into the sea. And Cato, as is well known, chose this work to study the night he committed suicide. 2 Arist. Ethic. v. 3 See a list of these in Lactantius' Inst. lDi,. iii. 18. 3Iany of these instances rest on very doubtful evidence. 4 Adam Smith's Mloracl Sentiments, part vii. ~ 2. s'Proxima deinde tenent mcesti loca qui sibi lethum, Insontes peperere manu, lucemcjue perosi Projicere animas. Quam vellent,ethere in alto Nunc et pauperiem et duros perferre labores.' —zeid,' i.; 434-7. 6 Cicero has noticed suicide in his De Senectute, in the Somn. Scipionis, and in the Tusculans. Concerning the death of Cato, he says, that the occasion was such as to constitute a divine call to leave life. —Tusc. i. 7 Apuleius, )e zPhilos. Pclat. lib. i THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 225 courage is shown in enduring it.' Amongr the Stoics themselves, the belief that no man may shrink from a duty coexisted with the belief that every man has a right to dispose of his own life. Seneca, who emphatically advocated suicide, admits that there were some who deemed it wrong, and he himself attempted to moderate what he termed' the passion for suicide' that had arisen among his disciples.2 Marcus Aurelius wavers a little on the subject, sometimes asserting the right of every man to leave life when he pleases, sometimes inclining to the Platonic doctrine that man is a soldier of God, occupying a post which it is criminal to abandon.3 Plotinus and Porphyry argued strongly against all suicide.4 1 ThusOvid: — R Pebus in adversis facile est contemnere vitaam YFortiter ille facit qui miser esse potest.' See, too, Martial, xi. 56. 2 Especially.E. xxiv. Seneca desires that men should not commit suicide with panic or trepidation. He says that those condemned to death should await their execution, for' it is a folly to die through fear of death;' and he recommends men to support old age as long as their faculties remain unimpaired. On this last point, however, his language is somewhat contradictory. There is a good review of the opinions of the ancients in general, and of Seneca in particular, on this subject in Justus Lipsius, MImdEcatio ad Sooicam7 P/ilosopliaen, lib. iii. dissert. 22, 23, from which I have borrowed much. 3 In his iecditations, ix. 3, he speaks of the duty of patiently awaiting death. But in iii. 1, x. 8, 22-32, he clearly recognises the right of suicide in some cases, especially to prevent moral degeneracy. It must be remem-.bered that the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius were private notes for his personal guidance, that all the Stoics admitted it to be wrong to commit suicide in cases where the act would be an injury to society, and that this consideration in itself would be sufficient to divert an emperor from the deed. Antoninus, the uncle, predecessor, and model of M. Aurelius, had considered it his duty several times to prevent Hadrian from committing suicide (Spartianus, Hacdrianus). According to Capitolinus, 3arcus Aurelius in his last illness purposely. accelerated his death by abstinence. The duty of not hastily, or through cowardice, abandoning a path of duty, and the right of man to quit life when it appears intolerable, are combined very clearly by Epictetus, Arrian, i. 9; and the latter is asserted in the strongest manner, i. 24-25. 4 Porphyry,5 De Abst. Carnis, ii. 47i Plotinus 1st Enn. ix. Porphyry 226 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. But notwithstanding these passages, there can be no question that the ancient view of suicide was broadly and strongly opposed to our own. A general approval of it floated down through most of the schools of philosophy, and even to those who condemned it, it never seems to have assumed its present aspect of extreme enormity. This was in the first instance due to the ancient notion of death; and we have also to remember, that when a society once learns to tolerate suicide, the deed, in ceasing to be disgraceful, loses much of its actual criminality, for those who are most firmly convinced that the stigma and suffering it now brings upon the family of the deceased do not constitute his entire guilt, will readily acknowledge that they greatly aggravate it. In the conditions of ancient thought, this aggravation did not exist. Epicurus exhorted men'to weigh carefully, whether they would prefer death to -come to them, or would themselves go to death;' and among his disciples, Lucretius, the -illustrious poet of the sect, died by his own hand,2 as did also Cassius the tyrannicide, Atticus the friend of Cicero,3 the voluptuary Petronius,4 and the philosopher says (LZfe of Ptlownts) that Plotinus dissuaded him from suicide. There is a good epitome of the arguments of this school against suicide in Macrobius. In Sorn. &Sip. i. I Quoted by Seneca, Ep. xxvi. Cicero states the Epiculrean doctrine tc be,'Ut si tolerabiles sint dolores feralilus, sin minus Tquo animo e vita cum ea non placet tanquam e theatro exeamus' (Doe Finib. lib. i.); and again,'De Diis immortalibus sine ullo metu vera sentit. Non dubitat si ita melius est de vita migrare.'-Ibid. 2 This is inoticed by St. Jerome. 3 Corn. Nepos, Atticus. I-e killed himself when an old man, to shorten a hopeless disease. 4 Petronius, who was called the arbitrator of tastes (I elegantie arbiter'), was one of the most famous voluptuaries of the reign of Nero. Unlike most of his contemporaries, however, he was endowed with the most exquisite and refined taste; his graceful manners fascinated all about him, and made him in matters of pleasure the ruler of the court. Appointed Proconsul of Bithynia, and afterwards Consul, he displayed the energies and the abilitiei THE PAGAN EMPIiRE. 227 Diodorus.1 Pliny declared it to be one of the points in which the lot of man is superior to that of God, that man at least has the power of flying to the tomb,2 and he described it as one of the greatest proofs of the bounty of Providence, that it has filled the world with herbs, by which the weary may find a rapid and a painless death.3 One of the most striking figures that a passing notice of Cicero brings before us, is that of iHegesias, who was surnamed by the ancients'the orator of death.' A conspicuous member of that Cyrenaic school which esteemed the pursuit of pleasure the sole end of a rational being, he taught that life was so full of cares, and its pleasure so fleeting and so alloyed, that the happiest lot for man was death; and such was the power of his eloquence, so intense was the fascination he cast around the tomb, that his disciples embraced with rapture the consequence of his doctrine, multitudes freed themselves by suicide from the troubles of the world, and the contagion was so great, that Ptolemy, it is said, was compelled to banish the philosopher from Alexandria.4 of a statesman. A court intrigue threw him out of favour; and believing that his death was resolved on, he determined to anticipate it by suicide. Calling his friends about him, he opened his veins, shut them, and opened them again; prolonged his lingering death till he had arranged his affairs; discoursed in his last moments, not about the immortality of the soul or the dogmas of philosophers, but about the gay songs and epigrams of the hour; and partaking of a cheerful banquet, died as recklessly as lie had lived. (Tacit. Annal. xvi. 18-19.) It has been a matter of much dispute whether or not this Petronius was the author of the Satyricon, one of the most licentious and repulsive workls in Latin literature., 1 Seneca, De Vita Beata, xix. 2'Imperfectce vero in homine natures prmcipua solatia ne Deum quidenm posse omnia; namque nee sibi potest mortem consciscere si velit, quod homini dedit optimum in tantis vitm poenis.'-IIist. Nat. ii. 5. 3 Hist. _Nat. ii. 63. We need not be surprised at this writer thus speaking of sudden death,' Mortes repentins (hoc est summa vitre felicitas),' vii. 54. 4 ITsc. Qutest. lib. i. Another remarkable example of an epidemic of suicide occurred among the young girls of Miletus. (Azdl. Gell. xv. 10.) 228 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. 1But it was in the Roman Empire and among the Roman Stoics that suicide assumed its greatest prominence, and its philosophy was most fully elaborated. From an early period, self-immolation, like that of Curtius or Decius, had been esteemed in some circumstances a religious rite, being, as has been well suggested, probably a lingering remnant of the custom of human sacrifices,1 and towards the closing days of paganism many influences conspired in the same direction. The example of Cato, who, as I have said, was the ideal of the Stoics, and whose dramatic suicide was the favourite subject of their eloquence,2 the indifference to death produced by the great multiplication of gladiatorial shows, the many instances of barbarian captives, who, sooner than slay their fellow-countrymen, or minister to the pleasures of their conquerors, plunged their lances into their own necks, or found other and still more horrible roads to freedom,3 the custom of compelling political prisoners to execute their own sentence, and, more than all, the capricious and atrocious tyranny of the Cmsars,4 had raised suicide into an extraordinary prominence. Few things are more touching than the passionate joy with which, in the reign of Nero, Seneca clung to it as the one refuge for the oppressed and the wronged, the last bulwark of the tottering mind.' To death alone it is due that life is not a punishment, that, erect beneath the frowns of fortune, I can preserve my mlind unshaken 1 Sir Cornewall Lewis, On the Credibility of Ecarly Roman History, vol. ii. p. 430. See, too, on this class of suicides, Cromaziano, Istorica C0'itica del Staicidio (Venezia, 1788), pp. 81-82. The real name of the author of this book (which is, I think, the best history of suicide) was Buonafede. He was a monlr. The book was first published at Lucca in 1701. 2 Senec. De Provid. ii.; Ep. xxiv. 3 See some examples of this in Seneca, Ep. lxx. 4 See a long catalogue of suicides arising from this cause in Cromaziano, Ist. del Suicidio, pp. 112-114. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 229 and master of itself. I have one to whom I can appeal. I see before me the crosses of many forms.... I see the rack and the scourge, and the instruments of torture adapted to every limb and to every nerve; but I also see Death. She stands beyond my savage enemies, beyond my haughty fellow-countrymen. Slavery loses its bitterness when by a step I can pass to liberty. Against all the injuries of life, I have the refuge of death.' 1' Wherever you look, there is the end of evils. You see that yawning precipice — there you may descend to liberty. You see that sea, that river, that well-liberty sits at the bottom.... Do you seek the way to freedom?-you may find it in every vein of your body.'2' If I can choose between a death of torture and one that is simple and easy, why should I not select the latter? As I choose the ship in which I will sail, and the house I will inhabit, so I will choose the death by which I will leave life..... In no matter more than in death should we act according to our desire. Depart from life as your impulse leads you, whether it be by the sword, or the rope, or the poison creeping through the veins; go your way, and break the chains of slavery. Man should seek the approbation of others in iris life; his death concerns himself alone. That is the best which pleases him most.... The eternal law has decreed nothing better than this, that life should have but one entrance and many exits. Why should I endure the agonies of disease, and the cruelties of human tyranny, when I can emancipate myself from all my torments, and shake off every bond? For this reason, but for this alone, life can be esteemned no just cause of complaintthat no one is obliged to live. The lot of man is happy, because no one continues wretched but by his fault. If Consol. ad Mal c. c. x. De Ira iii. 15. 930 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. life pleases you, live. If not, you have a right to return whence you came.'1 These passages, which are but a few selected out of very many, will sufficiently show the passion with which the most influential teacher of Roman stoicism advocated suicide. As a general proposition, the law recognised it as a right, but two slight restrictions were after a time impbsed.2 It had become customary with many men who were accused of political offences to commit suicide before trial, in order to prevent the ignominious exposure of their bodies and the confiscation of their goods; but Domitian closed this resource, by ordaining that the suicide of an accused person should entail the sanme consequences as his condemnation. Hadrian afterwards assimilated the suicide of a Roman soldier to desertion.3 1 Ep. lxx. 2 See D)onne's Biathanatos (London, 1700), pp. 50- 57. Gibbon's Decline and Fall, ch. xliv. Blackstone, in his chapter on suicide, quotes the sentence of the Roman lawyers on the subject:' Si quis impatientia doloris aut tsedio vitre aut morbo anut furore aut pudore nlori maluit non animadvertatur in eum.' Ulpian expressly asserts that their wills were recognised by law, and numerous examples of suicides, notoriously prepared and publicly and gradually accomplished, prove the legality of the act in Rome. Suetonius, it is true, speaks of Claudius accusing a man for having tried to kill himself (Claud. xvi.), and Xiphilin says (lxix. 8) that Hadrian gave special permission to the philosopher Euphrates to commit suicide, on account of old age and disease;' but in the first case it appears from the context that a reproach and not a legal action was meant while Euphrates, I suppose, asked permission to show his loyalty to the emperor, and not as a matter of strict necessity. There were, however, some Greek laws condemning suicide, probably on civic grounds. Josephus mentions (De Bell. Jud. iii. 8), that in some nations'the right hand of the suicide was amputated, and that in Judea the suicide wa, only buried after sunset.' A very strange law, said to have been derived from Greece, is reported to have existed at Marseilles. Poison was kept by the senate of the city, and given to those who could prove that they had sufficient reason to justify their desire for death, and all other suicide was forbidden. The law was intended, it was said, to prevent hasty suicide, and to makle deliberate suicide as rapid and painless as possible. (Valer. Maximus, ii. 6, ~ 7.) In the reign of Terror in France, a law was made similar to that of Domitian. (Carlyle's Hist. qf the'French Revolution, book v. c. ii.) 3 Compare with this a ccrious' order of the day,' issued by Napoleon in THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 231 With these exceptions, the liberty appears to have been absolute, and the act was committed under the most various motives. The suicide of Otho, who is said to have killed himself to avoid being a second time a cause of civil war, was extolled as equal in grandeur to that of Cato.l In the Dacian war, the enemy having captured a distinguished Roman general named Longinus, endeavoured to extort terms from Trajan. as a condition of his surrender, but Longinus, by taking poison, freecd the emperor from his embarrassment.2 On the death of Otho, some of his soldiers, filled with grief and admiration, killed themselves before his corpse,3 as did also a freedman of Agrippina at the funeral of the empress.4 Before the close of the republic, an enthusiastic partisan of one of the factions in the chariot races flung himself upon the pile on which the body of a favourite coachman was consumed, and perished in the flames.5 A Roman, unmenaced in his fortune, and standing high in the favour of his sovereign, killed himself under Tiberius, because he could not endure to witness the crimes of the emlpire.6 Another, being afflicted by an incurable malady, postponed his suicide till the death of Domitian, that at least he might die free, and on the assassination of the tyrant, 1802, with the view of checkino the prevalence of suicide among his soldiers. (Lisle, Du S&uiicle, pp. 462-463.) 1 See Suetonius, Otho, c. x.-xi., and the very fine description in Tacitus, EIist. lib. ii. c. 47-49. MIartial compares the death of Otho to that of Cato: Sit Cato dum vivit, sane vel Cesare major I)uni moritur, numquid major Othone fuit?'2 vi. i. 32. 2 Xiphilin, lxviii. 12. 3 Tacit. Hist. ii. 49. Suet. Ot1o, 12. Suetonius says that, in addition to these, many soldiers who were not present killed themselves on hearing thle news. 4 Ibid. Annal. xiv. 9. 5 Plin. vii. 54. The opposite faction attributed this suicide to the maddening effects of the perfumes burnt on the pile. 6 Tacit. Annal. vi. 26. 232 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. hastened cheerfully to the tomb.1 The Cynic Perigrinus announced that, being weary of life, he would on a certain day depart, and, in presence of a large concourse, he mounted the funeral pile.2 Most frequently, however, death was regarded as'the last physician of disease,'3 and suicide as the legitimate relief from intolerable suffering.'Above all things,' said Epictetus,'remember that the door is open. Be not more timid than boys at play. As they, when they cease to take pleasure in their games, declare that ththey will no longer play, so do you, when all things begin to pall upon you, retire; but if you stay, do not complain.'4 Seneca declared that he who awaits the extremity of old age is not' far removed from a coward,''as he is justly regarded as too much addicted to wine who drains the flask to the very dregs.''I will not relinquish old age,' he added,'if it leaves my better part intact. But if it begins to shake my mind, if it tears out its faculties one by one, if it leaves me not life but breath, I will depart from the putrid or tottering edifice. I will not escape by death from disease as long as it may be healed, and leaves my mind unimpaired. I will not raise my hand against myself on account of pain, for so to die is to be conquered. But if I know that I will suffer for ever, I will depart, not through fear of the pain itself, but because it prevents all for which I would live.'5'Just as a landlord,' said Musonius,' who has not received his rent, pulls down the doors, removes the rafters, and fills up the well, so I seem to be driven out of this little body when nature, which has let it to me, takes away, one by one, eyes and ears, hands and feet. I will not. therefore, Plin..Ep. i. 12. 2 This history is satirically and unfeelingly told by Lucian. See, too, Ammianus Marcellinus, xxix. 1. Soplhocles. 4 Arrian, i. 24. 5 Seneca, Ep. viii. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 283 delay longer, but will cheerfully depart as from a banquet.' 1 This conception of suicide as an euthanasia, an abridgment of the pangs of disease, and a guarantee against the dotage of age, was not confined to philosophical treatises. We have considerable evidence of its being frequently put in practice. Among those who thus abridged their lives was Silius Italicus, one of the last of the Latin poets.2 The younger Pliny describes in terms of the most glowing admiration the conduct of one of his friends, whIo, struck dcown by disease, resolved calmly and deliberately upon the path he should pursue. He determined, if the disease was only dangerous and long, to yield to the wishes of his friends and await the struggle; but if the issue was hopeless, to die by his own hand. Having reasoned on the propriety of this course with all the tranquil courage of a Roman, he summoned a council of physicians, and, with a mind indifferent to either fate, he calmly awaited their sentence.3 The same writer mentions the case of a man who was afflicted with a horrible disease, which reduced his body to a mass of sores. His wife being convinced that it was incurable, exhorted her husband to shorten his sufferings; she nerved and encouraged him to the effort, and she claimed it as her privilege to accompany him to the grave. Husband and wife, bound together, plunged into a lake.4 Seneca, in one of his letters, has left us a' Stobseus. One of the most deliberate suicides recorded nwas that of a Greek woman of ninety years old.-Val. Maxim. ii. 6, ~ 8. 2 Plin. Ep. iii. 7. IIe starved himself to death. 3 Lib. i. Ep. xxii. Some of Pliny's expressions are remarkable: —' Id ego arduum in primis et pr cipua laude dignum. puto, nam impletu quodamr et instinctu procurrere ad mlortem commune cumn multis: deliberate vero et causas ej us expendere utqcue suaserit ratio, vitse mortisque consilium suscipere vel ponere ingentis est animi.' In this case the doctors pronounced that recovery was possible, and the suicide was in consequence averted. 4 Lib. vi. Ep. xxiv. 234 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. detailed description of the death-bed of one of the Roman suicides. Tullius Marcellinus, a. young man of remarkable abilities and very earnest character, who had long ridiculed the teachings of philosophy, but had ended by embracing it with all the passion of a convert, being afflicted with a grave and lingering though not incurable disease, resolved at length upon suicide. He gathered his friends around him, and many of them entreated him to continue in life. Among them, however, was one stoical philosopher, who addressed him in what Seneca terms the very noblest of discourses. He exhorted him not to lay too much stress upon the question he was deciding, as if existence was a matter of great importance. He urged that life is a thing we possess in common with slaves and animals, but that a noble death should indeed be prized, and he concluded by recommending suicide. Marcellinus gladly embraced the counsel which his own wishes had anticipated. According to the advice of his friend, he distributed gifts among his faithful slaves, consoled them on their approaching bereavement, abstained during three days from all food, and at last, when his strength had been wholly exhausted, passed into a warm bath and calmly died, describing with his last brieath the pleasing sensations that accompanied receding life.1 The doctrine of suicide was indeed the culminating point of Roman stoicism. The proud, self-reliant, unbencling character of the philosopher, could only be sustained when he felt that he had a sure refuge against the extreme forms of suffering or of despair. Although virtue is not a mere creature of interest, no great system has ever yet flourished which did not present an ideal of happiness as well as an ideal of duty. Stoicism taught men 1 Ep. I-XXvii. On the former career of Marcellinus, see Elp. xxix. THE PAGAN EMPIRE, 235 to hope little, but to fear nothing. It did not array death in brilliant colours, as the path to positive felicity, but it endeavoured to divest it, as the end of suffering, of every terror. Life lost much of its bitterness when men had found a refuge from the storms of fate, a speedy deliverance from dotage and pain. Death ceased to be terrible when it was regarded rather as a remedy than as a sentence. Life and death in the stoical system were attuned to the same key. The deification of human virtue, the total absence of all sense of sin, the proud stubborn will that deemed humiliation the worst of stains, appeared alike in each. The type of its own kind was perfect. All the virtues and all the majesty that accompany human pride, when developed to the highest point, and directed to the noblest ends, were here displayed. All those which accompany humility and self-abasement were absent. I desire at this stage of our enquiry to pause for a moment, in order to retrace briefly the leading steps of the foregoing argument, and thus to bring into the clearest light the connection wvich many details and quotations may have occasionally obscured. Such a review will show at a single glance in what respects stoicism was a result of the pre-existent state of society, and in what respects it was an active agent, how far its influence was preparing the way for Christian ethics, and how far it was opposed to them. We have seen, then, that among the Romans, as among other people, a very clear and definite type of moral excellence was created before men had formed any clear intellectual notions of the nature and sanctions of virtue. The characters of men are chiefly governed by their occupations, and the republic being organised altogether with a view to military success, it had attained all the virtues and vices of a military society. We have seen, too, that 236 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. at all times, but most especially under the conditions of ancient warfare, military life is very unfavourable to the amiable, and very favourable to the heroic virtues. The Roman had learnt to value force very highly. Being continually engaged in inflicting pain, his natural or i.nstinctive humanity was very low. His moral feelings were almost bounded by political limits, acting only, and with different degrees of intensity, towards his class, his country, and its allies. Indomitable pride was the most prominent element of his character. A victorious army which is humble, or diffident, or tolerant of insult, or anxious to take the second place, is, indeed, almost a contradiction of terms. The spirit of patriotism, in its relation to foreigners, like that of political liberty in its relation to governors, is a spirit of constant and jealous self-assertion; and although both are very consonant with high morality and great self-devotion, we rarely find that the grace of genuine humility can flourish in a society that is intensely pervaded by their influence. The kind of excellence that found most favour in Roman eyes was simple, forcible, massive, but coarse-grained. Subtilty of motives, refinements of feeling, delicacies of susceptibility, were rarely appreciated. This was the darker side of the picture. On the other hand, the national character being formed by a profession in which mercenary considerations are less powerful, and splendid examples of self-devotion more frequent, than in any other, had early risen to an heroic level. Death being continually confronted, to meet it with courage was the chief test of virtue. The habits of men were unaffected, frugal, honourable, and laborious. A stern discipline pervading all ages and classes of society, the will was trainied, to an almost unexampled degree, to repress the passions, to endure suffering and opposition, to tend THE PAGAN EMPIRIE. 