39TH CONGRESS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ex. Doc. Ist S ) No. 155. RAILROAD PROPERTY. LETTER FROM~ THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TN ANSWER TO A re.solution of the House of June 4, relative to railroad property in the possession of' the government. JULY 27, 1866.-Laid on the table and ordered to be printed WAR DEPARTMENT, W/ashington City, July 26, 1866. SIR: In reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of June 4, 1866, respecting railroad property which was in possession of the government on May 1, 1865, &c., &c., I have the honor to transmit herewith the Quartermaster General's report of July 23, with accompanying papers, which contains all the information on the subject which the department can furnish at present. Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of Wt zar,:on. S. COLFAX, Speaker of the flouse of Representatives United States. QUARTERAMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washinagton, D. C., July 23, 1866. SIR: I have the honor to return herewvith resolution of the House of Representatives of June 4, 1866, referred by the War Department to this office June 5 for report. A copy of the resolution was transmitted, June 6, to General D. C. McCallum, director and general manager of military railroads of the United States, for report from the files of his office of the information called for. Herewith is respectfully forwarded, under date of July 19, the full report of General McCallum, embracing that of BrevetsMajor F. J. Crilly, assistant quartermaster United States army, under whose supervision the transfer of all the railroad.property in the military division of the Tennessee and in the military division of the Mississippi was effected. In addition thereto is respectfully forwarded a report with schedules of railroad property in the possession of the United States May 1, 1865, prepared from reports received at this office from officers in the military division of the GC!lf, showing the disposition of such property, with the authority therefor, and.Ps taken to recover the value thereof, appended in each case; altogether comprising, it is believed, a full schedule of all railroad property in the possession of 2 RAILROAD PROPERTY. the government on Mlay 1, 1865, whether held by right of capture or purchase; also, what disposition has been made of such property-if sold, whether for cash or credit; and if for credit, under what law or authority. Attention is invited to the letters of General McCallum and Major Crilly, transmitting their respective reports, and especially to the statements contained therein, that, owing to the large amount of property transferred, and the many different sources from which it was derived, it would be impossible, in every case, to trace each separate item back to its original purchase-bill within the present session of Congress, and consequently so much of the resolution requiring the original cost of the property held by the United States by right of purchase has not been fully complied with. For information on this subject, the following extract from the letter transmitting General IcCallum's report is quoted: "The greater portion of this property had been on hand and in use a long time, and though the prices obtained were below the cost, with some exceptions, they are believed to be very favorable to the government; this is particularly true with the property sold on credit, the companies purchasing it paying better prices than when sold for cash." Upon an examination of the prices obtained for the railroad property in the military division of the Gulf, a similar state of circumstances is found to exist. The following is a statement of the amounts of sales of railroad property: For cash. — ---—...-...- -...-........... —-.... $3, 403, 412 22 On credit................-............. 7, 418, 962 30 Total....... —..... -........... 10, 822,374 52 Attention is invited to the enclosed consolidated statement of the indebtedness of railroad companies, May 31, 1866, for the purchase of railway material of the United States on credit, prepared from reports transmitted to this office by quartermasters in obedience to General Orders No. 80, Quartermaster General's office, December 22, 1865, (accompanying.) In order to secure payment of the indebtedness of railroads for the purchase of property of the United States, every railroad company to which sales have been made on credit is required to give bond in double the amount of the value of the property transferred to it, as per form contained in Executive Order of October 14, 1865, (accompanying,) by the terms of which the United States has a lien upon the property transferred, and each company is required to make prompt payments of the instalments as they fall due. These bonds, with lists and receipts of the property transferred, have, in every instance, been executed, and are on file in this office. A great number of these roads have failed to comply strictly with the terms of their bonds; but owing to the devastating effects of the war, and the great expenses incurred in repairing the roads by rebuilding bridges, trestles, &c., and the prostrate condition of the southern roads, it is believed that they are actually unable to meet their engagements with the United States, and that to attempt to enforce prompt payments would be to arrest the operations of the roads, and thus to defeat the object of the Executive in the policy which dictated Executive Orders relative thereto. A general willingness to meet their. engagements with the government appears to be manifested, however, by the greater number of the roads purchasing property, and a very large proportion of the payments already made have been in cash. All moneys accruing to their credit for the transportation of troops and supplies have been stopped against them and applied in liquidation of their indebtedness to the government; and arrangements have been made with the Post Office Department by which all payments for mail services performed by indebted railroads are withheld and RAILROAD PROPERTY. 3 placed to the credit of such roads on account of the purchase of military railroad property. It is believed that these arrangements are sufficient to secure, ultimately, the payment of the indebtedness, with interest in full, of all railroads for the purchase of railway material of the United States. Respectfully, your obedient servant, M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General U. S. A. Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of WIar, Washington, D. C. REPORT Of all railroads operated and controlled by the military railroad department during the war, and of all railroad property on hand the 1st day of May, 1865, and not embraced in the report of Major F. J. Crilly; also, copies of the letters of the Quartermaster General to the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, dated May 19 and July 17, 1865, and of Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Prepared in accordance with resolution of the House of Representatives of June 4, 1866. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AND GENERAL MANAGER OF MILITARY RAILROADS UNITED STATES, Washington, D. C., July 19, 1866. GENERAL: I have the honor to return herewith the copy of the resolution of the House of Representatives of June 4, 1866, referred to this office June 6, 1866, in the following words, to wit: "On motion of Mr. Kelley, " Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to furnish to the House of Representatives a schedule of all railroad property which was in the possession of the government May 1, 1865, whether held by right of capture or by purchase, and if by purchase, stating what it cost. Also, what disposition has been made of such property; if sold, whether for cash or credit, and if for credit, under what law or authority; and whether the purchase-money has been paid, or what steps have been taken to recover it." And to transmit, in answer thereto, the following reports, to wit: 1st. Reports numbered from 1 to 9, inclusive, being reports relative to railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, transmitted to this office by Major F. J. Crilly, assistant quartermaster. 2d. Letter of Major Crilly of July 9, 1866, transmitting and explaining the above reports. 3d. Report of all railroads operated and controlled by the military railroad department during the war, and of all railroad property on hand on May 1, 1865, subject to the control of the military railroad department, and not em-,braced in the report of Major Crilly, showing how the same was obtained; how and by what authority disposed of, with copies of the letters of the Quartermaster General to the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, dated May 19 and July 17, 1865, and indorsements thereon, and of Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. These papers are arranged as follows, to wit: 1st. The letters and orders above referred to. 4 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 2d. Reports of all railroads operated and controlled by the United States at any time during the war, under my direction, giving the name of the road, number of miles operated, estimated value, how held, and how disposed of. 3d. A condensed statement showing the value of the property sold on credit to railroad companies in the departments of Virginia and North Carolina, payments made, and amount remaining unpaid. 4th. A schedule of property sold on credit to railroad companies in the departments of Virginia and North Carolina. 5th. A schedule of property sold at aution for cash, by General H. L. Robinson, assistant quartermaster, and Captain J. D. Stubbs, assistant quartermaster, since May 1, 1865. 6th. A schedule of property used in repairing and operating railroads in the departments of Virginia and North Carolina, since May 1, 1865. 7th. A schedule of property transferred to officers not connected with military railroads, since May 1, 1865. 8th. A schedule of captured property, showing how and by what authority disposed of. 9th. A schedule of property not yet disposed of. In preparing this report it was not possible to give the cost of all the articles. The amount of property on hand was large, and having been received from so many different sources, it could not, at this date, be traced back to the purchase bills. This is particularly true with regard to the property in the military division of the Tennessee; and in the other departments, I could only give the average cost price, or no price at all. The amount received from sales of property is as follows, to wit: For cash........-.................................. $3, 403,412 22 And on credit............................ 7, 192, 855 63 Total.......................................... 10,596,267 85 The greater part of this property had been on hand and in use a long time, and though the prices obtained were below the cost, with some exceptions, they are believed to be very favorable to the government. This is particularly true with the property sold on credit, the companies purchasing it paying better prices than were obtained when sold for cash. Though all the railroads in the States lately in rebellion were virtually in the possession of the government on the 1st of May, 1865, only those necessary for military purposes were at any time formally taken possession of and controlled and operated by it; and when the necessity for military occupation ceased, they were either abandoned or turned over to the board of public works of the State, or to their former owners, in accordance with instructions from the general commanding the department, or from the Secretary of War, or Execu-' tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Under these orders, control of each road was relinquished so soon as the necessary steps could be taken and the proper persons found to receive and operate it in such a manner as to secure the speedy movements of all military stores and troops. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, D.. CMcCALLUM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director, and General Manager of Military Railroads United States. Brevet Major General M. C. MEIGs, Quartermaster General U S. A., Washington, D. C. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 5 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, June 4, 1866. On motion of Mr. Kelley, Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to furnish to the House of Representatives a schedule of all railroad property which was in the possession of the government on May 1, 1865, whether held by right of capture or by purchase; and if by purchase, stating the cost. Also, what disposition has been made of such property; if sold, whether for cash or credit; and if for credit, under what law or authority, and whether the purchase money has been paid, or what steps have been taken to recover it. Attest: EDWARD McPHERSON, Clerk, By CLINTON LLOYD, Chief Clerk. Respectfully referred to the Quartermaster General for report, to be sent to me, with this paper. By order of the Secretary of War: EDMUND SCHRIVER, Inspector General. W. D., June 5, 1866. A true copy: ALEXANDER BLISS, Colonel Quartermaster's Department. WAR DEPARTMENT, June 5, 1866. Refers for report, to be sent to General Schriver, with the enclosed papers, resolution of the House of Representatives calling for information relative to railroad property. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., June 6, 1866. Respectfully referred to Brevet Brigadier General D. C. McCallum, general superintendent United States military railroads, Washington, D. C., for report as early as practicable. The schedule required should embrace all the railroads in the possession of the United States at the date named, as well as movable railroad property, and show the disposition made of both. By order Quartermaster General: ALEXANDER BLISS, Colonel Q. M. Dep't, in charge 4th Division. No. 1. REPORTS NUMBfiRED FROM I TO 9, INCLUSIVE, BEING- REPORTS RELATIVE TO RAILROAD PROPERTY IN THE MILITARY DIVISION OF THE TENNESSEE, TRANSMITTED BY MAJOR F. J. CRILLY. [Enclosure No. 1.] Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee,for which' Brevet Colonel John Parks, A. Q. M., is responsible. [The property sold under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865, was appraised by a board convened by Major General G. H. Thomas, commanding military division of the Tennessee. Copy of order herewith.] ~ ^ - ~~ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad compa- pe c u a r Property captured and returned ~. S h nies under Executive Orders of August 8 to we r. and October 14, 1865. aI~~t o Articles. v ~ e l 1 - Itt I I tl. 11 ti ^fin e- 11-1n i 0 c~ 0.~.~ Ci +- nZ C,' I1II- 1 1 o -~ " a ~ __ _______________ _____ ______ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~__ _ _ _ _ _ _ H 4~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Books, time.................... number.........-........-..........-........ 18...................................................................... 174 1 Books~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.z: tienmer —1 174 2 Books, blank.-....................do.... 231 55 286........-........-............................. -231 ------—............- - ---------- 55 3 Books, memorandum..-............do.-....-... -.. 12 12...................................................................................... —. 32 4 Books, freight -------- - do - - - -.................................................... 2 3 Bakquartermaster's-......quires.- - 185.185 ------ 19 5 Blanks, rt m e r..-..........................................- -....... 194 66 B lank s,, freight-..-... ——.-.-. — nu m ber.......... —....... —......... —....... —...... —....... —....... —....... —.......-.......................................... 50 7 Blotting board.-.................sheets- -........ 4 4 ---—...........................................................-...............-..... 52 8 Coal, bituminous-....bushels - - 4,673 4,673........ 50 100 --....................................... 7,208 12 Dividerscoal -.............. pairs - 1 1.6.......... 57........................-........-........-..............................-.-.. 13 Envelopes, assortedCoke...number - 18,-450 —80..........0 1 0 2..............................................00 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~............I.......................... -i4 Erasers, steel —--------— do ------- 7 7 -7. —---------------- 15 Files, wirem-. —-..dor.-..............do....12 12............ 12. 35 Fin, w ing....................... do...............ei................................................................................... 12......... 16 Filenks, paperme............. do......................................................................................-.. 18.... 1 17 ~qinkbotes —.......12 18 Ink,.cpyingdo -------- 1 19oIn, carumine -o --------- 1..............7,28 20 ink, blue.............. do. 2 o[ Inkstands..........::.:-;ii][numbrJ[ ][:]~]][]]]][]]] ][Z]]]]] ]]]Z]Z] ZZ~i[[Z[.......:............................. ----- -- - ---- ----- ---- -............................ 21 lnkstauds ------------ number. 32 —-.................. ------- 22 Lead-pencils -----— do -—....... —- -........................1.......2......... 23 Mucilage —----------------— bottles —----- ------------ - — 2................. 23 Mucilage.......................bottles................................................................................................ i 24 Paper, abstract ---------- -quires.. -2 2 - -2........ - - - --------..............................2...................2 25 -- -........ ---—.- -...... V25 Paper, cap --------— do - - - ------ --- 160 -------------.............. 160 26 Paper, envelope -----------------— do - - 3 3 ----------------... 27 Paper, drawing....................do-.-................................... —-] —-- --------. 28Paperfoliopost - do -- --------------..... 28. P per' fol oer t-. — i ---- -- s --— (lo —-- --- --—.......,.............I — ---- -- -. — --- -. — --- -. — --- -. — -—. —- -—. —- --- 29 Paper, letter -............do —. ------ 55 5 -- --......1 30 Pens, steel -—.........numuber -------- -------- -------- ------ ----- -- ---- -- -- 26 31 I Pens, ruling- -do.-.. 1-1. —- ---- ---- - ---------------------- -------- -- ------- -------- ------'21 4........t....... Q52 Psnbolders" -do —---— 4 33 Pencils, slate -....box- — I_ --- 34 Racks, pen -....................number - 3 3 - - I —------ 35 Rulers --------------------------— do3 3...-.... 3 --------------- ~~~~~........'........ — - -- -- - --- - -—........ 3........ 3d Rulers, boxwood ----------------— do ---- ------ 12 i -" — -------- -------- -------- 1......... 37 Rulers, rubber -------------------— do....- -------- 1 I _ - -------- ------- -------- -------- 38 Tape, office -......................pieces.. - -........ 1!): 19 -------- 19...................,....'........................................... 39 Wafers -----------------------— ounces.. - ------ 18 1 —.'...i.........- - - - - - 18 —-- - 40 Weigbts, paper —--------------- nusmber -- -------- ------ - ---------- -------- -------- - - - - ---- 6 —................. 41 Oats —-----------— peunds-1,- 17042 Brusbes, counter -number6 6 ----- 1..... 43 Brusbes, dusting-. —-----— do —S —--- 44 Brooms -d —---------— (o - 220. 22_0 - 41-12-326 ---- -- 20 - - --- 41........ -- - - -- - -- - - - - - i6- - - - 4 Cutter. paper —-----------------— do-1. —--------------............................. _........ -16 Cbairs, asserted -d —-----— (o. - a 6 II —------------- 4 3 —--- 47 Balances, counter ----------------- do... - 1 6-... 48 Balances, pest effice e —------- do —1 1 ------- 1.... 49 Balances, spring.. do.-2-2-............- 2 - - - - 17 - -------- ------- c` - Clocks -------------— do~. 2- ---- -------— 1 —----— 1 ------------------ 31 Catin dles, t icks ----------------— d. -40-....... -------- -------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i'........ —----------- 52 Desks, counting - ----.do.. 4 3 7........-.......- - - - -.4 ------—. 3 —----—........B53 Desks, office -..............do. - 2 3-5 —2 - 5-4 Elbows, stove pipe -------— do —-10 10 - 16 ---- -— 7. i) Dasters, featber - do- - 12 12 - - ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —15 —------ 4 5 D a l aners, spr h in ----- - -------- ---- — d o.... 12. " 2 -- -- - ---- -- -- ------ --..... ---- -- -........... -- - -........................j'.... ---- -- --.. 50 Lamp cimneys- - — 6 6 -........6 — ~~~~ "' -- -- -.- -- - -. — - -- -- - -- -............,57 Money trays -d —-------------------- (lo —- - ) —-------- --------........o —--....... 38 Paper cases ------------ do 1 1 2 — 1 — 1-1 59 Paper eases, secretary-do —-- 3........ 3- - — 3.........: 3 -........................ 60 Pressesletter —--------— do.. _. 3 3.6 - 1 —--------- 13 —--- 8. —------ 61t Punees, paper -...............do - -----— 1- 1- -------- 1 ——............do - 1.1-1. 652 Safes, iron, assorted - ------------—.do... 7.........-... 3 —- 7.... 10. 2. 1- - -- ------- 3 6........ 6. 3.... 63 Safes, mateb-ch i -.................do-.-. - - 9 61 Slates -— a —do;; o o I" --— "-.. —...... 12 12. — 3 ----—.. 65 Stoves -------------— do..- ---- 29 29 211 —8 ---------------------------- - - 27 —------- 66 Stove pans ------------------------ do —— I1 —------........ -------- - ------- ----— 1- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—....67 Stove pipe.-joints152 152174.......................... 68 Tables, draugliting - -...number...... —........-..- 1-........- I —------ -------- -------- - - 69 Tables, office ----------— do~ 4 — 1 —----------— 2 —-- - 4 —---------------- 70 Water-coolers-do —- - -................... -o; - - 1 W-........ -.........s........ 71 Wick, candle ---------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~............................. — --- ------ ----- ----—... — --- - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in. the military division of the Tennessee, ~c.-Continued. ^ ^ _ 0^ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad compa- P e c u a r I........ niebs.....under Executive Orders of August 8 A.. togs owner a r!. ^ - and October 14, 1865. 0' owners.~ 0 0,0 -^ ___________________________________ _......................o.....................................0 g...I...I...I......~o~T~- IV I ~ ii.................i....... a-~~~~~~~~~-~ 4-: E'-o a ~g.....................0 I........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 C z d o........ 411...... 72 Wic, lam.......................balls........... 1 3.....'................................... 73 W ick~fla.....................n m e............' ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - - -- - -- ~ -~ - -.. - -. 7. n Articles..........a 5............ 76 A I........' Q: 77 Brusheshorse................. do................ 011 79al~~ Cars, pasenger, st clas..........do~~.... I......do... 4 4 9 31 I~l.....2"' a3.... 16 0c V (L0Ia 0 ad Wick,.dat -umber-.I42 70 W ick, la mpa e r -- -- - -- - —........................ 6 o 6 7-I' "' --- -- - ~~ —-- ---- ---...... -.............................. 4 73 WC kr, fla tgage..................do....n.............. -- -- ---- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -............ ~- ~ ~ ~~ - ~ -. - --—........ -.......-.......-.......-.......-...............2 74 Wick, candle ---- ------— do. —- 6 —.....- 24... 82 C ars~ b oarding....................do....'........I I. I...... -... - -- ------—......................................... I ------- 2 876 Ambulances-do........-1........-.....do... 1 1............ 84~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ Cars.frih.......i...............d.i...i 2 16 18 39 5 40 3' -'.".".'.'.' ~~~~~~~ ~~ -.-..-.....i"^ 77 Brushes, hoa.....rse -—.....do-2................o.......................... 78 Bridles, riding --------------------- do. - I.... 86 Gars, platform...................:.do....! 41 49 -5........2 2 I I.................................. 87 Cars, pay.........................do, - 0 - 0........................ 79 Cars, passenger, 3et class -- -- - -—:: " " ---- 2-~~'3 -— ~ —-~~90 C ains b eas-...................- ----- ---- -- ~ —------- - --. —-. —-. 91 Chains~ eher.......do.............'.o...... I I..........................i........t........................ i 80 Cars, passenger, 2 class.................................6 1............................ 81 Cars, bagage --------...................-.........- -....... - 82 Cars, boardingr --- do.................'.' ".1-1 95 Checklines.......................do"""""" - -................................................ 83 Cars, caboose ---- ------— do.1 13 -----------—......... —------------------- 15 2 11 984 Cars,freightt —................ do... 0 116 1.18 39 56 40 23.............. 2 13........ 85 Cars, handt —-------------------— do.-11.... - -- -20- I i.............................. - --- 86 Cars, platformo-tive..............do..... 4 49 53 27 28 1.3 ii 16 -------- " " 20"""'" 87 Cars, pay —----------— do... 1 1 I --------- 70n Harnessy-eelS-a —-ance...do................ d.................... 88 Cars, truck-do d' " 3 3........ 89 Hains, bearing...............C 102 H alters, head...................... —---— do......' 2 2..... - - - - ---- - ~ ~ — ~~ — ~- - ----.............................. 90 Chains, breast —--------— do-8 ------------------------- 93 Chains, stretchera ------------------ do..- 2 2 13~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 94 Combs, currye - ------------------—.do. -.-. —-— 2 1 6........'1'."'.1........... """""""6' 95 Check lines. ------ -----— do- --—.... --------- 4 97 Engines, portable ---------— do.... I ---- 22................. 98 Engines, stationary - d.....I.................... 9 Engines, locomotive - do......... 16 22 38 6 4 i ~ 2 6 2 3 5..... 20. —-- Tho Harness, wheel, S. S8. ambulance. -.do-....... 22-.... —— 2. 101. Harness, wheel-horse -........do. ------------------- 102 Halters, head............do. —--- 2 - - —................ —----- 1 103 IHalters, strap -...........do 2...........:.-.............. 104 H ors e s...............do........... 66....... 2........................... - - - -.... 6..... 105 Harness, dray........-.... do.... 2. 106 Lines, lead.d-22.....................d.o..' iiiiiii 22........... - ~~-.......................................... 107 Lines, 2-horse.................-. do-1 1- 2............ 1............-..... 108 M ules-do............................ -do:.::.-' l.........-..............' 5:..:.;:... -...... I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 109 Neckstraps.......................do............- 10 10........ 3.........-1 ------- 0 110 Poles, coupling...................-do............1 1 1 —-- -.. ---- -.IlI Sticks, jockey do.....................do................. 3.. 112 Saddles, riding....................do......o... —-............ — ---------- ---- -- 113 Tenders, locomotive............... do......... —.! 17 17 6 4 1........- 2 ----------- --- -.-. 114 Trucks, baggage - -..................do. —. —- 6........ 6......................... -6~~ -. -—.... 115 Trucks, hand -do....................do -....- 16 16......... 16 ------------------------------ 116 Trucks, timber..............-....do......... —-. 8 8 8. —---------------- ------ -------- - 117 Trucks, tender. -..-.do. -. j 2 2 2.-...................................... 118 Trucks, WV. house........... —....do... 2!....- 2 - --- —..- - --- -........ 119 Wagons, 2-horse-... —...-...-..-..do-1 - 1-1.. I......................1..1 1 1....... - 1... i ~~~~ 120 Wagons, army.-.... —-...........do -.........................................1...'.................. 121 Wagon tongues-... —-. —..........do. 3............................. 1223 ips a on... —-... —.. —.-.-.do. —......... 3B 3-.. —----------............ 3 122 Whips, wagon- do...................... -- —................................... 15000 124 Brick, fire...... ---.. —---. —-—.-.... —. do....... 400 400 ------ - I,000 -. —......- - ~. —- --...... -......-.. -, 123 Buttsandscrews - -rick — -- pairs 197 197 70 110................................................. 126 Butts and screws, brass...... —--.-do... -.. —- 120 120 45...........- ---—.-. — - - - -0 2 127 Cement, roofing................sq. feet.......... -.... 730 —- -- --- -82~ — ~ — 128 Glass-.........-........ —..........feet..........,690 2690 1, 550 1,300 —..... —------, 15129 Glass, plate.....................-boxes. 4..... — - --'45-6 _..._........ —- 130 G -lass, plate.....................circles.......................... 31...................''.' — ~~~~ — ~ ~- - - - -- ----- -— ~~~~~~~~~ ~~-~~ —-— ~~ -~- -- ~ — ~- -- 5 131 Glue.. ——.....................-pounds... —. —.-117-'1........p40d3.'.." —'17/~~~~~-~ —-— ~~ —--------—. —----- 46 -------- 5 130 Glass, platerap -.....................cpaircles...- 48 48 14- 6 —....-1..................... 131 Glue1 4...........................d........... 117 117...... 4' 4 133 Locks, dcaer..-numbr - 14-..-...-...42u126r12.....................0 4 - ---— ~ —-- - 134 Locks, cupboar — -.............do - 15.15 —-— 17 —-—.......... 7......... ~~-~~~-~~~ —~' —~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ —~~~-~................ 135 Locks, dor -do - 13 13...6...1..3.. fer............................ 54 is.................................'......... -................. 49 136 Locks, hesk ------------------ do — -3-0-.............. 126 ------.......................... 1137 Lock er,-clear pine.-.-.....-......do..4. 4.-. —....................1 4, 7 —— 3 143 Lumber, d sh.w r.-n m e r -............-.do4.. 1..........2 5.......................................'.............................'.'.........'.'.. 2.2 140 Lumber, fet2 300 —- 26,ch300..238do,... 238......................................... 142 Lumber, clear pin.-do - -14,000.....................-........................................... 143 Lumber, b ash- -.- -.........do3...........d3................... 3,600 350 128 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—. —------ 144 Lumber, pine siding, matched.- d.....do -.............................. 1,800 4,500 -------- --------'.'.'-'. ------- 148................................. 80, 000 149 Lumber, pine ad poplar -..........0do..0.................................................................. 1.... 150 um e, Lum ber,- - -- - -- -d - - -- - - - pine — - -- - -2-do -2 —- - --- -- - --- - -— 10,- - - - --- -- - --- - -- - -- - 255 — -- - - 1507 Lum ber, pine sils-.- - - - - - - — d....... —....I18 06...-.d.......................................... 1 5............................. " - - - -- - - -- -... —....... 151 Lumber, yellow pine boards -.do 6.. 956.............................. -------- -------- ---- 152 Lumber, cypress -. —-------—...do2...................................... 196............... 153 Paper, sand......................quires.-......... 594 594 370 38 5 —... ~ —- - ----------------— 2 —--—..........2491 154 Padlocks.-.....................number.-....... 66 66 60 8........ —.... ---- ----— 25 —---—. -.....-............... 25 155 Putty -..p..................... pounds.......... 130 130 135 100.............. ---- ~ — ---- ---— ~ ---— ~ -------------------— 4 156 Screws.................. -number.-......... 288 288 14,688 34,792 ---------- — 10,224 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the mslitary dimsion of the Tennessee, 4fc.-Continued. - IS.- Property sold on credit to railroad compa CZ ^^ niesunder Executive Orders of August 8 CZet atue n etre 0,0^ ad _ _ _and October 14, 1865..to owners. z ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 57Sd............Articles. a 0 0.,., iS ~ -. 2 a ^ 2g ^ ~........... 0 Pk > o i^ - o1 F.a a l...... - Sandc —r —------------------------ loadss — --------..................b..........."i........i..."........'...................... ---- -a.0 - 158 Screws, bracss ih' ---- - num ber.. 1 6 1, 07 4 S 3 01 6 615 A s, blacksmith's -----------—.oa.6 6 6 6.......................-.....-...............................................8.. 159 Lime.barrl............. i60 Anvils, blacksmith's.......number...... 16 16 7 130 3..-...................... 6........ 161 Aprons, blacksmith's..'do.. 6 162 Bellows, blacksmith's........do -... 8 8 2 10 3.. - -------—.- 4 —------- i63 Blocks, swedge, blacksmith's. —-— do. —-- -—. — 3 3 2........ I -..-....... —-.... —--....................................... —... - 63 Blocks, swedge, blacksmith's..do...3 3 "1 161 Blades, hacksaw, with carpenter's Q tools~~do' 165 Blacksmith tools, steel -— ounds"............'....................:::: 1 1.............................. - --- 166 Blacksmith tools, iron.............do...... — ---. —-. --... 2131........... ---- ---- ---- ---- 167 Chisels, cold.....r...4................................................................... 168 Chisels, track.d 4 4...................n.doe.......... -. 4 4............ —-—...- --- - ---- 169 Dies, plates, and taps —-"'-.........do......................I —-.....i —. --- 170 D rills - t-............................do.......-....I-............do ---- ---........ 12................................................ -................I.... 171 Faces plates, banksmth's.......-.....do.........-..i 4 4 2 2...!...................... —.......-..... o...-............-.......-.-..!........ 173 F llers b lac s m ith s............d..........1 6262 6.............................-.....-.......................-..-...1....-. 170 Frir's' do.. — -I........................................................................ 171 Face plates, blacksmith's.......... do..........-.. —- 4 2 2 ----........2.... -- - --.. ----- -- 172 Fl atters, blacksm ith's........do.-.......... i............. 6........ 6..........-.- -........-........-........-........I........-................ 173 Fullers, blacksmith's —.....-.....do.............. 62..................................................................... -. ---— ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ —- ------ 14 Faier s knives —. -ic............ do.......................-..........................1.... 184 F les, ld......................d..........1..................... 600.....................................I.............................i...... 175 Forges, portabledo............................................................................176 Friction drills - -..............do.......-................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- Files issued to railroads do 2,503 ~ --—. t /....._ [.. -2,406-........ 177 Files, square bastard, 14-inch ——. —.do ----....- 6....6.... ------- --------........ - 178 Files, millsaw, 12-inch.............do ---- ----------------- -G16 - -------- -------- --------................ 179 Files, round bastard, 16-inch.......do ---- -------- 28 - -------- --------................ 180 Files, flat bastard, 16-inch....do.S............................ 6 - --- ---- --------...... 181 Files, millsaw, 16-inch.............do. 6...... - -[ -------.. lo2 Files, smooth edge, 12-inch.-.....doo....I........:..................!.....d... 6........ 183 Files, smooth edge, 14-incha.........do -........................... S................................. 184 Files, old..........................do........ 600-................. 185 Files, bastard square, 12-inch......do'27 8........................................................ 186 Files, bastard hand, 12-inch........do............1.................. 19 )................................................................. 187 Files, bastard flat, 6-inch...........do.19.............. 188 Files, bastard hand, 8-inch........ do...... —-. 12 -..- -~ — ---— ~ ---- ---------- — ~ —- -- ----.. — -----—. — ------- 189 Files, bastard hand, 10-inch..do.. 12.-. -...................................... 191 Files, at, 12-inch..ft.1..ind.... 88. 192 Files, smooth hand, 12-inch....................................-6...................... 193 Files, smooth hand flat, 10-inch...8....do............................................. 194 Files, bastard half round, 10-inch. -.do - -- ---..6. 1 5..................... 195 Files, bastard flat, 16-inch.......... -. do..-..-.. - - - -................ — --—....... 196 Files, bastard flat, 8-inch. do —.. —-.do —.-. —-—. —-. - --............ 36 ---- 12 -...'...'. 197 Files, bastard three-square, 7-inch..do. —..-..-. —... - 3.................. 198 Files, bastardround 7-inch.................................. 7...............- -------- -------- 199 Files, bastard smooth half r'd,14-inch..do-............- -........-......... 13 54.... 201 Files, bastard round, 12-inch.. ——.do —-- - —....................19 31........ 202 Files, bastard half rond, 6-inch....do-.... -......... 59 203 Files, bastard half round, 12-inch....do - -29....19..................-........ 204 Files, second cut flat, 8-inch........do - - 21 - -..... -------- 205 Files, smooth half round, 6-inch....do..... -.... -0..............- 1i'' " -- - -..~ -....-..-... ——.-...- -......... 206 Files, bastard half round, 8-inch.. -do- -- -...-.......- —.. —..... 17 2 - --------------------------------- 207 Files, snooth flat, 12-inch-.......... o —--.-..... —--—...... -:48 -- - — ~ —~208 Files, smooth half round, 12-inch...do-.......-....................-.. 4........ 10. —-—. —-------------------- ----- ---- -------- -—. —-----— ~ — 208 Files, smooth half round, 12-inchdo....-.do. —..... /......... 4 10-........ 209 Files, second cut half round, 12-in..do 13-. 212 Files, bastard flat, 10-inch........................ —------....... 213 Files, handsaw, 8-inch ---—....do - - -------.- -—.. 12 -- - -.-.-. - - ------- —.-. --- ----- - - 21.4 Files, bastard round, 15-inch.......do..- -....... --- ----- - ---- 10 -.-.. ---- ~~.. --- --- - ---- ----- ----- --- - - - 215 Files, bastard flat, 15-inch...-.. do.- ----- ---- - - 16 ---- - - - - -------- -— d — ---— ~- ----- - - - — 16216 Files, smooth hand, 14-inch d. 19 - 217 Files, smooth round, 12-inch.... do-12 -------- -------- --- 218 Files, bastard handsaw, 6-inch.....do........- 26-.................. — ------- 219 Files, bastard square, 8-inch- do ----.. —......8........... -- ----- ------—............... 220 Files, smooth dlat, 16-inch-........do -28 - ------- 221 Files, bastard flat, 14-inch.......-..do.-.....- 48 8. 222 Files, bastard round, 10-inch..-.....do.....................6 1 -------- -------- - 223 Files, bastard round, 14-inch -....do 54 1...01........ 54 10- -------- —..... 224 Files, mill-saw, 13-inch............................... 225 Files, half round, 14-inch..........do.. - -......'.''.'.''...!..'...'.. — - - - - - - -.. 226 Files, -inch square, 12-inch..... do......................................... 4.. 227 Files, handsaw, 4-inch-.... o........... --------- -------- ------ --------------- 228 Files, flat tine, 8-inch....-....-.....do-..-.................................'...'....'.. I -.... -— j —----------- ------ 229 Files, square bastard, 10-inch......do............................ 24................................. -------- --- 230 Files, square bastard, 12-inch.- do.. 18............ -------- ------- - - -- - 231 Files, square bastard, 8-inch.......-do. --- --------.......... —-- - - ----- - 43............ - - -------- —.- -- - —... -------- 232 Files, square bastard, 16-inch ----— d.............................................. 15........ I —------ 232 Files, square bastard, 16-inch.....do -1- -. 233 Hammers, machinist's.-.......... do-.. —-.. —.... 5 5........ 3 2...... 234 Hammers, shoe.................... do-1:::1- 1 ---..................'... 235 Hammers, blacksmith's,- i do -10.................... 236 Hammers, hand -..-............... do...............................'..... 237 Hammers, assorted. —.............do.....................22 4 7................ 238 Hammers, engine.................do.2..........................................'225::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ ~~~~~~~~~C Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Property sold on credit to railroad compa-.~ a'a a Prpetrtpuedad eure Pi flies under Executive Orders of August 8 P perty captured and returned /~ a ~to owners.!' -and October 14, 1865. t o: j ~ ~ ~ ~~~a,0 03^ _________-_______________________________________________ 0 j ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a a 0 -' a.5 Articles. a ao 1 z2 Z ^' o 0 ~' /o~. a' a.'0i:a'O a ~ - a ~ a+~ a~ aa a.- _ a ~~'-~~ ~~' —-.~~~ a-a ca 0a co ~~~~c.*,~ cd a 0 I ^ -I II II - 1-1 -1 11 1I HI 1~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c n Id;. - Pj O',:- 11 9 ^ ^ ^ _ ~ segenme _ ~ _.__._._.._. ____ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _^__ _ __ _ ^ ~__ __ ^^ 239 Hammers, sledge................b.. I 11........ 5.-6...............339 HIammers, claw.. —.do.. —— 10.-..............-.do....... 1........................' — -. —..4....+.. 240 Hammers, hand -....-..........do........................'........ 1...-............'-..............-. 241 Hammers, assorted -. —--------- do... —. —-- - 22- 9 4 7- - -~ —~ —- -~- --------------- 243 Mandrelsdo10...10 45... —... 1 1 5' ------ --------. —-...... -- - -. —... 244 H and-ressa ------ do...... I I...................adres....sd-1 1-.. —------- 245 Pincers, shoe.-...... —.pair...-1.2- - - I 1 1- -.'. -....... " " " " " " " " - 46 Punches, blacksmith's..-..number-5..........0................ d....... I- " —-- - 24.47 Punches, cold-....o-3 3 3 -- ------------------------------------------ 248 atchetd rills, saw.....................- do... 9 9 1 5 - ------------------------------------------------ 245 Pincers, d die s.....................setsir.......... I I..... -- - - - - - - I -- - —.. — - -- --—........-...'.'''...'' ~- ~~~~~ — ~~ —. -.. -. -. - - - - 246 P unch es, blacksm ith's.. —-..................... — 30 30 3 -- -- -' -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -- ------ -- - - - - -.. - - - ~ - - - 248 Rache t dutrls -----------—.o —.....-....... --------..................... -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ----------—.. —....- -------- 249 Stock pa and dies -sets1-1.............. sets... 2-........- I...... 7. -------- ---- 253 Tools, blacksmith's... -..-.......... sets-1 1....... "'" I ~ — ---— 0- ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- --------... 255 T ools, lathe and planer - pounds-................... 160 160 160................ 68.-.- -------- --------'.'.'.''.'.'.' - - "' "' 256 Tongs, engine th's. —-............. pairs-1- -- ------- I......... "'" - -------- -------- --------------- 2 5 7 T on gs, g ao -p ip e -do-..........-. d o.'.......... 1 60 160 1 60 ---- -- -- 2-'....'.'......... 2 5 6 T on gs..... -—. - -.............. -.n u m b r s...................\........................ I.'.'.'.'........'"..'\ ".' " " 258 Pans —-------- --— nuniber-...................... 1. —-- -------- -------- 259 Tongs, blacksmith's.-......... pairsi —-------- 116 116 70 - -'. 46 -1'-. " -- - -------— j I —-- -------- -—. —-- u60 Vices, blacksmith's.-...........number.-......... 26 26 14 16 4 - - --------- 1 —--- --------- - 261 W rought drills - -.................... -------- -------- ---------- 2........ -------- -------- -------- --- 263 A dzes, foot. —--—...-..........num ber.-..-... - - "42 42 52 20 13. —----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 11111111 264 Adzes, truck -...................do... -................ ---------- 2 -..-2... -------- -------- -------- --------. — -.....-..-.. - 265 Axes.-............................do.-........... 340 340 352 69 1]4- -------- 46. 266 Axes, broad.......................do.-........... 6 6 3 7. —--.."II"" -- - 267 Augers, assorted ------.......do -.- -- 146 17 14 --------...- -— 102. --------------- 268 Augers, bits........................ set.-....... —- i 9. 269 Augers, bridge --...............lot.-1 -----—........................................................................................... 270 Axes, hand.....................number.-........................... 5 8.-.....................-...271 Awls, scratch -.................. do ---- --------..-.-... — - 1 2........................... -------- -------- 272 Awls, scribe.......................do -....-...1-........ I............'"I........ 273 Blades, hacksaw -....... do -..................o.... -........................ -. 274 Braces, carpenter's...............do —........ 275 B lades, saw -buck.......... o...- -...................do- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 5.................... - ----- -- -- -- - ------—.. ------- -- - —. — - - 2748 BevelClamps, carpenter's -d-number —......-.... —... —...o.......... I.-.- ----- -.. 2 79 G la zier's d ia m o n d................. d o............ I ill ------ -- ---- -- -- - - -........- j... -- ---- - 280 GougBlades, flaw-buck- --— do —----- --. -- — I.. -- 5 —..................7..............-.......!..281 G ouges, turning.........-.-.. —- - - - - - - - - —.- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ------—. —. —--—....................... --------............. -----—.. -------- -------- 282 H atchets, broad........... —-.. -- - —.......-.. 6 6 6...................... --- ---......... -... —- ----....... --- --- -- - - - - - - - 2876 C hisels-do -8 — -8 — 5 93 7-................ 4............o...... - 284..n.......................'278 Clamps, carpenter's -......number-.....278 Glazier's diamondpd -.................1..... 12 8 -................... -....... -..... - 280 GougLines, chflatlk.-2 — ---. ----. 71................ 13 - -...................................... 2 287 Level, spiritng —-- --..... —. - 6- 6-............... I 6........... -.............................. 282 Hatchineandbits,broad........ne.......... I...................''.................. —-- - 283 Hachts1 12-1. 289 Mallets -................................ 4 4 6 - - - - - - - -........ —-. - - -. — - 284 K nives, mould ingraw..................do............ 19 19 9'". -- ---- - ------ - - ---.........8-1.... 19 ---------- 285 Knives, puassortedty-........t ty-2........................ -2 3 12............-..- --'286 Lines, chalk-. —......................do.... 7.......3.......-....]........ 15. — -....'.'.'.'.'.. - --- -------- - -.-...''.'.'' 293 Planesvel, smoopirith -.1....-........... 10-.... ---—.......... ——.... ——...... 288 Machines ajoin t,boner - nb.. —-.... -1do- 6 1 —-- ---- - --- - --- - 295 P encils, carpenter's....-..-. —..... —do................. -.... -.......-.... --------.. —------- --- --- -- - - - - - - - -- -- -............. -------- --- --- --- --- 24 2896 Saws, cross-cut....................do-.... 297 Saws,hand.......................do............ 26 26 77 22 3 - - - 4................ 290 Planes, whmoudinp -.................. do.... -.... I 9.....299 Saw s, com pass ----—. -.......-......do.......................... 2..............''- --— ~-~- -------- --- - - ------- -- -- -'_ -- -- - -- -- - It _....' "..... 300 Screw s, bench.....................do................. 6.. -.. -.-. ----. —. —.. —-----.. -................. - 30291 Planes, as sortedd1cko.........120.. d..................................- -- - -------- ---- 30292.SPlanes, bujack.......................do. -........ 15 - -- --- -- -----.30293 Planes, ripsmoot-....................do-1...... 0 —-..........3..'.'. - 3 1 -- -- 30294 Planes, jointer.............-.......do- -6-... ---- i......................... 307295 PenciBarrels, carpent.. - er.'s-do.......... 2 2 —........................- 2 308 Bars, claw........................ —-............ —— 28 50-39-i —— llllllllllllll'l-lll —llll-ll-llllll'l-llllllll-ll-ll-.-.l-ll —309 Bars, clampross-cut-.................... do5.... -2 2 7....- - 5 1.-1.....-.-.-..-.- -'297 Saws, hand -.............o.. 26 26 77 22 34310 Bars,timber.......................- do -............ 10 10 9 -------- I - ---- - ~~ -- ---- — ~-...................... 9311 Bars, taw ip g.......................do.... - 51 51 145 117 6 ----------------.................... 31299 Saws, compassinch....................-do...................- 313 B ells, engine alarm, --... —........ —do..... —...... 2 2 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- ------— ". 1.'... 1..'. 1 314 Bench,draw..................... do -....................................... 315 BitScrews, benmachine, boring-............... 6.......... 301 Sawsehack-........................do2.............................. 316 Blocks, assorted........ 32Saws, buck -do. 1 — 318 Blocksndu lls....................................'...............3........................ 31 BloSaws, rip -do - -..................3............................ 3 2 0 B olo e r, st ati o n a ry'................................................11 1 1 1 1 Il l'1' "........ --- - - - - -.. ~.- - - - 30 Squares, steela a 1..................o........ 2 2 2....1 305 Tools, carpenter's -.........sets -—. 306-..................... 307 Barrels -............number - 2 2 —— 2..:............... 308 Bars, claw-do - 28 ~~28 5 39 1 309 Bars, clamp - do - 2...2.1...........do.... -- 11 310 Barsticlmper...........do - 1 10.' 1-i 311 Bars, ta imbr...g.........do - 5..1 51 14 m............-.... 312 Bars, tapinch -d..........o-.. 13 13 1 39 12:::2:314 ecda-o - 13 138 Blocs, puleynube - 4............o. 4. 10-..... 319 Blwe-d - 1" 1 —-.... 30Boierlstatnioneaary -'........do.. 2- 2~ 2-........i....... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, &c.-Continued. p 0 0 " ^ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad compa- Property captured and returned 10 0. nies under Executive Orders of August op erty captured and returneds. 0 and October 14, 1S65. 0 0 * 0 0 s o - _ _ _ __ __ o 0 2 3 0....................... 2.....'................. Articles. Id 37.,0.. 0 0 0 ~~f~' 3~ 8'0 - 0- o,~~~ ^~ ~~~ ~,-^~~~~~ s 0 o5o^,.... I:____::0:::_:_:::::::::::::::::__ 321 Brushes, paint..................number - -15 5 303 60 18 48 1.... 1.................................:13 322 Brushes, artist's-................ —----- 24 34..-.................................................323 Brushes, sash.1 — ---- -.... -- -............... —-. --.. —----. —....... -... -... - 325 Brushes, striping -.............. do ------ 12 12 54 24 ------------ 326 Brushes, camels hair-do-13 13 37 --—...... —-- -—.......-....-..-.. —- -- ------............. —------.. 327 Brushes, flat wheel. —----. do-.... -........ 3 3 3 -. -. -—.-. -. ------ —.-.. —-. —-.-. —-- -- - -----—...-....- ----. — 328 Brushes, scrub --- --......... do.-.... -- 24 24 54 6 ---—. —--—. —--—... —-—. —--- —..... - -- -—.. —--- 329 Brushes, varnish............. do.....- - ----- 10 10 30 8. —-.... —-- ------- --—:::::::: — —:... —----. 0 330 Brushes, marking -- --- --- --..do -1-.. —.-........-.......... I I-... —- -...... --------. —---- -------- -------- --—.... -------- -...... — - 3:31 Buckets, water....-..............do..- ----—. 155 155 303 60 18 -13 ——. —-—.-.-. -—. —. - ---—. 13 ---------------- 332 Buckets, paint -—..-...-..........do.-. --------.. — - -. -- - 2 2 ------. --- --—.- —. —-. -- -. 333 Buckets, tallow -I. -----—...,......do... --.. -.-.... -......1- - 334 Brierhooks- ----------—......... do - - - -----—. 6 6 -.... - — I- 6 ------ - -. —-.. —-- 3 n - - - - - - -6-335 Basins, wash. —-. ----—. -- do —.. —-. - ---- 6 6 - -- —. -.- -... —. 336 Blocks, double -d-..-6-.......-do.... ----------—.-.-.-. 4 6........... —-. —.. —.-... - ---—..-...- —.......... -—..... ——... 337 Boiler, steam -—. —--. —---— do --- ---- --- -- - - 1.....1.. -.............................. -......................... 338 Boxes, pepper -..........do....1....-. —..-..... 12. d-o- --- ------ - ------. ------ -----.- ---. ——.. — 340 Buckets, well m r -— do-.- -6 —---- -—.do ---- --------.......... I I ----—.. -.-. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------.-.... — -—... 341 Barrels, oil.-...... --—. --- -- _do. —-- -—.. — 40 -13. —-.- —. —------—. —-. 1... 344 Benches, wood....feet........ feet....!.-...... — - --- 17 5... -------..-.-. ------- -------- ------ 346 Cans, tin - --......-....... do.......- - 4 4 5 5 -........................ —...................................................... 347 Cans, oil.-........................do...... —---- 4 4 -------- 15 7 -................-. —.-.................................... 348 Cans, tallow --------------------— do. —-- -... — - -.... - -3 -..........1-. —......................................... -------- 349 Clamps, timberd....................do.-..... —--- 3 3 I 2....... 2 -...........-.. - - --. ---- -...... —--—. 350 Clamps, bench andxe —-------- -...do......... —. ------- - ------ 1 5 --------........1.......-................................................ 352 Coalhodsd.........................do.....- -4 —-—.I-........i......................................................... I —-........ 353 Cups -.............................- do.4.... 24 12 15 - —.................... 354 Cups, tin.......................... do............ 30 30 45..-...... —--- - - -...................................... -- - --- - 355 Cups, paint.... do................... do........ -- - ---- 8 8 -- -............ —................ 356 Coffee mills....do - - 1 1. —-. —.... —- - —............................ -- 7............ 357 Crow bars. ------ ----------------— do.. —-. ------- 4 4 4!..-.......... —............................................ 358 Co ff ee m i am s.......................do............- - 23 2........i................................................................-23... —....... 359 Cuprowbars........................do -............- - -- -4 4.................,58 Crcefams'2 i-23. 360 Chest, tool..........-...1 — -....... Chisels --— n-n g-set-' - - -1.............. —-........ -................ 361 Chisels, turning-............... —--.set. -.. -.. -....... —........ I I -------- -------- -------- -----. ——. - - - --------.................... 362 Chucks.........-.......-... —.number....... 4 3 - - - - - - 363 Countershaft. — - --. -do - --............ I..................................................................... 364 Crucibles, -------- —.. — -.. --- o...o....................- 3 6..-...................... 3..........-.....................-..-.................. 365 Castings, iron tools. —-----—..- pounds.- - -....s. -........2..97........ 2,9....... ----- - --- - ---.. —-- —. —- - --- --- -- 366 Coppersmith tools, iron ----—.. ---—.do....- -- —.-. -. -------- -- -- - --- -- —......- - -- - - - -- - —..-... -- -- - --- --- --- --- -------- -------- ------—...................... 367 Couplings, brass -- -- -........................................................................Cp e s i tos id........o 367 Couplings, brass - do - - --- 4~~,....... 368 Camp kettles- -.. number-a... 93 93 93 86....-................................... -. —........................... 369 Checks-lot- 1 1-..........................o -.................... —.......... I. —..... 370 Coal grinder................... number-. 19 — 1. I -.-.. —I --—.-. -.-.-. -.371 D em ijohns ------------------------ do. —-------- - 2 2 2 1 —-- --...............................-............. -----. —..................... — 372 Dippers, tin.-.......... do — 2 2 2............o —- --......................... 373 D utch oven.-......................do -..... I I 1 —.- ------..-.. —.........- -.....-.- -.............-.........-.................. 374 D rills, upright, --—... —.......... —-do...... ----- ----- ------—. -- - -- - I............. --... -------- -------- -- -- -.-.. -------- ----------------------—. 375 Dusters, p —- ----— ainter-'s-do —............... 376 Drivers, screw -..................do-..................... 4................ --................................ 377 D oors, round-house -. —- - -..do 4 —...... -----—....... — - /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ------................. 378 Edges, straight.................... -do............- 2 2 2........................ 379 Engine oil..................ers-do-.. 1........ —-- 14 47................4 380 Engineescraperss —---------------—.do. —----------. —------. —---------------- I ---------. —------. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------. —--------------. —----- 381 Faucets..................... -. —.do............- 5 5 5.......- ---—. ----— A;:1........-.................... I 382 Fitches -.........................do- -4....- 383 Flags.-....................... do.. —- - 30 -30 it 4 19........-................-... —.. -................-......... 384 Furnace, brass - — d- -o.....d............ I -—. - -............... 1 / - - - - - - - --........ —— 1 — - - 385 Frogs, chilled -- -- -- -- ----- —.......do.. ----.. -------- -- - -. —... - ---- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—................................ l5 385 Frogs, chllted -do —---------------— do................. 386 Frogs, plaied-...................do.......................-........- -.....- - 1 4 387 Fireirons...................o...... o...................... - -........ 388 Froes, splitting. —--------- do. —. —.....S..... 5........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------... —- -- 389 Funnels ---------------.......do. 2-. -----—. - --- 390 Grindstones. —- -- -...... -- - do —.-..... 7 7 2 2 1 -................................i................ 6 -..1........ 391 G auges, track -..-.-..............do.... -- - 166 16 16-12................. 392 Gauges, wire-.- --.....do. — -.- 2 2 3 -....................d o........................................ —-- 4 - - 393 Gauges, carpenter's -.-. —. — -—. - -..do................ ----—.. -........ —- -- 4...............................,.......1 —--- -... -.. 1. —.... —. -......1....... 393~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ganescarentrs - o - -- - 4 — 394 Glue kettle ---------- --....do. —--------- -...........- -1. I I.......... —. —- -------- - —..-.........!... 395 Hangers, drop, cast iron - -..pounds —. -- - -------- ---------- 910 852 -------- -------- -------- -------. ——.-. 396 H oes -...-....................-number.-.........- 136 136 27................................ I 397 Hooks, cant- hue.................. do- -10 1....................1.................. ---— 4398 Hooksp c i g........... d. -....................................................pac in-................. 399 Horse powers — ---- -- do —- 3.......................................do1........-..... -----...-.400 H inges, drop.. ----------- --------— do.. —. -------- I —-----.......-..... 13..............................-.....I -.-.. -------- -------- ------—......... 401 Jacks,car-do 0 62............10 0 6 2 4.......do.................................... 1 402 Jacks, hydraulicd............6 6 6 4........................................ -- - 403 Jacks,lever.......do.. 4 442.............................J.ck..e.. 1o.....-. 4......... 404 Jacks,srew.....................-do............ 13 13 15 23 6.................................. 6................ Report showing the disposition of Unitecd States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continued. ^ a ~ ~ 0 Property sold on credit to railroad compa- Property captured and returned 5 [ h Dies under Executive Orders of August 8 t re to owners. ~~ [;and October 14, 1865. t F1 - S S2.2 ao.0cD...... 0. P0 Articles. o ~0 0 i-~ 1 a ^ 1i rI.! ^I~ ~ a I ~- t' I - [. 0 /' 0 ~-. I ~ I.i -.o I.s ~0 P. e P,.M, 0 405 Knives....... o r 406 Knives, butcher............-..-.number...................12 I........................ 1-........'........-.......... 407 Knivespall...................do-2'... 2.........'. —. -..:C V 408 Lamps, car.......................do....................... 405 Knives ad f s.................".. 409 Lamps, carbon oil..................................................... 407 Knveale —-------- - 3 4 — - ---------- 410 Lamps, hand, assorted.. —-....... —-.do................ 4................. 411 —---------- 7Lanterns-............... 411 Lanterns.........................do................................... -' ---- --- 4 13 L ga th es, h ad ----- - -- ---- ----- --- - - —.d o — —.........-.-.-............ II.................' -.:... -........ 412 Lights, whited.-. —--. —-co -~ —— I — --- - --- 61 41 18-24-. — -- 413 Lghts, sredw-cottin1 20................ 1- - - 414 Lathes, ein.... —-—......... —-... —-- do.... —-—.. 2 2 3 ------ ----- -- 415 Lathes, hande. -do - 1.................................................1...... 416 Lathes, driving wheel.- --...... -....-..do..-.1 1. 6..-......1. -''' -— ~ -------- -—; 417 Lathes, locomotive -—.. —..-.d —-. --. —.1..- —....... -do......... H I I - -------- -. ----- --- - - I 4218 Lathes, screw-cutting. —. -- o........do........... ------- ---—... -------—. —---- ----... ---- -- 419 Lathes, turning( 10-borin-......-...do. — I I ll — 1 1 3 1. —--— I —-—. -..... 420 Lathes c..-..l.. ---. —-.- t- - -- -- 1 do.... I ------...... ~41933 ~ Math~eas,t~uresn-ing.........................do........... 3 3 2'3'........ —--....... —-. 421 LaMts, spike.................... 1..........4221 Lamps, caboose oil................ do -...... —- 422 Lamp fillers. do. 7 423 Levers, hand-car ----—..- - -......do...- - 7 7 3 4 424 Levels, machinist's. —.. —-. —---— do.-.-... — - -...-.-..-....... 6.6.. 425 Lead ladle. —-. —— do —--—......-o 426 Mill, coal-black.. 427 Machine, bolt-cutting -.. —--—.-.-.do-1 1. 1.. 1 i II -- I —------ ~ —. - ---- ---- -- 428 Machine, boring- 7 —---— do.- - 6 68 ---- ---- ------------------------- — 7 --- ---- 429 Machine, wheel-boring.-.....-. (I.do- -....- 1 1 1 1 —---------------—.. 430 Machine, circular saw...........-..do ------------ 431 Machine, gumming-.....-........do — 1....:::...;::............ 432 Machine, slottingd-.......... o- - - - —...-..-...o -...-.......433 Measures —do ----------- ----—.do 3 -- --— 2 3 2 —-- 3 2- 3- 2-..... — 43 Mess pans.........................do.... 436 Me4 anM.................kde............................ 66....................................... 261.......... 437 Nippers, cutting..- pairs.......... 2 2 2.................................................................................... 4:38 Pile-driver, steam..............number I I......................... i 439 Punches, belt......................do — ---- 6 6 6....~........ -. ~ —- - --- - 440 Pans,fry..........................do-... 2 2 -- - 3........-........-2.2...3'2- --- - -- 441 Pans, dish.........................do-............ I I........ 6 -1 —- 1-"' -----—.... 442 Pans, tin.................-... do -..-......-....-...-........ —..-...-.......8 —. —- ----- - - - 43 Picks.............................do —....-.... 184 184 169 33....-3 —--—' -- - 21 ----- -- -- ~444 Plates.............................do.... 24 24 18 2 -- -— 4..... 4 445 Plates, tin -(...................... 1d....-.... 36 36 55 42. —..-.~- ~ —-.-.. 1....'....''. 446 Plyers --—......................pairs —..- -- 2 2 4........................-................. 447 Presses, vertical drill...........number-.. -- 2 2 I...''........'.'. -'-'-'''- o 448 Presses, wheel —------ -- do — 2 1 3. —-—. 1 —...............-.-.- -....... 449 P ress, drill, u pright,. —. —- -------.do.-....... --- --- --- --- -------—. --. —-.- I -------- --------''...''.''..'''..' -. --. -—...... —-.......-..- —.- - -- -- - --- ---.'.'....'.'.'.''.'..'.' i i 450 P u m ps, rotary ----------- -. -—... —.do. —.-... — —.- - 2 I2 I.. --.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -................. —-......-.... — - - -- - - -- --—... - - -..... -.. 0 1i 451 P u mips, station.. —.- - - - - - -- -d.- - - -—.5 32 - -- - - - - ------—.. - d-...... -- -- - --- --- -------- ------— l'1'1'............... 4 ---- --- ----—... 452,9 Press, drill, upright - - - —.................do.......... -...... ------— 1........... 1 453 P u lley s -.-.-. —.- - - ---- ---—.-.-..... d o.. -............... 25.. —----—...''''....''''.'''...........'. -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - 450 Pumips, r otary n' -.. —-........ —.do.... -2 -.... 1451 Punchmps, rationad -- do 2- —....................do 120 20 ------ ---------------- --.... 456 P lan er, sink.. —. —- - - - - - - - - -d.- - - - - - - - - - -----—.... -. o................. -- -- - --- -—.. -------- -----—.. ------—..''...''..... -------- -—..-.. -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 452 Planes, irono d.......................do.. -.. — 7 5 - --- - ---. - - - - - -9................ 453 Pulleysd o................... r........d..5 461 RiddlePu ps, sandcGowans................ do.... 7 7 7......7........ 2 —~.. 462 Rollers, boiler.............................Pnhsral. I a d..-do.120 20-'. 456 Planews, circularnk...........-............ —------ -....6 ---------- 457 Planer, compound -.........do-1-. 464 S a w -m ill..........................-d o. —.. -------- -------- ---------- I --------......-......' --------'.'.'.'. ".'.....-.-'. ------ -- -------- ------ -- ------ -- -------- -- -- - 465 Scales, Howe'sarmyo-..............do............. 5 5 6 3 1 1 1 -1-.1 -—...II 1 1 1 466 Scales, counter —— ns — 1 —-—..o. —..-.............................o 1 1- -. - -.....-.......... 467 ShearRasps, iner's.wood-number —do-7. — 2 2 3...-1.9 -..- 111 ---- ---- ---- --- - 468 Shears, ben ch. —---—.... —....-.... do..... --.... —-................ — 2 -------- I --- -—... - -- ------— 11 11.1 11 -- -- - -------- --------...........-.. -------- -- -- - 469 Shears, lever. -................... do....... —.. 1... -. -.'..... - 470 Shovels...........................-do............- 269 269 414 306 32 -------- -------- ------- ~ —~ —~ — ----- ".......1 77'.1....I'- — l'-ll461 SpaRiddles, sand-...................... do - -- 68 68 7- 8........-. ---— ~ —----- 462 SigaRollers, boiler-s — 1do-1- 1 ------ --—......................- I 463 Sawps, round..c.... pair.cularn -8.. I I I -. —..-....I -6-.. -...................ne.. 464 Saw-mips, straight.. —................do................. —.. --- ~ — — ~ — ~ -~ —--— ~ — - - ~ - - 465 Spncales, tHable-.....owe'ets army-5...-........I 1 1....... ". 1.........1.... 466 Spooales, countea....................- do - 5 5 6 7 —.-.. —-.....-............ 467 Shears, ti nnvet ---- number's........ 3....-..... 2 -. - - --- - --- 1 - —........I...... 468 Spachears, benchife.....................do-.... — 1- -—.. --- I " ------ ------ - - - - - 479 Shearves, leverass - --- ---.. do-. --- ----- 1 2 ---- -------- -------- -------- -..........d 1... 480 S hafting -..................... — — p ou nds. --... -------- ------—. --------- 2, 70.....-....-1 1 11' —'l' 11111.1 Ill'.1.11 -------- -------- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - --- --- --- --- 47081 Shafing ---— sections -.. 1 —-.......................-..d.....-. 77....-1.. 1482 Screws, hand...................number..........-.....6.'..... -. -------------------------------- -— 6.............. 47183 Spadesll fo..rk...-..-....do-6 6 — 8I-7.............d.... 6 7 478 Signale rs --- -- --- -do- --....................1. -1.......................l1 1do-1.1-.....d. 473 Snips, round-...........pair-11. 474 Snips, straight....................do.... 47586 Spoons, tab le...................... — set................... I 487 Turn-tabledo........................ I...... 476 Spoons, tea............................................ 488 Tape lines.......7................do.............................. 7 Sets, ivet............................. 48Spatehel knife-.do - 1.... 479 Sieves, brass-...........do - 2... 480 Shafting-............pounds-2.00 41Shafling-............ections - 1.. 482, S crews, hand -...........mnber-6.. 483 Stall fork-...........do-1... 484 Shackle bars -...........do-I....... 485 Solder irons.............do -...... 3 486 Stabedo1 487 Turn-table-............do-1-. 488 Tape lines-............do-7 7-.. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. I" T$ 0 Property s~d on credit to railroad c ompa- c and r e I ^ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Propert captued and returned I Ca nies undO Executive Orders of August 8 t Powers. n and October 14, 1865., ~~ 8.0 ~~~ A..0 ~~~~Articles. C.)0.4~ $^ ^? CO aa._ o,'0 Q)' 0.o a C 0 0 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a~~~~~~~~'0'0a CaC + ~ ~ _ =..- ~-. -a t;*3 ~ 5 *0j~ 0A-,~ api!~ 01~ a1 0 a I 0 ~ i ^i i r ~^ ^0~ P H I" ~ H i 489 Tents, common.do............-8 number......-..........-............-........-.. —....-..-..-.-.........-.................8................ - 4900 Tenttppole's, om mono............... dodo —.. —-. -----------—. —-. —-—. —-—. —. —-—. —. —---. — -- ---—.. —-----.. —-----.. —---—. —--------------.. —------ -------- 491 Tools, coppersmith —---- -set-........................................................... 492 Tools, grainer's...................do- - 1 I.................................................................................. 493 Tools, sash...................... dozen.......... 1 1-12 1 1-12 1 1-12........................................................................................ 493 Tools, sash~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dozen..1 1-12 1 1-12 1 1.12.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 494 Tools, m achinist's iron.......... pounds.................................... 2,131................................................................................ 495 Tools, m achinist's steel.......... do -- 1, 115............................................................................... 496 Trucks, baggage............... number. --... -------- ------—. --- --- --.... — 2................................................................................ 1W 497 Tank valves.do...... —-- do............... 4 2............ ---- 0 498 Tallow, tin, pots...............pdo..............and-ies-ou-d.86 9 -....- -.-.-. ---—...... — —. - 4999 Tapssandddiess —---------------—.pounds. —.-. —----------—. — -------- ---. —--- 66...-. —--------------------- --------------------------—. —---------------------- 500 Trucks, tim ber.................-num ber..-... —.-....-...........-.... -------- --------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 4........-........?D 501 Tuelirons.. —--—.............. — odo —----------—.. —----—... — 6 ---------------------.. —-- -..... —.-...2........2- ---- 502 Water spouts and valves -......... do............ 4 4 4.......... - -. —.-...- -----—. — - -----—' 503 Wheelbarrows.d —-------—........ o............- 6 6 29 12 ----—.9................... -.....-..-...-..... 9.. 504 Wrenches.d.................. —-..-o............ — 3 3 28........ 31....-.....................................-... 505 Wrenches, bridge.................. o..-..... 40 40 15........ 5................................................- 27................ 506 Wrenches, iron....................-do............- 36 36 25 -....... 24. —.............................. -----—....... —...... — —.....- -—..... 507 Wrenches, monkey....... do............ 32 32 120 48 5...........- -...........37.-.. —. 508 Water tanks.....................-do.....-.................-.-... 4 6............................................................................-.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~51 510 Shears, tum m er....................- do................ I............................................ ---------- --- -- -- --- -- -- -------- -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - 512 Acid, muriatic................pounds-.-.. —-. 21 21 6............................................................. —---—.......- 15 513 Acid, nitric.do. 25 25 9.1 15 514 Acid, sulphuric....................-do............- 40 40 22..............................-..............-............-.......... 18 515 Axehandles....................number.......... 61 61........ 36 9................................................ — 97 516 A dzehandles.....Adze............. do.....handles. 15 15..........................do.........-...15.............15.......................39.....-39 517 Axe handles, broad.........do....... 30 30...................-...........-...........-. 30 518 Alcohol.........................gallons........ 50 50 20 5.............................................. -...................... 30 519 Antim ony......................pounds.......... 264 264 169 70....................................................................... 165 520 Axles, car...................... number.. 72 8 ^0 92 1 72................................ 72................1........ 521 Axles, driving.....................do......... 6 6 3...............................................................-..... 3 522 Axles, locom otived..................do. -.-.. 2 2........ 1...................................................................-.... 1 523 Axles, tender -...................... do. —------- 14 14 4................................................................................ 10 524 Axles, trnck-...................... do...................- - ------- 10 17........................................................................ 8 525 Asphaltum..................... gallons. —------ - 40 40 6 37........................................................................ 5 526 Babbit metal................... pounds.-.........- 9 9 10 182....................................................................... 83 527 Balances, steam -................number. IL..-...-. l..............................-.. -.................................. 11 528 Belting...................feet....-..... 804 804 1,017....................................................................................... 529 Benzine.-......................gallons. —------- 194 194 1303.....-......................................................... 32......: 116 530 Belting, rubberf...................feet.-.......... 6 6. —.. 1022........................................................................ 112 531 Belting, leather....................do- - 2,124 2,124 2, 056 571 130................................................-................ 264 532 Bonnetssmokestack........ number-3 3 3....................................................................................... 533 Borax.......unds 18 118 731 591 534 osc —---— ue....3 —---------— 4 Boxescar................ 3. - - —. —-. — 3 535 Boxes..........-.....-.Boxes.-. —-.do............-doI -.................. —.........-1...............-....................-.. —...-.-......1...-I 536 Brads -........... —----—..papers.-......... 348 348 380 42 23..... -......- -—... - - -----—. —----—................... 114 537 Brads"-......................- pounds.-......... 300 300 168 7 100..........................-............ —-.... - -......... 34 538 Brass, roll. —---------------- -.do. —--------- 161 161 259 43................................................... —-...................263 539 Brass, sheet.-...................do............ 106 106 73 94..................................-....- —.................- 247 540 Brass -............- -. —do. —-........ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------...- -------- -------- ---—... —---- 1971.... —--- 541 Blueblack....................... tubes.......... 8 8 - --- -.... - —... —.-..........-.................-..... —- --. -8 —- -- ~ —I —--- -. 542 lu B...............uenew.... 33-do...... -...........3......3........ -... -.......-3 543 Bunting, red.....................yards.......... 401 401 151 10.......................................................-...-........ —-- 20 544 Boxes, drivingn.................number.......... 4 4 4...- --....... —................... —...-.. —............-.....-........ 4 - 545 Boxes, packing....................do.. ----.. -------- --- -- -.......- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..... ----—. --------.-.. —. — 5 -------- -------- 546 Branch pipe, copper........-....pounds-....-....... —...................-. w -................................................................ 14................ 547 Bib cocks, brass...............number......................... — - 7 6....-..-..........-........-........-..........-...... -.... -.......-.-.-. —~-... 548 Bronze, gold.................... papers............................ 2 -- -........-........................-...... —--- - ~..... —..- 4 J 549 Brake beams and blocks -....... number -- -------- --------............... — - - - 9 -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- 550 Bolts, carriages. ---—.............poundso........................ 4.....-137................ 137.. --------........ —------------ ----....... 552 Boiler'bands...................- number. --... -------- ---- ---...... — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- -------- 4................ f 553 Bolt heads...................... pounds............................................ -... -..................-................................ 230 -------- ------- - 554 Bolts, scrap........................-do...................................................................................................... 340................ 555 Candles.............. —........-..do....... 1 3 1 3.. -.-................................ 16........ — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- -------- -------- 16)3 559 Castings, brass ------------------—.do....... -... -... 67.......................................... 256175 -------------------------------------------—...............554 Bolts, scrap-do-340-!~I, 5560 Castings, briass gauge cocksetn1 —-........1do.... -------- --------... —-. -. --- - -. —- 19 -------- -------- ------—.. --------. —.. - -------- ---------........-..... 561 Chairs, railroad...................do............ 27 27 ------- 5, 440 800.......................................- --......... —--- 1, 927 562 Chalk, white.-....................do.-.......... 48 48........ 7 20..................................-... —----—..............-53 563 Chalk,red. —----------- -..... do -............ 5 5 1-...............................-.........-...... —--—...-.. - --. —-... —--— 4 564 Chrome yellow. —---------- -..do............ 71 71 202 18............................................... —-—.. -- -.... — 37 565 Chrome green.....................do............ 61 61 68 31 8 ----- -...... —.......... —. —---.... —-- 36 566 Chrome yellow. —----------—.tubes.-.......... 15 15 ---- -................ —-. —------. —----— 32- 3 567 Chrome green. —................do —--.-.- 13 13 -......... -.......-...-.....- -.. - —. — -—. —--—.. —-. ------- 2 11 568 Chimneys, headlight..-......... number.-......... 12 12 1 41 19 -1............ —-...........-... —. --------- - 1 569 Chrome orange.-...............tubes........... 7 7............... — --.-.-.-.- --- — 7 —- -... —------------- 7 570 Crimson lake.-....................do.-......... 7 7........-........-................................-.......................-.....-...... 7 571 Copper, bar.-..................pounds.-......... 178 178 98................... —......... -----........... — 4 76 ^ 572 Copper, sheet-...................do...-... 2,596 2, 596 2,387 1514 10 -------................................................- 100 310 r,> Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. O Property sold on credit to railroad compa- Property captured and returned tive Orders under Execuive Ordes of August 8 petycaptued and retrned and October 14, 1865. to owners. Cd 7 a, C) c o- 3. 1.. I. I. I IC) 0 +cC) Q=.. 0....0.,...0 ]Articles......0..0 i.. o.0 0.0.~.o.0 55.0 00 C)'0 0 c5 0, a 0.: --.0 0. Ps i 9 5 0 ) A _ _ A A 41 573 Copper,. ingot................... pounds....- 2, 815 2,815 1, 601 1, 300.. -- -----—.. ——. --—..... 3,864 574 Copper, tubing.....................-do....-..- 384 384 1, 126 1,126 -----—... ——.. --—. —-........................................... 53 - 575 Copper, bolt ----------------...do.... ——..... -----—.... 1 —-.............. -------- --------....... -- -------- --------........ 13* 0 577 Cord, bell.......................-pounds-........- 70 70 48. —--- -....... -- ------------- -........... 81 578 Couplings, gas pipe.... —-----— number......-. — 5 5................ 4 --—.-.-. —-. —.-. —----................................. 1 579 Car wheels........................do............- 274 274 134 195 2 -------- - - ---—...................................... 41 - 580 Car wheels and axles...............-do. 134 91 225 71 -—... 7.-....... - ------—.......-.. 43 91 80 ------- 9 9 581 Car window catches....-......-.... do.9 —-- ----—....- -------- ---------- -- - -----—. 19. —-- -------- ------ ------- ---—.....- --—... —-.....0082 Car-spring sockets... —------- pounds. —. ——.- ---—.. ---------- -------- -------- 225... —-- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- 584 Crossheads.. —------....... number.......... 2 2...-...........-... —-......... —---- --... —.........-2 - 585 Colors, assorted -. --- -----—.. lot....-......- 2 2........................... —. —... - --—.... -- ---- -............... 2 1-3 586 Chain brake..................... pounds.... —-- -------- ---------- -------- 41 15. —-----.. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -....... -------- 587 Crucibles.......................number.. 12 12 3 6 —.....-.-. - -- —........-............................ 3 588 Cylinder...........................do..... —... 1 1.......1.......... — - -......... - -...............-.................... I 589 Canvas. —------------------— yards........ --------.-.- ----.... -------- -----—....... 4- 113590 Chains, log. —................. number. - -------- ---—.. —-----. —- I.. —--—.. —--—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 591 Cross-ties....- -.......... —-.do. —-. —-- -------- —.... 2,000 5, 940 --------. —---- -------- -------- -—..... 21, 776 592 Concentrated lye-. —----. boxes..........- -------- --—..-. --------........ -.- --------........... —- 12 593 Cast steel, forged............pounds.3 —. —. — -------- ---------- --—.. 31... —-.. —... —- ---------------- 594 Drop block............ —-. -- - do..-... — 64 64 69 28 -.- —..-... -—..... -------- ---.... —......... - 13 595 Driving wheels and axles -. ——....set.. 1 1.-... I I ----—...-...... I 1 597 Elbows, gas pipe, assorted..........-do. —-.- 19 19 7 -. —.. —---- --- - —....- - --—......2 — -- ------ -- 12 598 Emery cloth -b.c —................ reams —. 1............... ---------- ------- -aus-... I- -........................................................ 599 Emery......................-pounds....-.-... III I11 194 47 30 - -—.. ------ -.. ——.................- 141 600 Frames, door............. —...number-.. —---- 5 5.-. —-. --------............- --—.......... - —.......-.. 5 601 Flues, boiler...................... feet.......- 1, 1781- 1, 178-1-.............. — --—.. —.-. —-. -------- --------.-...................... 1, 1781.......- -------- 602 Flues, copper-..................... do.-. —-.. — 1, 644 1, 644 1, 484 390.... —...................- -- --—.... 160 603 Feed pipes, copper -.. —....... -number.. 1-1- - I I ------—.... —-......... —- -----—...................................1.......- I 604 lu s s e t....Flues,.... d -- - -- - - - — sbe- - — et — - -- - -- — do. — - --- - -- - -- —.- - -- -- -- —.- - —. — - - -- - -- - 605 Felting, hair.......................feet......... 37.............. 271 606 Fire clay..........................loads -- -------- ---------........ -— ~ ~ —- -------- ---- 3 607 Flannel, cottoa -..............yards -8 1 —-25 607 F lannel, cotton....................- yards —.................-..........- 8 10.... - --—. —............... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - ---- -—............... — ---- 25 608 Frames, car door................number- --- -- - -.. 14.. 609 Frogs-.-....................... do... 4 -------- 4........ 6........4... -............4................ 610 Gas pipe. —— _ —------------------ feet. —- 800 800 614 310 38. -...1. -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ""359 611 Gas pipe. —----------------------- pieces.-.. —-- 8 8.- -....... ——.........-. —----....-8...... -. 3 612 Glasses, head-light. —------------ number. —.......- 11 1] 7........4.............. —-------------------------------------— ~ —~ —-------- 4 613 Goldleaf. —----------------------- books.-.....- 37 37 28 ------ -—.. ——........'........'.'............... 9 614 Gauges, steam...............-..number.....-..- 5 5 4 3 1. —... 12 615 Gum shellac0 —------— pounds —---- 29 29 6 —4'- 23 3-.-......'-:::: —' —-' -------- --------... ".24 616 Gongs, locomotive — nmbr2 2....................... 44 -....... 4 - - 2 617 Globe valves --- --............ do... —-.......... — -.......- 6 5..................................................................... —-- 1 618 G lazier's points.. —. —-.......- -- -. p apers. --... --------.......... --------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -------- --—......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 7 619 HaIiimmer handles, sledg- number......... 2 2 -—. 2.......... --- -.......... —- 2 62 0 H andles, file. --.-. —.......... —- -—.do...... -------- ---........... —-- 17 68......................'................................................'.'. 79 621 Handles, faugerh-. —---.- do.... ---- - -1 ----........ 6 8 - - 1 ---- -- --- - -.- -— 79 - 125 ---- 4 —622 Handles,a.........adze do - —............3......- d... 36........9 ---- 623 Hooks, screw. —------------------ dozen-... -- ------—..-........ -- - -.... - 624 Hose, rubber. —-------........ feet. —------- 1, 329 1, 329 1, 305j -------- I - - -......... -------- -------- 123f? 625 Hose, gum and rubber pounds-........266-ud — -------.... — - - 626 Hose, gum.. -.... —...............feet.-..........1,147 1,147 472 5391 298 -..'. ----'122' 627 Hose, rubber. —---------------- - pounds.-. —...............................................- - ---—.-...-.....- - 628 Head lights.-...................number.-........ 3 3 8 10 - - ~ --- ---— ~ —---— ~~~~~~ - -~-~~-~~ —- --— ~ 629 Iron, assorted. —----------------- pounds —........161, 614 161, 614 76, 620. 60, 000 11, 200. — - " —-— l —---.'.'-.' —-. ------- 107, 300 164 55, 330 620 Iron, boiler.......... —............ do.-...........5,400 5,400 1,275 1,820......... —. -4, —. -. - 4. 213 298 3,214 631 Iron, hoop.............230....................230 1, ---------- -------- --------- -- 53 632 Iron, pig -.........................do. —-------- 47, 308 47,308 34, 680 ------------ ------------------ ------... —--.............. 186 81 13953 9 633 Iron, ussia-............773 773 324.........p........ 3.... 449 634 Iron, shect.-.. do..-. 443 443 3,921 19, 597 60....... -.......... —------------------ 572.. 635 Iron, scrap.-.......... do. --- 760, 000 649, 880 1,409,880........ 40, 000 — 760,000 608, 800 -- 1, 080 636 Iron, tank. —----------------------- do. —--------- 18, 010 18, 010 9, 325 14, 005 587 ------------------ ------------------------------ 3, 136 --- ---- 6,142 637 Iro,, wwro htht........ —----— lieu —-.do. —-- -------- ------—. —-------- ------------------------ ---------------- -------- -------—.. -.. — do....... -...... 40 000........ 638 Iron, rais ilroad....................bars..................................................... 370 6:39 Irone hanglepons-, 500ge.....nme. 66339 IIro an gle...-. —-----------------—. —....pou n ds.. — -------- -------- — 1, —------ ------—.'.'.'.''.' —------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -----—'- -—' ——'.-'.' —--'.' —'. —'..'.-. -.......640 Iron, truck frame ---. do7....7.................................. 1,771 —— ~ ---- - - - 641 Iron, forge -- --. —--- - -....do.....- - —............. -------- 784 ------------------------...... -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 642 Iron,0 scraporged -do..............................0........ lio c808.... ---- ----... 643 Iron, mandrel.......................do................... 206 644 Indiared. ------ -............. do. —--------- 284 284 251 45 -...... —---— """""'""' -------------- ~ —--------------------- 76' 645 India redi —--- ------- - tubes - 1.... I I.... -------— " —-- -—.'.'...'.." — - - - - -1 646 Jet black —. ---- ----. do............ 5 5 --... -- -. —- 11.-.'11....1... 5 647 Hines, sea-grass..-number.-.. - 6 6-. —- —.....................-.. 6 648 Laimpblack.-.. —.............. pounds.......... 37 37 8 14 ~ —- — 1' --------. —'.-..'.'. —---- -------- 39 649 Laimp-burners cue-.......number.......... 36 36 36 —.......... 650 Lead, pig. - ab............ -.. pounds.......... 5,170 5,170........ 145 23-0......-. 30 —- -- 85 651 Lead. red -... —..... —.......... —--....... 390 390 316 175 --- ---- - -—.-.- - -. - 174 652 Lead, white.do.2do9............ 1,071 1,07 553 231........... 2 984 653 Line, shafting....-. -- - feet- ------ 150 150 150.....................nme...... ---- - - - - - - 654 Lead pipe -. -—.....-.-..pounds - -....... —... —--------—. 823........................ ---------------- 1, 701 f655 Lead, black........................ do...................................... 8 b —k.d.. ------ 8 ---- -------— _ -- - - - 3 656 Leather, whang-...................sides.........................9.... 9 7 -... —---- -- - 1-, 0 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad compa-.0,~1. Pro sol on credt to rairoad co Property captnred and retnrned ~ ^4 D~~~ies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. t Owes ~~~~~~~~~.0'-Cl" Pa 1 Ca 0 a NI ^a ~ ^ 1 1- ~ -! - 1 1 1 1 -.~ A.I 11Articles. - I..d 0 I o o a io^ I ~'0 J _g m,. a ^~~~~~~~~ I ti t.-''l' I- -i -t I ~. ^' 0 a 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 0 a a 0 a 0 P~~~~~ H~n P., C 657 Leather, sole.ponnd....50 13.............................123 6589 Lifred.5..........rl.......-.... 5-~ —................................ 658 Mathes...........................d g s...................................................................................... 41 659 Lime...............barrels cut...............5......................2.. 2 660 Matches, fo.....................2o.....g............ 2. 42 5.........-....... —..-...................................... 8 664 ilani handles, spike.............number.......... 15 24.......................................................... 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;1 665 Nails, cinctp.......................8, 10(1.8............., 1 00 3, 50(0 853 980................................ 297 664 Nails, wronght.................................................................................................... 300 665 Nails, clinch. 2 2...........c............lh.............d.......................................... 666 Ntshr.................... d................. 3.....536 2, 708 1739................................................... 3........ 23 67 Naples yellow —. 8....8.......t... d5 - - - - ] - - - - -.-. -.-.-.-.................. - 668 Nipples~nnmber. 2 2....2 l 669 Ochre. t................ 3...........ub s - 3..................................................................... 1 2 670 Ochre, Romaln......................................................................................... 10 671 Olchre, yellow...................p......... D77...........1 12 12.1,593- - - 142 672 Oil, coalgl lons.. 76. 6. 8(. 11...27........ 3674 Oils, linseed.hing..................do....- 50 50 15 74 2................................... 183 675 Oxalic acid.p.nndo..7 7........27 6 76 N ail s, h e a d -lin c h t- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - —.........................../ 10 0 g all.................- - - - -........ -........ - 4 674 Nuts inggse..d......................... 3..........2.. 708 15 739 -........................ 29........ 18.91 6758 xnailes sac id hair...............number.......... 4 4 4.....- -......... 7 —. —- —......................................................... 2 676 Ocil, rhead -light....................gallons............ 40 4...............1................ 4... - -..4 ---- -- - 33+- 677 Packhing gm.pounds ls... - 232 232 32 3 9 1.....................19 —............................ " — 1 64 678 Pncils, sable h air...............u................................................................ 679 Pencils, stripinge....................do...........48................................................ 148 48 680 Puickhandles................do.................................................................16........ 4 681 Potash e.......................d...d......... 9 9........glo 3.-........-........................................... 17 682 Prnssian bdum -.o.. ---- 32 32 10 29 6.................................................9........ 17 686 Picking, hemp..................pounds............................................................. 84................ 68 Prple laked o..9 9................9................................................................. 9 685 Piens, crank........................et............ 1 1........ 1........................................................ 684 Prple, lmae..................... do ".......... 10 687 Pipe, brassk.et....69.....133+..............................'.3.. 688 Paper, emery.....................quires.......................................... 10 689 Paint, mineral..pud......2.........200 690 Pins, wrist...................... —number................................. 160..................... 690 Pins, wrist......................mer......................................' 6............ 61Rivets.............. papers..3 3 —— 3 692 Rivets.......................... number.......... 5, 369 5, 369 28,500 2, 907 174............... 0 693 Rivets, copper -oud.3 3.......... —.......... -- --- --- - 70 694 Rivetsand burrs - -....................do............ 7 7.......................................... 695 Rope - -..............................do - - 3............ 3,355. 3, 355 1,233 1,341. 180. —.......... - - 696 Rose pink....................-......do-....35 15 3-....................................... 3 698 Rosind.o - - - - —........285..........' 25....'.'.'...'.''.''''.........285 - ----- - - -'.'.'.'.'.'.' --- - - - - - -~~~ -- 699 Smokestacks...... —------------— number...... —. 3 3 3 1 —-------------------- ---------— 1- -3 —-- - 3 700 Spikes, boat..- -- pounds-.......... 3, 394 3,394 1, 736 -. ----- -- - - -—. —- - - - - - - 1, 658 701 Spikes, cut -- ----- -----.... doo-............ 130 130 --— 30 —--.. ---— ~. —------------- —.. ---—...... —-,. 702 Spikes, railroad...... —------------ do............ 10,426 10,426 9, 000 15,300 900 -.. - - ~- -- - - -- --- - - — "672 25, 064 703 Spelter - -...............do...- 37 18 3-................................ 34 704 Steel- ---- --- do —-- 2,194 2,194... —----—.......................'927 -- 267 705 Steel, cast —............ —........do — 764 764 2,434 5, 297 1,385- - - - 4, 180 — 2, 884 706 S teel springs -....-........-...-.. do-..o-............................................380. —----—. —------. —---' —.1, —. —-. —-. —--. —. —---. —..380-....-.'.'.'..'.'.'-..-.... 707 Springs, spiral - -.. —....-.-......number-................. -- 348 -- -- ---..................... ---- ---- ---- - 708 Springs, volute. —----—. —--- pounds.-................................... 677 -------- -------- - -..... -..-.. 709 5 Iphur -- do-50 710 Springs, rubber....................do- - 184 184 255 105 177..- -8 711 Screws, lag - ----- -......... do.... —------ 628 628 112........ 375 ------—.-''..' —''..''..'.................'..'..''......' —-- - - - - 141] 712 Screws, woodn...................number.. —------ 15,284 15,284 ------—... —-- 9, 072 -------- -— "-1-1- -11-11 II.1 —'.-.- 11 11-1- 15,284 713 Steam gauge-cocks- ---—..........do —- -1-........ — 13 13....................-~~~-~-~........1... --- - ~' 714 Straps, eccentric.o.................do............ 2 2....................................................... 2 715 Spongep.........................-apounds.......... 47 47 43 ----. — -------- -------- --------.-1-1 --- 9 — - - - - - -9 716 Sienna, raw......................- - tubes -....... 6 6..................6 - ----........6 - ---- --- -- II 6 717 Sienna, burnt —....................pounds - -.......... 4 44 -.........- -- —............... — 4 7.18 Straps and rods, eccentric -- ets...........-1 1............... —-.......... 1. Hl - - I,3 - 59 ------ -1- I 719 Saw-handles, cross-cut —...........number -.......... 8 8...........................-.........- 8 720 Switch ropes - -do.............3 2.....-..................................... 3.............. 721 Soap - -poun........................ds......................................................3.....111........ 64 722 Skins, chamois,.....-..........number —--------------------------------------— ~ —--- - - - - --— ~ — -...-...- - ~~-..6.. 6 723 Springs, bolster....................do - - —............ --- - 68 12 4..~~~.. 55. -~~ — -~ --- ~ ~..4.... 724 Tacks...........................papers.......... 3,648 3, 648 3, 335 217 29 -- 26........ 9.. 725 Timber.- - - ------------—.feet............................. 4, 478 4, 992 186.. -. -—..... - - - --- 13.9..-............ 12 726 Tallow.... —............ — ---- pounds. —------ 9, 983 9,983 6, 224 750 500 — 3............-......-........-.................... 637 727 Tin............ —----------------- do ----------- 219 219 98 10-........ —. —.................. —.-..................-..... I 728 Tin, plate......... —-------------- boxes. —-- - 21- 2 —7-........ -.......... -- -------------- ~~~-~ —------- -~ —-~-. —.-. 729 Tin, block....... —-............pounds........................ — - - 2891-........ la...' -------- - - - - - 350 730 Tire, locomotive - - do -3.267 3,.27-3, do............ 3,267 3,267.......num........ —--................ 9,0 —-l.1111 3 26 -~731 Tire, locomotive -........... —-.number................... 12..................... - -- - 732 Turpentine —-- ------— gallons —--- 23 23 19. 6 1.-... ----- Il'1 -- - "" - - - - - - -9 47 733 Thread, cuttingl.....................lot... —-... I I...........................................1111111........1...........llll..111........... 1 734 Tire, flanged....-...............pounds- -....... --------.................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 4, 045.'4045 735 Tripoli.......... —----—......... papers..........-.......................................................................................................... 48 736 Twine, hemp... —.............pounds. - - - --...................................................................................11111 737 Tube, colors assorted. ---—.. dozen - - -. 15 3 -1.........................1.....I..1.............. 111111.111" ll.. l'""6 738 Umber, burnt....................pounds. —------- 9 9 4 5..........................' -.~.-.~.~. 739 Umber, raw -........................ do. —------- 20 20 20............... 740 Umber, burntt....................tubes-........... 9 9.-.-...-.. — -.............ll.lllll'.1 — 1'.'.'.1111.'.'...1l.1.1....'.... 9 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. r;: a ~ o Property sold on credit to railroad compa- o p 1 1 - I' m hies under Executive Orders of August 8 captured an returned ~~~~~ " - ~ -S and October 14, 1865. wners. a ca ___ ~__ __ ___-_______~__ _____________ ___ __ a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o ownrs 00 Sx I. P. o c - _ ___ a a at a ~0 S a=/f1.,~ o A. - -! I IArticles, a a c a 0 c a'I a -aaic — ~:::::::::::: a::::::::::.... a4 Valvs che A ck~...........ubr c6 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ I - a a a^ - Q a 741 Umber, raw-................tubes............ 4 4. - 4 742 Ultra-a iiice blue.........pounds....... 23 23 12 2 --—...............11^"" " " "" " " 743 Vasves check. number —6 6- - -- -~744 Varnisih............ gallons.- -... 94 94 71. —. 2-... - -~.-..-2. 745 Varnish, Japan.....................do33....-31 24 746 Varnish, coach.-...................do...-.............68.......1 747 Vermillion.pounds - - 147 147 125 24 — ~ -46 748 Vermillion.......................tubes........... - 5 5- -' -------------- -- 749 Vani Dyke brown do -............ 9 9......-...'i... -- ----- -- ----—...... 750 Venetian redp 99.....................do....................'....' - - -- -------- -------- 71 Vitriol...........................pounds..158 158 145 - - —......-....- - 133 75 Washers, assorted-.............. n 461 14, 4 1-25 16 14617....... 59 1176........................ 4 753 Vilerm locomotive - do - - -2. — 2 —b.d. -........ 2 2 ----- 2 —-.. —-. --... —------------- ""'8' - -- H 704 WVe.-pounds —..rown —. ------—.....pou.......... 3329 3329- 216 42......................... —....\\ - ~ —-- - -~-~~~.. —. 755 W- ire-i-a.............do........ 117 117 123 15 2............ 26-..... —.-... — )750V6 W i i nre d c —. - - - - - - ---—.d o. —-- ---—.......do.......... 6 -- -- - - ---.-.................... --- -—.- ---------- --. —-9 757 Wie locomotive bonnet-..-.... re feet................. -.................. 80....... 758 Wieels, truck-tr...............number.......... 453 53 20 14 16. —-17 -.-.... —--- ------- ~ —~ ----------------.... —— ^ 754 Whitrng. —-pounds-... 120 30.-.- - 34 760o- Wa48s9te......120..........15.......d............................. 48 9 12...........-.-............ - - - 761 Wool.. - -... —.................... — do-.. 389.. —1 —--- 53 76~~~~~ Wick isiel) - do - ----- ----------- - — 4 762 W ick, la ml p..-.-. —............... —-do.. ---- -------- --------...' ---- --- - -- --- - -- --- - -- --—..... -- - -- - --—'. " I.'' "'' --- -—'.. ------- -- ~ —-- ~ -------- -------- ------ —. 4 763 Yarn, packing -................ do - -....... 636 636 326 114 1501'-' —- ""155 -------- — ~ —— ~- - -------- -------- -------- 164 764 Zinc-d —---— o..............do. 56 56 257~ —---------- -... 765 Ziiic, oshet.... ——.. —..........-...do-... 82 2821 25:3 —-2.............................................. 2 766 Zinc, French.. —---—..... — do-............ - 188do —-----—............. 18 188 188.-....... 767 Zinc, slab -d.-o-6 -1............-...do............ 65 65-....- 419...........- —.. ----- -- - - - 2921 [Enclosure No. 2.] Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property n the military division of the Tennessee for which Captain TV. R. Hopkins, A. Q. M., is responsible. [The property sold under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865, was appraised by a board convened by Major General G. H. Thomas, commanding military division of the Tennessee; copy of order herewith. The property sold to the Southwestern Iron Comrpany was a few items for which they were charged by the United States in excess of the price paidby them for the rolling- mill at Chattanooga, as per public advertisement. The prices were fixed by the board convened by Major General G. 1-1. Thomas, commanding military division of the Tennessee, to assess the value of property sold to railroads. The property sold at auction was in accordance with the authority of the Secretary of War, communicated through the Quartermaster General. The captured property was returned to the owner by instructions received from Major General G. H. Thomas, commanding military division of the Tennessee.] ~fr. n,; ^ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad com- Captured prop-. g " ^, o panics under the Executive Orders of erty returned o j t a.~ August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. Articles. - IDb a'1. ^. a1 a- a a - E~ cpd 1 I Ambulances.-...................number. —--------- 1 1...... -- - - - - - -1 2 Anvils.-. —---................do..-........... 59 59 2 6 2 2 -4 —-— ~~~~ —--- 105 —---.......... 3 Axes.-.............................do.............. 2,455 2,455 64 95 146 24 -.'.'...... 25....... 773 3,944 4 Axes, broad.-......................do. —----------- 255 255 48 3 2 6 ------..... —---------------- 12 526 5 Axes, hand.-................. do. —----------- 3 3 --------—...- - ----- 4 --------------------------- - -—.-...... 30 2-21 6 Adzcs ---- --............. do. —----------- 102 102.................... 32 - ~~~ —----—. ---- --—.. 263 2-28 7 Adzes, railroad.-....................do.............. 598 598 24 3 59 12-....... 2 - -- - 597 8 Augers-............................do.-3 —--------- 1,231 1,231 1 25 3L...93 —---------- ------ - 93 1,462 9 Awls, brad.........................do. —----------- 99 99.......... 9 31 — 225..........4..'...'.. 2- 1 2 5 10 Awls, scratch-......................do.............. 350 350.................... 7.......- -12 —------- 1.......... 110 554 11 Awls, saddlers'. —----------------—.do. —---------- 30 30 -30. ---------- ---.......-.............. - 12 Alcohol.-........................gallons.-.......... 19 19 8...... — -—...'...'..'-.'.'.'...........' 243 5 13 Acid, sulphuric.-................pouids.-........... 16 16 ------------------—............. — - -—............................... 16 166 14 Acid, oxalic..-...................... do.-..........................................................................d.1.1.. 1111..11 1111...... 12 5 15 Acid, nuriatic......................do.............. 6 6 -................................1.. --- - - -............. 6 11 17 Axes, ship....................... number.......................................................................17......................1....... 1 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 48c.-Continued. ^ ~- C It S. Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- ~C~ ^ ~ ~~ ^panics under the Executive Orders of erty returned 1 a August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. a ft, ~^ ____ ____ ____________ _______ e _ -gcc ^ S ap a o ~: 4~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a @ ~^ ^^ p^. ^^ -' ada S Articlesi r It~. a a C a i -~-~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~zc 18 Ax es te _e.......... u b r......................................................... 2..... - 19 ug rs m ch ne orng.... -...- do..........................................- -.. -......................................... 1.. 1~ ~~~.'C' ~:...... Axlx ese s,i e r ck. engine.. -. o.... t r u c................................... -..............o................4........ 21 Books,..........,.u........ 8 22 Books, blank, 3-quire............... do... ]]]]]........... 41 4.......... 2 8...................................'8]3 ] 23 Books, blank, 3-quire............... do...'......... 27 2.........i 3 15........... lS.........-..................I l 3 0 4 24 Books, blank, 14-quire...............do.....-... I 7 I7..........3 S............-................-................ 4..... 5 0 300 21 Books, blank, 12-quire - do~.. - - — 3......... 06. 22 Books; blank, 3-quire - do - 41 41 2 18 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -18 30 23 Books, blank, 4-quire - do. -27 4- 27 3 15 —0 24 Books, blank, 12-quire - do-1~W 0 1-1 - C 25 Books, memorandum............-.-.do -.. -125 125 7..3- 36.....-......................... 1122 -.. 26 Books, time.........................do -....'160 160.......... 7 24 6.-........-......... 349 188 0 27 Blanks, quartermasters'............ quires............ 1-12 6961-12................................................................. 1,921 200 28 Bands, rubber...................number............ 44 144..................................................................... 144......... 29 Baskets, scrap......................do.............. 2 2.....................-....................... -.......... -.......-.....3 0 30 Boxes, post officed........................................................-7 18 31 Bells, call..........................do1 1...1.... 1.1......................... 32 Brushes, copy......................do.............. 7 7. 6 1...................... 3 16 233 Blankets, saddleank,....-.....do.....10 10 -----... —---—......................... —---------------- - - --- -.........6...........' —- 162 34 Books, copy........................do...... 6............................. 24 7 36 Boars, engine couping.........................do..13.......... 0 0............................... 1 37 B ows, ox yoke................~~...... do........' 7: 7.................. -.. -............ -......- -' - -. 5 38 Bows, wagon-......................do.............. 572 572...........................-............................................ 1. 921 651 39 Boelts, king.........................do-....0 2..-............- - ---. — - -- --- --- -. 6 3 30 Bioides, wagost n..ce —-................. do.............. 26 2 -- - -- - 30............ — ---.. — - ----—....-... -—.. ——.... -.-. —. —.. —--- 12 is 37 Bowls, ox yoke-d......................do......27 75 275. -—.......- - ------ 852 39 Boxes, feed-. do-60..... 12- 12-.......35 ——... -..... — -- -- 4 40 Bodles, kwagong -..................do - 3.... 3 0330 20 2 ------ 76 — - - - -2 42 41 Bridles, riding -.......... do-5 -- 18 —IS......3............ —....-.. -- -- 42 Brushes, horse ---------------------- do ---- ---------- 271 271 -..........-.......... —--------------------- - ----------- 34 -------- W30 274 43 Buckets, water.....................do -. 1, 962 1, 962 13 70 105 12103 994 991 44 Buckets, tender —--------— do -------- 12 12 ----- ---------- -------------------- - - - - 4 8 45 Bellows, blacksmith's -..............do.... 39 39 2 6 3 4....2........ 76 46 Bellows, hand do.... 18 18.2 25 47 Bevels..............................do.............. 95 95.................... 12 - -1........ 14 112 4 Bevels, T..........................do.......... 3 49 Bevtls,car...st.3 3........ 13 5.... 13..... 1 49 B~its, car............................ sets........ 3 37..... 13 I............. 375 bO Bits, auger.number..................... 150 51 Bracesand bits.....................sets............ 61 61.................... I..................... 3........ 49 9 52 Braces, iron.....................number............ 72 72.... 12 3 2................ 2........ 10 117 53 Bars................................do.............. 722 722..................................................... 14........ 708.......... 54 Bars, timber........................do. — 70 70......................................................... 60 14 s5 70I..6 14 55 Bars, claw.......................... do-....... 256 256 116 36 54 10................ 3........ 40 480 56 Books, requisition-... do-..............-5..........57 Books, blank, 6-quire............... do. —-':.-..................4 58 Bars, lining......................... do..105 — -- 105 1057.............. 19.................. 22 172 59 Bars, tamping.................-.....do. —- 409 499.......... 104 159......................... 6........ 16 625 60 Bars, pinch....................... —..do.. — 227 227 50 56 74 12 —-------------— 36 395 61 Basins, wash- do..-........... 873 873 1 3 10 1................ 66........ 128 789 62 Bits, M ullen Japan................. do....................................................................................................... 24.......... 63 Bells, signal gong ---- --- o —...... 6 6.-.............................................................- 6 64 Bells, engine alarm................. do.............. 10 10.................. 6 3- 2........ 10 16 65 Balances, spring —-d. — o.............. I I —....................do...-...... 23 66 Balances, spring and dish............ do.............. 20 20.......... 3................................... 1........ 11 25 67 Blocks, sw aged chittled............. do.............. 12 12..................................................................... 10 2 68 Blocks, double tackle...............do24 1....-7 4 26 24......... 6................. 18 69 Blocks, iron pulley.................. do.................... 2 1. 3 3 70 Blocks, snatch...................... do.............. 67 67-.......... -..... -. 3.- —..................... 2........ 17 70 71 Blocks, pillow. —----- do-.............. 9 9..........-........................................ -... 3 6. 72 Blocks, rig-ging...................... do.............. 34.......................-.................................. I......................... 34.......... 73 Blocks,triple —..............23 23 1 5........o.. 2................ 2........ 14 6 74 Blocks, tackle. —---------------- - do-.............. 74 74.................... 5.......................................... 6 183 75 Blower & demple, No. 39,& 2pulleys- do-.............. I I.-. —1 —--------—..... 76 Boilers, steam....................... do.............. I........................-.......-..-........................................................ I 77 Boilers, coffee.-.....................do..-........ 47 47..........- —...-.................................................................. 86 78 Boxes, emery. —-------------------- do. —--------- - 253 253.................... I.......................... 2........ 28 243 79 Benches, carpenters'd................ o............................................o........................................................................ 2 80 Boxes, brass, for rollers.- --....... do.............. 8 8.-. —........ -...... -...........-..................-..................... 8 --------- 81 Boxes, pepper do................................ 20........ 31 468 ~~~~~~~~~~~~23 23.......... 12..........i 82 Boxes, grindstone.............. do.............. -.............................................................. 1.......... 83 Boxes, twine-..... do-1 1........................................................................... 84 Boxes, machinery...................do.... -...... I I....- -........... -.......................................................... 1 85 Boxes,cast —......................... do...-.... 2 2 --- --—.............. 2...... 2 --— 387 Bolts for rollers..................... do.............. 6 6............................................................... 6. 88 Bolts for pillows- do- 48 48........................................................ 6........ 48 - 89 Bolts for curving plates --- - do —-57 57 —5................................. 57............................ 90 Borers, tapd...........4.........do.4......'.... —- ------ 4 —------ 4 91 Binders, wrought................-do —------ 458 458 ----- -- -.... — - - -458......................... 92 Brasses for stands...................do.............. 4 4................... -................................. 4 93 Brushes, bench......................do-10........................................... 10 94 Brooms, corn....................... do............. 425 425 12 28 9....................... 115 344 722 95 Broom s, splint......................do.............. 48 48 8............................................................. 12 35 96 Brushes,scrub...................... do- 110 110..............2.......................... 5........ 81 49 97 Brushes, C.H...................... do.............. 22 22...-................................................................. 55.......... 98 Brushes,counter...................do.............. 22 22 -.................................................... 21.......... 99 Brushes, m arking...................do.............. 12 12.......... 4................................................... 15.......... 100 Boxes, salt.......................... do.......................................................................................... 10........ 52 2 101 Belting, gum......................-.. feet.......................................................... 653 2 RPeport showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. I,g. -r ~ ] ~ Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop-. 03 >^ panics under the Executive Orders of erty returned XI 4_1 - August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. o __ _ __ __ __ _ _ o~~~~~~~7,.q o ~C 0 i-e aS a~ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ a a a - -4-~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~R~ ~o ~o ^ i Cai ^ ^ -a 85 a C Articlesus, t.. 1...............d.... 12[.....'..... a~~~~~~~~C a 0 aa a I 1II C ~~~~~ a Ca~~~~~~ a0 0.,o l i C i t 1'i.... i.... is a4 C a-Cs ^ 0 P M H M H H C I 15 102 Brushes, paint -...................number............ 188 188 53 8 48.......... -............ 27......3 - 22 213. i03 Brushes, striping..................-.do.-............ 12 12- ----------....... 5 104 Brushes, varnish.- --.......... do.-............. 79 79 —-------- 9 -...... -- -.............. 3 - 82 -.....105 Brushes, W. W-....... —..........do.............. 143 143.................... 6.. —-—..................... 12........ 33 105 106 Burners,....................... -do.......... 25 25 - - 2 -- -- -. 5........ -22.......... 107 Buggies, timber..................... do.............. 4 4.... - -..... - 2 -- 4.1...... 4 - -- I 19 108 Buggies, iron.......................do -...........- 8 8....8 -- -.......... -—...... —........... —. —-.. -..... 4...-.... 4.......... — 109 Bars, gratte. —-------------------- pounds............ 3,258 3,258 ------ -.................... —---—... —- - - —..........3,258 ------—.................... — 110 Belting, leather.-....................feet......-.. 2,112 2,112 1, 549 3965 —-------- 949 -........ -—........... —...... 4, 943 3, 63:3 111 Bolts, carriage.-.................number.-........... 26 26 ---- ------ 230 600. —----..................... — - - - -------- 2,368 10, 900 112 Bolts and washers -. —----------- - do.... ---------- 8 8 ------ ----- ----------- —..................... 8 -- -. —-- ------ -—.. —.... — 113 Bolts, wrought stud. —-------- -.do.-............. 6 6 ------- --................... —.. -- -.. 6. —--.... —-—......... — 114 Borax. —------------------- - pounds-...........- 37 37 10 20 30 --------—...................... — - - --- - 132 -------- H 115 Brads, assorted -----------------— papers - -.......... 175 175 ---------- ---------- ----—.-. —-—... —..... -—. —--- - - - - - - -------- 277 27 ^ 116 Butts, cast —....................pairs.-........- 112 112 -------- -.. — - 48-.....-. —- 1,099.... 117 Butts, brasse —-------------------— do.............. 84 84.......... 25 253...-.......... —. --—................. 918 564 118 Bunting, red.-.....................yards.-........... 107 107 761 405 64 10. —--- --..................... 608 54 119 Bricks, fire- ------------------— number..-.......... 2,011 2,011- -... — --.-. -...- --. - -. -- -—.......-. —........... - 62,664.......... 120 Brass, sheet.-....................pounds............ 38 38.......... 22 1,770 ---------- 11- ----------------------- 710 2 121 Burlaps -. —----- -........... yards.-........... 5 5 ---------- 50 -------- -...................................... —-- 5 ---------- 1212 Bolts, brass barrel -.. -—....-.number.- ---------- ---------- --. ------- ----------.......... ---------------- - ------- 32 4 12 I3 B enches, w ork 22 — -. -.. o.-.. ------—... —-- ---.- -.... - --- -..... —-.. --- -- --------. -- - ------. -' -- ---------- 124 Burs, copper.-...................pounds............ 5 5 -------— 1 —-- I ----—... - —... - —... —---- 51 1 1216 Books, discharge -. - -.....-..do....-.- - - - - ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------........ -------- --------.. — 7 2 127 Blue, Prussia...-.. —-. -- pounds.- -.-.-.. —. -. ------ 25 6 3 -.-1 ——.. - -------- ----—. —..... 16 4 108 Blue, ultranarine.-............. —- do.... —.......................- - 181 29 ---... -------..-. ------------ 31 4 129 Black, ndia.-...........-........ —..do. —-................................ - 171 24 -...... -----—.. -—.......... 17 49 130 Btits, wrought -................... -pairs...................... —........ —..... — - - 89 ---------- ----—......... - -------- -------- 1,086 6 131 Beam s, scale — -. -......... -. num ber --.......... ---------- ----------. —-.-. —.. — ----......... —- -------- -------- -------- 4.......... 132 Bruslies, sash tool...................doo ---- --------- ---------- -...... -------- -- ----------........ -------- 7......... 133 Bolts, log...........................do......................................................B.................................................... 375.......... 134 Barn and ice-house............................... do.................... 135 Buildings, frame -......... do.-4-5-.. —.......-.................... 5.......... 136 Bolts, hexagon.-.d..o............. 137 Bolts, t ank ho......................do........ 138 Bolts, bridge..............pounds-20, 264.3 139 Braces, jointer.....-..........number- - - - - -5 140 Boats, row........................do. - - - - --....... 2 141 Bars, wrench............. —-do.... — - - - - 142 Bars, hand, steel............ —-do —-.... —143 Boilers, iron wash..................do.... 7 144 Boilers, wash................. —-do —-....- -118 145 Brooms, scrub.....-.... —---—.. —do —-.... --- 2 146 Brushes, dusting.................do - ---.- -....- - 7 147 Buckets, fire..-......... — do..... 148 Boxes, packing.................do... - - - - -25 149 Beds, coal, 200 by 41 feet............ do - --. I... 150 Bridge, McCalluin truss.............do --.... 151 Buildings, privy -..-..... —-do-..... 152 Building, 14 by ].9 -do..................do. 153 Building, officedo -... -................... do........... 154 Boiler-house........................do........... - 155 Buildings, rolling-mill -do...................... 156 Block and pillow, iron chain.........do.. -- -..... —.-... 157 Bolts............................. do........48 158 Buggies, cable..................... do. —-....... I 159 Bells, locomotive.................... do. I 160 Boxes, brass... ----—...................do... 162 Brass, old....- ---- ---....pounds.- ---------- -------------------- B-rass,- old....... -......... pounds —--....... - ---------------- 1,370 80 163 Brakes, finished.-................number.- ------- --- ---------- -. - - 42 -......... -------- ---------------- -.. —.. —164 Beams and head brake.-....... do........ --....... —- ---------- 95.-.-. — —. —a- - — d- -ad brake - do-.. --.........................167 Bars, raising ------------—...........do.- ----..................... -.- -......... 6 -1 -............ —------- I -------- 49 ---------- 171 Buts, iron -nu-iber.- ---------- ---------- --—..-..........-.- -- 42 -. —---------------------------------------------------—.. 172 Braces, ratchet - -..... --------—.do....-. —---—.. 2.......... --------- do2......................... --------.......... ---------- 173 B oards, bulletin,-.........o..... —-..do....rd. —--—.-........bull..-...-..-2-..........tin........-........do-........-....2...-........-........-.......4..-4 174 Boxes, trackman's tool —.. —-......do- ---- ---------- ---------- 18 -.. —- ----------.................. ---------- 57 17.5 Brasses, car.-.. —-----—...... pounds -- ---------- -..... —- -—. —-. 2,569. —.. -.......... --------........ ---------- 176 Boilers, 40 by 42 feet in diameter -.number- - ---------- ----------... -- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- 6........ ---------- -—.... 178 Bits, bracti -- ----- -...........do ---- ---------- ---------- ------------- -.... ----------................................-... —-11.. 305 181 Braces, wood -...................do. — ---------- do....... ----------................................ ---------- II 182 Bricks, fire, half..-..................do- ---- ---- -----.......... ----------- ---------- ----------.......................... 198.......... 183 Bolts, door..........................doo ---- ---------- ---------- ----------.......... ----------.- — 8 ---- - -- - -------- -------- 4 28 18 4 B o i l e r s, t ingd......................... d o-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......... 2.......... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4fc.-Continued. c 0 JU ~ Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- 0. panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned o a August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. 0.03 ^^ _______________ _~____________________. 0 1''-a ll __ - II -^ - a 0 I0 Articles. I. -.., 1 00 0.... 1....1.. 0 - a — a 0 0 0 00 a::.......a.. 05 00 0 0 -. -., 0. 2 I_________ CZ CZI r ^ I- ^ I I I 186 Balances, locomotive spring.-.....number -. —.....-. —-—...................... 4 6 24H-........ 20 8 28 187 Barges. —------- -do-................do.....................................................do.240......." ".. i 1900 Brricksooap - ----— Brick, —-- -—...number. --—......... -..-soap.-. —......... - -........number-2.... —.........-.......... —...... —.......000-................. 191 Brick, split..........................do-300 ---- --------—...'..''..-0'.'.'.- -.-.'. 193 Bars, crow..........................-do....-.......... —— ~~-.... —....... -.....-....... —. —- -. —-...-. -...... 3. 194 Blocks, single. —------------------ do ——. - ---.-..............-1... — -1... 1 2.- -1 —-------------------------- - -2 2 196 Boilers, ting —----------------------— ado —-- -... —-......- -- - --- -1 -3 1............. 3 199 Brown, Van Dykeb —— he —------—.pounds do....- - - - -19 24 ---- 0............................................ 500 200 rick k ey..........................d o...................................................................................000 220, 923 -... " " 201 Brick, bull-heads.....................pdou.................................................................................... o~500~....... 206 Black drop.-... —...........pounds1..........................-........................-19....................'....'............... 117134 207 Buoxes, tool machinen2..............number..... —....... ---—.... —------- -. 20.. —........................-... 2 208 Brakes, head.nel....... ---—..... do1........................................................144....................... 2 0 9 B r a s s e s, t r u c k.... - - - p d ou n d s - -.........- - - -..-...- -- - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0..........-......................................... 210 B ow ls, w hist lie - —.............do............ -- - -------- -- --------— 2 211 Bolts, hunfinished. ---- - -....... do..- ---..... -- - --- -......... —- --- - -...... 700..................................... 215 Cases, tindraweruck. —---........... do........ —----- 12 12 —--..-...- -----—......................15 -------- -------- - 216 Clips, letter —.................do - -- 30 -30-2 - --— 19............... 30 30.................... 217 Clips, boardd.........................do.............. 3 30...................................................................... 1992 218 Clips, brass.......................... do..........9 9.................................................. 9 219 Cutters, paper......................do.............. 54 54....................................." 5"'..... 25 28 220 Chairs, office........................- do............. 139 139.......... 4........................................ 27 110 21 Clocutters, officpaper........................ do... — -54 54................................-.. 23 21 220 Cuphair s, offic es........... 1.........1 21.......1 3................................................... 3......... 222 Cups and sponges- do -...................do.........-3............. 224 Cars, box...-........................do...-. 16......-1-............-.....-'-1-^ 16' — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -.1 1'6'.' ---------------- --------- --------........223 Carups, wdumpter.........................do-.........-.. 226 Coal-.............-.......-.... -. bushels -.. —.-.. —.. —-—.............. ---- - 1, 914 ------—....-.......................-26,604 100 134,014.......... 228 Cars, flatn... 15............15-..................... 15. 229 Cars, passengerdo.. 4....................-..(o.... 4.......... 4.................................... 4............................................ 230 Cars, truck.........................do........................16............................... 21 231 Carts...............................do............... 29 29.1 -1 —.................................. 13 16 232 Cards, horse....................... do........... I I 1.-.-. I-....... 233 Chains, bearing..................... do —............ 72 72 -....................................................................... 81 24 234 Chains, breast l.....................do........ l44 44 -—.- ---...................................................... 30 80 235 Chains, fifth -................. —-..-do —.............. 181 181..-..................................................................... 153 61 236 Chains, halter-do642 642......................................... 627 158 237 Chains, spreadero...................383do....8.................................................... 38.......... 238 Chains, stretcher................ d.... d - -80 80...................................... 6........................................... 13 67 239 Collars,horse......................do.......... 14 14..............................4.......................................... 12 6 240 Collars, m ule.......................... 6 6.............................................................. 6 l 241 Combs, curry.......................do.............. 142 142..................................................... 19 23 681 242 Covers, wagon...................... do.............. 110 110........................................................................ 12 243 Covers, pack-saddle.................do. -....................................................................... 6.......... 244 Chisels, cold........................do.............. 579 579 -......... 52 ---- -- -- -~ —- ~39 1,102. 245 Chisels, split-do-1.............................................................................. 246 Crucibles, black lead................ do.............. 2 32 1...................................... 23 10 247 Coal tons..................................35.......................................... 55 35 248 Chisels,assorted. - nme 227............-2-.............d 2....1. 271 249 Chisels, framing.....................do.............. 891 891 ---------- 7 33' —------------------------ 7 -------- 12 1.382 250 Compassesd....................... o... do..........79................... 12.......................................... 28 79 251 Chisels, firmer.-do.. 3............. 2.................... 4...........................2........ 21 299. 252 Compasses, wingd....................do.......... 24 24.......................................................... 3........ 7 14 253 Chisels, chipdo..............33.........d................................-.......................................... 315 254 Cans, assorted.-.....................do.............. 216 216 2-..............-....... 35.. 116 788 255 Cans, half-gallon.................... do.... 6 6.......... 46 46........................................................................ 256 Cans, one-gallon.................... do-........... 292 292 3 26 42.......................... 3........ 230 2 257 Cans, two-gallon....................do.-............. 335 335 6 1.4 21 6..-............ 6........ 164 230 258 Cans, five-gallon....................- do....110...................... —..................................................... —. 20 1 259 Cans, ten-gallon.-..... —--------—.do.............. 17 17 ---------- 1 2..-....................... 2 -------- 9 18 260 Cans, fifty-gallon.- -............. do. ——.......... - 4 4 --------... — ----- 6 1.................................-........ 5 261 Cans, tallow-do1.................2 10661....d...d -0.............................................................. 190 262 Candlesticks —.................... do.-... ------ 225 225 -........................ —..... —--.............. 37........ 221 283 263 Cases, needle.-...................... do -1-1 —-- - I I.-.............d...-...................................................... I.......... 264 Cellars, oil.-........................do.-............ 56 56 -.................................................................. 56...... 265 Chains, logd.........................do. —-------- - 168 1681........................................................................ 4 275 266 Chisels, track. —----- ----- - do-100 100 —1 0.......................................... 100 267 Collars, fast......................... do.... 5................... 5.......................................... -........ 5 268 Cocks, stop.........................do.................................................................................. 269 Castings, bras................... pounds.......................................... 1,253 309.................................................... 490 Report showing thse disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Fc.-Continued. cProperty sold on credit to railroad crdit t o railroad comrn- Captured prop- 03 + ^>, panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned o a ^ 0 1>. -a Augusi 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. _E^ ii II ii iiS0 Cd L i an I I Articles. 1 1................. 2........... a 1 i 270- s t.....................2 1C......................2240 C s p.......... 1 3.....8 13.......... a 275 Collarsk loosy-inch..................... do... —----. —--- —. —----- ---------- 2.......-........ —.. -. - -..-............................... a-. 270 Chcess, sdlcatr toeels. —--- m —--- -do1.............. I I.-...... -- - —. —----- - --. 2........................... 271 Colcks, loos-s —---— do-1-.............. 2 -. -. 5-. -.. -......... — 1 2 272 Co upins, ate..................... do -13 13..............- - -... —........ I......- -- - -13- --.....-0 273 Crnes, oranss four-wheel ---—.-.-do -1 1-1..............-.... —. -.................. I -....-......... 282 Cpstin —-- ----- ---- do --- 3,748 3,748 1 44 67..... 363 -—.. 789 6,174 283 Cylinders, screw and steam-pump, -..do......- - ------ I 1 ---— 1 —............... —.. —- - ---------------- I ---------- 284 Candles, star -. —---------------- pounds — i -- i-....... —- 160 40 720 -7..0....... ],730...... 285 Candles, car.-.......................do. —-........................................... -- 117 25 -------------------------------- 666.......... 286 Chains, switch-..................... do - - -. - - 14 4 20 -............. —. - --—................. 921 1, 068 287 Chain, cable -..............do.. —-.- 1, 120 1,120..120.-...........,.00.... 798 5, 000 288 Chalk, white. —---- do. —-- -- -- 275 275 357 100 390 50 -....... 267 180 ------— 289 Chalk, —— red.-do. —.... —----- 40 40...............-.............-..... 27 50 290 Cement. —---- - ----------—...- barrels. —.......... —.. ——.. —-—. -.. —--—.- 2 - - - - - - -—...-.. —---................ — 29 3 291 Chains, trace ---—........... number ------- -.. — ---—. — -- - — 21 292 Copper, ingot.-..................pounds-..........- 3, 230 3, 230 -..... —- 518-. —.-.-............ 5, 012.......... 293 Copper, tinned - -..... - -------—.do...... —------ 30 30 -......... — -........ ---- --------- — 75 29 294 Clay, fire. —----............. sacks. -.-.- ---- - 186 186.......-.........-......... -... —.....-..............- 186.......... 295 Cord, bell...................... —-..feet....... —---- 85 85 86 24 47 20. —---------------—.... 524 55 296 Chimneys, lamp. —............. number.-........... 20 20 19 4 6...-.......... —.............. - 352.......... 297 Chimneys, headlight.-...............do...... —------ 59 59 62 20 57 1. —----------------------------- 577 15 298 Cloth enamelled.-................yards.-......... 7 7 108 3 60 12................................ 245.......... 299 Cloth, emery........................ do.............................. — - - 18 10 40 -....................................-.. 57 140 301 Chairs, guard rail...................do........................1.................................................................................. 17.......... 302 Chairs, railroad......................do.... 1,130 1,130 2,536 1,000 1,200- 19,278 303 Copper, sheet.- pounds - —............. —.............. 68 257....... —-------------- --- -------- 1, 9 141 304 Chrome, yellow..................... do —-------------------- - - - 14 13-.......'...'.'...'..'..'...'.. —'-108 41 305 Calipers.......................-..nunmber............ - -23 23.. —....-..-. —1............ 2 10 H306 Cans, oil............................do-..................... —- ---------------—............-:.........:........: 13 107 307 Cans, tin -..........................do4.......... — —..-... - 308 Casting............................pieces — -32 —-- -------- ---. --- --- - ---- - ----..... -- -------- 3 309 Cocks, brass rack.................number-11..111 ---. - 2 4-1- -- 15 1 310 Chrome, green....................-pounds... -. —. —. --- ------.. 15. - --. —-- - - 4 311 Cans, 40-gallon. ---.... number- ----—............................ -...-.. ——.... —--.-. ——. -—. ------ -- ------ -- 3 31 Cans, 4o -allon....-...............nu be 312 Chisels, mortise-o... —....................-....-'........-..1. 11111 ----------------- o 313 Chain, coil ----------------— pounds.-3, 360. 2 314 Covers, wagon...................number..... —..... ---—. —--- -----..... ------ - - - - - 2 ""I:. 315 Clamps, screw-............. —....do —------------ - —....-. ——.......... — - - - - - -10.q 316 Chests, field....... —-....... —--.. -do-4.........5 e 317 C ans, 3-gallon ----------— do —-------— ddo —-- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- ------—. —....... -1....... 5 ] 318 C ab s, locom otiv e --------—... —----. o-....... --—....... — ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- -- --.. — --- --- --- --- --- ---—...-....... -....... 3 319 Chains, brake- -— locomotive- --- ounds- --- —....................d........ — - -- 100 32019 C i s b..........Cu s ha-u..........po...nds__'-200.................200 —-10.......0...........11 13 320 Ciucihles -............number ---— 1 321 Cans, oil, 22-gallon...-... —.........do-1 — -.......... I ------- -.... ---------- - ----- ------ -......... - ---- 322 Cans, oil, 800-gallon................. do —-----— 2-... -------- - -—.. —-- 323 Cans, oil, 20-gallon.................. do..................... 5 —------------ -... —- - --— 1- I 324 Clamps, switch do28 - —................... —...do............... — — ~- — ~ - 325 Cars, hand ---—.......do- -.- ---- 14 16...-....I- -------------------------..-...6.. 326 Cutters, iron... —................... do... —----- ---- 2 100 140 ----- --— II —- 13. 1.. --- - 471 327 Castings, car. --- --.... pounds -- - ---- - ---- - -- - —..- 4,909 -.. - --. —- 2, 846 - 328 Chains, log... —.............. —.do-. —-1 —-....,000 50 -- --— 25 - -6 10 - 329 Chisels, hand, tinners'.........-..number_ —---------—...... ——. — - - - - 330 Chucks, universal -......... —......-do-..... — --- 3 ----- ----- "1 --- 111 ----- 331 Cans, 8-gallon -do —...-............... do...... -- I -- ---------------------------------------------- 332 Catchers, brass seat.. —-....- do.. -.. --- - —........ —-..............-4... -.11......-......1.1- 11111I 334 Crayons, chalk -....................gross -- -—. -.......-. —. i.............. 335 Cranes, driving, wheel..-.......numniber-.............. - ---- - ---- 1 1 - ---- 336 C h airs, p ine -----—..... -- —.....-.-.-...... ----- ----- ---------- ------- 6 ----------.........I-I I.....-........ ------- I1.11.111 —------- -------- --------- - - 3:37 Castings, iron...-............... pounds... - ----- - - - 33, 403 --- -------------------------------------- -- 70 338 Chains, pulley..-....-...............do —.. —1 —--------- I- ---- -—... - " 3'.lll I..... 339 Clay, fire-t-o —---- ---- -- -n s..- -- -- --- - 9............................-s-.. 340 Collars, cast........ —...-........d....-......nu.ber.. - ---- - ---- -.-.-............... - --- - - I - ------------ 341 Castingsp, 1. mu... —----------—.-.pounds.- --— 04 —-- 647 —-.... —-.-. ------—. ---------- -—.. 342 Coolers, water -— ~' ------ ------ --------------------- - -1 — 2 —-- 343 Coppeir, old —---------— pounds —- - - - - - --------- --------------- ---------- ----- ---------- ----- 145 3444 C op p er,, scrap -, —.-... —. —..........do.-............ — —.-..... —......... —......... —......... —......... —......... —.1..... —....... —......1 — 111.111 — 111111111 —64 345 Copper, bar. —-----............do ------------ ------- --- -.60 346 Coppers, soldering -. —.... —..do. —-------- ----- ------ - I 8 347 D ies.... --- --...- - -- - --—. —.-.. -.. —-.d o.... - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -....................-.-..-. ---------- -- ----—.. --- --- - -----—....... 40 -- -— I -. ---------- ------- --- 348 Chains, lock -number.....- ----------------------------........ I --------.......... 4 349 C h ain s, stay...........-. —......... —-do.. —-- --------—. {....-.................. ---------- --------- --------- --- --- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- --........ 20 349 Chains, tongue a ------------ - -.do —20 ---- ---------- ----- ----------........................ --------.......... 5 350 Chis6oged 351 Couplings, 3-link. —-.............- do-... 6 352 Chisels, tinner's ----------— do —----------------------------— 10- --------— I —-- 353 Covers,, tinner's........-....-. —.....do...............................cylinder-head.-d.........-..........-..........-.............................................io 6 353 C overscylcylinder-head.... —------------—...do ---- -----------------------------------------—. --------—...........-,.........-.......-.........-ft Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in. the military division of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. 0 di I':.. I.................Property sold on credit to.i.lroad corn-. Captured piop........ i. I...... paus under the Executive Orders of ~ es..i-returncd 17 i ""'' ^^ t? ^.August 8 and October 14,1863. to owvnerst'0............ 10..........2.............. Articles. )J aCC"Z ~. I:i 1.......... _'. i s';' ~10 l~~~~~~~~g 00~~~0 ^ ^ 0Q i^.' o.'.31 ^ f Ii C,..... 0.11 C,...0 I 0~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c l~o ^ ^ ^~ ^^ ^^ ^^~~~,, ~'.........Ii^ i........ i..... ^"; ~'"1 IS.. i i... 3 C e6 550 Cranes, rd... 00~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 356 Clamps, iron -do —-------- i 4 —---- --------------------- ~9 i -si....... -a~i^^i^~. i 50I 355 Cranes, iron....-...-. —.. —-----— nu mber ------ ------—. -------—... —... ----......-.......... - ---. —-- ----—.. -.. —....-...........-. ---------- -- 2 356 Clamps, iron -----—. -. -.- --—..-. ——.-d(o —.' —.. - - - - - - -- - ---—. —.' —-------... —-..-...... —... -- - -- - --- ----- ---—... —------------------------—..''-.........4 356 Cla mps, iron.... -... ——. —.....- ---— I do..-. -------.- j. ----- 4 —..-.......... I-.......-..( — - -----—.-..- ----—. - - --.-. ----—' —---- - 4 358 C ases for blanks- ----......... —.do.. —--- ----- --—. — ----------—..- --------- 358-, C ase f b a k. -.............. —...-.. -...' -...........-........-.-..! -..-..'".. —- -..... -.......-... 359 Chairs, splint-bottom — do — - -...... (l. o........ —-... —.. J. —- -....................:......... 4 360 Chests, horse m edicine.. —......... -...do..... -. -. -------—. -. ----------. —. ---—.. -- —.... ----- -. —.. ----—. —-.I ----—.. —-.!.. —.-.. —.. —... ——..-.-.-."2 361 Cranes, water.-....o. —-—. —-... — 0-....-.. - ---------- -. -- ------ --.. -.....-..-.................. 15 363 Chicken coops --— do — -. - - - -- - --... --- --—.... —. — -- ------- --- - — K —...-......... —.......-.......... 2 2 363 D esks field.. ------- ------ -------- -..do....... --- -- -........... 2. -... -. --. -...3... -.... - L 364 D esks, office.... -----------------—. do.-.... - 5 5 52' 3 I --------------- -- -----—..-.. —-.... 33 W 365 Dividers..........- ------------— _-.do. — —... —-- 3 2... -------- -------- 5 366 D rills ------ -. -- - -------------—..do 3 3.... - I-..........-.. ------—.-.... 55 367 Drills, ratchet. —---------— _ —---—.do.........- 21 21......... — 4 -------- 1 1.. 233 53 368 Dadoes.......................................-....................d.... —-....-............\.................. 7 369 Drivers, screw- -do....... -......1 37 37...........'' -- ------------ --.... —- ------- 62 117 370 D am pers... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- (l.. o.... ---... —-. — 6 6 - -- - - --------—....... -...............-.'.... \.... 6 1... - 3. —---.... 371 Diamonds, glaziers' -.. —.....-....do..... -.- ----- 4 4 ----— 3 —--.-.- I.. —-—.... — -. —-..:373 D ippersiron........................d(o....-.-... —. 3 32. --..- —. -- - -- -...... -............................ --- --- --- --- ----- ---- ---- 3 --------- 373 Dippers, tin.-.......................do. —------.-.- 606 I06 ---------- 3.....-.-.......8. —-.. 117 507.374 D rills, upright. ------------ ----- do... 1 2..........!. ---- -........-:375 D ripperF, oil- -....................... do —-. 4 4 3 ----------................\.......\.............\..............0O 376 Dusters. —--------------- -....... (ldo- —......... 2 31..... —----.... —.... —--—.-.-. ——...377 D usters, feather.-.....-...........do.............. 9 9 ]... - - --------—..-....-... 6 —. —........ —-..-.. 12 378 Dusters, painters' -- -.......... do......... —..............0.....................-. —..... -----—. 10 6 379 D ogs, lathe.- - - - - - - - - ----—........... do.. ----... ---------- -- -- --.- -- - --—.....1..........- --—.. -.....-. -- -- —.. -............... ------—.... --- -- -....... — -- -- 17 380 D rills for drill press - -...- -.. -.do............ 2 —-..........i.......... ----------.......... --------- I —----- -------- ---------- 25 381 D rills, hand ----- ----- ----- ---—... -.. d....................... -....... —.......................................... --- -- -- --- -- -- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- - -- —... —- - I 382 D rier, patent........ —... — -- —... -pounds. — ---------- ------ -—....................... -.......-.. 3 -- -- -—.. -...-.. ——.. - -—. —. -. --------..........-.......... 383 Dishes, deep. —-------------—.number -- ---------- 4 ---------- 4....... —... --------........ ---------- 384 D oubletrees........... —-.......... — do..............-........... -----------..................... ----------.......!...... --------- ----—. -.. —-- --—...... —S- 33 385 Drills, churn ------------------------ do-.. -............................................ —------- I........... -------- I 386 Desks, field, and tables -............ do.......... — -.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. — -....-......................................1-......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~o387 Envelopes,'letter...........do...- -.. —. —-------- - 125 5,000 --------- -------- --—. —... —---- 24, 092 - ---- 388 Envelopes, 0.e B-......do. —.- -. — ----- ---------— o —------------------ d625 2,500................................... 6,085 1,000 389 Erasers, rubber.-.....................do. ——. -------- 38' 38 ----—.- - ------- --........................................... — 80-.......... 390 Engines, 20-horse power.-........ (ldo.-1 —.. —- 1 I --------— 1-1 —------—.- - -. - - -. —--. —------ 391 Engines, stationary..-(.......... 0.... (lo. ----...... - 4 4 2.-. -- - ------ ---—'.......-................... 2.................. -.. 392 Engine wagons -do 1 —. —... —........do..... —--. —-- — I - ------- -- -----------—... -.. -.. —--- --. ——. —---- I........ i.............. 393 Engine, truck, wheel..- ---..........-do. ----. —--- —. 8 8 — ---... -..-.-. —---—............................. - -.. - - -...... —---—.... 8 394 Ears, kettle.g........... rss.. 14 14...-.... ----...... —------—..........\... 105.......... 395 Elbows, tee, water-pipe -. —-..posindn............ 1, 233 1, 233... -- -------—.......................................... —...... —------ 1,233 -...... 396 Elbows, gas-pipe - -.-..........-number............ 99 99 -. —... -... -- -... -------- -------- -....1 238 -33 397 Elbows, wrought. —----—.. —. —--— do............. 12 29 ---—............................................... —- 1 -. —---— 12 --. 398 Elbows, assorted -......... -—.-..-.do. —--—..-. —- 174 174. — —.-.-.-........................... — ---—..-... ——. 174.................... —-.... 399 Emery..- -. -— i-.... pounds...... - --— 9 9 7 27t 6 4.-. —.... — -----... —.'... — -.....89 175 400 Erasers, steel -......... 4 —----- -- number............................ — -17 4 401 Elbows, estove-pilpe.........-.. —- - do. - - —.-....-................... —- ---—.- --- 14 1 5 ----- --- ---- -......-........ -..........-.- 28 402 E a rs, k e ttle...........-.-.- - -—. -.d o............. -... —- -.-. -..................-.-.- -.....-..- -. --..-..- -.........- --..-. —- -......-....-1.......-...-...-..-2,]6 40-2 Ears, kettle ------—...o.....-............ -..-... —-- — 2,160 403 Elbows, tin, assorted -----—.- (0 —- - - - - - - -30. -—. —-.. —--—. ---------- ----------.. —--- ----------.-. 404 Engines, single steam --------— ddo ------ --- ----- ----- --------------— 1 —-- ---- -------------- 405 Engines, rotary fire.-d-..- ----—. —— 1 1K —-— do. —.... —. —- ----- -—.. -- -—.... —.-. ------- - -.... - ---... 1........... g406 E ines, D, stationary. —.-...... —-do —. ---—... -.. --------------- -...... —-. —-.- ---- --- --—............................... -—.....-.......... —-, ---- 407 Fa-g —— bres. — --- --- 407 F acing ston e.. —-.. — ---.- ----- ---. barrels. -- ---------- ---------- ----------... —--.- - ---- --—... ---------- ---- --- - --- ---.. - —.......... -... —-—.. -- -- - 408 Files, paper —.-... —---—... —..-number -............ 60 60 -.. —- - - --- ------------------—....... —-.......... —-.........-.......4II 409 -Foges.-...............do.......47 47..... 10 -—.........-......- -. -49. —-!-. —. 375 410 Forges, portable.-....................do.- -------—. 2 2 ---— I -—........ 1 —................- -— 2....... 411 Files, hand-saw. —------------------ do.:..........2. 352 352' 324 99 84-...... —— 35 412 Files, mill-saw. —------------------- do —-...... 829 829 72 37 54.. —...... —--- --- -—. - - -.-.-... —--- 3971.- 1447 0. 413 Files, taper. —---------------- -.do.............. 515 515.- --- -..... —-........ —-- --..... —-. —----—...-.!-441 509i 414 Files, assorted.-.....................do.............. 2,543 2,543 32 -----—. 30 420 -. - -277! -- ---- 1,)50! 254 415 Files, basfnrd.-...........-...... do-3..,003.1, 003...............................................- 1........ —--- 571; 577 416 Files, lat bastard -—............... do ------------- 69 69 138 138 182 -........... — ----—. —..!..-.- 56 12 417 Files, hand bastard. —------------- - do -.............. 360 360 l -------—............ —.. —.......................... —--- --------....... 4 624 12 418 Files, squarebastard................ do.............. 255 255.- - - -......- -- -—........ -................ -- ---- ---.. —- ---- -. —.. 467 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ i I 419 Files, -ground bastard - do -. 152 152 -.-.. — - --------.. — -- 420 File, hand, smooth. —---------------—.do. -174 174 --- ---- ----------................................... —..... — - - - 363 6 421 Files, 1-round, smooth.............do -- -......... - ----- 12.......... -------- --------........-....... - - -- -6 422 Files, round. —--------------- do...-......... 5 5 ---------- 67 95 12.-.... —..- 18 - -'.. —-. - 223 423 Files, round bastard. —..... -- - do. —----------- 9 9 ------ ----............................ —.-. ---- --... 435 30 424 Fixtures, cook.stoveo —.............. sets.-............ 156 156 ---------- 2 3:3. 101......- 131; 25 425 Fixtures, grindstone. —-------------- do.-............. 84 84..- -.' 1 2 2- -----. —-- 16 426 Fillers, lamp.-........ number.-173 173 30....O 95 427 Folders, tiln, No.. I -— d.-.3 -...-...1.. 3 3.............. 1 - -' 9 — -, -..... - 428 Facing, charcoal -.. -- --- -- barrels- - - - - --—... - -- ---------- -------- --—...- --- ---- ---. 429 Folders, squaring. —.. —---- -number..._. —1.... I 1 -. ——. -- 430 Folders, rooting.......- -........-.-do-1.............. I I ------ -. —-.. —-.- ------—..-.-.. — ----—. — ----—... 431 Forks- -------- ------. —-........do-........-... 1,610 1,610' --... —----- 99....-....... — -......... 206 4, 556 2,860 432 Forks,flesh-........................ do.............. 168 168.. — - - -.-.... 8. 224 236 433 Forks, rail.-........................do-121 12 —--. -.. 49 66 434 Frames, castdamper.-.............. do. —-6 —------- 6 6 -.- -- --------- 435 Frogs, chilled -...................do 37 37 13 -------—....- - —... 7 -................... —----—. 37 20 436 Frogs, wrought - --- -... do....................-.. -.......... -------------- I ---------- 437 Funnels......o.............. 29 294..... 2 62 Report showing t7he disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- C^ -^ ^. panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned, a 7 August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. a o - " o,7 ~ ~~ — ~~~ _~ ~ _ _ - I,~~ ^-~2 19 11 — cll..I I 16 15 I I 0- tl. A rti cls 81 - 1e 1 -,"0.. 0.., 00 FM-S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!...... 1.. C-.... 1, 00 1 e 438 F urnace, bot - ume 440 Flannel, Canton... —. —---—... yards.-.. 4 4 11 11 25 192.- -------- - -- - -- 216 15 441 Fuze, safety.-............... —-- feet.-............ 4, 937 4, 937 —................. —- -----.- 1,7720 5, 000 442 Fasteners, metallic.-... —--- number.-... ---- 864 864 -.. -- - ---------- ----—. —-...... --- --- -------- --------------—. 864 ---------- 443 Flags and staffs - -------- -..... —.do..... —---.. —----—.. —----—: —-. 31 20 --— 4 —. -.. —----—.. —- - ----—. 4 ---------- 444 Fodder-............... -- -- pounds.-6 000 —-- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- —.. —-. —---—.-. -- --—.-........ 6,000 ---------- 446 Flasks, iron.....-... —----- number. -.....- -—. —-... —-—.-... —...- ----—. -... —- -------- -..... - - - - - - - - - - 14 447 Forges, castB.. - - -do — - - —.....do2.. —..... 20 448 Files, flat.-do —-----—.... —----— do.... - ----------- —.. -- -------—.. —--- -.-. —--------- --------------------------—. 2, 259 449 Files, i-round —--------------------- do..........- --... -.... -- - 97 99 56 4 ------—........... — ---------- 954 --- ------- 450 F lask s, m ou ld ers'.. —-...do.-....-....d o.... —-. —..... —. —.-.... —.. —..-.. —......... —- ---...... — -. —.- -..- - --—..... —....... — -...... —....... —.......-..........-5- 451 Frames, hand-car2.... —------—...do -. —----.. —----.. -- ---- -------- -... —-. --—. -- Frames, en —gine trn ck- - - - - - - - --— 1 — -. —-- 2 452 Frames, engine truckd - -------------- do.-.. -..... —- -----—.-.. —-—... ------—.... —-—.. —. —---. ——.. —-. -—.. ----- - ------ - - - -.. 17 454 Frames, hangig lairp. -- ---—.do..... —-- -- ----.... ----------....-.. —-... -- ------------------ Frames,- hanging. la..p..do- - - - - - - - - - 4 455 Flags, red ---------—............do. —-. —.... — -. —--- ---------- ---------- 177 456 Furnace plates and cups ---—.......- do-2 -— 2 —------- -... ——.-. —.-........... 2457 Flake white --------—. ——...pounds.- ---- - -. —-. --- - - - ----—. 7.......-. 7- 8 458 Files, square -- ---........ number....................-.... — - 60 56 66 -.................-......-... -----. —- - -.155 459 Files, flat smooth. —-.............. do- -... ---- —.... -------—.... 18 24 76 -........................ —...... - --... —-....-. 460 Frogs, cast plated. —-- --....- do-4 -........ — ---------- 4 --------— 4 4. —. —.. --.. -.. ----- --.. —----... —----- 461 Faucets, brass.-................... do. ----................ —---- 2 - - - - —...........- --.. -—.... —-—. 4 -----—....... —. 1 463 Frame &foundation blacksmith shop_ do- 1 -------- -----.... - - I.. - - - - -.. — ----------.... -. — —. — ------ 464 Foundry, brass, and tools complete -- do. —1 --- - -------- -. —- ----. ---------- I -- ----.-.. —-----.-. -—.... --- —. --------------—. —-—.. -. --------- 465 Fencing, 10 feet high — oc....... feet-.. -. —- -- ---------- ---— t —-- 600 -. —---- --------- -.. —- -. —-.. —-.. -—. —- ----.. 467 Furnaces, complete -do-30 —-0 — number0- -- ----------.-. —. ---------- ----------------—. -. -........ 6 --—. —- -- -.. - —..4 468 Furnace columns. —----—. poundsl- -- - --- -- ----- ----- - --- - -— 18: 391. -- A —-- ---- 469 Frees-number ---------- 19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 470 Fences, board -- do ------- ---- ----- ---- -- —.............................................. I - - --- 471 Fence, picket, 8 feet high......... —.do-1 -. —--. —--- ---- ---- ------- ----. -........I..-.......1 472 Flooring, tent.. ——.- -..............lot. -.-..-.- —..-.1....... --—. —- -- 473 Fitches, painters'... —--—..-.....number — - -.. -......-. 6 -- 474 Fltters. - 474 F latters. —-..... —........... — -. o -.. - -. - - -.... - -... - - -... -. -.. —---—.. - ----- ---—. -- -.. —- ---.-. —.. —- --- -----—...- - 475 Glass, assorted -—.. - ------— boxes — ------- ------ ------ ---- ---- ----- --- - - -------- 160 ------- 476 Gauges, marking.. —..-...... —.number. —------- 226 226 —- -.-. 14... —-------- 2 --- 20 339 477 Gauges, firme ---- --- - ---- do —- ---------- I 1 ------- ---- - 3 ---- --- I - -- ---------------- 478 Gauges, thumb. —------—.. —-—. —..do —-------- 32 32.-. —-—.-.. —----- ----- 57 ------ 479 Gauges, paring —- ------ --- — do —- --------- 2 2 ---------- ------- ------ --- —.......................... 2 -- 480 Gimlets -...... -.-.... —........ --.do-... —-----—. 132 132 ------- -- -7. -- - ---. —- --- -- 30 96 481 Gauges, track —-------------------— do. —.- --------- 98 98 22 28 29. —-— 2 — --- 2 - -- 19 160 482 Gauges, saddlers' slit —.. ----- -1..- - - -- 1 —----- -1 —-.I — ---- -..- - -. —. -- --..... I --—.... 483 Grovers and stands...-.. —------- — do. - - -- -------- I I --------—. —-----—.. --—......... 484 Glass 10 x 12 — -...-...... —.....boxes-.3. —. — 7 37.-.-. 157 -...- -...-.-....'5 -..-....... 17 75 485 Glass, 10 x 14. —-------------— do —— 109 109.- 16- -..-......... 48 55 486 Glass, x14 —-- ------— do. --- 60 - 1 --...... ----------------- 1 486 Glass, 124x.. —-—. —----------—.- do..... 5......... 6 -[....... - 6 1 487 Glass,24x28 -............do-....1 1..... —3~ 488 Glne....-... —------------— p o Ds ----- - 178 78 150 4 190...-... —. —-. —-----. —-.- —.. —--—. —-.03 330 489 Gauges, mortise —-.- -. --- number-. - - -.. 81 81...........-8..1...-.n-..... 20 64 - 488 Gluae, wagon. —---. —. —--—. —. —--- pound.. —-4.... — —... —.-..-..-. —-....-. —. —--- -—..-. ----—.-. ---—.. —----—.. 1,005.-.....0 4891 G aueen, c ro mie. -. —-. —---- ----- ---.do. —..- - -.... -....- -.... —. -- ---- ------ —. -. ----—. —.. —......... ---- -.-...... --------. —.. —- 20 64-.. - 492 G reaen, P ari -----—. — -. —---- --- -.oudo. -—. —---- -. -. -. ---------- --- ---—..... ——. —- --- -- }..... —---. -- - -----—...................... --- --- --- --- 1 51. -. —.....491 G reen, verd igri --- - - - - - - -- - -d.- ---------—. ——. —-.do --. ——.-.-.. —-—. - -—. —------- ----—. —.. ——. ——.- - - -. ——........ - -. -- -.-.. —... - - ---- - 30... 6 -......... — 492 G atees, P ai s, d.. -- ------ -.. -.- u b r - -------.-..- -- - - - ----—.... --—..... -—. - -. —. 4 -- - --—.. i-.-........... - --......- -—.-. — --. —--. 12 - -- - -- - 493 G lass, ve0 dx g16. —----—.. --------—.-.. -. doxes..- --... —... —.. — ----------- ---------- ---------—..-.-........... —.. —.. -—..-.. —.. —. 490 Grease, wago n. —--------. —-------- ndo -. - --- —......-. —.....-.-.-...-.-d.. I........ -.. ------- 495 G las ros, -..16 —. —---- ----------— nu mb er.-. -.. -.. - -. -.......- -. -. —- - -.-... -- - ---- -------- ----- —. -. --—.. —. -.. —----- -- ----..- 13 4 9 86 G id e ss o ll.... - -. -. - -- - -.. - - - -d o - -.- -. - -.. -.-. -. -...... -- -.. - -. - - -... —... - - -..-.. - - -. - -........'.-.......-...... -3,4 0-. - -.. -.-.- - - - -..-. - - - - - -.2 491 Grien, ------- --- ------- b e ------ — chrome... ——. —.. ---—... ---- -----—....-......-..-....-d-.. —- ---... 30 492 Gruen, aris ---—. ——...-........-............do... - "4- —. —. 493 Gareen verdig0is. —------------— do - - -. - - - -. 30 50494 Gates, oi -------—.......................number-...... - -- - - - - - -12 5 I 50 3 G r a se, c r...-.-..- --- -.. ---.. ou n d s -. —- --- --- —..... —----- - -- ---- --- - -. ---.-... —---- - - —...- ---- --—...................-......-2,-7 4-.........4950 Glasuges, a x 16 - - o......................s... —. 502 G rease s, s over. —---------------. —. --—. —.gallon-..-. -. -.-00.. —-------- ------—.-. -------- ------—.-.......-.............-.........-16 503 G reas e, car -- - - -- - - -- - - - po. —. — - - - -- - ----—.. —-—.-. —.b ox es. —--------- ----—..-.- -- - -- --- -.... ——. -. —... —- ----—. — 26 74..... -.. -. —.. -......-....-......-..... 5047 G auges, b2 ass ------------------—...do. —. -.I. —-------- ----------- ----------- - 3- ---------- ----------. —----------------. —------. —------ --------. —--------. —------- 508 G idlas s, stove 2 -. —-----—... —-----—.do. —- - - -. -.- - - -. -- -. -. - ------ --- -- ---—.-.. —................... — - -- --- -------—....-..........,... 5496 Glass, 8 x 10... —---------- -....................... 2 5497 Gridi rons — -. —-........................ 498 Guides, roll.... —. —------------—.-do-.- -—......-... —--- 340-.- 362 513~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hansla -—. —---—.st.. -—.. 4 3. —-- -.-.. —------—.. —-—..-............................................ -------- 514 H arness~ w heci. --—....... -.. —....do..... --- -. -. -. -- - -- - -- - -- - ---------- --- —. ----- --- —......................... - -- -- - 5499 Glass, 20 x 21 - --------- -- -dboxes —— 1 —--- 4 - ---— 0 —--- 509 H ay es, led —----------------- ----—. —-—..... p o3 53d s..-I-. ——. —.-. —.. —-—........-..............-......5......2........719 517 Holdess, p e m e —.. —------- ---- 1 -- 33 3. —- -........,.............-. 3 3 501 Harness, wheel r- ---------- ---................... -.....-. 51 519 Harnes, awheel mule. -—..-..........do — 40 40 -- --....5..) — 100 520 Harness, six-mule —.. —----—........-. —.do. —.-. — 5 5. —---- - ---—.... —..-.. -- - —....... 5 5021 GreaHorse, -ar-........... —...........number.. 3 32 0-27 53Grease, car -............psunds-,70 51)4 Gauges, brass -..........nsumber-.35116 Glass, 24 x24 -...........boxes-. -6 —517Glass, 12 x14-............do508 Glass, ~22x26-do...1..-..........do. 509 Hay-...............pounds ------.... 556, 725 14.i, 775 510 Holdeis, pen - number -2..2 -....48. 296-48 e226 62 511 IHalters, head and rope -........do -- 1 —-i iZ:~::iii:::::1 52 Halters, head. -do....... -. 314. 314..326d214 513 Harness, lead -............sets-43j 43-.... 9 515 Harness, lead horse, -.........do -- 4 —-4 516 Harness, lead mule..-.......do - - 3 15:3 —-.....190 517 Ilarness, saddle mule -........do -.. -..... 33 330-1 518 larness, wheel horse -........do -1 10 —-......16 519 hlarness, wheel mule -.........do -4 40......100.. 520 Harness, six-mule-..........do...... —1. 521 Horses-............32. 32...14. 27 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military di'ison of the Tennessee, 8c.~Continued. l 1 ^ ^^.' ~ panics under the Executive Orders of ertv returned August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. g:' ^ ^^ ^ ^ 17 ^ ^ ^-^ S i -^^S ^o own e r s. c a ~~~~~Articles. - ^!'0 ^^^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~'0 8 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Es' e~ a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-Z z 522 tmme rseis li-lit —--.... —-...number-....... 2 2.... -..-.-..-. --—. —----—.. —.. —- --—.-.-.- --. 3.... —- - 523 Hamnimers, blacksmiths'.-.. —---.. —do -...... 8 8.-........-..-. - --- --- -------....8. 524 Hammers, shoeing -.... —--..do -—.... - 2 2 ------ - --- --- --- -- --—. —- -------- 3 Q 525 Hammers, sledge -... — --—.... —.do. —t ---------- GG 6G --------- -------... ---- 83 & 526 Hammers.-. —... —--—. —-. —.- - do..... —--.....- 5 5 -------—.. —------- -. —. —- --. —. —-. —-. —--------—.. —...-. 1 4. 527 Hammers, claw.-... —----------—.do -26- - 26-3. —. -.-.-. —--- 1 4. -- -...-. - -. - ----- 9 -.. —- 2 52 8 Hatchets... - ---— ie — --.. —---- do... -...... —- 259 o 259 2 13 60 2 --------- - 214 —.. —......... -170 750 529 Hatchets, broad ------.. —-. do...- - -..- 194 194-... ---- 5.. - - —.. - - -------- ------- 199 --------- 530 Hatchets, shingling -............ do..-.... —- 601 601 ----------—. —---. ------— do —-- ---—. —-------- - ----. —. —--. 505 966 5:31 Hammers, chip.-do. —---—. (lo.-.. ---—.... 276 276 55. —-—.-. --- -—. 3..-. —-- --- --. 22L -3o 532 H am m ers, m ason.. —- - --- -—.- -........-..do. -.... —......- I ---------- --------—...... 6... —..-... —..-... —.....i8...... 5:12 am mers, —ason -( —-- - -- -------- 8- - ---------- 533 Hammers, stone ------------------ (do... —..... 58 51-8.-.-.-.. 13 7 ----—.-..-.-. -—.- 13. —. —... —- —. 59 P 534 Hammers, raising ------- ---. —--.do. —-. 2- 2. —... —. ^ 535 H a m r,e g ne... -. — -.. o.......3 13.- ~.......-.-. — ----- -----—.. - ----—.. — ----—.. -.- -.. —----— 4 535 H am m ers, en gin es --- -10 —- ---.do -..............-13 I-3 ---- -- -.-.. —--- ---. — - - -.. — - -- -- - -. -- --- --—..0. 24 536 Hammers, masehine —o —-— 026 537 Hammers, patent steam engine ----- do. —..- --- - I I ----- -. —---. —-------.- ------ ---.. —---- -- ----—.- I 538 Hammers, rivet -do. —-. —--— 8 2 2 ---------. — ----- --- --- -------- -------- ------ -- ------—. 82 539 Hammers, tinners -. — ------ ------ do. —-..... 3 3 ---------- -...- - ----- ----- --- ----. —-. 4 540 Hatchets, copper. —..............-do-.. 2 20 ------- --- ------—. ----—. —-. —-- --. —. —-—. —-. 2 541 Hatchets, railroad. —---------------- do 6 6 - --...... --- -- ----... —.. — --. —-. 6.-.-...... 542 H an gers...... —- - - - - - - ---- ---—. -.. -. do. --. — --......- I I ------- -..... ---- -. - - -.].. -- - -..-... -- - -.. —......-.. —...- -. —...- --.- -—.I..-.. —..- - 543 Handles, auger....- ------ ---- --..do. —.2 2 9 973 544 Handles, axe --—.. —---—.... —-do. - - —..-... 452 452 60 21 161 48 -... - 32 ----- -.. —- 1,527 545 Handles, adze - -do-. —---—.. -... o............- 200 200 24 181 24 12 -- --—..- -.. —- ---.. —---. 413 546 Handles, broad-axe —-- ---.- ------ do - -............. 174 174 20 ---- -- i. — -------—..- I...- 1...- - ------- -.. —-.-. —- --. 416 547 handles, chisel.. —----- --- --. —— do. —-......... 30 3... -- - 121 87 --- -- - - -- - 1,024 548 Handles, pick. —--. —--. —-...do' 2-96 296 440 92 10 100 ------- I........-.-.. —-..-... —----- 1, 438 549 Handles, file. —-- -— o -. —-------— do —- -------- II 11 —........ —- -—..- ------—.. —-.. —---—.. —. —----. 171 365 550 H eads, letter ---------------- -. —-- do....- --- -—.. -.. -... -.. —..-. —. -----... — ----- ----- ----. —- ----.-.. --- --- - - 1,000... 551 Handles, hammer —-. —----- ----- do-32-........-. 40 40.. —- -. —-------- --—. —------.. —--- --. —--- --. —-. —--- 12 552 Handle, stone maul. —---- ------.do-. -. 486 486 100 --—.. —- 13 18. —-- - 24. —.-.. 324 488 553 Hollows, tinners' --- -......... do1. 41 —-- ------------ --. —---.. —..... ——. —------ I --—.... 554 H ollow s and rounds. - --- ---...... —sets.. —-... - - - - -4 4. -- ------— 4 —I ---- --- ]..~...... ]..........)..........-.. 4.....-.-..555 Hooks. —-------------—.-.-.......pounds.-........... 44 44 4 —........ --- -—.-4 -.........- ---..........-........(............................ 556 Hooks, fire-..........................-do. — -.-.. —-.-. 270 270 —270.......... —......... ——... 557 Hooks, sand. —---------------------- do....-........... - -................................... ——........ 7...... 558 Hooks, turning. —------------------- do -... —-........ 1,073 1,073 —.......................................................j 1,073....................-... —-- 559 Hooks, clevis. —--. —-... —-—. -number - —.... —.... 4 4.....-.............. - 4....-....-. —---------- 560 H ooks, patent-..~ —------------------ do. —.. —. —-. —48 484 48.. -- -48 —----- --- - - - - - -- - - - —.................... —................ 48.......... 561 Hooks, shave.......-..... —------- do-. —-.-. 2 2 —.. —— 1. —- -—. — ------ -.-. i-......... - -................ 562 H ooks and thim bles.. — ---- ---- ----..-do —------------ 88 -—. ---- - - - - -- - - --- -................................. 8.......... 563 Horns, blow.-.- -—..... —-. —-.. —do.-1 —---.....-I I ------------------—.-...............! I..........1................... —------------—.................. —-------------...-.......... 564 H oins, buck -do —.. —--------- pairs —-- -------— 1 1 1 —----- --—.- ------ -- ---- 939-46....................................................-.... -................ 565 Hinges, strap -p -—. —-—. —--------- —.. 10 19 50 — 50 1.. —' —-1 1. 3 566 Hooks, tank and bolt - ets~ — --- — 24 P-4 9394 567 Hose, rubber -----------— eet - ----- 10 10 1200 945 I —-- 21)0 333 568 Hose fire. —.. —. —. —--- -------------— do........... - 1,700 1;700 ------- -- - 900 ------ -. —---. —------ 1, 000 776 1,000 569 H ooks, cant — num be —-------------- - num ber..-. —............ ----—. —.. —. —.-. ----..... 9.......... 12 -. —-—.. —-----. ——........ 6 176 570 H inges, hasp, assorted- —. —---—. —..-.lo. —-. —-------- -----—......... -..........-....................-.................. —-----.. —...-....... - -- - 108.2 570 Hinges, hasp, assorted - do ----- I ~~~~~~~1 i- i —--— 108 21 571 Hasps and staples -- -- ------------.-do...... —- --- - 20 0 20..1 —.-. — - ---- -...1............... 2............... -5 10 572 Handles, cant-hook... —-. —... —- o....- -..... -....... —. -....................... 6............................ --------..........-............... —------........ —------ 103 los 573 H andles, brad-aw l -do —10 —3 —-. — - --- - - - - - - - -- --............-...................................... —------... 1- 574 Handles, hatchetg ---— do —--- -- -—..........do.-i... —...... —-................ —----.......... —- ---- —......... 575 H ameu s. —.-... —. —----------------- do.... -- --...... -........-. --------. —. — ----—. --—. —. —-.-. —. —-.......... -. —---—!.. ——...... ------—. —-. —--- 575 Hounes, wagon-. —-------------.do. —- ------—. --------------------- -—.. 28 578 H ubs and collars ~~~~~~~~~. — -..-..-. —...s t....- -.-.....-....-.. — -.-............. -. - -......................1......-........]...-..-.1.-.... -.- -...3. 577 H o kses, rlim er,- -— d —o —--— do —--- -. o..................... —. -......-................................-3..- -........... -.........~~~~~~~~ — - - -- -- -......... -- --------— 1o.. 578 H ubs and scollars.. -- -— s.. - et — - sm ets -- -... -- - -- -. ------ -. —. ----- --...........-....................................... —.. — 581 Hasps-*do ------ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —- 20 —582 H ol es, rs. l e ----------------------- -do..-. —.......... —- -. ——. —------------. - -------- —..... —-- -—.-.. - -...;.. —...- - ---------- 583 H oead rs, stake... - --- -... -—.............do.............- -- --- - --—.. — --............ — - —. - - - - -- l - - -...... —' -. - ------- 35-.- -......... —- -. - -.583 H ea dsp s tak ---------... —.. -—.. —. — -.do. —-- ----- --—.. —-... —. — ---—... —-—. —-.. —. —-... 12 --—. -- -1. —.-.. ----- - -... —-.-...-.-.....-...... 2 584 H ouses, fram e -do-. —--—.- - - -—. - -..do.-.. --- -—. -....-. -..- ---—.. — -. — ---. —------- -- - - —.... - —......-1-.......... —--............. —-.......... 583 H ouses, stak e.. —--------- ----. —---—...do —-- ------ --—.. —--- --------------.. —---. — -......-.-.-. l._..........1......... -....i...-.-.... —....1.-.. —...-. —.....585 Hose, gum. ---------------.- -ouses st or —. —- --------- ----—.. —.-.. —... —- --—.-.-.-.. ----- --------... —--—. --—.-..- -.....-. 13 — 588 oa sesrstore d —--------------------— um ber... —--------- ---------------------------—. ----------—.. —--—. —-. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------—. —-------- 586 H air, curled --- -— d-o. —.. —---..do.-.. ----.. —- -----. —- ---- ------ ---— 7. — -- -... - - - -- - -... -.. -------- I587 IIos, gum-feet —- -13 —5917 H andles, heavy- axe-. -..... —-.-. —.do —-..-. —..... —-.-. —.-.-. — -—.-...-... —.-... —.- -.-.. —-.-...-..................-........!-...... —... -... -..........11 588 Hammers, hand — nu —mb-er —-.-.-.do... —. —.- ---- ---------------. ——. —- —. -I —--—. --- 47 589 Hammers, trip - do - ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-- ------ - -1 — 5894 H amm ers, trpik --- --- --- --- ---—..... do.. —-- ----.. —- -- —. —. -------—. -- - -- - ----------. —-. - - -- ---—... I..........' - —.. ——. —....... -.. - —. 590 Handles, sledge —-- -------------— do. —-. ---- -... - -------- -- --—.- -------- -------- ------ ------ --— 2 2452597 Houses, mess.-do.e —.7 —. —-----------... —- --.. —-- --—..-..-..-.. 598 Hose, gu, assorted: — feet. — -: - - - 102 199 68 -. ---—. 599 Hoods, smokestack...-... —-. —.number-..- --—...... —-.. ----------..... —- --- - -— I -----. - ----—. -------- -------- 14 600 Hoops, blta nk-do —---------------.do. —--. —.. -- - ---—.-.. -—.-...i 602 H ouses, large,.... —.-.Houses, —-—..do..... ——.. —.. —-—..-.. ——.. —. large-. —.-do ——. —.-. —. ——..-..........-...-....-. —...-.-. —-...-1-1... —-----—. —-—.-.. 603 aHouers, small ---- -----— do. — ---------- 595 H andles, s rmall. - -..... --—..... -—....do........ -- -.. — - -.- -... -.-..- -.... —.... ----------.. —----- ---........ —.. —- ---- --- ----. —--- ---... —-.604 Houses, spring ---.. —-.. ——.do - ---- ---- --. ---------- -- -......1 — 605 H ouses, ice, large —.. --- —.....-..do.- - --... —-. ---— do —- --- ---—..-. - ---- —........-.-..........!... -------- I. — -- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Lc.-Continued. ^, ~ ~ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- g~ ^ ^ ^ panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned " a - ^ -, ^^. August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. Z Qll ^ ^ ll III1. 11 11 ^ 1 -. 1 0 Articles. r_- Il PI 0P-1) es-sQ 0~~~) C ~o................ ~.~ ^.............................I 606 Heaters, iron —......-..........- number-..-....................................b...............e. 608 llousee bunk~~.......do._ 607 H eads, draw...-...-.-.-..-......do —........-.... —-.-.-.....................'.'...\.'...................... - - - —. -.-.. -..................i'608) H-ousesb n.-.md.. -.......d...o- -......-eu,.......'. \ ~ b- — ak - -_ do ".,''.. -- - - --- - - -.. -. - 61(1 H ouse a doil-bke - -. --.. - do.-. - -. - - - - - - -.....l.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -... 6 10 H o u s e, o il........ -..... -........... d. -... - -.. -.... - -...~..........~.'.... _...I'.....,..........'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. \..'.'. ~..'.'.I''.. ". "' 611 Hammneis, copper-.do.... 61)-3 Horses, saddlers' stitch —.-...number 24. —.-. ——. —-.... -.-.. — - 615 Hooks, switch rope -....-. — do... —-—............ 42 -—.-.-...-.617 Ink, black-10 -...........bottles..- ----- 35 35..... -i 32 - -—..-........-^'''' ^'' 73' 4 pO 618 Inkstansds, gla~ss -...-....number.-...... 87 87 51- 2. —-—.-.-..... 12'... 20 42 ^ 619 Inkstandswood —.-................ do -59. 51 —.20 9 121 Injectois, iron body -.....-.. - do-.- 3 3 3........ ~.......................................'3 622 Irons, soldering-. —. —-—..do. —.. —-- a -. —.- 1 1..\..~^.\... —-. ——..-..603 Iron, -ssoited-.. —. ——.pounids..-. —-. 43,324 43, 324 1,33 2312 07 6,713,833' -— ~~~-~ —~- 411,905 P~~~~~~~~~4E625 Iron, sheet-...................... —-.d~o..-.. —-...-.. 1,528 1,.528 —- -— 1...1.......-.................8..... 1528 626 In, carine ----—.-.- -.....-..do. —-. —.-.....-....'............. 8 12.\.....\...\. I'.'.'.. " ~ ~~~-~~~~' ~9 9* "'" 627~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: In, op..-. —.-.-..-..-...-.... b tl s.-.................i. -............... 243. ^ ^ 1'.''.....'.32 CM Ink c-umusc -.......do.68. 2......In. copy-i3 3t!e/ 3 12 " 628 Iiri, pig.. —-. ——. —----—.....-. p -ounds_.. 3 - -110 -.,-1. —. —---—'.. 3 0........00.. — 0. 125 738334 1900. 6 2 90 I r o n,7 K n s s i a.. - - - -... - - -..............d o.... ---. -.. -. -.o- -...... -.-......... -........... - - -......-........-......- - 2' 1 4 0 - - - - - - - -. 2 6308 Irous, scra... —..-...-..-.-.. —.... o.. —-. —--—.-..-.....-.....-................ -.. - 631 Irnralroad,(old).-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-do.-._., 58,5.-.-..-...-.-......1...................\..........{..........................'.....- -".-.-. 61u32 arn, id 3a... —-----—.....- r. -—...... ----... —.............. —..........-..........Io..........b........s4...'1 20 ----- 6331 Iro, bous les..... —---.... —-- ---. o. --.-...-..-. —..-..............-...... 1 1, 731.......... -—........... -- - -' 0 0 - 611 Iron s ba lance-beai-ii —-- --- —.-. nber.. —— 2 —---------—. —---- -------- --- -- 2 le on-poiid --- 070 -— 1 30 --------------— 3 —---— 1, —------------— 8 —---- 636 IHois, d ----...... hounidsb... —.-... —.-...........-...... -............................................... I 637 I-rons, wrnith ror -— l-....-..-.. - n deo --—................................. ------ - ~-~ - 4 618 Iro ands, largeor -whel-press-.. -. -........... —.. —- --......1............................................ 619 Inkstaii&,, wood --------------------- d o -------------- 59 59 --------- - ----------..... 0... 623 rOD assrte ---------------- pounds —............... 43...... 4] ~1 7:3.9. C) 3'o30 IC 2 l.230 —----------- --— 6 1.,8: 1,0 626~~~~~~~.. LA11 carmineOF ------------- (1 --—.................. —-- 638 Irons, t -------— ank le............. do. -d - -— an-d- --- ------ -----— 1-... 554 --- ----- --------- ------,2 641 Iron, square ------ — do........-.. —-...-.. —---------- 4,105. —- -.- 1,010 ------ - ----... — ---- --- -.......... 642 Iron, sheet- - 1" — -do...- ----- --------------------------------- 624 365 ----- -..... —.......... —......... 2, 304 643 Iron, bar. —. —. —.. —.-. —-. -. -.....I0- 0-6, 266- ----—. ----- 644 Irons, dog —- number- -------- -- - - ---------- 182 3.......... —------....... 50...... -----.. 646 Irons, head-groving -—. —-- -—. number- -. —------- ---------- I- - ------------ ---- —.-.1... - -— i............- -----— 4 648 Irons, smoke-stack.. —----—.. —--- do — I —-.. —-....-. —--—.- - -—. —.- - —.50............... 5 650 In stru m en ts, S w iss-. —-..... —-—. ——.sets.set -. —-.. ——.-.. —... —.-... —-....-.. —---—.- —..... —.s-...................-........-........-........-.-... —.-33.......... 651 Jacks, hydraulic ---—.. —------ number — ---------- 37 37 6 2 4 - - - - 66 652 Jacks, screw. —--- ------... —-- do. —--- ----. 36 316 30 ---—............-........-.d....-....... 38 75 653 Jacks, screw-lever-..... —------- -number —.. —--- 4 4 --------------------—..... 4 654 Jacks, loco-lever. —---- ----------- do-311 —--- -- 3). —-—. —-- --- -- - 15 15 656 Journ alm, w roughttt —---------— i —--— do.n —--.. —-------- ------.. —--. —--------.. —-. —----..-. —------. —------—.. ——... ——. -—..1212 -—.....2-........ —........... 657 Jacks, ratchet. —---- -------------.in — -- ------ --—.-.. —-- 4 4 4 — 1 — --- --- I -... —.....-..... 53 p 6586 KKeys, r-ar8lock. —---— Keys —--- -----— d.o. —--------— car-lock-52 —-. —------—.-. —------—. ------—. —. -------—..... —......22 —... —. — 659 Kettles, tea.... —-----------—. -. — do -. ----------....... —- ---------- 2- 1. —------- ---........-......... —--. 100 660 Knives, paper. —---- -----------...do. — ---. —-. 6 6. -- -— 6 ----- - ----—. —.........................................-. 6. —-—. — 1361 Kettles, camp -....... - ------— do -..... -- - 125 12.5 ----—. —. --- - -.8 -...-............... 8 26 250 662 Kettles, cast. —------- -.-........do -1 —.. —--. I I -2-.1 —--------—....-.-...........................- -...... —-... 2 I 663 Keys, steel.- -.. —--.. —----—. —..do -. —--------- 2 2 - ---.. -- -.- ----—...-..........-.-...... 2 ---------- 664 K ys —---— vio t-d ----— "i667 Knives, putty.. —-—.. —------—...do-.- --- 6 6..... — 4 11 — 3 ---- 6 12 668 Knives, mahogany. —d-.. —------ do -.. ——... —. 344 1144 ----------... - -. - ------ ---........ —. —- ----— 898 - ---------- 669 Knives, draw - -- -- --- do —. -----. 79 79. —---- -- -9 ---- -----.. —- 3 --- 4 249 670 Knobs, door and lockdo.. ---— d —-.. —-----. -...; 232 --- 672 Kettles and furnace, iron - --. —-.do.-1 —- —... —— do-1 -------- -----—. - - ---------- ---------- 673 Knobs, door. —------------------ do....................... —-- -- -108 676 Leather, sole.-.... —. —..........pounds. —-...-..1....... ---- —... ——. - - -—. —- 10 ----------.. —.............. -------- 83 14 677 Locks, door.....- -.... —-. — number --------—.. —1 26 7 — 10 --- -...... -.. - -—.......-... 15 127 679 Lines, check.. —-d —- --—.... do-.......... —.1-22-22-..-....-....-...............-...................... —......................22 680 Lines, cart.-......... —--------- do... — 1 -...- -.. —.... - —.... —-—....... —. I.......... 681 Lines, lead —-- -. —-- ------ ---— do....... —---—. 9 9...... -. -. -..................................1.............. —- - - - - - 8 35 682 Locomotives ------------ --.......do.... 6 -- -.. 6 -------. —--------.- -.- --................. — 41.. — -. --. —-.. — -.. 2 683 Lines, tape......- -............. do......- ------- 197 197 ---------- 21 10 6 ------ ----—.. 1 -------- 111 57 684 Levels, spirit.-... --—.. -- -- do..... — ------- 88 88......... 1 4 1.- ------- -- ---- 5..-.-.- 6 99 685 Lines, chalk. —-------------- ----— do. ----- -. 1,141 1,141 ---------- 6 2520 --------—......- - ------— 11 267 2,076 686 Lanterns. —— d1 —3 —----— 2 —-----— do. —. ----—. 91 91 -—. - - -- -................................................-. —-- - - - - 3 120 687 Lanterns, bull's-eye-.. —----- --.do. —----—.-..! 131 131 93 6 12 5.-..... —------ 99 40 688 Lamps, oil -------------— i —----- ---- 9 9 ----—..- ---—. —- 18 689 Lamps, cab —-------- ------- ----- do.-. —------- 12 12 - - ------- --- 23I; I - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- ~ panics under the Executive Orders of certy returned August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. ^ ^ I ^ i ii ii i ^ ii ii U ~i ~ Articles. 3. 690 Lamps, coal-oil....-........... number.. 84 84 2 4 10..... —.-.. 10 85 36. 691 Lead, sheet -------------------.pounds- ------—.) — ---- ----. - —. ---—. — -------- ---—. --- 27 ------- 692 Lights, blue —. —------------—. — -number.-.-... -----—. —.. —-----—.... —---—. —-—. —. —. —------- ---------- -------- ------—. —--— ^ —-------- 2.6 693 Levers, wrought and columns --—..-do-. —. —---...- 6 6 ----- ------------ -------- 6 -- -- ----- ------- 694 Lights, head. ----------------------— do —.-.... —-.- 10 10 16 7 8 4.. —1 —1 —3 —-;- 1. —----- 15 43. 695 Lights, red.. —.o7-5 —----------. ---—.( o. —----- -—... 7725 61 3L.4 78 12, ------—. —----- 2......- 226 675 696 Lights, white ----------— n —- -. -- -- ---------- 1, 579 1, 579 108 115 116 12. —--- -... —- 28. —----- 898 781 h 697 Lathes, small. —------------------.do. —--------. 3 3- 2 ----- -. —---- ---------- ------------------ -- -------- 1 698 Lathes, roller —— o —----------—.do —------------ I --------------------------------------- I --------- -------—. —699 Lathes, engine —------------------— do —-. --—. —-. 9 9........................ —.. —--—. — —.. —--—.. 700 Lathes, turning —--------------—.do. —----------- 4 4 -........ ------ ------- -------. —--— 2 2 701 Lead, pig —- ------------ pounds — ------- 302 302 ---------- 30. —-... —- --------------------------- -------- 2,657 570 702 Lead, white --------------------— do. —6 —------ 696 696 ---- — 5 800. —----------------------- --- - 3, 044 27 H 703 Lead, red -------—. —-------—......do- - - - -25- ~ 05 - - - 21 - —.-. 50. ——..- -. 510. 704 Links, gouli.. —-—. —----—.. -—.........p ers ---------- 542 54 ---------- ------------—. —-.. — ----------------- -- --------- --------,........0. - 704 Linkts, copignmer - d 4 542...........d 85. 705 Leaft, egold -......-p —---—....... —-----......... ---------- - 706 Leather, harness ----------------— us.... ——. —..... ------ - - - -7 1 707 Lime-b —-----— 075 075012575 708 Litharge ----------. —--------- pounds — --------- 19 19 - -.. —--—. ---------—. 6 ---------- 50 45 709 Levers, tank ------ --------— number..... 12 12.....................-.. —------------ - ----- 710 Locks, pad —------------------- do — ---- ll I 33 16 28. ---------------- -------- 15 ------- 4 711 Lumber, pine -........ ------—.-.....feet —.. —--- --------- —........ —------ -------- 102,087 8,709 712 Lye, concentrated ----------—.....- boxes.. —-------- 15 15 ----------....... —-- -------------—. 1. ---------- 713 Lampblack - ------------- pounds -- --- -------- 4.......-.. —- -----—.-... —.. —----. —------------- -------- 7 48 714 Ledgers —. —-—. —--- ----------—.number..- ---------- ---------- L-.. —... — ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----—.-. ---—. — --------.) ---------- 715 Ledgers, engine -------— o —------— do — --------------------. —---. ---------.716 Leather, lace ------------... ——. sides. —-----. —----------------- 3 8 -— 2 -—. —---------------------- 30 717 Letters -...-......... —... —--------—..set.. --.. —---. —--. —------.... — --------.- I. —-----—. —.. —. —-------------- -------- I......... 717~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 Letters-set 1]. —... 718 Locks, switch. —--------------—.number.. ------—.. —----—. —--------....... 719 Locks,chest — --------------- do —-- -------- -—...-.-.- ---------- ---------- 0 720 Locks, deskdrawer —-—. —............do... -. - -. - - 5 I ----------. -- - --------- —. —--—.- 264 66 721 Lines........................... do —.. —-... ----- ------. -----...-.. —. ------ --- —. —---------------------- 24... ——.. —.. —---. — -- - 722 Lamps, car do2- -1.......................... do....[.... ---........... 2-.... —.-. 10 723 Lumber, oak........................feet... ------------------—..-.. 15,177. — -'........... 724 Leaf,gold.........................books............./..............................L 9 725 Links, straight................... number —-... -........... 734 7f6 L ead, sugar of....................-p ou nds. —.-. —... —-. —.... —-- --- --—.. -. -- - - - -3 - - - —.- - - - - - - - - - - ----------.............. ------—......... ----------...-. —727 Lead................................do -......6....................... -.... 728 Leather, bridle ----------------— do.- - - - - - - 72 L at er b id e...-...-...........-.d.........-...- -. -.....-..-.....-.-..............-..................... —...i.-.....[... -.18 -. - - - 729 Locks, iron drawer.-..........- number... ——.........- 30.... 730 Locks, rim door............ —........do.9....2- —..- --—..... -------- 732 Locks, ear brass...... —... —-.. —- -d.-... —-.. —-.. —-.. —-. -.-. —..../.-..-. —-. —---..........-... —' -- -....-'..-...-..-........" 254 74 731 Lines, crotch —----------— do --- --------- ---— I —------- ---- ------- 15. 7.32 Locks, car brass. ----- do --- ------------------ ------------------------- - - - - 254 74 733 Lumber, yellow pine - -........ —.....feet —. —........ -----.. —-- --—. -------........ 10,804 734 Lamps, hanging -. —... —----—.- number - - ---- --...2 1...... —...... —. —---- 734 11 735 Lumber, oaks d..-.....-.......-.do.....-.-.-.....et —-..........2, 328, 334 29,857 80,273 ---- -......-.. —------ 400 738~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ Likcokd.-.... —.nm e..............................................................-....1...-............4 736 Lumber assorted -.. ——... ——. ---. do-. —-...-...............2,328,334 29,857.80,.........273... 4, 000 737 Lead, black.... —. —------------- pounds —- -- - —.................. --- - ---- 0 742 M~~ ~~~~ ~punds... - - - -... - -.. - - u b r...... 1 2 1 2. -.. -................... -.......... -..1. - — 72 0 738 M alet........... --. -.. d........ 211il fi 211il.-.-... -. - -... - -.................. -. - -. - 1, 381 o 738 Links, crooked -................... number-.. -.......... -..... 49 739 L e v e r s, sw itel- o —- 1......................0..d o.......II.................I............ -. - -.... -. - 740 L ak e il, w rou g h t ---- --. —.- - - - - -p ud- - --—...d-.. -..... -- - --- -- -- —.- ---. --- - -... --- - ------—. - -.- -------—..-......-. —. — - - - -- -- ---.-.- --- -..- —. --—. -. —. - 741 M uchia ery -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - bottles....... -.do........... 40 40.-.-. —.... —-—. -..-.. —.. —----. —..... —..... —-........... —- I..........-..-. —.. —742 Maules. --------- - ---------------- o number....... —-- - 142 142I —--- ------—.. — ---...... —-----..- -------.... —-—...73 270 743 Machines, boring --------------- ido. —--------- 20 20 -.-. —-.-.. —. —.. —-......... —------ 2 7 5 1 M a c in e, c lte a n k e s a t r il...d o.......... I............. 1.................... -.. - -.. -. - -.. -. - - - -.. - -.. -.. 7 4 4 M a c h net s, i..- -.... dl o.- - - - - - - -.... 1.1 - - --.- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -...............................- -. -.-..- - - - - -. -.6 7 a e, m ado - - - -..................-.............. 745 Mauls, carpenters' ------------.-do. —-- 2 194 194:..... —1 1-3 -172 22 746 Mandrils -... —..... —-..do.-1- 1-1-.......- ---------- ----- ----- - -------... -. 747 Mandrils, wroughts-dow- ------------- do-2 2-..................-........... —---. — ------- -- 748 M achinery, lotscr of-cut. -.-. —..-... do -I -. --— 1-. —-.. —---- -—. -.........-... —.. —.. -- ---- --.... — - 2 748 Machines, lsanding. —-----.....do.-1'.......... I I ---—. —------ --------------------. - ------ - - -1... - ---------- 749 M achines, plaveling -----------------— do. ---.-. —.... — I I.-. —....... — - -. ---—.. —...... —.................... — --- --—.. -. - ----- -—...- -- -. -. I2 e 750 Machines, housing, nd bit. —— s — do. - —.... 21 21 -- --- -----—.-.. —. --—. —------- -... — ---— 6- -.8 27I 751 Machines, colter and key sen t drill-. -..do. —--.. —-- -.1 1- - I ---------- ----------------—. -...-............ 752 Machines, iron planing -------—.do. —........... I I ---—.-... —-----—.....-. 753 Machines, punching and shaping....... —--.-.do.-....1. —.- I I.... -- --—. -. —-1 —- - -----.. —— 1-I 754 Machines, shaioapingk —---- --------—. do. ——..........- 2, 4288 - 10 25 90 12 —----------------- -- -........... -- - -. - 741 Muciagues............-.d....... 2881......................................btls.....^....... 7 6 3][[[[ 77 Mules, cfe.........................number-..I.......... 155 145 —... 1.........-...... 10..-...- 9 769 M r i, t r e.....4..-...f e...... 38 3 8..-.. 264................ -....... 2336 755 Machines, boring- - o.............................. 7 56 M'chines, setting-dowvn —---— do —------ ------------------------— I —------ ---- 757 Machines, screw-cut — -d.. --. o1 -—...........................do 1 1............1 - - 3 519 Machines, travelling and hid shapil)g - do 1 —-— 1 —-------- ---------------------------------- - - - - 2 760 Machines, double-seanin" -----— do -1 —---- ----- ----— 1 —--------- - --------------------- 76.1 Machines, large turning.- -----— do -1 —-- i ---------- - I ---------------------- ---------- 762 Machines, small turning - - er............................d................................. —.....-....- -..... -... 763 Machinels,..tterinc -- —..............do-.............. 1 I.................... 764 Mauls, railroad spike. —----- -do..488 488 100 25 90 12-20 91 127 765 Measuresr-do -2 28-s I ------------------------------- 766 Measures,........................... ets - -....I 767 Mills, coffee ----------— number - ----- - 155 155 1 —-2 — 1-10 — ---- --— 09 769 Marlin, tarred-fee...................dt -—.... — -I 338 338 ---.26 40-13 361 770 Metal, babbilt —--------— pounds ------- 393 393 90 48 50 —------------------- 710 3 771 Matches-ross — - 8 oI 7 772cMauls, brite -nadnysheadr-i l...d 1.. 1.....1......... 773 Mills, saw, incomplete —-------------- do.............. -.................. 757 31achines, screw-cut................do..............] 1 1...........;..........' —......~~~ Report showing the disposition of Uniited States military railroad roperty in the military division of the Tennessee, rc.-Continued, ^ - - --- n ^ i a Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- ~'t * ~^~ ^ panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned I a I ~,^, P ~August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. ~ ^ ^ ~~ - ^ ^ a -a ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: Aricee a -c, -'~ ~ e, ~" rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a Sc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> ^^ n' ^,L^ _^^' ^ ^^. ^. l ^ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... ]]]E ]]]]]i 1 II I.............. -1" 1.II...I..... 774 Mule, saw, complete - number-2 - ^-ll 780 Measurestin.................................... -.................... scr.w-ct......................... l2 0 781 M-celiunes grooving - do --- 1 782 Maichines biii-rciutar-...-...-.do.-.- - - -1 — —.. —-..........-.I —....-........-.... I......... Articles.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 783 Mauls iiisii-~....do ------- ( 778 achiesfoldng,................o...-....-...........................................\.!.................................................. 3.,J 779 M chin s, be ddin'.-. -..- -.-..... do........ -... -......... -....... - - - - -. -. -. -...............3 780 achies, crewcut athe.-.-.. —.do.-. —.. il fl: ill ii —..i iiiiii........................iii]/ii" i:" l':liiiii. —....-. —t —-......................-. 78 M ch ne, ro vi g~ -- -- - --.- -- do --. -- -. -... -......-.... l f i l' i'........'.~.. i].........I':l ll l l li;.l li. —--........................:.........T.- -. -.. -.. -, 78^ achnesburin^,lare -.- -....-.d.-.-..-...........;.._........'............-. — I \.......................]:.'..................]................ < do.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 783 M au s, ron....-. — —........- do...- -............-..- -.......................... —...-..'..- -............................................. 2,. 784 Moulds, cast....-do...-..-......-.-..d.-.. —-.-................................[....-..-.-.. —-.. —................................-............ 4 785 Measures, tape....do.......-..-.. —.d -.....-.-.-.....-....-..-.-....-.....-...-.. —-..-....- —...-.. —................................... 2)0.......... 78) l~~~~~~~~ce ~~~~~ipe-ito-20-~~~~~~~C)bI 788 Nuil a, --- — pper-uswrber.-...... wii —itdo. - ---. 6 6..1-...- -...-....................................... I........ 2 4 - 787 Nails, a ------— ssori —— ted - - - d.pounds-2. -- — 434 2,434...-....- ---..........-.-.- -..-................-........-........-........ 26, 317 200 788 Nuat s, clinch ------------.........do.-..- -. —-.- 80(1 800 -------— 100. —--------- --------—.. -- - --------—... 789 Nipples, shoulder-..- -...-..number-. - -— 136 136 ------ -- -.-... -.156. 7790 M a ch i e s, g as -p ip e - -- ---..... — - --- -—..... —- d o -.... I I I.....................-. --.............. --- -- - ---- - -- - -- -- --- -- --- - -- ---- —.-..-. 791. Nuts, hexagon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I..........-...p ud............ 95 95 2 9 3...................../.i............ 1,350.......... 7792 M ac ins, w rou ght -. - -.. -- - - -- -(o ---—... ---—.. —.. -. -. -- - -- - -- - -- - --------. —... — --—.- I —----—. — -- -—.. — ----—......... 14.. —.. —---. —-.. —- -—. 780 Machines, wirew- iitlath -------—.-. —................... -.... —........*8.. —...-... —... -.. 3 i.........-.... I /-..................-........... 781 Machines, hors hov —.-. —----—.. -.. -pou s... - -................ —-..............-...........-. —. —.....-........ -........ - —........1... 790 N aip ls, gi no e - ------ ----- ------ --.do —- -- ------. — -- -- - --—.. ——..-..-........ 2 791 iits Iiclpounds. 95 950 720 99 430 —--.......................................... 792 N uitls c...wio.i..t —- -...... —i — -4(o -- -4 —------ 6es................ - ---.- -- - - -- ---—.. 205- - - - - - - 4 2L 4. 798 N ts, asorted.....................- pouns....................................................... 7 N si h.....f.... —.-.. do. - - -.-.........2.....-....-.. 18.......... -................-. —.............. 31 0 800 N ails, cinishing —------— do.....-..-........-....k.......-...................-............... 5 -............................- -........... -.......... 789 Naipnp les shoe -do -25 —----- --- -........ 6 - -.''........ 7806 Nils cuasoted............ N.pound..........do —5 4...........5 4..........'2......-.........................L................................ 5 790 Nails, clinh........cut..kegs. 3 04......................3.......... 0............................. 5. 798 Nutils,,uroit nd -poun ds - - --- 2,907. 2....-......79 NO ut s.-.-. -.. -- --—.-...... ou s - -. —- -- 4 4 1.. -- — fin i h in gdo. —...6 8- 7 1- 00.5,7840 5,4989 801 Nutsin flihn8apr — 6 103 800 Nails, cuto seIored. — ------— Pounds - ------------ - -392- ----— 4, —-- -— 0955 1 803 Nails, culnchoe-kegs —----- 1 -- ----- ------- - -39 —-- --- 804 Nails bruse round head - 0ross-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---------------------------— 2 796 0-itsponslu ------------ -1,000 —----------------— 1,000 —-------- ---- 000 —---— 115,70 3450 806 O xen............................ num beGi- - ------— 12 12 12 12......- -—. —... —-.. —-------- 807 Oilersd...............................do......- ----- - 1919 191 - -... - -......1. —------------- —......-...-.. ---- --- 381 808 Oilers, engine.-......................do. —... —-—. - 99, 99 28..........1 28 6.-. —- ----—.11 --.......5 21 8911 91. —..-..... 6 33 6................ 13........- 33...-...... 809 Oilers, S.B ------------— do --- -—: —283318 810 Oilers, tin -------------------------— do......... —- 2G3': 63 -..... — --— 1 —-—... —19~~~~~~~~~~'i....... - 515 44811 Oil, coal.-e-d —--------— _ —-----— gallons.. —.. —L2 1...- -0-..)- 2..................51. 818 Oil lnbiieating - do - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-12 —---- 92 -------- -------- --- - -- 1, 20 812 O nnchre, yellow................... pounds. ------........ —----—..-.. 238 65 ----.-.. —-- 3 -. —-—. 623 301 820 Oil neat foot -allen- 39~~~~~~~~ — - -- --- -- ------ --- -- ------------ 813 Offices, sm-alli........-........ -. number — -—.....-.- -. —- -. --—. —-—. ---- --- - --— 26 ——.1. —.................. 814 Oil, lardec —---------------------- gallons... —-. —..- 615 615 17 4121 303-. — ----—.. —.. —-—.. —- ---. —- ---- 11,157 94. 815 Oil, raw linseedp - ------— e —-—. -.- —.do... —.- -... 95 95. — —.. 294 -----—.-....-.. —-.. —.. —. —. —-—.-..- 133 2 816 O il, kerosene........ —-..-.. —. — - - -( - -- ----—. —---—.. —.-. —.. —. —-.-...-. ——. -—. -.. —.-.. —- -- - - - - - - - ---—....-. ---------. -..... -- -... —- -----—.- 44 ---------- 817 Oil, boiled Ingseed.-..................do..... —- -... —-12- -- - 122 —- ---------- 55 27 40 —547 1(.....4. -. —-.. 818 O il,,lubr catingi.. —.. -—...-...-.- -do. —.-... —.-..-... —-...-..-....-.. —..-.....-..-............ —.-... —. —.-.-... —. -....... -................ I, 05)5-. —-...-. 819 O akum -------—.. —. —--.. — ----- -pounds.. --. ---------- -------- --. —. —------------ ---------....... —. -----....-..-.. —......-. -.....-...-..... --- I 14 820 O il, neat's-foot ----—.-.-. —. — ---- gallons-.......I..................,.......-....... — -..... —-- ---.. —---.........- -... —- --- ------—. J 30 821 Ovens, camp.. ----— n.i —---- number.....-348 — - 3-4 —14-9 268 21. —............ —-—... —-. —. - --- --—. —. —----. 17 8->2 O chre,'F'renr - -- - - -- - -- - - POUndS. — --- ---- - - - -- - - --—. —.. —-... —. —.-.. 15 --- -- --- -- - - - - - --—..... —-. —--- --.. —. —--. —.- —. —-----—. - ---- 2.. 13 1 - 823 P aper,:cap: —------- —. —------- - q. ires.... — —. —---------------—. 294- 120............. — --- -....0 1,200 824 Ppo erletter.- --—. —. —... —-- ----- -do......- -138... 74 74 10 20 8 20.. —.. —-. —--. —. —.. —-.. —-.- 215. —-...... 825 apa ernote..........-. — -. --------— do.............. 480 480 -.. —.. —. 5 40...-........... —. —-------. 600 4-.......... 826 Paper, abstracth —..- - -. —--—.do. -... —-- --..! 15 15. —. ——... —-.-... ——. ----- 7 8. 827 Paper, ablottinged...do..-........ —4sheets....... —.....; 12112 122 -8 —------ 26 27 40 ----- — 8............ —.: -. --—.- 547 104828 P encils, lead. -.-. —.............. — - num ber. --.........! 348 348. —..... —.. —-......- 1.44. —------. —- ----- --- -----. —.. —.. —.. —-.- 976.......... — 829 P ens, ruling ----— n —- --... --...do. -.-........- 6 62-.. -. -. —. -.............. ----- --—. — -.-.- --... — 7 6 1 830 Presses,letterl - --------------------— do... ---- 14,460- 12 12.......... I I 1-. —.. —-—. —- 1 —------ ---—.-. 9 1 837 Piotsitar........-.-.............. —-do............. 138 138- ---...16........ —.....:...........-............-.-..-..- 13 78 832 P incers. -. —--. —---------—... -..... —.....do....... --.....- I I......................... —..... 833 Planes,,3 - — ma- — tch sc e-iinn —- — b- 6-..-...-. o........... 3........ 3 --- -.. —----- ----- ------ 8:34 Planes, assorted --...........do.- ------- 84 18- 06 —-2. -..-. —-----. 84 530 —--- - 835 Planes, arm matchp —................. o.. ----- ----- 34 34... —.....1. — ----. —-- 28 621 8436 Plaen s, ptelo..g.-...and...bits - do........ -............... j..... 7-....... -1 — -. -. - - - - -. - 14, 6 12 834 Planes, srb et-do. —-. do..n --—......... -6- - 18 2 —-1 —. —---- - ---.. ----—..-.. -.-. ——. 4 4 845 Planes, smooths...................... 3o.........7.... 17 418 418.-.. —....'. —-—. —.02 2-7 —- -- ------ -101-49- -2 — -- 253 848 P lnm, -jand.. l ------------------ do....... -- - ----—.-.-..!... —.. —. ——.-............ ——. ——. —.. —...-. — 7 159 849 Plninb and lead - ----- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —----------- -------- ---- 830 Plan es, di chsh-do — - -- - - n m e - - - --- --- -4 6o -- - -- -( — - -- --- - -- - 831 Plans, drip - ----------------------— do -------------- 84 —-- - - - - ------ 841 Planes, jointery.. —....- -.. —--- -..do.. ---- - ------- 371 371 2. —- —. —--— 2 - -- - --— 7 --—......12.I.........265 101 842 P lanes, pam nel ploughs s -------..-.-.- do. --------—..118-3 3 9 —---- ----.. —---.. —-..-. -—....... —. —. —. ——. —--- -. —..-..-.-. 20 21. 843 Planes, plough and bits- -............ do. ---- ----- - -- 104 109 -4 -. -- -6 —- ----- 7. —------ --. —-. -... —. - -.. — 1 2 844 P lanes, rabbet............ --—.-... do..............- 76 76-.. —-—. — 4 18..........-...... ——. 3.-..... 24 197 8 5 P lanes,8m ooth. --.- -- - -- ---—..-....... do..............- 337 1 337...-......-.-.-. —.. — 12 -- -- -...........7.....-11-9 846 P lanes, sash................ —.. —- --.. do.... --...... —-- 4 1 4 -------.. —. — - - - - - ---.-.... -................. —... — -- -. -... —..... —-.- - -. —.- --- 4 8477 P lanes,, woodd —--------------------—.(oo.-. —---------- 3 133 --------—. —------—. ---------------------------------------------------- 4 --------- 848 P lum b and level.. ---- -.- —. — - -—.... do.............!-I I.-........ —-..........-......... -..... - -... -.... I.......... 849 P lum b and lead...... —. — —. — -—. —- -.do..............- I I. —... —- - -.! —.-.. -.. -... —...- -- - -- ---—.... -. -.. -----—.. —-. —.. -...... —--. —.. —8...Pencils;.scrawling. —— 6 —-- 6 - 8507 Peans, dish.-p —---------------------- dond -—.......70 431 431: I....... 3 9 - -........-... - - 851 P ans, drip....... -- -- - -- --- - -- - -- -...... do.............. 1.54 154..........!-... —....- - -- - --—..... -.... —...... --—.... 6...,. —-—..... —- -- 431 852 P ans, fry......... --- ---- -—.........- do..............I 186 186..........- 3 ----------------------—.-.. —..... — 2.... 32 475 8.53 P ans, ------------ ------------... - do..............I 118 j 118......- -... -............ —. ------- 9-... 24 167 854 P ans w ash..........................- do.. ---- --- --—..... —- --------—.......\.........\............................................. —--- 855 P aulis... —... —-—.-. —- ------. —--- do. ---- --------.- 6 6...-......-. —. - -..!..- -—.-.. -....-.... —-. —.. —--- --. —. —----.. —- 1 1 7 8 6 P encils, scraw ling ----—. —-------...-do..............-'36 i 36 -—. —- - -- ---—.-.... -- - -—... --------—...... —-..- —... —...........3-. -...857 JP eels. ---------------------------— pounds............ — 772 772.......... —-......... ---- --—. -.................... -. —-.- 772..................-......... — Report shosting the disposition of United Stites military railroad property in the military divi'sion of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. N I............. nb Properly sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop-.....!.............I panics under the Executive Orders of erty returned;; - I ^^ ^ I August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners, a. -~ Q 1 ^1 ^ - - ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ il ~~~~~~~~~~~Articles. ^~~~~~~~~~~~C C.- - a a — -s-^^ 1^ a^- ^ ^ ai^ a ^~~~~~.......... do......... Ili....................i C I ^: ^'' ^ i. ^ I c C, aE 858 last r ofPari....-.-....-..-.- o n s-'............................' I....-.....1..........'. — -.. -.-. —.-....-...-....-.....-....... 1714 ~ 868 iPlaefr rster of Paris-nd. —------- — o............... 863 P f,..............I 2 859 Pickes......................... n e1..........399 1,399 188 i 139.52...................... 40 -9 860 P, mp ---...-.. —........ do.............. 4................................. 28..... 37.. 866 Pl tes tn -.-...................... do....1...-.: 5, 9. 9.......... 24 o 2.. -...........!..... 3 3........ 1, 86 63 867 Pla,.............. do..-.'. —..-..-. 2......... 861 Pines, cturn, lignmvt — d............ --- 862 Pipe former, stove ------------------- do............-2 2.. —------- -----------------.......... —-.......-2 ---------- - ---. — 863 Pipe s, t,-......-t........f-....do.....................................1.......... 864 Planers- s —-------- - do-.................do-... 1o............... --- ---...-.. --—.... -- 865 Planers, cofmpletee -d- -.......................1. 4-5 - 3 866 Plates, ctin-e s —---------------- -..do - - - 99 5.......... 4 9 4 123 3 —...........8................... 4 867 Plates, cfbed for saw stand-.........do............ 185 85.......... - - - --.... -...... -.......... 8687-gallon............do.............. 156 156..........4..........- - - - -.............. - - - - - - -- - - 869 Plates, curvin................... do............. 13 13.......... 32. 877 Pot.... -..... -....- --........ do.............. 3 3..........2............ —-............. --.... —------ 3 870 Plates, wdrougt — ah-c - -, do.................o.............. 16................ - --- --. 6 -----—. 871 Plates, straightening.-.... -....... —. (o. I — 2- ---------—....-.-..........o 2 —..-........ — - ---------- 872 Pots, coffee —... -- d- o barrels.......... 217 2 2 —-...... 3. 59 45.. 230.. 873 Ptcfesa......... 44 4230874 Pots, coffee, three-quart — do-..18........ ( I88.....................- -—.-. -.. —..-... —.. —.. -..-.. --.. --—.. — I1 875 Pots, coffee, three-gallon.-................do,..........3............ —- 5 88............................................... -- - -- 878 Pots, gluope te..... — -.............- do 13 —-.. - -— 1-2 —2..........8......... --- -- 876 Po olde ro............................ 6 856........... —..........!3.......... 856.. 8877 Pot.sl ders. -.-.... -. ------------—..nu mber........... 3 5............... —.................. ——.. -......... -- - - - - - -- -- - - -0........4.......... 3 878 Piece's, distance, cast - -............ do. 1 —------- I 2...16 —-.......................... - 879 Pencils, slatee-b —--------------- ox —-. I 1-1, ---------- I -------- 880 Paint, mineral-barrel —------------------ 140 —------- ------------ 6. —--- 881 Presses, boring ---------— nucuberi- - - - - - - -1-I I —------ ------------- 889 Presses, drill.-do —-------—. ----- 3 3 -............ -.....- 1... —-— 1 5 883 Presses, screw - d~~ ~ ~~ ~~o. ---- ----------- - -------- 884 Pumps, oil - do. 1 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-------— 18853 Pumpss, complete --------— d.............do..................-.........-.......-3 —---— 1 886 Pm Pulleys —---------— pound..... I..............856.........8... —------------ 856 —--- 887 Pulleys-..............numbsr.....-..520 ----- 46. —--- 888 Pulleys, 12-inch -d...........(o........ 2 - ------—........................ r~89,Pulleys, 21 —feet -d...........(o 1-1..... II.................. 890 Pulleys, friction —..-....~.........do. - -. ] i i I..891 P un ch s, spri ng. —.................d.... 1...... "! o o — ~-~~~-~ -— ~~ —- -- -— ~- - l —- — ~ —. -— ~ -... —.. —................. —-.. —..-. 893 Punches, spring --- - ------- ----.do... - ---- -- i.I.i.'. I.......... — - 893 Punches, turners'.-... —-... —.-....do...... —-... I io' 10 ""'"~-~~~~-~-~~~~, —------ ~j~-~- -... ——...-......-..-..... —....-.-. 4L -.-..... — 892 Punches, hydraulic ----- -. —-.. do.... 3 1. - -~...... 895' Plyers~flat~no~e........ —......-....do....1..........! ^1 ^.;:..;:"" """"" """-^ ~ —— ~ —~~ —-~~-~ —-~ —-~ —-~~ —~ —-~ —-~ — ~~~~ —~~ 893 Punches, turner...................p dou0.. 10 -----. —..:894 Punches and chisels, solid -..j do_ 800 """460 109 —------ 900 Powde... —. —-.......-.. —.....k gs...i.........1 1 12............ — -------------—. —-------—. —-...-....j 2,48-I, —— 7, 890 Po ts, flazit-nose --------------------- - (l..1- --.' 4 —- ------- 96 Packip g,rubber pous — -3,12 3 0 ----- ----- --. —--—.. —......... 904 P um p, force.. —-—.- ---—.....num b e...........1 22 2 2 1.' ~ ~ —5 —------------— ~ —--- --------- -- ----------- —.-....897 Pencils, carpenters'd....... -..- - - number 144 144 6 —- 6- ---- —.- ---— 144.. 0068 Plutty asotd......... - n dse.. -... 48 48.......-.-.-...... ----- --- --. —--—....4....... —--- 8907 Pipe, 480J198...eet... —.-.....9 2691 290 ---- - ------- -. —-... -.-.-.. ------—...... 9)08 Powder,-hardware....k...............quiregs... —....... 1........2 227 1-12 2, 227 1-12 7, 341 300 8.. —.. -------- I-..... oi 394....388 901 Poiter, g —— e -- -. k............ 12 12 —-2 480... 1,394... 7,'.'." —-- 388 —----- ---' 388 3.9010 Paointsghep....... —.p................... 1_ I.'~" —-~"-um —-------- ------- 9 n j~ ~ a p e r ~ e m e r y......................~~ ~ ", -,e s - —.................. - - - - - - 54 0- - - - ---- - - - - - - -...........- - - - - —... 1, 6 5 912 Plyersr c —------------. —--...number..do.... 6 - ------— 1 —---------------------- 48 0 - 903 Pipe, water-set...... pounds...... -' 1""0 3 -------- ------------------ ------- 4- --—.. — 904 Pumps, force-number -— 2 —— 2 —-------— 1 —--—.3 —-, —-— 1 —. —---- 20i- - 905 Paper, sandk -----—. -—....... —....quires -- -—.d.. ~ — 6 6 8 —-------- 917 Potstea.........................do........... i._' " " \.'.''.'."'" "-~~ —~~................. j....... ^............. —-......-...................4 906 Plugs, assorted g —-------------.number 4- -8 18 14 --- --- ---------- -0 4 —14 —97 Pipe, wrought. —----------— fet 468-468 --- 9 19 P o in ts ~ s te e l fro g....................d o' - - ~ - - - - - - - -j- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - " " ~- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -.. 4 6 8.......... - - - - -- - - - -. -- - - --- -..920 —---- 5 12 9-12 51P2 9 — 1.2. -.. - - -..........i. —----.. —.- — j.; 512 9-12. ---------- 9198 Paper, hardware -q.. res. 2-.....-.... 909 Paper, envelope...................do - - - -10-80-4-0-.- --- --.. - ---- ---------- --------- - -- ------—....... —..... —...__....... —925 Pipe, tin~assrtcd................... feet.......'!'-'- "1.-... -------------------------- ---—.-..-.. -.-.-.. —----................-..........40 910.2 Packing, hempa ------------------— pounds..' 1.. " -------- -- --—. - ---—.. -............ 911 Paper, emetry -- -ber. qu.res —- 699 2-5- 17 -.912 Pltanersh....compound.............. t.oub. 160 52i 40 10 40-8 — ---- ------—. —----.-..... —..... 9301 Plancers, carpe untes................. do..... --' ------'.'.\... ". ~.'.'. ------- ~-~ —-— ~ ——'~ —------ ~ — ---------- ---------------, —- --- ~ —..... -..^,91 P in, in ed- ------------ outtd,, ---- 00........ 932 Pipes, nozzleand hose.............. do............. i..............''' "' "'-[ —----— ~- - ---------------- ----— j. —-—. —- ---— j —--—. —. 914 Pins, coupling —-------— nunmber-400-350 —933 P ipe, s ove.......,..-............. joi ts....... --—, —---- ~ —-- --------- --—. —--- -- - -- - -- ---—. ^ ---------..... -............. _............ 9153 Pipes, blast, wood2 - do-. 9 3 5 P a n s ~ ~t i n............................d o........... (.. "' "' " " "'^ \ " "......... ". "- - - - - — ~ - - - - - — ~ - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - 9 3 6 P a~~ck i n g ~ ~ste a m...................p o u n d s........' 4 3 i 7 9' " ~ - ~ " ~, " - - - - - -i- - o - - - - - — i- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - 937 ink. utch....................do........... 1...............-....... —------—......................-......-.........,0. 9816 Pans, bakse ------—....... do number.-1...' ------ --------- I... 917 Pots, tea -d —------------------------'lo. - -- - --- I 918 Plates, number engine.-..-10 -! ------- ----- - - -. - ------— 10 ——...-...... ------ 919 Points, steel frog - -do.. ---------- ---------- ---------- 249 5078 0 (Ott Plates steel fiog —---- ~~~ —--—........939 997 9011 Pa9pers oil -----— _ —-— sheets ----- 922 Packing" gu -it-n —-------— pounds ---- -15.5 1) 5 116 --— 11,0- ----- -- 468 _ 903 JPots, fits —------------ niun-bex 1 —----------— 8 --- 924 IRemers sanid drill* ---— do —-- -1 --- I..... —--- 925 Ptpe, tit assoi-ted -- -------— feet. -------— ~I ~17 02 i Tpe, leasd —----------— p oud LIII - -- --- - -- I 907 Ptumps, tinl —----------— u1mber.. --- -------- - 928 Potash —---— _ponu1ds, -------- ------ 929 Pincers, blacksmiths' —-------— do --- 12 —— 8 —--- ----- ----- 930 IPincers, carpenters' -----— do...........'111 Pans-ah'u —-------------- do.. —--- 4 932 Ptpes, nozzle and hose --------- - do --- 1 —-------- ----- ---------- ------ --— i -- 9133 Ptpe stoe ------------— joints — 3 —--- 1,416 --- ---- ---- ----- 031 P1lanes, fores —--------— nunberx 5 —-— 375- ---- 93o Pin" ttn-do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---- ------ -2 —— 9 3 - -----— 6 4 ii —-— 41 1,456 936 Packing, steamn —-------— pounds - ---...4......9 ------ ------—'1339 1, 09)8 937 Ptnk, Dutch —----------— do. --- ------- ------ 938 Potnts, cast fiog —------— numbr 6 —--....... qu 1 ------:.....~140 4(112 -- 939 Papet, folio post -------- ut -r ----- ----- ----..... 50 940 Planes, dadoes —--------— numberx..-..4.16.... 949 Picks e'nth-~~~~~~~~~~do........II 78 1, 570 c Report s/bowing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the zmilitary division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ~ ] Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- M |.2 j j i c3 >+ ~ panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. I! If. 11 1*^ S..,,,,.z 943 P encils, a rticles. umber_ -5..... I... 144 a e^ I ^ ^ 1 I r'^j~ P li- C a- g ^^ I 944 Pipe, Ir.L pounds.....11.ill.1 I. I! 1. l 9_46 __ _____ Posivtr...o..r..i l.... 1 942 Prnotrcts, -ronst!-'....... me...ors....j.-.. —.......-I...................- -..-............".... I..... 947 P o i on to e..-.-...................... ---- ---- ---- - -------- 4 946 Pots, watering -...................... do.......... ------- 948 P'encils, C. H —---- —.-clo. —.......|. r s...t. S.28 F 949 Planes, jack, rabbet - —.... do —- -------------------- 17.. 950 Pumps, hand-liftin g ——.............. do..............................................................- -.....'. - -.' 1 0 951 Powers, hoe-treado............................................ 9 5 3 P u n ch e rs, t a nk -h o ok... -.... - - - -....d o..............'.................................................................... -... -... I.........'. -.. - - - - - - - - -- - 954 Punchers, screw.-. —.-....... -. lo -....... -... ----- 1............ I - 955 Punchers, track -. ----—.do. —. —-..'............- ------ - - -----. -. - -- 4 9^) Planes, hollow.... —(10 —--------- ---- ------ —...-.... ----------.....'. 9 ---------- 957 Planes, moulding.-.. —... —..... ----- —.... —. —- - - 27 1 —.... —-.'" ------ - -.-. —. 958 Planes, filisterd............o.... ----—.-.- --—.-. - 959 Pulley and shafts... —--------—.-'. -.'. I-) 960 Platforms, railroad ---- -......do.. - - --------—. ---------- ---- -- --- ----—.-.- ---------- -------- ---- - 9611 Pieces, standard -------........do.- - - -----—.... —--—.... ---- -.4'. — -------------------- 964 Pivots, tin hington........ —-------—.do ---- ---------- - -- -------.......' - -------- --- - - - - -1 1 —------ - -2 ---------- 965 Racks, pen —-----—. -- —.do ---- ----- - 88 88 - 2 4 --- 4 55 90 966 Rules, office.-........-...............do...... —--- 12 12 1........................... - - - -—'...-. —.-.".-.'.-........-. —-. —-.......... 38 967 Rules, rubber ---—.- -—. - --.do.-... ------- 70 70 ( -1 —.... 1 1..........................- 2.-. —- 58 21 968 Rules, wood......... —-----------— do........ —---- 36 36. —-. ----... —-- -. 1 ------—. 2'.'.'..... 22 11 969 Ropes, pack-saddle - ------..do.-............. 6 -.-.............................. -------- - 970 Rasps, horse -—.................. -.do.....-. —------- 39 39 --------—.........-.... —................ — - -.......... 5.....-. 23 14 971 Reels, chalk-line....... —----------—.do.- ------ 7 7 --- -21 77 972 Rules, box-wood. —--- - s.-....do.......-...... —- - 1 08 11)8 — 155. 973 Rules, 2-foot. —-—.......... -- - do ---- --- -.i- 98 98. —-................ --- 12 —.... --- 12 -------- 94 328 974 Riddles -- -........................ do.... -. 2 2 1..... -........... I O 975 Rollers, cast. —--------------------- do. —-.... --—.-. 14 14 -------- — 14 ---— 1..................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-976 Rivetsiron.................... do- 127 977 R opes, w itch ------—...............do.................................. 2J ---------- 3.......................................... 2 53 ^ 979 Rolls for rolling-mill. —------------- do.-............. 1 1 1 —....-.. ~980 Rags.-........................pounds.-.. —- 939 939 1, 230 1, 606 810 —-....... 24, 150 794 981 Resin —-------- ---— do —- 270 2707-.. 3 230............................ 402 40 x 982 Rings, flush. —------------..number. 108 10 --....1.......... 13 --------—..........- -....................- 108 25 983 Rivets, copper...................... 2 2 -....8 [.. - - - 4................. 20-4.2 58 4 984 Rivets, tinnero's....................do- -- 499 499....... -........................................... 6,499 17,000 o 985 Rivets, smoke-stack. —---— do —-- --- 24 24 61 175 —............24 190 986 Rods, extra..................... number............ 3R.....extn-n-b - 3 - - -...........e. — - - -- - 5 987 Rope,assorted................. pounds............ 8,173 8,173 465 1, 035 2,.718 1, 559.......-4,693 28, 965 988 Red, India do...1.06.........................d......................................... 106 5 989 Red, Venetian-do............-..........s.......................95 — -.-. 93 65 990 Rasps, wood.................... number................................................ 10 2 991 Rolls, torn ------------— sets. —---- 1 - - - — i 992 Rives, asot ed - po. nn.d.............ses.............. ——. —.............................. I. --- -- - 992 Rivets, assorted..................- pounds.......................................... 15i.............................................................. 1, 161 sP 993 Rings, brass racking-number.................................................... 2 4 -- - -. —---- - -8 - 994~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Rods.brae. do206 994 Rods, braker —------------------— do-..................................d.................... 206 0 —...................... ---------- 995 Rivets, boiler....................... do............................................ 38 200 --------.................................................... 9o986 Rooms, sxtore -.nnmber-1-5 996 Rivets, black.-........ pounds........-................................ 997 Rivets, tankov-pe —------------------ do0.................................5'.'8 9.....'.........................'.....9...... 325, 998 Rooms, store.............. nd.......................................................................... 999 Reamers, steel -.. —..............pounds.......................................... 17-i.....'.'.'...................... -------- -------- -------- "' 1000 Rivets, stove-pipe. —................do......................'.'...............................'10... 11..'.................................................... 1001 Rivets and burr, copper.-........number.-...................... 7....... 1.i' - 1002 Rings, brass cylinder................do..............................................................'......................................'.'.".'.....1.. 6 1003 Roofing, patent..................pounds..........................-............. -... -... -16 104Rodls, swtchnnbr-..... 1006 Range, cook, and fixtures —..........do........................................ -..................................... 1007 Reflectors, h'd light.............. -..do...................'.'...........................................'.'.'.'....................'.'.'.'.'....'.'.'.'..-... 10 1008 Rules, paralleld......................do-..................-...........-.-.........'........ ~ ~-. —-- - --- 1009 Slatesoffice..................''do us................................1 7 1010 Safes, field-...........do. —. 2 2-......2..................... 3 1011 Safes, iron-do —-6 —6 -- 1 — 1. do.....6......., 66........... - ----..........6 1012 Shearsoffice.......................do 3 -....... 33......................... 3 - 1013 Sheets, oil-.......................do- 19 19....................................................................... 13 6 1014 Saddles, riding.....................do.............. 9 9....................................................................... 9 14 1015 Saddles, wagon -..................... do.............. 77 77 --------—................... —. —11 — 1 —.........-'. —----- —'....'.. 63 51 1016 Saddles, pack.... d..................do-6....... 6 -...........'.... 6 --— 51017 Solder, spelter....-....p.........pounds...-.........................-............ 20 55........................................................... 1018 Singletrees............600........... 60 6............................................. 41 201 1019 Sticks, jockeyd 135 --—...... o13 1..........o 135 135....- -................. —------------ 128 39 1020 Spreaders - -..........do.............. 20 20.................................................................... 43 23 1021 Stirrups, wood -do-............ 9 9........................................................................ 9 1022 Straps, coupling....................do-......... 87 87................................................ 161 1 1023 Straps, halter ----------— do-..-..... 9 ----------- -161 1 1024 Straps, naeckl-do 3-te9-....o..........39-...........7.. 16..2 4 10254 Strapstrrn p -do -121...................2..o............................... 373 18 1025 Straps, stirrup...................do.............. 12 12........................................................................ 1..........: Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ~c.-Continued. ^ C g r- Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- ~.?, panics under the Executive Orders of erty returned a; I^ ^ -!-' August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. In 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'CaaC Ca Ca' C ~ C.) Articles. I'- -' - I C I' ~ IS ~ 1 ~ 1a. =1 -o 1.a o = aZnt" g- P4'= lzo M; s pa,_'C QCS Ca S C^ Cs'Ca ^ 1^^ ^^.. 1 il4 ^ cd a ~~~~'C ~~~~~ Ce -_ C) -0 H0' a C C-.-~~~ - a....C ~~~ ~eea e'~~'3 ~ ~ ~ C C C t u —1 a 1^1 -i-^ +i^ 1 CC'i- ^'C'C C C a ~~~~~~~ e~~~~C, a~~~~~~~~~Q S)~~~~~~~C, ~~~~~Q ~~~~ C0a 1026 Stretchers -.....................number............ 71 71..........-..........-............-.-...........-....................... 71 ---------- 1027 Skins, sheep.-.....................do.............. 5 5...........-.................-8 -........- -.-.. —---- --. —--. 1028 Sledges, blacksmiths'-............... do. ——......... 50 50-.................... 2 - - -22 5 —- - 105 0 1029 Stocksanddies..................... do............... 27 27.................... 4 2.... ——......- 12........ 3 6 1030 Saws.-.............................do.-........ 22 22- 2..........2 -.............-...-...-...-........ -. ——. 2.......... 1031 Saws, back........................do.-............. 98 988........... 1.................. l- -38 1032 Saws, circular......................do. —---------- 29 29.......... I 1 2. —------ - -.10 - ------- -------- 20 1033 Saws, compass.....................do.............. 53 53 - - - 12 ---- 19 9...............................-........ - - 9 1034 Saws, cross-cut - do-.......11..do............ i 24 4 5 8-1 6....141....0 11........ 141 1035 Saws, hand -—.................... do......... -- -- 978 978.......... 7 53 2 ------—.-.... —............... 230 1,144 1036 Sawsgig......................do.............. 6 6.......... 5.. - -...............-. -16 5 i 1037 Saws, mulay....................... do.1............ I I................-..........-....................... —-.... 7...... —1038 Spikes, bridge...................... kegs................................ 5 10 17 18............................... 205 571., 1039 Straw -------------------— _ ——.pounds -- ---------- ---------- ---------- — a-on s —-.........680 -........ -------- w o..... 1040 Saws, rip.......................-number............ 233 233................... 12 1................ —............... 24 406 1041 Saws, tenon. -----—. —..... —........do.............. 3 3............................... —...-...-........ -............- 9 130 1042 Saw gummers-. —-............... do.1............ I I I.......1... — -............. ——. —... ---------- -----. 1043 Sawsets...........................do..............- 75 75................. 14.......................... 2 12 49 1044 Screws, bench......................do.............. 26 26......... 12 5 —--------------—........................ 1i 1045 Screws, hand-bench. do...25 25..... 6 2 173 1046 Slicks.. —.......................do.-............ 43 43.-.......................... — -—..............................- -------- 43........ 1047 Shaves, spoke......................do.-...... —--- 50 50 ---------- --------....7..3 6 34 1048 Squares, steel......................-do.............. 296 296.......... 3 30 2 -............... 14 -------- 126 425 1049 Squares, try...................- do.-............. 175 175 -------------------- 2...................... 5 ----—.85 223 1050 Stones, oil..........................do..............- 303 303.................... 8....................... 7........ 42 244 1051 Stones, oil —.................pounds......... —- 130 130 -......... --------—. ---- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------—.319 —........ 1052 Saws, mill. —----—..........number.............11 11- - - -- ---—................... — - 18 1053 Sacks, gunny......................do.............. 3,540 3,540.................- - ---.-. -—.. —... — -.... —----- —. —- 7,495 2,756 1054 Singes. —-- -... —-..........do.............. 6 6.-6.......................- -........- -------- -------- G.......... 1055 Safes, match. —........... - do-1 --—.......... -..- -.-2-. 1056 Saws, buck. -- ---.-. do..-.... — 15 15 --—.. —-----—. ——. — - 12 3 1057 Siaws, shack.........................do.............. 1.......................................................... 1 1 1058 Saw mills, portable.................do. i 1 I 1.... ----—' — 1059 Spouts, tankd o..-..1..'................................-...............'.'.'.'.' -.'.'.'..'.'. - ~... —---- ----------- 1060 Stocks and dies, gas-pipe......-. do-..............-. —..... -..........-..........-..........'..-.........-.................................." 1061 Screws, iron bench-.............do -..d -- -.... 30 30.-11..... —--. —---------—.....-'.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...... ---— """ —----- 19 li 1062 Screws, for pulleys -.................. do.......... - 2 -2.................................'...........'.....'.............. - 1063 Scales, platform....................do - 15 15 - --- --- 1 14 I...-..-.......... ~ —~2.......3 8 1065 Shears, tinner's bench..............-do.............. -2 2..-............... 1-.......................: 1066 Shafts, wrought..................- pounds - -... 264 264 -264............... ----- --........ 264. 1067~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~4 Shers lap....................{.ar............. 63 6..-..........[ 6... 4 11....... 1068 Shears, sheep- c -- -..............do -.............. 1 -.-.... —...............-....... - -'.............-.......1............1' i 1069 Scoops -r..........................number....... —. --—. ——..-.-....-....-................................- -............... 2 2 1070 Scythes, brier, and snaths -.....do —-.. 2 2 --- -..... -1 —.'........................... i 1071 Seamers, double-roofing........................... -------—. —........................................................ 11 1072 Shades, lamp..- -d —----—. —o-2. —...... 27 27 4 -.............................-........ 3........ 20 7 1073 Shovels-........................... do.-............ 1, 936 1, 936 283 252 467 60.-... — - 121 -....- 168 1, 826 1074 Saddlers' toolssets2 2..........-..... —.es.........................................................-. -.......... 1075 Sets, rivet.-....-... —- --—. —.- number..-2 3.......... 3..........-... -... -- 3.......... 1076 Sets, screw.-......................- do. —----------- 4 4-4 —-------------------------................. — 4.............. 1077 Sieves, wire ---—............... do.............. 10 10... —-.................................. — - - ---------- 6 -------- 5 2 ^ 1078 S oothers-na —. do....................mot.... rd239 23-................3....9...... 1079 Snips, circular. —------------------- do- ---- 2 2 -.......... —.-. —- —....... ——.'............................ —-2.'. - 1080 Shoes, horse........ ------....pounds. -.. ——.....500 356 1081 Shoes,mule.............Sosmldo....-.......... - - —............................................... —-— ~ —~................. 1000 625 1082 Snips straightes...................... number....-5 5.......... -............................ 5 1083 Slates, double —------ do-.............. I I -........ —---.......-' 7 —--'1 ---- i 1084 Sockets............................-do.............. d6 6 66 — ~ --— 66...............- 1 —1"..'-......' -- [ —-81085 Sockets, reducingdo..........................................-.......................1-.........................''-' 8 8- 10816 Sockets, for blast boxes. —............do...........n —..... 6 6 3............. —...............'...................[..66 -- -........1087 Spoons, basting....................-do....-......... 260 260.......... 3..........[.'/' -.'.'. 17.......'[ 3...5" 24 10188 Spoons, table.......................-do....-.......... 254 254 --- - 11 66 218 -- - 95 2,452. 1089 Spoons, tea......................- do....-.......... 2,803 2,803.......... 16 50 278 797 1,924 1090 Sprinklers, -. —e...................do...-....... 24 24.......-.-.....-..... -...-.......-....-........"..........-......! 21 3 1091 Stakes -.........................do..............- 10 10-...................3...........-...............-... 0 3 1092 Stakes, hatchet 2-1-1 —----....-... 2 -...do...... -.......... "...........................'....... 1093 Stakes, square......................-do.... 3 3- -....1...... 1....... --— ~ ---.....-/..... - 2 1094 Stands, eader.......................do......................................... 2-.-..2-................ 1095 Stands, cast, for rollers —----— do-.4 4.......... do4 4 -8...........44...-.......... -"-... - -4........ 8{..........".-..1...4 1096 Sticks, double a —------............do.............. I d o......-...............................'-..................-............'-' 1097 Shears, hand, tinners - -..............do. —----------- 9 9 -—...........................'...1. 9 1098 Stocks, cut-off do................................................ 2 2...... —..........- 2'.'. 1099 Stocks, screw --...-...............2.. —o-.. -..........!..............2...... ~ -- 1100. Stones, grind, and fixtures.-.........do.-............. 78 78 ---------- 2 3 j 2 --------------- 4.-.-.-.-.-...'6' 1101 Stems, wrought.-...................do. ——......- j 6 6-6......................... 12-6....................... 6........ 1102 Stands, cast, and caps............... do.............. 1,934 1,934...........1......1934......... 13 - - -- 1103 Sinks, counter do...................... d............... 03[2 —.......... —. I- ".'.'.... 7........ [...' ~ "' - -- 1104 Scales, box, 12-inch -.................- do....-...................-.... ----- -- -------- do-1.'..'' ----'.'..''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i -"1.'."." 1105 Stones, half-dressed. —-------- - do.. -—................. —-—'...'.-... 17.......... ---------- 1106 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ —--- ---- -------- Stns rse-o50 1106 Stonesrs.....................nes...d...-.-............'-..........d..........p..-.....c..-......-....-".'...-.................. 5 ------------ 1107 Stones, dressed.................... h..-....-..-..1......do.............. —..........-............................................. 105....1........... 1108 Stones, rough.....-...............do.............. -..................r d............t.........' 300 - 1109 Stables, small —--- -.number................................... -................... 1.................................................... 10,is f~~took~ ~t-o~......................ao..............'~ ~ ~ ~.................... I. Report s/owing the disposition, of United States military railroad property in tke military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. a a Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- ~, ~panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned ~ a August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. a;. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 04 0~~ ~ ~ 00 a P-a -a- Cd a.2 Articles, C'. n a a a-a a~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~aa~~~~ ~~~5 n E~~o ~ 72 a~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I"c! 1110 Sleeves, water-pipe -..............number............~,....................................!...... 1111 Spatulas-..............do-....... g....... 1112 Shavee, epoke -...........do-............./.........-........ C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Eri~~~~...... 1113 Saws, fello-pe do.............. u........................ —..................- - - - - - - -2 1114 Swages, Bpoke......................Sdo ---- ---------- ----------.......... —-........... 1115 Stands, head-light - --—.............do ---- ---------- C) 1116 Shafts, counter and 4-pulley -------— do.............- ----------....... -.......... - --- - - - - - -11117 Screws, large and 4-nut -----------— do 2...-................. 2 1-11.8 Sash ------------------------------ pieces. —------ 170 106 1119 Switches, monkey - number 3 16 1S 1120 Strainers,-tin-do — -6- -: —1121 Squares, bevel. —------------------—.do -— 5 2 —------- ----------.......- ---------- ----------.......... 5' 2 1122 Stoves, coal -do I - -............. - 4 6- -............. I-...... 39 1123 Stoves, Sibley --------------------— do ---- ------ ----- -------------------- ----------.................... 3:1 1124 Stoves sheet-iron...................do....- ----------..........- ---------- -----------. 14 1125 Screws brass.....................gross -..........-..........- ---------- ------------—............4 1 1126 Screws, iron -------------------— number -- --------—............... —-....... -..............- - 1.127 Steel, spring....................pounds 4...........................4........ 0......... 40 6031 -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - 00 ---------- 1 28 Spokes wagon ----------------— number.-0....................- ------ ------------------- 11"9 Strings, hame ---------------------— do ----....................- ---------------------- - 24 --------- 1130 Saws web -..........................do ---- ----------......... — 3- 14 1131 Slicks carpenters' -.-................do ---- ---------- ----------........-...... 3......................................... 13 5 1130 Squares, iron ---------------------—.do ---- ----—................... 1133 Springs, large D ---------------— pounds. 9 - ------ ------ 1134 Springs sinall D ---------------- -do....- -..........d..........o..............................b 156............ — -... -........ 1135 Screws, hand, assorted ---------— numberi-.-..........i I is ----------.................. ----------......... 1136 Sp rings, steel tender ------------— pounds. -- ---------- ----------.......... 1, 3120 I- -------- ---------- 47 1137 Steel, ster-do.... 1138 Stakes blow-horn ~..............number~ -- ----------.......... -..........- I —---- ------- --------......... 1139 Stakes' beak-horn - -do —-- 1140 Stakes, double-seamin g —-----—.. do........ -------—........... --------—...................................... —-... 11.41 Stakes, needle-ease -1................. 1142 Stakes, candle-mould. —-....- -....... do..-.:. —--- -------------------------- --------------------- I -. —... -.. -..... —.... —..-... —.. —. —-. -. —---—. — ------- - ~ 1144 Smoke stack..... —... —-—........ -.do.-..'-.. -.. -...... - ----—. -. —-- - I 1145 Saddles, smoke-stack —................do......................................................................................... 1146 Stools, office.................... do...................................................................................... 4 ------- ---------- I ---------- - - - - 1147 Stands, letter-press —--—. —------—..do —... —----—. —-.. —.. —-. —--— 1 —-------— 1... 1148 Screws, hand, iron.......... —-----. do -151-0 —. —-.. —--------- ~ —-- l. -.... -.... -. - 1149 Springs, spiral patent..........-.....do40......................................................................................... 1150 Shears, cold, and fix tur es, complete..pairs- -. --- --- -- - - --.-. —-- -........ I-. - ---. — - 1151 Sets, screw, for housing -.... number-. —.....- ---.. —----.. --- --- ------ ------ -.8.-...... K ------.1152 Scales, beam-.......... —-------- --- do.-.. -- ------....................................... 1153 Shovels, scoop. -do..... —------------ do...-........... —........ —------ 1154 Shears, iron- ------- -----------— (lo --------------- -------- ----------,212 1155 Skins,'chamois......-. —. —------— do.-... —--—..- -................ —... ----. —...... ——. —------—... -.-.-..... -. 1155 Skins, chamois - do —------ ----------------— 2 — 1156 Studs and nuts.-~~ ~..- -—. —.. —-~ —--- -- -do. —......... -20 —---...........-.......... 1157 Screws for saws -------------- ----- do- ---- -------- -- ------------- ------- ---- --------------- 1158 Shops, machine........ —--------------—.......... do-........................................................................................ ---... 1159 Sheds, corral. ------------------- d —-do --—.. —------- ------------ -------- 1160 Shops, paint......... —------------------..........d........................ —-------.......... —........................................................... 1161 Shops, carpenter —----—............. —---....do. —.......................................................................................... — 1162 Shops, blacksmith - do —------------— 1 1 —- - - ---- 1163 Sheds, sengine-.......... —-----—....do-1.-.................................................. 1164 Sheds, engine... ----------—. ------ do.............. —-—...............-'........................................................ I..... —-- -- 1165 Switch stands and targets.-do.................. —---- 3 1166 Spades. —----— do " —---------— o.. —.. -- 1-I 1168 Steelyards ---— do --—....... ——.......................... —............................ —........................ -1 — 1169 Steel, scrap ——.. — --- - - -.....unds........................................................................ 1170 Springs, gum car -............. — o -do. —...- -..-.-.-.. -............ —.......-............. ------ ------ --- ---- --- - - -.. -- 35 1171 Stands, drawing..-............... —-------------- number- -—.. -......................................... 1173 Skillets-mr.....................d..... m.........[......................................................I............ -........ 1 -10 1174 Shafting, assorted..................feet................. -....................-..........-............................1........-.... 1175 Scales, counter, small...........-number....................................................... —-----------—.. —--—........ —- 3 1176 Steel, cast.....-................ —-------- pounds -.. -5...1..5.. -.2...20........................... 220................-.. — 1177 Shingles.-..... —------------ - number..................... — 121, 000. — - 117,750.................................................... — -- 1178 Sheds, open...-.................... —-- --— do —................................I................................... — 1179 Snips, tinner's...-...-......-....-...do......................................... —-2 1 — 1180 Stoves, cook --------- -.. —---. —-. do. ——...... —- - 151 151.......... 4 3 3 - -- -- 10........ 5 178 1181 Stoves, camp................... do.............. 23 23..............................................................23......... 1182 Stoves, centre platform..............do.............. I I.....-.................. - - - - - —.............................. —................ 1183 Stoves, box heating —---------— do......... 31 31...15 20 2.............-................... 4 1184 Stoves, imperial cook and boiler....................-.[............-.................2................ 1185 Studs andnuts-... —-....-......... -do.- 20 20-20 —-------------------------.......-..-......... -......................... 20.......... 1186 Screws - ----- ------------- gross-.................................. 1187 Screws, assorted.-................. do....... 270 270..- - - 375 91.............................. 150 ~0 1189 Screws, lag, assorted............. —----- number........... 350 350 128.......... 53 130... — 372 593 1190 Screws, brass, round head-.........gross... 46 46......... 18 24 —..................- 28 1 1191 Sal ammonia. -—.-.. ------------- pounds.. --—. — --- 49 49 ------- - 12 83 ------- ---................... —...................-. 1192 Solder -—.. —--------------------— do- 265 265.......... — -40.......4 —.. —. —.. 98 97 1193 Steel, frog ------- --—....do ----— 59..........90 1,590.............................................................. 4,493 1194 Steel, assorted.....................o...do.............. 433.......... 380.......................... 9,46 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. - -ul W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Property sold on credit to railroad comn- Captured proppanies under the Executive Orders of erty returned 0,,n }. August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners. a 7~~~~~~~~~~ C)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or) It -.. ~c. 7~~ -t co n Articles. - a.)..t ~n - i ~-. lo IS nI n p. p.. p. il I I I PId w -n - 1197 Siennabun - 1- 18 17 le 38 4 0 C) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40 C)~~~~~~~~~~~i 1195 Stones, pumice.............. ber................. —----------—.......................................................................... 1196 Sulphur.... --..... —.... —.. —.. pounds............ — 199 1 5 5............................................,.6.4............ 11 4 9 1197 Sienna,burnt.................. —. —— do.............. —---------- 1........................................... 8 45 1198 Sienna, raw......................do....... - -14 14.-.. 3-.. 13 3.......................................... 1199 Soap, casttile —-........... -:-...-.. do —.......:.....................'....13.... 3 6..........4 1200 Spikes, railroad.................... kegs............. 727 725 2 25 100. — -............................ 1201 Shoes, brake.. —--—..-. —..... —.number. ------- -----........................-........-...................................................................... 4 1202 Staffs, flag- -...... —-..-..-.-do.-............ 76 -6 ---------- - -30-46-.......-.............................. 4........ — 1203 Sponge, common-.. -—. —...pounds. --—... ---------------- ---------------- 0 SI12 04 T ools, heading......-.............num ber. --.... -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - —.- - - --—... - -....... -...-. —. —- -- -- —... -.. —.. —- —. -- —. -. -. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --........... —-...... — 1205 Tables.-.... —..................... do.-............. 2 2. —------- 4.. —....... —------- -. —--- --.......... —--—..... —. —---.- 411. 1206 Tables, camp- -........ — -...do.......-.. I I -.................. - -- —..... - - -----—. - ---- 1207 Tools, metallic fastener -........ sets.-1.........-I I I -— 1 ---..... ——.- -.... I 1208 Taps and dies. —---------------- number 2....13....-2 I'-........................... 3. —-—. — - -—.-. 1209 Tongs, blacksmiths - --------- -.do.-............. 56 \156.5.........0.......... I.... i........ -I 1210 Tools, blacksmiths' —--------------- sets.-........... 15 I 15..........-.......... - 2 ---—.-. -.-. - 9 1211 Tools, shoeing.-d.... —- -. d6.- ---------- I --------—.............-..... ——. — -. —-.- --------— ~ —— ~ 2 1212 Tools, carpenters'..-.do. — 2.. —. —- - ~~~~~~~~~ —--— 1213- -— 5 dos................................................ 0.....06-911213 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o" T o ah —---------— d ------- 26 26 ----- ---------- --------........I0......... 1214 Trowels, masons'-number —-- 1 47 2............ 33..........................-..... 10...... 4 1215 Trowels, brick.-...................do-.. -......... 50 1450 ---------- ---------- ------ - I..4 1217 Timber rollers.' —---- ----—.^'. —-.'.-do- -2 —--- 04 24 -- ------ ------ ----—...................- -...... —---—. ---- - -------- 24.-.....1218 Tongs, rail. —----------.. -—. —— do-..... 78 78 - --------. -... - —.....- -.... —-- —. —. 6 5........ 82 1219 Tongs, gas pipe.. -.- -do........... —- 18 18 2...-. —. — 2. -- -... - ---. 17 3 30 1220 Tongs, roofing- --—. Ido-1 1 -- -... -—. ------—. —---------— 4 —----- --—. —. ------ ------—. —----— 4 1221 Tonos, rolling mill --—..-...... — pounds......... 138 138 ------—. - --— 3-8 - --.1222 Trucks... -- —......... -....number............ Trucks — — 1- - -- - -- - - 5..... 1223 Trucks, warehouse -—.. —----- do-t. 6- 2-1-............. —..... --- i ---------- 2 1224 Tacks... -.. —- -—. —--------..papers -.. 1171 117 15 40 48 016-.......... —.........-........-....- --- 195 1225 -— ape.-...... —-— spools....-.-. 4550...................-..-....-. -. —.i.......... 1226 Tanks, water..- -—.....-....-.. number,.i..........s 12 ~ i2;.- -—.... —. --..... ——. - -- 1226 T n s atr —----....nu br 12 T —--— n —--------— 4s ——, —--------------— I- 1227 Tallow...........pounds............ 915 915 840 2,173................................................. 15, 000'_'~~~~.. ~s Isl............................. ].9 7 1228 Tees, gas pipe -..................number -18..... -- 18o........-............................................... 1229 Tees, assorted- do -.. 150 150........................................... 150......................... 1230 Ties, cross.-...................... do. —----------'49, 500 49,500 12,720 -......... -.................................. -..... -........ 125,748.......... 1231 Tin, block.-..............pounds-. 604 604 -.......... 24-1............................... 025.... 1232 Twine. —-------- -.do —----- 30 30 2- 4................. 54.......... 1233 Turpentine. —-------------- - gallons.. —.. 79 79 ---- 5 43-....... -1 —-................ 138.......... 1234 Tube, assorted.....................feet - 3,725 1-6 3,725.1-6........................................................ 3,725 1-6............................ 1236 Tin, assorted. -... —--------------— boxes. —...............................-.......... 8 6 -.....................-...24.......... 1237 Tripods.....-..... —number.. — -....... -------... -------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- - -............... - - - - - - -. —.-............- 105 1238 Tools, blacksmiths..'..-.......... pounds.. ---------- ---------- ----------..... ---------- ----------.. —- -... ---------........ —------ - —................... 28 1239 Tables,office.-.-.-.. —.. —.. —---- -number. --.... ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ------—.. ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- 9 1240 Tables, field and desk. --- ---- ---- do —... —....................................................................................................... —-..... 9 1241 Tools, steel lathe.-.