M E MO RIAL OF THE HOLDERS AND OWNERS OF THE FLOATING DEBT OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO: ALTA CALIFORNIA STEAM PRESSES, 124 SACRAMENTO STREET. 1857. MEMOR IAL. To THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA: The memorial of the undersigned holders and owners of indebtedness of the City of San Francisco, respectfully shows to your Honorable Body, That tle City of San Francisco is a corporation, created and governed by acts of the Legislature of this State, with certain powers and privileges in the several acts contained. The founding of the City of San Francisco, and the circumstances connected with that event, constitute some of the most striking passages of American his. tory. The leading event of the century-the discovery of gold in Californiabringing hither the population of a State, without the means, resources or appliances for their support or accommodation, or even protection, created an ilmmediate necessity for a city upon the Pacific coast. The obscure village of Yerba Buena was selected as its site. This demand for a commercial emporium was so urgent, that the city sprung up at once without waiting, like other cities, a process of gradual development, and with the advantages, was therefore subjected to the difficulties and embarrassments which are peculiar to the rapid founding of a large city, without the resources in the country to support its population, with immediate wants but without adequate means to supply them. The necessities of commerce and the accommodation of a numerous population, required improvements and labor, materials and money, and these had to be furnished before taxes could be laid and collected; while the high prices of labor and materials which prevailed a few years ago, and still in some degree prevail in California, made the supply of these indispensable wants expensive. It is hardly necessary to remind the Legislature, that the process of building a large city on a desert coast, and fitting it for the accommodation and uses of a large population and for the purposes of a commercial emporium-when this process is an immediate exigency, and the work of years is compressed into the labor of a few months-nmust, necessarily, under the most favorable circumstances, be attended by extraordinary difficulties. But when, superadded to this, a state of things novel and without past experience existed, and accidents, fires and all the confusion of a hurried settlement, by a strange and heterogeneous population intervened, it will be at once perceived that the cost and burthens of this immense undertaking would be greatly augmented. Nor were these the only difficulties, perhaps not the chief. The site of the city was such as to require unusual labor in making streets and highways and putting them in order. Sand hills had to be cut down, passage-ways through rocks to be made, mountainous places leveled, wharves constructed and marshes and parts of the Bay filled in, it is more wonderful that so much should have been accomplished against such physicial and other impediments, than that it should have cost the sums expended to effect them. As in all new countries, it happened that the official business of the corporation was not always intrusted 3 to the best hands; and that the confusion and embarrassments which prevailed did not always admit of the wisest action or the best results, even when the best were intended. To carry through the tremendous enterprize of founding a large city within a few months, necessarily involved indebtedness, to which the then and accruing revenue was altogether inadequate. The many works, which in all of the departments of physical improvement and municipal administration, the new city accomplished, had to be contracted for at the rates then prevailing. Everything was exorbitantly high. The wages of labor, the cost of materials and the interest of money were beyond anything before known on this continent; but these works and improvements, and the support of the municipal government were the absolute necessities of the times; and if they cost more to the city than the same things would have cost to private individuals, this was owing in some degree to the fact, that individuals can always procure work cheaper than governments, and that labor procured for credit is dearer than labor procured for cash. In order to keep up the city government and to carry into effect these great enterprizes, a system of credits was adopted by the officers of the government entrusted with the management and control of her affairs. The revenue of the city, from all its sources, was anticipated. As debts became due, scrip was issued, payable out of the particular funds set apart, by the ordinances of the corporation, for that purpose. Contractors for public works were thus paid as their accounts were audited; and the officers and employees of the city received their compensation in the same way. This scrip, for the most part, took the form of warrants, drawn by the Mayor and Comptroller upon the Treasurer, payable to the party contracting with the city or to the bearer. This was done under a provision of the charter. These warrants were issued and this mode of doing business was pursued by all administrations and officers of the city government, and without objection or complaint on the part of individuals, from the year 1850 to the passage of the Consolidation Bill of 1856. The paper so issued was treated all this time as valid and subsisting indebtedness and evidences of debt against the corporation; was received by the corporation in the payment of dues to it; was paid out for debts after being so received; was registered as indebtedness by ordinance, to be paid in the order of registry; was received at certain rates, a table of which is hereto annexed, in the market, and taken for investment and in business operations, and constituted a considerable portion of the stocks held in the city. It constituted the consideration for every branch of public expenditure. Through this agency the gas that lit the city, the houses in which the public business was transacted, the buildings for the Fire Department, and the expenses of that department, the salaries of the public officers, the construction of sewers and streets, the police, the local judiciary-in a word, all the necessary expenses of the city government were made. The city received, and now holds, the advantages and benefits of this consideration; she has been protected by it from fire and flood, and in the person, rights and property of her citizens; she has derived fiom it no inconsiderable portion of her revenues, and furnished means of education to the youth of the city; she has risen to the rank she holds as a great commercial city -retained and perpetuated her supremacy as the commercial emporium of the Pacific Coast-increased her trade and her facilities of commerce, and has secured to her citizens and the State, indeed to the world, the advantages, comforts and enjoyments which distinguish her. In fact, she has conducted her whole fiscal system in this mode and upon the basis of her liabilities for these securities. The outstanding indebtedness of the city at present, unrecognized and unprovided for, is shown by the annexed tabular statement, in which that indebtedness is given in detail, upon which we propose hereafter addressing to your Honorable Body a few observations. In the year 1855, the Legislature passed an Act, a copy of which is hereto 4 appended. This Act, it is believed, was intended to authorize the finding of all the legal and equitable indebtedness of the city; but by some oversight, the par ticular language used was so restricted as to confine the Examiners, appointed under that Act, to the funding only of such legal and equitable indebtedness as had been created by ordinance legally passed. The Examiners only allowed the sum of $322,281 07, which has been funded. The balance yet remaining practically unrecognized, amounts to about the sum of $1,375,000, as represented by the same or similar evidences of indebtedness. The Examiners admit, in their report, that much of this indebtedness is as equitable as any recognized by them; though not coming within the precise terms of the Act. To the validity of these evidences of indebtedness objections have been made which your memorialists propose, very briefly, to consider. They all refer to the mere mode in which the indebted was created, and are based upon the charge that the directions prescribed by the charter were not pursued in making the contents or in giving the evidences of indebtedness. Under the circumstances to which we have adverted, if the directions were not strictly pursued, vet if the city got the full benefit of the consideration of this indebtedness and her citizens were exempted from taxation to this extent and she still retains and enjoys the public works and the results of the services of those who labored and expended their money in her behalf, it would not be difficult to see that, if not in strict law, certainly in equity and good conscience, she ought to be held liable to pay for what she has thus received. The contracts made and services rendered were made and rendered openly, publicly and notoriously; with the full knowledge and approbation of the accredited agents of the city; without objection or complaint, and with the acquiescence of the people. These acts and transactions were continuous, running through several years, done every day, and with the full understanding that they were legal and authorized, and accompanied by all the external indicia and marks of authenticity; and now, at this late day, when these evidences have gone into the hands of persons who have paid value for them in entire ignorance of any objection to them, and with every reason to believe that they were what on their face they imported, it is gravely proposed that they shall be ignored and repudiated; and that all this labor and these services and expenditures on behalf of the city shall go unpaid and uncompensated. If this course were pursued by any private citizen, if he, through the acts of his agent, should for long years receive the benefits of contracts made in in his name; see buildings daily going up for his benefit, and improvements made upon his premises; if he supported himself and his household and preserved his estate, by means of the labor and property of others thus obtained; if every day for six years he had passed and approved the accounts of his agent, in. which these transactions were represented; if he had gone through the streets ringing a bell after him and proclaiming that the paper signed by this agent on this account, was good and would be received by him in payment of debts due to him, could he be heard for a single moment to say that in truth, he owed nothing; that he had supported himself all along and aggrandized himself at the expense of a credulous public, and that the only obligatory force in the agency was in getting for himself all the benefits of it, without subjecting himself to any of the burthens? If such a plea in the case of an individual would be scouted as unconscionable and infamous, is it any better in the case of a rich and populous city, whose reputation and honor should be jealously guarded and protected even fiom suspicion? Your memorialists believe that this defence is as unfounded in law as in morals, and can meet with no favor at the hands of your honorable body. It is contended that much of this scrip was issued upon contracts made by virtue of joint resolutions, and not by ordinances signed by the Mayor; and that this latter mode of contract was the mode required by the charter. If this were true, it would be no valid objection to the payment of the warrants issued by the 4) proper officers of the corporation to whoml this duty was assigned; and as the face of these warrants imported a compliance with the law and the discharge of all precedent duties by the officers, third persons were authorized to believe, and might safely repose upon the belief that these officers had done their duty; and especially is this so, when the city authorities have in every way recognized the legality of these contracts; have held out their agents as having authority to bind her; have affirmed in every way the liability of the city, and held out inducements to the public to receive and deal with these securities; and besides this have received the work and services done, and appropriated them to the use of the city. It surely does not lie in the mouth of the city now, after this practical adoption of the contract and securing the fruits of it, to set up a technical plea that the contract was not made in exact and literal conformity to the requirements of the charter. Nor is the plea so unjust in fact, good in strict technical law. There is no provision in the charter which requires an ordinance to be passed in advance of the contract; nor is any formal mode prescribed for the passage of such ordinance. It need not directly, in terms, authorize a contract. Like all other powers and agencies, it may have effect from subsequent adoption as well as by original authority, and the form or mode of such adoption is not essential. Any act which recognizes the contract as valid may have that effect; and the many ordinances passed in various forms by the city authorities (a reference to some of which has already been made) taken in connection with the receiving of the work and the extending the authority of the city over it would be amply sufficient for that purpose. These acts have been numerous, and are so plain a recognition of the contracts made by the agents of the city, as to leave no doubt on this branch of the question. It has been objected that many of these contracts were fraudulent, and most exorbitant charges under them have been made against the city. If this were true at most, it would be an objection to fiaudulent claims, not to those which were not so; and even as to these, it might be argued that the fault of making such contracts was that of the servants and agents of the corporation, for whose conduct, she, and not innocent third persons, are responsible. But these charges have been greatly exaggerated. So far from the street contracts, which are chiefly the subjects of this complaint, being sources of profit, it may be remarked, that though prices often seemed to be high, that this must be taken in reference to prices prevailing elsewhere, and not to prices at that time prevailing in California; that the work was to be paid for in a depreciated medium: that this medium, received at its nominal amount, would not bring for cash that amount; that capital was scarce and interest high, and the city made no advances, but forced the contractor to borrow money at high rates; that the delay of the city in making payment according to her contract, brought about a heavy loss to the contractor, while she paid no interest on her evidences of indebtedness; insomuch, that in truth, a contractor getting payment of his warrants at forty per cent. at the time of contract or performance, would have received more than he could now obtain if he got the warrants and had them funded to-day. The truth is, that it is a notorious fact, that the contractors doing this work for the city, have all or nearly all of them failed on account of them; and that if an account were taken, of the work done by the contractors for the city, at this day, valuing the work according to rates then current on contracts with private individuals, and charging one-half of the customary rates of interest to this time, or even the legal rate, the city would lose more than by paying the face of the warrants. The objection has been urged, that this indebtedness should not be paid because it is in the hands of speculators, who have bought it up for a small sum. Even if this were so, it would be no argument against its payment. A man or a corporation suffering his or its paper to be depreciated by his own neglect to meet 6 it or to preserve his credit, could scarcely be heard to urge that he was not to pay at all because he had refused so long to pay his debts. But the truth is, that the charges is not true as made. Doubtless, as in all stocks, there has been, to some extent, speculation in this scrip. But as to the larger portion of it, it has been taken in payment or as security for debts at so large a per centage on its nominal value, that if funded, the value of the stock would not more than secure the parties in their expenditures. Nor is it held wholly by capitalists; on the contrary, much of it is held by poor men who cannot afford to lose the little investments which they have made upon the faith and credit of the city. The question of the liability of the city for this indebtedness, has been presented to the Hon. D. O. Shattuck, Judge of the Superior Court of San Francisco, and that upright judge has decided in favor of the liability of the city, upon the broadest principles of equity and justice. The question, though before the Supreme Court, has not been decided upon, the question of the rights of a bona fide holder to recover upon the scrip, the case having gone off upon technical points, independent of the merits of the main question, and the case is now before the Supreme Court on a petition yet undecided, for a re-hearing. Your memorialists, in consideration of the premises, represent to your Honorable Body, that the facts which they have set out, establish an equitable, legal and moral obligation upon the City of San Francisco to pay these debts. That every consideration of duty, of honor and of interest, conspire to enforce this high obligation. That to ignore it and to repudiate these debts, would be an act of dishonor which would disgrace the city and the State at home and abroad, and that if such an act could be successful, the State and the City would lose, in the long run, in the injury done to their credit, more than she would gain by a saving of the dollars and cents which would be the price of her honor. That having received the consideration for this indebtedness she cannot, in conscience or law, refuse upon the first and plainest principles of justice, to pay the stipulated sum for it. And as the city has not property wherewith to pay the debts, or if she had, it could not be subjected without great loss to her, your memorialists pray that a funding bill be passed by your honorable body, according to the plan herewith submitted, or in such other form as your honorable body may adopt. And as in duty bound, etc., etc. P ET I 1 I O N E R S. ALPHEUS FELCH, LUCAS, TURNER & CO. DANA BROTHERS & CO. SAMUEL J. BRIDGE, PIOCHE, BAYERQUE & CO. BRYANT & CO. J. MORA MOSS, TALLANT & WILDE, BLANCHARD & CO. JONATHAN HUNT, DREXEL, SATHER & CHURCI, LLOYD TEVIS, DAVID S. TURNER, FALKNEK, BELL & CO. CHARLES WALSH, NATHANIEL PAGE, J. & M. PHELAN, C. C. CHAPMAN, P. CHIRYSTAL, BOLTON, BARRON & CO. JOHN C. WHITE Z. B. TOWER, BRITTON & REY, H. MATHEWS, CHAS. L. WELLER, MONSON & VALENTINE, ED. McLEON, E. L. DANIELS, COFFEY & RISDEN, D. C. McCARTY, WM. BLANDING, OLIVER & BUCKLEY, WALTER WALSH E. MARTIN, JOS. W. ADAMS, THOMAS BULLE, THOMAS BOYD, JOSEPH WATERHOUSE,. W. WASHBURN, THOMAS C. BANKS, G. W. BELL, C. J. WILLEY W. W. LUBBOCK, J. F. WALDRON, REUBEN MORTON, H. W. SEALE, JOHN FOWLER, JOHN A. LAY, A. H. HOUSTON, DANIEL KENDRICII, JOHN STILL, NICHOLAS LUNING, F. R. MOSELEY, JAMES LANG, SAMUEL H. GREENE, WM. ANDREWS, C. C. JAMMERSON, MICHAEL REESE, JOHN DOBSON, And others. R. L. M. CAMDEN, P. W. DILLON, ANA CT to provide for Funding the Legal and Equitable Debt of the City of San Francisco, and for the final Redemption of the same; approved JMay 7, 1855. SECTION 1. The Common Council of the City of San Francisco. to be elected at the first election under an Act entitled "An Act to Re-Incorporate the City of San Francisco," passed, April twenty-eight, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, shall provide by ordinance for 7 funding, at a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent. per annum, all the outstanding indebtedness of the City of San Francisco, which may be existing as a legal and equitable claim against said city at the time of their election and qualification. They shall provide, in the same ordinance, for the annual or semi-annual payment of the interest to accrue on said funded debt. The bonds for said debt shall be made payable within twenty years, in the City of New York or the City of San Francisco, at the option of the bondholders. No indebtedness against said city, except the funded debt, shall draw interest. SEC. 2. For this purpose, the Common Council shall appoint by ordinance, three persons,' not members of the City Government, citizens of said city, as a Board ot Examiners. It shall be the duty of said board to examine all accounts and claims against the city, and to report to the Common Council such as they may consider legal or equitable indebtedness against said city. The Board of Examiners shall, before entering upon their duties, execute good and sufficient bonds, to be approved of by the Common Council, in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars each, for the faithful performance of their duties; and shall, on making their report, affirm under oath, that all indebtedness, as reported by them, is correct and in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding section of this Act. The official bonds of the Board of Examiners shall be canceled on the expiration of the term for which they were appointed; provided, they are found by the Council to have complied with the requirements of this Act; otherwise they shall be prosecuted on their bonds, and be deemed guilty of malfeasance in office, and punishable with imprisonment in the State Prison for one year. They shall have power to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths and affirmations, and to punish as for contempt a refusal to appear and answer. They may continue in session, from day to day, until the first day of September next, unless their examination be sooner concluded, and shall receive such compensation as the Common Council may determine. SEC. 3. The ordinances of the Common Council duly passed, and a valuable consideration received by the city, shall be deemed the only proper basis of claims by the Examiners in making their report; and no scrip, Comptroller's warrant, or certified or audited accounts shall be received by them as evidence of indebtedness against the city sufficient to entitle the holder thereof to the benefit of this Act, without proof or evidence aliundi connecting such warrant, scrip or account with the original debt upon which it was issued; and no claim based upon any fraudulent contract or without consideration, shall be funded under this Act. SEC. 4. When the report of said Examiners shall have been made to the Common Council, said Council shall have power, by ordinance, to confirm or reject the same, or to confirm in part and reject the balance; said report if confirmed, or if confirmed only in part, then as to such part as may be confirmed, shall be taken to be a correct account and statement of the debts of said city that are entitled to be funded under this Act. SEC. 5. The Common Council shall provide by ordinance, by a tax upon the taxable property within the limits of said city, for the semi-annual payment of the interest to accrue on said funded debt, payable in the City of San Francisco or the City of New York; the first interest due upon the bonds to be issued under this Act, shall be payable on the first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-six; and thereafter the interest shall be payable semi-annually, on the first day of July and January of each year. The Common Council shall at the expiration of ten years from and after the passage of this Act, by ordinance provide for raising by tax on the property within the city limits, such an amount, annually, as shall be deemed sufficient to pay, at maturity, the bonds under this Act. It shall also be the duty of the Commissioners, after having created the sinking fund herein provided, annually to invite proposals for the surrender of bonds, and advertise at least ninety days in two daily papers in the City of San Francisco, for the same. The Commissioners shall publish all the bids received by them, and shall accept the best for the city, but in no case shall any bid be accepted above par value. All bonds purchased, the dates, numbers and amounts of the same, shall be entered by the Comptroller in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and shall be by him endorsed so " Cancelled;" after which, the Commissioners shall file such bond as cancelled, and keep the same in some safe depository as their vouchers. But if bonds cannot be purchased, as herein provided, then the Fund Commissioners shall from time to time invest all money in their hands in State or United States securities, and shall so continue to invest until sufficient amount is in their possession to pay off all the bonds issued under this Funding Act. SEC. 6. The Mayor, Comptroller and Treasurer of the City of San Francisco, and their successors in office, are created, under this Act, a Board of Fund Commissioners, and shall receive twelve hundred dollars each, per annum, for their services as such Funding Commissioners. The bonds to be issued shall bear interest, as provided for by the first section of this Act, and shall be signed by each member of the Commission in his official capacity, and countersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Examiners. Each coupon shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners shall cause all moneys paid into the City Treasury, collected by tax, as provided in section five of this Act, to be applied to the payment of the semi-annual interest of the debt funded by this Act. The Fund Commissioners shall carry out all the provisions of this Act, shall be held individually liable, and also liable on their official bonds for the faithful performance of their duties under this Act. S Y N 0 P S I S Of the following pages, showing the aggregae a aounts, and the sever-al purposes for which City Comptrollers' Wtarrants were issued, from January 1, 1852, to July 1, 1855. Hospital-subsistence and care of City Sick.................... $44,783 14 Subsistence of prisoners in City Jail and Station House......... 