237 steadily and fearlessly towards an unpopular end. A sense of duty was very widely diffused, and a deep attachment to the interests of tle city became the parent of many virtues. Such was the type of excellence the Roman people had attained at a time when its intellectual cultivation produced philosophical discussions, and when numerous Greek professors, attracted partly by political events, and partly by the patronage of Scipio 2Emilianus, arrived at IRome, bringing with them the tenets of the great schools of Zeno and Epicurus, and of the many minor sects that clustered around them. Epicureanism being essentially opposed to the pre-existing type of virtue, though it spread greatly, never attained the position of a school of virtue. Stoicism, taught by Panstius of Rhodes, and soon after by the Syrian Posidonius, became the true religion of the educated classes. It furnished the principles of virtue, coloured the noblest literature of t.he time, and guided all the developments of moral enthusiasm. The stoical system of ethics was in the highest sense a system of independent morals. It taught that our reason reveals to us a certain law of nature, and that a desire to conform to this law, irrespectively of all considerations of reward or punishment, of happiness or the reverse, is a possible and a sufficient motive of virtue. It was also in the highest sense a system of discipline. It taught that the will, acting under the complete control of the reason, is the sole principle of virtue, and that all the emotional part of our being is of the nature of a disease. Its whole tendency was therefore to dignify and strengthen the will, and to degrade and suppress the desires. It taughlt, moreover, that man is capable of attaining an extremely high degree of morai excellence, that he has nothing to fear 238 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. beyond the present life, that it is essential to the dignity and consistence of his character that he should regard death without dismay, and that he has a right to hasten it if he desires. It is easy to see that this system of ethics was strictly consonant with the type of character the circumstances of the Roman people had formed. It is also manifest that while the force of circumstances had in the first instance secured its ascendency, the energy of will which it produced would enable it to offer a powerful resistance to the tendencies of an altered condition of society. This was pre-eminently shown in the history of Roman stoicism. The austere purity of the writings of Seneca and his school is a fact, probably unique in history, when we consider, on the one hand, the intense and undisguised depravity of the empire, and on the other, the prominent position of most of the leading Stoics in the very centre of the stream. More than once in later periods did great intellectual brilliancy coincide with general depravity, but on none of these occasions was this moral phenomenon reproduced. In the age of Leo X., in the age of the French Regency, or of Lewis XV., we look in vain for high moral teaching in the centre of Italian or of Parisian civilisation. The true teachers of those ages were the reformers, who arose in obscure towns of Germany or Switzerland, or that diseased recluse who, from his solitude near Geneva, fascinated Europe by the gleams of a dazzling and almost peerless eloquence, and by a moral teaching which, though often feverish, paradoxical, and unpractical, abounded in passages of transcendent majesty and of the most entrancing purity and beauty. But even the best moral teachers who rose in the centres of the depraved society felt the contagion of the surrounding vice. Their ideal was depressed, their austerity was relaxed, they appealed to sordid and worldly THE PA.GAN EMPIRE. 239 motives, their judgments of character were wavering and uncertain, tlheir whole teaching was of the nature of a compromise. But in ancient Rome, if the teachers of virtue acted but feebly upon the surrounding corruption, their own tenets were at least unstained. The splendour of the genius of Cxsar never eclipsed the moral grandeur of the vanquished Cato, and amid all the dramatic vicissitudes of civil war and of political convulsion, the supreme authority of moral (listinctions was never forgotten. The eloquence of Livy was chiefly employed in painting virtue, the eloquence of Tacitus in branding vice. The Stoics never lowered their standard because of the depravity around them, and if we trace in their teaching any reflection of the prevailing worship of enjoyment, it is only in the passionate intensity with which they dwelt upon the tranquillity of the tomb. But it is not sufficient for a moral system to form a bulwark against vice, it must also be capable of admitting those extensions and refinements of moral sympathies which advancing civilisation produces, and the inflexibility of its antagonism to evil by no means implies its incapacity of enlarging its conceptions of good. During the period which elapsed between the importation of stoical tenets into Rome and the ascendency of Christianity, an extremely important transformation of moral ideas had been effected by political changes, and it b)ecame a question how far the new elements could coalesce with the stoical ideal, and how far they tended to replace it by an essentially different type. These chang'es were twofold, but were very closely connected. They consisted of the increasing prominence of the benevolent or amiable, as distinguished from the heroic qualities, and of the enlargement of moral sympatllies, which having at first comprised only a class or a nation, came 17 240 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. at last, by the destruction of many artificial barriers, to include all classes and all nations. The causes of these changes-which were the most important antecedents of the triumph of Christianity-are very complicated and numerous, but it will, I think, be possible to give in a few pages a sufficiently clear outline of the movement. It originated in the Roman Empire at the time when the union of the Greek and Latin civilisations was effected by the conquest of the former country. The general humanity of the Greeks had always been incomparably greater than that of the Romans. The refining influence of their art and literature, their ignorance of gladiatorial games, and their comparative freedom from the spirit of conquest, had separated them widely from their semi-barbarous conquerors, and had given a peculiar softness and tenderness to their ideal characters. Pericles, who, when the friends who had gathered round his death-bed, imagining him to be insensible, were recounting his splendid deeds, told them that they had forgotten his best title to fame-that'no Athenian had ever worn mourning onl his account;' Aristides, praying the gods that those who had banished him might -never be compelled by danger or suffering to recall him; Phocion, when unjustly condemned, exhorting his son never to avenge his death, all represent a type of charatcter of a milder kind than that which Roman influences produced. The plays of Euripides had been to the ancient world the first great revelation of the supreme beauty of the gentler virtues. Among the many forms of worship that fiourished at Athens, there was an altar which stood alone, conspicuous and honoured beyond all others. The suppliants thronged around it, but no image of a god, no symbol of dogma was there. It was dedicated to Pity, and was venerated through all the TIHE PAGAN EMPIRE. 241 ancient world as the first great assertion among mankind of the supreme sanctity of Mercy.' But while the Greek spirit was from a very early period distinguished for its humanity, it was at first as far removed from cosmopolitanism as that of Rome. It is well known that Phrynichus was exiled because in his Siege of Aliletus' he had represented the triumph of barbarians over Greeks.2 His successor, Eschylus, deemed it necessary to violate all dramatic probabilities by making the Persian king and courtiers continually speak of themselves as barbarians. Socrates, indeed, had proclaimed himself a citizen of the world,3 but Aristotle ticxght that Greeks had no more duties to barbarians thlan to wild beasts, and another philosopher was believed to have evinced an almost excessive range of sympathy when he declared that his affections extended beyond his own State, and included the whole people of Greece. But the dissolving and disintegrating philosophical discusSee the very beautiful lines of Statius:-'Urbe fuit media nulli concessa potentumn Ara Deum, mitis posuit'Clementia sedem: [Et miseri fecere sacram, sine supplice numquain Illa novo; nulla damnabit vota repulsa. Auditi quicunque rogant, noctesque diesque Ire datum, et solis numen placare querelis. Parca superstitio; non thurea flamma, nec altus Accipitur sanguis, lacbrymis altaria strdant... Nulla autem effigies, nulli commissa metallo Forma Deas, mentes habitare et pectora gaudet. Semper habet trepidos, semper locus horret egenis Coetibus, ignotr tantumn fcelicibus arme.' —Tliebaid, lib. xii. This altar was very old, and was said to have been founded by the de scendants of Hercules. D)iodorus of Sicily, however, makes a Syracusan say that it was brought fiom Syracuse (lib. xiii. 22). MIarcus Aurelius erected a temple to'Beneficentia' on the Capitol. (Xiphilin, lib. lxxi. 34.) 2 Herodotus~ vi. 21. 3 See Arrian's Epictetus, i. 9. The very existence of the word OLXavUpworia shows that the idea was not altogether unknown. 242 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. sions that soon followed the death of Socrates, strengthened by political events, tended powerfully to destroy this feeling. The traditions that attached Greek philosophy to Egypt, the subsequent admiration for the schools of India to which Pyrrho and Anaxarchus are said to hlave resorted,' the prevalence of cynicism and epicureanism, which agreed in inculcating indifference to political life, the complete decomposition of the popular national religions, and the incompatibility of a narrow local feeling with great knowledge and matured civilisation, were the intellectual causes of the change, and the movement of expansion received a great political stimulus vhen Alexander eclipsed the glories of Spartan and Athenian history by the vision of universal empire, accorded to the conquered nations the privileges of the conquerors, and created in Alexandria a great centre both of commercial intercourse and of philosophical eclecticism.2 It is evident, therefore, that the prevalence of Greek ideas in Irome would be in a twofold'way destru-ctive of narrow national feelings. It was thle ascendency of a people who were not Romans, and of a people vwho had already become in a great degree emancipated from local I Diog. La6rt. Pyrrlso. There was a tradition that Pythagoras had himself penetrated to India, and learnt philosophy from the gymnosophistso (Apuleius, Floricd. lib. ii. c. 15.) 2 This aspect of the career of Alexander was noticed in a remarkable passage of a treatise ascribed to Plutarch (De Fort. Alex.).' Conceiving he was sent by God to be an umpire between all, and to unite all together, he reduced by arms those whom he could not conquer by persuasion, and formed of a hundred diverse nations one single universal body, mingling, as it were, in one cup of friendship the customs, marriages, and laws of all. IIe desired that all should regard the whole world as their common country,... that every good man should be esteemed a Hellene, every evil man a barbarian.' See on this subject the third lecture of 3Ir. Melivale (whose translation of Plutarch I have borrowed) On the Conversion of thie Romanz En~iire. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 243 sentiments. It is also evident that the Greeks having had for several centuries a splendid literature, at a time when the Romans had none, and when the Latin language was still too rude for literary purposes, the period in which the Romans first emerged from a purely military condition into an intelligent civilisation would bring with it an ascendency of Greek ideas. Fabius Pictor and Cincius Alimentus, the earliest native Roman historians, both wrote in Greek,1 and although the poems of Ennius, and the'Origines' of Marcus Cato, contributed largely to improve and fix the Latin language, the precedent was not at once cdiscontinued.2 After the conquest of Greece, the political ascendency of the Pomans and the intellectual ascendency of Greece were alike universal.3 The conquered people, whose patriotic feelings had been greatly enfeebled by the influences I havd noticed, acquiesced readily in their new condition, and notwithstanding the vehement exertions of the conservative party, Greek manners, sentiments, land ideas soon penetrated into all classes, and mouldecl all the forms of Roman life. The elder Cato, as an acute observer has noticed, desired all Greek philosophers to be expelled from Rome. The younger Cato made Greek philosophers his most intimate friends.4 roman virtue found its highest expression in stoicism. Roman vice sheltered itself under the name of Epicurus. Diodorus of Sicily and Polybius first sketched in Greek the outlines of universal history. 1 They were both born about B.c. 250. See Sir C. Lewis, Credibilzty of E'arly Roman -History, vol. i. p. 82. 2 Aulus Gellius mentions the indignation of Marcus Cato against a consul named Albinus, who had written in Greek a Roman history, and prefaced it by an apology for his faults of style, on the ground that he was writing in a foreigrl language. (Noct. Alt. xi. 8.) 3 See a vivid picture of the Greek influence upon Rome, in Momisen's list. of romne (Eng.:trans.), vol. iii. pp. 423-426. 4 Plin. Iist. Nat. Vii. 31. .244 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN hMORALS. Iionysius of Halicarnassus explored Roman antiquities. Greek artists and Greek architects thronged the city; but the first, under Roman influence, abandoned the ideal for the portrait, and the second degraded the noble Corinthian pillar into the bastard composite.l The theatre, which now started into sudden life, was borrowed altogether from the Greeks. Ennius and Pacutvius imitated Euripides; Cxcilius, Plauitus, Terence, and NlTevius devoted themselves chiefly to Menander. Even the lover in the days of Lucretius painted his lady's charms in. Greek.2 Immense sums were given for Greek literary slaves, and the attractions of the capital drew to Rolme nearly all that was brilliant in' Athenian society. While the complete ascendency of the intellect and manners of Greece was destroying the simplicity of the old Roman type, and at the same time enlarging the range of Roman sympathies, an equally powerful influence was breaking down the aristocratic and class feeling which had so long raised an insurmountable barrier between the patricians and the plebeians. The long contentions between the two orders had issued in the civil wars, the dictatorship of Julius Casar, and the empire, and these changes in a great measure obliterated the old lines of demarcation. Foreign wars, which develope with great intensity distinctive national types, and divert the public mind fiom internal clhanges, are usually favourable to the conservative spirit; but civil wars are essentially revo1 See Friedlmender, 3lIceurs 2 romain2es z 2 e'gze dc'Angustea lEa fin des Antonizs (French trans., 1865), tome i. pp. 6-7. In architecture, however, we owe the arch to the Romans. 2 See the curious catalogue of Greek love terms in vogue (Lecretius, lib. iv. line 1160, &c). Juvenal, more than a hundred years later, was extremely angry with the Roman ladies for making love in Greek (Sat. vi. lines 1901C5). Friedlvender remarks that there is no special term in Latin for to ask in maurriage (tome i. p. 354). THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 245 futionary, for they overwhelm all class barriers and throw open the highest prizes to energy and genius. Two very remarkable and altogether unprecedented illustrations of this truth occurred at Rome. Ventidius Bassus, by his military skill, and by the friendship of Julius Casar, and afterwards of Antony, rose from the position of muledriver to the command of a Roman army, and at last to the consulate,' which was also attained, about 40 B.C., by the Spaniard Cornelius Balbus.2 Augustus, though the most aristocratic of emperors, in order to discourage celibacy, permitted all citizens who were not senators to intermarry with- freedwomen. The empire was in several distinct ways unfavourable to the patrician influences. It was for the most part essentially democratic, winning its popularity from the masses of the people, and crushing the senate, which had been the common centre of aristocracy and of freedom. A new despotic power, bearing alike on all classes, reduced them to an equality of servitude. The emperors were themselves in many cases the mere creatures of revolt, and their policy was governed by their origin. Their jealousy struck down many of the patricians, while others were ruined by the public games, which it became customary to give, or by the luxury to which, in the absence of political occupations, they were impelled, and the relative importance of all was diminished by the new creations. The ascendency of wealth began to pass into new quarters. Delators, or political informers, encouraged by the emperors, and enriched by the confiscated properties of 1 Aul. Gell. Noct. xv. 4; Vell. Paterculus, ii. 05. The people were much scandalised at this elevation, and made epigrams about it. There is a curious catalogue of men who at different times rose in Rome from low positions to power and dignity, in Legendre, Traite' de I' Opinion, tome ii. pp. 254-255. 2 Dion. Cassius, xlviii. 32. Plin. Hist. Nat. v. 5; vii. 44. 246 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. those whlose condemnation they had procured,rose to great influence. From the time of Caligula, for several reigns, the most influential citizens were freedmen, who occupied the principal offices in the palace, and usually obtained complete ascendency over the emperors. Througho tlem alone petitions were presented. By their instrumentality, the Imperial favours were distributed. They sometimes dethroned the emperors. They retained their power unshaken through a succession of revolutions. In wealth, in power, in the crowd of their courtiers, in tle splendour of their palaces in life, and of their tombs in deat], they eclipsed all others, and men whom the early Roman patricians would have almost disdained to notice, saw the proudest struggling for their favour.' Together with these influences many others of a kindred nature may be detected. lThe colonial policy which the Gracchi had advocated was carried out at Narbonne, and during the latter days of Julius Cmsar, to the amazement and scandal of the Romans, Gauls of this province obtained seats in the senate.2 The immense extent of the empire made it necessary for numerous troops to remain during long periods of time in distant provinces, and the fbreign habits that were thus acquired began the destruction of the exclusive feelings of the Roman army, which the subsequent enrolment of barbarians completed. The public games, the immense luxury, tlhe concentration of power, wealth, and genius, made Rome the centre of a vast and ceaseless concourse of strangers, the focus of all the various philosophies and religions of the empire, and its population soon became an amorphous, heterogeneous 1 The history of the influence of freedmen is minutely traced by Friedhlnder, Mzwurs 9romalnes clde rgne d'Auguste c la fin des Antoznis, tome i. pp. 58-93. Statius and 3Martial sang their praises. 2 See Tacit. Ann. xi. 23-25. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 247 mass, in which all nations, customs, languages, and creeds, all degrees of virtue and vice, of refinement and barbarism, of scepticism and credulity, intermingled and interacted. Travelling hlad become at once more easy and more fre-. quent than it has been at any other period till the beginning of the nineteenth century. The subjection of the whole civilised world to a single rule removed the chief obstacles to locomotion. Magnificent roads, which modern nations have rarely rivalled and never surpassed, intersected the entire empire, and relays of post-horses enabled the voyager to proceed with an astonishing rapidity. The sea, which, after the destruction of the fleets of Carthage, had fallen almost completely under the dominion of pirates, had been cleared by Pompey. The Mediterranean and also the port of Alexandria were thronged with innumerable vessels. Romans traversed the whole extent of the empire on political, military, or commercial errands, or in search of health, or knowledge, or pleasure.' The entrancing beauties of Como and of Tempe, the luxurious manners of Baize and Corinth, the schools, commerce, climate, and temples of Alexandria, the soft winters of Sicily, the artistic wonders and historic recollections of Athens and the Nile, the great colonial interests of Gaul, attracted their thousands, while Roman luxury needed the products of the remotest lands, and the demandcl for animals for the amphitheatre spread Roman enterprise into the wildest deserts. In the capital, the toleration accorded to different creeds was such, that the city soon became a miniature of the world. Almost every variety of charlatanism and of belief displayed itself unchecked, and boasted its train of proselytes. Foreign ideas were in every form in the ascendant. Greece, 1 On the RPoman journeys, see the almost exhaustive dissertation of Friedlender, tome ii. 248 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORtALS. which had presided over the intellectual development of Rome, acquired a new influence under the favouring policy of Hadrian, and Greek became the language of some of the later as it had been of the earliest writers. Egyptian religions and philosophies excited the wildest enthusiasm. As early as the reign of Augustus there were many thousands of Jewish residents at Romie,1 and their manners and creed spread widely among the people. The Carthaginian Apuleius,3 the Gauls Florus and Favorinus, the Spaniards Lucan, Columella, Martial, Seneca, antd Quintilian, had all in their different departments a high place in Roman literature or philosophy. In the slave world a corresponding revolution was taking place.. The large proportion of physicians and sculptors who were slaves, the appearance of three or four distinguished authors in the slave class, the numerous literary slaves imported from Greece, and the splendid examples of courage, endurance, and devotion to their masters furnished by slaves during the civil wars, and during some of the worst periods of the empire, were bridging the chasm between the servile and the free classes, and the same tendency was more powerfully stimulated by the vast numbers and overwhelming influence of the freedmen. The enormous scale and frequent fluctuations of the patrician establishments, and the innumerable captives reduced to slavery after every war, Joseph. (Antiq. xvii. 11, ~ 1) says above 8,000 Jews resident in Rome took part in a petition to Cresar. If these were all adult males, the total number of Jewish residents must have been extremely large. 2 See the famous fragment of Seneca cited by St. Augustin (De Civ. Dei, vi. 11):'Usque eo sceleratissimse gentis consuetudo convaluit, -tt per omnes am terras recepta sit: victi victoribus leges dederunt.' There are numerous scattered allusions to the Jews in Horace, Juvenal, and Martial. 3 The Carthaginian influence was specially conspicuous in Christian history. Tertullian and Cyprian (both Africans) are justly regarded as the founders of Latin theology. (See Millman's Latin Christianity (ed. 1867), vol. i. pp. 35-36.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 249 rendered manumission both frequent and easy, and it was soon regarded as a normal result of faithful service. Many slaves bought their freedom out of the savings which their masters always permitted them to make. Others paid for it by their labour after their emancipation. Some masters emancipated their slaves in order to obtain their part in the distribution of corn, others to prevent the discovery of their own crimes by the torture of their slaves, others through vanity, being desirous of having their funerals attended by a long train of freedmen, very many simply as a reward for faitlful services.1 The freedman was still tunder what was terlned the patronage of his former master; he was bound to him by what in a later age would have been called a feudal tie, and the political and social importance of a noble depended in a very great degree upon the multitude of his clients. The children of the emancipated slave were in the same relation to the patron, and it was only in the third generation that all disqualifications and restraints were abrogated. In consequence of this system, manumission was often the interest of the master. In the course of his life he enfranchised individual slaves. On his death-bed or by his will he constantly emancipated multitudes. Emancipation by testament acquired such dimensions, that Augustus found it necessary to restrict the power; and he made several limitations, of which the most important was that no one should emancipate by his will more than one hundred of his slaves.2 It was once proposed that the slaves should be distinguished by a special dress, but the proposition was 1 Milo had emancipated some slaves to prevent them from being tortured as witnesses. (Cic. Pro Milo.) This was made illegal. The other reasons for enfranchisement are given by Dion. Halicarnassus, Anlti. lib. iv. 2 This subject is fully treated by Wallon, [list. de l'Esclavage dans 250 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. abandoned because their number was so great, that to reveal to them their strength would be to place the city at their mercy.1 Even among those who were not slaves, the element that was derived from slavery soon preponderated. The majority of the free population had probably either themselves been slaves, or were descended from slaves, and men with this tainted lineage penetrated to all the offices of the State.2'There was,' as has been well said,'a circulation of men from all the universe. Rome received them slaves, and sent theml back Romans.3 It is manifest how profound a change had taken place since the republican days, when the highest dignities were strictly monopolised byv men of the purest blood, when the censors repressed with a stringent severity every form or exhibition of luxury, when the rhetoricians were banished from. the city, lest the faintest tinge of foreign manners should impair the stern simplicity of the people, and when the proposal to transfer the capital to Vei, after a great disaster, was rejected on the ground that it would be impious to worship the Roman deities anywhere but on the Capitol, or for the Flaimens and the Vestals to emigrate beyond the walls.4 The greater number of these tendencies to universal fusion or equality were blind forces resulting from the stress of circumstances, and not from any human forethought, or were aoencies that were put in motion for a different object. It must, however, be acknowledged that a definite theory of policy had a considerable part in accelerating the movement. The policy of the republic may be broadly described as a policy of conquest, and 1 Senec. De Clemen. i. 24. 