-...... —- - ~pounds'- ----------.......... ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- 317 1242 Tools, turning - do --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................300 1242 T ools, turning......................-do.. ----... ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- ----- --- 300 1243 Tools, steel..-.... -- -- number2......................0.......... ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- 200 1244 Tools, graining -do............7 -do7..................................................................................................................... 7 1245 Tin boxes..-. —..... —----- -------— do. ---- ---------- ----------...... — 59 3...........-...................-......................................... 1246 Timber, hewn and sawed.......... feet...............-..................259,428..........- 5, 491. —--- --- - - - - - - -- 1247 Tables, turn.-.... —-, --...number — ------ ---- -- -.-...-1 -------- I.................................................-....-............................. 1248 Timber turn tables........ -........ d.... do. —.... —--- ---------- ---------- 12.................................................................................. 1249 Tables, turn frames —..............do-1- ---- ----------.......... I --------- ----------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- - 1250 Tanks and frames ----------------— do.-.................................. 21.............................................2 2 ------—..................... 1251 Thimbles, flue. —------------------- do........... —.... -.......... 200 279 - —........... —... -... —-— 70 1252 Tools, planer and lathepou-40...........pounds - ----- -----.... 400.......... ---..............- - -------- --------- ----- 1253 Taps, steel...................... number. --.... ---------- ---------- --------..... —- 8........................................................................ 1254 Tacks, small head-...............papers -....- ---------- ---------- ---------- 24........................................................................12y55 Trucks, car.-...................number- -- ---------- ----------.-..... —. 5........................................................................ 1256 Tackle, triple coin -..............do- ---- ---------- ----------.......... 2 -......... -------- --------................ ---------- 1257 Tire, engine wheel ------........pounds -. ---—. 1, 312 ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- 1, 525 1258 Umber, burnt ----------— do ----- 20 —-------------- ----- ---- 50 9 125 U b er b u n t.......... —..-. o............................................ SO. -...............-......:5 1259 Umber, raw. —-------- - do-.... ——..........- -- - 6 42 --------—.... — --—. 29 63 H 1260 ol ---------------- dTools —-— do-1,479 —- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- -----,7.......... 1261 Thread, shoe -........... - pounds -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- T..r..ad.. sbo..poun ds.......... -------- --------.... —--— 1.... - 1262 Targets, switch..................number --.......... ---------- ----------.......... ---------- ----------........ -------- -------- ---------- 27 1264 Tongks, engine -do --------- 21..d --- -------------- ------- -------------- ------- ------------- ----- ------ ----- - 126 Tongu s, engine — do.................................................................................................................... 2 1265 Tongues, wagon.pe -...............do.nd-s ---—. —- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------................. -------- -------- --- ------- 20 1266 Tubing, copper. —... —........ —-.pounds..- ---------- ------—.-. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- 670 12677 T im b err...........................sstick s. —.-. —------.-. —------.-. —------.-. —------.-. —------.-. —------.-. —------.-. —----.-. —----.-. —-— 15..................... 1268 Unions, mal.-...................number............ 33 33.......- - - - -3................... 33............................ 1269 Vermillion, American. —--------- pounds................... —...................... —.... — - - - 26.......................................... 39 1 1270 Vices...........................number.-........... 41 41.......... 7 3 2.-.............. 6 ------—........ — 91 1271 Vices, parallel......................do.... -. —........................................ —---- - - - - - --- 2-................................ 5 19 1272 Valves, body flange. —-------------- do..-............ 88 88 -.................................................... 88............................ 1273 Valves,check,2-inchb —------------- do.-............ 2 2.......-....................... do-2.2.2..................... 1274 Valves, globe, 2-inchb —-----------— do.............. 2 2 -.................................................... 2............................ 1275 Valves, tank. —--------------------- do.-............. 9 9 --------—...- - ----- 6 4 ------—........ 2 ------—........ — 15 1276 Valves, brass.-.....................do.-............ 216 216...-.............................. 216............................ 1277 Varnish, Japan..................gallons -............ 311 31 —.......... 27-4 34 —.......................................... 23U s50 1278 Varnisb, coach................... barrels-............-.......... -.................... 12 -............................................... 5........... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. 0CI V Property sold on credit to railroad corn- Captured prop- 0 - a Ca ~. panies under the Executive Orders of erty returned a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 8 and October 14, 1865. to owners.'i0 - _ - _ _ _ - - a:S ~ z: ~ - 0 I - iI -ne'na 1 a. ~~ 8n n, a~~~~~~~~- ~i r. %.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ano a......... 2t/ 0 -~~~~~~ ~~Articles,. C. a ~a P. al a -a~~~ ~~6 a~~4'n,7 5 n o-~~~~~~~~~~~~~C:5ad Z C C 1279 Wr,0im, coac~...................g 0................................ 5 &2-'0 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dCZC P4 0o 0.,.. ao - I Z 1279 Varnish, coach —-------— gallons —----- 1280 Varnish, copal - do.... ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ----- --- 24 — ------ -------- -------- ----- 0 1281 Varnish, copal ---------------------- do ---- ---------- 24..................a................w.........n.................... 128 Varnish, bropal ----—................do —-----------------........................................... —- --------------—............[ ------—...... ---------- ------- 1282 Varnish, Demaro....................1do ---- ---------- ---------- ----------.......... 9 -- - -------- -------- --------........ - ---------- 1 8 V arnish, wi tema --------------------— do -------..........-..........-..........-...... 19 -- - -- -..........-..................}........]........]..............i.......... ~ 1283 Varnish, while -...........do --- 1........................ 1284 Wood - cords 1......... ], 000 1,000 [, 100 --........... —-- 1 -........-.... 31, 904 108 1.285 Weights, paper..:-:[-:.':[-'number —0-60-7-52-........ 7 5 1.286 Wagons, army -do -.......... 138 138 ] ----- -.I.11 180 1287 Whips, -wagon. —- ----------------— ]do -1-4.......6 164- - - - - -173 28. 1288 Wrenches, monkey ---------------— do -.............. 390 390 123 29 18 3-25 40 589 4 1289 Whistles steam -do... 1 1 - ---------- --------- I ----- - - -1 1 1 1290 Wheeharrows -do-99 99 5 12 --- 27 20 343 121Wheelsbugcartos............do......... - - -.-1-.................... 1291 W heels, buggy cart ---------------—.do- ------—... 4 4 ---- - ----- - -----------..........-....... —.- --------......... 4 ---- - ---------- --------—..... 1292 Wheels, bevel plate, and brackets... —do-.... 1 1...:.....................-... 1293 Wheels, gear box -----------------— do -.............1 1 ----- --------.......... - I.... ------ 1.... 1294 Wheels, mitre bevel — do -..............1 1- -..........- ---- -----—........... 1295 Wrenches, assorted -.............. do.......... 75 275................105 07')7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... ----- ----- -------- 5 o 1296 Wrenches, pipe - d.o- 2 —2 - 49 31297 Wrenches, tap0 —do. --— 1 —1-1. 1298 Waste-ponnds - 938 938 1% 71) —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5, 543... 1299 Washers -do.. 177 177........... 900..... —- -2, 00) 1.3, 069 1300 Wicks, coal oil: —-------— number. —: —-— 1- 2 2 ---------- ---------- ----------................ 1301 Wicks, lamp, fdat -.................do ----- 24 96 --- --- ---------- 2147'24 1302 Wire, iron -pounds - - -- 1131 510 — 1, 526- -3,-80-2 1, 815'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------ - ------ 113................... —-............ 1,2 ----- 13, 8 1303 Wrcpedo21 4 13 3 W ire, copper ----------—.-.........do -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 3..................................- ---- 21 1304 Whiting --------------------------— do....-.319 1,444 1305 Wire, brass-......................coil.................................-.........' -1..................................................... 1306 Wicks, lamp ------------------— pounds -- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------------- --------........ 1307 Wire, broom ---------------------—.do....- ------—............... —-------..........- ---------- -—........................... --------...... ----------' I i: ~, I'' Ol~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I2 108 Wrenches, lathe ----—...........number-. ------—... —--—. —---—..-.............. —-----............................. ------—.......... ----------....... 1309 W renches, locket ----------------— do........................ —-.-. —---------------—.-. —----—.-. —----—.......................................10 1310 Wheels and frames, water..........do-1..l.......... -.......... -------- -------- --------—........... 1311 Wheels, truck......... do0. - - 4 1313t W heels, truck................-......-.... -........... (lo......................;........................ ~4.........-6 1312 Wheels, tender. --------- -do...........:...:... I.. 10 —--------------- l — ~....... 1313 Wheels, cars.. do -I-... 22. 1315 W ic ing bal..^..........-.: —---—:" I":' ----— " " ----— ~ —-------—... -.1........................................ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ — --------- ca-...........yrd.......:.:: -.-:::-::-::::: -------- ------- ---- -- ~- - - -- --...1.......... 1314 Wrenches, gas pipe - do-1.1. ------------------------.............................-... 131-5 Wicking, ball- - - - - -- - - - - -do... -- -- - 1317 Wheels, spur ---------— number-I.130. ——.............. 1318 Well and building and ventilator....do.... 1319 Wheels, baud.car................. do 2...............: - ---- --- ^ —......1. —-—.. -—..... — 1320 Wrenches, iron, assorted ----—... do....!.. --................................::: -— ~~- ----— ~ -------- -------- --------............. 1321 W agons, wood...................... do-. --------—..........- ---------- ~ —-- 1322 Yokes, ox...-......................do....1.......... 290 290.....:-~~~~ —~~290 290.. -.-................. — 1323 Zinc s, pig - - - - - - - - - -- - -d - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - 1,126 375 1323 Zinc, pigs -.................... pounds..1.......... 500 500.......... 274 12 4804 5 -------- -------- ------- 1 3 1324 Zinc sheet.........................-do.............. 195 195.......... — 3725042' —----—::::::::::::: —-—:4 711 0 0 t> [Enclosure No. 3.1] 0 00 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, for which Captain S. R. Hamill, A. Q. A., is responsible.'8^ ^~~~~~~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of ao~~~ ^ 1^ ^ ~~~~~~~August 8 and October 14, 1865. t ils 1 I -. - -d ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Cs:i ~i i - ^ s;^i ^ ^ o ~~~~~ ~ ",o. <0' 0 -Zq' ~ c ~ ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 00.'0.~~~~~~~~~~ ~?- ^ ^^ ^ ~ i ^ ^ ~ ^g -'8 0 8'0' 0 0^ 0 o 0 A 0^^g' -0 1 Coal-bushels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... 44,269 -...... 44,269 ------ I Cokdoal22.........................-. - -. 44,269....................................... e. 275.... 2426 a, 97 --....... —-- - 2 Coke......................................... do..........- 3, 975..........- 3, 975................. -------- -.................... ---— 250 3 Charcoal.....................................do.-......... 648 ---------- 648 -.-.......... —-..-.-. —---..........-......................I........ 4 Charcoal........................2.-....... r................. 2-......... 5 W ood.......................................cords.... 14, 663 -14, 6631........ - --- 4,811 1,899 230021 29 053 6 Corn - -............-............. pounds.-...... 874, 397.......... 874, 397............ -.. -..-.......-......................... --. —--- 7 Hay....................................... _do.......... 1, 346, 737.......... 1, 346, 737 ---—.... -- --—...........-....-..................................8 Oats- do ---- -..- 208,336 ---------- 208,336................-......................................-....... — 9 Sacks, grain ---------- -.............. number.-...... 12,025.......... 12, 025 -—.-.-.. --—. -. -------- -------- ------- - 10 Straw ----—............................-.pounds — ------ 3,150 -........ 3,150 —....... —.....1.-.. -------------- ------- -------- II Blanks. —........ —-------- -----------------------—... 15 ---------- 15................. ---—. 1.................. 5 10 12 Blanks, quartermasters'.-....................quires -- ---- 1, 172 ---------- 1, 172 - -------- -------- --------......... - ------- ------ 13 Blanks, way freight. —------------------------------- 500 - 500-. 14 Books, blank, Inquire............- -...........38 ---------- 38 ----—. —-—..........- -------- 15 Books, blank, 2-quire. —----------------------------------- 55 $6600 55 -.. -.... 6 9 18 16 Books, blank, 3-quire................... —---------—...... 196 270 48 196... — -.. - -. —-. -------- -------- 8 28 49 17 Books, blank, 4-quire..-. —---------------------- -204 301-92 204 ------......... —----- 3 23 44 18 Books, blank, 6-quire ---------- -................... —-- 27 97 20 271. —-----. —----.....'........................................ 1 19 Books, blank, 8-quire............-.............-....... — 11.......... II -..........-.-.- -....-. --........-. 20 Books, blank, assorted....-............................i 1,022.......... 1, 022 239 21 Books, ration return. —------------------------------- 10.......... 10 -.........-. ----------------------- 22 Books, time1...... —---------------------------- 428 - - ----- 11,428'................................... 25 16 106 23 B ook s, rder....-......-..- -........................ —1 35......... 35 i....-.. 1. —-.. —-......1...............1...............j.............. 2:3 Books, order ------------------------— II —---- 24 Books, memorandum...- -....................... ------ 229 114 50j 229 i.........-...1........!.............. -.-. 6 -.....-.. 4 25 Books, abstract. —----------------------------------- 3 --------- I - -...-..... —-— 10..-...... 26 Books, indorsement -------—.... —. —. —-........-.....-5-....... 5 1.-....... 1........'........I................!............!.... —. —......2(1 llsoks, indoroement --— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---— I -- 27 Books, way-bill copying........... -- -------- - --- — 715.......-..-I 15 1. — —. —..... 4 7 28 Books, record-1................................4............ 26...... 26.................................................... 14 29 B ooks, copying....................... -. -.. 20................................ 31 B ooks, letterb -' -- - --. I --. --.................................................... 33 B ooks, requisition................................-..-.....- 6. —-------- 6 ------—. —----- -----—.........................................-...... 33 Books, dischargetr-72-...............6.- i —- 72 -... 72 -...............................-...... 34 B ooks, general order -- -- -- --—........ —.. —--. —--. —- --—.-! I - -...II.. -............. -......................-......... 32 Books, requisition-...................-6 ~ ~~ 35 Books, clothing order........................-... —.... 6 -..................... ---........... —------ -............................ 36 Books, receipt -1 —------------------- ----- 1.-.I 36 B ooks receipt......... —...-.-...-.-.... —,-.-. —-------- I I.....-...................................... 40 C lips let er...-.... --- -- - -- ----------- ---- 181 33 93 181..................................................-.... 5 12 41 Clipspaper...- -- ---—.-... -.-.-.. —..... — ---- —.-. -. - - --— 1 26..........j 26................................................................ —- 6 42 Cli b rd......... -...-.....-..............-......1. —.-! 79..........1 79........................................ —.I 13 32 37 Bands, rubber-2~~~~~~~~~04 6 12 20410 2 43 Clips, letter boards, file2 —-- --- -- 8 -- 8 2.............................................................. 44 Clips, m etal... —..- -- - --—.. -.... ---.-. —-. —-. —--.- I ---- ] 7..........- 7.......................................... --- -- —....... —.............. — 456 E rasers,' -- - - - -- - -- -- -----------—.-. ---- -.. -. -- -..13............................................ 39 Cutters, paper ------------------- -— 738 56 738-2 —--— 4 —-— 1 —7 47 E rasers, rubber................................. --—..........1 30 1 87 1 30................................................-5- 9 48 E nvelopes........................ [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----............... -...........-.................-.. ~,...... 75 ---— ~70 —------- -------- 4 Envelopes, letter -...................................-...... 76,210 49536) 76,210............................. 950 3,:000 5,.000 50 Envelopes.official...................................-.... 500 1,166 1,734 51 Files,paper-.................-......................... 124 - 124................................- 4 85 Clips~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26....... 266 52 F iles, adhesive..............................................................:.-................-.............-...'" 42ICipsbo......ard-79?9 —-1- -13-3 53 FoClip s, l etter pa r........................................b....... I 54 F asteners, paper. ------—...-.-..... —........ papers-.1.. —.. —-— 1-.......... 25-1-................ - -........ -- --..........:25 55 Holders, pen... -...................................i...... 2,959 30820 2,959.................?........-.. - 43 96 416 56 Holders, paper -13.- -... - -- - 4 13- 4.................................................................... 13!:1 57 Ink, (quart)e............................................................ i —............... --- - I' 458 Ink, copyingEra......er....st. —3. o... 459 918200 459................................3-. -1 -7 — 26 2.4 InkErasers, carubber — 3-..................................0 0................ 12 81 162 60 l k b u.....................................d....1.. - 116.........1.....................1.....-..324 48 JuEnvelopes —2.............,750...... 2750- -.11.....1......................-.................... 1 I i 64 Envcblues lte.......r....... —--— 76, —- 2o 4-... 36 719 6........ 29..0 3 0 6 Envelopes, official: —75,3 508.6.....0.500 1,166.......,3........4 —..................... 6 Files, fpaptler............ —14 14.5 1................................. i...............' 1........... 14 - 63 F cilaes,.. 6 113 2h,69........as-..........i1......4........ 3 6 68l Folders, platcaper........................1..... do.. i..1 2,154 11...........'.............. 130.......12. 9 HPapersletterpen -orted.... —.....2...- 959 3482- 162959.1 - -.......... 4- 96 416 65 P aper,flo tt er ------------------------------ do...............................1......................... 50.......... 50................ 66 Paper,c'ot e ction................ do....\.. 1265...-... 1265.-.............................................-......- 3 72 P aperenflatc p e.- - - - - -- - - - - ---—............... qu r s- 1.. —.. 121 072 008 1215 4................................. -................ -- -- - 2326 —-- - -- 69 Paper, coiln g —-- - -.-.............. do.......... ----- -45 195 487519........................9..... 00 5 2..... 4.. —-.. —.-..70 Paper, carm tieng.- -d.................... -—..udol. -. —. —-. I -.... 0....................................................................1. 60 Ink e, blu s e cto —- - - - -- - - - - - - -do- 160 - - - - - 160 -- 61 Journals-1 - - i 1 13 2 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ---------- ---- 76 Paper, letter aso rte -q. s-...6...671...2..251.quires. 1.-2 6,} 612 00 17.........-..............................................1.2 76 P aper, dhe tat yellow..............oI................. l tedot... 1 9,..................................................... 76 Paper,e note llo —--.............. —1,26-34782do...................6..............-..............-. ——.' —--- -- 70 Paper, bolotingede..... -...... —-------— e — --.... 1,d9 o..... 40..........101 —-- ---- ---—..................... 2................1 0-......... 72 Paper, envelope —------------------------------ quires 12 — j-1 721. 00 [2 -1 -------- - - - -:- -- - -- - - - ------------...4.26 73 Paperfoliopost — do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ---- 748 Paper, ne v ew s-d — - -- - - -- - - -- - ots- - -- - - - - - - - - -I - - - -I -- - -- 77 Paper, P. 0-qunc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 375 21 00 375 -------------------—. —--— 0 ~8 Paper, heavy yellow-lot —---------- 11- ------ 1 —--- So0 Papier, white demi-i..............qunr1 -- ---- 80...............890-... Report showing tie disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ^ a n Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of n^~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~ ^ ^ August 8 and October 14, 1865..4 11Z an~~~~~~~~~~ a a ~, ~ n~ On r a,c - 16 0 l r^'" C; -^ S) ^..- _________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~C C~ 1 A.. I l 11. i ll, Articles. al.. C.. I I I ^ ^ 1^ ^~ ~!' ^ ^.g ^ ^^ 1 ~~1 1^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4- 171.S a -^ ^a ^ ^ o; &c^ ^ a eel o p., o' ^ > g CZ- *1^ 0 55*^ ^ 0 5? 10 3 5 ~~ a! i I I 81 Pencils, lead............-.......-.-.................-.. 2, 779 $347 37 2,................................7 79................32 82 Pencils, slate --—.. —-----............. — 8, 443 63 324 8, 443.. -- -72 250 550 83 Pens, steel -------- --------- gross 140 9835 140 -.................................................... 9 17 Q 84 Pens, steel - - - - 624.......... 624........-..........................-....... 85 Pens, ruling.- — 1,000 5.....0000........................... 1 0000 10.....-......................... 86 Pens, extensio 6~.............. - - -....... - o e........~ -..................;............ j........[.................. "!......... -. -- 90 Rulers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,oxod..-................... 15 1875 0 15........1.........-..........j.....~....... 2 91 ulrs m aio an...................................1...... 1 0 3........ t'.................1...........;-... tHi 86 Pens, extension —---- -------- -boxes 4 -- -7 7........- -—........................ 87 lulers, rubber [- - 1694- 22 ------- 3 17 - 9 3 R ul e rs, a ss or t e d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~................................... 1...9.................. -.. -..i................................ 94 Racks~pn'....................................L..... 25 12550 25.............-..L......;..-...........1.-.....1. 9. 71. 57 88 Rulers, wood- -.................................................. j... -............... 96 Stands;ink.........-........................;.......1......1 349 174 50' 349. —.'-...Z:'Z' -......' i. —..-..1.-....-..-......-.......-113.14 89 Rulers, rosewood-l 1 — 3. 3 - -- 1j....- - ----................-.... -—.. 99 W eit -ppe.......i................,........t......1..... 3 4 11 0[0......-.1........'........-......-.... - }-...; 5 1: 4 90 Rulers, boxwood - -1...................- i................ - -.-...... —..... — 101 Backets~~tm~assorted................................. 16 306........ 1..... \............1....1........ I 102 Buckets, mess ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]..............-....-..-................ 2 I 82........-..-1.....-..,....\......~..... 91 Rulers, mahogany..................................... — -.... 13 1 08 3...........-............................................. 92 Rulers, ebony............................. —.............. -7 2 19 7 -......................................................... 1 93 B oilers, assorted.. —-.. —-----....................- -.-..-. -- — 40.......... 749 -....1 —. —.-..-.. --.-j —- -- --. —- ---—. - --.-...-.j -- -- -......... o 93 Rulers, asos.ted...........................- - -................ 94 Racks, pen - -251 125 50 251 -- — 9 7 57 95 Rings, elastic - -............-...... —-—....24.......- -................. [ l.-[-..-.- -. i...... -....2 Stands, ink-..........................................49 174 50 4........ —............... 19 97 Tearers, paper —-. 98 Tape p aper ---------- ---------------------—.SPOols - ---------- 39 -..9....... —-- 2 99 Weigbtis, paper --- ------------ - — 304 114 00 304 —----------- - -----— 5 16 744 100 Wax, sealing —--------------— pounds ------ 23 —---- 23 ---- ---------------- --- 101 Buckets, tin, assorted —---------------- --- 168 — 63 00 168 ----.... —----------.... —- - - - -1..... i 102 Buckets, mess —--------------- - -------- 22 11 88 22 -----.... —-- ---------------- 103 Buckets, siop -------------------- ------- -6-6 —----- --------------------- ------------ 105 Basins, washb —---------------- - 1,145 767 15 1,145 —-18 11 8 106 Basins, tin washb —----- -------.... 172 - 17-2 —------- ------------ -------- 107 Basins, tin —---------------- -39 - 39 --------- 108 Boilers, coffee ---------------------- - 1.065 ----— i 1,065 ------------- 109 Boilers, assorted —-------------- - ---- -- 740 ------- 740 -13 — ---- -------- ---- 110 Boilers, was --— ob ----------- - -------- 208 —--- 208 --------------—..... —-- 111 Boilers, meat -------------------- --- - 7 —---- 7 —--- -------- ----------- 112 1Boilers, tin ------------------------- - 14 —---- 14 ----- ------ ----------—... m Boilers, iron~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i........:.....:..-........... 2....... —'2.... ] 113 Boilers, iron r n.......................................... 115 olr,tn a h.......................... -.Bc....................l.er'''''''.......''.......'............'''.'.'..... range —--- 117 Boilers, t n... wash, w ith cocks..........-... -.. -. - -.. -.. - - - -. - -.......................... 118 Broomilers, hi ckory - -..........................231......... 1..31 119 Broomilers, pint s — -...................... — -............... 2380 8........ 120 Brooms, corn --- 1, 832 572 75 1, 832~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ----- ----- --- - -- 15- 9-16 — 116 Boiloms, corn.............. --- --—... -... —....-.. ——.- ------ --- --- --- --------—.......'.' ----------- --- --- --- --- ------—' ------—'.' ------- ------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - 121 Brooms, ratan........ -. —-1-..-................. 1........ I -------- I --------....... --------.. 122 Broom s..............-....... -- -—.. - -----—....-. - - —. - 1488 1523 50 488 1....................... 1 1 1 123 Broo es, corkn- - - - - - -... —... 2. 2................Bn h sc p i g.2.29.........1 1 23 1 124 Brushes, w indow................ —---------- - — 1- I 1- I................................................. 125 Brnshes, connter. —2 31 -.. 48. —-21. 4................ 6 1526 Brushes, c ydust.... ---- ----------—...-..-....... -......... 19 ----------- 19.........................-......... -......................... 126 Brushes, windnst -------—...-............-..-.....-..-.. —-9 I- --- 19- I... I 128 Bo s, P..................................... B15 3000 153 2 15 ~~~~1 2 9 B o x e s, ~ ~~le t t e r.............. —-... -........................1.....1 -........ 4 8.................32.. 130 Boxes, papcoern-1 —-- - 11........................................ 131 Boxoes, dredue -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -369-.369 -- -.................. -369- — 36 — - 132 Boxes, twine............................................1. 1'5 00 0.......................... — ~ 133 Boxes, tin.t - -.. — - - - - - - - - -- 2. -................................. 134 Boxes, spice.............1........... -1......I.1.'.' " - ~ ~ - "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ - - ~ - ~- -. - 135 Boxes, ice-.............................7.......... 136 Boxes, sunar- 3......... 3............................'... -'- -- 137 Boxes, dsalt.................................5 — -- -- ---- -................. ~~~~~~- - - - - - - - - - - — 138 Boxes, pepper-.. -2,2 0 2 0....................... 133 Boxes, messt --......................-............I....22 22 1 0 B o x e s, h pi l- e a 1 — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 141 o e,b l- e d.. -........................3........'.J.:.'...''''.''.........' Boxes hiack....... wan tl:::: 3142 Boxes, ica w-alnut... —--... —------------------—....................................... -................... 135 Bo es ---—...........................................-........-....... — ~~~ —~ --. —..................... 143 Benches, assorted.-230 —------ --.............. ~ —- - - ~3.0 144 Boaskets, paper-1..........1............................................... 145 Bells~office.. —..............................2-........ 2.... " -~-~~~~ —---— j —--— ~-" —~ —1......-.-.............. — - 146 Boxalances, letter -................1................I.......... I ~1 141 Boxes, blackd....................................-'.'. 7 -........'. 3 I 149 Boards, diagram..-...-...-........... 5 -..... -0..............-5.................... 150 o rd,p pe..-.. -.Boards,............ 4......4 --...paper-4- l. ^.' "^ 1 "^ ^ "''"... ^'1.. 151 Boardxes, pressin -- -............................................. 152 Boards, scard-he3 3 0,30.................................0et........ 3 00..... 3.......- ~ ~- - ~ — - - - -- -- 153 Boardes, inders'- - -........................................... 154 Boards, Bristol --- 132 132 1~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~22:2:::.......i. 0 ------ ------------- 148 Bowls, sugar -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -.......... -- -......................................... ----— ]]]............ 156 Bowls, wash —............................................ 158 Bowls, assorted —- 166 401 17 166................................................................ 159 Bunks..- -...................................... 399.... 399......39 399 ------- --- -------- -------- -- - - ------- 160 Bounks, single........................................... 1 - 13............ -- ~~~~1161 Bureaus.-2-.... —................. -....-.......................... 1625 Bedsteadsls -......a.-.-.........-... —............... —..... —4 —...'.'.'.'.'.'. —4 —.....'.'.-'.'.'.'. —---------------------------------—.-................-........ 163 Bins, flour-2 -2....................................... - 164 Blocks, m eat-2-t d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......................I.. 1.41 Boxes, black walnut.:::[:;[[:[..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —----------.......... 163 Box es, flca s h - -- - -- - - -- - -.......................2 - - - - — 2........I..............643 Bloches, m asoted.........................'.......... 2~2::::........ 1.................. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................................... Report showing the disposieion of United States military railroad property in t/e military division of 1t/e Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ^ - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of C. a August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0^ rJ 9 ^ - _ _ ______________________________________________ CZC M i't~~~~i ^ i ii i i. i ii~~~~~~~~~i iai!i C Articles. a., E at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. o 5-. aC~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ o e, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o ~~o ~- 5e~ a 00 0 C - C 0~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ P dt 165 Cups............-................................. 155 $1625 155........................................ 166 Cups, palette..-............................................ 2....-...................... 167 Cups, tin, assorted.................................. 7,276 75791 7,276.......................................... 168 Cups, sponge4...... —.........-.-.... —..-.......4....-..-4...........4.......-...4.....-..............1.-...-........-. 3 0 169 Cups, copying-............................. -................-.-.......-.........-..................' 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0i 170 Cups, molasses.....-........3.....-...-..-........-...... 335 6700 335.-.-.................5......5. ]71 Cans, milk, (covered). —.-..-..-..-..............-................... 172 Cans, molasses5. 0.......................-. -............150 ——;............. —... 173 Cups, waterg — --—. —- --—........ —. —--.-. — ----.- --. —-. 22. —.. —... 22.............................................................. 174 Covers, bucket..........................-........... --- 482 34820 3,482 -... —-... —------- ------------- 175 Covers, coffee-pet —. —---. —-------—. ——.. —- 4, 248 169 92 4, 248.-. —. —.. 168 C oves' sp lon can. —-- -—' -—.. —. -.-.. —.- - - - - - - -- - - -- ---—........ 4' --- -- - - -- -- --- -- - - --- -- -- -- " "6 0.............................. —-—..... 3 17i ases —.....-Casters-10.-.......... 0 17 01...-... —..17.........50-.-..-...10 —. -... 180 Canisters,.............................. 184 Chests, assorted- 66185 Clockse..56 84000 56-.....3...........3 33:]....-............. 2 ~~~~~T186 Cubad...............1 1-6 187 Cupboards, pigeon-bole. —- --------..... — --....-.-............-...............994,4 —-.- -.................. 170 Coup s,..olss-....-. —----—. -------------—...-...-............. --------..........-4-........-....... —---—.............1..........-.......... 1790 Chairs, assorted-5 -0..................1 —4............. —.- 5 -- - -..................................i140 1917 Chairs, officesn —356.- -----—........ 652................ 669. 3-..56. — 1............ 192 Chairs, watering ------------------------------------ ----—.22. — —.-..-... —.......-6-..........-6-.-...................-....................-....... 174 Coolers,at...................................... ate-18 11700 0184.. 4 194 Casterstin....... -. —....-.......... —-.. —-............... 3....... —- 34........ 20 34 - - - - - --—.... —............ —....... —........17...... 195 Caoses, pot-office-..-. —-........-....-...-.-.-..... —..-.... 3........ 3-1................ 196 Casest, l........... 3..............................-.............- 1 184 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~3 ------------ ]]]] ] ]"............ -------------- 1 0 C a n i s t e s, asote a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 9 Chambers ~~~~~~~~~~~~..........-........................................ 1 8 l c s0 - - - -- - - - 4 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — 5. 4.... - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - — 233 186 h,pbo rds -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -0......................................- --- -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- - 35 5 6 5 - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- -! -- - -.............................. 1 2 Chairs, split bottom -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - —.- -- -.. -- -- --. 6 - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -. — - ---- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - 193 Coolers, water.......................................- ----... 170 18 --------------------- ----- 4.... 195 Cases, post-office.....................................- ----..... ----- 3.......... ----------------- ------------------ 16 Cases, blank.................................... ----- -— 3.......' —- -----------— I —-- ------------ 197 Cases, shelves, and drawers —------------ - - - 2 ---------------------— I —— 2 — -. 3 198 Cases, assorted. -........................................ 10 ---------- 10 -...........-.............-.......................... - - - 1 203 Cleanes, assorted s -.......................................... 104 -- - - - 10 1......................... 204 Cullenders......................... —-------------------. —-—..130. —------—..1.0. —------------—. —------------—.. —----—. —----—.2..... 20599 Case s, bo ok................................. - --............................................... 200 Curtains, window ——....... - -------------------------—. 207 Charts, time..........-1-..........-1-................. —...................................................-. 208 Calendars......................-.-.-.-.-. —.. —- ---—. -.. ----- 59 4 02 59 -- - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------—...-.... ——.. 141 201 Cellarsesalt -.-hl —------ -................................... C33- - - -' -..-1210 Cutters, cake-2 — 1.......................................... 2 --- 2 ------ ----- --- 212 Carvers and forks. ------------------------------------ ----—'.90'45 00 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------..... 203 Cleaners, stove pipe-1- 04 -1 0................................................- 204 Collenders-6 -6. 215 Carpet, Brussels.........-...............yards.......... 25........................................ —-....... 25 - 205 Cushions.. -. -. -... —.-130.. 102 4.... 11...............................-13.................. 130........ 11 2069 Dusterrtains, feathewindow2............................. —......... 3 6 19 220 Dippers... —... —-------------- --------------- ------—...... III 51 06 III............................................................-.......... —-- 221 Dippers, tin-..... ——..me-.. 641 29486 641-............................................. 1 34 4 222 Drums, stove —......... —.................................. — - 3 ------- 3 — "'- -..-. -.. —-. —-. —- 19 209 CellarDrums, salheet-iron - -..... —............ —- -..................t1 -..-. 1. —........'. 4.......... 4 —-- 224 Dishes,tin....-................. 15 2 82a..................ck-32 -........................ —- -..... 225 Dishes, soup...............................................- 10 3 50 10..............-.-.- ------ ----- --- --- --- -- --- --- -—.........-.......... —-- 226 D~ishes, fruit...............................................- 7 ---------- 7 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.... -. -..-.. —..... —----—.. 227 Dishes, vegetable.- - --—.-... -—..... —.................... —- 4 ---------- 4 --------------—.................-.. —....... — -- -- --—.... - --—...-...... —228 Dishes,rmeat.- - —.. -...-.. —-------....................... —- 2 ---------- 2 -- - - -- - - --- -- - -—............'...'.............-.-............... -......... — 229 Dishes, sauce.......-......-..- -..................... 9 1 12 9 - -..................................... —------- I....... — 230 Dishes, large. -- - - - —.vers-4 — —.-........................................................... 231 Dishes, small.......................................... 2 ---------- 2. — - -- - - - -- -- —................1. -..... -..........-...-..-..........-....-... 232 Dishes, assorted.......................... —................. 59 209 65 59 -----------------------------------------------—..........-........-....... 233 Demijohnis......... ---- ---- ---- -—. —-- ---- ---.......... —- 3 ---------- 3 --------------------------------------------------—........... 234 Drawers..-.. —... —-—..-..-..-................-.... —....... —......-.....-..... ----—...... ---------..... ------ ------ -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - --- - --- - 212 Carvers and forkslos... —..-...-.-..91.......... 91......................................-1 25 237 Elbows, stove-pipe- —..................................... 1,001 1, 00100 1,001................................................ 10 238 Fixt14 res, cook-stover-s'......... sets.. 21. 21........Cn e a.... 239 Forks 15 Carpet, Brssels- 2................................ 5......... 165 16 10 216 Coverlets240 Forks, iron'.. —------------—.-. -.......-.. —................ 4. - 4............ 4...... " - 4.- --......... 241 Forks, flesh...............................................- 908 ---------- 908 ------—.............'...'....'..............-.... —...... —-.............242 ForDesks, assorted- - - 1,682 1,682.............................................................. 207 2433 Forks,,carving-.......... —...............-........ —-..... ——......... ——....... —....... —.......-....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —...... 244 Forks, large ----------------------------.......... 4 ---------- 4..-..................................-.................. —. —.......... — 245 Funnsters-d —........... -1........................... 10..........' 1 39 246 Funnels, fetin, assorted... —... —.......-............... 292 at —e-90' 292.- --- -- -- -. — -.4........ 20220 Dippllers, lamp-............................................. 309 111309'-6........ 45 82 221 Dippers, tin —---------------— 8 --- - 64 9 86 —----------— 641 —-----------— 1 34 —- 4 2224 D rnms, stove -— 3.... 3-............................ 3-............ -.................................... 249 Furniturems, s heet-ironry.................................... -15 -..... -. - - 224 Dishes, tin-......................15 2 82 15-. 225 Dishes, sonp-.....................10 35010 226 Dishes, fruit-......................7-7 229 Dishes, sance -9 1....12....9.............. 230 Dishes, large-1 -1-....................... 231 Dishes, small-22 233 Demijohns --- 3........................ 3 -......... 234 Drawers —- 1 -............................. 236 Elbows --- 91.. 91....25 27Elbows, stove-pipe-..... 1,..001.1,...0100. 1,..001..20,021109 239 Forks --- 1...................... 56 156 —16:: 5 16 10 l 240 Forks, iron --- 4.................4.... 241 Forks, flesh -.................... -.. 908 /]];:] 908 ] 242 Forks, table-......................1, 682 1, 682 —— I207 23Forks, carving-2-.................... 244 Forks, large -4 4....................... 245 Funnels, assorted ---..................101 ]]]]]]10t — 39 246 Funnels, tin, assorted -29 292 —4............. 2i 247 Fillers, lamp-309.....309/- 6 45 82 248 Feeders, lamp-83 -.... 83 — 249 Furniture, cherry-lots- ].].I......[.'.... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continued. c 0 n3 ^ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of o ^ I ^ ^ August 8 and October 14, 1865..0,0'~ ______ ________ __ _____ _ __-_ ______________________________ _ _ __ _______'0.0 I' ~'.i, 0 Ct~ ~ ~~t ~,'Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^2 1 ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~Q C'0~~~~~~2C.0 Articles C - r. 0 0' ~ n C P4 Ce CZ CZ Cd ~~~~~~~~~~~00 0 0 016~~~~'n -'o...........:'0........' P................. 0.. 0:"'-. o*-C.CZC I4,-. 55 0- Il- l;. 1- 11 1t 0 o, t- 0~ 0' s^ 0,On'^ s, 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 0~~~~~~~~~~~~00c cc C.o C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~- 0~~~~~~~t 0 s-'.0 g S C -g og 00 n 5 0 0 > 5 250 Firkins —------------------------------------- 1 1.......... 1 2 5 1 G ra te s. -. — - - - - - - - - -...-.-...................-.....- -..- 1 2 6.......... 1 2 6-................................................51 Grates............................... -....'. 252 Grates, nutmeg. —-.................... --—.. -. - —....- --- 374 -$26 I8 374 —-----------............ 253 Gridirons —. ----—........ —................ —-—..-......-77.......... 77 -15 —- —... —-........ --— i............. 254 Gates, molasses.-............... -- -35 2880 35.....-...................2 16 255 Griddles, stove. ------. —----------------—................. 246........... 246.-................................. --------'.' ------ ------—' --------------—...... 255 Griddses, stoveng —------------------- -— 6 24.. -— 6 ---- -------- --—.................... 256 Glasses, looking... —..-6 —----------—......- -....... -- 6 —....-.......... 257 Globes, lampl.-7 —-------— 7-........ —---—. —.. —....... 7.....7..... - ----—......-.- ------- -------- ----------------- - - 26 258 Grates..-15..........5-... -...........-... --- - --—. 1.-........ I5.-................................................. 259 Hods, coalo20e2............................................. 20 ---------------- - ---- 3 262 Hooks, meatt..........................................11.....I 11 ---------- I 263 Jugs- -lt...........-.............' —-.-.. 1 1.-... —" 264 Jars, eart.en —-----------.. —-------— i —----------- —........................................................-....................... 265 Kettles, camp5..............51........... - 266 Kettles, iron755....... —-............................ 5. - --— 5................... - - ~ -—. —- -— ~ —-- ~- ~ —- ~268 Kettles, mess........ —.......::...... — 269 Kettles-......................1 -... III I l11 -111llllll.I I1. "'" " " "'' "1 " " " 4 270 Knives,4.............0.............................................................................. 268 Kettles, tabless.......................................... 2,338- - -............. 3................................ 273 Knives and forks-e..............1-............ 274 Knives and forks —----- -.... - ------ 2,691 592- 05 2,691- -.1.1111 1 ------- 153 16 111 275 Knives, carving-74 7400 74-. — -.. —.. —....i 278 Lamps, office. —---.-. —-.-.-....................... —.-98 -34'75' 98 1-111111 l llllll l l l l l l ll l "" )' ~ —~ — ~ 279 Lamps, coal-oil. —- ----- ----------— 35 385 62 135-!' ~3 24 280 Lamps........-.........-..-.......~~5.............................87- [71..-....... -.. -...........-.-........ 281 Ladles, soup ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,47......... —..-.............-..-.1ii iii71iii~ 1755! 27.......!..ll llll11111 lllllllll llll 11"' " " 281 Ladles, CO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p -~~.-2 147 5.. 7 :25~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~.3 1A. I(..................'................................................. OS4 ~~~Iatting, 110or --------------..... 9........]........ i'ec.. I................14 284 MorarsnIo.......'']-'.' -.''''.......:M o r t ars~~~ —------------- - -----....................:.'..........:'..'................ —---:)6 Mill's, coffee ------------------------------------------- ]]] 354 3;4 O0 3 54.......... {'':87 Mattresses''........ I —-- --- - --— 17 -I- I -----—.. 17 - - -------- 17.........' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -,,zss ~ ~ ~ --------------------- ------ -------—:: —---—: —-....................................1,.........,........I................~.. 85:Mashers, potato --------------------...4i::::::::i::::~:: ------ 4Z:::Z ------—........ 1/ /:....:.. 2!)0 Nsts, ~igco-holo................................... —----- ---- ---- ----- ---- 9L Ovens, I)utu,1......................... ——......... (i 29'2 Ov~ens, bak --------------------- ----......................................... —' 293 Punchles, paper_ —----------------- ----—. —------—.................... 1~2 )4 Presses, letter -----------------------------------—...... 3 3 l, g~8 0 -------— O —— 0 —----— 1 -.'295 Presses, letter with stamp -------------------------—... ------... 5 -------... ----- ---------- ----- ------------------- ---- 29 6 Presses'and stands, (letter) -------------------------—.............. --------—' —--- ---------- I —------................. ------—. I ---------- ~ -------.........-........:...;:''..'~'~S P~~pe, stov....................................joints..{.......537.................................... O 30 Pans9 Pipes,te assorted............Io rd_/... 2 —.'. —------------ ----—'o...I-........I-....... —-.... I,,,,f'30..................... —-.................... 94;;.305 Pans, tryi ----------------------------------- ---- 24.................... 304 Pans, di.......................... —-- 87................... —-- ---- -------— ~ 8~~~~~~~ ~ ~' --------.. ----------- --------. -----—. —-............ *''308 Pans, (lsba —-----— k —--------— g —- 1.........14 - ---............ i,~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~'") 9" a....30'(]()' o..................... ---------------------- --— 1 —-- ----------------- I:;0~; P a i s, assrte --------------- ------ 1 ----— 1...................... —----------- -------------- i.:::::fZ:': ----— f: 2,78 ------ 78 ------------------........t........I................J........I....l..:,' 3093 Pans', stil................................................. —-- 13 ----- o ----.......... 1..../........i............I............ 314 Pas psored ------------------ ------------ ---- ------- ----------............ I....................... —......:~ P ~/ti,,,sso,-t~d........ZZ..Z:ZZZZZZZZZZZZ........iZZZZZ71 ~',~5~...........~ I........i....... —-........ —.......i-........ —........ —..........',.~.......................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................... --------- 61 Pans, tm....................ets -----------------—.. ----------— ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] -- - - - -. - - - - - - - - -- - - -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -. - - -.....[II. [..':31- P a* — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -....................... - - - - -- - - - 2 ---------- 2 I::;~::........ --------- --------......................... —:320 Plates, cake ---------------------------------- --... i ——' —-' — -' —.........-' 317 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ —- ---- 12st........ ---- ---- —.................................{1.........]3[...;I 323 Plail:s................................................ —-,- "....... ----—...........................I~~~~ ~ ~ I —........ I —---—........... —319 Plates, pit] ----------------—.........[-[ [ -...... —------ 325 Plates, soup —---------- --------- --.........................1... ] 7 5 2 326 Plates, assored ---- ------------------------—. —-— I........-...............-....-......... 327 Plates, diners............... ---- ------------ ---- ------ I —------........................... ----------------------------- 3S5 Plates, fiea..............................I! —' —--------- ------- t -----.........i-..... 3'8Pots. ite -------------------'>3'4~9.......!..........................',~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~- - 20................................... —-.....-.... —......................|-........ 3 9Pot'q, cofe.....................................- -----— 0I02...... --------------------------- 6 ---------------------------— I ---------------------- -Report s/ocwing t/le disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. M ~!. ^ ~Prol)erty sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. _0.C....C....l........................................... I...............- -.. c>;).............l I....I.... C.. ~o ~ C.........:2c2......2A 8',......'. 1o.. E.... rt 1 1 (it tin stew- - -10...... 10 ----- --------------- -. —... —--- ---—.. —. — --- ------ - - -—. - - 2 ---. —- -- --. —-- -- ------ -- - - ----- 1:1) Pitca ers ln2 fixtue s, cooking.. — ----. —------. —- ---,. —-. 7. —-----. --- ------ - --- -----------... —--—. ----—. --------: Pitche water cooking ----—............ -.. —----- - ----------.- ---- ---... —------- ---- 3 0 P kres,' masorted —--—. —--------------------. —--. —---- 86 2009- 13 d o I w0 1 — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 G -2 S afes S. I —--- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- - - -----:34 ----- --- 3 ---- --- - ----- ----- --- - ----- ---- --- I —--- ---- --- - ----- 3'lice' l-niip.~(1(1 I) ~ 651) 0~~~I I's — ----- ---------- ----- ---------- .36 Shears, banker's --------.....d.(o.. 21 52 50 21......................... (7 Slatsas..................5 0..1. 3:........-....... —-----------------—.! —---- — l2......... 6.3. Slate 3a7a ] — -- l.!.72 6 9 19 66 369 Shovels, bakers-...-( — - - - - - 7-6. - - - - - - - - —... - - - - - - - —... -E..1...........-. —.. - -- 4 371 16 ""88'OO' 36 ^^.1::::::::: To'::........j......... 8... ---- -- -- - -— s m-.... -..-............ -... —. ----- --.-.................. — - 8.. — -- 303 Sieves, -ae.. —- - I -------- ------ - ------ --------.................3 7 4 S ie v e cs, o a l ----- - --—... ——. --... —-. —. —- -- --.- -- 16.... --- —.....-................... -... —......... —. 35 c p. --—. — 17...................................00 237 Scoieves o., eal... -- -13 - — E-. -- -!-.- - - --- -- ------- -175 Scoops - -117 203 0 117 ----- 8 27:176 Scoops, flour ------------------------------------ 1:3.......... -13 -------- ---- - ------ --. —.-! 377 Spittoons.- -—. ----------— 5...... —----------— 117 117- --- - - - -.........1 7 378 Spittoons, wvooden. ----—. --- -. -- - --- 79 7.- - -. — -—.-.. - ----------------- -— i -1 0 S d 318 0503 82I: 3' - 1 """28 I38 L Shadles,, lamip, (tie)-. —. —.. —--- - 8......-... 4 -....................... 382 Shades and clasps - —..-.. —-. --—.. -- -. —-- 3..36 - --- - --- -!. ------ It38 Spoons, table: —--------------------------------------: 14-9 ---- 14,9.::::::::-::::::: 956:: —-(::::::~::::::i::-::::::;;.... " 6 385 Spoons, Ctea.. —-. — —..-.- ---. ——.. —. —. —- -. 314 329 13 7, 314- - - -- — 39 1 42 386 Spoons, basting-.. - -- 1,626........... —.. ------ -------- -. 387 Spoons, assorted- 3,143 - 3,143 --- -.....1. —--—. —---------- 166 388 S ki mrs.........................1..... 4..............S...........................5....... 38 Sta es..-. —.-.. —-—.-.......6.........................................S r 1 —- --- - 390 Steamers, tin............................ —.......... 1 —.102.. 1026........................ - -1............. — -—. —... —- - - 391 Skillets -------- --.............. -.. 142 76 00 142- -------- -------- -------- 14. —----—........-.113 Stoves, box. —------------------—... —--....434 3- -906-00 4:14, -12. - 61 6 8 3 84. (394 Stoves, sheet-ir-o.. — - - - - - -116........3 -1, 11.-................ — --- ----------------- ----- 3195 S toves, cast-iron.. —. —------------................... ----—. 1 -1.6 -......... 116. —........................-... —. —... --- {- -. —- -- -- ------ -- -- ------- ---- 3:9(6 Stoves, coaloa ------ -—. —...... —.. --------—...... -. ----—. 70 2,10000 70..........11..-. —1 —-- -- -------- 14:398 Stoves, open coal-2 -2-..........1.. —.. -------- 400 Stoves, co rkiung..'....'.....'.'..... — ---- 121 3, 63:30 00 121- --------.................-j......-1 — -...... 161... -. 8 401. Stoves, cooking, and pipe-.. —...-.......-.. I ----. I. —---- -------------- ---------------- - 402 Stoves, cooking, and fixtures. —--------------...... —— 153 —.... 153 -— 5 ----—....!.. —-. -. 10 7 403 Stoves, heaking1 -complete- --—.. 19.. -—.-...-. — —.......-.....- --- 408 Stoves, asorted" —---- ------— 125 —-- 125-. —. -.......... -..j.... 1111j l) 1 410 Stoves, Shop — 7 —------------------------------— 7 7'.-. 1....-.-.... — ------ - -- -------- R~eport shlowing tie disposition of United States ntdltagy radi-oald properi ty in the military division of the Tennessee, 4(.-Continued. ^ -\ 0rQ~ " Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of I: a 1- " S,'August 8 and October 14,1865. io a __ I - __ ""\ 7.'.s ~~ ~ 5~ I- CZ Articles. ~ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ g- 0 ^g 0 se~~~~~~, a o~t Z, a.:t a 418 Stands, light. -- -- - -- -- --................................................ 419 S tands, bed...................................1...........,................. — - -.. 420 Snuffers -............-.................... pairs......................'..''..''.'....'..'' 421 Snuffers, candle..-.......................... do....7-............... 423 S tools..- -- —...... —- -.- - —. - -- - - -- - -- -20.- -- - - --- -- -------—.. -.. -!... 220-. ——.-.. -- -- - -- -- -........ ------—............... -------- ------— 2 4Q3'Stools e ---------- -2 —-0 -— 2) 2 —------------- 423 Stool, bendh.-..-............-.3-.3-........................................................... 3 434 Spou ts,, funnjel.......... -........ —.1..... —- -- - -- -- - CO -- -- ---—... 60. —... - -- -------—.-. —...... —................................. -- - 425 Shelves and brackets..................sets-...] —--...... 1...........1......... 42 Sticks, candle —------------- 1,025 $8541 1,025.. —-—... —....-. —........................... 427 S teel s,' e carving...- -........- -- - -- - - -—.-........... ~428~ Saucersc ~ tin —522~ --, -........ a-................22 ----------- 428 Saucers........ -- - —.-................................. 429 Saucers -—..................... —.................-......- 7....... - -........... --- --..........:31 sh.eets....-..-....................................'.i.................;......................................'..........'..:'.".'''' ".......'''.''.... 434 Strainers, coffee -....................... 4.1 S prinkle s, copper-...............................!............. - -.... 434 Scale s, letter --—............................................. 440 1Tables camp..-..-....-.. —.......................- -... -------......4415 Sprinle rs, of c --- -.-. —.- - - -- - ----- —...........-.........-21........-. -- -- -- - -..............''.'''-'''''...''-'-...'-.-.-.'..'..'....."' 443 T ab les, cntre1 d........ -------- -.. -...... —-—.. 8 -------- 8 \........ 4437 T ables, ce ted ------ ---. —...... —---—. -...-. — - -—..I -... —-. —-- 1. —-- - - - -......... —............ }....'...'.'.'......... —............. )....... ----- 4144 Tables, ff101118-.-. -. -. -.- - -....I...-.... —-. I'...-.....-.-. —. —.. ——.1.......- ------------ ------—..... -14 ) T ables, dlir ughting...................................... I..... - -----—....- - - ----- ------------........-........ 446 T ablesassorted.. -...-.-...-...................... -. - --.................. -- - - - —................ —....................-.. --- —.. ----- -—. -- -- - -- -- - ----- 447 T a le, im.. -.......-...-.-..........-....26.....-...1-6-......-.....-......-...-.-.....-.....-..... i..... 442 Tables, time —- --------------— 2 - I8 ----— 298 446 Trimmb es, lamp...... 3- -—. —.-.!...-.. —-. —-----—.. 1449 T a ble rs...... - - -.... -1 -...5 - -... -................. 450 Thimbles, stovepip...7............................i 451 Toasters. —....-... ------ -----—...... 74............ 451 Toaubs, atsh............................................ — - ---........ 452 Tubs, w as..........T a......1 453 Tubs, brathieg........................................ —... -- 454 Tick, bed.......- --------—...................................... 455 Troughs, bread - -.......-..a....... 456 Urin als................................................ --- 459 AmbUla ces.. —---—................................ 6.I....... 457 Wardrobes adle ---------------- -------- --— 1....54........ 458 Waiters, --......... ------—.........................3........6 63 459 Ambulance s -------- -----..... -- ------—... -----—......3........................ 46 BAxles, ambulance — -..................- -------- --------..... 461 Blankets, saddle - —........................................................... 462 Bits, mulen- -36 6................................................. 463 Bridles,.iding.................................... 464 Bridles, blind —-.................. ---.................... 465 Buckets, U. S. horse - -........- 34....................... 466 Bows, wagon --------—........337 -.337................. 472 Bows, oxtti404 333............. —----—.................. —--------------—........... —-- 473 BoXCs, oambIulance pipe............................................ 12.-. 468 Bows, mbulance- - - -......... ------------- 5 -.................. -----.......... 12 469 Brushes, horse ---- -........................... ----------- -—.3.......... 470 Boxes, tfeed.-.83.-8...........................-............. 471 Boxes, wagonu -...............................3........ 9. 472 B oxe s, e c utting-.....................1 —-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - —................ 473 Boxes, ambulance pipe —-- ---- - 2............................ 4784 Boars, trace.....-..- ---- ------------— f —----— f —----— 1 —----— 1 —----------------------------- 475 Bolsters, extra log wago................................................. 476 Bolstes, armyc wago —..-26-26 —- -—. -.......]G( )o —-------------------------- -----------------------------------—. — 478 Boltns, king..........-pouds- 127 - - - 1,74..3............... 9.0... 0'''0 3' —-- ~~~~ -—....- 900 479 Bolts, tongue....-2-................-................. 20 ----— 240 - --- -------- ---—..-.. ----- - - 4-82 Brercbing, cart -.................................. 81 ------------------------ Report showing the dispositin of United States military railroad'proJ)erty in the military division fJ' the Tennessee, cc.-Continued. -.!, 5I' Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of = 1 ^ a- ~~ August 8 and October 14, 1865. -~ 1 z= ^ 1 ^1 I ^ ~ " ~", 0i~~~~ A~- o.;;. o.,. i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................... 4Ii............. "1 Articles. C0,. 0 o C 0 591) Fellers w-tott 3 ext —— Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g_.)C)C C. - Ge^.-.tr-s.-.-..-.-.. —-- running. —. - ^~" -. -. 4~)< U r ys........- ---....-.............................. V2 j....... 5 3.. -... -.......... -................ -....... 3,5 500 F elloes, w agon.......................... —-- —:::..........:/-:-.:::......:3 " e i: iii. —..-.!...-! —. i........ i.......i........i........i.......................:))7 I ar es,S.S a bu a ce....- - -.....- - --..... 1..-.....-.i)..-..-..-..-................................................... 5()< H ar ess, S. S ~ heel.. — -- ~ -—..................:"!;).-....... i; ")i...... -. -. - -.. -.. -.............................-...-j ^]L llarne^ ^ sJ:heel-mu;;..;.....................':'.'... O...........1.-.. -..................-...-..-..............-....-..-.... 512~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haress!..Icdn le.-................! ^........... 809..-... —-'.-...-..............- -............-... —...-..... o C -a-tan itted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IJC 514to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1:ms s draou........................t..... — 53L o< se, front, 7r y wa................ 57........ s-......................... - 11-truesnds, hind, army wagon..............................j-571............ 571.. —a-..b........ l....... taco....-.......................... 0.. 523 amm rswagn....-......-.. —..-........-........I I............ I ~,;.......-...........-... -.-. -.-. -...[. —.-..-. 525 K gs, a bulane..........................-...-........ j 4;,............~ 7 4.................................... ^7 Lines' checkol.........-..-.. —..-....! 0............94..............................-................ 0-....... - 592 i s ----------.- - - - --. —----. —.-........... 23...........................a...........Ies-.... 8.-....i.5 Litnloes, wa2 helho rse. -------------------- --....el53 ------- 3 53 -------......- -.. I........h.ors-................................................... 5 t G e rs t r uness i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — t- - - - - -0 - - - - - - - ttt- - - - - - — tt- — lt- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - ttt....s,.td I.l-.- ---- 1((; Il trt e ss t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s t - - - - ---- - - - -- - li-ttttes ito-irs jg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-s — ------------------- ------------.i... —---- —........... —-:512 11-0SO 1CSS, 8. issus its lead ------------ -------------- --—, --— y -.t-........ -- - - 0 li-tsnner-t w-tg-ost —I — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-- --- -------- ---- 5N3 Ilttess cart ------------------- --- ------ 1 -I —5 17 1Lin es s c i nte ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -I - - - - tLtttes — ts-.-. —----- o-....tu..s.. itosc-............. ] — 51 G I lallic' -------------------------------------- d....... ----- -- ----. ------— 1 —----------- ---- ---- -------- 50 L eathers, sw eat.............................1.......I'M........................ - - -.............. 531 L inks, open... —------------------------------------ 10.-.. — -..-..1 10..''.''.'. 532 Miules -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -976 I- - - - - -976 —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5I Martingales --------------------------- 4 4 —------ --- ---- -------- 5.34 Oxen.......... x... -:......................3 5........ -............ 1........ 535 P oles, ridge......................................................................................536 Poles, coupling.............. 29 -- - 537 Rakes, stable..........-..-............ -..............-...................i 538 Rims, bent ambulance - 4............-..-_'........ —...... 42..-.. 42............... w..-..- -.-..........! 3 —........1................1............................................. 540 R ings, open................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:................ -. -.8 8............18 8........ 1................I-.........'..................... 1........ 541 R ails~~ ~~~.b d.......................- -.. -......... 5 71............! 2 71........ i..................................... 1........ 59 Rim s, ox-yoke bow-...... -.-.-...-. —-—. —-. —---. —-----------—.......................................... 543 Sp eader -.-.-.. —....... ----- ----- ----- ---- -- --- ^..........;. 72......'........................................ i.......1...... iDgs, open-.......... —.... —-------------------—........-'.................... 541 Rails, wbody n-271... —--------—.-.. — - —.........................................................- 7........................ ^48 Sticks, jockey "^. -. —-....... -. —-. --—.... —.-......... 306............j 305 ------ ---- ---- 542 Strick es, t p..-.................... S -2-4-.4.......... -04.-.-.................5!'4 -4........' ----...............-......... 43 Spreaders ------------------— 52 ----— 7t ---- ---- ------- 544 Saddles, riding -..... —-- --- - -- -.......-....................;.....-............5 - -.5.. -- 55 Saddles, wagon-......................................................................................... 546 Saddles, cart -76. —--------------- --- 6 —------ S5 3 Sticks, jockey- -396 — - - - —.................. -.......... 0 - —...''' - --..' 554 Str ps, co u pl ing - -.........-........-. -........ -...... -... 7...... 1......'.'.....'.'.'.'.\..................................... -........ 55t Springs, anembulanceha —6..... —-6................................................... -"'': - -—........................-....5 t5 Spriap es, b ack.... - - - - —.................... —............................'...........1............... 557 Straps, choke...............~~~7I...........................i........t........I........I.............................................................. 558 St aps h lte -.................................... 26....... 26.......[...............!............................,.............i........^...-...-.....-.................................................................................................................. 562 Sprapkes, ykcart- ---—...-.-... —....'..................-......................................................................... 5 6 1 S p o k e s, w a g o n ~.................................::::::.........7.:::............. - 0..... -.. 1. I.....'..................... 1............ 562~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;;Z;~;Z;Z Z Spks..-...................... 2,00......:'.. 200.-.......I'"......i.'.J.......................................1.......^ 3Strapso neck — ay w-....... -—....-.....-.. —........................-...8.............. 564 ---------------------—..........-.....-..............2. 220 -.......]...'..''.\..........................]'.........1....... 5 I4 Strap s, acoupling c - -7-5. —- - —........................... 1 7..-....-..-...t..............................'..........-........ 5 Straps, neck and chain-2 —---- 7 -....................7 —- 51 —568 Straps, backa --- -... ——... ------ 46 ---—.-..... 5570 Strings,choe. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- -—....... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- --........ ----- -.1 1' " —" —..'.1-1 -------- -" ""-."'.''!-'.'.-'. 571 Strapcks, cwhoke-1...........-...-... -.........8......8.. --- - - - - -...... - - - -.52 T e,snl.....r.-....................... 1,313 ------ 1,:::::::::::: 1...: 558 Straps, halter-26 373 --. -— 26- -.-. 555 )13, trr p - -- - - — Straits,- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -— stirrup- -- - --- --- - - - - -- - -- - - 560 STraps, yokde... —. —- - -- - -- —.- -—.-. —.... -... -.... ----—....... 12.................... i......... ---- ---- ---- -------- ------- --- -—........ —- -- 5561 Spokes, wagon- -................................ ------ 102............ -103 -—.....!..... --------. —-- 5332 Spokes -------------------------- 2, 099 —----- 2, 009 —--------------------- 563 Spokes, army wagou -------------------- 1, 246 —---— 1', 246 ---------------------- 5-64 Spokes, 2-horse wagonh -2 —---------- 2 —- —........2..0 ------------ 220 576 Stirrups, wooden. -.t..t —-—. -.. -—.-.-. 75.......... 75....1.' - 566 Shafts, cart ------------------------ 46 —----— 46 —--- ---- ------ 369 Shafts.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 579 W heels, hind.......... —...-........................... ^............ 25..-.....j......-'.-~-.......-'-. —-— ~ — — ~-~ —--— ~-~ — 570 Stringfs, tie ------------------------ 209 ------- 200 —-------- 571 Stocks, whipf ------------------------—. —-. --—........... 2.....-..... -- - -------- -------- 83 Tres, double -------------------------------------- ------ 113 7 —--------- 373 4 Tees, saddle -3 —----------------- --- 7 —----- 17 - 575 Tongues, wagon. ----------------- --- 413 -----— 413 —--- -------- ---- -------- 56 Tongues, rough-86 —-— 86-.57 Troughis, feed ------------------- -— 30 —0119 —. - ---------- 58 Tires, -wagon ----------------------- 75579 Wheels, hind ------------------------ ----- 25 ---- -------- --------,50 Wheels, front -25 —---------------- --- — 25 —---------- ---------------- o81 Wheels, wagon -113 -11 —---------— 3 —- ---- ---- -----------—.... Report Srowing the disposition of United States military rairoad property in the nilitaryI division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. - ~ -^~ ^ l ~ ~ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies, under Executive Orders of fi P ^ ^ 1~. ~- August 8 and October 14, 1865. a - ^^^ l~. ^ ~'', ". ~ ~ e1,X I0'I t a Articles. C) i Q a' ___ _ _ ___ _ g i^ _ ___^ J_ 95 _ _ _ _ 3 Wagons, lumber —........................................ 47............47....................... 5a~~~.8-........3 Wagons, army-o..........-.................................................. 5'84 Wagons, spring....................................-.................-1................. 585 W agons, log~~.................. ~ 1...........................76............, 7........1..........-.................' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e~~~~~~~~~a Wagons, log-m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CC 586 Wagons,2-horse-14-.................i..................... 14. -............-.-...... 587 W gnox................................ WI-1. 58S Wagons, wood-... —... 15-13-................................ 589) Wagons, water..................... 03.......... 2 ""'". — - - -----—. —.-. ---—... —5 (12 W agons, ox..................... 13 47 - -------- box-12 — ---- -- ------- -—.. -. -..-.... -.... —-..... 5 01 W a g o n s..................... - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 Whips, agon.............-.-................... Whips, ag-5491 - 503 Yokes, ox-105 ~4, 710 09 301-.................. 514 Yokeos and bows, ox -7.................. 3.,. -—.-...- —............... - -..................I —595 Axes, chopping......................................... 21,o017 43,09)';0' 21, 047 1-2.....'... 10o 4 131' " 177 98. 584 W Axegs, chopping, and handles.................... -- -' I I 597 A xe,feling................................ A, t n2 2' - - - ~- - -------- -------- 5918 Axegs, felling, and handles —- -- -- — 3..... —............. - - 143 -.......... 143....................... ------- 599 A xes, land............... —...............170 204 00 —-- 170.' -' —' - ------- -------- -------- " " — - - - -— 124 -' — 34 - - -8) 161(1 Axespick -— 38................................................ 8.................................... 601.) Axes, broad..... —- -1 - 0 1,0-1 - (- - -....................,98400 1,740.12 6 17 -- -3 650)2 Axes, narrow.................................. —--— 5( — -..........-58(........I-......... —.. ----- -- - - - — 603 Axesassorted.. ——..-...................... Ad495 495- - --- 6 0 4 A u g ers....................................se s. -...... I ".'.'.'.'....... -- - - - -- - - - - —'..''.'. - - —. - -.'- - -— ~- - ~ —- ~ — ~- - - - - -~ -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - 603 Augers.-................-...............................- 6,095 5,483 5(1 6,095.......- ------ -------- 1....... —- - - 51 61) [43 6)0 Augers, long, assorted —------...... —--- ------—... - -25'.. -.. -—..-. —..... 2. 607 Angers, lI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lIOW-ets 07 2,09 0 04 0 607 A u ge rs, h o llo w........................ s t. ----.- 3 — - - -- - - ----—... ------------ -- - -- - -.. —- - - ------- --- --... —.' —.-.'~-7...'''... -'-.' --------............. (1087 Augers, I.ga -fitting —..-...... -- - —............................... 609 Augers, fellinge. a.....-..- -... -----------—..-.-.......... - 1243 ------------ 123 -' —---- —,-o ——........ - -...... -.........- -....................-........ (399 Augers, briadge —------------------- - - 123 26123 --------- ---- --------- 1 4 610 Axgers, pup-.......-...-. —.... sets........ 6 300 00 6........ 6i1 Augers, bor..... —-................................-........................- —............. 612 A gers, nachine --.............-....................................... - 610 A L s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...13 A ugers, m ehii —-:7- 3 o,~ -%'......., ~~~~~~~~~~~~........ i................-.......................... ----------------- 60 9 A n gers~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~, br:::::: —------------—; --; —--—;13 —----------------- ---- -------—..... —-- ('14 Augers and handles.................................................... ------- ---: --------- - ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- 61.5 Augers and handles,'4- c ------------— I..... -------........... ------- ----- -----—. -----—..........................- ------------- 66 Augers and handles,'}'-inch ----------------------—..............- --------------------------........... -----—......................... —-.......;-........-........i-....... 67 Augers, spike ----------------------------------.4.4 —----- 618 Augers, convex...................................... —--—...... —.................-..... 6 0Anvils, wrugt -------------------------—..................... ------ -------- 624 Anvils, blcks.........................................-............!...15::]i.... 1........ 6~25 Anvils, wroughit -----------— pons................................ —............ ----- ----- -------- ---- ------—............ 6246 Anvils, blocks ih ---------------------............i ------- --------------- -- ---—....... —------ ---- ---- 63 1 v A ls, an dl ack siths'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -66....................................................-..........6,27 Awls, scratch,................................. —-- 48-50- ------- ------- -- ------—....1~! Awls'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1b r ad............. —------ 637 Aw s, fodotak sor apner.......................... —..... 66.......... 664............I I ----- ---— t417 639 Als, crath, ~nhandes.........................'I..........}..........2.......... ]]35:]64::::37.............3::3:3:5::4:13::::990:: —-—: C634 Axles, car......................................... pound........ ---- -------- -------- -—............... -----—' 6;39 Axzsadhnles,..................... —-----............ —.........1................................................. —...... 6:39 Arbors, circular saw 1...... 2 1 —----- 2 —------ -----— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I...... 630 Axles, cairoand................5 1....................... 1,0,53 0I]01 ---- ---------------- 637 Adzes, foot or crpetr'............................... ——:[ ------- 0-'-4-..'.....-..... — ---—'..G —------- 6:41 Axles, tcar ----------------------------—..pounds 24...[ 8 139 35 6 4 374 38513 ----- ----- ------- --.... I[[[[3' 7''39('!. 6t04 Axleser n tender ---------------------------- ---- ---------- --------............'- --- I- ----------- 645[ Axles, truck -------------------- -— 5..........................pud.......-I3 1.......~ o 5 646 Axles tende g-n c l- -------------------- --------—................::....':1......' [.......... ----- ----- -----.......... ------—.... 6,17 A x le s, ti m b e r b u g g y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -............ 5 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I — - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - 643 A " hor.............................o................................I ---- ----- --------- --------- --------- ---- 69 Acd oxalesnintrck.......................pons.........tou d......... t 4 6... 9 ------ --- 651t Axles ---— ten —----------- der..................... 6...................................................... -------------........-........- ------..... -- 6,52 Axqe[a ate-indeat —------------------— ] —------ [] [[(lo. [] —---------- iZ 7....................I............................. 6,57 Axloes, —--------- --------- dobe ---- ----. - ---—.................... ----- I............ 9..... 654 Ancos..........................m......1 ---------------------'d.... Il(....... 4.... 4........ —--- 2,67 8454 57 ------ ----- ----- ------ 20.................... 656 Alcohoxli......................nds —......- 596; 2468 62 5.9~- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------— ]]]]]...........64:] 6,57 Ami p" I 8 74 00 ------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......~;.....' --— l0 —651 Acins a d-.......-.... —------------—..........d........ 4 ------ I...... 4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - 659 Arna ammngine pump. ---------------—........-o.....{...... -----........... ----- ----- ------—...............................4.... pond 13.......................................... -------- 661 App rtsluoma ----------- ets........... ----—.......d ------------ -------............ 0.......... I O( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ —-- -----------------................................. -------- 6 6 2 A s p l i a l t u n i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g,,Il l o ~~n s - - - - - - - 3 o........................................ - -.... -.... -....... 658 Bellos, hlandcka....................... 47 i........ 45.... i.............................}4 6649 Below, eninee ----- -------------- ---- 3 ----------.................... -------------........-........{........- --------- ReporI show' sl I of Report showing thec disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continucd.' o oo0 a Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of a,d S. ~ August 8 and October 14, 1865. I. -i. a I) I 11. o,-. ^ 6 o^ 1. i ~ ~ -.l s. "P4, ~ -. 665 Bellows, hand........................................ $7200 9.-.. 666 Bellows, 48-iich.....................................50..... 1 51 667 Bars, switch -.-........ —. —.-............................ 119........-. 11 — 0 668 Bars, switchs t.s...... —-I...........s......1........ 669 Bars, lining........................................[-..... 632........152 633................................................]60 152'.'81'" 670 Bars, raising-....................................... 671 Bars, iron-.....................-................................. 672 Bars, pinch3 1 — 1....................................................... 673 Bars, pinch 813-............................... p...... 8 3.....:.... —. 674 Bars, grate...-..............................do-....-...... 8 6......-. 676 Bars, assorted...................................... 6777 49..........Bars, t9 - - 9 61 Bars, grate 15-........ -....'!679 Bars, pingch e...............................-.... 1 1...sa-..............-. —..............-.. 6 Bars, wrought iron pinchs 4...3...............5. 453........ 681 Bars, switch-do -294-..................................... 13........... I......... 697 Bars, assorted o rt ed —---- ------ punds —--- 7S9-.......................... pu....... 7...........7.. 236 -........ 7,653 698 Bars, pins, and bolts -------------------- --.do -- - 1........090 -.................................-........-................... -1,090 699 Brushes, varnish, asoorted................................1 400..................... - - --...... —........i-........ 179 46 94 700 Brushes C... 11 92 —---------------------- -........- ---- 9 53 009. --------—.-....;...................... 4. 7 15 701 BrushesW, W. W............- -.. —--- 271 223 57. -...-...-. —..2.............................................. 2 16 702 B rushes, scrub............................ -. 1 485 161 66........................................ 5 20 40 703 Brashes, painters' dust --------- -.. —-- ----. —-— 52 — -. 03 -— ^.. ------- ------- ".................- - - - - - - - -- -- — i~-'3 13 701 Brushes, paint, assorted..........- ------------ -—...... 1,160 1,933 00............................. 36 133 705 B rushes, flatt.-....-. —....- -------- --. — ---------— 2t —----- -- - --.1...........-.......................... 706 B rushes, oval -........ -- —.... ---------------—. —-..-.............................4.... 1. — - - - - - - - - - - --—... 707 B rushes~~~~~~~~~~arking~~as.................. - - - - - - - 0 5 8......................;:;..... j....;...... 49.................-....-.2 708 B rus es, strphig..- —....- -------- ------- -- ---- ----— i^ " " " ^'^ -~~ —- -~ —~-~ -- -------------- - ---- --------—. -—. —.-.......-.-...-. —... —....... - 707 Brushes, marking-293.538. —--------------------------- 0 2 3 ------------ - ---—.. -—..- —. —-- ------- 49 —----------------- ----- -— as - - - - - - - - - -0 -..... -............-......-.......-........708 Brushes, stripinga ----------- -. —------ -----— 2 —— 1 —-t 1 709 Brushes,.car window. —------------------------—:t I 2 3- - - -------- -............. —.. -- -........ 2...............1 713 ---—....... —-.. —-----------------—..1............ — - - -.... -.............. 71t B rushes, artists t'..- — 1 8 —------------------------ -- ---- - -.. -- ----- ----- -. I 711 B rushes, artists' red sable —----------------------------- ------- 1 14 -i- ----------— 7 —-------------------- --— ~ —~ 73 717 B rac s~iron.. —......... —-...-.. —- -.....-....-..,1 79..... —. -.. ——....-.......... -.-......-...... —..-.-................ -i-.... —.- J712 Bracues, gluew -------------—. —-.. ——. —.-. —- I —---- -. —-—.-.. —...... —-. 7 1.9 B r u she s sasd - -- - - - - -- - - - - - ---—.-... -..... - - -—.-et. -. - - —. -. 1 6 -.. - - -—.-... -..-...- -... — - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -........- -..... -.... j..-.-.. - -.. -. -..-. —............... - 720 B r ces and bit........... —--. —--. —--...-....... 26..........-..-..- —..-......-j.......-1....-.........-...... -—....-.............. -.......714 Brushes, whitewash -lots —. —-.. —---- --! -.-... -. —-. —--- - ----- - - 715 Brushes, machinists —... —-. ——. ——..-.. —- I-.... ——. ——.. —-—.-.- —.. —-.... ------------- 716 B races- --- -... —.. —-- ------. —-—. —-. —--------.- --- -.. -- - --- ---.- ---—... —-....... - - - - --- --. - -----—.. 71724 Blraces, swironh..........- - -. —-—. —-—.-.....-. —- -.-... 6...~79 ----. —... —-. —. —-----—.j.........4 --—.... 3 718 B races, ir nee -31 —----------------------—. —-. —.-....-........j --. -.... -. -.............. 719 Brace an-bts —— ses -36 7207I Braces, an od b ---— 26 —-------------------------— 1-.........-...-. -—.-............ 7219 Braces aad hits, car —-------------------------- sets 4 — ------ 1 ----------—.- - - - - - - ---—. ----------—: —- ---------------- ------------------------ ---------------- 723 B races, jno iner..- -. —---- -------- --. —-----..-.-... —- 6 \....... - ------------......1 —....... 724 Braces, evnitc bh —ar..... —-. —--- -. —-----—....... —-. I —..- 4 - -. -- —............................................. — -......... 726 Beaces, joineratche —-------------------— s —--------------— 2 —---------- - ------—. -....-... I 750 Blonders, painteBs'......e —..-udec... —-.............p.-...; 13inters'. —-—... —...-6700.-.. —4............... 1.....................-............4.77.. 73) 4 B raedes, sw int ers'... —..- ------------------—. —----- ------ G.-. —......- -. ----—.. — --.-.......-.-.....j..-. ------ ----- -------- ------—......... 736 B itsgim let. —.. -. —-—. —-------------------------- ----— j --- 1- 1.......................................................................... 731 Blits-aceso......730 Bits, g tlhet -plan41 —-—.. -- --------—. sets14 15 —-- 4 -........ —-.-....j.. -. ---- ---- ------- -—.-.-.-.... 737 Bits goolet-sets -----— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —----------- -I- 738 Bits, double plane.... —. —-... —-.-. —.... —..-plough —.-.[ 18...............-... — plane..-.....j................-j........-........-........-........-.-.-... —1-...... 712 Bis arses'b4,'437 00'' —-':ll. —.^:{::::-::::.-' -'.:.'...-. 4 5 10 744 Bits, crss. —------------------------— 25 70 4.. 480 j........ —---— 6 71a,s (. f six each) --- Sc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::: - _.-' _ --------- 7 5 Bracs, ( ets fgine ---------. —. —- - ---—. —.. —. —- -----. —-. 26 1. —. ---- —.-. —..................-.........^........\!........ -------- -—....... -----. —-..... 730 Blenders ner.... —--------—........-.painters —- ---------------------------------—...... ----—..1. -.....-........ —. —.. -... —.. — —.-...... 747 B itsratchet rill.:- —. —--------------------— ts —-- -. —. —1 ----------—. -—.... — —.. ——.............. j................................. —-. -- -. -------- 748 Bits, ater, assorted - -.... —----—... ——. —- ------ 366 402 1...-. —. --- ------- 748 Bits oiled --- is'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~43 —---------- Report showing the disposition of United States military.railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, c_-_Continued. ^ a'c ~^ I 0 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of ~ ^o ~. -^.August 8 and October 14, -1865. Articles.' 0_ t' - PI,0Q 1 1- e1 I I Is. o o 1 CZ 0 a?a 0:- Q i Et i Z 750 Bits, planere.................................. 752 Bits, brace-...............................1........ 755 Buts, brass, assorted......pa....................irs.......... ——., 195 756 Buts- -rsasr........................par...315 —~~-~- ~~~ —-~~~ — -- -~-~ — ~ -...... -.... -............ 757 Buts, loosejoi-t......... — 303 50 50 --- ~- -------- -------- ------ - - - - -.... 758 Buts, wrought, assorted.................................. ], 593 318 60 -- ---—.... 75960 Buts, assorted-iron.............................pairs......... 2,054 51350 - ---- - ----- ------ -- ---- ------------------ 762 Buts, fast -.'....'.ar' 24......................................24 762 Buts,fast.............24 -------— ~~ ~ —~~~-~ —~ —-~-~~ —---------------- -----------------------—..-...................../ o / 763 Buts, cast —8........................:::: - - 805................. 764 Buts, rivet —---- ------ --- ---- ----- -- -- ---- --— /....... 100 -------- 765 Buts, fiat......-.................................... -. 258 -........... 766 Buts, wrought-iron........................ 61................................ 768 Buts, cast, loose joint........................do-.... 771 Buts, wrought-iron-......................-.-.'.......... 1.............. ---- -------- -------- --------......-.-....... 772 Bolts, tank hoop- -do... ------ 55 485 - 773 Bolts, iron hexagon-ead....................pounds........ 75.....................-................................. 334.. 12,820 775 Bolts1 24620-r.3....................................3...... 13.........................................................4 776 Bolts, carriagepo d8..........5............................ 490....'..'.............. —.... 781 B-olIt, bh i ths 11-i11 -.................2..........: 1 0......-....' 7 8 2 B o lts, li-re.. - - - - - - - - - - - - —.- - --- - -....- - - - - - —....... — —'- - —..' - —.- -'~- — ~ -..... -. i.-.............'- - — ~ " \ —- - - ---- - - - -.. - - -. -- -... — --- ----- -- --- -- 783 iiolts, long- ^-muh........I................. -— nds.. --- 00 -.. —---................... -- -- -. -- 783 Bolt, 3 ingg j-incli.......................po i.ds 500... ------- ---------- Bolts, -h n d......................................................................... 787 Bolts, square head....................... pounds..'~......\ 5,098..-... —.-.!.-.................'.'.'. 789 Bolt, wrough............................do.........i 95........-... —.............''''..'.-...~ 790 Bolts, wlon g t-in oii.........................pons........ 5- -....\ 30....................'.........i.... ---—. —-— ^ -.-.. —. 781 Bolts, ring............................................. 16......................... 785 Bolts ch tin door.................................. 135...................................... 793 Bolts, brass knob.........-.....-...-.-.....-...-.....-..1 305...........J..-............... ----—.. 786 Bot tow....... 786 Bolts, tower.................................... 84 ----------—............-...... 796 B olts, p u lley...........-. —..............................1 40..........-...................... 787 Bolts, square head-........................pounds 5........ 5, 098............-. —-I 788 Bolts bridge............. —-............. —--..do....- 9, 439 819 51................................. 789 Bolts, wrought --...................poug tdd 95........ - -...... -......... 9.'..'.'...... 1 6...... 1 1 8 " 8 0 0 B l t s, d o o r....... -.... -.... -. - - -...............! 1 1 8 7. -.................... 1.................................. 790 Bolts, wrioug t-iron - --- - --- -.......30.. ——...... —........................'.'...'............... -....................... 791 Bolts and nuts............................- -65........-....... 145 - -...-..- - 792 Boltcsa dbutn5.........9................................ I9.................I<2...'"'''''\ "''' - - -. -----......... 794 Boltos, wagon 9.................................... -......... 9 ------------------- 796 Bolts, p ul ley.....-............... —--- -............................ 0........................ 7973 BoltsZ brass[] knob: -----------------—...... 0 ------ ----------- ----- --------- --------- --------- ---- 797 Bolts, coupling 15............................................' --:: ---- -- --------------- -------- —. -. - - 798 Bolts and ke7ys -......................-....-......................72 —- --' -~ — 809~7 Blc s oc..................... 9I. - ----.-.- ~ -. -. —.. —.-....... —. 789 Bolts,... —-..... —...................pounds........ 422,637....... 800 Bolts, door wttrc........... -- 16 1 —...............87 801 Bolts, bridg- - -.....89- - - - - —.......................... ------- ---—........-....... -- 832 Blolts, nd n p...s — -p... —--- 2, 565 "t —2, —---- 56-.................... - 814 Blocks, tackle...............................sets.........1 3 — ~~ —-^ - "-~ ---- ~ --—. ——.... —-----. —....-..............^......... - 803 Blocks, punch.. —.. —-—..................-...- I... —..... —...........- - 804 Blocks, swedgo -... -....-....................... 28 -.3-. -..-...-. —- - -6 819 Blocks, di(le —---------------------------.pou.ds i- --— n ---- ----- --------- -- -------......................... 820 Blocks, diead...-.-....-.......................pounds..i. —-~ —-. --...........-..-..-.-................. - -...... -........ 80 1 Blocks, iron pulley.... — - -....................... 822 Blocks, ir - --................... 2 -------------------------.......2.............. 828 Blocks, purchased —---—.-.I..'~.'....'..... 84 B ockcs-rns e g.-..-..... —..... p u d -.-...] 30............'............]....-...1......"..-".' "' -~-.- -.- -.-^. —. —- --- ^820 Blocks, puothw. -.................-u —................. 8 k e. - -...... ---- ----—....!...... a - --- ----------- -------- -------- —................... 810 Blocks, snatch-22~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_3 4, 460 00-18 —- i 820 Blocks, on tch...................................!...... -........-......... 82l Blocks, head, uvit truc-. -------- ---------------------------------------------------- 812 It"Ilocks, upsotting -4 —------------------ 830 Blocks, double-head!.........................(]()....\...... I I....'.'..."~.'.\'."'"".'.'." " "" \' -----— 4 —-------------- -------—. —..... ——. —-... —....... —-....... 8153 Blocks, pat -u —-------------- 814 Blocks, tackle ---------------— sotl ---- 13 - - ------ ---------- -------- --- - - -3 15 7 815 Blocks, tackle-i -...2 -..... -.................... - 8163 Blocks n a -- ---........................................................ a' —81.7 block-s mnd tackle --------------------------------------- - 37 ----------- ------------ -------— 4. —------ ------ --.- -. —.......... -.-... -. -.-.....41 2318 Blocks, assortest —------------- - -177 —-- 4 8t2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ —- ] 7 ------------ --.............................. ---- - ( 819 Blocks~ doutdoe-tackle —-------------- 820 Blocks, Itoi 0 —------------------—.........2 13 I - - { I 821t Bloeks triple -90 —------------ ------ 00 —— I-1 —.... 93) Blocks, asscrted —----------— npuuds ---- 12, 016 --------------------------— 96 - 3,200 8 -3 Bls oc k,,; assorted —------------— pairs -9 8 ~~~~~~-iron swedge -— ounds —- -5138 —--— 0 —- ---- ---- 380. —-- ---- 8 0 64 B lo ck s, i s tll o s v-p o u n d s 8 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 827 B'locks.4 astoolo sie- --------— 2I -— I —-- ---- 818bok7 obl-7 170 Bl) ocks, pcuiw-i —--------------— s —------------ ---- 2. Ic ko dect~~~~~~~~~~tc-ltcttd-itt,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -- ---— ~ — I-pencil 13 —!I- - — 1111 SQ9s B~lock~,;.so,- l~ Z:::i~ i;Z:~:~ Z;j[ Zea'I ---------------------------.......:....................................... ---—........ —- ---- -------- ----'3 I Blloelkl"" Ca.,-~~~~~~~~~~~~t-iroll sm-ed~~~~~~~~re an~~~~l ficklc......i...... 819~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ---- -----... —Blocks doube-taeke........................./....;]..........'....:....;;1[..................................................-.... -------------------------- --------- ------ --------- -------- -------- -- ------- -----— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~f Report s/owisng tihe disposition of United States military railroad property ins the military diviYsion of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. ^ 0- I Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of',r- ^, August 8 and October 14,1865;5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ~ a I J- -1 Bloks, Articles..'0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 835 Buckets, assorted 17 641....1.S.. 836 Buckets, wter —-------------------------- - 2, 21 --------------------- 8 3 3 B l o c k, s i n g l e.... -. -....... - -.........................................................................'.' 1 837 Buckets, i re -..........................................................................".......i 838 Buckets, wood-...-..........-........................ $3788............-............ I 8 3 7 B u c k e ts, fi re............................................ 1 03....... I...,............. -.........I........i..-. -.. -..- -.- - - - - - - - 839 Buckets, wood.................. -'-........................ " 541 $36'88''................ -- ---—.... 839 Buckets ion....-....-........... —...................'......26............................ —........... —..........-......'.......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'' - - 840 Buckets, engine..................................... 152. - -..... 8 46 87 l S Buckets, iron................ —........................... 163 --------- 843 Buckets, "oal............................ —.-.-.-. -. 9'.......-..-............ —.....-...... - 843 Buckets, varinish-163.......... - 20. 20 843 Buckets, paint -—...................3''' -- -- -. —-- —.846 Buickets, e r.'............-.-5 -.. -.. —.-.-.. —-................-...............t......... 847 Buckets, pa i.. -. -........ -........8. - -. -...... - -.......nt......................................... 846 lBuckets, si.ubber - - -------------..........................-......... 847 Lo1tckets, soi d- ------------------- ---------- 849 Buckets, stiff n — -------------— 8, —----. —-. — - -....................."................................ 8504 Buckets, well1................................-....' I. -. - 8 5 1 B u c k e s,. m r t a..... -. -. -... -.. -.......................2......'. Z Z'.; Z; Z Z'];Z.'.::: Z'.'.''.;.'.'..'..... 1..... 1..'...........'.''.''..'..'.'.:... i~.......... ----........... -- - - --- - - -- -- —.. — - - - -.- -- -.- - - -- ---. - - -- - - - - ~ i —0iii S)I B ickets m-ortar -----------------— I 852 Buckets, leat her-....................I 1....{. 8.3 Boilers, stea -.-.. —.....-..................................................................... 855 Boilers, siemnall- ue................................. I......... - ^;.............. -.-................... 854 Boilers, doubl-flue --..- -- - —.......-...........-... —I ——' ——' —11-'-. ^'.I. ---—!-^''''... ----------------------- -- -- - ------—'l.'i' —. ---—. ----- 857 Boilers, 14 feet lng, 40 inchesdiamete....... ].].....2......i.............\.^.\.\'.....'.'..'.I'.:Z'"."'.'"''\'\...'......^^I..l'i'''' l'..^''^ 1'^..... 85 Boilers, siatll-ue- -- ong, — i nches —— diameter -'..........I......i... 859 Boilers, steam, 2 flues, 21 ft. long, 34 inches diameter-.-.-.. —..........................-..............!........-...................-....i... 86 Boilers, double,-fluese -4 —.ln, -9ic ---- 4 —---- ----- ~ ~ —861 Boilers, 14 feet i ong, 40 inc.- s- u- ia- eter —------- -... -. —-- - ----- -....... -------- -------- 858 Boilers, tubular, 12 feet Ion-, 42 inches diameter 1......... -- -- -- --'-'-'-'-' — ----------------- ----- - - - -- - 859 Bolelos tler - fl e Kr21fi.log,34i2 discser 2- -- ----- — ft. -— long, --- — 34- - -inches — - — diameter --- ---....86(0 hola -,ste a of'so, 4 fleses, 24 ft. loug, 39 inches diasseter - --- ----- ----- -------- 8()3 -oilers, ii-o n-llue, 26 feet x 44 inches -- -....... I- ------------ -..11 - - - --------........'. - - - -'. -------- -------- 861 Biriss old. —.................. ponnds — 200 3,211.-..........i 3,441........ 3, 211.-3,441.. - 1. ——' 965 Brass b sheet..... ( 1. — - - - - - do 0. -.-.- 5,0142! 2.9 85816 61- 17...................................................... 3:05 429 873 866 0 trioss —---------------— (1 —-d1, 65:3 —— 9 —8 71 140 I —---------- B r ss...................'-..:::::::::.::::,:::::::...:.......:.....:......... 98: 71-140 867 Blass, scrap --------------------------------- do -' 25 9-................... ---------------------------------------- 868 Brass, w rought............-........... do. -. —-.-..414 1..-. --............................ 870 B rasses..... -............. do.... -. 7,959! - — 893.................................................'........ 1 ro72 Brcks~ckm o.......-do.- - -. -' 32,50.5..-....- - -.-.-41...................................-..... 1......- 2.00 "' 83 Br~icssettruck —--------------------------—. do. ——. —--— j -...-. —. —--- - -. -.. -.. ——. ----—.........-........ --------- --..-....... —-........ —..-. 41 8t4 Brcks c......u-. —o..- -3.- - - — 102................ l -.................... 0..00.................. 8 7 1 B r ic k s, s o a p -fi re - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - —............- - - - - - - - - -- - - - — 2, 0 0 0-................. - -................................-........ Itiog-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~ iforbilesI 876 Bricks,'spli.- f ore........ —-. —------ - - - - - - - ------------ ----— soa -f-,000-...... —...................-..-.-........................ ~ - -~:3::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:..................::::::.:::::::: ~ 8^ ^ ^,a~srted::::::::::-.......-...-^oss.'.'..'1'.2..........:::::.........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......... —...... 00..'232 874 B ricok s, upholsterers'-........ —. —. —--- - - - - - -----— do -...... 30 7 9 01. / 44 --- -- -—.-........-.....-.....-.....-. -.- ------- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- -.-. —--—.. 876 Bricks, haspl -fire-, — --------------------------- -- ------- 000 - --—....-.. 8 8 2 B u tto n s, b r s s, o nl p lafer e......... —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -2 6-.3.. -... — - - - - - - - - - -.. — - - - - - - - - - -.. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... — - -- - - -.. — - - - - -..-. -.. - -.-....... 877 Btricks, keyb —as...00-0-.. --— 000. —-......... -- ------------—.. —---------- 88 Burlaps — V-yrs385 1 96 —------ -------------— 37ards.. — 12 1 75 -............-........-........-........-........-..-.. —-.... 6 1'932 8889 Butonl a ssortedia ----—. - -....... -—..-.. --- -- g.. oun ss... -. —.- 120 ----------—...... —........................ -----—.-.. -.. —..-.. —. —-. — 10 20 l 890 tlattoo, alsarted.............................. tuross... —-- 190 ~ 1.35. —. —... —.. —..........-............-...-...... —-1.-...93.. —-. —- 498 - I atoo, au-es8 -O... I'_;8 e 3tattoois, brass, 00 plates —--------------— 9 6 ------- ---------- ----------------------- t-0:3 Btto s, bass --------------— gross - 1 -------------- ------------ --- ------'S8 4 1. Blackn, Japan —..... -- - -- -- -- ---—.-.-................ —-------- -------- -- ------—.-. —.-..-..-........ ------—...........-...-........-........-. —.. —. —....... — 8>-S5 Ilcowo, V1andys-ce —---------— poiund's —-- 153 22I 1-90 —----------------— 38 886 B roomi, Spanish —------------— d(Io - 9, 549 954 10 -— 98 —--------— 56 897 Blrow, Voodvory..e. -.................tubes - 12 135 5 —--—..-.- - 8<.)4 Blue.Frussian.......... s -............... do.. -.. 4 1 1 1 8 7....................... -..!....2 I-k'S BIlack, bluedia-u —..ds..... -—...... -- -..... d s.. - -..... 166 83 00............................ 0- -. t-89) Illack, lam p - -. —........................ do -639 — -- 624 680 -1..... —. -136 —-- - -.- —...84 8i)7 B lu, cobal.... —-......................t bes... —..1 31 25. —.-....-...........................-'.. —---—....-.-.......-.-.. —........8-8 Black, lamp -tub —- - ers — 19 — 12... 353-4 8 —...... —--—. 4 0 111 BIolacz, Japanu —-—.-...... —........ --- -- barrels -1- -- ------- I I —-.. --- -- -------- -------- -------- I................ S)90 Blacka, A m-ory-..-.... —- --.............tubes..... 19 12.5 ---...- ---- --------.. --------......... —.. — -- -------- 893 B'lue, oltineaariue. —-..'.'. - - pou.ds 390 360 00..........-1 Ill 1 5 8904 J1 20e, P-Irussiaa ------------ -do-I. 178 87-.90....-............................... —- —.... 910 Balanc s~locoinotv~e spring................... —. —. —.- I2 3,6 0 0 ------—......... 8........Il. -...71 815 BIllack, blue-do -1011g'.. ---- ----- --- --..... 35 t.-...- -----------—..- - - -.. —- -- ---- --. —-.-........ 816 Illack. drop -. —-do — —.-.. ——' —--- 9 41 -60 4.3 ---—.-. —--— 48 9. 4672 817 Ibe, cobalt ---------- -----— tubes ---— 3 1 295 - - -. —-- --— I —- -------- - 818 Ilkastove -------------— papers 3:15 -48 —--- ------— C 8111 r nz) ti —- - -- -- - -- -— u-ic- — do- -- -— gold3-do- - - - - - -— 45 — - -— 33 — - -75 — - -- -9 —- -4 911 rlint1111n - - ---- - - - - -- - u e - - - -1 1 —-l — -— il- -- -— hau- --—,- — A- -- — cricaa- -- -— t — — ubes-19.- -- ---- -- - 9191 Ihells, goog, hiogieg1 —--------------- --- 3 —--------------------------------'11-I Bells, -ClioIC, gog-1 —----- 91115 lb-lIbI, alarm -7 —----------------- --- -------- 11111 Ilells, ecogiaic and f'a111000~ — -- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - 1117 tells,, coot-Kteel ----------------— 1-I —---- ------------------ 1111lalui1ces.. spring-31 —— 69 —— 0 —--— I —-- 91I11 1i,~ao 1,,oeolotiv-e Spring ---------— 191 3, 630 t0 —---— t -18 —1 — -------- 7 13' 911 11 1 laltmr-ts, muol bcml-ou ------- ~94 —---- - 119 15 Ia-miceo, beam shive —------------- -— 96) —----- ------- 1115ihlac,-s coider —------------- 914111 l.ao i cs cgp- esp-o, liroos-1118 - I.-5 —------------------— 2 IReport s/oxt'ilg the diposiion of Urnited S- tt( s ritdf/j rat/toad -)/opc/' m tite /tCL'//] (LC/toh o tlc Tcnnesscc, -c.__Continued ^ 0 ^ ~ ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companieo under Executive Orders of........... pape r s, 75.0 I..............August 8 and October 14,1865............. ya r d s.. -'.... Articles. o ~... 917 Buslgs, gas-pipe 815' cC ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fr I- B.^ 4 s^ 917 B ushings, ga -pipe -....-...................o.....:. 81 ------...55...........I........................... 918 Bushings, bell cord ------------ I I - --- -- 9 8 B h n,b l c r.. -............................................................ — -- -- -- - -............ Z — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 919 B ushin gs, brass gland..................... —... 105 ------------ -------- -.................''.... -----.. -------- 9)20 B ushings, silver-plated.. ---............. -. --- - 11 -- - - - -..............................'.. ------- -------- ------- 931 Brads, patent, assortedB - -padpers. -753 8110 s 1........................... 92) Buntin, assosrted. —-.... — - y........... yards...-.... 427 288.2 00... 3- 2 -' - 3 911 Buntin r-, red dassorted —--------- -.....'-do.. -- - 386 20 5o 1 3d. Zn ni, onoi-9 7(0 -- 93 luinecoineuco. —------------------— 193( - 7 4 Bu n rc m o................................... Bu..er. - -— I................ 925 B urners, patent.................... 140 35 00-....... —.....-............-..'. —-'-' —-''..-'.......-.-.-.-.-.' ---- 140 3''..'''. ------- ------------- --- 926 B urners, eurek a -............. — -..................-.-.. 123.-..................................I 9.).Br.k.pou.ds. 4....-4.928......... —.................................... 28....-.............'.'.............'..' —-. —. —------ ----- ------'I/.....'.'..'.''.-.-~ —- -~- ~~~ —-— ~~ --- 929 B rak es, ----------------------—. -. -------— pounds.. --—. 459 -- -- --—..... 1............ --.......... --- --- --- ---..'. —-' —.'-'-' -------- -------- -------............ l 930 Brakes, i a r............i. I " -- ~-............... 91310 Brakes, cas ted —---—.................... -..............5;:::::;:.........'......... 931 Bevels, s re --- --—............................... 3 10............ - 933 Beves, T....................................'.'........ 64 "SO''..'.'.'..'..'......................;.'.\.'''............'y. " "2I'...... 90 Pc As 5(301 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 —----- ------- ---- ----- ---------- --- ---- 932 Bees (33 48 0003u....................................................................................'351 Boards,1(ulletin.................... Bo rd..lls''. I --------------.-......-....-.....-..;)36 B oards, tallv~....-.....-..........;Jo:::::::::::::.....'...........'.'''' ~~ ~ ~ ~'\ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~- ~ ~ - - - - - -.........................:::::::::: 9 7 B oardsdraft -.7....7............... L o a~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~-...-.- -.-.........-...............d -................ -....... 940 B ards pre sing - --. —-.. —....................10.-B r-......-pd0...0'............ ---- - -- 914 B oard s, b inde s - - - —......... - - -.................2....' I'.....................-....... - -------- -------- - 9 Boards, bin.................. ------------------------------ 9 5 t t, o p i o. -. -. -. -p - - - - -. 6 8.... -.. - - - - i. -'..-.. - -... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- I I — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94:6 B ottoms, tally e —--------- -... —.... — -- ---—.-.do. -. ---—. -- -- -- -- 645 15 - ------—. - -. —.! -..... — - --- -------------—...... 947 Boatds, dsig p —. --- --- ---- - 9:3 8 t t m s boa rhdd -s,-.ru n n i n g- -.. -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l l l l l l ll l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l l ll-l l l l l l 1 11 1 11-ll ll l'l-'l-'-""9311 a0,,,S r W - -- - - - - - -------- -— i-pound CI —- ------------ I o ~~~~l ) iii c ~~~~~~~~l~-I..'..-d o1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91 B r m o — 5 - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - ----- --- -. - - 949 Boxes, em e r y....7 05..................................................-. -- - 24 46 950 Boxes, rivet- 1 7.........................." ".'.'.'.'-'..... 59 14 75........................ —5.........1................ - ---.. 951 Boxes, wood-...................................................-..-. —. —----------- 951 Boxes,:wood -----------------------— 4 ----- 1. " 952 Boxes, tinder-1922 4323............................................. 2 33 953 Boxes, engine............................pounds. -.. 1,308 8 —---........ --........ ---- ---- - ----- 954 Boxes, engine........ —---....... do....... 97' —-----—.. 2-2 — ----- 2. -- 2 18 955 Boxes, tool e...-.................................... 2 956 Boxes, packing-too —-- ---------. - 6 ---------—........................ —.................... 2 957 Boxes, tinder-.i-..........-...............................960 Boxes lin.......................-.. —. -—. —-. ------ ------------ -----—...... —---------------------—.- --—.........- --------.....-....-....-....-....-....-....-.... 958 Boxes, axle —---------------.....................................3............... Zi 963 Boxes, car. (Woods patent)do... 2, 294-.......................................- ^ 94 B xesasortd................. —...-.-. -... 2...... —..-............................-.-.... —.. —-....... —-.. 1, 313 ------------ ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- - I ------ -------- -------- -------- ------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I 965 Boxes, engine truck......................-pounds-........ 1,......... 3............ -- - 966 Boxes, roller- o-4........................-.................................... - - - -- 967 Boxes, iron' — 969 B xssinllgt....-.......................... 10o.......................................... -.. —................... 9~968 Boxes, screw, blind-1 —------------- -- I -ca —---............ ---- ---- ----... - - - - 969 Boxes, dsignal-light-pen............. - - 10- ------- ------- ----- - - - - - - --............................. 970 Boxes, shoeing ------------------ -— 9I —--------------------------------------------- 971 Boxes, cutting-1-e -------------- -— 1 ------ ---------- -------- ---- -------- ------------ 972 oecs ------------------- --------- ------------ -------- -------- Boxes, —— drawing-paper-10 —----- 974 B oxes,' journal...................... —--'.' —'..' —.....- 144 ------------ ------.. ---..-'.'.'..........-........ - - --------.-.... — -------- 975 Belting leather, assorted — ------— feet......... 23,5607-12 -- -.... 282 700.-.....- - 356 116 891. 97 9,427' 976 Belting, gum.......................... ——.do.- 470 3, 122..-.......... 3, 592k...-............................... - - - - - -..... —- ----—.- 17 13 209 0 977 B elting, rubber.............................-do.......... 231.. —.... —-.. ------------ -------- -------- --- --- --- ---...... -.....- --.. -.. -. —-.. --—.. — -------- 977 Belting, asruber -------------— do -231- ---- ------- ------ ------------ -------- ---- ---- 6 —-- ---- tl 979 Bottoms, tin lamp sot -do — ---- ------ ------------ ------------........ -------- -------- ---— 86 —-- ----. - 3 980 Bottoms, car lamp. —------------------------------ ------........................ -------- --------.......... —981 Blades, hack-saw........... —-------- 46 -—.................. —------ -—. —------ — 2 - 982 Brackets..............................pounds 816 - -..... ----- -----..... - - - - - - ---- 510) 983 Boxcets,..-r........................................... 14Z:;.................:......................-:....:....:...-.. — 984 Brackets, swing — 5...................................... 985 Buggies, timber-47 1, 175 00 - ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------- 986 Borers, cylinder blind —--------------............ —........ —--—.............. ----- ---- 987 Borers, cylinder, portable —......................... I —.......... 988 B orers, tap --------------------------------------- ------ 10 ------------ ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -........ -... - -----.-.. —------ 989 Borers, hand....................................-10 -- 23 ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - - ---- 990 Barrels, —- ------------- --.................... ------ 34 hand.....23. ----—...... --------.. —---- -------- --------. —---..-... 17 ------------- 990 Barrels -------------------- --- 6 —----------- --------- ---- ------------- ----— 4 —-- 17 —--- 092 Barrows, wheel ---------------------------------- 8 383 1,436 25 391 —1 9 19 J933 B ridges,, tru ss...... —.-, —...............feet.....-....-..... —.-.-...... —.-...........-........-........-.......-........-.......-.......................-....... 994 Bridges, arch truss, McCallum's pat. inflexible -do ------------------------------------------------ 995 Borax.-........... pounds -.. —- 604 271 80 —............................... ——. 45 34 46 996 Benches, stationery ----------—.........feet - --- 1,162 ---........ --------........ -. —---- 1, 024 997 Benches, work —................................ - 181 —...................... —-. --- 4 5 16 998 Benches, vice-1...... —-................:.. --.......... —............ - - -- -- ----- ----- ---- 976 Beltings, centr....-.....-......-.......pu d..-.. 195 -.........do.....................[...........[........[..... -..17-. —...-. 5509 999 Beatings, centr.e-pound.1o...9- -. 1000 Boiuling-s-, ia- m 3722.........1...........4 53 82 RAILROAD PROPERTY. "i'p oppin;J pu,oo -................ PM[ i a? i pOir;::;'',.:...:.:; I I,, I PO....: I',','',,.'..'...,'.', ~) puo.q1 I%1............... -,iI3T;'t-ui a~q p~ P:^ Soa g.................. 1 " pro~ips'.'.'.' 0 lu.S9 pin:o:;'S:,''I'';''I',;':''I','':':.'':':I'~':II Io'~ j1 o.uo'~;p~o::::::::::::::::::::::::',': p a, 1 15',,.,,.'.,,',,,',.,,.,',,....'~', po~4q~oip ] oI,o pam0 an ~1mda QT pjmp I o I ~~ga p aaml' uD..~.._~~_J.IILll..Ljl~ Il................... ^ I ^ I'^OJ^J''::":::::::::::::::::;:::::: l::'^: "5'P: IJp:o:::s:: XX. }MTP t 1901054100.4..1......'43 54 01 11 11 11 111 11 1 1113.0J'lao1 ~ -^ 1 110 A ad.l J.41011 0401 ^ j 1111 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1111 1' j pos^orpud 54.1o0 0 11 1 1 1 11 11 dl l ll l11. ^ I0 804 041057 0114o ~ 04 41 ^00$ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^.' ~ > c^' ^ ^) ito^ -'oooi -i r' cc. f~ s ~ -< c r- <'i0-l010.. I op^ Sq posoqu iuiot 44 rdOJ It "0 I'pa 054.o 40.ldpo.150944T115 1 11 1 11 11 1 11 1 111)1 1 s-N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r-: io lslllldlladlJlolllll^lll llll Jo;'?".'alul'i'l " IJ' r*'I" " l'', 00)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C -p~~u~j 110 saj0soZ1-.lp 0 z0~~~~~~~~~~C fal! l l l.i l t m -14-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~Z3 1055 - P s.Q~ 50- ~... coIt 000 ^^ I.( ^ ^ ~^~ t (& i^ 00 0 0 i-^5i?0~^^!^'~& t 00' ^0~1 ^^^ ^ ^^ ii> t-^ < i W ^ I -.m^-a~muna ~~~~~~~~~oooooooooolg~~III~llln RAJY.OAD ~PROPERTY. F3~~~~8.^i,^',',,I......~.......... ~~~~~.................. - o -------------------- ----- --- - -- ------- o-.)^i "^^:"~^^.^.r~l _J^^^ ~^^_ ^ <~l~o^^.:^^ ^^007? 1^^ ^<~;i'^7~i~^?!Gim^~^ <7 —-- QQQ~QQQ~QQ5QQQQQQQQQQ 0Q QQQ85'6oQ~QQQQ56666QQQ~cQQoQOQQ <"~' y' ^ c':~ ^ ^~~ ^ ^ e"??5 ^^ "ti -K ^P ^ "" ^ ~ - ---- - ----- ---- --- ---- — o --- ---- -- ------ oS t ^^ c^ ^'J ~~ o^ ^ ^ ^ "^ ^ i ^ oooo o~~~~~~~~o oo oo oooooo ooooooooo ooocoo^:o oooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- --- - Report sowing?y d-po-it/m of iitd S/ffe militM-v railroad propertyl in the military div -ion >`fhe eim.e e, s. —Contiiued. ^:d =^~'~,~ I.-'Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. - rlscies'n e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..- -o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —----- --------- -------- t~~ 108.2 Couplings -riss nniou,... itc Cop gl ^ -la nod1 1cr ov! —1 1 1 087 opigesn -oud- 5 109~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 11) } 1 oiplg ilo II sl 2, I4 -- l M. 1(81 Io Artiule In s- lin - 10 O. I lj? S I O94~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 11( (Iopliug ho t. 469 4 -----. 108)1 (Ioupliugs ac sorked 01 -------- -- --- -- —......... it))1 (haics Liigiue 1.. - - - 0.1 s. 4 ~6 1(084 Couplings, s $1.......1 0............... 1 -s:)onpi ng-n, cL 18rassed.....-...-............ 8....s ~.. 1086 Co-aplmg8,hose.....................................-' 3 1......0.-..j.... j....... \...............j....^.... 1(1111 Chain s, Po eim cr w....-.. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.09 I1087 Couplings, cho i.....-. -..... p ads-........................................ ~ 1......;................1 0........i.................... --- 31087 C_.oupling^.,......ha............. — -- -- -— p a d..d..........;,59.........-.....,4.-...... i........ 1.............. ----—..}....1............. 1089 Couplings, rs h s......................... do0..........1 32, 1........,5913... -....1........ I.............................j........ 10i 0 Coupln i bass ot. eu(~................-......-.. 103 hans a212.......,...-............-....71 —......1 1.I-....1......I.....-.....1...............-...,.. O.0 O Chma ins, bswitch...................................... - 7 1....................1....S......!.........................49 109 Of)I Chaiins, P sow rs'endles.............................................. 1...............1................ 1....................1.092 Chia i ns, b ae..........................p u d..... I-...... 1.................. —---— 1.... 1.....................j...........j 0 I1098 Chbains, largfed..... —-------------............ -. —--- 17 1- -....I....1....j....... ----—........-,-.....-.........j-..lIOO1 I Chains'c I....... 1101 (IiC a sin rviiecyors' (100fe).....0........l................c.......ot) -..1............!.......^.......-. Ig i0 h m,s ic............. o n s -...-......l........................i.......i............... -.-.. 7........ It0,I Cha an ted'.'.'..-................. -a... -....^,6....... 1,064............1..... j........ 1.....i.._............... ] 1)1 C Os 110 [ 1105-( I, 1 Ch i, assowrt e ud..........................p u ds...... 1,37.........-. 4,7....1....j.................1....,8....,3 1.1 Chain0, i 1106 Isii cc le. -o 50 l............................. -- 1167 (heig sb L..109 Ch ins —-—.... 11089 I CIaham, Gemall.................d......'4 1....-.45 i.....1..........-.........1....-...I..-. 1..-.-... -....1....... 1109 I Chain, erman coil. ---------- ----- -....... e4 ~.l-Io 1 45 j.I........ I.....-.l...-.30. 1. 11 1.0 Chainss cosi proved, ssiie - p..............pound............. 1. - --.131011 Chains, cowiasot ed............ ---- —......................0 0.... -............ 1........1.......1.. 37........ 6,0 1 ^ 5 1110 C asin o, assor ted....t.......... 314,6............... 1... 11.13 C a-sting irsoited — d- il- ---- 11 3n 8 -... i- — 6..........2 5'.5(.. 1111 C i n, i, do _ 4 ( RUILOADPROPERTY, 8.Q.*.. i... to.0...~."^ -- - -! ---- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- -'c~,- ----- ~0 0 T ---------- ----------------------— 0 ---------------------- - - -- ----—' --------- - -0-70 —-----—' —-------- ------ - 0^^ ^ t^,^' ^-. """?' ^10 ^ r;Q^^i~" n'&' ~ ^^ -:.-^CCT~:cC -- -^ ---- ---- ---------- -- ---- ------ -K ---- ---- ----- -M -?~ ----------- ------------ -. ---— I-'-', —----------—' - - -'> —-,- -----------— 0 ----- ----------------- ---------— >. —-—'~ -II~~~~ ~ ~~.... l.j.. If 1...l II 11.III..... cr ~ C:~V,.. = -;11 kl I 11) ODV,~e' V 1 ) ~ c -,- o a I GN lllll 1llllllllllllllll -lll P ecllllllllllV lll rlll ^!^ ^ ^ oo ^ o ^ ^ o^~^ ^' ^^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ - -------- - ---------- --- -o ---- ----- ---- ------- --- C.", C,~~~ OD ~ c C2 m, v In C-, -— 4 -— ii -,j0 c1l1 v if) m Peport iwoqwing tie di position of United Stat(es military ailroad property in the military dioson of the Tennessee, c.~Go ii e lU.................... 83............ 83........l........ ~ -................... Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of.................. 1.......''....Augustn 8 and October14 1865. R................... 1'27............i 195........!.................i........ C............................ ~............1 1........L llid 1..11..................................... -i.................i. iii.l dO -I 0 i- 1 i 3 ~ s i 9 I ^ i ~ ^ g-l - - -- - 111> _ (_ oveis___ 51 ___ ___1____ l_^ _16 1165 C'overs, domie.... -........................... —.... 819......... 819.....I....1......................... L.........1........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 ---- ---- -—.... [...] 1166 Covers, smoke-stack - --.......................... 1J167 Covers, smoke- stack hand hole-....... 16...............16.... 1168 Cra cibles.......................... I..................................i6 119 CvliderLsdIteam eugme. -.........r.co....................1.....1... 1170 Cy ers8 8ocomotive.................. 170~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~33di.........................1.171 Cylinders, 5 fee:t lIong, 12-inch bore........................................1.....',11703 Chairs'-guard rail 4........................... 64................................ Chirs railroad, assorted......................... 572 01 57 10...... 1 1 0 114 Chairs, railroad 0.................po b 1 34 8 1................... 1176 Ch e.................... 3......Ch e 3. he L.......... 1177 Charsste.......-.............................. ]7.......... 13 975) 1.....1.... L.......1.......L...:...1........................ -1 1W Chii-;- l > 1180 Cocks; waste............................3........:11.8a Cocks, lock............-..................................... SO...L.....1.. ~1185 Cock sl i P............................. -...... 1186 (oha s aisort sd. -......... L...... 1..... 316..... 18 C ohans, airoad d 13............................... d 13...................... 1-18 Cocks, g -a- -1-.................................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- ----------- -6 —11.89 I C cksacmiss........................ 131 10 0 51 1........1........ 1........ 1...i.............I...!.... 1190 I Cocks) heater and cylinder.......................83.......... 1 3j....!...... L.......1.., -,L....1.......1. 5..1..-... 18o Cocks, lobck 03 030...... 111ICocks, steam assrte... —....................... 22 (3 1....... 236 I...J.....L.............1....... 1..............1......I -4 Cocke, bilo- hof ---—.3....01 18 -5 Cocks> pet...... Id>4fil 119 II ock,7 aC s.'.........,..Pet.........-. —---...........'.......-.'.-.. —.1....... -.'...........1......1............IT.'..... 1193 Cocks, goinge 1691 507 00 169................ 3 1......... 4 1.1 4 JI3S C odes rackhd',,. —— 13 1 96 1jO......... 119I Cocks ater.................... 121 1i.i 1i 1.................. 11. 1I 110 1 Cocks li. —. 2. 2...... -.:,e m sotd~........ ------- Ii9 C I bnki ss.......... --— tii1 -----..... ---- 3106 fo~~~~~~~~~~~-I~~~~~~~ 1(1'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11987! Cocks, rough ar64 300......) d...... L........ - 6 30 1 0 1 - -.'..1., ". —— i4 1198 (Cocks, airo........_......... Igh1 1 081 I - - ~ z ~ z I' I -...-............................. 16199 Cocks, basi,'n 1 ------- 1200 C o cks gas9 I9 1201 Cock ~~~~................d..........;:; 1201 Cocks, steam-gauge.........- 39 39' 1,202 ~~~~~~~............. ons..... 322 Cocks, sta -lp. —-54 - — 54......... —-- 1203 Chimuneys, assorted-........ --- -..1..... 651 6.-0. 51 - -.... 1204 Chimneys, head-light.................... 1,164 4 0 1,164................................................................ 1-305 Chimney^ firnt................................. 1... —1 129............ 1,25........[.................1........ 1......... 1........I.....-...............-.. 1205 Chnmvs-lit-,29- -,29 1206 Chi.mneys., stationary smoke-stack.............. I. 1207 Chimneys, latmp, assorted-.....-....-.- -.-i-291.......1 -21 1- -- -----—... 1 P'91~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --— ]9....... —-- 6 7 2 1208 Cltimt eys, coa.l-oil lamp2..........1. —— 1 —---- ------ 17 60 211. 1 1209 Cae, a............... r o........C-,.. j 9g............. d-............9...................................... 1210 Ca-seesen.g.e tool box-key —......... —--.. I 9........... I.......................... 1. 8. J211 C s stilSte. cil.......C e.. s c 2-....................................stci2 I7:'12)12 Caes, mueiscines —------ 1... 1213 Cases, tunrnittg paper —-— _.......-2- ----- - 11214 Cass m d:......... -........................-............................. 1215lCopper ba-...........-..9......., 1...................... I-M Cop P-57 2,57~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........'...'' 1 p p r ba s r t e d - - - - - - - - - - - - -...............p o is.......... 8............ 8................................ -.... -- 11,Copper, assorted -d —--..... o -.8, 595 -&......1 585-0........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..............:13...........!3 1....... ----- ----- ---- 5017 Co or shoot-do - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35, 355 24, 571. 72 35, 3555-....1, 6089 5 00 4, 246 2, 669 5,1114 127 op ershe...... - - do_.................................................. 101.8 C)opper ingot-...............do......i 25,21.9 - 9,457 121 25,219-...........J............. 480 1,3334 7,6751- ^ WoOm Copper tSined --- --- -.......do...... 1001 Copper, pig —-.................... -do.... -4 4351222 Cloth, emery-..........quires 1,9851,98................520 12-23 Cloth, emery-...................... gross.. 100 1........ 1.22 4 ICloth, gum.-.-.................pounds -....... 159- 1359 1225 Cloth, enamelled........................ yards. 566 1, 698 00 566............................ 1226 Cloth, enam elled-p...ece......pieces. 7 17 12 I i tai....... -...r l...I.I...............................i........................ I22 7 Cloth, tracitng-o......_ ----- s — 1 ----- -------- ---- 12298 Cloth, tracing....................-........ yards. ------ 60 87 00 60...................................... 1'29 Crayons................... 87 1 1230 Chalk, whitepounds4,962 4,............. 68 141 1231.1 Chalk, red..s.- - 2111 20150 ----- -..............1do..........I 2 18 17 33 1232 Chalkn -....-.. I............ 127j rnstn................ _..............-............. 2...........J............ 1......................... 1233 Chalks, w ater............. ----- -.............C. pd.... o....-....................... 1234 Crat\es blacksmiths-.........-,. ----- - 12435 CresCes, iron-............... 5; 5.................. 1234 Crates, sesorters'.-............. __ _ -------—.om.uds- 21,9.............. 295 — -...... 1.,295 12374 Cra res, tatio........... -- 19................................... 1238) Cranes, water -----.1-.-... -1239 Cuffs, band-............ patr 6 124 i0 Chests, tool. —_.................... 1......... 1241 Chests, carpetiters' tool ---— s — 10....... 124 I Chests, pitns-....................-........lt........... 12045 Chests, saddlems'- ---- -41244 Cupboards, tool.9........ 9....... 14 1245 Ctupboards, oil..d...-..-....-................... 1240 Cocubs, gradining-l........ ots. -s 1247 Cobs.gatsngses...31248 Clmues', ass'orted-9.-.-... Beport showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, k-c.-Continued. 0 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of -.~~~~ a,.~~~~~~~ rAugust 8 and October 14, 1865. -^ -1 a __ _______._____ ___ ___________________________________ a-, ~. 4',,.., 1. Articles, a _ - 03. O0, 0 q2 at 3 ^.0 a g0 a a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1349 Chucks, screw....... —..... -.. -. —--—...... —- - -- - -- -- - 4 $280 00 4..........-...... 2........ 1........................ 0]250 Chucks, drill ---- —. - -—. ---- ---- --—... —-....... ------ 4............ 4................... -...... -.......................................... t^ 1251 Chucks, brass..........................................- 38 ------------ 38........................................................ 13 25 1252 Chuck-s, planer.......... - --- -—...- -........... -......... 5 --------—. 5..................-..-........................................-........... { 1.253 Chucks, universal......................................- 13 1, 625 00 13 -—... —-..................... — I I ------—......... 6 1254 Chucks, universal lathe...... - - -- -- - --—......-.... ------ ------------ ------------.................................................................-...-....... 12Q55 Chucks, tap and nut....................................- 49 ------------ 4 9........'...... -... —.1......-.......................................... 1256 Chucks, lathe.....................................- ------ --------—................................................................................................. 1257 Chases, assorted........................-. —........... —- 42 ------------ 42 --------------—......................................... 5 9 a'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a 1258 Cranks, hand-car. —---------------------- pounds... ----- 81............ 81 ------—.... —......... — -- - - - - -- --—..... ----------—......... —..... —-- a ~ ~~~~~ z 1259 Cranks, ironew-4 —-$280 —--— 00 —— 4-...-4 —..-...-......................................................-..............1-1.................-.... ---- M 1260 Chasers, screw.. --... — ---—....-..-.. —... — -- --—. - --- -—.. 7............ 170... —......................................................... 110 1261 Catches, cupboard... —----------------- ----------—...... 710 ------------ 710 ----------- --—............................................ —--—....-... —. —1262 Catches, bras3ke ---------------------------------—. ——............. 25II- - -,:........:: 1263 Catches, window er-5 -----------------............ 10 ------------ 10. —--- -..................... 1264 Chrome,yellow -------------------------- poundsuniversal- 1,6793.1. 625.00 1,6793-1 48 214- 431 1265 Chrome e,tap Americannd...............tubes...... 12.-412........n................ —-------—. 1266 Chrome, orange, dry -4-2 —42..-....5..9.. pounds........ 30 ------------ 30 --------.. —---................ —............-.. —. - --.. —. 1267 Chrome, greenw —------------------— 170..1 do70-.. I39 --------- - 39 -......... ----------------------—........ 1268 Colors, cupboard —-------------------— 7 —-tubes.-...... 1,2520 —--- -710.. 1,252.-......................................i............. —. 238 780 1263~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1: Cachswidw -1 10:~~~iii~~iiiiii 1270 Candles, oarange, A —- u — r — -t.'.'.'.'.-.pounds -- -- -- 1,246 12386'26 i,246 -'.'.- -'.'.-.'..............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 124 36 11 1271 Candles, starn dry-pounds.......... --- —. do.... 30 3802 -------------------- -. —---------- i..- - 30 1272 Copperas een —-- --... - --------—....do 3..... 4,249 3 —--------- 4,249 --------......-. 1273 Cord, hemp bell.- ---.................. do.-......... 2,189k 87580 2,189i 2 39 —..... 21- 354k 6691 1274 Cords, bell - -........... -- -- - --- 2............ 2 ---------. — --—...................... 1275 Cement, composition...-..... -- -- cans... —-- 46 ------------ 46.................................................................... 1276 Cement.-........'..................... barrels.- ------ -... — - -----—... 1277 Connexions, meter. —---- --....... --- --- -—......... ---—....... 1278 Cobsloco..-........................................... 78 ------------ 78 ------------------------ ------------------------ 5 1279 Circulars, switch. —-........................... 27 --- --... 27 -- -.................... --- -. —--------------- 1280 Centres.lathe - -..-......-......- -.-... ------- 8......................................... 3 5 1S81 Carriages, iron lathe........................................................................................................1 1282 Carriages, iron ---- --------— sections. 1 1I —--—....... —--.... ------------ 1283 Clasps, hand --—.. —2. - - I 24 — 2....................................2....................... 4...-. 1284 Crabs, drilling-. — 1-..-.................................I..........'... - --- -- I ---- ----............ 1 1285 Chambe., engine pump.......................... 7...........-......... 1286 Corrals-1...... —.-..-.. —....-1..I...........( I........ " ~ —--— ~ ——............................ 1286 Casings, cylinder head...........-..-...... -- ------ I 1 -------- --------................................................ 1287 Casings, cylinder head —----------------— 18 -1..... 1288 Cantharides, tincture-.. —...... —----—.pounds. - —.......... ].-.......... 1289 Cam phor, gumd....................22....d......... 2............. 2 -----... 1290 Calomel..........................-.. —-—. do. —...... 2!-.............. - "'..... -.' —1291 Cochineal ----------- --. —--- -.- pounds.... —-1- 2:3............................ 1292 Composition, chemical. —-------— cans -......i 32-... —.... —. 32........ 1293 Carriers........-.......................................... 2............. 2........ 1294 Crosses, gas-pipe......- - -------- ----- 65.................... ----—.- ---- -- 1295 Collars, gas-bracket..-.- -........... 67 -- --- 67...................... 1296 Circles, iron -.....-.... —... —.... —-------— 18 18.............. 18 1297 Coffins -............. —---- -- 3............. - 1298 Casks - - - -------- -- -- 12.............................................................. 1299 Cones, blacksmiths'-. —--- -- -.. I ---------- I- -------- - -------- - ------ ----- -—. —------...............1300 Drills, iron pipe................. —-—. —................-. 0 -—. 10............ -.. --—.-....... —....... 1301 Drills, breast....................................................................- 1302 Drills, stone..... —---—...............................' 12 -..... 12........-........... 1303 Drills, ratchet, assorted —------ - 167 3,331 65 167 3 "' 4'13 36 30 1304 Drills, ratchet, brace, steel- -------------—.................. 20............ 20..... —.... 1305 Drills, stock and clamp-i.......................-........ —- 1...................... 1306 Drills, blacksmiths'.-1-........... —-............... —I-.......... I.....'.'.- - 1307 Drills, assorted —..............-.-..........-........... —.i 559 ---- 559 —.. —-— 2 17 96 - 1308 Drills, pin-.. —......s........ —-------—....... --.... 21....-..-.... 21-5.... 1309 Drills, lathe, steel-.....................-............... 2........................ -0 1310 Drills, counter, steel..- --............ —---............ 12 ---......... 12............... —. —.......... — - 1311 D rills, cast steel —............. —.... —. pounds- ---—..................... 1312 Drills, caststeel -....... —-.....-... -—......-..... 84 1 ---— 84 -- -..-............ 88 - 1313 Drills,vertical, 36-inch - —...............- -................................H 1312 D ilc s st e -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -84.......8' — - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8 1314 Drills, vertical, 45-inch, compound table........... —22-. 2. 1315 Drills, vertical, 45-inch, plain table..................!..................... 1316 Drills, prop, iron table, complete. —----------—..-.... —-i 1-1 --—. I................ 1317 Drills, churn............................................- 89 1, 068] 0089....................... 1318 Drls$prgt- 1318 D rills, upright......-. —................... —..........-. -.......... 1................ —----- 1319 D rills, drill press. -...............................25 -....-. -..5....................... 1320 Drills, steel standard-1-1...............................! I......................................................... 1321 D rills, upright, ungeared, press and counter shafts -1 ----- i...... -............ —............................................................... 1323 D rills, assorted.............................sets...................................................................... 1324 D rills, quarry........................-...... 1 2 -- --... --- - -............................... 1325 Drills, ratchets and bits-................................. 1326 Drills, black enamelled....................yards.-. 1,448 —..............1 —-.......... 108 122 360' 1327 D ividers....-....-...-.... —......pi-...... pairs........par 53. -- - -. — -....................... 534.......... 1328 Dividers, spring -.-..-....................do -........1-36......-................................. 1329 Drifts-2............2 ---------— 4..................................................... 4 1330 D rifts, steel ---- ----------------- --------------- 25 ----------- -....... -------------------- 1331 Dogs —- - -- -.. -- -..- 2.-..........-............ 2...........................2- - - - - - ----- --- 1332 Dogs, lathe —............................-............... 25 --—.......... —.............. — - - - - - - 4 -— 3 ( 1333 Dogs, ratchet pounds............................ 39-pounds.. —...... 39....-. -.-................-....................-9-......... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee,'c.Continued. s ~g ~ o oi Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of ~ ~ + * I.~. X August 8 and October 14, 1865. o! 5 2 1.' I ". i - i 1 1 "...... 0 5 11 1 ] "i i. iiI ].i -Articles. 9 I 4 -; ". -....-..............-..... 6.'.C. a. pounds Id.. 13..................... —.............:................................ 1:136 Dirters, countern-. - --------—. -—.. --— 6 —.-. ----—.............6 i-...........$-..........4.........50- -.: - 1337 Dusters, painters' -—... —------- - -.171 11.......... 4 00-..................................................................... 22 1338 Druck -------------------—........... -...............c....rds........-.............................-.......1..-...................3-1 193 1339 Dierric blok --------------------- --—........ -... —..- --............D! u,........ —- --- -- -::-........c-...............-...05-..-.......-...... - 138 Derckcrb.-....- —..-............. 2...-...-........................... I-.... -. -- - - 1342 Drippers, irnly e ----------- ------------ ---—... 0! -..........- -. -.......1............ 1343 Diamonds, glaziers.-..45.0-9 —-........... —. —--—. —----- -—. -. —-—. -- -—. — -------. —-----— 1 -------------- 1345 Doors, fie, and frames- ----------—...............................-................. -................-......-..-.-...-................ 1346 Doors, hnd-.....d-.. ----- -.......- pounds.-. —.. 48-. —. —..-.... —........48 —.. —.. —.. —.. —.. —......-......... —.-. —;4 D, a d.-.-.............-................-........-.................-........-.....-...............-...-.. ---- 1330 Doors, ga e......-............-................................................................ 1353 Drums for lathe, (W.)-pounds-............. - 1358 Derricks, crab -- ----—................ —--------- - a 1:159 Drivers, iron lathe -. - pounds -_~...... 44 ------------ i 44 -------- --------------------—.... 1366 Dies and plates............................ 0 lM)7~~~~~~~~~~st De........................lQ..'.. i()'........... I' " —-- l-~ —...........-. t -............-........... 1368 Dies and hubs-.................'....' — s' -- - - ---------- ----------- --.. -........................ I I 1369 D ies - -........................... -.............. -- ( Dies - - - -- do — - 170 ----- ~~ — -- - 1368 D ies a s w -........1 3...nd....hubs........ 1373 D ums, sove -..-...............................'' IZ........!... " " "i " " " ]' " " " " " " "..-..-.., 1 3 7 3 D r w e r s, m u l d e r s'-.-.-. — - - - - - - - p u d -........... - - - - - - - 213 - - - - -- - —.... - - - - - - -.... — - -'- -- - ---- - - - - - - - -..- --.- -- - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.. 3 375 DEgines, s y -.. -...................................... 49 - - - - -' --- --- ~-~ —------------- -- - 1369 Dies, forge —- --------------- -------........, 1370 Die stocks..-......-.........................sets. 3 165 - -168...... 1371 E ngi nes, dum myw -. —.. —--------—. - -. ——. - ----—. —-..... -- 033 -------------------------- - --......................... —----- -------- --- - -—. --- - -- - 137 Drivers, screw - -......................................., 033- 1 3 8 0 E n g i n e s, s t e a m fi r e...............................- - - - - - ~ — - - - - - --- - - - -- -- - - - - - -~ -- ~ ~ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - 3372 Drnsitv -- 1373 Drawers, ulesto e --- -........................................................ 1374 Dust, bone- ----------- - pound-s.......... 933 933 " - ------------------ 1375 Engines, stationary ------- ---—.-. —-. —....... —........................... - -- ---- - ---- ---- ---------- -............ 1376 Engine s,pilot.-. 3.............................................. p..... o.... 1377 Engines and boilers, dnmm y.....................-....... 2 I. o -.............................. 1388 Engines, dumoi, No........................ 3 -.............. - ----------------—. —----—.....-.. —-.... --. ---—............... - 1377 Engineslocomotive, and boile nders......... —--------------—..' ------ -' - 17 ~ —--- ~ —---- -— ~ —---— ~~ —- -— ~ —- - -------- -------- -—. —--- - 0 3378 Engines, dummy -------------------- ------------ 1379 Engines andboilers, stationary — -....................' — stroke, Ellis & M orc's patent.'' " "''' ------ -- -~ —--------- 2 — -- - ---------------—, —. —----—... —--------- -----—. -.......... -------- 1391~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Eniesainr,2bierl4fe og 0ice....-.1........... I.I2~ 1:380 Engines, steam fire']................................ —.................... 1381 Engines, single, stean —- --- -................................................ -- -.......-.......................... ---- 1:38 Engines, rotary fire, (Holley's patent).............. —-----...... —- 1383 Enin adbie,(op t).................................... i'Iii!,i! i\!' 1383 Engines, calorie - ----.......................... ------- ---- ------ ---........ 1386 EnieI2icbr,6icsrk....'''".. ^" 1 1.^.1' ^]111 " " "" ".. —....... j-..........i.... 1385 Engines, potary complete....... -.-.-. I - - -— ~~ —---— j 138 Enginesan bolr, rotatoary, (ope)................................ ~ —-...-.. —..-.-..-.-.-.. -........... 1399 Eyesbrass scre...................................." 72 "" "5' —-""""372- -~-~~~~~ —~~~ —-— ~ —-— ~ —---------------- --— ~~ — -.... — -------- 1338 Engines,b piorlo.......ta ble75 — - - ---- ------------------ ---- -...1......... 1385 Engines, piorta.........................................goss......... 5............5. --------—. —----- -. —.-...i........' -,1.. 1402 Engines) scr...............................do.......... 6"............6..III' ~~~~- ~~-~~-~~ —----------------—. —............. -...................... 1387 Eangines, locomotive.................... — - -} 34''1404 Eannetl.~ ooo...................................... 5,5 82 0,90.'." "'\ " " " " " \ " ""''4 "' 6' 1405- - — bu t................... -------- --------...................... 10 Eas.C.sa...: —....-.............................. 24 II..1111 28^1111" -~ - --- -. —.i-...-.^................ 1388 Engine, locomotive, No. 212- -------- 1408 Elbows-, drop....................................6 I - - -- 1409 Elbos ga-pip.................................88.-.........i 6851'I''"~~~~~ ~~ -----—. —............. 1410 El ow s, w ter-pi e. —- -.-.-....................................-11111 — -......-.' —--- -- --- --- — ~- — ~ --- ----- —. —-.-... — -.-...... -....... -...... 1389 Engines, locomotive, and tenders.-48 139 187............ -.,1390 Engine, double stationary, 11d-inch bore, 24-inch.. 2, —028 ——.............. -- - - -......................... —----- - -... —-- stroke, Ellis & More's patent. 1 1391 Engines, stationary, 2 boilers 24 feet long, 40 inches ------ 1- - ---------— 1diameter. It 1392 Engine, double stationary, pulley and counter shaft - - -........ 1393 Engines, pmnping - - - - - - - - - - -2 —-------- -— I —--- ----- --- 1393) Engine and boiler, 5-inch cylinder, 12-inch stroke - ----— I —---- - -------— 1..................... (complete.) 1394 Engine and boiler, (complete) - -................................. 1 1395 Engines, steam- -1...............-.... -------- 1398 Engine, 12-inch bore, 36-inch stroke, -............................ —------ -- 1397 Engines, hoisting, complete -- -I 1398 Engines and boilers, stationary, (complete) - -: -: - 1399 Eyes, brass screw —--------- -37-2 —-0-372 - ---- 40-8 1400 Eyes, bell cord —---------— 773 —--- --- 135 00 775 - - - - ------------------ -- 60 71 5 l40t Eyes, h-op. —--------------- ross — --- ----— 5 —-------------- 1403 Ears, tin kettle —--------— d 91- 34312 91......................................... - 1404 Ears, kett —5,950 8 70 5,...............24 480 60 1405 Ears, boket-31,529 - 31,................288 1406 E ars C. C. sa ------- --------- -------- --------- ----.. 4............... - - -- - - - --. - - -- - - - -- - - - -.- - - -..- - -- - - -.- - - - 1407 Elbows, reducing c om p lete ------.... —. 6............ 141)8 Elbows-, drop —------------ ---------- 6 —--- - 6 —----------------------- 1409 Elbows gas-pipe —--------- -687 —---— 687 ------------ - 1410 Elbows, water-pipe.........-........... 3411 Elbows, goose-neck —----------- -------- 67 ---— 67 ----------------- 1412 Emery, assorted —----------— pounds —---- 2,028 405 60 2, 028 ----------------- - -13 I10)4 16 34 c 3413 Emery our-do-160 31 00 100-. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 3c.-Continued. N 0 o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of o^ ~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~ ^August 8 and October 14, 1865.'0 CZ 0.~5 i~~~~~~~~~~~[ ~~ t~l " I L I i'. I L.. ~. k' g~~~~~~'j Articles. P Ce0..... 00 0 0~~~~~C 0, b.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 0.~~~~ ~ ~ - 0~P 0.0 —k Articles. 0~~~~Il o+' C tj c6 Sj o 0 aoi*0 0 "ef5 c8t ~e ~~' ~0 ~ 0~ - ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ -~ 0~ ~0~~ 1414 Edges, iron.-1-1 —-----------—...... -. -- -—...-.-. I............ I --------....-................................ —-- - 1415 Edges, steel, straight. —------------------------- -..- 27 $20 25 27........................................................ 5 17 ^ 1416 Ends, draw bar1......................................... 10........... 10................................................................ 10 0 1417 Ends, equalizer. —---------—............ -- -... —.- 4............ 4........-4-...................................................... 4 1418 Easels-1...-1-1........-..... -... -.-....-...~ —-.. I................................................................. 1 1419 E scutcheons -.........- -..... ------- -—. - ----- 54............ 54............-....................................-.....-..-....1420 E asers - ---... —------- -------- -------- -------—......................... I................................................................~~~~~~~.. 1421 Forges, blacksmiths' —----------------------------- 64 ------------ 64...-1-25................-................ 1................. 2p 1422 Forges and bellows. —- -----.................. ------ 4............ 4 ------—................-..... —--—........-...........-.... -. -------- 1423 Forges, portable. —..... - -------—.....-. - - ----- 17 637 50 17................ -1- -................... I-1.. 1424 F orges, blacksm iths' portable.- -... -- -- ------ ------------ ------------ ------------........ --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- t 1425 Forges, cast-iron-............... - - - - -2-2-................................... -.- -- 1426 Forges. —........................ —......-.. —-- 19-............ 19.-24-............ —-..-........-...-. - ---- - - 1427 Furnaces, bolt.-....... —.-.............................. 2............ 2 ----- -.....................................................- ------- 1428 F urnaces, plum bers'.-........... —- - --. 3......... --. 3........ —................................-. —. —-—.- ---— ~1429 Furnaces, tinners' ----- -------------------------— 15 ------..15....................................................................... 1430 Furnaces, charcoal. —-- -.... —................. —-- 5 -------—.. 5 -........ —-..-........-.. -—. —.... —----------- 1431 F rogs, cast -------------------------------------—....... 30 ------------ 30 ----------------------—.. —....... —...... —....... —....... —....... —...... 1432 Frogs, patent portable. —--------------------- 24 3, 600 00 24- --------------—................-.-.. —-------- 1433 Frogs, assorted -------------------------- pounds.-...... 287,271. —--------- 287,271....................................... 4, 512 17, 612 2,136 48,006 1434 Frogs, chilled. —--------------...................... 15 750 00 15 ----------------------—............ —-...... —-... —~ —----- --- 1435 F rogs, plated....-..... - - -. —- ------ 16 - -.. - 16 —................................- - -.. —- --. —---------- ~ —--- 1436 Frogs, assorted. —------------------------------ --- 16 ------------ 16 -............... - -------—..... —... -—. —------------- ~ —-- 1438 Fittings, gas. —------------- --.... pounds. — 3,158 ------------ 3,158............. -.................. -.....................-.......1439 Fittings, gas pipe. —------------------------- do - -... —-- 1,445 ------------ 1,445 -------------- -............- 355- -........ —-... 14440 F ittings, gas. —------------------------------------ ------- 568 ------------ 568. —---------------. —------. —------. —-------------- -------- -------- -------- 1441 Fittings, brass cock and valve.-................... 75 -...... -------—..- 75 -...................... -........ -------- ---- 1442 Fasteners, car window —----... --- ---- ------ 409 130 88 409.-...............................-........-................ 125 250 1443 Fasteners, sash.-98-98 —-. -- -.. —-------- --- 9 -----—.. 98.................. - -...-. --... —-. ----- -..............1444 Fixtures, grindstone-............... --- -- sets......... 207 276 00 207 ---------------- -..... —.... -.. —----—. 4........ 12 1445 F ixtures, lathe-.......................... pounds..... 306............ 306......................................................................... 1446 Frames, iavv...................... ---—...- - 13. —-—.-.............. —-----........-..-.. —. 3.. - - -. —. 1447 Frames, engine truck-................................... 18- --........1...8 —..... 1448 Frames, truck, iron......................-pounds........ -1, 764 -...-..-.... 1,764 -........1,764. 1449 Frames, brake, beam..............................-.. 8............ 8............1...................-...... 1450 Frames and slides, car window. —.. —-—.. —- 5 -....-. —-- 5. —------ --------.............................................. 1451 Frames, tank.-8 —-------------... —.......... 8 ---- 1....................1.... 8 1459 Fraes truck-.. 1452 Frames, truck3............. -- - - -. —-- ------.. -- -....... - -. -- -- -------- -------- Frames,. wreck-..3-3-............... 1454 Frames, relckl --- ------.....................pounds-..9 6-.. —9............6..... 1 —-- 1455 Frames, bell - b —- - -.. ——. —- -. — -............96 -- - -..............-. —. -..... 1.456 Frames, hack-saw -1-..-.-. —---—. ——.-.. — - ------ I ----------- I......................-...... - -...... —.-...-........ 1457 Frames, saw, railroad cut-off.-.- -........ ——. —1.. 1................1.....-...... -... —...-..........- - ------- 1458 Frames, bolt............................. — -1 —-..-. -- I I. —- 1.....-...- -—.-.... -. -. -. —.-.......... 1459 Frames, circular-saw............... —. — -2' 8-...............500..............-......-...-........... —--- 1161 Frames, door ---- I —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ----- ---— I 1460 Frames, bellows........... - - - I......-................wd-1......1- -. — -....... - - - 1461 Frames, door-18 —----- ---—..-.-.-. — ---------- ------ I ------------ I................ 146-3 Frames, window......-. —-.......................- ------ 39 -------—.-. 39 ------ ------............. -- - - -- - - -I —..... ----------------------—.......... 1463 Fram es, lock ---... —- - - - - - -- - - - - ---—.-............... -- -- - —... -.. ---- -- -.-........1..... -.... —.- - - - -----------—...... —-....... —..1464 Frames, grindstone3....... - - - - --.. 3 -- -.-...- - 3........-................................7 1465 Frames, for buildings-1-..................................... I 1'"......................... -—... ---- - - - 1466 Frames and hammers, pile-driving..........................................................................i........................................................ 1467 Frames,- - -..... — -t- -.....................4 h m es pi -................di ng............................. 1468 Flatters --......... —.. ——........................ 175.......................................... 14.... 122 1469 Fullers -........ —. -...................... — ---.. 404 -6.........404-.................................-.... 11 14........ 185. 1470 Flasks -............................... pounds 9599,9-...-. —. 997........... 230 1471 Flasks -- 291............ 291............................-................ 1472 Flasks and toolsc -.. - -- - -pounds - ----- 11,972 119........72............................9. --- ---- 1473 Flasks, iron-sets - -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 —--- 1473 Flasks, iron ---—.-.. —... —--- -. -.-.. —.... — sets.................................-...-..... ----- ----- ----- ----- -- - -- -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -.......... 1474 Flannel, Canton.-y —........vards... 3221 193 65 3221 3-........1 —.................. 318 51 1475 Flannel, red.. —----------------------—...-.do. —-------- 25 — - -..25........ 5.........-................................-................- -. 1476 Faucets-8681...................... ---—. 86 ----- 86............I. — - -- - 8..1 I 1477 Faucets, brass. —--------------------------------—...... 5 1 25 5 —-------........................................................ -- -.3 1478 Fitches, assortedcu —---- 343 57 12 343........................... 4........ 14 18 36 1479 Flags, red-. —..................................... 314 - -....... 314 ------- - - 2.. 3 42 25 1480 Fans, blowings- --- 7 4,55000 7.................................. - 2 1481 Fans, foundry.-1-1...................... ---- —...-. I........ —----—.... I- -..............1482 Fans, snail-shell -1-1-.-......................... — ------............ —..... ---------------------------------------—. —............. —1483 Flanges -.... —..-.................-.................. 15 - -...................................... —--------------- 1484 Followers. —--—. —. —------—.. —-... ——.pounds — ---- 9- 22,531 -..... 292,531.......... 748........ 16,416 1485 Followers, piston9- -............ -- ----—....... 31......- - 39 -------........1........ ---------------- ------—................ 1486 Figures, —....... ----- - sets.... 6 window... 6.-..-1....................................... — - 1 1487 Figures-......... -...-.-.. —............... 0.-..........20................-.......................-.......... 1488 Figures-.. -.... pounds- 6 --- 6......................................... 1489 Froes - — 2.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------------ ----------------- 1490 Forks, T" rail. —-............................................................................................... 1491 Forks manure- -7-....-...............-................. 17.....- - - 7........................................................................ 1492 Forks, railroad.- di.......... —........ -.......................................................................... -................ 1494 Fue, safety.-..-..........................feet-....... 6,100 43 92 6,100 —.-.......................................-................ 333 1,167 1495 Feeders, oil....................... —............... ------ 26 -.-.. —. —--- 26 ---------... —. —-- - - - -- - ---—.. -.........i.......... -------------—.. 1497 Formers, stove-pipe.................................... 1............ 1............................................... I................ 1469 Fullers........................................ 404 40........j......!...................... 11 14........ 18 Report showing the disposition of United StSates miliary railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ^-c. —Continued' - " Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'3 -a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E Articles. 0 a a s-a -' a a 3 -a' ^ll^ >-~ <'- o ~+ag'3 as-'*s 1.. I a............. a 03~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~.....'. —/~ r:^. o....... I................ 9 Ilu I f I Is 1498 Formers, tin gutter-1-1-.-...... - -.............................. 1499 Facings, coal.-...........................barrels - s......... 25 --- 25- -—. —-.- -—........... —-................................. 3500 F acings, sea coal-..-. — ------........ —- --...do. ----—.................-.......-..........1.... ----- -----................... --- --- --- --- -------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1501 Folders, tinners' — ----—............................. I...... j........'.. -~1502 Folders, iron. —-------------------------------- 3. —--------- 3 -............ -------- ----------------------- 1503 Ferrules.-................................pounds...... 75 75 -- -7.......................... 7 1504 Fences. —-- --................ — -------— 3 —..-. 3 -. — -.. ---------------- ------—............... — 1505 Files, assorted -—....... —--------------------- 54, 246. —------ - 54, 246- 522 240 241 1,025 3,333 1506 F iles, flat. assorted............................. —— 1.-..-. 495.. —.. —....- 495 -----—. -------- -------- ----- -... -- -—.. -. ------ --— 1-..-. - ------.. —..... — 1507 Files, half-round bastard, assorted - —........ --- 4,962 ---- 4,96-...- 60- 192 132 70 402 1,484 t 1508 Files, flat bastard, assorted............ —----—.. 204 8, 154 ----—.-. - - 8,358- ------— i........ 120.-. —--------- — i. —.-. 135 375 2, 040..509 F iles,!.aw, assorted...... —--.. —-----. —------ 648 ------- 648. —- - ----—...,-...-..!................ ----- - 1................-....'.... I 1510 Files, flat, second-cut, assorted - -----.-...- -. —.-....-3, 230. —------- 3, 230 ---------............ - 192 -- - I -- - 1'20 " 240' 1511 Files, taper, second-cut, assorted —--—. —-... —--—. —- 24 ------....-.. 524 —. -. -- - - 1512 Files, hand, second-cut, assorted — —. —.......... -. ---- 623 ------------ 623........ —...- -- -.i-.-... 1513 Files, round, second-cut, assorted —..... —---- 1, 054 -1,054. - —.. —.-..! —.... —----- 1514 Files, half-round, second-cut, assorted... —... —-. —- 1,585 -- -- -- 1 583 - -- -- - ---- 96 192 1515 Files, coulter, second-cut, assorted — ------. —- 41 ------- 41 -----------— 1 — -—. —. - ---—.. 1516 Files, sqtuare, smooth, assorted -—............. ------ 132 --------— i 132..-.... ------—. —----—.-.- - - ------ 24 —.... 15 1517 Files, flat, smooth, assorted -—............ 17017..... 192. 2 264 863 1518 Files, round, smooth, assorted -.... --—.... - -.I 1,192i. —-- ------ 1, 192. —------ ------. —----- - 24 1 23 151 395 1519 Files, hand dead, smooth, assorted.. ——..... ---- --- 460 -------- 460 —... —.. —...........i..... —-......... —..... 1520 Files, flat- dead, smocth, asorted.. —-------------.- --- 1, 261.- ------- 1, 261 --—. —-1 —..-....... -- ----- 481 —-—.. 99 128 1521 Files, hand, bastard, assorted -—... -.- - 4,130 —----- 4,130 —........... -- ---- 12 2:34........ 164 329 1522 Files, square, bastard, assorted - -.................. 4, 362 —..... - 4,362.- - - ---- 192 72 68 272 791 1523 F iles,, coulter, bastard, assorted -—..... —...........1...... 140... —.......- 140 --—. —.1 —-------—..-.... -.1. -.. —. - 4 - -. -. —.. -- -. —.. - 1524 Files, three-squaeuare, bastard, assorted -.. —.....-...... 264........ - ---- 264.-.. —1.........-,5 —. —........ —.......................... 1525 Files, round parallel, bastard, assorted -. 150......150...... I I 1526 Files, square parallel, bastard assorted...-..... —.. -.. 356 -------—' 356...........-.. ---................................ 1527 Files, dead, smooth, assorted —---- -........... -...... 66-........... - -66 -............-.........-.-..-...........i........-.... 1528 Files, three-square, assorted - -----....... -........ ——... — 312..-.........-... -.. —...-... —-...... -...-.. 29...............1529 F il es, sm ooth,,astard, assorted -—....................- 1... —.-.. 10.............- --- -............'......................so t, a tr a.. l530 Files, -ire 103 - 103....' I1.530 Files, wire................................... 103 7 Fil es, bastard 452. 452. [ 7 I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'........{....... 153: Files, hand-saw, assorted.-. -9,........... 9,779...............-11 220 ( 1533 Files, mill-saw, assorted-....... 12,169 -..... 12,1698........ 334 —--- ----------------- ------ --- 135 Files patent.............................. 1536 F il si ouns ba tarand -... —....... —. -. —d......,25-.-..... --— 285 —. —------- ~~~ -~~ ~~~~-~ ~~-~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~-~- ~ —- ~ — ~ — ~~- ~~~ 1535 Files, palf-round, smooth....-...............-.. —.. ——. 2,388..-.....-... 2,388..... ------------------------------------------------ 1536 Files, round, bastard. —3,28 3........... -................... —-- 1537 Files, half-round, smooth —..... —.........-............ 2, 388 - 2, 388............. 1538 Files, half-round-....... --- --- —. 6,002... — -1,002 -------- 1539 Files n, n smooth -996-....-.......... - ---- 996............9 -..... ------ 150 FietaeO —— Files —------------— taper —-----— 6831 —- ---— I —-- ---------.6,831............ 1542 F iles, bastardssecond-cut --------------------------------— 174. —-d-9-9 ——.174 ------—' —------ I —-------. —----------—' ------— \ --—' --------—'-' —---- 1543 Files, smooth...................................... 101............ 101..... I --- 1544 F iles, sw itch..........-.. —...- - -- - ------ —.-... -... ------ 36...... 6.....'''.''''.'...'''.'.'.'..'.'.'...'..'..-'.''.'.''.'.''.'..'.' ----- ----- -- -- -- --- -- -- --- - - -- -- 1545 Files, second-cut................... —.................. - - 366 - 366........................ 1546 F iles, p arallel......... —......-..- --......... —-. -. ------ 24 ----—.. ——. 24 -------- ---- --- -------- - ------ ----— 1. ----- -- --- ---- - ----- ------— 1 ^.' 11.^ 1542 Files, bastquard, se cond-cut -.........-..... —- -............ 174 --------- - 8174 -- -'.'.- - I —------------- 1543 Files, smooquare taperh....-......-.......................... 1h2012............ 12..I - -— 01 — -..-...-... 1549 F iles, equalizing.- —. -..-.. —....... —-................. — 84..-.... —-..- 84.. " --- -- - -- -- -- ---------- -~ —~ —. —.. ——. —. -—..... —.. —-. — 1550 Files, cut, bastard - -...ch.-.- -. - - 36 -—.. 36.........I1551 Files, taper, bastard-.................................. 354 --- -- 354 ----- ------—................................... 155246 Files, parallel, bastard-... -............................. 2..... 3 24 15453 Flues, copper............ 6....... —--------------........ ------------------- 1554 Flues, square-cut-84 -8.....................4........................... 3 8 - 8 -- ---- 1548 Fixesng square taper-............................-... 334-........... 33124.......- -------------- 155649 Fronts to boilers equalizing-.....-.....-...-...-.............................. -84 —------------ 15570 Funniles, ba stard-box - -—................................ ----------- -- -- ~ —------------ 1 5 5 1 F il e s t a pe r, b a s t a r d-3 5 4-3 5 4-......................................0''...'.'''................... - - -' 1559 F laxseed, ground. —-....... -- -- ---—......... do..- -....-................ --. --... --..... -------- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - - -..... 156 G augesZ][[- - - a r..............-71-.. ——.... - --------- - - - - ------------------------ 1560 Gauges, mssortise.... —.. —-....-......- -...... 5 $ —------------------------------------------ - 156 FiGauges, parel — bastard-....... —................... — 9 1-.....- - - 15564 Gauges, marking.6...........................-.......... 162 6 135800 - -—.-....1....-..-....................................-..-........-.. 15635 G auges,, w irem -------------------------------------.-. —— 32 27 37 ~ —------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2 156 GaFlues, copper.. — 6.... —-.......... —-............. - --- 1,5673 G auges, th umble.. —- - - - - - - -- - - - - --—... -........ -.... -- --.. —......... ----—......... -'- ----- -- - - - - - - - - - -............. ^... 1566 Gauges, cutingle —---------------—.-.-.......-..... ------.............. —......." —-- --—. —-— ~ —.-....-.3................ 1 5 6 9 G a g e s, w h e l. -. -.. - -.............................. 5 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......... -..... -.... - - - - - - -. - -. - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~- - - - 1 5 670 G a u g e s, d o u b l e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—.... -............ -.... 3 1-....... — - - -......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... " 1 2 "'' " 1,568 G au g es, cutinne rs' -- -- -.- -. -. -... —.................. I..................I......... --- --- --- --..................... 1569 G auges, screew.........-................................. 35 -- -- 00 ---—......'.'. " --- - — _'"' -----— j —--- -- -- ------- - -- - - 1575 GG auges, q uaack r —----------------------------------. —--— 131 --------------- ------------—. —------ -------- --'.'.'. — \. " ".'.-........ —..I -. —-. 1574 Flues,... copper..............................38e... 7"381 155Fixings, forge.-pounds-3 -:::iiii1577 Fuges, innel s sand-box..................................................... 1338 Flaxseed-................pounds - 30-30-I 157G5 gs,2arGau.. —-......-...r........ —...-3-........-........-.....-......1 —.' —-.-.-.' —'-.-.-'-'-'-' ----- -----------------'.''..''..'\..... ------- 159 Flaxseed, groue nd-d hade.....-........ ——......................-.................. 158O Gauges, assorted.-71 l[561 Gauges, panel -4................................... —-—......... — - - - -- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-............. 1562 Gauges mortise-350 $315.......................... 5-00- I 1563 Gauges, wire-....................................-22, ~ 148 50 —-2 I........ I-... 1564 Gauges, fimarking ----------— 16 —------ 2 ------- 00 —------------- - ---- 2 - 1566 Gauges, single-.....................53................... I568 Gauges, cutti-ing.................................. l............'.......................... 1)69 Gauges, wheel —..................15 -.......... 1570 Gauges, track —..................312 -— 1 17....... 43.. 1571 Ganges, tinners —1...'...... 1572 Ganges, barrel-...................'.......!574 Guges, steam —221 7, 956 00 -2.....'...5 1...8' 20...28 1375 Gauges, quarter-circle --................. 1576 Gauges, cocks and syphonsteam —28 —-—...........1 )73~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... Its pariiig -- 38 150Gouges, paring, and handles -... 8............. 15/Gouges patent marking — 15 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in t/e military division of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. ".. 0 S Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of 0. August 8and October 14 1865..0.0 3"^__.-__________________________________ 0 0 0 C 00 0I 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 58 0-7........,3d Articles.,W i ll 0 I a e ^ o,^ 0 p 0 P 0 CZ8~ I. 1^ ^ I" ^ ^ ^ ^ 1..... 1-... 58..... -....... I ~.......... 0 3 S. 0 0~ a 0 0^ 0 CZ 0 1582 Gouges, flat sweep-1-. —...-.-.-...... -..............-...-.- - -----------—................-....... 1583 Gouges and handles, firmer - -$ —----- sets..... 5 41 ------- ---- 3 13. —.... 1584 Gouges, i-inch. —---------------------------------- 2 -—....0 1585 Gouges, firmer............................. sets.... 7 $5250... —.- —.. —.-.......-. 26 - 15S6 Gougesflat............... —--------------— do —------— I —-----—................. do......... 1 0.......-...............-................."-...-.. - 1587 Gouges, paring.- ----........ —.. —. —-. —do.......... 14............................................ 1588 Gouges, neck-37............ —....................d -...... -- - 1589 Gimlets. —------—.. —. —---------—.-...-.. —..- 577 1500.......-..................... —.................... 4 24 48 1590 Gummers, saw........ —....................1 4000.........-...-........-..-........-..........................-.......- --.... 1591 Gummers, assorted 0..... - -..... —---.- ---—. 12 ---- ------- -........ - ----- --........ -------- - ------- 3 I 1592 Greasers...................................... ----- 1593 Grooves, hand, steel............................-.....-. 3 -------------.......................\ 3!..... 1594 Grainers, top-...........-......................-.-. 2......-............ 5..-.-. — -- ----................ 1595 Galleys, single-column brass-lined- -... —---... —-. 2...-......-......i.............. —-..........4 — -- 1596 Galleys, double-column brass-lined................-......4.................... 4............................................. 1597 Galleys, double-column brass-lined............................... -...2.....1 -.................... 15988 G alley ss slice........-..-..........-.........-.... —-.-.. —-.......-....;....... —.-. —....... —.....-.1........-........-......-.........1..-..... -........ -........ 1.599 Galleys, improved folio slice. —-------------------- ------ ------ - -.-........-..- -------- --------.-..-... 1600 Glass, assorted. —-------- --.....-.. boxes -..- 703 1-20............;.... —... - -------- ---------------- -.... —..1 23310 1311601 Glass, tail, light -4................................... 51........ -------- -------- - ----------------------- 12 24 t8 -- - - - - - - - - - -- -.......- - - - - - - - 1602 Glass, window, assorted...................-lights.. - 486 88 2.................... 104 1603 Glass, double-thick- ------------— feet1..67 13........................- -- --- 637 1,263 1604 Glass, head-light...........-............-.- boxes...................-............................ 11605 Glasses, head-light - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - -- --- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - --- 1605 Glasses, head-light. —---------- -.....' —.. —--- ----- 37 ------...............!........I............1........ 1606 Glasses, cab, light -----------------------------—.. ------ 2121 - - - -........ - —.- -.-... ------—'. ---------------- --- -- -- --- ---- -—..;.........1............... 1607 Grooves, hand... - -........ —........... --—. 6 ------—. —. j............... -...... -.-. I I —-------- ---- 1608 Grooves, tinners'...................... —-. —-. I - -............... 1609 Gauze, brass-feet............-...........'.... 1610 Gauze, brass.- --.... —-—.. —. —-. —.... —coils, ------ 3 - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- —......-.................................................................. 1611 Gauze, iron -.... —-.. ——........ ——.-.. — do... -- -............ 1612 Greene, chro -me. —-----.-. —.. —-........-pounds ------ 117 52 65'............I.....................................-.... 64 0264 527 1613 Green, libernian-do............................................................................ 106 212 1614 Green,Germanemerald............... do.662..... 662.................................. 20 1 22 1615 reen, Parisd................................ 3......3.... 184........... 16.6 Green, silkd 813 00535....................................... 16:17 5 Gl a nQ e......................... do.... do........; 2.......- - - - ---—..................... 12 24 1616 Green, rlk....................o.. 6................................................................................. 1617 Green, Quaker e.................. doe........................ 1618 Green, emerald.do..........64 38 40.- - -—........................... I - -- --- ^ 1621 Grease, car..............................gallobes........ 514^ 694 57....-....... —........................................................30.2931 1619 Gresen, A erican chrome —-.tb —-e — u s - 12-............................._ ^ 1621 Grease, carle.ga..........- l..-ones...... 694 57............-;........................................ ^ 1614 Giease, axle a —. -. —..-.. -..................boxe 30151 1 301 1625 Glue - - - -- pounds 1 9. 367 74......................1 1626 Gates, switch s'. d.......................... ) 55 75 )-....' 1634 Hammerno s.. -......... - b....-.hs -.........d.................................................. -.... 1645 Glammes, s hippi n g-o.................. po n s....88...............................................2' 0'.......389.....]....]....].... 1.636 Hammers, locomotive,,8-in........................................................... - 1627 Gaters, moases 4.......4.. 1627 Gongs and fixtures..........- ------ 4 ----------....................................................... - ---. — 16928 Gates switch................................4. 2.- I........................ 1630 Gibbers, btidge................................. 13 234 7.......1 - 1651 GHamers,- -.....t......l....................................................... -- 1612 H Gibbs, ew gone -... —.-..... al n............e............................................ 1653 H2 am eres, b s mithe r s'................................. 201 552 75 201 -..................... 12 - 118........ 2516:33 Hammes, blaridge --- d....... —----—.. —-. pounds. —------ 822-. —---------.....-. —-. —--- -------- -------- ---- 1634 eru o4... 1 16 6 Ha~mmers, sadders.................................... 4............ 4...................................... 1635 GlHammers, stnuffing-box 1............ 1636 aGongmes, C th.an...h -u —............................. 4............ 8ic.6 -- - - -- - —...........- -....-.. 16:17 Gouge aid fixtures.1. — - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - --- - - 1650 Hammers, b lla................................. 1 9............ 5 —.............. 1652....mmers,, enginei...................................... 97 2, 3 09 41........... 99 16:39 HGlobes, -----.-.-........i..........' 36.......... 1640 Gutters, saddle r s'.....iii......................feet.. 24........... 2.............................................. -------- 1641 Gutterss- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -lots.1. — -I -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - 1642 GIrease, wagon --- --------— gallons..... 21 527 -------- -------- --— 118...... 2 1643 Hammers, blacksmiths'.1............ 52....................12 1 - 1644 Hamimers, clasp hauncer...bl...k......hs. baud.10 I............ I -... ——..-....1645 Hammers, chippingballast.................................389 622 40 389 425.8 —-..... -. —-------------- 169 1646 Hammers, shoens.4'..'..........-'.'-'.'-.-.'.....4 79 4 79.-.-.................. —......................... — 20 1647 Hatuiiiers, set.14.14. — -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - 16608 Hammers, handspike......... -........................ 209 47............ 209...... --- ---- 1661 Hammers, backing... —.......... —.............. ——. 3 6...........1 36 -—.............. -- --------- -. — 1653 Hammers, ctipers -. ---- -—.-.... -. -. I ---—.3 63. —-.......................-........... —.-.... —.- I 1655 Hamnmers, acsso — ed.152. —-----—............ 31529 ------—.................6...... 12 5. 91 1 6 65 H a n n e r s, e gi n e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......-............6 Ia- -i n-e r- -........p — - - - - - -. a n d p u n c h.1.1. 1657 Hauininers, bal a - --- -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- — 4 —25 425...... 37 —- - -- - --- - - - -- - 179 —1 661) Hainisiers, spike. —- - -- - -209 — -- - - -- - -209-.3- - -- - - -- - -—.- - -80 — - - 16562 Hammners, jlack.dp n h- - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - -1 - - -- --- - - - - - — i3 7 166:3 Hamm ers, copper.1 — -- - -- - -- - - -- - - 1- -.1- - - - -- -- - - 1664 Hamimers, assorted.319.319.18 — -- - - - — 3 -- - -- - - 6 -- - -- -- - --- -- - - - - -- -32 —- -- - -6 —- — 172- -- - - 1665 Hammuers, trip e ---------------—. —- 1 -----— I1 Report showing the disposition oj United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, e_.-Continuned. ^ 0 ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of............I....... 4.' 24.. ~ ~.d a Aubust 8 and October 14, 1865. 1..........:.............2......4...... a. 166 Ham ers.bo..iler......-makers'......................................:::::::::::::::::::::::::....::::::::'........:... ~~ ~~:::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::........................79.......................................... 13 H.................................. 1, 299 5,40 i 1 6:99......................" 1676~ Hammerssaw............. 3 0 a0 a.- -............... sorteds................... 3' 2. " 2.........'..-..................... 1 a, e e s s................... 3.............11] 1'.....-.- —.... 1685 Handles, chisel..... 376 3525 376 1 —---- -- ----- -- -------- -- -------- 16880~~~~ H, c s e....0..0.....0... 1. - 1667 Hammersnl steam, assorted..- -- - 9 3 175 -~ —-- ------ -------- — 9 7. -- 0. —-— 1- 1- I - 16b8 Hammers, machine -.2............................ 74 6030 746 - - "'" -------- ------ -------- 1670 Hammers, rivetingc-het................................. 58 33 06 58 -. -------- --------- --....... 1679 Handes, hammers soft —------------—........4 ------------ 4' 8-' —' 882 -------- 1-1"' -------- --------' 1670 Hammers, steel ---------------------------------—...... 100 -.... --- 100 -'. — ------- -------— 100-1 1678 Ha ndies, ------------------------------------------ 24 60 -- 24 60 —---- ---- -40 1 3' 1681 Hainhles, soldering -------------------------------...... 12 ------------ 121697 11asdles, pik.................-.... 13, 940 1, 672 80 13, 940..................... 120 247 125 1698 Handles, awl........................................... 390............ 390 1699 Handles, Slehe. -2...................................9.................. 1700 HIandles. brad awl-5 5...........64-.... 24 20 46 93 -------------- ---- 5264......... 54... 1701 Handles, firmer gouge.............................................2 —-- ------ ----- --- -- --- ---- ----------- -- 1702 Handles, jackplane ----------------— 36 1 150 36 —------ --------- --- ----- --- ~ —----- ------ ~ —-- - ~ —--- --- ----- 36 15636..... 1703 Handles, handsaw................................ 38 554 38...- - — ~~- — ~~ ~~~~ --- - - ~ ~~~~ 1704 Handles, handsaw, polished 12.....-...........1..2............ 12-~- -~ ~~ - - - - ~~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - - ~ 1705 Handles, file...................................... -200 3,329............ 3,529 144..- 92 — - 3074 77 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9...... 4 4 2 307...773 1706 Handles,.ross-cut saw.-.......... -.. 150 93 75 150-............................ 1707 Handles, cant hook47............ 47....... 1708 Handles, axe........................................... 2,328 58200' 2,328 --— 3 225 —-- 2 —-- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - 1709 Handles, choppingaxe. - - —............................ 730 182 50 730...... —-- --- --- 1710 Handles, hand axe -.... 17 17....................................... 1711 Handles, saucepan - —.............. --—.................. 905....- - - 905............................. 1712 Handles, chest. -770 --- - 770 —....... 1713 Handles, assorted- 33.................................33 9 1714 Handles, front end door —....-... —..-...............-... 26........ 26 1715 Handles, machinists' —--—.............................. 1716 Handles, chest, japanned, Paris..pairs-38............ 38 1717 Handles, flush drawer.... —...........-.............- 16.... 16... 1718 Handles, chest..-.........................pairs..... 415 —.... 1 1719 Handles, iaallet.'.........................-4-............ 4 --- -- ~ -- - - -- ~ - -----— ~~~~-~~-~ --- --- -- ~~ — -~~- — ~ — 1720 HIandles, door — -........-............................. 3.'.......' 3~ —~ —— ~ —-— ~~~-~~-~~~~~ —~~~ -- 1721 Handles, stretcher. —--....-.-......................... 72 72 —---- ------- - -- - - -- --- -- ------- 1722 Handles, nmop........................................ 3 ------- 172:3 Handles, couch..............................................4 1724 Hangers, post...................................- -- - ------- ------------------ ---------- 17 Hanges dopbelt................................ 100 ---- 172G HIangers, spring -................ 366.... 1727 Hangers, step................... -8.......8 --- ----------------- - -- ----- ---- 1728 Hangers, shafting........................ pounds..-..... 15206.......T ~l'-l 15206 ~~~~~~-~-~~~~ —--— ~~~-~-~ —~ —-------— ~-~ —---— ~~-~~~. —-~~~ —--- 1 Ini h nn15,206 ------ 15,20679,696 172) Hangers stepr -- -- 160......................... -60.....d....-...... — —......-. Hangersandboxes -- d - - 23542,344................-........ 2,354.... 2, 544::::" 1731 Hangers, truck.................................. 4....4- ------------------------ ---------------- 3732 Hangers................................pounds. 36 ------------ 36 11s~~~' I-1as-'~~~er pounds - -~~~ 11,470 - - -...11,470 1723 Hangers, st-op -.....................................-13........ 13 — ------ -- ---- - --- 1734 Hangers and fasteners, window blind...-..sets... 26....26 1735 Hlangers, castion ------— pond.-......................pounds.. 1736 Hangers, door —-.............................................'........... 1737 Heads, cylinder --- ----...................... 16 -....................................................... 1731 Hangea s, truare - -...........-...........L.............. I............I ~~~~~ —~ —---— ~~~ —~ —----— ~- ---------------— ~ -— ~ —-~~ —~ —— ~.. 1739 Heads, coppiers- mith.. --- ----- ---------- --------- —....... 8 140 Heads, brake............................pounds.- 1 12,6. 1654 ~ ~ - ~ - - — 4. 22 — 6,~ 1741 Heads, brake, frame...........i.. 285 28-.... O5, 1742 Heads, draw -.1...................:.............st -- -- 26 - - -------------------—................ 1743 Heads, d aIw. -....p....-.........o........p ounds — ----,684.-... 51,684.. ~" "- ------ - - —. 1744 Heads, c ross, engiie..1-. —-—.,..- 1.enin................ 5 ----— 5 1745 Heads nd, ta ke... —.............,_..._.-...8.-.....-. 1747'eads, d......... -- -------- ---- ---..-.................................i- - --- 1747 -],,is-: -3 1739 Heads, i,smal —......-.-................ -......... 2 ~ - 1......-. -...... 1741 Heads, bukll, l rarig............................... --- 285. —-------------- 1 ------- - 1. I --------' 7 1-748 lea, drawo h -ll oi- -l- - - 2, — (-0o o -2,...................(.... 1749 Hecads, hull, large-....,.0.....3,000...................l 3,.......1111.I1111...111 1747 --------------— ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.............................................. ~..... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, -c-~Continued. ^ Wa 0 0 0 0. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865..0 aZ _________________________-_______________ Articl. A I 1 1~ I; 16 C cc I" -1 0 a 0 - 0 h CZ' ^ PI a ~:^ C!? " a.a 0 a'. 0 0 C dd a0 1764 Hooks, crling. 4 4..................................................................... 176650 Hooeads, drpacking, and spoolsh-.......................... 36 ---- 36............................. 1767 H ooks, curvingd........................................ 7 ------------ 7....................................................................... 1768 Hooks, switch rope.. —- ---............pounds........ 100............ 100........................................................................ 17 Hooks and thimbles, switch ro pe -— ss 250 2.................................... 17705 Hooks, cantton405......................................................................................................... 177153 Hooks, and chain gate...................................8,965 $29 6........89.......25 4..99................. 1772 Hooks, ice.. 3 - 3...................................................................... 1773 Hooks, hy......................... —................... 17 ------------ 17...................................................................... 177455 Hooks, pactimberng 2........................................................................ 1756 Hooks, iron. -tack- -- 80 - 80....................................................................... 1757 Hooks and links switch-pounds....... 32 32........................................................................ 1778 ook s. car hat ---.-..................... —. -- 7............ 7.................-...................................................... 1758 Hooks, safety ciai -pounds - 66-66-66 - 1779 Heatrs, iron........................................... 119/............1 119........ 17859 H s, e 60 s,........... 60............... 178160 Hooks and st3 3es 3....................................147 147 176 Hook, gas pip-3215211764 Hooks, curlig4 4 1782 Hoes, handled -0.......-................... 27 27 00 27........ 1783 Hoes, boat.......................................- 11 11 00 11......... 1784 Hoes, garden.................................... -1 100 1.................................................................... 1785 Hoes, stable....-... —. — ---— 1785 Hoes, stable.....-.........................-..................- 1786 Hose, assorted.............................feet.. — -. 16, 299 —-- - 16, 2992........ 100 450 -- 2291 570 763 464 1787 H ose, gum..................................do....- 2,896..... 2,896........................................................................ 1788 H ubs and collars...........................sets.. 150 00 1..................................... 1789 Hubs for dies —- ----- --- 34 - 34........................................................................ 1790 Hinges, strap, assorted —............................ —--- 2, 407 541 60 2,407................................ 120- 186 8 16 1791 Hinges, blind, patent.-.................-...-...... 68 ------------ 68 ----------------------—............................ —---------— 48 1792 Hinges,T................'pairs. —. 186 47 74 186 —---..... —--- -19 38 1793 H inges, table, assorted, --------------------— do...-..1......]1.........................- - 16 - -- - --- - - - - -- - -- - - --------....... —...................... — 1794 H inges, w indow............ do.....................pairs..................-.......................... 1795 Hinges, table, ass ore —------------ do -1........... 24 -......... 124.-.................... - -......... 1794 Hinges, wandfastenersbindow......... -........ s - -—...........d 1.-... —...... — 1797 H inges, strap, assorted.. —.........-.. —. —pairs.. -. —..- - 3681 ------------ 368^ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........-........ 1795 Hinges, brass-..................24.-... 6...... - --- -......................... 1796 H inges................ and fasteners, blindSO -- -- -- 180 --.................12t.......... -.............. 12 -.1800 H inges, unfinished................................... —-.- 121 ------------ 121 ------—................................................................. —179780 H inges butt, st r ass........................ pairs p,.... 48........................................... 179802 H inges, butt brass do.........., 55 1,155..................................................................... 1803 H inges, back, flat.......................................- 24 ------------ 24........................................................................ — 1804 H inges, butt, cast......................... pairs............-180 d s.. 36 8......- -.. - - —..... -180 1800 Hinges, unfblinised -1 -2............................... 1. 1................1-.................... 1806 H inges, butt s, brassorted..................... 637 637................................................................ 17 1802 Hi nges t 1,246 259 16 1,246................................................ 6................ 1808 H asps,hinge...................................... 8...... 100............ 100................................ 48 ---------------- 8........ 1809 H asps....-............................................... 112.................................................................. 1. 1803 Hi nge s, back, dfi..........at -24... 36......................................................... 181104 Hinges, plasterers'....bushttels.........................spairs...36 3-............ —------ _ 1812 Hinges, curblind.............................poundso -.... — 22 50 18-................................ 49 99 1813 Hair, plaster, nges and staples, assorted-.-7................63......................7.... —-- - 1814 H air, plasterers'............................-lots....... -- - -.- - -- —..- - -- —.- - -- —.- - —.- -- - - -- - - -- - - ---—... -—........-.... —.....-.....-.....-......-.....-......-.........3 1815 H olders,,mandrell........................................2. —--------— 22. —------------------------------. —------------------------------ 2 1816 H oods, forge............................................- 5............ 5 --------------—................................................. — 2 1817 H oods, Stroke-stack............................. —.... ----—... ------------ ------------ ----- ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- --------------—............ 1818 H orses, w rought-iron. —-------------------------—...... 5............ 5................................................-...................... 18107 Horasps and st-ironaples-2 11,2................................................................. 2 181)8 Hasps, binge-100 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~100 I- -....-48-8 - 1820 Horses, wooden...........................................- 5................................................................ 1121810 H orses, carpenter, saw.................................................................................... 1822 Horses, drawing r- 10............ 10........................................................................ 1812 Hairses, naicur led-pu 702- I............ I........................................................99................ 182413 Haorses, p lacksterer s'................................................................................................................................................ 18514 Haoops, plasterers'ank - pounds --- 563............ 563............................. 18 526 H oops, trusse...................o m.......... 2............ 2................................................ J827 H ousing for cupola................................. I........................ I.........................................................................182816 H ods, fortage........................................... 10............ 10........................................................................ 182917 H arood s,............................................... 8............ 8........................................................................ 1818 Horses, wrought-iron —.... -................ 1830 H ubs, am bulance....................................... 8............ 8....................................................................... 1820 H orses, wooden........................................... 2............ 2........................................................................ 1821 Horses, catpenter, saw-........................... 1832 Horses, drawing-1 -.................................... 1823 Horses,.nail-1 -1. 1824 Horses, blacksmitbs'................I 1825 Hoops, tank-..............pounds - 563563./ 1 1826 Hoops, truss --...................12 -.......12. 1827 Housing for cupola-1 -................ 1828 Hods, mortar-1 -.................. i6 -:::2:: -10. 180Hubs, ambulance ---.................!::Z: 1831 Hubs, wagon — -...-2-. 1832 Headings, blacksmiths'-..................... 1833 Hydrant~s-.................... ].]]]]]]].... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, S4c.-Continued. ^ a " 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0j 0 ~ ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of a 0; S August 8 and October 14, 1865. ^^1~~'- a ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________' I~~~~~I~-7- l~ 1 1: ^1^-~: —;-7 — 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, -~ -~ _ - _ O_ - _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ m C -^ Articles, a Po o, -' 0t. 0 g' Qo 1. I li I~ 1~ 1~ 1 1.1~, ~ C CZ S 0 -P -. I i tt e r ii C. 0 (V' 03J 0-a~ ~~~~~~~~i: oo al~ ~0''-='~o.. 18a34 H eads, cylinder-. —--.................... pounds........ 236...-........ 2....................... 1835 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- - - ----— s ----- ----- ----------—.......... --- --- ---....... ----—......... " " -------- ~ —- ---- --- --- --- ---........ -------- --------------—..... 1836 H ickory for handles.................. ——....pieces... —....- 38 ------------ 38 " " " ------------- ---------- ~~ —-- -----— ~~ ----— ~~ —~ —-------—.......-...... 18,36-.1- H inges..-. —------------------------------......... —--- ------ 26 ----------- 26...''' ~~~~ ~~-~~~~~ —~-~- ~-~ -~- —............... — - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 18-37 Iron, angle... —--------------------------—.po..ds. —. —--—.3.904.-4........ p n -.. 3 4.. 3 4........................................ 371 -- - - -- - - - 1838 Ironrailroad —-------------------------— a b............................ ars-. 70,417 $1,760,42500 70..417 3'.985'.'" 3.' 79. 8'. 1839 Iron, railroad. —----------------— n3.d..........................pounds -22,400............8................-... ------- --------------— i 1840 Iron, ound, assorted........................- do.......... — 7:36, 143 ------------ 736,143 1. 23,9847 - - - - 3'9 7''......... 79.... 18 1 ro. ar a so te -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -do — - -- -- 2,65, 0 ~ - - -- -- -- - 2,6 4 Ic — - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - 3a79 10 9 5 4 70 --- - - 215 12 0 a1:995- 3':/:::' 0 8 0 1843 iron, galvanized............................- do........ -- - 8,809' 2,'466 52 8,' 09' -------------------....... —. - - ~ -. -............ — -- --- ~ 2 5 4 1844 iron, R ussia. ------------------------------- do..........- 1.6, 033 4, 809 90 16,033. ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -— 4S7' 9 5' 1, 93 3, 40 -8 1845 Iron, assorted..............................-do..........- 196, 0316............- 196,0361 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,0 0 2,-75 6 77'1 53 1 154'184 Iron, boiler.................................- do..........- 82,262 12,339 30 82,262...................::::: " " " " — 4,40 ----- 621 --- --- 21, 184 Iron, ttank.................................. —do..........- 2, 934 351 48 2,934........................ 4'067 1i'91' 1,376 " ""' -- - - - 40 1848 Iron, oval and -1-oval........................-do..........- 7, 038 ----------- 7,038 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---------- ------- 1849 Iron, hoop.. —--. —------------- ------------- do. --—...... 13,933 ------------ 13,923 — ~ - ------- -------- -- ~ -............-.....-... -... -..........-............. 18-50 Iron, tire. ------ ------ ------ ------ ------..... do.. ---- ----- 49,515 ------------ 49,515.:...:::'::' " " " -------- - - - --------- -- -- - -- - —.. —- --—. —....... —....... 1851 Iron, 4j-round — - - - - - - - - - - - - - -do..................... o..... 19,945 ------------ 19,945 " " " —— ~-~ — --- --— ~~ — -- - - ----.-...-............... Ironsqua e. —....................... do........ 699,0 8.......... 99,0 8:::::::::::::::::::: —:" "' "4 —---------------— 2'337 1852 Iron, squgh ------------------------------— do.......... — 699,9038 ---------. 4 0..............5 a -—. -.-. 2, 1854 Iron, nailiroder —-------- -p —-------------- do.-nd 4,536 --- -------- 42536 -— ~ —-- --- -- --- --------........ 750 1855 Iron, pig —. -------------------—............do..........- 153, 200 4,441 66 153,200 ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- - - - 1836 Iron, foundbridges p........eces......... 3do.......... 150,000 38.......... 150-000 -------- -— ~ —~-.....- ---- ------------ -.-..-........ 1857 Iron, flat bridge -- p —.....................do.n d-3... 64,158 0 ----------- 64-158 --— "' —--- - - ~- -------- -— 31 —-. ——. -------- --------------- 1858 Iron, scrapil oad —----------—. ---- -70do. 3,993 1, 279, 975 6...,425... 1,283 968417 39 —-... ---------------- -— ~ —-~ -------- ~~924 -------- 70,406 1859 Iron, sheeti.................................ido. -.... 71,305 7 —-------- 71,305 120 —--- -------- --- - -- 1860 Iron, tire a. do... -...3...... —.................do.-... —- 160. ----—..-. 160. ------- --- - --- -. —-.. —.- - -3 — 79,-159........... 1861 Iron, scrap, 1st class........................ do....- - --. 20,000.-.- 2....... 206 000 3790 10,995- -34 —-----.. —-. -- --—.... —-- — 25............. 1862 Iron, scrap, blacksmiths' 1st classi..........ado... — -36 —- 200, 000 4,809 —----- 200, 000 33 ------ -------- — 487:: —--- -------- --------. —.9 —3.............. 1863 Iron, scrap, blacksmiths' common...........do. —-- -82 —- 300,000 262 -32 -3393 3008,000.....................................26,43- 6 —1- -2 —-........1.321. 1864 Iron, tank and fire box scrap................do - -.......... 99000............4 31 4.. 3......... 0 3 -.-4............0........5........ 1865 Iron, light sheet.scrap...................... do......-. 50,000............ 50,000................................................... 1866 Iron, sheet, galvanizeddo-71, 720-71,....................720................................................... 1867 Iron, band, assorted........................do....- - 528.58.-....... 5.... —--------—................... 1868 Iron, smoke-stack —-------- -do — - 8,997........... 8,997............................................................. 1869 Iron, scrap, rings and staples —- do- 584 - -- - 584....................................................................... 1870 Iron, round and square.... —- -. —do-. ---- 3,460 -.. — 3,460........................................................... 1871 Iron, old....................................do -..... 40,543.....-...-.. 40,543........................................................................ 1873 Iron, perforated................ -----—.-...sheets... —..- - 47..-... —--..- 47............................................................... —..... — 1872 Irons, platform..........- ----- ------------- ---- 3 - - 3..............................do................................... 1873 Irons, clinch ---------------------- - -- ---- ---. —---- 4 ------------ 4........................................... -........................ 1873 Iron, perfora ted. —t —4 —. —--- --. —------------- ----...........................sheets...4.. 1874 Irons, o platf orm —-.............................................................................. 1879 Irons, clein g ---—.-ch — ---—.-. -.- - ----.....................-.................4........................ 1876 Irons, heand.ing —-—. -. -I -......................................................... 1881 Irons, a ndng feet- -ach.......................... 6.......- 6.................................................................. 18877 Irons, so lid..........- -- -- -----............................................................................. 188 Irons, dobw ie plough —- - -.......... —.. — 2 1 2- -1............................................................. 1879 Irons, heading.-1 -1-................................................. 1880 Irons, bplanedig -..................................... —..........6.......................... 1881 Irons double-plane..................... 73 83 95 73.................................................................... 1882 Irons, solderingtch................................... 65.....-5.............................. 6 45 19 1887 Irons, large, for draw ing, (on w heels)....... -- - - - - - -- —. - - - - -----—. — - ------------ -------------...........................-......-.......-......-..-..-.................... 1888 Irons, guide..............................- pounds. --.. ----—... -- - - - - -,. - - - --- - - - ----—....-..........-...... —......-...... —..............-.... -....... -...... 7,880 1889 Irons, dog --... —-- ---.................. —-.pairs-.................................................................................................................... 1890 Irons, roofing, double seaming..........................................................................................................-.-..........................."~ 1891 Irons, step. —.-. —----- ----- ------ ----- -.. pounds..- -. —-... 38 ------------ 38.............................-....-.-..-.-. -... -... 38................ 1L892 Irons, blacksm iths'......................... do..........- 2,125............ 2,125..............................-...........-... -....-. -.. -.......-.. 2, 125 1883 Irons, chaftwyreing..............................2do-. 191. --—... 2,790.....7 — - ].................................... 555 4.430 1884 Iron, brplane - ---.......... do.. 753................................................ 32................ 1885 Iron s, veterinary.................... setse...........73 83 9I5.............................................. 1896 Ironstrume, soldervelling - -.-.............-......... —............ 255 0 68- - - - -....................5-1 —-----—.....9 1887 Ironstruments, maefor draw ing, (on wheel s).................sets.. — I --------- ------ -- --- --- ---................. — 1898 Instruments, transit....pounds.............. —. —- I ------------ I. —....................-..-... —----—. —-- - - - - - - - —.-.-.- — 7 — 880 1899 Injectors, engine.- - — rons, dog-46 s 46.................................................. 2 6 1890 Irons, roofing, double seamingassorted............... 38 -- 38............................ --—. -- -- 1901 Injectors, steam........................................ 3 ------------ 3........................:............-................................ 1902 ndicators, stea - -. 3.............-........................................................... 1903 Ipecac. ---—,. —-.. —.................pounds........ 2 ------------ 2...................................................................... 1904 Ink, printing.. —-... —................... —-cases........ —II........-..-. II.....................-......................-. -... —.......... —........-.. 19041 Irons, hand-grooving.....,.................-............. 9,880 ------------- 9,880................................................................-....... 1905 Irons, blacksra mith set —........................-.. 1 - -01 25-.................................................... 1906 Jacks, screw andlever.................................. 23 ------------ 23 2................ 2 4 9274480 1907 JackIrons, hydraulic, assorted.. -. —...........................do... 790 -........................ 2 4 21 4 28 1 894 IronJacks, hydrake ulic, 7-ton —..................................... 53............3....................... 1909 Jacks, hydraulic, 10-ton.... -..... —............. —----.. 4 500 00 4 ---------—........ —----------- -—.....-....... - -....-. --—....-......1910 JackInstruments, veterinary -s..-. —.1..........1-...... —.. 1 95000 13............-1............-......-................-...... 1896 In struments, levelling —- — 4...-..........-....-... 1...-....... 13.....- -.........-................. —--.. -..-..-.... —.......-. 1912 Jacks, lever.......... —-. -. - -.. -. —-—. —-—. — - - - - - - -- - - 227 5,107 50 227. ——.. —...... —. 12. —...... 2 1 26 6 22 1913 Jacks, screw... —-...... -... —----—. — - -- - - - - ----- 6'260 7, 800 00 266 -------—......-... —.... —..... —-.. —-. —-- ---. —.- ------.. —.......... —1-914 Jacks, pum p, 15-ton..-. —-- - -- - --—.. - -. —-.-. -. --—.. —-—. 9 ----—.. ----- 9 -- - - --- ---—..........-.- -...... -.. -..-..-.-. —.- - -- - - -—. - -... -... —.. —-. — 189715 InJacks, ptr umepts, 10-mathematicalon...-.. -----—............2...............1................................. -. 188Instruments, transit-................1 - -....... 189Injectors, engine — 4 46...................2. 6...... 190nljectors, assorted-38 -38-..... 1901 Injiectors, steam-..................3-.......3-::::::::i:;::;:::: 1902 Indicators, steam-3 -.......3..........:......... 1903 Ipecac -pounds-2 — 2 —-: —-L —_-,';;.................. 1904 Ink, printing-c...............ases-.11-:::]] ]11-................... 19041 Irons, hand-grooving- 9, 880-.......9, 880.........................1905 Jacks, ratchet-101 -101-::::::::::::lO~......ll................... 196.Jacks, screw and lever -................23.......23 2 -- 4..9.27..44..80 1907 Jacks, hydraulic, assorted --- 125 -..........'-125- 2.. 1908 Jacks, hydraulic, 7-ron-2 -.............. 1909 Jacks, hydraulic, 10-ton- 500............j 00 4-.~)('((' 1911, Jacks, timhcr-133 -133-..............I/4 1912 Jacks, lever-22....................07 5, 107 50 | 227-1 2.... 1..... 26 6...221.914 Jacks, pump, 15-ton-.-9-.............[.... 1915 Jacks, pump, 10-ton-............-2-.... ]Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of.S ^ S >.August 8 and October 14, 1865..0.O 1a a ________________________________________ ~~~ ~~~0 0,~~~1- 0C a0 a aj~ ~ Articles. a a 0 It a. i te.0^~~~~~~~ [n 0~ ~ o^ a- Ce a= 2 Z 0.0 0 -,t.r a n ii~!i ^ i ^:^ i ii i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~I _______________ a 5 a^~~, i i ^ a^ a 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 0 Z 1917 Journals, brass. =. 1916 Jacks, pump................... 1916 Jacks, pum p...................................................................................................................................................... 1917 Journals, brass.......................................... [1918 Japa-n................gallons.. 153............ 153..................................................................... 1919 Jaws, switch-lever ---------—....... 49...... 49............................................................. 1920 Knives, farriers'...................................... 24..............4........ 1921 Knives, drawing.................................1, 806............ 1, 806................................................ 13 8 16 1 922 K nives, frog........................................................................................................................................................ 1923 K nives, bench.......................................... 2............ 2...................................................................... 1924 Knives, paring................................3...............':................'.......... 1925 Knives, round.............................1........ I............. I........................................................................ o 1926 K nives, pallet.......................................... 62 $69 75 62...................................... 2 10 20 1927 Knives, putty..........................................- 148 74 00 148................................................ 2 10 20 I 1928 K nives, shoe............................................ 9............ 9....................................................... 1 3 1929 Knives, packing.........4......................44.... 4.... 1930 Knives, C. S. Daniel's planer............................................................ 1931 Knives, brush........................................... 1932 Kettles, soldering................................................................. 1933 K ettles, glue..................19..1.................... 19............ 19................................................. -------- -------- 1934 K ettles, spring.......................... pounds........ 13,825............ 13,........................................................................ 1935 K eys, car............................................... 2,510............ 2,9 510................ 100........................ 24 9 52 1936 Keys, assorted........................................ 30............ 30..........30 1937 Keys, assorted.pounds --- 522............ 522............................................ 522 1938 Keys, draw-head.................... 170............ 170.............-.......... 170........... 1939 K eys, split............................... poundse............................................................................................................. 1940 K eys, padlock.......................................... 16............ 16...................................................................... 1941 K eys, connecting-rod.................................... 3............ 3.................................................. 19 42 K eys,........................... pounds..................... 1................................................................................. 1943 Knobs, mahogany.1. 1. 0....i'.. 1,118 1900 1,118..................................................... 48 102 1944 K nobs, m ineral......................................... 330 110 00 330............................................... 30........ 14 1945 Knobs, drawer........................................ 1,613............ 1, 613................... 1946 K nobs, door............................................................................................................................................. 1947 Knobs, desk, wood, assorted...........144........................ 144.............. 5.......... 1948 Knobs, tin-kettle.....0...................................720... 1949 Knobs, tea-.pot............................. gross — - 6..6..... 66 1950 Kings, Am erican.......................... tubes —. ------ 12............ 12................~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~..-~~~ —~-~~~......... — - - -------- 19o51 Knees tender4............4...................................................... 1950 Kanes, Am eritcn..................................................... 1952 Kases, swither........................................2...2 — 21..: 1956 h b..... 1954 ~i-hts,, white.. —---------------- --- 5,881 10, 216 50 5,881 1..... 48 ---— 48 19. 263 364 655 11955 Li~ht2, red —7 7563 00 2,521 —......... 24 2 26 8 588 12-2 216 1957 Lights, cab-............................................ 161 ------------ 161 1................................ ——.2 3 5 102 1958 Lights, head-...................................... 1 23,21000 230 1 1 2 4 1526 50 1959 Lights, pail —....................................... 75 1, 500 00 75 - - - —................. 1 18 40 1960 Lamps, Dutch-548 -8.....-8.........i —.....4-.....4............6.....3-45....... 4. - -28 55 1961 Laimps, bull's-eye —--------- 155 193 75 155................................ 30 30 1962 Lamps, bracket — 28........................................ 14000 28........... 2 6 1963 Lam ps,, railroad ---------------------------------- ------ 8............ 8 ------—.' ------—'. -.'..'.''.' -...'..'.'.'.''.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' -------- -------- i3Lap,~ railroad-8 -8., ~ 1964 Lamps, hand -1-1.......... —................ ------ I............ I -------- -------- ---- -'. — -—. 1965 Lamps, green ----------------------------------- ------ 12............ 12.........-12-..... ~~~~~~~- -~ —-.. — - -------- 1966 Lamps, signal...................... —-----------—..... 106............ 106...-..... — --........~ —- -28 57-.....- 2857 1967 Lamps, torch........... —---------------------— 21 -............ 21 —........ 21................................. 1968 Laips, coach............................. —-. — -------—.33..''.''.''.' 33'.'.'.'.'. --------'.'. --------'.'.'.'.'.'.' — - - - —. ----- - 1969 Lamps, brass car....................................... 55............ 55 1970 Lam pis, car, candle...................................... 1 42 35 11................................ 1971 Lamips, hanging........................................ 16 40 00 16......................... 1972 Lam ps, spring.......................................... 6............ 6.-.-..'....~....... 1973 Lanterns4 41....................................0 458 45 1973 Lanterns............................................... 410............ 410 "" " " ~~~~~~~~...... —................................................ 1974 Lanterns, railroad, globe..........................-...... 12............ 12 -1 — --— ~~~~~~~~~ —- - ~ —....~1975 Lanterns, dark -1s-1................. -......- 17 -. 17 I I 1..1.'" 1976 Lanterns, square -...................................... 6............ 6 -6-~.~~~~~~~.~-~~.. ~~~. ~~-. ~~ —~~~.. ~~-~ —---— ~. — ~~~~~~ ——. -~~~~~.~~.. 1977 Lantern bottoms, (W. L., old)1.....................1...... II............ 11..'.' ~ —~.~~.........-.-....................................... 1978 Locks, pad, assorted.................................... 1, 593............ 1,593 2................ 2'.'.-........'.. 51 43 161 1979 Locks, m ortise....................................... 87............ 87.............................7 34 1980 Locks, door, with mineral knobs, complete.............. 600............ 600 -----— 6............'.... 6 1981 Locks, assorted1 3,9.29.............................8..... 1 392............ ~-~3-~~-.~~..~~..................... 2 71 3 1982 Locks, switch-46..................................4...... 64 -...........'64.- ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~......................... wo.. 1983 Locks, car............................................. 4, 540 7,559 10 4,540.................................4 1984 Locks car, beat-back.................................... 310............ 310...-................... 1985 Locks, door-......................................-...... 294 72 50 294 -.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.""35"... 1986 Locks, chest............................................ 339 271 20 339 1987 Locks, spring-chest -6-156......................................0...06.... 1988 Locks, draw er-0................................... -...... 74 37 00 74 ~. ~~~~~........................................................~..~-~~ 1967 Locks, trch -........................................... 630 630..................... 1. ~~. ~~~....................-.............. 1989 Locks, rim-on.......................................33. 31991 Locks, iro n draw er................................. 30................................................-30................... 1992 Locks, b r and c aer................................. 15 k1............a...ncv d. 1993 Locks, w ardrobe..................... 1 2.......................................... 1994 Locks and chanins —...........................1......... I 40..... 16..\'\\\ \.... 1995 Line s, sea-grass...................................... 25 2..................... 1996 Lines, tape, assorted........................ —--------- 50-2! 502- ~~~~~~~~~~~~-..~ —~~~.. ---— 2~4...............-.......1997 Lines, plough-0............0............................. 30 i........ 1 1998 Lines, chalkough -. —.......................... 1,6030 199 50 1,6030.. ~-2~ - -................2. 1999 Lines, chalk and reel-1.......................17............ 1999 Lines, chalkoandrt sel.................................... 17............ 7.................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4r.-Continued A rj ^~ o=~0 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of jO~~~ ^^~~~~~~ ^ ^ ~August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0 a ^ ______-____________-________________________ ~ ^^ ^ ^ -^ ~ 1~ ~ ^ ~. ~ ~~ 0 -~~ ~:~- ^^ i ll ^:j 1. ^ ~1 S - ^.1s.... 51 Articles. a a /~~~~~~~~~~~~~C ~ I I t-l -I 5 1 1. 0.0 It 0 Io-I II 2000 Line, chalk................................. feet -...... 2, 000.........-... 2000 o.........-................-........ 2003 Lumber, cpine -—.. feet.. 780,118............ 780, 118 f. - - -— a -- a. 14,126........ 137394 2004 Lumber, oak and poplar, assorted...........do.......... 150,000............ 150000 0 36212 215378 2005 L m e......................................... - -.........................'..-.......-.... 2006 Lumber, assorted..........................- do...........- 3, 442, 255 -----— 3.4,25........... 3425.....................................'3' 800.......211'332 2011 Lead, pig-...............................paounds —-....... I 2012 Lead, white, assorted.......................- do. —...... — 5, 362 750 68 5,3 62........-................................ 51 1,250 369 "'i'874 ^_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0aO -0 3 0'C-0 a)Oa c ~ 0-, 2013 Lead, blackpine —--— 0 a......................do.. 333. 333........................................................ 43'87, 2004 Lead, csugar lk-f-2ort..........6.0. do 0....-...... 60 000 6...............50 000............. 4 8 2005 Lumberad, sheet -B - -do......... 1,726 51780 1,726.............................. 350............... 103 204 2016 Leadr, sin oil and dry.......do- - 3,113 -- 3,113..................................... 50 75 92 183 2017 Lead, bar and pig........................ —_...d.................,............................. 980 2018 Lead, red ----.-. — 5 43.......................................................~~~~'..~ 2019 Lead, scrap........................... o.... 2020 Litharge. ------------------ - -..-.... —-----.... do. ----. 751 10 90 75 11 —----— ".'... ---------—...... - - - -....'.1.'-'o.. 6. 18 2021 Lathes, screw-cutting................................... 3............ 3 1 1 2 2 2022 Lathes, complete, 7 feet ber, 9-oldch swing-2............2........................................................................ 202308 Lathumber, o and head — - 2 -2.................................................... 2....... 202409 Lathumber, enginepoplar —.............................do......... 29, 358............ 2025 L athes,hand............................................ — I ------------ I.......................'....... ~ ~'........ 202610 Lathumber, walnute —.............................5.........50.....4...................... 20117 Lea wood, pig turning................................pounds-....... 410 2012 Lead, whe, asstortedg-do -5......................... 36.506.5.6-.1.,50 39.8..........74 "' " " " " " " " 2013 Laea, black -do —---— 43-87 — 209 Ltedg ruhN.2015...-.-...Lead,.............'''sheet...'''.'''....''-do''....'-1,'''... 7-.'''..6' 517'''..'' 80...'''' 5,...'''' 726.'350'.'.103 204'''..'' 2016 Latead, rdo, in roil htaNd.2........... dry -do - 3.............113.......3,.... 113.-.....50....75....92..... 183... 20130 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 8 feet chain, feed,33 wi L the, chuckr............................................................................... 2024 Latesd, engine- 10...29,..000...00....1.1.3.. 9 2(125~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lathes, hand- -....... 187[....1 2026 Latheaxle2 28.................o..... 5 0000 2-2..... 02(12 Lathes, wood,-turning-.......................31...... 20-28 Lathes, ironpet, 7eturd,9-nhsing-........~.......... 20293 Lathes, doga, wroughta.........o........ 20 -........... 2030 Lathes, scew-utng mcine, 8 fee chai, feed,1....... with chuck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 2031 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 10 feet bed, 23-inch swing..................................................................................... 2032 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, with pulleys and shafts-.-....................................... 2033 Lathes, with chuck..........1.'..'........-1..~...'."'....... - -..........' ---- -......'....i.1. — -—''.'.'" -'.-' -'-'" - 2034 Lathes, 24-inch, universal chuck........ —-............. 1............ 1 -...............1.'.; -_......-..'-..' 2035 Lathes, 24-inch, White's patent-1-1 —------- - I....................................................................... 2036 Lathes, driving wheel -...................... 1 -—. 1.............-....-......... I............'................. - 2037 Lathes, turni- -ng ------... -........................ 2038 Lathes -----—. —2039 Lathes, double-head, 20 feet long, 26-inch swing, with counter shafts, tools, and fixtures - -..-.-..... 1 - -........................ - -1 —...................................................2040 Lathes, screw-cutting, with counter shafts —.-... — 1 -------- - —. 1 --—.-... —................................................ 2041 Lathes, small counter shaft-. I......- — 1 —-. I....................-................................................ 2041i L ithes,No. 8 ---...................I........................ I........................o11................................................ 2042 Lathes, double-head, wood-1-1-.- --................................................................................. 2043 Lathes, iron- - - ---- -- --- ------------.............................................................................................. 2044 Lathes, screw-cutting, 16 feet bed, 15-inch swing... -1............I............................................... 2045 Lathes, shear and head, 10 feet bed, 12-inch swing -.. - -— 2 ------------ 2............................................................. 2046 Lathes, small, with screw, gear, and four extra rods - -.............................................................. 2047 Lathes, 30-inch — 2 —........................................2.. 2.'-................................................ ----- 2048 Ladders, mounting..-............................. 24.....-... 24.-..................................................... 2 2049 Ladders, shop and step............................ 2 28 --- --—.- 30.......................................................... 9 2050 Letters.................................... sets...... 6 - - - 6 -1........................................ I........ 2 2051t Letters.. —- - -- - ----—........ —........................ — 6 ------------ 6........................................................................ — 2052 Letters and figures, incomplete.............sets...-.. 3 —..-. 3 -.......................................................... 2053 Links, crooked -—..... - -............................................... - - - -... - - - 2054 Links, chain -....-.......................-...-....... I — -............ I.......... —----------'....... -------- - - - - - - - - -------- 2055 Links, coupling.........................-.pounds -1,045- 1, 045............ 1,045.................................................... 2056 Links, straight.............................. do.........- 202............ 202........-.............. —. -. --- - 2057 Links, crooked..............................do -......... 556............ 556.......................-............. - 2058 Links, coupling................................... —---------------- --- - - 2059 Ladles. —-....... — Z::;..................................... 61........ 61.. --........'.I.I.. 209Ladles-6.1- 2060 Ladles, tin. —-.......................................... 235....-... —.. 235............... "." ".'..'.-........'..'.'......-...-......... 2061 Ladles, perforated... —................................. 70....-....... 70.............'...................... 2062 Ladles, melting —......................................... 15............ 15...............-........-..-...-. 3 2063 Ladles, iron............................................ 4............ 4............... — - - - - - —.....................'...'.......... 2064 Ladles, iron-pu 1,..700.. 1,.700pounds........ 1, 700 1, 700............................................................ 1700 2065 Lifts, window ------------------------------------ 8133 - ---------- 813............................................................... 144 2066 Lifts, brass, sash7272..................................... 72 — 722067 Links, switch rope.-......................pounds - —.. --- 1, 753 ------------ 1,753............................'..... ~-~~~~~~~~~. 2068 Links, straight.. — -----..................... ——... ------ 1, 079 ------------ 1, 079...................'....'..................'.'.'....'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'......... 2068 Links, straight -- 1, 079- - 1, 079~~~~::,.... 2069 Links and pins, couplingpounds-,0101,0101,010.... 2070 Leather, sole.-...........do.-..4231 254 25 4231-......-4............................ 731 19 47 2071 Leather, lace..............................sides......... 188 564 00 188-................... 13 7 18 2072 Leather, harness.........................pounds.-....... 1, 797 934 44 1, 797-................................................2073 Leather, bridle-............................. do.-........ 225 ------------ 225........................................................................ 2074 Leather, russet.-...........................sides.-........8 ------------ 8..-....................................................................2075 Leather, burnt.-_ —----------------------- pounds. — 122 —---------- 12........................-............................ 2076 Leather, sole.-............................sides.-....... 3............ 3................-: —-----------—...................................'....2077 Leather, assorted -. —-.............pounds.- ---------—. ---------—.........................................................-..-..-.. -. —2078 Leather, blue, titled........................dozen.............................................................1..............-..........I..... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4ve.-Continued. ^ ___________________ __ ___ _ ______________________________ cJo J ~ I ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of 0 J August 8 and October 14, 1865..0. iO ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ________ a o 0 so a.~ ^ l~ ^1 ^. ^' ^ 1 1 ^. 1 ^ 1~~~~~~lt li C I ^^ I ll ^ ^1 1^ I I-i ^ 1. ^1 1^ ^. 11";t~lc~ W C I6-'0 F.. ~ - 0 0 0 0'0 171 Articles. t e 3a,~~~~~~.Oa~~~:~'~C n;..'0-.a'0 ~~~~~~~~a ~~~~~~ Ca5 ~. - ~ -— b 0, 7o,.c-l 0' P A______________ o ^ s o Es ___ o Z Z 2079 Levels, spirit.......................................... 256. 256....9 10 20 K 2080 Levels, pocket...................... —------------- 20........:: - 20...........:...:::::..:::::::""'""" """". 208 L Levels, machinists'..........................4 $750 4...................-............... 2082 Levels................................................ L ee-.......................... o.I-1. 2083 Levers, hand-ear..-..................................... 2............ 2. —------.. ~ —-—.. —................................. 2084 Levers and rods, tank................................... 74........ 74.........' I. ~. —.........................- - 2085 Levers, switch................................... 7............ 7........................:::::::: 4. 2086 Levers, wrought.................................................................................... 2087 Levers~~...... 2089 Levers................................................................... "'........."""'""""""""""""""""'....................... 2088 Levers, hiake.........................3 i............. 33...'~~. —.......... 20189 Levers, track................................................................. 2090 Levers, whistle.......................... 6.6. 2091~1 Lees i..161..... 2091. Levers, blacksmit..............:o::::u......1d:::::::1......'..........'......I: "~- ~~ — ~~~ -~~ ~~ ~-~~ --- 2092 Leaves, steel, Leavesder springs...........opsteel,...... —-. —-------— for —---------.-fender —---. —-----------— springs — -------------------— pound —---------------—. — 2093 Leagold.............................. packages........ 59 2-5 712 80 59 2-52...........:'::::::::1 —::::' — - 2." "" 4 2094 Ley, concentrated.........................cans 253 I- ---- 253 3.......................:27 40 2095 Ley, concentrated) —------------- -boxes. - - 2............ 2e......concentrated...::boxes.- 2096 Lead, bar................................pounds. -- ------ ------------............-........-........-........-::::::: —::::::::-:::::::-::::-: — "'"81...::: 2097 Lead, white............... —-—........... kegs. —.....-............ 2098 Lugs, water tank.......................................- 10............ 10.........:.:::.::::.:..:::.:.'::........'::::...... 2099 Lugs, water tank......p............... pounds.. —-.. 847............ 847.847......::-' "- ~~~~ —~ —---------..-........ 2100 Laths, pine.. —----------------- --- 10,200........ 10,200 --------- --—.......................... 2101 Lake, madder........... ikdes.. 17 637 17-.....-..........1.:::::::::::::::::::: 2LO-2 Laudanum...........................pounds..I.... 210.3 Logs, B. W................................feet. --- 1,745,646............ 1,745, 646.....:::::::::::::::..............'.......... 2104 lifters, rail.............................................- 4............ 4...................-....-.. --- -------- 21 05 Leg, table. -.................................. ------ 58.......... 58. ~-~~~~-~-..-.-...-........-........-........-........-........ 2 106 L itterss ------- ------ -------- --- ------------ ----—. ----—. ---—. ---—. ----------—. ----------—. - ------ -------- -------- -------- ---- --- -------- -------- -------- ------- 211)7 Mlachines, small engine.....1........ ----- I -------—.1 -. —---------------------------------------- " 21-08 Machines double engine....1 —......... I - -4..1....... I...-...-.........:.::::::'" " 2109 M.achines, hoisting engine o —,-o.................................:::' 2110 Machines, straightening......... 1...... 1 2111 Machines, drill press.............................. 2112 Machines, wheel press.................................................... ~~~~~1....................... 1........I 2113 Machines, press boring, cylinder.................................................................................................................. 2114 Machines, press drilling, vertical, Nos. 62 and 63...............................'................................................ 1 2115 M achines, m anifest, suspension................................................................................................................................... 2116 Machines, pipe-cutting.................................. 2 -- 2............................................................... 2 2117 Machines, stove-pipe former.1.1............. I ---- -........................................ I 2118 Machines, wooden former. 3. 3....................................................................... 2119 Machines, burring...4............................. 2........ 2 2120 M achines, pinnling dow n................... —........... — I ------------ I........................................................................ 2120 Machines, setting down................................ 2122 M achines, sw edging..................... —............. — 1........ —-.. I1................................................ I1................ 2123 M achines, scannintg -.......... —...... —-. —...- ---. —--. I ------------ I........................................................................ 2124 Machines, scanning doubwn le................ I...................................................................... 2125 Machines, sbolt headeron- — n —-—. -.. — - I............................. I................................ 2126 Machines, screw cutting. 1 6 6,10680 7........................................................ 4 2127 Machines, scading 2 6000 2............................................................... 1 2125 Machines, twyring. header.......... -—.. 2....................................... 2129 M achines, teno ing.. —........................ ------ 2......-..... 2........]...................................................... I 2130 Machines, screwiring........... 2 - 2............................................. g17........ 4 213127 Machines, squeading -----------—.. 2 — I 00 —--- I................................ I 2128 Machines, twyrooving............................... I 2............................................... I........ 213329 Machines, tenonlding................................... 3 3........................................................ 3 21.34 M achines, planing, com m on............................. I ------------ I........................................... -........................^ 2130 Machines, pwiraning —----—..2. 2 13 -.............................................. I 2136 Machines, quartering wheel....................................................................................... 2137 Machines, quagroovtering wheel, double-headed.......1....I........................ 1 2138 Machines, foldoring.......................3.... 3...........I...................... 2139 M achines, striker........................................ I ------------ I...........................'..'.'.'.......................................... 2140 M achines, scroll m oulding........................... I....-..... I....................................................................... 2134 Machines, borplaning, asscommonrted.................................. 6....................... 2........ 2 2142 Machines, pboringan d auger............................................................................. 2136 Machines, boquartring whand drilling, Bement&Dougherty. I............ I................................... 2144 M achines and bits, boring...............................- I ------------ I........................................................................ 2145 Machines, bording, No. 32, Bement & Dougherty............................................................................................................. I 214637 Machines, quartering......wheel, doble......................... 3................................................................. 3 2147 Machines, oskiving...................................... I I 214839 Machines, mostrikersing............................... I I 2...................................................................... 2140 Machines, sroll mo ulrtisi ng and boring, car..................... I............ I................................................................ 21450 Machines, bortising, andchisels, foot, portaedble........... 2............ 2.................................... 2151 M achines, thick edge.................................... I ------------ I ----------------------------------------------------------------------—.... 2152 M achines, rolling....................................... 2 ------------ 2................................................................ 21453 Machines, slottingand auger..........................3........ 2143 Machines, horing and drilling,:Bement & D~ougherty 11 2154 M achines, m illingand b t................................. 1 1...... I................................................................ 2145 Machines, ogear cutting, No.................................. 32, Bemet & ougherty................ 2156 M achines, bolt cutting, taps and dies..................... 2............ 2................................................... -....2157 M achines, sm all vertical drill............................ I ------------ I................................................................ 2158 M achines, sawkey cutting................................... I............ I................................................................ 2159 M achines, key seat drill, N o. 12, com plete............................................................................................................................ 2160 Machines, large vertical drill, intermediate shafts...... I............i................................................................ pulleys and hangers... 2161 M achines, nut tapping............................ 2........................ 2........................................................................ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, fc.-Continued..0M~ 0~ 0 Property sold on credit to railroad cornpanies under Executive Orders of 0 S~August 8 and October 14, 1865. a a.0.0 ___ 1__ ___ _____________________________________ _ __ Articles. o CZ 5 0 Sj o~O -ja Si^^^ en 0 nz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 0 C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~09 I - "P —- -W ~-GI 0. 0.s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cd CZ C 2162 Machines, moulding ---- ---- - ------—............ - -...3 --.................................... 216 Machines, railroad cut-off sawing-1 —-- - --... —--- I- ---- I.-..... -- --......................... —. 2164 Machines, stove pipe breaking-1 —------- --- I --- - I ---— 1 —- - ----- -...................... I 2165 Machines, binders' board cutting -...................1....... I -.......I.......-.-............ —.....-...-...-..........-.. 2166 Machine s, shaping —- ------- --- ----- ----- 2 $2,600 00........- -- ------- —........................ 2167 Mrchines, iihaping, 12-inch, No. 20.-.- -... —. ------ -. — --- ------------........ — -------- —.... -- 2168 Machines drilling.-...................................... 2 ------------ 2 -----------—......................... —------------- - I 2169 Machines, po rtab le, dr illing — ---. —-- —. —............ - ----- - - --- - --- - --... -......................... 2 170 M acM a es gines ig,-.......r...-.. —---------------------------—.... -----—. - ---—. —-... —......-......-......-j-.... --......-......-......2171 Machines, bolt, witng................................. 2171 Machines, bolt, wiith taps and dyes -1...........6...00 ------- 21732 Machines, car trimming, common -. —.-...... —-. —-- --- I -.... —.........1...... 213 Machines, car, wood turning - —. -...... —---- -- --—. —-........ 2174 Machines, turning, large —-- --------—. —- 2............ 2-...............-. 2........ 1 2175 Machines beading -, and extra rolls -—.................... - -- ------ - - - - ----'2177 Machines, cpsh rp ebei ngm....mi-..... —-1-. —. —..............-.....-...-......... 2176 Machines, sproiing setting.. -- - -.-.- -- ------ -. - -- I........j.............. —.-....-.. —................. — -------- I 2J78 Maclines, copper- pipe breaking ------------- ------ I —------ ---- -------— I 017 9 Maclimes, spriiig settiiig —---------------- 1 —----- I —---- 1 2180 Machines, flue drawing-............................- -. j. -..... —..-.............-. —2181 Machines, slide lathe.............................. 18 1818.....-............................................................. 2182 Machines, wood lathe-............................... —- 5. —----. —--........J...-.................... —------- -... -2-. -- --- 2 21 83I Machines, hand lathe- —.-... —-... —-............... ——. 2 ------------ 2........I.....-.. I......... -..................-........-................ 2184 Machines, eyelet-1-1................. I.. ---- - -.................................... 21856 Machines, double seam ring n-.i. — - -- --...-................... - -............... -.-........ 2186 Machines, boring and turning. —....... —---—.......-.. — I ----------—.......................................-.. ——. —... —-.-.-......-. --—.2187 Machines, laying off..-..-.....-.. --—................ —-- -- -............- --......... 21[8 Machines, bolt cutting, large, with 7 sets taps and 1.-...... I..........et Calms. and... -..................-....1 dies, plugs for repairing dies, counter shafts. pulleys and hangers, i 21.89 Machines, bolt cutting, with "3 sets taps and dies, 1...... I............- 1....... counter shafts, pulleys and hantge. l 190 Machines, mortising, with bits, Rogers's patent-..................................................................................................... 2191 Machines, planing, compound..........................................................................-......... 3 2192 Machines, car planing and matching, complete...... -.................................................................................................. 2193 Machines, bolt head, and fixtures. —.- --......-............-.-1 2194 Machines, planing, 12 feet, with counter shafting, -I I........................................................................ wrenches, tools, &c. 2195 M achines, tongue-grooving...................... I...................................................................... 2196 Machines, planer, (Daniels's patent)............... — 1.,.... - ----................................................... 2197 Machines, circular rip-saw, No. 61................-.... I........................................ 2198 Machines, circular rip-saw, No. 5.-1-1.....- I........ -- I......................................................... 2199 Machines, board planer, No. 2-..................... 1....-...... 1................................................... 2200 Machines, babbiting, No. 5-1........................ I............................... ---- ---- ----.. 2201 M achines, w heel, burring lath-1-1.-..... I........................ I............. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - 2202 Machines, surfaceplaning,No. 2................... I........................ No 2-1-1.....-.-......... 2203 Machines, ruling -............... —................... -......1' —- I -:1................................ —-----—......... 2204 Machines, paper cutting —..2...................-.......2............................... 2205 Machines, gumming --- - --. —- -- 2 -- - 2........................................................................ 2206 Machines, bolt cutting -1 --—............. —-.....-........................-............ ---------........ -- - -- --..-....... - ------- -I 2208 M achines, w ood --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --—......-... --—. -. ------------ ------------ ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 2207 Machines, car planing............................. 2208 Macills, shinglees, wood- - -......................................... — - - - 3 - - - 3......................................-. — 2211 M ills, saw, w ith engine boiler com plete.................. 2 ------------ 2.................................. —......- - - --- -- - - --—...... -....-...... —2212 Machi nes, (0. Scyli andD. patent)e 2 - 2........................... 5........................................... 2213 Mills, saw, (Clemens's patent) -3...........................-........... 3........................I —--— I —----'J21A4 M ills, saw, circular, (Clem ens's patent).................. 2 ------------ 2 ----- —................................. —------—..... -...-....... —....... — 9216 Mills, saw, wi(h. & Co.'s patengine t, "A," 2 boiler complete...... I............ -...............................-.. - plete.) 2217 Mills, saw, (H. & Co.'s patent, "D," complete) -.......... 1 ----------- 1......................................-.................................. 2218 M ills, saw, stationery, L and D patent, incomplete....... I............ 1..................................................................... 2219 Mills, saw, A. B. H. & Co.'s patent, incomplete.-1-1-. I............ I................... --...... 2221 Mills, steam saw, portable —...................... ------ ------------ ------------ --------------------... —.....-......-......-..... —..... —... —-------------------- 2-222 Mills, paint, assorted...............- - -.......... 35 380 00 351 -- I........ I........3 2224 Mills, corn- ---—..-..-.-..-.-. --- —. —-... - ------ 4 ------------ 4........................................................................ 2225 Mills, boring, counter, shafts, pulleys, and hangers....... 2 ---- - 2 ---— 2........................-..-. 2226 Mandrels -—...... - - -....... —---—....... 12 ------------ 12.-...................................... 1 5........ 52 2227 Mandrels, saw --. —---— ular -------- 2-.......-............. andre-s - s-2.........................2-........ —-... 2228 Mandrels, S. P.-... —------—................ — --—.....3 ------------ 3 -------------------------------------------------—..1 2229 Mandrels, iron, assorted -195 195....................................................................... 2230 Mandrels, steel-nut - - -.................... ------ 36............ 36........................................................................ 221 Mnrlssetel-.41 —-- 5 2231 M andrels, sateeln -...- -7-7......... ".. 411............ 41.........................................- 151 22^3 M andrels, cast-steel -............. —........... ——. ------ 7............ 7........................................................................ 2233 Mandrels, cast -- -.................................. 2............. 2 -2............................................ 2234 Mandrels, lathe, steel -................ - -—....-.. 16............ 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -.. 2235 Mallets, assorted -- --- - 1,337............ 1337................................................ 3 16 34 2236 Mallets, carpenters'.....- - -- 958 479 00 958........................................................ 8 2237 Mallets, lignumvit-305 343 12 305...................................................................... 2238 Mallets, caulking - 22........22........................... 2:2: 2-..-... - 2239 M allets, iron-ring....................................... 2............ 2............................................ ~ 2240 Mallets, stonecutters - - - 19 2375 19................................................. 2240 Malles, storncoutters-19t s 23les 7d 19-er:...:.K.:::::.... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. ^ ba 0 o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of a^~~~~ ~ S August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0 ^ ll~ I. - _________________-____ -____________________________________ I ~ t il I j l I li I li i cc.94 16 94 Cd ~ ~ I.0 ~~~ ~~ 3 ~~~~.d... i.....~24~1 lMtlallel l-lpsltltOinnelts'. a..... aC CZ0. ~ >a Can a n5'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C ~ - - -~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ I a'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::....7aO::: 0 ~~~~~~s ~~0 CZEccs 2241 Mallets, tinners'-1............ I.................................... 2242 Mauls — --- - - - -- 1............................................... 17................ 2243 Mauls, spie - --- -- 430............ 430....................................................................... 120 2246 Mauls, carpenters' spike --- 404 —$805 4............ 38............................................................ 22455 M auls, carpenters' topp -............ —...-. —. —-.-..-...-120.......-....-12-........-........-........-........-.......-........-........-........-........2247 Mauls, railrpetoaders' spike - - --....