10,283 82 Lighting the City with gas and oil, fixtures, etc................. 26,940 46 Salaries of Mayor, Comptroller, Judges of Superior and Recorder's Courts, City Attorney, Marshal, Assessor, Physician, Policemen, Sup't of Public Schools, Clerks, Engineers and Watchmen,.. 52,940 58 Building cisterns, repairs on same, and filling with water......... 41,350 00 Building engine houses, engines and apparatus, repairs on same... 29,341 23 Purchase of building and school lot, and other appropriations for Public Schools........................................ 21,993 00 Building sewers-bricks, lumber and other materials, and repairs on same.........4............................ 48,973 00 Redemption of three per cent. scrip, judgments and audited accounts 59,688 56 Rents of engine lots, school house lots, interest on the Jenny Lind property, and lawyers' fees in various City cases............ 21,800 00 Printing and advertising in various City Newspapers........... 38,526 00 Damage sustained by various parties by change of street grades.... 18,950 00 Purchase of Central, Market, Sacramento and Clay Street Wharves, 47,730 00 Stationery, coal and furniture, furnished the City Government..... 27,740 50 Grading, excavating and filling-in streets...................... 244,010 50 Planking, paving, capping and piling streets................... 147,219 30 Plank, spikes, paving stones, etc., furnished Street Department..... 59,600 00 Labor on streets and in Corporation Yard, City teams, etc........ 36,684 69 Expenses attending Coroner's Office, ship Libertad passengers, repairs and labor about City Hall and Station House, witness fees, City Elections, fencing public squares, City scavengers, appropriations for relief, and other incidental expenses incurred by the City for supplies, etc................................... 74,079 98 Total..................................$1,052,634 76 STATEMENT OF COMPTROELLER'S WARRANTS ISSUED BY THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, FROM JANUARY IST, 1852, TO JULY IST, 1855; SHOWING THE WHOLE AMOUNT ISSUED, THE AMOUNT REDEEMED, THE AMOUNT FUNDED UNDER TIHE ACT OF MAY 7TH, 1855, AND THlE AMOUNT NOW OUTSTANDING; WITH THE DATE AND NAME OF THE PARTY TO WHOM ISSUED, AND THE CONSIDERATION OF THE ISSUE; AS SHOWN BY THE BOOKS OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY IsT, 1857. Date of Oiia issue. TO WHiIOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Amount. Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1852. Jan'y 6R. C. Page....... Bill of wood for Clerk's room............................. $12 00.... $12 00 16J. H. Hess....... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms of Assistant Aldermen............ 100 00.... 100 00 " 16Wm. A. Reese.... Board of Aldermen............ 100 00.... 100 00 Sept. IPolice Pay-Roll... Pay of Policemen for the month of August.................. 5,125 00 $4,825 00. 2,300 00 i 24 Wm. Divier...... Appropriation for the repairs of streets..................... 5,000 00 4,970 00.. 30 00 " 30 J. G. Pierson..... Salary as Clerk to Recorder............................... 666.... 166 6666 Oct. 9 11. B. Moss....... Rent of ground for Engine House.......................... 120 00.... 120 00.. Nov. 1 D. J. Oliver......For bill of glazing....................................... 6 00.... 6 00 8D. W. Thompson.. Keeping prisoners and furnishing sundries for Station House.. 143 82.... 143 82 S SMelvin & Ames... For furniture, etc., for City Hall........................... 3,492 00 2,992 00.. 500 00 Totals............................................$14,265 481$12,787 00, - $l,48 48[ Nov. 30 Police Pay-Roll... Pay of Policemen for month of November.................. $4,810 00 $4,775 00.. $35 00 Dec. 31 " ". December...................,174 20 7,024 20.. 1500 " 31 G. II. Hossefross. Judge of Election in Fourth Ward......................... 100 00.... 100 00 1853. Jan'y 8 DeWitt & Bingham Purchase of Pacific Engine House and Apparatus............. 5,000 00: 4,900 00.. 100 00 I 15 D. 0. Regan...... Boat-hire and expenses in search of a fugitive from justice.... 125 00.... 125 00 " 20 J. L. Folsom. R..... Rent of Lot of Lady Washington Fire Co................... 225 00.... 22500 " 24 R. G. Crozier..... For subsistance of City Prisoners for month of December, 1852. 1,161 00 929 00.. 232 00 i 26 Lockwood & Joyce Use of room for election purposes.......................... 50 00.... 50 00 31 Police Pay-Roll... Pay Roll for month of January............................,048 36j 6,898 36.. 150 00 Feb'y 5!John Sime........ Rent of Recorder's Court two month, up to March 1st........ 500 00 250 001.. 250 001 March Il Palmer, Cook & CoPurchase of a mortgage on Jenny Lind property.......... 14,835 25 9,835 25. 5,000 00! 1" I. L. Ross....... Spikes furnished Street Commissioner...................... 425 00.. 425 001 " 14GC. M. Hitchcock... Medical Attendance on Station House...................... 60 00 60 001 " 14J. E. Hill........Sundries furnished Fire Department........................ 35 00 35 001 March 14'A. Ramsdell..... Coal furnished Marsha:l's Office.......................... 20 00.. 20 00 161W. P. Humphries. Survey and diagram of Long Wharf........................ 15 00.... 150 00 311G. H. Ilossefross.. Salary as Chief Engineer................................. 250 00 200 00.. 50 00'" 311R. McCarty.......IBuilding cistern corner of Pine and Sansome streets........... 1,000 00 975 00 25 00 " 31t!S. F. Whig....... Printing and advertising Tax Collector's Notices, etc........... 117 50 87 50.. 30 00 " 31iF. J. Lippitt......Sale of two Lots, sold by the City improperly................ 126 89 126 89 April 6 John S. Williams.. Fitting up City Prison and jobbing in City Hall.............. 8,13 49 8, 098 49.. 15 00 " 9E. Carpenter...... Services as Judge of Election in Eighth Ward............... 20 00 20 001 " 22 lEvening Journal.. Advertising City Ordinances.............................. 9 00 9 00 27Kerr & Eade..... Medical attendance at Station House........................ 100 0 001 " 30'Police Pay-Roll... Pay-Roll for month of April............................... 1,050 00 6.950 00.. 100 00 " 30 J. G. Iubbell... Salary as Superintendent of Wharves....................... 200 00 100 00 100 00 May 6R. 1McCarty....... Building a cistern corner of Clay and Sansome Streets......... 1, 00 900 00 50 00 50 001 13:T. Holmes.........Rent of Knickerbocker Engine House, from March 24 to May 1. 240 00 40 00 200 00 " 13B. F. Butler......Engraving and printing maps for Codified Ordinances......... 400 00 350 00 50 00 13J. S. Eagan.......!Printing signs in City Hall................................ 1,484 00 1,40000. 8400' 161W. E. Goldsmith..Engraving and printing Comptroller's Warrants............. 325 00 225 00 100 000 31 E. Toby.........Services as Clerk of Common Council....................... 200 00 15 00 25 500 " 31 Police Pay-Roll... Police Pay-Roll......................................... 7,251 00 7,151 00 100 00O " 31 W. B. Crooks..... Lighting City lamps for month of May...................... 1,23300 33300 900 001 June 16 fioadley & Hum- I phries......... Running grades of Streets................................ 4,000 00' 3,900 00 100 00O 16 John Satterlee.... Salary as Judge of Superior Court for month of May.......... 725 00 655 00 7.0 001 " 16 G. R. Davidson... Relief of Monumental Engine Company.................... 1,000 00 900 00.. 100 001 * 21 J. L. Wells......Repairing fire engines.................................... 417 25 317 25. 100 00i 21 G. C. Underhill... Services as Inspector of Election in Fifth Ward.............. 20 00 20 00 30 R. G. Crozier....Subsisting prisoners for month of May, 1853................. 927 55 87 755 50 00 " 30 Police Pay-Roll... Police Pay-Roll.........................................,846 00 7,696 00 150 001 " 30T. M. J. Dehon... Transporting sick from Mission to Hospital.................. 16 00 16 00O " 30. F. Whiley.... W. ater delivered to City Hall.............................. 140 00..140 00 " 30 J. O'Conner....... Building a cistern on First Street. between Mission and Market. 1,000 00 950 00 50 00O July 13 J. W. Tewksbury.. Salary as City Physician from March 28th to June 28th, (3 mos.). 300 00 100 00.. 200 001 Totals........................................... $87,325 00 $76,992 601 $50 00 10,282 891 GABB^.MMISON A.3 DM^11ISrMTBATrl01r.T Date of Original Iasue. TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Amo umont paid. Funded. ountstanIng REMARKS. 1853. I jMj Jaly 13' M. R. Scott....... For display of fireworks on Plaza, July 4th, 1853............ $1.000 00.$. $25 00 13 Casserly & Doyle.. For prosecution of suit of City vs. P. A. Morse and others... 23500 00 2,475 00.2500 * 13; vening Journal.. Advertising for Street Commissioner............4 4 00 " 29 S. Francisco Herald Advertising for Common Council.......................... 00 6 00 " 29,1E. Minturn.......Rent of room for election in First Ward, on April 22d......... 50 00. 50 00 29'Bluxone & Co....Coal for City Hall....................................... 220 00 150 00 70 00 i 30'Alexander & Freed-j. man..........For ground rent of St. Francis Hook & Ladder Co., for July, 1853 75 00 50 00.. 25 00 " 30 J. G. Hubble.... Inspector of Wharfs...................................... 200 00 150 00.. 50 00 " 30 J. 0. Callahan.... City Assessor.......................................... 125 00 75 00 50 00 Aug. 4'J. M. Tewksbury.. Salary of City Physician for month of July, 1853............. 1100.... 11000 " 41Buckelew & Co... Bill of sundries......................................... 2638.. 2G6 38 " 4. L. Goodwin.... Water to cistern corner of Stockton and Union Streets........ 127 87.... 127 87 4 4 " "....' " " " Clay and Stockton Streets......... 1338C...133 87 4 ".... 4 " "'" ~' Pine and Kearney Streets.......... 8825.... 88 25 4 a. Broadway and Stockton Streets.... 112 75.... 132 75 " 4C. G. Scott.......For monies overpaid by him while City Treasurer............ 981 601 881 GO6.. 100 00 4 R. Matheson...... For preparing statement of City Finances from 1851 to 1853. 00 00 42 00.. 75 00 " 9T. B. Hope....... Salry as Assistant Street Commissioner for July.............. 200 00 100 00.100 00 " 11. W. Nutting.... Work in Corporation Yard, per bill of July 12th, 1853......... 140 00 100 00 40 00 " 12 [1. L. Goodwin.....Carting water to cistern corner Sacramento and Kearney Streets. 76 50.. 76 50 12 ".... " " " " Vallejo and Dupont Streets. 161 62 16162' 121 ~' " " Dupont and Jackson Streets 130 50... 130 50 it" 12 " L,.... it c " "It Bush and Montgomery Streets... 31 12.. 31 12 " 121"........ "... Montgomery and Commercial Sts. 4.. 43 112 W"12 ".... " " " " Kearny and Sacramento Streets.9j'a 65 25 " 13 J. L. Wells....... Sundries furnished Fire Department, per bill of July 22d, 1853.. 480 50 ISO 50. 300 00 " 13 John Crane....... Services as Clerk to Charter Convention..................... 700 00L 450 00 250 00 " 22EW. Divier........For labor on streets...................................... 199 00 149 00.. 50 00 " 23 R. G. Crozier.... Subsistence of City Prisoners for month of July, 1853......... 869 05 819 05.. 50 00 " 22 James Byrnes..... Use of room for election purposes in November............... 5000.... 50 00 " 23 W. B. Farwell.... Publishing ordinance.................................... 172 00 72 00 100 00 " 31 W. B. Crooks.....Lighting City Lamps for month of August....1,23 00 883 00.. 350 00 " 31 D. Lyons........ Police p:4y-roll for August, 1853........................... 8,390 00 7,440 001 $820 001 130 00 31R. Matheson...... City Hall Keeper........................................ 150 00 125 00.. 25 00, Sept. 2 W. B. Farwell & Co Printing for Common Council.............................. 148 50 118 50.. 30 00 " 2 G. 1H. IHossefross..Repairing cistern corner Stockton and Union Streets.......... 361 50 311 50.. 50 00 " 2 Bailey & Gilbert... Oil for Fire Department................................... 8 12.... 812 " 10J. S. Reed........ Sundries furnished Clerk of Commoni Council................. 40 00.... 40 00 " 10 Barnard, Johnston & Co...........Publishing report of Common Council on Central Wharf property 128 50.... 128 00 10 G. Wilson........ Rent of room in Fifth Ward for Election purposes............ 50 00 50 00 " 10Stm'r Kate Kearny Passage of Insane to Stockton............................. 90 000 12 C. W. Hill........Filling-in crossings at junction of Jackson and Sansome Streets. 2,066 16 500 00.. 1,566 16 14 Eyre, Gallanghan & Anderson...... Clerk hire in Assessor's department........................ 6,000 00 5,300 00 300 001 400 00 15 W. B. Farwell & Co Advertising for Common Council............................ 88 00.. 88 00 15 C. II. Pierce & Co.. Evening Journal, advertising City Licenses................. 45 00.... 45 00 15 " ".. Evening Journal, advertising Report of Tax Collector........ 1800.. 18 00 15 B. C. Horn & Co... Sundries furnished City Hall............................ 14738 147 38 " 15 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished City Hall............................. 109.... 109 00 16 S. Francisco Herald Printing for Common Council-Central Wharf................ 72 00.... 2 00 i16 James Cameron... Care of rooms in City Hall................................ 296 00.... 96 00 17 C. H. Hill....... Building sewer on Jackson Street.......................... 8,582 11.... 8.58211.. 20 W. Divier........Expense in Street Department for ten months............... 1,500 00.... 1,500 00 " 20:J. 11. Barlow..... Grading Crossings of' Francisco, Chestnut, Lombard, Greenwich and Filbert Streets................................... 3,090 15 2,040 75.. 1,050 00 " 21V V. IT. Lindenbergh Extra services in Marshall's Department.................... 400 00.... 400 00 " 21 WV. Divier, (Simpson & Jackson)..... Plank for Street Commissioner's Department................. 489 51 389 51.. 100 00 21 " "......Carts and harness for Street Commissioner's Department....... 300 00 200 00.. 100 00 d 22 E. Donaly........ Horse-feed furnished Street Commissioners................... 125 00 100 00.. 25 00 " 22 R. Matheson.....Clerk hire in Comptroller's Department..................... 3,000 00.. 3..,000 00 " 22 W. D. M. Howard. One month's rent of lot occupied by Engine No. 5............ 125 00.... 125 00 22 Sansome H. & L. Co. The erection of a Truck House for Sansome Hook & Ladder Co.. 10,000 00 9,700 00.. 300 00 " 22 J. Congdon....... Care and cleaning rooms in City Hall................80 00 50 00.. 30 00 24 1. L. Goodwin.... Carting water to cisterns................................. 178 00 178 00' 24''....'' A................................. 120 37.. 120 37 24 " it.....C.....5212.... 5212 24 " "..................................... 139 00.... 13900 24 " ".... " " "................................. 237 75.. 237 75 " 24 ".... " " "............................... 135 75.. 135 75 Amount brought down................... 57,665 40 34,210 41 1,120 00 22,334 991 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINDED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Origin Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. Issue. Amount. 1853. Amount biought forward........................... 3 57665 40 34.210 41 1,120 00 22,334 99' Sept. 24 1I. L. Goodwin....Carting water to cisterns.................................. 128 62.. 12862,4 24 "'",, 2~ 24,,'................................. 9.9 75... 99 75~. 26 Wm. Fitzpatrick.. Grading and planking crossings of streets................... 679 50 2,000 00.. 1,619 50' 26'Marvin & llitchcock Stationery furnished City Hall............................. 6925.... 69 25: " 27J. M. Tewksbury.. Care of sick in San Francisco Hospital..................... 1.27 00... 1.2 00 27 Bailey & Gilbert... Oil furnished Fire Department............................. 57 00 57 00 27'T. S. Perkins..... Removing nuisance from street........................... 20.. 20 " 30 S. R. Weed....... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms for Board of Assistant Aldermen... 150 00:;0 00.. 20 00O Oct. 3 Police Pay-Roll... The pay of Policemen for September........................ 0 0,80 0,8350 000 5,. E. Watriss..... For sundries furnished as per bill of September 1st........... 1.29 00 10 0. 29 00i 1UO 00j 54 001 5" idleman & Co.... " " " " August 24th............. 5 00 10M I. D. Eyre....... Salary as City Assessor from September 1st to Obtober 5th..... 145 00.. 145 00 " 12lMelvin & Ames... A table for City Assessor's D)epartment..................... 15 00 15 001' 12Marvin & lHitchcock Stationery furnished Comptroller's Department...............1 34 25.... 34. 22S. Perkins........ emoving nuisance from street............................ 15 00.. 15 00 " 24!Bluxome & Co.... Coal furnished City Hall.................................. 220 00 190 00..3000 25W. B. Farwell....Advertising for Common Council.......................... 224 00 20900.. 1500 00 25i Alonzo Wheeler... Kegs for Fire Department................................ 100 00..10000 " 271Marvin & Ilitchcock Stationery furnished City Treasurer........................ 12 00 12 00 Nov. 1 J. G. Pierson.....Salary as Recorder's Clerk................................ 166 66 116 66 50 00 " Police Pay-Roll... Salary as Policemen.......................................239 60 5,839 60 200 00 200 00 2J. K. Fitch & Co.. Advertising for Fire Department........................... 3400 4,R. B. Monks.... ent of lot occupied by Engine Company No. 11........2800.... 28 00 441G. Wilson........ Rent of room for election purposes, in Fifth Ward............ 20 00 20 001 *' 4 B. Seguin........Salary as City Marshal to November 5th.................... 333 33 83. 33. 250 001 12 R. G. Crozier.....Subsisting Prisoners for September...................... 728 651 528 5. 200 00 " 121. C. Brady....... Building an Engine House for Howard Company............. 2,500 00 2,70.. 00 " 14 Marvin Hlitchcock Stationery furnished Board of Aldermen..................... 1 0 50 " 14 " " Stationery furnished Tax Collector's Office................... 55 00.. 5500 1 " " " Tax Collector......................... 42 10 42 10 " 14.." City Recorder......................... 50 256 50 " ]4 " " Common Council...................... 20 2.. 20 25 14 Hladley & Brown.. Sundries furnished City Hall............................... 107 53 28 81 7872 141P. Atkinson......Cleaning Superior Court Room......................... 25 00.. 25 000 141Reay & Johnson...Roofing Engine House on Sansome Street, (L. W. Co.)..... 105 001.... 105 00 14 Farwell & Curtis..'Rope furnished Fire Department........................... 14 75... 14 75 26 Conrad Fletcher... Salary as Policeman, for October........................... 150 00 30 00. 120 00 28 Thomas White....Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms to Common Council, October 7th... 100 00 50 00.. 50 00 28 R. G1. Crozier...... Expenses incurred in attending Insane.to Stockton............ 350 00 260 00.. 90 00 28 M.D.. Barron....Ilauling lumber for streets................................ 65 00.. 65 00 " 30 John Crow....... lHorse hire for Police Department.......................... 00 13 00 " 30 Cook, Kenny & Co. Stationery furnished City Hall......................... 53 75 8 5.. 45 00 30 Burgess, Gilbert &i Still........... " " " for Comptroller................ 41 00.... 41 00 I 30 Joseph Levi......'Rent of Engine House for Howard Company............... 150 00... 150 00 Dec. 1 R. C. Page.......Salary as Clerk of Board of Common Council, November...... 200 00 180 00.. 20 00 " 1 A. R. Simmons...'Salary as Fire Warden for November....................... 150 00 120 00 30 00 " I Win. II. Burger...Salary as Clerk of Election in First Ward30................... 30 00 " I Stott, Dunn & Co.. Lamps for Marshall's Office................................ 13 75.... 1375 " 1 G. Ranscheart....jLamp globes furnished City Hall........................... 6 50.... 650 " I Kerr & Eddie... edical services furnished Police Officers.................... 2 00. 25 00 2 E. Gilbert & Co... Advertising for Fire Department........................... 600.... 6 00 "I 2 "..lAdvertising Election notice............................... 11 00 11 00 "i 2 " ".!Advertising for Fire Department.......................29 00 29.00 " 2 "... " " "........................... 45 00.. 45 00.. " 2 E1 Eco del Paificok Advertising for Tax Collector............................. 10 00.. 10 00.. 2 " " " ".............................. 1000.... 10 00............................. 15 00... 15 00 t 2' ". i i''.............................. 33 00.... 33 001 " 2 " " Advertising for Common Council........................... 