2 See, on the prominence and the insolence of the freedmen, Tacit. A2znal, xiii. 26-27. M3 Montesquieu,.Dcadenece des Romains, ch. xiii. 4 See the very curious speech attributed to Camillus. (Livy, v. 652.) THE PAGAN EAMPIRE. 251 that of the empire as a policy of preservation. The Romans having acquired a vast dominion, were met by the great probleml which every first-class power is called upon to solve-by what means many communities, with different languages, customs, clharacters, and traditions, can be retained peaceably under a single ruler. Iii modern times, this difficulty has been most successfully met by local legislatures, which, if they supply a' line of cleavage,' a nucleus around which the spirit of opposition may form, have on the other hand the priceless advantage of giving the annexed people a large measure of selfgovernment, a centre and safety-valve of local public opinion, a sphere for local ambitions, and a hierarchy of institutions adapted to the distinctive national type. Under no other conditions can a complex empire be carried on with so little strain, or effort, or humiliation, or its inevitable final dissolution be effected with so little danger or convulsion. But local legislatures, which are the especial glory of English statesmanship, belong exclusively to modern civilisation. The Rloman method of conciliati(on was, first of all, the most ample toleration of the customs, religion, and municipal fireedom of the conquered, and then their gradual admission to the privileges of the conqueror. By confiding to them in a great measure the defence of the empire, by throwing( open to them the offices of State, and especially by according to them the right of Roman citizenship, which had been for centuries jealously restricted to the inhabitants of Rome, and was afterwards only conceded to Italy and Cisalpine Gaul, the emperors sought to attach them to their throne. The process was very gradual, but the whole movement ot political emancipation attained its completion when the Imperial throne was occupied by the Spaniard Trajan, and by Pertinax, the son of a freedman, and when an 202 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. edict of Caracalla extended the rights of Roman citizenship to all the provinces of the empire. It will appear evident, from the foregoing sketch, that the period which elapsed between Pana3tius and Constantine exhibits an irresistible tendency to cosmopolitanism. The convergence, when we consider the number, force, and harmony of the influences that compose it, is indeed unexampled in history. The movement extends through all the fields of religious, philosophical, political, industrial, military, and domestic life. The character of the people was completely transformed, the landmarks of all its institutions were removed, the whole principle of its organisation was reversed. It would be impossible to find a more striking example of the manner in which events govern character, destroying old habits and associations, and thus altering that national type of excellence which is, for the most part, the expression or net moral result of the national institutions and circumstances. The effect of the movement was no doubt in many respects evil, and some of the best men, such as the elder Cato and Tacitus, opposed it, as leading to the demoralisation of the empire; but if it multiplied crime, it necessarily gave a peculiar character to virtue. It was impossible that the conception of excellence, formed in a society where everything conspired to deepen class divisions and national jealousies and antipathies, should be retained unaltered in a period of universal intercourse and amalgamation. The moral expression of the first period is obviously to be found in the narrower military and patriotic virtues; that of the second period in enlarged philanthropy and sympathy. The stoical philosophy was admirably fitted to preside over this extension of sympathies. Although it proved itself in every age the chief school of patriots, it recog TI-E PAG.N EMPIItE. 263 nised also, from the very first, and in the most unequivocal manner, the fraternity of mankind. The Stoic taught that virtue alone is a good, and that all other things are indifferent; and from this position he inferred that birth, rank, country, or wealth are the mere accidents of life, and that virtue alone makes one nman superior to another. He taught also that the Deity is an all-pervading Spirit, animating the universe, and revealed with especial clearness in the soul of man; and he concluded that all men are fellow-members of a single body, united by participation in the same Divine Spirit. These two doctrines formed part of the very first teaching of the Stoics, but it was the special glory of the Roman teachers, and an obvious result of the condition of affairs I have described, to have brought them into full relief. One of the most emphatic as well as one of the earliest extant assertions of the duty of' charity to the human race,'" occurs in the treatise of Cicero upon duties, which was avowedly based upon stoicism. Writing at a period when the movement of amalgamation had for a generation been rapidly proceeding,2 and adopting almost without restriction the ethics of the Stoics, Cicero maintained the doctrine of universal brotherhood as distinctly as it was afterwards maintained by the Christian Church.' This whole world,' he tells us,'is to be regarded as the common city of gods and men.' 3'Men were born for the sake of men, that eachl should assist the others.' I' Nature ordains that a man should wish the good of every man, whoever he may be, for this very reason, that he is a man.' 5' To reduce man to the duties of his own city, It Caritas generis hunmani.'-D- e Fnib. So, too, he speals (De Le. i. 23) of every good man as' civis totius mundi.' 2 He speaks of Rome as' civitas ex nationum conventu constitute.' 3.De Iegib. L 7. 4 De Ofi. 5 Ibid. iii. 6. 254 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. and to disengage him from duties to the members of other cities, is to break the universal society of the human race.' 1'Nature has inclined us to love men, and this is the foundation of the law.'2 The same principles were reiterated with increasing emphasis by the later Stoics. Adopting the well-known line which Terence had translated from lM[enander, they maintained that man should deem nothing human foreign to his interest. Lucan expatiated with all the fervour of a Christian poet upon the time when' the human race will cast aside its weapons, ancd when all nations will learn to love.' 3 The whole universe,' said Seneca,' which you see around you, comprising all things, both divine and human, is one. We are members of one great body. Nature has made us relatives when it begat us from the same materials and for the same destinies. She planted in us a mutual love, and fitted us for a social life.'' " What is a Ioman knight, or freedman, or slave? These are but names springing from ambition or from injury.' 5'I know that my country is the world, and my guardians are the gods.'' You are a citizen,' said Epictetus,' and a part of the world..... The duty of a citizen is in nothing to consider his own interest distinct from that of others, as the hand or foot, if they possessed reason and understood the law of nature, would do and wish nothing that had not some relation to the rest of the body.' 7'An Antonine,' said Marcus Aurelius,'ly country is Rome; as a man, it is the world.'8 So far stoicism appears fully equal to the moral requirements of the age. It would be impossible to recognise more cordially or to enforce more beautifully that 1 De Offic. iii. 6(. 2 De 1eyib. i. 15. Tunc genus humanum positis sibi consulat armis, Inque vicem gens omnis amet.'-Pl/arsalia, vi. 4.E c. xcv. ~ E. xxxi. 6 De Vita Beata, xx. 7 Arrian, ii. 10. 8 vi. 44. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 206 doctrine of universal brotherhood for which the circumstances of the Roman Empire had made men ripe. Plato had said that no one is born for himself alone, but that he owes himself in part to his country, in part to his parents, and in part to his friends. The Roman Stoics, taking a wider survey, declared that man is born not for himself but for the whole world.l And their doctrine was perfectly consistent with the original principles of their school. But while stoicism was quite capable of representing the widening movement, it was not equally capable of representing the softening movement of civilisation. Its condemnation of the affections, and its stern, tense ideal, admirably fitted for the struggles of a simple military age, were unsuited for the mild manners and luxurious tastes of the age of the Antonines. A class of writers began to arise who, like the Stoics, believed virtue, rather than enjoyment, to be the supreme good, and who acknowledged that virtue consisted solely of tle control which the enlightened will exercises over the desires, but who at the same time gave free scope to the benevolent affections and a more religious and mystical tone to the whole sclleme of morals. Professing various speculative doctrines, and calling themselves by many names-eclectics, peripatetics, or Platonists —they agreed in forming or representing a moral character, less strong, less sublime, less capable of endurance and heroism, less conspicuous for energy of will, than that of the Stoics, but far more tender and attractive. The virtues of force began to recede, and the virtues of love to advance, in'IIec dluri immota Catonis Secta fuit, servare modum, finemnlue tenere, Naturamcque sequi, patriteque impendere vitam, Nec sibi sed toti genitum se credere mundo.' Lucan,'liars. ii. 380-383. 18 256 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. the moral type. Insensibility to suffering was no longer professed; indomitable strength was no longer idolised, and it was felt that weakness and sorrow have their own appropriate virtues.l The works of these writers are full of delicate touches which nothing but strong and lively feelings could have suggested. We find this in the wellknown letter of Pliny on the death of his slaves,2 in the frequent protests against the ostentation of indifference with which the Stoics regarded the loss of their friends, in the many instances of simple, artless pathos which strike the finest chords of our nature. When Plutarch, after the death of his daughter, was writing a letter of consolation to his wife, we find him turning away from all the conmmonplaces of the Stoics as the recollection of one simple trait of his little child rushed upon his — miind:-'She desired her nurse to press even her dolls to the breast. She was so loving that she wished everything that gave her pleasure to share in the best of what she had.' Plutarch, whose fame as a biographer has, I think, unduly eclipsed his reputation as a moralist, mnay be justly regarded as the leader of this movement, and his moral writings may be profitably compared with those of Seneca, the most ample exponent of the sterner school. Seneca is not unfrequently self-conscious, theatrical, and overstrained. His precepts have something of the affected ring of a popular preacher. The imperfect fusion of his short sentences gives his style a disjointed and, so to 1 There is a passage on this subject in one of the letters of Pliny, which I think extremely remarkable, and to which I can recall no pagan parallel:-'Nuper me cujusdam amici langnor admonuit optimos esse nos dum infirmi sumus. Quem enihi infirnmlul alut avaritia aut libido solicitat? Non amoribus gervit, non appetit honores... tune deos, tune hominem esse se meminit.' -Plin. Ep. vii. 26. 2 Ep. viii. 16. He says: Hominis est enim affici dolore, sentire, resistere tamen, et solatia admittere non solatia non egere.' THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 257 speak, granulated character, which the Emperor Caligula happily expressed when he compared it to sand without cement; yet he often rises to a majesty of eloquence, a grandeur both of thought and of expression, that few moralists have ever rivalled. Plutarch, though far less sublime, is more sustained, equable, and uniformly pleasing. The Montaigne of antiquity, his genius corruscates playfully and gracefully around his subject; he delights in illustrations which are often singularly vivid and original, but which, by their excessive multiplication, appear sometimes rather the texture than the ornament of his discourse. A gentle, tender spirit, and calm good sense, free from all paradox, exaggeration, and excessive subtlety, are the characteristics of all he wrote. Plutarch excels most in collecting motives of consolation, Seneca in forming characters that need no consolation. There is something of the woman in Plutarch; Seneca is all a iman. The writings of the first resemble the strains of the flute, to lwhich the ancients attributed the power of calming the passions and charming away the clouds of sorrow, and drawing men by a gentle suasion into the paths of virtue; the writings ot the other are like the trumpet blast, which kindles the soul with an heroic courage. The first is most fitted to console a mother sorrowing over her dead child, the second to nerve a brave man, without flinchino and without illusion, to grapple with an inevitable fate. The elaborate letters which Seneca has left us on distinctive tenets of the stoical school, such as the equality of vices or the evil of the affections, have now little more than an historic interest; but the general tone of his writings gives them a permanent importance, for they reflect and foster a certain type of excellence whicl, since the extinction of stoicism, has had no adequate expression 258 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. in literature. The prevailing moral tone ofPlutarch, on the other hand, being formed mainly on the prominence of the amiable virtues,has been eclipsed or transcended by the Christian writers, but his definite contributions to philosophy and morals are more important than those of Seneca. IHe has left us one of the best works on superstition, and one of the most ingenious works on Providence, we possess. He was probably the first writer who advocated very strongly humanity to animals, on the broad ground of universal benevolence, as cdistinguished from the Pythagorean doctrine of transmigration, and he was also remarkable, beyond all his contemporaries, for his high sense of female excellence and of the sanctity of female love. The Romans had at all times cared more for the practical tendency of a system of philosophy than for its logical or speculative consistency. One of the chief attractions of stoicism, in their eyes, had been that its main object was not to build a system of opinion, but to propose a pattern of life,l and stoicism itself was only adapted to the RIoman character after it had been simplified by Panmtius.2 Although the system could never free itself altogether from that hardness which rendered it so unsuited for an advanced civilisation, it was profoundly modified by the later Stoics, who rarely scrupled to temper it by the admixture of new doctrines. Seneca himself was by no means an unmixed Stoic. If Epictetus was more nearly so, this was probably because the extreme hardship he underwent made him dwell more than his contemporaries upon the importance of fortitude and endurance. Marcus This characteristic of stoicism is well noticed in Gr,znt's Aristotle, vol. i p. 254. The first volume of this work contains an extremely good review of the principles of the Stoics. 2 Cic.- De Finib. lib. iv. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 259 Aurelius was surrounded by the disciples of the most various schools, and his stoicism was much tinctured by the milder and more religious spirit of Platonism. The Stoics, like all other men, felt the moral current of the time, though they yielded to it less readily than some others. In Thrasea, who occupied in his age a position analogous to that of Cato in an earlier period, we find little or nothing of the asperity and hardness of his great prototype. In the writings of the later Stoics, if we find the same elements as in those of their predecessors, these elements are at least combined in different proportions. In the first place, stoicism became more essentially religious. The stoical character, like all others of a high order, had always been reverential; but its reverence differed widely from that of Christians. It was concentrated much less upon' the Deity than upon viwrtue, and especially upon virtue as exhibited in great mein. When Lucan, extolling his hero, boasted that' the gods favoured the conquering cause, but Cato the conquered,' or when Seneca described' the fortune of Sulla' as' the crime of the gods,' these sentences, Which sound to modern ears grossly blasphemous, appear to have excited no murmur. We have already seen the audacious language with which the sage claimed an equality with the Divinity. On the other hand, the reverence for virtue apart from all conditions of success, and especially for men of the stamp of Cato, who through a strong moral conviction struggled bravely, though unsuccessfully, against force, genius, or circumstances, was perhaps more steady and more- passionate than in any later age. The duty of absolute submission to Providence, as I have already shown, was continually inculcated, and the pantheistic notion of all virtue being a part or emanation of the Deityv, was often assertedc, 260 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. but man was still the centre of the Stoic's scheme, the ideal to which his reverence and devotion aspired. In later stoicism this point of view was gradually changed. Without any formal abandonment of their pantheistic conceptions, the language of philosophers recognised with much greater clearness a distinct and personal Divinity. Every page of Epictetus and Mlarcus Aurelius is impregnated with the deepest religious feeling.' The first thing to learn,' said the former,' is that there is a God, that His knowledge pervades the whole universe, and that it extends not only to our acts but to our thoughts and feelings.... He who seeks to please the gods must labour as far as lies in him to resemble them. He must be faithful as God is faithful, free as He is free, beneficent as He is beneficent, magnanimous as He is magnanimous.'1'To have God for our maker and father and guardian, should not that emancipate us from all sadness and from all fear?'' When you have shut your door and darkened your room, say not to yourself you are alone. God is in your room, and your attendant genius likewise. Think not that they need the light to see what you do.3 What can I, an old man and a cripple, do but praise God? If I were a nightingale, I would discharge the office of a nightingale; if a swan, that of a swan. But I am a reasonable being; my mission is to praise God, and I fulfil it; nor shall I ever, as far as lies in me, shrink from my task, and I exhort you to join in the same song of praise.'4 The same religious character is exhibited, if possible, in a still greater degree in the'Meditations' of Marcus Aurelius; but in one respect the ethics of the emperor differ widely from those of the slave. In Epictetus, we l Arriar6 3piect. i. 14. 2 Ibid. i. 9. 3 Ibid. i. 14. 4 Ibid. i. 16. TIlE PAGA.N EMIPIIE. 261 invariably find the strongest sense of the majesty of man. As the child of the Deity, as a being capable of attaining the most exalted virtue, he magnified him to the highest point, and never more so than in the very passage in whiclh he exhorted his disciples to beware of haughtiness. The Jupiter Olympus of Phidias, hle reminds them, exhibits no arrogance, but the unclouded serenity of perfect confidence and strength.1 larcus Aurelius, on the other hand, dwelt rather on the weakness than on the force of man, and his meditations breathe a spirit, if not of Christian humility, at least of the gentlest and most touching modesty. He was not, it is true, like some later saints, who habitually apply to themselves language of reprobation which would be exaggerated if applied to the murderer or the adulterer. He did not shrink from recognising human virtue as a reality, and thanking Providence for the degree in which he had attained it, but lhe continually reviewed with an unsparing severity the weaknesses of his character, he accepted and even solicited reproofs from every teacher of virtue, he made it his aim, in a position of supreme power, to check every emotion of arrogance and pride, and he set before him an ideal of excellence which awed and subdued his mind. Another very remarkable feature of later stoicism was its increasingly introspective character. In the philosophy of Cato and Cicero, virtue was displayed almost exclusively in action. In the later Stoics, self-examination and purity of thought were continually inculcated. There are some writers who, with an obstinacy which it is more easy to explain than to excuse, persist, in defiance of the very clearest evidence to the contrary, in representing these virtues as exclusively Christian, and in maintaining 1 Arrian, ii. 8. 262 HIJSTORY OF EUROPEAN MORi-LS. without a shadow of proof, that the place they undeniably occupy in the later Roman moralists was due to the direct or indirect influence of the new faith. The plain fact is that they were fully known to the Greeks, and both Plato and Zeno even exhorted men to study their dreams, on the ground that these often reveal tlhe latent tendencies of the disposition.1 Pythagoras urged his disciples daily to examine themselves when they retired to rest,2 and this practice soon became a recognised part of the Pythagorean discipline.3 It was introduced into Rome with the school before the close of the republic. It was known in the time of Cicero 4 and Horace.5 Sextius, one of the masters of Seneca, a philosopher of the school of Pythagoras, who flourished chiefly before the Christian era, was accustomed daily to devote a portion of time to self-examination; and Seneca, who at first inclined much to the tenets of Pythagoras,6 expressly tells us that it was from Sextius hle learnt the practice.7 The increasing prominence of the Pythagorean philosophy which accompanied the invasion of Oriental creeds, the natural tendency of the empire, by closing the avenues of political life, to divert the attention from action to emotion, and also the inPlutarch, D)e profect. in Firt. This precept was enforced by 7Bishop Sanderson in one of his sermons. (Southey's Commonplace Book, vol. i. p. 92.) 2 Diog. Laert. Pythagoras. 3 Thus Cicero makes Cato say:'Pythagoreorumque more, exercendes memorie gratia, quid quoque die dixerim, audiverim, egerim, comniemoro vesperi.'-De Senect. xi. 4 Ibid. 5 Sermon. i. 4. 6 He even gave up, for a time, eating meat, in obedience to the Pythagorean principles. (Ep. cviii.) Seneca had two masters of this school, Sextius and Sotion. He was at this time not more than seventeen years old. (See Aubertin, Etude critique sur les?celjports sulposes entre &Si tue et Sk. Paul, p. 156.) 7 See his very beautiful description of the self-examination both of Sextius and of himself. (De Ira, iii. 36.) THE PAGAN EAIPIRE. 263 creased latitude allowed to the play of the sympathies or affections by the later Stoics, brought this emotional part of virtue into great prominence. The letters of Seneca are a kind of moral medicine applied for the most part to the cure of different infirmities of character. Plutarch, in a beautifiul treatise on' The Signs of Moral Progress,' treated the culture of the feelings with delicate skill. The duty of serving the Divinity with a pure mind rather than by formal rites became a commonplace of literature, and self-examination one of the most recognised of duties. Epictetus urged men so to purify their imaginations, that at the sight of a beautiful woman they should not even mentally exclaim,' Happy her husband!' 1 The meditations of Marcus Aurelius, above all, are throughout an exercise of self-examination, and the duty of watching over the thoughts is continually inculcated. It was a saying of Plutarch that stoicism, which sometimes exercised a prejudicial and hardening influence upon characters that were by nature stern and unbending, proved peculiarly useful as a cordial to those whichl were naturally gentle and yielding. Of this truth we can have no better illustration than is furnished by the life and writings of Marcus Aurelius, the last and most perfect representative of Roman stoicism. A simple, childlike, and eminiently affectionate disposition, with little strengtJh of intellect or perhaps originally of will, much more inclined to meditation, speculation, solitude, or friendship, than to active and public life, with a profound aversion to the pomp of royalty and with a rather strong natural leaning to pedantry, he had embraced the fortifying philosophy of Zeno in its best form, and that philosophy nade him pelrhaps as nearly a perfectly virtuous man 1 Arrian, ii. 18. Compare the Manual of Epictetus, xxxiv. 