- -1,85- - 404 580800 404................................... 0............. 5 4........ 2249 Mauls, ilroad spike................- 1,850 5,55000 1,850................................................ 44 351 201 2248 Mlauls, w ooden............. —......................... — 12 ------------ 12........................................................................ 2250 Mauls, bridge ------- ---------- 13 -- -- - 13..................................... IT 2251 Mauls, dirt —--- -. 2 -- - 2........................................ t............................... 2252 Measures, assorted- - -................................- 360 -- 36055 P 2253 Measures, tin, assorted- —.............................. 52 —-..... 52 —--------------- 6 12 3 -3 2254 Measures, tin............................... sets- I -I....... I................................................................ 2255 Measures, oil- - - do- I - I........................................................................ 2256 Measures, pint - - -- - 4 -- 4........................................................................42257 Measnres, dry - -sets- ---- 1 175........................................................................ 2258 Mallers —--- 4 3000 4.....................................................................3 2259 Moulds, soldering- I............ I......................................................................... 226t Mot-lds, cast-...... 2261 Magazines, powder-2.......2........................................................................ 2262 Marline, tarred - -..........................pounds.. 515 18042 515..-............................................. 13 57 192 2263 Matches - -- --- gross........ 4811 84306 4811-............................................ 3 2 4 2265 Metal, Babbitt - -...........................pounds. 1...... 686 455 35 1,686$1............. 103 364 111 2441 2266 Molasses - -gallons10 -10.................................gallons....... 10.................................. 2267 Molens, wooden-wreath - - - -1............ I................................................................1........ 2268 Machinery, saw-mill. - -box-............ I..................................... 2269 Machinery, rolling-mill - -...................pounds.. - 26,500............ 26,500........................................................................ 2270 Nippers- -3535................................................. 2271 Nippers, cutting........................................ 44 5225 44................................................ 4................ 2272 Needles, assorted....................................... 28............ 28......................................................... 2273 Needles, tufting.................................. 59............ 59.................................................... 2274 Needles, upholsterers'................................... 24 9 60 24....................................................... 8 31 2275 Needles, harness.........................papers — -....... —- I........................................... 2276 Nozzles -1................................................. 19...................................................................... ~ 2277 Nozzles, brass................................................6...................... 2:27 Nozzles, brass —-------------- - -6 — 6 --- 2278 Nozls pipe-.. 2278 Nozzles,pipe- 4 --— 1 4........................................................................ 22:371) Nozzles,bhose.......................................... 12 ------------ 12................ 7 228) Nozzles --..........pounds-.... 30 -3.......... 0 ----... —2281 Nuts, assorted -.... do —---- 44,692...... 44,692 3,26........2 208......0. 1,6 - - 1,726 3,171 3,729 3,629 20,808 2282 Nuts, brass ----------------- do........ 17!- 17- -................................................................17 2283 Nuts, square ------------ --- do — --- 28, 349 3,96886 28, 349 ~ 22 4 N uts hexago.. ------------------- -. —. do.......... 30,085 4,813 60 30,085.................................................................. 2:22^ 5 Nuts and w ashers ------------ -----—. —---— do — -. --. 672 ------------ 672........................................................................ U S22 6 Nuts and bolts. --------- --------- ---------...do.. ----....- 11,430 ------------ 11,430........................................................................ 2847 Nuts, keeperand rod-0 30,s........................ 30........................ 10............... 2288 Nuts, iron -. --- - ---- --... ——. - ------ 12 ---- --.- 12...................................................................... 2289 Nails, assorted -. —.- --.- ---- -----—...-. —- -kegs..-. —--- 1, 1171 ------------- 1; 1171........................................................................ 2290 Nails finishing, assorted- -----— papers-3,069 42966 3,069................................ 84 94 528 1,338 2`91 Nails clout.-........ do.......... 583 8162 583-............................2292 Nails, tufing. --------- ---— 3 —-—,- ------—.- ------ 3,112 12 90 3,112-............................................-........-.................. "293 Nails, clinch- ---.-.- ---- ------- pounds.-....... 14,536 ---- -...- 14,536................................................ 205 852 2,169 2294 Nails, horseshoe -.................... do - -.... 1,850 952 75 1,850.................................-............................. -........ 2295 Nails, enamelled.- --................... gross...-.. - 455 -.......... 455........................-.............-. --...-..... 38 272 2296 Nails, lining —-........... papers.......24 1440 24........................-................. 24........ — 2297 Nails, assorted.-.........................pounds.-....... 48,492.-........- 48,492. —---------------------------- 9,000........ 6, 746 11, 679+ 28, 522 2298 Nails, plush........... —----------------— gross 40 64 00 40.............................. - - --... —---- 5 12 2299 Nails, finishing.. —-.. —--- -...... kegs - -- 31 325 50 31. —------------—....................-....... —. —--------------- I 2300 Nails, cut.............- ------------------— do.-........ 1,200 9,000 00 1,200.................................-..........-.-. —.....-... -.... 2301 Nails, finishing................... —----- pounds — ------ 254 -... — 254 ------—.................................-....... —------ -------- - 2302 Nails, round-head brass ------ ------------- gross.-...... 3 ------------ 3 ------------------------.........-......... —----— 3 —--------. —-- 233Nilcut -- kepou'nds - 1991,99 2303 Nails, cutopper ---------- ------------- - poundso..2...... 1,199 d........... 1,199..................................................-.. ——. —..-.. -~ —-.. 2304 Nails, copper,.-. —------------- ------------— do.. ---- ---- 221 ------------ 221........................................................................ ^ 2305 Nails, tin. ------------- ---------------- - papers........ 28 8..-. —- 28 ----------------------------- -......... —--- - -------—. ------ — H 2306 Nails, lining, blued. —------ --------------— gross.-....... 50- ----------- 50- -.................... —- -.. —. —— ~ —-—.. —---------- 2307 Nails, lining, silver --—....-. —........ — --—.do....- -----..............-................... ----- ----- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - 2308 Numbers, key...........- -----------------— lots.-1-1-... I... ---- - I. —. —-----------—. -----—. —- --- --- --------- 2309 Numbers ------------- ---------------------- sets........-I- 1.-........ I -............................ - -—. —-~ —---------------— ~ 23 10 Netting, wire —- feet --- 3,059 1,37655 3,059.............................................. 250 201 403 2311 Oilers..... —... - - -.... —- - -........ 273 -------- - --- 273 ------------------------ -.. —--—.. —----- 29 2312 Oilers, engine, assorted- -- —............................... 355- —......... 355 2-.................... 12 25 19 42 2313 Oilers, spring —----------------------------------- 96 ------------ 96 -.................................... -- -----. —----------— ~ 2314 Oilers, spring-top.- -- —..............-...... 72 - ----------- 72.....................................-...-... --...............-. — 2315 Oilers, spring-bottom - - - - 515 150 50 515............................... 11........1 48 6 16 67 2316 Oilers, machine, —..... - ---—... 447asre........ —..447.........3 6................-4.....44............ —... 33 67 2317 Oilers, small. -.. —............................-..o-.... 57 ----- ----........ 7-........ -.- ----. —----------------- 2318 Oilers, tin...-................................... 91 ---— t —--- 91 -....-.-...................... —----. —-- ---------------- 2319 Oil, lard. —---------- ----.............gallons..... — - 9, 942-i 15,908 00 9,942+................ — ------- -... —.. —--—....- 482 306 733+ 2320 Oil, coal. —................ ——....-........do - —......... 1,157 1,018 60 1,157-............275..... — -.. 99 27 59 2321 Oil, lubricating - -......................... do —.... - 2,171 3,473 60 2,171 ---.-....... —------------------ 380 761 2322 Oil, linseed, raw-...-.-.....................-do..... 5 63 9765 63 --—, —-— 5 -—. —------ -. 121 109 293 2323 Oil, linseed, boiled -.. -......- —... —......do.-.........o 1 455........... 514 7-10 2........574 99 1,...514 7- -------------- ------- —..-.... — ----- 2324 Oil linseed - -....................._.......' do... 82........... -8 2 8-82...................... -90...........,67-`-,-.. —----------- --- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sr_-Continued. ^ 0 ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies -under Executive Orders of ~ >/o, August 8 and October 14, 1865. a 03 ^S a ~ 0. IArticles. n S I ~ 11 a t qz C Ce I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ^ - -^- aa S a On I I.0,Oa~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ =0 0 ~ a aO 0 be-a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P a n 0' 0~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O H i__________ ___ __ __ __ __ __ z zi 2325 Oil-gallons 295............ 295................0......... 2 7 2326 Oil, head-light............................. do. 1291 $27195 1291..................................... 2327 Oil, neat's-footd.............................. do.......... 119 184 45 119 ~ —-I................................... 2328 Oil, castor...............................bottles - -- 21- 2 —------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 i........ 2329 Ochre, French, yellow................... pounds-1, 3771377............... 92 185 2330 Oakum-....................................do.......... 2,425 42437 2, 425..........'.."" I 2331 Ornaments, brass-....................................... 13-....13................................. 1357 2332 Planes, rounding........................................ 2. 1-9.. 2.-..'.1'.-' —~~ —~~-~~~-.... 2333 Planes, double-smooth-.............................-..... 31 -. 31.~.~. ~~.. ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~. -~~~ —~-. -~~ —~~ —-~~-~. —-~ —-~ —~~ —~ —-~ P3 2334 Planes, fore............................................ 1, 435 3,157 00 1, 435 ---- 2 12 10 2335 Planes, ack....................................... Plaes jac 2336 Planes, joiner1, 129 1, 806 40 1, 129 - - 7....................................... 7 2336 Planes, joiner............................................ 42 9242.......... 9..... -.....-.............................. 5 iu 2337 Planes, joint -------------------------------------- ----— 9 9 ~ —-~. —~................... 2338 Planes, rabbet, assorted-86.1835....................................... 867-.-....................-...........6.. o..................... 2339 Planes, jack, rabbet -..............-...................... 400..5'.. 6 9 ~ —— ~ —------ o341 Planes, bench...............................gets........ 6...........6................-..........4, 4o, -------- 2341 Planes, bench g-...............................sets-........ 6............ i6.. -~ —-~. -........................... 2342 Planes, long-jointer......................................... 50168......'' 50168.................................... 2343 Planes, moulding........................................ 1............. o 2345 Planes, sash-c3.............................................. 1. 0 24'8.'.".'.................... 2346 Planes, manel-plough.................................... 243 --------- 243...^........................................................................ 2346 Planes,.omatch — 2................................................ 2347 Planes, mac -r 5 h.................................................................................... 2349 Planes, panel-plough-.............................-..... 10,............-10-1 2350 Planes, plorugh-6................................t...................67.................................7 2351 Planes and its, plassorted ugh.............................65........65............................ L2353 Planes, assoi-ted —.................... 152....... 152 ------- 21.............. 406'06'] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........4'................2''......... i1 2354 Planes, double-iron................................................................................................................ 2355 Planes, groovingpairs.................................. -....... -.................. 2356 Planes and set bits...................................... 6 6 2357 Planes, joiners' short............................................................................. - - - - --.. —-...... -- 2358 Planes, panel plough and bits............................................................................................................................. 2:359 Planes s......................................ets. 2:3600 Planers -3................................................-........ 3.....' — 3'...'..'.'.....''..''.... -I- -...... - 2361 Planers-.....................................sets....-.. —. —--- --—........... -------- 2362 Planers, rabbet................................................................................................................................................ 2363 Planers, car, complete --- I........................................................................ 2364 Planers, compound adjustment head -2 -2...................... 2................................ 2365 Planers and matcher with counter shafts --..............1.......................................................... 2366 Planers, iron, to plane 16 ft., 4 ft. square, complete-.......-.... 1........................................................................ 2367 Planers, iron —--' i1 2368 Planers, 48-inch.......-.-....... —.-...1....-.. -- 5,650 00 1..................'.....'.'....................... 2369 Planers, iron, 36 x 36 inches, 28-feet bed, 18-feet.................................................................................................................. platform, (Seller's patent.) 2370 Planers, 5-feet-.................................... 2371 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, No. 124, (Seller's patent)..-................................................. I. 2372 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, No. 125, (Seller's patent)..................................................................................................................... 2373 Planers, (Seller's patent)................................................................................................................................ 2374 Planers, compound, (Bement & Dougherty)..................................................... 1 --. 2375 Planers, compound ——..- --- — 1... I ---- -................1 I -1................ 376 Planers, compound, chuck, No. 14, double, (Bement..........-.................................................................................................... & Dougherty.) 2377 Planers, 36 x 36 inches.............................................................................................................................................. 2378 Planers, link and link-block.- 1....................... 17500.................................... - - 2379 Planers, cast-iron link-...................................................................................... I 2380 Pulleys, assorted................................. 7 665.........672... 306 2381 Pulleys, complete, assorted.............................. 32 - 32......................... — -- 2382 Pulleys, upright -3-0..................................-. 30............ 30 ------------------------ 2383 Pulleys for main shafts, common......................... 11 -....11 —-......................................- - 2384 Pulleys, two-ton-1-1 —------------- --- I ------................................................ 2385 Pulleys for paint mill.......-1-.-I...................-.... —............................ -- 2386 Pulleys and shafts...................................... - -- - - - - - 2387 Pulleys and chain, 2-ton - --...... I............ i................................................ 2388 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 10 inches face —---------- 5 ------ 5 ------------—.- -—......................... 2389 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 4 inches face-1-1.......... I............ I ---- 2390 Pulleys, cast iron, assorted...............pounds.................................................... 23911 Pullysy draw ra No., 1..-. —...................-..... —-.......... —-'i.'.'...'..-'.'.'..'.'.'.'-'.'.'.'..'.'. —''.'.'.'..'.'.-'.''.'....' -....... -.......' -....... -....... 2392 Pulleys and hangers No. 10- -................ —..... —. 22.....-... 22 2392 Pulleys apounds- - 573. - 573....................................................................... 233Pulleys -.................ponnds-753._ 2394 Pulleys, turned for, 10 by 12, with sets of screws. 10 - ----...................................................................... 2395 Pulleys, cast-iron.................................- 396396................................................................... 2:396 Ploughs and grooves-........................sets.-11. 1 -. I................ 2397 Ploughs.................................. —- -- ------ - ----............... —--— I ------ 2398 Pincers, carpenters'.......................pairs-...................................................................... 2399 Pincers, blacksmiths' -......................do.........- 15 ----- 15............... —.. —----------- 2400 Pincers, upholsterers'-do- 29 16......................do..........18..................................... 2401 Pincers, shoeing ---.......... do...........3 — 3 —..................do........... —2402 Pincers, assorted -it —-.....do-...... 76............ 76'.- -.... —-........ — ------- - 2 4 2403 Pincers, boiler-makers' - --- - - -- -.do.........................do-................ - - - - - - - -.... -...... -- - --- - - - 2404 Pencils, carpenters.............n..-.........8-22-....... crne'-84 2 62 84- --'...................... 2405 Pencils, coloring.. —-- —. —-------- 54-4......I - -. 2406 Pencils H-.. — ------—, 1.1. —... 194. 194-....... — 22,'"65 - - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military di'ision of the Tennessee,,-c.-GC) in ui d. I a o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of a 6 SAugust 8 and October 14, 1865. 9 C~ I0 I ___ __________ ~ 0 a 1 I - a W. CZ C) ~ ~ /.- ~z;,-. It Cd 9 Articles. 4 Ce nd C I oC 9,~ CZ, ~ / ~ [-~ [n it. n a Id IC!n'Li~. o i- mt a a -~~~~~~~~~~~~C cc-+ —;z C~~~~ ~~~~~~~ M; 0 H 2407 Pencils, artists' red sable......................... — -.- 155............ 155 --..-...... —.. —--.........-............-.......... 12 24 2408 Pencils, striping.................................-...... 42 $126 42 ---.......................................... 18 37 2409 Pencils, marking........-..........................[.... 24 72 24.- —......................................... 8 16 O 2410 Pencils, lettering...-............................ ------ 29 87 29 -........-. ——......................... 2411 Punches. —-...... —............-...... —---—. —------- 227.......! —- 227......-..-....-.............:'......... 7Z - - - -............ 155 2412 Punches, belt —-- --- - -228 71 25 228.-............................ 12................ 4 12 2413 Punches, screws and dies —-------------------------- 2 -. -- 2 -—. —.......................... 2414 Punches, screw —.... —..... -.. —.. ----—..................... —......... 2415 Punches, hollow - --- -- - -- ------ -- 5 --.... 5 -- - - - -...................-..............18 0 2416 Punches, hydraulic ---------—.... ——...-...... —-............ 1.. —...-...... —---...............-....................................2417 Punches, centre -.......-............... —-..... ——. 42.......... 42.-........-. —-... —......... - -. —-- --- I 2418 Punches, steel. —... —-..... —-.... —----—.-...-.. —. 287............ 287 -.- -..................... —---- ----- ----- --- - 9 2419 Punches, lever.-. —. —........... ---—.2......... 2..... —- - -..... —------ -.-2 2 2420 Punches, coppersmiths ---—..............-......................4...... ---............-......................... - 2421 Punches, harness —. ----—...-................. —..-. 3 -- -..... 3 -.. — -- -....................................-. 2422 Punches, spring.. --------------------------------—. ---- 3 ------------ 3. —. —.......................................................... 1 24-2 Punches, harness-33 2423 Punches, conductors' -................................ P e o t15 45 00 15 -.-.... —-—......... 2424 Punches, track —..................................- 16 -—. —6 — -16.. — - -...-... — 1............. 2425 Punches, blacksmiths'-....-.-.. —-.................. 97.-9...... 9...... —- 9.... 9 -. —..... 2426 Punches, tinners'. —-- —..-.-.-..-. —. — -- - ---—.-.... —-—..-.-. —..-..............-....-....-....-.... ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- ----- --- -- --- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - 2427 Punches, tank hoop ----........ -—. - - -—. ---- -. —- ------ —........- ---------- -. —-.-........ Punches, tin.ers-'- -...........-. —--—... 2428 Punches, clamp -1-1 —-- —.-... -. ----- I ------------ I....- --—.........-........-. —-- ------. —- --..... 2429 Punches boiler-makers' -1 —-....................... —--- I — 1........ I. —--------—.............. —-----—. —-...... 2430 Punches, iron track... —-------. - sets -. I -- -........................... —...... —..... —..................... 2431 Punches, shoud1rt-.... --— 13 4. —..................................97............97......... 2432 Punch.es, hound...... ——. - -- -- ------ 113 ---....... 113........ -........-........-........-........-................................ 2433 Presses, drill. —----------------------------------- 1 3 ------------ 4..... —...1.........-........-.............12434 P reesses, u p righ tt d rilll. —----------------------------. —----. —---------- -------------.. —----------. —------ -------- -------- --------. —------ -------- ------—. -----—.. 243 Piuesses, uprigh drill-1.............. 2435 Presses, upright drill, &c -----. -- ---- -.......... — ---............ -- 2436 Presses, hydraulic, with shaft and pulleys.-..-..-.. —-- - 2 -.................. -......-............-......... —-- 2437 Presses, wheel2 -.................. —--.............. 2.........-...........-. 2......... —- -................ 2 2438 Presses, hand wheel — 1........................................................... 2439 Presses, upright drill, and counter shafts -........... 2 ------------ -----------. 2 -........................................................... 2440 Presses, medium "Franklin".-..................................................................................12441 Presses, i-medium "Franklin".....- -1- I ---—. I................................2442 Presses, binders' hand.............................. — 1....... I...............1'.-.'-.. -.'-.''................................. 2443 Presses, manifest....... —1............ 1.........I.............................. —-. 2444 Presses, drill, and bits.. 1........................... —.... 1...]Z I..... 2445 Plyers.....................................pairs... 62 18 60 62............................................................... 2 2446 Plyers, cutting.............................do-4.... -4.... 4.... 2447 Plyers, com m on............................do.. 25...... 25................................................................ 3 2448 Plyers, upholsterers'. -..........do —--- 3 ------ 3....................................... 2449 Plyers, flat nose............................ do- 2 -......... -............................................................... 2450 Pots, glue........... —.... -. - 63 173 25 63................................................ 5 1 9 245 Pots, m arking.......................................... 82 ------------ 82........................................ 21 43 2452 Pots, w ood paint........ -. —. —---- ----- --- -- -- -- 8 ------------ 8........................................................................ 2453 Pots, tinsoldema rking --- 9........................................................................ 24544 Pots,,tinners' fire...............-.....-..........-......-...........-............-............-.......-........-........-........-.......-........-........-........-....... 2455 Pots, wood paste-int- —. —--------------- I -................................. 2453 Pots, tpain soldering —9 -— 9 ---— I. —---— I............................... 9 2454 Pots, ticanerst f.. 33 - 33........................................................................ 2455 Pots, paste-120-1... 20...........................................iZ:-' 5 2456 Pots, parosin.t -—.lot........-1- I - - I....................................................................... 2462 Pots, paint........................................ 69 —...........-69-......... — —'.'.'. —-— /'.'. —---—'.'.6.................. 11..11.......... 2459 Pot..ros...-1 -1-. 2463 Pots, iron. - - -................................ 4 ------------ 4........................................................................ Q 2460 Pots, melting2464 Pum ps, steam............. —.................... —................................................................................................................. 2461 Pumot s, steam, W oodlande. —.. -. -.......ring.................................... - 24662 Pumot s, cypa inder- -- — t-69-69-............. I...............................................:........ 2463 Pumots, force, McGowan's4-........................................ 4................. 19 2464 Pumps, McGs owan, with engine complete I I..............................s......t 2465 Pumps, forcsteam, — Wood.- --- 141 - 141........................................ 6........................ 247066 Pumps, W rcylthington -.der -1. 4 2,40000 4................ I...............-Z-1............................ 2471 Pumps, force, McGowan's —.......................... -. 9 - -- 9.................. 7 19..................... 2 24672 Pum ps, oil, copper —-—.. 4 - -- 4.................................................1 247368 Pumps, Mengine..................... 15 cot.......... wit.eniecm lt-...e —... 2 II1 2474..................................... 14............/ 4.-............................................................ 1 249Pumps, force -...-11. -14-6 2470 Pumps, Worthingtonkey- 00 00..............................4........... 1................................................ 2471 Pumps, cistern —— l —--------- - -9. 13.... 1.2.......................................... 24772 Pum ps, proi, c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iopper-:1 —......-... I. -- -.................. 1................... 2478 Pumps,Harris-............ 1i........................................................ 15.............. 2479 Pumpse,ro and boiler, completer —y. - ---........-....- -............4-........ 14-........-........-.....-........-. 2480 Pum ps, incom plete. ——.-. ------....... —-- ------------ ------------..................................................................... 2481 Pumppsssteamwwith eengineWW orthington. —------—. —----.. —----------. —----------. —----------. —----------------------------—.. —---------------------------—.. 248275 Pumps, donktest and gauge0 —----....- I ----—. I............................e-250.. 2483 Pumps, force, with gearing and shafting-I I........................................................................ 248477 Pum ps, provin g1Mc Ow an.......... I 1.- -................................... 1................. 2478 Picumps, ear rith, and handless- -1. — 7.......s-............................. 1......................... 248679 Picks - 2,lete594 3,89100 2,594........................................ 24 189 314 418 2480 Picumps, taincompinglete —--- 1,596 2,65734 1,596....................................... 240 270 349 2481 Punips, steam, with engine, Worthington-........1 2482 Pumps, test and gauge -1-1...i ZZ~~~....'2483 Pumps, force, with gearing and shafting -.......1 —............. 2,184 Pumps and fixtures, McGowan -- 1 -.........1.................... 2485 Picks, earth, and handles -- 7 -............7......... 2486 Picks r259 3,89.......................................... 2,594......2.. 24.................1...........................89......3.4' 418 2487 Picks, tamping.................................. 5 2 349 2488 Picks, railroad -..............................24 - -24................. 2489 Picks, stone...................................... 6 6 —— 4..... 6...................... I 4..1 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continued. ^.n 0 0 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of a. S ~ August 8 and October 14, 1865. a ~~~~~~~0 ~ 0^.a ^a _____________________________________________________ o ~ i I,. I' a, 1.A -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: I t ^ r i i i r ^ i~n ~ a i- - i Articles, a 2 na a a' {- Z Ce~~~~~~~~~'d M IC C) C d 0 Z 01L a a 03 ^0003 ^ 0^ 03^1110303a0 3', 2490 Pins, wooden ----—. —. —... -barrels. -—. 3 -------- 3........... —- -..... —-..... -—. - 2491 Pins, coupling-..pounds-281-28.................1 -.... ---—..............................1-. -[-..2492 Pins, coupling.. —---—. ——.- --- -. ------ 459 ------------ 459 --------------------- --- --......................... 78 142 2493 Pins, turned L. V -- -- ---- --- --------- ------ - --- - ---- --. ---- - - -.. -- - —................................. 2494 Pins, switch. —-2-0 ---- ---- --- -- - --—. --- ------- -- - ----- - --- --- - -................ 20 - 2495 Pipes blast-8 8 - 249 Pipes, blast.t0 -............................................ 2496 Pipeblast —---—.................................feet-........ f20 --- 220..........................-.....-......... 2497 Pipes, copper, with coupling....... —-....... --- -—....... t.........1... - 2498 Pipe, copper-p d30................. -poundss-. - 301-.... 301... —.-....... - - --—... 2499 Pipe, round. —... --------------............rud.- I -.... - -................-n-1 ----—...... 2500 Pipe, sheet iron..........................-pounds-.. 606............ 606.. —........ -. —---—........ t 2501 Pipe, wroigiht.-.......................... feet.. — 22 ------... 22 -.......................-.-. -. -------- - 2502 Pipe, iron, galvanized ----- -- -........do... — 35 $17-50 35..... —-...... --- 2503 Pipe, galvanized..-........................pieces —.. — 4 ------------ 4 -............ —-------- 2504 Pipes, copper hose —.....- -3.......... —---'....3 - -................ -—...... 2505 Pipes, rubber hose. —-—. -- --- -- 2 ------ 2 —................................ 2507 Piugs, assorted ----------------------------------—..... 35............ 35............. - -.................................. -......... 2508 Plugs, gas pipe. —--------------- - 615 15375 615...... —---------- -.............. —2509 Plugs, for repairing, dies.. —.........................7e. 7............ 7..-...... ——. 2510 Plugs, Rue d............ --—.............. 6............ — 2.................... 2512 Plugsasdserthers —----------- pud —-----------------------------------------— I............ 2 2513 Plats, wro gte.............................pounds......... 2512 Plugs and feathers....-... -—.... -- ----------.................. -............ -............-........-..... —-........3 5'........ --------------—. 2513 Plates, wrought srapr fishfis r bar ------------- dspounds. —. —----------------------------------------. —--------------------------------................................ —.. 2515 Plates. blacksmiths' —-----------------------------------—. —--------------—..-.....-.....-.....-.....-..... —.... —.... —.... 2516 P lates, chu ck ------------------------------------- ------ 17 ------------- 17 -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -................ -------- ------—................. 2517 Plates, head. —------------ pounds- 11,814............ 411,814 -........................- 1,316 2518 Plates, face —-------------- do - --- - 12,395 -- - 12,395.................- 150..................... -. 2519 Plates, face-10...........10......................................... 10 2 -5 252 Plates, gas-fitters' screwap. —9 —- --.... -i s -—.............2521 Plates, screw cutter.. —........................... 2 1. Plates,.ce blcutmter' ---------------- -— 4..................... 4] —------ ---- ------------ ---- -------- 2522 Plates, screw..-..................................... Plat.,.cre18............ 18 2523 Plates, screws and dies.................................................................................................................... 2523 Plates, screws and diese —-. -.-. —..................................... 2526 Plates,....t............'t -......14 --—'- ~ ----- 2524 Plates, anrgle —.......................................'.................................................. 2525 Plates, b su r aer.......................Plaessr..a......ce-6 2............c2 -2................ -. - 2526 Plates, turntable -sets...........................s................... 2527 Plates and rolls —do-................................................................ 253 1 P o n sIlz e s - -.. -....... p p r.-..... -... -.............. 2528 Plates, bolster -.............pounds.. --- - 6,1 4 6 1.......29.6 2 -3-5,835 2529 Plates, assorted.. —......-....-...........do.- - 16,202............ 202.......................................- - 15,607 2530 Plates, die. -........................................................................................................... 2531 Points, glaziers' -p e —r-. ——.- s- -—.........................paes- -.. — - --—..... —.. 2532 Points, glazess —---------- -ponunds - - 112 44 80 112.....-4.... 8.. 1 7 2533 Points, gstin..............................eds -........ 1............ 1..... -- ~ - -........po u n d., 2534 P atterns, s tin --------------------------------- -- ------ ---------..........'....... 2533 Points, frog, steel-...........................do.... 2534 Patterns, tin................................................ - - -------- ----- -- -------- - -- 2 5 4 3 P i p i n g, a s s o r t e d........................... f e e t......... 1 7....- -..- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 2535 Patterns,.................................ond erss.... 49 24 4'-............... 2536 Patterns, wheel wrights' -...........-.................... - -----.. 2541 P iloters, -------------------- ------------—...............'...............................................'''."" ~ ~~ ~ ~ -- - - - - - -...... -........ 2537 Patterns, sheet irn.........................sets.................................. 2538 Paters, pusae............ond...... asotd-9,49 - - -91499.0 —------------------------------ -- 97 2549 Patterns, assorted ---—..................................t —.et —. 8-17 —............'."......".:.. 2540 Piatterns, o sheet iron -...................... po.nds._.....108....... 810........''.'' - ------- 2541 Piatt erns.................................... 13 -- —..................................- 2547 Pauipe su... e........................................... 47 ---- 47 - -.. --—.......................... 2542 Pikes.........................................-.... 25..... 8'1 25544 Pipe, atty arnds-.. 2,408 204 68 2, 408 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- 3 6609 I 2552 Pipe, insider a................ pounds -- engine,............ No. --------- -------- -------- ~-~ —~-~ ----—..................... 2545 Pipelots, l oo ie................................. 2....... 2. ---- - - - - - - -"12. ------- 2546 Pipelots, lco, wood 1 —.................................. 9.....4. 4 0. -'' 2547 Paipelins-........................................ 147............ 19 2548 Potash, esiat e........................ponds.. - 1,429 885 98 1,429-25 -5-............5' - - ~~ — ~.... 25649 Potash-d orwn-..........................-8........... -1............ 2550 Pipe, for cistern pnmp - fe-gi.....................fe..rls.et-... 145-....... 1-4-..... -.. —........ —... 2560 Piper nsd, fors mo este- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -2.................. o n s....... 2, 4..........5, 4..............'............'.......'....... " " - ------ --------.-. —-.25561 Pipe, water, assorted d 67 3............9...........946-......... 39 37.............-..-, 296 2563 Piper, irond. —--------------------------—....... undles........4......4........'........................................ 2552 Pipe, water-onnds - 3 38..............................7-uds... 72.-..'" ~- [ ]] 7 2553 Pipe, gmhose fire --................................ 2554 Pie ga.-fe - 52.5.56. 5,.5.-6.0 --— 42k105 4 256 Pipe, ras ing -e - - 1 1 —...............................7...91.. 2557 Pi pe, l ea d....................Pi e............ ad b 2568 Papr, wste —-------------------— pounds....... t,0495....... 4.......................................... 259 Paper, aniurian — --------— shes ---— 6 —---— 6.................................fet.......9........................ 25570 Paper, sozeand --------------— ourse —--- 3 -2 3 2 1631................................... 0 2 2 7 2558 Pipe, inside, and netting for engine, rN-o. 30........ 2559 Pipe, ontside. for engine, No. 30. 2560 Pipe, inside, for smoke stack —. 2561 Pipe, copper-...............feet.. 49.4] —- 26]]]]51 2562 Pipe, tin-do - -119 - - - 11....................................do9.... 1 11 2563 Pipe, iron-g...............................b 2564 Pipe, iron-.................pieces -5.. 256.5 Pipe, escape —...................1 ]]]]]]]i 2566 Paper, drawing-..............quires - -.41 5-152 - - -]]]]]] 41 5-12 257Paper, tracing-...............rolls.. l -- 15~ 2568 Paper, waste-...............ponnds- - 5 09 -5, 049 I...... 2569 Paper, antiqnarian-b...........seets.6.6 2570 Paper, sand-...............qnires - -.136 3-12 33 32 136 3-1210 210 27 2571 Paper, emery-..do- -. -2 4 0 87 -21 6 3 2572 Paper, wrapping-do -~ 817- 32I 30 197 92 320 —- / 101... 2 — 253Paper, white drawing -...........yards-........]'] []:]]........ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. ^ "^6! 0 0 Q Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865..0. ^ 10. ___ -__________ ___ _ _______________________ _____ ______ a~~ 5 o. -~~~~ Ce a.' ", —3 0 2.,Z, 0~ I ~~~~~~Articles. 19~~~~~~o a1 a5 ~.I - I a 1. a0~ I a., / -g 5, t~ /- t C0 ~ ^ ^ of: ~ w~'~ ^ ^ ^~ ^ ^^ l~ ^^o~ ~" o 50~~~~~ c5 a o 05 c~ ~0 I Ps r z a I - I_________________ _ __ __ __ __ 2574 Paper, marble. —-— c —--------— rams —--— I —-....................ams-..................... 2575 Paper, brown drawing.-.................pounds.-....... 200 $60 00 200 -----—' -' —-------- - 2576 Paper, white drawing.-.....................do. ——....- 273 212 94 273 -— ~ — -------- -— ~ -—. -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ 2577 Paper, printing.-...........................do.......... 38 38 -~~ -~~ -------- ~~ — ~ - ~~ — -------— 13 2 0 27 Pikt —------------------------.9......19 —— 2578 Pickets-................................. - ]........... -------- --—. —-..... - 2579 Paint, black. —-------------------------- pounds. —...... 119 --— 1 —-.. 19 -------- -------- —............... —.... -.... —..-.-.....' 2580 Paint, chrome yellow. —-------------------—.o -. ----. --- 1461............ 146 —~................................................................. 2581 Pint, pinkDutch.-...........................do...... —--- 372 --------- 3 -------- --------. —-- -6 11.............................................2582 Paint, mineral.-............................do....- ---- 3, 072 220 40 3, 072 ------------- ~ —----------------------------------- 53 525 2583 Paint, assorted —------------— do —---------------- - -- ---------------------------- - - -------- ---- 70 2584 Paint, minerals............................ barrels - - - - - 2584 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -- - - --- --- --- mine al......................b rres..-...-'.-.-.'..'..'.''.-.-' —-— ~~~ —--- --- ------ -------.-. —....-......-......-......-......-......i — 258.5 Paint, mixed.-...........................pounds - -- --''1, 393 ------------ 1,393.. -------- -------- -------- --------. —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- t 2586 Polish, stove..-..........................papers........'130..::::;:" 130 - ------- 2587 Powder, blasting................... —---- pounds 2 - 2 ----------------------------------------- - -------- - 2588 Powder.-.................................kegs......... 59 50180 59 — o -- -- -------- - ---— ~-~ —~ —- — 2 2 25)89 Powder, blue.-...........................pounds — 1.... I............ I ------- ------------------------ - - 2590 Plungers, brass pump. -. —-- ---------------------- --- - -1 1 —-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ t2591) P an s, oil..........................................-...... i2 ------------..... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- )592 Packing, hemp.-.........................pounds - -- 10, 3891 4, 259 69 10, 389: -: —--::: 560 - -~ —- 407 270 75' —- -------- 2593 Packing, gum. ------— do. - 210 5,811 5,462 81 6, 021 —......:.::: 48 100 350 181 139 2595 Pendants, 1gas-pipe --—.2 ——.......7............ 27 27 ------------------------------—.-.......... 2496 Poles, pipe................................... — -..... -- - 122 ------ -- 122 -: —:-:'-: —:: — """""""""""""""""""3' —- - - 3 — 2597 Pedestals.. —..........................pounds.-6, —- --—.. 90 ------------------------------- -....... 970 2598 P edestals... —------------------------------—........... 167' ~-~-~ — ~ — --- 167"^ - - - - - - - - - - ---------- -------- - - ---------- ----—. — —....-....-..........-, 7 2599 Powers, horse.........................- - ----- ------ 3 450 00 3 --------:::::::'::- -'- -— ~~ ----— 4 260G Platform s, railroad car -.......-....-......-...........-..............-'-' ---------------------------------------- - 2601 Paris, plaster.-..........................pounds - """"280 28 00 280 -------- - ------- --- ~- -------- -------- 6 4 97 2602 Pockets, iron........................ 900...... 900 ------ 900..."" " ""'" " ""q 2603 Pits, transfer and masonry............................. — -I 1......... I ~ —~ —...... ----- - -1.. ——.. 1 2604 Pink, rose. —---------------------------— pounds........ 326 -............ 3261" —------ -- - -------- ~ —- --- 86 142 284 2605 Pinions, feed —............................................ 9............ 9................. -------—.... -......... oo.... 2606 Patterns, for brass castings........................ 840............ 840............ 40..... 2607 Patterns, for iron castings-..1, 13. 1,131........................................................ 2608 Plank, oak-feet - 6 000 -- 6,000.............................................. 2609 Pistons, C. I........................................... 4 4....................... 2610 Paste, blue................................ pots-..... II.......................................... 26101 Plou s......... ----------------—... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - ----—... ------------ ------------....''-..''...'''.-..'''.'''...'''.'''...''' ---------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------'.'..'.'.'.' 261-1 Q uods, hollow............................- pounds —. ------ 25 ------------ 25..........'........'..........................'.'....'........'............... 2612 Q uods, plea, corner......................... sets....-. —-.- 4............ 4.....................................................:.....:..... 2613 R ules, steel................................................... 2614 R ules, foot............................... — ---...........- 52 ------------ 52..................":"...............:........................ 2615 Ruleods, 2-fhollowt-............................2................. 2616 Ruleods, pica, cornert -.........................sets-..4.................................................. 2617 Rules, board —52 39 00 52.......................................................................................... 2618 Rules, boxwood ----- ---- -- - ----- 87........87.................................. 6 3 2619 Rules, assorted..............................................Rn:e::...... 4................d 41 1 2620 Rods, guttering. —----------- -. —-.-.- --.-..- ------ I 1........'.................................... 2621 Rods, pipe ram- -4......................................................................... 2622 Rods. brake. -.-........................ pounds........ 14,164............ 14,164......-.............I......................... 2623 Rods, brass-do-2,873 -2,873.................................-.... 2735 - 2624 R ods, sw it......................................R.............................. 11". 2625 Rods, switchh. —.......................... sets......... 29 -...291...................'.........'..................... 1......... 17 2626 Rods, switch.o3. 1...................................... 332 1200 - 2627'R ods, levelling -------------------- --------------—..... 5............ 5.....5........'"......................... 2628 Rods, tank.-............... sets.-........ 8 ------ - 8..............s..........................st "'""-8" 1 "................. 2629 od Rods,..............coppers.....-ponnds.....-3,2 320-3, 320~~~~~ -80~~~- 666~~~~~~-~~~~^~~'~~~-~~^ 2630 Rods, connectingo...........................-6d........ -7 -876- -............................................... s141........' 2631 Rods, piston, wrought iron2 2................................... 2 2632 Rods, nuts, and boltspons198-8...............9.....pounds........ 189 ----------- 189....'.'.'...'.'.......... 189.... 2633 Rods, iron, for cars......................... do-300 -300........3....................................... 0................ 2634 Rods, brake..-.................................. 22..................22........................................... 2636 R ods, piston —1............................146 I- - - - - —......................................................-........ 2637 Rods, tank-81................................87............ 8......................................... 2638 Rods andlevers, tank.ets -2 -2........................................... 2639 Rodsandboltswrouht........................ 9........R d..... w og........h.........................p......d.... 0 2640 Rods, bridge-do-102............102,..........................................d.............................. 2641 Rollers-.................pairs.....-1......3.. " ~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~~~-~'~~~~^ 2642 R ollers, door —34.34- ---................................ 34..............34 2643 Rollers, boiler-makers'- -s --......................-..-...................................................... 2644 Rollers, timber-ak 3.....................................................143........~....................... 2645 Rollers, large-s s.3..............................................80........I. 2646 Rollers, small, stove-pipe-..........................- I............ 2646 R ollers, ir on ve-p. ipe - -...........................do...... 7 6 /............ -7 6.............................-...................................... 2647 Rollers irn —----------------- 3 - -s, pist o n, - wruh - - --- ---- ----- -----—.iron....................................... 2649 R atchets ----------------------------------------- 2.. 33............ a35p.d...............................................0 2650 Ratchets and stands............:70....................................................... 73 2651 Reamers-13 —.......1........1................ 1............................... 1344'2 66 2652 Reamers and burrs, steel.....................2................24...........'4....................... 2653 Reamers and drillst-pounds.................................................. 2654 Reamers,C. -----—...... —-...-.30............... do......................30 ~ —........................ 2655 Reamers and drills-1757................. 5................................................................ 2656 R eam ers, globe.................................... 1........... 1.............................................................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. ^ a 0 0 o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of 0 ~ S >August 8 and October 14, 1865..0 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___C ___ ^ ~ ~ ~ - a 1- _ _.______________________________________________________________ I ^ ^ I ^ ^ l l ~ 1 ^ ^~~I Articles.'. I~ ~ ~ ~~~~o J ~ It ~ / ^ oi ~ ~ ~1 " ^ ~1 o ll 0 I ii I n. C a.1 2 -14n ia n 0a;P c3 ^ 0 0 03 ^0 Ca Ca -Cd an~ 0, o~ S 0=0 2657 Reamers, tap.-............- -... —---------- —.. 2 ------------ 2- ------—.............................-...................... — 2658 Rivets, assorted. —--------—........... -.. -—........ 1,,312, 000 ----------- 1, 312, 000................ 22, 000 ----- -------- - 5, 000................ 4,179 ^ 2659 Rivets, assorted —---------------------—.pounds......- - 37, 758. —--------- 37,758 ------—......... 315................ 1, 226 1,207 2,178........2660 Rivets, boiler.-.............................do.......- - 9, 925 $1,439 12 9, 925 -............- 402.-................... — -- 2,154 4, 154 2661 Rivets tinned............ —-------------------—.......- 106, 000............ 106, 000- -—... --....................- 23- ---------------- 2662 Rivets black and tinned..................pounds.... —-- 8, 968 -8,-968 -.....- -- - ----—.. 311 62663 Rivets seat-back.-.........................do...... —-- 759 1, 024 65 759.....- -.-.. — -..... —................ —-—.......- 8 47J ^ 2664 Rivets, tankd................................do -------- 5 1 10 5 -------- --------..-............................................ — 2665 Rivets, sm okestack ------------------—... -—.do. —--. —-—. ------------ ------------ ------......... —-... — -- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------......-.....- -- -- - 2666 Rivets, copper —------------------ ---- do...... —- - 287 200 90 287.....- -..... 8 -... —- 4 8 6 14 h 2667 Rivets brass.-do. 62...................... do.......... 65 -........ 65 --------.... — -- -. —. —-.................... 2 3 M 2668 Rivets, tinned- - --- --...........-.papers — ------ —.....- --- - ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ 22 2 2669 Rivets, iron --—....................... pounds-.. —--- 2, 180. —------- 2,180 -. -..-........-. —....-. — ------—...... --. —. —2670 Rivets, car seat, and burrs, brass..- - ----- - -.- --—.... - -. ---- --- ------------.. —--- -------- -.. - ---—.- -------- -------- -------- -------- I.......2671 Rivets, iion -papers —- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -- 0: — -- 303 —- -- 00 303. — - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - 2672 Rivets,s iron.............'-..'.'.'...'.'.'.papers.- -.- - -- 303 303 00 303 —. --------....... --- -. -.-.-..'...'.. -------- --------...... -------- 2674 Rtivets, tinned-pounds. — - - -- -s t~', —- -— 2 - -- - - - -2 -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - 2674 Rivets, tinned s-back. —. --. pounds.-. —-. —- --- ------------ ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 2675 Rivets, brass seat-back....... - -- -- -- ------—....... ------ ------------ ------------ ------------ I. —-. —. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2676 Rope, assorted -..-.................. pounds..... — 45, 029.. —-. ——. 45, 029.-........... —....... - 25 420 2, 199 15 2,487 2677 Rope, ianilla.-..........................-. do-. 28,431 7, 960 68 28,431................ 683........................ 1, 901 604 1, 136j 2678 Rope, 1-inch.-.........-............... —-- feetet 1 —..0- 100.-.......... 100 ------- -.... —-............ —-.......- --- - 100 2679 Rope, I-inch.-ii- --- coils -1-....- I............ I.-....................... —-........... —. —-- 2681 Rope - - -- - -- - --—' —-..'''''......'''''.....''...-'-' —-------— feet -'.'.'.'.'. 160 ----- ----- 160 ------—'. ------—'.' -'.''-'..'.' -'.''.'..'.' -' —.'.'. - ------—. -'.''.'.. —' ------—''.' -'.''.'-.'.' 2682 Rope, bell.-............................pounds........ 10............ 10 -—........................................... —-..-.. —........ —---- 26884 Ropes, smll ---------------— o — -- — 5 —------ ------ -- --------- -------- -------- ---------------- 2685 Ropes, guy -— 4 — - - - - -- - - - - - --- - -- -- -5 - - - -- - -5 - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -— 4.- - - - - - - - -- - - _ _ 2686 Ropes, fall --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - --- - — 4 - - -— 2- - - -- - - ---- -- - - ------ - - -- --— 2 — - - - - - - - - 2686 Ropes, small. -- -.................... -............... 5............ 2.................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- --- -- —.... —-- -- - 2687 Ropes, switch..............................- - ----—.....-57............ 57......................... —-...... --- 2 3 17J 14* 2688 Ropes, wire-..............................coils -........ 3............ 3........................................................................ 2689 Rounds and hollows................................... 37 37........................................ 2 3................ 2690 Rounds and hollows sets.......................sets................................................ 2691 Rounds and hollows -............-...........26 pairs.... 26.. —-- 26 —............. —. —--- 2692 Rounds, chair —----------------- - - 85 ------ 85......................................-:.-. - - -- 2693 Rounds, timber, buggy —----------- - ---— 112 ----- - 112 -........................................ 2694 Riddles —----- ----------- ---- 64 12800 64................................................................ 5 2695 Regulators, upholsterers'.-.-1......-...-. —..- -............ 18 -.................. —--................. 1 2696 Reels, chalk-line —................-..-. —..-.. —-. —---- 96 —.- 9 ----------------- 2697 Resin...............................-... pounds.. 1,462 116 96 1,462 ---- -........... 150 87 173 2698 Rubber, block...........................-do..-....-.. 60............ 60........................................................ 1 21 2699 Rammers.-. —---—. —- ---------------- 3737........................................................................ 7000 Ramns, battering —---- -------------- 2 ------ 2...... —-1.................................... 1 2701 Riving froe -- -- - -- ----- ------ ----- I.................................................................. 2702 Rings, flush, brass...................... —---------------- 1, 500 15 62 1, 500. —-- -------—.........-.... 2703 Rings, brass, packing........-............pounds1,814 - - 1,814..-4 9....................- -.... 491 981 2706 Rings' water tank..... —................-... -- -. —..- 5............[5"................................................-2................ — 2707 Rings, piston, for water works............-pounds........- 110............ 110............................................-....-................ -......... 2704 Rings,oldbrassck i......................................................................... 2709 Rings, brass packing5. --. -- - 288 -- 288 -. - - Rings, brass, cylinder.............................27 06 Rings,water pan kmal -5-5-2-...... gross.... 4 - --.................................... —. —--- -- - 2711 Rings, Japan harness s-don-............ i........................................................................ 110 2708 Rings, old brass-8686-I 2712 Rings breeching —........................................ 5 ------------ 5............................ — -.................... —271309 Ringsmuffing.............. -- 12.............................. 288..............8.......................... 2710 Rings hJapan mall-..........................gross......... 4 - 4...-................................................................. 2711 Rings,Japanbharncss -............do -1....~ 2712 Rings breecbing-5-................ 2713 RedAmerican-ndia tubes. 14 - 14........................................................ 4 8 2714 Redings harness-dos- - 20 - 20.................................................................... 2715 Red, American India -...........tubes.1.1.4 2718 Red, India -.-......... do- 4......1 83. 00 450830. —--------.........:: -96 93 198. 2719 Red, Venetian —---— do — - 1,063 8504 1,063.............................................. 35 70 2720 Red, Italian. —----------------------------- do... — 206 ------------ 206- ------—.....................-............ — - 2721 Rags.-....................................do.-......... 25,041 4,757 79 25,041. —------------—..............................1,259 726 3,110 - 2722 Reservoir — 1.......................................................................... I 2723 Racks, assorted — 20............20................23............... 2 00 3........ 12 2724 Racks e, forge, iron........................pounds — - 70............ 70....................................................................... 2726 Rasps',assorted'.........-..-'''-'''-''-.... —..... " "345............'i345...........'.1.'.......................89..'....... 12 2727 Rasps, wood5............................................ 513 --------- - 513.................................-...................................... 2728 Rasps, horse-.......................................... 204 289.00 2 04................................ 2729 Rails, T........................................ 1,493 1,493................................. I... 2730 Rolls, steel, for turn-tablesets 2 629 84 2...................................... 2731 Rests, steady for lathe - 4............ 4........................................................................ 2732 Rests, tank, lever..................................... 46............ 46.................................-...................................... 2735 Rakes, o stable-7............7........................................................... 2736 Raeio2737 Reflectors, ar e d-................................... - 19...................................................................... 2738 Registers, conduclors'...................................2............ 2.................................................................. 2738 Regstes, co d corse- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 -- - -- -.......................................................-.... 2739 Rigging for steam balance.-1-1 —---------- - I............ I.......................................... 2740 Roofing, patentd..........................pounds........ 130............ 130...................................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. A a 0 0 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of 0^~~~~. August 8 and October 14, 1865..0.0 ^ _____________________________________________ _______ o 0 _ _ _ Articles. 1 1 a1 0'1 I A- i II~ a ^ 1. 1. 1. I ~ ^0:l I 0 ao0 a 0 0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~a 0 0 - Ca a a 0'~ ^ ^^ o ~ ~j r S ^ 5 ^ 5 03o'"C ~ Ps ^ ^ 3 ~ l -s ~0 c I 0 Z ^~~~~ 2741 Saws,hand....................-..........-...- ----- 2,833 $10,856 00 2,833................ -...... I........ 2 24 140 134 0' 2742 Saws, tenon............ — - - - 23 --- 23................................................ 3 3 4 2743 Saws, hack... —- -......... ——.-.-. —. —. —---.- ----- 71 - ---— 71 ---— 3................. ----................................ 3 14 2744 Saws compass, assorted-............................. 219 229 95 219.....-........................-................................ - 2745 Saws, back..- — asso........................... -9 1, 327 3, 207 00 1,327 —..-............................................. 2 11 25 2746 Sa tw, rip — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 477 1, 908 00 477.- - - -- - - --.......... 7................. 2747 Saws, buck - -............................ --- --.......... 122............................................................... 5 2749 Saws,-cross-cut, assorted. -'.-. —'........ 1,246 ------------ 1,246 ------—......... 21 ------—...............-18 " 4 8 0 2750 Saws, cross-cut, 5-foot -----—.. —- --- -. —-- ------ ------....... -....... ---- ---- 2751 Saw s, cross-cut, large................................... 6 ---.........6............................................................... 2752 Saws, cross-cut, hand....-... --- - -... —-- 106 -.......... 106................................................ 3 ------- -..... — 27453 Saw s, cross-cut, tenon................... —........-. — 2 -------- - 2.-............... —-........................ —-- -- -- -- —.-....- - 2754 Saws, jigross-cut, —-------- ---. 179............- 179 -........................................... - 2755 Saw s, scrolls-cu t, - - - —........................... -20.-.- 20................................................................ I 2756 Saw s, circular, 4e no n............. —.........-..............-.... —....................................................................-......... —----- 2759 Saws, circularck,.................. 123 -inch- 123............................an.ro.. ---- 27600 Saws,,imill.-. —------------------- --------------—. -—. —.292 --—. -----—.9 --------------—. ------—. ------—. --- --—. ------—. ------—. —----—. —----- 2761 Saw s, m uley...................................... 5............ 2] — - - - - 22 -----------—.. -... -------- -------- -------- --- - -........ —. 276258 Saws,meats - - - - - —................................. 26............26............................................................ 1 276359 Saw s, drag-blue b -- -- - -- - - - - - - -1 31 23 — 8............ 8 ---— 123 - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- 2764 Saw s, keyhole ——.........................- —.......-...8 7 68 8 ---............................ —- -—... -..-.. 2765 Saw s, w ood - —.................................. - - 43 53 75 43.................-..................................................... 2766 Saws and frames, wood -- -- --............- —..-.-.. 27............ 27................7.......................................-............... 2767 Saws, wooden frame. — --...................- ------ 50 ------------ 50........................................................................ 2768 Saw s, pit... ----------------------- ---------------—...... 33..-..-. —..- - 33 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------..... 2769 Saw sfine-............S 40................................................................. 2770 Saws, whip -3.....................................- 35 - 35....................................................................... 2771 Saws, cut-off, 32-inch-2 -.................. 2.................. -- 2 ---..................................................... 2772 Saw s, shingle, 36-inch.......................I............ 1........................................................................ 2773 Saws, assorted. -.... 170. —-- --. 170................................. 2775 Saws,panel............................. 86 86..................................................................... 2776 Saws,........... -3..-.-.-. —- 3............................................................ I 2777 Squares, steelb — --- 1,043 1, 715 73 1, 043- —................................ 2 19 17 51 2778 Squares, try, assorted -............ —- - -- 1,248 --- -- 1,248 ------------------- 2 11 --- 4 2779 Squares,irone —---------- - --............o4- 4...........................................-............................. 2780 Squares,centre —off —.- 1..... 13-.......cnr 13-.............13. —.............. 2781L Squaresframing- -— 5 —....................................................... S u s2................ 2782 Squares, bevel...........-6 —....-... 6 -............' 6 "i...............-....-......... 2784 S q a e. — - - -- - - -. — - -- - - - -. — - ------ 3... _ -- - -- - - " 3' -------- ------- -.-.'-'.- ------—''.' ------—.'. ------—''.' I{ -------- ------—' 2785 Squares, ead -- - ------------------- 2............2........................lumber-... 1,0 - ---— 1 —................. 2786 Stands, head-light —-.-.... --- ---—........ 583 --.. - 583 -............... —..-................. 2787 Stands, switch —.............................. 14 ---. 14- ------—. —-.. 5 32........ 1 2788 Standsflag................... --- - -.......... 25.-......... 25............................................-.. ------—... -..... 2788 Stands~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, flag-2 -- 25..... 2789 Stands for machines-........ —.-...-... —-............- 3 3. —- 3 ---. —- -..... —--- -3 2790 Stands, monkey switch -. —....... 17 - --- 17.........................si1............7.-. —-- —. 2791 Stands, target switch. —----------- -...............- 24 -—..- 24 ----------------................ —-- -............ — 2792 Stands, wood switch-.. —-8-..........-... —-...- 8................-...-.... —... —-------- 2793 Stands, iron -------------------------------------- ------ --- 2795 Stands, brasslamp.................................. lam......p.............................2... — - - - - - - -.- - 2796 Stands, locomotivelap.................-pounds. —----- 583 -583...... -. --- —............- 2797 Stands, sand boxe -.-.. do.. 719 -- -. 719...........b-............................ -......7 2798 Stands, Califori ia, double.......................................... 2 — - -..........2 -....- -------- ----- --—.. —..............'. - 2799 Stands, California, single-3 —............................................................ 2800 Stands, lead 1-......... -1-.....-........................ -12801 Stands, type.-.....-...........................-........ 3 ---- --.. 3..... - ------- --------......................... -......-........ -! — - 2803 Stands, gauge lamp —........-...............................-.....-. 14............................ ----- - - - -................. 2804 Stands, flag.............................pounds...... 2... -. 25 —.........................-2525 —......... 2805 Stamps, U.S- — 7.............................. 7................................... -........ 2806 Stones, grind, assorted-1063.............-.. 105 - ----- 105........ 1- ---— 6 2 5 13 2807 Stones, grind, assorted-.................pounds........- 6,154 123 08 6,154........................................................................ 2808 Stones, grind, and fixtures.- -.. sets ------ 4......... 4.......................................7 2809 Stones, grind, 4 feet diameter, cast iron frame..... -- -...... -- -... — -..... —...... --—.... 2810 Stones, paint and muller................................ 4 800................................................................ 2 2811 Stones, paint — 4............ 4.................................................................. 2812 Stones, oil.- -- 2682............ 268.............................. 24........ 9........ 1 2813 Stones, oil, assorted -..... — ---- pounds.-. - 2, 394 -. —-. 2, 394 -- - - - -.................................................. 19 38 2814 Stones, whet m........................ 1............ Sn........................................ 2815 Stoneds —. —------ --- -- - —. ---- -.......... lot........ I............o I........................................................................ 2816 Stones, rind, frame, hangers complete......................... I........................ 2817 Stones, mill, and fixtures...................pairs........ I ------------ I........................................................................ 2818 Stones, imposingl e-1-1 —---..........-.... I........................................................................ 2819 Stones, grind, frames and pulleyslead..........-1 --- I........................................................... 2820 Stones, grind, and fixtures.. --- -............ 3..........................................fxue-424. — - - - -....... 2821 Stone, blue.......................... -pounds —...-..-............S e b335...................................................... 2822 Stone, rotten-do..554.55.40.5. do........ 5........................... 4 2823 Stone, pumice. -...........................do.......... 1,225 110 25 1,225- —........................... —.17 363 2824 Stone, setting for engine.............................. -.-.................0............................................1 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military divmsion of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ^ 0o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of a 0. August 8 and October 14, 1865. o 3 4 0 t. 0. I -C I8 > a ~ ~ & - 0 -i,. - -' a ~~~- ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ - ~ ~o, 2825 Snips. —--—. —------------------—.....pairs.... 4 -......4-.. —........................ I 2826 Snips, circular..............................do —-...... 9 0............ 3......-.... —-........-....-..-...... —........ 1 2 2827 Snips, tinners', assorted -.................-.do —..... — 28 ------------ 28 -.....~ —-. ---- - -- ---.... — - 4 9 0 ~ ~ ~~~~~$2828 Snips, straight, —--------------................................... -................................................ —-...-................................... 2829 Shaves, spoke1... -—..................................... III -......-.-..... III.. —....- -.. -............ 2....... 2 2830 Shaves, spoke, wood.................. ——........... 246 $123 2300 246......................................................................... 2831 Shaves, spoke, iron........-233 116 50 233-..... 2832 Setssaw........................ —---------------- 90 ------------ 90... -.. —............-............... —- 1 -------- 9 1 283:3 Swedges, creasing ----------—..............w. 2.. - ----—....... 2834 Swedges, bottom-395 -9..5..................................... 395.......... 395.. —-.................. 2835 Swedges, top.-1.............-....................-..... I —--------— 11 -----—.. - -................................................... — 2836 Swedges and chisels ---- —.. —-.-.... --— 47 —...... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - 28:137 Screws, assorted....-........ gross -3,067............ 3,067-.. —.......... 131 6 159 396 970 2838 Screws, round head, brass................-.do.-......... 107 ------------ 107 ---..- —..... -................................. —2839 Screws, brass, assorted -------------------— do.-.- 575+ - - ---------- 5751............-........................................... 35 86 2840 Screws, brass cap. —----------------------- do. ------ 190 —.. —-- 190 -------- ---—.- 12 - —............. —-.... 23 2841 Screws, round head, blued -.................. do.-......... 1,119 - ------------ 1,119...............i................ 26.............. 1111........ 2842 Screws, blued. --—.. —................... — do -. --. - - 347-. —7........... 347+...... ------ ------- - - 2843 Screws, hand, assorted................. —--------—...... 152 -------- - --- 152 ----------- -............. —-.................""12 24 47 2844 Screws, bench ---------------—.- -------------—....-.... 130....... /.. 1 130 —---- --- -....2845 Screws, wood bench.................. —-..... ----—... 164 ------------ 164 --............... ——............. 16 4 8 2846 Screws, iron bench-.............. —----- 176 ----- 176 --—...........- — 2 4 8 2847 Screws, bed...................... —--------------- 272 ------------ 272 --------........ -------- -------- -------- ------- 2848 Screws, lag, assorted................. —----------—..... 6,030 ------- - ---- 6,030 -............................ —-................. 396 - ------ 1,496 2849 Screws, lag. —....................- pounds- ------ 3, 6199............ 3, 619........ -------- -------- -------- ---------------- 388j 778+ 2850 Screws, top.-.......................................... 5 ------------ 5... —..- -.....................-...... 2852 Screws, hydraulic jack.................. ——.... — --—. 6 ----—...... 6 ------- -. —................ 2854 Screw s, clam p.- ------ ------------ ------------ ------------........ 2855 Screw s, large, and 4-inch nuts.........-.-....-.-.. —.....-............ —........... —........... —....... —..............-........ 2856 Screws for shaft.....- ------ Screws.. for..... shaft... -— 1 -- - --------........ 2857 Screws, auger............................gross........ 64............ 64........................................................................ 2858 Screw s, turn-table...................................... 1............ I......................................................................... 2859 Screw s, gim blet, brass.....................gross........ 7............ 7...........................7...............-..-......-. -.. -.-........ 2860 Screw s, tank........................................... 12............ 12.......................................................-................ 2861 Screw s............................................... 2...2......................................................................... 2862 Screws, iron wood.........................gross.. 891............. 89j....................................................................... 2863 Screw s, head............................... sets........ 9 --------- - 9........................................................................ 2864 Screw s, lathe.....................................1...... I ---- ------- 1........................................................................ 2867 Screw s, jack... —.........................16.................... 16........................................................................ 2868 Screws, wood............................poundsairs 84............ 84...................................................................... 2869 Screws, gimlet -..-......... - ----------—.gross.. --— 1,718............ 1,........................................................................ 2870 Sticks, creasing.3 3............................ 3.. 3................................... —----— 1 -------- 2 2871 Sticks, yard........................................ 80 - -3001) 80........................................................0............... 2872 Sticks, composing...yard --.............................. 8 8...............................-.......................................... 2873 Sinks, counter. -...... —................................. 5 --—....-.. 5.........................-.............. —.-........... 2874 Sinks, drifts, and calking tools-.- -....pounds........ 20...... --- 20................................................-...... —...... 20 2875 Slicks, carpenters' --—.-........... —---—........... 96 ------------ 96. —---------—........- —. —-...... 2 —. —----------- 2876 Slicks, large framing.................................. 2 -—...... 2......................................................-................. 2877 Slicks, glass...........................................-3 3 00 3........................................................................ 2878 Scrapers, plumbers'........- -...................... 17 --------. 17.......................................................................... 2879 Scrapers, box.......................................... 5 3 75 5...................................................................... 2880 Scrapers............................................... 176........... 176 1................ 1 2 2 2 3 13 2881 Scrapers, iron.......................................... 133........... 133.......................................................................2 2882 Scrapers, drill..........................................-62............ 62................................................................ 288:3 Scrapers, stone..................................................... I......................................................................... 2884 Scrapers, carriage...................................... I............ I........................................................................ 2885 Scrapers, stove......................................... 7............ 7.7...................................................................... 2886 Scrapers, ash-pan.................................1...... I 1 —-------- I......................................................................... 2887 Straighteners, axle................................1.................. 1.................................................................1 2888 Sockets, top............................................ 2............ 2................................................................ 1 2889 Sockets, chisel.......................................... 133............ 133........................................................................... 2890 Sockets, gas-pipe....................................... 740............ 740...................................................................... 2891 Shafts and pulleys.. —1..................................................... 2892 Shafts..................................................-10 ------------ 10........................................................................ 2893 Shafts, saw mandril counter.1........................... I............ I...................................................................... 2894 Shafting and pulleys.....- -..........pounds-..................................................................................................................... 2895 Shafts with pulleys, counter, shafting, &c.. feet...... 96 ------------ 96....................................................................... 2896 Shafting, assorted..........................do.... 368 997............ 1, 365................................................................ 1, 032 2897 Shafting, iron, 2-inch.....................-pounds.. —........................................................................................................ 2898 Shafting- --------------------------------— do.......... 2,163............ 2,163................................................................ 1, 758 2899 Shafting, 31-inch, with pulleys and hangers, complete.......f...3......5..................8feet............................................................................................................ 158 2900 Shafting, 3-inch..-. —------------ ------------- feet................................................................................................................... 2901 Shafting, 31-inch, tinned, 12 feet 6 inches long, with couplings and bolts, complete..........sections........ 12............ 12...................................,................................... 2902 Shafts, counter, w ith pulleys......................- I........................ I........................................................................ 2903 Shafts, counter................................... I with —-pulleys....1- - - - I....................................................................... 2904 Strainers..-............ -................. -............ 4............ 4............................................... I........ 4 3 2905 Strainers, paint2........................................ 2 ------------ 2................................................-................2906 Strainers, pump —...................- -................ 311...-.....-.. 311........................................................................ - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.~Continue. ].S Q ~ ~~0 ]Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of 0^ ^.~~~~~~~~~ ^ ^ ~~August 8 and October 14, 1865. c 0 cc 0.01. ^ ____ ______-_______-________-_____________-______________-______ 0~ 5- ~o.0',~ f o0 0 Sc0c r4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P 5^ So cii 0. c~ Articles. I0 11'.cc0. I t I o I" _ I 0 - 0 1 l cc cc -iO ~ 0 cc occ ~ o.~ o~ ~ ~ 0 o. ~ c cz to S 0* c1 cc cc-'0 cc^~ l l - 0cc cc 0 ii cc~~~~~~~ 0 0z C 4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P c) c. +5 32 cc5 ^ ^ g ce ce cc P4 Pq ~~~~~~~~~~Is ~Z P1 2907 Strainers, copper -..-............ —.......-............. 270 $405 00 270 --------- - --- 70 142 2908 Stiaineci-, feed-pipe —------------------ ------------ ---------- ---- -------- -................ 2909 Skins, chamois.- -..-............ -- -69 5750 69 ---- ------ - -. —- - -- 6................ 60 2910 S kins, sheep........................................... — 31 ------------ 31 ----- -- -- ---- ---- --- - ---- - -----—... -.........-.......................... — 2911 Skins, bark —.. —------------—............dozenn. —..... 6 ------------ 6. —--------------------------------—.. —---------—............... —.. 2912 Shellac, gum.pounds 408 510 00 408 ------------- -............. 20 ---- - 36 63 127 2913 Saltpetre ----..................5............ 69.........-..............................1.......... 6........... ----. —-- 2914 Spouts, bent............................-..-. -- 5,194.......- 5,194 ---- -----— 360 720 2915 Spouts, tanks e -21.............-.. - 321............ 21 -.............-... —......... --- -.......................-11.........0 2916 ~ p usseti ------------------- ------------ Spouts —, —--- ---- --— sliest-iron-................... 2917 Shafts, counter, and 4 pulleys...... —----—..... -.-. --------------------—.. —-..... —-—............ ------ ------ ------....................................1................ 2918 Spouts, fluid can................................. 62............ 762.....-................................................................... 2919 Spouts, tin-........-..................... — 151 - 151. —-................ -................ H 2920 Spouts, funnel. --- 4 0 8..........- -- 56 — 00... 56 4 —--- -.. —. -. —............................... 6-6 2921 Staffs, flag-.-..-.......................................- 1, 700 ------------ 1, 700 ------------------------ 2 4 8 61 128 Saltpetr~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.do......[.... 1 -------- 2922 Staffbrake-........................................................1........- -......................1........ 1................ 2923 Steel, assorted. —------------------------ pounds.-....... 11,430 - ----------- 11,430 - ------- 253 ---------------- 202 2,974. -...... —----—. 2924 Steel, scrap.-..............................do.-... - -.......40, 791 - -40,79 40, 791 -.........................- 1, 083....... 2925 Steel, cast.. —------------------ - do -24,-855 11,-681-85 24,-855 -. 43,964. 19,350 2926 Steel, spring, assorted. —.................. do.-......... 37, 389 9, 721 14 37, 389 --------------- -....... - 1, 789 995........ 19,167 2927 Steel, square. —-------------------....do. —------- 92,0561 43,26667 92,0561. —..... -- -....... - 835 1,216 -------- 1,947 2928 Steel, octagon. —................ --- - do.-.- 14, 594 6,859 18 14, 594 -1...... -------................. 1,171 77........ 585 29-9 Steel, frog. —.............................do.- -. -- 22,174 5, 543 50 22,174 ------------------------------------------------- 48........ 892 2930 Steel, blister. —........ -- ------- -...do-.. - 3, 593 ---...... 3, 593 -------- -...............................................-........ 2931 Stocks, screw. —---------------—........ - —. 9 -.-. —-.. 9- ---------------- -................................ 2933 Stocks, drill'. —-.-..... —-—' —----—' ——' —'-6 6......... —— 4 6..................'............................... 4 2934 Stocks, iron —-- --.....................pairs.... —-- 3 ------------- 3 -...-........-.. --- - -................................ 2935 Stocks, roller-. —....................................... 21 ----------- 21.-..................................................................... 2936 Saddles, smoke-stack.-...................pounds-. ——. 1, 529 -........ 1, 529 -100..... -- ------—...........{...... 100................ 2937 Saddles for cylinder.-......................pairs - -1-1-. I ------------ I..... —--------—...-....................................... 2938 Stacks, smoke, locomotive........................1.................. I..........................-..................................... I 2939 Stacks, smoke, stationary, 31 feet x 22 inches 2-....- -...... —- -.. 2 - - - - -.. --. —------ ---- ~ —- -- ~2940 Stacks, smoke, sheet-iron, boiler frame -;..- - -- -...... -.. —--.. —--- 2941 Stacks, smoke and cap...................-pounds.. —---—: 2........0.. 2 434 -4, - --....... -......................... —---------- -------— ~ 2943 Stacks, smoke, sheet-iron --------------—......-. ------ ------—. —-- —.....-........-........-. —----- --- ---—. 2944 Stacks, smoke. —-.................-. —- -. - -. -—. --- 3... - -.. —. —-—. --- 22945 Stacks, smoke -- - - - - - - - - - —......... —.. -.feet --. ------........... 2946 Sieves, sand —-----— 1(- 5-............... —------- ----- 1. —------........5. —... —----- --------- -- 2947 Sieves, moulders' - ---- ---- ----------------- ----—.............................. - tt 2948 Strips, parallel —. —-. —-- -------. —- --------------- -- -- ------------ --— 4 2949 Stri s, parallel —-------------- ---—.................... S s apou ds - -1 -o —......-. -d. -. —-.....- - - -—..U l^ I^ ^ P ~/ [;: l[: i:-;;::[:..-...... i' - - - -::::;::::::t/:- -:::::::;::::::::::;::::::::: ^ 19^ l^:^ ad::::::::;:::;:::-::::::k^ —: —-. 3:981.....- -. l986i 50.-......................-... —- 500150226-10515-15 2959 Strips, copperl - -— due --------— d-o —---- --- -- ------ 3, 594 - -.-9 - -----. - ----------------------------- 2951 Spikes, bridige-do —— i-869-)I 5169-I_ _-I- _ - ---- 2952 Spikes, railroad.... -- -kegs — 3 986k —-1... —--.03 -1.50 05-1-. —.2 —5 —-0 —-- ------------- -~5 —--- - 1 —O x — - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 91 -... -...1....- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -. - - - - -.- -..- - - -- - -- - -. 295 Spikes, m,0 92arlin80,152 —-—........................ -—..1....7 50 ~~ 2954 Spl~~ces, brid~~~e aud cut~-kg.- ----- - 0:-0:1-:: i 29554 Spikes, brail nroadct-309 -111( —----- keG-s -- -— i 30-.) -----—.3 —----------- ----.-....... —----—.-.. —.-. -. —-- ---—... 29.55 Spikes, r-ir.a. ----------- ----------------- --— s ----—:.. -----------.. —- ---------------- ----------------- --------------—, --------------- ^2956 Spikes,.railroad-po —----------— kg. 3.......-.-unds-2.-80, 152 14, 707 98.289,.159 —-----—......... -........... —-.. ----— ~ — 2957 Spikes, ruassrortd-keg —---------- O3 2-7 00 3 --------- -------- ------------------- 21159 Spikes, caassorted-pound —------- 1, 0100 —----- 1, 000 —---------------- 5 00 600 3,195 ---— 6, 6900 2 956 S p ik es, -ss or t b l —- -----—... —.. -. s-. - -- -- 2960 Scales, spring isalauce-58 ----- 2961 Scales, platform, assorted.-411 —-. —-....... —-- 40 4,680 00 40. —-- -1 2 11- 1 Q 2962 Scales, counterr-............... —-—.........s18 360 00 18is. —1 — ------—......... —------- --—...-.. 1 2 2962~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~..... I... 296:3 Scales and weights --— 1 -----------....1 —------- I I —-. ——....-.-. —1.- -.. -. -- ---- 2(164 aew rh u e- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - Scales,-warehouse2165 Scales, brass scooi-1p —-....................... —. I -------- I -....... — - ~ 967 Scales' seam'.'...'....... —..-. — -—.. —. —-----—. --—. I. —-------- I...................... ---------—......::::::::::::: -:::::::: 2967 Scales, beanck'.'.' - -- --'-'-'-.-'- ----....... —. —-. I. --- -—. I- ----—..-. —-. I o 2970 Scalessafety-valve.... —-----—.. ——...-... ——.......7. —.. —--- 7............ —-------—....... —---....... - 2918 Scales — 2 —-—............. —.... —-------—....-................ ----------------- 2939 Scales, t frack 1oun —1 —.... ---- ----- ------ ---. -- -- - 2 -- - -- - - 9 - -............... --.. —-1. —-.. - --- --—. 239 7 0 7te c e s - - —..-. —.- - - - —. ~ 5 27 —.. -.. - -. -- - - - - -— 3 - - - - - - —.....- - - —....- —.-3.- - - — ~- -- - - - 29705 aI Steretes, ir. —7 —------------------ --- I —--— I —-------- 10. —... —..-........ —- - 2971 Scaltch- - - - — es, gaton-e...................s. -— stn~1 -' — - 297: Scales, p1atusf m counterrted —------—..- -—. - -. —-pu d - --—. 1 414/. 1211. —-................ 0 —.-.2974 Stretcerss, iron —-------------------- 5 -----— 52 -------------------------— I 2975 Spretegs, cuear 10-. —-------—... —----------------------—.. —-. —----—.... —-----—... —-------------- 2976 Spnatcheckg'1..'.'.'. I LI...'.... I-...-.. 84.., —. -—. 84 —........ ~... ~. ~ ~ ~ —-- 2977 Springs, assr tled-. --- --- pounds -- -- 1, 1........4 ——.-. ---- - - - 2978 Springs ginbes tens-dor --'.......... - do -. -- --. 2 00.-.....-. —- 1,690........ --------------------------------------- -........ --.. 2979 Springs, -1-r-l --------- -............do.... ------ I- ------------ ---------- ---------------- --------- -------—.. 2980 Springs, passo ng -84-84-......- -. --------. -- 4 ------.- 4 --- -.- -..-.... —-. -.. -—. -------- -------- -------- -------- 2981 Springs rubber. —-............. —...pounds. -, 42 /0,.. —0.............-..-... --- 61 51 2982 Springs, car.. —.-... —-.. -------......... ---- -.........28,2 7..-............ — 9 —..2983 Springs, en ietender.. —. ---- ----—.. —----— po. —.-.-.-. ——.-..... —.. --------—. —..... —---—. —----—. —----—. —----—. ——......-.. —....-...... —-...-.- ---- 8 — 2983 Springs engine-.... -.... - - -........1 - -....2.. - -- -....... —..... —. —---—. —------ ts 2984 Springsp spal —-- dou-8,47 4.-8,1-87 47..................o 8....... ~2985 Springs, assorted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4 - - - - - — 4 - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - 2986 Springs, gum. —-----------— pounds ----- 40,267 49, 125 74 40, 267 ---- ------------------ ---- 981 571d 4, 652 2987 ri s Spring- - -- -- - -- -- - -— ensd-do ---- - 28 259 — - -- -- %7-28, — --- -- - - -257-959- -- - -- 9 858 —- -- - - -- - 2988 rig Springs —------------------ -------------- ------ te —----------------— er —------ - ------ 8 29890 Springs, en -ine( -...........-..p un018 1 7 - - - - - - 1 21 ——..............................., 4:5 2990~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Springs,]]ZZ] ssn-pud 8 8 -1, 187 --— 2,jZZZZ~]Z]Z] 545' Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. c ^. mo ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of 0.. M August 8 and October 14, 1865. 10 1^ e ______~-. S. = s:.'0 ~ o, - C........4...... pounds...................................' I5) ~~~ ~.;;i l (i1Articles. 10 CZ e C. pl 62i)9 j)......+.. P.0 (i Q. 41........ 2..... 2........ 2991 Sprin window.....-....................$ 1................................... -- 299-2 Springs, large.. - -. -. -.. -- 4 2993 Spsrie, so all ) -— 61 -----— 0............................. - 9....................................................... ~ 1 nii-pac)~('king-pounds.....1n.......... —(............. -............-.....- - -- 0 5 Shovls.'.'.'.'-'.'.'.'.'.'-12-.......-.~ —-~ —— ~ 4, 017 7,02975 4,029 1........................-1 38 344 355 580.. 099( S i o-hovels, --------—.......-.....-...... 1.. 18.3............... —-- ------- ------------ 299 S s,................. — ---..... -. —- 4................. ------------------------------------------------ -------- 29983 Spri oall- —.... -.......... —---------—........ -- ----- s1 -- 4 —..................... —-.................... ---- --—. —.. - 2999 riShovels, moulder, steel —- — 8 p.......... ------...... 6 -..........8..... 2...-...-.......-...-. —---------------------. 3000 Shovels a —- -..... —--............................................................. -...-............ - -—........ -........ - - 31- 9 9 6 Sp................................. —.... —-------- ------ 75 ------------....-....-..: —----- - - - -- - -............-..... - -............................ - 3002 Shovee s, scoop —-- ---- --- ---- ---- -— unds. -........................... -...-.... —... -.. —...- -...................................... —----- -------- I-)0049,Scrveens, zinc o.......-......-...'.. ---.... —-.. —---—..... -..........-.....-. —. -.......-..........- ---- -------- -------- - --------- 62 1(3001( Spadens, —---------------- co................... -........... - --- --.. —... —..-........... —......-. —-................ 3004 Sop.creensz ----—................ ---.pounds.-............. in-1.....-.-..... -...-...- -....: 3005 S cre s, c oasile............. -—.... - --- 5........ /.....- d. --....... 40.............. -........... —...... -------—.. —------------- ~ —----- -------- 3007 Spools, chalk line- - - ---.- ---- --------- ------ 4) ------------.4.. - - — ). -.. — -..............-.......-. —-- ~ " i n, ass e............... —..- —.. ---- / -— o ----.........-4....... 0........-...-..- 300) Sion p -—. —stile - --— n 4 41 —------------------:1()14 Soap-bars -15 —---------------------------— dbarsi —-. —--— 5I 80 —----------... —---------------------—. —-------------- ------—' —----—' —-------------- 311 Spanes. — - -3...................... 3.... —------------------------------------- 301112 Sienna assortedSe g s ( --------------. —. -pounds 4. —0. —0. —— ~ 4 01 - —.-.... —-.42( L —.. -- - --- - --------........ —. —-6. -------- 9....6 61 20........ 301 9i Spie nn., bilin t...- -.................. —- -- -- do -. —..1. —.-3 28 3.5 (3 -...... —---. ------- ---------------------- --------------------- 30)14 Sirrup, log..................... —.... do -.. 254 W so 2............ --.... — -------- Si- a' —.'-.'-'-'. aw'.talian'do2 5 3012 Sienna, raw-dinil -...- do --- -. 0........ —- GO i. —....... --—. —----— ~. — --- 302)3 Scythes, grass ------------—.......1 ------- 13.-.................................................................................. 3024 Scythes, brier..-...-........... 4.......... 14...........l g t....................................... 3025 Sponge, common...- -........-............pounds e.............. -'0.....-3 3026 Sposhe.,fiue.....-............... -.......... do.......... 211 6525 211..-'"""""" """""""""""" """".. 93 3026 Sponge, fie....................................- do. —- 65. —...... 3 3 0 2 7 S lp h m' l o e r -. —............ — --...........- - d o.......... 4 2 3.- -.. - - -. - -. - 4 2:3..............'.'.. ^ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --... l b /.....:3030 Sasph, srtd ------------—. ----- ------—....lgts..... 1 208..-.-. 71, ------- -—. —---........... -------- --—.. —-. —-—.-. --------. —-—... 3028 Sutptenr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-do -- ---- 67-55 67 55 6751 ----- ----- - - -- -- -- ----------------- 21 83 1017 3029 Sulphur flo........................4.........w......o.4 — 1.'.. 3030 Sash, assorted.......... —lh —-—.lots -......... 2I... —.-. 1, -.98 ----------- ---.-.... ----------------------- ----- 9 119:30:31 Sash, —------------------ ieces ------ 1, 117 -------- 1, 11.7. —------ -- 1 3032 Sash,-lot wi —.-. -—. — -. -................... I.-. —--- I - ~ —---- -------------— 1 —-1 3033 Sash, wire ----------------------- - - ------------------- ------:3034 Sash, sky-light. ------------------. —---- ------ 21 -.....-. 2t ----------------- ---—.-2-. — 3035 Switches, monkey....- - -.. —.......................7 27....-. - 27........ ------ - 30:16 Slides, switch —- ---—..-..... —. —....... sets..... 119 - --- — 119.-... — --- -------- ---—. —..... 3037 Slides, track-........................pounds -.....,7 - --- -------- 2, 528 30(138 Signals, fog — ----- - --. --— gross-. 10 ------- 10......... -- - -' 30399 S tools,, saddlers'.... —...-.... —......-..... ——.-......~. 2............-22........-........ -........ -........ -........ -........ -....... ----- --------:3040 ~S.paces, plea quod -....... —---..-....... pounds................ 0.... —...................30439 Stooaples, sidlerson. ----—.. —-- 2 ——........-... I.'"I"-2 2- --- 304(2 Staples, iron - -—........]-........I.. 1 p q......-ounds~'- ------ --------------—. — - 3043 Straps, seat, back - ----------- ------ --- --—........ 742 5 05 742 ----------------------------------------------- 144 144 3044 Straps, connecting, and brasses-....... 4.. -.-.... - 3044 S4iv irs. —--.........-............................. ------—...______.if.. 3045 Skivers-,17 -1- ---—. -- 2 2 —.:b0ib Skivers, white ---------------------- 24 ------- 24 ---------------------—..... 3047...........1. "'~ 3048 Sizing, goldw — h....................... pounds-. -..-.. 3..-.- -... 3. —.. —. —-......-.. -- - - (3047 Skies, "loading- - -.......... 1,155.............-.. ------- ---- -------—.......... -3050 1)8Sizing, gohld- -. p ounds - 3-3-.. 3049 Shoes, mule ---—.................................... 1,200 151,155......- - -- -------------- o)0Shoes, mule — 1,200- - - -1,2(11......:3051 Sellars, rod. —-.. —-—. --- -. --.. pounds.-.......75 - -.....- 75 -''.'.'.'. ------—'. —.... —..-.....-. —-—.' —--— ~:3052 Straps, eccentric ----------------—......do.-......... 158 -. —-- 158 -------- 305:3 Stems, check valve -1 —8................... —............ 189....... 189 -- - -. - -------- -------- 3054 Settings, masonry, with iron chimney. —-. —-............ —.................... —-----...... —---- - ------ 3055 Scrapers, hoe-........... —-------—. —-...... 3 3 --- ----- -- ----- ----- -.................... —.. 3056 Sprinklers, fire v - - -............................1...... I - - 1 - - --- - -- - - - - - - - 3057 Squares, plated ---—.- -—.-.. —-----—. —... —-------—.6.. —......6 3058 Shingles --- ------- - - -..... — - - 717, m850. —- 717, -85(30 ------ -------....... ---- -------- -------- ---—.3059 Saucers, stove --—...- —............ —-.........-............. —--------—: —------------------------------------- 3060 Shackles, engine-.. —-................... pounds........ 177 1es77 --------- 7 -. —----—....... 3061 Salt -- do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------- 17-200 —---- 3061 Salt. p lated.......... —....................... 575 ----------—....- - - -............ — - 3062 Salts, epsom.. —-............................. epo..o10- 10 - ----—.... —-- 3063 Sublimate, corr. —-.......-... —. -.. —-- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - --— do..- - — I ----— I1 3064 Staves, tank........... —----------------— lots.-..-1-.. I ------------ I ---—'. ----— ~- ------------------------- 3065 Staves, tank. —----—... —..............- pieces........ 4.. —-....... 4...... ------ --- -------------- 3066 Staples, back harness ----------— 28............................. 28 ---------------------------------------- ---------.. 3067 Settings, masonry --- -............4 -..............4............ 4... -------- ------- - -----------......... 3068 Seamers, double roofineg..-.. —.. -- -- ---- ------------...... --------. —--—. —..-... -------- 3069 Solder.......... - ---.. -pounds.. ------ 1,3181 —-- - -:::::::-1, 318 — 28 752 167 379 307( Soda, sal - -............................... do -21.... -.... 1- -.......2- - 3071 Swivels...................................... ------------------------------------------- 3076 Seats, coach -... —.. —--..........................lot.. 4 ---........... -— 4.-4 —----- 3:173 Seats-73074 Shelving e — ----- -- ------ - lots... 22-...... —----- -------- ----—. —. 3074 Soldelvi...................................pounds..................-. 2'.'..'.'.'.''......:.'.'.''.'.'.. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad' property in the military division of the Tennessee,'c.~Continued. _j ^ ~ o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Artieles.~~~~~~ ^ c'&^^.a.. C~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ — ^ i~ ^ i ^. ^ i l~~~~~~a.- S^ I31)75llShelves, Ivoodes s!l h) Sydinsen cck-11 511 /'- eo aekhsg^ n ^^ to C) ^ j 0i:t - >rt^ _ -3~~~~~~~~~~~~~s8 Sigia tiss-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g "IO7 5 Shelves,, w ooden..... - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- --—..... -...... -. -. ------—.. -- -- -........... -. -....-..... —--.......-............................. —-- 3076 Sy])hons andl cocks; --.............. —-...- ----—.. - -..... —.-. I.......I..-..........1.-.. -...-............... - 3077 Spoons, packinge ----- 7 ---------—. 310178 Signs, tin.. -- - - -- - - -- - -—... -..... -.....-...... 1.......-. —-- ------------ ------------.........I..... -..................... 3 0 8 1 S l m tte rs, w in d o w. -.. -.... -.....-... -. - - - -. -.... -..-. - -.1 2 4 -........ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -. — - - - - -. -- - - - - - -.- - - - - - - -. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - 3 0 8 ^ S t e p ~ e n g i n e -......................................... 1... -. -...... I -...... — - - - - - -. --- -...! — - - - - - -. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......-.3 0 8 3 S lig es,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—..... -. -..- - - -- -................-............-.....-.....\....-..... —.- -...1..........-..... - 3 0 8 4 S ta v s, ta n k........................-..c a se s -.-... —-— [. —. - -. - - -.. -.- - -.......-...........-....... —-.. -. —.. -... -1.......-.......-....... -I.......-....... -.......3081 Shulters, window- -......... ------ 3 24 —--—.....2 4- ------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- 3086 Steps, holirie 1 —--------- ----— 2 -—. -—. —..... -.......... 3091 Sets, lever-saw -.-................................!......; 33 1...-........ 13................ -—. — ----- -----------------. —------. —------. —- --—. —----—. —-----.3018 Shims ers, paint...... 6 1. - - 6 dtl~6 Shloes' horse —-----------— sounuds 62l i -2 —-— H —------ -------- 13013 Sets, riand-saw —--------------------------------- i......i. -351 - 4 35 ------ -....................... -- 3-. —- 14 113S t,cio seu aw - - -- - -- - - — Sets, — --- - - - -- - -— Ci- - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - --- - -- - -- - - -- - -- — 1- - -- - - 13090 Sets, -ii b ts w ---- - -......- 363 12 3.............- -.-... —-..... —-- --- ----- - 36 30911 Sets, levesr saw. - ---------------------------- 11. -----—..... 3096 Sledges, assoited..................... 65 1...... 6)-...... -................. 1738 911 311115 Sled~~~~~~~es hhek-,enitlis 186 I-56(~~ — --- -;1: -- - - - - --. —--- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - --- ----- - 3090 Set s, bl acks m iths'..........................-...1......-360............ 360...........................-............-34 1-31 1- 63'30993 Sledges, ri et v --. — ---------------------------------- -... I —--—.... 32 --------- ---- --- --- ---............ -------- 14............... 3 10 3 h e a r, h a n......................... a irs -.!.. - - 1 7......... 7................................ 1.. - -. -.-1 3.......31113 Shears, tinners'................do.. I... 3...... 10............. -... -.... -. 5........ 31111 ihears, scirc l r.........t..... do..'... 13. -...............................1-....... 1106 Sineai-, lever................ do...... 3-.....3....!.................... 1....1 1. 31107 Shea rs, benchi.............. do...;. -.5 2000 ~ 5........ 1............!.... 1........5 3108 Shears, squaring............................do - -... 2 i — -.. 2....................... I 3109 Shears and punch combined - (01, —-— l.... —.......-....-..... 5..-....... 3110 Shears, rotary....... —---------... —-. —-..- do...-. —- 2 2. - - - - - - - ---. - -.. —- - - - - - - - - - - 311 Shears, table, trimmers'. ---- -- ---- do --- I --- --- - ----.......... —---.......... —-—. - - - ---- - -- 3112 Shears, table, gauge. —........ —--.. — ----.do... I - - -............ - 1.. ---—. ---- - - - - -- - -- --- 31.13 Shis-o 311513 takes'ssqua —---------—'-'. —-'.'.' —-'.'.' —-' —'.'-'.'. —....-.- -14-... —.. —--— 14....'-'.'.'.-.'.'.'.'-'.'. —-.'.-'.'.'.-........-... —-..-.....-.'..-......'..-........-....... 1 Stakes f n ---- -. —-. ----- ---- -- -....................................................... 3114 Stakes, be ch -----—..- ----. —-- - —.. -. ---. -. -- -- - -----—....... ---- —. -------- --------. —--—. ----- —.........-........ 3114 Stahives, iron.....................-....-....-............. 311 Stakes, square, Weddell —--------------------------- 2........... ------ --------—.......... —..... 3117 Stakes, dob leen h g - - - -.-. —. — ---—. —. —-- ----—. -- —... -. 4. —. --- -. —.. 4.......... —. — - ------- - -...... -- --- -----—.-..-. -- -- - ------—. -- -- - 311 Stakes, funnel-... —-. —-. —------------------- ------ I... —...I.....-................... - - --------- 3117 Stakes, hednch-............-.....-......-.........-........ — 3118 Staikes, tinners' --- 1-2......... 3119 Stakes, n eedlea. -----—. —-----------------—.-. —-- 2-....1......-......-...........-......... 3120 Stakes, double sea --- -- ----- -— ming —- -- ---. - --- - - -.......1-...... -—....- -..... 1.312L Stakes, oval-head - ------------- —.. -..... --.I - - -- I -......... - -- -- --........-.... —.. —.. —-.... —-.. —----- 3 1 2 4 S t a k e s, r o u n d - h e a d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -. — - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - 3122 Stakes, heade ------—.......-.- - -.. --. --. 2 —.-........... — -...........-.. —-.. —.... 3123 Stakes, poisquaren- --- ------ --------- I -.................... —..-....-......-.. —-------- ------ - 3124 Stakes, heak-horn-...... 32..... —....................-...... —------------------------- 31.25 Stakes, hatch et-4...220. 4............... —-- -....... —-........ --- -- --- ------------- ------ 312 Swetakdges, square-head-.. —-... —-------—. —--------—...-..-.. ——.. —................. ---- -- 31327 Swetakdges, horn- ---------— low -...........- ----— 1 ---—.............1 —---—............ 1 31328 Swetakdges, round -headl —5.-..-..-7. —.................. ——.... —. —---—.. —---- ------:31,36 Sleeves, wate pi pe —------—... ----—...-. — --— d.. --- —......-. 9 —...-. —.... —----- 6 9 --—.-..-.. ——.-... -- ---—. — ---- -—.. —- --------. —---—. ---—... — -.. 160 31329 Swedges, asso rted........ —-----------------— 2.. —..-.p-. —--. -------- 296-10 3....8...-. —-------- 553o 3130 Swedges, squa re- s i —.pairs 11 —.... -1. - -. - - -- ------------- --- - ---- ------ 3131 Swedges, C S l ----------............ - - --- - ---- - - —.......... -- --- -- --- -------- ---.....-.. 35 31321 Swedges, W.ar i e ----- - -----—. -6-9 6 —-------- - 1.......-.............................-..... 16 3133 Swedges, B...... —----------—.......................-. —.-3......- -53 --. —353 3134 Swedges and fullers1 -1-....... —............................-. —....... 3 13 9 S h a ft sp l mbtra' -w.e el. -------- ---- -- ---- ------ -- ---- --.. —- ---— I. ------ --- --- I.. —-- ---- -- ---- —...- - --- - -- -- --- - -- - - ---- -- - - --- - -- --- --- —.... -. -.... -.. -... —-. 31354 Swedges and chiselssorted- ---------— 5.....7. —-9....-.............-.s-...- o7. —.....- 3. 2 3 13 9 I o ollic b la c ks — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -. -- -. -1 0 4 - - - - - - - --- - - -.., 0 4.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—..- - - - - - —. - -. -... -.. -. -. - - -. 3143 Sellars, shoeineg rc. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -31 —-...-. —--—.-.. —. —-----—. -.. -- -- - -. —-—...-. — -- -- -............. --—.... -.-. -.... -. -...... —-...3140 Tools, caplu nters'- ---.. —... —-----—. —. —— dots —- ------ -- - -- - -.-. —.... —- - -. - - - - -- -- -... - -....... —-- -..-............-.. —.. —.. —. —..-.. —.. — -—.... -—. —-- 3141 Tools, blcarpen ters', assorted — -------—.. -- do..he t. - ---- -335 I --..-. - I -. —......... ——...-. —..- - -- -—...... —.. —....... -.. —.-.-. —31436 TooSleeves, water pipe -.. —-..... —----—.. —.... —-.............. —.. —.. ——... —-..........................:3143 Tools, shoe win g ht.... —-—... —--—. —... ——. sets ---... -- --.- -- ---- —... —-.- --..... -.. —..........- -- -- -- --—..... —.-. -.. —.. —---—..... ——. -—. —-- 3144 Tools, care tel rsg t ---------------------------— do —.. --—...-.. — -. —----------.- - - - --. —.. —.-. —.. —-.- -------- -—. ——. -- - ---—...-.-.....-..-..-. — -..... -. —. — - 3145 Tools, carpenter -.... —. —--------.. —-- -- - - ------ I....................................-..................... —..-. —-.. 3137 Shle-'t11 313 Stackls, sm oke, stationaryted ----- -...............- -7 -......-... 3..-....-. 365- 1......2 319 Shafts, asresteam, wheel ----—.... --— 15 1 0.....1.....-... —- -------- —... ------- 3139 Tool Saw s, h-circul ar, assorted1..9.8...... —. ------—. —-. -- -------......... —--.. - - 9- -- -........-..... —. 24 ---- 3139 Slicksa, ste -- -------------. —-—. —--- 4 --—.........- ---—................................. 4 313954 Se lla r's engine truck —--- - -----.................... —-......-... 344 31- -. — ----- ---—. --- ---- - -- ----- 315540 Tools, boring, steel-...........-....... ss —--------- -- 5 - -.......... —.............. 26 314'Tools, hlacksmiths', assortededo -5 5 5 03-................8....ou. 1,29.. —. 1,129........ 35. -.. - -.. 60 3142 Tools, hlacksmiths' - -....................pounds.... 313 Tools, shoeing-...............sets 10.. 10 3144 Tools, carpenters'-.............do-23145'reels, carpenters'-............heits - 1-13146'reels, turning, assorted -- 2 412............ 637 —..152 317 Tools, xvheslwright-.............sets-9-9 3148 Tools, wvheslwright, and chest, (incomplete)-..... 3149 Tools, groo]~~g-.................. *3 -...3310 Tools, sash, assorted-...............3,65 365-a 14 311 Tools, French sash, assorted-............156..19 507i 156315-2 Tools, hand-....................I -) 108It 313 Tools, planing, steel 492 —67........... 9 314Tools, boring-...................44 -443155'eels, boring, steel-................ 5.....26 3156 Tools, laths, steel -............pounds - 1,129-1,129, 6:: 0 c Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, c. — Ountinuied. 0 o Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of Pj_~~~~~ ^ ^August 8 and October 14, 1865. O 0 ^.0o 0 ______________________________________________________________ ______________s _ _ 0.. ~~~~~~. o'0'0 3I57 Tl 1h... 1 5-... 09, 0 0 no, 0~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0 ~,3I5 oosad Ar t.ticles. 1.'. ~.0 0 1...0 *0 09 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o~~~~ e C., 10 Ios sdlr'............... setsI I..... C. Z 0 n., -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0~~~~C to 0 b.- -0 0 0 0~~~~~~~~-. 0 0 0Ca'0, 03 0I__________________ $78 0 0 6~' -........... 7 -14 3157 Tools, lathe............ —.... —- 165............ 165.......................... 14 3158 Tools, steel, for turning rolls........... —..pounds..- 200........................ 200..................................................................... 3159 Tools, saddlers'..................... hests...... 2........ 2 2............................................................ 3160 Tools, saddlers'.............................sets......... 6 $7800 6....................................................................... 3161 Tools, tinners'.............................. do.......... 2 780 00 2.................. -...........................-........................ 3162 Tools, tinners'........................... pounds........- 68............68-6.................... 68................. 3163 Tools, C.S................................. do.......... 455 -...- -.... 455.-........... - - -........ — - ------------- 311........- 189 3164 Tools, coppersmith-........................sets. — 1 31000 I.................................................................... 3165 Tools, graining............................. do 7 21......00 7...................... - I 1 3166 Tools, cupping......................................... 19............ 19.................................................................9... 3167 Tools, heading.......................................... 137............ 137....................................................................-.. 3168 Tools, slotting- - -19.......................................... 9............ 19 18: 2169 Tools, rotary-cutting —------------ - ---— 20............ 20........ —-2.................-.............. 20 3170 Tools, spring...............................sets.- -..-.-.. I............ I................. -.................... -............................- 3171 Tools, calking.......................................... 8............ 8................................................................ 3172 Tools, flat paint, assorted...........- - -6......6............6....................................................... 3173 Tools and chains, W. I.................. — pounds........ 700 - ---- - 700 ----------- -........... 700 3174 Tools, iron —... —-------------------------—............ 40 ------------ 40................................................................ 40 3174 Tools, turning............................4boxes........ I............ —..........-.- —. -. —-- ---- --- 3176 Toolslatheandplaner...........................6............. T l............1 16 365................365.............................. 1360 —3177 Trams.............................. | p...... I............ i.............................................................. 4 3177 Trains-...................pairs.. 5... 5 ---- 3178 Taps and dies.............................. sets.. 1 9............ 10...................................................................... 3179 Taps and dies................................... 31 53............ 84.....................-...................-6................ 60 3180 Taps, steel............................... pounds....... 83............ 83...........................................-................- —. 3181 Tps,.............................................. 4..... 4...... 4'3181 T ps, stel ---------------------------------- ----- 422............ 42............................ "] [ 19 ---------...137 3182 Taps, C. S. —----------------------—... pounds —..... —............. -—................................................. —3 —-- - - - - - - - - --- 3183 Taps, machine - -.2...................................'...............................-. 4...............12 3184 Taps................................................... 134............ 134................................................................ 40 3186 Tanks, oil, assorted.............................- 3......3 ---— 5......:3187 Tanks, engine — 66..................-......................... 6............................... 3188 Tanks, water.................................... 24 57........... 81.................................... 5. 9 23 :i89 Tanks, locomotive.........................................1 3190 Tanks, oil, (45 galls) —------------- -. 1 1 —-- I ~~- ~ —-— ~~ ~- ---- -- 3191 Tanks, oil, (5 galls) 1.............................. 3192..............................Tanks, oil, ( gall......) 1. —---- I -—. -- -- - -----'' -. I - -- - 31)3 Tanks, oil, (S0 galls).............................. 3194 Tanks, tin water, (parts) -... —.......... -.... lots.. 1. I --- --- I --------—.- --—. --—. — 3195 Tongs, roofing- -.......... pairs.-. —--- 4. —-2 —---- 4..................................______-__ — 3196 Tongs, G. P-...............................do.-....... 281 1,854 60 281. —-.............................. 4 3i97 Tongs, ice -.. ---—. do —-- - 2........- 2.... 2. 43 3198 Tongs, 13. S................................do —--- - 1,189 832 30 1,189. --... — - -- - 19 2 - -9- 52 3199 Tongs, tinners'........................-..-.sets... --. I - - - - - I... ---...........-. -. -_ -_ _ - _ _ _ 3200 Tongs, grainers-..........-...............1-d.....1. I --- -. I -------- --............... 3201 Tongs, engine -......................-.....pairs...- -. 30 30 1" —---— 1 2 4 4 7 18 3202 Tongs,. Ri -................................do..... 13 - -—. 13. —.................. _ - - 3203 Tongs, tools, and pokers -....-.-...... —— pounds... 318...... 318....3 --—' ---- ---.. - - - - - - - 318 32(14 Tongs, assorted --— s. —- -— pairs _. - - 311 ------------ 311 - -------------- ------------ - - - - -—. 17 3205 Tongs B. S. and R. R -- -- 446 - - - - 446................................ 4................................. 3206 Tin, sheet........................-. —-....boxes... 690 - -.....-69 —1 4......................5..... 100 -- 47 42 93207 Tin perforated.-..... ------—.... —-sheets.-...... 22 5 17 22........................-............-................................... 3208 Tin, block..............................pounds..... 2,391 1,123 77 2,391................................................ 154 - - 600 3209 Tin, sheet -................................. sheets.. 368 -- 368..................................................................... 3210'Tin, sheet, and screws-.. — pounds —--- 300-.. — 300............-............ 3. 3- 11 Timber -....................................feet-3... -3,5000............ —------------- -...122, 787 ----- 3212 Timb)er, oak-........ do553, 974553,974............................................... - 3213 Timber, square, assorted....................do-... — 100, 700............ 100,700.................. 3214 Timber bridge-do-.............................do... 545,857 545857........................ 3215 Timber, B. M., assorted.....-..............do...- 412,921 -... 412,........91 316 Timiber, framed -lots....-1-........- 1-1-.........lots. 1. I.. I. - - - —.-. — —. 3217 Ties, cross. —-------------------------------------- 89, 879 ------------ 89, 879 —...........................-......... 14, 107 10,110 11,015 13,931 3218 Tallow-..d-.1,8 3,2218, 382................................-pounds..... 1,8 315 2 1 32}......- 1,330 2,4104- 4,211 3219 Tallow................................. barrels...... 2(;- 26-. 3222 Thimbles, castdo -22-28........................................................................ 3223 T's', now a ter-pipe -.. -.... —..........................-. -- --....... -- - - - -4 - - - - -- - - - - - -.....................................- -...................-. 3228 T hi's, cast, iron............................... pus..1.... 63.- -.... 6.-.............................. -.................. 3223 Ther.....moma.n —ptcrs-. -2-..t2-........ 92................................. 3224 Tarpau lis....................................... -- 1........................ 3230 Trubing, mcpper...........................pudso.......... 57 2............ 5....................................................-.........-.. 21 2 325 Tripods, r.............................. 19 6 - - - -..........6.......................................................... 3226 Ts gas-ppe-51 -513 3227 T's, vatar-pipa-4-4.[:::;;;:;[]: 3228 T's, cast iron-6 - 6. 3229 Tubas, blast-1-9 3-230 Tubing, copper-gonads... 9.2.....972... p o u d s 214 428' 32:31 Tracks, timber- 6 —.................. 32:37 Trucks, endi ne........................................... 3234 Trucks...-................................pairs.3 3235 Tracks, car....................................... 3236 Tracks, car...............................pairs.. 1. 32:37 Tracks, tender and locomotive -......pounds - 5...336-5,..3.6. 32:18 Tracks, engine-...............pairs-33-239 Trucks,....machine... do -5-5-. 3240 Tires, wrougbt iron -............pounds. 16- - 16..... 1,110.. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property i. the military division of the Tennessee, ~c.-Continued. 141~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' \ 0 5 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of I a "3 S ^ ~~August 8 and October 14 1865.! ^ ^ ^ ^ ____________________ _____ ___~~~~~~~~~~ ~ I ~ ^ ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ~~~~., ~~~ ~~T,!^ ^ II -. 1. 1 Articles. 11 -I o~~~~~~~~~~~~~n po'0 Q-~ 0 ~~~~~~~~~0C 3241 Tires, cast iroeud.. 3-,-3 ----- 33. -. —.- ---........-......-..1;- -.-...................... 8 340 Tires, locomoiv 80 --- - 80 -—..... 21..- ---------—..... 8 -.3243 Tires, locomotive fla g-.......... pounds-. 146,700 - - 146,700 —. 7,560 3,360................ge.pou.d 16 0525,970 0 3244 Tires, Iange cast iron......-................................ -................... 3245 Tires, old do —--—..... -.........................d...-. 270......do.. —- 2/70 - 3 2 6 T ir s - - - - - - - —...... - -.-.-.. —.- - - -- - -... -. -. - - —. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -........ -.......... —-. — - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 347 Trowels, masons' -------— 2.............................. —-.. ]8 3 08 --- - o -..-.-. --- --- --........................... 2 34 8 Trowels, plastere —-— r-s'..........................-.-.- --— 5 22 50 15. - -. -.4 —. —-......................... 4 3249 Tables, circular saw -.- -—.................... —....... 9...... -.....-...- --- 2 o3250 Tables, turn —--------------- --. 1 2,7830( - - - - —......................1........ I I 3~251 Tables, tnrn and foundation-.....-.-...-.......-.. I.- I I.....- -............,.....-.......................-......-..-.. —.... 3252 Tables, binders' sewing - -.-... -.-. - -.- -. — ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:3253 T orch es, g a s -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- ---—.-....... -...... 1 —.-.-5........ 5 --—... —.-.-.-.-.... -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- ------ —............ 30 ~~~~~~~~~3'j'oi e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ies ~~~~ — -----— o ------ 32)5 4 T rou gh s, fl ock. ---------------------------....!-. —.. 34.-. —..- -—.. 34 ----—... -... --------... ---- --- - ---- --- ---- - --- ---............-'3255 Troughs, guttering. -.-........-...................- -. —-.. 2 —.-. —-.. — 2 —.... —- ---—. -.-.. —.. —------------------------............. 3.256 Troughs, forge... —---—.... -.1....- -..... -............-.-......................... I........ 3257 Tops and screws, lamp..................................... 3259 Tops, clisrney ----—::::-::::.. —- —.-............... T29'ops, turn-table -------------------— 7 —---- --------- lwO'fops cr e ps —l —------------- -— amp —-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- — )- ----- ---- ---- 326L Tops, screw -------------—...............................g. 9} 5 29 —..........-..! I........ —-. -...........-.... 41 9 326..2 Tops, tallow, can --- -... - -- ---—.. ----- 4 —............. 48I ------—. --- -. ---.. -............................... I O~~~~~ 5 timllosv, Ciii) 48~~~~~~~~~~~iii iiii 3263 Tfops and bottoms. can 1)) —- - - -- - - - - —............................-..-. 1-.-(.........,:::. - --- -... -...I....-.015 a ci botosos, cr-lamp --------------- ---- ---- ---- --- 3264 Tops and bottoms,'a -------—................................ _ 3265 Tops and bottoms for turs-table --------—... -...-..I-.... —-—.. -... 2 -----------------. —-----........- ----......0- 0'51-foun~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ts138 —---, ------ -------- ---- ----- - - --- 32 66 T y p e.. —. —-------------------------------- folun ts..1....13-....... J-3 1........ ------—..... -------................... 3267 Typo —ound36 Type. —--------—...................... pounds...-. 9 71.35-48....... 97 35-I48 1.-. —...- --—..-!. —.-.....-....-..........-....-.... 33268 Tapes, measuring, assorted - -- - 60-........ -..........-............ ---- 1930'Ii 11)011-ounds H I-~~~~~~~ —----- ------- -19 —-— 9 —-- --------- - --- - -- -- 3-69 Tripoli.-...............................ppounmds 213 -------—...- 2[13 0) --------...... 1. ------------ --- 1-12 3270 Tripoli ----------- - -----—...................... papers.. —. —. -15 lo 80 185 ------—...... --------.....-..-.......-........-........ -------- 3271'Tacks, assorted — ---—.......................do...i —- ---.o 1.......o...\- 9 - - - - 130 -- 81. 717 3,74 327)2................................. ks g p-do., 15568, 112 ---- -......................... 120 20 3273 Tacks, upholsterers'.........-..............do.... —--- 466 567 18 2,466................ 6.......................... 3i74 Tacks, l........ d....................-.................... 32'74 Tacks, blued. --- --- --- d o.......... 3275 TaiirgeKs....................- -. —-. —-------- - [ — 3275 Tart coa.................. -..............gallons, j-..- --—.-..- --- —................ -............................... ----................ 3276 Tickts,............ 750........... --- - -...............70,750 3280 Thread, black -....-o...-.-.. 6..7.... s ------ 1....-....... i 7" 3281 Thread, black-...... -..... —----.. —- --- ------— b —----—. —-- -- -7. 3282 Thread, shoe —---------- ----—. ---— pou ds l. —---------...... ---................................... 3283 Thread, saddl rs'........... — ---- ------------- -------- ------- ----- —..... poundo...I....... - --..5...-............ —--- ---- 32805 Thread, black. - -............................os.... -...-.-....... 0 328G Twine, hemp............... —.. —- —.PO^^- ---- ^ ^ ^.................................... 5 3287 Twiread, tushoe ing —-.......-.. —------------- --- -- 4.............. -.. ---------- ------.. —....... 3288 T rinea, wrpping —------------------------ --------....-.- ----- 24 -------, —---- -----.......... —-.. —-—. — - 3289 Twine. ——.......... —.. —------------- ------ ils- -' —------ ------------ - -- ""'40' 3290 Thrurpentiner'..~... - ----— 6........-1.. — ------- o. -- --- 1, 94 ~ 9- -— ~ —- ~ "::;: 2..........0 - - --- 3d29 ----— e 4..... —-I. — 1-....-.. —............ —--- -- ----—.... —----- --- - ------....... —-------- 3286 T r se s, iren.. —-----.- ---. —----- --- - --- p- I..-.............. -.. -. --....-....... 3293 Torpedoes....... do........... 120 6 3294 Twinetu ftiegs ------—... ------------—........'-0....-..-.... -0 --........ —.-..-..-...- ---- - -- 3286 Twi e, hemp............................. — 3288 Twine, wrapping............. —-----------------------— do ~3~~89!12~ TrxviuceR iron..~~~ balls 1 —---------------------- 1 40 3289 Twine............. —-.... —... — ----------. —.... —-.. -- ---------- -------- -................ 3298 T enders, locom.... - -. —------...........':} 11 32 T urpent iodine................. —- -- u........... 30 (0 T raeso ins, o. -... - o. -b. -,.i8...-. t.-8...... —.. —.. —..-......... - -................ 3301 Testers, e ai —is-pip. —-..p-. —-1 —....1-.. —-—. -. —---- I ----------—..-.- -... —..-... —.. —----— I — - -------------- --------- 4 3029 Tr es ir........ —... — ----------------- ------------........................ —---- 3:303 Traps~, rat.-.......-. —--—.. —-.-..-... —-—. —.~~ —-— 3- ------------ --.. -- -—..-..-.. —.. —. —------------- ----------------- - --- - ^ 3 Tightrus eses, ir..on. — ------- -------------------------- i-. —------------ - - - 960 3293 Torp edoes.-.. —---—.. -—.. —---—.. -- -. —-------------- 1, 440. ——...-.... —---------- -- ----------------------- 3094 Ti htenies, b t —-—..-..............-....-..p._... —-.....-... —..... ---......... —--- 3303(36 e Tnubs tool- Uoi....... - -.... —---------- - -- 33!07 T, lots —----------...................... —---- ------- ---- -------- 3311 TUmbcrb rnts. —-..1.-.. —----—......... —.do.... ——.. 6. 1-310 67-........ —-...-.-.... —-----------------------------— ~ - 3338 U eions, brass, -assorted-1 —-— 8 - ------------— 9 —---------- 50 —----------------------- 3 3 1 V i e s, 3s sr te d........ - - - -.. -.'; — - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - 3310 UmbT e, ra- 1...-..-.0..9....-........ —------------—. ------.....-.......... 331 s, ch —--- 1 —-:3 10 ------ -- 10 21........................... 3310 Vices,B.S-. e-lb.ib --— t.- --....b-.. b-.... —---—. —-. —-— tbe — 335 TVincues, -odi -e..... —----.... —-------------—. —-- ---- - --- -- 6- -................. —----------------------------- 3309 TVicesoms, wroughtnd-.....-.. —. —-—.. ——. ——. —. —--. —— I 49...........o......-.;........-. —..-... --- - ---- -... --. ——. — —. —-. —------ —. — 330 Vicers, bol i.... ------....... —.. — —..................... — 3 1 I- -- - -- - - ~ — - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -::..::; 33012 7 Vae ator.in........... -— 6 —-- ------------- 6t - -- 3303 Vientil tors, a rt..... —.-.-. —--.. —----------—. —--— I I —------ --—............................ 3302 i Vetilts, tol. ti 3309 Umber, ntlatorsw, i oil...............- -...... —-Pons —- --- 33 VeUmitilober, ra-. --- --------------............... —.9 --—....... RPeport sh/owing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ^c.-Continued. ^ a "-. ff. ^.August 8 and October 14, 1865. \~ r 5 ____. -.........__._((_ _ _ I lM..Articles.......... a*~~~~~~~~P. do. -. a.::;::.... 1l.:. l; I........'.. tubes il ]" " ()OlC to... 3325 Valves, globe, assorted —---------- ----— 0 32- - -------- --------—.3326 Valves, tank-......................... -............ 7-......................... 327 Valves, wnter, assorted ---— 7 33250 7.... —-....0...........'................... —-- --------- 3328 Valves, angle........................ —-................. 144 28000- - -4 —8.........-.. ---—.............. 3339 Va-dlves, eheck.... —3-3-1 —--- -............3.........-...-............. ------------------—... 3330 Valves, engine. —-... -5 51-........... —....... 51...........51 3331 Valves, brass, pump............................................. —------ 33 1 e s t- — 3032- Vav sv usafety, com l e -.. -.plete-.....- - -—.-..................-.- --- - 3333 Valves, brass, pump. —----— _ —---------- pounds -1 ---—. 128 ------— 128 -------- -.. ----------------------—.3334 V alves, brass, check, - --------------------- do. —. -- 85............ 85 -.....-. -------- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -. 3335 Valves, brass, stetat —---------— do —--— 12-)- - 12 —-........................do —........ 13. 12 3336 Valves, governor.-...................................... 3 3 ------—. --—.. - - 31337 iValves, engine-1............unds....... 51 - 3339 Vermilion, Engliosh "ID". ---------— o.........-:...... 1 5 D. -d.416235.54 2 ""48 33410 Vermtilion, American extra.-(10 —- - do -—..... —. 6 2 2-.......... -... —-------------.. 3340 VermilionG.............. Chinsedo.....................- 1 3343 Vermilion, Chinese- --------- - tubes-. — 1 00 13....... ----------------- 3.345 Vermilion, scrolmet. -.. —po-tind-..................o.-...- d2 o..... i2.. -'...'. —'. —---- ~~ —-----— ~ —--— ~-~ ~ ~- -~- ~ — 31346 Vermilion -----------------------—.....do- -..... --------.- - -—.. 3.348 Varnish, coach body —...-................-do-3-. 711 3, 130 60 71..'-41 53 —21 —--------------- 3.349 Varnish, shellac ---- -—. 5.31. —-- -. 5n3 ------'.3350 Varnish, Japan. —- 445 2, 047 00 445.-.......1 49 335 L Varnm:ih, dinar.. —-.-......................do.......-3. 7 748 00 187 -------- -------- ----------. —--...- IU 61 3.353 V tn-ih iasphaltum- ------------------------ do 2:1...... 33. —------ 23 ------—....-..................... ----—'1 —-... -. 3h353 Varnish, white. —--— poutnds.. —. 81 -. 8 3.354 Varnish, w hite —-------------..allons-....... 100................i........t- - -— l- - - 1(1.../1 -1 --— ) —-- 335 V - - - -— rd —-g-rni-ss-...........pounds........5 1 62 5.. ] —0 ------- 8....... ---- ------------------- 3356 tittiol-do0 i3.............. o............................................... 3357 W renches, assorted............................... 2,365........ - 2, 365 12.............. 11 16 1 36 118.209 425 3:358 Wrenches, monkey, assorted................- --—. 12 2,002 5, 005 00 2,4..... 1 44 1 164 1 113 143 133 3359 Wrenches, blast pipe ——.-. - - - -.. — I —. —----- I —-—.. ---—.-.- —. —------- 3360 Wrenches, tap, assorted............ —------------- 15 51 ------—. —- 66................I -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -..........-. 3361 W renches, ratchet. —---------------------- -.. —.. I-.. 362 X Wrenches, straight.-.....t-1-....-......... ----. —- I -. -- -. — I -....... -------- --------- -.. —..7 L) ---------- 72.................. 3363 W renches, screw...2........... -. ----. I... 36 13 64 W renches, bridge.............- -....... —...- - -—. -. -..18......................................6.3365 Wrenches1.. I, wheel................- -- - 3367 Wrenches, hose.-1-1 —---------—....... —--------—. —-- I.-..... —-- I............................. 3368 Wrenches, long: bar. —-------------------—.. —........ — I. —----—.- I.-..................-. —... —-—. —-—..... —-----—.....-..... 3369 W renches, lathe.-...... -- ----- ------ ---. —-- 20....... — - -.... —-. 20 -........................... — - --.. —- ---- - -- --- ---- ---- 3370 Wrenches, socket —— 10 151 -- --- 161..................... —-- 3371 Wrenches, spanner -.. —.... —.. —.-. —-------- -—. — 184 ------ 184 —----—.. —.-.... ---- ---- 1367 W ren h s 16........ - - -- --'............-16........ -. —-- 337-2 Wrenches, hand -tap...-.. -....1- 42.2..-. -............ --------- 3373 Wrenches,"iron p ——.. ——. —---—. —----— o- - ------------... —. —.. — ---—.. —.-..-.-. —... —..-. —------ --------------—....... 3373 W renches, pir -on --- -- -----. -. —— ~ 4 -.-. —--. 4....................-.. —-. —.-. —--- ----------------- tap-pounds-42-42 3:376 Wrenches, follower. —----—. —— ~ —---------------------- 3:377 W renches, ironi -... —--.. — --..................-. —.....-498 -—.-.-. —- 498................ ---- --- - - - ------ C 3:378 W renches, packing —. -—. -.. -—. -.- ---- -- - 2 -—....-..- 2 -... —-----------------------------— 2 —-- 3379 Wrenches, post —------------------------------ - -. — - - 3 --- -—.- 3.... —............ --—.......-...... —. —----- ------------------------ 0 3:380 Wedges, stonemnasons'../.... —----—........ ------........ — —. —-- ------------ -------- --------........-. —-- ---------— 10..-.. -- -.. 3381 Wedg-es. —--- -............ —------ —..pounds. — --- 4 ----— 2,456 24.-. -.... —-1-... —----- ---- l........ 2,946 t:3:382,) Wedges, iron ----------------------------------- - - -5 9 1.. ----..-.-.-.-. 3383 Wedges, steel. —---------—. ------— 10 —----- ----—.. —------. 10.-........ 1.. -..-.-..-... 3384 W edges.. - - -- --- - -......... - - --- - 60 - ----------- 60................1. 3388 W edges, blacksmiths'- --..............- - -------—.... —- 27 -....... —- 27 -------- -..-. -- --. —- --- --.. —--------— 0 —--------------------- 3'86 W edges and feathers.- - - -------------- ----- - 158.. —- ---. 158 ------------ ----- -------------------------- 3.387 WhIstles, locomotive.-......... - -.......... —-.. 16 1,200 00 16- -.......].....-3 1 3 3-38)9 W indlass, (q aker. — - -......... -- -- —..- 2 -- -.. — 2................ ----------- --- --. —-- -------- ------------------- 3391 W heels, tender, and truck, on axles. —---- - pairs -.-.- 110. -- ----- 110 -----------—. -- 6 -------- 51l 3392 Wheels, car, with axles.-32-12-...... — --.. ------ I12 --------- 12 --—.. -.. —----------—. —---------- 3393 Wheels, car, on axles.-...................pairs.... -..- 225 19,860 75 225 -------—.- -. —. 30 -------- 71 3394 Wheels and axles ------------------------ pounds.. —.. 43,470............ 43,470 -................- ----.. —---------------—. —---------- 3-395 W heels, driving, on axles.- - -.. - pairs.-.. -5 ----------- 5................. —----------------------- 3397 Wheels, press gear.........................do...- -.... 1, 536 -.-. —------ 1,5:36 ------ -.-.. 3398 Wheels, car.-...................................... --- 196 ------------ 196........-........ 3399 Wheels car. —------- -------------------- pounds.... —.. 1,634.... —------ 1,631................654 —-...........-.....-.......-.... 8,40) 3400 Wheels, water.-.....- — 1-....... —...... —-....- 1I.- I..-. —..-....1I..................-. —..-.....-...-....-.- I 3402 Wheels hand car —....o.......nds........ —---- ------ 22.-... —....... 22.. —.-.-. — 2 3403 Wheels, cog, hand car.-.................. ------ 7 ------------ 7 -----------—...............- -......-7-........3404 Wheels, car and tender........................- - -—......407 ------ ------ 407................ 1 —- -- - ----------- 3405 Wheels, drivin.- 9 —......... 9 -............9..-. -. -.... —. —-.-... —---------— ~ —---------- 3406 Wheels engine truck............- ----------------—. ---- 197-........... 197 —393....... \... —. - 34(7 Wheels, truck- --------------------------— pairs.- -.... 3408 W heels, iron pulley-...................................... 31....-...... 3 1.................................................................. - Report showinig tke disposition of United States miditary rair-oad pr-operty'in teI/ military dtivsion of hIke Tennessee, -e._Continued z a ~^ ~ o Property sold on credit to railroad companies nuder Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. I ^^..-.e 55 ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^^ ^g g^CC. i i ii ^ i p i y ^!^ ii ii ^ ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pe fr:309 Whesb-akc............ ——.... —....- — pounds...... —. 2,000 ------- --- ---- -0 ------—. ----- O D00K 340 Wheel,,, brae..................... 20..'30 --—. —- - --. —-.- —...-......,U 3410 Wheels, brake —i —----- and ----- 000 ax —-...01-. ---... ------- I 3^ 3 W hoels~~~~for couiiter shaft................................ 2...... 2.........' ------ - —...-.................... —-------—.14. — -----. —---- 3410 Wheels, b k 14. 3416 Wheels andaxles......................... -.sets......... ------ ------------------------ 8-.... —-.. — - -----—..................... --------.-.'.'.13411 Ihce- ce-in I3117 Wheels, en ine -anl tender, on axles- lx ——. -- iirs.- ------—. -.-.... -..... -.. —--- --- 1134 Wheels, for b oee tl r shsit —. -. -............... - 3. -- - 2...-. --- ----—. —-----—. —- --- - - 3 4 1 4 W h c e l s a td a x -e e t - h a n d c- u -- -p — - - - - - - - - - -.....i.i 1 - 1 -........ a...-............'...... - -~~ ~-~ — ~ - -- -~ ~ - -- - - 342 15 W h eels c.p.s ge.....-....... —.- -- --- -........ dI, G...... I I 85. - - -- ------—... — ~ — - --- ---- - ------- - ------- - -----—.- -. —....... —-. — 3421~~~~~ ~~~ W-el-p-.......................... II......'I-.......-.-' —------ —... —--—.-.-.34 16 W h e els a nud -x.es-s... 18-........... 1.t S --- -- - - --- - - -- --- - - -- --- - --—.. - -. -...... — 3417 Wheels, engies t2iuck on axlespn -o. p. irs I.. 50..........0. 50..... -....-.......-. —~ I —--— ~ —- ~- -------- ----- 3 4 2 5 W lh c e l s, b e vei g h t - - - - - - - —... -.. —...- - - - - ---.. 2 - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -- —.-......... - - - - - - —.... 3419 Wheels, dly tn fiet —-—.............. I.... I I..'.. —-'.' —--- ------ -------- 3 4 2 0 W h ir ls' h a n d c r.....r............es s - -1.'. 1. 3421 WVheels pun --------- -.. --- -....-...- - ---- 3422 Wheels, truck.' I ----—. --------- —..3 4 3 1 W i c k s, h m p............................. p o u n d s...- - - - —... - - - - - - - - 6 3 9 5 3.... —.. -. - - -. - - - - --- -- - - -—.. -.... -..... - - - - - - - -' — - - - 13423 Wheels, car, 24m --—., pat.tern No. 25. \... (....... - ii)4 4 h —- 2-ish, pattern No. 27 - ------- --- o ------ W0XXheels, fr ot -- -— car —------------------ ------ 34- 4 - WX ieels, birlass............................. iounds..!.n.... 385 26565 385 -..-. 55.. 5 34.7 W i ee, teli d eraph........... --- —... irs --- - ----- 2 04 1 ------------ 041 -- -.. —- --....-............. -348 Xilii —--— ii- ciion —-i —-— id —-- ----.1,29 Wlii-ejs, irac..et I I 15 3437 Wire, aborted~~~~~.............................. d.... 1-.. 292 ------------ 292 --------.... -------------- ---- ------- 3431 Wick, fli1 — p.....................d......... d11 867. 20. 00 II 807 -7~ —14 — ~4-4 —-05 —-----— ~ —---------— ~~ —--.3432 Wicksr 1-mp ---------------------------—... 8. 24321 Xisilting ---------- ------— balls. --------- W Xinre h brss.. —-------------— pounids --- o85'2 6 655 d85 ------ ----- ---- i ---- --— i 5. 1)0 13435 Wisre, telegraspli-do —---------- 00~4I 3 4e 6 IX si-c co pp1)es I — -------------— d o —- -- - 0198 4 777 36 9S ---- ---------- -- ---- 7 6 11-, cO 30(1:313(1.1 Wrs-iojl-d —-------------— (o......,1(0 1, 03-2 00 5, 160 1) — ---- --— S 9 272- 1547 2417 Wires as orted —---- ---------- doii ----- -92 -- 4i....... 3428 Wise Isis-do —-------------- ---- 2429 i W ise -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - bundles -- --....... 8 -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - —............. - -- - 3440 Washers, assorted.............-.........- pounds 4.6 719 4 6,719........................! 76 199 5,251 3441 Washes, cast-do 08,308 9, 058 56 28, 308..... -----------------—.. 3442 Webbing Sh —.............................yards........ 170-.... —...-. 170.....................................................1 3443 White, China.. —-..-...... —-.......... pounds........ 496 223 20 496. --.... 42 84 3444 White, flake, assorted.-....................do.......... 462-1 208 12 462' —------ --------.. --- -- 30 73 3445 White, flake.-............................tubes --- 6. 6........ --------- -..-........-........ 3446 Whiting..............................-pounds - 16 4842 1 06.... 10 35 381 3447 Whiting, Spanish ------------------------—.do.. 765 -. 765........3448 Wax, bees- ---------------------------- -do... 279 -.209 25 272 9 3................3........ 3449 W inches, crane. ------------ ------------—.. -- -. -- -.....-2.... -. -- 2...............\.......-....... - - -. —-..-...-....-.......... 3449 Winches, crane....................................... 3456 W alks p a k. - -...-..-... —. -. — - - - -. -.jI -.......-.i'~ ] ] I..........].....'. -. -..-.... —.......,80..-.. -.......... 3450 Waste, cotton -............. —............-pounds.. 3, 28 1, 3-' 380 3451 W aste, tow................................ -............d- -- - - 507 - -...................' -- ---..-...-.' 3452 Wasted o — -.p..-.. —.........po s..-.... 84.........-...8429................... —- 1 -........ -- - ---- 3453 Weights - a...............................do -..........1 7 -2 3........do ------- --..... -.-. -— 0 0 - - "7,'600 334 Weights- -1-1 3456 Walks, plank —................................-.. —........ [ 3 —-........... —...-..-... -------- 3469 Yaw he..............o.... 31 44282 3,163......... —... ——. —-...-.......... —-1, —— 0 3465 Z Win s, s she- -...............................p..-..-.....-................. - 1.......-. —... —..... -- --- --- ---------:346:3 Zinc, slab- -------------— pounds - 81 87 5-4355 —---------------- ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ---' 58 ----- ---— I —------ 3464 Zinic, shn-et -----------— o —-- ----- - 3,163 419 89 3,163 —------------------ --- -446 1,18:13:1465 Zinc, sheet —-------------— pieces - 0 H,81 Webbing~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - - -.................. bl s. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,t8 rechssqare......................,.....1........1............t............;.......... 345) a...lbrcain, acin...........ouds......, ~q.. s 4:~.....! i. f... 5,i~ 557:~4o o~~,on~-y....................,lo...;';....5'~ 7......i.....i.........11l.i;.;!i;'.. ~ a I......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~4;t a,,,pak*,g.....................r~~s......:'-i......... 3-'ll....i......l'i';;; tll...~.i.......i.. 346~ I......~...I........................ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad properly in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c. -C otinucd Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14 1865 ~' "-Is " 0 ~ I' o Articles.. o...,o....-.a.." 0 0e. c. 0 C 0. ca.. doI.. I-...1... 0 ~ ~i d.. cor^ls..........^ 5, 042 4, ]^ 96 6, 108. 3, 54 3, 026.... ay. C..... 0..'.0 Articles..~,(lo o 7..o.~ 0 00 o^tl0. ~ u n... 0 5.... L-lks, 0llartermasters' 00lires 00....... 3 arco al n — - - - - - -. -....-.-........... —........ Corn........................ pounds...................................................... I B oa ks..-.-.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - d o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ - - - - - - - -......... Books, blank,.-q.uie..-.........-. -.. 06Bokedosmnt —--------------------'0 -- - - - 07 Books, wny-bill, copying ----------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- -------- — 0 —--- --- 0 —- ---------------- 0 —------------- -------- 334 Books, general ----------- der.......................................r- - -- - -- - - - -...........................'M' 4 Books, general order ---------------—... -....-..-. —.................... --—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- 35 Books, clothing ordere................-........................ 36 o ks, reciptle-....................-..- -......................................................-............. 17 Bands, rubber....................................................... 38 IBoards, file (-t...........,..-....... - -- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - - -- - ----- -- - - ---- - --—............................. 39 Cutte rs, aprap er -- --- - --....qur........................ ----- - -- - - --- --- -- ----- -- - - -- - --- - - ---............... 40 Clips, l e tter......................................... - --- - --- - --- - -- -.... - -- -... -- -- 41 C ps, p oe. —------—. —...................lips,.. p..............e................................r. 42 Clips, b oards.............-.q ie.........o — 4........................~........~..... - --- - ---... -- -- -- 43 Clips, flops...............letter board.................................................. ---- -- -- ---- ---- - 44 Clips, metal...................:45 Eiaer-............ 46 Erasers, steel a... —................. —.......................................... -—. -.... --- 47 iasers, rubber di.-........... —-.......... ----- ---- ------------------------—............... 48 Envelopes la............................. -................................. 49 Envelopes, letter.................................... 50 ELivelopes, official-.................................. 51 Files, paper...........-. 52 Files, adhesive --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 5; Folders, paper -..................................... 5,i Fasteners, paper -............................papers.55 Hollders, pen........................................ 56 HIolde rs, paper --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 57 Ink, (quart) --- - - - - b l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --— bottles-. 58 Iik, copyingg-..................................do.-.. 59 Ink, carmine. —----------------------- do-.. 6( Ink, bln e - - - - - - - - o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - —.do-... 6;1 Jonirndls —0..................... (;9 Ledgers-......................... 6f3 MNcilage -----------------------------— bottles..2461 Paperi, letter, assorted -.....................qu-iress63 Paper, diat letter..............................do.... — 66 Papei, note-..................do-.. 67 Pap'.-r, cap ----------------------------------- do.... 68 Paper, fiat cap-................................do.... 69 Paper, oil --- - - - - -b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- — sheets.. 70 Paper, blotting --- - - - d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- — do.... 71 Paper, cross section -.........................do.... 70 Paper, envelope -qires............................... 73 Paper, folio post-...............................do.............. 74 Paper, news --------------------------------— do.... 75 Paper, colored ------------------------------— do.... 76 Paper, printing- -bundles.. 77 Paper, P. 0-q.........es..........................q.. 78 Paper, heavy yellow-..........................lots... 80 Papei, white dem-..-.. -- - 81 Pencils, lead —-- -- ------------- --- -- - - -- - --- ---- - ---- ------- - -— d —-- --- - --- ---- - -------- 8: Pe1 te ----------------- les elgiross ---------------------------------------------------------------- 84 P P e tns - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -— t- - - - - -- - - - — l — - - - -- - - - - - - Report, s/owing th~e disposition of United States military railroad property in tIe military division of the Tennessee, -c.-_Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.;u'C C' ~ d ~ C. ~- C I ^ j I ^ " 1.C. ^ 1n1 Articles. C 0 C1 p3 ^^ ^S ^^ ^rf ^ C3 ^ r^' ^S~~rJ S6 -1C eQ S cc C C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0C a -i II P li i~i ill., ii i 0i e'ii. C C.0 ^ 8- -i CZ 86 Pens, extension -..- -... —....-......b x s - -... -.............. -. —-......... —- C. C-!~~~~~~~~~I 0 91 91 0 85 Pen.s, ruling —..-. —-...........................-............ -- -- - - -' —-- -------- -------- ----- 86 Pones, exesood ----------------------—.....................-.... -- - -------- -------- --------...........-.......... -------- -------- ------- ----- ------ ------—''.' ------—''.''.'.'..'.". 87 Rulrrulers, rubber-........-.........- ---............................................. " - 88 Rulers, wood-....................................... 89 Rulers, rosewood-................................ 90 R ulers, boxw ood.................................... — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 91 Rulers, mahogany -..... — - --- - --- - --- - --- Rulers, mahogany-................................-......... -- 9, R ulersIebony - ---.... - - - ---.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rulers, ebony —---- -------- ---—.-.........93 Rlulers, assorted.....- ----—................................' ----------------------------------------—.... —.94 Racks, pen......-................................... -—'.. —-------- -.... - 95 Rings, elastic......-.................................'............- -------- -------- - - - 96 Stands, ink......................................... -... --- - ---- - - -------- ------- --- 97 Tearers, paper-.....................................'..... 98 Tape -.........s.-..................''''.''''spools....... -' —-' 99 W eights, paper ------ ---—.....................................................- -'- -- -- 100 W ax, sealig...lt) — -.... pounds- --- --- - - - - Wax, seoling-........p n........................uds...... -- 101 Buckets, tin, assorted...................................... 102 B uckets, m ess -- - -- -- -....................................... 103 Buckets, slop.................................. 107 B asins, w a h - -.-...- -..-........................................................." - 106 Biasins, wash. —-t.... —s....................'. 1107 B asiles, tin..-................................................' -----------------------------------.. —--------------------- - 107 B oilers, tion s.............................................. — -.. —-..... —.......... 107 B asie s, as ot ed.. —... —---------------------------.... --........'.'.' ------—'.'.'.''.'..'.' -'.-.-'.'.- ------—''.' ------—.'. ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' -------- —' 110 Boilers, wash o. —-—............................-...........' III B oilers, mi oeate. —- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -—. — 112 B oilers, tin. — --................. ----- -- -- ----------------------------- --..........-....... 113 B oilers, iron -'.'..i-..... ------— 1 1 —-—..'''''I.'..''''.'' —---- - 114 B oilers, w ilts cocks ------ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- 11t Boilers, coiper range.................... I 116 Busilers-, tisn wools-.............-I 1I II I 1....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I1 I1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1'1''"' - - -- 117 Boilers, tin wash, with cocks.................................. 119 B room s, hickory............................................................................... 1 1 Brooms, splint.-.-................. 120 Brooms, corn........................................ 121 Brooms, ratan-. —-----------------------.. 1 2 B room s,............................................. 123 Brushes, copying................................... t 124 Brushes, w indow --- ------- ---------------—................. —-~ — -- -..125 Brushes, counter................................. —... 126 Brushes, dust -------------------- 127 Brushes, assorted -......................... —------------------------... 0 128 Boxes, P. O — g. —----- ---- 0 129 B oxes, letter............. —------------------—............................ 130 Boxes, paper........................................ 131 Boxes, dredge....................................... —--------------------------—......... 132 B oxe s, tw ine..................................... - - - --------... 133 Boxes, tin........................................... -- 134 Boxes, spice............ —--------------------------—.... —--.............. 135 Boxes, ice...........................................- -------- 136 Boxes, sugar........................................ —------ 137 B oxes, salt.. --- -----------------....................................................... ]138 Boxes, pepper.............................-...... 139 Boxes, mess.......................................... 140 Boxes, bill-head..................................... 141 Boxes, black walnut-................................. 142 Boxes, cash.............................................................................................. 143 Benches, assorted.-................. 144 Baskets, paper d......................... ----------- --. —.... - --- 145 Bells, office - ------. ——........................... 147 Boards, w ash... -.......... ---------------------------------------- -— ~ —----—... —. —- ----—. —. —......... 149 Boards, diagram..-...... - ~ —----------- 150 Boards, papera..-...... —............................................. 153 Boards, bin, ders' —-------------------—. —.'' —-- - - - - -. - -- - - --...... -- - -........ --......... Report siowing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, fc.-Continued.' Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. aI Articles.:a'l. 0. I 16 s coyn -......a...:. 170 CupsaArticles. 5. a... k. 170 C euprs, molasses...........-.-............................................. a77, tallow a.. —----—.W.-. O 171 Cans, milk, (covered).......... —----------.. — -.................. ---....... 17 Cans, molasses.................................................................... 173 Cans, watering. — --------------- -. -. -.- -------- t 17 Covers, toven —... — -----—........................................ 178 Cleavers, meat............................................ 179 Caesters, e — -------- -------- -------- --------------- -------- -------- ------—. 1 C e s, o e d -- - -............. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180 Canisters, tea............................................... - 178 Cots,-........................-................................ ------- - - 182 Ces, ba —-.... —-.Chests, mess -.-.................................................................. 183 Chests, field --. —-................................................... 184 Chests, assorted.................... 185 Clocks....................... 186 Cupboards -............................... 187 Cupboards, pigeon-hole...................... 188 Counters......................................... —189 Chambrsers. —. —-|..................... 190 Chairs, assorted I....................... 191 Chasirs, office..-........ - I- -- -- -- - 192 Chairs, split bottom.-............ - -- -- 193 Coolers. water....................... 194 Cases, tin-....................-......................-...... --- 196 Cases, post-oflice-e. I - - ---- ------------------------ 196 Cases, blank.. d. ------—. —------ ----—. —--------------- -------- ------—. —------ -------- -------- -----— 1 —------ 197 Cases, shelves, and drawers..-......................... 1] Cases, ssorted —. — ---------------------- -------- ---- 99 Cases, book......................................... 200 Cases, pillow....................................................... 201 Cases, pigeon-hole.,............ 20 Cushions4.........6 4 4..................................... 206 Curtains, window —---------------- -- -------- -------- -....- -------- --------............................... 207 Charts, time.-.208 Calendars —------------------- ------ --------.......................................................... 209 Cellars, salt -------------------------- 210 Cutters, cake.....- ---------------------------- —................................. 211 Carvers.-........................................... 2s, ----------— 12 Carvers and forks................................... 213 Caps, stove pipe........... ---------- ------.............. —.......... 214 Counterpanes -................................ —--- - -. —-....... 215 Carpet, Brussels. -........yar.....................ds....... 216 Coverlets.... ---............................................... 217 Desks, assorted ----------------------------—........................................ 218 Dusters ----------------------------------........ — - --- 219 Dusters, feather - —.... —----------—. —------.... 220 Dippers-.-usl ---------------—. —. —-------- yard -- -- -------..221 Dippers, tin.-.-... 222 Drums, stove-...... 223 Drums, sheet-iron..-. 224 Dishes, tin.-,- -.-................. — 225 Dishes, soup...........-.. 226 Dishes, fruit.-.-.-.-.-... "27 Dishes, vegetabie.-. 233 i p r,t n - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D e —ijoh-s 234 r m,s o e- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D raw ers — 236 Elhows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_....... 24253 s G ridirons —-- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - Report s/owing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued., ________________________~~~~ - Q Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Ce~~~ ~ ~~~~ 1d z t M M c CExD a ^ I I ^ - 1.,,., -a. I~~...Articles. l l l I ^a.... I a ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 a ac 255 GIsddles stove-^^ ^!~ ^ o ~c 254 G ates, m olasses --- --- --- --—... -..-.-.-. —. — --------- --------. —....-.-.. —..-........................................................................................ ~ 2555 G riddles, stovee —.... -.....-..-.... —. —.........-.-........-........-.......-........-........-.......-........-........-.......-........-........-.......-........-........ — 2576 G lobes/lamp... —....-.......... ——. —..-.. —-. —. — —..... —. —-... — -....-. — -......- -...-.. —.....-. —-...... —....... —.......-....... —.-.-... —....... —....... —.....-. — 259 H ooks, coa thes" —---------------------------------------... —----—. —------ -------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------—... —'.'. —-'.'.262 H ooks, mneat.........................-... —.... ——.. --- --- --- --- ---—.. —... --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 264 Jars, earthen. —------------------------------------------------------—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------ 265 K ettles, cam p -------------------------------------—. --- --- --- --- -- - - -- - —.- - - --- - - -- - - - - - ----—.........-......-...........-............-......-.....-......-............-.. - 266 K ettles, iron ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------- ------—........ ------ -........... —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -- - --,267 K ettles, tea...................... -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - ---- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 268 GKatteses —268 K ettles, ess..... -........................................... —-. — ---—.. -—... -....-.. -- -- -............. -- -- -- - ---- - -- - - ---—........-.................. ------- 269 K ettles.- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------—.... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. 271 K nives, table.................... -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 36 272 K nives, butcher...... -- - -- - - -- - -- -—................ -------- -------- --- ---- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 273 K nives and forks................s t -..... -- - -................... --------- sets.. --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 274 K nieKnives ks.......-..forks..... —---—..... —.....-..... —.....-..... —.....-.....-..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 275 K nives, carving... ------ ----—......... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- --------.-. —.. — -------- --------. —--—.. -------- --------.-. —...- -------- ---- ------ --- 277 K nives, chopping.......... -- -- -- -- -- --—.......... -........... --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- --- -.-. -....-..................... 279 Lam ps', coal-oil -------- ----------------- -------—'..^'' --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............................. 280Ho oap I —----- 260 Hodles, tin281 Ladles, —-- -— soup......... — -—............... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. 282 Larders.......................................... —...... -- -- -- - -- -- -- - ---- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- --- --- --- --- ----------------........................ 263 Hoos meat —-----—... 285 M ora rsng fl o...... -............. -...............f e....................................................................................................................... 286 M ills, coffee....................................................3...................... 287 Mattresses.................................... 288 Mopsflo................fl.289 Mashers, potato...-.................................. 290 Nests, pigeon-hole................................... 291 Ovens, Dutch............................. 292 O v ens, bake....................-............................. 293 Punches, paper...................................... 294 Presses, letter - —.......................................2 295 Presses, letter, with stamp................................................... 296 Presses and stands, (letter).................................................... 297 Pipe, stove....................................feet................................................................. 298 Pipe, stovejoints.....................................1........................ 299 Pipe, stove, assorted.............................. pounds.. 300 Pipes, connecting, for range.................................... -------—.................. 301 Pans, fry..................................................................... 302 Pans, try............................................................................ 303 Pans, mess, assorted............................................... 304 Pans, dish........................................... 305 Pans, baking.-................................. 306 Pans, dripping........... 307 Pans, tin sauce................................................................ 308 Pans, dust.......................................... 309 Pans, stew.......................................... 310 Pans, assorted....................................... 311 Pans, tin, assorted........................................ 312 Pans, ash............................................ 313 Plans, tin-....... -sets —-.. —.... —--—.-...-.....-.. —.............-..315 Pans, wash -------- - -...........-...-.. 317 Pails, tin —-----------------------—.....-....... —-- -------- ~ ---- - - -. — - -..-........-........ 3 2 0 P lates, sa uc e - - -..................-..... - - - -................ 322 Plates, dinner...............................' ------—....... — ------------------------ -------- ---- -- --- ----—. 325 Plates, miea............- ---------------------------.-.. —-...-........ -........ --------........ -- 327 Pots,, mess -------------------------------------------------- 3329 Pots, coffee........ ------ - ---- -------- -------- -------- ---------------- 33 Pot s............................... -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -— srn l g -------- -------- -------- --------........ - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. In a l l a -u.. 0 i ~ Id. - CZ ii,.t il Articles. CZ I 1 1 0 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- a90an Cc CZal ~ ^ ^^ S ~ ^ S IQ ^ ^1 I ^ ^ ^^~~~~~~~~~C, U,;1 a -^ a ^~ ~ ^____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ______ _ _ OQrI) 0 338 Pitchers, w ater-............................................................- -..- - 340 Pokers, assorted.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---—.. -..... ^'''" " " --- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -------— ~ -----—.. -------- -------- --------..................-..............-....-....341 Peels, bakers'.................... -- - - - -....................................... -------- -------- -------- -- - - --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - --- - - --- - - -...- - -- - - - -.............. 342 Pins, time —....... ---.. -.... 343 Pins, rolling.. —............ 344 Pluges, basnd i t r s ----- ---- --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - ----—. —------------—' —--—.... —....... —. —-----— ~~ —.-.-.-. --------...................................-.....-.....-r 345 Quilts letter —-------------------- ---------------------------------- 347 R ac s-ndges s, cookin......................................... ~ ~................................................................................................... ^ 349 R anges and fixtures, cooking-....................................................... ----------------- 3520 R aiings ofi ce..................'.'..'.'.''.'.'.''.piec s'..'.-'.'.'..'-.'.''.".'..' —.''.'.'." —- " -~ —~~~~ —--------—.... —.............-......-.......-..............-.......353 Railing, band with banisters —--- - --. feet- --------- --- ---------------—. —---- 355 Safes, iron..........................''"'" " " " " "' "' "'" " — " —--— ~ —--— ~ —— ~ —----------—. —... —. —......-... 352 Railin, offi ce --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- pieces -—..... ----------------........................ --- --- --- --- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - --------............. -- -- -- - -- -- -- --- -- -- - 353 Railin, p ay ma w t b nsters'.............-. —-.......... feet.. -- -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -— ~~-~~ --—.-.. --------......-......-............-............-......-..... 3604 Saeergeratco...............'. —------------------------—.... —-------- ---- ---- -.-.... —...... —.......-....... —....... —...... —....... —...... —.......-.......-....... 357 Safes, fir po of - - - - - - -------- -- -'- ---— ~ — -------- ------- —.. —.- --- -.- --------........................ — 3 56 S a t e s,s or s -- —.................. p aym a s t e r s-1- - - - - - -. - -. - -... - -.. -..............................................-................ 3657 Safeas, fire pr o -- - - - - - - - - ---- -... -..-.............. ------------ ----------- -----—. —-'. —--------------- --—.- ------. ——.... --- --- --- --- -------- ------—................. 3586 Sh eas, baynk ser's ---------------------------------------—. —. -.........~~ ~. — ----..-... -.......................................................................... 359 Safes, field 36 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - ------—.... -- -- - --------. —--—.- -------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- ----—............................ 360 Safes, inatchre............ —--------------------- - -- -—........................... 3691 Safes, tw i e-2 P.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ---- --------'-'- - -------- -------- -----.. -------- -------- --------........ 2 364 Shiears -------------------— do --- -------- --- -------------------- 365 Shears, lamp- --------------— do —-------- -------------------------- 366 Shears,'s - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - d -- - -- - -- - - -hanker- - --- - —'s-do- -- - - - - --- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - 3117 Slates,, assorted -------------------- -------- ------------ 12 ----- ------------------ 368 Shovels, fire. --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 3119 Shovels, baker's -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -I- - - - - - - -- - - - 370 Sieves.........................................f...................... 372 Sieves, m eal........................................ 373 Sieves, fine.................... — - -- - - - - ----- - -.1'.-.'."................................................ 374 Scuttles, coal....................... — -- ---- —..... 375 Scoop s... -.....-..........-........................................................................................................ 376 Scoops, flour............................................... 377 Spittoons —-—............................................ 378 Spittoons, wooden...-............................... 379 Shades-........................... —-.................. 0 Shades,........................................................................................................................... 380 Shades, lamp -- 381 Shades, lamp, (tin).................................. 382 Shades and clasps........ —-------—...... —... —--—...-........ —----- 383 Spiders. -...............................-............. 384 Spoons, table............................................... 38 Spoons, tea.......................................... 386 Spoons, basting................-.......... -........... 387 Spoons, assorted................................................ 388 Skim m ers ----------........- -................................. ----- 389 Steamers- -—.- --- ---- - -- - -------....................................... 390 Steamers, tin....................................... 391 Skillets..................... -..................-........................ 392 Skillets, stove...................................... 393 Stoves, box-........................................... —............. 394 Stoves, sheet-iron............................................ 3. 395 Stoves, cast-ironpen coal.................................... -............................. 396 Stoves, coal....... - - ---------------- -............................. 403 Stoves, ooking, com plete.............................. ----- - - --- - --. ---- ---- --- a 405 Stoves and pipe-................................. - -------- 403 Stoves, co oking, —.-....................................................................................'.'........................................ 414 Stoves, parlord............ —-.... tons... -.... 417 Stands, lam p and globe. —...-.-................................. 418 Stands, light e..........................................................................'...-. 419 Stands, bedc...............e-.............-.. -.-. -..... -......-....... —....-........ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4fc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'a a'a I, a 0 - -'a i I ~ ^ II II- ll. U L li. I I II'a Ie a C So a a ^0 -^ ^ 0 ^ 03 ^ S 0 S 0 ~ aa: Articles. o.;., 8'a a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C e C a~ 0; I 0'C, 0 9 a ap aa ~~ co a~~'aa aa a ~~a a'a'~~ d -a 423 Stools............................................'............................................. 423 St ols......................................................-. -........... -.......................-.......'..''.''..'..'.'..''.''..'.... 424 Spouts, funnel. — -............................ -...................... -.. --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- --- -- 425 Shelves and brackets................. —-...... sets.............. -- -- -- -...-........-' -- - - -- - -- -....426 S ik,c n l..........................................'..'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'......... I —------ -------- ------—''.'.'..'. -' --- --- ---— ~~- --------. —. —---- 426 Sticks, carvn g................ —............................... —- -- -- - -- - —......... —- - -- -- -- - --- - -- - -- - -- - - ---------—.. -. -.... —.... --.......427 Stuee rs, carin g....................................... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- ---. —.- --—.- -- -- - ------- --- -- ------ -—. —- ~- -- -- -. — -- --..-...... 428 Saucers..................................................... --. ——...... - ---- --—.-..-....-. -..-.-..... —430 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..................................................................... -.......-. — - --- - —....-............. —429 Saueets............................................................. -... -....-..-.-.-... —.. — ------—.............................................-.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ --- - - - --- - - -------- - 43a Sc nk s.......................... - a 431 Shetries, cofee................ -- --- ---------—. —-----------—.... —..............-........ — 432 Strlenklers,-chpper.-................ 437~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ Sa ks be........................................................'..'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'........'....'''' -''''''' -....... -" " ~- ~~ ~ -- -- - -- -- - -........ - ---- ---- 425 Shelvees and-bracket-ets —--- 426 S ickes, cand el e............................-................... 427 STeels, carvi.............................g....... 430 Sinkles- ----.................. 434 STainlers, cofen e --- ----------------- -. --------.. -------- 435 Sprinklers — ----- ---- 44 T bek s, edra g tn.... -.-....................................................................... "" 437 Sacs bed ---- 446 Tables, ssorted -.-.. ——...-.. -.....-........................ —. -------- ------— ~ ------—.. —-----—.. —----—..-................. 4:38 T ales, t er..-...............................................................Sae, l t r........-.. 448 Tri m ers, l m p..-...........................................'" " " -~- ---- -~ -. —.-... —-......-.-.-........................ 439 Tables, d oeld pipe................. --' -------- 4 0 Table~s, cam p..........- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 451 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~..........-.-........................'^'''^..'''^.'....^....."""""""""""""""" " ""'""""""""""""""""'........ 441 Tables, officewash..-..-.................................-' —~ —~~ —— ~. ~-. -.. —....... -.. -....... 442 Tables, round- -----------------------------.'.... 443 Tabe, centre.. 444 Tables, dining.... 445 T~ables, draugliting —-- ---—...... 446 T~ables, assorted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -................ 447 Tables, tim e............ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 448 Trim m ers, lam p..................... 449 Tum blers -- - - - - - - -.... 450 Thim bles, stovepipe -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - 451 Toasters..................... 452 Tubs, wasb............... 453 Tubs, bathing-.............. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -.................................................... 54 Tick s, bed.................................................. 455 Troughs, bread.............-......................... 456 Urinals57 Wardrobes.. - - -- -------- ------- -........................... —-- - 458 W aiters................................................................................................................................................. 459 Ambulances.................................................................................................................................. 460 Axles, ambulance -............................... 461 Blankets, saddle. —- - - ---- ---------- -------- - 462 Bit, mullen ----- ---- ------—.......................................465 Buckets, U. S. horse. --- --------------........... 66 Bows, wagon.-...................... -.. ---------------.............. 67 Bows, ox..-............................... -----—...... -- 68 Bows, ambulance -.............. ------- --- ---------.................... 69 Brushes, horse -------- -- ------..................... 70 Boxes, feed................ —- ------------ -- --------......................... 71 Boxes, wagon........-...................................................... 472 Boxes, cutting - -............................................... 73 Boxes, ambulance pipe.............................-. --.... - - 74 Boards, foot....................-............... 75 Bolsters, extra log wagon....-...................... 76 Bolsters, army wagon............-.............. 477 Bolts, king....-.................. 478 Bolts, king.....-..pounds. 479 Bolts, tongute.-...................... 6 Chains, trace.... 495 o es a o ----------------------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- Collars, mule — Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ~c.-Continued.' Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. - 1 / 1. ~ -. I - I q I 1 IC. Ce~ 0- - ^ ^:. s at j 1 c-c~~~~~~~~~~.... 0 I'~~~~~ ~~ Ic~ -~ s I - I I I ~ I I........ c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Es aP~~~ ~'~ 1s-,+ M ~t ~0 -cticls. a C O 5 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ll -. 5) 5) 0 a 5)as H e C 0~ 0 i Ix Z 504 Gates, end-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C, W0 _ 504 G ates, end....... —-. —-- ----."- -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---—. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -.... —......~ — -------- -- - - -- - - - 505 H orses -..-... —--. —-. —------— ~ —- - - --------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---—. —- -.-. —..- -------- -------- -------- --- --- -. -....... 506 arness --- -- ------—. -—. —-. -. —------------ sets-......- ------- - -—...... — -- --------. —....-. -.-. -. —--. — --- -- -.-. —- -.-..- --—.. — 7 —-.. — -------- -— ~ —-- -------- -- -- - 505 Horses 507 H arness, S. S. am bulance... —... —------ - - - - - - ---------- -------- —. —--- --------. --—.-. - -.- --- - -- --—. — -----—. —-. —.... —.-.. —. ——. — --—.. -..... ---- ------ --- 508 H arness, S. S. w heelanc —- -....... —---.. —------ - ---.- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -.... —- -. ---- —....- -------- --.... -------- —.. -- -------- 509 H arness, S. S. lead --—.. - - -. —-- ------. —- -------- -------- -------- --...- ---—. — ------- -------- - -.- -- -.... — -- -- -- —... — -------- --'-' — -------- 510 H arness, S. S. w heel-horse —------ - -. —--------- ----- ~- ----.- - - -. ---.. — -------- -------. -- - --—..-. -------- -—. —-- -------- -------- --------... 511 H arness, S. S. w heel-mnule -..... - - ----- --- ---.- —. — --. —---- -----. -------- --...- - ----.. ---... -- - -... —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 512 H arness, S. S. lead-m ule ------------ --------—. ----.-. —-..- -------- —... -.-. -------- --------.-. —.- - ---—..- —... —...-. —...- -------- -------- -------- --------..-. —.. — 513 H arness, cartS...le -m -....... —--- ---------------. —----- ------- -------- -- -.- -—.... —. —-- ---—. — -------- --.... - -...- -------- -------- --—..- -------- 514 Harness, dray -..-.. —----------------------—. —-—.-.-. —. —--. —------ --------.-. —.... -.-. —..- --------.-.-. —.- -------- --------.-. —. — -. —.... ----—.-. -------- -------- 515 H anies, horse............................ —-..-pairs. — --------..... —-- -------- ---------. ——.. — -. —....-. —-. —-- —. —..-..-. —..- - -------- -------- -- -—. -... -. --- —. -------- 516 H ames... —----------------------------------- do.. ----....- -- ----—... -- --—.. -------- -------- -------- ----—... -------- -------- --------.....-....-~-~ ----- -- - - - - -- - - - - - 518 H alters, head...... —-...... - -- -- ----- ------—.... -. -. —.... — -------- -------- -------- —. —.. — -------- --------. —... —- ----—.. -- -—..... -........ -....... -------— ~-~-~~' 519 H alters, head, and strapy —-............................ -. -... —..-. --------. —-.... —.-.. — -------- ---—..- -------- -..... -- 5920 H alters and chains.- - -- - - - - - - -—........... -...-.. —- - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -----—..-.......... -........ -.- --------...... -—. --- -------- ------- ------- ------- 521 H ounds, front, arm y w agon ----—... —............. — -----—.. -------- -- - - --- - - --- - ----—... -—... — —.. —... ——.... -------- -.... —-...-... —. --- --- --- --- ~ —----—,.'...'' 522 H ounds, hined, arm y w agon -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- -- ---- -- ----—.-.... ----—.- —..-. — --------......-.-...- -------- -...... --—.- --------. ---—... --- --- --- ---........ "' _ /' 523 H ani ers, w agonhr -pairs......... ---- - -------- —.-.-.- —.-.. —. - - -------- -------- ----.. —.. — -------- -—. —..- -------- -.-.. --........ -- -' —---- 524 Jacks, w agon..... —-..-.-.-. —- - - -- - - - -- - - —.- - —.- --—. —--—.. —---- ----—. ——.- -...- -----—. -------- --—.... -..-..-. —... -. —... —-. -. -.-.....-...... ——," 525 K egs, am bulance........ —.... — -- -—. —.-. -.-... —--.-. —.- -- - - - - - - -- ----. ——.. — ----------—. -... — -------- --—.. — -------- ---—.... —-..... --— ~ —— ~ —-__ __ _ ----—'-' 527 Lieat es, ch ek t....... —--- ---..... —-----------------. —. —---. —-... — ---—..-. —.....- -—.. —.. —. —..-..-. —.. —. —... —. —.. —-. —... —-. —-....- -.-. —.. —--- —. - I —------ 519 altes, hedge, and............. -. s 5320 t e s w a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Halters — and —chains5231 Honnds, front, - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - --- - - - -- - - --— army- - -- -- - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - — a —- - - --- — on- - - --- - - - 5-22 Hoonds, hind, —------— ar —---— sy ——..wagon. i —5233 a tn a e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Ham —-ers, —-a -on 5-2'4 Jacks wagon..................... 525 Koegs, amgb......................nlance..................................................... 536 Poles, coupling..................................... 537 Rakes, stable.............................. 538 Rims, bent ambulance............................... 539 Rims, ox-yoke bow................................. 540 Rings, open......................-................. 541 Rails, body......................................... 542 Stretle ers —-- 543 Spreaders....- - 544 Saddles, riding........ --............................. 545 Saddles, w agon.................................. 546 Saddles, cart....................................... 547 Saddles.................................... 548 Sticks, joc key-..................................... 549 Sticks, cart-dumping................... 550 Springs, am bulance...................... —-- -—.................... 551 Sprlinklers, wagon-................-....... 552 Sprinklers, cart................................................... 553 Straps, neck...................-.................... 554 Straps, coupling..........................555 Straps, neck and chain............................. 557 Straps, choke........-..................................... 558 Straps, halter....................................... 559 Straps, stirrup-......................................... 560 Strap s, y oke....................................... 561 Spokes, wagon..................................... 565 Spokes, ambulance -.................. —-—.- ---- ---- ---- -.............................................. 566 Stirrupoke s, wooden.............................................................................................. 567 Stirrups, leatber........................ 568 Shafts, cart- ---------------................ - - 570 Strings, tie-..............................-............................. -............' ------. - -....... 572 Trees, single-.........................................................................'".'. 575 Tongues, wagon-................................................-..............................-....................-...................-.... 578 Tires, wagon -....-..... —.-.-.... —.....-...-..-~..-.-....................- -.............. 579 Wheels, hind. — - - - - - - - -—.................................. —... —........ 580 W heels, front-..- ----- ----. -...-. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 581 W beels, w agon..............-..................- ----—.- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- 582 W agons, lumber.. ---—..........-............................... 584 W agons, spring............-..~............-.................................................................................. 586 W agons, 2-horg e...............................-...........................................O 587 Wagons, ox-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. c Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'0 ^ l ^ ^ ll.0 0 A a 0!a.. l a.., I' o ~)2 o MS 0 00 z 0 z a On 0 0 0'..0^~~~~~ ~ Articles. ~ 1.. I...... I.... II..... ll... I If..~o ^,* os CZ a a Z 0^ C a) a -~.0 0. 0Z S Cc 0. 0.. 593 Y okesand bows ox -- - -- - --------'. —-'.'. —'.-. —'.'...'.............. --------------------—...-...-...-....-.-.-.-..........................................-.-...-... 595 Axes, chopping- -................... -- - 2 6 4 - 1 5 362....... 2.. —----—............- 120 24.. —----- 596 A xes, chopping, and handles ---............ —-... -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - —..... -- -------- -------- -------- -------- 598 A xes, felling, and handies —--------------------------. —------ ---------. —------ --------.. —-----.. —--------------. —------. —------. —------. —----....... —....... —....... — 601 Axes, broad........................................................ I —...-.. 24.... —......................-6-.............. —-1 —-24-6. 603 Ax es, lo a ssorted............................... -------- -----—................. assorted -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 6 -------- -- 605 Angers, Darrow...... —.....................- - —....se -- — 8 —. — 12 —---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------------—. —------------ 607 Augers, hlo-sets........................................... — -.. —........-..................................... 609 A ugers and hand ----- - --------... —-- --—.-.- —.. --. --- -- --------.-... —- -------- -------- -------- Angers,- bridge.. ---------------- 615 Augers and handles, I-inch —-----------------------—.. —---—.. —---—. —----—. —----—.. —---—.. —------------- -------- -------- -------- ----—..-........-........-....... 616 Augers and handles, 12-inch.- ------ ------- -------- —...- -------- --------... —.......... ---- ---- ---—.-........-. —-. -------- 620 A ugers, nut............................................................................. 621 Anvils, assorted...............-...................... 2.. 623 Anvils, wroughtck.. -.................................... 625 Anvils, wrought.-.pounds........................ —---- 626 Anvils, blacksmiths't. -............................... 627 A w ls, scratch -.......................................... 628 Awls, brad............- --------------- ------------............................. 629 A w ls, belt........................................ 630 A w ls, scribe................................ —------- ------—........ 631 A w ls and tacks, shoe.. —---------- ------................................... 632 Awls, scratch, and handles......... -- -------............. 633 Awls, peg, and handles... —-.............. —........ 634 A dzes-..............................................................1..... 635 Adzes and hand...and handles....... —--------- ---- 636 Adzes, railroad -................................... 124 637 Adzes, foot or carpenters'........................... 638 A xles, car........ pounds................................................ 3 344... 639 A xles, car -......................................................................................... 639-. Arbors, circular saw................................ 640 Axles, car and tender --—............................... —-- 641 Axles, truck............................. pounds -...... 642 Axles, engine-driving - - -.... 6....................................... 643 Axles, engine truck............ pounds.-............ 847 644 Axles, tender...................................................................................................................12. 645 Axles, truck -........................................ 647 Axles, tnimber buggy ck-...... -...111.1..1 11.' —-------- ---—. ~.. —- -—.- ------------ 648 A nchors -------------------------------------------- - 650 Acid, muriatic. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —........do- -----. —-. —-. ----- -............. — 652 Aqua ammonia —..... - - do -- ------ 654 A lum -- - -. — -.......... —-.............do. -- -............- --- - ------- —.... 655 Antimony...............................do.... ----—.. -—..... -------- --------........ ---- 658 A rm so n ac, sa l-pounds —-............................111111.1....1..III..II........ 11111 " 659 A rm s, engine pum p -.-. —-... ——.. ——......... —-.-....................................... 660 A rm s, seat, cast.- -....-.................. pounds.- -------- 139.................................111.11.111....III...1111' III" 662 Asphaltam................................gallons......................................................... 111111..........111111 1111 ".~~~..~ 663 B ellow s, blacksm iths'...... —........................................................ I.11.......... 664 Bellow s, assorted............................................................................................-..................... 665 Bellows, hand.... —............. 666 B ellow s, 48-inch...................................... I................ 668 Bars, switch...........................-....... sets................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee,;c. —Continued. ~ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of Augnst 8 and October 14, 1865.'a a, CZ C'" I~~~~~~~~''0 I I a -O 1. a..^ l l -8l a - e e I? ~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z 1.It l! ^ ll l ^ ^ l[ll'[ l I iCZ.'a1- ~ 11 1 si- r- 2'a F. ^ 673 Bar~'~-s~~~- pinch- "..'.'.'.'............' ~~~~.....^.......... p o unds.. O (;4 E-4 E!!-!!! 6731 B ars,,pinch..............................- -pounds..-........-................-........-........-........................................................................ i.........672 Bars, pis rt d... --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - --—........... -.-.-. -........... -------- --------.......... --------.................. —........ i........ i........ 674 Bars, grti e....................................o.............-...................... 100;:Z:.-.-..................... (75 Bars, draw...................................................................................................... 676 Bars, assorted o -- - - - - ------ -- -o...................- -. -............................ ~~~~~~~67481~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 B us, gr t -- -- - -...- -.........d 677 B ars, carpenter s'............ -----............-...................................... I ------- 77Bais, timber......................... 6878 Bars, grate 679 Bas, pinch steel-............................................. 684 Bars, pryin d i ch.................................................................t[% % [ t[] ] ] i][ 2 ] t]] [ % I]2 2" Z ][ [ ["...............i........I.-...................~.... 680 Bars, fiought iron pinch...................-pounds-........-.............'.........-........-........ —............... 691 Ba, -s, ~ engine coupling...................................-.........-....... -.. -. -..... 6 9 21 B a r s, b o r in g -...-... - -.............. -.....-..........-.......-........-.......-........-........-........-....... -....... -......-........-........-........ 1........ L...... 6 8~' liars. gr ste —---------------— sets --------------------------------- 63 Bars, carpenters'-'~ ~ ~ ~~ I.... -------------------------------- 693 Bars, prylinde boinh.................................................................................. 684 Bars, pry and pinch-........................................................................................................ 68) B-us piv-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --— I —I- --— I 686 Bars is -.................................. ounds........................................................................................ 688 Bars, p row........................................................................................-.. 689 Bars, i, claw-n bot................................ 690 B aruss, w are n ish -------------------------------------—. —............................. 27....... 691 B,e us co p in - -- - -- - -- - - -- — eiig- - -- - -- - --- - -- -e- - -- — coupling- - - - --- -- - --- - - - - 69-) Baus, borilg - -------------------- -------- ------------------ ---—. —69.3 Ba s y~ d rb rn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... bus — - c- -— lu- -— de — -- horing- -- -- -t- I I --------........ 6396 B urs steel-1 — - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -. —- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 698 Bars, pins, and holts --- - - - - - - - - -- -— 0 - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -— do — - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 699 Brushes, varnish, assorted. —--------------------- ------------ 27 ----- ---------------— 9 ---- - - ---- 700 Brushes C............................................. - - - -..........-2 - -- 2.- -- 701 B rushes, W. W....................-...........-.....-....................................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------..'. ----- 702 Brushes, scrub................................................................................................................................................. 7;99 Baurhs, scru-~,g.................... 703 Brushes, painters' dust................................................................................................................... 704 Brushes, paiut, assorted-7 — - - - - - -- - - - - -2 —— 4 — - -- - -- -- - - -8 ---- 2 - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - 8 - - - -- - - - 705 Brushes, fiat-........... 706 Brushes, oval-........... 707 rsefa -------------------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- Bru-hes, marking7066 Brusheesovall —------------------------------------- -------- --------- ------—. —------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------—. —----—. —----—. —-------------- 707 Brushes, mnarking.. —--- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - -—. — —.- - - - --—...- --.... ---—. — ---—..- ----—. — -----—.. ——.........-....-....-....-....-.. --- --------. —. —- -...... —-- 708 Brushes, striping.- -. —- -------- -----—.709 Brushes, car window --------—. —------------—. -------- -------- --------. —. 711 Brushes, artists' h...........................lots —..- -.. —----....... —....... —..... —--. —.... —....... —....... —........-.... —-.-.-.-... —........-........-........-........ 7121 Brushes, anrints' re d set.......... -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 712 Brushes, glsuash -—. —---.... ----- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —.. --—. -------- -------- 7 14 B ru sha c- - - - - - - — es, w htc e w a s h — - - -............... s t -.........- - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - — lo ts. - - -- - - - -... 715s w e s - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - I - - - - - - — Bru- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -.sh ests'-. 717 rsemciit --------------------- ----------------------------------------- Braces —— n —--— 7 718 races.-. --- --- -... —-- I. - - ------------------------------ Braces, — d —---- -- 719 Braces, aronde —------ bitsa............-..... -.....-. -—.. bits........ --------— sets..... —.. 720 Braces, an d hitssorted, - -- - - - —.. -—... -. —..... -------- ---------------......- - -------- -- 729 Braces and bits, —-.c — sets —- ----- -- ----- - - —. ----- -- - ---- ---- --- -—.. 7 2 3 B r a c e s, jo in e r-fsix re a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.. e ts.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.- -...... —-j 7-24 Braces, switch —---------------- ------------ ------------ -------- -------------------------- 725 Braces, pdesill.. —----—. ——.......................-......................................................-........................7 2 6 B r a c e s,s s w it c h. - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - -.... B ra c e s, r a tc h- - — et —s- —...727rah --- -— Braces, — --- -- -- - -- - - — truck —- - - -- --- — pounds-. 7429 r c s n i e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Braces, — -- -- -- — e- -- - — ae- bar —- -- -- 731 Bk inr —------------— dei —-----------— painters —-------------—'-.'-.- ------ 732 B tb a e — - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -s t - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -......... Bil-.. 7:34 Btagrsotd —----------- Pisa r sotddo —-------------------— 1I —------------------------------- 735 Bits,'anger, assorted ---------------- ---------------- ------------ -------- ---------------------- 737 is in e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Bits-g —-let-sets739 Bits, plough plane-sets —- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 740 Bitp o g pl n -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -sts double- --— plans -- ---- -. — - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 740 is Bits --------------------------------------— c —------— r-sets ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- — 1 —---- 14) Bitsc r- -- - - - - — centre- - - - -- e s- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - ---- - ---- - - --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - --- - - - 74) Bite, (site fsx e )- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of — - --- — six- -- - -- - -— eac — - -- - -— ) — -- - 7413 s i i e - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bits —-giiiiiiiiei —-. 747 is a c e iil- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Bits — -— satche — --- — drill — -- 748 Bite, aseeorted. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 757 is 5a e- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- B — -- - -I - - — I - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - — e- - -------- 753 Buts -issorted —--------------— pairs ----------------------- 546 —---------------------------------- 757 u s b a s s ore4- - -- - - - - -- - - - — u- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - — bi- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - assorted Report showing the disposition oJ United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.__-Cotinued. - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. - 1 ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^~~~C I. -I a~. ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ < ^^ ^ 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~ a ~ -aa e a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C a Articles.a o 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ a~~~~~C r0 CZ bZ to 0~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C aaa0a —. ~-a) 1 _________________ 1_.1 __ I_ __ __ Z ^ o I I0 0~~~~~~~~ 755 Buts, brass, assorted. —---------------------- pairs -..........................................'.. 7 6 0 B u t s, a s s o r t e d......................................... ~ - 761 Buts, w ought-....... -e - - - -- - - — pai — - - - - - — rs —-- ---' —-' —-. —- -— ~ —- - ~- --- -------- ----------- ~- - --—.-.. —762 Buts, fast..........................."........ —. —----------—.....-......................................- -- ---- -- - - -................... - 762 Bob,, f'ost. - - — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ------ 7669 B tst rought-ist- -. —.......... —-rs —-- ~~ —~ —-- ---—. — -----..-.ai......-...... —.....-..............-......-...... -............. —7 6 7 B ts, a te n,. - -... - -...................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - —.........-......-......-.......-......-.............7 6 0 B u t s, ca s s o t, l oed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... - - — ~- ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - ----. -.-.. -.........-.....-.....-.................-......- - 761 Buts, w rought, -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - jont.......... -- - -- -.. I"" " ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - --— ~ —-~ —-~ —---------------—.... —................. — 770 Buts, caxt, loose joint. -—. —.............. ^ I^'.^ J.'................. " " " " ------ - --------. —. —--... —..-...................................... —-------------------—. 7 6 2 B u t s, w r o u gt —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --..- - -.-. -. - —.....-.....-..........-.....-..........-.....-..........-.....-..... 772 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - B ls ta kh o -........ I'. ^ J............... " " - ------ ------—.-. —..- - -- - -- -—.- -—... --------------—...................... 763 Buts, ca-t ----- head. ------------ -- - ----- -. -......... -------- -------- 774 BBtlts, rivst-......... —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C"' " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " 776 B ltscarri ge.-.....................pound''" "l" ~~~- --- ---- -. — -- --...-...................-.......-......-......-....... -...... -...... 764 Boots, lt- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - 777 Bots, c rriage.. —-. —--..................................!....................I..'..."'..~. — -- -- -- - -.......-........................................................ 766 Buts, wroua ht-ieo..- pairs ----— j —-------------------------------------------—..... -.. 767 Buts, satent- -'-'-'-'-' do..................................... 768 Biits, cast loose jointh-.............. -. --- do -- -------- ------------- ----- -........ 769 Buts, wrought, com mon jointe............... ------- ---------------------------------------- 770 Buts, c ose join t -------------------------------- -------- ------- -------- ----- _'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.- ----- -------- ---------------- -- - --- --- —........ 771 Buts, wiaout-irono —---- ------ ---------------------- ------------------------ 770 Bolts ta khoo -- - - - - - - -- - ---- - - 773 Bolts, nron hexagon-bead-...........pounds — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... 774 Bolts, fish-bar —--------------— do — 777 Bolts, cairuiage — - - - - - - - - - - - - - -p u d -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - u78 B~olts, uron bar —------------- 779 Bolts, brasss, assorted —-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -I- - - 780 Bolts, basrrel --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - --- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - 781 Bolts, buass flush —------------ 784 Bolts, ringa —------------------- -------- - i8 Bolts, oh an door — - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - 786 Bolts, tower-.......... —--------- 788 Bolts, squabridge..................... poundso — -- --- - —.................. 788 B olts, bridge --------------------------------— do......... —..... —...... —..... —..... —....-'. —'.' —'-'..'-'.-'.'-.'.'' —'-.'.''.'.''.-'.'.'..'.-''.'.-.-'..'.'..'.'.'.'-.'.'..'.'.'.'..'.'..'.'.'.'..'.'..'-' 789 Bolts, w rought ----—.. —.....................do -................... ~ ~ -------- —..- -..... 791 B olts, w rought-irons ---------........................................s.. - - - -- ------—' 792 B olts and bu tts -- -......-................................................. 792 Bolts, brass knobutts -—.... —......................................... -- -- -- 794 B olts, brass knob....-.... —.... —-----........................... 79494 Bo tsB w go.l-............-....................................-.....-..-.''..'-''.-''..''.'..'-..''..-. —-'....' ----- ----- ----- ----- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - --- --- -- -- - --- --- --- --- -'.''.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—.' --- --- 795 Bolts, steel-spring square - ---. - -................................................... 76 Bolts, pulley. 798 Bolts'and keys 799 Bolts, pulleyp n.....................80. —................pud... - ---.... - ---.... - ---... - - 111'' ~' 780097 Bolts, couplingor. —-----... --- ---......................................... 798 B olts and keys -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- ----—........ -.. -... ---------------- ---------------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- ------—."'.'.'..'.'. -- -- - -...'-..'-..''''..-'... — ~~ ~ ~- ---------- - - 79809 B olts, bridges.........................................- - — p- -—. —- -....... 80 Bolst b idge......-....-.-.. -—.-.- -... -....-......-.....................-......-..'.''.'..-...-.''.-.'. —'.-.'.''.'..-......-........'.'-.'.'. ------- ------—' ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---- ------- 802 Bolts and nuts. —-.... —----------------—.pounds —.. —-...... -. "............. C 803 Blocks, punch —............ —--------—............................. ---- -.. ---- ---- ----........ -- 804 Blocks, swedge —-------------------.....................................-...... ------------ 2 --. 805 B locks, die --------------------—.. —-. —-.-pounds.........................................................'..................................................._...... 806 Blocks, iron pulleye --—................................e.........-pounds.-. 806 Blocks, iron.. -....................................... pul e..............................l.... --- 807 Blocks, purchase —--—.on —.-. -—........................................ 809 Blocks, nopurch-ase...-.....-..........................-.............. —.... —- 810 Blocks, snatch ----.. --- --........ --------................ 2 -------- ------------------------ 2........................ 810 Blocks, snatch-22 811 Blocks, head, with truck —------------............................. —-- ------ 812 B locks, upsetting —................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - -.'- -' ------------ --'".-~ --- - 813 Blocks, patent....-........................................... -.. — ".. ----------- 814 B locks, tackle...........................- sets... -..-... --- - 815 Blocks, tackle -...........-..................................................._.''." ".-....4 ---- 816 Blocks and tackle............................sets.... —--...... 817 Blocks and tackle.. —......... — -.......-................ 818 B locksassorted. —------- ------...............- - - - - -.....assorte......d 819 Blocks, double-tackle.......-....................... 820 Blocks, head...................................................................'" ---------------- - 820 Blocks, headB c s t i l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - — 821 Blocks, triple... —-. —--—. — ----- ----—. — 822 Blocks, assorted........-......... —..-..........p........................-........ -------- -.. —-. 822 Blocks, assorted-p — -.. —-.........................pair —-s._................... ----........-... 824 Blocks, cast-iron swedge ---.. pounds - - -.. - Blocks, assor.ted....pairs-.....-. ------ ---- --. 825 Blocks, cast-iron sw edge --—.........-.............. --------........ --------........-. — --- - -------- --------........................ 826 Blocks, pillow.. —.... -- - ----—.... -.... -.pounds. --... -------- -- - - -- - —.- - ---—..... -------- -------- -------.'.'....-'.'...... ---—....................'. 824 Blocks, cast-iron — edg —pounds............ 828 Blocks, doublends.... I 825 Blocks, cast-iron sw ed n-...-.s t................................. -................-.. —... 83- Blocks, sin -le-.............................. do............................................................................ I................ 8234 Blocks,8tackle...............................pairs............................................................................................................. 83 Buckets, as ssorted g. a........n tackle -................o. -. - -......... 6836 Buckets, water837 Buckets, fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------— ~ —-----------------------------------. 838 Buckets, wood.-...........................................................................................................................................8.Bc.k. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the mildary division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a0^^ ^~ a 0 - ^ a.I0 Artlse. a1!! II 0 ^ 1.a I ^ ^ ^!l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-6! z ls^1^! ^ ^ ^^ ^. ^ ^.a ^ ^ ^ ^i ^ ^ ^ ^o g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' a~' aI Arices 0f' s ~ a,.~~a C) 9 ~ g ^S ^ ^ ^ Sg S o^ ^^^ o^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 9C a a H.0 ^ H S ^0 ^ ^ S ^0 2 a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~C.0 00 " a ____ ___________~~ ~_ _-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__ _ 839 B uckets. —...... —-. —. —---------------------------- --------------- ----- —.. —. —--- --. —- -- -----, —- ------------------— ^ —- -------- -------- -------- ----------—. —-- 840 Buckets, engine.... —.-. —. —-9 2 —-----------------------------------—........ 1 i 2 - —....................3 - 8411 B uckets, iron... —- -.. ——. —---------- ---- ----------- --------- --------- -----—.- -......-..-..-..-..-.. —.-...-. —-—.... —.-.-...-..-.... —-.-........-........-........-........8422 B uckets,,coal-. —. —.. ——. —----- ----— ~-~ —--------- --------- ---------........-. —....-..... —.-. —.. —--. —.. —--. —.-.-.-........-........-...-..-.-........-........-........843 B uckets, varnish ------ --. — ------ ---- ~. —--------- -------- -------- - ------- --.. —- -------- -------- -------- - -..... -- 844 B uckets, tar.. —- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - —. —-—. —.. —---------- ---------------- - - ---------- -------- -—..-.- -------- -----—. -----—..... -. —----.............. —-----—....... 845 Buckets, paint —-..-..-. —-------------------—. —-----—. —-------- -------- ---------------—. —-----. ——. —. --—....-..-.-...........-..... —..-. -------- -------- -------- 846 Buckets, rubber.. —-- - - - -- - —.- - - - -- - - - -- —. —-—.-. —--------------- -------- ----—. —.. —..-.. -. —-. —-.-. —.-...... --- -------- -------- ---—... - --------........-........847 B uckets, sand -- - -- - - -- ----—.... --—. ----------- -------- -------- - - ---------- -—.. -..... -.. —- --—.. —- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------—. -. —-—. -......- -. -............-.....-.....848 B uckets, sw ing..... - -. -.- -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -------------—. —--—.. —-- --—.-.. -.-....-............ -.-. -------- -------- --------..... —. —------------ 849 BB ucketsstiff.... —--------------------------------- -------- ----------------------—. ------------------------------—.. -------- -------- ------—.. —------ --------- --—. —...t 8 5 0 B u c k e ts,, w ell..... - -........ -.. - -...... - - -... - - - - - - --. - -.. -.-.. -. - - -.-. - -.. - -.-........-..... - -.-........- -. - -. - -.-. -.. -..-. -..- -..-.... -. -.-.-... - -.-........-........-........8512 B uckets,,mortar. —........... —-.-.-. —.. — --—.... —- —..-..-. —...-.-..-..-..-........-. —...-.-.-... —. —... —.. —-... —.-...-..-.-.... —. —.-...-. —.-. ——.-........-........85353 ucketss leather -...-....-.. — -—....-..-.... —-.-..-. —.....-..-..-..- -.-.. —.-.......-. —..-..-.-...-..-.-.. —..-........-........-........-........-........ —.-..-..-........8534 B oilers, stealfii......-.-. —... —..-. —... —-—.. —----. —..-..-.-....-.-.. —. —.-........-........-.-.-..-.-. —.. —.-.-....-.-........-..... —.-.-.-. —.-........-........-....... 854 B oilers, tin -flue......- -. —--- - -- - - - - -- - - - - --- - ---—.-.-.-.-. —----—. -----—. —.-.. - - -.... -.-... --- -----------—. -.. -. —.. —- -- -—...-.... -------- -- ---. —.......... 856 B oilers, sma ll-fin e --—.....,..- -—. —.-. —-- ----.- ----- -- - - -- - - --- - -- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - - - —. ——.- - - - -------- -—...-. -------- —... —......-....-....-....-....-....-....-.... 8567 B oilersr double-fl e...-.-.... —.. ——.- -—.-. —---—... —. —-.. —. ——. —. —...... —-... —.-....... —...... —-.. —. —...... —.......-..-.. —-. —.-..-.......-....... 858 B oilers,,tubular,,122 feettlong,,432 inchessdiameterr.....-. —.....-........-. —..-..-..-. —.......... —.. —..-... —.-........-........-........-.. —-.-. —..-....-........-....... 859 B oilers, steami, 2 flues, 21 ft. long, 34 inches diam eter. --... -------- -------- -------- -- -- --..- --—.-...... —.... - ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. 860 B oilers, steam, 4 flues, 24 ft. long, 39 inches diam eter. --....- ---. —.. - - - - - -- - - - - ----—.- - - - - -- - - - - - -.. ——.- —... —......-.. -—....-....-.-. -... ---.-.... ——. —. —-.. —...... 8,6 1 B oilers, stationary --------------. —-.- - - - ---------—.-.-.. ——.. - -. - -.. ---—.. -. --—.. -----—... —-. --—.-. -- -.-.. —.. -- - ----..... —-—.-. --—.. —. —-. —-. -------- - --.... 862 B oilers, iron-punch........-. —.... — ---—... - ---- —. -. -- - - - - - --—.. -....-..... -- -. --—.. —... —- --------. —.. ——.-... —-. —... —- -------- --—.. — -------- -------- —.......863 B oilers, iron-flue,,266 ffeetxx 444 ii chhes. —---------------------—. —-------------- ------—.. —------ ---------. —------. —---------------------- -------- --------------—. —---—. 864 B rass s e t............ -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- —...... d so.................... -- --- --- 60.............. -. 194...... —........... —-.... — -- ---—.. -----—.-. ----- —..... — 865 Brass, sheet —. —----------------------------—. — do.. —-----------—. —-—.-60. —------.. —----—.194. —------------—... —-. —-- ---------— ISO. ——.-.......-....... 868 B rass, w rought. —-...-. —.... —--- ---.. —.. —--- -do.- - - -—.. -- -- - -—.....- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - —..- - ---—...........-.-.....-............-... -—............-.....-............-..... 870 B rasses.. ------------------------------------— do................ -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- -------- -------- ------—.... ------—......... 871 B rasses, truck......-...... -..- _ - ------- do -- - ------- -- ------------------------------- ----------- 872 B ricks, com m on..... —. — -..............................-............................ 873 Bricks, setting, for boilers;_ -........ —..... --- -- —.-........................ 874 Bricks, fire........ --- - -- —................................. 875 B ricks, soap, fire... - -. —-.......................- -----....... --....................I. - 876 B ricks, split, fire... - -- - - -- - - -- - -------—....-. ——....... —..... -.....-..... —.....-..... —.... —.....-..... —.... —.1 — - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- 876 B rick s, split, fire —- - -- --... —-.. —.. —-.- yards —......... -—... ---..... —......... -- - - - - - -- -- -- - 365 877 Bricks, key..................... 878 Bur-laps-..................yards-365;;;.. 879 Buttons, assorted-...... —-............... —. gross.. -.......... ----- 1........ 80 Buttons, upholsterers - --- ------— do — -- -- -- ---- 880 Buttons, upholsterers'. —-........................... 9881 B uttons, hand... —---.-.. —- -----...- ---—.-. —.. sets. —. —. —- -. -------- ------ -.. —. —..- -- -—..-. -------- -------- -------- -- - - -- - —.- - - -- - ----—... ------—................. 882 B uttons, brass, on plates. —-. —. —- - - - - - - - - - - - - —.- - - - - - - -----—.-.-. —---- --------.. ——.- ---—.-. --—. —. ---—... -----—.. ——.... ---—... ------—................. 881 B uttons, h andss.......- -- - -- ------ -- - grosse - t- - - - I.- --.... - - - - -..........................s. 882 Buttons, hb-ass, on plates, 884 Buttons, brass -----—.. —-. —.... —-..-.............. ---. --.- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- --................ 885 Brown, Vandyke -........ —-. —--.. —-- pounds-.........6...... - - - ------ ---. 6 - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- 886 B row n, Spanish --— do........... —... ——....do...........d...... -- -- - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- 887 Brown, Vandyke ------- ------------ tubes -- ---- — 887 Brown, -Vandyke........-.....- ---...............bs. 888 Black, India- --- ----- ----------- pouds... —-....... —---....... —-. -- -- -- -.............. 889 Black, lamp —------------------------- o-........-.. —-- -. —----- - - ---- - - -- - -........................o..... 890 B lack, la pa. —.- - -- - --—... -. —. —...... ——. tbar els. — -- - - - - - —.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -----—..... -........................ -------- —... -.-. -------- ---—. — —. -—... -------- 891 Black, Japan — - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- — barrels- - 892 Blackivory ------- --------- --- tubes - —. -- - — 892 Black, ivory.-te................................ -.s.. 893 Blue, ultramarine... —-.. —-.............. pounds.. - ------ ------- ----- - ---- ---- ---- - - -—. ---- ---- --- 894 Blue, Prussian -.. —.-..-.-.......... —do.-...... ---- ---................-...... 895 Black, blue -........ —-..... —...............do.... -. ----- -—.. I —-- --- - -- 897 Blue, cobalt-d................................. tubes..... -..- -—.-.I- -........... - -- --—.. - - -- - --- -- 898 Blacking, stove-.- ----------—...............papers-..... — --- ---.. -- --- - --- - --- - --- - - -...... 899 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~I -Bronze,- gold —.-.......-. —..-d —.. —... —............ ——................ —.......... —-.. —.. —--..... -I 900 B rilliant, A m erican. --—..-. —... — ------ --. -.tubes. --- - —.- - - -- - - - - - -----—... -—....- -------- —. —... --------.........-....-................. —-—.- -------- 901 B ells, gong, hanging.... - - -- - -- - -------—....-..... -. -- - - - - - —.- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - --—........ —-—.- —. —... -------- -------- ---—........................ --- -------- It 899 Bro nz e, go ld-.................................-d.. _ 900 Brilliant, Amerine, agon-t...b.... -.- -..... —-.................................... 1 -1-1111.-.... -...-.901 B ells, gong, hangine - - --- - -- - -- -- -—.g- -...-. - -- -- - -- -—.. - - - -- -- ----. --- - ---—. -- 92 Bells, engine9094 B ells, engine, gong — - - -- - - —.. —-... —...... 905 Bells, alarm96 Bells, engine and flame. 907 Bells, cast-steel................... 908 Bells, cab...................... 909 Balances, spring-7,................. 910 Balances, locomotive spring-......................... ----- ----- 911 Balances, iron beam. —-----—.................................. --- - --- ---- ---- ---- - - -- ----- -.- ---- --- 912 Balances, beam shive................ 913 Balances, steamn................... 906 B elancs, bi e am d s iv e —. —.. - -- - ------ —.-...... -.. -------- -------- -------- --------.. —-...- -------- -------- -------- ----- —.......... -------- -------- -----—..-.-. —.907 B elancs, ca tste el -----------------—.. —-.- - ---—...... -------- -------- --------.......... ——... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. ——....914 B alances, elliptic spring- - -. -- -- - - - -.............. -.. ------ - - - -. -- - - - - - - - - -................ 915 Balances, counter --—. --------- -- -- ---- ---.. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- -—.. -—. 916 Bsigbrass. 917 Bsnsgas-pipe 98 Bushings, bl od 99 Bushings, basgad 912 B ushinces, b ra ss. - - -- - - -----—...-.-.. —.. —........ ------ -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 913 B ushin ges, g as -pi e.-.-.. -. -... ——........... — -- -- -- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------...... --—.. -------- -------- 914 B ushincgs, bellp i spr in -- -- - -- - -- - -------—................... -----—.. --------- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -....... —... -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- 916 B ushings, brass -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -----—............ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 920 Bushings, silver-plated —.............................. 921 Brads, patent, assorted..-...........-.... papers-.. -..-. -- - ---- - -.. 1 043 - -- ---- ---- -- - ---- -- -—....... 92~ Bunting, assorted......................... yards. 4....................................... Report showing the disposition of Undied States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, So.-Continued. M Property sold on credit to railroad companies under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Cd I I I I I ^, ~ J'J ~ ^ I~ al'a -a141 a- "0-.' - Articles. a d') Sa g'a a aI~~ -- 1- 51la^^,.- - a1ae~ 0 1C.c a 0~~~~n aa a ~ - 0 8Ca5I a r- i J Bi a a t a 9)5 Bu'ne^ patent-ca o ^ 5 o o 03 g p3 a; 039 BisI r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 923 Burerdsi g dp a ssol t.....-............-........ —--.......... -................. 926 Burners, eureka. —-------------------------------—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —--..... —------. —------.... ——. —----—. —----—. —----—. —-................................ 9297 Burners, screw -.-. —........... ----—.. - ---—.- --—............... —..... -- -- -........................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - 9-28 Brakes.... - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - ----—...-......... -.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.. —-...- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 929 B rakes, lover --—..-.. —. — —.-. —.........- pounds. --... -------- -------- -------- -- - - --- - - --—. - - -—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 9300 rak sa are - --- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ------- -—. — --—. — --—. — --—.- --- —.- --- —. —-. —. —- ----—. —---- --- -- -- -..................... -- -- - 931 Bevels, assorted -- - - - - - - - - - - - -----—..... -. -... -... -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - ------—.......... -------- -------- -------- ------—''..''.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—.'.'.'. — 932 B evels, square..t —.. ------—........933 Bevels, T -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -—.................. -------- -------- -------- -'.''.'.-'.' ------—''.' -'..-..'.-. --------.''..'.-.'-'..''.-''.'.''.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—'.''-' —-'.'.'.'-'. — 934 B oards, gutterin-.........................................................- -.-.-.....- - 935 Boards, bulletin.-.. —..- -- - -—........ —----------.......... -------- ------—''.' —.''-'-.'.' ------—.'. -------- ----- ----- ---- ------—'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------- -------- -- -- - 936 Boards, tally.................... -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....'...... —... — ------- -'.'.' —-....... — 937 B oards, draft --- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -----—.. -......... -... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -'.-'.-'. - ------—. -' —-'.-'- -------- 938 Boards, running.-..-......-....-.......v....... —p 939 Boards, straw. —......... —.. ------------- pounds. --... -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ------ --- -—. —.. -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- 940 Boards, pressing- -....- ----- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 941 B oards, binders'. -. -.-.-. -—.. —-. - -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 942 B oards, sign —... —---- I........ 943 B roomis, hair —. - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- --—... -........... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.. -------- -------- --------.. —----- --------......... 9414 B rowns, stable... —- --- - - - - -- - - - - - --—............... -------- --------... -- -- -'.. -...'-'-''-.....-.... --------................ -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 943 B ottom s, compper --- ----—..... --- -—. - do. —... -. 947 B ottom s, dipper.-. —-- --. —. — - -—.. ---—. 0(5505- - -...........1......... 948 B ottoms, b lpp e. -r - - - - - -..- -------. 949~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~- ------- ------- -.-....-...-.-................-......-......-.....-............-.......................................................... 950 Boxes, rivet..............-....... —. - - - - I 9,51 Boxe8, weo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 952 Boxes, tinder 4 10. 6 10 19 4 - 4 4 2 -....... 2 95:3 Boxes, engine.............................- pounds..-.-.. — - -........!-... --- --- --- --- --------........ --- ----—.... —.............................. I.... 954 Boxes, engine -...................1................ 4 2................................................................ 955 Boxes, tool... —------------------------------------........ 6....... 13 4 4 4 - -------- -------- 2 956 Boxes, packing 13 —------------------------ - 4....... 57Boxes, tinder-... —---—........... 958 Boxes, axle -...............................................- -------- -------- 959 Boxes, lamp- I —---— I -------- -------- 90Boxes, link~..................... 961 Boxesoil -1 —------------------- ---------------- ------— 1-1 ------------- 962 Boxes, hand car -------------------------— pounds -........-...... 963 Boxes, car, (Wood's patent) ----------------— do-..-. —....... 964 Boxes, assorted ------------------------------........[ ------ 965 Boxes, engine truck ---------------------— pounds_. —----- -------- 966 Boxes, roller -------------------------------------—..................................... 97 Boxes, iron. 968 Boxes,-screw...ned.98 B ox es, screw, blued......................................................................- ---------------------------------------—....... —--- 969 Boxes, - signal-lig'ht -................................. ---------------- -------- 974 Boxes, joralt —----------------------------------------------------- -------------- ~ ~~~[................................. 974 B oxes, s hoeingl -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -............................................. ------ 975 B Bel gleahing asoledathe ——, —— s —orted —-feet — 1,017 5-6 —---- -100 —-50 ------------------- 6&-:1 —-1:111 —-------- 976 Belting, guns- -do ------------- -------- 66 ---------------- 946-........-9...................................................... 977 Boel utingr b e -- - - - - - - - - - - - - — d..............................- -- - -- i.......................I........................i........t............................. 977 Betig rnhher-do- I 98 Boesltr aing, sotd —-----------— a do —-----................ -------- --------.....................:,................................... 976 Beltingletr, assorted...........et......,1 -do-........!5.............6.... 979 Bottoms, tin lamp -. —------------------------------ --------................................................980 0 B otto m s,,c rcla m pa —---- ------------- ----------—. -----—.. —--- - ------—. —- ---- ----—.- - ------ ------- -------- ------ - -------- ---- -—. —------ - ------ ------- 981 Blades, hack-saw ---------------------------------- ----—....... —........................ —........................ 962B Brackets -pounds -....'! — tI —-........ —........984 Brackets, swing- --------------------- ------- I —----- I................ -................/ 985 Buggies, timber —........-................ -' -.................... 986 Borers,................... cylinder-'"........ 96 Borers, cylinder...................................- -----------------........I................. ------- ------------- -------------------------............... 987 Borers, cylinder, portable h —----------------------—.......................................................................................988 Borers, tap ----------------------------------------........................................ 969 Borers, hand -. 990 Barrels. I --------- I.......-.... - - ------—......... 9~91 B odkins::::: ~ ~:: ]:::::::::::!::::::: ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---.... —---—:: -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -......... - -- -- -- -- -- - 992: Barrows, wheel -----------------------------------........ -... —....... /....................... )39 Bridges, trues --------------— feet ----------- I ~~~~i............................. 994 Bridges, arch trues, MeCalluin's pat. inflexihle - -do -----—.. —--------- ---- -------- ------------ -------- -------- 996 Benches, stationery-feet......................................................... 396 Bencheswork —------------------------------------------- 8........... —----------------------------------------------------- vice...:..... 999 Bearings, centre ------------------------— pounds -- --------............... 1000 Buildings-.................................................. 4........- 6-.................-......................../ 1001 Buildings and water tank- -------- 4....... 6........ 1009 Burrs-pounds — -......................................................................................................... 1003 Burrs, copper -----------------------------— do.......- --------........................ - 105 Buttresss............................................................................................................../........!..................... 10065 u pr...................................................................................................................................... 1004 Banmpers-co — ~ ~''...................... -........... 1006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bupr..:.... ~..... R? eport showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4fc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I ^ I I 1 1. " ~! I1 -n o~ 0^ o o~.2, s ^, - ^ ct Cd~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles.' = c ~ - < < I l 1- cc ~ p.. I / -:'I I c~ /1: si II -o = io ~ / x C.5 ~o ~ l' I ^l 0 a:^I En 5 1008 Eseeching pounds.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",0 tC)C U 0~~ 1007 B odies, box ca...-. —.... —- ----. —. —- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ----------- ~ -----—.-.-. —--............. - -. - ------ —. --------...... --.............-.....-..........1008 B recching --... —- ----- ---- -----.. —------ -pounds.. ---------- ---------- ---------- -----— I — ---------- -- ------- —....-. -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—........ 100 B bbs fnis ed S. S.and,S —. —-. - - - -----—.- -—.- -------- -- ---—..-.-...- -. —-..-................... —-. — -------- I —------ --------.....-.....-..........1010 B uckles, assorted ---------------------------------—.......... -—. -—.............-............1011 B ui ckles, harness -.. -- - -. - --.. —---. "ross -. - -.- —.-..- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 1012 Buckles, roller, assorted --— (-10-.-. —---.-do. — —.... -. - -------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1013 B uckles, assorted -........ —-.. —-- -- -. —--- -- do. — so-te..do —-—.-. I -------........ -------- -- -- 1014 Bloeks, railroad splice, Trimble's wooden -- ------- ---------------------------------- 1015 Backs, car-seat -—.... —-..... —----—.. —-—. —- ---—.-. -------- ---- -— 0 1016 B nds, pring...... —..- —.......-.- -po nds — —............-......-.......-........ —.- -......-.-......-.......-......-.......-.............. -.......1~016 Bands, Hpait - pou.n ds. -—.......-.- -.... ] 021 B e zine..- -... —.-.-....-.......-....-galons. —.......-.-.. —.-.......-.......-.......-... —..-.......-.......-.......-.........................-.-.......... 1017 B and s, roun d leg,- ruled.......-...... —.-.. - doss d -..-... —.-. —. —..........-.......... —----. —-------------—..-.. —.-........ -.......-. —..... -........ -........-....... 101) B oact s, fl-t.. —---------------------------------------..-t. —--------------------------. —---------------------- -------- ------—. —----—. —-—.... -.-...-. -------- -----—. 1037 B0 nerss gas....... —..- —..- -...-..-..-. —.........-.... —. —-....-.......-......-.......-..............-.......-......-........ —...-.-.......-...... 10217 B enzinel --------------- ------------------- gallons- ----- -------------- -------- ------- -------- ------------ --- ------—.-. —---—.-. —- —.-.... -.-. —. —-.-. —-- -.-.-. ——. —-.-.- -—. -.-. 102-. Chisnes No. 8, 3 -p-ounds —-... —-- 4 -------- 3 10 34 5 6.-3-1 -1........... —- 7 31037 Buckles, hand cold -. —---. —----- -- grou ross. —------------------------------------------------------—...-...-........-.......-........-...............-...... 1 0 2 4 B o l t e l s, s t a y p in g.......... —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---—....... 1030 C hisels,, firm er..-.-..-.-..-. —..-.-....-. —---—..-.- -....-. ——...-........-.......-........- -. —.-..-.-.-... —.......-........-........-.......-........-........ -....... I 0 3 1 C h i s e l se fi r m e r... — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ----—....... 1 0 0 71 B h s ia e s a dl a nk-s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1007 Chisels, socd handles —-—... -. 4 13. TO..-.. —. -....... 1007 Clseln -idcold-4 —------------------- 1 —-- ----- - ---------- — 2-10-24 5-t —— 1 — 1008 Chisels, schkippi-.- -.. —...I................-...-................-... -... 10098 C hisels, b n chipping —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- 1030 Cies ii ------------------ --— I —- -------- -------- -------------- Chisel — socket-firmer-do. 1033 Chisels, socketf —------------- --------------------—. -...... 1034 Chisels, framiing j.-......... —— 1-.... -...- --------........ -------- 360 ----------------—.-. —.-.................................. --- --- --- --- -- ---- - i..... 10.5 C is l, r m ii.......... -- - -- --- - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - 3 0..... - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - 1036 Chisels, track................ -............. 1037 Chisels, ct ld track. -............................ --------........ -------- -------- ------ ---------- 1039 Chisels, corner..............................................- --—. —-... -...... -.1040 Chisels, o n r - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - — ho —lt.- - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 1040 Chisels, boltting...... —---------—...-...............-''.....-.' —.'- I''...'''.'.'.'.'. --------'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.... -------- -------- 1041 Chisels, splitting.............. -- --—... -.......-... - -------- -------- -- - - -- - —..- - --- - - -- - - - - - --—...-...-........-.....-......-...... —.-. —......-..................-..... 1042 Chisels, coppersmiths'. —---------------------—.... —-—. —-—. —------ -................. -------- 1043 Chisels, tam ping................ -........ -.... - -. -...... 1044 Chisels, B. 8.............. —----—. —--—. —-—. —-. —-.. —-----' --------............ 1045 Chisels, assorted.-...........-... —....-.-... ——....-....-... —-.................................................................. —............................... 1046 Chisels, assorted..-. —- ------ ----- ------ ---------.- - ------ —.......... ----—.-. --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- 1047 Chisels, carpenters.-..... —-—.. —---—. ---- -. —- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- 1048 Chisels, gouging9 —--- ---- ----- ------ -- -------.. --------. --- -- -------- -------- Chisels, soc et.ts -------- -------- -------- --------................ 1049 Chisels, socket frmn —----—............. —sets --- -------- -------- ---------------- -------- --------........ --------................ 1050 Chisels, socket fram ingd ha -nd ---— e-s-.. —----—.-. -- —. --------.. -. -.-. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- -. —... -. ----------------------—. —..... 1051 Chisels, socket, and handles ck —-—.. ——. ---- ----. -- - --------.-.. —- -------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----------------- 1052 Chisels, tin' -.- -----------. —---- ---- --.. -- -.... — - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------................ 1053 Chisels, 5ortise...-. —- ----- ---.. ------. -- - --------... - --------... -- - -------- -------- -------- C —-hill —.. -..-.....og...... —.. —.-........ 1054 Chisels, tinners'....... —--- ------------- - --.sets. -—. -------- ----- —. --------................. --- --- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - 1055 Chills, frog......-.. —....- —. —. —-. —----—.. -—.-. -------- -------- -------- ------—. -- -—... —--—..- -------- -------- ----- ----- --- --- --- --- -- ------—................ 1056 Calipers, assortcd ------ --... -—. - - pairs.- - ----- -. ——... -------- -------- -------- --------... —---.-...... — 1057 Calipeis, spiing —------------— do ---------------------------------- 1058 Com passes, assorted - -.... -. — ----—...do.-.. -- --------.. -- ----—.. -----—. -------- -------- - 1059 Com passes, w ing —--- ---................. do —--. --- - - ---- -. - - - ------ - 1 0 6 0 C lip s, o il...................... - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...'-''.'.' -- -- - - - -''.''.'..'.''.'. - -- - - - - -''.'...'....- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -...'....- -- - - - - - -.' - -- -- 1061. Cups, oil, Cups, gg bottom.. ——. —-. —.-.-...-........... -......-......-............-...............-. —.....-..-.-.......-.-................ oil s 1062 Cups, tallow -.. —-.............................. — 1.063 Cups,, fin paint... - - -- - - - -- - - ---—......-. --......... --------........ -------- -------- -------- " -------- -------- -------- ---- -- -- - - - ---—. — --- -—.. ------- -------- 1063 Cups, 5in paint —- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - 1064 Cups, Smn stripiii-... —-.- -..... —..................... —-.- -.... —....-.- ------ 1065 Cups, brass. ---- - - - -- - - ----—......-.-..... -..... -... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—....'.'..'.''.'..'.'...'.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 1066 Cups, steam chest oil.... -- - - -- - - -- ---—.......... -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------......- -- - ------ -------- --- --- 6 -- -- - -------- ------—........ 1.067 Cups, valve oil -. —- -------- -------- -------- --------............................. -------- -------- -------- 1068 Caps, brass oil - - ------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --'.' - ---- - -----— ~ -------- - --------...... -------- -------- 1.069 Cups, varnish.-................. -------- -------- -------- ---. —--- -. -- ------ ------ -. —- --... --. — -—.- - 1,070 Cans,, pow der.. —- -.-. -..-. —.....................- -..-'.'.'.. ----- —.. -------- -------- -------- --- --- -------- -------- --------. ——. —-.-. —---. --------. —---. --....... — 1 0 7 1 C a n s, e n g in e o il.................. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -'..'.''.'..'.' --- - - - - -.'.'.'.'. - - - - - - —''.' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -. - - - - - - —''.' -- - - - - - -'.'.'.''.'..'.' 1072 Cans, oil, spring-botil oin............................ -------- -----—.................-....... -------- --------.1073 Cans, taillow —--- -- - - - - -1....... ------ ------ -- -------- -------- --------........ -------- --------... - --- -------- -------- -------- -------- I I 1074 Cans, assorted. —--- ---......................... 4 24 -------- 8 13 43 2 4 6 3 3........ —------ 13 1075 Cans, oil, assorted ---------------------------- -------- -------- -- - - ---— 2 1076 Cans, tin, assorted.. —- ----------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- --------.-.. -------- --------'. ---------------- -------- -------- 1077 Cans, em ery.- ---... —-- -. ----.......- -....... 1078 Cans, bench oil — -. ----—......... -- - -------- ----- --........ 1079 Couplings, tenider i —-. —- -. - - pounds —. —---. —------ 1080 Couplings, 3-liii..... —---- -....................- -6 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 6 -------- -------- -------- 1081 Couplings, 3 link -.......-.................pounds-..... 1082 Couplings, straight... —----------------- - -----------........ --------................ - - - -----.. ------- 12 ------------------------ 1083 Doupliugs, crooked....- -----—.....-.............. —.......- -- -------- 120 -------- -------- 120 -- ------ -. —-- 24 1084 Couplings, brass union, assorted - -... - pairs - -- —...... -.......-........-........-........-........-...... —. 1085 Couplings, clam p and screw -..-..- -. —-. —-.-. ——..-.................................-......... 1086 Couplings, hose..... -............................. - -------- --------........' 1087 Couplings, chain -... ------—........- pounds - -------—..-...... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.,- oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^., -,'-"o o, - _ "j / ea a C ~a a ^ C 0. C - d. 0 0:L ~ C o u plins......................c... 0 0 u C._ ca ca o a' i r ^i ^ i" ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t 189 Couplings, brass hose-............do-.. 190 Couplings, hose-............. - -. - - -.. - - - - - - - -- ~ - -- ~ - - ~ - - - - - ~ - 1091 Couplings, assorted..-....-... ——. —-..-...............-...-.-...............n..........................ssort.....ed-1 1 C)d- 193 Chains, assorted.................. 1093 CCouplinengine. —----------------------------— 0 --— Il -- - ----------------------------------.. —------ ---------------------------------------—. —---—. —----—. —----—. —------ 9 4....10 9. -. - -. -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - -........................ - - - --- -. -.... - - - - - - - -- - - -- —. —- - - - - - -. - - 1094 Chainslog -.... -. -...-..-.. — - - - - - -.- -.....- - -..... —------- -.- --.. —..-..-.... —-.....- -.... — 1095 Chains, switch - - - ------------ --- - ------ --—..................................... 1096 Chains, Powersn endless-........................ 109093 hahains, oaeso'te ndless -----------------------------------—. —-------------—. —-------------- ----------------------—. -------- --------------—. —------------—. —-.-..... 1097 Chains, ---— brake —-------- - pounds- ----- -. I.......................................... ----- - 1098 Chains, large.........-... ——.. —-—. —------------- - ------- -- --.................... —-. —........ 1096 Chainsssmall.s.. —.. —. —-------------------------------------------------------------—. —------. —-------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- --—.-..1 1 0 07 CC h a nn s, c i v a l ee n g i n e e r s' - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - o - n d s- -.-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -........1 109 8 C h a in s, l a rg e y r' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - ---- - -.. -..-.-.. -.-.............. —-.. -. - - —.- -. - - - - ---.- - ---- - -.- - —.. -.................. - - - —. -. - - - - - - - - 10999 Chains, small-...................................... 1103 Chains, log. —-....-................................ 104 Chain, assorted - - - s..............fet-. 1104 Chain,~~~ asored.....-.............-fet.. —..-.. —-.... ——.....-.-...-..... —..-..-..-......-.....-.....-...-..-......... 1105 Chainn assorted..... ——.s --—...-.-..-...pounds..-.-.. —.-... ——.-. —....-. —.....-...-. ——.-..-.. —-...... —-..... —.-...-.-.......-........-.......-.... —..-........1 1 0 6 C h a in s, c a b le. -. - -. -. - -. - -.. - - ---- —.- - - - - - - - —.- d. - - -. - -. - -... - - ---- - - —.- -.. - - -—. - - -. -. - - -- - —.. - - - - -. -. - -. - —... - - - - - -.- -... - —... — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 11073 C hainsable..... —..-.......-. —--—.-. —---- feet... —...... — --—.. —- -...-.. — --..... —....... —....... — —. —..-. —.... —.......-. —.....-........- -....... -----—.. --—.... 1105 Chain, G e ------- --- -- --—.po d -- --- -— assortedn........d........s.........-..pn........ --- - ---- - --.. —-- 106 Chi, cable..............do.. 1107 Chicbl ------------— Chain, —----- ---- ---------------— cable —-------- ----------— feet —------- 1108 Chain, caberman —------------- - d- fe - -------- -------- -------------------- ------------ -------- 1109 Chain, G serm an coil -. ---------- ---—.do -. —---- -— do —- --------........ ----------------------- - -. - - -------- ------ -. ——.-. -.-. — 1110 C hain, coil, proved, -— ncl. - --- ----- - - -pounds — -------- -------- --------. —-------------- --------. —---.-........-.......-.......-........ -....... -....... -....... 1111 Chain, coil, assorted —---------- -----—...do. —-.. —--.. -- -------- -------- -------- 1, 586 --------.... —. —--- -...- -. ---- —. —------ 1112 Castings, assorted ------ --------------—.-do —-------—. 7, 700 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---—.. -.... — —.... -----...... 1113 C astings, iron........ —-- -------. — ~. —----.-do -........................ -. -.............................. —... -------- -------- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -....-~.. — - - -- - - -- -! - -- - - -- - - - 1114 Castings, pumpio - ----- --. —---------—..-do- ---........ -— do...........-.-.-..-.-..-........-........-........ —.-. —------- 1114 Castings, - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -do- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -— pum p- -- ---- - -- - - -- -- -- - -- - — do —- - - -- -9 1116 Castings, grate bar s - - -- --..... —--—.97do. —.. —..-.. -—........-....do..-.....-97............ 1117 Castings, old stove bar.... — -.... —.lots - - -do- -----------------------------—. —---------------—.....-.......-.......-........-.......-.......-....-..-...... 1118 Castings, carold — o-v-e - ----. —---. —- pounds — —. --------------—.-.. —.-.....-.ots —....-.....-.....-.... —.... -..... -.... 1119 Castings, tender- ------------- -------------- pounds- do -....... -------................................................ --------- 1119 Castingstender —-d~o;.. 1120 Caps, double --------------------------------------. —------. —-------------- -----------------------------------------------—. —-------------—.......-....... —...... 11211 Caps,,gass pipee.....-..-......................-....I.....-. —.-...-. — -...-.. —...... —....... —....... —.......-....... —....... —....... —...... —....... —.... ——....... 1122 Clam ps, ironga.........................-o —- spairs ---. —--------------— pipe —----------------------------------------—. --—.... -....... -....... -...... 1124 Clamps, cabinet-makers'-...................... - -------- 1125 Clampssaddler'l -. —----------------------------------- ------—. —.. -. —------ ------—... —----—.. —----—.. —----—. ------—.......-.......-.......-....... ~1126~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ —-- ------— tch.-.. —-... —....-.. —-----—.. — -------—. — —..-.-..-.........-............-............-......-........... —-—. -1126 Clam ps, belt.......-.-...-..-. —--—.-.-. —--------—....-.. —..-..i —. —-.- ----—.-. —- -..-. —........-.c.......-. —-...... —-..... —......-...s...-......-.... —. 1127 Clam ps, Nprint -- ---- ------- ----- -----. —------ -. - - -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- --- 1129 Clam pss r g block-sets — - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - 1129 Clam ps, blocki -— Th ------------------ --- ---— sets.. 1. —. - —.. —-. -- -...-. —.. -------- -------- -- - - -- —.. —-- -------- ---------------- ----. — 1130 lamp, hor esho.... —-. ---- -.-.. —-- -. — — I- --—. -—.I-I —----—.... ------—.... —--------..-..............-......-.............. —-....-.. -..1133 Clamps. horoseo- ----- -—............. -..... 1133 Clam s, i on h rse. —.- ----.. —.. — --. -—. —.