56 00.. 56 00 *' 3 J. II. Davis....... Ground rent for lot occupied by Crescent Company........... 32 00 32 001 " 3 W. B. Farwell & Co Printing for Tax Collector........................ 160 00 100 00 60 00. 3 " Printing and advertising for Comimon Council................ 133 50 100 00.. 33 50 " 5 St'r Amer'n Eagle. Passage of Officers and Insane to Stockton.................. 100 00 " G John S. Williams..!Making and glazing sky-light in City Hall................... 640 00 620 00.. 20 00 6 J. B. Crooks & Co. Making water apparatus in rear of City Hall................. 323 90 300 00. 23 90 8 fI. L. Goodwin.... Filling cisterns.................................. 684:75 500 00.. 184 75 8 Burgess, Gilbert & Still........... Stationery furnished Fire Department...................... 58 50... 5850 8 " " Stationery furnished Common Council.................... 234 50 100 00.. 14 50 8 S C C c....................... 16 50.. 1650 9 Com'l Advertiser.. Advertising for Common Council........................... 168 25 100 00. 68 25 Amount brought down............................. 86,980 54 56,24:5 21 1,320 00' 29,415 33 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. rigiunt mou paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1853. Amount brought forward........................... 86.980 54 56,245 21 1,320 00 29,415 33. Dec. 9 Com'l Advertiser.. Advertising for Fire Department........................... 6 00.... 600 9 Evening Journal.. Advertising for Street Department......................... 33 00.... 33 00 " 9 S. M. Tibbitts....Salary as City Physician for month of November............. 100 00.... 100 00 13 Stm'r Kate Kearny Taking patients to Stockton............................... 217 50.... 217 50 14 C. W. Tappan....Coal furnished City Hall.................................. 94 80.... 94 80 14 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished Recorder................................. 34 50...34 50 " 14 " " Stationery furnished Mayor's Office......................... 19 75.... 19 75 " 19 John 0. Callaghan. Services in cleaning the office of Clerk of Board of Aldermen... 30 00.. 30 00 20 John S. Williams.. For fence surrounding Yerba Buena Cemetery............... 5,000 00 4975 00.. 25 00 " 20 B. C. Horn & Co.: Cigars furnished Common Council......................... 135 00 00 22 J. Y. Hallock & Co Shovels and saw........................................ 18 00! 8 00 24 Steamer Corneila.. 14 passengers, 14 meals-Insane to Stockton................. 210 00.. 1. 00 " 24 J. J. Thomas.... Transportation of three insane persons to Stockton........... 34 00.. 34 00 30 Clay St. Wharf Co. Purchase of Clay Street Wharf from proceeds of sale of C. P.. 35,000 00 31,500 00 3.500 00.. 30 R. Kerrison....... Salary as City Assessor for November...................... 125 00 125 00.. 31 Geo. W. Baker..... Salary as City Recorder for November.33............. 3 33.... 333 3 31 J. G. Pierson...... Salary as Clerk to Recorder for November................... 166 66. 166 66 " 31 C. P. Duane.... Salary as Chief Engineer for November................... 20 00.... 250 00 31 J. L. Van Bokkelin Salary as Fire Warden for November...............150...... 00 50 00 31 W. E. Dennis....Purchase of Market Street Wharf, from proceeds of sale of C. P.. 45,000 00 43,500 00.. 1,500 00 " 31 J. L. Folsom.....Rent of lot occupied by Engine House on Sansome Street...... 300 00.... 300 00 " 31 R. B. Monks..." " " Columbian Company................. 28 00 28 00 " 31 Sac'o St. Wharf Co. Purchase of Sacramento St. Wharf, from proceeds of Sale of C. P. 30,000 00 20,000 00. 10,000 00 " 29 Central Wharf Joint 1854. Stock Co....... " Central " " " " " 75,000 00 42.270 00.. 32,730 00 Jan'y 6 W. B. Crooks...25. Lighting the City Hall................................... 2,868 25 2,768 25. 100 00 6 B. Seguin....... Salary as City Marshal................................... 333 33.... 333 33 " 6W. B. Crooks.... Lighting City Hall....................................... 131 75... 13175 " 7 J. Y. Hallock.... Picks and crowbars..................................... 23 63... 23 63 7 Bonney & Co..... Chairs and table for City Marshal's Office................... 26 00 26 00 7 Reay & Johnson.. Repairing Monumental Engine House............ 105 32.. 105 32 7 Cook, Folger & Co. Oil furnished Fire Department............................ 68 50.... 6850 " 7 Ladd's Pioneer Coal Yard.......... Coal furnished City Hall.................................. 47 65.... 47 65 1 Cook, Kenny & Co. Stationery furnished Mayor's Office......................... 49 00.... 49 00 I Castree & Byrne... Candles furnished Tax Collector........................... 20 00.... 20 00 " Sun Office....... Advertising funeral of Alderman Haste.................... 10 00.... 10 00 ".......Advertising for Tax Collector............................ 53 65.... 53 65 I?........Advertising for Fire Department. 4 00.... 4 00 I TS M. Tibbitts..... Medicines furnished City Patients..................... 100 00.... 100 00 i 9.... Salary as City Physician from December 8th to January 8th.... 100 00.... 100 00 " Whelpley & Wells, Com'l Advertiser Advertising ordinance for Common Council.................. 322 50.... 322 50 " 9 Evening Journal.. " "............ 170 00.... 170 00 " 9 E. A. Edgerton... Salary as Clerk of Board of Aldermen..................... 66 66.... 66 66 " 12 James Bell....... Salary as City Hall Keeper, from November 22d to January 1st. 455 00 330 00.. 125 00 20 J. J. Thomas..... Passage of Insane to Stockton............................ 18 00.... 18 00 20 American and Russian Ice Co....Ice furnished City Hall................................. 40 00.... 40 00 24 Whelpley & Wells. Printing and advertising for Common Council............... 563 75 533 00.. 30 715 " 24 J. H. Still........ Stationery furnished City Hall............................ 440 60.... 440 60 " 24 S. Francisco Herald Advertising and printing for City........................... 218 00.... 218 00 24 James Perkins.... Seirvices as Judges of Election for Ass't Alderman in First Ward 20 00.... 20 00 24C.A. Howard.... " II I" I ~ a I 2000.... 2000.. 24 G. H. Leland..... Shears, blotting paper and envelopes for Ass't Aldermen's room. 7 00.... 700 24 H. L. Goodwin.... Carting water to and filling cistern.......................... 3715 36.... 3715 36 24 c.... IL " C........................ 1 231.... 17237 24 Castree & Byrne... Candles furnished Police Department...................'... 60 00... 60 00 24... "....................... 4000.... 4000 i 24 " "...Sundries " "....................... 2000.... 2000 24... " "..................... 900.... 900 " 25 M. Dore........ Interest on mortgage held by M. Dore to 19th January........ 833 76.... 833 76 " 31 S. R. Harris..... Salary as Comptroller for month of January................. 333 33.... 333 33 " 31 W. H. O'Grady... Salary for teachers and other expenses of Public Schools for Jan. 3,000 00.... 3,000 00 " 31 North & Joseph... Sundry expenses incurred while on official business........... 105 00.... 105 00 " 31 Jesse Boring.....Purchase of church edifice and school lot................... 10,500 00.... 10,500 00 Feb. 8 Dr. S. M. Tibbitts. Medicines furnished City Prison............................ 15 00.... 15 00 " 8 Fairbanks & Co... Sundries furnished for use of City Hall...................... 34 50.... 34 50 " 8 S. M. Tibbitts.... Salary as City Physician, from January 8th to February 8th.. 100 00.... 100 00 11 Oriental Stable.... Horse hire for Police Officer.......................... 10 00.... 10 00 " I C. K. Smith..... Redemption of 3 per cent. Scrip........................... 966 00.... 966 00 " 21 John Addis...... Labor on Streets, from January 30th to February 4th.......... 579 00.... 579 00 Amount brought down............................. 302,661 99 202,121 461 1,320 00 99,220 53 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOA WHAT ISSUED. Orgi1 Amountpaid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. Issue. WHMAm FRWA ISE.orignal Ousadn 1854. Amount brought forward.........................302.661 99 202,121 46 1,320 00 99,220 53 Feb. 21 L. Mowry.......G (rading and planking Battery Street, crossing Union and Green. 3,093 74.... 3,093 74 " 26R. & J. Moreton... Carting lumber for Street Commissioner..................... 102 00.... 102 00 26 Jesse L. Wetmore. Building short sewer crossing Broadway into main sewer...... 60 00.... 60 00 27 Jacob Lerman.... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms of Board of Aldermen, for February 100 00.. 100 00 March I J. H. Davis....... Rent of lot occupied by Crescent Company, for March......... 32 00.... 32 00 i 1 E. P. Buckley.... Salary as License Inspector for February.................. 200 00.... 200 00 I Staaz Zeitung.... Advertising and translating City Ordinances................. 25 00.... 25 00 4 Gray & Easterby.. Rent of Engine House occupied by Pacific Company.......... 150 00.... 150 00' 4 Jesse Seligman.... Rent of lot occupied by Howard Engine Co., from Feb. to March 120 00.... 120 00 7 Jesse L. Wetmore. Grading and planking Bush and Pine Sts. from Kearny to Mont. 3,288 64.... 3,288 64 7 Hinkle & May.... Plank furnished Street Commissioner................. 1,34999.... 1,349 99 " 1 Matt. Delany..... Blacksmithing for Street Commissioner...................... 131 00.... 131 00 * J. Y. Hallock. S.. Sundries furnished Street Commissioner..................... 73 94.... 73 94' 7 S. M. Tibbitts.... Furnishing City Sick with medicines.....5................ 75 00.... 75 00 8 " ".... Salary as City Physician for February................ 10000.... 10000..' 9 T. White......... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms of Common Council, Feb'y to March. 100 00.... 100 00 10 H. L. Goodwin.... Carting water to cisterns................................. 441 00.... 441 00 " 10 " ".... " " ".................71560.... 7560' 10 Reuben Norton.. Carting plank for Street Commissioner.................... 160 00.... 160 00 < 10 John Addis....... Labor on streets and horse and cart hire, from Feb. 21 to Mar. 4 925 00 841 00. 84 00 II W. Fitzpatrick.... Grading Stockton Street, from Union to Sacramento.......... 12,704 56 7,300 00 5,404 56' 15 L. Mowry....... Grading at the crossing of Broadway and Battery Streets...... 1,856 25 1,806 25.. 50 00' 15 W. Fitzpatrick.... Sewers on Dupont and Kearny Streets..................... 1,022 50 972 50.. 50 00 " 16 F. Argenti...... Grading, sewering and planking Mission St., crossing Fremont.. 4,526 56 2,526 56.. 2,000 00 21 F. Soule & Co.... Advertising for street assessment.......................... 16 00.... 16 00 " 21 Daily Ledger.....Advertising for City License Law........................ 12 00.... 12 00 21 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished Comptroller's Office................ 800.... 800 " 21 Knight, Chadwick 22 & Co.......... Brooms furnished City Hall............................. 4 50.... 4 50 24,Stm'r H. T. Clay.. Passage of Insane to Stockton.......................... 263 00.... 263 00 " 29 David Hewes...Grading Bush Street, crossing Dupont, Stockton and Powell Sts.. 2,564 44 2,364 44.. 200 00 " 29 John Addis.....Labor on streets, from March 13th to 18th.................. 478 50 450 50.. 28 00 29 "H...... orse and cart hire for use of Street Commissioner........... 344 00 236 00. 108 00 " 29 W. A. Abbott....Plank furnished Street Commissioner................... 408 28.. 408 28 " 29 J. HT. Still........ Stationery furnished City Officers........................... 159 501.. 15950; " 29 Evening Journal.. Advertising ordinances for City Council..................... 5200 52 00 29 J. D. Moneypenny. Thirty-three days' work in Corporation Yard................. 264 00.... 264 00 " 30 William Free..... Work in Corporation Yard for Fire Department.............. 250 50 25050. 30 4' "..................... 24300.... 24300 30 "................ 23400.... 234001 30 H. L. Goodwill... Carting to cisterns corner Stockton and Union Streets........ 23812.... 238 121 April 3 Isidor Landsberger Rent of ground occupied by St. Francis Hook & Ladder Company 75 00.... 75 00 4 John Addis....... Labor on streets from March 6th to 11th, and from 20th to 25th. 1,314 50 755 50. 559 00 4.... Horse and cart hire on streets, from March 6 to 11, and 20 to 25 912 00 432 00.. 480 00 5 E. Gilbert & Co... Advertising for City..................................... 170 00.... 170 00 " Daily Sun........ "................................... 4 50..4 50S " 5Wallon & Co...... Coal furnished City Hall............................... 60 00.... 60 00 " 5 J. H. Still........ Stationery furnished City Officers........................... 76 00 76 00 5S. M. Tibbitts.....Medicines furnished City Sick.......................... 75 00. 75 001 5 John 11. Whaling.. Disinterring bodies at North Beach, and interring at Y. B. Cem'y 30 00.... 3000 " 5Cook, Folger & Co. Bbl. of oil furnished City Hall for Fire Department......... 64 50.... 64 50 5 Farwell & Curtis.. Rope furnished Fire Department.......................... 25 80.... 25 80 5 Superior Court.... Fees of the Clerk of the Superior Court................... 9 50..9 50 " 7 Monumental E. Co. Appropriation as per ordinance............................ 700 00 650 00.. 50 00.. 7 Gray & Easterby.. Rent of Pacific Engine House, from March 25th to April 25th.. 150 00.... 150 00 " 7 Jesse Seligmnan.... Rent of Howard Engine House, from April 1st to May 1st..... 60 00. 60 00 " 7 S. M. Tibbitts..... Salary as City Physician for March......................... 100.oo 100 00 " 8 Jesse L. Wetmore. Sewering Powell Street, between Vallejo and Washington Sts... 10,158 001 6,658 00.. 3,500 00 8 Hall & Mann.....Excavating crossing of Powell and Jackson Streets........... 175 OOj.... 175 00 " 8 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising City Ordinances.............................. 231 50.... 231 50 8................................ 91 00.... 91 00' 10 James Keller..... Taking prisoners to Tuolumne County..................... 97 00.... 9700 i 11 Jesse L. Wetmore. Grading and planking Powell Street, crossing Jackson......... 1,431 51 1,081 51 350 00 11 G. & W. Snook.... Sundries furnished Tea Room.............................. 78 00. 78 00 " 11 David L. Beck.... Repairs and fitting up Engine House No. 2.................. 500 00o 400 00 100 00 II John Cummings..... Balance of contracts of building cistern.................... 1,582 40 1,202 00 8040 30000 " 11 Baldwin & Emerson Binding 200 books for Fire Department..................... 125 00.... 125 00 " 13 W. D. M. Howard. Rent of lot occupied by Knickerbocker Engine House........ 125 00.... 125 00 " 18 F. Argenti....... Grading, etc., crossings of Mission, Anthony and Ecker Streets. 2,345 54.... 2,345 54 18 "....... Grading, etc., crossing Mission and Jane Streets.............. 873 43.... 873 43 " 19 Steamer Goliah... Passage of Officers and Prisoners to San Diego.............. 180 00.... 180 00 " 20 Lang & Gardener.. Painting signs for Streets................................ 393 68 325 00 21 00 47 68 Amount brought down............................. 361,128 47 230,122 72 1,421 40129,58435S GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TOWHOM, ADFORW ATISSUEDOriinl Issue. TO WiOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Origin Anountpaid. Funded. Outstandingl REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 361,128 47 230,122 47 1,421 40129,58400 April 20 Stm'r Senator.... Passage of Officers and Prisoners.......................... 28 00.. 28 00 " 20 Wm. Fitzpatrick.. Grading and paving crossings of Merchant and Montgomery Sts. 3,024 00 1,232 00 1,792 00 " 24 John Addis....... Horse and cart hire for streets, from 2d to 8th of April........ 192 00 96 00 96 00i " 24 " " " " " " 27th to 1st of April....... 304 00 208 00.96 00 24 ". " " " ". 2d to 8th of April........ 348 00 216 00.. 13200 24 inkle & May.... Lumber furnished Street Commissioners.................... 975 87 850 87.. 125 00 " 24Reuben Morton... Carting for City....................................... 197 00..197 00 4 24'C. Pope..........Feed furnished for City Teams............................. 81 50..81 50 24 E. Brown, (Evening Journal).......Advertising for City.............................. 17 00 " 24 "A...... " "..................................... 1400.. 14 00 " 24News & Picayune. "," ".................................... 9 50.. 9 50 " 25 J. D. Pierson.... Furniture for City Hall...................................00.... 436 00436 00 25 P. Hunt......... Horse hire for Police Department......................... 58 00. " 25 B. Seguin........Subsisting Prisoners for the month of February.............. 1.265 55 50 00 1,215 55 " 25 James Sheldon.... Balance of contract building Howard Engine................ 2025 00 1,000 00.. 1.025 00 " 25 C. Chipman....... Labor of Cisterns........................................ 307.... 1,307 00 " 25 J. Eckenworth &Co Labor of repairing Fire Engines........................... 411.. 4 00 25 Wm. Free........ Twenty-seven days' work in Corporation Yard............... 243 00.... 24 00 25 Bacon & Wood.... Materials and labor on Engine House of Company 11......... 102 50 102 50' 25 Adrain & Story... Rope furnished Fire Department.......................... 52 37.. 52 37 25 G. Kheanseart.... Repairing Empire Engine............................... 34 50.. 34 50 26 G. W. Snooks....Stores furnished Clerk of Common Council................... 27 00.. 26 Cook, Folger & Co. Oil furnished City Hall................................... 8 75. " 29 R. Pann.........Salary as City Assessor, for the month of April............... 125 00.. 500 29 S. Simpson....... Salary as Fire Warden, " " ".............. 0150 00 " 29.Joseph Leonard... Salary as Bell Ringer, " ".............. 150 00.... 1 00 " 29 Alfred Asherat... "........ 150 00....150 00 May 2 H. B. Morss.....Rent of ground occupied by Vigilant Engine Company...... 30 00.. 00 " 2 R. B. Monks..... " " " " Engine Company To. 11......... 28 00..2800 " 2 J... Davis..... o.......... 3200.. 3200 " 3 George Bowman.. Salary as City Hall Keeper for April........................ 350 00 200 00 50 00 100 00 3 Smith & Gordon... Filling and planking crossings of Howard and Stewart Streets. 1,000 00.. 1,000 00 3 Jesse L. Seligman. Rent of ground of Howard Engine House................... 60 00 0... 00 4R. C. Page....... Planking an opening on Front Street....................... 400 00 10000.. 300 000 4Mann & Hall... Grading crossing of Mason and Jones Streets................ 175 00..175 00 41James Stevenson.. Lumber furnished Street Commissioners.................... 760 01 60 01.4............................ 439 99 10000 33999 " 4 " " 1. " ", "................. 203 60 103 60.. 10000 4 Babcock & Swartz. Hauling earth, crossing of Dupont and Jackson Streets....... 118 00 5000.. 68 00 41J. Y. Hallock..... Sundries furnished Street Commissioner..................... 9 50 4'Thomas Moony....Blacksmithing for Street Commissioner.................... 8550.... 85 50 4J. H. Still........Stationery furnished City Hall............................. 358 75 358 75 I 4J. D. Pierson.....Table furnished Board of Engineers........................ 5 00 25 00 it 4 W. Hannett & Co.. Bible furnished Judge Satterlee............................ 12 00 12 00 A 4 Reay & Johnston.. Repairing Engine Houses................................. 545 22. 411. C. Bills....... Labor on engines, repairing, etc...................... 717 07 250 00. 467 07 5 Win. Fitzpatrick.. Grading crossing of Sansome and Broadway Streets........... 1,672 00 222 00 1,45000 5 S. A. Sharp......Office rent of City Attorney for November, December and Jan'y. 375 00 27500.. 10000 5S. M. Tibbitts..... Medicines furnished City Sick............................. 75 00....5 00. 5 D. C. McGlynn.... Grading, etc., crossing of Kearny & Post and Kearny & Green Sts. 1,477 87 750 00 41 00 686 87 " 8. M. Tibbitts....Salary as City Physician for April......................... 100 00 11 C. P. Duane......Cleaning cisterns........................................ 460 00 319 60.. 140 40 13 Cal'a Engine Co... Appropriation from Common Council fr Engine No. 4........ 2,000 00 276 00 1.703 30 21 00.. 15 John Addis.......Labor on Streets, from April 17th to 22d.................... 798 00 768 00 30 00 CO 15 Hinkle & May.... Lumber furnished Street Commissioners..................... 1.077 12 500 00 577 12 15 Marvin & Hitchcock Safe furnished City Comptroller............................ 410 00.410 00 15 Knight & Co......Brooms furnished City Hall............................... 8 00 8 00 15L'Echo du Pacifique Advertising City Sale of slips............................. 210 00 210 00 15 Evening Journal.. "12 00 12S 00 15 Evening Journal.. A" " " I............................. 125 00 12500 15 " ".. Advertising City Ordinances.............................. 3 5.... 35 75 " 15 0. F. Willie......Filling cisterns........................................ 51060 510 60 15 Winm. Free........Labor in Corporation Yard and sundries furnished............ 215 00 15 H. L. Goodwin.... Filling cistern corner Kearny and Jackson Streets............ 36 40.36 40 15 Wynkoop, White & Co............Lumber furnished for cisterns........................... 31 60.... 31 60 15 C. P. Duane......Cleaning cisterns........................................ 788 00 413 00.. 375 00 16 B. Seguin........Subsisting prisoners for the month of March................. 1,196 65 200 00.. 996 65 16 C. Chipman, assign17 ee for Barry....Buildin cisterns..............7..................,500 00 3,852 00 2,683 00 965 00 17 John Duane..... Cleaning and repairing cistern on Market Square............. 693 00 673 00.. 20 00 17 Columbian E.Co..alary as Engine Keeper, from April 15th to May 15th........ 40 00..40 OO Amount brought down............................. 398,029 64 242,827 041 5,898 40 149,304 201 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of Itsue o TO WHiOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. i AmIount paid. oun d.Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 398,029 641 242,827 04 5,898 40 149,30420 May 17 Penn. E. Co......Salary as Engine Keeper, from April 15th to May 15th.4..0... 0.. 0 40 000 18 Donna P. Valencia. Rent of Station House at Mission, for April................. 0 00.. 30 00 " 18 Robinson & Kendall Painting numbers for Tax Collector........................ 589 00.... 589 00 23 Wallon & Co...... Coal furnished City Hall.................................. 360 00.... 360 00 23 drown & Co...... Emptying the vault at City Hall......................... 150 0.... 150 00 23 LeCount & Strong. Stationery furnished Tax Collector......................... 7175... 71 T5' 23 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished City Hall............................. 38 00.... 38 00 " 23'Bryant & Co......Chains furnished City Hall.............................. 3600. 36 00 23'Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising for City.................540 50 2450 50.. 300 00 231 l......................... 24 (i.... 2400 23 George Kerr & Co... " " 28 )0.... 27 00 23 E. Gilbert & Co... "................................... 1888('.... 188 80 23 C. P. Duane......Cleaning cisterns, labor, etc............................... 470 00 370 00.. 100 00 23 Cias. Gray.......Services rendered Fire Depariment in Corporation Yard...... 150 00.... 150 00.. 23 Cook, Folger & Co. Oil furnished Fire Department............................. 88 8.88 88.. 