264 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. as has ever appeared upon our world. Tried by the chequered events of a reign of nineteen years, presiding over a society that was profoundly corrupt, and over a city that was notorious for its licence, the perfection of his character awed even calumny to silence, and the spontaneous sentiment of his people proclaimed him rather a god than a man.' Very few men have ever lived concerning whose inner life we can speak so confidently. His meditations, which form one of the most impressive, forml also one of the truest books in the whole range of religious literature. They consist of rude fragmentary notes without literary skill or arrangement, written for the most part in hasty, broken, and sometimes almost unintelligible sentences amid the turmoil of a camp,2 and recording, in accents of the most penetrating sincerity, the struggles, doubts, anid aims of a soul of which, to employ one of his own images, it may be truly said that it possessed the purity of a star, whlich needs no veil to hide its nakedness. The undisputed nmaster of the whole civilised world, lie set before him as models such men as Thrasea and Ilelvidius, as Cato and Brutus, and he made it his aim to realise the conception of a free State in which all citizens are equal, and of a royalty which makes it its first duty to respect the liberty of the citizens.3 His life was passed in unremitting activity. For nearly twelve years he was absent with armies in the distant provinces of the empire; and although his political capacity had been much and perhaps:justly questioned, it is impossible to deny the unwearied zeal 1'Quod de Romulo mcgre creditum est, omnes pari sensu prmsumserunt; iarcuni ccelo receptum est.'-Aurelius Victor. I Deusque etiam nune habetur.'- Capitolinus. 2 The first book of his Meditations was written on the borders of the Granua, in Hungary. I. 14 THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 205 with. which lie discharged the duties of his great position. Yet few men have ever carried farther the virtue of little things, the delicate moral tact and the minute scruples which, though often exhibited by women and by secluded religionists, very rarely survive much contact with active life. The solicitude with which he endeavoured to persuade two jealous rhetoricians to abstain during their debates from retorts that might destroy their friendship,l the careful gratitude with which, in a camp in Hungary, he recalled every moral obligation he could trace, even to the most obscure of his tutors,2 his anxiety to avoid all pedantry and nmannerism in his conduct,3 and to repel every voluptuous imagination firom his mind,4 his deep sense of the obligation of purity,5 his laborious efforts to correct a habit of drowsiness into which he had fallen, and his self-reproval when lie had yielded to it,6 become all, I think, inexpressibly touching when we remember that they were exhibited by one who was the supreme ruler of the civilised globe, and who was continually engaged in the direction of the most gigantic interests. But that which is especially remarkable in Marcus Aurelius is the complete absence of fanaticism in his philanthropy. Despotic monarchs sincerely anxious to improve mankind are naturally led to endeavour, by acts of legislation, to force society into the paths which they believe to be good, and such men, acting under such motives, have sometimes been the See a touchingo letter of his to Fronto, who was about to engage in a debate with Herod Atticus. 2 I. 6-15. The eulogy he passed on his Stoic master Apollonius is worthy of notice. Apollonius furnished him with an example of the combination of extreme firmness and gentleness. 3 E.g.'Beware of Coesarising.' (vi. 30.)'3e neither a tragedian nor a Zourtesan.' (v. 28.)' Be just and temperate and a follower of the gods; but be so with simplicity, for the pride of modesty is the worst of all.' (xii. 27.) 4 iii. 4 5 i. 17. 6 v.i. 266 IISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. scourges of mankind. Philip II. and Isabella the Catholic inflicted more suffering in obedience to their.consciences than Nero or Domitian in obedience to their lusts. But Marcus Aurelius steadily resisted this temptation.' Never ]hope,' he once wrote,'to realise Plato's republic. Let it be sufficient that you have in some slight degree ameliorated mankind, and do not think that amelioration a matter of small importance. Who can change - the opinions of men? and without a change of sentiments what can you make but reluctant slaves and hypocrites?' 1 He promullgated many laws inspired by a spirit of the purest benevolence. He mitigated the gladiatorial shows. He treated with invariable deference the senate, which was the last bulwark of political freedom. He endowed many chairs of philosophy which were intended to diffuse knowledge and moral teaching through the people. He endeavoured by the example of his court to correct the extravagances of luxury that were prevalent, and he exhibited in his own career a perfect model of an active and conscientious administrator; but he made no rash efflrts to force the people by stringent laws out of the natural channel of their lives. Of the corruption of his subjects he was keenly sensible, and he bore it with a mournful but gentle patience. We may trace in this respect the milder spirit of those Greek teachers who had diverged from stoicism, but it was especially from the stoical doctrine that all vice springs from ignorance that he derived his rule of life, and this doctrine, to which he repeatedly recurred, imparted to all his judgments a sad but tender charity.' Men were made for men; correct them, then, or support them.'2'If they do ill, it is evidently in spite of themselves and through ignorance.'3 Correct them if you can; if not, remember 1 x. 29. 2 viii. 59. xi. 18. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 267 that patience was given you to exercise it in their behalf.'1'It would be shameful for a physician to deem it strange that a man was suffering from fever.'2' The immortal gods consent for countless ages to endure without anger, and even to surround with blessings, so many and such wicked men, but thou who hast so short a time to live, art thou already weary, and that when thou art thyself wicked?'3'It is involuntarily that the soul is deprived of justice, and temperance, and goodness, and all other virtues. Continually remember this; the thought will make you more gentle to all mankind.'4'It is right that man should love those -who have offended him. He will do so when, he remembers that all men are his relations, and that it is through ignorance and involuntarily that they sin,-and then we all die so soon.'5 The character of the virtue of Marcus Aurelius, though exhibiting the softening influence of the Greek spirit which in his time pervaded the empire, was in its essentials strictly Roman.6 Though full of reverential gratitude to Providence, we do not find in him that intense humility and that deep and subtle religious feeling which were the principles of Hebrew virtue, and which have given the Jewish writers so great an ascendency over the hearts of men. Though borne naturally and instinctively to goodness, his'Meditations' do not display the keen asthetical sense of the beauty of virtue which was the leading motive of Greek morals, and Mwhich the writings of Plotinus afterwards made very familiar to the Roman world. Like most ix. 11. 2 Viii. 15. s vii. 70. 4 vii. 03. 5 vii. 22. 6 Mr. Maurice, in this respect, compares and contrasts him very happily with Platarch.'Like Plutarch, the Greek and Roman characters were in MIarcus Aurelius remarkably blended, but, unlike Plltarch, the foundation of his mind was Roman. He was a student that he might more effectually carry on the business of an emperor.' —Plhlosop1hy of the First Six Centuries, p. 32. 268 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. of the best Romans, the principle of his virtue was the sense of duty, the conviction of the existence of a law of nature to which it is the aim and purpose of our being to conform. Of secondary motives he appears to have been little sensible. The belief in a superintending Providence was the strongest of his religious convictions, but even that was occasionally overcast. On the subject of a future world his mind floated in a desponding doubt. The desire for posthumous fame he deemed it his duty systematically to mortify. While most writers of his school regarded death chiefly as the end of sorrows, and dwelt upon it in order to dispel its terrors, in Marcus Aurelius it is chiefly represented as the last great demonstration of the vanity of earthly things. Never, perhaps, had such active and unrelaxing virtue been united with so little enthusiasm, and been cheered by so little illusion of success.' There is but one thing,' he wrote,' of real value-to cultivate truth and justice, and to live without anger in the midst of lying and unjust men." The command he had acquired over his feelings was so great, that it was said of him that his countenance was never known to betray either elation or despondency.2 We, however, who have before us the records of his inner life, can have no difficulty in detecting the deep melancholy that overshadowed his mind, and his closing years were darkened by many and various sorrows. His wife, whom he dearly loved, and deeply honoured, and who, if we may believe the court scandals that are reported by historians, was not worthy of his affection,3 had preceded him A1 i. 47. 2 Capitolinus, Aurelius Victor. 3 nM. Suckall, in his admirable' Etude sur Marc-AurVle,' and Al. Renan, in r very acute and. learned.Exaamen de quteques Faits relatifs ci l'iNmpratrice Faustine (read before the Institut, August 14, 1867), have shown the extreme uncertainty of the stories about the debaucheries of Faustina, which the biographers of Marcus Aurelius have collected. It will be observed that THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 269 to the tomb. His only surviving son had already displayed the vicious tendencies that afterwards made him one of the worst of rulers. The philosophers who had instructed him in his youth, and to whom he had clung with an affectionate friendship, had one by one disappeared, and no new race had arisen to supply their place. After a long reign of self-denying virtue, he saw the decadence of the empire continually more apparent. The stoical school was rapidly fading before the passion for Oriental superstitions. The barbarians, repelled for a time, were again menacing the frontiers, and it witas not difficult to foresee their future triumph. The mass of the people had become too inert and too corrupt for any efforts to regenerate them. A fearful pestilence, followed by many minor calamities, had fallen upon the land and spread misery and panic through many provinces. In the midst of these calamities the emperor was struck down with a mortal illness, which he bore with the placid courage he had always displayed, exhibiting in almost the last words he uttered his forgetfulness of self and his constant anxiety for the condition of his people.1 Shortly before his death he dismissed his attendants, and, after one last interview, his Son, and he died as he long had lived, alone.2 Tlhus sank to rest in clouds and darkness the purest and gentlest spirit of all the pagan world, the most perfect model of the later Stoics. In him the hardness, asperity, and arrogance of the sect had altogether disappeared, the emperor himself has left an emphatic testimony to her virtue, and to the happiness he derived fronm her (i. 17); that the earliest extant biographer of M3arcus Aurelius was a generation later; and that the infamous character of Commodus naturally predisposed men to imagine that he was not the son of so perfect an emperor 1 Quid me fletis et non magis de pestilentia et communi morte cogitatis P? Capitolinus, M. Aurelius. 2 Ibid. 270 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. while the affectation its paradoxes tended to produce was greatly mitigated. Without fanaticism, superstition, or illusion, his whole life was regulated by a simple and unwavering sense of duty. The contemplative and emotional virtues which stoicism had long depressed, had regained their place, but the active virtues had not yet declined. The virtues of the hero were still deeply honoured, but gentleness and tenderness had acquired a new prominence in the ideal type. But while the force of circumstances was thus developing the ethical conceptions of antiquity in new directions, the mass of the Roman people were plunged in a condition of depravity which no mere ethical teaching could adequately correct. The moral condition of the empire is indeed in some respects one of the most appalling pictures on record, and writers have much more frequently undertaken to paint or even to exaggerate its enormity than to investigate the circumstances by which it may be explained. Such circumstances, however, must unquestionably exist. There is no reason to believe that the innate propensities of the people were worse during the empire than during the best days of the republic. The depravity of a nation is a phenomenon which, like all others, may be traced to definite causes, and in the instance before us they are not difficult to discover. I have already said that the virtue of the Romans was a military and patriotic virtue, formed by the national institutions, and to which religious teaching was merely accessory. The domestic, military, and censorial discipline, concurring with the general poverty and also with the agricultural pursuits of the people, had created the simplest and most austere habits, while the institutions of civic liberty provided ample spheres for honourable THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 271 ambition. The patricians being the highest body in a free State, and being at the same time continually confronted by a formidable opposition under the guidance of the tribunes, were ardently devoted to public life, and cultivated to the highest point the aristocratic sense of honour. The dangerous rivalry of the surrounding italian States, and afterwards of Carthage, demanded and secured a constant vigilance. Roman education was skilfully designed to elicit an heroic patriotism, and the great men of the past became ideal figures upon which every imagination was concentrated. Religion hallowed the local feeling by rites and legends, instituted many useful and domestic habits, taught men the sanctity of oaths, and by fostering a continual sense of a superintending Providence, gave a depth and solemnity to the whole character. Such were the chief influences by which the national type of virtue had been formed, but nearly all of these were corroded or perverted by advancing civilisation. The domestic and local religion lost its ascendency amid the increase of scepticism and the invasion of a crowd of foreign superstitions. The simplicity of manners which sumptuary laws and the institution of the censorship had long maintained, was replaced by the extravagances of a Babylonian luxury. The aristocratic dignity perished with the privileges on which it reposed. The patriotic energy and enthusiasm died away in a universal empire which embraced all varieties of language, custom, and nationality. But although the virtues of a poor and struggling community necessarily disappear before increasing luxury, they are in a normal condition of society replaced by virtues of a different stamp. Gentler manners and enlarged benevolence follow in the train of civilisation, 19 272 lHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. greater intellectual activity and more extended industrial enterprise give a new importance to the moral qualities which each of these require, the circle of political interests expands, and if the virtues that spring from privilege diminish, the virtues that spring from equality increase. In Rome, however, there were three great causes which impedecl the normal development-the Imperial system, the institution of slavery, and the gladiatorial shows. Each of these exercised an influence of the widest and most pernicious character on the morals of the people. To trace those influences in all their ramifications would lead me far beyond the limits I have assigned to the present work, but I shall endeavour to give a concise view of their nature and general character. The theory.of the Roman Empire wa-s that of a representative despotism. The various offices of the republic were not annihilated, but they were gradually concentrated in a single man. The senate was still ostensibly the depository of supreme power, but it was made in fact the mere creature of the emperor, whose power was virtually uncontrolled. Political spies and private accusers, who in the latter days of the republic had been encouraged to denounce plots against the State, began under Augustus to denounce plots against the empire, and the class being enormously increased under Tiberius, and stimulated by the promise of part of the confiscated property, they menaced every leading politician and even every wealthy man. The patricians were gradually depressed, ruined, or driven by the dangers of public life into orgies of private luxury. The poor were conciliated, not by any increase of liberty or even of permanent prosperity, but by gratuitous distributions of corn and by public games, while, in order to invest themselves with a sacred character, the emperors adopted the religious device of an apotheosis. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 273 This last superstition, of which some traces may still be found in the titles appropriated to royalty, was not lwholly a suggestion of politicians. Deified men had long occupied a prominent place in ancient belief, and the founders of cities had been very frequently worshipped by the inhabitants.' Although to more educated minds the ascription of divinity to a sovereign was simply an unmeaning flattery, although it in no degree prevented either innumerable plots against his life, or an unsparing criticism of his memory, yet the popular reverence not unfrequently anticipated politicians in representing the emperor as in some special way under the protection of Providence. Around Augustus a whole constellation of miraculous stories soon clustered. An oracle, it was said, had declared his native city destined to produce a ruler of the world. When a child, he had been borne by invisible hands from his cradle, and placed on a lofty tower, where he was found with his face turned to the rising sun. He rebuked the frogs that croaked around his grandfather's home, and they became silent for ever. An eagle snatched a piece of bread from his hand, soared into the air, and then descending, presented it to him again. Another eagle dropped at his feet a chicken, bearing a laurel-branch in its beak. When his body was burnt, his image was seeCn rising to heaven above the flames. When another man tried to sleep in the bed in which lhe had been born, the profane intruder was dragged forth by an unseen hand. A patrician named Lnmtorius, having been condemned for adultery, pleaded in mitigation of the sentence that he was the happy possessor of the spot of ground on which'Many examples of this are given by Colauges, La Cite' antique, pp. 177-178. 274 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Augustus was born.1 An Asiatic town, named Cyzicus, was deprived of its freedom by Tiberius, chiefly because it had neglected the worship of Augustus.2 Partly, no doubt, by policy, but partly also by that spontaneous process by which in a superstitious age every conspicuous character becomes the nucleus of legendcl,3 each emperor was surrounded by a supernatural aureole. Every usurpation, every break in the ordinary line of succession, was adumbrated by a series of miracles, and signs, both in heaven and earth, were manifested whenever an emperor was about to die. Of the emperors themselves, a great majority, no doubt, accepted their divine honours as an empty pageant, and more than one exhibited beneath the purple a simplicity of tastes and character which the boasted heroes of the republic had never surpassed. It is related of Vespasian, that when dying, he jested mournfully on his approaching dignity, observing, as he felt his strength ebbing away,' I think I am becoming a god.' 4 Alexander Severus and Julian refused to accept the ordinary language of adulation, and of those who did not reject it we know that many looked upon it as a modern sovereign looks upon the phraseology of petitions or the ceremonies of the court. Even Nero was so far from being intoxicated with his Imperial dignity, that he continually sought triumphs as a singer or an actor, and it was his artistic skill, not his divine prerogatives, that excited his vanity.5 Caligula, however, who appears to have been literally deranged,6 is said to have accepted his divinity as a serious All this is related by Suetonius, August. 2 Tacit. Annal. iv. 36. 3 See, e.g., the sentiments of the people about Julius Czsar, Sueton. J. C. lxxxviii. 4 Sueton. Vesp. xxiii. 5' Qualis artifex pereo' were his dying words. 6 See Sueton. Calig. 1. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 275 fact, to have substituted his own head for that of Jupiter on many of the statues,1 and to have once started furiously froml his seat during a thunderstorm that had interrupted a gladiatorial show, shouting with frantic gestures his imprecations against Heaven, and declaring that the divided empire was indeed intolerable, that either Jupiter or himself must speedily succumb.2 Heliogabalus, if we may give any credence to his biographer, confounded all things, humnan and divine, in hideous and blasphemous orgies, and designed to unite all forms of religion in the worship of himself.3 A curious consequence of this apotheosis was that the images of the emperors were invested with a sacred character, like those of the gods. They were the recognised refuge of the slave or the oppressed,4 and the smallest disrespect to them was resented as a heinous crime. Under Tiberius, slaves and criminals were accustomed to hold in their hands an image of the emperor, and being thus protected, to pour with impunity a torrent of defiant insolence upon their masters or judges.5 Under the same emperor, a man having, when drunk, accidentally touched a nameless domestic utensil, with a ring on which the head of the emperor was carved, he was immediately denounced by a spy.6 A man in this reign was accused of high treason for having sold an image of the emperor with a garden.7 It was made a capital offence to beat a slave, or to undress, near a statue of Augustus, or to enter a brothel with a piece of money on which his 1 Sueton. Calbq. xxii. A statue of Jupiter is said to have burst out laughing just before the death of this emperor. 2 Seneca, De Ira, i. 46; Sueton. Ccalg. xxii. 3 Lampridius, feliqogab. 4 Senec. De Clemen. i. 18. 5 Tacit. Annal. iii. 36. 6 Senec. )e Benefic. iii. 26. 7 Tacit. Annal. i. 73. Tiberius refused to allow this case to be proceeded with. See, too, Philost. Apollomnus of Tyanca i. 15. '276 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. head was engraved,l and at a later period a woman, it is said, was actually executed for undressing before the statue of Domitian.2 It may easily be conceived that men who had been raised to this pinnacle of arrogance and power, men who exercised uncontrolled authority in the midst of a society in a state of profound corruption, were often guilty of the most atrocious extravagances. In the first period of the empire more especially, when traditions were not yet formed, and when experience had not yet shown the dangers of the throne, the brains of some of its occupants reeled at their elevation, and a kind of moral insanity ensued. The pages of Suetonius remain as an eternal witness of the abysses of depravity, the hideous, intolerable cruelty, the hitherto unimagined extravagances of nameless lust that were then manifested on the Palatine, and while they cast a fearful light upon the moral chaos into which pagan society had sunk, they furnish ample evidence of the demoralising influences of the empire. The throne was, it is true, occupied by some of the best as well as by some of the worst men who have ever lived; but the evil, though chlecked and mitigated, was never abolished. The corruption of a court, the formation of a profession of spies, the encouragement given to luxury, the distributions of corn, and the multiplication of games, were evils which varied greatly in their degrees of intensity, but the very existence of the emnpire prevented the creation of those habits of political life which formed the moral type of the great republics of antiquity. Liberty, which is often very unfavourable to theological systems, is almost always in the end favourable 1 Suet. Tiber. lviii. 2'Mulier quedanm, quod semel exuerat ante statuan Donmitiani, damnnata et interfecta est.'-Xiphilin, lxvii. 12. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 27i' to morals, for the most effectual method that has been devised for diverting men from vice is to give free scope to a higher ambition. This scope was absolutely wanting in the Roman Empire, and the moral condition, in the absence of lasting political habits, fluctuated with the character of the empire. The results of the institution of slavery were probably even more serious. Ill addition to its manifest effect in encouraging a tyrannical and ferocious spirit in the masters, it cast a stigma upon all labour, and at once degraded and impoverished the free poor. In modern societies the formation of an influential and numerous middle class, trained in the sober and regular habits of industrial life, is the chief guarantee of national morality, and where such a class exists, the disorders of the upper ranks, though undoubtedly injurious, are never fatal to society. The influence of great outbursts of fashionable depravity, such as that which followed the Restoration in England, is rarely more than superficial. The aristocracy may revel in every excess of ostentatious vice, but the great mass of the people, at the loom, the counter, or the plough, continue unaffected by their example, and the habits of life into which they are forced by the condition of their trades preserve them from gross depravity. It was the most frightful feature of the corruption of ancient Rome that it extended through every class of the community. In the absence of all but the simplest machinery, manufactures with the vast industrial life they begret were unknown. The poor citizen found -almost all the spheres in which an honourable livelihood might be obtained wholly or at least in a very great degree preoccupied by slaves, while he had learnt to regard trade \witll an invincible repugnance. Hence followed the immense increase of corrupt and corrupting 278 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. professions, as actors, pantomimes, tired gladiators, political spies, ministers to passion, astrologers, religious charlatans, pseudo-philosophers, which gave the free classes a precarious and occasional assistance, and hence, too, the gigantic dimensions of the system of clientage. Every rich man was surrounded by a train of dependants, who lived in a great measure at his expense, and spent their lives in ministering to his passions and flatteringc his vanity. And above all, the public distribution of corn, and occasionally of money, was carried on to such an extent, that, as far as the first necessaries of life were concerned, the whole poor free population of Rome was supported gratuitously by the government. To effect this distribution promptly and lavishly was the main object of the Imperial policy, and its consequences were worse than could have resulted from the most extravagant poor laws or the most excessive charity. The mass of the people were supported in absolute idleness by corn, which was given without any reference to desert, and was received, not as a favour, but as a right, while gratuitous public amusements still further diverted thlem from labour. Under these influences the population rapidly dwindled away. Productive enterprise was almost extinct in Italy, and an unexampled concurrence of causes made a vicious celibacy the habitual condition. Already in the days of Augustus the evil was apparent, and the dangers which in later reigns drove the patricians still more generally from public life, drove them more and more into every extravagance of sensuality. Greece since the destruction of her liberty, as well as the leading cities of Asia Minor and of Egypt, had become the centre of the wildest corruption, and Greek and Oriental captives were innumerable in Rome. Ionian slaves of a surpassing beauty, THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 279 Alexandrian slaves, famous for their subtle skill in stimulating the jaded senses of the confirmed and sated libertine, became the ornaments of every patrician house, the companions and the instructors of the young. The disinclination to marriage was so general, that men who spent their lives in endeavouring by flatteries to secure the inheritance of wealthy bachelors became a numerous and a notorious class. The slave population was itself a hotbed of vice, and it contaminated all with which it came in contact; while the attractions of the games, and especially of the public baths, which became the habitual resort of the idle, combined with the charms of the Italian climate, and with the miserable domestic architecture that was genera], to draw the poor citizens from indoor life. Idleness, amusements, and a bare subsistence were alone desired, and the general practice of abortion among the rich, and of infanticide and exposition in all classes, still further checked the population. The destruction of all public spirit in a population so situated was complete and inevitable. In the days of the republic a consul had once advocated the admission of a brave Italian people to the right of Roman citizenship, on the ground that'those who thought only of liberty deserved to be Romans.'l In the empire all liberty was cheerfully bartered for games and corn, and the worst tyrant could by these means be secure of popularity. In the republic, when Marius threw open the houses of those he had proscribed, to be plundered, the people, by a noble abstinence, rebuked the act, for no Roman could be found to avail himself of the permission.2 In the empire, when the armies of Vitellius and Vespasian 1'Eos demurn, qui nihil prmeterquam de libertate cogitent, dignos esse, Lqu Romani fiant.'-Livy, viii. 21. 2 Valerius lMaximus, iv. 3, ~ 14. 280 HISTORY OF. EUROPEAN MIORALS. were disputing the possession of the city, the degenerate Romans gathered with delight to the spectacle as to a gladiatorial show, plundered the deserted houses, encouraged either army by their reckless plaudits, dragged out the fugitives to be slain, and converted into a festival the calamity of their country.1 The degradation of the national character was permanent. Neither the teaching of the Stoics, nor the government of the Antonines, nor the triumph of Christianity could restore it. Indifferent to liberty, the Roman now, as then, asks only for an idle subsistence and for public spectacles, and countless monasteries and ecclesiastical pageants occupy in modern Rome the same place as did the distributions of corn and the games of the amphitheatre in the Rome of the CIsars. It must be remembered, too, that while public spirit had thus decayed in the capital of the empire, there existed no indelendent or rival power to reanimate by its example the smouldering flame. The existence in modern Europe of many distinct nations of the same level of civilisation, but with different forms of government and conditions of national life, secures the permanence of some measure of patriotism and liberty. If these perish in one nation, they survive in another, and each peopleaffects those about it by its rivalry or example. But an empire which comprised all the civilised globe could know nothing of this political interaction. In religious, social, intellectual, and moral life, foreign ideas were very discernible, but the enslaved provinces could have no influence in rekindling political life in the centre, and those which rivalled Italy in their civilisation, even surpassed it in their corruption and their servility. I See the picture of this scene in Tacitus, List. iii. 83. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 281 In reviewing, however, the conditions upon which the noral state of the empire depended, there are still two very important centres or seed-plots of virtue to which it is necessary to advert. I mean the pursuit of agriculture and the discipline of the army. A very early tradition, which was attributed to Romulus, had declared that warfare and agriculture were the only honourable occupations for a citizen,1 and it would be difficult to overrate the influence of the last in forming temperate and virtuous habits among the people. It is the subject of the only extant work of the elder Cato. Virgil had adorned it with the lustre of his poetry. A very large part of the Roman religion was intended to symbolise its stages or consecrate its operations. Varro expressed an eminently Roman sentiment in that beautiful sentence which Cowper has introduced into English poetry,'Divine Providence made the country, but human art the town.'2 The reforms of Vespasian consisted chiefly of the elevation to high positions of the agriculturists of the provinces. Antoninus, who was probably the most perfect of all the Roman emperors, was thlrough his whole reign a zealous farmer. As far as the distant provinces were concerned, it is probable that the Imperial system was on the whole a good. The scandalous rapacity of the provincial governors, whicl disgraced the closing years of the republic, and which is immortalised by the indignant eloquence of Cicero, appears to have ceased, or at least greatly diminished, under the supervision of the emperors. Ample municipal freedom, good roads, and for the most part wise and temperate rulers, secured for the distant sections of the empire a large measure of prosperity. But in Italy 1 Dion Hcalicarnass. 2 Divina Natura dedit agros; ars humana cedificavit urbeo.' 282 I-IISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. itself, agriculture, with the habits of life that attended it, speedily and fatally decayed. The peasant proprietor soon glided hopelessly into debt. The immense advantages which slavery gave the rich gradually threw nearly all the Italian soil into their hands. The peasant who ceased to be proprietor found himself excluded by slave labour from the position of a hired cultivator, while the gratuitous distributions of corn drew him readily to the metropolis. The gigantic scale of these distributions induced the rulers to obtain their corn in the form of a tribute from distant countries, chiefly from Africa and Sicily, and it almost ceased to be cultivated in Italy. The land fell to waste, or was cultivated by slaves or converted into pasture, and over vast tracts the race of free peasants entirely disappeared. This great revolution, which profoundly affected the moral condition of Italy, had long been impending. The debts of the poor peasants, and the tendency of the patricians to monopolise the conquered territory, had occasioned some of the fiercest contests of the republic, and in the earliest clays of the empire the blight that seemed to have fallen on the Italian soil was continually and pathetically lamented. Livy, Varro, Columella, and Pliny have noticed it in the most emphatic terms,l and Tacitus observed that as early as the reign of Claudius, Italy, which had once supplied the distant provinces with corn, had become dependent for the very necessaries of life upon the winds and the waves.2 The evil was indeed of an 1 See a collection of passages from these writers in Wallon, 1i1st. de l'Lsclavage, tome ii. pp. 378-379. Pliny, in the first century, noticed (Hist. aWt. xviii. 7) that the latifundia, or system of large properties, was ruining both Italy and the provinces, and that six landlords whom Nero killed were the possessors of half Roman Africa. 2 Tacit. Annal. xii. 43. The same complaint had been made still earlier by Tiberius, in a letter to the Senate. (Annal. iii. 54.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 283 almost hopeless kind. Adverse winds, or any other accidental interruption of the convoys of corn, occasioned severe distress in the capital; but the prospect of the calamities that would ensue if any misfortune detached the great corn-growing countries from the empire, may well have appalled the politician. Yet the combined influence of slavery, and of the gratuitous distributions of corn, acting in the manner I have described, rendered every effort to revive Italian agriculture abortive, and slavery had taken such deep root that it would have been impossible to abolish it, while no emperor dared to encounter the calamities and rebellion that would follow a suspension or even a restriction of the distributions.1 l]Many serious efforts were made to remedy the evil.2 Alexander Severus advanced money to the poor to buy portions of land, and accepted a gradual payment without interest from the produce of the soil. Pertinax settled poor men as proprietors on deserted land, on the sole condition of their cultivating it. Marcus Aurelius began, and Aurelian and Valentinian continued, the system of settling great numbers of barbarian captives upon the Italian soil, and compelling them as slaves to cultivate it. The introduction of this large foreign element into the heart of Italy was eventually one of the causes of the downfall of the empire, and it is also about this time that we first dimlyvtrace the condition of serfdom or servitude to the soil into which slavery afterwards faded, and which was for some centuries the general condition of the European poor. But the economical and moral causes that were 1 Augustus, for a time, contemplated abolishing the distributions, but soon gave up the idea. (Suet. /Aug. xlii.) He noticed that it had the effect of causing the fields to be neglected. 2 MI. Wallon has carefully traced this history. (HIist. de l'Esclav. tome iii. pp. 294-297.) 284 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. destroying agriculture in Italy were too strong to be resisted, and the simple habits of life which agricultural pursuits promote had little or no place in the later empire. A somewhat less rapid but in the end not less complete decadence had taken place in military life. The Roman army was at first recruited exclusively from the upper classes, and the service, which lasted only during actual warfare, was gratuitous. Before the close of the republic, however, these conditions had disappeared.,Military pay is said to have been instituted at the time of the siege of Vei.1 Some Spaniards who were enrolled during the rivalry of Rome and Carthage were the first example of the employment of foreign mercenaries by the former.2 Marius had filled the ranks with plebeians.3 In long residences in Spain and the Asiatic provinces the discipline gradually relaxed, and the historian who traced the progress of Oriental luxury in Rome dwelt with a just emphasis upon the ominous fact that it had first been introduced into the city by soldiers.4 The civil wars contributed to the destruction of the old military traditions, but being conducted by able generals it is probable that they had more effect upon the patriotism than upon the discipline of the army. Augustus reorganised the whole military system, establishing a body of soldiers known as the Praetorian guard, and dignified with some special privileges, permanently in Rome, while the other legions were chiefly mustered upon the frontiers. During his long reign, and during that of Tiberius, both sections were quiescent, but the murder of Caligula by his soldiers opened a considerable period of insubordination. Claudius, it was observed, first set the fatal example of purchasing 1 Livy, iv. 59-60; Florus, i. 12, 2 Livy, xxiv. 49. 3 Sallust, Bell. Juyurtlh. 84-86. 4 Livy, xxxix. 6. THhE PAGAN EAMIPRE. 285 his safety from his soldiers by bribes.l The arlmies of the provinces soon discovered that it was possible to elect an emperor outside Rome, and Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian were all the creatures of revolt. The evil was, however, not yet past recovery. Vespasian and Trajan enforced discipline with great stringency and success. The emperors began more frequently to visit the caimps. The number of the soldiers was small, and for a long period the turbulence subsided. The history of the worst period of the empire, it has been truly observed, is full of instances of brave soldiers trying, under circumstances of extreme difficulty, simply to do their duty. But the historian had soon occasion to notice again the profound influence of the voluptuous Asiatic cites upon the legions.2 Removed for many years from Italy, they lost all national pride, their allegiance was transferred from the sovereign to the general, and when the Imperial sceptre fell into the hands of a succession of incompetent rulers, they habitually urged their commanders to revolt, and at last reduced the empire to a condition of military anarchy. A remedy was found for this evil, though nlot for the luxurious habits that had been acquired, in the division of the empire, which placed each army under the direct supervision of an emperor, and it is probable that at a later period Christianity diminished the insubordination, though it may have also diminished the military fire, of the soldiers.' But other and still more powerful causes 1'Primus Caesarumn fidem anilitis etiamn premlio piglneratus.'-Suet. Claud. x. 2 See Tacitus, Annal. xiii. 35; Hist. ii. 69. 3 3i. Sismondi thinks that the influence of Christianity in subduing the spirit of revolt, if not in the arimy, at least in the people, was very great. He says: I I1 est remarquable qu'en cinq ans, sept prltendans au tr6ne, tous bien superieurs ai Honorius en courage, en talents et en vertus, furent successivement envoyes captifs a Rtavenne ou punis de mort, queo le peuple applaudit toujours a ces jugemnents et ne se s6para point de l'autorit6 legitime, 286 IIISTORY OF EUROPEAN 1MORALS. were in operation preparing the military downfall of Rome. The habits of inactivity which the Imperial policy had produced, and which through a desire for popularity most emperors laboured to encourage, led to a profound disinclination for the hardships of military life. Even the Prmtorian guard, which was long exclusively Italian, was selected after Septimus Severus from the legions on the frontiers,l while Italy being relieved from the regular conscription, these were recruited solely in the provinces, and innumerable barbarians were subsidised. The political and military consequences of this change are sufficiently obvious. In an age when, artillery being unknown, the military superiority of civilised nations over barbarians was far less than at present, the Italians had become absolutely unaccustomed to real war, and had acquired habits that were beyond all others most incompatible wkith military discipline, while many of the barbarians who menaced and at last subverted the empire had been actually trained by Roman generals. The moral consequence is equally plain-nlilitary discipline, like agricultural labour, ceased to have any part among the moral influences of Italy. To those who have duly estimated the considerations I have enumerated, the downfall and moral debasement of the empire can cause no surprise, though they may justly wonder that its agony should have been so protracted, that it should have produced a multitude of good and great men, both pagan and Christian, and that these should have exercised as wide an influence as they tant la doctline du droit divin des rois que les eveques avoient commenc6 a precher sons Th6odose avoit fait de progres, et tant le monde romain sembloit d6termlin6 ia p6rir avec un monarque imbecile plutot que tent6 de se donner un sauveur.' —list. de la Chlute le l'Empire 2romnain, tome i. p. 221. See Gibbon, ch. v.; 3Merivale's list. of Rome, ch. lxvii. It was thought that troops thus selected would be less lilkely to revolt. Constantine abolished the Praetorians. TIHE PAGAN EMPIRE. 087 unquestionably did. Almost every institution or pursuit by which virtuous habits would naturally have been formed had been tainted or destroyed, while agencies of terrific power were impelling the people to vice. The rich, excluded from most honourable paths of ambition, and surrounded by countless parasites who inflamed their every passion, found themselves absolute masters of innumerable slaves who were their willing ministers, and often their teachers, in vice. The poor, hating industry and destitute of all intellectual resources, lived in habitual idleness, and looked upon abject servility as the normal road to fortune. But the picture becomes truly appalling when we remember that the main amusement of both classes was the spectacle of bloodshed, of the death, and sometimes of the torture, of men. The gladiatorial games form, indeed, the one feature of Roman society whicl to a modern mind is almost incon ceivable in its atrocity. That not only men but women, in an advanced period of civilisation —men and women who not only professed but very frequently acted upon a high code of morals-should have made the carnage of men their habitual amusement, that all this should have continued for centuries with. scarcely a protest, is one of the most startling facts in moral history. It is, however, perfectly normal, and in no degree inconsistent with the doctrine of natural moral perceptions, while it opens out fields of ethical enquiry of a very deep though painful interest. These games, which long eclipsed, both in interest and in influence, every other form of public amusement at Rome,1 were originally religious ceremonies celebrated 1 The gladiatorial shows are treated incidentally by most Roman historians,'but the three works from which I have derived most assistance in this part 20 288 TIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. at the tombs of the great, and intended as human saciifices to appease the Manes of the dead.1 They were afterwards defended as a means of sustaining the military spirit by the constant spectacle of courageous death,2 and with this object it was customary to give a gladiatoria, show to soldiers before their departure to a war.3 In addition to these functions they had a considerable political importance, for at a time when all the regular organs of liberty were paralysed or abolished, the ruler was accustomed in the arena to meet tens of thousands of his subjects, who availed themselves of the opportunity to present their petitions, to declare their grievances, and to censure freely the sovereign or his ministers.4 The of my subject are the Satu,'naz'ia of Justus Lipsius, Maagnin, Oriqines du Thledtre (an extremely learned and interesting book, which was unhappily never completed), and Friedlomnder's Roman Manners frion Augustus to the Antonines (the second volume of the French translation). 31. Wallon has also compressed into a few pages (IlHst. le l'Esclavage, tome ii. pp. 19-139) much information on the subject. 1 Hence the old name of bustuarii (from bastsum, a funeral pile) given to. gladiators (Nieupoort, De Ritibus Romanaorum, p. 514). According to Pliny (JI'ist. Natt. xxx. 3),' regular human sacrifices were only abolisheci in [Rome by a decree of the Senate, 3.c. 97, and there are some instances of them at a still later period. Much information about them is collected by Sir C. Lewis, on the Cr'edibility of lRomahn History, vol. ii. p. 430; Merivale, Conversionz of the Roman E plf?1iAe, pp. 230-233; Legendre, Traite de 1' Opinion, vol. i. pp. 2290231. Porphyry, in his De Abstinentia Carnis, devoted considerable research to this matter. Games were habitually celebratecl by wealthy private individuals, during the early part of the empire, at the funerals of their relatives, but their mortuary character gradually ceased, and after MIarcus Aurelius they had become mere public spectacles, and were rarely celebrated at PRome by private men. (See Wallon, JIst. de l'EscIlav. tome ii. pp. 135-136.) The games had then really passed into their purely secular stage, though they were still nominally dedicated to MIars and Diana, and though an altar of Jupiter Latiaris stood in the centre of the arena. (Nieupoort,p.. 365.) 2 Cicero, Tuse. lib. ii. 3 Capitolinus, 3aximus et Balbinues. Capitolinus says this is the most probable origin of the custom, though others regarded it as a sacrifice to appease Nemesis by an offering of blood. 4 MIuch curious information on this subject may be found in Friedlh-nder, Maurs ronzzizes, liv. vi. ch. i. Very few Roman emperors ventured to dis THE PtAGAN EMPIRE. 289 games are said to have been of Etruscan origin; they were first introduced into Rome B.c. 264, when the two sons of a man named Brutus compelled three pair of gladiators to fight at the funeral of their father,1 and before the close of the republic they were common on great public occasions, and, what appears even more horrible, at the banquets of the patricians.2 The rivalry of Caesar and Pompey greatly multiplied them, for each sought by this means to ingratiate himself with the people. Pompey introduced a new form of combat between men and animals.3 Cxsar abolisled the old custom of restricting the mortuary games to the funerals of men, and his daughter was the first Roman lady whose tomb was desecrated by human blood.4 Besides this innovation, Cxtsar replaced the temporary edifices in which the games had hitherto been held by a permanent wooden amphitheatre, shaded the spectators by an awning of precious silk, compelled the condemned persons on one occasion to figlht witih silver lances,5 and drew so many gladiators into the city that the Senate was obliged to issue an enactment restricting their number.6 In the regardl or to repress these outcries, and they led to the fall of several of the mo10st powerful ministers of the empire. On the whole these games represent the strangest and most ghastly form political liberty has ever assumed. On the other hand, the people readily bartered all genuine freedom for abundant gamllles.' Valer. Maximus, ii. 4, ~ 7. 2 On the gladiators at banquets, see J. Lipsius, Sctturnali, lib. i. c. vi., Magnin, Originzes du Tleddte,. pp. 380-385. This was originally an Etruscan custom, and it was also very common at Capua. As Silius Italicus says:I Exhilarare viris convivia cfede iMos olim, et miscere epulis spectacula dira.' Verus, the colleague of Mlarcus Aurelius, was especially addicted to this kind of entertainment. (Capitolinus, Ferus.) See, too, Atheneus, iv. 40, 41. 3 Senec. De Brevit. Vit. c. xiii. 4 Sueton. J. Ccescr, xxvi. Pliny (Ej}. vi. 34) commends a friend for having given a show in memory of his departed wife. 5 Pliny, list. Zact. xxxiii. 16. 6 Sueton. Ccesar, x.; Dion Cassius, xliii. 24. 290 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. earliest years of the empire, Statilius Taurus erected the first amphitheatre of stone,' and after some slight limitations by Augustus, who ordered that not more than 120 men should fight on a single occasion, and that no prxtor should give more than two spectacles in a single year,2 and of Tiberius, who again fixed the maximum of comnbatants,3 the games acquired the most gigantic proportions. They were celebrated habitually by great men in honour of their dead relatives, by officials on coming into office, by conquerors to secure popularity, and on every occasion of public rejoicing, and by rich tradesmen who were desirous of acquiring a social position.4 They were also among the attractions of the public baths. Schools of gladiators-often the private property of rich citizens-existed in every leading city of Italy, and, besides slaves and criminals, they were thronged with freemen, who voluntarily hired themselves for a term of years. In the eyes of multitudes, the large sums that were paid to the victor, the patronage of nobles and often of emperors, and still more the delirium of popular enthusiasm that centred upon the successful gladiator, outweighed all the dangers of the profession. A complete recklessness of life was soon engendered both in the spectators and the combatants. The'lanistvt,' or purveyors of gladiators, became an important profession. Wandering bands of gladiators traversed Italy, 1 Sueton. Aug. xxix. The history of the amphitheatres is given very minutely by Friedlhender, who, like nearly all other antiquaries, believes this to have been the first of stone. Pliny mentions the existence, at an earlier period, of two connected wooden theatres, which swung round on hinges and formed an amphitheatre. ( Nlat. xxxvi. 