-....... -.-.. —. —---------------------—......,.-.-.....-...........-......-......-......-...... 1134 Clam ps iro. —-----------------------------— pairs. —-—. —-----—....-....-.....-....-.....-....-....._....-.... 1135 Clamps iron, for tender.... —------—.. —-.-...... - - - - - - - - - - —.-.. 1136 Clam ps, iron woilers ---- ------------ -------------- --- -- -------- ----—.. —....... —.. — --. -- -- -------- ------—..... 1137 Clamps -, nnn'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- --- ----- 11.34 Clam ps, irow —-—.. —-. —-. —.... - - -- - -- -—......... -- -- -- - I.... - -..... -—... --—. -- - --—........ ----------..... ------—. -- --—.................................... 1136 Clam ps, wood b) ienc --.. —-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----—.- --.... -. -. 1. -... -------- ---- ---- ----.......................... —-.. — -------- -- -- -- - -—.. —- --- --------.-. —.. — 1139 Clam ps, cr e y. --- -. -- -—... -- -- - -------- -------- weed be.s-.i —-.......... —... 1140 Clamps, setew - - -~~~~~~~~~~~I —--- --- - ------- ----— r —-- 11418 Clar ps, b a -e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1141 Carsbox. —. —-—..-..-......................... 4 34 102 110 17 24 10 5 46 32 101 11-42 Cars, bo ---------- --- -------— t —1, 100 o4610 11-42 Cars, box freight. -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - --- —.................j....-.... - - ------------------—...... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - 1143 Cars, flat. —---- ---................ —------ 1 39 6 14 1-3 1 —---- 11 —.... 1 20 15. —- 27 > 1144 Cars, wrecking --—... —------—..-.-..-.- I-........ --------.-.. —-. -------- -------- -------- ---------------- -------- 1145 Cars, passenger.-........... —.................- - —.. 5 -------- 1 3........- 1-1 —-.... ——.. I- ------—. —- ----'146 C ar s, hand -------------------------- 1147 Ca- s truck -----—................... -..... —----- Ij 1148 Cars, caboose --- - --------------------------------—. —. -------- --------. —--------------- 1149 Cars, coaloose......-. —.- - - - -—....-..-. —...- ---—...... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------.............. —-... - - - - - - - - --—..... —-....... —-.......-........- 0 1150 Cars,' stock.- - - - - - - - - - - - --—... -..... -..-.-.... -... -.....-.-.....-............-.....-..''..'.-..... -- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- - -------- -------- -- - - -- - —. -.. --- --- --- ---......-......1152 Cutters, card..- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -—................ -............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 1153 Cutters, lead ----- ----- ----- ---- - ----------—.. -... 1 —- --- --- --- --------------—............ -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -- - - - -..-.-........-........-........ — 1153:1- Cutters, cast-steel- —........ -- -- ----- —........ —-.-.... -------- --- --- --- --- --------.................... —... -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- 1155 Cuttersp iron -d —-—........................................ 1151 Cutters, calndrd -a —--------- - -------- 1156 Covers, cylinder ead. ——....................... -........ -....... -........ -. —..-. -..... ----—. —----—.. --------------—. —----—.. --------- ------—.. ——.....-....... 1157 Covers, flagd — --- ---—............................... —... 4 -------- 2 2 4.- -...... —-........... ——...-.. 11.59 Covers, hand-car. --.-. —...........- --—....pounds........................................... -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -- - --.. —.. — 1160 Covers, axle-box -... --—.do-............ —do.... —.............................................................................. 1,161 Covers, cu hinam le -. —-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --—.-.... ----------------------—......................................................................................... 1164 Covers, sa melled............................................................................................................................................... 116 Covers, sm o x.. -...................... -.................................................................................................................... 1167 Covers, s m e -. c.. hand. hole................. -...................................................................................4............ -.................. 11596 Covers, handk-stcar -pounds —----------------- --------------------- - - - - - -.- - - - ---- ------------ -------- 1 -1 6 1 C o v e r s, c u s h i o n.nh l - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- 1168 Crucibles........... --—...-.-. —............. —-.....- ---—. 13 ----—. — -.... -................. -......... -- - —...... — - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - 19................ ~~ 1169 Cylinders, steam engine box......... --------........ --------............................... 1170 Cylinders, locomotive...............- -................... I. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the. Tennessee, ^c.-Continued. - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14 1865. ~8 I 0 do a s, - I Chairs, gu.ar r~i.11,........... 176 Chairs, head..............................sets.... 77 Chrticle.... It 0''; 0C~ 1~78 Chairs, I I ssorted...........o......11, 1 8l C ek,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- - ~ ~ ~ ~.~. ~. ~. izi C~ 71 Cylinders 5 et lon, 12-inch bor........................................ 1172 Chairs, guard rail....... — ---- -..............................- --- —.. —-- --------------- 11785 Chaockirs, ibb.................................... 117 Chairs, bib, ss.................................. 1177 Chairs, step........ —---—.. —----—.......-.. —------------------—..-.. —.-..1179 Chairs, railroad uard............................................ 1180 Cocks, waste-...... ----------------------- -------------------------------- 188 Cocks, lock-.......... 1183 Cockss, astop-.-. - ------ ----- -.-. —------ I — -- 1184 Cocks, blow-off-..... -' —--------- ------------ ------. —-----------—. - -. —...-...... —..-.................1185 Cocks, bibb-6-.... —-' -- -—... —.. —.-.. —--- -—.....-... —.-...-...-............-. —--—......... - 1189 Cocks, racing-.... -12'"''" " ~~~ —— ~ ~- ~ —- — ~ —---- II0 Cocks, hseater and cylinder. —.. --—....................... -------- -------- -------- -------................ ---------— ~ - 1101. Cocks, steam, assorted --—.. —-. —-.. —-..........-........................1.............. 1192 Cocks, brass. —...-.-......-..... 1193 Cocks, cylinder- 4 —------------ ------ 1 1 9 5 C o c k s, v a t e r - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - 1196 Cocks, lever..-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ------- -- -- -.............. —------------ 1197 C ock s, rou gh. " ------ -------- -—.. —.. —.. —.. —..-.. -................ —..-.-. -.............................1189 Cocks, basin... -----. —1201 Cocks, steam-gauge-. —- -.............. 1 2 0 2 C o c k s, s t e a m - s t o p... -. - - -................-...-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.' 1203 Chimneys, assorted........-...............................................................-...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. --- 1204 Chimneys, head-light-.............................................. — ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... - --- 1205 Chimneys, flint.................................... 1206 Chimneys, stationary smoke-stack -... —.. —-......-....... — - -.... - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - 1207 Chimneys, lamp, assorted...................... 2 7. —-- -- 5 I.-....1.............. - -..... ---- 1208 Chimneys, coal-oil lamp — -- - -. —--......................... -. -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... 1209 Cases, drawing-.................................... 1210 Cases, engine tool-box key —. —-----------.-..-..-...-..................... ---- ---- ---- -- 1211 Cases, tin stencil..- --............ —----- -- --- - -- --- -- -- ---- - -....................... - - - - - - - -.... - - - - -- -- 1212 Cases, medicine-.................................... 1213 Cases, turning paper —-—. —---- -------....-.......................... ---- --- -- ---- ----- - - 1214 Cupolas --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 1215 Copper, bar — -- ---- ---- pounds -..............................pounds........ ---- ---- -- ----. —- ---- ---- - 1216 Copper, assorted.....-........ —-—. —----— do........ 1217 Copper, sheet.............-....... —-. —do -....... 75 160 - 1, 577............................... 5 5........ 520 1218 Copper, ingot....-.. —.......-.-....... —-- do -.. —.. 949.....- -.......................... -.... -. - -- -.... ---- 1220 Coprper, tinned-.............................do-.... 1221 Copper, pig-... —--.-. —-. —..-.. —. —--.-do.... —-...... —-............... - - - -... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- 1222 Clth emryqires-280-...'401223 Cloth, emery — g. —.... --- quiress-.................. 280 -...............- —......................o.. 1223 Cloth, emery.. —---. —---- ------ - - - - - —.g o s- - -- --------------— s -.................... -------- -------- --------........ -------- -- - -- -- - -. —- -------- -------- -------- --- --- 1.224 Cloth, gum...............................pounds-. 1225 Cloth, enamelled -...yar................. -pounds —...................................... -- -.. —.-.......... 1228 Cloth, tracing - --.- --- --- ------ r s.........................-..... -. —- - -. -- - - - - - - -yards.. — - 1229 Crayons- - -. -- - --- ---- - - gross - -- - - - - - - - - - - -...... - - - -.- -................................ gross-. 1230 Chalk, white..-............-.......... pounds-...................... ------ -- 3901231 Chalk, red..................................do. —........-..... —. ----..- --— 0 1232 Chalk.......................................do-............ —...- -.. —--------------------- 1233 Chalk, prepared --.-............. —-o...... -d...-.... - - - -.... - - - - - - -. - - - -- - - - -........d......1234 Cranes, blacksmiths'.- ---------...... — --- ------.... ---. — ---........................ 1235 Cranes, iron ——.-.... --- ---- —.-........ -........-...-........... - - -- -. — -. - --—.-............. 1236 Cranes, assorted. -- -- - - pounds................... - - - - - ---—, assorted............ —..........-....s.. 1237 Cranes, tank...............-....... —-- -- -- ----- - - -- - - - - - - - -............... 1238 Cranes, water..................................... 1239 Cuffs, hand.................................pairs —..... --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- 1240 Chests, tool............... -- - - --- - - -- - —........................ 1241 Chests, carpenters' tool- - --.................... —..... —..-..................... - - - - - - - - -- --—. ---- -- - -- - - - - 1242 Chests, tin.. —...... —................... —-........................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.1243 Chests, saddlers --—....... -- - - - - - - - - 1243 Chests, -addlers........................................... —- ---- - - 1244 Cupboards, tool........ —-.... —-. —..... -.......................... -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --.. 1245 Cupboards, oil-....... —--—.-..........lt............. -- ---- ---- ---- - -................ 1246 Combs, graining lo...................... —.... ts..- lt —........................... ----- - -. — --- -—.. 1247 Combs, graining -.............................sets1248 Chucks, assorted- --..................................................... - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1249 Chucks, screw ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - 1250 Chucks, drill —..................................... 1251 Chucks, brass -. - - ---- --- ----- ---- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - --............ —................................ 1252 Chucks, planer-....................................-I 1253 Chucks, universal.. —-2- -................................ -........ --- 1254 Chucks, universal lathe —............................... —--. —-I-.... --.- -- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. - pos I9 1 1 1 I v I _ _ ] Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. PI ~. ^ ^ 5 ^ I.0 0 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 0 -. 8. II - - - -0 I ll -I iel ii i- - n y ii - 0,i- i 0 i t - cc Io ^ rj o o - g ffiv-oS 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 0 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CP C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ l _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____,_- __, 1255 Chucks, tap and nuts-I --- —. —------ - ---. - - - ------ -------- -- -.-.-. — -.-. —-- -- —... — -- -.. —--- -. -. -.'. -- 1356 Chucks, lathe........ -.-..-.-.....-. —... —-......................................... _. _ _ _.. _ __._._.__._........_..._........_...._._..._._........__._._..._._._.._....._._ __._._.._._..._...... 1256 Chuckse, las te d ------------ --- -. —. —----------------—. —-—....... —.-. _...... _...... _...-.. —--........ - --—. --—... ——. ------ -..1256 Chucks, lathe —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-------- ---------—. e 1258 C ranks, hand-car.-..... — ----—.... -—.. -. -pounds. --... --------........ -------- -------- -------- I- - -- - ---.... -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -- --- 1257 Chases, assesrted ----------------------- 10 -------------------- 1258 Cranks, irond-car-pod-.-. -—. - —..... --—............... -.................... 1260 C hasers, screwo ---.-..-.. —---------- -.-. — ----- - -—... -------- ----- -. —-.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- 1261 C atches, cuDboard. —---- -.......-.. -- --- ----... -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- —.... -------- -------- ---- ---........ ------- d 1262 Catches, brake -. — - --.- - ---—... —. —.-..- - -.........C........ b k-. -—..-.. —.... —..... I. -.. —1263 Catches, w indow....-....-.....-.......-..-.......-..... —.-.............. -....................... —--- 1264 Chrome, yellow ---------------------- pounds.. — - 48 —--- —. -- - --—.......-......... —-..........18 ------ - 1265 Chrome, orange, American --- --.. —---- -tubes.- --—.- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----------. — 1266 Chrome, orange, dry —.... — ---—.-poundss —. —...- ----—... -------- -------- -- - -. —-... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- le 1267 Chrome, green ----------------------------— do ---- - -------.- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1268 Colors......................................- tubes —. -------- -- --—.. --------.....-.... ——... —- - -- -- -.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------...... -------- 1269 Colors.-tu —----------------------—...-boxes.- - ------ -—.. ------—. -------- -------- ----- -- ------- -------- ------- 1270 C andies, car —. -- - -—.- -----—.-............ pounds. —. —. —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----. —-.. -.. -............ -.-...- -------- -------- -------- -------- 37 -------- -------- 1271 C andles, star-p u n —... -- - - d s.... - -.... - -...- -------- -------- -------- d.....-. --------. —.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- 1I272 Copperas.-.-. —. —---, -- - -----—. - -... —.......do.. —. -. —.. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- --—.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -................................ 1273 Cord, hemp bell.. —-—........ do.-.. 4 60..... — - 10 2...-... —---- 2 5....7... 5 *.. 1274 Cords, bell -.. —- -.. - -- -- - -- -- -- -- ------—.... -..... ----—. -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1275 Cement, comnposition. —...... ----- --- cans.-. —---.. —-cans —-. -. -------- -------- -------- ------- 1276 C ement....... —... —.... —--- -----.......- - barrels --. —. —. - - - - - - -- - —.- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - ---- --—..-. —.-.... -------- -------- —.-.-.......-.-..-....-....-....-....-....-.... 1277 Connexions, m eter -....-. —...... -------- -------- --------. —..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1278 C abs, loco.................... --- --- ---—......... -. -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....... --.......1279 Circulars, switch -. -—...... -....-... --- --- ---—. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —.- -------- -------- -------- --------... —- -------- 1280 CenDtres, lathe.. ---.................................. ------------ -..- - ------- ---..... -------- - --. - -------- -------- - - - -- - - -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- 1281 Carriages, iron lathe.-.. —-. -- -—..................... ---. —--—. — ---- ---- ---- ---- - 1082 Carriages, iron-. -..-. -- --—.....sctions -. -..-.........-..-.........-..-.........-.. 1284 Crabs, drilling. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 P Channb —r, engine pum p —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 128t Colass h —---- -----------------------—.-... —-----................ -------... 1285 Cha ber, en ine pu m..-............-...... —............-............................................................................................... 1287 Casings, cylinder head - ---........................-..-................-....................................... 1288 Calitllarides, tincture --------.............pounds -- --------.-... —. -----—. -------- -------- -------- ------ 1289 C am phor, gu m... -- do -- -- - - - - -. — - - -..... -.... - -~ -~ —~1290 C alom el............. -..- do.........-... — ------------------------------- ---------- t2)9 L Cochineal..-. —---------------- -------------—. I do. -.'.'.. -------- -------- -- -- --.. ——. --—.... —-----------------.''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—.'. --------'.-'.'-.' --------------- 1292 C om position, chem ical -..... -. - -----—.. cans c-he.nea.. —. -..-.-... —. -...........................................-~...- ~- --- ~- " "'" %1293 C arriers..................-. —..................- - -------- ----... —.... — ---- - —.. —.. ——...................... I- - - -....'. — - -- - -.' — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- 1294 Crosses, gas-pipe -............... -- - --.- --. - ----- -- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....- - 1295 C ollars, m li-br a t gas-bracket —..-.. -. -.. -------- -------- --- -. — ---- -------- - -.............. --------....... 1296 C ircles, iron..-...... -- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- -....... -... -...... --- --- --- --- -------- -----—. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- ------- -- - —... -------- --------.1297 C offi nsn --------------------------—. ---------—. -—. - ----—. ------------------------------—. —-. ——. —-. ——.- -—. — -------- -------- -------- --------. —------. —----- 1298 C asks............................. --- -----—....... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --—.. ---------- -------- -------- ----—..........'.-.'. ------—....''''''''....''''.... 1.299 Cones, blacksm iths' --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -----—...-... —----—.. -------- -—..-.. -------- -------- -------- ------—.................... 1,300 D rills, iron pipe... —.... —-.-.-.-. —. —-- - - - - - - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ------—.-....... —-—... — -- -------- -—..-.. --------.....-..........-......... 1301 D rills, breast --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- ---—....... -.-. -.. --- --- --- ---...... -......-............-......-..... -------- -------- -------- --- --- -------- ---------------- --- --- -------- 1302 D rills, stone... —.. —-- ---. —... — -- ----—.- -—....... --------.......-.......-.......-...... -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------........ -------- -------- --- --- -------- 13013 D rills,, ratchet, assorted —. - -- ---—.. - - -.. -—..-..-. —....................... —--—...-...... — 12 -- -—. -.. —. —.................. — 2 -- ---------- --------.1304 D rills,, ratchet, brace, steel.... — - - -- - -- -—....................... -------------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ----- -----......... -------- -------- -------- --- --- 1305 D rills, stock and clam p. —. - - - - ----- -—.-.. —. -...... -------------------................ ---------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- --- --- -------- -- --- 1306 D rills, blacksmiths' -. —---. —--..-.-..............-......-.....-......-..... -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- -- -- - -------- -------- -- -- - 1307 D rills, assorted.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—............... -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- -- ------- ------—...... --- --- -- -- - - - - ------ ---—. —--.-. —. —.. —1308 i D rills, pin..... -. —---------—......... —.....-.....-..... —.....-.....'-. ——.'... ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ------—.'.'.'.'-'-'. ---------------'.'.'.-'- --- --- -------- -- - - -- -- -- - - - 143 0 9 D rills, lathe,, steel...- -—...........................................-...'................'''''.....5 1310 D rills, counter, steel.. —.- - - - - - - - - - --—............. --------.....-.....-..........-..........-.....-.... -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -- - -- - --- I'll Drills, cast steel. —-- -.. - pounds 22 -- -—..-. ——.. —1310 D rills, steel a oe —2 -------------- ".'.'.'.'.'.'. -------- -------- -------- -------- I —------ --------- - 1313 Drills, vertical, r6-aich steel — - --------........ -------- ------ 1314 D rills, vertical, 45-incc, com pound table............. —..................................... —..- —.- -- — p — -- -"' —-j'- -------- - 1315 D rils, ver ical, 4 -inch, plain table......... --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- --------.......... I........ - --- -------- -------- --------.....-....-.-.'.' —'-.^'. 1306 Drills, hltiackssniths —1316 D rills, prop, irted-able, com plete..........................-..............................-... —-'- - - —' --.-' —------------- --------- 1308 Drills, churn- --.......-'-"'"-'-' ------------------------ --- ----—. —-—...- ^ 1318 D rills, upright -......-... -....'''''' "' " --- - 1319 Drills, dcuill pressteel- -.. —-' — ---— ~ —------------------------------------------------------------- - 1320 Drills, steel standarde -p —------------ nds —--------- — 22 —---------- ---------- 1-'- -------- - 132 1 D rills, upright, ungeared, press,and co-Lnter shafts.... - -- --—...... - -. - —.................... — --- --- -- -- -- - -- --—. - - - - —. -...... —-- 1323 D rills, assortedel...................... -.sets ---... i' i- - - - - - - - -- - - 13-34 D rills, quarryt 4- inch,. ch........................................... --------------—'. —...'..-.''.-.' —-'''..' —.-.''..''. —- -------- -------- 1325 Drills, ratchets and bits.. —---- ------------ Drills,. ver.ica, 45-inch, plain'.-.'.- tah-e-.'.'1'!-.'-.' 1: 6 D rills, black enamnelled.....-.-.............. yards..................- 60.... —-....... -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 1317 Di sris' -.r-n —--- -------- —..... 1327 D iv drif s.......-........................................................ —------- --------- -- ~~ —- -- - ----------------------- - -..... —- —.-. -..1319 D ullts, su pright- - ------------------- -'' " —- --—.. —....-.13329 D rig s,....................................................................................................................................... -- --- 1319 Drills, drill press ---------------------------- ----------------- --------------- ----- ---- 1300 Dolls steel ------------------— standard —-- ------------------------ ---------------------------- ------- 1332 D ogs, ratchet, - ngeared. press and counter- pounds - - - -'- -—.-... 13304 D og's, planer......-..............-.......................................' —... —--—'. —'. —-—.' —. —----—'. —-'-" —----— " " —------— " 3394 Dulls quarry- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- --------------- --- 1335 Dogs, iaw..t.hets...ud... hits..-..'..'...'.................. --------.'. —-- 1336 Duideispirs, counter............................................ —-- ------—.. 1328 Divideis, spring-do ----- -I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------------------- ----- 1337 Dusters, painters- - --------------------------------—. —..... —...-............. —------ 1338 Duckf steel —-------------- -—........... yards-...'..-...-.-....-..........................'.'...'............ —------------— """" "'"" " """ " ""'"1331 Dogs ----— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-------- ---- ---- -- - --- 1339 Duck, car.........h.......................t...do............-.............................-... —' —-.. —--—.....-'.'-.'.!..............!....... 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... Dosr ee-pud RJeport showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ^c.~Continued. - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865..~ _ Articles', aC<-............. I........ 1...a -. I. a~. ao-, 0 " ~ %, Ca I111 ^ 11 11111 5. ^ 1. ^..^ I ll co ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^.5 ^^S a'5.5 S a 0 ^ 1340 D ippers, oil —-------- ------ ------ ---------- ---- -.. —--.-.. —... --—..... 1.341 D ippers, lye... —---------------------------------—. ---—. — -. -------- -------- --------........ —---.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - -.... --- 1342 D ripper0, oil. —-------.. —-- ----. - - - ---—... -------- -------- -------- -------- --—.... -------- -— ppe — ----- - 0-. —........ - 1343 D iam onds, g-lazierns'...- -- - -. —---- ---... —--- --—. — - -------- -------- -------- -------- --.- - —. —1344 D adoes...... ——.. -.-.-. —.- -----.-. —. —----.. ——.- —.. — —. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..... ——.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 1345 D oors, fire, and fram es. — ------ --- --.. -—. - - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1346 Doors, unfinished ——.'... —. — ------------------,. —----- -------- ---------. --.. - -------- -------- -- ----- 13477 D oorss panelel....-..... —----—. —--—.-. —.. ——. — —.... — -..-.-. — —.. —. —.-..... —.......-....- —. —-...-.. —.....-................-................-........-. —-....1348 D oors, furnace.. —-.... —-—...-.-.-.-. — ------ -----. — ----- -- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------... -.-....... -------- -------- -------- --------....... --....... — 1348 osga I --------------------— loo —s —-- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --— m —— o —-- -o — ----— 0 1350 D oors, glazed.-p-l-a — -... —-.. —----..pieces..-.-.... -- -—.. ----—.. -------........ -------- 1351 Doors, assorted... - - -.... -- --.. —-- -------- ------— I -------- -------- -------- -------- 1553 D oo2,D ar....-.....-.................... —.....-......-......-......-................... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ---—..- -------- I —----- -------- -- - — 3 1353 D ryer, patent. - -.-..... -. -.....-.. pounds -- ----- --- -----—.... ------ --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- - 1l354 Dsyer, sand. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1355 Drums for lathe, (W. 1.). —----------—. pounds -. -....... 6...... — -------- -------- -.. —.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- 1356 Derricks ----------------------------- 1357 D errick blocks falls and diesb —-- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ----.-.-.. 1359 D rivers, iron lathe, round --...............pounds. - --------......... i....... --------. -- -------- -------- -------- --------. -- - -.....- ---.... 1360 D rivers, screw..-.. —..- - -- -----—. - -. ——....lots.- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - —.- - --—.-.. —... —. —............................ —.. —- -- --—.. -------- --—.-..-....... 1361 D ies and plates.- -- —....-.. —....... — -- ---—....... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1362 Dies, pipe, and stocks -----—.......... sets- --- -------- --------................ --- 1363 D ies,hand.. --... — - - -... —........ —... -.. pounds. --... -------- -------- ----------- -------- -..... —-—. —- - -.. —---.- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1364 Dies, assorted... —............ - -- -------- ----- --- -------- I -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1365 D ies, gas pipe -.....et........ - -....... -............ -. - -. —- --- --------......... — ---- --.. -.-. ------ 1366 D ies and plates --------.. —. —-.. —-........ —sets.. --.. - - -- - - - - - - - - - --------—..! -........... --—...- -- --—.. -------- -------- -------- 2 -------- ----—. - -------- 1367 Dies -. --—.. -..-..-.. — --...-.-......-.-................. 1368 Dies and hubs -. —--—.. —--—.. — pounds.- -------- -. ——. —------ 1369 D ies, forge ------------------------------—. —--------------—. —-------—..... —.... —.....-.....-.....-...-.-..... —.... 1370 D ie stocks —-- ---- ----................ sets --- -------- -------- 6. 1371 D rivers, ucrew.....v... - - -........................................................................................ 1372 Drums, stove.-.... -.. —........-,.-......................................... 1373 Drawers, moulders'- ---- -- - -—. -- - --- -- - --- - -............................... 1374 Dust, bone.....-.-..................-...pounds- - -................... 1375 Engines, stationary................................ 1376 Engines, pumping, No. 3.............................. 1377 Engines and boilers, dummy — - --- ------........... -- - --- - - ---.......................... 1378 Engines, dummy.. ----—... —--- --- -—.. —............................................. 1379 Engines and boilers, stationary. —-—.. ——.- -- -- -..... —......... --—.. —-- -- -- -... 1380 Engines, steam fire —. —- -...............-............- ----....... ----. 1381 Engines, single, steam. —.-..-.-.... —.-. —-—. —..-... —.............. —---.-.-.... - --- - --- - --- - - 1382 Engines, rotary fire, (Holley's patent)... —------- ---....... —-..-.-..................................... 1383 Engines, calorie- - - ------—......................... 1384 E ngines, rotary -.. —-....... —---------.. —--—............................................-................. 1385 Engines, pilot- -------- -------------- -—.. —. — -...-...-..-... —.. — -................. —-..... ---- ------- 1386 Engines, portable........ —------------------............................. ---- ---- ---- -- 1387 Engines, locomotive......... —-. —--------—. —--- —....................... - 1388 Engine, locomotive, No. 212 -. —- ------- —................................. ---- ---- ---- -- 1:389 Engines, locomotive, and tenders ----------- --- 7 ---- 3 7 15 3 2 2 1 -.................. 5 1390 Engine, double stationary, 111-inch bore,'24-inch stroke, Ellis & Moore's patent —- —........................ ----........ ---- --- 1391 Engines, stationary, 2 boilers 24 feet long, 40 inches diameter-......................................... 1392 Engine, double stationary, pulley and counter shaft..-. —- - ---- - ------ -- - -- --- - --- --- - -- - - --- - -- - - -- - - -- - --- - -- 1393 Engines, pumping - - -........................... - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --........................ 13931 Engine and boiler, 5-inch cylinder, 12-inch stroke, (complete)-...................................... 1394 Engine and boiler, (complete)....- -............ - - -- - - - - --- -- - -- - - - - -.. - ---- - - - - - -- --- -........ -- - - -- 1395 Engines, steam —----------—........... --- ---- ----.-............................. 1396 Engine, 12-inch bore, 36-inch stroke — ---.................... - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. —. 1397 Engines, hoisting, complete — - -. —---.....-..... —........... - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -....... 1398 Engines and boilers, stationary, (complete) — -- ---- -- -- --- ----- — 1398 Engines and boilers, station-r-y, (complete).......... - 1399 Eyes, brass screw-. —- --- -- -..... —-—....................................................... -........ 1401 E yes, iron... —-. —.-. —................... — gross...-. --.. —- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - ------ -—..-...... -........ j............ —-—. — -------- ----—. -------- -------- ----- 1402 Eyes, screw -on ---- -- o — --—..-.. —..... —-—.-........ --—...... —-......... --.- --- --- ---- —..... 1403 E ars, tin k ettle.. —...- - -- -—................. do. —-- --------. ——.. —. —-—. — ----- -—.. —-.... 720 -------- -------- --------. —--—... —.. —.. --—.. —- --------. —.I.I'. 14044 E arsskettlee ------------ ------------------------—. ------—. ---—. —. --------- ----—.. —---—.. —----—. —----—. —---—.. —----- -------- ---- -—. —----—. —----—. —----- 14025 Ey es, screwt.do.- - -- -- - —. - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- --................................d........ 1406 E ars, C. C. saw..... -- - -- - -- - -- - -----—............. -------- ---------..... -------—.... ------—.... ------—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1407 Elbowrs, t in kettle-d —-—. ——..-..-......-. -- — 0 - - - -........................o........... 1404 E ar s, ketdropt....le.................................................................................................. 1409 Elbows as-pip Ears, buck et... -- ----- - --- - -- - - --- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- —. - - - - - --- - --- 1406 Elboars, water-pipe.. --—. —--...... ----.................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----. 1411 E lbow s, goose-neck ---------------------------------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. ——.... -------- -------- -------- 141207 Emerlbows, assorted - -------- cingpounds —.. —--........................ 38........ ---- ---- --- 14108 Emery lbows, ur - - - --— drop —..... —........r-. — - ---- - ---- -.. -- -- -- --........................ 141409 Elbowdges, iron..as-pipe..................... -............................. 1411 Elbows, goose-neck. 1412 Emery, assorted-pounds - -- -3 1,113 Emery dlour-.................do.. 14165 Edges, steel, d tra ihtw bar...................................... -- --- - -- 1417 Ends, equalizer. ——................................................. 1418 Easels.....-.......................-...........-......'.......... ---- ----... -- - ---- ----.- ---- -- - 1419 Escutcheons.....-.... —-.............................................................................................. - - -. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued, Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. ~~~~~ 0 g0 00,0 0 _14~~~~~~~0 d ~. Id I ~ 1 1. I_ ~ ll ~l C0.Xi- CZa C 0 a- 00 a a 0 0 0I-I8 ^^ < 0 0I ~1 c 1Z^~~~~~ Artilo. e..- lo., "-S 0 "e ~~~ ~~'~c ~ 0~ ~ 0, o I P 1-1 11 ll It ~ E~ II ~ ~:.., =n I~ r'I c..) i III 1420 Easers-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 Ct 9 CO C);.. ~ / 1402 Forges -md bellows-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C P. -- 1420 E asers....-......-......... —---- ----. - ----- - - -- - - - -. —- --------................-............................... — 14 1 Forn-et bla mck s'. ---................ --- --. — - -- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------... -------— o -------- - 1423 F orge anda bello s....-.-. -..-... —... —....-..-...-.. —-.-.-...-.......-..............-.......-................-.......-.......-.......-.......-................14 9 P r a --— ti- -— er- —' —---- --- 1423 FrItt 1423 Forges, portable-..................... —...........-............... —-----—. —. —.......14-34 F orges, blackd sm iths' portable. —--..-. —.-........... - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - ---......... -- - -............... 1425 F orges, cast-iron....-. —--.....-. —----. —-.. —---. —--.-......... —-..... --------. —-. -.. ------ ------ -- -------- -------- --—..... ------......... ---- -------- 1427 F ournag es bolt. —. —- -... —---- ------. —-- ----.... —..- 2 -...-.. -—.......-. -. - -- -.-.......-..........................-....- 1428 F urnaces, plumb ers' -....-.-.-..-.. —. —---. —----- ------- - -—. -- - --------. -- - -------- --- - - - -........................-.-.... - 14308 urnaes'a carcol.. —-. —... —-..-...-......-. —...-. —...........-. —...-. —. —-. —-.-.-. —-...-.-.. —-—.-. —.....-......-..-....-......-...... —-- 1431 F urogas, ca t... r — --------------------------------- -—.-..-.........-...... -.-.. -...- -...- --... — -..... -........ -- --..-... —-.-............................. - —.. 1 4 3 2 F r o g i-i p a ~t e n t p o ta b le. -.. -. -.. -.....,.. -........... - -. -... -.. -.. - - -.......... - -.....-2-I- - - - - - - -....... -....... -........ -..............-.......-......-11430 Frogaces, lassorteds.- ---------—.. p d.. ----........................... ]50.............- 14 5 F.rogs,, plast ----. ——. --- ---. —- ----- -----. —... - -. - ---- --- --------.......... - - -------- -------- --------........................ 1437 F rog as so t po t b e.. -... - - -... -... -..-. -.........' 1439..tto's gasZ p...pe... do-... 1438 F tto gs, gas...- -..... - _- - ----- pounds -.- -.. — --- —..... — -.-.. - -. -- -.........-. ------. —---— pt d.-... -------- ---------------- 14435 1o s pastetdt.!ab 1434 F-tts, gi -.. —-. —-—. —.....-......... —-..-.......... -—..... -- - 1435 F ittigs, glats.- - ----------—.. —. - -....... -—..... —... —- - i.. —- -... —......... —.. ------ -------- --------... —-. ----------------—...... —. —. —.- -------- 144F6 tes, w............................. -------..................... ——. 1 3 F ast n e-r o-s, —-.... —-----—... -------.. -- - -------- -------- ---..- --------.......-................ -.....-................. 1437 F i trog s, grindstone — -.-... —...- -- - - - -- - -—.......e s..-... —! —- - --—... -- --—.. --—.-.. —. —-36.......-.. — -- - - - -- - ---—..-........- -----—.. --------......-.. 1439 F ixttures, galathe -.. —... - -- - ----—... -—... —.. do ——. ---—..' —-.. ----—....... ---- --- --- —............... -------- -------—................ 1448 s, s.............................................. -- -- ----........ 1440 F ramei —s, -— ine t k.... —........ —-.....................1.......... —.....................-....... —- --. — ---...........-.. —-........ 1441 F ramei s, brasu cck, ar n d --............ -- - - - - - - - - — pu d -- - - - - ----.- -........... -- - --------...... -... --- -- --—... —---—. —..-. —. — ----- -------- --------.... —- --- --- 1449 Fra s, r beam.-...................................... 1451 Fraes.ank..i 1_4450 F r m sa nde, slides, c ar w indow.. -.. -. -.... -..1 -...........-........... -................................................ 1444 F ixtur es, rindsto- --.....-..-....-..............- s...........s........ 14466 F r F esmesa, ----- --—. — ----—. —---- ------- —. —-- -.6. -- ------- ------- —. —- ------- ------- ------ ------------- 1447 Frames, engine truck..............................[ ------....................... ------ 148 Frames, truck, iron ---------------------—.pounds._ -----—...... —-------- ---- 1450 F ramies and slides, car w indow....- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -.- -- -.- -- - -.- -- --- -- - - - -- - -.- --- 1451 ]. ram.-es,ta l — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - --- ---........................................... —........ —--- --- - -- --- 14 2 Fram es, truck -- - - - - _ - -- - -:...................-....-..........' ~~~~~~~~~~............................-' — ------- 1454 Frames, bellp....................................................................... 1455 Frames, bell —..14 6 F ram es, be ll -sa................................................................................. - - - - - - - - - - 146Frames hack-saw-.........."/ 1457 Frames, saw, railroad cut-off....................... [........ -........'......::[:Zi::: —----- -- -------- 1453 Fram esam c olt.s..................................................... -------- -------— bo —-— lt —----- -------- -------- --------........:........:................ 14598 r m s ir u a -a.............. I........].......................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,4. Frames,'crclarsa........... —[~:~[I[i2S.I......../... 146: Frames, bellows -----------------------------------........ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I............ -------- ------- -------- ----— ilii:.. 1416 Frames, door................. ----...... 146 Frames, wiudow -......................................,'463 ram es, lock. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 1164 F ra nes, gri dsto es --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---.............................................................. 1 6 Fram es, r in d so................................n........................................... ( 1466 Frames and ha....m...rs.....pile.....driving-.... L- 1468 Flatters.. 1469 Fellers.................................................. ~ 1472 Flasks and tools-pounds-................. 1474 Fla-nnel, Canton-..............yards-.......................................................... 1476 F a c t.............................................. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1475 Fl annels, bras..................red-do-... 1479 lags red................................................................................................................. 1478 Frtches, assorted-I F148 F atte lo h...................................................................................................... 1478 Flags, f re........d1.................................................................... — 1 82 Fans, s ail-shell.......................................................................................................................... 1483 Flanges..................................................................................................... 1484 Followers-................................. pounds —............................ 1485 Followers, s..................................pon............................................................... 1486 Figures ------------------— seis -1 —----— 1. — 1487 F igures. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - F 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~............................................................................ 1488 F l-ures, Ca................................. pounads..............::::::::.:..............1......../................................'.................'........ 148 F oes -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- - - -- --- -- -- -- -- --- - --- ----............I.................................... 14 0 F orkse, T " rail.....................................................'........(................................ 1489 Frees.. 1490 Forks, m a u e- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -rail — - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 14912 Forkcs, m anure. — - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- 1493 Forkcs, railroad - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -................................................. 1495 Feeders, oil..................................................... 1497 Formers, stove-pipe —....................................-..... 1498 Formers, tin gu er..................................................... i499 F a: ng, coal...................... ba'rrels..27 2........2 2 2...........................................................1................ 1499 Facings, coal...................................................................................................................................... 1450 Foldoers, pistons...........................................J........J........)........j........J........]......../........!........J........)............................... 1502 F olderes, ir n....................................................J........[................/......../......../................/........J............/. 150 Fcingues c-do.....................'......... 1501 Foldrks, Sinners' 1502 Fodesirn 15036 Ferule-ponds Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I I Cd ii S ^ ^. ^ 1 o i ^~~~~~~i<, a C3.2S ^ - a Articles. a S ^1 I C. C C S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, IC I C ^ l ~ l l P I e I t I! tlCC. a 0 ec II 1504 Fences-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I e E4I 1 5 0 5 F i l e s, a s s o r t e d- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... - - - - - ---- - - - - - 7 1506 Files, fat, assorted.... ---- -............ — --------................ 294................................... --------- 1507 Files, half-round bastard, assorted-60 228 -- ------- ------, -, -- I —--- 1508 Files, dlat, bastard, assorted —- -----............. ------— 60 ---------------- 2288 —- ------- -- ------ ----- -- -------- -------- -------- -- 1509 Fiesaasotd —- 1510 Files, dat aserond-ut, assorted. -..... ---—.-. - 60.-.............. 228...................................... -. 1511 Files, taper, second-cut, assorted —— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---------- 1501 Files, haw, a ssortednd,-............. -- - - ----- ----........ ass rte... —-----........ --------........ —---- 1510 Files, roun, s econd-cut, assorted-. —..... —-------- -------- -. —--- -- ------ -------- ------- -------- -------- --------........ —--- -------- -------------- 151 F le,-ap rse-n-c tas or ed......-.. -. -...........................................................................1............ 1515 Files, ca dt, second-cut, assorted.. —----. —----------------—....-....-....-....-....-........-....-....!... —....1518 Files, quare, second-cut, assorted -- -. —. —-. —----. —-.-.. — -------- -------- -------- --- ----- 1517 Files, ha nd, s eoh d-cut, assorted 306-. --- -------- -—. - --------. —- -------- I 158IFiles, round, smcooth assorted 15 13 F l s co le,s on -cut, assorted ---------------—.- ---—... —.-.............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. -....1......-........ 1519 Files, handr ead, sm ooth, nd ut, assorted -........... - -------- ------ - ---------------- --------. - -........ 1520 Files, dat,asorted ------------------. ——. -------- ------- -------- 306 ------- ------—. -------- -------- -------- ------- - 1521 Files, hand, bastard, assorted- - -- --- --- ----- --- -- --- -- - ---- - 1512 Files, square, sm ooth, assorted-9-6 I —-- - --- -----. —-— 1-...... --------.- - --- -------........ -------- 1512 Files, ao dtert, stard, assorted-............... -—...-..-. — -. - 3................ --—... 1524 Files, rotr e a rd, sm oo th, as sorted ---—... -------- -.... -. -------- -------- -------- -..1521 Files, hand parald, bas sor ted,...... - - -------- -------- -------- --------.......- assorted........ ---- --- -------- -------- -------- 1526 Files, square a, pasall, assorted.. —------------- --- --------- -------- 96 --------. -- - -------- -------- --------........ 1,523t Files, coulte, bastard, assorted.-.. -................-..........i...-..................... I —-—........................................ -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -.... — -- - - 1527 Files, square, bast ard, assorted........ -------- --------.. i.-. --------------- 1529 Files, souothr, bastard, assorted.-......-.... - -------- -------- -------------------------........ —.j........... 1524 Files, t esquare p r le, bastard, assorted.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - —. —.................-......-.-. -------- ------—..... -—.. -.!...... --—..........-.1-. —-..-........ 1525 Files, hand-saw, sm, assorted --------------.................... -------- --------..... -.! -.. ------— 1............-........ -........ ------- 152: Files, mlree-square, asso rte d-,.-.- - -------------.............\.............................. —--- --- -- ----- 1523 Files, pit-a w, bast a d, assorted............................ ---- -........i..................... ------—...............1...... ------- 1532 Files, a end-st a, assorted................... —................... -.....- -------- -------- 1.533 Files, sm ooths a str, assorted........................... - - - - -- - - -............................ 60 -L...... -- - —.... i........ ---- ------ ---............. --- --- -------- 1531 Files' bast-a w............... -...................i......................... —.-.'.....i......... -------- ------—.. 1..... -- -- -....... — -- -- - -- - -- - 1,535- Files, hatnd-saw,.......d............................................'1........L -.....-.................!.... 192................ I........1I........1................ 15,36 F iles, round, bastard...................................!.........1....... ~ —------'................ I.................................:................................ 1536 Files, half-roun d, ba stardmooth ----- -................................................ 1537 Files, half-round, smooth -- --........-.. -- -- -- - -.. -- --- 1 5 3 9 ile s h a n, s m o th......................... j...... 1................ - - - -..i-..'..............[......{......................................... 1542....................................... -------- ---------------- -------- -------- ------ 1538 Files, half-round-.................................................................... -. 1539 Files, hand, smooth......................................................................... 1540 Files, taperu n....................-..- -.-...-...-.-........................... - - - - - - - - - - - -.......................................... 15 0 5 il scu,....... -....... -... -. -................ -....-.................................................................. 1541 F iles, r......................................................................... 1542 F iles, bastard, second-cut-...... --- - - - - -................................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1543 Files, smooth....... —.. —------- -................................................................ 1544 Files,swth 1545 Fls eodct 1544 F le s, s forge............................- -pounds-...... — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ ----—. -------- -- - 15 6 F i s o b le.... - - - - - - - - -..... - - - -- - - - - - -.1546 Files, parallel- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- --- 1547 Files, square-cutb x... -- - -............................................................................ --- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - 1559 laxs ed, roun............................d..-................................................................................. 1549 Files, equalizing................................................... 1550 Files, cut, bastard-...................................................................... 1551 Files, taper, bastard-..............................- - --- - —.................................................... 1552 ile s, paraltel, bastard tn......................................... -. -—. - - --- -........Fls........e...... —................ 15 ues, wer —-----------— pud —--- ----... - - 1553 Flues, copper........d................-.....os.................................... 1554 u es....................................Flu...esfeet........................................- --- - - - - - -- -- -- -- -... 1555 Fixings, forge........-..................... pounds................-............................ 1556 Fronts to boilers -........................................................................... - 1557 Funnels, sand-box -..................................................... l................ 1558 Flaxseed - cl....pounds-.............................-.......-...........................................- ---- ----... 1559 Flaxseed, ground -do-...................................................................... - -- - - --- -. -. - -- -........ -.... 1560 Gauges, assorted a hnl........................-.......................................................... ---- I —- ---- ---- -- 1561 Gauges, panel -mri........................................ —............... ----... -. — ---- ---- ---- --........ 1562 G auges, m ortise....................................-............-...-....-...-....-............ [............... 1563 Ga uges, wi e......................................G 1564 Gauges,-markg —- ------— 0 1566 Gauges, markingle............................ 1563 G auges, cutting........................................1,................ -- - - - - - - -[: — -Z — - - - -- - - - - - -J —- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - 1565 G auges, oum e-............................................................. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'.. I I I 1568 Gauges, cutting —..................................................................................... 15 Gauges, ine............................................. 1570 G auges, tarack-............................................. ------— " —-------------—. —---—... -----—.... 1574 Gauges, (onter.....................................s........ 2........ 1.................. 1572 Gags barrel-. 1573 Gauges, s crw ing..............-......................... 1574~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gauges,......... stea-2.. 5.....1.1 1575 Gauges, quarer-ice-..............................'.......... 1576 Gauges, cocks and syphon steam-.- -........ -------- I........ - 1578 Gouges, firmers —.........................-. —.................................. 1579 Gouges, paring.....................................'-........-........................ 1580 Gouges, paring, and handles................................................................1582 Gouges, flat sweep.................................-............................ 1583 Gouges and handles, firmer..................sets........................................-.................. 1584 Gouges, 1-inch................................................................... 1585 Gouges, firmer-..............................sets-...-................ 1586 Gouges, fiat-.........................................-............ 15879 Gouges, paringdo 15 7 G u es a i g -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -d...................................;.....................................................,..................... Report showing the dispost'on oj United States military railroad property zn the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. ( 00 Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. j Articles. 44 CZ PI, Ca 0 - 00 ~ — - 1 -. 0.. 0.,. 0....'5. o a.9 - O C)0.0 0)0, ) 1588 Gouges, neckve................................................ _ — ---.........................................-....... 1 0 G l s,d u l -h c............................................................................ ------- -------- 1 -1 G ro e s, h ana e e l.................... d o..... -------- -------- ------—. 3-v —--- -- -— u,-e —--............ad-,- -. — te... -------- -------- --------........ 1614 Graheres top- -........-......-........ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. — -------- -------- -------- --------........ 1597 Galleys double-column brass-lined. -------.-................. 1610 Gui-ene, chrome — pounds-12 ------- -- - 1620 Grease, car...,-.......................... pounds.................................................. 1621 Grease, car.-............................. gallons............................................... 1622 Grease, car - -..................... barrels.......... 1623 Grease, w agon ---------------------------- pounds.- ----- -- ---—.-. —. —. ——. —.-......... 1624 G rease, axle - --......-................. boxes............-. --—.- - 1625~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- --- --------—..- -.........pounds....-.................. ---- ~ — ~ —--—..-. —.. —----------. —-.-. —---...-...... ~~~~.... 1625 Glue- ------------------------------------ pounds- -- -------- -------- ------- -------- ------- 24- -------- -------- -------- ------- I 1627 C ates, m olasses... —-..-........-................................................................. 1628 Gates, switch ----------------- -..............-................................ 1629 Gates, pine — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—.................... ------- -- -- - ------- -------- ------- -~~ —---- -------- --------.-. —...- -- -—. -. -------- -------- -------- -------- 1630 Gibbs, bridge................... -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- --------...'.''.'.' --------''.' --------.'.'.'.'. ------—''.' ------—''.' -.'..'.''.'. ------—''.' ------—''.''.'.-'.''.'. 1631 Gibbs, cross-head.........................- pounds. --... -------- -------- -------- ---- ------ --- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- 1632 Gibbs, cross-head.......... ---—. —. —.-..-.... —. — -. —.......................-.................. 1633 Gibbs, bridge.............................-pounds. --... --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------.......'..-.-. —.''..''..'..'....'.' -------- -------.....'.'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—'' 1634 Governors... -- - -- --—...-... - -....-... ---—.. —.. -.. ------ --- --- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. —--—'. 1635 Glands, snuffing-box ---------- - -...pounds --........ ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --........... 1636 Gongs, locom otive, 6-inch.-.- --.. -- - -------- -------- --- ----- 1637 Gongs and fixtures....-....-....... —......................................................................... -------- --------........ 1638 Gongs, alarm - --- - -... --------- -......... —........ -. ---........ - 1639 Globes, ruby......-. —- - - - - - -- - - - - ----—........... -------- -------- ----........ -------- ------—.''...''.' -- -- - ------—.'.-......'. -------- -------- --------'....'...''.'.'.-.'. -- -- - 1640 Gutters, tin.-...............................feet-... -........ - 1641 Gutters...-.. —---------- ----------- --------— lots. --... --------............. -------- ------- -- -- - -- -- - -----—..'.'....'''.....''- ------—. -------- ------- ------- ------—'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. — 1642 Grease, w agon............................gallons -- -. —------- -gallons. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. -- -. -... —.. -------- -------- -------- 1643 Hlammers, blacksmiths-............................-........... —.-.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1644 H ammers, blacksmiths' hand............ --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 1645 Hammers, chipping........................... -........ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.. -------- -------- -------- --------.... 1646 Hammers, shoe- -...... 1647 Hammers, hand-2 —- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 1648 H amm ers, hand ----------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- 2 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1649 Hammers, sledge a ---------------------------------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1650 H am mners, claw ------------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....... — 1651 H amm ers, tack. —---------------------------------—.-......-................. 1652 Hammers, engines —------------------------------- 2 7. 5 6 69 3 1 2 1 7 32 4....... 4 1653 H am mers, tinners' —----------------- --------------- - 1654 H am mers, saddlers'- -.......................... --------..................................................... ------- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- 1.656 H ammers, clspto n d punch.-...........................................................................I —----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1656 H ammers, clasp and punch........................................................................... -------- I —-----........ 1657 H ammers, ballast......................................................... ballast-........ ---- -------- -------- --------........ 1658 Hammers, shoeings-..........................-................................................................................................... 1660 H ammers, spikeo....................................... ------- - 1661 H ammers, backing............................................................ 1661 H ammers, ba king.............................. —--—.I —------------—...................................................................... 1662 H amm ers, jack......................................................... 1663 H ammers, copper --------------------------------—. —----—. —--—'.' ------—'.''.'-..'..'.'-....''.'-.''.'..'..'.'.''.'".''.-.'..'..'..'.'.''.''.''.' 1664 H amm ers, assorted-90.1.5-...................................................... go 1 " 5'......................... 1665 H amm ers, trip........................... ----—..... --- --- --- --- ------------------------------—...................................................'.'........'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1666 Hammers, steam engine, trip, complete........................... 1667 H amm ers, steam, assorted.................................................................I............................................. 166 H a me s, ach ne-.. -.............................................................................. ---------.......................................... 1-668 Hammers, macbins ------------ -- 1669 H ammers, boiler-m akers'.......................................................................................................................................... 1670 H amm ers, riveting-...............-...........................-...........-..-............................... 1671 Ham mers, soft-...............................-............................'.......... I........ -.-.-.'.....'.'...'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.1'.7.''Hm.m s.'.s.'o.'f'.-'.'t.'.'.'.'-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'......... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. - Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a' 1.n -..!.. i. ~T h ~ Articles. I C l Cl' U I I a1 cc Ct c O ~ -as.. a a a~~~~~~~~~~'05 a cc a0~~~~~~C C Cd *. — a. a) CZ ~2 s I ~,~^ ^ ^ 0, ^~ i ^ ^ 0 - -^ ^.^0- 2 Er ^0 c I< I r. -11 t__________________________________ ___* -__ ___ __ a__ Ijo_ __ __0_ P 1672 Hammers, steel. ——... --- ----..-........................................................................ 1673 H am m ers, raising......... --- -- -- --—.-... —.... —.- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- ---- ---- ---................................................................... 1674 Hammers, pointing.-............... -. ------—..........-.-. —-........ -------- -------- -------- --------...............................................j0 1675 Hammers, wagonting.. — -------- --------................ --------.....!................................ 1676 H am m ers, saw................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------...-.1.............. 1......................... 1678 H atchets and handles —..- —....... —.-.-............ —.-. -.....-..............-..... 1679 t h t n a d e - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - H atchets, shingling 1679 Hatchets, shingling- 48........... —..... —.. —....-.......-.......-................-.......-.......-................ —.... 1680 H1 tchets, broad ------—. -........... —-- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------.. ------- -- 48 Hh4 3s 1681 H atchets, soldering................ -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- --------....... -- - - - - - - - 1682 H andles, firm er chisel, assorted -.. -. -. -.. - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -. —------ -------- ----- -------- -------- H 1683 Handles, socket firmer chisel, assorted. —----------- ----------------..-.... —.... —....-.....-..... —....i.....-.....-....' 1684 H andles, socket chisel-................ -.................................!. 1686 a d e,s c e h s l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - H andles, anger,-assorted — 1685 H andles, chisel.-...............-................ --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 1686 H andles, auger, assorted.............. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -- -- - 1687 H andles,a z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ad e.. -................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----—.. -------- --------............. -------- -------- ------- -------- 1688 Handles, foot or carpenters' adze...-... -......... -------- -------- -------- -------- --......... -------- -------- 1689 H andles. railroad adze............... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------......-.............. -- -- -...... —- --- -- - 1690 H andles, broadaxe.- -... ——... -------- ---....... -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- --------... 1691 H andles, hatchet -. — -------- -------- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1692 H andles, broad hatchet -.. -- - ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1693 Handles, hammer. —------------------ I........ --------'.'. -------- 1694 H andles, stone ham m er.-. —-....- - -- ------ --—..... -------- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. —........... 1695 Handles, spike, maulmmer- -....................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. 1696 Handles, maul- -............... --------.. I 1697 H andles, pick............................................................................................................. 1698 H andles, aw l-............................................ --------....... 1699 H andles, sledge-....................................I -------- -------- -------- 1700 H andles, brad aw l........ ------------------------......................... 1701 Handles, firmer gouge-. ------.. I I -------- 1702 H andles, jackplane...................................... -~ —------------ 1703 H andles, handsaw.............................................................................. I................ 1704 Handles handsaw, polished....................... 1705 H andles,............................................... I............. 1706 H andles, cross-cut saw.................................................................... 1707 H andles, cant hook..................................................................................................... 1.708 H andles, axe.................................................. -------- -------- ---- ------ --- 132...........'''' —''.''.'.'.''.'..'.' ------—''.' --- -- -- -- -- ----- -- — " —--- 1708 Handles, chopping axe-13 —...................................................... I. 1710 H andles, hand axe.............. -- --- --- -—......... ------—... —-----.. —---------------.................. —........................................ 1711 H andles, saucepan................. ---------------- -------------------------------............................................. 171209 H andles, chest- - - - - - — opping- -.... -............................... a................ 1714 Handles, x~ frontenddoor...........-........................... 1710 Handles, hachitnd axe r.-.. ——...... -------- -------- —. - - - -....... - -- - - -- 171 Handles, chest, jace panned, Paris.................................................... 1716 H.......e..................................................... 1718 H andles, chestpairs................................................................................................... - 1719 H andles, m allet 3-..........................- -................... — - - - - - - - -........ — - - - - - - - -- -- - —:: 172014 H andles, f ront end door o..... -............................... - -.................................... 1721 H andles, stretchermachinists' ---- -..........-.........-................................................................................................... 1716 H andles, ch sto jp a n d Paris - pairs — - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -...................... 172 H andles, ou h........................................................................................................... 1724 H andlers, pouch -- -- -- —.........................-.........................................................................................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1725 H angers, drpst................................................................................................................................. -............^ 1721 Handles, chestp..............................pairs................... 1729 H andle s, sm alleting............................................................................. 172 H an es,...................................... 1729 Hangers, step -- -do.................................................................................................... 1730 Handlgers and boxes,...............................I............. 1723 H andle s, cotruchk............................................................................. 1724 Hangers, post..............................-........ 1733 H angers, a dro.....................d,..... -..................................I —............................... I.............................................. 1735 H angers, d astrop, belt........................................................... - 1726 H angers, sp ring........................................ -- -- - ~-.- - ~- - - -.. 1737 H angers, de.........................p........................... - - - -.. 1738 H ead rs, s h fingr................................................... —........0 1738 H eads, squarersmith.....................................................................................................................................:1739 H eads, co pr smit................................d..................'......-.1....................................................... [. —.....- —....... —-......I1730 H angers ads, brak oxe s..........................d.od....... 1732 Hangersd s................................... 174 H eads, ra..................................................................................................................................... 1735 Hangerads, cast-ir on-........................pounds... 1737 Heads, cyl inder.................................... 1738 Heads, square...-................................... 1740 Heads, brake.............................pounds.. 1744 H eads cros s, brake...................................................................................................i....... 1742 Heads, draw-...................................... -... 1743 Heads draw..............................ounds... 1746 H eadsan b eams, la r ake.............................................................................................................. i............I.................... 1744 H eads, cross,................................................................................................ 1745 Heads, stake......................................17529 ookscant...................................''.'.''.'.'....1........'..'....'.'.'.'.....''.'...'.'...'......''.'.'"'..''.'.'".'.'.'."..'.'..'...'..'.'......... —--- —.-.~~ — 17546 Heads and bea ms, bra ke......................................................... 1747 H eads, piston........................................................................ I................... 1748 H ooead s,hull, sm allk........................................................................................................... 175549 H ookeads, bp ll, la rg.................................. 2 1................ 5........................................................ 1750 Heads, draw, cash -- pounds-.. 15 *Heads, crowcss -........-..... 1752 thooks, cant..................... —-- 1753 Hooks, bethsort, ed -—..................t:: 1755 H~ooks, packing-....................'::i 1754 Hooks, horn, beak --------- -— * —*~~~~~~~~~~~ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued * Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'0 -~~~'~ C CZ C, C.) 1d C", a1. i C- C.) (1)0 C~'0.'00 Cd 0 I ^- ^ li ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^!'0l- a0 ii. 0 e,0 ~~~~~~~Articles. ad C)~-~ <'0 a'0~ ~~ M~'0 ^~~~~~~~~~~~e ^g ~ 0^ a^ ra- ^6e ^ S g2 ^^ ^g ^ ^ ^ s ^& C. a I! l -I Z I -,0~~~~~~l - CZ 1756 H ooks, tackle -........p- w r................ -.-........... 4.................6.... 1758 H ooks, safety chair -..... -- -.....- pounds........................................................................................................... 1.759 H ooks, assorted........ - - -- - -- -- - --—.... -......-... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 60 -------- -------- -----—.1.... -------- -------- ------—.........t 1760 H ooks and staples,............-......................... 48 assorted -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1760 oo sga p peooks- -- -- — and — -- — staples — -- -- ---- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- — I..........-......48.. 1762 H ooks and eyes-!, brass. -....... —. —.. gross — --- ---........ I................................. ---- gas............. pipe-. -----—................... - 1763 H ooks, safety chain......................................................................... 1764 H ooks, curling. —--------------------- -.......- -------- -........ -------- -------- --------........................ 1765 H ooks, siron ------------- ---------------— pounds..- -..- -.. —--.i............................................. --- -- -- -- -- -- --.1........-.................... 1766 H ooks and s, os -------------------------.......- ---------........................ a d s o s. ---- ----- 1767 H ooks, curving —-............................. 1768 H-ooks, switch rope ----— _ ---— pounds —-- ------------- 1769 h-ooks and thinshies, switeis rops --- - - - -do - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -................ - - - -................. 1770 Hooks, cotton ------------------------ --—........................ —-- 1772 H ooks andc h i gae -...-...................................-.................... -- -- - -- -- -.....- - -- -................... -.........'........ 1............................... 1774 H ooks, aindb --------........ --------------- --..-..-..................................-........................!........ I.............. --—.. --- -—..... —1771 Hook ia d chains, -----------------------------.'.'. gate-..........I.......'.....' 1772 Hooks, aice-..... - - -................ 1773 Hooks, hayn —--------------—..................... 1777 Hooks and stands —— pond.- ------- 1776 Hookes, iron -----------------—..... —-- 1779 atr Heaters,............... - - - —.................. - - --.........- — iron —-.................. 17862 Hoes, handled ----------------------—..................... 1784 lloes, garden -—...................:...................... - -- -............................... 1h,5 Hoes, stahle................ 1786 Hose, assorted-................feet laO 200 56 340 —-8-48 - - - -- - - -- - - - - 00 600.... 57 787 o - i Ho- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - — se,.........................g........................... 1788 H ubs and collars. -. -. -. —.......... aet-...;. -.. — -.... -.1................................................-.......1.....-.......... 1790 ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ H i g sIta,a s r e.............. j - -..! -... —----— ~.-...-............ 43....j............................- - --—......-.-.-.-.-..... 1789 Hubs for dies- ---—. -. -........ ---—. —-. —----- -..................... - 1793 H ing s,........................... p irs...\......\....-.^ - ---- -- -—.....43....... -......i............-......-6-......-......-...... 1790 Hinges, strap, assorted --------------—.... —-- —.. —- 4-2 —.-. —. —- —..............-...... - - I............ 1791 Hinges, blind, patent.. - ---—.- -. --- -------- -—......................................... 1792 Hinges, T-rs... -...-..............-......... opairs -. —.........s.-.' —-. —- -------- —......-..... —.............0 1796 inge and fast ners bli d....-... —..-. sets......- -1...... \... —....................-...... —-.....-............-.............-...... -...... 1793 H inges, tableissh red.......... -----—. —------ — o ~ ---—. - -~ -. - -......!-. ---— ~ -- ------— ~..................j....... - - - -I.........................]........................ 1794 Hinges, window-t ----— o. —---------------- - do...................... -I -- --—.... 1802 H in es, but~ brass...... — -...-. — ------- o —--.-. —-.;....... —----- -. —- --...........-........j-...............................j......-................. 1795 Hinges, brace- -d. —. —---------------------— o —-------- ------- - ----—.1796 Hinges and fasteners, blind - -....\. —— ts —-- --------------------........-..... —1727 H inges, blind..-.-.- ------- ---- ------- -do............................... -..............t..a..i.............s........-........ j........-................ 1806 H asp, hingesand stap es, asso ted.. —... —-..-. —..-. —........-..-.-. —.. -...-....... -...................j..... —-.....................^ -. -................. 1798 Hinges, brass- -------------------------------------------— I- -------------- I 1719 H99 a.inge.s-. -- —.-. —. ---- -.-.s.. —....1... —--— i -...- ----—.- ---—......i. —..-..... — -. -- -......................... 1800 H inges, up fl uished ----- -. -. --—..-.. -- - - —.........1....................................... 1814 H a ^ plaserers'-......-. —..... —..-. — -lots. - -—..-........i.....-......... -............ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- ---- ---- ------—...... j............ 1801 H inges, butt, brass-e. — --—. — -—.-. - -—. —-- -.P.irs.- -- -----. —-.- -- -........................................ 1802 Hinges, butt, brass --------------- ----'.-.-do-.-..- ------................... -........................... 1803 Hinges, backgdt-io. —..-. —-—..-. —.-........-...-...-.-...-.....-.... —.-..-.-................ 18030 H ingesbacke...-.-.. —-.. —---------- --------..1. — ---.-.-. -.j -. -.... -. —-. — -----—.... 1... —............. - -............................. -- - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - 1804 H inges, butt,dr a st -.. ---- -- - --. —- -. —. -- --........t —. —-— i —-. —- -. —- - 1834 H orse' blacksm ths'............. -... —-. ——...I —-.-................i- -..- - - - —.. -.. —................................................. --- --- --- ---............. 1805 Hinges, blindk-. —— d.. -- --- po-............-d-o- -- -... —-. ------ ----—.... 1808 Hasps, binges and staples, asses-led1807 H aspsian do sta p oles..- ---- ----- --—....... -—.-......-.-... ------ -...I —-.. -...... —........................................-............... --------........ 1807 Haspsandstapder...........................leounds.-s........-........-...-.. —--—.....- —...... -........-........-........-........ —...............-...-..-......-........... 1808 H asps, binge-24 --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- -—........ 72 —---- -------- ------ —. --- ------- 1809 H icko — fo —- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- - -------- --------...........................hasps1810 Iron, angle -.................... — p -------- --------........ and-.... books -..... -.... ------- 11 ---—....... 1811 HaIr, plasterers —--—...-... -- ---.. —-— bnshels. - - -—. --... —-- - --. --- -------- -- -- ---- -------- -------- ------ 1812 I-air, curle-d —— _ --------— pounds.., ——........ ~18 13 He1 p..t....-d 1814 Halt-, plasterets --------------— lots-.... ---------- 1817 hoods, stroke-etark --— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-------- -2 —--- 1818 Horses, woroght —io —-------------------------- -------------------------------— I — 182'horses, woode —-------- ---- 18-21 Horses, cat-penter, sawi —------------------------------- 1822 Horses, drawiug ---------------- 1823 Horses, nail. —---------------- -........ —------ 1824 Horses, blacksmitbs -------------—... ------------ -------------- 1826 Hoops, truss —--------------------------- 1828 Hods, msrtar --------------------........ ——.................. 1829 H r i s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -....ardies-...................... 183-2 Headings, blacksmiths' -------------- 1836 Hickory for haudles-.............pieces-. —----------------------------------------------------------- 186f 8 ne ------------------------ ---- hinges —------------------------------------------------- ----- 1837 r n a g e -- - - -- - -- - — ron,- o nd --- - -- - — angle- — pounds-112 —- --- - -- -- -- - --- - -- - -- - -- - - 11..........0 1838 r n r ir ad- -- — Iron- - -- - - -- - b r - -— railroad. — - --- - -- --- - - - - -- - - - - --- -- - --- - -- -- ---- - -- -— bars —- - -- - — (~ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property s the military division of the Tennessee,._.-Continued. " Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 1C1 1 1. -I 1. - I"' _. Irte. ~. 3I0.'............... do.. 381, i o 374..~!.............6.. ]... I d 1....... 53. S I I..... 1839 Iron, railroad.-.......-. —..............- pounds --—......................' 1840 Iron, round, assorted — -............... 1 59 16, 12........u 10,....a........... e.. 4 0 1841 Iron, bar, assorted. —------------------—..33.do.......... 3 1................... -....... 1 0,7-06!........ 1842 Iron, flat, assorted do............................... 1843 Iron, galvanized-...... do-...-.............................. -------- ----------—....1844 Iron, Russia...........353...764.... 1845............... I tdo-..4.0-... 177 —........ 1.. 1846 Iron, boiler. —------------------------------- do.-......... 1. 589 1, 125. -1......... IO236 7..... ------— 0 —-----— ~ — ----—.. —- 2' 047 ---- - - 1847 Iron, tank.-.................................do............ 3, 380 1, 050............... 3, 940 0- 086 —-. —- ------ - -...-. - —.... ^9 — -------- 1848 Iron, ovalad-i-oval.................... do............................... 1849 Iron, hoop.................r. do.................................'............... —------ do ----—.. -------- -------- -------- -----------—' t~l 18150 Iron, tireo ---—.......... -do............................... 1851 Iron, -rouadr —- -.....................-..do.. —..............-................................... ~- ~- ~~ --------- -------- ---—.. - --------.. 1853 Iron, plough slab.. —......-.-...............do.. --------''' ------—. —- ---- - - -- -....................... 1852 Iron, square.......................do....................... -------- -------- -------- -------- 1853 Iron, ploudg slabr —---------------------— do. - I. —---- -5 Irn d oa big......-.... do............................... 1854 Iron, nail rod- do-..............................do. - --- -------- ----- 1855 Iron, pigshe-.............. do......... ---------------—.- ------- - -- ----------—.-. ----- 1856 Iron, rtun.bridge-........................... do. - -------- -------- ------—........... ----- -------- -------------—. —-----... -- ------ 1859 Iron, flat 1se t- - --------------------------—.do. -.................................................................. I 1862 Iron, scrap, blacksmiths' st class..-..........do-. ------- I —----- -------- --------....... - --- ----------- -. —.. 1863 Iron, scrap, blaeksmiths' common..-.........do- ----- -- -..- -------- -------- I —------- 1864 Iron, tank and fire box scrap-.......-..... —..do —.... - ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------- -- 1866 Iron, sb ee t g claie d —.................... do —.. ----- -------- -------- --------. —----- --------..... ——..- ----—.. 1868 Iron, sm eac, bla ckso --—......... —-.. do-..... - - - -- ~ - 1869 Iron, scrap, rings and staples -............-..do-... -............... - - I..... 1871 Iron, old..... do. 1871 Iron, old....................................do................................................................................... 1872 Ir:,n, wrought-...............................do........ 1872 Iron, perfoughte..........................................................................'.... I........ 18743 Irons, p latforat dm.......................... sh e s............ 1................ L..... IIII I........................^.......^...............^....................... 1874 Irons, platforch..................................................................... I I [~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~.....I —--- -.................. 1873 Iron, perfora tedn.............................................sheets...... 1877 Irons, solid.............................................................................. I 1874 IronsIdouble plough........................................................{.....-..1.......' I' I " - - -- ~~ —~~~~~ 187 Irons, platformd........................................................................................................... 1878 Irons, double pl ug....ac..........................................................p.........~......... 1879 Irons, heading.......................................................................................................... 1880 Irons, randing............................................................... I 85 Irons, double-pland..............................-.....I..-.........................1............................... 1881 Irons, s l e i g.........................angle, 25 feet each.................................. 1877 Irons', solargefordrawing, (on wheels).........[i].i.112:1]. l...:....................!....::........!................................................................. 1882 Irons, dos g.............................................................................................. I......... 1883 Irons, twrooi g......................................................................................................{...........................................> 1884 Irons, plane............................................................. 1885 Irons, donle-plane........................................-................................................. 1886 Irons, soldering..- ----............................................ 1887 Irons, large, for drawing, (on wheels)-sih'... -..............................................................'"'...............................-......-.... 1888 Irons, guide.......................................................................................... 1895 nstrum ents, veterinary..................... sets.......................................i............'............................................. 1889 Irons, dog lw — pairs-.............................................................................. e -~-~ 1890 Irons, roofing, double seaming......................................................................... 1891 Irons, stepn............................................... 1892 Irons, blacksm iths..........................do............-.............-........................................... 1901 Ironject s, steam -- -do..................................................................-.....-.. 1893 Irons, schafing.................................................................................... 1903' Ipeca.................... p............'..'' 1894 Iron, brake — do —---- 1895 Instruments, veterr in aryg es.......................................................................................... I 1896 Instruments, levelling.......................................... 19048 Irons' guide'-gr.... poovindsgI [ I I.............. —.-....... I........-.......................................... 190........................... s..........d....................................... 4 3 I 63................-........................................ 1897 Instruments, dmathematicalo..........42.I....-......... 1908 Ja k yd a lc, 7 t n............'.''''...................'''..................................... 18908 Instruments, tdrau nsit.......................................................................... 1899 Injectorshd, 1-engine.........................'......'.'.......................... 1900 Injectors, assorted............................................................................ 1901 Injectors, ste................................. —------.......... —.. —-- 1913.........-.......................................... 1902 Indicatrck s, steamt.......................................... 1903 Ipeac - _ _ pu p....................-.........................ds.......... I —----—'..''..' --- --- --- — ~~~~ —- — ~ —~~~~ —- --------............ —.......................... 1904 Ink, printing......................... I 1917 —- cases............................................................ 1904J Irons, hand-grooving..................................... —----.................... —--............... 191 89 4 Ir on bra ws, switc.......... —-...- d............................................................. 1905 Jacks, ratchet............................ _ i --—.... 1906 Jacks, screw and lever ---—............. 4 3 16~ 13 34 4 424.......... 4 1951 Jack s, hydra uic.........................................................................................' I —------ ------.........................'.......... 1907 Jacks, htyeraulic assorted.......4......4.4.1 1908 Jacks, leydraulic, 7-................to...........t.................!..................... 1912 Jacks,......lever......- 10........8 —.............I........4 --- 12....... 1913 Jacks,..........................................................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~:::i........................................... 191 Jacks, p tump, ltetoiia..-'...........: ill'::::..:::::: ill..ll::ifi...:::....................... 1915 Jacks, pump, 10-ton-................................. 1916 Jacstpumpnstast.... 1917 Jouinals, " a................s............s............s........................ 1919 Jaws, switch-lever - - -........ 1:920 Knives, farriers.... —---------- - --------- - - - 36 -........3........6...................6........ 1921 Knives, drawing-..........................!....................I...................................]........./ - - - - - - -- - - - - - -....... ( Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 8c.-Continued. ^ GO Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. ~~ ^ i ^ ^- S ^ S o j0 -~ - 0~~~~~~~~~~ C -- -7 — M, —--- - CZ.?.... — Articles. o w il Ol 0 i. i- -t ii i- ^ l^ ii r I- ^ r i =; ^ 5^ C ~ ^ ^^ s ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i i ^e ^ I s^ - C'. al,'a CZ a) CZ EO I —i.M E-q -c I io - Ct;0 CZ 0) C) E-4 1 Fq E —4 ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ 1922 K nives, frog.-..... —---—.... —-. —- -...................................................................................... 1923 K nives, bench......... —-..................... -------- ------........................................................'.................. ~~-0 1924 Knives, paring-.............................................. 1925 Knives, round —-------—. - --—.-.-... -- - -- 1926 Knives, pallet- ----------- --- ----------------------- -------- --------......- -------- - --- ---'- -------- -------- 1928 K nives, shoe........... -- - -... -- -- -. -- -- -------- -------- --------....... 1K 2. ---' s..oe..........'.'.-'-'.- -------- 1928 K nives, shoek — ------- ------ ------- ------—.. - -—.. - -.. --—.... - --—.... -....... ------—.......... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - ~~~-~~-'..... —....-.. 1929 Knives, packing ---------------------------------------- 1930 Knives, C. S. Daniel's planer. —------------ —........... 30....... —.... —- ----.-' —-----—. --- - 19311931 ves, brush...................Knive......................s..................... br.............i......so.b" " -- —..... —-..................... — 193'2 Kettles, soldering.. - 1933 e tl s g u - - -- — et- - -- - -- - -- — s — -— glue — - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - L............-. 1 934 Kettles, spring.-.......................... pounds.......................................... 1935~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -es-a-......................................................" ~ ~ -~-~ -.-.-..............^ ^ 1 9 3 6 K e y s, c a r 2 4 —------------------------------ 1936 Keys, assorted ------------------— I —---------- i ——. —-- 1937 K eys, assorted....pounds............................ -------- —...... ------—................................ ~ 1938 K eys, diraw -head..-.-.-..-..-.......................................-... I i 1939 Keys split.-..............................pounds - -- ---------------.............................. -~~ —- --- ~~ 1940 K eys, padlock.. — -------- -......!........ ----................................ 1941 K eys, connecting-rods........................I................................................................ i 1 943 Knobs mahogany-................ —-- --—. 1144 Knobs, n~~~~~~~~~~~~~iineraliii!i 1942 eys.........,............-.....,................-.... 1.......-.....-.i. —----—.... —----— \.. —---—'.\'...'....'. —------.'. —------....................... 1943 K nobs, m ahogany w er-................................................. -............-........L.....!................................ 1947 Knobs, I —- 1945 K nobs, draw er w.......................... -......................... -------- -------- L...... -L........ ------— J......- - I..........'.. 1946 K nobs, door.... —....... —.........................................'.................. L...L -.......1...!............L...!......................'. 1947 K nobs, desk, w ood, assorted.-. —-... -...................:................ I —------................[... I.... -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -...............'........ "" 194 K nobs, tin-kettle....................~..........................'...... 1950 K i gs, A me ican....................... rtube..................'................!........................j...... -- - - -- - - - -- -- - 1949 Knobs, lea-pot -gross —--------------- 1950 Kings, American -- - - - - - - - - - - - - t be................- - -- - - - - 1951 K nees, tender.....................................................'................!........'..............'.'.\...'.'.'.'.'.\ -- -- - ------- --- ---'....' ""..................... 1952 K asses, sw itch.............................................-........i. -- —. I 1911. Knees, lender- ~ ~ ~~~~~~~I 11-1I__II- 1 --— I —-------- ---- ---- 1911-............................i I- - -- 1954 Lights, w hite — 2................................. 2 6 48........ 5 146 48 1955 Lights, red6............................... 24................ 104.:- -.-2'. — -— 24. I 1956 L ights, blue....................................................................... 2 ------. 3957 Lights, cab-2.................................... 3. -.....3. 5 7~-..-............. -.......-.. -....2.............................. 1958 Lights, hea....................................... 6 55173 3 2 15 1909 Lights, hea dl.....-............................................................................................... 1959 Lights, taill's- -----------—.......... -- ----- ------ 4................ 1983 L amps, rairoad...........................................................................................................................'.''......'..'.4. 1960 L am ps, D utch... -- —. —-------------------------.'.'. — - - - -------- --------......- --------...... — ~~~~ 1961 Lam ps, bue en.............................. bul'.-ye.-4 -10 — -... 6....... 6-12-......... -------- ---- - 1962 L anps, bracketh.......-...... —......................... -------- ------............. -------- -------- 1963 L am ps, railroad............................................................ 1964 Lamps, bad ----------------...... -...........................- I1967 L am ps, green-............................................................. 1 9 6 6 L a m p s, h ai g i n g. -.. -.. -.... -. -. -.. -....a.................................... -.............. 1966 L am ps, spig nal.............-...............................................................'.....'.'..'.'.'........'..'.'.'...1. 1..'......".......'.'.'.'......'.'.'..'.'.'.......... 1967 Lamps. lords —----------------------------------—. —. ——..........'................................'..... 1 9 68 L a n te r s, co a ilr a d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —....- -....-...-...........................................................~ -.......-... -..................... 19759 LLamernsrasskcar... —----------------------------—... —----—. —--. —-. —-. —---. —. —-—.I.............................................................................~~~~~~-~. 1970 Laps, car, candle.-............................................................................................................. 1971 Lam ps, ban oing-... L...........................................................................'.. 1978 L ocks, pa,....................... 4.010~ ~~.-~ - ~- ~ -- ~ ~~ - ~~ ~ -- ~........................^ 1972 Lanips, spring-.....................................................-...............................'.' ---- ----------------- 1973 L ao ters,................................t........................................................... 1974 Lanterns, railroad, globe................'' "'"'..........I...... 1975 Lanterns, dark-.................................................................... 1984 i~~ocks car, seat-back............................................................................... -. -.. -.............. -..... -.... -...... -..... 1985 L antek s, square..... -. - -------- -------- --—................... -... -............................................................................ 1977 Lantern bo ttois, (W. L., old)-.............................................'........'.......'.'.. -~ —-—..-.. 1978 Locks, pad, assorted.-4 —---— 10 —---- 12 —-- -------- ------------------------ 19879 Lo ortisepring -ch s.-.. —---—'" —-------------... 0 -------- -------- —................................ ——.. -... -... —.. —-........ —............. 1988 L cks, raw er..................." ".". " "'. ~~~~~~~. ~-~~~~-~.. -.-.... -.. -........... -............................................... -........... 198(1 Locks, door, wills mineral knobs, complete-............. —- -------- 19891 Locks, assorted................................. I —-- -- - - ---- ---- _~"- ~~- - -------- ------ -- -.. 1 9 9 0 L o c k, i o n d a w e r - -.......................'.'.'..........'............... - - - - - -'.-....'''................................................ 198L2 Locks, sw itch............................................ - - - - - - ---- - --—. - -.... 1992 L cks, apan- overe....................'.'..'.'..'.'..'.'...............'..'.'.....''''''''..''................. -------- -------- ---—'. — --- --- ---------- - - - - - - 1983 Locks, car drob............... ~~.- I 1984 ines,sea-......................................car s...eat.-.ac. 1998( Locks, chpeastortd-.................... 399 Lines, ploough............................................. -....... -.... -. -............ 1988 Locks, chrawe...................r............... I.. - 1999 Line, chalk au reel............................1.......'......................^.'.'."' 1 ~ ~ - ~- - - -- - - -~........................ —... -- -- -....... — ---- -- - 1987 Locks, spring-chest —.................. 2000 Line, cha k................................feet.................................]..'''' " ~~ -~ ~ -------- -~-..1981 Locks de s raw er....................................... -------- I ------ -............... 2003 L u ber, pi ^...-.. -.....-...............feet................1.........1,.608.i......'.......................'''.............................'. 1.993 Locks, w aro drob e r —-................I- -- ---- 1994L Lock.',ds k and chains-............. 1995 Lines sea-grass —— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ---------- -- ---- 1996 Liii es, t aps assorted- poplar, ass rt d........ do.............. -.............-.....-..-..... 1990 Lin ses JaB. -gh...........................do................... i.......................... — -...................................... 1998 Lines cha lk —. chains......... I.. 19896 Lines chalk, ansrtd reel-............. 0997 Li~nespopounds.............. "'993 Lumber, pinek-feet - 39 —-— 691 —-1 —606.... 0994 Li'mer, ohalk and poplar assorted - do-....... hum'c-B. 51-do I~~~..................................................................- - - - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.~-Continued. - I Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. tI 1. 1 1 1 L I" I t 1 dl aaC a 1 Articles.!'l <3-. I. 1. l C a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C z 0 "I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C r.,. II I! 9 z IilIl I ^ ll I -^ I,,^. ia 8 a i \ S \^ \ ^ \ C all~ ^ ^ ca ^ 0 ^ o 3 i 0 QJ, 3 o ^ ID CO o ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'00 2006 Lumber, assorted ----------—.-. —.........feet......... 6,-033. --- -------- I —------ -------- -------- 2007 Lumber, old - ---......................lots.....-..... --------........ ------ -------- ------- ----- -- ----- - 2008 Lumber, oak-feet........... 20,861 ------- - 2 86 1 73 —........... -....-....-.................. 2009 Lumber, poplar. —----------------- --... do. ---................ 6,502. -------- -..-.....- -------- -------- - - 2010 Lumber, walnut.-............................do- --.i ------ --- -. 2011 Lead, pig- -.........................pounds...................................... 2012 Lead, white, assorted.-.................... do -........ -------- ---- ---- ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ 2013 Lead, black -------------------------------— do ---- -------------—.......-...\....\....................2014 Lead, sugar of. —---------------------------- do.-......... - 2015 Lead, sheet ------.....................do............- 167 000 —---....00..................... -------- 1........!........................ 857........ - 2016 Lead, red, in oil anddry..................... do. -................-.......... 200 -------- 300........ 2017 L ead, b ar an d p ig................... —-........do -............... -----—..... -------- -------- --- -- -.....'.. —- --........... -.......................... ----—. -- - - - - - - - 2018 Lead, red ------------------—..-............do............-........ -------- --------.-3 2019 Lead, scrap-do................ --------........!........ L....... I................ -- - 2020 Litharge ---- ------ -- -----— do -- --- ----... —-- --—.... -------- 2021 Lathes, screw-cutting....'.''''''''''''......''''''''\ "''. J^ JJ^....'..................i........ ----- ------ ----—.......'.'. —' —-................................ ---- -------- 2022 Lathes, complete, 7 feet bed, 9-inch swing -.................................... --------....... ----- 2023 Lathes, shear, and head-.................................................. i........ --------........ -------- -------- ----- -- 2024 Lathes, engine- -- 1 -------- - ------......................... 205 Lathes, hand-................. —--- -------- -------- 2026 L athes, axle....................... i........ ——....... —-........ —........].... ------— j........ 1........ -- - - - -- - - -........ -........ -- - - -....- - -- - -- - - - - - - -.1... —---—...... 2027 Lathes, wood, turning.......... -...... ~..................... 2028 Lathesiron, turnin...Lathes,....................!.......'........iron,...........................turning.1.. —----—........... —----—. —----—. —-—........... 2029 Lathes, dog, wrought, No. 20 -.-........-.....-.. ------- I........ 1......... --------................................. 2030 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 8 feet chain, feed, with cbtuck 1 —---------------— i....... 2031 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 10 feet bed, 23-inch swing............ 2032 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, with pulleys and sh3 a fth s,..hcuc..I.................'.........Li'.''. i'.....................1........'........ -------.................. I........!............ 2033 Lathes, with'nchuckniversal-chuck.......-............. I........'......-.L.......1.....-...1...... — \.......-.'........ 1........ L..... -.1........1........!........ 1.......-......... 2034 Letes. 24-inch. universal chuck ---------— I — ---- - - -------—...................... ~2035 L athes, 24-inch, W hites patent.................................................................... 2036 L athes, driving w heel............. -------......................................................................................... 2037 L athes, turning.................-................... 210:38 Lathes-.......... - - - - - - - 2038 athes....................'.''..".. —..'.'.. —.'.'.............!...-. ——.....-......-..'.'.''.'...'.''.'.''.'....'..'.'..'...'.'..'.'....''.'.''.'.'..'..'.'..'.'...'..'.'................... 2039 Lathes, double-head, 20 feet long, 26-inch swing, w ith counter shafts, tools, and fixtures...........- --...........1....-.... ----—. {.-....-.. -....................................................... I................ 2040 L athes, screw -cutting, w ith counter shafte........... -....-..........1..-.... —-...-....1................-........-........-........-........-........-........-........-........ 2041 Lathes, small counter shaft -. —------............................. 2041k L athes, N o. 8........................ -.. - -..................... —........-....-'-..............-. 2042 L athes, double-head, w ood.-............ -- --- - --- -.... —......... ----------........................................ 2043 Lathes, iron...... ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- —.... -- --------....1-.. —.. — - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - ------—......... -------- -------- -------- --------...........-.......... 2044 L athes, screw -cutting, 16 feet bed, 15-inch sw ing...... -------- -- —..... —....... -------- -------- 2045 Lathes, shear and head, 10 feet bed, 12-inch swing..- ---........ ----- --------........ -------- 20466 L athes,,small, with screw,,gearr andn four extrat rods-.s........-.-...... — -....-.-. —.. -.!..-.....!......-.-........-........-.......-........-........-........-........-....... 2047 L athes, 30-inch wi...l.. screw,..-. —. gear, —------- and... four —-- extra —- rods -... --------........ -------- -------- 2048 L adders, m ounting....... ---—. —-----—...-.- --- —.- - - -- - - - - - -....- - - - - - ------—.. —.-.!. -..-... -.......... --------------------—....... —... --------------—..... 2047 Lthes, 0-inc —---- ---------- 2049 Ladders, shop and step -------------—.1.....................-..-.. 2050 Letters. —--------------- -----------------—.sets.................... I -------- 2051 Letters -----------------—. —-... -.. -. —......I...............-.......... 2051 L i ks -----—.......... -...... -................-............................... --- --- --- --- -------- -------- ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- 2052 L etters and figur.......... J.....-............................... d 2055 inks, couplng.......................pound -. - -...........-.........!.............................................................................. 2053 Links, crooked........do....-........-........1........-........ 1...... i I................................................ 2054 Links, chaink ------------------------------------—. -------- ----------------—..-. —-------..!..................................................................... 2055 Links, coupling. —----...................-..pounds --------—. —-------.............. ---------------------------------------- 2056 L inks, straight....-..... -------—............. do.........do.......... 2057 Links, crooked -do —--------------------------!.o..................... --------................. 2058 Links, coupling. —---------------- ---- 2 0 6 2 L a d le s ~ m e ltin g....................................... -.........!.....................L.................................................. 2 0 6 3 a d l e, i r o.....................-..........-......- -...... {......-......-j......................................................................... 2059 L adles- -n.- ----- ------— i --------------------------- 2060 Ladles, tind-..- -...................................j................1........1.....-... I........ 2061 Ladles, perforated brass, s......... -................. --------............'.'.'.'.. 2062 Ladles, melting- ----------------------------------—....... —......-....... - I'I' 21063 L adles, i n ----.................-pounds - ----—.-.......................i n......................................... 2064 L adles, iron -- -......................... poundso.....1 -............................................................. 2065 Lifts, window lace............................... sides-..............................I...!...........:....'..'.'...................:.... " 6... -'2066 Lifts, brass, sash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 1 1,,- - - - - 2067 Links, sw itch rope........................ pounds. 1...... -.L.... -.. 2068 Links, straight- -........ —-------------------.......................... -- 1........ 2074 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - ru s t................. sde..-.... 1..................................................................'..... 2069 Links and pins, couplingt ----------------- pounds..!................................1........................ 21070 Leather, sole ------- --------— do ---------------- ------------------------ ---- 2071 Leather, lace...............................sides-6-i........ ---------. ---------------- 2072 Leather, harnesso ------------------------- pounds....-.................-.......................................... 2073 L eather, brilu e,...l...........................doz n..... 1...... -------- --------.......................................................................-........ 2074 Leatver, russet -------------------------.sides....... 2076 L eather, solon-stie......................... s........i-....................................................... 2077 Leather, as. so. rt-poun s............................... -..... - - -..................................-................................................................ 2078 L eather, blue, title.-.d........................ ozen.-..... -...... —................................................................................................... 2079 Levels, spirit-........................1....... I......................................................................... 2080 Levels, pocket ------------------- — I..................................... 210 81I Levels, ma h n s s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m achinists'-................................................... 12083 Levers, hand-car —------ ---------- 2084 Levers o s t and.............. rods,. _ tank............................... I..... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'a.0 aCZ4 I-z A. a a. C~:.I C)...,9 0~,"-J. ~'.0 - ^ ii ^ ll ^ ^ ll "^ li -a Z. a a1 Articles.,- - ~ ~ bb. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,JD CZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh 0i).0-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 )C)P C I~~~~~~~~~~~~a a as 0^ - 0a'a U - It l 8~ 2 208.5 L evers, sw itch................-..................-.................................................................................................................. 2086 Levers, wrought.............................................................................................. 2087 Levers ba..................................................................................... 2089 Levers, track- ------------------— 7 ------------ -----—.....-...... —....'2090 Levers, whistle.. —.... -...... -..-..........-.................... I........................................................................_ " " ~~ —~ —-- -............. 0091 Lev ers, blacksmith ----- 209' Leaves, steel, for tender springspounds................................................... - 2 0 9 3 L e a f, g o l d................................ p a c k a g e s.......................... I............- - - - - - - - - -........................ 2094 Lev, concentrated.- -................-.- -. — cans0 — -----—..-..-.......................1...........-............ 209( Levers blar....-............-..........k....poundsmi....................................................-...... 209( Lay concentrated-boxes209(7 Loead rhite...-.............keg- — pounds-...................................................... ~~~~~~99 I esd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~,::] viikg --......... 0999 L eags watr — 55 —p —ss —-ds — 209 7 Lugs., wvater --—.. —---------------------—........................................................................'." ~ ~ ~-................ -~-...-.-................ 2 0 9 9 L g s, w a e r t a n......................p o u n d s........................................................................... 2099 Ldts, watertn................... 2 1 0 2 L sun wda n s su a k - - - - - - — m......-.... p o u n d s..........-.............. 2104 Lates, c entratd -.. —-.. —-........................................................................... 3fet - ------ I ------- I —------ -..... -.. 2090 1 Tae- 3-addis- -2105 Legs, tabe.-.-...-. —-—.-......................s.......... ------—.... -------- -------- --........ I I...'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.''.'..'.' ---------------- -------------------- ------—''.' ------—''.' sooi Lead,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................................. 21057 Mat-chinses, ssmall en gins.........."...-'.^'...'''.^.................'..'....... ".''.'. " " ~~ — ~ —-- 2109 M hiss- es, hoiutig engine.- ---—.. - feet --- --------.............................. I''.......' 092141 Msachsses, psress dboriling, verticaylndr............1........ 21.14 Machines, prail --------------------------------------—........- I................................'.........'........................'~. 21105 Machines, ma nifest............................................... 1................................................................................... 211 0 M Aachines, piemasietng..........p.i................................... "1 Mach-Itnes, pieesgtin —----------------------------------------............................................... 2110 Machine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................... 21097Xahns 2 L 1 u g c h n s, w atr il p r e s s....................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.............t....................... Lu11 gM chns, wpte ssbrig cyidr —-------— nk —- --............................................... I........ 2114 ~~~~ ~[-][] ]]]]]][]es pe rilnvriaN s62ad 3............................ )1D, ak,ie s, madder itim.................................................~~~~~~~ ~........................................ - -—......... 1,2115 Machines, mani~~~~fesupetso ------------------..... .117 Machines, stove pipe former.......................................... 2118 Machines, wooden former. —.-...................... 2119 Machines, burring................... -............ 2120 Machines, pinning down-.......................... 2121 Machines, setting down...............- -................... —.......... 2122 Machines, swedging -.-.-. —--------- - - -.2123 Machines, scanning -................................ 2124 Machines, scanning, double... —--------—.. -—................. l 2125 Machines, bolt header --- -.-..................... 2126 Machines, screw cutting.......................... 2127 M achines, beading.. — -.......................... 2128 Machines, twyring —---------------........................-.................................. * 2129 M achines, tenoning............................... —--------, 2130 Machines, wiring................ —----------—..-................ 2131 Machines, squaring. --- - -—.... --........ —-----........... 2132 Machines, grooving............... —------------------................ 2133 M achines, folding, common —-------—. —-------....................... 2134 Machines, planing, common-.......... 2135 M achines, planing..................................: 2136 Machines, quartering wheel —-.......... —.............. 2137 M achines, quartering wheel, double-headed..................................................................................................... 2138 Machines, flooring.................-...-.... 2139 M achines, striker............................................................. 2140 Machines, scroll-moulding.......................... 21.41 M achines, boring, assorted......................... 2142 M achines, boring and ugerty................................................................... 2143 Machines, boring and drilling, Bement & Dougherty.......................... 214 M achines, A in................................................................. 2147 M achines, skiving............................................... -....................... -. 2151 M achines, thick edge. —-- -...- -—..... -.....-.'..... — -....-.-......- -...... —.... — -—.-.. -.- - -. —--... — 2152 M achines, rolling - --— 1 —-..... —-----. --------'' i -----— ~ 2154 M achines, milling. —---------- - -------....-. —- -- ----—......II -'.'. -- -------- -------- --------... --...Ill" -------- -------- 2155 M achines, gear cuttingm ---— il-ling —-- ----- - -------- -------- -------- --------.. —---- -------- ----—..... —.II 2156 M achines, bolt cutting, taps and dies..-...... - ------. —----- --------.. —------.Ill'1' --------.. --... - III" "' 111111' -------- 2157 M achines, small vertical drill.-.... —----- -—.. -.. -------- -------- ------- --------....-...III" 2158 M achines, key cutting --- ---- ---- -----. —------ -------- -------- - - - -.- I- - -------- - - -' - - - 2159 M achines, key seat drill, No. 12, complete........ -------- -------- --------. - - --------.....II.. -- - -------- ----—. -------- 11111"' -------- --—.... 2160 Machines, large vertical drill, intermediate shafts, pulleys and hangers. —--. —---... —- -...... 2161 Machines, nut tapping -..........- -1 —-......... 2163 M achines, railroad cut-off sawing......... —.... —-. —-....-. --—..-.. --—..... —....... —.......-.......... —-...-........-.....'II.-....1111-........-..111111 2164 M achiines, stove pipe breaking. —-------- -.. —-........-........ -........ -........ -........ -...1111 -II - II I -------- - - - - - - - ------------------------ 21165 Machines, binders' board cutting....-............................................................................................................................. 2167 M achines, shaping, 12-inch, No. 20-......................................................................1.....1...1....1 1..11 1......1 1........ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc. —Continued. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. ~; ~ ~o ~ ~ ~o~~~~~.o -- a 0.. A~ A rticles. oa a.^'0. 5 I ^ S ^S S ^^ ^ Sg~~~~~~~~~o ^ ^l~5 Cd 5S 0~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~5 o ~o no~.aa. be so 05 u5 aU 55 ^ 0a a0 -u 0 g a a'a 0 gs^s^ ^^an M_ ad az Ce a.Q~ a a- aD o aa ^~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ci,-.,g54 oo5i~ a~~~~~~~~;..~ ~~~~n 0 a0 a 2748 Saws, web-^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~C,2749 Saws,-crossI -ctso d18 2747 Saws, buck..rs-u,5fo................................................. o 2748 Saws, webo-cu. --- -------- ----- ---—..g- -.. --—......... —......-.......-................................. —-- 2749 Saws, cross-cut, assorted...... —-- ----—... -- -- - i - - - 12........................................ 30 12......... 2750 Saws, cross-cut, 5-foot. ——. —-......... —. ----.. —.. —-. -.. -........ -................ -- 2754 Saws,!:jig-::::-Q 2751 Saws, cross-cut, large.. —..-......... --- - - ----- - - --- -—................ 2752 Saw s, cross-cuta, 48-inc.. -. - -.... - -. -....... - -......-.- - - - - - - -.- -- --- - - - - - - -.- - - -.- -.............h 2753 Saws, cross-cut, tenon.. —...-....... ——. —--—...... ----—........... —--- ----.... ---- ---- ---- --.. -- 2754 Saws, jigb...................................... ——... — ------------------------ - 2755 Saw s, scroll.-.. —-..........-.-.... —...-....-... — --....-......... -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2756 Saw s, circular, 48-inch..-.....-... —-.... —---... ----........... —----—. —---—. —-....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —2757 Saw s, circular and arbor.............................-... -.. —-.................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -. -- -------- -------- 2758 Sa w s. brass ba ck..........- - -. —................................................. -............. -------- - 2759 Saws, blue back......................-......... 2760 Saw s, m ill --.......................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 2761 Saws, muley..................................... 2762 Saws, meat-...................................................... 2763 Saw s, drag.......................................................... 2764 Saws, keyhole.-.. —-........................................................ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2765 Saw s, w ood --........ —...............................................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 2766 Saw s and fram es, w ood.. -....................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- 2767 Saw s, w ooden fram e....................... —........................................... 2768 Saw s, pit- - - - - -.................................................................. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2769 Saw s, tine.................. - -............................... 2770 Saws, whip..... —....'...... --. -- -- ----............ ---- --- -- 2771 Saws, cut-off, 32-inch........................................ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... ---- --- 2772 Saws, shingle, 36-inch-....................................................-... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... 2773 Saws, assorted -...... —................................ 2774 Saws, bright back......................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... -------- 2775 Saws, panel.. —-............................................. 2776 Saws, cut-off........................................................................................................................ 2777 Squares, steel...................................... - -.. - - - - 24............................................................... 2778 Squares, try, assorted -—....................... ---—........ -—.. --------........................................ —----------- 7279 Squares, iron —-- --- - - - - - - - - - -..................................................... 2780 Squares, centre.....-.............-.........................' -------- -- -- 278L Squares, framing..........................................-................-. -—.................'.'.'.'.-.'.-.'.-. ---------------------------------------- 2781[ Squares,frmn 2782 Squares, bevel -.............................. -.... - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - -............... 2783 Squares, lumber. —......... —.............................................. 8 2784 Squares..a -...- -----... —-. 2785 ba Squares,'head-' -------- - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - -------- ~ 2786 Stands, head-light.............................................................................. ( 2787 Stands, switch....... -. -.. -.........b..................................... t^d 2788 Stands, flag..................... —-.... — -...................... - -.. —..... — -... 2 —......... - - -------- "... 2788 Stands, fa-. 2789 Standsfor machbles.- —.. ---- --- —. —-... ------ - - - - - - - -------- -------- ----- - -- -- -- --.. ii 2790 Stands, monkey switch -.....b.- -. -- -................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2791 Stands, target switchb..... —-............................................ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- n 2792 Stands, wood switch...... —-- ----....................................................... -- -- - -- -- - --- -- 2793 Stands, iron............. —-.. —-. —---.......-......................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2794 S tam ps, U.S. M. U. it.-.. —--... —----.. ——. —. ——. -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- k.' 27945tmeSii C 2795 Stands, brasslamp -....... —-..........-........................-m p- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --. - - - 796 Stands, locomotive lamp....... —---—. — -. -pounds. -- -------- -------- -- -—. -.. --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 2797 Stands, sand box....-. — ---.. —- ---—. -.-.-. —-do. —-. --- --- --- --- -------- -------- ------—......... -------- -....... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 2796 Stands, locomotive i lmp..................nds.......... 2797 Stands, samd box-..............do.-. 2798 Stands, California, double..........................-........ 2799 S tands, California, single -. —- --- - -- ----- --- - -- ----- 2800 Stands, lead........-........-........-........-................- -------- -------- --------.-.-. -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2801 Stands, type —-..... - -------........................ -.......................- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- 2802 Stands, chain, cast -......-.. —-. —......pounds —.........p ud...... ---- - --- - -........ 2803 Stands, gauge lamp-.. — -.................... ---- - --- -.. - - - - - -. - - - -..................... 2804 Stands, flag...............................pounds.. [....... -. - —. - -- - - -- 2 8 0 5 S ta m p s, U. S.................................................. - - - - - - - - 3.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2806 Stones, grind, assorted...................-3 ----- -----......... 7 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -—...........- 2807 Stones, grind, assoirted —-------- pound —-...................... - 000 2808 Stones, grind, and fixtures —-------— sets —.................... st-.......-............... —.......... 2809 Stones, grind, 4 feet diameter, cast iron flame-.......-.......... —-- ---- --- ---- ---.... -—..... 2810 Stones, paint and muller-s...... -pi - -............................. ---- ---- ---- ----.... --.... 2811 Stones, paint - -. —-...................... - - - - - - - - - - - -......................... 2812 Stne oil-24 -. 282 Stones, oil... —----- -.... —- -...........pounds.......... -................-........-................................ 2813 Ston es, oil, assorted ----------------------— pounds........2814 Stones, whet......-.......... — -..........................................t2815 Stone, - iot......................d..........o..........- ------- -. —......... 2816 Stones, rind frame bangers complete..........-.-. —-.............................. —-- ---..... 2817 Stones, mill, and fixtures - pair................................ 2818 Stones, imposing — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -........................................................ - - - - - - - -........... 2819 Stones, grind, frames and pulleys ---------- -.................... ----------------------------------------- 2820 Stones, grind, and fixtures. —---...................-................. 2821 Stone, blue -----------------------------— pounds......... 2822 Stone, rotten -..............................do.... 22823 Stone, pumice -...............................do....~........~... 2824 Stone, setting for engine........................... 2825 Snip - pairs.................... 2826 Snips, circular.-.............................do....m........i.......... 2828 Snips, straight - -.............................do-.-. 2829 Shaves, spoke..................................... 2830 Shaves, spoke, wood ------------------------------- --------................................ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14 1865 I. IZ I., t " I.".,i Articles. i i i - 2831 Shaves, spoke, iron................................... 2832, Sets, saw..................................................C. 2833 Swedges, creasing.................. —...... —............ 2834 Swedges, bottom...................... 2835 Swedges, top......................................... 2.0 Articles....'..' -. -..... 283 S edes ad chise ls....... —................. —----- ------ ------- - ------ 2837 Screws, assort ed -.. —-............ —---- --- --------...... -------. G) Q 2846:3.8A t w t n ^ ii Screws, roa n -- ---—... 28.3 Screws, s aw s, assorted.- -... —..... —-- - do - -... -------- - - - ---------..... —.-. ----—................................. —2831 Screws, creas. —--—. —-----—.. —-—..-.... do.. ----........ -------- -------- --------..-. —-. —- -------- -------- -------- 2834 Screws, oatom. ---—. ---- --—... -................................... —----------------------------- 2835 Screw s, top.at..... —-------------—. —------—. —-I —------ ---- --—....-....-.....-....-.... —....-.... -.... 28:8 Screws, ruond head, —-brass.d —— o.-. -. —----- -------- --- 2841 Screws, irounbdcth, blued-.d.-o. —-.... --—.. —---- -- ---—. ---—. —. —-. —-- -------- ---—...-........ 2604 Screws, blued --—.-.. —-.-...o.. -------- ------- ----- -------- -------- —.. —- -------- --- 28i4: Screws, han, assorted -.4.. — —......... —------ ---------... —------- ---- ----—. -------........ -------- 2813 Screws, iron wood bench... —-.................... gs...-.. ------ -------- —... — 2863 Screws, head. set..........s..................... 2864 Screws, lathe.. —............ -....................... 2865 Screws, tire. -—......sets.................. —.. —-.......sets..... 2866 Screws, hand......................-......... —pairs.... 2867 Screws, jack..................:..................... 2868 Screws, wood... —---—...........pounds. —-- -- ----- --—.......... 2869 Screws, gimlet.-................. gross.................. 2870 Sticks, creasing - 871 Sticks, yard.... --- ---................................. 2872 Sticks, composing -.................................. 2873 Sinks, counter — -—............-..................... 0874 Sinks, drifts, and calking tools.............pounds.... 2875 Slicks, carpenters'..........- -- - -... -...6 876 Slicks, large framing...... —.......................'2877 Slicks, glass..................................-..... 2878 Scrapers, plumbers'... —-- --- -............................ 2879 Scrapers, box................. —-—............... 2880 Scrapers —-------------------- 2 5 1 5 6 1 2 2 1.. —.......-....... —.... 2 - 288L Scrapers, iron. —....................................... 2882 Scrapers, drill........ —.......... — - - -....... - - -....-........ 2883 Scrapers, stone.....-....... —-...................... 2884 Scrapers, caoriage -................................. 2885 Scrapers, stove.................................. 2886 Scrap ers, ash -pan --................................. 2889 Sockets, chiel. —--- -------------- 28)c0 Sockets, gas-pipe.................. A. — - --.........-.-.. A A. ---- 2891 Shafts and pulleys. —-------------------------- -------- -- -.. -- - - - - - - - - -0 2893 Shafts, saw mandril counter. —---------------------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2894 Shafting and pulleys --—...... -- - pounds.- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------ 2895 Shafts with pulleys, counter, shafting, &c ---- e-feet -........... -.-..,.-........ ".......... —.-.. I 2896 SShafting,........d.-...-...-........''-.'..'.....o''''......... assorted-do-109- ------- --------.-'.-.'..'- - 2897 Shafting, iron, 2-inch.-....................pounds....-... - --------------- -. -........- - 2899 Shafting, 3j —incb, with pulleys and hangers, com2901 Shafting, 31-inch, tinned, 12 feet 6 inches long, with couplings and bolts, complete. —-------- sections..................................................... 2902 Shafts, counter, with pulleys --------.................. -------- —.. 2903 Shafts,raine s.................................................c........ounter......... 3................... 2905 Strainers, paint......................................................................................... 2907 Strainers, copper~ —..........'..................- ------- -------- 2908 Strainers, feed-pipe................................. -.....-........................... 2909 Skins, chamois -—.-...................................-............................................... — 2912 Shellac, guba r-d —-----—...........pounds-..................ozen-... -........... — ^2912 Shellac, gum-pounds-20-__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- ---------- ---- ---------- 20 ----- ---- Report showing the disposition of Unitd States military railroad property in the military division of Ithse Tennessee, c.-Continued. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. l.. i.. - ~-i -.. _ C',...... t -'_. 12913 Saltpetre nt —1 —- --------- -------- pounds- - -. -. -.. --- ----- —. -..-. ---- -- ~- - ------- ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -.. —- --------........ 29i4' Spouts, bent - - ----- --- ----------- ------—. -------- -------- ------ -—.. -.-........................................-. —- -. 2915 Spouts, tank t-.r-,-n --- l —---- ----------------- -------- ---—.- -------- -------- ----- - -- --- ---------------- 2917 Spohafts, counter, and 4 pulleys —- -----------—. —----. —-. —- --—. —- -. —- -.. -... —-. --- - ----- ---- - -------- ---- --- - ---- -- ---- --- I 2918 S po S po uts, can... -- -----------. - ------------ -------- -------- ---- -----: --—.- -- -. ----- -- - - - —.". -—..... ---—.....-........ 2920 Spouts, funnel.. —.-.. —. —. —----------- -........ -... —. I — --- - -- -- I — --........ i...-..-.- -- - - --- -- -- --- ---..'..............-.... 2 2921 Staff s, bflagk e. ---------.. —----- ----- -------- - - - - - ---------- ------— 4 -------- -1:31 -------- - —..- -... —. 2923 Steel, assorted -po —u —-ds —- ------- ----- -- --- -------- 270 —-- -—. -. ---—.. — --- - 79-. —. -— 5 —-.-6-.-.. --------. -- -. M 2924 S teel, scrap —-— o —-- -----.-. —------— do —--- ----..- I4 -- -. —. -- - ---- -.-... -- --.. --- -- - --... —. -- -. —2925 Steel, c astuare -(10 — ------------------ do. — 11 --- ---- -- - 14-... -- -------- 1,135. -------------- -. — - ---- 30 ----- 2928 Steel, octagonre.......-.... ——... —. —--..-Ido.6 —.4 —-------------— 4 ---------- -d.9.- - - -. 684.. —--- —.-.... —.. —-..-.- 65. 2929 Steel, frogb -------------------- ------------—...do...- - - -.- -.. —------- 1 —------------------------------- 2930 Ste sl, blistere-.......- -.... —--- ---- - ----. — --—..- -------- ---- —. —- - --.- ---—.. — --—.... -- -. -- 2934 Stocks, iron. —----------... —----—. —. —-- pairs-.. -.... —-....... - --------—. —-- 2935 Stocks, roller.-............- -- ------- --.. —. —. —. —------- --- --------—. --- -------------........ -------- --------. —- -------- 2936 Saddles, smuoke-stack. —-- - -. —- -.. - pounds - ---—. —.. ----- - ----—. —..- -------- -------- ---—... ---------------- 2937 Saddles for cylinder.- -. —--- ---- -----— pairs ------ --- ----........ -------- -------- 2939 Stack s, sm oke, locom oti e- - --. ——.... —. —. --.-. — -. -—................... —.-........-........ 2940 Stacks, sm oke, sheet-iron, boiler fram e ----—.......'2...... i...............b........ — ---------- --------—. ----........ ---------------- 2941. Stacks, smoke and cap ----- --...- pounds ---------------------—. ——. —----------—.-.- —. —. —-... —. —..... —......-.-..-. —...... -...... —..... 2943 Stacks, smoke, sheet-iron. —-------—. —----.... —---------—... — ------ 2944 Stacks, smoke. —----------------—.... —-----..-. —-------—.- ------- 2945 Stacks, smoke...-.................. feet....... — ---.......-.. 2946 Sieves, sand- --------------------------------------- -- -- - -- -- ---- --------- --- -- -- - -- -- - 2947 Sieves moulders'..................................... 2948 Strips, parallel...-...........-.............pounds.....-....... -- - --........ - --- ---- 29509 Strips, copper-flue... —..... ——...................do.... 2951 Spikes, bridge --- --..-..-. — do..... —...do..................do...... - - - - - - --. - - -. - --- - -- -. — -- - 2952 Spikes, railroad..-... —....-............. -.kegs. -—. —. --'-~ —------- -- 2953 Spikes, m arlin ---- - - --. ---- - --- - -- -- -- - - - - -......... -.'........................-.'.. 2954 Spikes, bridge and cut-e........ -.. —-- kegs._ k g -....... ----------'2955 Spikes, railroad -----------—. -... —-.. —----—.-. -... —.. —- I —------... -... -..... -............'''..... —-.1. —- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - —.''-'...'... ------------------------— " 2955 Spikes, railroad............................................. 2956 Spikes, railroad -----------—...........................pounds -............... -............-......... 0957 Spikes m, a~,,ssorted-kegs 2957 Spikes, t assorted. —-p —----- s — ------—..........................p.. 2958 Spikes, asori ted..-.-.-.-. —.. —----- - - - - o n s- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - 3 00 ——.-..... -....... ——.-. ---—..... ——.- 2.... 40...'........... —-—..! -.- -. --------............. 2960 Scales, s n g ----—. - - - -.... - - - - - - -pring 1)al-ce...-.-..................... —.'. —........ 2961 Scales, platfor m, assorted e.. -...... —-...........-........ -.......... - -. — -- - -- - - -- 2962 Scales, counter - - ---- —.-. -.-..................................... -- ---- -- 2963 Scalesan wet h......-. —-------------—...-.. --—.-... ------------—... --------------—. ---------—. —- —....-. -------—...-............ ----------.. —. — -.-..-........ — 2963 Scales and weigas -............................... —------------------— ~2964 Scales, -.are.ionee2969 Sc les, tr ck...-....-....................-.................................-...''. —" "-~ —~~-~ —-...- -..... —-----. —.-.-.. —. —..... —.-.. -.......29 0 Scales, warety-val e...... -..................................... —. —. -....-........-. -................... 2965 Scales, brass scoop —------ 2966 Scales, set -------- --- ----- - —..... 2967 Scales, beam-'........ --------------------------------- - - -- -------- - - ----- 2972 Scales, spring.......................................... 2973 Scales, platform conter - -- - - - - - - - - - —.............-. -------- -----—' -'.'. —'.'.'. --- 2974 Stretchers, iron.. —---.. —-. —--.. —-. —--..........-....................... 2 9 7 5 S tr tc he s, care.- --.............................................- - - - - - - - I I. - - - - - - - - 1 11 1. 11 -- 2977 Springs, ast o rte d............-p u d...... —---—. —....... —...... —....... —--— 11 —1111111-1.111111 —111111 --—...11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- --- --- --- --- -- - - -- - - -- - - — 11 -- --- 2976 Shathes, gate -................d.......... —......... —. 2977 Springs, assorted-pou.-s..-. ——........ —...... -...-...................iO —. _-.. 2978 Springs, rubber car -...-. —-....-..............dou. —- -. -- -- ----- 2980 ISprings, packing 2981 Springs, rubber —oiiiids —---—...-. —......... —....................... -------- -------- --------.- -------- -------- -------- 2983 Springs, engine tender - -...-......-... --- pounds..- -.- ----. —- --........ 2985 Springs, assorted..-. —-. -------- -------—. --- -- --. —----- --......................... 2986 Springs, gum-.. ponds..1,09 -------- 8- — 5,86 —86' --- I — - -—'l- - 2987 Springs, car.l....-... —---------.......do..-...- -------- --------......- - - - - - - 2988 Springs, tender-. - -- -_'.' --- ~- - --- ---- 2985 Sprin s nina s r ed. - -- - —. — - -- - -- -—.- -........ -..... -------- --------...........-......1 11 1 -------- -------- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - - - -- - - - -—....I2986 Springs, eg in e..- -—.. —.-. -.... —........ — pounds. --... -------- --------....... -------- ------ 51111111 —- — " —-- ~ -------- ------- 2,"'S -------- -- -- - ------—.' 2989 Springs, engineow.-................. —...................... -------- 2990 ru e d r- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Springs,-egine-po-nd 2991 Springs, wa inde D.......................... -, -- -. -------- -------- -- -.. 1 ----- --------'- - - - -------- -- - - -------- - -- ---- ---- -------- 2992 Springs, large - - - - - - -- - - - - - o n s — - - — 1- - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- 2993 Springs, sm all - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - D- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- 2993 Springs, sm all D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—................. -------- -------- ----........ -------- -- -- - -- -- - --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------— 111 2994 Springs, packing... --—.-.-.....-........ —pounds... —- ------ - —................... 2995 Shovels..- —.-......... - -......... 2 5. —.... 2 5 45 2'1 O 1~ —-4 4 —. 2996 Shovels, railroad. —-----------—............................................... I —----—........11111111........ —11111111111111111111111.......C^^ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a - J ^~ -^._ 0',^ ~~~0 0 a~~~~~~C 0,coa., On no +. - Ip ^ - 1. - I 0I -0 Articles. C. l I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C - C1 ^II ^~ ^~^1^ a a 00 00 ^ S S ^ a ^ go o.,^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ S - 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C b 0 0 0..~r -i ii ia 0:ii tCi E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n, 0,00~ 0 a n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l a) a0= - a a~~~~~~~~P - a a 21997 Shovels, scoop...-. —.. —-----—.-.-..... —-... —------ -------- ---—.-. ----—.... —-—.-. ----—.-. --------. —.. —- -------- -----—.. -------- ---------.-. —-—. ------—... —.... — 2998 S hov els, coal... —--.............- -. —...-. —-. —- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- —. -. -. -------- -------- -------- ------ -. ---—... -------- ----—.... —2999 S h ov els, m ou ld er, steel --- -- --- -- --- -- -—.. -.-.... -.. -- —. -. -. -------- ----- —.. -------- -----—........ --—.. -------- -------- --- -—.. ---—. ——.... 3000 S h ov els an d scrap ers -------------------------------.. —------ --------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------. —------------—. —------. —----—. —---- 3001 S p ades.. —.... —----—. -. -.. —- --.. —. —. — --—. -. —. — -. —---. ---—. -. -. -------- ----.. 7-... - 102........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—..... 3002 S creen s, san d..................-..........-.-. —. — - -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------...... --—.. -------- ---—.-.. -------- ------------- 3003 S creen s,, ccloth.. —----------------------------------. —------ --------- -------- --------.. —------ --------. —-------.. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------ -------- —.............. 3004 S creen s, zin c —. —.. -. -.-. —----- ---- ------------. — —..... -. -------- --------..................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- 3005 S creen s, coal... —....- -- - ----—..-.. -.... --- ---—.... —.. —.. ----- -. -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 3006 S creen s, w ire......... - --- --—... -.. -..-. —- - - - —.- - - - -- - - - - - —.- - -- - - - - - - - ----—.- —.. —-- ---—......-....-.... —. -............... -------- -------- --------. 3007 S p ools, ch alk lin e............................ —.. — - -------- -------- ------—. -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..-...... I 3008 S oap. —----------------------------—......p ou n ds..- -- -—. -.. -------- -- -—.-.......-... -. -------- --------....... —... -------- -------- -------- -------- -- 3009 S oap, castile --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- -. —....... -- -- - --- --- -------------—. —. —-—..-..-. —..,-.................-..-...3010 S oap.- ---—. -... —..... —....... — -- --—......b ars. —. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.. —---.-.......'. --------.. —-..'-' -------- -------- ---- 301.1 S pan n ers... - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - ---—.................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- 3012 S ienn a, assorted....-..................... —-p ou n ds.- - - -- - ---. —......-...... —-------—.... -. 12 -- - - - - - - - ---—.......... —............... —----- 30 13 S ienn a, b u rn t. - -.. - -- - - -.. -.... - --------—.d o.. -- - - - —..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- -----—. I —-..... -—.. —. -------- ---- 3014 S ien a, aa, Ita w anItalian - -. —---------------------- -- d o...- ---- -------- -------- -. I —----- -------- ------—.............-......-.....-.-.. —...-...... 3015 S ien n a, raw, in oil. - -.. -........ d...................... -—.. —. —- - -- - _ -d o.. --- -- -- -- - -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---.......... —-—. 3016 S ien n a, raw -—.-.-. —... — - - -- --—.. -......... d o. —-- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ----—..-..........-.....-....-.....-.... -------- -------- -------- --------.-. —-... --- 3017 S p rin g s, b rass. —- - - - - - - - - - - ---—.-... -. -. -. -... —.... - --- -. -.. —.. - - - -- - ---.. —....... -- -- - -- -- - ------—..... -- -- - ------ ---—.. —--.-.. 3018 S ledges, (12-p ou n d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—........ -................ --- --- --- --- -- -- -- - -- -- -- _-..... -------- -------- ------ -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----:3019 S p rin gs, p atent.... —... —... — - - -- - ----—........... --- --- --- --- ------ - ----- -- ---- --- ---—...- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —... 30-200 SS tirru p s, llog. —----------------------------- ap airs ----. —------ -------- -------- -----—.-. —------ -------- ----—. -. ----—. -. ----—. -. ----—.-. ----—.-. —--—. 302 L S ten cils, copp er... ------ ----- ----------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - -------- -------- --------- -------- ------- - 3022 S cy th es, sn ath.... -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -—................ -------- -------- -------- --------........-........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- 3023 S cy th es, grass -- - - - - - - -- - - - - ------—... -...... -.-.........-............-............-............-.-...-.. -- - -- ------- -------- ------------ ------------ - 3024 S cy th es, b rier........... —-- --- --- -- --- --- -- -- - --- -- - -- --- --- -- -------- -------- ------—.............-......-.......-......-......-.......-..............-.......-. 3025 S p on ge, com m on.. —.- —..-. —.............- p ou n d s.- - ---- -------- -- - - - -- - - - —... — - - -- - --- -------—........-...... —...-.......-............-......-.....-......-..... 3026 S p on eo f n e. —......e. —........... —.d. ——......-......-......-......o......-......-......-......-......-...... -------------------- I —--- 30277 S p oo g ee - ----------------------------------—.d o.- --- -------- --------.-. —----.-. —---- -------- ----.-. — -------- -------- ------—. —----—.-. —---- - 3028 S u lph u r.................... —----—.......... d o.. ------------- -------- - ------ -------- -------- ------- -------- -------............................ 3029 Sulphur flow ers.............................do.......................................................... 3030 S ash, assorted.............................-lights...- -------- -- -—.. -.......-......-......-..... -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- 3031 ash,......................... pieces - pi...ece —... —..-................................ —-. —-. —..... 3033 2 S aa sh.. -------------- ----- --- -—. -------—. lotst -—. -------- ---- -—. ------—. ------—. ------—. ---- -—. -------- -------- - -----—. -- ---- - ------—. --------. —------ - ------ 3033 S ash, w ire....... - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- -—............... -.. -------- --------.... --................ --- --- --- --- -------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- - - -- - - -- --- - -- -- 303034 asas sk y -ligh t... —-----------------------------------.. —------ --------. —------. —------.. —------ --------. —------. —------ -------- --------.. —------. —------. —----..... 3035) S w itches, m onk ey.. —................ —-- -...-. —.....-......-....-.....-.....-.................-.....-............-.....-.....-..... 3036 S lid es, sw itch ------ --------- -------—..... e s..................... sets........ -------- ------—..... --- -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- 3037 Slides, track.... - - -- - --—..........-... po n s.-..........-....-..... po...... —... -------- -------- -------- --------- -------—............ 3038 S ignals, fog...- --—.. -... —........ —- ----.- gross........ -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - —.- - - - - --—..-..... —....-......-.....-.................-.....-............-..... -..... 3039 S tools, saddlers'..................-.-. —..... — --—.. -------- --------......-.....-.....-......-..... ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- ----- -- --- ---- - ----- 3040 S paces, pica quod.. — ----- --—... -.-.-. —. —pou nds —. --- --- --- --- ------—...................... -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- --- --- --- --- 3041 S tap les, iron ---------------—.... —-. —.- ---— d o. —-.. —------ --------........................ -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- --- --- --- --- 3042 S tap les, iron................... —.. —.- - - - - - - - - - - - ---—..... --------.....-.... -..........-....-.... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -----—.. 3043 S trap s, seat, b ack.......... —....-.. — ------------- ------—................................ -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- 200........ 3044 Straps, connecting, and brasses —... -- ---- -—. -.-.... -------- --------...................... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- 3046 S k iv ers/ w h ite....- -- -—....-.-.-. —...- -- - ---—..... -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --—.. -------- -—...-.. —- —.. -—....-.... —....-....-.....-....-. —.'' 3 0 4 7 S kiSk id s, g.- -. -......... —--- - ----- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -.............................................. -- - -- - --- - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - ----- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - 3048 S izin g, g old. - -.. —------------ ------------- p ou n ds. --... -------- ------—...................... -- - - - - - - -....... — - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -------- ------—.. —------ -------- 3049 S hoes, m u le.. ----- -----------------------—. d o.. ---- - ---- - --- ---- ---- -- ---—....... -------- -------- -------- --------...... --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- tp 3050 S h o es, mn u le.......... -- ----—............. - --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -.....-....-....-.... -....- ---.. ------ -- ------ -- -- -- - 3051. S ellars, rod...............................-p ou n d s. --... -------- --------......-.......... -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --—.-.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3052 S trap s, eccen tric.. —-----—................ —..d o.. ---- ------ --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- ---- - ----- --- --- --- ---........ -------- --------.....-.........-....-....30533 S tein s,, checkk v alvee -...-.-.-.........-........-...-........-........ —....... —...... —....... —....... —....... —....... —.......-....... —....... —....... —....... —.... —'.3054 Settings, m asonlry, w ith iron chim ney.. - -- ---—.. -... -------- -------- -------- ---—... - --- --- -- --- --- -—..... - -.. --- --- --- --- -- - ---------- ----—. —........ ------—.... 30-55 S crap ers, h oe —. - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --—........ -....... --- --- --- --- --------..... -....-..........-....-.... --- --- --- --- ------ -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - - - -- - - - - - 3056 S p rin k lers, fire -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---—.. - -............ -------- --------........ - - - —............ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ -- -------- -------- ------ --.-. —..- - -------- 3057 S qu ares, p lated.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---—.......... -...... — --- - - - - - -. —............ —..-............. -.. —. — -- -- -:3058 S h ing les...........................................-........ 104,050 --------......................................... —....-.......... — --. —---- - ----.. — —..-..-..... —3 059 S au cers, stov e................... --- ---- —.-........ --------......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -- --- -- -- -- - -- -- -------- --—.. --- —.-.. — -------- -------- -------- ^ 3060 S hackles, engine,.-. —-—.................. pounds- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—. -------- ------- --—..... -..-.. -- - - - - - - --- -. -.. —..... — -- -.. —. —..-. ------- 30 6 1- S a lt.. - --...- -... —-- ----------- ---- -- - - -- -- -- d o...................... - - -...... —- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -....... -..-.-.-......- - --- —......... —3062 S alts, ep som.... —-- -- -- - - --- -- -- --—...... - -.d o..- -. -----—.. -------- -------- -- -—.......- -- - -- - -- - -- - -—...-. --------...-.......'.'-...' ------ --.....-..........-....-.....3063 S ublim ate, corr..- - - - - -- - - - -----—............ do - —............ --- --- -- -—. -....-. —..- - - - -- - - - - --—.. -- -- - -- -- -..-..-.-. -.- - --—. - -. —. —.-.-. — ------..-..-..-' 3064 S tav es, tan k --—... —------------------------—.......................'' lot - - ------ - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -------- -------.-. —-... -------- -------- -------- ------ --...... 3065 S tav es, tan k...........-.. —......... — ---...p ieces. --... --- --- --- --- -------- --------. —-..... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- -------- --—........ --------...... 3066 S taple.'5, b ack. h arn ess... - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—............-........-......-...... —..... —.....-..............-......-......-....................-......-...... -...... 3067 S ettings, m asonr-y —. - - - - - - - - - - - ----—.............. --------..... ------. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --------........ --------..... —-. —.. -------- --- -- -- --- - - -- -- 3069 S older..... —--------------- --------------- p ou n d s.......................................- - ----- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -—....... -..-.......- ---—........-. 3070 S od a, sal.. — -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- —.d. —-. — - -- -- -- -- - -- —.- -- —. — -- - -- -- -- -- - —.- -—. d — -- - - -- -- -—.-.- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - 3071 Sw ivels............... —- -. —------------ 3073 Seats, coachnkey- -....... —-...- -------- -............... 3073 S ea ts.. —-- - - - - - —.- -..- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---—............ ------- -- -- - I —-..... — - I- -- -' - - -----—.......... 3074 S helv in g....................................-lots..............'............ ----— 1 -------- -----—.''''..'''....''...'' ------—.'. ------—. -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3075 S h elv es, w ood en.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -------—...................-..... -.....-..........-.. —..-' --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- --------..... ---- - --- --- --- --- --- --- 3076 S y ph on s an d cock s --- - - - - - - - - - --------—............ -------- --------...................... -------- -------- --- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- --- --- --- 3077 Spoons, fogking.gross.- - 3 0 7 8 S ig n s, tin.............. -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - —''.'.- -'........-. — - - - " "' " " " " "''... -- - - - - - -..'.........-.......... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3079 S ig n s................ -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- --- --.. — - -- --... --- - - - - -- I - - - - - - - -- - ----......................... -- -- - 30800 S ig n s, lo co.. -......-......................,..-.-I......................-.......................1..........-..............-...-......-..........-..-............ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the miitary division of the Tennessee, ^r.-Continued. ^ Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. C'0' ~, - 0 cc ^~ e 0 -~b. ~ ~-~I C l ^ 1 II....~ i-.i r-.. ~ a. i. i!-I Qr 6" i" - 3081 Shutters, window ------ -..... —.......... n... —...-... -.................. -.. 3083 S lides, sw itch...... —-------—. -. --...... —-- ---. —- ---- - --- -. - - -................-........ -------- -------- -------- -------- --—. I......... -- - 3085 Shutimmt ers, paind t-.... -- --- --....................i 3086 Shoes, thorse..-. -- -. - --. pounds ---....- -....-....- -............. 3087 Shol es, brwke -......... - -........... —-. --------........ -------- ------........ --------........ - 3089 Sets, cross-cut sawi -........- --- ----- ------------- -------- -------- --------........ --------..... -:3091 Sets, handlever-saw.. —----------------------------........ -saw-... -------...... -------- -- - -- -------....... ------- - - ------ 3094 Sets, iron buttonl-s —.. ----—......... —- I -- -. — 3095 Sets, sprinve ------------------------------—................-..'..'-' 3096 Sledges, assorted............ I....... 3097 Sledges and handles. —--—.. —---------------------—........................ 6 3098 Sledges, blacksmiths' —-- ------- -........................ -------- - ---- --- -------- --— ack —mi —--- 3103 Shears, tinuers' --- - ---—. do- -... —-- -------- ---- --—.. 3105 Shears, circular — tin —-----------------------... ----'-' —-I I 3106 Sheas, leve-r............. -— do....... 3108 Shears, squaring. —------ --.............-(Ido. -... —. -.. ----------------.......... 3109 Shears and punch combined -. —.............do- -....... -------- -------- -------- --------- 13110 Shears, rotary.-..................-..........do............................-........-... —----- -------......-. 3111 Shears, table, trimmers' -. ---- -------—....do- --—......... -------- ----—... 3112 Shears, table, gauge. —---------------------- do- ---- ----------------......................................... 31333 S hears...... —...............................d o......................h............................................................do-...................... —--..... — 3114 Shives, iron - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 3115 Stakes, square. Weddell........................... -'..........-...-................................. --------- -----....... --. 3116 S takes, funnel.....- ----- ----- - - - -................................ --- --- --- --- --- -—.....- 3117 S takes, benc..........................................................1 1ii~ i................!!! i............................................... 3117 Stakes, bench........-... —-—.......................................................................... 3118 Stakes, tinners.... —--................................ 3120 Stak e, double ea m ing................... —.-................... —. --. ——. -... ——.. —----—.. —----—.. —----—.. —----—. -......-.......-. ——.. -.-.-. — 3119 Stakes, needle................................ 3120 Stakes, double seaming-................... —--- 3121 Stakes, oval-head - - ---- -- - - - - -....................................... -------- -------- -----—.'- - -. 3122 Stakes, head- --... — --................................. --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... 3123 Stakes, pointing —-1. —-...1 — -..-........- - -........ —........ —........ — 3124 Stakes, beak-horn -... -- - - - - - - - - -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- Stakes, beak-horn................................ 3125 S takes, hatchet - - - - - - - --. —- -- -. —-............. -- -.. - - - - -....................... 3126 S tak es, square-head -- ---................................ -------- -------- —.. 1... _ —---- -------- --- --- --- ---. 3127 S takes, horn-blow........... —............. -. -- - - - - -- --. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --. 3128 Stakes, round-head................................ 3129 Sw edges, assorted -------------------------------—. —--—.....-....-....-..........- -..-....-. -..-....-.... 3130 Swedges, square.........- -.....-..... —-- pairs - ---- - ---- - - - --- - --- - - - ----..3131 Swedtes, C. S-...........m....ounds. 3131 Swedges, C. S.... —- ----..-. --- -- pounds-... —-- -.............................. d..o-.. - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- 3132 S w edges, W. 1. --- - - - - - -- - - - - -—. - - - - --- —. — - -- -- - -—.- -- -- -..- -. -- --.- -- do.. --—.............. -... ——..-. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.....-.....-..........3133 Swedges, B.S...... —-.. —. — ----—.. ——............................. -- -- ----- 3134 Swedges and fullers —-------------- -.-..............- -........- -........ -....-. 3135 Swedges and chisels -........................sets.- ---- ---- ---..................... 3136 Sleeves, water pipe ----- 3136 S leeves, w ater pipe.... - - - -- - - -- --—...-............ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ - --------- ----—......... -------- -------- --------......t 3137 Shelves. — --. —--- ----.... pairs -. I -— 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3138 Stacks, smoke, stationary- ------------- --- 2 -------—.............. 3139 Shafts, steam, w heel. —--- -............... -------- ------- -... -------- -------- -------- ------ - -- -- -- -- -- -- 31391 Saws, circular, assorted —.. —--—....... 2 -.... - ---- 4 -......- - -----------------—.3139-} Slicks3 139 Slick s -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --—.................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........-.-.......- -------- -------- -------- -------- 31391 Sellar's engine truck --- -- --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - - - -- ---- - - --- ---- --- ------ C:3140 Tools, plumbers' - ------------ sets --- ----. — ----- ---- -- --- ---- ------ --. —- ---- --- - - 3141 T ools, black sm iths', assorted -. --... do - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.- - - -- -. — --- -- 3142 Tools, blacksmiths'.-.. —-----— pounds- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - ---- ----.................... ---:1143 Tools, shoeing-.............. sets, —. -----........ ---- ---- ---- -- - - -- - - - —. — ----- ---- --:3144 T ools, carpenters'.................... do............ -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -...... —---- -------- -----—.. —.. —... —. —---- -1144 Tools,capnesdo 3145 T lools, carpenters' - - — b —.... chests - - - - - - - - - -.....et — bests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---- 3146 T ools,.turning, assorted......-.... --..................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- -- 3147 Tools, wheelwright-............sets......... ----. —-- ---- ---- --- ---- - - --- ---- ---- ---:3148 Tools, wheelwright, and chest, (incomplete).ol.... ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- - - - - -- -—. ----- --- 3149'fools, govu:3149 T ools, grooving ------------------------------------ --- --- --- ---........ -------- -------- -------- --------........... -- -- -...... —-.- -. --------. —.... — --------.. —-..3150 Tools, sash, assorted ---------------- ---- ---- ---- --- -- 24 ---- ---- --- ----- -- 48 -- -—. 3151 T ools, F rench saAi, assorted........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... —- -—.. ---- ---- -:3152 Tools, hand................- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - -- -—. — ---- --- -- -- 3153 Tools, planing, steel............................................... 3154 T ools, boring t --—........................................................- -- - - --- - ------- -- - ----- - T3155 Tools, borig, steel....- —........................................ 3156 Tools, lathe, steel-.. -...................... ounds................... 3157 T ools,' the fo t -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ools, the....................................................... 3158 Tools, steel. for turning rolls....ound...........poun.se......-............................ ---- ----.... -- - --.- -------- 31159 Tools, saddiers' -ce.........i...................chests.............................. --....... ----- --- ----:i1co'Ionis, sa.i...r.'..o-. 3161 Tools, tinners'. -.....................do.- - - - - - - 31162 Tools, tinners' - -..........................pounds -............................................................... Report showcing t/ie disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. tI o Property sold on credit to railroad conipanies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865... _ _..... I................................... 316c Tools, c C Cupping.. t..... j Acl. Toolsl, rtile. I 3l~F69 Tools, rotary-cuttin.i...... r..g... il 1e. 0i 3170 Tools, sprin.................................................. 3171 Tools, calkira ng. —. —--------------------— do.- —. —.. 1-....... -------- -....- -—. —-..................................... 3172 Tools, flat patingt, assorted............ —. —..-.... —--—. -.................. C......... 31763 Tools and chais, iV. I....................pounds.. 3174 Tools, cirop'...u.... 3163 Tools, uring...... —--------- - ------ bo s... —-------- -------- ------ --. -------- ------- - - - - --- 3176 Tools, lath nd pla...................................... 3166 Tools, in -------------------. —----------- --—.. --..................................... 31.678 Tlpss andig ------ d e st —---------- st......... 3179 Toolps and die...................................................... 3168 Tools, steeltn ------- --------- - - -------- -------- -------- -------- --------......... -- -------- ---- 3181 Taps, st el........ -—................ —---- -------- -—... —... -........ —-- ----—...... — ------—.............. —----- --- -- -------- -- 3187 Taps, Cn. S......... 3..... -...................'...........]i[]........ 3178 Taps, achline............................ — -—.... ——.. 3185 Tips, C -..... -------------------------------- - --............ —-.......... - ------- -------- -----— | —------ - --- --- --- -------- - - 3178 Tools, olat pint, assorted.....-............................... —-.. —........ 317:3 Tools and chaiue, IV. I -------------------- pounds -- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------------- ------- 3187 Tools, egion e.. —.-................- - --- -............. 3188 Toolks, tuniu.- -—.. - —. —- boxter-........- ---...........................-.:3189 Tank s, l oomotive......................................................... 3180 Tanks, oi,................................................................:3176 Tools, lathe C lnd p1ae --------- 3177 Tranks oi-, (45pa g l......... rs....-.......... 3178 Taaps a-nd — ets3179 T apps aud dies. - —..- - - i - - ---- -------- ------ - -------- -------- -- ----- ---- --- -- ---- 3191 Tanks, oil, (5)galls)te..................... I............... 31.8 1 T ap s, ste el -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 3182 Tanks, Coil, (75 galls).................. -........ - 318:1 Taps, maiclim-e 3184 T ap s -. —------------------------------------------- --------- ----- 3185 Tips, C. -. —. — - - --- -—... —.. 3186 Tauks, oil, assoit ed:3187 T an ks, engine --------- ------ - -------- --- ------- -------- - ------ ---- --- ------- 3188 Tanks, e —te- 7 -2 7:1190 Tenuks, oil, (455 gi -lls):1191 Tanks, oil, (.I galls) ------------ ------- ------ - - --- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:3192 Tankso, oil, (73 e -l —) 3193 Tanks, oil, (80 galls)............................ 3194 Tanks, tin water, (parts)...-............... lots.................... :3195 T ongs, roofing..p........................... --- - j.. ---. —.. —-—..- -------- --- -—..... -------- -------- --- - —. 3196 T ongs, G. P -.. -- - -................ do.s -. - ----—. ---.. — -------- -------- -. -- - -------- -—. 3200 T ong, grainer'.-.-.. —..................do............. —-.... —----. -..-.-................... —----—.. —------ ----—.-....... -....... -... —.. -.-.-..:3197 Tongs, ics —---------------— do -- -------- --------:3199'longs, tinners' -----------— s —------- ---- -------- 320(3 Ton~gs, grainers' —------------— do --- ---------------- 3201 Tongs, engine-paiis.. 2 5- - 1 5 I 1 121 14 3 2 0 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- —.....d................................ 320-2 Tongs, It. It. po s 2. p o —----- 1. it --------..... —...- ------ --- 4 3204 T o gs, ass rted... —........... —.. —. -.p ir - do... --—...-..-' —- -- - - -- -- - -- --- -. -................................................ - 3305 T ongs, ~ ~ -i po.r -- - - - -- - - - pound —.................-......-....-........-. —-. — —... --—..-. -------- -------- -------- ------—...................... 3203 Tongs, tools, aned. pokei-p. ss.. 3208 T n, bl ck..................-. —. —.- ounds.................................. ------—.... —--—...-..-. —.-. —...-.............-....... -...... 3 2 0 4 T o n g, ash e e t e d... - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —......... a ish e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- —...3205 Tongs, Be. S. and s r. 1w -------- ---... --—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. - - - --. -------- -------- -------- 3211 T inb he t......-. —...... ——..-.. —-- - - - -b x s- - - - - 4 - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --------— fe t -..-..... -------.......... 2 0 3-......... 1,7 3..... —..... —....-....-.-..-. —...... — 3206 T in, m er t-orateo xes -4 — -2 —---- ----- ------- do.... -- -------- --------.-.. —.. -------- - ------ 40,150 -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 2 0 8 T im brn s u r, a s s o r t e d, - - - - --.....- - -- - —.-. -. -..... d s.. -- - - - - ---- —...... - - - - - - - -.-.-. —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... —-. — - - - - -. - - - - —.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3207 Tin, perfort -.....es............................ sheets -- -------- 2,401 -------- 4,600. ——. —..... ——. —------ 3210 Tin, sheet, and screws - -....... ponnds- -- -------- -------- -—..-.. -------- ------- -------:3213 Tim ber, q ua e, assor te —.................. — udo - -........-. —- -------- ---— do- 40.... --------.-.-..-........ ---------------- 3'213 T him b ler sq a e,cast rte...-....... -...-. —....... —do - —.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—. -—. —. -.. —..-.......... -. -.:3214 Thiber, biidget-ers.... —-..... —-- do- —. ---—..- —....-. - --. — 0:3215 Tim ber, B. M., aswsorte- d-do...... - - -. —- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---—.- - 3 2 3 0 T iu bin g, c o p p e r........................... - - lotn s. --......- -.- --..- - --- - -- - - --- - - - -. -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - -. - -- - -- -... -- - -- - - -. -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3217 Ties, crossehouse-.. —24-032, —- —. 2.401 ------ -- -------- 4, 600. —-----. —-—...0 —-- --------..-.. —.:3218 Tallowr -pounds —-—.... —-. -.- --—, pairs. -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -—... -------- --------... —-..-........-I 3 2 3 7 T a llo w t n d r n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -—.... b a r r e l s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- --.- -. - - - -- -... - - - - - - - -....... — - -- -—.3220 Trucks.. —-. ——. -—..... --------........ -------- -------- -------- -—...-........ -------' —- -—.. — 3221'Thimbles, dlue, ironn ---------------------- pounds- -- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—:3221'.himb-es, —--- -— rnpu 3222 Thimbles, castido........ - ------—... -—...... —- --------. -- -- -------- --------........ ----- - - It:322:3'rhermom-eters -------- -------— 0 —-:1224 Tarpaulins --------------------------------------------:3225'Tripods -------------------------------------------------- 3226 T's, gas-pipe -flange. -... —- - ------- --------. - - --. -------- 7,200-11,551-........ 3227 Tr's, water-pipe..- -......... —. - -------- -... —-.... —. —-- —..- ---------------—. —------------ 3229 Tubes, blast iro o......... —... — --- -------- -------- -.-..... --------------— 71111 31230'Tubing, copper-pounds ------------:32:3 1. T u k,t r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -' —-rueks, —- -- — tim ber — -- -- 32:33 c s n i e - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - -'rriicks,-engine 3234 r c s -- - - -- - -- - —'- - -- - — r-parn-e- - — l- -- - s- - --- — pairs- --- - ---- ------ - --- - -- -- -- - --- - ---- -- — 1 — - 3236'rricks, ear- --------------— pair-s —-------------------------:3237 Trucks, tender and loconiotive —----— pounds,. —--------------------- 3238'Trucks, engine --------------— paiis -- -------- ----- ---- -------- 3239 Trucks, m-iachine —------------— do-............... —------ 3-240'Tires, wrought ironi —---------— pounds -- -- ------------ ----------------:3241 T1ires, cast iroii. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 3242 Tires, locomotive — 32 —---—... I ) —-------- ---- -------— 4 —------ 3244 Tires, flange cast iroii —---------— do --------------- Z 325 Tires, old-do —-- ----- 3246 Tires, wrought iron -------------------- --------------------------------------- Report s/towing the dispositi on of United States military railroad prop erty in the military division of the Tennessee, 4xc.-Continued. i Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a g Cg c- ^ ^ ~,- a'o.2 I~' - Articles. ~ ) 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~m - 0C11C- M C,,1' Ca 7PC, ^ ^ H S ^ H S H 0 ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~ 0 z r_ _) _ _ I0C1 3248 Trow els, plasterers' -. - -..... -.... - -.... -.. -........................... 3049 Tables, circular saw'..O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<'~ h tur —:~-, i250 Tasbles, turn............ - -.... -. and..............foundation-................1........'"''.....".. 3~~~~~~~~~~52 T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' taes sewing-I. PA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 t'ugis foc- ) 3 2 4 8 T aob l s, p la ste re r s' -- - - - - - -- - - - -.- - - - - -.- -.- - -- - - - - [- -.. —- - -......................................................................' -.. 3 2 52 4 9 o r c h ee s, gcir c u la r.s a..........- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —..- - - - - - —.- - - - - - —.- —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:3 51 Troughs, guttrn..................................fu n.......... 3356 Tro ghsrowge.ls,...plasterers'..................-......................................i..................1.........''.''.''.''..'.''.''.'..''.''.''.''..:1256'1'roughs, forge- ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ — - - - -- --- - -- - -- - - - ---- 357 ops and screws, lamp........ 3358 Tops chi ney...-.-....................'......1..........^.......^ ^'"'''''.. 3360 Tabls, tur-ln m......-..-......-.........................L.......................................i....:3258 T aops, c imn eyw.-. —--- —... —----------------- - ---- -.I................336 T o s 3a l w a.......................................... T orches...... --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -......'.- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - ------—'. -'.-'.-'.-'.'..'...''.' 323:1 Tops and bottoms; cau-n -.... -....................... 324 Tops and otto s, car-lamp................ 3285 Tops and bottoms for tur-table............................................ 32367 T'lgypes g t ri ------ ---- --—. —-...........pounds —. —. - -. —- —. ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -—.......... 32368 T orapes, geasurin, assorted —-... -.1. —.......... 6 3369 Tripsoli. —-r.. s...-..... -—. —. —--------------—.d -. - -—.-.-... ——. ----------------------—.... —---------—.....-..........-........... —... 33302 Tripolops, -—..-. —. —-------------------------------- ---. —---------------.. —--------------------—.. —-------------------—. —----—.. —---—... —------ -.... —......... 3259 T acks, assrn t ed... -- - - -- - - -- ------- - -—.... --—.... -...do....-....-......-...... ------—......... -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- -—......... ----- ---- ---- 3271 Tacks, assorted-do..... -............-.......:173 T packs, upholsterers'... — - - ----.-.-. -do. —-1, 2 1.. —.....-......... 31275 Targsts tt e........ -... —............ —.................. — 3 6 To s, m s for e............................................................. 33:12~~~~~~~781 ~'licke~~Tsar ~~ - - —,...ess......'.... 3277 T'pscket ------------------------------------- pounds'............... 3268 Taps, coar - -al-.................. ---- 3270 T ri oli, ----------------------------------—......ap................. 3271 Tacks, assorted ------------------------------ ~~~~ ~~ ~ii.!ii~ (lo!!i --- ---------- ---------------------- ----------- ----------------- 1 4i20 ----- 3 2- 65 T ic k e ts, m ea ui gassore -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -.................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....................................................- - - --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - 3Q 8 T ark, co im.................................dg ion.........-..... 3279 Tar, coal - barels............................. barrels........ 3281 Thread, black -........................... pobundles....... -............3-381 T hread, black... -- -.-.................. —-bundles. --... -------- -------- --------........'..'-'.-.'.' ------ ----- -—'. —.'. ------—''.' —'.''.'. ------—' -----—'.'''. 1 ------- ------—'.' 3282 Thread, shoeo............................. pounds......''.............. 3283 Thread, saddlers'-....................-......do.... 3284 Thread, linen.......-.-................-....do................ - - - -.. - - ------- -------- -------- -- - 3285 T hread, black.-........................... skeins.-.-........-.... —-. -—..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3286 T w ine, hem p............................. - - - - - - - - pounds.. —----—.-. - —.-. — ------.- - -~ —--- --. 3287 Twine, tufting —— hemp. —--- - pounds.''.''''.'..'. 3287 Twine, tufingd.:3288 T w ine, w a p n............................d.......... -..........-. - - -...................1288 Twine., wrapping --- do..1-89 Twine ------------------— balls —- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- 1290 Turpentine -................gallons. 32 91 Tr estles................................................. 3290 Trusses, iron -s —---—..... —................................ 3292 T r stes....s....e.........-.... —..... —.....-.....-............-.....-......-......-....'-.'.....'-...-..'... -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- --- -------- ------- -----—.....-.-.-. 3293 Torpedousses, ro.. —.............-.. —- -. -- -........................... 32933 T orpedoes.-.-............-....-......-... --—.... — --.-... — -....-. —....... —....... —...... —....... —..............................-........-....-... —.....'.' —-. ——.-'.' 3294 Tongues, frog.......-.p-o........... —--- pounds -.. —-- -- -—.......... —-.' — -....... 3295 Templets, switch.................. —— s.......sets.. —. —-- -........... —.. —... - --- - - -- -- 3297 Traneitse -—.....-.... ---- -...-. —---- -..........................................................................''. 32997 TT ransits -------------------------------------------- -. —------ --------. —--------------.. —---------. —-. —------------------. —-.. —. —----—. —-—. —. —. —. —. —-—.....-:3298 Tenders, locomotive.. —-.. —-—............................................. -. — ---- --- --- -- --- ---- 3299 Tincture, iodine — - --- -- --. pounds - -. ---- -----------.......................... —- - --- - --- -- pounds.. - - 3300 Transomis, wrought-..........................do..-.! i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; 3301 Testers, gas-pipe-. 3301 T esters, gas-pipe- ---—.. -- - - -- -----—.-.... -—...... -------- --------.....-..........-......... ---- ---- --- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- - - -... ------- -------- ---- 3302 T iles, fire ---. ——.. —-................-..................-...... - - - -........ - - - - -- -- -. --- - --.. — ----- 3303 Traps, rat......................................... 3304 Tighteners, belt.-...........-...... —------- --—....... —........ —.. —3:305 T riangles.. -- -- ----........................................................... - - - - - - - - - - - -.'.. - ---... -- - 3306 T ubs, tool - --.-.................. —-. —...................... - -- -----...- 307 Tagsshipping —-- — lots- ---- —..- ----— 307 Tags, shipping-hi —— s —.-..-......-......................s... 3308 Unions, brass, assorted ---- - —.... —.....-..-...-.............. 3309 Umber, raw, in oil pounds- - -—.....................-,.-pounds........... ---- ---- ---- --- 21.- -- 3310 Umber, rawnt- ------—.....do-8 —----- --------........................-.........d....... —..-...... 33331: mbmberuburnt: —-----------...... —---— Umbert..es —. —---------------------------— burnt...-t —---------------------------—. —-.. —. —bes —-. —-—. —----—. —. —-—. —-....3 3 1 3 U m b e r, b u r n t, -i o il — - -.......... - - - p o u n d s - -...- - - - - - - - - - -........ - - - - - -—.......... - - - - - - - -... ------ 3314 Vices, assorted -------------------------------......- -............. 2 ---------------- 2 ------..-..-.-... -------- 4 3315 Vices, parallel - -—. ------------------------ ---------------- 4 -------- -------- -. --- --------. -...... -.'.'. 3316 Vices, bench. —--------------------------------------—..............3317 Vices, B. S — ------------- -------- 8 -------- -------- -------- --------- ----------------- ----—. 3318 V ices, hand.box.. —-—. —- —.-. —-—...............-.. ——..-. ——............ —.-................... -........ -........ -.....-_.1........ -........ -...-.-... 3319 V ices, hand. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------—.. -........... -------- -- - - - - - - -- - - —.. — - - - -----—.-. —-—... ------—...........'....'' ----—.!-.. -. -------- -------- ---- ------ --- 3320 Vices, solid.....-..-. ---- -------—.pounds — -—............... 3321 Ventilators --------------------- 3321~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------—.- - -.. --. - -. -... -. -. -........... -....................... —...... —. --—........ ——. —..... 3322 V entilators, cinar -.........-.. -........... - - -------- -------- -------- -------- --—. —- - ---... -- - -------- ---------------- -------- ----.-..-.. — ---—..33323 V entilators, car. —---------------—. —---------------. —----—. —------. —----—. —----—. —------. —------. —------. —----—. —----—. —----—. —-------------- -------- ------- 3:324 V entilators, car, lam p.-.. —--- ------- ------------ ------- --------....... -------- -------- --------........ ------- -------- 3325 V alves, globe, assorted... - -- - - -- - - -- --—..... -...... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------..... --------.....-...-..... 3326 V alves, tank..- -2 --- - -- - -- - -- - -- —.............................................. - - 3327 V alves, w ater, assorted.- --- ----- --.............. --- -- -----. ------.. -- - --------. - -------- -------- --------.... -- --. 3328 V alves, angle.- ----------------------------------- --.................................................-. —. - -...1.. -....... -'-... 3329 V alves,, check.- - - - - -- - - - ----—... -..... - -..... -—... -............. -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- -—.... -.. -- - -----—.. - - -- - - -------- ------- -- ---..''... 3330 Valves, enginek................................. -------- che..... --------........... -------- -------- --- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the mnilitary division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. 0 0 0 a,, a r ^ l l^. do. I I C 0.d..'3331 Valves, safety, complete...... —---------—.... ------------------------........ pump.................... -------- -------- - 3333Vavs Va sm - — lves-.-... —-p.......................... pounds- - -. --- - - - - - - 33 Valves, bras, check... —.......... —-.... ----............. — 3337 Valves, engine. ----. pounds...............m....epo u 3339 Vermilion, English " D —- - do-.............. o. —..d.. ---- ------- ---- - - - - - -- --- 13340 Vermilion, A merican extra... -------------— do. —. ---—...... ------ - -- - ----— 0-.-. —--- -- - -------- -------- ------—................ V-ri —o- A-i —can cxti-do —---—...... 3341 Vermilion, -ermani- -.............. —----—.do- ----........................ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ --... 3342 Vermilion, Chinese. —----------- -------— do- ---- -------- -------- ------- --------........................ -------- -------- - - 3343 Vermilion, Chinese. —---------------------- tubes- ---........................ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3344 Vermilion, scarlet ------.............. pounds -.. - -------- ---------------- Verm lion ---— pu d ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ - 3347 Varnish, copal -—........................ gallons.............................. 3348 Varnish, coach body- -..................do-............................................ 83j........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —... 3350 Varnish, J ap...............................do...........................................................Japa 3353 Varnish, wiite..... - -- ---------- V vpounds --................ -------- --------.... —-......... -------- 3354 Varnish, white-......... - --......gallons — V..rn... wht...oi.........................- -.. —.- ------- 3357 Wrenches, assorted. —-..... - —..-.-. — 24 63 -------- 63 66 180 50 50 17 14 9 ------—..-.- - 39 3358 Wrenches, monkey, assorted..-2 —...... - 2 9 24 4 6 51 7 4 2 1 1 32 12 10 3359 W renches, blast pipe..... —------.-.........-..-..-....................... 33'0 V, ren cies, tap, assorted -... --- --—.- -... —- --------. —----. —- -------- -... —- -------- -------- 361 Wrenches, ratchet-. - -----—......... --------............................................................ I............ 3363 W renches, screw ----......................2........... 2.......... — 3:364 W renches, bridge —---------......................................... 3365 W renches, wheel................................. 3366 Wrenches, key..........-...........-.............. 3367 Wrenches, hose.-................................. 3368 W renches, long bar.............................. 3369 Wren. ches, lathe................................. 3370 Wrenches, socket — ---................ —................ 3:37] Wrenches, spanner ------—.....:3372 Wrenches, hand. 3373 Wrenches, iron tap pounds. 3374 W renches, hand — " —- ----. ------------------—.................................. 3375 W renches, pipe........................................... 3:376 W renches, follower ---— ches, follo er................................ 3377 W renches, iron ---------—................................... 3378 Wrenches, packing..... —----------------------- ------- 3379 Wrenches, post....... —- -------- ---- —......................... 3380 Wedges, stonemasons'. —---............................. 3381 Wedgges.-..............pounds.. 3: W edges, 382 W edges, iron.... —------- -- --------- -................................ 3383 W edges, steel...................................... 3384 WVedges....-.-.-.-.-... 3385 Wedges, blacksmiths'- -----........ — -...................... — - - 3:386 W edges and feathers -............. -- -............. 3:387 W h locomotive —istles, locomotive-............................... 3388 VWhistles, steam................................... 3389 W indlass, quaker -..................................:3391 Wheels, tender, and truck, on axles -.....- pairs. —-.. —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------— 0 3393 W heels, car, on axles ------ --...........pairs. —----. 25.....-. --—... —. —.-... —.. -------- ------ —. —--- ---—. — -------- -------. —-—... —-.. — 3 t394 W heels driving on axles. -p — -i —-rs —-- ----- pairs -... -- -------- --------. - -. -—.... I —-. -------- -------- -------- -- - -------- ---—...-. ---—.. -... -- 3396 W heels, lroin g, ------- ---- ------ --. — pounds -- -------- --—.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- --.. —---- 3397 Wheels, press geari —............. ------- do.............................................. —...- - 3399 Wheels, car. ——.. —. —-—.. —-- pounds........- -- ---- -—....3401 Wheels, hand car. —---........ pounds —.....- -------- -------- --------...... ---- 3402 W heels, hand care. -—. -.-.. —-. —... -. -------- ---- --.....-'.'.' —.. —-...- --------........ -------- 3404 W heels, car and tender. -. — ---- -........................ -...............-................. -------- 13406 Wheels, engine truck. —...- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 6 3407 W heels, truack...-........................ pairs... — -. -..... -. -.. -.. —------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -...... -------- 13408 W heels, iron pulley...-. --—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- ---. 3409 Wheels, brake.. —: —........ - -- pounds... -- -- -...- -------....-. —--—. - -------- -------- ----------------- 34110 W-heels, hrake... - -.. —-. —.... —........................... 3412 W heels, eigine and tender, on axles.- -- -- pairs ---..- --.......... -- - ------- -. — - -------- -.... - -- - - 31j3 W heels3 fr counter shaft.....-. I ------- -------- -------- ------- Wheel... t.....r. ren.er.'....ft- -------- --------...-.......I'. — 3414 Wheels and axles, hand car.-............ pairs. —.....-. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........................ L Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, ^c.-Continued. L Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive orders of A g'uo-it 8 and October 14, 186.1 C a~~~~~~ ri, t CZ 03-1Ca 0^ 1 ^^s 0 C -S a Article ^ ^.2^~ s ^ I I ^ ^^s. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 7_' 0 II_ ^ ^1- 7z^-' I^I.1 r ^!l ^ -I ^ 11 ^ 3^! t il -il ^1~~~ ~br artick C^ aj C,. CZ g z Cz CZ C Z ~~~~~~~~ 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ~ E-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3415 W heels, carengne.ru.,.o axe-. — -------------- pairs- --- ----- ------ -------- -------- ----- -. —--. ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 3416 "W heels and axles..-. —................... —- - sets........ ----—............ -------- --- -- -.....-.. — ----—... -------- -------- --------......... --------- -------- -------- -- --- 3417 W heels, engine truck, on axles. —........ —..pairs. --....... --... -------- -------- --------......-............... --------- --- -- ------- -------- --------..... ------- 3418 Wheels, bevel-... —. ------—. --- —...................................- -------- ---- - 3419 W heels, fly, ten feetss................ --- - ---- - -.....- -------- -------- --------........ gear... -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 342020 heels, pressr gear.e -.........-.-.-...-...-..... —. —..-.-.. —........-........-........-........-...-. —.-... —. —-........-........-...-..-.-........-...-.-..-.-.-... —....... 3421 W heels, spur -......................... - - -.... -- -................................. 3422 W heels, truck. —----. —--------—. —-. —-................-................................ 3423 W heels, car, 24-in-h, pattern No. 25 ---------------—........... 3424 W heels, car, 26-inch, pattern N o. 27-.. -. -------—. ------—. ------—. ------—. ------—.1 ------- -------- ---—. — --------. —---------—...........-........-........-........-:3425 W heels, freight car....... - -- -- - -- - --—... -........ -. ----—. -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..... ----—. -- -—.- - - --—... -------- --------..... I 3426 W heels, b alance...... ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------...... ----.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ----—..-......-.....- ----- 34277 W heels,,handd earr —---- -----------—....... pairs. —--. —------. —------ ---------. —------. —------. —---- - ------- -. —------. —------. —------.-. —----. —----—. —----—. —------ 3428 W heels, hand tar, on axles.................pounds —. -------- ------ - -—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -....... — 3429 W heels, ratchet -.. — --------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- 3430 W icks, flat..... — -—... ---------------------------- -------- —.-. I- - - -- - —.- -—.. —.......... ----—...... -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—......... 3431 W icks, ha nd....car,......on....axles.....-pounds-.... —.-.. ——....-. —....................-...... 3432 W icks, la tcm p. - -. - -- - - -...- gross.. — --- ---- -.-. —------ ------- - -------- -------- -------- -------- - ------ 34333 W ii king -.......... — -.....-.......-.........balls..s...-....... —---. —-.. —...-...... —-..-.-. —-.. —.......................-....................... —.....-....3434 W ire, brass.... --.. —-.................... —pounds. -- --..- -. -- - - - - - —...- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --------—......... —.....-.-.-.-...........-.....-............-............-..... 3435 W ire, telegraph ----------—. —...............do.- - - ------ --- -- —. -. -. -------- -------- --......... —... -------- -------- -------- -------- --- -- -..-...........-.. 3436 W ire, copper -......-.......... —....- -----—... do.. --- -. —. - - -- - - - - - —..- - - -- - - - - - - - - - ----—.... ——.-.. --—...- -------- ----—. -------- ------—.................... 34361} W ire, iron. ----.. —--------- ---------- -------— do.. ---- - ----- -------- -—... --- -----.. —. —--..- 190 --------......................... 107..- —..... 3437 W ire, assorted...............................do. —---------- ------—.....-....-..... —....-.....-.... —....-.....-....-.....-.... 3438 Wire, tinl-r —-----------------------------— doss- -------- -------—........ 3439 W ire............ —------------- ---------— bundles. -- ----....... --------..... --------- -- - --......!........- ----------------------—.. —--...- -—.. -. -. -------- ----—. 3440 Washers, assorted..-......................pounds..........-........ 439 1,349 1,336................ 34 1 W ashers, cast.................... —........ —do... --. - 1.. -.. -.-......... --------............. --------- --- --- --- --- --------.......1 —-. -. -....... 3442 W ebbing...................................-yards- -------------—.. --------..................... —-—...... —.. —.......... —---. —. —...............3443 White, C-irona —--—.1.! —............... —do —190- p...... 3443 White, assred -..... -— s-. -............ -.do3443 White, Cfuiak —-------------- - pounds —--------------- :3446 Whiting..................................pounds..............-.......... 332........ 3447 Whiting, Spanish...............d..do................................. 3448 Wax, bees.................... 3449 Winches, do ------------...................................o.......................... 3449 Winches, crane.................................................................................................................... 3450 Waste, cotton.pounds......................................................... 3451 Waste, tow.................................do.....'3452 Weaste.....................................do......................... 34.53 W e ig.............................. do............................................................................................................... P 3453 Weights...................................................... - -.................................. ~ 44Weights...' 3455 Weights, sasth..: -::i.:-.... -.......................... O 3456 Walks, plank.............................................................................................. W. 3457 Webbing................................bolts... I................? 3458 Wrenches, square................................................. 3459 Yarn, lubricating, packing................. pounds..................................................................................... 262 CA3460 Yello, canary................................ do............1................................................................................................... 346 Yellow, canary.............................. do........... q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 3455............. 3461 Yarn, packino..............................reels.. L 3462 Yawls....................... 3463 Zinc, slabS.."- —:....-....poundsZ:.455. 344Zinc, sheet..................do 70.Z:;Z 3465 Zinc, sheet.................................pieces................................................................................................................. VI ^ l ^ ~~ ~ -~~ ~~~-~_ r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. < Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by ExecuOctoberl14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0 ~~~~~Articles,.~~~~~~~~ i t a. aEa- na. EdS Cd It cc....1... If.. 1.". -' I ~~~~~~~~ Coal-bushels-560 25, 000.......................................................................................... Co....................................... u s............................................................................................... 10 Straw. —--—...........................pounds-.......................... -..... -.12 Blanks, quartermasters'...................... quires-.................. 14 B ooks, blank, 2-quire....................................................................... I --------....... 15 B ooks, blank, 2-quire...................................................................... I -------- -------- -------- - - - - - ---- 17 B ooks, blank, 3-quire-.........-............................................................. I........ -------- -------- -------- --------... --— ~ — -------- 1 7 Books, blank, 4-quire....................................................................... 2...................'.....'..... 20 B ooks, blank, assorted...................................................................a...........................................2 21 B ooks, ration return...................................................................................... ------....... -- -- 22 Books, time.................................................................................. 8001........ 24 Books, memorandum -............. -............................................... 25 B loks, abstract.. —..............................................................................................'...................' 26 B ooks, andorsem ent -----------------...............................................................'..1111111 27 Books, w ay-bill, copying..................................................................................II........111111 28 Books, record........-............................................................ 29 B ooks, copying.......................................................................:31 Book e te - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -..., - - - - - — letter - - - - I................ 32 Books, req uisition..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Books, discharger............................................................. -.................. I....... ------- ---- - -- --.............. —-'34~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................... 33 Books, general order. —----------------------------- - -------- -------- --------....-. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- 35 Books, clothing order -------------------------------- -----—..-::::::::::-........ --- -..- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- -............ 37 Bandes, papber..............-...-.................................................... -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------—.. —- ---—...................... 39 Cutters', rubber -----------------------—......... -.~-. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------......... 40 ECvlp es,'l'etter ----------------------------------—. —--------—. —--- -------- -------- -------- --—.... -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------—................ 31 Cuies, paper.... —-......................-...........42 Folders, boa perd --- -......................................................................................................... -------- -------- -- - 43 H olders, l ett rb a d...................................-......................................................................14........................................ f 4 47 C l i p s,( m e t a l) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — t - - - - - —.- - - - - —.- - - - - —.- - - - - - —..- - - - - - - - - - - - —.- - - - - - —. - —.- —.- - - - - - - -.- - - - -. -- - - - - - -. -.- - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - 649 Enverlo ette, let oter ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------—............... -. - —..... —--.- -- - - -- - - - -—......0 0........ 4................................-...65 E n elpe s, of i cia l te...............................d..................................................................................................................... 53 Papder, blottin -------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------—. —----—. —---------—..... —....... —....... ——........-........-........-........-..-...-. 54 Fasteer s, paps ertion...........................doers................................................................................................................-...72 Paperr envelope............................- quires..-........-........-........-.......-........-........-........-........-..-.. —............................................ 5 6 H o ld e r s, p a prin i g.............. u d e. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —............... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-.. —..77 Ink e, (q ar)......................-.........-.. bottles..... -..-................................. 2........................ 16. —--..- -------- -------- --------.. —-...78 Ink e, heavyin yel w....................l t................... do......................................... 2........................ 12... -------- -- -- --- -- —.... —-- -- - 61 Joralsr.ht ei............-.........-................................................................................................................................ 64 Pae rcl, lete,a ssorted.............................ir s................................................................. 288........................................ t 70 Paen ilsblotte.g.................................o........................................ 100.......................... 100........................................ t 40 Clipsr, letter. - - - -- - - - - - - - - -do- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 41 Clips r, paper. — - - - - - - -- - - - - u r s- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - 42 Clipsr, board t.................d. — - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - — I.6.- - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - - -;.. 43 P p r e s................. d - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Clips, —-le-ter —board. 44 P p r o o e................ o- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Clips, —-metal. 45 P p r Erasers.............b n l s- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - 48 Envelopes l w................t.... — - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - 49 En elpe s, h a y.................d letter.2, —- -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 000. - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - 50 Envelop ied m..............qies,- --- - — official.2, — - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- -- — 000.- - -- - -- - - 51 Pe cll a................................. Files,.. - -- - -- - - - - -- - — paper.37. -- - - - - -- --- - -- -- - - 52 P n is l t..................................... 1 0 - - - - - - - -- - -- - 1 0............ Fil.....adhesive. 583 Ienk, copying ---------------— grs....d...2...1...................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States mlitary railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Oontinued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.,I Articles. I e ~ 1. I ~ h M I ^ __________________________________________________ _ _ __ ^ _g ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________J___________________<_________________________________________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________O t o e 1, 1 8 5 - a0z n 0 t. u~ ~ ~ ~ I ~' a~~~~~~C) lu'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~M;w~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~~~d 0,uu 84 Pens steeP.......................................... C 86 Pe s ex enso..... -.. -..... eb xtension.... " ~ - - - - - - -. - - -. -. -...............................boe.................... 87 R ulers, rubber......................................' - - -................................................... 89 Rulers, rosew ood.........-.....-...... —.......-........ -...-.-................................................... a) 90 R u e sbo w od -.........................'...'.''...'.'...'".''._,.'.''...''..'..'''..'''''..'''.....'....... ~ ~~ ~ ~. — ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~.~~. ~~.. -.-. 90 R ulers, mahoxwoo. —......-.-...-....................-~~ - ~ -~~~- ~ — -.-..... -................................. 9-3 Puers, teel................................................'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.......~~~~ —~.~-~.-~~. —---—.-.....-.......................................................... 91 Rule rs, r assorg...' - ~ ~..................................... 6 P e n s, e x te n sio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b o x e s - - - - - - - a - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -a ~ ~ a ~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — a- - - - 94 R ulers, re bn be ---------------------------—. - -........................................ 8 95 R ing s, w oodi - -- -.-.- - - - - ------ ------—.... —-------—.........- -................ — i —---................-.......... 94 RS ac ks, en. -...... -....... —---------- ----—... - - - -....-......................-............................... -....... 90 R ilers, epa per..-................... — ----- ---''ic'.'.'-"."' -.............................. —-.... - 91 S uerht a anys, p ---—...........................-.- - -............a.................... 92 W axers, e oer n..............................p........'.............-.......... —...-...-...-. 10 u k Ts ti,aps r ed. - -. -..............." " o ~ ~ - ~~ - ~ ~.. -..-........... -... -............-.-....sol.. 9910 uce ts, a ss.......................................... -...-............................................................................. 94. Rackes, slpe ------ --------------------------- ------------ ----- ---- ---- ---- -------- ----—.. ------ I —-------- -------- -------- --------.....-....-..........-....-.... 100 B uckets'....-..".'-...6..-...........-...I.^.J-^..1......'.........: Z:" --------....................... -------......... 105 asi sg w sh...-.......... -..... —-' —-—......-......-..... —..... —-......-......-.....-......-......-......-......-...... W106 s eaing..in w as.......................................................... 9107 B sin s, tin...................................- -..-.~ —.. —.-.......................................................................................... -~~ ~ ~ ii ruling. 108 BT apen s, s oeel..................-....-........-.............................................. 109 Woights, passo rte.......... -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----— ~ —---- ~ —- ~~ — ~ —----- ~- --- ~- -- -~ —----— ~~ —------- --- -----—................. 110 W axer, se aling......................-.'.''.....'''' ----—' —'- ------—'....''. ----------- ---—.. ~-...-. —.....-.....-.................I0I Buckers, m ea.............................................................................................................................. 105 B ucke ts, i n,........................ —-...-' —----- -------- -------- -------- ---- 12......................................... 102 B uck o ss,...'s'' ——'...' —----- - -. -......................................... 105 BuPen s, s i -........ 187 BRlers, ber-8-................................................!i....i...........iii........... 809 Rulers, osewood-.....................................'........ 90 Rulers,box o-....................................... 910 BRilers, meahogany-................ 108 B oiers cofee........................................................i............ 109 B oilers, assorted~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~........................................................- - - - - 110 B oilers, w ash........................................... 3............................ 1_13~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ Boiler,.i.o......................................... 912 Ruilers, ebony —-------- 193 Boilers, iro...........................-................ 114 oile s w th c cks —-- --- ---- --- ---- -—:............... ]- --- — ]- --- ---- --- - -- --- - -- --- - -- --- - -- --- ---- ---......I -- - - -- - - - - - - -..................................... 115 Bcilers, copper range -......................................................... I............ 116 Boilers, tin wash-.............................................................. 117 Boilers, tin wash, with cocks-...................... 118 Brooms, hickory............................................]............... 119 Brooms, splint............................................................... 120 Brooms, corn —— 73........1........................ 121 Brooms, ratan...............................................r........r........ 122 Brooms-8 2 - 6.6-............................................................................... 124 Bruslhes, window-.................. 1 1 15Brnshes, connter-1...................: 12 Brushes, Ot-......................................................... 127-Brnshes, assorted-.................................... 28 Boxes, P. ()-.................... 129 r s e, c u t r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 B oxes, — -- -- -- -- — ite s — -- -- - 1 Boxes, pter-........................................ 131 Boxes, dredges-................... 132 B oxes, twine-......................................... — - - - 133 Boxes, tin-......................-..............................' 134 Boesie -19 Boxes, letter.................................................................................6................. 135 Boxes, ice -.......................................... — 1 36 B o x e s, su g ar —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 137 Boxes, salt-..........................................'1368 B oxes, pepper —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 139 Boe, es -.3 - B oxes, peppe.................................................................................................... 140 Bo e,bill-head............................................................................. 10 Boxes, bl-ed 14 Boxes, black walnut................................. 142 Boxes, cash ------------------------------------ 143 Benches, assortedr.................................... 144 Baskets, paper-.......................................................... 146 Baacs Ietr 147 Boards, wah 148 Boards,......... -........ 149 Bors!darm 150 Boards, paper..................................... 151 Boards, pressing..................................... -- 152 Boards, cardshe.................................eets................. 153 Boards binders' —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 15 Boards, Bristol....................................... 155 Bowls, sugar —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 15 o l, e t w sh - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -................................................1i........................... 157 Bowls, feet wash-..................................... 158 Bowls, assorted-......................................./' 159 Bunks-..............................................160 Punks, single-.................... 161 Bureas —--------------------------- - ------ U 162 Bedteds 16: Bins, dlour............................................164 Blocks, meat-........................................ 165 Cups-... 166 Cups, palette-.....................il....... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, fc.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Execu~~~~October 14, 1865.tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Z 14 ct~OZ Articles. I II. 1,.. 0 C1, I 0cc aa 0 Q 5 1 ce~~~~~ 9 I0' t 1l 1 t~ l mQ m 16 o'o a'O a.-.o -.0.h ~~~~~~~~~~ c~~~ cc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. -P. cc~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- c~ c~ ~..A a —. ~.o~. a ~ 0 ~: D ~ c I. 1:a 1...I I- o I I:167 Cups, tin, assorted..................... ------—.... -..... --------------—......... - ------ -- --—.........12................ 1.....-......-...-................., 169 Cups, copying..... assored.. 2... ---- ----....................12. 171 Cans, milk, (covered)o-lasse —--.-.......................................................................................................... --------........ 171 Cans, molassesk,.. - -. - - -....... —......................-..-..-..-..-..-.. (cover..ed). 17'3 C an s, vw atering......................... —....... — -- --—. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------........... -.......................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - -174 Covers, bucket.......0... 175 CCovers cofee-po -------— Covers, —--------------- ---------. —------. —---------— coffee-pot. —-------------—. ——. —----------—.I......................... 176~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coes oven. ~ ~' ~ C:c e-p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~" m > L:. >~ -ot ------------- o ---— o 176 Covers, ovent l -low................. can.......... - --- ---- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - ---.... - ---. -- - 177 Covers, tallow can........................................................................... - -........- -....... --.............................. 178 C leav ers, m eat....... - -- - -- -- - -- - ---—.............. -. -------- ----—... --------................. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- -- - - --- -- -- --........ -------- -- - -- 178 Clavpers, meat....................................... 179 Casters...................................... 1801 Canisterslk,t(oea-)................. 184 Canistes, asotea.'.......''''''''''''''''''''' ------------ ----------- - ------ ------...... —--—..... -------- -------- ------------- ----—. -------- -- --- ---— " 1 --------................ 18 6 C u pots s....... -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------ --.................-.....-.....-..................... - ---- - -- - ----- - -- - - -- ------ —'.... - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- - 187 Chests, Mess -................................................................................................................... 184 Chestas, assorted.....-......'.'..-......................'................ 2 -.- 187 Cupboards, pigeon-hole. —---------------------------- -------- -------- -- --—... 188 Counersbce. 195 C a es', p st-off ce............................................. -..... ------—... —------.. —---- --... —---- -.-I........-. —... i.......-....... —..... 193 Coolers, water.... 1 6 Covers, tallank a....-............................................................................................................1................j............!.... 194 Cast ers.............................................. 191 Caisters, poet-o-e- ---........1 196 Cases, bieln k —-..................................... - - - - - - --- 197 Cases, shelve d —-—.-........s —n —1; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ —-- --- --------- - ----- -- - --- -............... I............................... I —------............. -------- 190 Chairs, assorted........................... —--—. —----- 196 C es....... ----------------------—.. —-- -------- -------- ------—.... ----—. 17 Chairs, offel and....wer.. —-—.. —-------------—.-. —----—.......-........- -.... ---—..........-........-..............-........- -------- 198 Case, assorted ---- - --.........-...................................1.... 199 Cases, book --........-................... —................... —............................. 200 Cases, pillow ---......... —............................................... - - - - - - - -... --... --..... 201 Cases, pigeon-hole --- ----... —--................................ - - - - - - - --.. - -- -. 202 Closets, p. cket........-............................... ---- -~~~ 203 Cleaners, stove....-.....-...........................o........................... -------- 204 Cullenders -. - - -................................................... -- - 205 Cushions.... -- - -..................................................... — - - - -- -- -- -------- -------- - 206 Curtains, w indow..... -.. -.. -.............................................. 207 Charts, tim e -- -.. —- --- --........................................... - - - - - - - -........ - - - - 208 Calendars....-....................................... 209 Cellars, salt -.... - - -............................................- - -- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- --- - 21O Cutters, cake........................................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211 Carvers ---.... - - - - -. --- --................................................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212 Carvers and forks.................................... 213 Caps, stove pipe-..... — -.. ---- --......................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214 Counterpanes................................................... 215 Carpet, Brussels-..........-...-........... yards.-.- -... -..-..... 216 Coverlets. —- - - - - —.-. -........... -............................................ -- -- - -- -- -.... - -- - - ---- -- 217 Desks, assorted6 2......................................-. -..-...-' 218 D usters -—. ---- --- - -.................................................... 219 Dusters, feather- 220 D ippers..-.................-............................ - -.........................-............................:.... 12........................................~ 20Dippers- i12221 D ippers, tin....... - - -- - -- - -- - -- - ---—................ -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------.............. —-..... -------- -------- -------- 222 D rumsstostove................................ —--------------------------—............................................................. —------ - ---—. 223 Dipperums, sheet-ironn.............. — —..... - -. —.....................2 D h v g b - -.............. -..................................................................... 229 Disrumhes, stove........................-................ -- 223 Drums, sheet-iron................................... 228 D ishes, smeat................................................................................................................................. I 225 D ishes, s oup e..................................................................................................... 230 Deijohns.lre....-.........-...................................................................................'................................'....'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 23 Dishes, fruit-................................................................ 236ihs Elbosorted...-...................................................................................'...'.'........'.'.'.'..................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 233 DElb ow nss o e p e....... ---—..........................................................................................3.................................'........... 23 Dish es, veg.................etable.................................... 228 Dishes, meat-..................... 229 Dishes, sauce.........-................................................................... 230 Disheos, large-........................................................................................ —231 Dishes, small-s......................................... 23 D i shes, asso r ted................................................................................................................. 244 Forks, larone.................................................................................................'.......'..............'......................."............ 2334 F e s, s................................... h s........................................................................................... 234 D raw ers, t........................................................................................................ 236 Ebw ---- 35. 237 Elbows, stove-pipe -...............................3.. 238 Fixtures, cook-stove-..............sets.. 2394 Forks, la................................................................ 245 Funners, lassorted............................................................................ I.......'.'......... 12................'".... "''.".'.'.'.'."."...'.'........'.'.'... 240 Furnk s, ic rto...............................io............ n 241 Forki s, la................................fe........ I -- -- - -- -- - 242 Forks, table1 2.....................................'"-2' 243 Forks, carving. 244 Forks, large........................................ 245 Funn els, assorted.............................-1 -2....... L 246 Funnelstinassorted.............. 247 Fillers, lamp-'24 25...... 248 Feeders, lamp-.......................... 249 Furniture, cherry-...............lots-[' 250 F~irkius-............................,.... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. IArticles.. I a. a - l. 1. 1.a. 1 C a a.. 11.... ~., I.. ~ 252 Grates, nut-mo eg-................ —-................ ---- -................................................................................... 252 Griddles, utoveg..-... —.............................................................................................. 9....................................... 253 Gridirons-................................. -....................................................................................................... I' 255 Grates,-stove —-9.................................................................................... 260 Horns, tin -..... — -------- --------'. --------...... 261 Hooks, mthes-............-................................................................................................................................ 263 Knooks, meat —--—.............................................................................-.......-..... -... 276 Kettles, campn-.....................................6................................................................ ----------------................... 270 Knives, table.-12. —.... —....................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- 272 Knives, tchbler- --------- -- -------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 277 Knives, chopping....................................................................................................I 278 Lamps, office l — - - - - -— 3 --------........ ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------................ 284 L ardiers floor................................... feet........................... 1 -.......................................................-)................ 283 M ashers, p a........ -.... -.!................................'..:'t....................................................................... 284 N esttsn, pi eon ho e....................................'..................... -.............................................................. 285 MO rtars, D ut............................ - -. --- -- —....................-........-...................... 286 M ills, coff ee................................................-.... 1.......-. -- -—..... —. —...-...-. —- - -..-......................... 287 M attre ses ap r --- -- -- --- -- -—... - -----—.-.. —-—.-. —. —...-..-. —...I- --— ~ —--...-. —-. -... -.. -.......... -------- -------- --------.....................1................ 284 M aPstti, floo rfe t ------ ---- ---- --- - -......... -........................................................ 289 M ashes, p tt o........ - - - -- -................................................ ----------------------—. -.-... — ----- --.. —-.; — --.................................. 290 Pipes, stoveoa sorted....................................................I.-....-.. —-................................-" -------- ------ 290 Nests, pigeon-hole -.~~~~~ -- ----- ----- ---- 30 ip s on e ti g orr n e...... -...- -...'. -..............................................................!........'"l;j lE:!" " {i E E E;:E t ii EE i;............... ^iE 291 Ovens, Dntch —-—......... —- --- --------— j —--......- -------- --------.....................~~~~ I; -- - -..................~- 292 O vens,' baess --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------—.-.. —...-....{. -.-. --------------.. —-.-. — -- -........................ ----—..-............................ 930 Punches pa per... -.-.-. —.. --- ---—.-. -. —-----—.... -..................................................-........-...... - ------....................... 3294 Presses, letter ipping-.....-...........-... — -.......................................... -- - - --........-..-.. 295 Presses, letter, w ith stam p -----------------—..................... 310 Pans', assorte..........-........ -................i................!........J...................................................................... 31 P n, i, s or e.. - -. - -.. -- -.-... -.. -.... -................................................................. -.-.-.........I................ 313 Pa.-............................................................ 296 Presses and stands, (letter) -1. —---------- -------- ------- 326 Pots, -------- ---------................. 297 Pipe, stove ----------- ------— feet 200.. —---------------- -------- 21-48 — 32 —------- -------- -------- Pipe, stove-joints -24~~~~~~~~~I -30 2 9 9 P ip e, s to v e, s o r e-p on-kli n g.....- —....n.s..... --- - - - - - - --. —.......... -....1................-I-........- - - —.-.-. 4 300 Pipes, connecting, for range. —--------------- -........ ——......-................ —- --. —-. —- ---—. — 301 Pans, fry... —------------------------------------—:::..:...-...................... -- 302 Pans, try ---------------------— I —----------------------------- iiiii!!ii iiiii!!i! 11 i ------— i I —------ ------—!; -------- -----—!i }:; i ii i i ii i i ii: 1 i!1 1 i 306 Panse dripping, ---------------------------------------- -------- --— 16-K::i-;:i- i!!!i -!;i!!!i!iiiii!!!!!iiiii 16 -------- ---—: -2 i307 Pans, tin —--------------------------— sance — ---- ------------- ---- ---- ---------------------- 310 Pasis, assorted —--------------------------- 311 Pans, fias sorted —- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -I - - - - - - - -..................- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 312 Panetn- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ash —-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - 313 Pans, tin-.... - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - — sets-............................................... - 314 a s Pans,- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - p- - - - -- - -- - — e — - -H — - - - - -- -- - - - 320 Plates, saone —----------------------- ---- 323 Plates --------------------------------- 3-24 Platespie -------------------------- 326 Pots, assorted -------------------— I- ---- ---------------- 33 0 Pots, tire ----------------------------------------------------------- 33 ot.s ri k in - -Pots- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - — sprinkling- - - -- --- - ---- -- -.......... — - -— 1 — - -- - - 332 o s r n - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - — Pots,- - --- - - -..........................iron..................2LZ 333 o P in - - - - -- - - - - --............o...ts...........................tin-.................... Report showin thipsto fUie Sae nltr alodproperty in the military division of the Tennessee, ~(e.-Continued. CX Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 compas oniced on sae! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~terms as authorized by Execuand October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. Z a,," *.c Is-;~ Za- 2~4 e ~:h' —~ ~.~ ~, ~ ~'~~ ~CZ.~ cd lz:;.'-. - 0 zl ~,. E-4i~ r c p CZ 0c,, 0 335~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~...... a............................................. 336~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Pithr..................... CZ. 9. I1........................................ 3348Pots tsu stew337 Pitches,, stone K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r- on Po 338 Pitchers, water-............ 3:39 Pillows....(:: jjZZj:;j::ZZ':';"'................. 340 Pokts, t assorted' —----------------------------------—. —-............-26......... 3 4 t o s w t r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P e e ls,- - — ba k e rs- - - - --— ~~~ ~........-........I............./........} ---- --- --- --- 337 PichrsPsonke —----------------------------—....... —-—. —-—. —-—. —--------------------—. —-—. —-—. —-—.. ——. —---; —------ -------- -------- ----- ~~~~~............ 342 Pins,tie 3439 P in, rll in g -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- time..........................................- - - -- -- -- -- - - -................................- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --' 344 Plugrs, basisore ------------------ -.341 Quiltbaes —--------------- ----------------------------- 346 Racksletter —------ -.......... 348 Racks, towel —-------------------------------.~~~~~............................................................ 343 Pin s, r olkng-g.......... —..................................................... 34 Plugs, basin ------—................. -------------------------------------- --------. ---—. —-.-I —-—. —-. —-----........ 347 Racks and desk, card........................................... -—... ------------...................................... --------------—......... 3418 Racks, towel ------------------------------------—.......... -.... ---------—... —----- ---------.......................................................... 330 Ranges and fixtures, cooking --------------------------........- --------. -------- 350 Ranges poot-:351 Ranges, patent.................................... -------------.. -------------. ---—................ —........-................ —-........!-.................... 353 Railing office pieces ] - - - - - ----............................ 35R afesn, off, ice ------------------------------........ -------- --—...........fe,...... —-—.................................i.....................I.................................................................. — ---- - -----........... 357 S a7 f es fire-proof...............................................-............. --- 358 Safes, paymasters....................................'........................ 359 Safes, field- -........ -------- --------......................... 2O6 Sales, match.. -........ -......., -------- ------. -------- -------- --------.361 Safe, twine.............................................-.............-...... -...................... ----- 362 SaeSI --------------------------........ 1............. 4.... -----.. ---—. ——. ——. —-----------—. ——. 3 Sacesss —------------------ paymstrs'............................................................... ---—............... —---- ---------- ------------- -------- ------ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~.... I................. 382 Safes S atch P-4 (To..................................... 4............. 364 Shfeusu-do.......................... 363 Scisiors-...................pairs-.............[...{.........I.... :3 5 Shears, lam p. -- - -- --..................do..-.-.-.-........-........-........-........-.......-........................................................ -------- 366 Shears, banker's —...................................... --—. -------.................... —------ I -------- -------- -------- -------- -- j67 Slates, assorted-6-14 —----—....-...............................- - -.. —-. 6 14... —.......... 368 Shovels, fire.-....... —- ------........ -------- -------- -------- 26................ 369 Shoveles, coake'l. - - - -- - - - - - ------—........... -... -.-... —.. -- - -- ---—.. -----—. -------- --------...............-.....-............................................... 3760 Sieves, ----....... -..... —--—... — - - - -- - - - --. — -----.. —--.. — -- - ---—...- --------...................... - -....-............................................ ----—. 376 S i ovels, baker's —-- - ----- -- --- ------ --- ---- --------.- - --- - —. --- -.-..... --------......................... 372 Spieve os, meal den. —-.-..-.-. —.- - - - - ----------—.. -. - -. -—.-....... -------- ---—.......... —... -------- -------- --------. ——. —. -------- -------- -------- 373 Sieves, fiour —--------------------------- -----------.-. —----—. —------—..-.... —-.-'.. —.-.'. —..... —-.......-..... -..... 3 8 1 S h a d e ss lac o a l (- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - -.- - - - - - - -.- - -.I- - - -.- - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375 Scoops 6nd cla ps —------------------------------------------------------------------—. —----—. —.....-......-..... —...... -....-..... 376 Scopi e s, flour.- -. —. -- -—.... -—.-.-.. —. —---—.-. —-. —- - -- - -..... --—.. -.. ——..~ —-- - ---—. -..-.. —... —--—.. —. ——. -. - -- -- - -----—.-.............................. —-- 3 7 74 S p it t o o, st - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —. - - - - - - —. - - - - - - —. - - - - - - —. - - - - - - —. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - -. — - - - - -.378 Spittoons, wooden -----—.. -... - - -. -.-........................ 379 Shades -—. —-....-....-....-....-....-....-....-.-.. -...-....I 388 S im m e s..........-. —.-.. —... —...-............... —.- -- -------- -- - - -- -- - -----—. --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—................ 380 Shades, lamp, - (tin)-. -. -................. -........-.. —- —...... - -.-.... - ------ -... -- - -...-.-..-.......-.. --- -------- -------- -------- 390 Stead e rs, la ptin... —. -. —-. —- - - - - - - - -- - - - —. —-—...........-............ -------- --—..-. —. -—... -------- --------................. -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - 382 Shades and clasps —.... —-. —------- -------—................. -------- ------—...... -------- -------- -------- --- --- -------- -----—....-......... -------- 3 8 S p o o n s, t a b l e.. - —....-....-................................... - - - - - - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...-.. - - - - - - - - - - 385 Spoons, tea ----------------------------------------------- 393 Stove~box. —-.................... -. —-. —................................. —----—.. —----—.. —------ ----------------—...................387 Spoons, bassored-iron.-.. —--—. —----—. —----—. —-—.................. -—................ I...... —......- -..................... —:387 Spooes, cassot ed- - - - -— ir n.... -.. -....-. —.....- -- ---—... -------- ---- ---- ---- I — -- —.....- -............................... --—.......-....-...............-....396 Skim mes, -------- -------- --------—... -.. —..- -....... -............................................ I........................ -------- --—.. --------...........389 Stki mers ------- -------—. —. -. — ------ ----- - - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - - -------- --------........ ----—.. ------—.. —--—...-. --------—::: —- --- — 0 390 Steamers, tet-1-.......-........1.......-.....-....-...................11.....1 —..................................'391 -------- --—.-.-. -...-... -............ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.................................. - - -............................... 381Skillets-10 —--------------------------------------- -. 39:1 Stoves, boxo1ing 1 —------ - -------------- --------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------....................... 12........ - ------- -------- -------- ----- -..... 4024 Stoves, sh etioki g n d --------- -.. —......- -- - -- -—... —---—.-.. -........... —....... — -- I........................ I5 - -- -..... -..-........-.-......-..... 394 Stoves, cast-irong, —----------------. —------- ----. —- ----------------------------—...................-......-...... —1-1 —--------------------------- 395 Stoves, cast o n- --------- -......- --------........ -------- -iron- 2 -------- -------- 8 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 397 Stoves, open......... -........to s.. -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - --- -- -- ---- -- -- --...... --—.. -------- -------- --.......... -------- -------- --- --- --- --- ------—.... ---- ------ --- 396 Stoves, coal-2 —-----— _ ------------- ---- -------- ------------- ---- -----— 2- ---- ---- -------- 397 Stoves, calh......... - -................ -------- -------- -------- ---- --- I -- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------— H 401 Stoves, cookingt and pip —-—. -........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 7 -------- --------........ -------- 401 Stoves, cooking, and fixes-. ---------------------------- --------................................1........ --—.... - 403 S o es Stoves, i tu e - - -- - -- - -- -- - — cooking,- - -- - -- -- - — 5.....com plete-. -- - --- -- - - - -- - 406 Stovesan glue ------------------- ------------ -------------------—.......................... 407 Stoves, beating —- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - —.- - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - -- - - - 408 t v s e tn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Stoves, —-assorted-8 — 409 Stoves, office. — - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -- - - - 410 t v s fi e..........................................................- - - - - - - -- - - - Stoves,...shop. 416 Stands, light and.........................hose-..................... --- -------- ------------- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 8c. —Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. IArtic.les!1. - aa I C. CZ'c ac O ~3< " 0 Cd 0 -' I......................... - -........... I........ 417 Stands, and.lamp globe - -. *........................................................................................... 418 S tandslight —----------------------------- -.......................I.................................................................. 418 Stands, lightd ------------------------------- — p...1....-.-.....................................-................................ ~421 Sn~~uffers, ~candio ------—'................ do....................................................................- - -.. ~~~~~~~~4232 ~ Stools~~'.......................'................................\....................... -—.'............................ 423 Stools, bench.......................................1....... — ----- -—................. ---------—....... 4 p t - - - - - - - - - - - I - -... - - -........424 Spon............. - - - - - - - — ts, funnel ---- -......- -... --—.... — 4-25 Shelves and braclkets.. ——''-''-'-'-'- ----- -.-.. —----- - -................ 427 Steels, carvin-g ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------.....-......'....................... 430~~~ Sn s.................................... - - -- - -- --- 431 Sah eets ------- -------- -------- ----- -............... —......j...........................................- - -------- 430 S cr enk s..................................................................................................................... 4 3 4 S htr a in e rs, c of- - e e- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.................................................-..-................ 4:.. -.36 Sprinklers, copper............................................................ 438 Scales, lettee —-— r.....................-.........................i................................................ 440 TabSrles, camp —--- --- ------ - ---- —..................................................................................................... -.................................................. 444 Tablle tes, dining —------------------- -------- --------—.....-......................................... 4403 T ables ca m p --------------------------------------- --------................ I....... --------............................ -------- -------- ------- T ables, dr.....i..~~~446 Tables, assorted- ~~ -.........................-'............................................ 447 Tables, roune......................................'.". 448 Tri Blnn es, sho epp..................................................... 453 T u bs',. —'.'. —— " —. —...... —......1..-'.. —. —.'. —'-.' —---—.' 1-1.'..'.'. —. —'.-.'.'.'..I ". —....... 449 Tu............. 450 Thimbles, stovepipea -------------------------- -................ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. 45 TAx s, me n....................................................... -........................ 452 Tub es, wash................................................................................................ 453 T Bri ls, bathin'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'....'....................................................I.-.-..................^........................!..........................^..1^... 4545 BuTickets, beU.d S. horse.. — - ----.-................................ I......... - --- - --- ----- - —. -- 466 B ow s,,w agon - -....... -. -.. -. -.. -. - - -........................- - --... - - -.................... -.........................:................ ^ 471 Boxes, wagon.. —......-......-..-.......-........ ------- ------ - -............................... I~ ~ ~.....~... 4 B o s, ambulance................................................................................ 461 B raukes, ao de-..............................I................-.................................. 476 Borid es, exd t.................................................... -............................. 476 Box ls am wagonws,........................... wagon — -. I 458 W aiterks ng. —----------------------------------------- -------—.......1.-.....-... —-------- ------—.. ------—. --------... —----—.............................. 4683 Boes, ambulance.........-.- —. ---- -.-. ---- --- --- ------- 4 Bies, rid n- - —.... ——.....................:..................'...............-................... 4 6 C s, U....... —.....-.......-...-..... -........................s................ 475 Bolses, extra -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - -- - -— log- -- - - --- - - - - - - - -- - — wagon- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- - - - 47 Bolsters, armyian........won..................................... 469 Brushes, b orsear -----------------------------------— g.................................................................................. 477 Bolts, king.{ I1 478 Bolts, kin g sp ea er.- —.o nd ---- --- ------.....'...........s....................................................................................... 4791 Bolts, tongue -......................................................... 472 C hains, cutrting r --- -- -- --- ---------------------—.................1............................. --- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- ---...1................................... 473 B ollars, am bulance pipe.' —---—'.'. —-------—. —.' —.....'''''....'...........'.''.....''...'.''', "''1.'"' "............. 4 Bodies, wagon -....................................................................................................... 41 Bodies, cart-...............!....... 47'ose-,e tal gw g n- - - - - - - - - - - - -4. -1 -- - - - -...........................'................t..... [......... 482 Breehin, car t............................... -........ 48Si. Bits, bridle................................................................................... 494 Carts................................................................... 485 Chains, halterg...............................................- -------- --------.. 486 Chains, t-race-..................................................... 487 C h ains, fifth --------------------------------........ I —------ --------............ 480 C hains, spreader. — - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -------- ---- 491 C hains, str tc her- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 483 Chains, oxat................ ---- - --- ---- - --- -- -- - 495 Colarns, muleadr —---------------- 496 C overs, w ao n-......................... - - - - 497 Combas, cule-ry --------------------- Report shouwing the dzsposaiwn of United States miltary railroad property -n the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continucd. L 0,2 Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on ae terms as authorized by ExecuOotober 14, 1865. ^ ^ uutsn tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'2. I ~'-"! i!o Articles. n= E'- ~ Z ~" 6. ~o. ~ 1o 6 -i 6f-' i I -1 lg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................i ^ ^l11 ^ 498 rup ers... —...................................................;............:......'.......................... 1.....-............... 0ci. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~C zl o; - nz CC C~~~~~ r.~,.- C) 0 i,,-o ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~-~~~~- o~~~~~~~-~' 8 5.......~o - 498 Cruppers-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dC 499 Drays --------------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -------------—' —------ -------- ----................' -------- ---—.....- ---- 500 F elloes, w agon -------- -------- -------- -------—..