8 23 M. J. Barry.... Making new doors to cisterns, etc........................... 86 75..8675 " 23 Farwell & Curtis.. Rope, etc., furnished Fire Department....................2 67 20 23 W. M. Barrett.... Services rendered Policemen................... 0.......... 75 30 " 23iMrs. Valencia.....iRent of Station House at Mission.......................... 300 30 00 231John Addis....... Labor on streets, from May 1st to 6th...................... 552 00 324 00.. 228 00 23 "...... Horse and cart hire for Street Department, May 1st to 6th.... 288 00 192 00.. 96 00 " 23 Wm. Fitzpatrick. Making an incline on Sansome Street, crossing Washington..... 400 00 200 00.. 200 00 23 T. Lynagh........Blacksmithing for Street Commissioner.................... 45 50. 45 50 25 J. L. Wetmore.... Grading, etc., Powell Street, crossing Vallejo Street....... 2.003 37 1,375 00. 628 37 25 ".... " " " " " Green Street............, 2,003 37 575 00 1,42837 25 " " " " " " Washington Street....... 1,431 50 600 00.. 831 50 25 Boland & Fitzpat'k " " " " Filbert Street.......... 104 80 104 8 26State M. Hospital. Care of City Sick, from April 26th to May 26th............... 4,166 66 4,66 66 29 John Addis.......Labor on streets, from May 8th to 13th.................... 630 00 402 00.. 228 00 29 "....... Horse and cart hire on streets, from May 8th to 13th.......... 288 00 192 00.. 96 00 291Ryan, Duff & Co.. Lumber furnished Street Commissioner...................... 189 18..1 18 29 Reuben Morton... Hauling Lumber for Street Commissioner................... 125 00.... 125 00 " 291Isidor Landsberger Rent of House for St. Francis Hook & Ladder Company....... 5 00 75.... 7500 29LWm. E. Hansell... Altering privy at City Hall............................... 58 00.. 5800 May 29 Henry Stamp.....Injuries received at fire in Happy Valley................... 1,200 00 150 00 600 00 450 00 " 30 R. C. Page.......Salary as Clerk of Board of Common Council, for May......... 200 00.... 200 00' 30 John Davis.......Salary as Night Watch at Yerba Buena Cemetery............ 150 00.... 150 00 " 30 J. Capprice.......Salary as Fire Warden for month of May.................... 150 00.... 150 00 June 3 Gray & Easterby.. Two months' rent of Engine House, to June 25th.............. 300 0.... 300 00 " 3 Police Pay-Roll... Salaries for Police Department for May..................... 10,009 98 6,324 98 3,020 00 665 00 6 J. H. Williams.... Carpentery work at City Hall.............................. 417 83 100 00.. 317 83 " 6 I. M. Smith....... Services rendered Board of Engineers...................... 495 00... 495 00 " 6Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished Board of Engineers.................... 51 50.... 51 50 " 6 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising for City...................................... 20 00.... 20 00 " 6,..,, " "..................................... 25 00.... 25 00 " 6 Fisk & Loring.... Refreshments furnished Fire Department.................... 200 00.... 200 00 " 6 S. M. Tibbitts..... Medicines furnished City Sick............................. 75 00.... 75 00 " 61 " ".... Salary as City Physician.................................. 100 00.... 100 00 6 John Addis...... Repairing sewer on Centre Street.......................... 500 00.... 500 00 " 7 John Davidson.... Iron safe for Mayor's Office............................... 580 00.... 580 00 7 Wm. W Walker.. Services as Night Watchman on City Hall, to May........... 900 00 250 00.. 650 00 " 10 Edward Donnelly..Grading, planking and sewering crossings on Vallejo, at Powell and Stockton Streets...3................ 379 00 354 00.. 25 00 10 John Addis.......Labor on streets, May 15th to 20th, inclusive............... 636 00 402 00.. 234 00.. 10 E. Gilbert & Co... Printing legal notices for City Clerk.............. 384 00.... 384 00.. 10 W. Hener........ Surgical attendance on H. O'Neill.......................... 76 00.... 76 00 " 10 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising and printing for City.......................... 1,216 00.... 1,216 00 10 C. Bower......... Iron work at Marshal's Office and City Prison.............. 49 25 49 25 10 Castree & Byrne.. Lime, etc., for Station House.............................. 0039 00 " 10 S. H. Rhodes..... Wicks and chimnies for City Hall.......................... 80 00.. 80 00 10 J. B. Curtis...... Planking on street crossings............................... 885 55... 885 55 10 El Eco del Pacifico Publishing Ordinance in Spanish and French................ 48 00. 10 Fairbanks & Co... Wood-saw, etc., for City...7................00.... 7 00 10 Peter Wall...... Expense assisting prisoners............................... 35 00... 35 00 10 J. F. Thomas..... Expense conveying insane to Stockton..................... 20 00... 20 00 10 D. Green........ Chairs for room of Clerk Common Council................... 48 00.... 48 00 10 Henry Keating..... Shoeing mules for Street Commissioner..................... 65 00.... 65 00 10 John Addis.......Cart hire from 22d to 27th of May......................... 368 00 32 00.. 336 00 10 ".......Labor on Streets................................... 708 00.... 708 00 " 13 Babcock & Swartz. Hauling dirt from Broadway to Washington Square........... 354 00 304 00.. 50 00 13 C. P. Duane......Cleaning cisterns........................................ 576 00 400 00 176 00 13 May & Brother.... Plank furnished Street Commissioners..................... 923 76 123 76 800 00 Amount brought down...................... 435,976 021 255,738 281 9,518 40170,719 34 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original Amountpaidj Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. Issue. Amount. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 435,976 02 255,738 28 9,518 40170,71934 June 13jE. Gilbert &t Co....Printing attachment writs, etc., for Clerk Superior Court....... 150 40.... 150 40 " 13 Reuben Morton... Carting lumber for City................................... 111 00.... 111 00 " 13!Steel, Westly. Abbott.......... Building sewer corner Stockton and Pacific Streets........... 350 00.... 350 00 " 13'Byron Cole & Co.. Printing report and communications of City Engineer, etc...... 5501 75.... 550 75 13'San F. Gas Co.... Gas and labor, etc., from May 1st to 31st................... 1,85573.... 1,85573 " 13 Britton & Rey.... Lithographing maps for engines............................ 150 00.... 150 00 " 14'J. F. Thomas.... Conveying insane man to Stockton........................ 20 00.... 20 00 " 14J. P. Rogers...... Grading; etc., street crossings on Market, bet. First & Third Sts. 5,436 00 3,236 00.. 2,200 00 15 Cal'a Engine Co... Salary as Steward, from May 15th to June 15th.............. 40 00.... 40 00 " 16 May & Brother.... Plank furnished the City............................ 1,125 00.... 1,125 00 21'B. Seguin........ Subsisting prisoners for the month of April................. 1,303 25 800 00.. 503 25 " 21 Brown & Co......Emptying vaults at City Hall............................ 260 00.... 260 00 21C. Baner......... Locksmithing in City Hall............62 50..... 62 50.. 0 " 21Bryant & Co...... Desk furnished Collector of Street Assessments.............. 40 00.... 40 00.. 21T. A. Kimball.....Making a ballot box..................................... 5 00.. 500 " 21 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising Ordinances................................... 222 00.... 222 00 " 21 "..Advertising for proposals for cisterns....................... 37 00.... 37 00 21 ".. Advertising License Notice for May........................ 24 00....' 24 00 21 California Democrat Advertising Ordinances in German......................... 186 00.... 186 00 21 1 Advertising Licenses in German.......................... 2700.... 2700 21 " ~ "........................... 2300.... 2300 " 21 Wm. Free....... Services rendered Fire Department in Corporation Yard....... 261 00.... 261 00 " 21 J. W.Whaling & Co Rtemoving bodies from North Beach to Yerba Buena Cemetery.. 170 00.... 170 00 " 21N. H. Peasley.... Lumber furnished and work done on Sewers................ 2,011 97.... 2,011 97 2 21 John Addis....... Labor on streets, from May 29th to June 3d................. 656 00 234 00.. 422 00 21........ Horse and cart hire on streets, from May 29th to June 3d..... 384 00 240 00.. 144 00 21........ Salary as Teamsters, for May............................. 230 00.... 230 00 21 May & Brother.... Lumber furnished for Streets............................. 506 25 200 00.. 306 25 21 Wm. Fitzpatrick.. Grading, etc., crossing of Pinckney Place.................... 361 00 311 00.. 50 00 " 21 Libby &t McLean.. Building sewers and planking center Kearny and Sacramento Sts. 209 00.... 209 00 21 John Bowman.... Spikes furnished Street Commissioner...................... 135 00.... 135 00 21 John Gavan...... Hauling earth to corner Montgomery and Sacramento Streets... 32 40.... 32 40 " 21,Ryan, Duff &t Co.. Lumber furnished for streets......................... 419 37.... 419 37 " 22 James Gosling.... Making Ladders for Fire Department....................... 412 00 362 00..50 00 " 27 State M. Hospital.. Care of City Sick from May 26th to June 26th.............. 4,166 66....4,16666 " 29 M. Howard....... Whitewashing in City Hall............................... 5 00... 15 00 " 29 D. Green......... Furniture furnished Clerk of Common Council............... 0 00.. 0 00 " 29 Tappan & Co......Coal furnished City Hall................................. 52 00.... 52 00 " 29 B. G. Davis....... Services as Clerk of Election for Alderman in Ward Three..... 35 00.. 35 00 " 29 San F. Herald....Advertising for City..................................... 26 00.... 26 00 " 29 S. M. Tibbitts....Medicines furnished City Sick.5.................00.... 15 00' 29 A. B. Hammon.... Attendance on City Sick.................................. 50 00.. 50 00 " 290. F. Willie...Filling cisterns.......................................... 1,199 58 50 00 49 58 1,100 00 " 29 H. W. Seale...... Grading, etc., crossing Beals with Mission and Market Streets. 2,658 47 800 00. 1,858 417 " 29 Orrin Curtiss.....Grading, etc., crossing Third and Howard Streets............ 1,409 92 350 00 1,059 92 " 29 John Addis....... Labor on streets, from 5th to 10th of June.................. 698 00 402 00 296 00 " 29 "......Horse and cart hire on streets, from 5th to 10th of June....... 384 00 48 00 336 00 " 29 J. Y. Hallock & Co Sundries furnished Street Commissioner..................... 132 41 29 Palmer & Birbeck. Horse feed furnished Street Commissioner.................. 4146 41 46 " 29B. Seguin........ Subsisting Prisoners for month of May...................... 1,018 55 800 00.. 218 55 30 Police Pay-Roll... Payment for the Police corps for the month of June.......... 9,02 00 6.519 00 2.913 00 210 00 " 30 J. W. Dwinelle... Drawing a contract between the Gas Company and the City. 250 00.. 250 00 " 30 Wm. Bailey....Oil furnished the City Hall................................ 143 l.. 143 15.. " 30 El Eco del Pacifico Advertising in French and Spanish......................... 40 00.... 40 00.. " 30 Daily Sun........ Advertising for Common Council.................... 25 00.. 25 00 30 California Chronicle " " " "........................... 24 00 24 00 " 3010. F. Willie......Filling cisterns.......................................... 517 54 67 5. 450 00 " 30 " "..... " ".......................................... 1,077 26.... 1,0717 26 " 30John Martin......Repairing cisterns....................................... 5,471 00 1.818 26.. 3,652 714 30 C. K. Garrison.... Salary as Mayor for June................................ 333 33.. 333 33.. " 30 John Davis.......Salary as Night Watch at Yerba Buena Cemetery, for June.... 165 00.. 165 00 30 " " " " " " " balance for June 15 00 15 00 " 30 George Lernards.. Salary as Bell Ringer, for June.......................... 150 00 125 00.. 25 00 30 Dan Kenniffe.... Repairing Stoves, etc., in City Hall....................... 16 00.... 1600 July 12 D. H. Fitzpatrick.. Excavating on Sansome Street............................. 300 00.... 300 00 " 13 Win. McLead.....Building cisterns........................................ 6,650 00 67 00 5.329 86 552 50 " 13 Knowlton & Fenn'll Taking down front of Knickerbocker Engine House....... 384 00.... 38 00 " 13C. P. Duane......epairing Engines................. 195 96.. 195 96 13 J.,Eckenroth.,...................................... 150 00.. 150 00 " 13 Judiciary Com'ttee. Settlement of judgment against the City..................... 3,16951.... 3,169 5 " 13 Rollinson, Tallmage Damages sustained grading Clay Street.................... 15,000 00.. 10.500 00 4,500 00 & McCrea......, ~ ~ 11 Amount brought down................... 50 9,62 9222968 08 28,310 8420844 10 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original I Dlte ore. TO WHOM, | AND FOB WHlAT ISSUED. | ^Amo Aunt. Imountpaid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward...................... 509,672 92 272.968 08 28,310 84 208,494 10 July 13 Evening Journal.. Advertising for City..................................... 31 00.... 31 00 13 El Eco del Pacifico " " "...60 00.... 60 00. l13Byron Cole & Co.............................. 83 50.... 8350 13 " " "................... 86 00.... 86 00 13 W. W. Tinker... Brooms furnished........................... 5 00.... 00 13 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished City Officers.......................... 53 00.. 53 00 13 J. W. Sullivan.....' " " " 65 50.. 65 50 13 C. Bauer.........Locksmithing in City Offices........... 68 50.. 68 50 13 J. V. McElwee... Carpet shaking and putting down........................ 69 00.. 69 00 13 Robinson & Kendall Painting numbers for Tax Collector....................... 294 50... 294 50 13 Johnson & Walker. Masonry work in City Hall........ 623 001.... 623 00. 17 San F. Gas Co.... Lighting the City with gas................................ 2,774 50' 1,774 50.. 1,000 00 " 17 Milo Hoadlev..... Engineering on streets.................................... 1322 28 122 28. 1,200 00 " 17 John Addis.........Labor on streets, from 12th to 17th of June................ 1,026 00.. 1,026 00.. 17 "...... Labor on streets.................................. 97800 7600 17 Ryan, Duff & Co.. Lumber furnished for streets.............................. 804 56... 804 56 17" ".. "............................... 628 51.. 5 17 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~ ~~~ ~~~ 628 51 17 W. H. Middleton. Planking Washington Street............................... 500 00.. 500 00 " 17Chas. Smith......Sewering corner of Pacific and Kearny Streets.............. 245 00.... 245 00 " 17 Wilson & Blish... Grading, sewering and planking Clay and Stockton Streets..... 123 20... 123 20 17 C. Pope.......... Horse feed furnished Street Commissioner................... 93 05.... 93 05 17 Thomas Lynagh....Blacksmithing for Street Commissioner...................... 62 75 62 75 " 17 Robinson & others. Music, refreshments, fireworks, etc., on July 4th.............. 5,000 00 1,572 00 3,093 00 335 00 17 Steamer Corneila.. Passage of Insane to Stockton............................. 302 50.... 302 50 18 J. Landsberger.... Rent of lot for St. Francis Hook & Ladder Company.......... 200 00.. 200 00 18 R. B. Quayle..... " " Pennsylvania Fire Company.................. 50 00.... 50 00 18J.H. Dans....... " Company No. 10............................ 32 00.. 32 00 18R. B. Monks...... " " " No. 11............................ 2800.... 28 00 " 19 Wm. Free........Services in Corporation Yard............................. 251 00.... 251 00 19 Charles Gray... " " " "................ 180 00.. 180 00 " 19 Union Gas Fitting Shop..........Putting gas fixtures into City Hall......................... 6,414 54 200 00 6,214 54 19 LeCount & Strong. iStationery furnished City Officers.......................... 163 75.... 163 75 19 G. S. Porter......Damages from discharge of cannon on Square................ 75 00.... 75 00 " 19 Daily Sun........Advertising for City..................................... 64 80.... 64 80 I 19 Tappan &Co.....Coal furnished City..................................... 5200.... 52 00 19 Thomas Hayes... Court fees in Heydenfeldt vs. City.......................... 19 00.... 19 00 " 19 B. Seguin........Sundry expenses in Marshal's Office........................ 70 75.. 0.. 75 " 19 Roles & Fan...... Bringing prisoners from Mission......................... 10 00.... 10 00 " 191. Isaacks........Filling on Jackson Street....79............................10.... 9 10 " 19 Dunne & Co...... Horse feed for City Teams, furnished W. Devier............. 340 75 340 15 19 Whitney & Loud..Grading and planking Third Street, crossing Mission.......... 1,237 50.... 1,237 50 19 Libby & McLean.. Lumber furnished Street Department....................... 1,292 00.... 1,292 00 " 19 Potts & Co.......Lumber furnished City................................... 1,578 78 700 00,.. 878 78 19 "........................................... 1,802 92 1000.. 1,70292 " 19 Cal'a Engine Co... Salary as Keeper, from June 15th to July 15th............. 40 00.... 40 00 " 19 Paula Valencia... Rent ot Station House at Mission, from June 12th........... 30 00.... 30 00 " 19 J. F. Thomas..... Care of Insane to Stockton................................ 45 00 20 00.. 25 00 19 M. Botts.........Settlement of suits against the City........................ 1,618 54.... 1,618 54 191R. Tobin......... I-................. 463 00.... 463 00 " 25 Police Pay-Roll... Pay of Police Corps for the months of March and April........ 21,019 40 6,650 00 12,419 40 1,950 00 " 25 State M. Hospital. Care of City Sick, from June 26th to July 26th.............. 4,166 66.... 4,166 66 25 E. Gilbert Co..... Advertising for City..................................... 295 00.... 295 00 25 Daily Even'g News..................................... 102 32.... 102 32.. " 25 Castree & Byrne... Candles, etc., furnished for Station House.................. 225 00.... 225 00.. " 25 D. C. McGlynn....illing in Lots Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12....................... 8,900 00.... 8,900 00 " 25 John Addis....... Salary and stable rent for City Teamsters................... 230 00.... 230 00 " 25 Paula Valencia... Rent of Station House at Mission....................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 25 S. M. Tibbitts.. Salary as City Physician.................................. 100.... 100 00 " 25 F. Argenti...... Grading, etc., Mission Street, crossing Beal Street............ 4,681 8.... 4,681 87 " 25 "4...... " Third Street........... 415 25.... 415 25 " 25 J. P. Rogers..... Grading and planking crossings of Sutter and Sansome Streets.. 2,290 80.... 2,290 80 28 John Addis....... Labor on streets, from June 26th to July 1st................. 978 00 228 00.. 750 00 " 29 J. B. Hart....... Settlement of a judgment against the City................. 2,7175 00 775 00.. 2,000 00 " 3011. B. Moss....... Rent of Vigilant Engine House, from July 15th to August 15th 125 00.... 125 00 " 30 Jacob Lerman.... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms of Aldermen..................... 100 00 5000.. 50 00 30 Edwin Briant.... Salary as Inspector of Meats and Markets.................. 200 00.... 200 00 " 30 John Davis....... Salary as Night Watch at Yerba Buena Cemetery............ 165 00.... 165 00 Aug. I C. S. Potter..... Grading, etc., Francisco Street, from Stockton to Powell....... 8,4971 50 1,600 00. 6,897 50 " 1 C. B. Hallock.... Services as Committee Clerk, for ten months................. 1,500 00.... 1,500 00 I Haynes & Bosworth Sundries furnished for passengers by the Libertad............ 810 96.... 870 96 1M.H.Braley..... ~'............ 5950.... 5950 Amount brought down......................... 598,937 96 287,035 86 43,823 241268,18 96 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Origin Amountpaid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 599,038 06 287,035 86 4:,823 24 268,178 96 Aug. 2 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising for City.................................56 50.... 656 50 " 2 "............ 232 00.. 232 00 " 2... " " "...................................... 22 00.... 222 00 " 2."................................... 134 00.. 134 00 " 2 " ".................................... 3500.... 35 00 " 2 E. Gilbert & Co.. "......................................... 84 00.... 84 00 " 2 El Eco del Pacifico.................................... 62 00.. 62 00 " Lawrence & Bell.. " " "................................... 39 50... 39 50 " 2.. " "..................................... 20 00.... 20 00 " 2 L. Segir & Co.....Glazing in City Hall..................................... 63 00...63 00 2 J. H. Still........ Stationery for City........................................ 61 75.. 61 75 " 2 John Pucell...... Plastering in chamber of Board of Assistant Aldermen...... 390 00...390 00 " 2 0. F. Willie...... Filling cisterns............................................. 934 90...934 90 " 2 John C. Ayres.... Mending and repairing torches for Fire Department........... 67 0.... 67 00.. " 2 J. Capprise...... Repairing and altering Vigilant Engine House............ 64 00...64 00 " 2 J. Potts & Co.....Lumber furnished City for streets........................ 1,852 56.. 1,852 56 " 2 John Addis..:... Labor on streets, from 3d to 8th of July..................... 607 00 120 00.. 487 00 " 2 "....... Horse and cart hire on streets, from 3d to 8th of July........ 320 00 120 00.200 00 2 J. J. Gardner.... Engineering for City on streets............................. 226 00.... 226 00 2 Palmer & Birbeck.. Feed furnished City Teams................................ 68 35.... 68 35 " 2 Police Pay-Roll... Pay of the Policemen for the month of July................. 9,653 32 3,065 00 5,858 32 730 00 " 5E. Gilbert & Co... Advertising for City...................................... 315 00...315 00 " 5 M. G. Upton...... Reporting testimony in case of Impeachment............... 300 00...300 00 5 Howes & Co...... Furniture for City Hall................................... 172 40.... 172 40 5 J. P. Rogers....Grading crossings, etc., on Second Street.................. 9,736 00 1,100 00.. 8,636 00 5 John Addis.......Labor and horse and cart hire on streets, from 10th to 15th July 1,370 00 291 00 1,079 00 " 5W. H. Van Winkle Grading, etc., crossing of Stockton and Post Streets........... 498 30.... 498 30 " 5 Cook, Kenny & Co. Stationery furnished City................................. 62 50...62 50 " 5 " " " "................................. 40 75.. 40 75 5 Evening Journal. Advertising for City...................... 33 00 " 5 S. M. Tibbitts...Medicines furnished for City Sick....... 75 00 5.... 00 " 7J. Landsberger... Rent of lot on Dupont St., occupied by St. Francis H.. L. Co. 100 00.... 100 00 " 7 "... " " t I" " " g ". 200 00 200 00 7 Jesse Seligman.... Rent of lot on Merchant Street.............................. 120 00...120 00 " I J. H. Davis....... Rent of lot on Ohio Street.............................. 32 00.... 32 00 " 7 R. B. Monks...... Rent of lot on Bush Street................................ 28 00.... 28 00 I 1Henry Haskell.... Clerks' fees in case of Neal vs. the City.................... 140 00.... 140 00 " Li....:: I: I Burrett vs. the City,.............. 121 00.... 12 00 " ~7 it.. t I t Gerke vs. the City.................... 109 50.... 10950 I State M. Hospital. Care of City Sick, for July, August, September and October, 1852 6,666 64.. 5,666 64 1,000 00 " 8 W. McDonald.....Boat hire for ship Libertad............................ 648 00 50 00.. 598 00 8 Com'l Market.... Provisions furnished passengers per ship Libertad............ 