24.) 2 Dion Cassius, liv. 2. It appears, however, from an inscription, that 10,000 gladiators fought in the reign and by the command of Augustus. Wallon, Hist. doe l'Bsclavage, tome ii. p. 133. 3 Sueton. Tiber. xxxiv. Nero made another slight restriction (Tacit. Annal, xHii. 81), which appears to have been little observed. 4 Martial notices (Pip. iii. 59) and ridicules a spectacle given by a shoemaker at Bologna, and by a fuller at Modena. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 291 hiring themselves for the provincial amphitheatres. The influence of the games gradually pervaded the whole texture of Ronman life. They became the commonplace of conversation.1 The children imitated them in their play.2 The philosophers drew from them their imetaphors and illustrations. The artists pourtrayed them in every variety of ornament.3 The vestal virgins had a seat of honour in the arena.4 The Colosseum, which is said to have contained more than 80,000 spectators, eclipsed every other monument of Imperial splendour, and is even now at once the most imposing and the most characteristic relic of pagan Rome. In the provinces the same passion was displayed. From Gaul to Syria, wherever the Roman influence extended, the spectacles of blood were introduced, and the gigantic remains of amphitheatres in many lands still attest by their ruined grandeur the scale on which they were pursued. In the reign of Tiberius, more than 20,000 persons are said to have perished by the fall of the amphitheatre at the suburban town of Fidenm.5 Under Nero, the Syracusans obtained, as a special favour, an exemption from the law which limited the number of gladiators.6 Of the vast train of prisoners brought by Titus from Judea, a large proportion were destined by the conqueror for the provincial games.7 In Syria, where they were introduced by Antiochus Epiphanes, 1 Epictetts, Enchir. xxxiii. ~ 215. 3 See these points minutely proved in Friedlender. 4 Suet. Autg. xliv. This was noticed before by Cicero. The Christian poet Pruclentius dwelt on this aspect of the games in some forcible lines:Virgo modesta jubet converso pollice rumpi Ne lateat pars ulla animm vitalibus imis Altius impresso dlum palpitat ense secutor.' 5 Sueton. Tiberius, xl. Tacitus, who gives a graphic description of the disaster (Annal. iv. 62-63), says 50,000 persons were lilled or wounded. 6 Tacit.?;znal. xiii. 49. 7 Joseph. Bell. Jud. vi. 9. 292 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. they at first produced rather terror than pleasure; but the effeminate Syrians soon learned to contemplate them with a passionate enjoyment,1 and on a single occasion Agrippa caused 1,400 men to fightt in the amphitheatre at Berytus.2 Greece alone was in some degree an exception. When an attempt was made to introduce the spectacle into Athens, the cynic philosopher Demonax appealed successfully to the better feelings of the people by exclaiming,' You must first overthrow the altar of Pity.'3 The games are said to have afterwards penetrated to Athens, and to have been suppressed by Apollonius of Tyana;4 but with the exception of Corinth, where a very large foreign population existed, Greece never appears to have shared the general enthusiasm.5 One of the first consequences of this taste was to render the people absolutely unfit for those tranquil and refined amusements which usually accompany civilisation. To men who were accustomed to witness the fierce vicissitudes of deadly combat, any spectacle that did not elicit the strongest excitement was insipid. - The only amusements that at all rivalled the spectacles of the amphitheatre and the circus were those which appealed strongly to the sensual passions, such as the games of Flora, the postures of the pantomimes, and the ballet.6 Roman comedy, inSee the very curious picture which Livy has given (xli. 20) of the growth of the fascination. Joseph. Antiq. Jiud. xix. 7. 3- Lucian, DC2o20o2aX. 4 Philost. Apoll. iv. 22. 5 Friedlhender, tome ii. pp. 95-96. There are, however, several extant Greek inscriptions relating to gladiators, and proving the existence of the shows in Greece. Pompeii, which was a Greek colony, had a vast amphitheatre, which we may still admire; and, under Nero, games were prohibited at Pompeii for ten years, in consequence of a riot that broke out during a gladiatorial show. (Tacit. Alnnal. xiv. 17. After the defeat of Perseus, Paulus Emilius celebrated a show in Macedonia. (Livy. xli. 20.) 6 These are fully discussed by MIagnin and Friedleender. There is a very THE PAGAN EMIPIRE. 23 deed, flourished for a short period, but only by throwing itself into the same career. The pander and the courtesan are the leading characters of Plautus, and the more modest Terence never attained an equal popularity. The different forms of vice have a continual tendency to act and react upon one another, and the intense craving after excitement which the amphitheatre must necessarily have produced, had probably no small influence in stimulating the orgies of sensuality which Tacitus and Suetonius describe. But if comedy could to a certain extent flourish with the gladiatorial games, it was not so with tragedy. It is, indeed, true that the tragic actor can exhibit displays of more intense agony and of a grander heroism than were ever witnessed in the arena. IHis mission is not to paint nature as it exists in the light of day, but nature as it exists in the heart of man. His gestures, his tones, his looks, are such as would never have been exhibited by tle person he represents, but they display to the audience the full intensity of the emotions which that person would have felt, but which he would have been unable adequately to reveal. But to those who were habituated to the intense realism of the amphitheatre, the idealised suffering of the stage was unimpressive. All the genius of a Siddons or a Rlistori would fail to move an audience who had continually seen living men fall bleeding and rmangled at their feet. One of the first functions of the stage is to raise to the highest point the susceptibility to disgust. When Horace said that Ml[edea should not kill her children upon the stage, he enunciated not a mere arbitrary rule, but one which grows necessarily out of the development of the drama. It is an essential characterbeautiful description of a ballet, representing the " Judgment of Paris,' in Apuleius, Metagmorlph. x. 294 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. istic of a refined and cultivated taste to be shocked and offended at the spectacle of bloodshed, and the theatre, which somewhat dangerously dissociates sentiment from action, and causes men to waste their compassion on ideal sufferings, is at least a barrier against the extreme forms of cruelty by developing this susceptibility to the highest degree. The gladiatorial games, on the other hand, destroyed all sense of disgust, and therefore all refinement of taste, and they rendered the permanent triumph of the drama impossible.1 It is abundantly evident, both from history and from present experience, that the instinctive shock, or natural feeling of disgust, caused by the sight of the sufferings of men is not generically different from that which is caused by the sight of the sufferings of animals. The latter, to those who are not accustomed to it, is intensely painful. The former continually becomes by use a matter of absolute indifference. If the repugnance which is felt in the one case appears greater than in the other, it is not on account of any innate sentiment which commands us to reverence our species, but simply because our imagination finds less difficulty in realising human than animal suffering, and also because education has strengthened our feelings in the one case much more than in the other. There is, however, no fact more clearly established than that when men have regarded it as not a crime to kill some class of their fellow-men, they have soon learnt to do so with no more natural compunction or hesitation than they would exhibit in killing a wild animal. This is the normal condition of savage men. Colonists and Red 1 Pacuvius (and Accius were the founders of Roman tragedy. The abridger, Velleius Paterculus, who is the only Roman historian who pays any attention to literary history, boasts that the latter might rank honourably with the best Greek trag'edians. Ite adds,'ut in illis [the Greeks] lime, in hoc poene plus videatur fuisse sanguinis.'-Hist. orom. ii. 9. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 295 Indians even now often shoot each other with precisely the same indifference as they shoot beasts of prey, and the whole history of warfare-especially when warfare was conducted on more savage principles than at present-is an illustration of the fact. Startling, therefore, as it may now appear, it is in no degree unnatural that Roman spectators should have contemplated with perfect equanimity the slaughter of men. The Spaniard, who is brought in infancy to the bull-ring, soon learns to gaze with indifference or with pleasure upon sights before which the unpractised eye of the stranger quails with horror, and the same process would be equally efficacious had the spectacle been the sufferings of men. We now look back with indignation upon this indifference; but yet, although it may be hard to realise, it is probably true that there is scarcely a human being who might not by custom be so indurated as to share it. Had the most benevolent person lived in a country in which the excellence of these games was deemed axiomatic, had he been taken to them in his very childhood, and accustomed to associate thlem with his earliest dreams of romance, and had he then been left simply to the play of the emotions, the first paroxysm of horror would have soon subsidedl, the shrinking repugnance that followed would have grown weaker and weaker, the feeling of interest would have been aroused, and the: time would probably come in which it would reign alone. But even this absolute indifference to the sight of human suffering does not represent the full evil resulting from the gladiatorial games. That some men are so constituted as to be capable of taking a real and lively pleasure in the simple contemplation of suffering as suffering, and without any reference to their own interests, is a proposition which has been strenuously denied by those in whose eyes vice z2910 IIISTOR Y OF EUROPEAN MORALS. is nothing more than a displacement, or exaggeration, of lawful self-regarding feelings; and others, who have adimitted the reality of the phenomenon, have treated it as a very rare and exceptional disease.l That it is so-at least in its extreme forms-in the present condition of society, may reasonably be hoped, though I imagine that few persons who have watched the habits of boys would question that to take pleasure in givingc at least some degree of pain is sufficiently common, and although it is not quite certain that all the sports of adult men wvould be entered into with exactly the same zest if their victims were not sentient beings. But in every society in which atrocious punishments have been common, this side of human nature has acquired an undoubted prominence. It is related of Claudius, that his special delight at the gladiatorial shows was in watching the countenances of the dying, for he had learnt to take an artistic pleasure in observing the variations of their agony.2 When the gladiator lay prostrate, it was customary for the spectators to give the sign with their thumbs, indicating whether they desired him to be spared or to be slain, and the giver of the show reaped most popularity when, in the latter case, he permitted no consideration of economy to make him hesitate to sanction the popular award.3 Besides this, the mere desire for novelty impelled the people to every excess or refinement of baribarity.4 The Thus, e.g., Hobbes:' Alienme calamitatis contemptus nominatur crudelitas, proceditque a proprie securitatis opinione. Naim ut aliquis sibi placeat in malis alienis sine alio fine, videtur mlihi impossibile.' —eviatklan, pars i. C. Vi. 2 Sueton. Claucdius, xxxiv. Et verso pollice vulgi Quemlibet occidunt populariter.'-Juvenal, Sat. iii. 36-37 4 Besides the many incidental notices scattered through the Roman historians, and through the writings of Seneca, Plutarch, Juvenal, and Pliny, we have a curious little book, De Spectaculis, by MIartial-a book which is THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 297 single combat became at last insipid, and every variety of atrocity was devised to stimulate the flagging interest. At one time a bear and a bull, chained together, rolled in fierce contest along the sand; at another, criminals dressed in the skins of wild beasts were thrown to bulls, which were maddened by red-hot irons, or by darts that were tipped with burning pitch. Four hundred bears were killed on a single day under Caligula; three hundred on another day under Claudius. Under Nero, four hundred tigers fought with bulls and elephants; four hundred bears and three hundred lions iwere slauohtered by his soldiers. In a single day, at the dedication of the Colosseum by Titus, five thousand animals perished. Under Trajan, the games continued for one hundred and twenty-three successive days.' Lions, tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami, giraffes, bulls, stags, even crocodiles and serpents, were employed to give novelty to the spectacle. Nor was any form of human suffering wanting. The first Gordian, when edile, gave twelve spectacles, in each of which from one hundred and fifty to five hundred pair of gladiators appeared.2 Eight hundred pair fought at the triumph of Aurelian.A Ten thousand men fought during the games of Trajan.4 Nero illumined his gardens during the night by Christians burnnot more horrible front the atrocities it recounts than from the perfect absence of all feeling of repulsion or compassion it everywhere displays. 1 These are but a ferw of the many examples given by Magnin, who has collected a vast array of authorities on the subject. (Oriizies clh Tle'dte, pp. 445-453.) MI. Mongez has devoted an interestinfg memoir to'Les animaux promen6s oul tuls dans le cirque.' (Mdm. dCe l'cadc. des Inscrip. et Belles-lettres, tome x.) See, too, Friedlender. Pliny rarely gives an account of any wild animal without accompanying it by statistics about their appearance in the arena. The first instance of a wild beast hunt in the amphitheatre is said to be that recorded by Livy (xxxix. 22), which took place about 80 3.c. 2 Capitolinus, Gordiani. S Vopiscus, Aureliaz. 4 Xiphilin, lx-viii. 105 298 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. ing in their pitchy shirts.1 Under Domitian, an army of feeble dwarfs was compelled to fight,2 and more than once, female gladiators descended to perish in the arena.3 A criminal personating a fictitious character was nailed to a cross, and there torn by a bear.4 Another, representing Scmevola, was compelled to hold his hand in a real flame.5 A third, as Hercules, was burnt alive upon the pile.6 So intense was the craving for blood, that a prince was less unpopular if he neglected the distribution of corn than if he neglected the games; and Nero himself, on account of his munificence in this respect, was probably the sovereign who was most beloved by the Roman multitude. Heliogabalus and Galerius are reported, when dining, to have regaled themselves with the siglht of criminals torn by wild beasts. It was said of the latter that' he never supped without human blood.'7 1 Tacit. Annal. xv. 44. 2 Xiphilin, lxvii. 8; Statius, Sylv. i. 6. 3 During the republic, a rich man ordered in his will that some women he had purchased for the purpose should fight during the funeral games in his memory, but the people annulled the clause. (Athenmeus, iv. 39.) Under Nero and Domitian, female gladiators seem to have been not uncommon. See Statius, Sylv. i. 6; Sueton. Domitian, iv.; Xiphilin, lxvii. 8. Juvenal describes the enthusiasm with which Roman ladies practised with the gladiatorial weapons (Sat. vi. 248, &c.), and Martial (De Spectac. vi.) mentions the combats of women with wild beasts. One, he says, killed a lion. A combat of female gladiators, under Severus, created some tumult, and it was decreed that they should no longer be permitted. (Xiphilin, lxxv. 16.) See MIagnin, pp. 434-435. 4 MIartial, De Spectac. vii. 5 Ibid. Ep. viii. 30. 6 Tertullian, Ad BNation. i. 10. One of thle most horrible features of the games was the comic aspect they sometimes assumed. This was the case in the combats of dwarfs. There were also combats by blindfolded men. Petronius (Satyricon, c. xlv.) has given us a horrible description of the maimed and feeble men who were sometimes compelled to fight. People afflicted with epilepsy were accustomed to drink the blood of the wounded gladiators, which they believed to be a sovereign remedy. (Pliny, Hlist. ~at. xxviii. 2; Tertul. Apol. ix.) 7' Nec unqcuam sine humano cruore ccenabat.'-Lactan. De Mort. Persec. M3uch the same thing is told of the Christian emperor Justinian II., who lived at the end of the seventh century. (Sismondi, Htst. ce la Chute de'.Empire romeain, tome ii p. 85.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 299 It is well for us to look steadily on such facts as these. They display more vividly than any mere philosophical disquisition the abyss of depravity into whicll it is possible for human nature to sink. They furnish us with striking proofs of the reality of the moral progress we have attained, and they enable us in some degree to estimate the regenerating influence that Christianity has exercised in the world; for the destruction of the gladiatorial games is all its work. Philosophers, indeed, might deplore them, gentle natures might shrink from their contagion, but to the multitude they possessed a fascination which nothing but the new religion could overcome. Nor was this fascination surprising, for no pageant has ever combined more powerful elements of attraction. The magnificent circus, the gorgeous dresses of the assembled court, the contagion of a passionate enthusiasm thrilling almost visibly through the mighty throng, the breathless silence of expectation, the wild cheers bursting simultaneously from eighty thousand tongues, and echoing to the farthest outskirts of the city, the rapid alternations of the fray, the deeds of splendid courage that were manifested, were all well fitted to entrance the imagination. The crimes and servitude of the gladiator were for a time forgotten in the blaze of glory that surrounded him. IPepresenting to the highlest degree that courage which the Romans deemed the first of virtues, the cynosure of countless eyes, the chief object of conversation in the metropolis of the universe, destined, if victorious, to be immortalised in the mosaic and the sculpture,' he not unfrequently rose to an heroic grandeur. The gladiator Winckelmann says the statue called'The Dying Gladiator' does not represent a gladiator. At a later period, however, statues of gladiators were not uncommon, and Pliny notices (list. Ncat. xxxv. 33) their paintings. A fine specimen of mosaic portraits of gladiators is now in the Lateran Museum. 300 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN 31ORALS. Spartacus for three years defied the bravest armies of Rome. The greatest of Roman generals had chosen gladiators for his body-guard.' A band of gladiators, faithful even to death, followed the fortunes of the fallen Antony when all besides had deserted him.2 Beautiful eyes, trembling with passion, looked down upon the fight, and the noblest ladies in Rome, even the empress herself, had been known to crave the victor's love.3 We read of gladiators lamenting that the games occurred so seldom,4 complaining bitterly if they were not permitted to descend into the arena,5 scorning to fight except with the most powerful antagonists,6 laughing aloud as their wounds were dressed,7 and at last, when prostrate in the dust, calmly turning tlheir throats to the sword of the conqueror.8 The enthlusiasm that gathered round them was so intense that special laws were found necessary, and were sometimes insufficient to prevent patricians from enlisting in their ranks, 9 while the tranquil courage with which they never failed to die supplied the philosopher with his I Plutarch's Life of Cevsar. 2 Dion Cassius, li. 7. 3 Faustina, the wife of 3Marcus Aurelius, was especially accused of this weakness. (Capitolinus, Marctus Alurelius.) 4 Seneca, De Pr-ovident. iv. 5 Arrian's Epiectetus, i. 29. 6 Seneca, Dce Provident. iii. 7 Aulus Gellius, xii. 5. 8 Cicero, Tuse. lib. ii. o Some Equites fought under Julius Cesar, and a senator named Fulvius Setinus wished to fight, but Coesar prevented him. (Suet. Ccesca; xxxix.; Dion Cassius, xliii. 23.) Nero, according to Suetonius, compelled men of the highest rank to fight. The laws prohibiting patricians from fighting were several times made anld violated. (Friedloender, pp. 39 —41.) Commodus is said to have been himself passionately fond of fighting as a gladiator. -IMuch, however, of what Lampridius relates on this point is perfectly incredible. On the other hand, the profession of the gladiator was constantly spoken of as the most infamous; but this oscillation between extreme admiration and contempt will surprise no one who has noticed the tone continually adopted about prize-fighters in England, and about the members of some other professions on the Continent. Juvenal dwells (Scat. viii. 197-210) with great indignation on an instance of a patrician fighting. TIHE P'AGAN EMPIRE. 801 most striking examples.1 The severe continence that was required before the combat, contrasting vividly with the licentiousness of Roman life, had even invested themi with something of a moral dignity; and it is a singularly suggYestive fact that of all pagan characters the gladiator was selected by the Fathers as the closest approximation to a Christian model.2 St. Augustine tells us how one of his friends, being drawn to the spectacle, endeavoured by closing his eyes to guard against a fascination he knew to be sinful. A sudden cry caused him to break his resolution, and he never could withdraw his gaze again.3 And while the influences of the amphitheatre gained a complete ascendency over the populace, the Roman was not without excuses that could lull his moral feelings to repose. The games, as I have saidcl, were originally human,sacrifices-religious rites sacred to the dead —and it was argued that the death of the gladiator was both more honourable and more merciful than that of the passive victim, who, in the Homeric age, was sacrificed at the tomb. The combatants were either professional gladiators, slav es, criminals, or military captives. The lot of the first was voluntary. The second had for a long time been regarded as almost beneath or beyond a freeman's care; but when the enlarging circle of sympathy had made the Romans regard their slaves as'a kind of second human 1 Quis mediocris gladiator ingemuit, quis vultunl mutavit unquaml' -- Cic. Tutsc. Quest. lib. ii. 2 Cleml. Alex. &Strom. iii. There are, I believe, similar passages in other fathers. There is a well-linown passage of this kind in Horace, A2rs Poet. 412-415. The comparison of the good men to an athlete or a gladiator, which St. Paul employed, occurs also in Seneca ancl Epictetus, friom which some have inferred that they must have known the writings of the Apostle. Al. Denis, however, has shown (Idcles orales ns s'Antiqiti, tome ii. p. 24.0) that the same comparison had been used, before the rise of Christianity, by Plato, Asechines, and Cicero. Confess. vi. 8. 302 HIISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. nature,' I they perceived the atrocity of exposing them in the games, and an edict of the emperor forbade it.2 The third had been condemned to death, and as the victorious gladiator was at least sometimes pardoned,3 a permission to fight was regarded as an act of mercy. The fate of the fourth could not strike the early Roman with the horror it would now inspire, for the right of the conquerors to massacre their prisoners was almost universally admitted.4 But, beyond the point of desiring the games to be in some degree restricted, extremely few of the moralists of the Roman Empire ever advanced. That it was a horrible and demoralising thing to make the spectacle of the deaths, even of guilty men, a form of popular amusement, was a position which no Roman school had attained, and which was only reached by a very few individuals. Cicero observes,' that the gladiatorial spectacles appear to some cruel and inhuman,' and, he adds,' I know not whether as they are now conducted it is not so, but when guilty men are compelled to fight, no better discipline against suffering and death can be presented to the eye.' 5 Seneca, it is true, adopts a far nobler language. I-Ie denounced the whole system with passionate eloquence. He refuted indignantly the argument derived from the guilt of the com1'[Servi] etsi per fortunamn in omnia obnoxii, tamen quasi secundum hominum genus sunt.' —Florus, Mist. iii. 20. 2 Macrinus, however, punished fugitive slaves by compelling them to fight as gladiators. (Capitolinus, Macrinus.) 3 Tacit. Alnnal. xii. 56. According to Friedlender, however, there were two classes of criminals. One class were condemned only to fight, and pardoned if they conquered; the others were condemned to fight till death, and this was considered an aggravation of capital punishment. 4 Acl conciliandum plebis favorem effusa largitio, quum spectaculis in. dulget, supplicia quondam hostium artem facit.' (Florus, iii. 12.) s Tusc. Qucst. ii. 17. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 303 batants, and declared that under every f6rm and modification these amusements were brutalising, savage, and detestable.l Plutarchl went even farther, and condemned the combats of wild beasts on the ground that we should have a bond of sympathy with'all sentient beings, and that the sight of blood and of suffering is necessarily and essentially depraving.2 To these instances we may add Petronius, who condemned the shows in a poem of the civil war; Junius Mauricus, who refused to permit the inhabitants of Vienna to celebrate them, and replied to the remonstrances of the emperor,'Would to Heaven it were possible to abolish such spectacles, even at Rome;' and above all, Marcus Aurelius, who, by compelling the gladiators to fight with blunted swords, rendered them for a time comparatively harmless.4 But these, with the Athenian remonstrances I have already noticed, are almost the only instances now remaining of pagan protests against the most conspicuous as well as the most atrocious feature of the age. Juvenal, whose unsparingc satire has traversed the whole field of Roman manners, and who denounces fiercely all cruelty to slaves, has repeatedly noticed the gladiatorial shows, but on no single occasion does he intimate tha.t they were inconsistent witoh humanity. Of all the great historians who recorded them, not one seems to have been conscious that lie was recording a barbarity, not one appears to have seen in them any greater evils than an increasing tendency to pleasure and the excessive multiplication of a dangerous 1 See his magnificent letter on the subject. (Ep. vii.) 2 In his two treatises -De.Esu Carnium. 3 Pliny, PEp.e iv. 22. 4 Xiphilin, lxxi. 29. Capitolinus, M. Azure[ius. The emperor also once carried off the gladiators to a -war with his army, much to the indignation of the people. (Capit.) lie has himself noticed the extreme weariness he felt at the public amusements he was obliged to attend. (vii. 3.) 21 304 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. class. The -Roman sought to mlake men brave and fearless, rather than gentle and humane, and in his eyes that spectacle was to be applauded which steeled the heart against the fear of death, even at the sacrifice of the affections. Titus and Trajan, in whose reigns, probably, the greatest number of shows were compressed into a short time, were both men of conspicuous clemency, and no Roman seems to have imagined that the fact of 3,000 men having been compelled to fight under the one, and 10,000 under the other, cast the faintest shadow upon their characters. Suetonius mentions, as an. instance of the amiability of Titus, that he was accustomed to jest with the people during tlhe combats of the gladiators,l and Pliny especially eulogised Trajan because he did not patronise spectacles that enervate the character, but rather those vvhich impel men'to noble wounds andc to the contempt of death.'2 The same writer, who was himself ill many ways conspicuous for his gentleness and charity, having warmly commended a friend for acceding to a petition of the people of Verona, who desired a spectacle, adlds this startling sentence:'After so general a request, to have refused would not have been firmness-it would have been cruelty.'" Even in the closing years of the fourth century, the prmfect Symmachus, whlo was regarded as one of the most estimable pagans of his age, collected some Saxon prisoners to fight in honour of his son. They strangled themselves in prison, and Symmachus lamented the misfortune that had befallen him from their'imnpious hands,' but endeavoured to calm his feelings by' Sueton. Titus, viii. 2 YVisuni est spectaculum inde non enerve nec fluxurnm, nec quod aninuos virorum molliret et frangeret, sed quod ad pulchra vulnera contenlptunique nlortis accenderet.'-Pliny, Pcanzeg. xxxiii. 3' Preterea tanto consensu rogabaris, ut negare non constans sed durum rideretur.' —Plin. ip ist. vi. 34. THE PAGAN EMlPIRE. 305 recalling the patience of Socrates and the precepts of philosophy.l While, however, I have no desire to disguise or palliate the extreme atrocity of this aspect of tRoman life, there are certain very natural exaggerations, against which it is necessary for us to guard. There are in human nature, and more especially in the exercise of the benevolent affections, inequalities, inconsistencies, and anomalies, of which theorists do not always take account. We should be altogether in error, if we supposed that a man who took pleasure in a g-ladiatorial combat in ancient Rome, was necessarily as inhuman as a modern would be who took pleasure in a similar spectacle. A man who falls but a little below the standard of his own merciful age, is often in reality far worse than a man who had conformed to the standard of a much more barbarous age, even though the latter will do some things with perfect equanimity from which the other would recoil with horror. WVe have a miuch greater power than is sometimes supposed of localising both our benevolent and malevolent feelings. If a man is very kind, or very harsh to some particular class, this is usually, and on the whole justly, regarded as an index of his general disposition, but the inference is not infallible, and it may easily be pushed too far. There are some who appear to expend all their kindly feelings on a single class, and to treat with perfect indifference all outside it. There are others who regard a certain class as quite outside the pale of their sympathies, while in other spheres their affections prove lively and constant. There are many who would accede without the faintest reluctance to a barbarous custom, but would be quite incapable of an equally barbarous act, which custonm Symnma@h. Bpie. ii. 40. 30V BISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. had not consecrated. Our affections are so capricious in their nature, that it is continually necessary to correct by detailed experience the most plausible deductions. Thus, for example, it is a very unquestionable and a very important truth, that cruelty to animals naturally indicates and promotes a habit of mind which leads to cruelty to men; and that, on the other hand, an affectionate and merciful disposition to animals commonly implies a gentle and amiable nature. But, if we adopted this principle as an infallible criterion of humanity, we should soon find ourselves at fault. To the somewhat too hackneyed anecdote of Domitian gratifying his savage propensities by killing flies,' we might oppose Spinoza, one of the purest, most gentle, most benevolent of mankind, of whom it is related that almost the only amusement of his life was putting flies in spiders' webs, and watching their struggles and their deaths.2 It has been observed that a very large proportion of the men who during the French Revolution proved themselves most absolutely indifferent to human suffering, were deeply attached to animals. Fournier was devoted to a squirrel, Couthon to a spaniel, Panis to two gold pheasants, Chaumette to an aviary, larat kept dovesY3 Bacon has noticed that the Turks, I Sueton. Domitictn.iii. It is very curious that thle same Emperor, about the same time (the beginning of his reign), had such a horror of bloodshed that he resolved to prohibit the sacrifice of oxen.- (Suet. Dom. ix.) 2 Pendant qu'il restait au logis, il n'etait incommode a personne; il y passait la meilleure partie de son temps tranquillement dans sa chambre.... I1 se divertissait aussi quelquefois a fumer une pipe de tabac; ou bien lorsqu'il voulait se relacher l'esprit un peu plus longtemnps, il cherchait des araign6es qu'il faisait battre ensemble, ou des mouches qu'il jetait dans ]a toile d'araign6e, et regardait ensuite cette bataille avec tant de plaisir qu'il 4clatait quelquefois de rire.'-Colerus, Fie de Splinoza. 3 This is noticed by George Duval in a curious passage of his Souvenhi8s & la Terrel)u quoted by Lord Lytton in a note to his Zawnoi. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 807 who are a cruel people, are nevertheless conspicuous for their kindness to animals, and hle mentions the instance of a Christian boy who was nearly stoned to death for gagging a long-billed fowl.1 In Egypt there are hospitals for superannuated cats, and the most loathsome insects are regarded with tenderness; but human life is treated as if it were of no account, and human suffering scarcely elicits a care. The same contrast appears more or less in all Eastern nations. On the other hand, travellers are unanimous in declaring that in Spain an intense passion for the bull-fight is by no means incompatible with the most active benevolence and the Inost amiable disposition. Again, to pass to another sphere, it is not uncommon to find conquerors, who will sacrifice with perfect callousness great masses of men to their ambition, but who, in their dealings with isolated individuals, are distinguished by an invariable clemency. Anomalies of this kind continually appear in the Roman population. The very men who looked down with delight whven the sand of the arena was reddened with human blood, made the theatre ring with applause when Terence, in his famous line, proclaimed the universal brotherhood of men. When the senate, being unable to discover the murderer of a patrician, resolved to put his four hundred slaves to death, the people rose in open rebellion against the sentence.3 A knight named Erixo, who in the days of Nero had so scourged his son that he died of the effects, was nearly torn to pieces by the indignant population.4 The elder Cato deprived a senator' Essay on Goodness. 2 This contrast has been noticed by Archbishop hllateley in a lecture on Egypt. See, too, Legendre, Trcite'de l'Opiznion, tome ii. p. 374. 8 Tacit. Atnnal. xiv, 45. 4 Senec. De C1lemwe. i. 14. 808 IHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. of his rank, because he had fixed all execution at such an hour that his mistress could enjoy the spectacle.' Even in the amphitheatre there were certain traces of a milder spirit. Drusus, the people complained, took too visible a pleasure at the sight of blood;2 Caligula was too curious in watching death;3 Caracalla, when a boy, won enthusiastic plaudits by shedding tears at the execution of criminals.4 Among the most popular spectacles at Rome was rope-dancing, and then as now the cord being stretched at a great height above the ground, tle apparent, and indeed real, danger added an evil zest to the performances. In the reign of Marcus Aurelius an accident had occurred, and the Emperor, with his usual sensitive humanity, ordered that no rope-dancer should perform without a net or mattress being spread out below. It is a singularly curious fact that this precaution, which no Christian nation has adopted, continued in force during at least two hundred and sixty years of the worst period of the Roioman empire, when the blood of captives was poured out like water in the Colosseum.5 The standard of humanity was very low, but the sentiment was still manifest, tlhough its displays were capricious and inconsistent. The sketch I have now drawn will, I think, be sufficient to display the broad chasm that existed between the Roman moralists and the Roman people. On the one hand we find a system of ethics, of which when we consider 1 Val. Mlax. ii. 9. This writer speaks of' the eyes of a mistress delighting in human blood' with as much horror as if the gladiatorial games were unknown. Livy gives a rather different version of this story. 2 Tacit. Annal. i. 76. 3 Sueton. Ccaliy. xi. 4 Spartian Caracalla. Tertullian mentions that his nurse was a Christian. 5 Capitolinus, Marcus Aurelihus. Capitolinus, who wrote under Diocletian, says that in his time the custom of spreading a net under the rope-dancer still continued. I do not know when it ceased at Rome, but St. Chrysostom mentions that in his time it had been abolished in the East.-Jortin'sRemcaris on Ecelesiastical JIisto'y, ii 71 (ed. 1846). THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 309 the range and beauty of its precepts, the sublimity of the motives to which it appealed, and its perfect freedom from superstitious elements, it is not too much to say that thoulgh it may have been equalled, it has never been surpassed. On the other hand, we find a society almost absolutely destitute of moralising institutions, occupations, or belief's, existing under an economical and political system which inevitably led to general depravity, and passionately addicted to the most brutalising amusements. The moral code while it expanded in theoretical catholicity had contracted in practical application. The early Romans had a very narrow and imperfect standard of duty, but their patriotism, their military system, and their enforced simplicity of life had mlade that standard essentially popular. The later Romans had attained a very high and spiritual conception of duty, but the philosopher with his group of disciples, or the writer with his few readers, had scarcely any point of contact with the people. The great practical problem of the ancient philosophers was how they could act upon the masses. Simply to tell men what is virtue, and to extol its beauty, is insufficient. Something more must be done if the characters of nations are to be moulded and inveterate vices eradicated. This problem the Roman Stoics were incapable of meeting, but they did what lay in their power, and their efforts, though altogether inadequate to the disease, were by no means contemptible. In the first place they raised up many great and good rulers who exerted all the influence of their position in the cause of virtue. In most cases these reforms were abolished on the accession of the first bad emperor, but there were at least some which remained. It has been observed that the luxury of the table, which had acquired the most extravagant 310 IHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. proportions during the period that elapsed between the battle of Actium and the reign of Galba, began from this period to decline, and the change is chiefly attributed to Vespasian, who had in a measure reformed the Roman aristocracy by the introduction of many provincials, and who made his court an example of the strictest frugZality.1 The period from the accession of Nerva to the deathl of Marcus Aurelius, comprising no less than eighty-four years, exhibits a uniformity of good government which no other despotic monarchy has equalled. Each of the five emperors who then reigned deserves to be placed among the best rulers who have ever lived. Trajan and Hadrian, whose personal characters were most defective, were men of great and conspicuous genius, Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius, thouggh less distinguished as politicians, were among the most perfectly virtuous men who have ever sat on a throne. During fortyyears of this period, perfect, unbroken peace reigned over the entire civilised globe. The barbarian encroachments had not yet begun. The distinct nationalities that composed the empire, gratified by perfect municipal and by perfect intellectual freedom, had lost all care for political fieedom, and little more than three hundred thousand soldiers guarded a territory whichl is now protected by much more than three millions.2 In creating this condition of affairs, Stoicism, as the chief moral agent of the empire, had a considerable though not a preponderating influence. In other ways its influence was more evident and exclusive. It was a fundamental maxim of the sect,' that the sage should take part in public life,'3 and it was therefore impossible' Tacit. Ann. iii. O5. 9 Chamlpagny; Les Antonzias, tom. ii. pp. 179- 200. 3 7toXlEVEOat %ib' ci;ov. —Diog. Labrt. Zeno. THEE PAGAN EMPIRtE. 811 that Stoicism should flourish without producing a resuscitation of patriotism. The same moral impulse which transformed the Neoplatonist into a dreaming mystic and the Catholic into a useless hermit, impelled the Stoic to the foremost post of danger in the service of his country. While landmark after landmark of Roman virtue was submerged, while luxury and scepticism and forei(n habits and foreign creeds were corroding the whole framework of the national life, amid the last paroxysms of expiring liberty, amid the hideous carnival of vice that soon followed upon its fall, tlhe Stoic remained unchanged, the representative and the sustainer of the past. A party which had acquired the noble title of the Party of Virtue, guided by such men as Cato or Thrasea or Helvidius or Burrhus, upheld the banner of Roman virtue and Roman liberty in the darkest hours of despotism and of apostasy. Like all men who carry an intense religious fervour into politics, they were often narrow-minded and intolerant, blind to the inevitable changes of society, incapable of compromise, turbulent and inopportune in their demands,l but they more than redeemed their errors by their noble constancy and courage. The austere purity of their lives, and the heroic grandeur of their deaths, kept alive the tradition 1 Thus Tigellinus spolke ot' Stoicorum arrogantia sectaque quee turbidos et negotiorum appetentes faciat.'-Tacit. Ae.n. xiv. 57. The accusation does not appear to have been quite untrue, for Vespasian, who was a very moderate emperor, thought it necessary to banish nearly all the philosophers from Rome, on account of their factiousness. Sometimes the Stoics showed their independence by a rather gratuitous insolence. Dion Cassius relates, that when Nero was thinking of writing a poem in 400 books, he asked the advice of the Stoic Cornutus, who said, that no one would read so long a work. But, answered Nero,' your favourite Chrysippus wrote still more numerous books.''True,' rejoined Cornutus,'but then they swere of use to humanity.' On the other hand, Seneca is justly accused of condescending too much to the vices of Nero in his efforts to mitigate their effects. 312 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. of Roman liberty even under a Nero or a Domitian. While such men existed it was felt that all was not lost. There was still a rallying-point of freedom, a seed of virtue that might germinate anew, a living protest against the despotism and the corruption of the empire. A third and still more important service whiclh Stoicism rendered to popular morals was in the formation of Roman jurisprudence.1 Of all the many forms of intellectual exertion in which Greece and Rome struggled for the mastery this is perhaps the only one in which the superiority of the latter is indisputable.' To rule the nations' was justly pronounced by the PRoman poet the supreme glory of his countrymen, and their administrative genius is even now unrivalled in history. A deep reverence for law was long one of their clief moral characteristics, and in order that it might be inculcated from the earliest years it was a part of the Roman system of education to oblige the children to repeat by rote the code of the decemvirs.2 The laws of the republic, however, being an expression of the contracted, local, military and sacerdotal spirit that dominated among the people, were necessarily unfit for the political and intellectual expansion of thle empire, and the process of renovation which was begun under Augustus by the Stoic Labeo,3 was continued with great 1 The influence of Stoicism on Roman law has been often examined. See, especially, Degerando, Hist. de la Tliiosoplice (2ncl ed.), tome iii. pp. 202-204; Laferriere, De'fiesnce clu Stoicisme st'r les Jurisconsultes Tomzains; Denis, T/eories et Idees morales dcns P'Anztiuit, tome ii. pp. 187217; Troplong, IZfluence du C2r'isticais??e sur le D2roit civil des Romains; MIerivale, Converlsion of the Roeman z Empire, lec. iv.; and the great work of Gravina, De Ortu et P)rogressau Juris civilis. 2 CiC. De Legib. ii. 4, 23. 3 There were two rival schools, that of Lalbeo and that of Capito. The first was remarkable for its strict adherence to the letter cf the law-the second for the latitude of interpretation it admitted. THE PAGAN EMAPIRE. 313 zeal under Hadrian and Alexander Severus, and issued in the famous compilations of Theodosius and Justinian. In this movement we have to observe two parts. There were certain general rules of guidance laid down by the great Roman lawyers whichl constituted what may be called the ideal of the jurisconsults-the ends to which their special enactments tended —the principles of equity to guide the judge when the law was silent or ambiguous. There were also definite enactments to meet specific cases. The first part was simply borrowed from the Stoics, whose doctrines and method thus passed frolml the narrow circle of a philosophical academy and became the avowed moral beacons of the civilised globe. The fundamental difference between Stoicism and early Roman thought was that the former maintained the existence of a bond of unity among mankind which transcended or annihilated all class or national limitations. The essential characteristic of the Stoical method -w as the assertion of the existence of a certain law of nature to which it was the end of philosophy to conform. These tenets were laid down in the most unqualified language by the Roman lawyers.'As far as natural law is concerned,' said Ulpian,' all men are equal.' 1'Nature,' said Paul,' has established among us a certain relationship.' 2'By natural law,' Ulpian declared,' all men are born free.' 3' Slavery' was defined by Florentinus as' a custom of the law of nations, by which one man, contrary to the law of nature, is subjected to the dominion of another.' 4 In accordance withl these principles it became a maxim among the Roman lawyers that in every doubtful case where the alternative of slavery or.1Dig. lib. 1. tit. 17-32. 2 -ig. lib. i. tit. 1-3. *3.De. lib. i. tit. 1-4. 4 Dig. lib. i. tit. 5-4. 314 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. freedom was at issue, the decision of the judge shouldcl be towards the latter.l The Roman lecislation was in a twofold manner the child of philosophy. It was in the first place itself formed upon the philosophical model, for instead of being a mere empirical system adjusted to the existing requirements of society, it laid down abstract principles of right to whill it endeavoured to conform;2 and, in the next place, these principles were borrowed directly from Stoicism. The prominence the sect had acquired among Roman moralists, its active intervention in public affairs, and also the precision and brevity of its phraseology, had recommended it to thle lawyers,3 and the union then effected between the legal and philosoplical spirit is felt to the present day. To the Stoics and the PRoman lawyers, is mainly due the 1 Laferri~re, p. 32. WVallon, ifst. de l'Esclavcage dcans l'Antiqueit, tome iii. pp. 71-80. M. Wallon gives many curious instances of legal decisions on this point. * To prove that this is the correct conception of law was the main object of Cicero's treatise De Legibus. Ulpian defined jurisprudence as'Divinarum atque humanarum reruum notitia, justi atque injusti scientia.' -Dig. lib. i. tit. 1-10. So Paul,' Id quod semper equiuinu ac bonum est jus dicitur ut est jus naturale.'-Dig. lib. i. tit. 1-11. And Gaius, I'Quod vero naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit....vocatur jus gentium.' — Di. lib. i. tit. 1-9. The Stoics had defined true wisdom as'rerum divinarum atque hunlanaranl scientia.'-Cic. De Offic. i. 43. 3 Cicero compares the phraseology of the Stoics with that of the Peripatetics, maintaining- that the precision of the former is well adapted to legal discussions, and the redundancy of the latter to oratory.'Omnes fere Stoici prudentissimi in disserendo sint et id arte faciant, sintque architecti pene verborum; iidem traducti a dispiutando ad dicendum, inopes reperiantur: unuml excipio Catonem.... Peripateticoruln institutis commodius fingeretur ora'tio.... 11m ut Stoicorum astrictior est oratio, aliquantoque contractior quam aures populi requirunt: sic illoruml liberior et latior quami patitur consuetudo judiciorum et fori.'-De Claris Oratoribus. A very judicious historian of philosophy observes:'En gen6ral a Rome le petit nombre d'hommes livres a la Ileditation et a l'enthousiasme pr6fererent Pythagore et Platon; les hommnres du monde et ceux qui cultivaient les sciences naturelles s'attachfrent'a Epicure; ]es orateurs et les hommes d'Etat a la nouvelle Acad6mie; les jurisconsultes au Portique.'-Degerando, Hist. de lat PFzlos. tome iii. p. 196. THE PAGAN EMPIRPE. 315 clear recognition of the existence of a law of nature above and beyond all human enactments which has been the basis of the best moral and of the most influential thouglh most chimerical political speculation of later ages, and the renewed study of Roman law was an important element in the revival that preceded the Reformation. It is not necessary for my present purpose to follow into very minute detail the application of these principles to practical legislation. It is sufficient to say, that there were few departments into which the catholic and humane principles of Stoicism were not in some degree carried. In the political world, as we have already seen, the right of Roman citizenship, with the protection and the legal privileges attached to it, from being the monopoly of a small class was gradually, but very widely diffLhsed. In the domestic sphere, the power which the old laws had given to the father of the family, though not destroyed, was greatly abridged, and an important innovation, which is well worthy of a brief notice, was thus introduced into the social system of the empire. It is probable that in the chronology of morals, domestic virtue takes the precedence of all others; but in its earliest phase it consists of a single article-the duty of absolute submission to tlhe head of the household. It is only at a later period, and when the affections have been in some degree evoked, that the reciprocity of duty is felt, and the whole tendency of civilisation is to diminish the disparity between the different members of the family. The process by which the wife from a simple slave becomes the companion and equal of her husband, I shall endeavour to trace: in a future chapter. The relations of the father to his children are profoundly modified by the new position the affections assume in education, which in a rude nation rests chiefly upon authority, but in a civilised 316 UHISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. community upon sympathy. In Rome the absolute authority of the head of the family was the centre and archetype of that whole system of discipline and subordination which it was the object of the legislator to sustain. Filial reverence was enforced as thle first of duties. It is the one virtue which Virgil attributed in any remarkable degree to the founder of the race. The marks of external respect paid to old men were scarcely less than in Sparta.1 It was the boast of the lawyers that in no other nation had the parent so great an authority over his children.2 The child was indeed the absolute slave of his father, who had a right at any time to take away his life and dispose of his entire property. IHe could look to no time during the lifetime of his father in which he would be freed from the thraldom. The man of fifty, the consul, the general, or the tribune, was in this respect in the same position as the infant, and might at any moment be deprived of all the earnings of his labour, driven to the most meniAl employnments, or even put to death, by the paternal command.3 There can, I think, be little question that this law, at least in the latter period of its existence, defeated its own object. There are few errors of education to which more unhappy homes may be traced than this-that parents have sought to command the obedience, before they have sought to win the confidence, of their children. 