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -- --- 501 G ears, running --- -—... -... —..................... — - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.................-... [........... —......502 G earings, r indg —------------ -...... —-.... -- - -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- --------................................ 503 Gearings, front. —------ ------ -- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- 504 G ates, end. —--------- -................. -- -- -------- —...-.-........ ------ - -------- -------- - 505 H orses....................... - - -. — -.... - -------- ---—. 1. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 506 H arness ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- -----.......sets.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1..... -.....-............. ------—.... -------- -------- -- --- 506 Harness — -ts —-- I 507 H arness, S. S. am bulance.-......................... -------- ------ -. —.... - ------—. --------...................I 508 Harness, S. S. wheel- ---------------........ --------................ 509 Harness, S. S. lead........ -------- ------ -------- --------........ ---- ------— I 510 Harness, S. S. wheel-horse- -....... -------- -------- -------- --------...\..... -------- -------- 51 aness 5.8 he-mule —--- ------ -mu —--- --------. —--—.................. 512 Harness, S. S. lead-mule ------------ --------------- ------—......... L................ 513 H arness, cart........................................-........-......................................-....-..... ---------- I.............-......................... 514 Harness, dray-. -............................ ----------------....................... --------........................ -—.I................~~~~~!........ 515 Hames, horse- -.....................pairs..................... I....... --------........ 517 H alters, rope -------------------------------- -.-.. -.. -- -............................... 518 Halters, head- --------------------------------- ------—'.'............. --------..... 519 H alters, bead, and strap-................-............... 1.................. -........-........ ------—......... 520 H alters and chains............................................................................ \....1........ i....... --- -- -- -- -- -- --................................ 531 H ounds, front, arm y w agon....................................... L...1................ —....i -—. —. —..... - -.1........ — -----—..-... -------- -------- --------- 591 Hounds, hind, army wagon...........................................!................ --------............I........................................ 523 H am m ers, w agon.............................................................. 1......... 534 Jacks, w agon.-.................................l................1........1........!........!................ -------- -------- -------- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -I- - - -....- - - - - - - - - - --- 525 Kegs, ambulance.. — -------- -------- --------....... -------- ------ ------ 526 Lines, cait-t. — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.... 527 L ines, check ------ ---------------------------------........-........ I I 528 L ines, lead -... - --...- -.-......... —-- - ------—. —.. -- - -... 1- -------- ----------------- 529 Lines, 2-horse........................................................................ 530 Leathers, sweat.': 531 Links, open.........-............................... -------- -------- -------- --------.......'. -—'.5:31 Links, open... 532 Mue 5:32 M ules ---------------.... --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------—..~............. -------- -------- -------- --- --- ~ — ~~~~~ -—. —~~- ----—. -. -------- -------- ----—... -------- 5 3 M ar i g les..-......-.........-.-........................... ]....................... " " 533 M artingales.................................................... - - - - - - - -------- ----...............'- - -....... 534 Oxen............................... -........................... 536 Poles, couplinge.......................................'...... 536 Poims, bentoambuplince....-..............-...........g..................................................................... 537 Rakes, stable b...... —............................... 540 ings ope...............-...............-................................ 539 R im s, ox-yoke bow................................................... 542 Stretchers ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..'..''.. -.'''..''...-''.-''.'..'''..''.'..'''..''.'..'''..''.'.-'''.-'' —" ~ ~ —-~~ — - - - -- - - - - - - 543 Spreaders............................................................................... 540 Ring s, ope n..................................................... 541 Rai.s.hody 544 Saddles, rid......-............-...................................-' -- - -........ 542 Saddles...........Str...............................tretchers............... 54 S s, o. ------------------- ----------—. —........ —......-.......................... 544 Saddles, carid i ng - - --.................................................................... 545 Saddles, wagon —--------- 54 S iaddkles, cart - - -- - - -...................................................... --- -------- —. --.... -- - - - - - -....... 547 S add les,...................................................................................................................................... 548 Sticks, jockey-................... 549 Sticks, cart-dum ping —- - - - - - - -....................... -- - -...... 554 Sprinklerap s, c artoupling.................................................................................................................................. 553 Straps, neck-.................... 554 Straps, coupling-..................~... 555 Straps, neck and chain............................. 557 Straps, bachke -............................... "' —------------------------------------------------------------------------- 557 Straps, choke...............'.... --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------------—.'''''..'''..'..."' - ~~ ~ -------- -------- --- -- -...... —- -- --- ---. —-. —....... —....... — 558 Straps, halter-. --—........................ —--- - -— ~ —------ -—........................559 Straps, stirrup -...................................'- -~ -- - - -- - - -- -............................................. 560 Straps, yoke..- -..................................- - - - 561 Spokes, wagon-........... 5 6 1 S p o k e s, w a g o n......- -.......-................... -- - - - -—. -..... -- - - - - - -----.......-...... 5626 Spokeo.-.-... —...-.................. —........-. —-'.-.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'. —.''.'.'.'..'.'.'..'.'.'.'.. -'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'. —- — ~-~~ -~ —---—'.-.' —-~-~~~~~~ —------ -------—.-.-...563 Spokes, arm y w agon --------—.......................................... - ---- ---- - ----- - -- --- --.. 564 Spokes, 2-horse wagon.............................. 565 Spokes, ambulance -................................ -...... — - - - 566 Stirrups, w ooden.......-................................................ - ~- - -------- ----- - ----.... -- - - 567 Stirrups, leather..-.................................. — - -............ — --- -. -—...-...-....-...-............ 568 Shafts, cart.................................... ---------------- --------------------------------- ----—.. —.. — -- 569 Shafts......... —.................................. -- - -- -- -------- --- ----------------------------------- --- -- -- --- 570 Strings, ie........................................................................................................ 571 Stocks, w hip... —-----—... —- -.................... 572 Trees, single -..... - -........ —........................................ 573 Trees, double -- --....................................... ---------------------- -- --- ----- -- ----- ---------------- 574 Trees, saddle,574 Tonges, saddle.......-....-.....-....-..................................'................................'......... -~-~~ —------—....................................... 575 Tongues, wagon.. —.................................. 576 Tongues, rough...................................... —------------------------------------------------------------ ------- 577 Troughs, feed........................................'.'..'..... 578 Tires, w agon- -...............' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.-..............-....-..-....579 Wheels, hind580 Wheels, front........... 57 W ee shi d............'...'.. "I....~~ ~- ~~ ~- ~ -- ~- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -.- -- ----..............580 W h elsfr nt. -....................................... I'..'''''\'.'.'.'.'.'.' _.'.."'..' " " " -- -- - --- ---- -- -... --................ ( Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, S4r.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies o credit on same terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, I865. ^ g October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. "~. x. ag ~ a, i a- ~ Articles. a.. - ~'~ C d CZ o j.. pa -aC C,,n = 0 w M = nC a 581 W^heels,.wagon -- -- - -- -- - ---- --- -- - -- -- --- --- -- -- - -.................. 582 W agons, lum ber -- -. — -- - -- -. -- - -- -- -- -.- -- -- - -- —.- - -- -. — - ---- -- -.- -- -- - -- —.- - -- -- -- - -. — -- - -- -- -.. -- -- -- - ---- --- 583 W o a -- S - --------' - - g o - -, ---.............. --..- -- - 584 W agons, spring......... - - -............. —................................................. --------................ -------- 582 W gonslu mbe,..-.....................-.- -..-......-.......-......-.......-......-..............-...... -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- - - -- - - - -------- ------—. ----- ---- ---- ----- 586 W agons, a hrmy.........-.. —.... — -- - -----—.-. -.. -. --- --- --- --- ------—...................... -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -- - - -- --- a 8-~~~ ~~ ~ ne ~~a nI-..../ —.a.......a 582 W agons, op g r -.......- -... —..........................-.............. - ---..-. - --- - --- --- 583 W gone, army-... 586 W agons, l2-ho rseo -- -. —. —-- --...............................................................'. 589 W agons, wate se —.-.....-.-. ——..-..........-... —..............-................................................-.-.-..-.-~ ——................... - 587 Wagons, ox....-............................................. 588 Wagons, wood............................................. 589 W agons, water................................................. 590 W agons, box -- - -............................................................... --- ---------------------- 5911 W ag ns.............................................. —......-....... —...... —......-.......-.....'. —...'.'.'.-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''.'.'.' —.'.'..'.'.' —'.'.''.'.'.''.-'.'..'.'.''.'.-'..'.'.'..'.'.592 W hips, w agon................................................................................................................................. 593 Y okesOox -.-.. —---- --------........ -------- ----------------------—...-' —-----— ~ — ~ ~~-.. — 594 Y okes and bow s, ox.-...-................................ -------- 595 A xes, chopping.. —-.. — - ---—.................... -...............-...............-.... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- - --- --- ---- --- ------ -------- --- -- -- ---- 596 Axes, chopping, and handles -....... -..............-.-............ 597 Axs felling 5977 xesA fe lin.-..................-.........-......-......-......-.'..'..'..'.'.'....'. ----- ---- ----'..''.'..'.''.'...'..'.' ------—''.''.'.'.'.'.'.''.-'.'.'.'.'..'.'.-'.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.-''.'.'.'.'.'.' 598 Axes, felling, and handles......- --...................................... 599 Axes, hand..................................................................................................... 600 A xes, broad ------.. —- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --—................-....... I.................................................................... -'.'.-'.'.''-'.-......-.... —~~~ —~ — ~~z:::. ZZZ:Z 601 Axes, broad- --------------------------------------- -------- 602 A xes, narrow -.- -.........................-.. -. -........................................................................ 560 Augers....................................... sets.......-..L......................................................... 603 Axes, assorted —----------- ------- 604 Augers. —-----------------------------------—.sets - 606 u e s A ugers,- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - — long, — - - - -- - - - --- - -- - - - - assorted. 606 A ugers, long, assorted... ---------- --------- --------- -------...''........- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- --- ---......................'. 607 Augers, hollow ------..........................stts........... 608 Augers, gas-fitting.................................................. 609 Augers, bridge —--................................................. 610 Augers, pump set....-.........-.....sets...... —-- 611 A ugers, boring m achine -.-. - --- -- - I- - -...................................................................... 613 Augers, achi............................ sets.............................................................................................................. 613 Augers, machine -- -------------- - 614 Angers and handles.................-.... ~615 Augers and handles, ~-inch..............-.... 616 Angers and handles, 1~-inch.............-.... ~2 617 Augers, spike.....-.............................................. 615 Augers, convexd handles --....................................-......... 619 Angers, wheelwright-....................... 620 Augers, n nt..................................................................................................... 61 Augers e - —................................................................................................................. 622 Anvils, east............................................................................................................... o 623 Anvils, wrought ~624 Anvils, block................................................................................................................... 625 Anvils, wrought-......... -.............................................................................................................. ~"626 Anvils, blacksmiths'-................ 6196 3 A u g es, w hei e l w i h........ -...-. —.- - --- - -- --- ----.- - - - -- —.. -. -- - - -- - -- - - - -- ------............. - -... - - -- - - - - - -- ------ -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- - -- -- --- - --.....-.....-.......... - 6-.- 627 Awls, scratch -—........................................ 6218 Awls, brad -t-s-h —-.. ----............................................... 6;29 Awls, b-it-......... 6:30 Awls, scribe-.............a631 Awls and tacks, shoe................ -~ O 632 Awls, scratch, and handles........... —-- ---- —.................... 633 Awls,, peg, and handles. —-...................-.-..............-.. ---........ 6 2 4 A n v ils, b lo c h a n d le s..... - --.. —..- - - - - - - - --- - —..- -.....- -....-....- -.... -.... - -....-....- -....-.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 634 Adzes, o.................................................................................................................. 639 A nv ils, b i clack s itsa - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---—..... -...... -.. --------.......-......-..............-......-...... -------- -------- ------ -- -------- --- --- --- --- ------ --......... -- -- - 635 Adzes and handles-................. 6407 xleswl arandc endet............-............-...... —.-.... —.....-..............-......-......-......-...... -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- -- ------ ---- -------- --------- 636 Adzes, railroad-c —-------------—. —- --- -. —- -.- ---.. —- ------- ----- - ---- -----. —- -...- ----. —. —- -- ----....-.. 6372 A ldzes, foot or carpen-di ng.- - --- ---- - --- - -— ters' —.....-........... —........-................. —..... 638 Axles, car-.................pounds-. 639 Axles, eie -----------------------— catr —--........................- -—..................- -- ----- - - —. — -- 6391- Arbors, circular saw-................ 642 Axles, en ---- --------- --- - ---..gie.. c. - --..........-driving-.................................. -- 6 3 2 A w ls,o nc a tc h, s a n d............... -on ds.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 643 Axles, engine truck-. pounds-. 64Axles, tender.................... 645 Axles, truck-1..................... 646 Axles, tender truck-................... 647 Axles, timber buggy-................. 648 Anchors-...................... 649 Acid, oxalic -.................pounds.. 650 Acid, muriatic-................do-.. 651 Acid-.....................do-. 652 Aqua ammonia-................do.. 653 Aloes-....................do-... 654 Alum-.do-.... 655 Antimony-..................do-.... 656 Alcohol......-...........gallons-.... 638 Axles, saca st --... —------------------------.pounds.................................................................................................................... ^ 657 Ammoniac, sal.............................pounds-.......... 658 Arm s, hand-car............................................. 659 Arms, engine pump-................. 660 Arms, seat, cast -.......... --— pounds-...... 661 Appa ratus, automati c-..........................-sets................... 662 Asphaltu m-gallons-............................................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued.' Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. * a ~'" c-~ 0 0 a0 0 r IArticles...I oI a. I 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... 4......... 32...........- ^ 1~........... ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cc i^ 7l:t o ^ 1 Ca Cd 0'I ^ 0 — ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 51-a Snz ~ C, l 1 1^ ill ll ~- I- r I ^:ll ^1 I C'ild 11 Ce 663 Bellows, blacksmiths' —1-......................................3 664 Bellows, assorted. —..............~-...........................se................................................C~ C 665 Bellows, hand.............-.................................-......-........................................... h d........-1. -.'............. 666 B s................................ B........4 667 Bars, switch...................................i................. 6.............................................................. i iii.'.''.'..'.'.........i.'.'..1^ i 6678 Bars, switch................................C......-.. 6 70 B a rs, ra isin g........................................i i i................................................................................... 670 Bars, raising-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C $I,(0 ) 0CdC 671 Bars~iron-1........................................ 1292 7781610.........8.1. 6.....'..'.'.'.1. "'" ".... 672 Bars, pinch-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MCd U2a 673 Bars, pinch................... pounds.......... 6 7 B r, r w........................................................................... 2 4.. -.... -..... -......' "" 674 Bars, gasote-do-8,................. 455-86-...............................................'... 680 Bellos, blacksmth iron -— p..................od................... Bswogtirn. po us....... 664 Bellows, ass ortch..- - —..... --------........ -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- --------- 683 Bars, carpenters'......................... 665 Bellos, pry and -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - ------—............ -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - --------......-............-.....-.......................-............-.....-.. -'.-''. 667 Bars, switch.................... -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.'.'. —'.- --- -- -. —- -- 6686 Bars, switch..................................pounds. --....... -------- -------- --------............. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------. —----'687 Bars, tam ping - -..-................................................................. 30- -....... -27 670 Bars, craiigo - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- --—.................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 689 Bars, clawiron ------------------------------------------.... 25. 24 40 690 Bars, wrench........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------'.'.'-'.'.'.'.6 91 B ars, en g in e c o u p lin g........ p o u n d s - - ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- --- - -- -- ------ -- -- --- - - - ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- --- --- -- -'.'. — 693 Bars, cylinder boring........................................................... 694 Bars, long...................... 695 B ars, ash orted...............................p u d... - -...I..........................-... —.............................................................................. 696 Bars, steel-1-......... -.... - -....... -.-...2............ 697 Bars, assorted ------------------------------ pounds.-.. —..-.-.-.- ----- -- -------- 34 --- 698 B arushepis, aW. bolts. -. —- -- - -- - -- - -- —.o...........-.....-.................................... 1................................................................ 699 Brushes, varnish, assorted-12 —------ --—.. —-------- -. 703 B rushes, pa nt rs dust.. —-...-......- ----.- -.. — —..... -. ------—. ----- —.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.............................................. 704 B r shespaint asso ted-...... -...- -—. -. -.-. —.. —.... -. -- -—.......- - -- -- - -- 3................9 4............. 0........................................ 701 Brushes, W. W ------------------— 12 1702 Brushes, scrub -36 —---— 1 -24 —------- 703 Brushes, srpainters.-.-t.................-...........-..... —... —....................................................................-................................... 704 Brushes, paint, assortedw -9 1 —------...60. —---------- ---- ----........ 96 144-................ 60................ 7105 B rushes, far it s'. — --.. -. —-. —---. —--------- - - - - - - - - ----- --......................-.. -.................................................. - --------... —.-....-.... 706 Brushes, ovalu —--------—.. —-------------------............................... 708 B rushes, mari ing-............................................................................................................................................... 708 Brushes, stripingists'.................-............-.................................................................................................................. 709 Brushes, car windowt -6 —----------------------------.....-.......-....... —----- ------—..-.....-........ —.-..-... 710 B rushes, artists...r........ -...............................................-.................................................................................-.... 711 B rushes, a rtists', e sa ble........................set.....................-............................................................................................... 712 B rushes, sasw h..-.. —....................................................................................................................... 714 Brushes, w ie wash.. -.......l..............................s........-....................................................................................lt 715 Brushes, machi ne it s...........................'-ts-................................................................................................................... 7275 Brushes, truchinists-.............................pud.-..........-...-...-....-................................................-........................................... 716 Braces,...............................-.............................................................................................................................. 717 B it s, iront.......................................................................................................-..................................... 718 Braces, wood-................. 739 its pl ugh pla e..-...................set.......................................................................................................... 719 Bracesanudthits..............-sets-.........3-6-...... 3..........6 ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -- 720 Braces and bits-........... — 7-21 Braces and bits, car-..............sets-................ 740 B its, double plane................-.....-.........-................................................................................................................................. 722 Braces, har...................................................................................h 723 B races, joiner -'. — -'.'.-.'...................................................................... - 724 Braces-, switch-6-....................I 725 Biaces, pedestal-2-.................... 726 Braces, ratchet -s —--------- ets-......... 2..................... 727 Braces, truck-pounds —----—..... 7-29 r c s n i e.................................!.......................... Braces,.............bar-. 73-2 Bits, brace-...................sets-.................................. 733 Bits -do- --------- ----—......................... 734 Bits, auger, assorted -- ----------— do-31............................3735 B its, auger, assorted-.............. 1..................... 736 Bits, gimlet-............. --- 737 Bits, gimlet-sets-........ —-- ---- 738 Bits, plough plane ------------- -------- ---------------- 739 B its, plough plans-sets-........ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- 742 B its, car...................... 742 Bits, car-sets-6.........se s......................................1-........... 745 B its, (sets..................... of..............six................each)-.....................t Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued.' Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property cold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. U r C E1 5 V 5 ND~~~~~~~~~~~- a - g OiS.e a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.a~'0- a 746 Bits, guminer-I - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~MICL C 717 Bits, ratchet drill —6.-..~~ —---- ---- 748 Bits, asso erte --------------------- ----------------- -----......... 752 Bits, brace-I~2 ~ ~ 753 Bts atheBrilats, —---— assorted —-— pairs6 —--- -234 —----------------...2....8...... —--- 7548 Btasre ---------------------------------............. Bats,. --— brass,-....assorted-...... 756 Bats -— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -- - --— II —----- 757 Bats, loosle-joint —---------------------- 753 Batswouh, assorted ---------------— p is — --— 24 ------------ 8........ - -- -- ---------- 760 Bats, -sso-.- - 161 Bali woaght-pairs.. - - - — ~~~~~ —--- ----- ---- -----..... st4~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ Bat- - v t768 Batscn loose joint ----— o —--------- -------------— I i —--- ------------ ---- ---- ---- 3 769 us ruh.asre ------------------— I —-- -------- But,,- wrought, —-..... --— common —----- joint —------ 770 Bats cassote losjo —---------------------------- ---------- 771 Batit, wsought -io —-------------- ar..... —-- ---— I.... —------ ------- 7io~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~. Bolts~. o~ ~ 776 Bolts, cars --------------- -poa —-------------— nd —-— s -----................ 76t3 Butsgcaste —-------------------------—. —--------—. —-----—......... —------------—. —-----------—. —. —-—. —-------------------—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----- 766 Buts,........................................................... —...................., -----—................................ —---- 76 B t, aen -------------------— do —--- ---------- ---------- ----- ---- -- ---- -------- 748 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ---- asore --—.................. -—........................-..........-.....-.... —....-.... 773 Bolts, ironbhexao-hed-c —-----— p d --------------....................................................................... 74 Bolts, fs-assrte —-------------— do - - --—............................... —-I —--- ---- -- ---- 775~~~~~ ~ ~ " Bolts.. ---------------------------------------—. —--........t 48,4:3............... —754 B u t s, b r a s s, a s so r t e d ~~~~~~~~~~.........................................i........I........;........I....................i.... 7 7 6 B o lts, c a rria o -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - p o u i -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -........- -...... 777 B olts, cairiag'e...................................................... 500........................................ 778 B olts, iron bar....................................................................................................... 12........................................ 78 Bolts, iron bar-50 779 B olts, brass, assorted - ---- -.. - - -.................................................................................... 780 Bolts, barrelo -i h..... - - o s........................................................ 781 Bolts, brass flu sh....................................ush.... ----- --------- - - - - - - - 782 Bolts, fire -. —. —..... ——. ——.. —-—.......-................................... 783 Bolts,' s l -sprinc square.................................................................................................................. 783 Bolts, long -inchs......- -.. —.....-........pounds.. —.-................................................................................ 785 Bolts, chain door. —------------------------------ 780 3 B ol tc s, p u n h.............. -......................:..........-.....!............................ -..................ip 786 Bolts, towe-...................................................................................................... 805 B locks, die.......................p unds.......-...................................................-....................................... 87 Bolts, square head --- --- Ipounds-........................ 789 Bolts, wroi ght do....................................................................................... 7810 Boltcs, wrougtc -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -d............................................................... 4....................... 7. -.................................. K 790 Bolts, wrought-iron791 Bolts and nuts —----—. - - - - - -............................................................. 792 Bolts and butts -......................................- -.....- - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 793 B oltcs, brasse n ob.... —---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- --—... --- --- --- --- --------...... -...................................................\........1....................... 793 Bolts, brass knob-o -..... —..................... 794 B olts, w a ck.on......................................................................... 7956 B oltsssteel-spring.s......-. —-------------------- -—. —-. ----------—. -—. ----------—. ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------.-.-.-.-..... 796 Bolts, pulley -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 797 Boltcs, co p i g- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -I...d.......................................................................................................i...!I 798 Bolts and keys -------- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---------- 799 Boltcs, ------------------------—.. —-.......pounds.........................................................................!........1........!.................... 800 Bolts, doort —-------------------------------— irs -....................................................... SOL Boltcs, castidge ----------------------------------- --. -.......... --- --- --- --- --........... ----—...... ----—. --- -—.. -- -- - ---—. —.I........1....... 8025 Boltcs, can nust - - - - - - - -- - - - - -— io poedge -- - - - - - —............................................................................................ L.......-.. -. -.....,.......... 813 Blocks, punchi......................... u.... 804 Blocks, swedge —--- --------- - ----—..............i......1 ----— 1 —- ---- ---- S05 Blocks, die —................pounds..........0.........!....- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 806 Blocks, iron pulley ------—........................... 807 Blocks, iron. ---— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... —-.....................I.... —------- -------- 807 Blocks,sirn -------------------------—............................................. ".....'.......".....'.'..........................~ -...... —--—. —.............. 808 Blocks, purchase........................................................................................1............ 809 Blocks, notch-....................................... - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 811 Blocks, head, w ith truck-............................ ------------------------------------------------------ 812 Blocks, upsetting -----------------—............................... 813 Blocks, patent-........................... - - - -- - - - 814 Blocks, tacklt - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -s.t - -- ---- - - - - - --— sets- - - --- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - --- - - ------ 815 Blocks, tackle-....................... 2 ---- ---- 8-........2 - -- -- 816 Blocks and tackle............... -sets - - ----------------------------------------------................ 8187 Blocksadtcl assorted —...................................................... —-------- Sit) Blocks, double-tackle-.............. - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 5........ 820 Blocks, head —....I................ 822 Blocks,asotd —------------- asotdpounds —---..................................... —----------- 823 Blocks, asso ons-ted..........p u ds —pa —irs — -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - 824 B o ks Blockse ge................cast-iron...................w..edg.......-pounds —- --- - — I.............. 825 Blocks, catiron sw-dg —----------— pud.......................................... -------- 8-27 Blocks, single —................-... 828.Block.,.double Report shyowing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same ~October 14,~ 1865.~ ~terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and ________~~~~~~~~~~~__________ _October 14, 1865. Articles. a. o -.! I I CZ 0 CC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n a C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ae n; = aI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~I.l..^ 11....l..... ~o ^ I- -. ll.. a n 0 1 1^ ) 1aI,. l 11 __ - ^_____________l __ 0 __ ^ _ _^ __ ^ __ ra P3 ^> r_ l 1 M 829 Blocks, head.-..............................sets-... -.. e a) [6 [~EC 3 C _ 8:0 Blocks, double-head-..........................do..-.'...'.'.........'.................-...............-...............-........ 4 -0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 83t Blocks, cast-iron swedge and tackle...........do....-. ---- - - - ~~- —........ -----............... ^32 loc s, g m..... -.-....... -........p und --- —.......................t...............................i........ i.................... 832 Blocks, guml...d............................pounds..........-........-........i........ - ---.... ^35 uc ets, ssorte.......................... —.-..-.............................I........I........~............................. ~ 833 Blocks, single........................................................................................... 834 Blocks, tackle pairs.................................-................................ 8:35 Buckets, assorted.3 - -5 —. —.-.........-.-.........-...- 3' -'.- -..................................... 840 uckes, engin...... " ~ ~~ —~~-~~~-~ -— ~ —~- --— ~ —^.-.. —.....7) -......................................... ^ 841 cket, ion..........1."'" " " " " " " " " " " "............ _ 2 I....... C.-.................................. 836 Buckets, water..................... —................................... - - - 8447 ucketss, w............... —.. —---------------------— ~~ —~ —----—. —....... —...... —....... —.......-........ —....... —................ —................ —...... 8 uckets,.......... -- ----- — 837 Buckets,........fr................. —-~.......... -- - - 840 Buckets, engine..............2.1........................................... 6........ -......................................-.. 8471 ucB tsk and.................-'.'-'.'..-~~~ ~~~-~ —~ — ----------—.......-.............-......-.......-......-.......-......-..-....1...... -....... -...... 848 uckets, swo o...................................... 842 Buckets, coal — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 84:1 Buckets, varnish........... — - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - 84 ck t, tf................................................................ 844 Buckets, tar-................................................ I - - - - - - - - - - -.......-........................ 851 nckets, mortar.........'.'...'." " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~~-~-~~~ -------- -.... —......................................................... --------................ 845 Buckets, epaint-.... ------------- -................................ 854 Boilers, tin-flue............... I ]' -~~ ~ —-------------- - -----------................ 1.............................................. — 846 Buckets, rubber- - - - -............ -~~ - I.............. 847 Buckets, sand.................... 848 Buckets, swing - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 849 Buckets, stiff - S5 Buckets, well................'' -------- 8.31 Buckets, mortar............................................................m.... 856 Buckets, doubbe-rue.........]........... - - -- - - —.-..-..-................................L.-....... -......... -........-................................ 852 Buckets, leather i..-..................-."......................-........................................ 853 Boilers, starn...............................-............................... —....................... 854 Boilers, tin-flue a ft.ln,3 in hesda e r.......'.............. 855 Boilers, smeall-fine... ] - - 8356 Boilers, dosthie-ine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i- - - - - -- - - - - - 857 Boilers, 14 feet los 40 inches diameter' -........-. I I i ---------— ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- --- --- --- --................ - - --- - -- --- - -- -- - - 858 Boilers, tubular, 12 feet long, 42 inches diameter........ 859 Boilers, Stean, 2 les, 21 ft. long, 34 inches diameter.......................................................... - - 860 Boilers, steam, 4 flues, 24 ft. long, 39 inches diameter............................................... 86 L Boilers, stationary.......................................... 862 Boilers, iron-punch.............................................................. 8f63 Boilers, iron-flue, 26 feet x 44 inches..................................... 864 B rass, old..................................pounds.................................... 865 Brass, sheet -............................do-...... 866 Brass do................................... 1 309....................... 867 Brass, scrap -...................do.-.............. -- 868 Brass, wrought...............................do........... 869 Brass turnings.....do............................... 870 B rasses......................................do........ 87 Brasses, truckdo...........178......................... 972 872 Bricks, common.......................... 873 Bricks, setting, for boilers..................... - -----........ 874 Bricks, fire....... 87' B ricks, soap, fire.............................................................. 876 B ricks, split, fire.. --- ------------- --------................................. 877 B ricks, key..................................... ---- ----- -- ----------—..... 878 Burlaps.................................yards........ 47360 879 Buttons, assorted................. gross....................... 4 880 B uttons, upholsterers' -do...................... do............................................................................... 88 Buttons, hand -.........................................sets............................ 882 B uttons, brass, on plates........................................................................................................ 883 Buttons, brass....................... gross.. -------- ---- 884 Buttons, brass. —........................................... 885 Brown, Vandyke -......................pounds.................. 886 Brown, Spanish do............................... 889 Black, lamp-............................ p. do.'. -............o................ 890 Black, lamp.-...............................tubes-..'................ —.... 4.-.... — 892 Black, ivory ------------------------------—.tubes-....................................................................... 894 Blue, Prussian -... —............. do-17 —-—... —.. —. ——. —.................................................................................- - 896 Black, dropd..................o- o'....................................... 897 B ils, cobalt-t ube.............................s...........................................................................................................a, co a t.u. 901 Bells, gong, hanging- frame-..................-.-~-.~.- -~~-~ -~. —..... -— ~.-. ——.-....-. —---—.... 902 B ells, engine e..................................'..... -~~.~-~.....-i-......................................... 903 B ells, engine, alarm8....6.....1...................2.'............................................................................. 904 B ells, engine, gong-2 -oco-otivesp —ng-' —-----..... —.......... 6........................................ 911 Balances, iron beam-.......-...'....'.... —............................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4~c.-Continued. (00 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and termsas anthorized by ExecaOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. c a o - 0..-; 0 B a.~,~,=.i a _ e ~ ~ ~ I ~~~~~~~~ I ~-cI E.4l I~'I CI' ICd7 a ls'~~~~~~~Atcls C'0 0 _ ";-.0 Art~~~~~~cles 0 0'0'~~~~~~~~~ 0.0 0 >, O~~~=C- 00 C'8 P., - n n'0 n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —c 90 m - o 9 0 ad C 0 C'E, 0 -- lc~~~*-.- - -a.900 a a In =;~ a ~ ~~ us r~~~C CZ~ r.__ __ _ 912 Balances, beam shive~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d 2 J)In C 914 Balances, elliptic spring-~~~~~~~~~~~~~;-~ 1400 ( 915 Balances, counter-v- - ----------------------------.................- -----—...... 916 Bashngs, brass —....................................... ---------- ---------- -------'............. 918 Balances, bell cord32er..........................919 Bushings, brass gln- - - - - - - --------------------- --------------------- -------- 917 B s i g,20p - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Bns- ---- -— ng- -—,....silver-plated-............. 921 Brads, patent, assorted —--------— papers -- -------- -------- ------------ --—........................ 922 Buntin, assorted............................yards-16 2 82 14 2 4094Buraners, elitcommoing....................I... [[][[] 925 Burners, count................................................. 926 Burhners, feu lcrek......................................................................I...:] ] Z Z Z~ ]:~ i Z: Z Z].....:':Z --- -- - -- --- i —- — ] — -- -- -- -— ]- -- -- 927 Burners, screw —-----------------------—......... 928 Brakes —---------- ------ 929 Brakes, lever-pounds —- ---- ----- -------- -------- ------------ ------ -------- ----------- 9,29 B rakens, sle ver -- - - - - - - - - - - - - — plau eds..................................................I........... ]] [ ] ] ] ] Z Z Z Z Z ] ] ] [ [ ] ] ] ] ] [ ] ] ].................................... 9:30 Brakes, car- -assorte ------------------------ --- ---- 933 Bevels, assorted —-—......... 933 Bevels, T —3 —--- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - - --- - - ---- - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - --- - - --- 9.34 Boards, gultering —---------------- -------- -------- ----------------- -—.......................... 938 Boards, tally —-------------------------------------------------- Bunting,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ r e.,.asorte........................d......... 9:37 Boards, draft -2 —-------------------------------------- ---------------- 938 Boards, running ---------------------- -------- ---------------- --------------------------- - ---- 94 Boards,............................................................... 942 Boards, sign —- --- --- ---- 943 Brooms, hair....................................... ble... 945 Bottoms, composition...........pounds........... 946 Bottoms, copper.............................. do................................ 947 Bottoms, dipper.................................... 948 Bottoms, bolthead.............................. -......................................................'..- ---------------- 94 Bottoxes, ebolt head.............................................................. 95 Bo............................................................................... Boxes, rivet............................ 951 Boxes, wood.................'.-.............. 952 Boxes, tinder............................................................................ 953 Boxes, engine.-..-..pounds. 5. -.. 954 Boxes, engines-16 4 1 2 - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - -' -'. 955 Boxes, tool.................-........................- - - -~ -- 956 Boxes, packing........................................ 957 Boxes, tinder.......................................... 953 Boxes,axlen-........................................................ 958 Boxes, axle... ----------— * —-- -—. —----------— ~ —* —-| —— * —959 Boxes, lamp —.............................................................. —---------------------------.. 960 Boxes, link........................... -........ 961 Boxes, oil-.................................................................... 962 Boxes, hand car........................... pounds...................... 963 Boxes, car, (.ood's patent).... 964 Boxes, ca r, ( d's pate nt).........................'.................. 960 Boxesa o....................'.'.ink' ------- ------ ------.................... 965 Boxes, engine tr-uck —- - -...- pounds-.- 966 Boxes, roller- -......................................... [: —967 Boxes, iron.........- I 969 Boxes, scren blued -. — ---.. 967 Boxes, asshorteing —------------ ------- -------- 96 Boxes, signal-liht......................................................... 972 Boxes, drawing-paper-.. —---.....-.-.. 974 Boxes, scrnast-l-................. - 969 Boxes, signal —ight. - - —.- ---- {975 Belting leather, assorted.-.....-..... feet...''..." "497' " 50 73-1 1,'693 - - " 108 3I 04 —-------- -~ 976 Belting, gumtting....-do.. —--—.... -...do.... -.-2- -- 977 Belting, rubber....-do..-....................do........... -- - 978 Belting, assorted................... —... —....do....'' -.. —..... -. —...... —-- 979 Bottoms, tin tam p. -.. l.'~'1/~'~'.'.'....'....... 980 Bottom s, car lam p...-.- -....-................... —.. —. 981 Blades, hack-saw -- --- ------------------ - fe~ -................... 964 Brackets, swing.-.............-.................... 985 Bnggies, timberted12 4................................. ~~......... - --- ~~~~~......................................... 986 Borers, cylinder.................................... 987 Borers, cyalinder ptb-.....................................""""""""' -- -~~~-~" ------------- —.-..... --—.. -........................................... 989 Borers, hand............................... 992 Barrows, wheel-.............-....................12-7 1-.......-...................-... 993 Bridges, truss-feet..................................'.................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sc.-Continued. c Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and compaies on credit on same October 14,1865. tems as authorized by Execu~October 14, 1865. r~tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I0~~~~~~ ~ ~~Articles. -1 1 0f. *.: n n P'.0_ a_~... -0 I..'5.2 ^ 0. a a..0^ ^.o., i tl tC. 1. In.0 0 I I 1. 0. _ ___ ____ __ __ _ __ _ s o 996 Benches, stationery -....feet-....... 1 996 Benchesstatio nrk...... --........-. —. —---.- feet. -----------—............. —--------................. —..-.. —-0............I ----—.. — - ------—:- 11001 Buildings and water tank. —----------. —----------—. ——.........-....-....-... —... —... —...-....-.... — 1003 Burrs, copper - - -..................... -do.....-.... —----------------------------------------------------- 10-.................... I'd 1004 Bumpers. —-—..........................do- ---.-.. -—...-............-..-.................. 1 p —--------—: --------—.1005 Buttresses.-......-............-................. 1007 Bodies, box car-.- -.. -- ----------------------- --------—........................."'.. 1008 Breeching. —----------------------------- pounds. --------------.....................'.......... 1009 Bibbs, finished, S. S. and S. —---------------------—........... —...-....................... -.................................... 1010 Buckles, assorted.. - _ —....... ---.-... —-................................................................ 1011 Buckles, harness... —.....................gross. -- ----------. —............. —.............. 1012 B uckles, roller, assorted -.- —.......-.......do... I..... -- --- -. 1013 Buckles, assorted ——.................... do -........ -. -- --....................... 1014 Blocks, railroad splice, Trim ble's w ooden.... - -.......................................... 1015 Backs, car-seat.............. —.. -........ -------........ -------- ----- --------........ 1016 Bands, spring.-...........................pounds.-.-.. —.. —...... --—............ 1017 Bands, gum...-..............................do..... — —....................... -.. 1018 Blinds, window. ----------—................................. —----- 1019 B oats, flat..................-................ 1020 Baskets, m edicine............................................................................................ 1023 Buckles, round leg, ruled. —........... -gross ----------..............................-.-......... —-...-.... 10-24 Boltsstay....................-...-.....-.1 36. 1025 Braces, tank-........................................ I................................-.......................-..............'..'......-.'.11..... 1026 B arges.............................................................. 1027 B urners, gas....................................... 1027~ Chisels and handles - -................................. 1 - 207 10274 Chisels, hand cold......................-...'....-........... 1028 Chisels, chipping-.................................................1029 Chisels, hand chipping........................................ —-... 1030 Chisels, firm er............. —........................... -- -—. —-- 1031 Chisels, firm erse...............................sets... -..... -... -. -. -. -... 1032 Chisels, socket firmer --- ----- -do............................ 1033 Chisels, fr e -- - - - - - - -.. —-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - socket. - - - - - -- - - - - -- 1014 Chisels traina ing-... -. -. -. -.... -..... --... ets................................... -------- 1035 Chisels fram ing- —.-......................... 24 21-49..... - ---- -- - —... 1036 Chisels, track. -... - -..... ----. — ---- ---- -- -- - ---- ---- -24 1037 C hisels, cold rack.-.. -- --.. — - -- -... —.............................- - - -- - -................ 1038 Chisels, masons'. —...................................................... 1039 Chisels, corner....................................aig —-------... 1040 Chisels, bolt-......... -................................................................. 1042 Chisels, coppersmiths'.- - -- -- --............................. 1043 Chisels, tam pingc - --..................-................ — - -..... 1044 Chisels, B -... - - -........ -...................................... B- - -........-7 -- - -...... 10n Chisels, cape 1046 Chisels, cassor te d - ----- -- - -................................... — - - -- - - - - -. 104 Chisels carpenters'-. —............................................. ------ -------- ----- -------. — - 1048 Chisels, gouging-................................... 1040 Chisels, socket - aming- -------- --------............................. 1051 Chisels, socket, and handles........................- -...... 105 C ise sm or is................-.................................'.'.'.'.-. —--— " "' -- -- ----—. —-.. -........-.....-............1052 Chisels, oval hack. ---- -- --------- - - - - - -.........-............................1053 Chisels, sorti e ------............ -- -..........................-....................... 20............. —------ -------- - 10457 Calisels, caprin. —. —... —-------------------------—........................'. 27... -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..'.../.. ------ ----- 1058 ompa sesasso ted............ -......d................. ----.. -------- -------- -------- --—.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—. --- -- - 1053 Chisels, mssorteise —------------------------....... 1054 Chisels, apeners'es --—.-............- -------- -------- -------- 1055 Chills~ ~~~~~~~~ —---- --— rog ---- -------- - --------- 1057 Caipers, s tri ain-dg.................................. —............ 1058 C mpases, st eas hsote dl.-....................................................................................................... 1060 Cupsoival ---- 36l.........-...-.-............................................... —--------- 1061 C up s, bras s oil.....................................................................................................................................o.i. s......... 1 0 6 2 C u p s, al l orw-1 2........................................................................... 10570 Cali es, spo d ri.................................o................................................. 1.'..'...'.'............................'.....................'.... 1071 Coma sss, assorte o l - - - - - -- - - - - - -do..............................................................................'...'..'...'..............'.'......'..........................' 1064 Cups, oil, spring-bottom.........................................''''.-... 1066 Cups, tallow.......................................m........................................................... 2........'.......................... 1067 Cups, va lv te d..................................... oil 1 6 5 21...................................'.. 1 0 6 8 p, t n s r p n................. - - - - - - - - - - -................................ C u p s,...hra ss..oil. 1069 u s r s............................ Cups,....................varnish...................... 1071 Cans, engine oil............................................................................... 1072 Cans, oil, spring-hottom-..............................................12-..... 1073 Cans, tallow-..................... 1............-2..................... 31.074 Cans, assorted-....................... 8 16 6 5-3 21 2 18 69 8-............. Report showing the disposition oj United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, rc.-Continued. i Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as autborized by Exe - October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. I II. P 0 E li V _, Z X' 0 a 1076 n'",,......................... -1 1 0 1 7.n e r.-.-..-........... 12.........-.............. 1095 C oha in s,' s trai ght............. ——.-...... —._'. 1.'.'........-....... 8!' —i........ 6 1 12 12................-.....-.....-........... 1085 Couplings, cla mpe and sc. r) CZ. 1102 Coaupins, assorted -----—........- -----------.-.-.- --—.. — ------— 1......................... —- --- 1051 Chain gssorted..........................epounds. —.-...................................................................... 114 Canasortedin-feet —------- ons ----- -------- ---- -------- ---- ---- 90 —---------— I —------ I11 06 Cliain, cable — -................. -......... - - - - -do..-. --------..... ------ -.. — - -...... I.............................................................. -------- -------- 1107 Chain, cable. -------------------------------- feet.........-......-......-... —..... -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -........ -------- --------.....-...............-.... 111 Chain, coil, assortedb-e - - -.........................d........ f........ 386 359.... - --- - --- - - - -- -- -- 111209 Chastin German o ilrted-d - —...........................1do.. 12,236 15,611................ 36,068 -. —1110 Chain4 coil, p roved, ump...............do. --....-inc-.................pounds..-....d...-................ 1115 Chastings coil, brass ot -........... do-3e....2856........................3 59 - - - - - - - - -- - 1112 Castings, assorte bar..................... ——. do........12........ 236..... 15,- 611-.... -...36,...............068-'.. 1117 Castings, ironld stove -—. —- - lots -... ---------...................................do.... 1114 Castings, pomp-...............do.. ~ — ] [ 1115 Castings, brassr.. -- ----- - -- -- poundso 285-5- 7. ---. -.. —................................................ 1119 Castings, gratende bar - - -- - - - -— do. - - - - - - -........ - - - - - - -........................................ 1117 Castings, old stove-.............lots-.. 11120 Caps, doublec —------------------------------------ 1122 Clamps, giron pipe —-—............ —---- —. pairs -. -------------------- —....................... ---- ---------- 1123 Clam ps, rsteel - -— i — - ---- --- - ------- -— o- - -- -. -.. —- -- -- -- -.....-r 9........................ pond-s.. 1124 Clamps, cabinet-makers..... —----- --------................-........-o.... —-...........-........ -------- ------- - ---... -- 1125 Clam ps, saddlerst -m k -e --— s --... —----- --- --- - ----------------------------. —------------------------.. —.......-....... —...... —....... —...... —...... —....... — 1126 Clam ps, sw itchadd...r.. —...-.......... --—... -------- ------------- add.............. --------........ -------- ------ - - 1127 Clamps, beltch-...... —..2...................... —........... 1128 Clamps, spring l-2 —- -—.- - ---- ---- --...............................par...... 1129 Clam ps, block.. —---. —-—.-. —... —-—.. —---- sets — - -.. -- ------—.................................... -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -- -- -.113030 lampsps hoho eseshoe........ —-----------------------.. —----------------------------------------------------------—... 5 --- --- --- ---...... I —-—. -------- -------- 1132 Clam ps. -. —-------------------------------— pounds. --... --- --- --- --- --------...........-.......... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 11233 Clamps, iron horse —------------ -------................................ 63 -........-................... 1.129 Clamps, eblock;-etkes'.....-....... 1135 Clamps, iron re derso - --....-.. — —.. -—................ -.. -. -—.................. 1 -- -..- --- ----- 1131 Clamps-pairs-itc.................................. 11327 Clamps-pounds-................... 1133 Clamps, pironghorse-6 -------- 1137 Clam ps, chim ney -- ---......5 — - ---.........................t —.... - -- --- -. — -- --- -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1138 Clam ps, saw -set - ---.. ----- - ----- --- - -. - - - - - - - - -- -- -- --. --------......-..... -.. —.................... 1139 Clam ps, w ood benchr-. —- --—.-. -. -. ---- -- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- --------. -.-. -------- -------- -------- ------ 1140 Clam ps, screw.-se -.. — - -........... —--.. — ----. — -....- --------.- ---- I —-- -------- -------- -... —-- -—..... -------- ---...1141 Cars, box ---- - -. -- 30 4 36 28 74 155 —....... 40 8 42 12........................ 1142 Cars, box freight.....- -------- -------- --------.. —.. -------- -------- -------- - ---- --..... -------- -------- - 1143 Cas, fliat. —------------- 16 6 23 20 40 56 17 10 1 12 9................- 7 1144 Cars, wrecking —...1. —-. —-- ------ - - --- ----. —-- -................- —............. —-..-................ 5 1145 Cars, passenger3. —........................... 3 3........ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 1146 Cars, hand -1...-..........................-.-...................... —-- --- --— 14 ---- -—. - - 1 —........ 1147 C-ums, tick-ny-15-............... 1148 Clarps, cosew-Ie................. 1149 Catps coal-nh................. 1147 Cars, truck.... —........................................................' 3........................ 15 -------- --------........ -------- 1153 Caers, psloe duer p............................................................. - ---........ - --- - --- - ---.... - --- -- -- 11 42 Cuttes cast-steel —- - - - - -- ---- --- -------- - --- -------- 1149 Cuttrs, boting-.................... 115C- Cutters, iaron-..................................... 1156 Cutters, l ea......................................c 115 o C ve sr sy ind rceay - -- -nd — -- - -- -- -- ----- -- ---- --- -. — -- -. — -—.- -- —.- -- ----- -- ---- --- -. — -- -. — -—.I..................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and ______ ______ ______ ______ October 14, 1865. a,'' 0 c~ ~ ~~ = $, o,, —-- Articles. I a 1 I ^ ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S. ^g ^1 " ^ ^1!~~~~~~~~~MI 0 _o r -f -fr. t M C, bn " e, ce~~~~a -a a 0~ ~1 1^ 1^1 ll^ tl ^^ y^ ll I- -^ II 1^ ^ 1^ ^S~M- Z C~ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~;.~"8 ~~ ~ -8 0a 1157 Covers, flag................................ 1158 Covers, box- -..... —- 1 -- - -- ----- 1160 Covers, axle-box-do -- 1159 C v rh n -a.. -..................po n s ~ - ~ -- ~ ~ ~................................................... i............I.................... 1160 Covers, cusaxle-bo x................................'........................ ---------- -- -- ----.............. - -- -- 1163 Covers, pn mlush -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - --- - - 1163 Covers, cushion....................................''.. -~- --- ~ —— ~ —-~ —- -- -. -. —-. - -................................................. - 1162 Covers, enamelled.............-.................................. -. -- -- --................. 11 3 C v rs1 l s............3'''':.....:::::.::"~~ ~ ~~ -......................... _...................................:::: 1164 Covers, sando...................................................... b- - - - - - - - - -....... 1165 Covrs!dme 1165 over, dom.................'.I' I "..".'^ ^.\ ". ~- -" —---- --.- -.-........-......-......-..............-......-.................... -..............1166 Covers, smoke-stack -----------------------— ~ --------.-. —- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1167 Covers, smoke-stack hand hole..................... -............... 1168 Crucibles24 -............ ~ —--......... —- 1169 Cylinders, steam engine..................11170 — i —--- -------- ---- -- ----- -------- ------ ----- --------- ---------------- ---------—........- - 1170 Cylinders, locomo -tive................................... - - - - 1172 Covers, guard -stailc........k.............. --— ~ —~ —-- — k —- -------- ----- - -.............. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------................... ~~~~~~~11790~~~~~~~ Cbhairs, guaf~~~ r dog........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.. ral.........r.al- -..... --- 1177~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ C a s.se......................'."' " ~- ~~ - -- - - - - - - - - - -.-... — --.............................. Z:]5: 2 22 Z Z ZZ;............................ 1173 Chairs, railroad, assorted............................-.... 1174 Chairs,gur rail — road -p d —------------------— s —----- -------- —.................................................. 1180 Cylinders, waste en.. n ---------... —................................... -........ —.................... -'-........................-........-.. 111 Ccs isgue..''''"" " "" " " " " " " " " "" ~~ ~~~~~ —~~~~~~-~~~~ —~~~-~ —..-........^.. 1.182 Chairs, ralro adk ------------- ------------- ~~u ds —~ —--- ~ -- ~~ ——...... —. -.-.. —....;............ -- ~ --—. ——..- -—............ - —..........................-.. —---- 1175 Chairs, frog -------------------------- --------.. 1176 Chairs, bhea - — ets —-- ------ ---------- - -.- -.-t.................................. 1177 Chairs, step-..............................1-178 Chairs, assorted --------------------------........................................ - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - --- - -. — - ---- ---- - —. - - - -- -- ----- —. — - -- - 1180 Cocks,b b.. waste -- - - - - - -. - -.... -................................................................. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - -' "' I- - - - _ -..........tt 1........................I........t........ 1186 Cocks, g ibbr rail................................................................................... 1181 Cocks, pet............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' missJI gauge-.'.'.'. -— ~~~-~~ —-~ —----------— ~ —-I —------ -—.. —.. —..-.. --—. —. —.. —..-..............I................ 1182 Cocks, lock............................................[.......... 1175 Chairs, frog ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~..........................'........ 1183 Cocks, stop..................................................... 1184 Cocks, blow-off --------— I —------ ---------------- ----------------- 121185 Cocks, bibb -— 12 —------------- Chairs, step ~~~~~~~~................. - - - - 2........................'................ 1186 Cocks, bibb, brass -------------------------------—...... —.... —......... — 1187 Cocks, pet- -..................................................... ~........... 1188 Cocks, gauge -............................................ 12 24........ 24.......................................-.. —. —---- 1190 Cocks, heater and cylinder......................................................................................................................................... 1190 Cocks, hteater and r e cylinder. — - - - --- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- -- - - - 1191 Cocks, steam, assorted- --—..... — ---- -. --........................ 2 ---- ---- ---- --- ---- 1192 Cocks, brass]93Cocks, cylinder....................'"4 11194 Cocks, h ater-..................................... 1195 Cocks, w at er'.....'''. -- - - - - - - - ---- 4........................w r -..............ater.... — 1196 Cocks, lever.-.................. 1197 Cocks, e-........................................................................................................................ 1198 Cocks, air-..................... 1199 Cocks, basin-.................... 1200 Cocks, gas-.................... 1 201 Cocks, steam-gangs-................ 1202 Cocks, steam -stop -- ---- ----- ----------..................................- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - -- -- - - - - - 120:3 Chim neys, assorted.......- -. —-. —-... —----...-........................-.....-......-...... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1204 Ciny haChimneys, flint.-.... —------------------—.- -.................................... 1..... -- 1206 Chimnesstn-gaeys, stationary smoke-stack —--........- ----.... ---- ---- ---- ----...- --........... 1,206 Chim neys, stationary sm oke-stack.......................................................................................................... -.. -..................... 1207 Chimneys, lamp, assorted -......... —-—................. -6 8 I.......1 13 1 6............ —--- ---- -- - -:-...... 1208 Chimneys, coal-oil lamp.. ——. ---- ---- - - -- ------.. — - - ------- -................................ 1'209 Caes drawing1209 Cases, draw ing...-...................-..-.........-.............-......................... —-----................-................................................ 1210 Cases, engine tool-box key —--- --- ---- ---................................... - - - - - - - - ---- - - - -- - - - - -- - 1211 Cases, tin stencil —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........................ 1212 Cases, m edicine- -...... - - - -...............- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —. -- --................................ ]213 Cases, turning paper........-........... —- ----- ----- ----.... ---- ------........................ 1214 Cupo laspe,b r. -.. -. --- - - - p u d.........p...olas- --- - ---- - -—........................................ ]215 Copper, bar..-...........................pounds -......... 1216 Copper, assorted-do-.............. d --.... ---- -—................d.............. 1217 Copper, sheet...-....................... do-......o.... 137 -""' 293 1,020 957 -....... --- 3,472 - —' — --.............................. 1218 Copper, ingot... —........-.-.-...-.........do -- -- ---- ----.... --- ---- --- - - -—.- ---.......d.............1219 Copper, scrap....-........................-do —-....... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --........1220 Copper, tinned....-........................do.... —........ 1221L Copper, pig............... —-........ --- - do - - - - - -.. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,010 -. - --- - --...........o... 1223 Cloth, emery-rs.......................s- 40 ---—... —-—......-.. 1223 Cloth, emery-p..................ns-.............grs-.............- -----: ------ ------ ----............. -- ---- ---- --- -- 1224 Cloth, gume-le —yar —-- —.. - pounds- -- -------- --------........ - -------- -------- --------... —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1225 Cloth, enamelled. —---— p............... yardscs -- --------..-... — -p...... ----—.......... -------- -----—.... -------- ----- 1226 Cloth, enamelled-in -— o................... pieces- -- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- --------. —-.- -------- --------.. —- -------- -------- 1227 C loth, tracing........................ --—...... rolls. --... -------- --- -- --- -- -- -------- --------.. ——... -------- --------. —. —--- -- - - ----—.......... —.... —-—.-. -------- 1228 Cloth, tracing....-................. -.... yards.- --------.....-..-......- -. -- - --------. --- -- -------- --------.. —- -- ----..- -- ------ --------........ 1230 Chialk, white --- ----- -.............. pounds.. ---------------..... — - - 25 -- -............ —- - 10...... —.-........-.. 1231 Chalk, redprep-ared ---—..................do- -....... -------- -------- -------- 20 do...... -------- -------- --------.-. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- 12:33 Chalk, prepared............................. —do.. ----.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - -...... — - --- —. -. -------- ----- —. -------- -------- -------- 1234 Cranes, blacksm iths'.. —...-. —....- -- - -- --—...... -. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- I ------ -. -------- -------- -------- -------- 1234 Cranes, blackmiths-1. —-------------- -------- ---- -------- ----— i — ---- -------- -------- -------- 12-36 Cranes, assorted..........................- pounds. — -- - —... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -----—.. -------- 1236 a e,t n - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Cra es, ass rte-po nds 1238 Cranes, w ater ank —-—............... -. -------- --------... -- - -------- -------- -------- --------..... -- --- —. --------.. -.-. -------- -------- ------ 1239 Cuffs, hand -----------—................. pairs- ---------............................ I —------....... -------- -------- - Report showing the disposition of' United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4fc.~-ContinuecL L Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. >40 Cc hests, too. 0.. Articles...... I.. a E'44 Co'., _, oC....'4t Combs, goon..............a n - 0. ~5 s 1240 Chests, tool;rainig ses.-.-.- 124 Chests, carpenters' tool - ------------.... — -- -0 1242 Chests,.tin ----—........... -. - 243 Chests, saddlers-...-........| 1244 Cupboards, tool - —.................................. --------—. 1245 Cupboards, oil-..... --- ------ ------ - - -- - --- - --- - - - - -................................. 1246 Combs, graining....... —-.......-.. —---—. lots.. 1247 Combs, graining.............. —--—........ets........... 1248 Chucks, assorted......................................................... 1249 Chucks, screw-2 —. —. -----.- -...-..- -..-..............................- --- 2 -- -- - --- - --- - --- - 1250 C hu ck s, drill pounds —-. —-.-. —- -—. —-. —------..............-........ -------- -------..................................- -------- -----.- - - 1250 Chucks, drillass -................. —.................- --..... 3 1252 Chucks, planer —-- ------ -------- -...................................... -------- - - - - 1253 Chucks, universal..............-................................... ----............ 1255 Chucks, tap and nuts.-......... —...................... --- - --- - ---.... - ----------------- 1256 Chucks, lathe...............- -... -......................... 1258 Cranks, hand-car.........................pounds.. - --- --- ---- - -................................................ 1259 Cranks, iron - ----------------- -----------—.................. 1260 Chasers, screw - - - I 1261 Catches, cupboard.. —. —. ------- ------. -......... ---------------—.-..................... 1262 C atches, brake 11 —--------------------------------- -----........ ------- -------- 1263 Catches, window ----------------------------------------—.-. —--—.....1.....-....-.....-....-..................... 1264 Chrome, yellow --—. -—................... pounds-. I. 1269 Colors. —--------------------------------— tboxes --............................................................. 1270 Candles, car —---------------------------—.'..'.-pounds..........................................'........................................................ 1271 Candles, star................................do................................................... 1272 Copperas................................................... 1273 Cord, hemp belldo.................1........16 2. 1274 Cords, bell..................1.,,,,,1......,............. 1275 Cement, composition.................... cans................................. 1276 Cement................................barrels...................................... 1 ]277 Connexions, meter................................' 1278 Cabs, loco...................................... H 1279 Circulars, switch.......................................... 4.... 1280 Centres. lathe............................................................... 1281 Carriages, iron lathe...................................... o 1282 Carriages, iron. —.................... —. sections......................... 0 1283 Clasps, hand.................................... 1284 Crabs, drilling.................................... n 1285 Chamber, engine pump..................................................... l 1286 Corrals........................................... 1287 Casings, cylinder head...................... 1288 Cantharides, tincture............-....pounds......... 1289 Cam phor, gum..............................do.............................. 1290 Calomel............. do....................................... < 1291 Cochineal...................... 1292 Composition, chemical.......................cans............................... 1293 Carriers..............................Q.. 1294 Crosses, gas-pipe................................................................................................................... 1295 Collars, gas-bracket................................................................................................................................ 1296 Circles, iron........................................ 1297 Coffins................................................. 1301 Drills, breast pe —---------------—....... - ----------------------------------------------—. —---—..-....... —...... —...... —....... —.............-........1302 Drills, stone. —-----------------........ --------........ --------........ -------- 1303 Drills, ratchet, assorted.................. —-------—....... I........ 3 4 ------—... —--—....... 6 ------—.........................-...... — 1304 D rills, ratchet, brace, steel lamp —..... -- —................. --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1305 Drills, stock and clampsmiths'................... —--........ -------- --------........ --------........ -------- -------- 1308 D rills, pin-ksm iths' --- -- --- -- -- --- -- --—...........-...................................................-...............-.... —-- 1309 D rills, lathe,..........steel............................................................-........-........-........-........ 1309 Drills, lathe, steel. —----—............. - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. — -------- -------- -------- 1310 Drills, count ste el.poun-ds —------------ -25 —- -------- -------- -------- ------- -....... -- ------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1311 Drills, cast steel........................... pounds.......................................... 25.192.... --------................................................ 1313 D rills, vertical, 36-inch............................................................................................................................................. 1314 D rills, vertical, 45-inch, com pound table................................................................................................... --------........ 1315 D rills, vertical, 45-inch, plain table................................................................................................................................. 1316 D rills, prop, iron table, com plete................................................................................................................................. 1317 D rills, ct ehu r n dar............................................................................................... I........................................ 1321 Drills, upright, ungeared, press and counter shafts.....................................................................................................................32 1 D rills, sporte,.p.r.c........................... sets................................................................................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and emsas atoized byEnem October 14, 1865. ~~~~termis as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I.0~~~ ~ Articles. a I II..~~~'0 aIC0...o 0.h 0-.~cc 0 C ~ -.. a'ls e5 0: 1'~ 1 12l ss ^ ^ 0 9C).oli.W 3i 1324 Drills, quarry.............................................. ---- ----.... ---- ---- ---- - -.. 1325 Drills, ratchets and bits -—.........-.......-. —................ -..... ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - 0 1326 Drills, black enamelled................... yards -......... 672........ 20. —- -....... - -------- 1327 Dividers. pais................................pairs................................ 3.. -- -—. 9.. - --.. —1328 Dividers, spring..........................do. - ---- ----........ --- ---- ---- -- -...............d........-.. - M Drit...............ons. —- --- -. - ---- ---- --- 1329 Drifts.......................................... —-.......... 1330 Drifts, steel.-. —. ——. —.............................................. —..........-........... 1331 Dogs — -- -—.ad......................................- -—........ Dogs —.............- ------------ 1332 Dogs, lathe —. —--- -—......................................... —......0.... ---- ---- -- 1333 Dogs, ratchet............................pounsds. -.... 1334 Dogs, planer.......- ---- -.. 13345 D o s fi e an fr m s.......... -............. -.. --..- --------. —...-.- ---—.. -. -... —-- —. —...... —-----.-. —. —.- --------. —----.. —..... 13 Dos, ufnse... — ---- ---- ---- ---- 4 -— 1335 Dogs, saw............................................. ——...... 1336 Dusters, counter -.................................. —-------------—....... ---- ---- ---. — ---.- ---- ---- - 13 Drs, pne. --------------------- ---- ---- ----... ----... ---- 1337 Dusters, painters'..................... 1338 Duck ga........................................ ---- ----...yards............... ---............. 1339 Duck, car...pes................................do................... — ---- ---- ---- ---- 1340 Dippers, oil......... —...-...................-......... - -- ---- ---- ------ ----- ---- 1341 Dippers, lye.......................................... -- ---- -- --- - ----... 13422 Drippers, oil....................................... 1343 Diamonds, glaziers'................................ 1344 Dadoes. 1345 Doors, fire, and frames............................. 1:346 Doors, unfinished.48................................ 1347 Doors, panel...................................... 1348 Doors, fur-nace..................................... 1:349 Doors, glass..................................... 1350 Doors, glazed..............................pieces.. 135 L Doors, assorted.................................... 1352 Doors, car........................................ 1353 Dryer, patent.............................pounds..1 -------—. 1354 D_'yer, sand.1.................................... 1355 Drums for lathe, (W. I.).................. pounds - - - - - -..................................................................... 13t56 Derricks1357 Derrick blocks falls and dies....................... ------------ ---- ---- ----...... 1358 Derricks, crab...................................... —.-.-...-. —-.................................. 1359 Drivers, iron lathe, ronnd -.........ponnds1359 Drivers, iron lathe, round60.................pounds.............................................................................................................. 1360 D rivers, screw ------------------------------ -lots........ -- - - -. —------.................... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- --- --- 1361 D ies and plates............................................................................................................................................. 1362 Dies, pipe, and stocks-............sets-. 1362 D ies, pipe, and stocks ----------------------- sets........ -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------............................................. 1363 Dies, hand -...............................pounds. 1364 Dies, assorted..................................... 1365 Dies, gas iipe. 1366 Dies and plates-sets...-........-1-1 I 6... 136 Dies............................ -- 1367 Dies-......... -.-...........................'.'.'...d -....... 1368 D ies and hubs............................pounds.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 1369 Dies, forge........................................ 1370 Die stocks -.........'....... sets. -........................ -.sets- -...... ----- --- 5. —- ----------- 1371 Drivers, -crew --- - - - —.................24- —........-.. 12.......................... 1372 Drums, stove-. ---—. —. —-----........................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- --- 1373 D raw ers, m oulders'-.. -- - --- ----—........... -- - - - - - - - -.... -........................ 1374 D ust, bone.... —.- --... —..... —--....... pounds.. --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - —.-....-.. 1375 E ngines, stationary -. - - - -............... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --........................ 1376 E ngines, pum ping, N o. 3......................................................................................................................................... 1377 E ngines and boilers, dum m y - —......................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1378 Engines, dummy-................. 1378 E ngines, dum m y --- - - - - - -- - - - -----—.......... --....... -------- -------- -------- ------—......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- --- 1379 Engines and boilers, stationary................................................................................................................ 1380 E ngines, steam fire.............................................................................................................................................. 1381 E ngines, single, steam........................................................................................................................................ 1382 E ngines, rotary fire, (H olley's patent)-......................................- --------.. —-........ --------........ -------- -------- 1383 E ngines, caloric -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - ----------------------—.........-.......-.......-.......-......-.......-.......-.......-..............-.......-.. — —. -.- -....1384 Engines, rotary. —---------- --------..... --------.... -.. —-....... -------- - 1385 E ngines, pilot..- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---—.-................... --- --- --- ---. —...... -------- -------- -------- -,...'....... -------- -- ----.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -- --- 1386 Engines, portable ——............. — ----------- 1387 E ngines, locom otive. —. - - - - - - - - - ---—.............. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------... _'.'.' -- -- - --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- -—.'. -------- -------- 1388 Engine, locomotive, No. 212................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —...- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1389 Engines, locomotive, and tenders.-... ---------—......... 2 8 2 12 8 1 6 ------- 4 2 3 1 2 1390 Engine, double stationary, 11-inch bore, 24-inch stroke, Ellis-& Moore's patent............................................................................... -------- 1391 Engines, stationary, 2 boilers 24 feet long, 40 inches diameter -—. —--—..................-1.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- I........ --------........ 1392 Engine, double stationary, pulley and counter shaft......... —-------—. —----—. —------------—. —--------------—.....-........-........-.......-........-........-....... 1393 Engines, pumping........ —..-..-................. —....... —...............-........-........ 1393k Engine and boiler, 5-inch cylinder, 12-inch stroke, 1394 E ngine and boiler, (com plete) -.. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 1395 E ngines, steam. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1396 Engine, 12-inch bore, 36-inch stroke- -............... -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- 1397 E ngines, hoisting, com plete.. —...- - -- - ----—...... -. -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- 1398 Engines and boilers, stationary, (complete)-.......................................................................................................................... 1399 E yes, brass screw......-...-..........-.......................................................................................................................... 1400 E yes, bell cord. ------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------- _-.......... 1401 Eyes, irona s..............................gross --- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --—'.'.'.- -------- -------- - 1402 Eyes, screwo...........................n.....do...-................................................................................................................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, -c.-Continued. - Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Execu~~~October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0 Cc2, 0 oj~~~ ~ ~Articles. U l 0 I I I $ 140IC! Eas tin k o 00.. 1403 Ears, kettle......... 1404 E rs5k ttea-.....-........... —.. -..... —.............................................. 7................................ 14 5 E 0 6 u ke a r s,.............-. -.w....................................................................... n 407 Elbnn.ows...............g........................... 1408 Elbow s, drop............................................. 1409 Elbow s gas-pipe.. -.................. - -.. -..... -. 96..................... 0... -............................. 1410 Elbows, water-pipe....................................... Ce (Dd 0~~~~ C.,0 0 1411 Elbows, tngoose-neck.......... -........gs........s......................... 1412 Emery, kassorte d..........................pounds-72 —.. 1............. 94 1413 Emery flourb..................................doe............ 1406 Ears, irn........................................ s........ 14015 Edges, steel, straight.......................................... 1416 Ends, draw bar........ -.....................................'............................ 1409 b w,r d cn - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Elbows-gaspipe-96-10 1417 Elbonds, equalizer-pe — - --.... 9.............................................. 1411 Elbows, goose-neck —...................................... 1419 Em yscutcheons..-...... —.....-... —............-................. —-------------------- 1412 Emery sor-d-................................................... 141 ForEges, blacksmi ths'................................................................... - - 1422 Forges and bellow s.........-.-.............-......................................................................... 14123 ForEdges, portablel,.... ---- ----.... -................... -................ 1424 Forges, blacksmiths' portable............................... 1425 Forges, east -iron -.... —....................................... - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - 1427 Fu rnaces, bolt..................................................................................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1428 Furnaces, eplumbers.......... - ---- ---- ---- ----.... ---- ---- ---- ---- - - ers................................ 1429 Furnaces, bithers'......................................... 14-2 Forges, blacksmithse portable --.............................. 1430 Fornae s, a rd coal................................................................................................................................................ 1423 Forges, casort-rne............................pounds.. -------- -------- -------- -------- 2........ -------- --------........ 1427 r e,b a k m t s p rab e- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Furnaces, —- - bolt.1428 r a e,b l..................................................................... Furnaces, plum bers' 1429 r a e,p u b r................................................................ Furnaces, ti.ners. 1430 Furnaces, charcoal.......................................................................... 1432 r g,c s........................................................ Frogs,.....patent...portable.... 1433 o s a e tp ra l.................................................................. Frogs,.ssortedpounds 1434 Frogs, chilledh —------------------— ed —------------ h —-ed- ------- ----- -.. -............... 1435 Frogs, plated................... -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- --------.............'..-..... ------—.' -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- 1436 Frogs, assorted......................................-.....-......-.-..-....-...................-...-.....-. —-...... -------- 1437 Frogs, T...............................................................................................................'.'...'.'........'.'.......................... 1438 Fittings, gas.............................. pounds —. ---------------- -------- --------........... -------- -------- ------—. ------—. ----- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- 1439 Fittings, gas pipeT................ do. ----—. -............. 1440 Fittings, gas.-pounds —------------------------------ —........ --------................ -------- ------—. ——. —-.-'-...'-.'..-.'...-'-.'........ 1441 Fittings, brass cock and valve......................... —....... —....... —....... 1442 Fasteners, car window............... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- --- --- -------- -------- ----- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---.....-..... —-. —\..'.... 1443 Fasteners, sash. —---------------------------------- ---------------- -------- —...-...... 1444 Fixtures, grindstone. —............ - sets. — -------- --------. --........... -------- 8................ 1445 Fixtures, lathe............................-pounds. — --------.... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- 1446 Frames, sawe gn-....-.................... -. -. ----------------------- --.. I........t..........rnck. -----........ -------- -------- ---------------- 1447 Fram es, etngine truckn -po nd-.- -.-............................. --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1448 Frames, truck, ironb.........-... - pounds. — -------- -------- --—.. — --------....................................................................... 1449 Frames, brake, beam....-.. —--.. —.. — --—.. —-. —... ——.- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1450 Frames and slides, car window. —--------—.. —-- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 5. —----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1452 Frames', truck. -- - -- - -- - -- - -- --—...... -.. -. ----—.. -------- --------...........-.......... -------- -------- -- -- - -------- --------..... -------- --- --- --- --- -- - - -- - - - 1453 Fram es, wreck.-1 —- - —... -—.- - —. -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- --- -.......... -------- -- 1454 Frames, bellc —--------------------------- pounds.-........ -------- --------................ -------- --------....... -------- -------- 1455 Frames, bell.-.ond-s —--- —.......... ------- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 1456 Fram es, hack-saw.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1457 Frames, saw, railroad cut-off- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- —... -------- -------- -------- 1458 Fram es, bolt-................. --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ---- --------.- -------- -------- -------- - 1459 Frames, circular-saw. - -......... -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..-'.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.. 1460 Frames, bellows.-.- -... —-... --------. - 1461 Frames, door- -............... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1462 Frames, window-......-..............-.............- -.....- - 1463 Frames, lock -.-. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1464 Frames, grindstones- -—.. -........ —-...... ------—.................1465 Frames, for buildings.............................................................................................................................................. 1466 Frames and hammers, pile-driving -.............- -- 1467 Fram es............................................. —..' -'-.'-'...'............. — --------—' —- - ----- -.'.'...'..'..'.' -.. -— ~- -~ —' —1468 Flatters-10-.... -------- o -24 --------.... -------- 1469 Fullers.................................................................................. 15. — ---.-~~~-~-........ -------- --------------—.-....... 1470 Flasks-ponnds.......................................'.......................................... 1471 Flasks................................................................................................................................................1.471.Flasks 1472 Flasks and tools. —------------------- - pounds.................................................................................................................. 1473 Flasks, iron -................................sets-.- -.................. —.-................ -------- --------........ 1474 Flannel, Canton...........................-yards-........................................-.... 10... 1475 Flannel, red.................................do....................................''..''............................ 1476 Faucets..................................................................................c........................................................................ 1477 Faucets, brass.................................................................. 1478 Fitches, assorted............................................................................... ~~~-~~...........'........'..........'............. 1479 Flags,red.......................................... 1 4........ 2 4 -.1.'...'...'.'.'..'.1.... 15 6........................ 1 1480 Fans, blowing-.............................................-................-........ I I -------- -------- -------- -------......... -------- -------- 1481 Fans, foundry-........................... 1482 Fans, snail-shell........................................................................................ 1483 Flanges...................................................................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.....'.'.'.'..'..'................................................. 1484 Followers-......-..........................-pounds-..... - -........-.................................................... -....... 1485 F lloollower n-..iston...............Followers,.................................................................'..........piston-.'......'....'..''..'....''.''..''..'..''.''... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, &c.-Continued. - Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 1Z/ ll C) IArticles.., 1.. ~... 1..............~................. - a.4 s..i i.>......'...... 1486 Figures. —---------— pound —----------------—..sets ------------------------— s —----—. —------- ------—. -----------------------------—.. —-—...........149 1 F ork s, m an u re0-. ---- —.. --- ----- - ---.. - - --------........ -------- F o r...... rail-............................. -------- 1492 Forks, railroade —---------------—.. —........-........-........-.......-... --------........................ -------- - 1493 Forks, pitch................. -.-....- -------- -------- ---------------- Forks,.. railroad........................ --------........ - 1493 Formers, tin gutter. -------------........ -—.-.. --—............ -------- -------- Forks, —..i.ch-. 1502 Foldrers, iron -gutter....-............'....'................. —----—..-.................................................... 1507 Files, half-round bastard, assorted barrels —---------—....... 12........ 72 -------- 114................ 96...-....... —-........ ——......-.. 1508 Files, flat bastard, assorted-252 —-—....................... —........ 108 96 168 -............... 396 ----- -... ---- -.............. 1509 Fil6 s, feaw, assorted.. —.-..........-........ —-- -—...........................................6................................................ 1510 Files, flat, second-cut, assorted -.. —- 12 --------........ -------- ------------------------ 24..........-72-1. 14-96 —- --------........ 1511 Files, taper, second-cut, assorted........ -------- --------........ -------- --------........ -------- — 12-108.96 168-396..... 1512 Files, hand, second-cut, assorted-24......... -----—.- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 1513 Files, round, second-cut, assorted. —----------------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- 18 -------- --------.. — -------- -------- 1514 Files, half-round d-cut, assorted.-. - -—.-.. 12 ---------------- 36.. —..................-...-.. ----—. —............. 1515 Files, coulter, second-cut, assorted.................. --------... — -------- ---- - - - - - — 1 —..... ---- ---- -------- -------- 1516 Files, square, smooth, assorted, —----------------- assorted —-- - 1-36 —-- -------- -------- ---—. —-........ ---- --- -------- -------- ------ 1517 Files, flart, smooth, assorted.-12 —------------------- ------- -........-........-........ 60 -------- -------- 18 -------- -------- -----.....- -------- 1518 Files, round, smooth, assorted... -- - - -- -—.-..-.... -. ------ --- --- ---—......... -. — —. ----- -- --- -- --................... 12 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1519 Files, hand dead, smooth, assorted.- - - -. —.. - ---- ----- 36 ---- ---- ----.... ---- -- - --.............. 1520 Files, flat dead, smooth, asorted.................-....- -. —------ ------- 12..-2............... 24 ----------- —...... 1521 Files, hand, bastard, assorted —------------—...... - -- 120........- - -............ 48..................... 1522 Files, square, bastard, assorted. - - ----- ----------------- 24 -........... 54-........- —. 1523 Files, coulter, bastard, assorted. —. -—. - --......- - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - 54 -. — - - - - - - - - - - ------ ---- 1524 Files, three-square, bastard, assorted............................... 1525 Files, round parallel, bastard, assorted-..- -............ —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —............... 1526 Files, square parallel, bastard, assorted.......................... ----.... ---- ---- ---- 1527 Files, dead, smooth, assorted... —..... —.... —.- --—..... —..- -....... —------------- ----.... ---- ---- -- 1528 Files, three-square, assorted........ ——.. —-....................... ---- ---- ----.... -------- 1529 Files, smooth, bastard, assorted.............. —-. —- ---- ---- —............... 1530 Files, bastard. —------------------ — wire..-... —.-.......-... —-.-.... —-...........we................ - -. - - 1531 Files, hastard-......... 1532 Files, hand-saw, assoited-72...]]]]:]]]]] - - -]77]]] - 2...{']] 1532 Files, mill-saw, assorted-.. ----- --— 12 —--- I. — 3 - - 72................ 216.............. --............6. 1534 Files, mill-saw, assorted.. —. —-- ------- ---- - 12 --- --- ---....................... - - 36 - - -..........-... 1535 Files, patent1- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — 35 Files, patent............................................... 1536 Files, round, bastard ---- —............................... -----...... 54' ------ 54... — -. ------ 1537 Files, half-round, smooth.......-.-.... 60-........-. ------------—...... 1538 Files, half-round........-............................. ---- ----.... ----.... ---- 1539 Files, hand, smooth —-----------........-........ —............... -....... ---- 1540 Files, taper-....................................... 1541 Files, round..........................-............ 1542 Files, bastard, second-cut —------—........................................... ---- ---- ---- ----.... ---- 1543 Files, smooth --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - 1544 Files, switch........-.............................. -----------.... ---- ---- ----.. 1545 Files, second-cut —--........ — -........ —-........ -0............. ---- ---- --------------- 1546 Files, parallel................-................ -....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1547 Files, square-cut. —...................-.................. ----- -- -- -..... -- -- - -- -- -...... 1548 Files, square taper-.. - - -... —...........................................-.............-.............-........1549 Files, equalizing —-------------—.-.......... —........ -........ -........ -...... -------- 1550 Files, cut, bastard-........- -. —..................................... - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1551 Files, taper, bastard-........-........-.............................'..1552 Files, parallel, bastard...................................... -------------------------------------- 1553 Flues, copper ---—. —-— pounds -. —. -..- - -- -—.............................pud......... 1554 Flues fro - -------- fe........F le........et. — - —........................fe............. 1555 Fixings, forge.............................pounds-.... 1556 Fronts to boilers........................................... 1557 Funnels, sand-box........ —............................................................. ---- -- 1558 Flaxseed --- - pounds............................................................................................................... 1559 Flaxseed, ground —do............... -..................o.............. ---- ---- ----.... ---- 1560 Gauges, passre d..............-.......-....-.......-....................................... 3........................................................................ 1561 Grauges, panel.........-.................-.......................................... 3................................ I........................................ 1560 Gauges, assortied-............................................... 1561 Gauges, panel3..................................... 152 Gauges, mortise-3-..................... 1563 Gauges, wire-1........................:: 1564 Ganges, marking-....................3-:[Z: 1565 Gauges, thumh....................... 1566 Gauges, single................................................................................................................................................... 1567 Gauges, dou ble........-........................-.......... 1568 Gauges, cutting-....................... 1567 Gaug s, d uble.................................................................................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865.^ 3 and terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. a.1 1 I E C -C' E Id 0 0 odt ~~ I ~ I "d I-~~~~ t m II ^1 II- II 111l I l II an g CZ 9^ ill ia *^'-:1. 4 I.n1 I. W l - d~ t [ o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ^___________________ ^___ __^ __ z ^- i>^^ 1569 Gauges, wheel-....-............................-...................................................................... 1570 Gauges, track inner.........-. -- -- -- - 6 22.......................................'1571 G auges, tinners'................................................................................................................................... "...... 1572 G auges, barrel... - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --—........... -.. -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—'. ------—. 1573 Gauges, screwl.....'- - -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - -------- ------- 1573~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c. GaugeeN', sce 1574 Gauges, steam.................. —----------------- 1 2 3 1 14 6........ 4 6 4........ 3 1........ 1575 G auges, quarter-circle... —........................-................................................................................................................ ^ 1576 Gauges, cocks and syphon steam...................................................................................................... 1577 Gouges, n -se —am —- --- - -.........-....-..-...-..-........... —....................................................... — - - - -----.... - ------ --- ------- 1578 G ouges, firm er.......................... -----—..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -------- -------- --------......-......1579 Gouges, paringrmer- -....... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....... —-'.- -------- ---— ~- -------- -------- 1580 G ouges, paring, and handles ------------—......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- - 1581 G ouges, patent m arking.............. -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. —-'. —---- - ---- --------. —-—. — -------- 1582 Gouges, flat sweep m ------------------------- sets.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- --------........ 1582 Gouges, fiat sweep - sets~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t 1583 G ouges and handles, firm er -.................do. -................................................................'.'.'.'.'.-..... 1584 G ouges, 1-inch................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —'. —--- --------........ -------- -------- ---- ------ --- 1585 G ouges, firm er ----------------------------— sets. — -------- -—.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1586 Gouges, fiatring. —--—. -—. --—............. do..................................d.................................................................................. 1587 Gouges, neck -------------------------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------- ---------------- ------------------------ -------- -------- Gouges,-prin -do1589 G ouges, paring............................... do.............................................................................................. 1588 Gouges, neck-...................................... 1589 G imets..... —...................................................................................... -------------'.'.'- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1592 Gueasers,.......-...-.............................................................................................................................................. 1591 Gummers, assorted........................................ 1593 Grooves, hand, steel........................ 1594 G rainers, top....... - -- - -- - -- - -- - --—............... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --...'...'.'.'.''.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.''......''-...'''''-''''''..-'''.....'......''-...''''' 1594 Gralleyssin t......................................... 1595 G alleys, single-colum n brass-lined -. -... -.. -.................................. 1596 G alleys, double-colum n brass-lined - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1597 Galleys, double-column brass-lined........................................................................................................ 1598 G alleys, slice................................................................................ 1599 Galleys, improved folio slice............................ —-- 1600 Glass, assorted............................ boxes — 371.......3.................. 13 ----------- 1601 G lass, tail, light.................. -.... -...... — -.............................................. 1602 G lad, w indow, assorted....................lights120........................................................................ 1603 Glass, double-thick...........................feet... -- -............................................................................ 1604 Glass, head-light.......................... -boxes.. — -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.......... 1605 Glasses, head-light................... ---.... ---- ---- ----.... ------—................ 1606 G lasses, cab, light.-...............-... ---.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -................ 1607 Grooves, hand —----------------.............. —...................... ---- ----.... ---- ---- ---- -- 1608 Grooves, inners -. —---- - --- - -.. - - -- -- -- - -1608 Grooves, tinners' —. —................................ 1609 Gauze, brass-.... -.....................fe............ —. — feet.- ---- ----.... ---- 1610 Gauze, brass —....... —---- coils -................................coils.... ----.... ----........ ---- --- 1611 Gauze, iron..-.......................-....-do............................................................ --- 1612 G reene, chrom e pounds- -- ----- 6........................................................................po nds 1613 G reen, H ibernian................ ——..... - -. do..................................................................................................................... 1613 G reen, GHe rm an em erald ----- -- do......... -........................................................................................... 1615 Green, Paris................ -.............do.- ---.......................... 1616 Green, silk-.......do............................... 1617 G reen, Quaker..... —....... —- ---—. ——.. -do............... -------- -------- --------------—..... --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- ------—.... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1618 G reen, em erald -7- - ---- -- -- -- do.............................................7........................................................................ 1618 Green, emerald-..............do-... 1619 Green, American chrome - --- -tubes...-.................................................................................................... 1620 Grease, car..,.-.... — - -pounds- - --- - --- - --.. 1620 Grease, car-poun-................-................d --..1621 Grease, car- -—.... —- -—. gallons- -............................... 12gallons-6..... ----.... ---- ---- ---- 1622 Grease, car.............-................ barrels.. ---- ---- - ---.... --------- -.... 1623 G rease, w agon -........................ pounds- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - -.... - - - -... ]1624 G rease, axle -......................... —. boxes.. -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - - 1625 Glue.....................................pounds.. -- 40........................ 15..................................... 1626 Gates, switch................................ d - 1626 Gates, switch-........-........-................d.... 1627 G ates, switches.............. —--------------------.. —-----.. —----------------------. —-------------------. —. —--. —-....... —. —-. —--. —-------------....... —.......1628 G ates, sw itch............ — -—... -- —........-......-..............................-...-................................................................................ 1629 G ates, pine.... —- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -----—.......... -......-.....-..........-..........-.....-.... ---- ------ --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---...-..... ----- ----- ---- 16300 G ibbs,,bridgee —----------------------- ----------—. -—. ----------—. -—. ---------—. ---—. --------—. ---—. —. —-—. —. —--- —. —---—.. —-----.. —-----.. —---—. —----- 1631 G ibbs, cross-head...................-. —.. —pounds —. --------......-......-............-......-..... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- - 16:32 G ibbs, cross-h a - - - - - - - - - - - - - --— ed............. -.. -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 1633 Gibbs, bridge.............................- pounds. --... -------- -------- ------—................. -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -- -- - 1635 Gihhs, cross -head-pounds- -- --------........ -------- -------- --------................ -------- -------- -------- -------- 1636 Gongs, locomotive, 8-inchad.. - -. -------- --------..........-..-.- -------- -------- -------- ------—. 1637 G ongs and fixtures.... - - - -- - - -- --—.. -..... --...... - ------------—.-.. -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.....-....-..........-....-.... 1639 G lobes, ruby --- -- - -- -- - ---- -------------—....-...-... —---.......-.......-......-.......-....... -...... -....... -...... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1640 G utters, tin. ----------—.. —.- - -- - --—.. -... -.. -feet. -- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- -—..... --- --- --- --- -------- -------- ------—................. 1642 Grease, wagon.n-b-p —------------- -... gallons -- ------------------------------------------------------—... —...... —....... —...... —.......-..............- -------- 1643 H am m ers, blacksm iths' --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -—................-........-........-........-....... 10................................................................ 1644 H am m ers, blacksm iths' hand...- -—.........-... -- -. --- --- --- --- ----------------------—.......... -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1645 H am m ers, chipping....-............. -.. -..-......-......-..................-.................. -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --........ -------- 1646 H am m ers, shoe.... -- - - - -- - - - -- - -—............... -. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - ---- -- - --------------—................-............-......-..................-..... 1648 H am m ers, ha d -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -—.................. -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.................................................................. 1649 H am m ers, sledge. —.............. --—.-...-.. —..- - -- -—.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- ------—.........6................................. -...^ 1650 H am m ers, claw....................................-................................ 48........................ 24 - -....................................... 1651 H am m ers, tack.................................................................................................................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the miltary division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.,^ ^ -^ ~ ^ ~. sg ^ ~ Articles. g. F..' ~ A. CZ 7 —. g:~ 1652~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M 9 34 1' - H6 2 am m ers, engine-.......... -..-................- 18316........6 4.........-................... 1654 H am m er a d erssdlr'.. -.. - -.. - - - -. - -- - -. -....... -...........................- - -............................... - - -......... _ a" ~~~~~~~~~ao -~~~~~~~ ica in -a ].655Hammers, C)........ 16556 m e s t n... - -..... -. - -. -. - -. --. -....-................... —...-. — -.......... 12....................i............ tdammers, clas p and pch 165 a 7,H s a n m e r s... b a l l a s t -.................. -. --...........a.......e..i.... 1652 H am m ers, engine... —..... —------------—..............................8 2 1 6 ---- ----- -- - 1653 H am m ers, t iners'i --—..... -- - ---. - -- -- - 2 - - - - ------ -2................................-... -- -- 1654'.Ham m ers, basons'.-. —.. -- - —.... ---- ----- - --—. — -------- -—.. -. --- -- -...-................................ -------- - ] 66 05'. a m m e- sr sp k e.to n e. — - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -...... — - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -.. —- - - - - -... —- - - - - -.. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... — - - - - -.............. -- -... -........- - 16561 am m ers, b ack n dg-............ —............ —.-...-. —...- -------- -------- --------...... —-.. —- - —. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1655 H am m ers, st n ----- -. -- - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --.1.1 —-1 -- -- - -- -- - - 1656 Ilainmerss(upndpnh 1657 H~ammers, al 1658 H am m ers, sho eing ----..... —. —.....-...-...'....-. ——. — ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 16659 Hammers, asons'.- - -. —-........... ---- ---- ---- ---- 2 --- - - - - - - - - - ----- 0 1660 Hammerssik 1661 H am m ers, b cki ng-.. —. -.-.-....... --- - - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - --.. -- -- -- -- 1662 H —ammers, jack ng trp o pee —-—. ---- --.-.. -—.-.. ----- -.-...-. --- -........ 16673 Hammers, seaoe asotd.......-..... ---- ----- ---- - - - - --- - - - - - - - --- 1-668 H amnm ers, mc hine..- - -- - - - -- - ----—............... ----.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - ----.. —. -------- -- -- - --------......... —.... — ----—. -. -------- 1664 H-ammers, assorted-27........................-... — ---- —. - ---- ---- ---- - - -- - 16765 Hammeists 1670 H am m ers, trivetin.... —- - -- - -- - - -- - -- ---—.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -—.-.. ---—. -. -. -------- -------- ------- 1.-... -----—.. — -- -------- -------- 1666 H am m ers, steam engine. trip, com plete —.- -—.. - - —... — -------- -------- --------. -. - -. -- --- --—. — ------- --------.. - --...- -------- -.... - —..... 1667 Hammers, steem assoted —----—.... -. - -- —...- ----- - - ----- -.. —.. ----- -. - - - - - - ---- ---- 16738 H am mers, raiing.. —-—. —..... —....-........-.-.- -.. —.- -—... —........-...............-.......-.-..... —.......3........-.-..... ——.... -.......-. —-.... -. —-... 1666 Hammers, moihn -— in.- -3-................. —.-.....................- 6.......-. — 1670 H am m ers, riv tigo - ---—.. —--.- - -------—.. —... -.. —. —..- --------. —------ I- - —... -------- -------- ---------....... -------- -.-.. —1....... — - -------- ----- —. -------- 1671 H am m ers, sofa -- - -- - -- - -- -----—.. -.....-. -......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -—.-...-. —.- - -------- -------- ------—!.-. —--- ----- -—. ----- —. -------- 1672 H atch ers st el — -- ------ —. —-.-................ -.... -------- -- - - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - --------—.............. -....... -------- -- -- - ------- ------—. --------.-. —--.. -------- 1673 H atch ers ra snd gan le --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - —. —-......... -.... -.-..- -----—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - ---—.-.. -------- --------...................... ——.... 1.669 i-ammrsh kiiieis'-6 1670 Hammtchets, sai.itng........ —-.......................... 3 --- -- -.. 1671 liammeis.oft 1673 ammersi usoleing.... 1675 at es, f irmeri c h i s e l,..........Hm w....a........ 1676 H am m eisfisaw c —---------------------------------—. —----—. —--------................-.....1.....-..........-.... 1677 Ilatchets ------------------ - --------- -- - - - - 6-d —----------- 1678 Hatchets and h-andles —------- - -------------------------------- - - ----------- 1-679 Hatchets; shingling - - - - -s —------------------------------- 39 —---— 6- -------- -------- 1681 HI tIchets, ssldsiin- -- - - - - - - - -? — - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - 1682 Ila idles dirm er chisela s r e -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -issorted —-- 1683 Handles, socket firmer chisel, assorted- -- -..- - -- -- - -. ---- - - -. - - I............................................... 1684 HanAdles, socket chisel ----------------------------- -------- -------- -. —-... --—.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 16855 H andles,,chisell —------- ------------------------—. -- —. —. ------ --- --------- -------- -----—.- ------—. --------- -----—. —----—. ------—.-. — -—. —-- --—. —-. ——. —-. —1686 Handles, auger, assorted -.......... —-- - -- -- ---- ---- -..- ------ - --- - -—................ 1687 H andles, adze -.. -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- -- ----------- --- -- 28...................................... 1688 Handles, foot or carpenters' adze........ —....-. —.- -.-.- -. —.-. —...-....-...-....-........................ 1689 H andles, railroad adze-.. - -- - -. -- -- - --- - - - - - - -- --- -- - - - --............................................................... 1690 H andles, broadaxe.-.. -. —- -- - -- --—...............- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --................ 1691 H andles, hatchet...-............... —---. —. -- -........ —... - --. - - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- -- 1692 Handles, brad hatchet........ -.......... —---- -.... --. — ---- -----—........... 1693 Handles, hammer-... —....-. —...... —.... —.. — -..-........... —- 2 ---- ---- ---- ------ 1694 Handles, stone hammer..... —........ —. —-—.- -- ----—.............. 1695 Handles, spike, mauln - - -- ----------------- ---- -. ----- --..................... 16 6 H n ls16-i96 ---------------------- ---- ------- H a dl s -au-... —-.-.-.-. —-—. —-—.-. —-. —---.-...... -- -....... --.............................................. -........ 1696 Handles, mapick -—. — --- ---- ------. —-.. -- - - - 324....................-. -... -- - -.... ---- 1697 Handles, awl --------------- -----. —-- --- -— pick-324 - --- ---- ---- ----........ ---- 1698 H~andles, awl1699 H andles, sledge. -. —-.- - -—... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - -- -- -- 1700 H andles, brad aw l -...... —... —..- --..................... - - - -. - - -. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1701 Handles, firmer gouge...-.......... —------- ---- -...- ---- ---- --- -- - ---- ----........-................1702 Handles, jackplane -...-..... —----—........-.............................. -------- ------ ------ ------ -- - —..-.. --—. -- 1703 Handles, handsaw-. —-..- - - - -- -—................................. 1705 Handles, file -9-.......6-292-....................................I.... 96:;:............... 222 ------- ----- -;..-........ 1706 H andles, cross-cut saw -- --.. -- - - -........................................w..........-.. - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - 1707 Handles, cant hook -.-.-......... —-... - —..-... ----- -- -- 2........................ - 1708 handles, axe...................................... 1709 handles, chop ping axe —- -....-..... --- -. -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ---..... —. -- --. -- -------- -------- -------- 17109'. ahandleshandp axe..........-. —-—. —-... -..-... — —..-..-....... —...... —....... —...... —....... —.....................-........-. —-.... -----—. — --- -------- -------- 1710 H andles, hand axe — --. -- -- -- - -.................................... - - - - - - —... - - - - - - --- --- 1711 H andles, sac e panst................................-.-... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ 1713 Handles, assorted2-... —-.............................Hn ls c-.......es-t- —........ 1713 Handles, assorted door....-...-........................................................... 26 -------------- 1715 Handles, machinists end..... door..... —....... —....... —.......-........-........-........-........-........-....-2 — ------ -------- -------- 1715 Hademachinists' — — H 1716 Handles, chest, japanned, Paris —---. —... — pairs................................................................................................................ 1717 Handles, flush drawer..............-....-.. —.....-....-.................................. 1718 Handles, chest........................-....pairs....................-. -....... - --- - --- --- 1719 H andles, m allet — - - - - -.... - - - -.................. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - —........................ 1720 ~ hades oor-................... 1721 H andles, stretcher -... - - -......................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1725 Hangers, drop, belt............................... 1726 Hangers, spring..................................... dles, conch.........-........-................-.... 1728 H angers, shafting........... - -p u d.............................. po n s....... — - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - 3,680................................ -------- --- --- --- ---............. 1724 Hangers, postep.............................do............................................. 1,660....................... 173025 Hangers and boxes............. do - - - --- - -- - - --- - - -- -- --, drop, belt —-. -- - -- -- 1726 Hangers, spring —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......... 17327 Hangers, t...................................... 178Hangers, shafting -.............pounds-8.. 1732 H angers, p................................o.................................................................................................................. 1730 Hangers and fasteners, window blind........ sets....................................................... 1732 Hangers-.................pounds. 1733 Hangers, drop-................... 1734 Hangers and fasteners, window blind -.....sets-. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. ^ 00 Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same Octobr14,"1865. terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 15.tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I-~~~~ ~ Articles.. d.,. ~ a^~~~~~ - ~ ~ ~..... ~ ~ o ~ =~ ~ ~'~I~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0..-,l. o0 ~ o o'd IO'~1 ~'' Io ~.0 /~ n I C'0h c 0 *~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~a~C 0.a.- 0'. Ca. a;-1 ~ t.'C_ - t o ~ ~~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t'~ W P. 1735 H angers, cast-iron.. —-------- ------......- pounds.................................................................................................................. Q 1736 H angers, door........... —-.... — ----..- -- - - ----—...- -. -------- ------—...................... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - 1737 H eads, cylinder.................................................................... — 2................................. --- --- --- --- --- --- -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - 1738 H eads, square.................-....-...........- -.................................................................................................................. 1739 H eads, coppersm ith..............-.. —.... —--—.-.-................................................................................................................ 1740 H eads, brake ---- ---—..... —............ — pounds.................................................................................................................. 1741 H eads, brake, framne......................... —...............-.......................................................................................... 1742 H eads, draw --------------- --------------—.. --—.. -------- --- --- --- --- --—........................................................................................0 1743 Heads, draw. —-----------------—....-.....pounds.................................................................................................................. 1744 H eads, cross, engine...... —-.... - - -- - -- --- —.... —.....-..-...............-.......... I........................................... 1745 H eads, stake......-.. —-......-.-..-.... —....... -..............................................'........................'....'.'.'.'.'.'.':'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.. 1746 H eads and beam s, brake..........-. -. -....... -... -.................-.. —.................................................-......... 1735 Hangers, cast-iron-................................. 1736 Hangers, door-.................. 1737 Heads, piston................................... c2 -— ~....... 1748 Heads, bull, salag ----—.....-......... —...-....-........................................................................................................'........... 1738 H eads, squ ar e...................................................... 17539 Heads, coppersmith. --- -.............................................................................................................. 1751 H eads, cross................-........................................................................................ " "..........'........................'...... 1753 H ookso belt assorted. —.-.... ——.................-.......-........-.......-........-.......-240-.......-.....-'.'.'......... —'...'.......'...'.....'.'..............'...'.... 1740 H ooeads, br, ake-o n d —-.................................................... 1741 Hooeads, brake, fame-................-.. 6................... 1742 Heads, draw-...................'[[[ 17543 H ooead s, ackpounds.................................................. 1244 Heads, cross, engine-1-.............. 1756 H ooks ads s, t.....a........ e......................0................................................. 1746 Heads and beams, brake-..............!.... 1747 Heads, pisto-...................i 1748 Hooeads, bull, smalli.t -pu................................................................. 1749 Heads, bull, large...... 175 Hooeads, drawt..................................................................-................................................o s 1751 Heads, crosso...................................... 1760 H ooks a nd staples -12-2.....- -.............................................'.... ------- ----—. -—.........................- - - -- - - - 1761 H ooks, gas pipe -- - - -- - -—.................-... —... -------- -------- ----------------'...............'..'...'. -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- -- --- -- -- -------'. —'.'.176253 H ooks and eyeslt, brassorted gross..................................................................................................... 1763 H ooks, safety chain. -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - --—............. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.....-....-..........-....-.... 23.................................'..'..... 1754 H ooks, hor n, beak- - -..... - - - -................................. I........................................ 1755 H ooks, iron............................... pounds.................................................................................................................. 1756 Hooks, tackle-...............pounds. 1757 Hooks and links, switch rope-............ 30. 1758 Hooks, safety chair-............pounds.. 1.759 Hooks, assorted.................. 1760 Hooks and staples- -................. 1761 Hooks, gas pipe.................. 1762 Hooks and eyes, brass -............gross. 1763 Hooks, safety chain-................ [[[ [[[ ~[[.. 23. [[[[ 1764 Hooks, curling-1......................I.... 1765 Hooks, iron -................pounds..;::: —-;::::;....:::::. 1767 Hooks, pacurving, and spools................................................................................. 1767 H ooks, curving..-...-...............................................................................'.....'.'...'.'../.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'....'..... 1..'.'.'.'.'....'.'....'..'.......... 17688 H ooks,,switchh ropee.. —................... pounds..s........ —...... —....... —....... — —...-. —...... —....... —.... —-'. ---—'.'. —...... -—'. -'.'.'. —-'. —----—....... 1768 Hooks, switch rope... nds......................... 1769 Hooks and thimbles, switch rope............do.... 1770 H ooks, cotton......................................................................................................'.'.'..'.'.'........''..'.'...'1 1'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'... 1771 Hook and chain gate.............................. 1772 H ooks, ice.'......-.........................................'.^. ".' "" —----- 1773 Hooks, hay............................................... 1774 H ooks, tim ber................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------..........'.'.'..'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' ---------------- ---------------- 1774 H ooks and chains...................................................................................... 1776 H ooks, iron....................................... — - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....' 1777 H ooks and stands..................... pounds.............................................................................................. 1778 Hooks, car hat.........-...................................... ----.... ---- ---- ------- 1779 Heaters, iron- - - - - - - -4....................................... 1780 H eaters, pipe.......................................... - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - -..... 1781 Hoes' --------------------------.....1..................'..'. -------- -------- ------—... —--—......-........-....... -'.. —---.......-....... —---—'.-...... —--- -~~~~~-~1781 Hoes sed 5 2 1 10................20 3......... -......................_.'1783 H oes, boat. —---------------------------------------.. —--------------. —------. —-------------------------------.. —----------------------------—.. —------. —---------....1782 Hoes, handled -.......................................................................................... 1783 Hoes, boat.................... 1784 ttoes, garden-................... 178 H o s sa e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -.. 1785 H oes, stable —........................-.......'.'..'.....'. 1786 Hose, assorted..............................feet........... 50 260 100 1,000......... 0 332........ -............. 1787 Hose, gum-..................do -... —1788 Hubs and collars-..............sets-. 1789 Hubs for dies-................... 1790 Hinges, strap, assorted -.......... 96.... 60-.. 1791 Hinges, blind, patent.- ---------..............................- ----... ----.... ---- ----...'' ------ 1792 Hinges, T- s................................. pairs......................................... 1793 H inges, tabl e, assorted..................... o................................................................ 1794 H inges, w indowp t...................................................................... 1795 H inges, brass................................do........................................................................... 1796 H inges and fasteners, blind.................. sets.................................................................. 12........................................ 1797 H inges, strap, assorted.................... pairs.................................................................................................. 1798 H inges, brass.................................................................................................................................................... 1799 Hinges..-................................. pounds............................ 1800 H inges, unfinished........................................................................................................... 1801 Hinges, butt, brass-.......................-pairs... 1802 Hinges, butt, brass -.......-................do.............. 1803 H inges, back, flat............................................................................................................................................. 1805 H inges, butt, astlind.................................................... 1802 H inges, blind................................-do....................................................'.".'..'.'.'....'...'.........................'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1806 H s, a t.................................................................................................................................. 1807 H asps and staples..................................................................... 1808 Hasps, hinge -.................................................................. 18106 H asps hi gs and h o s taples,............................................................................................................................................. 1809 Hasps..................................................................... 1810 Hasps and -........................................................................................................... 1813 Hair, plasterers'.do........................... 1.814 Hair, plasterers'-los.. 1812 H air, culase rers'.............................loun s............................................................................................................... 1815 Holders, m andrel-................................................................................. 1816 H oods, forge-..................................................''........ - - -.~~.-.......... 1817 Hoods, smokestack........................................H................s........ 4 8- ------- --------...-... -------- --------........ -------- -------- r Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. t P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and ters as authorized by ExecOctober.14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. an~ Cd 7 IArticles. I IL, 1 1.1 IM. C: I c P, 5~ 0eC t4 R a.0 0.-' I t-~ i 3a.'t[.0 I' l 1 I-Q I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 -~ 5.2 0a.10.3 1rai.i^i i ^ ^ s ^ s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s ^ ~~,oi a0.0 ~a.0^..0i.., a.,_ a - - a.0~ ~~ ~ 00 [ rJ2 02 0 ~ 0 1818 Horses, wrought-iron.............................. — ----.... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- 1819 Horses, cast-iron.. —....... ---- -—... -...-.. —..... — -...-.-.-........-........-........-....... -------- -------- -------- I -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- C 1830 Horses, wooden...................... —.....-................ ---- ---- ---- --- 4 ---- ---- ---- --- -- 1821 Horses, carpenter, saw. —--- -------- ----- - - -- - --- - - -- - ------------ - -------- ---- - --- ---- - -- ------ 182 Horses, drawing —-----—... —--.... - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 823 Horses, nail....................................... 1824 Horses, blacksmiths....................-........... 1825 Hoops, tank............................ -pounds -. --------—. —.... -- --- 182 6 H oop s, tru ss... -- - -- - ----—..................................-.....-.....-.....-.....-.......-..........-.....-.....-.....-..... — 18-26 Hoops, truss....................................... 1827 Housing for cupola......................................... 1828 Hods, mortar.,............... —........................... —...... 1829 Hardies.......................................-....... 1830 Hubs, ambulance -—................................... —------------- 1831 H u b s, w a g on. ------- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- -—.............. -------- ----—. -. -------- ------ --......... ----—. -------- -------- ------ -- -------- ------ -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- 1832 Headings, blacksmiths'. -.. —-............................ 1833 Hydrants.......................................... 1834 Heads, cylinder...........................- pounds. ------ ---------—. ——. ——. ——. —- - -------- ---- - -- -- - ---- - ---- - -..............-............... ——.- ------—......... 1835 Handles, ballast harniner —......................................................... 1836 Hickory for handles.. ——..................pieces.. --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -............... 1836 21 H in g es.......... - - -- -- - -- -- - -- ---—..... -........ -.. -------- -------- ------ -- -------- -------- ------ -- -------- -------- ------ -- ------ -- -------- -------- ------ --.. —-..18367 Iron, angle s. —. —.-.......pounds - ---- - --..................................... 2 --- 1838 Iron, railroad...............................bars... ---. --- --- - - - --- -------- -------- -- - - - - - - - - - —. — ------ 1839 Iron, railroad -. —-------—.pounds-.- -—.. --- -. _.. — 1840 Iron, round, assorted-do-962 4.946 - 27,642 15,570 - 4,916 16, 415.......................... 1841 Iron, bar, assorted.-.-.. —.... ——. —-... —....do....-. -- -—.. -------- --------- ----------------- 14,056 -------- -------- ------—..... -—. -------- --------......... 1842 Iron, flat, assorted ---—.....-................-do —- ------—.... -------- -------- --------..... - - - - - - - -........ "1406......... —3843 Iron, galvanized... —-— _ —------------------ do.. ----.. -------- -------- ------------- 1,014 -----—.- ---—...- -------- --------.-. —.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- 1844 Iron, Riussia ---------------------------—.......do..-.. -- ---—. —-. --—.....-. —-...- 253 578 ------—......... 498 -—.......................-..............1845 Iron, dtassorted...-..........do -- I.,080.. 30,472 6,903.. 11,328............................... 1843 Iron, galvanzed-do — 1.01 184 Iron, ]Lussia-................do -25 578- 4. 1845 Iron, acssoted-. do - 1 080- 30 4726 6, 803 --..... 1846 Iron, boiler.................................do.................................. 9, 3,333........... 1847 Iron, tank...................................do.-.............. 2,070 12,015 - - - --.. 2,668...... - -....... 184 I boiler-do-10, 60-2 -5 -—,-66s I.. 1848 Iron, oval and -oval...........-............. do.............. 1850 Iron, hooire......-...........................do... 1851 Iron, ti-round................................ do.... 1852 Iron, square --. do-... 130 - 10,167 7,833 - 6,723. 1853 Iron, plough slab............................do........... 1854 Iron, nail rod................-............... do.... 1855 Iron, pig -............................. do... 1856 Iron, round bridge -do.....-....... do.... 1.857 Iron, flat bridge..do.........................do... 1858 Iron, scrap. --....... —..........do -... do...371859 Iron, sheet...................do- -—..645................ 1860 Iron, tuyere.-.-...-......do.... —-.... 1861 Iron, scrap, 1st class do........................ --------—.... 1862 Iron, scrap, blacksmiths' 1st classd.. do................ 1863 Iron, scrap, blacksmiths' common............do.......... 1864 Iron, tank and fire box scrap................do............ 1865 Iron, light sheet scrap-................ do............... 1866 Iron, sheet, galvanized.-................do..-... 1867 Iron, band, assorted. —...................... do-..... 1868 Iron, smoke-stack........................... do..... 1869 Iron, scrap, rings and staples- do................ 1870 Iron, round and square ----......-....do..- -... 1871 Iron, old....................................do... 1872 Iron, wrought.-.............................o.. 1873 Iron, perforated............................sheets......... 1874 Irons, platform........................... - -.. —...... 1877 Irons, oblandi-. —-.... ---- ---- ---- ---- --...... ---- 1881 Irons, awnge, 2 —-et —-------------. —--------------—....-.....-...II —-I-II —-I —1 —-II-111 1111111 11111" -------- -ea- - 1884 Irons, pland e ----— p -...........................-... --------------------- -------- 1111111 1111111 111111" 11111111 1886 Irons, soldering...........................................- 1 6 - --......................... - 6 -. —-----------—.......1...... —...... 1887 Irons, large, for draw ing, (on w heels) —-. —-. -..-..................... —...............-.....-....... 1888 Irons, gsiide...pounds............................................................................... 1889 Irons, dog. —-----—...................pairs..-..-..-.......11-11111111111.-11.111111-11 11111111 1890 Irons, roof ing, double seaming...................... 1891 Irons, step....... -..................pounds-.. -........................................................... 1895'Instruments, veterinary --------------------- sets --- 2........ --------........ -------- -------- -------- ------------------------ 1897 Instrum ents, m athem atical n................sets...........................................................-....................................................... 1898 Instrum ents, transithe aia —sets —.................. -........ --------........ -------- -------- ------- --------.111.. -------- Beport showing the disposition of United States military railroad property zn the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. N Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same Octobery 14,~ 1865i~ IIUterms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. 1 E1'l 1 I I I 0 a 0 00 a,,. - 9 Cd 7-... I>- ~ ~ $0 8.o- 1 1 0 I ~5o o c Cd.Cs U1 o g o't o....1~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q 1 - I" I III 1900 Injectors, assorted.-........................................................................................ 6.................................... 1901 Injectors, steam ----- - - - - -.... — - -... —...-..........Q............ 1902 Indicators, steam.. —-.................................. 1903 Ipecac-.................................pounds.......... 1904 Ink, printing..........................-.-..cases.-........ 1904 Irons, hand-grooving-...................................... 1905 Jacks, ratchet-............... —..-............................................. 1906 Jacks, screw and lever -.........-....................... 6 16 4 48 16 2 12.................................................. 1907 Jacks, hydraulic, assorted-......................................... 2 4 1................ 2.................-.............................. 1908 Jacks, hydraulic, 7-ton-.. - - - - ----................................ - - -........ - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - - - - -- 1909 Jacks, hydraulic, 10.ton- -............................ 5- 5......................-.................. 1910 Jacks, hydraulic, 15-ton........... —..-...........-................................................................ 7........................................ 1911 Jacks, timber —-......................................:.......... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1912 Jacks, lever-4 3........................................: —- -—............................. 4................ 4 31 -------- -----—. -—. --........ 1913 Jacks, screw - -..-. —....-.........-.................- - - - —............. —-- 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- 1914 Jacks, pum p, 15-ton.........-.............................. - - - - - -....................... - - - - - - - - - - -.. 1915 Jacks, pump, 10-ton........................................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- -- - ---- - 1916 Jacks, pump......................... —........................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - --- -- 1917 Journals, brass........................................... 1918 Japan....................................gallons-............. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - 1919 Jaws, switch-lever......... --- ---- ----....... ---- ---- ----................................ 1920 Knives, farriers'........................................... — ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----........ ---- --- 1921 Knives, drawing...;- -—................................. K4nv.dai g3.................... 1922 K nives, frog.............................................................................. - - - - - - - -... 1923 K nives, bench.................................................................................................................................................... 1924 K nives, paring................................................................................................................................................... 1925 K nives, round.................................................................................................................................................... 1926 Knives, pallet..................................................................................................... 2........................................ 1927 K nives, putty.................................................................................................................................................... 1929 Knives, packing.................................................................................................................................................. 1930 Knives, C. S. Daniel's planer.................................................................................................................................... 1931 Knives, brush-...... - -.........................................-.... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1932 Kettles, soldering-.......... - -................. — ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - -.................... 1933 Kettles, glue-........1.-....... —--. —-.... ---- --- I --- ----........................ 1934 K ettles, spring............................pounds.. —- -- -- --- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- 1935 Keys, car-........... - ---. 6. —-—.. —-----........... -2 144....................-.......... —.... 1936 Keys, aeeorted-................... 1937 Keys, assorted............................-.................................................................................................. 0 1937 K eys, assorted..-... —-.-.-. —.- ------ --—.- -pounds.. —... -------- -- - --...- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---—.- —...-.. -.-....-............ -—.. -- -—..-. -------- -------- -------- 1938 Keys, draw-head... —-....... —- ------- - ---- - ---- - ----- -—...... —.................. — - -- - --- - -- - --..- 1939 Keys, split. --- ---- --- pounds- - -- -1939 Keys, split —-s........ - - - —........................-._ 18 -- -- 1940 Keys, padlock..................................... 1941 K eys, connecting-rods. --—....-.-.-... —--..-. —.............-...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - 1942 Kegs —-- —.. —------------ -—..- —...............-.. —............................ — ---- ----. —. — --- 1943 Knobs, mahogany- - - - - -...............- ---- -.- --- -- -4..........8.... —.... 1944 Knobs, mineral-......... ---—......... -. —- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - - —. — --............................ - 1945 Knobs, drawer....-........... —... —-----.- ---—.-........ - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- -... - -- - -- -- -- --....... 1946 Knobs, door -..-.-.. —...............-........ —........... — ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - -- V 1947 Knobs, desk, wood, assorted-.. - -—......................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- L1948 /Knobs, tin-kettle-.................. 1949 Knobs, tin-kettle-gross - --------------—.................................go.. --- ---- ---- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1950 Kings, American...........................tubes- - - ------. - ---.... - --- - --- -.. - G 1951 K nees, tender -- - - - - - - - -...................... - - -. --- ---- - - - - - - - -........................ 1952 Kasses, swite....................ch - 5 7 -.. 5 3-..................................... 1954 Lights, white — 6..........-............................- 56 1 72 54-54 — 2......7 6. — 54'- ---- —... 1955 Lights,red-1 - 12 26 37 26 2. —----—.287 4. —--------------- 1957 Lights, cab ------------------------- 1 8 2 —--- 6 —-— 6 —--- 4 —--------------- 1958 Lights, head - ---.......................... 1 2 8 5 16 8 1 6 8.-............ — 2 1 18 0 19599 L ights,, tail.................................... —. —-....... — —...-. — ----—.-....... —....... —....... —........-........ —....... —....... —....... —....... —....... —.......1960 L am ps, D utch................ - --- --- ---—...... -... -------- -- -—.. -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 12 -------- -------- --------........-........1960 Lamps, Ducktch ----------------- ----------------- 9 —------ -------- ------ - - - - - -— 1 —----------- 1961 Lamps, bulls-eye-.-1 -12.. ——.. —- I -------- I........ ------—.... --- -............ — 1962 Lamps, bracketnd. —-....... -—....... -- -- -------- -------...- -------- 19- -------- --------.. —-.. —-- ---—.19 -------- -------- ------ - 1963 Lamps, railroad- ---------—.. —. —----—......-..-...- -------- -------- --—....-....- -------- -------- -. —---...- -------- IS69 L am ps, brass car.......... ——...-.-. —..- - -- --—... -------- -------- -------- -------- 6 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ] 1970 L am ps, car, candle.......... -- --- ---—.... —-—..... -------- --------.. —..- - - - --- ---- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- ----—...... --------......... ——.... 1971 L am ps, hanging.. —..... -- ---—.. -.. -. -.....-..... — --- -—... ---------. —. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------—....................... -------- ----—. -. -------- -------- --—.... 1972 Lamps, springd... —-----—. —-------------—.-.-... —-...... —. —-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -—... -------- -------- -------- -------- 1973 L anterns........ —..... — ---—. —.... --- —. --- --—.. -- - —... -- - —.......- -- - -- - -- -- - - --—.-.. --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------.....-....-..........-....-.... 3 1974 L anterns, railroad globe -- ------- ------ -----—.. -. -. -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1976 L anterns, square ------—. —... — ------- - -- - -- —.- - —. — - --- -- - --- - —. — - - -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------............................. —-..- -------- -------- -------- 1977 L antern bottom s, (W. L., old)........... --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- - - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ----—.... -------- -------- --------.....-....-....-....-....-....-....-.... 1978 L ocks, pad, assorted............................................... 16 23012 -------- 12 58..........................- -------- 1979 L ocks, m ortise..................... -- ------ —... -... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----—... ----—.-. --------........ 1980 L ocks, door, w ith m ineral knobs, com plete......................................... 6 -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- 1981 Locksassorted... —------------------------------—. —----—. —----—. —-------—.. —-................ — - - - - - ----— 3 30 ------—............................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 3rc.-Continued. ] Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as authorized by ExeOctober 14, 1865. tire Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. - S. i ~~, ~ 9. ~ ~ e ~;.-,. I0~~~ -n~~c oe 1. ol a — as,l C cc 1 1 I1" I l l- I ~. I I.~. I, l1- I - I'.,o o.,-;a = ~. -.,~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C:~ ~'I =.'. C / ~:',d 92 Locks, sw-tch.00.. t p —u a u F.~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ a)a.us 1983 Locks, switchar......... —..............- ----—................ --—. 144 -- -......... 0 1984 Locks, car,. -- -.. —- -.. —-- ------ -- -- - 4................................eatback- —. 144 -... — -- -- - -- - - 1984 1 ocks, car, seat-back. —.. —-- ---. — --—. - ---—.- -. —... -- - - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -----—.- --—.-.................... ——..- --—.. — -------- --------.....-.....-..........1985 Loks door-9-. 1985 Locks, door.-.. —-- --..... - --.. —--- --------. — --- -------- -------- -------- --------. -- --........ 9........-. ——........................... - 1986 Locks, chest..-.. —....................................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----. 1987 Locks, spring-chest...- ---.. —..- -------. —--. —.......................... -------.........- - --- —. -------- -........ 1988 Locks, drawer-.... ----- ---- --- --—.......................... —.................................................................... 1989 Locks, rim-.-....... 1989 Locks, rim ----------------------------------------- ------—.. —.. —.. ----—...... —-—. ----—... -------- -------- -—....-. -------- -------- -- --—.. ------- -------- -------- 1990 Locks, iron drawer...-............. —--------. —-----... —.......... - - - --- ----- -------- -------- --—.......... 1991 Locks, desk and drawer...-. —...... —.................. — ----—........ - 1992 Locks, Japan-covered...- ----........... —. —-.......... - --. --- - -. -- - --—. -.-..........1993 Locks, wardrobe -—. — - ------ ---—.....H............-......................... 1994 Locks and chains........ -- -- - - - - - - -......................... 1995 Lines, sea-grass........ —-. —-.......... —.. —...... —-........ ---- ---- ----- ------ ---—.. -. —-. —......1996 Lines, tape, assorted. ----- ------------ --- ---- -- ------ --------. —--—... ——.. -... ----... —...............-.... —-. 1997 Lines, plough.-. —. —- - ------- --- ---- ---- --------.... —.-...... — —...... —-—... —--.............. -—..... 1998 Lines, chalk. —-.- ----.................................... -..... 96. —- ---.-.......... - ------- - -- - - --- --- 1999 Lines, chalk and reel. — ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ -------- -------- - -- -------- --------...... —............... 2000 Line, chalk.... — -- --- -- feet — -- -------- -—.... ——.... —-...... —--- —..... —-—..-....... —......... — —.... -------- 2001 Lime................... —--------—.. ——.bushels --. —... —-. —-. —- —. —-—... —--.- -------- --—. —- ----—. - -------- --------.-. —.. — ------—. -------- -----—. -. —.... 2002 Lime — pounds- -------- -..... -.................. ---- - --- ------ -----........ -.. —-- --—... -------- —.bushels.......... 20032 Lum ber, pine- - ------ -- - feet - ------ -- - - - -- ---- 134,297 11,051 --- - - ---- -------- --------. —...- -....... — pounds...... 203 Lumber, pine-................feet-134,297....051 2004 Lumber, oak and poplar, assorted.... —.....-. do2...... ---- --- - 19, 537 53,941 2,000 ---------------—. —. 2005 Lumber, B. M...I -d-o. —----- — do................-................d o.....- -. —-- -—.- - ----- ------ --—.- 2006 Lumber assorted —. —-do - - --- - ------ 45,000 6,068 -- ---- -- -- -------- ----—.. —---—. --------........ 2007 Lumber, old -. ---------------— ts..- ------- ------.............................. -- -- -- --- - ------- ---- --....-....... 2008 Lumber, oak —--. —--------— feet -. --—.- -- - - - - - - - - -. —- ------ --------. -—..........................e....... 2009 Lumber, poplar-........................... o - -----...... —---- -------.................- ---................. —.... 2010 Lumber walnut..............................do ----- ----- ---- ---- - --- -. -----. —- -- -.....- -....... -------- 2011 Lead, pig —-----------....ound............................pounds.......-.. - -------- ------- ------ -- -- 2012 Lead, white, assorted........-.do-..,....... — 15........ 215........................5]]]....... 2013 Lead, blark o —--------------—......... do. ----.. —- -------- -------- -------- 40 --— do......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2014 L ead, shearet f...............................-doo.. —-.. —-----. —------ -. —--— do. —-----.. —-----.. —-----.. —-----.. ——. —'. —-------------- -------- -------- -----—......... 2015 Lead, sheet.................................. do.. -- -.- —...... —- - —... — --- - -- ---—.. -------- -------- --—...... _. -- —.. -------- -------- -------- ---- ------ --- 2016 Lead, red. in oil and dryd.....................do.-.............-...... —.....-...- 500 ------—.................' 114 --.......................... —...... 2017 Lead, bar and pig.-.........................do. ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.............. -------- --------.............. -------- -------- 2018 Lead, reda —................................do..- -------- --------... — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2019 Lead, scrapew —c-1.......................... doutting —--—.. ——.- -.-...- --— ~- -. —.................. -................................... 2020 L itharge............................... —.. —do... -..... ------. -------- -------- ---- ------ --- ------—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2021 L athes, screw -cutting... - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -—......-...... -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—......... I -------- -------- -------- --------. —-.... 2022 L athes, com plete, 7 feet bed, 9-inch sw ing.. -- - --.. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2023 L athes, shear and head --------- --......... —- -------- -------- --—...- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 2024 Lathes, engine -............. —............................ 1 2 -1.............. I. —------.-...............................-.. 20255 L athes,,handd..-.....-..................... —.....-........ —....... —....... —...... —....... —............... —....... —...... —............... —....... —....... —...... 2026 L athes, axle..................... -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------—................. 2027 Lathes, wood turning -1 —-------------------------- I. —-......... — — 1..................... I.-........ —-.-.................... 2028 L athes, iron turning..-. —-------------- ---.... — --- -------- -------- ----------------.................. --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- 2029 L athes, doe, w rought, N o. 20g.. -- ------ -. - -----------......... -------- -------- --------....... -------- -------- -------- 2030 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 8 feet chain, feed, 2031. Lathes, screw-cutting machine, 10 feet bed, 23-inch 2032 Lathes, screw-cutting machine, with pulleys and 20333 L athes,,withh chuck................................ — —.....-........ —....... — -..... —....... —....... —....... —....... —.......-....... —.......-........-........-........2034 Lathes, 24-inch, universal chuck. —---------------—. —................... —.. —.. —...-......... —.....-..........-......-..............-................ — 2035 L athes, 24-inch, W hite's patent............ -....... I............................................ -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------. ——.... -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - 2036 L athes, driving w heel's pa en-1-............-..... -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. — -------- --------..... —- --------.... — - -------- -------- 2037 Lathes, turning.-.- ---- 120:38 L athes....... —-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---—.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.'.'.''.'..'.' ------—. 3. —----- -- - —... -... ----—. -------- -- -- - 2039 Lathes, double-head, 20 feet long, 26-inch swing, with counter shafts, tools, and fixtures....-................... --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- - ------ ---- 2040 L athes, screw -cutting, w ith counter shafts. —-....... ----.- -. -- - -----. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --... — -. —--- -------- -------- -------- 2041 Lathes, small counter shaft- -........................ -.......... —204-2 L athes, dou l-head, wood...................................... -------- —........ —-'-....'''-...'.........................2042 L athes, double-head, w ood.- - - - - ---—.. -... -.... —..- -- - - -- - -- -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ----—........................... -. —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2043 L athes, iron. —- - -- - -- - - -- - -- -----—................ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........' ------—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2044 L athes, screw -cutting, 16 feet bed, 15-inch sw ing ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.......... —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2045 Lathes, shear and head, 10 feet bed, 12-inch swing. --- --------. — --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2046 Lathes, smalil, with screw, gear, and four extra rods- --..-. —- ---—.. --- -----........ -------- --------.... — --------......- --------'Il2047 L athes,30-inch.................................-.... —-. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.-. —.... 2048 Ladders, mountingc....... —. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 4 -------- —...- -------- --—..- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2049 L adders, shop and steping-4-................ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2050 L etters... —. —.- ---—.-. -. -- -—.. -----—......sets........ -------- ---- ------ --- I -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---—..- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2051I L etters.-.. —- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - --—.. -............... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. —-. —-. 30 -------- -------- ------ -. -------- -------- 2052 L etters and figures, incom plete -....... -. sets..- -------- --------... —--—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - - - 2053 Links, crookedhai —---------------------------—.......... n-.-.-..-..................... —..............................-..2055 Links, coupling.-...... —..-....... —...pounds- -.. —- --------..... -—...........2057 Links, crooked —-------------— do --- -------- ---------------- 2058 Links, coupling. —. —------------------------------- ------—........ —. -- —. -------- -—.......................................................................... -- -- - 2059 L adles, co pln.......................... -........,....................................................... -......-.................................................. ^ 2058~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;':::::::::::: Links, oupling 2059 ~ ~ }:!!~~iiii!iiiiiii Ladles —-ii!!i!.. Report showing tke disposzton of United States milstary railroad property m the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. 1 Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Execu~~Ootober 14, 1865. ~tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. 0 E- 0t. It o' -no -~ <0 9 ~o' d "Z 0 a0 a~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 C o C0 CA 0 10~.1:ol-l I t- I l k l I', I!o I oI U 0 ~, -'00.-Oa 50 a~~U210C, 0P -.- i izi.l- 0:~ u. i.a. i- o 2060 Ladles, tin —-----—.............-................ -............. 2061 Ladles, perforated................................... —....................... ——. -................ 2062 Ladles, m elting........................................... ---------------------- 2063 Ladles, iron..-.... —--. —... —. —------. —----. —--. —. —-----. —.-.............. 2064 Ladles, iron i.............. pounds --. -- - - -.. -- -- -- -- -- es, iron.............................onds.. -~. 2066 Lifts, brass sash -.................................... -....... ---------------- 2067 Links, switch rope...................-....pounds- -.. ---....... --------------- ---- 2068 Links, straight-..-1..-........-........-........-............ ---- ----' 41 -------- -------- -------- -------- --—.....'2069 Links and pins, coupling.................. pounds —.......'. —-. —.. —---—..... 2070 Leather, sole................................-do.... —-------------------------'. —'.'I —--------------------—'. --—'.'.'.'..'.'. —..'.'. —-—. —- ----— ~- ~'-~~-.-. —-. -. -.....-.......2071 Leather, lace -...............................sides —-.. ---- 112 -.....8 -' —---- - -'''- ------ 2072 Leather, harness..............-ud - pounds - --- ---------—.. 2073 Leather, bridle..............................do....- -... --- --- --- ---'.'.'.".'.'.'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - 2074 Leather, russet.............................sides.-............... 2075 Leather, burnt. — - - - - - o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- — pounds.................................... -—.... —.............1-'...... ---- 2076 Leather, sole -sides...............................sides.............. - --- - --- -.. - --- - --- - --- - - - -- -- --.. 2077 Leather, assorted......................... pounds.. - - - - - - - - - - - -.-..... ------—. 2078 Leather, blue, title....-....................dozen.. - - - --................................ 207980 Levels, spirit..................................... pocket..... - -' 4....... - - - -... 6 - 20 0 Levels, pockenits. —... —........-............-.............-.. ] ] ]] 1] ]]....-....... 2082 Levels -.... - -- 2083 Levers, hand-car...........................-......................... ----------------------------------------------------------- 2084 Leve rs n d r, t....................-................................... ------------------------------------------------------- 2084 Levers and rods, tank......................................... 2085 Levers, sw itch................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - --------.......'. ------—'.' ------—.' ---------------- ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—'.' ------—'.' ------—''.' ------—''.' -.'.'.'.'. --- --- 2086 Levers, wrought...........................-..... 2087 Levers............................................. - - -' --—........ 2088 Levers, brake-...............................................'....... 21)89 Levers, track 2089 Levers, a...........................w s-...........-.........- --------............... 2090 Levers, w histle....................................-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2091 Levers, blacksm ith................... - - ---- -....................... 2092 Leaves, steel, for tender springs..... pounds............................. 2093 Leaf, gold.packages910....................packages......................... 2094 Ley, concentrated..................................................................................... 2095 Ley, concentrated........................boxes.............. 2096 Lead, bar.................... pounds.. 2097 Lead, white.-. kegs.......... 2098 Lugs, water tank.. —-................................ 2099 Lugs, water tank..-...................pounds.... 2100 Laths, pine.. —-—.................... 2101 Lake madder tubes.................. 2102 Laudanum.........................pounds.. ----- 2103 Logs, B. M...fee........................................................ 2104 Lifters, rail -................................ -- -- ------- -----------------—........ 2105 Legs, table.................... —-------------------------..................... 2106 Litters -............................................ -------- -------- 2107 Machines, small engine.- —............................... 2108 Machines, double engine........................... 2109 Machines, hoisting engine- --........................... -------- ---- 2110 Machines, straightening............................ 2111 M achines, drill press....... -- ---- -- -- I...................... -------- -------- ---.. 2112 Machines, wheel press - ---—................... —-....... 2113 Machines, press boring, cylinder -.................... -------- -------- 2114 Machines, press drilling, vertical, Nos. 62 and 63..-... 2115 Machines, manifest, suspension-............. --------........ 2116 Machines, pipe-cutting....................... -------- -- 2117 Machines, stove pipe former...................e former................ 2118 M achines, w ooden form er...................................................................................................... 2119 Machines, burring d —ow..-'.'.- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -.. ——.. —-...-.. -------- -------- -------- --- 2120 M achines, pinning dow n.. —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - - - - -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- 2121 Machines, setting down. —--------------------------- ------........... —- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- —.. —. —---- -...... -------- -------- 2122 Machines, swedging.-....... —-------------------.....-...I —-. —-....... ---- -------- -------- --—.... -....-.. -------- 2124 M achines, scanning, double - --- -... -- -........... -'-'- ~ —-------------- -------------------------------------. -- --.- -.. - i-j 2126 M achines, screw cuttingheader........ -------- -------- -------- -i' —-—' -------- --- -. --—. —. —---- -------- -------- -------- ------- 2127 Machines, seading........................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1 1 —----- - --- -------- -------- --------. — -- -- 2128 M achines, twyring -.. —-. -—........ —- - -............ 2130 M achines, w iring. —--------------------------------- ----. —.. -.. - -...-...-.......... 2132 M achines, grooving.........................-.........' ---------------------------------------- -.. - -. --- -.- -. 2133 Machines, oldning- -.o mn.-................................................................................................... 2134 M achines, planing.............-....... —...............1..1......111.1...............11................'.'....~.~.....-...................c..... 2137 Machines, quartering wheel, double-beaded... 2138 M achines, flooring wheel'"'' "' -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2140 M achines, scroll m ouldingr......................r.................................................... -.......................................................... 2142 M achines, boring, and augers-........................................-.......................................................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Execuand October 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 75 2 Cd~~~~~~~~, ~ i~.52 a a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~=...5Z Articles. 1.1.1, 1. 1 n 1 1n1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^2 5^1 ^1 ^ ^^ ^^ ^S ^ ^^ ^S It'~ C1 1c 1,0 1, ila IIa 1- I I as -1 1 ai- I, Ca a a..a a-.-. -. a.' — ~ 0 2143 Machines, boring and drilling, Bemcnt& Dougherty-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'''...'''.:.- 2143 M achin es, boring and drilling, Bement & D ougherty - -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—........-.......-........-.......-........-.......-........-.......-........2144 M achines and bits, boring -- - - -- - - - -- - -—............ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —.-. —.. I --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2145 M achines, boring, No. 32, Bement & D ougherty.. - -....- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—.... -------- -------- --------........ - 2146 M achines, sawing7-................ ----------.. -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- Mac —nes skiving- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2147 M achines, skiving.....................-. —- ---.. — --- - - --- - -- ----- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2148 Machines, mortisinn.-1 —---—... —----- --—. —. -------- -------- -------- -------- I ---.... -------- - 2149 M achines, m ortising and boring, car................. —-............................................................................................................. 2150 Machines, mortising, and chisels, foot, portable- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2151 M achines, thick edge......... —... —......... ——. -.. —-.. — -------- -------- -- - - --- - - --- - - --- - ---—...- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.....-..........-....-.....2152 M achines, rot ling -edge......................... - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --. - -------- 2153 M achines, slotting --- -........................ ---—.- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2154 M achines, m illing.-.............................. ---------------- 4........-. —-. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------..-3 2155 M achines, gear cutting -----------------------------........ --------.....- -................ -------- -------- -------- -------- >A 2156 Machines, bolt cutting, taps and dies- -....... --------........ -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2157 M achines, small vertical drill — - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - 2158 M achines, key cutting............... —. — - - - -- - - - - - --... -------- -------- --------............. -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2159 Machines, key seat drill, No. 12, complete- -....... -------- -------- -------- --------........ --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2160 Machines, large vertical drill, intermediate shafts, 2161 M achines, -nut tapping ----------------------------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- --------...........-.......... 2162 M achines, m oulding -----------------------------—.....-.....-..........-.......... --------........................ -------- -------- 2163 Machines, railroad cut-off sawing... — -------- -------- -------- --------... —- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........................ 2164 Machines, stove pipe breaking...................... —....... — -...- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------....... —------ -------- -------- 2165 Machines, binders' board cutting.... -------------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------—.. —.... -------- -------- 2167 M achines, shaping, 12-inch, No. 20.. —--------------—............................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - --- --- --- --- ------—.... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- 2168 M achines, drilling... —-------—................. —.. ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- ------—................... 2169 M achines, portable, drilling... -...................; — -. o... —,- - - - - -- - —..-..-........-..... 2170 M achines, gutterin g............................................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -. 2171 Machines, bolting nc, No. 20 n de..... 21672 M achines, car trimming, comm on -- -- -- -. -- - --- -d —ll -- -- - - - --.1ing1............ 2169;Machines, portaldishing................. 2170 Machines, gurtten dbring, cr........ 2171;Machines, botwthitpcan edyes................ 2172;Machines, croliiming cmo.................. 2173 Machines, car, wood turning....................................... 2174 Machines, turning, large...................-............................. 2175 Machines, beading, and extra rolls............................................ 2176 Machines, hoisting. —-.... -...-................I —...... 2177 Machines, shingle........-........ —- —... —-----................. 2178 Machines, copper pipe breaking...-................. 2179 Machines, spring setting................ -........ — —.. —2180 Machines, flue drawing —. -............................. 2181 Machines, slide lathe.............................. 2182 Machines, wood lathe............................... -......... 2183 Machines, hand lathe --- ---- -- -.. -............................ 2184 Machines, eyelet................................... 2185 Machines, double seaming-...... --—.................... 2186 Machines, boring and turning........ -........ -....... 2187 Machines, laying off -........... —-----------................ 2188 Machines, bolt cutting, large, with 7 sets taps and dies, plugs for repairing dies, counter shafts, pulleys and hangers................................ 2189 Machines, bolt cutting, with 13 sets taps and dies, counter shafts, pulleys and hangers...............- —.......... 2190 Machines, mortising, with bits, Rogers's patent.. —-.. 2191 Machines, planing, compound....-........................ —............... 2192 Machines, car planing and matching, complete............................................... - 2193 Machines, bolt head, and fixtures................... 2194 Machines, planing, 12 feet, with counter shafting, wrenches, tools, &c- --.............................. 2195 Machines, tongue-grooving ----—.................................................................. 2196 Machines, planer, (Daniels's patent) --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. ------- ---- - 2197 M achines, circular rip-saw, N o. 6... —---...-. —.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.... - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Q 2198 M achines, circular rip-saw, N o. 5. —--------- —.. -.... — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- - -- -.. -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2199 Machines, board planer, No. 2 —-- —..: —---—. -------- -------- --—.-.- -------- -------- -------- --.....- -------- -------- 2200 M achines, rabbiting, N o. 5.-........... - -----—. --...- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- ------ -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2201 M achines, w heel burring lath-....... -- - -.. -------........ ---—...- -------- -------- —.. -------- --------... -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- 2202 M achines, surface planing, N o. 2. —-- --... ——.......... -------- -------- --------........ -------- ----- ---........ - ---. — 2205 M achines, gum m ing -.... —. -........ -------- --------. ——........... ------ -- -------- ------------------------ 2206 M achines, bolt cutting.. —--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —.... -------- -------- --------........ -------- 2207 M achines, car plant ing —-------- - -..... ---- -------- -------- --—.... -------- -------- -------- ----—.-.......-....- -------- --—. —- - - 2208 Machines, wood planing-.................. —. —................ --------........ -------- --------........ -------- 2209 Machines, cylinder boring-.... -.............................................. 2211 M ills, saw, w ith engine boiler com plete -.. -- - -------- -------- -. —-- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----.. -------- -------- - -...- -------- 2212 Mills, saw, (0. S. and D. patent)- -............... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ 2214 M ills, saw, circular, (e lem ens's patent). —- -------- ---—.. - -------- -------- -------- patent) —--..-... 2215 M ills, saw, circular, (Lea & Leavitt's patent) ------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- ---—. — -------- -------- --------........ 2216 Mills, saw, (H. & Co.'s patent, "A," 2 boilers com2217 Mills, saw, (H. & Co.'s patent, "D," complete)- -----................ -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- -------- -------—...... 2218 Mills, saw, stationary, L and D patent, incomplete -- ---------------- -... —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- —.-.-. --------....-.-..- —..- - 2219 Mills, saw, A. B. H. & Co.'s patent, incomplete..................... --------........ -------- -------- --------........ --------..P Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued.'" 00 Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by ExeeuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. 1.11. 3 1-1 0 I I I E,~ Ce -,: 2 i r ii iii ii y i- ^ r — i- -i5iii i-5it iR' -0'C n 1 ~ Q 0 ul o 2220 Mills, saw-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. P ~ 0C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^?> g ^ H OQ ^~~g c M C 2222 Mills, paint, assorted...-1.....-..-..-.........-..-..-...-.. —.......... I 1 —...-1........ I..........-....-...2224 Mills, coin-~~~~~~~~~~.1 4 2225 Mills, boriang, cutrsas —.. —. l-. — ---- n —--- r —---- -------- --------........ ------ -- -------- --------. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2 2 2 1 M i l l s,' s t e a mi n g, pou n te r s a f t s, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—...-.... - - —.. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-. —... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 9 M a u d r e ls, a i ont, a s s o r te d --—.....1 — - - - - - - - -.. - - -..-..... — -1- - -- - - I - -.- - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2 2 2 72 3 a n drl s,,sbo r a x..... —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - -. - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... — - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -..-....-.......-................2231 Mandrls, steel —e satplesadhnes —---- ----------------- ---- ---------— 1 —-H —------ ---- -------- 2233 a d es a - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Mandre-s,-cast 2228 M andrels, S. P se —................ - ---..- -------- --------.......... —.... -------- --------........ -------- ----- -- 2229 M andrels, iron, assorted3.... -— 3- ----.-.. —- -------- -------- ------ -. —. — --------... -- - -------- I........................ assort.. e 2230 M andrels, steel-nut ers' -- -....... —.. —--. -—. -------- --------.-.- 24 —------------ -------- - -—........-......- -------- -------- 2231 M andrels, steel ----—... —....................... — - -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --------.......-....... -...... 12 --- --- --- --- --------............. -. —. —.- 1-3 2232 M andrels, cast-steel.. —-.... —............... —-....- --------.. —---------------------—....... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 2234 M andrels, lathe, steel -3 —----- - -.............- -------- -------- --..- --------.. -------- --------........ -------- -------- -- -— 2e2235 M allets, assortedu i - --- ---... --- --.. —-.- --------... - -........ -------- -------- -—. ——... -------- -------- -------- -------- --- - - —.... ------ 2236 M allets, carpenters9... —.. --------........ -------- -------- --.... -------- -------- 24 a...ets, iron-ri..................g-.... 2237 M allets, lignum vit40... - - -...............- - ------- Mallets, -tonecutters — 3 -................ 2238 M allets, caulking ----- -. ——.. -. - -------- -------- -------- --------...-.. -- -------- --------........ -------- 2239 Mallets, iron-ring..........-....................-....................-................................................................................... —-........... 2240 Mallets, stonecutters3 - -........... -- -- --------........ -------- -Mus k — 39-..... -- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2244 M al s, c r n ters --- -..... --- —..- - -. -................ -------- M us-,- carpenters'- --------................. -.-. -. -------- ----- 2245 Mauls, carpenters' to —--------- 2245 Mauls, carpenters' top i-6-..... -- -------- -------- -------- --------.-.. —-. -------- -------- 2246 Mauls, rarpenters'spike -48...... -- -. -.... —- -—...-. —....... —....... —. ---- -------- --.. 6 -....... ------- -------- -------- 2247 M auls, railroad spike wooden-.. --—. -------- ---........-........ 48..... —.. —..... -------- 2250 u s r n- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Mauls, —bri —ge22 0 au sbrdg - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 2251 Mauls, dirt-.................... 2252 Measures, assorted --- -6 2................................. 2253 M ea sures, ti n, assorted........................................................................................................................................ 2254 Measures, til.n-......-. -—..set.- -.... ----................................ s....... ----... 2259 Moulds, soldering. —----------..........st --.... ---- - -- ----—........................ 2260 ~Moulds, east.................... 2261 M agazines, pow der-.....-. --- --........................................ - - - - - - - -........ - - - -.... - - - - 2262 Marline, tarred.-o- —.........-.....5.....-... pounds.8-.-. —.. - 6 - ------- 5 -—....- ---- 2263 Matches....................................gross..20. 2264 Meter, gas i- -..........-.. -- - s. 4...... ---- ---- ----.... --- - -.............................. 2.265 Metal, Babbitt-..............pounds - 47 2266 Molasses -.................gallons.. 2267 M -oulens, wooden-wreath.- -... —---—. -..- ----....................................... 2268 Machinery, saw-mill-.................... box..........................box...................................................................................... 92260 M achiner, cas olling - -— m l -..-.-. —- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - - -- - ---..pounds. -- -- - -------- --- --- --- ---................................... —-. — -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -- -- - 2269 Machinery, troingr -mill. —----------------— pounds - 22723 N eedles, assorted —....-....-..-....-.....................-........-.......-........-........2.........................-.......-........-........-.......-........-........2 2 6 4 M e dtser l, fig a. --- -.. — - - --.. — - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.....-......-.......-......-...... - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - —..... — -- -. - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - 22674 N eedles, upholse rers'... -- -- -- -------—... -.... —.. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----—.................... -.- -- -- -....... — ---- - -- -..-.. —.- -- -. —- —. —.......-...... — 2275 N e dl s M a hin e s.. -..........aers.-........ -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -.o —... -- - - - - - - - - - -.................. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 2270 Nippers, o —...................... —..................... -. ----- -.... —--—. —-—. —2270 N ozzlers -. —----.. —- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- --- - -- - --—..... p u d.-............ -- - - -- - —. -. -------- -------- -------- --------.......... —-..... —- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- 2271 Nippers, cutting..................-................ 2272 N eedles, assort ed........................................... 0........ - 4............ 3,6-....-... — - 2'273 Needles, tufting-.................. 2274 Needles, upholsterers'-.............. 2275 Needles, harness-.......................................................................................................... 2275 N eedales, sheharness............... —— o-. —------—...papers... —. —-....-.......-.......-...... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- 2276 Nozzls -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- ----—,.- -.......- -..... o -. --------------—...................... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - 2277 Nozzls, be pr,ass ----- ---.......... — ------ —. —.... - --------.....-....-..........-....-.... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------.-.-. —-- 22789 Nozzles, assored.. —--..- - -- - --- ----------—....-. - -kegs.. -------- ----—... —. -------- ---- ------ ---...... --—.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2276 N ozzles g, - - - - --- - ----.... a e s...................Nl.. —.................z 2............. 32.......... 2280 N ailes' l ---------- -........ -. pounds.. -- -------- -------- ------ --------........................................ 2277 N zles, boraseshe...-............ —---- -- do.............. -------- 893 4. 184 5............ 2282 N ails, bra m le..............grss. -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - do.......... -------- -------- ---- ------ --- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- 2283 N ails, square —.... - -—... -..-....... p p r. —...... —-- do... --—.. -------- --------......... —-..... -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- --- --- --- ---. —--... -------- 2279 Nozzls, heaose —------------— d -- ----------- 2 ---------------------- - -1 — -------- -------- -------- 2281 Nuts, assorted-.........................pdounds.50 7,900 1,000 2 —8,184 50,825 3.......-8,000 7866........ —-.. 2282 Nuts, bnrass-.........-...................kegdo- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—........ 2-287 N uts, square-do —- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - 2-28 Nuts, hexag..-........d.......................do......................................................................................-.-.-.-.. 2287 al, Nuts,,a so t d - -- - -- - -- - - a ekeeper,. and................. 0..... rods. 3 4 - -- - - - -- --- - ----- - ----- - 2289 is u tn - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Nails,-ass rted-kegs 22930 N ails, finch...........................pounds.................................................................................................................. 2291 N ails, r sesh e............ -.......................................................................................................................... 2292 Nails, tuftiug. - - - - -- - - - - -- - -s - - - - --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - ---- - - --- - - -- -- - -- ----- - - - 2293 a lln n - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Nails,- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - — clinch-pounds — - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - ---- - - 2297 Nails, assorted -------------— pounds —........7, 900 1, 000 20, 000 30, 000 ---— 8, 000 286 —------------------- 2299 Nails, finishin-ke —-----------— grss..... — - - - - - -20. —----- ------------- -------- ---- -------- -------- 2301 Nails, finihin-p —-------------— ounds. —--- -- — I....................................................... 2302 Nails, round-head brass-...........gross ------—.......................I..................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and comsans oauthoriedt bo scam terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a *-~,A ~,0 a * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ Articles... d. C 230~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E4,I,~;~~64l IM Z1:- 11. CD ^!.1 j *'- I. Nails, cu.po......................................................... 9305 ~ ~~~~~~~~-a- ail~s, tin................paner.... 02303 N ails, cutper. —-... —--.......... —---- -...-... do......-... -............................................-....-.... -....-....-....-....-....~2306'Nails~, lining b d -..... r..........g, e........a........a..........gross................ - - -- - 2 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n07 aails li ig sive..............d....~ 2303 Nailes, cut-p................ouns-. 2304 Nails, copper do............................................................................ 2310 Netting, wire................................feet..........:51.............. 100................:~Z: ZZZ~'531i'. —.................. 23105 Nails, tin. -------------- - - papers — - --- - --- - --- - - - 2306 Nailers, lining, blued.......................... gross — 1 1 -......-............. - 2:307 Nails, lining, silver -- ----------— do. — --- ---- ------ 23108 Numbers, ikeyn ------ - -..lots.............-...................... 2309 Numbers -----------------— sets ------------------------------------------ 2310 Nettiue, wirei - --........................-feet- --....... 51- —.00-5. 31 —. —... -------- -------- 531 2311 Oilers —-— 123 Oilers, engine, assorted............................. --- 16 2 13 14 1 12 68... 2315 Oilers, spring-botto.................................................... 6 - ------- -....... 2... - - —.-.. 2314 Oilers, masprching-tope-........ - 3............................. ---- -- --.... 2 - --- - --- - - -- 2315 Oilers, sriango................................................................................................................ 3231 O il r, tins e, ---------------------------------------—'.'.'. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- --------............. 2316 Oilers, ma chines —......................................................... 2320 O ilneal's —--------------------------------—.do.. ----.. -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- -------- ------—.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- 2321 O il, lu rcas t ing...... ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- -— bottle —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.................... -------- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- 2329 Oilr, lin ench, ra y —-------------— wo.................ons...................................................................................................... ----—. 233 Oil e, l........................... do.................................................................... 2319 Oil, lard - - - - - - - -3.................................... 84 -- 23-2 Oilgae, cl.......o.................................... 232 Ol, at ig-do........................................................................................................ 2323 Oil, lins eed, boiled-dottles..................................................................... 234Oil, linseed -....,.............do-8...... 2325 Oild........................................o.. 2326 Oil, bead-light - -......................do-.... 2328 Oil, castor-................bottles.........~~~ ~ 2329 Ochre, French, yellow -..........pounds......... I........ 2331 Ornaments, brass............................. 233-2 Planes, rounding........................................ 2333 Planes, double-smooth............................ —....... 2334 Planes, fore........................................................ 3.............. 2.............................. 2335 Planes, jack...................................................................... 3-...-..'.'..'..'.2...'' — — ~ —- -.-~ - 2336 Planes jointer3...................................................... —......-..... 3 2337 Planes, joint............................ —....... —....... —...... —....... —...'.'.'.' —-.'.' —.'.' —-.'.'.'.' —'.. —. —.'.' —-.'.'.'.' —'.''.'.-'-'.' —'.'.'.'.'.'.'. —"- --'.-11-11-'.-.'.'.'.'.' 2337 Planes, joinrabbet, assorted-.. — - - -........................t.......................... 2338 Planes, jabbetk, rabbssorted-...................................................................................... 2 ---- 2339 Planes, jack, rabbet-.............................. 2 3 4 P l a n e s, b e a, a s r e -e.................... - -23 4 0 P l a n e s, b e a d, a s s o r t e d -........3.......'......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'''...-.. 2341 Planes, bench -sets................................st..................... 2342 Planes, long-jointer-............................... 2343 Planes, moulding-.................................. 2344 Planes, smooth-2.............................-.................-........ -. —..- ---—.. --------...... — ------..............'.' 2.''.''."". ---- 2345 Planes, sashm....................................... 2346 Planes, m atch - -. -- -- - ---. —-- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....................................... 2347 Planes, match........ —-. —-pairs- 3p........ a..............par............................3'........ —--- 2348 Planes, screw -arm m atch...... —..................... — - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -......- - 2349 Planes, panel-plough -- ---...... - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - -............................. 2350 Planes and bits, plough- -............................................................... 2352 Planes, floor-.................sets-. 2353 Planes, assorted-.................. 2:354 Planes, double-iron-................ 2355 Planes, grooving-..............pairs-. 2356 Planes and set bits-................. 2357 Planes, joiners' short-................ 2358 Planes, panel plough and bits-...:........ 2351 Planes and bits, plough. -- - --- --- ----........................ 3 — --- --- --- -.. —.......-s 2352 Planes, floor —... -- ----—.... —-... -—. —. -- —. -sets. --... -------- --------.......................... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- —.- - -- -- - -- -- - 2353 Planes, assorted........... —--. —- - ----- -—. —- —.. -------- -------- --------................. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- -- -- - ------- -------- -- - - -- - - - 2354 Planes, double-iron. - -..... - -.................................'............. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- ------- -- -- - -- -- - ---- 2355 Planes, grooving- --..- -- --—... --—.........pairs. --... -------- -------- -------- --------............. -------- --------- ---- ------ --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 2356 Planes and set bits. —... - - - -- - -- ----—.-..-... -.. -.. --------.....-....-....-....-....-....-....-.... -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -------- -- -- - 2357 Planes, joiners' short.- - - --—.. -..-. —.- - -- - --- —.... -------- --------.................... _ - _ ---- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- --- --- --- --- -- - - -... --- --- --- --- —.-.'-' —2358 Planes, panel plough and bits ----- -- -.........-..-.........................................................'.... ~- ~ ~ ~. — - -.."_'_/ _....................... —-—...-.. 2359 Planes.......-.. —-- ----- ----- - - - - - -- - -st.. — - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - —. — - - - - - - ---—..... ------- -.......................... —----- --- --- --- --- --------........... —. 2360 Planers -2.. ----- --- ----- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- - -- - --- --- ------- ------ -..-.- - 2361 Planers................................-....-sets.-............ - --- - ---.. - - ------ - --- - - -.. -- 12362 Planers, rabbet... —- -- - -- - -- - -- - -----—............. --------. —. —-.. -- - - -- - —...- - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - --—.-..- -------- -------- --------....-...............-. —-........... 2:362 anlaners, omae, co...-te. —------------------— Planers, —----—. —----—' —------ ------—. —----— 1 —------ ------—. —— rabbet —.'.'..-'-'-......'.'.'..-.-.-.-'-'-'-'-'.'.'..' — 2364 Planers, compound adjustment head- -....... ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - 2365 Planers and m atcher w ith counter shafts - - -- -------- -------- --------........ -------- --------........ --------........ l 2366 Planers, iron, to plane 16 ft., 4 ft. square, com plete...................-..........-.........................-................................................. 2367 Planers, iron.. —........ —- ------—..............'. -......................... 2368 Planers, 48-inch. —--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --............... —......-.-.....................................................'.'....." ~~ ~ - ~- -~..~- -- - - - -.. —.............. 2369 Planers, iron, 36 x 36 inches, 28-feet bed, 18-feet platform, (Seller's patent) -------- --......... - --... —- -. —..........-............ 2370 Planers, 5-feet...-.......... —... —-................-....................................- - 2:371 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, N o. 124, (Seller's patent)........................................... 2372 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, N o. 125, (Seller's patent) -........................................ 2373 Planers, (Seller's patent).- - - - - - - - -—.. -......- -.. -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—. ------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ----- -—''.. ------—''.' 2374 Planers, compound, (Bement & Dougherty)............... -........-........-........ 2375 Planers, com pound --- - - - - - -- - - - - ---—....... -..... -------- -------- -------- --------........-'....'.'.'..........' I ------- --- --- -------- --------............. 2376 Planers, compound, chuck, No. 14, double, (Bement & D ougherty)................................................................................ 2377 Planers, 36 x 36 inches -.. - --—....... -...........................-.............. 2379 Planers, cast-iron link... —-block -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- 2380 Pulleys, assorted.-.- --...................... -- -...- 25................ 47 2381 Pulleys, com plete, assorted............. -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- ---...............iD 2382 Pulleys, uprighte,................................. assorted-........ ------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- ---------------- 03 2383 Pulleys for m ain shafts, com m on-..................................................................................................................................... c-) Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4Zc.-Gontiued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same Octobe~r 14,~ 1865~ ~terms as authorized by ExecuOU~~ctober 14, 1865.tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. aI':''l. o'o I 0l I'~0 ~~~~.~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c g 0 ~ -0 2384 Pulleys, two-ton.- -.....-...-....-.........-..............,.... 385 Pulleysforpaint.............. -go m....................'... Articles..1. 0,o 8;.o CZ 0 — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,g 384 Pulleys, two-ton.-~~~~~~allZ 2 2386 Pulleys and shafts-'.......-..........-.'.... " " " " " " " " " " " ~2387 Pulleys and chain, 2-ton..-....-..................................'''' ---- - 2388 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 10 inches face.................. -............''.' -'~ ~~-~~~-~ -~.-......... 2389 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 4 inhes face 2390 Pulleys, cast iron, assorted -...............pounds-200... —. —-....... -........' — il'200-]'-' -ia -~~-~ --- -.. 2391 Pulleys, drawer, No. 10. —-..................... —~-~-.-.-.-.-.............-..-.................. 0 2392 Pulleys and hangers-.................................-.. ~ —-- -- -- ---- -- --. —~ -.2393 Pulleys-.pounds-' 2394 Pulleys, turned for., 10 by 12, with set screws...... — 2395 Pulleys, cast-iron-...........................................................''] ---- ----—.. -.-.....P 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0C:396 Ploughs and grooves-.............sets-. - 2397 Ploughsad ooe......ges —-—.-.. -- -.-~ —.. -.-............................................. 2398 Pincers, carpenters'........................ pairs....................................................... 2399 Pincers, blacksmiths'-.............do.. 2 3 9 9 P u ll e y s,f o b l ac s in t h s'l. —. - - - - - - - - - --—.-....... d o - -.. - -.......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—.. -......-'.'..'.'.'.-.'-......-.-' -......- - —.'..'.. /.- - - — \...- - —....-.-'- - - - - - - - - 2400 Pincers, upholsterers'-............................. 2401 Pincers, shoeing-............................do.................................................... 2402 Pincers, assorted -d —— o1...........................................................'.. " 2'.........'.............. -------- 2403 Pincers, boiler-makers'....................... do-3............. 2404 Pencils, carpenters'.-....-.......................................................................... 2405 Pencils, coloring-............. 2406 Peneils, C. It 2407 Pencils, artists' red sable.................. 2396 P e lo g s, stripigrooves........................sets.....'..'.'....'....'.'..'.....'.'.'.'.'.................... —.. —.-...........-... -........................................... 2399 Pincers, blacksmiths. —---------------------—.do. ——. —------------—. —------ ------------............................~........-........-................................ 2408 Pencils, s t ring................................... 2 4 0 0 P i n c her s,.u h- s tr-s... - - - - —.- —.- —............... d o... - - - -.. - - - - - - - -'... " "" — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - —...-.....-.....- -....- -.... 2409 Penceils, emarking -....................................................................... ------—. —--. ~410 Pencils, lettering.................. 2411 Punches-3 2412 Punches, belt-1.................... 2413 Punches, screws and dies.............................. 1................... 2414 Punches, screw -......................................................................................................... "2408 Pencils,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~]iiii~ i striping! ----------------------- ------------- ------ ---------- ----- -------- -------- ~ ----- --------------------- ---- 2415 Punches, hollow............................................ 2416 Punches, hydraulic.. —-- -------—.......-................ 2417 Punches, centre...-................... —--- ---------................ 2418 Punches, steel... —...................... 43............ 2419 Punches, lever....... -... -................ 2420 Punches, coppersmiths'....... —....................... 2421 Punches, harness........................... 2422 Punches, spring - --..... —........... — ------—............. 2423 Punches, conductors'. —......................... 2424 Punches, track.................- ---------------..... 2425 Punches, blacksmiths'............................. 2426 Punnches, tinners —---— ers'. ---—... —-—............................. 2427 Punches, tank hoop. — -----------..... —..... ---—.............. 2428 Punches, clamp....-.. —--—. —--------------- --------............................. 2429 Punches, boiler-makers'....-.. ——.. —-------------...................... 2430 Punches, iron track................. -------— sets.. 2431 Punches, short --............... —----------.............. --... 2432 Punches, hound —-- —.............................. 2433 Presses, drill ic, with shafts and pulleys.......... 1.......................... —---- -- 2434 Presses, uprigh t drill-................................ 2435 Presses, upright drill, &c.-.-... 2436 Presses, hydraulic, with shafts and pulleys.-.-. 2437 Presses, wheel-12438 Presses, hand wheel --... —... —-—...................... 2439 Presses, upright drill, and counter shafts —............ 2440 Presses, medium "Franklin —-- —.......-................ 2441 Presses, u-medium "Franklin.-........ 2453 Pots, tin soldering 44. —--- -.......-44................ -------- Presses, drill,.. and..hits.......2445 Puyes, upholsteres Woodland... —------—. —do —-- — do2 455 P o ts, p aste —- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4fc.-Continued. Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. -,~~~~ c~p~, Articles. I Id. 1 a - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CZ 1 -1 ^1 ll ^ ^1 ll ll ^ l. — p - 56.8I,. 11 111 l - i! 1 l ll.:) CZ 12 2467 Pumps, force, McGowa~n's.-. —............. 1 4 3 9 1..-. 6 4-....................- 2 4 6 8 P m s o t i g o.............. -... -................................. P u m p s,. M c.o.a n...it h. e n g i n e. c o m p l e t e 2469 Pumps, force~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Z CdP ~. P 0c 2475~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cC Pnpdoky 2476 Pumps, cistern-2-~~~~~~~~~~~~Fq F~ c r F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2477 Pumps, pori, Mcpper... —-—. —-.... —------—. ——... 3 9. —---- ---- 6 —-...H..........................-........ 2 4 67 P uP u ss en g in e. —---- - ------ ---- -- ------ --- - -- --- --- -. — --- - -- -. —--- --- --- --- --- - - --- - -- - ---- - -- -- --- - --.- - --- ------ --- -- -.. — --- -- - -- --- - -- - - --- ---.- - --- ---.- - --- - --.- -- --..2476 Pumps, ecineand oith..i- n complete —. —-. —--—.... —-.-. —--....-. ------- -..-.-.. —-.-.-..-. ——. -- -- ----- - --------. —-. —2480 m s o c - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - Pum ps, —-incomplete-12476 Pumps, s Wo rthing ton. —-.. —-—..... -.........-....... -------- -------. —-—.. -------- -------- -------- 2478 Pum ps, teani d. —------ ------ -................. g e e.........-. —---—. -........ -------- -------- -------- - 2478 Pum ps, fo ir e, wit g oea ring -...-..........- -------- --. —-. -- -- -------- -------- - and —-- shafting 2473 Pum ps, eninco pe te. — - -- - -- ----—.. ——....-.. -........... -- - - - - —.-. -. -- - - -- - -- -- - —..- - - - -- - - - ---—...- -------- --- —... -------- -------- --------..................... 2481 Pum ps, done ym -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -------- --------------—... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.............. 2484 Pumps, and cist esn Mc.owan. ——. —-- ------- —..- -------- -------- --------. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—.... -------- -------- 2477 Pum ps, prorc,w th gaing ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------- --------.-. —..- - -------- -------- -------- ----- —. --------.... -------- -------- -------- -- - - - --—.... -------- 24784 Pum ps an fi xtr es, ---- -- owan............................ -------- -- - - -- - - --- - —.- -- - - - -------............. -—... —. —- -. --------.-. —...- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2485 Picks, earth, and handles.-.-.... ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --—.... 2486 Picks-8 --- 9..-. —---------------------------- 9........ -------- --------......... 2487 Picks, tam ping —...... W73..........-.................. ---- -...... -..... 84................ —-- -732482 Pumps, te ta ndro ad...-................................ —....... —.......-........-.... --- -------- -------- --------. —.. —.. -------- -- - -- - -- - ---—..-....... - -- --—.. -------- 2483 Puck s, storce,................... with................ shafti.. ------ ----- -- - - - - - - -- - - -. — - -- - ---... -------- -- -- -.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ------ --- 2484 Puin s, woodefx u e,M wn -------------------—.... barrels.. -------- -- - - -- - —..- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -----—......................... -- - -- - --—.. -------- -------- ------—......... 2489 Picks, stouplne-handles. -—. ---—.......... ---— d -- ne —-—.- --- 2487 Picks, coupi-np g................... -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- 84... -------- -------- -------- 22 3. —----- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2490 Pins, wooden -. -- ------ barrels. —.-.....-. 2492 Pins, coupling --------------------- ---- ------------- ---- -------- ---- ------------- _ _ —-222.2494 Pins, switch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 2495 Pipes, blast - --------------------------------------- -------- 2496 Pipe, blast --------------------------------— feet- -....... -- 2497 Pipes, copper, w ith couplings. —..........-............... -------- -------- -------- -------- 2498 Pipe, copper. —--------------------—...... pounds-............ —- -------- -------- -------- ---- -- ------- -------- --------.. —----........ -------- 2499 Pipe, round ------- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -—... -............ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- ---' —----— ~~ — ----- - ---- ----—.- -—... — -—... -. --------. ——.... 2500 Pipe, sheet iron.. — - - - - p d - - - - - - - - - - - ---- — pounds..... —................... 2501 Pipe, w rought..-.-...................... —— feet........ -------- -------- -------- --------..'..'.'.' -------- -- -- ---- -- - -------- -------- -------- -- --—.. -------- -------- 2502 Pipe, iron, galvanized -------- -.........do.... -------- --------. - - --------.......I -'.'. —'.'.'-'- -- - ~ 2503 P ipe, galvanized...........................- pieces —. -- -—.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 2504 Pipes, copper hose......................-...... -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -'.'....II "....... 2505 P ipes, rubber hose -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - ---—............. --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - -------- -------- -------- ------- ------—......'"" ---- --- 2506 Pipe, iron -.................... po.... pounds.... —...- -................-................-.......-....1.-........-........-. — - 2507 Plugs, assorted................... -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - ------- -- -- - --- --- ------- --- --- ------—. ------—........'. -------- - - - - 2508 Plugs, gas pipe --- -......................-... —-........ -------- -------- 33.............. --------....... - ---..... 2509 Plugs, for repairing, dies............................... 2511 Plugs, assorted.......................-.pounds.......... ---.................... 2512 Plugs, andsfethe rs --- - - - - - - - - - - - - o n s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - 2512 Plugs and feathers.......... - - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - - ---—.... —--—....-..... —.... —.....-.....-..... —..'-..' -.''..''.''. -..'..''..' ------—''.' --------------— 1.-" ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—''.' 2513 Plates, w rought scrap fish bar -... -- -- pounds-. --- -- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - - - - 2514 Plates, engine w indow - -... —-----—.-. ——....................................................... 2515 Plates, blacksm iths' —-- --- --—.... —-. -. —..................... - -............- -—. —............- —..-...... — --.. -.. —-.......-........... 2516 Plates, ch ad....-...-....... —...................-pounds.................-................ —..'.' —. ------ -— I.'.-.' —--.'.'-. —-'.'.'.' -...-. ----------- 1,956 2517 Plates, head -......... --- -.....-..pounds- - ------—....... 956 ce-do —------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 2518 Plates, face -------------------------------— ddo -----------—. —----—. —------------------------------ ---------. —------. —--------------. —------. —------. —------. —------ 2519 Plates, face..-. —------------------------------------ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---......... " 2 -- - - -- - - -- ---—....... --- --- --- --- ------- -- -- - ------—................ 2520 Plates, -as-fitters' screw —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 2521 Plates, screw cutter................ -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- -- -- -- ~~~~- - -------- --—.. —- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -—...... 2521 Plates, screw cutter —- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 2523 Plates, screws and dies. —. —.... —. —......... —........................................ —-- 2524 Plates, angle. —----—............................ ---— ~ ------—........- ------—..............................- 2526 Plates, turntable. —- - - - - - - -t- - - - - -—........sets-1...' " —~~- - - ----- -...- -.-...... ------ -------- -------- -------- 2527 Plates androllstdo -......................................................................... —......................... 2 5289 Platesasol rte d.............................po n s. do....'..'..'.'.'. ------—..'...'....'" " ~~ ~ - -------- -------- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - --- -----. —... —- -------- -------- -------- 2529 Plates, assorted-.-...........................do- -' --- —... —...............-.. -..~ —---—. —----—. —- -. ——...... — 2530 Plates, die.. — 1-....'. pape-s -- --------.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ---------------- ---------------- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2531 Points, glaziers' -p......-......... - papers -- ---------------- --------...1.1.......... -------- --------...Ill " - - - - -------- - 2532 Points, glaziers't... —----- --- --..........pounds-..........................-......-...I ------------------ -------- --------.-..... 2533 Points, frog, steel-.........-.....-...........do..-........III..-.-I.I..I Ill'1.1 1 " —-- 2535 P atterns, mioulders' —. —-—....-....................... 2536 Patterns, w heelw rights'. — - --------- -—..... -—..... -------- -------- -------- 11.1.1 11 1 -------- -------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- --- --- -------- 2537 Patterns, sheet iron —- - - - - - - - - - -— s ts- - - - - - - -_ee- - - -- — ls- - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 2538 Patterns, assorted.................... 2538 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -- - Patterns, ------—................. -------- --------.....'III.11 11 " III " " — -— ~ —- ~ --— ~ —-- -------- -------- -----—. -----—... —.. —- --------!2539 Patterns, tin.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - se s............-...-.-....... —..................s t.........-................-......II........................." I I 1' I l l I I " -- - - --- - - - - - - 2540 Patterns, sheet iron. —--- -....... - pounds....................... 2541 Patternsl....................................lots... ---. —---..... -—...... -—... ——..... ----—.......2542 Pikes....................... -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ---- ---- -- _ -------- -------- --------------------------------------— 11111 -— 1111111 —1111111 —1111 " —-— I'" —--- 2543 Piping, assortedf.............................feet............................................ 2544 putty... —---------- ----------- ---------— pounds.............................1..1 1..1..1.1........................'300 ------- -------- --- -- -- -- -- ------— " " 2545 Pilots, locom otive........................... 2546 Pilots, locom otive, w ood........................... — ~~.-~....-......................... -.-. -.. -..............-.... 2547 Paulinse —12 —.-...................... --------...1.1..111 1111 1111111 12' 11111.1.11.111 ------------------— 1." -------- 2548 Potash, prussiate......................... pounds-................................. 100 —--............................-...... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, c.Continued Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same OctbPipe, 14a1865 terms as anthorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. live Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 553 Pipe, gum hose fire................................. 55 Pipe, clead......... I.I.I... 2. 58 Pipe, inside, and netting for engine, No. 3 0 n.'C. 549 Pipe, outside, fo r engine, No. 30 ta.sh-.p.u.d.-.-. 2560 Pipside, in-for smoke st ack....................... 255 Pipe, copper............... feet.................... 2556 Pipe, tin......................................... 263 Pipe, iron...bundles.. 254 Pipe, gfon.a.f.eet.4.0. 5,495..32 555 Pipe, escaped...p.o..u.-..-.... 266 Paper, drawing.5..2quires.. 2557 Pipe, nozzlerand hose-. 56 Pipe, tr acin g..............................rolls.. 568 Paper, rwasten-..............................pounds... 569 Paper, antiquarian.......................sheets.. 2579 Poaint, blackash-. —---------------------- pounds.. -- -------- -------- -------- --------....-............- -.'. —--- - - - - -- - - - - 2580 Paint, chrome yellow......-............pounds................... 2581 Paint, pink Dutch-..d.o-..-.....do..-.-.....do. -- ---- --- - ----''.'.. ---- ---- ---- ---- "- ---- --- 2582 Paint, mineral -..............................do.. 2583 Paint, assorted-. do —---- 375......................................................... 2584 Paint, mineral..................barrels..... % 2585 Paint, mixed.............................pounds...' 2588 Polish, stove...-p...................................... t 2587 Powder, blasting.......................pounds.................. p 2588 Pow der........... —............... kegs.. - --- 2589 Powder, blue............ —.................pounds.......................... j 2590 Plungers, brass pump-....................................... o 2591 Pans, oil......................... 2592 Packing, hemp.....pounds.....156........380......................., 2593 Packing, gum.......do...-. 47 27 63 152 152 80 500. C 2594 Packing, steam.............. —---— do -.............. Qt 2595 Pendants, gas-pipe................................. 2596 Poles, pipe......................................... 2597 Pedestals..-.pou...nd..........pounds..........p.. 2598 Pedestals.-.................................................................... 2599 Powers, horse........ —............................. 2 2601 Pa Platforms, s railroad car........................................ 2601 Pari s, plasteriron........................................................................................pounds........................ 2609 Pockets, iron...-.....-.... 2603 Pits, transfer and masonry........................ 2604 Pink, rose -—. pounds......................................................................................... 2605 Pinions, feed....................................... 2606 Patterns, for brass castings........................ 2618 Rules, fboard iona —-— ngs —------------ -........................................ 1_ 2619 Rules, Cssord...-............................-. —.. —....... ----- 2621 Rods, sw itchl -----.................pounds2627 R ods, levelling............................. 2628 Rods, tank et...................sets................................... 8 2629 Rods, copperam ---...................,..pounds. -. -.... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c-Continued. t Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms a authorized by ExeOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles. 1' 11 0 I I' I ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ~, ~I~4t~.4. ~ ~ d~ I'a~~- 1;15'aS 5^ *1 g *a- C,'a- -: o ^~~~~~~~~~~.;l 111 a-!'!.^ II In il5 a^I. 1I Cc ie C.t.Mn a- il I 5'= C'g t'Z an a. o,-';. Ce C)0tn 5' ~ 5 n 7'aaa Cdis ~~~~~~ _5___ - i w1 a~ 2631 Rod, piston, wrought iron -- -..............................-.... —-.... —...... -. —---...... ------........ 2632 Rods, nuts, and bolts — -- -- pounds..........................-. - -..-................................... -- ---- ---- -- - 2633 Rods, iron, for cars —... - -. —--- --- do.................................................................................................................. 2634 Rods, brake-.......... -- —..-..................... —......................... — 22....-. —-.......2635 Rods, brake, and wheel —--- -- -.......... —........................... - --- - --- - ---. - - - ---.... - -- --- 2636 Rods, pistonu —-----------------............................................... ---- ----........ — ---- --- 2637 R ods, tank............................- —. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -................................................................... 2638 Rods and levers, tank.......................sets-..-.... ---- ----.... ---- -----— 0 2639 Rods and bolts, wrought..................-pounds.. —.......... It............ —...... 2640 Rods, bridge..............-................do.. ---- - --- - - - - - —. - --- - --- - --- - -.. 2641 Rollers - -...................................pairs... ---—. —--— 1 - 2642 Rollers, door —-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i —--- ---------- ---- --------------- 26422 R lleolle or. -...door... —--------------------------------—.........-......-......-......-......-......-...... - —..... — -- - -- - -- - -- - —....... — -- - -- - -- - -- -.-. —-. —....... — 2643 Rollers, boiler-makers —'. —----- - sets -- ---—........... - -.............sets...-. ---- - --- - --- - - -.. --- 2644 Rollers, timber —-- -......... -1.. -—... —..................... 12................ 4.............. -- - -- 2645 Rollers, large..- -- ---..... sets - -- --.. --—..... - - -.............................sets... ---- ---- - - - --—. 2646 Rollers, small, stove-pipe........-...................... -........... ---- ----.... - - --- ---- ---—. 2647 Rollers, iron.-.............................. -........ -... - ---................ - --- --. 2648 Ratchets -......................................... 2649 Ratchets and dogs.. —.......... —-...... pounds... - 2650 Ratchets and stands-... —.... ——....-.-.......-.-........... - —......... 2651!Reaniers —-— 4iiii! i!!! iii! i~iiiii~i 26 1 R etorers.....................................................................'............ 4. -.................. 2652 Reamers and burrs, steel —-...... —---........ —-.................... --- ---- ----... 25 -. -----. —. 2653 Reamers and drills - -........................pounds... —. —-.. —----—... --------....... ------- - - - - ---------- 2654 Reamers, C. S - -...............................do- -. - ---- - - --- - --- - --- - --- - ---........... 2655 Reamers and drills. —. -------- --. — ---- ---- ---- ---- --........................ 2656 R eam ers, glob e................-. —........- -- -—.... —-.. —....-. -..-....-........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- 2657 Rleamers, tap-.............................. —----—.............. — ---- 2658 Rivets, assorted-.0 1........60................]1,0 6 00.................... -1- - - --—... -------- ----—' ------- --------: —---- 2659 Rivets, assorted - -..........................pounds..........-. —............. —.... 4,337 2, 885............... 2660 Rivets, boiler - -................................do —.. —-.........-.......... —..... 462 - ------- -........ 2661 Rivets, tinned-3 0............................................................... 18,000...................................... 2662 Rivets, black an4 tinned....... pounds................ -- - - - - 2663 Rivets, seat-back.........................pounds.. 2664 Rivets, tank................................-do.... 2665 Rivets, smokestack -......................do...... 2666 Rivets, copper...-...........................do...... 2667 Rivets, brass -.................. —-------------..........do.......................... 2668 Rivets, tinned......... —...-p. 1........................ 69 Rivets, iron.............................. pounds-.. -------- 2670 Rivets, carseat, and burls, brass................. - -— 1 - 2671 Rivets, iron................................. 2671 Rivets, iron - —................................. 2671 Rivets......................... sets. -.... 2674 Rivets, tinned..pounds.................... 267 Rivets, brass seat-back --. - ---—............................ 2676 Rope, assorted........................pounds8310 8.. 6781, 136 2677 Rope, MIanillaL -.-........... — do-47- -.. 76....................... 2678 Rope, 1-inch ---..................................feet... 2679 Rope, 1-o —inch -oils............................... 2680 Rope do........................................... 268 Rope.......................................... —--------- 2682 Rope, bel-................................pounds......................... 2683 Rope, old...................................do.......... 2684 Ropes, snall.......................................... 2685 Ropes, guy........................................ 2686 Ropes, fail........... 2687 Ropes, switch - --- - ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 2688 Ropes, wire................................coils-.. 2689 Rounds and hollows - 2690 Rounds and hb llowsc —--------------- t —---— o' --- — "1 "" ---— ~- --------— t —------- - -- - - - 2691 Rounds and bollosv- --------—..-...... —-pairs -.. ------... -.. -- -------------------- 2692 Rounds, ebair- -. ------ ----...................-........................................ 2693 Rounds, timber, bciggy. —------------------— _ —-- --—.. 77 -------- ----- 2694 Riddles, ------------............................... ---------------- - -----—.. ----—.H —-----..... —........ 2696 Reels, Jhalk-lines- - - - - - - ---------—..... do "' -------- -- -........................ 2703 Rings, brass, packing. ---------------------- pounds-''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.77 677 -------- -------- 2'. ------— 1 —------- ----- -------- -------- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division -f the Tennessee, cc.-Continued. - Sold at public a pacuction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October~n~n A 14f, 1terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1863. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14,'1865... - - I............................... Articles. M,t 0 0 27145 Ringsharness~........................................................... 27150~~~~~ RedAmericanlndia.....................,ue.............. -0.-.......,'......................................-.-..-... -......-...-............................................................. 80.,.i..e.oI. C... k, f.I.................................................................................................... 2 2 R a s w o...................... -.............. -.!... ~- -...,........ 2716 Red, India. in oil- -------------------------— pounds- ------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- 2718 Red India -s.......o..-..........o —-- -------- --------. - 78 -------- -------- ---- ---- a 2719 SawsVeetand....................................... d-:' - - I3.......:::::........................ 2726 Rasps, asseomasasotrted-. —-----..................... —....... ---...........-... ----- - -. --....................... 27287 R asps, - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -hor- - — se.- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - 2745 Saw s, back.................................................... 6 6........................ 12........................................ 2748 Sari'~~~~~~~~~~~~ web. 2749 Sawis, cioss'-cut,assorted.''.-'.'..-. —......1I —---—.-. 10............. 6............ —...... 2740 Saws, crioss-cut, 5-foot............................... -.-...-.. -..- -..................................I.............................. -:.:::..... 2)747 Saw s,b k -----— ct ha d.. —-........... - -...... -...-. —.................................................................................... 2748 Saw s, wec - -- -- -- ---- -----------------------—.-......... —------—.-......... —.....-......................... -------- --------...................... I ——. ---- ------ --- 2749 Saws, crosscut, 4asorte.d........ —-------.. —- --------. —-- 6........ -------- -------- -------- -------- 2750 Saw s, ciro scular an arbo r ------ -..-. —.. —---.- - - - -------- -—.... — -- - --—. -------- -------- -- - - - - - ---—.. —. — -- -------- -------- -------- ------—...................... 27641 Saws,' keyhole..........-..-.-... ——.. —-----—.-.- -—..-.-........-.-...-..-.-..-...-........-........-...............-........-............................................. 27 62 Saw s, c ross-cut., hand - --... -. -. -.-.-~-.-. — - -------........ I........................ 27 7........................................................................ 2772 Saws, coss-cut, tenon -—...... -................. ------ 2754 Saw s brig ht ----...... —.... —-- —. -... —..........-.-.................................................. -------- -------- - 2775 Saw s scroll... -- - - - - - -. — - ----- - - - -......................... 2756 Saws, circlar, 48-incb......... —------ -—.... 3 —- -------- ----..................-.. 2757 Saws, circular aud arbor. ----------------- -... ----- ---. —-.- -------- ~ —-- 9 ---—..- ---—......... —-......................... — 2758 Saws, bluesiback.. —-------------------------------. —---------------------------------------------—. —...... —..... —...... —..... back.... -------- 2759 Sawssb hee dbackht' —-----------------------------—. ------—.' —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —----—.. ------—. —----—. —----—. ------—. ------—' ---—... 2760 S aw s, m ill.chines.................-...-.-. —---........ --------........ -------- 2763 Saws, mda ey -------—........ —-------- --... ---—. -- --------........ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2764 Saw s, k eyh letc —--------------------------------------..................................................................................................... 2764 Stands, key ood sw tc. --....... —- -- ---- --------—.. -.................................................................................................................. 2766 Saws fs, woodd —--.'.'-'.'.'-'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'-'.'.' -. -------- -----------------------..-...... -------- --------....'..'.'. - 2 7 6 7 S a n d s, f r a m o t v w o m p - -............ p o u nd-.- -..... - - - - - - - -........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ I........ e...........f......... 2771 Saw s, cut p-o f 32-inch. — -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - 2772 a s u -f,3 -n h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Saw s, — -shingle, — — 36-inch — --- 2776 Saws, cut-off. —----------------.... 2777 Squares, steel.3.-H —-------------- 27 78 Squares, try, assorted.9.12. — - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - 2 - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 72780 Squares, centre. — - -- - - - - - - - - - --......................................................... 278 S ua e,1 Squar- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- — cs...........................fram isg.............................. 2782 Squares, bevel. — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -........ 2783 Squares, lumber. —--------------- 2784 Squares. — - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -...... 2785 Squa res, head.lg t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - - 21787 Stands, sw itch. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....I................ 2788 Stands, Sag. — - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - 2789 a d, m n e w t h - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - -.................... Stands...for.machines.. 279 1 Stands, target swvitch.......... 2792 Stands, w ood - - - -- - - - - - -...........................sw itcb....................................... 2794 Stam ps, U. S. M-.R....................- - - 1- - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - —.1- - -- -- - -- - — 1.- - - - - - --- - - -- - - - 2795 Stands, brass el m..........p u d........................lam p................................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Lfc.-Continued. ^ t,Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Cs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n I.0~~~~~ ~Articles. ~ 1 I C s I E I 9 n,, C, 2799 Stands, California, single-~~~~~~~~C~ a$, ~ _Z I ^ ^t ^ ^1 5^1 ^ ^ 1^ ^^ -^ ^ ^^ ^2 1. ct' 2800 Stands, lead-~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~0 0ct C I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I l~ I1'1 I- ~, I 1,-^1 il ~ ^ Z:Q 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;~~ei~~0,. -.~" 2802 Standschaincast -pound' s - -^c 0 2797 Stands, sand box -... —-..................pounds -........... ---- ---- ----.... -------— 0 —------- 2798 Stands, California, double.................. -- - ---............................. S. —........ — - -.- 2799 S tands, C alifornia, single.......................... —. —-.-.......-....-..........-..........-.... -------- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2806 Stands, e........gi........-d........-........-..................as- - - - - 2802 Stands, chain, cast -................... —.-pounds-3 - t —-. -... -... - --- - - -....... -........- 3........ 0 2803 Stands, gauge lampnd. -- -—.. —- --------.....fixur — ss........ -1........ -.........-.. -...... -- 2804 Stands, flag...............................pounds.. 4.fet.iamte.......cs iron.. frame-. -.....- - - --- - - 2805 S tam ps, U.S... —....... —--- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -—... ——........-..... - --—.-.. --- --- --- --- -------- ------—...................... -—... — -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -—. It... 2806 Stones, grind, assorted -1-............................. 1-... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -... 9 ---- ---...... 2807 Stones, grind, assorted....................poundst —----- 3,000........ 3,012 -- -1-.. —.... — --—. ------ -- 2808 Stones, grind, and fixtures................... sets........- ---- 28109 Stones, grind, a4 feet diameter, cast iron frame-on.-. --......... --— II --—......... ------------------ 2810 Stones, paint and. muller —-----------........................ -.....'- --...... I-........-....-........ 2811 Stones, paint-lt-............ --................................ -................. 1.............. -- -..2813 Stones, oil, assorte-d — - -- - -- - -- - — p u ss.- -- - -- - -- -.- - -- --- -- - -- - --. -- - -- - -- --- -- -..- -- - -- - -. p...- - -. -.. -...-..- -. 2814 Stones, w het......................... —-...........-...-.-. —... —................. --------.. - - -------- ----------—................ 28 58 to e -- -- -- - -- -- - — n- -- - -- -- -- - -.ot- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- —. - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -. -- -- - -- -- - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2816 Stones, grind, fram e, hangers complete..............-... —................. -------------------------------- 2817 Stones, mill, and fixtures-....................pairs-........................... ----.... ---- ---- ----... - - --—.....-... 2818 Stones, imposing -....... —------- -............................... -.......... ----...................... —- ---- -- 2819 Stones, grind, frames and pulleys... —---........-............. 2820 Stones, grind, and fixtures...-..................... - --- --....... —-- - --- - - -. —- - - - - - --..... 2821 Stone, blue —- ----- pounds.- - - - - - - - - - - 21 Stone, blue —........-........-........-.......pd. -..........-......... 2822 Stone, rotten-... —..... —o......... -...d........................ - ----------- - --- 2823 Stone, pumice —-------------— do ------------------- 15 15. —----------- 2824 Stone, setting for engine -......-....... —.... —.- —..-............ —--........- -..........-....... 2825 Snips...-......... —....................pairs......................-1...... —.... —2827 Snips, tinners', assortrcular....................d...................... —. --........ a827.Snips, tinners', assorted -.....................o....I.. 2...-.... "'-' — 2828 Snips, straight..-.............................do.................................................................... 2829 Shaves, spoke'[[ 2830 Shaves, spoke, w ood............................................................................................................................................. 2831 Shaves, spoke, iron.............................................- --......... 2832 Sets, saw -- ---- - -.................................................................................................. 2833 Swedges, creasing.............................................. 2834 Sw edges, bottom.. —..................................... --—...... -- - - 2835 Sw edges, top -....................................................... - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -.... 2836 Swedges and chisels............. —..-................ 2837 Screws, assorted........................... gross-..-. -. -............46 ---—....114.' - -------------— _ 2838 Screws, round head, brass...-..... —-.-.-...do................. —----- -..... 2839 Screws, brass, assorted......-..... —-do —--- -... —-. - 12........ -........ do- 12....'....2... ---—. — -- —.....1......... 2840 Screws, brass cap -... —-—................ — do - - - --- - ---.... - --- -........d...... 2841 Screws, round head, blued....-.. —-...... —-do...... ---------------------------------------- 2842 Screw s, blueddo...............................do.......... - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -.... — -- 2843 Screws, hand, assorted —1-28 —-- --------- -- - - --........................8. —...........-.. - -- -. —. 2845 Screws, wood bench ---- - ----- -- -- ---- ------ 15........................ 24 -—..... —... —-........-......... 2846 Screws, irwood bench-13-24 —-------—................................. 6 -------- —. —.- ---- ---......-............ 2847 Screws, bed —- --.. -- -..iron-n — --.........bnh........6......................................................-........-..... -.-.. 2848 Screw s, lag, assorted............................... b................ 200 500................... —- 2848 Screws, lag, --- — o d............................... as.sorte d-200.....................500- -- -- - - --- --- - 289 Screws, lag-................pounds-. 2850 Screws, top -...-...-.. —... —-.. —-—.............- - -........ -...... ---- ---- --- --— Q 2851 Screws, fore-....................................... 2852 Screws, hydraulic jack — -.. —- --- ---.................................. - --- - - --- - --- - --- -- 2853 Screws, small steel...........................sets —............. ----.... ----------- ----- —....... 2854 Screws, clamp........-.................................................... — --- --- ---- 2855 Screws, large, and 4-inch nuts —---—........................... ----.... ---- -------- --. —- ------ 2856 Screw s for shaft................................-... -... - -.... - -- - - - - - -- --- 2857 Screw s, auger -........................... gross --..... - - - - - - - - - - - -................. 2858 Screw s, turn-table- -..... - - -...................................- - - - - - - - - - - - - -............ -- -- 2859 Screws, gimblet, brass..........-..-....... gross..- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ 2860 Screws, tank.................-..................................... ---- ----.... ---- ----....... 2862 Screw s, iron w ood........-...........-.....gross....................................'...................-.....-...............-........ 286'2 Sces 262Screws, iron wood-.............gross. 2863 Screws, head...............................sets...... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----........ ---- --- 2864 Screws, lathe.....-............................................................. ----............................. 2865 Screw s, tire e........ —-.-................. -sets.. --... --------........ -------- -------- --------........ --------........ -------- -------- -------- 285Screws, tire -.................sets... 2866 Screw s, hand -- -..... - -- - - - pairs -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -......................................pairs..-..... 2867 Screw s, jack ---- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --—..... -.. -.. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- ---------..... ---- ---- --- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -------.....-....-..........-....-.... 2867 Screw s, jackwood............................. pounds --..................................................... 2868 Screws, gimlet wood - gross.............................................................................................................. 2870 Sticks, creasing......................-..-.....................................................-...-............... -.. --.-............................................. 2870 Sticks, creasing. —.- ----- ---- -...-............................................... 287 S i ks, con1 —....................................................................................................... 2873 Sinks, composing. —---------------------------------. —----—. —-----------------------------------------—. —--—. —.. ——..-. —-..-.-....... —...2874 Sinks, drifts, and calkiug tools —----— pounds - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --— _ --- ---- --- 2875 Slicks, carpenters' -—........................ —3- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 -------- -------- 2876 Slicks, large fram ing.. —... -- - - -- --------—...... -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- ---.. -.. - ---—. -------- -------- -------- --------..'.. —-- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- 2877 Slicks, glass -fram ing —- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ -------- -------- -------- 2878 Scrapers, plum bers'.......... -- -- -- -- -—............ -------- -----—.. ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ --------.............. -------- --- -- 2879 Scrapers, box ers'....- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------............................ --- -------- -------- - - - Report showing tMe disposition of United Slales military railroad property in the military division qf the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and tmsans autoriedi b se October 14, 1865. ~~~~terms as authorized by ExeeuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0 Z~~~~~~~ I Arii~esee. 0 II 0[1. 1 I I dZ1 d.1,-i ti 11. "' II li I,- It 0 g 1 1^1 ^ls ll ^ 1" 1 -1 1^:l5 — -goIP 0 i ^ *~~~~~o~~~~ o' ~~~~~~~~~ 0 g ~~~~~~~~~~~ *- ~ ~ ~ 0C D M CZ Ce Ct^^M^^.d - (5In P/) C )C )~ C c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - h'~~'5 0 <4 12 IT, co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2880 Scrapers....-..... —-...... —..................... —. —.. —. 8 2 5 8 —....... -- 2881 Scrapers, iron -.. ——....... —-----—........... —.... ——.. ——.-..-.-......-. —-.......... —-.......-......... — - 288 Scrapers, drill —---- ------------ ------. — ---- ----. —-... --- -- 2 Scrapers, drill........................-........ -- 288:1 Scrapers, stone.....-..... —................- - -------- -------- -..- - --- - --- - ---—................ - 2884 Scrapers, carriage.....-.... —--. —-. —........ —........-.. — - - - --- - --..... -------- - -. - - --- - -................ 2885 S cS crap srs ststov e -------------------------------------. —------. —------ ---------. —------.. —------ -------- ---------. —------. —------. —------ ---------. —------ -------- -------- 2886 Scrapers, ash-pan. —..... —-.....-.-.-................-................ -—. 2887 Straighteners, axle -.. —..- --- --- ---- ---—.- ----- -........ —-- -- ------ ------......... —. —-......... 0 2888 Sockets, top. -- - ---- ------------................. —.......................... —.. -. ------- 286-Sockets, chisel-............................... 2810 Sockets, gas-pipe........-........ — ---- --—.- - -........................ 2891 Shafts and pulleys -... —-—................ ---- ----- ----. --- -- -- - -- -- ----- - ----- -- -................ -3 02892 Shafts ----------............. -—............................... - 2093 Shafts, saw mandril counter.-.. —-..................................'..- ---...- ------ ---- ---- ---- -- --- 2894 Shafting and pulleys.- -- --... —--.. pounds -- --...-.......- -------- -------- -------- --—.... ------ -. —..... ------------...... — 2895 Shafts with pulleys, counter, shafting, &c...-feet-..- ---—. ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - - - I 20896 Shafting, assorted...-.... —-...........-....do-....... ". —- - - - --—. - - 133. - - 1 —-- 28'2897 Shafting, iron, 2-inch-......... -- pounds — ---- -.. —--- ---................... ------- ------ ----- ----- - --- ----..... 0898 Shafting-.-..................................do. — 2899 Shafting, 3}-inch, with pulleys and hangers, complete i —----------------------------------- feet, — 2900 Shafting' 3-mncti. —- ----.-.-'.'. —-.-.'.feet'.'.f -—. - -- ------ -'. —-- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2901 Shafting, 3 —inchi, tinned, 12 feet 6 inches long, with couplings and bolts, complete..........- sections.......- -. —-----—. —........ -- -...................... 2902 Shafts, counter, with pulleys..-..-... —... —................... -.-... —..... 2903 Shiafts, counter................................-.....-. - --- - --- - --- - - - --- ------- ------- 20904 Strainers, pu p ------ - --- - - - -- - --- - --- - --- - - - - - ners-.-....-...-.....-............................. 2907 Strainers, copper —..................................... ---- -- - - - 4 48' —- - -. 2908 Strainers, feed-pipe..-........-......................1.........44........-............ 2909 Skins, cham ois ----------—......-..-......-. —-------- --..-.:-. — - -.. —-......... I................ 2........................................ 2910 Skins, sheep I - -—... -. -------- -------- -------- -------- - -. —- ----......... 2911 Skins, bark. —-----------------—..-,..-...dozen. --..... —--—.. --—.- -.. —... ---—................ — -::........-........:-:: 2912 Shellac. gun - -.......... —... —--. pounds -- ---—. —.. — --- ----..- ------ -------- -.. —- ---. —- -.. - - ------------------------ 2913 Saltpetre.. —-------—..-..... — pounds- --...-...-... —------ -------- -------- -------- --------.. —-—. 29 5 S o t,t n - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - — 4- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Spouts- -— bent-24 —2917 Shafts, counter, and 4 pulleys..-.-.... -.. —---..............-...-.................................................................................................. - _ 2918 Spouts, fluid can 6 —--- ----- ----. —- -. —---- ----- --- ------------------------ Spo..ts. sheet-iron-................ -----........ 2917 Shafts, c un t pu —.- - l.'. l eys. — -.'-" 1.-. —--..- -.- 1 4 -------- 2 5......-.......... —-........- -—.. —.... 2921 Stelaffs,..-o....4-ag 5-6-.-.......4 —-. - 2............... 6... 892 — --- - -- 21925 Staffs, bra ket —-. ---------- -. ------- -—. —-..- —... -do. -.. —-.. — --- --- —......... ——.. ------- -------......-.. —.. — -- ------- -- - - - -- - ----—.... —.............. —.... — 2 9 2 3 S te e l, a s s o r t e da s s r t ed- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..po u n d s -- -. — - - - - - -.. — - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. — - - -..8 9.. — - - - - - -.. — - - - - — 4 5. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-........- - 2923 Steel, s asrap — ted -- -— p us —1 9 —— 45 —-------—.do. --- --. -- - - - -- —.....- - -- - - - -- - - - - ----—. 892 -------- ---— 1 —-,-. 1,3-5.............. 2924 Steel~~,. scrap -........do-8-....:: 2925 Steel, cata -do -26 —0-. —- 1, —-- ------ 260 —-do....................... 1 1352-................ 66..1,378 — -—...-'96 Steel, spring, assorted —-io2927 Steel, squareo -d — — 2,103 — 1,517-1,359 —-................................................................ 2908 Steel, octagon ---------- ----. —--.......do —.. -----—. —....... —....... —.-.. 1, 591 417- -....... 666 -------- -------- -------- ---------------- 2929 Ste l, f rog - ---- - --- -.-. ---- -... --------........................................................................ 2930 Steel, blister.-do.1 —0 4 —----- ----------- — d —.. - ---—... —-... -. ---- - -.. — ----—.- -------- --------. —-. --------- ------------------------------- 2931 Sdtocks, smcrew-stack.... —-- —. —-.una-, 3- -— 0 - -- ic 2937 ~~ ~~~ ~-r n Saddlesf r fy i d r.. -.... - -. -. pame......-.............................................................. -...0 2913- Stocks, iroii- -------------------------------------- -.. —.... 29409 Stacksks m okell heet-iron, —- iler —- ame —-- -—. —-.. —- —..... —. —------.-.. —. —....... —. —.... —.....-. —....... —.......-........-........-..... —.-........-........-........2934 Stocks, iro n cap -- --.... —- -- poun s........... Stocks.ii.i.-.............-, 4..................... -...................... -............... 12942 — ap, ----------... --.. -.. -..d-.......-.....-..........-.....-...............-...-.....-..-. —-.....-..........293 S ac s m ke h etio..... —.................... -......................................................::........:~~!:: 945 Stocks', smo kler. ----.... —---------------—.-...-. —- -.. —.... --- -- -----—.... —-...................... 2936 Saddles, smoke-stark ---------------- - pounds-1,205-.......... --------........-. —- -- --- --- -------- -. -- 61 -------- -------- --—...- -------- -------- 0937 Saddles for cylinder — pans —-----— p-s ----- ---- ---- ----- -------- --------- ----- --------- --— 0 —- ---- 2903 Staip s, c o ker-lue-...... -. ------—...... - - --. ----. - - - -. —----- -...............................t........o 2951 Spi es, rid e...... -........- -.- -. —.do -...-... —.........-. —-----------—.-... —---- -...-......-9 000-......-.......................... 2939 Stack-s, oke, stationary, 31 feet x 22 inches.-.-.......-..-..k —------------------—.-.... —....-....-....-..........-.-..-.... -.... 2953 Stpikes, sm oklin s e —-... boiler ------- -. - ---—. --—. -. ---... —. —-................................-...........-... —......................................... 294 Spikes, bridoke and cipi —---------—... —-- po.d.. —- I 4..... —----------------------------------------------- 2945 Scpaps, forgea —----------------------------—.do — — 2,434 — I0113 St c s si o e h e -r n - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ti- — 1 - — oire,- --— s- -eet-iron —-- -- 2934 Spacks, csuoke ------------------------------------- --------............... ------- ---------------- 2945 Staiks, smored.................... - -pounds- --— moi-re e-feet - ------—.-.. —2917 Sieves, m.uolders' — - - - - - ------ -------.................- -............................. - - -----—.....-.... —---—. —----- -. —- —. — 2946 Strips, parallel-.-........- -.... —- -...-. —---—...................-..-............01950 S trips, copper-fine-do-61. —-- ----- ------- ---------— e- - - - - -- - - - - - - - d.7 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- 02952 Spikes, braidgea -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- k g -- --- - - -I- -- ---- - -- - - - - - - ----- -- -9,000 —- - 11 -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - --- ---,p3 pies marinroa —---— eg —---------- ---------- - ---- ----- ------- -- 2 -------- -------- --------- - ---- -------- 0954 Spik s br d o a d c t- - - - - - - - - - — kegs-s- - — bridge - - -- -- - - - - -- -- — and- - -- - -- - - - - -- t-kegs —- -- -- - - - - -- ---- 09566 S i es air a - - — Spike- -- - -- -p un s-s- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -— road-pounds —- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- 0957 Spikes, cut, assorted-kegs — - - - - - - - e s- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --'i09 Sple sotdpud - 00 400 43,750 i6;66 00 ---— 2, 500 ------------------------------- 29) Spikes-ksotd -------------- o n s.... 09609 Scales -- - - — p- - - -- - - - - -- - — ikgn............ balance......................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, Sfc.-Continued. - Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. ^ g tive Orders of August 8 and October 14,1865. ~a~~~ a P1 a a a- 1m ^ iy^ -i Articles. a a E CZ.'* CZ [ u a C ~a isa iu'i^ l ^. is ia a^ aa ell cs c -g -- --— a~ -- ~,a CZ CZ aC~ ~ 9 a0 - E' 961 Scales, platform, assorted-.................................. ~96 ca]s c ue-1 1..6 22:::5 2963 Scales,counter. -.....-......................................................... I " I. 6 2. C 2963 Seales -end weights..........-...... 29 3 ca es an w ig ts.... -..-...-...............................:.....:.....:.....:................................. -........ 2964 Scales, warehouse..-... - -.................-.....................................:]::.....................2965 Sc ale s, brass scoop................................ 2~967 Scales, beam...................................... 0968 Scales.......................::[::[:i:::: 299 Scales, track-................... 2970 Seeks safety-valve-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 Z e," 0971 Scalics, stone-................... 2970 Scales, spafrmga e d —- -- --- - --.............................................................. rn 2973 Scales platform counter.-................................ ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - - 2974 S t cal e rsan wi ghn.. -------.. —-........- -- ---—.... ---- --- --- --- --------..... -....-....-....-....-....-....-............ -- - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-..-. —-- -..... 2964~~~ Sc ls]ae o s - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -............... - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -I........ 2974 Stretches, ir ona. —. ----- - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -................................ ------- - ---. —- - —'....29 8 p in sr bb r a......................... d......................................... j................................. -...............;.. 2966 Scales, pack g -.......................................... -------- --------................................................................ 2977 Springs, assorted.........................-lpounds........ —-........ —-........-...-. 4......-.....298 Springs, rubber -ar —--...........................dpous.......8....- - 1... 0979 Springs, car....................................................... 98 ) S print gs, packine.''.g —-— 76...'...'''...'.................................................................-. -......-. -......... 2961 Springs, rubber -..........................pounds-............-. 2989 Springs, egum-n -..-. —..-..-..o d...........................................................-.................. - --- - ---- 2983 Springs, engine tend er-....................pounds............................................. 0984 Springs, spiral-................do...........]]]]][]]]]]]]][]][[[]]]]]]]]]][ 2981 Sp rings, assorted.......................................... 0986 Springs, gcnr. —- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - — pounds.. 1 214.............. 2980 [ ---.-7 ----------------------'Springs, packn -------------------------------- --------.........., 4..................... -------------------- -------- 2981 Springs, ridber -------------------------—......................... —---------- --------------------------------- 2987 Speg a-o —7 - 146 0989 Springs, engine ------------------------------... ----- 2990 Springs, engine -pounds................. ------ - ------- ---------------- -------- ---------------- 2991 Sprinds h-.................. d....... 12986 Spring)s, wuin —-----------— pudsow ----........................ 398 386........................ 23...... —--- '2992 Springs, large D... — --- - ---..... -................................................. - - 2993 Springs, small D-..-....-. —............ ----—....-....................................................... —......... 2994 Springs, packing-. —-...... pounds - -.. —--..........................pounds..... ----.... -. —.... 2995 Shovels-14 8 2 205 20 1 150 110 - 2996 Shovels, railroad —-- - —...........................- - -...- -- - -- 2997 Shovels, scoop ——........ —----.........sp —............................ 2998 Shovels, coal-r....................................... -- ------------— ~ —-----—. -... — - ------- ------—.. 2999 Shovels, moulder, steel.......-..... —-—..................... -- ---- -.... ---- ----—. -- ------—. 3000 Shovels and scrapers............. - - - - -........ — -........1.4... 1 I3 0 0 1 S p a d e ss', - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - --. 1 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —... - - - - - - - -. -...... - 3001 Spades........................................................... 3002 Screens, sand ---------—. —--- - —......................................- -- -------------—. —---- -- -—. 300 S en, cote......... —- - ---------- --- ---— 3003 Screens, cloth........... —....... —---- —................... 3004 Screens, zinc.................... -................-..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... 3005 Screens, coal ----—.... --—.......................... - —........ — 1 ---—............. 3006 Screens, wire. 3007 Spools, chalk line-.................................. 3008 Soap-ponnds........... —----— d. -. ----- 2.... —-- - -.................................pud.. 309 Sop foe --- ----- --. — do -- --------------------— 3009 Soap, castile —................-................ d.... —3010 Soap-.......................................bars-.. 3011 Spnnrs 30 1 p a n n e rs -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -. - -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - 3012 Sienna, assorted..-... —. —-. —------—.....pounds -............... 34 -- -- - --- - --- ---- - --- -..'- -....... -------- 3013 Sienna, burnt-do-. —--------...............................do...... ---- ----.... ---.. - -- -... ---- -- 3014 Sienna, wtc.- d st..... - --- ---- -- - raw Italian —do —................-..........do....... ---- 3015 Sienna, raw, in oil do...........................d-oud..... —------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... ---- 3016 Sienna, raw. —--------- - do -gos................................do.-...... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... ---- 3017 Springs, brass.............................- ----.... ---- ----.... ----.... -----............ 3018 Sledges, (12-pound) --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3019 Springs, patent -q —- -----...................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - —. ---- -:3020 Stirrups, log..........................pairs.. — - - - 3021 Stencils, copper-................................... 3022 Scythes, snath................................Scythes — nath- ---- ---- - ---... - - - - - - 11 —..- - -.............. 3023 Scythes, grass -—........................................ — -- - ---- - --- ---- - 3024 Scythes, brier..- - - - - - - - - -........ —........... 7.-........ ——................ 3025 Spne omn-ons5-5 026Sponge, tine -................................do.. 3027 Sponge -.....................................do.... 3028 Sulphur -................do -2............... 30-2!) Sulphur flowers-...............do... 3030 Sash, assorted-.............................lights... 3031 Sash,-....................................pieces -16....... 3032 Sash-........................................lots...... 303 Sash wre -......................................... 034 Sash, sky-light-................................. 3035 Switchss, monkey. 3036 Slides, switch ------— e —-------------— sets. — 3037 Slides, track -.............................pounds -.... 3038.................... fo-ross039-Stools, saddlers'................................ 043 Spaces, pica quod.-.......................pounds —.. 3041 Staples, iron-................................d.... 3042 Staples, iron-....................................... o043 Straps, seat, back - - --------—. Report s/howing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 8c.-Continued. c Sold at public auction to railroad Propertlsold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on saine Octo+beh~r 14,~ 186~ ~terms as authorized by ExecunOctober 14, 1805. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. - Article. 5 3L 3 U.^ 1 rticles. I ^ I 3 O~~~~-.= _ ioS - Ha 3044 Straps, conlnecting and brasses I I. i 3044 Straps, conectig adbrasses......................................................................................I........ 3046 Skivsers, white...... —-----------... -..........................................................................3047 Skids, loadin-g.-.....-... -.......0|.................................|.. 3048 Sizing, gold......................... pounds........................................... -- 3049 Shoes, mule.................................do............................ 3050 Strphoes, nule.-... —- -- -—. --- ------- -------- --—. - -..............ecenr...c d — ------ -- -- -... -. —...- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - 3043 Stes, -checkric ----—. - -. -........ve-.. -.. 3054 S oetinks m alesony,- ilsl- on chimney.......-.....-..... —---- --------..-.-.-. -------- -------- -------- -------- I. —.. —- ------- - - - 3053 Strap te che, rc - ---. ---- ---- ----.... do ---- -------- -------- -------- -—..........-..-........ -...... 3060 Shackles, egine — -- -------- pounds-......... 10 -—........- -------- -—..... 3064 Staveslv ankg-. - ---------------—'lots — -------- ---------------- ----- -------- -------- -------- 3074 el i g - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - — lhe — - - -- - - - — l- - -- s.........g........lots.....I — - - - - - - -- - - - 3075 Shelves, wooden.......................................................... 3076 Syphons and cocks....... ---......................... 3077 Spoons, packing.............................. 3078 Signs, tin.......................... 3079 Signs....................................................... ~~ - ------ -------- --. 3079 Signs, loco... 3080 Signs, loco -.... —---------------—... -..-.-..-............................'.....................'... -'.'.'.'.'.'.- -------- -------- 3081 Shutters, window....... —- -- - —.. - - -.......-...-................ 3082 Steps, engine ---- ----------------------------.................................... 3083 Slides, switch-..................................... 3084 Staves, tank.-.............. cases.. 3085 Shimmers, paint.................................. 3086 Shoes, horse........ — ---. pounds..................... 3087 Shoes, brake................... —-- -------.............. 3088 Sets, hand-saw... —- -------—..........-..-......-...'.4. 3089 Sets, cross-cut saw -----------------------................................ 3091 Sets, lever-saw......-..... —--... —-- --—.... —.. ----....................... 3092 Sets, blacksmiths' cold............................. 3093 Sets, riret -- ---------- ----------------.... 3094 Sets, iron button -—..... -........................ -------- -------- -----—.... 3095 Sets, spring....................................... 3096 Sledges, assorted.................................. 3097 Sledges and handles................................ 3098 Sledges, blacksmiths'............................... 3099 Sledges, heavy - -- —...................................... 3100 Sledges, stone.-.................................. 310 Shears,............................. doea ---------------------- -------— air 3104 Shears, sheet- ----- ---- - do.-. -------- -------- -------- -------- 1 0 7 S h e a r s, b e n c h- - - - - - - - -. - - - - - -.. -.... -..... d o-3-.. -....... -.. -.... - - - - - - - -- -- - 3109 Shears.do punch.combined - -'.' do- ----'.'..'. -------- ------—.''....-'.''''.-...'. ——..'.'' —--- -------- 311t Sheais, sotary-do.-. -- -- do ---- --------...... -------- -------- --—.....-.-.-......... 3111 Sbars, tanle, trimmers'-. - --- -.. do ----'.'. -------- -------- ----—. ----------- -------- --—..- —...- -------- --. — ------- 1- --------........ 3112 Shears, table, gauge. —.....- -—... do ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 1 1 4 S h i v e s, i o nu b l e - - -a m i n g. - -. - - - -............................................. 311, Stakes square. W eddell...................... —-.. - - -- - -- - - -.. - -- -........ 3117 Stakes, head.ic......-.........s --- ~ -------- 3118 Stakes, bt-eak -r n.'. —-..... 3120 Stakes, double seamdi.g ---------—........''' —- - - - -- -- -.-.. -.-............ 1~~~~~~7 Steke, hor —--- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- --— b —-- -------— w —-- Report shc owing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and terms as authorized by ExecOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. IArticles. 1 h. 1. I I h ~' Ic.-'t.a a 1-, Co'1 o -.l - a 1- 1 ^ ^2'^ ^ -^ ^^ ~^ 11 ^2 ^ ^ ^^ ~2 ^g ^~~~~~~~Id.~ l- 2 C C a.- aa ~ ~-,CC 4d a'- C a,a ~~~~~~ 6n- -an.a-'- 5a a'- aa'a C. a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C CiC. 5a~ -Sn n................... a~.....;::;:: 0'a'-; 1 1^ 1^1 ll^ II ^ 3.S 1^ 1 -8:Wl0)1Z 1> (, 3129 1wedges, assorted-60 -41-1 0t I2 3131~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. nC Swone,. — ouds64 3132 Swedges, NV. I -- do-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U F -. -.. 3128 Stakes, round-head.. -.................. --—..-......-..... —..... —.....-......-..... —..... —.....-......-.....-. ——... ----- ---- ---- 3129 Swedges, assortedn -f —--------------------------—..................................... 60 —-................- - 418.. -.. — —. — 3130 Swedges, square..-et —...........-..pairs -... —.............-..........-.-........ 3131 Swedges, C. S............................we ipounds.. --............ — -.... -..... - -- —. - 64.......- -. —..- -—. 3133 Sw edges, W.I...... ------------------------------........ ------------------------------------------- --........ —...-.. — ---------- -..31344 S edgessaand fullers......................... —--------.. —--------------------------------------.. —------. —------.. —------—. —------------------.. —-------------....... — 313135 edgese ana d hihise.s. —----------------------- s -ets. —-.. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—. ——...31:37 Sheives- — p —---------------- pairs..-... —. -. —... — 3138 Stacks, smoke, stationary -....-.-........... —-.... -- -.. —.. —. --- ----- -------- ---- -------- I -----:3139 Shafts, steam, wheel.- -' —3139k Saws, circular, assorted. 13 21 ---- -......-16 — 3139 lik - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - — Slick- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - --- - - --- - ---- - - -— 2 - -- -- - 3139:1 Sellar's engine truck. — - - ------ -........................ -........ -.-. —-.- ---—.-. —--—.'3140 Tools, plum bers' -- --.. —-... —.............- sets... —-- - —. - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -----—... —-----...........-......-.. -......-................-..... -—.-.........-........ 3141 Tools, blacksmiths', assorted -...- - —... dou-4 —--—..-.. ——. ---— do --—..... 4 —- ----------------------------------- --.- --—. -..-.. —. ----. —-. — 3143 Tools, shoeing...............................sets —-.-. —-. — --- --- - -. ---....... -.-. -...-... -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -. — - -- -----.. —. —-------—.- - - - 3144 Tools, carpenter-s'- -po-....s —........ —.do.....................-.....1.-................ -- —. -- - --------.3145 Tools, carpenters' ----—.................... chests.- -------- --- ---. -- - ------ -. —-....- —. —-.- ----- ------------------------ 3146 Tools, turning, assorted --------------------------—..-....-....-....-.... —. —--. —....... -. -. -..-. -.-... 3147 Tools, wheelwright............- ------—. setsse --- ------—. ------—. ------—. ------—.. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------------—. -----------------------—. —----—. —-..... 3147 Tools, wheelwrigh-se 3148 Tools, wheelwright, and chest, (incomplete)- --------..-.. -- - -------- --------------------------------........ -- 31499 Tools,,grooving..-.......................... —--—. —...... —.......-........ —.-.....1..... —. —....... —....... —...... —....... —....... —-. —...! —...... —. ——.. —-....3150 Tools, sash, assorted -........ —1 —----- - 12 -------- ----—..... 12 ----------- 3151 Tools, Fren-ch sash, assorted ------------ -- -I —------------— I —--------- 3152 Tools, Frend h s s,a s re............ -—.-.... —....... —-....... —.......1. —-—. -------- -------- -----—....... -..- —. — - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- -- --—..-..... —.... 3153 Tools, planing, steel- -............... ------— 30..-..-.. ---------------- -------- 3154 Tools, borin........ -------- ----- -- ----- -------- -......3155 Tools, boring, steel-.................................-............... —....1... —..-.. —-..... -... -. -. -------------------------------- 3156 T ools, lathe, steel e el —----- - -...-.... pounds -6 --------............... -------....... --—... 3157 T ols, athe.-... -.....-... —............................-.-..... —-----—........................16...............1.........-..... -.... 3157 Tools, lathe -------------- ----- -------- ------------ -------- 6 —------ 3158 Tools, steel, for turning rolls.-............ pounds- -- -------- -------- -------- --------........ --------.. I 3159 Tools, saddlers' —.-.. —---—..chests- -- ------- ------—.....-........-........-.................... 3160 Tools, saddlers'. —------------------—..... sets- --- -------- --------.. —--- -------- -------- -—..-.'3161 T ools, coppers m t - -.-. —-.. — -- ---.. — - ---—.-...s ts - -- -------- -------- -- -- -. —-. - - —....................................................-..!........................ 3161 T ools, Sinnersg-do.... --- -- - -- --... - -..... --- - -------- --------........ -------- - -------- -- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3163 T ools, ------—. -........................................... t ep............. - --— ound............. 6- --------... -.. --------.........3163 T ools,' C. So-pound-ig....-.......- -. —.-. —-----—..............................................................I. —------------ ------— 1 —-----—.......-....... 3164 Tools, coppersn il.h. -----------—..............sets-1- --- -------- ---- - I........1. -------- --- 3165 T ools, graining. -do —.. - - ------ -........................... --........ --------—.................. 3166 Tools, cpping —--—................ 2 ---------- 3167 T ools, heading s13 —. —............... 3169 Tools, rotaringy-cutting-.-.....boxe -................... —-......................................................... 31769 T ools, laothea nd planer —- - - - - - - -- - - - - —. —----- ------—............-......-......-...... -...... -......-......-...................... -------- -------- --------- -------- -- --- 3170 T ools, spring -ets,-... —- - a s -—....... -.... -..... -.........-........... —. — 3171 Tools, calki.g. —---------------------------------—............................ 317-2 Tools, dat paint, assorted -------- iii>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- --............. 3172 T ools, flte e paint.................. assorted --- --- --- --- --------- --- --- --- ---................................ -- -- - --—........ --------................ -- -- 3173 T als ap s, C. I..................... pounds- -- --------........ --------........ - -------- ---- --- --------........ -------- -3174 Tools, iron ---------------------------------------------.3175 Tools, turning -. —.. boxes- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- - ------ -—............:33176 T ools, olath ass rtd pl n r- - -- - - - - -- - - -—.. -.......... -.. -----—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.............. -. -- ----—.. -- —.-.-..-. —----- 3177 T rar ns- - -.1...................'.. - pairs-1 - ------—'-. —........ ——....-....-....-....-....-...-.''''.-....-. 3189 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - T an slo —-ti e —.. -.......-...........-...........-.....-....... —...-.....-.....-.....-.-. -—......-.....-.....-............3170 T anks, oil, (li s — - - --- -- -- -- -- -- --—............. set... —... ---------............. --------..... ----—. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --—.. --- --- --- --- --------:3178 T aps and dies-et — - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -s —- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -1 - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - -- --- 31980 Tips steel- ------------------------------— pounds- -- ----------------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -3181 fim steel --— ~~~~~~~~~~~ —---- ---- ---------- --------- -- 72 —------------------ 3182 T aps, C. C.-...........................pounds - -------- --------.. - - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- -—.-.. —-...... —....... —.... —--—.:I.I.I.:3183 1aps, miachine —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... 3186 T0 nks0 oil, assorted......-.......................... ----—...-..-..-..-.........-........... 3 1 8 8 T i n k s, e n -i n e........................p — -.. — - - - - - - - ----- -8 - - - t. 3189 Tanks, l. ----------------.......... 1 -o —ot- — e — ----- -- --- ------- -------- -------- ------- 3203 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ------- ------- --- --- ------- —.-........ po —. -------- -------- --—...............................-........[........ ----- ----- ---------- 1320 T1 nk oil, (545 galls). ——.......-..... —--- --—. — - -------- -------- -------- --—. — - - - ---------- 319201 nks oil, (75 galls)- -—................................................................................................................................ )4y Tink~s, tin water, ----------------------- ---- -(parts) —--------— lot-s —--------- ----- - - ----------- 3193 T — n ks, oil (80 galls) -------- -------------- 32064 T an ksheetin.w a. r....... )...................... I"boxes.............................. 51 5................ 35......\.. -\........................ -- - - - - - -- - - - 3290 I'ongsp roofingo ---------------------- pairsh --- -------- -------- ------—.-. —----..... —.....-...... ——.... —...... —-..... ——..... ——..... —............3197 longs, ice —---------------— do —------------------------------------------ - --------- -------- 3198 l ou n B.S —--------------— do ----- 76 —... 3200 Tns rn s —------------- lnsg irsdo --- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ 301 Tiings, engine --- ---------— pairs.. 1 2 8 2 9 8 1 6 161 3 ---- -------- 3i23 longs, tools, and pokers --------— pounds -- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------------ 3094 To7 s,-issorted —------------— pairs --—..................................... —- ------------- iP20 Tongs, 13I S. and 1t. II-................................ - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- 3i06 Tili, sheet ----------------— boxes - -------- -------- - - 5 125 --------- 3 3207 Tin, perforated —--—..........sheets-.............. --- -------- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, -"c.-Continued. Sold at public auction to railroa'd Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August, 8 and companies on credit on same t erms as authorized bv ExecuOctober 14, 1865. live Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. j ~~~~~~~~~~Articles. C^ 11 CS ^ 1 1-A I -^ ^ ^;5 ^ 38 r~ i! ill 11 t- - i0 11 Tine 0-' ~- -~,.pn-.-U. 0 -s~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -10 CZ5.045 I I 0 3^08 T in, o ^...-.. —..... —......... -..-pounds.!.-.............l................................i........i........i...- i. -... --...................i........ 3309 Tin, sheet.. ------------ -........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1........i set.............-........i........i...................-..-.-........... —..................!..-..... 3109 Tisheet-.................sheets-. 331_0 /ns e ad c w. - - - -. - o d -...-........./.......i........................I..... —..... —-......... C....... 1.......!.......: Tin, soeet., and sciews -...................pounds- 0 3-211 T im ber... -.. --. - -... -. -....e t. 1................................................f~......../2 2::2 Z:: 2..:..:.:........... 2: E; E E E: E.EE E E,...... 1 -.....i i........ 3-211 Timber, oak...................................... 10,000 [.... 3210 Tnnhei n-ok-do-7KIIZIII jO 000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P4 -- - - - - 3213 Timber, square, assorted...........-..........do................................................................................ 1214 Ttlibei, bu ridg'e-..............................do............ 32 T r i...... - d... -. T.....n...e..............1..............s.............. 3216 Timber, B. i.amse d t..........- -..d....................-.. -- 3210 9lots.......... sheet........... —.-.........1..-.....-......... —.. —. j...........!..-.... 1 3210 T in,se e, cros s res.... -.... —. —------- ----.- -....i...-....... -. —-... p ou n ds. ---—.1. -... --------..... —.I............. -------- ------- ------—... 3017 T im bes — o — -- -. -- -......... -.... -...... 3118 Tallow...-...-.......-.. —-—......llowbarels-.!.-...-....-..-.pounds-.. —......-.........-... —.1. ——..-........-. —....1..... —------------------—. —----—...-..... 3'221 2 T hi mble s, oak e iron-...... —-. —--—. -—. —-—..p oun s,i.. — -..-. -. ----- - -. -.. -. - —.-. —.i — - - - ---—.- -....... 1..... -. -.1 -.-...-.......... 3213 Timibesr,........u r - -........p.................................... — ----- -- 3227 T sim b e, w ate -dpi pe................... do —--.... -------- -------- -------- -------- --- ------. — ------- ------........ -—. — - 32 T,............-... —.....-.....................................................................................-...... —------ 3232 o r r uckbs' w a e o s...............-....................................................... - -.. 2 -.................II 3213 Triues, r.. —. —- ------—... —-.. —----- - --- -- ---- --- --- -- -- -- -. -- - -- - --................. 3108 To castiion ---— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-- --- ------— j —------— j ---— I —-.321 T i re s, car —..... —.......... — --.. —----.....-.-........d........... ------ -. —-- --- -- ---....... 4. - G. -. 3230 Tiilon copp —--— i - -- ------— pounds- 1000 ----------- -----------------------—; —------ --—...... 3223 Tuck arpais........................................................................... 3220 T s.................-...............-. —--------.-. ——.-. —--..- -------- -.. —- -------- -------- - -- -- ------ -- 3234 hocks -~~~ —- -pairs. —------ ----- 3-~Triiods-4 -.............................. 3237 Ti'ask- te r ----— lee' -— ie -p- -.................................... —----- 3 4 Tarpauis e -o - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -................. — 3229,I....................................... —-----—. —--—. —-------- -----—. —------------------- 32305 Tubing opr.............pouds..[ i(((']] ]]]]] ----------------------- ]][]] ]]] ] ----------------- -------- ----— ] ] ---— ] —— ] —---— ] —— ] —-- 3231 Trucs, ga-imber ------------------—'3229 Trubes, engine................................................. 3'2:34 Trucks,....................pimbrs. - ] —----------------------------- 3232 Trucks, wareos...................................... -------------- I --------- 31233; Trucks, engine................................pairs —--—. ——. —-.-.......3234 -------- -------- ----------------................ ------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 3235 Truicks, cr —------------------ -------- ------------ ------- ------ 6ooov --------------------------..........i 3238 Truc ks. e n rm...................................p................................................ 3239 Trucks, m achine........................ do.................................................................................................................... 3240 Tires, wrought iron.......................pounds........... 3241 Tires, cast iron........................................... —3242 Tires, locomotive.. —..-..........................81........... 8 ----.... ---- -- - 21. —-- ---- -- - -. 3243 Tires, locomotive flange...................pounds............. ---- 4, 060 23 040..... -' ---- ---- ---. 3244 Tires, flange cast iron.......................do.. - - - - - - —. —............... 3245 Tires, old................................... do- -- - - - -- - - -. —.............. 324~ Tires, w rought iron.................................-...-... 3247 Trow els, m asons'.............................................................................................................................................. 3248 Trowels, plasterers'.-............................... 3249 Tables, circular saw- - - - - -........................................ 3250 Tables, turn............................................................................... ~ 3251 Tables, turn and foundation...................-..................................................................................................'.'..-'..'' ------—.'.'. —~3251 Tables, turn and foundation............... - 3252 Tables, binders' sew ing................................................................................................................ CA 3253 Torches, gas....................................... — -............. — - -...... - - - 3254 Troughs, flock........................................................................................................................... 3255 Troughs, guttering......................................................................'.'... 3256 Troughs,forge..........................f e........e................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - 3257 Tops and screws, lamp --—.................................................. --- ---—......... 3258 Tops, chimney.........................-.......................................'............ ---- --- 3259 Tops, turn-table.............-.........-.-.........-......-......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ - - - - - - 3260 Tops, car-lam p.......................................................................................................................................... 3261 Tops, screw -gross.......................................................................................................... 3262 Tops, tallow, can................. 3263 Tops and bo ttomsw, can.......................................................................................................................................... 3263 Tops and bottom s; can. —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —........................................... -....................'.......'..'....................'.'..'...'...."......."...'.'..'.". 3264 Tops and bottoms, car-lamp................................... - --- 3265 Tops and bottoms for turn-table...................................-.................... —- ----.- -. 3266 Type- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f nt......-......................................fo nt..............................................'..'.'..... — ~ ~ ~~ -~ - ~-.~.~~ ~ -~ ~~ - ~'-~' ~'........ 3267 Type. —-------------------------— ou —----—... pounds -------------------------------—..' ——'. —------—' ——'. —--—.-.'..'..".'..".".. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - 3266 Types, measuring, assorted........-..............................fut.. 6 ~. -. 3267 Tyripe.................................s........................................................ 32768 Tapes, measuring, asre.ssorted..-6-1............................... 84 ---- ---- ---- --- 32769 Tacksripoli o.............................. do........... 3273 Tacks,giiph lt r s'......................... do.........d.........................................'........''.'.......~~~ ~~............................................. 3270 Tripoli-p aps....................................p.. 3271 Tacks, bluassorted -..............................do......-20....... 3272 Targtck s, gimp- - --—........................... 4.....o..........4 - - - - - - - - - - -~ ~ — - 3273 Tackets, upholste rers'ss -.........................do... 32 7 Tickets...................... -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- ----- ---- ----'...... "'"''' 62,000'.'.'.'.'."...'.'.'.'..'.. ".'.'.'."..'. ".'.".'.'..'.'..'..... 3274 Tacks, coablued ---- - - - - - - - —....... - —............................ 328075 Thread, black. --—.........- - - —............pounds-............. —-.. 3281 Thread, black....... —--- -.-... —-....... — bundles. --... --- --- --- --- ----—... ------—' ------—.' ------—' ".'."..'.'.'.".'".'.' ------—'.' ------—'.' ------—.' ------—.''.-.-.'. -- ------—. 328276 Tickets, mess-. --—.................................... 323 Thread, saddlers.............2 do.............................i..'......'.....2 0 -~.-... -................ 3278'rar, coal-gallo....................n........s............. 3279 T ar, coal.................................barrels.......... 3280 Thread, black.............................pounds......... 3281 Twinread, black............................ oundles.......... - --- -- - ------- ------ ---- 3282 Tw ine, w rappingo.................................................................... 3287 Twinel —- t -— ft —— ng —-do. —. 1..... to-. 3290 Turpentine.............................. —gallons................................................................................................................... O xF Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. z Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same October 14, 1865. terms as authorized by Execu~~~~October 14, 1865.tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a0 ~~~ u,~E- 0 t V&I cc Articles. IM Id I 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f'~.- - 11'B ^ 1. ^ ll II ^ I ^ II.:l~~~~~~0 B C 1; 1 3291 111IIlITrestles-0:........................... 3292 Trusses, iron-.............................................. 3293 Torpedoes................................................ 3294 Tongues, fr'og -.............................pounds- CZ-. 3295 Temnplets, switch -...............sets-... 3296 Templets... 3297 TUbrra winol...nsits........pu........................................................ 3298 Tenders, locom — otive- -- - - ----...................'1 3299 Tincture, iodine - —..........................pounds................................................... 33129 Tonges, burogt..............-...............tpubes......-.-............................................................................................................ 3 332 9 U m b er, b rt, in o l —...................p o u n d s.... - - - - ---- ---- -- --....... --- -.. ------ -- ------ -- ---- -- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- - - ----- -- ----- - -- ---- -- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- 3300 Transioms, wrought........................................................................................ 3301 Testers, gas-pipee.....................................................................-.......... -.................................................-....... 3302 Tiles, fire-...... 3303 Traps, rat -.3304 Tighteners,bet 3305 Triangles3306 Tubs,tol 3307 Tags, chipping -- lot —-- - - - - - - --- 3308 Uinbas sotd 3309 Umber, raw, in oil - - pounds33101 Umber,-raw -- do-15. 3311 Umber, burnt -- do ------- - - - - —. 3312 Umber, burnt -- tubes3313 Umebrtinolpons 3314 Vices, assorted -— 1 6 6 6 6 123315 Vices, parallel —3316 Vices, bench. 3317 Vices, B...-.-.... 3318 Vices,nsolid.box3319 Vices, hand3320 Vices, soi —pud... 3321 Ventilators-... 3322 V entilators, tin........................................................................... 3323 Ventilators, car. 332.3 Ventilators, car......................................................................................I.......''''...'.."" " " ~ " " ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~........................... 3324 Ventilators, car, lamp.......................................................................'.'.'.'.'.'...'..'.'..'...'..'.'.'...'...'.'.'.'...'.'.'............................. 3324 Ventilators, car, lamp............... 3325 Valves, globe, assorted —-24 1.............................2....4 24'. 6.................... 3326 Valves, tank-....~................ 3326 Valves, tank.......................................................................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 3327 Valves, water, assorted................................................. 3328 Valves, angle......................................................................................................... 3329 Valves, check......................................................................................................'...'..'.'.......'..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'....................... 33930 V alves, he ckngine............................................................................................................................................. 3330 Valves, engine................... 3331 Valves, brass, pup.......................................................................................................................... 3.332 Valves, safety, com plete...........................................................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'..'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'....'.'...'.'...'..'.'.'....'.'..'.'.'...'.'.'.....'.'.'.'.'.'..'. 3332 Valves, safety, complete.............. 3333 Valves, brass, pum p.......................pounds................................................................................................. 3334 Valves, brass, check........................do.................................................................................................... 3335 Valves, brass. steam.......................-..do.-........................................................'....'.'.......................'.....'....'.'...'....'.'.......'.'.'.'.'.'. 3335 Valves, govebrassnor........................................................................................s..................................................... 3336 Valves, governor.................. 3337 Valves, engine............................pounds......................... 3338 Valves, safety... -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - —.o........................d......................................................'.....'........''''''.'.'.'.'...'.'.'..'..'.....'.'.'.'.'.'..'.............. 3338 Vermilionves, English "....................... do................................................................................................................... 334039 Verm ilion, Am erican extra" "..................do................................................................................................................... 3340 Vermilion, American extra -..........-..u-~ 3341 Vermilion, German.......................... do....................................... 3342 Verm ilion, Chinese.......................... do............................................ 2'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'..'.'..'.....'.''.'.'.."................... 3342 Vermilion, Chinese o...........-...... t.................................. 3344 Vermilion, scarlet.........................pounds-............................................................................ 3344 Vermilion, scarlet -.............pounds- -- —. 3345 Vermilion, chrome-..............do-.. 3346 Vermilion- chd...........................do...........'.... 3347 Varnish, copal.............................gallons.. 3348 Varnish, coach body........................ do...................................................................... 3349 Varnish, shellac-...............do-.. 33450 Varnish, J apan.........................do.......................................do......'............. 3351 Varnish, dema r -do.................................................................................... 3349 Varnish, shellar............................... do.......................................................'..'..... —- -.-..-............................................ 0 3352 Varnish, asphaltum.......................... do........................................ --............'. 3353 Varnish, white-pud ---— o............................... do... —-------—.. — - - -. —........ 3354 V arnish, w hite............................gallons.............................................-......... 3355 Verdigriss.p -u............................. pounds.......................................... 3356 Vitriol............................ o........................................................................... 3357 Wrenches, assorted 1................................ 3 77 20 187 " 95 21 728 4....... 3358 Wrenches, monkey, assorted....................... 88 4 3359 Wrenches, blastpipe-........................................................ 3360 Wrenches, tap, assorted-..................................................... 3361 W renches, ratchet................................................................................................................ 3362 W renches, t a t.................................................................................................... 3363 Wrenches, screw.................................. 3364 W renches, bridge........................................................................................................ 3365 Wrenches, wheel..........................- —..... - ~ -~~~ — --------- - - ---................ 3366 W renches, key........................................................................................... 3367 Wrenches, hose........................- -......................................... 3368 W renches, long bar........................................................................ 3369 W renches, lathe.............................................................................................................. 3370 Wrenches, socket................................................-................ 337] Wrenches, spanner..................................... 3372 Wrenches, hand-.......1........6........ 3373 Wrenches, iron —- --- ---------------------- tap....................... pounds.. 3373 W renches, iron tap.......................pounds........'...............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'............'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'........... -....... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, S-c.-Continued. - Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and cmas ontoried oyEn terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Articles.'-n d 1E0 C. 3376 Wrenches, follower.........a....................o I -O 1 1 111 a2 * 1. 3377 Wrenches~~,~ iron ~.a..............a.......... 3378 Wrenches, packing.................................. I-a -1:1 1 -11 PI l. 3374 Wrenches, "ot........."-......... 3375 Wrechos, pipnemasons'.............................. 3376 Wrences, f.................ollower3377~ Wrenches, iron-................... 33783 Wrenchs, packing.................... 3379 Wrenches, post-................... 13380 Wcdes, stbloa-ckmasot s'-........ - 3381 WVedgos-poundthes-...........0..... 3387 Wcisges, iron-oie................ 3383 Wedgtes, steel-.................. 3384 Wcndgcs-,qae................. 3385 Wcndgsblacsmts' —had.................. 3386 Wrnhedg s, o w.... -........ -............ t, a. t. o. es....n a.....t ers 3387 Wheelis, lcomotwivhae-1-............... 3388 Whistls, st, xes...........amr.. 3390 Windlass, hand-1 — ae.....u 3392 Whcels, car, with axles.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ct,,;: ~Z 3394 Wheels and axles-pounds.~~~~~~~~d g,, d 3395 Wheels, driving, on axles-..........pairs-.. 3;399 WVheels, turn-table-........................pounds. 3397 Wheels, press gear-.do... 3398 W heel s, car................................................................................................................................................ 3399 Wheels, car-................pounds. 3375 Wrenches, -pacipeg... — —.-..-..... —-.. —----—...... ---—..-. --------......-......-............-......-..... -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ---------------- 3376 W renches, folo wer-.... -—.......-..... --—. —. - -.. --- —... —- ---- —. - - - -- - —.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ----—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -----—............................... 3377 W redghes, sto em so ns'........ —-... —-... —...... — ----. —. ——. -------- -- --—.. -------- --------. —....- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------........ — 33785 W renches, blacksing — -- -- -- ---- --—...-............-... ——.- -----—. -------- -------- -------- --------.....-..... -.........- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- -- - 3380 W eddg ssanst featas rns -------------------------------------—. —------- ---------------—. —----—. —----—. —----—. —------. —---------------. —------. —------. —-----------..3400 Wheels, water..... —.................... —...... I............. 2................................ 34381 Whe es, stea............................................................................................................................................ 3384 Windlass........................................................................................................................................................... 3402 Wheels, hand cart................................................................................................................ 3403 Wheels, cog, hand car.............................. 3434 W heels, and a thes... ----- -—..-.. -- - pound- tender-59....... -.. —..... -------- ---------------- 339387 heh lsles, vlocom notiv es..................pairs... —. —-. —------.. —. —-—. —. —--—. —-—.I -------- ------—.. —------. 2. ------—.. ------—. ------—.. ——.....-.......:3388 W histls, ster -am.le........................pounds.................................................................................................................... 33897 Wieelas, quaess ga.................................................................................................................................................. 3390 W ieelas, har........................................ ---- ---- -—. —----—..-. —- —. I —- ---- --- -------- --------...................................................... 3391 W heels, tendr,... d.......................... pounds.................................................................................-............................... 34012 W heels,,hand, car....... —-...........-..pounds.-......... — —...-. —....... —. ——. —....... —....... —....... —....... —...... —....... —....... —....... —....... —...... 3393 W heels', car, hand caxles........................ir................................................................. 64........................................... 3404 W heels, car and r.......................................................................................... 59........................................ 3405 W heels, driving................................................................................. 3406 Wheels, engine truck............................... 3407 Wheels, truck............................. pairs....................... 3407 W heels, truck....e............................rs.........................................................................................................'3408 Wheels, ironpuly 3409 W heels, brake............................ pounds......................................... 3410 W heels, brake....................................................................................'.'-'.'..''.-.-'''-.''..'''-''''-''' ------—''.' ------—''.' ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------------- 3411 W heels, engine.................................................................................................... 28 --------------------------------------—.. 3413 W heels, b rak e r shaft.......................................................................................... 2........................................ 3414 W heels and axles, hand cars,.................pairs.................................. brake............................... 3411 W heels, carengine................................. do.................................................................................................................... 3412 W heels, engine and tender, on axles............................ sets........................................................................................................... 3417 Wheels, engine truck, on axles.............pairs...................................................................... 3418 W heels, bevel.................................................................................................'.'...'...........................'..'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'....... 3419 W heels, fly, ten feet............................................................................................................................................... 3420 W heels, press gear............................................................................................................................................... 3421 W heels, fspur te t....................................................................... 3422 W heels, truck0.................................................................................................................................................W... 3423 W heels, car, 24-in-3h, pattern N o. 25.................................................................................. 3424 W heels, car, 26-inch, pattern No. 27-........................................................'....'.'.............'........ 3425 W heels,freightcar.......................................................................................f 3426 W heels, balance.......................................-............ 3427 W heels, hand car.is.-..................-r.........et........... 3428 Wheels, hand car, on axlespo s...........................-..... 3429 Wheels, pracet -----.................. 342 W iheels, fat -— car,....................................................... ".................... 3429 W heels, flatchet...................................................................................._......'......'.'.'.'.'.'..'.12............IL......'.....'...'....".'.'...... 3430 W icks, flatp..............................po nd..................................................'................. 1........ 61.... — -.........................'.'.'. 3432 Wicks, lampu...............................gross......24 3433 W icks, a inga............................... balls......................................................................................................... 3434 Wire, brass.-........................... ds...........................................118 3436 Wire, copper................................dou.......... 4i.......-.. 127 34361 W ire,...irondo — 7-64...................................4....''.'........~ ~ ~.~ ~~ - ~. ~ ~ 3437 W ire, assorted...............................do................................ 268.. 34381 W ire, tin.............................. do..................................................... 3439 Wire,.as.red.................................udoles.................................. 26................'.....'..''.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.........'............'.'''.'.'.'.'.'.'..'..'.....'.'.'.'..'. 34340 Washers, assortedp......................... ounds......o............. 8.......... 3439 W ashe rs,.... t................................u dles............................................................'.."....'......................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 3442 Webbingds...................................balls...................... 3443 White, Chinas...............................pounds.................. 3444 White, flake, assorted....................... do................................... - -~ 3445 it,fak,a so t d.....White,... o..................flake....................tubes-.................. 3445 W hite, flake................................ tubes............................................'...........'.'....'...'.'................'...'...'.'.....'..'.'.....'...'........'.'.. 3446 Whiting -pounds.................................. —-d............160 60.......... 3447 Whiting, Spanishdo...................................... 3448 Wax, bees..................................o.............................. 15............................ 3449 W inches, crane..............................................................................'...'..'......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.........'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3450 W aste, cotton.............................pounds.......... 25........................ 60 3451 Waste, tow-............................... do.... 3451 W aste,.o-.............................-..o........d...........................^.........'.''.'.'.'.'.'.......'....................... ~.. —~ —-- ---..-...................... 34542 Weights........................ —-.............. ----—...- -....... 3453 Weights,..............................s-ou...h.......s 3454 W eights........................................................................................................-..-..... -.................................. 3455 W eights, sash...............................................'............................................................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4c.-Continued. c Sold at public auction to railroad Property sold on credit to railroad companies under Executive Orders of August 8 and companies on credit on same terms as authorized by ExecuOctober 14, 1865. tive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. b Articles, a og - 3 E^. aa A S _ - 0' d _ i-.f ii, II -I I i - - I l- i -- ii a i 345618 Wrenches, square......................, -...-.... -....................,.................. 3459 Yarn, lubricating, packing3.................pouns. ~464 Zinc~, sheet. a * d,..p. 31................d....? ) 3457 Webbing3465 Zinc, sheetlap s..................................................................................................... ~~~~346457_ ZWebb____inc, ---------— __ ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ____ —------------------ sheet-do-321 —------------ 3465 Zinc,-sheet-pieces34 9 a n,l br ca i gp ck n.......... p un s — - -- -- -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, fc.-~Continued. a 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on ~ o I oI credit on same terms as authorized by Executive E Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. ~ ^ ^1 ^ 1^'^ ^ I I ^ ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;1 Articles. Z; a I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' ~ ~ ~ tl I I oI~~ I s..1 I C oal...-...-...................buhl.........................-....................... 10,749 { 220I 31,019.. —-~-./.^...........-./....... ^ bushels~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. - - ~a..nn Oc 2 Coe.-......-..............................d................ —o —-......,6............ 2, 3............... 0 3 Charcoal. -...........................~~~~~.......I d.................... —................. 6......8.............-. > nn~~~~~~~~~~~+1 a a a n lo Ch cay..o................................-........:-'. 46........../............. do............................a 5.............................. a Woo Scsgri..............................n m e........cord.............................. 157................ 9 no ra....................................pud.. a'79........ -- -.-. 3,150...: 13 Banks ay ei t.........................................d....................... I........I........l......... 4 05600, 6, 6........../.-............../.......... I 1 BOats',bak -ur.....................'....................do-......... —.-...-........ -...-...........1 95.......'.....] 39,10~........../........../.......... ( 17 ook, blan, 4-ur..............................~..........................-.-...........375................ 18 Book, blank 6-quir..........................................I.-...-..........-.-.......' 1....................I2........../..........I Cd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stra B osbak as te.......................................... —..-.-.. —-. —.... 18665..........8 CZ Cnz z d k~~~~~ Q B aks......................................busels — - - - - -..................10,749 220 31,01 2 Cok uate- rs do — - - - -—.........2............ 2,123....................; 3 Charcoal-do..................bres- -------- -------- ------- - - - -565 8 —--------------- ---------- 2 Books, indoroei ht................................................................................................................................... 6 orn......................................pounds........................................ 503 1, 055, 553.............................. 7 Books, wa y, i....................................ydo-.......... -...-..-......-......44, 056 1, 963, 962.............................. 9 SaBooks, grain-u r.......................-..................................................... —..- -11, 527..............................498 12 blanks, quremat-quire - -- - - — 26-76-30....................................................... 15Books, blank, 2-quire-....................................... 30........... 19 Books, blank, 8-quire-........................................11-............... 2 Books, blank, aesortedr...................... - - - - - - - 18 6 60576.................... 82 21Books, ration return-1................................... 23Books, order-2...........................................7................ 25 Books, abstract-...................3-..... 26Bai a rih ---------------- -------- ------------- ---------- 0 Books, —-— dorsemeat —-------- - - - - - - - - 27 Books, way-ill, copying —-------------- -------- ---- -------- ------ - - - - - -2 —------ 130.............. 28 B ook s, record-12. — - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -1 0................. 29 Books, copy, -qing ---------------- ------------- -------- -------- - - - - - -36 13-.......2........... 30 Books, bakastub - -------------- - ------------------------------ 1 60 —------- - - - - - -— 2 21 B ooks, letter-1-turn -------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------ 10.............................. 22 Boks..me —-------—.... —-----—.-. —------------—. —-—. —-—. —---.. 1812. 100..................... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4yc.-Continued. - 0 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive c re i Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. C g g cc piC Articles. = 1 0 1'.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eC) Q.C0, 0 g6 g 0. C,^ 0 c I -P, i t 1I ce 50 )C Cd 00 -~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~~~Ce C) 0. _ _ _ _~ ~~c _ _ cc Q 32 Books, requisition............................... —------- ----.............................. 3 3.............................. 33 B ooks, discharge —-—...-........................-...................... 72........................ ---—.......... 33 Bokdshre7 — 34 Books, dischal rger......................................................................................................................................... I(} 3 Books, lo rder.- --........ - --- - --- -34 Books, general order..1................6..........-.......... 1 — I 37 B ands', rubber -------------------------------------- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- ------------------—............. 2 123....-... -....... -.... 48 39 Cutters, paper ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------—. -------- -------- -------- --------------—..... 28... ^........ —..................l.............- 220 40 Clips, letter........................................................................................ 126............................................ 38.. 37 Bands, rubber1........................................................2........................................... 13.................... 48 42 ClBoarip s, board........................................f.... 4..............I 1 6 ~~ ~ ~ ~- " " "- - - - - 6 43 Clips, letter board.......................................................................................................................................... 8 41Cltper, paper-2....................~ 44 Clips, m etal............................................................................................................................. 73 4 E rasers................................................................................................................................ 46 E l opses, stee............................................................................... 11111111::......................',4,..............1111..111111111 43 Clips, letter Envelopesoard..8........................... 44 C l ps, m etal er.............................................................. -................. 45 Erasers-.......................13 46 Erasers, steel....................30 45 Eneolders,........................................................................-.-.-...............-......-..., 757628103...-...........-............ 49 Envelopes, letter.....................................................................................20, 125 48,..................... 50 Envelopes, official.....................................................................................12 3......... 12,185 53, 275 --—.4, 500 51. Files, paper........................................................................................ 78...................................................... 52 Files, adhesive..................................... 14 53 Folders, paper................... 54 Fasteners, paper-.papers. 55 Holders, pen --------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 576 228 1,035- ------------------- 421 56 H olders, isaper —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.-4 57 Ink, (quart)................................ bottles. --:: -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------. 586 491 0..........49..........7'i:::::::::.......... 58 I................................................. do — -------- -------- -------- 8 22 83 --------—............5 5 Ink, copying................................. do2. 58 59 Ink, carmine...................................... 2.5 60 Jkb 8..................................... 61~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~ Journals —.~iiii 62 Ledgers........................:::::::::::::, 63 Mucilage.................................. bottles 96 83 276..... - ---- 64 Paper, letter, assorted......................quires.. - ----------------— 3, 5- 0.............................. 65 Paper, fiat letterdo.............................. 980.................... 66 Paper, note-~~~~~~~do-515. 1, 09066 Paper, note..................................do ---------------------------------------------------------------- 515 1,090.............................. 67 Paper, cap-do —491 237.~ 67 Paper, cap.................................... do.................... -............ ------------ 491 2,377..................... 68 Paper, flat cap do......................... 880 1,720 214.............................. 69 Paper, oil sheets10 81............................ 70 Paper, blotting..............................do.... - -.- -... —-------------------------------------------------- 500 435 ~ —.............. -. --------- 71 Paper, cross section.........................ddo. —--------—. —------. —------. —--------------------------------—. —--------—. —--------—. —--------- ---------- ---------- 72 Paper, envelope............................ quires. — --- --- --- --- -------- --------.......-....... -....... -.......... 63 58.............................. 73 Paper, folio post............................ —-do............................................................................ 25..-.....-...................... 74 Paper, new s -........ -..................... d.... do --. ——.- - -- - - -- -—.........-.. —. —....... —....... —-........... 20 12.............................. 70 Paper, bcoloredtting..............................do............................................5.................... 40.......................................... 71 Paper, cross secintion -d.......................... bude...................................... 72 Paper, envelope. -............................. quires.............................................. 20 1758-.............................. 78 Paper, heavy yellow...................-....-. -lots................................................................. I........................................... 79 Paper, heavy................................-do................................................................ I.......................................... 80 Paper, whfolio podemi - - - quires.............................................................. 81 Pencilslead,................................................................................................... 1,156 2,214....................]......... 82 Pencils, slate....................................................................................... 7, 900 150 617.............................. > 74 Paper, news- -do -20 1. 8375 Paperns, costeel..................................gross-........................................................... 81 58 8476 Paperns, print ingeel -............................................................................................................... 624.............................. 85 Paperns, P.ruling................................quires............................ 1,000.......................................... 78 Paperns, extension avy boxes.......................................................................... i. 87 RulPapers, rubbheavyr.................................................................................... 2. — -- 88 Rulers, w ood....................................................................................................................................................... 89 Rulers, rosewood.......................................................................................................................................... II 90 Rulers, boxw ood....................-..................................................................................................................... 13 91 Rulers, m ahogany.......................................................................................................................................... 13 92 RulPapers, white demi.................................................................................... 18 3......................................... 9381 PencilRulers, assorted.................................................................................., 28 14 --- 60 94 Racks, pen....................................................................................... 114 9 ----------—................... - 52 / 952 Pencilngs, ela tic........................................50............................................. 24..................... 96 Stands, ink.......................................................................................' 195 43................... ------------------- -- - -- - 8397 Tearers, papst eel r..........................................................58....... 98 Tape...................................... spools.................................................'............. 2 39 --- --- --- --- ---...-..'...-. —.-.. 8499 W eights, paper.................................................................................... 71 12................................ 120624 1005 PensWax, seru ling.............................pounds............................................... 17 3 3.............................. 10186 P en s, extin, assorted............................boxe.. s................ 131 ---- - 9 -- 5 102 Buckets, m ess...................................................................................... 41...................................................... 103 Buckets, slop...-................................................................................... 6................................................ 104 Buckets..-.. —............-................................................-...........-............................................................................... 105 Basins, w ash...........-............................................................................ 241 38 104 ---------- ---------- 682 106 Basins, tin w ash.................................................................................... 188........................................ 107 Basins, tin......................................................................................... 19............................................ 20 108 Boilers, coffee..........-............................................................................. 623 8 428 ---------- ---------- ---------- 109 Boilers, assorted........ —--------------------------- ----------------------—. ------—. ------—. ------—.60808 11535 --------—. -—.1.............-.11087 RuBoilers, w ashrubber........................................................................... 29 2 8.................... 169 1III Boilers, m eat.............................................................................................................................................. 7 88112 Boilers, tin.................................. 6..... 6 2 9113 Boilers, ron.................................woo....................................................................... 2 114 BoiRulers w ith cocks..........................................o......d.................................. 18...................................................... 91 Rulers, mahogany-13................ 99 Rulers, ebony-18..................;::Z.... 3-;:::].... 93 Rulers, assorted-28 ---.....60) 94 Racks, pen14 9 —52................. 95 Riugs, elastic-2-..........-.............. 96 Stands.ink-95. 43 97 Tearers, paper................... 98 Tape-s...................pools2 39;~'ZZ:ZZ~..........~ i~~ 99 Weights, paper-.................il....71 12-.........120.iiii~....6 100 Wax, sealing-...............pounds-....17 3 3...... 12Buckets, mess-.......................41............ 103 Buckets, slop-.......................6............] ]]]]] 104 Buckets...................... 107 Basins, tin-1... 9-..................20::::....~ 18Boilers, coffee-........................693 8 428...... 109 Boilers, assorted-......................l 608 15 / 153 -............ 110 Boilers, wash-~~~ ~~~~~~~~~....29 2 8-......169 111lBoilers, meat-7 12Boilers, tin66 -............2......... 133 Boilers, iron-........................i'2 114 Boilers with cocks-18-...............:::::::::::'::::::..... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4xc.-Continued. ^ o I o t o 0 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on C 0 credit on same terms as authorized by Executive. a J 1 Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Il - ~_ ~~~, ~ ___ __~ ~ ^.0 So ~ ~ ~ ~,, o a o0 - o'" 0c ar~ - a ~- a i~ a, Ia~ a.. a.~, ~, ~, Articles. -9 0 o 1 0 tl n I IIP 1 0 III~~~~~~~. - Iu alI 115 cilers, copper range~~~~~......................-............................................................................................. o h......' 0........ 319 rooms, ap 00.......................................0....... 120 rooms, corn~~~~~~~~~..................................... I................................................. 782013............ 299 123: irushes, copying ~~~~~...............................-......................-.-......... I3~8~................................2 125 iruhes conte........................................................................ 53316........:.... I.....................-....... -. 127 Brushes,' assorted ~~~~~~................................................................ 170...............,.........................9 (D;.Ce Ce a a a0 0 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................... a.....t.. a.0. 0 131 oxes drdge' ^1......................-.'.................................................. 34............II.................... 96 138 B^,''.'~~.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.............'" "2' " " 76.::..'.".'.I.'.'..,8 141 Boxes, black walnut ~~~~..-...........-.-.......................- -.. 45........................ I.........................-.............. 14 as a r.................'11-5 Bcilers, copper range-9-...............................-............................................................ 11 6 B oilers, tin w ash-135-13-ock s.......................................................................I ------------ ------------ ---------- ------ 1-18 rooms hickry.............................................................................. 9'" 1i:::i:: —---------—. ——: —: 1189 Brooms, bpickory-9...................I...................... 53 186 10-..................... 1190 Brooms, splint-533................ 86-......................7820 -3..........I.. 9' 120 Brooms, corn-................58........ 270..........183-.....................299............. 122 Brooms —------------------------------------ ---- - -36 7 -98-............ 270 0 124 ruhswnd w..Brushes,.......................window....... —......................-...1........ 125 Brushes, counter-......................-..................._.. 116-1..... I ----- ----- -- ----- 126 Brushes, duet.....................-45................1.......-5-........................ 128 Boxses, asre..P.0.........................................-12. —-------- ---------------- 129 Boxes, letter —2 --—....................-................. 1 ------ ------ ----- -— I —------ 132 Boxes, dried —----------------------------— 348 —------------ 11 —-------------— 9 —--- 1332 es i -------— Boxes, —---------------- ---- — twi —— ne —-----------------— 1 —-- - — 7 —----- 134Bxsie —-------— Boxe —-----------------—, —-----— spice —----------------------— 1 —----- 1:36 Boxes, suart.............................................. ----------— 3 —------------ 1 1:37 Bo x cses, salt --------------------— 3 —------------------- ------------ -------- - --— 127 139 Boxes, mess —1 ---- 17 —---------- ---- ------------------ ---- ------------- ---------- ----- 1-40 Boxes, bill -head —--------------------------------— 2 —------ I........................... 145 Basells, offier —----------------------------------------------------— 1 —----------------- 1-45 Bells, ofice....................................:........:...............:............................................................................ 146 Balances, letter....................................................................................................................................................... 147 Boards, wash ----..- -14 148 Boards, black1.............................................::........'.................-......''- 6::~:::'::::;[;. 149 Boards, diagram ---------..............1 147 Boards, washing.....................................................-.............................................. 1.............-...:................... 151 Boards, cpressing...............................s e........1........................................................................ 152 Boards, icardse..................................-........................................................................ 153 Boards, binders............................................................................... 125.......................................... 154 ors rsig —---------------- -------- ------------ Boards, — Bristol —132 —----- ---------- ----- 155 Boawls, sucard............................................................4.- 3 157 Bowls, feet --------------------- wash —--------------------------------------— 4 —---- - - -13 —...1..... 158 Bowls, assorted........................ ——........ — -.. —------- -—.-.... —. — 2 4............................ 0 159 Bunks..................... —................. —- - -.. ---—.. -..-. —--.. —-----------—..........34 1 344 - —....................15 161 Bureassnl —-----------------------------------------— 1- - - - -1 —---..............I....... 162 Bedseads ------------------------— 42 —---------- - - - - -------—: —-------------------— 12162 Bedsteadsou.....''1.'......... —-- -2-........-........-........ —............... —---..... —.1 1604 Blocs, mloat —----------------------- ---------------------- 2 ----------------------------- 164 Blockss, as ---- —.......................................- -152.... - 16166 Cups, -------------------- --------------— p —-— alette —---- ------------ - - - - - - - - - 12 170 Cups, molassorte d -— 5,42 13.......................-................................. " 329 4 - --................................ --- 1719 Cuans, m ilk, (covered)..............................................................c.in-................. 12 5 - - - - - - -- -- - - - 1720 Cans, molasses................................................................................... 150 -- 173 Cans, watering-............................................................................. 62 - - - - - - 174 Covers, bucket-t3 3................................................................................. 0............................................. 3, 348 175 C vers, e t.................................................................................. 4............ 24.............................. 177 Covers, tveslo.w.c-69.....................'....................................-........ 1177 Covests, talowcan.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'................................................... 69.................................................. 178 Cleavers, meat.......... --....................................9......... - - - - - -.......... 191 CBairs,ter...................................... -............................................................................................ 193 Coolers, water...........''..".'.1 ".'.'.................................................. 3 3 ------------ ---------- ---------- 197 Cots, shelves,.......................................................................... p a 3ee............................................. 179 he t, C asters- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - ---- ------ - -- - -- - - -- - -3 -—.......7...........2 180 Canistes, tiead --------------------------- -------- -------- L —-- 32 - ---- ------ ----- - - - - -1 —----- 182 Chests, messore ---------------------- -------- -------- --— 3 ------ --------— 4 —— 1 —- - -21- 184 Ches t, assorted. --— 3 - --- —:-:3 — —:::;-: ---------- -- 186 Cupboards le —----------------------- ---- ---- ---- ----------- ------ ------ -------— 4- - - - -50 —--- 198 Cupars, a pio n-oe..............................................................................................-.................... 191 Chais, office...................................................................................................is........................13 188 Countrs, pi otm................... — -------- -------- ---------- ----- 3 - - - - -16............... 1893 Chambers. ae..................... — -------- ------— 2 — - - - - - -71..................... 190 ChisIsote-9 03 194 Cases, tmin........................................2................ 3...................................... 95 Cases, post-office.........................................1 196 Cases, bla....................................bla nk-3-..................., 197 Cases, shelves, and drawers-............................................................................................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the milstary division of the Tennessee, ifc.-Continued. - 0 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on ~ 4 + credit on same terms as authorized by Executive 0 5 0 Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. c 0... -... I'~ a^~ n~ a0~~ a^~ t ~ a: CT~~~~~~~~~~~~C s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *-........................ 5 0' 00a............... na 0 -~~~~~ 0'0~~~~ a *-'~~p no n- Oa *' 0 5 0nn 0.......................................... 9...................... 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ a s-5 ~~~~~~~ ii" a a~~~~C 0 0 0 07 0c-oa 5 oE —-a 0 4 19 Cases, pigeon-hole.................... -...........-.............................. 33................................................. 199 Claserst,'.'..'.'. —.'..'.-.-'.-.-.'.'.'. -'........-' —-------- --------. —.....- ------—'' ------—''' ---------------- I''. ^''.. —.'....'..'.'...'.'...........-............................ 204 Cullenders~~~~.......................................... —....-.... -... -..... -.. I0 9...- 6............-..-...... 205 Cushions~~~~~..-.........................................-. -.................-. - 29..........-.59......-......- -......-. 0 2 00 C a sen drs''','''..' l'l' "'.''''... " ^ p illo w.'. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -'.''.'..'.' -'.''.'-.'.' - - --- - -- -- --- - - - - ---- - - - --- - -. l.'.......'.'........'.'..1... ".'.1.'.".'.'1............... 2019 Castes,pigeon-hole --------------—'-'-' —'. —--—. —-—'................................................ 7 1 2....-.......-. -.... 48 2204 D ipp ers ------ ------- -- - --- -- - - --- --- ----- - --—........................................................ 209 Collars, satin....................................................... -....................... -..... 163 II 147......................81 223 Cap s, stoveppetr............ -......................................':...................... 216 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Coverlets..............................................:Z; Z4Z...................u --------- - ------ - ------- -- - 198 Csesk, assorted.......... 203 rms tve —-----— Cleaners —--- ---- ---- ---- -----------— stove —-- ---------------— 104- ------ 208 Calhenas,-eeal ----------------- ---- -------- -------------------- ------------- - ----- -— 37 —- 209Dse~et —--------------------------- ------------ ---------- C —-llars, —----— salt —------ --— H 229 D s e,s u e- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - D-shes,-au c e. —------- 230 Dishes,la rg e'.....''' — - -- - - —'.'.............-.. —...........lr............1. 3...................... 231 Dishes, sm~all. 23 Dishes, assorted -............. 36....... — 23: ZZZ: 233 Demijohns --.................................................-..........1........................................... 2 234 Dr a wers......-..-.....-...-............................. - -........ 237 Elbows, stove-pipe-..-.-.. ——...-... —-............................ 674.........8 192 —- 238 Fixtures, cook-stove-et- 10......................sets.....-.-...-.. --—............. 239 Forks. —-............................................. —---------------- 136 31 60 —--- 24 Forks, iron.- --......................... —-------------------------.............................. 242 Forks, table-.............. —................................9 —...-.........-.9 —-'........-........ 3,9 —-34 173- 1,61.........63 1, 6 - 238 Fixtures,ac oks tovted. —...-. —.. —-... —--------— sts —- -------- ---------------- -------- -------- ------- - - - - --- 27I.-..-. 1.-............- - - -. —......... — 239 Fok s-e.....-........ —. —--.-... —------------------------------------------------ 6.................................... 240 F o erk s,ir na -- -- -- --—... -..-.. — --- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ -- - -- - - -- - -- - 1 —........................ 241 F eedrk s, flesmp.- —.. -...-.. —...... — ----------------- --------. —-—. — ---—..- -------- --------.....................-....-.. —............................ 43~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,3 17',1......................... 22 Forks, carvinge ----------— 2 —--.................................... 24 - 2 4 4 F or k s, la r g e -. -..................... -...................... — - 6 —....................... F r s l r e 245 Funals, assorted -2-.-.-................ —......-.... —--—................ —--........ — -.........70-............ I.................... S55 G-rdc~s~sove...... —....-.................................................... 21812..............-..........7. 2 62............ -. - -.I-...... I I. - -........... - - - -... -......... 246 Funnels, tin, assorted —6.......2. —-......-................ 45 5 -----------— 220 247 Fillers, laimp-......-.-. —-.. —.... —-... —--—...... —-...-.. —---------------------------...... -............ 3 248 Feeders, lamp. — - - - —............................ 249 Furniture, cherry................lot... 250 Firkins-1che.................................................. 1.............................. 251 Knivebutche.......-....... -—. —. —- -. —.. -.........................G —-- 52 Grater, nutmeg-...... —-...................... -----—..I........-..............99 -. —24.......... 253 s a n s. —-................. —.......................................................................... 1 2 754 K n ives, m o a ss s - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -----—... -.. -.- -........ -.-. —-.-. —----- - -—.-... —.. ---—. -- - -- - - ------------ -- - -- - --------—.......... 27 nv s o k......-..-..-...............................54............:]:..........i.......... 3 24 Gates, molasses -----— 12.............. 255 Griddles, stove.........................7...................................................... 2 —7 256 Glasses, looking-6-............................... 257 Globes, lamp-7-................................. 258 Grates —........-.....-........-................ -........................ 15- --....... ----- 259 Hods, coal-2...................................4 —...............-................49 2 4 -......'........7 -29 —- ----- ----- 260............ orns,.......................tin-.-. 12 -.................... 12 261 l ooks, clothes-.................................... 262 Jooks, meathen -------------------------------------... —-- -------- - - ----- - - --- - 263 Jugs-........2-... 264 Jars, eartben266 Kettles, iron............................................ —-- 34 2- -39 267 Kettles, tea- -...................................... 143 8....... —' 22 —------ ----------......... 269 Kettles;-3 1. —--------—. ——.-.............. 270 Knives- -. 209 74 60- ---------- ---------- --------- 271 Knives, table ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ------------------— / —----------- ------------ 5 5 1,5~42......................... 271 Knives, table-3,............................................... 22 Knives, botcher-.........................1, 635276 23 Knives and forks-..............sets-..........1-.... 274 Knives and forks — - - -.............................. 275 Knives, carving-..................]]]]]]]].... 38-36-....... 276 Knives, cook ----...................................................54 —- 30 277 Knives, chopping —- 1... 1-.....................4..... 278 Lapofc -— 385 279 Lamps, coal-oil...................................... —--- 49 24 3-29 281 Ladls, soup —----------------------------------------------------------------------— 12 — 3 3...-1 Report showing thte disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ a 0 ________ o Sold at public auction to railroad companies on; credit on same terms as authorized by Executive -'' Orders of August 8 and October 14 1865. Caa - ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ A t- i^s^s ^ ^ s ~ s.0 Articles.' a a a5 a, a.-"4 o a.~ a". ~1 ^ as ^s 5^ ^^ ^s.&5 ^ ^ ^ ig ^ ^~a -a' ~I a5s Sa na ^a' S1a 5.^ S a'a' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~a -S a ^a t?~a aS a a a a ^'a (a -8 eg 5-..^ -a a,., a a^^ IZZ m Z Z Id 282 Larders —............................................. 1 283 bids. -----— 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cd 0:3 CeC 284 Matting, floor-.............-................ feet.. --- 15 P 285 Moratresse.....................-...............-..-....-..................ll lliililfiliilfl liilll................iil 111111 lllil........18............................. ^ 285 Mortars — 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~0: -Cdn -~4 I 286 Mills, c offee...................................................................................................................... 287 Mattresses-.................................................................................................................. 291 Ovns, D tch........................................ -...-.-......................... 60..-........ 2...................... —.. 288 Mops, floor-4 —- - - -. - - - -..................................................... 290 Nests, pigeon-hole................................... 284 M teng, love...............................................................................................-............................................. 1 2938 Punhes, opaper..................................................... 294 Presses, letter -::] — - -' —----—: —--- -----— 54 4 —7........................4 295 Presses, letter,' with'stamp'11111111il: i-'~ iiiii:1': —1i'1 i~11..... 29 P es n t n,................................................................................................................... 299 P ens, bake....................................................................................................0................................ 1,5423. 298 P nip e, astov e..................................joints.................................................. 256 1, 653................................. 299 Pipes, lstoveras.......................astn....................................300 Prsnds, letterp win. sa'...............................................-.............................'.... 1.......................... 30 Pipes, connecting, for range-1-............ 307 Pans, (letter)..........................................-............................................ -............................... 302 Panstry................................................................................................................................... 513 303 Pans, mess, assorted-........................................3, 285 41 352................ 304 Pans, dish -.-.........................612 48 283................ 305 Pans, baking- ---------------------------------- joints 334 50 43.............................. 306 Pans, dripping...................................................................................... 154.............................. 307 Pa ns, tin sauce-1-.e............................................................................................................................ 308 Pans, dust......................................................................................... 7............ 21.................... ". 54 309 Pans, st ew......................................................................................... 27............ 10........................ 310 Pans, dassortedipping -------------------------------------- 6-30 -— 2, 750 27............................ 310 Pans, assorted..................................................................................... 30............................................ 2",750 311 Pans, tin, assorted..................................963 4 97 312 Pans, ash............................................812. 313 Pans, tin......................................sets......................................................................... 314 Pans, pie-4....................................................''''''''......1 315 Pans, w ash....................................................................................... 754 --- - ----- --- 316 Pans, cake-0..................3.-................ 3 7 Pails, cake.......................'..'" " "' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.........."."." ~ ~ "^ ~ - ~ - -.-... -.-... -............... 31[ Pails..................................................................................................... 77...'"1" ".'......................... 317 Palates, tin.............................-2................. 9................................ 1 3 2 2 P a t e s d i n n r............................................ - -.. -..............'...... 4...................................... 312 Pa l s.......................................................P.. 319 Plates, tin........................................................' 96.................................. 320 Plates, soup —6..4....................................... -.... 1 - 141 321 Plates, sauce —4.......8.... - —................................ 8 322 Plates, dinner-4 -........-8..........................'........... -8 323 Plates --— 330................................................. 9 324 Pla es, pi............. --- ------ ------ ---- - ------------ - ---- ------ ---- - ------ ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- -— O -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - 6.................................. 324 Pots, ai s e....- - - - - - - - -........ 2 1..........................................p 325 Plts 16eat-. 326 Pots, assorte d...................................................................................... 6.................... 327 Pots, mfee............s........................................................ -5 328 Pots, tea............................................................................................................................... 1 339 Pots, o. -............................................................................................................. 330 Pots, fireo.n....................................................54....2.............. 332 Pots, iron — 124 t..8-.....I95]' 341 Peels. t s................................................................................... 4................................... 0 3 2 P n,t m...........................................334 Pots,....1. tin stew..................................... 1 3343 Pots, roin g.ew....................................................................................... 65...................................................... j 335 Plugs,w basin......................................................................................'.. 5...'................................................... 335 Potswater-6................................-........2................................. 336 Pitchers-7-~, 337 Pitchers, stone -............................................................................................................................................ 22 338 R ack s, wa ter......................................................I..................................................................................... 2 338 ow..................................................................................... i...................................................... 339 Pillo ws a t e.................................................................................. 2.......................................... 341 R anges, cookers'...................................................................................... 12.................................................. 342 Pings, pti e n.. —................................................................................. 12...................................................... 335 R aiins, r ollinge... -.... —.-... -................ pi c s........................................................ 13...................................................... 340 Plokg ers, asie..................................as..sort 3454 R efrigerat ors.-......-................................................................................ 3 5 S f s ir n..........................................341 Peels, bakers'.......................................... 346 Sacks, letter...-....................................................................................................................................... 24 347 Racksan die-proo card.....................................................................................................................................I 342 Pina s, ti me 12.......................................................................................................................... 343 Pins, rolling-6 344 Pluges, basi n............................................................................................ 350 Raf es, c h.................................................................................... 106................................................. 3456 uls2 361 R acks, l etter......................................................................................... 347 Racks and desk, card-..........................1 355 Safes, iro P........................................................................................1. 3 5.......................................'...............O 348 Racks, towel....................................... 349 Ranges and fixtures, cooking.......... 350 Ranges, cookin g............................1.................................................. 5 351 Ranges, p.................................p.... 363 Scissors.......................R.............airs..ling, office.................................................................................................................. 364 Shears.......................................do............................................................................................................ 2 354 Refrigerators-1.................... 355 Safes, iron-...............3...... 36Safes, office-.........3........14.... 357 Safes, fire-proof —-1 — 1............... 358 Safes, paymasters' —.................1 —-....................1 39 Safes, field-..................... 360 Safes, match-10.................... 362 Safes, S. P-50-................... 363 Scissors-...................pairs-.Z.':] 364 Shears-....................do —— 2 [ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ 0- 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on. credit on same terms as authorized by Executive a Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865...a. ___________________________ __ __ __1-.0 0 ~-z rfM^ a ^ ^ s ri. ^ ^ ^0a. Articles. 1 S 1......... a 0 a 4 0 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. i-.... 37 4,................. Ii..........^......... 03 1 40.0 a.... 0,0 M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 365 Shears, lamp~~~~~~~~~..-............................pa r......78.........-.........-........................-............1...........-...................................................................................................... a 0367 Slatesassorted........-..........-........ -. -..............-... 3.... -.......................................... 365 Shearsbaou r's-. -.... — -—. -. —-............o.... lam p-p............................air.............1............................... 374 scuttles coaiJJJJJJJJJJ^JJJJ^JJ......................................,............... "" 293'280 3 9 [11....................... 426 375 Scoops~~~~~~~~~~~~.......-...-.........................-.......-...........-....... 8,6 0 2 Io.-... —...... —..:::::..... ~..... 366 Shates, banokr'sd.-do —-------- --------- —. —------ -9................. -...-....... -..........-............-..... -........ 368 Shittovel s, -f.................................... 1-............ 1 3.................... 4 3681 Shovels, lamp, --------. —-- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --------—....... -.. —-—. — ----------—........... —--... — - 56. —-..........-.. - -..-......-.................... 369 Shovels, baker's6............................................-....-.. --—......-... -.......... -... —...................................... 39 h e, kr6.. 3370 Sieves —------------------------— 164.................................... 2 1-6......................................... 1.. ——. —.372 Sieves, talo.. -.. --—.. -—..... ---..... ---------------- Sieve3s m a1 5..-........................... 3 7 3 S i e v e s, me a........ -... - - - - -. - --- - -. - -......- -......-...........fi n e-........ — -.. - -.....................-1-29 3 2 8 0- 3 9 0..........-..... -...-2 6 9 373 Sieves, basine g............................... —--.... -........-....... —...-.. —..... -.. —.................................................................. 388 Scoop es.. —--- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- ----—. ——..-..... —........... —.. —------—..... --—.......... -.. -..-. 86.-.... - 13 -- -- -—................. —-- 376 Scoo sme ors-. - - - - - - - - -----—. ——.....-. —-.......... --—.........-..... -- -...... -.....-.- --- --- --—.. —- -- - -- - - 3...... 87 ---------- ----------...... 377 pton --------------------------------- -------- ---- 134 Scuttles,-coal-3-3 —4 —------ 370 S aoeo s,-8in..........- -......................................................................6 10 17.................... - 380 Shadens, ltaem p-31 —..2 —-----—. —------—.. ——. ------------ ---—... -------. ——.-... —... 9698 390.... -—. —........... 2 381 Shades, lam p, -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - -— (tin)-4.- - - -- - - - - — 1 3 71............... 3893 Steamersb --------------------------- ---------------- --------------—. —-. — -. ---—. —. —-.-. —-. —--— 396.......- --—.872..........-.................... 391 Sk ltov s, s e tio.............................................. -........................ 90 -- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - — 42.............................. 395 Stoves, cast-irong................................................................................... 105........................................... 396 Stoves, c oal................................................................................... 43 8. —- - - - - - - - —....................-..... - --- 397 Stoves, open coal.................. -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- ---------------...... —........ 2 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 398 Stoves, tent coal.............................-.....-............................. 97 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 399 Stoves, camptent................ —-9-..................-. ------- ------—. I. —--------- ------------ ----------.......... ------—.. M 400 Stoves, cooking —................................ -271 9' ——'- — 04 —..... 401 Stoves, cooking, and pipe........................... -........ -.. - - ------------- 1 402 Stoves, cooking, and fixtures —--— _ —-----------— 13......... 104 403 Stoves, cooking, complete.-19 —-----—. —--... —. —...-. —-------—. 19 404 Stoves, parlor........ —.................... — -.-.-.. —..... — -1-.... — - - —...-....... —-~ -—. -.-. —...- 15. —-----------..................................-..... —405405 tovoves ndnd ipepe...- -----------------------------—.-. —----.-. —---------------------—. —-------------------------------—. —--- --------------------—. ---—. -....2 4064S6 oveseg, uel.e....................... —-------------—. —. —----------------------- -----—. --—. —-. —----------------------------------------------—. --—. —---. —--. —-- 407 Stoves, heating............. —............... —--- —. -------- -----------—.. —--. —.. —--............ —- I ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 9 " 408 Stoves, assor-ted............................................................................... 39 55 409 Stoves, offi ce........ —...- -- - ---—.... - -.. —-. —-.- --. —- —....- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - --- ----- ----- --------- --------- ----------...... 2....................... 411 Stoves,' cylinder ----------------------—.-.. —.- - - - ---—. --------...... -......-......-..... -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 7 412 Stoves, old..........-....-.... —.-.. —- ------ — tons. -- -- -—... --------................. --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ------------ ------------ -- - - - - -.. —.... —.........- 25 413 Standso —...-ves, -..as —-- ----------------— 39-. —— 55 —---. —-.- ----------------------------—.. 30 I ----------—........... 1.2 1 414 Stands, w ash........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- --—.-.- -—............ 5............................... 5..............' —.........-.. -- 415 Stands, letter-press.. —. —---..... —--—. —- - - --.... —-...-....................................... 5.................. —- - —.- -—. ---------- ---------- ---------- 416 Sa,i, n o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 411ds Stoves, a --—. - -... ----- cylinder417 Stands, awdlamp globesh.-57 1-...... -------- --------........ -------- --------..........-..... —----- ------------ ---------- ---------- I 418 Stands, light5-.. —-. —---—.........-...-...-... -............ Stands, —--- letter-press.......... ---------- ---------- - 416 Stands, light and - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - — hose — - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- 4200 SSnuffers.- ---------------------------- ------ pairss —-. —--------------. —------ -------. —------ ---------. —---------- ----- -------. —----------. —------------------ 431 Snuffers, candle globe —---------------------— dd...-.I.. —-------------.. —---------------------------------------— 1 —-------—. ------------... —.....-..........7 422 Stools............. - -—...... —- - - - - - - - - - —..................-....................................... 246 3..................................-....... —-- 423 Stools, bench............... -.... ----—. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------- ----------... —-... — ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 424 Spouts, funnel ------------------------------—.. 60425 Shelvesand brackets. -----------------------— sets_. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - --------...........................-.... —-............. -----------......... I- -- -- - - - --- - - - 426 Sticks, candle.... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -----—.....................-...................................... 925 ------------ 90.............................. —427 Steels, carving. ------- ------ ------- ------ -----—..... 1........ —.............-......-......-..... ------- ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- --- --- --- --- --- 8 429 Saucers -- - -- - ----—.......-.-. —. —..-. —..- ---—....-L... --------------—............ -- - - -- - - - ------—.. ------—.. ----------- ----------- --- --- --- --- --- -- ---- 434 Strainers, coffe -— 60 ——.............................-..... 4235 Sheinlv es and bra ket-ets — - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - 1 — - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 436 Sprinklers, copper..................................j................................................ I ------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------- 439 T ables, field ----- ---—..... —....... — -- -- -—..... -.................-...-.............................. I ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------'.. —........ 440 T ables, cam p. -------.-. —... — -- -—.-. -.. -.. —.. — - -- ---—.1...... -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.......................... 2 ------------ --- --- --- --- ---........-....... 441 T ables, offi ce.... --- - -- - - - -- - - -- - --—..........................................2.................. I — --- --- --- --- ------—. -- - —......... - - - -- - - - - -------------- 443 T ables, nround - -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -—.............. -.i.......................................................................................................... 444 T ables,' dining ----------------............. —.....1 —.......................................................................................................I 445 T ables, draughting......... —................. ——........-............................................................................10 446 T ables, assorted........................-............1........ I................... I.................... 319 4.......................................... LNI 447 T ables, tim e........................................!........................................................................-............-....................-26.I~.. 426 Sticks, candle-925 -90-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 427 Steels, carving —8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 428 Saucers, tin-102-420 i~!~i~: ~ 429~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. Sauer-' 43~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 Spikes 436 Sprinklers, copper-1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 437~ ~ ~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sacks bed-.... 438 cale,.leter-.-7 439 Tables, field-1~~~~~~. 440 Tables, camp —-2.~~~~~~~~~~~~ 441 Tables, office-20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii 442~~~~~............... Tabes round-..........-9 443~~~~................. Tabescenre444~~~~~................ Tals d.....in'...-1. 445 Tables, dranghting- 1 ~~~~~~~~i 446................ Tals assoted-19. 4 Report showing the disposition of United Sates military railroad properiy in the military division of the 2ennessee, 4c.-Continued. o o o Sold at public auction to railroad comnpanies, on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive a a Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. p ~ ~~~~~ / a C' am~~~ _ a ~. Za ~ S^SP I- ~ ~ Articles. i 1 I. ^ ^1 ^ ^^:^.! ^ ^ ^ ^1- ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VIV-I ^ ^ ~~~~~~;I- - It P^ 0'a ~ } ~. } o g a ~d Z 1' Z a'1" 1s I 0 1 I 448; Trs l mp- 1 - 449 Tumblers —-— 15 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50 ~M.C.ri ~4.q 452~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tus was-1 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 448 Trimmers, lamp.........-.- -... - -----—. —.. --................................. -............I................................ I1 — 450 Thimbles, stovepipe.........- - --. —--..- -------- - --.-........-........................-74-............ 74........... -................... - 453 T u b s', b ath in g.-.-''. —---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- -.. -.. - -......-......-......-......-......-......- ------- ------- 2..... ----------- ----------- --- --- -- - --- --- -- - -- - 454 Ticks, bedpipe-.............- --.. —.......... —-...-...........-........-. 33 -.......... --- 455 Troughs, bread..... ---- ----- --.- --................ 2........................-... —......................... 1 457 W ardrobesh —-----------------------------------—.................-. —...-.........................-............ 46..................................... 4 4583 TuWs, bathingters- -- -......-...........-...................... — ---—....-..- —..... 3 459 A m b ulan ces ----------—.. ----------- ----------—... ----- -. -.-. —...- ---—.. - -------- -------- -------- 8 --------—. -. ------------ ---------- ----------.......... — 4600 A x les,, aa m b u lan ce --------- -----------------------—. ----—.-.-.-. —----.-. —----.-. —----.-. —----.-. —----.-. —--------.-. —--------.-. —---------.-. —------ ----------.-. —----- 461 Blankets saddle.- -- --- -........... —----- --—. ——. —- ---- - ------—. -------- ------—................. 2 35 89 ------------------—........... 462 B its, m u llen.......... -- -- - - - - - ----- --—... —....... -------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------.-............-...............-. —.- - 163 ---------- ---------- ---------- 463 B ridles, ridin g............................... ---- ---- ---- -------- -- -- -.-.. -------- -------- ------ -- ----- --........ — 10 1 2..........-....... —-. —-....-.. 464 B ridles, b lin d. - -..-. —- - - - - - - -- - - - - -----—.......... -.. -------- ---—... - -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 405 I I --- --- -- - --- ---........-....... 4655 BB cketssU..S..horsee-. —---------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 324 466 BTroughs, breadgon -..-........... - -..-........................199 - ---......................... 46 o s x -....... —.-....................-.......... —.. 122................ 91~ 468 Bowaiters bulance.............. ——.................-........ ---...... 3.............. — ----- 150...... -- 469 Ambulancshes, horse-...................8 —. -... --—.. --- 260 386 504.............................. 40Axles, ambulsnce.... 4 70 B ox es, feed.... -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -.-......... ------ —.. ---—...... -- -.. ------ -- -------- -------- ------------ 97 ------------ --- --- -- - --- ---........-....... 471 Bo es wa o...................3....................-. —..... -.......... 689.. —.... —.1 472 Boxlankets, cuttisaddlen......-8.................................. —- I- -- ---—. - —. —.. -..-.... 473 Boxridles, riambulance.........2...-. —---- -. -- —.............................. 474 Boards, foot — 6 — ---. ---—.-. -.... --------— 4 Bridles, blind-.................-............t..................... 40 5. —.......... 465 Buckets, U.S.- horse-...................32-i 475 Bolsters, extra log wagon.. --- -.......-........ -...............i,........::........................ --------- ---------- ---------- 476 Bolsters, army wagon —138-..............19 -- --- - - -—.-............w wagon............................... 477 Bolts, king..................................................-..... -- -- - 5 43.......................................... 468 Bows, ambutlance-10 469 Brushes, horse-26~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10/..... 386.... 50...... 470 Boxes, feed-'97 [....... 41Boxes, wagon-.................2... 6 814 47-2 Boxes, cutt.ing-1...;._.......................... 473 Boxes, ambulance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pipe-.12............... 478 Bolts, king.- pounds.. -- 25................................... 479 Bolts, tongue.............................................................................. 2 18.............................. 480 Bodies, wagon............................................................ 50........................................ 481 Bodies, cart.......................................................................... 9 482 Breeching, cart-81..-.........-....-..-.-.....- 81 -.. --- 48'2i Bits, bridle........-.............-..-....1...2.12....... 1.....8 483 Beds, axle...-.6....... —.. ——........................... 25 487 Chains, trace. —................-..-. ----.... ------ 13 ---------.............................. 487 Chains, halterh.- -.................-.... —-..... —... — —.. —.4 —..-..-... — - 488 Chains, bearing ---------------------------- - - ------ — 2- -7 489 Chains, breast..3.... - - —..-....... ---—.. —...................... 490 Chains, spreader....-... —8 —. —-—.-. —. —. —.. —. —-- --—.. —-- -.... — -. —--- -—.. -------- --------............ 285...-....-. —............................. 491 Chains, stretcher -—......... —-—.. — ------—.. ——.......- -- -..... -24 100..-. —... —..-.................... 492 Chains, stretcher.. d................ —-.. —...... - - -........... —---------- --.......-...... —..... —-........... - -—. 491 Chains, ox -------- -— stretcher....... —............................. 100....... — 492 Collhains, stretcher, an..... —-.........-...24.......-.. 3.................... 49 Collaruppers, mule —.... —...... - - -............319....................38 49 Combars, r. —-—.......-.............- -- -... —2..55..87.......1.3-...... 498 HCruppers1..-....-......................... 29 49 Harness,...... ---- - —........................2.. 500 Felanes, wagon —---— 1,-77 1, 778501 Gearness, runningS. S. lead-ule........................................ 439 50 -- - - 04513 Harness, cart --- -----..... ------------ - - - - ----- 34 89 9-100............ 514 Harness, dray......... —-- - --------........ --------................ ----—.. —-283 1 —------— 0 —--- 2 51506 Harnesse — s-...................................................99 57 Harnes,............................................. mblance1..........3................................ 81 509 Harnes, S. lead................................................................................................ 27 8.................... 103 510 1-arness, un. S. wheel-horse-10.1.................-.-.-.-.. 511 Hariness, S. S. wheel-m..ule-.2.99..-................ -.. 503 Harness, crnt --—.-.4. 8......................-..... 514 Harness, drany. --—. —-2................... 505 Hames, horse - -- pai-.-.3..39......9.......... 506 I-Hamess — d9..o...94.......................... 517 Halters, rope — 4.14....................... 518 Halters, head. 519 Halters, head, and stap...... a20 Halters and chains-,-1.24. al.................-.-... 524 Jacks, wagon-1.......... 525 Kegs, ambulance.4............................... 526 Lines, cart ----— 45 527 Haliers, chpeck ------ 3 —81.. 528 Lines, lead ---— 127 -103 1.. Report showing the disposition of United States miltary railroad property in the military division OJ the Tennessee, 4Sc.-Continued. V a 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive 0 O* Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.,? ________________ ^______ ~ a- an a.1 Articles... Q.S 0 a -.5 Fq C~~~~~~~ P'0 0 i ii ^ ii -i ii:i i ^ r ii n-~~PC~ _~ d- C a0=l l3^ ^~ ^c5S S n^ aS a S. n 0 0.5 01.0 0^ a a Cd 14 - ~ Lines -- - - - - - - - - -- - -~ 0 — - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 - - - - - - - - -- 531 Links, 2-ope.. ---------------—. —. —-----—....-. —..-. -—. —- -------- -------- --—........ --------.................30.......................................... 530 ea h rs s ea..Leathers,............. -.......sw eat-......... -..7-74..-........... -52....... 5 532 Mules- - -.-... -...-.- —.. —----- -..............- 955 42 --------—.....................533 M artingales............. —..-.-. —............ —. —- - -- - —.- - - -- - -- -- - —.- - - -- - - - ---—.-.-. —.... —....-....-.-..-...... 4 -- -- -—.. -. -. ---------- ---------- ---------- 535 Poles, ridge............... —.- - - -- - ------- --—...... --------........ --- --- --- --- -------- --------....... -......... 29 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- W 536 Poles, coupling.e —------------- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 29 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 537 R akes, stable.. —-- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- —...... -. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------..... ----—. ------------ 2 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 538 R im s, bent am bulance............... —......... — --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -—.-.-.. —. — 42 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 539 R im s, ox-yoke bow ------------------------------—. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 ------------ ------------ --- ---—.. ---------- ---------- 540 Rings, open.................... -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- --- ---.... —............ 838 ------------ ---------- --------—.......... 541 R ails, body................ - -- -- --- -- -—............ -------- --------..... ------. -------- ---- ------ --- ------------ 171 100.............................. 543 Spreaders -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - ----—.............. -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------....... -......... 30 73..........-..........-......... 544 Saddles, riding. --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -----—.......... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 34 23 ----------.. —.. —-.. ---------- 546 Saddlescart....................................... —-—....... -—... -.......................!.................... 78 7 ---------- ---------- ---------- 547 Saddles.............................................................................. -.........111.............................. 548 Sticks, jockey.... -...................... -........ -.............-.... -..............-................... - - - - - - - - - 204 102 ---------- --------—........... 549 Sticks, cart-dumpfing...... —.........................................................-......!..-.. 4...................-.. —............................... 550 Sprinkles, wambul nc.-... -.................................................................. I........................... 55: Sprinklers, c aul g........................................................................... 5533 tra sr eck..J'.''eck.''......'.....'.....'..'..'.''.''.'....'...'...'.''.''....''/..'..'........'.........''.'..." " " 634 " " "13.........'.......'.4 554 Straps, nc kuplnd chain....................................................................... -- - - - -- - - - -..... ------------ --------—............................. 556 Straps, back and. chain..........-. -... -..................................................... I.. -. 32..... 53....... —................................. 556 Straps, e atc ers -----------------------------------—... —-....2- 53. —...........-.......................... 559 Strpiaders-30...................................... 73...................... 560 Straps, yoke.............................. ---- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- -- --- --—..........................................1 561 Spokes, w agon...........................-........... —.....-'-'- - - -' ~ —~~ —--- ~ — ~- --- -~ I................ 562 Spokes......................................... —..-. —---—.. —-----—......-...... —.....00......... " " "200''-2,1-........-........-........ 563 Strapokes, army wagono —— ke -----............... —--...................... - ---- -.......... -.......... 350 564 Spokes, 2-horse wagon........................... —.........-...-'. 20 200 ----- ---.......... 565 Spokes, am bulance.-.. —-............... - 1 8... —.................. -.-........................... 187 ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 566 Stirrups, wooden 1-.................................................... —- --- --..."7 12 4.. 8 567 Stirrups, leather.. —---------------------------------.......... —..... — ---- - ---—.-... —............ — 388. —.................. —-........ —.................... 563 Shaftpokes, army wagon - — t8 4-...............................350............5 -- 569 4 hafts -- -.............................................. -------- ---.................... 10 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 570 Strings, tic..............................................200 ------------ ------------ --- --- --- --- ---........-....... 571 Spokes, w-horse wagon- -20 —-----—............20 ----- -- - - - - - 8.. —-.............................-.... 572 Trees, single................................................................ -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -48 "265 -- - --—.... -. ---------- ---------- 1,000 5733 Trees,,doo blee —----------------- -----------------—. --—. -—. --—. --- --—. —. ----—.-. ----—. -. —--—.- I4 349 -- - —...... —................. —-..........565 Spokes, ambulane............ —— 1............8-. —----—.............- 10 575 Tongues, wagon.... --- - -----—.................................... S2tirru....p.........2 249 —-- 567 Stirrups, leather —- ----- ---------— 3........ -— 3........ —-- 4 43............- -....... —.... ---- 577 Troughs, feed........... —. —. —--- - - - - - - - —.- -- - - - - -- - - - ----—......- --.-.... -. -... -. —...-......-...- 8 98 II........ —..................-.. 568 Shats cart-:::::: 5 Shafts, a.-........................................ 55 570 Stringes, tice -2-0. —------—. —-—.................-........-..............-.. 0 2-.... - - --—... -- -... 58071 StockWheels, fronwhipt —....................-.................. 2............ —........ — 3 581 W hTr ees, w asin gleo - - - --... -- ---. --.4........1........................ -........ 000.. 126 40 -- - - - -- - -- - -- - 573 Trees, double-244I 349..... 58274 TreeWagons, saddl er — 7 ----—.. ——. — --...-.-...... ----— 0 47 —.......... —.................... — 10 583- -Wagons, —army.......................................... - - - - -.'.."-'- - 234 1....... -..1.1 -1 —..........-0 584 Wagonues, sprough -— 4 —— 3 —............. --....................... —4.. i 43-.... 585 W agons, log.................... -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -------- -------- -------- --------.'.''.'..'.' ----- — ".'.'.'. — 85'.-.-...-.-....-'..''... ---------- --- -- -- —. —. —--- 586 W agonughs, 2-horse d. —.-........8 —- - --- - --- - - - - -............................ 2981 578 TireWagons, waon - --......................................7......... —.- ----. —. ——. - -- ----' — ---- 57988 Wagonheels, wohind... —......... —....-...............-..................6................... ---- 15 -.. —-- -..- -- 580 Wagonheels, wafronter- - - - -...................- -................... --- - 2 —3 598 W heels, wago n.................................... 126.......... 591 Wagons, lumber...-............................................................................ --------- 592 W hips, w agon.. — ----- —.. I —......... -- --—........... --—.. ------ -.. —-—.-. -- - —... -------- -------- 11-II-I-llllll1234 315 ---—.1.... — 111111111.......... ^593 Wagonkes, oxarmy-........23.......- -.....-...............~ —-~ —...................- 178 584 Wagons, spring................-.............................. 595 Axes, choppingg-.................................................. - ----- 11,592 103....-..................,064 586 Wagoxes, c -hopping, and handles r- -2............................................. 587 Axes, fellingox.................-...................-... -...-................. ----- 12' 598 Axes, felling, and handles - --..................-....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --.. ---............ W...........w5 143 599 Axes, hand....................................................................................... 65 8 —60590 Wagonxes, picbox - -....-................- - -....................... ----- ---- - - I -- ------.-.. 37 60591 Wagons, broad...-. —.......... —- - ---- ---- - - - -.. 910 8................................ 715 9602 AxeWhips, wa gow.......................................................................................................................................... 580 9603 YokAxes, assortedx.................................................................................... 9081 107 — 8 12 9604 AugYokes - - -............sets.and bows, ox........ -45................- - -......'..'4 5.-. 1 3'1 1..........5-.. —605 Augxes, chopping. —-...................................3.,. -... — 8, 060 83 12.................. 473 606 Augers, long, assorted -—.. - - - - - - - - 6 Axes, chopping, and handles — 2 - - - 2............................... 607 Augers, hollow ------........................ sets............................................................................................ ^........... —- 2 608 Augers, gas-fitting -...... —....................... — --------................................................................................................ I 609 Augxes, brfellidge. —-------- ----- — 8............................................. 1 61598 Augx e s, pum p felling,..............................sets.................................................. 6...................................................... 143 61599 Augx es, boring m achined............................................................................ 26..................................................... 600 Axes, pick ----- 1 —-.................37 601 Axs ra -- — 1 -715 62Axes, narow -----— 580 65Agr — 6,060 83 12-73 66Augers, lnassorted -------- 25.............. 607 Augers, hollow.................sets -.........2 68Augers, gas-fitting -------- 1............ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,090 Angrs bidg-13 610 Augers, pump-sets-6-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 611 Angers, boring macbins --—:::zl 26-I... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. \ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on 3 —' credit on same terms as authorized by Executive'0 (0 Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I 0 P 0 * 0 ~3-..S... ". ~ ^ d-S. a a Articles. C) ^ ll a a a I- I 1. I ~~J Cd C~~~~~~~~;'I c~~~~~o d O P., I~ -I~,~ S1-1:l....'I i~ ~ ~~~~~~~~!!1i!ii!iiii!i iiiiiii iiri iii itti 55 a 0a 0 aa. 613 A ugers, inachine —-—.... -. -- - - --.. —-.sets. -..- --- -................................ 19............ I...... —........... 24 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ *a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 613 A ugers, m achine --- - - - -- - - --—..-.. — —. —. -....-..-.......-........ —-..... —.. --------........-........ 37 --- --- --- --- --- --- --------—. ----------........-.......614 A ugers and handles..... - -- ---—.- - -. - -... -—.-..-..-. —.. —- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------................. ------......... -- - -- - 615 A ugers and handles, -i —inch -- - - -- - - -- -—.-......... -. -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - —.- - --—.. —....-....-....-....-....-...... --- --- --- -- -. —.. —...........-.-. —-..... ----------......... 616 A ugers and handles, 11-inch.. —-- -- -- -- -- -- -—. — -—..... — ---—. -—..-...... -------- --- -- -- --- -- -- ----- ----- --—.. -..................... —-..- -- -- --.-... ---------- -- - -- - 618 A ugers, convex............................ —. —- - -—. -. -- -. -------- --------............. --- —. —--...- 381 -- - - - - - -----—..-. --------—. ----------........-.......6199 A ugers,,wheelwright....-...-. —-. —.-.... —...-.-. — ----—. —. —. —. —. —.... —...... —....... — -.. —.-266. —...-..... —...........-..........-..........-..........620 A ugers, nut...... --—....-.-. —.... — -- - --—..... -. -... —-...- -------- ------ -. -------- -------- -------- 132...........-...........-. —...... — - ---------- ---------- 621 A nvils, assorted....... —....- -- - ------- -----—.....-. —. —---—.-..... -------- -------- --------........ 7, 383 5 ------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- 622 A nvils, cast....... - --- --—.......-. —................. —--- - -... - -. -—.. -- -----—.-...-.......-... -- - — 2 3 ---- --- ------ --—.......-...... —--- 623 A nvils, w rought -.-.... —-. —.......................-. —- --.............................. -- 624 A nvils, block -—.. --------—...... -........-.-.. —-. —. —- - -------- -------- -------- ------— l —----—... —--........ --------- -------- ---.......... ------- - 3 * 625 A nvils, w rought. -------------------------- pounds~ —- -- - ----- —..... --. -.............. 500 --- -- -—...-. --- -- -—.-.. -- - —.-.-.. ---------- ---------- 626 A nvils, blacksmniths' --... —.- - - - - - ------ ---—..... -.. -------- -- -—. -.......................... -- - -- - - ------------ --------—......... ---—. -..-.-, — -—.627 A w ls, scratch... —---------------------------------- -....... —.-...-....-............. —.. -.. —.. —.- -—. 194 13 45.....-...........-.. 220 628 A w ls,, brad. —-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --—.-..... —..... -------- -------- ------ -. -------- -- -—.. -. -------- 560 76 ------------ ---------- ---------- 368 6311 A wlsanda tacka shoe....-... —. —-.-.. —....... —...... —.............-.......-. —-.-.-.......6... —......-6 —.-....-..-.........-.........-........ 632 A w ls, scratch, and handles -.-.-. —... —.. —- ---.. ——. -------- --------...........-.......... 2)4 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 633 A w ls, peg, and handles...... —.- - - - - - --—.- -....... --------..................... 120 ------------ ------------ -- --—.... - ----------.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50 76 368 ~ ~o, 1~0 a..... 634 A dzes.-.-.. —----------------------------—.....-.. —...-. -. - --—. —-...-............-.-......-.... 311 3 15..-.-...-........ —- 43 63 3 z5'a l oae.......a.''es... —-------------------------—....-................... —--- ------—...:.-.'-'-.........'-''612 Augers, ma hira s —----— t —--------- 1 —------------ --— 45 4 ------ ---------- 242 637 A dzes, foot or carpenters'..-. —....- -- ------ —. —-... -------- --------............................ 939 5 -—.. - —... -. ---------- ---------- ---------- 6:38 A xles, car.. -......... -..... p u d........ -. -.-....-.................. 256,119 ------------ 8.............................. 639-1 A rbors, circular saw -.-.-.. —.....- -- - -- ----—....... -- -- —.-.. ----—........................... 2.-. —... —- -..... ——.. —- ---------- ---------- ---------- 640 A xles, car and tender --------- --------- --------- ------—.................................. 33............. 8..................... 210 6,41 A xles, truck..............................- pounds-.......-... -.. -....... I- - - -- - -—. 1.............................................. 6,613.................... 17,738 642 A xles, engine-driving ----------------------------—...................... -........................ 14 ---—............ —.-........... 9.......... 3 643 Axles, engine truck ----------------------- pounds-. -- -------- --------... -14 —---- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ---. 644 A xles, tender —------------------------------------ --------. —- - -... —645 Axles, truck.. —------------------—.. --- ------------- --—................ 3,643 5......................... 646 Axles, tender truck........... - -. ----- --- —... --------—.......... ---------- ---------- --------— 1 647 A xles, tim ber buggy --- -..................... ----- -- - 59 ---—.. —-. ------------ --------— 1.................... 648 A nchors. —---------------------------.....-... ——..-.. —. —......- -. — -----.-. —---—....... I ---—. —--.... —.... ——. ---------- 1.......... ---------- 649 A cid, oxalic- ------.................. —-. pounds.. -- -- -—. —.. — - - --- - -------— 4...-.......................... —-.. -- 650 A cid, m uriatie....... —-- -—. do.. ------—..................-.............109 ------------ 105i.................... 652 Aqua ammoniac - sal..-....7-..-.. ------ ----- dounds-. -------- --------........ ------ -------- -—. —. -.-.-...-... 653 Arloes -do —---------..-... —- --.... —d -- - -----—.................................................... -............2 654 A lrmss a,c s. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----—...... -- -- - - - - - ---—.... p u d -......... ----- -- -—.. -. -------- --------.................-......-.-...... ---------- ---------- -- - -- - 662 Asphaolt ----.-.. —............ — -.-. —. — gallons. —--- —...-. -..... -0..-....- -. —-............. 2 28 --------—..........6635 Antimonyblacksmiths'.........-d-86.......... —o.................. 150.................. 8.......86 664 ello s, a sor ed.-........ —..-...................-............- -.. -........... Is I.....-.......-...-.... -....2 657 m m n ac a - — Am m onia- - - -— su d - -- - --- - -- - -- - — sal- - - -- - -- - — p10o- -- - — nd — - - — o-160 —- -- - - - - -- - - 665. B ello s, ha nd........ —-...... -- -- ------ -—... -—... -------- -------- --------. —... --—.- --------....... -- -- ------—. —- --- -- -—.. -.. ---------- ---------- ---------- 659 B ello s, e 8-inech.............. -- -- --- --—... -....... -----—. -------- -------------------------..... ------—.. -- - -- - - ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- (J 660 Bars,, seatc ast.-..................... p un s -- -- -- -- -- -- --—.. —.......-.......-..............-.......-......-.......-31-.......... -....-.. --- -- -- —.. -.. ---------- ---------- 661 A par ats, autoi t ih ---—... -... —........... —-- sets. -- --------.-. —........ --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -..... -......... ——.. —-... -.. -.-. —.. -- -........... --- -- -- 662 Aspalntmi- -..............................-. gallons.-2 —... 28-................ —--................ 2.. ---------- ---------- ---------- 671 ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i i B ars',i iii ironi.i.................................... -. -.... -... -...'1 5....... -. - -. -. -.. -...... -.. 6 7 2 B a s, in h.............. - -. -.... - -. -.......... -............ -..... -....... 7 58l. -.............. -.... -.! 663 Bellow s, blacksm iths'.. -—. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ---—.......-............................. -. ---- -— 106 6 24 —...................-...-.- —. 6764 B arso a sorted.-.-. —. —-.... —........ -—.. —-....... —.-.......-. —-...-. ——.. —..............-...........-.............. —.... —-.-.......-.........-......... 664 Bellow s, assorted-1 — - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -2 - -- - - -1 —- - -- — 29 — - -- - - - - - - - - 666 Bellows, hand-r2-........ —-....-.. —--—... —-..-.. —................. ——..-........................5.-....-.. —......-....-.-..-. —....-..........- 184 678 Bars, switch- — 131 —----------- —............ sets........ --- -. — -------- ------------------------------------------------------ -—.-.-.. 679 Bars, lininc- s —------------------ 410- -............... ---------- 670 BarS, wraisi gh ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- ----—... --- --- --- --- -------- -- - - -- - - - -- - ----—. —..............-..............-..........-4 3-.-. —--—. --------—.........-....... 681 B a~~~~rs, switch, ~~~~.................' d...............................:: Z;:": Z: ZZ::............... 9..................... 671 Bars, iron ---—.. --- -.... -- ---- 165- -....... —... —-. ---------- ----------.......... 672 Bars, pinch -7..........-.-. 80 3 -...... ---------- 673 Bars, pinch.-............................pounds -813 6874 B ars, grtam in...................... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- do... --—.. -------- -------- -------- --- --- -- -- - ------—.. ----------- --------—. --- --—..... — -- 675 Bars, draw -1 —----------------- ---- -------- ------------ 676 Bars, assorted —-----—.. —- --------- 689 B ars claw.................-..........-.... —. —.. -. -------- --------.... ------—.... --- --- -- -- - -- - - -- -... — -- -- -.......... ----—.. - —.. - ---------- 677 B ars, ti brench -—.......... —.......... — ----—..... -------- -------- --------.............1 -—....-...-. —............. ——.... —- - - -- - -- - - ----------....... 678 Bars, egrate -------—..-... —-.-. —-------—...... ----- -- 15................................. 679 Bars, pinch steel-1 —--------------- 680 Bars, wrought iron pinchn-p —--------------.ounds —----------- -...-. —- 45I3- 682 Bars, cgrantere boring.....................................-1.................. —-- I - 084 Bars, pry and pinch —--- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -13 - -- - - ---— 130 —- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - 686 Bars, fish —---------------- pounds - - ---------- ------------ ---- 19, 374 ------- --------------------- 688 Bars, crow ---------------------------------------------- 62 29 ----------— 12 295 691 Bars, engine COUPling —-------------- -i::: I —--------------------------------- 692 Bars, boring -1 —----------------- 1..... 693 Bars, cylinder boring —---------------- ----- ----- ---— I tZ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad propcrty in the military division of the Tennessee, fc~.-Continued. C \ t ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on i 2 credit on same terms as authorized by Executive PI Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I, _____ ___7. - a) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a It 5 I..al e. Id 0 ES, IC13 t 0 W1 <~" C^;E1 1"- cc oc ~~ ~~~~~~a 2)G ^ ^ ^ I ^^ I i 1 1^1 6 -i a,, a' p~~ 01 ~ ~ Z ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — 1Z C 694~Bars, long - ~ —--— 25- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ 694 B ars, short ------------------------------------------. - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ---------— 96 —--------- -........-.........-255 696 Bars, steel. —--------------------- - ---........... — -------- 2...........-.......... - ---—.-..-..- —. —. —.. — 697 Bars, assorted - -.......-... - ----—...-.pounds-. -..... -................................ 6988 B ars,,pin s,, an dd boltss -----------------------—.do --- I —------ ----------. —------ -------- -------- ------—. ------------ -----------—.;-. —-------- ---------- ---------- --------- 699 Brushes, varnish, assorte(d......-.....- --. —- -- - -................... —. ——. 30 49!. —103 - ----—. - —.... —. --- 103 700 Brushes, C. H. —-- - ---—...... —--—.-..-.- -.-... —. —.. —.- -. — -—. —... — 30 6 2 --------—.........-..-...-. —701 Brushes, W. W... —.. —---------------------- -..-... -- -- 89 6 143. —----—. —-—........- g 702 Brushes, scrub - ----- --- 148 89 31 ---------- 91 t 703 Brushes, painters' dust ------------—.. —----—......... -------------------------... — ---------- 52 704 Brushes, paint, assorted ---- —. —..........-...... —.. —- 441 62 24- --------- —.- 17 g 705 Brushes, flat........................- —.. — -..... - -—. ------- 8 --------—.... —21 - 7066 BB ru sh es, oov al........................... —----------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------—. ——;. —---. —-----. —. —-----.-..- -.. —44 707 Brushes, marking —--------------- -- - ------ 146 708 Brushes, striping- -.......... —.............. ----. — —.-........-............-6 —. - -------— 2 2 4 709 Brushes, striping....-...........-....................... —car —..-..-...-.. window..-........ —.....-.-............-34.......-....... —.....-..........-............24 709 Brushes, car window -sts -...........-. -.-.- - --—. 34 —... —-. —-. ---------— 1..........08 711 Brushes, artist'... —----------------------------------- -----— artists' —--------. —-------------- ------—. —red —---—. —-----— sable —. —---—.I.........1I10 711. Brushes, artists' red sable..... ---------- -... -—. —.-. ----- - - -—.. ------------ -- -. -—.................-......-.................-...........'.5 712 B ru sh es, glu e....- -—.. -... —..- - - -- - - ---—..... -.. -. --- --- - -... - I —----- -------- --—.......... -... -- -. ------------ ------.. —. — 5 ---- --—..... —-..-... -.-. —..713 Brushes, sash. —------------------------------------ ---—.. is ------------- --- - - - --------- 714 Brushes, whitewash -. —- -........... lotss -- --------. —-----.-.-.............. —-.-........ I -. —---- --... —. —-- —. 715 Brushses machinists'. —.... -- —.-.. - --------........ ----- -—. —--------—.-10 ------ -....... —- --------- - -- --- - --—. —-- 716 Braces. --— I —------ 7 - -------- — 96 717 Braces, iron........-..-.....................- -—.. -- ----------- --—. —----—. —-- 63 4 -1-....... —-. 1 —---- 718 Braces, wood.............................. —-...... -------- -------- ----- -9 2 ---- -...........j 20 719 Bracesandbits....-......................... sets. —-.............. —---............... -. —. —- 64 21............. —........-.......1 61 720 B races and bits.......4.............61...........-........ It....... -.. - -------.. 721 Braces and bits, car- -------------—........-sets- --—..... —- ------ ------ -.. —- 6 2 j.............. 722 B races, hand........... — —. -------- -------- ----- --. -.-. ------—.-. -. ---- --- ---------- 723 B races, join er............................... -- - ---—... -------- -------- --------....... —. -. -. ----—. -. ------------ 4 - - - - - - 1.........-. -------------------—...... 723 r c s, s ic Braces,- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - — joiner.. - -- - - -................ 725 B races, pedestal............................................I........1 —.-. — -........................................................................... 726 Braces, ratchet-.............................. sets-. 2 ------------ ---------- ---------...... 727 Braces, truck e --------------------------— pounds.. ——. —--------- - 42,-480.- ------------.......... ----------.......... 728 B races, engine.....................................................!... —...-. —.-. — --—. -—.-.............................................................. 729 B racesengine r............. —...................................- -. —...I...................................................... 729 Braces, engine bar. --— 1.. 730 Blenders, painters'. —---—...............................1.............. 9............-..........................................731 B lenders, painters'..................................7........1I-......... ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 7 7322 B its,,brace..................................sets..........1.......-I...........-.. i................ —................................................... 733 B its... ------... ----- ---- -. — -............ —-do.... ------—...... 1.... -.-... —.;................. 1 14 I....... -.......... -.......... ---- ---- ---- I ~1i I — 734 Bits, auger, assorted.........................-do- --— 1...-:-.-.. - —..-..!................ 152 3............ ---------- ---------- ---------- 735 Bits, auger, assorted.-................................. —-- -...!.. —. —. — -......... 341 38 15 -.........8..... 89 736 Bits, gimlet.. —.......et................... —- -.... 1-9481 —---—.......!.-...-. 1.......... — -...... 940 737 B its, gim let 20...............................s 7 3 9 B it s, p lo u g h p la n es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...se ts 1-43 — -....... - - -.. -......................... -- --—............. 740 B its, double plane 18 —------------------------------ 741 Bits, car................................. -....-........ —i................-. —....-.......-168 38-..-. --..193742 B its,car.................. —. —-.-. —... —----.-sets...-...-.....-......-........ —-..-. —. —-...-.... 279 28 5-6 ------------ ----------....... --------- ---- 743 B its, centre — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -...... -- --- - --- -- -- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -—:- --- -—. — -- -—. — --- -- 744 B its rose ---------- --------- ---------- -------—................'....''.. ------—'.' ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ----------—. ---------- 25......... 745 Bits, (sets of six each). —------------------------------------------—..-...... 9................................ 17 ^ 746 Bits, glimmer...............................-.... —--....... --------.... ------—.... 20-. —---- 20-......................... 717 B its, ratchet drill................................... --- - -----..... -...... -......1......-............... 42L -------—.. -..-.. —......- - -.. —.. —-.................. 748 B its, assorted -------------------------------------- -------- ---------............. —... -------- 70 --- --- --- --- --- --- --------—.........-....... 492 749 Bits, centre ill — -................ —42sets. —4 -- ------ -------- ------—!.-.-... - ------------------------------------------- - ---------- ---------- 3 750 B its, planerted ------------------------........... 70 —-- 492.............1.. —........ - 751 Bits, double-cut. —-- ---—... _ —_ -------- - - 50..-.. —- ---------- -------------------- 752 Bits, brace -63 —-------------------- 7 B ts, b sr te. -.-....................................................... -..... ——. -..........6............ 49. --- -- -- ---- ---- —.. —.... --- ------- 7 3 B uts, br s, a sorted. -. - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------—..p ir.. -------- --------...... -....- - -. —- -. ---- -—...5.........49.-.....-............ — -- ----—.. 1......4 454 BiiIt, brass, assorted —K.-..059,1,648,8.l,.6416 755 Buts, brass, assorted.-......................pairs.. --- -............ —..-.......... —-...........932... —----—. 269 ----—............ — 1,994 ^ 757 Bats looe- jin —-----------------------------------------— 3 180 —-------------— 9 —---- ----- 757 B uts,'ioose'joint.'.'.'. -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --—'.............J'''''.... ------—''.' ------—''.' ------—.'.^. ------—''.''.''''. " " "30''. —-'.''.''. —-- " " " 180.........l'..'....'.... ""93 758 Buts, wrought, assorted 29658-70..........................................-..-........-...... 269 96 558 -.....-......... 670 759 Buts, cast-iron. —--------------------------- pairs - - ---................ 394 5 1, 092 ---------- -------- 563 760 B uts, assorted.- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ----—.- -........... -.. -------- -------- -------- -........ -------- -------- 12....................................................... 761 Buts, wrought-pi4.............................pairs....... 45 - -- - --------- - ---- - --- 762 B uts, fast-24-........................-.........................-.-... —.. -.-. -.-. ----- 763 B ts, c st........................................................1.-.-... —.............24 -- - -- -- - - - -- -- - -- -- --...............-.-.-...... —........ —764 B uts rivet. —' - -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -— "....''.....^ ------—'. ------—''.' ------—.'-''..''..' ------—''.' --- --- 1 ".' ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---------- ---------- -----.'. — 766 Buts, wrought-iron-.........................pairs --------- -— 6..................... 61 767 -------- pate,.................................. 767 Buts, cas gt, coose joint.. --------------- --------. —--. ----------------—........ Bats,-12 —------ patent.......do. --—..... —4..8 -.. 770 Bats, cast, loose joint —-----------------— 12771 B uts, w rought-iron.... —---------- ---------—... —-. ------—....... -------........................................................................................... 772 Bolts, tank hoop............................................ 773 Bolts, iron hexagon-head..............-..-.pounds. --------.. —-.. - —.. — ------—.... —--- 75 774 B olts, fish-bard................................do....1........................L...............j........ 17,6611............ 14,700.................... 21,234 775 B olts, —-------------------------------------------- -- -....... c.............. 1........ 300 1,400...................................-....... 776 B olts, carriage ---------------------------- pounds.-....!............1........ I —----- --- --- --- -- -....\ —........................ 490.............................. C-0 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4v.~Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on' -S credit on same terms as authorized by Executive I 0 Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I e. [~~~~~~~ C., ~~~Articles.Z _ _ j ~ 0.' a) I~~~~-, ~I i, ^ IIII 1 l 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 777 B olts, carriage -10357-1598-99 —... -. —------...........1............................. -------— 0 - 778 Bolts imon bar......................................n-.............................................."' 779 B olts, brass, assorted.......................... —-----................-.! -12- - 780 B olts, barrel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---—.. —---—.... —------------------------------ 12..... -----—' ——.-. \..4..\..' —------—'.' — 4~ —- -~ — -~ — -~-~ —-- — ~781 Bolts, brass flush-. —-1-2 —-- --------- -.. —-. — 36 ----------------------------- 782 B olts, fire........ -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- - ---—..I -------- ---------—... Soo'. —-—.'.'. -\ -'. -------—. -------—. 783 Bolts, long 1-inch.. —---------------—.pou —nd 500 --- 784 B olts, ring. —------- -......-....-....-....... —.........-..... -............. -..-.-...L....... — -- - -- -- 15....... 1-1^ 1'.'.'....'''' -. \..." - i85 B olts, chain dooru-g-....... -- -...1........ -------- -------- -------- 10.' —. --- —. -1'.'. —-- 113 ~~o,o t~~~~ tb-un door-~~~~ —--- -------- ------— 10 1I-113 —-- 786 Bolts, tower- --—..-..............................................-.... 84 -........................... - 787 Bolts, square head --------------------- - pounis — 14,098 1, 000............' —----- 788 Bolts, bridge - —. ——.9,..do.-..!..- -----—.........- 9 439 ---- 789 Bolts, w rought ---------—.. —-- ----.........- do..-.-I. —---—.. —---.. --------. —. -.. —- -- -- ------. -- -- - 95 " — I " — - -—.. —. - --- -.-. --------- ---------- ---------- 790 B olts, w rought-iron ----.0. —-—. —. -.... -- ------ - -------- -------- - - - - - - - -..... 30 - 791 B olts and nuts-. —- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -I —----—.. ——..,...... —— [-.. —-. ----—. —-—.............. 145 -'.-. -.-.-.... -'.'.. —.'.'- ---- ---- -~ —— ~ —- ~ - -- - - 792 Bolts and butts -----— 1.5 -. ——......... -------- -------- -------- 5 793 B olts, brass knob..- --.. —-------- --- 305 --- —.' 111 -.' --- ------— ~ ---------- 3 —--..... 794 Bolts, wagon --- --------- -------- -- -------- ------- -- - - 49'. —'..''. ------ 795 Bolts, steel-spring square ------— 62. —- -. —- --—............... 63. 796 Bolts, pulley -40. —-------------- ------- 797 B olts,copu liey -............... —.. —---. —---...! —-----. ----—.. -------...... --—.. -------- 40 ----------- ----------- ---------- 11 ^ ^' ll'-' 197 Bolts, coupling.. —..... —-.. —-—. —-—.. —-.-.. —. —-.-1-15. 798 B oltsn and keys-72...............-.......... —- I —. -. -'.' 73 -- ~ —- ---- ~ -- ------- --------- ---------- ---------- 799 B olts —...................... -.... - poun i. I-............. ------- --— 421 312. 800 Bolts, door 1- - 4 801 Bolts, bridge- -....................... --------. —.. - -.... 2289- ----- -------- ---------- 800 Bolts and nuts -—................... —- pounds -- --- 803 Blocks, punch — 1 ——.............. -.....'. —---- -....._-1. —--- -—. 804 B locks, sw edge ------------- -- ----- ---------- ------ L- -----—......... 13 10 ------------ 5 SOS Blocks, dne —-------------— pound-,........I65 —6 805 B loc s, die...............-........ --.poun s —.-.... - - -............'. --------.................... 6 -I'. "'''..-. -.. -.......... 806 B locks, iron pulley. —........... —-.-.................. 807 Blocks, nnon.'.''. ---- 807 Bl cks hon -- --- -- --- ----- -- -........ -- -- ----- --- -- 808 Blocks, purchase...............-...................... I —.. —. - -------- --------........ -------------------- 2 809 B locks, notch............................................. I.... - -. --- --—.-..........-............. --------...- -..-.......... 39 810 Blocks, snatch 34................... —--- ---------------------- 286 30 4 —. —. —--- 8111 BB lockshheadwiith ttruck........ —-------------------. —------ --------- --------- -. —----.-. —----.-. —------------------. —----------. —------------------------------ 812 Blocks, upsetting... -- ------—.-....-........1.-.-. —-..... —---- -------------------------------------------- 4 813 Blocks, patent ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —---- ---— 2 813 l cBlocks,-patent-......- -..............................- --—.. —.......-.-..........-............................. ---------- ---------- 814 B locks, tackle-t -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e -............... -.. - -— 2 —........................... ----- --—. 815 B lockstackle...- --- -------—.. —----.- -. —...... ------- -. —......... — -------- - - —. -:.-... - - - 261 8 18......-.......-....... 26 816 B locks and tackle —- - - - - - -- - - - - - de s - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - -1 —-- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - --- 817 B locks and tackle - -. -----...................................................-. —........... 817 B l~~ ~~~~ouk ndsta kl...... -. - -. -......... —... —.... -.-........ -..........................................-........... - 818 Blocks, assorted —----------—.......-.......... —-....... -.. -... —................. 23 ---............ —.-. 1 ------—.-.. —-... 9 819 B locks, double-tackle............. —- - --- -- -- ------ -------- - - - -- -......................................................... — 820 Blocks, head —-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-------------- 820 Blocks, heads...orted.. — --.. — ---- -----. —-- - - ---—. - - ---—.pounds —.. 15.......... 2...-... 8231 B locks, triple.................... —-------- - ------ - - —. - - - -........................ a- -t..e — —..........r...s....... 824 Blocks, astiossorted ge. —-..-.. —---- - -pounds-........................ 5 - ----. —......... 833 B l ck, ss rt d....... --.. -- -- -- —.-.. s...................-.-..................................- -. -- -- -..- -..-.. 8324 B locks, cast-iron sw edge ---.. —---- -----. —pounds..- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------............... ——. — - I —----------. —-—....- --- --- --- --- --- -------—. 825 Blocks, cast-iron swedg-........-. —--....... —..- --..........- - -1 -.. - - -- - -...... — - —... ——. 826 Blocks, pillow -............ —----------- pounds.- ------- --------. - -------- -------- 600- - ------------------------- - ---------- 827 B locks, single. --------- --.. — - - ----—..... -. —..-.-................:............... 3........;... —- —.. —-.... ---- - 828 Blocks, double- --. —-------—.......89......-............. —89...... 1........1...1.. 8329 B locks, head - - - - —............................... setos.............................-............................-2........................2 - 830 Blocks, dohubl-head —---------— do-.... do-............. 1.............................. - 83i Blocks, cast-iron swedge and tackle..........do.........-.............-............. -.....-............ —'-.........-...... I 832 B locks, gum ---—................-.. —.....-...pounds.-................ --------.. --- -.. —- -..............-... —.-. 147 —. —-------.......... - 832 l c s i g e- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blocks,-gum —ound —14834 B lockstackle.............. pairs. ----- -........... --. - -- - - - - 87 - -.............se-.............-...... 835 B uckets, assorted -----------------.. ---....-........... — --- - -- - -- - —..- - -.-...... -...-. —. -. - -. - - 165 ---------- 25............ —...... —--.... 836 Buckets, water..................................................... —-... —-. ——. ----- - 840 91 59. —.............. - -- 4622 837 Buckets, fire -s- - --------— 62 —....-1.......... 40.838 Buckets, wood-2..........9..................7........................ 234..... —....... 297 838 Bucketss, enodne —----------------------------------..... —------ -------- --------... —--------------—.. —-............ —-................................. 841 Buckets, iron —---- --. ------- -... — 9 -64 —- - -......9 6........ — -........99.-....-....4 —..............- 64 842 Buckets, coalnish......- -...... — - --------.... -... -------- -------- -------- 24. —--------- -... —- ----- 1................ —841'.buckets, irubbe --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - ------—. — —. -. ——...... -..... —------ ------—......... -------- 99 -------—..- -----—... — -....!...... —------- 6 843 Buckets, varn -. -..............-. -—. - —...... —...... —...... -—...-. --- - -------- -------- 4 —..... —-.-........ — - -........ —... —-. 9 848'.bu ke ssw ng........... -.................. —-- --......................... 7. --.- --. -. --.....-....-. -...... — --.843'. buckets', v arnishe ------------------ - —...... -. -- -. ------- -.-. —---—............................ I -...-... —....-.......-........... ---------- ---------- 814 B uckets,, sm ll-fine...........-....-... —.... —..............-1.....-........tar.....-.......-.. —.... -.-...........-..........-.-.....9.2-.....-..845 Buckets, paint —----------------------- -------------------- 846 B uckets, ruhher —- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- 846 B ucke ts, doubber - - - - - - - -— fu......... --- - - - - - - - -- - -- - —.- -—.- - - - ---—.. -.. --------..... i........ ----- -----.................................. —---—... -- ---- 847 Buckets, swing --------------------------------- -- -------- -----—!........ 79 —-------- ------------....... — ---------- 4 849 Buckets, stiff —---------------- ---- ------— I —-- --------- 79 1 —----- --------------------- 850 B uckets, w ell —-1 —- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - --- - -9- - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - --- 851 B uckets, m ortar —- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -I - - - -1 d -- - - - -- - --- 852 Bucksts, lerathr —--------------------- ---------------— 2 —-------- 1 —- ---------------- 858 Boilers, tuhular, 12 feet long, 42 inches diameter —-—........................................... I................-......................... I- - 8539 Boilers, steam dues, 21 ft. long, 34 inches diameter-................................. ------------............ ---------- ---------- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4'c.-Continued. C Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive c Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.'!~~~~~~~~~c -- Cd oZd ~ Articles. aC.a 0 n ICe rZ I c r ~ ~~~~~~~~5 ~ ~ ~ P 5, 0.~ a- a 5"'0~' 0....~~~~~~~~~~~~' a -....8 n. aa P; CZ~~~~~~~~~~c Z~ Z ~ ~c 0 860 Boilers, steam, 4 flues, 24 ft. long, 39 inches diameter...........-.. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------...... ----- - - 861 Boilers, stationary..............................-.. ---- ---- - --- - --- - --- - ---...... - ---- - --—.................... 862 Boilers, iron-punch-........-..1 -.. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - -................................ - 863 Boilers, iron-flue, 26 feet x 44 inches —.....-........................'........................ - 864 Brass, old- pounds —0 1, 79 904-200 442 864 Brass, old................................. pounds.... —--........................................ 100 1,795 904.......... 200 442 865 Brass, sheet................. ——............. do...-................ 1,058 504 1, 403.................... 866 Brass.......................................do... --................................... 35.............................. 867 Brass, scrap..-..............................do740.............................. 868 Brass, wrought —............................. do. - 414..................................................... 869 Brass turnings ------- ------— do.................................................... 9, 535 -..... - ----.... ---.- - 870 Brassesdo.....................................do............ 2,569............................... 3, 567 871 Brasses, truck do- -—.............................505-.do - -............................................ —— 505- -..-3 872 Bricks, common -—................................................ 6185..... 15, 305 873 Bricks, setting, for boilers- --.......................................................... 874 Bricks, fire —1................................7........ 550 —..... 18,752 550.- -.. --.......... 873 Bricks, soap, fire..................................... 876 Bricks, split, fire -,00.......................0.... - --- - --- - --- - --- - ---.............. 3, 000.'... - -.................... 877 Bricks, key-............................... I..000......................... 1 878 Burlaps...................................yards......................................................................... 879 Buttons, assorted............................gross.. 880 Buttons, upholsterers'.......................do- 449 —-................ 404 -- 97 - --- - 218 881 Buttons, hand................................ sets-............ - --- 882 Buttons, brass, on plates............................................. 883 Buttons, brass..............................gross-.............................................. I........................ 884 Buttons, brass -— 136............................................. 136............................. 885 Brown, Vandyke -----------------------— pounds.-............................................ 83............ 6.............................. 886 Brown, Spanish.............................do............................................ 20. 1, 572 887 Brown, Vandyke...........................tubes.. - - - - - - - 12............................. 888 Black, India..-............................pounds-..-... ---- ---- 84 12 40.......... 889 Black, lamp.................................do............................. 7........ 216................. 890 Black, lamp................................tubes....................................................................... 891 Black, Japan - barrels.......................................................... 892 Black, ivory -----------------------------—.tubes. -- ------—. —-------------------—................................. 12 --- -~......-..-.............. 892 Blackue, ultramarine -— vory-t — ubs........- -.......................us.. g 893 Blue, Pultraarne-p —------------ ound —--------------------------— 4-117 1 47 —------— 87 ----- P sian............................. 895 Black, blue................................. do......................... ----- -: 54 ----------—. 546..... — - -............................ 896 Black,.............................. do.. ------ -..-. —-- 2} - ----- 120 897 B lue, cobalt................................tubes: --... -------- -------- - -------- -------- -------- 3:::::: ------------ ----------- --------—:: ---- --- - - --- --- 898 Blacking, stove...........................- paperso..................................-........-........ 206 ---------—. 115 ----------........- - 899 Bronze, gold................................ do.................................................... 16 12 II.......... 85Black, blue-.do-46. 89601 B lackls, drgong, hagig —-..............-..... —.................... — - 3 902 Bells, engine. - - - -................................................ o................................::::::::: — -- -- - - - - - - - - 903 Blackis ng, gstovepalarma —2 —-0 —1 —-.............................rp s.. 2......... — -.. -....':::':1:-:-::7:7 - --- 89904 Broells, engine, gongld —.....-...........1 —.......... — -- ---............ 905 B ells, alarm.............................. ---—.. -.. --- --- --- --- -------- --------.......... —-- -- ------—.. ------------ --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------- ---------- 7 906 Bells, engine and frame ~~~~~~~~~ ~~16.....i 1................-...-......-...................... 1 907 Bells, cast-steeliantubAesa -— 1.........2.......-.-.-.............. 2............................ 908 B ells, cab..........-. —.- - - - - - - - - - ----—....... -.. --- --- --- --- -------- --- --- --- --- -------- I........ --— ~~ —~-~- ----------- --------—.. ---------- --------—:::: 909 Balancell s, sprgong, anging...... —.... ——.. —------ — 3..................... —-. 3 3 -. —- - 8 9 1 0 B a la n c e s, e n i o c one o tiv e sp r in g. - -. — - - - - - - - -- -..............- -.............. —7-..................- -.. 4 3 1 2 1 2 - —............................ 91 Balances, iron beam ------------------------ ---— 903 Bells, engine, alarm-..-.... — - - -- - - -- 2..........-...-] ] 4 912 B alances, beam shive ------------------------------ --- --- --- --- -------- -------- --------........-..... -------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- 26 t: 26 913 B alances, steam.. —--... -.-...............-...............-............ 7 ------------ ---- --- --- - --- --- ---------- --------—.... 914 Balances, elliptic spring -12-3................................ -----... 3 - ---—'... - - - - ---- --- ------ 905 Bells, alarmances, counter........................................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----..... ---- 916 B shelligs, brass —------ -.engine a-..............................a. fm 1 5 ~ —-— ~ 9......................... 917 Bushings, gas-pipe.........................................Bells............ cab —-.-1.. — - -- 150 -- c- " "665' 90918 Balancesh springs, bell cord ------- -- -- -....................................... 99 99 BB ushings, brass ggland. —----------- ----------------. —------. —------------ ---------—. —----—. —----—.60. —----- ---- 45... —-----.. —--------. —------- 92Q0 B ushings, silver-plated. ---............... —....... —- ---- -........................... -—..........'.'. —--—..... —. —- —.. 1 -- -- —.-.......................921 Brads, patent, assorted ---------—..... —--- papers.......... -------........... —.......:.::::::::'.'. """"826' """"125' 205 ---------- --------- "" 465' 912 Balances iron beam- -...-.................... -...... -... -............................. 35 93 78 923 Bunting, red, assorted...........-........ —...do —--— 1_9...........................................-.. 207:::"" " " - "' f^ 912 Baurners, beam sve —........-... —.................... I —----— 2 913~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]] Balance steam-7-2 91426 Buralanes, elliptic springeka -................................-..... -----.. -.- 123 - ------- 915 Balances, counter-2 927 Burners, screw....-.- -....................................................................- - - -'::: 24 - - " " 91729 Brakes, levgas-pipe - --—.................-.........- pounds...... 930 B rak es, car.... —-.. —- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --—.............. -------- ----- -- -- ----...:....:.. ". -------- ------ - ----- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- --------—: -----—:~ ~~ --- --------- 931 Bevels, assorted........ —.................................. 9193 BusBevengs, brass gland -----. —- 4.............................. 92034 Boausrdings, guttsilvering-plated.............................. 935 B o ard s, b u lletin.................. ---- -- -------- -------- -------- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------- - 6 - - -- ----- ---....................... 936 Brads, patent, assorted —...................... 937 B oards, draft......... —------------—............. — ---------------—.................'.............'..'. " " " "'35' —.'.'-.-.' —-.' ----------—' " ~ —-- ---------- - 92238 Boardsunting, assortedysnning --------...- -86................ 2........06....... 3.. -5 939 Boards, straw --------------- ------------- pounds. --... -------------......................................:.:............::..................... -..-....~ —. -.20. 940 B toards, pressing.......................- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------— 0 924 Boaners, bicommonders -.....................-. —------ -------- --------........ 942 Boaurners, sigpatent -...................-...................................... - 44 9.26 Burners, eureka1................................... 927 Burners, screw -...................24 ]]] 9-8Brakes -...................232..... 930 Brakes, car..................... 931 Bevels, assorted-2 2.......16-......... 932 Bevels, square [.......... 30........ 933 Bevels!'1!iii'i 9,34 Boards, gut.tering —- 10.............6261.......... 935 Boards, bulletin —-6................. 936~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]]:] Bord, aly 937 Bord,dralt-o1....... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, c.-Continued. Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I _ __ i =,s 0 a Articles. 0 1 c 1 sj ~a ~" a 945 Bottoms, composition pounds 944 BrooIs, stable 7 1t 946 Bottoms, copper............................. do....... 947 Bottoms, adipper —.... —........ —---------—.......................... 949 Boxes, emery-............... —........................... 85 950 Boxes, rivet.......................................... 3....... 59 951 Boxes, oodlt head.. —-—............................................ 952 Boxes, tender...................................... 953 Boxes, engine.-........-............................. 954 Boxes, enine -....-................................... 9)55 Boxes, toolengine —pounds.............................................. 2 301 956 Boxes, packing -—........................................ 957 Boxes, tinder -—......................................... — - - ---- 958 Boxes, axle.......................................................... 23.. 960 Boxes, link ---- --- -..................................... 961 Boxes, oil........................................ 962 Boxes, hand car...-....................pounds-.. ------------ ----.. 965 Boxes, engine truck-poundst-................... o313.. —------- ------- ----- ------- 967 Boxes, tiron --- patent)..-........ do...................-........ —- 968 Boxes, screw, blued -.. —-— 1 -—.... - - - - ---------- 969 Boxes, signal-light- -.-.. —--—'. —--'.'...'.'.'..........'.'. 10 -.'-1-."- ------------'.'. ---------- 970 Boxes, shoeing -----------------------------------—......... 973 Boxes, drawing-paper..............................1..1........0............................ 973 Boxes, cast-.... -....................................4-......'".' """""" ~~~-~~~~-~..~~~~~~~ 9 4 B oxes, journal...................,......................................... 144....................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I43............................ 975 Belting leather, -14assorted4.............feet........:...............................4................976 Belting, gum. —----------------------------— do.-2,.................. ---------------------- ------ 3,953 213 9201..... —-470.......... 977 Belting, rubber-do —--------— 231 977 B elting, rubber..............................do....................................................................................................... 978 B elting, assorted, ---------—.................-do...... -.. —-. —----------------------- - - - - - - --------- 64 ----------—............................. —.. —. —-... —. 979 Bottoms, tic lamp -6 —----------------------------- ----------- --... —---—. —-. -- -------- 128....... - ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 980 Bottol s, car lamp w -- - —. — - ------........ -------- -------- ----- - -.-. - —. 6 -..... -. -. ---—.. — 4 2-... ---------- 9811 B lades, hack -saww. —. —....-....-. —. —----—. —.. —........-.-..-.. —...... —- -—.. —--........-.. —-...-.-...... —..-............-............-..........-.......... 42 982 Brackets -------------------------—..pounds-. —-. —10 -— 296 —---—. —.- --------- 10 -..... -.. —--.. 296 983 B rackets sw ing —-- -- ---. ----- - -.. --- --- --- - -. —... -------- -----. -------- -------- 3 --------—. - ------------ -------------------- U 984 B rackets, swingg............. —--------------------.. —-----.. —-------------- ---------.....-........-..... —--—.- - ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 5J 9855 B uggies,,timber....-.....-... —.-.. ——..-.-.. —.- --........-. —...-.-.-..-.. —................-.... —..447 -.......-..-. -............ -.......... -.......... -......... 986 Borers, cylinder,.portable-1 ----—...-.-......-.. —. —... —...-........- —..-...-..... —--........-...-...... —-....-................-.-..................................... 987 B orers, cylinder, portablet —-. —. —. ——..... --—.-.-. —. —..- -------- - —..-.- -... - ------------ ------------ i ------—..... ------ 989 B orers', hand. —-. —-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - —.- --—.. —------ ----—.. —----—.-.... —------......... -.. -.... 3 ------------.. —. —..- --- ----------.-..-. —. — - ---------- 990 B arrels..-.... —-.... —------------. —-.. —------ ---- -. —. —-- --- -- -- -- -----—. —-......-. —.- - -------- I ----------- -. ---------—.. --- --- --- ----—........6 991 Bodkin-s. —--------. —... ——. -..-.- ---------------------------------------------------------.-......:-.- -........:3 939 Barrows, wheel ---------—.. —----------.. —. -- -- ---- -- --- ---. --- ------- 224 9 56 ---------- 8. —-------- J933 B ridges,,trru ss —---------- ----------------— ffeet ---- ---------------------------------. —------. —---------. —------. —----------. —----------. —----------------—. —------- 994 B ridges, arch truss, M cCallum'spat.inflexible.- do-8 — ------— 0 —-- -- -..... —- -—...-. —.......150 ------ ----- ------------.......... ---------- 996 B enches, stationery -. —-- ---..- ----—.. -- - feet.. -.- - - - - ---—.. —....... -- ---- -------- --- - -- —. —---. —. ---------- -. -----. —--- --------—.........0 997 B enches, w ork.. —--- --..... — -- ------—. - -. ——....-..-..... —-. — ----—. ------. —.- ---- -------- 113 10 19... — --—. —.......-.........999 Bearings, centre -1 —.-....-..............pounds.. —.... ---- -. -- - ------—.....-.. —---- -. —-- -—. — 1,410 --—........ ------------------—. --------- 1000 Buildings- --— 2 —----—...... ----- -- - - --------- -- 76 33 — 6 —-—. 6........27623 — -- 111111 n s Buildingsn -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - ---- - -- -- - — n- - -- -- - — s- - — at- -- -- - -- -- - -— tank-1 —- -- - -- - s 10032 BB urrs ------------------------------------ ppounds —.. —------------------------------ --------------—. ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 10 1002 Boris-pounds ---— 10 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 ------------ 1003 Burrs, copper ---- -.....- --—.......do....-32 —.. -- -. - -—.- --.- -.. —-. —. —- --—. —-----------------—. a 10044 B u mpers..-.-.-. ——.. —-.. —. ——. —----—...do.... —... —-. —....... —.-..-.. —....... — —..-.. —.......-...-...-.-.. —...........-.-.-.... —---.......... —.........-...-..-.-.1007 B odies, box car...........-.-. —.... — —........ —.......... -- -—... —. —.-.. -.. -.. -.. - -—.... —.. —. ---------—.-. ----------—.. —--—...-... —.. —.-.. —-- - 1008 B reeching -- -- -----------—. ---—.- —.-.. -—.pounds. - -.. —.. — -—.... —.. —-.. —-.... -- -- - --------.- -... —-..- ----- 50.. —.... —- -.......-... -. —. — - -------—.10109 B uckls, assorthed,. S.... S —.. - -.. - -- - —.- -—.... -..- —....-.. —...... - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - ----—....... ——...- -...38....................-...........-.....-..-80 1011 B uckles, harness..... ---... — -- -... —. —- --.. gross. —. --- --- -..-. —.. ——..-.. —-.- -—.I —-. —---------- 4.. —... —---- is.... —--—..-... —.......... —--- 1010 Bumcklesrollerassorteds —----- -- —.. —--— do-.......... 1639-36. —-—. 6.-..- 3 1013 B uckles, assorted-. —-. —. —-------. —. — --—... do.. —.........-.......-......... —--—. -------- -------- 13 ------------ 2 ------ --- ---........ -----—..101.4 B locks, railroad splice, T rim ble's w ooden - -- -—.. -------- -- - - -- - - —.- -- - - - - - - - -- ------—......-..... —.-.-..... —... —.........2,014 ---------- ----------....-.. —-- 1007 Bodies, bxcar-set —---------------- ------------ ------------ ------ ----------- ---------- 1016 B ands, Fpringi -------- --—. -.-..... —--- -.pounds. —.... —-—.. -.. -- —.. —-—. —. ------ 600. —an- --— d..-.... —--- 90 —......-......... -—... 1017 B ands, gua s so -t.-...d - -28 --— 2 —-— 8do8 — -------—. —---. —----- -------- -------- 505 ---—.. —--- -- - -. —- -—.. —-. ------- 1018 B linds, w indow —........... —-. —-...- ----—. -.-. —. —... —. —- -. -- -- - ---—........... ----- -------- -------- I.. —--. —--- ---—.-. -...-.-.. —..- -- -- --—.... —. —-...1019 B oats, flat............... —-.-. —.- - - - ----—.. -... -..... —------—. —. -. —--—. -- -—.-.. -- -—.. -. -------- 2 ----—... —.. ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- I10230 B askets, m edicine... —..-. —......... — -------- ---—.. -------- ----------------------—... ---- —.. -------- I- -----—.-. —.-. —--—.. —.. ---------- ----------. —... —-.. 1031 B enzine -- - ----—.. -. - —. —.....-..... ——. -gallons..- -.... —. -------- --- --- --- --- —.... ——. —. --...... 5.. —.....- --- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1023 B ourgeois N o. 8, 3'ID --------------------- pounds. --... ---- --..- - - - -- - - - - --—.-.........-.... -------- -- - - —... -. -. ---..-. —. —- 13J...... ---------- ---- --- -..... —1023 B uckles, round leg, ruleda ----..e —----- -— d- gross 1 -........................................ -....... 2 —. —.... ---....... — -------------------- OS 1035 Braces, tank....................................................................................... 13 — 2 —-------...............-.....-....1014 Blocks, railroad splice, Trimisle'si'::: wooen2,.14 l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /~/i Back,.cr-set-8 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __ ____ __a Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive f Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 5 ~ ~^^ ~2 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ C) aS)^;` C. "* a) ^^ CZ f 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~0 ~ 0 Articles.'. S 0 0 ). - 0). 0)~~~~~. 0 o 0 Y)9 1- S0 - 0 I1 CZ C~ C). W ~ 4...0 -.),0 0)- -~ Cd 0) 0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -So 0)0) 0)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 3 S Is Q~1 11~) 16Bre -----------------------------— 2 —----— 7 —------ ------------------- Chisels — and —handles —---— 9 1027 B urners, gas.. —-. —--- -------- ---- -------- ------ ~- -. —.. —-......-............-............-........ ------—.. ---- --- - ---- ---- ----------- ----------- --- --- -- - --- --- -- - -- - 102734 C hisels and handles.. —.........- --—...-.. —.... — - ------ —. -------- -------- --------..... -------- ------—.. ------------ ------------ ----------- --- --- -- - --- --- 9 1027' Chisels, cold. —-------- -........... —-...... — —...-.............-............................. 296 85. —-------—....-. —-. 150 9595 10271 C hisels, h an d cold --- --- --- --- --- --- -----—........ -. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- I 1028 Chisels, chipping. — - - - - - - - -------------—... —.. — -1-......... —---- 3,791 83.-....... - -----------------—. —-------- I 1029 Chisels, hand chipping -- -. -- - ----.-...- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------.................... 100 ^ 1031 Chisels, firmer-sets -...-..........sets.. —.-...-...... ——.....................-..52................................ —-...... — 14 - 1032 Chisels, socket firmer. —--------------------- do............................ —--------......-.....- 12 25 ---- -....... —--—........... 2 K 1033 C hisels, sock et................. - --- --- -—....... -. -. -------- -------- -------- --------........-........ 1, 116 ------------ ------------ --- --- -- - --- --- ----------...... 1034 Chisels, framingm. —.....................- sets.... -- -..... —....................... — 3 2- --—.............. —............. i 1035 Chisels, framing........................................................... —-................... — 294 85 3.......... —........ 917 K 1(036 Chisels, track. —-------.....- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1,959 12 ------------.......... ---------- 1037 Chisels, cold track sn — —... — -6 -7- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- - -—..... - -— 1 2 1038 Chisels, masonse r -...................... - --------. -- -------— 8 --- ----— 4- -------- --- 67 -........... ------------ ---------- ---------- 12 1039 Chisels, cornerl —----------- -............ —- -------- ---................ --------... —— 16 8 ------------ ------------ -------------------- 4 1040 Chisels, bolttin - --------------—..... -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 16 1041 Chisels, splitting ths —- --------........ -------- -------- --------........ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 10 1042 C hisels, toppersm iths'......-... —.....nping —-.....-........-........-........- -.......-..-...-. -........ -............ -........- 5 —-............ -.........I...6......-7 1043 Chisels, tamping S-( — -0- --------........ -------- -------- ------------ 5 ------------.......... ------ 6 1044 Chisels, B. S cape.............. - - -------- -------- ------— 1 -— 3 7 —----- -------- --- 60............ ------------.. —- ---------- 1046 C h isels, a sso rtedp e ---- -- --- ---.............-......................6 14 ---- -- ---- — 5.............................. 1047 Chisels, carpenters'1 ---------------------------—...... -------- -------- I- -------- — 2 1048 Chisels, gouging —-- 37 —------------------------ ---- ---------------- ------ ----- ------ 1048 Chisels, gougingcket....... —--—... -... -------- -- 37 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1049 C hisels, sock et.. —---------------- ----......-sets........ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- --- --- 20 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1050 Chisels, socket framing. —-—... - -. -------- -------- 418...-..... —- ------------.......... ---------- 1051 Chisels, socket, and handles ----- ---- ----- -----—..... —-.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- ------—......... 6 ----—. ----- ------------ --- --- --- --- ---............. 1051 C isesovlack..... —---------------—. —------------------—. —---- -—.. 6 Chisels,.. socket,.. and... handl- 1053 Chisels, mortisev................................-................................................... 13 -- ---------—..- ----.-.- -- - - —..- - 1013 Chisels, mortise-13.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'" 1054 Chisels, tinners'............................ 1055 Chills, frog........................................................................ 1-5 calipers, assorted ------.....''.''.''. —--'.a —-::::::::.:::''":::::::::::::" " " " "4 " " - -- - -- - -- - -- - - ~- ~~~~ —~ — - ----— ~ —-- ---- --—. 1 1055 Cahllpers, fro g ---------- - do-..................................................................... 1056 Comalip ers, assorted........................ do. p — a irs~~~2.... 1059 Com passes, w ing............................ do;;:::;::.:.:...................: —---------- -- - ------ ---.........-..........3 106057 Calipers, spri ngldo0..................................... -........-.................... 1061 Cups, oil, spring bottom............ 106:3 Cupss, tin paint-................2........d.............-.................................... 1064 Cups,,tin stripinallow'.-.-.'-'-''. —--- —' ——' —--------------- 13............-0.......................... o 1066 Cups, steamchest oil —............................ -----— 6 —2................................... 1067 Cups, valve oil.ping --.. - -----—........... —.9- ----------—......................... 1068 Cups, brassoil........................................... 0 1066 Cups, sta mrni sh.........................................................................'.".'...'..'.'.'................6.......................................... 1067 Cups, varnish —18 — - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - 3 — - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -3 1070 Cans, powdera-ss.-24............................................. —- - - - - --:23..:.......................................... 1 1071 Cans, engine oil.......................-.................................... Is3............."''"'"'' 74 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~' ~' ~.............................. 10672 Cupans, oil, spring-bottom..................................... { 1073 Cans, tallow-....................................................................................... 24~...-~~~~-~~~~'~.................. 53.. 1 1074 Cans, aesortedan31...............................4..................-......- 1073 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~:: Ca":': tallow:.......................................i.......................':...................... 1075 Cans, i assorted....................................................................... 1076 Canstinassorted.-..............' -~~-~ —-— ~~ —-~ —. -. 1,18 s 114.......... 3.......... 1077 Cans, tin sr................................................................................................................... 11 1076 Cans, bencr................................................................................................................ 1079 Couplings, tenderpchunsoi.........................pud.....-~ -~9............-..-..................... 1079 Couplings,3.1inder......................... pounds................................................................................................ 90 1080 Couplings, 3-link-........................................'.................. -.. ~~... - ~........... 1,0.................................................... 1081 Couplings, 3-link5.................. -............................, 220.....................-................................ 1082 Couplings, straight o......................................... -................. 1083 Couplings, crass..................... pairs............................... 1....-..-....-............................co k d 1068 C ou plings, clampra ndsscrew........... ~...... -........................................ 1084 Couplings, brass union, assortedpairs.................................................................................................... 1085 Couplings, clamp and screw-......................-1 p.. 100Couplns, hornse. 1088 -l. -....................'." 12".................... 1089 Couplings, ass oe...........................................................................d.......... ]071 Canspengings ose...-. ——.-... —---—........................................................................ 106 1091 Couplings, ca inor ed. —---------- --------- -...... s.....................'.........'.'......'..'.......'..'................................................................ 1092 Chains, engine —------------------ d..~-~~~~~~~~-~~ —~~ —.........~-~..~~~-...~~-~~ —-~~ —~2,549... —0... —... -...............-.. 1093 Chains, assorted -o................... o-....................................................1...........10 1094 Chains, log....................16......-... 6 ""'36................... 1095 Chains, switche........................................13....3. 1096 Chains, Pow ers' endless................... -~~~~~~~~-~-~~-~ -...................................... 5....................... 1097 Chains, brakepounds............................................98.[......la.........................'........3'6 ~~~....-................... 10995 Chains, small........................... 1100 Chains, civil engineers'........................................... 13 13............................. 11016 Chains, surveyors', e e............1......................... 1 C s a...... d.........................1102 Chains, sw itch.......... pounds............................... 9807 Chains, largy.......................................................................... 1 0 7 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~.................... oi................................................... 1103 Chains, slog- 5................................................................................................................. 1104 Chain, assortedyfeet —22 5e79.2...........................ou......'............. 1105 Chain, assorted —------ ---. pounds-43..................6................:::................ Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ 00 a 0 0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive f a a Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 0, __________ _ _______ - I -___ -. ~- ~ ~ ~ "S c~ -^ -S? a. 0~ 0 0a o'0 d cc; 0~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~.......................... ~03 o...........'...... -........ 97 ri: ^ ^ 03 ni ai /... <. - a op..... 0 ____ ______,..._____________.____________________0_0a_0__ a ~ d ~ ~ 1106 Chain, cable...................... —----—...... pounds........-........-........-........- -------- ----------- 203......................-.......... 297 a ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 0~~~~~~~~~~~O 0 0 i 1107 C hain, cable............-. —...- -- - ---—... -.. -feet........ --- -- -.. -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.. ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- -- - -- - 1108 Chain, German ------------ -----------—....... -....-...-.. —............-........-........- -----........................-....................-.......... 40- - 5 1109 Chain, German coilbe -..........-............ do. --—................................-...2... 27............. 75.................... 330 1108 Closin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 era.d.............'t 110) Chain, coil, proved, -inch.. —.....- pounds -..800... 75 —.3:30..................... 1, 103 1111) Cbain, coil, pssroved, 5-ici-pound —------ s.. —---—. ——. ——.1, — ---- ---- 4,73 ------------— 103 — ----— 6 11-10 Claing, as e - - - - - - - d - - - - - - - coil —, assorted9 -l o —..24,23 4 81 -....................................... 3112 Casting assorted-do-284, 622 45, 828 22,167-............................................................................................. 1i11 Castings, iron........-..-.o................do.....105,......-..........-.........787.................-....252,082-.... —.- 105,7878...................... 252,08200 1114 Castings, pump —-----------— do —----- — 1........................................................................ 164.................... 344 1115 Castings, brass ---------------------------— do.-....................... —- -------- -------- 20,374 1,212 9,657...................... —-... — 1116 Castings, grate bar ---------- -.........do....- -. — -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------—..... 2, 336.......... ---------- 6,955 M 1117 Castings, old stove -...-...-....-.......-..lots. —1- ----—...-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- --- I............-............ -.......... -.......... ---------- H.1118 C astin gs, car.............................-pou nds. --... -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- --- --- 109, 634 --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------—. --------—.......... 1119 Castings, tenderp............................doun ds —1...6-34- -------- -------- --------........- 22 ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1120 pgspp ------------------ ---- -------- ------------- ----------------------- Caps, —double. 1122 C lam ps, iron....... —-.... —...- - -- - —.-....p airs.. - -.-.. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------—.. --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 1121~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Caps gas:Z: pips:~;Z: Z::: Z::::::;:Z:::Z::::: ZiZ:: ZZZ::......776 1 124 Clamps, cabirnet-pimakersr s-.-............ ------------- ---- --------- --—.............................. 3 --------------------------------—.. —.........: 1125 C lam p s, saddlers' - ----- -- --- -- ------ -- --- -—........ -------- -------- -------- --------........-........ 3 --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------—. --------—.......... 1 12 6 C la m p s,' s w itck "............... e s. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1132 Clamps, cbinelt-maers... -....................... —-3 -------- --------...1.... 18............ ---------- 3 11126 Clamps, sritc-h. 1128 Clamps, block.-ing..................-....pounds --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------.... —--— 2..... ---------- 1 1-129 Clamps, blresok —eels —------------------- ---- --------- ---- i ---— 1 —------- ---------- 1-130 Clamps -— orses -----------— oeais —----------------------------- 180 —-3 —------------- ---------- 1132 lm s --------— Clamps —-— pounds -------------------- --------------------------— 1, — ----- 467 —-.1 6 1133 Clamps, iron horses —-...-.-....-..................- ----—..........-........... -. -............ -.-. —. 1134 Clamps, iron -.......................................... - -.................. 50 11353 Clamps, iron, for tender......... -------- -------- -------- -----.................... ---------- ---------- 11:36 Clamps, belle.........................,-.17.. -_.(-'....'.'...1............................ 1137 Clamps, chimney.......................................................................... - ----.. 1138 Clamps, saw-set -----------------------------—........ -------- ----------—... -- —.. -------- -------- 3 --------- --------- -------------------—......... —-....1139 Clamps, wood bet ch............................................................................. 28 ---------------------------------------- - ~- —. —-- 1140 Clamps, screw-...........................-..........-........-.............................. 36........................-......... 10 ---------- 1141 Cars, box........................................ 10 3 73 6 18 36 253.-................... -45. —. —-. 1142 Cars, box freight.................................. ------------....................-............... —-............ 13 -------------------------------- 58 1143 Cars, flat......................................... 3.-.............. 6........ 6 81 27 ------------ 47.................... 1145 Cars, passengert —------------------..................... 1 3 —............ 8....................1146 Cars, hand —---------—..... —-- — e —h — 12-23................-........ 12 3 -..................... 1147 Cars, caks-steel - --- -... —-—.. —-........- ----—. -18- I -............... --------.. ---------- ---------- 1149 Catrs, iroal..... —-.-. —-.. —------—..... —... —. —.. I —. —.-.-. — ---. —-.-~ — ----- —. —-.-.... ----- ------- ----- - - -- -— 7.............-.................- 1148 Clamrs, caboe-1-........................................' 3....... 1149ar coa — 12 1150 Cars, stock-........-1........-..................................... —-........... ------..... 45 11l2 Cars, push or dump- -1-.. --................................................ 2. -.............................. - 1153 Covers, card box- --—. -------- ---------------- C-t-ers, lead -- ------------............ ---------- ---------- 1 11653 Cutters, ledo e.................. ---------------------- ----- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ---- ------------ -------.................. —-- --... 11536 Cutters, cast-steel -...........-....-........- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 83 ------------ —.....- ---- - - - -- - 16 1154 Cutters, boring —------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - ----------------- - 4 1156 utrio ----- ------------------ ---- -------- -------- 37 ------ Covers, — cylinder — bead — 1 1 567 C o v e r s, d a g i n- d e r h a d -.......... —...3 8..- -...2 8.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 - - - - - - - -.................... - - - - - - - - - - --------- 1158 Covers, bole- - -—...-........... —..........-..... —. —- - - - - - - - -2 7 1169 C yliners, b ox a -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - ------—.. -------- ------- -------- -------- ------—....... —......-...... —...................-..........-......... -........ 27 1159 Covers, baud-caro —----------------------- pounds - -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- - - - - - - ---- ----------------------—.....................465 1171 Cyliners, 5a feet-lox g 12-inch- bore-........................... ------------ ----—..............-............................................................................ 1161 Covers, guarh ri l........................................................................................................................................... 1163 Covers, ena meleod, asotd —.............................................................. 3795 04,65........................... ------ ------- -------- --- ----- 1 17 43 C o v er s, pa l r o d.............. p u d. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. --...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1164 Covers, sanlod guard.....-........-..........................-...-........................ ----- ------—.. ------—.. -----------....... --------------------- ------ 11825 Covers, lok e..-........-..-............................................................................................................................... 1106 C o vers, s mo k e -stack.............................. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - --- --- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- —.... —- - —. — - -. —....- - -- -- - It.... 1167 C o vers, smo k e-o st a..- -..-...... h ole...... --- -- -- --- -- -- -------- -------- ---- --- --- ---................................... 16 ----------- ---------- --- --- —......- - 116 Co ers,bi t................................................................................................................... 1176 Coers, f ias s........................................................... cushio-1.......2-.. —---- 11.62 Coars, passengaelled-2-..............................-' 64 1164 Coavrs, sandb..2........2......................................-. 1167 Cars, o-tck-............................................... --- 1167 Covrs, smk-tckandbolse-16-..................... 1169 Cyaiudrs, stead eugine —---------— sts —-- - - - - - - - - - -2 —-------- -------- ------------ ----------- ---------- 1170 his tp —----------------- -------- ---------------- 2 Cy —-iuders, —--— locomotive —----- - - - - - - - - - - 1 117-2 Chairs, ralodguard rai- ------------------------------------— 13 —--------------- - - - - - - - -64 — ----- 1173 Chairs, railroad,...............assorted-3,................779......5,.....204...... 7, ---— 625 —--- 1175 Chairs, frogk —----------------- ---- I0 —--------------—: ------ - - - - 6 11784 Chairs, assortedf- - - - - - - - - - - -346 —------- ---- --— 1 ----- ---------- l............ 1180 Cocks, w oaste- - - ---..........4..................... 1182 Cocks, luhock-2-................ 1183 Cockes, stp ----- 455......104......72-... 1184 Cockes, blow-off-10-................ 1185 Cockes, bibb-34 -196-...............:::::::..... 1186 Cockrs, bibbndbrhass19 3.............. 48-;: 15187 Cocks, pet......................................p- et-33-....... 5..3 -------—:....... C.0 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ CL Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive f G Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. a'0 l a n 5. n.~~~~. 0. ~ ~ Z I ^^ ^^ ^1 ^ ~- ^ -2 ^ ~S ^ ^ I~~~~~CI c ~9~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~. ^l ccs^ nS cc n 11-.^^^ o~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~'~ n oo 0 zc~~~~a 0 —'- - - Articles.' o. 0 0.'.t [ I a *-n c'0. 3 0 o 0 0 0 c~~~~~n ~~~~ cn~~~~c 3 5-n cc'0cO -o~~~~~~~~~~ d T 0~.0cc 5 - 0 0'c " Lt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 cc 1188 Cocks, gauge..................................................................................... 40............ 106.............................. 1189 Cocks, racking................................................................................... 46............ 7.................... 78 1190 Cocks, heater and cylinder........ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------— 1............... —-—........ 18 1191 Cocks, steam, assorted1............................ Isre - - - - - --- - --- - --- -' - - - -............ 101.................... 124 1192 Cocks, brass...................................................................................... 16 1.......................................... 1193 Cocks, cylinder.................................................................................. 91 123.......................................... 1194 Cocks,hl ater.................................................................................... 77............ 41.............................. 1195 Cocks, w ater............................................................................................................. 2.............................. 1196 Cocks, lever.............................................................................................................. 2.............................. 1197 Cocks, rough...................................................................................... 64...................................................... H 1198 Cocks, air....................................................................................... 1...................................................... 1199 Cocks, basin..................................................................................... I...................................................... H 1200 Cocks, gas....................................................................................... 9...................................................... 1201 Cocks, steam -gauge............................................................................... 39...................................................... 121 Cocks, steaco-gauge-39............... 1202 Cocks, steam -stop............................................................................. 178...................................................... 122Cocks, steam-step-17................. 1203 Chimneys, assorted............................................................................... 41 25 728.............................. 1204 Chimneys, head-light............................................................................. 40 210 506.................... 300 1205 Chim neys, flint......................................................................................................... 569.................... 690 1206 Chim neys, stationary sm oke-stack................................................................................................................................... 126Cines sttonar sokestc......... 1207 Chim neys, lam p, assorted......................................................................... 3 132 159.............................. 1208 Chimneys, coal-oil lamp-.................................................................................. 150................................ 61 1209 Cases, drawing-............................................................................................................................. 7 1210 Cases, engine tool-box key....................................................................................1........................................... 1211 Cases, tin stencil.......................................................................................................................................... 1 1212 Cases, m edicine................................................................................... 1...................................................... 1213 Cases, turning paper................................................ 2........................ 1215 Copper, bar-............................. pounds.............................................................96 1215 Copper, bassr te -- -- -- - -- -- ---—...-...... -.... nd s........................................... ------—... —---- - - - - - - - - - - - -96......... 1 7....................7 39 1216 Copper, assorted -------------------------— do...... i[87 7, 721 121 7 C pprsee Copper, —--------— dosheet —— do —- ---------- — 1,175 —— 7,3907............. 1218 Copper, icgot. —----— do —602-1,387-3,547-1........................................................... 1,37,5.................... 7,721 1218 2, 000 2,029. 1219 Copper, scrap..............................do................... 1,181............................................... 1220 Copper, tinned.............................-do- ----..........-.-..-........................ 134...................................................... 1221 Copper, pig................................do.. ----.. -------- --- ---... — -- -------- -------- -------- 435 ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------—.. —-.1222 Cloth, em ery.............................quires.........................C.-.e..ry................ 1, 530 40 110.................-.......... -. 1223 Cloth, emeryg...............................gross.- -------- -------- -------- ----—.- ---------------- 100............-.......................................... 1224 Cloth, gum -.............................. pounds. --... --- --- --- --- -------- I........................................................... I................... 159 1225 Cloth, enamelled ------------------------— yards- -.....-..-... —-—. —— ~ —---- ~~ —------ 57 504................................ 5 1226 Cloth, enamelled..........................piecese- --...... — ---—. — --—...- -------- -------- 17...................................................... 1227 Cloth, tracing.............................. rolls. --... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- --------....... -......... I.......................................... 1228 Cloth, tracing -........................yards -- -------- --------.-.-. —1 -------- ------- 64...................................................... 1229 Crayons ------------------------—.. -----—. gross...........-......-.................................................................................................. 1230 Chalk, white.-..........................pounds.-3..........-,.-. ---- --- -------- 3,610 171 454............. —.... 3 1232 Chalk, r d............................. d............ do... --—.. -------- -------- -------- -- - - --- - - --- - - -3............ 25^.............................. 1233 Chalk, prepared-.'.'...'..do..'....1........ do........ --------........ 1 1-6...................................................... 1234 Cranes, blacksmiths'.............................. -------- -....- -------- -------- ---------------- 2-.................................. 1 2 1236 Cranes, assortedip n..d....................... s.................................................................................................................... a 1237 Cranes, tank-27 —-- - - - - - - - ou d -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - 1237 Cranes, tankter-1-.. - -- - -.......-......~........~ --------- - - - --. 27...................................................... 1239 Cuffs, hand... —- ----- ------ ----—.... -..... pairs — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- ------—......... 6...................................................... 1240 Chests, tool.................................-............4 5 —....-............4 1240 Chests, car ent rs --- -- --- --...........................-. —...- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.............................................. 104 1241 Chests, carpenters' tool -------------- ---------------- -------- --------------------------- ----- 10 1243 Chests, saddlerstin -.......... ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 4..................... -............................... 1244 Cupboards, tool...................................... -------- -------- ----------------------—. ------—.. --- --- --- --- --- -- ------------ ---------- ---------- 3 1245 Cupboards, oil.................................. - -------- -------- -------- ---------------- -------- ------------.......... ---------- ---------- ----— 3 1246 Combs, graining............................lots- -........................ - -............. —-...1 —--—.......................................-2 l 1247 Com bs, graining.............................sets........... ------—................... --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ------—.. ----------- --- -- --- -- --- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - 1248 Chucks, assorteda..................................................................................... ------------............ ---------- ---------- 1249 Chucks, screw8..- -------- -------- ------------------------........ 7Chucks, —-------------—. —......... —........ —........ M 1250 Chucks, drill ------------------------------------- --—.... --------........ -------- -------- ---- - --- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 4 1252 ucs ras —-------— Chucks, —------------------------— planer —----------------------— 4 —----- ----- 1252 Chucks, planer sa -.l —1.'. —--—. —----'.'. —'1'.'1'.' -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ -'...'....... ---------- ---------- 4 1253 Chucks, universal.....-................................... I ------------.................... I 1255 Chucks, tap uSd nuts —--- - - - -- - - - - - ---- - ---- - --- - - -- - - --- - - — 49 — - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -4 1256 Chucks,un v r a lathe.............................................................................................. ------------ ----------- ----------- -- -- -- -....... - -- -- - 1 2 5 7 C h a ses, a ssp rtn d.............................................................................................. i s........................................... 1258 Cranks, hand-car-asso..e....'.'.'..'...'pounds —-- —.' -------- -------- --- --—.'-'.'.'. 81'.'.-.-.-.'.-'. ------ -- - - -- --------..' -1259 Cranks, irond-car..........................pounds-............................................................................................................... 1260 Chasers, screw....-........................................................................................................................................ GO 1261 Catches, cupboard-................................................................................ 552............ 158.............................. 1262 Catches', window........................................................................................ 10....................................................... 1263 Catch es, orang,dow......................pounds.................................................... 120...................................................... 1264 Chrom e, y een......................... pounds -- --------............ 255......................... 90 1265 Chrome, orange, American-...................tubes- -............................................... 12............................................ 24... 1267 Chrom e, green ry............p u ds —do —--- ----- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -— 39........................... 1269 Colors..-h............................... uoxes - --------................ -------- 102............-................................ 2- - 1270 Candles, car............................. pounds-......................................... 85 639.............................. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the miltary division of the Tennessee, 8c.-Continued. ^ LD ~ 0 o Sold at public auction to railroad companies on'' credit on same terms as authorized by Executive a a' Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. 1 ^ ^ ^ ^1I11 - I 7. I ~ I 5 0 C a'a a'' a ~ ^^ ^ ^ Isa 1^ I s g s'a a ^, Articles, a a a a~~~~~ a0 a'a'," a o'a ~ a';Z:4 n.''~= ~~~~'an ^C). n c - a'~~~~~~~ 0a cm0 a-5 a a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,0 ~~~~~~'a.0~~~~'" 1371 Cand es, tar...-..-... —..........po nds.. —- —.- —......................................... 2 395.....................-...-..... p: a a0'a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C co g- a a 1 p.......................... 3,86............ 3 S7.............................. 0 12? CordOaemp bell-.........................-...... 6 5.............................. aa 1276 Candlesnst ar..... ---—. -------------—.-... -..-b ls-. —------- ------—. —----—. —------ -.-..... —.............-............-.......-........-......... " 1277 Coppexions, m eter... —..... —... —.... —--.. —.d —--. —----—. -------- -------- --—.-.. -------- -------- 3................ 3 7.........:.............................. 1273 Cord, hecm otive...... —........ -- -- -—.... -. -..... - -. —.~ — -- -- -—.-.. -------- -------- --- --- --- --- -------—.... —.. 6 35 1............ -......................... i 1274 Cordu as, bell c ---------- --....................... — ---—... - -------- --------............. -- - --..- —. -. -- - -- - - ------------ ------------ --- --- --- --- ---........-.......1275 Ceentres posit-o.. —.. ------------------—............-. ——................................................................. 30......................... 16.... 1-276 Cemiaent ----- ----- ---- ----- -----—.-........... -..-. -------- -- -- --- -- —....- --- -- - ---—.-........... ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------—...................... 1 2 7 72 CC a r r ia g e s, m e t er. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —. - - - - - —. - - - - - - —.- - - - - - —.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - 1 2 784 C ra b s,' d lo o ti v e....-. —....- - - - - ---- —.. - - -. -...... -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - --...... ——... - - - -- - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 7 3.... 1279 Cir uamb rs, engitch -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -.................. -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - --- - —.2 - ------—................................. —....... —- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 2 8 07 CC a s in g s, l a t h en - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - -. - -. - - - - -. - -- - - - - --—. - - - - —.. - - - - - —.. - - - - - - —.- - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - -.-.- - - - - - - -.-.- - - - - - - 1288 Canthriag es, tir n clture -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- ---- - ------—.. -------- -------- -- - - -- - —..- - -- - - - - - - - - - ---—... —- --------- --------- --------- let..I........................... 12:89 Cam hrra e, iron...........-..-.............. se tons.-. -- - - -- - —.- - - -- - - - - - --—.-. —..................................2-.........-..................-........ —.. —...1 2 89 2 C la s p os, tion d -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---—.... -..... -n - - - —..... - -..... -. - -- - - - - -............. - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 1 2 8 4 C r a b s s, d r l iga s -p ip e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...............-.... —-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 8 5 C h la m b rs, e n i e p p - - — br a c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —.. -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 8 6 C o rr ale s, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—.... - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1287 Casn gs, cylacksmithead - -. - - - - -- - - -----—............ --- --- --- ---............. -------- -------- -------- I ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------. —-.. —-.1288 Ca thrids,i tin cture-................. -------- ----- ----- po n s-. — - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- --—........ ----- ----- ----- ----- --------—. --------—.........-......-.......1 128 C mp or gu - -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- - o ----- -- ----- -- - -- --- - -- -- ---- -- -- - - -' — - -- - -- - - - - - --- -- -- -- - - -- - -- - - 1271 Candles, gsta-pounds —-------------- - -------- ------ ------ ------- ------ 65_ -------- a —---- ----- ---------- 1275 Coppersgas-do.. ----------------- ---------------------- -3,8 —- 62 ------- -. -. —— 38 —-- --------------- 1273 Crls rn —------------------------------- -------- Cord, —hemp-hell-do-6 -3 -561 —------- ---------- 1275 Cement compo-itio-cans —------------ ----------------- --------- 1 ---------— 30 —----------------- 1 1276 Cemn tb relb a k m t s- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - ---- - -- - - --- - - -3 —- -1 - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - 1277 rls r n p p - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Con —-- — ons,-meter-1 1278 Cabls, locoaotive —--------------- -------- ----------------- -------- 73 —--- ---------------- 130o' Drills,stock and clamp.............. " ZZZ./.~ZZ~ZZZ.[: 1302 D rills, blacks m iths'.................-..............'........ 5 I 1307 D rills, ratchet, a ss orted --- -—.................................... 1 917.........11...........2.30. 3o~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19 1.......................................... 1304 D rills, ratchet, brace, steel............................................................................................................................... 20 I305 D rills, stock and clam p....................-.....-.....-.....-............................. ------—........... ------—. ----- ---- ---- 1306 D rills, blacksm iths' -----------------------------............................................... ------------ --------—. --------—.........-.......1310 Drillsas cunter, steel —- -................................................... 22......................... 13011 D rills, ciast s teel..........................po........................................................unds. - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 1309 D rills, lathe................................................................................................................................................... 1312 Dul stcl 1310 D rills, counter, steel..............................-........ -------- - ------................ ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- 12 1313 Drills, vertical, 36-inch.......................... —. —-.- - - - - - - - - - - - --—.......... - --— 1........... 1314 Drills, vertical, 45-inch, compound table........-.......... 2 1315 D rills, vertical, 45-inch, plain table -— 1................ - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - — 1 1316 Drills, prop, iron table, complete —- ---- ---- -.-........ --------...................... 1 1317 D rills, drill press. - ---—. -- -- - --—............................................. -h-. —...2..32- -................................ 132018 Drills, steel standard- ------ ---- --- - --- - -........................................................ -p-........... —.............. 1319 Drills, urll pr ess nd counter shafts.............................................................. - 1320 Drills, steel standard.............................. 1324 Driils, upright, ungeared, press and counter shafts.. - —....-1-..........- 1323 Drills, assorted -a setts -. ---- ---- ---- ----.... --------.......................................... 1.3P4 Drills, quarry...................2.............-... 1325 Drills, ratchets and bits — ] —--- -------— 8 — ---------- 1326 Drills, bhlack enamelled.-...............-..yards-... ——................. 11 95.................... —-—.. --- 1327 Dividers... —... —... —-—.......-..pairs................. -.......... 72............ -1.......................... 1328 Dividers, spring- -.....-.....................do.......... ——......... —.. 361330 D rifts, steel.....-............... —...............-................ --------......... —' -------- --------........ ------------... -.. -... --------------- 25 ^ 1330 Difs"sel2 1331 D ogs, s atc-ete.. -. -. -... —. -pound. -.......................................................... 2......... — 1331 Dog-2 1332 D ogs, lat.' --------------------------------------- -------- -------- --------'" " ""-2 ----------------.-.-.''...'........ - - - —....'.'......'.'...'. - -.-.' - 1332 D ogs ts,...................................................................................... 1333 Dogs, ratchet............................pounds.. 1334 D ucks p l..... -...... -....-anrd.-........D g planer-.....................5.............................133 Diogs, saw-........................................ 1336 Dioust ers, counter -..-....... —-........-..................-... - ---- 3 —..-..................... 1335 D oos, s aw -.......-...... —. -------- --------........ -------- -------- 22....................................................... 133 Dusters, painters'-1-40... - - --- - --- ---- ---- ----...................................... 1338 Dukyad-15 9 133 uck r........................... e..........y... 1 340 D ip p ers, ao i te rs............-..-...- - - -.. —.................................. ----- --- ---- - - 3 7 6.......................................... 133 Diauckn, ga cirs' -3.'........ 2-uds................................................................. 1345 Dooers, fir -and. f...........................................- -.............. —ram es. 2..................................-.........-I.2 1347 Dors panel-7.. 1348 Dippers, lye -3 -2............................ 1349 Di ponrs, gola.................................... 1344 Dadoes-..................................................... 1345 Doors, fire, and f-3ames............................ 13 6 oors, unfinished -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- --- -- —.- - -- -. — - ---- -- - -- -- -- - -- ---- - -- -- -.- -- -- —. -- -- -- -.- -- -- -.- -- -.-.- -- -- - 1347 D oors, panel -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -.- -- - -. — - ---- - —. -- -- --- -- - -- -- -.- - -- -- -.- -- - -- --- -- - -- — 7 -- -- - ---- - -- - 135- Doors, clar-27 13491 D oors, g asso rted- - - - - -- - - - - - -............................. 1...........................'..... 1353 D roorr, paten' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -p u d - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 139................................... 1353 Dryer, patent............................pounds... 1354 Dryer,,saud-2 Report skowing t7ie disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of t7ite Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on - credit on same terms as authorized by Executive a a'a Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865.. 4 a Articles. ^ I 1 - C a;.......................... D f. 1..........;pounds; 1355 Drums for lathe, (W................pounds. -.......................I........ 3.....-....'.' -~ - - ~ -- -- -.......... -,. -- 1359 Drivers, iron lathe, rounds —...... pounds-...................... — -........................ 44..............................-4 1362 Dies, pipe, and —stocks- lts-.................................... 1............................................................ 1363 Dies, hand-pouns.........d-........-......................................................................................... 1364 Dies, passorted-12-k....-..........'t -— ~~~-~~-~ —-~~-~-~~~ -~ - --- ~~~~~- -— ~~~-~~~.............1................................. 1365 Dies, gas pipe.. —--------------------------- po s "-................................................................. 1364 Dies, assorted -----------------------------— 66 Dapts ---- ----. 1365 Dies, gan plates.-....................'..'gets'.'.'.'.'.. —...................................................................................................... 91367 Dies-d26.......... 1366 D ies and plates ---------------------— s........ets.......................................................................................... ~13723 Drums, stove-.-6-.........:::::::::;..... 2. 1373 Dirawers, moulders' —--------- 2..;...............'.-.............. 0...................................... 1375 Engines, stationary....................................................... "'.'".................................................. 49 1 3 7 7 E n g in e s, a n dm b oi er, d u m my.-.......... s t...............................................-........................... 1379 Engines ands boilers, stationary —-1...................................................................................................................... 1380 Engines, steam fireng, No.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.' — -------- -------- --- -~~ —-~ -. —-.. —---- 1382 Engines, rotary fire, (Holley's patent)........ --------...... ~~~~~~~~ -------- -------- ------------ ------------ --------------------—. —. —----- ---------- 1 3 8 5 E n g in es4 p il o t - - -- - -........... - I - - -~ - —.- ~ - -. -... - -. ---......... E n g i n e s,.. r o t a r y-... - -........ 1385-Engines,-pilot 1388 Engine, p locomotive, o................................................ 2 -1 1387 Engines, locom otive ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- -- -- - --- --- -- - - --- - --— ~-~'"''''~ ~~ -~~ -— ~~ -~ ------------ ------------ ---- --- ---- --- --- -- - -- - --------—. 1389 Engines, locomotive, and tenders -— 2- 1........... 5........ 2'1 27 -4 —-- ---- ---- 2 -.1390 Engine, double stationary, 1-inch tore, 24-inch stroke, Ellis & Moore's patent...................-................................ 1391 Engines, stationary, 2 boilers 24 feet long, 40 inches.................... diam eter............................................ - - - - - - - -...... 1392 Engine, double stationary, pulley and counter shaft -. —.... - -----.... - ---- -- 1393 Engines, pum ping - -........................................... - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1393] Engine and boiler, 5-inch cylinder, 12-inch stroke, (com plete).. —-.................................................. 1394 Engine and boiler, (com plete)..................... - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - -...' --- - 1393 Eniesta —1395 Engine, steam12-inch bore, 36-inch stroke...... --- —................ 1397 Engines, hoiing oesting, complete —........- -.................. 1398 Engines and boilers, stationary, (complete) --— 1. 1398 E ngines and boilers, stationary, (com plete)..... --------- -------- -------- --------------—. -—......-'.-'. —.-'. —-.' —'.'.-i-........ -'.-'.-'.-11- -111 —— 1"'. ---'.'.' 1399 Eyes, brass screw —--------— 14 —4.................................. " 144 1400 Eyes, bellcord — - - - - - - -... - - -.......-.-'.-..... 1400 Eyes, bell cord —.-.................'..".".'.'.'.. - 1401 Eyes, iron................................-gross.. ---------- --------.......-...... -------- -------- -- -- - 2' --- --- --- ------------ --------- ~ —- ~~ ~'~ —.....- 3 1403 Ears, tin kettle-.............................d............................... 1401 EysirngosI 2 1404 Eyears, srewttle -—................................do........ — ~-~. 1403 Ears, buctin ket....tled o.. —-8 —, -......... —........................ 1404 Ears, C.C. kettlesaw......................................................... 7 580 140 E ars, b cket............................................................................... 1408 Elbow s, drop.............................'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'................''.'.'.'....................................................................... 6 1406 Earlbow s, ~~~C ~ ~- ~ ~ -~..C....saw —..............2.................... 14 07 Elbow s, w atreduc ingpe...............................................-'................. 141108 Elbows, drgoose-neck........................................................ 67. —----------- 1409 Elb ows gas -pipe —------------ ----— pounds.................................... 292 179477 - 1410 E lbows, water-pipe 1411 E elb ows,ron7................ do'-~..................................... 1412 Edgm ery, as sorte d..............................................onds....................................... 1415 Endgs, steel sta ight.......................'..'. 1.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.........'......'''''.'.'..'...... —~ ~~ —~-~..............-......-.................................. 1416 Ends, drawualz r............................................'.'...'..................'.......' - -.. —.................................................................... 1413 E smery our................... -.................................................................................................. 1418 Easels.......................................1'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.....'.~ ~~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~-..... —...................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 1414 Edges, chiron s....................................................................... 1415 Edges, steel, straight1416 Ends, draw bar.................. 1417 Ends, equalizer.................. 1418 EasForge l o s...........................................s- 14219 E scutcheonsbl.......................................................................-........................................... 1420 Forges, bl e........................................................................................................ 1421 Forges, blacksm iths'...................... ----- -- -- -- --- -- ------ --- --------- -- -- ---.. —.. —.... —1422 Forges and bellows...-..................-................................. --- 1423 Forges, portable ----. 1424 Forges, blacksmiths' portable....................... 1427 Furnaces, bolt...................................1.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'................'..'..''..'.....~~~ ~-...................-......................................... 1428 Furnaces, plumbers'......................'.........'...'...'.'....'....'.../....'...'.'.'.'.'.'....'.'.'.'.'.... ~.. ~~~.. ~~. ~~~. ~~. -~. —... -.................-........................... 1425 Forgnaces, castinners'...-..........................'-......'.- -. - ----- ----- ---- 1426 Forges —— 18................... 143027 Furnaces, charcoalt.................................................................. 1428 Furnaces, plumbers'......3............ 143129 Furnacegs, tinners'...................'1................... 1""". 30.......... 1430 Furnacegs, chpatent portable...................................................................................... 1431 Frogs, assorted..........................pounds................................................. 169,967............ 38,715..... 9 1432 Frogs,.patent.por.able ---- 12. 6 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad propertg in the military division of the Tennessee,;c.-Continued. o o Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. n 1 ea ^ E. o,.. Q' ~ a a Articles. Z C a ^- 0. a a a'S ~ ~" ^2 ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..^.;Io ^ ^. a - one a- S aC - _. - 9 CZ~~~~0 1434~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fr gs child....................... 44........... aI Frog 1t..1 1a..... c. 143 7 Frogs, chile..-... - -. -... -.......- -. -......-........................................ 44........4.............................. p ].439 ii~~~~~~ii{!!{i!!i c. ii~...a....... a.a......... Fittings, gas pipe...........................o.... 680 1_440 Fittings, gas. - -.......... -. - -............-..-..................................]] ]...................... 100..........)...... 468 i44 Fateners, brscarewindow —-—.. —. —.....-.-.-.-.-..-.......... 93......31.......................... 144 F i tur s, rin sto e.-. -.. ---. — --- -. se s...-..-.....- ~.... -...................161I.... -.. --....... -.......5. a ~~~~~~~~~~~~-o~~~~~~C C da ]445 Fastunres, lathe —---—.-......d.ouns -..-.-................................................' 306:::.................'................: 1443 Fraoegs, chined-44.. -....................4............................. 1445 Frogs, rlcitedon- - - - - - e -----....... - 44 -.................... 1449 Fixtues, brathe, bem —-......-................................pud............................ 876.................................. 143 Fr s, e ----—. ---- ---— 6 Frga r.td-16 -- -.