385 00.... 385 00 8 R. C. Monson..... Labor on board ship Libertad......................... 162 00.... 162 00 " 8G. E. Hoyt....... Services tending ship Libertad............................. 108 00.... 108 00 " 8 S. M. Tibbitts..Salary as City Physician for the month of July.............. 100 00.... 100 00 " 9 W. Van Winkle... Grading, etc., Post Street, in Front of Public Square.......... 2,813 10.... 2,813 10 9'~... Grading, etc., crossing of Post and Dupont Streets.......... 739 45.... 7139 45 " 9 Whitney & Loud.. Grading and planking Third Street crossing................ 1,965 00 100 00.. 1,865 00 " 9 John Addis....... Labor on streets and horse and cart hire, from July 17th to 22d. 1,553 00 13 00.. 1,540 00 9 "....... " " " " " " July 24th to 30th. 1,382 00 270 00.. 1,112 00 " 9......... " " " " " " July 24th to 29th. 336 00 19200..0 144 00 " 9 J. B. Curtiss..... Grading, etc., crossing on Jones Alley...................... 643 88.... 643 88 " 9 C. H. Hill........ Driving and capping piles on Front Street................... 1,040 00.... 1,040 00 9 C. Armstrong..... Painting numbers for Tax Collector....................... 892 50.... 892 50.. " 9 C. M. Fenn....... Printing Comptroller's Warrants......................... 200 00 50 00.. 150 00.. 9" SSan F. Herald.... Advertising for City.................................. 60'0.... 6 00 9 John Duane...... Building cistern corner of Kearny and California Streets....... 1,510 00.... 1,510 00 " lOSaucelito Water S. Tug Co........ Towing, etc., services rendered ship Libertad................ 1,855 00 844 00.. 1,01100 I H1enry W. Seale... Grading, etc., Beal Street............................. 9,067 00.... 9,067 00 " 12 Jacob Addis......Grading, etc., crossing of Clay and Sansome Streets........... 1,726 65.... 1,726 65 12 "...... " " Powell and Vallejo Streets.......... 42500.... 425 00 " 12 Robert Nelson.... Carriage hire of insane woman to boat................... 10 00.... 1000 15'Com'l Advertiser.. Printing cards on grades.................................. 500 00.... 500 00 " 15 Empire Engine Co. Salary as Keeper, from July 15th to August 15th............. 40 00.... 40 00 15 Cal'a Engine Co... " " " July 15th to August 15th.......... 40 00.... 40 00 161 H. D. Morel..... Engrossing contracts, etc., for the years 1853 and 1854....... 1,200 00 100 00.. 1,100 00 16 Byron Cole & Co.. Advertising for City...................................... 631 00.... 631 00 " 16 " ".. " C..................................... 211750.... 21750 16 Evening Journal.. " "................................. 28 00.... 28 00 "16 "... 2900.... 2900 " 16E.Gilbert &Co... " "............................. I..... 5000.... 5000 Amount brought down.............................'665,259 31 293,350 86 55,348 20 316,560 25 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of WHOMna Issue. TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 665,259 31 293,350 86 55,348 20 316,560 25 Aug. 16 Lawrence & Bell.. dvertising for City...................... 25 00.... 25 00 16 N. Gray.........Disinterring bodies.................................... 55 00.... 55 00 16 Dr. Herrer....... Services as Physician for Chinese........................... 15 00... 15 00 " 16 Isaac Ritner..... Caulking cisterns corner Clay Street........................ 425 30.... 425 30 16 J. Gosling........ Repairing cisterns....................................... 376 00.... 376 00 " 16 C. Clapp.........Labor on House of Volunteer Engine.................. 190 00.... 190 00 16 J. Capprice....... Fitting of election polls................................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 16 J. Morse......... Grading, etc., crossing of Bush Street....................... 2,54984.... 2,549 84 16 W. W. Van Winkle " " " Post and Stockton Streets.......... 621 00.... 621 00 161 H. B. Morse......Rent of Vigilant Engine House............................ 125 00 50 00.. 075 00 17 Milo Hoadley.....Engineering for City on Streets............................ 559 00.... 559 00 18 Julius Hilburn....Plank for City.......................................... 750 00.... 750 00 18 Newmann & Drummond..........Putting up house on Goat Island for Libertad passengers... 1,09950.... 1,099 50..' 19. Jacob Lerman.... Services as Bailiff of High Court of Impeachment............. 200 00.... 200 00.. " 19 Wm. Free........One month's services in Corporation Yard................... 251 00.... 251 00 19 C. Gray.......... " "................... 18000.... 18000 " 19 C. B. Halleck..... Services rendered recording Ordinances.................... 1,082 00 300 00.. 782 00 19 J. S. Williams..... Repairing roof of City Hall............................... 175 00 25 00.. 150 00 19 F. Argenti.......One-third of amount received for grading Mission Street..... 15,606 25.... 15,606 25 19........ I..... 2,629 72.... 2,629 72 19 F. Smith & Co.... Piling and capping gore at junction California and Sacram'to Sts.. 6,300 00.... 6,300 00 19 John Sumner..... Fencing on Public Square................................ 2,850 00.... 2,850 00 19 W. W. Van Winkle Grading, etc., in front of Public Square on Post Street......... 1,856 25.... 1,856 25 " 19 Isaacs & Rogers... Hauling for Street Department............................ 45400.... 454 00 19 John L. Wetmore. Making a Bridge on Powell Street.......................... 15000.... 150 00 19 Franklin L. Jones. Glazing, etc., in City Hall................................. 102 97.... 102 97 22 John Addis....... Labor on streets....................................... 1,04400 34200.. 70200 22......Horse and cart hire on streets........................... 336 00 96 00.. 240 00 23 George Nagle... Repairing Knickerbocker Engine House.................... 3,000 00.... 3,000 00 " 23 Mann & Hall.....Sewering Jackson Street................................. 2,84550.... 2,84550 " 23 "..... Grading and planking sidewalk crossing of Stockton & Jackson.. 18000.... 180 00 " 23 J. P. Rogers......Purchase of contract for City....................2,27200.... 2,27200 " 23jJacob Addis......Grading, etc., crossing of Bush and Sansome Streets........... 1,260 00 1,200 00.. 60 00 " 23 Potts & Co.......Lumber furnished for Street Department.................... 04 611 500 00.204 61] " 23Soule & Page.... " ".................. 612 50 23 Gray & Easterby.. Rent of Engine House, from June 25th to August 25th........ 300 00.... 300 00 " 23 J. Eckenroth...... Repairing engines, etc................................... 286 50 50 00.. 236 501 23 J. Dole.........urnishing oak tops for cisterns........................... 50.... 5000; 23 0. F. Willie..... Water furnished City Hall................................. 220 00.... 220 00 23 Chronicle........ Advertising for City...................................... 103 O.. 103 001 " 23........ "...................................... 60 001... 60 001 " 23 "....... " "................11 00 11 00 23 B. Seguin....... Subsisting prisoners for month of June...................... 794 30 500 00.294 301 23 "..inSundry expenses of Marshal's Office....................... 100 25... 100 25 23 Paula Valencia... Rent of Station House at Mission.......................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 24 W. H. Roberts.... Piling and capping Davis St., between Pacific and Broadway... 6,800 00, 1,200 00 5,200 00 400 00. " 28 W. T. Gassett & CoRepairing engines, etc................................... 33 75.... 337 75 " 28 John Duane......Building cistern corner Pacific and Montgomery Streets........ 1,500 00.... 1,500 00 28 "......Building cistern corner Sansome and California Streets......... 1,507 001.... 1,507 00 28 0. F. Willie......Filling cisterns.......................................... 538 97 50 00.. 488 97 28 "...... " "................................... 28063.. 280 28063 28 H. E. Perry...... Repairing Howard Engine House...................... 50000.... 500 28 G. W. Snook...... Sundries furnished Fire Department........................ 157 03.. 15 03 28 Castree & Byrne. City Prison168 00 28 Castree & Byrne... " " City Prison............................ 168 001.. 16 " 28 State M. Hospital. Care of City Sick........................................ 4,16666.... 4,166 66 " 28 Dr. Van Zandt.... Medicine furnished City patients........................... 48 00.... 48 00 28 Potts & Co.......Lumber furnished for streets.............................. 2,115 00 300 00 1,815 00 28 John Addis....... Labor on streets, from August 7th to 12th................... 1,122 001 288 00 83400' 28 ".... " " " August 14th to 19th.................. 1,074 00 198 00.. 876 00 28 "....... Horse and cart hire on streets, to August 12th............... 336 00 300 00.. 36 00 " 28 "....... Salary of teamsters and stable rent......................... 230 00.... 230 00, 28 H. E. Perry......Grading, etc., crossing of Dupont and Union Streets.......... 1,85625 500 0.. 1,356 25 28 Ryan, Duff & Co.. Lumber furnished for streets............................... 1,095 25 995.. 100 00 28 J. Morse......... Grading, etc., crossing of Dupont and Sutter Streets...........900 00 300 00.600 00 " 28 H. C. Isaacs......Hauling lumber on streets................................ 716 00.... 116 00 28 W. H. Middleton.. Piling and capping on Washington Street.................... 661 00.... 661 00 28..... " " Front Street........................ 300 00.... 300 00 28 H. W. Van Winkle Grading crossing of Fremont and Post Streets............... 621 00.... 621 00 " 28 Wm. Baker........Spikes furnished Street Commissioner....................... 540 00.... 540 00 28 E. Donnelly......Grading, etc., Green Street, crossing Powell and Stockton... 414 00.... 414 00 28 J. Y. Halleck.... Sundries furnished Street Commissioner..................... 247 84.... 247 84 Amount brought down............................. 746,359 18 300,545 111 60,548 20 385,265 87j GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. IDate of Original sse. TO WHOM, AND FO W AT ISSUED. mount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 746.:359 18 300,545 11 60,548 20 385,265 87, Aug. 281Milo Hoadley.... Engineering on Streets................................... 238 000.. 200 00 i 28 Reuben Morton... Hauling for Street Commissioner........................... 197 00.... 19700 " 28 Henry Toomy... Balance of old bill for lumber, (cut down)................... 181 46.... 181 4; 28 McLean & Calkins. Grading, etc., Montgomery Street, (Sansome H. & L. House)...... 41 75, 14175 " 28 ".. " " *' " at Gold and Jackson Streets. 118 12, 118 12 28 De Long, McNeill & Co.... Spikes furnished Street Commissioner....................... 95009500 28 Palmer & Birbeck. Feed furnished for City teams.............................. 71 68....68 " 28C. C. Ordman.....Engineering on streets.................................... 50 00.... 50 00 28 C. M. Fenn....... Printing and engraving Comptroller's Warrants.............. 390 00'.. 390 00 281. W. Sullivan.... Stationery furnished City................................. 124 50.... 124 50 " 28 J. D. Pierson.... Making bookcase, etc., for Clerk of Superior Court............ 143 00.... 143 00 " 28 Pat. Haley....... Removing dirt and rubbish from rear of City Hall.. 56 00.... 56 00 28 D. Kenniff..... Repairing pipe, stove, etc................................. 36 50.. 36 50.. b " 28 H. - N. Snowden, { I Com'l Advertiser Advertising for City...................................... 449 50.... 449 50 " 28 Byron Cole & Co., Com'l Advertiser. " 104 25. 10425'Com'l Advertiser " "...................................... 10425. 104 25' 28 " " "............................. 1 25......... 15 25 " 28 George Kerr & Co., Evening Journal " "...................................... 278 00.... 278 00 28 Evening Journal.. "...................................... 104 00.... 104 00 " 28 ".. "...................................... 130 50.. 130 50 " 28 El Eco del Pacifico " "...................................... 146 00.... 146 00 " 28 "...................................... 40 00.. 40 00 " 28 Daily Sun........ 6...................................... 00.. 68 00 " 28 Chronicle........ "...................................... 4 00.. 4 00 " 29 Engin'rs on Grades Remodeling, etc., the City Grades on streets............ 15.200 00 200 00.. 15.000 001 " 29 Jesse L. Wetmore. One-third of amount due Jesse L. Wetmore on Powell St. contract 4.929 01... 4.929 01l " 29 C. S. Potter...... " " " Chas. S. Potter on Francisco St. contract 20.666 66 2,200 00.. 18,466 661 " 29 F. Argenti....... " F. Argenti on Mission St. contract..... 1.866 49.. 1,866 491 " 30 H. North........Care of prisoners, from July 17th to August 27th..... 845 00.. I.. 845 001 " 30 Chronicle........Advertising for City...................................... 86 00.. 86 00; " 30 Herald.......... " "'..................................... 51 00.. 51 001 " 30 Evening News... Advertising for City...................................... 84 001.... 84 00! " 3O0Sun............. " "...................................... 9210..9210; "0un 92 10. 92 10i " 30 S. M. Tibbitts.....Medicines furnished City Sick.............................. 75 00 7.. 5 00j " 30 J. G. Hubbell.... Salary as Inspector of Wharves and Piers, for August......... 200 00.. 200 00 " 30 John Davis...... Salary as Night Watch at Yerba Buena Cemetery, for August.. 165 00.. 165 00i " 30 P. Kennan....... Salary as Bell Ringer, for August.......................... 105 00.... 105 00 " 30 Oriental Stables... Horse hire for Police Department.......................... 15 001 10 00 5 00! " 30 Isaak Landsberger. Rent of St. Francis Truck House.......................... 100 00.. 100 00j " 30 J. H. Davis...... Rent of Pennsylvania Engine House...................... 32 00.. 32 00 " 30R. B. Quayle.....Advertising for City..................................... 50 00.. 50 00 " 30 Orrin Curtiss.... Grading, etc., crossings of Hunt, Everett and Sherwood Streets.. 2,145 45.. 2,145 45 Sept. 4 Potts & Co....... Lumber furnished for streets.............................. 6,916 05.. 6,916 051 " 4.............................. 1,357 33 1,357 331, 4 Mann & Hall.. Excavating at the junction of Jackson and Taylor Streets...... 3,765 05 1,000 00 2,765 05! " 4 Ryan, Duff & Co.. Lumber furnished for streets............................... 793 40 750 00.. 43 40 " 4John Addis...... Horse and cart hire on streets, from August 14th to August 19.. 384 00 96 00 288 00 4 Isaaks & Rogers... Hauling for Street Commissioners......................... 332 00.. 332 00 " 4 John Morris..... Grading Davis Street, between Clay and Commercial.......... 300 00..300 00 " 4McAllister & Rose. Arranging memorandums in cases of H. Bowie vs. Mayor...... 250 00.250 00 " 4James Clary...... Harnesses furnished Street Commissioner................... 200 00.. 200 00.. " 4 W. B. Cook & Co.. Stationery furnished for City............................... 507.. 507 00 " 4 " " " "............................... 200 00.. 200 00 " 4J. H. Still........ " " "............................... 97 25 " 4Marvin&Hitchcock " "............................... 46 00.. 46 00 " 4Lapsley &Wheelock Carpet furnished office of City Treasurer..................... 155 75.. 155 75 " 4C. Bauer......... Locksmithing in City Hall................................. 92 501 92 50 " 4J. Richard.......Kindling-wood furnished City Hall......................... 30 00.. 30 00 " 4Peter Anderson... Whitewashing City Treasurer's Office....................... 25 00.... 25 00 " 4Daily Sun........ Advertising for City.................. 17 50 17 50 " 4El Eco del Pacifico " "...........................3000.... 30 001 " 4 G. D. Naglee.....Building Knickerbocker Engine House..................... 3,600 00 4H. C. Bills.......Work on engines........................................ 222 69.. 222 69 " 4Samuel Waldron.. " "...................................... 196 40.. 196 40: 4Hixon & Josslyn.. Canvasing and repairing Crescent Engine House......... 195 00 195 00O 4 Jacob Addis......Removing dirt and rocks from cistern cor. Montg'y & Pacific Sts. 60 00..00 " 4 Boardman, Bacon& Co........... Axes furnished Street Commissioner........................ 25 00.... 25 00 4 Castree & Byrne... Sundries furnished City Marshal............................ 133 00 133 00 Amount brought down............................. 816,880 32 304,839 11l 60,548 20:451,493 01 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original Amountpaid, Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. Issue. Amount. 1854. Amount brought forward...................... 816,880 32 304,839 11 60,548 20 451,493 01 Sept. 4 James Irwin...... Balance of a bill for care of prisoners and Station House....... 19 00 19 00 " 4 Henry Haskell.... Clerks' fees of Superior Court.............................. 103 50.... 103 50 A 5 Howard E. Co.... Appropriation for relief of Howard Engine Company.......... 1,600 00 300 00 1,100 00 200 00 5 J. W. Stillman.... " a copy of the County Assessor's books...... 10,000 00 2,050 006,20000 1,75000 " R.N. Snowden...Advertising for City...................................... 221 50 221, 50 " 6......................................... 127.. 127 25 " 6E. Gilbert &Co... " ".. 6000..60 00 6J. P. Rogers.... Grading, etc., crossings of Second St. from Howard to Folsom.. 5,847 50.... 5,84 50 " 6 San F. Gas Co.... Gas furnished for City and repairs for lamps, etc............... 2,134 52 100 00.. 2,634 52 " 6John Duane..... Building cistern corner Dupont and California Streets.......... 1,486 00.... 1,486 00 6 Steamer Antelope. Passage of insane and officer to Stockton................... 56 001.... 5600 11S. A. Sharp...... Office rent for City Attorney, for ten months............... 1,125 001 100 00.. 1,025 00 11 Thomas White.... Services in Court of Impeachment, etc...................... 500001 20000.. 30000 " 11 ".... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms of Common Council.............. 100 00o.. 50 00 5000.. 11 C. P. Duane......Changing the old hulk Globe into a cistern................... 3,92770 60000.. 3,3270.. 1 lNewman & Drummond.........Repairs at Police Office................................... 672.. 671 62 " 11 R. B. Monks.....Ground Rent of lot on Bush Street, for engine............... 28 00.... 28 00 11 H. E. Perry...... Grading and planking Stockton St., in front of Washington Sq.. 3,850 00.... 3,850 00, 1" IE. Donely........jGrading and planking crossing of Broadway and Kearny....... 2,050 50 100 00.. 1,950 50, " I John Addis....... Labor on Streets, from August 29th to Sept. 2d.............. 1,945 00 325 00.. 1,620 001 "t 11... August 21st to 26th.................. 1,602 00 414 00.. 1,188 00 11 N. H. Peasley.... Grading, etc., crossing of Dupont and Green Streets........... 1,306 33 300 00.. 1,006 33 11IPotts & Co....... Lumber furnished for Streets.............................. 1,258 84.... 1,258 84 " I Jacob Addis..... Making an approach on Montgomery Street................. 1,000 00 600 00.. 400 00'' 11 Peter Finnegan....Blacksmithing for Street Department....................... 310 00 11000.. 200 00; " 11 Police Pay-Roll... Pay of Policemen for the month of August.................. 9,978 06 4,333 00 5,005 CO 640 00' 13iButler & Ludlum..Block Book and labor on same............................. 800 001 250 00.. 550 00 13 S. Bumm........ Salary as Keeper of City Hall for month ending September.... 350 08 300 00.. 50 00 " 131Painter Atkinson.. Extra services in City Hall..................... 10000.... 100 00 13LeCount & Strong. Stationery furnished City.................................. 80 12.... 80 12 " 13jE. Brad.......... Setting glass in Tax Collector's Office...................... 9 00..9 00 " 13 California Democrat Advertising for City in German............................ 59200.... 592 00 " 13R. N. Snowdon.... " 461 50 100 00..0 361 50 1.3'Herald..........'Advertising for City..................................... 121 00.... 121 00 " 13 Sun............. "............................. 400.... 400 13H. E. Perry....Sewering, grading and planking Filbert Street, crossing Dupont. 1,947 00 20000.. 1,747 O " 13'DeLong, McNeill & Co...........Spikes furnished Street Commissioner....................... 440 00.... 440 00 " 13 Babcock & Swartz. Filling in at corner of Dupont and Broadway................ 162 60.... 162 60 " 131J. G. Gardiner.....'Surveying on streets..................................... 150 00.... 150 00 " 13 Palmer & Birbeck. Feed furnished City Teams..........................74 50.... 74 50 " 13John Martin...... Building cisterns, etc.................................... 5,471 00 846 00.. 4,625 00 " 13'John Duane.......................................... 1,364 70 764 O.. 600 00 " 13Jacob Bender....................................... 1,300 00.... 1,300 00 " 13!Wm. H. Moore.... Sundries furnished and repairs for Fire Department........... 511 33... 511 33 13Brooks & Van Riper 293 00... 29300 13'John May........ Hauling for Fire Department.............................. 261 00.... 26100 " 13Gray& Easterby.. Rent of Engine Houses................................... 150 00.... 150 00 " 13 W. T. Garrett & Co Repairing Fire Engines................................... 58 5.... 58 75 " 13 S. M. Tibbitts.....Medical attendance upon Chinese.......................... 150 00.... 150 00 " 13 J. W. Whaling.... Interring Bodies at Yerba Buena Cemetery.................. 550 00.... 550 00 " 13 Dr. Herrer....... Medical attendance upon Chinese........................... 5 00....5 00 13 Babcock & Swartz. Balance of contract on Clay Street, (one-third of the amount)... 21565 87 1,565 87.. 20,000 00 " 14 Mrs. R. Greenhow. Appropriation for relief................................... 10,000 00 2,000 00.. 8,000 00. " 15 J. S. Williams.... Carpentering work in City Hall............................ 946 81.... 946 81 15 E. P. Buckley.....Services in collecting taxes on personal property............. 850 00 300 00. 550 00 " 15 Wm. Walker... Salary as night-watch in City Hall......................... 600 00 50 00.. 550 00 15 D. L. Edwards.... M1aking a cesspool in rear of City Hall..................... 402 00 1000.. 30200 14 Still & Wood..... Stationery furnished City Officers.......................... 346 75 246 75 100 00 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ 103 00 ~10 000 " 14'J. W. Sullivan............................... 103 00.. 103 00 l 14 Tappan & Co. C. Coal furnished City Hall.................................. 191 00.... 191 00 14J. Richards...... Searching for body of child in case of Hall and Wife.......... 40 00.... 40 00 14J. W. Sullivan.... Stationery furnished City................................. 25 00.... 2500 14Lord & Webb..... " "................................. 18 75.... 18 715 14iE. Gilbert & Co... Advertising for City..................................... 150 00.... 150 00 14Evening Journal.. "...81 25.... 8125' 14Sun.............................. 1500...1500 " 14Herald.............................................. 2200.... 2200 141Casserly & Hager.. Professional services in case of City vs. B. Seguinc........... 2,500 00.... 2,500 00 14 Fourth Judicial District Court..... Clerk's fees in case of City vs. H. Bowie.................... 100 00.... 700 00 Amount brought down.............................'922,468 971 320,744 49 72,903 20 528,821 28 GARRISON ADMINISTERATION.-CONTINUED. Date of Original ssue. TO W OM, AND FO WHAT ISSUED. mount. Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward........................... 922,468 97 320,744 49 72,903 2L 528,821 28 Sept. 14 Alex. Campbell... Preparing remonstrances against the Extension.............. 