1 See a very remarkable passage in Aulus Gellius, 3Noct. ii. 15. 2'Fere eniln nulli alii sunt homines cqui talemn in filios suos habeant potestatem qualem nos habelmus.'-Gaius. 3 A full statement of these laws is given by Dion. Halicarn. ii. 4. It was provided that if a father sold his son and if the son -was afterwards enfranchised by the purchaser, he became again the slave of his father, who might sell him a second, and, if manumission again ensued, a third time. It was only on the third sale that he passed for ever out of the parental control. A more merciful law, attributed to Numna, provided that when the son married (provided that marriage was by the consent of the father), the father lost the power of selling him. In no other wayS however, was his authority even then abridged. TIHE PAGAN EAMPIRE. 317 This was the path which the Roman legislator indicated to the parent, and its natural consequence was to chill the sympathies and arouse the resentment of the young. Of all the forms of virtue filial affection is perhaps that which appears most rarely in Roman history. In the plays of Plautus it is treated muclh as conjugal fidelity was treated in England by the play-writers of the Restoration. An historian of the reign of Tiberius has remarked that the civil wars were equally remarkable for the many examples they supplied of the devotion of wives to their husbands, of the devotion of slaves to their masters, and of the treachery or indifference of sons to their fathers.' The reforms that were effected during the pagan empire did not reconstruct the family, but they at least greatly mitigated its despotism. The profound change of feeling that had taken place on the subject, is shown by the contrast between the respectful, though somewhat shlrinking acquiescence witlh which the ancient Romans regarded parents who had put their children to death,2 and the indignation excited under Augustus by the act of Erixo. Hadrian, apparently by a stretch of despotic power, banished a man who 1had assassinated his son.3 1 Velleius Paterculus, ii. 67. A great increase of parricide was noticed during the empire (Senec. -De Clcn. i. 23). At first it is said there was no law against parricide, for the crime was believed to be too atrocious to be possible. 2 Numerous instances of these executions are collected by Livy, Val. IMaximus, &c.; their history is fully given by Cornelius van. Bynkershoek,'De Jure occidendi, vendendi, et exponendi liberos apucld veteres Romranos,' in his works (Cologne 1761). 3 This proceeding of Hadrian's, which is related by the lawyer AIarcian, is doubly remiarkable, because the father had surprised him son in adultery -with his stepmother. Now a Roman had originally not only absolute authority over the life of his son, but also the right of killing any one whom he found committing adultery with his wife. Yet MIarcian praises the severity of Hadrian,'Nam patria potestas in pietate debet, non atrocitate, consistere.' —Digest. lib. xlviii. tit. 9, ~ 5. 318 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Infanticide was forbidden, though not seriously repressed, but the righlt of putting to death an adult chili had long been obsolete, when Alexander Severus formally withdrew it from the father. The property of children was also in some slight degree protected. A few instances are recorded of wills that were annulled, because they had disinherited the legitimate sons,l and Hadrian, following a policy that had been feebly initiated by his two predecessors, gave the son an absolute possession of whatever he might gain in the military service. Diocletian rendered the sale of children by the fathers in all cases illegal.2 In thle field of slavery the legislative reforms were more important. This institution, indeed, is one that neets us at every turn of the moral history of Rome, and on two separate occasions in the present chapter, I have already had occasion to notice it. I have shown that the great prominence of the slave element in Roman life was one of the causes of the enlargement of sympathies that characterises the philosophy of the empire, and also that slavery was in a very high degree, and in several distinct ways, a cause of the corruption of the free classes. In considering the condition of the slaves themselves, we may distinguish, I think, three periods. In the earlier and simpler days of the republic, the head of the family was absolute master of his slaves, but circumstances in a great measure mitigated the evil of the despotism. The slaves were very few in number. Each Roman proprietor had commonly one or two who assisted him in cultivating 1 Valer. Max. vii. 7. 2 See, on all this subject, Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. xliv.; Troplong; Iflicncte du C'hristianisme smU le Droit, ch. ix.; Denis, Juist. des icles m.orales, tome ii. pp. 107-120; Laferrire, 2Sfltence cd Stohcisnze sur les Jthrisconsultes, pp. 37-44. THE PAGAN ]EIPIRE. 819 the soil, and superintended his property when he was absent in the army. In the fruigal habits of the time, the master was brought into the most intimate connection, with his slaves. He shared their labours and their food, and the control he exercised over them in most cases probably differed little from that which he exercised over his sons. Under such circumstances, great barbarity to slaves, though always possible, was not likely to be common, and the protection of religion was added to the force of habit. Hercules, the god of labour, was the special patron of slaves. There was a legend that Sparta had once been nearly destroyed by an earthquake sent by Neptune to avenCge the treacherous murder of some Helots.1 In Roame, it was said, Jupiter hadc once in a dream commissioned a man to express to the senate the divine anger fat the cruel treatment of a slave during the public games.2 By the pontifical law, slaves were exempted from field labours on the religious festivals.3 The Saturnalia and Matronalia, which were especially intended for their benefit, were the most popular holidays in Rome, and on these occasions the slaves were accustomed to sit at the same table with their masters.4 Even at this time, however, it is probable that great atrocities were occasionally committed. Everything was permitted by law, although] it is probable that the censor in cases of extreme abuse might interfere, and the aristocratic feelings of the early Roman, though corrected in a manner by the associations of daily labour, sometimes broke out in a fiemre scorn for all classes but his own. 1 ~Elian, ltist. T rc. vi. 7. 2 Livy ii. 36; Cicero, De I)ivi. ii. 26. 3 Cicero, D)e Lceibus, ii. 8-12. Cato, however, maintained that slaves nlight, on those days be employed onl work which did not require oxen.Wallon, fist. de E'Escalvage, tome ii. p. 215. 4 See the Saturnalia of MIacrobius. 22 323 IIISTORY OF EUPtOPEAN AIORALS. The elder Cato, who may be regarded as a type of the Romans of the earlier period, speaks of slaves simply as instruments for obtaining wealth, and he encouraged masters, both by his precept and his example, to sell them as useless when aged and infirm.1 In the second period, the condition of slaves had greatly deteriorated. The victories of Rome, especially in the East, had introduced into the city innumerable slaves,2 and the wildest luxury, and the despotism of the master remained unqualified by law, while the habits of life that had originally mitigated it had disappeared. The religious sentiments of the people were at the same time fatally impaired, and many new causes conspired to aggravate the evil. The passion for gladiatorial shows had begun, and it continually produced a savage indifference to the infliction of pain. The servile wars of Sicily, and the still more formidable revolt of Spartacus, had shaklen Italy to its centre, and the shock was felt in every'household.'As many enemies as slaves,' had become a Roman proverb. The fierce struggles of barbarian captives were repaid by fearful punishments, and many thousands of revolted slaves perished on the cross. An atrocious law, intended to secure the safety of the citizens, provided that if a master were murdered, all the slaves in his house, who were not in chains or absolutely helpless through illness, shq)uld be put to death.3 1 See his life by Plutarch, and his book on ag'riculture. 2 The number of the Roman slaves has been a mnatter of much controversy. Mf. Dureau de la Malle (fcon. poliipzqe des eomamizs) has restricted it more than any other -writer. Gibbon (Decline cald Fall, chap. ii.) has collectedl many statistics on the subject, but the fullest examination is in IM. Walion's admirable Hist. de l'Esclavage. On the contrast between the character of the slaves of the republic and those of the empire, see Tac. Ann. xiv. 44. 3 Tacit. Annal. xiii. 32; xiv. 42-45. Wallon, Hist. de l'.Esclav. ii. 293. I have already noticed the indionlant rising of the people caused by the proposal to execute the 400 slaves of the rurclde el Pecldaius. Their THE PAGAN ESIPIRE. 321 NIumerous acts of the most odious barbarity were cormmnitted. The well-known anecdotes of Flaminius ordering a slave to be killed to gratify, by the spectacle,! the curiosity of a guest; of Vedius Pollio feeding his fish on the flesh of slaves; and of Augustus sentencing a, slave, who had killed and eaten a favourite quail, to crucifixion, are the extreme examples that are recorded; for we need not regard as an historical fact the famous picture in Juvenal of a Roman lady, in a moment of caprice, ordering her unoffending servant to be crucified. We have, ]lowever, many other very horrible glimpses of slavelife at the close of the republic and in the early days of the empire. The marriage of slaves was entirely unrecognised by law, and in their case the words adultery, incest, or polygamy had ano legal meaning. Their testimony was in general only received in the law-courts when they were under torture. When executed for a crime, their deaths were of the mlost hideous kind. The ergastula, or private prisons, of the masters were frequently their only sleeping-places. Old and infirm slaves were constantly exposed to perish on an island of the Tiber. We read of slaves chained as porters to the doors, and cultivating the fields in chains. Ovid and Juvenal describe the fierce RToman ladies tearing their servants' faces, and thrusting the lon1g pins of their brooches into their flesh. The master, at the close of the republic, had full power to sell his slave as a gladiator, or as a combatant with wild beasts.' interposition was, however, (as Tacitus informs us) unavailing, and the slaves, guarded by a strong band of soldiers against rescue, were executed. It w as proposed to banish the freedmen who were in the house, but Nero interposed and prevented it. Pliny notices (Pp. viii. 14) the banishment of the freedmen of a murdered man. See all this fully illustrated in Wallon. The plays of Plautus and the rIoman writers on agriculture contain numerous allusions to the condition of slaves. 822 1HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. All this is very horrible, but it must not be forgotten that there was another side to the picture. It is the custom of many ecclesiastical writers to paint the pagan society of the empire as a kind of pandemoniumn, and with this qbject they collect the facts I have cited, and which are for the most part narrated by Roman satirists or historians, as examples of the most extreme and revolting cruelty; they represent them as fair specimens of the ordinary treatment of the servile class, and they simply exclude from their consideration the many qualifying facts that might be alleged. Although the marriage of a slave was not legally recognised, it was sanctioned by custom, and it does not appear to have been common to separate his family.l Two customs to which I have already referred distinguish ancient slavery broadly from that of modern times. The peculium, or private property, of slaves -was freely recognised by masters, to whom, however, after the death of the slave, part or all of it usually reverted,2 though some masters permitted their slaves to dispose of it by will.3 The enfrianchisement of slaves was also carried on to such an extent as seriously to affect the population of the city. It appears from a passage in Cicero that an industrious and well-cdnducted captive might commonly look forward to his freedom in six years.4 Isolated acts of great cruelty undoubtedly occurred; but public opinion strongly reprehended them, and Seneca assures us that masters who I Wallon, tome ii. pp. 209-210, 357. There were no laws till the time oi the Christian emperors against separating the families of slaves, but it was a maxim of the j arisconsults that in forced sales they should not be separated. (Wallon, tome iii. pp. 55-56.) 2 Ibid. tome ii. pp. 211-213. 3 Plin. iEpist. viii. 16. It was customary to allow the public or state slaves to dispose of half their goods by w'ill. (Wallon, tome iii. p. 69.) 4 Wallon, tome ii. p. 419. This appears from an allusion oI Cicero, Piu'llip. Viii 11. THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 323 illtreated their slaves were pointed at and insulted in the streets.1 The slave was not necessarily the degraded being he has since appeared. The physician who tended the Roman in his sickness, the tutor to whom he confided the education of his son, the artists whose works commanded the admiration of the city, were usually slaves. Slaves sometimes mixed with their masters in the family, ate habitually with them at the same table,2 and were regarded by them with the warmest affection. Tiro, the slave and afterwards the freedman of Cicero, compiled his master's letters, and has preserved some in which Cicero addressed him in terms of the most sincere and delicate frieidship. I have already referred to the letter in which the younger Pliny poured out his deep sorrow for the death of some of his slaves, and endeavoured to console himself with the thouglht that as he had emancipated them before their death, at least they had died free.3 Epictetus passed at once from slavery to the friendship of an emperor.4 The great multiplication of slaves, while it removed them from the sympathy of their masters, must at least in most instances have alleviated their burdens. The application of torture to slave* witnesses, horrible as it was, was a matter of rare occurrence, and was carefully restricted by law.5 M3uch1 vice was undoubtedly fostered, but yet the annals of the civil wars and of the empire are crowded'with 1 Senec. -De Cle. 1. i. 18. 2 Ibid. p. xlvii. 3 Pliny. Ep. viii. 16. 4 Sparl'tianullS, id'anuS. 5 Compare WVallon, tbme ii. p. 186; tome iii. pp. 65-66. Slaves were only to be called as witnesses in the cases of incest, adultery, murder, and high treason, and where it was impossible to establish the crime without their evidence. Hadrian considered that the reality of the crime must have already acquired a strong probability, and the jurisconsult Paul laid down that at least two free witnesses should be heard before slaves were submitted to torture, and that the offer of an accused person to have his slaves tortured that they might attest his innocence should not be accepted. 324 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. the most splendid instances of the fidelity of slaves. In many cases they refused the boon of liberty and defied the most horrible tortures rather than betray their masters, accompanied them in their flight when all others had abandoned them, displayed undaunted courage and untiring ingenuity in rescuing them fiom danger, and in some cases saved the lives of their owners by the deliberate sacrifice of their own.' This was, indeed, for some time the pre-eminent virtue of Rome, and it proves conclusively that the masters were not so tyrannical, and that the slaves were not so degraded, as is sometimes alleged. The duty of humanity to slaves had been at all times one of those which the philosophers had most ardently inculcated. Plato and Aristotle, Zeno and Epicurus, were, on this point, substantially agreed.2 The Roman Stoics gave the duty a similar prominence in their teaching, and Seneca especially has filled pages with exhortations to masters to remember that the accident of position in no degree affects the real dignity of men, that the slave may be free by virtue while the master may be a slave by vice, and that it is the duty of a good man to abstain not only from all cruelty, but even from all feeling of contempt towards his slaves.3 But these exhortations, Numerous and very noble instances of slave fidelity are given by Seneca, De Benefc. iii. 10-27; Yal. MIax. vi. 8; and in Appian's HIstory o/ the Civil TC'ars. See, too, Tacit. Hist. i. 3. 2 Aristotle had, it is true, declared slavery to be part of the law of nature-an opinion which, he said, was rejected by some of his contemporaries; but he advocated humanity to slaves quite as emphatically as the other philosophers (Economiecs, i. 5). Epicurus was conspicuous even among Greek philosophers for his kindness to slaves, and he associated some of his own with his philosophical labours. (IDiog. La6rt. Epiceurus.) 3 De Benef. iii. 18-28; De Vita Beafa, xxiv.; De Clem. i. 18, and especially E1p. xlvii. Epictetus, as might be expected from his history, frequently recurs to the duty. Plutarch writes very beautifully upon it in his treatise -De Cohibenda Ira. THE PAGAN EMPIPTE. 325 in which some have imagined that they have discovered the influence of Christianity, were, in fact, simply all echo of the teacling of ancient Greece, and especially of Zeno, the founder of the sect, who had laid down, long before the dawn of Christianity, the broad principles that' all men, are by nature equal, and that virtue alone establishes a difference between themn.' The softening influence of the peace of the Antonines assisted this movement of humanity, and the slaves derived a certain incidental benefit from one of the worst features of the despotism of the Cxsars. The emperors, who continually apprehended plots against their lives or power, encouraged numerous spies around the more important of their subjects, and the facility with which slaves could discover the proceedings of their masters inclined the government in their favour. Under all these influences many laws were promulgated which profoundly altered the legal position of the slaves, and opened what may be termed the third period of Roman slavery. The Petronian law, which was issued by Augustus, or, more probably, by Nero, forbade the master to condemn his slave to combat with wild beasts without a sentence from a judce.2 Under Claudius, some citizens exposed their sick slaves on the island of iEsculapius in the Tiber, to avoid the trouble of tending them, and the emperor decreed that if the slave so exposed recovered from his sickness, he should become free, and also, that masters who killed their slaves instead of exposing them should be punished as murderers.3 It is possible that succour was afforded to the abandoned slave in the temple of I Diog. Lakrt. Znzo. 2 30odin thinks it was promulgated by Nero, and he has been followed by Troplong' and MIr. MIerivale. Champagny (Les Anltonzis, tome ii. p. 115) thinkls that no law after Tiberius was called lex. 3 Sueton. Claud. xxv.; Dion Cass. lx. 29. 2SaS I-IISTORY OF EUROPEAN MIORALS. A.sculapius,' and it would appear from these laws that the wanton slaughlter of a slave was already illegal. About this time the statue of the emperor had become an asylum for the slave.2 Under Nero, a judge was appointed to hear the complaints of slaves, and to punish masters who treated them with barbarity, or made them the instruments of their lusts, or who withheld from them a su-ficient quantity of the necessaries of life.3 A considerable pause appears to have ensued, but Domitian made a law which was afterwards reiterated, forbidding the Oriental custom of mutilating slaves for sensual purposes, and the reforms were renewed with great energy in the period of the Antonines. Hadrian and his two successors formally deprived masters of the right of killing their slaves, forbade them to sell slaves to the laniste, or speculators in gladiators, destroyed the ergastula, or private prisons, ordered that when a master was murdered, those slaves only should be tortured who were within hearing,4 appointed officers through all the provinces to hear the complaints of slaves, enjoined that no master should treat his slaves with excessive severity, and commanded that when such severity was proved, the master should be compelled to sell the slave le had illtreated.5 When we add to these laws the broad maxims of equity asserting the essential equality of the hum-ean race, which the jurists had borrowed from the Stoics, and which 1 See Dunnmas, Secourspublics clez les A/lnciens (Parlis, 1813), pp. 125-130. 2 Senec. De Clem. i. 18. 3 Senec. -De Benef. iii. 22. 4 Spartian. Hacdrianus. Hadriana exiled a Roman lady for five years for treating her slaves with atrocious cruelty. (Digest. lib. i. tit. 6, ~ 2.) 5 See these laws fully examined by Wallon, tome iii. pp. 51-92, and also Laferriere, Sur l'Ifl2tence dcu Storcisme sur le 1Droit. The jurisconsults gave a very wide scope to their definitions of cruelty. A master who degraded a literary slave, or a slave musiciann to some coarse manual employment, such as a porter, was decided to have illtreated him. (Wallon, tome iii. p. 62.) THE PAGAN EMPIRE. 327 supplied the principles to guide the judlges in their decisions, it mnust be admlitted that the slave code of Imperial Rome compares not unfavourably with those of some Christian nations. While a considerable portion of the principles, and even much of thle plhraseology, of stoicism passed into the system of public law, the Roman philosophers had other more direct imeans of acting on the people. On occasions of family bereavement, when the mind is most susceptible of impressions, they were habitually called in to console the survivors. Dying men asked their comfort and support in the last hours of their life. They became the directors of the conscience of numbers who resorted to them for a solution of perplexing cases of practical morals, or under the influence of despondency or remorse.1 They had their special exhortations for every vice, and their remedies adapted to every variety of character. Many cases were cited of the conversion of the vicious or the careless, who had been soughlt out and fascinated by tle philosophler,2 and who, under his guidance, had passed through a long course of moral discipline, and had at last attained a high degree of virtue. Education fell in a great degree into their hands. Many great families kept a philosopher among them in what in modern language might be termed the capacity of a domestic chaplain,3 while a system of popular preachinc was created and widely diffused. 1 Thus, e.g., Livia called in the Stoic Areus to console her after the death of IDrusus (Senec. Acdl M/are.). MIany of the letters of Seneca and Plutarch are written to console the suffering. Cato, Thrasec, and miany others appear to have fortified their last hoeurs by conversation with philosophers. The whole of this aspect of stoicism has been admirably treatedl by MI. Martha (Les Moralistes dce l'Empire romain). 2 We have a pleasing picture of the affection philosophers and their disciples sometimes bore to one auother in the lines of Perseus (Sat. v.) to his master Cornutus. s Grant's Alristotle, vol. i. pp. 277-278. 828 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS. Of these preachers there were two classes who differed greatly in their characters and their methods. The first, wrho have been very happily termed the' monks of stoicism,'l were the Cynics, who appear to have assumed among the later -moralists of the pagan empire a position somewhat resembling that of the mendicant orders in Catholicism. In a singularly curious dissertation of Epictetus,2 we have a picture of the ideal at which a Cynic should aim, and it is impossible in reading it not to be struck by the resemblance it bears to the missionary friar. The Cynic should be a man devoting his entire life to the instruction of mankind. IHe must be unmarried, for he must have no family affections to divert or to dilute his energies. He must wear the meanest dress, sleep upon the bare ground, feed upon the simplest food, abstain from all earthly pleasures, and yet exhibit to the world the example of uniform cheerfulness and content. No one, under pain of provoking the Divine an ger, should embrace such a career, unless lhe believes himself to be called and assisted by Jupiter. It is his mission to go among men as the ambassador of Go