-. —-.......................... 14546 Frames, bellr-....... —------—........-..-pounds..-........-..-..-. —........-........-........-........-............-96-............6............................... 1437 Fram es, bell................................... —--. —. —-.I. —----------------. —...... —.......................................................... 1437 Frames, gack - --—.................................................. -.............................. 1438 Frames, asapu, i7ro......-............0.................... 14:39 Fittings, gas pipe —-----------— do -- --------------- - ----- - - -68110 1440 Fttnsgs -— Fittings, —-------- --------— ga —----------------- ----— 100 —---— 468........... 6 1441 Fittinrames, braksso cka b e a v.....................I............ cock.... and...............ve75 I]452 F a t ne s ca i do - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - 3 - - - -- -1.................... 144- Fasteners, c ar-swi n dow — -- -- -- - -- -... -....................4..............................o-9 -.3 1443 Frames, a2...-.6............................................ 1446 Frames, s ra -3-.. -—.- - st --........ - - - 16........................................... 1446 Frames, wgine.............................................tuk —-1... 3 8........... - ---- 1448 Frames, etlck.............................pounds....................................................................... 1449 Frames, brake, beamndstones -.-............... - - -------- --- ----------------------------------------------—.87.......................................... 1450 raes and slides, car window.................................................................................... 1451 rames, tank.................................................. 1454 Frames, hwre r al-pounds -96......................... 145 Frames, hell- -..........-. 1456 Fram es, hack-saw-1. — - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - 6................. 1459 Fraames, circular-saw-....................... 1460 Frames, bellows- w................................1 /..................... 1461, Frmsior1 1462 Frames, windows..................................3.......................................... 1463 Frames, lock -.-18 —- - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -................... 1464 Frames, grindstones -..................................... I 3 ------------- -------------—', ---------- 145 Frames, for buildings-................................................................... 1466 Frames and hammers, pile-driving.......................................... 1467 Fram es..................................................................... 1469 F ullers.........-.......-...-.............-. —..... —.....................................4........ 13..................... 1468 Flatteis-................................................... 1472 Fl sksand t ols........................p u d...........-...................................................................................... 1, 7 1469 Fullers — - -- 13- - - - -16 1474 FullannelCanton..............ards............................................................. 1470 Flasks3........................-................, 006 1471 Flasks ---— 291 1472 Flasks and tools........................... pounds..........1,972. 1 7 F ic e, as o t d.... -.. -. -... - -..-.. -.-....1473 Flasks, iron-........s.....................ets.................... 1474 Flasnnel, Canton......-............................rds.................... 21. 1475 Flannel, o.......................................................................................................... 1476 F aucetss, o n..............................................................I..... 1477 Faucets, brass-l..-. —................................................ 1478 Fitches.....-..-..-...... —, assorted —.........-. —— 4. 1................I...................2 55 ].484 Followers, Canton................ 5, 36........................ 1479 Flags e-281 1480 Fan s, blow ing-2-......................................................................1...........6. 1481 Fansn, found.ry-1................................... 1482 Fans, snail-shell ---— 1 — 1 —............. 1483 Flanges-1-u...............................................................8II................ 1484 Follower s..................................................................... 1485 e s,............................................................................................................................6 14978 Formers, asoto ed-pipe....-.............-..................................................................................................................... - 1486 F ig u resse —........................t-............s.... I 1487 Faigures, o.................... 20..............-.................... 1488 Foigu res-pounds-6-........................................................I..........................p 1489 Fr oues................................................... 1490 Forks, "T" rail..................... 1491 Forks, manure-..11492 Forks, railsroad...-58 —............................................. 1493 Florks, fpitch- 3-......................................... 1.. 38 1494 Fluze, safety-feet-1 850ad 900s1 5................................................f... 1495 Feeders, oil ------— 6........................... 1496 Formers, tin —.' -2 14597 Forml ers, pstove-pipe....................-...................................... 1498 Fi orm ers,............................ t............................................................................ 11 11499 Facings, coal-barrelson-4t 1sre.......................................2-.... 1500 Facinges, s ecoa..................ld..........o...... 1501 Folders, tinmers-1-................. 1502 Folders, iron-3-d -cn cu,...................................................................... 1503 Ferrules -.................................pnds-.. 1504 Fen es................................................................................................................ 1505 Files, assorted-60,-539-58011506 Files, fl a t, assort ed......................................................................................................................... 15107 Files, half-round bastard, assorted-..........................9......................................... 1508 Files, flat bastard, assorted....................... 1509 Files, saw, assorted............................... 1510 Files, fla, second-cut, assorted.................... 1511 Files, taper, second-cut, assorted................... 1512 Files, hand, second-cut, assorted-................... 1513 Files, round, second-cut, assorted..........1........ 1514 File s, half-round, second-cut, assorted............. 1515 Files, co ulter, second-cut, assorted................ 1516 Files, square, smooth, assorted....................i._ a r l......................... 0............... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 4-c.-Continued. 5 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on a — credit on same terms as authorized by Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. P.,, -— __________________ 05 - l, _(~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ^a ~*- 1~~~~~~~~~,aa a 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ^ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iiiiiii i ii iI!iiI! 01 0 —p oi >-i a^ Saa 0lJ f 3 i^ B ^ ^^ IS i S ~-S ^-a a 00 ^ ^" ^ ^ ^ s s ^ ^ ^ a B n ^~~~~~~~u a 2334 Planes, fore.. —--------—...................................................... 1,411 17 1 —.......... —-- -'235 Planes, jack-16 625...................................................................... 1,162 63 25..........1262 252:335 Planes,j c ------------------------------------—.......................... -- -- - ------—....... -- -- - ------—. -- - - -- - - - 2337 Planes, jointer -.................................................... —-- I............ 2338 Planes, rabbet, assorted-5....19-259 —---—........................ 568 19............. 6 9. 259 2339 Planes, jack, rabbet............................................. I.............................................. 2340 Planes, bead, assorted...........................................-........ ---- 382 12 -........0'.. —.......... 0. —2341 Planes, bench...- -.........-................sets6................ 6 2342 Planes, long-jointer -...............................166-..........:........ 166 -..... 2343 Planes, m oulding...................................... 1...................................................... 2344 Planes, smooth 5-.....................................8524 Plnes, match —------------------------------------------- 28 —221 2346 Pla s -.-. —---------------- ------—..... ----- ------------ ---—................. 28 ------------'.'. 221 2347 Planes, match-......10......8.. 6......................................... 2348 Planes, screw-arm m atch -...............-.-............p i...178 -........ 2351~ Pl n sa db tp o g........................................... t......................59''..'' 2 3 5 P a n s, fl o r. - -..... -............. s t s........ - -. - -...i......''...'.............."'.. "'..''. ".. ".. 1 1 1....... I'..'.''..''......... 2349 Planes, panel-plough -....................................... 9 1 1 2350 Plne, lug I1 -s 2351 Planes and bits, ploughn -59-...... —.............................' 0 2352 Planes, dloor ---------------— sets -- -------- ------------ 21353 Planes, assorted 1 —------------------- --- 113- -17 —----------- 2:354 Planes, double-iron ----------------- ---- -------- -------- 38..... 2355 Planes, grooving pa.........................ir..................irs - 2356 Planesand set bits....................................................................................... 6 "'".........' 6 2356 Plnsadstbt2358 Planes, panel plough and bits.............................................-.................................... 2......................................... 2360 Planers.- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------—'.-...''''..'''.... - —'.'"......................-.. —-.......... -------- -------- ----------- 3.......................................... 2359 P a e s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- -. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Planes —-— ets —3 2361 Planers -- -- -—...... —.................... —-sets. -..''. -- -- -- - -- --- -- —...'. —- -- - ----- ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ ----- -----..................... --------—.......... 2:362 Planers-, rabbet —..-.......- -. -- -.-.......'.'. ~ ~~ ~~ ~-.- - - 2363 Planers, car, complete dbe —i-..-..-.................-.......................-.....I.......'.- ~ ~ ~ - 2364 Planers, roi npuid aidj.stment ad... —....... -................pi.......-.l-....................I............ ".'.. -- 2365 Planers and matcher with counter shafts................................................................................................................... 2366 Planers, iron, to plane 16 ft., 4 ft. square, complete........................................................ 2367 Planers, iron........................................... 2368 Planers, 48-inch............-................1.......................-.....................1...... 2369 Planers, iron, 36 x 36 inches, 28-feet bed, 18-feet platform, (Seller's patent)....................................... 2370 Planers, 5-feet..-........................................................... t 2371 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, No. 124, (Seller's patent)............. M 2372 Planers, 36 x 36 inches, No. 125, (Seller's patent). —- ------- - ------ -- -........ 2373 Planers, (Seller's patent)....................-......................... 2374 Planiers, compound, (Bemement & Dougherty)...................................................... O 2375 Planers, compound................ —........ —............ n 2376 Planers, compound, chuck, No. 14, double, (Bement & Dougherty) --— _ —--------—'' ---- -------- = 2377 Planers, 36 x 36 inches..................................'............... i 2377 Planers, 36 x 36 inches-........................................................ 2378 Planers, link and link-block -- -- -.......................-.................... 2379 Planers, cast-iro.n link............................................. 2380 Pulleys, assorted........32 33.7...... — -- -.........11 2:381 Pulleys, complete, ssorted.............................. 382 IPulleys, upright...................................... 2383 Pulleys for main shafts, comll mon............................. 2384 Pulleys, two-ton.- —....- - -.................. 2385 Pulleys for paint mill -................................... ---............... 2386 Pulleys and shafts.-............................. 2387 Pulleys and chain, 2-ton-................-.................. -'2388 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 10 inches face.-.. -....... 389 Pulleys, iron, 2 feet 4 inches face.............. -. 2390 Pulleys, cast iron, assorted —------------- pounds.-.-..... —........ - 2392 Pulleys and hangers................... —-... - -22 - - 2394 Pulleys, turned for ^,10 by 12, with set screws-. -. --------.10.......-........-............ —2396 Ploughs and grooves-. —-—..... —-.sets-........... 12398 Pincers, carpenters' --. -- -------.pairs. — -..................... -----—..-.-.2399 Pincers, blacksmiths' -...... -- -- do —2400 Pincers, upholsterers'- ------— do-. --- - ---—. --------.. -. ------- 18 2401 Pincers, shoeing-..............do......-.. -----......... 3 2402 Pincers, assorted ------—...............do — -------- ----—. -------- -------- -------- -------- 53 5..-....... 2403 Pincers, boiler-makers'- --------—.........do.-......... ----—.-.2404 Pencils, carpenters' —-- ----..-.-.............- -- -....................-30 13 -... —- 41 2405 Pencils, coloring. —..- --------..... 54 2407 Pencils, artists' red0sable —----—... -—................... —.... 47 2409 Pencils, marking..............''....-'' —'.....'' —-: —.-.-1 -------- 2410 Pencils, lettering-68-'-'" —------------— ~ —----—' 2411 Punches.- -------- -------- -------- 145 14 -- -'-' — ---------- 2412 Punches, belt.-............................................................................-........ 176 1- -----------------------—...... 4 2413 Punches, screws and dies2............................................... 2 M 2414 Punches, screw...................................................4.................. - --------- Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, c~.-Continuied. ^ Sold at public auction to railroad companies on X credit on same terms as authorized by Executive 0 g a) Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. _______ ______~_____________________________ __~ ~ 4__ __ __ -'3...0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,o>. a a h a- f t^~~~~~~~~ 0 S ^S ^.: 1^ Articles. -- ~. i g ^^ c~~~~t>^ ^-^ ^^ s ^ ^ ~ s ^ 5~~Ctg I.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E C.,a S S. = 0 a 0 0.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0o *ga~~~~~~~~~~~C -p 0 0^^^ a 0t 2415 P unches, hoylow --.-.. —- ------.-. —. —---- ---- --------- -------- -------- -------- --—.- -- --------. — - -. —. --- -- -—.. — --—.. —-- — d.l —------ 2416 Punches, hydraulic 7 —------------------. —----- -------- —. —--- --------.-...-.- -------- --------.-...-.. —-- -...-. —--- --------. ----—. — - -- ------- 2417 P unches, centre..-.. —........ —-. —----—. —------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---—. — -. ——..1 7 --- -- -—...-. ------------ --- -- --- ---—. —...... —. —----- 2418 P unches, steel.1 —.. —-- ------- ------ ----. ------ -------- -------- -------- —.. -. - -.... -.. —-- -—........ -- - ------------ -- -~ — --- -- -- 1.... 2419 P unches, lever......... -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - ---—.. -. -. —-—. —. —. — - --------- -------—.- -—. —...- --------- ---—.........-... - -.........-......-............-. 2410 P unches, coppersm iths. - ---- ---.. — -—. ——. -.- ---. ------ ----—.-..... -. ------------. ---- ---- --..... — 4 2421 Punches, harness........ —---------------- ------ ------------ ----. —-------------- 2 ---------. —-------------- ----- -~ — I 2422 Punches, spring ----—... —.-.-. —--—.-. --------. ---- —..-.-..-. ——. —. —- —....-. —- ------------..........1.-......- 0 2423 P unches, conductors'........ —-—.. -... — - - - - - - - - - ----------- -— ~ —-- ---—. —-.-. —-.. -.... —..- -------- --- --- --- - - - ---- -- - - --- ---—. —-—.-..-. —-.............t... -. 2424 P unches, track.... —-..-.-.-.........-...... —...... —.. —..20..-..-. ——.-..-...-.................. 20........... —............-..........-..........-.......... 2425 P unches, blacksm iths'. --....... - -- -- -- --—...................... —-- -----—. -. ——..- -..... -. -. - ---- -. 97 3 ------------ ---------- ----------.. —-- ------ 2425 Punches, blacksm iths. —- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - --- 2427 Punches, tank hoop... —-. —---—......... ——.. —----. —- -------- --—..- -------- -------- —.. —- ------------... —-- -—.. 2428 Punches, clamp..-............................... -... —- -.. —- -. —- -------- -------- --------......... ---- ----------. —--—. 2429 P unches, boiler-m akers'.. -- - -- - --------—........... —. —--- -. —-----.-.-. —.- -. —--—.........-........l. -—...... - -- ------.........-.... --- —. ——.-..-. —. —. — 2430 Punches, iron track... —-............sets..-. —1 —-- —.-... —- --------.. — -. -.- -. —---—.- —.......... 2431 P unches, short --- -- ---—... -..-.. —.- - - - -—...... -. ---—... -. —------ ----—.. -. —.. —.. -------- -------- 4 ------- -. —.. -----—.. —-. —-.... - -- -—....-..-. ---------- 2432.P unches, hound. —-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --—..-.. -.. —---—.. —-.. ——. — --------. —-—. — -- --—.. -----—.. 1i.3 -- -- -—.. -. -. —.-. —...- - ---------- -----—. --.. —-.....2433 P resses, drill......... - - -- -- - -- - -- - ------ - -. -... -........... -------- ---—..- —.....- ----.. —----- - - ----- ----- ----- ----- --------—....................... 2434 P resses, upright drill. ---... —... —... —-. ——. —--- --------. —....- --- --- --- --- --------...... -. —.. -.. —---------- ---------- -.. —. - - —.-..... —- --- -. -. —... -—... —-. —---. 2435 P resses, uppright ddrill, c.. —------------------------ ---------. —------. —------. —------. —-------------------------- ------------ --------------------—. —------------------- 2436 P resses, hydraulic, wvith shafts and pulleys..... -- - - -.- -- - - - ----—...- —.. —-- -........-..-............. -. —... —- -. --- -- -—.. -...-. ——. — —..-.. —...- - -- - -...... 2437 P resses, w heel.-.... —..............-... —--—. —- -. ----—.-. ----—... -. —....- --------. —....- -------- -- ---—.. —.. ------------ ------------.-. —... — -..........2438 P resses, hand w heel ---- --- ---- --- ---- --—..... -. -. -------- -------- -------- -- - —. —--—. -------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------....... --------- --- - -- 2439 P resses, upright dri-I, and counter shafts...... --- --- --- --- -- -------- -------- ------ -.. ----........-.......-............-.. —..-.... —-..-. -—.. --- --- —......- -- 2440 P resses, mnedium "F ranklin "..... -- -- -- --—.. -...... -- - —....- - - - --- -- ---------........ — -------- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- --- --- -- - -- - ----------- 2441 Prucses, — medium' P ranklin shor-t-..-.-.. —-.-..-.. — --—.-.- ----- -....-.-. ---—............ 2442 Presses, binders'i hand........ -—. -... -—.-.. --—.. --—..- ---- -. ——. 2443 Presses, manifest drill.-............ —-. ---—.- ---—.. ---—.- I —...- --------. —----- -l............ 2444 Presses, drill, and bits hafts....and. pulleys.2-.........-....... —-—.-... —.-.-....-...-I-......-......-........... -.... 2445 1 P lyers. —-------------. —-------.......... pairs..........-.......-....... - -........-.. -- -. —.. -. ------------------------------—... S446 P lyers, cutting................................................. I 2447 Plyere, common -------------— do.. —— 22 244 P ye s, om on,.........-........d...........- --.-. -...-...:............:........:........:........................2 2448 Flyers, upholsterers' —-----------— ye —-----— ddo —-... —------. —------ --— p —--. —--— o —-------. —--— ter —-------— cr —-------— s —--------—' —--— do — ---------- 3 2449 Plyers, flat nose. —--------—.-.-...... —-do —-........................ -------—. —. ------- 62 2: — —::::-.. - -.................. —2450 Pots, glue-39.........-....2451 Pots, marking-61........-....-..-.. —....... ---—. —. ---------—. —- ---—. —----- 2452 Pots, woodrpint —-------------------------------------------- 612 —----------— 8 —-------- 2452 P ots, w ood paint. -...... —........ —.. -.-... —.... - ---. —--- —.. — -----....................................... ------------ -.-................. 8 2453 P ots, tin soldering fire - -.... -- --------... — -- -------- --------. -- -- -------- 22 ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- --- —. 2454 Pots, tpiners' firete.. --- --... -- - --------... --- ------------- ------------... —- ------------ ---------- ---------- --.1 —. 2455 P ots, paste6................... --- -... --- --. - -. - - - --------................ ------------ ---...... P paint...lo t-1 —-- - I 2456 P ots, paint....... --—...... — --........... —- lot........ -------- -------- -------- -- - - - - --—.. -------- I ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 2457 Pots, east allow.-..-40 ——.. —- ---—. ——. —----- 4-..... - —.-. —-.........40 ------------ ---------—... -. ——. ----- - --—. 2458 Pots, tallow roe -..... —. ----—. —--... —-roe. —.......... I ---------- ---------- 8 2459 Pots, rosin oldering -----—.... —------ ------------.... — ------------ ---------- ----- ---— 1. 2460 P ots, m elting- —.....-. —.... —-- ---- - - - -- - —.- - —.- - —.- - —.- - - - -- - ---------- -----—....-....-....-.... —........... --- -- -—... -. ------------ -- - - ----—... —.........-....... 2461 P ots, soldering. —----------------------------------. —------. —------. —------ ---------. —----—. —------. —----------. —---------------------- I ---------- ---------- 2462 Pots, paint-3............ —--------- -------- --- ---- ------- -. —. -- - 39 12 - - - -.. —- 18 2463 Pots, iron-........-.... —.. —-......... —.. —---—............ 3-...-.....-. -1....2464 Pumps, steam Woodl —an —-d -. —-— 1-. —-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2 ------------ ------------ -—.....- ---------- ---------- 2465 P um ps, steam, W oodlande-r-1 —.. ---- -- ---- -------- -------- -------- --...- ---------------- I......... --.......... ---------- ---------- - 2466 P um ps, cylinder........ —.. —. —..- -- - ----- -—... -. -------- -------- --—.. — -------- -- -—.. -. -------- I ------------ ------------ ---—..-.- ---------- ---------- 2467 Pumps, force, McGowan's............ —..... —...................-. -... —-............-63 ------------ -.... —-—.. 5 --------—..........2468 P um ps, M cG-ow an, w ith engine com plete ---------- --------. —.... -- - - - -- - - - -- - -—...... --—.. —-. ----- ----- --------- -- - -- - --------—...................... 2469 Pumps, force -..... ——. -------- -------- --- ----- -------- -------- -------- 27 7 ------------ --- -......... —-- 101 2470 P um ps, W ortliington............... -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- --- --- 4 ------------ ------------ ------ --- ---------- ---------- 2471 Pumps, oil....................................... —. ------—................. ---................ 3 ------- -..... —- --—. ---------- 2 2472 P um ps, oil, copper.-1-2 —-..... ------—..- -- -............. I ------------ 2. —- - ----—. — -..- - 2473 P um ps, engine......... - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - —.. —. —............. --------. —-—... --—.-...- ----- ----- --—.....-.....-......-.............. —-...-. ---------- 2 2474 P um ps, rotary fire.-.......- -----—.................. - -...-.- -------- 2 1.......................-....- -------- 2475 P um ps, donkey.-2 —-.-.. —. — - - - - ---- -—.. -.. -... -------- ----—.-. -------- -------- -------- ----- -.............................. 2476 P um ps, cistern.-1 —- -- -- -- —.......... -—. ------ -. —- -—. -------- ---- --- -------------- -............................... 2477 P um ps, proving.. —- - - - - -- - - - ---—.-........ - -.. —... -------- -------- ---- ------ --- - -------...... -......-.........-........ ------------ -- - - - -- - - - —.. -............ I 2478 Pumps, Harrisng..... —. -- -------- -------- —..-.. -------- -------- --------............ -—..... ---------- -----— 1 I 2478 u p,en i ea Pum ps, H arris- -- - ---- ------ - -- - - -- --- - ----- - - - --- -- - - ------ - -- -- -- - -- — 1 — -- -- -- - -- - ---- 2480 P um ps, eincom plete,..-.. - -... - - -. -- -............................................. ct —.-.-.. -- 2481 Pumps, steam, with engine, Wortlsington.-. - -------- -------- -------.....................- —............ ---------..................-. 2482 Pumps, test and gauge —..... —.....-........ —-......-........-............-....... —-..........' ~~~~~~- - - - - - — 2483 Pumps, force, with gearing and shafting ---...................... - 2484 u ps Pumps t g ain and fixture —----— s, —------- ----- ---- ----- ------ - -— c —- -owan-1 —---— I ------ 2484 P um ps and fixtures, M cG ow an - - -- - -- -—.... -. -... -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- ---............. I ------------ ------------ -- -- —.-... ---------- ---------- 2485 Picks, earth, and handles -... —-.. --- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------....... —................................ 7 2486 Picks -------------------------------------------- --------------—. -------- -------- -------- ------— 2, 2 2828616. —--------------------. —------------—... 2487 P icks, tam ping -2, —--- --... —- -------- -------- -------- -------- 931 2 028......... 16-.................... 2488 P icks, railroadng-931....... -—.-.. - -------- -------- -------- -. -.................................................... 2-. —-.......... 24 2489 Picks, stone r --------------- ---...... —-- --- -------- -------- -------- --------. --— 24 2 2............ I.............................. 2490 Plus, w ooden -- -- --—.. - -.. —.-.. —-....- - barrels..... —... -- _ _.. -------- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - 3........................ --- --—..-. ---------- ---------- 2491 Pins, coupling. -------------------------— pounds. --... -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - - - - 281............-............ ---------- ---------- ---------- 2492 Pins, coupling -pounds — -............ -28 -------- -------- --------........ -------- 101 61............ -. -- —. ---------- --------- 2493 Pins, turned L. V- -- --- -... -...... -—..... -------- -------- ------------ ------------... —- —...- ---------- ---------- 2494 P ins, sw itch.................... -- ---- --—....... -.. -------- -------- --------......... -------- ------—.. ------—.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -..-. —-...- ----- --—........... 2495 Pipes, blast.-feet.......................... -..0- -------- -------- ------—. --- 8 -................... —- --------—..........2496 P ipe,- blast......................-..........feet.......................................... 220 --- --- --- --- --- ---.........-..... --..........-.......... Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, 48c.-Continued. ^ tO ~oI o o0 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive C. Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. I~IIC I I I I / O~ "'o ~ g -'cm~ ~. Articles. 0 - e0c i49 ipe coppe i i r..................oud_ 9500 Pipe, sheet ironii.....................pos. It C i ~C i1 wo-....~..~.........eet _ 0 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2497 Pipes, coppoe, vith...... c........o.... fc2497 Pipes, copper, with couplings-nd —--........-.......... —................................-....-.............. —..-.. - -........ Hd 2498 Pipe, copper- - - - - n - - - - —.....-.......-. - p u d -.................. ---—. — 301............-......... —............ —-------- --------- 2499 Pipe, round ---- ---- ----—.. -- ------..................................... rond2500 Pipe, sheet iron..-......-....... —. ——.-.pounds-....... -- ---- ---- ----— 606 -..... ----- 2501 Pipe, wrought g.a-a-z —— ed — -feet -........-do3.......- ----- ----- ---- 22 -----—.................... 2502 Pipe in, galvanized -...-... —.....-...-..-.do.-... —-......................... --. 35 -. —-- -. — ---- 2503 Pipe, opgalvanized h -— 3-.pieces — ------------—............-.. —-- 4.................. —-.... —-... —- - -. 25044 P ip es,, cop p err h ose -. —.-.-.-.......-.-. —.-. ——..- -. —....-. —-....-........-.......-........-. —..-..-3-............-............-..........-..........-..........2505 Pipes, ironpud hose ------------ --- --- - -2,62 -........... ---------- ---------- ---------- 2506 P ip e, iron. --- ---.. —.......... — -- -—.... - p ou nds. 1.- __. —-_ _................................' _ _ 2, 642.-.. —...- --- -—....-..-.. —......... --—. -.. —- ---------- 2507 Plugs, assorted.................. —------------- -35 g 2508 P lugs, gas pipe ---— Plugs, —----------------------. —--— gas —------ -------— pipe —---. —--------------. —---------- ------------- ---— 5 —---- ----------. —----. —5825 2509 P lu gs, for rep airing, dies-. ——. —-—.. —.-.. —...-. -... —----- --------- --------. —------ --------. —------. —----------. —-— 7 —---- ---... —.. —.........-..........-77 2510 Plugs, flue.....- ---............................. -—.............. -------------- ---- -- 6 2511 Plugs, assorted ---—.. -- pounds - ---- ----.. —- -- Plugs, assorted-d —s............ —-- -...... —.........pd.. 2512 Plugs and feathers -3....... —--- -. —.... 3.... 300 -..... --—........... —-.............. 2513 Plates, wrought scrap fish bar —.... — pounds --.. — --------........ 5, 650 ------------------------. ------ ---------- ---------- 2514 Plates, engine window -...-..-.. —12................... —--------—. —-- - - 2515 Plates. blacksmiths'-. -.. -..................................... ---- -—.... —------ - 2516 Plates, chuck..- —.........-.-.-............ —......... --.............-.. --.-.. —.. -----....17 2517 Plates, head.............................pounds.-...... - -.. - -... 919 ---- - 4,000 ------ -3,623 2518 Plates, face —.............................do-............................... —--.......... —.......... 12,245 2519 P lates, face-..-...... —---—.-. ----—..:-.............................. 2520 Plates, gas-fitters' screw..... ---- ---- ---- ---- ----.... ------— 9 ——................................ 9 2521 Plates, screw cuitter-.............. — -- ------ 4 2'Ihe se —ew ----— 8 2-503 1Plastes, screws and dies. —------------ 2524 Plates, angle.........-1........-.... 4 2525 Plates, surface.. —... —..-.-.-.-.-.-...... -........ -—........ —........-.1 0526 Plates turntable- -do... sets. ---------------------------—.. —.....-....-....-... 2527 Plates and rolls ---------------------------— do..............'....... I.......... 2528 Plates, bolrterd.................................pound' 2528 Plates, die............................................................................................. 2509 Plates, assorted —------------— do -- ---- ---- ---- ------------ 2530 Plates, die.2531 Points, glaziers' ----—...-.. —. —----—......papers.. ---- ---- ------ -................ 77 —-........................ ------ ------ --------—.'.'.' ~-~~~~~253 Points, glaziers'..........................papers-................................ 2533 Points, frog, steel. —----------------------— do......... —.... —------------------ - -50 —.........7 -. -...... 2o534 Patterns, tin-1._..................................-''.-"'.o ---- —.. 2535 Patterns, moulders' -----........... —-.......-...... —...... —......................do........ - - - - -- - - ------- ----- ------- --- -- --— ~ —---. —.-. —2537 Patterns, sheet irons'-...................................... ------------ ------------ -- 2538 P atterns, assorted.. —-------------- -------------—. -------- --- -—.... --- ----—.-.. -.........- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --—......- —.......-. ----------........-....... 2539 P atterns, tin -- - -- - -- ---—.... -.. -..... —-----—..........................''' set'.''.' -- -- - -- -- - ------—' ------— 1.'.-.-111.'.' --- --- --- --- --- ~ —~ —---- -- -- - -- - - --------- --- - -- -J 2540 Patterns, sheet iron.-. —....... — -—. -...pounds..-.-.... —- ------ --........ —. — --------------------------------------------. 2541 Patterns wheelwrights'. ---. -—..........................3 —- ---- ---- ---- 2542 P ik es.... - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - —..... -..........................-.. ------—. -- -- - ------—' i --- -- --- - - --- -- -- --—.-.-.'.' 1^ —- - ~ — ~- ---------- 2 3 Piping, assorted.. -- - -- -. feet.........................- - --- - ---... 25...... -' - -- 2544 Putty ------------—...................................pounds-. —----........ -. -- -------- -------- -------- 48 468 604 2545 P ilots, locom otive.............- -- - -- - -- -—.-.... -... --------............. -------- -------- -------- ------—.. --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ ---- ---- ---------- —. -----—. 254) Pats, Pat mtin-s ets - —....................-1- -..............set............. 2548 Potash, prussiate -— et iron ----......................pounds..-. —-- 2551 Pipwtash. assorted.....-........-............do..................................................'~........614 -- ---- 8'0 ~ ~-~ — ~~ —-- --— 76 —---------- 2552 P ipe, for citer n --------- -------- --------- -..feets....................................................".'^.. "....." l.'..............................-... -.. -.-.. - 1, 8 2551 Pipe, att e rs n -lore............ o............................ os.......o.... 2 1- 7 ---------- -'-' 25 Pikes, --- ---------- 2554 Piping, assorte d -- --............................ feet' Pp,gs................Putty-....................................pounds-..4..40. 58 6221'03'- -."..- 205 Pp~la.................-p un s........................... 6 47' 4......-....' 256 Pipe, locomot vee................................. Po7 loco m o ti 2557 Pilotsp locomotive, nozzle ano-d -.......................... —-------- 2559 Pipe, outside, for engine, No. 30........................................ ----------— ~ —-----------—. —.. --—.. ----—...-.-............. —.... — 2560 Pipe, inside, for smoke stack............................................................... -.... 28 Potash, prussiate-pounds- - -,1 5-354- - —....... 2562 P ipe, tin. ---....-.-. —...................... — do.. ----.. -------- --- --- --- --- -------- --------........ 119 ------------ ------------. —.... —- ---------- ---------- 2563 Pipe, iron...........................-..bundles.................................................. 4..-.....-....-................................... 2564 Pipe, iron....-..-. —...... —---—..........pieces........ -------- -------- I............^ ^ 5 -— ~ —~ — ~~- --- ------- ---—.-.-. -. ---------- 2565 Pipe~~~~, esae —------------------- --—. ——. —-- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------............. 2566 Potash-daoe —....- - - --.....................-....-.................... 2566 Pipe, fo cistern pump.....................f ee....... 2567 Paper, tracing............................. —rolls...-........ —....... —.......-........-........-...'.'..'.'. 15. —--------—. —---------.............................. 2568 Paper, waste.............................-pounds-. -.-................. 5049............................... —-.-.......... 2569 PapPaper, quaiantiquarian... —--------------—. —--—..-. sheets -...........I... —' -----------------—.-..-..-..-............... ^ 0 Paper sand..........................quire...........'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. 44 ---------— i ---------- ------------------—' 257 Paper,esanry —--------------------------—.quires................................................... 442 1 141-12 4218......................::....." 2571 Pipewter, assorted -do........................do......-1 — - - 6 5 - -- 2573 Paper, w ahte..reams........................................... 2550 Pipe, watbei - --— pounds — 387 Pipegum firehose -............................ 2575 Piper, brown drawing - -gaspounds1........................................ 163 5 --- -- --- -- -- --- 2576 Piper, white drawingd..lead-.pouinds -6 4............6.. 48 ---------- ---------- 0 2577 Paper, printing.............................. 7........................... 2578 Pipe, brass-feet -— 587 -2 —-- --— 4.................................6.... 257 P ipent, nozzl e a nd hose.............................pounds.................................................. 119.................................... 258 Ppinside, and netting foir engine, No. 30-....'.... 259Ppoutside, for engine, No. 30 -............ —...'.-.. ~50 Pipe, inside, for smoke stack-............'.... 252Pipe, tin-..................do --- 119[[~ [ 253 Pipe, iron-i...............z. undles ---- 254Pipe, iron-pieces-............ iii..... -55Pipe, escape -.................1-1 [.... 256 Paper, drawing-.............quires — 4 5-12 257Paper, tracing - rls-s............... 258 Paper, waste-...............pounds — 5,04 259Paper-, antiquarian -............sheets —-6 --- 250Paper, sand-...............quires -44 81-2 45.. 251Paper, emery-do --- 21....14..1-12......do... 252Paper, wrapping-do....... 310.......83do12. 253 Paper, white drawing -...........yards.. -74 Paper, marble-..............reams...255 Paper, brown drawing 163........ 5: 7:Z 2 ii:..... ~~.579 Paint, black-~pounds-119 Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, rc.-Continued. 2 -S 2 Sold at public auction to railroad companies on credit on same terms as authorized by Executive 3 a Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. o. - ~~~~~~~~0 00~~~~~W-C a~~~~~ Ca a~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^i I,os a_ I ~-i^ ~ j I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ / o~ /^?. I c z01 g ~^ ^2 ^ ^S.^ -s ^ ^ ^ ^5ao~ a~ a a'3 0,-do E-~~~~~~~~~~~i IC /~ a iC S ^ (a ~~~~~~~~~~~~:3435 Wire, belegraph-do un ds 2,.5. 1_0 3436 WV ire, copper.................-. do57........................ 5.2 5............. 261 57- 295............. 3461Wire, irOn-..................do-4 6123436.i W ire, iron........ —.................... do[ ---- -------- -------- -------- - 4,~612...................................................... 3437 W ire, assorted.............................do - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - —................................................................. 3438 Wire, tin...................... —...........do................-.............................. 60........................ 23 3439 ] W ire.......-..-.........................bundles..............................................!.... - -..................... 23 3439 Wire ---------— n —----— bndies-. —-- ---- ----— 4 4. —-------------- 3440 Washers, assorted-..ponnds-... —-. 26,505 2,720 3,982......................... 3441 Washers, cast -...........................do.-........... 32, 540............540 1,894.. — ----- --- 3442 Webbing -.........-...-..-.... —...-...... yard.................1... —-.............-........-70-......................................... 3443 White,China......................... —. pounds.............................................. 274............ -96........ -.. -. - 3444 White, flake, assorted................... —-. do....-................................................ 114 7- 216.. — 3445 White, flake -..-....-....-.............. tubes...................-................. —-........................ 6..... —- ----- --- - 3446 Whiting...... ——...................pounds................................................. 216 525..... 3447 Whiting, Spanish.......-...................do....................-........... —......................-. - 200 4001............. 165 3448 Wax, bees -..-. -.-.. -.... —----- - --.......167 10............................................................... 34-19 Winches, crane —-----— I —— ~~~~~~~~~ —--------- --— 3-1. —3449 W inches, crane --..........-........................................................................ 3............ 3450 Waste, cotton.....-.....-.............. pounds.... - ---- 172 1,35 2,132............... 3451 Waste, tow -..........-.......-...... ——........................ do257 250 3452 W aste. —...-..-...-.... —.-... —....... —.do..-........................1..- -...................!.... —-........ -................................25 --.... 250 3452 W a ste ights -......... — - --—.do........................ -........ ------.................o.................................................. 1 34534 W eights -...-......-.. —... —. — ---. —-. —-...... -...................................................................................... 3455 W eights, sash.............-........ — ---.........-........................I................-....... 24................................................... 34541 Weights-I-1 3455 Wegtsss-4 3456 Walks, plank-.....-....................................................................... I....................-..... 3457 W ebbing-hs.............................ols..................-..........................................2 3..............2 16 3458 Wrenches, square —-...-.. —..-..................................................3459 Y arn, lubricating, packing................ pounds..................-p n d-............17........................... 3460 Yellow, canary.............................do................................................... 36 --- 26.................... 3461 Yarn, packing............................. reels...........................-................................................ 3462 Yawls-I13463 Zinc, sl-hepon..d — ---- pudso --------—....... 172............ 361..........-.......... 645. 3464 Zinc, sheet - -.. —-do —.. —172-326..4.................. 172 ----------- - 326.................... 645 I _ I _ __p -~46 Zic he -------------— ~ —— ~- ~.- --..ie -.s- — ~ —-— ~-~. ~ --------- ------------------ ---------- m [~~~ 3465 Zinc, sheet-pieces-3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o96 RAILROAD PROPERTY. [Enclosure No. 4.] REPORT OF BREVET MAJOR F. J. CRILLY. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad propcrty in the military division of the Tennessee, for which Captain J. H. Clemens, assistant quartermaster, is responsible. >>"'~ 0 a OM fl fi ^~~~~~~~5.-' I ^^ I ll- ll 1 ^1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 _ Articles.' i________________l~~~~r" _^__ _ 1 Grain sacks............................ number.. 1,933 1,933 ------ 1,933 2 Books, blank, assorted.....................do.. 1,002 178 1, 007 1,185 3 Books, memorandum....................... 3o.. 79 - - 85 85 4 Books, Military Laws................ —....do......................(*).... 5 Boaroks, Militar y Laws...........................do.... 197 - 197 197 8 Clips, letter...............................do.... 197 263 23 286 9 Clips, broad letter.-.........do 7 7.... 7 10 Clips, board...............................do.... 6.......... 6 11 Clips, board...............................do.. 142 32 110 142 12 Cutters, paper. —----—..-.............. —do.... 130 84 66 150 13 Cutters, card.............................. do. 2 2........... 2 14 Cutters for fasteners......................... Ido. 1....-. 15 Erasers................................... do.. 274 49 225 274 16 Files, paper...............................do.... 569 222 347 569 137 Files, ad. letter............................................. 45 45 17 Files, ad. letter...............do...45 45 4 18 Files, wire................................do.... 46 12 34 46 19 Inkstands, assorted........................do.. 1,047 569 476 1,045 20 Paper, letter.............................quires.. 30 646 100 746 21 Pape* envelope...........................do.... 8......10 10 22 Pens, extension........................... boxes.. i I ~. 23 Pens, drawing -..................-...number.. 6 -- 6 6 24 Pens, ruling...............................do.... 1, 09 913 200 1,113 25 Rulers....................................do.... 556 227 333 560 26 Rulers, caliper.............................do... 1I- - - 1 1 27 Racks, pen................................do.... 360 237 125 362 28 Tearers, paper............................ do.... 6.....6 6 29 Bureaus..................................do.... 4 2 4 30 Baskets, paper.............................do... 7 11 --- 11 31 Boards, black..............................do.... 9 16............ 16 32 Boards, diagram........................... do 7 5.... 15 33 Boards, book..............................do......-......... I 1 34 Brushes, copying...........................do.... 48 24 66 35 Brushes, counter...........................do... 183 100 83 183 36 Boxes, post office.................'... do.... 23 11. 12 23 37 Boxes, ticket.............................do.. 20..........0 20 38 Boxes, paper. --. —. ---— do 300 1 299 300 39 Balances, letter............................ do-............-I 40 Bell, gong, complete......................do.... 1 5.......... 5 41 Buckets, coal..............................do.... I I. —-....- I 42 Bands, gum.............................. do.... 33 55......... —. 55 43 Cses~icke.....................-........d....! 64 43 Cases, ticket..do 6 44 Cases, bill-head............................do..... 1 45 Cases, blank...............................do... 1..... 1 46 Cases, pigeon-hole.........................do.... 6 6 —.- - 6 47 Chairs, office..............................do.... 1,316 669 654 1,323 48 Chairs, camp..............................do... 6 6 --—.. 6 49 Chart, time-stand..........................do.... 1 1 - I 50 Closets, picket.............................do.... I I ---- 151 Cupboards................................do... 27 82 ----------- 82 52 Clocks.................. do... 86 73 15 88 53 Chests....................................do...- 9 —-- 9 9 54 Coolers, water.............................do.... 14 14.-. 14 55 Cups, sponge..............................do.... 1 1............ 1 56 Calendars, office...........................do.... 73 57 17 74 57 Caps, stove pipe......................... do.... 107 23 165 188 58 Desks.....................................do.... 140 156 ------ - 56 59 Dusters, feather...........................do.... 251 57 194 251 60 Frame, diagonal.........................do... 1............ I 1 61 Holes, nest pigeon.........................do..-. 6 6 6........- 6 62 Indexes...................................do.... 7 75......... 75 63 Lamps, office............................. do.... 380 280 130 410 64 Machines, eyelet...........................do....6 1 5 6 65 Press, copying.............................do5 38. 38 *Balance on hand, 1. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 397 Disposition of United States military railroad property, 4-c.-Continued. 0 0^ ("^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a x z II ^ 1 66 Pots, watering.......................... number. 25 35.....-.. 35 67 Safes, office............................... do... 43 2-8 ]6- 44 68 Safes, pay, iron............................. do. 4314 69 Safesfield................................ do... 7........ 7 7 70 Safes, key.................................do.... 10............ 10 10 71I Stands./............................ — --- -- — do... 6 19 ------------ 1.9 72 Stools.................................... do.... 41 94............ 94 73 Stoves, office.............................. do.... 28 21 2344 674 Stoves and pipe in car8................ Saf.e. 9pdo.... 3 29 29 75 Stamps. —------ ----------------- do................ 7 13 13 76 Scales, post office.......................... do 1 1. 10 1.0... 77 Shears, bankd o 611...................pairs 46 10 369 46 78 Shades................................ md o.............. 94 12 79 Spittoons.................................. do.... 63 753........... 75 80 Table, office...............................do.... 205 259 21- - 259 81 Thermometers...........................do.... 3 4............13 13 82 Weights, paper............................ do.... 387 314 73 387 84 Boilers, assorted...........................do.... 1,805 128 1,677 1,805 85 Boilers, square copperbottom..............do.rs-.. 5............ 5 546 78 Shades ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~number. 5 12 12 86 Boilers, with steamers...................... do.... 5............ 5 5 87 Boilers, coffee, assorted.................... do.... 1,892 175 1,719 1,894 88 Bowlsm.....................................do.... 2,301 303 1,998 2,304 89 Bowles, sugar..............................do.... 35 6 29 387 83 Wardrobes~~~~ ~~.do 23. 29 29 90 Bowls, wash...............................do.... 2,071 3 2,068,071 91 Boixes, tin p................................pe.do.... 1.. 92 Boixes, mess.............................. do.... 47.2 25 47 93 Boxes,ice......... o................ do.... 7617 94 Boxes, pepper.............................do.... 2,019 2,372 721 3,093 95 Bowxes, spiced9.......9........................... 3I 9.2,30t 96 Bounks.................................... do.. 367 369.... 29. 3569 97 Benches................................... do.... 92 92 92, 071 98 Buckets, fire............................... do.... B 9 193 99 Buckets, slop.............................. do... 2........ 47 100 Boedsteads ——.......................... do.... 91 67 24 91 101 Basins, assorted..........................do.... 531 1, 202 8 3, 093 102 Boards, wash.............................. do.... 156 14 42 156 103 Candlesticks.............................. do.... 1,159 1,143 152 1,295 104 Castors... - -~................................ do..-. 1410414 105 Carvers...................................do 4 4............ 4 106 Carversand forks.......................... do.... I I............ I 107 Cans, molasses............................do.... 3 5............ 5 3 108 Celloars, salt............................... do 31 19 12 31 109 Cups.....................................do... 12,426 5,192 10,010 15, 202 110 Cleavers, meat..n o.......14............ do.... 23 14 9 23 III Cots......................................do.... 27 27 4 —-------- 27 112 Chest, mess................................ do.. —. 30 30.......30 113 Dishes, assorted........................... do.... 420 254 166 420 114 Dishes, wash.............................. do.... 2 115 Dippers, assorted..........................-do.... 761 671 172 843 116 FoC ks.....................................do... 777 776 5661 1,3420 117 Forks, flesh.............................. do.... 1,227 889 3629 1,25 118 Graters...................................do... 215 403............2 403 119 Gates, molasses............................do.. 30 20 161 36 120 Jugs......................................- do. —. 4 4.. —........i 4 121 Knives, table..............................do.-.. 980 980............ 980 12 Knives, butcher........................... do. —. 2,183 460 1723 2,183 123 Knives andforks........................... do.... 13,788 6,118 8,1600 14,718 124 Knives and forksd.o.777................. sets... 9035-6 1 9025-6 9035-6 115 Knio es, sawh.d o.................. —.-... number.. 1.. 8....-..... I 1 126 Kettles, Ccasts.......................... do.... 38 208... —...-.. 38 127 Kettles, campb..........................do.... 240 239 21 260 128 Ladles.................................... do.... 101 1151 —---..; 115 129 Mills, coffee............. —....... do.-. 823 384 439 i 823 130 Ovens.. ------------ --... —. -- ---— do —-. 49 23 26 49 131 Ovens, cast, and lid...............-...-. do —.. 24 4 20 24 132 Ovens, cast, and lid..................... pounds.. 1,209............ 1,209 1,209 133 Pans, assorted......................... number-. 6,027 6, 015 2,729 8,744 134 Pans, dish............. —--............. do.-.. 12 5 7 12 135 Plates, assorted. ---------------------—.do. —. 14,312 11,251 4,501 15, 752 136 Platters, tin.................-........ do.... 288....... 288 i 288 137 Pipe, stove................................feet —- 536 1,758 -----—....1 1,758 138 Pipe, stove........................ —..pounds.. 7,954............ 7,954 7,954 139 Pipe, stove..............................-joints. 4,265 1,691 3,154 4,845 140 Pots, coffee, assorted....................number. 16 185 44 229 141 Pots, tea...........................-. —.do... 4 22 22 142 Pots.................................... do..., 10 88.....8...-.. 398 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property, cc.-Continued. z 0 S M. fl" I0~~~ ~ ~Articles. II P4 ^ HH 143 Pitchers, cream.........................number.. 20 19 1 20 144 Pitchers, water............................do 13 7 6 13 145 Pitchers, molasses..........................do 74............ 74 74 146 Ranges, with upright boiler................do.. 2 2...... 2 147 Ranges, with furniture.....................do............ 5 5 148 Ranges, commissary.......................do............ I 1 149 Spoons, assorted...........................do.. 46,779 28,095 18,684 46,779 150 Saucers, tin...............................do 152 2.... 2........ 522 151 Saucers and cups..........................do....302........ 302 302 152 Saws, meat................................do.. 8 18............ 18 153 Sieves.....................................do.... 205 103 103 206 154 Skillets...................................do.... 21 21............ 21 155 Skillets and lids...........................do.. 23 23............ 23 156 Skillets and lids.........................pounds.. 1,754 435 1,319 1,754 157 Steel, carving..........................number.. 5 8........... 8 158 Skimmers.................................do.. 42 45 72 117 159 Shovels, fire...............................do.. 78 17 63 80 160 Shovels and tongs........................pairs... 1............ I 1 161 Spiders................................number.. 1 2..... 2 162 Stoves, cooking, complete..................do.... 723 253 470 723 163 Stoves, heating............................do.... 30 25 19 44 164 Stoves, box, wood and pipe................do.... 12............ 12 12 165 Tumblers.................................do... 73 15 58 73 166 Ticks, bed................................do.... 166............ 166 166 167 Washstands...............................do.... 51 23 112 135 168 Axles, car..............................pounds.. 20,000 101,575...... 101,575 169 Brushes, horse..........................number.. 247 252............ 252 170 Buckets, engine............................do.... 324 150 174 324 171 Boxes, wagon.............................do.... 12............ 12 12 172 Boxes, axle................................do.... 80 80............ 80 173 Bells, gong, and hanging...................do... 1 6............ 6 174 Balances, h'vy grad. spring loco............do 24............ 24 24 175 Balances, round case loco., grad. to 200 lbs....do 96............ 96 96 176 Balances, loco. spring......................do.:.. 331 148 183 131 177 Bolsters, wagon...........................do.... 94............ 94 94 178 Carts, sprinkler............................do... I I............ I 179 Combs, curry.............................do 289 414............ 414 180 Cars, box................................. do.... 1,4931 1,662 60 1,722 181 Cars, freight...............................do.... 500 500............ 500 182 Cars, caboose..............................do.... 5............ 5 5 183 Carscoal................................. do... 81 8............ 8 184 Cars, platform.............................do.... 778 783 2 785 185 Cars, truck.............................. do 126 33 93 126 186 Cars, guard..............................do::: 6........... 6 6 187 Cars, dirt.................................. do.... 3 j 3 3 188 Cars, hand................................do.. 197 60 137 197 189 Cars, hospital.............................. do.... 3 3............ 3 190 Cars, passenger...........................do.... 1725 1 26 191 Cars, passenger, 2d class...................do.... 15 15............ 15 192 Cars, stock................................do.... 5............ 10 10 193 Cars, stock and rack....................... do.... 4............ 4 4 194 Cars, house................................do.... 196............ 196 196 195 Cars, baggage.............................do.... 4............ 4 4 196 Chambers, pumps, and valves..............do.... 4............ 4 4 197 Cans, locomotive oil........................do.... 54............ 54 54 198 Covers, wagon.............................do.... 5 199 Cocks, gauge, assorted................. d.... 20 24............ 24 200 Engines, dummy..........................8do... 3 3............ 3 201 Gongs, locomotive, assorted..-.......... do.... 15 4 30 34 202 Gauges, steam.............................do.... 12 31............ 31 203 Locomotive engines and tenders............do.-.. 184 184............ 184 204 Lines, cart...............................pairs... 3 3............ 3 205 Lights, locomotive head.................number.. 244 146 98 244 206 O ars..................................... do —-. 8............ 8 8 207 Saddles, riding............................do-... 2 3 ------------ 3 8 Straps, neck............................... do... 2 2............ 2 209 Stretchers.................................do.... 10 10............ 10 210 Springs, rubber car.....................pounds.. 12,000 15,708............ 15,708 211 Springs, ambulance.....................number.. 1 1 2 Tires, locomotive.......................... do.., 80 80........... 80 213 Tires, locomotive.......................pounds.. 14.200 14,200............ 14,200 21.4 Tires, B. 0. flange........................do.... 8,000............ 8,000 8,00( 215 Trucks, timber.........................number 8 4 4 8 016 Wheels, car...............................-do.... 160 1,308.1.......... 217 Wagon for moving portable saw mill........do.... I I............ ~218 Whistles, locomotive, complete............. do.... 5 6........... 6 219 Yokes, ox.................................do —-- 148 45 103 148 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 399 Disposition of United States military railroad property, kc.-Continued. 0 Articles. nz G a 220 Yawls..................................number.. 2............ 2 2 221 Awls......................................(do.... 167 181 91 272 222 Awls, scratch, handled-.....................do... 124 124............ 124 223 Axes......................................do... 8,542 1,291 7, 337 8, 628 224 Axes, broad...............................do... 927 804 1]40 944 22 5 Axes, hand................................do.... 915 797 126 923 226 Axes, pick.................................do.... 392............ 392 392 227 Augurs, steel..............................set.... 7 8............ 8 228 Augurs, assorted........................number.. 2,596 1, 563 2, 087 3, 650 229 Augurs with handles.......................do.... 30........... 30 30 230 Adzes.....................................do.... 1,393 698 810 1,508 231 Anvils.....................................do.... 22 24............ 24 232 Anvils..................................pounds.. 62, 9381 27,116 35,822? 62, 9382 233 Arm racks.............................. number.. 1............ I 1 234 Angles, bell................................do.... 7............. 7 7 235 Apparatus, automatic...................... sets... 9 9............ 9 236 Bits, augur................................do.... 237 621 1741 237 237 Bits, augur, extra quarters.............. number.. 32 32........... 32 238 Bits, centre, assorted......................do.... 131............ 131 131 239 Bits and augurs............................do.... 10............ 10 10 240 Bits, car.................................. sets... 124 6 120 126 241 Bits, gimlet............................number.. 131 144............ 144 242 Bits and braces............................ do.... 59 36 23 59 243 Bits, ratchet drill.......................... do.... 72 4 68 -72 244 Bits, assorted............................ do... 2,628 184 3,934 4,128 245 Braces and slides.................... do.... 2 2.......... 2 246 Bars, clothes...............................sets... I............ I 1 247 Bars, claw..............................number.. 520. 27 495 522 248 Bars, crow................................. do.... 239' 210 110 330 249 Bars, crow..............................pounds.. 4, 558 9, 580............ 9, 580 250 Bars, pinch.............................number.. 848 107 741 848 251 Bars, switch...............................do... 36 36............ 36 252 Bars, draw................................do.... 996 -------—. 996 996 253 Bars, boring, portable'...................... do.... 1 1......... I 1 254 Bars, lining................................do.... 588 2 586 588 255 Bars, spike............................. do.... I............ I 1 256 Bars, assorted.............................. do.. 3,741 1,096 3,026 4,122 257 Bars. pry...................................do.... 836............ 836 836 258 Bars, tamping.............................do.... 1,156 28 1,152 1,180 259 Bars, grate................................do.... 136............ 136 136 260 Bars.......................................do.... 14............ 14 14 261 Bellows...................................do.... 102 80 67 147 262 Bellows, blacksmiths'.....................pairs... 3 3 3 263 Belting, leather............................feet... 4,587 21,495............ 21,495 264 Blocks, assorted.........................number.. 5,445 498 4,948 5,446 265 Blocks, rigging............................. do.... 1............ 1 1 266 Blocks and rollers, assorted................ sets... 4............ 4 4 267 Blocks andsheaves.........................do.... 9............ 9 9 268 Blocks, double..........................number.. 19............ 19 19 269 Blocks, rubber...........................pounds.. 3001 207 * 941 3018 271 Blocks, pulley, assorted................-number... 609 5 604 609 271 Blocks, pedestal............................do..... 4............ 4 4 272 Bolts, assorted.............................do... 1, 818 5,260 300 5,560 273 Bolts, hatchet..............................do.... 12............ 12 12 274 Boxes, tool................................do.... 51............ 51 51 275 Boxes, Russia iron......................... do.... 4 4 4 276 Boxes, twine...............................do....' 19............ 19 19 277 Boxes, filing...............................do.... 24............ 24 24 278 Boxes, Pitman, complete...................do.... I............ I 1 279 Boxes, grindstone..........................do.... 2........... 2 2 280 Boxes, emery..............................do.... 171 99 216 315 281 Boxes, patking............................do.... 5 ------------ 5 5 282 Boxes....................................do... 179 293 293 283 Brushes, varnish, assorted..................do.-.. 679 50 629 679 284 Brushes, paint, assorted....................do.-.. 771 37 734 771 285 Brushes, fitch, assorted.....................do.. 144 ------------ 144 144 286 Brushes, sash..............................do..-. 36.-.......... 36 3 287 Brushes, graining..........................sets. I............ I 1 288 Brushes, artists'......................... number 24............ 24 21 289 Brushes, stove..........................-boxes.. 2........... 2 2 290 Brushes, scrubbing....................number. 549 156 403 559 291 Brushes, car window...................... do —-. 24 1 23 24 292 Brushes, whitewash........................ do.... 6 5 3 8 293 Brushes, assorted.......................... do.... 1,979 635 1, 652 2,287 294 Buckets, water.............................do.... 2,481 1,651 856 2,507 295 Buckets, covered.......................... do 86 ------------ 86 86 296 Buckets, S. I.............................. do.. 15...... 15 15 400 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property, e"c.-Continued. 6 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~" L6 aa Articles. S 297 Buckets, paint........-.-...... 25 54............ 54 298 Buckets, fire............................... do.... 473 109 376 485 299 Balance, spring...-...-. —...-............ do.... 135 116 300 Buts, brass, assorted......................pairs... 200 429 429 301 Buts, wrought, assorted................... do.... 50 50......-. 50 302 Bunting, red, English....................yards. 1,3891 361 1,,028I1 1,389-1 303 Barrows, wheel...................... number.. 1,224 350 877 1,227 304 Borers, tap --—............................... 12............ 13 13 305 Brackets -................................... 121 4,077 4,98 306 Boilers, steam.............................. do.- 12 13............ 13 307 Brooms, assorted...........................do... 900 1,314 624,938 308 Blenders..................................do.... 10 31720 309 Blowers, fire...............................do.. 3 3.......... 3 310 Blowers, assorted..........................do.... 3 1 4 5 311 Buggies, wood............................. do.... 32 24 8 32 312 Bodkins...................................do... 4 6.. 313 Brands, government....................3.... do.... 3 3 314 Bolts, stone................................do... 2 21... 2 315 Braders, No. 1............................ do.... 2 24 —--- 2 2 316 Breeching, double.........................sets.. I 6.... I 317 Blades, hack saw.......................number.. 12 6 22 28 318 Body moulding and Russia iron.............set... 1............ I 1 319 Burners................................number.. 302 1,007...... 1,007 320 Buttons, enamelled.......................do... 700 21,592.. 21 592 321 Beaders with stands........................do. 2 1 1 2 322 Beam, scale.d............................... do. 1 1 1 323 Buildings, 20 by 25.........................do.... 2 2- 2 324 Buildings, 20 by 45......................... do.. 1 1 --- - I 325 Buildings, 25 by 30........................do............... 1 326 Buildings, 20 by 30..do.... 8 88............8 327 Buildings, 25 by 40.........................do............. I 328 Buildings, 18 by 50........................do.... 3 3.- -- 329 Buildings, 20 by 50........................do.... 23 23 ------------ 23 330 Buildings, 18 by 16......................... do... 1............ 1 331 Buildings, 16 by 16.........................do::.. 1 I 1 —---- - I 332 Buildings, 15 by 33......................... do.... I I............ 1 333 Buildings, 15 by 25-......................do.... 10 10............ 10 334 Buildings, 25 by 45.................... do.... 1 1............ 1 335 Buildings, 60 by 275........................-do.... 1 1.......-.... 1 336 Buildings, 16 by 60...................... -do.... I I............ 1 337 Buildings, 32 by 125........................do.... 1 1............ 1 338 Buildings, 25 by 72..-......................do.... 1 1 - 1 —------ I 339 Buildings, 31 by 100........................do.... I I............ 1 340 Buildings, 31 by 130........................do.... I............ I 341 Buildings, 25 by 60........................do.... 1 1......1..... I 342 Buildings, 40 by 70.........................do.... 1 I............ 1 343 Buildings, 20 by 56.........................do.... 1 1............ I 344 Buildings, 50 by 80........................do.... I I............:345 Buildings, 18 by 28........................do.... I I............ 346 Buildings, 18 by 0-......................-.do.... I I............ 347 Buildings, 45 byv 0.........................do.... I I....... 348 Buildings, 20 by 35.........................do.... 3 3..-........ 3 349 Buildings, 20 by 55................... —.do.... 2 2............ 2. 350 Buildings, 12 by 15......................... do.... I I............ I 351 Buildings, 12 by 16.........................do.. 3 3............ 352 Buildings, 12 by 20......... —-..........do.... I............ 353 Buildings, 12 by 12. ------—................. do.... 1............ 354 Buildings, 15 by 30.........................do.... 1 1............ 355 Buildings, 16 by 77.........................do.... I............ 356 Buildings, 19 by 19........................do.... 1 I............ I 357 Buildings, 20 by 40........................do.... 2 2............ 2 358 Buildings, 20 by 80.........................do.... 5 5 -........... 5 359 Buildings, 20 by 112....................... do.... 1 I........... I 360 Buildings, 40 by 60.........................do.... I I 1 —-------- I 361 Buildings, 45 by 36........................do.... 1 1....... 362 Buildings, 46 by 100.................. do.... 1 1............-I 363 Buildings, 11 by 11.- -.................. do.-.. 1 1............ 364 Buildings, 11 by 12.....................- do.... 1 1. 365 Buildings, 11 by 14....................... -.do............ 366 Buildings, 12 by 39.........................do.... I............ 367 Buildings, 12' by 21.............-....... do.-.. I 1 1 368 Buildings, 12' by 24........................do.... 1 1 1.........369 Buildings, 15 by 20.................... ——.do.... 1 1............ 370 Buildings, 15 by 110........................-do.... 1 1............ 371 Buildings, 20 by 60..................... do.... 1 1 1.1............ 372 Buildings, 17 by 40.........................do.... 2 20. 2. 3^3 Buildings, 38 by 26........................do..... 2 21...-.... 2 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 401 Disposition of United States military railroad property, 4-c.-Continued. Articles. I 0 3, 374 Buildings, 20 by 110................. n...... nmber...... 375 Buildings, 20 by 163 -1 —------— do.... 3..... 376 Buildings, 21 by 40-.........................do.. 1 1............ 377 Buildings, 24 by 40..-..................... do...:. 1 ---- -1 378 Buildings, 25 by 681 —---------------- - do.... I............ 1 379 Buildings, 25 by 115........................ do.... I............ I 380 Buildings, 30 by 70. —--------------------— do. 2............ 2 381 Buildings, 31 by 150........................do 1 1............1 382 Buildings, 31 by 165........................do.. 0 2 ------------ 2 383 Buildings, 31 by 230........................do 2 2.... 2 384 Buildings, 313 by 311.. —------------.....- do. 1 1 1d 385 Buildings, 12by 14.do...........1............. 1 386 Buildings, 14 by 26.........................do... I............ 1 387 Buildings, 32 by 48-........................ do.. 2 2............2 388 Buildings, 32 by 50........................do.... 1 1............ 1 389 Buildings, 24 by 30........................ do. —. 1 1............ I 390 Buildings, 24 by 36........................do.:.: 1 1............ 1 391 Buildings......... —.......................do... 1 1............ I 392 Cans, assorted.........................-.do.... 1,876 1,805 72 1,877 393 Cans, powder..............................-do... 8 8............ 8 394 Cans, water, with cocks..........-.........do-... 2 2. ---. 2 395 Cans, oil, assorted............ do 422 574 91 665 396 Cases....................................pairs... 6 6............ 6 397 Cases...................................number. 4 6............ 6 398 Chains, assorted —-..................pounds. 2,930. 1,453 1,4771 2,930k 399 Chains, log..............................number.. 69 42 74 116 400 Chains, lock................................do... 245- -. 245 245 401 Chains, coil, assorted..................... do.. 41,457 735 40,722 41,457 402 Chains, coil................................ feet_ 1,404 2,188 ----------- 2,188 403 Chains, cable................. -pounds.. 7,492 503 6,989 7,492 404 Chains, brass.........................numberi. 1............ I 1 405 Chains, brass —-----------— s...............feet 1............. I I 406 Chains, 100 feet.....1.......... number.. 615 6 407 Chains jack............................... yards.. 1]32 -----—.. 1353 135k 408 Chests-. —- ---...-.........-......... number.. 12 36 9 45 409 Chisels, assorted...............-............ do... 3,957 3, 722 377 4,099 410 Chisels, firmer, assorted.................... do... 24 —.. —. 24 24 411 Chisels, firmer, assorted....................sets-.. 143 48 5-6 151 4-6 200^ 412 Chisels, framing, assorted.... -........ —- number.. 1,689 834 858 1,692 413 Chisels, framing.............................sets. 161 5 158 163 414 Chisels, mortising. —-.. —--------—.number. 10........... 10 10 415 Chisels, cold...............................-do —.. 1, 21 109 1,112 1,221 416 Chisels, socket........................... sets.., 50.....-..-... 50 50 417 Chisels, socket, firmer, assorted-.......number.. 108............ 108 108 418 Chisels, chipping........................... do.... 1,404 101 1,303 1,404 419 Chisels and swedge.................. -do.... I -----—.- 6 6 420 Copper, ingot. -—........ ---- -- pounds.. 1,080 1,080............ 1,080 421 Copper, soldering..-........-.-do.... 12 12 --- - 12 422 Coppers, assorted..-............. —-—. -. pairs... 5 23. —-. 23 423 Copperas............................ pounds.. 50 3,856......... — 3,856 424 Cups, oil...............................number.. 340 52 3 20 372 425 Cups, with cock........... —-.... —--—. -..do... 8 8........... 8 426 Cups, tallow.... --------------------------- do... 108 48 61 109 427 Cups, varnish........ ~ —----------—. fedo... 12 3 12 15 428 Cups, pedestal, wrought iron.......... —..... do.... 4.. —--—., — 4 4 429 Cups, chimney lamp. —............ —- -- do. —. 2 10 10j 20 430 Chimneys, forge... —... —----... —-. pounds.. 3, 617 -.-.....-. 3, 617 3,617 431 Cocks, assorted. —... ——. ----- --- number:: 332 421......... — 421 432 Cranes, water. ---. —---------------------— do.-. 61 5( II 61 433 Cranes, portable. -—...................... do.-. 1 1............ 1 434 Clamps. —. —---------------- ---—......do —. 125 187 24 211 435 Clamps, copper.... ——.. —.......... pounds.. 3- 3 ------------ 3 436 Crank and rollers, with flange -....-...... sets.. 11 11......... 11 437 Crank and rollers.......................number. 18 57 —.-.-. —..- 57 438 Crucibles, assorted. —-—. do.. 3,913 49 3,89 3,928 439 Cuffs, gov't hand. ------------------- —..-pairs- 6 6. —------—. 6 440 Covers, file.................................-do. 12 -. —-. — 12 12 441 Covers, flag.. —-... - -- ------—.number. 37 69. —-...... 69 442 Covers, wire dish...........................-do. —. 4. —.-. —- 4 4 443 Covers, sand-box..-.....-....... —----— do —-- 1 3 ------------ 444 Covers, driving wheel................ set.-. 1 ------.-... 1 1 445 Covers, truck wheel. ----—..........do —-. I.:: —: —.. I 1 446 Centres............. —-----------—....pounds.. 2,700 1,410 1,290 2,700 447 Centres, truck, assorted.number 36 36 36 448 Combs, steel graining...................sets. 1 2..-..-.-.... 2 449 Combs, army extra. ---—......... number.. 24...... —- 24 24 450 Couplings and bands.......................setsc.. 120. 120 124 244 H. Ex. Doc. 155 —26 402 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property c.Continued. ~o^ ~ ~ ~ ~ o..SCn1 C3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles.'O00 451 Cutters, lead............................ number..I 1.. 453 Cutters, paper, 28-inch......................do............. 453 Calipers, assorted.....................-...do... 59 43 18 61 454 Chucks, 24-inch, universal screw, with. d o 3 455. wrenches. —-...................-..' 456 Canisters, assorted........................do — 24 33 -....- 33 457 Cape, -inch............................-...do.... 458 Chucks. —---—..........................do 1............ 459 Circles, plate glass..........................do 100............ 100 100 460 Cornice brackets...........................do... 75.......... 75 75 461 Chills, frog, complete.....................do 4 11....- -11 460 Chilled car wheels......................do.... 3............ 3 3 463 Dies.......................................sets.. 10 160........... 160 464 Dies....................................number.. 1 59- 59 465 Dies and stocks, assorted....................do 117 67 55 122 466 Dies and stocks, assorted...................sets 42............ 42 467 Drills.............. -.............-......number.. 144 773 —- - 773 468 Drills, ratchet, assorted...................-.do. 35............ 3 35 469 Drills, suspension, and fixtures.............do 1..1.. -. I I 470 Drills, suspension, No. 9-...................do. 3 -- -. 3 3 471 Drills, vertical.............................do 2 1 2 3 472 Drills, vertical, andcomp'd table.. -......... do....2.... 2 2 473 Drills, Packer's patent -.................... do. 90............90 90 474 Diamonds, glaziers'.........................do.... 8 4 5 9 475 Drawers, spike.............................do.... 100 100 100 476 Drivers, screw.............................do 662 317 378 695 477 Dividers................................. do... 639 14 638 652 478 Drippers, oil..............................do.. 11 16 10 27 479 Drippers, brass..............'do. 2...2 —-. — 2 480 Drippers, gauge cock.......................do.... I 1... 481 Dashes, brass..............................do — --- - 2 2 482 Drums, steam..............................do.... 3 ----- 3 3 483 Drums, Russia iron.............do. 4 4^ —-.. 4 484 Drums, driving wheel. 10 feet............ao. 2 ------.j 2 2 485 Dusters, painters' round, assorted..........do.... 88 60 26 88 486 Doors, frames for furnaces,.................do 2j 2.-. —.... 2 487 Engines, portable...........................do.... 4 -.......- 4 488 Engines, stationary.........................do................ I 489 Engines and boilers, stationary.............do. 2............ 2 490 Engines, cylinder, convex, 12 by 20........do.. 3 3 3 491 Engines, steam............................. do- 492 Engines, steam, and boiler, common........do.... j 493 Engines, caloric, 18-inch....................-do................ 494 Engines, gear-cutting.........-............do.... 1.......- I 495 Engines, donkey steam 6..do.. ------------ 2 496 Engines and boiler, with chimneys, tirc. M., complete.................................do.... 61 —--—... 6 6 497 Elbows, assorted...........................do. 698 j 1 112 863 1, 975 498 Escutcheons, brass.........................do.... 9........... 2 9 29 499 Edges, straight............................. do.... 3 -------- - 3 500 Figures, stencil............................ sets. 1 1 —- 1 501 Figures....................................do.... 11.2 502 Files, assorted..........................number. 88 003 30,433 76, 201 106, 634 503 Flannel, cotton........................... yards... 39 II 98 109 504 Furnaces, for tinners. ------ number.. 1 4 5 505 Furnaces, soldering........................do.... 1.......... 506 Formers....................................-do.... -----.. 5 507 Forges, cast iron........................... do.. 44..4. 44 508 Forges, portable........................... do.... 15 15 509 Forges, stationary, complete.......... —.do.. 24 8 16 24 510 Frames............... ——.................. do. 8 8..... —. 8 511 Frames, machine saw.................... —-.do. 3 3......... 3 512 Frames, tank............................do.... 61-.-......... 6 6 513 Frames, saw-mill, complete...............do........ —-. I I 514 Funnels, assorted..........................do.... 108! 235 233 515 Fixtures, W. crane.......................sets... 7............ 7 7 516 Pitchers, assorted....................... number.. 9 8 1 9 517 Forks, long-handled.. —................... do... 10 4 26 30 518 Flanges, small................. —...... pounds.. 301........-... 30 30 519 Flanges,deck...........................number.. 8 31 31 520 Flanges, sheet iron.........................do.... I 1-... —-- I 521 Flanges, dish..............................do-_ 10............ I 11 522 Froes.......................... —- do.... 21I I 2 523 Faucets, oil...............................do.. 21 21-....... 21 524 Faucets, ambulance keg.............. —.do. —. 801 12 68 80 525 Fixtures for bells, assorted. -------------— set... I1........... 526 I Frontis, boiler........................... number.. I 5.-. —....... 5 5 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 403 Disposieticon of United States military railroad property, &Sc.-Continued. u'b r. 1.,,1 ~nllver.! 1......... 1 527 Fronts, smoke box. —- - -—. --- number-.1 II. —-------- I I 528 Flasks, stone, comp't. —---------------- -.. do...\. 6 529 Folders-...do.. 4. 4........... 4 530 Gauges, assorted-............ ------------- do.... 1. 084 881 262 1, 143 531 Gauges, assorted. —------------------ -.. sets. 2.. 5 25 532 Gouges..-.........................nu- mber..! 75 - 105 6 111 533 Grindstones................... -------- -do..., 121 j 54 5, 067 5,121 534 Grindstones-............................. pounds.. 6, 687 6, 687 (....... 6, 687 535 Grindstones and fixtures.-.......-..... number 83 34 49 83 536 Gimlets. —---------------------- -.-...do... 28 1 76 2C21 297 537 Gunners'saws............................. do.. 7.1...... 17 538 Graters..................................... do....... 3 3 5:39 Gaskets, assorted......................... do.. 4 -... —. 43 43 540 Gaskets, assorted........................-pounds. 40........... 401 40-1 541 Gates, oil. —-. ------------------------- number. 6 6 12 542 Galleys, sinle column, brass lined do. -.... - 543 Galleys, double column, brass lined —-.. do 4. —-.-.-. 4 544 Galleys, double column, brass lined.. —----—.do.....'- 2 545 Galley's, imperial folio slice --.... do 1 546 Galleys, slice. -...............-.-.. yards......-.. — 547 C, Guardus, brass corner-. 92..-.....umb. 188 188 548 GuarI.ds, sheet iron. I —---------- --.... —--- do.... 1........... I 1 549 I Globes, oil. —------- -.. —------—. do... 2 2 a530 1 CTGud.geons, W. W. —-................ do... 4 4 551 1H-ammers, assorted. —.. —-........... -.. do..-. 5,445 13, 039 586 13, 625 552 I Hammers, stone.. —-.-.-. —....... -.. do... i 172 87 85 172 553 ammers, stone. —---------- --....... —-pounds. 1,328 258 1, 070 1,328 554 HaItIndles, axe.-...................-.... number..10, 987 0 ], 987 -.. -.... 10, 987 555 Handles, assorted..-................... —.. do.... )l1,519 4,360 18, 681 23, 041 556 -latchets...............................-. do-.d.i 1,898 522 2, 358 2,880 557 265latchethandled......... bdo.; 265............ 265 265 558 Hatchets, shingling. —-----------------—.do.. I 362 359 3 362 559 fHo-es.-....................... do...! 9 39. --—.. 39 560 Heads, cut~.er and. boxing, extra set -- -.do.-. 1-......... I 1 561 Heads, passenger car lamp. —--------------—..4 24 24 562 Heads, stove-pipe.- --........... — do.... 1. 3 3 563 Heads, wall, assorted. —-------- ----.... do... 7j 2..-..... 72 72 564 Heads, cross, common.-.......-....-.-.....sett...1 1 7 —-—... 7 565 Heads, front. cylinder, common.-........... do.-... 1 1.1 —------ I 566 Hinges, heavy "T"..-..................number. -38 26 34 567 Hooks, belt............ - -------------- do -.1 4, 322 3,822 500 4,322 568 Itooks, shave.-.... —- -................ do_ 12. —--—.. 12 12 569 Hooks and eyes.-...........................do. 312 258 54 312 b70 Holders, driving iron. —-------------------- do... ----------- 2 2 571 Holders, large drawing.-.........0.........do. 24. —-. —----- 24 24 572 Hoods, sheet-iron stove-pipe. —...... -- do... 3 —......- 3 3 573 Hoods, forge - -...................... pounds 1 000 1,000 2,000 3,000 574 Hoods, iron.......................... — numbsr..; 12. —-—. —. 36 36 575 Hangings, grindstone -..................... do.. 72 72......... 72 576'Heaters. —--------- -. -—.......... pounds. 6,1000 6, 000.....-..-.. 6, 000 577 Horse, stitching- -..... -- - numbers 1 1............ I I 578 Horns, beak.. — - - do. 1 1 579 Hobsoand collars.. —----------------------—.set.... I 580 Instruments, levelling.-.................-. do... 1 8 9 581 Instruments, transit. —-------... - do....! < 2 4 6 582 Instruments, drawing. —........... -..- do.- I....-...... 2 2 583 Instruments, drawing, cases -----------—....do... \ I —---------- I I 584 Iron, assorted........................... pounds. 46,000 125,207 370,681 495,888 585 Iron, bari-........ —.......................do. —. 51 000 54,000.... —...... 54,000 586 Iron, railroad. —--------------------------- do. -. 600, 000 3,236,393 --- --------- 3,236,393 587 Iron, scrap -----... - ------—.do --- 100, 000 673, 963 ---- -------- 673, 963 588 Iron, charcoal, assorted. —----------------- do....1 8,000 235, 011 -- --------- 235,011 589 Irons, turner...-.................... number. 2424 24 590 Irons, tuyere, complete -.................... do. —- 34 151 -.....-. 151 591 Irons, double plane.-.................. —- do. -.j 106 91 15 106 592 Irons, soldering ---------------------------- do. —.I 24 551 - -—.-.- 55 593 Irons, U. S. branding ---------------------- do-. 1 --------—.. I 1 594 Irons for transfer table.................. pounds —i 3,462.........- 3, 462:3, 462 595 Irons for turn-table -----—................-. set...1 -........ I 1 596 Injectors................................ number. i 71 39 32 71 597 Jacks, timber.-............................do... 106 106 ------------ 106 598 Jacks, carei —---------------—... - - pairs. 4..-....-.... 4 599 Jacks car, with hooks —........ numberi. 36 36 36 600 Jacks, lever...............................do.-.., 184 184 184 601 Jacks, hydraulic...........................do. 12 12 ------------ 12 602 Jacks, base, 15 ton........................ do... 6 6............ 6 60 ak, plain., 15 ton........................ do —— 1 6.............6 404 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property, Lc.-Continued. 0 0. ~,-~= ~~Articles. 1 aI 604 Jacks, locomotive, 15 ton................number.. 97 97.-.......-.. 97 605 Jacks, screw..... —.......-................do.... 280 2801 280 606 Jacks, claw, assorted.......................do.... 12 12 607 Jointers, double............................ do.... 40............ 41 41 608 Jointers, short............................. do.. 441 —. 441 441 609 Joints, union...-........................... do 7...-.i 7 7 610 Knives, drawing.. —................... —.do.... 450 245j 289 534 611 Knives, putty...........-................do.. 132 58 74 32 611 nvs ut --------- 132 612 Knives, splitting...........................do.... 2 2 613 Knives, shoe... —.........................do... 24 10 14 24 614 Knives, palette.............................do... 42 33 9 42 615 Knives, round........................... do... 5.........5 616 Kettles, composition........ —............. do I............ 617 Kettles, glue............-................. do.. 33 28 5 33 618 Lights......................................do... 2, 862 1,185 1, 677 2,862 619 Lamps, assorted...........................do... 3, 602 3, 602......... —. 3, 602 620 Lanterns, assorted..........................do... 7, 373 599 6, 839 7,438 621 Lathes, engine, complete..................do.... 6 61......... 622 Lathes, double hdd..-..................... do... l 1........... 623 Lathes, driving wheel......................do... 1............ I 624 Lathes, complete. —.......................do... 3 3!........ —-. 3 625 Lathes, dove hd. wheel.....................do.... 2 21............ 626 Lathes, hand..............................do.... 1............ 627 Lathes, hand, and fixtures..................do. —. I I............ I 628 Lathes, slides, assorted.....................do.. 8 8............ 8 629 Lathes, wood..............................do. I............ I 630 Lathes, axle......................do... 1 1............ 631 Lathes, l'ge h'vy turning, complete..........do... I'.. —........ 632 Lathe, boring and drilling, complete.. —-...do... I'.-.....-.-.. 633 Lead....................................pounds 600 1 3 1,310......... 634 Levels, assorted.........................number 187 1661 44 210 635 Lines, sea-grass. —........ —............... do... 28 28 8.......... 636 Locks, padt.... —......................... do... 500 422 i 78 500 637 Locks, door, assorted.......................do... 50 79. —--- I 79 638 Locks for switches-.............. —-...... —do.. 4............ 21 21 639 Ladles, copper. —............... --....... do... -1 —-- 640 Ladders, step -—... —.....................do............... 641 Levers, rivenning, complete................do............. I 642 Levers, equalizing, complete —. —-.......... do.-............. I 643 Letters........ ——. —-—. —-...............do.... 1 —--- 644 Machines, assorted.........................do.... 185 201 2......... 01 645 Machines, bit-boring.......................do.... 1............ 18 18 646 Machines, circular sawing................do.... 17 17 647 Machines, flooring..........................do.... 1..... 648 Machines, foot-morticing.................. do.... iI 2 649 Machines, gumming........................do.... 1.......... 1 650 Machines, moulding.... —.................. do..-. 1 — 651 Machines, plaLing, assorted.................do.... 8 1 10 652 Machines, screw-cutting...................do.... 3 3 i............ 3 653 Machines, bolt-cutting...............-.....do.... 4............ 5 5 654 Machines, tenon... —.......................do.... 2 655 Machines, tinners --—................... —.sets... 1 656 Machines, boring, complete..............number 146 39 11049 657 Machines, boring, drill, complete. —-----—.-do.....2 2 658 Machines, boring and turning, complete..... do... 1 659 Machines, medium size, &c......... —-....do... I --- 660 Machines, irregular moulding.............. do...I - -- 661 Machines, car turning................do.... 1. —.........i 662 Machines, shiping s:-:.do.............. 663 Machine, shapiing and moulding, complete..do.... 1 I-I —-I 664 Machines, straightening, so. 4.............do.... I ------------ 665 Machines, boirring0....... —-----------—.do. —. 4. —----—.. 4 4 666 Machines, gutter, so. 1.... -.... — --.. —-.do. —..........I II 667 MIachines, rip-saw ---—. —... --- --—..do. —.-. 2.... 2 668 M1achines, doub. nut tapg, with fixtures, -..do. -----—.. —- I 669 Machines, twio-head shaping, complete...do-.-.. 2 670 Machines, milling, No. 4, complete.......-...do..). 1 671 Machines, punching and shearing, complete..do. 1. ---- ----- 672 Machines, car-axle cutting..................do.- 1 I 1....- 1 673 Machines, csab, and fixtures. --—. —------ do —. 1 - I 1I1 674 Machines, folding. —-----------------—.do.-. 1-. —.-..I I 1 675 dMachines, groove and grooving. —--- —..do.-. 1. —.1 —--- - 676 Mlachines, vertica1 and resawing......... do.... 1 —-.. —-- I 677 Machines, link planing.....................do- 1- 678 Machies, double seaiming, No. 2............-do.. 1 679 Machines, hoisTilig.........................do..-. 10 —-------- 10 13 680 Machines, bolts, with taps and dies..........do.... 1 -— I RAILROAD PROPERTY. 405 Disposition of United States military railroad property, Sc.-Continued. 0~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A' i C) zM6 ~Z Too~~~~~~~~o Articles. 1 -1 1 681 Machines, ruling........................ number. 1 1.....-... 682 Mallets, printers'...........................do...4 4........ 4 683 Mills, paint................................do. 14 9 5 14 684 Mills, paint, with pullies.................... 6 6........ 6 685 5 Mills, portable saw, complete, with en- 2 o. 686 gines and boilers...................-' -. —687 Mauls, spike...............................do.... 2,660 1,141 1,519 2,660 688 Mauls, spike and top.......................do... 125............ 125 125 689 Mauls, top................................. do-... 388............ 388 388 690 Mauls, railroad............................do.. - -. 1,265 109 1,156 1,265 691 Mauls, carpenter...........................do.... 231 12 219 231 692 Mauls, bridg7e..............................do.... 44404.......404 693 Mallets, assorted...........................do... 1,387 1,130 342 1,472 694 Measures, assorted........................do.... 41 104........- 104 695 Measures, tape, assorted....................do.... 832 453 379 832 696 Measures, surveyors' el. feet...............do... 5.- -.. 6 6 697 Mandrels, cast...........................pounds.. 670 765............ 765 698 Magazine-............................. number.. 3 2 1 699 Metre, connexions.........................do.... 1 1.-....... 700 Metre, gas-................................do.... 1 1........ 701 Mattocks................................. do..1.. 5.. - 5 5 702 Muzzles for sm f. eng.....................do. 1..... 1 703 Muzzles, copper............................do-1-1 1........ I I 704 Mouldings for window caps.................do... 72.......... 72 72 705 Nails, clinch............................pounds. 1, 208 900 308 1.208 706 Nails, tufting...........................number.. 7, 000..... 7,000 7, 000 707 Nuts, assorted...........................pounds. 100 2, 360........ 2360 708 Nippers................................. pairs... 81 43 49 92 709 Nozzles................................. number.. 36 36....... 36 710 Needles, upholsterers', assorted.............do....4 52 2 54 711 Oil, lard................................ gallons. 60 7, 599............ 7,5991 712 Oil, coal..................................do —-- 1l- 186I 2 1881 713 Oilers, engine...........................number. 2, 771 1, 817 1, 920 3, 737 714 Planes, assorted............................-do... 3, 254 2,566 1, 662 4, 228 715 Planes, match............................ pairs... 173 13 160 173 716 Planes, ann. match-.......................sets —- 9-:3 61 91 717 Planers................................. numbers - - 718 Plough press.............................. do. 1 1..1....-.... I 719 Ploughers.......................... feet II............ II 11 720 Pots, glue..............................numbe 63 -53 14 67 7201 Pots, marking...........................do.. 48 15 33 48 721 Pots, tar.................................. do. - 79 79 79 722 Pots, tallow................................ do....- 473 2 471 473 723 Pots, varnish-..........-....do. 12.....-.-.. 12 12 724 Pots, soldering............................ do.... 0 1 ---— 21 21 725 Pots, fires —................-.......-..do..- 22 13 11 24 726 Pots, paint................................. do. 12 12 12 24 727 Pots, assorted.............................. do. —-! 616 161 455 616 728 Paulins.................... —-......... do. 116 43 81 124 729 Powers, one-horse......................... do. 8 6 2 8 730 Presses, hay.......................-. do. 1 1 731 Presses, drill —---—. -....-........-.........do. 5 9 1 10 732 Presses, wheel................... --- - do. 4 2 2 4 733 Presses, hWf med'm Frank -—.. —do.. 1 1-............ 1 734 Presses, h'lfmed'm Frank......... —........do.... 1 11 —---—... I 735 Pulleys, assorted................. --- -- do.... 84 84.... —-. 84 736 Pulleys, assorted...................-....pounds.. 26,97001 12,324 24, 4190 36, 743j 737 Pulleys, iron, assorted......................do. 11, 5502 11,550.1. 0 ——.. 11,550i 738 Pulleys, turned............................do. 338 338 -----—... 338 739 Pulleys, screw.......................number J4 84. —--—... 84 740 Punches, assorted.......... —------------— do....j 222 519 1 520 741 Punches, assorted.......... —-........... —sets I 1......... 1 742 Punches and lever ------- -------------— number. 1 1 —---... 1 743 Plates, screw..............................do. 4 31 1 32 744 Plates, levelling............................do —-- 1...... I I 745 Plates, angle....................... pounds..: 544 544... -—....454 746 Plates and dies for gas-pipe..............number..! 12 20........-...20 747 Plates for turn-table. —-................set.... 1 1 —— 20 —. I 748 Plates and rollers..........................do. I 749 Plates, face, assorted........ —....... numbser 10 12.. —...... 12 750 Punches and chisels....................sets.... --—.-. —--- 751 Pipes, gum -...........................number 12 2 10 12 752 Pipes, brasses....................... feet. 1,787 926 861 1,787 753 Pipes, black............................. pounds.. 3,002 --...... 4,448 4,448 754 Pipes, coppeir.....................-.......do 1,500 2,494y 2,4941 755 Pipes, iron, assorted........................ do. 700 6, 433.-.-....... 6, 433 756 Pipes, steam..............................do — 1 5 6 406 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroadproperty,'c.-Continued. Articles. o ^ _ I - — b ^ I B ^ "757 Pumps, assorted........................ number.. 1 117 139 758 Pumps, first class steam....................do.... 2 759 Pumps, second class steam..................do 2 760 Pumps, third class.........................do. 3 3 761 Pumps, steam, complete.................... do.... 8.......... 8 8 762 Pumps, complete.......................... pairs........... 763 Putty................................ pounds 0..01,227 764 Picks............................umber 5,20 1691 4,242 5,933 765 Picks, tamping......................... do 2,429 127 2,302 2,429 766 Picks, railroad......................... d 1,544 1,544 767 Pincers................................... pairs.. 38 3 41 768 Patterns...................................set............ 769 Poles, pike.............................number. 26 26 26 770 Pendants, assorted........................ do. 62 7 68 95 771 Ploughs...................................do 1 1 772 Plyers.................................pairs.. 179 89 101 90 773 Pencils, lettering.......................number. 186 18 186 774. Pencils, striping............................do.. 0 130.... 130 775 Pencils, T line........................... do... 8 80 80 776 Pencils, C. H., assorted.....................do. 144 144....144 777 Pans, assorted............................. do 587 142 880 1,022 778 Pans, iron oil...............................do...5 779 Platforms.................................. do. 6 I 6 6 780 Plugs, assorted.............. 9 628............ 628 781 Pails, covered...........................do3 3 3 782 Points, steel.................pounds.. 441 10 1,321 1,441 783 Piece, time, lever, 8-inch...-......... i.Lnumber..! 4 784 Piece, top and bottom, for form............. do....1 2.. —-..! 2 2 785 Plumbs, level............................do. 132....13 13 786 Pins, trn.................................. do 1 12 1.2 787 Pedestals.................................. do....8 1163 788 Quods, hollow.............................. do 25........... 25 789 Quods, pica corner......................... sets 4 4....... 4 790 Rams, battering.........................-nuin tier. 791 Rasps, horse............................... do.... 102 101 1 102 792 Rasps, wood, assorted............. d........do. 142 142! -- 142 793 Rivets, black, assorted....... 400 400 ---- 400 794 Rivets, assorted............................do. 1 268.-......... 0 268 268 794-) Rings, 8ush. -....... —... -- - number 80 136'............! 136 795 Riddles, assorted........................... do... 5 4 12 16 796 Ropes, switch.......................-.......-do.. 14 19!............! 19 797 Ropes, wire................................. doe.. 9 9 9 798 Rules, assorted.............................do.-., 4038 4691 539 799 Rules, brass, fronits..............- -... —— do-..! 5.-.........! 5 5 800 Rules, brass.............................-pounds 1-. -........i 2 j 801 Rules, brass...............................-feet. —. 44 --------- 44 44 802 Rules, brass space, No. 3............... number. 4. —---—.... 4 4 803 Rules, 4-fold....................-......do....! 18 -.........- 18 18 804 Rods, levelli-ng-..................... do..-. -.........1805 Rods, levelling, and targets.....d............ do.. 4......... 4 4 806 Rods, piston, complete......................do.. ------. I i 1 807 Rods, connecting........................... sets. 2 2 ----------- 808 Rods, reverse, awith quods complete......number 1 —.... I i! 1 809'Reflectors, timee............................do.... —-—.-.... —- 41 4 810 Rollers, iron.............................. do... 18 18...........i18 811 Rollers, iron.............................-pounds 2,520 65 2,455 2, 520 812 Rollers, boiler and plate............. sets.. 1 1........... I 813 Rollers, binding, No. 6, set.a............ number 1 1 —-- i!-I 814 Rollers for turn table....................... do. 2.2 —-. —--—. 2 815 Reels, chalk line........................ do..! 225 96 130 226 816 Rockers, wrought iron.. —--- -... -- pairs —. 1.- --- 817 Regulators, upholsterers'................ number- 24 18 6 24 818 Saws, assorted-. —---------------- -....do.. 5,306 2,979',734 5,713 819 Scales......................................do —. 83 52! 3 84 820 Screws, assorted:...........................do.... 50,000 176,448 -. - - 176,,448 821 Screws, jack..................... —-........ do 4 3 4 822 Screws, bench. —------------------------- 337 2022 115' 337 823 Screws, running........................... do. -- 2. —-. —----- 824 Screws, sag, assorted... —-...............dIo....! 3,066 495 j 2571o 3,066 825 Screws, sag, assorted. —-- —.......... pounds.. 2, 5500............i 2,500 2 00 826 Screws, hand, assorted -.si...........- number - 222 582 5...8........ 1 82 827 Screws on match planes...................-pairs..- 24 24 2.......1... 24 828 Screw clanaps, assorted.................. numbesr. 51..-..-.. —-5 51 829 Shafts, counter, and pullies..-..........'.. feet... j 200 200 ------------ 200 830 Shafts, coLunter, and pullies.n —---. number 2 1 0 1 831 Shafts, counter, and pullies.............pounds 3,451...........,451 332 Shafts, steama wheel..................... number. 1........... RAILROAD PROPERTY. 407 Disposition of United States military railroad -property,,4c.-Continuecd. 833 Shafts and planers.........-........... -nuniber. - 834 Shafts, lifti-ng......... do. 1..... 1.................. — 1 835 Shafting-. —--------------------------— pounds. 185, 461 11, 490................... 836 Shafting, main. —---------------------—... feet... 270 295............ 295 837 Shafting pulleys and hangers-............. pounds.. 15, 708 15, 708... 15,708 umber..! 224 145 83. 24 838 Shaves, spoke...........................mber 24 14 83 224 839 Shaves, draw.............................. do.... 75 -...... 75 75 840 Shears................................... pairs... 1 91 3" 103 106 841 Shears, bench...........................tmber. 1.,,,, ------------.............. 842 Shears, circular................do....o. 1 4......... 1 843 Shears, tinners..... 1............... do. 1 1 844 Shears, squaring, with framing, No. 10. 1 I 845 Shears, coal, composition............i... 4do..1.......... 1 846 Shears, gauge, table...- -.-do..-' I............ 6 847 Shears, lamp. -..-................. pairs... 024 4 21 25 848 Shears, hand1 ---------------—.....................d 16 849 Shears and burr......................... 1 850 Shears and lever..........do... 1............ 851 Shears, squaring, with frame................-do. —.^ 11..-......852 Scrapers, box...........................number.. 7 66.......... 66 853 Shovels, assorted............... —---—... do.... 1 283 2, 277 4,022 6, 299.- clove.... (l 2. 854 Shoes, wrought iron, for equalizig lever. -.do. 2. 2 855 Seines. -.-........................ do.... 37 4 33 37 856 Scoops.................................... do..I. 151 67 84 151 857 Slates.... —----------------------------—. do.... 402 407 I.......... 407 858 Squares andedges, straight.................do... 7..... —-----—.... 7 7 859 Squares, bevel.............................. do.... 591 89....... - 860 Squares, try, assorted............... do.... 1, 640 197 1,443 1, 640) 861 Squares, steel.do...i 1,475 480 995 1,475 862 Squares, iron.do.. i 90 90 90 863 Squares, framing...........................do... 3, 037 1,271 1,767 3,038 864 Sprinklers.................................do....I 37 34 4 38 865 Sprinklers, bath.......................... do. 1 I 866 Spades....................................do..-. 416 2381 78 416 867 Swedges, bottom........................... do. 95 402'...... —.. 402 868 Swedges, top..............................do... 92 203..........- 203 869 Swedges, hand............................- do 1 —.... I870 Stones, oil.......-.....................do.... 1,440 491 97 1, 44 871 Stones, oil..............................pounds 87 8 87 17^ 872 Stones, painters'........................number.. 4 5.5 873 Stone, composing..........................do... 1 1 1.-.......... I 874 Stones, imposing, and frames..... do............ 875 Sprinklers, bath............................do..., 1 1 1 876 Stones and mullers, painters'. —...........do... 1 ---—....; 1 1 877 Spikes, railroad.........................-pounds. 600 80, 990!.-.-...... 80,900 878 Spikes, boat.................. --------—..kegs. 2000 129!......-. —............ 879 Signals, white........... —-...........numbers,928.-.........- 2,928 2, 928 880 Signals, ruby.......... —...................do —-- 390.-......; 390 390 881 Signals, fog................................do.. 1,440............ 1, 440 1.440 882 Signals blue...............................-do —-- 48i-... — -—..l 48 48 883 Stoves...................................do. 483 524 40 564 884 Stoves, sheet-ironit —----- -------------—.. 6 31 22 53 885 Stoves, admiral............................do 183............ 183 183 886 Stoves coal................................do -.17 6 21 27 887 Stoves, cannon..........................-...do -.j 1............ 17 17 888 Stoves, diadem........ --------------.do.-.. 18 —-----. 18 18 889 Sets rivets, assorted........................do... 1 27 27 890 Sets saw..................................do.... 1 166 104 74 178 891 Sledges....................................-do. 2,266 7871 1,479 2, 266 892 Sledges, blacksmith........................-do. 29 29 29 893 Sledges —..................pounds.. u 5,n677............I 5,677 5,677 894 Strainers.. -.......................... numberi 165 203............ 203 895 Sockets, assorted —-------—. -............do- 18 742. 742 896 Stakes.................................... do.-.. 321I 20 301 321 897 Staffs, flag................................. do... 1,569 202 1,372 1,574 898 Snaths, scythe...........................do —-- 36;....... 58 58 899 Scythes................................. do. 48 23 25 48 900 Safe, match.. —........................ do. 46 97 152 901 Safe, tin chimney -—...........-.......-do 1 1;............-I902 Safe, stone pipe............................ do.... 262 18 376 394 903 Siphons -—.............................do ---- 70 70 904 Stencils, Russia iron. —...................-..do... 1 12 12 905 Stencils, copper.........................do. 14, 14 14 906 Sticks, composing, assorted.................do.. 5; 5 5 907 Sticks, screwing........................do....! 33 9 04 33 908 Sticks, imahogany. -----—.. —------ do...'; 2 2 -------- 2 909 Sticks, composing........................do. 8 8............ 8 408 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property, 4'c.-Continued..81 ~~~~~Articles. 910 Sticks, yard............................number.. 48 113. 113 911 Spatulas...................................do.... 12.........2 12 912 Stands, single, with racks..................do.... 1 2 913 Stands, double, California.................. do............ 2 2 914 Stands, roller.......-......................do.... 3,000.......... 3,000 3,000 915 Stands, lantern.............................do.... 2 2 916 Scissors, lamp.............................do.... 30 626 32 917 Slicks, assorted...........................do.... 81 143 204 347918 Slickers, glass..-.......................... do... 3............ 33 3 919 Stamp, hammer............................do-. 6....... 6 6 920 Stamp, hand...............................do -........... 6 6 921 Shelves, oil can............................do. 2........... 2 2 922 Shaves, pica quod. ------... pounds 23......... 3231923 Slides and blocks, complete..................set... I I 1 924 Straps and rods, eccentric............... number.. i 1........... I 925 Straps, eccentric..........................do.... 6 6............ 6 926 Snips, assorted...........................pairs... 9 18.......... 18 927 Seamers, roofing............................set.. 2............ 2 928 Strips, flue.............................number.. 506 506............ 506 929 Sheaves..06..- 306 306 939 Sheaves...................................do:.... 306 930 Tanks, assorted............................do. 119 21 98 119 931 Taps, metallic..............................do.... 16 2 14 16 932 Taps, steel, engineers.....................do.... 66............ 81 81 933 Taps, leather..............................do.... 36 36 36 934 Taps, assorted.............................sets... 8 6 2 8 935 Taps anddies..............................do... 9........... 9 9 936 Tarpaulins.............................. number.. 24.....24 24 937 Tools, steel...........do..,87 2, 812........... 2, 812 938 Tools, heading.................do.... 82 137............ 137 939 Tools, graining............................sets. II 5 6 11 940 Tools, tinners —--------—'.................. do.... 1 2 2...... 3 941 Tools, sash.............................number.. 2 2 -........ 2 9432 Tools, blacksmiths..........................sets.. 235 3 22 25 943 Tools, saddlers.............................do.... 3 0 —- - 2 944 Tools, wheelwrights'....................do.... —....... 5 5 945 Tools, shoeing.............................do....I 1 10 11 946 Tools, carpenters...........................do............... 8 8 947 Tongs, assorteds..2.....................pairs.. 2............ 22 948 Tongs, blacksmiths.......................do... 150 150...... 150 949 Tongs, gas-pipentps............ do. 40 48..... 48 950 Tongs, rail........................... do. —. 6 6 -- 6 951 Trowels ——.................. -----..... number.. 2 41 44. 44: 952 Trulcks..............................do...! 23 16 1. 5 31 953 Trucks, warehouse........... pairs.. 0 0.. — -—. 2 954 Ties, cross......... —................number.. 1 30.000 1,078 28,922 39,000 955 Ties, assorted........................... do... 26 143....... 143 956 Torches ri.............................. do.2... 2 2.... ---- 957 Targets and quadrants —.....pounds.. 1, 0451............. ], 0458 1, 045958 Trunks for stencils...................... do......... I I 959 Types, assorted.............pounds. 97135-48 971 35-48.... 971 35-48 960 Types, fonts —-—................-...number.. 138 138.. — 138 961 Troughs, bread............................ do.. 4 -. —---.6 4 4 9623 Thimbles, stove-pipe.................-.....do... 11 19........ —. 19 963 Thimbles............................. 0 pounds. 513 238 275 513 964 Tables, turn..............number.. 1 1.I.. --- I 965 Tubes, blasting............................do.... 13 8 13 966 Vices............................do.... 134 134 -....... 134 967 Vices....................... pounds 03,9541 33,945.... 33,945 968 Varnish, japan...................po.... gal0lons.. 5 187..........-. 187 969 Ventilators............................-number.. 4 41 6 47 970 Wrenches, assorted........................ do.... 4,214 3,586 825 4,411 971 Wheels, water...................... 1 9 — - - d.......... 1 81 972 Wheels, hand-......................... d..do............. 8 8 9721 Windlasses...................do. do.3... 33 973 Wick........ ball.. 1 1............ I 974 Wedges, iron...........................number.. 5 8......... 8 975 Wipers................................pounds.. 20,000............ 0, 000 20,000 976 Winches b............................. sets... 3 3............ 3 RAILROAD PROPERTY 409 [Enclosure No. 5.] REPORT OF BREVET MAJOR F. J. CRILLY. Report showing the disposition of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, for which First Lieutenant George Francis Nelson, acting assistant quartermaster,'is responsible. Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01 0^ ^ ~ C -..ll ~~~Articles~, i-,. i ___ - -_ _r" _ KX__ ^. \I Awls.................................. number.. 1, 057 1,125............ 1, 125 2 Axes.....................................do.... 2,153 20,048 ---- -..1 20, 048 3 Adzes, railroad. —------------------------- do.-..- 1,585 1],594............ 1,594 4 Augers, assorted.-..........................do.... 4, 726 4, 749 47 4,796 5 Alcohol-................................. gallons. 188I 193 —....-.. 1936 6 Blanks, quartermasters'................... quires. 507 50 457 507 7 Books, blank, assorted..................-number 2, 837 2,952............ 2,952 8 Buckets, water...........................-.do.... 1,043 1, 082 -.. — 1, 082 9 Bars, assorted..............................-do.. 956 408 608 1, 016 10 Balances, assorted..........................do. 178 202............ 202 II Bellows, blacksmiths'..................do —-. 49 49...... 49 12 Boxes, dredge...........................-. do.... 1,987 1,987..... 1,987 13 Bits, auger, assorted......................-. do. 332 422............ 422 14 Bits, ratchet drill........................... —do-. 252 050..... 252 15 Blocks, assorted-.....'......................do.. 503 55............ 555 16 Bevels, sliding T...........................-do —-- 58.5 585 17 Barrows, wheel............................do. 275 301............ 301 18 Borers, tap.555....... do................ 11 19 Blenders............................ -do.. 16 16............ 16 20 Bodkins --—.... -----—... -.... —'..........do 6............ 6 6 21 Brads, patent............................papers 1,405 1, 645............ 1, 645 22 Bolts, assorted. -..-............. number-. 7 165 36, 659 2,385 39, 044 23 Blades, hack-saw...........................-do. 24 24.......... 24 24 Butts, assorted ——..... —--—..............do.. 5, 361 5,361............ 5,361 25 Brushes, assorted...........................d — 77-.do.... 172 1, 1772 26 Bronze, gold................ —-----.... papers. 19 19............ 19 27 Brass, sheet, assorted.................... pounds.. 947 2, 013 - 2, 01.'7 28 Bells, engine signal gong................number1 9 27 ------------ 27 29 Belting, gum. ------—. ——..............feet.. 6, 093 6,824 ------ 6,824 30 Bunting, red....................... - yards........y..a 803 31 Burlaps. ----—........................ do. 1, 000 1,280... —... 1,280 32 Chairs, office..-........................numberh. 44 44 ------ 44 33 Clocks, office...-......... —................. do.. 2 2.......- 2 34 Cars, box freight..........................do.. 118 118........-,. 118 35 Chairs, switch.............................do. 83 1,840 ------------ 1,840 36 Chisels, assorted............................do. 2,0218 2,323............ 2,323 37 Compasses.............................. do...i 197 255........ 25538 Cups, assorted............................do. 904 928 --—.... 928 39 Cans, assorted.............................. do. 873 892........ 892 40 Cases, drawing. -------------------- do (.. 9 9.9 -—...... 9 41 Clamps....................................do.. 33j 33...... 33 42 Callipers....................................... 7 8 ------------ 8 43 Chucks. -.............-.... —...........-... 8 9.-........- 9 44 Cocks, assorted................. —.-...... number. 599 772.. —---—.. 772 45 Covers, assorted................... —..... (.do... 2,842 2,842 ---....- 2, 842 46 Chairs, railroad.do........................do... 10,454 19,080 -----..i 19,080 47 Candles................................. —-.do. 2,387 2,990 ---------- 2,990 48 Cloth, enamelled....... —-—...... —......-.yards-.1 150 ------------ 156 ------------ 49 Chain, coil.................................-feet. 1,250 1, 250 735 1, 985 50 Chalk, white............................pounds. 615 5, 238 —. —---—. 5, 2381 51 Cord, bell.................................feet... 300 2,163 ----------- 2, 163 52 Copper, sheet................... —..-..... pounds.. 3, 926 14,140..... —. 14,140 53 Dividers................................-number 39 47............! 47 54 Drills, assorted..........................-...do. 197 197........ 197 55 Dies, gas-pipe. -.. —---------- do.... 5 5......-1 5 56 Dies and stocks. ------- do. I 5 54 ------------ 54 57 Drivers, screw............... —....-..... do..-.! 672 672.......... —58 Drippers, oil............................... do.. 7 7... —---—.. 7 59 Demijohns.................................. do.... I 1 1............ I 60 Envelopes......-......'..... —-........do.... 00,21t 36 035 ------------ 36,035 61 Engines, pumping, complete................ do 1. —-- lI I 62 Eyes, bell cord.. —.....................do.... 144 472.......-! 472 63 Ears, kettle................................-do.. 6, 408 10,152... 0,15264 Elbows, assorted...........................do, 373 391............ 391 65 Escutcheons, brass........................do. 204 24............i 24 411-1 0 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Disposition of United States military railroad property, 4c.-Continued. Articles. a ~a,: 66 Folders or cutters, paper-............. number.. 15 5 15 67 Forks, flesh........do....................... do... 611 6151 68 Fixtures, grindstone...................... d 117 117 117 ~69 Furnaces, assorted..................do.... 9 9.....9 70 Forges, portable.do..... do 26 26........ 71 Fi.gures............... sets. I 1 15. 72 Funnels, tin-..................... do.... 17 17 265 73 Forks, rail............... --—.... do.... 17 17......... 17 74 Fillers, lamp............................... do 110 222... 22.2 75 Files, assorted..............................do.... 44,858 44,858........ 44,858 76 Flannel, assorted....................yards... 319 319- 319. 77 Faze, safetyfeet. 2, 000 0 400 -. 2,400................. feet.. 2,000 2, 400........ 78 Gauges, assorted........................number.. 555 555 —..... —- 555 Gimlets.................................. 79 79......... 80 Gummers, saw........................... do... 10 10......... 1 81 Gdo.... 18 18.........18 —------- 82 Gougnes, assorted........................... do... 23 23 -- ---- 23 831 Grease, car............................. gallons.. 1, 885........... 885 1,885 84 Governors and valve................... number.i 1. -.; 5 Hammers, assorted...............do.... 2, 647 3,357........3,357 86 Hatchets, assorted...-............ do... 2, 4531 2,453...... 2,453 87 Hodscoal- ---— l................... do.... 28 30 30 88 Handles, assorted...................... -.do... 27, 919 27, 323 1,185 28,508.89 Hooks, cant......-..............do.... 70 100............ 100 90 Hooks, belt....2.....3916..... do... - --- 3,916 1 Hinges, assorted........do.... 1,088 1, 088 92 Hose, rubber..............................feet... 4,380 13, 802.. 13,802.93 Hay-........................... -.. H-pounds.. 5,310....... 5,310 5,31.94 Inkstands-............................. number. 222 267 267 95 Injectors, steam engine...................do... 46 46.46 96 Iron, assorted -........................ —pounds. 4, 908, 683 4, 908, 683 --— 908,683 97 Jacks, assorted..................... number 248 248......248 98 SKnives,,assorted, -.. —-------- -—........do...I 1,994 1994............ 1,994 99 Knives, table, and forks...-..-.-............do.... 2,400 2,400............ 2,400 100 Knobs, mahogany.............-............. do.-.. 856 1,119........... 1, 119 101 Locomotive and tender.-....1 —-----—.do.... 1 1............-I 102 Letters... -- - -----------—..sets-..I I 1. I 103 Levels, spirit.....................-...number. III 120 120 ld4 Lines, chalk 20............................. do.1.. 2,041 2,041 ------ 2,041 105! Lines, sea-grass............. -—......-.do. 42 42.-......... 42 106 Lines,tPpe................................do.... 385 389 2 391 107 Lanterns, railroad globe..................- do.... 2,867 3,572 -—..-... 3,572 108I Locks, assorted.-............ —-.........do. i 692 3,200............ 3,200 109 Leather, assorted........................-pounds i 249 2584 258 110 Leather, lace......... —..- -.... —. sides.. 67 99. —------- 99 111 I Leaf, gold. —- -...-................- papers. 6 8. —-. — 8 112 Lamps, assorted.i.......................number. 85O5 1, 076. 1,076 113 Links, coupling, assorted.................. do2-:.54.2 1,398............ 1,398 114 Lead, assorted.................... ——. pounds 400 400 400 115 Lye, concentrated.-.............. —--—.-. cans. 63 63 63 116 [Matting floor..........................yards...! 48 48............ 48 117 Machines, slotting.......... —. —. —- number 126 137............ 137 118 I Mauls, assorted........................ -— do —-- 1,832 1,884 -..-... — 1,884 119 Mandrels. -.. — -- -—..................do-:3 3 -. —--- ----- 3 1901 Mills, saw, with eiigine.......... —. -.-...do —-- 5 5.......... 5 121 Mallets, assorted...................... 1,191 1,191 ------------ 1,191 122 Measures, assorted-........................ do- 200:314...... —.... 314 123 Marlin, tarred........................-...pounds 517 601............ 601 124 Nippers, cutting........... —..... —..... —numbmer 47 47............ 47 125 Nozzles. brais o.-. —.-.-.-...... —.-.-...do.... 4 6 ------------ 6 126 Nails, assorted...........................-pounds 103,692 142, 200............ 142,200 127 Needles, assorted...............number..' 24 24.......-... 24 128 Oilers, engine, assorted ------- -..do....' 1,121 1 211............ 1,211 129 Oil,assorted........................ —---—..-7.- 5,31'....... 1,971 130 Oakum.................................pounds 600 2,150 -.......... 2,150 131 Paper, blottuig.......................... sheets 785 1, 0511 12 1,063 132 Paper, cap..............................quires.. 1,544 1,5441-.......-.. 1,544 133 Paper, oil...-...........-. —-..........sheets 155 1553-.... —-. 155 134 Presses, letter. — -numberi. 0 2-........ 2 135 Pokersi......................................do —- ------------ I 136 Pipe, stoves..................-............feet 32 78 ------------ 78 137 Pumps, assorted................... —..number 104 104........... 104 138 Picks, assorted.............................do... 2,076 2,076............ 2,076 139 Punches, assorted. —-----—....- do....i 187 187 —....- 187 141 Planes, assorted............................do..I 1 286 2,286............ 2,286 141 Paulins....................................do - 2 27.....-.. 27 142 1 Powers, horse................6.............. do:....:4 4............ 4 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 411 Disposition of United States military rail'oad property, &c.-Continued. c ~ ~~~~~i 5", i _ a 143 Presses, drill.. — --...... —. number.. 2 1...... 144 Pinceirs.-. —.... —----- --—....- -- do..- -. 191 185. 61 il 145 Packing, gum... —--—.-. —-----—........-pounds.s 1, 565, 548 -....... — — 54 146 Pencils, slaten...................-.. -... number — 9,126 9, 126.... —.-.... 912 147 Pins, coupling —---------------... —- ---- -..do... 1,405 1,405 - --. 1,405 148 Potash, prussiate of -pounds- 548 566 1. —... 45 149 Pipe, gas....eet. - 15,821 1 6, 42:-......... 1......34.. 150 Pipe, lead. —...-......................-.pounds.. 1,192 1, 347.-.-. 1' 347' 151 Pulleys, assorted.... —-- - -- —.. number. I 130 130.......... 13 152 Rackspen-................................. 9do.. 95 (8 --- -... 98 153 Riddles.................................... do.. 59 64............ 64 154 Reels, chalk-line-.............do.. 24 41....... —... 41 155 Rosin.-p —--------- - ---- --—.-..pounds.. 865 838 307 ] 145 156 Rope, assorted-.............................. doe... 26, 847 6, 36,812........... 36, 814 157 Rivets, assorted. —---------------------- number.. 26,850 1,313,800 9,011 1 322' 81 158 Rasps, horse......................... —-—.do..-. 646 646 --------- - -- 646 159 Rings, flus................................do.... 849 1, 017............ 1 07 160 Shovels, coal.............................do. 1 - - 1I 16 Safes, iron............................do.... dc2............ 162 Stoves, coal. —--------- -.... -- -- do. —- 17 17. —17 —------ 163 Skimmers -------------------------.....do. —. 72 72...-72...- 7 164 Scissors ------------ -.....-....... do.-.- 41 41-4.......... 41 165 Snips, assorted —........................... do.... 8 - 166 Slicks, carpenters'......... —----------—.do. -2 8............ 167 Sets, law.-.- ---------..............do... 29 29............ 68 Saws, assorted.. — ----—. —.- do.-. -.... 4 1............ 4:3 o.nd o. 8 1 —-0 —-7 — 4 169 Stones, paint, and muller.... —---—.. —— do. — 1 I -.........' 170 Shaves, spoke -- ---- -- do. 446 46 446 171 Stakes, hatchet-.. —--—........-.. - do.... 2d o — 2.6...'.. 172 Shades, lamp.do. ----- -.......... -,, 63 173 Scales.- -.do.... 1............ 174 Sieves.. —-.... —--.. —-------—..-.. ---— do.. 1,......... 175 Stones, oil. ---------- -.. -.. — ---- -. do... 62 6- 2 176 Sled-es, blacksmiths —-'.- ------—.- do... 336 386............. 386 177 Scythes.... - -—. — ------. — _-_ —. do...- 35 351............ 35 178 Staffs, fdag.i ——. do... 1 876.....8...... 876 180 Stee-I, assorted.-...poundso.. 66,753 69,222.. 222 181 Screws, br-ass..-.. —---------- - --—.- gross 6385-18 3, 4623.......... 462 182 Sponge. —. —-—.-. -—...............-. pounds..i 59 653......... 653 183 1Spoutls, bent.. --... —-............ — number -3 1,-035...... 1, 035 184 Slhears, sheep —-------- ----—.d........ 3-...........- 3 3. 185 Stone, rotten. -------------------- —.... pounds.. 156 156 - 156 186 Skins, chamois. --------------.......number 10 10............1 187 Spikes.-p- -......... -.pounds 95,395' 2050 890 126, 766 377,659 188 Stands, switch...............- -.number 8 8 —- - 8 189 Stops, car seat.-..............- -.. —. —-... do.-.. 100 571............ 571 190 Tables, office.-........................ —-d..l-do.... 10 17.17 191 Tools, assorted-s —--- ---. ets. 41 41........... 41 192 Taps.. ——............................ —.number. 81 81-St.... 81 193 Trowels, assorted. — -.......-. —----—.do..-. 106 1 06 -........ — i 106 194 Tongs, assorted -. —......... —-.....do...- 210 212 1.- -------- 195 Transits ------...............do.. - 1............ — 196 Tubs, wash ------------------ -..... do —-. J i 197 Tires, locomotive. —-------------- -..pounds 40,500 132,5001 —---------- 198 Tacks, assorted-. - -..-......papers 54, 213 54, 213 54,213 199 Taps, lamp screw.-. —-----—......... number.. 2, 226 2, 226 0 —---------- 1 2 226) 200 Thread, assorted. —- --....... - pounds. 29 20) 201 Twine, assorted ------------—...........do.-.- 50 471 4 5 202 Tin- -- --- -... - -........boxes... 50 50 —---------- 55 203 Tools, sash, assorted - ------ number. 282 2821 282 204 Turpentine -.- --.. —------ -... gallons 0 4- 941 -4 — - 24 205 Tallow -—. ——.... --.. —............ pounds. 161i.......... 5,I6 206 Tubes, blasting. —-------------------— number. II 11 I 2(7 Unions, brass..-.......... ------........do....I 050 0 i50 208 Vices, assorted.-...........................do. 85 "1 j........... 1585 209 Ventilators..-..............................do..-.- 31 31............ 31 210 Varnish, assorted.-.... —- --—.......gallons. 179 384 {. —. - -i 3S4 211 Wedges, iron. —-------------------- -number.. 15 I5.......!212 Wrenchesdo. 574 574 574 213 Wire, assorted..........................pounds.. i 053 4,558 4,558 214 Whiting.-...............................do....1 602 1,449............ 1,449 215 Wheels, car.-..........................number. 64 158............! 158 216 Washers.-..............................pounds. 2,000 31,940....... 31,940 217 Waste.-...................................do... 2,500 5,897............8 5,897 412 RAILROAD PROPERTY. [Enclosures Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9.] REPORT OF BREVET MAJOR F. J. CRILLY. [No. 6.-Statement showing the original cost and appraised value of 154 locomotive engines sold to railroad companies. No. 7.-Statement showing the appraised value of property sold to railroad companies. No. 8-Statement showing the average appraised value of box and flat cars sold to railroad companies. No. 9.-Copies of orders under which the property was sold.] Statement showing the original cost and appraised value of 134 locomotive engines sold to railroad companies in the military division of the Tennessee and Mississippi, under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. From whom purchased. Original cost. Appraisement. _ _ 14 L. and N. railroad................................................. $1550 00 10,500 00 15..................................................... 15,55000 8, 500 00 16........do..................................... —. -—...... 15,550 00 10,000 00 17. do......................................................... 15,55000 9,00000'23 C. and E. railroad................................................ 7, 500 00 25 1M. W. Baldwin & Co.............................................. 1 00 16,00000 26.........do1 90.... -.....0 —-........ 15,1950 16,2500 27.........do............................................... 13,90500 10,750 00 28............do............................. 13,0500 11,50000 29. do.........................................................- 10,00444 8,500 00:30............ -...............-.......-.......-........-.......- 16,58 15 16, 25 00 31........do....................................... —--......... 17,90235 16,500 00:32 Schenectady Locomotive Works................................. 15.450 00 15,000 00 33........do................................................ — 15,76530 14,50000 34 Hinckley & Williams........................ 17,850 00 15, 501 00 35........do.. -...-..........-..-.....-......... —.................. 17,856 00 15, 500 00 36 Taunton Locomotive Works....................-................ 16, 016 50 16, 000 00 37........do.. —--—............................................ 16, 343 37 16, 000 00 38 William Mason-......... —----------—.. —----- -...... —----—.. 16, 816 32 16, 500 00 39.....-..do...................................................- 16,816 32 17, 000 00 40 Danforth, Cooke & Co............. —------------------—.. 16,275 00 15, 500 00 41........do................ - ------------------—.. 16, 275 00 16, 000 00 42 Rogers's Locomotive and Machine Works.......................... 16, 284 30 16, 000 00 44 New Jersey Locomotive Works............................. 16, 290 81 16, 000 00 45 ------—.do.........................................................- 16,290 81 16, 500 )00 46 -.......do.............-.. —............-...................... 16,290 81 16,000 00 48 R. Norris & Son................-... —............... -- - 15,45000 14,500 00 49........do.................................................... -. 15, 450 00 14, 000 00 50........do.................. —-................................ 15, 765 30 13, 500 00 51.......do............. —----—..1..-.................... 15,76 530 14,000 00 52..-.....do.... —.... —................ -- -. - 15,606 051 14, 000 00 53........do..-.......-.... — -....-.......................... 15,606 052 14, 000 00 70 Rogers's Locomotive and Machhe Works.-.......... —......... 20,618 00 15, 750 00 71........do....................................................... 20, 600 00 16, 250 00 72........do.....-......-................................. 20,600 00 16,250 00 73.-..do.. ----- ------ --------—.. 20,60000 16,500 00 74 Schenectady Locomotive Works.. —------------—...... 17, 686 86 17, 400 00 75. —...do.-..................... —----------------—.. 16,646 45 14,500 00 76........do.............-... —----------------—.. 19,82750 16,000 00 77........do....-.............................................- 19,827 50 16,000 00 78 New Jersey Locomotive Workn'. --- ----------—..... 20, 600 00 14, 000 00 79........ do.... -—. -- —................................. 20, 600 00 16, 500 00 80 Danforth, Cooke & Co.................................... 20, 600 00 17,000 00 81........do.................................-..................- 20,600 00 17,000 00 83 Hinckley & Williams......-.....................-............... 20, 600 00 15,500 11 84. —.do..................-........................... 20,60000 15,50000 85 William Mason ---—.............-.......... 18, 540 00 17,000 00 86........ do.do................................................. 18,54000 17,01000 87 Taunton Locomotive Works.....- ------------------— 18, 620 00 16, 501 00 88.......do......................................-...............- 18, 620 00 16, 500 00 89........do....-.-.............................-...............I 18,62000 16,50000 90 M. W. Baldwin ^& Co.............................- 22,145 00 19, 000 00 91......do...........................-........................... 20,85750 18,00000 92........do...........-.............-... —-... ---- --- 20,85750 14,000 0 93........do......................................................... 20,857 50 18,000 0 94 31. Norris & Son....... —---------------------------—.... —-..... — 20,600 00 14, 000 0 95.....do...................................................... 18,777 93 14 00010 0 96.......do........................................-.-........... 18,77793 13,500 0" 101 Michigan Central Railroad -.. —..-. - -....-..... —. 14. 280 00 8, 000 0" RAILROAD PROPERTY. 413 Statement of the original cost and appraised value of engines, fc.-C~ ontinued. From whom purchased. Original cost. Appraisement. 115 Rogers's Locomotive and Machine Works...........................i $20, 618 00 $17, 000 00 116.......do —......................................................... 0, 600 00 17,000 00 117.......do......................................................-...- 0, 600 00 16, 500 00 118.......do -......................................................... 20,60000 17,000 00 119........ do....................................................... 0, 600 00 17, 000 0) 120........do-......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 000 00 121........do —........................................................ 20, 600 00 17,500 00 122........do ------------------------- - 20,60000 15,00000 123........do —........................................................ 20,60000 17,250 00 124........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 250 00 125....... — do ------------------------- - 20, 600 00 17,000 00 126........do —......................................................... 20, 60000 16,500 00 127........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 16,500 00 128........do.............................d-....................... 20, 600 00 17,500 0( 129........do........................................................ 20, 600 00 17, 000 00 130 Danforth, Cooke & Co —...................-....................... 20, 600 00 16,500 00 131........do —........................................................ 20, 60000 17,25000 132....... — -do......................................................... 20,600 00 16, 750 00 133........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 500 00 134........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 000 00 135........do......................................................... 20,60000 17,00000 136........ do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 000 00 137........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 250 01) 138........do-2............................................ 20, 600 00 17, 000 00 139........ do......................................................... 20, 600 00 17, 250 00 140........do......................................................... — 20,60000 17, 000 00 141 —.......do —........................................................ 20, 60000 17,00000 142 New Jersey Locomotive Works. —......-.......-.....-.......-..... 20, 600 00 16, 500 00 143.........do-......................................................... 20,600 00 16, 500 00 144........ — do -.......................................................... 20. 60000 16,50000 145........do —..................................................... 20, 600 00 16, 500 001 146........do —......................................................... 20, 600 00 16, 250 00 147 —........do -...................-..................................... 20, 600 00 16, 500 00 148........do —........................................................ 20, 690 00 16, 250 00 149.-......-do —......................................................... 20,600 00 16, 500 00 150. — do-......................................................... 20,60000 16,500 00 151 M. W. Baldwin & Co....... -..................-.................. 19, 516 15 16, 500 00 153.- do - -...................... —............................... 19, 516 15 16, 750 00 154........do - —....................................................... 19, 516 15 15, 000 00 155........ do —..................................-.-.-.................. 19, 516 15 16,500 00) 156.-......do....................................-................ 19, 516 15 16,500 00 157........do- - —......................................................... 19,51615 16,350 00 158........do......................................................... — - 19,51615 16,50000 159.......d.......................................................! 19, 516 15 16,750 00 1 0....................................................1 19,516 5 16,500 0 61.......6- do -------------------- - ---- - 19, 516 15 17, 000 00 162 -.do...d 19,51615 16, 50000 163 - do 0........0.............................................. 19,5615 16,50 000 164........do........................................................ — 19,516 15 16,500 00 165................................................................. 19,516 15 16,50000 166 R. Norris &. Son.................................................. 18,777 93 5, 000 00 167........do —............................. —.. —.....................- 18,77793 13,500 00 168 o o......................................................... 18,77793 14, 50000 169......do1....................... 18,77 93 15, 000 00 170........do —........7-..0.........................1 18,77793 15,00000 171........ do......................................................... 18,77793 15, 0000 172........do......................................................... 18,77793 15,000 00 173........do................................ - -........................ 18, 777 93 15, 000 00 174.-......do- - —.................................................. —-... 18,777 93 15,500 00 175........do' —-... — - —..- 18,777 93 15,00000 176. —......do......................................................... 18,777 93 14,250 00 177........do..............................7.... —................. 18,777 93 13,50000 178........ do..................................................... -—. 18,777 93 14,500 00 176....... do........................................................ 20, 600 00 16, 250 00 17........do.................................................. -20,-60000 16,500 00 178 ---- do. ------------------------- - 18,777 9:3 14,5(10 111 179 Taunton Locomotive Works.......................... - -......... -..................... 20,600 00 16,750 00 1803........do - -....................................................... 20,600 00 13, 250 00 184..-.....do.......................................................... 20,600 00 17,000 0 1815..-.. —.do —.......... —-..........................-................. 20, 600 00 16,500 00 182 - William do.. —--—... —.. —- - -- - 20,60 (10 16, 700 (00 183 —.....do —.- -.-....-.........-... —- 2 01)00 13,00000 181 - do -06 1 10.......0............................................. i.0,60000 17,00000 185..-.....-do —......................-......... -...................[. 20,60000 17,50000 186 William Mason - - --------------------------- 10, 600 00 17,0110 0(1 187 - ------— do ----------------------------------------- 20,6000 17,000 00 188 ---— do —-----------------------------.1)0,600 00 17,000 110 189 - - do.. —- 0060000.171.0.............................00I 20,60000 1 6,000 190 ---— do ----------------------------- -20060(100 17,000 00 191 ---— do --------------------- ---------- 20,600 00 16, 750 01) 192 -......do.. 20,600 00 17,000 (0 j.93........ do0......................................................... 20,60000 17,400 00 414 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Statement of t/ic originaZ cost and appraised value of engines, 4'c.-Contiiued. ~'go From whom purchased. Original cost. Appraisement. 194 Manchester Manufacturing Co........... $20, 600 00 $16, 000 00 195........do 20,600 001 16,500 00 196...... do...-................................................. 20,600 00 16, 250 00 198 Hinckley & Williams...................................... 20, 600 00 13, 000 00 199.......do...-.................... —............................. 20, 600 00 16, 000 00 200.... do -.............-. 20, 600 00 16,500 00 201......do.........-................-..-...-.- ----. 20,600 00-, 16,500 00 202.-......do —--. 20, 600 00 16, 500 00 203 Portland Manufacturing Co.-.......... —...........-.......... 20, 600 00 15, 500 00 204-... do...-......-......................-................ 20, 600 00 14, 500 00 265........do.........-............................................. 20, 600 00 15,000 00 206....... do.................................................. 20, 600 00 16, 000 00 208 R. Norris & Son......................................... 18, 540 00 15, 500 00 209.-.... do..-.................................................. 18, 540 00 15, 500 00 210.. do.........-.......... —......... —-.............-.. 18,540 00 15, 500 00 211 L.. & A. railroad............................................... 13, 905 00 12, 500 00 Total - 2,932, 943 60 2,412, 650 00..Total................................................. 2,932,943 60 2,412,650 00 Total original cost.......................................................... $2, 932, 943 60 Total appraised value...-.............................................. 2, 412, 650 00 520, 293 60 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 415' Report showing the appraised value of property sold to railroad companites in the military division, of the Tennessee and Mississippi, under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865, with the amounts paid thereon, and the balance due and remaining unpaid Mlay 31, 1866. a' 5 aft oi 3- " 3 Mobile and GreatNNoortherny.... 14, 637 73 company.4, 193 6, 011 6 4I iRome Rnthweatilroad Copay-ompany...... —-.......1...... 46, 159 89 0 46, 159 8912 I 15, 645 605' Wills Valley Railroad Company —---------—............. 30, 248 52 1, 302 08 + 30, 262 27 6 Eaost Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company.......... 366,183 02 7,033 20 357, 250 34 Company......... 38, 559 66 9, 581 16 30, 509 06 8 Macon and Brunswick Railroad Company-............. 93, 237 50 67 662 21 26, 547 33 9 Alabama and Florida Railroad Company - ---—.......... 51,912 00 12, 753 55 41, 433 02 10 Muscogee Railroad Company —-—............. 1 5,244 20 1,318 04 4,141 79 11 Macon and Western Railroad Company - -— I..............! 83, 638 15 81,282 60 2, 355 55 12 Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company- -------—.............. 444, 543 70 158, 872 63 301, 284 77 13 Memphis and Ohio Railroad Company -. —--------------- 106, 929 13 18, 212 88 96, 025 23 14 Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Company ------------ 127, 750 52 27, 603 06 101, 849 46 15 East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Company.......... 265 655 65 7, 921 20 271, 202 19 16 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company 547,494 09 80, 774 44 477, 499 62 17 Memphis, Clarksville, and Louisville Railroad Company.. 337, 082 36 150 931 350,261 65 18 Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company -— S —l —-- 1, 566,551 73 159, 225 16 1, 484, 352 83 19 Nashville and Northwestern railroad Company ---------- 525, 400 26 23, 168 63 530, 079 00 20 New Orleans and Ohio Railroad Company —....- 32,150 00 -------------- 33,523 88 21 Tennessee and Alabama Railroad Company --------- - -- 108, 692 68 321 349 20 81,346129 22 Central Southern Railroad Company.................... 77,186 32 22, 996 43 j 57,821 06 23 Tennessee and Alabama Central Railroad Company 84 143 00 25 071 06 63, 030 28 24 Nashville and Decatur Railroad Company............... 135, 171 92 31, 267 01 108, 205 54 25 Mississippi, Gainesville, and TuscaloosaRailroad Company 33, 476 39.......... 34, 981 72 26 Selma and Meridian Railroad Company.................. 146, 318 92 56, 104 14 95,114 64 27 Southwestern Iron Company. —------------------------- 32,515 00 32,515 00.... —----—. 28 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company-................ 1, 935 05 I,935 05 Ga ------------ 29 Mississippi Central Railroad Company ------------------- 78, 460 00 I 14, 447 49 66, 188 29 30 Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad Company -----—. 183, 276 49 15,416 88 175, 504 06. 31 New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern Railroad Co.. 167,815 58 i 49, 900 16 j 123, 762 54 32 Adams Express Company- ------------------------------ 4, 361 45 4, 361 45 a ------------- 33 Western and Atlantic Railroad Company ---------------- 472, 944 66.............. 924 13 34 Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company -------------- 102 880 00 -------------- 106,175 58 35 South Carolina Railroad Company ---------------------- 23,458 50! —---------- 23, 955 81 36 McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company. —------- 20, 310 00 -------------- 20, 740 57 6, 503, 182 98 1, 030, 850 82 5,737, 697 59' RECAPITULATION. Total appraised value of property sold. —---— t —.....-.................... ^6, 503, 182 9? Total amount of instalments and interest paid by each company -------------- 1, 030, 850 82 Balance of principal and interest due and remaining unpaid May 31, 1866a....... 5, 737, 697 59 416 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Statement showing the average appraised value of "box" and "flat" cars sold to southern railroad companies in the military division of the Tennessee, under the Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865, with the average original cost of the same. Name of railroad. Price of Price of Name of railroad. box c.emarks. ibox cars.,flat cars.. Memphis, Clarksville, and Louisville................... 755 00 $600 00 Edgefield and Kentucky.........-.................... 800 00 610 00 Nashville and Chattanooga........................... 847 00 650 00 New lot; appraised separately. Nashville and Northwestern.......................... 830 00 650 00 Nashville and Decatur Line.......................... 825 00......... Tennessee and Alabama........................... 826 00' 650 00 Central Southern.................................... 835 00 650 00 Tennessee and Alabama Central.......... —............ 816 00 650 00 Wills Valley........................................ —. 815 00 650 00 East Tennessee and Georgia.......................... 845 00 650 00 East Tennessee and Virginia......................... —. 847 00 650 00 Rogersville and Jefferson............................. 850 00 650 00 Western and Atlantic........................... —..... 820 00 650 00 Has many wrecked boxes. Rome Branch............. - -...................... 715 00 530 00 Macon and Western.................................. 790 00 625 00 Southwestern........................................ 839 00 650 00 Macon and Brunswick............................... 815 001 650 00 Montgomery and West Point.......................... 847 00 1.......... Alabama and Florida................................ 847 001 625 00 Alabama and Tennessee River........................ - -855 00 650 00 Selma and Meridian.......... —..................... 805 00 625 00 Mississippi, Gainesville, and Tuscaloosa. —.............. 855 00 625 00 Mobile and Ohio............-........................ 780 00 -.......... New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Western.......... —.. 780 00 i. —---- Mississippi and Tennessee............................. 730 00' 600 00 Memphis and Charleston........ —....-............... 830 00 650 00 Memphis and Ohio.. —...............-............... 730 00 600 00 New Orleans and Ohio.........................-...... 715 00. Mobile and Great Northern. - -........................ 735 00 575 00 Nashville and Chattanooga............................ 725 00 i 550 00 Second invoice. Mississippi Central................................... 710 00 525 00 Rolling Mill.............-............................. —. 1 600 00 Adams Express Company............................. 700 00. NOTE.-The average original cost of these cars was $1, 150 for box, and $890 for flats. The average length service was eighteen (18) months. RAILROAD PROPERTY, 417 [General Orders No. 56.] QUARTERMASTEI GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., September 2S, 1865. The following order, by the President of the United States, in relation to the Telincquishment of the government's control over all railroads in the State of Tennessee, and their continuations in adjoining States, now occupied by the United States military authorities, and no longer needed for military purposes, is published for the information of all officers and agents of the quartermaster's department. M. C. MfEIGS. Brevet JMajor General, U. S. A., Quartermaster General. WAR DEPARTMENT, WVashington, August 8, 1865. G-ENERAL: It having been determined by the government to relinquish control over all railroads in the State of Tennessee, and their continuations in.adjoining States, that have been in charge of, and are now occupied by, the United States military authorities, and no longer needed for military purposes, you. are hereby authorized and directed to turn over the same to the respective owners thereof, at as early a date as practicable, causing, in all cases of transfer as aforesaid, the following regulations to be observed and carried out: 1. Each and every company will be required to reorganize and elect a board,of directors whose loyalty shall be established to your satisfaction. 2. You. will cause to be made out in triplicate, by such person or persons as you may indicate, a complete inventory of the rolling stock, tools, and other materials and property on. each road. 3. Separate inventories will be, in the same manner, made of the rolling stock and other property originally belonging to each of said roads, and that furnished by and belonging to the government. 4. Each company will be required to give bonds satisfactory to the government that they will, in twelve months from the date of transfer as aforesaid, or such other reasonable time as may be agreed upon, pay a fair valuation for the government property turned over to said companies, the same being first appraised by competent and disinterested parties at a fair valuation, the United States reserving all government dues for carrying mails, and other service performed by each company, until said obligations are paid; and if, at the maturity of said debt, the amount of government dues, retained as aforesaid, does not liquidate the same, the balance is to be paid by the company in money. 5. Tabular statements will be made of all expenditures by the government for repairing each road, with a full statement of receipts from private freights, passage, and, other sources; also a full statement of all transportation performed on government account, giving the number of persons transported, and amount of freight, and the distance carried in each case-all of said reports or tabular statements to be made in triplicate, one each for the Secretary of War, the military headquarters of the department, and the railroad company. 6. All railroads in Tennessee will be required to pay all arrearages of interest due on the bonds issued by that State, prior to the date of its pretended secession from the Union, to aid in the construction of said roads, before any dividends are declared or paid to the stockholders thereof. 7. Buildings erected for government purposes on the line of railroads, and not valuable or useful for the business of said companies, should not form a legitimate charge against such companies; nor should they be charged for rebuilding houses, bridges, or other structures which were destroyed by the federal army H. Ex. Doe. 155-27 418 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 8. You are authorized to give any orders to quartermasters within your division, which you may deem necessary to carry into execution this order. By order of the President: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of TVar. Major General GEORGE H. THOMAS, Commanding Military Division of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee. [General Orders No. 6-.] QUARTERMASTERGENERAL'S OFFICE, WTashington, 1). C., October 23, 1865. The following order by the President of the United States, in relation to executive order of 8th August, 1865, extending the provisions and benefits of the same to all railroads within the limits of the military division of the Tennessee desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and material from the United States, for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war, is published for the information of all officers and agents of the quartermaster's department. M. C. MEIGS. Brevet Major General U. S. A., Quartermaster General. WAR DEPARTMENT, TWashington, D. C. October 14, 1865. GENERAL: The provisions and benefits of the executive order of 8th of August are hereby extended to all railroads within the limits of your command desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and material from the United States, for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war. You are also authorized to direct the sale to any such railroads of rolling stock, now within the limits of your command, and not needed by the United States for actual use, upon the following conditions, if they are preferred to the terms of the order of 8th August, and the individual security required by you under that order. You will take care that this property is distributed among the several roads in proportion to their actual needs, and that none is sold to any railroad in excess of the reasonable requirements of its business, or to be used for purposes of speculation, sale, or hire to other roads. You will require from all such railroad companies satisfactory bonds, in the form herewith enclosed, binding them to the payment to the United States of the full appraised value of the property sold to them, in equal monthly instalments, with the interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, within two years, credit being allowed to them, on the first of each month, for any service of military transportation rendered by them during the preceding month, at the established rates now allowed to northern railroads for such service. Full reports of all sales under this order will be made to the War Department from time to time, as required by existing orders. The serviceable railroad iron in possession of the quartermaster's department at Chattanooga and Nashville is excepted. It will be sold only for cash at the prices fixed by the War Department. By order of the President: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Major General GEORGE H. THOMAS, Cor"d'g Mil. Div. of tbe Tenn., Headquarters, Nashville, Tenn. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 419 BOND. Know all men by these presents, that the railroad company, duly incorporated by the act of the ~ of the State of, by its president, acting for and in behalf of said railroad company, do hereby acknowledge itself and its successors held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the full and just sum of ~ dollars, lawful money of the United States; for which payment, well and truly to be made to the disbursing quartermaster of the United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville, or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated by the War Department, within two years from the date of these presents, the said railroad company, by its president, hereby binds itself and its successors, firmly by these presents. Sealed with its corporate seal, attested by the signature of its president, and affixed by the express authority of its directors, this - day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. The nature of the above obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden railroad company has purchased arid received, or shall receive, from the War Department of the United States, irolling stock, iron rails, cross-ties, chairs, spikes, timber, and other materials for repairing and operating its railroad, in quantities, at prices, and to an amount and value which shall be evidenced by the receipts given for the sarme by the said railroad company to the proper officer of the said War Department, upon a credit of two years from the date of these presents, pay~able in equal monthly instalments, with interest, at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent. per annurm, within the said two years, either in cash to the disbursing quartermaster of tihe United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville, or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated for this purpose by the War Department, or in transportation of the troops or military supplies of the United States, under the order of the proper military authorities, at the rates of fare a 1d tolls allowed for such service to northern railroads; And whereas the said railroad company desires, and by these presents intends, to secure to the United States the complete and punctual payment as aforesaid of the amounts which may be due for the said materials received or to be received by it from the United States: Now, therefore, if the said railroad company shall well and truly pay as aforesaid, either in cash, in equal monthly instalments, or in transportation as aforesaid, to the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, all that shall be due as aforesaid to the United States on account and in payment for all the materials received as aforesaid from the United States, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect. But if the said railroad company shall fail to pay to the United States all or any portion of what may be due to the United States, on account of the said materials received from the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, either in cash as aforesaid, or in transportation as aforesaid, or shall fail to pay any of the monthly instalments aforesaid, punctually when due, then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that may be necessary to fully repay to the United States the full amount which may be due on account of the said materials so received as aforesaid, and all loss or damage which may have been incurred by the United States by reason of the said railroad company's failure to pay for the same what shall be due therefor when the same shall be due. And as a further security for such payment and indemnity to the United States, the United States shall have a lien upon the property sold to said company, and in default of such complete and -punctual payment of all moneys which may be due on account of the aforesaid purchase of materials, be fully authorized to take possession of and sell said property, and also to place in. charge and control of the said company's railroad, an agent of the said United States, who shall be fully 420 RAILROAD PROPERTY. empowered, and by these presents is fully empowered, in case of such default as aforesaid, to collect all the revenues of the said company, and apply the same to the payment to the United States of all the moneys which shall be due at the times of such application of such revenues to the United States for any such materials, which shall have been delivered by the United States to the said railroad company, or by reason of any loss or injury to the United States resulting from such default in payment of the same. And the said company shall have no authority to sell or convey out of its possession without the consent of the United States first in writing obtained, any of the property referred to in this agreement; but shall hold and retain the same to the exclusive use of said company, in carrying on the business of transportation of persons and property over its line of road, until the whole is fully paid for as aforesaid. In witness whereof, the corporate seal of said railroad company is affixed hereto, by authority of its directors, and attested by its president. Witness: NoTrE.-The amount of this bond to be double the valuation of the property sold and delivered. Internal revenue stamps should be affixed, to the amount of fifty cents for every thousand dollars. No. I. LETTER OF MAJOR CRILLY, TRANSMITTING AND EXPLAINING THE ABOVE REPORT S. OFFICE Ass'T QUARTERrTI, U. S. MILITARY RAILROADS, Washington, D. C., July 9, 1866. GENERAL: I have the honor to transmit the papers called for in your i.idorsement of the sixth ultimo on the Quartermaster General's letter, transmitting the resolution of the House of Representatives, calling for a report of the amount of United States military railroad property on hand May 1, 186.5, and the disposition made of the same. It has not been possible to comply with that portion of the resolution requiring the cost price of each article to be reported. The amount of property was so large, and was obtained from so many different sources, that it would be impossible to trace the items back to their original bills, within the present session of Congress. For the same reason it has also been impossible for me to consolidate the reports of the different officers, before Congress adjourns. The individual reports are therefore forwarded; they are as follows, viz: 1. Report of United States military railroad property in the department of Tennessee and Arkansas, for which Brevet Colonel John Parks, assistant quartermaster, was responsible. 2. Report of United States military railroad property on the roads operated by the United States in the military division of the Tennessee, south of Chattanooga, for which Captain W. IR. Hopkins, assistant quartermaster, was responsible. 3. Report of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Tennessee, on all roads operated by the United States centring at Nashville, for which Captain S. R. Hamill, assistant quartermaster, was responsible. 4. Report of the same, for which Captain G. H. Clemens, assistant quartermaster, was responsible. 5. Report of same, for which Lieutenant George F. Nelson, assistant quartermaster, was responsible. [NOTE.-There was no property sold while Captain Clemens and Lieutenant Nelson had charge of property.] 6. Report showing the cost value of 154 locomotive engines, purchased by the United States for roads operated by government in the military division of RAILROAD PROPERTY. 421 the Tennessee, together with the appraised price fixed to the same by the board convened by Major General George H. Thomas, commanding military division of the Tennessee. [NOTE.-It is not possible to compare the balance of the locomotives, the original cost not being known to me.] 7. Report showing the money value of the property sold to the different companies, with the amount paid thereon, and the balance of principal and interest due and remaining unpaid. 8. Showing the appraised price of box and flat cars sold to the different companies, together with the average original cost of the same. 9. Copies of the executive orders of August 8th and October 14, under which the property was sold. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. J. CRILLY, Brevet Major and A. Q. I1I U. S. Army. General D. C. MCCALLUM, Gen. Man. IMi. Railroads U7nited States, WVashington, D. C. No. 3. REPORT OF ALL RAILROADS OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY THE MILITARY RAILROAD DEPARTMENT DURING- THE WAR, AND OF ALL RAILROAD PROPERTY ON HAND ON MAY 1, 1865, SUBJECT TO THE CONTROL OF THE MILITARY RAILROAD DEPARTMENT. AND NOT EMBRACED IN T~HE REPORT OF MAJOR CRILLY; SHOWING HOW THE SAME WAS OBTAINED, HOW AND BY WHAT AUTHORITY DISPOSED OF, WITH COPIES OF THE LETTERS OF THE QUARTERMASTER G-ENERAL TO THE HON. EDWIN T. STANTON, SECRETARY OF WAR, DATED MAY 191 AND JULY 17, 1865, AND INDORSEMENTS THEREON, AND OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS OF AUGUST 8 AND OCTOBER 14, 1865. No. 1.-Letter of the Quartermaster General to the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, dated May 19, 1865; letter of the Quartermaster General to the Hon. E. A. Stanton, Secretary of War, dated July 17, 1865; and Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., May 19, 1865. ST.n 5 * * *~ * * * The question of the disposition of the railroads in the States lately in rebellion is a large one, and, after reflection, I have the honor to advise that the following principles be established to govern the action of the quartermaster's department and of the military authorities in disposing of oil of them: 1st. The United States will, as soon as it can, dispense with the military occupation and control of any railroad of which the quartermaster's department is now in charge, turn it over to the parties asking to receive it who may appear to have the best claim, and be able to operate it in such manner as to secure the speedy movement of all military stores and troops. The Quartermaster General, upon the advice of the military commander of the department, to determine when this can be done, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. 2d. No charge to be made against the railroad for expense of material or ex' pense of operation. 3d. All material for permanent way used in the repair and construction of the road, and all damaged material of this class, which may he left along its route, having been thrown there during the operations of destruction or repair, to be considered as part of the road and given up with it. 4th. No payment or credit to be given to the railroad for its occupation or use by the United States during the continuance of the military necessity which compelled the United States to take possession of it by capture from the public enemy; the recovery of the road from the public enemy, and its return to loyal owners, with the vast expenditure of defence and repair as a full equivalent for its use. 422 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 5th. All movable property, including rolling stock of all kinds, the property of the United States, to be sold at auction, after full public notice, to the highest bidder. 6th. All rolling stock and material, the property before the war of railroads, and captured by the forces of the United States, to be placed at the disposal of the roads which originally owned it, and to be given up to these roads as soon as it can be spared, and they appear by proper agents authorized to receive it. 7th. When a State has a board of public works able and willing to take charge of its railroads, the railroads in possession of the quartermaster's department to be given up to the board of public works, leaving it to the State authorities and to the judicial tribunals to regulate all questions of property between rival boards, agents, or stockholders. 8th. Roads not being operated by the United States quartermaster's department not to be interfered with unless under military necessity. Such roads to be left in possession of such persons as may now have possession, subject only to the removal of every agent, director, president, superintendent, or operative who has not taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, which rule should be rigidly enforced. 9th. When the superintendents in actual possession decline to take such oath, some competent person to be appointed as receiver of the railroad, who shall administer the affairs of the road and account for its receipts to the board of directors, who may be formally recognized as the legal and loyal board of managers. This receiver to be appointed as in the case of other abandoned property by the Treasury Department. 10th. I recommend that the governor of the State of Virginia be informed that the War Department will interpose no obstacle to the board of public works of the State taking possession of all the railroads in the State not in use and occupation of the military force of the United States by the quartermaster's department, and that, as soon as the military occupation of any of these roads can be safely dispensed with, the road will be transferred to the charge of the board of public works. In some of the States the State is a large bond-holder in the roads, and though there may be in such States no board of public works, it is probable that the State authorities will be willing to receive and take charge of the roads; if not, receivers should be appointed by the Treasury Department, upon application at the War Department, to take charge of them as abandoned property. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, N. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General and Brevet Mlajor General. Hon. E. T. STANTON, S'ecretary of IVar. A true extract: ALEXANDER BLISS, Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster's Departm ent. A true copy: D. C. McCALLUM, Brt. Brig. Gen., Director and Manager Mil. Railroads U. S. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Jashington, D. C., July 17, 1865. SIR: I submit herewith an estimate for funds required by the disbursing -officer for railroads at Nashville, Tennessee. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 423 The remittances to Nashville, on account of railroads in the southwest, in 1865 are as follows, viz: In March, on the November, 1864, estimate................... $1, 805, 500 In March, on the December, 1864, estimate................... 1, 000, 000 On May 2, on the January, 1865, estimate.................... 1, 460, 000 On May 2, on the February, 1865, estimate................... 1, 400, 000 On May 30, on the April, 1865,...................... 1, 400, 000 Total-........................................... 7, 005, 500 The estimate for March was held back by General McCallum, it being supposed that the slums required on ihe previous estimates, and that for April, would be sufficient to pay off all his indebtedness to the 30th of June, owing to expected reductions in the establishment. General McCallum reports (on the 3d instant) that one million dollars will be sufficient on the estimate for March to enable Captain Crilly to pay off his indebtedness. It will be perceived from the foregoing statement that these railroads have been costing, during the present year, upwards of $1,300,000 monthly, and the expenditures are still going on. These expenditures were necessary during the war, but it appears to me that the government should be relieved from this heavy expenditure by the restoration of the railroads to the companies; and I recommend that this be done as soon as it is possible to make arrangements for the transfer, on the basis of my report of the 19th of May last. The appropriation for transportation of the army is exhausted, and there is no money in the treasury for army transportation, against which requisitions can be drawn. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. C. MEIGS, Brevet Major Genercal U. S. A., Quartermaster General. Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of WVar. A ALEXANDER BLISS, Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster's Department. [One enclosure. ] WAR DEPARTMENT, July 24, 1865. The recommendation of the Quartermaster General is approved, and he is directed to turn over the roads immediately. By order of the Secretary of War: THOS. T. ECKERT, Acting Assistant Secretary qf WVar. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WVashington, July 27, 1865. Respectfully referred to Brevet Brigadier General D. C. McCallum, general manager of the military railroads, together with a copy of the report of the Quartermaster General of May 19, 1865. 424 RAILROAD PROPERTY. General McCallum will at once transfer all the railroads in the military division of the Mississippi, which are controlled at Nashville, in accordance with the recommendations of the Quartermaster General, as approved and directed by the Secretary of War. General McCallurnm will please report what railroads will remain in the possession of the military authorities when this transfer shall have been accomplished. By order of the Quartermaster General: ALEXANDER BLISS, Lient. Colonel, acting in charge 4th Division. A true copy of letter and indorsements: D. C. McCALLUM, Bvt. Brig. Gen., Director and Manager Mil. Railroads U. S [General Orders No. 56. ] QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WVashington, D. C., September 28, 1865. The following order by the President of the United States, in relation to the relinquishment of the government's control over all railroads in the State of Tennessee, and their continuations in adjoining States, now occupied by the United States military authorities, and no longer needed for military purposes, is published for the information of all officers and agents of the quartermaster's department. M. C. MEIGS, Brevet Major General U. S. A., Quartermaster General. WAR DEPARTMENT, WVashington, August 8, 1865. GENERAL: It having been determined by the government to relinquish control over all railroads in the State of Tennessee, and their continuations in adjoining States, that have been in charge of, and are now occupied by, the United States military authorities, and no longer needed for military purposes, you are hereby authorized and directed to turn over the same to the respective owners thereof at as early a date as practicable, causing, in all cases of transfer as aforesaid, the following regulations to be observed and carried out: 1. Each and every company will be required to reorganize and elect a board of directors whose loyalty shall be established to your satisfaction. 2. You will cause to be made out in triplicate, by such person or persons as you may indicate, a complete inventory of the rolling stock, tools, and other materials and property on each road. 3. Separate inventories will be in the same manner made of the rolling stock and other property originally belonging to each of said roads, and that furnished by and belonging to the government. 4. Each company will be required to give bonds satisfactory to the government that they will, in twelve months from the date of transfer as aforesaid, or such other reasonable time as may be agreed upon, pay a fair valuation for the government property turned over to said companies, the same being first appraised by competent and disinterested parties at a fair valuation, the United States reserving all government dues for carrying mails, and other service performed by each company, until said obligations are paid; and if, at the maturity RAILROAD PROPERTY. 425 of said debt, the amount of government dues, retained as aforesaid, does not liquidate the same, the balance is to be paid by the company in money. 5. Tabular statements will be made of all expenditures by the government for repairing each road, with a full statement of receipts from private freights' passage, and other sources; also a full statement of all transportation performed on government account, giving the number of persons transported, and amount of freight, and the distance carried in each case-all of said reports or tabular statements to be made in triplicate, one each for the Secretary of War, the military headquarters of the department, and the railroad company. 6. All railroads in Tennessee will be required to pay all arrearages of interest due on the bonds issued by that State, prior to the date of its pretended secession from the Union, to aid in the construction of said roads, before any dividends are declared or paid to the stockholders thereof. 7. Buildings erected for government purposes on the line of railroads, and not valuable or useful for the business of said companies, should not form a legitimate charge against such companies; nor should they be charged for rebuilding houses, bridges, or other structures which were destroyed by the federal army. 8. You are authorized to give any orders to quartermasters within your division which you may deem necessary to carry into execution this order. By order of the President: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of TVar. Major General GEORGEI H. TIHOMIAS, Commanding 1ilitary Division of Tennessee, Naishville, Tenn. [General Orders No. 6G2.] QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., October 23, 1865. The following order by the President of the United States, in relation to Executive Order of August 8, 1865, extending the provisions and benefits of the same to all railroads within the limits of the military division of the Tennessee desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and material from the United States, for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war, is published for the information of all officers and agents of the quartermaster's department. M. C. MEIGS, Brevet Major General U. S. A., Quartermaster General. WAR DEPARTMENT, WVashiington, D. C., October 14, 1865. GENERAL: The provisions and benefits of the Executive Order of August 8 are hereby extended to all railroads within the limits of your command desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and material from the United States for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war. You are also authorized to direct the sale to any such railroads, of rolling stock now within the limits of your command, and not needed by the United States for actual use, upon the following conditions, if they are preferred to the terms of the order of August 8, and the individual security required by you under that order. You will take care that this property is distributed among the several roads 426 RAILROAD PROPERTY. in. proportion to their actual needs, and that none is sold to any railroad in excess of the reasonable requirements of its business, or to be used for purpose of speculation, sale, or hire to other roads. You will require from all such railroad companies satisfactory bonds, in the form herewith enclosed, binding them to the payment to the United States of the full appraised value of the property sold to them, in equal monthly instaliments, with interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, within two years, credit being allowed to them, on the first of each month, for any service of military transportation rendered by them during the preceding month, at the established rates now allowed to northern railroads for such service. Full reports of all sales under this order will be made to the War Department, from time to time, as required by existing orders. The serviceable railroad iron in possession of the quartermaster's department at Chattanooga and Nashville is excepted. It will be sold only for cash at the prices fixed by the War Department. By order of the President: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of IVar. Major General G-EonRG H. THOMAS, Commanding Mlilitary Division of Tennessee, Nash7ille, Tenn. BOND. Know all men by these presents, that the railroad company, duly in-'corporated by the act of the of the State of by its president, acting for and in behalf of said railroad company, does hereby acknowledge itself and its successors held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the full and just sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States; for which payment, well and truly to be made to the disbursing quartermaster of the United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville, or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated by the War Department, within two years from the date of these presents, the said railroad company, by its president, hereby binds itself and its successors firmly by these presents. Sealed with its corporate seal, attested by the signature of its president, and affixed by the express authority of its directors, this day of,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty The nature of the above obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden railroad company has purchased and received, or shall receive, from the War Department of the United States rolling stock, iron rails, cross-ties, chairs, spikes, timber, and other materials for repairing and operating its railroad, in quantities, at prices, and to an amount and value which shall be evidenced by the receipts given for the same by the said railroad company to the proper officer of the said War Department, upon a credit of two years from the date of these presents, payable in equal monthly instalments, with interest, at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent. per annum, within the said two years, either in cash to the disbursing quartermaster of the United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville, or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated for this purpose by the War Department, or in transportation of the troops or military supplies of the United States, under the orders of the proper military authorities, at the rates of fare and tolls allowed for such service to northern railroads; And whereas the said railroad company desires, and by these presents intends, RAILROAD PROPERTY. 427 to seuire to the United States the complete and punctual payment as aforesaid of the amounts which may be due for the said materials received or to be received by it from the United States: Now, therefore, if the said railroad company shall well and truly pay as aforesaid, either in cash, in equal monthly instalments, or in transportation as aforesaid, to the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, all that shall be due as aforesaid to the United States on account and in payment for all the materials received as aforesaid from the United States, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect. But if the said railroad company shall fail to pay to the United States all or any portion of what may be due to the United States on account of the said materials received from the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, either in cash as aforesaid, or in transportation as aforesaid, or shall fail to pay any of the monthly instalments aforesaid, punctually when due; then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that may be necessary to fully repay to the United States the full amount which may be due on account of the said. materials so received as aforesaid, and all loss or damage which may have been incurred by the United States by reason of the said railroad company's failure to pay for the same what shall be due therefor when the same shall be due. And as a further security for such payment and indemnity to the United States the United States shall have a lien upon the property sold to said company, and in default of such complete and punctual payment of all moneys which may be due on account of the aforesaid purchase of materials, be fully authorized to take possession of and sell said property, and also to place in c'harge and control of the said company's railroad, an agent of the said United States, who shall be fully empowered, and by these presents is fully empowered, in case of such default as aforesaid, to collect all the revenues of the said company, and apply the same to the payment to the United States of all the moneys which shall be due at the times of such application of such revenues to the United States for any such materials, which shall have been delivered by the United States to the said railroad company, or by reason of any loss or injury to the United States resulting from such default in payment of the same. And the said company shall have no authority to sell or convey out of its possession, without the consent of the United States first in writing obtained, any of the property referred to in this agreement; but shall hold and retain the same to the exclusive use of said company, in carying on the business of transportation of persons and property over its line of road, until the whole is fully paid for as aforesaid. In witness whereof, the corporate seal of said railroad company is affixed hereto, by authority of its directors, and attested by its president. Witness NOTE.-Tbe amount of this bond to be double the valuation of the property sold and delivered. Internal revenue stamps should be affixed, to the amount of fifty cents for every thousand dollars. 428 RAILROAD PROPERTY. No. 2.~-Report of all railroads operated and controlled by the United States, at director and general manager, giving tihe name of tIe road, number of miles what authority transferred.* Distance operated. Estimated No. Name of road. From- To-, Miles Pe mile. DEPART1MENT OF VIRGINIA. I Washington and Alexandria.... Washington........... Alexandria......... 7 57,142 5 5-7 iriOrange and........ Alexandria Al dria..........- - Mitchell's Station.... 68 40,000 00 3 Warrenton Branch............. Warrenton Junction.. Warrenton.......... 9 40,00000 4 Alexandria, London, and Hamp- Alexandria.........-.. Vienna.............. ) 15 30,000 00 5 Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Aquia Creek........... Falmouth........... 15 30, 000 00 6, Richmodand York River..... White House.......... Fair Oaks........ 15,00000 7 South Side................. City Point............ Burkeville.......... 1 62 00000 8 Richmond ad Petersburg...... Manchester........... Petersburg.......... 22 00000 9 Clover Hill Branch of Richmond Clover Hill Station... Coal Mines.......... 18 20,00000 and Petersburg railroad. 10 Richmond and Danville........ Manchester........... Danville............ 140 30,00 11 Norfolk and............... Blackwater 44 50, 000 00 12 Seaboard and Roanoke Portsmouth................. Suffolk.............. 1700 113 City Point and Army Line -. Pitkin Station, &c..-... Humphrey's Station.. 18 11,111111-9 14 Manassas Gap................. Manassas Junction.......1...... 021 40, 000 00 15 Winchester and Potomac...... Harper's Ferry -........ tevenson........... 2 25,00000 tal..................................................... 545.............. MILITARY tIVISION OF THE \ TENNESSEE. 1 Louisville City. —-------------- River Landing........ Louisville and Nash- 2 15, 000 00 ville railroad depot. 2 Nashville and Chattanooga.....- Nashville ------- ------ Chattanooga......... 151 50,000 00 3- Shelbyville Branch............-IWartrace........- I Shelbyville.......... 9 30,000 00 4 Nashville and Decatur --------- Nashville -------.....i Decatr -....... 120- 50,000 00 5 Mt. Pleasant Branch........... Columbia ------- ------ Mt. Pleasant........ I 30, 000 00 G Nashville and Northwsestern...I Nashvile ------ i..... JoihAonville........ 000 00 7'Nashville oand Clarksvtie..... 1.. do............... Clarksville 2 00000 8 McMinaville and Manchester...- Tulnahooa ------------ Mc-innville.-....... 35 30,000 00 9 East Tennessee and Georgia.... Chattanooga.......... I Knoxville........... 112 30,000 00 10 [ Dalton -....................i Cleveland ------------- Dalton ------------- - 0 7 30,000 00.i East Tennessee and Virginia. Knoxville ------------- Carter's Station-. ---- 110 40, 000 00 1 Rogersville and Jefferson...... Junction of East Ten- Rogersville --------- 12; 2000 00 ressee and Virginia 13 Western antd Atlantic ---------- Chattanoga ----—.... Atlanta........... 136! 40,000 00 14' Rome-........................'Kingsum ton..............! eoms -...............! 17 \ 20,0110 00 15 Macon and Western A nta............... ogh and Ready.. 1 I O 00000 II Decatur, Ala. —------- Stevenson, Ala....-. 801 40,000 00 18'1 Memphis and Charleston - - \ e 17 Mississippi Central.......... Grand Junction........ Tallahatchie River. 48 40,000 00 18 IeMobile and Ohio............... Columbus, Kv..-......I Crockett's Station. 35 40, 000 00 19 I Memphis and Little Rock...... DUVaI'S Bluff..........!I ittle Rock, Ark-..... 491 30,000 00 * The time of taking possession of the roads is not given, for the reason that the possession thereof was not continuous, being held and abandoned as the United States armies advanced or retreated. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 429 any time duaring the war, under the direction of General D. C. McCallum, operated, estimated value, how held, date of transfer, and to whom and by value. LHow disposed of. How held. - Total. i Date. To whom delivered. By whose authority. $400, 000'By right of capture -. Aug. 8, 1865 W., A., and G. R. R. Co. By order of Secy of War. 2,720, 000 - --—.. do............ June 27, 1865 Board of public works of Va Do. 360,000 ---—.. do.................. do...... do................... Do. 450,000.. 00. do......... Aug. 8,1865......do...............Do. 450, 000 - -... do............. May 23,1864 Abandoned............... 300,000 1... do............. June 13,1864 Track taken up material e. U. S. Gra removed, and road abandoned. 2, 480, 000.....do.............. July 24, 1865 Southside R. R. Co B order of Sec'v of War. 880, 000. o Jy.. do............. July 3,1865 Board of public works of VGen. Halleck 360, 000...... do.. do........... do................... 4, 200, 000.- -. do............. July 4,1865......do..............Do. 2, 200, 000... do............. July 1, 1865 N. and P. R. R. Co......... Do. 595, 000. do.............do..... S. and R. R. 1Co......... Do. 200, 000 Built by the United June -, 1865 Track taken up and sold By order of Secy of War. States. by the United States. 2, 480, 000 By right of capture Nov. 10, 1864 Track removed and road abandoned. 700. 000. —-. do........ Jan. 20, 1866 r. and P.. R. R. Co........ 18, 775,000. $30, 000 Built by the United Mar. -,1866 Track taken up..;.......... Do. 7, 550, 000 By right of capture.. Sept. 25, - N. and C. R. R. Co........-CExecutive orders of August 8 and October 14. 6,000,000......do............. ----—.do. T. and A.. C. S. and T., Do. and A. C. R. R. Cos. (Track removed by the By order of Gen. Grant. I United States. 560, 000...... do.............,~ ~ 1864 Road turned over to N. Executive orders of August I and D. R. R. Co. 8 and October 14. 2, 340, 000 27-4 miles by right of Sept. 1, - N. and N. W. R. B. Co..... Do. capture, 501- miles built by the United States. 1, 860, 000 By right of capture Sept. 23, - MK., C., and L. R. R. Co.... Do. 1, 050, 000......do......-................ 27 miles and 2,750 feet of By order ot Lt. Gen. Grant. track removed and used in repairs of other roads; road abandoned. 3, 360, 000......do............. Aug. 28, - E. T. and Ga. R. R. Co.... Executive orders of August 8 and October 14. 710,000......do...................do......... do........-........ Do. 4,400,000......do...................do. E. T. and Va. R. 1.Co. o Do. 300, 000......do..................do... and J. 14. R. Co.........- Do. 5, 440, 000.-....do............ Sept. 25, State of Georgia-... Do. 340, 000......do................do. Rome R. R. Co..........- Do. 330, 000......do............. Nov. -, 1864 Track removed and road By order of the general abandoned, commanding. 3, 200, 000......do............ Sept. 1, 1 M. and C. 14. R. Co........ Executive orders of August 8 and October 14. 3,375,000...... do................... do..........do. ----.......... Do. 1, 920, 000......do............ Aug. 24, 1864 Abandoned............... 1, 400, 000......do............. Aug. 25,~- M. and 0. R. R. Co Do. 1, 470, 000......do.............-Nov. 1,~- M. and L. 14. R.. 1.. Co Do. 45,705,000 430 RAILROAD PROPERTY. No. 2.-Report of all railroads operated and Distance operated. Estimated No. Name of road. From- To- Miles. Per mile. MIDDLE DEPARTMENT AND DEPARTMENT OF THE SUSQUEHANNA.; I Western Maryland railroad-.. Relay............. Westminster........ 9 $25,000 00 2 Hanover Branch railroad.. Hanover Junction. Hanover.13 20, 000 00 3 Gettysburg railroad............ Hanover.......... Gettysburg.17 0,000 00 4 Franklin railroad.............. Chambersburg.... Hagerstown. 22 0,00000 Total........................................81. DEPARTMENT OF GEORGIA. 1. Savannah and Gulf railroad.... Savannah........... Oeeche River...... 30, 000 00 2 Georgia Central railroad....... In and around the city...................... 3 33,333 33 of Savannah. Total.................................................................. 14. —----- DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. I Atlantic and North Carolina Morehead City......... Goldsboro'.......... 95 30,000 00 railroad. 2 North Carolina railroad........ Goldsboro'............ Charlotte........... 223 30, 000 00 3 Wilmington and Weldon rail- Wilmington........... Weldon............. 162 30,000 00 road. 4 Raleigh and Gaston railroad.... Raleigh............... Cedar Creek........ 25 30, 000 00 Total.................................................................. 50 5.............. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. I New Orleans, Opelousas, and New Orleans.......... Brashear City....... 80.............. Great Western railroad. t *No special orders were given relative to relinquishing these roads. The necessity for military occupation having ceased the several companies were allowed to resume control. fThis road was controlled and operated by the quartermaster's department and not by the military railroad. department. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 431 controlled by the United States, A'c.-Continued. value. How disposed of. How held. Total. Date. To whom delivered. By whose authority. $725, 000 Seized...............July 7,1863 W. M. R. R.Co............ 260,000... do............. Aug. 1, 1863 Hanover Branch 1I. R. Co.. 340,000... do..................do Gettysburg R. R. Co....... 440,000......do............. Oct. 1,1862 Cumberland Vailey R. R.Co 1, 765, 000 $330, 000 By right of capture.. June 20, - S. and G.H.H. Co. 1, 000, 000...... do.................. do. Ga. Cen. R. R. Co......... Major General Gilmore. 1, 330, 000 $2, 850, 000......do............. Oct. 25, A. and N. C. R. R. Co...... By order of Sec'y of War.. 6,690,000......do............. Oct. 22, N. C. R. R. Co............. Do. 4, 860, 000......do............. Aug. 27, W. and W. R. R. Co -..- Do. 750, 000......do............. May 3,- R. and G. R. R. Co........ 5,150,000..................do............ Jan. 31, 1886 N. 0., 0., and Gt. W. R. R. Executive orders of AugustCo. 8 and October 14. No. 3.-Statement showing the vaclue of property sold to railroad companies in the departments of Virginia and North Carolina on credit, payments made, amount remaining unpaid, and terms of and authority for the sale. DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA..0. I o C oO I''. 0 tomac Railroad Company. 2 I'etersburg Railroad Comp)any. July 10 and 65,000 00 66. 706 27 18, 012 67 $48,693 60 $4, 2(6 66 On a credit of six months. Time of payment extended 20, 1865., twelve months from January 12, 1866, with interest., 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~$20,412 20 to be paid July 12 1866, in addition to the amount already paid. 3Vichmond, F Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company, leaving the amount for which the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company is responsible, $81,500. 434 RAILROAD PROPERTY. No. 4.-Schedule of property sold on credit to razilroad companies in the departments of Virginia and North Carolina, since May 1, 1865. A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1 st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold, by order of the Secretary of WVar, to the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad ComZpany, on a credit of six months, from July 3, 1865, without interest, the company giving thlwr bond in the sum of,$50,000 to secure payment of the same. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. July and August_ 2,000 pounds railroad spikes........... $175 00 $120 00 147,918 feet pine timber.............. 5,916 72 5,546 93 47,529 feet hemlock timber.-........ — 1,901 16 1, 782 34 Total...........-.......-....... 7,992 88 7,449 27 1866. 7 27 January 3.. —.. — Paid in full....................... —.. — 7,449 27 Railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1 st day of May, 1865, and sold on a credit of twelve months to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, upon the terms specified in-. Executive Order of August 8, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. October 6....... 101 box cars......................... $126,250 00 $60,600 00 A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. ]865, and sold, by order of the Secretary of War, to the Petersburg Railroad Company, on a credit of six months, from July 10 and 20, 1865, without interest, the company giving two separate bonds in the sum of $65,000 each, (being double the value of material purchased,) to secure the payment of the same. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. July 6......I 800~-u tons railroad iron............. $92,000 00 $64, 000 21 14,000 pounds railroad spikes. —-..... 1.,225 00 840 00 320 cross-ties................-..... 160 00 160 00 Total - -................... 93,385 00 65,000 21 NOTE.-The time of payment of the above sum of $65,000 was extended January 12 and 20, for a further period of six months, with interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent. per annum, by order of the Secretary of War. A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold, by order of the Secretary of War, to the Virginia Central Railroad Company, on a credit of six nmonths,from August 1, 1865, without interest, the company giving bond in the sum of $140,000 as security for the payment of the same. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. August and Sept. 84-2-, 0tons railroad iron.... $96,885 08 $67,417 60 43,040 pounds railroad chairs.......... 4,304 00 2, 582 40 Total -....................... - 101,189 08 70,000 00 NOTE.-The time of payment of the above sum of $70,000 was extended for the further period of eighteen months from February 17, 1866, with interest at 7 3-10 per cent. per annumn from date of purchase, payable inl equal monthly instalments. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 435 A schedule of railroad property in the possession of aind belonging to the United States on the 1st day of 1Mo-ay, A. D. 1865, and sold by order of the Secretary of [War on credit to the Manassas Gap Railroad 3Company on the terms specified in Executice Order of October 14, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. January 5 ------ 4,545 pounds square nuts -—.....-... $363 60 $363 60 3,601 pounds hexagonal nuts........ 351 10 351 10 I set switch fixtures- -.............. 40 00 240 00 4,079 pounds car coupling............ 285 53 203 95 3 Henderson pumps-................ 397 98 375 00 12 dozen shovels —-................ 187 20 156 00 20 scoop shovels-0 0................ 3600 25 00 12 tallow cans —---—........... -.-....- 6 00 24 pint oilers -..............-. - 5 04 24 quart oilers —-—.......... -.-...-.. 15 60 24 squirt cans-................ —-- 1 92 24 tin torches -................2 88 68 clamp screws-* 21 76 6 notch blocks - -- -—................19 50 19 50 6 notch blocks -..............-.. 24 00 24 00 3 notch blocks — -1............... —. 17 25 17 25 notch block................7 00 7 00 6 tackle blocks-. —-------------—... 20 25 20 25 2 tackle blocks. - -................ 1000 10 00 4 tackle blocks - -................ 24 00 24 00 2 tackle blocks. -................. 13 00 13 00 38 buck saws.- - —....-..........-. 3800 33 06 2 dozen buckets-................ 10 00 5 00 2 hydraulic jacks-.-.-. —. 225 00 200 00 4 screw jacks.-. —---------- -.....- 34 00 27 00 3 chain vices- -- -—......-.......... 4500 75 00 24 picks -- -—. —- - -............. 3864 24 00 12^ dozen pick handles. 30 60 20 63 3 dozen white lanterns --------- ------ 4 50 72 00 2 dozen red lanterns. —--------- —.... 4 00 70 00 1" dozen 16-inch hand bastard files... 2218 2218 2 dozen 14-inch hand bastard files-..-. 1 58 1 58 5- dozen 13-inch hand bastard files..-.. 211 211 1 2 dozen 12-inch hand bastard files.... 7 16 7 16 2 dozen 9-inch hand bastard files ------ 6 48 6 48 9 dozen 10-inch hand bastard files 36 01 36 01 8 2 dozen 8-inch hand bastard files. 21 97 21 97 2 dozen 6-inch hand bastard files....... 3 68 3 68 4 dozen 4-inch hand bastard files. —-. 4 76 4 76 2 dozen 16-inch hand smooth files —. 29 70 29 70 2 dozen 4-inch hand smooth files ---- -9 80 19 80 2 dozen 12-inch hand smooth files. ---- 14 30 14 30 4 2dozen 10-inch hand smooth files ---- 2089 20 89 2 dozen 1P2-inch hand dead smooth files. 8 60 28 60 2A dozen 10-inch hand dead smooth files- 5 71 25 71 2 dozen 8-inch hand dead smooth files - 13 76 13 76 1 dozen 6-inch hand dead smooth files - - 06 5 06 2 dozen 16-inch round bastard files -... 0 90 20 90 1. dozen 14-inch round bastard files.. —. 715 7 15 1 dozen 11-inch round bastard files.-.. 4 13 4 13 1 dozen 10-inch round bastard files --- 3 45 3 45 I dozen 8-inch round bastard files -. —-. 35 2 35 2 dozen 14-inch half-round bastard files. 14 30 14 30 I dozen 12-inch half-round bastard files 5 10 5 10 1 dozen 10-inch half-round bastard files 3 45 3 45 1 dozen 8-inch half-round bastard files - 2 35 2 35 1 dozen 14-inch half-round bastard files 9:35 9 35 1 do~u 12-inch half-round bastard files - 75 6 75 I dozen 10-inch half-round bastard files 4 40 4 40 I dozen 8-inch half-round bastard files 3 17 3 17 ~'"Manufacturecd. 436 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, fc.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. January 5...-.. 2 dozen 14-inch mill saw files.12 66 $166 1 3 dozen 14-inch square bastard files - 10 55 1055 1 dozen 12-inch square bastard files 455 455 6 dozen 51-inch taper files-1104 11 04 9 steam gauges..............00 22500 6 hack saws ---.....-...........522 522 15 jig saws................. 4065 750 2 18-inch dividers - -442 300 2 10-inch dividers- 442 200 2 levels.....................10 226 7 Salter's balances- 10500 140 00 2 second-hand Salter's balances 3000 3000 8 18-inch monkey wrenches.. 2496 2240 57 2-gallon oil cans 2565 42 75 479 pounds Russia iron 9580 95 80 1,716 pounds tank rivets 205 92 205 92 50 feet 2~-inch rubber hose —— 11600 6750 50 feet 2'-inch rubber hose 11600 52 50 518 pounds rubber springs-621 60 207 20 87 pounds rubber packing-14790 34.80 38 feet 94-inch second-hand leatherbeltino 3002 570 27 feet 6-inch second-hand leather belting 21 33 405 115 pounds waste 4830 25 30 97 gallons paraffine varnish...5820 8246 11 pounds hemp packing....53 242 48 pounds wire -.............. 1152 479 I carpenter shop-50000 500 00 3 large stoves-4935 3600 Total. —----.. —-----....... 5,353 84 4,623 51 A.' schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold on credit to the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company, by order of the Secretary of War. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. June and July. -. 552,678 feet pine timber -$ —----------- $22,107 12 $20, 703 16 937- gallons sperm oil.-... —- 2, 053 38 2, 250 30 4 1-inch tackle blocks -------- 22 20 15 00 2 41-inch tackle blocks. —-.. —- 14 00 14 00 I icebox.-. --—.............. 2 50 250 42 short-bandled shovels, second-hand. 54 60 11 13 7 dozen tin plates- 924 90 7 dozen tin cups. —. —--—.......... 637 78 35 pair knives and forks.. —------— 13-30 375 36 table spoons- 288 42 6+ pounds rotten-stone —------ - 65 39 2,229+ pounds waste. —--------------- 936 39 490 49 8 sheets emery cloth ---—... —------- 72 24 2 papers Tripoli............. —------- 16 08 12 picks.-........................... 19 32 576 250 pounds tamping bars -------------- 30 00 22 50 48 railroad cold chisels -14 40 720 478 pounds claw bars. —-..... —....... 5736 4320 260 pounds lining bars --—....... 31 20 23 40 180 pounds spike mauls —. —---- 270 00 27 05 1 hospital tent*.................... —-- ------------- 20 00 * Received from Quartermaster's department. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 437 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. j Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. June and July....!2 track adzes- - $-5............... -- 00 $1 80 15 track g8auges -1S............ —.. 15 1 15 1 3 truck cars —.............. --—. 150 00 45 00 5 balls wick —.......... —-.... —-. 55 55 2 ^wall tents —-............................... 30 00 12 Sibley tents' - ----............................ 30 00 I No. 10 coo stove and fixings........ 26 00 19 00 frying pan ---—.............. —-. 24 50 I1I coffee-pot —...............-. 90 10 I I butcher knife................ 109 02; 6 wooden buckets5 ——............. 2 52 54 24 pounds track cold chisels.... —-. 4 32 4 32!94 axe handles -----........- -..... 92 56 3 cant hooks ---- - -2...... -—.. —.... 225 225 45 pounds timber bars —..-...... —. 5 40 4 05 i5 pounds railroad punches....... —-. 75 75 3.timber jacks-.......-..... —..-.-.. 2 25 2 25 July to December. I1 hanud wash basin —............ —... 25 08 I pepper box- - —....-..........- -... 08 03! I salt box............- -..... 08 03 115 pounds Manilla rope -. 28 75 25 70 4 pounds hemp packing... —---—..-.. 25 23 48 pounds track cold chisels.......- 8 64 8 64 1 18 pick handles.-................- 248 2 48! 4 maul handles -................ -— 60 1 60 14 switch locks ------................ 28 00 12 88 22 picks —--- --- -—....-........... -- 3542 1056 (6 camp kettles --—......... —.....- 8 52 66 1120 pounds tamping bars.-14 40. 10 80 1 Henderson pump, new -. —.. —- 132 66 125 00 35 feet 2-inch gas pipe. ---—........ 15 40 963 3 2-inch L joints ------------- -------- 96 45 3 9-inch rubber tank hose 80 13 51 00 I copper strainer. —-----—... —- 50 50 12 pike poles.-.....-..-. —- - 3 60 360 I hospital tent ---------- -. —- -------------- 20 00 1 pair 2-inch gas pipe tongs- 1 50 150 1 12-inch monkey wrench 12 200 I chipping hammer. ——. —--------- 00 88 4 pounds hand cold chisels --------—. 60 60 6 pounds gum packing. —............ 6 90 360 gallon kerosene oil..... —. —------ 21 23 141 hours' labor.-... —--------- 49 35 49 35: 2 1-gallon oil cans -- ---..-........ 74 70 I long spout —-. —......- - 65 65 4 — bolts 6 inches long -1... —----—.- 00 100 I frying pan -------------—.. —-— 24 50 I No. 10 cooking stove and fixings 26 00 31 00 1 coffee-pot. —------- --—... —- 90 90 I butcher knife.-1. —-. -.- --- 1 09 75 3 wooden buckets.... —-—......... 1 26 69'I hand wash basin.. —.-. —-------- 25 25 1 pepper box —.. ——.. —------—. 08 06 2 chopping axes. —-----------—...-. 4 02 200 1 tin boiler -. —-—.............. 4 00 400 I yawl boat and oars.-1.... —----- ]06 56 86 00 16 pounds lead pipe -1 —- ---—. —- 160 176 I 18-inch monkey wrench ------------ 3 12 280 4 pounds bell cord -------------------- 220 116 I dozen short-handled shovels. —-..... 15 60 13 00 I ration box.-2 —-- - ----------—. 250 250 2 coffee-pots.-1....................... s80 20 I dish pan. —............. -- - 24 20 * Received from Quartermaster's Department. 438 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Contnued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. July to December. 500 pounds boat spikes - —.-. $45 00 $30 00 41,650 pounds railroad spikes -- 3,748 50 2,499 00 2 pounds hemp packing —-46 46 179 pounds solder- -89 50 71 60 1,201 pounds nails - -120 10 72 06 I yard Canton flannel —-14 15 1 sheet tin..................18 65 pounds lining bars - - - 650 650 4 track gauges..............2 00 200 20 pounds spike mauls - 360 3 60 12 short-handled shovels - -1560 13 00 6 picks....................66 600 6 pick handles...............- - -83 83 1 track adze -.........-...... 250 90 1 2-gallon oil can............00 00:1 -gallon oil can ---- -............3 33 1 chimney —.......... 15 15 24 pounds track cold chisels - --- 60 360 1 pint benzine.............08 08 2 pounds packing yarn — 46 46 21 gallons benzine — 137 1 52 1 paper Tripoli............04 04 2 boxes matches - -.............06 06 7~ pounds emery —... —.........68 68 I paper Tripoli.............. — -04 04 1 emery can......-.... -.......10 10 1 box lye................... 14 14 pound sulphur. ---—..- 05 05 2 — gallon oil-cans.. — -...........- 66 66 3 boxes lye. —----—.. —--- 42 42 38 pounds wrought-iron...-. -.-.... 1 62 1 62 2 lanterns................. —-- - ----- 4 00 4 00 I paper Tripoli —.......- - ---------- 04 04 1,074+ pounds hemp packing ------- - -- 247 13 247 14 2,000 cross-ties....................... 1 000 00 1, 000 00 8,200 pounds railroad chairs........... 820 00 492 00 3 gallons sperm oil........ —---- 7 20 7 20 254 pounds iron castings -—....... 15 24 4 13 36,016 feet oak timberi —---------. 2 160 96 756.33 4,039 feet ash timberi.............. 80 78 21 pounds Babbitt metal.. —----—. 12 81 6 51 59,335 pounds axle iron.... -- --- -------------- 3, 560 10 1,476 pounds sheet copper....- -.. I 092 24 708 48 4,470 feet panel pine ---.......... 312 90 312 90 342 pounds sheet-iron............- - --- 253 08 17 53 1,605 pounds assorted nuts ------------ 192 60 144 45 3,000 feet hemlock plank.. 87 00 112 50 1 pilot for engine Geary -—.......... 35 00 35 00 54 trucks for freight cars.......... 1.2. 150 00 12, 150 00 1],520 pounds rivets. —-.. — - 182 40 182 40 110-ton hydraulic jack 112 50 69 00 3,430 pounds flues.-.... —........ 857 50 857 50 2,652 pounds boiler iron.. —------ ------—...... 139 24 11,553 pounds sheet-iron -------------- I,:38) 36 592 09 1,436 pounds angle iron... - -..-...... —. — - 59 30 189 pounds 1-inch half-round iron -—. 9 45 7 80 1,915 pounds Russia sheet-iron -.-. —-- 689 46 421 30 16 pounds lampwick. —........-.... 2064 13 60 4 dozen 3-inch iron chest locks........ 27 84 12 00 8 15-ton hydraulic jacks.............. 816 00 808 00 10 screw jacks ---..... —---------- 85 00 160 00 22-9-72 boxes leaded tin, 14 by 20 by 10.I 334 55 334 68 288 pounds sheet-iron, No. 26.......... 26 64 26 64 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 439 Schedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. July to December. 4 boxes 18 by 234 double thick glass.... $82 36 $28 00 3 sides lace leather... —-...-......... 11 61 6 00 20 pounds chrome yellow, in oil........ 7 00 3 00 710 pounds engine springs... —....-.. 149 10 32 84 5 pounds sewing wire.........-..... 1 20 50 10 boxes bright tin, 14 by 20.......... 233 70 172 50 6 boxes bright tin, 10 by 14 - -...... 140 22 102 00 6 boxes bright tin, 12 by 12........... 140 22 99 75 1 box leaded tin, 14 by 20............. 23 37 15 00 20 pounds brass wire -................ 9 00 8 90 14 pounds copper wire.. —.....-.... 7 00 7 00 712 pounds sheet brass................ 441 44 356 00 206 pounds borax.............. —. 142 74 61 80 2,400 pounds cast-iron drawheads..................... 39 00 49-,744- tons railroad iron.............. 5, 647 32 3, 928 58 1 oil pan............................. 30000 30000 168 pounds resin - - -.................................... 6 72 1 pair bellows........................ 31 66 25 00 1,000 pounds pig lead................. 150 00 100 00 937 pounds block tin...-.............. 833 93:374 80 158 33-inch car wheels.- -. 3, 630 84 4, 424 00 79 30-inch car wheels................ 1, 815 42 2, 054 00 15 desks. —-........................... -.............. 150 00 2 box cars........................... 1,701 48 1,300 00 30 vices.-..............-.....-.... 1, 020 00 300 00 990 pounds grindstones............... 29 70 19 80 50 tons assorted iron.................. 5, 600 00 4, 625 00 2 tons cast-steel...................... 54 600 00 7 tons iron........................... 784 00 647 50 180 feet 9-inch tank hose............................ 306 00 2 24-inch screw jacks -..........-.... 17 00 32 00 42 gallons boiled linseed oil............ 66 78 58 80 80 quires sandpaper.................. 20 00 13 60 I hydrostatic wheel press............. 1,1:33 00 1,133 00 3 grindstone boxes - -.................... 25 00 225 00 50 feet shafting....................... 400 00 400 00 2 12-inch universal chucks - -............. 70 00 80 00 1 9. inch universal chuck.............. 30 00 35 00 3 sets letters and figures.......................... —. 21 00 4,080 pounds iron tools................ 612 00 612 00 2,680 pounds steel tools............... 402 00 402 00 31 chipping hammers................. 26 97 26 97 56 monkey wrenches.................. 74 72 112 00 4 cranes - -.....-.................... —. 300 00 1,100 pounds straightening plates..................... 17 88 1 cast-iron anvil, 700 pounds.......... 161 00 11 38 2 cast-iron heading anvils, 1,100 pounds 253 00 17 88 1 pair centres for axles...-............. — -.............. 60 00 6,962 pounds anvil blocks............................ - -113 13 2 anvils, 493 pounds................. 113 39 49 30 1 bellows.... —..................-.. 31 63 25 00 I forge.-..-.. —...............-... 29 75 20 00 I set blacksmith's tools................ —--......... — -..... 35 00 2 large shop stoves................. 52 00 24 00 2 test pumps.. —--—.....-........................ 200 C0 1 set injector tools -.......-..........-.............. 125 00 1 36-gallon oil-can......-.......................... - -8 00 1 saw gummer -...............-.... 21 00 25 00 1 pair centres for planing taps........................ 100 00 I set clamps for crank pins......................... 75 00 1 waste washing-machine - -............................ -500 00 1 drilling machine, including countershaft and pulleys................... 400 00 100 00 440 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c. Continued Date of sale., Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. July to December. I boring mill, No. 5, with cutters, including counter-shafts and pulleys, with universal chuck base $1,95700 $1,960 00 I punching and shearing machine, with dies and punches-1,54500 1,500 00 1 hand lathe, 10-feet shears, 16-inch swing, 9-inch universal chuck, slide, rest, and tools-31500 300 00. I slide lathe, ] 0-feet shears, 8-inch swing, 9-inch universal chuck, and tools —-400 00 1 slide lathe, 12-feet shears, 16-inch swing, 12-inch universal chuck, and tools -- 635 00 600 00 1 slidelathe, 12-feet shears, 16-inch swing, 12-inch universal chuck, and tools — - -500 00 I slide lathe, 10-feet shears, 161-inch swing, 16-inch universal chuck, and tools.......- -- ----.............. 400 00 1 compound planer, 12-inch stroke, and tools -—.. —-.... —... —-... ——.. 1200 00 1200 00 1 bolt-cutting machine, with dies and taps. -- — 450 00 1 slotting machine, 12 inch stroke, and tools... —--.................,20000 1 stationary engine-6,00000 5, 000 001 stock and dies —-- -100 00 I set fluted rammers —--— 500 00 1 wood-sawing engine-1,30000 650 00 I 30-ton hydraulic jack..... ---— 101 00 1 15-tonhydraulic jack- 112 50 83 00 110-ton hydraulic jack. —.......... 112 50 83 00 Total -......... -......... —- --- 90,395 74 A schedule of all railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold, by order of the Secretary of War, on credit, to the Alexandria, London and Hampshire Railroad Company, on the terms specified in Executive Order of October 14, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 15 box cars -—........ —-$ —- $12,761 10 $9,750 00 I baggage car. —------ -.. 4500?Q 650 00 7 flat cars. ---- ----- -------- 3,334 73 4,480 00 8flat cars, —....... --- ------ -- 3,811 12 4,000 00 I stock car —------------ ------------- 900 00 650 00 4 gondolas...... —.. ——.... —- 1,869 56 2,640 00 3 hand cars —.......... —---- 345 00 148 50 I truck car...........-... —- ------- 5000 2750 I iron car...-..... -- --- - 96 00 96 00 200 pounds Babbitt metal -------------- 122 00 62 00 581 pounds i-inch chain -------- ------- 63 91 79 89' 415 pounds -1-inch chain- 45 65 31 13 461 pounds gum springs........ —----- 499 20 184 40 165 second-hand car wheels, 33-inch. -- 3,795 00 1,897 50' 20 truck wheels, 26-inch ------—...- 490 00 300 00 50 car axles, 18,180 pounds —.......... 1,818 00 1,272 60 50 car axles, 13,000 pounds, second-hand. 1, 300 00 390 00 2,240 pounds straight couplings........ 156 80 112 00 1,120 pounds crooked couplings........ 78 40 56 00 10 tons cast-steel -- - -500 00 3,000 Oa, RAILROAD PROPERTY. 441 Schedule of railroad property, 8&c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 228 pounds Russia sheet iron.......... $45 60 $45 60 711 feet 2-inch wrought pipe...........- -, 322 46 195 53 24 steel-plated frogs - -.......-...... 597 84 1,200 00 200,000 pounds railroad spikes......... 17,500 00 11,500 00 40,000 pounds railroad spikes (old)...... 3,500 00 1, 300 00 8 car springs, 576 pounds...... —----- 121 36 26 64 12 broadaxes.............. — -....... 40 08 24 00 24 track adzes. —-—............... 60 00 48 00 I wood-sawing machine —........-. 650 00 650 00 12 switch stands —............... 165 00 360 00 13,368 pounds iron castings............ 802 08 217 23 500 pounds grindstones......-...... 20 00 5 00 2 office stoves —.....-......-.. — -.. 32 90 5 50 rail-punching machine —............... 80 00 100 00 100 feet 2-inch rubber hose -.......... 232 00 90 00 2,500 pounds boat spikes.............. 225 00 125 00 5,000 pounds cut spikes.............. 500 00 250 00 1,000 pounds cut nails, 6d............. 100 00 56 25 1,000poundscutnails,8d............. 100 00 60 00 1,000 poundscutnails,10............ 100 00 56 25 1,000 pounds cut nails, 12d............ 100 00 56 25 1,000 pounds cut nails, 20............ 100 00 53 75 2 hydraulic jacks, 15 tons - -----—............. 225 00 164 50 4 screw jacks, 28-inch -—...... —..... 34 00 41 00 4 screw jacks, 18-inch............... 34 00 40 00 137 pounds new claw bars. ——..... —---- 13 70 12 67 125 pounds new tamping bars -....... 12 50 7 50 206 pounds new pinch barsA- -- -- 2060 20 09 50 pounds new spike mauls.-...... —. 75 00 10 00 362 pounds switch ropes (6). —-------- 90 50 79 64 373 pounds I I switch ropes ------- ----- 93 25 76 70 716 pounds I switch ropes. —.. —----- 179 00 147 23 125 pounds i switch ropes -..... — 31 25 25 70 41 pounds ^ switch ropes.-.. —.... —- 10 25 8 43 4 chain vices............. —---------- 60 00 80 00 2 parallel vices.. —..... —---------- 54 50 40 00 3 dozen Ames's shovels. —------- ------ 46 80 45 00 I dozen new shovels ----—........- -1 5 60 12 00 2 dozen pick handles.......... —----- 3 84 5 50 4 dozen maul handles ---------- ------ 7 68 11 00 I grindstone frame —- --------—.. 6 50 6 13 1 dozen white lanterns --------- ------- 18 00 36 00 II dozen red lanterns --------- -------- 36 00 21 00 2 sets blacksmith's tools........ —-- - 61 50 61 50 2 anvils, 427 pounds...... —------- 98 21 38 96 2tbellows. —-------------—......- 63 26 24 00 2 new boring machines......... —----- 14 00 14 00 2 cross-cut saws....... —... —--------- 10 90 10 00 6 handsaws.-.. ——....... —----- 600 750 21 reams emery cloth........ —------- 108 02 25 00 50 quires emery paper --------- -------- 12 00 8 50 2 1-inch tackle blocks —------- ------- 11 10 10 00 2 1I-inch tackle blocks................ 1110 900 4 1-inch tackle blocks —---------- - ---- 2220 1600 108,885 feet 3-inch pine....... —----- 4, 028 74 2,831 01 425,000 feet pine timber - 17, 000 00 9,562 50 49,530 feet \ pine boards...... —------ 1, 832 61 1, 857 38 I pile-driving engine.-........ —--- 3,740 00 525 00 I pile-driving screw.......... —------- 450 00 450 00 Total. —------------------------ 87,418 40 62,592 96 442 RAILEOAD PROPERTY. A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold by order of the Secretary of War, on credit, to the WVilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, on the terms specified in Executive Orders of August 8 and October 14, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. October 5 125 tons railroad iron — 14,375 00 $10,000 00 November 1 500 tons railroad iron -57,50000 - 40,00000 20 45 flat cars-21,43755 23,700 00 20 2 locomotive engines..-22,25000 28,500.00 20 10 rack cars...-............... 4,76390 5,000 00 20 5 box cars.4,253 70 2,800 00 Total....................124,58015 110,00000 * The two locomotive engines have been transferred to the Orange and Alexandria lailroad Company, and all instalments and interest due to July 1 paid, to wit, $9, 979 74. A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold, on credit, to the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, on the terms specified in Executive Order o October 14, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. December 11 7,500 pounds railroad spikes- 5, 625 00 450 00 800 pounds 7-inch boat spikes..- -7200 4800 2,000 pounds 18d cut nails - -180 00 120.00 2,000 pounds O10d cut nails -.- -- - 22000 120 00 1,500 pounds 12d cut nails........ —----- 165 00 90 00 19 long-bandled shovels. —-------------- 24 70 28 50 8 dozen Ames's shovels. —------------—. 108 00 120 00 4,800 pounds railroad chairs....-. --- 402 00 288 00 150 feet 12-inch leather belting ----------- 270 00 285 00 150 feet 4-inch leather belting -.... 187 00 85 50 150 feet 3-inch leather belting. --- ------- 187 00 63 00 50 rubber springs, 393 pounds —.. —---- 471 60 432 30 24 rubber springs-. —--------—.. — 52 80 48 40 4 tires, 3,420 pounds......... —-------—. 889 20 752 40 4 tires, 3,340 pounds. —--------- -------- - 868 40 734 80 6 box stoves............... —---—. 156 00 60 00 3 Fairbanks's platform scales. —-----—. 187 71 75 00 I counter scale. —-............... —--- 17 60 15 00 118 pounds rope.. —-------- -.1 29 50 25 96 12 26-inch truck wheels -—.... - 294 00 I 300 00 16 pair elliptic springs, 4,800 pounds 1,032 00 960 00 2 grindstones, 680 pounds -.-.-. —- 5780 2040 24 bench screws. ----—...........- 20 88 18 00 I universal chuck -. —- —....-.- 63 50 55 00 369 pounds tamping bars. —-----—... 44 28 25 83 549 pounds claw bars --------------. 65 88 65 88 217 pounds spike mauls ----... ——. 65 10 65 10 24 switch locks, (48 keys) — 48 00 24 00 370 pounds - tank iron -—..... —...- 22 20 29 60 125 pounds tank rivets ------- - ] 7 50 18 75 150 pounds plate washers.-..... —-.-... 3300 2250 6 papers brads.. -- --------- 900'60 38 gross screws —---...... —------- 39 90 19 00 440 pounds lay screws.. -- -... —-- 101 20 88 00 60 pounds wire -----.... —.......- 13 80 600 750 pounds square nuts -...... ------ 90 00 105 00 500 pounds hexagonal nuts -------- ------ 90 00 80 00 440 pounds white lead ------------------ 88 00 66 00 150 pounds dry lead. —-------... —- 30 00 28 00 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 443 Scldule (ofrailroad property, &fc.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. December I1 56 pounds chrome g'resen.. —--—. —-- $22 40 116 80 72 pounds chrome yellow.-.......-.. - 30 96 25 20 48 pounds patent dryer......-.-....... 7 92 7 20 3 pounds burnt umber —-- -........4 80 90 8 pounds raw sienna - —......... —-... 2 50 3 20 18 pounds liht scarlet - -................ 9 00 9 00 12 pounds extra vermilion.....- -..... 42 00 24 00,479 pounds iron................. 6526 136 35 December 12 6 sides lace leather —................ 24 00 6 12 405 pounds waste.. -- -—................ 113 40 27 33 2 tape, lines................ 2 80 3 00 2 head-lights..... -- -— 2................ 210 00 220 00 46 head-light chimneys --—..... —--—. 13 34 13 80 50feetrubberhose................ 100 00 116 50 48 crucibles —-------—................ 156 00 48 00 108 files, alf-round bastard --—.....-.... —-- 102 60 108 00 84 files, flat bastard................. 79 80 84 00 12files,squarebastard —................. 11 40 12 00 24 files, 2d cut ---- -- -—................ 22 80 24 00 24 engine oilers — -- -1-................ 16 56 12 00 20 monkey-wrenches..... —-..-.... Captured. 48 00 36 pairs brass butts - -9 0............... 900 900 312 pairs cast-iron butts —.............. 49 92 19 44 22 pounds finishing nails - —.............. 440 440 12 brass flush bolts —................ 8 28 3 60 2 Riddle's "Maiden wire"............. 300 3 00 24 axes....... ---—................ 42 00 42 00 4 broadaxes-...... —--- — 13 32 10 00 2 hydraulic jacks. —....... — -—... — 225 00 120 00 4 screws, jack..... —-. -------- 66 64 36 00 1201 gallons sperm oil. —----..- 289 20 307 28 8 boxes tin.-. —.......... ——.- 186 64 154 00 24 paint brushes....-.. —------ ----------- 30 00 18 00 I boring machine, complete.-....- --- Captured. 10 00 2 crosscut saws............. —--------- 10 00 10 00 2 reams sand-paper. - ---------- -10o 000 15 00 6 railroad adzes............. —-------- 15 00 12 00 78 feet gas-pipe.............. —---------- 34 32 11 70 33 pounds rubber packing -------- ------- 49 50 19 80 12 white lights ------------- ------------ 18 00 36 00 4 brass faucets - ------—.... —. 14 60 3 00 350 coach screws. —---------- --------- 42 00 32 40 200 pounds Venetian red......... —----- 30 00 30 00 20 pounds chrome green ------------ - --- 800 600 I Stanwood cutter............ —------- 8 50 3 00 7 boxes glass.... — —....-. ---- 6213 6700 45 pounds rope. —---—........ —- 1125 2025 I bench viceI ------------- 17 17 8 00 2 vices................................ 34 34' 12 04 526 pounds sheet-iron ---------- --------- 63 12 199 88 62 pounds Russia iron ----------- - ------ Captured. 18 60 418 pounds cast-steel. - -.. 167 20 104 50 1,245 pounds spring steel......... —----- 498 00 199 20 30 kegs nails -............ — - 271 50 240 00 313 pounds nuts, square -------—. —- 65 73 62 60 300 pounds washers.. —---------------- 63 00 54 00 I pound Chinese vermilion —------- - 3 50 3 60 5 pounds chrome yellow- - 2 15 1 25 112 pounds litbarge- -22 40 13 44 25 pounds yellow ochre.- --------- 3 50 4 00 25 pounds prussiate potash -. --- -0- 2000 30 00 10 pounds vermilion. —------------- - -8- 3500 500 3 pounds burnt umber................... 480 48 444 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, L&c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. December 12 40 gallons linseed oil..-........-....... $51 20 $50 00 10 pounds spelter -....................... 5 20 1 60 64 pounds antimony -—............... 15 36 17 28 1,457 pounds iron, assorted....... —..... 97 13~-1 116 56 1 set tinners' tools...........-.. 102 95 180 00 6 flat cars ---...................-.. 2,858 34 3, 480 00 2,000 feet white pine flooring.-.......... 95 00 120 00 60 car wheels........-.. —-... —.. Captured. 1,560 00 Total............................. 19,214 38~ 14,269 82 A schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the Ist day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold, by order of the Secretary of lVar, on credit, to the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company, on the terms specified in Executive Order of October 14, 1865. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Sold for. 1865. December 3... 3 hand cars................-....-..... $345 00 $300 00 600 bushels of coal...................... 300 00 342 86 4,818 feet white pine flooring............ 313 17 289 08 11,567 feet yellow pine flooring.......... 751 85 694 02 206 pounds block tin.................... 131 84 92 70 50 feet belting.......................... 62 50 22 50 14 pounds zinc metal..-........... 3 08 2 52 30 pounds block zinc -...........-..... 4 05 5 40 63 pounds antimony -1............... 5 12 37 80 18 rubber springs....................... 21 60 27 00 355 pounds waste-...................... 99 00 88 75 25 boxes tin............................ 583 25 625 00 30 car wheels, (double plated)........... 870 00 750 00 2 locomotive engines -................ 18, 000 00 29,000 00 7 box cars..... —.......-.............. 5,95515 4,340 00 20 flat cars............................. 9,527 86 11,600 00 5 rack cars............................ 2, 381 95 2, 500 00 50 kegs railroad spikes.................. 450 00 320 50 30 kegs bridge spikes -................ 270 00 187 50 3 engine oilers -......................2 07 1 50 3 oil cans.............................. 1 92 1 50 1 redlight........................ 2 00 3 00 2 white lights -- 3..0............ 3 00 6 00 2 packing wrenches —...-........ —. 5 40 50 3 monkey wrenches..................... Captured. 6 00 42 gallons sperm oil.................... 100 80 94 50 4 pinch bars....-....................1 9 52 11 20 1 hydraulic jack........................ 112 50 80 00 1 carpenter's maul - —..................... 58 50 1 hand axe............................. — 2 00 60 2 handled axes. - -.................. 4 12 2 00 1 cross-cut saw......................... 5 00 2 00 I handsaw............................ 2 13 1 50 1 railroad adze..........................2 50 1 00 6 claw bars - -.................. —-- 18 96 6 00 6 track mauls..-...........-......... 9 96 8 40 2 chairs............................... 10 90 9 60 1 tallow can. -........................ 69 50 Total -............................ 40,388 83 51,461 93 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 445 No. 5.-Schedule of'property sold at auction for cash by General H. L. Robinson, assistant quartermaster, and Captain J. D. Stubbs, assistant quartermaster, since May 1, 1865. Schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the first day of May, A. D. 186-5, and sold at public auction by Brevet General H. L. Robinson, assistant quartermaster. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Am't received. 1865. September I1 6 locomotive eng-ines-$................ $139, 050 00 $64, 950 00 21 4 locomotive engines-.................... 111,240 00 44,200 00 25 50 freight cars. —----—................ 42, 537 00 30,240 00 27 84 freight cars. —. —-. —................ 71,463 00 45, 055 00 October 3 27 locomotive engines................... -671, 550 66 310,610 00 4 5 sets car trucks. —---—................ 2, 750 00 2,117 50 14 cars, (platform). ——................ 6, 669 60 6, 550 00 157 cars, (freight)-. ——................ 133,567 75 88, 350 00 11 2,214!Af0 tosrioaio n.............. 287,451 66 161,698 21 13 10 freight cars. —- ---—................ 8,507 40 6,100 00 12 flat cars —. —-—.........-............ 5,716 80 5,700 00 I passenger car. —----—................ 1,517 68 1, 075 00 1 locomotive engine................... -27,810 00 11,700 00 set box-car trucks -................. t 500 00 300 00 6 freight cars --—................... 5, 104 50 2,340 00 II flatcaYrs....... — —................ 5,240 40 4,670 00 2 locomotive engines-................... -21, 345 00 21, 100 00 1 locomotive engine. —................ 17, 810 00 15,000 00 17 2 locomotive engines. —------------------ 5, 300 00 19, 000 00 1 passenger car-. —------------------- 1,517 68 1, 350 00 1 hospital car.-......................... 900 00 670 00 5 freight cars. —------------------------ 4,253 75 2, 350 00 149 tons railroad iron. —----------------- 19, 341 69 7, 375 50 26 locomotive engines................... 256, 215 40 294,600 00 I stock car. —--------— _ —------------- 900 00 485 00 92 freight cars. —----------------------- 78,269 00 53,00 00 32 flat cars. —-------------------------- 15,244 80 15,200 00 5 old cars. —--------------------------- 4,253 70 1,300 00 4 hospital cars- 3,600 00 2,790 00 185 freight cars. —---------------------- 157,388 75 108,800 00 15 stock cars -------------------------- 13,500 00 7,125 00 6 stock cars. —---------------- 5,)400 00 2,970 00 45 freight cars -. —--------------------- 38,283 75 19,600 00 4 locomotive engines. —---- -........ 30,210 00 46,0050 00 2 passenger cars ----------------------- 3, 035 36 2,750 00 I wreck car —. —.......................- 900 00 560 00 I pay car 900 00 800 00 7 stock cars ----------- -........... 6,300 00 2,835 00 3 locomotive engines. — -.... -- - 20,800 00 19,630 00 3 baggage cars. —-------------------— _ 1,350 00 1,830 00 31 freight cars. —----------------------- 26,373 25 23,75000 26 flat cars. —-------------------------- 12,386 40 16,640 00 578sA,4 tons railroad iron. ——........ 75,060 56 41,683 07 4 locomotive engines. —----------------- 18,500 00 20,05 00 16 flat cars ---... -............ 7, 622 40 7, 840 00 2 locomotive engines.-.................. 24, 720 00 32,900 00 23 flat cars.-........................... 10,957 20 12,580 00 4 freight cars. —------------------------ 3,403 00 1,360 00 1 locomotive engine — S...... —---—... 5,000 00 1,500 00 35 flat cars —--------------------------- 16,664 00 20,300 00 15 freight cars............ —------------ 12,76125 7,50000 4flat cars. —--------------------------- 1,905 60 2,000 00 2 passenger cars. —--------------------- 3,035 40 1,900 00 November 8 10 freight cars, (5-feet gauge). —-------- 12,500 00 5,000 00 446 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property,'-c.-Contiiued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ant received. 1865. November'22 1 hydraulic wheel press............. —. 1, 00 1,00000 1 railroad drill, large.00...............................00. I punching and shearing machine......... —-- -.. 1,525 00 4 15-ton jacks.........-............. 60472 3600 100 claw bars...................... 1600 27000 40 dozen files....................... 39840 220 00 6 head-lights, (kerosene)..-......... 51060 390 00 Dec. 12 to 15. 11 old desks and tables......... -—. 2255 1 desk-3 50.................... 1 counter scale -- 10. 5...............25 1 desk.................-............ 425 1 case drawers.......-.. —...... ——......... 7 00 69 sash6..1.....................- 62 10 4 sets match planes...... —.... 1900 260 1 20-inch circular saw......... —-........1800 10 00 101 sash................................. 99.... 4 stocks and dies...........- -.... 1 00 2600 2,115 pounds rubber packing............ 2,43225 1,247 74 47 feet second-hand rubber hose....... —9400 1713 3 head-lights -..........-.....-.... 2 30 6900 100 tons wrought scrap iron.............. 15, 00 4,75000 3 forges, portable.......-......-89 2.... 00 I pair ways....... - -......-.................... —------—..20 00 2 scows- —..... -.................................. 325 00 250 pounds curled hair....... —-........... 12625 12500 27 feet leather belting... --—...............2147 689 30 steam gauges...................... 8 95 96 00 1,011 feet wrought pipe —-. —-- - 1,880 46 1,011 00 I circular saw. —--....... —-. ——.. —-.......- 60 00 I circular saw. —--------.. —------- ---------- 12 50 1,667 pounds sheet copper....... —------ 1,239 14 800 16 294 pounds bar copper ---------- -------- 205 26 141 12 25 pounds sal ammonia —--- -- ---------- 18 50 4 88 67 pounds oxalic acid ------ -... —-. 45 23 10 05 23 pounds copper wire -----—. —....- 17 25 8 05 2,312 pounds roofing felt........ —------ 173 40 52 02 852 feet belting leather -----..... —- 677 34 527 53 15 water tanks -------.. -------- 975 00 1,455 00 37 wheelbarrows. —........ — --- 148 00 40 70 I11 stoves' —--------------------------- 2,887 11 230 15 1,200 pounds sheet iron —----- -...... 174 00 110 00 212 pounds spelter solder. — -.. —------ 106 00 65 72 9 boxes tin.......-.. —2-1-0... —-. 20 33 150 75 6 dozen axes.-.... —---- -. 240 48 85 50 11,194 pounds boiler iron - -... ----- ----------. 587 69 669 pounds 3-inch chain ------.............. —...- 91 99 252 pounds anchors..- -. ----—. —.- I- -- --- -. 13 86 10,945 pounds brass castings --—... — 6,348 10 2, 832 02 1 desk —-------—.. —------- - 3 00 I grindstone ------------ -- -. 14 52 4 60 Lot file handles -...... -- - ----- -------— 1 15 2chain vices —------------ ------------- 50 00 18 00 17 feet second-hand belting.- -. 1351 51 13 %0 tons cast-steel -.-.-. — - -.... 10,383 75 3,917 41 770 pounds blister steel. —---—... ——. ------ -. 57 75 2 dozen chopping axes -... -. --- ---- 80 16 22 50 10 timber buggies.. —-. —---- -. 59 50 10 00 100 pounds top mauls ---—...-....... 150 00 100 00 40 g-allons varnish. —-... -- ----- 288 54 70 00 142 dozen tin cups. —-- -......... —- 129 22 15 62 2222 dozen tin plates.-.. ---- ---- 306 36 I 28 31 422 mess pans-. --... —---------- 101-28 30 60 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 447 SchIedule of railroad property, S&c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865. Dec. 12 to 15. 170 dippers. —........................ $63 75 $7 23 410 dozen forks and knives.............. 311 60 92 25 229 dish pans ------ ------- ------ 49 24 104 tinboilers....... -- - ----- 46 96 121 slicks -.. —..-................. 352 50 84 70 259 pounds pike pole points —-.. —-- --- -.-23 31 123 grindstones - -.........-.............. 1,955 70 140 88 20 springs-..- --..... —-1 —-....... 195 27 9 water coolers —----- ------ 4500 27 00 2 caloric engines-.- -.. —- -.......... 415 00 27,700 pounds railroad spikes, 5-inch....-.' 2,3 093 00 1,419 63 7,506 pounds old stove pipe.............. - -1,989 09 215 80 11 sets blacksmith tools -.. —--- ---- -338 25 1,261 pounds axles - -.............. —. —. 107 18 31 53 7,470 pounds brass trimmings -.....-... —. 4,708 75 1,120 50 11,818 pounds scrap brass -.. ——......... 7,38625 2,718 14 8 tons scrap steel -... —-... —-...... —-.. 6,272 00 532 00 24 feet rubber belting................... 18 00 480 20 ~,~o tons spring steel - -........ —.. —... 18,984 00 2, 118 75 3 box stoves - -........... —............. 48 00 750 2 scales... —.. —-...... —.... —-. —... 34 10 30 00 171 dozen chalk lines..........-........ 30 36 14 88 41 screw jacks - -...........-.............. 348 50 250 00 44~ tons old car wheels....... —................. — --—.. 1,846 75 14 pairs old truck wheels................ - -686 00 429 00 6 old wheels-........................... 137 88 34 00 32,228 pounds cast chairs - -... —........... 3,2-222 80 443 14 9 circular saws......................... 225 00 130 50 I spirit level........................... 205 113 138 tons oldT iron...................... - -17,913 78 6,348 00 41 feet rubber hose.. —.....-.........-.. 95 12 2870 530 feet hose -.......... -.......-....... 1, 298 50 567 50 484 pounds brass wire....-.-.....-.. —.. 220 22 215 38 154 gallons varnish.. -....... —..... —.. 634 48 215 70 3J tons tire iron -.... -..-......-...-............ —...... 304 50 37, tons axle iron- - 7......................,98000 2,81250 3~ tons tire iron..... — -.........-.................... 304 50 44 chipping hammers -...... —-...-..... 44 00 25 90 I box broken wrenches. — —. —- ----- --—.. 11 00 44 chipping hammers --—... —-----—. 44 00 2506. 23,040 pounds railroad chairs............ - -2,304 00 691 20 20 screw jacks -...-...................- 367 00 296 00 247 gas pipe tongs...................... -- - - 869 44 61 75 13 screw jacks......................... 2861 192 25 I set tinners' tools....... -.....-.... —........ —- 262 00 1,350 pounds lead pipe - -.................. 13 5 00 151 88 I barrel pitch -...-...-......-.......... 13 10 400 70 gallons tar —......................5 50 11 20 2 barrels pitch - -...................... 2620 8 00 90 pounds white chalk.................. 405 180 35 pounds red chalk..... —.... -... ——.........-....- 2 89 44 pounds steel wire.................... —----- 880 1 barrel pitch.......................... 1310 400 93 pounds white chalk —. ------- ------- 1 86 950 pounds iron wire - -................ —. 228 00 106 88 2,624 pounds washers -...-......-... —-. 590 40 270 19 52 pounds Babbitt metal................ 3198 16 12 8. boxes tin.. —...-..........-.....-.. 198 64 129 00 27 sets grindstone fixtures.... —.. —..... 57 65 16 88 2 reams sandpaper -.. —-......-......... 11 00 650 26 pounds Babbitt metal................ 1599 806 10 reams emery cloth —.................... 405 80 100 00 11 reams sandpaper - -.................... 962 5 64 448 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865. Dec. 12 to 15. I scales....................... —-$1200 I dozen pint oilers --—.............2 52 8 reams emery cloth - - 324 64 80 00 2 marble slabs -.................2700 1550 26 gallons tar..-.............. 1950 416 3 barrels pitch.................- -3930 1200 117 augers....................2925 2 scales.......................24 00 3- dozen pint oilers - 8.......... 82 6 reams paper 64 50 308 quires paper emery. 7392 52 36 105 saw blades - -................ 21000 3675 12 dozen chopping axes 29016 132 00 268 gross screws. - --- 40736 58 17 310 pounds lye................- -8835 4340 725 pounds soda...............- -6887 29 00 2 desks --....................... 50 I desk........................4 50 I cupboard ----................... 425 I table and drawing board...... --- 25 1 wardrobe...................75 2 cupboards................... 6 75 2 desks and cases............ 22 25 4 chairs and stools - ---- 4 25 Lot car window sash........... 32 00 3 bedsteads...... —............. 525 7 stoves-......................08 5325 9 circular saws - -- -... 18000 12100 I stationery engine ---------------------.............. 610 00 4 pumping engines -.. --- ---- ---.............. 3,000 00 Lot cant-book handles...- -................... 4 00 I truck car...................... —....- -1 1500 3000 105 tons cast-iron scrap ------- ------ 1- 936 00 3, 832 50 118 8 tons cast-iron scrap ------ ---------- 14,630 00 4,037 50 114 tons old car wheels..................-.............. 5,016 00 4 locomotive tires............ —------ 1,647 00 296 78 1 locomotive tire............ —---------- 411 65 29 40 8 wheels.............-. -................ 183 84 50 00 56 wheels.............. —---------- 19,86 88 840 00 57,856 pounds railroad chairs ----... 5,785 60 1,771 84 389,777 pounds castings....... —----- 13,335 50 6, 333 88 3,100 pounds old files --------- ---------- 2,232 00 325 50 5 dozen mess pans -....- --- -. 24 40 14 00 90 dish pans....-.......... 67 50 24 dozen tallow pots............ -------------- 9 62 1865 and 1866. 57- dozen tin cups. —---... —.... - - 52 32 43 13 Dec. and Jan. 1,000 pounds 5-inch cut spikes -. —-. 90 00 60 00 1,000 pounds 6-inch cut spikes ----------- 90 00 60 00 81,494 feet pine timber -- - 259 76 3, 056 03 10,000 feet pine timber -..... — -—....- 400 00 375 00 47.529 feet hemlock-. 1,378 87 1,782 34 56,424 feet pine lumber........ —--------- 2,256 96. 2,115 90 1 desk. -......- --------------------- 4 50 46 tin buckets. ---- ---—... -- —..1.............6 90 137 gallons linseed oil.......... —------- 219 20 191 80 1 yawl boat —------------ ---------- 10656 8600 6 caldrons.............. —---------- 210 00 55 00 14 ventilators and pipes..........I... —... 35 00 I hand lathe -. —...... —------------- 10000 4000 Lot wooden mauls --—................. i.........- - —. 55 506j- tons strap rails ------------ -.. 30,657 63 I pumping engine ----------- -------.815 00 1 pile-driving engine.................... 3,740 00 525 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 449 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. 64 feet rubber.hose-1................ $148 48 768 72 68 feet rubber belting. —-------------- - 51 00 5 78 48 feet leater -.............................. 15 36 I portable saw-mill ——................ [ 1,300 00 1,375 00.39 vices ------------ -............... 1, 327 17 312 00 9,360 pounds frog points -—..................- 245 70 10 sets switch stands and fixtures........-...-.... —-. 265 00 34 pounds antimony................ 32 98 6 80 1*16 gas pipe joints-................. 72 79 21 00 morticing machine ——........................ 26 00 I pipe cutter -.- ----—................ 11 00 1100 I counter scales.-.-..-......-........ 17 05 4 25 11 clamp screws --—..-...-......... — 5 50 5 50 2,702sash — - - - - - - - —............................... 567 42 135 feet red glass --................ 101 25 28 35 173 boxes glass —............................... 881 35 13 switch ropes --—.....-....-............-.-.-..... 397 54 22 water tanks. —---—................ 1, 430 00 2,112 00 2 truck cars —-...- ---------—....... —.. 230 00 192 00 5,678 pounds frog points --...................... 567 80 17,877 pounds axles. —-................ 2,026 06 1,251 39 20 patent frogs —............................... 290 00 21,100 pounds boat spikes.. -.....-.-.... 2, 479 25 1,055 00 901 pounds chain-................ 90 10 67 58 00 feeat rubber hose-................. 1,160 00 550 00 3,045poundsrubber springs............. 3,654 00 1,582 50 9 tank hose —................ 242 55 15 30 3 dozen boy axes....... 23 06 5 hydraulic jacks. —---............. 750 00 350 00 3 tons old chain. -- —.-................ 1,747 20 204 00 84- tons bolt iron -------------------. 1,275 00 612 00 184- tons car repair material. ------ 1,239 50 8,906 pounds axles.-.....-. —---—.- 385 93 267 18 1,851 pounds grindstones.-. —------- 92 55 46 28 1 portable forge. —------............ 30 75 30 00 4 stoves.-...-........................ 104 05 42 00 108,000 shingles. —--------------------- 972 00 918 00 672 pounds rubber springs............... 806 40 302 40 10 sets switch stands.................... 137 50 25 000 400 feet wire cable. —-.......... - 150 00 150 00 Lot spigots................. —.... —--—..... —..... 1 05 1 set morticing chisels. —-.. —------- --—......... 1 65 2 buildings. —-- --;-.... —.- - —.....-...- 60 00 36 pounds sole leather --........... 13 68 10 80 14 skins. —.. 56 00 4 boring machines..-..-...- --- -. -- - 42 00 I set chisels. —--------------—....... 8 52 5 00 24 dozen hatchets. —---.... -- - 1755 1517 74 dozen garden hoes.-........... —- 88 00 44 00 2 dozen handled axes. —----------------- 57 60 29 00 269 augers - --.................. 271 69 58 52 9 dozen escutcheons. —--.. —-..-.. 11 52 90 I set chisels.-8-... —-. -...... —.. —. 852 2 00 1 building.................... —-—...... - - ------------ 30 00 5 buildings. —------------—............ 130 00 4 buildings -........ - -.. — -........... 50 00 Ibuilding. —----------.... —-. ——.............- 30 00 I building. -- -- -....... —.-................70 00 2 buildings. —--—............... —- —... —- 113 00 Jan. 1866. Lot miscellaneous tools.-.. ----------...... -- - 273 92 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. I blacksmith's fan.-.........-.......... 125 00 76 00 H. Ex. Doc. 155-29 450 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. An't received. 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. 109 adzes-.............-....... $29975 9810 I platform scales.........- -.....6258 1050 16 dozen axes.........-...-..... —- 43200 22100 4 coal scuttles --..... 00 5 00 81 dozen tin cups.......... —7371 5468 11 dozen switch locks......23100 11000 29 steel squares................- -3770 2973 179 gross screws.............. —27208 4568 1 counter scales - -... —.......... 1705 3 50 13 sashes ----—....... —-------—.............. —- 625 9 blacksmith's bellows —27208 58 50 100 Sibley stoves.............. 150 8 copper boilers............ 37 60 19 boring machines — — 122 50 52 25 1,744 pounds ox-chain - -1,62192 85.02 480 augers....................- -48480 96 00 26 smooth planes...............- -3510 585 8,687 pounds lead pipe - -86870 694.96 14 second-hand padlocks. 1750 3 75 52 pounds bell 60 17 36 400 carriage bolts..............- - -2600 100 83 pairs strap hinges —5229 15.59 5 plough planes.. - -.............. 4250 11 00 7 drawing knives - -.............1162 228 23 gouges -—.....................1552 92 22 spirit levels.................10 1320 133 planes...........16625 6955 190 chisels....................... ------ - ------- 30 88 11 trowels..... —........ —-.....- 19 25 2 20 149 wrenches -- -... —---------------— 596 00 137 83 1 signal wagon.... —.. —----- ------ -------- 82 00 I portable forge............. —---------- 29 75 4 00 4- dozen side lamps - -...- -—.-. ------------ 21 77 5' dozen No. 2 kerosene burners. -. —.. — 17 16 2 71 20- dozen globe valves.. —--—. —------- 705 80 19 00 87 augers................ —------------ 87 87 24 88 Lot benches, boxes, &c. -.-.-.-.-. —. —-----. —. 54 00 I second-hand cook-stove. —----.. —- 26 00 18 00 I stockade.-. -- ------—.. — ------------ 200 00 l rabbet planes. —-------------------- 15 40 1 38 1 spring balance. —------- - ----. 10 81 1 25 14 coffins................ —----------- 98 00 700 Ipairscales ----------—. —--.. 17 05 4 00 1-1 dozen 5-inch barrel bolts..... —----- 1 30 67 12- dozen 6-inch brass knob bolts........ 20 63 2 42 1 pound tinned rivets................- - -- 62 25 26 dozen pairs iron butts......... —------ 26 00 10 40 161 papers tacks............. —--------- 11 32 8 54 12y pounds copper burrs. —.. --- ---- ---------- ---- 8 50 lI- dozen bibbs......-... —.......- 60 00 20 59 I 2 dozen patent faucets. —------------ -- 523 159 I dozen try squares. —.... -- -- 8 20 2 00 ~ dozen short spirit levels. --- ----—. 6 10 1 34 8 hollow punches. —........ — —.:38 64 4 60 104 pairs strap hinges..- ---- -.. 65 52 28 04 2 dozen painted buckets......... —------ 10 13 5 00 14 pounds copper rivets. —-------- -- 11 90 9 10 I dozen bibbs............... —---------- 27 00 9 38 3 dozen fore planes............ —-------- 74 88 40 13 24 gross camel hair pencils........ —----- 94 50 5 63 5 gallons varnish.-....... ——.... 20 60 30 00 94 pounds lag screws.-....... —...-. — 27 26 5 64 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 451 Schedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. 1,612 pounds galvanized iron............ $290 16 $233 74 1 saw glummer.-..... ——. ----—. 21 (0 22 00 1, 064 gross screws- -....... 7- 1,617 28 740 29 1 link machine. --- -.... — -. 6 00 101 dozen car-window fasteners. —-—.. 39 06 18 38 122 pounds finishing nails.............. 24 40 16 17 1 letter press -....................... 23 35 5 00 dozen 6-inch tower bolts... —........- -.......... 67 12 dozen sail patterns...................... 30 dozen lock cocks --—.......-..... —. 3 99 4 19 6 sets firmer locket chisels -—....-... ——.... -......... 21 00 4 dozen doorbolts —............ - -------—............. — 5 26 dozen iron braces and bits ---- -......... 45 00 11 38.394 feet rubber hose................ 914 08 295 00 3 cleavers. —— 15................ 15 00 1 80 I building.- -. —-... --—. - -....... —------- 85 00 200 pounds Russia iron.-...-.... —-. 72 00 42 00 17 box stoves —..... -................ 442 1 7 48 88 7 office stoves- —................182 07 11 00 25. coal scuttles —-------....- -... 31 25 12 50 45 box stoves -—.....-................ 1,170 45 33 75 2 monkey wrenches —- -....-....-...... 6 25 560 400 feet rubber hose................ 928 00 420 00 3 hose nipples-...... —......