375 00.... 375 00 - 14 Thomas Hayes....Clerk's fees............................................. 3550.. 35 501 " 14 John Gosling.....Building rear wall for Knickerbocker Engine House, etc........ 1,527 00.. 1,527 00 " 14 H. C. Bills......Repairing engines, and sundries furnished................... 1,139 23.. 1,139 23 " 14 John C. Ayres.... Brass nozzles furnished Monumental Engine Company........ 344 80.... 344 80 " 14!W. Free......... Labor in Corporation Yard................................ 275 25.... 275 25 " 14!W. T. Garrett & Co Repairing engines and sundries furnished.................... 244 00.. 244 00 " 14C. Buckingham...Brass work on Knickerbocker Engine House................. 87 50.. 87 50 " 14 W. H. Ames......Filling up Pacific Engine House........................... 60 00.. 60 00 " 14 Keanscheart & Co. Repairing engines and furnishing lanterns................... 34 00.. 34 00 " 14 John Anderson... Water furnished Knickerbocker Engine..................... 26 00.. 26 00 " 14S. M. Tibbitts....Salary as City Physician from October 7th................... 100 00.... 100 00 " 14 H. W. Scale..... Grading, etc., Beale Street, crossing Howard, Folsom and Mission 8,840 97.. 8,840 97 " 14 Houston &Patters'n Grading, etc., California St., crosssing Kearny, Quincy, Webb, etc. 4,929 04.. 4,929 04.t. " 14 " " " " " " " Sansome Street.......... 1.,779 00.. 1,779 00. o " 14 " Grading, etc., Sacramento Street, crossing Sansome........... 498 75.... 498 75 " 14 J. Morse.........Grading, etc., Sutter Street, crossing Stockton and Powell...... 4,232 50 4,232 50 " 14Benj. Badger....Grading, etc., intersection of Market, Battery and First Streets. 2,500 00 1.500 00 1,000 00 " 14 John Morris. Grading, etc., Pacific Street, crossing Montgomery St.......... 2,360 00 1,000 00 1,360 00 " 14 McLean & Calkins. Grading, etc., Sacramento Street, crossing Battery St.......... 1,522 63 500 00 1,022 63 " 14 F. Vassault....... Grading, etc., Front Street, crossing Clark St................. 1,417 50.. 1,417 50 " 14 John Addis....... Labor on streets, horse and cart hire, etc., from Sept. 4th to 9th 1,098 00 76 8 00.. 330 00 " 14 Potts & Co...... ILumber furnished for streets............................... 1,085 20.... 1,085 20 " 14 McLean & Calkins. Grading and planking in front of Knickerbocker Engine House. 954 88.... 954 88 " 14 A. H. Emanuel...Grading and planking Pine Street, crossing Kearny Street..... 768 00 768 00 " 14 Jacob Addis......{Grading the cut on Kearny Street, from Broadway........... 500 00 300 00.. 200 00 " 14 C. H. & H. 0. Gough Grading at the crossing of Mason and Broadway............ 500 00.... 500 00 " 14 Isaac & Rogers.... Hauling for Street Department................. 464 00.. 464 00 "14 ".. " " " "....... 7800.... 7800 " 14 Geo. Peterson..... Grading, etc., Bush Street, from Battery to Sansome Sts........ 400 00 100 00.. 300 00 " 14 John Clary....... Harness furnished Street Commissioner...................... 70 00.. 70 00 " 14 Palmer & Birbeck. Horse feed "...................... 50 00 0 00 " 15 George Degear.... Grading and planking crossing of Battery and Bush Streets.... 43 23.... 43 23 " 15 Addis & Whalen.. Balance of contract on Francisco Street, (one-third.).......... 1,185 94 1,185 94 15C. H. Hill...... One-third of balance due on contract on Jackson St., from B to T. 8,249 26 200 00.. 8,04926 " 15 "..', " " Kt to B. 4,615 23 500 00.. 4,115 23 " 15 "'', " " " extra work on above contracts..... 4.483 53.... 4,483 53 15 W. A. Mathews.... Clerk hire in Tax Collector's Office......................... 5,600 00 4,000 00.. 1,600 20Jesse L. Wetmore. One-third of the balance of a contract for grading Powell Street 5.342 34... 5,342 34 21 San F. Gas Co... Gas supplied to the City........................... 2,265 63.... 2,26563 21 J. S. Williams.... Carpentery work at and in City Hall........................ 522 15.... 522 15 21 Joseph Richards.. Whitewashing in City Hall................................ 15 00..15 00 21 J. W. Sullivan.... Stationery furnished City Hall.............................00.... 00 21 Cal'a Democrat.... Advertising for City...................................... 18200.... 18200 21 E. Gilbert & Co.................................... 23000.... 23000 " 21 P. Hunt........ Horse hire for Marshal's Office............................ 20 00.... 20 00 21James Irwin.... " " " "...................... 68 00 21 Oriental Stables... Carriage hire for Police Department........................ 25 00 21 J. Caleb Smith.... Amount of judgment and costs in his suit vs. City............. 5,938 61 3,000 00.2,938 61 21 it" s. I "........ 17,500 00.... 17,500 00 25 W. D. Harris. Examining late Comptroller's books, etc................... 500 00.... 500 00 25 Hannah R. Evans. Repayment of taxes on lot on Broadway.................. 8187.... 81 87 25 Paula Valencia.... Rent of Station at Mission............................... 60 00 30 00 30 00 25 M. Hoadley....... Engineering on streets.................................... 75 00 7500 25 Houston & Patters'n Sewering, etc., crossing Sansome and California Streets........ 2,726 70.... 2,726 70 25 " Grading, etc., Sacramento Street.......................... 1,800 00.... 1,800 00 25 J. Morse........ Grading, etc., sidewalks on Bush Street crossings............. 1,956 3 1,956 73 26 Potts & Co......Lumber furnished City.................................... 908 82... 908 82 26 G. Peterson...... Grading, etc., crossing of Battery and Commercial Streets...... 850 00 200 00.. 650 00 26 "." cistern, " " " "...... 412 00 100 00.. 312 00 26 Babcock & Swartz. Salary as Watchman on Plaza............................. 300 00 200 00.. 100 00 26 ". Grading, etc., crossing of California and Dupont Streets........ 1,586 25.... 1,586 25 26 John Morris...... " " Davis and Clay Streets............... 200 00 26 Jacob Addis...... " " Washington and Powell Streets...... 2 70 92.. 26 Reuben Morton... Hauling for Street Department............................ 52 00 26 John Duane......Building cisterns....................................... 1,988 90 200 00.. 1,788 90 " 26 ". "................................... 561 00 200 00.. 361 00 26 Hunter& Ritner.... "......... 1,945 00 550 00.. 1,395 00 26 Frazier & Co......Raising Volunteer Engine House.......................... 1,604 25.... 1,604 25 26 H. C. Bills & Co.. Sundries furnished Fire Department........................ 683 00.. 683 00 26 John Hunter......Repairing Crescent Engine House.......................... 578 00.. 578 00 26 John C. Lane.....Repairing Volunteer " "......................... 535 00.. 535 00 Amount brought down............................ 1035,603 08' 333,092 49 72,903 20 629,607 39 GARRISON ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of T WHMAN FO WHTISE.Original Issue. TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. amount. Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward.......................... 1,035,603 08333,092 49 72,903 20 629,607 39 Sept. 26 D. L. Beck...... Appropriation for Manhattan Engine Company.............. 350 00.... 350 00 26 H. F. Williams.... Services as Referee in the case of City vs. Howard Engine Co. 150 00.... 150 00 " 26 State M. Hospital. Care of City Sick, from August 26th to Sept. 26th.... 4,166 66.... 4,166 66 " 26 H. B. Mores......Rent of Vigilant Engine House......................... 125 00.... 125 00 " 29 Lewis Gibson.... Loss of a horse from Stewart Street Wharf............... 500 00.... 500 00 30 J. H. Coghill..... Damages sustained by altering grades of street.............. 10,000 00 4,500 00.. 5,500 00' 30 John Davis....... Salary as Night Watchman at Y. B. Cemetery, month of Sept... 165 00.... 165 00 30 P. Kennen....... Salary as Bell Ringer for month of September............ 150 00.... 150 00 30 Police Pay-Roll... Salary for Policemen " " "............... 10,010 00 6,299 62 3,137 50J 512 88 Totals.......................................... 1,061,219 24 343,892 11 76,040 70, 641,286 93 ~WEBB J^MII^:1SIST'I^.A.TI0OS^. ^ 1854. Oct. 20 Salaries of Judges, Inspectors, etc.. Paying services of Clerks, Inspectors, etc., of Elections........ 6,000 00 600 00 4,650 00 750 00 Nov. 1 W. H. Green..... Salary as Sergeant-at-Arms, Aldermen, for October........... 100 00.... 100 00 I J. C. Hassen..... Salary as Inspector of Meats and Markets............ 200 00.... 200 00 " I John Davis....... Salary as City Marshal, " "............ 165 00.... 165 00' 1 C. P. Duane... Salary as Chief Engineer, " "............ 250 00.... 25000 I J. Capprise....... Salary as Fire Warden, " "... 150 00..... 150 00 " 2 Police Pay-Roll... Salary as Policemen, " "............ 7,136 65 5,271 13 1,254 80 535 96 " 2 Sundry names, room rent for Elections Rent of rooms in which elections were held................ 400 00 100 00.. 300 00 6 H. C. Bills........ Repairing engines....................................... 701 33.... 701 33 I7 George Bumm.... Salary as City Hall Keeper................................ 233 32 16 66 116 66 100 00 7 H. 0. Gough.... Grading, etc., crossing Broadway and Mason Streets.......... 1.412 00... 1,412 00 7 *J. K. Lidell....Repairing Engine House, Co. 13........................... 118 00 75 00.. 43 00 r 7 Wm. Cummings... Grading and sewering Centre Street........................ 2,000 00.... 2,000 00 " 9 San F. Gas Co.... Gas furnished the City................................... 1,998 50 500 00.. 1,498 50 " 9 Addis & Whalen.. Monthly payment on contract on Francisco Street............ 1,502 29.... 1,502 2' 10IS. M. Tibbitts.... Salary as City Physician......5........................... 00.... 150 00 10 J. B. Moore..... Grading, etc., crossing of Howard and Fifth Streets......... 432 45.... 432 45 14C. Chipman...... Building a sewer on Commercial Street...................... 900 00 700 00 200 00 14 Philiph Mayer.... Building a sewer at crossing of Montgomery and Commercial Sts. 750 00 100 00..650 00 14 J. D. Pierson..... Furniture and repairs furnished City..................... 87 00.... 87 00 14 P. W. Shepherd... Cost of suits vs. City..................................... 42 00...42 00 14 Paula Valencia... Rent of Station House at Mission.......................... 60 00.... 60 00 14 0. K. Smith......Redemption of an audited account...................... 27,111 00 6,000 00.. 21,111 00 16 W. N. Waites..... Making a plate and printing Comptroller's Warrants......... 294 33... 294 33 16 Miner King.......Grading crossing on Dupont Street......................... 974 21 974 21 " 16 Edwin Bell.......Advertising for City..................................... 554 00.... 554 00 16 G. W. Ryder.....Labor on streets......................................... 579 00 278 50.. 300 50 16 Cal'a Engine Co... Salary as Steward, from September 16th to November 15th.... 80 00.... 80 00 16 Knickerb'r E. Co.. "' " " " " " "0.... 800....0 00 16 LafayetteH. & L. Co " " " " " " ". 80 00.... 80 00 16 Evening News.... Advertising for City...................................... 152 00.... 152 001 17 J. S. Mann....... Grading, etc., crossing on Brannan Street................... 4,950 00.... 4,950 00 17 Evening News.... Advertising for City................................... 275 00...275 00 " 17 C. M. Chase...... Printing for City......................................... 325 00.... 325 00 17 M. Lynch........Sundries furnished City...-................................ 8800.... 88 00 22 Police Pay-Roll... Salary of Policemen, from October 24th to 31st, inclusive...... 2,439 31 1,042 50 1,280 65 116 16.. 22 J. R. Curtis....... Grading and planking on Jackson Street................... 175 00.. 175 00 22 J. Reichart.......Advertising for City..................................... 148 50...148 50W 22 James Stevenson.. Lumber for City Stables.................................. 65 65.. 65 651 22 J. H. Burns..... Lumber and carpenters' work for Third Ward Polls........... 50 00.... 50 00 22 E. Gilbert & Co... Advertising for City...................................... 155 0.... 155 00 22 "... Advertising for Fire Department........................... 25 00.... 25 00 22 Still & Wood....Stationery for Mayor's, Tax Collector's and Comptroller's Offices 18 00.. 1800' 22 ".....Stationery furnished Treasurer's Department................. 83 25.. 83 25 22 Superior Court.... Clerk's fees in suit of Hastings vs. 0. Callahan............... 103 50.... 103 50 22 Journal of Comm'ce Advertising for Fire Department.......................... 54 00.. 54 0!) 22 J. W. Sullivan.... Stationery............................................. 68 08.... 68 00 22 R. N. Snowden... Advertising for City.................................... 24 00 24 00 22 Adams & Co...... Distributing five hundred placards of reward................. 25 00.... 25 00 22 Geo. Peterson..... Filling and planking crossing of Pine and Front Streets....... 1,438 50.... 1,413 58 22 John Addis.......Salary of two teamsters for one month..................... 200 00.200 00. 22 R. Ross, Jr...... Grading and planking crossing Bush and Sacramento Streets.... 1,209 00... 1,209 00. 22 Joseph Capprise... Fitting up Fourth Ward Polls for November election.......... 30 00.... 30 00 22 ".... " AA " September election.......... 30 00.... 30 00 Amountbroughtdown............................. 66,64787 14,683 7 7,30211 44,661 97 WBBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. I ssue TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Origin Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding'1EMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward.......................... 66.647 87 14,8; 79 7302 11 44,661 97 Nov. 22 Evening Journal.. Printing for City........................................ 250 00.. 250 OO0 " 22 P. Mayer....... Brick sewer crossing of Clay and Montgomery Streets......... 1.000 00... 1.000 001 22 ". " " " Montgomery and Sacramento Streets... 1,200 00.,200 00 " 25 R. B. Quayle....Rent of Pennsylvania Engine House, for October, 1854...... 50 00.... 50 00 25 J. H. Davis......Rent of lot for Crescent Engine House, for October, 1854...... 32 00.... 32 00 " 25Jesse Seligman.... " " Howard " " " " "...... 120 00.... 120 00 " 25 James Smith......Hauling lumber.......................................... 24 00.... 24 00 25 San F. Herald.... Advertising for City...................................5400.... 154 00 " 25 G.W. Ryder.....Services and men and teams on streets...................... 702 00 171 50.. 530 50 25 Com'l PrintingOffi'e Printing for City........................................ 40 00 00 25 H. Cohen........ Setting glass for City..................................... 2 2 50.. 250 " 25 Frazier & Garwin.. Carpenter's work for Police Department.................... 27 00.. 27 00 * " 25 Vigilant Engine Co Rent of lot from June 20th to July 10th................. 25 00.... 25 00 " 28C. Russell....... Filling, grading, planking, sewering, etc., junction Second arnd C I Tehama Streets...................................... 1142 35.... 1,142 35.. " 28 Palmer & Birbeck. Supplies for City Stables..................................30 55.. 30 5.. 28 J. W. McKenzie... Incidental expenses for Police duty...................... 38 32.... 38 32 28 L'Echo du Pacifique Advertising for City.................................... 20 00.... 20 00 " 28 J. H. Davis....... Rent of Crescent Engine House, for November, 1854..........2 00.. 32 00.. 28 J. W. McKenzie... Subsisting prisoners for October........................... 763 10.... 763 10 " 29 Gibson & King.... Supplies for Fire Department.............................. 156 00... 15(; 00 " 29 B. F. Butler.....Stationery for Marshal's Office................... 87 25. 87 25F 29 W. W. Tinker.... Supplies for City Hall.................................... 26 00.. 26 00 29 Frazier & Co...... Labor and materials for Second Ward Polls................. 40 001.... 40 00 29 Abend Zeitung.... Advertising for City.................................... 15 0.. 15 001 " 29 "...................... 10 00.... 10 00 30 Salaries of Judges, Inspectors, Cl'ks of election and Room Rent..... Election for Comptroller, November 7th, 1854............... 1,200 00 575 00 4 425 00 200 00 Dec. 1 Police Pay-Roll... Salary of Policemen for November, 1854..................... 9,450 00 6650 00 2,500 00 300 00 1 Cook, Folger & Co. Supplies for Fire Department.............................. 264 38..264 38 " 1 H. B. Morse...... Ground rent for Columbian Engine, for one month to Nov. 15th. 125 00... 125 00 " 1IS. M. Tibbitts....Medicines furnished Station House......................... 75 00... 75 00 4B. Seguin........ Subsisting prisoners for July, 1854.......................... 523 35 i 4C. Kimball...... Repairs on Knickerbocker Engine.......................... 406 00.... 406 00 4 Farwell & Curtis.. Supplies for Fire Department..... 219 18.. 219 18 4J. V. McElwee.................................. 74 13.. 74 13 1 Southworth & Co.. " ".............................. 119 251.. 119 25 4H. C. Bills & Co.. " "....................... 835 87.... 835 87 4 Babcock & Swartz. Satisfying Judgment favor of Babcock & Swartz............. 2,403 38.... 2,403 38 4S. M. Tibbitts.....Medicines furnished Station-House......................... 75 00 75 00 6Ritner & Brown... Caulking Cistern on Davis Street...... 725 00 300 001.. 425 00 7 W. Cummings.... Labor of Men and Teams on Streets....................... 84 00... 84 00 " 7 Potts & Co.......Bill of Lumber for Streets................................. 1,791 00 200 00 1,591 00 7 ^ "................................ 2.077 83 500 00 1,577 83 7 Addis & Whalen.. One-third amount due for November for Francisco Street contract 2,111 98 2,111 98 " Dore & Marsten... Bill of Planks....................................... 952 24 952 24 7 ^'... "........................................... 668 96.. 668 96. 7.. " 427 26.. 427 26 7 J. Y. Hallock & Co Bill of Hardware for Street Department..................... 204 78.. 204 78 7 Babcock & Swartz. Grading, Planking and Sewering Clay Street................. 3,174 00 3,1.74 00 7 N. P. Smith...... Salary one-third month as Keeper of City Hall to Dec. 1, 1854.. 116 66.. 116 66! 8 DeLong, McNeil & Co............Bill of Spikes........................................... 49600 496 00.. " 8 Still & Wood..... Bill of Stationery for Tax-Collector......................... 31 50 31 50' " 8 Evening News.... Advertising for City...................................... 20 00.... 20 00O 8 Bryant & Co..... Bill of Hardware for Street Department..................... 21500... 215 00; 8C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City......................................... 25 001 25 00.. " 8 El Eco del Pacifico Advertising for City...................................... 105 00.. 105 00 " 8 Thomas Lynch... Blacksmithing for City Hall............................... 135 00.... 135 00 8 Heaney & Bartlett. Planking, etc., Dupont Street............... 350 00.... 350 00 " 8 J. W. Sullivan... Bill of Stationery furnished City........................... 115 50... 115 50 " 8'George Peterson.. Grading and planking crossing of Battery and Bush Streets.. 1,750 00 1,750 00.. 8 ".. " " " " " Washington Sts.. 1,200 00.... 1,200 00' 8 San F. Gas Co.... Lighting City for October, 1854............................,2802 80 201 600 00 " 8 Palmer & Birbeck. Feed for City Stables..................................... 51 48.. 51 481 8 J. J. Felt........ Plank for streets......................................... 1,460 12.. 1,460 12! " 8G. W. Smith...... Grading crossing of Stockton and California Streets... 1,893 45.. 1,893 451 8Smith, Burnett& Co Grading, etc., in California Street.. 352 00.. 352 00O " 8Peter Somerville. Repairing sewers on Clay Street........................... 102 00.... 102 00 " 8M. S. Derwin.....Labor upon streets....................................... 73 50.. 73 50 Amount brought down............................ 111,395 74! 24,760 29 10,227 11 76,407 3 WlBE ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of Original Issue. TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED.. Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding lREMARKS. 1854. Amount brought forward.................. 111,395 74 24.760 29 10,227 11 76,407 34 Dec. 8 A. H. Emanuel & Co Grading crossing of Dupont and Pine Streets................ 1,687 75.... 1,687 75. " 8F. Soule......... Advertising for City.................................... 3 00.. 3 00 " 8 Abend Zeitung.... " "...................................... 129 00.. 129 00 " 8L'Echo du Pacifique " ".............................. 112 00.. 112 00 " 8 Britton & Ray.... Engraving, printing and binding for City.................... 103 00.. 103 00 " 8 Ramsdell & Co....Coal furnished City...................................... 100 00.. 100 00 " 8 W. W. Tinker.... Brooms, etc., for City Hall................................ 25 00.... 25 00 " 8 Alta California... Advertising for City............................ 7..9 00.. 79 00 " 12 J. Potts.......... Cesspool and grading corner Kearny and Commercial Streets.... 240 00.... 240 00; " 12 Houston & Patters'n " 1" " " " ".... 125 00.. 125 00.. " 12 Castree & Byrne... Brooms, etc., for City Hall.............................. 49 00.... 49 00 1 M. Tibbitts.. Medicines furnished Station House......................... 40 00.. 40 00. 12. W. Bryant & Co Furniture for City Hall................................... 308 00.... 308 00 " 13 G. W. Ryder..... Labor of men and teams on Streets......................... 2,041 00 957 00. 1,084 00.. " 13 Houston & Patters'n Grading and planking Leidesdorff Street....500 00.... 500 00.. " 13 Houston & Binirey. Extension of sewer across Sansome Street................... 412 50.... 412 50 " 14J. G. Hunter.... Repairing cistern corner Jackson and Oregon Streets....... 594 10.... 594 10. " 14Alta California.... Advertising for City...................................... 82200.... 822 00 " 14 San F. Gas Co... Gas during month of November........................... 2,284 20 2,000 00.. 284 20: " 15 H. M. Seale..... One-third of amount for grading and planking Beale Street.... 18,145 46 275 00 17,870 461 " 20 J. W. Garretson... Repairs for Seventh Ward Polls............................ 37 2.... 37 25! " 20 Frazier & Garwin.. Repairs in Mayor's Office................................. 20 00.. 20 00 " 20 Cook & Folger.... Oil for Fire Department.................................. 96 80.... 96 80M' 20J. J. Beagle......Painting California Engine House...................... 50 00.... 50 00. " 20 James Smith...... Casting for Street Department............................. 66 00.. 66 00' " 20Kanscheart & Co.. Lamp Shades for Tax Collector's Office..................... 16 90.... 16 90 " 20 C. Bauer.........Locksmithing for City Hall................................ 114 50.... 114 50. " 20B. F. Butler......Map for City Engineer................................... 50 00.. 50 000 " 20 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery furnished City................................ 207 001.. 207 00 " 20 " " Stationery for Marshal's Office............................. 23 50'.... 23 50 " 23 H. 0. Gough......Crossing of Vallejo and Mason Streets...................... 1,668 00.... 1,668 00 23'John Addis....... Labor on streets......................................... 1,212 00 25 00 1,187 00 " 23'J. B. Curtis....... Grading and planking on streets................... 900 00,.... 900 00 " 23 San F. Herald... Advertising for City............................ 220 00,.... 220 00. " 23 Charles Gray..... Two months' services in Fire Department................... 400 00. 400 00.. " 23 W. Free......... Labor " " "........................ 491 00.... 491 00 " 26 R. E. Newland.... Translating, examining Records, etc......................... 1,500 00 500 00.. 1,000 00 26iB. Seguin....... Subsisting prisoners for September......................... 783 90 100 00 683 90 26 C. Bauer.........Locksmithing for City.................................... 48 00 48 00 26 D. Hewes........ Filling and grading engine lot on Bush Street................ 250 00 " 26 John Duane...... Building Cistern corner Sacramento and Kearny Streets........ 1,400 00.... 1,400 00 26 ". " " Broadway and Ohio Streets........... 1,400 00 1,400 00 " 26 P. Haley......... Bill of Scavenger's work.................................. 78 00 50 00.. 28 00 " 27 Frank Wheeler... Salary as Fire Warden for December........................ 150 00..15000 28 J. Wilson & Son... Leather, etc., for Fire Department....................... 00 84 00 " 28 A. G. Wheelock... Carpets for Police Department............................. 582 25....582 25 " 28 John McGowan... Water for Street Commissioner............................. 20 00.... 20 00 28 J. Berry & Co..... Repairs on Monumental Engine............................ 100.... 100 00 " 28Gowers, Neefus & 28 Co............Bill of Sundries for Cisterns............................... 41 00.... 4100 1855. Jan'y 3 G. W. Ryder....LabQr of men and teams on streets............ 1,640 00 1,031 00.. 609 00 3 Paula Valencia.... 3 1-30 months' rent, to Dec. 1, 1854, of Engine House at Mission 121 33.... 121 33 " 3 J. H. Davis....... Ground rent for Crescent Engine, for January, 1855........... 32 00.... 32 00.. " 8'Paula Valencia... Rent for December of Engine House at Mission......... 40 00.. 40 00.. " 8 Jacob Addis..... Excavation of Francisco Street, (one-third of bill)............. 1,690 45 135 00..,555 45 " 8Selover & Sinton.. Bill of printing blanks................................... 50 00.... 50 00 " 8J. B. Curtis....... Filling, grading and planking streets....................... 535 00 53500 " 8W. B. Watkins.... Connecting sewer corner Powell and Washington Streets....... 364 00.... 364 00 " 8 "....Grading and planking crossings of Powell and Clay Streets..... 23 48.... 273 48 8J. Gosling....... Building sewer on Clay Street, between Front and Davis Sts.... 395 33 12500.. 270 33 9R. N. Snowden... Printing blanks for Recorder's Court........................ 40 00... 40 00 " 9W. Fitzpatrick... Sewering, grading and paving Washington Street............. 10,277 50 4,900 00. 5,377 50 " 9B. Seguin........Office expenses from July 10th to September 30th............ 6750 650 10 Judges, Inspectors and Clerks ofFiremen's Election.. Services as Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Firemen's Election. 250 00 150 00.. 100 00 " 10 J. Van Pelt...... Eight mos. rent, to Jan. 1, 1855, of house and lot for Lafayette Co 800 00.. 800 00 13 G. W. Ryder.... Labor of men and teams on streets....................... 773 50 61750.. 156 00 13 Emery & Bassett.. Paving Mintgomery Street.............................. 15,363 84.... 15,363 84 16 Houston & Patters'n Filling, sewering and planking Streets.............. 1,989 00 120 00.. 186900 16 Daily Sun....... Advertising for City.................................... 82 50.. 82 40 Amount brought down........................... 185,991 28l 35,745 79110,227 11 140,017 38 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. rigi Amountpaid. F d. Outstanding ARS. Issue. j Amount. Amount raid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1855. 1Amount brought forward........................... 185,991 28 35,745 79 10,227 1I 140,017 38 Jan. 16 Daily Sun........ Advertising for City...................................... 25 00. 25 00 " 16E. R. Ramsdell... Grading and planking crossing of Post and Kearny Streets..... 89 65 64 65.. 25 00 " 16a. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City......................................... 290 00.... 290 00 " 16J. W. Sullivan.... Stationer furnished City................................. 88 00.... 88 00 " 16 J.P. Donahue.... Turning engine wheels.................................... 150 00.... 150 00 " 16 M. H. Colby....Water furnished Station House........................ 2 00.... 12 00 " 16 G. & W. Snook... Stove, etc., for Police Department......................... 73 02.... 3 02 " 16!P. Somerville & Co Sewering and planking corner Powell and John Streets........ 265 00.... 265 00 " 16 " " Grading and planking crossing Jackson and Powell Streets..... 9 00.... 9 00 16 J. J. Felt......... Plank for streets......................................... 441 12... 441 12 " 18 G. W. Smith......Sewering Sacramento Street............................... 1,289 25 514 25. 775 00 " 18 Paula Valencia... One month's rent of Station House at Mission, to January 12th 30 00.. 30 00 19 G. W. Ryder.... Labor on streets......................................... 1,194 00 528 00.. 66600 " 19 E. Gilbert & Co... Printirn for City......................................... 40 00 40.. 00 " 19 ". Advertising for City..................................... 1 00.. 17 00.. " 19 Babcock & Swartz. Labor on streets........................................ 182 50...182 50 19W. Moran & Co... Advertising for City..................................... 33 00...33 00 " 19 Lord & Webb.... Stationery furnished City Officers.......................... 45 25...45 25 19 W. Moran & Co... Advertising for City...................................... 12775. 12775 19 J. W. Sullivan.... Stationery for Board of Delegates.......................... 24 25.. 24 25 19 W. Moran & Co... Advertising election notice........................ 15 00.... 15 00 " 19 " "... Printing and binding Police Ordinance..................... 135 00.... 135 00 " 19 B. A. Sheldon.... Medicines for Station House.............................. 700 000 " 19 J. A. Moody...... Grading and planking Streets............................. 333 00...333 00 23 H. C. Bills & Co.. Repairs for Fire Department.............................. 35 96.... 35 96 24 F. Soule & Co.....Advertising for City...................................... 14 00 14 00 24 San F. Gas Co... Gas for month of December, repairs, lanterns, etc............. 2,830 10 1,83,0 10.. 1.000 00 24 Houston & Binney. Improvement of crossing of Third and Harrison Streets........ 1,274 25.... 1,274 25 24 McLean & Calkins. Sewering and planking crossing of Sacramento and Sansome Sts. 950 00...950 00 24 J. A. Moody..... Sewering crossing of Commercial and Sansome Streets........ 944 75...944 75 24J. S: Atkinson... Sundry repairs about City Hall............................ 70 24... 70 24 " 31 Trustee State Marine Hospital... Keeping City Sick from September 26th to October 26th, 1854.. 4,166 00... 4,166 00 " 31 "... " " " October 26 to November 26th, 1854.... 4,166 00... 4,166 00 31 E. Stewart...... Salary for January as Bell Ringer......................... 150 00.... 150 00 31 Police Pay-Roll, ineluding 2 secret Policemen..... Pay of Policemen, for January..................... 13,870 92 6,618 521 7,077 40 175 00 31 B. F. Butler...... For plate for Fire Department Bonds....................... 1,200 00 795 00.. 22500 Feb'y 1 F. Soule......... Advertising for City...................................... 13200. 132 00 1 P. Anderson....Whitewashing, etc.................................. 30 00.. 30 00 " Babcock & Swartz. Sewering and excavating streets...............54225 54225 " R. Ross, Jr....... Grading crossing of Jones and Bush Streets................. 1,395 20.... 1,395 20 " 5 Jacob Addis..... One-third of payment for excavating on Francisco Street...... 1,074 83.... 1,074 83 5Ranscheart & Co..Repairs on engine............................ 19 00.. 5'Cook, Folger & Co. Oil for Fire Department................................ 9 63 6F Soule & Co.... Advertising for City............. 44 00.... 44 00 6 "...................... "40 00.. 40 00 6 C. M. Chase & Co. Printing for City........'................ 40 00.. 40 00 6G. M. Garwood... Salary for January as Health Inspector..................... 200 00 150 00 50 00 6 J. Seligman...... Rent for month of February of Howard Engine House........ 60 00.. 60 00 13 J. Barrett....... Repairs on Broadway....................... 125 00.. 125 00 14 C. G. Howard.... Painting signs for City Offices............................. 79 00.. 79 00 14 F. Soule & Co.... Advertising for City...................................... 96 40.. 96 40.. C 14 J. W. Sullivan... Stationery furnished City.....................56 00.... 56 00.. 14A. T. Melvin..... Furniture for Recorder's Court............................ 275 00.. 275 00 14 Ramsdell & Co.... Bill of coal..........420 00.... 420 00 14 G. W. Bryant & Co Bill of furniture......................................... 164 88.... 164 88 14 Still & Wood.... Bill of stationery........................................ 234 50 234 50 14 J. W. Whaling...Bill of interments, etc.................................... 340 00. 340 00 14J. W. McKenzie... Subsisting prisoners in December....... 857 00 807 00 50 00 16J. Eckenroth....Repairs on engines........... 213 00.213 00 16 Nutting & Zotman. Grating, fence, etc.................................... 46 00. 46 00 16 Wm. Free........Labor and supplies for Fire Department................... 278 50.. 278 50 16 Sly & Bender....Repairs on cisterns corner Kearny and Sacramento eets.... 412 75 275 00.. 137 75 16 Appleton & Haskell Repairs for Fire Department............................ 245 00.. 245 00 16J. Capprise........Rebuilding cistern corner Washington and Powell Streets... 550 00. 550 00 16J. S. Mann.......Crossings of Brannan and Fifth Streets................ 1,237 50 64710 490 40 16Geo. W. Ryder... Labor of men and teams on streets........................ 3.665 25 1,593 10. 2,072 00 ]9 Houston & Binney. Crossing of Third and Folsom Streets....................... 1,106 18.. 1,106 18 19J. J. Felt........Lumber for streets................ 951 52 401 52 550 50 19 ".... " ".......................................... 1,299 75..1,299 75 Amount brought down............................. 236,286 68 45,910 19 20,897 25 169,478 24 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Original Issue. Aoun mount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. ssue. of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Amount.d. Outstanding RMARKS. 1855. Amount brought forward........................... 236,286 68 45,910 19 20,897 25 169,478 24 Feb. 19 King & McNamera Paving Kearny Street, between Washington and Merchant Sts.. 10,000 00.. 10000 20 J. G. Ills......... Labor about City Hall.................................... 96 00 96 00 20 J. T. Ackley..... Stove and Fixtures...................................... 50 00.... 50 00 20 F. L. Jones...... Painting, etc., in City Hall................................ 139 15... 139 15 " 20G. W. Smith...... Hauling for Street Department............................ 28 00.. 28 00 20..... Sewering Stockton Street, between Union and Green Streets.... 1,376 25.... 1376 25 " 20W. B. Little....Spikes for Streets........................................ 275 00...275 00 " 20 J. Smith.......Hauling for Street Department............................. 60 00.... 60 00 " 20S. B. Grove..... Labor on streets, excavating, etc............................ 345 50 220 50.. 125 00 20 P. Haley.........Labor about City Hall................................. 60 00...60 00 " 20 Wm. Shears......Crossing of Mission and Center Streets..................... 1,000 00.... 1,000 00 20 Foote & Aldrich... Retainer in case of City vs. Argenti......................... 3,000 00 1,000 00.. 2,000 00 21 San F. Gas Co....Gas for month of January................................. 3,111 15.... 3,111 15In a Julg21 McLean & Calkins. Crossing of Kearny and Market Streets. 357 00... 357 00 ment., " 21 Gough & Merrill... Labor of men and teams on streets......................... 287 00.... 287 00.. " 21 J. W. Sullivan.... Bill of stationery....................................... 34 50...34 50 " 21 J. Capprise.......Repairs about City Hall................................ 363 00.. 363 00 " 24 B. A. Sheldon... Medicines furnished City Prison.......................... 50 00.. 50 00 " 24'Wm. Free........Services in Corporation Yard............................. 468 00.. 468 00 24:Chas. Gray...... "' " ". 200 00.... 200 00 24 H. C. Bills & Co... Repairs for Fire Department............ 524 52.... 524 52 " 24 Times & Transcript Advertising for City.................................... 71 50.... 71 50 " 24 F. Soule & Co........................................ 800... 8 00 " 24 Lord & Webb.... Bill of Stationery........................................ 43 00.. 43 00 " 24E. S. Spear....... Bill of furniture......................................... 10 0... 10 00 " 24iJ. McCurrie..... Sundries for Seventh Ward election polls................... 93 50...93 50 24'J. B. Moore...... Crossing of Mary and Howard Streets...................... 231 75.... 231 75 " 24'J. P. Rogers...... Planking, etc., of Second and Jessie Streets................ 700 00 14000 560 00 28J. W. McKenzie.. Subsisting prisoners for month of January.................. 642 20.... 642 20 28'R. N. Snowden... Satisfaction of Judgment and costs........................ 966 80.... 966 80 28 Lord & Webb.....Bill of Stationery........................................ 170 25... 170 25 28LeCount & Strong.................................... 33 00.... 33 00 28J. J. Felt.........Bill of lumber......................................... 443 50.... 443 50 28Babcock & Swartz. Crossing of Dupont and Commercial Streets.................. 162 00.. 162 00 " 28 James Smith...... Bill of carting........................................... 72 00.7. 72 00 " 28 Jacob Addis...... Crossing Broadway and Kearny Streets..................... 672 95.. 672 95 March 1 John Duane......Cistern corner Montgomery and Commercial Streets........... 2,601 60 2,601 60 " McLean & Calkins. Crossing of Bush and Stockton Streets..................... 795 50 370 50 425 00 " i George W. Ryder. Labor on streets............................. 1,727 50 1,227 50 500 0(0 " I Police Pay-Roll... Salaries of Policemen for February......................... 13,368 75 8,856 25 4,312 50 200 00 " 7 Monson & Valentine -Assignees.... Printing and binding City Ordinances....................... 9,808 78 250 00.. 9,558 7S " 7 Lord & Webb.....Stationery furnished City................................. 60 50.. 60 50 " 7 J. Seligman....... Rent for March of lot for Howard Company.................. 60 00.. 60 00 " 7 R. Kerrison...... Carriage hire............................................ 245 00.. 245 00 " 7 J. B. Moore......Crossing of Simmons and Howard Streets................... 1,393 05.. 1,393 05 8 H. C. BilJs & Co... Repairs for Fire Department............................... 201 31.. 201 3i " 8 M. Delany........ Horse-shoeing for Street Department...................... 14 00.. 14 00 " 8 J. Potts..........Grading, planking and sewering Union Street............... 3,780 22.. 3,780 22 9 E. Valencia......Rent for February of house for Young America Company...... 40 00 40 00 " 9 H. E. Perry......Grading and planking Stockton Street sidewalk.............. 977 00 100 00 877 00 " 13 "......Planking, sewering & excavating crossing Stockton & Filbert Sts. 2,617 00.. 2,617 0(, " 17 Mahattan Fire Co. Keeper's salary, month ending March 14th.................. 40 00.. 40 00( " 17 Lafayette Fire Co. " " " " ".................. 40 00.. 40 00..0 " 20 Gough & Merrill... Removing sand from Montgomery and Market Streets......... 459 00.... 459 00.. " 21 G. W. Bryant & Co Furniture for City........................................ 160 00.. 160 00t' 21 Cook, Folger & Co. Bill of Oil.............................................. 72 00.. 72 00( " 21 E. Donnolly......Piling and repairing Jackson Street. between Front and Davis.. 275 00 275 00 " 21 "......Part of crossing of Chamber street with Front and North Sts.. 500 00 200 00 300 00 " 21 "......Crossing of Pacific and Sansome Streets..................... 1,964 19 1,037 19 927 00 " 21 F. S. Jones....... Repairs on City Hall..................................... 565 00 215 00.. 350 00 " 21 Cook, Folger & Co. Oil for Fire Department.................................. 85 00.. 85 00 " 28 S. R. Hodker.....Crossing of Mason and Jackson Streets..................... 462 00.... 462 80' 28 Britton & Rey....Warrant Books, engraving plates, etc....................... 1,310 07.... 1,310 07 " 28 LeCount & Strong. Stationery............................................. 11 25... 11 25 28 J. Shirley........Bill of sundries........................................ 20 80.. 20 8(,' 28 J. D. Pierson......Bill of furniture...................................... 47 25 47 25..' 29 Geo. W. Ryder... Labor on streets..................................... 1,844 50 952 50.. 892 00 " 31 L. Sawyer........ Salary for March, City Attorney............................ 333 33 333 3.; April 2 C. Nutting....... Plans for Plaza......................................... 250 00 150 00 100 00 " 2 Police Pay-Roll... Salaries of Policemen for March............................ 13,768 54 9,352 03 4152 01 264 50 10 R. R. Williams....Repairs on room for Recorder's Court....................... 18 75.. 18 75 Amount brought down............................. 322,349 09, 69,981 66 29,361 761 223,004 67 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. OA riin Amount paisl Funded. Outstanding I1EMA: KS. Issue. Amount. I 1855. A Amount brought forward...................... 6 29,361 76 223,004 67 April 1OR. R. Wiiliams... Repairs on Clerk's room, Board of Assistants................. 35 00 5 001 " J H.. Atkinson... Repairs about City Hall.................................. 320... 132 00 " 10G. M. Garwood... Removing nuisances.................................... 43 50i.... 43 50) " 1Marvin&Hitchcock Stationery for City...................................... 109.. 109 00, 10 J. W. Whaling... Bill of interments....................................... 5'25j.... 525 00! 10C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City......................................... 40 001...40 00 10 Soule & Page.....Lumber furnished for Fire Department..................... 738 63.... 738 6.. 10 L. Sawyer......Rent of City Attorney's Office, 4 months, to February 1st, 1855. 500 00.... 500 00^ " S10ly & Bender.....Repairing cistern, corner Broadway and Powell Streets........ 400 00(:75 00.. 25 00 1" J. W. McKenzie... Subsisting prisoners for month of February................ 681 85.... 81 85 12F. Soule & Co.....Advertising for City..................................... 20 00.. 20 00 " 12 J.D: Pierson.....Bill of locksmithing...................................... 8. 8 50 12 Still& Woo.....Bill of stationery............................. 251 38.... 251 381 12 J. C. Finegan.....Repairs on engine houses................................. 84 00.. 8400 " 12 Applegate & Has- j kell...........Painting engines........................................ 250 00.. 250 00. 12 Wm. Free........ Labor for Fire Department................................ 216 00.. 216 00 " 16 Trustees of State Marine Hospital. Care of City Sick, from November 26th, 1854, to Jan. 26th, 1855 8,332 00;.. 8.332 00 18 Paula Valencia... Rent to April of Station House at Mission................... 40 00.. 40 001 " 18 Manhattan Fire Co Keeper's salary, month ending April 14th.................. 40 00.. 40 00. " 20 A. Lockwood.... Services as Judge of Election.............................. 25 0 25 O.. 20Marvin & HitchcockStationery............................................. 25 5 125 5. 23 M. G. Sherlock... Crossing of Folsom Street with First, Fremont and Beale Sts..... 2,136 00( 1 300 00. 836 00. " 23 C. H. Sawyer... Piling crossing of Vallejo and Davis Streets................. 400 00.. 400 00. 23 Houston & Binney. Building sewer....................................... 402 50.... 402 50 23 " ". Labor of men and teams on streets.......................... 108 5050 23 P. Mager......... Sewering crossing of Washington and Battery Streets......... 309 00 309 0() " 23 G. W. Smith.... Planking and sewering street crossings..................... 1,.796 00' " 23John Addis.......Labor bills........................................ 2.461 131... 2.464 13' 23J.J. Felt.........Bills of lumber....................................... 936 5..31 93 51.. " 23 A. H. Emanuel... Planking and sewering crossing of Pine and Quincy Streets.... 240 001.... 240 00 23N. H. Peasley.... Crossing of Union and Dupont Streets...................... 1,303 50.... 1,303 50.. 23 ".... " " " and Stockton Streets..................... 498 00i.. 49800 " 23 N. H. Peasley... Street crossings.......................................... 936 00.... 936 00 " 23 ".... Crossing of Kearny and Union Streets...................... 1,311 00.... 1,311 00 " 23James Barrett.... "Broadway and Montgomery Streets............. 2,737 00 250 00 2,487 00 23John Greenfield... " " Pike and Sacramento "............. 860 00 380 00 480 00 24 N. H. Peasley.... Grading and planking Filbert Street...................... 3,192 00.... 3,192 00 " 25 George W. Ryder. Labor bills........................................... 5,153 00 3,098 00 2,055 00 " 30 L. Sawyer........Salary as City Attorney................................... 333 33 333 33 May 1 Police Pay-Roll... Salaries of Policemen for the month of April................ 14,058 34 9,708 34 3,925 00 425 00 City Attorney.. Satisfaction of judgment as per ordinance 784.8............... 8 493 33 7 1J. Seligman....... Rent for May of lot for Howard Company................... 6 60 00 " 9 Chas. Russell...Crossings of Fremont and Howard Streets.......... 4,833 17 4,583 17. 250 00 " 19 Volunteer E. Co... Keeper's salary to May 15th............................... 40 00..40 00 23 J. Berry & Co..... Truck and apparatus for Lafayette Company....... 4,500 00 1500 00 1 2,750 00 250 00 " 31 L. Sawyer........Salary for May as City Attorney........................... 333 33.... 333 33 " 31 D. O. Shattuck.... " " " " Judge of Superior Court.................. 500 00.... 500 00 31 T. N. Vose.......Piling and crossing of Broadway and Front Sts............... 450 00.... 450 00 " 31 Houston & Binney. Crossing of California and Battery Streets................... 2,934 68.... 2,934 68 31Police Pay-Roll... Salary of Policemen for May.............................. 14,050 80 8,600 80 4,875 00 575 00 June 5 F. L. Jones....... Tins for Tax Collector................................... 515 00 290 00.225 00 " 5 Jacob Addis..... One-third of bill of March 8,'55, for excavating on Francisco St 1,518 72...1,518 72.. 5 F. Soule & Co... Advertising for City..................................... 206 25.... 206 25.. " 5 Evening News......................................... 42 50...42 50 5 Daily Sun. " "...................................... 271 25... 271 25 " 5R.B. Quayle. " "...................................... 426 75.. 426 75 " 5 H. H. Buckingham Repairs on City Hall................................... 36 92.... 36 92 5 LeCount & Strong. Bill of stationery......................................... 166 50.. 166 50 5 J. S. Hittell.....Services as German Interpreter............................ 20 00.... 20 00 " 5 Culver & Mixer... Coal furnished City..................................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 5 G. & W. Snook.... Repairs, etc., for Fire Department.......................... 58 50.... 58 50 " 5 G. D. Farr........ Taking prisoners from Mission............................. 25 00.... 