-. -7 50 44 cook stoves and fixtures. ---- -—. 1, 144 44 836 00 18 anvils (3,487 pounds)............... 5 94 297 09 1 pumping engine............................... 550 00 297 blocks. —----.................. 3, 415 50 762 46 5,389 pounds claw bars.-.............. 502 97 498 48 845 pounds pinch bars. —--........- 78 86 82 39 1,477 bridge wrenches. —---—.... —- 4,421 00 110 78 35,851 second-hand track bars.-.....- 3, 346 09 3,226 59 133 taps and dies -----.............. -------------- 101 08 3 48-inch circular saws. —-... —-. 636 00 83 25 1,301 second-hand lanterns. —------------ 1,951 50 650 50 39 box vices. —----------------— 1, 326 78 656 33 13 hydraulic jacks. —------------------- 2,002 00 1,056 75 2 head lights. —------------------------ 170 20 89 00 11 head light reflectors. —---........ --—. —----- 77 00 52 timber buggies. —........ -- - 309 40 109 20 1371 tons wrought scrap iron. —---------- 43,120 00 7, 112 50 15 tons English T iron. —-------—....... 1,947 15 780 00 541 tons second-hand iron. —------------ 17, 012 80 3,797 50 1781 — tons assorted bar iron..-o....... 55, 986 14 16, 538 55'267i tons railroad iron. —---------------- 34 694 39 19,726 07 104,352 pounds railroad chairs. —....- 10, 435 20 2, 959 12 1 pair ways and hammers. —-.. ------ ---...... 116 00 2 pairs ways framed. —----—...... —. ------------ 90 00 260,733 feet 3-inch pine planks. —------- 9,12o 65 6,779 06 544,333 feet pine timber. —----------- - 21 773 32 12, 248 62 113 patent car springs.-3 —--- ---------- 3,390 00 565 00 I steam hanmer. —------------------- 2, 051 00 1, 450 00 1,041 feet wrought pipe —-............. 895 20 286 28 56,232 pounds old railroad spikes. —----- 5, 060 88 1,827 54 13,128 pounds 8-inch boat spikes. —------ 1,542 54 574 35 115,588 pounds 7-inch boat spikes. —-- - 13, 681. 59 5,779 40 8,100 pounds 7-inch cut spikes —...- 899 84 374 63 34,100 pounds 6-inch cut spikes. —------ 3, 367 34 1,705 00 2,100 pounds IOd nails- 178 50 112 88 723 feet leather belting --------- --------- 57840 13014 200 pounds rubber packing- ------------- 300 00 124 00 11 boxes 12 by 18 glass ---------------—. 110 00 61 88 452 RAILROAD PROPERTY Schedule of railroad property, &Sc.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. 16 boxes 18S by 22 glass..-.....-..................... -$104 00 5,046 pounds old chain................. $504 60 353 22 8 boxes 20 by 24 double thick glass.......... 56 20 23 boxes 9 by 16 ground glass..... —......1...-..-.... 97 75 900 square feet spark netting........... 522 00 229 50 2 marble slabs and mullers............. 27 00 9 00 2,552 pounds assorted paints - -....-.............. 382 80 1041 dozen eag-le Tripoli............... 104 50 47 03 520 pounds pulverized rotten-stone........ 52 00 26 00 338 pounds flour emery.................. 37 18 28 73 43 pounds pulverized pumice stone. 4 30 3 33 2,465 pounds assorted rivets..... —.. —- 640 90 295 80 3974 boxes 12 by 121 bright tin ---—...... 82 25 57 07 12.A4 boxes 10 by 14 bright tin-.... —- 289 50 210 15 775 boxes lantern glasses................ 837 00 46 50 6,364 pounds nuts...................... 1, 294 01 551 78 31 1-l-inch tackle blocks.......-.....-.. 186 00 155 00 12 dozen axes..................... —-- 289 44 168 00 48 patent sheaves- 86 80 36 00 51 dozen 1-gallon oil cans - -- --— 20 63 8 glue pots -......................... 0 40 10 80 202 mallets............................ 117 10 50 50 1 universal chuck, 12-inch..............- 63 50 40 00 2 hydraulic jacks, 30-ton................ 357 84 200 00 3 circular saws, 10-inch................. 22 50 9 00 3 circular saws, 12-inch................. 27 00 9 00 3383 pounds turned iron rivets........... 94 85 99 93 27 dozen pairs iron butts, 3-inch.......... j 27 00 18 90 13 dozen pairs iron butts, 2 —inch......- -13 00 9 10 42- dozen pairs iron butts, 2~-inch........ 42 30 27 41 41 dozen papers tacks, 8-ounce. 4 75 2 50 1 dozen papers tacks, 7-ounce 1 00 53 15 dozen papers tacks, 6-ounce..... —.-. 15 00 7 88 71 dozen papers tacks, 5-ounce.. —....- 7 67 4 03 3$- dozen papers tacks, 4-ounce............ 3 33 1 75 14 boring machines..................... -91 00 50 40 49 tackle blocks.........-.. -—......... 372 00 290 00 I dozen hand screws, 18-inch......-.................I 5 52 1$ dozen hand screws, 15-inch......................- - 5 60 27 notch blocks........-............-.............. 96 00 128 pounds marlines -.. ——..... —...-. 75 04 17 92 51$ dozen Ames's shovels............... 1,287 50 664 50 1,369 pounds steel track mauls..........- 410 70 246 42 359 pounds track chisels -—.. —.. —....... — 64 62 387 pounds railroad punches -....j —-.. 135 45 54 18 12 dozen bastard files, 6-inch.-........ —-.......... 12 60 8)'2 dozen bastard files, 4-inch. ——.....-..... 6 44 A dozen try -squares, 10-inch...-...... 7 38 3 00 82 dozen try-squares, 7~-inch 6 656 2 00 3 hollow punches, #-inch-. 16 20 1 35 4 hollow punches, $-inch-..... 21 60 2 40 4 hollow punches, — inch..... —..... —- 21 60 2 40 728 pounds chain, 4-inch................ 119 20 75 53 3- gross gimlets................... 24 30 16 44 3 dozen flat varnish brushes, 2$-inch 15 00 10 88 45 dozen flat varnish brushes, 3-inch —.. 24 16 29 42 -H dozen paint brushes, 000000.- 27 50 6 88 i dozen paint brushes, 0000...... —-..... 15 75 8 25 -I dozen paint brushes, assorted.......3 33 3 67 4 dozen varnish brushes, 0000 -.. —-- -—......... 3 00 15 dirt carts —.......................................... 2,850 00 8 coils wire cable, 3,200 feet-......-..... 9,600 00 1,440 00 I oil tank.................. —........................ 16 00 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 453 Schedule of railroad property, &fc.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Am't received. 1865-66. Dec. and Jan. 39 gallons brown japan and tank-. -....... 125 00 $58 50 31 gallons black japan and tank.......... 101 00 62 00 42 gallons coach varnish.-. —-----—.... 276 50 168 00 68 pounds pumice stone —.............. 6 80 2 72 96 pounds muriatic acid............. 18 24 3 36 280 pounds borax-................ 221 20 84 00 24 feet second-hand leather belting, 5-inch. 19 08 3 60 27 feet second-hand leather belting, 7-inch 21 47 5 40 346 feet rubber hose, 2+-inch............. 802 72 432 50 52 feet tank ose, 9-inch.......................... 88 40 12 feet second-band hose, 4-inch. 29 40 4 80 26 feet second-hand hose, 6-inch......... 63 70 14 30 22 feet second-hand hose, 9-inch --—... 53 90 9 24 1,780 pounds log screws, I- by 5-inch. —-. 516 20 155 75 202 p9unds railroad rivets, 14 by — inch.. - 50 50 20 20 172 pounds tank hose rivets, 1+ by 1-inch. 44 52 17 20 213 pounds sheet steel —................ 93 90 53 25 330poundssheetbrass —................ 206 25 165 00 1,900 pounds tallow. — -................ 256 50 114 00 4 tires, 3,520 pounds................ 6 54 352 00 I planer...........- —.............................. 3,000 00 I lathe. —... —----—................ 4,500 00 3,275 00 I boring machine. -.... —-----—.... 1, 025 00 1, 105 00 2 hand drills --- —.............................. 158 00 3,224 pounds axle iron -................ 306 28 193 44 158 pounds L Joints............................... 23 70 5Tjoints............................. 3 00 14 union joints, 2-inch - - - -.-. —-.- -- 7 00 34 nipples, 1-inch. —--------- --------- 5 27 2 72 59 gross brass screws, I+-inch -.... —--- 91 75 79 65 26 gross brass screws, — inch ----—.... 61 10 780 62 gross round head screws....... —----- 124 00 62 00 36 dozen white lanterns --—...........-.. 2,183 76 864 00 21 dozen red lanterns --—.... —-------- 9807 7583 71 dozen handsaws.-....... —-...- 135 00 112 50 45 crosscut saws, 51 feet -—. —------- 225 00 146 25 5 slates................. —------------ 9 45 10 00 20 slicks, 3-inch -—....... —----------- 50 00 20 00 12 dozen maul handles ---------- -------- 27 60 15 00 12 dozen pick handles.......... —------- 30 24 19 80 12 dozen axe handles........... —------- 28 80 19 20 12 dozen Ten Eyck axes........ —------ 312 48 147 00 3A dozen track adzes —.-.-.-....-. 112 75 54 67 7 i dozen carpenters' adzes....... —----- 253 00 115 00 5 tinners' furniaces.-... --- ----- --- ----- -. 10 00 48+ dozen handled axes.. —----------- 97 22 675 50 2 platform cars. —---------..... —-. 1, 270 00 800 00 18 shad-belly bridges —.... —--...... -- - 252 00 1,470 pounds blacksmiths' tools. --- --- -—.. 121 28 45 cook-stoves and fixtures ------ -------- 1,170 76 630 00 Ibell..................................-. —. —-—.. —- 20 00 2 marline spikes.. —------------—..... — -.2 20 1,212 pounds steel tools —------ --------- 484 80 181 80 821 pounds iron tools.......... —-------- 147 78 123 15 11 handsaws..... —... —----—...... 166 50 94 35 110 mallets............... —----------- 64 46 7 70 30 taps. —---------—.. —-------------- 48 84 54 00 40 chipping hammers- - 40 00 24 40 605 pounds railroad forks.............................. 30 25 35 pairs strap hinges, 14-inch....... —--- 22 05 9 80 19 copper strainers.-............. —-....... —- 9 50 162 hinged hasps, 8-inch -------- -------- 88 12 21 06 150 pounds lampwick.......... —------- 360 00 127 50 454 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Contiued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1865-'66. Dec. and Jan. 10 globe valves, — inch —-9 41.$2 50 1 globe valve, 1-inchb- 294 2 00 11 2 dozen tape-measures, 100 feet 30 47 1742 212 dozen monkey wrenches, 15-inb --- 96 93 46 50 2 sets chisels, turners'.-2800 10 50 50 gas-pip.e couplings, 2-inchb-3350 5 00 6~ dozen caulking irons — 3900 2600 ] 172 dozen caulking mallets - -2850 9 50 14 carpenters' stone hammers -... -- 200 44 coffee boilers —— 33 00 11 dozen quart oilers —..........8970 10 dozen tea-kettles 10 00 5}l dozen 1-gallon oil cans- - -4851 23 33 169 pounds old brass. 9464 38 87 14 spiking hammers -— 21 42 32 shovels.................... —4179 1120 15 tamping bars...............7 50 4 track gauges................ 80 2 raising bars.................- -25 00 15 lining.....................- -24 00 10 cold chisels........-....-.....-1000 600 18 picks...................... —2901 900 4 claw bars -—................... 920 2 adzes....................... —------- 550 220 2 crank cars....-....- -........... 250 00 99 00 2 water crank pumps — 17730 180 00 2 tank stoves-.......-........... 5203 24 00 2 lamps --- -- 00 39,333 feet old timber --------- ---------- 1, 573 32 737 49 1 drill press ----- -..... - ------------- -1 00 00 1 dozen saw-sets. --------------------- 24 34 1 50 February,'66 2 desks...- - -—.. —-5 —---------.25 2 scales.....-.-.....-......-....... ---—......... 6 75 2 tackle blocks. —---—.... —--—.... -- 24 00 14 75 1 broad rule.... —---—..- ----------—. 2 15 1 00 2 carboys ------ -... —-... — 7 00 2 00 Iifeetsecond-hand leather belting, 11-inchb 8 76 3 30 126 feet rubber belting ---------- -------- 94 50 18 90 105 feet rubber hose........... —-------- 243 60 26 25 I pump ----............-.......... --------- ----- 4 00 51 feet rubber hose,'-inchb ------- ------- 11832 1122 5 dozen kerosene lamp shades....... —--- 30 50 4 63 4 sash planes............... —--------- 8 00 1 60 19,077 pounds rope.......... —--------- 5, 341 56 3, 922 71 2 desks —---..-......... —.. —---- 5 50 1,421 pounds tarred rope ---------------- 483 14 238 02 I skiff-. -................................ —..2 5 00 21,399 feet old plank --—.....-...... 748 96 492 18 5,752 feet old poplar --------------- ---- - --------- 143 80 1,933 feet walnut -—.................. ---- ---------- 183 64 17,741 feet assorted lumber ------- ------- 709 64 496 75 1,400 pounds 8d nails.......... —------- 119 00 84 00 I cook stove and fixtures ---. -- - 75 00 31 50 I portable engine —-------— _ —------- - 5, 400 00 610 00 I portable saw mill -- -4, 300 00 1, 325 00 14 tons old grate bars.. -- --- - ----- -.-... 143 50 4,198 feet belting...-.... —......-...- 3,345 80 2,276 84 2 tables.-... -- --............ -------------- 1 20 1 building............................. - - ------------ 135 00 + dozen try-squares -—.-.-.....-...... 4 92 78 Islick.-........................... —..2 50 125 3 desks —-------------- -------------—. 9 25 3 watering cans ------------- --------- - 600 1 35 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 455 Schedule of railroad property, &Sc.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Am't received. 1866. February. 201 camp kettles...........$..........2- 86 42 $22 11 9 coalbunks.......................... 11 25 4 05 45 office stoves......................... 1,170 76 191 25 6 parlor stoves.............-.......-... 156 10 24 00 1,260 shovels and spades................ 1,645 56 333 90 1,220 picks............................. 1,966 64 585 60 1 pumping engine....... —.. --—.......:......... 275 00 19 caulking mallets -..... ----—.......... 28 50 8 55 5 boring machines...................... 32 50 20 00 5 head-light reflectors....-..........-................ -45 00 I hay cutter......... ——......... ——.-.............. 20 00 146 sash, 876 pounds -......-...-...-................. 78 84 2 small cars............................ 100 00 40 00 2 new dirt cars.-.............-... -................... 150 00 1 pile-driver and hammer.. —-....-. ——.-.............. 450 00 5 floats......................-........................ 100 00 22,895 feet old tank..................... 698 29 303 36 5,200 cross-ties -..-..................... 3,099 20 820 00 107,500 feet old timber.................. 4,300 00 1,075 00 Lot old plank........................................ 250 00 75,389 feet ash......... —.........-................ 1,507 78 3 boilers....................... —.................. 600 00 4,250 nails............................. 361 25 257 13 838 feet second-hand belting............- 667 88 180 70 145 feet second-hand hose -...........-........-... 54 38 443 pounds chain.-............... 46 95 33 23 2 grindstones, 1,940 pounds............ 29 02 19 40 258 pounds salt......................... 12 90 1 29 6 locomotive balances.-...-. —-.... 165 00 2 40 1 yawl boat -.......................... 106 56 21 00 4 skiffs................................ 686 80 76 00 12 dozen axes.......................... 290 16 162 00 1 dozen switch locks -................-.............. 10 50 1,000 pounds top mauls.............................. 100 00 29 grindstones........-..-...........-. 420 79 107 30 8,797 pounds lining bars...-... -...... 825 71 791 73 1,310 pounds track chisels -....................... 196 50 85 steel squares..........-... —......... 110 50 46 75 41 bench screws........ —-.........-.. 35 87 16 40 116 broadaxes..-...........-........ 387 44 179 80 108 saws....-....................... 162 00 264 60 5 boring machines.................... 32 50 20 00 2 platform scales --..................- 125 15 14 75 756 pounds railroad tongs..-.....-.. —. 113 40 49 14 4 head lights..-........-............ 340 40 240 00 1,178 pounds top mauls..-......... —.. 353 40 129 58 574 pounds sledges.................... 114 80 78 93 3,778 pounds spike mauls............... 1,133 40 576 15 1,080 chopping axes.................... 2,176 20 734 40 87 timber jacks.....-.............-.............. 65 25 77 cant hooks and handles.... —---—.....-.....-..... 43 12 10 iron truck cars..-..............-................- 520 00 5 pairs track wheels.....-...........-.. 245 00 175 00 I engine track........... —-...............-.......... 205 00 6 buildings ---..................- -.......... 1,735 00 108 gallons turpentine.......... 350 56 87 48 2 sets morticing chisels...-............. 28 00 3 50 104 wood buckets....................... 41 60 4 68 92 coffee boilers -................-........... 7 36 I planing machine -—............-.-.............. 150 00 I bolt-cutting machine -...........................- 35 00 1 switch stand and fixtures......-...... —......... 30 00 104 pounds railroad tongs and forks.................... 6 76 456 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received.. 1866. February.. 155 pounds lining bars — 14 46 13 95 40 pounds tamping bars --- 73 240 45 pounds claw bars —........... 430 416 65 pounds spike mauls — -13 00 11 pounds sledges........20 157 22 pounds cold chisels-........... 80 330 1 hand car.....................11500 49 50 1 iron car..................... 50000 5200 1 truck car- —....................27 50 1 saw.........................50.125 2 axes.............. 450 275 1 chipping hammer —-—........ — 00 75 1 pair ways and hammers —-75 00 86,667 feet old timber —--- 346668 1,62500 441 oil cans, tanks and pumps ------.. — -9702 106 wash basins —-----------—... —........-.... 795 6 scoops................... ——.. —-- 300 150 30 cook stoves.... ----—......... 2,25000 10950 21,603 pounds second-hand rope-6, 048 84 2,24131 99 broadaxes -............. — 33066 159 39 37 caulking chisels —-7 40 2 counter scales —.. —-- —..... 34 10 425 Lot crockery ware —- 16 00 26 meat platters-............... 6500 2080 131 buck saws..-....... —13100 5895 94 sash (564 lbs.) —------ -.....-......6063 103 ox yokes. —-—...1,05636 20085 79 track gauges —. —--—. —------ ----—. —- 3 95 37 truck cars. ——. —----------------- --—... —-- 642 75 3 large car boilers. —.. —-----—...- --—... —- 9 00 2 l tons wrought-iron draw-heads. — ------—. —. 198 38 14 40 tons bolts. —----—. —---- 2,450 29 1,291 36 42 car wheels. —-----.......... — 965 32 483 00 51 pairs truck wheels —.... --- --- 2,499 00 160 65 5k tons railroad iron ------—.. —----- 681 52 300 56 5,100 pounds frog wings --—.. —-------- -------—... 140 25 268,884 feet assorted hemlock.. —-------- 3 844 93 113 gross screws. —----.... - - 171 87 32 20 2 derricks ---------—.-. -- -- -- -. 33 00 14,711 feet pine, 4 x 11 ——. —--... ---- -- 441 33 13,600 laths -------...............- 408 00 59 50 10 grindstones, (4,034 lbs.) —-- ---—. —- 201 70 73 57 39,489 pounds assorted nails. —-.. —--- 4, 143 79 2,244 02 12 emery wheels. —--—.. ——.. —----- 360 00 90 00 750 pounds resin. —. —--.. —-........- 75 00 30 00 100 pounds gum-shellac. —--------—. 132 00 35 00 600 pounds plate washers-..-.... -—. 135 00 60 00 4 screw jacks, (24 inches) - --------- 34 00 41 00 150 cords wood.. -------------—. --—......... 150 00 25,249 feet plank ------—..... —--- -----—...... 353 49 2,000 feet oak lumber ------------------------- 28 00 1 building. - --- -.. — ------ ---- -.. 600 00 Lot pine ties. —---------------..-.. —- ---------—. 800 00 15,250 feet pine plank ---—.. —------- ---—....... 244 00 Lot pine ties --—..-..... —... -.. -..... --—. —-- 150 006,000 feet square timber -....... —--- ------ -.... 600 00 March 9. 2 box freight cars.- ---—.. ——. -- - 850 75 265 00 I old boiler -..... —- -......... —-—..-... 460 00 I locomotive engine, "J. J. Mare'. ——... —......-.. 1,800 00 I locomotive engine, "Vulcan". —-..... 9,250 00 1,575 00 I locomotive engine, "Chickahominy" - 7,800 00 5,000 00 I locomotive engine, "Maus9........... 9 000 00 7 275 Oa, RAILROAD PROPERTY. 457 Schedule of railroad property, 8&c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Am't received. 1866. April 4, 10, 11, 26 cords wood. —.................-....... $58 50 and 12. I rail bender-............................. 1. ri..b. d 10 00 I platform scale —--—................. $62 57 39 00 85 truck gauges.-... — -.............. 148 75 17 00 I locomotive engine, W. V. Wright...... 12, 088 72 10, 400 00 1,176 pounds top mauls..... —-- -. 1,764 00 99 96 18 old trucks. —-.............................. 2, 340 00 4 pair truck wheels —............... 196 00 200 00 2 stock cars.............- -1............ 1,800 00 1,016 00 16 sets switch fixtures............................ 320 00 3 10-ton hydraulic jacks................ 375 00 174 75 23 patent frogs —............................... 414 00 3,000 pounds wrought scrap iron.......-...-..-. 90 00 9 Henderson pumps —................ 990 00 315 00 7 tender springs -—.............................. -28 00 8,291 pounds couplings ------------.... —...... 290 19 12,954 pounds tie rods —.......................-..... 1, 036 32 April 10, 11, 12 389 pounds switch slides -....................... 24 34 5 water strainers - -................-.............. 1 75 I broken saw —... —.... —....-.......... --- -- 01 I ratchet wrench —.........-.. —.. —-..........0.. 0 0 2vices............. —-----... —-- -. 68 04 21 00 790 pounds blacksmiths' tools...... -... —... — - 49 38 2 hydraulic jacks --- -.............-... 250 00 145 00 160 pounds steel tools —.............-. 64 00 * 22 40 1 pumping engine - -1-................. 1,800 00 1,100 00 5-stoves -- -...................... 26 00 15 30 50 pounds stove pipe ——. —---- 1350 1 25 18,046 pounds spike nails -. —----- --- 633 82 3 Henderson pumps.. —... -—......... -33000 16 75 2,005 pounds nuts...... —...- —.......... 601 50 110 28 4,506 pounds chain couplings. --—. ------------ 95 76 3,860 pounds monkey switch fixtures....-. —. —---- - 43 43 1 telegraph battery -..... - -.-.-......-. — - 50 2,238 pounds bolts --—.-. ---- 1-1 ----------- III 90 70 pounds open links -. —---------- 2 10 53 feet hose ----........-.......... 129 85 5 83 2.5 pounds oxalic acid —..... —-... —- 16 75 50 595 pounds tripods -----------... —- —....- 8 93 1,309 pounds steel..... —.......... —.. 45815 109 82 8,663 pounds iron —---------- ----------- 476 46 326 54 17,000 pounds railroad spikes..... —----- 1,530 00 790 50 1 rail bender --------------------------- - 11 00 5frogs..... ——...... —--------------- 124 55 155 00 50 feet hose. —---—... —------------- 122 50 10 00 4blocks................ —-------------- 4600 360 6 screw jacks.. —-------------------- 51 00 30 00 28 ox-yokes.-.......... —.......-. —- 287 00 56 00 I pair dividers.....- -....... —--- 2 21 60 22 feet hose............... —----------- 53 90 3 30 11 axes-.. — -.... —...........- 36 74 12 10 2 pumps —---------------------------—. — ---------- 32 25 i barrel pitch. —------------ ---------- 6 55 90 4 pumps —-........... - - - ------------- 20 00 5 pumps ----------... - - -- ------------ 32 75 92 pounds mauls ------------ ----------- -..... —- 9 20 35 buckets —------------- -------------- 14 00 2 28 154 feet hose.............. —-..... —--- 377 30 33 60 1 triangle..............................-.... — - ------- 2 00 9 monkey wrenches. —......... -- —... 28 08 1 35 312 pounds files............ —---------- 258 96 9 3G 1 stock and dies. —---.........- ---- - --------- 6 00 36 boxes........-...-................- -------- - ---—. 3% *458 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. An't received. 1866. April 10, I,12 3 scales......................... —-5115 $26 50 8 screw jacks........... —..... —...... 6800 22 96 48 stove-door buckles - - -— 04 33 files................................-. 2739 207 3 pumps. ——.. ——... —........... — - -—....-.....52 50 40 gallons resin oil ---.... —.. —...........5 00 1,739 pounds grindstones - -............. 8695 26 09 100 tin cups-................... —-.. 770 50 1 pair timber wheels. ——........... —..- ----..............00 320 gallons sperm oil....... —........ 70080 54400 170 feet gas pipe...... —.. —.... —------..........65 17 85 200 gallons crude oil —- —............... -- -3200 50 oil barrels -....... —.. - - -----—................ 950 2 coal buckets-....... -—...................... —-- 20 50 7 oil cans................. 700 5 25 1 lot file handles......... —-... ——..............5 00 41 lanterns. —.- --------—............................30 1 refrigerator -.. —... —--------—..... —-........... —........- 13 50 720 kerosene wicks....... —-........... —.-...... 4 00 21 gas shades.................. -...-... —-3108 2 92 36 level tubes --- - - -- 460 113 128 chimnies........................... —------— 728 667 1 slate —- -........-.............. — - 190 50 13 lamps -.......... —--.... —--------—........ — 2489 488 3 5-gallon cans... —--.....-..... — 525 255 40 car oilers. —...... —-----—.... -......-... —-.............. — 16 50 1 lantern.................... 505 110 6 buildings —- 2,405 00 2,107 pounds old glass............ ---—.....- - ------ 7 90 28 oil cans...........- -.......... I —------------ 1 40 12 dippers. —--------. —--------—.. 4 53 84 68 spoons -- -...-.... —-----—. —- ------—.... 340 2 pilots. —--- -- -------- -..... — 10 00 1 cupboard. —. -- -. ——... -... —... — 2 50 1 stationary engine -—... —--------—.-... — -... 565 00 10 trucks -----------—... —----. -- -- 25 00 20lamps. —-------------------—. —-- 455 200 Iscale —------------- -.. —.. —--- 6258 5000 38 whip-lashes.-..................... 14 25 5 00 28 tape-measures.-..-. —---. --- 44 94 8 75 6 squares —----------.......-....... 5 22 1 00 12 saws. —--------------------------- 41 70 11 40 2 hydraulic jacks. —. -- ---—. - 308 00 116 50 122 chisels - 36 60 27 96 6 wheelbarrows. —-..... —-. —... 24 00 6 00 4 balances.. —.............. —--—.. 4324 260 20flags -... ------—.. —--- 10 38 lights glass.. -- -------—.. --- -—. I — - - -... 1 43 5 bench screws.. —----- -----—. 4 37 50 1 blacksmith's bellows.-. - -. 27 00 18 00 25 basins................ —---------- 24 72 1 25 38 pans —-------------------------—. — 19 00 7 60 4 boilers --------------- -------------- 4 60 2 20 4 scuttles ----------...... —.6 00 90 31 window fasteners -. -- -----.1 9 61 93 2 vices ---....... --- ------ 6800 500 2 anvils ---------------------------- 18478 775 196 spoons... —-.....-.... —..-...- - -- --.. — 50 2 scales --------------- -.... — 3410 2 00 8stoves — 20800 775 I grindstone -.... --- ---—.. I-.1... -- -- 16 00 24 door bolts.............. —--------- -1 50 92 padlocks -.115 00 15 34 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 459 Schedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Amn't received. 1866. April 10, 11, 12 375 rim locks -----..... — -. 116 25 1,178 carriage bolts-.. —.... ——.... —.. $70 68 11 78 134 files- —............................... 111 22 2449 2 boring machines...................... 13 00 1050 12 picks............................... 19 35 10 25 252 hammer handles. — -.....-....-...... 88 20 13 86 29 mortice gauges....................... — -.............. 17 52 2 molasses gates - -.....-...-.-..........- 2 50 70 17 saw-sets - —............................ 3295 113 1 sand sieve -...-.-.........- -—...................-.. 1 00 6 squares...-.... —-...-. —............- 492 150 35 spokeshaves -.. ——................... 18 00 658 12 buck saws.......................... - - -12 00 750 3 butcher saws - -..-.......-.......-.... 900 249 12 varnish brushes..................... — - 504 11 50 19 plough planes....................... 161 50 49 50 5 coal scuttles -.........-...... -......- 125 3 75 106 match boxes - —...................................... 3 18 10 graters........................................... 30 36 washbasins-........................................ 7 20 504 teaspoons........................................ 7 00 9 slates................................ - - -17 10 200 329 tin pans....................................... 48 00 26 small shovels - —........................ 6 50 260 250 candlesticks........................ - - -29 36 834 5 currycombs. -.................................... 63 1 saw gummer - —......................... 2100 150 17 trowels............................. - - -29 75 11 20 8 lanterns............................. — -..............- 400 309 augers —.................-............ 39 39 109 24 2 water-coolers -. —..................... 10 00 525 23 augers- —.............................. 23 23 598 2 blocks............................... - - -23 00 75 19 hammers...................... —.... 21 37 5 13 54 pounds gas-pipe tongs -..-....-..................... 432 588 files............................... - - -488 04 103 68 288 auger handles - -.....-.............-. 57 60 11 14 1,314 pounds tents -..-.....-.....-.... —............... 108 41 553 pounds rope -......-..........-........ 160 37 25 54 1 tank hose. —......-...........-......- 6 98 60 60 feet belting.......................... - -1182 930 21 monkey wrenches. —..... — -......... 65 66 19 95 2 stoves.......-.-...-.........-..... 5202 250 I refrigerator.............. —........................ 00 1 grindstone- —........................... 14 52 250 1 blackboard......- -. —.-.. —........................ - -50 60 hooks and staples -..-..... —-.......-............... 1 65 11 pairs handles.. -- -............-...-................ - -1 38 8 locks... — -..........-... —.......................... 32 00 19 buckets - —........................................... 15 20 300 pounds oakum...................... - - -45 00 19 13 18 feethose............................ - - -44 10 900 176 stretchers.......................... — -.............. 16 20 10 stoves.............................. - - -260 10 15 00 I forge - —............................... 2975 200 1,931 pounds ox-chain.................. - - -1,801 62 41 04 8 pieces webbing - -.......-.-..-..........- 42 00 13 00 197 pounds bridge wrenches.. ——... —....-..........- 985 1 counter scales. —-- ---- - 17 05 175 1 building. —.........-...........-..................- 98 00 2 buildings.. ——.............-...-..-.....-.......... 245 00 1 cupboard.. — -......-....-.....-.................... -11 00 I building-........................-................... 91 00 460 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1866 April 10,1 1,12 I cupboard -..-.........-...................- $3 00 I stove —. —$.................. —------- 26 01 375 22 dust-brushes. ——........-.......... ]4 74 2 93 1 scale -...........-..........-...... 62 58 15 50 4 blocks. —-........................... 46 00 21 50 17.000 bricks —........................................ 102 00 2 buildings -—..........-..............-.............. 44 00 189 locks —..-......................... 110 03 45 94 384 screw-eyes......................... —.............. 1 28 31 pounds rivets -........................6 66 3 41 23 night-latches........................ 19 09 4 79 31 conductors' punches -................................- 7 43 242 papers saddlers' nails -..-.-..-.............-....... 4 84 513 files............................... 105 79 58 55 566 pounds mauls... —..-.......... -................. 56 60 60 ship axes........................... —.............. 70 00 78 broadaxes.......................... 260 52 78 00 1,092 axe handles...................... 218 40 45 50 24 bead awl handles....... —........ —-...............- 50 18 panel gauges. —....... —................. —..-.-... 87 43 saw-sets............................ 58 05 6 72 12 nail sets............................ —.............. 50 6 compass saws...-... —.....-........-.............. 2 10 30 drawing-knives —-....... 52 50 11 25 2 sets turners' gouges................... 34 00 5 50 204 yards enamelled cloth............... 332 52 102 00 116 hunters' hatchets................... 76 56 58 00 3 soldering irons..-..... —......- -.............. 1 95 240 shingling hatchets.-... —-—........ 160 00 120 00 36 planes.............................. 45 00 29 75 3 scoops. —......-.........-.......................... 60 1 cleaver-.............................. 500 1 00 11 broadaxes......-.................... 36 74 9 90 2 circular saws. —.....-.............-................ 1 30 1 letter press. ——..................... 23 33 1 75 1 clock. ——.......................................... 19 00 856 chisels -.-..-..................................... 306 76 Lot printing presses, type, &c..........-. —....-...... 1, 300 00 I cutting machine. —..................... ——..-...... 55 00 1 ruling machine.......-................ 262 75 115 00 214 chimneys.......................... -28 89 8 14 12 counter brushes -.. —-....-........... 8 04 1 63 I building............................. —.............. 800 00 53 gouges............................. 33 75 1 13 26 planes.............................. 32 00 14 30 8 pokers. ——.......... —....-....................... -40 3 lanterns............................. —.............. 1 65 1 building -......... —..-..............-.............. -27 00 2 buildings............................ ----... 157 00 2 buildings —.......................................... 64 00 1 building.-...-.. —.................................. 20 00 Isalooncar - —.......................................... 6,850 00 95 bolts. —..-......................... 1947 5 39 703 butts.............................. 56 24 30 92 217 papers tacks........................ 17 36 11 10 50 blocks..............................- 575 00 171 13 500 pounds mauls. —-.....-...-....-................. 38 75 21 clocks.............................. 199 08 56 40 11 spirit levels-2.......................... 255 12 84 13 paint brushes...-........ —.....-... 32 50 9 66 3U packages gold leaf........-..-.....-................. 14 00 9 sets chisels........................... 76 68 12 60 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 461 Schedule of railroad property, &c.- Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1.866. April,, I brace and its................ — 1270 $3 13 Aprl1.156 broad hatchets.................-.... 1.... 1.7 00 25,947 feet oak plank-................ 908 14 544 89 308 feet hose.. —-. — - -................ 754 60 215 00 419 gross screws. — - -—................ 369 88 252 55 38 fore planes-.- - -- - —................ 79 04 40 38 89 jack planes —--- - —................ 178 00 69 33 54 smooth planes..- - —................ 72 90 15 18 6.ets match planes - —................; 28 50 4 50 14 cross-cut sawse — —................-. 70 0 45 50 36axes.............................. 72 36 42 00 185 augers..........- - -................ 186 85 66 48 158 pounds finishing nails -...-...................- -.- 19 51 9 gross kettle ears -................. —- - 7 20 7 stoves.................. — -......-. 182 07 170 00 48 sash —. —---. ——..........-......!.............. - - - 34 56 4,100 pounds spikes -. 410 00 213 75 500 nails.........- - -................ 40 00 25 00 46 feet shafting- -.................... —-......... 28 98 1 oil tank.. -.-......-.-...-.............-....... 14 00 I lot measures — —....................... —....... 3o00 20 pounds rivets - —........... 5 00 95 145 pounds washers —- —........... 31 90 7 61 53 pounds rubber pcking - —............... 46 04 26 50 2 tinners' machines and furnace..-................. 35 00 12 car side lamps..- —................ 23 20 6 00 9,243 pounds car repair material --.... — -------—......... —-- 335 06 I lot lampblack ------------------------ ------- - ------ 5 CO 66 screw-eyes ---—.............- - --- -------------- 18 10 door knobs... — -..... — ------ 2 30 1 67 16 chest locks. —-------.- - 9 36 272 1,252files............................- -1 3,039 16 316 33 300 axes ---------- ------- -.228 13 72 broadaxes — --— 2 — -..........- 040 48 81 50 312 adze handles —........... — -..- 63 96 1755 150 buckets -----............... — 60 00 20 00 6 rubber buckets -------------------- -2 70 1 bucket ----------—.-......... — ------ 40 25 4 pipe-cutters..................- - ------- 44 00 16 50 I set grainers' combs........... —... — - 28 70 2 packages bronze ---------- --— 2 00 1 truck......- -------- - -.-.20 00 17 drawing-knives -.-. —-- -...-.-.-..... — - ------- 9 92 49 slicks... —-...-. —- - -------- 122 50 25 20 41 gouges...... — -........ — ------- 2603 850 19 hammers. ——... ——... —--- 14 25 18 rabbet planes.-............. — ----- 2520 5 85 44 planes.... —----- ---------- - 5500 21 20 225 tin plates ------------------ - ------- 24 75 14 06 54 skimmers- - -1890 2-25 67 butcher knives ------------------ --- 73 03 28 62 568 chisels ----—. —-..... — -------- 965 60 229 34 I pump..........................-.i............ — - -- 2 75 77 track gauges. —-... —.............!i 134 75 1 73 2 gongs ------------------------ ------ 4 00 56 torches.. --- --......-...,........ —- -2 25 42 saw-bucks ------—.................i 42 00 546 45 sash. —--... —------------- —.i.............. 2700 181 gallons varnish...............- - ---- 76 22 29 60 10 hand screws. —------------------ - —.- 74 290 166 tin plates -—......... ---- ------- 18 26 63 34 stretcher frames. --- -..-............ — - - - 68 462 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Ain't received. 1866. April 10, 11], 112 1 lot stove fixtures............. 00 1 bath tub....................- 1 50 1 stove......... —011 3-75 24 bedsteads. --................52 2 tables and cases.... —-.........25 18 tables..................... 5 40 1 drawing board and case - 8 25 I chair......................50 12 kegs...... —5. —-------- 84 yards enamelled cloth.. —-.....92 5040 4 screw jacks.................00 1120 809 pounds nails....64..72 3988 200 belt hooks................ 132 axes —... 99 00 120 broadaxes................40080 14000 2 whip-saws 2 75 1 414 broadaxe handles 8280 22 82 4 steel-plated frogs — 120 00 1,829 pounds old railroad chairs -— 7774 33,931 pounds cast scrap iron.. — 359 67 3,167 pounds assorted nuts.....9002 11,849 pounds chain - -18490 129 43 10,086 pounds engine springs —- 458 48 1,521 pounds car springs - - -127 39 4 iron tanks.- -....- -... 560 19 fire-buckets................760 380 I anvil....................... 1 universal chuck...................... 63 50 21 00 1 rail-punching machine... -........ -.......'25 00 2 hospital lamps. —---- -... - -- -... 450 8 boxes............................-........... 3 20 11 tender boxes. —--------- ------—.-.. —-------- 8 25 I boring mill... —-----.. - -------------- 77 50 1 platform scale.. — -.......... —- 62 57 36 50 1 pumping engine................ -------------- 515 00 2 turn tables. —---..-... -- --........ 300 00 2 circular saws 9 —- -—.... -..1... -- -- 982 9,600 old railroad spikes -. -—.. —......-. — - 432 00 24 copper belt rivets............ - -.....1... - 12 00 48 thumb latches -.. --- ---- 1 50 101 cabin-door hooks. —---- ---- - --—...... 10 94 132 sash lifts --....-...... —--------- 9 24 7 15 25 rivet boxes and rivets 2 ——........... -.. -—.. 25 24 steam gauges............ —-------- 697 44 324 00 162 papers brads -... -—.. --—.......-...-9 32 456 pounds finishing nails 61 56 13 lamp shears -—.-.. -- -. -- - 3 25 81 yards red bunting- ----.......... 5022 4860 i 483 assorted files ----------------------- 347 76 136 31 29 wood rasps. —---- -.............. 20 88 8 07 71 pounds gas-pipe joints.. ------- 44 56 11 36 45 union joints- - ------------------- 2790 2350 1,015 picks --------------------- 818 92 24 tamping picks —.........: -......I.. - 13 50 1,368 maul handles -0 —-----.......1 -373 60 131 10 1,494 pick handles -- -.-29880 180-05 744 axe handles. —------------------- 148 80 9920 21 pounds marline -------------- -..1 8 19 6 30 62 pounds spark netting ------ -. — - -- 24-80 59 reed brooms -.. ---- --------—.1..............26 55 80 splint brooms —12 00 I 8nops........... -------------- I400 160 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 463 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. Amn't received. 1866. April 10, 11, 12 120 pounds assorted mauls —... —.... —--......... $21 60 1,800 feet fuze - -............................... s 00 180 oil burners - -$................ $46 80 1 88 16 kerosene burners —.............. 4 16 1 47 82 lamp collars —................ 5 08 1 71 54 lantern tops -.............................. 68 101 scribing awls.. —-8................ 883 337 27 boxwood gauges-.. ------- 2 70 13 splitting gauges -........................... 2 17 1 gas-pipe stock and die —. - 43 10 35 00 4 cast-steel dviiders - -................ 8 86 6 00 7 steel compasses. —. -- -. —.....-.-.-.-. 2 80 42 assorted hollow punches ------------ 226 80 30 00 248 head-light chimneys.-.. —..- -....... 62 00 5 17 l0back saws —-................ 10 00 10 00 26 tubes colors, assorted -........-........... —..... 2 38 39 sash brushes, assorted. -- ------- 7 97 I blender brush — 5..-..-.-....-..... 7 970 3 passenger cars.......... —-....-......... —... 1,609 00 37 old trucks- —........................... 506 25 342k tons old railroad iron-. 44, 427 47 22,214 50 18 box cars -------—............................... 8, 836 00 4 flat cars- —.............................. 1,600 00 14 pairs wheels.......... —............ 321 79 280 00 3 new trucks................... —-... —... —- 735 00 10 tons scrap railroad iron —....- -..... 1,330 55 512 50 21 truck cars....... —................. 2,415 00 252 00 6 pairs truck wheels --—. ------------ 147 00 36 00 19redflags. —----—. —-------—.... 950 150 15 plated frogs, (steel) —... —---—.. — ----—. — 555 00 1,633 pounds rope ----------- ---------- 538 89 t79 63 30 varnish brushes, assorted ------ -.. 12 50 16 38 31 globe valves............ —---------- 1, 094 30 202 75 24 pod augers ------------ -- - ------------- 5 16 12 slicks ------------------------------- 30 00 9 00 36 flag covers —.... -- ---—........ —-- -- 1 05 16 soft hammers —-- -—.. -.... —--------- 4 80 20 chipping hammers -. —-.-.-......-....... 5 00 101 monkey wrenches.- -- -------—.. 315 12 75 75 18 sash planes. ——...... —----------- 36 00 8 10 62 torches.............. —-...... — 13 40 2 tin buckets -------------------- ------—. 1 10 10 tallow pots. —--—...............!....... ——.. 3 50 494 pepper and salt boxes ----... —.1 39 52 12 35 81 camp kettles-l- --- -- --------- 11540 16 88 12 tin boilers —. —.- 30 00 5 watering cans ----- -.. ——...-... -. ------- 8 75 6 ten-gallon oil cans -... —- -..! ------ 9 00 54 oil cans -----.-... ---—. -------------- 9 00 10 teapots -------........ --- - - ------—. —--- 5 00 12 tin dippers. —-----—......-... 4 44 1 50 264 tin cups. —---—.-. —---—.....0... 2 002 16 50 5 iron dippers -- -.- 25 17 tallow cans -—... —------—.. 8 50 95 flesh forks. 3696 380 8 balances.-. —.-.- 8648 3000 40 jacket lamps.- -—....- -............- - - 23 2,080 knives and forks -...-. -- -- 395 20 78 00 8J oilstones..-. —.... —- ----- 16 32 13 77 10 surveyors' chains ----------------------------- - ----- 20 00 2 marline spikes. —--............... 1 24 70 1 machine for splicing rope......................... —-1 00, 464 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, A-c.-Continued. Date of sale. Articles. Cost. An't received. 1866. April 10,11, 12 28 sickles.....................92 30 train lamps................ — --— 1050 11 bull-eye lamps..............50 18 tri-color lamps — -— 13 50 495 pounds balance beam fixtures ---- 681 3 timber buggies- $17 85 2 40 2 blocks and hooks...........8 00 2 screw jacks.................- -1700 8 50 1 locomotive engine-Osceola...- -9,00000 10,10000 April 14 118111 ~ tons railroad iron - -15,41255 8,014 17 10 1 wardrobe.... ——..............00 5 box stoves....-... -........... 13000 425 6 chairs -.. —... —.................4 00 200 pounds rivet iron........-.. 650 5 windlasses —- -— 40 00 1 platform scale —6257 33 00 1,481 cross-ties. —..... --.......-... 25177 15,000 feet old timber....-.... —-.. —-9000 I passenger car- ----— 500 00 1 old tent —. —....................- - - 350 4} dozen screw-drivers - -7638 20 19 5J dozen claw hammers — 1392 84 1 platform and posts —— 120 00 I office stove -...........-...... 2600 300 22~ tons railroad iron —2,87204 1,460 25 800 pounds chairs - -8000 48 00 500 pounds spikes —-4500 30.00 Total....-. —-... —--—................2,049,170 63 Schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and sold at public auction, at Newbern, N. C., by Captain J. D. Stubbs, A. Q. M. and superintendent of military railroads. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Arn't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 74 hand axes - -.......... — - $43 15 74........... —-----—.. 168 broadaxes. —----—.. —------- 184 11 110 58 $193 14 5handled axes ------—..-. —- 375 5 1030 1,074 assorted axes. —------ ------- 849 46 --- ------- 1,074 1,782 84 33 hand-car hammered axles ----—. 481 60 29 3 30 00 3 hedge anchors. —--------. —- 33 50.......... 3 81 00 14 anvils.-.......... —-------- 153 44 2 12 1,092 00 I old anvil. —......... — -.. 255 -.... —- 1 9100 41 carpenters' adzes —------ ------- 29 73 4 —--—..- 41 102 50 162 railroad adzes -- - -134 53.... —--- 162 405 00 15 sets augers........... —------- 62 80 15 15 00 290 augers........... —-........ 71 00 180 110 110 00 2 pounds muriatic acid 08. —-...... 2 38 22 pounds oxalic acid- ---- ---- 88 22 18 04 25 pounds sal ammonia ----—..- 1 50 25 18 50 35 scratch awls.-.. ------------ 70 -—.. —-- 35 21 35 6brad awls —------------------ --- 60 ---------- 6 48 206 pounds antimony.............. 22 66.......... 206 49 44 12 pounds sheet brass.............. 3 24 12 7 44 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 465 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 2 spring balances -................ 35.......... 2 $3 00 72 wash basins................... 7 92.......... 72 38 88 25 slide T-bevels.................. 5 00 —.... 25 1675 11 carpenters' bencbes -............ 22 0011..............-.. 5benches'....................... 63.......... 5....... 160 ox bowst..................... 3 20 -- -- 160.............. 377 tamping bars................. 85 94 49 328 944 64 38 pinch bars..................... 106 40 32 6 14 28 220 claw bars..................... 235 80 9 241 761 56 31 raising and lining bars.......... 26 35 31.............-..-...-.. 58 lining bars.................... -60 90 49 9 21 42 6 raising bars..................... 5 70 6.......... —.....-..... 12 timber bars.................... 240 12........................ wrench bars...-..... —......... 750 5............ —....-..... 23 assorted bars................... 1663 23 5474 6 crow-bars- 2......................~8 1 raising, lining, claw, and tamping bars.........-................. 585.......... 11 2618 24 timber buggies................ 35 60.......... 24 64 double blocks.................. 109 44.......... 64 976 05 10 single blocks................... 6 80.......... 10 70 00 20 snatch blocks -..............-.. 14 00.......... 20 250 00 2 double tackle blockst -............ 200....0...... 2. 2 sets tackle blocks................ 2 00 -... 2 11 10 6 triple blocks'.................9 90 -. —. 6............. - 2 wrecking blocks................ 43 00 -......... 94 head blocks..........-.......... 57 20 ---- 94 I signal bell. —-- ------ 2 50 -.... 1 350 8 alarm bells..................... 21 20 6 2-. — —. I circular saw, shafting, leather belting and hanger................. 5000............... — -- 24 feet leather belting55.............80 24 45 60 50 pounds truck brass.. —-.... —.. 62 00 50 -.... —5 sets car bits...................- 11.5 4 1 500. 19bits950.......................... 19 969 8 paint brushes -................... 280.......... 8 920! hand brush..................... 35 1 82 8 marking brushes-............. 200... —- 8 4 80 7 pencil brushes.................. 1 75' -- -- 7 3 50 2 brushes......................... 50 ---- 2 90 49 scrub-brushes.................. 5 70.......... 49 22 05 23 dust brushes................... 633 - -- - 23 18 86 36 whitewash brushes............. 9 72..... 36 2240 337 water buckets................. 62 59 -- -- - 337 134 80 1 fire bucket -2...................... 1 46 3 car buckets..................... 75 —--- 1.20 193 pounds borax................. 48 25.......... 193 90 7-1 8 blacksmiths' bellows............. 87 75 ---- 8 253, 04 424 pairs brass butts............... 1732.......... 424 106 00 310 pairs iron butts................ 65 -- -- 310 24 80 12 brass flush bolts................ 216.......... 12.2 52 39 tons car bqlts.................. 2,496 00 39.....-....... 117 barrel bolts................... 410 ---- - 117 7 0.2 3 lamp boxes-............. 150...... 3............... 3 tool boxes...................... 150 - --- 3 114 salt boxes..................... 4 93 - -........ 114 14 25 353 pepper boxes.................. 72 353.44 12 1 tap borer....................... 25 11 draughting-board............... 1 05......... 1..... * Manufactured. t Found and taken up. Received from unknown korarce. H. Ex, Doe. II5'~SO 466 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 3 tin boilers" - -..............-...... $48.......... 3.............. 4 wheelbarrows, (old)t............ 00 -. —... —. 4 ------- 18 auger bits..................... - - - 55 15 3 53 42 brace bits...................... - - -95 42..........-...... 18 iron braces- -3..................... 85 14 4 29 40 14 sets braces and bits............. 15 2 12 90 00 10 bedsteads" —.................... 200.......... 10.............. 2 bureaus-.-...................... 13 00.......... 2 ----- 369 time-books.................... 1568.- - 369 154 98 144 blank books.................. - - 13 45 -- 144 43 28 3 letter-press books 9................ 915.......... 3 1443 2 letter-book water bowls.......... 30........ 2 3 00 2 buildings -...................... 6 800.......... 2.............. 93,466 railroad chairs.............. 4,191 58 1,000 24 17 52 24 cbairsl-....................... 660.......... 7.............. 7 clocks.......................... 33 25.......... 6 34 50 6 office clocks.................... 27 65......... 41 235 75 75 cold chisels.................... 37 50 34 12 9 00 12 blacksmiths' chisels............ 250.......... 393 154 75 419 assorted chisels................ 108 65 26........................ 2 sets timber chisels............... 468 2 -.. - - -- —. 6 cape chisels -..-..... —......... 30 6 ----------. 70 crucible chisels................ 47 10...-...... 70 9 80 186 iron cutters................... 140 24 ----- 186 228 78 3 Stanwood cutters................ 15 00.......... 3 25 50 6 carplatforms.-.................. 29100 -6.......... 6... 9 car trucks...................... 45 00.... 9 708 75 47 flat cars....................... 20,138 34.......... 47 22,390 33 16 rack cars..-...... —.......-.. 5, 820 00 --- - 16 7,622 24!6 hand cars...................... 176 50 --- - 16 1,840 00 I car frame...................... 1200 -1........- I --- 1,500 pounds brass castings........ 46500 - -.......... 1,500 750 00 97 tons car castings'.............. 3,018 60 --- - 97..... 16chains.-....................... 0317........ 16..-.... I pair calipers........- -..-.......... 10-1.............. 87 pounds chalk.................. 44.. —...... 87 87 16 pounds carmine....-.......... 675.......... 16 2 40 80 pounds assorted colors.. —-..-....- 36 00......... 80 12 00 4 heater cocks.................... 10 00 4 10 16,12 tank cocks.................... 600......... 12 15 00 1,874 sheets copper................ 852 67 926 948 635 16 2,199 tin cups.................... 72 65..........,199 219 90 37 candlesticks................... 71........-. 37 4 44 110 oil cans...................... 17 80.......... 1.10 16 50. chest".......................... 50.......... 1.............. 1 medicine chest-................. 50 1 ------ 5 water-coolers'................... 940 ----- 5 -.. —. 18 pairs compasses -----— 2 06 1 17 697 21 pounds bell cord-............. 210.. 21 9 66 10 letter-clips, (board)............ 1 05 -... 10 1 30 5 letter-clips, (brass).............. 65 —... 5 7 50 1 calendar........................ 35 ----- 1 175 46 drills.......................... 16 25 5 21 68 25 31 screw-drivers.................. 427 5 26 31 20 70 tin dippers...... 398 --- - 70 11 90 8 field and table desks............ 30 74...... 8 ------ 3desks.......................... 110......... 3 --- 7dies............................ 200 --- - 7 --- —. I pair dividers.................... 16 1......... 2 21 * Manufactured. tReceived from quartermaster's department. +Received from unknown source. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 467 Schedule of railroad property, &,c.-Continued. IfOWV OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. I pile-driver, (hand). —------------ $36 00........... I............ I pile-driver, (steam).............. 375 00 —-- - 1 $3,750 00 2 fixtures for pile-drivers'.-......- 15 00..... 2..-....... 8 locomotive engines. —---- - 78,405 00..... 8 71,060 82 I upright engine ------ - 305 00 a............. - - -69 pounds emery. —--- 3 70 69....... 69 13 80 280 quires emery cloth-. —------- 37 10. —..... 280 54 40 I set figures... —------- --.......-1 50 1.............. 45 wood flasks. —----. 4 50 45..................... 2 blacksmiths' forges-. —--------- 30 00 -.... 2.............. 16 railroad forks.. —---------—.8 40.1.............. 14 lamp-fillers. ——..... 59 1.... 14 4 92 19flatters. —---------------------- 967 ] 18.............. 12 top fullers. —--------------- - 15 60 (-.-.... - 12.............. 2 bottom fullers-. —------ -7 20........... 2... 12 grindstone fixtures. —---------- 11 80. 12.............. 29 funnelst. —------------------- 1 90. 29...............28 pewter facets —--------------- 2 18 ---------- 28.............. 10 brass faucets-'......3.15........ 10.............. -69 wood faucets..-2............... 276 69 5 86 93 taper files. —------------------ 11 86. 93 28 83 128 round bastard files. —---------- 51 27 44 84 73 08 310 second-cutbastardfiles......... 166 90 310.............. 156 square files. —------- - 71 68.... —-. 156 81 12 292 flat bastard files- -56 70. —------- 292 230 68 156'-round bastard files.- ----- 26 00 1 —------- 156 135 72 475 assorted files. —--------------- 121 42 7 468 369 72 26files —------------- ---— 286 ---------- 26 2054 48 red flags............. —-------- 100 ---------- 48 4800.329 pounds steel frogs. —---------- 40 30 ---------- 329.............. 2,100 pounds tarred felt ------------ 21 00 -. —- ----- 2,100 136 50 329forks.............. —--------- 320 ------ - --- 329 5264 130 flesh-forks. —----------------- 13 00....- - --- 130 52 00 103 white globes.................. 4 84 —--- - --- 103 30 90 31 pounds chrome green........... 3 07 31 12 40 20 pounds imperial green........... 3 20......... 20 8 00 2 pounds glue............ —------ 10 2 6000 10 steam gauges. —--------------- 97 50 10 303 30 27 thumb gauges. —--------- ------ 49 24 3 1 50 323 track gauges. —-------------- 8 17 124 199 73 63 9gouges -—........-......... 234 ---------- 9 783 24 boxes glass..............- ----- 76 25 24 212 88 6 gimlets ------—.............. 15 6........................ 10 machinists' hammers............ 10 00 10 --------- -. — - -. —----- 2 engineers' hammers. —-......... 1 55 1 1 2 00 2 sets hammers ------------------- 860 ---------- 2.............. 2 hand hammers........... —----- 50 1 1 50 7 curving hammers5.............. 5 95 6 1 1 13 41 spike hammers. —-------------- 19 27 34 7 11 90 64 nail hammers. —--------------- 24 28 29 35 17 50 1 backing hammer................ 50.-...... 1 1 00 2 balance beam hooks ------------ 3 00 2........................,2firehooks.............. —------- 82 ---------- 2 1 50 1 curving hook —.............. 35 1........................ 4 bramble hooks. —-------------- 1 16 4........................ 28 cant hooks..................... 11 72.......... 28 21 00 17 carrying hooks. —------------- 4 25 16 1 1 55 274 hatchets...................... 75 35 1 273 384 93 * Purchased with the pile-driver. f Manufactured. +Received from unknown source. 468 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, Sc.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 4 copper hatchets................. 40 4 -- 308 axe handles 52............ 52308 $16940 192 auger handles.-7.......... 192 28 80 130 broadaxe handles........... 1430 4290'220 cross-cut saw handles. - 105 - -220 27 50 65 adze handles 520.......... 65 33 80 94 hand-axe handles. 96.......... 94 2162 73 pick handles-73.......... 73 11 68 13 file handles...... 6.......... 13 16 25 hammer handles..............25..25 550 11 spike maul handles............. 20.......... II 176 2 grubbing hoes.................. 52 110 120 strap hinges..-............... 23 300 I hollow and round................ 6 141 1,172 feet rubber hose...-...... 1,417 900 25 feet section hose...........50... 25 50 00 802 feet suction hose............. 1, 010 574 25 feet leading hose............... 31 500 100 hasps and staples.............. 400 - - 100 14 00 37 t pen-holders...............10.... -371 11 13 2,438 pounds hoop-iron........4. 2 30 456 42 inkstands.................... 42 2100 13 caulking irons-1 273.......... 2 31 9 soldering irons............. 244 6 34 60,000 pounds cast scrap iron -...... 991 07 - 60, 000. —15,808 pounds assorted iron. —----- 786 77 2, 237 13, 571 848 18 3,815 old iron" —----------------- 109 68 -......-,815.... U 1 tons pig iron.............. 4,54175.......... 75 -111............. 1,7171 pounds boiler iron.......... 68 70 1,400 3170 38 10 52lU tons railroad iron..-....... 21,635 35 398 1231-17 14,246 25 1,520 pounds sheet-iron. —--------- 60 80 862 658 78 96 228 pounds Russia iron - -.- 24 77 228.......... -------------- 102, 000 pounds wrought scrap iron - 1, 890 87 --------- 102, 100.............. 6 hydraulic jacks. —-------------- 570 00 4 2 225 00 20 gallons Japan brown. —--------- 20 00.......... 20 86 20 30 gallons baking brown-.......... 27 00 30 91 80 18 2-quire journals. —------------- 672 18 27 00 13 3-quire journals. —------------- 978 13 29 25 14 4-quire journals................ 10 56 14 42 00 12 5-quire journals.-.............. 825.......... 12 45 00 66 camp kettles. —---------------- 390 66 138 60 6 tin kettles. —------------------- 64......... 6 450 10 iron kettles -------------------- 325 10 16 60 77 draw-knives. —................ 21 40 19 58 70 18 127 butchers' knives. —------------ 26 01.......... 127 46 99 704-1 sets knives and forks-......... 700 -......- 704+ 114 56 1,400 mahogany knobs ---------- 380.......... 11,400 28 00 150 pounds sole-leather. —--------- 22 50.-...... 150 63 75 126 padlocks.-................- 18 75 -. ----- 126 44 10 108 brass switch locks and keys...-. 48 60 -...... 108 216 00 16 cupboari locks. —-------------- 160.......... 16 4 48 6 rim locks and knobs. —---------- 300.......... 6 6 18 6 chest locks. —-------------------- 90.-...... 6 2 28 10 rim dead locks. —------------- 16 30.......... 10 10 30 4 drawer locks. —----------------- 24.......... 4 2 16 I ladder. —----------------------- 300 ------— 1.............. 138 pounds white lead............. 13 80.......... 138 23 46 105,679 feet white pine lumber...... 3,153 76.......... 105,679 5. 019 75 *Found and taken up. t Received from other officer?. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 469 Schedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received.' Price paid, Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 89,066 feet yellow pine lumber..... - $1, 854 93.......-.... 89, 006 $4,230 63 1,5510 feet spruce pine lumber...... I 124.- -. 1, 550 43 62 10,582 feet yellow pine flooring- 469 369.. 10, 58 634 92 6,000 feet white pine flooring....... 360 00 -—.. 6, 000 360 00 36 spirit levels. —---------------- 12 80 9 27 54 00 7 head lihts..................... 356 25 ------- 7 7 35 460 saw logs —.................. 398 90.......... 460......... 2 lathes............ —-......... 1, 295 00.......... 2 75 0 173 vwhite lights........ —.. 168 51. 173 259 50 15 red lights............. —------- 17 50...... 15 30 00 3blue, lights. —---------------.1 180 3 6 00 2 green lights..................... 00...... 2 4 00 339 tape lines........... —...... 20 85.......-.. 339 00 6lanterns........................1 26.......... 6 17 64 275 coal-oil lamps. —------------— 7 63. 25 28 00 12 tin hand lamps.................1 41....... 12 13 44 6 pounds lampblack —-------- ---— 6 -66..... 2 22 5 pounds black lead........... —-- 40....... 5. 1 25 1 lounge ----------------------—.3 775..-. I. 18 coupling links. —--—.3 20.......18 12 06 1 set letters. —-----------------—.1 75 1....-............ 153 track mauls.......... 192 95............... 102 17646 20 spike mauls. —----------------- 26 00..- 20 34 00 429 carpenter mauls' —----------- 210 90....-... 429..-.... 6 bridge nauls.-. I —- -------—. 270 6 -—.-........-...-. —... 29 boring machines. —------ -.. 83 00 ------ 29 203 00 22 tape measures - - -3........-.. 374 ---------- 22 22 00 23 tin measures" ----------------- 3 22 ---------- 23.............. 28 coffee-mills. —----------------- 17 40 ---------- 28 31 64 16 tin mugs"-.....................73 ---------- 16.............. 23 caulking mallets.-2............. 91 23 34 50 39 Babbitt metal. —--------------- 14 43 -------- 39 17 55 42- kegs nails.-.. —.......... 245 75.-...... 421 380 25 70 pounds finishing nails —......- 7 35.-....... 70 14 00 5 nippers.- -.... -- -----—.. 1 30.......... 5 75 4,750 pounds square nuts ------—.. 427 50 ---------- 4,750 1, 330 00 200 pounds nuts. —--------------- 18 00- 200 56 00 I bake oven". -—................ 02 -------— 1.............. 20 gallons linseed oil....... —....- 2200 20 3200 10 gallons resin oil......... —----- 500 ------- - -- 10 950 70 gallons sperm oil.-..... —-- 157 50 70 168 00 50 pounds oakum. —------------- 3 75.. —..... 50 8 00 51 S. B. oilers -—.-i —......... 143.......... 51 7 65 112 joints stove-pipe. —------------ 16 10.......... 112 142 24 130 stove-pipe elbows. —----------- 16 10 130 52 00 7 sheets oil-paper........... —----- 351 —---- 7 350 22 iron pots............. —-------- 825 32........................ I drill press- --------------------- 3 25! —-------- 1.............. 2,407 pounds gas pipe. —---------- 577 68 22 2,385 1,049 40 30 pike poles. —----------------- 7 50 30. 167 feet rubber packing..-........ 61 79 ---------- 167 250 50 50 pounds lead pipe -------------- 3 50 50 -....................... 100 piles. —---------------------- 65 00 ----- - --- 100 160 00 10 tin pails —--------------------- 1485.......... 8510 ------------ 7 bead planes. —------------------ 1 45 7........................ 82 fore planes. —------------------ 46 70 3 --------—.............. 4 Grecian moulding planes......... 124......... 4 576 87 jack planes. —.....-.......... 23 05 2....................... 37 Babbitt jack planes............. 12 33.......... 37 10 50 Manufactured. 470 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles.'An't received. Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. (Quantity. 28 jointer planes................. 1640 1 7 1064 2 sets match planes.......... 12 480 2 sets movable planes............. 2 560 9 panel plough planes.............40 7 2 4 80 3 sash planes..................... 50 -- -- -- 75 smooth planes................. 24 7290 3 assorted planes.................. 1 1 135 200 coupling pins.71.............. 7 200 130 00 22 punches...................... 22 550 a pokers..................... — -53. 5 00 40 die plates...................... 845 7 33 148 50 8 glue pots....................... 2 10 1 7 1281 12 tallow pots - - -07 12...-................. 16 tamping picks............. 1 16 3760 464 picks.............. 238 464 73312 33 rotary hand pumps........... 973 05 33 3, 00 I pump......................... 500 I tin pump*...................... I I letter press..................... 8 2750 32 paulinst - -...................... 41125 32. 48 red and blue pencils........... 210 48 - -- 24 black pencils.................. 105 24 312 2 plyers.......... 2 350 200 pounds black paint.......... 200 19 3000 61 reams sand paper -....-.. 1788.... 61 32 50 81 bake pans. —---------- -- 8 10 ---------- 81 24 30 57 dish pans.........-.. —------- 6 98.......... 57 49 59 I dust pan................. — --- 20.......... 1 50 II mess pans................- - --- 55.1........ 1 374 71 dripping pans -..-.........-.... 355.......... 71 61 77 257 assorted tin pans- 7 47 - -257 51 40 10 frying pans. —---------------- 200.......... 10 240 18 coffee-pots............ —------ 3 06 ---------- 18 16 20 1,695 tin plates ------- ---- ------- 5 35 ---------- 1,695 169 50 20 reamers -. —-----—... -- - 18 50 20........................ 5 sets rivets.-.... —----—..... 300 ---------- 5 570 1,000 pounds boiler rivets.......... 45 00 --------- 1,000 140 00 10 drill ratchets........... —----- 6 00 ---------- 10.............. I mahogany case regulator —------- 35 00 1 130 00 I timber roller. —----------------- 230 1 75 4 boxes roofing for cars....... —-- 10 00 ---------- 4 -------------- 4 switch ropes........-.- -------- 32 00 ---------- 4 32 00 9,141pounds rope. —-------------- 1,81363 6,070 3,071 76775 114 feetrope............ —-------- 24 00 ---------- 114 17 10 83 pounds Venetian red....... —-- 9 60 83 12 45 5 pounds India red.............- - - 20 5 75 224 connecting rods ------ -... 219 31 80 144.............. 30 Malden wire riddles-.-......... 8 22 30 45 00 280 pounds resin3.................. 65 ---------- 280 -------------- 13 pen racks................ —- - -- 65 ---------- 13 5 59 1 ebony rule.................- - --- 17 -.-..... 1 07 19 rubber rules............ —.... 2 53.......... 19 20 33 20 boxwood rules -----—... —---- 3 25 20........................ I register............ —.-...- - ---- 55 1........................ 42 cook stoves and fixtures........ 240 05 -.... 42 10 92 1 box stove and fixtures........... 60.-...... 1 16 38 assorted stoves, old............. 1 86 38 6 08 Manufactured. f Received from quartermaster's department. +Received from unknown source. ~ Found and taken up, t ~D'~' P~ rp~~~~~~~~~~~~~t RAILROAD PROPERTY. 47 Schecdule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. Pri e paid, Captured. Purchased Quantity. Quantity. 30 sheaves....................... $6 13....-..... 30 0SO s0 40 slicks......................... 320 0 10 1O0 00 94 try squares.................... 18 2-2 5 9 42 72 105 steel squares.................. - -43 05 24 81 121 50 37 monkey switches............... 35.......... 37.. —... —...... I army scales.................... 8 75 -...... —.......... 4 bottom swedges................. 7 00 3 1 —----------- 43 top swedges -...............-. 29 03 --- - 43.............. 7 swedges. —-....................- 8 15 25.. —.......... I B. S. shovel- - —.................... 75.......... 1.............. 425 shovels..-.-..... —........... 137 53 42 5 5855 24 scoop shovels -... —....-........ 18 83 24 43 20 4 fire shovels -.. —-................ 30 4........... --- 2 stocks, dies, and reamers......... 66 00....2 8 0 8 0 153 cross-cut saws................ 256 50 37 116 580 00 290 handsaws..................... 27745 102 188 394 80 2mill saws - —....................... 850... 2 1092 60 buck saws -.... —... — -.......... 136 00 0-I' 0 63 60 1 compass saw... —... —-..........- - 2 00.......... 1 120 8 wood hench screws.. —.......... 3 15 53 2 61 8 hand screws. — -..... —....-.... 153 8........................ 79 jack screws.................... - -522 13 52 27 349 82 35 bench screws.................. - -38 00.......... 35 47 95 650 coach screws'.......... —-- 29 75 -.0 ----— 3 —-— 02 hogsheads sea-coal facing........ 550........ 2 4500 7 mounted grindstones ----—....-.. 16 10. —....... 7 59 50 15 grindstones -.-.... —..-....... 13 35 4 I 38 83 1,493 — kegs railroad spikes....... 8,119 94 ---—.......... 1, 93-4o 12, 94 07 91 le kegs cut spikes............. 229 38.9. 91 o5 1,009 25 734-o-' kegs bridge spikes......... 3,52110 - -...... —.. 734 6, 611 13 1,045 table spoons - -............... 4 05'- - 1,04-5 52 25 472 teaspoons -... —...-.......... 1 70 --- - 472 18 88 120 oil-stones —......... —.......... 360 -. — 120 40 80 1 counter scales................... 400 --- - 1 15 00 5 assorted scales........ —...- -... 75 00.......... 5 -.. —-- 3 platform scales —.-.-......-.-.-. 3000.......... 3 187 71I 100 pounds sulphur.............. 325.......... 100 12 00 13 pounds solder.................. 358.......... 13 6'24 15,940 shingles.... ------ 5611 -- - 15, 940 175 34 5,815 pounds spring steel.......... 456 59.......... 5,815 2,326 00 13,000 pounds cast steel........... 2,157 50......-... 13, 000 4,550 00 1,026 pounds cast steel............ 133 8 1, 026 359 10 2,169 pounds spring steel —.......... 15183........- 2, 169 867 60 300 pounds blister steel............- - 15 0........ 300 - 105 00 29stoolst - -.. —-.................... 2 34.......... 29 - --- 35 saw-sets............. —-— O —- 6 30..... —-.!o -00 14 spokeshaves -................... 280 5 9 4 50 3 marline spikes.-............- 30........ — -- 115 basting spoons................ - -3 60.......... 115 20 12 5 tin scoops -... —... —- -........... 205 3 2 -- --- Il spades. —..................... 4 25......... 1 1 0 200 pounds rotten-stone —............ 200.......... i 200 2000 19 pounds pumice stone, lump...... 95.......... 19 247 18 pounds pumice stone, ground.... 59.....-.-.. 18 1 80 20 pounds gum shellac- —............ i 200 20 23 00 100 pounds salt...................- - 1 00 O-100 ------ ------ 10 washstandst........ —.......... 438..........- 10.............. 6 slates- —.......................... 60.-.-......i 63 360 1 pair letter scales................. 30.......... 1 4 00 Found and taken up. t Manufactured. 472 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. - Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. Quantity. 350 slides........................ $56 00 250 100 $50 00 I pair shears...................... 05. —..1 —. 1 142 1 fieldsafe-.............. —...... 1000 1 —-- 9500 2 scows -......................... 6450 —.. 2.............. 9 sets B. S. tools................... 107 59 9 276 75 9 heading tools -................. 11 00 - -- - 9.............. 20 planer tools.................... 14 50 -- - - 20.............. 62 pairs lathe tools -....... —...... 21 50......... 62.............. 70 tops-........................... 16 50 6 64 350 08 24 railroad tongs.................. 960 9 15 4710 5 F. rails tongs-................ 200... 5 15 70 ------- ~ ~ ~' ----- 00 --------— 5 7 22 pairs G.P. tongs............... 1000.......... 32.............. 55 pairs B. S. tongs................ 1925 16 39...... 8 taps and dies................... 19 00 1I....................... 2 sets pipe taps................... 32 00 2-.............. 14 water tanks'-................... 19975 2 12. —-....... I log truck....................... 6500 1.......... ------ 3 engine tenders................... 40700 - ---- 3 -I. 18 gallons turpentine.............. 14 00 —.......... 18 36 00 5,000 cross ties.................. 55000.......... 5, 000 3,250 00 523 papers tacks -...-...-.....-.... 20 92......... 5023 33 99 250 pieces bridge timber..- —..... 447 50.......... 250..- ---- 132 boxes tin...................... 949 34 -.-...-... 132 3, 079 56; 6 car trucks......................- 9 50 6....... 45 pounds twine.................. 405 45 20 25 16 tables - -...............-........- 7 55.......... 16.............. 65 lamp tubes - -....................I 46.......... 6 260 2trowels................... 105 ---- -2 350 20 pieces tank timber*............. 710 -20.............. I set hand-turning' tools............2 50 1......... —............... 22 wall-tent fliest.............................. 22 ------ 6 hospital tentst -..................... 6 -:0 "A" tentst.................... 2020020.............. 5 Sibley tentst.................... - -- 5. 41 wall tentstJ......................41............. 9 pounds burnt umber............ 1 17....- 39 6 24 0 vices -.'........... 45 23 - -- - 10 171 50.13 bench vices.................... 7100 -13.-..............100 ventilators....................- 1 40 10 90 — - —..18 gallons varnish................ 21 96 18 122 40 hoisting wheel.................. 2 00......... 1.............. tap wrenches....................3 80 6 2 50 10 screw wrenches................ 1300 10........................ 110 monkey wrenches............. 108 10 110 ------------ 8 assorted wrenches --------------- 1 12 —.-... 8 24 00 5bridge wrenches................ 2 45 --- -- 5 15 60 I wheel, wagon tongue and gear.... 19 00...... —. 1 222 00 513 pounds of wire................ 12 70 -- - - 513 117 99 180 pounds wicking -............... 5230.... 180 22500 3,170 washers'.................... 190 20 -- - -,170...-.......... 260 pounds whiting............... I 00 --—.260 10 40 4 double plate car wheels -.......... 72 00 ----- 4 1 16 18 hand-car wheels................- 76 50 18....-................. 309 new car wheels................- 1,522 00 109........................ 401 pounds waste.................. 100 25 -- - - 401 180 45 2 wiper's pails-......... —..........50. 42 ------ 144 pounds head-light wick........ 32........ 144 Swardrobes. -..- ------ 7 40 ------—.. 3 -------------- * Manufactured. f Received from quartermaster's department. Found and taken up. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 473 Schedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. HOW OBTAINED. Articles. Ain't received. _ Price paid. Captured. Purchased. Quantity. QQuantity. 10 paper weights.................. 0 50......... 10 7 00 450 pounds yellow ochre........... 15 75.......... 450 180 o00 300 pounds block zinc............. 24 00.......... 300 40 50 Total-...................... 192,746 42 —.-........ --.............. 891,719 pounds old railroad iron.. 17, 914 CO0 891, 719.. =... - -..... Captured in. North Carolina, and sold by General Van Vliet, New York city. No. 6.-~Schedule of property used in repairing and operating railroads in the department of Virginia and ATort/A Carolina since May 1, 1865. Schedule of railroad property in possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May, 1865, and used in repairs of military railroads since that date. Articles. Quantity. Value. Acid-........................................- pounds.. 19 $11 79 Alcohol- --------- --------------—................ gallons - - 1081 481 48 Axles and crank-pins......................... pounds -. 5, 131 614 72 Balance, sprin....................number._ 11 128 88 Basins.-................................ do.... 6 1 80 Beltin-g'........................... feet.. 26'81 295 10 Benzine-. —----------------------- -.......-...... gallons - 186~ 124 56 Bevels-nu —----------------------—....... - number 3 9 15 Beeswax -. —------------------ --.. —-............ pounds.. i ] 12 Bolts, assorted —..................................... 4 88 Books and stationery.... - - -—.. - -....-. 3, 699 82 Borax. ——........... -...... - -- pounds.. 8i 3 29 Brass, sheet............................... —- —.do.... 428 312 17 Bricks............................... number 3,624 79 62 Brooms.............................................do.... 299 } 163 69 Brushes....-...................-...................do 398 91 95 Buckets. —-.......................................do-..- 76 37 46 Burners...................................-......do...- 6 7 00 Buttons, tufting' -........ — -..............- gross 2 1 50 Butts, hinges, &c -----------—.. --- -------............ i 47 28 Bunting. —- -.................................. yards.. 401 34 43 Candles.....................................-.pounds 387 269 23 Castings, brass --------------—....................do-.. 5, 331 3,190 80 Castings, iron.......................... —... —---.do.... 182,136 I 14, 148 31 Casters —..-... - sets.. 24\ 23 51 Chain, assorted.... 643 31 Chalk-... — pounds — 51 77 Chairs, railroad....... —.... —-.......... —--- number 11,202 715 64 Charcoal. -barrels 341 245 75 Chimnies and candlesticks. — -.. —-. —------—. number.. 443 64 55 Cloth, enamelled.. - --------------—.. -- -- yards — 84-1 104 38 Cloth and paper, emery —........... —----—...-.... —-.........-.. 106 41 Coal, anthracite............-..... -—. — --- tons. 175; 2,450 00 Coal, Cumberland.do 200 2,600 00 Cocks.number 13 28 1 Combs, curry and graining.d[ —-- 15 4 51 Compasses and dividers..............................do.... 2 3 00 474 RAILROAD PROPERTY Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Articles. Quantity. Value. Copper-.......................-................. pounds.. 560 $418 36 Cordage - -........... —............................... —........... 104 28 Cups, tin, and cans -.........-...................- number.. 75 7 40 Cutters, paper and wire.....-............-... -.. —.do —.... 9 14 00 Carpet drapery and tape........ —-...... —-... ——. —-. —-......-. 56 61 Dippers —...................... —... —-....-.... number.. 18 610 Drivers, screw..-......-....-.... —-............ —-.do. —.- 6 916 Duck —.................-....................... ——.yards.. 83 311 24 Ears, bucket -......... —.. ——... —-......-........ gross - 2 5 00 Emery.......................................... pounds - 254 26 58 Escutcheons............. ——..... --— 3 20 Eyes, screw....................................... dozen.. 26- ~ 5 26 Fasteners............ —.........-............... number - 88 30 96 Files ----—..- -.do.... 618 443 19 Fixtures, grindstone......-...............-.......... sets. 2 4 07 Flannel................................ —.... —-... yards.. 93~ 74 35 Forges....-.. —-................. —-—.. ——.-.. number. 3 66 00 Frogs................. —.... —........-......... —.do.... 31 984 92 Funnels, tin....................... —-----—......- do.-.. 11 5 33 Gauges, steam. ——.. —-..........-.-...............do. —. 2 60 00 Gimlets.......... —............................do.... 92 1 73 Glass, assorted... ——..-............................................. 168 00 Glue. pounds.. 240 78 55 Hair....................................-..... —.do. —. 50 21 50 Hammers and hatchets........ —..... —.......... number - - 7 8 78 Handles, metal..............-...-.. —.............do... 32 20 33 Handles, wood. —...................... —..........do-... 466 253 16 Hose, rubber............. —-..............................-.......... -225 79 Hose, water tank......... —. —-- number. 2 53 42 Iron, bar-................................ —...... pounds. 147,936 23, 350 32 Iron, railroad. — - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I Iron, asheet........................................ pounds.. 10, 101 1,254 93 Joints, hoops, &c.................................number.. 56 13 77 Knives and forks —........ —.... —...........-............-............ 21 02 Lanterns and lamps......................... —........... —-......... 86 14 Lath.-.................................. ——.- number _. 4,700 12 20 Lead -................ —......................... pounds - 4 56 00 Leaf, gold.................................... —- package. 5 00 Leather..............................................-.............. 34 75 Lime —............. —........................ —. barrels.. 63 Lines, chalk -.............-. —............. —. number.. 15 2 09 Locks, knobs, &c....... —................. —........-........... —-. 85 50 Lumber.....-...........-.. ——.................... feet.. 1,361, 942 147 28 Matches.... —-.............2.....-.....-.-..-..-...........-...... —. 222 44 Mauls.. —.....................................-...-........ —........ 17 42 Measures, tape and tin.. number. 95 107 69 Metal, Babbitt............................... —-. pounds.. 12 9 00 Mops...... —-.... —.........-............... —. number. 1 50 Moulds, lantern.......... —....................................... 60 00 Muslin.... —... —-...............................yards.. 82 41 30 Nails, finishing................................ —.papers.. 15 360 Nails, wrought —............................... pounds.. 454 46 21 Needles and palms..................................dozen.. 17 4 08 Netting...............-.................e...-.......- feet.. 116 145 CO Nuts.......................................... pounds. 2, 773 443 53 Oil, kerosene.................................. —.gallons.. 359 331 05 Oil, linseed................. —...........-........do.... 135~ 284 62 Oil, sperm —........................................do. —. 410~ 10,477 75 Pans, water-closet.............................. number.. 1 45 00 Packing, hemp............................ —-..... pounds. - 470 204 86 Packing, rubber.....................................do.... 210 346 40 Paint, assorted.......................................... 733 37 Paper, sand...................................................-.....- 6 61 Photograph materials................................................... 278 10 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 475 Schedule of railroad property, &c- Continued. Articles. Quantity. Value. Pilesm........................................... number.. 1, 293 $1,864 50 Pipe, gas --- -- --- -- ---—.................gfeet.. 232 177 80 Pitch-. —----------------------—............... barrels.. 1 45 38 Plates....-nu.. - - - - - --------------—.........-. number. 67 8 24 Plates, fro.g. —--------------------- -.............. do.... 11 100 87 Plates and pans....-( —-----— 0 —- -- -- — d.............. do.... —..... —....... —.. Plyers- 1 —55 ——.. —.-. —----—............. —do... 11 5 25 Polish, stove-..................................... dozen.. 3" 2 92 Potash —. --------------- ---------....... pounds.. 107 31 20 Punches-....... —.......... -. -- -....... —-—. — number.. 11 22 75 Resin....-.................-...-.........-.. pounds.. 1 18 Rivets ----------—.. -. ---.... —.......... -- do.... 38 15 72 Rules. —---------------—....-...............-... number.. 32 34 74 Salt... ------ ----------—. -. -. --.....-............ pounds. 92 2 30 Saws. —-----------—.-.. —-.. —-. —...... —-—. number. 21 27 34 Scoops, tin —--—.-. —--- ------------—.............. do.... -26 2 96 Screws, assorted -1................................. 113 69 Shearsn..-.-...... -.......... ---............. number.. 61 84 95 Shingles. ----........... —--. —-------- ---—...........do -.- 210, 650 1, 995 87 Sickles.. —.... ——..-. —-.............. do-... - -1o 50 Skins.. —----—. -. —... ----.... —--..-.. do.... 30 94 67 Soap. —---------------- --—..... -..- -—...... pounds 205 49 03 Solder —.. —-- --—. —--—.-. ——.-. —-----—......... do.... 21 7 38 Spikes and nails -—.............. do.... 10,525 919 10 Spikes, railroad.-.. --- ------—. -- - ---- --. do -.- 12, 900 804 88 Spoons and skimmers. —--------------------------- number. 17 2 31 Sponge.- -........ —. ---- -----—.. --—.. ---- -. -—..... -- -- 9 03 Springs, assorted..- -- ---.. —---- ------..........number.. 210 1, 960 CO Springs, rubber.-.- --... ---- ----- -- pounds - 1, 044 1, 193 40 Stamps'and solder iron. —----- --............. number. 35 50 Steel.-p —.... —------ ---------- ---- ----- -...pounds. 9,861 1,791 62 Stools --------- ------- ---------- -—.-. --- -- number.- 1 75 00 Stone, rotten and pumice. —----—. —-- --- pounds - 55 5 50 Sulphur. —----- ---—..... do.. — d 38- 3 85 Squares -.. —-................-............number.. 1 81 Tacks and saddle nails. —---. --—.. -- - papers.- 56 3 56 Tallow - -—.. —---—. pounds.. 149 19 02 Ties, cross. —.-................................. number.. 94, 471 58, 020 54 Tripoli -. ---- ---—.. --- - -- ----- ---.dozen.. 10 10 00 Turpentine -g-........ -- -----—... ---------- gallons -..... -...... 439 13 Tyres-..-............... -------- number 7 1, 963 50 Valves -.. --—... ---- —.... —----—.do.... 20 189 96 Varnish -. - -------------------------- ----- --- gallons. 39 114 50 Washers -. ——.. —--—.. —--—.. —----—. pounds.. 621 173 74 Washers and bolts...- - - -------------—.do -. — 16, 200 1, 944 00 W aste....- --.. —--- ----- ------- ----- ------- ---.do.... 5,023 2 080 34 Wheels, emery.... —-....... ——. --—. —-- number - 60 00 Wheels, engine and car- ---------------- -----. —.do.... 131 3, 600 74 W ire.-.. ---- --- -----.. —---- ----. —-. pounds -. 31 15 67 W ood..- -......... —-- ----- ----—. cords.. 12, 07411 31, 288 52 Zinc ---- - -- --- ---- -...... —..... -.. --- -- pounds. 405 117 38 Total. -------- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- —..... -......... —- 185 454 49 476 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the first day of May, A. D. 1865, and used in repairs of military railroads in North Carolina since that date. Articles. Cost. 3 anvils, (1 captured)............................................................... 9 augers, ( 9 captured).........-........... —...................- -................. ]4 sets augers... —----------------------- - 168 00 69 scratch awls, (9 captured).-.....36 00 3 pounds muriatic acid....................-....... —.......-... —-.. 57 3 pounds oxalic acid -...-...........-...-...... —.... —... —. —. —--. 2 46 37 gallons alcohol................... —.........-............ —-... —.. 173 53 4 pounds sal ammonia -...................- - ------- --- 2 80 56 pounds antimony... —....................................... —--- 13 44 13 adzes —........................................................... 32 50 32 broadaxes...................................-.............. —-.. 106 56 93 axes -............................................................. -154 38 1 kedge anchor............................................... —...... 29 00 4 axles -------------------------------------------------------------- 12 84 10 blank books —. 2 —--'.... 21 00 59 blank books, memorandumn-........- -2 —--....- 21 83 2 letter-press books -........-...................-............... —.. 9 62 90 time-books —........................................-............. 37 80 120 water buckets —.................................................. 48 00 6 auger bits, (6 captured)..............................-........-................. 5 spring balances -....................-........-................. —-. 7 50 6 locomotive balances... —-..... ——. —---- 237 50 68 washbasins........................ -.......... 36 72 2 bedsteads, (manufactured).......-...................................-........... —. 4 double blocks —..................................................... 41 00 I snatch block —..............................-....................... 15 00 6 tackle blocks......................-...................-........... 42 60 1 tin boiler, (manufactured).........-............................................... 65 pepper boxes -............................-........-............. 42 90 7 salt boxes, (1 captured)......-.-....-....-.....-... —............... 75 I tool-box, (manufactured)......-.......................................-........... 155 brooms.......................................................... — 96 10 23 claw bars, (4 captured)........................................ 60 04 66 crowbars --------------------------------------------------------- 157 08 9 raising bars, (5 captured) -..................-...-..............-.... 9 52 5 lining bars.- —........................ —......................... 11 90 5 timber bars, (5 captured)...........................-..........-..-........ —----- 17 tamping bars -.......-............................................. 40 46 133 assorted bars.............................-...............-.... —. 316 54 17 grate bars.................. —..........................-........ —. 17 00 9 dusting-brushes.......................................-............. 7 38 6 markingo brushes ---- -.... —. —----—. —-- 3 60 28paint brushes................ 3 20 10 scrub brushes..-......-.........-.........-...-.-.-.-........ —--. 4 50 29 whitewash brushes.................-........-.............. —-- -- 26 10 126 feet leather belting-.................. —.............. 80 64 10 head blocks ----------------------------- --------- 10 barrel bolts -- 2 00 5 brass flush bolts-..............-............-.......-.. —.. —....... 3 45 44 barrel borax............-........-.......-..........-........-...- -. 2 006 1156 bolts —------------------------------ 31 20 44 pounds borax ------------------—. 20 68 586 brass butts -...........-.... —.-..-...........-..........-.... —-. 73 25 274 cast-iron butts.......................-..........-......-..... —-. 21 92 2 hand bellows ---------------- 54 66 72 wagon bows, (found and taken up)......-.......................................... 2 reams quartermaster's blanks........... —..... —...... —-...-... —-. 50 00 11 papers brads -.. —..... —-...................... —---. —.. —----. 16 50 60 pounds brads -1.................................................. 020 5 bevels ------------------------------------------------------- 3-35 13 alarm bells...................................................................... RAILROAD PROPERTY. 477 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Articles. Cost. 125 yards red bunting................................................ $131 25 404,060 pounds coal.................................................. 261 56 890 bushels coal, blacksmiths'......................................... 462 80 25 chains, (found and taken up).................................................... 83 chisels. (12 captured).............................................. 95 14 4 sets chisels.-........................................................ 34 08 62 iron cutters, (3 captured).......................................... 72 57 7 pairs compasses. —............................................. —.. 2 87 1 medicine chest (manufactured).......................................-............. 2 mess chests, (captured)........................................................... 6 crucibles.......................................................... 19 44 4 tubes carmine.................................-...................... 3 92 40 pounds star candles................................................ 15 62 21,900 pounds railroad chairs.......................-.................... 1, 971 00 63 pounds white chalk..-............................................ 63 10 head-light chimneys -.......... —---------- 3 00 122 lamp chimneys................................................... 10 98 31 pounds chrome green.................................-............. 12 40 15 pounds chrome yellow............................................ 6 00 4 quires emery cloth -—................................................ 92 9 yards wire......................................................... 2 07 16 tubes assorted colors —........-...................................... 3 68 164 pounds sheet copper, (74 captured).........-.......................- 60 30 1,000 pounds ingot copper............................................. 460 00 49 pounds bell cord................................................... 22 54 783 tin cups......-..........................................-.....- 78 36 24 brass locks —...................................................-.. 138 00 1 calendar........................................................1 75 4 wagon covers, (found and taken up) 4 wa o co es (fu da dtk nu )................................................ 2 curry-combs, (found and taken up)...... — 53 sets hose couplings...-...-..-....... —..........-................. 91 16 27,680 pounds corn, (received from quartermaster's department)........................ 35 tin dippers........................................................ 5 60 12 doubletrees..... —..................-............................. 6 00 2 sets dies and plates..-............................................... 92 24 3 sets screw-drivers................................................... 3 60 500 official envelopes....-... —-.........-.........-................-. 4 90 5 straight edges, (manufactured)...................................-............9 G. P. elbows-................................................... 11 25 14 pounds emery-..................................................... 80 1 wood faucet -... —-..................................-............-.. 25 1 brass faucet, (received from an unknown source)............ —... —-.................. I lead faucet, (found and taken up) — - - - - -- - - - -.... -- -- -.. 36 red flags......................................................... 21 60 730 forks....................................................... 277 40 2,320 pounds tarred felt.............................................. 150 80 34 yards cotton flannel................................................ 20 40 2,000 feet white pine flooring......................................... 120 00 3,000 feet yellow pine flooring-........................................ 180 00 196 pounds flour.................................................... 9 50 65 taper files. —-.................-.................................. 46 80 18 saw-mill files..................................................... 14 22 83 assorted files...................................................... 65 57 26 bastard files....................................................... 21 58 13 lamp fillers....................................................... 4 55 7 railroad frogs...................................................... 174 37 1 gimlet............................................................ 10 16 boxes glass....................................................... 141 92 3 white gloves....................................................... 90 32 lantern glasses.-.................................................. 19 20 6 lights glass........................................................ 60 22 pounds glue....................................................... 6 60 4 pounds imperial green............................................. 1 60 478 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 6chedule of railroad property, &'c.-Continued. Articles, Cost. 3 steam gauges....-........-......-.................-.................. $90 99 I track gauge —.......-......... —.....-.......-.. —-................... 37 2 thumb gauges -......... —.............. —-... —......-... —........... 1 00 II pounds gum shellac.. —-... —-.......-....... —-......-... —....-.. 12 65 I gong-.......... — -.... —.............. —..-....................... 5 46 85 pen-holders - - -2 55 53,232 pounds hay, (received from quartermaster's department)......................... 21 claw hammers. —...................................-.............. 23 52 9 hand hammers........... —.....................-......-........ —.. 9 00 12 spike hammers....... —.......-...............- -..........-..... 20 40 4 spike hammers.. —........ -.......-...................-........... 4 20 1 set spike hammers.. —......................................-..................... 5 adze handles.............. —.... —...............-.... —-.......-.. 2 75 4 axe handles. —-..... —-......................-.....-.-.............. 2 20 4 broadaxe handles................................. —... —.......... 2 20 4 sets lifting handles -... —.....-...........-..... -............-...... 80 14 pick handles.-..................................... ——........-.. 2 94 11 hammer handles.. —-................................ — -.......... 2 42 22 hatchet handles......................-.............................. 4 62 4 saw handles. —.... -......-....-.............-. —...........,.-... —- 48 64 assorted handles............... —................. —..-............ 35 20 6 hatchets and straight belts..........................-..- -..-. — ---- -. 8 40 37 hatchets.......................................................... -— 52 17 25 hasps and staples.. —...-.-...........-................... — -- -- -. 3 50 149 hangers and straps.. —.............-..................... — -..... 80 46 1 belt hook, (found and taken up)... —... —....................-...-................. 5 assorted hooks, (3 captured, 2 found and taken up)-.. —-... —-........-...-............ 28 feet 3-inch hose...-..-.......... —-....... —-..... —... —-.... —-. 37 52 1 halter and rope -...-...-.-...........-........-.....-...........-.. 1 50 381 feet hose —............................................. —.......... 762 00 2 quarts writing ink — 3 7'2 2 urt riig n...-..................-.....-....... —................. I bottle writing ink...-.... —-...............-.....-..... —........-. 1 86 36 two-ounce bottles writing ink.. —................-....... —-........ 5 40 1 quart copying ink -..... —-...-.... —.....-.... —.... —.....-.....-. 1 66 12 bottles red ink -....... —-... —....... —-..............-........... 9 00 4 round irons -......... —.... —..-..... ——..........-... —........-.. 8 08 2 caulking irons.. —.................................................... 1 74 2,632 assorted irons, (1,000 captured) -......... —.....-.... —.....-..... 489 60 200 boiler irons, (200 captured)........... —-............ —-.......................... 500 new irons, (500 captured)........................-............................. 116 Russia irons, (116 captured).. —.................-..-.-...-................... 1,825 sheet irons, (100 captured).............................-.......... 207 00 200 old irons....-.................................... —.......................... —. 2,300 bars railroad iron -.. —-........... — -.................. —......... 41,331 00 12,460 pounds pig iron.............................................................. 11 inkstands.......- --... -5 50 7 two-quire journals — ---- -.. --- - ----- -- 10 50 11 three-quire journals -.................-...-........-........... —-.. 24 75 7 four-quire journals........................-.......................... 21 00 9 five-quire journals -.. —- -—...- --- — 33 75 2 base jacks......................................................... 4 claw jacks. — 525 00 1 hydraulic jack, (captured)......................................................... 1 toe jack —- —....... ——.. - -- -- —. 37 50 13 gallons Japan brown.-..-. —-... —-.... —.......-.......-.......... 56 03 7 gallons baking brown............................................... 21 42 1 jar ---------------------------------------------------------------- 40 17 camp kettles......-......................- -................ 35 70 978 knives -..-. —... —-.. —-.... —... —.....-........................ 156 48 39 butcher knives... —.. ——.. —-..... —................ -..-.... —-.. 13 93 4 draw-knives-. - -4 84 88 mahogany knobs..-..................-.................. 1 76 44 tape lines......................................................... 44 00 108 chalklines...................... —................... —.......... 31 32 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 479 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continucd. Articles. Cost. 550 feet chalk line................................................................. 8 blue lights. —...................................................... $16 00 266 white lights......................-................................ 399 00 2 green lights. —... —.-.............................................. 4 00 53 red lights ------ -.......-............ 106 00 27 brass switch locks and keys, (captured).............................. 52 00 97 chest locks..-......... —-......... —..... — -...................... 36 86 19 cupboard locks...-.. —................. —--...................... 5 32 13 drawer locks....-.....................-.......................... 7 02 66 rim and knob locks. —-...-.-...................................... 67 98 3 car locks........-............................................... 6 00 4 dead locks --- -.. -- - -.. —— 8 00 62 padlocks -.................-...................................... 21 70 1 1 pounds lam pblack................-................................ 4 07 91 pounds excelsior lead.....-....................... —-............. 18 20 300 pounds red and black lead -.. —. —-................................. 75 00 198 pounds white lead.........-...................................... 33 66 6 sides lace leather -.... —....................-....................... 24 00 10 sides sole leather....................... —...................................... 54 pounds sole leather.........................-...................... 22 95 7 sides tan leather..-..............................-................. 34 65 2 head lights -.-......... —-....................-.........-.......... 210 00 36 barrels lime, (I captured).....-... —..................-............ 87 50 17 pounds litharge.. ——.....................-............-.......... 3 40 90 saw logs, (m anufactured)........................................................ 6,500 feet saw logs, (manufactured).. —... —-......................................... 234,494 feet lumber.-.............................................. 93,797 60 17 coal-oil lamps -.................................................... 19 04 540 coupling lines. ——...................-........................... 648 00 2 spirit levels...-..-................................................ 4 00 2 latches...............................................-............ 1 66 2 packages gold-leaf.................................................. 16 00 6 bottles m ucilage..- --......... — -.................................. 1 50 26 carpenters' mauls, (manufactured)............................................. —. 285 spike mauls...-................................................. 484 50 35 coffee-mills.....-.................................................... 39 55 1 m andril. ——.. ——.. —-... —--........ —........................... 7 15 254 pounds Babbitt metal....-.................................... 114 30 26 pounds zinc metal....-............... —.......................... 3 51 1 mule, (received from quartermaster's department) --—.......-.............-..............56~ kegs nails...-.....................-.............................. 51 32 1,397 pounds nails -..-............................................... 125 73 I keg nuts, iron...................................................... 28 63 100 pounds nuts, square... —......................................... 12 00 50 pounds nuts..- --...-.............................................. 6 00 50 feet spark netting -................................................. 62 50 74,732 pounds oats, (received from quartermaster's department)......................... 145 pounds oakum.. —-... —..........-.............................. 23 92 2 barrels oil.......................................................... 122 24 176 gallons coal oil-................................................... 176 00 28 gallons linseed oil -..... —...-..................................... 53 48 94 gallons kerosene oil.......-... —.................................. 94 00 2,624 gallons sperm oil...-............................................ 6,297 60 3 barrels sperm oil.................................................... 230 40 62 gallons boiler oil................................................... 121 52 16 S. B. oilers........................................................ 2 40 8 quires envelope paper -.. —......................................... 5 68 190 quires foolscap paper.............................................. 76 00 490 quires letter paper......-...........................-............ 176 40 170 quires note paper -- -............................... 45 90 18 sheets oil-paper. ——..........................................~.... 9 00 51 ream s sandpaper............................................... 28 75 ~ quire cross section paper............................................. 3 00 2 reams emery paper.................................................. 9 70 480 RAILROAD PROPERTY Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Articles. Cost. 615 lead pencils....-................................-..........-....... $79 95 418 red and blue pencils --—............................................ 313 50 4 gross slate pencils.................................... -.............. 18 3 plates and dies............ —.....-..... —....................... —-. 138 36 3 pairs plyers........................................................ — 5 25 3 iron pokers-. 3 00 1 glue pot, (captured)................................................................ 57 copper pots........................................................ 51 30 24 fin pails.......................................................... 18 00 35 bake pans. —-................. —................................. 10 50 1 dish pan ----------------------------------------------------------- 87 7 dripping pans.-..................................................... 6 09 5 frying pans.-.......................................-.......... —-. 1 20 153 mess pans -...-....................................-....... —...... 52 02 2 assorted tin pans -.......-.......................-........-.......... 40 159 picks............................................................ 251 22 7 tamping picks...................................................... 16 45 349 tin plates........................................................ 34 90 I iron pot........................................................... 50 2 solder pots..-...................................................... 1 80 4 rotary hand pumps................................................. 476 00 89 pounds hemp packing.............................................. 20 47 325 rubber packing................................................... 487 50 ~ coil yarn packing................................................... 1630 pounds black paint-.............................................. 4 50 1,506 piles ——........................................................ 6,024 00 10 pounds prussiate potash............................................ 8 00 1,123 steel pens —-.................................................... I 23 2 gross steel pens................-..-............-.................... 3 12 I punches........................................................... 4 00 3 smooth planes...................................................... 4 05 3 fore planes......................................................... 6 24 I sash plane...... —................................... —............ 2 40 120 coupling pins.......-.........................................-.. 180 00 300 feet gas pipe..................................................... 132 00 4 joints stove pipe —....... —........................................... 5 08 13 pieces rubber —............................................... —.. 1 95 11 rubber rules -...-.-...... —..... —. -....... —............-......... 11 77 34 boxwood rules, (14 captured)....................................... 15 40 2 ratchets........................................................................... 4 M aiden wire riddles................................................. 6 00 5 pounds Venetian red.-............................................... 75 40 connecting rods, (40 captured).................................................... I box roofing for cars......... —..................................................... 4,187 pounds rope, (200 captured) -.................................... 1,196 10 6 coil bell rope..................................................................... i barrel resin, (found and taken up). 7} arlr sn fu da dtk nu ).....................................,.............. 20 pounds resin, (found and taken up).............................................. 17 pounds iron rivets.................................................. 2 35 2 pen racks.......................................................... 86 29 reamers —.......................................................... 188 50 72 brass rings........................................................ 26 64 6 slates.............................................................. 11 34 4 rivet sets.. —... —...... —......................-.................. 4 56 3 saw sets, (1 captured).. —..... —.................................... 2 70 1 try square.. —... —.. —-............................................. 48 43 oil-stones, (I captured)............................................. 14 28 3 spoke shaves, (2 captured)..............-............................ 50 4 buck saws..-....................................................... 4 24 24 hand-saws........................................................ 38 40 4 cross-cut saws..-.................................................... 20 00 I rip saw............................................................ 2 71 2 bench screws, (1 captured).......................................... 87 3 hand screws...................................................................... RAILROAD PROPERTY. 481 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Articles. Cost. 82 coach screws, (found and taken up)............................................... 31 gross assorted screws -32-. —................ 3 86 1,1921 pounds assorted screw s....... -- -.......................... 48 timber screws-0.......................................08 3 scoops, (captured)............-.................................................. 198 shovels.......................................................... 263 34 6 skim m ers................................................... 2 10 703 table-spoons................................................... 38 66 14 basting spoons................................................... 2 38 118 teaspoons-4 72............................... 472 180 pounds salt, (60 captured)1........................................ 136 150 slides, (captured)............................................................. 5 pounds soap-stone......5..6. 6 72 pounds solder-34...... 56............................... 56 38 pounds spelter..................................................... 19 76 6 keg's spikes 5............................. 4 00 67,000 pounds hook spikes..-...............-......................... 6,030 00 405 kegs railroad spikes -..................-.......................... 3,645 00 30,000 pounds bridge spikes -2,550 00 46 kegs bridge spikes............................... -.............. 391 00 I keg cut spikes.-................................................. 11 00 20 pounds rubber springs -.........-.................................. 24 00 6,202poundssteel......... 1,612 52 6 bars steel-............................... — 39 00 8 pounds pumice stone......................................... 1 06 9 pounds ground pumice stone -............................-........... 90 50 pounds rotten-stone.-.......................-.................... 5 00 35 pounds sulphur.................................................... 4 20 1 set stock and dies..........-........................................ 44 25 2 sledges............................................................ 3 00 2 5 00 12 spreaders................................................ 1 20 18 m.onkey switches...... 4 4 O. 70 gunny sacks, (received from quartermaster's department) I arm y scale, (found and taken up) - - - - - - - - - - - - —.... -........................... 4 cook-stoves-104....... 00................................. 104 00 2 cam p-stoves, (m anufactured).........................................-............... 2 anti-friction shieves6 7...2... -...................................... 6 72 15,940 shingles.................................................... 159 40 3 tons m oulding sand................................................. 4 50 33 pounds shellac................................................... 37 95 33 pairs B. S. tongs --------------------------------------------------- IC3 62 4 pairs R. R. tongs, (4 captured)................................................... 3 pairs T. R. tongs-................................................... 9 42 100 papers tacks..................................................... 6 25 2,986 pounds tallow -------------------------------------------------- 552 41 791,444 feet timber- --------------------------------------------------- 51,443 86 69 pieces tim ber-..................................................... 86 25 6 boxes tin.- -....................................................... 139 98 150 pounds block tin.................................................. 94 50 18,320 cross-ties. —--------------------------------------------------- 9, 160 00 31 tubes for lamps, (6 captured)1...................................... I00 127 gallons turpentine, (19 captured) ----------—..... -- -- 349 92 8 pounds twine........................ -3-........................ 360 2 water-tanks. —------------------------------------ 130 00 I set tools........................................................... 5 00 5 sash tools...-.................................................. 20 00 10 trow els..........................................-................ 17 50 4 pounds burnt umber ------------ ------------------------------------ 64 2 vices, (I captured). —----------—................ —-- --- 17 15 57J loads varnish —------------------ -------------------------------- 391 00 100 pounds Venetian red ---------------—......... - 15 00 4 ventilators, (captured)............................................................ H. Ex. Doc. 155 31 4'892 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property,:c.-Continued. Articles. Cost. -1 package vermilion........................75 I tube vermilion.............................35 18 pounds vermilion.................6300 15,920 cords wood.........................55720 00 64 pounds washers.........................1984 5,281 pounds cotton waste......................-2,376 45 125 pounds whiting... —.... —-... —-...............-5 00 43 pounds wicking.... —..............-.......... —5375 85 head-light wicks... —- --...... —... —......... —..... 31 45 -I ream Manilla wrapping............... —-..... 625 36 lamp wicks —--................ —..... ——........- -36 24 monkey wrenches. —-..... —--.. --...... — -....76 88 14 screw wrenches.. —... —....................43 40 9 wrenches.................................4797 25 pounds annealed wire.......................81 1 wedge iron, (captured). —- ----—.......... 106 car-wheels.... — ----........................... 3,074 00 15 wheelbarrows.. ---.......................... 116 pounds zinc..............-......-....-......15 66 No. 7.-Schedule of property transferred to officers not connected with military railroads since May 1, 1865. Schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the 1st day of May,. A. D. 1865, transferred to officers not connected with the department of military railroads, department of Virginia, transferred by General H. L. Robinson. Date. Articles. Cost. To whom transferred. 1865. MayIV' 7,202 feet timber..-..-$....... $252 07 Geo. T. Browning, Capt. and A. Q. M., Giesboro' Point. 134 railroad chairs. —---...... 107 20 Do. 1620 tons railroad iron -—..... 1,852 32 Do. 32 piles -. —......................160 00 Do. 13 kegs railroad spikes —... — 117 00 Do. May 15 464 railroad wheels. —------------- 10,796 00 E. A. Morse, Capt. and A. Q. M., New Orleans, La. July 18 1 pile driver. —------------------- 2,000 00 J. G. C. Lee, Capt. and A. Q. M., Alexandria, Va. Sept. 4 5,264 cords wood 13,160 00 M. J. Ludington, Col. and Chf. Q. M., Washington, D. C. Nov. 18 1 ton anthracite coal -------------- 10 45 J. M. Moore, Capt. and A. Q. M., Washington, D. C. 2,000 envelopes. —---------------- 19 60 Do. 4 glass inkstands.-.-... ——..... 200 Do. I letter press. —------------------- 23 33 Do. 3 rubber, rules. —---------------- 3 21 Do. 6 chairs. —----—... —........... - Do. I desk - ---- --. -..............- Do. 2.tables... —------ -.. —--- Do. I coal stove.. -- -- -—.-* Do. 12 elbows. —-----.. —-----—.. * Do.:6 feet stove-pipe -------------—..- * Do. l sheet zinc -----—............- * Do. 1 coal hod-.. -- - ---------- 83 Do. Ic 1 stove shake. —----—..........- * Do. Dec. I,16 frame, buildings.. —------------ 750 00 J. G. C. Lee, Bvt. Lieut. Col. and A. Q. M, Alexandria, Va. * Pyice not lanown received from Quartermaster's department. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 483 Schedule of railroad prop2rty, &$c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Cost. To whom transferred. 1866. Jan. 9 3 truck cars...................... $150 00 Stuart Barnes, Capt. and A. Q. M., Petersburg, Va. 16,024 feet matched flooring - -........ 640 96 Do. 5,345 feet car lumber, (prepared)..! 267 25 Do, 800 feet oak lumber.. —......... 48 00 Do. 34,352 feet 2-inch pine plank -...-.. 1, 305 37 Do. 14,927 feet 3-inch pine plank...... 593 08 Do. 354,652 feet hemlock scantling..... 10,284 90 Do. 47,043 feet white pine....-........ 1, 764 00 Do. 86,500 shingles.... —............. 865 00 Do. 23,220 feet pine timber, 6 by 6.... 870 75 Do. 8,000 feet pine timber, 6 by 8....... 300 00 Do. 6,874 feet pine timber. 8 by 8..... 257 77 Do. 31,978 feet square timber.......... 1,199 17 Do. 1 claw bar....................... 3 16 Do. 1 pinch....................1 2 38 Do. 2 sets double blocks -—..... —-. 27 75 Do. 6 water buckets.. —....-. 252 Do. 1 red lamp......... —-........... 2 00 Do. 4 white lamps —................ 6 00 Do. 3 picks.......................... 4 83 Do. 150 feet 1-inch rope.................-..-.... Do. 1 cross-cut saw...-... —......-. 5 45 Do. 1 pair scales...................... 17 05 Do. 2 shovels...................... 2 60 Do. 2 box stoves and pipes.... —...... 32 90 Do. 3 cooking stoves and fixtures....... 78 00 Do. 9,714 cross-ties................... 4, 857 00 Do. Feb. 2 582~ cords 4 foot wood............ 1,695 00 Geo. A. Flagg, Bvt. Maj. and A. Q. M., Harper's Ferry, Va. 47,142 feet white pine timber......- 1, 885 68 Do. 500 feet oak timber - -............... 30 00 Do. 7,500 feet hemlock scantling....... 217 50 Do. 11 buildings..................... 3,250 00 Do. 1 platform, 197 by 27.............. 425 52 Do. 1 platform, 232 by 22.............. 408 32 Do. 1 platform, 446 by 25.............. 892 00 Do. I platform, 112 by 16.............. 143 36 Do. Schedule of railroad property in the possessiou of and belonring, to lhe United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, and transferred to officers not connected with military railroads, by Captain J. B. Stubbs, department of North Carolina. Articles. Cost. I handled axe................................................ 2 06 3 letter-press books, (received from unknown source)........................ —- -.. — 84 time-books........................................................ 35 28 I riding bridle, (received from quartermaster's department)..... —............. 2 bedsteads, (manufactured)....................................................... 2 alarm bells. —................................................................... I salt box, (manufactured)........................................................ 2 dusting brushes................................................... 1 64 3 marking brushes.................................................... 60 4 paint brushes -.....-...-...............-.........-.............-.. —- 15 6 whitewash brushes...... —................................-.. 90 1 bureau, (manufactured).............................................................355 feet leather belting................................................ 450 88 190 bushels B. S. coal, (received from unknown source)................................ 484 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, -c.-Continued. Articles. Cost. I board letter clip, (received from unknown source).................................... I calendar, (received from unknown source).....-............................ 3 office clocks, (received from unknown source)........- -............................... I water-cooler, (manufactured)...................... —--................ I oil can, (manufactured)...................................................... 10 pounds chrome green..... —-......................................... $4 00 I field desk and table, (manufactured)..................-.......................... 1 writing desk, (manufactured).-............................................... I steam pile driver, complete......-................-................. 3, 200 00 9 stove-pipe elbows -.................-.........-..........-.. 3 60 1 set fixtures for hauling logs....-..-..-..............-......-.. ——.. 300 42, 2 flesh forks.............................. —-........ 80 1 steam gauge. --..... —-................. 30 33 1 horse, (received from quartermaster's department)........................... 2 belt hooks, (received from an unknown source)............... -.............. 60 pounds Russia iron...-................-.............-.... —-. 15 00 4 3-quire journals.........................................-.....-. 9 00 4 4-quire journals.................... —- - —........-.... —- -----—....... —-- 12 00 4 5-quire journals -........-....-......-... -.... —-...... —... —...- 15 00 11 white lights..................................................... — 16 50 100 pounds white lead, (received from an unknown source)............................. 6 chest locks, (received from an unknown source).................. 71,000 feet, board measure, lumber, white pine, (manufactured).......................... 6,715 feet, beard measure, lumber, yellow pine, (manufactured)...................... 1 portable saw-mill, with engine and boiler -..................... —.. 4, 300 00 1,598 pounds oats, (received from quartermaster's department)..................... —42 gallons sperm oil, (received from an unknown source)............................... 2 quires envelope paper -.............................. 1 42 18 red and blue pencils, (received from an unknown source)........-................... 1 letter press.........-................. —-----------—........-........-.... —---------- 27 50 2 tin pails, (manufactured)...-................................................. 2 bake-pans, (manufactured).................................................13 tin pans, assorted -....................-... —...... —-.... —-. 2 60 28 paulins, (received from quartermaster's department)................................55 joints stove pipe, (manufactured)..-................................. I coffee-pot, (manufactured)...........-........................................ 10 feet smoke-pipe —------------------------ - 20 00 52 grain sacks, (received from quartermaster's department). —-------------- ------------- I set letter scales -..-.-.... -- ----—....-....-.... -- - 4 00 I riding saddle, (received from quartermaster's department). —------------- ------------- 6 buck saws -..... —...........-........ —....... - -- 6 36 2 hydraulic jacks- ---------------------------------------------------- 225 00 6 basting spoons, (received from an unknown source). —------. ——. —.......... 3 box cars, transferred to Treasury Department, (captured from confederate 6 flat cars, transferred to Treasury Department, (captured from confederate I wash stand, (manufactured)....-....... - - -... —-.. ——. ----------- 6 stools, (manufactured) ---------. -. --- --—... --- --- -------—.. 6 stoves, assorted, (received from an unknown source). —.. --- ----- --------—. 5 cook stoves and fixtures --- -........ —---—.. --—. —-.-.. —-'10 00 12 kegs cut spikes ----------------------------... --—.. - 120 00 6 tables, (manufactured) ------ -. —-------------—.. 53 pounds twine.-..... —-.... ---------------------- 24 30 2 gallons court varnish -..... -- ----- —........ —--------- 13 60 16 pounds wicking. —--—... --- -.... —---- 20 00 Total. —-------------------------------—. 6,135 66 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 485 No. S.-Schedule of captured railroad property on hand JIay 1, 1865, showing how and by whtat authority disposed of.,Schedule of captured railroad property in the possession of the United States on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1865, in the department of Virginia, returned to the original owners. HOW DISPOSED OF. o4 drl rse...... — 3, 3~13 —- tons railroad iron. tons. 158 538 162^), 538 1,408 508 88 car wheels.................... 70 18 - 4 drill presses.-..-..... 3 1...................... I turning machine............ I..............1 wiring machine................ -....................................... I bolt cutting machine................... 3 planing machines............. —.......... 2 horn stakes.-............... 2......1 set sheet-iron tools.-.......1. 1 set pipe tools......... —..................... -- I pair shears............. —........ - 5 hammers...................... 2- 3.. -- 100 feet shafting -.................. 100........ 8 lathes, (assorted)............... 2 5 1...................4 planers, (assorted)...................... 2 locomotive engines.............. 1 --................ 1 stationary engine........-............... - - 1 machine shop and building.............. I............ 1 frame for grindstone..... —.........I 3 circular saws and frames - -......................... 1 crane for blacksmith forge.............. 32 pairs car wheels and axles.- -.... 32. 33 cars.......................... — -8 6 8 11 I car body, (old)......................... 10 track bars.................... ---....... 6 shovels. —.................................. 6 - 6 picks.................6......................... I track gauge................................. I..'98,353 pounds wrought-iron scrap and bars.-.................... 31, 959 66, 394 5,539 pounds steel springs......... -........-.. ---- — 998 4, 541 79,315 pounds castings- - - -........... 8, 059 71,258 13,173 pounds old tire............................................ 4,640 8, 533 36,582 pounds old axles........... 7, 958 28, 624 92,416 pounds cast-iron scrap -...... 33, 080 59, 336 155,057 pounds old car wheels..... —- - - - - 42, 900 112,157 156,463 pounds old railroad iron... 156, 463 ~2,640 feet old railroad iron, (sidings)... ---— 2,640 486 RAILROAD PROPERTY A schedule of captured railroad property in the possession of the United States on the first day of May, A. D. 1865, department of North Carolina, expended, sold, and returned to former owners by order of the Secretary of War. HOW DISPOSED OF. Articles. Returned to Expended. Soldl formerown- Total. ers. 21 anvils..............................2 1821 74 hand axes............................... 74 110 broadaxes..... 110 - -..........110 214 augers...........................9 25 214 9 scratch awls-......................... 9 340 hammered car axles- - -340 340 50 hand-car axles.............................. —29 21 50 7 driving axles. —-.................... - -.......... 7 7 230 old wheels and axles.......................- - -230 230 I apparatus for welding rails ----....-........-....... I 3 hand-bellows —...............................3 3 12 carpenters' benches........................2 2 sets braces and bits - -2............ 2 3 draughting-boards- —........................... 3 14 iron braces.............................14....14 1 breaker and rope --- -............................. 42 brace bits........................... — 42-42 21 auger bits........................... 15 -.21 4 car bits ---- -—...................... 4 1 salt box.............................. 32 pinch bars. —._ — ---- -............ 32 ----------- 32. lI~claw bars -—....-................. 4 9......-. 13. 5 wrench bars -- --- -.... —------...-.. 5. —----—.. 5 17 timber bars-.......................... 12............ 17 11 raising bars --—.................... 5 6 —. —-.- 11 49 lining bars...-....-........................... 49 ------------ 49 49 tamping bars.......-...................... 49 ------ ------ 49 31 raising and lining bars..- -- ----..... 31............ 31 I tap-borer....- - -...... —1 —-----.... —.. I............ I 135 pounds old brass-..............................135 135 1,924 pounds newbrass-............................ -i... — -- 1,924 1,924 88 Bristol bricks. -- -.............. — -.......- 88 88 1,200 pounds brass and copper -.. -... - —. — -- 1, 200 1, 200 50 truck brasses ---- —.-............... 50...- —.. 50 1 horse-power boiler... -- -.. -........ —- I I I boiler for locomotive ----- -..... —. -1.....-. I I I signal bell.............................. —. —---- 1-I 6 engine alarm bells -.9 —------—..-. 6 39 —------ 6 39 tons car bolts ---- -.............. - - --—....-.. 39 17 passenger cars.-.......- -.. 17 17 2 mail cars - --- -—. —.. - - -- -.......... 2 2 4 baggage cars -—. —.. —-- --- -- 4 4 86 box cars..........-......... 86 86 68 flat cars 68 68 5 truck cars.-.... —..-.-.............. —. — --..... 5 2 cutter bolts. —-.....- -----------! —-------- 2 26 cape chisels.-.... -—. - -..... —-- 6 34 cold chisels................... —----—....- 34 34 3 iron cutters-........................... 31........... I 3 plate chucks.............................................. 3 3. 53 chisels-............................. 12 26 15 53 I set firmer chisels --—.-...................-..I I............ 1 I set framing chisels..1.............-.....-.. I ------------ I pair compasses.................................. I 1 —--------- RAILROAD PROPERTY. 487 Schedule of railroad property, &,c.-Continued. HOW DISPOSED OF. Articles. Returned to Expended. Sold. former own- Total. ers. 2 iron cupolas..- —. -.....-...- ---- - —... 2 2 2,280 * i c 2,280 p2,280 1 brass cupola.-.-. —-------------------.. — - --. I I 300 iron clamps....................- - —. - -.. 300:300 2 chests of tools........................ —.-. — - -... 2 2 I office clock-..-....................... -.......... 1 1 I crane.-.- -.. --- -—. - - -...... —--- --. I I 3 large chills with flasks...................... 3 3 6crucibles........... —-------- -... -- -.. 6 6 9 small crucibles with flasks - - - --...........9 9 3 g'ong cubes. ——........... 3...... —.. 3 625 pounds old railroad chairs............... 625 625 1 iron cupola. —--------- --- I I I brass cupola.. —---- —.1............ 1 1 1,000 pounds railroad chairs —...- - 000..- - I, ooo000 bhale chalk............- - —. - -... ---. - i 1,000 pounds sheet copper. —------------- 74 926.-......... 1, 000 1 writing desk. —-------—. —... -- —....... —..... -—.I I 24dies. ----------------------------- - —. 24. —- -—. 24 119drills.....................- - -. - - 25 94 119 5 screw-drivers.. —-------- -—.... - -............ 5 2 crane derricks....-..-....................... —.....-... 2 2 1 drop derrick... ——. -... —----—. _..... -- - -1- 1_ I 1 20 locomotive engines --- -................. — - ------ 20 20 4 stationary engines -. - --........ — -------- 1 3 4 1 locomotive engine, used as stationary......- --........ —1. I I I upright engine for pile-driver --— a.... —1..... I..-..-.-.. I 354 round bastard flies... —- -..... 1 —------—. 354 ------ ------.354 3 blower and belt fans —.. -- -.-....... — - ----- 3 3 16B.S. tongs' —----------------------—....... — - 16 ----------- 16 I flatter. —---------------------------- 1 ---------- I 2 jig-saw frames ---------- --------------........- - 2 I set figures ----- -........-1 I 1 set tinners' folders ------—.. —- I 1 —--------- 313 iron flasks.-....... —.....-..... —- ---------- ---------- 313 313 72 brass flasks......................... —.-. —... —....... — - - 72 72 45 wood flasks................................. — - 45 ------ ------ 45 2 blower fans ------- -......-................... — - ------- 2 2 6B.S.forges -------------------------—............ — - ----- 6 6 8 iron forges.-... - - --........ —- 8 8 7 assorted files................................. — - 7 ------------ 7 8RR.Rfrogs.................................... —.. — - ----- 8 8 124 track gauges...-..-....................... — - 124 ------ ------ 124 24 thumb gauges ---—.-..-. —--------. 24 ------ ------ 24 2 hand hammers 1.. - - -------- I I I engine hammer -.............. -........ ---- I ---------- I 1 steam hammer -.-.-.......... ---------- 1-..... I I 10 machinists' hammers.................... — ----- 10 -... —----- 10 I trip hammer -..... - -............... —- -.1 1 29 nail hammers................ —--—.......... — -929 -- 29 3firehooks............... —----------- 3 --------—......- - ---- 3 1 hatchet —--------------------------- - ---------—.I ----------— I 2 hammers........ —....... ---------- 2 ------------ 2 2 hooks for balance beam......- ------ -—..... 2 ------------'2 16 carrying hooks.............................-... 16 ------ ------ 16 3 curving hooks ----------------—.- --------- 3 ------------ 3 488 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, S&c.-Continued. IHOW DISPOSED OF. Articles. Returned to Expended. Sold. former own- Total. ers. 2 bramble hooks2................................ - 2 80 assorted handles........ — - -80 80 6 curving hammers. --- —........ — ----—..6............ 6 32 spike hammers —..- -............-...........2 3.........32 225 hammer handles — -...................225 225 - - - -......................... 4 copper hatchets.............. -- -..... — - 4 —- ---------- 4 I caulking iron -...............................-..... 6 soldering irons............ - ---... —- 7'............ 6 20,276 pounds assorted iron.............. 000 2,2371 16, 939 20, 276 5,000 pounds bar iron..-. —--------- - —........... ------— 000 5, 000 1,600 pounds boiler iron.. 200 1, 400.......1,600 2 sheets boiler iron............- --................. 2 4 tons pig iron- -.. —......... 4... 4 5,000 pounds wrought scrap iron.......................... -. 50,000 pounds cast scrap iron -.....- —.500 pounds new iron -... - --. 500........ -.-.. ---.. 48,314 pounds old cast iron............ - 48. 314.. 45,262 old scrap iron ------- - --- 45, 462..... 466 pounds Russia iron.................. 116 *350.,000 poundsScotch pig iron......................... - -.... 11,000.......... 1,862 pounds sheet iron.................. 100 762 1, 000.........'300 tons old r...................................30 891,719 pounds old railroad iron.... 891,719 40 screw jacks ------------------------—........- - 40.-. ------ 40 7 hydraulic jacks.-...... —-........ —-.-....... 4 2 6 10 small jacks.............................................. 10 10 19 draw-knives................................ — - 19 19 17lathes —----------------------------- ---------- - - - - ----- 17 17 9 spirit levels.....-........................... — - 9-........... 9 I set letters-... —--------------------.........-I — - j.......... 1 3 coach lamps --------------------------.............. — - - ---- 3 7 iron foundry ladles ------- --------- -..... —----..... —-- 7 7 16 barrels lampblack7.......................-.......... 16 16 7 brass foundry ladles -. —--------------—............-.... —7 7 3,596 feet lumber........................................... 3,596 3,596 771 pounds bar lead-................................... 771 771 130 pounds black lead —----------------- --------—........ — - 130 130 1 brass switch lock and keys1.................................. I I barrel lime.................1..........-............ I 1 oalml mil —-1..............1.................. I 1 dubbing machine --------------------—. —------ -1....- 1 I I tenoning machine ----—....... —............ -.-. -..-I I I moulding machine ---------........ —.-1 —-- 1 I I boring machine, with augers. —---------- I I 3 planing mills - -......... —----------...-.. — ---------- 3 I blacking and belt mill ---------------—.................. — - 1 I wood-planing machine1...................................... 1 I iron-planing machine...................1..........-......... 2 mortising foot machines. -... - -------—....... —- 2 2 1 slotting machine....... - -......... —.-1 —-- 1-I I shaping machine...-................... —. — ------— 1 I iron punching machine................ —........ -1... I framing machine......................1................. 3 sets machinery for lathes.................-...........-..... 3 3 I saw mill complete.............1........ 1',.......... —---- * 62 credit; 60 transferred; 228 for cash. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 489 Schedule of railroad property, f-c.-Continued. HOW DISPOSED OF. Returned to! Expended. Sold. former own- Total. ers. 51 track mauls4.......................... 45 6 51 6 bridge mauls...............-..............6 -..... - 6 3kesnails.............................n...... 3 3 700 pounds nails —-- 706 700 12 papers finishing nails -—.. 12 12 45 gallons rosin oil...................... 45 45 4 assorted punches ----- -— 4 4 175 pounds assorted paint - - -- 175..............75 175 25 pounds mixed paint.........................5 25 0 100 pounds putty.......................................... 100 I 100 5 car platforms -.....- ----—..............-. 5 5 10 plates and dies. —------------...........7........ 7 4 drill presses.................................. 1 4 2 wheel presses.........r. 2 2 2 planers -.............-...........- —.... —........... 2 2 I screw plate and die....e..... 1.......... I I 2 glue-pots......-........-112.........1 1.......1 2 2 jack planes....-.......................... 2-...........- 2 2jiepns... -. -.......21 joiner p............21 21 21 smooth planes --........ —------—.- ----- 21.......... 21 7 ploughpanelplanes...................... 7.......... 7 7 bead planes.................................... 7 4 sash planes -. —-----------—...-... —4......... 4......- 4 3 fore planes -............................3 --- - 3 I assorted plane --— 1. - - -- -.......-.... I - - - I 12 tallow pots -.....-.- —... -—........... 12 ------------ 12 22 iron pots..- -.....-.......-..- - - --------—. 22 ------ ------ 22 16 cone plates...-.......................................... 16 16 1 pump force, shafting and pulleys. —-- -.- —............ I I 2 pumps -...... —........ -- —........ --- I 1 2 1 steam pump ----------------—...... —-- - -1 —-. I! 9 pulleys —.... —... -...................-........... —...... 9 9 44 patterns.-. -- --- --- -....... —-- 44 44 1 plough and irons. —-... ----- 1 I 30 pike poles -......... -... —..............-..... 20............ 20 10 feet smoke pipe-........- -.................... 10 ---------- 10 50 pounds lead pipe.................-.............. 50............ 50 1,320 coupling pins......... - - ---------- -------- - - 1, 320 { 1, 320 15 pounds rosin-......................... —....-............. IF 15 100 pounds rivets............................................ 100 100 71 reamers —------------------------- - ---------—.20 51 51 156 reamers and taps. —---. — --... —------- 156 156 34 boxwood rules-...................... 14 20............ i 34 I rasp -....-.......................... —........ I. 6,970 pounds rope...................... 200 6,070 1 00ft.' 6,970 120 connecting rods ----------- ---------- 40 801............. 120 I register..-.................................... I I iron safe -.1.......... —.................................. 6 fire shovels ---------—....... —---- 4 4 2 sledges -— 2.2..........................................2 3 bottom swedges... -..............-............... 3-3 1 hand screw....-.1..................... ~1............. I 8 bench screws.............- -1 —------- I.......... 7 8 1 set stocks and dies.....1 —................................ 1 1 24 steel squares-........ -......................... 24 ------------ 24 6 try squares6........................... I 5........... 6 * Transferred. 490 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of railroad property, sc-Continued. HOW DISPOSED OF, Articles. Returned to Expended. Sold. former own- Total. ers. 102 hand-saws............... —............10 --- 102 37 crosscut saws —.......................37 37 1 compass saw.................-.................. I I 1 saw set........- - —................... 5 wood bench-screws - -....................5 7 spokeshaves.........................2 5 7 10 slicks0 —.......................... 10 250 slides...........................150 100...250 I oilstone........................ 575 feet shafting and pulleys- 575 575 1 shaft and hanger...................... I 4 stakes....-.................................... 4 4 12 jack-screws.... —-...................... 0 2 1 2 hydraulic screws..................... 2 7 hand-screws.......................... 7 5 grindstones and fixtures.......................... 4 4 14 grindstones.............. - -...........14 14 1 kitchen safet.... — - -...................... 1 spittoonts.............................. 120 pounds salt0 0 —......................... 6 scoops —........... —.................... 4 5 circular steelyards..................................... 3 40 gross screws........................................ 40 40 pounds soapstone —-—. -. -----------....................5 5 ll2taps ------------ -—....... -- 6 106 112 3 sets taps and dies. —....... —-........... 2 1 3 16 blacksmiths' tools. —................. —................ 16 16 1 pair brass tongs...-........-.......................-..... I I 1 set iron foundry tools --—.. —-- -- -......... — I I I set brass foundry tools.. ——.. —--- -—.1 1 1 set hand-turning tools -..- -1 —------ I1 —--------- I 13 railroad tongs -----—.............. 4 9............ 13 22 gas-pipe tongs...... —---—. —---—............ 22 22 2pipe taps -------------------------— 2............ 2 19 gallons turpentine. —----------------- 19..........- —......... 19 25 locomotive tyres. —-. - -. -......... — - -.,.... 25 25 24 tvres for drivers.- ------—. -........................- 24 24 8 pairs car trucks -. ---- -—...-..........- ------- 8 8 2 engine trucks —....... —.........- ---------- --—... 2 2 6 lamp tubes. —--—. 6 6 3 water tanks ------------ -.................. — -2 1 3 1 office table -.... --- ----..... —........- -1 —---- I 1 87 coffee tubes......................... —.. —.... —....... — - - 87 87 100 pounds burnt umber..-.................................. 100 100 36 bench vices................................. — - 13 23 36 1 hand vice....................-I — -1 1 I finisher's vice............................................ I 1 16 ventilators -------------------------- 4 10 2 16 135 monkey wrenches.................. —. -------- 1133 ------ ------ 135 20 screw wrenches.. —-........................ — - 10 10 20 6 tap wrenches ------------------------- - -6............ 6 125 assorted wrenches.-...... -.-......... — - ------- 125 125 1 iron wedge -------------- ------------- I...................... I 649 car wheels..........................1.......... -169 480I 649 ^Transferred. t On band. l33 on credit, 110 at cost. 60 on credit. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 491 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. tHOW DISPOSED OF. Articles. Returned to Expended. Sold. former own- Total, ers. 29 tons car wheels- -------—....... —....-..... 29 29 11 driving" wheels. — 1 ——..-.-. ——.. —.11 II1 18 hand-car wheels-..-..-..-..-.... —- -...... 18.-.-... —- 18 47 rolls webbing-................... ——. 47 47 NOTE.~All -the articles mentioned in the column headed "Sold" are reported in the schedule of property sold at auction, and on credit, and are only mentioned here to show how the property captured was disposed oft Schedule of captured, railroad property in possession of the United States on the first day of May, 1865, at Savannah, Georgia, returned to the Georgia Central Railroad Company, June 20, 1866, by order of Major General II. 1W, Birge, U. S. A. Articles. Articles returned to former owners. I iron safe.. —------------—.. —. —-.... —-.... I iron safe. 2 wheelbarrows -2....... —- —.. -.. —-........ 2 wheelbarrows. 14 locomotive enoines ------------- - - -........ 14 locomotive engines. 10 locomotive tenders..... —----- -----—...... 10 locomotive tenders. 50 platform cars -------------- --------—........ 50 platform cars. 11 conductors' cars....-. —.. —-11..... —-. —-- I1 conductors' cars. 7 passenger cars. —--—. —- - 7 passenger cars. 113 box cars... —--—...... —. —....-.. —-- 113 box cars. 15 baggage cars - --- -........ - - 15 baggage cars. 12 stock cars.-. —-...... —----- -.. —-- 12 stock cars. 480 car wheels...... —-.. —--------—..- 480 car wheels. 117 car axles —.-....- -- -... —-- 117 car axles. 14 wheels on axles ---... —.............- 14 wheels on axles. 8 sledge-hammers ---..... —-.............. 8 sledge-hammers. 15 bench vices - ----------- -........... — 15 bench vices. 4 sets blacksmiths' tools ---------- -..-.... — 4 sets blacksmiths' tools. 9 j ack-screws..... —--—..- —... - - 9 jack-screws. I drill press -------------- ---------------- I drill press. 2 bolt-cutters -- -.. —.... -- ----- 2 bolt-cutters. I horizontal drill machine ---- --- -1.. I horizontal drill machine. I vertical drill machine --------- -1 —----------- I vertical drill machine. 2 screw-cutting lathes -....... —-..-.......- 2 screw-cutting lathes. I slidinog lathe ---- -........ —-1-.. —..... I sliding lathe. 3 wheel drawing machines --------—. —--- 3 wheel drawing machines. I pair boiler-makers' shears.... —... -- -- I pair boiler-makers' shears. 2 sets boiler and sheet-iron rollers —....-....... 2 sets boiler and sheet-iron rollers. I pattern-maker's lathe --------- -1 —- -- -- I pattern-maker's lathe. I stationary engine. —... — 1 —......... I stationary engine. 6 chalk lines —.. ---- - ------—.- 6 chalk lines. I chisel and handle-. I chisel and handle. 10 auger handles.-.....- ------. —-- 10 auger handles. 10 circular saws. —--.... —---—. -- 10 circular saw-s. 33 bench-stops -...... - -- ------—. —- 33 bench-stops. I Fairbanks's scale........- -1... --- --- I Fairbanks's scale. 96 glass lamp chimneys -------- - 96 glass lamp chimneys. 8 oil and turpentine cans. —-—..- - 8 oil and turpentine cans. 24 paint brushes ---—.. —-...... -- 24 paint brushes. 1,175 gross assorted screws........ —-----—...- 1,175 gross assorted screws. 2,550 wood screws ----------- --------- -.- 2,550 wood screws. 7,500 fire bolts.............. —------- 7,00 fire bolts. 3,850 carriage bolts...-....-. —-------—.. 3,850 carriage bolts. 492 RAILROAD PROPERTY. Schedule of captured railroad property, &Sc.-Continued. Articles. Articles returned to former owners. 4,200 pounds nuts............................ 4,200 pounds nuts. 1,800 pounds washers......... —.............. 1,800 pounds washers. 1,300 pounds bolts............................ 1,300 pounds bolts. 350 pounds cut spikes.......................... 350 pounds cut spikes. 4,700 pounds car brasses....................... 4,700 pounds car brasses. 35 bars flat steel............................. 35 bars flat steel.b 101 bars round iron............................ 100 bars round iron. 317 bars flat iron............................. 310 bars flat iron. 35 bars square iron............................ 30 bars square iron. 260 iron door bars............................. 260 iron door bars. 4 bundles hoop iron....-................... 4 bundles hoop iron. 144 door locks.... —-....-................. 144 door locks. 400 brass car locks........................... 400 brass car locks. 52 boxes window glass......................... 52 boxes window gass. 60 mineral knobs -......................-..... 60 mineral knobs. 38 pounds finishing nails....................... 38 pounds finishing nails. 168 clothes hooks............................. 168 clothes hooks. 300 belt clasps.............................. 300 belt clasps. 40 pairs strap hinges................. 40 pairs strap hinges. 30 hasps and staples.......................... 30 hasps and staples. 100 bell-rope bushings.................... 100 bell-rope bushings. 25 car-hangers................................ 25 car-hangers. 115 bell-rope rollers............................ 115 bell-rope rollers. 528 sash stoppers.............................. 528 sash stoppers. 1,320 sash lifters.............................. 1,320 sash lifters. 30 lamp bushings...........................-. 30 lamp bushings. 20 stove bushings............................. 20 stove bushings. 21 ventilators................................ 21 ventilators. 28 sets plated car-seat findings.................. 28 sets plated car-seat findings. 28 sets brass car-seat findings.................. 28 sets brass car-seat findings. 7 pieces India-rubber belting.................. 7 pieces India-rubber belting. I piece leather belting......................... J piece leather belting. 15 car door plates............................. 15 car door plates. 13 pounds brass wire.... —..................... 13 pounds brass wire. 165 pounds block tin.......................... 125 pounds block tin. 24 soldering irons............................. 24 soldering irons. 420 pairs cast butts........................... 420 pairs cast butts. 72 sash fastenings-.......-.................... 72 sash fastenings. 120 noiseless pulleys.......................... 120 noiseless pulleys. 6 sheets tin........-..............-....... 6 sheets tin. 6 assorted files................................ 6 assorted files. 10 time-books................................ 10 time-books. 18 cast-iron uriners —.......................-. 18 cast-iron uriners. 90 car springs, volute......................... 90 car springs, volute. 113 car springs, drop.......................... 113 car springs, drop. 45 car springs, bumper........................ 45 car springs, bumper. 180 car springs, India-rubber.................. ]80 car springs, India-rubber. 8 car springs, English......................... 8 car springs, English. 16 car springs, steel........................ 16 car springs, steel. 10 shackles...-........................... 10 shackles. 90 pounds glue...-.......................... 90 pounds glue. 25 pounds borax -............................. 25 pounds borax. 50 pounds sulphur --.... —----------------- 50 pounds sulphur. 171 pounds white lead -..- 1.................... 371 pounds white lead. 75 pounds umber.. —--—.. —----------------- 75 pounds umber. 260 pounds yellow ochre......... —------------ 260 pounds yellow ochre. 120 pounds lampblack ---------- --------------- 120 pounds lampblack. 20 pounds pumice stone -------- --------------- 20 pounds pumice stone. 150 pounds black lead......................... 150 pounds black lead. 240 pounds Spanish brown -..................... 240 pounds Spanish brown. 378 pounds chalk............................. 378 pounds chalk. 120 pounds whiting... 120 pounds whiting. 706 pounds fire-proof paint7...........0.......... 706 pounds fire-proof paint. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 493 Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Articles. I Articles returned to former owners. 160 pounds litharge........................160 pounds litarge. 15 pounds India red...........-................ 1 15 pounds India red. 33 gallons boiled oil.......................... 33 gallons boiled oil. 307 pounds tallow............................. -287 pounds tallow. 85,000 pounds iron scraps. —................... 85,000 pounds iron scraps. 53,9'28 feet sawed timber....................... 53,928 feet sawed timber. 20 feet 2~-inch belting-;....................... 20 feet 2S-inch belting. 120 feet 7-inch belting..................-.. 120 feet 7-inch belting. Of the above-mentioned articles, there were used in repairs of railroads 1 bar round iron, 7 ars flat iron, 5 bars square iron, 40 pounds block tin, and 20 pounds tallow. No. 9.-~Seedule of property on hand JlMay 1, 1865, not yet disposed of. Schedule of railroad property in the possession of and belonging to the United States on the first day of May, 1865, and not yet disposed of in the department of Virginia and North Carolina. Articles. Cost. Where stored. 2 locomotive engines, ("Governor Nye" and " Reindeer"). $23, 350 00 Alexandria, Va. 2 15-ton hydraulic jacks.........-2.............-.. 35 00 Do. 1 tender truck......................................... 600 00 Do. 13 stoves - -...... 213 85 Do. 412 pounds stove-pipe.. —..................-.......... 107 12 Do. 2 letter presses.. —.......-.-..-......... 46 66 Do. 90 second-hand broadaxes.............................. 300 60 Do. 1,941 pounds second-hand chairs........................ 194 10 Do. 69 tons good second-hand railroad iron, (45 pounds) -..... 7, 935 00 Do. 1,840 pounds railroad chairs............................ 184 00 Do. 3,432 pounds railroad spikes. —.....-............... —.. 308 88 Do. 0 counter scales - -.........-.......-...........-.. 34 10 Do. 3 platform scales............-........................... 187 71 Do. 6 dozen files..............- —.............................. 51 84 Do. 3 dozen augers.................- -................... —--. 36 00 Do. 1 dozen tin steamers, (manufactured)..................... - - - -........ Do. 4 dozen funnels, (manufactured).................................... Do. 6 lanterns......................................... — -24 00 Do. 2clocks.................................. 19 00 Do.'2 clocks ------------------------------ - -------------- I 19 00 Do. 1 lot office furniture, (cost not known).........-...................... Do. 1 lot ash car stuff, (cost not known) - -.................................. Do. 1 lot oars and pike poles, (cost not known)................- - -............ Do. 1 lot old iron and car wheels, (bought with the cars).. —...... ------- Aquia creek. 10 letter brass clips. —-- —. —- 12 60 Newbern, N. C. 2 paper-cutters.........-.....-.....................-. 2 46 Do. 3 office clocks.........................- - -.............. 36 00 Do. 2 water-coolers, (manufactured)........................ Do. 3 ink erasers........................................ 2 16 Do. 1 letter press.........-.................-.. —.....-..-. 23 33 Do. 2 seal presses -...........-.......-..-...........-. —-- - 16 00 Do. 3 pen-racks...............-. —---- —.................. 2 31 Do. 4 rubber rulers....-...... -.....-..... --- ----- 4 28 Do. 4 inkstands..................... —... —----- —................. 2 00 Do. I kitchen safe, (captured)........................................... Do. 1 spittoon, (captured).................. —...........-.. -......... Do. 8 paper weights....................................... 5 60 Do. Consolidated statement of sales of United States military railroad property in the military division of the Gulf, withz interest, pay- I ments, jc., to June 30, 1866, under orders of the Secretary of WTar and Quartermaster General, as per schedules of property and 4 statements qof authority accompanying. Name of company. Terms of sale and remarks. June 30. est to June 30. New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great 11i3,773 45 $4, 185 25 $117,958 70.. —-.........117, 958 70 Property sold January 31, 1866. Credit of Western. two years, with interest. Payment se cured by bond for $227,546 90. New Orleans, Jackson, and Great 33,050 00 743 52 33,79352..... 33,793 52 Property sold March 10, 1866. Credit of > Northern. two years, with interest. Payment se- I cured by bond for $66,100. Alabama and Florida.. —... ——. 27,109 04...... 27,109 04 $8,299 28 18,809 76 Expenditures in May, June, and July, 1865. 0 Amount to be stopped against claims for > transportation of troops and supplies in t favor of this company. Mobile and Great Northern...... 3,39899..... 3,398 99 3,398 99. ——....... Expenditures in May, June, and July, 1865. ~ Amount to be stopped against claims for 0 transportation of troops and supplies in t 1 favor of this company. Total —..-...... —---—. 177,331 48 4,928 77 182,260 25 11,698 27 170,561 98 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 495 ALABAMA AND FLORIDA RAILROAD AND MOBILE AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROADS. Schedule of property in the possession of the United States IMay 1, 1865, by right of purchase, transferred to said roads, wit/'value of labor in reconstructing road, and authority therefor. Alabama and Florida............................2......... 7, 109 04 Mobile and Great Northern...................... 3, 398 99 Total.3................................. 30, 508 03 Statement of circumstances and authority under which the railroad property included in the accompanying schedule was transferred to the Alabama and Florida railroad and the Mobile and Great Northern railroal by Captain H. L. Wheeler, 96th U. S. C. I., chief engineer Mobile and AMemphis railroad, and acting assistant quartermaster, viz: (Letter of Captain Wheeler, transmittingr abstract, with vouchers of amounts expended on said railroads.] MOBILE, ALABAMA, July 12, 1865. SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith an abstract, with vouchers, showing the expenses incurred by the United States government in putting the Mobile and Great Northern and Alabama and Florida railroads in running order during the months of May, June, and July, 1865. Very respectfully, you obedient servant, HENRY L. WHEELER, Captain 96t/h U. S. C. 1., Engineer in charge 3M. and 1M. B'ailroad, and Acting Assistant Quartermaster. [Letter of the Quartermaster General to the chief quartermaster military division of the Gulf, calling- for full report, giving copies of the orders under which these expenditures were incurred.] QUARTERAMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Wlas/ington, D. C., August 21, 1865. COLONEL: Captain.H. L. Wheeler, 96th U. S. C. I., engineer in charge, and acting assistant quartermaster, has forwarded to this office abstracts of expenses incurred by the United States in putting the Mobile and Great Northern railroad, and also the Alabama and Florida railroad, in running order during May, June, and July, 1865. Your attention is respectfully called to General Orders No. 77, Adjutant General's office, and 24, Quartermaster General's office, 1865. You will please make full report, giving copies of the orders under which these expenditures were incurred and the work done. By order of the Quartermaster General. Very respectfully, your obedient servanc, ALEXANDER BLISS, Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster, acting in charge 4th Division. Colonel C. G. SAWTELLE, Chief Quartermaster Mil, Diev. of the Gulf, Neu Orleans, La. 496 RAILROAD PROPERTY. [Extract of reply of the chief quartermaster military division of the Gulf, showing authority' enclosing copies of orders under which the expenditures were incurred, and the work done.] OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, MILITARY DIVISION OF THEGULF, New Orleans, La., September 19, 1865. GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from your office, bearing date of August 21, 1865, enclosing certain abstracts of expenses incurred by the United States in putting in order the Mobile and Great Northern railroad and the Alabama and Florida railroads, under the direction of Captain Henry L. Wheeler, 95th U. S. C. I., acting assistant quartermaster, &c., and directing me to report under what orders those expenditures were made. In reply, I have to state that on the 3d of May, 1865, Major General E. R. S. Canby, commanding army and division of West Mississippi, instructed Major General A. J. Smith, then commanding the 16th army corps, with headquarters at Montgomery,'to send a competent officer to examine the Great Northern railroad, a)copy of which instructions is herewith enclosed. Captain Wheeler seems to have been the officer so designated. I have never been furnished with a copy of the orders or instructions given him by Major General Smith, nor can I ascertain that any reports were made by him, or by General Smith, to General Canby. About the 12th of May Captain Wheeler came to Mobile, having so far repaired the road as to run a locomotive from Montgomery to Tensas Station, near Mobile, and requested to be informed how he should account for the quartermaster's property expended on the road. The matter was referred to Captain H. C. Hodges, assistant quartermaster United States army, at that time having the immediate charge of the supply of troops and matters pertaining to the quartermaster's department on the Alabama river. On the 5th of May, 1865, instructions were given by Major General Canby to put the presidents and directors of the railroads in Alabama in charge of the same; copy of which instructions is herewith enclosed. These railroad companies were not, however, in a condition to put their roads in running order without the assistance of the military authorities. I directed that a careful account should be kept of all material used, and expenses incurred in putting these roads in running order, the same to be charged against the roads and paid for by subsequent services rendered in transportation of government freight. My absence in Texas accounts for my delay in reply to the letter of August 21, referred to above. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. G. SAWTELLE, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Military Division of the Gulf. LEnclosure of foregoing letter.-Order of General E. R. S. Canby.-Extract.] HEADQUARTERS DIVISION OF WEST MISSISSIPPI, Mobile, Alabama, May 3, 1865. GENERAL: * * * * * * * The general-in-chief farther directs that you send a suitable officer and a sufficient cavalry force along the Alabama and Great Northern railroad all the way from Montgomery to Stockton; the officer will investigate the condition of the road and its rolling stock, and report to these headquarters fully, so as to provide for everything necessary to put the road in running order again. If RAILROAD PROPERTY. 497 there is any of the directory at Montgomery, or within your reach, they ought to be sent to these headquarters to confer with the general in regard to the road. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, P. J. OSTERHAUS, Major General, Chief of Staf: Major General A. J. SMITH, Commanding 16th Army Corps. [Indorsement of General Canby on foregoing' order.] Respectfully forwarded to the chief quartermaster's headquarters division of the Gulf. After a thorough examination, no orders or instructions can be found that authorized the expenditures made by Captain Wheeler. The object of the examination ordered was to be prepared to put the road in running order, if the low stage of water in the, Alabama river should render it necessary to use this road to supply troops in the interior of Alabama. The general instructions given were to make no expenditures and furnish no material except when the use of the road was necessary for military purposes, and using the authority subsequently delegated to me, I directed that no such expenditures should be made until after the estimates had been approved by the general superintendent of military railroads. See G-eneral Order No. 85, department of the Gulf, enclosed herewith. E. R. S. CANBY, M1ajor General, A'c. [Order of G-eneral Canby.-Enclosure of letter of chief quartermaster military division of the Gulf. ] HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND DIVISION OF WEST MISSISSIPPI, Mobile, Alabama, May 5, 1865. The president and directors of the Mobile and Ohio, of the Mobile and Great Northern, and of the Alabama and Florida Railroad Companies, will be put in possession of the offices, depots, locomotives, rolling stock, and all other material and property pertaining to said roads, so far as they may be under the control of the United States military authorities within the limits of this command, and are authorized to put the said roads in working order, and to run under the regulations established by the said president and directory, on such conditions as may be imposed by military authority;'but this order will not be construed as barring any questions of private interests that may be involved in this property, or as barring or restraining any legal proceedings that may hereafter be instituted against these companies. E. R. S. CANBY, Major General Commanding. ALFRED FREDBERY, Captain and Acting Assistant Adjutant General. [Letter of the Quartermaster General instructing the chief quartermaster military division of Tennessee to charge the amounts against said roads.] QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, January 20, 1866. GENERAL: The following amounts have been reported to this office by Henry S. Wheeler, late captain 96th U. S. C. 1. and engineer in charge military railH- Ex. Doe. 155-32 498 RAILROAD PROPERTY. roads, Mobile, Alabama, as chargeable against the respective railroad companies? for expenses incurred in putting the roads in running order, viz Alabama and Florida railroad for such expenses incurred during May, June, and July, 1865, $27,109 04. Mobile and Great Northern railroad for expenses incurred during the same period, $3,398 99. You will please instruct the quartermaster at Nashville, charged with the settlement of transportation accounts, to withhold payment on any accounts presented by these companies against the government for services rendered, and apply them in discharge of this and any other indebtedness of the companies to the government, until the srme are fully satisfied. By order of Quartertermaster General. Respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER BLTSS, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. Il., in charge 4th Division. Brevet Major General J. L. DONALDSON, Chief Quartermaster ilil. Div. Tennessee, Nash ville, Tenn. [Reply of chief quartermaster military division Tennessee to foregoing letter of the Quartermaster General, stating that the amounts will be charged against said roads.] HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE TENNESSEE, CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Nashville, Tenn., January 24, 1866. GENERAL: Your letter of January 20, 1866, stating that "the following amounts have been reported to this (your) office by Henry L. Wheeler, late captain 96th U. S. C. 1. and engineer in charge military railroads, Mobile, Alabama, as charageable against the respective railroad companies for expenses incurred in putting the roads in running order, viz: Alabama and Florida railroad for such expenses incurred during May, June, and July, 1865, $27,109 04; Mobile and Great Northern railroad for such expenses incurred during the same period, ~$3,398 99," and directing that "the quartermaster at Nashville be instructed to withhold payment from any accounts presented by those companies against the government for services rendered," has been received, and the disbursing officer of railroad accounts directed to carry out your instructions. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. L. DONALDSON, Brevet Major General, Chief Q. 11. MlTil. Div. Tennessee. Brevet Major General M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General U. S. A., WVashington, D. C. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 499 List of quartermasters' stores transferred to and expended on the AlUabama and Florida railroad by Captain H. L. Wheeler, 96th U. S. C.., engineer in charge M. and M. railroad, and acting assistant quartermaster, in the months of May, June, and July, 1865. 74I Articles.' a.a 0 0 161- cords wood.......-.............................per cord. $3 00 $50 25 23,700 pounds coal.. -.................. —.............per ton.. 13 00 154 05 16 quires foolscap paper...............................per ream.. 6 00 4 80 16 quires letter paper-.............. —..........-.......do.- 6 00 4 80 + quire folio post paper..................................do-... 15 00 37 150 official envelopes..-....-...-............ —.per thousand.. 12 00 1 80 150 letter envelopes.......-... —-......................do...... 6 00 90 72 time-books.. —........ —-.. —-............-....... —- each.. 75 54 00 4 three-quire blank books -................... —...... per quire.. 1 00 12 00 4 six-quire blank books.......................do-.... 1 00 24 00 60 memorandum books........... —-.........-.......... each -.. 50 30.00 ~ quire note paper. ——.... —... —-...... —.......... per ream.. 600 15 1I quire blotting paper -...... —-...-.-...-...... ——...do-.... 6 00 30 I gross steel pens --—......... -- -- per gross-.. 1 00 1 00 19 quills..-................-.............-...-........each.. 06 1 14 30 lead pencils..............-....................-........do... 10 3 00 24 pieces office tape...... —-..........-..- -........ -per dozen -.- 1 25 2 50 2 inkstands... ——....... —.... —-......... —........... each.- 50 1 00 12 quires quartermaster's blanks...........- - per ream.. 13 00 7 80 14 mules......-.................-......................each.. 100 00 1,400 00 36 water buckets.-.... —............-....................-do... 68 24 48 18 water buckets -....... —... —-..............-....... —-do —.. 100 18 00 776 pounds anvils...-.................. —......... per pound.. 12~ 97 00 200 pounds blacksmiths' tools, steel...... —-............- do-.... 30 60 00 300 pounds blacksmiths' tools, iron...................do..... 10 30 00 1,536 pounds blacksmiths' tongs........................do.... 121 192 00 2 pairs bellows.......................-............... per pair.. 50 00 100 00 12 bastard files......-..................................each.. 125 15 00 300 pounds lathe tools, steel -.-.................. —- per pound.. 25 75 00 2 oil cans, large.....-... —-............................. each..1 2 121 4 25 4 oil cans, small. ——.... —......... —....................do... 1 311-J 5 25 60 pounds sledge hammers......-... ——............. per pound.. 15 9 00 180 pounds vices..................-................do.... 12~ 22 50 3 augers, 1+-inch.-.......................each.. 2 00 6 00 18 augers, 2-inch....................... —......... do... 300 54 00 20 auger handles.. —-........ —.... —.......... —...........o 25 5 00 1 boring machine -.........................-........ —.do..- 20 00 20 00 20 chisels, 2-inch... —....... —-... —..................-...do... 2 50 50 00 7 chisel handles....-.....-..... —........................ do-... 25 1 75 108 hand saw files..-.. — --—....... -..do. —- 25 27 00 4 foot adzes -.. —-.................... —...........5....do _ 00 20 00 36 mill-saw files..................................... per dozen.. 20 00 60 00 6 steel squares...........-....-....-..................-. each.. 300 18 00 50 scratch awls...-........... —-................... per dozen.. 12 00 50 00 630 axes..-..................... —-.................... each.. 1 65 1,039 50 630 axe handles.. —-............... —.....................do...- 20 126 00 1 set double blocks —-- --------- —... per inch. 75 15 00 I set single blocks -----............................. per set. 5 00 5 00 10 (257 pounds) bake ovens......................... per pound..- 12 32 12 1 pair engine jacks..... ——.-........-.....-......... per pair.. 75 7500 I half-gallon measure and funnel....-........ —.................- -.-.. 1 50 74 tin pint cups.......-..... —.... —..................... each.. 16i 12 21 240 picks................................................do... 1 50 360 00 240 pick handles -...-... —....... —-............ —........ - 16 38 40 I set platform scales and weights........................ per set.. 50 00 50 00 I surveyor's chain....................................... each.. 15 00 15 00 500 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of quartermasters' stores &c.-Continued. a-j ~ Articles, - 0'1 3 sifters..........-.......................................each.. 1 00 $3 00 1 sheet-iron sign. ——.. ——... —-.........................do.. 625 625 240 long-handled shovels -----—....... —. do.-. 132 316 80 240 short-handled shovels.... —-.............. —.........-do... 132 316 80 252 short-handled spades.. —..........-.-....-...-....- do... 1 37 345 24 I scoop.-.. —....... —------ - -........... —...... —-.....do-.. 150 150 13 tape lines...........................-..............-...do.. 200 26 00 374 pounds bell line --—.... —... —....-..-......... per pound.- 32 11 92 545 pounds old brass. ——.. —-.......-..-...............do..-.. 25 136 25 53 feet gum belting ——.... -.... —.. —................ per foot.. 50 26 00 208 pounds brass castings...-.. —-....... —-....... —.per pound — 50 103 00 800 pounds boiler rivets......- -..............-..........do..... 12 100 00 291 chairs for T-rail...-.. ——... —-........-..-......... each..- 75 218 25 1,266 cross-ties —.. —.-... —.............................do —. 25 316 50 0 chalklines-......................-.....-............do... 25 2 50 135 feet chain.-.. —-.........-.....-...- -.............per foot - 12 16 87 20 pounds chain.-.... —.............-........... per pound - 25 500 15 pounds sheet copper ----- ----- —..... do..-. 60 900 36 pounds candles.. —... —-...... —..........-.........do.... 45 16 20 I escape pipe. —---—.... —--------- -- -—. - --. 6 25 2 feed pipes............. —................... —.................... 5 75 13 books gold leaf- -.. —...................per book.. 200 26 00 I box glass -.. —-........-..................-....-....per box-. 500 500 1 ounce gold layer.. —-........................-... —per ounce. 100 100 65,845 feet lumber..-........... —................per thousand.. 25 00 1, 646 12 63 barrels lime —.............. —....................per barrel.. 500 315 00 24 lanterns.. --- --- --- -—... each.. 1 00 24 00 100 pounds white lead --- ----—......per pound.- 20 20 00 4,600 pounds nails...-............-............-...... do.... 09 414 00 1854 gallons neat's-foot oil -......................... per gallon. 2 25 417 37 34 gallons pea-nut oil —..... —......-...-................do..... 200 108 00 5 quart linseed oil.. —-....- -......-........-.. ——. per quart. - 50 50 17 gallons lard oil...-...-.....-.....-...........-..per gallon.. 225 83 25 I pound Prussian blue.. —-................-........ per pound.. 200 2 00 72 pounds packing yarn ----—.................-...... —.do.. —. 40 28 80 2 sable pencils.-.......... —....................... —-. each. 1 00 2 00 180 pounds Manilla rope..........-...-.-....... —-. per pound. - 32 57 60 885 pounds Manilla rope.-..................... —-......do..... 294 261 07 4 kegs railroad spikes - -- - - -.. - per keg.. 800 32 00 291 bars railroad T-rail iron —........................ per bar..- 16 24 4,725 84 100 pounds tank rivets -.... —..................... per pound 1. 12 50 100 gross screws. —-............ -—... —. —-.. —.... per gross.. 150 150 00 1 quart spirits turpentine. —....... —-................. per quart.- 100 [00 50 kegs cut spikes, assorted-......................per keg-. 9 00 450 00 7 Japanned tins......................................... each.. 100 700 1 ounce vermilion red. —-............................per ounce.. 150 1 50 60 pounds butts, wrought iron..-... —... —-......... per pound.. 12- 7 50 100 washers, assorted...................................... each.. 10 10 00 200 pounds wrought iron......................-.-.. —.per pound -. 06 12 00 225 pounds sheet gum.. —-......................... per pound-. 1 50 337 50 I eraser................................................. each.- 100 00 5 pounds blue smalts...................... per pound.. 200 10 00 76 pounds cotton rope...................................do...- 60 45 60 Value of quartermasters' stores transferred and expended................ 15, 692 55 Value of labor in reconstructing the road.... —-—.............. — --- --- 11,416 49 Total amount to be charged to Alabama and Florida railroad.............. 27,109 04 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 501 List of quartermaster stores expended on the Mobile and Great Northern railroad, under the direction of Captain Henry L. Wheeler, 96th U. S. C. L, engineer in charge of M. and M. railroad, and acting assistant quartermaster, during the month of May, 1865. 1...Q d o.. 0 4 quires foolscap pa.per dper earn - 00 42 4 quires letter paper..-. —...... —....- -...... - dper -- 6 00 1 20 1 - quire folio post ---- -..... —-.... -. -- - do —-. 15 00 37 6 quills -...-..-........-.............. -- —.each.. 06 I 36 6 lead pencils................... —-...................- do-. 10 60 4 pieces office tape —-.... —--- -.-.. ------- per dozen- 1 25 42 6 quires quartermaster's blanks ---- -—. —. —- per ream - 13 00 3 90 4 pounds candles -—. —------------—.....-......... per pound - 45 1 80 75 pounds nails —..................-do.... 09 6 75 15-1i gallons neat's-foot oil. — —..-.. - -..-.....-..... —. per gallon.. 2 25 34 87 5 gallons lard oil ----------- -.................. do. -.. 225 11 25 5 gallons peanut oil. —------ -. -----—.................. do. —. 2 00 10 00 7 cords wood.-. —-------------------—..........-.-..per cord.. 6 00 42 00 6 cords wood --—................. - do.... 3 00 18 00 300 pounds coal. -....-........ --- -—....-..........-..- per ton- 13 00 1 95 7,000 feet lumber. ---------------- -............ per M.. 25 00 175 00 10poundsbell -.............. per pounds bell line-. 32 3 20 10 pounds packing' yarn. ---- -—..-....-. —...-....... —-. do.-.. 40 4 00 2 chalk lines —------—...-..... —-..... —--------..... each.. 25 50 112 bars T railroad iron --...... —.................... —.do. —. 16 24 194 88 1-2 chairs for T rail -nn-...........-....................do ---- 75 9 00 40 cross-ties -..... —- —.. -- -.......do. —- 25 10 00 40 pounds bolts -....... -............. - -- per pound. - 12- 5 00 200 pounds railroad spikes -------- -------------------- do.. — 08.16 00 Value of quartermaster stores expended ---------. -- -- ---------- 552 25 Value of labor in reconstructing road -. --- - -..... — ---- 2, 846 74 Total amount to be charged the Mobile and Great Northern railroad — ---------- 3, 398 99 NEW ORLEANS, OPELOUSAS, AND GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD. Schedule of property in possession of the United States May 1, 1865, by right of capture and of purchase, transferred to said road, with authority therefor. Property purchased.................................... $113, 773 45 Property captured..................................... 173, 088 21 Total.......................................... 286, 861 66 Statement of circumstances and authority under which the New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great Western railroad was transferred to the directors of said road by Brevet Colonel J. G. Chandler, acting chief quartermaster, military division of the Gulf, viz: QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, IWashington, D. C., August 18, 1865. COLONEL: The government should be relieved at the earliest possible day of the expenses of maintaining and operating railroads heretofore held by it for military purposes. 502 RAILROAD PROPERTY. You will cause the railroads in the military division of the Gulf to be at once turned over to the several companies or to their representatives, or such other persons or civil authorities as the general commanding the military division shall advise. In carrying out these transfers you will be governed by the principles recommended by the Quartermaster General in a letter dated May 19, 1865, to the Secretary of War, and by him approved, copy of which is herewith furnished you. Inventories of the railroad material and supplies, rolling stock, &c., which are the property of the United States, setting forth the amount and estimated value of the articles, will be prepared and forwarded to this office with recommendations as to the most advantageous modes and places of disposition of the same. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General U. S. A. Colonel C. G. SAWTELLE, Ch/ief Quartermaster Mil. Div of Gulf, New Orleans, La. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER MAILITARY DIVISION OF THE GULF, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 15, 1866. GENERAL: In obedience to orders received from the Quartermaster General, dated August 18, 1865, I have transferred the New Orleans, Opelousas and Great Western railroad to the directors, and enclose herewith for file the bond and lists of property transferred. The appraisal was made by two experienced men in railroad matters, and acceptable to myself as well as the railroad company. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. G. CHANDLER, Brevet Col. U. S. A., Chief Acting Q. M. /Mil. Div. of the Gulf Major General AM. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General U. S. A., Vashington, D. C. List of rolling stock and material to be transferred to the president, directors, and company of the New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great lWestern railroad, as appraised by AMessrs. Pandelly and Shakspeare. Articles. Apprais value. 1 locomotive and tender, "Texas" -.................................. $9, 000 00 1 locomotive and tender, "Nachitoches"...........-............. 8,000 00 I locomotive and tender, "St. Mary's "-................................ 10, 000 00 1 locomotive and tender, "Terrebonne ".......... 6, 000 00 I locomotive and tender, "Tiger ".................................... 7, 500 00 1 locomotive and tender, "Lafourche "................................ 0 000 00 I locomotive and tender, " New Orleans'. —-- ------- - 8, 500 00 I locomotive and tender, "New Iberia " —.. ---------- ---- ---------- 10, 000 00 1 locomotive and tender, "Sabine " —-..-. —---....-.-..-..............- 10, 000 00 Axles and irons of truck for first-class passenger car ----------- —....- 800 00 2 first-class passenger cars, (old)- -.... -- —.... ——... —-. 4, 600 00 2 first-class passenger cars, (old). ——.... ---- —.... -—. — 4, 100 00 1 second-class passenger- car, (old).............................-.... 2,100 09 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 503 Schedule of railroad property, &8c.-Continued. Articles. Apprised value. I caboose car, No. 7...........................................950 00 I caboose car, (old and not in order).............................450 00 Irons of trucks, (baggage cars Nos. 1 and 2)...- -... —................ 1,00 00 Iron parts of trucks for twenty-four box cars, Nos. 9, 22, 24, 33, 30, 21, 29, 31, 32,20,36.17,14,29,4,16, 3,34,35, 15, 26,1,19,11-...........400 00 4 box cars, Nos. 2, 12, 18, 8, at $450 each.................... 1,800 00 4 box cars, Nos. 37, 6, 25, 23, at $400 each.., 60........ 1,600 00 I box car, No. 100 --............................ 300 00 Iron parts of trucks of stock cars Nos. 33, 10, 5, 9, 18, 4, 11,2, 2S, 7, 6, 12, and one in course of construction.................................4, 900 00 Iron parts of trucks of eight wood cars, Nos. 6, 5,1, 7, 4, 9, 3, 2.... 2, 800 00 1 wood car, No. 8............................................. 550 00 I one-horse car, (old) -...........................................200 00 I stock and I platform car, (broken,) appraised at value of trucks and old iron. 350 00 Iron parts of trucks of thirty platform cars, Nos. 30, 38, 33, 60, 10, 59, 66,68, 1 2,36,49, 6,14, 57, 52, 28,11,1, 58, 45, 51, 53, 34, 23, 55, 3, 24, 16 10,500 00 16 platform cars, Nos. 41,25, 39, 64, 48, 29, 64, 22, 20, 7, 44, 62, 54, 63, 31,35, at 650 each...................................................... 10, 400 00 3 platform cars, Nos. 27, 13, 20, at $450 each............................ 1,350 00 rs, Nos. 19, 26, 15, 5, at $350 each...................00 Boutte. I portable engine and boiler........................................... 500 00 I saw-table and mandrel.......-...............................00 84 feet 2-inch gas-pipe................................................ 5 20 97 feet 1-inch gas-pipe...........................................19 40 ) hand cars, at $125, (good). 750 00 10 hand cars, at $60, (bad order)....................................... 600 00 9 push cars, at $70, (good)............................................ 630 00 2 push cars, at $40, (bad)........................................... 80 00 Tools in machine shop. I lathe, 14 feet brd., 3 feet swing, screw-cutting —-------—.............. 1, 050 00 I lathe, 14 feet brd., 2 feet swing- -...............................-400 00 I drill press............-............................................ 6 00 I planing machine, 11 feet brd., 3 feet wide ----------------------------- 1,200 00 I large lathe. 19 feet brd., 7 feet swing.................................. 2, 850 00 I bolt-cutter........................................-................ 175 00 13 taps and dies.-...................-............................... 80 00 I lathe, 8 feet brd., 5-inch swing...................................... 175 00 I stationary engine and boiler for running machinery-......-........... 2, 800 00 I clock1............................................................. 1200 12 tap wrenchers.................................................. 13 33 95 assorted taps -..... -- ---- --.......................... 120 00 22 drills.-.... —- -............................................ 18 00 3 counter drills- ------------------------------ 9 00 21 reamers....-............................-... — 36 50 1 ratchet brace - -.. —-- -...-,..........................-...... 8 00 5 sets of stocks and dies -.................... -............... -. - 40 00 I spirit level ---...-..-................. —................-.......... 150 1 steel chisel bar....-................................................ 2 67 I wrench. —................................-....... —-............. 150 I large oil can. —- -............-..... ----------------—.......... 250 3 fire-pokers --------------------------------—. —---—..._-........4 00 I pair tongs ------------------...............-................-. 2 00 1 cupboard. —-—......-...........-......... —7 00 I surface gauge for planes............................-............... 600 4 parallel bars................-.....-............................... 12 00 6 lathe tools, 25 pounds, at 50 cents..................................1 12 50 504 RAILROAD PROPERTY Schedule of railroad property, &c.-Continued. Appraised Articles. value. 1 cistern, (old)-....................................................... $75 00 1 brass faucet ---- -.. — -.... -- -....... -2 00 I pair callipers....................................................... 6 00 I block and fall —...................................................... 12 00 I mandrill, 65 pounds, at 2 cents —.................................... 1 30 5 swing tools........................................................ 7 50 3 dogs -----------------------— 000 —- -6 00 I old car axle, 310 pounds, at 4 cents -....-.. —....-...........-..... —.. 12 40 12 "S "wrenches.....-..........-............-................-..... 18 00 I spanner1.......................................................... 1 50 3 lathe tools......................................................... — 4 50 1 face plate -- 10 50 40 lathe tools -—........... ——....... — 85 20 559 pounds mandrels, at 6 cents....-....................-.........-.. 33 54 4 smalidrills —....................................................... 2 00 4 boring bars, at $4 each —............................... —-......... 16 00 4 dogs, at $2 each.................................................... 8 00 6 cutters..-..................................-....................... 4 75 5 vices. l —-........................................................ 40 00 16 small drills — 8 00 40 lathe tools —................................-...................... 64 00 8smalltaps —.......................................................... 0 00 I boring bar for taper holes....-...-........-....-...... —-........... 6 00 19 chases, at $1 50 each........-..-..................................- 28 50 16 steel mandrels --- -... —-1 —- --- ---- -- 4 00 17 lathe tools -...-......-...............-.........-.................. 25 50 16 counter borers, at $3 each............. —-.....-........-........ —. 48 00 12' drills, at $1 33~ each.................... —........................- 16 00 2 large ratchet jacks -.......................-...............-.......... 110 00 12 caulking tools -.. —-..... — - ------- 22 00 10 punches - -...........-......... 15 00 6 reamers..........-..-....-........ —....-.....-.................. 14 00 I staybolttap ——...................................................... 4 00 7 flue mandrels.........-..... —..........-.......................-.. 12 00 72 car axles, 22,176 pounds, at 4 cents -................. —-......... 887 04 24 winches ---- -----—... —-. --- — 55 00 1 coppersmith fprge and pipe.. —...........-......-.. —-...........-.. 40 00 I truck..................-..... ——.- —..... — -........ ——. —-...-. 25 00 I set rollers for boiler-maker -.... —.. — - 350 00 I paint mill -.....-.....-.......-.........-.......-.... —............ 3 50 I desk —.......................................-...-................ 900 1 turning lathe, face plates............ —........ —.. —-......-.... —-. 70 00 Shaft and pulley in blacksmith's machine shop.......... —-....-...-.. 900 00 1 40-foot turn table —....................... —-......................... 2,033 33 1 stationary engine, about 8 by 14, for lumber wharf -—...... —.......... 1,000 00 1 large iron tank-... —.-...-..-..... 250 00 Stdre-room. 1 pound raw sienna 25 Blacksmith's shop. 3 forges, at $60 each..........................-........................180 00 2 cranes-. —............... -—........60 00 49 pair tongs...-................................................... 60 00 3 flatters -............................-.. --- 4 80 13 fullers............................................................ 26 00 6 sets hammers....-... —.... —...... —..-.... —---....... —-... ——. 10 00 2 button sets. -.........-.-......... 4 00 11 chisels...-................... —........................ —.... —.. 9 00 3 anvils............................................................ 24 00 36 swedges —.......................................................- 30 00 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 505 Schedule of railroad property,' &c.-Continued. ~Arl~ticles.!i Appraised value. 3 cast-iron swedge blocks...................................$....... 130 00 21 heading tools.......................................... 27 00 3 sledges and handles -..-.............-...................... 6 00 1 traveller............ 1 50 6 cup tools - 7 00 20 mandrels.....-........................................... 17 50 1 vice -------------- -------------------------------------- 8 00 1 framing block........ —-.......................................... 20 00 1 pair callipers. —. —-......-. — -- 1 75 2 iron rarms..... —-.... —.. —........................-.-.. 16 00 70 car-axles, 21,560 pounds, at 4 cents. ---..-............-.......-... 862 40 4 iron wrenches -.-.-........ —-.. ---- -- --- --- 12 00 13 work benches...-................................... -.... 58 00 15 old steel springs, 3,825 pounds, at 8 cents........................ —-. 306 00 8 old steel springs, 2,120 pounds, at 6 cents....................... 127 20 12 old steel springs, 300 pounds, at 8 cents.................. —-. 24 00 510 pounds blacksmiths' tools, at 8 cents....................-.. 40 80 2 jack screws -...... —-............................................. 30 00 1 baggage truck.....................-...............-..... 16 00 1 lot patterns................................-. 66 67 151 car-axles, 46,508 pounds, at 4 cents -.......................-...- 1, 860 32 Old car stock, 6,966 pounds, at 3 cents..-.........-................... 208 98 30,250 pounds spring steel, (old,) at 3 cents..-.................-... 907 50 5,480 pounds old car stock, at 3 cents....... —- ---—.. 164 40 2,030 pounds old bolts and nuts, at 5 cents --....................... 101 50 110 pounds old iron, wrought -........ —.......... —.... —.. — 2 10 I press for taking off car-wheels.-............... —............-..-. 200 00 370 pounds old tires, at 4 cents.........- -...............-.-..... 14 80 2 desks..................................................-............ 40 00 I table...............-.. —-- ---------------- ---------------------- 9 00 1 armoir...-.......................... —. 20 00 2 railroad maps. ——..................... —.. —....-..-.. —.. 1 50 2 models for steamboats....-........-......-... -.... —-.....-.. 50 7 freight trucks.-..............-.................-......-..... —-. 70 00 2 four-wheel trucks............................-..... —...... —-... 30 00 I portable locker.................... 35 00 8 fire tongs...-...............-...........-..............-. 12 00 6 ash rakes-9..................-.......... —-..-.... 9 00 7 jack screws.-................................-... —.-. 56 00 7 pinch bars --—...................... 14 00 I mandrel, 150 pounds, at 4 cents....... 6 00 3 engine truck-wheels, 1,380 pounds, at 2 cents- -. 27 60 259 car wheels, (burnt,) 119,140 pounds, at 2 cents per pound- ------------ 2,382 80 101 car axles, 308 pounds each ---- --.... —-.. —-... —- -------- 436 32 9 push-car wheels and five axles, 920 pounds, at 4 cents.- -.... --- 36 80 3 old McGowan's pumps and stands.-.... — -.... —... —-----—. 16 00 1 old McGowan's pump and stand.-2 —---—.. ——. —----------- 2 00 3 old car-catchers, of wood.-. —1 —-.. —------—... —------ 35 00 2 old car-catchers, of iron —... -- -.... —----—. —--------- 25 00 I wheel and stand for bridge -.... -------—.-.. ——.. —-. — --- 12 00 689 bars railroad iron, (old,) 4,375 yards, 63 pounds to a yard, at 2 cents 5, 512 50 60,670 pounds old bridge castings, (burnt,) at Ii cent -.. - ----------- 910 05 39,961 pounds wrought-iron from burnt cars and bridges --... -- ---- 999 02 7,229 pounds burnt car springs, at 5 cents --- -... —-—.-.. —--. 361 45 988 pounds steel springs, at 8 cents -.....-... —-.... -. ---- 79 04 3 ball pumps, (in bad order).-....... ——. -- -—.- 12 00 Total value ---------------------.-........... -- ---- 173, 088 21 G. FANDEBY. JAMES E. SHAKSPEARE. Approved: Captain and Assistant (Quartermaster, Brevet Colonel U. S. A. 506 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred to the president and directors of the New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great Western railroad, belonging to the United States government,for the value of which said road has given bond for $227,546 90 to secure payment. Appraisal made by disinterested parties experienced in railroad matters, appointed by Colonel J. G. Chandler, acting chief quartermaster military division of the Gulf. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 1 locomotive and tender, Colonel lIolabird $20, 000 00 I first-class passenger car, less iron parts of trucks -3,700 00 2 caboose cars, (Nos. 13 and 1)-2,100 00 2 baggage cars, (Nos. 1 and 2, ) less iron parts of trucks. 2, 00 00 24 box cars, (Nos. 9, 22, 24, 33, 30, 21, 27, 31, 32,20, 36, 17, 14, 29, 4, 16, 3, 34, 35, 15, 26, 1, 9,and II,) less iron parts of trucks........................12,000 00 16 stock cars, (Nos. 3, 3, 5, 9, 18,4,11,2,10,2,8,7, 6,12, and 1,) in course of construction, less iron parts of trucks- 6,175 00 8 wood cars, (Nos. 6, 5, 1, 7, 4, 9, 3, and 2,) less iron parts of trucks........................ 2,600 00 2 mules and harness-350 00 30 platform cars, (Nos. 30, 38, 33, 60,10,55, 66, 68, 3,61,12, 36, 49, 6, 14, 57, 52, 28,11,1,58,45,51,53,34,23,55,3,24, and 16, ) less iron parts of trucks...9,00000 1 steamboat (Kepper) and apparel - 4,500 00 Carpenter shop, 160 by 50, and shingled - - 5, 500 00 Addition to machine shop —2, 000 00 Saw shed, 25 by 31 -................12500 New blacksmith shop and forges, 44 by 31 - -1, 00( 00 Coal shed and bin... --- --- -...............50 00 Tool-house, 28 by 10 - -150 00 Cistern and enclosures in depot ---------------------- 225 00 Cistern near engine-house. ------................... 125 00 Frame on which cistern stands ----- -.... —--------- 75 00 Boutte. Tank-house, 26 by 16, and large cistern1.................. 1,000 00 Platform and shed, 50 by 20, and shed over engine, 62 by 17.. 600 00 I circular saw. — ---................................... 12 00 36 feet 5-inch leather belting..-........................... 10 80 Tigerville. I portable engine -...................................... 600 00 I counter shaft and pulleys. —--—..- -- -....... 25 00 I saw-table and mandrel...........-........-............ 15 00 I circular saw —..I - -------.......... 8 00 52 feet 5-inch leather belting........................- - ---- 1560 48 feet 2-inch copper pipe -- -.......... —.........- 40 00 I hogshead for water ------—......... —--------.. 2 50 45 feet 2-inch galvanized pipe, (iron)............. —------ 22 50 40 feet lead pipe —................. —---—. — -------- 10 00 14 feet India-rubber belting..... —.. -........ —-.. 400 Shed over engine.. —----------------... —-------------- 75 00 Tank-house and cistern. —------------------- - - 700 00 Bayou Bauf. Dwelling, platform, warehouse, and office, 50 by 24; platform, 26 by 50; storehouse on platform- -......-......800 00 Section 16. Addition to kitchen, 13 by 22-............................. 5000 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 507 List of railroad property tranzsferred, &c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Section 14. Jan. 31 Addition to kitchen. 13 by 22............................ $50 00 Terrebon e. Warehouse, 60 by 40, and platform - -................... 1, 300 00 Platform, 183 by 30, shed thereon......................... 1, 800 00 Station-house —----------—............................. 400 00 Raceland. Station-house and platform-.......................... 400 00 Lafourche. I platform, 73 by 40; 1 storehouse, 12 by 12............... 450 00 Bayou des Allesmands. o. 6 section-house, 28 by 24............................. 450 00 4 hand-car houses -... -. -.-..-................... 300 00 6,426 pounds g.ood fish bar iron -------.. —........... 257 04 9,093 pounds bad fish bar iron............................ 181 86 67,260 pounds bad chair iron............ —1-........... 1, 345 20 20,918 pounds good chair iron ----- ----- -...... 627 57 28 feet 6-inch rubber hose ---------------------------—.. 30 00 10 feet 6-inch rubber hose................... —----------- 6 00 14 feet 6-inch rubber hose. —-.. - --......... 3 00 9 hand-cars, at $.125 each ------------------------------- 1, 123 00 9 push-cars, at $70 each................... —------------- 630 00 Partitions and ceilings --—.-...........-....... - 125 00 Tools in machine shop. 6 tap wrenches....-...-............................... 6 66 30 taps -- --............. —--------------------- 45 00 10 reamers -. -- -......... —------------------- 17 50 2 ratchet braces ---................. ——....... -.... - 16 00 I log slate.............................................. 75 2 nut mandrels ------ -...........-1................. 1 50 2 steel chisel bars ------------------------------- -.. 5 33 2 straight-edges. -....-............... -. - ------—.. 6 00 1 brass oil-feeder --------------------- ----------------- 1 75 I oil can ----------------------------------------------- - 1 50 1 iron bucket ------------------------- -........ —-—.I 1 75 1 18-inch monkey wrench ------------------..... —.. 2 00 1 pair gas tongs.-... -.-.. —---------------- 2 50 3 pounds oxalic acid ------------...:........ — - -—.. 120 10 wooden buckets.............. —.... —....... — -3 —----- 5 00 I axe...- -....................... —-1 —------—.I I 00 1 shovel.. —--------------......... —--------------- 1 50 I 12-inch monkey wvrench. —.-.................-..-... — 2 00 4 small S wrenches...-......-.........-.. —--—.-' 7 00 2 cold chisels ------------------------------------------- 2 00 1 belt-punch ------------------------------- ---—.. 50 1 oil-feeder1............................................. 00 I tallow-can......................................-..i 1 00 I squirt-can -.......... —.............-.. -. ------ 75 I globe lantern -..................... —..............- 2 50 I padlock.............................................. 30 I cupboard ----------------- ----------------------- 7 00 6 lathe tools, 20 pounds, at 50 cents..-....-....- - 10 00 508 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 1 5-feet grindstone, shaft, and pulley -........ —-. —........ $115 00 1 frame and box of stone-..............-.....-......... 15 00 220 pounds bolts and nuts, at 15 cents..................... 33 00 265 pounds bolts and nuts, at 15 cents........ —-.. —.....- 39 75 20 old files........-................................-.. 10 00 5 pounds copper vice clamps, at 30 cents...............1 50 134 pounds nuts, at 15 cents..-.......... —-.... —.. —-.. 20 10 13 cold chisels........-................................ 9 75 44 pounds bolts and nuts, at 15 cents -..-..........-........ 6 60 2 monkey wrenches................-....-............ 4 00 I gas wrench -...-..............-........ —-....... —... 200 1 hammer.............. —........ —...-.....-...... --.1 75 I squirt-can..........................-.................. 50 5 old files................. —........................-.. 250 11 cold chisels...-...................................... 14 00 3 face plates.......-........ —-........-................ 31 50 3 machine racks......-.......................-......-. 36 00 3 boiler-makers' clamps -...-.........-......... —..-...... 21 00 4 centre punches.. —-.-.......-...-.... —..-..-... —.-. 1 00 IO lathe tools........................................... 18 80 5 lathe reamers.......-........................-....... 12 00 3 cape chisels..-'.....-........-......-.........-......-. 150 2 boring bars, at $4 each................................- 8 00 3 dogs, at $2 each..............-........................ 6 00 1 single block and fall......-............................ 4 00 16 small drills, at 50 cents each.........-..... —......... 8 00 10 cold chisels..-.-..................................... 7 50 10 lathe tools...-...... —- -....................-...... 16 00 9 chases, at $1 50 each.-................................. 13'50 8 counter borers, at $3 each -.. —-.................-... 24 00 6 drills, at $1 33~ each...... —-..- -................... 8 00 65 pounds bolts and nuts, at 15 cents -...... —.......-... 9 75 I cupboard...-........................................ 10 00 I vice......-.......... —................... —-........ 800 1 boiler maker's forge.........-......................... 30 00 1 tool cupboard....-... —..............-............... 8 00 10 punches............................................ 15 00 2 stay-bolt taps........- -............................... 8 00 5 riveting hammers and handles.......................... 1 00 3 forming blocks..............................-.......... 180 00 1 boiler-maker's bench.-............................... 16 00 1 blacksmith's bellows...'.....................:......... 10 00 1 anvil-.............................................. 8 00 1 pair large shears............................... 175 00 1 large punch.......-... —-..................... —..... 150 00 I small punch............ —............-.....-.... —-.. 75 00 1 small forge.......................................... 12. 00 1 goose-neck punch........................... 30 00 15 wrenches............................. —... 35 00 I pair bellows...-......................................'12 00 1 iron ladle........ —--.............. —................. 3 00 41 tamping bars, 416 pounds, at 16 cents.................. 66 56 35 pounds bolt copper, at 76 cents........................ 24 50 78 rubber car springs, 5 by 5, 468 pounds -....... —...... 468 00 172 rubber car springs, 6 by 6, 1,548 pounds...-..-.-..... 1,54800 2 plates glass, 24 inches square.......................... 2 50 100 pounds hemp packing, at 25 cents.......- -.......... 25 00 24~ yards canton flannel, at 30 cents.................... 7 30 100 pounds putty................................. 10 00 425 pounds tallow, at 16 cents......-...................... 68 00 I old man.............................................. 25 00 7 pounds lampblack..................................... 3 50 I office desk............................................ 12 00 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 509 List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Contir ued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 110 pounds sheet copper, at 65 cents.....-.......-.... —-. $71 30 80 pounds soap....-...................-................ 8 00 8 file handles -....................... —.................. 2 00 14 car catches..-................. —................... 21 00 2 pairs canvas tongs.-................................. 8 00 5 pieces grass line................................2 50 2~ pounds lamipwick.........- -.... —... —............. 2 50 ~ gross matches.................. —--....-...........-.. 75 17 kegs cut nails................ —....................... 119 00 2 kegs cut spikes..........-... —--.... —....-.......... 18 00 21 rubber springs, 6 by 6, 189 pounds....-.........-..... 189 0( 7 boxes glass, 20 by 18 --—................................ 84 00 22 gallons japan varnish -. - -... -- - -66 00 3 pounds brass wire -.........-.....-.....-.....-......... 180 35 pounds copper wire -................-.........-...... 26 25 30 pounds iron wire..-...... —.... —................... 4 20 24 hand screws -.. —................................... 24 00 100 pounds white lead...-............................. -. 16 00 50 pounds red lead.......-...............-............ 9 00 t11 gross silver head screws.....-..........-............ —- 13 00 13 quires sandpaper........ —-...-...................... 3 25 5 jig-saws -........ —........................-......-.. 600 73 sash-lifts............................................ 7 30 175 pounds yellow ochre -........................-.... 20 62 45 pounds whiting............-....-....-... —.-.....-.. 6 00 40 pounds chalk......- -....... —....................... 4 50 40 pounds glue..-.............................-... —-. 12 00 162 pounds sheet lead.........-....................... 20 25 4 scrubbing brushes..-............-...-..... —......... 3 00 107 papers tacks...-................................-.. 16 25 86 papers finishing nails --—............................. 12 90 948 pounds brass castings -............................ 474 00 I glazier's diamond...-1.............................. 1 50 80 pounds sheet rubber -................................. 80 00 2 small jack screws......................-....... —..-.. 14 00 4 met-car flanges...............-.. —-.-.... —-......... 12 00 19 glass chimneys..............................5 70 43 newV' files..-..........-............................... 28 00 1 press for crank-pins-.........-....................-....... 3500 I desk.........-..................................... 9 00 I inkstand......-...................................... 1 50 I black walnut table.........-................... -...... 12 00 2 chairs..............................-.................. 6 00 1 water cooler........-....................-........ 5 00 1 log slate -.........-..................-...........-... 75 I washstand-.................. —................-...... 4 00 I bucket -.. —.................................-....... 50 Istove...-............................ —-............ 6 00 1 stool. —.... —........2-............ —......... —.. —-. 2 00 26 feet stovepipe —...................................... 260 2 rulers -..-... —...........-........................ —. 1 00 I gauge tester -30 00 I ^au~e.....er.........-...........-.....-....-...-.-.... 0 3 dogs-................................................ 6 00 5 buckets........................-..........-.......... 2 50 1 saw table-............................................ 20 00 1 saw, mandrel, pulley, and boxes........................ 18 00 1 24-inch saw..............-...-..-................. —-. 10 00 1 scroll saw table................ -.......-.............. 75 00 3 circular aws, a-inch to o-inch......-................ 8 00 Shafts and pulleys in saw shop....-... —........-.... —-. 176 00 Shaft and pulley in blacksmith and machine shops.......... 300 00 2 40-feet turn tables -.................................... 4,066 66 1 rotary pump.......................................... — 250 00 I McGowan's pump..................................... 150 00 510 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Continuecd. Date. Articles. Appraised value. Store-room. 1866. Jan. 31 8 pounds chrome yellow................................. $2 80 1 pound Indian red....................................... 35 2 pounds ultra-marine.. —...........................-.. 1 50 24 pounds Chateenuc lake............................... 250 5 pounds light vermillion.-.-.....-...........-.......... 2 00 11 pounds drop black.....-............................... 440 I pound raw umber...... —...-.......................... 25 10 pounds raw sienna, in oil.....-......................... 250 2 pounds Van Dyke brown............................... - - -50 2 pounds burnt sienna......... —...................-.... 50 1 pound chrome green...-..........-...................... 40 5 pounds burnt umber.....................-............ I 25 5 pounds raw sienna..................................... 125 132 gallons lard oil —..................................... 297 00 10 gallons asphaltumi varnish............................ — 25 00 25 gallons copal varnish....................-.......-.... 100 00 43 gallons copal varnish................................. 172 00 I stove-.........-..... —-................................ 6 00 26 feet stove-pipe, cap and flange......................... 300 4 paint buckets.-.-......... —.......-.......... —-..... 200 3 24-gallon oil cans —.................................... 600 15 pounds ground pumice stone.. -—............. —1...... 80 1 shop bell, (390 pounds)................................ 234 07 29 assorted locks —...-.................................... 18 00 50-1 gross iron screws........ —.............. —-......... 50 00 304 gross brass screws..-.-.... —..-..-...-.........-.... 75 00 534 pairs wrought and cast butt hinges..............-... 18 00 11 pairs brass hinges.. —-....-.......-.... —.-...........- 550 38 yards webbing............... —-.....-................- 920 82 papers brads............... —.........................- 12 35 130 feet 4-inch wrought-iron pipe........................ — 195 00 2,493 feet 2-inch gas pipe, (galvanized).................... 623 20 18 feet 24-inch gas pipe... —..-.......................... 905 13 feet 1~-inch gas pipe..................... —-.......... 12 00 177 feet 1-inch gas pipe........-..........-............. 26 50 1290 feet 24-inch copper pipe.. —.-........................ 120 05 130 feet 2-inch copper gas pipe -.......-... —..-...-......-. 130 00 5 brass stop-cocks -.-........-..... -.......... —....... 45 00 6 2-inch T pipes.................- -..................... 450 2 2-inch elbows........... ——.....-........-............ 1 00 4 2-inch union couplings -.... —.................. —........ 7 00 Blacksmith's shop. I forge................................................. 60 00 I crane.. —............................................ 30 00 I tilt-hammer.-......................................... 275 00 I fan and 75 feet 6-inch gas pipe.......................... — 225 00 2 wheelbarrows. —-..............-............. -....-..- 800 49 pairs tongs.................................. —........ 60 00 2 flatters.-............................................. 3 20 13 fullers................................. —............ 26 00 6 set hammers.......................................... 10 00 11 chisels.............. —...............................- 900 6 punches......-.-..-.-.......................-.... —. 6 00 3 anvils —..............................................-. 24 00 36 swedges —...........-................................. 30 00 2 cast-iron swedge blocks.......-...... —-......... *. - ~. 20 00 21 heading tools........................................ 27 00 1 hammer and anvil -.-...............-.............-... 250 2 sledges and handles.................................... 400 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 511 List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 3 shovels -.-......-..................................-.. 3 00 4 log slates............................................. 3 50 3 water buckets..................-...................-.. 400 20 mandrels.................-.......................... 17 50 1 brass cock -............-.............................. 50 70 pounds blister steel.......-........................... 14 00 I lock —................................................. 25 335 pounds angle iron.......-........................... 33 50 435 pounds Manilla rope, (old and new)..................- 21 75 270 pounds chain....................................... 27 00 8 blocks-............................................... 00 1,229 feet belting, (old).................................. 307 25 30 pounds iron chain.................................... 3 00 Brass foundry. 1 brass furnace.-................-...................... 25 00 2 troughs....................-.......................... 00 I tool cupboard....................-.....-.............. 10 00 13 iron flasks...-..............................-........ 12 00 27 wood flasks -.-..................................... 18 00 1 mortar and pestle. —.............................-.... 6 00 4 flask weights -...........................-........... 12 00 1 iron ingot mould..-................................... 1 50 14 flask clamps.............-................-.-........ 350 5 pairs tongs.-........................................ 9 00 I core bench..- --................... —................. 6 00 I spike machine...- -.................................. 18 00 I cock..-.... —.... —... —-..... —.................... ] 50 I brass pump............... —......................... 8 00 2locks -.-.........-...................................- 200 I small block and fall.. —-.............................. 400 13 work-benches.............. —..-..................... 117 00 1 bench screw.-................-...................... 2 50 1 lantern.-...............-............................ 2 00 I oil-feeder. ——...-. —..................-.............. 75 I axe handle -......................................... 1 00 100 feet rubber hose..-..........-...................... 15 00 1 force pump.-.......... —............................. 60 00 6 brass cocks --—................ 36 00 I painter's cupboard.. —-... —-.... —.................... 5 00 13,369 pounds iron, (new, in rack)........................ 935 83 190 pounds spring steel, at 25 cents per pound............. 47 50 13 oak break beams.......................-.-........... 39 00 5 cypress carlings. ——.................................. 500 5 switch stands -.-..-....-......-....................... 20 00 10 stanchions...-.. —--................ —-............. 8 00 1 stove and 28 feet stove pipe..- -..... —.................. 5 00 1 grindstone and fixtures................................- 12 00 12 stanchions —.... —-.................................. 9 00 I portion of hand car -... —............................. 6 00 1 boring machine...................................-.. 00 1 spring-balance scale... —.........1...........-........ 1 25 13 brass thimbles....................................... 7 00 4 ventilators -... —-.-...........-........................ 5 00 I 6-foot cross-cut saw -—... —-............... —-........ 3 00 I truck................................................ 6 00 10 truck beams...-............... —.................... 30 00 I wheelbarrow.......................................... 6 00 I shovel................................................ 1 25 4 car sells........................................... 24 00 I block and fall......................................... 6 00 512 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred, S'c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 100 feet rope.......................0 00 5 buckets........................50 1 step-ladder. —.....................00 1 hand-car frame, (oak)...-.........1200 1 engine cab...-.................... 00 1 cupboard...... —... —............00 2 pounds shellac...................50 1 1-gallon oil can. —..... -— 1............25 14 carpenter's benches-140 00 15 feet mahogany ---................... 225 15 bench screws - —.................1500 I grindstone and fixtures- --—............ 800 I stove pipe, 10 feet long............4 00 1 glue pot...-............. 1 lot patterns......................3333 5 car cushions —... —.. —---................ 7 00 4 car doors ---- --........................ 00 12 freight-car doors- —................4800 2 carpenter benches. —.. —-.............00 2 sieves...... ----- ---—... —-................ 300 1 mortising machine, (7 bits)........4000 32 carlings........................00 75 feet white-pine lumber...........50 60 feet rosewood. —................. 00 1 cupboard.......................14 00 97 33-inch car wheels, (new,) 44,620 pounds-2, 31 00 37 30-inch car wheels, (new,) 16,085 pounds 804 25 27 28-inch car wheels, (neiv,) 10,800 pounds...............-540 00 8 26-inch car wheels, (new,) 2,920 pounds-............... 146 00 26,290 pounds new castings, at 51 cents. —---------------- 1, 445 95 1,340 pounds new bolts and nuts, at 15 cents.- ---------- 201 00 1,750 pounds new castings. —---—..................... 96 25 1,750 feet black walnut, at 12-1 cents. —------------------- 217 50 2,900 feet poplar, at 7 cents ------------------------------ 203 00 3,560 feet cypress, at 3-1 cents —..... —.-.................-124 60 9,400 feet oak, at 121 cents —. —----.............. 1,175 00 18,735 feet yellow pine, at 3-1 cents. —--------------------- 655 72 9 locks- -........ —................................ 6 00 I cistern next to carpenter shop. —----------------------- 90 00 I brass faucet - ---—.- ------............ 1 25 1 picket fence around lumber yard. —-..-..........-........110 00 17 frames and 18 shutters, with iron gratings 3...........0. 00 I cistern near the fan of smith's shop. — -........ - 75 00 Office at depot. I table in lamp-room -................. —--------------- 3 00 3 desks................................... —----------- 60 00 1 table............................. —----------------- 9 00 3 stands. —..... - -.. —............. — 7 50 2 water coolers -----.............. —- -.......... 14 00 2 iron safes ----- —............. —------------------- 450 00 18 chairs-.-.- - - - -.-.-.-.-.-. -—..............36 00 5 stools.-............-....-.... —---------------------- 10 00 I armoir —...... —........... —.. -..... - 20 00 4 paper baskets -—...................-................ 3 00 12 spittoons. —----------—..... —... —---—........... 4 50 2 feather brooms.-................-....-............. 05 I eyelet machine. —-----......... --- - —. 2 00 16 inkstands.-.........................-.............. 4 00 13 paper weights -........-..............-........... 2 00 I cup and sponge - —...-........... — -SO —-- 50 RAILROAD PPROPERTY. 513 List of railroad property transferred, &-c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 3 deliveries.-................ —--- ----—..... —------------- $0 75 1 copying press -...-....................... 12 00 1 cup and brush..........-..........-...-.......-. —. 50 1 small vice.-..............-.-.... —...-.. —---—.-. —. 4 00 5 erasers -............-....-... —- -........... —-------- 50 1 candlestick..-..........-.......-.-.................. 10 5 tin paper cutters...- -... — ---.. —.. —....... —------------—.. 50 2 folders.................................... 30 3 wooden buckets -....-... —.-.. —......... —-—.. ——. 1 50 1 tin bucket.......-............ -..... —-. —. —- 75 1 coal scuttle.................... —-- -- --.. —-- —. 25 1 garrison flag.................... —...- -... —---- -—.. 42 00 5 rulers.......... —-----------------------—............................... 200 Telegraph office. 3 stools and 5 chairs..................-......-.... 6 00 1 desk, 2 chairs, and 1 table....... —--.......-.. 15 00 2 buckets -...................- - -... —................ 1 00 1 stove and 8 feet pipe................ —....-.. —--—. — 6 00 1 desk............ 8 00 2 chairs. -.................. —.............. —---------- 1 00 2 paper weights............. —- --.. —------ ---—.. ——.. —. 60 1 inkstand...-.....- --------—........- -- —.. —------ 50 5 crowbars....... —-............. —. 8 00 12 wheelbarrows...........-. —.. —..... — —. ——....... 24 00 5 lanterns....-... -------------------------—............ -----—...... 2 00 3 oil cans..........-..... —------------—... ----—... —............. —------ 300 2 feeders - ----- —.... —----------- --- ----------- -..... 50 10 deck buckets....-...... —.. —---—.... —----- —...-.. —---- 5 00 2 monkey wrenches....... —. —- -—.. —---- ---... —- -----. 3 50 12 wrenches..........-..-..-.. ——..... —------—. 6 00 2 oil cans.-................. —-.... — --.... ——...-. —. 1 00 I squirt can.-............. — --—.. —-.. —-—.. —.. —----- 25 2 feeders........................... —----------------------------—... 1 50 1 hose nozzle..........-...-...5....-.............. 500 I axe -------------------------------------------------- 125 1 cupboard......-..... —. —-—... —--—... ——.. —- 4 00 70 feet belting, 10 inch.-.-. 42 00 20 feet gum belting, 5-inch....-.................... 8 00 I short-handle shovel........- -... —-... —...... —. 1 00 12 new tarpaulins, at $90 each........... —-............. 1,080 00 2 desks-...1........... —.-.-.-.-. —--- 12 00 I copying press, cup, and brush.......... — 10 00 I stove and 14 feet pipe.....-.................... —-..... 4 00 I water bucket...-.........-.... —-...... ——.... —-. 50 2 inkstands........... ------ -—. --—...-..-.- 25 2 paper files........-... — ----... ---. -...-... ——..... —-------—. 25 I round table...-........ —---------------—.... --- —... --—..... 25 Tools on rolling stock. 68 cold chisels..-..................-...... —-- ---- ---- ---- 34 00 28 monkey wrenches...-............... —-.. —-------------- 35 00 7 hand hammers. —... —... —.. —---------------------- 8 75 6 corn brooms-.......-....-. —------------------- 05 43 oil cans -............-..... -..... —-. —-.-.-.- ---—. 20 00 10 squirt cans.................-.............. 3 00 27 oil feeders...-..................... 13 50 9 coal-oil lamps..-.- -.....-... -----— 13 50 7 wood stoves..-....-....-..-.. —. —-... —-. 42 00 40 feet pipe............-................................ 6 00 3 switch ropes, at $4 each -........-...-.... —.... -— 12 00 H. Ex. )oc. 155-33 514 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 51 axes................ —-.............................. $35 70 35 handles -............ —.............................. 9 00 17 water buckets...-........... —..........-........... 5 00 I tin bucket...-.. —.................................... 50 4 tallow pots........................................... 3 00 18 brass locks... —.. —-................................ 1350 8 padlocks....... —... —-....-....................-...... 2 00 1 hand-lamp......-....... —........................... 1 50 41 lanterns................- - —............................ 50 00 22 signal lanterns - -..... —-—............................ 35 00 30 signal flags...... —-- —................................. 5 00 1 pair dividers.. ——............. ——....................... 50 2 water barrels - —................-........................ 2 50 10 brass faucets. —--—...............-............-..... 12 50 2 wood faucets. —--—...... —.............................. 05 52 crow and claw bars, at $1 each.. —... —................- 52 00 2 wood-barrows --—.... ——......... —..................... 8 00 I common hand-barrow.. - —.............-..-............ 2 50 8 files -.-. ——...... —.-......-..................-...... -2 00 4 hand-saw files -. —.....-....-.. —-—...................... 20 19 pick axes --—.. ——.................. —............... 57 00 17 pick handles... —- -.................-.................- 4 20 16 foot adzes.. —.... —... ——.... —-................... 12 00 8 foot-adze handles- —........-...........................- 2 00 118 tamping bars... —..... —.-.....-.. -................ 156 70 19 track gauges, (wood)......- —..........................- 9 50 1 track gauge, (iron). —-...-.-... —-—..................... 25 23 hoes.- —................... —.........-................ 10 00 2 hoes, (bad) - -...... —-...-..... —................. —...... 05 23 handles -....... — -..-..... -......-...................- 8 O0 3 iron straighteners —...... —-........-...................-. 60 00 136 jiggers.. - —.................-....................... 136 00 12 water kegs - -... —-...-.-... —.... —..... —-.............. 24 00 55 switch locks... —-—............... —................... 41 25 20 switch locks............... —................... —-.. 2 00 30 spike mauls -------------- -. -- --- 18 00 14 iron punches.. —.....-..........-.................... 5 00 118 long-handle spades..... —........ —..-...... -....... 70 80 19 long-handle shovels.. —.. —-....... ——.............. 11 40 17 short-handle shovels.. ——.........-...............-.. 10 20 44 scythes. —- —........................................... 55 00 44 snaths, 50 cents each - -.. —-...-...................-.... 22 00 16 hand saws.. —-- -.....-...-...-...-...............-... 16 00 22 cross-cut saws -.-. —....-.....-........-...-........- 55 00 4 sandstones....................... ——.............. 05 15 grindstones.....-.. -....-..... -... —......-.....-... 60 00 2 grindstones, (bad).......... —-........ —.-........ —.. 10 14 fixtures - —..................-........................ 2 50 27 track wrenches. —..... —.......... —........ —-..... 300 6 buck saws- —...................-. —.................... 00 23 cant hooks........-......................... —--—. 11 50 12 cant bars.-............. —.................... — -—. 4 00 9 iron wedges, at 10 cents each................ ——....-. 90 33 brush hooks, at 50 cents each... —..-.-..... —.......... 16 0 10 hatchets -.. —-.... —..-. —... —- -........... —......... 4 00 10 hatchet handles....-..-...... —-......... —......... 1 50 2 cook stoves....-... —........ —.-.... —................ 18 00 2 cook stoves, (very bad)... —... —-..........-...........- 3 00 4 feet pipe -.... --- ---------- - - -10 13 augers —..... — -....-...... —......-....-............- 6 50 2 ladders, at $6 each b.. ----------- - - --- 12 00 2 boat-hooks —......-...-... —-.....-......-.... —......... 4 00 1 marking pot and brush. ------------ - - -- 50 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred, &c.-Continued. Date. Articles. Appraised value. 1866. Jan. 31 3 sledge hammers.-................-....................- -350 I drawing-knife -..................-..............- 1 50 I tape line, (50 feet)...-......................-......... 25 I tape line, (bad) -..... —-.......-.....................05 12 5 pounds chain, at 10 cents -...-..................12 50 8 car links........................................- 3 20 4 pins- -.......-...................-....... —............. 00 7 desks................................................ 42 00 8chairs................................................00 benches......................................-........ Iruler -.......................... —................... —--- - 50 3 paper-cutters.. —.....................-.-.1 30 2 inkstands. —... —-..... —..........................1 50 I feather duster, (bad).-................-..........1 05 63 pounds Manilla rope, at 10 cents................... 630 19-inch snatch-block.400..............-J 4 00 pairs iron railroad tongs, at $2 50 each..............2000 10 iron pulleys, at 40 cents.....................4 00......... 10 broadaxes............... —........................29 00 6 broadaxe handles... —--.....................-..1 150 9 connecting rods, at $1 each.....9....................00 3 blocks and tackle.................................1 2400 2 rope falls, without blocks, at $4 each................. 800 double blocks, at $2 each.. —.........................4 00 I track level, (wood)....................-.............. 300 2,000 shingles.......................................... —8 00 13 switch locks on cars............................... 600 Restaurant and passenger depot. — -—. —----- 300 00 Shafts and pulleys for working pumps..-.......-...... 160 00 113,773 45 A. B. SEYER, President. NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD. Schedule of property in possession of the United States May 1, 1865, by right of capture and of purchase, transferred to said road, with authority therefor. Property purchased..................................... -33, 050 00 Property captured...................................... 7, 350 00 Total........................................... 40, 400 00 Statement of circumstances and authority under which the railroad property included in the accompanying schedules was transferred to the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern railroad by Brevet Colonel J. G. Chandler, acting chief quartermaster military division of the Gulf, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 10, 1866, viz: QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, W'ashington, D. C., August 18, 1865. COLONEL: The government should be relieved at the earliest possible day of the expenses of maintaining and operating railroads heretofore held by it for military purposes. 516 RAILROAD PROPERTY. You will cause the railroads in the military division of the Gulf to be at once turned over to the several companies or to their representatives, or such other persons or civil authorities as the general commanding the military division may advise. In -carrying out these transfers you will brecommended by the Quartermaster General in a letter dated May 19, 1865, to the Secretary of War, and by him approved, copy of which is herewith furnished you. Inventories of the railroad material and supplies, rolling stock, &c. which are the property of the United States, setting forth the amount and estimated value of the articles, will be prepared and forwarded to this office, with recommendations as to the most advantageous modes and places of deposition of the same. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General U. S. A. Colonel C. G. SAWTELLE, Chief Quartermaster Mlil. Div. of the Guf, New Orleans, La. QUARTERMAsER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., March 3, 1866. COLONEL: Your letter of February 10, 1866, presenting request of ew Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern railroad for the return to it of certain property said to have belonged to it, is, with its enclosures, received. This road or a portion of it, with its appurtenances, was taken possession of by right of capture upon the occupation of the city of New Orleans by the United States forces in 1862. Its property became the property of the United States by right of capture, and has been used and in part consumed for military purposes. Such of this property as still remains in possession of the quartermaster's department, and is no longer required for military use, has been, in accordance with the general policy pursued upon grounds of public utility toward railroad companies, ordered to be restored 2to the company. It appears that the road was restored to the company in June last. The government does not undertake to restore material which has been consumed or disposed of, such as iron laid down on other roads, &c. Nor does it restore iron and other material which it has taken up and replaced by other equally good or better material. If any of the property mentioned in enclosed schedule presented by the company and clearly identified as its former property is still in possession of the quartermaster's department, and no longer required for military purposes, it will be, with the exceptions above stated, relinquished to it. The letter of the treasurer of the New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern Railroad Company, with the schedules, are herewith returned. By order of the Quartermaster General. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER BLISS, Brevet Colonel and Acting Quartermaster in charge 4th Division. Brevet Colonel J. G. CHANDLER, Acting Chief Quartermaster Mil. Div. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La. RAILROAD PROPERTY. 517 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERAMASTER MIILITARY DiviSIONor 0o'THl GULF, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 24, 1866. COLONEL: I have the honor to report the sale of a lot of railroad property to the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern railroad, and to enclose the receipt of the agent of said company for the articles sold, with the prices as appraised, and the bond duly executed in accordance with General Orders No. 62, Quartermaster General's office, October 93, 1865. In accordance with an order from this office this road was advertised for sale, as will be seen by copy of advertisement enclosed. The property was bid in at the sale, for -the reason that there were no bidders present. I then sold it to the company above referred to, under the provisions of the general order above referred to. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. G. CHANDLER, Brevet Colonel United States Army, in charge. Major General M. C. M1EICIS. Quartermaster General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. List of captured property transferred by Captain J. B. Dexter, assistant quartermaster United States volunteers, to the New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern railroad, as per letter from the Quartermaster General, dated March 3, 1866. Date. Articles. Cost whe newv. 1866. Mar. 10 2 tables..... —.......-.... 2 sets gas fixtures................................................. I set drawers -................................................ I book-case............................................ 2,600 00 11 ticket cases -—........................................... 5003 armoirs....-. — 1 platform car ------------------------ 500 00 Statement of the indebtedness of railroad companies for the purchase of railroad material of the United States, on credit, under Executive Orde of Auguest 8 and October 14, 1865, showing the appraised value of property transferred by the United States, with interest accrued thereon to May 31, 1866, amount pay- ^ ments made, and balance remaining due at that date. Name~ of~ road.~ ~Value of prop- Interest to Total indebted- P Blne Name of road. Payments. Balance. erty sold. May 31, 1866. ness May 31. Wills Valley Railroad Company..................................... — $30,248 52 $1,313 75 $31,562 37 $1,300 00 $30,262 27 Edgefield and Kentucky............................................ — 114,772 86 4,824 48 119,597 34 - 119,597 34 Macon and Brunswick —........................................-.. 93,237 50 973 04 94,209 54 67,662 21 26,547 33 Montgomery and West Point............... —-....................... 38, 559 66 1,516 16 40,075 82 9,566 76 30,509 06 Southwestern...................................................... 46,159 89.............. - -46,159 89 46, 159 89!.... Rome......... —...................-...............-........ 22,08605 816291 22,90231 7,25671 15,645 60 Memphis and Ohio............ —..........-...........-.....-..... 106,929 13 4,379 67 111,308 80 15,283 57 96, 025 23 Memphis, Clarksville, and Louisville-....-.-........................ 337, 082 36 13,329 29 350,411 65 150 00 350,261 65 I Mississippi and Tennessee.......................................... — 127,750 52 4,500 89 132, 251 41 30,401 95 101,849 46 Alabama and Florida- 79,021 04 2,254 77 81 275 81 21 033 03 60,242 78 East Tennessee and Georgia -. —........................... —-. —.-. 366,183 02 18,010 29 384,193 31 26, 942 97 357,250 34 t Muscogee -. —-—...-......... —............ ——...... —........... 5,24420 21404 5,45824 1,316 45 4,141 79 Macon and Western —.................................. —........... 83,638 15. —....-..-.... 83,638 15 81,282 60 2,355 55 Nashville and Chattanooga.. —..........-....-...-.................1,566,551 73 76,526 33 1,643, 078 06 158,725 53 1, 484, 352 83 0 Tennessee and Alabama Central —... -- --—. — 84,143 00 3,958 34 88,101 34 25,071 06 63,030 28 Mobile and Ohio. —-... —-...-......-..-.. —-------------------- 505,143 70 17,482 65 522,626 35 221,341 58 301,284 77 I Mobile and Great Northern -.. —-.............-... —---—....... —-... 18,036 72 564 08 18,600 80 7,584 18 11,011 62 Memphis and Charleston..-..... —-.........-...-...-...... —-..... 547,494 09 9,779 97 557,274 06 79,774 44 477,499 62 Alabama and Tennessee River........-....... —.................... 183,276 49 7,567 75 190,844 24 15,340 18 175,504 06 Mississippi, Gainesville, and Tuscaloosa......- -.. —-........-.....-. 33, 476 39 1,504 86 34,981 25- ------ 24,981 25 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company-.........-... —-............. 11,935 05 —..... 11,935 05 11,935 05.......... —. New Orleans and Ohio. —--------------------.... - - 32,150 00 1,373 88 33, 523 88 -------------- 33,523 88 Nashville and Decatur...-.................-..-........-.......-.. 135,171 92 4,048 66 139,22058 31,015 04 108,205 54 Western and Atlantic -.-.. —..... —...... ——.............-.....-.. 472, 944 66 22,979 47 495,924 13.-........ —. 495,924 13 Central Southern - - - -....... 77,186 32 3, 631. 17 80,817 49 22,996 43 57,821 06 East Tennessee and Virginia...-.... —-... —-....-..... —...... —-. 265, 655 65 13,434 96 279, 090 61 7, 888 42 271,202 19 Southwestern Iron Company...-... —.... —-.........-....-......... 32,515 00.............. 32,515 00 32,515 00.. —..........Adams Express Company.. —-..................................... 4,36145 ------- 4,361 45 4,36145.-..-......... Nashville and Northwestern Railroad Company...-.............. ——. 525,400 26 27,723 49 553,123 75 23, 044 75 530, 079 00 Mississippi Central —-... —.-..-..........-........ —....... ——...... 78,460 00 2,144 18 80,604 18 14,415 89 66.188 29 New Orleans. Jackson, and Great Northern.. —-.....-.... —-......-. 200,865 58 6, 658 06 207,523 64 49, 967 58 157,556 06 Tennessee and Alabama....................................-...... 108,692 68 5,117 81 11:3,810 49 32,349 20 81,461 29 Selma and Meridiain........................................-..-. 146,327 92 4,815 21 151,143 13 56,028 49 95,114 64 Virginia and Tennessee -......................-......-........... 102,880 00 3,295 58 106,175 58 - - - 106,175 58 Wilmington and Weldon..-............................... —110,000 00 2,274 21 112,274 21 4,536 57 107,737 64 Atlantic and North Carolina-.....................................-.l- 51,453 93 1,786 05 53,239 98 5,948 04 47,291 94 Western North CarQ1ina................-......................... 14,269 82 465 06 14,734 88 2,638 35 12,596 53 Petersburg.. —.................................................. —- 65,000 00 1,411 80 63,411 80 18,012 67 48,399 13 Virginia Central...-............................................. 70,000 00 3,995 13 73,995 13 4,424 71 69,570 42 Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac.-.-.......-.-.-.- 7,449 27 -—.............. 7,449 27 7,449 27.............. Orange and Alextndria -............................. 90,395 74 4,176 93 94,572 67 8, 612 75 85,959 92 Alexandria, London, and Hampshire................................. 62,592 96 1,903 85 64,496 81.- - - 64,496 81 Manassas Gap-.................... — ---------------—...... —------—............... —------ 4,623 51 119 72 4,743 23 309 09 4,434 14 McMinnville and Manchester....-.......................-...... - 20,310 00 430 57 20,740 57.............. 20,740 57 South Carolina.................................................... 23, 458 50 497 31 23, 955 81...... —... —. 23,955 81 Memphis and Little Rock.......................................... 153,287 47 7,.459 99 160,746 46.............. 160,746 46 New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great Western - --. 113,773 45 2,768 49 116,541 94.............. 116,541 94 > Total -................................................... 7,370,196 16 292,027 20 7,662,223 36 1,154,146 56 6, 508,076 80 520 RAILROAD PROPERTY. List of railroad property transferred by Captain J. B. Dexter, assistant quartermaster United States volunteers, to the president and directors of the New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern railroad, belonging to the United States goterninent, for the value of which said road has given bond for $66,100 to secure payment. Date. Articles. 1866. Mar. 10 21 platform cars.-................ each 5550 00 $11,550 00 5 platform cars.-..-........ —--- - do I 400 00 2, 000 00 2 wood cars...-. -...... cl.... —----- do. 600 00 1,200 00 5 box cars - - -d...o 650 00 3,250 00 1 box car -......-.-.-.....- _.-......... ——. do 450 00 450 00 3 cattle cars -.-...-.-. —------------------- - do-. 550 00 1, 650 00 25 coal cars. —-..-......................-....do. 3800 00 7, 500 00 1 dummy car and engine - -.......................do 4, 000 00 4, 000 00 11 push-ars.. — -........... —............do... 50 00 550 00 8 hand cars - -do........ do 450 00 400 00 turn-table - —.................................. do... 500 00 500 00 Total value of railroad property transferred. —-—..... -- 33, 050 00 RAILROAD PROPERTY. 521.General Orders No. 62.] QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WTashington, October 23, 1865. The following order by the President of the United States, in relation to executive order of 8th August, 1865, extending the provisions and benefits of the same to all railroads within the limits of the military division of the Tennessee desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and material from the United States, for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war, is published for the information of all officers and agents of the quartermaster's department. M. C. MEIGS, Brevet Major General U. S. A., Quartermaster General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., October 14, 1865. GENERAL: The, provisions and benefits of the executive order of 8th of August are hereby extended to all railroads within the limits of your command, desiring to purchase railroad rolling stock and materials from the United States, for the purpose of repairing the losses of the war. You are also authorized to direct the sale to any such railroads of rolling stock now within the limits of you command, and not needed by the United States for actual use, upon the following conditions, if they are preferred to the terms of the order of 8th August, and the individual security required by you under that order: You will take care that this property is distributed among the several roads in proportion to their actual needs, and that none is sold to any railroad in excess of the reasonable requirements of its business, or to be used for purposes of speculation, sale, or hire to other roads. You will require from all such railroad companies satisfactory bonds, in the form herewith enclosed, binding them to the payment to the United States of the full appraised value of the property sold to them, in equal monthly instalments, with interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, within two years, credit being allowed to them, on the first of each month, for any service of military transportation rendered by them during the preceding month, at the established rates now allowed to northern railroads for such service. Full reports of all sales under this order will be made to the War Department from time to time, as required by existing orders. The serviceable railroad iron in possession of the quartermaster's department at Chattanooga and Nashville is excepted. It will be sold for cash, at the prices fixed by the War Department. By order of the President: EDWARD M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Major General GEORGE H. THOMAS, Commanding Military Division of the Tennessee, Headquarters, Nashville, Tennessee. H. Ex. Doc. 155-34 522 RAILROAD PROPERTY. BOND. Know all men by these presents, that the railroad company, duly incorporated by the act of the of the State of, by its president, acting for and in behalf of said railroad company, does hereby acknowledge itself and its successors held and firmly bound unto the United States ofAmerica in the iull and just sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States; for which payment, well and truly to be made to the disbursing quarmaster of the United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated'by the War Department, within two years from the date of these presents, the said railroad company, by its president, hereby binds itself and its successors, firmly by these presents. Sealed with its corporate seal, attested by the signature of its president, and affixed b the express authority of its directors, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. rThe nature of the above obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden railroad company has purchased and received, or shall receive, from the War Department of the United States, rolling stock, iron rails, cross-ties, chairs, spikes, timber, and other materials for repairing and operating its railroad, in quantities, at prices, and to an amount and value which shall be evidenced by the receipts given for the same by the same railroad company to the proper officer of the said War Department, upon a credit of two years from the date of these presents, payable in equal monthly instalments, with interest, at the rate of 7 A- per cent. per annum, within the said two years, either in cash to the disbursing quartermaster of the United States military railroads, at his office in Nashville, or to such other disbursing quartermaster as may be designated for this purpose by the War Department, or in transportation of the troops or military supplies of the United States, under the orders of the proper military authorities, at the rates of fare and tolls allowed for such service to northern railroads; And whereas the said railroad company desires, and by these presents intends, to secure to the United States the complete and punctual payment as aforesaid of the amounts which may be due for the said materials received or to be received by it from the United States: Now, therefore, if the said railroad company shall well and truly pay as aforesaid, either in cash, in equal monthly instalments, or in transportation as aforesaid, to the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, all that shall be due as aforesaid to the United States on account and,in payment for all the materials received as aforesaid from the United States, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect. But if the said railroad company shall fail to pay to the United States all or any portion of what may be due to the United States, on account of the said materials received from the United States, within two years from the date of these presents, either in cash as aforesaid, or in transportation as aforesaid, or shall fail to pay any of the monthly instalments aforesaid punctually when due, then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that may be necessary to fully repay to the United States the full amount which may be due on account of the said materials so received as aforesaid, and all loss or damage which may have been incurred by the United States, by reason of the said railroad company's failure to pay for the same what shall be due therefor, when the shall be due. And as a further security for such payment and indemnity to the United States, the United States shall have a lien upon the property sold to said company, and in default of such complete and punctual payment of all moneys which may be due on account of the aforesaid purchase of materials, be fully authorized to take possession of and sell said property, and also to place in charge and control RAILROAD PROPERTY. 523 of the said company's railroad an agent of the said United States, who shall be fully empowered, and by these presents is fully empowered, in case of such default as aforesaid, to collect all the revenues of the said company, and apply the same to the payment to the United States of all the money which shall be due at the times of such application of such revenues to the United States for any such materials which shall have been delivered by the United States to the said railroad company, or by reason of any loss or injury to the United States resulting from such default in payment of the same. And the said company shall have no authority to sell or convey out of its possession, without the consent of the United States first in writing obtained, any of the property referred to in this agreement; but shall hold and retain the same to the exclusive use of said company, in carrying on the business of transportation of persons and property over its line of road, until the whole is fully paid for as aforesaid. In witness whereof, the corporate seal of said railroad company is affixed hereto, by authority of its directors, and attested by its president. Witness: NOTE.-The amount of this bond to be double the valuation of the property sold and delivered. Internal revenue stamps should be affixed, to the amount of fifty cents for every thousand dollars. [General Orders No. 80.] QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., December 22, 1865. Sales to railroad companies under executive orders of August 8 and October 14 (General Orders, Quartermaster General's office, 56 and 62, 1865) will be promptly reported to this office, addressed to R. R. division. As soon after completion of sale to any railroad as practicable, a statement of the account of such railroad with the United States, accompanied by the receipt of the company for the articles sold, with prices as appraised, and its bond duly executed, will be forwarded for file in this office. The duplicate of receipt, and a copy of the bond, will be retained by the officer making the sales. Every payment of instalment and interest, whether in cash or by accepted vouchers, will be reported on the day it is made, with a statement of the balance remaining due to the United States. On all such payments the usual three days' grace will be allowed. The railroad companies will be credited with the amount of their duly certified vouchers, for any services rendered prior to the month current, whether in excess or not of the monthly instalment due; such credit to date from the receipt by the officer to whom the railroad makes its payments of vouchers duly certified, examined and audited by the proper officer for settlement of transportation accounts. The accounts of railroad companies will be examined and audited by the proper officers without unnecessary delay; but no payments will be made to any railroad in the States lately in rebellion, except upon the certificate of the officer charged with sales of military railroad property for the military division or department that such road has not incurred any indebtedness to the United States, or if incurred, that its indebtedness has been discharged in full. If so indebted, the vouchers, duly certified, will be referred to the officer who made the sales, to be credited as above. The reports herein called for are not intended to supersede those already required by regulations and existing orders. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet MJajor General U. S. A.