25 00 5 Hanna & Co......Printing for City......................................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 5 W. B. Little...... Bill of Spikes.......................................... 297 00...297 00 " 5 Bryant & Co..... Bill of hardware........................................ 305 70.... 305 70 6 McAllister, Williams & Rose........Prosecuting claim before Land Commission............... 5,000 00 500 00 3,500 00 1,000 00 8 Gough & Merrill.. Labor on Market Street.............................. 3.... 351 00 9 J. B. Bannermann. Bill of stationery......................................... 100 00 75 00.. 25 00 Amount brought down............................ 412,317 68 101,041 97 44,411 76 266,862 95 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Issue. Amoun. Date Or | Q TO HOMi AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. n t. Amo un t paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1855. Amount brought forward........................... 412,317 68 101,041 97 44,411 76 266,862 95 June 9 J. R. Deane...... Repairs of engine....................................... 150 00 150 00.. " 9 Wm. Green.......Labor on streets......................................... 483 00 100 00.. 383 00 " 9 J. S. Mann....... Crossing of Brannan and Third Streets...................... 1,375 25 150 00.. 1,225 25 11 T. Cowing........ Filling cisterns........................................... 999 56.... 999 56 " 11 T. G. Richards.... Rent of Lot for Engine No. 9, month ending March 15......... 125 00.... 125 00 " 1 "... " " " " April 15......... 125 00.. 12500 " 11.... " " " " two months ending June 15..... 250 00 0 11 C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City......................................... 30 00.... 30 00 " 11 John Hooper..... Repairs for Fire Department.............. 33 68.... 33 68 11 Nutting & Zotman. Cistern Covers, etc..................... 120 00.... 120 00 " 11 J. Van Pelt..... Rent for January of house lot for Lafayette Co................ 100 00.... 100 00 " 11 San F. Journal.... Advertising for City..................................... 18 00.... 18 00 " 11 Dr. Gray........ Attendance at Station House.............................. 50 00 50 00 " 11 J. W. Sullivan.... Printing for City......................................... 10 00.... 10 00.. " 11 J. Capprise....... Repairs about City Hall.................................. 363 30.... 363 30.. 11 C. L. Barnes...... Clerk of Elections in Sixth Ward, March 17th............... 25 00.... 25 00 " 11 0. Johnson & Co.. Carriage hire February 22d................................ 210 00.... 210 00' 11 W. Moran & Co... Advertising for City...................................... 11 00.... 11 00 11 J. W. Sullivan....Bill of stationery....................................... 135 00.... 135 00 " 11Ruehl & Co....... Advertising for City...................................... 90 00... 90 00 " 1San F. Gas Co..... Gas for month of February................................ 2,989 61.... 2,989 61 In a Judg11 C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City........................................ 30 00.... 30 00 ment. " 11 J. B. Moore..... Crossing of Fourth and Howard Streets..................... 604 80.... 604 80.. 11 W. Green........Labor on streets........................................ 798 00.... 798 00 12 Jacob Addis.... One-third of bill of April 3d for excavating on Francisco Street.. 1,124 48.... 1,124 48 " 12 W. D. M. Howard. Rent for May of lot for Knickerbocker Co.................... 125 00.... 125 00 " 12J. Seligman....... " June of lot for Howard Co......................... 60 00.... 60 00 " 12 G. W. Ryder.....Labor bill............................................... 428 00.... 428 00 " 16 C. V. Gillespie.... Searching title to fifty vara lot No. 364..................... 25 00.... 25 00 16C. Bauer........ Locksmithing about City Hall.............................. 128 00.... 128 00 16T. Narameta...... Care of Assessors' room four months to April 1.............. 6700 6700 16LeCount & Strong. Binding Ordinances, etc..................................00.... 18 00.. " 16 Lord & Webb.....Bill of stationery........................................ 250 00.... 250 00 " 16E. G. Hall....... ".......................................... 40 75 40 " 16 Little & Co....... Bill for chloride of lime.................................. 2 00... 00 16 H. Ormend....... Repairing Washington Street between Kearny and Dupont Sts. 144 00.... 144 00 16 T. A. Kimball. R. Repairing sewer, etc., on Mission Street..................... 145 00...145 00 16 Bryant & Co...... Bill of hardware......................................... 465 8.... 465 78 16 J. Browell....... Sidewalk crossing of Powell and Union Streets................ 176 25.. 16 25 16 E. Valencia......Rent of engine house for Young America Co., two mos. to April 1 80 00.... 80 00 18 Paula Valencia.... Rent of Station House at Mission, one month to June 12....... 40 00... 40 00 18 T. McMeans......Labor on crossing of Vallejo and Mason Streets............... 400 00 200 00.. 200 00 18G. W. Ryder..... Stones for crossing Washington and Dupont Streets........... 240 00 240 00 18 ".....Labor Bill.............................................. 879 00 462 00.. 417 00 20J & J. Donahue... Bill of gas fixtures....................................... 835 66.... 835 66 20 San F. Gas Co.... Gas bill for April, and fixtures............................. 3,238 88.... 3,238 88 In a Judg20 M. Dore......... One month's interest to date on mortgage on City Hall........ 625 32.... 625 32 ment. 20 State Taxes...... Taxes on engine lots leased by City Ordinance No. 817........ 65 00.... 65 00 22 T. H. Holt.......Payment of judgment, as per Ordinance No. 820.............. 5,900 00 9)0 00. 5,000 00 22 Police Pay-Roll... Salaries of Policemen for June............................ 14,250 69 6,299 90 7,550 79 400 00 23. Sawyer....... Salary for June as City Attorney........................... 333 33...333 33 23 H. J. Curtis..... Services for Common Council.......................... 125 00.. 125 00 " 25 G. F. Lemon.....Services as Clerk of Election in Fourth Ward............... 50 00...50 00 25 J. J. Creery...... " Judge " "................ 50 00.... 50 00.. A " 25 G. T. Boulden.... " " " Fifth ".................. 50 00.. 25 S. H. Wetherbee.. " Clerk " " "................ 50 00.... 50 00 25 J. W. Ryder......I " Inspector " Fourth................ 50 00.... 50 00 25 L. T. Bill, J. M. Taylor and others.. Services as Inspectors, Judges and Clerks, Seventh Ward Elect'n 250 00.... 250 00 25 J. C. Griswold.... Services as Inspector of Election in Third Ward.............. 50 00...50 00 25J. Sheppard...... " Judge " ".............. 50 00...50 00 25 E.W. Moss......" " " ".............. 50 00...50 00 25C. M. Chase...... " Clerk " "............... 50 00...50 00 25E. Walter........ " " ". "5................ 50 00 25 G. B. Bradford....Fitting up Seventh Ward polls........................... 50 00... 50 00 25 Gough & Merrill... Grading, etc., Kearny Street, between Jackson and Pacific..... 3,400 00 500 00 2,900 00 25 Sly & Bender..... Repairing cistern corner Battery and Pine Streets............. 209 10.... 209 10 25 W. H. O'Grady... Expenses for June of Public Schools........................ 6,000 00.... 6,00 00 25 B. E. Holland.... Cistern corner of Washington and Dupont Streets............ 2,600 00 384 82.. 2,215 18 26 ".... Cistern corner of Green and Stockton Streets................ 1,100 00 442 85.. 657 15 26Britton & Rey.... 2,000 Comptroller's Warrants............................. 220 00.... 220 00 26 ".... 1,278 " "............................. 203 70.... 203 70 Amount brought down............................ 466,257 82 110,481 54 51,962 55303,813 73 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of Original Iaue. TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1855. Amount brought forward........................... 466,25 82 110,481 54 51962 55 303813 73 June 263B. F. Butler.....Mounting and trimming map for Assessors.......... 35 00.... 35 00 " 26 Evening News.... Advertising for City. 54 75.... 54 75 " 26 San F. Gas Co..... Gas for March and fixtures............................. 3,572 57.... 3,572 57In a Judg" 26F. Soule & Co..... Advertising for City..................................... 34 00.... 34 00 ment. " 26 E. Valencia...... Rent of Engine House at Mission. for March................ 40 00.... 40 00 " 26 B. F. Butler......Map for Fire Department................................. 50 00.. 50 00 " 26 Wm. Free........Services in Corporation Yard............................. 267 50.. 267 50 " 26 A. A. Snyder..Repairs for Fire Department.............................. 175 00.... 175 00 26 J. J. Felt.......Bills of lumber...................................... 821 41.... 821 41 " 26 Houston & Binney. Crossing of Battery and Pine Streets....................... 3,627 25.... 3,627 25 " 27 G. W. Ryder...Labor bills............................................ 4,146 50 1,864 50.. 2,282 00.. " 27 L. Sawyer....... Office rent and clerk hire.............................. 1,250 00.... 1,250 00 27........Office rent.............................................. 500 00.. 500 00 " 27 C. M. Chase...... 150 capies New Charter 150 00...150 00 28 J. W. Stillman, sup't County Schools' apportionment of money................... 22,800 00.. 11,307 00 11,493 00.. v " 28J. Garrett....... Stationery............................................ 30 75.... 30 5 " 28 G. & W. Snook.... tove for Treasurer's Office................................ 25 00.... 25 00 28 J. W. Sullivan.... Stationery.............................................. 56 00.... 56 00 28 E. G. Hall...... "............................................. 250.... 250 " 28 C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing for City......................................... 605 00.... 605 00 " 28 H. J. Couts....... Services for Common Council, one month to July 6th.......... 125 00.... 125 00 28 S. T. King....... Services for Board of Aldermen........................... 100 00.. 100 00 "28 ". " " " ". 500 00..50000 " 28 i".................................... 50000.... 50000 " 28 San F. Gas Co.... Gas for Fire Companies................................... 1,011 00.... 1,011 00 Injudgm'nt 28 " "....Gas formonthof May.................................... 3,122 55.... 3,122 55 Injndgm'nt " 28 E. H. Parker..... Powder for salute July 4th................................ 286 00.... 286 00 28 E. B. Vreeland and others......... Inspectors, etc., of Firemen's Election, December 5th......... 300 00 50 00. 250 00 28 J. B. Carr........Traveling expenses from Martinez, as witness................ 200 00.... 200 00 " 28 M. D. Boruck.... Advertising for City..................................... 76 00.... 76 00 " 28 ".....Clerk of Chief Engineer.................................. 350 00.... 350 00 28 C. P. Duane..... Incidental expenses of Corporation Yard......7...... 50 00.... 750 00 28 E. Valencia...... Rent one month, to June 1st, of Engine House for Y. A. Co 40 00.... 40 00 28 Cook, Folger & Co. Bill of oil............................................... 235 05.... 235 05 " 28 E. G. Hall.......Bills of stationery....................................... 38 25.... 38 25 " 28 J. W. McKenzie... Subsisting prisoners for March............................. 885 30... 885 30 " 28 "... " May........................... 645 51... 645 51 " 28 J. Smith......... Hauling for Street Department............................ 46 00.... 46 00 28 J. Blanchard...... Repairing cistern....................................... 27 50 2750 28 Bryant & Co.....Bill of spikes.......................................... 70 00 70 00 28 W. Green........ Labor on streets........................................ 483 00 483 00 28J. 0. Callaghan... " "........................................ 25 00 28 J. J. Felt........ Bill of lumber.......................................... 692 69 2 29 E. F. Norton... Appropriation, as per Ordinance No. 827.................... 2,600 00.... 2,600 00 29 Wm. Hood...... Rent of Pacific Engine House, from October to April......... 90.. 900 00 90 0 " 29 W. H. White..... Paving Kearny Street.................................... 10,000 00.... 10,000 00 " 29 C. Biden.........One day's services in May, Chief Engineer's Clerk............ 5 00....5 00 " 29 C. M. Chase & Co.. Printing................................................ 25 00.... 25 00 " 29 T. A. Kimball..... Repairing sewer on Mission Street......................... 145 00.... 145 00 29 ".....Rebuilding " " "........................ 250 00.. 250 00 " 29 E. Donnelly..... Planking streets........................... 1,000 00 1,000 00.. " 29 Smith, Burnell & Co Crossing of Davis and Sacramento Streets................... 788 00 788 00 " 29 J. Trench....... Twelve months' rent, to May 1st, 1855, of Corporation Yard... 1,500 00.... 1,500 00 " 29 "........Rent for one year, to April 6th, 1855, house for No. 2......... 1,500 00.... 1,500 00.. 29 Monumental F. Co. Bill of water............................................ 95 38.... 95 38.. 29 J. Garrett........ Bill of stationery......................................... 23 00.... 23 00 29 Sly & Bender..... Repairing cisterns....................................... 40 00.... 40 00 29 J. Capprise....... Rebuilding cisterns on Mission Street....................... 702 00.... 702 00 29 ".......Repairs of Engine House................................. 127 34.... 127 34 " 29 Babcock & Swartz. Filling cistern.......................................... 135 88..135 88 29 C. Gray..........Labor in Corporation Yard................................ 600 00..600 00 29 Soule & Page.....Lumber for Fire Department.............................. 1,991 44.... 1,991 44 " 29 F. S. Jones....... Repairs about City Hall.................................. 12 25.... 12 25 " 29 Sun............Advertising for City..................................... 2,174 65.. 2,174 65 29 T. White........Clerk of Election in Eighth Ward......................... 50 00.... 50 00 29 J. Whelan........Inspector " " " ".......................... 50 00.... 50 00 29J. C. Corbqtt.....Judge " " " ".......................... 50 00...50 00. " 29 A. Lockwood... Judge " " Sixth........................... 50 00.... 50 00 29 C. A. Howard....Judge " " " ".......................... 50 00.... 50 00.. 29 L. M. Byrne.. Judge " " Eighth".......................... 50 00....5000 " 29 James Irwin...... Clerk " " " ".......................... 50 00.... 50 00 " 29J. W. Sullivan... Stationery.......................................... 153 70.... 153 70 Amount brought down............................. 539,628 47 112,396 04 63,269 55 363,962 88 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Origil Amountpid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. Issue. Amount pa id. Funded. 1855. Amount brought forward........................... 539,628 47 112,396 04 63,269 55 363,962 88 June 29 HIanna & Co...... Printing............................ 70 00..70 00 " 29 Wm. M. J~hnson.. Fitting up Sixth Ward Polls.....40 00.................... 4000 29 C. Bauer......... Locksmithing........................................... 40 00.... 40 00 29........................................... 67 00.... 67 00 29 A. McAlbee..... Lumber for Third Ward polls............................. 19 00.... 19 00 29 T. Tennent....... Stationery.............................................. 6 00..00 29 T. H. Flannegan.. Clerk of Election in Sixth Ward.....40 00.... 40 00 29 J. P. Casey.......Inspector of Election in Sixth Ward......... 50 00..50 00 " 29 E. Gilbert & Co... Printing................................................ 220 00.... 220 00 29 Sun............ Advertising for City................................... 20 00.... 20 00 " 29 H. F. Labau.... Clerk of Election in Sixth Ward........................... 50 00.... 50 00 29 H. W. Calrow.... " " " "........................... 50 00.... 50 00 29 Cal'a Democrat.... Printing................................................ 120 00.... 120 00 29 ".... Printing.............................................. 15 00.15 00 29 L. Sawyer........ Payment of costs, etc..................................... 145 00.... 145 00.. 29 E. Bell........... Advertising for City...................................... 513 25.... 513 25 29 Marvin & Hitchcock Stationery.............................................. 269 75.... 269 75 29 W. Moran & Co... Printing............................................. 12 00.... 12 00 29 Alta California... Printing................................................ 248 25.... 248 25 29 P. Haley.........Scavengers' work........................................ 200 00.... 200 00 29E. G. Hall.......Stationery.............................................. 116 00.... 116 00 29 E. Gilbert & Co... Printing................................................ 566 88.... 566 88 29 T. D. Green......Office rent......... 350 00.... 350 00 29 G. M. Garwood.......623 31.... 623 31 " 29 Times & Transcript Printing for City......................................... 109 33.... 109 33 29 Ruehll & Co...... " "......................................... 108 50.... 108 50 29 F. Soule & Co....." ".................. 119 00.... 119 00 " 29 Le Messenger..... " "......................................... 284 87.... 284 87 29. Nutting.......Blacksmithing........................................... 308 35... 308 35 29 LeCount & Strong. Stationery.............................................. 41 00.... 41 00 " 29 County Recorder.. Bill registering..................................... 215 00.... 215 00 " 29 Lord & Webb.... Stationery.............................................. 342 00.... 342 00 29 J. W. Dever......Fees entering land...................................... 88 00.... 88 00 " 29 S. Hall..........Twenty-eight days' services, Keeper of Plaza.......... 196 00.... 196 00 29jW. B. Olds.......Carpet, etc., in Law Librury............................... 250 00. 25000 I 29 C. T. Botts....... Rent of room for Election................................. 15 00. 75 00 I 29 Cal'a'Democrat....Printing................................................ 1400.... 7400 i 29 G.W. Murray & Co................................................ 9038.... 9038 " 29 Nonantum House.. Rent of room for Election................................. 30 00.... 30 00 " 29 J. S. Nichols...... Inspector of Election in Fifth Ward........................ 50 00.... 50 00 " 30J. G. Canfield and others......... Inspector, etc., of election in Second Ward.................. 250 00 50 00.. 200 00 30 J. J. Felt........ Lumber................................................ 3,465 69.... 3,465 69. 30 Bryant & Co......Spikes................................................. 154 00.... 154 00 30 "...... Spikes................................................. 6250.... 6250 " 30 Wm. Green....... Labor on Streets......................................... 462 00.... 462 00 30 James Smith...... Hauling for Streets....................................... 116 00.... 116 00 " 30 Potts & Co....... Lumber................................. 426 80.... 426 80 30 W. B. Little......Spikes.................................. 440 00.... 440 00 " 30 J. Browell........ Repairs on streets........................................ 348 00.... 348 00 30 G. W. Smith...... C....................................... 458 00.... 458 00 30 0. Curtis......... Crossing of O'Farrell and Dupont Streets................... 2,500 00.... 2,500 00 30 J. C. Cissna...... Crossing of Taylor and Bush Streets....................... 1,685 00.... 1,685 00 30 E. Caney......... Carting sand............................................ 275 00.... 27500.. " 30D. Hewes........ Street crossing.......................................... 1,787 56.... 1,787 56 30 G........ Grading streets.......................................... 2,452 42.... 2,452 42 30 "........Street Crossing.......................................... 1,923 37.... 1,923 37 30 ".................................................. 48250.... 48250 30 Sawyer Johnson & Co............Bill of oil............................................... 3000.... 3000 30 Wm. Free........ Services in corporation. yard............................... 500 00.... 500 00 30 H. C. Bills & Co... Repairs of Engines....................................... 230 82.... 230 82 30 R. B. Quayle..... Rent of Pennsylvania House to May 1. 50 00.... 50 00 " 30 ". " " " April3...................... 5000.... 5000 30 A. G- Hunter.....Repairs of cisterns..658 00.... 658 00 30J.H. Atkinson.... "....................................... 858 50.... 858 50 30 Estate of J. Van Pelt.......... Rent of Lafayette House to April 1......................... 300 00.... 300 00 30jFarwell & Curtis.. Rope... 25 75.... 25 75 3 30T. G. Richards.... Rent of House for No. 9, to July l5... 125 00.... 125 00 " 301J. Berry & Co..... Repairs of Engines....................................... 207 00.... 207 00 30W. H. Moore......................................... 234 50.... 234 50 A o t.566,419 75'112,446 04 63,269 551 390,704 16 WEBB ADMINISTRATION.-CONTINUED. Date of TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT ISSUED. Original moutpad. Funded. Outstanding EMA S Issue. Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding REMARKS. 1855. Amount brought forward........................... 566,479 75 112,446 04 63,269 55 390,704 16 June 30 T. A. Smith......Bill of water............................................ 78 00... 78 00 " 30 Goddard & Co.... Repairs........................................ 16 50... 16 50 " 30T. Cowing........Filling cisterns................ 1,285 59... 1,285 59 30 Cook, Folger & Co. Bills of oil.... 503 45.... 503 45 " 30 J. G. Ills & Co....Repairs about City Hall.................................. 135 00.... 135 00 " 30 Gough & Merrill... Grading, etc., Pacific Street............................... 5,560 00... 5,560 00 " 30 C. Russell........Crossing of Third and Minna Streets.... 1,29050.... 1,290 50 30 L. Sawyer........Balance of costs in suit against City........................ 13 75... 13 75 Totals............................................575,302 54 112,446 041 63,269 55 399,586 95 i=:E CAPITULIATION. Mu E h 3 x - -j.0..x - = IN Amount.al Amount paid. Funded. Outstanding. Amount. HarrisAdministration............................................. $14,265 48 $12,787 00. $1,478 48 Brenham do.............................................. 87.325 00 76,992 60 $50 00 10,282 40 Garrison do.............................................. 1,061,219 74 343,892 11 76,040 70 641,286 93 Webb do.............................................. 575,302 54 112,446 04 63,269 25 399,586 95 Grand Totals................................................ $1,738,112 76 $546.117 75 $139,360 25 $1,052,634 76 N. B. - In addition to the outstanding indebtedness stated above, there are audited accounts, judgments, and other evidences of debt which does not appear on the Comptroller's books, no warrants having been issued to the parties holding them. The whole outstanding indebtedness is about $1,375,000. Statement of Prices of City Comnptrollers Warrants from February 1st, 1852 to June 1st, 1856, rendered by John Perry, Jr. 1852. 1858. 1854. 1855. 1852. 1858. 1854. 1855. 1812. 1858. 1854. 1855. January..... 90 90 69 May......... 95 75 86 49 September.... 88 80 70.. February..... 90 85 80 70 June........ 96 80 73 65 October...... 90 80 67.. March........ 96 82 90 66 July......... 97 85 72.. November.... 90 81 69.. April........ 95 80 88 51 August....... 94 77 71.. December..... 85 90 72..